Английский язык 4 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова часть 1

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 4 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова часть 1 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Enjoy English (Энджой инглиш):

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Workbook 1 М.З. Биболетова, О. А. Денисенко, Н. Н.Трубанева Английский язык Рабочая тетрадь № 1 к учебнику для 4 класса общеобразовательных учреждений 2-е издание ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО т и т у л т 1 т и L PUBLISHERS 2015 УДК 373.167.1:811.111+811.111(075.3) ББК 81.432.1я721-1 Б59 Биболетова, Мерем Забатовна. Б59 Английский язык : рабочая тетрадь № 1 к учебнику Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English для 4 класса общеобразовательных учреждений : учебное пособие / М. 3. Биболетова, О. А. Денисенко, Н. Н. Трубанева. — 2-е издание. — Обнинск : Титул, 2015. — 80 с. : ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-592-9 Рабочая тетрадь № 1 является неотъемлемой частью УМК „Английский с удовольствием" для 4-го класса. Тетрадь предназначена для формирования лексико-грамматических навыков, умений в чтении и письме. Тетрадь содержит избыточное количество упражнений, в том числе занимательные задания, что позволяет подходить к обучению английскому языку дифференцированно, учитывать интересы каждого ученика и его индивидуальный темп овладения языком. В рабочую тетрадь включены также проверочные задания и проектные работы. УДК 373.167.1:811.111-1-811.111(075.3) ББК 81.432.1я721-1 Учебное пособие Биболетова Мерем Забатовна Денисенко Ольга Анатольевна Трубанёва Наталия Николаевна Английский язык Рабочая тетрадь № 1 к учебнику для 4 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Корректоры Г. А. Киселева, Г. П. Мартыненко Художники: Т. С. Богомягких, В. Н. Рыжов, А. С. Кудашкина, А. Н. Мезрина, А. А. Никитин Дизайн макета, верстка А. С. Кудашкиной Художественный редактор Е. А. Валяева Обработка изображений Л. Н. Новоселова Подписано в печать 06.02.2015. Формат 60x84/8. Гарнитура „Школьная". Уел. печ. л. 9,33. Тир. 40 000 экз. Зак. № 150087 Издательство „Титул". 249035, Калужская обл., г. Обнинск, а/я 5055. Телефон (484) 399-10-09. E-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели) Отпечатано ООО „Подольская Периодика" 142110, Московская обл., г. Подольск, ул. Кирова, 15. Тел. / Факс: +7 (495) 506-15-60 f tp@podolsk-print. г u ISBN 978-5-86866-592-9 © Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О. А., Трубанева Н.Н., 2006 © Оформление, воспроизведение, распространение. ЗАО “Издательство „Титул", 2006 © Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О. А., Трубанева Н.Н., 2009, с изменениями © ЗАО “Издательство „Титул" 2011, с изменениями Speaking about seasons and the weather Section 1. What is your favourite season? 1. Найди И обведи слова, связанные со спортом. t e n s d / / V e r t e q Fl '/ 4/ к e r a о n p a 1 Cv 4 a (Z и jD b n a 1 t w e t 1 t О i r lu a r • d e r g s к • P У a m h у g • 1 и P о t a t О a a r b a d m i n t о n b a s к e t b a 1 1 2. Вспомни и напиши известные тебе английские сложные слова. а snowman,_________________________________________ а & 3. Напиши, что ты любишь делать летом и осенью; что ты не любишь делать зимой и весной. In autumn I like to _______________________________ In summer _________________________________________ In winter I don't like to In spring ________________ 4. Заполни таблицу названиями видов спорта, которыми ты занимаешься, хотел бы заниматься, не хочешь заниматься. I like to play table tennis 1 would like to I don’t want to 5. 6. Найди и соедини стрелками слова, противоположные по значению. (^ little 3 sunny ) Соедини стрелками выделенные буквы и буквосочетания с нужными значками транскрипции. [i] [ei] [о:] [эи]^[в] [л] [аи] | warm rainy cloudy hot cold windy sunny Переведи на английский язык. Example: ветреный день — а windy day дождливый год — _____________________ снежная зима — ______________________ жаркое лето — _______________________ тёплая осень — ______________________ холодная весна — ____________________ Тепло, но ветрено.— It's warm but... Холодно и дождливо.— 8. Посмотри за окно. Напиши, какая сегодня погода. Чем ты любишь заниматься в такую погоду? It's _____________________________ today. It isn't_______________________________ When it's ______________________________________________ I like to ______________________________________________ Section 2. Speaking about the future 9. Составь предложения из слов. I ride a bike We play in the river She/He will make badminton next summer You swim snowballs next winter. They dive hockey a snowman •|М & 10. Посмотри на таблицу и напиши, какая погода будет в сказочном лесу в следуюш;ем году. q Month ^ January l°C_ -5 Weather ^ 1 February 0 April + 10 o> May +20 O’c^ 1 July +25 О 1 September + 12 ^ November Ч +3 cEb, Example: In January it will be cold and snowy. 1) _________________________________________________ 2) _________________________________________________ 3) _________________________________________________ 4) _________________________________________________ 5) _________________________________________________ 6) _________________________________________________ I: m я. 11. Выбери и обведи глагол в нужной форме. Example: We dive^ dive in the river next summer. 1) My friends will play/play table tennis on Wednesdays. 2) Miss Chatter will post/posts this postcard tomorrow. 3) I think it will be/is sunny and warm tomorrow. 4) Look at the calendar! Today will be / is the twenty first of September. 5) They will swim/swim next month. 12. Прочитай письмо Джека. Помоги ему сделать письмо короче. Переделай подчеркнутые предложения по образцу. Example: I am а dog.— I’m а dog. Нйг.'- ■ ... Dear Tiny, My name is Jack. I am a dog. I am kind. I am not big. I do not live in London. I live in the country. I have not got many friends. But I have got two friends. They are a donkey and a cat. The donkey does not like winter. He cannot play snowballs. But he likes summer and green grass. The cat likes all seasons. Would you like to visit us in summer? It will be sunny. It will not be rainy. I will be happy to see you. Your pen friend, Jack 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) Section 3. When the weather is fine. 13. Найди СЛОВО с общим значением для каждой строчки. Qw^ther, seasons, months, sports, family j 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) rainy, sunny, warm, snowy, cloudy mum, grandma, dad, grandpa, brother volleyball, table tennis, hockey winter, spring, summer, autumn December, June, August, September 14. Выбери нужное вопросительное слово. Обведи соответствующую букву. Прочитай вопросы. Example: ... will you play volleyball? a) What (^) When c) How many 1) ... will have a picnic tomorrow? a) What b) How c) Who 2) ... will you go next month? a) Who b) Where c) What 3) ... will they do next winter? a) When b) Where c) What 4) ... will he play hockey? a) Who b) How c) What 15. Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам. Example: The children will ski in winter. What will the children do in winter? 1) He will read the letters tomorrow. Who___________________________________________? 2) Tiny will go to Antarctica next year. Where ________________________________________? 3) They’ll clean the house in an hour. What _________________________________________? 4) Jill will wash her hands well. How __________________________________________? 5) We’ll fly a kite next week. When ? A 16. Вставь пропущенные слова. has, do, does, will 1) Where 2) What 3) She _ 4) When 5) ----- 6) I --- Tiny live next summer? you like to eat for breakfast? got a new poster. _ Ann get up every day? you go to school every day? _ send a nice postcard to my friend tomorrow. 17. Задай вопросы предсказателю будущего. Модели помогут тебе. Д Ц Д * ? ® Д □ Д® ? Example: Will Tiny write a letter to me? What will my friends do next Sunday? 1) 2) 3) 4) 18. Помоги Тайни и его друзьям подготовиться к пикнику. Составь список продуктов. Напиши, чем можно заниматься на пикнике. You сап take cheese^ You can play football, /.'■ SriSj?: - Test yourself 1 1. Напиши, какая погода изображена на рисунках. What is the weather like? Score: /4 2. Посмотри на картинки и прочитай предложения. Выбери и обведи нужное слово. 1) Dino сап (skat^ / ski. 2) Tiny and Billy like to toboggan / ride a scooter. 3) Martin and Tiny can make a snowman/play snowballs. 4) Jim can fly a kite/ride a bike. 5) Jack and Donkey like to play hide-and-seek / play snowballs. 6) Dino can dive / draw. Score: /5 a 3. прочитай и вставь пропущенные слова. picnic, weather, fly, warm, like Jill: What’s the weather like today? Jim: It’s ________ and sunny. Jill: Would you __________ to go to the park and have a ________? Jim: Of course. I can __________ my kite there. Score: ______ /4 4. Составь предложения из слов. Example: Jim, will, have, picnic, a, Jill, and.— Jim and Jill will have a picnic. 1) will, a, kite, fly, Jim.— 2) play, won’t. He, football. 3) will, hide-and-seek, dog, play, her, Jill, with. 4) they. Will, badminton, play, park, the, in? — 5) will, go. Where, they? — 5. Прочитай вопросы и кратко ответь на них. Example: Do you like summer? — Yes, I do. 1) Can you ride a bike? - 2) Do you like to play hide-and-seek? 3) Does Jill like picnics? — Yes, 4) Has Jim got a dog? — 5) Will they play football in the park? 6) Are they students? — Yes, 7) Is Jill sad today? — No, 6. Прочитай письмо, посмотри на рисунки и впиши недостающие слова. & 27—30 21—26 15—20 < 15 Very good! Good! OK! Try again! Enjoying your home 1. Section 1. Describing your house ш i Заполни кроссворд и в выделенных клетках ты прочитаешь слово. Правильно подобрать слова тебе помогут предложения. 1) Tiny usually has his breakfast at 9 o’.... 2) There is a big ... in the house. 3) Sit at the ... and write the letter. 4) We can play ... well. 5) Simon’s ... is small but nice. 6) There are two big ... in my flat. 7) They put old things (веш;и) in their .... w w m 2. Прочитай слова в транскрипции. Напиши их. Example: [ru:m] — room ['haus] __________________ [livipruim] —______________ [■paentri] —______________ [d^.] _____________________ [■ba:0rum] —______________ ['kitfon] —________________ 3. Переведи на английский язык, жить в одной комнате с братом — в квартире в доме —_ большая гостиная маленькая кухня два окна — _____ 4. Расставь слова в правильном порядке и запиши предложения. 1) are, There, two, in, flat, our, bedrooms. 2) living room, is, nice. There, a, his, house, in. 3) no, flat, our. There, pantries, are, in. (M a & 4) a, my, flat, in, is, bathroom. There, nice. 5) TV, in, no. There, my, is, room. 5. Расставь фразы, чтобы получился разговор Джилл и Энн. Ann: Yes, I do. Jill: Do you live in a new flat? Ann: No, I haven’t. I share a room with my little sister. Jill: Have you got a room of your own? Ann: We have got three rooms, a kitchen and a pantry. Jill: How many rooms have you got? 6. Напиши о своей квартире/доме. Используй эти вопросы как план. 1) Do you live in a flat or in a house? 2) How many rooms have you got? 3) Have you got a room of your own? 4) Is your room big or small? и (N Section 2. What is there in your room? 7. Посмотри на картинку и напиши, какие предметы здесь изображены. 8. Какое слово лишнее? Зачеркни его. 1) flat, living room, clock, kitchen, hall 2) sofa, armchair, table, bed, wall 3) enjoy, want, share, nice, live 9. Вставь пропуш;енные слова is или are. Example: There ___21®__ three rooms in my flat. 1) There _______ a nice woman in the kitchen. 2) ______ there an old armchair in Tiny’s house? — Yes, there _______. 3) There________five shelves with interesting books in his room. 4) There ___ 5) There ___ no clocks in the living room, a sofa, a table and three chairs in the living room. 10. Расставь слова в нужном порядке. Запиши предложения и прочитай их вслух. Example: small, got, have, a, I, flat.— I have got a small flat. 1) is, a, big. There, window, bedroom, in, my.— 2) are, no, house, our, in, pantries. There.— 3) a, with, shares. He, room, friend, his.— U 4) his, Is, hall, in, a, flat, there? 5) you, a, own. Have, room, got, of, your? 11. Запиши вопросы, на которые отвечала Джилл. Example: There are three windows in the room. Are there any windows in the room? 1) There is a nice picture on the table.— 2) There are a lot of postcards on the table.— 3) There is a new computer in the room.— 4) There are a lot of old things in the pantry.- 12. Посмотри на картинку. Прочитай список вепдей. Запиши, чего нет в комнате. а bed а clock three chairs two pictures a carpet a lamp two computers a table a fireplace a shelf a shirt TV flowers a bird a cake books a piano Example: There is no carpet in the room. 1) 2) 3) __________________________________________ 4) __________________________________________ 5) __________________________________________ (M 6 & (N б Section 3. Home sweet home 13. Выбери и обведи нужный предлог. Example: There is а picture (о^in/at the wall. 1) There are a lot from / of/ on books on the shelf. 2) There are chairs next to/in/on the fireplace. 3) There is a computer at/on/in the desk. 4) There is a new carpet at/on/of the floor. 5) There is a big poster on/at/in the wall. 6) Have you got a Walkman of/from/with your own? 14. Напиши названия: 1) пяти предметов мебели, которые тебе необходимы в комнате. 2) пяти предметов мебели, без которых ты можешь обойтись. 15. Прочитай рассказ Дэна. Вставь артикли а и the, где это необходимо. Му name is Dan. I haven't got a room of my own. I share it with - my Sam. There is ________ round table at e brother There are three chairs at ________ chair is at ______ wall. There is bed, _______ big clock and _______ ______ our room. There is no . room. We like to play In _________ table. sofa. window. _ fourth lot of toys in _ TV in ________ oc»' room. 16. Вставь пропуш;енные слова is или are. 1) There 2) There 3) There 4) There 5) There a big grey carpet on my floor, three windows in our living room, a lot of books on ше shelves, a nice armchair in Tiny’s house, no chairs in my bedroom. 17. Переведи на английский язык, на полу — _____________________ в левом углу -в правом углу под кроватью над столом — за креслом — между диваном и пианино — рядом с камином — 1:2 2:1 1:1 1:5 1:1 т h е Г е 2:4 3:3 2:5 3:4 1:1 3:3 2:2 3:1 1:1 18. Выбери нужное слово. Обведи соответствующую букву. Example: Jill and Jim ... breakfast at 7.40 am. a) eat have c) do 1) He doesn’t like to ... his hands and face, a) wash b) watch c) clean 2) The children ... TV in the evening, a) see b) look c) watch 3) The children usually ... to bed at 9 pm. a) go b) do c) run 4) I ... my homework in my room, a) have b) do c) make 19. Расшифруй пословицу, которую Тайни любит часто повторять. Первая цифра показывает, из какого ряда взята буква, вторая — какая по счёту эта буква в ряду. 1 2 3 4 5 1 Е Т S N R 2 н 1 о Р А 3 к м L С — Test yourself 2 1. Составь словосочетания и напиши, в какой комнате ты выполняешь эти действия. a) wash my homework have TV watch my face and hands N go breakfast do to bed Г! P b) 1) I have breakfast in the kitchen 2) -, 3) 4) 5) Score: /8 2. Посмотри на картинки и помоги Тайни найти, где спрятались его друзья. Обведи нужный предлог. Where are theyT^ 1) Jack is (Sounder the sofa. 2) Billy is under/above the table. 3) Martin is behind / between the chair and the armchair. 4) Rocky is above/under the table. 5) Wendy is under/behind the armchair. 6) Dino is next to/above the clock. Score: /5 3. Прочитай предложения и вставь is или are. Example: There ОГ®. two windows in the living room. 1) There __ a kitchen and three bedrooms in the house. 2) There __ no picture in the hall. 3) ___ there a pantry in the house? — Yes, there __ two pantries. 4)____ there any books in the bedroom? Score: /5 4. Запиши краткие ответы на вопросы. Example: Is there a kitchen in your flat? — Yes, there is. 1) Is there a bathroom in your flat? —_______________ 2) Is there a bed in your room? —____________________ 3) Are there any chairs in your room? —______________ 4) Is there a fireplace in your living room? — 5) Are there any pictures in the hall? — ___________ Score: /5 5. Прочитай, посмотри на рисунки и впиши недостающие слова. Sam lives with his mother and his father in a small house__There is a bedroom, a living room, Sam’s room and a kitchen in the house. Sam’s room isn’t big. There is a ___________, a a I ________ and a new computer in his room. _______ on the bookshelf. There There is a funny is a big box with toys next to the Sam likes to play with his toys on the _____________Sam can draw very well. There are a lot of ___________________ on the wall of his room. 27—30 21—26 15—20 < 15 Very goodi Good! OKI Try againi Score: /7 ■-’Uc 6 lif^UJVUWA.Ii.- Being happy ‘ in the country and in the iwv.f^ Section 1. We like the place we live! 1. Расставь буквы в правильном порядке и напиши слова. j i, е, f, d, 1 — со •ч-а г, а, О, d — г, V, i, г, е — •|Н г, ь, i, g, d, е — г, а, g, e, d, n — 3iShL£^Lj£iLi/ о, h. S, r, e — 2. Напиши недостаюш;ие слова. one man many one many fish cities cow woman shelves child room town horse house mice hills sheep Р.ЫЕ ШТАЫУ! 3. Разгадай кроссворд и в выделенных клетках ты прочитаешь новое слово. Правильно подобрать слова тебе помогут предложения. 2 g W п е 1) There are а lot of beautiful next to his house. 2) There are a lot of trees in the 3) There is a long new next to his house. 4) We like to live on the 5) The farmer rides his favourite every morning. 6) A is a large farm animal. It gives milk. 7) Many people in Russia live in the 8) A is a farm animal. It gives wool (шерсть) and meat. 9) There are ten sheep and a cow in the green 4. Запиши вопросы. 1) There is a small field next to the house. Is there 2) People will work in the garden in May. When will I Uii 21 со •pN б & 3) They will live on the farm next summer. Where will 4) Ann likes small flowers. What does 5) He will come to this hill on Sunday to ski and to toboggan. Why will _________________________________________? 5. Напиши Алексу письмо. Расскажи ему о городе (селе), в котором ты живёшь. Dear Alex, Му name is Best wishes, . I am from Russia Section 2. Are they different: the country and the city? 6. Заполни пропуски. strong 1 (the) strongest clean cleaner hot funnier big smaller (the) happiest (the) highest long 7. Раскрой скобки. Поставь прилагательные в нужной степени сравнения. с><>ххххх><>о<><о><ххххх^ I am (small) __________ in my family. My sister Jane is (old) __________ than me. She is (tall) _________ than my mum. Jane is (good) __________ pupil in her class. But I think that I’m (smart) ___________ too. Sometimes I get (good) _________ marks (отметки) than Jane gets. 8. Прочитай рекламу, которую мисс Чэттер дала в газете. В какое время года тебе хотелось бы отдохнуть на её ферме? Как ты проводил бы там время? Напиши. со Welcome to Chatterplace! Chatterplace is a large farm. There is an old house and a big garden with flowers on the farm. The house is clean and nice. Come to my place! You can ride a strong brave horse. You can walk in the garden. You can swim in a wide river. You can read funny fairy tales. You can play with little rabbits. You can have a cup of warm milk in the evening. Chatterplace is what you want! You’ll have a good time here. I would like to visit Chatterplace in rii 23^ 9. Выпиши из рекламы мисс Чэттер прилагательные. Напиши их в трёх степенях сравнения. Example: large — larger — (the) largest. CO •iH & 10. Заполни пропуски. good (the) best bad worse many / much (the) most less 11. Напиши мисс Чэттер письмо. Сообш;и, когда собираешься приехать, и расспроси её о ферме; о комнате, в которой тебя поселят; о предстояш;ем отдыхе. Задай не менее пяти вопросов. Dear Miss Chatter,_______________________ Best wishes. Section 3. People and animals in the country and in the city 12. Зачеркни лишнее слово в каждой строке. 1) а hen, а fox, а sheep, а cow, а horse 2) а cockerel, а hen, а cow, а duck 3) а camel, ап elephant, ап eagle, а monkey 4) а whale, а fish, а crocodile, а dolphin 13. Напиши, кому отправлены эти открытки. 14. Раскрой скобки. Поставь прилагательные в сравнительной или превосходной степени. Example: Miss Chatter’s farm is (old) than Tiny’s house.— Miss Chatter’s farm is older than Tiny’s house. 1) The desert is (big) than the field.— 25 2) The road is (long) than the street. 3) The farm is (clean) than the city. 4) I like mountains (much) than fields. 5) The ocean is (large) than the sea.— 6) The book is (interesting) than the film. CO 15. Заполни таблицу. Animal, bird Where does it live? What does it eat? What can it do? What does it do for people? a monkey in the zoo, in Africa bananas, fruit run, jump, climb the trees help people a camel a cow an eagle a whale a crocodile a sheep 16. Напиши, какое животное ты хотел бы иметь дома и какое не хотел бы. Почему? Example: I would like to have a dog because it’s a true friend. I wouldn’t like to have an elephant because it’s too big. Test yourself 3 1. Восстанови рисунки и напиши, что на них нарисовано. Score: /6 2. Восстанови письмо, вставив пропущенные слова. beautiful, write, in the country, behind, mountains, swim, river Dear Alex, Thank you for your letter. I am Vova. I am from Russia. My country is large and _____________^______There are many cities and towns in Russia. But I live_____________________I live with my mum and dad. Our house isn't big. There is a green garden with apple trees and flowers _______________ my house. There is a river next to the forest. My friends and I ___________________ there in summer. There is an old bridge over the________________________ We've got a cow, five sheep, a horse, a dog and a cat. I like to read books about seas, oceans, __________________ and deserts. me about your country and your town, please. Your pen friend, Vova Score: CO 27 со а 3. Прочитай предложения и вставь is или are. 1) There ____ а nice garden behind the house. 2) There ____ a lot of big apple trees in the garden. 3) There ____ a cow and a house near the river. 4) ___ there a bridge over the river? — No, there ___n’t. 5)____ there many forests in Russia? — Yes, there Score: ______ n 4. Выбери правильное слово и обведи соответствующую букву. Example: Winter is the ... season in a year, a) cold b) colder coldest 1) John is ... than his brother, a) tall b) taller c) tallest 2) February is the ... month. a) short b) shorter c) shortest 3) Moscow is one of the ... cities in the world (в мире), a) beautiful b) more beautiful c) most beautiful 4) The new road is ... than the old road, a) wide b) wider c) widest 5) Tiny is a ... pupil. a) good b) better c) best Score: ____ /5 5. Составь предложения. Example: is, cleaner. The country, the town, than.— The country is cleaner than the town. 1) my house. His house, smaller, than, is.— 2) is, his garden, bigger, Ann’s garden, than.— 3) the, sea, is. The, ocean, larger, than. 4) flowers, the. Her, beautiful, most, are. 5) best, pupil, the, is. He. 27—30 21—26 15—20 < 15 Very good! Good! OK! Try again! Score: /5 Telling stories р^=%'-тгггг»'л»? г>г«?о?ч(ате9е»»д1???г^т«^;^^ fviySBiesRip»Wi^?’W Section 1. Reading last summer story 1. Найди и обведи глаголы в Past Simple (вторая форма). Выпиши их. Напиши их в первой форме. Example: liked — like, said — say ГП • V e (s a • d) • r P 1 a У e d к (w^ \® n t r У w e a\ чГВ b о 1 a s Ч 1 p о 1 s g a e о к a e d w 1 n к 1 У t t a 1 к е d 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 2. Заполни пропуски, see — _______________ fly - — went — had — put take — say gave 3. Прочитай глаголы. Выбери неправильные глаголы и запиши их во второй форме. meet, post, take, be, fall, see, do, visit, wash, say, work, ask, answer, go, wash, give, enjoy, live, fly, have, open, sit Example: meet — met 4. Восстанови письмо Бэна. Употреби глаголы в скобках в Past Simple. at Chatterplace. I (have) ___________ in a small but nice fine and warm, __ tennis. (go) Dear Jim, Last month I (be) was a good time there. I (live) room. When it (be) _____________ for a walk and (play) __________ I (help) ____________* Miss Chatter to feed the animals. I learned to ride a horse. When it (be) ___________________ sunny, I (fly) ___________ a kite in the field. I (see) ______________ a lot of beautiful places. Once I (visit) _______________ Tiny and (listen) _______ to his new fairy tale. I (like) ________ my holidays. ГП come back to Chatterplace next year. Would you like to go with me? Please write back. Yours, Ben •IH & 5. Напиши парами слова с противоположным значением. good, country, white, hot, big, short, cold, happy, bad, sunny, town, tall, black, small, rainy, sad Example: good — bad 6. Переведи на английский язык. 1) пошли в лес — __________ 2) было жарко — __________ 3) сели под деревом — _____ 4) увидели птичку — 5) пошли домой — 7. Напиши, что ты дел ал (а) в прошлое воскресенье. Example: I played computer games last Sunday. Section 2. In the world of fantasy 8. Заполни таблицу. Past Simple Present Simple today Future Simple tomorrow the day before yesterday today the day after... this week next week last month / a month ago this month next year 9. Прочитай слова в транскрипции и запиши их буквами. Example: Цю] — year [э'дэи] [wi:k] [lo:st] [to'mnrou] [тлп0] _ ['jestodi] 10. Переведи на английский язык. 1) позавчера — 2) пять дней тому назад 3) неделю тому назад — 4) в прошлом году — ___ 5) прошлой зимой —_____ 11. Вставь пропутценные глаголы was, were. 1) The weather ________ fine last summer. 2) Tiny and his friends ________ in the mountains last winter. 3) _______ you at home last night? — Yes, I___________ 4) The house ________ old but nice. 5) She _______ in the city. 6) There some letters on the table. 31 б & .:з 12. Выбери и обведи нужный глагол. Example: Tiny (wa^/were at home yesterday. 1) There was/were a lot of sheep on the farm. 2) The weather wasn’t/weren’t rainy last autumn. 3) Were/Was you in the mountains last month? — No, I wasn’t/weren’t. 4) The cow’s eyes was / were big and kind. 5) Where was / were they three days ago? 6) It was / were time to go to bed. 13. Напиши глаголы во второй форме. 1) go — _ 2) meet — 3) be — _ 4) ski — _ 5) skate — 6) like — _ 7) want 8) go — 9) have - 10) do — 11) watch 14. Отгадай загадку. What is it that everybody saw, but can never (никогда) see again, 15. Расставь слова в правильном порядке. Запиши вопросы. Example: she, Sunday, in, last. Was, the, country? — Was she in the country last Sunday? 1) school. Were, at, they, yesterday? — 2) summer, mountains, he, last. Was, the, in? — 3) last, the, in, month, park. Was, he? — 4) in. Great Britain, Were, last, they, year? — 5) you, in. Were, Moscow, ago, a, week? — Section 3. How to ask questions in the Past Simple 16. Напиши, какие два важных дела ты сделал(а) на прошлой неделе, а какие нет. Example: I cleaned my room last Wednesday. I didn’t repair my bike last week. 1) _____________________________________________________ 2) _____________________________________________________ 3) _____________________________________________________ 4) _____________________________________________________ 17. Исправь предложения. Example: Miss Chatter had a big crocodile.— Miss Chatter didn’t have a big crocodile. 1) Tiny wrote songs for pop-singers last year.— 2) Billy was in Antarctica three days ago.— 3) The boy drank cold and dirty water yesterday.— 4) Jill played football an hour ago.— 5) Tim and Tom were in the desert a week ago.— 18. Вставь пропуш;енные глаголы: was, were, did, could. Example: Rose was not tall and she could not take the book from the shelf. 1) The boy looked at his sister’s present. But he not take any sweet. 2) Miss Chatter ________ not write the letter yesterday. She too busy. 3) _______ you play this computer game yesterday? No, we ________ not. We ________ in the zoo. 4) _______ you at home two hours ago? — Yes, I_________ 5) I _______ not dive last summer. Now I can. ■ щ •»н б : 19. Закончи предложения. Example: She didn’t live in the country three years ago, she lived in London. 1) The boy didn’t draw showers, he _________ cars. 2) Martin didn’t play tennis last night, he _______ badminton. 3) Tiny didn’t write a letter, he _______ a postcard. 4) The children didn’t drink warm milk yesterday, they _______ apple juice. 5) She didn’t say “Good morningl”, she __________ “Hi!” 20. Впиши недостающие слова: Alex Miss Chatter Alex Miss Chatter Alex Miss Chatter Hello, Miss Chatter! How are you? I am fine! Thank you! Did you visit Tiny yesterday? Yes, I ________. Did he write a new fairy tale? No, he ________ write it. He was very busy. But he gave me a nice book of fairy tales for you. Alex: It’s great! I _______________ to the Miss Chatter: Alex: Miss Chatter: country next week. I _ the book. Come and see me, Ben! Thanks a lot. Bye-bye! Bye! Test yourself 4 1. Посмотри на картинки. Напиши, что Тайни делал во время летних каникул. Example: Last summer Tiny flew a kite. 1) Last summer Tiny 2) Last summer Tiny 3) Last summer Tiny 4) Last summer Tiny 5) Last summer Tiny friends. tennis, a big fish, books, the flowers, a picnic with his Score: ______ /5 2. Прочитай предложения. Вставь пропуш;енные слова was или were. Example: Last autumn I was in Great Britain. 1) What was the weather like? — It ______ warm but windy. 2) Did you talk to them? — No, I didn’t. They busy last night. 3) _____ you in the country the day before yesterday? — No, I _______ in Moscow. 4) We in London last summer. Score: /5 3. Выбери правильное слово. Обведи соответствующую букву. Example: Alice ... her birthday party yesterday, a) has (^) had c) will have 1) Jill and Jim ... to the country every summer, a) go b) went c) will go 2) He ... this fairy tale tomorrow, a) reads b) read c) will read •fN [ j 3) Tiny ... in Africa two weeks ago. a) is b) was c) will be 4) Did you ... the flowers yesterday? a) water b) watered c) will water 5) What did you ... the day before yesterday? a) draw b) drew c) draws Score: /5 4. Прочитай вопросы и кратко ответь на них. Example: Did you go to school yesterday? — Yes, I did. 1) Were you in the country last summer? — ___________ 2) Did Jim and Jill go to the forest? — Yes, ________ 3) Was Tiny in London three days ago? — No,__________ 4) Were the children in the zoo last Sunday? — No,__________________________________________________ 5) Did Simon take his kitten for a walk yesterday? — No,__________________________________________________ Score: /5 5. Восстанови рассказ о Санта-Клаусе. Раскрой скобки, поставь глаголы в Past Simple. Santa Claus was very busy in December. He (get up) 9oj_yp early. He (wash) washed his face and hands with snow. At 7 am Santa (have) _________ an ice cream and a cup of cold coffee for breakfast. Then he (give) _______ bread to his deer (олень) Rudolph. Santa (take) __________ snow and cold weather and (sit) _________ in the sleigh (сани). He (fly) _______ to different countries. He (visit) ------ forests and fields, rivers and mountains. At 2 pm Santa Claus (come) __________ back home. He (read) _______ a _______ children’s letters and (write) list (список) of Christmas presents. In the evening Santa (make) ___________ Christmas presents for his friends. Score: /10 27—30 21—26 15—20 < 15 Very good! Good! OK! Try again! Having a good time with your family Section 1. Being happy together! 1. Прочитай ПИСЬМО. Вставь слова вместо картинок. Dear Mag, Thank you for your . My name is Helen. My surname is Macklay. I am from the USA. I live with my mum, dad and my __________ We are twins (близнецы). Our birthday is in spring, on the 21st of May. When is your birthday? My favourite sport is Ч— _ . Betsy likes it too. I am very energetic! And Betsy is kind and merry. We've got two 4^ ______________ and a _________ . We like to We can ride of our pets and friends, and Can you ride them? What do you like to do? Please write back. Your friends, Helen and Betsy 2. Переделай предложения по образцу. Example: Му sister does not write fairy tales. My sister doesn’t write fairy tales. 1) I have not got a brother.— Ю 37 & 2) Му grandmother does not listen to rock music.— 3) His sister cannot take photos.— 4) Her grandfather has not got a pet.— 5) Mag did not play puzzles yesterday.— 6) Our father will not watch the stars in the morning.— 7) Their mother was not at home at two o’clock.— 3. Запиши вопросы. 1) Mag walked in the park. Where did ______________________________________ 2) The weather was fine. Was ____________________________________________ 3) Max will ride his bike next Sunday. When will ______________________________________ 4) Mag waters the flowers every morning. What does ______________________________________ 5) Max liked his scooter and shared it with me. What did _______________________________________ 4. Напиши, какими должны и не должны быть родители и дети. Используй модели: П iiL . П not в . Example: Mother must make cakes every day. Children mustn’t watch TV late in the evening. 1) ________________________________ 2) 3) ________________________________ 4) ________________________________ 5) ________________________________ Section 2. What do you do to help your family? 5. Прочитай. Выбери нужное слово. Обведи соответствующую букву. 1) Му sister ... her homework in the afternoon, a) makes b) has c) does 2) After breakfast Mag ... the washing up. a) washes b) cleans c) does 3) Do you ... your bed in the morning? a) clean b) do c) make 4) We’ll ... photos of our friends, a) make b) take c) do 5) The boys usually ... lunch at 2 pm. a) have b) do c) go 6. Соедини стрелками слова, чтобы получилось словосочетание. ( the table } ( the pet ) ( the bed lay ^ ( go J do ) ( feed ) water ^ make ) the washing u^ (^the flowers^ shopping ^ 7. Выбери и обведи нужную форму глагола. Example: I of ten (^ё^/will help/helped my mother at home. 1) My brother repairs/will repair / repaired my bike yesterday. 2) My little sister usually plays/will play/played puzzles in the evening. 3) Mag does/will do/did the washing up half an hour ago. 4) Alex doesn’t/won’t/didn’t water the flowers yesterday. 5) His grandma doesn’t / won’t / didn’t go to the country tomorrow. 8. Прочитай. Соедини стрелками глаголы I и II формы. fin^ take come draw eat have lay feed say came took found ate had fed drew laid said ю 39 ю •fN 9. Составь предложения из слов. Example: on, brothers, The, help, mother, their, Saturdays.— The brothers help their mother on Saturdays. 1) There, a lot of, were, in, children, park, the.— 2) didn’t. Tiny, his, visit, friends, yesterday.— 3) skate, do, you. Where? — 4) will, you, your, repair. When, bike? — 10. Соедини стрелками вопросы Мэг и ответы Алекса. Was it cold in Russia last summer? Were you busy in Moscow? Were there many boys and girls from Great Britain? Was your mother at the festival? Were all your pen friends in Moscow? ^ 11. Переведи на английский язык. 1) Я убираю свою постель утром. No, they weren’t. No, it wasn’t. Yes, there were. No, she wasn’t. Yes, I was. 2) Моя сестра поливает цветы каждый день. 3) Ты убираешь свою комнату? 4) Я люблю кормить птиц. Section 3. Answering phone calls | -;n ^ rri ~r lUfr r Tim I' 11 -M Yini lt IT ,|- - r ■ ^ 12. Прочитай и нарисуй. 11 12 1 10 2 9 • 3 8 4 7 6 5 • *11 12 1 • Xl12 IX •10 2* /ю *9 • 3* . ж 9 • 3 .8 4.* J f 8 4 .76 5.* Л к 7e 5 • • • • It’s a quarter past ten. It’s half past eleven. It’s ten to six. It’s a quarter past seven. 13. Напиши время, которое показывают часы. (S 1112 1 10 2 9 P 3 8^4 7e 5 1112 1 10 ^ 2 9 > 3 8-^ 4 7 6 5 • ■ « ^ nVii2'i4 ;ю 1 2* =Л < Г: Ф-1Л.У 14. Закончи разговор. Впиши недостаюш;ие предложения. Helen: Hello! This is Helen speaking. Can __________________________ Mag’s mother: I’m sorry, Helen. She isn’t in. She is in the park. Helen: _____________________________ Mag’s mother: Of course, you may. She’ll be at home at 6 pm. Helen: _____________________________ Mag’s mother: Bye. 15. Прочитай. Соедини стрелками глаголы I и II формы: come run see catch say begin go caught came began saw ran said went 41