Английский язык 11 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова часть 2

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 11 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Enjoy English (Энджой инглиш):

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[ _1 ’■г-.--'у РАБОЧАЯ ТЕТРАДЬ № 2 Контрольные работы учени класса ш кол ы Workbook 2 М. 3. Биболетова, Е. Е. Бабушис Английский язык ••• I- о CJ *V’*v »*-• *.v • •4^ г о, * hmJ ,vW '«4 •••.i *>V лчз :^3 •.t?vV Рабочая тетрадь № 2 к учебнику для 1 1 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Контрольные работы И 3 Д А Т Т И Е Л т ь с т у в 0 л Т 1 Р и в L т 1 S и Н Е L R S 2012 ББК 81.2Англ-922 Б59 УДК 802.0(075.3) УчебнО’Методический комплект ^'Английский с удовольствием”/"Enjoy English” (11 класс) включает следующие компоненты: учебник книгу для учителя рабочую тетрадь № 1 рабочую тетрадь № 2 „Контрольные работы^ аудиоприложение (CD MP3) электронное приложение I li 4Г % (Р \ I il По вопросам приобретения УМК следует обращаться в издательство „Титул“: тел.: (48439) 9-10-09, факс: (48439) 9-10-00, e-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели) J Биболетова М. 3., Бабушис Е. Е. Б59 Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English: Рабочая тетрадь № 2 „Контрольные работы" к учебнику для 11 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2012.— 72 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-513-4 Рабочая тетрадь № 2 является составной частью учебно-методического комплекта “Английский с удовольствием” для 11-го класса общеобразовательных учреждений, в которых английский язык изучается со 2-го класса, и связана с учебником структурно и содержательно. Основное ее назначение — помочь школьникам уверенно выполнять контрольные задания различных форматов. Все задания по структуре и сложности максимально приближены к ЕГЭ, а также к наиболее распространенным международным экзаменам по английскому языку. Задания содержат материал для дополнительной интенсивной тренировки учащихся в аудировании, говорении, чтении, письме; позволяют обобщить и скорректировать знания учащихся в области грамматики и лексики в соответствии с требованиями государственного образовательного стандарта. Формат и содержание заданий, их структурное соответствие ЕГЭ позволяют использовать данные контрольные работы в дополнение к любому УМК. ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 ISBN 978-5-86866-513-4 М. 3. Биболетова, Е. Е. Бабушис, 2009 Издательство „Титул", дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение, 2009 Contents Unit 1 What do young people face in society today?.... 4 Warm-up 1.................................. 4 Testl...................................... 7 Warm-up 2..................................12 Test 2.....................................15 Unit 2 The job of your dreams................20 Warm-up 1..................................20 Test 1.....................................24 Warm-up 2..................................29 Test 2.....................................31 Unit 3 Heading for a better new world?.......36 Warm-up 1..................................36 Test 1.....................................41 Warm-up 2..................................46 Test 2.....................................51 Unit 4 Where are you from?...................56 Warm-up 1..................................56 Test 1.....................................58 Warm-up 2..................................62 Test 2.....................................65 Dialogue vocabulary........................70 3 •-V, WARM-UP 1 in society today? • - —-^"rT’- ‘ ‘ r !b.‘iv IHI'I bV v" '•' S a) Listen to the conversation and choose the correct statement. 1 Max really wants to help Anna to make a good choice. 2 Max talks a lot but he is not able to give any reasonable advice. 3 Max makes fun of Anna without any intention of helping her. b) Listen to the conversation again and choose the correct answer. 1 At the university Anna is going to learn \-V4.4 * H. ' \ ' к Ч . V 4 \\V'* * Ч • a) one foreign language. b) two foreign languages. c) three foreign languages. 2 Anna thinks that a) French grammar is very difficult. b) French pronunciation is very difficult. c) French doesn’t sound very nice. 3 Anna believes that a) writing in Chinese is more difficult than speaking Chinese. b) speaking Chinese is more difficult than writing in Chines^. c) speaking Chinese is as difficult as writing in Chinese. 4 Max mentions body language because he a) sees it as a possible option. b) wants to tease Anna about her laziness. c) knows this language very well. 5 Anna says that a) body language is not an option at all. b) body language will never be in their curriculum. c) body language is very important for communication. 6 Max thinks that Spanish could be a good choice a) because it s spoken in many countries. b) because the reading rules are quite easy. c) for a number of reasons. 7 Anna a) makes the final decision for Spanish. b) decides against Spanish. c) wants to consider other options. UNIT 1 а) Work in small groups. Make up a list of reasons for learning English. Share your ideas with the rest of the class. b) Complete the passage about a language that could make your second choice. Give your reasons I have already been learning English for q^uite a long time. I do not doubt that language awareness is very important in today’s world and ability to speak one foreign language is probably not enough. If I had to choose one more language to learn, I would_ m- Work in small groups. Solve the “Political Word Puzzle” Use a dictionary if necessary. 3 4 5 1 Across: 1 the process that enables companies work internationally and that makes national economies integrate into each other Down: 1 the tendency when large numbers of people move from one part of the country to another, or from one country to another, usually in order to find better jobs; the same word is used to describe birds’ seasonal travelling from one part of the world to another 2 a political party or group of people who strongly disagree with something, such as a plan, an action, a law or a system 3 all the people of approximately the same age 4 the main sphere of the government s activity (along with economy); it can be national / domestic and international 5 all the people living in a particular area, city, country, etc. 6 an aggressive policy of a country or political party which uses military force as the main means of solving problems between countries 7 general agreement between countries or political parties; opinion on a political or economic issue which all parties support UNIT 1 5 Read the following opinions and use the words in the appropriate form. Young people are not (1) in politics nowadays and I don’t see any reason why they should. There are lots of other things that are really (2) and for people of our age, such as sports, friends, music and certainly (4). I don’t watch political programmes on TV as I don’t understand them anyway. (3) (5) use a very difficult language, which I don’t always understand. I certainly watch news from time to time, but I don’t enjoy it very much. It’s all about military conflicts. antiglobalists’ protests and other (6) things. interest excite, benefit educate politics depress Im convinced that we shouldn’t ignore politics. If young people are -----------------(7) to it, they can’t influence it. Someone else is shaping their future and they will have to accept the results, whatever they are. I’m not saying that we should take part in all kinds of (8). Politics is a very (9) thing and it’s often very difficult to say who is right and who is wrong. I never support people who protest how good their__________________ (10), no matter (11) are. I think we should analyse (12) and think for ourselves. b) Read the opinions again and say which of them you support and why. I i t » • ( t I 1 t ? t ‘ i 1 i» »I I • i ♦ i ! ii i; i i 1‘ i; * *• i < I < I! •; \ ii I} i j ! 5 !i «1 i < И »! i ? Ii i > II i ] I i I; i ' I} II ii I * il: Useful language To tell the truth, I... I have to say that... I, personally, think that... I’m more interested in... than... I first got interested in it when... To me ... is more exciting than... I (don’t) agree with the idea that... But I can’t support the opposite idea... either. • n * I! > I t ‘ i» 5 1 I! ii i' difference move, controversy aggression intend inform Tony 6 UNIT 1 TEST 1 Part Listening Listen to the guest speaker who talks about democracy and people’s rights at the session of the Youth Discussion Club. Choose the correct answer. You will listen to the recording twice. Then transfer your answers to the table. 1 The speaker has been invited to the Club meeting for the first time. a) True b) False c) Not stated 2 The speaker thinks that the main idea of democracy can be understood from its name. a) True b) False c) Not stated 3 The speaker says that in any democratic country people s rights should depend on their backgrounds a) 7 rue b) False c) Not stated 4 According to the speaker, the democratic system is the best among the other political systems mentioned. a) True b) False c) Not stated 5 The speaker admits that sometimes people s rights can be abused in democratic society, a) True b) False c) Not stated 6 The speaker insists on the idea that the right to vote should be granted to well-educated people only. a) True b) False c) Not stated 7 The speaker is sure that in democratic society all people should be informed about every action of the government. a) True b) False c) Not stated г—^ П Number 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 Letter 1 1 1 I 1 ^ 1 { - •** Part II Readinq Read the text and match the paragraphs (1-6) and the headings (A-G). There is one heading you do not need. Transfer your answers to the table A Factors responsible for globalisation В The natural process of evolution C Measures to fight globalisation D International eating habits E The world may turn boring F Cultural and informational exchange G All in the same boat UNIT 1 7 ■ ■ ■ -.Tiev 1. Both economists and politicians claim that globalisation cannot be stopped — people have to accept it and adapt to the new environment. Anti-globalists, in my eyes, just have lost touch with reality, whatever they do — they cannot stop the logical development of our society. Economic development requires boarder free zone, as companies cannot perform their best in the cramped conditions of local markets. National economies are integrating into the international economy and the process is accelerating rapidly. 2. One may think that the process of globalisation was caused and launched mainly by economic forces, which is not quite correct. It is caused by ^ combination of economic, social, cultural, political and technological reasons. Communication technologies created new unprecedented business opportunities, which boosted economic processes. In fact, telecommunicating and teleconferencing enable business people to trade across the continents. Multimillion deals can be negotiated and signed using electronic means, money can be transferred in seconds, and goods can be delivered in hours from one continent to another. 3. The cultural life of people has changed too. Due to global TV broadcast and the internet they can exchange information quickly and easily. Nowadays, people living in Europe are well informed about the cultural traditions and mentality of people who inhabit South America or Australia and vice versa. And if they want to learn something new, they can easily find the information. Some national cultural objects have turned into global. No one can say now that the Beatles is just an English group — it is a global phenomenon, which belongs to the whole world. 4. Another example of integration of national cultures is the spread of culinary traditions. Italian dishes may be cooked and served in America, there are lots of Indian and Greek restaurants in Paris, and no one in Moscow considers hot and spicy Chinese food as something exotic. We have an opportunity to taste various dishes regardless of the country where we live. Due to globalisation people have a much wider choice than they used to have, and they find it very beneficial. 5. However, there are two sides to every medal, and it refers to globalisation too. In spite of the obvious advantages, its negative consequences shouldn’t be neglected either. Getting global, unfortunately, means losing your national identity. Global music, fashion, mass media make us more and more alike. The world is getting less diverse and therefore less interesting. 6. Furthermore, the global world gets more vulnerable as crises and catastrophes become global too. That is they can affect anyone in any country. Having started in one country the financial and economic crisis 8 UNIT 1 Ш^;:';: . - V- «г ,. *. . o>v- ■’■■Ку/Г’У ^iCinultinational Hanks and corporations all over the world causing ^fcffianj^j^f^and unemployment across the globe. The negative impact on the is not local anymore either it affects everyone living on the planet. • - f». ' • *v ' . •-ЗГ*- Use the words in the appropriate form. Transfer your answers to the table. Mike became interested in politics when he was at school. When his schoolmates were partying or camping or just watching TV, he (1) about read different political systems and movements. It was a weird hobby for a teenager, but he obviously_________________________ (2) it. enjoy When I entered his room for the very first time. my attention (3) attract to a little bookcase in the corner The collection of books there was quite unusual — biographies of famous politicians, political reviews, textbooks on politics and international relations and no feature books at all! Mike proudly said that the unique collection (4) in just two years. He also (5) me several files with articles and gather show printed internet materials that related to different political parties and political events. Now Mike works as a political analyst. He can easily forecast which party will win the elections, whether the unemployment rate will rise or fall, and f whether our economy will grow or whether well have to survive through a recession period. His articles__________________________ newspapers and now it’s me who____________________________ articles to make a collection. (6) in serious (7) his often / publish cut out Number ЛЛ7г1гЯ / ЛЛТгкгНс Number Word / Words UNIT 1 9- Part IV Writing Comment on the following. In eome countrias thara ara Animal Polica that protact tha righto of animalo and tham from orualty and naglact. Tha anvironmantalioto think that Animal Polica ohould ba aotabliohad in avary country. Use the guidelines: • write to what extent you approve or disapprove of the idea Write 200-250 words. present your arguments “for present your arguments “against write your conclusion. UNIT 1 Part V Speaking Work in pairs. Study the information in your card and act out the conversation. - - ^ • ... s - il -.V t - Student 1 Student 2 You are a member of the Youth Association “Alcohol-free generation”. You want to invite your friend to a meeting as you want him / her to join your movement. The mission of the Association is to promote the idea of healthy lifestyle and alcohol-free traditions. The members of the Association work with kids and educate them about healthy lifestyle, arrange sports activities and arts events for them. Give your partner all the necessary information about: • the time and the place of the meeting; • how long it’s going to take. You start the conversation. You enjoy meeting new people and don’t mind participating in different youth movements and organisations if you find them useful and / or interesting. Find out the essential Information about your friend’s organisation. Before you agree or refuse to go to the meeting, find out: • what the aims of the organisation are and what members of the organisation do; • when and where the meeting is going to take place. If you are Interested, ask your partner to pick you up. If you don’t feel like going to the meeting, invent some reasonable excuse. The maximum score for Parts I-III is 20 Your score is... 0-13 14-17 We recommend you to spend I It s not bad. However, there a lot of time improving your English. Otherwise you are unlikely to do well in your L exam. is a lot you need to work on. Have more practice. Otherwise you may have difficulty in your exam. MMi 18-20 Well done. Keep practising and you 11 have a good chance of success in your exam. Parts IV-V are assessed by your teacher. UNIT 1 n WARM- Label the different types of graphical pictures (graphs) with the words from the box. Then discuss the questions below in groups of 3-4. intea^a^' uo4is^ чммы'’ ёчьеоФ» «s*i«»er aw«astie>‘•#«we .*w*e»e ' 'алаяа» •*»«Ц9Чв' leesasW ЛФИаЛ^' saUf',-'-у-:- — ч bar chart pie chart / circle graph diagram table line graph |зШИ1 L МММ» ММЮЧ <*r • ... ■ЯП academic ' * •' »Cjw*,v -• T—’ - Д*-5л ‘'* ^1тьаЩшШЁ • л^ '* . . • .......••тг.*®' •••*.* '• -С •rw^V"-* , * * V . • ‘.Ч-^ your homeivork? Ро you’iiSthe goyou -•.L* " ■ • ** *‘V* *". •. к ^v-' • I . . v^'*: 9^? much • VCSSlr^* Г-Т • •гА . -.Л»' ' . .- . ^ '• ' • *■ ' irf 4 • .*' internet ^f^4V!r.vlV^ . '. i*:!' •i» ivrite •ЛЧ*. •.'• • r. ДЧ. •?V 4.^4^' V *Л*Ч2 - - . -s *r ^* x: - ■ ■ • ' .*-• .-• Ч - *•*- Гл-yjP tests?* •.■a-..-. • * • ЧГД? . -'•.►и'ЧГЛ ..... to U6e y:. -rt .. r '.•. оV. ^ -.’Ч -'*. >V • . *.*-V —’.--fc 4_4* .- ••* • Write at least 140 words. 18 UNIT 1 • V tT>r**. P#§Sh-- ■ -A *u ••л.'^. Talk about education and career. You should say: • if education is important to make a good career, why / why not • what you plan to do after school • what skills are the most important in professional world today. You should talk on the topic for two minutes. The maximum score for Parts I-III is 20. Your score is... X f I ? й We recommend you to spend a lot of time improving your English. Otherwise you are unlikely to do well in your exam. г & s r i a I i j i ? It s not bad. However, there is a lot you need to work on. Have more practice. Otherwise you may have difficulty in your exam. Well done. Keep practisir and you 11 have a good chance of success in your exam. t . L Parts IV-V are assessed by your teacher. i UNIT 1 19 dreams WARM-UP 1 Read what people say about their jobs. Look through the list of the jobs below and think who could say the following. 1—ГТГ J I / 1 1 1 f * I ~'ТЩ' ) a pilot a journalist a call centre specialist a police officer a baker a railway engineer a geologist a veterinarian a chef a fashion designer a nurse 1. What an electrical engineer a dentist a pharmacist a secondary school teacher a programmer an electronics technician a film animator a social worker a plumber a fiction book translator * • ^ у Well always start early, at about 4 or 5 am. I work early hours because bread, buns, pastries of all kinds need to be ready by the time people have their breakfast. And I don’t mind early starts at all. It’s great waking up before the sunrise to a delicious smell of freshly baked bread, .. .which is a great start of a day, isn’t it? 2. I work shifts and sometimes I feel tired when I have to work at nights. But we need to be available to our clients round the clock as they may have problems with their computers any hour. When they experience problems, they call us for help and advice. The most difficult thing to me is to get them to explain what the problem is. Instead of a detailed explanation they may just scream; “It doesn’t work! It bleaks, makes strange noises and refuses to work!” At first I used lots of computer jargon when I spoke to the customers, but then I realised that they didn’t understand me at all and switched from professional vocabulary to simple language. Now even non-experienced computer users understand my instructions and cope with most minor technical problems. 20 UNIT 2 Г . •. \ when I was at school, I enjoyed arts and crafts. I liked making things by myself. Once I made a dress from lots of little pieces of cloth. I wore it for a party, just for fun, but my friends said that it was a gorgeous dress. I was very surprised but it was very inspirational. I made some more dresses, blouses and accessories and they were a success too. Not only my friends, but also my parents said that I was creative and should pursue that hobby! Later the hobby became a job, and I find it very satisfying. * -:^V: ж f f -i i: ■ ш into my very When I was, considering my career, I wanted my lob to be npps,. tqAdd;i|||li^h^ - J Now I^’gbt ^ali^ut a real jofcTi^if&reffilromlffiiiffl^^ s^T m books- and films.‘iwas surpriseddo find оиЬтг#|1|}ШРме1^^Ш‘ Ш .. шттщтттт^^^^тт^тжтт.^т lots of routine рарегл\гогк, which I don t really enioyn he best Юр 1S the as а team. And certai I can rely on my mates and colleagues, as we always work ' -rA!» 'i . шшт ® .-A^Vr* pace for those who Ж,Ьо1 able’ to • % '% ^ «••.;* v«* • Щ ' >\ I think my job is just fun. No, Im not saying that it s not difficult, or that I don’t take it seriously. Actually, it requires good knowledge of the language and good writing skills. My job is very important for people who don’t speak English but enjoy reading books written by English authors. The most challenging part of the job is to transmit the writer’s message to people without changing it. It may be difficult because the author and the reader not only speak different languages, but have different backgrounds and mentalities. Anyway, I’ve always liked studying languages and linguistics, so I find my job very rewarding and enjoyable. And one more thing — I really enjoy reading new books and because of my job I can do it before all the other people in this country. jar-' IB I Share your ideas with the class. You should say: • who the utterance belongs to and what makes you think so • what other details about the job you would like to mention • whether or not you might consider this job as a career opportunity for yourself, why » Useful language I think that these words may belong to... .. .may have said this. I’m not sure, but a... might have said these words. I associate this job with... I can’t speak from my own experience, but... Being a... means / requires... I’ve never thought about it as a career for life... It’s definitely not for me. I would probably enjoy this job, but... I share the speaker’s opinion that the job of a... is rewarding / exiting / etc Frankly speaking, I’ve been considering this job opportunity too. UNIT 2 21 а) Work in small groups. Discuss the criteria we consider when we make career choices Make a list of the most important criteria and share your ideas with the other groups. b) Listen to the conversation about choosing a career. Say if the criterion the teenagers are talking about is mentioned in your list or not. c) Listen to the conversation again and fill in the gaps in the statements below with words from the dialogue. Use no more than three words for each gap. 1 To find out what jobs are going to be in demand the boys decided to use the internet and search by 2 According to some official from education,______________ technical diploma holders are going to be in demand 3 To Tom’s surprise, the official mentions neither________ and other nor site developers in her list of popular jobs. 4 The forecast says that nurses, child minders and _ going to be in demand. 5 In the future most women will choose to combine that’s why they’U need child minders. 6 The worst problem of elderly people is__________ are and 7 Tom thinks that can help in career choice, but it’s necessary to understand the person’s inclinations and abilities first. d) Work in groups. Try to forecast what jobs will be in demand in the future. Compare your predictions with the information from the conversation. Useful language We agree with the forecast, which says that... We doubt that... It’s likely that... It’s very unlikely that... The forecast says that..., but we believe that.. 22 UNIT 2 S cd W) Зн C CA 3 Vh 0> cd Q> P5^ СЛ CIh О ;h ЬЛ a CD > о E “D C fO Ф u • кшш T3 0» о CO C D 4-» 0» .2 та -M to m % 0» c D О u о no О CO Q. D О U) c fd c Ф cu JQ “O rX3 D О c i mmm о CL D1 C c о lO Ш Ф JD E D C CU cu D Q- Q) * M £ ~o о u u rD Ф C 3 о u D О G-. fC •*-* О ■D CU CU c 3 о Ф о u «/1 3 о >ч со ТЗ С о U си о си си (U >ч £ а Ф Цшт ф • тшт яштт # со 03 и> та О с с X) Ф С о Д +-• 03 *4-J с Ф 4-^ —т +-< ф +-» mJ о ф Е 03 +-J D 03 с 3 о со _о о хз • ам» JC 03 03 ф +-• ф со 3 • тз >ч 03 о. хз о о о с о а CD СО f-J ф СП >ч О Ф > 3 о >ч со 03 с 03 ф 03 с 03 U ф с I тят о CL ф > fc 3 U ♦ с Urn о чл ф шшш о -Q Ф с тз т твт 03 1Л 1Л с • ем» Vm 03 03 ф Г5 г с 3 ф U) 0J о о а л mSZ +J >ч со W 03 ч*— 1Л с 03 03 Е MW 3 о ф со э ф Е с о а Ф о U со 3 О о -Q 5 .2, 3 о >Ч с о со Ф О. Ф Ф Е о со о Ф СП 03 С 03 Е 3 о а о со о С 03 ф Е 3 о с ф а о. 03 о 03 ф со 3 о >N ф 3 о 03 с t тшш о тз 3 с Е 03 с со со Ф 3 03 со Ф Ф Е 03 03 ф о тз с ф ф >ч -Q со 4-J С о о. со О Е ф со Ф О о 2 Q. ы со CN vf CN TEST 1 Part 1 Listen to a telephone conversation and choose the correct answer. You will listen to the recording twice. Then transfer your answers to the table. iAlTl ■■ 1 Jeff has a full-time job. a) True b) False c) Not stated 2 Jeff earns about £50 per week. a) True b) False c) Not stated 3 Jeff works as a member of a team. a) True b) False c) Not stated Number Letter 4 Jeff sometimes goes out with his workmates from the petrol station. a) True b) False c) Not stated 5 Jeff plans to work at the petrol station fulltime when he finishes school. a) True b) False c) Not stated 6 Jeff considers his job as a valuable experience a) True b) False c) Not stated 4 5 рт~" Part II Read the text and choose the correct answer. he Association for Improving the Standards in Education (AISE) is a profit-free, non-governmental organisation whose aim, as its name suggests, is to promote new innovative educational technologies and creative ideas that can stimulate school and university education. The organisation unites people of different ages and different backgrounds who want to attract society’s attention to problematic and controversial issues in education. Recently it has conducted a survey of university students in order to find out their opinion about part-time jobs for fulltime students. The Association does not claim that the results of the survey are fully reliable as the data may vary from university to university and may depend on its type, on the economic situation in the region and other factors. Flowever, the information displayed on the Association page gives food for thought. According to it, about forty per cent of students attending universities have jobs during term-time. “If you live in a big city, a job is not an option but a necessity for any student,” Andrew Kaminsky, a fourth year student, says. “Tm very lucky as I don’t have to pay for my education, it’s free for me, but I still have to pay rent and transportation expenses, buy books, food and other things. I enjoy going 24 UNIT 2 •L*.*‘ out, but clubbing and outings cost a fortune. It would be unfair if my parents had to pay for all that.”.? Another student Julia Kennan has a different opinion. “I think that job commitments on top of the studies is too much for me. And this is not because I’m lazy. I just can’t do two things at a time. Working students miss lectures. If I were working, it might affect my studies, and I wouldn’t get the expected results. My parents think the same and, fortunately, tlfey can afford to support me now. I think that when I graduate and get a good job. I’ll be able to do something for them too — to pay for their travelling for instance or cover other expenses if necessary.” Anna Glenn, a twenty-year-old working student, presents a moderate viewpoint on V- • *• v>" 1 AISE wants to a) help adult people to get higher education. b) make univepity education cheaper and affordable to everyone. c) unite people of different ages and backgrounds. d) raise standards in education. 2 According to AISE, the results of their survey of university students are a) absolutely reliable. b) difficult to believe. c) worth thinking about. d) true for every university in the country. 3 According to the results of the survey, a) more than half of university students work. b) less than half of university students work. c) almost all university students work. d) very few university students work. 4 The first respondent (Andrew) says that he does a part-time job because he a) has to earn his living. b) has to pay for his education. c) wants to support his parents. d) wants to gain some working experience. ж Number Letter T i:: m the issue. “I know that some teachers do not approve of students who combine job and studies. But I don’t think that a job is necessarily bad for studies. On the contrary, if you do a simple but career related job, it’s very beneficial. It helps you understand how everything works and academic information stops being purely theoretical. Yonuhderstand how to apply your theoretical knowledge to practice. It is motivating and it often inspires you to study harder.” Opinions differ but education costs together with young people’s desire to succeed in a competitive world will inevitably increase the number of working students. Universities should consider the tendency and help their students find part-time jobs in related industries. ■ кШ г. -.и V * *f-**.* 3111 :жшш •3* 1 *•. .* "* • * "tSt V •V’\v:: •. I** •. ** . .r,* * ' • I V • /у. \ . • . ; Ч" .•'* ■ .'A*''-'- '-V. f - .r* . ' ' • Ч*'-’** '- • tv; • Л* I 5 The second respondent (Julia) says that a) she doesn’t work because she is very lazy. b) she works and it has a negative effect on her studies. c) she doesn’t work because she wants to concentrate on her studies. d) she doesn’t work because her parents are against it. 6 The third respondent (Anna) thinks that doing a job a) can affect the teachers’ attitude to the student. b) affects students’ academic results. c) is very good for students’ academic results. d) can show the practical value of education. 7 The text suggests that there will be a) more working students in the near future. b) fewer working students in the near future. c) more universities. d) more university jobs. 2 3 1 4 ' 5 6 7 UNIT 2 25 -Sa ' ‘ • ' .' J*--. . • >i'* * Use the words in the appropriate form. Transfer your answers to the table. •Г. IVe been in our family business for thirty years already. Our company -------------------------------(1) by my great-grandfather in 1920 and since then weVe been manufacturing the -------------------------------(2) furniture in England. We create wardrobes, writing tables, coffee tables, chairs, bookcases and other pieces, all of which are of the highest quality. Our furniture_____________________________ (3) in traditional English style and we apply traditional technologies to make it. The furniture is hand-made and that’s why it takes several weeks to make a chair or a coffee table. It’s a difficult job and we employ very skilled____________________________________ (4) who usually work for the company for many years. Two of our workers _________________________________(5) with us for more than fifty years already and they say that they love their work and are not going to retire yet. I’rn / also proud of our business because money is not everything for us. Making furniture inevitably implies cutting down trees. If we don’t think about the _________________________________(6) by the environment now, our forests middle of the century. To prevent it we plant trees in our greenhouse and then put them in the forests. I don’t know what my life would be like if I _________________________________(7) some other career, but I’m glad that I didn’t. I really think that a family business is a great responsibility but a great privilege too. ! I i « I в i found beautiful design craftsman work cut down choose Number W&d! 1 Number ' . Word / Words 5 f 1 6 1 7 ty UNIT 2 ■■ Parf.1V * Writina Comment on the following. f .»T Some parents think that university students should not work dufina term- affect their acaderr\\c 'gertormax\ce. Use the guidelines: • write whether you agree or disagree with this opinion and to what extent • present your arguments “for” Write 200-250 words. present your arguments against write your conclusion. UNIT 2 .*• • .* • 7 *f *r Work in pairs. Study the information in your card and act out the conversation. m Ш student 1 You want to take up a part time job in a nearby pizzeria. You would like to work three days a week. Mind your time opportunities: • on Monday, Wednesday and Friday your classes finish at 4 pm; • on Tuesdays and Thursday your classes finish at 1 pm sharp; • you don’t have classes at weekends. You would like to earn at least €30 per week. Call the pizzeria and find out if they’ve got any suitable vacancies. If the vacancy suits you, you can start work immediately. You start the conversation. student 2 You are a manager in the pizzeria. You are looking for people to fill in the following vacancies: • a driver (2 years of work experience is necessary, €500 per month); • pizza deliverers (no experience is necessary, flexible hours): — at weekdays: from 2 pm to 6 pm — at weekends from 12 noon to 4 pm €15 per day. Agree the schedule with the candidate and find out if the candidate can start next week. ''Л Ш Ш The maximum score for Parts I-III is 20. Your score is... 0-13 We recommend you to spend a lot of time improving your English. Otherwise you are unlikely to do well in your exam. W 14-17 It’s not bad. However, there is a lot you need to work on. Have more practice. Otherwise you may have difficulty in your exam. 18-20 WMBiew» Well done. Keep practising and you’ll have a good chance of success in your exam. Parts IV-V are assessed by your teacher. 28 UNIT 2 WARM-UP2 ' Vi?. - 1А| Put the verbs in the appropriate forms. 1 If I (know) foreign languages better, I (consider) a career of an interpreter or translator. Unfortunately, my language skills are not good enough for this job. 2 Public speaking is part of my job, but Гт not very good at it. I wish I______________________ (attend) some drama classes in school. 3 If I (be) more adventurous, I (choose) some other job. But Fm quite happy working as a librarian 4 Choosing a career (be) easier, if I (have) more information about specialists who are going to be in demand in the future. 5 My parents (be) happy if I (have) the slightest inclination to join the family business, but I don’t want to be a lawyer. 6 If I (have) more time, I (take) a distant course on business communication. 7 I wish I__________________ (think) about my future education earlier. Work in groups. Discuss the following statements. Write if your group agrees or disagrees with the statement and why. 1 A good education is essential for a successful career. 2 All people would go to university if they had an opportunity to do so 3 Education is more important for success than talent. UNIT 2 29 4 If kids could choose between e-learning and traditional school, most of them would prefer distant education. 5 If all exams were cancelled, students would achieve better academic results. • * 2AJ Complete the ideas. If I were able to speak several foreign languages fluently, it would enable me to If I enroll in an online language course. If I had been doing any sport professionally, I would I would prefer an e-learning university to a traditional one if If I knew for sure what career is the best for me. If I gain high points for my exam papers. Complete the essay below. ■I I tA i •3“ 7? 3 -з s I On completing school education, most students find it difficult to decide what to do next. The most common options for them are the following: to take a job, to go to a vocational school, or to go to university. Which path to take? Let’s have a look at the benefits of each of them. If you take up a job, _________________________________________________________________________ -3 •A I •Я 1 1 I A vocational school education г ь I I I I t t % UNIT 2 A university diploma I .ij yi 5* I •I I 1 ■s ■:K^ § s I Ik f I Which alternative to choose? There is no ri^ht or wrong answer, and everyone has to decide for themselves. It’s time for me to solve this problem too. I plan to ________________ ft*. §• I I r. t-. K. 2f:' s.. Vi s Ip; k- I щштч' %:г-у ® Listen to an intei^iew with a labour market expert. Choose the correct answer. You will listen to the recording twice. Then transfer your answers to the table. 1 The expert thinks that people should a) work harder. b) spend less time at work. c) spend more time at home. 2 The expert thinks that people have learnt how a) to spend less time on running their houses. b) to develop their talents. c) to spend more time with families and friends. 3 The expert believes that business people should reduce a) the number of meetings. b) the number of participants. c) travelling costs. 4 The expert says that business meetings would be more effective if people a) were punished for being late. b) were informed about the location beforehand. c) didn’t have to travel there. UNIT 2 31 5 The expert says that the idea of teleconferences will appeal to a) environmentalists. b) pilots. c) IT specialists. 6 Teleworking means a) working from home. b) working for TV. c) working on telephone. 7 The expert thinks that teleworking a) is perfect for people of any profession. b) can solve all the problems. c) has some disadvantages. Number Letter ^ .. . vx I • 'i*;; '■Ч" w.^-’ -- . ^ ^ “ I Й 0' Vnt;r;Vi >• *• •.>лЧг» Г^;*^‘ГГ ^>.Ьл - ttfr^Fg^’Vi» j? * — -^g Г*?г ►Г Sr2Sieii&C3^.2r^' I'-r I- S?№r-r > * X*» j ....^ s^.- p rti^. >' - _ . -4^.7 '‘•-O * ■ •>мЯ ^ «■•да? •Ч и « n>l* *h Im ^ -r.W? *.»*•'« «I - k*'' • **^ b .. ..-*3 г-Г:"и.ч1*, Г ' ^ - “ C‘ Ш «.^•tr‘x^ ^1 • tt *•*, • •i-jvV** V*' r . * :^r.-Гл: *i- -•‘A •• ’ -Ъа^ SV5^? лг*-52 r- .t -- '•Л v***e . i'.M.w к • Д^*т »^C^r^t^.:,*u'rt* .v.br. i 1 .k sV л'-’-' *.. 5?:: ЛГй пч»д^Х ■-■•- V.5. ьТ Ж < Z ?даА L>' v**%*’*:h4 '.Л 'V''‘ ,V ^ Л -• • - * >'-^ - '*^*1*^^^* T«^ •*'^ -Д .\Vr*.*.^*nv^?« b.AxS: ЛР>1 *ГЬ-Л^ .• /’ .^Vul toS&VtS ?.?:,'r-:vv Part II ЙУг.Йг s*lsTrs? Sv%^>5 Read the text and match the paragraphs (1-6) and the headings (A-G). There is one heading you do not need. Transfer your answers to the table. •xis^sps^u г55^й “5ЭйГ^-' ti-iv. _ 'v^Eav A History of money В Types of money Impact of money on young economies Significance of money in modern life E Money — good or evil? Can society function without money? Money of the future _ .•-••Л-ir-^J OLt*’ •• i*;'**-i4*.'>i.«^-' -jS'jsSft s^iii;.' . .-: 'ibts Л^>ь*“' ivJ?.y - •n.V-ir г.*Д\:**4 c D JJi« g^^4Sjsti6S6S?- rj .^^?• m t’^-i '^3 'Ш1 i'hs IiS3S? •;'',v V . ' • *Д. Ж .4** 'r.V AAl.i.*.,. ' .’w' .*‘ ' .• • V , •::■’•-ft-' V.v*r--*^-4' -T .;>'Г, \кШ -• ''‘i* * R*. 4‘-' .**• wife" b-'\. i? 7Л'Z^ k£ ’-^ ,* t iJL Л aJ • 1 '^2 '.•j^. -.^1 “гл^г\' *, r b =•- >•? •T- u.«*“ ^vn '•*.;. ?й**. '&P‘^ дФйг. ftrw.' I Л.- ' i' ■ 'v-л- 3^5 m--^A ;:^-; ^S£r-' ^ Ч i ® J**- L. I I. / ;■ mti seeds, tea, salt and even domestic animals were used as money, but it wasn’t convenient, and people had to look for something easier to carry around and store. Often they used shells, pieces of metal or semi-precious stones. The first coins, as most researchers believe, appeared in Asia in c.K 640-630 BC, and the first paper money was used in China in c. 960 AC. 3. Money has always played a significant role in social development and its influence was both stimulating and devastating. The stimulating effect of money is indisputable — it often motivates people to develop new technologies, to look for new lands and... to invade other peoples’ territories. Sadly, but the real reason for any war is money — people are ready to kill each other for money or its equivalents — gas, oil, precious metals and other resources. 4. Paradoxically enough but people, who created money, have always said that money is evil and dreamt about a money-free society. Different socioeconomic theories (the communist theory is the most famous among them) said that money would disappear in the near future and people would be able to do without it. However, is it possible for an industrial society to function effectively without money? Most economists are not optimistic about it, but there is no evidence that it is absolutely impossible either. In different societies money existed in different forms, depending on what people considered the most valuable thing, which was easy to keep and carry around. Forms of money nowadays are, probably, not so diverse as they used to be in ancient times, but the variety is still impressive. Apart from conventional coins and banknotes we can use the so-called plastic money or banking cards. More and more people find this way of paying for goods and services very convenient — it’s quick, there’s no need to wait for change and it lessens the risk of having your money lost or stolen. Banking cards allow us to buy things online, which, as some prominent economists think, will soon replace traditional forms of selling via shops, stores and agencies. 6. The internet can change not only the way we sell and buy things, but money circulation too. Though plastic money has become customary, we still use coins and paper money a lot. But those forms of money may cease to exist quite soon. Online trade will probably enhance the significance of cybermoney. Cybermoney is already in use, but it’s accepted by internet shops only. According to some forecasts, this type of money will dominate — people will not only be buying online but will be earning online too. They can also keep their savings in electronic purses in cyberspace. Number Letter abbreviation for ci'rca (lat.) — приблизительно 33 lim.Use'of Еп •.**r Fill in the gaps with the correct words. Transfer them to the table. When school is over, young people need to make a choice of what they want to do further. Our grandparents often say that life used to be safer and less (1) when they were young. That may be true, but I think that our generation have more opportunities than they had. We have a wider career choice and we can shape our life__________________________ (2) our inclinations and abilities. Tm sure that there are no good or bad jobs but there are right and wrong ones for every particular person. One and the same job could be very (3) and enjoyable for one person and absolutely inappropriate for another one. It’s also natural that different people have different job us seek a prestigious job, some look__________________________ (4). Some of ________________________(5) a well-paid job, and some people want to work freelance and don’t care about money or_____________________________(6) — they just want to be their own bosses and plan their own days. Distance jobs are gaining popularity for the same reasons. You see that we can choose not only the industry we want to devote (7) to, but the format of the job too. 1 a) complicated b) comfortable c) communicative d) competent 2 a) because of b) due to c) according to d) in spite of 3 a) refreshing b) retraining c) relaxing d) rewarding 4 a) preferences b) benefits c) opportunities d) responsibilities 5 a) at b) after c) for d) forward 6 a) salary b) payment c) costs d) prestige 7 a) ourselves b) yourselves c) us d) yours Part IV Wfitirig,, Read the advertisement and write a letter. In your letter express your interest and find out: • when you need to start and how long the work is going to take; • what animals you 11 have to deal with; • whether they provide a room to stay in or whether you 11 have to commute. You need to write between 100 and 150 words. Part "Speaking Talk about part-time jobs. You should say: • why teenagers do part-time jobs • if you / your friends have ever worked, what job it was / is • what useful skills teenagers can acquire when doing part-time jobs You should talk on the topic for two minutes. The maximum score for Parts I-III is 20. Your score is... •«..'VtSv • f ' -'Чду S- :' 0-13 V -»'U • ■Si' V V njljitf tfl| We recommend you to spend a lot of time improving your English. Otherwise you are unlikely to do well in your exam. 14-17 18- a#*» Ш JsftsT -i:, Д i-%*-Л C' It s not bad. However, there is a lot you need to work on Have more practice. Otherwise you may have difficulty in your exam. Well done. Keep practising and you’ll have a good chance of success in your exam. I ? 3 • I WA I Parts IV-V are assessed by your teacher. UNIT 2 35 а better new world? WARM-UP 1 a) Listen to Angela and Tony talking about technological progress. Say if the statement below is true or false. Both speakers are sure that technological progress can do people nothing but good. b) Listen to the conversation again and choose the correct answer. 1 Tony thinks that scientists started working on creating the internet a) in the 90s. b) before the 90s. c) after the 90s. 2 Tony says that the internet was initially designed to be used a) as a public digital library. b) as means of communication between universities. c) in the army. 3 Tony thinks that people are on the eve of new great discoveries because a) information has become more accessible. b) governments spend less on military purposes. c) people have more computers at home. 4 Tony accepts that cloning may have dangerous consequences a) and sees it as a reason to ban research into it. b) but doesn’t see it as a reason to ban research into it. c) and sees cloning as a deadly weapon of the future. 5 Tony and Angela believe that gene engineering is a) ethically wrong. b) ethically right. c) ethically controversial. 36 UN1T3 с) Listen to the conversation again and fill in the gaps with the words from it. Use no more than two words for each gap. Angela and Tony are talking about technological inventions. Angela believes that the internet is a ---------------------------------------, however Tony says that scientists had been working on it for a long time before it was introduced to the public. He also heard that at first the internet was created for _____________________________________, as a very safe and reliable communication means. Now the world net is accessible to everyone, and Tony is sure that it will help people to make new technological_______________________________________ Angela and Tony also discuss the problem of__________________ very soon . They believe that this advanced technology has great_________________________________________i medicine. However, they also mention that ethically this issue is still very controversial. Work in pairs. Make a list of five inventions and discoveries which you find the most important for people. Compare your lists. О b) Work in groups. Make a presentation of the invention / discovery which happened to be the most popular on your lists. In your presentation say: • what kind of discovery / invention it is • who made it or how it was invented / discovered (if you have any information about it) • how it influenced the technological progress. Useful language We are going to talk about a thing that is familiar to any kid... We are not sure about the details of how it happened, but we think / heard / read that... It s a well-known fact that... It s a little-known fact that... It s difficult to underestimate the importance of... Since then... The same technology was later used in... It boosted the research... / the development of the industry... ■; ‘ . I i ‘ I ' N UNITS 37 -Л Complete thes6 sentences using the words in brackets and the words who, whose, that, which, why, when, where. Example: An aircraft is a vehicle (fly / air). An aircraft is a vehicle that flies in the air. 1 A genius is a person (have / exceptional abilities) 2 An engineer is a person (profession / apply scientific principles to engines, machines and different constructions like bridges and buildings). 3 A cyborg is a cybernetic body (have / both / artificial / natural systems). 4 Curiosity is the reason (people / make discoveries). 5 An experimental ground is a place (scientists / can / test out / their new inventions). 6 A computer virus is a little program (insert itself / computer system / damage software and information). 7 PDA is a portable computer (can / be used / as a mobile phone, the internet browser and a little media player). .1* ’ VA -V 38 UNIT3 c-.. Work in pairs. Write your definitions to the following words. Then share your ideas with the class and award the title of “Smart Jack” to the pair who have presented the best definitions. A spacecraft______________________________________________________________________ A UFO A programmer A submarine An iPod An alien A laboratory Inspiration A nanotechnologist Make up questions about the words in bold. % 1 Even some scientists believe in extraterrestrial life. 2 It’s believed that Leonardo Da Vinci was the first person who made a drawing of a submarine and explained how it could work. 3 For some obvious reasons nanotechnologists consider rats the most useful animals in the world. .'2 UNIT3 4 Environmentalists insist on research into alternative energy sources that do not pollute the planet. Work in groups of 5-6. Carry out a sociological survey and present the results to the class. Use the guidelines: 1 Choose one of the issues below (A or B) and complete the issue-related questions. 2 Let everyone in the group answer the questions individually (circle the appropriate answer) 3 Analyse the answers and complete the pie chart accordingly. 4 Write a description to your pie chart. 5 Present the results of your research to the class. Extraterrestrial life V t. ... •'» 2 (believe) \ t t 1 1 \ 2 8 (when / contact) within 50 years before the end of this century in the far away future i 3 i . • i ■i ] Artificial intellect (robots) 9 (bell eve experience emofions) within 50 years before the end of the century in the for away future (wh en / bio-robots) * I ' ■ II ■nn»n>nu<^ ♦ ,Tt< ' cnuim.ii. I J * .^1" J UNITS Useful language We carried out / conducted a survey to find out how people in our group feel about.. The research revealed some interesting facts. More than half of the group... Most students in the group... 25 % of the group... Among the students who believe in / think that... As for the time of the contact / creating,... One third of those who believe in... expect to see them... To sum it up, we can see that most people / a very small percent... Opinions differ / do not differ / are homogeneous about the time when it s going to happen. TEST 1 Listen to six people and match the statements (A-G) with the number of the speaker (1-6). There will be one statement you will not use. You will listen to the recording twice. Then transl your answers to the table. A The speaker is sure that science fiction cannot compete with scientific publications. В The speaker talks about his / her desire to take part in important scientific researches. C The speaker thinks that science fiction may help develop new technologies. D The speaker talks about his / her preferences in reading. E The speaker explains why he / she does not like science fiction. F The speaker insists that mass media often introduces fake scientific breakthroughs. G The speaker believes that science fiction books help him / her stay young and active. Speaker 1 2 3 4 1 5 * 6 Letter i i ^ 1 UNITS 41 111 «Read J П \y<\' Read the text and fill in the gaps (1-7) with phrases (A-H). There is one phrase you do not need Transfer your answers to the table. A including your passwords, pin codes and credit card details В the internet provides additional opportunities for fraud C it just applies mechanical approach to search for information D as e-trade is very convenient for busy people E their buying habits and preferences F but click only on the links that seem relevant G which means that you need to type in the details of your credit card in a special form H the searching system is not able to think logically -commerce means selling and buying products online. Nowadays internet shops can compete with retail shops quite successfully. Is online trade just a fashion or a persistent tendency? Will it ultimately cause traditional shops to die out? Everything depends on customers and Щ. Let us find out how people in the streets feel about e-trade growing opportunities. “I find buying online very convenient,” says Allan Brig, a loyal internet customer. “I have unlimited access to the internet and Tm practically always online. If I need to buy something, I try internet shops first and only if they can t offer me what I need, do I go to a store, a shopping centre or a supermarket.” “Buying via the internet is a great option,” Julia Smith, a busy undergraduate, shares the opinion. “And it s good for ideas too. If I want to buy something, say, a present for my friend, but have no idea what exactly I need, I type the key words “buy” and “original presents” in the search bar and press enter. Instantly the searching system provides me with a long list of sites which, as the machine thinks, meet my requirements. I look through the list Naturally, the results of the search may contain lots of irrelevant links. It s irritating sometimes, but the machine doesn’t want to confuse me deliberately, Щ. According to it, if a site contains all three words “buy”, “original” and “presents”, itTl be selected automatically. Unfortunately, and analyse the content of the site. But Гт sure it’ll learn how to do it very soon.” Another opinion belongs to Maria Chris, a freelance designer. “I often shop online,” she says, “though many of my friends don’t think that it’s safe enough. That’s true, Щ, but if you are careful, you can feel quite safe. When I buy via the internet, I usually visit several sites to compare prices and delivery terms. I want to know if the delivery is free, to put it bluntly, if the delivery costs have been included in the price already, or if they want me to pay extra for it. As for the ways of r** ■^T'v. % 42 UNIT3 payment, there are usually two options. The first one is payment by a credit card, |||. The essential information they need to withdraw the money from your account is the card holder s name, the number written on the card and the expiry date. Alternatively, you can pay cash to the delivery man when you receive the ordered goods. Though paying cash is not very convenient, as the delivery man may not have change, I usually prefer it as a very safe way.” John Flint, a sales manager in tourism, doesn’t contradict the previous respondents. Actually, he sums up their opinions. “Theoretically speaking”, he says, “hackers can break any computer and get access to your personal data I’m not a computer geek and I don’t know how it can be done, but I’m sure it’s possible. In spite of that, I feel that e-trade offers us an amazing opportunity to save our time. Shopping is inevitable and sometimes it’s fun, but I’m grateful to the technological progress that now I can devote more time to what I really like — my family, my friends and my rare plants collection. Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Letter Part III Use of English Fill in the gaps with the correct words. Transfer them to the table. Last Saturday I was at an air show with a friend. Jeff, my friend, is considering a career in aircraft __________________(1) and that’s why he is interested in aviation and the prospects for this industry. Among the planes (2) at the show, a light jet caught Jeffs attention immediately. To me it was just a nice elegant blue-and-white jet, but Jeffs description was much more_____________________(3). He said that it was a single-pilot jet with two engines, which has an automated cockpit and car carry five or six passengers. He also said that the jet is a very noticeable________________(4) in aircraft construction for years and it may have a wide application in very different spheres. ___________________(5) is that it can land on a runway much shorter than a Its non-disputable__________________ runway required by the smallest jet now being flown. Jeff even predicted that the new jet would be used as an air taxi. And he may be right — in the near future business people can be attracted to these jets because they will get where they need to go much faster and cheaper than on a charted business jet. The official at the show said that unfortunately the jets cannot be delivered to the customers immediately as some technical (6) still need to be resolved. After the show I was wondering if that jet could become an attractive (7) to daily commuting one day! 1 a) accomplishment 2 a) presented b) pollution b) offered c) engineering c) invented d) science d) designed UNIT3 43 3 a) creative b) innovative c) professional d) advanced 4 a) innovation b) solution c) decision d) garget 5 a) question b) technology c) discovery d) advantage 6 a) knowledge b) development c) experts d) issues 7 a) alternative b) breakthrough c) technology d) device Letter Part IV Writing Comment on the following Some people believe that all children will be taught in a virtual school. They will be able to enter the virtual olaeeroom from any location — from home, the internet cafe, the ocean beach. There will be no traditional classroom in 50 years. Use the guidelines: • say whether you believe that this is possible • present the advantages of a virtual classroom • present possible disadvantages of a virtual classroom • write if you would like to be a student of a virtual school or not. Write 200-250 words. 44 UNIT3 . ........................................................................................................................................ Ш; О0ааш<зш: . f. . . > 1 •* Give а talk on а science you find interesting and useful. You should say: • what branch of science you find very important for people • what this science studies and how the findings are applied for practical use • how beneficial this science will be for people in the future You should talk on the topic for two minutes. The maximum score for Parts I-III is 20. Your score is... Wl MM --Mr----* 14-17 We recommend you to spend a lot of time improving your English. Otherwise you are unlikely to do well in your exam. It s not bad. However, there is a lot you need to work on. Have more practice. Otherwise you may have difficulty in your exam. ,.V 18-20 Well done. Keep practising and you’ll have a good chance of success in your exam. ■ guf Parts IV-V are assessed by your teacher. UNIT3 45 “ .1 * •. • * « г *. WARM-UP 2 a) Listen to an extract from a local radio programme for dog owners and fill in the missing information in the table below. i VETEK i N AR4 V Л N C Б N T KE VETERINARIAN CENTRE Services Days and hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday Veterinarian consultancy fro m to Tuesday, Thursday from to Vaccination "A Dogs Life" Club same days same time Prices on the vaccine and the for of the dog ] free sessions, but one has to pay annua registration fee of i'- , ■ .1* k. •. ' ' ^ '' V ' v'v 46 UNIT3 b) Listen to the programme again and fill in the gaps with the modal verbs you heard. Dog owners provide their pets with necessary feeding and care. They # • visit a new veterinarian centre till the end of the month and have a free veterinarian consultation. Normally dog owners pay when their pets are vaccinated, but the owners of assistance dogs don’t pay anything. In the veterinarian centre dog owners want to join “A Dog’s Life” Club, where, apart from training advice, they get lots of other useful information Work in pairs. Fill in the gaps with the most appropriate modal verbs. Add a sentence or two to back the opinion. Example: You shouldnt leave your dog locked in the flat and neglected for several hours. The animal may feel scared or stressed and will be suffering. Your neigbours will suffer too because of the dogs barking and howling. 1 When walking their dog, people keep it on a lead. 2 Dogs be walked in special places. If not, dog owners must clean up after their dogs. 3 If the dog is big and fierce, it always wear a muzzle when you walk it. 4 Dogs be allowed to children’s playgrounds, hospital or school gardens. 5 The owners keep their dogs healthy and vaccinate them regularly 6 If you want your puppy to become a good guide dog or a guard dog, you apply to a professional dog coach or train it yourself. 7 When you train your dog, you be cruel to it. 0 b) Work in pairs. Write your comment on the following opinion. The number of dogs which are kept in city apartments issconstantly increasingIJ?ogs; unfortunately, often dirty parks, streets and playgrounds with their ёхсгетеиШТМоРе and more people think that doa owners who walk their doae in inappropriate places ahd^ don’t clean up after them should be fined or even arrested for ‘ MV UNIT3 Дт»-*. • Write: to what extent you agree or disagree with this opinion present arguments “for” your point of view present possible arguments “against” your point of view write a conclusion. ТЩ Read Olga’s letter to a magazine and fill in the gaps with appropriate forms of the words. Ч •I Dear editor, I enjoy reading your magazine as there's lots of information about new technologies, ____________________(1) engineering solutions and ideas about how to make our life more and more (2). However, sometimes I doubt that it's all only for good. I think that (3) progress affects our lifestyle in a very negative way too. It may be true that our life is much more (4) now than it I innovation digit technology comfort <“r i*’ UNIT3 I » I I. I •i •n -I d ? 'i A i % 4. 'J •3 ■! I V i c r I I г ft -.4 .a! v-< ‘16 2» I -t ' ^ •f •J 'U •? •J •P V Л Л i % i i ■s I >2 ? I :1> t« used to be. We have lots of devices and gargets that do many jobs for us, like a (5) machine and a dishwasher, or entertain us, like computers and iPhones. However, on the other hand, modern technologies deprive our bodies of being (6), which causes different diseases and health problems. Furthermore, they develop new diseases and addictions. A friend of mine, for example, has got computer __________________(7) and it worries me a lot. The thing is that he gave up volleyball, he was quite good at, doesn't go out and spends days and nights pattering on the computer keyboard. His school is affected very badly as he doesn't do his homework and even misses classes. His only interest in life is playing computer games, ___________________(8) the internet and chatting in the chat rooms. I've been trying to distract him from the computer, but nothing works. He is not conscious of the fact that any addiction is a disease which requires treated, it will cause serious (9) and if not — (10). I really think that he should see a doctor, but he doesn't want to hear about that. I I >v i fe I wash act addict browse treat complicate I I I I £ у f- f. 4 № I I. I i- % V. i t- I- f *41 \5: Й- ft--. r I' .tlj I f; 4» •r I don't know what I should do in this situation and would appreciate any advice. Do you think that I'm making too much fuss about it? should I Just leave him alone? what measures can be taken to make him come back to real life? Regards, Olga I t'- I P I p Vt о ] 2B) a) Read Olga’s letter once again and debate the point she made in her letter. Split into two groups and follow the instructions: • Read the statements listed below and tick those which can support your point of view. • Write some more arguments of your own. • Think about the arguments your opponents may have and be ready with your counter arguments • Let your teacher or any appointed referees decide which group is more convincing. Group A 'ai You support the opinion that computer addiction exists and should be treated as a disease. . 4*^ .*» —' . t*-• n. .-“VV .Tt^ p7 ... * •*'/.' '* •’ \ V. r*L . • ; Ч’* . «rU# 4-*- >0 ' . Group В .'■•Vfe rr-: ‘Sy\. S ■ФУ: ■ ...r.v.,, . ,r-y - *• -‘л. ' ‘ *. . - You believe that lots of people enjoy computer activities very niucht and this UNIT3 А.Л 49 If people spend too much time on something, it affects other spheres of their life. Most people have hobbies, and computer activities is just a hobby for smart people. When people miss their work or classes, it means that they cannot control themselves. Sitting too much in front of the screen may affect people s health. All people of genius are very dedicated to their interests and give them too much of their time Life should be balanced. You cannot keep track of time when you are inspired by some idea. Virtual communication makes people unsociable and shy. The internet helps you meet lots of new people and broaden your horizons. The internet is an unlimited source of information which makes other things, like friends or books, not necessary. I Useful language Tm afraid I can t agree with you... You may be right to some extent, but... Why don t we think about... I wouldn’t be so certain. Personally, I think that... b) Reply to Olga’s letter and let her know • if you personally find the situation dangerous or not; • what, in your opinion, she should do about the situation J00. Л'*' • * .a* i UNIT3 TEST 2 Part Listen to Dr Jefferson speaking to university students at ‘‘Healthy Living” conference and choose the correct answers. You will listen to the recording twice. Then transfer your answers to the table. 1 Dr Jefferson states that now people live longer than they used to. a) True b) False c) Not stated 2 Dr Jefferson knows some old remedies which people used to cure infectious diseases in medieval times, a) True b) False c) Not stated 3 Dr Jefferson believes that diseases killed more people than wars. a) True b) False c) Not stated 4 Dr Jefferson says that using clean water can stop the most dangerous epidemics. a) True b) False c) Not stated 5 Dr Jefferson believes that people have already fought all dangerous diseases. a) True b) False c) Not stated 6 Dr Jefferson thinks that mental activity is as important for a long life as physical exercises a) True b) False c) Not stated 7 Dr Jefferson believes that mental laziness is bad for people s health. a) True b) False c) Not stated Number 1 1 2 3 4 1 Letter Part II Reading Read the text and choose the correct answer. Then transfer your answers to the table. he issue of cloning is extremely controversial — different communities have different opinions on its moral acceptability and refuse to compromise. Like any other technological breakthrough cloning can be both beneficial and dangerous for people, which makes the necessity of further research into cloning quite uncertain. In simple words, cloning means creating an identical copy of an organ, animal and even a human being. Scientists have already experimented with growing organs and animals — sheep Dolly caused a real sensation! — but human cloning is seen as a great risk and further research is being UN1T3 51 deliberately blocked. There are certainly very important reasons that make people passionately object to boosting cloning technologies. They are very anxious about legal and ethical aspects of cloning and believe that before investing into any further research and approving of it, society should think very carefully. Their first concern is the legal status of a human clone. Is he or she going to enjoy equal rights or is it going to be a bio-robot, just in case the original body needs some spare parts to replace the damaged or amputated ones? They also worry that someone may want to create an army of clones for military purposes or an army of slave workers. They also think that cloning can be dangerous genetically as we never know its potential effect on the human gene. It can make a negative impact on society as clones will face lots of the social challenges: they wont have parents, they may be treated as second class people. This is not a complete list of issues anti-clonists want to drive people s attention to and their arguments certainly give them solid ground to say that human cloning should not take place till all the controversies are fixed. On the other hand, supporters of cloning have their points too. They say that technological progress cannot be stopped and insist that cloning is not necessarily about cloning people. Cloning cells — that s what is going to be very beneficial. The recent researches proved that stem cells are very promising as they can generate in any type of cells to build a liver, lungs, a heart and any other organ. Scientists hope that one day therapeutic cloning can be used to generate tissues and organs for transplants. Transplants needed for operations can be created in laboratories, not taken from donors. To do this, DNA would be extracted from the patient and inserted into an egg, from which the nuclear with the genetic information has been removed. Then the cell would be used to generate any organ or tissue that genetically matches the recipient and cannot be rejected by the body. Diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s or heart diseases will be defeated. Alternatively, scientists can clone damaged cells and use them as models of the disease for testing new drugs. The technology could save thousands and millions of lives. Growing transplants is an ethically better solution than using donors’ organs, however, another problem is arising here. Organs can be grown from the stem cells. When the egg with the inserted DNA divides, it creates an embryo. To get the stem cells, the embryo has to be destroyed. Is it morally acceptable or not? Now one can see why moral views on cloning are hopelessly divided. But to ban cloning and refuse to discuss the matter is not an option. Probably ethic committees and committees of experts should examine each research proposal individually. Ultimately our experience will help us indicate the way forward. rngj-. 2^^ - ^0- - - ^ •• * L.V* % г л л* /: •л: N ■•ВД. i'rt’;-; 1 * • *.*'W*^ ШМ Щ- л. т •ши тР I'V; 1 Ш - 1 The author thinks that research into cloning a) is very important. b) has very good prospects. c) is rather problematic. 2 According to the text, most people a) are in two minds about cloning people. b) find cloning people very beneficial. c) don’t want to think about cloning people. 52 UNIT3 3 People who are against cloning a) are afraid of bio-robots. b) want everyone to be aware of possible consequences. c) don’t want clones to have the same rights as genuine people. 4 Supporters of cloning want to focus research on a) cloning people. b) cloning animals. c) cloning cells. 5 The author states that a) any organ for transplantation can be grown from a stem cell b) to grow a heart, scientists need a heart cell. c) in laboratories cells can be kept for years. 6 The author believes that growing organs from cells a) is technically quite possible. b) is a matter of very distant future. c) is not a realistic aim. 7 The author insists that growing organs from stem cells a) doesn’t create any ethical problems. b) still raises some ethical problems. c) should be discussed in a referendum. Number Letter • • •• • ■ 1 WSS • ' t. щ»лщтт ■Ш\. 4 '.'-Ч 5 Л ’’м л . ш. p>p'jn /v-?.*vS:?§fe3 6 1ДГ jartifih д‘ * А '^лГг * Ра rtf 111#Ш Ж'';- I.V'.' - Use the words in the appropriate form. Transfer your answers to the table. Doctors insist that their patients can make a significant ___________________________(1) in their quality of life without any _________________________(2) treatment but simply by doing twenty minutes of walking every day. In the first place it refers to__________________________(3) people whose illnesses are often consequences of their obesity._________________________(4), it’s an obvious fact that lots of people who live in a megalopolis spend most of their life sitting or lying. We sit at school and in the office, we sit in front of the TV or computer and lie on the sofa. We may not be aware of the fact, but actually we don’t do enough exercise. Isn’t it the right time to think for a moment and to choose an active life _________________________(5) eating habits rather than pills and and improve pain weight sad (6)? health inject Lett lU^tP о CP er г 1 •if 2 "2 J. »9* UNIT3 53 ;'T. * *» YouVe received a letter from your English-speaking friend Tony. Write him a letter and • answer his questions; • wish him a happy birthday and ask him two questions about his birthday party. .. ,IW eom. You kuow t:z i;5sr: ^ГиГГГо',:;; ГоГ: s r«i rst . Yo.. oY .oopb... Write at least 140 words. 54 UNIT3 : ■ . \ гФ^ - . Чш Work in pairs. Study the information in your card and act out the conversation 1 Your parents asked you to buy a present for your aunt and uncle (It’s their twentieth wedding anniversary). You want to find something original and useful, but you don’t want to spend more than €30. Your aunt enjoys travelling by car and your uncle is crazy about electronic gargets. You are in a gift shop. Find something appropriate to please both of them. You start the conversation. Щ Шз 1 * Ш Ш 0i Ш wS .i® Ш You are a shop assistant in a gift shop. You can offer lots of different useful gifts to your customers: • very elegant sun glasses for ladies and gentlemen (from €20 to €30 per each); • nice beach towels — €20 per each; • GPS navigators for tourists (€20); • players for MP3 music (from €10 to €30 depending on the model). You can give your customers a 25% discount on any electronic garget. Ш Ш m Ш 5§4 m 0. ; «5^ The maximum score for Parts I-III is 20. Your score is... We recommend you to spend j It’s not bad. However, there a lot of time improving your | is a lot you need to work on. I % t г English. Otherwise you are unlikely to do well in your exam. 1 ? 9 2 04 Have more practice. Otherwise you may have difficulty in your exam. and youhl have a good chance of success in your exam. i Parts IV-V are assessed by your teacher. UNIT3 55 from: ? *:*• • • •'* '• ш§Фщшт ;/••..;••;* , гЛ;н*т5й^!г-^г. Work in small groups. Discuss the following questions and make short notes of your ideas 1 What attracts people to big cities? 2 How can people benefit from living in big cities? 3 Do you find big cities a safe place to live in? 4 What factors make life in big cities less comfortable and safe than it could be? Make a list b) Listen to Dr Stevenson, who studies the factors that may affect people’s life and make it more stressful. What factors on your list does he mention in his speech? Tick them. c) Listen to the recording once again and answer the questions. Write down the answers very briefly while listening to the speech. 1 What was, according to Dr Stevenson, the main reason for founding towns and cities? 2 Is Dr Stevenson happy with the opinion revealed by the survey? UNIT 4 3 What is the first thing which, in students’ opinion, makes big cities an uncomfortable place to live in? 4 What reasons does Dr Stevenson offer to explain why the level of street crimes is high in big cities? 5 What reasons often prevent street crimes and antisocial behaviour in small settlements? 6 What is the second danger of a big city mentioned by the students? 7 What, in Dr Stevenson’s eyes, often provokes dangerous driving? 8 What is the last factor mentioned by Dr Stevenson that makes life in a big city less comfortable? О Work which can make life in big cities nicer and less dangerous. Brainstorm for possible measures b) Which of the measures would be the most effective one? Write a short essay and explain your choice. Follow the guidelines: • to what extent you consider life in a big city safe or unsafe • what thing (choose only one) affects the quality of life in big cities most negatively • what measure you could suggest to improve the situation • your conclusion (repeat the idea that your measure can improve life in big cities). UNIT 4 57 t^ilNn 8? pue s|BU9q.em Ъ\х\ур'еэ'х 11^ щщ эш papwoud |ооцзе Э1ц_ '>|ээл\ pj]4q. 9L|q. Лр A|9q.9|dujoo ил\о Лш uo s^m pue >|9Э/М риооэе 9L|q. J.0 pu9 9L|q. q.e езввщо ы/ио /;ш j.o эшое &u]L|0g'9q. иеВэр | ■з>|ээ/и ощ. 'Х<50ш\е joj. эш paujejq. \001\09 здеп^ищ зцу ■9|duj]S /;^ЭЛ pug GQ3\iU^39 l\33(\ вЩ 9ЛЗ\\ дщлО/^ pUg Э^-Ц 9S9U]L|3 oq. uo|:j.]Sugjq./\[л| u99Jg9 &uiL|9g9q. jpqq. q.jgo.s oq. sgasJSAO uoiq.!sod g 0uu9pisuo9 SI оцл\ 3v,oRue oq guiLjQ риэшшооэи Лщ&щ I 'gu]u|3 uj:Lis]|&U3 &uiuc)g9q U99p 9AgLj | J90)uuns qsg| 90UIS qgL|q Mou>| /\|pgiqSqcl nqji^ 'sdn Я\узош Я\\Мщ qnp suMop pug 1V-.. i} иээр Sgy 9j-n '&UO| OG ЛО^ урт^'щ иЗЩ ^^ЗА^ 1 t-- Л-: I Л'-— * f.' fz r h £q t 5^* ?' 4-' j- lb. t -I \l\. I ' j n’. --’v > .• •> ‘/.V t*. • •;•' "t4 -I г.л^-s:; '• .'i • N - ’ w. ? M > " x:[\ ■ :; /• i- •• ' • ji* « ___. _ . ' ;vr*. < -r -. •- .-aV- • • 'Г-v*'*^-*'^-* 1и*л-г^ \ Л •J9MSUB pajJOD 9SOOqD pUB 1X91 Эф рвэ^ * ^ 1-1Г.Л » - J9;P7 ■-v-.fCf^^vS^'fe • .'T’. •-л-гл-- iwBwwwWflkebW^d *SS9UTpUO| 9(Jb3S9 9{d09cJ X|J9p{9 dpi{ UBD SuT>[JOMpjSj 0 *9jnpj 9ц; ui jBjndod 9q ;ou \\щ §ui>[JOMpjq^ j •|Bp9ds 9U09UI0S Р9Ш pB9q XpUOJ В dpq UB9 S^OMPjq 3 •Х;тлтрв Ацшщ jBpdod в S9ui099q иотрзгапшшоэ ^JOAvpjvj q *9uip jno dn sp9 pq; dBj; в si SuiqjOMpjsj 'j •sqiqs иотрэшпшшоэ 9SipBjd 9|do9d Xqs dpq ивз sqjOMpjq g •S9ipn:^s puB qjOM jpq; ui 9jdo9d sdpq SuiqjOMpj^ у *9щв; 9q; oi sj9msub moA j9jsubj; U9qx 99tm; §uTpJ099J 9q; o; U9;sq щм тюх ‘^sn ;ou щм no A ;u9m9p;s 9uo 9q щм 9J9qx ’(9-X) j9qB9ds 9q; jo J9qmnu 9qi qqAV (э - V) 8хи9Ш9;вр 9q; дэ^вш рив 9|do9d xis o; u9XStx L 1S31 ^V -S^ i-.-—^-v i -=^ :-., ,JSU. I '■'■р4 ongoing support is always available. I can use the library, the internet, copying machines, computers and printers if I need them to design my lessons. Lesson preparation takes lots of time, but my colleagues say that everything is going to be much easier when I gain more experience. I teach adults and teenagers. Lots of adult people here learn English as they need it for their job, and companies they work for often pay for their classes. Teenagers take their language education very seriously too as their future careers may depend on it. My students progress through the material very quickly and have a generally high level of listening comprehension, though they experience serious problems when speaking it. They are dedicated, motivated students that show a high level of enthusiasm to learn English. As I’ve mentioned the teaching materials are provided and they are very professionally made. They are designed to increase fluency and help students to get rid of their mistakes. Some questions require the students to think analytically and not respond purely from memory. My students and I enjoy creative and challenging tasks. I feel very fortunate to teach in this sort of environment and I must say that the students’ speaking skills are improving very quickly. Chinese culture differs from my culture a lot, and it would be difficult for me to cope with the culture shock if I were here absolutely on my own. But, fortunately, there are lots of foreigners here who can give a hand. I don’t feel severed from the local community eithei- the Chinese are different, but they are friendly. Though I don’t know their language, I don’t experience any problems in everyday life. Shanghai is getting more and more multicultural! The school I work for helped me a lot to make myself comfortable in here. They rented an apartment for me and gave me a subsidy to cover the costs setting it up. The apartment already had a refrigerator and a cooker, so I bought a sofa, a table and a few chairs, some dishes and kitchen items. I still need to get a microwave oven, a washing machine, a TV, a DVD and a VCR player. My weekly food costs are very moderate, so I will be able to afford everything very soon. I can also save on transportation costs. I’ve bought a mountain bicycle that I use for transportation and for exercise too. Please give my regards to Clare and Maria and other guys from our college. Miss you, Jane 1 Jane is quite happy with the professional support provided by the school a) True b) False c) Not stated 2 Jane has met lots of new friends in her new school. a) True b) False c) Not stated UNIT 4 59 Т1 tr CfQ P СЛ P- n о o- cr P P C/J s^ (b •-t p- rt) 3 cr a Л',*' **^ , - •' ViitaV^ •*-.,.',VvA4^ , • ' ^■(Л^М '.a>.« fe.V.-.-йЖ ••^^S WTIIf>u»lll№t^i»IU iNX.* L_ ^ t- 4nSHfl»fUW»li 1^Щ '.’!*^-v?''■;■■■', •WJ • -i;-, jfTi tty> л»пмиаи91п>(| 1. •.-w-Tv .4-,« . • •» “ 'л*^М мнгаамнпмсмк p СЛ П СЛ p O) si “-S- •-{ tir n> p T3 p rt) p On P n СЛ p CfQ ?D Q rt) p СЛ a СЛ Ui P СЛ П p p hP СЛ p Cl- rt) p СЛ о 3 о c p о p OJ о СЛ P П) P- P w p CfQ СЛ p- о О СЛ о »-i -P 1 a) appreciating b) ignoring c) estimating d) pushing 2 a) estimate b) suggest c) write d) take 3 a) many b) much c) few d) little 4 a) fight b) deal c) put up d) cope 5 a) Sadly b) Unfortunately c) Evidently d) Luckily 6 a) clever b) reasonable c) smart d) reliable ‘Number 4 l -i| ... • •. .-.•of: v‘-2 ■ .г ^ Л-Т*,; J ”‘Д' \ V . Л 4 •. .u -i V»V.21*. . ^ ^ •• Л..;. Letter V - * •* г. '• *^.t’. •- t.» .... "Н=Ч ■ :уд>-.-;.-.- 5 6 . -.-Ж ? JL H»«W Part IV Writing Comment on the following opinion. Soma paopla think that tha intarnat can ba vary dangarouo for chiUran апУ taanagaro . , . j*V^W**^ * * * .» * •• — thay can gat addiotad to it. Thio oort of addiction can affiact thair iifia in*^ vary nagativa way^ that is why tha intarnat should ba usad for educational purpoeee only ►г **:ri Use the guidelines: write to what extent you agree or disagree with this opinion present arguments for your point of view • present arguments against • write a conclusion. Write 200-250 words. » UNIT 4 61 •s. — ■ Part V Speaking Give a talk on friendship. You should say: • whether you think friendship is still important today • what a good friend is like • what you think is more important — friendship or love You should talk on the topic for two minutes. The maximum score for Parts I-III is 20. Your score is... 0-13 We recommend you to spend a lot of time improving your English. Otherwise you are unlikely to do well in your exam. 14-17 18-20 i г It s not bad. However, there is a lot | Well done. Keep you need to work on. Have more practising and you 11 practice. Otherwise you may have \ have a good chance of difficulty in your exam. success in your exam. •s Parts IV-V are assessed by your teacher. WARM-UP 2 lAj Circle the appropriate form. 1 I suggest to arrange / arranging our farewell party in the nearby cafe. 2 Modern technologies allow people have / having / to have more time for themselves and their hobbies. 3 I wouldn’t recommend you to go / going to that country if you don’t speak their language. 4 I don’t mind to wear / wearing traditional dresses for traditional cultural events. 5 Colonists often wanted to make local people accept / to accept their religion. 62 UNIT 4 6 Most people enjoy to travel / travelling, but only some of them can afford to do / doing it often. 7 E-mailing got very popular because it lets us use / to use less money on telephoning. Explain the following. Use gerunds as necessary. Networking means E-mailing means Browsing the internet Being successful Being computer literate Being environment-conscious Being conventional 2A| Write the verbs in the appropriate columns. 996% «««* ttaiBiff moipit wapw м»* мм эм* **•* им* эм* мм» ммг эм* MW* земе *** мм мм мм м«с мм мм мм м*» tassM «I suggest mind recommend enjoy manage plan admit refuse afford consider iw MM MM MM -MM MCM MM MM «М* M*« MM MM S*M MM> MM «*M ЭМ* - - ЭМ* МЮ* «М* «М* tMM ЧМЭМ *M« M*t iwaoil *M« *QfM мм мм 'ММ мм- мм мм Verbs that are normally followed by an infinitive Verbs that are normally followed by a gerund а) Complete the dialogue. Use the verbs either as a gerund or an infinitive. A: Hi! How long have you been staying in this hotel? B: For a week. And you ve just arrived, haven’t you? A: Yes, A friend of mine recommended me_____________________ ___________________(1) (stay) in this hotel. He said that I would enjoy_____________________(2) (live) in a quiet place for a while. I have to admit that the environment is really impressive here. Hills with plenty of wood and a large lake... But it s too quiet in here! And Em too used to urban lifestyle. I don’t think I’ll manage to relax without clubbing and partying. UNIT 4 63 В: You will. Actually, at first I planned ___________________(3) (stay) somewhere at the centre too. To enjoy nightlife and everything. But it s high season, and I just couldn’t afford ___________________(4) (pay) for a room there. And, believe it or not, I don’t regret it! A: Frankly speaking, I consider_________________ (5) (change) the hotel. But OK, I suggest __________________(6) (have dinner) together and you tell me more about this place. How about this? B: Sounds like a good plan. There’s a nice beach cafe not far from here. We can eat there if you don’t mind (7) (walk) there’s no transport here. A: No, I don’t mind it, if you promise to tell me everything about social life and entertainments here B: OK, and I’m sure you’ll decide (8) (stay) b) Complete the passage. Describe a place you would prefer for your holiday. If I could spend my holiday wherever I want, my dream destination would be 5 ’ i ) i I t ' i ‘ »‘ t ‘ i • , I X • I ‘ !: X T i' I > \ , г . ! i г ^ Useful language I want it to be in a quiet place / at the seaside I’ve always been attracted to... My top priority is... outdoor activities the rapid pace of life exotic cuisine sunlight and fresh air good company 64 UNIT 4 TEST 2 Listen to Anna and Sam’s conversation and choose the correct answers. You will listen to the recording twice. Then transfer your answers to the table. 1 Sam is going to tell Anna about an unusual a) date. b) cafe. c) sports centre. 2 Sam found the date strange because the boy and the girl a) had laptops with them. b) shared their food. c) didn’t talk with each other. 3 Sam thinks that their behaviour was a) interesting. b) abnormal. c) antisocial. 4 Sam believes that relationships can break up because a) people don’t want to reveal their emotions. b) emotions don’t let people communicate their message correctly. c) people often quarrel about silly things. 5 Sam says that attempts to resolve conflicts by writing messages is a) absurd. b) irrational. c) reasonable. 6 According to Sam, solving conflicts by messaging a) is less effective with kids than with adults. b) works well with children too. c) doesn’t work when kids are involved. 7 Anna wants to try to a) invite her boyfriend to a virtual date. b) make up with her boyfriend via the internet. c) inform her boyfriend about her plans via the internet. I' - -'Ш ч Т;.;. Nui^ -V." ■ . л'—.* 1- |Я^-;3 1'. .4' . .. ' 5 Letter L . Part II.,, Reading '• j-.y ‘ ¥7 ^49 Read the text and match the passages (1-6) with the headings (A-G). There is one heading you will not use. Then transfer your answers to the table. A It’s strange to see it there В Cultures are integrating one into another C Successful experiment D No need to compete E They got used to unusual food F Be open-minded G Creative cuisine UNIT 4 'ж' ;.W- . '• Ti?--. i>7X:t*i4.4*. What makes the world interesting is its diversity. However, when we travel or move to another country, it often takes us some time to get used to people s lifestyle and their daily routines. This may be very challenging, especially if the population practise a religion which is different from the one in which we were raised, or their traditions may seem strange or even silly to us. When you travel, be ready to accept and respect other peoples’ lifestyle, food and cultural peculiarities. After all, the main reason for travelling is to experience something new and exotic, isn’t it? 2. However, the process of globalisation is gradually dissolying the borders and cultural integration is progressing. One can enjoy dishes from various cuisines without leaving their town, buy fruit, vegetables and flowers that have never been typical for the region, and even acquire skills necessary for new activities non-typical for the country. Probably, it’s time to break stereotypes that only a Chinese chef can cook Chinese food, or that the only way to see how classical Italian furniture is manufactured is to go to Italy or that one needs to go to France to try the most famous dishes of French cuisine. 3. To get the last point illustrated, let’s refer to one of the most expensive and typically French product — black truffles. Truffle is a kind of mushroom that grows underground and is quite rare even in France French people were sure that truffles would grow nowhere else, but this product of elite cuisine has been harvesting very successfully in. Australia! 4. The first Australian truffles were cultivated in Tasmania about a decade ago. They developed so well in the island’s cool climate and rich soils that 55 truffle farms have since been established in Tasmania, New South Wales and Victoria. The experiment proved to be quite successful in the south of Sydney too, where conditions closely resemble those in Europe’s truffle growing areas. 5. Like in France, it’s not easy to find the precious plants underground. Specially trained dogs sniff the soil under the trees and search for black diamonds”. Australian farmers say that their dogs can smell a truffle 15 cm under the ground from about 35 metres away. According to the farmers, the new business has been very successful and they hope for further development. Australian elite restaurants offer dishes with truffles on their menu and Australian chefs have even surpassed their French colleagues in creativity — among their recent innovations is truffle champagne and truffle ice cream. * Though Australians have already exported their truffles to Europe, they don’t consider French truffle farmers as their competitors. “And it s not because our truffles are not as good as French ones,” a young Australian farmer Paul Read claims, “they meet the highest standards. I would say that they are sometimes even better than French ones, because we experiment a lot more. But our harvesting seasons don’t overlap. The truffle season in Europe, in France to be exact, lasts from December to February, while in Australia we gather them from June to September, during our Australian winter.” Xx •ft Part III Use of English Read the extract from a letter and fill in the gaps. Use the verbs in the appropriate form. Transfer them to the table. ...You asked me what else has been happening. Oh yes, Glen______________________ Leicester Square. In fact, he_____ only yesterday. It means he gets to see lots of films, which he enjoys, but it (I) a job. He is working in a cinema in _____________(2) at the premiere for a film to see lots of films, which he enjoys, but it (3) him very often. He gets home very late for my classes very early, so we can’t go ou also means I___________________ most days, and I have to get up for my classes very early, so we can’t go out This has been really hard on us and I don’t mind (4) that I miss him. But he needs the money to pay for his education so until he _________________(5) something else we have to put up with it. I am thinking of going to university too. I’ve always wanted to become a journalist and (6) plays and short stories for a couple of years already. It would be nice to write for a journal or a magazine, but Glen says this is empty talk. The reason my writing is going nowhere is because no one has read it. I________________(7) it out at all yet! Silly but typical of me. This is what must be conquered before I can be a success. § s find work not / see admit get write not / send 1 Number j Verb Number Verb ^ 1 1 1 ! 5 i \ 6 1 ■ ■ \ 1 3 1 7 f 4 UNIT 4 67 ^ N. • Comment on the following opinion. ‘•tf.-.i C-• Soma educatore baliava that all teete ohouU ba computer baeed. Computere cannot ba biaoad and can guarantee objactiva raoulto. € Use the guidelines: • say to what extent you agree or disagree with this opinion • give arguments for your point of view give arguments “against write a conclusion. Write 200-250 words. 68 UNIT 4 Give a talk about your native place. You should say: • where it is and what kind of place it is • what are the most interesting places in your town / city / village • how you feel about it and why. ti i- • r.- *:.v--. .•/ You should talk on the topic for two minutes. The maximum score for Parts I-III is 20. Your score is... We recommend you to spend a lot of time improving your English. Otherwise you are unlikely to do well in your exam. It s not bad. However, there is a lot you need to work on Have more practice. Otherwise you may have difficulty in your exam. Well done. Keep practising and you’ll have a good chance of success in your exam. INriM Parts IV-V are assessed by your teacher. UNIT 4 What you can say if ...? you meet new people or start о conversation Hi! / Hello! — Привет! Гт Julia. Гт from Vladivostok. Юлия. Я из Владивостока. And this is my friend Andre. He comes from Germany.— A это мой друг Андре. Он родом из Германии. Меня зовут Nice to meet you! — Приятно познакомиться! It was nice to meet you too.— Мне тоже было приятно познакомиться. How do you do? (very formal) — Как поживаете? {очень официальное приветствие. В ответ повторяется та же фраза: How do you do?) Excuse me, could you tell me...? — Извините, могли бы вы мне подсказать...? I wonder if you could tell me...— He могли бы Вы подсказать мне... (звучит очень вежливо) Excuse me, do you happen to know...? — Простите, Вы случайно не знаете...? er.'* .-w '-Л/г д1 *. • • Г-• ^ * * • * - *. • ' * Hi! How are you? — Привет! Как дела? Fine, thanks. How are you? — Спасибо, пре-красно. А у тебя? How ге you doing? How re things? Hows life? Как дела? (равнозначные варианты) К Everything is all right, thanks.— Bee в порядке, спасибо. к Its great to see you again! — Здорово снова тебя увидеть! к Гт glad to see you too.— Я тоже рад(а) тебя видеть. к You look great! You look gorgeous! — Прекрас HO выглядигаь! Cool jeans! — Классные джинсы! (разе.) к you want to state your point of view I have to say...— Я вынужден(а) сказать... In my view... In my opinion,...— По-моему... Let me start with...— Позвольте мне начать с.. Personally, I think...— Лично я думаю, что... I insist that...— Я настаиваю, что... I am convinced that...— Я уверен, что... I don’t believe...— Я не думал, что... I know for sure...— Я знаю наверняка, что... I feel... / I don’t feel...— Мне кажется / не кажется, что... Let me start with...— Позвольте начать с... First(ly)..., second(ly)..., finally...— Во-первых..., во-вторых..., наконец... (перед последним аргументом) In addition to...— В добавок к тому... Moreover,... — Более того,... On top of that,...— В довершение всего... (перед последним и самым убедительным аргументом) From all that, it’s obvious... Из всего этого очевидно, что... I feel the same.— Я отношусь к этому точно так же. I can’t agree more.— Полностью вас поддер- живаю. It seems reasonable.— Это кажется разумным / резонным. Sounds like а good plan / idea.— Это, кажется, хороший план / хорошая мысль. I like the idea.— Мне нравится эта мысль. - д v*-v‘ t’ ie^EP *^ik' - «К jic.4iMr^aiii*j^^': •' * * * я£* йй'- I dont think so. I dont believe...— He думаю, что это так... Гт afraid I cant agree with you.— Боюсь, что не могу с Вами согласиться. I wouldn’t be so certain.— Я не был бы так категоричен. Its quite а different thing.— Это совсем другое дело. I doubt that...— Я сомневаюсь, что... you :::.0т:ттттжж^^щшттшттщттттт^ Do you know about.. Where are you from? Have you been to...? бывали в...? Have you heard about...? — A Вы слышали Вы знаете о...? Откуда Вы родом? Вы когда-нибудь о...г How do you feel about тесь к...? Как Вы относи- You definitely should...— Вы определенно • # • * -то) Было бы лучше... Я предлагаю, что Я бы рекомендо- должны... It would be better to. I suggest you should. Вы... (сделаете что Fd recommend that.. ВЗ.Л •.. Why don’t you...? Don’t you think that...? — Почему бы тебе не...? Не кажется ли тебе, что...? And what if...— А что, если... The best we can do is...— Самое лучшее, что мы можем сделать... Гт quite happy about...— Я вполне доволен / довольна... Гт not really happy about... доволен / довольна... Я не очень Мне Гт keen on ...-ing (gardening, skiing) очень нравится... I hate when / if...— Я терпеть не могу, ког-да... Гт crazy about...— Мне ужасно нравится... I love parties / partying.— Я люблю вечеринки / ходить на вечеринки. Ну что ты Oh, come on! — Да ладно тебе! / Не преувеличивай! / Поторопись! / Соберись и постарайся! That doesn’t sound convincing.— He очень убедительно звучит. Nothing of the kind! — Ничего подобного! What are you talking about! такое говоришь! Look here,... — Послушай,... I’m absolutely positive about...— Полностью согласен... Right.— Да. (показывает, что вы следите за мыслью собеседника и поддерживаете ее) Exactly.— Именно так. Absolutely! — Абсолютно верно! / Полностью с этим согласен. Do you mean that...? что...? Are you saying that ...? что...? Have I got this right? понял? Вы хотите сказать. Вы имеете в виду. Правильно ли я это This isn’t exactly what I mean.— Это не совсем то, что я имею в виду. If I understand you correctly... — понял(а) Вас правильно... Если я ;;г.- Учебное издание Биболетова Мерем Забатовна Бабушис Елена Евгеньевна Английский язык /г \ (g DH0)|g-i(0 О [n]p)W Рабочая тетрадь № 2 к учебнику для 1 1 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Контрольные работы Замдиректора по подготовке изданий С. В. Ширина Редакторы Г. М. Фролова, Е. А. Карпухина Корректоры Г. А. Киселева, Г. П. Мартыненко Дизайн макета Н.С. Вишенковой Иллюстрации Н. В. Мишиной, А. В. Савельевой Художественный редактор Е. А. Валяева Цифровая обработка изображений Л. Н. Новоселова Сертификат соответствия санитарным правилам РФ и требованиям нормативных документов № РОСС RU. АЕ51. Н 15058 от 25.01.2011. Подписано в печать 4.08.2011. Формат 60x84/8. Гарнитура „Миньон“. Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная. Уел. печ. л. 8,39. Уел. кр.-отт. 9,33. Тир. 15000 экз. Зак. № 3041. Издательство „Титул“. 249035, Калужская обл., г. Обнинск, а/я 5055. Тел. (48439) 9-10-09. E-mail [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). Отпечатано в полном соответствии с качеством предоставленных издательством материалов с готовых диапозитивов в ОАО „Тверской ордена Трудового Красного Знамени полиграфкомбинат детской литературы им. 50-летия СССР“. 170040, г. Тверь, пр. 50 лет Октября, 46. Издательство “Титул” выпускает единую линию учебно-методических комплектов для 2-11 -х классов “Английский с удовольствием” / “Enjoy English”: для 2-4 классов — учебники “Enjoy English-1”, “Enjoy English-2” (Part 1, Part 2), книги для учителя, Прописи, рабочие тетради, аудиокассеты, сборник песен “Ganne-Songs” с аудиоприложением (CD MP3), обучающая компьютерная программа „Интерактивные плакаты для 2-4 классов (новая редакция с июня 2006 года) — учебники, книги для учителя, рабочие тетради, аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3), сборник песен “Game-Songs” с аудиоприложением (CD MP3), обучающие компьютерные программы “Enjoy the ABC”, “Enjoy English”, „Интерактивные плакаты" для 5-6 классов — учебник, книга для учителя, книга для чтения для 6-го класса, рабочая тетрадь, аудиоприложение (CD MP3), обучающая компьютерная программа для 7 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь, аудиоприложение (аудиокассета, CD MP3), обучающая компьютерная программа для 8 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь, аудиоприложение (CD MP3), обучающая компьютерная программа для 9 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь № 1, рабочая тетрадь № 2 „Контрольные работы“, аудиоприложение (CD MP3), обучающая компьютерная программа для 10 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь № 1, рабочая тетрадь № 2 „Контрольные работы“, аудиоприложение (CD MP3), электронное приложение для 11 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь № 1, рабочая тетрадь № 2 „Контрольные работы“, аудиоприложение (CD MP3), электронное приложение для 10-11 классов — элективные курсы “Moscow”, “St Petersburg”, “The Urals”, “Business English for Schools” и “English for Science” Рабочая программа курса (2-11 классы) Интернет-поддержка учебников и дополнительные материалы на сайтах: www.titul.ru,www.englishteachers.ru По вопросам приобретения книг следует обращаться в издательство “Титул”: 249035, Калужская обл., г. 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