Английский язык 10 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова часть 1

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 10 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова часть 1 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Enjoy English (Энджой инглиш):

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... :--Л. РАБОЧАЯ ТЕТРАДЬ № 1 r ■ учени класса школы Workbook 1 М. 3. Биболетова, Е. Е.Бабушис^ Н.Д. Снежко Английский язык Рабочая тетрадь № 1 к учебнику для 10 класса общеобразовательных учреждений И э Т Д А Т Е л И т ь с т У в О Л Т 1 т и L PU8LISHERS 2012 ББК 81.2Англ-922 Б59 УДК 802.0(075.3) Гг Учебно-методический комплект “Английский с удовольствием” / “Enjoy English” (10 класс) включает следующие компоненты: • учебник • книгу для учителя • рабочую тетрадь № 1 • рабочую тетрадь W 2 “Контрольные работы” • аудиоприложение (CD MP3) • электронное приложение По вопросам приобретения УМК следует обращаться в издательство “Титул”: тел.: (48439) 9-10-09, факс: (48439) 9-10-00, e-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). V---------------- Бнболетова М. 3., Бабушис Е. Е., Снежко Н. Д. Б59 Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English: Рабочая тетрадь N» 1 к учебнику для 10 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2012.— 96 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-434-2 Рабочая тетрадь является составной частью учебно-методического комплекта “Английский с удовольствием” для 10-го класса общеобразовательных учреждений, в которых английский язык изучается с 1-го или 2-го класса, и тесно связана с учеб ником структурно и содержательно. Основное ее назначение — помочь учащимся закрепить и активизировать материал учебника: автоматизировать лексико-грамматические навыки, развивать умения учащихся в чтении и письменной речи. Рабочая тетрадь содержит разнообразные задания, позволяющие реализовать личностно-ориентирюванный подход при работе с учащимися с разным уровнем подготовки и разными интересами. В тетради содержатся задания, обучающие работе с информацией, а также ориентирующие па практическое использование иностранного языка в дальнейшей учебной деятельности. В тетрадь включены некоторые типы заданий, часто исполызуемые в ЕГЭ и других системах тестирования, что готовит к об'ьсктивному контрюлю и самоконтролю учащихся в процессе изучения английского языка. Рабочая тетрадь соответствует уровню подготовки учащихся, рекомендованному для данного года обучения государственным стандартом общего образования Российской Федерации по ин(ктранным языкам. ББК 81.2Англ-922 ISBN 978-5-86866-434-2 ® М. 3. Биболетова, Е. Е. Бабушис, Н. Д. Снежко, 2008 © Издательство “Тйтул”, дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение, 2008 Contents Unit 1 Start anew......................................4 Section 1............................................4 Section 2............................................9 Section 3...........................................13 Section 4...........................................18 Section 5...........................................22 Unit 2 Talking on family matters.......................26 Section 1...........................................26 Section 2...........................................29 Section 3...........................................33 Section 4...........................................37 Section 5...........................................42 Unit 3 Civilisation and progress ......................46 Section 1...........................................46 Section 2...........................................51 Section 3...........................................56 Section 4...........................................61 Unit 4 The world of opportunities......................65 Section 1...........................................65 Section 2...........................................69 Section 3...........................................74 Section 4...........................................78 Project Climate change .................................82 Start anew Section 1 1 j Complete the word web with the words from Ex- 6 and the text in Ex. 5, p. 9-10 in Student’s Book. 2 j Read the conversation and put the verbs in the appropriate forms. A: Feeling depressed about a new academic year? B: No, why? I’m glad to see everyone again! And you? A: I wish we had one more week for a free summer life... But, yes, it’s nice to see everyone again. B: (1)_________________________________(you / find out) about the new timetable? A: No, I haven’t yet. They (2) (tell) us about it next Monday the earliest. B: I think we are in for a busy year. Well,... life is tough. And we need to concentrate on the lessons. We can’t put studying off. Not any more. A: Right. And do you remember the fun we (3)___________________(have) last year? B; Yeah, it was a nice time. It started when Andy (4)_______________(appear) in our class. He stirred our life and made it busy and exciting. A: He arranged the English Club, all by himself! Then he (5)________________(write) to an American school and (6)__________________(suggest) doing projects together. We were doing some Geographical projects at that time. B; And Americans were a great help! They (7)____________ (provide) us ^vith some absolutely unique information about the American continent and sent us some samples of minerals from their school museum. A: Our Geography teacher (8)_____________________________(impress) when she saw the presentation. She asked us to repeat it several times for junior students, and even (9)_______________(invite) her colleagues from other schools to see it. B: And do you know why Andy knows English so well? A: He’s just keen on it. And he (10)________________________ Not a bad result, yeah? (learn) it since he was seven. UNIT I Listen to three teenagers talking about their experiences on the first day at school and make notes in the table (see Ex. 11, p. 11 in Student’s Book). On the first day ^ at school ^ ^fe"'>)ohn The best thing on the first day The worst thing on the first day 4 j Write down the questions you could ask a newcomer in your class. Use Present perfect. Example: see our gym with gymnastics equipment Have you seen our gym with gymnastics equipment? 1 meet everyone in the class 2 make friends with someone in the class 3 choose the subjects to focus on 4 be to the school greenhouse 5 collect the course books from the library 6 have lunch 7 find out about the most delicious dish in the school caft 5 j Underline the words and expressions which you associate with your school life. ■^1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 to make life complete to concentrate on studies lack of independence lack of free time to know everyone an elective subject to focus on the subject to write tests to be lazy to get prepared for a future job to take part in sports events to party with fellow students extracurricular activities to be stressed out interesting lessons to broaden your horizons to cheat at test to waste time confusing schedules to acquire knowledge and skills to feel proud of ambitious plans to worry about the future to rely on friends and teachers compulsory uniform challenging tasks to learn something you’ll never use to be disappointed with something to provide students with necessary knowledge and skills _______________________________________________________________________________________________________I UNIT 1 ^6jComplete the essay about what school means to you. Write about: • how you feel about school in general • the part of school life you enjoy most • what makes you feel unhappy or anxious about • if your school provides you with a good start for adult life or not Useful language to feel positive / negative about something Though I like it in general, 1 sometimes feel... 1 particularly enjoy... Most of us think that the main reason for going I also want to mention... to school is... I’d like to avoid... Some people believe that... is more important. I’m not very happy about... We learn how to study... It gives us life experience... We all agree that... School is a very important part in every persons life. /\s I've spent. I can talk about school and school life as an expert. In general,_________________________________________________________ _ years here. 7 j Listen to the second part of the conversation (see Exs. 28-29, p. 16 in Student’s Book) and a) write down the psychologist’s advice under the following headings; b) put a tick (/’) by the tips you follow and a cross (Л) by the ones you never do. Work with a partner and find out whether his / her habits are similar to yours. While revising: Sleep: Food: Physical exercise: Rest: ______________ Revising: While taking the exam: Instructions: Breathing: __ Panic: ______ Guessing: ___ Me . □ - □ - □ - □ . □ . □ . □ . П . □ UNIT 1 8 j Complete the dialogue with the words and phrases below. Act it out. get nervous whatever you say focus on get prepared a British lecturer compulsory my major good news brightest student deliver his lectures Hi Jenny! I’ve got. and bad St; news for you. What do you want me to start with? No, don’t__________________________. And take it easy. We just have to take one more elective course ^ this term. And this means two more hours in the classroom every week. & Easy, easy... •ii ¥ I feel it’s time for some good news. i Oh, I hate it when you talk like this! Is your bad news about the physics test results? An elective course?! In addition to all our subjects?! Well, "ii Do they mean they want us to stay in school till night? Or even round the clock? When do they think we are going to___________________ for our classes? ,, I don’t Do you know what kind of course it’s going to be? TS ■V It’s a special course on the ancient world. And i it’ll be run by___________ ^ of Arts in Egyptology! You will. You are reading very widely on the subject. And the course is going to be a great help. We are very lucky as the lecturer has come ^ only for several months to ______________to the university students. ^ I don’t know. But it makes no difference to you. 'I does it? You are the. Й in our English lessons. ^ Next week, I guess. think it can compensate for the bad news. 1 don’t care... That stupid course won’t let me the subjects I really need. But it’s ... awesome! I’ve always had a passion ^ for the ancient world. And history is going to be_________________________at the university, if 1 get there, of course... ^ We really are. And what language is he going to speak? English or Russian? Not exactly, but... Do you happen to know when he is going to start? 1 Wow! I» iN UNIT 1 Complete the dialogue according to the instructions. Act it out. Do you know that we have to choose a subject for our elective course? Yeah, I’ve heard something about it. Can we suggest whatever we like? No, there’s a list we have to choose from. Here it is. Economics, Information Technologies, Basics of Accounting, American English, Basics of Law, Interior Design, Translating and Interpreting, English Contemporary Prose, Creative Writing. Does anything seem appealing? Well, 1 think I could do... Name one of the subjects and give some reasons why it could be interesting for you. Ask your partner's opinion. You don't want to do the subject which has been suggested. Give some reason why. Accept your partner’s argument. Suggest that he / she should choose. Name a subject you would like to do. Explain why and try to persuade your partner to accept your choice. If your choice is accepted, suggest going to the Head of the school to find out more details Ш about the course (how long it is, who is going '^6 to run it, when it starts) ^5^ If your choice is rejected, suggest talking about it some other time. Set the time and Ш the place for the next meeting. Either accept or reject your partner’s choice. Give your reasons. Respond to your partner lOj Imagine that you need to do an elective course in your school. You may choose the subject from the dialogue above or make your own choice. Write what subject you would like to do and justify your choice. Use the following questions as guidelines. • What subject should be taught in your class as an elective course? • Why do you find it interesting / exciting / useful for your future career / good to develop your intelligence? • In what way could it be useful to other students in your class? UNIT ) to have a passion for to fall under the spell of Egyptology / English Literature / Fine Arts, etc. to be useful for the future career / to develop I your intelligence to focus on I to read as widely as possible on the subject Useful language: to find something inspiring I’ve always wanted to learn 1 like reading information in the original Some people believe that... is more important If you want my opinion... That’s just how 1 see it. The main argument for / against... is... Section 2 1 j Find the odd word out and circle it. a) shirt, trousers, shoes, uniform, tie, socks, jacket, trainers, belt b) handbag, umbrella, earrings, bracelet, belt, ring, boots c) trainers, boots, sandals, T-shirt, tennis shoes, wellingtons d) trendy, handsome, beautiftol, outrageous, fashionable, smart, elegant ^2j Complete the sentences using the phrases in the box or your own ideas. I------------------------------------------------------------------------- I very expensive clothes casual clothes too many accessories j wrong clothes in the wrong place formal clothes brand clothes uniform I ___________I Example: I don’t care if people wear casual clothes to school or to work. 1 I like it when people wear 4 I don’t mind if people wear 1 think it’s bad taste to wear 3 JWork in two groups. Students from group A read Text A (see Exs. 40-41, p. 19-20 in Student’s Book) and fill in the information in the following table. Students from group В do the same with Text B. Form pairs A-B and ask each other questions to fill in the remaining column in your tables. QnestiaBS: Text A ШШ . Text в 1 Were the students invited to express their opinion? 2 Did the students support the idea? 3 Did the parents support the idea? 4 What arguments did they give to support their opinions? UNIT 1 S9jt: •*’A 4 jWork in pairs. Put the ideas about a school uniform from the box (see Ex. 43, p. 20 in Student’s Book) into two columns. Add your own ideas if any. What I like about a school uniform What I dislike about a school uniform Match the words. ^ejFill in the prepositions from the box. brand individuality i u of of away with on 1 1 Are you in favour a school uniform or trendy logo against it? to suppress name 2 If you feel nervous before the exam, have a good sleep — it will take vour panic dress code 3 Jason has improved his Spanish a lot. If he goes like that, he’ll become top of the compulsory jeans class. school subject 4 She was wearing a nice dark blue iacket a school logo and a medium long skirt made u 7 j Circle the verbs which can be used to report somebody else’s speech. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1 say remark command escape damage recommend demand emphasise | I relax comment advise suggest wear explain prevent warn | L---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 J Complete the sentences referring to the people’s words. Example: Jane: “Let’s stay with my aunt’s family when we are in Berlin.” (suggest) I don’t need to reserve a hotel room as Jane suggested that we stay with her aunt’s family. 1 Teacher: “Don’t be late tomorrow — we are writing the end-of-term test.” I had to leave for school a little bit earlier yesterday as the teacher (warn)______ 2 Judy; “I’m absolutely positive that you should buy a beige coat. Beige suits you perfectly!’ I needed to buy some winter clothes and Judy (recommend) __________________________ 10 UNIT 1 3 Tom: “Let’s take a taxi to the centre.” I wanted to walk, but Tom (suggest) _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________, so it didn’t take us long to get there. 4 Thomas: “Wear a smart suit and a tje for the ceremony!” Thomas (order)__________________________________________________________________________________but I put on some casual jeans and a sweater. I just don’t like when people tell me what to do. 5 Allan: “Avoid driving through the centre of the city. You will get stuck in a traffic jam there”. We wanted to drive straight through the city, but Allan (warn) ____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________. So we didn’t. 9 jWork in pairs. Discuss what’s important for your image (see Ex. 55, p. 22 in Student’s Book). Complete the web. lOjListen to the teenagers speaking about fashion (see Exs. 57-59, p. 23 in Student’s Book.) a) Make notes in the second column of the table. b) Listen to the interviews again and fill in columns 3-5 of the table. c) Fill in the last line of the table. Whose opinion is closer to yours? Name Is fashion important to you? Why? Why do you dress the way you do? Is it important to you that the clothes match? Is other people’s opinion about your clothes important to you? Maria Peter Julia YOU UNIT 1 11 fllj Match the words and the pictures. Make up sentences with each of the words. 1 striped 2 checked 3 plain 4 clotted 5 flowery 6 patterned Example: When I was small, I hated wearing my old-fashioned striped pyjamas at bedtime. I2J Match the pictures with the appropriate advice you could give the people there. 1 I suggest you wear something more casual. 4 You’d better put on a hat. 2 I suggest that you should put on some shoes. 5 I’d rather you didn’t wear fur in this place. 3 I suggest making your skirt shorter. 6 It’s not a very good idea to wear jewellery in the zoo. ©— UNIT 1 Respond to the letter as if Julia were your good friend. Ж Гт on holiday now and will be аЫе to come to see you in a couple of days I can stay at your place for a week or so, if you don’t mind it of course! I don’t feel like dragging lots of luggage with me, so cotild you give me some idea of what clothes 1 should take to feel neither sweaty nor cold? What kind of weather are you having? And what stuff could you recommend me to have to be appropriately dressed for any occasion? See you very soon, Julia Hi Julia I’m delighted that you’ll be with us so soon. You are right — it’s silly to take lots of stuff with you. Looking forward to seeing you. Section 3 ; 1 ja) Put the words into the appropriate column. I gymnastics judo baseball diving skiing tennis karate surfing chess jogging badminton marshal arts todo - to go b) Write a short paragraph about one of the sports you’d like to do and explain why. c) Write a short paragraph about a sport you would like to do when you are fifty-five. Explain why. UNIT 1 2 JListen to the radio programme (see Ex. 67, p. 26 in Student’s Book) and tick the kinds of sports students would like to leam in PE (Physical Education) lessons. basketball karate rock climbing diving football dance gymnastics snowboarding tennis mountain biking ice skating judo skiing long jump Complete the sentences (see Ex. 72, p. 28 in Student’s Book.) 1 wish 1 could _________________________________________ I wish I had ____________________________________________ 1 wish 1 were____________________________________________ I wish my best friend were I wish my PE teacher were 4 j Match the sentences on the left with the appropriate translations on the right. A Please think everything over and let me know about your decision as soon as possible. 1 11) Пожалуйста, обдумайте все хорошенько и сообщите мне о Вашем решении как можно скорее. 1 12) Пожалуйста, обдумайте все хорошенько и сообщите мне о Вашем решении, если это будет возможно. В Jimmy is not as old as Tommy, is he? 1 11) Джимми старше Томми, не так ли? 1 12) Джимми и Томми разные по возрасту, не так ли? C He talked to them very loudly as if they were a bit deaf. ►s 1 11) Он говорил им что-то очень громко, как будто бы они плохо сльпнали. 1 |2) Он разговаривал с ними очень громко, так как они плохо слышали. D She looked at us and spoke very slowly and distinctly as if she were talking to foreigners. 1 11) Она посмотрела на нас и заговорила медленно и четко, так как она обычно разговаривала с иностранцами. 1 12) Она посмотрела на нас и заговорила медленно и четко, как будто бы разговаривала с иностранцами. 14 UNIT 1 E We asked James to be the leader of the team as he knew about sandboarding more than we did. 1 11) Мы попросили Джеймса стать капитаном команды, так как он знал о катании на доске по песку намного больше, чем мы. 1 12) Мы попросили бы Джеймса стать капитаном команды, если бы он знал о катании на доске по песку намного больше, чем мы. F I recognised him as soon as I saw him. Q 1) Я узнал его вскоре после того, как увидел. П 2) Я узнал его, как только увидел. G I don’t do boxing as it’s ^ dangerous and one can get - -- - - -- О 1) Я не занимаюсь боксом, так как это опасно и можно легко получить травму. П 2) Я не занимался бы боксом, если бы это было опасно, а травмы неизбежны. 5 j a) Sort out the ideas from the boxes in Ex. 85, p. 32 in Student’s Book and put them in two columns, b) Add more ideas of your own. Advantages Disadvant^es ^ 6 j Write down the expressions you’ve got in Ex. 89, p. 34 in Student’s Book. Make up three sentences with any of them. UNIT 15 Ip- 7 J Complete the dialogue according to the guidelines I didn’t see you in our PE lesson today. Where ^ were you? I didn’t feel like going there. And I told the teacher that I was unwell, so she let me miss class. Do you mean that you lied to her? Щ Don’t worry. I’m not going to tell the teacher or You can put it like that if you like. But don’t give me away. Don’t get any idea about it! anybody else about it. But why do you always look for excuses to miss PE? After all, it’s your health... Either agree or disagree and emphasise the idea ■10 that regular sport helps avoid health problems and that's why helps people look more attractive. lessons: you don’t believe that PE lessons can help look fit and attractive. Say if you find it realistic or not for a person who avoids sport on a regular basis. Suggest jogging every morning together as the first step to a more demanding sport. Your second reason is that you find PE very boring, and you’d rather do karate / long jumping / etc. Say why. Either accept the idea and thank the partner, or reject it and invent some appropriate . 8 j Read an extract from an eye-witness report and fill in the gaps with the most appropriate alternatives. On Saturday at about 9 pm I was walking home from a party and (1)____________________two guys talking to Jimmy. They didn’t sound (2)______________________friendly. Jimmy is in his early teens and he lives next door to me, so no wonder that 1 got interested. Those two were apparently (3)_________________money. 16 UNIT I Jimmy objected with (4)____________, but I sensed that he was very scared. I approached them and demanded to know what (5)__________________. One of the guys said that he knew me as he (6)____________my photo in the local newspaper. They mocked at me calling me the Chess King and threatened that they (7)_____________the chessboard on my square head, if I didn’t clear off at once. Naturally, I felt (8)__________at the way they talked to me. I really had a chess kit with me and it stuck out of my rucksack. It is true that I (9)________the title of the Chess King when I won the regional chess competition. However, the guys probably didn’t read the newspaper regularly. Otherwise, they would have been aware of some other competition — the regional karate tournament — after which I was entitled to wear the black belt... 1 a) noticed b) was noticing c) had noticed d) had noticed 2 a) obviously b) particularly c) unexpectedly d) surprisingly 3 a) asking for b) demanding c) declaring d) claiming 4 a) delight b) honesty c) surprise d) dignity 5 a) was going on b) is going on c) will be going on d) would be going on 6 a) saw b) has seen c) had seen d) would see 7 a) will smash b) would smash c) have smashed d) had smashed 8 a) enthusiastic b) awkward c) concerned d) indignant 9 a) was awarded b) awarded c) award d) would be awarded 9 j Write a letter to your local authorities about the sports facilities necessary for your local community. Make sure you sound polite, constructive and convincing. Write about: • the sports facilities your community has; and promote the idea that it’s not enough for people who live there; • some sport / sports which you or other local teenagers would like to do on a regular basis; • the sports facilities you need to practice the sport / sports. Dear Sir or Madam I’m writing on behalf of teenagers who live in____________________________________________________ Please let us know about your decision whatever it is. We would be glad to help and to take part in construction works if needed. Faithfully yours, (your name) UNIT 1 17 Section 4 1 j Match the words to make meaningful expressions. 2 J Listen to the teenagers talk about their music preferences and match the names of the pop stars with the speakers (see Ex. 94, p. 36 in Student’s Book). Name of pop star Speaker’s opinion Your opinion Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 Listen to the recording again and fill in the third column in the table above, (see Ex. 95, p. 36 in Student’s Book). Then write if you share the speakers’ opinions or not. ^4jCreate a word web using the words from the box in Ex. 96, p. 36 in Student’s Book. Some expressions may be used in several categories. verbs: compose. M U s I c kinds of music: classical. adjectives to characterise a piece of music: tuneful, adjectives to characterise a musician / singer: talented. how music affects you: makes you feel happy/sad, 18 SIS' UNIT 1 5 j Agree or disagree with the statements. 1 People who like classical music generally have a good character and never commit crimes. 2 If a child listens to rock music or rap, he is very likely to become aggressive and violent. 3 Folk music is old-fashioned, and the younger generation don’t need it. 4 Different musical events, like rock festivals and pop concerts, help people from different countries understand each other better. Complete the sentences. 1 If playing a musical instrument were a compulsory subject in the school curriculum. 2 If I had two tickets to Madonna’s concerts, 3 If somebody asked me to join a rock group, 4 If I could write music, ______________ 5 If I were invited to a classical music concert, _______________ 6 If we needed an anthem for our school volleyball team. 7^ Make up emphatic sentences with focus on who did something (see Ex. 108 p. 39 in Student’s Book.) Example: Tim / invited / to the concert, / not Jessica / who / It was / me It was Tim who invited me to the concert, not Jessica. 1 James / told / me / It was /about the time of the meeting / who 2 you / who / It was / insisted on buying those tickets! UNIT 1 19 3 your help and support / needed / It was III who 4 our neighbour / It was / played the guitar / who / so beautifiUly! i 8 J Tick the boxes for correct word combinations (see Ex. 114, p. 41 in Student’s Book). r- ■ an emotion , an / some experience someone’s -t' identity a response^ Ш И1И1Н1И||1И1)П11иат1|.|))1ШММ>>Ии11и1П1М1Ш(ПЧ11.1)11ИиП)11Н111ЦииЯШ1{и1|||)|{|||1И11М11И1)|1М(И1Ш1.и^Ш>МИ11)иМ11П1И11ГП(ИМ0()И|ПиМ(1111Ц1Ш I Your flat: ^ Ч I ^You live in a flat not far from the city centre. The flat is quite large: | I three bedrooms, a big living room and a kitchen. You have all modern | I conveniences and there’s a very nice view of the city from your balcony. | I The weather is fine in summer, there are lots of places to see, that’s why | I the city is popular with tourists. (Add any details if needed.) | ..... ■ '.•* I Your family: mum, dad, granny, you, twins I you: prefer independence and don’t want to share you room with anyone (twins especially); can sleep on the veranda if it’s big enough to put an air bed, and if there are no mosquitoes at night dad: doesn’t care much about a place to stay in as long as everyone is happy mum: hates chilly bedrooms, will make fuss if there are problems with hot water twins: six-year-olds, would be ideal to have a separate room for them. Swings, merry-go-rounds somewhere nearby could be very helpful to keep them occupied granny: sleeps with windows open wide, that’s why can’t stand noisy streets ................................................................................................................................iiMiiiiidMidiuiiidiiddddMdlndHdiiniiiiim)d»nidJMldiuiiiiiii(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUfiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiilifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiw Dear_______________________________________________________ ^ 36 UNIT 2 Kind regards, b) Present your letter to the whole class. Let the other groups suggest their improvements and corrections. Section 4 iii^Yiril-iWn'i №г-п.-.>-у!т-У r-'r llcj Match the phrases with opposite meanings. ilto suppress a confUct Й1'a sincere laugh '!a to shout to cope with disagreements •^5 ' "ysesii;-' to look for a solution i^*'-' ^ r% to speak in a funny voice to sound natural to whisper to provoke a row a fake smile to heat the conflict to enlarge the gap a) Agree or disagree with the following advice. Give your reasons How to deal with a conflict If you feel that the conflict is unavoidable, you’d better suppress your feelings as long as you can. Just pretend that you don’t see that people around you feel uneasy, or irritated, or are just getting mad. If someone suggests looking into the situation and talking it through to find a possible solution, avoid it at all costs. Give them a smile (it’s not a big deal that the smile is fake) and hope the situation gets better all by itself. b) Complete the sentences with your own ideas. 1 It’s often possible to avoid a conflict if ___________________ 2 If people try to suppress anger or irritation. 3 If you shout at each other, 4 If you have a sense of humour, 5 If you don’t know how to cope with some disagreement. 6 Most people feel irritated when UNIT 2 37^ 3 j Complete the following table. a) Listen to the people talking about their attitude to family disagreements (see Ex. 64, p. 70 in Student’s Book) and complete the first two lines in the table. b) Listen to the recording again (see Ex. 65, p. 70 in Student’s Book) and complete the third line in the table. Andy Jane John Lori Щ 1 Do you have family rows? 2 Did you often have rows? 3 How do you cope with a difficult situation in your family? 4 j Complete the table with the correct form of the words (see Ex. 71, p. 72 in Student’s Book). You may find some words from the texts in Ex. 65. noun verb adjective argue related suggestion suggested change provision employed competition - anxious concluding . belief 5 j a) Fill in the gaps with the infinitive or -ing form. Joanna called me the other day and suggested (1)_________ a feeling that something was wrong. “What’s up?” 1 didn’t feel like (2)__________(go) anywhere as 1 was busy repairing my bike. (have) lunch together. I instantly got _____________(repair). However, 1 couldn’t afford (buy) a new one at the moment, so I needed (5)_______________(gel) that one to The bike was very old and wasn’t worth (3) (4)____________ (discuss) with you.” a working order somehow. “Don’t worry, everything is all right, but I’ve got something (6)______ “OK”, there was no point in (7)_____________(ask) for more detail as Joanna would never have told me anyway. She was a rare girl who preferred brief face-to-face conversations to (8)_________________(talk) on the phone. 38 UNIT 2 Joanna was sitting at McDonald s. She was about (9) fried potatoes when she saw me. “You risk (10)_________________(get fat)” She gave me a little smile and said nothing, b) Fill in the gaps with the appropriate options below. “OK, what’s that? I don’t have much time (1)______ (start) the third helping of “You could be more considerate to your little sister!” Joanna was seven years younger than me, and (2)_____________the favourite in the family. She was very well aware of that and enjoyed (3)________________like a child. “What’s up? A row with Mum?” “No, it’s not a row. It’s some (4)___________________. , 1 leave school, I am to ^ isn’t it?” And Dad supports her too. They are both against me. I want you (5)___________________them to let me go.” “Stop. Go where to?” “You know that it has been assumed from my birth that (6)__________ go to university to become an economist.” “Yeah, and now it’s the right time to think about it as school (7)_ “But I don’t want to go to university. Not now. I’m not sure I’m the right kind of a person (8)_____________a good economist. I need some time to understand what I am and what’s right and wrong for me. I want (9)______________university.” “What would you like to do instead?” “Work and travel. I could work as an au pair or as a waitress, or as a secretary in some other country. I need some life and work experience before I’m able (10)______________a career choice. But mum and dad don’t want to listen to my reasons! And you? Are you with me or not?” It was not an easy question to answer... 1 a) spent b) spending c) to spend d) be spent 2 a) is b) has always been c) had always been d) will be 3 a) to treat b) to be treated c) being treated d) treating 4 a) misunderstanding b) understanding c) misbehaviour d) behaviour 5 a) to convince b) convincing c) to be convinced d) convince 6 a) soon b) as soon as c) until d) tiU 7 a) is on b) is up c) is down d) is over 8 a) to make b) to do c) making d) doing 9 a) to put off b) to put on c) to put down d) to put up with 10 a) to do b) to make c) doing d) making 6 j Tick the statements you agree with. Choose one of them and explain why you share that point of view. I I Parents and children often have different values. I I All parents wish their kids well. I I Parents have got much more Ufe experience than young people. UNIT 2 39 Г~| It’s difficult to decide on your career right after school. Young people need to work for a while to gain some life experience. I I Other people can’t say what’s good and what’s bad for a young person. I I Every person should learn from their own mistakes. I I Parents cannot advise their children because they belong to different generations. I I Parents are not aware of what’s going on in the contemporary world. I I Parents and children are from different planets and can never reach a compromise. 3. Read the following opinions and choose one you agree with. Write an answer to the question Should teenagers decide what to do after school themselves or should they follow their parents’ advice?” ----------------------^ ^ What to do when school is over? -o When you leave school, you should decide what to do and what career to choose. You should do it yourself. There’s no point in listening to your parents’ advice. Tf 40 fit' UNIT 2 8J Complete the table (see Ex. 81, p. 75 in Student’s Book). life;/ and quiet shouts - l_ 1 - 9 | Listen to the Browns (see Ex. 87, p. 76 in Student’s Book) and write down the arguments for / against parents choosing friends for their teenagers. for against jo J When studying in a language school abroad, you found yourself in a rather difficult situation. Read the information below and write an e-mail to your tutor Jane Short. • You are doing a very intensive exam course, so you need to concentrate on your studies. • You are not happy with your progress. • The host family are very noisy people. • They have blazing rows almost every night. • When they have their arguments, they slam doors all over the house and shout at each other. • The teenage son plays music very loudly and very late at night. • The daughter’s friends come on motorbikes and keep them roaring under the windows. • You feel miserable and want something to be done about it. Section 5 к 1 j a) Match the remarks with the responses. 1 I’m dying for that awesome jacket we saw yesterday. I wish I could afford to buy it. a) Forget it. I’m sure they’ve already made up with each other. They always do. 2 Stop whistling! You are getting on my nerves. b) This thing has been handed down within the family for several centuries. It’s believed to bring lucL 3 Where did you get that bracelet? It’s fascinating. c) Yeah, and I didn’t like that fake smile of hers either. 4 Did you see Jim’s new girl-friend yesterday? She looked a bit weird, didn’t she? d) If you feel so strong about it, you can take up a summer job and it’ll solve the problem. 5 I heard your little siblings having some very loud arguments in front of the school e) I did! The view was stunning! And every detail of the interior takes you back to old times of medieval wars. 6 I enjoyed the tour to the old castle. Did you? f) If you start out to be so irritable, we’ll end up with a row I’m afraid. b) Write possible responses to the following remarks. I prefer a good row to fake smiles and compliments. Do you? I hate learning new English words. It’s so boring and monotonous. 2 J What can make a good birthday present for a teenager? Tick the category if you would like to get something like that as a present. In the right colunm write some comments according to the model. trendy clothing I would like to get new jeans and trendy boots. But I would like to choose them myself as my parents don’t share my taste in clothes. jewellery accessories mobile telephones gears like iPods, MPT players, etc sports equipment computer equipment 42 UNIT 2 musical instruments CDs or books your variant 3 j Work in pairs. Think of a present for your classmate. Complete the birthday card with the information about the present. In the card: • describe the present • explain how useful it’s going to be for the birthday person (you don’t need to be very serious about it). Useful language practical and useful it can be used to / as... i trendy and glamorous you may also find it useful for !i it looks awesome it will enable you to... 4 j Complete the table. a) Read the question and write your answer in the left column (see Ex. 93, p. 79 in Student’s Book) b) Listen to the teenagers speaking about their attitude to marriage (see Ex. 94, p. 79 in Student’s Book) and complete the rest of the table. Emma Gillian Daniel Your answer Is marriage valued in todays society? Why? / Why not? UNIT 2 43 5 j Listen to the teenagers again (see Ex. 96, p. 79 in Student’s Book) and complete the word web with the words and expressions connected with marriage. 6 J Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps with words and phrases from the box. I-------------------------------------------------------------------1 I ’d been at least awesome make housewife stimning | I-------------------------------------------------------------------! Julia: That was (1) _! We enjoyed the concert tremendously! The music was superb and we danced wildly the whole night! Why didn’t you come, Emma? Emma: I wish I (2)______________________there with you. Julia: But you weren’t! Emma: 1 couldn’t. Really. It was my sister’s wedding. Julia: Your sister’s? Sophie’s? But she’s only twenty. Emma: That’s right. And she was a (3)________________ in love! Julia: It’s just stupid to get married so early! First you need to (4). . bride! Absolutely beautiful. And very much . your career, to achieve something in this life, and, last but not least, to get fun. Otherwise you can end up as a (5)________________. Emma: I think this is what she has in mind. She dreams about a large family. She wants to have four or five kids (6)_______________, and believes that no career can compare with a large happy family. Julia: Oh, Gosh! It’s so weird... 44 UNIT 2 7 ] What’s more important for you: family or career? Write an essay. Follow the guidelines: • set up your point of view • give arguments for your point of view • give some arguments against it (if any) • write a conclusion taking into consideration all arguments above. Family or career? Useful language setting the opinion: I strongly believe that... I’m positive that... In my view... presenting arguments: First(ly). Second(ly), Third(ly), Moreover,... On the other hand,... There are some other points to consider. Along with that... concluding: Summing it all up.... To conclude it all... Though it’s not an easy choice, 1 still believe... UNIT 2 Civilisation and progress Section 1 1^ jJDo the crossword. All the words are from the text in Ex. 5, p. 87 in Student’s Book. Down: 1 some object (tool, weapon, or jewellery) that was made in the past and has historical value 2 important information or a thing that is found out by people (usually scientists) 3 facts that prove that some opinion or theory is true or false 4 a pointed outgrowth on the head of the animals like cows, deer, and antelopes; most cattle have a pair of them, but some animals like rhinoceros have only one, on the nose 5 h^f of the Earth 6 a gigantic animal that lived on the Earth in pre-historic times and looked like a hairy elephant Across: 7 a scientist who studies ancient civilisations by analysis of the remains of human activity ^^Put the words and expressions from the box (see Ex. 10, p. 89 in Student’s Book) in two groups to make correct expressions with do and make. -.-O'.- 46' UNIT3 3 j Listen to the dialogues from Ex. 11, p. 89 in Student’s Book and fill in the missing expressions with do and make. 1 “Oh, this table is so uncomfortable!” “It’s a traditional country table. My great-grandfather ______________________________________” 2 “Shall 1 help you in the garden?” “Yes, please, I’d like you ___________________________________________________________________” 3“I’ll__________________________________________________________________________________________” “Oh, no, thanks, but I’d like some coffee, please. 4 “Do you like the place you are staying at?” “Not very much, actually. There’s _______________ 5 “ Have you______________________________________ “Not, actually. I’ve decided __________________ 6 “Does anyone help you with the housework?” “Yes, a man comes in once a week ______________ 7 “Let me help you ____________________________ around here — it’s really boring.” _________________________________yet?” _______________________________ first.” “No, that’s all right. We’ve got a dishwasher.” 8 “What’s going on? Could you please .stop ____ “I’m terribly sorry, but we are preparing for tomorrow’s performance.” 9 “Remember________________________________________________ before you leave for school!” “1 will.” 10 “1 feel terrible because he was so rude talking to me yesterday.” “Calm down! You are ___________________________________. You are just being oversensitive!” 4 j Match the fact and the reasons that can / could / may / might / must have caused them. 1 I worry about Tom. He didn’t call yesterday to tell us about the exam result. a) He may have completed his experimental work and wants to demonstrate the results. 2 Jack was superb during the History Contest! He seemed to know so much about medieval times! b) There’s no need to worry. He must have passed it. He would have called us otherwise. 3 There’s an email from Jimmy. He wants us to come to the laboratory immediately! c) Looks like that. He may have lost it during our PE class. 4 Jenny took part in the archaeological expedition last summer. d) Yeah, he sounded impressive. He must have read lots of literature on the topic. 5 Look, this is James’ key, isn’t it? e) You could have left it in the library. You might have got it out from your bag to fill the number in the form. Let’s call them and ask. 6 I can’t find my passport anywhere. I haven’t got the slightest idea on where it can be. 0 That makes me feel envious. That must have been an unforgettable experience. UNIT3 47 5 j Jim was accused of misbehaviour. You don’t believe the statements below at all. Invent some arguments to prove that he can’t have done all those things. Example: It was Jim who smashed the electric bulb in the school corridor. — Jim can’t have done it because he left school at 4 pm and the bulb was still OK by half past four. 1 It was Jim who started the argument during the Science class. 2 It was Jim who covered the wall with graffiti. 3 I’m sure it was Jim who spoilt the pie with salt and pepper. 4 It must be Jim who broke the tree in the inner yard. Listen to the radio programme about an archaeological discovery and answer the questions (see Ex. 22, p. 92 in Student’s Book). 1 What kind of discovery did the archaeologists make? 2 What were the creatures called? Why? 3 What did these humans look like? 4 What do we know about their way of life? 5 Why were these humans so small? 6 Why is this discovery so important? 48 UNITS 7 j Listen to the recording from Ex. 24, p. 93 in Student’s Book following the text. Fill in the missing parts. 1 No larger than (6 words)_________________________________________________________ these little humans lived... 2 ...skeleton of a miniature human and some (2 words) in a cave... 3 ...on Flores, an island (4 words)____________________________ 4 ...in the same area on Flores that contained (2 words)__________________________ of dwarf elephants... 5 They had (4 words)______________________________________________________________ narrow forehead... 6 These little people of Flores (4 words)_________________________________________ and hunted animals... 7 When scientists discovered the tiny skeleton, they thought it was (6 words) but a more 8 ...because the environmental conditions of the island favoured (3 words) 9 Survival would then depend on (4 words) 10 ...but they were also (3 words)____________ island from mainland Asia. to reach their 8 j Listen to the recording from Ex. 25, p. 94 in Student’s Book and fill in the gaps. Mary; (1)____________________________________the latest programme “Prehistoric Journeys”? I watched it with interest (2)________________________________the discovery they described is of great scientific importance. Paul: Yes. that’s my feeling too. (3)_ I was so impressed _____________________________I had never thought such civilisations could have ever existed on our planet. (4) ______________________________________that it’s almost like a science fiction story? Mary; (5)_________________________________________with that. On the contrary, the discovery is based on historical artefacts and the results of serious research. Paul: (6)_________________________________________. Skeletons found by scientists helped them describe the “hobbits” and their way of life. And (7) 9j Make up five sentences using the words from Exs. 27-28, p. 95 in Student’s Book. UNIT3 ^ : lOj In the box below write the name of a famous person (see Ex. 34, p. 96 in Student’s Book). Compare your person with your partner’s. Compare their: . age • looks intelligence popularity Write four or five sentences about them. Example: Tony Blair is approximately as old as Jackie Chan. To me, he is more handsome, but lots of people wouldn't agree with that. I think Tony Blair is more intelligent as he is a famous politician and was Prime Minister of Britain for ten years. However, Tony Blair is less popular than Jackie Chan, as the actor is extremely popular in different countries and with people of different ages and backgrounds. njRead through the information about the class meeting and its agenda. Compare the candidates and choose one of them. Use degrees of comparison and qualifying adverbs from Ex. 32, p. 96 in Student’s Book. Dear all! We are proud to Inform you that one person from our class will take part in the Historical Contest in Egypt. According to the results of the local contest we have two candidates who can win this trip and this honour. You know both of them quite well. We have to make a difficult choice, and that's why we ask you to vote. To take part in the vote you need to: Nominate the person who deserves to become our representative. Explain why his chance is stronger than the chance of the other candidate. Compare: a) the grades of the candidates in different subjects b) the number of contests they have taken part in c) their levels of proficiency in English d) their character, ability to get on well with other people, other related traits of character (you may include any other information if you wish). Summarise the information above and confirm your choice between the candidates. When ready, your paper should be put into the box in the History Room. The representative is to be chosen during the class meeting next Tuesday. Andrew Frankov Excellent marks in all subjects with the exception of Biology (4) and English (4). Exceptional results in History. Has taken part in three contests in History. Ambitious, sometimes can be a bit intolerant, not very sociable, very hardworking, enjoys challenging tasks. 50 UNIT 3 Sergey Osokin Good marks mostly, but demonstrates exceptional results in English, History and Literature. Has taken part in one contest in History two contests in English. Sociable, good team player, not very ambitious and can be a bit lazy sometimes, enjoys working in team. Though both candidates. I personally believe... more intelligent than less reliable than as good as Useful language not so good as a bit less... he is less..., which speaks against / for him Summing everything up, I still think that.. It was a difficult decision, but I’m sure that Section 2 1 j Match the words to make meaningful phrases. More than one match can be possible with some words. in response to drought intense people’s needs ; to run out of water supply to affect , ' seasonal rains ; to vanish ... people’s lifestyle >^o depend on*^’ instantly UNIT3 51 •5L ж intense natural disasters desert in response to civilisation 2 j Fill in the words from the box. The Mayan Civilisation is not the only one society which has fallen apart because of natural (1)______________. Severe floods and (2)____________droughts are still catastrophic to people and sometimes make them change their lifestyle completely (3)______________________changes in the environment. Like the civilisations of the past we are very vulnerable to climate and environmental changes. Nowadays environmentalists worry a lot about the desertisation in China. The Chinese (4)_____________________is one the oldest and most sophisticated in the contemporary world. It has survived through different (5)___________disasters but now has to fight one more. The point is that due to human activity and unskilled farming some lands are turning into (6)____ ______, and the process, if not stopped, can cause catastrophic consequences. 3 j Tick the statements you disagree with. Write a short paragraph to explain why you disagree with one of the statements you have ticked. I I People cannot create their future if they don’t know their past. I I People should stop further researches in areas like space exploration as it consumes lots of money but doesn’t guarantee immediate practical results. I I People should stop researching into nuclear energy as this energy can be deadly dangerous to people. I I People should find the causes of the major catastrophes of the past in order to avoid similar disasters in the future. I I Climate change can be easily stopped if people use modern scientific technologies to fight it. 4 J Which of the inventions listed below do you consider the most important for mankind? Write a short paragraph to explain why. discovering how to make fire creating the written language making the electric bulb inventing the steam engine constructing the nuclear station making nuclear weapons building the spaceship inventing the internet ^52 UNIT 3 Useful language to stimulate the development to speed up the evolution process to register the information to provide access to the information to develop industries to improve people’s lifestyle to enable people to use / create / etc ^SjComplete the following table with the missing word forms (see Ex. 50, p. 102 in Student’s Book). -•?'< •- ^ verb ; : ■ Ki^^adjective inventive evolve advanced develop civilised require describe 6 JChange the verbs from Ex. 51, p. 102 in Student’s Book to nouns and write them down. verb ^ noun inform excite improve imagine manage employ investigate disappoint state explain collect permit enlarge punish , ' - noun suggest measure move hesitate govern create entertain direct settle arrange invite expect examine UNITS Complete the sentences using mixed conditionals (see Ex. 59, p. 104 in Student’s Book). 1 Our teacher would be pleased if_____________________________________________________ 2 If I had thought the problem over____ 3 I would be living in another town if 4 All people would be geniuses if ____ 5 If I had won the lottery ___________ 6 If I could fly _____________________ 7 I would be rich and famous if Complete the following table with the missing word forms where it’s possible (see Exs. 69-70, p. 108 in Student’s Book). . 7 i noun ■ ■■—-—; active depend reliable humanity — able enter — differ — curious — safe appear — prefer — — certain — original — honest — electric refer — interfere — — public — popular — formal disturb — attend — 54 UNIT 3 ^9jAdd suffixes to the words to form nouns that will name the performers of the action (see Ex. 75, p. 110 in Student’s Book). magic research direct act science compose piano invent art biology history physics music govern philosophy engine astronomy lOjImagine that your granny’s friend from a remote place in Canada is staying with you. Write a short instruction on how to use one of the following devices. a microwave a personal computer ' a mobile phone to warm up pancakes to write an e-mail to friends О to call friends or send an SMS Dear Aunt Anne I know that you don’t like technological devices very much, but sometimes it’s difficult to do without them. If you need to_______ take the following steps: _ I’ll be back soon. UNIT3 Useful language plug / unplug press the button (green, the largest, with a drawing on it) panel keyboard mouse screen switch on / off click on the icon click / press to enter /exit type the password timer indicator set the time limit set the regulator / timer for three minutes dial the number try again Section 3 Match the two columns to make up as many meaningful phrases as possible. Remember the verbs which require the -ing form and the verbs which require the infinitive. ' requiring the -ing form admit taking the laboratory equipment advise making up with the siblings avoid making a fiiss about unimportant things consider taking up one more optional course enjoy doing nothing feel like jogging along the Embankment give up making rows about household chores prevent misunderstanding yitttbeusually rnipiriiigthe infinitive; й!. afford to buy an electronic interpreter manage to find out amazing things need to make a water supply refuse to talk through the matter pretend to believe their little white lies volunteer to do the cooking for the archaeological team 2 jMake up and write down sentences with eight phrases from the tables in the exercise above. Example; Tony seriously considered taking up one more optional course, but then decided that it was too challenging for him. 56 UNIT3 3 j Read the dialogues and complete the summary line as in the example. Use the verb in the appropriate form + the -ingform or the infinitive. Add any other words as necessary. Example: Allan: Look here, Terry, we need one more person for our project team. How do you feel about joining us? Terry: I’m not particularly keen on doing a geography project. Sorry. Terry_____________________________________________________ in the project work, (refuse) Terry refused to take part in the project work. 1 Police officer: You have to come to the police station and write about everything that was happening at the party between 7pm and 8.30 pm. Neil: But I can’t write anything about it. I wasn’t at that party. I had had to leave the city the day before, and returned only today. Neil________________________________________at the party, (deny) 2 Jerry: We were not able to complete the experiment yesterday. We couldn’t enter the laboratory as the key had disappeared from its usual place. Allan: I’m sorry. It was me who took the key. I didn’t realise that someone would need it. Allan___________________________________________________________. (admit) 3 Jeff: How about a film or a party? What time would you like me to pick you up? Helen: I’m sorry, Jeff, but I feel a little bit tired and stressed out. And I would prefer to stay at home and read something... Helen_________________________________________________________________________and reading something, (feel like) 4 Michael: They are awful, those people! I know it. They are too sociable. You can't escape them and have to answer their silly questions during the whole party! George: Ha-ha. And I spoke to them very slowly with a strong accent. They left me along, as they thought I was a foreigner. George______________________________________________________in order to avoid talking with those people, (pretend) 5 Maria: It’s a shame that you can’t pay for that course on landscape design. It might be very useful for your career and everything. Anna: But I can. I’ve won a scholarship. Haven’t I told you? Having won a scholarship Jessica could______ _. (afford) 6 Sophie: Is it OK if we put off your birthday party till after the exams? It’ll be more relaxing and cheerful 1 think. Jenny: Yeah, probably, you are right. Let’s do it this way. Jenny_____________________________________________________________________(mind) UNIT3 57, 4 j Ask your partner the questions from Ex- 87, p. 115 in Student’s Book and make notes of your partner’s answers. Write them as complete sentences in the right column. Notes t!TlWlgNltW sentences 116 in Student’s Book). Where When Щу c How 1 Stonehenge About 3000-1000 B.C. Builders could have used stone tools to shape the stones, and wooden rollers, levers, and ropes to set them in position. 2 Panama Canal Isthmus of Panama To make it easier to travel between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. 3 Trans-Siberian Railway 1891-1916 58 UNITS 4 Hoover Dam Colorado River at the border of Nevada and Arizona (USA) Explosives and heavy equipment enabled builders to create this huge dam. 5 English Channel Tunnel or the Chunnel 1987-1994 ^6JFШ in the verbs in the appropriate form. 1 Water_______________________life. 2 There’s evidence that several civilisations of the past because of natural disasters. 3 According to Charles Darwin’s theory, apes__________ into people. For some chemical experiments it’s very important to constant temperature. collapse I evolve 1 sustain I accelerate | maintain | alter I 5 Some scientists say that in a hundred years’ time the surface of the Earth may_________________ beyond recognition. 6 The economic growth of many countries is__________________________________rapidly. 7 ja) Match the remarks about some unusual fact and replies explaining those facts. Underline the pattern modal verb+have V3 in the replies. 1 >?fLook, I’ve seen a UFO, a flying saucer, right over the tower! a) You are always telling these silly stories. You must have taken a floating log for the animal. 2 Guess what! I’ve seen a live crocodile in our river. It was floating down the river, with its head slightly above the surface of the water. b) Some ancient tribes might have created them. I’d like to go and see that prehistoric gallery myself. ' '' *-§5^ 3 This book was found in the cellar by my dad. It looks very old. It probably dates back to the nineteenth century. c) Calm down. It must have been a cloud of a peculiar form. 4 The walls of the cave are covered with drawings. They look unusual and very old. W d) My grandma told me that there had been a big round water house here, a special construction to keep some water supply in case of a drought. They must have destroyed it during the war. And these stones are from the foundation of the water house. 5 Look at these huge stones. They are arranged in a circle. It looks like ancient people used it as a primitive clock or a calendar. e) It looks like that. People who lived in this house before you might have left it there. UNIT3 59 b)* Suggest a more or less probable explanation for these two facts (as it was done in the exercise above). — I’ve got a feeling that someone has broken into my house. Look, the light is on in the kitchen! — I saw a yeti, a huge ape, in our park! It was two meters tall and ran away as soon as it saw me. 8 j Read the following “angry” letter to the editor. Write a letter in defense of technological progress. Use the arguments from the box and / or your own ones. Dear Editor I really don’t think that readers need your journal any more, in your articles you write about new achievements of scientists and about all those "man made wonders". I'm strongly against the propaganda of technological progress, it has done people more harm than good, it has created the nuclear bomb, it has made lots of animal species extinct, and now it's destroying the ozone layer and causing global warming, it will bring us to collapse very soon. I demand that scientific research of any kind should be prohibited, and journals like yours should be closed. People need fresh air and clean water and don't need any technological progress. Sincerely yours, John Lester Useful language Achievements in medicine make it possible for people to live longer. Different devices are able to sustain people’s life during operations. Household appliances have altered our lifestyle considerably. Efficient means of transport and communication can bring together people who are separated by the ocean. Computers and robots accelerate research in the ocean and the cosmos. Dear Mr Lester I've read your letter on the technological progress but cannot agree with you. Though technology affects nature and the environment, it would be unfair to say that they don't do people anything good. 60 UNIT3 However, you are right that we should do something to stop the negative effects of the technological progress. We all need to think about it and be reasonable and constructive. Regards, Section 4 ШШШШШ 1 j Match the two columns to make meaningful phrases. Write down sentences with five phrases. through several natural disasters research on climate change to do to survive to sustain to rely to prevent to to investigate peoples interest in history and culture the collapse of the society on technology Ш: the mystery of the past the traces of ancient civilisations 2 j Fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of the words from the box. I’ve always wanted to (1)_________________something important and unusual. Something which will make mankind remember my name and put it in the same line with F.ddison, Newton and Tsiolkovsky. If I (2)____________how to produce electricity without burning too much fuel, my ambition would be achieved. And it’s not only my (3)________________that matters. It is crucial for contemporary society to find some energy (4)____________________. Our densely (5)____________ invention discovery ambitious solve population technology less prevention . cities require more and more energy, people can’t do without light, heating and household appliances. There’s no way to stop the (6)___________________ progress and we need a breakthrough in clean energy technologies. If we manage to (7) fuel burning, the dioxide emission will go down, and eventually we’ll (8)_________________ energy collapse. the UNIT3 6} 3 j Listen to the advertisement from Ex. 99-100, p. 121 in Student’s Book and fill in the gaps in the summary. NB: You don’t have to use exactly the same words you hear on the recording. 1 Wakamaru is a robot designed in (1) _ 2 It is (2) ________________________ 3 It is (3) ________________________ 4 Wakamaru is able to (4)___________ 5 It is important that it can determine (6) ______ a young Japanese warrior. and useful for your life at home. to people and (5) in people. 4 J Complete the essay. It’s about a robot which can be created in the future. Write about: • what “your” robot looks like; • what its functions are (it could be created for any purpose: to take part in scientific research, to defend, to treat, to teach or to amuse people); • what is the most amazing / funny / amusing thing about “your” robot. A wonderful robot of the future Scientific achievements and technological progress make it obvious that robots will play an important role in our future. There’ll be different robots. Some of them will help people to do routine and monotonous jobs, some will carry out dangerous space or ocean missions, some will work wonders in medicine. Among them there’ll be a robot that deserves special attention. It’s just fim to imagine this robot now, but I believe that in a few years’ time it’ll become a very usual thing like a coffee machine or a portable computer. I hope we don’t have to wait for too long. 5 J Read the rules of the game and play it. Board game Play in groups of 3-4. The leader of each group has the keys and manages the game. He / She says: • who should take a go; • if the answer is right or wrong; • if the time limit is exceeded. How to play: Take turns to throw the dice. Move your counter clockwise according to the number of the points. If you stop in the box with a figure, you need to find the definition according U) its number and read it aloud. Then you have 10 .seconds to guess the word. If your guess is right (the leader says “yes”), you get one point. If your guess is wrong (the leader says “no”) or if you run out of time, you don’t get a point. When you either get six points or happen to get on the box with the 62 UNIT3 big arrow, you can enter the inner circle. When you get four points, you can enter the smallest circle. And two points in the smallest circle bring you to the centre. The person who reaches it is the winner. NB: If the word from your box has already been pronounced by the other players, you have to repeat it again to get a point. 1 the science which studies ancient societies by examining what remains of their buildings, graves, tools, etc a society that is well developed, not a primitive one gradual change and development of plants and animals over generations a new or improved device created by scientists or researchers looking for the truth about a crime; a careful examination of some scientific problem machines or devices used for cooking or for cleaning the house a difficult and ambitious task a process in which something happens more and more quickly an object such as a tool, weapon, coin, etc 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 long period of very dry weather that affects the vegetation natural event that causes lots of destruction and can be dangerous for people and animals when something stops working or stops existing because it’s completely and instantly destroyed group of animals, birds, insects, or plants whose members have similar features because they’ve evolved from one and the same prehistoric parent ten years useful machine or tool designed for a particular job sending energy into the atmosphere when burning fuel ’ б J Read the notice on the school notice board about an archaeological expedition. Write a letter to find out: • if you meet the age criterion for the expedition (if you are of the right age to be admitted); • when exactly the expedition leaves; • what clothes and equipment you need to take with you. Attention to everyone who's interested in History and Archaeology! лея- This summer you have a chance to work in an ^ a archaeological expedition to Alaska. If you wa to become a member of our international team, contact Jane Fisher, our team manager. ■4rjT ' Ж' iWiuilM ii- Dear Jane Regards, 64 UNIT3 ^ f ^ The world of opportunities Section 1 1 j a) Tick the ideas which could partially answer the following question. Why do people travel more than they used to? I I breakthrough technologies made it possible to create efficient means of transport I I new technologies allow to produce more energy I I means of transport have become more reliable I I people need to travel in order to survive I I people have become more curious about other places and other countries I I governments sustain tourism and migration because it’s good for the economies of their countries I I skills and knowledge exchange accelerate the development of all countries b) Complete a short paragraph. People have never travelled as much as today._________________________________ D Listen to the recording (see Ex. 5, p. 129 in Student’s Book) and make notes on how the speakers’ feelings about their visits changed. Then compare your notes with your partner’s and explain your ideas to each other. Speaker 1 before the visit ^ •„ ^ ' -W.-4 ; during the visit • s-eSar the visit- * Speaker 2 during after the visit - UNIT 3 3 J Listen to the recording again (see Ex. 6, p. 129 in Student’s Book) and make a list of advantages and disadvantages of such an experience. ■tmntipi disadvantages you can make new friends you can experience culture shock 4 J Put the phrases into the appropriate columns. Compare your results and your partner’s results. Discuss the differences if any. to learn a foreign language to relax on the beach to gain some working experience overseas to practise hobbies like scuba diving or mountain climbing to visit business partners Why do people travel? to do some sightseeing to take part in a research expedition to participate in some international cultural events to visit friends abroad to escape daily routine for a while lEwndttig for a travelling for pleasure 5 ] Lots of people have to travel a lot because of their job. Some of them don’t enjoy it at all. Write your recommendations to such travellers. How to combine business and pleasure when you travel Whatever place you go to and however dijftcult and stressful your journey is, try to focus on the positive things. Think how you can benefit from your trip. For instance, if you have to go to some distant place with severe climate, _________________________________________________________ 66 UNIT 4 6 J Fill in either be used to or get used to in the appropriate forms. 1 For older people it’s rater difficult to change a place of living. Children _______________ new environment much easier. 2 — Are you feeling OK after the tour round the city? Would you like to take a car? — No, I’m not tired at all. I_________________________________ walking long distances, and enjoy it better than driving. 3 As a chemist, he________________________working with different substances and never got injured. However, he never let anyone into his lab when he was experimenting. 4 — I can’t start working from 7 am! I’m not able to wake up so early! — Everyone says so. But you ____________________________________early rising in a week, and then. I’m sure, you’ll enjoy it. 7 j Use the words in the appropriate forms. Reporter; And you’re an adventurous person, Jimmy. You are only 25, but you (1)_______________ (be) to lots of different countries. Jimmy: Not too many. I’ve been to eight countries, if Ukraine counts. Reporter: It certainly (2)_____________(do). And JKBbw; * Jimmy: what are the other seven? I (3)________________(start) with France twelve years ago. Reporter: You started from the top, yeah? How did it happen? Did you go there as a tourist? Jimmy: Not exactly, thought we enjoyed sightseeing a lot. Actually, I (4)_________(go) there as a participant of the International Youth Math Contest. I was invited as 1 (5)________________(achieve) a good result at the national level, at the contest in Moscow. Reporter: Did Paris impress you? Jimmy: It certainly did. I still (6)_________________(remember) the stunning view from the top of the Eiffel Tower, and... there were lots of flowerbeds — amazing! Reporter; And (7)_____________________________________________(you / ever / experience) the feeling that some people call cultural shock? Jimmy; Yeah, it was in China! It’s an amazing country. I was there a couple of years ago. Reporter: As a tourist? UNIT 4 67 Jimmy: No, it was a business trip about some joint construction project. It was the first meeting with our Chinese partners, so we (8)_____________(worry) a lot. We prepared the business plan very thoroughly and expected that they (9)________________(ask) us lots of questions. But they didn’t. They (10) (not / even / seem) to be very much interested in the project. They offered us tea, and talked about families and various cultural issues. They were ready to talk about anything but not the business. We (11)___________________________________________(very / disappoint) with the meeting. Jimmy: So was it a failure? Reporter: No, it wasn’t. The problem was in our cultural unawareness — we misinterpreted their behaviour. The thing is that Chinese people need to know their business partners very well, and that family-style talk (12)__________(be) an essential part in their business process. Jimmy: Does the story have a happy ending? Reporter: Yes. We (13)_____________________________ (work) together for half a year already. They are very reliable partners. 8 j Complete the table. a) Fill in the word formation table (see Ex. 19, p. 133 in Student’s Book). b) Make up 3-5 sentences with the words from the table (see Ex. 20, p. 133 in Student’s Book). verb noun adjective — awareness experience appreciation participate benefit assume admission immerse 68 UNIT 4 9 j You’ve lost your luggage. Write an e-mail to the lost properties office. Write about: • when and where you lost it • describe your luggage properly • leave your contacts (any alternative to the email address). Dear Sir or Madam I’m writing about________________________________________________ Thank you for your time, and I'd appreciate any information about my luggage. Sincerely, Section 2 Match the words to make meaningful phrases. challenging exchange shock Student overseas - programme cultural'^ job immersion * false assumption course ^2 j Complete the sentences. If you are going to a distant country and want to avoid cultural shock. If I had a chance to take part in an exchange programme, If I take up an immersion English course. If overseas students studied in our school. UNIT 4 3 ]а) Study the information below and suggest your version of what could have happened to Alexander. Why did he do that? Alexander applied for the programme “Sports and Communication” in a college in the US. His application was processed and he received the following reply. Dear Alexander Thank you for your application for our July — August course to be held in North Kansas City. Your application has been assessed and it is fine, so we now need to arrange a telephone interview with you to be sure that your level of English will allow you to follow the course. Telephone interviews are normally held Monday — Friday between the hours of 10.00 am and 3.00 pm. For your interview I suggest 6/ 5/ 08 at 14.00. You will need to ring us on +1 816 433 4190 - interviews normally take approximately 10 minutes. You will know immediately at the conclusion of the interview if you have been offered a place on the course. Kind regards, Lynne Means Alexander was delighted when he received the letter. However, the interviewer didn’t receive his call at the arranged time. b) Write down 3-5 suppositions of what might have prevented Alexander from making the call. Use the pattern modal verb + have Va. Share the suppositions with your partners and agree on three most realistic or interesting reasons. 4 jListen to the dialogues (see Ex. 35, p. 135 in Student’s Book) and mark the intonation and stress. 1 — How long is the journey? — Three and a half hours. 2 — How far is the station? — It’s a ten-minute walk from here. 3 — What is the best way to get to Cardiff? — Probably, by train. 4 — Excuse me, is this platform 2? — No, you want the next one over there. 5 — What time does it arrive in Glasgow? — Just after 10.00. ъ 70 6 — Is the flight direct? — No, you have to change in Helsinki. 7 — Do I need to change? — No, it’s direct. 8 — Could you stop here, please? — Yes, of course. 9 — How often do the buses go to the city centre? — Every fifteen minutes or so. 10 — How much is a return to Leeds? — It’s 16 pounds. UNIT 4 5 jPut the words and phrases into three categories in the table (see Ex. 41, p. 138 in Student’s Book). I--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I besides although in addition (to) because also however despite since I 1 as well as as but and what is more in spite of due to too whereas I I on the other hand I (__________________________________________________________________________________________________I Addition Contrast Cause / Reason besides 6 ] Join two sentences together. Use the linking word in brackets and make any other necessary changes. Example; James needs to accelerate his progress in Physics. If he doesn’t, he’ll fail his end-of-term exam, (otherwise) James needs to accelerate his progress in Physics, otherwise he’ll fail his end-of-term exam. 1 Michael is very hot-tempered. He gets on well with everyone in the class, (although) 2 The weather was severe. The people survived, (in spite oO 3 My uncle is a famous archaeologist. My uncle is a famous writer too. (as well as) 4 It was high season. There were few people at the resort, (despite) 5 Mr Adams taught college students. Mr Adams did some research work, (in addition to ) 6 Mark was accepted for that programme. It happened because Mark had excellent commmiication skills, (due to) UNIT 4 71 7 j Listen to the announcements (see Ex. 44, p. 138 in Student’s Book) a) Write down the key words you hear. b) Listen again (see Ex. 45, p. 138 in Student’s Book) and decide where you can hear the announcements. Write down the names of places. Key words Places 8 j Complete the table. a) Listen to the recording (see Ex. 51, p. 141 in Student’s Book) and fill in the first column of the table. b) Listen again (see Ex. 52, p. 141 in Student’s Book) and complete the table with the advantages and disadvantages mentioned by the speakers. 9 J Write what advantages the following means of transport have in the place where you live. Useful language li fast, comfortable, helps to keep fit, doesn’t require too much fuel, reliable, j rather dangerous, economical, expensive to use, has a negative impact on the i! environment, nature friendly, enables the person to avoid traffic jams, j causes considerable dioxide emission, can take passengers wherever they want, j doesn’t require good roads, nice and relaxing to travel by 72 >- UNIT 4 car helicopter bicycle roller skates ferry / boat Bus / trolleybus / tram one more transport lOj Write an essay about a means of transport people should use more. Use the guidelines: • make your choice of the transport • write about its advantages (in the place where you live) • write about some disadvantages • sum up everything and confirm your choice of the transport The transport people should use more UNIT 4 73 Section 3 1 J a) Match the words to make meaningful phrases. to shake behaviour to sound ■ ■ ■ •> (the) conversation to enjoy the advice unsociable Ш hands to behave friendly to appreciate row irresponsible inconsiderately blazing statement awful arguments b) Answer the questions. Do you enjoy having conversations with people you don’t know very well? Why “yes” or “no”? Do you think smoking in a cafe or on the street is inconsiderate towards other people? Why “yes” or “no”? What is “unsociable behaviour” in your opinion? 2 j Match the remarks and the responses. 1 I need some time to think everything over, and then Г11 be ready to tell you about my decision. 1 a) Actually, I’ve been thinking about a quiet evening in, just watching something on TV. But I don’t mind a little party either. 2 Could I apply to you for advice if I need -some? ’ ■ b) My pleasure. Have a nice weekend! 3 Thank you very much for the map and your instructions. That was a great help. c) OK, take your time. Let me know when you are ready. 4 Is it OK if I bring some friends tonight? ' ' I .1 1 d) Anytime. 5 I don’t like it very much when someone borrows my hair dryer. ^ e) Sorry, I didn’t mean any offence. I’m just too excited. 6 Why are you talking so loudly? Do you mean I’m deaf or something? f) Do you mean that it was me? I don’t even know where you keep it! UNIT 4 "ГГ 3 J What do you say if... Example: you need to get to the nearest underground station, but you don’t know the way? Excuse me. How can I get to the railway station? О-------' oo 1 you feel hot and want to open the window, but there are other people in the room? 2 you need to make an urgent telephone call, but you don’t have your mobile phone with you? 3 people at the table next to yours talk very loudly and you can’t hear what your friend is saying to you? 4 you want to express your gratitude to someone who helped you a lot? 5 someone tells you that he’s grateful for your help and consideration? 4 j Listen to the radio programme (see Exs. 63-64, p. 145 in Student’s Book) and tick the ideas that have been mentioned in it. I I 1 Drinking beer in the streets. I I 2 Forgetting to say “Thank you” and "Sorry”. I I 3 Throwing litter out of your car window. I I 4 Listening to loud music in your car. I I 5 Sticking chewing gum everywhere. I I 6 Swearing in pubhc places. I I 7 Spitting in the streets. I I 8 Chewing food with your mouth open. I I 9 Talking on a mobile phone in public. [ I 10 Smoking while walking. Ц 11 Not cleaning up after your dog. r~l 12 Queue jumping [^13 Blowing one’s nose in public. Ц 14 Coughing and yawning with your mouth open on public transport. speakers use to express annoyance. □ 1 hate seeing people... □ And the absolute worst is when. □ I find it very rude when... □ It annoys me when people... □ 1 am sick to death of people... □ What drives me crazy... □ I think it is incredibly rude to... UNIT 4 75 ^6j Listen to the pronunciation of the words and mark the stress (see Ex. 67, p. 145 in Student’s Book.) annoying impolite irritating unacceptable unpleasant unhealthy inappropriate rude ill-mannered uncivilized insulting 7 j Read the arguments that can be used in the discussion “Is it OK to eat on the streets or not?” Tick the arguments that can justify eating and drinking on the streets. I I When people eat fast food on the streets, they often throw packaging and litter the environment. I I It’s not very nice to watch a person chewing something or drinking something straight from a bottle or a can. I 1 People may have no time for a proper meal and they have to eat lunch on their way to school or work. I I It’s not healthy to chew when you walk or run. I I You can spill the drink on someone’s clothes, or spoil them with ice cream or doughnut oil. I I It’s uncivilised to drink on the street. I I Most people would prefer eating in restaurants, but it’s rather expensive. I I There’s no need to make a fuss about eating on the streets because everyone does it. Agree or disagree with the following statement. You may use the arguments from the exercise above as well as your own ones. People should not be allowed to eat and drink on the streets or in public transport. Write • if you agree or disagree with the statement • some arguments for your point of view • a conclusion which confirms your opinion. 76 UNIT 4 9 ;j Complete the table (see Ex. 71, p. 146 in Student’s Book). verbT5 noun adjective respect consideration appreciation 101 Look through the list of topics for small talk (see Ex. 80, p. 148 in Student’s Book) and a) decide which of them are safe to use and put them into the table. b) working in pairs complete the table with possible questions or remarks to illustrate the topics (see Ex. 81, p. 148 in Student’s Book). 11 ja) Read the list of stereotypes Americans have about life in Russia. Tick the statements which are wrong and have nothing to do with real situation in Russia. I I Girls in Russia are very beautiful. Q People in Russia don’t feel cold at all and that’s why they can survive very frosty winters. I I The most popular writer in Russia is Dostoevsky. I I People in Russia read more than people in other countries. I I Bears are very common in the countryside and could even be seen in cities. I I All people in Russia drink lots of alcohol. Q The Russian ballet is fascinating and has traditions. I 1 People in Russia are very hospitable. b)* Choose one of the statements and explain why it’s not true. Use the guidelines: • name the stereotype • write if the opinion is entirely wrong or if it is very much exaggerated • give some arguments against the stereotype • write if the stereotype is good or bad for the image of Russia UNIT 4 '77 Section 4 ,aai- Match “diplomatic” utterances with their meanings. 1 It’s about 2 pm. 1 wouldn’t mind eating something. Would you? **1' a) You haven’t improved at all because you are extremely lazy and do nothing. 2 I’m not very happy with your progress. You don’t spend enough time doing your homework I’m afraid. b) Don’t tell anybody about it. 3 I wonder if I could ask you for a favour, as I don’t think I’ll manage to cope with that all by myself. c) I feel hungry. Let’s have some lunch. 4 I think you possibly don’t need to tell my boss or any other people about it. d) Can you help? 2 jwhat polite language do you use if... you want to be left alone and don’t want to talk to anyone? you feel thirsty? you need to find a toilet? 3 j Complete the table. a) Listen to the recording (see Ex. 85, p. 149 in Student’s Book) and fill in the second and the third columns. b) Listen to the recording again and complete the rest of the table (see Ex. 86, p. 149 in Student’s Book). Name Where do they come from? Where did they experience culture shock? ^ What A4 they find 4ВОС1^иНЕ# 1 Vida 2 Jelena UNIT 4 3 Bianka 4 Gyorgyi 4 J Write down 2-3 things which you find shocking or irritating (see Ex. 90, p. 149 in Student’s Book). 5 J Match the definitions with the words you formed in Ex. 96, p. 151 in Student’s Book. 1 unwilling to accept other’s beliefs or behaviour 2 unlucky 3 impossible to jpttpMtt for 4 impossible to stop, inevitable ^ ^ 5 cruel, not caring when other people are suffering 6 surprising l; . 7 not being watched over (particularly ■;л8 rude ' - • - 6 Ja) Put the adjectives in the negative form and write them in the appropriate column. I--------------------------1 tolerant avoidable Щ un- im- aware polite predictable evitable human appropriate possible patient moral civilised b) Complete the sentences using the negative adjectives from the table above. Example: To me, it’s immoral to swear in public places. 1 In my view, it’s ____________________________________________________________ 2 / insist that it’s 3 I share the opinion that it’s UNIT 4 «79'^ 4 I believe that it’s X 7 JFill in the gaps with the appropriate options. Reporter; You’ve traveUed a lot, haven’t you? And have you ever experienced real culture (1) Andrew: No, not really... You see, I always do some homework before going to a new country. Reporter: Homework? Andrew: Yes, I search the media for any information about the country and (2)_________________the internet. The Internet is very useful for cultural awareness. And when you are (3)______ ______of some things, which are unusual to you, they don’t tend to remain shocking and you can (4)_______________to them easily. Reporter: But it’s impossible to (5)_________________everything that may happen there. Andrew; You are right. And it reminds me of my first trip abroad when I really experienced a sort of culture shock. Reporter: What country was it? Andrew: Britain. I was taking an (6)_________________course and was staying in a student hostel. Being quite a sociable person, I (7)____________made lots of friends. They were very friendly and very enthusiastic about meeting me. They liked me very much! I concluded that from their own words. They kept saying: “It’s fantastic to meet you! We are happy to see you!” and other things like that. Reporter: And what happened then? Andrew: Once, on the way to the college I saw a fellow student on the (8)_______________side of the street. And he was waving to me: “Hi! How are you! It’s great to see you!” Reporter: Well, and? Instead of “I’m fine, thank you!” I said: “I feel a bit sick today.” And? “It’s fantastic! See you after classes!” It was obvious that he didn’t even listen to my reply. Reporter: Was it disappointing? Andrew: Yeah, it was a bit (9)_______________________. But soon 1 realised that it was the famous English________________(10) talk. It’s when people use set phrases without much meaning in order to sound polite and positive. Andrew: Reporter Andrew: 1 a) surprise b) collapse c)shock d) blow 2 a) browse b) run c) study d) investigate 3 a) familiar b) prepared c) aware d)ready 4 a)change b) convert c) alter d) adapt 5 a) predict b)invent c) prevent d)enhance 6 a) immediate b) immersion c) impatient d) immortal 7 a) instant b) instantly c) intolerantly d) intolerant 8 a) another b) some other c) nearest d) opposite 9 a) frightening b) threatening c) stunning d) frustrating 10 a) little b) small c) tiny d) miniature 80 UNIT 4 ( s j Read the letter and use the verbs in the appropriate form. Hi everyone! I’m writing this letter in English as it’s strictly (1)_ __________(forbid) to use any language here but English. The thing is that I’m taking an immersion course of English in Malta now and our teachers (2)_________________(think) that if we switch off our native languages, it (3)______________(enhance) our speaking skills. I don’t know if they are right or not, but I enjoy (4) (speak) English all the time immensely! I’ve been studying here for a week and a half already and I’ve made good progress. It’s amazing to (5)__________(can) to communicate with so many people from so many countries. There are about two hundred overseas students here, and sometimes it’s not easy to guess where some of them are from. I myself (6)__________(take) for a Bulgarian and for a Czech several times — they say that I have an Eastern European accent And some of my peers looked very surprised when they (7)___________(find) out that I’m from Russia. They thought that people in Russia were unfriendly and unsociable. It’s a shame that there are still so many prejudices and stereotypes about my country. But I’m sure that I (8)________________(break) all of them by the end of my course! I’ve met some nice guys from Germany and Finland here and we hope to stay in touch even when our course (9)________(be) over and when we get back home. Love and kisses, )ulia (or Yulka if it sounds more familiar) ; 9 -j Construct the poems from the scatted lines. Start with the lines in bold, 1 We need to change assumption To keep snow white and water blue And to reduce consumption. That everything belongs to us, 2 When travelling far by train or air Good manners are appreciated. Don’t make the locals feel frustrated. You should be culturally aware. 3 All our happiness depends Believe your luck, don’t mind some loss — Enjoy the hfe immersion course! On peace and love and lifelong friends. white — righT^ ---- — duck^^ UNIT 4 Project Climate change Global warming and climate change are very hot topics today on TV. Lots of scientists, media people and even businessmen express their concern about possible consequences of climate change. Is it just a buzzword or could it really affect our life? Let’s look into the issue. 1 J Brainstorming Brainstorm for factors that can cause global warming and for its possible consequences. global warming 2 J Write down what you understand by global warming and compare your vision with your partner’s. Global warming reveals itself in 3 j Read the statements and put them in the appropriate column below. Ice-covered territories of the Earth are shrinking in size. The level of the ocean is rising constantly. The number of environmental projects on TV is increasing. The amount of carbon dioxide in the air is increasing. The temperatures are rising all over the world. Scientists of different countries are working on clean energy projects. The ozone layer is getting thinner and ultraviolet radiation gets through it more easily than it used to. The word "desertification” has been used a lot in media recently. People are getting more environment-conscious than they used to be. A new reason for migration has been registered in immigration laws of some countries. Now they recognise “climate migrants”. Evidence of global wanning in the natural world People’s response to the effects of global Tnrftnfmy 82 Project 4 j Work in pairs. Read through the opinions. РШ in the bubbles below with the factors which, according to the speakers, may contribute to global warming. I know dial every time people fly somewhere, they contribute to the global warming effect. A plane emits carbon dioxide and other harmful gases. And the number of planes, their capacity and speed are growing all over the world. Obviously, it’s not very good for the environment. People don’t often pay attention to minor energy consumptions. For example, they can leave the bathroom light burning all through the night, or don’t close the fridge door. They can boil some water and forget to make tea. Then they boil it again. They may let hot water rurming in the kitchen for no reason at all. One person’s energy waste may not be very important for nature, but ...there are lots of people in the world. Lots of people buy big off-road vehicles. Those cars are designed for driving over rough ground — across the mountains or roadless countryside. However, people often use them for city driving. It’s silly and irresponsible to drive fuel-consuming cars when it’s not necessary. People bum huge amounts of coal and oil in order to produce various goods and nice packaging for them. People often buy things they don’t really need, they just want to replace an older model with a more prestigious brand. They buy more than they are able to consume, and throw away a lot too. Isn’t it silly to use energy to produce unnecessary things and then use it again to eliminate the waste? 5 j Do you personally think that it’s people who are responsible for global warming? Choose one of the statements below and write a paragraph about it. Its evident that the global warming process has been triggered by human activity. I see global warming as a natural process which can’t be affected by human beings. I think that people’s activity accelerates the natural process of global warming which could be much slower and less harmful without our contribution. If we want to understand our prospects and avoid catastrophes and disasters, we shouldn’t ignore the fact that the world is getting warmer and should try to find out more about global warming. Let’s study how the process affects our world. Read and study the instructions on how to do the project “Global warming”. Project вз Ж Guidelines for the project: Read the hipotheses and split into three groups according to the area you are going to research I I how global warming affects land and vegetation I I how global warming affects animals I I how global warming affects people • Step 1: Read the text and answer the questions to be sure that you have understood it. Then choose the most appropriate conclusion at the end of the text. • Step 2: Give some other examples of how human activity contributes to global warming and environment pollution. • Step 3: Make some research to find out if people around you are environment-conscious or not and how they feel about global warming. Use the form and do a survey and find out people’s opinions. Write a report on the results of your research. • Step 4: Confirm / reject the hypothesis. Make up a presentation “Global warming and its effect on land and vegetation / animals / humans”. Use any other additional material (statistics, newspapers, photos or articles from the internet, etc) if possible. PROJECT Global warming and how it can change life on the Earth Group 1 ; Step 1 Study the text below and consider the following questions. 1 How vulnerable is polar caps ice to temperature rising? Has it been affected by global warming yet? 2 If the ocean rises by about one meter, will it be visible on geographical maps? 3 What is desertification and deforestation? What is global warming and why do people talk about it so much? As scientists report, the average temperatures have risen by about one degree in the last 150 years. Do we really need to worry about such a little bit? Isn’t it good news to those who doesn’t like long cold winters and would prefer to live in a warmer climate? However, most researchers insist that even a one-degree rise can start a chain of irreversible damage to the environment. And it’s not all about the future, it’s happening now. Unbelievable, but the ice cover of the Earth is very vulnerable to the slightest temperature rise. Most of the planet’s ice supply (which is also fresh water supply) is in the polar ice caps. The ice caps of the Arctic and Antarctica are melting. Ice shelves break into pieces and the current brings them to warmer waters where they melt swiftly. The permanent ice cover based on land is shrinking very rapidly too. What consequences can it lead to? Antarctic ice cap covers the territory of more than twelve million square kilometres and in some places it’s about five kilometres thick. If this huge amount of ice melts, the level of the ocean will rise tremendously. And we also have the Arctic region, which is melting too. The level of the ocean is gradually rising. It has risen by 15-20 centimetres already since the beginning of the twentieth century and tends ■ЖТГ' 84 Project to go higher. Using computer models, scientists predict that the level of the ocean will rise up to one metre during this century. Some islands and coastal territories are already suffering from floods. If the process of global warming accelerates, maps of aU continents will change dramatically. Coastal territories and lowlands will go underwater. Global warming is not only about dry land reduction. The image of the Earth may change out of recognition because of climate change. Global warming also reveals itself in the increasing number of droughts. Africa, Australia and some territories of Europe and Asia have experienced most severe and long-running droughts since the beginning of this century. Droughts stimulate the process of desertification, i.e. they destroy the soil level and make it unsuitable for vegetation growing. Rising temperatures also affect vegetation via animals and birds. If animals that eat fruits of the trees move to other territories in response to climate change, the forest can’t spread and will eventually die out. Even insects like beetles, bugs, and caterpillars can add to the problem. For instance, due to climate change in Alaska the insects are booming! They breed much faster in a warmer climate and literally can chew up all vegetation of the northern territories. Thousands of square kilometres of the forest in Alaska can be damaged or completely destroyed by insects by 2015. Read the text once again and choose between the two conclusions. a) A slight temperature rise can considerably change the geographical profile of the planet. .................. «fe b) A slight temperature rise can cause minor local changes and is not ■ able to change the image of the Earth. Step 2 Give some other examples of how human activity contributes to global warming / environment pollution. Use some local examples if possible. Write about: what kind of activity it is (farming / construction / making water reservoirs, etc) where it takes place if it affects the land, rivers, forests, marshes, prairie, and the vegetation of the places Step 3 Find out how people feel about the global warming effect on land and vegetation. Conduct a survey using the questionnaire below. Take the following steps: 1 Ask 6-10 people of any age to fill in the questionnaire form. 2 Analyse the responses. 3 Write a report on the results (see the layout below). Use statistics to support your statements. Project Questions лттт 1 Do you believe global warming can change the Earth profile significantly? 1 1 Yes. Q No. ПI don’t know. QI don’t care. 2 Do you believe that dry land territory will shrink and some islands, cities, countries may disappear? 1 1 Yes. П No. ПI don’t know. ЦI don’t care. 3 Do we risk losing lots of farming land and forests because of desertification or floods? 1 1 Yes. П No. QI don’t know. QI don’t care. 4 Do you think that it may happen during your lifetime? 1 1 Yes. П No. ПI don’t know. QI don’t care. 5 Do you think people need to do something to stop or to slow down the process of global warming? 1 1 Yes. П No. ПI don’t know. ЦI don’t care. 6 What should people do to improve the situation? Tick the options or / and suggest something yourself. 1 1 consume less energy 1 1 reduce carbon hydrogen emission 1 1 develop new clean technologies 1 1 lessen the pollution □ 7 What should every person do? Tick the options or /and suggest something yourself. 1 1 travel by air less 1 1 use public transport instead of a car 1 1 avoid buying high-powered cars if not necessary, buy smaller cars 1 1 avoid using plastic packaging if not nece.ssary 1 1 sort one’s waste and carry it to the recycling centres 1 1 pay more for environment friendly products □ 8 What are you, personally, ready to do to improve the situation? Tick the options or / and suggest something yourself. 1 1 travel by air less 1 1 use public transport instead of a car 1 1 avoid buying high-powered cars if not necessary, buy smaller cars 1 1 avoid using plastic packaging if not necessary 1 1 sort your waste and carry it to the recycling centres 1 1 pay more for environment friendly products □ 86 Project Report on the results of the survey Use the questions as guidelines for your report. Who took part in the survey? Are people aware of the problem? Uo people care and believe that some measures need to be taken? Are they ready to do something themselves? Do you think people want and are able to do something to slow down global warming or not? Useful language To collect the data about / to study the question of how aware people arc of the problem, we conducted a survey. ...people took part in the survey their ages range from... to... ■ The analysis of the results proves that most / almost half / very few people... Only two people out of ten... A very small percent, only ten percent of the total, think that... In contrast, younger respondents say that... We’ve studied the results and have come to the conclusion that... Step 4 Read all the information you’ve got and decide if it confirms the hypothesis or not. Make up a presentation according to the plan. • Your hypothesis: confirmed or rejected. • Some evidence (local or global) that global warming, if not stopped, will seriously affect the geography and the vegetation cover of the planet. • Results of the research on how people around you feel about the problem. • Your conclusion. Project ^87 Group 2 м Step 1 Study the text below and consider the following questions. 1 Is it easy or difficult for animals to adapt to the changing environment? Why? 2 Why has a slight temperature rise put the polar bear at risk of extinction? 3 How can global warming affect animals living in a warm climate? Everyone feels that home is the best place in the world. It is a spot where we are safe and familiar with the surroundings. We know where the fridge is — in case we get hungry, or where warm clothes are kept — in case we feel chihy. Amazingly, but animals feel the same. It took them thousands of years to adjust to all the peculiarities of the territory they live in in order to reach harmony with the environment. This is called evolution. And it comes to them as a shock when some parameters of their environment change too rapidly. Evolution is a slow process. Global warming is changing the environment and lots of species are facing very serious problems. In response to environmental changes some ofthem move, some reduce their population, and others become irreversibly extinct. For instance, scientists say that temperature rise of about one degree has already put the polar bear at risk of extinction, which may happen during the current century. Normally, polar bears spend most of their time hunting for seals on sea ice. But sea ice is melting. As the result bears don’t have enough food to gain their fat supply, which is dangerous for themselves and for their cubs. Newborn little bears are weaker than years ago and poor feeding contributes to that problem. Hunting is getting more and more difficult and even life threatening for polar bears. Now and again researchers in the Arctic region find a considerable number of dead bears which just float in the sea. The cause of their death is drowning. In spite of the fact that polar bears are strong animals and can swim quite well, they are not very good at swimming long distances and at diving. While himting they prefer swimming among ice floes — large drifting blocks of ice, which are a sort of safety islands for them. When, due to a warmer climate, the water is ice free, they don’t have an opportunity to hunt seals jumping from one ice floe to another. They have to hunt in the water, which is less successful and very risky. Unfortunately, not only cold lands animals are suffering from global warming. In the warm waters of the Indian Ocean corals are dying too. Coral communities are also affected by temperature rise, which accelerates the destruction, and slows down the recovery process. The process of destruction is already visible — the corals are bleaching, i.e. they are losing their colours. Losing colour happens mainly due to lack of oxygen, as when water gets warmer it contains less oxygen. Another factor, but unfortunately not the last one, is the warmth shock for some of coral reef inhabitants. Corals provide shelter for lots of marine life, and they often exist on symbiosis basis. For this reason the destruction of tiny marine organisms may lead to the death of corals. Scientists say that corals are really under serious threat and can die within a hundred years. If they are destroyed, it will inevitably bring some fish species which use corals as nurseries for their little ones to extinction, and then, unavoidably, some birds and marine animals will be affected. According to the most tragic scenarios, as much as forty percent of the currently existing animals can become extinct. 88 Project B^Read the text once again and choose between the two conclusions. a) If people help animals adapt to the changing environment, the animals can possibly survive through difficult times and will even benefit from a warmer climate. b) Wildlife is not able to evolve rapidly, that’s why most of the existing species are under a very serious threat. Step 2 Give some other examples on how human activity contributes to global warming / environment pollution. Use some local examples if possible. Write about: what kind of activity it is (farming / construction / making water reservoirs, transportation / manufacturing, etc) where it takes place if it can affect animals’ and birds’ populations and if it can bring some species to extinction Step 3 Find out how people feel about the global warming effect on wild animals and birds. Conduct a survey using the questionnaire below. Take the following steps: 1 Ask 6-10 people of any age to fill in the questionnaire form. 2 Analyse the responses. 3 Write a report on the results (see the layout below). Use statistics to support your statements. Answers " 1 Do you believe global warming is a threat to animals? □ Yes. □ No. 1 11 don’t know. 1 11 don’t care. 2 Do you believe that global warming will bring a considerable number of species to extinction? □ Yes. □ No. 1 11 don’t know. 1 11 don’t care. 3 Do you believe that global warming will upset natural wildlife balance? □ Yes. □ No. 1 11 don’t know. 1 11 don’t care. 4 Do you think that it may happen during your lifetime? □ Yes. □ No. 1 11 don’t know. 1 11 don’t care. 5 Do you think people need to do something to stop or to slow down the process of global warming? □ Yes. □ No. 1 11 don’t know. 1 11 don’t care. Ptojecl 89 What should people do to improve the situation? Tick the options or / and suggest something yourself. I I consume less energy I I reduce carbon hydrogen emission I I develop new clean technologies I I lessen the pollution □________________________________ 7 What should every person do? Tick the options or / and suggest something yourself 1 1 travel by air less 1 1 use public transport instead of a car 1 1 avoid buying high-powered cars if not necessary, buy smaller cars I 1 avoid using plastic packaging if not necessary 1 1 sort one’s waste and carry it to the recycling centres 1 1 pay more for environment friendly products □ 8 What are you, personally, ready to do to improve the situation? Tick the options or / and suggest something yourself 1 1 travel by air less 1 1 use public transport instead of a car 1 1 avoid buying high-powered cars if not necessary, buy smaller cars 1 1 avoid using plastic packaging if not necessary 1 1 sort your waste and carry it to the recycling centres 1 1 pay more for environment friendly products □ Report on the results of the survey Use the questions as guidelines for your report. Who took part in the survey? Are people aware of the problem? Do people care and believe that some measures need to be taken? Are they ready to do something themselves? Do you think people want and are able to do something to slow down global warming or not? Г Useful language To collect the data about / to find out if people are aware of the problem, we conducted a survey. ...people took part in the survey their ages range from... to... The analysis of the results proves that most / almost half / very few people... Only two people out of ten... A very small percent, only ten percent of the total, think that... In contrast, younger respondents say that... We’ve studied the results and have come to the conclusion that... 90s Project Step 4 Read through all the information you’ve got and decide if it confirms the hypothesis or not. Make up a presentation according to the plan. • Your hypothesis: confirmed or rejected. • Some evidence (local or global) to prove that global warming, if not stopped, will deeply affect the wildlife of the Earth. • Results of the research on how people around you feel about the problem. • Your conclusion. Group 3: Step 1 Study the text below and consider the following questions. 1 Is people’s contribution described as one of the main causes of global warming? Why? 2 How can global warming increase the number of climate migrants? 3 In what other ways can global warming be disastrous for people? People undoubtedly have contributed to global warming a lot. There’s a strong belief that it’s people who are fully responsible for triggering and accelerating the process. It’s connected with technological progress and consumption boom. Nowadays we consume an enormous amount of energy! Much more than we used to. The energy we use is not only in the electricity bills we have to pay — every time we buy something or travel somewhere or just go to the gym or the swimming pool we consume energy. We burn huge amounts of fuel and emit lots of warmth and carbon in the atmosphere. People are obviously enjoying modern style of life, which is comfortable and dynamic, but what price do we have to pay for it? The most evident marker of global warming is the ocean level rise. It has already affected the inhabitants of some islands and coastal territories. People of Tuvalu, a tiny island country in the Pacific Ocean, were among the first victims of the rising ocean. In 2007 their government called for help and for a new place for living as they had to leave their drowning mother island. Unfortunately, they are not a single example of climate migrants. More and more often people Project 91 have to abandon their lands to escape extreme weather such as droughts, hurricanes, and floods. If the process of global warming is not slowed down, people of Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam, and India will lose considerable parts of their territories. If scientist.s’ forecast about a one-metre water rise by the end of the current century is right, a big part of swiftly developing Shanghai as well as some coastal parts of New York, London and Tokyo can go under water. Undoubtedly, the shrinking of dry land and the growing number of climate migrants can cause social instability and even provoke conflicts in densely populated areas. Permanent floods and droughts, which are two extremes of climate change, will unavoidably destroy lots of farming lands. With the growing population rate it will have disastrous results and can cause famine and diseases. Scientists use computer models of climate change and according to them the impact on agriculture can be catastrophic for the whole world, but the countries of Africa and Latin America are at the greatest risk of food production loss. To make the matter worse global warming will harshly affect the fresh water supply of the planet in general and in African, Latin American and some Asian countries in particular. О О '• в ^ Read the text once again and choose between the two conclusions. a) According to the information in the text, global warming puts the human civilisation at a serious risk. It’s going to be a worldwide disaster and will affect everyone whatever country they live in. b) Global warming may affect some countries, but it doesn’t threaten the human civilisation in general. Step 2 Give some other examples of how human activity contributes to global warming / environment pollution. Use some local examples if possible. Write about: what kind of activity it is (construction / transportation / farming / manufaturing, etc) where it takes place what good and what harm it does to people. 92 m 7^ Project Step 3 Find out how people feel about the global warming effect on people. Conduct a survey using the questionnaire below. Take the following steps: 1 Ask 6-10 people of any age to fill in the questionnaire form. 2 Analyse the responses. 3 Write a report on the results (see the outline below). Use statistics to support your statements. Answers 1 Do you believe global warming is a threat to people? 1 1 Yes. СП No- П1 don’t know. ЦI don’t care. 2 Do you believe that global warming will bring lots of natural disasters and catastrophic changes? 1 1 Yes. ПИ No. П T don’t know. QI don’t care. 3 Do you believe that people will have to struggle desperately to survive? 1 1 Yes. CD No. П I don’t know. Ц I don’t care. 4 Do you think that it may happen during your lifetime? 1 1 Yes. П No. Ц1 don’t know. ЦI don’t care. 5 Do you think people need to do something to stop or to slow down the process of global warming? 1 1 Yes. Q No. ПI don’t know. ЦI don’t care. 6 What should people do to improve the situation? Tick the options or / and suggest something yourself. 1 1 consume less energy 1 1 reduce carbon hydrogen emission 1 1 develop new clean technologies 1 1 lessen the pollution □ 7 What should every person do? Tick the options or / and suggest something yourself. 1 1 travel by air less 1 1 use public transport instead of a car 1 1 avoid buying high-powered cars if not necessary, buy smaller cars 1 1 avoid using plastic packaging if not necessary 1 1 sort one’s waste and carry it to the recycling centres 1 1 pay more for environment friendly products □ 8 What are you, personally, ready to do to improve the situation? Tick the options or / and suggest something yourself. 1 1 travel by air less I 1 use public transport instead of a car [ 1 avoid buying high-powered cars if not necessary, buy smaller cars I 1 avoid using plastic packaging if not necessary 1 1 sort your waste and carry it to the recycling centres 1 1 pay more for environment friendly products □ Project Report on the results of the survey Use the questions as guidelines for your report. Who took part in the survey? Are people aware of the problem? Do people care and believe that some measures need to be taken? Are they ready to do something themselves? Do you think people want and are able to do something to slow down global warming or not? Useful language To collect the data about / to find out if people are aware of the problem, we conducted a survey. ...people took part in the survey their ages range from... to... The analysis of the results proves that most / almost half / very few people... Only two people out of ten... A very small percent, only ten percent of the total, think that... In contrast, younger respondents say that... We’ve studied the results and have come to the conclusion that... Step 4 Read all the information you’ve got and decide if it confirms the hypothesis or not. Make up a presentation according to the plan. • Your hypothesis: confirmed or rejected. • Some evidence (local or global) to prove that global warming, if not stopped, will affects people’s health and lifestyle. • Results of the research on how people around you feel about the problem. • Your conclusion. ^ 94 f Project Listen to the presentations of the other groups. Ask questions. Choose between the two conclusions on the problem. The process of global warming is accelerating and presents a serious threat to the Earth and its inhabitants including people. We need to make every effort to find a solution very quickly. The process of global warming is progressing, but its consequences are very much exaggerated. We don’t need to worry too much about it and should concentrate on more important issues. Brainstorm for the ideas on what could be done to fight climate change. Discuss them and agree on three which you consider applicable and most important. Project 95 Учебное издание Биболетово Мерем Забатовно Бабушис Елена Евгеньевна Снежко Надежда Дмитриевна Английский язык Рабочая тетрадь № 1 к учебнику для 10 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Замдиректора по подготовке изданий С. В. Ширина Редактор Г. М. Фролова Корректоры Г. А. Киселева, Г. П. Мартыненко Дизайн макета В. КиН, А.С. Кудашкиной Иллюстрации Н. В. Мишиной Художественный редактор Е. А. Валяева Цифровая обработка изображений Л. Н. Новоселова Сертификат соответствия санитарным правилам РФ и требованиям нормативных документов РОСС RU. АЕ51. Н 16002 от 24.01.2012. Подписано в печать 19.06.2012. Формат 60x 84/8. Гарнитура “Миньон". Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная. Уел. печ. 11. 11,19. Уел. кр.-отт. 12,13. Тир. 50000 .чкз. Зак. 1681. Издательство “Титул”. 249035, Калужская обл., г. Обнинск, а/я 5055. Тел. (48439) 9-10-09. E-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). Отпечатано в полном соответствии с качссгвом предоставленных издательством матсриа/юв в ОАО “Тверской ордена Трудового Красного Знамени полиграфкомбмиат детской литературы им. 50-летия СССР”. 170040, г. Тверь, пр. 50 лет Октября, 46.