Учебник Английский язык 4 класс Комарова Ларионова Перретт

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Учебник Английский язык 4 класс Комарова Ларионова Перретт - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Brilliant (Бриллиант):

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начальная инновационная Ю.А. Комарова и.в. Ларионова Ж. Перретт ШКОЛА АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК пштшшт Учебник для 4 класса общеобразовательных учреждений 3-е издание Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации Экспертное заключение №10106-5215/474 от 01.11.2010 г. (научная экспертиза) Экспертное заключение № 001440 от25.01.2014 г. (педагогическая экспертиза) Экспертное заключение № 703 от 10.02.2014 г. (общественная экспертиза) Учебник соответствует Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту Москва «Русское слово» MACMILLAN 2014 Дорогой друг! Ты открыл эту книгу, а это значит, что твой путь по удивительной стране английского языка продолжается! В этой стране тебе предстоит совершить путешествие, полное приключений и сюрпризов. Вместе с героями нашей книги Бриллом, Норой, Элис, Дэнзилом и Берти ты побываешь в Счастливом городе. Там вы увидите, как снимается фильм, заблудитесь и угодите в ловушку к недоброжелателям, но вас ждёт смелый побег и благополучное освобождение. Вы избавите жителей от Арабеллы и Отто, сделав детей Счастливого города снова счастливыми. Наслаждайся волшебным путешествием и изучай английский язык с удовольствием! Условные обозначения — задание на аудирование — работа в парах Щ| - игра |~~Т^ _ домашняя работа ^ — письменное задание Содержание Информация для преподавателей и родителей Наэаание Sounds and Intonation С. 6-15 Meet (he Story Characters! C. 16. 17 This Is Happy Town C. 19-25 Geography Country Facts C. 26 Are They Playing? C. 27-33 Maths Measurements C 34 Otto Is Arabella's Brother C. 35-41 Zoology Young Animals C. 42 Whai Have You Got’ C. 43-49 The World Around Us Healthy Food C. 50 I Make Bread Every Day C 51-57 The World Around Us Jobs C 58 Тема Фонетический курс Знакомство с героями истории Повторение Коммуникативные задачи Фонетически правильно оформлять свою речь Читать и понимать на слух английские имена, понимать на слух описание внешности и привычек человека Описывать местность; называть людей / животных / предметы, находяидиеся вблизи и вдали: спрашивать о местонахождении чегО‘Либо или кого-либо Межпредметные Рассказывать о некоторых связи странах Европы Мои школьные предметы Вести диалог о любимых ШКОЛЬНЫХ предметах; описывать, что происходит е момент речи; считать до 100 связи Межпредметные ° измерения физических величин Вести диалог о принадлежности предметов: вести диалог о семье: спрашивать и сообщать время в часах и минутах; спрашивать о том. что происходит 8 момент речи Межпредметные английские названия связи детенышей некоторых животных Моя семья Еда Спрашивать в магазине о наличии продуктов, вести диалог о продуктах питания Межпредметные Диалог о продуктах связи питания, полезных для здоровья Раккаэывать о профессиях « объясн^ ■ дорогу, рассказывать о ^меднеаных занятия* Профессии Межпредметные связи Описывать профессии Лексико-граммат! материал Общеупотребительная лексика Имена собственные There 16 / There are This / That is ... These / Those are .. Who ? What ...7 Where ...? flag, language, population, capital city i грамматическое время present continuous (I); i множественное число j имён существительных; i названия школьных предметов: числительные от 10 до 100 \ weight, weigh, height, high, length, long, speed, fast, measure Грамматическое время present continuous (II) Whose .. is it? our. their Притяжательный падеж имен существительных: названия членов семьи calf. cub. foal, kitten, iamb, puppy, young have got some, any Исчисллемыа и неисчисляемые существительные diet, sugar, fat. vdamtns, protein Грамматическое время present simple ““'“‘и'е°связной речи, если за таким |5еЛ /.ете I*..* 'J„aK.«eec« с гласного звука, СЛОВОМ следует слово, ” „осится, например, there are звук [г] в конце "Р°авной. а фразы произносятся [аеэгэ]. Это делает речь пл легче. (l^ Listen and repeat. there are ['беэгэ] where are [ \л/еэгэ] here it ['hiarit] are at ['a:r0t] 10 @ us,en ,o .he eentencea and repeat them. Here it is! Where we? The boys and girls are^t home. There are trees and flowers in the park. Л Describe your classroom using there is I there are. Mind the sound [r] at the end of words. ''There is a teacher in my classroom. There are te?T~pt^j!£ Do the exercises on page 8 of your Activity Book. Сокращения Когда мы гово|мм, то зачастую сокращаем некоторые слова и фразы. Например мы, как правило, говорим Ifs ту school, а не It is ту school. То, что в речи сокращается, на письме обозначается особым знаком — апострофом (’). Listen and repeat. f ) ( I С are J ( has J [ have J I am there is it is we ^re he jias it^Ms they have I’m there’s ^ it’s we re -> he’s it’s they’ve Read the sentences. Then describe the pictures using short forms. ^ * We are friends, rpugre is a book on the table. They have got the stars, r ^ „„„ Q of vour Activity Book. [Jj Do the exercises on pag 1 1 j and \ Союз end служит для связи слов в предложении, I правило, в устной речи and бывает безударным. Если следующее за союзом and слово начинается с согласного звука, то звук [d] в слове and не произносится. Listen and repeat. and trousers [an'trauzaz] a jumper and trousers She’s wearing a jumper and trousers. and trees [an'triiz] flowers and trees There are lots of flowers and trees. and a cafe [ands'kaefei] a shop and a cafe There’s a shop and a cafe in the zoo. and legs [an'tegz] arms and legs Baboons have got very strong arms and legs. ^ @ Now read the sentences from exercise 15. Do the exercises on page 10 of your Activity Book. Интонация вопросительных предложен!:^ Yes/No questions вопросы, на которые можно ответитк произносятся с повышением интонации. ^ Listen and repeat. Are you a —pupil? Are you —^ ten? Have you got any __toys? Do you like to _^ swim? Is there a —^ living room in your house? Listen and read the dialogue. Then act it out. Sam - Hi, Sue! Sue - Hello! Sam - This is my little sister, Helen. Have you got a sister? Sue - Yes, I have. Her name is Amy. Sam - Is she your younger sister? Sue - Yes, she is. Sam — Do you like playing with her? Sue - Yes, I do. Sam - Is there a playing room in your house? Sue - No. there isn’t. We play in the garden. ® Ask your friends the questions from e*™ у and listen to their answers. Mind e 'iJdo me exerases err pes® ” »' ^ 13 „тигельных предложений Интонация вовдо вопросительных слов What? Вопросы, начинающиеся произносятся Where? When? Who? Whose? How. c понижением интонации. ------------ Ч__________ Listen and repeat. What’s your name? How are ^ you? Where are your parents now? When is your birthday? Who is your best @ friend? How many Ч brothers have you got? Listen and read the dialogue. Then act it out. Sam - What is your name? Sue Sam Sue Sam Sue Sam Sue 22 jrwui наше; - My name is Sue. What is your name? My name is Sam. How old are you? ~ 1 m ten. _ is your birthday? 7 I have got friends have you got? is Tom. Who is vm My best friend - best frieLTjo^ Ш 14 Ask your friends the m ^ their answJs ®«tcise 20 ^x-oises on page of your Activity Book. (§) Name the silent letter i wrap [raep] in each word. palm [pa:m] whale [well] castle [ka:sl] calf [ka:f] column ['kulam] walk [wD.'k] (2^ In class, discuss phonetic rules for these sentences. Read. X When’s your birthday? There are "'X flowers in the park. Is there Ш1 —apple in the orange bag? Where X are we? V------^ Now listen and repeat. папе 13 of your Activity Book. Do the exercises on page у 15 Listen, look and point. ^ Listen, iook and count. ^ 1 i Ф This Is Happy Town In this unit you will revise how to: ^ talk about places using Д this / that / those / frtese ^ identify people and places talk about places using Ж ГЛеге /s / There are Pronunciation Warm-Up [6] [0] Listen and repeat. Then read. [5] this these that those [0] three mouth thirsty tooth Listen and read the word you hear. they there bath birthday 1 there / where 2 that / sat 3 they / way 4 those / toes 5 three / tree 6 mouth / mouse Listen and repeat all words. Then read. 19 ^ . -av. Then Listen and say. camps^ read- — e the town where Brill ^t.ires and nan^ where fripnds Where are all the'^ ^ girls and boys? у ( They’re at 6 ) Read the sentences which are true. 1 There are lots of trees in Happy Town. 2 Those flowers are horrible. 3 Denzil is in the tent. 4 Bertie is hungry. 5 The Happy Town girls and boys are at home. Jdo the exercises on page 14 of your Activity Book. 21 is Nora. These are my friends. I That’s a tent. Those are big flowers, I What’s that? It’s a tent. f What are those? They’re trees. That’s = That is Those are my frj, 7j Your friend and you are in Happy Town. Taik to each other, like this: 22 Read and point. 1 This is a tent. 2 Those are houses. 3 That’s a school. 4 These are flowers. a Now talk about your classroom, like this; lJ exercises on page 15 of your Activity Book. Who’s he? Who’s she? Who are they? Where’s he/she? Where’s the tent? Where are they? He’s Bertie. She’s Alice hZS. Nora' ,,f = m the tent. t s on the campsite. They’re at school. ^ Who’s = Who is Where’s = Where is Ask your friend about the children at the campsite like this: ......... Who’s she? Where’s she?^ (She’s Clare, She’s in the sho^ Where are you now? Whereas Jason? Where are Clare and David? Where s Pete. Say ‘Hello’ to everyone. I miss you a Take care, Г----------------- , * я letter to Mother and у Imagine you are Linda. Write a exercise 9. ^ answer the questions. Use the p . .a.:*.. Rnrtk J Do the exercises on pnge .6 0. У-' ““ 23 @ sing. Thi.s is a very nice place Happy Town, Happy Town. These are flowers. These are trees. Those are g*irls and boys. There are lots of lovely things In Happy Town, in Happy Town Let’s stay here And make some friends In Happy, Happy Town. Listen and point. 24 .,.«0 a camps> are two tents and two \ Do the exercises on page Listen again. Then ciose your book and describe pictures A and В to your Iriend, like this: /'C~--- 'in picture A there's a campsite. JThere are two tents аоН Vou, Aclivity Book !@ Read. Revieion Hellol My name is Steve. 1 am wearing a red jumper. Can you see me? I am from England. I am English. This is my school and these are my friends. They are English, too. England is in Great Britain. Look at the British flag. It is the Union Jack. The British flag is red, white and blue. My name is Lucy and this is my sister Carrie. We are from America. My T-shirt has got pink and white stripes. Look at the American flag. It has got red and white stripes! There are thirteen stripes and fifty stars on the flag. I Choose the answer. At school. ~т;-па1япа. Lucy. Red and whi^ _/Lucy^ 1 Who is from America? 2 Where is Steve from? . 3 What colour are the stripes on the American flag? ®4 Where are Steve and his friends? Rritlsh and American flags. Now talk about the Russian, Bniis \\ П « 1Я of vour Activity Book Do the exercises on p^9 Geography Country Facts flag language population capital city 1 Flag Щ Щ Language; Italian Capital city: Rome Population: 60 million 3 Flag Language: Portuguese Capital city: Lisbon Population: 11 million 2 Flag Language: English Capital city: London Population: 61 million 4 Flag Language: Russian Capital city: Moscow Population: 142 million What are the facts? [ Italy Portugal Russia the UK ] Whats the country? Point and say the name of the country. ® the countrlee. 3 Are They Playing? J In this unit you Will learn how to; ' ^ talk about what is happening ^ talk about school lessons ^ count from 20 to 100 Pronunciation Warm-Up teen Listen and repeat. Then read. thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen [.03:’ti:n] [,b:‘ti:n] [.fifti:n] [,siks'ti:n] [,sevn'ti;n] [,ei'ti:n] r.nain'ti:n] hundred ['hAndrad] Listen and repeat. Ninety-nine mice are eating rice. Listen and name the number you he ^ t ^ 7П thirty ['03:ti] forty ['fD:ti] fifty ['frftil sixty [’siksti] seventy ['sevnti] eighty [’eiti] ninety ['nainti) 1 13/30 2 14/40 3 15 / 50 4 16 60 5 17 70 6 18 / 80 7 19 / 90 8 hundred / hungry 27 Listen and say. Then read. [ watch ] make a film ] f famous^ {_ horrible Look at the pictures. What is happening in the school ^ playground? Are the Happy Town children happy? Listen and read. That’s the school and Vt this is the playground. J11 Ц f Are the chitdreTTplayin^ л [дге Шеу climbing and l^mpinj^j I don’t want these ]) Now answer the questions. ---------^ f^o. they arent.j ^ Are the children playing? 2 Are the children jumping? 3 Are the children watching Arabella? 4 Is Arabella spoiling the school playground? 5 Are the children happy? П IQ of vour Activity Book ^ Bo the exercises on page *9 У 29 Гш playing now. He’s/She’s playing now. We’re playing now. They’re playing now. Are you playing? Is he/she playing? |фАге they playing? I’m not playing now —> He/She isn’t playing now. —► We aren’t playing now. They aren’t playing now. Yes, I am./No, I’m not. Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isn’t Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. Listen to the words, read them and remember. » •--1 «..iMir f£k\//MiritA lACCnnQ Then talk to your friend about your favourite lessons. Geography History English Maths Art What’s your favourite lesson?) Describe the actions. 30 ' Picture 1. She’s reading now") A # Й n 12 3^ Do the exercises on page 20 ot your Activity Book. Look, read and say. 1 He’s counting. He's doing Maths 3 3 He’s drawing flags. 2 She’s painting 4 They’re running. 11 Find the word pairs and write them. ^ Then listen, check and say. ^ child leaf man woman mouse person "ft ft f* ^ ® ^ women people leaves men children mice_______________ 'rhild - children ) Choose and read. 1 The man / men are painting. 2 The women is / are writing. 3 The mouse is / are running. 4 The people / person is wa mg^ 5 The children/child arere.du.g. ^ 21 Of your Activity Book, Do the exercises on pag® Э1 roari them and remember. 4^ Listen to the ouh,t.ers,yeed_tn пф Listen to the numoers, Then ask your friend to count. ten twenty thirty seventy eighty 40 forty ninety fi^ty sixty too one hundred! twenty-one twenty-two ^jPjj^ Sing. Two little mice In the house. They’re running Up and down the stairs! Can you count from 40 to 50? Yes, I can. Forty forty-one, forty-two D- Twenty-two little mice In the house. They’re running Up and down the stairs! One little mouse In the house. It’s running Up and down the stairs!] Look and listen. What lesson are the children doing? ^ ^j^_Class 1 they are doing Geography по~у^ Ш' 1 Л __ -- - - 32 Щ1ИТ > If" Do the exercises on page 22 of your Activity Book Read These children are having an Art lesson. They are in the Tate Gallery in London. В ey are looking at a painting. A man irom the museum is talking and the children are listening. These children are in a big museum. It is the Natural History Museum in London. They are having a History lesson in the museum. They are looking at the dinosaurs. This dinosaur has got a small head and a tail. It has got short legs. The children are reading about the dinosaur. I® Now answer the questions. In the Tate Gallery _ Ш the Natural History (Yes, thev^arep Museum 1 Are they llstemegZ 1 Are they looking at 2 Are they doing PE7 2 Are they doing History? Say What you ara doing In the Engliah laason now. 0'\ of vour Activity Book. Do the exercises on page 23 У _________ Mathe Meaeuremente weight weigh height high length long speed fast The car travels at 100 kph. m The elephant weighs 7000 kg. Josh is 1.5 metres^ tall. © Make sentences. 1 cm means ... 2 g means ... 3 kg means ... 4 kph means ... 5 m means ... @ Ask your friend these D cm means centimetre and measures length or height, a ... kilometres per hour and measures speed. b ... centimetre and measures length or height. c ... kilogram and measures weight. d ... metre and measures length or height. ® gram and measures weight. questions. How tast can you walk, Ann?^ (' walk at 5 kilometres (з) Now tell about How 34 much your friend. your bag weigh?^ 1 Arabella's brother In this unit you will learn how to: ^ talk about families ^ tell the time Pronunciation Warm-Up n Listen and repeat. Then read. [z] Otto’s [s] Patrick’s [iz] Alice’s Bertie’s Pete’s Liz’s Brill’s Olaf’s Ross’ У f^ind rhymes. Example: Pat’s hats. Pat’s Clare’s Cox’s "Ted’s Tess’ dresses boxes chairs hats beds listen, check and repeat. Arabella’s Philip’s Trish’s 35 0 Listen and say. Then read. ^ I car I “ food shop ff) Look ot Arabella and 0«o. Whal can you say about »,en„ ^ Where is Bertie going to? 0 Listen and read. О ^ Arabella! Stopl^w^ mi 36 horTible'‘hou\ei П'®®’ 4 a Ьогг1Ые^Р£[5?^^ ic Otto an actor?Tr 7- I ... nothing! 6) Now read and say. 1 His car is small and yellow. 2 Her car is big and green. 3 His shop is a food shop. 4 Her house is scary. It*s Otto’s caiQ J Do the ettetcises on page 26 of your ««»«У 37 ----■^■'"■'*"T'‘j^ A^e is Bertie’s sister, j j I'rrTAii^ ^Who’s Bertie s sister. | ! v^ brotf^rj \Whose car is it.' / ЛЫ/^ That’s their house. I < m Г9Ш ^ )This is our house. )Tms lb UM. .- / What’s Bertie’s sister doing? ^What are Bertie’s friends doing? Read and remember the family Then ask and answer. t U. I Grandma Uncle - Aunt Sophia Steve Lily Talk to your friend about Tanya’s family. r"^ J" What’s Tanya’s cousin doinq?')^-----—-л ! S J'^------------------------He’s drawing->=^ >e Tanya’s famiiu — --------He’s drawing '~ч/ ^ --------- Novy describe Tanya’s family to your class. ^ Then write your description. ' [T-------------- 36 With '1ь11оГт^'^' '-з ploying ----9‘ ^onya cousin ... Do the exercises on page 27 r.i У о! your Activity Book. ^ Read, point and say. Use Our or Their. 1 We’ve got a blue 2 They’ve got a yellow house. 3 We’ve got old grandparents. 4 They’ve got a pink car. 5 They’ve got young grandparents. 6 We’ve got a white and blue house. ^ Sing. His dad’s car is a big green car. His dad’s car is very big and slow. My mum’s car Is a little yellow car. My mum’s car can go, go, go. My mum’s car Is a very little car, But my mum’s car can go! ^ Play the game ‘Whose thing is it?’, i'k® 1t’s Nina's pencil. Whose pencil is ^ . П о 28 of your Activity Book. ^^0 the exercises on page 39 Point, ask and answer, ^What's the ИтеУ) It’s four It’s a quarter It’s half o’clock. past four. past four. It’s a quarter to five. 0*cl0Ck. fmow - Listen, look and point. ----------------!-7TTI Listen again and answer the questions. , „ /It’s a quarter to^eighO 1 What s the time? ^______ What’s Maria doing? She’s reading a book.J 2 What’s the time? What’s George doing? 3 What’s the time? What are Sophie and Anna doing? 4 What’s the time? Wl.at are John and Angela doing? Do the exercises on oaoe oo page 29 of your Activity Book. 40 Revieion /® Elizabeth. She is the queen of England. Look at her crown. It is purple white and silver. It is very beautiful I This is Prince Philip. He is Queen Elizabeth’s i husband. Prince Philip is the Duke of Edinburgh. S Look at his black hat. It is very big. These are Queen Elizabeth’s grandchildren, Prince Harry and Prince William. Look at Harry’s jacket. It’s dark blue. William’s jacket is grey. Look and say. Use the words from the box. 9- It is Prince Philip’s hat. It is his hat. Queen Elizabeth’s Harry’s William’s Prince Philip’s <5ister or brother to the Bring a photo of your mum, class and describe it. j2|isjsj]Q)L!I?^ я .. -10 of your Activity Book. I Do the exercises on page Ч Zoology Young Animals Talk to a friend, like this: What’s the first m (2) Make sentences. _______________________ . ^ A young bear is called a ... calf. 1 A young bear is called a ... 2 A young cow is called a ... 3 A young cat is called a ... 4 A young horse is called a 5 A young dog is called a .. 6 A young sheep is called a I ) ay a memory game with your friend, like this: 42 sneep._>g‘'^P ® Tlutw E® ® a 9oose and Find out and wrtte^" ^ ^ --- f ... puppy- What Have You Got? In this unit you will learn how to: ^ talk about food ^ talk about quantity using some Ж and any ^ talk with a shop assistant Pronunciation Warm-Up some any ^ Listen and repeat. Then read. fs there any bread? Are there any carrots? there IS some bread. Yes, there are some carrots. ^0. there isn’t any bread. No, there aren’t any carrots. 43 Listen and say. Then read. ■ ^ I peaj fteSTaJ @ - t;x: - -- Listen and read. torn М. very hungry! 3°'-- /•/ .! fw r haven’t an, . This s ° h ^^ЦДДЬот^Ьор! ’''N' I’ve got some lovely sardines. I’ve got some peas and I’ve got lots of carrots. Stop, Bertie! Where are you going? П----------- sl'^ V 16 I’m going to the tent! I’m going home. 1/ Wait! We’re coming with you!; otto hasn’t got any fruit.) Now choose and say. ' - ^, 1 Otto’s got some / hasn’t got any fruit. ^ Otto’s got some / hasn’t got any spaghe ^ Otto’s got some / hasn’t got any sardines Otto’s got some / hasn’t got any pi ® Otto’s got some / hasn’t got any car ® Otto’s got some / hasn’t got any peas. Do thp о of your Activity Book, exercises on page 31 о у |/Have you haven’t. Г- Yes, I have. No, 1 ^ Is there any bread, i Yes. there IS : No. there isn t an> Are there any - v!f’,h>reare^y biscmts-C j are,^ anybf ' Look and say. _____________________ ghi^^n-t anyjon^ "-1./—Z1 (^ What food is there? rr~~,-------------- 6 ^re_there any tomatoes2J^|| -w^ls there any chocolate^ ® jchocolfl^^ j . ice crea® •t ^ - bread ^^ercises there is. P^9e 32 of your Activity Book. play the game ‘In the shop’, like this: Have you 9j Choose and say about your picture. 1 I’ve got / haven’t got some / any 2 I’ve got / haven’t got some / any 3 I’ve got / haven’t got some / any 10) Read the note. Ann. Could you buf food, pjease? We have n't got of^y bread and we haven't ^of Love. \ '<^agine you’re a mum / dad. Write a note to your у 'daughter/son and ask to buy some food. i C ^^0 the exercises on page 33 of your Activity Bo A 47 @ Sing, There aren’t any toys in Otto s shop. There isn’t any bread or cheese. You can’t buy anything in Otto s shop, Only sardines and peas! There isn’t any cake, There aren’t any crisps. There aren’t any nice things at all. Otto’s shop is a horrible shop. You can’t even buy a ball! Listen and say what’s missing in Annie’s and Peter’s trolleys. Wj *** ---- fST V'iri j / / \ ® чащ. Then answer th« ' an n ^ 2 Ar-n. a. bread . rr:----------r 46 ^ there an questions. ^ there anv -^«nie’s tr ii ^es, there there an in pj , ------- , A'-e there an in д ® trolley? Page 3^ ® trolley? " Activity Book, Revision This woman isn’t from Europe. She is from Thailand. She hasn’t got a shop. She has got a boat. She has got lots of bananas and some flowers on her boat. But she hasn’t got any ice cream. It is very hot in Thailand! This girl is in the supermarket. It is a ^ ? very big shop. She has got a trolley. What I I 1 • I 1 11 Л <^1 1 < ^ ^ has she got in her trolley? She has got some orange juice and some ice cream. Has she got any carrots or apples? Yes, she has. Has she got any sardines? No, she hasn’t. j(l5) Now answer the questions. ^ 1 Has the woman got any ice cream. 2 Has she got any bananas. ^ 3 Has the girl got any carrots. 4 Has she got any oranges. ^ Draw a trolley with your favourite have got in your trolley. ID ; ;r v-j ^ I have got some jt- ^ the exercises on page 35 of your Activity Book /Of 49 The *ow answer tne quebu^..-* y^i^7^e_doesn^ 1 Does Bertie like Arabella? 2 Does Brill make bread? ^ »g school? 3 Do they sing and dance a ^ Does Arabella like pictinas p^^tie? 5 Do Brill and Denzil want to . 43 of your Activity Book. ^^0 the exercises on рз9 61 Do you draw pictures? Does he/she draw pictures? Do they draw pictures? Yes, I do./No, I don’t, ф Yes, he/she does. | No he/she doesn’t. Yes, they do. No, they don’t. What do you wear in the summer? What does he/she wear in the summer? Read and remember the words. Then read the sentence always^psuall^Mo^ Bnev»rW I sometimes have lunch at home 1 I // have lunch at home. 2 He plays football with his friends. 3 She ///// does her homework. 4 They Л eat sardines. 5 We //// watch TV after school. (^\ Answer the questions about your school. At your school 1 Do you play games? - 2 Do you sing songs? 3 Do you write in your books? 4 Do you draw pictures? •*” yo^ tchool, „к, ,h„. ^ /if w* _ •"У school МУС often ploy дотш% 1 Do tw 62 on 44 ol your Activity Book Listen and say. Remember the weather words |J| //. Ъ -'A' _ • If, rainy. Ifaannny. if, el„„dy. If, cold. If, hot. Ifs What’S the weather like outside today? What’s the weather like today?) ( It’s rainy. @ Sing. The wind is blowing And it is snowing, It’s cold and it’s windy outside. But don’t be frightened Of the thunder and lightning. It’s nice and warm inside. Go to bed, Rest your head. And listen to the rain outside. And don’t be frightened Of the thunder and lightning. If s nice and warm inside. ^leep tight! Sweet dreams! kr- Oo the exercises on pa9® of your Activity Book. 63 @U Listen -t Remember and po'"^- ^ the new words. December тек January September March August April June @ Listen again. Then answer the questions. о ГShe plays ю the snow. 1 What does the girl do in the winter? 2 What does the boy do in the spring? 3 What do the children do in the summer? 4 What do the children do in the autumn? Ask and answer about seasons. (ЩЁк /(^hat do you do in the summer?) ^jjjj^ ^ ^ (’ 9Q on holidayT^y^-'^^ and'^sa!# ^ ^ again. Then close your book and say the months from memory! QJ exercises c 64 46 of your Activity Book. Revision In the winter in Russia it is usually very cold. There’s a lot of snow. After school the children throw snowballs in the parks. They often go skiing and skating. These boys are sliding down the hill. They are having lots of fun! In the autumn in America it is cold and windy. All the leaves fall off the trees. The colours are beautiful in the autumn. Look at the orange and yellow leaves. These children live in America. They love playing outside. They always play in the leaves in the autumn. ^ Now answer the questions. fN^they donT 1 Do the children go to the beach ш the winter. 2 Do they throw snowballs in the win 3 Do they often go skating? „rinff? 4 Do the leaves fall off «« 5 Do the children like playing oi j • it „Ч cau what you do m n. o' What is your favourite seaso • sometimes, never. Use the words always, usually, often, so ГЧ so 47 of your Activity Book. Do the exercises on pap® 65 Geography Weather © \NbaV the Look, P sunny cloudy windy freezing oint and say. snowy foggy rainy hot b foggy c freezing d hot e rainy f snowy g sunny h windy HkeTws- in the place where you live, ii's usually -------------Its rainy. In the autumn ^- 66 Ь the weatheTiiZr ^ ^---------- * at the end? Can you tf"н ^®9® again. What letted ^ two that are different? I. Open the Door! In this unit you will learn how to; ^ give instructions ^ describe movements Pronunciation Warm-Up imperative 1) Listen to the chants and repeat. Then recite. Hide-and-Seek Close your eyes! Count to ten! Open your eyes! Find your friend! Good Manners Don’t be late! Take your plate! Eat your lunch! Don’t munch! Way to School Turn left! Turn right! Go straight on! Don’t be late! Let’s go! Come on. 67 66 Listen and say. Then read, noise ghost 3 Look at the pictures. How do the friends get out of Arabella’s house? Who scares Arabella and Otto? 4 Listen and read. Open the door, Brill! Come on! Kick the door! Wait! Sto^ * got a brilliant ideal can’t. Arabella is down in the kitchen ^and she’s got the key! “n climb “ Of the Window! Be careful, penzil. Don’t fall! It’s OK. I can see Otto and Arabella in the kitchen. The key Js on the table. oTi'h ow —-------^ Good! The children and that horrible bear are in the me a sardine- ^at’s that noise f WoohlT; ---------------V I Wooh!! j f 0«о\ Get _> '---- under the ^ Now make sentences. 1 Arabella is 2 Nora can’t climb S The key is 4 Otto gets ^0 the exercises on paQO in the kitchen. ) Arabella is down in out I the kitchen table, the table. down under on 50 of your in the kitchen, of the window. Activity Book 69 У --------- : (Don^give.the a^^to VThrow the ball. ] Don’t throw the ball-Give the apple to Bertie. ^ Don’t give the apple to Berti^ Listen to the words, then read them and remember. ^ sT* ‘ pull climb kick throw fall Give instructions to the children. Use the words from exercise 6. /Don’t kick the doorQ give the door. over the wall. ••• the biscuits to your Sister. 70 ••• bis hair. ” » „„ - the ................. yow Activity Book, ,а Look at the pictures. Read and .. (8 III,, '«'"ember the words. -J I Ит' «л over between into I®' Look at the race and give instm^r ^ use the words from ехе^йеЛ "'■ .Л» "P down out of . T ii . . 1 Jump into the 1 Jump ... the swimming pool.pool. 2 Climb ... the wall. 3 Don’t go ... the shop. 4 Run ... the tree and the wall. 5 Climb ... the tree. Ч?) play the game ‘Brill says like this: (jBrill says ‘Kick the bafirj) (Sit down! ^ ^------------------- ro «52 of your Activity Book. Do the exercises on page о 71 Sing and do. ^ Put your left hand up and wave, wave, wave. Put your right hand up and wave, wave, wave. Put your left leg out and shake, shake, shake. Put your right leg out and shake, shake, shake. Wave your left hand. Wave your right hand. Shake your left leg. Shake your right leg. Listen, find and point to the right picture. (l^ Listen again. Then make sentences and say. 1 Go 2 Open 3 Open 4 Get 5 Come 6 Eat the fridge, down to the kitchen, the kitchen door. up to the bedroom again, the cake! the big chocolate cake. Go down to the kitchen 72 Do the exercises on page 53 of your Activity Book. Revision These children are doing taekwondo. They wear white trousers and white tops. ' they kick and jump and they shout. They sometimes fall down! They travel to other taekwondo schools and play matches with other children. These children are skiing. They go skiing every day. They wear helmets and ski suits. They can ski very fast and they have got lots of prizes. They love this sport and they are going to go to the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi! 15) Correct the sentences.________________________________________ ( The children have got white trouser^ A 1 The children have got black trousers. 2 They never fall down. В 1 They wear hats. 2 They can’t ski very fast. Bring a photo of a sport activity to the class and Do the exercises on page 54 of your Activity Boole 73 The WorU Around Ue People in Sp^nt- BCOrft fitt gloves jump skier ice-skater tennis play(?r 1 Match sentences. football boxer player high jumper ( She hits Nastya is a tennis player, hits the ball with her racquet.y^ 1 Nastya is a tennis player. 2 Sasha is a boxer. 3 Alexei is a football player, \ Katya is a hij^h jumper. 5 Yuri is a skier, e Anna is an ice-skater. Mime and guess. % a He scores a goal. b He wears his goggles. c She hits the ball with her racquet. d She loves to dance. e She is good at running and jumping. f His gloves are red. W^am I doing? Who am l?~^) C^OU re olauinn ' --------------Ч 74 _ playing tennis. You’re a tennis player, / 3j Find sport words on thi. much the same In Enoiiei,^^®® sound Write them down. Fo? r-or example, goal - гол. ^ • • W I <„/ in the House In this unit you will learn how to: ^ talk about the past using was / were ^ talk about future plans using going to ^ talk about different types of transport Pronunciation Warm-Up ■- S l> was ^ Listen and read. & There was a young lady from Clare. She was happy to ride on a bear. After the ride She was inside. bear There was a smile on th у- Now recite the limerick to your 75 пН sav Then read. Listen and say. bus hot-air balloon ' Where are the friends now? Look at the pictures. Where ^ What’s Brill’s brilliant idea. ^ Listen and read. ^ beach ,____________ a hot-air balloon! Ive got a brilliant idea! 5) Now say True or Fa/se. ^^f¥a\se^) 1 The children are in the house now. 2 Otto and Arabella are going to the 3 Otto has got a brilliant idea. • g out 4 Nora, Brill and the children are of the hot-air balloon. 5 Arabella and Otto are flying awa . « of your Activity Book. Bo the exercises on page 77 Г* . i-up house. ii They were № tn Now they are on She was in fp’^halloon basket. ! p Now she is ^— - — re and read the sentences. (?) Choose was or she’s on The^, , . , on the busT^ ' on bikes. Now they’re on the beach. 2 They was / «»« the sea. q Tf was / were ш the зку. 4 He was / were in the shop. Now he’s at home. © 7 ) Sing. This town wasn’t happy, It was very sad. Arabella wasn’t good, She was very bad. Write. ^ Now we are happy. We can sing and play. We can have a lovely time, Hip hip hooray! 2- Arabella Otto Yesterday Arabella was in the playground. Brill, Nora nnd the children Do the 76 ®>'ercises on P®9e 56 of your Activity Book. ^ Read and point. 1 We’re going to climb out of the window 2 We’re going to jump on the bus. 3 I’m going to jump on my bike. 4 She’s going to open the door. ^ What’s the transport? Read and remember. Match and say. bike I [ plane boat bus taxi car ^ Choose a transport to get to these places. to the park to the zoo to school to Great Britain to Brilliant Island to Sochi to the beach by bike by bus by taxi by boat by plane by car ^ I can get to the park by bike can get to the park by bus. n <;7 of your Activity Book, the exercises on page 5 79 ж Listen again. Then say, like this: 1 bananas / apples 2 bread / chocolate Щ There are sonne \ bananas, but there j 3 carrots / peas d aren't any apples^ 4 petrol / water 5 milk / orange juice Now play the game ‘Do the action’, like this: iC ЙО Do the exercises rm Revi6i on Read. Last year I was in Iceland ть„ lot of geysers there. This i\ тГ® ® Geyser. It can be 60 metres hi^h^S^ water IS always hot in it. Last summer I was in Siberia, near Lake Baikal. It was very warm there. Lake Baikal is the ‘Great Blue Eye of Siberia’. It is very deep and old. It is over 25 million years old! The water is fresh. It is clean and clear, too! Last year my father was in the Libyan Desert in Africa. He was in the Great Sand Sea. It is a real ‘sea’ of dunes. There is a lot of sand there, but there are oases there, too. Was it hot there? Of course it was! (l^ Answer the questions. j^hp^r^re in Iceland 1 Where are the geysers? 2 Was it cold in the desert? 3 How old is Lake Baikal? ^ 4 Is the water hot in the geyse 5 Is fhprp anv sand in the deser Э IS there any sanu §) Where were you last ^^6 exercises on page 59 of your Activity Book Continents (J) Which continent? ШЯО. Asia Africa AurtrSua South America North America Antarctica continent Which continent? Look at the map. Point and say the name of the continent. Continent 1 -North America. Talk to your triend, like this: (v^ich continent is Пап » 0 / &2 , --- «BBiWa continent is Canada in^ (Canada is in North America is the biggest continent. / Russia is in ^rAoid is me t)i 3J Write which continents Russia, ^ the UK and the USA are in. ^ We Played a Good Trick! In this unit you will learn how to talk about past actions Pronunciation Warm-Up -ed [t] [Id] [d] (T) Listen and repeat. Then V _ .. read. [t] danced [da:nst] helped [helpt] [Id] painted ['peintid] waited ['weitid] [d] saved [seivd] cleaned [kli:nd] Listen and repeat. Then read. looked shouted played jumped [dsAmpt] wanted [’wontid] listened [’lisnd] Helen helped her mum. Pat painted a picture. Liza listened to the song. 33 d say. Then read. ________________ f?) Listen and У ^--------------- ^ п1о\уп J back to Brilliant Island? f4) can B.I1I and l-fX" do®НарРУ Children have for Brill ^ What kind of surp and his friends. OlivJ J) Listen and read. Your plan was Jjrilliant! I у We played a good trick! But now it’s time to go back to Brilliant Island. Arabella and Otto were so scared! They looked at us from the balloon basket and they shouted ‘Bring us back! Bring us back!’ No, no! Wait! Children, you can’t go home now.l Brill, we can’t go back to Brilliant Island! Yes, we saved Happy Town from Arabella and Otto. But now Alice, Bertie and I must go back home but^St The children from Happ^^f^wt^liave^ surprise for you. Can you hear the noise? <• svjitfi' What’s that noise? 0 I can see the clowns! Look! Elephants, tigers, bears, seals and acrobats! - -i It’s the circus! It’s the Super Duper Circus! The best circus in the world* Tonight we’re going^ to have a big show. ^ We’re going to have the Talent Contest! t.V- ^ ' «f - ^ ■?* 'Are^yoiTre^y. children? ^ Й jnn^i singing or danci^. 5) Read and say the name. ^--------------------- Q Thev must go home. didn’t e.t we„. 1 They were scared. ^ surprise. 2 His plan was brilliant. ГЧ RO of your Activity Book. Do the exercises on page о 55 played j^’^asketball. They played volley 11 ^«tV^oI 1 I didn’t play volleyball. He/She didn’t play football. *1 They didn’t play football. i тпеу Did you PIW ''“"'iuo Did bo/sbe play Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. Yes, he/she did. No, he/she didn’t. C 7) Read and point. 1 She walked on the high wire. 2 They danced. 3 They played volleyball, 4 They painted the elephant. 66 ® and read the sentencei 2 The elephant pia^Y ( **‘^"’* the elephant. ! -obat watj; 'volleyball. The ringmas^gj. piay^^, the high v UJ 1^0 the exercises ' ** * piano. page f,* your Activity Book. г jj Yesterday I pid you play volleyball I,,"-^ —------— ^^®^©rday9 CS, questions and answer- res, f»e did or No, he didn’t. nswer. Yesterday Coco was busy. He cleaned his car. He walked in the street. He played the trumpet. IP### He visited He danced his mum. with his friends.^_____ 1 Did Coco clean his house yesterday? c^j^No, he 2 Did he play the piano? 4 Did he walk to school? 3 Did he visit his mum? 5 Did they dance? IIOJ Ask and answer. walk in the park clean your teeth play volleyba visit your grandparent Did you walk in 1ЬеЛ ^-----;—v park last weekend?^ ( Yes, I writA ahniif vour friend’s weekend, like this. Write about your -tsst Weekend Sasha walked in the park. - kJ the exercises on pag^ 64 of your Activity Book. Ы ^ Sing. When I was one, when I was one I liked my bear, I liked my ball, I painted pictures on the wall. I was happy, I was small When I was one. Now I am nine, I’m nearly ten! I like my bike, I like my friends, I like going* to my school. I don’t paint pictures on the wall! I am happy, I am tall. Now Гт nearly ten. бд Шаг- Listen again. Then answer the questions. ^No, he didn’t ) 1 Did he play basketball4 Did she like milk? 2 Did she play volleyball? 5 Did he like Cheese'S Did he like milk? ^ Did she like cheese и Ч» 'he on page 65 01 you, Activity Book^ ^6v\e\or\ DO you know Alan Milne? He is the author of two books about Winnie-the-Pooh. Winnie n the-Pooh was a very nice teddy bear. He loved И hon^y very much. Did he have friends? Of course he did! His friends were Christopher Robin, Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit, Kanga, Roo Owl and others. Do you know Lewis Carroll? He is the author of Alice*s Adventures in Wonderland. Alice was a small curious girl. One day she jumped down a rabbit-hole and then her adventures in Wonderland started. Who lived in Wonderland? The March Hare, the Caterpillar, the Queen and others lived there. Do you know Joanne Rowling? She s the author of the Harry Potter stories. Harry was a boy wizard. He studied in a school of magic for wizards. Was he a good wizard? Of course be was! And he was a good friend, too. Correct the sentences. a bea77j 1 Winnie-the-Pooh was a rabbit. 2 Winnie-the-Pooh lived in Won 3 Harry Potter jumped down a ra ^ Alice was a wizard. 5 Harry Potter «as a bad (nea • @ No« apeak about Winoie-tha-P»»"’ Hr, fig of your Activity Book, the exercises on рз9® ^ 8>9 The WorU Around Us 5port& skydiving bungee jumpmg snowboarding rafting Make sentences. When you go rafting you get wet. ) 1 When you go rafting 2 When you go snowboarding ... 3 When you go skydiving ... 4 When you go bungee jumping ... a ... you need lots of snow. b ... you jump off a bridge. c ... you need a parachute. d ... you get wet. ^'he^gamejvy^ the sport?’. Which Bungee jumping! sport is the most dangerous? think 90 - 'S the Choose and write. ^ ^ost Pid You бее Bertie? In this unit you will learn how to: ^ ask and answer about past events Pronunciation Warm-Up Listen. ') 1) Listen and repeat. Then read. didn’t see didn’t win didn’t like didn’t sing didn’t go ^ Listen and repeat. Then read. Did you see Bertie? No, I did"’*- I I'd"’* H 91 (2^ Listen and say. Then read. ^ "cafeteria winner C pnze * ---------------- Look at the pictures. What is going on In the Super Duper Circus? Who Is the winner? Listen and read. Number Two. Mr and Mrs Cuttlebutter and their song, ‘We like red tomatoes*! are happy children, vVe’re happy boys and girls, gjgp 10 the left, step to the right Turn around, jump in the air and sing! Happy giris and happy boys ■ -M All around the world. AH the children like games and tovs All the children are the same. ^ Black, white, yellow and brown ^ All the children are the same! Thank you. Thank you all very much! And the winners are . The Brilliant Children! prize - the bigqest '^s, I did. It was the best song!_ "s' Whose song did you like? Use / liked or / didn't like. 1 Mr Bouncy’s song 2 Mr and Mrs Cuttlebutter s song ^ the children’s song n . ni vour Activity Book. ^^0 the exercises on page 67 о у 9- I didn’t like Mr Bouncy’s song. 93 I had luiicli. He/she had lunch. We had I unci i. They had lunch. Did you have lunch? Y'didnH have lunch, rie/shc didn’t have lunch We didn’t have lunch. They didn’t have lunch. Yes, 1 did. I didn’t. Find the word pairs and read them. do - di^ Look, choose and read. Last week we went on a school outing! We go/went on « to an It was sunny. We saw/see some seals in the sea and lots of in the sky. On the beach we play/played and • We had/have lunch on the We had/have and My friend Billy go/went in the sea with his on! We all laughed/laugh, but the teachers didn’t laughed/didn’t lauKh. At Ф we go/went . We didn’t wanted/ didn’t want to go. We had/have a brilliant dayl Last week we went on a school outing! Л We went on a ship to an island. ... / Talk about your journey. ygg[ I went to the count77 i ca», ^ Usten to your friend. Last year my 94 ,— ..u Then write about .ncuu s Л 1 ^ . - Vima went to exercises on page 68 of your Activity Book. r# I Read the questions. Choose and read tho . ^ _ Quiz Tan ° ^'9^* answers. \мЭ-г-^ !i У0^^ remember^ 1 Were the children happy in Happy School? 2 Was Arabella a teacher? 3 Did Arabella spoil the playground? 4 Did Nora like Arabella? 5 Did Bertie buy any food in Otto’s shop? 6 Did Bertie find the way to the campsite? 7 Did Brill, Nora and the children save Bertie? 8 Did Arabella and Otto go in the balloon? 9 Did Brill and Nora go back to Brilliant Island? 10 Did Brill and Nora like Mr Bouncy’s song? 11 Did the children sing and dance in the Talent Contest 12 Did Mr and Mrs Cuttlebutter get the biggest bicycle? ^^0 the exercises on page 69 of yoo Yes, they were. No, they weren’t. Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t. Yes, she did. No, she didn’t. Yes, she did. No, she didn’t. Yes, he did. No, he didn’t. Yes, he did. No, he didn’t. Yes, they did. No, they didn’t. Yes, they did. No, they didn’t. Yes, they did. No, they didn’t. Yes, they did. No, they didn’t. Yes, they did.^ No, they didn’t. Yes, they did.^ No, they didn’t. Activity Book. k - 95 Sing. Were you at the circus? Were you there? Did you see the acrobats? Did you see the bears? Did you see the downs falling down? Did you like the Super Duper Circus? s. 1 was at the circu I was there. I saw the acrobats. I saw the bears. I saw the clowns falling down. Yes, I liked the Super Duper Circus I loved the Super Duper Circus! Listen and point. 1 j^/i’sr-T ГД--.— ------ ® »9aln. Then the questions. ^ 2 Did X^visU y®ar? < says Masha’s aunt ‘But it’s January and there are^J^^t any flowers now,’ says Masha. Her aunt doesn t listen and pushes Masha outside in the cold. Masha walks in the forest in the snow. She is very sad. Then she sees a big fire in the middle of the forest. There are twelve men next to the fire. The men look at Masha and say, ‘We are the twelve months of the year and we can help you.’ ‘I am March. That’s the end of winter,’ says a young man. He claps his hands and there isn’t any snow. I am April,’ says a young man. He claps his hands and it isn’t windy and cold. ‘I am May. Spring is here, says a young man. He claps his hands and it is sunny. The forest is green and there are lots of flowers. Twelve Months of the Year Masha says thank you and picks some flowers. Then she runs home. Masha gives the flowers to her aunt. She tells her aunt and uncle and Foma about the months of the year. ‘We’re going to those men in the forest,’ they say. ‘We want to have all the mushrooms, berries and flowers in the forest.’ They run into \ ^ TV?* Ч the forest and find the twelve men. ‘Clap your hands, June,’ Foma says. But June doesn’t clap his hands. January claps his hands and it is snowing and very cold. Foma and the aunt and uncle turn into snowmen. ‘Please, forgive us! We won’t do it again!’, they say. Then August claps his hands. It is very hot and sunny. The snowmen turn back into people. '0' Masha’s mother and father are now with Masha again. Every year the months come and give lots of mushrooms, berries and flowers to them. 1 13 It’s Sunday. Jenny is with her family in the car. Jenny is looking out of the car window. She can see two boys. They are spray painting on the wall of her school. Jenny is shouting at the boys, ‘Stop! Don’t paint on that wall.’ famUv her amily are at the seaside It isn t a hot day and th aren’t goinir в”' ь"' bags! plastic The family is driving in the countryside. There was a fire on a hill and now it isn’t green. It’s black and there aren’t any trees or flowers on it. It is Monday and Jenny is at school. Jenny and her class are looking at the school wall. She Is talking to the class about e Wall, the hill and the beach. It car ^as Sunday. I was in the у Help Our Planet Now Jenny and her class are cleaning the school wall. Jenny and her class are on the beach today. They are cleaning the beach. Take care .of our world! Today Jenny and her family are on the hill in the countryside again. There are children from Jenny’s class and their parents, too. They have got some baby trees and they are planting them on the hill. The teacher is talking to the class. ‘There were horrible drawings on the school wall. There were no trees on the hill. The beach was dirty. Now the wall and the beach are clean and there are some trees on the hill. Well done! So, please don’t spray paint the walls, don’t light fires in the countryside, and pick up your rubbish! Take care of the world!’ 'g.ftad for A thirsty goat came to that well to drink. goat saw the fox and asked, ‘b tb<. \ good?’ The foY "'ater ^0 be han the wXr^"'^ Cnme down here'’ The Fox and the Ooat The goat didn’t think about the depth of the well and jumped down. He drank. Then the fox said, ‘You see, it’s very difficult to get out of the well because it’s very, very deep. I’ve got an idea. You will place you forefeet on the well and bend your head. I will run up your back and get out. Then Г11 help you out.’ The goat did as the fox said. -cr; The fox got out, but didn’t help the goat. The goat got very angry and began to cry. But the fox said, ‘You are a fooll You jumped down, but you didn’t think about the way up.’ Look before you leap. 1 1 7 Pictionary Aa . about [a'baut] о (ком-пибо, чём-либо) acrobat l'*kra,baet] акробат action [’aekjn] действие Activity Book [aek'tivati buk] Рабочая тетрадь actor Гжк1э] актёр actress Taektras] актриса adventure [ad'ventja] приключение Africa ['aefrika] Африка again [a'gen] снова air [еэ] воздух all [э;1] весь, все always ['Dilweiz] всегда America [э'тепкэ] Америка angry ['aerjgri] сердитый animal ['aeniml] животное answer ['a:nsa] 1) ответ; 2) отвечать ant [aent] муравей Antarctica [aen'taiktika] Антарктида any Ceni] несколько, немного PPte [ *pl] яблоко April Teipral] апрель arm (Q-.m) рука (от плеча ДО кисти) around [Э'ГАППН! Art f вокруг ис:1<;:Го^^--ьное «ак iQ sk, ’ fi aurrl iQ.nt) тетя ^6 Australia [o'streilia] Австралия author ['э;0э] автор autumn ['D:tam] осень Bb baboon [ba'bu’.n] павиан baker ['beika] пекарь banana [Ьэ'па:пэ] банан barbecue ['ba:bi,kju:] барбекю basket ['ba:skit] корзина basketball ['ba:skit,b3:l] баскетбол bath [ba:0] ванна beach [bi:tj] пляж bear [bea] медведь beautiful ['bju:tafl] красивый bedroom ['bedru:m] спальня before [bi'fo:] до; перед bend [bend] наклонять, сгибать between [bi'twi:n] между bicycle ['baisikl] велосипед birthday ['b3;0dei] день рождения biscuit ['biskit] печенье black [blaek] чёрный blow [blau] дуть (о ветре) blue [blu:] голубой; синий boat [baut] лодка box [boks] коробка; рамочка boxer ['boksa] боксёр boy [bai] мальчик bread [bred] хлеб British ['britij] британский builder ['bilda] строитель bungee jumping ['bAndsi: .dsAmpinl прыжки c высоты c злacтичны^^ канатом (очень опасный вид спорта) L bus [bAs] автобус busy [’bizi] занятой buy [bai] покупать Cc cafe ['kaefei] кафе cafeteria [.kaefa'tiaria] кафетерий cake [keik] торт calf [ka;f] телёнок calm [ka:m] спокойный campsite ['kaemp.sait] палаточный лагерь Canaga ['кавпэбэ] Канада capital ['kaepitl] столица car [ka;] машина, автомобиль care [кеэ] забота (take care беречь, заботиться) careful ['keafl] осторожный carrot ['kasrat] морковь castle [*ka:sl] замок catch [kaet^ ловить caterpillar [’kaeta.pila] гусеница centimetre ['senti,mi:ta] сантиметр check [t/ek] проверять cheese [tji.z] сыр chicken ['t/ikin] курица, цыплёнок (еда) child [t/aild] ребёнок Chile [’t/ili] Чили chocolate ['t/oklat] шоколад choose [t/u:z] выбирать Christmas ['krismas] Рождество circus ['s3:kas] цирк classmate ['kla:s,meit] одноклассник, одноклассница clean [klirn] чистый ^j^ar [klia] прозрачный [klaim] подниматься, взбираться close [klauz] закрывать cloud [klaud] облако cloudy [’klaudi] облачный, облачно clown [klaun] клоун coach [kautj] автобус дальнего следования cold [kauld] холодный colour ['кл1а] цвет; краска column ['kolam] колонна comb [kaum] расчёска Come on! [,клт ’on] Идём!, Пошли! compare [kam'pea] сравнивать contest ['kontest] конкурс continent ['kontinant] материк cook [kuk] готовить (еду) cool [ku:l] отличный, классный correct [ka'rekt] 1) исправлять; 2) правильный count [kaunt] считать, подсчитывать country ['клшп] страна countryside ['kAntri.said] сельская местность cousin ['kAzn] двоюродный брат, кузен; двоюродная сестра, кузина cow [каи] корова crisps [krisps] хрустящий картофель, чипсы crown [kraun] корона cub [клЬ] детёныш (дикого животного) curious ['kjuarias] любопытный Dd dance [da;ns] танцевать dangerous ['deind3aras] опасный dark [da:k] тёмный 1 19 December [di'semba] декабрь deep [di.pl глубокий dentist ['dentist] зубной врач depth [dep6] глубина describe [di'skraib] описывать desert I'dez^t] пустыня diet ['dai9t] диета different [’difrant] различный dinosaur ['daina.SD.*] динозавр direction [dai'rek/n] направление dirty ['d3:ti] грязный discuss [di'skAs] обсуждать doctor ['dokta] врач, доктор door [do:] дверь down [daun] вниз; внизу draw [dra:] рисовать drink [drir]k] пить driver ['draiva] водитель duke [dju:k] герцог dune [dj u:n] дюна Ее 63ch [i:tj] каждый eat [i:t] есть, съесть Edinburgh ['edinbera] Эдинбург egg [eg] яйцГ'"" elephant ['elif^nt] слон English ['igglifi i> Jynji 1) англичане; английский язык; Cjuarap] everyday ['еуг1^7,^ [ik’saiiij] ®*®«"Раный exercise 120 Ifбасня lf*kt] факт fall [M] падать (fall off опадать (о листве) false [foils] неправильный famous ['feimasj известный farmer ['fa:ma] фермер fast [foist] быстрый; быстро fasten ['foisn] застёгивать fat [faet] жир February ['februari] февраль ferry ['fen] паром find [faind] находить (find out узнать, выяснить) finger ['figga] палец fire ['faia] пожар; костёр first [fsist] первый fish and chips [.fijn'tjips] жареная рыба с картофелем фри (классическое английское блюдо) flag [flaeg] флаг flower ['flaua] цветок fly [flai] летать (fly a plane управлять самолётом) foal [faul] жеребёнок foggy ['fogi] туманный food [fuid] еда food shop ['fuid Jop] продовольственный магазин fool [full] глупец foot [fut] нога (ступня) football ['fut,boil] футбол forefoot ['foi.fut] передняя нога или лапа forget [fa'get] забывать France [frains] Франция reezing ['fri;zir]] морозный ^resh [frej] свежий, несолёный (о воде) fHH f ^•'^idei] пятница 90 [frid5] холодильник friend [frend] друг, подруга frighten ['fraitan] пугать fruit [fru:t] фрукт; фрукты fun [fAn] забава, веселье future ['fju:tja] будущее Gg gallery ['gaelan] галерея game [geim] игра garden ['ga:dn] сад gardener ['ga:dna] садовник Geography [d5i:'ugrafi] география get [get] получать; брать (get out of выбираться из; get up вставать (после сна) geyser ['gi:za] гейзер ghost [gaust] привидение give [giv] давать glove [glAv] перчатка go [gau] идти, ехать (Go away! Уходи(те) прочь!; Go straight on. Иди(те) прямо; go on случаться, происходить) goal [gaul] гол goggles ['goglz] защитные очки gram [graem] грамм grandchildren ['graen.tjildran] внуки grandparents ['graen.pearants] бабушка и дедушка green [grim] зелёный grey [grei] серый guess [ges] догадываться, угадывать Hh half [ha;f] половина happen [’haepan] происходить, случаться happy ['haepi] счастливый hat [hast] шапка hate [heit] ненавидеть have [haev] иметь, обладать (have to быть должным (что-либо делать) head [hed] голова healthy ['helGi] здоровый; полезный (о еде) hear [hia] слышать heavy ['hevi] тяжёлый height [halt] высота helicopter ['heli.kopta] вертолёт helmet ['helmit] шлем help [help] помогать high [hai] высокий high wire [hai 'waia] натянутая проволока (под куполом цирка) hill [hil] холм hiss [his] шипеть History [’histri] история hooray [hu'rei] ypa hoot [hu:t] гудеть hop [hop] подпрыгивать horrible ['horabl] ужасный horse [hD:s] лошадь hospital [’hospitl] больница hot [hot] жаркий, горячий; жарко hot-air balloon [hot'ea ba'luin] аэростат (воздушный шар, наполненный горячим воздухом) hovercraft ['hDva,kra:ft] корабль на воздушной подушке hungry ['Ьлг)дп] голодный husband ['hAzband] муж М ice cream ['aiskrirm] мороженое Iceland ['aisland] Исландия 121 ice-skater ['ais.skeita] фигурист, фигуристка identify [ai'dentifai] узнавать, определять imperative [im'perativ] повелительное наклонение insect ['insektl насекомое inside ['in,said] внутри; в доме instruction [in’strAk/n] инструкция into ['intu:j b(o), на intonation [.inta'nei/n] интонация Italian [I'taeljan] 1) итальянский язык; 2) итальянский Italy ['itali] Италия jacket ['dsaekit] куртка, жакет January ['d5aenjuari] январь job [d5Db] работа juice [d3u:s] сок July [d5u'lai] июль jump [бзлтр] прыгать jumper [d$Amp9] джемпер June [d5u:n] июнь Kk [ki:] ключ to [kik] ударять ногой пинать kilogram 'kilaar»,«i "“^чать kilometre f'kIl;;^r!^ft r |<илограмги kitchen ['kitrini километр kitten [itnl ’ iKitn] котенок LI lamh леди to LcT язык, рень 122 ’ ^^-либо); left [left] левый; налево leg [leg] нога length [1еп0] длина lesson ['lesn] урок light a fire [lait a'faia] разводить огонь lightning ['laitnig] молния like [laik] любить, нравиться like this [laik '6is] так, вот так limerick ['limarik] лимерик (короткое юмористическое стихотворение) line [lain] строка list [list] список listen ['lisn] слушать little [’litl] маленький living room ['livir] ru:m] жилая комната long [log] длинный look [luk] смотреть (look after заботиться о; ухаживать (за кем-либо, чем-либо) lost [lost] потерянный (be/get lost заблудиться) lovely ['IavIi] милый; чудный lunch [lAnt^ обед, ланч Mm inagic ['тавбз1к] магия, волшебство make [meik] делать (make a film снимать фильм; make friends подружиться) •^эп [maen] мужчина ^^P [тавр] карта March [та;1Л март ^atch [таетЛ 1) соревнование; Maths математика May [mei] май mean [mt:n] означать, значить measure [’mesa] измерять measurement [’me59mant] измерение (действие) meat [mi:t] мясо meatball [’mi;t,bD:l] фрикаделька medicine ['medsn] лекарство metre [’mi.ta] метр milk [milk] молоко mime [maim] изображать что-либо или кого-либо жестами или мимически mind [maind] следить; помнить mineral water ['minral ,wD:ta] минеральная вода missing ['misinJ пропущенный Monday ['mAndeij понедельник month [тлп0] месяц (года) mouse [maus] мышь mouth [mau0] рот munch [тллгЛ жевать, чавкать mushroom ['mAjru:m] гриб Nn never ['nevaj никогда new [nju:] новый Niagara Falls [nai.aegara 'b:\z] Ниагарский водопад night [nan] ночь noise [noiz] шум north [nj;0] 1) север; 2) северный nose [nauz] hoc nothing ['ПА01Г)] ничего, ничто November [nauVemba] ноябрь Oo Oasis [au'eisis] оазис (mh. Ч. oases [du'eisi:z]) ^lober [Dk'tauba] октябрь octopus i'Dktapas] осьминог odd one out [.od WAn ’aut] лишний often [’ofn] часто (the) Olympic Games [a.Iimpik 'geimz] Олимпийские игры option ['op/n] вариант orange ['orindsl 1) апельсин; 2) оранжевый our [аоэ] наш out of ['aut av] из (указывает на движение из чего-либо) outing ['autir]] (загородная) прогулка; экскурсия outside [.aut'said] на открытом воздухе; на улице over [*auva] через, над Рр раде [peids] страница paint [peint] красить, раскрашивать: писать (картину) painting ['peintir]] картина pair [pea] пара palm [pa;m] ладонь pancake ['paen.keik] блин parachute ['paeraju:t] парашют park [pa;k] парк past [pa;St] прошедший; после path [pa;0] путь, маршрут PE (Physical Education) [,pi:'i;] физическое воспитание pea [pi:] горох; горошина people rpi:pl] люди perfect ['p3;fzkt] идеальный; отличный person Срз:5п] человек; особа petrol [ petral] бензин phonetic [fa'netik] фонетический 12Э nhoto ['fautao] фотография Jiano [pi'aenaul пианино, р1с1игеТрСГкартина; рисунок pie [pai] пирог; пирожок ЫЮ1 ['pailat] лётчик, пилот pink [pink] розовый pizza ['pi:tsa] пицца place [pleis] 1) место; 2) размещать plan [plaen] план, замысел plane [plein] самолёт planet i'plaenit] планета plant [pla:nt] сажать, высаживать (о растениях) plastic bag [.plaestik 'baeg] полиэтиленовый пакет play [plei] играть playground ['plei.graund] площадка для игр point [point] указывать policeman [pa'liismen] полицейский policewoman [pa'li:s,wuman] женщина-полицейский population [.pDpju'leiJn] население Portugal ['poitjuglj Португалия Portuguese [.pD;t/u’gi:z] 1) португальский язык; j r ^^Р'^’Угальский pretend [pri’tend] притворяться, делать вид Рплсе [pnns] принц Рпге [praiz] приз protect ['prodjekt] проект ■““"«.«on Гр'»М Srr 124 жизнедеятельность растений, животных и человека) pull [р^^П тянуть, натягивать puppy [ p^pi] щенок purple [’рз:р1] фиолетовый Qq quantity ['kwontatij количество quarter ['kwDita] четверть queen [kwiin] королева question ['kwestjn] вопрос Rr race [reis] состязание в скорости racquet ['гаеkit] ракетка rafting ['ra:ftir]] рафтинг (сплав по рекам) rain [rein] дождь; идти (о дожде) rainy [Veini] дождливый read [ri;d] читать ready [Vedi] готовый (к действию) recite [ri'sait] декламировать; читать вслух (стихи и т. п.) red [red] красный regularly ['regjulali] регулярно rennember [ri'memba] помнить, запомнить repeat [ri'pi:t] повторять restaurant [Vestront] ресторан revise [ri'vaiz] повторять (выученный материал) rhyme [raim] рифма dee [rais] рис dde [raid] 1) езда, поездка (верхом)', 2) ездить верхом right [rait] правый; направо гм ^ мусор [ru:!] правило Ггл/э] Россия Russian ['гл/n] 1) русский язык; 2) русский Ss sad [saed] грустный sand [ssnd] песок sardine [sa:'di:n] сардина Saturday ['saetadei] суббота sausage ['sosids] колбаса; сосиска save [seiv] спасать say [sei] говорить; сказать scare [skea] пугать scary ['skeari] страшный school [sku.'l] школа score [skDi] забить (гол) sea [si:] море seal [si:l] тюлень season ['si:zn] время года send [send] посылать, отправлять sentence [’sentans] предложение September [sep'temba] сентябрь shake [feik] трясти shop [/op] магазин shop assistant [fop a'sistnt] продавец shout [/aut] кричать show [fau] зрелище, шоу Siberia [sai'biaria] Сибирь silent letter ['sailant 'leta] непроизносимая буква silver [’silva] серебряный [sir]] петь singer ['sir]a] певец; певица skate [skeit] кататься на коньках [ski:] ходить на лыжах skier ['ski;a] лыжник, лыжница % [skai] небо skydiving ['skai.daivir]] затяжные прыжки с парашютом sleep [sli:p] спать slide [slaid] кататься по льду slow [slau] медленный small [sma.'l] маленький snow [snau] снег (It is snowing. Идёт снег.) snowball ['snau.bo:!] снежок snowboarding ['snau,bD:dir]] сноуборд snowman ['snaumasn] снеговик, снежная баба snowy ['snaui] снежный (о погоде) some [5лт] немного, несколько someone ['sAmwAn] кто-нибудь, кто-то sometimes ['sAmtaimz] иногда soon [su:n] скоро soup [su:p] суп south [sau0] юг; южный spaghetti [spa'geti] спагетти Spain [spein] Испания speak [spi:k] говорить speed [spi:d] скорость spoil [spDil] портить spray paint [sprei peint] окрашивать распылением spring [sprir]] весна stairs [steaz] лестница star [sta:] звезда step [step] 1) шаг; 2) шагать stripe [straip] полоса strong [stror]] сильный sugar ['/tJga] сахар suit [su:t] костюм summer ['sAma) лето Sunday ['sAndei] воскресенье sunny ['sAni] солнечный; солнечно 125 supermarket ['su;pe,ma:kit] магазин самообслуживания surprise [sa'praiz] сюрприз swimming pool ['swimir) pu.ij бассейн Tt ^ taekwondo [taikwon'dau] тхеквондо tail [teil] хвост tale [teil] сказка talent ['taelant] талант talk [tD:k] говорить, разговаривать tall [tD:l] высокий taxi ['taeksi] такси tea [ti:] чай teacher ['ti:tja] учитель, учительница teddy bear ['tedi ,bea] плюшевый медвежонок tennis player ['tenis .pleia] теннисист, теннисистка tent [tent] палатка Thailand ['tailaend] Таиланд thank [0aer]k] благодарить that [6aet] тот their [беэ] их then [6en] затем, потом there [беэ] там these [6i;z] эти they [6ei] они thing [01Г]] вещь think [0ir]k] думать thirsty ['03:stij испытывающий пить) this [6is] этот ' those [6auz] те throw lersu) бросать, кидать thunder ['елибэ! гром Thursday ['03:zdei] четверг I CO tiger ['taigej тигр tight [tait] тугой; тесный (Sleep tight! Спи крепко!) tired ['taiad] усталый, уставший toe [tau] палец на ноге tonnato [ta'ma;t0u] помидор tonight [ta'nait] сегодня вечером toot [tu:t] гудеть, сигналить tooth [tu:0] зуб top [top] верх (одежды) town [taun] город tractor ['traektaj трактор train [trein] поезд tram [traem] трамвай translate [traens'leit] переводить (c одного языка на другой) transport ['traenspoit] транспорт travel ['traevi] путешествовать tree [tri:] дерево trick [trik] трюк; хитрость (play a good trick разыгрывать, подшучивать) trolley ['tmlij тележка trousers ['trauzaz] брюки true [tru:] верный, правильный trumpet ['trAmpitj труба (духовой музыкальный инструмент) T-shirt ['ti:j3:t] футболка Tuesday ['tju:zdei] вторник turn [t3:n] поворачивать (менять направление движения) type [taip] тип, вид Uu (the) UK (United Kingdom) [ju: Соединённое Королевство umbrella [лт'Ьге1а] зонт uncle ['лг]к1] дядя uniform ['juinifarm] форма (оддхф^^ unit [ju.nit] раздел учебника up [apI вверх, наверху (the) USA (United States of America) [ju: es ’ei] США (Соединённые Штаты Америки) use [ju'z] использовать usually ['ju:5uali] обычно Vv vegetable [Vedstabl] овощ very [Veri] очень vet [vet] ветеринарный врач visit [Vizit] навещать, посещать vitamin [Vitamin] витамин volleyball [Voli.bD:!] волейбол Ww wait [we It] ждать waiter [weita] официант, официантка walk [wD:k] ходить; идти пешком wall [wd;I] стена warm [wD:m] тёплый; тепло wash [wDЯ мыть; стирать watch [wDt^ смотреть (watch TV смотреть телевизор) water ['w3:ta] 1) вода; 2) поливать waterfall ['wD;ta,fD:l] водопад wave [weiv] размахивать, махать way [wei] путь, дорога 'Л'еаг [we a] носить (одежду) weather ['weba] погода weekend [,wi:k'end] выходные дни в конце недели Weigh [wei] весить Weight [weit] вес Well [wei] хорошо Wet [wet] мокрый (get wet промокнуть) whale [well] кит what [wDt] что?, кто? wheat [wi;t] пшеница wheel [wi:l] колесо when [wen] когда? where [we a] где? which [wItЛ какой?, который? whistle ['wisl] свистеть white [wait] белый who [hu:] кто? whose [hu:z] чей? win [win] победить, выиграть window ['windau] окно windy ['windi] ветреный; ветрено winner ['wina] победитель winter ['winta] зима wizard ['wizad] волшебник, колдун woman ['woman] женщина word [w3:d] слово work [w3:k] работа world [w3:ld] мир wrap [raep] заворачивать, упаковывать wrist [rist] запястье write [rait] писать wrong [rog] неправильный, неверный Yy year год yellow ['jelau] жёлтый yesterday [’jestadei] вчера young [jAg] молодой Yummy! ['jAmiJ Объедение! Zz zoo [zu:] зоопарк zoo-keeper [■ги:,к':рэ) служитель зоопарка zoology [zu'oladjil зоология 127 Учебное издание НАЧАЛЬНАЯ ИННОВАЦИОННАЯ ШКОЛА Комарова Юлия Александровна Ларионова Ирина Владимировна Перрвтт Жанн Английский язык Brilliant Учебник для 4 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Редакторы МЛ Горетая, О.А. Гужновская, М.А. Панкина Корректор Angela Bandis Дизайн-концепт Annette Peppis Дизайн и верстка Сергея Спимова Разработка внешнего оформления Е.А. Адамова Обложка Н.В. Кануриной Иллюстрации Гегель Бейзе, Елена Володькина, Татьяна Ламонова, Martin Impey, Chantal Kees, Tony Kenyon, David Peet, Jessica Stockham, Shirley Walker Фотографии Corbis c. 57 (левая): Fotobankc. 89 (верхняя, средняя); Natural History Museum c. 33 (верхняя); Photas c. 25, 27, 89 (нижняя); Stone c. 49 (левая), c. 65 (правая); Tassphoto c. 65 (левая), c. 73 (B), c. 81 (верхние); Tate Gallery c. 33 (нижняя); Topham Picturepoint c. 73 (A). Haddon Davies c. 49 (правая) Песни Авторы слов Jeanne Perrett и Mary Charington Музыка Andy Dench Благодарность Издательство благодарит Emily Rosser, Adele Moss, Deborah Hughes. Подписано в печать 22.04.14. Формат 84х 108 1 /16. Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная. Уел. печ. л. 13,44. Тираж ЮОООэкз. Заказ 0193/14. Изд. № 17410. ISBN 978-5-00007-694-1 8500 '17 694 1 10кппо°.? слово - учебник.. 09, Москва, ул. Тверская, д. 9/)7 сто. 5. ел.; (495) 969-24-54, (499) 689-02-65. П054в. КЧМ11ЛРКС Nt ЗА fwreio piuii nj