Английский язык 4 класс Рабочая тетрадь Комарова Ларионова Перретт

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 4 класс Рабочая тетрадь Комарова Ларионова Перретт - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Brilliant (Бриллиант):

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НАЧАЛЬНАЯ ИННОВАЦИОННАЯ ШКОЛА Ю.А. Комарова И.В. Ларионова Ж. Перретт / к учебнику Ю.А. Комаровой, И.В. Ларионовой, Ж. Перретт «Английский язык. Brilliant» для 4 класса общеобразовательных учреждений 3-е издание Соответствует Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту Москва «Русское слово» MACMILLAN 2014 Содержание Unit 1 Sounds and Intonation.....................4 Unit 2 This Is Happy Town......................14 Unit 3 Are They Playing?........................19 Now i Can ... Units 2 and 3....................24 Unit 4 Otto is Arabella’s Brother..............26 Unit 5 What Have You Got?......................31 Now I Can ... Units 4 and 5.....................36 Unit 6 / Make Bread Every Day...................38 Unit 7 Do You Draw Pictures?....................43 Now I Can ... Units 6 and 7.....................48 Unit 8 Open the Door!...........................50 Unit 9 They Were in the House...................55 Now I Can ... Units 8 and 9.....................60 Unit 10 We Played a Good Trick!.................62 Unit 11 Did You See Bertie?.....................67 Now I Can ... Units 10 and 11...................72 My Language Portfolio...........................74 Sounds and Intonation jj) Read the words. the cow the coin the apple the arm the autumn the bear the owl the sweet the hare 2 ) Write the words in the correct box. Then read the words. fhs—elephani^ the hoys fhe boat fhe umbrella the ox fhe fox fhe fie fhe insecfs [Si:] [S3] 3 ) Write the names of the animals. Read the names. (J) Read the words. write whale wheat wheel wrist white wrong wrap where 5 ) Write the words In the correct box. Then read the words. where whee wrap write whaf wrong when who 6) Write letters to get a word. Then say the words. 7 ) Read the words. talk walk palm calf half calm where when chalk ^ Find six words with the silent 1’ and write them. walk milk clean half shelf calm calf talk wheal palm film leaf walk 9) Write letters to get a word. Then say the words. P a I m a I a I a I a I a I 6 10) Read the words. whistle castle Christmas mistletoe listen solemn fasten autumn thistle 11) Write the missing letters. Then read the words. lis ...t... en fas en mis ... .... letoe autum Chris mas whis le cas .... ... le solem. this le colum 12) Follow the path to get a sentence. Write the sentence and read it. L 7 13) Read the word-combinations. Remember about the sound [r] at the end of the words. there are where are where is are at here are here is father and mother and sister and 14) Read the rhyme. Where is Denis? Where are Helen and Alice? Here is Denis! There are Helen and Alice! 15) Complete the rhyme and read it. Remember about the sound [r] at the end of the words. & 16) Read the word-combinations. I am I’m he is he’s I have I’ve he has he’s she is —^ she’s she has —^ she’s it has it’s they have —^ they’ve there is —> there’s 17) Read the rhyme. She’s a girl. She’s got a doll. The doll’s nice. It costs good price! (l^ Look at the picture and complete the text. Read the text. SAM’S BAG Sam’s got a bag. There are many things in it. There’s a (1)...kP.Sh..... in the bag. It’s big. There’s a (2)............ in the bag. It’s with good marks. There are some (3)................. in it. They are long. There are two (4) ............ .... in the bag: one is white and the other is black. Э [эп] 19) Read the word-combinations and sentences. and dark light and dark colours She likes light and dark colours. and tennis football and tennis We like to watch football and tennis on TV. and a cup of tea a sandwich and a cup of tea I’d like a sandwich and a cup of tea. [эп] [and] .20} Match the word and its pronunciation. a brother щтЬ a sister^ Alice and Den heavy and light \ [an] Moscow and London up and down a mouse and a cat [and] a house a flat red and green 21J Read the rhyme. Choose the correct pronunciation. Stacy and Ann. Bob and Sam. Steve and Benz Are my good friends. l(Tand]) [эп] 2 [and] [an] 3 [and] [an] 10 f22) Read the questions with the rising tone 1 Are you tall? 2 Is she a teacher? 3 Can they swim? 4 Have you got a pet? 5 Is she wearing shorts? 6 Do you like to play computer games? (23) Choose and read with proper intonation. 1 She can dance well. t/© 2 Is Fred a pirate? T / 4^ 3 They have got nice hats. T / 4 4 Do they like hamburgers? t / 5 Are you going to London? T / 4^ 6 Are there any apples in the basket? t / i (24) Guess the question. Then write It and answer H a 1 1 25) Read the questions with the falling tone. 1 Where is he? 2 What is she doing? 3 Who is you brother? I 4 What book are you reading now? 5 How old is you mother? 6 When is her birthday? (26) Choose and read with proper intonation. 1 Who can sing and dance well? t/® 2 What colours are the tigers? t / i 3 Where is Fred right now? t / i 4 Is his school in England? t / i 5 Where’s my umbrella? t / 6 Can he ride a bicycle? t / i [27) Guess the question. Then write it and answer. w[h 12 2^* Read and write. 1 [rist] У^!ГМ. 2 [wi:l] ....... 3 [wi:t] ....... 4 [wD:k] ....... 5 [ka:f] ....... 6 Ш [ka:sl] ....... 7 t [pa:m] 8 ['D:tam] ....................... 29 Write the sentences using the full form of the verbs. 1 He’s got a book. 2 Гт a girl. .......................... 3 We’re friends. .......................... 4 They’ve got the stars. .......................... 5 There’s a book on the table.................................. 13 This le Happy Town 1 I Circle the names. 2 ) Write am I is and the names. Then complete the crossword. 1 -»3 Ф 2 A В 1 c Ф 5 -»4 D p w* N 3j Choose and write. Use These are / Those are. birds birds frees frees tents tents 2 3 4 5 6 4 ) Choose and circle. Are these flowers? Are those birds? Is that a tree? Is this a house? ^Yes, they are Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. No, they aren’t. Yes, they are. Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. No, they aren’t. 15 1^6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Match. Who are you? Who is he? Where is he? Who is she? Where is she? Where are you? We’re in the shop. a She’s at school, b He’s in the tent, c She’s Rosa, d I’m Helen, e I’m in the shop, f He’s Luke. ( 7 ) Write. Use There’s / There are. -| There's a town, /m ................... 8 ) Circle the word that Is different. 1 tent house (birdj 2 shop boy girl 3 flower bird tree 17 ^ Colour and write. 1 Her flag is Her flag IS .... His flag IS .... Are They Playing? Match and write is/are/isn’t/aren’t. 1 She ./.?........... making a film. 2 They ............... watching an actress 3 They ............... happy in this town. 4 She ............... a nice person. a (2} Choose and write. She's He's They're frn reading ftsfemrrg drawing writing What are you doing? ................... to music. What’s she doing? ................................ a letter. comics. What’s he doing? 19 3) Choose and write. Then tick (v ) for you. History English Odography Art "PE P\afhs &eography I ! What’s your favourite lesson? 5 ) Write Is/Are and match. 1 Are . they reading?-X a Yes, he is. 2 . she counting? 1 No, they aren’t. 3 . he painting? c Yes, they are. 4 . they writing? d No, he isn’t. 5 . he running? e Yes, she is. ten, twenty, forty, fifty, .. seventy, eighty. 21 8) Write the questions. Then write answers 1 fhey doing ? йге Oeo^raphy Are__ fhey __doing .Q^P.3!?.9£by7^ No, fhey arenf. he doim Is English doinc Three leaves. Two mice. Four children. Two women. Two men. Arf you 7 f\re Is doing she One One leaf. One One One 22 1^ Look at the picture. Choose and write. looking scared people leaves men running mice women There are six .... and four dinosaurs in the picture. Two ............... are on a dinosaur. It is ................. The big dinosaur is ................ at some ................. It is .................. ! The ................... are giving ................... to the little dinosaur. Now write answers. 1 Where is the boy? He is in the free. 2 How many flowers can you see? 3 Where are the mice? 4 What is the little dinosaur doing? 5 What is the dinosaur doing in the sky? 23 Now I Can ... Units 2 and 5 0 Write This I That! These I Those. 2 ................ is my dog. 3 ................ are tall trees. 4 ................ is my cat. 5 ................ are lovely flowers. ( 2 ) Write the questions. 1 .................... I’m Brill. 2 .................................... I’m in my house. 3 ..................................... She’s Miss Arabella. 4 .................................... It’s a tent. 5 ..................................... They’re pirates. 6 ..................................... He’s Denzil. 24 3 ) Write. 1 Не Ф- ^ €п 4 She 2 I 5 We 3 You .... 4) Circle. 6 They / 1---J---»----1---T---T----f----1----7----7----7----r----J----1----7----7~ 1-----7---\---7---7---Г- 1—J—1—r—n HISTORYJENGLISHGEOGRAPHYARTPEMATHS 5 ) Write. 1 2' 2 3' 3 5' 4 (5 5 i 6 twenty mice ■v,p 25 Otto Is Arabella's Brother 1 ) Write questions and answers. It’s .^fobellos house. 2 Whose ............ is this? It’s .................... 2 ) Write True I False. 1 Otto’s shop is a food shop. 2 Otto is Arabella’s brother. 3 Arabella’s car is small. 4 Otto’s car is big. 3 Whose ........... is this? It’s ................... 4 Whose .......... is this? It’s .................. True 26 3 ] Read the sentences and write the names. Carol is Anna’s cousin. Lucy is Anna’s aunt. Sam is Anna’s uncle. 27 5 j Read and colour. 1 It’s Bertie’s bike. ................. bike. 2 It’s Arabella’s umbrella. ......................... umbrella. 3 It’s Nora’s dog. ............................ dog. 4 It’s Rob and Bob’s ship. ............................ ship. 5 It’s Denzil’s ball. ............................ ball. 2d 7 ) Match. 1 It’s a quarter past ten. 2 It’s a quarter to ten. 3 It’s half past ten. 4 It’s ten o’clock. 8 ) Choose and write. It's half past five. It's a quarter to four. It's a quarter past five 1 Stella is drawing. What’s the time? 2 Stella is writing. What’s the time? 3 Stella is playing. What’s the time? 4 Stella is painting. What’s the time? 29 9j Read and write answers for you. Hello. I’m Ted. Please answer my questions. 1 My favourite colour is blue. What’s your favourite colour? /Лу favourite colour is 2 My favourite food is pizza. What’s your favourite food? 3 My favourite drink is cola. What’s your favourite drink? 4 My favourite animal is a dog. What’s your favourite animal? 10 Ask your friend and write. Ted Me My friend colour blue food drink cola animal 30 What have You Got? 2 3 ...h 4 c.... e s 6 c 7 ... z z ^ Write about your shop. / haven't _ got ^ an у !rh9!r.9J.9.t.9.: I have got some cheese. I haven't got 3 ) Write. 8 ^ There is some cheese. 2 There isn’t any cheese. 3 ......................... 4 ......................... 5 ......................... 6 ......................... 7 ......................... 8 ......................... 4 ) Find and circle. n К C Q 0 D P A X к A F T В R E A D G L R W 0 J A К P E R T R P M 1 N J P Y U в 0 0 A L G U L R E A T R T К E 1 E S U N W 0 0 U J c S T G A A T E Q U c M 0 T N N D S L 1 M 1 L К A A X X Y C A L U M S N A p P E L N 1 0 N 32 5) Write. Sally What’s in Sally’s trolley? j There is some cheese. 2 There is some 3 There are some Mark What’s in Mark’s trolley? 4 ................... 5 ................... 6 ................... 6) Write. Use He’s got/She’s got I They’ve got. 2 They've got some pizza. 55 7 ) Write answers: Yes, there is. /No, there isn’t. / 1 Is there any orange juice? 5 Is there any bread? Yes, there is. 2 Are there any peas? No, there aren't. 3 Is there any ice cream? 6 Are there any carrots? 7 Is there any cheese? 4 Are there any tomatoes? 8 Are there any bananas? 8) Write questions Yes, there is some chicken. 34 9) Write answers: Yes, he has./No, he hasn’t. 1 Has he got any bread? Yes, he has. 2 Has he got any water? 3 Has he got any spaghetti? 4 Has he got any crisps? 5 Has he got any ice cream? 6 Has he got any oranges? 10] Write. Now I Can ... Units 4 and 5 I Find and write. 1 It’s ........ bike. It’s .Ь^Г....... bike. 2 It’s ............... house. It’s ............ house. 3 It’s ............... dog. It’s ............ dog. 4 It’s ............... cat. It’s ............ cat. ^ Write. 1 What’s Delia doing? 3 riding her hike. 2 What’s Paul doing? c ✓ •. * 3 ) Draw the time. 1 twelve o’clock 56 2 half past three 3 a quarter 4 a quarter past four to six 4) Write about the shop. There arenf any carrots, 2 There is some wafer, 3 ............................ 4 ............................ 5 ............................ 6 ............................ 7 ............................ 8 ............................ 5 ) Match. 1 Is there any bread? 2 Are there any tomatoes? 3 Have you got any apples? 4 Has she got any milk? a No, I haven’t, b Yes, she has. c No, there isn’t, d No, there aren’t. 57 I Make Bread Every Day 1 ) Write answers: Yes, I am./No, I’m not. 1 Are you a gardener? ) (j ^/лге you a policeman? ^ J^re you a baker? J^re you a teacher? ^ Now write sentences. ^ He is a gardener. 2 ....................... 3 ) Write. 3 4 О О Зд 4) Read about Jill and Jon. Then write about you. She gets up at six o’clock. He gets up at seven o’clock. j up at She drinks milk. 2 1................ He drinks orange juice. :-;X> — She runs to school every day. He walks to school every day. She does her homework in the bedroom. He does his homework in the kitchen. She goes to bed at eight o’clock. He goes to bed at half past eight. Circle the word that is different. walks l(e^ runs 2 drinks eats jumps 3 go home drive a taxi go to school 39 ^ Choose and write. make sings teach drive give works hefp 1 I b^J.P... people. I’m a pohcewoman. 2 I ........... bread. I’m a 3 He ............ in the garden. He’s a ... 4 She ............. She’s a ............... 5 I ........... medicine to people. I’m a .. 6 I ........... children in a school. I’m a 7 I ........... a tractor. I’m a .......... 7) Now complete the crossword. Ф 1 -»2 Ф 3 D T В к E -^4 P -»6 G -~»7 Ф 5 40 (1) Choose and circle. 1 Fish (alway^/ never swim. 2 Elephants always / never eat ice cream. 3 Mice always / never swim in the sea. 4 Babies always / never drink milk. 5 Fish always / never walk to school. 9j Write answers: Turn left./Turn right./Go straight on. 1 J^Where’s the house? l¥.rn...n9ht-. 2 J^Where’s the school? 3 ( Where’s the campsite? 4 ( Where’s the shop? 5 ( Where’s the playground? 41 10) Read and find eight mistakes. Then write the correct words. go get up always -furmsr pizza food drive drink I’m a pilot\ Every morning I go to sleep^ at half past five. I have breakfast. Then I give my goats some pencils^. They eat^ a lot of water. At two o’clock I fly^ my tractor. I like to swim® to a restaurant with my friends every Saturday. My favourite food is sea^. I never® go to sleep early. 3 4 farmer 2 ....... 5 6 7 8 11} Circle the word that is different. 1 teacher 2 zoo-keeper 3 pilot books elephants plane (medicin^ camels clouds pencils giraffes bread pens tractors sky 42 Do You Draw Pictures? 1 ) Write answers. 1 Does Nora shout? No, she doesn't. 2 Does Denzil play with Alice? Yes, 3 Does Alice play basketball at home? —r-:w - \ Сл гЛр*' 4 Does Otto drive a car? Arabella? kA. >ад ..... X.- 6 Do the children play in the school playground? Write Do!Does. 1 ....... you go to school every day? 2 .......... your friend watch TV? 3 .......... Alice play basketball at school? 4 .......... they play football on Saturdays? 5 .......... he do his homework? 45 3 ) Match. 6 draw pictures 7 read books 8 play basketball 9 watch TV f g h 4 ) Tick ) for your school. always usually often sometimes never 1 Do you play volleyball? 2 Does your teacher play football? 3 Does your teacher play basketball? 4 Do you sing? 5 Do you draw pictures? 6 Do you read books? ! ! [__________i 44 ^ Write. What’s the weather like? ■ 2 Who does Peter visit in August? 3 Is Uncle John a doctor? 4 Does Spot like goats? 5 Where does Peter ffo in the autumn? 6 When is Peter’s birthday? 47 Now I Can ... Units 6 and 7 1 I Choose and write. pilot singer tractor plane children taxi teacher 1 She’s a ШНП> songs farmer 2 He’s a ^ 3 She’s a 4 He’s a 5 She’s a fax/ driver She drives a .t9.f.L He drives a She teaches He flies a ('2) Write always She sings ............... (/) ! never (X). 1 I Р.9У.9.Г............ fly a plane. X 2 I ........... water my flowers. ^ 3 I .................... do my homework. 4 I .................... drive a taxi. X 5 I .................... make nice bread. iX 6 I .................... drive my tractor in the sea. X 4a Write answers about you. Use always / usually / often / sometimes / never, 1 Do you eat ice cream in the summer? Yes, / usually^ eat ice cream in the summer, 2 Do you swim in the sea in the winter? 3 Do you go to school in the summer? 4 Do you go on holiday in the spring? 5 Do you play basketball in the autumn? 49 Q Open 1 ) Read and draw. the Door! 1 ( I’m climbing out of the window, j 3 (I’m in the kitchen 2 ( I’m standing on a chair. 4 ( I’m under the table. ^ Now choose, circle and write. 1 Is Denzil climbing under /(out oiQ the .. ? Yes, he is. 2 Is Denzil standing in / on the ........... ? Yes, he is. 3 Is Arabella in / next to the ............. ? Yes, she is. 4 Is Otto on / under the .............. ? Yes, he is. 50 3 ) Look at the picture and read the sentences. Then choose and write. a Give the baby a banana! b Don’t pull the elephant’s tail! c Don’t kick the bear! d Stop! e Don’t drink the water! f Pull Grandma out of the pool! g Sit down! h Don’t climb over the wall! i Wash the elephant! j Don’t water the lions! 51 4) Read and draw. The bird is flying over the house. Ч 5) Choose and write. chjwn info out of up The cat is running the stairs. The cat is walking ...... the tent. The cat is climbing ...... the tree. The cat is jumping ...... the window. 6 ] Match. a Get out of bed. b Go down to the kitchen, c Open the kitchen door, d Open the fridge, e Get the pizza, f Go up to the bedroom, g Get into bed. h Eat the pizza! 7j Choose and write. ■fridge This eating He up bed is opening info kitchen -ri . ...... is Derek the dinosaur................. is getting out of .................. He is going down to the .................. He is ................ the kitchen door. He is opening the ................... He ................. getting the dinosaur biscuits. He is going ................ to the bedroom. He is getting ................. bed. He is ................. the dinosaur biscuits! 8) Choose and write. We swim in the sea. We watch TV. We play games. We make castles. We have breakfast. We—throw—our—beach—haii: We play on the swings. 1 At the beach We throw our beach hall. 2 At the park 3 At home ^ Tick ) for you. Then write. What do you do at school? 1 read books / 4 see friends We read hooks. 2 go fishing X 5 play with a dinosaur We don't qo fishinq. 3 speak English 1 6 play football 54 Look, read and number. They Were in the House a Arabella and Otto are in the car. b Brill, Nora and the children are running. c Arabella and Otto can see Brill, Nora and the children in the balloon basket. d Brill, Nora and the children are going to climb into the balloon basket. e Arabella and Otto are flying away in the balloon basket. f Brill, Nora and the children are on the bus. 55 Read, choose and write. was were is are 1 The balloon ............ on the beach. Now it ............ in the sky. 2 Bertie ............ in Otto’s shop. Now he in Arabella and Otto’s house. 3 Arabella and Otto ........... ............ on bikes. in the car. Now they 4 Nora, Brill and the children ............. on the beach. Now they .............. in the balloon basket. 3 ) Look and write. Yesterday Now Vesferday he was in the shop. Now he is at home. 56 4) Look, match and write. ride my hike 5) Look and write. irijufur bexTuh shop bus park plane river school hike car 6 ) Look and write. 1 apples? bananas? There are some app/es. hut there aren't any bananas. There isn't bread? ice cream? tomatoes? carrots? cheese? chocolate? 7) Choose and write 55 Read and draw. This beach is very beautiful. Some people are swimming in the sea. It’s always hot and sunny here. 2 It’s raining on this beach. There are some people on the beach, but they are going home. It’s very windy here. There’s a hot-air balloon on the beach. It’s going to go up into the sky. 59 Now I Can ... Units d and 9 1 ) Choose and write. mn 'f sinq &rf Donf eat 2 ....................... the flower! 1 The goat is climbing (up)/ down the tree. 3 The clown is jumping out of / into the box. ШШ 2 The plane is flying over / under the house. 4 The camel is walking down / up the mountain. Look, match and write. Yesterday ... at school. Read and choose. 1 Don’t climb out of the window. 2 Don’t swim in the river.... 3 Don’t jump into the swimming pool. 4 Don’t drink the water.... 5 Don’t walk on the grass.... a _ __ГЛ b .4' W * •a 01 Ю We Played a Good Trick! ^ Match. 1 We played 2 They looked at 3 They shouted 4 We helped a Happy Children, b a good trick, c us from the balloon basket, d ‘Bring us back!’ 62 Read and write. What did Colin do? Dear Pat! Last week I was on holiday. I didn’t go to school. I walked in the mountains and played in the park with my dog. I danced with my friends and I listened to my favourite music. I was very happy! Bye! Colin XX Last week Colin was on ^ Choose and circle for you. 1 Last week I walked / didn’t walk to school. 2 Last month I played / didn’t play football. 3 Yesterday I visited / didn’t visit my grandma. 4 Last night I watched / didn’t watch TV. 5 Last week I listened / didn’t listen to music. 63 5 J Write Yes, I did. or No, I didn’t, about you. Last week 1 Did you clean the bedroom? ............... 2 Did you play volleyball? ................. 3 Did you visit your grandmother? .......... 4 Did you walk in the mountains? ........... 5 Did you dance with your friends? ......... 6 Did you watch TV? ........................ 6 ) Write. What did Ella do last week? "b )( She didn't clean her bedroom. ^ She played volleyball. / / 04 When I was a little boy, I played with my I liked I didn’t like i painted pictures of . Mr Blue When he was a little hoy, he played with his teddy hear. He When I was a little girl, I played with my liked pictures of Щ didn’t like painted VY*- When she was a little ^/r/, she Miss Green Write answers. 1 Did Mr Blue play with a ball? 2 Did Miss Green like milk? ... 3 Did Mr Blue like chicken? ................... 4 Did Miss Green paint pictures of birds? ........ 5 Did Mr Blue like fish? ................... 05 9) Choose and tick w for you. Then write 2 I played with my 3 I painted U 66 Write answers. Did You 3ee Bertie? Did Brill and Nora like Mr Bouncy’s song? Yes, they did. Did Mr and Mrs Cuttlebutter take the first prize? Did Brilliant Children win the contest? Did the children get the smallest bicycle in the world? We liked red tomatoes! was sonq vary и ^ If ‘ good Did 7 .. see you i3>ertie She's , and dance . going ^'"3 67 Read Nina’s card. Then write a card to her. ^ Dear ...................... I’m on holiday in England. On Monday ^ I went to a restaurant and had fish and chips, ly My brother had spaghetti and salad. \[j On Tuesday we went to Hyde Park and played ■/ on the swings. We saw some beautiful birds, j Yesterday we went to a fair and did lots of f brilliant things. What are you doing now? ^ c 1 saw had feats) 4 took did cook 2 painted are liked 5 was is were 3 play went danced 6 sing sang laughed 06 5 j Complete. 1 ГР / / ^3 IQii^ Ф 5 ~Ф 8 9 6 ) Write. Yes, I was. 4 '•",(5cH00l1 .d ав у—iQ_ 't (L -R 0 Б Y\ j Ф 6 6 Ф 7 ‘v-.v''/CJLVSj 8 :.i— -O r~— 9 о 1 Did you play tennis yesterday? 2 Did you win? .................. 3 Were you angry? ............... 4 You must play tennis today. ... No! I'm going to the beach. No. I didn't. Yes, I did. 7 I Write about Pete and Jane yesterday 1 They went .......... 2 They saw ....................................... 3 Pete liked ..................................... 4 Jane liked ..................................... Now write answers. 1 Did they see any elephants? 2 Did they see any bears? ................ 3 Did they see any clowns? ................ 4 Did they see any whales? ................ 5 Did Pete eat an apple? ................ 6 Did Jane eat some crisps? ................ 70 Write about your school outing and draw. 71 Now I Can ... Units 10 and 11 ( ^J Write. Then match 1 watch 2 paint - 3 walk - 4 listen - 5 smile - 6 wash - (2j Match. 1 have 2 take 3 go 4 do 5 sing 6 see 7 eat [d] [t] [Id] went saw did sang took had ate 72 3 ) Make words. Circle and write. 1Ъ Му Portfolio It has got Puzzle This flag is white with two red stripes and a red leaf. Colour the flag. Where is it from? 74 Look and read. There is a campsite. There are two tents and there are two taii trees next to the river. There are three boys at the campsite. They are piaying footbail. There is a dog. It is running. Look and write. 1 Ч 1 fsx ML ДШ There is a Now read the story to your friend. Если ты справился с заданием, обведи звёздочку. Это значит, что теперь ты умеешь описывать картинки на английском языке. 75 Чему ты научился, изучая английский язык? Раскрась звёзды: • жёлтым цветом, если ты умеешь делать что-либо самостоятельно; • синим цветом, если тебе нужна помощь. Не раскрашивай звезду, если ты пока не научился чему-либо. т i Говорение т Я использую слова this / these, that / those для того, чтобы указать на людей, животных или предметы; я могу спросить и сообщить, где находятся люди, животные или предметы; я могу назвать свой любимый школьный предмет. ' ^v- 1 - гпЧ, Чтение Я могу прочитать незнакомое мне слово с помощью транскрипции; я могу догадаться о значении незнакомых мне выражений, если они сопровождаются картинками. Аудирование J Я отличаю числа, оканчивающиеся на -teen, от чисел, оканчивающихся на -ty (например: sixteen и sixty)] я различаю звуки [0] и [б]. ^ Письмо я могу написать слова в единственном и во множественном числе; я могу правильно построить предложения, следуя образцу; я пишу названия школьных предметов с прописной буквы. 76 Shopping a some any lots of tomatoes apples bananas crisps biscuits chocolate milk bread ice cream pizza This is my shopping trolley. I’ve got ................... I haven’t got .............. Puzzle Whose trolley is it? Jane has got some ice cream and some pizza. She has got lots of crisps, but she hasn’t got any biscuits. Nicola has got some ice cream and some pizza. She has got lots of biscuits, but she hasn’t got any crisps. Read and label. My name’s Paul and this is my big family. My dad’s name is Sam. He is a doctor. Look! He is sitting in the car. My mum’s name is Maria. She is a doctor, too. Mum and Dad are going to go shopping. Can you see my grandma? She is talking on the phone. Her name is Rosy. And this is my granddad. His name is Robert. He’s sitting on the bench and reading a book. Look! This is my sister Susie and I. We are sitting on the bench, too. Susie is playing with her dog Robby. And I am listening to music. Write about your family. Now tell your friend about your family. ^ \ ^ Если ты справился с заданием, обведи звёздочку. ", ." Это значит, что теперь ты можешь написать / ^ и рассказать о своей семье по-английски. 7Ь Чему ты научился, изучая английский язык? Раскрась звёзды: • жёлтым цветом, если ты умеешь делать что-либо самостоятельно; т синим цветом, если тебе нужна помощь. Не раскрашивай звезду, если ты пока не научился чему-либо. т Говорение ☆ Я могу спросить о том, что происходит в момент речи, и ответить на такой вопрос; ☆ я могу сказать, кому принадлежит тот или иной предмет; ☆ я правильно употребляю слова some и апу\ я могу сказать, сколько времени. Чтение я могу догадаться о значении незнакомого мне слова, если оно похоже на слово в родном языке (например, dinosaur)] ☆ я могу выразительно прочитать знакомый мне текст. Аудирование J Я понимаю время, которое мне называют, и описание действия, которое происходит в это время; я понимаю диалог о том, какие продукты необходимо купить для дома. I // Письмо I я могу написать любое число от 1 до 100 цифрами и словами; я начинаю предложение с прописной буквы и соблюдаю знаки препинания. 79 The Weather 1 2 1/ ^ У rjy Д о ка /1 3 (5 ^ (i 4 ®0 0 0* 0 0 0 0 5 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Today is ......................... It’s ...................... today. Puzzle 1 It’s 2 It’s 3 It’s 50 Read and number the pictures. Anna gets up at seven o’clock every day. She washes her face, cleans her teeth and has breakfast. Then she goes to school on a school bus. Her school starts at half past eight and finishes at two. She has got lunch at school. She usually eats a sandwich and drinks some juice. Anna has got four or five lessons every day. She hasn’t got any lessons on Saturday or Sunday. After school Anna goes home and has dinner. Her favourite food is chicken and potatoes. Then Anna does homework and goes to the park with her friends. She goes to bed at half past nine. Write about your day. / get ujy at Now tell your friend about your day. ^ ^ Если ты справился с заданием, обведи звёздочку. Это значит, что теперь ты можешь написать л и рассказать по-английски о своём распорядке дня. 51 Чему ты научился, изучая английский язьгк? Раскрась звёзды: • жёлтым цветом, если ты умеешь делать что-либо самостоятельно; • синим цветом, если тебе нужна помощь. Не раскрашивай звезду, если ты пока не научился чему-либо. т •• ^ ^ Говорение Я могу рассказать о некоторых профессиях; я могу рассказать о своих повседневных занятиях и занятиях другого человека; я могу побеседовать о погоде и любимых занятиях в разные времена года; я могу объяснить дорогу. ^—' '—'I ( ' ' S ______Чтение j Я могу прочитать незнакомое мне слово, следуя правилам чтения; я понимаю содержание текста и могу ответить на вопросы по нему. Аудирование | Я различаю окончание -s в глаголах (например: Му friend plays tennis.)] я понимаю рассказ о погоде и любимых занятиях в разные времена года. f Письмо I Я могу описать профессию, следуя образцу; я пишу названия месяцев с прописной буквы. &2 Му Holiday Puzzle How many shells are there? ^ This is ... I was ... in fhe country at fhe sea on fhe campsite If was ... hot cold cloudy sunny raining windy You can ... swim in fhe sea swim in fhe river play on fhe sand make sandcasfles sleep in fhe tent Д'К &э Look and write. , , bring throw draw eat kick the ball 77В ТХГГВ listen Now say the rules to your friend. Если ты справился с заданием, обведи звёздочку. Это значит, что теперь ты можешь рассказать по-английски о правилах поведения в школе. ё>4 Чему ты научился, изучая английский язык? Раскрась звёзды: • жёлтым цветом, если ты умеешь делать что-либо самостоятельно; • синим цветом, если тебе нужна помощь. Не раскрашивай звезду, если ты пока не научился чему-либо. ш Говорение т я могу отдавать команды во время игры; я могу сказать о чём-либо в прошедшем времени с помощью was и were\ ☆ я могу описать направление движения с помощью into, out of, up, down, between, over. У—hn Ц|. Чтение I Я могу прочитать знакомый мне текст с правильной интонацией; я могу подобрать картинки к тексту в том порядке, который соответствует событиям истории; я умею пользоваться словарём. Аудирование Я понимаю просьбы и команды и могу их выполнить; я различаю предложения в настоящем (/ am on the beach.) и прошедшем (/ was on the beach.) времени. sX' Письмо я могу описать, где я отдыхал прошлым летом и какая была погода; я могу написать названия видов транспорта. 8>5 When I Was Small This is me when 1 was ... 1 was ... in my bedroom 1 liked ... at home outside on the beach my toys fbe / didn't like ... beach ice cream cheese pizza peas &6 Write notes about good things you did last week. wash the dishes. Write notes about things you wanted to do, but didn’t do. go skiing. Now tell your friend, like this: Last week I washed the dishes, ... Last week I didn’t go skiing, ... A Если ты справился с заданием, обведи звёздочку. Это значит, что теперь ты умеешь описывать события в прошедшем времени. ы Чему ты научился, изучая английский язык? Раскрась звёзды: • жёлтым цветом, если ты умеешь делать что-либо самостоятельно; • синим цветом, если тебе нужна помощь. Не раскрашивай звезду, если ты пока не научился чему-либо. т Говорение я могу описывать события, которые произошли в прошлом; я могу спрашивать и отвечать на вопросы о событиях в прошлом. Чтение I . ^ Я соблюдаю интонацию повествовательных и вопросительных предложений; я соблюдаю интонацию перечисления. Аудирование | Я умею находить нужную картинку, прослушав текст; я понимаю, когда происходит действие -в прошлом, настоящем или будущем. Г ^ лХ Письмо я могу, следуя образцу, написать рассказ о том, как я провёл выходные; я без ошибок пишу известные мне неправильные глаголы в past simple. 3&