Английский язык 6 класс Учебник Баранова Дули Копылова

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык 6 класс Учебник Баранова Дули Копылова - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Starlight (Старлайт) звездный английский:

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Virginia Evans Jenny Dooley Ksenia Baranova Victoria Kopylova Radislav Millrood Student’s Book ф. ФГОС английским язык О; Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Россйской Федерации УДК 373.167.1:81 1.1 1 1 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 А64 Серия «Звёздный английский» основана в 2009 году. На учебник получены положительные заключения Российской академии наук (№ 10106-5215/180 от 12.10.2012 г.) и Российской академии образования (№ 01 -5/7д-234 от 11.10.2012). Авторы: К. М. Баранова, Д. Дули, В. В. Копылова, Р. П. Мильруд, В. Эванс Authors: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Ksenia Baranova, Victoria Kopylova, Radislav Millrood Acknowledgements Authors' Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to: Megan Lawton (Editor in Chief); Mary Swan and Sean Todd (senior editors); Michael Sadler and Steve Miller (editorial assistants); Richard White (senior production controller); the Express design team; Sweetspot (recording producers); and Kevin Harris, Kimberly Baker, Steven Gibbs and Christine Little. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Английский язык. 6 класс : учеб, для обьцеобразоват. учреждений и luk. с углубл. А64 изучением англ. яз. / [К. М. Баранова, Д. Дули, В. В. Копылова и др.]. - М.: Express Publishing : Просвещение, 2013. - 184 с.: ил. - (Звёздный английский). - ISBN 978-5-09-027652-8. Учебник является центральным элементом учебно-методического комплекта серии «Звёздный английский» для учащихся 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка. Отличительной особенностью УМК является модульное построение учебника, наличие аутентичного материала о России, заданий, соответствующих требованиям международных экзаменов, готовящим постепенно к Государственной итоговой аттестации в 9 классе. Материалы учебника способствуют достижению личностных, метапредметных и предметных результатов обучения. Учебник получил положительные заключения РАН и РАО и рекомендован к использованию в образовательных учреждениях. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Учебное издание Серия «Звёздный английский» Баранова Ксения Михайловна Дули Дженни Копылова Виктория Викторовна Мильруд Радислав Петрович Эванс Вирджиния Английский язык 6 класс Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка Центр группы германских языков Руководитель Центра В. В. Копылова Зам. руководителя Центра по проектам И. Н. Темнова Руководитель проекта и редактор Ю. А. Смирнов Выпускающий редактор М. А. Семичев Корректоры Н. Д. Цухай Налоговая льгота - Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93 - 953000. Изд.лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать с оригинал-макета 19.12.12. Формат 60x90/8. Бумага мелованная. Гарнитура Прагматика. Печать офсетная. Уч-изд. л. 22,90. Тираж 15000 экз. Заказ № 5917. Открытое акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». 1 27521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. Express Publishing. Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 SHWTel.: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 e-mail: [email protected] https://www.expresspublishing.co.uk Отпечатано в филиале «Тверской полиграфический комбинат детской литературы» ОАО «Издательаво «Высшая школа». 170040, г. Тверь, проспект 50 лет Октября, д. 46. Тел.: -1-7 (4822) 44-85-98. Факс: -Ь7 (4822) 44-61-51 ISBN 978-5-09-027652-8 © Express Publishing, 2013 © Издательство «Просвещение», 2013 Все права защищены 3 4 Contents Modules Revision pp.5-6 Horne and away pp.7-20 Language Review 1 p. 21 Skills 1 pp. 22-23 Russia 1 p. 24 Food & Drinks pp. 25-38 Language Review 2 p. 39 Skills 2 pp. 40-41 Russia 2 p. 42 Great people & legends pp. 43-56 Language Review 3 p. 57 Skills 3 pp. 58-59 Russia 3 p. 60 On holiday pp.61-74 Language Review 4 p. 75 Skills 4 pp. 76-77 Russia 4 p. 78 Helping hands pp. 79-92 Language Review 5 p. 93 Skills 5 pp. 94-95 Russia 5 p. 96 Art & Culture pp. 97-110 Language Review 6 p. 111 Skills 6 pp. 112-113 Russia 6 p. 114 Grammar to be - have got - there is/are prepositions of movement present simple vs present continuous modals (can/can't, be able to. could, have to/don't have to, rr)ust/mustn't, should/ought to) comparative/superlative stative verbs countable/uncountable nouns (a/an - some/any) quantifiers too/enough -ing form/(to) infinitive past simple (regular/irregular verbs) wh- questions past continuous linking words (because, so, and, too, also, but) subject/object questions will be going to present continuous (future meaning) might, may, could, will probably, will definitely time clauses conditionals types 0, 1, 2 a/an/the relatives present perfect yet, already, since, for, ever, never present perfect vs past simple -ing/-ed adjectives have been/have gone present perfect continuous past perfect conditional type 3 wishes the passive reflexive pronouns reported speech question tags Vocabulary nationalities, jobs, appearance, rooms & furniture, daily routines, family, the weather, places in town adjectives to describe city/country features of a town/city places & activities modes of transport dangers in the countryside types of housing home & chores public services & facilities social life/friends/hobbies hot spots food/drinks containers/partitives supermarket sections & products food preparation tastes people & achievements past activities historical figures legendary creatures jobs & nationalities crime & breaking the law types of holidays holiday activities eco-tourism holiday problems places in a city tourist attractions world problems natural disasters social problems threats to animal species activities at an eco-camp injuries/accidents health issues forms of art materials music & musical instruments places of cultural interest shops & products Content; Reading & Listening Police, Camera, Action (T/F statements) The Florida Everglades: Surviving the Swamp (open-ended sentences) emails about different types of houses (comprehension questions) Hot Spots (multiple matching) listening for specific information (T/F) Lemon Art: French style (open-ended • sentences) , buying things in a supermarket I • (dialogue) | • Jamie's Food Revolution (filling in sentences in a text) ' • Can unhealthy be healthy? {matching headings to paragraphs) I • a recipe (reading for specific | information) i listening for specific information j (Yes/No) Speaking & Functions • describe a room • describe the weather • describe appearance • tell the time • compare places • buy a ticket • ask for/give advice • make requests in the home • Pronunciation: Isl, /J/, /Ф/. /tf/ talk about your eating habits order food in a cafn make a restaurant booking give instructions how to make a dish Pronunciation; Ini, /13/ Is this the most talented person who ever lived? (Т/F/NS statements) Heroes of the Ancient World (quiz) Creatures of Legend (open-ended sentences) The Vanishing5m//e (multiple choice) listening (multiple choice) Sherwood Forest Activity Holiday (T/F) Sculptures Under the Sea (multiple choice) Summer in Sydney (match paragraphs to headings) listening (multiple matching) • discuss past activities • ask for & give personal information • read dates • talk about past actions • Intonation: stressed syllables/weak vowels • future plans & intentions • ask for information • talk about your holiday • Pronunciation: 'II/ won't; Ihl ; • talk about a disaster I • ask for and offer help I • make i suggestions/express i preferences i • Pronunciation: i homophones • Haiti earthquake (T/F/NS statements) • listening for specific information • From Climbing Mountains ...to Moving Mountains (filling in sentences in a text) • >An/ma/SOS (multiple matching) • Lead the Way (multiple choice cloze) • The Terracotta Army (multiple choice) Roadside Attractions you really can't miss (T/F/NS) It's Venice... but not as you know it! (multiple choice) Totally cool! (missing sentences) listening (matching speakers to sentences) Revision pp. 115-120; Vocabulary Bank pp. VB1-VB20; Writing Bank pp. WB1-WB7; Grammar Reference American English - British English Guide p. GR14; Pronunciation p. GR15; Word Formation pp. WF1-WF3; pp. KWT1-KWT3; Word List pp. WL1-WL14; Irregular Verbs • describe a process • describe a monument • post a parcel • report people’s words • express preferences • Pronunciation: assimilation Writing describe something happening an informal email about your house sentences about a journey in your country a list of survival tips in the jungle an email giving advice a description of a food festival in your country a short text about places to eat out in your country a description of your own strange restaurant an informal email about your favourite dish a quiz about famous historical figures a description of a traditional celebration in your country a story about a legendary creature a biography a text about an explorer write about a theft an itinerary for a tour in your country a pamphlet advertising a national park or area of natural beauty in your country a letter about your vacation how to be a responsible tourist a short diary entry about a hurricane an interview an email giving your news information about the five oceans describe an experience write about a monument create your own mall an email describing a visit to a place Culture/ Curricular Pacific Coast Highway 1 (T/F/NS) (Citizenship) Are you a good citizen? {quiz) Saint Petersburg: Venice of the North (T/F) I • Eating out in j fhe L//C (reading I for specific information) (Science) Food for life! (note taking & summarising) Food for Tsars (completion questions) The Pilgrims -Sailing to a new life! (T/F statements) (History) Christopher Columbus {matching headings to paragraphs) Great Navigators (T/F/NS) Yellowstone National Park (comprehension questions) (Citizenship) How to be a responsible camper (T/F/NS) Krasnaya Polyana (sentence completion) Red Nose Day {J/f/ DS statements) (Geography) The World's Amazing Oceans (matching headings to paragraphs) The Siberian Tiger (comprehension questions) The Garma Festival (answer questions) (Art & Design) Art styles (complete sentences) The Motherland Calls (sentence completion) PP.GR1-GR13; Key Word Transformation Nationalities а) Write the nationalities. 1 the USA 2 England 3 Poland .. 4 Russia .. 5 Mexico . 6 Slovakia . 7 Germany 8 Spain ... 9 Ireland ... 10 Italy .... b) Complete the sentences. I'm..................I'm from.... (name) I'm.............................. (nationality) (country) Jobs 2 Do the crossword. Guess the job. Boris draws pictures. Anna plays in films. Nelly looks after sick people. Ivan writes novels. Bill serves customers at a cafe. Hidden job: Appearance j a) Circle the odd word out. 1 Hair: straight - wavy - curly - slim 2 Face: moustache - arm - beard - chin 3 Body: leg - feet - cheek - hand 4 Weight: chubby - well-built - thin - short 5 Age: young - middle-aged - old - fair module Rooms & furniture a) Complete the spidergram. t?©0(j53 b) What is/are there In the living room? Daily routines 5 a) Fill in: have, do, get, brush, play, go. Use the phrases to describe a typical Monday. 1 .............up 2 .............breakfast, lunch, dinner 3 .............to school, to bed 4 .............my homework 5 .............my teeth 6 .............sport b) Describe yourself. Tell the class. b) What do you do on Saturdays? н ^ module Family у a) Complete the pairs. 1 father (dad) - ...... 2 son - ...... 3 husband - ...... 4 granddad - ...... 5 nephew - ...... 6 cousin - ...... 7 uncle - ...... 8 brother - ...... b) Present your family to the class. The weather g a) Label the pictures. 4 f b) What's the weather like in your city in winter/spring/summer/autumn? Places in a town Q Write the correct place. 1 You can see performances at a t............ 2 You can have coffee at a c........... 3 You can see ancient statues at a m......... 4 You can buy vegetables at a g.............. 5 You can buy bread at a b............ 6 You can post a letter at a p.......... 7 You can have dinner at a r........... 8 You can visit a patient at a h.......... Everyday English ^ Q Circle the correct response. 1 A: What was the film like? B: a Yes, sometimes I did. b I quite liked it. 2 A: Let's go to the cinema. B: a Here you are. b Great idea. 3 A: What can I get you? B: a I'd like a cola, please, b Thank you. 4 A: What's your address, please? B: a 21, Apple Street. b It's on Apple Street. 5 A: How much is it? B: a It's £1,500 per month, b It's 6 o'clock. 6 A: How's everything? B: a So-so. b Take care. 7 A: Goodbye. B: a Not bad. b See you later. 7 w 8 r. , Vocabulary: adjectives describing places; features of a / town/city; public transport; dangers in the countryside; homes; household chores; public services & facilities Grammar: present simple, present continuous, stative verbs, prepositions of movement; comparative -superlative; modals (can/can't/could/be able to-have to-must-must not; should/ought to) Everyday English: buying a ticket Pronunciation: /s/, /}/, /d3/, /tj/ Writing: an informal email of advice Culture Corner: Pacific Coast Highway 1 Curricular (Citizenship): Are you a good citizen? Russia 1: St Petersburg: Venice of the North Home and away Vocabulary Adjectives TO IrOVi Q Listen and say. live in has 1 busy я: quiet (place, streets) 2 exciting я! boring (nightlife) 3 safe dangerous (place) 4 clean я^ dirty (beaches/place) 5 ugly Я! beautiful (city/town/hotels/parks/ buildings) 6 modern historic (city/town/buildings) 7 cheap я^ expensive (shops/hotels/restaurants) Use the adjectives above to describe the places 1-5. Mykonos, Greece Rio de Janeiro is in Brazil. I think Rio de Janeiro is a modern city. It has got clean beaches and exciting nightlife. Acapulco, Mexico Montreal, Canada Edinburgh, Scotland Rio de Janeiro, Brazil "Ш m Ж11 |1и:Л|"]|^ In the streets Vocabulary Features of a town/dty ^ a) Match the words (1-1 to the items in the pictures (A-J). Q Listen and check. m 1 2 3 4 5 traffic lights 6 level crossing zebra crossing 1 cycle lane bridge |8| 1 bus stop tunnel 1 ^ 1 1 pavement bus lane |10| J road sign m b) Which of these are there in your local area? In my local area there are traffic lights, but there isn't a zebra crossing. Listening & Reading 2 Read the title of the text and look at the pictures. What do you think is happening? wHisten and read to find out. ¥ ■ \-К 2 Read the text and mark the statements (1-6) as T (true) or F (false). Correct the false statements. 1 The programme features real police officers. .... 2 All the video footage is shot from helicopters. .... 3 Police, Camera, Action! shows lots of different crimes. .... 4 The suspect doesn't injure any pedestrians. 5 The suspect goes under a bridge. 6 The police car follows the suspect through a tunnel. 8 ft Police, Camera, Action! is a popular TV series of real-life police videos. It is part-documentary and part-reality show. It features video footage from cameras in police cars, helicopters, and sometimes from hand-held cameras, too. It focuses on road crime and bad driving. Each episode has a catchy title and the narrator really draws the viewer into the action. A typical voice-over would go something like this: "As we join the scene from the air, the 'eye-in-the-sky' can see the suspect is driving his motorbike very fast through the town. He's driving on the pavement and on the road. There he's going across a zebra crossing. Luckily, there aren't many pedestrians around or else lots of people could be injured. Now he's going toward the traffic lights - no wait - he's doing a U-turn into oncoming traffic. That is so dangerous! Look at him now! He's going along the bus lane and up the hill. I hope no one is on the other side or they'll be shocked. Now where is he? There he is! I don't believe it! He's going under the bridge just as the police car is going over the bridge. They just missed him. He's going along the bike lane toward the tunnel. Now he's going into the tunnel. The ofhcers on the ground are speeding over the level crossing to cut him off at the^end of the tunnel. This is so exciting! Yes! It's all over. They got him!" So next time you're channel hopping, make sure you catch an episode - you'll be glad you did! Check these words popular, real-life, documentary, reality show, feature, video footage, police car, hand-held camera, focus on, road crime, catchy title, narrator, draw, viewer, voiceover, suspect, pedestrian, injured, U-turn, oncoming traffic, shocked, speed, cut sb off, channel hop Grammar p'^i) >.. Prepositions of movement m 4 a) Look at the sketches. Use them to describe what is happening in the pictures (1-8) in Ex. 1. under over t , Zd □ past L_l out of IT li up down T across .> ^ along into OOO 4"> I through towards In picture 1 the suspect is driving along the pavement. b) Linda wrote to her friend Kate to give her directions to her house. Choose the correct preposition. О Listen and check. When you get off the bus, walk 1) along/through Main Street 2) into/towards the clock tower. Go 3) past/out of some shops on your left and then turn right and go 4) through/along some big gates 5) along/into Stanley Park. Walk 6) Into/across the grass and then walk 7) up/under the hill and 8) down/out of the other side. Go 9) into/over the bridge and you’ll see a row of houses on the left. My house is number 22. Call me if you get lost! Speaking & Writing g Imagine you are in a police helicopter chasing someone who is driving over the speed limit. Draw the driver and describe what is happening. Use prepositions of movement. In three minutes write a few sentences. Tell the class. ()►] Vocabulary Bank 1 p. VBI^ 9 I ш Hot spots Vocabulary 1 Places & activities a) Q Listen and say. b) What can you do in each place? Use the phrases to make sentences. • play sports • exercise • swim • shop • skate • go on rides • go bowling • play video games You can swim in a water park. c) Which of the places in the photographs are there in your area? Which ones do you go to in your free time? Reading 2 a) Q Listen and read the adverts. Which of the places in Ex. 1a does each one advertise? b) Read again and match the adverts to the statements. 1 An evening visit will be unforgettable. 2 You can buy something to eat there. 3 It is open until late on Saturdays. 4 You can find a large range of activities there. 5 You can go there six days a week. 6 You can work out there........ 7 Some customers pay less there. 8 It is situated on different levels. parK at® A TEANLOWE CENTRE With a selection of trendy shops and food outlets, this is a popular place for anyone who loves shopping. Do you feel like treating yourself to a new outfit? Then come and check out the latest fashions and track down that must-have accessory. Open seven days a week. В THE CUBE With the latest video games, a coffee bar and a great atmosphere. The Cube is the place to be. You can meet your friends or have fun with your family. With three storeys, there’s room for everyone. We offer discounts for students and cater to birthday parties. C THORNTON CENTRE Offering a range of classes and facilities, Thornton Centre has a wide selection of activities for all fitness levels and abilities. For fitness freaks there is a special weights room with a collection of machines as well as free weights. What are you waiting for? D DERBY PARK Popular with people of all ages, Derby Park has a wide selection of rides and attractions. Entrance prices are reasonable and we stay open late every weekend. Ride the roller coasters at night for a thrilling new experience. It’s a must! E CLEARWATER Do you fancy learning a new sport? Do you want to hang out with your friends in a fun and relaxed atmosphere? Then come to Clearwater. Everyone is welcome from experienced players to absolute beginners. Open every day except Monday. Join us today. selection, trendy shop, food outlet, treat yourself to, check out, track down, discount, fitness freak, entrance price, absolute beginner, except 10 c) Which place would you like to go to? Why? Find someone in the class who agrees with your choice. Choose three places from the text and compare them to similar places In your country. Grammar ' see ■•••. pp. GR1-GR2 . Present simple vs present continuous 2 a) Read the theory. How do we form the present simple and the present continuous? • We use the present simple for habits or routines. / get up at 1 am every day. What time do you get up? (routine) He usually watches TV every night. He doesn't go out very often, (habit) • We use the present continuous for actions happening now or around the time of speaking. We're listening to the radio now. (action happening now) We aren't watching TV. What are you doing now? He's looking for a job. (action around the time of speaking) Stative verbs Some verbs (believe, belong, hate, hear, know, like, love, need, own, seem, think, understand, want, wish) do not have continuous forms. These verbs express a state or refer to our senses and emotions. He wants to become an actor. (NOT: He^-mnting) b) Find examples of the present simple and present continuous in the adverts. Then list all the stative verbs. Compare your list with a partner. 4 Write the third-person singular of the verbs: catch, drive, go, have, listen, look, start, study, talk, walk, wake up, watch. Q Listen and check. Listen again and say. Is/ Ш iMl 2 Write the -ing forms of these verbs. What are the spelling rules? 1 make 2 work , 3 travel 4 play . 5 swim 6 come g Fill in the gaps with the present simple and the present continuous forms of the verbs in brackets. Which verbs are stative? 1 A: ....................(you/walk) round the lake every Sunday? B: Yes, but I ................(not/go) there now because it ...................(rain). 2 A: .............................. (Boris/do) his homework at the moment? B: No, he's at the cinema. He .............. (watch) a film with his friends. 3 A: ........................................ (your parents/work) on Saturdays? B: No, we usually........................... (visit) my grandma and then............. (have) lunch. 4 A: Jenny .................(look) really tired. .......................(you/know) why? B: Yes, she................(not/sleep) well these days. 5 A: I ........................(wait) for Ivan. ................(you/know) where he is? B: Yes. He..............(study) in the library. 6 A: ............(you/want) to go swimming? B: I'm afraid I can't. I.................... (look after) my little sister all day. у Which of the words below do we use with the present simple/continuous? Which are adverbs of frequency? Write 6-7 sentences using the words. • usually • never • now • this morning • sometimes • often • always • these days • at the moment • this week • once a week / usually go to the amusement park at the weekend. 11 о Culture Corner Pacific Coast Highway l One oj" the best ways to see California is on a road trip. One of the most impressive is along the Paci/ic coast on Highway Ride up and down San Francisco’s steep streets on a cable car. Don’t miss a visit to see the most popular sight in the city, the Golden Gate Bridge. Drive along the ‘Big Sur’ coastline with its spectacular cliffs and sandy beaches. Look out for the ancient Redwood trees, the oldest trees in the world. Some of them are up to 2,000 years old and they are as tall as skyscrapers! 'V* Stop and see the elephant seals at Piedras Blancas. Their breeding season is/rom December to February. Then the females go to Alaska to give birth to their pups and return in the autumn. Look at the map and the pictures. What can someone see along Pacific Coast Highway 1? О Listen, read and check. Read again and write T (true), F (false) or NS (not stated). Cable cars are the most popular sight in San Francisco. .......... There are skyscrapers along the Big Sur coastline. .... Elephant seal pups are born in Alaska. .... There are wild animals at Hearst Castle. .... Lots of tourists visit Hearst Castle. .... Last stop - Hearst Castle! This fairytale mansion has 165 rooms including 56 bedrooms and 61 bathrooms. There’s also a cinema, two swimming pools and beautiful gardens. You can even see zebras there. Fill in: spectacular, breeding, steep, sandy, fairytale, cable, and then use the phrases to make sentences about the places in the texts. streets ....car ... cliffs 4 .beaches 5 .season 6 .............mansion 12 Which do you think is the most interesting sight along Highway 1? Why? Tell your partner. Try to use words from the box. Writing Draw or find a map of your country. Write a few sentences about a journey in your country that is interesting for tourists. You can write about: the places you can visit, what is special about each place. Everyday English Jq Buying a ticket ^ a) О Listen and say. Which means of transport do you think are: the cheapest? the most expensive? the slowest? the fastest? the most comfortable? the safest? b) How do you prefer to travel? Why? Tell the class. Note: / prefer to travel by... because We say; by car, plane, etc. it's... (cheap, the fastest, etc.) 2 a) Q Listen and say. • Can I help you? • I'd like three tickets... • Single or return? • That's £35.50, please. • Here you are • Just a second. • You're welcome. • Have a good time. b) Boris and his parents are visiting London. Boris is buying tickets for a sightseeing boat ride on the River Thames. О Listen and read to answer the questions. 1 Where do Boris and his parents want to go? 2 How much do the tickets cost? 3 When is the next boat? Ticket seller: Hello. Can I help you? Boris; I'd like three tickets to Greenwich Pier, please, two adults and one child. Ticket seller: Single or return? Boris: Return, please. Ticket seller: That's £35.50, please. Boris: Just a second. Here you are. Ticket seller: Thank you. Boris; What time does the next boat leave? Ticket seller: The next one leaves in 15 minutes. Boris: All right. Thank you. Ticket seller: You're welcome. Have a good time. 8 motorbike Find sentences in the dialogue that mean: Here's the money. - Enjoy yourselves. - What would you like? - Please wait. Pronunciation: /s/, ЛЛ /^зЛ Л\/ Q Listen and check (/) the correct boxes. Listen again and say. /$/ m: w ...*Ш .. * short jump 11 single cheap 1 city '1 large shop 1 check J Speaking You are in Liverpool and you want to go on a day trip to the Isle of Man by ferry. Your partner is the ticket seller. In pairs act out your dialogue. Use the sentences in Ex. 2a. Follow the plan. О Ask how you can help Ask if customer wants single or return. Ask what time customer wants to leave. Say cost. i Thank customer & wish them a good day. О Say how many tickets you'd like & where to. Say what you want. Say what time. Offer money. Reply. 13 vocabulary Danger^ jn the countryside \ ^ О Listen and say. What are these phrases in your language/" .j 2 get stung by bugs 1 get stuck in mud ла:г/- 3 meet dangerous Ш animals 4 get caught in a flash flood 5 get a snake bite survive, swamp, escape, get into trouble, swallow, fall into, panic, pull in, lie flat, crawl out, mosquito, scorpion, poisonous, fatal, insect repellent, ground, shake, cliff, hide, bubble, reptile, run away The Florida Ever The Florida Everglades is one of the USA's largest and most beautiful national parks and a great place to go to escape from the city. But every year, around 60 visitors get into trouble in its 6,000 square kilometres of swamps! So what are the dangers and what must you do to survive your trip there? 1(ГТ,па5 The Everglades are tun of dangerous mud hrvns Thev can swallow a car or a person in a few minutes If you fall into one, you shouldn't panic! Movitig "ij Sis you in deeper! pull e then lie flat and crawl out caref^ Bugs and bites There are hundreds of mosquitoes, scorpions, and poisonous spiders and snakes in the Everglade swamps. Their bites and stings can be very dangerous and sometimes fatal. Always look where you walk, wear long trousers, strong boots and lots of insect repellent. - It can rain a lot in the Everglades and flash floods are a real danger. A flash flood is a wall of wLr that can travel at 96 kmph. Is the ground shaking^ Can you hear a strange noise like an aeroplane engine . you can and Sy AMiaatois More than a million alligators live in the ' amns and thev hide without moving. So how can you ^ thpv are"? Well bubbles on the water can be an see an alligator, you must run away as fast as yo^ .4. Reading & Speaking 2 a) Look at the title of the text, the introduction, and the headings. How can this place be dangerous? How can a visitor survive the dangers? w* Listen and read to find out. b) Read again and complete the sentences. The Everglades is one of the USA's.......... To get out of a mud bog you................. Bites from mosquitoes can be ............... To keep spiders away you need to ........... A flash flood can go as fast as ............ In case you get caught in a flash flood,.... When alligators hide they don't............. It's not easy for alligators to ............ c) Match the headings to the paragraphs. There is one extra heading. Don't be a reptile's lunch. Small creatures aren't always innocent. Better by car. Sudden rush of water? Go high. Very wet areas are dangerous. Guessing meaning Try to work out the meaning of a new word by looking at the words around it. 3 a) Try to work out the meaning of the highlighted words in the text from their context. What part of speech is each? escape (v) = get away b) Fill in: shaking, swallow, fatal, escape, reptiles, poisonous. 1 If you want to.............from the pressures of the big city, then go to the Florida Everglades. 2 Be careful while in the swamps as there are ........snakes whose bites can be.......... 3 Suddenly, the ground started............... It was an earthquake. 4 Alligators and snakes are ................. 5 People say the bog can.............anything. 4 Listen to the sounds. Imagine you are lost in the Everglades and you are in trouble. What is happening? What can you see and hear? How do you feel? In three minutes write a few sentences. Tell your partner or the class. Try to use words from the box. see \ Grammar p gr? ; >.... Can/Be able to - Can't - Could -(don't) have to - Must - Mustn't 5 Read the examples. Then rewrite the sentences using the correct modal verb. You can/can't camp here. (It's allowed./lt isn't allowed.) Snakes can be very dangerous. (It's possible.) Alligators can/are able to run very fast. (They are able to.) Sam can't/isn't able to swim very well. (He isn't able to.) Can/Could I borrow your boots? (\s it OK? Asking for permission informal/formal) You must keep off the grass. (It's the rule.) You mustn't feed the alligators. {\t isn't allowed. It's forbidden.) You have to be careful. (It's necessary.) you don't have to travel by ferry. (It isn't necessary.) 1 It's forbidden to swim in the lake. You can't/mustn't swim in the lake. 2 Is it OK to use your insect repellent? 3 It's possible to see alligators there. 4 We are allowed to put up our tent here. 5 Alligators aren't able to move fast in circles. 6 It's possible that you will get lost there. A Choose the correct modal verb. 1 You must/can drive slowly through the park. 2 You mustn’t/can’t litter. Take your garbage with you! 3 You can/have to keep your dog on a leash. 4 You can/can’t fish everywhere - only in certain areas. 5 You mustn’t/don’t have to feed the animals. It forbidden. у Writing IICTI In groups, collect information about how to be safe in the jungle. Write a list of survival tips. Use canican'tihave to/must/ mustn't. You can do Internet research using the key words: jungle survival tips. Read your tips to the class. [!►] Vocabulary Bank 1 p. VB2) f 5 Vocabulary Types of housing Match the words to the pictures. П H H 16 block of flats cottage bungalow townhouse semi-detached house detached house villa penthouse О Listen and check. Which types of housing are there in your country? Which one do you live in? Reading a) Read the first two sentences in the emails. What are they about? Which type of house does each girl live In? Q Listen and read to find out. Dear Debbie, Our new house is just great. I moved into a new house last week and I couldn’t wait to tell you about it. The house is in one of the most beautiful places you can imagine. My parents call it ‘our little paradise’. It’s a bungalow with a front and back garden. From the front we have a view of the sea and behind the house there is a forest. It is much nicer than the blocks of flats in town and my bedroom is much bigger than my old one. I hope you can come and visit me one day. Write back soon and tell me about your house. Jasmine ...... - “ .. "" “ fm alad^to hear that you like your new home. It sounds mixh bSteXan your old flat. As for me, I Iwe in a townhouse ,n flne citv Our house is larger than most townhouses; in fact we have our house you can see skyscrape^ so the view is not as beautiful as it is from your house. Im also pretty sure that it is noisier than where you live. We are very luc^ thnuah because my parents also own a small cottage near the sea where S on hX I think it would be a great idea for you to come with us next time. What do you think? Qgl3t)i0 imagine, front garden, view, forest, skyscraper, pretty sure, lucky, own b) Read the texts and mark the sentences r(true), F (false) or NS (not stated). Jasmine likes her new house a lot. ..... Jasmine's house has got two floors. ..... They can see the sea from Jasmine's house. ..... Debbie lives in a small house. ..... Debbie's house is very expensive. ..... Debbie's parents own a small seaside house. ..... c) Read the emails again and answer the questions. Why do Jasmine's parents call the house 'our little paradise'? What type of house is it? What is there behind her house? What type of house does Debbie live in? What is the view from Debbie's house? Where does Debbie stay when she's on holiday? Which of the two girls' houses would you prefer to live in? Why? In three minutes write a few sentences. Tell the class. see pp. GR2> w GR3 Grammar Comparative & Superlative Read the table. What are the spelling rules? Find examples in the texts. ADJECTIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE Short small smaller (than) the smallest of/in adjectives big bigger (than) the biggest of/in heavy heavier (than) the heaviest of/in Long beautiful more beautiful the most adjectives (than) beautiful of/in Irregular good better (than) the best of/in bad worse (than) the worst of/in much/many more (than) the most of/in We use the comparative form to compare two people, things, places, etc. We use the superlative form to compare more than two people, things, places, etc. from the same group. Note: We use as ... as to show that two things are the same. Preston isn't as big as Manchester. very + adjective: Canada is very big. much + comparative: London is much bigger than York. ^ Write full sentences, as in the example. 1 jasmine's new bedroom/big/her old bedroom Jasmine's new bedroom is bigger than her old bedroom. Jasmine's new bedroom isn't as big as her old bedroom. 2 a block of flats/tall/a villa 3 the city centre/noisy/the suburbs 4 a cottage/small/a bungalow 5 houses/expensive/flats 6 cities/crowded/villages 7 the suburbs/beautiful/the city centre 0 Make comparisons, as in the example. 1 Olga's bedroom is smaller (small) than Marta's. 2 Marta's bedroom is.......................... (bright) than Olga's. 3 Marta's house is............................ (big) than Olga's. 4 Olga's kitchen is ......................... (messy) of all. 5 Tom's bedroom is........................... (dark) than the others. 6 Olga's bedroom is.......................... (comfortable) than Tom's. 7 Tom's house is ............................ (big) of all. 8 Olga's living room is...................... (small) of all. 9 Tom's bedroom Is........................... (old-fashioned) than the others. 10 Marta's room is............................. (comfortable) of all. 11 Marta's house is ........................... (modern) than Tom's. 12 Olga's bedroom is........................... (colourful) than Marta's. Speaking у Use these adjectives to make sentences comparing places in your country: big, cold, small, quiet, noisy, modern, cheap, comfortable, sunny, beautiful, cosy, exciting, clean, boring, expensive, crowded. ... is bigger than.is the biggest city in my country. ... is as... as.isn't as... as.... Writing g Write an email to your English pen friend about your home. Write about: what type it is, what you can see from it, where it is, what makes it special. Use the emails in Ex. 2 as models. ()►] Vocabulary Bank 1 p. УВЗ) 1 Skills neighbourhood types of homes other features 1 Vocabulary Home & Chores a) In two minutes write as many words as you can think of under the Study skiffs Using word maps Organise words related to a topic into categories. This helps to { build your vocabulary. headings in the word map. Compare with your partner. b) Use the words to describe your home to your partner. / live in a.... There are... rooms, it has a kitchen, a... .In the..., there is/are ....My neighbourhood is.... Listening • 2 Listen and say. Which chores do you have to/not have to do at home? / have to do the washing-up, but I don't have to.... You'll hear Tim and Sarah talking about their homes and home life. Ч./' Listen and check (/) True or False. True False 1 Tim doesn't live alone. ( mop the floor [ dust the furniture His favourite room is his bedroom. He has to do all the chores. Sarah lives in a noisy neighbourhood. Her home has three rooms upstairs. She doesn't do any chores. Speaking Making requests Use the language in the table and the chores in Ex. 2 to make requests, as in the examples. Requesting Can/Could you (please)...? Do you mind (+ -ing)...? Do you think you could ...? Replying • Yes, of course. • Yes, that's fine. • Sure, no problem! • I'm afraid I can't. I ... . • I'm sorry, but... . • I'd like to, but.... A: Could you please take out the rubbish? B: Sure, no problem! A: Do you mind laying the table? B: I can't. I have to mop the floor/finish my essay, etc. Writing yj An informal email of advice ^ Read an extract from an email from Nina's English pen friend Jenny. What problem does she have? What advice would you give her? My mum is always complaining these days. She says that I don’t help out enough around the house. I like helping my parents and I feel that I often help with the shopping and I do the dishes but I have so much homework these days. What can I do? 2 a) Now read Nina's reply. From: Subject:youf, problem Hi Jenny, I am sorry to hear that you’re having problems with your parents. However, you shouldn’t be so upset and I think I can help. The best thing you can do is to talk about this with your parents. This way, you can explain how you feel and help them understand that you don’t have much time for housework these days. Maybe they don’t know that you have so much homework. I think you should make a list of chores that you have time to do and tell your parents you can do them. Then, your parents will know that you are doing your best. I really hope my advice helps. Write back and tell me what happens. Love, Nina b) Match the paragraphs to the headings. A В C greeting & opening comments closing comments advice & expected results see Should/Ought to p.GRs) >... a) Read the examples. Find another example in Nina's email. We use should/shouldn't - ought/ought not to to give advice. We should/ought to share the household chores. (It's a good idea.) You shouldnVought not to walk alone at night. (It isn't a good idea.) b) Fill in the gaps with should or shouldn't. Jenny......................talk to her parents. She...................do so much housework. She......................make a list of chores. She.............................be that upset. c) Which of the phrases in the list: give advice? express expected results? Use them to replace the phrases in bold in Nina's email. • Why don't you • If you do this, • It's a good idea • Then you can Read the extract from an email below. Then match the advice to the results. What is your advice? What can the expected results be? My big sister is so noisy! She invites her friends over and they play loud music when I’m trying to study. It’s aw/ul! Any advice? Matt H Advice Talk to your sister & explain how you feel. Agree on a house rule like 'no noise between 7 pm - 9 pm'. Results You know you can always study after this time. She realises there is a problem, she will try to be quieter. I/I^riting (an informal email of advice) 5 Use any of the ideas in Ex. 4 to write an email to Matt giving your advice (120-150 words). Follow the plan and use the email in Ex. 2 as a model. Plan Hi.... Para 1: Para 2: Para 3: opening remarks I'm sorry to hear... .1 think I can help you. advice & expected results Why don't you...? This way,.... You should also ....Then,.... closing remarks / really hope.... Write back and tell me... Writing Bank p. WB1 ) 19 СШТ1СУ1ЭГ1 Citizenship in Ex.Ч ^ each take piace? ^ Jr- . . . 3 ......... ■ . . 4 ..........: j flead the dictionary entry. . in y^ opinion, what (tidies a good/bad citizen? Ш yp^ think you are a ■ good citizen? Do the quiz to find out. citizen /'sU9Z9n/ (n) person who lives in a - particular city or town citizen, community, respect, involved, wait my turn, queue, in need, public transport, volunteer, obey signs, public place, report crimes, care for Are you a Good Citizen? We can't have great communities without great citizens! To be a good citizen, you must respect and help others, obey rules and laws, and be involved in your community. So, is your community better because of you or worse? I wait for my turn in queues at the bank or post office. Always/ Nearly ^9 always ^ Rarely/ I return my library books and pay my bills on time. am polite to staff in shops, banks, libraries, etc. I help people in need e.g. I give my seat to senior citizens on public transport. I volunteer my time to help others e.g. helping at a community centre or kids' club. follow rules and obey signs in public places. I take part in community activities & events e.g. festivals, sports events. I obey the law and report crimes. I care for the environment in my community e.g. I don't drop litter in the streets! Mostly A; You're the perfect citizen! Keep it up! Mostly B: Not bad, but think about how you can become a better citizen. Mostly C: Oh no! You need to think about other people more! L!9Jw Imagine you are giving a 3-minute speech about being a good citizen at a community centre. Collect more information and make notes under the headings: why it's important to be a good citizen • ways to be a good citizen ^ You can do Internet research using the key phrase: ^ good citizens. Give your presentation to the class. ^ Fill In: do, mop, dust, make, takeout, hoover, lay, iron. .... the floor the clothes ... the bed .......the furniture 2 Choose the correct words 5 ........the rubbish 6 ..............the washing-up 7 ........the table 8 ........the carpets Most road accidents happen when people are crossing the 1) city/street and are due to 2) street crime/bad driving. We should always use a 3) zebra crossing/tunnel or cross at the 4) road signs/traffic lights for safety. Don’t step off the 5) pavement/road unless you’re sure it’s safe. If you’re riding your bicycle, stay in the 6) bus/cycle lane and take extra care. 3 Match the words (1-7) to the sentences (A-G) 1 police A You can borrow books station there. 2 community В An area of very wet land centre C This is where the sea 3 skyscraper meets the land. 4 swamp D People can meet and do 5 library things together there. 6 coast E A very tall building. 7 pedestrian F Someone walking in a city/town. G You report crimes here. Language Review 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Prepositions Choose the correct preposition. Highway 1 runs through/along the coast. Be careful! Don't fall down/out of the steps. Keep walking into/towards me! Never run over/across the road. Always walk. Ilia always goes to work by/on foot. You can get stuck to/in mud in the Everglades. Cars go under the river past/through the tunnel. I prefer to travel around the city by/on bus. There is a comfortable sofa In/to our living room. Are you taking part In/of the football tournament? Coliocations Fill in: insect, petrol, get into, road, real-life, snake, sandy, video, be, community. 1 .............trip 2 .............videos 3 .............bite 4 .............station 5 .............trouble 6 .............footage 7 .............shocked 8 repellent beaches 10 centre In teams, make sentences. Use words/phrases from the list below. Each correct sentence gets one point. The team with the most points wins. • focus on • catchy • pedestrians • police car • oncoming traffic • road trip • popular sight • breeding season • survive • public services • escape from • get into trouble • fatal • chores • ground shaking • obey rules • report crimes Read through Module 1 and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Now write a quiz of your own. Give it to your partner. Check his/her answers. Alligators can't run very fast. Hearst Castle has 56 bedrooms. Flash floods can travel up to 80 kmph. The Golden Gate Bridge is in Australia. The Florida Everglades area has 6,000 km^ of swamps. Alligators are reptiles. You can see elephant seals in San Francisco. [!►) Revision 1 p. 115~^ 2 1 True/False statements Look out for absolute words like all, none, always, every, never, only, and no. They often indicate false answers. Qualifying words like some, many, may, often, usually, most, sometimes often indicate true answers. I штштшттШ'' a) Read the rubric. Then read sentences (1-6). Which sentences are absolute statements? Which are qualified statements? Underline the words which tell you this. I You are going to read a text i [ about Sochi. Read the text and [ mark the sentences (1-6) * : T (true) or F (false). i 1 Sochi is a small city. ... 2 Only a few people spend their holidays there. .... 3 You can never be bored in Sochi. .... 4 A film festival takes place in Sochi every two years. ........ 5 A rare breed of bison lives near Sochi. .... 6 Not many athletes train there. .... b) Do the task, then explain why each statement is true/false. Situated on the Black Sea near the Caucasus Mountains, Sochi is Russia’s biggest resort city. It is a popular tourist resort because of its subtropical climate, its beautiful sandy beaches and its many tourist attractions. About 2 million people visit Sochi every summer for its annual film festival ‘Kinotavr’ and it is a popular ski resort in the winter. Visitors to Sochi can enjoy numerous parks and monuments and see beautiful architecture. Some popular tourist attractions include the Michael Archangel Cathedral, the Sochi Art Museum, the Arboretum (a large botanical garden), the Winter Theatre, the Hall of Organ and Chamber Music and Riviera Park. There are also many landmark buildings with beautiful architecture including the Maritime Passenger Terminal with its 71-metre-high steeple and incredible statues. Just north of the city is the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve. This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site where you can see the tallest trees in Europe at 85 metres high and a rare breed of bison called the Caucasian Wisent. They were hunted to extinction in the 1920s but have since been reintroduced to the area where they are now protected. Sochi is well known for its excellent sports facilities and that is one of the reasons that a number of sporting events are held there. The tennis champions Maria Sharapova and Yevgeny Kafelnikov both attended the tennis school here and the Russian national football teams use the training centre in the city. Then of course there is the brand new Fischt Olympic Stadium. So if you ever get the chance to visit Sochi make sure you allow plenty of time to enjoy all this city has to offer. Speaking Making comparisons Study skills 22 Making comparisons Qualifying expressions such as: a lot, much, a little, slightly, far before more/less ... than make your comparisons sound stronger and i; natural. I V. ________________________^______,, , _________________Ф 2 a) Read the sentences. Which sentences say things are similar? Which say things are different? 1 My house is a lot bigger than your house. 2 London is as exciting as New York. 3 Athens is much more expensive than Lima. 4 This road is a little less busy than that road. 5 Her villa is as beautiful as his villa. b) Q Listen to Sam comparing his house with his neighbour's. Whose house is: biggerl more modernl noisier? cheaper? c) Answer the questions. Is your house nicer than your neighbour's? Why? Is it nicer to live alone or with flatmates? Why? Would you prefer to live in a flat or in a house? Why? Listening a) Read the rubric and underline the key word(s) in questions 1-5. * You will hear a radio chat show host talk to an American student who is studying in » London. Choose the correct statement (A, В ! or C) according to the information you hear. 1 Compared to New York, Emma says London has... A worse nightlife. В nicer buildings. C cheaper shops. 2 When she walks around London, Emma never has any trouble ... A finding her way around the streets. В crossing London's roads. C getting directions from people when she is lost. 3 Emma says Londoners are ... A worse at obeying rules than New Yorkers. В more patient than New Yorkers. C almost as friendly as New Yorkers. 4 When asked about London transport, Emma says... A the buses are too slow. В tube tickets should be cheaper. C the taxi drivers aren't polite. 5 Emma likes the housing in London because ... A the buildings are quiet. В the neighbours don't mind noise. C the flats are modern. $ b) Read the extract from the recording. Answer the questions 1-3 for statement 1 I love London! It's such an exciting city and the shopping is great. Although I think the shops are much more expensive than in New York. I also love all the historic buildings. New York is full of ugly, modern buildings, so London is much more beautiful The nightlife in London is really good, too. People say London's nightlife is not as good as New York's, but I disagree. I think London's is just as exciting.' Which sentences in the script express positive views? Which express negative views? What is the correct answer? Why? Why are the other options wrong? c) О Do the listening task. Writing (notes) (Writing Bankp, WB2) a) Decide which of the following are true when writing a note. begins with Dear... has paragraphs ends with Best wishes 4 uses simple, short sentences 5 uses abbreviations 6 uses the imperative b) Read the rubric. Which of the sentences below can you use in the note? You got a phone call from your aunt and you have to go and see her. Leave your English * flatmate a note. In your note: • explain where you are going • • say what chores you've done • ask your friend to do the washing-up i • ask your friend to meet you at the Internet cafe later i b__-._________ __________ -------- - - - - -- J Call me if you need me. Have to go see my aunt. Can you please and do the washing-up? Be back at 9:00. Meet me at the Internet cafe at 8:00. I took out the rubbish and hoovered the carpets. Call you later. Let me know as soon as possible. c) Use the sentences from Ex. 4b to write your note. 23 Шщ ш leisure, culture, attraction, wax figure, ride, . sleigh, perform, trick, cheering, crowd, puppet Reading & Listening ^ Look at the picture and the title of the text. What kind of things can you do in Saint Petersburg? C} Listen and read to find out. 2 Read the text and decide which sentences are T (true) and F (false). 1 You can go on rides at the Elaginoostrovsky Palace. 2 During the winter, you can take boat rides. 3 Saint Petersburg is also interesting for adults. 4 You can go skiing in the Park of Leisure.. 5 The writer recommends Saint Petersburg.... 24 Venice of the North Russia is a huge country and there are many beautifui and interesting pieces to visit. Saint Petersburg has got many things to see and do for the whole family. The city’s Central Park of Leisure and Culture is famous for its attractions and it is a great place to go to have fun. You can visit the Elaginoostrovsky Palace of wax figures or go on exciting rides at the fun park. In the summer you can hire boats and explore the park or even take a steamship ride on the river. In the winter, many people go ice-skating at the park's ski-centre or sleigh down a steep snowy hill for fun. Saint Petersburg has something for everyone. If you like animals don’t miss the Leningradsky Zoo with its 400 different types of animals from all around the world. You can also visit the wonderful Durov Animal Theatre and see all sorts of animals perform. The Dolphinarium is also a must. Watch dolphins do clever tricks and even sing and dance for cheering crowds and have a laugh with the funny sea lions. If you have time you should also check out the famous Puppet Theatre of Fairy Tales where you can see old and modern plays. You’ll love Saint Petersburg. Speaking & Writing 2 Make a list of things you can see and do in Saint Petersburg under the headings. I"*' Culture I Elaginoosffoijsky Pu|)|)et Theatfc ^ Imagine you are visiting Saint Petersburg with your family. Send your English pen friend a postcard. 5 IICT Collect more information about Saint Petersburg. Present it to the class. Vocabulary: food & drinks, food groups, supermarket |-sections, containers/partitives, restaurants, food preparation, ingredients & measurements, adjectives describing food, healthy lifestyles Grammar: countable/uncountable nouns, o/an -some/any, quantifiers (how) many, (how) much, too many/much, a lot of, some, (a) few, (a) little, no/notany, too - enough, -Ing form/(to) infinitive Everyday English: ordering food in a restaurant Pronunciation: /п/, /р/ Writing: an email about a favourite dish Culture Corner: Eating out in the UK Curricular (Science): Food for life Russia 2: Food of the Tsars Vocabulary Food & Drinks ^ Label the groups. OirCR TO YOV! Listen and check, then say. 1 drinks 2 fruit & vegetables 3 meat, poultry, fish & seafood 4 dairy products 5 other food I like (V I love (yy I don't like (Л) I hate/can't stand (ЛХ) 2 О Listen to Tim and Julie. Which foods/drinks do they like/not like? К; 'g cabbage yogurt Ш*:- Tim likesbut he doesn't like... Julie likesbut she doesn't like... bread cheese ШМ. Ш ■ salmon а) О Listen and say wm (jxa b) Which of these foods do you see in the pictures on pp. 26-27? see Grcrstmar p. gr3 Coyntabie/Jncountable ':Oi;ns - ^/An- Some/Any a) Read the table. Which of the foods in Ex. 1 are: countable? uncountable? Countable nouns (nouns we can count): « a banana ^ _ an apple two/some bananas Uncountable nouns (nouns we can't count): some milk (NOT: a/one mUk/ two milks) • We use a/an for singular countable nouns. There's an apple. • We use some in the affirmative for uncountable nouns and for plural countable nouns. There is some rice. We have some strawberries. • We use any in the negative and interrogative for uncountable nouns and for plural countable nouns. There aren't any eggs./Do we have any pasta? • We can also use some in offers & requests. Would you like some cake? Can I have some water, please? 26 b) Fill in: a/an, some or any. 1 There is.....tea, but there isn't.....coffee. 2 Do you want.............banana? 3 There are..........cherries in the fridge. 4 Would you like..........coffee? 5 There are .........strawberries and ......... apple in the bowl. 6 There aren't............carrots, but there are ............potatoes. 7 "Can I have.............orange juice, please?" "Sorry, but there isn't..........." 8 Is there...........milk left? R^-adfng & Listening j a) Read the saying in the first sentence in the text. What do you think it means? Choose A, B, or C. A You must turn sour things into sweet things. В You should make the most of everything. C You should be grateful for what you have. b) What do you think the text is about? О Listen and read to find out. 'When life gives you lemons make lemonade,’ the saying goes. In the beautiful and picturesque seaside resort town of Menton in the south of France, people make a lot more than just lemonade with their lemons. Believe it or not, they make art, and have a lot of fun doing it! Every February to March, the people of Menton celebrate their lemons and oranges with a three-week long lemon festival that attracts over 200,000 visitors. Artists design and create amazing huge statues for the festival using over 145 tons of lemons and oranges. The artists make everything from giant bananas to dinosaurs and some of the statues can measure more than 10 metres tall. There is a daily Citrus Exposition where people come to see the amazing creations and buy local products made from oranges and lemons. On Sundays, floats carrying the citrus statues go through the town in the Parade of Golden Fruit and on Thursdays, crowds gather to watch colourful night parades with music and dancers as well as fireworks. Each year, there is a different theme and the creators let their imaginations run wild. Whether you like food and art, or simply need some vitamin C, Menton is a pretty good place to be in February and March. If you want to experience the festival next year, visit www.fete-du-citron.com and book your tickets online as places for each event go fast. dessert, juice, picturesque, resort, celebrate, attract, design, statue, measure, citrus, creation, float, fireworks, theme, imagination runs wild c) Read the text and complete the sentences. 1 Menton is...................... 2 Every spring, over 200,000 people come to Menton for ...... 3 Artists make statues with ..... 4 People come to see the artists' creations at the................ 5 After the parades on Thursdays people watch ................... d) Use five words from the make sentences about the festival. The people of Menton celebrate the Lemon Festival every year. Speakfpg & Writing a) Read the text again and make notes under the headings. Use your notes to present the festival to the class. • name of festival • place • date • reason • activities b) In three minutes write a few sentences giving reasons why someone should go to the Lemon Festival. Tell the class. Is there a similar food festival in your country? Make notes under the headings in Ex. 4a, then write a short text about it. - ^ ^ ^ j Vocabulary Bank 2 p. VB5 At the supermarket 1 Vocabulary Containers/Partitives О Listen and say. In which supermarket section can we usually find these products (1-12)? Make sentences, as in the example. We can usually find a loaf of bread in the bakery section. a carton of juice bottle of cola J? fft Fruit & vegetables Reading Dairy products Maksim is in the UK on a school trip. It is his birthday today and the mother of his host family is taking him shopping for a birthday party. What do they need? 'w‘ Listen and read to find out. What is the problem? Mrs Hall: Maksim: Mrs Hall: Maksim: Mrs Hall: Maksim: Mrs Hall: Maksim: Mrs Hall: Maksim: Mrs Hall: Maksim: Mrs Hall: Right, that's 12 packets of crisps and 12 bars of chocolate. What else do we need? Well, there's the drinks aisle. Let's get a few cartons of fruit juice and some bottles of coca cola. OK! Now, let's go get some cakes. How about some chocolate ones? Good ideal Do you have any ice cream at home, Mrs Hall? Only a little. We can get a few tubs if you like. Yes, I'd like to have some ice cream at the party. No problem at all! Let's go and pay now... oh gosh! What's wrong, Mrs Hall? I'm afraid I left my purse at home. How much money do you have Maksim? Em, not much... only £5. Oh no! What are we going to do now? 28 : P U rS 6 Check these words aisle. What's wrong?. see ^ рр. GR3- xiranunar ^ gr4 Quantifiers 3 Read the table. Find more examples in the dialogue in Ex. 2. COUNTABLE How many sweets ore there? There are too many sweets. There are a lot of sweets. There are some/ a few siveefs. There are (very) few sweets./ There aren't many sweets. Are there any sweets? There aren't any sweets./ There are no sweets. UNCOUNTABLE How much milk is there? There is too much milk. There is a lot of milk. There is some/a little milk. There's (very) little milk./ There isn't much milk. Is there any milk? There isn't any milk./ There's no milk. i.'WiyWL... Choose the correct word. Compare your answers with your partner. A: How many/much butter have we got? B: Very few/little. Get some more. A: Is there many/any fruit? B: There are much/a lot of bananas and apples, but there aren't some/many oranges. A: How much/many eggs do we need for the omelette? B: Not a lot/many. Just three or four. A: There isn't some/much flour left in the cupboard. Only half a bag. B: OK. Get some/few more then. A: Do we need some/any tomatoes? B: Yes, there are only a little/a few left. A: There's very few/little cheese left. B: I'll get some. How many/much do you want? A; There's many/no bread left. B: Let's buy a loaf, then, and some/any biscuits. A: There's too much/too many sugar in my coffee. I can't drink it. B: Really? I always put a lot of/much sugar in my coffee. Study skitfs Learning grammar Make a note of your grammar mistakes and their corrections. This will help you to avoid making similar mistakes. Listening a) Q Julie is making a shopping list for a dinner party. Listen and put a tick (/) next to the things she needs and a cross (Л) next to the things she doesn't need. Skoppidj list 2 kilos of chicken / ! 2 bottles of cola ^ggs Л 1 kilo of cheese 2 carton of apple juice i 1 bag of rice 3 bags of crisps I 20 sausages b) Ask and answer questions, as in the example. A: How much chicken does she need? B: She needs a lot - two kilos! How many eggs does she need? A: She doesn't need any eggs. Speaking & Writing Use the words below to ask and answer questions about your eating habits. • junk food • fruit • eggs • meat • chocolate • bread • vegetables DRINK • fizzy drinks • milk • water • lemonade • tea • orange juice • coffee • a lot of/lots • too much/many • a few/a little • some • very few/little A: How much junk food do you eat each week?/Do you eat much junk food? B: I eat a little, but not too much. "J Use your answers in Ex. 6 to write a few sentences about your eating habits. Read your sentences to the class. Vocabulary Bank 2 p. VB<^ 29 Culture Corner СЯПНб OUT W ТШ и» There are many interesting places to eat a meal or grab a snack in the UK. Eating out in the UK offers much more than fast food restaurants. There's something to suit every tastel 30 GHIPPiCS Fish ‘n’ chips is a popular and internationally famous English dish. It is deep fried fish in batter and fried, chipped potatoes with salt and vinegar. The restaurants and takeaway shops that sell it are traditionally called ‘chippies’. You can also get a range of pies, sauces and side dishes with chips so you can choose your favourite combinations such as fish, chips and mushy peas or cheese and onion pie, chips and gravy. TRAD“ 0 M Many Britons have lunch or a snack at a cafe. They sen/e delicious sandwiches, salads and hot snacks such as soup or jacket potatoes. There is also a wide range of cooked meals to choose from. You can also get tea, coffee and cold drinks as well as baked goods like cakes and biscuits. Did you know? British people spend * ^ ^ £42 billion per year How often do you on eating out. eat out? Where do you usually go? 2 a) Look at the pictures and the headings in the text. What kind of food do you think you can get at each of these piaces? О Listen and read to find out. b) Read again and replace the words in boid with words from the text. 1 It is England's most famous dish. ........... 2 They are Italian dishes most people like. ....... 3 The British often have a snack there......... 4 You can buy fish 'n' chips there. ....... 5 They serve these at cafes. ....... 6 You can usually eat them in an Indian restaurant. ....... CTHNIG RCSTAURAHTS Britain is a multi-cultural society and the cuisine shows this. The three most popular ethnic cuisines are Indian, Chinese and Italian. Indian restaurants serve chicken, prawns or meat with rice and a variety of curry sauces, such as chicken tikka masala. Chinese food is Cantonese with dishes like sweet and sour pork, chicken with cashew nuts and beef in black bean sauce. The most popular Italian dishes are pizza, spaghetti bolognese, and lasagna. i , ^ Check these words it’tl m.:. grab a snack, suit every taste, dish, deep chipped, vinegar, pie, sauce, side dish, mushy peas, gravy, ethnic cuisine, jacket potato, baked goods Check these words 3 Use words from the box to complete the sentences. 1 Fish 'n' chips is a traditional British.. 2 The restaurant serves a variety of dishes to 3 The British often.........such as a sandwich for lunch. 4 Indian is one of the most popular ........... in the UK. 4 Tell your partner one thing you remember about each type of place to eat out. What kinds of places to eat out are there in your country? What kinds of food and drinks can you get there? Write short texts. Tell the class. Ordering food in a cafe ^ What do you usually have for breakfast/ lunch/dinner? Are any of these foods/drinks on Ruby's menu? 2 a) О Listen and say. • Are you ready to order or do you need a few more minutes? • I think we're ready? • Would you like any side orders? • And what would you like to drink? • I'd like a glass of orange juice, please. b) Boris and his mum are visiting London. They are at a cafe. The sentences above are from their dialogue at the cafe. Who says each: Boris/the waiter? Listen, read and check. Waiter: Hello. Are you ready to order or do you\ need a few more minutes? 1 Boris: I think we're ready ... erm, can I have scrambled eggs on toast, please? And a cheese omelette for my mum. Waiter: OK. Would you like any side orders? Boris: Erm ... yes, chips, please. Waiter: And what would you like to drink? Boris: I'd like a glass of orange juice, please. And a cup of coffee for my mum. Waiter: OK. So that's scrambled eggs on toast, chips, a cheese omelette, a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee. Boris: That's right. Thank you. c) What does Boris order for him and his mum? 3 Find sentences in the dialogue which mean: Do you want more time? - И/е can order now. -That's correct. Pronunciation: /п/, /г]/ Д СListen and check (/) the correct boxes. Listen again and say. /П/ /п/ Ini /0/ thin tin thing tongue king ton Everyday English ^ Speaking 5 ^Jjv^Work in groups of three. Take roles and act out a dialogue at Ruby's ordering lunch. Use the menu and the plan. О Ask if customers are ready--^B replies & orders to order. food. Ask what C wants. ____replies. Ask if customers --—ь^в&С reply. want side orders. Ask what customers want"^^^^B&C reply, to drink. Repeat customer's order. confirms order. i4I-day Breakfast Scrambled or fried eggs on toast Full English breakfast Omelette (cheese or mushroom) Side orders Chips Mixed salad Coleslaw* or baked beans Lunch/Dinner Burger & Chips Jacket potato (choice of fillings) Sandwiches (cheese, tuna, cliicken) Desserts Pancakes or waffles with fruit & ice cream Apple or cherry pie Chocolate brownie Drinks Tea Coffee Orange juice Soft drinks (cola, lemonade) Hot chocolate * salad of chopped raw cabbage, carrots & onions with mayonnaise £2.75 £3.75 £2.50 £1.25 £1.50 £0.75 £6.25 £2.75 £2.95 Real food U Jmnk’s When it comes to good food, English celebrity chef Jamie Oliver is the man to talk to. 1 He stars in several TV shows and travels around the world to discover the best food recipes there are. With his experience, he can cook just about anything and he knows what's good and what's bad for you. Jamie believes that too many people in the UK and in the USA are eating too much fat, too much sugar and not enough healthy food. He is campaigning to change the way British and American children ^ What is your favourite type of food? How often do you eat it? Do you think it is good for you? Look at the picture and the title of the text. Who is Jamie Oliver? Read to find out. celebrity, chef, recipe, campaign, healthy, meal, habit, kitchen, popular, reduce, disease Read the text again. Four sentences are missing. Match each sentence (A-E) to a gap (1-4). There is one extra sentence. Compare your answers with your partner. 32 ъ eat both at school and at home. Jamie tours schools in the US and teaches school children about food and shows them how he cooks healthy meals using fresh produce. The TV show, Jamie's American Food Revolution, follows him around as he tries to change the school lunch system and kids' eating habits. I 3 I It has got eight cooking stations, TV plasma screens for demonstrations, and can hold up to 40 students at a time. He also opened Huntington's Kitchen in the town of Huntington, which offers free cooking lessons to people of the community. Jamie's food revolution is becoming very popular. I 4 | He hopes that his work will help reduce diseases like obesity and help people live longer healthier lives. Good job, Jamie! He calls it his 'Food Revolution' and he hopes to do it one school meal at a time. Many celebrities including Jennifer Aniston and Justin Bieber now support it. Jamie is one of the best chefs in the world. A lot of people don't know how to cook fresh food. He has also got a huge 'food revolution truck' in which he visits different communities and gives free | cooking lessons. Use the words from the box to complete the sentences. Do you know the.............for Chicken Kiev? It's very important to eat..........food. He is a...........chef. Everyone knows him. What is the most............traditional dish in Russia? You should ............. the amount of sugar you eat. 5 Match the words. Q Listen and check. Use the phrases to write sentences of your own. 1 healthy a lesson 2 I fresh b chef 3 cooking c disease 4 celebrity d meal 5 reduce e produce Grammar see p. GR4 ^ Too - Enough a) Read the theory box. Find examples in the text. too + adjective/adverb (more than someone needs or wants) His steak is too salty. (He can't i eat it.) The waiter speaks too quickly for me to | understand. (I can't understand him.) | adjective/adverb + enough/enough + noun (as j much as someone wants or needs) Is your soup * hot enough? (Is it OK?) Don't worry. We've got enough money to pay the bill! (We can pay it.) b) Fill in too or enough. The service is........slow in this restaurant. Is your coffee sweet..........? That new restaurant is............expensive for us to afford to eat there. This chicken is..........spicy. I don't like it. There isn't..............oil in the salad. Speaking & Writing ~j a) О Listen and read the text in Ex. 2 again. Would you like to attend one of Jamie's cooking classes? Why/ Why not? Write a few sentences. Tell the class. b) Think of a healthy meal. What do you need to make It? Write a few sentences describing the meal. Present to the class. [^] Vocabulary Bank 2 p. УВ7} 33 > ■' ;>v- I f’ i'l mayonnaise fri|jt jui<^ % saiaa fried egg People often say 'You are what you eat' and we ail know that to be healthy we need to eat healthy food. What is really healthy, though? if Ч ________ contain, vitamin, mineral, creamy, salad dressing, vinegar, olive oil, fat-free, low-fat, label, flavour, benefit, lower, cholesterol, source, iron, protein, lean Voccbuii^ry Food/drinks Which of the foods/drinks (1-8) contain the following? Decide in pairs. • sugar • fat • minerals • iron • protein • vitamins • salt О Listen and read to find out. 34 >> Vocaiiui^r- l.inK ‘ p. VB8 DH All fruit juices contain high amounts of sugar. Some juices have only very low amounts of fruit in them -and as much sugar as a glass of cola or a chocolate bar. !■ It’s true that salads are full of vitamins and minerals. Creamy mayonnaise-based salad dressings, however, can contain a lot of fat, sugar and I salt. To enjoy a healthy, tasty salad at home, make a dressing by adding lemon juice or vinegar to a small amount of olive oil instead of using heavy mayonnaise. OH Food companies like using the words ‘fat-free’ or ‘low-fat’ on their labels. Unfortunately they often replace the fat in these ‘healthier’ products with salt and sugar to give them flavour. It’s a good idea to read the whole label. DH People think chocolate is bad for them, but it has some benefits. Good quality dark chocolate helps protect your heart by lowering your cholesterol. Eating chocolate also has a positive effect on how we feel. All chocolate is high in fat, though, so you shouldn’t eat it after every meal. QH Eggs are a good source of protein and vitamins. Frying an egg though, is less healthy than boiling them. A fried egg contains around 30% more fat than a boiled or poached egg. If you prefer fried eggs, try frying them in olive oil instead of butter. DH Red meat such as beef can be part of a healthy diet. Including red meat in a meal a couple of times a week helps your body to get enough iron and protein. Just make sure you trim off the fat and buy only lean meat. Read the text and match headings A-G to paragraphs 1-6. There is one extra heading. A CHOOSE THE LIGHTER OPTION В REMOVE THE BAD BITS C ASK YOURSELF WHAT'S IN YOUR GLASS D ENJOY A SWEET SENSATION E SOME FAT IS GOOD FOR YOU F COOK WITH A HEALTHIER FAT G ALWAYS CHECK THE INGREDIENTS тШ see Grammar ^ gr4 4ng/to-\nf\ n iti ve 2 Read the theory. Are there similar structures in your language? /------------------------------------ We use the -ing form: • as the subject of a sentence. Eating vegetables is good for you. • after like, have, enjoy, don't mind, dislike, hate. / like drinking milk. • after avoid, appreciate, be used to, consider, continue, deny, fancy, go (+ activity), imagine, miss, save, suggest, practise, prevent, spend/waste (time/money) on. Do you fancy eating out? • after prepositions. How about making a cake? • with the phrases it's worth, can't stand, have difficulty, look forward to, can't help / can't stand eating spicy foods. We use the fo-infinitive: • to express purpose. He went out to buy some milk. • after would like, would prefer, would love. I'd like to have a steak, please. • after too/enough. It was too difficult for her to learn how to cook. • after ask, decide, explain, want, hope, expect, promise, refuse, etc. He decided to order takeaway. BUT make, let and modal verbs take infinitive without to / can't go to the supermarket today. Certain verbs take to-infinitive or -ing form with a difference in meaning. Compare: Oh, no! I forgot to buy some tea. (not remember) I'll never forget trying sushi. I really liked it. (recall) 4 Choose the correct item. 1 A: What will we to have/have for dinner tonight? B; I may to cook/cook some pasta. 2 A: Would you like to order/order a takeaway? B: No. Let's to make/make some sandwiches. 3 A: You promised to help/help me with the household chores. B: I know, but I was very busy to prepare/preparing the food. 4 A: You mustn't to eat/eat so much junk food. B: I guess you are right. 5 A: There's nothing to eat/eat. B; Let's to go/go to the supermarket to buy/buying some food. 6 A: The doctor advised me going/to go on a diet. B: That's a good idea. You should also join/to join a gym. 7 A: I promised to take/taking her shopping, but I can't. B: There's no point to worry/worrying about it. I'll go. 8 A: Have you seen Dina? I want to ask/asking her if she fancies to help/helping me with the cooking. B: No, sorry. I haven't. 5 Put the verbs in brackets into the (to) infinitive or -ing form. 1 I tried .....................(bake) a cake, but I burnt it. 2 Try......................(add) some salt. It'll taste better. 3 Oh no! I forgot......................(go) to the market. 4 I'll never forget............(shop) at the floating market in Thailand. 5 Let's stop ..............(eat) here. This cafe looks nice. 6 Olga stopped...................(eat) meat five years ago. 7 Did you remember.....................(turn) the oven off? 8 I remember ..................(meet) Boris at Dina's party. 9 I'm sorry............(tell) you this, but this cake is awful. 10 Ivan was sorry for ............(tell) her that she was an awful cook. Speaking & Writing g Complete the sentences about you. Tell the class. 1 I like eating out with my family. 2 I don't mind............................................ 3 I'm tired of............................................ 4 I can't stand .......................................... 5 I can .................................................. 6 I'd rather not.......................................... у How much of the information in the text did you know? What did you learn from the text? In three minutes write a few sentences. Tell the class or your partner. 35 Skills Vocabulary Food preparation ^ w‘Listen and say. What are these verbs in your language? 2 Fill in the gaps in the recipe with verbs from Ex. 1. 'ч#/’Listen and check. Note* tbs = tablespoon tsp = teaspoon Listening baking soda ^/2 tsp salt legg 2/^ <^up sour cream ^/4 cup milk ^lorgeappie sugar I ^^P^'^namon 1) ............... И butter the apple, then flour 2) ..............it. 3) ........................the butter in a frying pan, then cook the apple slices in the butter for 4 minutes. 4) .........................the flour, salt, baking soda, sugar and cinnamon together in a large bowl. 5) ...............the egg with Vi cup of the sour cream and the milk, then 6) ............it to the flour mixture. 7) ................... in the cooked apple. Put spoonfuls of the mixture into a hot frying pan. 8)..............for a few minutes on each side. Serve warm with a teaspoonful of sour 3 Q Listen to Frank talking about a TV programme and for questions 1 to 5 mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Frank really enjoyed watching Chef Jeff last night. 2 Chef Jeff went to a restaurant that only serves steak. 3 Maria never eats meat. 4 Chef Jeff closed down the restaurant so they could clean it. 5 Once, Chef Jeff showed a Spanish chef how to cook paella. Speaking Giving instructions cream on top. V,ICC4" "'Г- : Vocabulary Bank 2 p. ими i .. " ■. w.>u— Tell your partner how to make apple-cinnamon blinis. Use First, Next, Then, Finally. First, peel and slice the apple. Then, melt ... .Next,... .Finally,.... Writing An email about a favourite dish ^ Read the writing tip. Find examples of informal style in Maria's email. Using informal style When we write emails to friends or relatives, we use informal style. This includes informal greetings/ closing remarks {How are you? That's all for now!), short forms (It's delicious! NOT: lUs) and everyday vocabulary and expressions {How are things? How about you?). We may also omit pronouns {Hopeyou are well!). ny country. Moqueca te Г spicy seafood dish with fish, onions, tomatoes, peppers, l^es gahic Ld herbs.Vs easy to make. First we chop the vegetables and fry them with the garlic and herbs. Then, we add and boil everything slowly for about five minut^^xf’j^ 2 Read again and match the paragraphs to the headings. closing remarks opening remarks & reason for writing description of how to make the dish 3 Complete the sentences with the words in the list. spfcy Oelicieus 1 It's a very ................. dish with a lot of chili peppers in it. 2 This dish is usually quite ...... .........It has a lot of salt in it. 3 You can add yogurt and milk to the sauce to make it............. 4 You must try this. It's absolutely .......................! 5 There's a lot of sugar in this dessert so it's very............. Understanding rubrics Always read rubrics carefully. They give you important information e.g. who you are writing to, what you have to write, what you should write about, how many words you should write. Make sure you include everything in the rubric in your piece of writing. 4 Read the rubric and look at the underlined words. Then answer the questions. -----------------------------------------------------------^ I This is part of an email from your English pen friend. Georgia, i j Write an email in reply (80-1QQ wordsT j I Tm doing a school project about food around the world. What's your i [ favourite dish from vour country? What are the ingredients? How do j I you make it? What does it taste like? i 1 What are you writing? 2 Who are you writing to? 3 What must you include? 4 How many words should you write? Writing (an email about a favourite dish) 5 Write your reply to Georgia's email. Follow the plan below. Para 1: Para 2: Para 3: Hi.............. opening remarks, reason for writing, name of dish (How are you? So, you want to know.... Well, it's a dish called....) type of dish, ingredients, how to make it, how you serve it (lfs\ a... dish. It's got.... First, we.... Then, ....We usually serve it....) closing remarks (How about you?...) (!►] Writing Bank p. WB1 ) 37 The brain commands our nervous system and controls our behaviour. It uses 20% of the energy from the food we eat! The brain needs green vegetables, healthy fats, such as those in oily fish, and carbohydrates like cereals, bread and pasta. The human body has over 600 muscles! Without them, we couldn't move, breathe, pump blood around our body or digest our food. To build and repair muscles, we need protein. We can find this in foods like meat, fish and eggs. Our skin is the natural covering of our body. It protects us and gives us our sense of touch. Foods that are very good for our skin include fruit and vegetables, nuts, cereals and oily fish. The human skeleton has over 200 bones which support and protect our body. Calcium in dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt keeps our bones healthy. command, nervous system, control, behaviour, energy, fat, oily, carbohydrate, breathe, pump blood, digest, repair, muscle, protein, bone, support, protect, calcium, sense of touch ^ Read again and make notes under the headings. Use your notes to tell your partner about each organ/body part. In a minute write as many parts of the body as possible. Compare your list with your partner. Look at the headings in the text. Which foods are important for keeping these organs/parts of the body healthy? CAisten and read to find out. Organ/Body part What to eat to keep it healthy brain green vegetables, healthy fats, oily fish, cereals, bread, pasta Our brain commands ....To keep it healthy we should eat.... 4 Do some Internet research about other organs/parts of the body and the food we should eat to keep them healthy e.g. the heart, the eyes, liver, etc. Write a few sentences about it, then tell the class. Language Review Put the words into the correct categories. Add one more word to each category. • broccoli • beef • apple pie • lamb • milk • banana • coffee • cabbage • chicken • chocolate brownie • strawberries • cola • tea • salmon • ice cream • waffles 2 Choose the correct words. The drive-through restaurant is one of the USA's great traditions. It's unusual because the 1) waiters/ customers don't usually go inside! They drive up to a speaker outside the restaurant, 2)grab/order their food from a worker and get it from a window. Customers can go inside and eat at a 3) table/booth, but taking your food to go is more 4) famous/ popular. Drive-throughs are very popular in the USA and sell a wide 5) range/type of 6) extra/fast food, like burgers and fries. 2 Circle the odd word out. 1 tub - carton-jar-jam 2 protein - bones - muscles - skin 3 boil - fry - order - grill 4 pepper - onion - prawn - celery 5 salty - fried - sweet - creamy Collocations 4 Fill in: side, fast, top, jacket, scrambled, cherry frying, reduce, bunch, cold. 1 drinks 6 .. potato 2 chef 7 . food 3 eggs 8 .. pie 4 order 9 .. diseases 5 pan 10 . .... of bananas Prepositions Choose the correct preposition. Visitors buy local products made of/from oranges. There's a great choice of/from snacks to choose of/from. Ann's is famous for/of its delicious cherry pie. Chocolate contains a high amount of/with fat. Serve the stew by/with rice. In teams, make sentences. Use words/phrases from the list below. Each correct sentence gets one point. The team with the most points winsJ • resort • boiled egg • dessert • poultry • creamy • drinks aisle • dairy products • frozen food • grill • salty • tub of ice cream • loaf of bread • protein • deep fried • baked goods • serve • dish • scrambled eggs • customers • menu • chop • low-fat «spicy «breathe Read through Module 2 and answer the questions. Now write a quiz of your own. Give it to your partner. Check his/her answers. V ■ <>***?!■ ^ ''/л How many tons of fruit do they use in the Menton Lemon Festival? In which section can you find yogurt in a supermarket? What is a chippy? What can you eat in an ethnic restaurant ? 5 How much energy does our brain use? 6 What can you do at Huntington's Kitchen? 7 What does red meat contain? 8 How many bones are there in the human body? 9 What does our skin do? 10 What foods have a lot of calcium in them? Revision 2 p. 116 Klip 39 i Pelmeni is a popular main course dish in Russian cuisine that comes from Siberia. It is similar to the Italian dish ravioli because it is a little parcel of meat, but instead of a pasta parcel it is made with dough. Its name means ‘ear’ (pel) and ‘bread’ (nan), but no one knows how the native Siberians came up with the dish or when they started to cook it. Some people believe that, 'Qriginally, the dish was brought from China to Siberia by "the Mongols because it includes black pepper which is not found in Russia. Whatever is true, the Siberians found that pelmeni can be kept frozen for a long time without losing any flavour and so it was the perfect way to make their meat last through the long Siberian winter. The local people would freeze the pelmeni outdoors and cook them as, and when, they needed them. They were the perfect food for hunters because they could be sure that they wouldn’t go off. To cook them, you simply boil them in salted water for a few minutes. They are usually served with sour : / ; cream and vinegar. In different parts of the country, pelmeni is made with any kind of meat including beef, pork, lamb and even fish. In some places they are filled with mushrooms, onions, turnips or sauerkraut instead of meat and sometimes they are served in a light soup. In Siberia they are only made with pork and the water is drained before they are served. Over the years, a number of similar dishes have appeared in the cuisine of neighbouring countries. For example, in Ukraine there is a dish called varenyky which has a thicker dough and is pre-cooked. Also, in Poland there is a dish called pierogi which is very similar to pelmeni but it often has a sweet filling. Today, pelmeni is available in the frozen food section of the supermarket and is very popular with students. Reading (True/False) a) Read the rubric, then read the text quickly. What is the text about? ' a rlkh I Г — — — — —----- I You are going to read a text about a dish. I Read the text and mark the sentences (1-6) I T (true) or F (false). b) Do the reading task. 1 Pelmeni is the same as ravioli. 2 Some people believe it is a Mongolian dish. 3 Pelmeni can last a long time if people freeze it. 4 It's easy to cook pelmeni. 5 Only beef is used in pelmeni. 6 Nowadays, you can find pelmeni in supermarkets. 40 ^ к ' 'ШЭ. Listening (Multiple Choke) ^шшяпт----------------------- Multiple choice Remember: the A, B, C choices may all contain words which you hear in the recording. However, | only ONE choice is correct. 2 M Read the rubric, then the questions and underline the key words. * Read the statements below. You will hear » I a contestant on a radio quiz. For each [ * question choose the right answer, A, В * , or C. , ______ ___Л In the radio quiz, A three people have been invited to take part. В contestants must each get one answer correct. C you get two chances to answer a question. Sharon says that the tomato is a fruit because she A remembered how to cook it. В learnt about it at school. C thought the question was a trick. The presenter advises Sharon not to answer too quickly because A he thinks that she is going to guess. В the rules say how much time she can take. C she only has one chance to answer. The final question in the quiz is about A a supermarket. В a man. C a king. The presenter asks Sharon A to tell him where she lives. В to speak to another person. C to send in her contact details. b) Read an extract from the recording and look at question 1. Which is the correct choice? Which words in the three choices are in the recording? Hello and welcome, everyone! In our quiz today we have a panel of three contestants. They will each answer five questions on the topic of shopping. Each correct answer scores one point. If a contestant answers inconectly, the other two contestants get a chance to answer the question.... c) Do the listening task. Speaking a) Give a talk about your eating habits. Remember to say: • if you often eat out or at home with your family • what kind of food you usually eat • if you think you have a healthy diet and why b) О Listen to someone doing the task. How similar is your diet? Writing (notices) (Writing Bank p. WB3) Read the rubric and mark the sentences T(true) or F (false). Write your notice. You are studying in England. Your school is organising an international food night. Write a notice. In your notice: • write where and when the event will be held • ask people to bring a typical dish from their country • explain what else there will be • write how long the event will last 1 The notice should be long and detailed. 2 You need to use a lot of adjectives. 3 You need to give contact details. 4 You must write using formal style. 41 Reading & Listening ^ What is caviar? Why is it called "food of the Tsars"? Listen and read the text. Does it answer your questions? 2 Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 Where does caviar come from? 2 Why didn't the Russians like it originally? 3 When did caviar become a delicacy? 4 When do people eat caviar nowadays? Speaking & Writing 2 Use the words below to make sentences about caviar. Tell your partner. • sturgeon • Catherine the Great • Russian Tsars • Nicholas II • expensive • holiday feasts ICT Find out how caviar is made. Make notes. Present your findings to the class. 42 Caviar is one of the most famous foods in history. It is the salted eggs of sturgeon, a fish which lives in the Black and Caspian Seas. Russia, more than any other country, is known for its high quality caviar. The Russians didn’t eat it because they didn’t like its taste until Catherine the Great served it at a dinner in 1778. From then on, it was the favourite food of various Russian Tsars and they often call it ‘food of the Tsars'. They were the main consumers of caviar and fishermen sent them the best of their produce. Each year, Nicholas II (1868-1918) received around 11 tons of caviar from his fishermen. Nowadays, although quite expensive, people all over the world serve it at holiday feasts and special occasions. salted eggs, sturgeon, high quality, main consumers, ton, produce, although, holiday feast, special occasion Did you know? Only three species of sturgeon produce caviar: beluga, common sturgeon and starred sturgeon. Vocabulary: great achievements, past activities, leaders, legendary creatures, breaking the law, jobs & nationalities of famous people Grammar: past simple (regular & irregular verbs), wh- questions in the past simple, past continuous Everyday English: discussing past activities Intonation: word stress Writing: a biography of a famous person Culture Corner: The Pilgrims - Sailing to a new life Curricular (History): Christopher Columbus Russia 3: Great Navigators Vocabulary Great achievements ^ Match the sentences with the pictures. (^Listen and check, then say. AI I Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. В I; George Washington became the first president of the USA. C I I Neil Armstrong was the first man who walked on the moon. [^1 I Christopher Columbus discovered America. E IV ~| Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. I F I I Zhores Alferov was the winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize in Physics. Great people and legends OirCR TO vov/ Which of these people impresses you the most? Leonerdo do Vinci impresses most because he was a great painter.. Think of another famous person from history who impresses you. Complete the sentence. realiy impresses rne because ~ Special talents 1 Vocabulary Past activities Label the pictures with the verbs. Q Listen and check, then say. • studied • designed • painted • invented • sketched 5 ........the anatomy of the human body 44 7 Reading a) b) Leonardo da Vinci did all the things in Ex. 1. What do you know about him? What else would you like to know? Write four questions about what he did. О Listen and read the text to see if you can answer your questions. Read again and mark the sentences T (true), F (false), or NS (not stated). Da Vinci learnt most things from others... There are hundreds of da Vinci's paintings in museums all over the world... He sketched maps of Europe. .... There is a bridge in Norway that da Vinci designed. .... Da Vinci's flying machine looked like a modern aeroplane. .... His notes were easy to understand. ....... c) Tell the class four things you learnt from the text. see ’’ч pp. GR4- Grammar ^ grs / Past simple (regular verbs) Read the table. How do we form the past simple of regular verbs? Find examples in the text. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE SHORT ANSWERS l/You/He, etc painted a picture. I/You/He, etc didn't paint a picture. Did l/you/he, etc paint a picture? Yes, l/you/he, etc did. No, l/you/he, etc didn't. Use We use the past simple for actions that happened at a certain time in the past or actions that happened one after the other. He worked late yesterday. He finished his homework and then watched TV. Time expressions used with the past simple: yesterday, last week/month/year, a month/three days ago, etc. i Т с Si к^ли The Painter As a young man, da Vinci studied painting in Florence. Two of his paintings, the Mona Lisa (or La Gioconda) and The Last Supper, are among the most famous paintings of all timel Today, only about 15 of his finished paintings survive (he often didn’t finish them because he was busy with other things), but most people consider him to be one of the greatest painters who ever lived. Leonardo do Vinci was born in a small village in Tuscany, Italy on 15th April 1452. He was very intelligent and curious and learnt lots a things by himself. In his lifetime, he achieved incredible things! So is this man the most talented person ever? Read this, then you decide. The Engineer Da Vinci designed many working machines for war, industry, and transport He sketched very accurate maps and he also designed a brilliant canal system for Florence, and a huge bridge. In 2001, architects constructed a bridge in Norway based on da Vinci’s design. You can see it there today. The Inventor Da Vinci’s notebooks contain detailed sketches for a whole range of inventions which were centuries ahead of their time. These include a sort of helicopter, flying machines, a calculator, a parachute, and even robots. With today’s technology and materials many of da Vinci’s designs could work very well. Da Vinci was also a sculptor, a musician, a mathematician, a philosopher, an architect a writer, and a geologist Five centuries after his death, he is still one of the most fascinating people in history. The Scientist Da Vinci studied plants, animals and the human body, and made detailed drawings and notes about them. He used ‘mirror’ writing, probably because he didn’t want everyone to understand the notes! His sketch Vitruvian Man shows the perfect proportions of the human body. This is possibly the best-known drawing in the world. talented, intelligent, curious, lifetime, achieve, incredible, survive, consider, engineer, industry, accurate, canal system, construct, based on, detailed, a whole range, ahead of their time, calculator, parachute, material, mirror, perfect proportions, sculptor, philosopher, geologist 4 Use the post s/mp/e of the verbs in the list to complete the sentences. • invent • not paint • die • start • not discover 1 The artist van Gogh .......................... Wild Poppies. Claude Monet did. 2 Beethoven.........................composing music at an early age. 3 The Spanish artist Diego Velasquez ........... in 1660. 4 Alexander Graham Bell ........................ the telephone in 1876. 5 Isaac Newton...................... radioactivity. Flenri Becquerel did. 5 Form questions, then answer them. 1 Picasso/paint the Mona Lisa? Did Picasso paint the Mona Lisa? No, he didn't. 2 Leonardo da Vinci/sketch plants and animals? 3 Mozart/invent an early flying machine? 4 your parents/visit a museum/yesterday? 5 you/study history/last Monday? Speaking & Writing Which of da Vinci's achievements impresses you the most? Why? In three minutes write a few sentences. Read your sentences to the class. 45 Historical figures Vocabulary Leaders ^ Look at the people in the pictures. Who was: an Egyptian queen? an Asian warrior? an Italian explorer? a South American leader? a Roman ruler? an Egyptian king? a Macedonian king? О Listen and check, then make sentences. Cleopatra was an Egyptian queen. Listening & Reading 2 Do the quiz to find out how much you know about these historical figures. О Listen and check. see pp. GR4-GR5 / > Past simple (irregular verbs) Grammar 2 a) Read the theory box. How do we form the past simple of irregular verbs? AFFIRMATIVE l/You/He/She, etc went to Italy. INTERROGATIVE Did l/you/he/she, etc go to China? NEGATIVE l/You/He/She, etc didn't go to Egypt. SHORT ANSWERS Yes, l/you, etc did. No, l/you, etc didn't. Irregular verbs have irregular forms. have - had, see - saw, take - took, buy - bought etc b) lead - led (i) fight -..... explore- .... do -........ win - ...... start -..... discover- . build - ... travel - ... Fill in the past simple forms of the verbs from the quiz. Which are: R (regular)? / (irregular)? 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 set out - . die - .... eat - .... bite -.... stab -.... come - .... see -..... conquer -be - ..... lead, fight against armies, explore, land, win a place in history, empire, according to legend, poisoned, bite, stab, conquer, win a battle Vetoes ancient World These people led their countries, fought against great armies, explored new lands and did amazing things. People didn't always like them, but they V won a place in history forever. Do the \ quiz and test your knowledge about these amazing people! ^ 1 Which empire did Genghis Khan start? 'в A the Ottoman Empire aML В the Persian Empire Ш^З C the Mongol Empire HEll 2 According to legend, Manco Сарае was the man who ... Y A started the Inca Empire. В discovered South America. C built Mayan temples. \1 3 Marco Polo travelled the 7,000-km-long \| Silk Road from Europe to China. He set \l out in 1271. When did he return home? I A 5 years later ’ В 12 years later C 24 years later 4 According to many poets and historians, Cleopatra died after... A she ate some poisoned food. В a poisonous snake bit her. C she stabbed herself. 5 Who said "I came, I saw, I conquered." after winning a battle in Asia Minor? A Julius Caesar В Genghis Khan C Tutankhamun 6 Alexander the Great conquered most of the known world. How old was he when he died? A 76 В 49 C 32 Note: ca. = circa = about 46 b) Read the text again and correct the false statements. 1 Tutankhamun ruled Egypt for 18 years. He didn't rule Egypt for 18 years. He ruled for 9 years. 2 Carter found the tomb 2,000 years after Tut's death. 3 The tomb had a beautiful silver mask inside it. 4 Carter died soon after finding the tomb. 5 A cobra ate Carter's pet dog. g Make questions, then answer them. 1 Julius Caesar/build Rome? (/) Did Julius Caesar build Rome? No, he didn't. 2 Cleopatra/speak Greek? (/) 3 Alexander the Great/begin/the war against Persia in 334 BC? (/) 4 Genghis Khan/have two sons? (Л) 5 Marco Polo/grow up in Venice? (/) see l/H/i-questions p.cRS V..... a) Q Listen and say the examples. Find more examples in the quiz in Ex. 2. Who wos he? Where did she live? Why did you leave? Which war did he win? What did they do? When did they return? How did he die? How long did she live? b) Ask and answer IVh-questions about King Tut. a) Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. Which are irregular past forms? A: When did Tutankhamun become Pharaoh? B: At a young age. How long did...? Tutankhamun 1)................ (become) Pharaoh of Egypt at a very young age. He 2)............ (rule) for only nine years because he 3)..............(die) at the age of 18. The people 4)................. (bury) him in the Valley of the Kings in southern Egypt. Over 3,000 years later, in 1922, an archaeologist, Henry Carter, 5)............(find) the forgotten tomb. It 6).........(have) a lot of treasures inside it, including a beautiful gold mask. After Carter 7)..........(open) Tut’s tomb, one of his men 8)............(get) sick and died, a cobra 9)............... (eat) Carter’s pet bird and other strange things 10)..............(happen). Some people believe this is because of a terrible ancient curse! Writing ICT Collect information and write your own quiz about famous historical figures. Use the key words: historical figures. 47 --Ь Culture Corner л ад Щ‘ \'ФМ Who were the Pilgrims? Decide which sentences are T (true) and which are F (false). The Pilgrims sailed to North ^ America from Spain. They sailed on the Mayflower. The journey took one year. Many Pilgrims died during their first winter. The people they found were hunters and farmers. The Pilgrims had a big celebration the next summer. The local people were very unfriendly. Q Listen and read to check. Correct the false sentences. Thanksgiving Families get together and share a huge meal on the fourth Thursday in November. This usually includes roast turkey, sweet potato, corn, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. It’s delicious! J Pilgrims, sail, newly discovered, land, ship, captain, voyage, ill, settle, survive, native, hunt, crops, corn, celebrate, feast, harvest, celebration, tradition Voyage to America On September 6th 1620, 100 people sailed from England for a better life in North America, a newly discovered land. They called this land ‘the New World’. Their ship was called the Mayflower and its captain was Christopher Jones. Bad weather made the voyage very difficult and many people became ill. After 66 days, these first ‘Pilgrims’ finally saw land. They settled in an area where they started a new town, Plymouth. AJF Life in the New World At first, life wasn’t easy for the Pilgrims, and only about half of them survived their first winter. The Native Americans who lived there taught them how to fish and hunt and grow crops, such as corn. Celebrating the First Harvest In the fall of 1621, the Pilgrims had a big feast with all the foods from their first harvest. Every year after that, the people had a similar celebration, and this harvest feast soon became a very important American tradition called Thanksgiving. Use words from the correct form to complete the summary. box in the The 1)..................were English people who 2).....................to North America, a 3)................... land. Their 4)................... was difficult because of bad weather. They reached land two months later and 5)................ in Plymouth. Half of the Pilgrims managed to 6).........................the first winter. The natives helped them to 7)............................... and grow 8)......................for food. The first 9).................was very good so they had a 10)......................to celebrate it. 2 ^ТЙ1ЙК? \ Imagine you were one of the natives. In three minutes write sentences describing the Pilgrims' arrival and settling in, and your feelings about them. 4 ICT Think of a traditional celebration in your country. Collect Information, then write a few sentences about it. Write: name, when & why you celebrate it, how you celebrate, how it started. Tell the class. Discussing past activities These are some of the activities visitors can do at a popular 'living history' museum in the USA called Colonial Williamsburg C } Listen and say. ФШО a) Q Listen and say. • How was your weekend? It was great, thanks. • Did you have a nice time? • Yes, it was fantastic. • That sounds interesting. • Did you have a nice weekend? • I didn't do anything special. b) The sentences above are from a dialogue between two friends. Where did John go last weekend? What did he do there? Q Listen and read to find out. Sally: Oh, hi, John! How was your weekend? John: It was great, thanks. I went on a day trip to Colonial Williamsburg on Saturday. Sally: Oh, really? I'd really like to go there! Did you have a nice time? John: Yes, it was fantastic. First of all, we went on a tour of some historical buildings and gardens. Then, we met actors playing famous people from the past, like George Washington, who told us about life in the 18th century. Sally: That sounds very interesting! John: It was! The best part of the day, though, was when we watched a re-enactment of the Battle of Williamsburg. How about you? Did you have a nice weekend? Sally: Oh, I didn't do anything special. I just hung out with my friends and went to my grandmother's for Sunday lunch! Find sentences in the dialogue which mean: / want to visit that place. - Did you enjoy the visit?-1 think you had a nice time. - It was just a normal weekend. Intonation О Listen and say, then listen and mark the stressed syllable (•) and the weak vowel (•) in each word (1-6). actors special • village around survive weekend 1 battle 3 garden 5 invent 2 include 4 famous 6 Saturday Speaking 5 Think of your last weekend. Use the sentences In Ex. 2a to act out your dialogue. Follow the plan. О Ask how B's " weekend was. Ask if В had a nice time. Say what you did. О Reply 8t say where you went. Reply & say what you did. Ask about A's weekend. 49 Myths and legends Vocabulary Legendary creatures ^ О Listen and say, then match each creature (A-F) with a description (1-6). Explain the words in bold. 1 2 3 4 5 6 It looks like a snake with a long neck. It's small, with wings and magical powers. It looks like a human but it's huge and terrifies local people. It looks like a horse with a single horn. It can breathe fire. It's half human and half fish. Do you know any stories about any of the creatures A-F? Tell the class. Listening & Reading Look at the title of the text, the subheadings and the pictures. What is each myth about? О Listen, read and check. 4 3) Read the text again and complete the sentences. Compare your answers with your partner. 1 Because he was so big. Bolster could.......................... 2 He lived in................... 3 He loved Agnes so he ......... 4 He died after he lost......... 5 The mermaid lara appeared to a man in ........................ 6 She pulled the man............ 7 Today, people sometimes hear... 50 b) answer questions based on the text. People all over the world love to tell stories of terrifying giants, magical unicorns and mysterious mermaids. Here are two of these magical tales! Bolster the Giant Bolster was so big that with one step he could travel six miles from hilltop to hilltop! He lived in Cornwall on the tip of England and terrified the locals, stealing sheep and even eating people. One day, though, he fell in love with a young girl called Agnes and asked her to marry him. Agnes didn't want to, so she tried to think of a way to get rid of him for good. She asked him to do dangerous things to win her love but nothing worked, so she had one last idea. She asked him to fill up a hole in a nearby cliff with his blood. Bolster agreed. After all, how much giant's blood does it take to fill a small hole? The hole, though, led down into the sea. All his blood ran into the sea and that was the end of the evil giant. This is a very popular legend in Cornwall. Locals say you can still see a red stain on the cliffs at Chapel Forth! lara the mermaid In Brazil, the locals tell the myth of the mermaid lara who lives in the Amazon River. One night, a young man dreamed of a beautiful woman singing a sad song. The next day, he went fishing with his father and saw the woman from his dream in a hut floating on the water. She sang to him and he went to her. Too late, the man's father saw that the woman had the long tail of a pink dolphin. She grabbed the young man and dived into the water with him. His father never saw him again. To this day, the locals still say that they sometimes see the mermaid swimming deep in the water. And when they hear the sad song of the mermaid lara, they lock their doors and stay far away from the river! J legend, terrifying, mysterious, tales, step, hilltop, tip, terrify, steal, fall in love, get rid of, for good, win, fill up, hole, cliff, blood, lead down, be the end of, stain, hut, float, grab, dive, to this day, deep, lock, far away a) Use words/phrases from the box in the correct form to complete the sentences. 1 People say unicorns live in forests ........ from humans. 2 The sea monster.................the boy and took him to the bottom of the ocean. 3 The dragon .....................the people of the village when it flew down from the sky! 4 The story of Bolster the giant is a very well-known 5 Agnes thought of a plan to................... ...................the giant forever. 6 People....................their doors and stay inside when the mermaid lara sings! b) Look at the pictures and narrate the tales to the class. Expanding vocabulary Learning adjectives together with their synonyms helps you enrich your vocabulary. g Match the highlighted adjectives in the text with their synonyms below. • unhappy • strange • unsafe • tiny • gorgeous • scary • wicked • well-known Speaking & Writing у a) Do you think there is any truth in the legends in the text? In three minutes write a few sentences, then read your sentences to the class. b) Is there a story about a legendary creature in your country? Write a short text about it. Write its name, place it lives, what it looks like, the story about it. Read it to the class. 51 Events Vocabulary Breaking the law* ^ 3) Listen 3nd say. b) Have you ever witnessed any of the above? Last Monday someone sprayed paint on the school walls. We were very upset. I vandalise a statue f ----- Heading rob/break into a museum r steal a painting j 2 R®ad the key words in the The Vanishing Smile... The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is probably the most famous painting in the world. A star attraction at the Louvre Museum in Paris, her famous smile continues to inspire! However, did you know that a thief once stoie the Mona Lisa from the museum and caused an international scandal? The Mystery: 7 am, 21st August, 1911 and just another Monday morning at the Louvre. Guards, cleaning staff, maintenance workers and curators were all working in the building before reopening its doors to the public on Tuesday. While they were working, though, at some time between 7 and 8:30 am, someone entered the empty Salon Carre, unhooked the Mona Lisa from the wall and carried it off down a stairwell. The stairs led to a door, locked from the outside, but somehow, the thief escaped through it. At first, museum workers assumed that the official photographer was shooting pictures of the painting in his studio. An afternoon and evening passed by and it wasn’t until the following day that they realised the precious artwork was missing. It was the beginning of a huge international search for the missing Mona Lisa. The only clue was the discovery of the painting’s heavy frame discarded on the stairs. There were conflicting rumours in the newspapers; the Mona Lisa was now in Switzerland, South America, or in a small apartment in the Bronx, New York. No one knew who really committed the crime and how. The Solution: On that fateful Monday morning, an Italian man called Vincenzo Peruggia was hiding in a small room within the museum. Peruggia, once a worker at the Louvre, knew the building very well. The guard on duty in the Salon Carre admitted leaving his post for a few minutes at around 8 am. While the guard was away, Peruggia lifted the Mona Lisa from her four iron pegs, entered the stairwell, removed the painting’s frame and hurried down the steps. Then, he unlocked the door and escaped from the museum. Peruggia hid the painting in his small Paris flat where it remained, in a cupboard, for over two years. Later, Peruggia took the Mona Lisa to Florence, Italy, and attempted to sell it. It was there, back in the Mona Lisa's hometown, that the police finally caught Peruggia. Peruggia served a short prison sentence. He then went back to France and opened a paint shop in Haute-Savoie. And the Mona Lisa? After touring her Italian homeland, she returned to the Louvre museum, where she resides to this day, behind bulletproof glass, still smiling. sell, police cauVt seted a *eme ° e spray paint on a wall escape out the back door I Read the text and for questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. 1 On a Monday, 21st August, 1911, the Louvre A opened at 9 am. C opened at 7 am. В was closed. D closed at 8:30 am. 2 Museum workers found out the painting was missing A later that morning. C on Monday evening. В on Tuesday. D during the afternoon. 3 Peruggia A was the guard on duty. C hid in the museum. В worked at the museum. D left his post. 4 For over two years, Peruggia kept the painting A at the museum. C in his home. В in a stairwell. D in Florence. 5 The police arrested him A at his flat. C in Florence. В in his hometown. D in Paris. 4 Complete the sentences with: inspire, unhook, assume, admit, remove, hurry, attempt, reside, commit, catch in the correct form. 1 The thief......................the frame from the painting so it was easier to carry. 2 The thief ................stealing the painting. 3 The police have no idea who ................... the crime or why? 4 Leonardo da Vinci continues to ................ artists even today. 5 The police set a trap to....................... the thief. 6 The caretaker......................the painting from the wall for cleaning. 7 People shouldn't...................things, they should find out the truth. 8 We have to................or we'll miss the bus! 9 The Mona L/sa...........................in the Louvre Museum. 10 Thieves are often caught when they ........... to sell stolen property. Events Jd see Grammar p grs >.... Past continuous 5 Read the theory box. How do we form the past continuous? Find examples in the text. We use the past continuous; • for actions happening at a certain time in the past. He vifas working at 12 o'clock yesterday. • for two or more actions happening at the same time in the past (simultaneous actions). While he was working, she was cleaning the house. • to give background information in a story. That morning Peter was walking down the street. The wind was howling and it was raining. Time expressions used with the past continuous: while, as, at... o'clock yesterday morning/evening etc. J Use the verbs in the list in the past continuous to complete the sentences. • blow • shout • watch • read • look • shine • wave 1 While he...........................a book, the lights went out. 2 They........................at the exhibits when the fire alarm went off. 3 She...............her arms and............ for help hoping someone would notice her. 4 ...........you.....................TV when he called you? 5 The sun ........................and a light wind........................ Speaking & Writing f Write sentences about yourself using the phrases below and the verbs in the past simple or the past continuous. yesterday morning last Wednesday afternoon a week ago • while last night • when at 8 o'clock last night • travel abroad • play computer games • visit a museum • do my homework • watch TV 3 Imagine you were the person who found out that the Mona Lisa was missing. Describe the scene and how you felt. Vocabulary Bank 3 p. VB9^ 53 Spanish artist British nurse British writer American pop singer American president Polish scientist German physicist Study skills Reading years In English, we read the years as two sets of two-digit numbers. 1652 = sixteen fifty-two 1804 = eighteen oh four 1938 = nineteen thirty-eight BUT 2006 = two thousand and six___ Speaking Asking for/Giving personal information Ask and answer questions about the people in Ex. 1, as in the example. A: B: A: B: A: B: A: Who was Salvador Dali? He was a Spanish artist. Where was he born? In Catalonia, Spain. When was he born? In 1904. When did he die? ^ ^B: In 1989. [!►] Vocabulary Bank 3 p. VBIO} You will hear part of an interview with Anna Richards, who has recently visited the Florence Nightingale Museum. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, or C. Why did Anna decide to visit the Florence Nightingale Museum? A Her school teacher told her to go. В She saw the museum's website on the Internet. C She wanted information for her project. What did Anna's dad think about going to the museum? A He thought it was too far away. В He believed it would help Anna with her project. C He wanted to learn more about Florence Nightingale. Anna saw the lantern that Florence Nightingale A bought for her lamp collection. В used in the Crimean War. C carried when she became famous. Anna learnt that Florence Nightingale was responsible for A choosing new nurses. В cleaning hospitals. C improving health care. What did the mug Anna bought have on it? A a quote from Florence Nightingale В a picture of Florence Nightingale C a picture of Florence Nightingale's owl How did Anna make her project more colourful? A She used paint. В She used coloured paper. C She used postcards. А biography of a famous person Who was Frida Kahio? What was she famous for? Read to check. Writing biographies When we write a biography, we always put the events of the person's life in chronological order. We also use phrases that show the sequence of events e.g. In 1943, On 3rd July, 1840, At the age of 24, As a child, etc. This helps the reader follow the biography better. 2 a) Find examples of phrases showing the sequence of events in the biography. b) Make notes under the headings. Use your notes to tell the class a summary of Frida Kahlo's life. where & when born ICoyoflcan, 6th July... early years later years & achievements where & when died Frida Kahio was born on 6th July 1907. As a child, she... .At the age of 15,... Study skills see Linking words We use linking words to connect different parts of a sentence. We use because to show the reason for something. He spent a long time in the hospital because he had an accident. We use so to show the result of something. She wanted to become a doctor so she studied Medicine. We use too, and or also to show addition. He organised concerts in Madrid, too. We use but to show contrast. He tried hard but he failed. ... Frida Kahio Frida Kahio is one of the most famous female artists in the world. She was born on 6th July 1907 in Coyoacdn, Mexico. As a child, Frida dreamed of becoming a doctor and in 1922 she began studying Medicine. Unfortunately, at the age of 18, Frida was in a bus accident and spent a long time recovering in bed. It was then that she taught herself to paint She even had a mirror above her bed so she could paint herself. Frida's style combined Mexican folk art with surrealism. When Frida was 21, she met the famous artist Diego Rivera. He recognised her talent and encouraged her to keep painting. Diego and Frida got married In 1929, but it was a difficult marriage. Nine years later, Frida had her first exNbition in New York Qty. She also exNbited her work in Paris. Frida was weak throughout her life and she died in her hometown on 13th July, 1954. She was one of the most famous artists of the 20th century, not only in Mexico, but all around the world. 2 a) Read the Study skills box and find examples of linking words in Kahlo's biography. b) Rewrite the sentences using so, because, too, and, but. 1 His concerts were always sold out. His music was very popular. 2 Frida had a mirror. She could paint herself. 3 He started writing when he was young. He wrote over 50 books. 4 She sang well. She danced well. 5 He was a genius. People didn't recognise his talent. Writing (a biography of a famous person) 4 a) Look at the plan below. Listen to someone talking about Albert Einstein and take notes. Para 1: Para 2: Para 3: Para 4: name, who he was, where/when born (... was, born.... He was one of the most famous....) early years (As a child.... At the age of.... When he was....) later years, achievements (In...,.... years later....) where/when he died, your thoughts/feelings about the | person (...diedon...in... .Hewas....) b) Use your notes to write a short biography about Einstein (100-120 words). Use the biography in Ex. 1 as a model and follow the plan. ^^ ^ [)►] Writing Bank p. WB4 ) ЬЬ 3 nistoryiEasr > (Ч, ^ а) Who was Christopher Columbus? What do you know about him? b) Think of three questions you would like to ask about Columbus. Read to see if you can answer your questions. Study skills Matching headings Read the headings and underline the key words. Read the text and try to find words/phrases related to the key words. 2 Read again and match the headings with the paragraphs. There is one extra heading. A COLUMBUS' PLAN В OTHER JOURNEYS & COLUMBUS' IMPORTANCE C EARLY YEARS D PROBLEMS AT SEA E HIS FIRST VOYAGE 2 Match the words in bold with their definitions: expensive things left by boat, love, journey by sea, laughed at, way, bring in. Д i Think! ^ Q Listen to the text. Imagine you are one of Christopher Columbus' men and you have just returned home from one of the voyages. Tell the class: what it was like at sea, what you saw in 'the Nmr World', how you felt, what you think of Columbus 5 lai «Г» Collect information about another famous explorer Use textbooks, encyclopettias or the loterOet; You can use Яи|№ words: famous Cixplorers: your informaU►] Vocabulary Bank 4 p. VB12} 65 / Д Culture Corner !Я. 1 Where is Yellowstone National Park? What can a tourist see and do there? О Listen, read and check your answers. Read the text again and match the sentences to the words: Yellowstone Grand Canyon, Yellowstone supervolcano, Old Faithful. Some people expect it to erupt. This is a beautiful place to go walking. You may see animals here. One day, this may cause a disaster in part of the US. You'll remember seeing this forever. ICT 66 Find information about a national park or area of natural beauty in your country and write a short pamphlet to advertise it. Use the pamphlet in Ex. 1 as a model. cover, state, on top of, thermal pool, geyser, hot spring, erupt, into the air, sight, canyon, deep, hiking trail, spectacular view, impressive, waterfall, watch out for, wildlife, wolf, elk, bison, grizzly bear, scientist, destroy Take the roles of a tourist and a tour guide. Use the information in the text to ask and answer questions about Yellowstone. A: How big is the park? B: It covers 8,980 square kilometres. a) Fill in: deep, grizzly, impressive, hot, erupts, thermal, hiking. 1 ............................pools 2 ..........................springs 3 geyser .......................... 4 ...........................canyon 5 ...........................trails 6 ............................bears 7 .......................waterfalls b) p!1l!l!ii In three minutes write two reasons why you want to visit this national park. Use the phrases in Ex. 4a. Tell your partner. Yeiiovystone №Шпа1 Park makes this park really amazing though is that most of it is on top of a huge volcano 6 km below the park! This is why Yellowstone has more thermal pools, geysers and hot springs than anywhere else in the world! A visit to Yellowstone National Park is a wonderful adventure! Yellowstone covers 8,980 km^ in three states (Wyoming, Montana and Idaho). What Old Faithful Old Faithful is the most famous geyser in Yellowstone. It erupts every 90 minutes for up to 5 minutes, sending water 30 to 60 metres into the air! This is a sight you’ll never forget! The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone This is a huge, deep canyon full of beautiful hiking trails and with spectacular views of Yellowstone’s most impressive waterfalls, Upper and Lower Falls. Also, watch out for wildlife in this area such as wolves, elk, bison and even grizzly bears! Щ- The Yellowston supervolcano -will it erupt? The last time this supervol erupted was 640,000 ^ ago. Some scientists think ready to erupt again, but don’t know exactly when, erupts, it could destroy western US! Asking for information ^ Read the adverts. What is each one advertising? 2 a) U Listen and say. 1 3T7-TTT7J ГТТЯ nJ Vwater Park ^ ^live shows & more! 65 rides ^4 roller coasters ; ^ Open: every day 11 am - 7 pm / b) • How can I help you? • I'm calling for some information. • What would you like to know? • What are the opening hours? • How much does it cost to get in? • Can I help you with anything else? • Enjoy your visit to the museum! Ivan and his family are in Wyoming on holiday. The sentences are from a dialogue between Ivan and an information desk employee. Who says each sentence? О Listen, read and check. Admission: adults $41.99, children (ages 3-7) $21.99,^^ Directions: Take Highway 95 from Coeur D'Alene, A: Good morning, the Dinosaur Museum/ Wyoming. How can I help you? B: Oh, hi. My family and I are planning to visit the Dinosaur Museum tomorrow and I'm calling for some information. A: Sure. What would you like to know? B: Well, firstly, what are the opening hours? A: The museum is open from 8 am to 6 pm seven days a week. B: How much does it cost to get in? A: It's $10 for adults and $5.50 for children. B: OK. Just one more thing. What is the best way to get there by car? A: Oh, it's easy. Just head for Thermopolis town centre on WY-120 and continue straight. B: The WY-120, right? A: Yes, that's it. Can I help you with anything else? B: No, 1 think that's all, thank you. A: You're welcome. Enjoy your visit to the museum! - -^a^ ldaho Tel: 208-683-3400 ^ • Over 20 dinosaur skeletons! ^ ^ ^ ? •^Opening hours: 8 am -Дрт; 7 days a week " 4 Admission: ad^ults $^0,%Nldren $5.50 ^ ^ Just a short drive frdhi Yellowstone National Park. Head for ^Thermopolis town centre'bn WY-120 and continue straight. ^CaW 307- 864-2997%r more info^^ ^ 2 Find sentences in the dialogue which mean: What can I do for you? - I'd like to ask you something else. - How do I drive there? -1 hope you have a nice time here. Pronunciation: /Ы 4 О Listen and tick (/) the correct boxes. Listen to the sound again and say. Think of more words that include /h/. pronounced /h/ silent/h/ help hour hotel honest what Speaking 5 You are on holiday in Idaho with your family. You want to find out about Silverwood Theme Park. Act out a dialogue based on the advert for the park. Follow the plan. О Greet customer. Ask how yoi can help. Ask what you'd like to knowf-Reply. Reply. Give directions.-* Ask if you can help witf anything else. Wish customer a good visit.- О Say you're calling for information. Ask about opening hours. Ask about cost. Ask how to get there. Check directions. Say no & thank A. 67 ■А': -‘Л: Tourists diving or snorkelling off the beautiful Yucatan Peninsula near Cancun, Mexico might not believe their eyes. Vmts because there are amazing sculptures of men, women and children up to 8 metresheiow the waves! -1 Sea creatures will soon share the bottom of Mexico’s Caribbean Sea with the world’s largest underwater sculpture park! Eventually, there will be 400 life-size sculptures including people holding hands in a circle, cyclists, office workers and pets. The sculptor, Jason deCaires Taylor*, casts his statues from local people, so divers might even see someone they recognise! Jason hopes that his sculptures will encourage people to think about the environment. Pollution and hundreds of thousands of visitors per year are damaging Mexico’s coral reefs. Jason wants people to sw^im to the underw^ater sculpture park instead of the damaged reefs. He creates the statues from cement that attracts sea creatures and encourages coral to grow on them. So, if you ever visit Cancun, why not put on your flippers and snorkel and sw^im out to this amazing park? In time, you probably won’t be able to see the sculptures, but you will see a stunning new' coral reef! * /.djeisan ds.keaz teib/ Vocabulary & Reading *1 a) Match the words, then listen and check. Which of these things can you see in the pictures? 1 2 3 4 5 underwater A sculptures coral В creatures scuba C park sea D reef life-size E diver Study skills Key words Key words help you predict the ^content of a text._________________ b) Read the title of the text and the key words In the ■ box. What is the text about? О Listen, read and check. 2 Now read the text again and for questions 1-4, choose the best answer A, B, C or D. Find evidence in the text. 1 Visitors to the underwater sculpture park will be able to see . A ancient treasures. В sculptures of people and animals. C sculptures of fish and wildlife. D divers making sculptures. 2 Local people visiting the park may see ... A statues of themselves. C Jason at work. В a statue of Jason. D statues of famous people. 3 Jason wants the park to ... A attract more divers to Mexico's coral reefs. В help protect Mexico's coral reefs. C keep sea creatures away from reefs. D attract more tourists to Mexico. 4 In the future, it will be more difficult to see the sculptures because ... A they will become old and dirty. В a new coral reef will cover them. C the artist will move them somewhere else. D the area will be very polluted. 68 -'Ь see Grammar p gr? / Might - May - Could - Will probably - Will definitely Read the theory. Find examples in the text. We may visit the underwater park when we go to Cancan. (It's possible; Perhaps) / might go to Chile for my summer holiday this year. (It's just possible, There is a slight possibility) The park could help to protect Mexico's damaged coral reefs. (It's possible) We'll probably go snorkelling tomorrow. (It's likely/ There's a very good chance) I'll definitely be back home by Thursday. (It's certain) sculptures, diving, snorkelling, below the waves, sea creatures, share, underwater, life-size sculptures, cyclists, sculptor, cast a statue, local people, recognise, encourage, think about the environment, pollution, damage, coral reefs, create statues, cement, attract, grow, flippers, stunning к 3 Use words from the Д box to complete the sentences. 1 Jason deCaires Taylor is a fantastic artist - he makes beautiful................out of cement. 2 When snorkelling, you need to put.............. on your feet to help you swim. 3 Jason uses .........as models for his statues. 4 It's very easy to.................coral reefs if you touch them. 5 Jason hopes the park will...................lots of visitors. 6 There are thousands of colourful, exotic....... ..................in the Caribbean Sea. 7 Over time, coral will.......on the sculptures. 8 ..............from factories and cars causes a lot of damage to the........................ Д Complete the opposites. Use the words in bold in the text. Check with your partner. 1 discourage 2 ugly ........ 3 repels ^..... 4 top ^ ....... 5 above ^ ..... 6 far from ... 7 protecting ^ 8 smallest ^ .. 9 take off ... 10 repaired .. g Use the words in brackets to rewrite the sentences. There's a very good chance that it will rain tomorrow, (probably) It will probably rain tomorrow. It's possible that the underwater park will attract 750,000 visitors per year, (could) It's possible that we'll go snorkelling this afternoon, (may) It's likely that coral will soon grow on the sculptures in the underwater park, (probably) It's just possible that we'll swim to the park today, (might) It's certain that we'll go to Cancun next weekend, (definitely) Speaking & Writing у a) Tell the class two reasons why someone should visit the Cancun underwater park. b) Why is the park important? In three minutes write a few sentences. Tell the class. g Imagine you are on holiday in Cancun and you are going to visit the underwater park. Write a short email to your friend telling them all about It. Write: where you are, what you are going to visit, what you will do/see there. Read your email to your partner. 69 peaceful gardens LB§ long bridge large zoo traditional houses cosy restaurant Л tall skyscrapers ¥штмшгу ^ n a cr(:v ^ J Listen and say. Which of these features are there in your city? In my city there are traditional houses but there isn't a long bridge. Summer in i Sydney in Australia is one of most famous and beautiful cities in the world. Its pleasant climate, rich history and modern cosmopolitan atmosphere make it a great place to go on a school trip. 1 One of the best ways to get a good look at Sidney and all its splendours is to take a Harbour Highlights Cruise. You’ll get to see all the interesting cultural and historic sites such as the majestic Opera House, which is now a UNESCO World Heritage site, the Harbour Bridge and the Rocks in one ride. Visit the Sydney Observatory and discover the stars of Down Under. Students will learn how to find and identify stars, why the moon is upside down and lots more. You’ll absolutely love it. A trip to Taronga Zoo is an experience not to be missed. Just 12 minutes by ferry from central Sydney, Taronga Zoo is home to 2,600 animals and is one of the biggest zoos in the world. The zoo offers you the opportunity to see animals such as tigers, giraffes, turtles, koalas, and even Tasmanian devils. You can even stay overnight in a tent and really get a feel for the jungle. Go on a treasure hunt in the historic Rocks area of the city with a real Captain Jack Sparrow. Work with your classmates as a team to find a treasure chest of goodies while having fun and learning about the history of Sydney. You won’t have to stay in Sydney long to see that it’s a city in love with the water and you won’t have to go far if you feel like doing some water sports. Nothing is more Australian than surfing so get into the true spirit of Australia and head down to surfers’ paradise at Bondi Beach. There are several good surf schools where you can learn the basics and enjoy the thrill of surfing. a) What do you know about Sydney? What else would you like to know about it? Write three questions. Q Listen and read the text and see if you can answer them. cosmopolitan, atmosphere, splendours, cultural, historic, majestic, treasure hunt, goodies, spirit, paradise. b) Read and match the headings A - F to the paragraphs 1-6. There is one extra heading. A See its skies В Safari in Sydney C Play pirates D City bus tour E Ride the waves F See it from the sea 2 Fill in: historic, heritage, pleasant, school, treasure, water. 1 climate 2 ...........................trip 3 world ....................site 4 ..........................hunt 5 ...........................site 6 .........................sports In three minutes write four reasons why someone should visit Sydney. Tell your partner. Grammar A/An-The 5 Complete the sentences with a, an or the where necessary. We use a/an to refer to something in general. There's a man over there. We use the to refer to something specific or with a singular countable noun to refer to all the members of that certain group. The man is waving. The dolphin is an intelligent animal, (all the dolphins) g Fill in a, an or the where necessary. 1 I saw ....... strange man outside ......school yesterday. 2 Mrs Harris has gone to.......Costa del Sol in......Spain on holiday. 3 Jane is going to see........doctor on ...... Harley Street in ........ London next week. 4 I saw ......... documentary last night about........ Mount Everest in.......Himalayas. 5 ...... tiger is ........ endangered animal, especially ....... Siberian tiger. 6 ......group of celebrities walked across part of......Sahara Desert for charity. 7 Is.....Lake Baikal in........Russia or is it somewhere else in ........ Europe? Dear Sam, Hi! I'm having 1).........great time here in 2)...........Rome. 3)..........weather is nice and 4)..........people are friendly. So far I've been to 5).........Coliseum and 6)............Roman Forum and I've taken 7)............million photos! Tomorrow I'm going to see 8)...........Vatican and I want to eat 9).......... real Italian pizza! How are things in 10)........UK? Bye for now, Olqa see \ Relatives p.GR7.^ >•.... у Read the theory. Complete the rules with the words in bold in the examples. Tom's dad shouted at a driver whose car was blocking the street. I like meeting people who/that are friendly and nice. Hazel comes from Doncaster which/that is in the north of England. I can't remember the name of the hotel where we stayed in Paris. We use 1)......with people. We use 2)......with places. We use 3).......with things or ideas. We use 4).to show possession. Ч_____________________________________________________________^ g Fill in who, which, where or whose. 1 A: I like your hat. It's very stylish. B: This is the one .........was on special offer. It cost £5. 2 A: Isn't that Boris over there....brother works with us? B: Yes, I think you're right. 3 A: Taronga Zoo is a great place .............you can see a lot of animals. B: We're going there tomorrow. 4 A: Do you remember Irina .........used to live next door? B: Yes, and I heard her family's moved to Sydney. 5 A: What's the name of the museum ....is in St Petersburg? B: The Hermitage. 6 A: This is our tour guide ...........showed me around. B: Lucky you! 7 A: Was it Sukko.............you went on holiday? B: No, it was Sochi. 8 A: Did you watch the film ..was on Channel 4 last night? B: Yes, it was fantastic. 0 Complete the sentences about you. 1 I like people.....are................... 2 My mum prefers restaurants.......serve 3 I like watching documentaries.......are 4 I can't stand people.......are.......... 5 I love reading books...are about........ 71 / Skills Vocabulary Holiday problems ^ a) Match the problems to the pictures. 4.^' Listen and check. b) Listen again and say. Pay attention to the intonation. The weather was awful. We missed our flight. The airline lost our luggage. I got badly sunburnt. Someone stole my passport. Our hotel room was too small. The beach was dirty and crowded. I got food poisoning. Listening for gist Before you listen, read the answer choices carefully and think about what words you expect to hear. Try to understand the general idea of what the speaker is saying. This will help you do the task. Listening 2 a) Look at the problems (A-E) some people had while on holiday. What words do you expect to hear? b) Q Listen and match the problems (A-E) to the speakers (1-4). There Is one extra problem. A The speaker describes a problem at the airport. В The speaker talks about an illness. C The speaker mentions bad weather. D The speaker has a problem at the hotel. E The speaker is a victim of a crime. Speaking Talking about your holiday 2 a) Anna is calling her brother Steve from the UK. What problem does she have? C} Listen and read to find out. Hi, Steve, it's Anna! Hi, Anna! Are you having a nice time in the UK? Yes, but you'll never guess what happened! What? Tell me! Well, someone stole all my money! Oh, you poor thing! I'm so sorry! Anna: Steve: Anna: Steve: Anna: Steve: b) Imagine you are on holiday and you are on the phone with your friend back home. Use the language in the table below and ideas from Ex. 1 to act out a dialogue similar to the one in Ex. 3a. Saying what happened You'll never guess what happened! Guess what! You won't believe what happened! Listen to this! Asking Are you having a nice time in ... ? Are you enjoying yourself in ... ? Reacting Really? Oh dear! Oh, you poor thing! I'm so sorry! That's such bad luck! That's terrible/awful! 1 2 3 4 [!►) Vocabulary Bank 4 p. VB13^ ^ Think about a holiday you had where something went wrong. In three minutes write a few sentences. Tell the class what happened. ^ Read the letter and match the paragraphs (1-4) with the descriptions (A-D). A В C D activities so far and plans for today greeting and opening remarks closing remarks plans for tomorrow 2 a) Read the tip. What adjectives does Viktor use to describe the following? • hotel • weather • fish • villages Using adjectives in descriptions Use a variety of adjectives instead of good, nice, bad, etc to make your descriptive writing more interesting. The weather was awful, (instead of bad) b) Replace the words in bold with the adjectives in the lists. • delicious • exciting • brilliant • awful • interesting • crowded • beautiful TVi& weatine-r here is bad, but we-'re still having a nice time. Yesterda'j, we went on a speedboat tour of the island - it was reall'j good! Were going to m'f favourite restaurant now. The food there is nice! This is a really nice place. The beach is quite bad but there are a lot oj good historical sights to see. Dear Mark, ■ • 1^ How are you? I'm having a fantastic time here in St Lucia in the Caribbean. We’re staying in a luxurious hotel right on the beach. The^ weather is a bit cloudy and yesterday there was a huge storm, but we’re still having a lot of fun! Yesterday, we swam and sunbathed on the beach all morning. 1 went snorkelling in the sea around a coral reef and 1 sow lots of colourful fish. This afternoon, we are going trekking in the rainforest! My sister Dina thinks it’ll be scary, but 1 can't wait! Tomorrow, we’re going to take a jeep tour of the island, ^'re going to visit a banana plantation and some lovely quiet fishing villages. ^ Well, that’s all for now. We’re going for lunch at a fish restaurant now. See you in a week’s time! Best wishes, Viktor 2 Mark the sentences (1-6) О for opening or C for closing remarks! 1 I'm really enjoying myself here in Moscow. ..... 2 Td better go now. I'll tell you more when I see you.... 3 See you next week. ..... 4 It's wonderful here and the weather is fantastic. ..... 5 I'm on holiday in Russia and it's great! ..... 6 Anyway, I must go now. ..... Writing (a fetter about your holiday) 4 You have received a letter from your English pen friend, Peter. / hope you are having a great holiday. Where are you staying? What is the weather like? What did you do yesterday and what are your plans for today? Write Peter a letter and answer his questions. Write 80-100 words. Follow the plan. Plan'^ Dear..., Para 1: Para 2: Para 3: Para 4: opening remarks, where you are, where you are staying, the weather, how you like it (How are you? I'm having.... We're staying.... The weather is....) activities you did yesterday (include a bad experience you had), what you are planning to do today (Yesterday ... ./Unfortunately,.Today we are going to....) plans for the next day (Tomorrow we're going to....) closing remarks, when you are coming back, (Well, I must go now. We're.... See you....) [») Writing Bank p. WB1 ) / Д Curricular Citizenship How to be a responsible camper Camping is a fantastic way to explore the countryside and have fun. However, it is not without its dangers. If you are going camping there are a few things you should do to protect the environment and keep yourself safe. Be prepared Make sure you have the right emergency equipment. Bring a first aid kit, map, compass, torch, whistle and mobile phone. Before you set out check the weather forecast. If bad weather is coming, it is wiser to postpone your trip. Careful what you eat Carrying bottles of water may be a hassle but it is safer than drinking from streams. If you are planning to drink water from streams, boil it first. Bring canned food or food in sealed containers in an icebox. The summer heat can quickly spoil food. Don’t eat any wild fruits or berries unless you are sure that they are safe. Look after fires Campfires can be really nice! If you are going to have a campfire, build it far away from your tent and any trees or bushes. Keep some water near the fire in case it gets out of control. When you finish with the fire make sure you put it out properly by pouring water over it and covering it with soil. Leave the animals alone ^ Wild animals are beautiful and fascinating but they can also be A dangerous. Do not feed, touch, pet, or go near wild animals. They ^ will, of course, be very interested in your food so keep any food in their containers and put any leftovers in sealed bin bags. i i i I . A li t : i i •G i Д \ ’ I N ^ explore, dangers, protect, safe, prepare, emergency ^ \ ’ll ^ equipment, compass, forecast, postpone, hassle, stream, seal, spoil, put out, leave alone, leftovers Read the dictionary entry. What do you think a responsible camper is? Read the introduction of the text to find out. responsible /rrsponsatel/ (adj) able to choose between right and wrong and make good decisions’ 74 b) What does the term 'responsible camper' mean to you? Listen and read the text to check. 2 Read the text and answer the questions. 1 What should you do before setting out on a camping trip? 2 What water is the safest to drink while camping? 3 Why is canned food better for camping? 4 How do you put out a campfire properly? 5 What should you do with waste food? Use words in the box to complete the gaps. The responsible camper 1)............. his/her trip. They check the weather 2)..........and bring 3)...........equipment with them. They make sure they 4).............. fires properly and leave wild animals 5)............ Do you consider yourself to be a responsible camper? In three minutes write a few sentences on this. Read them to the class. 5 IICTI Use the Internet to research and suggest more ways to be a responsible camper. You can use the key phrase: responsible camping. Present your ideas to the class. Collocations ^ Match the phrases. 1 2 3 4 10 scuba A photographs spot В a great time lose C targets have D for souvenirs take E local food F your luggage shop G historical sites go H safe try 1 diving visit keep J on a cruise 2 Fill in: quad, coral, endangered, stunning, swimming, forest, grizzly, sea, water, true. 1 .....................pool 2 .....................view 3 .....................creatures 4 .....................bear 5 .....................reef 6 .....................spirit 7 .....................sports 8 .....................species 9 .....................bike 10 .....................ranger Language Review Prepositions 2 Choose the correct preposition. 1 He's interested to/in visiting the underwater park in Cancun. 2 Where are you going on/for holiday this year? 3 We are bored of/from beach holidays. 4 He creates his sculptures of/from cement. 5 There is an amazing view of/to the city from the top of the hill. 6 You should treat people in/with respect. 7 We climbed through/to the top of Mount Vesuvius when we visited Italy last year. 4 Choose the correct word. 1 Hurry up! We don't want to miss/lose our flight. 2 From the hotel, we had a fantastic sight/view of the city. 3 I lost/missed my passport last year on holiday. 4 We are going on a trip/journey to China this summer. 5 My dad always takes/makes lots of photos on holiday. 6 We are going on a sightseeing trip/tour of the city tomorrow. 7 We usually stay/live in a tent on holiday. In teams, make sentences. Use words/phrases from the list below. Each correct sentence gets one point. The team with the most points wins. • lie on the beach • go on a safari • identify trees • take the plunge • leftovers • spectacular views • hot springs • erupt • opening hours • emergency equipment • time of your life • miss my flight • go sightseeing • dirty beach • luxurious hotel • take a tour Read through Module 4 and answer the questions. Now write a quiz of your own. Give it to your partner. Check his/her answers. Which country is Sydney in? What can visitors see in Taronga Zoo? Where can you snowboard through a birch forest? How often does Old Faithful erupt? Where is Center Parcs? Which three states is Yellowstone National Park in? How many sculptures will there be in Jason de Caires Taylor's underwater museum? When did the Yellowstone supervolcano last erupt? i;.' я’, к ' ■ Ц:-:, -i'.y '' Revision 4 р. 118 ^ 75 ''v4 ■ Reading (Muitipie Choice) Matching question stems to the text Read the text quickly to see what it is about. Read it again sentence by sentence. Pay attention to the words before and after each gap as they will help you decide on your choice. Read the completed text again to see if it makes sense. Moscow a) Look at the sentences and the possible answers. Which sentence: asks for a grammar structure? a lexical item? Peter......to travel to France but he went to Poland instead. A has planned C will travel В was planning D is planning The place offers a variety of activities to.....from. A decide C pick В try D choose b) Choose the correct answers. The underlined words will help you. a) Read the rubric. Then read through the text to get the gist. • You are going to read a text * j about a city. For gaps 1-6 choose , ' the word A, B, C or D that best ^ f ( completes each gap. i b) Do the task. Compare with your partner. Moscow, the capital of Russia, is a major cultural centre in Europe Щ and a popular tourist destination. With interesting landmarks and amazing architecture, it’s a wonderful place to 1)...... Located on the Moskva River, it is also one of the most historically significant cities in the world. Home to many beautiful buildings and landmarks, the city 2)......millions of visitors every year. One of the best known buildings is Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Red Square, in the centre of Moscow. It has a distinctive design that is totally unique and it is an impressive sight. Many tourists also visit the Kremlin which includes four palaces and four cathedrals. The Tretyakov Gallery and the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts are also 3)......with tourists and locals alike. The Central Park of Culture and Rest is a great place to relax after some sightseeing. With plenty of sports and entertainment facilities it 4)...something for everyone. ‘Gorky Park’ as it is better known, has boating lakes, tennis courts, water bicycles, I cafes, an observation wheel and an open-air cinema. I The area of Kitay-gorod is a great place to go window shopping as it is one of the most expensive shopping areas in the world. Here you can find the shops and showrooms of Bentley Motors, Ferrari, Armani, Prada, Gucci and Tiffany & Co. So, it comes as no surprise that Moscow is claimed 5).......the largest community of billionaires in the world. Moscow has a lot to offer and can satisfy the most demanding visitor. You 6)....disappointed. meet brings famous wishes to have В travel В attracts В fashionable В gives В in having won't be В weren't stop appeals favourite offers have must be visit fetches popular promises to have had haven't been 76 Speaking 3 Your family would like to go on an activity holiday at a holiday village In the UK. You would like to keep costs low and would like reasonably priced accommodation. You and your parents particularly enjoy swimming and other water sports. Before making a decision, ask the travel agent about: • types of accommodation available at the holiday village • types of activities and sports equipment available • prices Listening (Multiple Matching) 4 a) О Do the task below. Remember to listen for the meaning behind the questions. r — - — — — — — - — — — Ч * You will hear a radio programme * [ about people's holiday experiences | I and plans. Match the speakers i [ (1-4) to the types of the holidays [ I (A-E). There is one extra holiday, i A sightseeing holiday В walking holiday C touring holiday D beach holiday E sailing holiday Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 b) Read the questions below. О Listen again and match the speakers (1-4) to the questions (a-e) by writing the appropriate number next to each question. Which speaker... will avoid going into expensive shops? is going to visit a different place from last year? will choose accommodation according to the weather? will take care not to get lost this year? hopes the weather will be better? Writing (informal letters) (WritingBankp.WBI) Identifying useful language Read the rubric and identify what useful language is needed, e.g. suggest means that you can use phrases such as: How about ...?, Let's..., Why don't you?, etc. This will help you do the task. Read the rubric. What language does it ask for? Think of phrases related to: inviting, making suggestions. Compare your phrases with your partner. — — — — — — — — — — — You are planning a winter holiday in your mountain cabin near a ski resort. You want your English pen friend to come with you. Write a letter, where you: • say when you are going & how long you will stay • invite your friend to come & mention who else will be at the cabin • suggest what outdoor activities you will do together & what clothes your friend will need to bring • tell them how much the flight will cost and suggest an airline g Do the writing task. Follow the plan. tiPlan Dear..., Para 1: opening remarks, tell friend about your holiday, when you are going to go and invite them to come Para 2: say who will be at the cabin with you and what outdoor activities you will do together Para 3: suggest what clothes your friend will need and airline details, closing remarks ... (Name) J 77 Reading & Listening Where is Krasnaya Polyana? What is the place famous for? Q Listen, read and check. 2 Read the text and complete the sentences. Use up to three A Krasnaya Polyana rs the t '^snowboard resort ,n Russra^lt is « ^ ^andиаю Sochi on the Black Sea coast at ajiei9 and snowboard station make Krasnaya P°'vana one of h .esorts in Russia.The resort S" beginners right up to the cafes, Krasnaya P°Wana bas d ffer nt p ste^ t expert skier °-"^^et ,i j -i J.IJJl'i.HIllW.IJ.U.the place to go. resort, accessible, piste, cosy, adventurous, snowfield, locals, safe ..... 1 Krasnaya Polyana is a Speaking & Writing Copy and complete the table. Use the completed table to present the resort to the class. Name of resort 2 It is near..................... 3 To get to Krasnaya Polyana you can take...................... 4 In the resort there are pistes .... How to get there 5 To visit snowfields up to 4000 metres high you................. 78 Use the Internet to collect information . . about another ski resort. Write a paragraph about it.. Present it to the class. ’ Vocabulary: world problems, natural disasters, humanitarian problems, activities for a charity event, ways animals are endangered, activities at an eco-camp Grammar: present perfect, present perfect continuous, alreadylyetlforlsincel never I ever, present perfect vs simple past, -ing/-ed adjectives, past perfect, conditional type 3, wishes Everyday English: Offering & asking for help Pronunciation: homophones Writing: a letter giving news Culture Corner: Comic Relief (a charity event) Curricular (Geography): The world's oceans Russia 5: The Siberian Tiger__________________________ Vocabulary World problems ^ 4»4isten and say. Which problems are: social? environmental? 2 Listen to three people talking. Which problem is each talking about? OnR TO YOU/ Complete the sentence. I think..............and .................are the two most serious problems in my country. Ш' racism pollution 7 ^^homelessness :■ 79: Э Disasteill^ Vocabulary Natural disasters ^ a) Match the disasters (A to the pictures (1-7). Q Listen and check, then say. b) drought flood earthquake forest fire tornado tsunami hurricane Which of these are common in your country? Forest fires are common in my country. Reading & Speaking 2 a) Read the first sentence of each entry (1-3) In Suzy's diary. Where is she? What do you think she is doing there? Q Listen and read to find out. b) Now read the diary entries and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or NS (not stated). 1 Suzy is volunteering in Haiti with friends. 2 3 million people are now homeless. 3 Natural disasters don't happen often in Haiti. The rescue team took five days to rescue the boy. The earthquake only hit Port-au-Prince. Suzy's team is helping to give out food. Suzy thinks rebuilding will take a long time. J Use the words from the box to complete the sentences. 1 He joined a ............................... team to help homeless people. 2 It was..................................... to see so many suffering people. 3 They managed to pull a man alive from the .................ten days after the earthquake. 4 We hope ................................... will arrive shortly because people are suffering from disease and injuries. 5 A ..........................is working hard to get the trapped people out. Imagine you're in Haiti just after the earthquake. What can you hear, see and smell? How do you feel? In three minutes write a few sentences. Tell the class. 16th January, 2010 u" Haiti with ‘“"1 and I ™ t believe my eyes! The earthquake that hoppened four days ago has destnS “nthquoke hos r"' P“P'®- fbousands ove lost ther Ives or have terrible injuries sufferer h Haiti Sutters tram humcanes and floods every Cchnil ' " XwheJ' ф 1st February, 2010 The whole world is helping Haiti! Rescue teams have come from places as far away China. We have cleared the mam roads of Port au Prince though, so food and medical suppte should grthrough soon. More volunteers have^u^ arrived. Together, hopefully, we con rebuild after this awful disaster! (2) 22nd January, 2010 On Tuesday a rescue team pulled a toy out frL the rubble. He was st« alive after seven daysl The United Nations has offered a sma ,nne to the people of Haiti for helping to clean up the^streets. This helps them to buy food. Conditions or: toTible, though. Thousands of peopte ore living in tents with no toilets or running water, me earthquake has also caused tsunamis "“^^y fishing villages thot have damaged beaches and even swept homes out to_sea. see Grammar p gr7 >.. Present perfect volunteer team, destroy, affect, injury, suffer, challenge, clear, rubble, rescue team, wage, conditions, running water, medical supplies, awful g Read and complete the table. Find examples in the text. Form: has/have + past participle AFFIRMATIVE l/We/You/They have arrived in Haiti. He/She/lt has arrived in Haiti. NEGATIVE l/We/You/They haven't felt an earthquake before. He/She/lt hasn't felt an earthquake before. SHORT ANSWERS Yes, l/you/we/they have. No, l/you/we/they 3)....... Yes, he/she/it 4).......... No, he/she/it 5)........... INTERROGATIVE 1) ......l/you/we/they (ever) climbed a mountain? 2) ..............he/she/it (ever) climbed a mountain? We use the present perfect for: • actions which started in the past and continue into the present. She's worked here since last January. (She still works here.) • life experiences. I've visited Haiti. (We don't know when.) • actions that happened in the past and we can see the result now. They've cleared the snow from the road. (We can see the road is clear.) Time expressions used with the present perfect: so far, this morning, since, for, never, ever, already, yet, this week/month/year, etc. 0 Match the infinitives to the past participles. Find more past participles in the text. • eat • go • tell • have • be • say • give • find • see • buy • lose • given • seen • said • bought • told • gone • had • been • found • eaten • lost 8 omplete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets. Suzy hasn't been (not be) to Haiti before. They........................... (work) as volunteers since 2009. ................. (the tornado/ destroy) the whole village? Lots of people................. ........(lose) their lives so far. The rescue workers............. ........(save) ten people so far. The food supplies.............. (not arrive) yet. Listening & Writing a) Peter is in a volunteer team after a hurricane hit the Caribbean. О Listen and put a tick (/) next to the things his team has done. clear roads Ц bring supplies □ help injured people Ц collect money □ take photos Ц b) Imagine you are Peter. Write a short diary entry. You can use the ideas in Ex. 8a and your own ideas. Read your entry to the class. Well, here I am in ... and I can't believe my eyes! The hurricane has.... Our team has.... etc ________________________ Vocabulary Bank 5 p. VB14) о 1 ; : -В Going to help 1 Vocabulary Social problems Listen and say. Which is the most important to you? Tell your partner giving reasons. To me, war is the most important problem because a lot of people lose their lives. Reading & Listening a) Read the title and the first sentence of each paragraph in the text. Who is Greg Mortenson? What do you think he did? Read and check. b) Read the text again. Five sentences are missing. Match the sentences (A-F) to the blanks (1-5). There is one extra sentence. О Listen and check. Complete the sentence. achieve, end up, failure, set out, make it, top, stumble, injured, poor, hunger, ground, stick, promise, raise money, I admire Greg because............................. peace award, thrilling, proof, courage, best-selling, ignorance, cause, camoaian. issue, look after From Climbing Mountains ... Mowing -Mountains Have you ever wanted to achieve something really amazing in life? Well, I Greg Mortenson wanted to climb a mountain, but % he ended up helping ^ thousands of people to i '^^ve a better life! Greg Mortenson’s story began with failure. In 1993, he set out to climb K2, the world’s second highest mountain. But Greg never made it to the top. After five days, he stumbled into the village of Korphe in northern Pakistan, injured and hungry.|D|ii Greg saw that the villagers were very poor and there was a lot of disease and hunger. Also, the village school didn’t have a roof and the children wrote on the ground with sticks. Щ: ‘Til build you a school,” he told the villagers. “I promise." Greg went back home to the to raise money for the school. He even lived in his car to save money! But this was just the beginning of something much bigger! Since then, Greg’s organisation has built around 80 schools and runs many others in Pakistan, Afghanistan and other countries, too. Greg hasn’t finished yet. Q| He has won many humanitarian and peace awards, but it’s the smiles of the children he has helped that makes him happy! It’s a thrilling read and proof of what ordinary people can do with courage and determination! Greg has just written a best-selling book about his story called Three Cups of Tea. He believes that poverty, illiteracy and ignorance cause many wars and other problems in the world, so he also organises many campaigns to fight these issues. Greg knew he wanted to do something to help. Greg has made a real difference to people’s lives. The kind villagers there looked after him for several days. /, he went back to Korphe and built the school. р see Grammar p grs >.. Yet - Already ~ Since - For - Never -Just a) Read the theory. Find examples in the text in Ex. 2. IS Ш ; Yet - Already - Since - For - Never - Just Jill hasn't arrived yet. (We expect her to arrive soon.) i They've already booked their plane tickets. (It's done. They I don't have to do it any more.) ' He's lived in Brazil since 2007. (starting point) ' \Ne've been friends for 5 years, (duration) \ He has never travelled abroad. (He hasn't travelled abroad.) ' He has just left, (a few minutes ago) b) Choose the correct word. 1 I haven't booked my plane ticket to Thailand just/yet. I'll do it tomorrow. 2 I haven't seen Arkady since/for last week. 3 He taught in a village in India since/for 2 years. 4 She's already/since left for Moscow. 5 He's yet/just sent the email and is waiting for an answer. see 4 Present perfect vs Past simple p .. a) Read the theory. Find examples in the text. Present perfect vs Past simple We use the present perfect for; • actions that started in the past and continue up to the present. Max has lived here for three years. • experiences. Fran has run a marathon. (When? We don't know.) • We use the past simple for actions that started and finished in the past. I went to Argentina last year. (When? Last year.) b) Put the verbs In brackets into the past simple or the present perfect. □ □□ Hi Kathy, I'm writing to you from India where I'm helping to build a village school! I 1)............(be) here for 2 weeks now with my team and we 2)..................(already/do) so many things! The first day, we 3)............(go) into a nearby forest and 4)...........(help) to chop up wood. 15).........(feel) very tired afterwards, but I soon got used to it. 6)........... (you/ever/do) any volunteer work? It's amazing! See you in a month. Sam - . see Present perfect continuous p.cRS >.... g Read the theory. Are there similar structures in your language? Form: have/has been + verb -ing AFFIRMATIVE l/We/You/They have been sleeping. He/She/lthas been sleeping. INTERROGATIVE Have lA/le/You/They been sleeping? Has he/she/it been sleeping? NEGATIVE l/We/You/They haven't been sleeping. He/She/lt hasn't been sleeping. SHORT ANSWERS Yes, l/we/you/they have. No, l/we/you/they haven't. Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/she/it hasn't. We use the present perfect continuous; • to put emphasis on the duration of an action that. started in the past and continues up to the present. He has been working here for seven years. • for an action that started in the past and lasted for some time. It may be continuing or has finished but its results are visible in the present. He has been working in the garden since morning. He's very tired. g Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the present perfect continuous. 1 We..........................(not/see) Alexei for a week. He's on holiday. 2 Their clothes are dirty......................... (they/play) in the garden? 3 They are very happy. They....................... (win) the competition. 4 She's very angry. She........................... (wait) since 7 o'clock for Peter to call. 5 He..........................(live) in Rome for two years and he still can't speak Italian. 6 She ...........................(collect) £5,000 for the charity so far. Speaking & Writing Read the text again. Imagine you are interviewing Greg Mortenson for a radio programme. Prepare questions and answers. Read your interview to the class. Interviewer: Hello and welcome to the programme, Greg. Now, how did your story begin? etc [!►] Vocabulary Bank S p. VBI^ 83 н Culture Corner :3 Cback wo^s charity event, sort of, laughter, raise money, famine, take place, support, cause, get an education, viewer, make a donation, record a song, appear, celebrity, get involved, silly outfit So what’s it ail about? RED oM® ‘Red Nose Day’ is part of Comic Relief, a big charity event in the UK that has become a sort of holiday of laughter! In 1985, a famous British comedy writer Richard Curtis organised the first Comic Relief to raise money for the terrible famine in Ethiopia. Since then, Comic Relief has taken place every two years and supports many different causes to help poor people in the UK and around the world, like helping kids in Africa to get an education. What happens on Red Nose Day? On Red Nose Day, there are lots of special comedy shows on television and viewers can call in to make donations. Many famous people have recorded songs or appeared in comedy sketches to help. In 2009, a group of celebrities, including the pop singer Cheryl Cole, even climbed Mount Kilimanjaro to raise money! Everything aims to make people laugh and raise money for charity. How do people get Involved? Anyone can do something funny to raise money for Comic Relief, like wearing a silly outfit to work and collecting donations for it! Also, supermarkets sell red clown noses to wear on Red Nose Day to help raise money. Some people even put red clown noses on their cars! ^ Look at the title and the pictures. What happens on 'Red Nose Day'? Q Listen and read to find out. 2 Read again and mark the sentences T (true), F (false), or NS (not stated). Comic Relief is an annual event. All of the money from Comic Relief goes to Africa. Cheryl Cole is a celebrity. Only famous people can take part in Red Nose Day. Nearly everyone in the UK buys a red nose. Use words from the correct form to complete the sentences. box in the ^ You are a TV reporter covering this year's Red Nose Day. Use the text to present it to the TV viewers. It's Mike Smith live from London. Today we're celebrating Red Nose Day... 84 We are organising a 10-km run to............................... for the animal shelter. Millions of........................watch Comic Relief on TV. There was a terrible...............................in Sudan in 1998. Over 70,000 people died of hunger. You can ......................................to the charity in cash or by cheque. 5 ICTI Is there a similar charity event in your country? Collect information, then make notes under the headings: name, when it is. what happens. Compare it to Red Nose Day. Tell the class. Asking for and offering help ^ C.^' Listen and say. Have you or your friends/family щ members ever done any of these things for an event? Everyday English 2 Listen and say. Pay attention to the pronunciation b) Darren: Carol: I Darren: t Carol: Darren: Carol: Darren: Carol: Darren: Carol: • What are you doing? • Well, I'm free this afternoon. • Can I give you a hand? • Would you mind helping us with that? • Yes, that's no problem. • Around six would be great. • OK, see you at 6 tomorrow. Read the first exchange in the dialogue. What is Carol doing? What does Darren offer to do? What does Carol ask him to do? W Listen and read to find out. Hi, Carol! What are you doing? Oh, hi, Darren. I'm just making some banners for the concert tomorrow. Oh, really? Well, I'm free this afternoon. Can I give you a hand? Actually, I've nearly finished. Jim and I are going to put up some posters afterwards, though. Would you mind helping us with that? Of course not! That's wonderful! Oh, there's one more thing. Is there any chance you could come early tomorrow to help sell tickets at the door? Yes, that's no problem. What time? Around six would be great. OK, see you at 6 tomorrow! Great. Thanks, Darren! Pronunciation - Homophones Q Listen and circle the word that does not ^ sound the same as the others. Listen again and say. Speaking 1 wait - white - weight; 2 were - where - wear • 3 poor - pour - pear ^ Imagine your class is helping to organise a school party. Use the sentences in Ex. 2a and your own ideas to act out your dialogue. Follow the plan. 3 Find sentences in the dialogue which mean: / don't have anything to do this afternoon. - Do you want me to help you? - There's something else you can do. - Sure I can. О Ask what В is doing Ask if you can help. Agree to help. Agree & ask what-time. Say you'll see В then. О Say that you're making banners. Say you've nearly finished but ask A to help with something else. Thank A and ask if he/she could put up some posters. Tell A what time. Thank A. 85 н Endangered Species Vocabulary Threats to animal species ^ The sentences (A-E) describe ^ ways animals are in danger. Match the sentences to the pictures (1-5). О Listen and check. Tourists disturb their habitats. They get caught in rubbish or fishermen's nets. Deforestation destroys their habitats. Poachers hunt them for their meat or fur. Pollution poisons the sea or land where they live. 1 Reading & Listening Look at the animals (A-C) in the text. Where do you think we can find these animals? Why is each species endangered? Q Listen and read to find out. Holidays that have made a difference ... Did you know that there are more than 5,000 endangered animal species in the world today and at least one species dies out every year? Well, these three people decided to do something about it! They've all recently been on a working holiday to help an endangered species. They told us all about their experiences ... Pink River Dolphin Hayley has just spent three months on a floating house boat in the Amazon” Rainforest in Brazil. "I was part of an observation team doing research, and it was amazing!" she says. "Every year, we lose about 10% o1 these clever creatures. They swim in polluted waters and sometimes get caught in fishermen's nets. There are more than 300 dolphins here and we had to record new births and monitor the babies. In the evenings, we sat on the porch and listened to the sounds of the jungle. Then, we went to sleep in hammocks! It was so relaxing!" Check these words species, floating, rainforest, observation team, monitor, porch, hammock, track, hunting, steep slope, record, location, cut down, farming, challenging, conservation project, lay their eggs, mistake for, dawn, survey, nest, spectacular, patrol 2 Read the text again and write the name of the animal, dolphin, gorilla, or turtle. Which animal... 1 faces problems which visitors cause? 2 tries to survive in a dirty place? 3 is losing its habitat? 4 do people sometimes eat? 5 eats something dangerous by mistake? 6 goes back to a place it has been before? 4 a) Match the words in bold to their meanings: by mistake, disappears forever, demanding, write down, other possibiiities. 86 Cross River Gorilla Ryan has just spent 6 months in a tent tracking these gorillas in the rainforests of Cameroon after he saw a documentary about them. He says, "I was very shocked when I heard there are only 300 of these gorillas left because of hunting and deforestation that has destroyed their habitat. Every day, we walked for miles up steep slopes in the rainforest. Our guide was a poacher in the past who hunted the gorillas for their meat! I was so excited when we saw our first gorilla. We recorded lots of information I about its location and activities. We also talked to locals and suggested ' alternatives to cutting down forests for farming. This was the most interesting - and challenging -experience of my 6 life!" b) Fill in: steep, conservation, spectacular, endangered, working, polluted, then use the phrases to write sentences based on the text. 1 ...............animal species 2 .......................waters 3 .....................sunrises 4 ......................project 5 ......................holiday 6 .......................slopes Pink River dolphins and Cross River gorillas are endangered animal species. ' see \ Grammar p gr8 >... -ing/-ed adjectives C a) Study the theory. Find examples in the text. -ing/-ed adjectives • We use -ing adjectives to express what something is like. The holiday was exciting. (What was it like? Exciting.) • We use -ed adjectives to express how we feel about something. / was excited. (How did I feel? Excited.) Li>ggerliead Sea "nirtle Mary has just come back from the Greek island of Zakynthos after helping with a turtle conservation project there. She says, "Every summer, thousands of females return to lay their eggs in the sand on the beach. The problem is that tourists often damage their nests by accident. They also leave rubbish like plastic bags that the turtles mistake for food. Every day at dawn, our team did a survey of nests and eggs. It was tiring but we saw some spectacular sunrises! During the day, we patrolled the beach told tourists all about the turtles. I've already told my friends that I'm going back next year - and that they're coming with me!" b) Circle the correct adjectives We felt shocked / shocking after watching documentary about endangered species. I once saw a bear while camping. It was such a frightened / frightening experience. He nearly fell asleep during the film. It was so bored / boring! We were so tired / tiring after the jungle trek! Sally's very interested / interesting in helping to save endangered animals. Listening Listen to three people talking about conservation holidays they went on. Who felt: frightened? excited? shocked? \Nhy7 Mark I Holly Speaking & Writing Jess у a) Read the text again. How has each person helped these animals? Make notes, then tell the class. b) Would you go on a working holiday like these people? Why? In three minutes write a few sentences. Read them to the class. 87 н а Determination Vocabulary Injuries ^ О Listen and say. Have you ever had any of these Injuries? How did it happen? Tell the class. Reading a) Look at the picture and read the title and the first sentence of the text. What is the story about? Read through to find out. Read again and complete the gaps 1-6 with the correct word A, B, C or D. Compare with a partner. A enough from В plenty of C lot of D much of to raising to raise raising in raising get a swollen On 22nd January, 2007, Dave Cornthwaite from Wales, became the first person to skateboard across Australia. He 1).....a new world record, by skating a total of 5,823 kilometres. Jack Smith, the previous champ, had skated a total of 4,830 kilometres across the US in 2003. Dave’s journey started in Perth and ended in Brisbane travelling on average 60 kilometres per day. It took him five months, 13 pairs of shoes and over a dozen tubes of sunscreen. He went through great physical 2)...and he got extremely sore feet. If Dave hadn’t believed in making his dreams 3)....true, none of this would have happened. Dave quit his job two weeks after he had bought a skateboard and decided to go on a Journey. He wanted this journey to be about something 4)......him so he created BoardFree, an association that would raise money for charities. "If people follow my journey and make donations, then I’m doing a lot of people a lot of good,” said Dave. This journey had 5)....challenges. He travelled across the Australian desert where temperatures reached 48°C in the day and 0° at night. He had a serious accident in Adelaide when he jumped on a piece of metal that cut through his heel. He also had a nasty fall down a hill where he banged his head hard on the pavement and twisted his ankle. Dave helped 6)......more than £50,000 (€74,000) for children’s charities, wrote a book and motivated others to follow in his footsteps. I wish we had more people like him leading the way! Check thesft vnait^s set a world record, champ, sunscreen, physical pain, dreams come true, quit, association, raise money, make a donation, challenge, desert, nasty fall, motivate AdGldTdH 1 2 а) О Listen to and read the text. Use six words from the ЦЩЗШШЭЕНЕВ b) box to make sentences about Dave. Imagine you are Dave. In three minutes write four things about your experience. Tell your partner. see \ Grammar p grs/ >... Past perfect ^ Read the theory. Then put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect or the past simple. ^orm: had + past participle AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE l/you/he, etc had left. SHORT ANSWERS I l/you/he, etc hadn't left. Had l/you/he, etc left? ; Yes, l/you/he, etc had. \ No, l/you/he, etc hadn't. We use the past perfect for: • an action which happened before another past action or before a stated time in the past. He had already left when we arrived. • an action which finished in the past and whose result was visible in the past. He couldn't walk because he had broken his leg. Time expressions: before, after, already, just, for, since. .Note: The past perfect is the past equivalent of the I present perfect. I He was happy because he had won the race. He is happy because he has won the race. lane >0 1 Ivan looked tired. He...................(spend) the whole morning working in the garden. 2 They ............................(already/book) the tickets before they went to the theatre. 3 It.....................(start) to rain while we were at the beach. 4 She ........................(not/finish) typing the letters when he arrived. 5 He won first prize for the story he............ (write). 6 When ...............................(he/decide) to join the club? see Conditional Type 3 / ..... g Read the theory. Rewrite the sentences as Conditional Type 3. Conditional Type 3 if + past perfect » would/could have + past participle (to express an imaginary situation in the past) If he had left on time, he wouldn't have missed the bus. (but he didn't leave on time) 1 He didn't play tennis because he had sprained his wrist. If he hadn't sprained his wrist, he would have played tennis. 2 I had a terrible headache so I didn't finish my homework. 3 It rained hard so we didn't go out. 4 They lost the match because they didn't play well. 5 They worked hard and managed to finish their project on time. * see \ Wishes p.GRs) >.... g Read the theory. Write wishes for the following situations. • wish/if only + past simple (wish for something we would like to be different in the present) I wish I had a flat of my own. (but I don't) • wish/if only + past perfect (regret that something happened/didn't happen in the past) If only I hadn't twisted my ankle, (but I did) . _________________________________________у 1 I don't know how to drive a car. / wish I knew how to drive a car. 2 I want to go to Olga's party, but I can't. 3 He didn't study so he failed his exam. 4 She lost her cat; she's very sad. 5 He feels lonely because he doesn't know anyone in the neighbourhood. Complete the sentences. Compare with your partner. I wish I were .. If only people If I had tried .. I wish I hadn't If only I.... [!►] Vocabulary Bank 5 p. УВ1б) 89 н Skills Vocabulary Activities at an eco-camp ^ Listen and say the activities that someone can do at a summer eco-camp. 2 sit around a campfire^ 3 cook on a barbecue^ hu^5 "-5» ‘ 5 grow vegetables^ ( 6 clean out a pond^ 7 go on a nature hike 8 collect rubbish for recycling 90 2 Have you ever done any of the activities in Ex. 1? Ask and answer in pairs. A: Have you ever planted a tree? B: Yes, I have. I planted one last year on the school's 'Plant a Tree'day. Have you ever... ? etc Study skills Real-life situations - filling out forms When you fill out a form, look for any special instructions. Make sure you fill out all the required information. Then carefully check for any errors. Listening 2 Listen to Judy helping Yuri to fill In the form below. Fill In the missing information. ECO-CAMP Application form for camp counsellors • PLEASE USE CAPITAL LEHERS Full name: YUR11)......................... Age: 2)...................Nationality: RUSSIAN Email address: [email protected] Tel: 213-3).................. Preferred camp (please tick (/)) 4) 16th - 31st July П 2nd - 16th August О Previous experience: please tick (/) I've ... • organised activities for children \7] • taught sports |7] If yes, which? 5)..... • completed a first-aid course Q Speaking Making suggestions/Expressing preferences 4 You are at Green Pines Eco-camp. Act out exchanges, as in the example. ОгаОП^РЬЛСб ECO-CAMP • activities • go canoeing • cook on a barbecue • plant vegetables • go fishing • play volleyball • go swimming in the lake - . Replying/Expressing your ^ preference .......... • OK. That would be fun! • Would you like to ^ • I'd love to. ,7,1 . , • Sure. Why not? • Why don t we ... ? ^ • I'd rather not. I'd prefer to ... . • Do you want to ^ • I don't really feel like doing that. Why don't we ... instead? A: Would you like to go canoeing? B: OK. That would be fun! Writing Д| An email giving your news ^ Look at the email. Who is it from? Who is it to? 2 Read the email and match the paragraphs to the headings. Thoughts and feelings about the experience Where she is & opening remarks Closing remarks & request to write back Description of camp life/activities ^ see \ Grammar p. gr8 ; Have been/Hdve gone Read the examples. Then complete the sentences. Use have/has been (to) - have/has gone (to). Alina has gone to Camp Greenfoot. (She's still there.) Peter has been to Chile twice. (He went to Chile, but he isn't there any more.) 1 Dina isn't here at the moment. She .........................the lake. 2 Igor............................ on a trip to Moscow. He'll be back next Monday. 3 They............... the park and they won't be back until 6 o'clock. 4 Vera and Alexei........... Greece three times and are planning to go again. |, Find the informal phrases/ sentences in Alina's email that mean: 1 How are you doing? 2 That isn't the truth. 3 What I like best about the experience is that we have the opportunity to help the environment... 4 ... I don't have any problems with the children. 5 Please write me a letter when you have time. Dear Helen, ► [1] How are things? I’ve been at Camp Greenfoot for a week now, where I’m working this summer as a camp counsellor and I really love it here! Camp Greenfoot is an eco-camp. l You probably think that all we do here is learn about recycling, but it isn’t like that at all! Yesterday we went on a nature hike with the kids, and last night we all sat around a campfire and sang songs. We also organise lots of fun eco-projects with the kids. We’ve already planted trees to replace the ones that burnt down in a forest fire. The best part about this camp is that we help the environment and still have fun. I’m responsible for a small group of kids, and that can be tough (like when I have to wake everyone up in the morning!) but generally they are great kids! hope you’re having a great summer, too. Write back when you get a chance. All the best, Alina Study skills Proofreading Always proofread your work to check for mistakes. Make sure you have: • included all the necessary information. • checked for spelling/grammar mistakes. • used an appropriate greeting/beginning/ending. • used correct style: formal or informal. 5 Imagine you are working to help the sea turtles on p. 87. Send an email to your English pen friend describing the experience (100-150 words). Use the plan below. Proofread your work. Plan Dear (your friend's first name), Para 1: greeting, opening remarks (Howare things?I've been....) Para 2: what the job is like & activities you did/have done (We.. Yesterday, we.... We've also....) Para 3: your thoughts & feelings (The best part about....) Para 4: closing remarks (I hope you're.... Writeback....) [)►] Writing Bank p. WB1) 9 1 н 4В Curricular: Geography ^ How many oceans are there? How are they in danger? О Listen and read to find out. 2 Read the text and match the headings (1-6) to the paragraphs (A-E). There is one extra heading. 1 Ocean Life 2 The Oceans of the Earth 3 The Future of Our Oceans 4 The Oceans in Danger 5 Protecting the Oceans 6 Why They Are Important [ Use words from the box in the correct form to complete the sentences. 1 A dolphin is a...............that lives in the sea. 2 Pollution from factories is very harmful to sea creatures. It them. 3 You can often see rubbish floating on the......... of the ocean. a) Tell the class three things you have learned about the world's oceans. 92 b) Why are oceans important? In three minutes write a few sentences. ICT| Collect information about any of the five oceans. Use each ocean's name as a : key word in your search. Present your information to the class. There are five oceans - the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, the Southern and the Arctic Oceans. They cover an amazing 71% of the Earth's surface and make up 97% of its water supply, so they're very important for our survival! |B We've only explored 10% of the oceans. So far, scientists have recorded more than 230,000 species of living creatures and plants and that's just underwater! Above the waves, there are also thousands of species of seabirds and sea mammals that live around and feed from the oceans. Our oceans are full of amazing beauty, from colourful coral reefs to majestic whales! The oceans help to control wind patterns and rainfall, too, and ocean currents move heat around the world. They also take carbon dioxide (COj) out of the air. Unfortunately, pollution from factories is poisoning fish in our oceans. Rubbish such as plastic bags and soda cans -also kills 100,000 sea creatures every year, and, because of overfishing, there are fewer fish every day. To help save our precious oceans, don't buy seafood that is endangered like bluefin tuna. Also, recycle your plastic bottles and cans so they don't end up in the sea. Over 3 billion years ago, life on Earth began in the oceans. Let's protect them together! p: cover, surface, make up, water supply, survival, record, mammal, coral reef, majestic, whale, wmd pattern, rainfall, ocean current, heat, take out, poison, overfishing, end up, protect н ^ Match the problems to the definitions. 1 2 3 4 drought homelessness global warming illiteracy 5 6 7 8 disease war flood child labour a large amount of water that causes damage illness that affects large numbers of people a period when there is no rainfall children work in badly-paid or dangerous jobs the state of not having anywhere to live the inability to read and write the rise in the Earth's temperature fighting between countries and people Fill In: poor, supplies, running, dawn, rubble, issues, donation, raised, charity, conditions. Dina got up at.............to see the sunrise. They managed to pull a man out from the Thousands of people made a.................on Red Nose Day. They...................millions of pounds. There are about 3 billion ............people in the world. Many live in terrible.......... and don't have enough to eat. During the week, medical..............arrived for the earthquake survivors. Comic Relief is a well-known............event in the UK. Poverty is just one of the..............that affects the world. After the Haiti earthquake, a lot of people didn't have....................water. Language Review Collocations Fill in: conservation, put up, damage, cut down, rescue, fishing, endangered, medical, clear, ocean. ..........team ........villages ....their habitats 1 . 2 .. 3 .. 4 ............project 5 ...........supplies 6 ........the rubble forests 8 ...........species 9 ........currents 10 ............posters ......... Mark the sentences T (true) of F (false). Read through Module 5 and write a quiz of your own. The Haiti earthquake happened on 12th January, 2010 Greg Mortenson tried to climb Mount Everest in 1993. Greg sold his car to save money to build a school. Comic Relief takes place every two years in the UK. Cheryl Cole climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in 2007. The Cross River Gorilla lives in the Amazon Rainforest. Rubbish in the ocean kills 230,000 sea creatures every year. Prepositions [, Choose the correct preposition. 1 They ate some poisonous mushrooms in/by mistake. 2 Loggerhead turtles mistake the bags to/for food. 3 He's responsible for/in patrolling the beach. 4 They worked hard to raise money for/of charity. 5 Greg's schools are proof of/for what people can really do. 6 Haiti suffers of/from hurricanes. In teams, make sentences. Use words/phrases from the list below. Each correct sentence gets one point. The team with the most points wins. • make a difference • deforestation • lay eggs • swept homes out to sea • collect donations • steep slopes • volunteer team • organisation • medical supplies • affected • running water • best-selling book • challenging experience • get caught in fishermen's nets • overfishing • spectacular sunrises • ocean currents • poisons fish • polluted waters ^ ^ i iir -Л ' \ _ %:/ (4 Revision S p. 93 Listening True/False statements Read the rubric and the statements. Q Then do the task. * Listen to someone talking about his job. j I Mark the statements 1-5 T (true) or F (false). i 1 Paramedics have different crewmates...... 2 Sean always drives the ambulance. ....... 3 Most cases they deal with are not critical for the life of the person. .... 4 Many calls are for accidents that happen at home. .... 5 Old patients often wait longer for help.. 2 Would you like to do Sean's job? Why? Why not? Reading 2 a) Read the rubric, then read through the text. What is it about? Г — — — — — — — — — — — — — ------ -- ------— — I * You are going to read a text about a special * I day. Read the text and mark the statements i j (1-5) T (true), F (false) or NS (not stated). [ I Correct the false statements. i hi- — — — — b) Do the task. 1 Ecologists started World Animal Day to protect animals. .... 2 World Animal Day also celebrates animal lovers. .... 3 The biggest World Animal Day takes place in Florence every year. .... 4 On World Animal Day, entrance fees to zoos go to animal charities. .... 5 Some organisations collect quite a lot of money for animals. .... Every year on 4 th October, a great event takes place when animal lovers around the world come together to celebrate animal life in all its forms. World Animal Day started in 1931 when ecologists meeting at a convention in Florence decided it would be a good way to highlight the difficult situation of endangered animal species. Since then, it has become a day for remembering and honouring all animals and the important role that they play on the planet and in our lives. It also celebrates the special relationship that man has with animals and honours people who love and respect them. Animal lovers hold events in all major cities and towns on all five continents to increase awareness of animal welfare and to do something special to help animals in need or in danger. Many zoos and nature reserves open their gates and allow people free entry to see and learn about animals. They also organise educational and fun activities for children. Animal shelters invite people to visit the animals and donate food or money and perhaps even take some lucky animal home. All sorts of organisations participate and do their part to help out. Animal charity organisations, schools, clubs and even shops hold a variety of events including poetry, painting, or photography competitions. Some even hold cycling or running marathons to collect money to help animals. World Animal Day is a great way to come together and to do something truly worthwhile. If you care about animals, don’t miss the opportunity to join in on the next World Animal Day to help make the planet a better place for all living creatures. 94 Speaking Study skilfs^ Comparing and contrasting In order to reach a decision you need to compare and contrast the information given. Check what they have in common then look at the differences between them. This will help you make your decision and justify it. Remember to use language such as: Both..., One shows..., whereas the other.... On the other p hand. However, etc. 5 Read the rubric. Do the task. Remember to compare the two posters before you reach your decision. Use the language below. r — — — — — — -----— — — —---------- ---------------., * Your English school is organising a charity event to raise » j money for a local charity. You have to decide which j I poster would be better to advertise the event. i 4 a) The two posters below advertise the plant-a-tree day that Merton School is organising in order to raise money for a local charity. How are they similar? How do they differ? MERTON SCHOOL Plant-a-tree day Get your gloves and join us О Listen to someone comparing and contrasting the two posters. What language does he use? Which poster does he choose? How does he justify his opinion? Loma ЪЫ'ш Comparing and contrasting: Both posters show .... In the same way,.... Similarly,.....have in common. One poster... whereas/while the other.... On the other hand,.... Although Reaching a decision: I personally believe/find/think ... because .... To me, the best... because .... Writing (memo) (Writing Bank p. WB6) a) Read the rubric. Then mark the sentences below T (true) or F (false). You are the secretary of the school English club. The club j has decided to organise a theatre performance to raise i money for the local animal shelter. Write a memo to all j members to inform them of the event. In your memo: i • give the reason for the event j • explain what the performance is about • say where and when it will happen • ask members to be there 1 Memos start the same as letters (Dear friends,...) 2 A memo should be clear and concise. 3 We sign off using our full name. 4 Long chatty sentences should be avoided. b) Write your memo. 95 The Siberian Tiger 96 Reading & Listening Describe the animal in the picture. Why is it an endangered species? О Listen and read to find out. 2 Read the text again and answer the questions. What is the Siberian Tiger's natural habitat? How is the Siberian Tiger's coat useful? Why does the Siberian Tiger prefer to hunt at night? What does the Siberian Tiger eat? Why is the Siberian Tiger in danger? The Siberian Tiger is the largest cat species on the Earth. Almost all wild Siberian Tigers live in the forests of the Sikhote-Alin mountain range east of the Amur River in the southeastern region of Russia. It is a huge and powerful animal that can grow up to three metres in length and weigh up to as much as 300 kg. It has a long thick striped coat that keeps it warm in the winter and also helps it camouflage itself. It has large powerful legs that enable it to run at speeds of up to 80 kmph and its long hind legs help make it a very good jumper. It also has excellent night vision and hunts at night. The Siberian Tiger is a carnivore and hunts deer and wild bear but it can also eat fish or mice. It needs 10 kg of meat a day but it can eat up to 50 kg in one meal. The Siberian Tiger has suffered because of deforestation and poaching and is an endangered species. It is estimated that the wild population of the Siberian Tiger is between 350 to 450 individuals at most. We should all help this great animal to survive. Speaking & Writing 3 Match the words to form phrases. Make sentences about the Siberian Tiger using the phrases. 1 2 3 4 5 endangered night wild mountain striped a bear b range c coat d species e vision 4 Make notes near the headings Use your notes to present the Siberian Tiger to the class. cat species, region, powerful, striped coat, camouflage, enable, night vision. Name:.............................. I carnivore, hunt, suffer, deforestation. Type: carnivore I poaching, endangered species, estimate, individuals Weight: ..... Length:...... Description:....................... | c Food: .......... Why in danger: Vocabulary: materials, types of music & musical instruments, cultural events, places of cultural interest, shops & products, art styles Grammar: the passive, reflexive pronouns, reported speech, say/tell, reported questions/orders, question tags Everyday English: posting a parcel Pronunciation: assimilation Writing: an email describing a visit to a place Culture Corner: The Garma Festival Curricular (Art & Design): Art styles Russia 6: The Motherland Calls О Vocabulary Art Over to vov/ ^ Look at the pictures. Which shows: a statue? an oil painting? a historic building? a building that looks like a sailing ship? Q Listen and check. Name some famous historic places in your country. What do you know about each? Complete the sentences. ... is located in.... Jt was built by.... 2 Use the information . ** ЖЯ ^ « ' % ....... under each picture У ЩГ *• *« to make sentences, / _____- — as in the example. / •’**** Moses was sculpted by Michelangelo. - ii/Xr-.. t-. n m tiTti ■ 111 >1 Swans Reflecting Elephants (painted by Salvadore Dali in 1937) Wawel Castle (built by David 1) \ Sydney Opera House (designed by Jorn Utzon) Archaeological discoveries Vocabulary Materials ^ Q Listen and say. Make sentences, as in the example. The vase was made of clay. Reading & Listening 2 a) Look at the Terracotta Army. Where is it? What is special about it? Q Listen and read to find out. The Terracotti Army i.v Ч ' ' ^ i Щ" II gf** i 6 metal •<••.w; In 1974, a group of farmers in China were digging a well when they uncovered something strange: a life-sized statue of a soldier standing ready for battle. When the area was excavated later by archaeologists, one of the most incredible archaeological finds in history was revealed; a whole army of terracotta soldiers that have been undisturbed for over 2,000 years. These statues were made to guard the tomb of Qin Shi Huang, the First Emperor of China. In ancient China, the dead were buried with their possessions because people believed that they could be taken into the afterlife with them. Qin Shi Huang wanted to be sure that he took all his belongings with him including his army, so he ordered his men to start working on it when he was just 13 years old. Around 700,000 men worked on building the elaborate treasure-filled tomb surrounded by an army of clay soldiers until the emperor's death. Each one of the statues is unique. They each have their own individual facial expressions and features. Some have moustaches, others have beards and they are all different heights and builds. Some people believe that each one was modelled on the real soldiers of the First Emperor's personal army. In total, there are around 8,000 soldiers all lined up for battle in different pits alongside bronze horses and chariots and an armoury of weapons spread over 50 square kilometres. The splendour of the burial site shows just how powerful Emperor Qin Shi Huang was. During his reign he brought the different states of China together to form the first Chinese Empire and he made the written language, the money and the laws the same for everyone. The first great fortresses that would become part of the Great Wall of China were also built during his reign. Strangely though, despite his importance and power, after his death, the emperor's tomb was forgotten and remained untouched for 2,000 years. Today, the First Emperor's Tomb is a protected UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site. Archaeologists may never uncover ail the riches of the tomb, but what has been found so far is a fantastic gift to the world. Any visitor to China will be amazed by the spectacular terracotta army. It is a sight not to be missed. dig, life-sized, battle, excavate, reveal, guard, tomb, emperor, bury, elaborate, treasure-filled, unique, facial expressions, features, model, pit, chariot, armoury, splendour, burial site, reign, law, fortress, remain, untouched Ь) Read the text again and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for questions 1-5. 1 Who found the first life-sized statue? A farmers C archaeologists В soldiers D historians 2 Why were the clay soldiers buried? A to guard the emperor's body В to protect the emperor's army C to protect the emperor's belongings D to follow the emperor into the next life 3 What is unique about the statues? A They look like Qin's real soldiers. В Every one of them is different. C They ail look the same. D Each one has a horse and chariot. 4 Emperor Qin ... A invented a written language. В built the Great Wall of China. C established a single currency. D was remembered by his people. 5 The Terracotta Army .. A Is a popular tourist sight. ' В belongs to UNESCO. C Is protected from visitors. D is only open to archaeologists. In pairs ask and answer questions based on the text. Tell your partner three things you remember from the text. — 'see \ Qrammar: The passive p. gr9 i >.... 5 Read the theory. Find examples in the text. Form: be + past participle of main verb | ACTIVE PASSIVE PRESENT SIMPLE The museum holds exhibitions. Exhibitions are held by the museum. PAST SIMPLE They found a statue. A statue was found. PRESENT PERFECT A lot of people have visited it. It has been visited by a lot of people. WILL I It will impress you. You will be impressed. I MODALS I Visitors can take photos. Photos can be taken. i We use the passive: I • when the person who carries out the action is unknown, unimportant or j obvious from the context. The Terracotta Army is located in China. I • to make statements more formal or polite. ^ Taking photos in the museum is prohibited. g Fill in: is, was, were, will be, have. 1 The Brothers Karamazov.................written by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. 2 The museum................opened by the mayor next week. 3 Two buried statues ....................found last Monday. 4 The site ................visited by thousands every year. 5 The invitations.....................already been posted. 7 Rewrite the headings using passive forms. I TOMB OF FIRST EMPEROR LOCATED NEAR XIANC 2^ER 8,000 SOLDIERS ESTIMATED TO EXIST J 3 ARMY BgRlED OVER 2.000 TEARS AGO 4 ARCHAEOLOGISTS AMAZED BY DISCOVERY IN 1974 ^ 5 SITE PROTECTED BY ONESCOrORFOTORI GENERATIONS 8 Speaking & Writing ТЙ1мк! i Imagine you were one of the Chinese farmers who discovered the Terracotta Army. Describe what you found and how you felt. Tell the class. / was working with some other farmers. We were digging a well.... Suddenly, I struck something hard.... / was surprised.... [^) Vocabulary Bank 6 p. VB17 ) 99 г' ^ Special attractions Vocabulary & Reading ^ Work in pairs. Check the words in the box. Use them to write a short description of the three roadside attractions. Tell your partner. 2 a) Read and mark the sentences as T (true), F (false) or NS (not stated). 1 The dinosaur gives visitors the chance to admire the view. 2 The dinosaur is also a kind of art gallery and museum.... 3 You can stay in the Big Pineapple. 4 The Big Pineapple is also a kind of amusement park and zoo. 5 The lion's head is considered to be an essential tourist stop. 6 The lion's head is fibreglass. b) C' Listen and read, then ask and answer questions. roadside attraction, transform, element, steel, fibreglass, dinosaur bone, fossil, on display, line, mural, plantation, wildlife reserve, dazzled, carve, limestone, pose, mighty beast Our towns, cities and motorways come in many shapes and sizes world... How would you like to stand in the mouth of the world’s biggest dinosaur? It might sound scary, but this is no ordinary dinosaur. This creature is made out of steel and fibreglass, stands 26 metres tall and weighs an astonishing 65,770 kg. Since it was first opened, it has been toured by thousands of visitors to Drumheller in Alberta, Canada. You may think the climb up the 106 steps inside is scary, but visitors are entertained all the way up. Dinosaur bones and fossils have been put on display in cases lining the stairway. Also, the walls have been painted with beautiful murals by a local artist, and the fantastic view from the mouth of the beast makes the whole climb worthwhile. If you are ever in Queensland, Australia, why not stop at Woombye to visit the Big Pineapple? This 16-metre-high fruit is made out of fibreglass and has been a popular tourist attraction since 1971. This huge creation was built at a pineapple plantation and wildlife reserve. Australian can be transformed by unusual buildings, statues and... huge an element of surprise and humour to everyday places and . Here are some of the largest roadside attractions in the animals, like koalas, kangaroos, and emus can be seen there and people can take a ride around the plantation on the Nutmobile or on a small train. There’s also a restaurant and anyone who has a sweet tooth will be dazzled by the selection of sweet treats made from pineapple and other tropical fruit. People driving along Kennon Road to Baguio City* in the Philippines have all noticed the same thing: a giant lion’s head! The head is 12 metres high and has been carved out of limestone. Snacks and drinks can CO be bought from nearby stalls and miniature souvenir lion heads may be found there, too. A trip to Baguio wouldn’t be complete without posing for a photo next to the mighty beast. So if you are ever driving down Kennon Road, don’t forget to stop off for a nice break. Vbaegia ,siti/ 2 а) Fill in with: local, tropical, roadside, attraction, wildlife, pose, shapes, sweet, humour, display. 1 ......................................attractions 2 to come in all ......................and sizes 3 to bring an element of......................... 4 put on ........................................ 5 .........................................artist 6 popular tourist ............................... 7 ........................................reserve 8 to have a ................................tooth 9 ..........................................fruit 10 for a photo b) Use the completed phrases to make sentences about each attraction. Which attraction would you like to visit? Why? Tell the class. c) QQSSI Draw a roadside attraction for your city/town/village. Present it to the class. Explain why you have decided on this. 5 Rewrite the sentences in the passive. see p. GR9 / ... Grammar The passive Read the table. Find examples in the text. To change a sentence from the active into the passive; • the object of the active sentence becomes the subject in the passive sentence. • the active verb remains in the same tense, but it | changes into a passive form. • the subject of the active sentence becomes the agent. ! i Active Subject Mr Harris Verb sculpts Object statues. Passive Statues are sculpted by Mr Harris. Subject Verb Agent Note: by + agent (to say who carries out the action) Hamlet was written by Shakespeare. with + agent (to say what the agent used to carry out the action) The field was covered with snow. Visitors can't use cameras in the museum. Lots of people have visited the gallery today. People can buy souvenirs in the gift shop. A local artist will sculpt the new statue. The museum displays dinosaur bones. Boris invited Ivan to the wildlife reserve. Rewrite the newspaper headlines as complete sentences. 1 NEW MUSEUM TO BE OPENED BY ^ PRINCESS ANNE TOMORROW 2 .ART GALLERY OPENING CALLED OFF YESTERDAY 3 ROCK CONCERT TO RE HELD TONIGHT AT OAGUIO 4 MUSEUM RENOVATION NOT COMPLETED YET | 5 ART MUSEUM CIUSEU FUR REPAIRS EAST MUNUAY 1 The museum will be opened by Princess Anne tomorrow. Speaking & Writing У Use the information to make complete sentences In the passive about the Statue of Liberty. Use these verbs: locate, sculpt, start/complete, make of, give, visit, miss. Name: Statue of Liberty Location: Liberty Island, New York Sculptor: Frederic Auguste Bartholdi Start/Complete: 1876/1884 V Material: copper Reason: gift from France Visitors: 3 million per year Recommendation: don't miss it The Statue of Liberty is located on Liberty Island in New York. 8 ICT| Collect information about a building/monument In your country and present it to the class. Use Ex. 7 as a model. 101 • « • • •• didgeridoo, Aboriginal, announce, come together in unity, continent, tribes, settlers, soul, spirit, bond, handmade boomerang, bark, constructed, hang, background, holy ground, highlight, gatherings, discuss, invest, attendance The sound of the didgeridoo, the traditional musical instrument of Aboriginal Australians, announces the beginning of the Garma Festival. This annual celebration of Aboriginal culture is a call to all people to come together in unity. During the festival, visitors enjoy the traditional art, dance, music and song of the Yolngu tribe, but Garma is not just about the ways that the Yolngu did things in the past. The Garma Festival is also about their future. Aboriginal Australians like the Yolngu have lived on the continent for over 40,000 years. There were many different tribes each with their own language. When European settlers arrived in the eighteenth century, though, the Aboriginals lost their land and many of them died. Luckily, their culture survived and is now an important part of Australian life. Aboriginal Australians believe that everything has a soul or a spirit, including the landscape and the weather. This creates a unique bond between the people and the land. They tell stories and paint pictures about The Dreaming, the time when the world began. Aboriginal Australian art is famous not just for the handmade boomerangs or decorated didgeridoos for tourists, but for valuable bark paintings and carefully constructed dot paintings that now hang in art galleries around the world. In the Yolngu language, Garma is something that takes place when people from different backgrounds meet to share knowledge. The festival is held on holy ground in the forest as a way to highlight the past and raise awareness about the future of Aboriginal Australians. There are traditional dances and didgeridoo performances, but there are also gatherings to discuss ways of investing in the native people and their land. Not everyone can attend the festival. This special event that brings together the past, present and future is so popular that attendance is by invitation only. People can apply through the Garma Festival website. If you are interested, visit www.yyf.com.au. Cr' Listen to the music and look at the pictures. Imagine you are there. What is happening? How do you feel? 2 Q Listen and read the text. In pairs ask and answer questions based on it. 2 Read the text and complete the sentences. 1 A didgeridoo is................................ 2 The Aboriginals have lived in Australia for.... 3 The Aboriginal Australian land was taken....... 4 According to Aboriginal belief, all things have 5 Aboriginal Australians make ................... 6 During the Garma Festival in................... 7 To attend the festival one .................... 4 a) Use your answers from Ex. 1 and words from the EZIS3BII2S!EE3 box to tell your partner about the Garma Festival and Aboriginal Australians. b) Would you like to go to the Garma Festival? Why/Why not? Tell your partner. ICT Find out information about a cultural festival In your country. What/Who does it celebrate? What happens during the festival? 102 Present the cultural festival to the class. Vocabulary Posting a parcel ^ C) Listen and say. 2 a) Q Listen and say. The phrases below appear in a dialogue between a post office worker and a customer. Who says each sentence? • Hello, how can I help you? • I'd like to post this parcel to Russia. • Could you put it on the scales, please? • How would you like to send it? • I'll send it by airmail, please. • So, that's $2.29 then, please. b) Q Listen to the dialogue and check. 2 Dina and her family are in Australia. Right now they are at the post office. Read the dialogue and answer the questions. What does Dina want to send? How much does it weigh? How much will she pay? I A: Hello, how can I help you? I B: Oh, good morning. I'd like to post this parcel j to Russia. i A: Certainly. Could you put it on the scales, please? ; B: Sure. i A: That's 200 grammes. How would you like to ^ send it? I B: What are the choices? j A: Surface mail is $1.89, airmail is $2.29 and i registered post is $7.15. j B: Erm ... I'll send it by airmail, please. \ A: OK. Can you fill in your name and address and * a description of what's in the parcel on this 5 form, please? f B: OK ... shall I just write that it's a gift? 1 A: Actually, the description has to be more t detailed than that. ; B: Oh, right. It's a boomerang painted with i Aboriginal art. \ A: That's fine if you just write that. So, that's ^ $2.29 then, please. I B: Here you are. A: Thank you very much. B: You're welcome. Everyday English w 0 r return address (on the back) ' postal address I Pronunciation Assimilation Read the theory. Q Listen and repeat. Notice how sounds are assimilated. /Г In assimilation, a sound takes the characteristics of another] sound, either before or after it. , • Hisjon is seventeen. • That^ fine gran^a. • Don'y>e silly! • Thag my han^ag. 5 Imagine you and your family are on holiday in an English-speaking country. You want to send a parcel to your friend. Use the diagram to act out your dialogue. О О Ask customer how you-^ Say you'd like to send can help. a parcel & where to. Ask customer to put^^-""^ Reply. parcel on scales. J Say how much it weighs^ Ask what the postage & ask how they want to choices are. send it. J Tell the customer the ^ Choose your type of cost of each kind of / postage. postage. J Tell the customer to fill^^ Ask about what to in a form. / write. Explain it has to be a.^^—^ Say what's in your detailed description. / parcel. Say that's fine and say^^ Reply. the cost. у/ Thank the customer.-^^^-—^ End the conversation. 103 г' [Я Shopping experiences Vocabulary Shops & products ^ Which of the following can you buy in these shops? • pens • eye drops • notebook • gold ring • designer clothes • pencils • sweets • shoes • cakes • chocolates • contact lenses • high quality cheeses • sunglasses • bread rolls • cold meats • aspirin stationer's jeweller's N V confectioner's boutique delicatessen You can buy pens, pencils, and notebooks at a stationer's. C Дisten to four short exchanges. Where does each take place? Which words help you decide? Reading Look at the picture and the title of the article. What do you know about Venice? Where is it located? What Is it famous for? Read the introduction to the text. How does Venice in Italy differ from Venice in Las Vegas? CHisten and read to find out. 104 It's the perfect picture postcard: the sun shimmers on the blue-green water of a canal as gondoliers steer their boats along the water. Along both sides are elegant townhouses. There are no cars to disturb the charm of the scene. If you think this describes the Grand Canal, Venice, you'd be right, but this isn't Venice, Italy, it's Venice, Las Vegas! Las Vegas is full of extraordinary places. There's a hotel that is built like an ancient Egyptian Pyramid, a casino complete with an Eiffel Tower, and the Grand Canal Shops - an enormous 46,000 m^ shopping mall. It was opened in 1999 and its inspiration is taken from Venice, the city built on water. It's one of the most popular indoor malls in the world, with 20 million visitors arriving every year for an authentic Venetian shopping experience! As you enter the mall, look up and you'll see some amazing ceiling art inspired by Michelangelo, only remember to watch where you're going! Once inside, you'll be amazed at the attention to detail. Everything in the mall mirrors the floating city, even the streetlights and bridges crossing over the canals. Then of course, there's the fantastic atmosphere: as you stroll past the shops, or stop for a cappuccino, you'll be serenaded by the sweet violins of street musicians. There's also a juggler, an opera trio and a collection of marble statues: but, look twice and you'll see they're actually human! The living statues line the sides of the canal and pose by the doors of exclusive fashion boutiques selling the finest clothes, including, some of the best Italian designers. Keep walking alongside any of the canals and you'll find they all lead to the mall's star attraction: a replica of St Mark's Square at twilight under a painted Italian sky! Here there are more performances of singers, actors and musicians and a marketplace selling souvenirs of Venice including carnival masks and costumes and pretty Venetian glass from Murano. Before you leave the square, there's one thing you really must do to complete your day: experience a true tradition of Venice and take a ride on a gondola! The gondolas glide from St Mark's Square for half a mile along the canals, giving you a tour of the mall by water. All of this should inspire you to take a trip to the real Venice one day ... I know it's definitely inspired me! Review by Sarah Myers. My shopping mall rating: **** (Excellent!) r|gf, shimmer, canal, gondolier, steer, elegant, disturb, charm, inspiration, authentic, inspire, attention to detail, stroll past, serenade, juggler, living statue, line, pose, exclusive, fashion 7^ boutique, replica, twilight, carnival mask, glide A ’• о g Now read again and for questions 1-5, choose the best answer A, B, C or D. Find evidence in the text. 1 The text is about... A the Grand Canal, Venice. В a Las Vegas hotel. C a tourist attraction in Vegas. D entertainment in Venice. 2 Compared to other attractions, the Grand Canal Shops are ... A more inspirational. C the newest. В more popular. D more authentic. 3 What does the writer think is most impressive about the mall? A the accuracy of every element C the architecture В the entertainment on offer D the atmosphere 4 The writer implies that St Mark's Square ... A is lively and easy to find. В is dark and romantic. C only has cheap souvenirs. D is where the best designer shops are. 5 At the end, the reviewer says that... A she doesn't need to go to the real Venice any more. В the gondola ride was her favourite part of her visit. C she wants to visit the real Venice. D everyone should visit this mall. g Choose the correct word. 1 Venice is full of charm/elegance, the ideal place for those who love quietness and beauty. 2 The gondoliers were driving/ steering their boats down the canal. 3 The mall allows you to experience a true/real tradition of Venice. 4 The shopping mall is authentic/enormous. You get lost easily in there. 5 The mall resembles Venice, they have paid/given great attention to detail. 6 Trees border/line the sides of the road. 7 You must experience/taste a ride on a gondola. 8 The film will inspire/influence you to travel to Italy. у Find all passive forms in the text. Rewrite the sentences in the active voice. Speaking & Writing g a) Read the text and make notes under the headings. Name I Place IIIM III ■|-|-П|ГГТ11Г' What to see What to cio| b) Imagine you are in this mall. Call your English pen friend and tell them about your visit there. Use your notes in Ex. 8a to write your telephone conversation. g In three minutes write a few sentences giving reasons why you would like to visit Venice. Tell the class. ^0 In 9>’oups create your own mall. Try to make it as unusual as possible. Present your mall to the class. [!►] Vocabulary Bank 6 p. VBIS) 105 Music message Vocabulary Music a) In a minute list as many types of music as possible. What's your favourite type of music? b) О Listen to three music extracts. What type is each? 1 A heavy metal / .fiT 2 В grunge / Щ C hip house 2 Think of two musical instruments that belong to each category. string Wind Brass Percussion 106 violin flute trumpet drum b) Do you play a musical instrument? If not, which one would you like to learn to play? Why? Reading J Look at the musician in the picture. Why is he called the 'ice musician'? Read through to find out. J, Read the text again. Four sentences are missing. Match the sentences (A-E) to the gaps (1-4). There is one extra sentence. i A Even though he only used the horn 50 times, it was worth it. В He experimented by making percussion instruments from icicles. C Have they tuned in to his music? D If the success of his music so far is anything to go on, then it looks like it is. E Terje also says that the temperature inside the concert hall affects the sound of the music. Terje Isungset, is a Norwegian-born musician, who has developed a unique way of using ice to make music. He thinks it is the music of the future and he could be right! Isungset had been a percussionist playing drums in different bands for many years when his music suddenly took a whole new direction. He said that his interest in ice music began when he played at a concert held behind a frozen waterfall. As he played his music, he wondered what kind of sounds he could get out of ice. |l He soon moved on to making / other instruments from ice, including horns, harps and trumpets. He has even made ice guitars, ice harps and an ice didgeridoo. Isungset is the world’s only ice musician, composing music just for ice instruments he makes. Terje calls his ice music chill-out music. His instruments aren’t just made out of any old ice, either. He gets blocks from glaciers and some of the ice he uses is hundreds of years old. According to Isungset, the quality of the ice affects the quality of the sound the ice instrument produces. Another problem with ice instruments is that they only last for one or two concerts before they melt. He has a crew who bring freezers to the concerts and as soon as he’s finished playing an instrument the crew puts it straight into the deep freeze. | 2 | | Although, as far as he is concerned, it is up to nature what kind of music he makes during a performance. Terje said that he wanted to raise people’s awareness of nature through his instruments and ice music. So why does Terje want to play music that is so different? He said that the only way he could escape normal musical traditions was to change the instruments he used as well as the way he approached music. But what about music fans? _3______Isungset has recently been busy with a concert tour across Europe. He has also recorded six albums of ice music, which have received good reviews from music critics and are in demand by his fans. Even though he’s very busy with all his projects, he still finds time to run the Ice Music Festival in Geilo, Norway, which he started in 2006. So what does the future hold for Isungset? Is ice music here to stay? The music he creates is beautiful and the sounds from his instruments are ones that you would never expect to hear. Isungset is a very talented musician who, with the help of Mother Nature, makes very beautiful music. percussionist, frozen, waterfall, icicles, horn, harp, didgeridoo, compose, chill-out, glacier, freezer, deep freeze, escape, approach, music critic. Mother Nature “ * ■' \................................................. Fill in: compose, deep, take, chill-out, demand, talented, raise, affect, frozen. Make sentences about isungset using the completed phrases. 1 to a new direction 2 ..........waterfall 3 to ...........music 4 ..............music 5 .............freeze 8 to.............the quality of the sound to................. awareness to be in........... 9 ...........musician О Listen and read the text. What message does Isungset's music carry? In three minutes write a few sentences. Tell the class. see \ ^ pp. GR9- i Q ram mar grio / Reported speech a) Read the theory. Find examples in the text. [Direct speech is a person's actual words. | i Reported speech is the meaning of what someone said, but ! not the actual words. ■ DIRECT SPEECH "I love rock,” he said, (present simple) "/ am playing the piano,” he said to me. (present continuous) "Ш will go out," he said, (will) "I saw Terje live,” he told me. (past simple) "I've met Terje,” he said. (present perfect) REPORTED SPEECH I He said that he loved rock. I (past simple) ! He said to me that he was I playing the piano, (past i continuous) i He said that they would go out. ' (would) He told me that he had seen Terje live, (past perfect) ! He said that he had met Terje. I (past perfect) [Time expressions and some words change as follows: ;now ♦ then, today that day, tomorrow the next I day, yesterday -* the day before, next week -» the i following week, ago before, this/these that/those, I come -» go, etc i Note: say (without an object pronoun) + that ' say + to ^object pronoun i tell + object pronoun V_________________________________________ J b) Fill in said or told, then report the sentences. "This song is great," he........to us. "We went to a concert last night," she........ "We're seeing U2 tonight," she..........me. "He's played the banjo once," she.......to me. "I'll buy you Gaga's new CD," he............ "He can play the piano," she............ "She bought tickets," he........to me. "I went to the opera yesterday," she........me. see Reported questions/ordersp. grio >.... g a) Read the examples. How do we report questions? orders? DIRECT SPEECH "Where's the music hall?” he asked. "Is he here?” she asked. "Come,”he said to me. "Don't sing,” he said to me. REPORTED SPEECH He asked where the music hall was. She asked if/whether he was there. He told me to go. He told me not to sing. b) Report the following. 1 "How much did the ticket cost?" he asked. 2 "Can we come with you?" they asked. 3 "Are you going to the concert?" he asked. 4 "Don't take photographs," he said to us. 5 "Show me the way," he said to me. 6 "Follow me, please," he said to us. 7 "Turn the radio down," he said to me. 8 "Don't play music that loud, please," he said. 'see Reflexive pronouns p CRioj >.... g Read the first sentence. What does a reflexive pronoun express? Complete the sentences. 1 Terje makes the musical instrument himself. 2 We did it ................................ 3 She fixed the door........................ 4 Can you help .............................? 5 Don't worry. I'll do it................... Speaking 10 Work in groups. Tell the class two things you have heard In the news this week. / heard that Lady Gaga was about to..._______ [!►] Vocabulary Bank 6 p. VB19) 107 "Vocabulary Places of cultural interest a) Q Listen and say. Which of these places of cultural Interest are there in your town? b) Choose a picture and describe it to your partner. Listening ) a) CXisten to five people talking about visiting different places. Match each speaker 1-5 to the correct sentence A-F. One sentence is extra. A The speaker found the view from the top spectacular. В The speaker had the feeling he had travelled back in time. C The speaker had to wait for a long time to get in because there were so many people. D The speaker needed almost a week to see everything. E The speaker almost got lost. F The speaker spent the whole day there. pp. GRID- ■; GR11 a) Read the theory, then complete the gaps with question tags. Question tags are short questions at the end of statements formed with an auxiliary verb and a subject pronoun. Negative sentences take an affirmative question tag. He isn't here, is he? Affirmative sentences take a negative question tag. She is here, isn't she? We use rising intonation (/^)when we aren't sure of the answer, but we use falling intonation ('si)when we are sure of the answer. The statue is beautiful, 7 He likes painting, 7 You won't go out, 7 He hasn't come yet, 7 Peter left yesterday, 7 They are taking photos, 7 b) Listen and tick (/) the correct box 1 2 3 4 5 b) Compare your answers with your partner. Which words helped you decide? 108 gi; Vocabulary Bank 6 p. УВ20) to show the intonation. Speaking Expressing preferences ^ Read the table. Use the language and the places in Ex. 1 to act out exchanges, as in the example. ASKING RESPONDING Do you fancy + -ing form ...? I'd quite like + to Would you rather (+ infinitive infinitive without to)...? Would you prefer to ... or (infinitive without to)...? Do you want to ...? I'm thinking of going to ... Do you like ...? к Do you fancy visiting the national history museum ? B: I'd quite like to go to the science centre. Sure - Why not? Sounds perfect to me. I'd rather not. I don't really ... I don't like ... much. I'm not very keen on .. An email describing a visit to a place A descriptive email consists of: • an introduction in which we write our opening remarks and reason for writing. • a main body in which we describe the place (location, sights, facilities, specific details), then, we write what we did and saw there. • a conclusion in which we write our impression, feelings, thoughts about it. We use a variety of adjectives (huge, ideal, etc) to make our description more interesting to the reader. We use present tenses to describe the place and past tenses to describe what did and saw there. ^ Read the email. What is each paragraph about? 2 Replace the adjectives in bold with impressive, simple, thick, spectacular, beautiful, most famous. 1 The view from the top is nice. 2 The palace is the best attraction. 3 From the outside the gallery is certainly good with its red brick walls. 4 The rooms are furnished with nice wooden furniture. 5 There are nice carpets on the floor and nice paintings on the walls. 3 Think of a place in your country that you have recently visited and that has impressed you. Answer the questions. 1 What is the name of the place? 2 Where is it? 3 When was it built? 4 What kind of place/building is it? 5 What does it look like from the outside? 6 What can you do/see inside? Hi Jane! I hope you’re well! I’ve just returned from my trip to Krakow. 1 had a great time and we visited many interesting places. The highlight for me | was the Krakow Underground Museum below the city's main market square. I The museum opened in September 2010 and includes medieval -artefacts that archaeologists found in the city. Visitors can walk along .■ underground paths and see the ruins of medieval buildings and monuments as well as exhibits of everyday objects such as coins and jewellery. The entrance to the museum was really amazing. We walked through a smokescreen and as soon as we came out the other side, we all felt like we had gone through a time machine! The first thing I saw was a 3D hologram of a scene from a medieval market, and I could hear sound effects of the hustle and bustle of buyers and sellers. In fact, there were all kinds of high-tech exhibits in the museum. There were even 3D projections of objects that we could ‘touch’ and ‘turn’ any way we liked! £► I had a wonderful time and got an excellent idea of what life was like in the Middle Ages. I think you would love it too! See you soon, Boris 4 Read the rubric. Use your answers in Ex. 3, the plan below and the phrases in the Useful language box to write your email. Your English pen friend, Peter, is coming to your town on a trip, i He wants to know which place to visit while there. Write him an [ email in which: you suggest a place and give a reason for visiting it, i you state where the place is and what it is famous for, you describe the ^ place from the outside and inside, you describe a visit of yours there | and how you liked it. ^ Plan 1 ......... Dear..., Para 1: opening remarks, place & reason to visit it Paras 2 8f 3: describe the place; describe a visit of yours Para 4; feelings/thoughts about it, closing remarks Yours, Useful language ... is situated/is located ..., It is made of..., It was built..., It is an amazing ..., It includes..., There was/were ..., I had a wonderful time ..., I think you would love it... [!►] Writing Bank p. WB1 ) 109 Curricular: Art & Design ' 4^я‘.л. _ Cafe Terrace at Night (Vincent Van Gogh) ^888) Surrealism Surrealism was founded by a young group of European artists led by the French poet Andre Breton in 1924. It was partly created as a reaction to the horror of World War I. The group wanted to show that our dreams and thoughts were just as important as the world we can see and touch. They hoped to shock people and make them look at things in new ways. Therefore, their paintings combined the world of fantasy with reality in odd ways, just like in a dream. Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte and Marcel Duchamp were some of the most famous surrealists. The Persistence of Memory (Salvador Dali) (1931) movement continued to grow. The Impressionists tried to capture moments and sensations, using small touches of paint. Many of them painted outdoors and focused on how the time of day and the season could affect a landscape. Other famous# Impressionists were Edgar Degas and Pierre-Auguste Renoir. Expressionism Expressionism emerged in the early 1900s and was most concentrated in Germany. The aim of the artists was to paint an image that would reflect their emotions. Expressionist artists used bright colours mixed with dark brushstrokes and images were often distorted to portray anxiety and horror. They were Imoressionism influenced by Munch and Vincent Van Gogh. The most famous Impressionism was developed in France during the last decade movement were Max Beckmann, Jacques Rouault, of the 19th century. The movement was born when a group of Kandinsky and Otto Dix. French artists, including Paul Cezanne and Edouard Manet, began to paint in a style that broke the strict conventions set by the academies. Critics were outraged, nevertheless, the 1 110 Use the phrases to describe the paintings. How do they make you feel? anxious, confused, excited, shocked? • melting watches • seaside and rocks in the background • ballet dancers rehearsing • people sitting outside a cafe • some people walking down a cobbled street Which art style: Surrealism, Expressionism or Impressionism does each painting represent? Q Listen and read the texts to find out. Read the texts and answer the questions. How did Surrealism start? What did surrealists want to show people? Who are some famous surrealists? Where and when did Impressionism start? What is Impressionism characterised by? Who are some impressionist artists? What do expressionists aim to do? Why do Expressionist paintings look distorted? found, reaction, combine, fantasy, odd ways, develop, strict convention, set, academy, outrage, capture, touches of paint, focus, affect, emerge, concentrate, reflect, brushstroke, distort, portray, influence 4 a) Say four things you've learnt from the text. Use the words from the box. b) pwlili Which style of art do you like the most? Why? In three minutes write a few sentences. Tell the class. ICT| In groups collect information about another style of art. Present it to the class. Talk about: • style • when/where started • famous artists & their works of art • what shows ^ Match the products to the shops. 1 aspirin sunglasses blouse cold meats pencil white loaf earrings A baker's В chemist's C stationer's D jeweller's E optician's F boutique G delicatessen cream cake H confectioner's 2 Fill in: excavated, elaborate, armoury, plantation, mural. Aboriginal, brushstroke, authentic, stroll, compose. 10 Terje Isungset loves to................. music for his ice instruments. The guards had a huge ...................... of weapons. Most of the local people pick fruit in the summer at the.................................. A local artist painted a beautiful............. on the wall in the school auditorium. Qin Shi Huang was buried in an ............... tomb guarded by an army of soldiers. You don't have to go to Italy for............. Italian food. When John was in Australia, he bought a piece of......................art. I love to.....................along the beach at sunset. When archaeologists........................ the area they found the ancient ruins of a fort. In some Impressionist paintings, you can see every ...................... Language Review '2) Collocations Fill in: statue, burial, roadside, wildlife, holy, attention, living. Mother, odd, natural history ......statue ......Nature ......museum 4 ........reserve 5 ........ground Prepositions 6 life-sized........... 7 ............attraction 8 ...........site 9 ...........to detail 10 ............way 4 Choose the correct preposition. Wawel Castle is located at/in Poland. The soldiers looked ready for/of the battle. It was one of the most important archaeological finds of/in history. The tomb was surrounded with/by terracotta soldiers. The dinosaur is made up/of fibreglass. A large selection of dinosaur bones are in/on display in the museum. Admittance to the event is from/by invitation only. I'd like to send this parcel with/by airmail, please. In teams make sentences. Use words from the list. Each correct sentence gets one point. The team with the most points wins. • treasure-filled • remain untouched • terracotta • you really can't miss • dinosaur bone • mighty beast • come together in unity • boomerang • attention to detail • fashion boutique • carnival mask • percussionist • frozen waterfall • chill-out music deep freeze • strict convention Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Read through Module 6 and write a quiz of your own. Jorn Utzon designed the Sydney Opera House. ... Moses was sculpted by da Vinci. Terracotta is red wood. The Statue of Liberty is made of steel. Aboriginal Australians have lived in Australia for 40 thousand years. - S' ' Л. 8 Terje Isungset is from Finland. The Ice Music Festival started in 2006. The Krakow Underground Museum opened in 2007 Pi"- W-- [»] Revision 6 p. 120) ^ ^ ^ •;k. ...'fe. •_ ;• f Reading (Multiple choice) ^ Read the rubric and do the task. j Read the text and for questions 1-6, j I choose the correct option, A, B, C, D. i According to the text, most Russians do not shop A in the city centre. В at designer shops. C at flea markets. D at local shops. Izmailovo flea market is A near a park. В near a metro station. C in Moscow. D all of the above. The writer visits the market A occasionally. В regularly. C for a specific reason. D whenever there is something new. At the flea market you A can find whatever you want. В can shop in the evenings. C can't buy women's clothes. D can't have lunch. The negative point the writer makes is that A you can spend too much money there. В it gets hot there in the summer. C you have to shop quickly there. D it takes longer to shop there than you think. What does the writer say about the Izmailovo Vernissage? A It is mainly for people who don't live in Moscow. В It is far away from the Izmailovo flea market. C You have to get there early at the weekends. D It only sells cheap souvenirs. Like most ordinary Russians, I can’t afford to go shopping at the expensive designer shops in the city centre so I go to flea markets instead. My favourite one is Izmailovo Flea Market close to Izmailovsky Park and Partizanskaya metro station in Moscow. I go there every couple of weeks with my parents and, every time, I see something new that wasn’t there the last time. At Izmailovo Flea Market, they sell everything under the sun, including clothes, food, electronics and household goods. It’s open every day from 8 am to 5 pm. This is where I go to buy jeans, t-shirts, trainers, DVDs and computer games. My mum buys her clothes, bags and shoes from here, too. She also buys fruit and vegetables from here because they are cheaper than from the local shops. I love shopping here. There are lots of hot food stalls, too and I usually get a type of kebab called a shashlik with some flatbread. The only problem with this market is that you can easily spend more time and money than you anticipated because there’s so much to choose from and everything is so reasonably priced. As it’s an open-air market, this isn’t a problem in the summer, but in the winter you can only stay outdoors for a couple of hours so then we have to do our shopping quickly. If you go right to the end of the flea market and keep walking you will come across the Izmailovo Vernissage. This is a different type of market that is very popular with tourists. It has great handmade souvenirs and traditional handicrafts such as table linens, ceramics and wooden and leather goods. Basically, it is a souvenir hunter’s paradise, with stalls offering nesting dolls, lacquer boxes, art, antiques, carpets and much more. It’s much cheaper here than in the city centre, too. It’s only open in the mornings during the week, but from 9 am to 6 pm at the weekends. 112 study skills Text completion - grammar Read the text once to get to know what it is about. Read again and for each gap decide what grammar structure is needed. Pay attention to words before or after the gap as well as time linkers as they will help you decide what ^grammar form is needed. J Use of English (Text completion - grammar) 2 Read the rubric, then do the task. Compare your answers with your partner. r — - — — — — — Ч * Read the text and complete gaps 1-7 with the • I correct form and tense of each verb in capitals. i Zanzibar is one of the most amazing places I 1).......................to so far. There are so many things to see and do, I was truly spoilt for choice. On my second day there, my friends suggested 2)...............a scuba diving lesson. I liked it so much that I 3).............. for a full course and within a few days I was a certified diver. I couldn't wait to discover the underwater world around Zanzibar. One day, I was diving on a wonderful dive site with some new friends I 4)...................a few days earlier when suddenly out of the blue everything became dark as if a giant cloud had covered us. I looked above and saw one of the most beautiful sights in my life. There, just above me, was a 20-metre-long humpback whale. I couldn't believe my eyes. This gigantic creature made me 5)....... tiny and humble but it just went by peacefully, minding its own business. That night back at the hotel I lay in my bed 6)...............about what I saw and hoping to see it again. Unfortunately, I didn't see it during my other dives there, but I promised myself I 7)...................back the following year. Listening (True/Faise statements) 2 О Do the task below. r — — — — — ~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Ч I You will hear an audio recording from a i I i I sightseeing bus. Mark the statements 1-5 j I T (true) or F (false). i к — ....»..... Л 1 Passengers with tickets for the sightseeing bus can do the tour over two days. ......... 2 The bus changes its route on Thursdays..... 3 The city hall is a music venue. .... 4 The bus route connects with a ferry terminal. .... 5 Green Park is in a central location. .... Speaking 4 Give a 1.5-2 minute talk about art and culture. • what places of cultural interest are there in your town/region • whether you like visiting museums or historic sites • what kind of art you like Writing (postcards) (Writing Bankp, WB7) 2 Read the rubric and do the task. You have received this from your English pen friend, Peter. Are you enjoying your holiday? What's the weather like? What have you done so far? What are you going to do next? Write your pen friend a postcard answering the questions (45-60 words). 113 Reading & Listening ^ Describe the statue in the picture. What do you think it represents? Listen, read and check. О 2 Read the text again and complete the sentences. 1 The Motherland Calls is located....... 2 The Motherland Calls is made of....... 3 The statue shows.............. 4 The statue is...........tall. 5 The Russians built Mamayev Kurgan to .... The Motherland Calls is a giant concrete statue on the hill of Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd (former Stalingrad), Russia. It is a magnificent statue of a woman holding a large sword in her right hand and commemorates Russia’s victory over the Nazi invasion during World War II. When it was erected in 1967 it was the tallest statue in the world and is still one of the biggest today. It measures 85 metres from the top of the base to the tip of the sword and weighs almost 8000 tons. The statue is part of a huge memorial site of Mamayev Kurgan, which was built to honour the millions of Russians who died for their country. It is a well-loved monument and one of the Seven Wonders of Russia. 114 giant, concrete, statue, magnificent, sword, commemorate, victory, invasion, erect, memorial, site, honour, monument Speaking & Writing Tell your partner three things you remember from the text. Imagine you are standing in front of the statue. How does it make you feel? Tell your partner. Use the Internet to collect Information about another statue in your country. What does it look like? What does It represent? Write a paragraph about it. Present It to the class. <п Revision ^ Fill in: poisonous, hand-held, breeding, signs, focus, police, cuts, fall into, fatal, borrow. 1 Always obey the road......................... 2 You mustn't panic if you ................... a mud bog! 3 Do you ever...........books from the library? 4 Some documentaries use video footage from ...................cameras. 5 My dad hates it when another driver......... him off. 6 December to February is.............. season for elephant seals. They give birth to a single pup. 7 Try to ........on what he is talking about. 8 The .................. car was chasing the suspect through the streets. 9 Scorpion stings can be..................., so you should be very careful. 10 There are lots of..............spiders and snakes in a jungle. Their bites can be very dangerous. 10x2=20 marks 2 Choose the correct word. 1 I can't/don't have to work tonight. Let's go to the cinema. 2 He mustn't/doesn't have to drive a car. He doesn't have a licence. 3 Cars ought/must stop when the traffic lights are red. 4 Could/Should you answer the phone, please? 5 You can't/shouldn't go into a forest without insect repellent. 5x4=20 marks 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. 1 Mr Asimov always.......(pay) his bills on time. 2 Boris .......................(stay) with his grandparents for the summer. 3 Nina...........(make) her bed every morning. 4 .............................(John/iron) the clothes at the moment? 5 My flatmate never............(tidy) the house and I feel embarrassed when I invite friends over. 5x4=20 marks Complete the sentences with the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. 1 The Empire State Building is.................. ................................(tall) Big Ben. 2 .......................(good) way to see San Francisco is on a cable car. 3 John thinks riding a bike is.................. .......................(exciting) driving a car. 4 What's....................................... (busy) street in your town? 5 Big cities are usually....................... .............(dangerous) small towns. 5x4=20 marks j Fill in: Return, please. - Here you are. - I'd like two tickets to Manchester, please. - We'd like to take the 9:30 am bus. 1 A; That's £36, please. B: .............................................. 2 A: What time would you like to leave? B: .............................................. 3 A: Hello. Can I help you? B: .............................................. 4 A: Single or return? B: .............................................. 4x2=8 marks Your friend has a problem with his/her neighbours. Their dog barks outside all night. Write a short email to your friend giving your advice (80-100 words). 12 marks Total: 100 marks /1 Check vour Proaress talk and write about city life and country life describe movement compare places buy a ticket talk and write about survival in the countryside make requests write an informal email giving advice GOOD / VERY GOOD // EXCELLENT /// 115 Revision ^ Fill in: tub, slices, order, fry, aisle, serve, spicy, attracts, run, dessert. 1 The festival..................a lot of visitors every year. 2 Sam doesn't really like Indian food. He thinks it's too..................................... 3 We've got a .........................of vanilla ice cream in the freezer. 4 Are you ready to.......................... sir? 5 Chop the onions and......................... them in olive oil. 6 Cut the cheese into thin.................... 7 The artist let his imagination ............. wild and created statues from vegetables. 8 Anatoly's favourite......................... is lemon cheesecake. 9 Do they.............................. breakfast 24 hours a day? 10 Here's the drinks ........................... Let's get some cola. 10x2=20 marks 2 Choose the correct word. 1 Do you want a/some piece of cake? 2 How much/many eggs do we need? 3 There's only a few/a little pasta left. 4 You shouldn't eat too many/too much chocolate. 5 We have got many/a lot of food for the party. 6 Can I have some/any more coffee, please? 7 I only have a little/a few strawberries. 8 There aren't many/much cookies in the jar. 9 Is there any/many soup left? 10 I always eat a/an apple after lunch. 10x1 = 10 marks 3 Fill in too or enough. 1 Do we have cake for everyone? 2 This soup is salty for me! 3 Is your tea sweet 7 4 Oh no! 1 don't have an ice cream! money for 5 My milk is hot to drink. 5x2=10 marks Д Put the verbs In brackets into the -ing form or the to-infinitive. 1 Did you remember...........(buy) tomatoes? 2 This dish is too salty for me............(eat). 3 Do you fancy.............(go) out for dinner? 4 Let me..............(help) you with the dishes. 5 Mum forgot ...............(put) salt in the soup. 6 Can you ...............(show) me how to cook this dish? 7 I'd like ...........(have) a cheese omelette, please. 8 I can't stand .....................(drink) tea. 9 He has difficulty........(cook) his own meals. 10 He made me ...................(wash) the car. 10x2=20 marks 5 Circle the correct response. 1 A: Are you ready to order? B: a I think we are. b Yes, that's fine. 2 A: What would you like to drink? B: a A cup of tea, please, b No, thanks. 3 A: Can I have scrambled eggs on toast? B: a That's great. b Sure. 4 A: So that's eggs, pancakes and a coffee. B: a That's right. b Sure. 5 A: Would you like any side orders? B: a Not for me, thank you. b No, I don't like them. 4x5=20 marts 0 Write an email to your pen friend about a traditional or popular dish in your country (80-100 words). 20 marks Total: 100 marks Check your Progress talk about food likes/dislikes ___ talk and write about supermarket shopping ______ write about places to eat in my country ________ talk and write about restaurants ___ order food in a restaurant ___ write an informal email about a favourite dish _ GOOD / VERY GOOD // EXCELLENT /// 116 Revision ^ Fill in: incredible, locals, won, discovered, settled, lifetime, voyage, accurate, empire, legend. 3 Match the exchanges. 1 10 Alexander the Great created a huge empire and ...........................a place in history. Genghis Khan's Mongolian..................... stretched from Hungary to Korea. Mozart was a(n).................musician and composed his first concerto at the age of five. Da Vinci's maps are extremely................ and show every detail. According to .............., the city of Atlantis sank into the sea after a huge earthquake. The Pilgrims .....................in an area near the sea and built a town called Plymouth. The early Pilgrims made a long............... on the Mayflower to reach America. The giant terrified the......................, stealing their sheep and eating people. Henry Carter.................the lost tomb of Tutankhamun. Julius Caesar achieved many things in his 10x2=20 marks ) Complete the sentences with the past simple or the past continuous forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 A: How ..................................... (the Pilgrims/survive) their first winter? B: The natives.............................. (teach) them how to hunt and grow crops. 2 A: Who ............(kill) Alexander the Great? B: Nobody. He ...............(die) of a fever. 3 A: ......................................... (the children/watch) TV when you called? B: No. They................................. (have) lunch. 4 A: Einstein ...........................(not/ start) to speak until he was three years old. B: Really? I.................(not/know) that. 5 A: How...................................... (you/burn) the chips? B: The phone ...................(ring) when I............................(cook) them. 10x2=20 marks How was your A In 1934. weekend? В Yes, 1 did, That sounds like a lot thanks. of fun. C It was great. Where did you go? thanks. When did she die? D We went to Did you have a nice the zoo. time? E It was. 5x4=20 marks 4 Read the text and answer the questions. Pyotr Kapitsa was a famous Russian physicist. He was born on 8th July, 1894 in Krnstadt. When he was a student, he stopped his studies to work as an ambulance driver during WWI. He graduated in 1918 and then§ moved to England to work vrith Ernest Rutherford. He made a number of discoveries related to magnetic fields and he became a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1929. He started doing research in low temperatures in the 1930s which led to his discovery of superfluidity in 1937. He helped to start the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and he taught there for many years. From 1957, he was a member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1978 for his work in 1937. Kapitsa died on 8th April, 1984, but people remember him as a great physicist and his discoveries are still very important in astrophysics. ? 1 Where was Kapitsa born?......................... 2 Why did he stop his studies?.................... 3 Where did he teach?............................. 4 What did he win in 1978? ....................... 5 When did he die? ............................... 5x4=20 marks 5 Write a short biography of a famous person from your country. Write: who they were, when & where they were born, the main events/ achievements in their life, when they died (80-100 words). 20 marks Total: 100 marks /1 Check your Progress • talk and write about famous people's achievements _____ • talk and write about historical figures _____ • discuss past activities _____ • talk and write about legends & myths _____ • write a biography ----- GOOD / VERY GOOD // EXCELLENT /// 117 Revision 1 Fill in: encourage, experience, crowded, stunning, forecast, make, emergency, erupts, leftovers, attracts. 1 Acapulco is a popular tourist destination, so the beaches there are very..................... in the summer. 2 Driving the dune buggy was a really exciting Д Match the exchanges. 3 You should always check the weather ........ .....................before you go camping. 4 Japan is famous for its..............scenery. 5 We need to........................... people to care for the environment. 6 Campers must always take.................... equipment with them. 7 Cancun...............lots of visitors every year. 8 We put the.................................. from our meal in the fridge for the next day. 9 If the volcano ......................, it will cause a lot of damage. 10 When you are abroad, try to................. a good impression on the locals. 10x2=20 marks 2 Complete the sentences with will or be going to and the verbs in brackets. 1 I think you ..................(have) a great time in Sochi. It's an amazing place! 2 I............................(not/swim) with piranha. It's too scary! 3 She..........................(be) 20 this year. 4 Oh no! It's 6 o'clock. We .................. (miss) our flight. 5 Oh, you're going shopping. I................ (come) with you. 5x2= 10 marks 2 Complete with the present continuous forms of the verbs: visit, not climb, travel, eat, swim, 1 Ivan ....................................... with dolphins this afternoon. 2 We.......................................... in a fish restaurant this evening. 3 I........................................... abroad with my parents next month. 4 Dina and Vasily............................. the museum this weekend. Can I help you with anything else? How can I help you? Sure, what would you like to know? Someone stole my passport. Enjoy your visit! g Fill in: who, whose, which I'm calling for some information. What are the opening hours? No, I think that's all. Thank you very much. E Really? Oh dear! 5x4=20 marks or where. That's the man ..............lives next door. Anna,................father is our Art teacher, is my best friend. Sochi is the place ..........we want to go this summer. Sydney Opera House, .................. is very impressive, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Anton, .................brother works at the zoo, went to Moscow. S.2=Wmo,ks Fill in: a, an, or the where necessary. ........Thames is............river in London. ........Lake Baikal is in....Russia. There's ...... car outside our house......... car is a Mercedes. ........cheetah is...........fastest animal on Earth. ........ Pyrenees is a range of mountains in ........southwest Europe. Sx2=Wmarks You are on holiday in a city in your country. Write a letter to your pen friend telling him/her ail about your holiday. Write: where you are, what the weather is like, what you did yesterday, what you're doing this afternoon & what you're going to do tomorrow 20 marks (80-100 words). Total: 100 raarks 118 the volcano this afternoon. 5x2=10 marks Check your Progress talk and write about holiday experiences & activities ask for information about a tourist attraction talk about eco-tourism & responsible camping talk about holiday problems write a letter about your holiday GOOD / VERY GOOD// EXCELLENT/// Revision ^ Fill in: save, hunting, swept, suffers, poverty, raise, habitat, polluted, lay, affect. 1 Heavy floods in the area ..................... people's lives every year. 2 Police caught two poachers .................. in the forest. 3 The tsunami ....................many houses out to sea. 4 The area....................from hurricanes and floods every year. 5 Organising a concert is a good way for a charity to......................money. 6 We can all help to fight........and hunger. 7 The river is so.................that you can't swim in it. 8 Rescue teams worked through the night to ...........................the earthquake victims. 9 We watched the turtles ................their eggs in the sand. 10 Deforestation has destroyed the gorillas' 10x2=20 marks 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect, past perfect or the past simple. 1 A: ........................................... (you ever/do) anything for charity? B: Yes, I .................................... (run) a marathon two years ago. 2 A: I hear there .......................(be) a terrible hurricane in your country last week. B: Yes, but fortunately lots of rescue teams . ....................(arrive) to help now. 3 A: Why .............................(he/lose) the game last Monday? B: He .......................(sprain) his ankle so he couldn't play well. 4 A: Jack.....................(look) very pleased when I saw him. B: Yes. They told him he...................... (pass) his exam. 5 A: ....................(she/arrive) on time? B: No, we ...................(wait) for her for an hour before she came. 10x1=10 marks Choose the correct word. They haven't finished building the new school already/yet. We've already/since cleaned the graffiti off the walls. Comic Relief has raised over £600 million for/ since it started in the 1980s. My older sister Olga has yet/already filled out her application form. She sent it by post today. Peter had gone before/ago we arrived. 5x2=10 marks Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. I wish he ...........(not/be) late last night. If I ......................(take) your advice, I wouldn't have failed. If only I..................(not/miss) the bus. I got to school late. I wish he.........................(not/lie) to his parents. They are very upset. If he hadn't parked his car there, he........ (not/get) a fine. 5x4=20 marks 5 Match the exchanges. ГГ 1 What are you doing? A I'd love to. |2 1 Can 1 give you a hand? В I'm putting up |3 1 What time? posters. La Would you like to go C Actually, I've fishing? nearly finished. 5 What was your D Great. holiday like? E Around six. 5x4=20 marks You are spending the summer doing some volunteer work for your city. Write an email to your English friend telling him/her about it (80-100 words). 20 marks Total: 100 marks Check vour Progress talk and write about natural disasters __ talk about social problems __ ask for and offer help __ speak and write about endangered animals _____ make suggestions and express preferences _____ write a letter giving news __ GOOD / VERY GOOD // EXCELLENT /// Уц9 Revision 120 ^ Fill in: glide, chariot, reign, fossil, pose, highlight, shimmers, steer, icicles, approached. 1 In some cities there are living statues that.................... in doorways and on the streets. 2 The..................of our trip was visiting the national museum. 3 In the past people travelled in a .................pulled by a horse. 4 At first, he made musical instruments from ............... 5 I love the way the sun.......... on the blue water. 6 Gondolas................... along the canals for half a mile. 7 He changed the way he........... music and did something new. 8 The emperor built his tomb during his ............................ 9 Gondoliers ................. their boats along the narrow canals with skill. 10 The archaeologist found an interesting..................... while he was digging. 10x2=20 marks 2 Put the verbs In brackets into the correct passive form. 1 A: Let's go to the art exhibition. B: I can't. My dad's car ....... (service) today. 2 A: Has the new museum opened yet? B: Yes. It............... (open) by the mayor yesterday. 3 A: ..................(this cake/ make) by your mum? B: No, actually I made it. 4 A: When ........... (competition winners/announce)? B: Today, I think. 5 A: This art gallery ............ (visit) by millions of people this year. B. Really? Sx2=10 marks 2 Rewrite the sentences in the passive. 1 Visitors mustn't eat food in the museum. 2 Shakespeare wrote Romeo &ju//ef. 3 Viktor will paint Dina's portrait. 4 People can buy tickets online. 5 Photographers have photographed her many times. 5x4=20 marks 4 Write the sentences in reported speech. 1 "I live in Moscow," she said. 2 "We've been to the zoo today," they said. 3 "He'll meet us here," he said. 4 "I'm thinking of going to the museum tomorrow," he said. 5 "They went to Sochi yesterday," he said. 5x3=15 marks g Match the exchanges. ] I'd like to post this parcel. A What are the choices? ] How would you like to send it? В £3.56, please. ] I'll send it by airmail, please. C Put it on the scales, please. ] What's in the parcel, please? D Thank you. ] Here you are. E It's a gift. 5x3=15 marks 0 You went on a trip to an important place in your country. Write a letter to your English pen friend. In your email write: when you went • what you saw 20 marks Total: 100 marks /П Check vour Proaress talk and write about an archaeological discovery write about a building/monument talk and write about a cultural festival express preferences write an email describing a visit to a place GOOD / VERY GOOD // EXCELLENT /// 1 Road Features Match the words (A-M) to the numbers (1-13) in the pictures. В traffic lights zebra crossing C I I tunnel d1 bus lane road sign level crossing cycle lane bus stop Fill in the sentences with the words below. • zebra crossing • U-turn • tunnel • pavement • bus stop • road signs • roundabout • streetlights 1 Make a .................... Peter; you're driving the wrong way! Ivan waited at the ..................to catch the bus to the city centre. The ....................usually turn on after it gets dark in the evening. Don't park your car on the...................I It's for pedestrians, not vehicles, you know! Wait for the cars to stop before you cross the road at the....................... Viktor drove around the................... and tried to find the road to the train station. It's easy to find the airport; just follow the 8 The radio stopped working while we drove through the........................ pavement roundabout parking meter streetlight M school crossing 2 Match the words to their definitions. Ш Л traffic lights bus lane level crossing cycle lane parking meter A a machine in which you put money to pay for a period of time in a parking space В a set of red, orange and green lights used to control road traffic C a place where a road crosses a railway line D part of a road only for bicycles E part of a road only for buses Speaking Д Look at the pictures in Ex. 1. Does the area you live in look like this? Talk with your partner, as in the example. A: What is your area like? B: In the area where I live there are wide streets and pavements. There is a zebra crossing for pedestrians and traffic lights too. There is a roundabout, but there isn't a level crossing... VB1 1 Animals Look at the animal groups (A-H). Read the definitions then put the words below in the correct animal group. • spider • alligator • mosquito • scorpion • moose • beaver • raccoon • rattlesnake • lizard • cobra • woodpecker • ostrich • owl • wasp • panther • rhino • orang-utan • camel • chicken • tuna • duck • whale • cricket • dragonfly • turtle • goose • salamander • salmon • rabbit • frog • ant • bee • mouse • toad • squirrel mammal /тштэ1/ (n): an animal that drinks milk from its mother's body reptile /reptail/ (n): an animal that lays eggs to have babies and which usually has scales on its skin bird /bal'd/ (n): an animal that has wings and feathers and that can usually fly 0 fish /fjJ'/ (n): an animal that lives in the water and has fins and a tail to swim insect /insekt/ (n): a small animal that has six legs and usually two pairs of wings Ш rodent /roodnt/ (n): a small animal which has long front teeth that grow continuously amphibian /aemfibion/ (n): a cold-blooded animal that lives both on land and in the water Щ arachnid /srjgknid/ (n): a small animal that has eight legs 2 Write F (farm animal), W (wild animal) and P (pet) next to each word. donkey hamster lion canary cow bear dog VB2 8 elephant 9 horse 10 wolf 11 goat 12 goldfish 13 hen 14 eagle 15 parrot Match the pictures to the descriptions, then name the animals. 's got a trunk and two long tusks...elephant 's got black and white stripes. It's got a mane and roars. It's got a horn and lives in the wild. It's got a hump on its back and lives in the desert. It's got eight legs and spins a web. It's got a shell and walks very slowly. It's got a furry tail and large front teeth. It's got black and white fur and eats bamboo. It's got fins and lives in the water. Speaking Answer the questions. Do you have a pet? If so, what do you call it? Can you describe it? If you don't have a pet, what type of pet would you like to have? What farm animals are there in your country? What do people use them for? Have you seen any wild animals? Where? Describe them. Places in a city Match the two columns below. Then label the pictures. A В 1 community A office 2 car В school 3 post C park 4 town D centre 5 petrol E station 6 high F hall 2 Fill in the sentences with the words below. • library • hospital • bank • park • gym • court • office building 1 Alina's mother works as a nurse in a......... in the city centre. 2 His office is on the 14th floor of a tall ... 3 Reporters gathered outside the .............. and waited for the lawyer to arrive. 4 Mrs Smith went to the...........to withdraw some money. 5 Ivan works out in the.................. three times a week. 6 Anton usually goes jogging in the .......... at the weekend. 7 Igor went to the ...............last Saturday to return the books he had borrowed. ^ Match the speech bubbles to the correct place. • shopping centre • ice rink • bowling alley • sports complex • spa • childcare centre just love going on shopping sprees! у I got three strikes in the lost game! Let's go ice-skating! Г There's an outdoor swimming pool and a " tennis court too. I collect my child when I finish work at 3. 4 ''«■МЯ You can book a beauty treatment for half price on Tuesdays. J J Write the opposites of the adjectives given. • safe • quiet • beautiful • historic • clean • expensive .....................^ dirty beach ...................../ busy street ....................modern building .....................^ ugly hotel ....................t; cheap restaurant 6 *■ dangerous place Speaking g Use the phrases below to find the places, as in the example. • borrow books • deposit money • find many shops under one roof • receive medical treatment • post a parcel • fill your car up with petrol • take the dog for a walk • park your car • get a marriage licence • go swimming • learn a new skill • watch a court case A: It's a place where you can borrow books. B: It's a library, etc g Describe your town/city and neighbourhood to your partner. Moscow is a big city. It's the capital of Russia. There is a hospital and a ... .In my neighbourhood there is a park where we take the dog for a walk and a.... VB3 Houses/Dweliings/Characteristics ^ Label the pictures. • blocks of flats • cottage • detached house • terraced houses • hotel • mansion • bungalow • skyscraper • farm 4 i ^ -i 2 Match the words to their definitions. 1 ranch 2 halls of residence 3 mobile home 4 shelter 5 semi-detached 6 nursing home A a large building where students live В a large caravan that is used as a house C a place where homeless people can stay D a very large farm that raises cattle, horses or sheep E a place where old people live and are taken care of F a house that is joined to another house but only on one side. 2 Answer the questions. 1 Do you live in the city or the countryside? 2 What type of dwelling do you live in? 3 Is your living space spacious or cramped? 4 What is a typical dwelling in your country? ^ a) Look at the picture and match the words A-H to the numbers (1-8). В entrance ^__, basement CI I roof garden ____ fence P ] I driveway chimney veranda H Speaking VB4 b) Now ask and answer questions about the picture in Ex. 4a with your partner, as in the example. A: Where is the garden? B: In front of the house, etc 5 Fill in the sentences with the words below. • escape • space • floor • heating • mower 1 Boris ran down the fire.............as soon as he saw the smoke in the kitchen. 2 Yulian lives in a flat on the first.......of that building. 3 During the winter, the central.........is on every evening. 4 Nelly borrowed her neighbour's lawn..............to cut the grass in her garden. 5 Mrs Smith finds it difficult to find a parking.... near her flat in the city centre. Food & Drinks ^ Match the products to the pictures. Products 1 cake 7 lamb chops 13 coconut 20 sausage 27 spinach 2 mussels 8 grapes 14 prawns 21 cheese 28 chicken 3 spring 9 grapefruit 15 olive oil 22 yoghurt 29 ice cream onions 10 steak 16 bread rolls 23 milk 30 lettuce 4 butter 11 minced 17 peaches 24 garlic 31 cabbage 5 pepper beef 18 pineapple 25 celery 32 flour 6 lime 12 lobster 19 salmon 26 cauliflower 33 crab Speaking r In pairs, ask and answer the questions. 1 What is your favourite fruit/vegetable? Are 4 there any fruits or vegetables you can't stand? 2 What do you usually eat for breakfast/lunch/ 5 dinner? 3 Do you ever go to a market? What do you buy 6 there? Do you know any vegetarians? What do they eat? What do they avoid? What's your favourite dish? What ingredients do you need to cook it? Which fruits and vegetables grow in your country in the summer? VB5 Weights & Measures Fill in the gaps in the shopping list with the correct partitive. • carton • cans • tin • pots • bars • box • packets • jar • loaves • bag • bunches • tub Shopping 11^4" three 1).....................of cola two 2).......................of pasta a 3)......................of milk two 4).......................of bread one 5).......................of jam a 6)......................of cornflakes four 7)......................of chocolate one 8).......................of beans one 9).......................of ice cream two 10)......................of bananas 2 What do the following abbreviations stand for? Fill in the table. • ounces • teaspoons • fluid ounce • litres • quarts • grammes • tablespoons • gallon • millilitres • kilogrammes • pounds • pints Liquids 1 1 fl oz milk 2 5 pt water 3 2 qtjuice 4 1 gal milk 5 2 I water Solids 7 2 tsp salt 8 4 tbs sugar 9 8 oz flour 10 3 lbs mince 11 2 kg beef 6 500 ml cola ....... 12 220 g cheese 2 a) Fill in two adjectives for each of the items. • soft • still • strong • red • spicy • rare • sparkling • crusty • white • weak • well done • mild 1 ............../.............steak 2 ............../.............water 3 ............../.............tea 4 ............../.............bread 5 ............../.............curry 6 ............../.............wine Speaking b) Ask your partner about his/her preferences. A: Do you prefer still or sparkling water? B: I prefer still water. 4 Underline the correct item. 1 A: Is there any fruit juice left? B: Oh, yes. We still have two jars/cartons. 2 A: The recipe says to add '2 lbs' of flour to the mixture. What's 'lbs'? B: They mean add two pounds/gallons of flour. 3 A: How much cheese do we need for the pizza? B: About 300 millilitres/grammes. 4 A: Have we got any bread? B: Yes, but it's four days old, so it's really weak/stale. 5 A: Is there a lot of pepper in the sauce. B: No, just a tablespoon/pinch. 6 A: What are you eating? B: A bunch/box of grapes. VB6 At a Restaurant ^ Label the items. 1 2 3 4 5 6 dinner plate soup bowl water glass wine glass cup and saucer fork 7 8 Л [i^ 11 12 knife soup spoon teaspoon napkin menu bill 2 a) Match the words to form collocations. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 read A a tip call В the bill leave C the order serve D the food take E the table pour F the drinks set G the waiter pay H the menu b) Look at the collocations in Ex. 2a again. What happens before the meal? during the meal? after the meal? Talk with your partner. First, the waiter sets the table ...etc ^ Ivan's parents are in London. Right now they are at a restaurant. Read the dialogue and choose the correct words. Waiter: Welcome to The Yorke Arms. My name is Ricardo and I'll be your 1) chef/waiter this evening. Would you like some more time to look at the 2) bill/menu? Man: No, we're ready, thank you. I'll have the steak with 3) steamed/baked vegetables for my 4) major/ main course and the vegetable soup for my starter, please. Waiter: And how would you like your steak, sir? Man: I'd like it 5) well done/well made, please. Waiter: OK. And for you, madam? Woman: I think I'll have a fish 6) dish/ order today .... the salmon, please. Oh, and could we have a bottle of 7) dry/still water? Waiter: Of course. I'll return in a moment with your cutlery and a bread 8) basket/tray. Ik .It #:• •'-H i- j' Speaking I г i 4 Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 1 How often do you eat out? Who do you usually eat out with? 2 What's your favourite restaurant in your town/city? Why do you like it? VB7 Cooking Methods ^ Look at the pictures and complete the gaps with the right word. • mash • peel • simmer • bake • grate • stir • fry • grill • slice a tomato 2 Read the recipe and choose the correct word. Pasta in Tomato Sauce 1 First, wash/grease the vegetables. 2 Then, chop/peel two onions into small pieces. 3 Fry/Bake the onions in olive oil. 4 Add/Put three chopped tomatoes and some oregano and let the sauce simmer for 20 minutes. 5 Boil/Mix 500 g pasta in water for around 10 minutes. 6 When it is ready, drain/pour the water. 7 Put/Add the pasta on a plate and top it with sauce. 8 Finally, sprinkle/beat some cheese on top and serve. I mushrooms . — ^ on a low heat j 2 Match the instructions to the pictures. ScrwbW VB8 Break the eggs. Add 50 ml of milk. Beat well. Melt butter in a pan. Pour butter in the egg mixture. Pour mixture into a frying pan and stir constantly. Leave on the heat until done. Serve with two slices of toast. Speaking Match the cooking methods to the foods. Which is your favourite way to eat these foods? Discuss with your partner, as in the example. 1 fried 2 baked A potatoes 3 boiled В eggs 4 grilled C vegetables 5 roast D fish 6 scrambled E beef 7 mashed F rice 8 steamed A; How do you like to eat potatoes: boiled, mashed or fried? B: Actually, I prefer roast potatoes, etc - i*i-> viC' "''''^^wSSESfJ ’К -*ime Label the pictures with the verbs. • kidnap • rob • exceed • burgle • spray • set • pick • mug 1 2 fire to a building the speed limit Ч / a person a child —^ 5 ——■ -■ . 6 someone's pocket a house Ч / 7 — ^ 8 a bank V J paint on a statue ^ 2 Complete the words. 1 When someone steals goods from a shop, s/he commits the offence of... S_______________ 2 When someone steals a car, s/he commits... C__ T_________ 3 When someone drives too fast, s/he commits the offence of... S__________ 4 When someone uses violence to take control of a plane, s/he commits the offence of... H_____________ 5 When someone causes a fire in a building or forest, s/he commits... A____ 6 When someone kills another person s/he commits... M Fill in the table, as in the example. VERB CRIME ® CRIMINAL 1 vandalise vandalism vandal ? murder 3 ' kidnapper 4 spying 5 burgle Read the news report and fill in the words. • arrested • escape • victims • serving • criminal • reported It's every family's worst nightmare to return home to discover they have been the 1)........... of a burglary. That's what happened to a family in Bosnia-Herzegovina, but they didn't find a 2)............searching for money or attempting to 3)............. through a window. Instead, they found a man sleeping on their couch! The family quickly 4)................ the crime and the police 5)................ the man and took him to the police station. The 21-year-old, named Edin M, said that he decided to sit down on the couch for a quick rest and didn't mean to fall asleep. Now though, he has plenty of time to rest; he's currently 6)................a long sentence fj in prison! tbvv£'' Jobs ^ a) Label the pictures with the jobs in the list. • president • architect • nurse • scientist • musician • sailor • teacher • painter sculptor • singer 2 Match the jobs to what the speakers say. VB10 b) Look at the jobs in Ex. 1a again and answer the questions. 1 In which of the jobs do you work outside/ inside? 2 For which of the jobs do you need a degree? 3 For which of the jobs do you need to wear a uniform? 4 Which jobs involve working with your hands? 2 3 4 engineer | э | geologist mathematician 161 physicist inventor 171 explorer astronaut A "I study the rocks that make up the earth." В "I travel to and find out about unexplored regions." C "I study numbers." D "I am a scientist who studies physical objects and energy." E "I design roads and bridges." F "I create new devices." G "I travel to outer space and explore other planets." ^ What do the people do in their jobs? Match the two columns and then make sentences, as in the example. as 1 F 2 3 4 5 6 Jobs architect painter musician sailor singer scientist Verbs A work on a ship В play a musical instrument C do experiments D perform live on stage E paint portraits of people _______________^ '^F design buildings ^ An architect designs buildings. Speaking £ What qualities does a person doing the jobs below need? Use the jobs in box A and the adjectives in box В to tell your partner, as in the example. • president • musician • architect • physicist • teacher • nurse • singer • scientist • explorer • sailor • painter • sculptor • engineer • mathematician • inventor I «talented «intelligent «curious «imaginative I« brave « ambitious «sociable « creative «patient «hard-working «polite «skilful A president needs to be intelligent and hard-working. Types of holiday Label the types of holiday. • backpacking • sailing • camping • cruise • fishing • walking • horse-riding • cycling • adventure • safari 10 2 Choose the correct word. 1 I always take/send a postcard to my best friend when I'm on holiday. 2 In St Petersburgh, you can go/visit many interesting museums and galleries. 3 The best way to explore/invent the area is on a bicycle. 4 We can go on a jeep drive/ride and see the whole island tomorrow. 5 I'm so tired. I think I'll just keep/ sit by the pool and relax today. 6 Would you like to go and buy/shop for souvenirs? 7 Did you visit the historic/ historical sites of ancient Rome? 8 Let's try some local/locally food in one of the restaurants in the town square. 9 I'd like to go/do waterskiing when we finish our surfing lesson. 10 Don't forget to take/get photos with your new camera! Choose the correct verb to complete each group of sentences. ( • go ) (• have) (* take) 1 We can...........on a picnic this afternoon. Would you like to..........on a cruise? I'd like to......sightseeing around the city. 2 You should...........a guided tour through the old town. We're going to..........diving lessons on our island holiday. They'll..........a boat trip this afternoon. 3 I hope you............a great time trekking in the mountains. Do we............time to go scuba diving this morning? We're going to..........a bite to eat at a local restaurant. Complete the sentences so they are true for you. 1 I don't like...................when I'm on a beach holiday 2 When I'm on holiday, I like............................... 3 My best friend enjoys..................................... .................................when he/she is on holiday 4 When I'm on holiday, I hate .............................. 5 My parent's favourite holiday activities are.............. 6 My favourite type of holiday is ........................... 7 I don't like.......................................holidays 8 My family never ...................................on holiday VB11 Holiday activities ^ Label the activities. • buy souvenirs • go on a jeep ride • windsurf • sail • scuba dive • go snorkelling • sunbathe • surf • take photos • trek in the mountains • try local food • visit historic sites • go water-skiing 2 Look at the activities in Ex. 1. Which activities would you do on: a cruise? a safari? a beach holiday? an activity holiday? safari Ysightseeing kolidayY beach holiday ^ activity holiday VB12 Vocabulaf Holiday problems "I Match the phrases to the sketches. • car break down • get a flat tyre • get sunburnt • run out of cash • lose luggage • lose passport • miss flight • have your wallet stolen 2 Which holiday problems are these people talking about? • crowded beach • don't understand language • get a fine • get food poisoning • lose way • lost hotel booking • trapped in bad weather 1 "It was impossible to communicate! Everything was lost in translation." don't understand language 2 "I'm sorry. We don't have a room reserved under that name." 3 "I was sick for days! I'm sure it was something I ate!" 4 "It was so busy we couldn't find space to swim in the sea!" 5 "We took shelter in a hut during the storm." 6 "I didn't realise I was speeding and I had to pay." 7 "You should have asked someone for directions." Match the nouns In the list to the correct verb to make phrases. Then make sentences, as in the example. • flight • luggage • money • passport • the train • ticket You may miss your flight Speaking 4 Answer the following questions. Tell your partner. 1 Have you ever experienced any of the problems in Exs 1 and 2? Which ones? How did you deal with it?................................. 2 What's the worst thing that has ever happened to you while on holiday?................. 3 Have you ever got sunburnt? How did you feel? What did you do?................... VB13 Natural disasters a) Label the pictures. • avalanche • tsunami • earthquake • tornado • hurricane • forest fire • drought • flood VB14 Speaking b) Answer the questions. Which of these natural disasters are common in your country? Which are not? What would you do to protect yourself if an earthquake happened? Choose the correct verb. The tsunami has swept/brushed some coastal houses out to sea. A large team of volunteers helped to clean/ clear the rubble from the streets. A huge oil spill has damaged/injured beaches all across the southern coast. This charity has been saving/sending medical supplies to countries in need for twenty years. The family missed/lost their home during the recent hurricane. 2 Fill in the gaps with: • endangered • energy • rescue • polluted • climate • conservation • supply • global 1 ...............teams from all over the world came to help save people from the rubble. 2 Fish that swim in ................... waters are at risk of extinction. 3 Locals have set up a(n).............. project to preserve the national park. 4 With less than 2,500 left in the wild, pandas have become a(n).....................species. 5 Rising temperatures and melting ice caps are two serious effects of...............change. 6 The village has no drinking water, because the local factory has polluted its water......... 7 Natural gas is a non-renewable............... resource. 8 World leaders have met to discuss............ issues concerning the war and the economy. Д Complete the sentences with the verbs below. • campaigned • destroyed • help • inspected • made • raised • supports • poison 1 Alina ......................a good cause by volunteering and fundraising. 2 Igor went to Africa to................... poor people learn how to read and write. 3 The children................banners to attract locals to the charity event. 4 Environmental officials.................. the beaches for cleanliness. 5 Harmful toxins can ..................the land and destroy the environment. 6 Our class .....................money for the World Wildlife Fund. 7 The local residents..................for more cycle lanes to help improve air quality in their town. 8 The forest fire................the habitat of the local wildlife. Social Issues ^ Label the pictures. • racism • war • illiteracy • poverty • disease • deforestation • overpopulation • homelessness > Fill In the sentences with words from Ex. 1. 1 Millions of families live in................., without clean and fresh water, food, health care and education. 2 Since education became compulsory, the levels of................have dropped significantly. 3 Certain..............................such as mumps and chickenpox are highly contagious. 4 The man has been accused of ................. after insulting some colleagues of different ethnic groups. 5 The...........................of the Amazon Rainforest has resulted in the extinction of many animal and plant species. 6 Mr Jackson served as a commanding officer during the.......................... 7 The increasing birth rates over the last decades has resulted in the ........................ of our planet. 8 The only way to reduce....................... is by providing more free housing. 2 Cross the odd one out. 1 air - water - firepollution 2 water scarcity - quality - poverty 3 animal conservation - habitat - slavery 4 child ^labour-abuse-damage 5 nuclearpower - rays - energy 6 financial - crime - social problems 7 family - corporal - capital -► punishment 8 litter - food - water shortage A Match the words to make collocations. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 freedom fuel endangered global natural population invasion polluted peace |10| I charity A warming В resources C of speech D shortage E growth F species G waters H of privacy I event J award VB15 ^й*..-=' -V:;’;*'-^ fe.vy" A- -^ents Л Iniuriei ^ Label the picture with the body parts. • shoulder • chest • finger • wrist • ankle • leg • head • toe • eyebrow • stomach 1 2 sore throat runny nose swollen knee sprained wrist upset stomach high temperature splitting headache :ing - Answer the questions. 1 Have you ever had the flu? What were the symptoms. 2 Have you ever had an accident? What happened? Д Choose the right item. 1 She cut/sprained her finger while she was peeling onions with a sharp knife. 2 I slipped and straightened/twisted my ankle. 3 My dad hurt/harmed his back when he fell off the ladder. 4 I broke/split my arm when I fell off my bike. 5 As he stood up, Jack twisted/banged his head on the shelf. 6 She pulled/pushed a muscle while she was exercising. 7 Anton bruised/sprained his eye while playing basketball. 8 Nelly burnt/stung her hand while she was cooking. Complete the dialogue Paul had with a doctor after his accident. • stitches • wound • dressing • allergic • antibiotics • cut Paul: Hello, Doctor. I fell off my bike and the bleeding won't stop. Doctor: OK, let me take a look ... Well, you've got a deep 1)............................ Paul: Oh no, do you think it'll need 2).........................? Doctor: Yes, but first I'll need to clean the 3)..................and then stitch up your leg. Paul: How long will it take to heal? Doctor: It should take a couple of weeks. You'll need to change the 4).................. once a day. Also, I'll give you a prescription for some 5)............... Are you 6)......................to any medication? Paul: No, I'm not. Doctor: OK! Then, you're all set! Paul: Thanks, Doctor! VB16 Types of Art a) Label the types of art. ^V • painting • collage • photography • sculpting • pottery • filmmaking • drawing • architecture ШЖЯМ, jUHJWf'liWj’A 2 Complete the sentences with verbs from the list in their correct form. b) Match the definitions A-H to the types of art 1-8. art created by shaping stone or wood creation of a series of moving images art of taking and developing images taken on camera visual art in which artists create pictures with paint artistic images made by sticking pieces of paper or photos together design and construction of buildings art of making objects out of clay informal art in which people make pictures using crayons or pencils • draw • sketch • sculpt • paint • design • take • direct 1 He..............hundreds of works of art with oil on canvas. 2 Nina used her new crayons to .......................a picture of her family having a picnic. 3 An architect has to .................a building before it can be constructed. 4 She likes using her new digital camera to.................... photographs. 5 Yuri can ..................shapes from any material, but he prefers using blocks of marble. 6 He .........................his latest adventure film with an all-star cast. 7 A police artist can.......................a quick drawing of a suspect. 3 Choose the correct word. 1 I've got a potter's wheel that I make clay/steel pots on. 2 He constructed a simple boat made from brass/wood. 3 The museum has a majestic marble/rock staircase at the entrance. 4 This bronze/plastic sculpture was made over two thousand years ago. 5 The statues are carved out of terracotta/limestone. 6 Archaeologists found a great deal of precious iron/gold jewellery at the site. VB17 Shops & Shopping Label the pictures. • baker's • boutique • chemist's • confectioner's • delicatessen • jeweller's • optician's • stationer's 2 Match the products to the shops in the table. • aspirin • blouse • bread rolls • cheeses • chocolates • cold meats • contact lenses • designer clothes • earrings • eye drops • paper clips • necklace • envelopes • olive oil • painkillers • pastries • pens • ring • rulers • sandwiches • sharpeners • sweets • evening gown • glasses baker's stationer's chemist's optician's boutique jeweller's ^ confectioner's' delicatessen Match the words to make collocations. VB18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 window shop fitting sale price shopping credit A tag В shopping C assistant D room E list F card G price 4 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb. • be • buy • exchange • keep • pay • return • sell 1 I...............this beautiful dress at the mall at half price. 2 That delicatessen......................the best salami I've ever tasted. 3 If your mum doesn't like the skirt, she can .. ..................it and get the money back. 4 He..............the receipt for the DVD player so he could take it back to the shop. 5 She buys things when they.............on sale. 6 Is it possible to .................these jeans I bought for a smaller size? 7 My mum always..........................in cash. Speaking Answer the following questions. 1 What types of shops are there in your area? 2 What products do you usually buy when you go shopping with your mum/dad? 3 How do your parents prefer to pay for products? In cash/ by credit card? Music ^ Label the pictures. Then say which musical Instruments are: string, wind, brass, percussion. • accordion • cello • drums • flute • guitar • harp • horn • piano • saxophone • tambourine • trumpet • violin • xylophone 2 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs. • play • conduct • sing • listen • compose • record 1 Igor learned how to.............. the bagpipes when he was a child. 2 It took him over a year to ..... his most famous opera. 3 The reggae band.................. their latest album in the studio last month. 4 The famous maestro .............. the orchestra at the opening night of the classic music festival. 5 The audience were almost in tears when the choir.................. the last piece at the performance. 6 The music students were encouraged to..................to the beats of different types of music. 13 2 Choose the correct word. 1 I couldn't help tapping my feet to the tune/beat of the music. 2 It's every young boy's dream to be in a rock band/crew one day. 3 The orchestra has performed in the biggest concert rooms/ halls around the world. 4 A lead musician/singer needs to have charisma as well as a good voice. 5 I usually listen to some chill-out music/concerts when I want to relax. 6 This electronic band uses digital software and sound effects/ events to create their unusual style. Speaking Д Answer the following questions. 1 Do you play any musical instruments? If not, what musical instrument would you like to learn? 2 What is your favourite type of music? 3 Have you ever been to a live concert? Where did it take place? VB19 Archaeological Sites ^ Match the places to the photographs. • ancient theatre • burial site • castle • fortress • pyramid • temple “2 Fill in the gaps with: • coins • jewellery • masks • statues • tomb • vase 1 This huge..................is the burial site of a famous hero and king. 2 The ancient ...............has a battle scene painted around it and is big enough to hold a few litres of water. 3 There is an exhibition of priceless bracelets, necklaces and other....................at the gallery. 4 This is one of the oldest bronze.............. to ever be discovered. 5 The archaeologists found some old Roman....... .............with the face of the emperor on one side and an eagle on the other. 6 Many of the tribespeople wore ritual ......... on their faces during the ceremony. Choose the correct word. Archaeologists will excavate/emerge the rest of the site to discover more about the ancient building. The team of explorers founded/found the ruins of the historic burial site by chance. Archaeology students are hoping to discover/ develop the next important artefact at the dig. These precious jewels were in the pharaoh's tomb/burial. The statue is supposed to reflect/represent a mythical hero in battle. Lots of new artefacts will be put/pulled on display at the archaeological museum this weekend. Match the adjectives to the correct category. • big • crooked • flat • gigantic • hard • huge • large • miniature • narrow • rectangular • rough • round • sharp • smooth • soft • square • tall • tiny • wide Speaking g Use the adjectives in Ex. 4 to describe the objects. VB20 1 It's a large vase tFai is wiaeat the top and narrow at the bottom. It has a smooth surface. Informal emails / letters Informal emails/letters are pieces of writing we send to people we know well. We usually start an informal email/letter with Dear + the person's first name. In the first paragraph, we write our opening remarks (e.g. Hi! How are you?) and the reason for writing. We write about specific topics in separate paragraphs, in the last paragraph, we write our closing remarks (e.g. Have to go now.) and sign off with an informal ending (e.g. Yours) and our first name. We use informal style, that is: • everyday vocabulary (I'm having a great time.) • colloquial expressions/idioms (Drop me a line.) • informal linkers (so, and, etc) • short verb forms (I can't. I'll be, etc) Useful Language Starting an informal email/letter • Dear Mum/Dad, Dear Aunt Claire, • Dear Grandad, Dear Tom/Lucy, etc Opening remarks • Hope you're OK. • How are you doing? • Hi from Moscow/Rome/Krakow, etc • Thanks for your email. • Sorry I didn't write earlier, but I.... • Sorry for not writing for so long. • Hi! How are you? • It was good to hear from you. • I haven't heard from you for a while. Reason for writing • I wanted to drop you a line to tell you my news/to tell you about... • I just wanted to ask/ remind/thank, etc you ... • Just a quick email/letter to tell you ... • I wondered if you'd like to ... • This is just to let you know... • I'm sorry to hear about... • I was a bit worried and wanted to see if you're OK. Making reference to future contact • Drop me a line sometime. • I hope to hear from you soon. • Give me a call later. • Let me know if you can make it or not. • I was glad to hear about.... • Let me know as soon as possible. Closing remarks • Email me soon./Write soon. • I'd better get going./Bye for now. • I must go now./Got to go now. Ending an informal email/letter Yours/Best wishes/LoveЯake care, etc + your first name. You have received an email from your English pen friend, [ Mark. I / like my house but my neighbourhood is very noisy. What is your house like? What is it close to? Do you like your neighbourhood? Write him an email and answer his questions. opening remarks colloquial expressions. short verb forms informal linkers' closing remarks Dear Mark, everyday vocabulary .How are you doing? Sorry for not writing for so long. We moved to a new flat a week ago and we've been really busy. I wanted to drop you a quick line to tell you about my new home. ■It's a nice flat on the third floor overlooking a park. There are two bedrooms, a big living room, a big kitchen and a bathroom with both a shower and a bath. I've got my own bedroom. The neighbourhood is really quiet. There is a butcher's, a chemist's, a greengrocer's and two cafes, butj there isn't a cinema or a supermarket. What I like most is the huge park. I've made some new friends and we spend most of the afternoons there playing basketball or riding our bikes. I'll send you photos. Unfortunately, my school is quite far away but I go there in a car with my dad. 'Drop me a line soon! Yours, Yuri ^ Rewrite the first paragraph. Use phrases/sentences from the Useful Language section. 2 Replace the closing remarks in the email with other appropriate phrases. 2 Suggest a different ending to the email. WB1 Informal messages / notes Informal messages or notes are short pieces of writing we write to inform people about something, ask them to do something for us, arrange a meeting, etc. Messages provide all the information needed without being chatty. We usually omit words such as personal pronouns (I, you, etc), articles (a/an, the, etc), auxiliaries (am, have, etc) and greetings (Dear, Yours, etc). We can use the imperative, informal linkers, participles and short verb forms. We don't normally write in paragraphs. Useful Language starting a message Person's first name only, e.g. Tony/Mark. Reason for writing the message • Need to work late. • Had to go shopping. • Got phone call from Janusz. • Richard just called and .... • Couldn't wait for you. • Had to go to the (supermarket). Making arrangements for later • Be back in ... (an hour). • I won't be late. • Call you later. • See you at (the cinema). • Call me if you have any problems. Making suggestions • How about...? • We could (meet).... Asking for a favour • Can/Could you...? • Please, (... take it to ...). Ending a message • Thanks. • Cheers. • See you. offered English classmate assignment, but you need to meet a friend of yours. Leave a note for your classmate. In your message: • explain why you need to go out • apologise for the inconvenience • tell him/her when you are coming back • tell him/her to call you if he/she needs something informal linker omission of personal pronoun . , omission Andy, of article 'jSncaTIed so meeting him ^ cafe. He's leaving for Russia so have to give him someNthings to give them to my parents. Sorry for tf\e short notice. Will be back at 7. If you\ need something, call me. Cheers, \ Ivan use of imperatives Read the model below. Why isn't it appropriate? Think about: • layout • way it starts/ends • chatty language • omission of pronouns/articles/auxiliaries 2 Rewrite it to make it appropriate. Dear Becky, Laura telephoned this afternoon. Her dog is sick and she asked me to take it to the vet with her. Unfortunately, this means I cannot come with you to the shopping centre. Would you mind if you go on your own? I might be late. If I finish early. I'll call you so that we meet there. Alternatively, we could go to the cinema. Please send me a text message to let me know if you agree. Yours, Olga WB2 I Informal announcements / adverts / notices Announcements/adverts/notices are short pieces of writing to inform people of an event, job, product, etc. They need to answer the questions: who, when, where, what, why, how much. They usually start with a heading (New Bowling Club, etc) to attract the reader's attention. We use short sentences and the imperative. We can bold, underline or italicise words we want to emphasise. Useful Language starting • We're happy/pleased to announce ... • New Bowling Club • Attention! • Lost! • Announcement • Dear friends, • Missing Type of event • We're pleased to announce (a contest, an end of the school year party, etc) • It's party time. • We're celebrating ... • We/I lost (a dog/a bag, etc). Asking for participation • Join us todayl • Come and meet... • Why don't you come ...? • We meet every .... Be there. Giving details about participation • Everyone's welcome./Everyone can join us. • You must be (over 15years old). • ParticipantsЯhose interested need to have experience in... • If you like/are interested in ... Describing special attractions/extras/prizes • There are ... prizes for the first three ... • All participants will receive (a certificate of attendance)... • Prizes include ... CDs of... • Special events include (a party by the pool, a concert with..., etc). • Free snacks and refreshments for everyone. Describing an object • It is ... • opinion: beautiful, cute, etc • size: huge, small, etc • age: young, old, etc • shape: round, square, etc • colour: red, blue, white, etc • origin: Chinese, British, etc • material: cotton, leather, etc Contact details • If you are interested in ..., call (John, Ms White) on (222222). • To join us call ... • If you have seen it, please ... • Call... on ... for more details. You are studying in England. It's summer and you want organise a weekend trip. Write an announcement to put your college noticeboard. Include: • reason for trip • where you will go • the cost of it • the name and number of who to contact to 1 I I on I I i W date & time 1 Summer is here! ^ Join us next weekend 21st June at 8 am for a fun weekend trip place to Bath type of event celebrate summer and get to reason ✓ ^ for / know each other better. event Cost: £20 (transport costs, cost accommodation & all contact details meals inclusive) Contact Mady on 223223 Read the announcement below and answer the questions. Digital Art Contest St Martin's College is holding its annual Art Contest on 2nd May The contest is open to all students at college using digital technology as a language of creative expression. First prize £500. Contact: Sara Hill 01226 421567 1 What is the event? 2 What is the reason for the event? 3 When and where is the event? 4 What extra information is given? 2 Rewrite the part in the announcement that contains the contact details. Then suggest another way to start the announcement. WB3 Biographies Biographies are written accounts of the series of events in a person's life. They usually consist of: • an introduction in which we give information about the person, that is: date & place of birth, what famous for • a main body in which we write family information, early years, studies and later years (achievements, accomplishments, effects on society, etc) in separate paragraphs • a conclusion in which we write our comments and/or feelings about the person. We can also include date and place of death if the person is no longer alive. It is important to present the events of the person's life in chronological order. We mainly use past tenses to write biographies. Useful Language Giving biographical details ... was born/died in (place) in (year/date, etc) ... was a famous painter/artist/scientist, etc Early years family . came from a poor family . family was highly respected . parents worked hard to provide their children with ... As a child,... attended ... (school)... At the age of... As a young child,... was forced to work ... ... spent most of his/her childhood in ... ater years ... joined the Army ... ... studied (subject) in (university) ... worked as a ... to pay for his/her studies ... it was then that ... (met/decided to join/ left for/applied for/wrote, etc) •... when ... was (age), ... met ... and (got married/worked on, etc)... years later... (had first exhibition, had first child, lost job and ..., got a Nobel for..., got world recognition, etc) Some of ... most famous (novels, paintings, etc) are... Comments •... actions will always remind people of... •... was one of the most famous ... in the world. •... will always remember him/her as ... (the most expressive artist, intellectual person, influential leader, etc) of all ages I Your English teacher has asked you to write a short biography i [ about your favourite author. Collect information, then write [ I ________ _ _л » your composition (100-120 words). biographical details early years later years achievements comments Charles Dickens is one of the most famous British authors in the world. He was born in Portsmouth England in 1812. Charles was the second of eight children. His family was very poor so at the age of 12 he went to work at a blacking warehouse. As a young boy he enjoyed reading and going to the theatre which helped him develop his imagination. Dickens was able to leave the factory he worked in and continued his studies at the Wellington House Academy. He taught himself shorthand and started work as a journalist at the age of sixteen. He continued to read at the library and also participated in theatre performances as an actor or stage manager. Dickens published a lot of articles and sketches in magazines. Within a few years he was considered one of the most successful authors of his time. In 1836 he married Catherine Hogarth. Dickens published his novels such as Oliver Twist and Nicholas Nickleby in monthly installments. He also travelled to the USA and Europe. His travels changed his style of writing. David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations reflect this change. Dicken's health got worse in the 1860s. He died on June 9,1870. He is one of the most widely read novelists and his characters remain the most popular. WB4 ^ Use the timeline below and the notes to write a short biography of the person. What tenses will you use? Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Born: November 11, 1821 - Moscow Died: February 8, 1881 - Saint Petersburg) Famous novels: Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov 1837: Dostoyevsky enters the Army Engineering College 1844: resigns from army - starts writing seriously 1847: writes for St Petersburg Gazette 1857: marries Mariya Dmitrieyevna Isayeva I860: becomes editor of Vremya 1862: travels abroad first time - London 1865: heavily in debt - leaves Russia - writes Crime & Punishment 1867: marries Anna Grigoryevna Snitkina 1868: they move to Italy - The Idiot is published 1871: he returns to Russia 1879: The Brothers Karamazov is first published 1881: he dies тящгщтттттшшщт Formal letters We write formal letters to people in an official position or people we don't know well (e.g. Director of Studies). We write such letters to apply for a job/ course, make a complaint, request information, etc. Formal letters consist of a formal greeting (Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Mr Smith), an introduction that contains opening remarks and the reason for writing, a main body which contains the main topics, each usually in a separate paragraph, a conclusion which contains closing remarks, and a formal ending {Yours faithfully, when we don't know the person's name / Yours smcerely, when we know the person's name + our full name). Formal style is characterised by: • formal expressions, advanced vocabulary & longer sentences. (I am writing to enquire when ...) • formal linking words/phrases (However, In addition.) • full verb forms (I am writing to...) • use of the passive (I can be reached.) Useful Language Asking for information Could you please tell me ...? I am writing to inquire about.... I would appreciate if you could send me .... I would like to know if.... I am interested in ... and I would appreciate it if you could .... Do you think it would be possible for me to ...? Complaining I am writing to express my strong dissatisfaction at the .... I am writing to complain about the quality of ... I recently purchased from you. I demand an immediate replacement or a full refund. I would appreciate it if... could be replaced. I hope that this matter will be dealt with promptly. Applying for a post I am writing to apply for the position of ... advertised in (yesterday's).... With reference to your advertisement in .... I have been working as a ... for the last ... years. I will be available for interview .... I look forward to hearing from you. Despite my lack of... experience, I feel that I | would be .... I I consider myself to be (punctual,...). I enclose a reference from my previous | employer. | I would be grateful if you would consider my | application. | I am available for an interview any weekday 2 morning. | You have seen an advertisement for a summer camp in England and you and your parents would like to have some more information about it. Write an email (120-150 words) in which you: • say why you are writing • ask for information about - activities - accommodation - prices • end with closing remarks formal greeting Ч: 1 formal K- b. expressions/ 1 longer 1 sentences j formal linking 1 words 1 1 I advanced 1 vocabulary 1 E use of - the passive s full verb forms formal ending full name Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing with reference to your advertisement in the Speak English magazine. I am very interested in spending a couple of weeks in England next summer and would like some more information about your .summer camp. Firstly, I would like to know what the minimum stay length is and how many hours of English lessons there are each day. I would also like to know what other activities are available for 12-year-olds at the camp. For instance, what water sports are available, and are lessons provided by instructors? In addition, I would appreciate if you could send me information about accommodation and prices. Do children sleep in dormitories or smaller rooms and how many children are there to a room? Thank you in advance. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Kind regards, Uir.et Alexei Belikov I Read the letter again and match the formal phrases in bold with informal ones from the list below. 1 Yours 2 I decided to drop you a line. 3 I'm waiting for your reply. 4 Tell me 5 I like the idea of WB5 Memos Memos are short pieces of writing we write to: • provide information • persuade others to take action • give feedback on a specific matter Memos are used mainly in the workplace and the style depends on the audience the memo is for. Memos follow the format: To: (name & job title of recipient(s)) From: (name & job title of sender) cc: (name & job title of other recipient(s)) Date: (day, month and year) Subject: (what the memo is about) We start a memo by stating the reason we are writing it. The first sentence can be a summary of what follows. Then, we present our points in well-structured sentences. We provide only the necessary information and avoid being chatty. We present each piece of information in separate paragraphs. We should sound professional but friendly and can use contracted verb forms. We should avoid using large or uncommon words. specific format contracted verb forms You are the secretary of the school English club. The club has decided to hold a party to celebrate the end of the school year. Write a memo to all members to inform them of the party. In your memo: • give the reason for the party • explain your plans for the party • say who can come • ask members to respond by a certain date MEMO To: All members of the English club From: Altaic Kandinski, Secretary cc: Wilton Nowak, Director of Studies Date: 5th June 20.... ,Subject: end of school year party All members plus one guest each are invited to celebrate the end of the school year. The party will be held on 30th June In Room 4D. There'll be snacks, music and games. Please let me know if you are comina by 20th June. professional but friendly tone short, well-structured sentences Ibsssss ^ Read the rubric, then write a memo. Use the ideas below. • 6:00 pm -12:00 pm • open to teachers, students & their families • school playground • bring snacks, cakes, refreshments • Saturday, 25th, June • be responsible for various activities • treasure hunt • DJ to play music r — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1 You are the secretary of Milton School. The school has decided to hold its annual summer party. Write a memo to all teachers which: • states when and where the party will take place • says who can attend • explains how teachers and pupils can help prepare for the event • explain how they can help at the event itself k — — — — — — — — — — — — — — j WB6 Postcards Postcards are brief pieces of writing we send to people we know well, usually while we are on holiday. We write them to inform people of our news. Postcards are informal in style. We can omit personal pronouns, articles and auxiliaries and use informal linkers, participles and greetings, contracted verb forms and everyday language. Useful Language starting a postcard • Dear + person's first name. • Dear all, • Dear Mum/Dad, etc Hi Pawel, etc Where you are writing from • Greetings from .... • I'm in .... It's great. • I've just reached .... • We're here in ... on a .... Activities you are doing right now I'm writing this postcard while ... {waiting for the bus to come/having coffee at a seaside cafe, etc). Describing accommodation The hotel is great, it has (a great view of the sea/a huge swimming pool, etc). Activities you do/did/have done/are going to do • Every morning l/we (go swimming/go sightseeing, etc). • Yesterday we (visited/hired a car and .../went on a boat ride, etc). • We've already visited (the aquarium/the museum, etc). • We've tried local dishes. • Tomorrow/Next week we are going to.... Describing the weather • The weather's great/fine/terrible. • It's getting chilly/hotter, etc. • It hasn't stopped raining for.... • Right now it's raining/snowing .... • It's hot and sunny/freezing cold/boiling hot. Commenting on something particularly good/bad/funny about the holiday • I tried (fried snails), but they were disgusting. • We went sightseeing on an open-top bus - it was awesome! • We waited to buy some souvenirs, but we couldn't understand a word - it was so confusing. Describing your feelings • I'm/We're having a really great time. • It's the best holiday we've ever had. • It was the worst holiday ever. Asking about the recipient's news • What about you? • What are you up to? • How's your (holiday?). • I hope you're OK/having a great time/holiday, etc. Ending a postcard • See you (soon/in three weeks), • Wish you were here/Best wishes/Kisses/xxx/ Love + your first name You are on holiday. Send your English pen friend a postcard. In your postcard: • write where you are and who you are with • write about the weather and your favourite place • say what you do every day • describe your plans for tomorrow informal ^ greeting omission of article short verb forms Hi Derek, informal linker Greetings frorrX^thens! My family and I arrived on Sunday and we're having a great time7 Weather's hot and sunny and there's a )eautiful swimming pool in our hotel. It's my favourite place to go. f~Swinr"evet7 morning a little then sunbathe until use of participle lunchtime. *Go sightseeing in the afternoons then try local dishes in evenings. They are delicious. Going on a boat trip around some iTtomorrow. Wish you were here, Erik informal ending omission of personal •pronoun 1 Read the model below. Why isn't it appropriate? Think about: chatty language, omission of pronouns/articles/ auxiliaries, layout, length. Dear Dora, I am writing to you from Rome, Italy's capital city. My family and i decided to come here this summer. I am writing this postcard to you. Hopefully it will be hot again soon. There are a lot of sights to visit here. Therefore, I go sightseeing every day. I am enjoying that very much. Most afternoons we go shopping and then we have dinner at excellent restaurants near the river. Tomorrow, we are planning to go on a guided tour in the Vatican. I am sure it will be a unique experience. I am looking forward to seeing you soon. Yours sincerely. Irina , j.iiji. ' |Ц1М1110чг"‘Т1Гтт1ггптщ|11|11 m iiininnmjti|^_ WB7 МОДУЛЬ 1 Prepositions of Movement (Предлоги движения)____________________________________ • Предлоги движения используются для того, чтобы показать направление, в котором кто-то или что-то движется. over through along under across down Present simple (Настоящее простое время_________________________ T-mn— l/You swim. He/She/lt swims. We/You/They swim. ОТРИЦАНИЕ Полная форма 1/уои do not swim. He/She/lt does not swim. We/You/They do not swim. Краткая форма l/You don’t swim. He/She/lt doesn’t swim. We/You/They don’t swim. :rtl 11 :i fie КРАТКИЕ ОТВЕТЫ » ’ Do l/you swim ...? Does he/she/ it swim ...? Do we/you/ they swim ...? Yes, l/you do. No, l/you don’t. Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/ she/it doesn’t. Yes, we/you/they do. No, we/ you/they don’t. • К глаголам, оканчивающимся на гласную + у, добавляется -5. I play - he plays Употребление Present simple используется, когда речь идёт о: • повседневных действиях; / get up at 8 o’clock every day. (daily routine) He walks to school, (habit) • постоянных дейавиях; They live in Scotland, (state) It snows every winter in Canada, (fact) • расписаниях/программах: The train leaves at 9 am. • об общеизвестных фактах или законах природы: Water boils at 100°С. Указатели времени (сигналы), употребляемые с present simple: every hour/day/week/month/year и т. д., usually, always, every morning/afternoon/evening/night, at noon, at night, in the morning/afternoon/evening и т. д. Present continuous (Настоящее продолженное время)__________________ Формообразование: present continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be (am, is, are) и смыслового глагола с окончанием -ing. УТВЕРЖДЕНИЕ Полная форма I am waiting. You are waiting. He/She/lt is waiting. We/You/They are waiting. Краткая форма I’m waiting. You’re waiting. He/She/lt’s waiting. We/You/They’re waiting. ОТРИЦАНИЕ Полная форма I am not waiting. You are not waiting. He/She/lt is not waiting. We/You/They are not waiting. Краткая форма I’m not waiting. You aren’t waiting. He/She/lt isn’t waiting. We/You/They aren’t waiting. ВОПРОС КРАТКИЕ ОТВЕТЫ Am 1 waiting ...? Yes, 1 am./No, I’m not. Are you waiting ...? Yes, he/she/it is./No, he/she/it Is he/she/it waiting ...? isn’t. Are we/you/they Yes, we/you/they are./No, we/ waiting ...? you /they aren’t. Правила правописания (3-е лицо единавенного числа) Правила правописания GR1 К большинству глаголов в 3-м лице единственного числа добавляется -s; / think - he thinks I turn - he turns К глаголам, оканчивающимся на -ss, -sh, -ch, -x и -0, добавляется -es: / miss - he misses I wash - he washes I SO - he goes I fix - he fixes I watch - he watches У глаголов, оканчивающихся на согласную + у, -у заменяется на -/и добавляется -es: / try - he tries У большинства глаголов окончание -/ng добавляется к начальной форме глагола без частицы to: play - playing, wash - washing У глаголов, оканчивающихся на -е, опускается -е и добавляется -ing: таке - making, take - taking У односложных глаголов с гласной между двумя согласными удваивается последняя согласная и добавляется -ing: jog - Jogging, hug - hugging В глаголах, оканчивающихся на -/, удваивается -I и добавляется -ing. travel - travellins • В глаголах, оканчивающихся на -/е, -/е заменяется на -у и добавляется -ing: lie - lying Употребление Present cont/nuous употребляется, когда речь идёт о; • действиях, происходящих сейчас, в момент речи; She is studying in her bedroom now. She is preparing for her final exams this week. • действиях, происходящих в настоящий период времени, но не обязательно в момент речи; We’re staying at а campsite. • запланированных действиях в будущем; (согласно плану) 1’т travelling to London on Sunday. Некоторые глаголы соаояния (stative verbs) обычно не имеют форму present continuous. Среди них; believe, belong, hate, hear, know, like, love, need, own, seem, think, understand, want, wish, и t. д. I love pizza. (Неправильно; I’m loving.) Указатели времени (сигналы), употребляемые present continuous: now, at the moment, these days, atj present, today, tonight, nowadays, и t. д. Present simple vs present continuous PRESENT SIMPLE /потребляется, когда р(|чь идет о: PRESENT CONTINUOUS употребляется, когдг речь Идёт о: постоянных действиях: Bob lives in Ireland, (state) It rains in autumn, (fact) действиях, имеющих временный характер; Тт looking for а new car. повторяющихся действиях: / start school at 9 o’clock every day. действиях, происходящих в настоящий момент: Mum’s cooking dinner at the moment. расписаниях/программах; The plane arrives at 10 am. запланированных действиях в будущем: I’m having a party this Saturday. Модальные глаголы сап - can't -could - (don't) have to - must - mustn't • Глагол can не изменяется по лицам и числам и за ним всегда следует смысловой глагол без чааицы to. Отрицательная форма глагола сап - cannot или can't. • Сап употребляется для того, чтобы; - показать способность/умение; Не сап speak three languages. (He's able to.) - попросить разрешения сделать что-либо; Can I look at your dictionary? (Is it OK if I...?) - дать разрешение сделать что-либо; Yes, you can use my laptop. (You are allowed.) - выразить возможноаь что-либо сделать; You can buy tickets online. (It's possible.) • Can't употребляется для того, чтобы выразить запрет; No, you can’t до to the park until you finish your homework. (You aren't allowed to.) Can/could употребляется для того, чтобы вежливо попросить разрешения что-либо сделать; Could / close the window, please? (Is it OK?/May I...?) Must используется для обозначения правил, обя-занностей, долга; You must wear а helmet when you ride a motorbike. (It's your duty./You are obliged to.) Must также употребляется в тех случаях, когда говорящий сам для себя определил необходимым что-либо сделать; / must study more. (I've made the decision to study more.) /Mustn't используется для выражения запрета: You mustn’t talk in the library. (You aren't allowed/lt's forbidden.) Have to/has to употребляется для выражения обусловленной обстоятельствами необходимости или когда кто-либо (не говорящий) решил, что необходимо сделать что-либо: Оиг teacher says we have to study hard for our maths test. (It's necessary.) Don't/doesn't have to употребляется для выражения отсутствия необходимости; You don’t have to come if you don’t want to. (It isn't necessary.) Comparative & Superlative (Степени сравнения прилагательных)______ вРИТГАСЙ- ТЕЛЬЫОЕ CPASHI^. СТЕПЕНЬ одно-/ двусложные прилагат. short big wide shorter (than) bigger (than) wider (than) the shortest the biggest the widest прилагательные с окончанием -у happy happier (than) the happiest прилагательные с двумя и более слогами beautiful more beautiful (than) the most beautiful прилагатель- ные-исклю- чения good bad much/many little far better(than) worse (than) more (than) less (than) farther (than)/ further (than) the best the worst the most the least the farthest/ the furthest Формы прилагательных в сравнительной и превосходной степенях • К односложным прилагательным добавляется -(е)г для образования сравнительной степени и -(e)st для образования превосходной степени: small - smaller (than) - the smallest • У прилагательных, состоящих из двух или более слогов, сравнительная и превосходная степени образуются при помощи тоге (более)/most (наиболее): expensive - тоге expensive (than) - the most expensive (of/in) GR2 Правила правописания • У односложных прилагательных, оканчивающихся на -е, добавляется только -г в сравнительной и -sf в превосходной степенях: nice - nicer (than) - the nicest • У односложных прилагательных, оканчивающихся на гласную + согласную, эта согласная удваивается; thin - thinner (than) - the thinnest • У прилагательных, оканчивающихся на согласную + у, -у заменяется на -/; busy - busier (than) - the busiest (of/in) Употребление • Сравнительная степень используется для сравнения двух людей, животных, предметов, мест и т.д. В этих случаях обычно используется than. Mark is тоге intellisent than Tony. Trains are faster than cars. • Превосходная степень указывает на высшую степень качества у того или иного лица или предмета в группе подобных. Для выражения превосходной степени используется the... of/in: The cheetah is the fastest animal of all. Judy is the tallest sirl in the class. • (not) as + adjective + as используется для того, чтобы подчеркнуть, что люди, места или предметы похожи или отличаются; The red dress is not as expensive as the blue one. Для усиления смысла используются: • very + прилагательное, it is very cold today. (Сегодня очень холодно.) • much/а lot/far/a Uttle/a bit + сравнительная степень прилагательного + than. He isn’t much younger than me. (Он не намного моложе меня.) Модальные глаголы should/ought to • Should/shouldn't/ought to/ought not to употребляются для выражения совета; You should be careful with electricty. You ought to respect the elderly. • Should/shouldn't используются для выражения рекомендации; You shouldn’t eat fatty foods. МОДУЛЬ 2 Countable/Uncountable nouns (Исчисляемые/Неисчисляемые существительные)________________________ • Исчисляемые существительные имеют форму единственного и множественного числа; one book - two books - three books и т. д. • Неисчисляемые существительные не имеют формы множеавенного числа; milk, bread, pasta, meat (Неправильно, weete) Следующие слова используются с соответствующими неисчисляемыми существительными для обозначения количества: а bottle of; а bottle of lemonade; a glass of; a glass of water; a carton of: a carton of milk; a cup of: a cup of coffee; a bowl of: a bowl of rice; a bag of; a bag of flour; a slice of: a slice of toast; a loaf of: a loaf of bread; a kilo of: a kilo of meat; a packet of: a pocket of crisps; a box of: a box of chocolates; a bar of: a bar of soap; a pot of; a pof of tea; a tub of: a tub of ice cream; a jar of; a jar of honey; a tin of: a tin of soup; a bunch of: a bunch of bananas; a can of: a can of cola А/Ап - Some/Any/No \ ЕД.число MH.ЧИСЛО There is an aeroplane. There are some balls. к- г'. There isn’t an aeroplane. There aren’t any balls. / There are no balls. Is there an aeroplane? Are there any balls? УТВЕРЖДЕНИЕ 0ТРИЦАШШ There is some butter. There isn’t any butter./There is no butter. Is there any butter? Ф Артикль a/an употребляется c исчисляемыми сущеавительными в единственном числе; There is а cat. There isn’t a dog. Is there a hamster? Ф Some употребляется c исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе и с неисчисляемыми существительными в утвердительных предложениях: / want some lemons and some cheese. Ф Any употребляется c исчисляемыми сущеавительными во множественном числе и с неисчисляемыми существительными в отрицаниях и вопросах: Are there any strawberries in the fridge? There isn’t any/is no tea. Примечание: Some используется в вопросах для выражения предложения или просьбы: Would you like some lemonade? (offer) Quantifiers (Выражение значения УГВЕРЖДЕШ a lot of/lots (of)/ too many/(a) few a lot of/lots (of)/ too much/(a) little ^ №ИЦДНЙЕ (not) many (not) much Benpic (how) many (how) much | GR3 A lot of/lots (of) употребляется в утвердительных предложениях с неисчисляемыми и исчисляемыми существительными во множеавенном числе. Предлог of опускается, если после а lot/lots нет сущеавительного. There is а lot of cheese in the fridge. There are a lot of biscuits in the tin. Were there lots of biscuits in the tin? Yes, there were lots. • Much и many употребляются в отрицательных или вопросительных предложениях. Much употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными, а many - с исчисляемыми сущеавительными во множеавенном числе: Is there much tea in the pot? There isn’t much bread left. Do you have many apples? There aren’t many sandwiches left. • How much употребляется c неисчисляемыми сущеавительными в вопросах о количестве чего-либо: А: How much meat do we need? B: A kilo. (= количество) • How many употребляется c исчисляемыми существительными в вопросах о числе людей/предметов: А: How many students are there in your class? B: Twenty-eight. (= число) • Too much употребляется c неисчисляемыми сущеавительными, чтобы показать, что чего-либо больше, чем нужно или требуется: The children are making too much noise. (Дети слишком сильно шумят.) • Too many употребляется с исчисляемыми сущеавительными, чтобы показать, что чего-либо больше, чем нужно или требуется: Don’t buy too many oranges. (He покупай слишком много апельсинов.) • А few означает «немного», но достаточно, и употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе: We have а few eggs. We can make an omelette. (У нас еаь немного яиц. Мы можем приготовить омлет.) • А little означает «немного», но доааточно и используется с неисчисляемыми существительными: Сап I have о little milk in my tea? (Можно мне добавить немного молока в чай?) • Few/Little означает «почти нет», недоааточно и может использоваться с very для усиления смысла: There is (very) little sugar in my tea. I can’t drink it. (B чае слишком мало сахара. Я не могу его пить.) There are (very) few apples. 1 can’t make a pie. (y нас слишком мало яблок. Я не могу испечь пирог.) Too - Enough • too + прилагательное/наречие + инфинитив с частицей to Too аавится перед прилагательными или наречиями и имеет отрицательный смысл, показывая, что чего-либо больше, чем нужно или требуется: The soup is too hot to eat. (Суп слишком горячий.) • прилагательное/наречие + enough + инфинитив enough + существительное Enough аавится перед существительным, но после прилагательных или наречий. Enough несёт положительный смысл и показывает, что чего-либо аолько, сколько требуется или нужно: Kelly is tall enough to reach the top shelf. (Келли достаточно высокая, чтобы дотянуться до верхней полки.) We have enough money to go on holiday this year. (y нас доааточно средав, чтобы поехать отдыхать в этом году.) The shoes are not big enough. (Размер ботинок недостаточно большой. = Ботинки малы.) You are not walking fast enough. (Ты идёшь недостаточно быаро. = Ты медленно идёшь.) -/пд form & to-infinitive (-ing форма глагола и инфинитив с частицей to) -ing форма глагола употребляется: • в роли подлежащего: Swimming is ту favourite sport. • после глаголов admit, appreciate, avoid, begin, consider, continue, deny, dislike, enjoy, fancy, finish, hate, imagine, like, love, mind, miss, prefer, prevent, spend, start, stop, suggest, waste (time, money) и т. д.: They enjoy travelling. • после глагола go, когда речь идёт о роде деятель-ноаи или физической активноаи: / often до Jogging in the mornings. • после предлогов: She’s good at cooking. • после таких выражений, как: be busy, it's no use, it's (not) worth, there's no point (in), what's the use of, can't help, can't stand, have difficulty (in), look forward to: I look forward to seeing you next week. Инфинитив c чааицей to употребляется • для выражения цели: / bought milk to make ice cream. • после глаголов advise, agree, ask, decide, expect, explain, hope, manage, offer, plan, promise, refuse, seem, want и t. д.: / want to buy an MP3 player. • после словосочетаний be -ь прилагательное {happy, nice, sorry ИТ. д.): It is nice to be back home. • после too/enough: It’s too late to visit them now. She’s old enough to drive a car. • после would like, would love, would prefer. I’d love to go to the cinema with you. Инфинитив без чааицы to употребляется: • после модальных глаголов (сап, may, should и т. д.): / сап play football. You may eat some cake. You should call your mum. • после глаголов make и let: Let’s go to the beach! You shouldn’t make him eat it. • после would rather (not)/had better (not): I’d rather stay in tonight. You had better not park here. GR4 Разница в значении инфинитивоц с частицей . ^ Некоторые глаголы могут употребляться с частицей to и в -ing форме с разницей в значении. forget + to-infinitive = not rennember She forgot to lock the front door. forget + -ing form = not recall He'll never forget swimming in the blue waters of the Pacific. • remember + to-infinitive = not forget Did you remember to buy the Sunday paper? • remember -l- -ing form = recall She remembers walking along the paths of the old town. • try -I- to-infinitive = attempt, do one's best / tried to open the old chest, but it was stuck. • try •+■ -ing form = do something as an experiment You should try eating more fruit and vegetables. stop + to-infinitive = stop temporarily in order to do something else On their way back home they stopped to say hello to Mr Evans. stop + -ing form = finish doing something She stopped playing the guitar the moment John walked in the house. be sorry + to-infinitive = apologise for a current situation We are sorry to tell you that you failed the test. be sorry + for/about -ing form = regret something that happened in the past I’m so sorry for talking to you rudely at the party yesterday. МОДУЛЬ 3 Past simple (Прошедшее простое время)_____________ Формообразование Правильные глаголы Past simple правильных глаголов образуется путём добавления -edx начальной форме глагола без частицы to: 1 play - he played УЯЯКДЕНИЕ l/You/He/She/lt/We/They walked. ВОПРОС Did l/you/he/she/it/we/they walk? ^ ompfiiE I/You/He/She/It/We/They did not/didn’t walk. Неправильные глаголы Другие («неправильные») глаголы образуют форму past simple не путём добавления -ed (см. список неправильных глаголов - List of irregular verbs). ПЮЗЩИИЕ l/You/He/She/lt/We/They bought. Did l/you/he/she/it/we/they buy? I/You/He/She/It/We/They did not/didn’t buy. ШаШЕ СЭТЕГЫ GR5 Did l/you/he/she/it/ we/they go? Yes, l/you/he/she/it/we/they did. No, l/you/he/she/it/we/they didn’t. Правила правописания Правильные глаголы в утвердительной форме • В глаголах, оканчивающихся на -е, добавляется только -d: I move - I moved • В глаголах, оканчивающихся на согласную + у, -у заменяется на -/ и добавляется -ed: I try - I tried • В односложных глаголах с гласной между двумя согласными удваивается последняя согласная и добавляется -ed: I drop - I dropped • В глаголах, оканчивающихся на -/, -I удваивается и добавляется -ed: I travel - I travelled Употребление Мы используем past simple рпя рассказа о: • прошлых привычках: She often studied till very late at night when she was a student. • дейавиях, которые произошли в определённый момент времени в прошлом. Время либо упоминается или подразумевается; Не moved to England from Australia in 1984. Mozart composed a number of symphonies and concerts. • последовательных дейавиях в прошлом; Не turned on his computer, connected to the Internet and checked his emails. Указатели времени (сигналы), употребляемые с past jsimple: yesterday, yesterday morning/evening, etc, lastj I night/ week, etc, two weeks/a month ago, in 2009 и t. д. I Wh-questions (Специальные вопросы)_____________________________________ Специальные вопросы начинаются с вопросительных слов who, what, where, when и т.д. Вспомогательный или модальный глагол в таких вопросах ставится перед подлежащим: вопросительное слово + вспомогательный или модальный глагол + подлежащее Употребление Who, когда спрашиваем о людях. А: Who did you call? В: My sister. Which, когда спрашиваем о предметах. А: Which hotel did you stay j at? B: The Hampton Hotel. j What, когда запрашиваем информацию. I A: What did you do last night? | B: I went out with a friend, i Where, когда спрашиваем' о меаоположении чего-либо/кого-либо. А: Where did she до last night? В: She went to the theatre. When, когда спрашиваем о времени или дате. А: When did they leave? В: Yesterday morning. Why, когда узнаём причину чего-либо. А: Why did they leave so early? B: They were really tired. How, когда спрашиваем о качеаве чего-либо. А: How was the party? В: It was great. How long, когда спрашиваем о продолжитель-ноаи чего-либо. А: How long did he stay? В: 2 weeks. Past continuous (Прошедшее продолженное время)___________________ Формообразование: подлежащеее + was/were глагол с окончанием -ing 22 l/He/She/lt was playing. We/You/They were playing. КРАТКАЯ ФОРМА l/He/She/lt was not playing. We/You/They were not playing. l/He/She/lt wasn’t playing. We/You/They weren’t playing. ВОПРОС " КРАТКИЕ ОТВЕТЫ Was 1 playing ...? Were you playing ...? Was he/she/it playing 7 Were we/you/they playing ...? Yes, 1 was./No, 1 wasn’t. Yes, you were./No, you weren’t. Yes, he/she/it was./No, he/she/it wasn’t. Yes, we/you/they were. No, we/you/they weren’t. Употребление Past continuous употребляется для; • описания действия, которое происходило в определённое время в прошлом. При этом не указывается, когда дейавие началось или закончилось: She was ironing at 6 o’clock yesterday afternoon. • описания дейавия, которое происходило в прошлом и которое было прервано другим дейавием: / was sleeping when Alison called. • описания двух или более одновременных действий, происходивших в развитии в прошлом: Мит was cooking while I was doing my homework. • описания атмосферы, обстановки и т. п., а также во вступлении к рассказу; It was raining and the wind was blowing when we left home. Указатели времени (сигналы), употребляемые с past continuous: while, when, as, all day/night/morning, all day yesterday и т. д. ______ Примечание:... while/as + past continuous (длительное действие) ... when + past simple (короткое действие) Правила правописания • глагол + -ing: work - working • глагол -e + -ing: dance - dancing • у односложных глаголов с гласной между двумя согласными удваивается последняя согласная и добавляется -ing: sit - sitting. НО: travel - travelling Past simple vs past continuous PHudillilUUSSSS CONTINUOUS ; [действие, которое произошло в указанное время в прошлом: Keith visited London last month. (Время указано. Действие завершилось.) действие, которое происходило в определённое время в прошлом. При этом не указывается, когда действие началось или закончилось; Eric was working at five o’clock yesterday afternoon. последовательные действия в прошлом; Не got up, made breakfast and went to work. два или более одновременных действия, происходивших в развитии в прошлом; / was watching а film while ту dad was listening to music. Linking И/ords (Слова-связки)___________________ Слова-связки обычно используются для того, чтобы объединить предложения или идеи. Они выражают причину, результат, дополнение, сравнение и т. п. • because используется для выражения причины чего-либо: / spent the weekend in bed because I was sick. (Я провёл выходные в кровати, потому что заболел.) • so используется, чтобы выразить результат: Не wanted to become an artist so he went to college. (Oh хотел стать художником, поэтому поступил в колледж.) • too, and или also используются для дополнения: She had shows in Rome and Milan. She exhibited her work in Paris, too. (Выставки её работ проводились в Риме и Милане. Она также представляла свои работы в Париже.) She fell down the stairs and broke her leg. (Она упала с лестницы и сломала ногу.) She has also visited Spain. (Она также посетила Испанию.) • but используется для выражения противопоставления: The concert was good, but few people came. (Концерт был хороший, но на него пришло мало людей.) МОДУЛЬ 4 И////(Будущее простое время) УТВЕРЖДЕНИЕ ПОЛНАЯ ФОРМА КРАТКАЯ ФОРМА 1/You/He/She/lt/We/They will play. I/You/He/She/It/We/They ’ll play. ОТРИЦАНИЕ ПОЛНАЯ ФОРМА l/You/He/She/lt/We/They will not play. КРАТКАЯ ФОРМА l/You/He/She/lt/We/They won’t play. ВОПРОС Will l/you/he/she/it/ we/they play? КРАТКИЕ|)|||ТЫ Yes, l/you/he, etc will. / No, l/you/he, etc won’t. GR6 Формообразование: will+ инфинитив без чааицы to Употребление future S/mp/eупотребляется, когда речь идёт: • о прогнозах и предсказаниях на будущее обычно с выражениями / think, I hope, I believe, I expect: наречиями probably и perhaps: I think we will arrive late. I expect he will be here at about 10 o’clock. Perhaps we will 30 shopping later. • 0 сиюминутных решениях; This dress is beautiful. I’ll buy it. • 06 обещаниях (c глаголами promise/swear): I promise I'll write every day. Don’t do this or I’ll be angry, (угроза) Don’t touch it or you’ll get burnt, (предупреждение) / hope he’ll pass the test, (надежда) I’ll get you a glass of water, (предложения) ! Указатели времени (сигналы), употребляемые с future \ simple: tomofrow, the day after tomorrow, next week/ month/year, tonight, soon, in a week/month/year и т. д. Be going to_______________________________________ Употребление Be going to употребляется, когда речь идёт о; • планах на будущее и намерениях; / am going to fly to Spain next week. What are you going to do tonight, Sally? • прогнозах, основанных на том, что мы видим или знаем: Таке а photo! She’s going to blow out the candles. Look at the clouds, it is going to rain! • принятых решениях по поводу дейавий в ближайшем будущем; We’re going to travel to Cuba this summer. (Мы уже приняли решение.) GR7 Present continuous (Настоящее продолженное время в форме будущего времени)__________________________ Present continuous употребляется, когда речь идёт о запланированных дейавиях в будущем, особенно, когда извеано время и меао действия: Гт going to а rock concert tomorrow. (Я уже купил билеты.). Гт going on holiday on 12th May. Time C/auses (Придаточные предложения времени)_______________________ Придаточные предложения времени вводятся при помощи таких слов и выражений, как when, as, while, before, the moment that, after, till/until, by the time, whenever, as long as, as soon as: I’ll call you as soon as I get home. • Если придаточное предложение времени стоит перед главным предложением, после придаточного предложения аавится запятая: When I get home. I’ll call her. • В придаточных предложениях времени используется правило согласования времён. Это означает, что когда глагол в главном предложении стоит в настоящем или будущем времени, глагол в придаточном предложении времени тоже стоит в настоящем или будущем времени. А когда глагол в главном предложении стоит в прошедшем времени, глагол в придаточном предложении времени тоже ставится в прошедшем времени; Не reads а book before he goes to bed. I met an old friend while I was walking around the market. • В придаточных предложениях времени форма будущего времени не употребляется: Ann will visit us as soon as she comes back. (Неправильно;... a-s soon a-s-she will come back ...) Примечание: When she finishes, she’ll call me. (when: союз времени) НО: When will you finish your homework? (When - вопросительное слово) Conditionals: types 0, 1 & 2 (Придаточные предложения условия - типы о, 1 и 2)_________________________________ Условные предложения состоят из двух частей; условного придаточного предложения с союзом if (условие) и главного предложения (результат). УСЛОВИЯ ГЛАВНОЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕН If + present simple! present simple ^ If you heat water, it boils. | Тип 0 используется для выражения общеизвестных истин или о том, что всегда случается. W1II+ оаге infinitive If it’s really hot tomorrow, we’ll go to the beach. Тип 1 используется для выражения реальной или очень вероятной ситуации в настоящем или будущем. шпшшпшшшшшш УСЛОВИЯ тттжвтт тип 2 ■г would/could + if + past simple . . ,. ^ bare infinitive If 1 had a lot of money. I’d buy a new house. (But 1 haven’t) If 1 were you. I’d see a doctor. (Advice) Тип 2 используется для выражения воображаемой или маловероятной ситуации в настоящем или будущем или совета. Примечание: • Если придаточное предложение условия стоит перед главным предложением, эти два предложения отделяются запятой: If the weather improves, flights will run as normal. • C придаточными предложениями условия (тип 1) может использоваться unless (если не) + глагол в утвердительной форме (=/f -ь глагол в отрицательной форме): Unless you до to bed now, you’ll be tired in the morning. Модальные глаголы may - might -could - will probably - will definitely May - might - could используются для выражения возможности. Обратите внимание на разницу в значении: “Where’s Peter?” “Не may/could still be at work.” (Возможно (может быть) он на работе.) “Не might still be at work." (Вероятно, он всё ещё на работе.) Примечание: Вероятность может также выражаться с помощью наречий probably и definitely. I’ll probably до sailing tomorrow, (очень вероятно/ скорее всего) We’ll definitely до on holiday this summer, (это определённо будет так.) А/Ап - The А/Ап употребляется: • с существительными, относящимися к предметам без конкретизации: Emily has got а dog. Ф с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, когда речь идёт о том, чем или кем является человек/предмет: Greg is а teacher. It’s а panda. The употребляется перед: • существительными, если они были упомянуты ранее или из контекста ясно, о ком/чём идёт речь: That’s the man I told you about. • существительными, обозначающими объекты, единственные в своём роде (the sky, the moon). Ф названиями рек (the Thames), групп островов (the Maldives), горных цепей (the Rocky Mountains), пустынь (the Sahara), океанов (the Atlantic), каналов (the Bridgewater), стран, если в названии есть слова: State, Kingdom, Republic (the UK), географическими названиями the North Pole/Arctic/Amazon, the South of England, the North/East/South/West; Ф названиями музыкальных инструментов (the piano); Ф фамилиями в значении «семья, семейство» (the Browns) и национальностями, заканчивающимися на -sh, -ch или -ese (the Polish); Ф существительными, обозначающими глав государств (the King, the Prime Minister), HO: the опускается перед этими существительными, если они включают имя собственное (Queen Elizabeth). The не употребляется перед: • неисчисляемыми существительными и существительными во множественном числе, представляющими какую-либо группу: Huskies pull sledges over the snow. Ф личными именами: Alan is a doctor. Ф названиями языков (если не следует слово language): I speak Spanish. НО: The Spanish language. • названиями стран (если в название не входят слова State, Kingdom или Republic): England, France. НО: the United States, the Czech Republic; Ф названиями улиц (Wilson Street), парков (Hyde Park), городов (Rome), отдельных гор (Mount Olympus), отдельных островов (Ireland), озёр (Lake Windermere) и континентов (Asia). Relative Pronouns/Adverbs (Относительные местоимения/ наречия)_____________________________________ Относительные местоимения используются по отношению к придаточным определительным. Употребление • who/that по отношению к людям: Genghis Khan was the man who/that started the Mongol Empire. Ф which/that no отношению к животным или предметам: The Mona Lisa is the painting which/that I like the most. Ф whose no отношению к принадлежности: Tutank-hamun was a ruler of Egypt whose tomb had a lot of treasure inside. Относительные местоимения используются по отношению к придаточным определительным. Употребление • when употребляется по отношению ко времени: 1254 was the year when Marco Polo was born. Ф where употребляется no отношению к месту: This is the museum where Emma works. Ф w/?y употребляется no отношению к причине: This art gallery is very interesting, that’s why so many people visit it. МОДУЛЬ 5 Present Perfect (Настоящее совершённое время)___________________________ Формообразование: Present perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола have/has и причастия прошедшего времени основного глагола. утвЕидаиЕ : l/You/We/They have/’ve arrived. He/She/lt has/’s arrived. I/You/We/They have not/ haven’t arrived. He/She/lt has not/hasn’t arrived. ВОПРОС КРАШ1Е ШЕТЫ Have l/you/v^e/they arrived? Has he/she/it arrived? fYes, l/you/we/they have. |no, l/you/we/they haven’t. rYes, he/she/it has. |no, he/she/it hasn’t. Употребление Present perfect употребляется, когда речь идёт о: • действии, начавшемся в прошлом и продолжающемся до сих пор: Не has worked as а doctor for five years. Ф действии, произошедшем в прошлом, но имеющем видимый результат в настоящем: She has lost а lot of weight. GR8 действиях, произошедших в неустановленное время в прошлом. При этом действие более важно, чем время: Не has bousht а new car. недавно завершённых дейавиях: Linda has just cleaned her room. личном опыте, переживаниях, изменениях, которые произошли; / have never tried bungee jumping. Указатели времени (сигналы), употребляемые с present perfect just, already, yet, for, since, ever, never, so far, this week/month/ year и т. д. Have been (to)/Have gone (to) • Have been (to) используется, когда речь идёт о том, что кто-либо побывал где-либо и вернулся назад; Тот has been to Italy. (He went to Italy, but he's no longer there.) • Have gone (to) используется, когда речь идёт о том, что кто-либо пошёл/поехал куда-либо и всё ещё там находится: Мед has gone to London. (She's still there.) Just - Yet- Already - Since - For -Ever - Never We've just arrived, (a few minutes ago) Meg hasn't called yet./Has Meg called yet? (We expect her to call soon.) She’s already watered the plants. (It's done. She doesn't have to water the plants any more.) They’ve lived in Spain since 2005. (starting point) He’s been in Malta for a week, (duration) Have you ever been to Paris? (at any point) / have never tried scuba diving. (I haven't tried scuba diving.) Present perfect vs past simple PRESENT PERFECT PAST SIMPLE дейавие, произошедшее в неуаановленное время в прошлом; Не has hurt his leg. (When? We don't know.) дейавие, произошедшее в определённое время в прошлом: They went to Australia last summer. (When? Last summer.) дейавие, начавшееся в прошлом и продолжающееся до сих пор: She has lived in Cairo for ten years. (She went to Cairo ten years ago and she still lives there.) действие, которое началось и закончилось в прошлом: She was in New York for two years. (She lived in New York for two years. She doesn't live there any more.) GR9 Present perfect continuous (Настоящее совершённое продолженное время) Формообразование: подлежащее + have/has -г been + глагол с окончанием -ing. l/You/We/They have/’ve been playing. He/She/lt has/’s been playing. 1/You/We/They have not/ haven’t been playing. He/She/lt has not/ hasn’t been playing. Have l/you/we/they been playing? Has he/she/it been playing? ШШШ 'Yes, l/you/we/they have. .No, l/you/we/they haven’t ‘Yes, he/she/it has. .No, he/she/it hasn’t. Употребление Present perfect continuous употребляется, когда: • подчёркивается значение длительноаи действия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается до нааоящего времени: Мед has been trying to fix my computer for two hours. • обозначается дейавие, начавшееся в прошлом и продолжающееся некоторое время. Оно может ещё длиться или быть завершено, но обязательно иметь видимый, ощутимый результат в нааоящем; She’s tired because she has been cleaning the house all morning. Указатели времени (сигналы), употребляемые с present perfect continuous, since, for, how long (to place emphasis on duration). ________ ________________________ -ing/-ed ad/ect/Ves (прилагательные c окончанием -ing/-ed) • Прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -ing, описывают качеаво кого-либо или чего-либо: I’ve had а very tiring day. (What was the day like? Tiring.) Lucy is very interesting. (What's Lucy like? Interesting.) • Прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -ed, описывают чьё-либо состояние или ощущения: Cathy is very tired! (How does Cathy feel? Tired.) Past perfect (Прошедшее завершённое время) Формообразование: подлежащее + had -ь past participle. ОТРИЦАНИЕ l/You/He/She/lt had finished. We/You/They had finished. l/You/We/They had not/ hadn’t finished. He/She/lt had not/hadn’t finished. ВСШГОС КРАТКИЕ ОТВЕТЫ ■■.Ш. Had 1 finished ...? Yes, 1 had./No, 1 hadn’t. Had you finished ...? Yes, you had./No, you hadn’t. Had he/she/it finished Yes, he/she/it had./ ...? No, he/she/it hadn’t. Had we/you/they Yes, we/you/they had./ finished ...? No, we/you/they hadn’t. Употребление Past perfect употребляется, когда речь идёт о: • действии, которое произошло перед другим дейст- вием в прошлом или до обозначенного момента в прошлом: They had had dinner by the time I arrived. They had planted all the trees by 6 o’clock. дейавии, которое завершилось в прошлом, при описании его результата; She couldn’t set into the house because she had lost her keys. Past perfect имеет то же самое значение, что и present perfect, только в прошлом: She was tired because she had walked a Ions МОДУЛЬ б Указатели времени (сигналы), употребляемые с past perfect: before, after, until, by the time, already, yet, just, for, since и T. д. Conditionals (type 3) (Придаточные предложения условия - тип 3) ПРИДЯЮЭДОЕ ГЛАВНОЕ Уд]ОВИЯр ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИ! ., г ^ would have + if + past perfect , past participle If we had left the house earlier, we wouldn’t have missed our flisht. Употребление Придаточные предложения условия используются для: • описания нереальной ситуации в прошлом: If I had saved enoush money, I would have bousht that camera. (But I didn't.) • выражения сожаления или критики: If I had taken your advice, I wouldn’t have been in trouble. (But I didn't.) HZ/shes (Выражение желания)____________________ l/y/sh/rf on/у используются для выражения желания. Елгеттпжя -F past simple/ past continuous / wish/if only! was/were on holiday risht now. (But I'm not.) Для того, чтобы выразить желание изменить что-либо в настоящем. + past perfect / wish/If only 1 had booked the plane tickets earlier. (But 1 didn't.) Для того, чтобы выразить сожаление, что что-либо произошло или не произошло в прошлом. -f- subject + would + bare infinitive / wish it would stop rainins- (It's annoying.) If only you would stop complaining. (Please stop complaining.) Для того, чтобы выразить: • желание изменить ситуацию или поведение кого-либо • вежливую просьбу Примечание: • Конарукция if only используется так же, как и / wish, но придаёт высказыванию большую экспрессивность и яркость. • Were может употребляться вмеао was после wish и if only. The Passive (Страдательный залог) Формообразование: подлежащее + to be {в нужной временной форме) + Past Participle. The plants are watered by Joanna. Present simple Present continuous Joanna waters the plants. Joanna IS wa terms the plants. Past simple Past continuous Present perfect simple Past perfect simple Future simple Joanna watered the plants. Joanna was waterins the plants. The plants are beins watered by Joanna. The plants were watered by Joanna. The plants were beins watered by Joanna. Joanna has watered the plants. Joanna had watered the plants. Joanna will water the plants. Modal verbs Joanna may/misht/ could/must/have to/should water the plants. The plants have been watered by Joanna. The plants had been watered by Joanna. The plants will be watered by Joanna. The plants may/misht/ could/ must/ have to/ should be watered by Joanna. Употребление Страдательный залог употребляется: • когда очевидно или, напротив, неважно, кто выполняет действие: The sloss was broken. The decision will be announced tomorrow. The patient has already been operated on. • когда само действие важнее, чем субъект, выполняющий его, например, в заголовках новостей, газетных статьях, заметках, рекламе, инструкциях и т. п.: Hundreds of buildinss were damaged by the earthquake. • чтобы сделать высказывание более официальным или вежливым: The ceremony will be held in the city hall. This saucepan has not been cleaned properly. (Фраза звучит более вежливо, чем You haven’t cleaned the saucepan properly.) Соотнесение предложений в действительный и страдательный залог; • Дополнение в дейавительном залоге аановится подлежащим в страдательном залоге. • Смысловой глагол не изменяется по времени, но форма его изменяется на форму страдательного залога. • Подлежащее в дейавительном залоге аановится дополнением, указывающим на исполнителя дейавия, и употребляется с предлогом Ьу или опускается. ДЕЙСТВ. Subject ЗАЛОГ Магу Verb Object cooked lunch. СТРАД. ЗАЛОГ t ^ Subject Verb Agent Lunch was cooked by Mary. GR10 • Сущеавительное, обозначающее исполнителя действия, может быть опущено, если подлежащее в действительном залоге выражено словами they, he, someone/somebody, people, one и t. д.: Дейавительный залог; Someone has left the window open. Страдательный залог: The window has been left open. • Существительное, обозначающее исполнителя действия, не может быть опущено, если исполнитель действия является существенным для значения предложения: The announcement will be made by the president himself. • У глаголов, имеющих два дополнения, таких, как bring, tell, send, show, teach, promise, sell, read, offer, give, lend и т. д., можно образовать две модели страдательного залога: Действительный залог: Не offered her some flowers. Страдательный залог: She was offered some flowers. Some flowers were offered to her. (такая форма страдательного залога используется реже) • В вопросах в страдательном залоге с who, whom или which by не опускается, Ср.: Who will give the speech? Who will the speech be given by? Reported Speech (Косвенная речь) Косвенная речь передаёт точное содержание чьего-либо высказывания, но не точные слова. В косвенной речи на письме кавычки не используются. После глаголов (say, tell) используется или может быть опущено that: Не said that he liked the film. Или He said he liked the film. Say - Tell {сказать - рассказать): • Say без частицы to используется в косвенной речи при отсутствии дополнения, обозначающего адресата: She said (that) she was angry. • Say to используется в косвенной речи при наличии дополнения, обозначающего адресата: She said to те (that) she was angry. • Tell без частицы to используется в косвенной речи при наличии дополнения, обозначающего адресата: She told те that she was angry. Reported Statements (Утверждения в косвенной речи) • в косвенной речи личные/притяжательные местоимения изменяются соответственно значению предложения; “I’ve bought а new book, ” said Louise. Louise said (that) she had bought a new book. • Если глагол в главном предложении употребляется в Past Simple, то в придаточном изъяснительном времена изменяются следующим образом; Present continuous Past continuous ПРЯМАЯ РЕЧЬ КОСВЕННАЯ РЕЧЬ Present simple Past simple GR11 He said that he liked playing tennis. ‘We are having dinner.' They said (that) they were having dinner. Present perfect Past perfect “Не has been to Rome. ” She said (that) he had been to Rome. Past simple Past perfect “We lost our cat’ They said (that) they had lost their cat. Past continuous Past perfect continuous or past continuous “1 was listening to music." He said he had been listening/he was listening to music. Will Would “1 will buy a CD." She said she would buy a CD. При этом слова и выражения, обозначающие время, изменяются следующим образом; now today, tonight, this week/month/year ИТ. Д. then, immediately that day, that night, that week/ month/year и т. д. yesterday, last week the day before, the previous day, the week before, the previous week tomorrow, next week the next/following day, the following week, the week after ago before here there this, these that, those come go Reported Questions (Вопросы в косвенной речи) Вопросы в косвенной речи обычно образуются при помощи глаголов ask или want без вопросительного знака с глаголом в утвердительной форме: “What time does the film start?” Mary asked me. Mary asked me what time the film started. Когда вопрос в прямой речи начинается с вопросительного слова (who, where, how, when, whatv\ т. п.), вопрос в косвенной речи начинается с того же вопросительного слова. “When is your birthday?” she asked. She wanted to know when my birthday was. Когда вопрос в прямой речи начинается со вспомогательного глагола (be, do, have) или модального глагола {сап, may), вопрос в косвенной речи образуется при помощи /У ил и whether. “Is this bookcase new?” he asked. He asked if/whether that bookcase was new. Have you ever been to Rhodes? She asked if/whether I had ever been to Rhodes. Reported Commands/Requests (Команды и просьбы в косвенной речи) • Конарукция order/tell + sb + (not) to-infinitive используется для выражения команды в косвенной речи: “Be quiet!" she said. She ordered/told them to be quiet. • Ask/beg -ь sb + (not) to-infinitive используется для выражения просьбы в косвенной речи. Обычно просьба в косвенной речи содержит слово please. “Please don’t shout," he said. He asked them not to shout. “Please, please don’t go," he said. He begged me not to go. Reflexive Pronouns (Возвратные местоимения) ■ MH. jioio: I You - myself - yourself We - ourselves Не - himself You - yourselves She - herself They - themselves It - itself Употребление • Возвратные местоимения употребляются с такими глаголами, как: behave, burn, cut, enjoy, hurt, introduce, look at, teach и t. д., когда подлежащее и дополнение являются одним лицом: / cut myself with а knife. • Возвратные местоимения употребляются, чтобы подчеркнуть, что дейавие совершено самостоятельно, без посторонней помощи: / made this cake myself. (I made it, not someone else.) • Возвратные меаоимения употребляются с такими выражениями, как: enjoy myself/yourself {have a good time), behave myself /yourself (be good), by myself/ yourself (without company or without help), make myself/yourself at home (feel comfortable), help myself/yourself {to take something freely). Примечание: • Некоторые глаголы в возвратном значении обычно употребляются без возвратных местоимений, например: concentrate, feel, get up, meet, relax, remember, sit down, wake up, wonder, worry и т. д. • Возвратные меаоимения обычно не употребляются с глаголами wash, dress, shave change {She washed and had breakfast.), но когда описываемое дейавие вызывает затруднения у исполнителя, употребляется возвратное меаоимение: She’s got а broken leg, but she can dress herself. Question Tags (Разделительные вопросы) • Разделительные вопросы представляют собой вопрос в конце высказывания. • Разделительные вопросы употребляются в речи, чтобы подтвердить что-либо или убедиться в пра-вильноаи или ошибочноаи утверждения. • Разделительные вопросы образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола, соответствующего сказуемому основного предложения, и личного местоимения, соответствующего подлежащему: Amanda is an artist, isn’t she? You can speak Spanish, can’t you? Употребление • Если предложение утвердительное, то вопрос в конце будет отрицательным: It is cold today, isn’t it? • Если предложение отрицательное, то вопрос в конце будет утвердительным: They aren’t sleeping, are they? • Если глагол в предложении стоит в настоящем времени, то в вопросе в конце используется do (not)/ does (not): Lynne works as a teacher, doesn’t she? Ф Если глагол в предложении аоит в прошедшем времени, то в вопросе в конце используется did (not): You lost your luggage, didn’t you? Некоторые глаголы и выражения используются в вопросительной части разделительного вопроса по-другому: I am > aren’t I? I’m early, aren’t 1? imperative > will you/ won’t you? Be quiet, wiU/won’t you? Don’t > will you? Don’t shout, will you? Let’s ‘Shall we? Let’s eat something, shall we? You have (got) ‘haven’t you? You have got two dogs, haven’t you? They have (other meanings) ‘don’t they? They have dinner at 8 o’clock, don’t they? This/That is ‘ isn’t it? That’s your friend, isn’t it? intonation (Интонация) • Если говорящий уверен в ответе, интонация вопросительной части разделительного вопроса нисходящая: You’ll wash your face, won’t you? ('^) # Если говорящий не уверен в ответе и хочет проверить информацию, вопросительная часть разделительного вопроса произносится с повышением голоса: They didn’t go to the party, did they? (^) Rules for Punctuation (Правила пунктуации)______________________________________ Capital Letters (Заглавные буквы) Заглавные буквы используются: GR12 • в начале предложения: Неге we are. • с названиями дней недели, месяцев, праздников: Friday, Ausust, Christmas Ф с именами людей и названиями меа: tAy teacher’s name is Sally and she’s from Chester, Vermont. • в словах Mr, Mrs, Dr, Professor и т. д. при обращении к людям: Mr and Mrs Parker; Dr Mortimer; Professor Riggs; etc • c названиями национальностей и языков: They are Chilean. He’s fluent in German and Russian. Примечание: личное меаоимение I всегда пишется с большой буквы. Gus and I are going on holiday together. Full stop (Точка) Точка аавится: • в конце предложения, если это не вопрос и не восклицание: We’re having а great time. You can never get bored here in Rio. Ф в сокращениях: Mr Jones is a great teacher. Comma (Запятая) Запятая аавится: • для разделения слов: We need sugar, milk, tomatoes and apple juice. • чтобы отделить второстепенное по смыслу придаточное предложение от главного предложения: Топу, who is а doctor, lives in Africa. • после некоторых соединительных конструкций {in addition to this, moreover, for example, however, in conclusion и T. Д.): Moreover, Jenny is very patient with children. Ф если придаточное предложение с /Тили другое придаточное предложение является началом сложноподчинённого или сложносочинённого предложения: If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. Примечание: Если придаточное предложение стоит после главного предложения, запятая не аавится. • для отделения вопросительной части разделительного вопроса от утвердительной чааи: Mr Stephens is your math teacher, isn’t he? Ф перед словами asked, said и t. д.: “Turn down the music,” said Sarah. Question /War/r (Вопросительный знак) Вопросительный знак аавится: • в конце вопроса в прямой речи: Where are the children? Exclamation /Иаг/г (Восклицательный знак) Восклицательный знак ставится: • в конце восклицательного предложения: That’s а Не! What awful weather! Quotation Mar/rs (Кавычки) Одинарные кавычки аавятся: • когда задаётся вопрос внутри прямой речи: “Then Helen said, ‘Are you sure this is the right address?”’ Двойные кавычки ставятся: • в прямой речи: “What’s your name?” she asked him. Colon (Двоеточие) Двоеточие аавится: • перед списком слов: There were three of us on the boat: my brother, my cousin Lyn and me. Brackets (Скобки) • Скобки ставятся для того, чтобы отделить дополнительную информацию от оаальной чааи предложения: The most popular newspapers i.e. The New York Times, The Observer, etc can be found almost anywhere in the world. Apostrophe (Апостроф) Апостроф ставится: • в кратких формах, если некоторые буквы или цифры пропущены для краткости: I’m (= I am) writing to complain about... She left for Italy in the winter of ’98. (=1998) • перед или после притяжательной чааицы -s, чтобы показать принадлежность чего-либо или отношения между людьми: Tom’s саг, ту friend’s husband (singular noun + 's) my parents’ friends (plural noun + ') women’s dresses (irregular plural -l- 's) GR13 American English - British English Guide American English British English A account bill/account airplane aeroplane anyplace/anywhere anywhere apartment flat В bathrobe dressing gown bathtub bath bill banknote billion=thousand million billion=million million busy (phone) engaged (phone) C cab taxi call/phone ring up/phone can tin candy sweets check bill (restaurant) closet wardrobe connect (telephone) put through cookie biscuit corn sweetcorn, maize crazy mad D desk clerk receptionist dessert pudding/dessert/sweet downtown (city) centre drapes curtains drugstore/pharmacy chemist's (shop) duplex semi-detached E eggplant aubergine elevator lift F fall autumn faucet tap first floor, second floor, etc ground floor, first floor, etc flashlight torch French fries chips front desk (hotel) reception G garbage/trash rubbish garbage can dustbin/bin gas petrol gas station petrol station/garage grade class/year 1 intermission interval intersection crossroads J janitor caretaker/porter К kerosene paraffin L lawyer/attorney solicitor line queue lost and found lost property M mail post make a reservation book motorcycle motorbike/motorcycle movie film movie house/theater cinema N newsstand newsagent 0 office (doctor’s/dentist's) surgery one-way (ticket) single (ticket) overalls dungarees American English pants/trousers pantyhose/nylons parking lot pavement pedestrian crossing (potato) chips public school purse R railroad rest room S sales clerk/sales girl schedule shorts (underwear) sidewalk stand in line store, shop subway T truck two weeks V vacation vacuum (v.) vacuum cleaner vest W with or without (milk/cream in coffee) Y yard Z (pronounced, "zee") zero zip code Grammar He just went out./ He has just gone out. Hello, is this Steve? Do you have a car?/ Have you got a car? Spelling aluminum analyze center check color honor jewelry practice(n,v) program realize tire trave(l)ler British English trousers tights car park road surface zebra crossing crisps state school handbag railway toilet/cloakroom shop assistant timetable pants pavement queue shop underground lorry, van fortnight/two weeks holiday(s) hoover hoover waistcoat black or white garden (pronounced, "zed") nought postcode He has iust gone out. Hello, is that Steve? Have you got a car? aluminium analyse centre cheque colour honour jewellery practice(n) practise(v) programme realise tyre traveller Expressions with prepositions and particles different from/than live on X street on a team on the weekend Monday through Friday different from/to live in X street in a team at the weekend Monday to Friday GR14 Pronunciation Vowels m /m/ map, man, meat, move, mouse, market. a /60/ care, rare, scare, dare, fare, share some, small, smell, smile /61/ name, face, table, lake, take, day, age, ache. n /П/ next, not, tenth, month, kind, snake, snip. late, snake, make noon, run /Ш/ apple, bag, hat, man, flat, lamp, fat, hand. P /р/ pay, pea, pen, poor, pink, pencil, plane. black, cap, fan, cat, actor, factor, manner please /ЭУ ball, wall, call, tall, small, hall, warn, walk. /kw/ queue, quack, quarter, queen, question. also, chalk quiet /0/ want, wash, watch, what, wasp /Г/ rat, rich, roof, road, ready, cry, grass, bring. /0/ alarm, away, America fry, carry, red, read /аУ arms, dark, bar, star, car, ask, last, fast, glass. s /8/ sit, set, seat, soup, circle, snow, smell, glass. far, mask dress, goose e /6/ egg, end, hen, men, ten, bed, leg, tell. /z/ houses, cousin, husband penny, pet, bell, pen, tent t А/ two, ten, tooth, team, turn, tent, tool, trip. /I/ in, ill, ink, it, is, hill, city, sixty, fifty, lip, lift, train, tree silly, chilly ■' N/ veal, vet, vacuum, vote, arrive, live, leave. /ai/ ice, kite, white, shine, bite, high, kind view о /ои/ home, hope, bone, joke, note, rope, nose. w hNl water, war, wish, word, world tone, blow, know, no, cold у /J/ youth, young, yes, yacht, year /0/ on, ox, hot, top, chop, clock, soft, often. Ш zoo, zebra, buzz, crazy box, sock, wrong, fox /ао/ owl, town, clown, how, brown, now, cow Diphthongs oo /0/ book, look, foot ea.ee /10/ ear, near, fear, hear, clear, year, dear, beer. /иУ room, spoon, too, tooth, food, moon. cheer, deer boot /i:/ eat, each, heat, leave, clean, seat, neat. /л/ blood, flood tea, keep, feed, free, tree, three, bee /ЭУ floor, door ei /61/ eight, freight, weight, vein и /ЗУ turn, fur, urge, hurl, burn, burst /ai/ height //\/ up, uncle, ugly, much, such, run, jump. ai /61/ pain, sail, tail, main, bait, fail, mail duck, jungle, hut, mud, luck ea /60/ pear, wear, bear, tear /и/ pull, push, pull, full, cushion /ЗУ earth, pearl, learn, search /j/ unique, union ie /ai/ die, tie, lie У /ai/ sky, fly, fry, try, shy, cry, by ou li\J tough, touch, enough, couple, cousin. trouble Consonants /аи/ mouse, house, round, trout, shout, doubt Ь /Ь/ box, butter, baby, bell, bank, black oi /01/ oil, boil, toil, soil, coin, choice, voice, join с /к/ cat, coal, call, calm, cold oy /01/ boy, joy, toy, annoy, employ /5/ cell, city, pencil ou /ОУ court, bought, brought d /d/ down, duck, dim, double, dream, drive. ou /о:/ naughty, caught, taught drink f /f/ fat, fan, first, food, lift, fifth Double letters 9 /д/ grass, goat, go, gold, big, dog, glue, get. sh /1/ shell, ship, shark, sheep, shrimp, shower give ch /tj/ cheese, chicken, cherry, chips, chocolate /ф/ gem, gin, giant ph /f/ photo, dolphin, phone, elephant /h/ heat, hit, hen, hand, perhaps th /0/ thief, throne, three, bath, cloth, earth. BUT hour, honest, dishonest, heir tooth i /d5/ jam, just, job, joke, jump /д/ the, this, father, mother, brother, feather к /к/ keep, king, kick /0/ thing, king, song, sing I /1/ lift, let, look, lid, clever, please, plot, black. nk /т]к/ think, tank, bank blue, slim, silly GR15 Prefixes are syllables which we add before certain words to form new words. The meaning of the new word depends on the prefix that has been used, anti- = against (antisocial) bi- = two (bimonthly) CO- = with (co-star) counter- = in the opposite direction (counterargument) ex- = previous, former (ex-wife) inter- = between (intercontinental) mis- = done wrongly or badly (misjudge) mono- = one (monorail) multi- = many (multimedia) non- = not (nonverbal) out- = more, better (outrun) over- = (done) to a great extent (overcook) post- = after (post-war) pre- = before (pre-war) pro- = in favour of (pro-European) re- = again (redo) semi- = half (semicircle) sub- = under, less (sub-zero) super- = big, more (superhuman) trans- = (travel) from one side, group etc to another (transatlantic) tri- = three (tripod) under- = not enough (underdeveloped) uni- = one (unidirectional) The prefixes below are used to express opposite meanings. de- deforest, desensitise dis- disagree, dissimilar in- insincere, incomplete BUT il- (before I) illegible im- (before b, m, p) impolite, imbalance BUT unpopular \r- (before r) irrational non- BUT unrest, unrestricted un- non-existent, non-stop uncomfortable, unlucky Some prefixes are added to words to form verbs, en- rich-enrich BUT em- (before b, m, p) power - empower Suffixes are syllables which we add to the end of certain words to form new words. - Nouns referring to people • verb + -er/-or/-ar (drive - driver, conduct-conductor, lie - liar) • noun/verb/adjective + -1st (novel - novelist, cycle -cyclist, social - socialist) • verb + -ant/-ent (claim - claimant) • noun + -an/-ian (Rome - Roman, politic - politician) • verb + -ее (passive meaning) (escape - escapee) - Nouns formed from verbs -age break - breakage -a I arrive - arrival -anee perform - performance -ation represent - representation -ence confide- confidence -ion complete - completion -ment pay-payment -sion extend - extension (verbs ending in -d/-t) -sis diagnose - diagnosis -tion delete-deletion -ure seize - seizure -y discover - discovery - Nouns formed from adjectives -anee arrogant - arrogance -cy accurate - accuracy -ence confident - confidence -ion perfect - perfection -iness happy-happiness -ness shy-shyness -ity equal - equality -ty safe - safety -y jealous - jealousy - Adjectives formed from nouns -ous -al -ic -ical -ish -ive -ful (with) -less (without) -ant -able ■y ■ly courage - courageous person - personal hygiene - hygienic myth - mythical girl - girlish excess - excessive meaning - meaningful meaning - meaningless importance - important comfort - comfortable hand - handy time - timely - Adjectives formed from verbs -able count-countable -ibie comprehend - comprehensible (verbs ending in -d/-t) -ive dismiss - dismissive -ate consider - considerate -ent depend - dependent - Verbs formed from adjectives -en bright-brighten -ise immobile - immobilise - Verbs formed from nouns -en length - lengthen WF1 Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap. 1 Don't..........................................the dishwasher with too many dishes. 2 The ball hit him so hard he was knocked ............................................ 3 We were feeling ....................................so we decided to run 5 km rather than our usual 2 km. 4 She broke her sister's necklace in a fit of......................................... 5 I thought my essay was fine, but my teacher told me I had to......................it. 6 My French ...............................improved greatly once I was living in France. 7 My..................................................that they would marry came true. 8 Our Physics teacher told us to imagine the.................................of space. 9 My neighbours are building an..........................................on their house. 10 I can't believe how many.................................there are on this TV channel. 11 I was full of..................................................for his achievements. 12 I prefer to....................................my mobile phone plan because then I don't have to worry about bills every month. 13 I'm really upset you were..................................................with me. 14 Katie's mother told her to stroke the kitten ....................................... 15 Farmers.............................................large areas to graze their cattle. 16 Working in journalism is very ...........................because there are deadlines every day. 17 I bought it because it was on offer as part of a ................................... 18 Your test results aren't ready because we still have to perform the blood .......... 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 The king rewarded the knight for his............................................... GPS can pinpoint our exact ...............................................location. It was very............................................of you not to say thank you. I'm not a big fan of coffee, but I do like the .....................cup every now and then. It's a good idea to take vitamin supplements to boost your......to certain diseases. I ......................................your message and that's why I'm late. Sorry! Does the film have English .......................................................? Nothing is ................................................if you put your mind to it. Her....................................................to join us was disappointing. They're renovating their home because they want to make it more.................... Stop being so .............................................and make up your mind! My parents think I'm ..................................because I'm always late when they arrange to meet me somewhere. Philosophers are very good at exposing .................................arguments. The reason you don't understand what he's saying is that he is talking a lot of He lost all his money and now he is.................................................. The chicken was..............................and that's why we all got food poisoning It's a really bad idea to do something so............................................ If the two of you .............................., you will get the job done a lot faster Luckily, our dog and cat..................................with each other quite well It's incredible that for doctors today, a heart...................................... is a routine matter. LOAD CONSCIOUS ENERGY JEALOUS DO PRONOUNCE PREDICT EMPTY EXTEND ADVERTISE ADMIRE PAY HONEST GENTLE FOREST STRESS PROMOTE ANALYSE LOYAL GEOGRAPHY POLITE OCCASION IMMUNE READ TITLES POSSIBLE REFUSE LIVE DECISIVE RESPONSIBLE LOGICAL SENSE PENNY COOK RISK OPERATE ACT PLANT WF2 39 I thought the joke was going to be really funny, but the punchline was a complete... CLIMAX 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Children, please gather round the blackboard in a ................................... I told my boss I'm so busy I need to hire an .............................to help me. What.........................................................is this radio station on? When you faint, you briefly lose .................................................... I don't think the water in this stream is............................................ I liked his talk even though it was a bit ........................................... I think you should get a .....................................................opinion. My music teacher expects nothing less than........................................... James knew he wanted to become a.................the first time he stepped on a yacht. I'm taking pills to .........................................my high blood pressure. How many ...............................................do you have working for you? She had a look of ........................................................on her face. The sauce was rich and .............................................................. We need to .............................................the date of our wedding soon. She asked the dressmaker to...............................................her trousers. He went to a prison for the criminally .............................................. This is a ..................................area. You aren't allowed to smoke in here. The..........................................................of this city left long ago. George pointed out the...........................between science fiction and fantasy. She is extremely.................................................She should grow up. My parents give me a small ...............................................each week. The editor asked the author to write a longer ............................to his book. The..............................................................voted to go on strike. My daughter wants to become a ....................................................... Police offers are there to ...................................................the law. They decided to wear......................................................costumes. The..........................................................was caught by the police. I was shy when I was a child, but I taught myself to be.............................. Can you pick up some eggs when you're at the.........................................? She has been a foreign...........................for that newspaper for over a decade. Do you know which mushrooms are......................................................? Taste in art isn't objective; it's................................................... Watch out! That snake is ............................................................ You need to.............................................that dress - it's far too long. He's taking a....................................................stand on the issue. I thought the game would be closer, but unfortunately, my team were well and truly Can you help me put these books into .......................................order? There is an ...........................................of wildlife in the park this year. My grandfather has .........................................glasses because he is both short-sighted and long-sighted. He is a ....................................musician. He plays six instruments, sings, composes, produces and arranges. I really enjoyed watching that programme, it was very .............................. CIRCLE ASSIST FREQUENT CONSCIOUS DRINK REPEAT PROFESSION EXCEL SAIL ACT EMPLOY CONFUSE CREAM FINAL LENGTH SANE SMOKING INHABIT DISTINCT CHILD ALLOW INTRODUCE WORK VIOLIN FORCE TRADITION BURGLE CONFIDE MARKET CORRESPOND POISON SUBJECT VENOM SHORT DEFIANCE CLASSED ALPHABET ABUNDANT FOCAL TALENT EDUCATION WF3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word given and other words to complete the sentence. Do not change the given word. 1 He invited both his friends and his colleagues to 13 Gary took a taxi so that he wouldn't be late. the party. ONLY He invited....................... .... also his colleagues to the party 2 Rather than walk to the hospital, we took a taxi. INSTEAD ...................................... ...to the hospital, we took a taxi 3 People say Brian is a talented actor. SAID It............................... ..........Brian is a talented actor, 4 I was completely unaware of your decision to get a pet. IDEA I had ........................... .............decided to get a pet. 5 Alice prefers playing sports to going to the gym. RATHER Alice ................................. ...................go to the gym. FEAR Gary took a taxi ................................ late. 14 If you go online and book your tickets early, you'll get a better price. ADVANCE Provided you go online and.................. you'll get a better price. 15 I don't find sport at all interesting. IN I have ...................... ...............sport whatsoever 16 Somebody robbed the bank a week ago. BROKEN The ................................. ...................a week ago 17 You'd better see a doctor. WERE If............................. ...................see a doctor 6 They couldn't drive to the hotel because they 18 Sally doesn't do as much exercise as she did in had a flat tyre. the past. PREVENTED Their flat tyre ...................... USED Sally............................. ....................to the hotel. ..............than she does now. 7 The insurance company asked me to describe the 19 You won't get good marks if you don't study hard. accident in detail. BY Only.............................. FULL The insurance company asked me ..............you get good marks. to give........................... 20 They bought the building because they planned ................of the accident. to start a business. VIEW They bought the building.......... .......... ............................................a business. ... Spanish. 21 She was about to take a bath when the doorbell rang. .......... POINT She was.......................................... the book? ...a bath when the doorbell rang. 8 She speaks Spanish fluently. FLUENT She ................... 9 When did you start writing the book? BEEN How.................... 10 He won't tell me the reason he is upset, despite 22 I am not upset with Joe, despite his breaking my my insistence. EVEN He won't tell me why insisted. lamp. THOUGH I am not upset with Joe, my lamp. 11 It was thoughtless of them to treat their guests 23 But for the help of my tutor I'd never have passed with such rudeness. the exam. SO They should .................... FOR If it hadn't .................... ..................to their guests. ................................ I'd 12 They will be selling tickets for the Christmas never have passed the exam, pantomime at the box office. 24 His voice surprised us when he sang. SALE Tickets for the Christmas pantomime ABACK We were..................................... singing voice. at the box office. KWT1 25 They rejected our offer on the house. DOWN Our offer on the house................... ...........................them. 26 I believe swimming is the best way to stay fit. SHAPE In my opinion, the best way............. ..............is to go swimming. 27 We try to pay the bills on time. FALL We don't want ................... ........................the bills. 28 They say that the tomb has a curse on it. SAID The tomb......................... ....................a curse on it. 29 He spent ages preparing dinner. TOOK It....................................... ...........................dinner. 30 Not all unions agreed with the strike. AGREEMENT Not all the unions.................. ..................with the strike. 31 The driving test wasn't as easy as I'd expected. DIFFICULT The driving test ................... ....................Td expected. 32 John might have an artist paint his portrait. PAINTED John is thinking...................... ....................by an artist. 33 I'm sure he didn't intend to be rude. INTENTION I'm sure he had..................... ...........................rude. 34 Can't you think of a better idea? BEST Is that.......................... ........................think of? 35 Shall I bring the washing in? ME Would............................ ..................the washing in? 36 Talking in the library isn't allowed. SUPPOSED You.................................. .....................in the library. 37 "You ate my sandwich," she said to him. ACCUSED She .................................. .....................her sandwich. 38 His parents won't let him buy a motorbike. ALLOWED He isn't.............................. ......................a motorbike. 39 When did they move to Switzerland? SINCE How long......................... ...........moved to Switzerland? 40 Joan couldn't get the book she wanted because they had sold out. UNABLE Joan............................ .................the book she wanted because they had sold out. 41 I'm sure Karen hasn't written the letter yet. HAVE Karen........................... .................the letter yet. 42 It's probable that he will fly via Amsterdam. LIKELY He.............................. .................via Amsterdam. 43 Everyone brought a packed lunch except Richard. ONLY The ............................ ...................bring a packed lunch was Richard. 44 You've bought more apples than you need to make the pie. SO You needn't..................... .........apples to make the pie. 45 Would you mind if I opened the window? TO Would you object.............. ....................the window? 46 We arrived early so we could get a good seat. HOPE We arrived early .............. .....................a good seat. 47 It's a four-hour flight from London to Athens. TAKES It.............................. .........from London to Athens. 48 She could hardly read the doctor's handwriting. DIFFICULTY She ............................. .........the doctor's handwriting. 49 Nobody knows where the theatre is. ANYBODY There .............................. .....knows where the theatre is. 50 One has to taste it to fully appreciate it. TASTED It has .............................. ...............fully appreciated. 51 That's the music school where I learnt the piano. TAUGHT I .............................. ............at that music school. 52 Shall I mow the lawn? LIKE Would........................... .................mow the lawn? 53 When did you last go to the cinema? TIME When was ....................... .................to the cinema? KWT2 KWT3 54 They made us wait 40 minutes before they showed us to our table. WERE We............................. .............40 minutes before they showed us to our table. 55 It was hard for them to get used to their new neighbourhood. TIME It............................. used to their new neighbourhood. 56 He managed to get the promotion. SUCCEEDED He............................... ....................promotion. 57 I think it would be a good idea to call and book a table. SUGGEST I ................................. .......................a table 58 I enjoyed my holiday very much. FUN I ............................. ....................my holiday 59 Dad let me go to the party last week. ALLOWED I.................................. .............the party last week 60 She is quieter than her sister. NOT She is......................... ....................her sister 61 "You've scratched my car," she said to him. ACCUSED She ............................ ...........................car 62 She will probably be late for the film. UNLIKELY She is......................... ....................for the film 63 She wishes she hadn't moved so far away from home. REGRETS She ............................ ....................from home 64 After the play finished, the cast made a curtain call END At............................. .....the cast made a curtain call 65 The jeans I bought no longer fit me. GROWN I ............................. .........the jeans that I bought 66 "I'm sorry I lost your umbrella," she said to him. FOR She ........................... ....................umbrella 67 Jenny hasn't been to dance class in a month. LAST It's a month .................. ...................dance class 68 He shouldn't have been rude to the customer. FOOLISH It was ............................ ............rude to the customer. 69 I was unable to tolerate my noisy neighbours any longer. PUT I.............................. ............my noisy neighbours any longer. 70 They have cancelled the concert because the singer is ill. CALLED The concert ........................ ........because the singer is i 71 Is it OK for me to use your computer? OBJECT Would you........................... ................your computer? 72 Don't hesitate to tell me if you need anything. TWICE Don't.......................... ........me if you need anything 73 Td prefer him to think it over. RATHER I ............................. ..........................over 74 His boss won't let him leave early. ALLOWED He................................. .....................leave early. 75 She was late due to the power cut on the underground. ON She didn't arrive.............. .....................the power cut on the underground. 76 "Shall I save this for later?" she asked herself. WHETHER She ............................... ................save it for later 77 He won't make it to the Olympics this time. CHANCE He has ........................ .....it to the Olympics this time 78 It's unlikely that I'll finish this project tonight. TO I'm not........................ ............this project tonight 79 They're building a new hospital at the moment. BEING A new hospital ...................... ................at the moment 80 It's pointless complaining about the noise. WORTH It's ................................ ................about the noise Word List (adj) adjective (n) noun (pin) plural noun (v) verb Abbreviations (adv) adverb (conj) conjunction (phr) phrase (phr v) phrasal verb (prep) preposition (pro) pronoun (wd c) word combination Aboriginal -/,жЬэ'п(1зэпэ1/- (adj) - исконный, коренной academy - /D'kacdsmi/ - (n) - академия accessible - /ok'sesibol/ - (adj) - доступный accompany - /э'клтрэт/ - (v) - сопровождать accuracy - /'aekjorosi/ - (n) - точность accurate - /'Eekjorot/- (adj) - точный achieve - b'tjlyl - (v) - добиваться, достигать achievement - /a'tfiivmant/- (n) - доаижение activity holiday - /Eck'tivgti ,hDlidei/ - (wd c) - активный отдых add - Ixdl - (v) - добавить admiral - /’aedmaral/ - (n) - адмирал adventure - /ad'ventja/ - (n) - приключение adventurous - /od'venijsras/- (adj) - авантюрный affect - h'kktl - (v) - влиять на что-либо airline - /'ealain/- (n) - авиакомпания airmail - /eameil/ - (n) - авиапочта aisle - /ail/ - (n) - проход alike -/a'laik/- (adv) - подобный, похожий alone - /э'1эип/ - (adj) - одинокий alternative - /oil'tsinativ/ - (n) - альтернатива although - /э:Гбэи/- (con) - хотя ambulance -/’ambjulans/- (n) - скорая неотложная помощь amusement park - /a'mjuizmsnt ,pa;k/ - (wd c) - парк развлечений anatomy - /a'nactami/ - (n) - анатомия ancient - /emjant/ - (adj) - древний ancient theatre - /,einj3nt 'Giata/ - (wd c) - древний театр animal shelter - /'аспэтэ! /еЬэ/ - (wd c) - приют для животных announce - /a'nauns/ - (v) - объявлять anticipate - /een'tisipcit/- (v) - ожидать, предвосхищать antique - /,£en'ti:k/ - (adj) - антикварный anxious - /aeokjas/ - (adj) - тревожный appear - /э'рю/ - (v) - появляться appliance - /a'plaions/ - (n) - прибор approach -/a'proutj/- (v) - приближаться archaeological site - /,а:к]э'1обзткэ1 ,sait/- (wd c) - место археологических раскопок archaeologist - /,o;ki'Dbd33st/ - (wd c) - археолог Arctic Circle -/,a:kiik'8з:кэ1/- (n) - полярный круг armoury - /’aimari/ - (n) - склад оружия, арсенал army - - (n) - армия arrest - /s'rest/ - (v) - арестовать art gallery - tea .gaebn/ - (wd c) - художественная галерея art theft - /cut ,0eft/ - (wd c) - кража произведений искусства artist -/aitist/- (n) - художник association -/3,s3usi'eij3n/- (n) ассоциация assume - /a'sjuim/ - (v) - считать, полагать astonishing -/a'stonajir)/- (adj) - удивительный atmosphere - /'aetmssfia/ - (n) - атмосфера attendance - /a'lcndans/ - (n) - посещение attract - /s'traskt/ - (v) - привлекать attraction - /o'iriEk/эп/ - (n) - достопримечательность authentic - /э:'0еппк/ - (adj) - аутентичный award - /3'wo:d/ - (n) - награда awareness - /э'\уезпз5/ - (n) - осведомленность, информированность awful - /э:Гз1/ - (adj) - ужасный 3D hologram -/’hnbgraem/- 3D (трёхмерная) голограмма Phrases (a place) of cultural interest (phr) a whole range - (phr) - весь диапазон according to legend - (phr) - no легенде after all - (phr) - в конце концов ahead of their time - (phr) - опередить время attempt to sell - (phr) - попытка продать attention to detail - (phr) - внимание к деталям (a place) of cultural interest -(phr) - доаопримечательноаь 3D projections of objects - (phr) - 3D (трёхмерные) проекции объектов В background - /brckgraund/ - (n) - фон, задний план backpacking holiday -/'Ьжкржкщ .holidei/- (wd c) -туристический поход bag -/basg/- (n) - сумка baked goods - /"beikt gudz/ - (wd c) - хлебобулочные изделия baker's - tbtibzl - (n) - пекарня bakery - /Ьеткзп/ - (n) - отдел c хлебобулочными изделиями baking soda - /’beikir) ,s3ud3/ - (wd c) - пищевая сода balancing act - /’baebnsip ,askt/ - (wd c) - эквилибристика banana - /Ьэ'па:пэ/ - (n) - банан banjo - /Ъжпбззи/ - (n) - банджо bank -/baegk/- (n) - банк bar - Ibdl- (n) - плитка (шоколада) bark - /ba;k/- (n) - кора (дерева) barren - /'Ьаегзп/ - (adj) - бесплодный based (on) - /beist on/ - (adj) - основанный (на) batter - /Ьгегэ/ - (n) - тесто battle - tbxty - (n) - битва beach holiday - /'bi:tJ,hDlidei/- (wd c) - пляжный отдых bean - /bi:n/ - (n) - боб beat - Ibvxj- (v) - бить beautiful - /bju:tibl/ - (adj) - красивый become - /bi'kAm/ - (v) - становиться, делаться beef - 1Ы:Ц- (n) - говядина behaviour - /bi'heivjs/ - (n) - поведение benefit - /'ben3fit/ - (n) - польза best-selling -/,best'scl 113/- (adj) - пользующийся спросом bike - /baik/ - (n) - велосипед biography - /bai'Dgrafi/- (n) - биография birch forest - /'b3:tf,fDnst/- (n) - берёзовая роща bison - /baison/ - (n) - зубр bite - /bait/ - (v) - укусить block - 1ЬШ - (n) - глыба WL1 block of flats - fblnk ov '(hcts/ - (wd c) - многоквартирный дом biooci - .bkd, - (n) - кровь boil - ;boif - fv) - кипеть bond - .'bond/ - (n) - связь, узы bone - /Ьоип/ - (n) - кость book - /Ьик/ - (■■/) - забронировать bomer - .'bold?' - ('/) - граничить fc чем-либо') ooong - ,''bD:rii> - I'adj) - скучный ootanicai - .bo'ia;nikol/- (adj) - ботанический bottle - /'bml/ - ("■.) - бутылка boutique - /buftiik,'' - (n) - бутик bow iig alley - /'bsulip ycii/ - (wd c) - кегельбан, боулинг box - 'bnks: - f'^1 - коробка сгаг' - .brein.. -('*)- мозг brass iri5t''U'Tient - /ibruis instrarnanL' - (wd c} - меднь й духовой инструмент brave - /breiv/ - fadj) - храбрый bread - /bred/ - (n) - хлеб bread roll - ybrcd'гзоЬ - in) - булочка breat^'W - bri:6' - (v.i - дь1шать oreeding season - ''''briidin.sirzrin/- (wd c) - 5оа-~з1Й сезон brick wail - /(bnk ‘wo:l/ - (wd c} - кирпичная сте-а bridge - /bridj'' - (n) - мост brilliant - '■"bnljom/ - (adj) - блестящий broccoli - .''brokcli; - In) - брокколи orovv"' e - /braimt'' - (■'.) - шоколадное пирожное orjshstroke - ;'br\JstiMuk/ - (wd c) - мазок (кисти.) DuDЫe - ./'bxbol/ - (n)-пузырь bubbles - /'ЬлЬ?!х/ - (pi n) - пузырьки build - /bild/ - (n, v) - 1. телосложение; 2. ctoohtd buiiet-proof glass - /bolet рги;Гд1и:к;'- (n) -пуленепообиваемое стекло punch - /ЬлпЬ; - (п) - связка Dungalow - ./Ьдодо1л'(У - (n) - бунгало burial site - /'beriol ,sait/ - (wd c) - место захоронения bury - .''Ьеп/ - (v) - хоронить bus lane - .''Ьль1еш/ - (wd c) - полоса для азтосссоз bus stop - 'bASstop,' - {wd c) - автобусная оста-сзка butter - /b.\id - (n) - масло Phrasal verbs breax into - ./(brcik'niui/ - (phr v) - проникнуть bring (sth) about - /brioo'baui/' ~ (phr v) - осуществлять (что-либо) burn down - /,Ьз:п 'daun/ - (phr v) сжига^г. Phrases bang your head - fphr) - травить силы впустую, пытаться пробить головой стену (be) involved т. - (o'^oi - бь.ть Бoзлe^-eнмc.м в, участвовать в (be) located in - (pnr) - находиться в (be) worth it - (phr) - стоить того belovA' the waves - (o''"d - ниже волн borrow books - (pnr) - брать книги з библиотеке by accident - (phr) - сгу-ай^о cabbage - ;'k;chidyy' - (n) - капуста cao.e car - .'kcibal ku;/ - (wd c) - (зд.) тоамвай caiaum -/'krulsiom/- (n) - кальций calculator - /'к;с1к)л1спд/- (n) - калькулятор camouflage - .■''kxmotlagV- (n) - камуфляж camp ccunse cr - ,к:етр 'kaunsebv - ('wd c) - зожа^элт (в сэтрз.д’' - .кшт'рет; - fn, v) - 1, кампания; 2. проводить кампанию camping holiday - /'kKmpip,hnlidci/ - (wd c) - кемпинг canal - /kmiwl; -in)- канал canal System - konrel ,sisi?m' - (w'd c) - система каналов са"усп - kamjen. - (n) - каньон caotam - .■''kiepiin.' - (n) - капитан capture - /'ki.epijb./ - (v) - запечатлеть car - /кал - (n) - автомобиль car tyre - ''ka: lauT - (wd c) - автомобильная глина C3roo''vcm.:e - .kuibmo'haidreit. -dmi - (n) - углеводы care r/cr :■ - ''ксл f?. fx - (v) - заботиться (о ком-либоt carmval mask - ..''kuuisvnl ma:sk/ - (w'd c) - карнавальная маска carnivore - /'kamivn:/ - (n) - хищник carrot - ;'ka:mi' - (n) - морковь сагщ (ct-- - \xn- - (v) - y-iOCHTb carton - kuuiT-(n) - картон carve (str out of else) - Dmm - (v) - вьюезать ч'о-либс из чещ-либо cash - ■■'кш|' - ('Ф - наличные castie - ckuisnl'' - (п) - замок casua V - 'kxyunli, - (adv) - случайно cat spec es - ,kiei 'spi;ji:z' - (wo c) - семейство кошачьих catch - /kii'ij) - (v) - поймать catchy title - /'kietji taill/ - (wd c) - броское название cauliflower - /'knlijlaup/- (n) - цветная капуста cause - ;ka:// - (n, v) - 1. причина, 2. вызывать celeorate - kdabimi/- (v) - праздновать ce^eora: c-' - .>cla'breijbn/- (n) - празд-озание седЬл-у - .'salcbraii/- (n) - знаменитость celery - ..■■'scion/ - (n) - сельдерей cement - .xo'mcrn/- (n) - цемент centjp; - .'\сп1|'о1Т'' - (n) - век ceram'cs - wncmiks/- (n) - керамика cema; - sioriol - (n) - хлопья certd.ec dive'' - .''.ssmfaid'daivn/- (n) - профессионалпный (имеющий лицензию) дайвер challenge - Лфс'ЬпЬф - (n) - вызов challenging - ■'tkcbndyin/- (acj - сложи&1Й champ - tkcmp - (n'l - чемпио'-i champicr - ifwnipmn- - ('mi - чемпио-chance - .UuuiS'' -(•')- шанс charnel hoc - '''tj/cnl hop/ - (wd c) - переключать каналы chariot - .■■''фшпоР - (n) - колесница cnanty event ■''ifLcmu i\'cni.' (wd c) благотворительная акция chc''m t|(.rm I' OHsOOBB-^/e cheap - ;ili;p. - : ao;) - дешезь./-' WL2 check - ''ijck; (■;) - "ссвеся'ь cheer'ng -Ajieni.i/ - (ad ) - приветственный cheese - /rji:// - (n) - сыр chef -/|el; “ (ni - шеф-повар chemist's - /'kcniisiv' - (n) - аптека cnepue - - fn) - чек cnerry - Ajcri/ - (n) - вишня chicken - /'ijikon/ - (n) - курица child labour - /,ijaild 'Iciba/ - (\vd c) - детский труд chill-out - '"tjil aof - (adi) - эасслабпяющий c'doped - 'ij’ipi,'- ■,pp) - мелконарезанныЙ chips - ,/tJ'ips/ - i pi n) - чипсы cholesterol - /ka'lcsinral/ - (n) - холестерин chop - /tjbp/' - (v) - мелко нарезать с h о re - ФГл:/ - (п) ■ - обя з а ~ - ост и п о д о м у chronological omer - .■'.knTndlndrpkol 'o:dd - (\vd c) -хронологический порядок cinnamon -/'sinonian/- (n) - корица citizen - /'sitizon/ - (n) - гражданин citizenshio - .■'sinzanlip.' - ((n) - гражданство citojs - ''suras' - I г t - цитрус city - fsitl..' - \ ■' i - ГОООД city centre - /,siti 'sentn/ - (wd c) - центр города clay - /kleV - (n) - глина crean - ,/kli:n/ - (adj') - чистый cmar- .''kli?;'- (v) - очищать cliff - rklir - (n) - скала climb -,/khiim/- (v) - карабкаться, подниматься cloth -/к1нО/- (n) - ткань cloudy - /'klaudi/- (adj) - облачный clown -"rOse - /'klaun ,u3uz/ - (wd c) - клоунский нос clue -/klu:,'- (n) - ключ, подсказка coach - /knut); - (n) - автобус coast - /kaosi/ - (n) - побережье coastline - /"kjo'sikun/ - (n) - береговая линия coat - /клик - fn} - пальто cod - ■kud'- fn) - -фреска coffee - ..''kuri; - fr) - кофе collect - /ka'lckk - (v) - собирать collection -/kdlckkin/- (n) -- коллекция colony ” /knluiu' - (n) - колония combine - ''kam'bain;'- fv) - объединять, соединять, комбинировать coiTiedy - /'komadi' - (n) - комедия command - ,.'''ka nuiuid/- f'c) - командовать coTimander - /kdma:nd,V- fn) - командир comrremorato - 'kkmemareib- (n) - почтить чью-либо памя'э community - .'kn'mjiiuiur'- fn) - сооб'Щестзо community centre - /kdmjLrnnti pciuo/- (wd c) -общественный центр compass - ;'''k..\mpas''- (n) - компас competitively - kam'pcum Ir - (adv) - конкурентоспособно coimplete - 'kam'pliU'' - (v) - завершать compose - /'kom'psuz/ - tv) - сочинять concentrate - /'konsgntreit/- (v) - концентрировать(ся), сосредО|ачивать{ср) со icrete - .'''кпркт/ - (acj) - бетоп-^1й conditions -/kan'dijdnk- (pi "-) - условия confectioner's - /knn'fekjsnsrz/- (n) - ко-дитерская conflicting rumour - /kantliktip ги:тЛ'' - (wd c) -противоречивые слухи cfjnfusec - ;kan'tju:/d.'' - (adj.i - запутанный c.onquer - /'кш}ко/ - (v) - покорять conservation project - /,konso'vei|dii .pmd^ekt/ - (wd c) -проект no сохранению природы consider - ''kankidm- (v) - рассматривать, обсуждать construct - ;'knn‘str\kt'' - (v) - коншруирсвать constructed -/kaii'strAktad/- (pp) - построеннь|й contain - .''''kun'tcin/- (v) - содержать contestant - /kan'icstrml/ - (n) - участник соревнования co'dinent - '''kniitmam..'- (n) - континент co.'brol - kun'iiTiol''- (v) - контролировать copper - .''kupu' - fn) - медь coral reef ” fknral 'rid/ - (wd c) - коралловый риср corn - /Ъ;п/ - (n) - кукуруза cosmopo itan - (knzmdpulitun/- (adj) -многонациональный cost - 'kust; “ (v) - стоить cosy - i'kduz]! - (adj) -■ уютнь.й cottage -/'kmid^ - (n) - коттедж c 0 u га g e - fk\ n d^/ - (n) - м уже с i во cover - .'кл\?; - fv) - накрывать ccvenng - .'kAvaniv - (n) - покрппие craw: (out) - /,km:l 'nut:' - (v.) - выползать, вылезать creamy -/'kri:mi/- (adj) - сливочный creation - /kri'cijbn/- (n) - n do из ведение, творение cnsature - гкгкуф - (п) - сушество creep - ■■■'kri:p'" - fv) - ползать cj-'^w - /кш:/ - (п) - персонал спгле - /kraim/ - (п) - преступление critical -/кппкэ!/- (adj) - критический croD - /кгор/ - (п) - зерновая культура cross - /kros; - (v) - переходить (дорогу) crowd -/kratid; - (n) - толпа crowded - /'kraudod/ - (adj) - переполненный cruise - /кш:7,/ - (n) - круиз CuCumber - /'к|л:кдтЬз/ - (n) - огурец cultural - ■■''к\11|эгл1;' - (adj) - культурный culture - - fri) - культура cupboard - /'kAbod' - (n) - кухонный шкафчик curator - ..''kju'reito/ - (n) - куратор curious -/kjnsri,os/- (adj) - любопытный arse - /кзж; - (n) - проклятие customer - .'’kostamo; - (n) - клиент, покупатель cycle lane - dsaikal lem/' ~ (wd c) - полоса для велосипедистов cyclist - /saiklisi) - (n) - велосипедист Phrasal verbs call off - ;,ko:l 'dP - (ohr'/) ~ отмемить cut aown - /,k\i 'daun/ - (phr v) - вырубать cm (sb) off -/,кл1 'nl7- (phrv) - подрезать кого-либо (на машине) WL3 Word List WL4 Phrases cast a statue - (phr) - вырезать статую clean out a pond - (phr) - вычистить пруд climb walls - (phr) - забираться, карбкаться на стены collect donations - (phr) - собирать пожертвования collect rubbish for recycling - (phr) - собирать мусор для утилизации come together in unity - (phr) - собраться вмеае commit a crime - (phr) - совершить преступление cook on a barbecue - (phr) - готовить на барбекю create statues - (phr) - создавать статуи dairy product - tdtdu prodAkt/ - (wd c) - молочный продукт damage - /’daemidj/ - (v) - повредить dangerous - /deind39r3s/ - (adj) - опасный dangers - /'demd39z/ - (pi n) - опасности dawn - /doaV - (n) - рассвет day trip - /,dci 'trip/ - (n) - однодневная поездка dazzled - /daszald/ - (pp) - ослеплённый deep - /di:p/ - (adj, adv) - 1. глубокий; 2. глубоко deep freeze - /,di;p 'fri:z/ - (wd c) - глубокая заморозка deep fried - /,di:p 'fraid/ - (wd c) - обжаренный во фритюре deforestation - /di:,fDr9'steij9n/- (n) - вырубка леса, обезлесение delicatessen - /,delik9'tes9n/ - (n) - деликатесы delicious - /di'lijas/ - (adj) - вкусный demonstration -/,deni9n'streij9n/- (n) - показ, демонстрация desert - /’dez9t/ - (n) - пустыня design - /di'zain/- (v) - придумывать, разрабатывать, планировать designer clothes - /di,zairi9'kl9u6z, 'kl9uz/- (wd c) -дизайнерская одежда dessert - /di'zaii/ - (n) - десерт destination - /.desta'neijan/- (n) - место назначения destroy - /di'stroi/- (v) - уничтожить detached house - /di,taetjt'haus/ - (wd c) - отдельно стоящий дом detailed - /’dkteild/ - (adj) - подробный determination -/di,t3:mrneij9n/- (n) - решительность develop - /diVebp/- (v) - развивать, совершенствовать didgeridoo - /,did39n'du:/ - (n) - диджериду (духовой инструмент) dig - /dig/ - (v) - копать digest - /dai'd3cst, d9-/ - (v) - перевариваться, усваиваться dinner party - /’dina ,pa:ti/ - (wd c) - званый обед dinosaur bone - /dainasD: ,b9uii/ - (wd c) - кость динозавра direct communication - /dijckt kamjuiru'keijan/ - (wd c) -прямая связь dirty - fdxul - (adj) - грязный discard - /dis'ka:d/- (v) - выбросить, избавиться discourage - /dis'kAricfs/ - (n) - десерт discover - /dis'kAva/ - (v) - открывать discuss - /di'skAs/ - (v) - обсудить disease - /di'ziiz/ - (n) - болезнь dish - /dij/- (n) - блюдо distort - /di'st9:t/ - (v) - искажать distribute - /di'stribjuit/- (v) - распространять disturb - /di'st3:b/- (v) - беспокоить dive - /daiv/ - (v) - нырять в воду documentary - /,dDkj9'meniari/ - (n) - документальный фильм dot - /dot/ - (n) - точка dragon - /'draegan/ - (n) - дракон draw - IdryJ - (v) - тянуть, тащить drink - /dngk/ - (n) - напиток drought - /dram/ - (n) - засуха dry cleaner's -1,dm 'klimaz/ - (n) - химчистка due to - /’djuita/- (prep) - благодаря (чему-либо) due to - /"dju: tu/ - (con) - из-за Phrasal verbs die out - /,dai 'am/ - (phr v) - вымирать Phrases decorate the venue - (phr) - украсить помещение dedicate (oneselth to sth) - (phr) - посвящать себя чему-либо deposit money - (phr) - положить деньги в банк diplomatic relations - (phr) - дипломатические отношения do archery - (phr) - стрелять из лука do fencing - (phr) - заниматься фехтованием do the washing-up - (phr) - мыть посуду drive a quad bike - (phr) - ездить на квадроцикле dust the furniture - (phr) - стирать пыль с мебели earthquake - /'3:0kweik/ - (n) - землетрясение eating habit - /’i:tii] фагЬп/- (wd c) - предпочтения в еде eco-camp -/'i:k9u,kasmp/- (n) - экологический лагерь ecologist - /’iikolacfeist/ - (n) - эколог egg - /eg/ - (n) - яйцо elaborate - /I'laebarat/ - (adj) - тщательно разработанный, продуманный elegant - /'elagant/- (adj) - элегантный element - /'elamant/ - (n) - элемент elephant seal - /'elafant si:l/ - (n) - морской слон elk - /elk/ - (n) - лось emerge -/i'm3:d3/- (v) - появляться, всплывать emergency -/i'm3:d3ansi/- (n) - чрезвычайная ситуация emperor - /"етрага/ - (n) - император empire - /"етраю/ - (n) - империя emu - (n) - эму enable - /I'ncibal/ - (v) - давать возможность что-либо сделать encourage - /in'lovnds/- (v) - поощрять endangered animals - /in,deind5ad 'aenimalz/ - (wd c) - животные, находящиеся под угрозой исчезновения endangered species - /in,deind5ad 'spi:Ji:z/ - (wd c) - виды животных, находящиеся под угрозой вымирания energy - /'enad5i/ - (n) - энергия Word List engine - /’endsiiV - (n) - двигатель engineer - /,end3o'nio/- (n) - инженер enormous -/I'noimas/- (adj) - огромный enter - /'ешэ/ - (v) - входить envelope - /envalaup/ - (n) - конверт equipment -/I'kwipmsnt/- (n) - оборудование erect - /I'rekt/ - (v) - сооружать, устанавливать, возводить erupt -/I'rApt/- (v) - извергаться escape - /I'skeip/ - (v) - убежать establish - /I'siaebliJ/ - (v) - установить estimate - /’cstimcit/ - (v) - оценивать, производить оценку ethnic cuisine - /.eGnik kwi'zkn/ - (n) - национальная кухня event - /I'vent/ - (n) событие evil -A:v3l/- (adj) - злой excavate - /'ekskaveit/- (v) - производить раскопки, раскапывать excited - /ik'saitad/ - (adj) - возбуждённый exciting -/ik'saitio/- (adj) - захватывающий exclusive - /ik'sklu;srv/ - (adj) - эксклюзивный exercise - /'eksosaiz/- (v) - упражняться exhibit - /ig'zibit/ - (n, v) - 1. экспонат; 2. показывать, демонстрировать exhibition -/,ekso'bij9n/- (n) - выставка expect - /ik'spekt/ - (v) - ожидать expedition - /.ekspa'dijan/ - (n) - экспедиция expensive - /ik'spensrv/ - (adj) - дорогой experience - /ik'spiarians/- (n, v) - 1. опыт; 2. переживать, испытывать experiment - /ik'speriment/ - (v) - экспериментировать explore - /ik'spb:/ - (v) - исследовать explorer - /ik'spbira/ - (v) - исследователь exposition - /.ekspa'zijan/ - (n) - экспозиция expressionism - /ik'sprejsnizam/ - (n) - экспрессионизм eye drops - /ai drops/ - (wd c) - глазные капли Phrasal verbs end up -1,end Чр/ - (phr v) - заканчивать, завершать Phrases enjoy nature - (phr) - наслаждаться природой enjoy yourself - (phr) - наслаждайтесь everything under the sun - (phr) - всё на этом свете facial expression -/"Гег/э! ik,sprej9n/- (wd c) - выражение лица factory - /frektan/ - (n) - завод, фабрика failure - /Teiljb/ - (n) - неудача, поражение fairy - /Тсэп/ - (n) - фея fairytale mansion - /feariteil 'rnacnfan/- (wd c) - сказочный особняк falconry - /'foilkanri/ - (n) - соколиная охота fall - IbM- (n) - осень fall (into) - /,Гэ:1 'inta/ - (v) - упасть (в) famine - /Тжтэп/ - (n) - голод famous - /Teimas/ - (adj) - известный fantasy - /Taentasi/ - (n) - фантазия far away - /,fa:r o'wei/ - (adv) - далеко farming -/TaimiQ/- (n) - сельское хозяйство fascinating -/Tacsmeitio/- (adj) - увлекательный fashion boutique - /Тзе/эп bu;,ti:k/ - (wd c) - бутик модной одежды fat - /fast/ - (n) - жир fatal - /TeitV - (adj) - смертельный fateful - /'feitfal/- (adj) - роковой fat-free - /.fast 'frvj - (adj) - обезжиренный feast - /fi:st/- (n) - праздник feature -/Пф/- (n, v) - 1. качество, свойство; 2. показывать (на экране) feed - /fi:d/ - (v) - кормить female - - (n) - женщина ferry - /'fen/ - (n) - паром fibreglass - /’faibaglors/- (n) - стекловолокно field - /Ti;ld/ - (n) - поле fight (against) - /fait s.genst/ - (v) - сражаться (против кого-либо) fill (up) - /.fil Чр/ - (v) - наполнять filling - /filig/ - (n) - начинка fire - /faia/ - (n) - пожар fireworks - /fai3W3:ks/ - (pi n) - фейерверк first-aid course - /.fsist 'eid ky.sj - (wd c) - курс оказания первой медицинской помощи fish - /fij/- (n) - рыба fishing village - /fijig ,vTlid5/ - (wd c) - рыбацкая деревня fizzy drink - /.fizi 'dngk/ - (wd c) - газированный напиток flatmate - /flactmeit/ - (n) - сосед no квартире flavour - /fleiva/- (n) - вкус flea market - /fli ,ma:kit/ - (n) - барахолка, «блошиный рынок» flight - /flan/ - (n) - рейс flipper - /flips/ - (n) - плавник float - /Пэт/ - (n, v) - 1. платформа на колёсах; 2. плавать, держаться на поверхности воды floating -/Пэтпу- (adj) - плавающий floating market - /.Пэтщ 'ma:k9t/ - (wd с) - плавучий рынок flood - /Плс1/- (п) - наводнение flute - /Пш/- (п) - флейта focus (on) -/faukssDii/- (v) - сосредоточиться (на чём-либо) food poisoning - /fu:d .poizsnig/ - (wd c) - пищевое отравление food stall - /fu;d .sto:!/ - (n) - продуктовый ларёк forecast - /foikaist/ - (n) - прогноз forest - /furast/ - (n) - лес forest fire - /.forast Татэ/ - (wd c) - лесной пожар fort -1Ы1- (n) - форт fortress - /foitras/ - (n) - крепость fossil - /fosil/ - (n) - ископаемое found - /faund/ - (v) - основывать frame - /freim/ - (n) - рама freezer - /fri:z9/- (n) - морозильная камера fresh- /.frej/- (adj) - свежий fresh start - /.frej'stan/- (wd c) - новый старт WL5 Word List front garden - /,Гглш 'gcLdn/ - (wd c) - палисадник frozen - /Тгэигэп/ - (adj) - замороженный frozen food - /,frauz9n 'fu:d/ - (wd c) - замороженные продукты fruit - /fruit/ - (n) - фрукт fry -/frai/- (v) - жарить frying pan - /Traiio paen/ - (wd c) - сковорода full (of) - fful 9v/ - (adj) - наполненный (чем-либо) fur -/Гз:/- (n) - мех furniture - /Тз:пп/э/ - (n) - мебель Phrases fall in love - (phr) - влюбиться follow in (sb's) footsteps - (phr) - идти no чьим-либо стопам for good - (phr) - навсегда games arcade - /geimz a:,keid/ - (wd c) - аркадные игры garlic - /ga:lik/ - (n) - чеснок gather - /gaedo/ - (v) - собираться gathering - /gaedorig/ - (n) - компания, собрание geologist - /d5i'Dl3d39st/- (n) - геолог geyser - /'gi;z9/ - (n) - гейзер giant - /'d3ai9nt/ - (n, adj) - 1. гигант, 2. гигантский gigantic - /'d3ai,gaentik/- (adj) - гигантский gift shop - /'gift Jop/ - (wd c) - магазин сувениров glacier - /gltesig/ - (n) - ледник glide - /glaid/ - (v) - скользить global warming - /,gl9ub9l 'woimir)/ - (wd c) - глобальное потепление gloves - /gUvz/ -(pin)- перчатки gold - /g9uld/- (n) - золото gondolier - /,gDnd9'li9/- (n) - гондольер goodies - /gudiz/ - (n) - положительные герои grab - /дгагЬ/ - (v) - хватать grape - /greip/ - (n) - виноград grateful - /'greitf9l/ - (adj) - благодарный gravy - /'greivi/ - (n) - coyc grill - /gril/ - (v) - жарить на гриле grizzly bear - /.grizli Ъе9/ - (wd c) - медведь гризли ground - /graund/ - (n) - земля grow - /дгэи/ - (v) - расти grunge - Iqrmd^ - (n) - гранж (хард-рок) guard - /go:d/ - (n) - 1. охранник; 2. охранять, сторожить gym - /d3im/ - (n) - тренажёрный зал Phrases get a snake bite - (phr) - быть укушенным змеёй get a swollen knee - (phr) - повредить колено get an education - (phr) - получить образование get caught - (phr) - попасться, быть пойманным get caught in a flash flood - (phr) - попасть в наводнение get into trouble - (phr) - попасть в беду get involved - (phr) - вмешиваться get lost - (phr) - заблудиться get rid of - (phr) - избавиться (от чего-либо) get sore feet - (phr) - ощугцать боль в ногах get stuck in mud - (phr) - застрять в грязи get stung by bugs - (phr) - быть укушенным насекомыми give a hand - (phr) - протянуть руку помощи give birth - /,giv'b3:6/ - (phr) - рожать go bowling - (phr) - играть в боулинг go dog sledding - (phr) - ехать на собачьих упряжках go horse riding - (phr) - кататься верхом на лошади go on a nature hike - (phr) - пойти в поход go on a tour - (phr) - отправиться на экскурсию go on rides - (phr) - пойти кататься на апракционах go sightseeing - (phr) - осматривать достопримечательности go trekking - (phr) - ходить в поход go windsurfing - (phr) - заниматься виндсёрфингом grab a snack - (phr) - перекусить grow vegetables - (phr) - выращивать овощи guard on duty - (phr) - охранник на посту Guess what! - (phr) - Угадайте, что! Н habitat - /hasbiuct/ - (n) - среда обитания, ареал hairy - fhQdul - (adj) - волосатый half - /ha:f/ - (adj) - половина hammock - fhxmski - (n) - гамак hand-held camera - /,hasnd held 'каггп9Г9/ - (wd c) -портативная камера handmade boomerang - /,hcendmeid 'bu:m9raciy - (wd c) -бумеранг ручной работы handicrafts - /'h