Учебник Английский язык 5 класс Баранова Дули Копылова

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык 5 класс Баранова Дули Копылова - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Starlight (Старлайт) звездный английский:

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английским язык Учебник ДЛЯ общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка Москва Express Publishing «Просвещение» 2012 V’ УДК 373.167.1:81 1.1 1 1 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Аб4 Серия «Звёздный английский» основана в 2009 году. Авторы: К. М. Баранова, Д. Дули, В. В. Копылова, Р. П. Мильруд, В. Эванс Authors: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Ksenia Baranova, Victoria Kopylova, Radislav Millrood Acknowledgements Authors' Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to; Megan Lawton (Editor in Chief); Mary Swan and Sean Todd (senior editors); Michael Sadler and Steve Miller (editorial assistants); Richard White (senior production controller); the Express design team; Sweetspot (recording producers); and Kevin Harris, Kimberly Baker, Steven Gibbs and Christine Little. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. A64 Английский язык. 5 класс: учеб, для обкцеобразоват. учреждений и шк. с углубл. изучением англ. яз. / [К. М. Баранова, Д. Дули, В. В. Копылова и др.]. - М. : Express Publishing : Просвеидение, 201 2. - 112с.: ил. — (Звёздный английский). — ISBN 978-5-09-029568-0 Учебник является центральным элементом учебно-методического комплекта серии «Звёздный английский» для учащихся 5 класса общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка. Отличительной особенностью УМК является модульное построение учебника, наличие аутентичного материала о России, заданий, соответствующих требованиям международных экзаменов, готовящим постепенно к Государственной итоговой аттестации в 9 классе. Материалы учебника способствуют достижению личностных, метапредметных и предметных результатов обучения. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Учебное издание Серия «Звёздный английский» Баранова Ксения Михайловна Дули Дженни Копылова Виктория Викторовна Мильруд Радислав Петрович Вирджиния Английский язык 5 класс Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка Центр группы германских языков Руководитель Центра В. В. Копылова Зам. руководителя Центра по проектам И. Н. Темнова Руководитель проекта и редактор Ю. А. Смирнов Выпускающий редактор М. А. Семичев Корректоры Н. Д. Цухай Налоговая льгота - Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93 - 953000. Изд.лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 04,07,12. Формат 60x90/8. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Прагматика. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 17,14. Тираж 5000 экз. Заказ № 2301. Открытое акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». 127521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. Express Publishing. Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HWTel.: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 e-mail: [email protected] https://www.expresspublishing.co.uk Отпечатано в полном соответствии с качеством предоставленных издательством материалов в ОАО «Тверской ордена Трудового Красного Знамени полиграфкомбинат детской литературы им. 50-летия СССР». 170040, г. Тверь, проспект 50 лет Октября, 46. ISBN 978-S-09-029S68-0 © Express Publishing, 2012 <© Издательство «Просвещение**, 201 2 Все права защищены Contents 5? 1 Modules Starter pp. 5-6 People around the world pp. 7-20 Language Review 1 p. 21 Skills 1 pp. 22-23 Russia 1 p. 24 ^ East, West, Home's Best pp. 25-38 Language Review 2 p. 39 Skills 2 pp. 40-41 Russia 2 p. 42 Grammar • a/an-The the verb to be subject pronouns possessive adjectives possessive pronouns the verb have got question words (who, what, where, how old, which) comparisons can there is/there are; some/any plurals this/that - these/those prepositions of place the imperative adjectives; position of adjectives prepositions of movement a/an - The Vocabulary • the alphabet • cardinal numbers (1-100) • ordinal numbers (1st-20th) • colours • school subjects • countries; nationalities; jobs, sports 8i hobbies • days; months • greetings; saying goodbye; introduction • physical appearance • abilities • visiting places houses; rooms & furniture/fixtures appliances places in a town; tourist attractions geographical features shops and products, places in an area buildings & materials Day after day pp. 43-56 Language Review 3 p. 57 Skills 3 pp. 58-59 Russia 3 p. 60 Come rain or shine pp. 61-74 Language Review 4 p. 75 Skills 4 pp. 76-77 Russia 4 p. 78 Life in the past pp. 79-92 Language Review 5 p. 93 Skills 5 pp. 94-95 Russia 5 p. 96 Have you ever...? pp. 97-110 Language Review 6 p. 111 Skills 6 pp. 112-113 Russia 6 p. 114 present simple adverbs of frequency prepositions of time possession (who/whose) modals: must, can, have to, should/ ought to adjectives/adverbs present continuous present simple vs present continuous can/can't; must/mustn't object pronouns Countable/Uncountable nouns some, any, a lot of, much, many, few, little going to was/were had could past simple (regular/irregular verbs) past continuous present perfect yet, already, ever, never, just, since, for present perfect vs past simple the passive (present simple/past simple) free-time activities; daily routines work routine college life the time wild/domestic animals; pets school rules family members reptiles the weather; seasons; seasonal activities clothes; accessories; footwear malls; places in a mall food; drinks market products festivals & celebrations types of climate places in a town childhood memories structures & buildings; adjectives describing buildings famous figures types of films, feelings experiences means of transport volunteering technology social etiquette minor injuries/ailments 3 Contents Reading & Listening 1 star forum (sentence completion) listening: identifying main points dialogue (asking for personal information) dialogue; introductions & greetings listening; matching; identifying content Special people (sentence completion); identifying people completing a library card (gap filling) Sports Stars (comprehension) Life in a shell (T/F/DS); predicting content A house out of this world (comprehension) Viewing a flat (dialogue) The Floating Islands of Lake Titicaca (missing sentences) a dialogue (asking for & giving directions) listening for specific information an email (comprehension) Snake milking (sentence completion) In the Wild (T/F) listening for specific information a dialogue (making arrangements) What's for Breakfast? (multiple choice) The Flying Fruit Fly Circus School! (missing sentences) identifying people; dialogue about two people's families (T/F) A visit to Puebla (T/F) a dialogue (buying a present) a dialogue (buying drinks & snacks) postcards from market places (multiple matching); listening for specific information Breakfast around the world! (comprehension) an advert for a festival (gap filling) Pompeii (reading for specific information) Ancient Egyptians (T/F) a dialogue (childhood memories) Machu Picchu (matching headings to paragraphs) Merlin (multiple choice) listening: favourite movies (multiple matching) postcards (multiple choice) strange experiences (T/F) embarrassing moments with my gadgets (missing sentences) social etiquette (matching paragraphs to headings) listening: matching Speaking & Functions asking about addresses asking personal information talking about age; giving personal information asking for/giving personal information introducing yourself & others; greetings; saying goodbye making comparisons describing people talking about abilities intonation in questions Pronunciation: /0/, /5/ describing a house talking about position arranging to see a flat for rent describing lifestyles giving directions Pronunciation; /и/, /л/, /дэ/, /д|/ Writing Culture/ Curricular expressing likes/dislikes; describing your daily routine talking about activities; expressing frequency asking for/telling the time; arranging for a time to meet identifying people; discussing relations describing reptiles Pronunciation: /s/, 111, hzl, /0/, Id/ describing a place describing aaivities happening now buying food/drinks making suggestions describing characteristics of different types of climate Pronunciation: -ing ending; /ai/, /&/ describing Pompeii describing childhood memories describing a lost city talking about films; expressing feelings recommending a film Pronunciation: -ed ending; minimal pairs /ае/-/а/, /|/-Л/, /о/-/о:/ narrating experiences offering to help give advice Pronunciation: diphthongs a blog entry about yourself, your favourite sport & sports person a dialogue presenting yourself a short text describing yourself an informal email presenting yourself Skills: word order; capital letters a short text describing your house a short text describing your bedroom compare the Uros' lifestyle to yours an email to a friend describing your house & favourite room Skills: punctuation compare a person's daily routine to yours sentences about what you do at weekends an email describing your visit at Giraffe Manor an email to a friend about your family Skills: linking ideas: and, but, or a quiz about an animal category a postcard a short text describing what is happening in photographs a postcard from a festival Skills: informal style; opening/ closing remarks in informal emails a short text about different types of climate sentences about Pompeii before the eruption a quiz (T/F statements) sentences about what Machu Picchu was like an informal email describing a film you saw; Skills: recommending an informal email a blog entry about an experience of yours a paragraph about social etiquette in your country a story; Skills: sequencing The Flag of the UK (answering comprehension questions) (Geography) World Landmarks (quiz) Gorodky (sentence completion) I ¥ NY City (multiple matching) (Art & Design) Towers (identifying information) Sky-high Luxury (T/F/DS) College Life (T/F statements) (Science) reptiles (a quiz) Russia's favourite animal (answer questions) The Mall of America (completing a graph) (Geography) Tundra Climate - Hot Desert Climate (multiple matching) Borsch (answer questions) The Swinging 1960s (complete sentences) (History) Native Americans (multiple matching) Catherine the Great (T/F) VSO: (Matching paragraphs to headings) (Science) Mobile Phone Network (T/F) Tsiolkovsky Museum (answer questions) 4 Revision pp. 115-120; Vocabulary Bank pp. VB1-VB28; Writing Bank pp. WB1-WB6; Grammar Reference pp. GR1-GR9; Rules for Punctuation p. GR10; American English - British English Guide p. GR11; Pronunciation p. GR12; Word List pp. WL1-WL13; Irregular Verbs I \ unit The alphabet ^ Q Listen and repeat. Asking about addresses I Aq Bb Cc C»d Ее Ff 69 Hh li Jj Kk LI Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Asking about names 2 1 Л: B: A: B: A: B: Ask and answer. Peter Ross What's your name? Peter. And your surname? Ross. How do you spell it? R-0-doubles 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Luisa Fernandez Martin Williams Stephen Smithers Alessandro Alvarez Doug Benson Bobby Myles Susan Perry Cardinal numbers ^ a) ^>i«'4isten and repeat. 1 one 11 eleven 21 twenty-one 2 two 12 twelve 30 thirty 3 three 13 thirteen 40 forty 4 four 14 fourteen 50 fifty 5 five 15 fifteen 60 sixty 6 six 16 sixteen 70 seventy 7 seven 17 seventeen 80 eighty 8 eight 18 eighteen 90 ninety 9 nine 19 nineteen 100 a/one 10 ten 20 twenty hundred b) Q Listen and say how old each person Is. 4 A: B: A: B: 5 Ask and answer. 1 212 Milton Street-272-8856 What's your address? 212 Milton Street. And your telephone number? It's two - seven -two - double eight -five - six. Ordinal numbers Match the cardinal numbers to the ordinal numbers, then listen and check. ■>.listen and repeat. 2 128 Burton Street 976-5987 3 413 Broadway Avenue - 6689765 4 182 Graig Avenue 572-8309 5 927 Lawton Street - 346-7859 0 Ч.)Listen and circle the numbers you hear. 1st ^0 20 6tV\ lOt^ j<) \ 6 13 3rd • 5 Н ' jr-iiyr unit Vocabulary School Subjects У a) Match the pictures to the school subjects. '4Aisten and check, then say. b) Which of these subjects can you study at university? Grammar A/An - The g Read the theory box. Fill in: a or an. ,0 • % A/An We use a/an before singular nouns: a dancer, an actor. We use a before consonant sounds (b, c, d, f, etc). We use an before vowel sounds (a, e, i, o, u). He's a teacher. She's an actress. 1 atlas notebook folder 4 ...........briefcase 5 ..............eraser book schoolbag 6 9 ..........pencil case '.4 Colours 0 a) Ч Aisten and say. b) Look at the items in Ex. 8. Ask and answer, as in the example. A: What's this? B: It's an atlas. A: What colour is it? B: It's blue. ОГ9пое 10 €P Ask and answer about yourselves. A: What's your name? B: Alfonso. A: And your surname? B: Perez. A: How old are you? B: I'm 11. A: What's your favourite colour? B: Blue. Vocabulary: countries; nationalities; sports & hobbies; jobs; physical appearance; days of the week; months; abilities Grammar: the verb to be; subject pronouns; possessive adjectives; possessive pronouns; the verb have got; can; question words; comparatives/ superlatives Everyday English: ask personal information; introduce yourself & others; greet people; say goodbye Intonation/Pronunciation: intonation in questions; th /3/, /0/ Writing: an informal email to a pen friend about you and your favourite sports Culture: the UK's flag and holidays; Gorodky Curricular (Geography): World Landmarks 0 Hi! I'm Halina and I'm from Poland. e Vocabulary Countries & Nationalities Match the countries to the nationalities. О Listen and check. Listen and repeat. Poland England Italy Peru Russia Argentina Mexico the USA A Mexican В Chilean C Spanish D Argentinian E Brazilian F American G Polish H Italian Brazil Chile Spain Germany France Portugal J Peruvian К Irish L Russian M Portuguese N German О French Hi! I'm Laura and I'm from the USA. Hi! I'm Juan and I'm from Spain. .^V Look and say. Halina is from Poland. She's Polish. Juan's from .... He's .... OirCR TO YOU/ I'm from Hi! I'm Carla and I'm from Mexico. Hi! I'm Lin and I'm from China. Hi! I'm Yuri and I'm from Russia. Hi! I'm Men and I'm from Egypt. ^ 1 Vocabulary Bank 1 p. VB1 а Sports & Hobbies Sports & Hobbies a) Match the pictures to the phrases, w Listen and check, then say. 1 2 3 4 5 6 horse-riding volleyball photography playing music woodwork reading 7 8 9 cycling painting playing computer games writing The verb to 6e (affirmative) 2 Read the table. Then complete the sentences with am, are, is. AFFIRMATIVE / am/l'm You are/You're b) Write sentences, as in the example. Tell the class. John and Bob's favourite hobby is playing computer games. 2 w Listen to three teenagers talking. Write each person's favourite hobby. He is/He's ' Sheis/She's ' Itis/lt's Mexican. 16 years old. We are/We're You are/You're They are/They're 8 Kate Bob Rosa 1 2 3 4 5 I...............11 years old. We.................teenagers. You................in my class. My favourite sport.............. They................from Spain football. 1 Listening & Reading Д a) Who are the athletes in the pictures? What do you know about them? b) О Listen and read the forum. What is each teenager's dream? Vr #-■ / Л a student, favourite, dream, become, \ famous, basketball player, like, hero, good at, team, tennis club ■Ti '. VO 6 Hil My name's Marco and I'm from Spain. I'm 12 years old and I'm a student. My favourite sport is basketball. My dream is to become a famous basketball player like my hero, Pau Gasol. My brother, Pedro, is 11 and he's very good at football. His favourite team is Real Madrid and his favourite footballer is Crisliano Ronaldo. THE FAN tm^ Hello! I'm Orla and this is my sister, Moliy. I'm 11 and she's 13. We're from Ireland. Our favourite sports are basketbali and tennis. We are very good at tennis. We're in the school tennis dub. Our dream is to become famous tennis players like the famous American tennis stars, f J- ^1 KITTEN QRL Read the text and complete the sentences. Use up to three words. 1 Marco and Pedro are from Spain. 2 Orla and Pedro are................old. 3 Molly and Orla are good at............ 4 Marco's dream is to become 5 Marco's brother is good at.. 6 Orla and Molly are in the .... 'Ll Speaking Read the text again and complete the table. Use your notes to tell the class about each Writing у Complete the blog entry below about yourself. . person. Country of origin Age Job Favourite sport /athlete My name's... and I'm from.... I'm... years old and I'm a .... My favourite sport is.... My dream is to become a.... Marco student basketball, Pau Gasol Pedro __________________________ Orla_____________________________________ Molly Marco's from Spain. He's 12. He's a student. His favourite sport is basketball and his favourite athlete is Pau Gasol. Orla's from.... She's.... У *4^"C-' i;*C' • 4 • .rti' Vocabulary Bank 1 p. VB2 Vocabulary & Listening a) Match the words to the pictures. О Listen and check, then say. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 vet astronaut waiter electrician artist fire fighter nurse architect author Write sentences _____D ШЯШШ 2 ^ Listen and write each person's job. 1 Peter ........................... 2 Kelly............................ 3 Anna ............................ 4 Steven .......................... The verb to be (negative & interrogative) 2 a) Read the table. NEGATIVE / am not/l'm not You are not/You aren't a doctor. He/She/lt is not/He/She/lt isn't 10 years old. WeA'ou/They are not/We/You/They aren't INTERROGATIVE SHORT ANSWERS Ami Yes, 1 am./No, I'm not. Is he/she/it a teacher? Yes, he/she/it is. French ? No, he/she/it isn't. Are we/ 20 years old? yes, we/you/they are. you/they \ % No, we/you/they aren't. b) Fill in: 'm not, isn't or aren't. 1 She's from Mexico. She isn't from Spain. 2 You....................Italian. You are German. 3 My favourite sport is tennis. It ................. football. 4 I am Polish. I............................French. 5 We...........................vets. We are pilots. 6 I am an artist. I......................a teacher. 7 Tony's sixteen years old. He...................... sixty years old. 8 They.......................from Spain. They are from Portugal. 4 Fill In: is, are, 'm, 's, 're, 'm not, isn't or aren't. 1 A: Is he from Mexico? B: No, he.........He.........from Japan. 2 A: ........they Spanish? B: No, they ........They........English. 3 A: What................your favourite sport? B: My favourite sport......tennis. 4 A: ........she twenty years old? B: No, she.........She........twenty-two. 5 A: ........you from Hungary? B: No, I........I.......from Bulgaria. Subject pronouns/Possessive adJectives/Possessive pronouns 5 Read the table. Then choose the correct word. Subject pronouns Possessive adjectives /, you, he, she, it, we, you, they ■ I my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their Possessive pronouns mine, yours, his, hers, -, ours, yours, theirs I am Spanish. My favourite sport is football. This is my ball. It's mine. 1 Ann's from Italy. She/Her is 12 years old. His/ Her favourite sport is basketball. These shoes are hers/her. 2 Bob and Sally are 13. Their/They are British. Their/They favourite actor is Brad Pitt. 3 Peter's 11. He's/lt's from the USA. Its/Hls friends are good at tennis. 4 We/Our are Polish. We/Our favourite singer is Beyonce. She/Her is great. This CD is our/ours. 5 l/My parents aren't teachers. They/We are vets. 6 Tony's good at football. Her/His favourite footballer is Beckham. This poster is his/my. b Reading & Writing 0 Read the dialogue and underline the correct words. О Listen and check. Who's Kate's favourite author? new, here, what, subject, literature, author, story, full of magic, journey, dream John: Hi! I'm John Green. I'm new here. What's 1) you/your name? Kate: Hi John, 2) my/l name is Kate. I'm 3) an/a student here, too. John: Where 4) is/are you from, Kate? Kate: I'm from New Zealand. And you? John: I'm from 5) England/English. What's your favourite subject? Kate: Literature. 6) My/l favourite author is the 7) Brazilian/Brazil author Paulo Coelho. 8) His/He stories 9) are/is full of magic. John: What's your favourite story by Coelho? Kate: My favourite one 10) Is/are The Alchemist. 11) Its/lt's about a boy on 12) a/an journey to follow 13) his/her dream. John: Coelho is 14) a/an great author. у Write questions. Answer them. 1 Kate/actress? Is Kate an actress? No, she isn't. She's a student. 2 John/student? 3 John & Kate/from the USA? 4 Kate's favourite author/Mark Twain? 5 Coelho's stories/full of magic? g Write a dialogue like the one in Ex. 6. Ask about nationality, favourite author and favourite story. Then act it out with your partner. [)►] Vocabulary Bank 1 p. VB3 ^ 1 1 •о с I Culture Corner • •• .r • . 7^: - -•ч*- A v& •*7^ ■■-- S' r^c Pa«jS! УШ ''Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, -щГ '^W jInOflOlS' ^ursday, Friday, Saturday. Sunday Л January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December ■ ^C\ Л w*. :Jm\ ll' ,1! V^' '^J. Л Л F ^ symbol, cross, each, nation, except for, every, government building, certain, special, holiday, Commonwealth, on display The Union Flag is the symbol of the United Kingdom. The colours of the UK flag are red, white and blue. It has got three crosses that are from each nation of the United Kingdom except for Wales. The flag is on every government building on certain special days and holidays. The Union Flag is also on the flags of some Commonwealth nations, such as Australia and New Zealand. Second Monday in March second in November $gnda4 21st April 6ir+hflla*l ®f ^IUabe.+h 1 ■2nd June November fh. of Wolo.{ iNote: We say: on Monday, Tuesday, etc. in January, February, etc. BUT on 1st January Days & Months О Listen and say. Which days are at the weekend? Which month(s) have got 31 days/30 days/28 days? Reading & Listening What are the colours of the British flag? How many crosses are on it? Q Listen, read and check. 2 When is the flag of the UK on display? The flag of the UK is on display on Commonwealth Day, the second Monday in March. Writing What is your country's flag like? When is it on display? In five minutes write a short text like the one in Ex. 2. Tell the class. Did you know? The Union Jack is the nickname of the UK flag. Everyday English d Introductions & Greetings ^ w4isten and read the dialogues. Match them to the headings. Introducing yourself Introducing others Tony: Sally: Tony: Sally: Tony: Excuse me. Are you Sally? Yes, I am. Hi. I'm your new neighbour, Tony, Tony Hay. Oh, hello, Tony. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. В Jane: Patrick: Jane: Hello, Patrick. How are you? Hi, Jane. Not bad. And you? I'm OK. Patrick, this is Lucy. She's my friend from America. Pleased to meet you, Lucy. Pleased to meet you too, Patrick. 2 Greetings/Saying goodbye Q Listen to and read the exchanges (1-4). Which are greetings? Which are goodbyes? Which dialogue(s) match(es) the picture? 1 A: Bye, Tom. See you 3 A: Hello, Laura. How are later. you? B: Bye, Peter. See you. B: I'm OK, Helen. And 2 A: Good morning. Paul. A: you? How's it going? So-so. B: Not bad, Mary. And 4 A: Goodbye, Ted. Have you? a nice evening. A: I'm fine, thanks. B: You too, Alex. Goodbye. Study skills Role playing When you act out a dialogue you need to sound natural. Try using gestures and appropriate intonation. 2 Use the useful language below to act out dialogues for the situations (1-3). Greet people Respond • Hi! How are you? • How's everything? • How's it going? • Hello! I'm .... • Great. • I'm fine, (thanks). • I'm OK. • Not bad. • So-so. Introduce yourself/others Respond • Hi! I'm.... • Hello! I'm .... • This is.... • Nice to meet you. • Hi! Tm .... • Hello! I'm .... • Oh, hi. I'm .... Say goodbye • Goodbye. • Bye, • See you. • See you later. • See you tomorrow. • Take care 1 You see your friend in the street. Greet him/her. 2 Sally is a new student at your school. Introduce yourself and your friend to her. 3 The school day is over. Say goodbye to your friend. Pronunciation: /Э//6/ 4 U Listen and tick (/). Then repeat. /0Г /Э/ 1 /е/ /8/ the mother 1 this eighth thanks tenth 13 \ Appearance BODY HEIGHT Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with: have got, has got, haven't got or hasn't got. Vocabulary Physical appearance ^ a) 'чlisten and say. Point to your face. Your partner says the part of the face you point to. b) Mime and say words related to height and weight. .•. see Ч Qrammar p. gri ; ^ • Have got 2 a) Read the table. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE \/You/We/The/ve got blue eyes. I/You/We/They haven't got green He/She/lt's got blue eyes. eyes. He/She/lt hasn't got green eyes. INTERROGATIVE Have llyou/we/they got long hair? Has he/she/it got long hair? SHORT ANSWERS Yes, l/you/we/they have. No, l/you/we/they haven't. Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/she/it hasn't. We use have got/has got to express possession. I've got blue eyes. My friend has got long hair. 14 1 Betty hflsn'fgof blue eyes. She.................. dark eyes. 2 Sam.................dark hair. He................ fair hair. 3 Lyn and Betty................................curly hair. 4 Betty...............................straight hair. 5 Mark..........................................dark hair. 6 Mark and Sam..............................short hair. c) Fill in: has, have, then answer the questions. 1 Has Betty got long, straight hair? Yes, she has. 2 ..........Sam and Mark got beards? No,............ 3 ..........Mark got long hair?.................... 4 ..........Sam got wavy hair?..................... 5 ..........Sam got a moustache?................... 6 ..........Lyn and Sam got full lips?........... е Reading 2 What do you know about the people in the pictures? What is special about them? Q Listen and read to find out. tribe, leg, famous for, ring, around, sign, wealth, beauty, skin, hole, heavy earrings, make, beautiful The Maasai are a tribe in Africa. The men are very tall. They've got long legs and short black curly hair. The Karen, or Long- пргкч ЯГР trihp<; in Burma and Thailand.' The women are famous for the rings they have around their necks. The rings are a sign of wealth and beauty. Pygmies are very short people in Africa. They are under 1.5 m tall. They've got dark skin and short legs. The Dayak women of Borneo have got very long ears. Their ears have got holes with heavy earrings in them. This is to make them beautiful. L' У 's I m 4:. m 4 a) Read the text and complete the sentences. Use the words: heavy, curly, dark, tall, short, long. 1 5 The Maasai are ..............Their hair is..........and............. Pygmy people have got............. skin. Karen women have got very......... necks. The Dayak women have.............. earrings in their ears. b) Describe the special people in the pictures. Think! i Say one thing you can remember about each tribe in the text. Then compare yourself to them. Listening & Speaking 6 Q Listen and label the people with the names: Chris, Sally, Jim, Mary 7 b) Choose one of the people In Ex. 6a and describe him or her to your classmates. Writing In three minutes write a few sentences describing yourself. Read them to the class. [!►] Vocabulary Bank 1 p. VB4 ) 15 f Games & Leisure f. 1 Vocabulary Sports 0 Listen and say. Are these ^ words the same in your language? pole vault martial arts b) Which are team sports? Which is your favourite one? swimming canoeing 4 football surfing golf basketball fast, athlete, pole vaulter, Olympic gold medal, winner, award, female, world record hockey Reading 2 What do you know about the sports stars in the pictures? Where are they from? What are their sports? О Listen, read and check. Lionel Messi is from Argentina. His birthday is on 24th June. He is one of the best footballers in the At 1.69 m tall, he is shorter than most footballers, but he is also faster than other players. ^ Messi is one of the *^ost famous athletes in the L world. i Michael Phelps is from the USA. His birthday is on 30th June. He has got 14 Olympic gold medals. That makes him the most successful Olympic athlete in history. The 1.93 m tall swimmer has also got more world records than any other swimmer. 1 yelena Isinbayeva is a bS" Her 's on 3rd June yl'aV" nr tall. Olympic gold medals she is the winner of Ж She 11 1 ‘’«t female pole ''oulter Of all time 3 4 5 6 b) Read and correct the sentences. Lionel Messi is Italian. Lionel Messi isn't Italian. He's Argentinian. Lionel Messi is taller than most footballers. Yelena Isinbayeva is 1.69 m tall. Yelena Isinbayeva has got three Olympic gold medals. Michael Phelps is British. Michael Phelps has got 13 Olympic gold medals. c) Say two facts about each athlete. f see Grammar p gr2 Adjectives (Comparative/Superiative) 2 Read the table. Find examples in the text. Adjective Comparative Superlative young younger (than) (the) youngest Short thin thinner (than) (the) thinnest Adjectives heavy heavier (than) (the) heaviest nice nicer (than) (the) nicest Long beautiful more beautiful (than) (the) most beautiful Adjectives good better the best Irregular bad worse the worst much/many more the most We use the comparative to compare two people, things, etc. Dennis is shorter than Michael. We use the superlative to compare more than two people, things, etc. Ann is the shortest of all. Ann is the shortest in her class. у Put the adjectives in brackets into the superlative form. 1 Football is........................ (popular) sport in the world. 2 Usain Bolt is the.................. (fast) runner in the world. 3 ......................(long) golf hole in the world is at the Satsuki Golf Club in Japan. 4 Kung Fu is one of................. (old) martial arts. 5 Michael Phelps is ................. (successful) swimmer in history. 6 ....................(high) tennis court in the world is in Dubai. 4 Write the comparative form of the adjectives below. 1 dark 2 3 4 plump famous difficult 5 easy 6 fat 7 beautiful 8 good 5 Look at the photos and the fact files. Then, complete the sentences with the adjectives in the comparative form. birthday: 17th June 1980 Weight: 72 kg Height: 1.85 m birthday: 26th September, 1981 Weight: 61 kg Height: 1.75 m g Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the comparative or the superlative form. 1 History is......................... (difficult) than geography. 2 Russia is ......................... (big) country in the world. 3 Molly is .......................... (good) at science than Jennifer. 4 Pygmies are........................ (short) than the Maasai. < 5 Janet has........................... (long) hair than Maya. 6 Basketball is a .................... (fast) game than football. 1 Serena is............................(young) than Venus. 2 Venus is..............................(heavy) than Serena. 3 Venus is................................(tall) than Serena. 4 Serena has got ...................(short) hair than Venus. g Write the superlative form of the adjectives in Ex. 4. dark-(the) darkest Speaking & Writing Think of three friends or classmates. Use the adjectives below and compare them, as in the example. • tall • short • long • young • old • thin Ben is taller than Niles. John is the tallest of all. John has got shorter hair than Niles. Ben has got the shortest hair of all... [)►] Vocabulary Bank 1 p. VBS') 1 ~] g Skills Can (Ability) Ч ^ a) Ч Aisten and say. dance play the guitar sing cook swim ride a bike b) 4.^'Listen to Paul. What can he do? What can't he do? Paul can but he can't.... 2 Read the table. Ask and answer, as in the example. AFFIRMATIVE l/You/He, etc. can paint. INTERROGATIVE Can t/you/he, etc. dive? NEGATIVE l/You/He, etc. can't dance. SHORT ANSWERS Yes, l/you/he, etc. can. / No, l/you/he, etc. can't. A: Can you jump? B: Yes, lean. see Asking questionsp.GR2.^ >... 2 Read the table. Say the examples in your language. Who - asks about a person. Who's she? She's Tanya. What - asks about something we don t know. What's this? It's her ball. Where - asks about a place. Where's Tanya from? The USA. How old - asks about age. How old is she? 12. Which - asks when there are two or more possible answers. Which is her favourite school subject: Maths or Science? Maths. Fill in: who, what, where or how old. 1 ...........'s Rosa from? Mexico. 2 ...........'s your name? Angela. 3 ............is he? 11. 4 ...........'s she? Helen. 5 .......... is her favourite school subject: Art or Music? 1 8 [!►) Vocabulary Bank 1 p. VB6^ drive a car Intonation in questions 4 a) Read the theory. Listen to the examples. “) The intonation goes up at the end of yes/no questions. It goes down at the end of wh-questions. Can you speak Spanish? What can you doi ? 1 2 3 b) Listen and say. How old are you? Can he ride a bike? Who can run fast? 4 What's your name? Are they from Poland? Who's Peter? Listening & Speaking 5 Look at the card. What is missing from each gap (1-5)? 4.^* Now, listen to a dialogue between a student and the school secretary and complete the gaps. Act out a similar dialogue Study skills Predicting missing information Before you listen, look at the gaps and try to guess what is missing e.g. a name, a number, etc. This helps you do the task. First Name: 0) Kelly Surname: 1)............. Single: Г71 Married: Divorced: Nationality: 2)........... Age: 3) Address: 4)................ Telephone Number: 5).............. Writing h Emails "I Read the theory. Find examples in the email. WFitingini Capital letters In English we use capital letters with: names/surnames (Mary Stuart), cities/countries/nationalities {Dublin/lreland/lrish), days/months (Monday/Jurie), languages (French), rivers (the Thames) & the personal pronoun I (Tom andl). 2 Read the email. Where's John from? What are his favourite sports? 2 Capitalise the sentences. 1 richard is from cracow, poland. 2 their favourite actress is nicole kidman. she's australian. 3 his favourite day is Sunday. 4 moscow is on the Moskva river. 4 Answer the questions. 1 What's your name? 2 Where are you from? 3 How old are you? 4 What can you do? 5 What are you good at? 6 What are your favourite sports? 7 Who's your favourite singer/ actor? .......................... 4 rom John oTaf N 111* A Hi! My nafne’s John and I’m from Dublin, Ireland. It's a great city with a lot of interesting places. I’m 12 years old and I’m a student. 'm good at languages. I can speak Spanish and Russian very well. My favourite sports are football and swimming. I'm good at baseball, too. My favourite football ' \ player is Lionel Messi. He’s great! ^ What about you? Where are you from? What are your favourite sports? Please write soon. John \ ъ * Study skills Word Order In affirmative and negative sentences, the subject always comes before the verb, while in questions the subject follows the auxiliary verb. John is Irish. He isn't English. Is he 18 years old? 5 Put the words in the correct order. 1 2 3 4 5 you / are / Italian? 6 her / History / is / favourite subject? 7 he / well / swim / can from / are / where / they? at / he / good / Art / isn't Sandra / is / her / name? favourite singer / Beyonce / my / is Writing (an email) g Portfolio: Write an email to a new pen friend, Martyn. Use your answers in Ex. 4 and the plan below. Para 1: name/city/country/age/school Hi! My name's.... Tm from.... Tm... years old. Tm a(n).... iWj' Para 2: what you're good at, what you can do, favourite sports/famous people Tm good at.... My favourite sports are.... V Para 3: questions about pen friend [»] Writing Bank 1 p. WBl) 1 9 1 Curricular: Geography World Landmarks Choose the correct answer. 1 The Sreat SphiiiK IS in A Giza, Egypt. В Tripoli, Libya, ing, China. i' x-j ■> 5>r ; J ^ ■ ’4 • I m 4) The GN Tower is in A Washington D.C., USA. В Toronto, Canada. C Santiago, Chile. « —I 4 . ал M ■\У' 4'Г- to I-*-* - •5Г * of Pisa IS in к S I JP V A A Spain. В Turkey. C Italy. Ч V- Ml 11 t il! 4-* Of Teotihuacan is in A Mexico. В Colombia. C Ecuador. In V7- • , rS • I Ilk • t ft ^ 1 ^ Х*’ A *' m f I /• The • « « Tai Mahal Ф Ф IS in A Agra, India. В Dubai, United Arab Emirates. C Sydney, Australia. Л'! ■ ' }ii _ /ft -,a^ ^ tP V /i Л > The Emerald Buddha IS in A Beijing, China. В Bangkok, Thailand. C Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I ^ I- * 4 4 i r»s 4 » ^ a ^ • t . ts~ Jf r ^ • * t 2 Listen and check the example. The Taj Mahal is in... Write sentences, as in Jt*-' -ft \ f ^ l- T * r# : ti Й1Ж, ^ :Л ft, шя ICT|-i »■ Write a similar quiz about landmarks in various countries. You can do some research on the Internet using these key words: World Landmarks. Ask your partner to do the quiz. Language Review ^ Fill in: favourite, riding, tribe, fighter, good, crosses, landmark, wavy, dream, capital. 1 Anna's....................at football. She’s in the school team. 2 His...................sport is basketball. 3 He's got short...............hair and thin lips. 4 Tony is a fire.................. 5 His .................. is to become a famous singer. 6 Her favourite hobby is horse ................. 7 The UK flag has got three .................... 8 Mexico City is the ................... city of Mexico. 9 Pygmies are a........................in Africa. 10 The CN Tower is a famous .................. in Toronto. 2 Complete the spidergrams with words from the list. • middle-aged • fair • straight • curly • long • wavy • fat • plump • thin • tall • short • old • of medium height • young • slim 3 age 1 / • ^ / weight) / / heigl^ hair У / \ Write the nationalities. 1 Brazil ............ 2 Spain .............. 3 Poland ............. 4 France ... 5 Ireland .. 6 Germany Д Write the opposites of the adjectives. 1 tall boy short boy 2 slim girl ......... 3 big eyes .......... 4 straight hair ^ ... 5 dark hair 6 full lips . 7 big nose ^ 8 long hair ^ g Read the text and underline the correct word. Hi! 11) 'm/'re Cormac. I'm from Manchester, England. I'm 2) British/Britain. I'm 12 years old. 3) My/I favourite person 4) is/are Wayne Rooney, the 5) England/English football player. 6) He/They is very fast. Rooney 7) is/are one of 8) three/third children and 9) his/he family is very ' important to 10) him/his. i gaM* In teams make sentences. Use words from the list. Each correct sentence gets one point. The team with the most points is the winner. • famous for • old • slim • dark skin • famous landmark • favourite • good at • have a dream • short curly hair • long legs • wealth and beauty • heavy earrings • tribe • school subject Team A SI: Paris is famous for the Eiffel Tower. «5 Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Write a quiz of your own for Module 1. Cristiano Ronaldo is an author. The Maasai are very short. Venus Williams is an artist. Paulo Coelho is from Brazil. The Karen women have got long ears. 6 The Maasai are from America. 7 Coronation Day is on 2nd June. 8 The Taj Mahal is in the United Arab Emirates. [!►) Revision 1 p. 115^^, 2 1 Reoding (Gapped text) study skills True/false statements Read the rubric and the statements to familiarise yourself with the content of the text. Underline the key words in the statements and think of synonymous phrases. This will help you do the task. 1 a) Read the rubric, then read sentence 1. Look at the underlined words in the sentence, then look at the underlined words in the text. Is the sentence true or false? i — ■ — — — —i — — — — — — — — ^ I You are going to read a text about the Olympic Games. | ' For questions 1-6, mark the statements T (true) or F (false). I 1 The Summer Olympics happen every two years. 2 The Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics take place in the same city. 3 Boxing is one of the first Olympic sports. 4 Usain Bolt has gold medals from the Paralympics. 5 The Winter Olympics has more sports than the Summer Olympics. 6 Russia has got very good ice hockey players. The Olympic Games The Olympic Games are the biggest and most famous sport event in the world. There are three kinds of Olympics - the 1 Summer Olympics, the Paralympics and ' the Winter Olympics. A different city has the Summer Olympics every four years. The Games are during two weeks of July or August. Then the same city has the Paralympics. It’s an event for athletes who have got special bodies. American swimmer Jessica Long, for example, hasn’t got legs, but she has got lots of medals. The Winter Olympics are in February or March two years after the summer events, in a different city. There are 28 Summer Olympic sports. Some of the oldest Olympic sports are boxing and running. Tennis and the martial art taekwondo are two of the newest ones. Jamaican runner Usain Bolt is one of the most famous 21st century Olympians. He has longer legs than the other runners. He’s also very tall -1.96 m - and his arms are well-built. Bolt is the fastest athlete in the world. He can run the 100 m in 9.58 seconds and the 200 m in 19.19 seconds. He has Olympic gold medals for both events. There are 15 sports in the Winter Olympics. Ice hockey is one of the most popular of all. It’s also one the hardest, because it’s so fast. The Canadians, Czechs, Finns, Russians, Slovakians, Swedes and Americans are the best ice hockey players of all. The sport is a favourite hobby in their countries. Cold countries have got the best winter sport athletes. But Spain has got just two medals from 60 or 70 years of Winter Olympics! b) Now read the text and do the task. Compare with a partner. 2 Replace the words in bold with names from the text. 1 They are the most famous sports event in the world. ......... 2 She has no legs. ......... 3 They are some of the oldest Olympic sports........... 4 He is a Jamaican runner......... 5 It is one of the hardest games. ......... Answer the questions. 1 Who's your favourite athlete? Why? 2 Why is he/she special to you? Speaking Spoken questions ^ a) Answer the question. What's your favourite hobby? Why? b) О Now listen to two people answering the question. Who uses: Anna Sam full sentences appropriate stress appropriate intonation correct pronunciation Tick (/) the correct box. с) Ask and answer the questions. 1 What's your name? 2 Where are you from? 3 How old are you? 4 What's your favourite sport? Why? 5 What's your favourite school subject? Why? 6 Which languages can you speak? Listening Multiple matching (Monologues) dy sk Multiple matching Read the rubric, then read the information to familiarise yourself with the content of the recording. While you listen be careful because each speaker can use words from the statements which may mislead you. c) Do the listening task. Compare your answers to your partner's. Writing (Writing Bank 1: letters p. WB1) 0 a) Read the rubric and look at the words in bold. Answer the questions. This is part of a letter from your English pen j friend, Marta. § What sport does he/she do? What does he/she 11 look like? What about you? What's your favourite sport? Write your English pen friend your letter 60-100 words. 1 Who is going to read your letter? 2 What information should you include? 5 1 a) Read the rubric and the information. What will each speaker talk about? r — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —— — — — I You are going to listen to four people talking i about sports and hobbies. Q Listen and match * the people (A-D) to the sentences (1-5). One | sentence Is extra. i Which of these people... can play basketball well? is good at football? isn't good at playing music? is good at painting? can play cricket well? b) 1,^'Now listen to Speaker A and read what he says. Which sentence (1-5) does he match? I'm Antony and I'm from Brazil. Most people in my country are good at football, but I'm not. My favourite sports are basketball and cricket. I can't play cricket well, but I'm very good at basketball. I'm in the school team. Read the script again. Which words from statements 1-5 does he use? Informal style When we write to people we know well, e.g. family members, friends, people of our age, we usually use informal style; that is: contractions (I'm,you're, etc.) if and everyday language (I'm OK). A Antony В Becky C Chris b) Now write your letter to your pen D Donna friend. Use the language below to s. start/end your letter. Follow the plan. Plan Dear (friend's first name), Para 1: opening remarks (HH/Hello!Howareyou? Thanks for your letter.), your athlete's name and nationality Para 2: description of your athlete (... is tall with ... eyes and... hair.... is kind/polite etc.) Para 3: your favourite sport, closing remarks (My favourite sport is.... Write back soon./Please write back.) Yours, (your first name) r j 23 Reading & Listening ^ Look at the pictures. What do you know about this game? How can someone play it? Listen, read and check. 2 Read the text and complete the sentences. Use up to three words. 1 Gorodky Is a popular Russian.. 2 Different villages have different for it. 3 People can play it on 4 You need a................and to play it. Gorodky Gorodky is an ancient Russian folk sport that is still known in Russia today. There are different forms of gorodky and most villages have got their own name for the game. However, the basic idea is the same and it is very like bowling. You can play gorodky on any flat surface such as a grass lawn or a town square or a road. The equipment for the game is very simple. The players have a bat and groups of wooden pins, skittles. The rules of the game are a little different in the various villages across the country but the objective is to knock the skittles with a throw of the bat. The winner is the team or player that is the first to have skittles standing. Gorodky is a great game and no lots of fun V 3 Fill in: flat, folk, grass, wooden, town. Use the phrases to talk about gorodky. 1 2 3 ...pm square surface 4 5 sport lawn Speaking & Writing 4 Complete the table with information from the text. Use the completed table to present gorodky to the class. ancient, form, basic idea, flat surface, grass lawn, town square, equipment, bat, wooden pin, rule, objective, knock, throw, winner, standing Name of sport Place Equipment Objective 24 5 Ш Use the headings in the table In Ex. 4 to find information on the Internet about another traditional sport in your country. Present the sport to the class. -4^ h-r V \L ^ • j Vocabulary: houses, rooms, buildings, furniture, appliances, places in a town, shops Grammar: there is/there are, some/any, plurals, this/these - that/those, a/an - the, prepositions of movement, prepositions of place, the imperative Everyday English: viewing a house, asking forgiving addresses/phone numbers; asking for/giving directions Pronunciation: /u:/, /л/, /дэ/, /3i;/ Writing: an email to a friend about your house Culture: I 9 NYC!; Sky-high Luxury Curricular (Art & Design): Towers Vocabulary Rooms in a house Look at the pictures. О Listen and say. OlftR TO YOV/ In my house there is My favourite room is О Listen to Tom talking about his house and complete the sentences. In Tom's house there is................... His favourite room is..................... -- ^ I] ll pillow^j t - KITCHEN y' J L V- Щ Ilf Л V «I •* If DINING ROOM ' t. d' A *Ж" BEDROOM - V ■j bath Ч L. ‘ a . \ У washbasin ' i Ч. BATHROOM Л. 'It ^ •^:.r f.s • -J 1 cushions ■ s ^ LIVING ROOM '^r ГЫ 4 , cr- ':э UTILITY ROOM /Л' X. r. * »i Match the words to the numbers. Listen and check. A В C D E F G H 1 J К L M N 0 bookcase desk wardrobe bed door sink window cupboard mirror table chair stairs sofa garden floor r •-ПП) ar JfiQ fQ js/I her^^ nr^ P- f a) Read the table. AFFIRMATIVE There’s a bed in the bedroom. There are some pillows on the bed. INTERROGATIVE NEGATIVE There isn't a deskin the bedroom. There aren't any paintings on the walls. SHORT ANSWERS Is there a window? Yes, there is./No, there isn't. Are there any flowers in the Yes, there are./No, there vase? aren't. Some/Any • We use some in affirmative sentences. There are some armchairs in the living room. • We use any in negative sentences and questions. There aren't any flowers in the garden. Are there any chairs in the study? 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 b) Look at the pictures and fill in: is, are, isn't or aren't. There...................a sofa in the kitchen. There...........some books in the bookcase. There .................a table In the kitchen. There...............a window In the kitchen. There.........some cupboards In the kitchen. There ...........any towels in the bedrooms. Fill in: Is there or Are there. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Is there a table in the kitchen? Vies, there is. .......a mirror in the bedroom?............. .......any books on the beds?............... .......any armchairs in the bedrooms?....... .......a wardrobe in the living room?....... .......any chairs in the kitchen?........... 26 , « ' S’ r>, — r % • * ■ A •* \ ■< Imagine living in a house in the shape of a seashelUn Mexico City there is a house like that. The architect of the house Is Javier Senosiain. The V - Nautilus House is the house of a young couple and their two children. V ^ 4* ± ‘ The house has got two floors and spiral staircases. Inside there is a living room, a huge bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom. There are plants in every room. The bathroom is blue and yellow with small ^ windows everywhere. It's very bright. In the living room there is a grass t^^vv carpet on the floor, a stream and windows of different colours. Outside V there Is a nice garden with trees. The house is earthquake-proof. It's / also friendly to the environment and has a great view of the ountains. It's like Alice in Wonderland! C ii 7 shape, seashell, young couple, spiral staircase, huge, plant, every, room, everywhere, bright, grass carpet, stream, trees, earthquake-proof, friendly to the environment, view, mountain, like Listening * Readme a) Read the title of the text. What is the text about? What do you think it is like living in this house? Listen and read to find out. b) Read again and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say). 1 The Nautilus House is like an animal........ 2 There aren't any stairs in the house. ...... 3 There are lots of windows. ..... 4 There is a big garden outside. ..... 5 The family hasn't got any neighbours........ 'Г, г - / Think? i Do you like this house? Give two reasons why you could live in it. Use words from the section. b A Think! Compare your house to the Nautilus House. Write about: number of rooms, what there is inside the house, garden. Tell the class. The Nautilus House has got two floors. My house hasn't got two floors. It's got one floor. Etc. 27 i >• Wa • • \ ■Л Vi(^[ 1' ^ , r, ( ^ ^'t:- • ^.•.4 . Д'. •V?:» If Ю “* p ‘r^- у V • * T ^ 1 'il- n ‘Vi s:l k«P |l./ w: V L\^ I V V VX^ \ \ dishwasher iron # .JV у & (Г I- г] С. ч-т- Life in space is certainly very different to life on Earth. The space station is in a quiet neighbourhood and it's got a great view. There are a lot of chores that astronauts have to do ... floating in the air as they can't walk in space. Inside the station, there is a lot of floating dust. The astronauts have got a special vacuum cleaner with a long pipe for 'catching' the dust. As for mealtimes, there isn't a kitchen with a cooker and a fridge. All the food is in tins and packets. There are spoons, but there aren't any forks or knives because all the food is wet. And what about washing clothes? The astronauts have disposable clothes so there isn't a washing machine, either! How cool is that?l ‘er coo\^et ^ I. ВЛ.СК _0 EkRTH’ \v ( - I . t • * 1 /> • —- cl. A & ‘’:i: -I ibulary space station, neighbourhood, chore, floating dust, pipe, catch, Ю mealtime, tin, packet, wet, wash, ^ disposable clothes * О C-: s о Listen and say. Which of these things have/haven't you got in your house? Write sentences. IVeVe got a cooker, a fridge,... and.... i< ■ a) Read the title of the text and look at the pictures. What could a 'house out of this world' be like? й' Listen and read the text to find out. Tell the class three things you remember from the text. b) 28 Think! How are chores in space different from those on Earth? How does the writer feel about this house? Would you like to live there? Why (not)? Tell the class. Г' V- «Г . я see P- GR3 ri'ual?. j Read the table. Find examples in the text. PLURALS • nouns + -s books - books • -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -X, -0, + -es bus - buses, glass - glasses, brush - brushes, bench - benches, fox -foxes, tomato - tomatoes, vase - vases • consonant + у ies lady - ladies BUT foy-foys • -f/-fe -♦ -ves leaf-leaves BUT roof-roofs IRREGULAR PLURALS child - children, woman - women, man - men, foot - feet, tooth - teeth, mouse - mice, person - people \ ^ Write the plural forms. 1 2 3 4 5 dishwasher - pillow -.... cooker -.... lady -...... child -..... 6 7 8 9 10 dish -boy -glass knife man- Thi^/Th.a- These/Those a) Read the table. We use this/these for things near us. This is an iron. These are cups. We use that/those for things far from us. That is a clock. - ^ 7 0^ 4 Those are knives. b) tJcX Point to things near you/far from you. Ask and answer. A: What's this? B: This is an eraser. What is that? g Fill in: this, that, these, those. 2 .....is a dish and...are spoons. 3 ......is an iron and.........are kettles. >4 Prepositions t ' э зсе г a) Listen and then make sentences. on in under 9 behind next to i;0 in front of between The ball is on the box. opposite b) Complete the text with the correct prepositions. Listen and check. There’s a fridge 1)..........the counter, 2)............ the table. There’s a table 3).........the windows. The table is 4)............. some chairs. There are some magazines 5)...............the table. There are a lot of cupboards 6)................ the wall. There’s a kettle 7)...........the toaster and the dish drainer. There are some dishes 8)..................... the dish drainer. 9)...........the dish drainer, there’s a dishwasher. < » r CP Look at the kitchen. Ask and answer. A: Where's the sink? B: It's under the cupboards. ^ • t a) What's your favourite room? Ask each other questions to find out what there is in it. Draw the room. A: B: A: Where is it? B: It's next to the bed. Is there a desk in your bedroom? Yes, there is. b) Write a short text describing your favourite room. Include a picture. Read your description to the class. • 29 А » ' -i.' ■Г’^' ’’’''‘^i ■*-‘^v-l ( Л _ - . л. .• .1.1 - . J —^- * • * • —^я .Га speedboat Wde around tl^ the Statue of Uberty This 43-metre statue rsort liberty island at\d Лs imbol of American independence.The minute ride is Jf Ihe best ^ chance to take ..Veat photographs and have fun.There a boat every hour. Be ready to ge wet. Don't forget your camera. ® "“"borsetnSge^ Г\ГЩ^г VQRK аГ'П' flA R rr A Г-ГД 1 2 3 4 Look at the leaflet about New York. What do you know about this city? What is there for tourists to see? j Listen and read the leaflet to check. Read again and match the texts (A, В or C) to the sentences (1-4). This is a good place to take photos. ....... There are animals here. ..... You can see shows here. ..... It's a place to see all of New York. ....... C A Skyride in the Empire State Building The Empire State Building is a skyscraper with 102 floors and fantastic views! The Skyride on the second floor is a fun flight around the city, but it isn't on a plane - it's in a huge cinema! Fill in: huge, horse-and-carriage, get, skating, fantastic, take. Use the phrases to make sentences about the places in the leaflet. 1 2 3 . park .. rink views 30 ride In groups, write two paragraphs about two tourist attractions in your town/city. Tell the class. 5 6 .......wet photographs 1 Li inn .-i The following sentences are in the dialogue below. Who says each: Kate or Sue? Listen and read to find out. • What's it like? • It's really big, • What floor is it on? • It's very cosy. • It's got a great view ... • Is it far from ...? • How many rooms has it got? • Sounds great! Kate: Hi, Sue. How's your new flat? Sue; It's pretty cool. Kate: That's great! What's it like? Sue: Well, it's really big. Kate: How many rooms has it got? Sue: It's got a large living room, a modern kitchen, three bedrooms, two bathrooms and there's a big balcony at the front. Kate: Really! What's your room like? Sue: Well, it's the smallest bedroom but it's really cosy. It's perfect for me! Kate: What floor is it on? Sue: It's on the fifth floor so it's got a great view of the city. Kate: Wow! It sounds amazing. Where is it? Is it far from the city centre? Sue: It's near Forest Hill Station so not that far and it's in a really nice area. Kate: You're so lucky! Everyday English ^ ч.'' Listen and repeat. Then, in pairs, act out similar dialogues using the ideas below. A В A В What's your address, please? 20 Milcote Road. Can you spell it, please? M-l-L-C-0 -T-E. • 12 Longhurst Lane, • 17 Morrison Avenue. • 21 Primrose Street. Hronunciatir-n‘ Ai /, / / Д Listen and tick (/) the correct boxes. Listen again and repeat. much roof dust blue shoe under boeakfn 5 Work in pairs. You have a new flat. Tell your friend about it. Act out your dialogue. Follow the plan. О О Greet В. Ask what it is like. Ask how many rooms it's got. Ask about the bedroom. Ask what floor is it on. Ask where it is. Say you've got a new flat. Answer. List the rooms. Describe your bedroom. Say which floor. Say where it is. Find sentences in the dialogue which mean: Is it close to the centre? - All the other rooms are bigger than mine but it's comfortable. - How high up is it? 31 The teiaBldS of Lake What is it like having a different view from your window every day? Well, it's just like this for the Uros people of Lake Titicaca in Peru. There are over forty 'floating' islands here. Every day they are in a different place on the lake which is 3,812 metres above sea level. These floating islands are home to about 300 people. Their surface is very soft and wet because they make the islands with totora reeds. There are small villages with three to ten families on each island. Uros homes are small reed huts with one room. There is only one bed for the whole family. There isn't any heating and it is sometimes very cold on the lake. Life on the islands is very simple. The men are fishermen on the lake. They have reed boats with amazing animal faces to go fishing. The women are at home with the children. There's one school for the children but there isn't a hospital or doctors nearby. These days, the islands are very popular with tourists. It's only a 30-minute motor-boat ride from the city of Puno to the islands. Everyone is welcome to experience this unique way of life! m t floating islands, place, home to, surface, soft, wet, totora reeds, reed huts, heating, simple, fishermen, reed boats, school, hospital, nearby, popular with tourists, experience a unique way of life 32 In my country there are a lot of lakes. What is an island? What is unusual about the islands of Lake Titicaca? Listen and read the text to find out. а) Read the text again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 The Uros people live on a lake. 2 The islands of the Uros are man-made. 3 Uros homes have only two rooms. 4 Uros men make boats out of wood, 5 Uros children don't go to school. 6 Tourists travel to the islands by car. Study skills Identifying the author's purpose When we read it is important for us to understand why the author wrote the text. Does he/she write to entertain, to persuade or to inform?-This helps us understand the text better. Speaking & Writinc c a) Use words from the b) What is the author's purpose? 1 2 3 4 Use the words in the list to complete the sentences. • welcome • different • popular • simple People on the island have a..............................life. Tourists are..................................on the islands. The islands are in a.........................place every day. The islands are ...............................with tourists. section to describe the picture. b) Imagine you are on one of the floating islands of Lake Titicaca. Write an email to your friend. Write; where you are, what there is there, how you like it. TWikk! я How does the Uros lifestyle differ from yours? In three minutes, write a few sentences. Read them to your partner. vo-^nularv Вдпк i V- 33 Going around Vucabulary Sh 'p£ & pioducts "I Match the shops to the products. Listen and check, then say. produc ts 1 bread 2 meat 3 medicine 4 flowers 6 pasta 8 dictionary 7 jacket Look at the email. Who is it to/ from? What is it about? What shops are there in the author's neighbourhood? Listen and read to find out. Read the email and answer the questions. 1 When is Billy's birthday? 2 What time is the party? 3 How can Sam get to Billy's house? 34 9 Ш J I s-t address, underground, station, turn left, turn right I * Hi Sam, There's a party at my house for my 13th birthday. It's at 5 pm on Saturday, 20th November. My address is 22, Forest Street. Here's how you can get there. Take the underground to Central Station, go up the stairs and come out of the station onto High Street. There is a supermarket opposite the station. Turn left at the supermarket and walk along the street. Walk past the baker's. Turn left at the pet shop, then you're on King Street. Walk across the street. Then turn right at the next street. That's my street. My house is next to the florist's. Be there! Billy I 1^' I r у see Grammar The Impet-ati^e Jj. Read the theory. Look at the signs and write sentences. I To give orders we use the imperative. ; Turn right, (affirmative) Don't turn left, (negative) t 1 Straight on (/) Go straight on. 0 Ф 2 turn 3 enter (/) left (Л) r 4 turn right (/) Preoositior.j of movement 5 a) W Listen and say. Find examples in the text. up down along across into out of over under through past Note: go on foot BUT go by plane/train/bus/ car b) Look at the pictures and write the correct preposition. Listen and check. Go 1)...............the florist's. Walk 2)................the street at the traffic lights. Walk 3)..............the road. Go 4)............the bridge and 5)................the stairs. The pet shop is on your right - next to the butcher's. . ’ 1. Read the theory. Find examples in the text We use a/an before countable nouns (nouns we can count, e.g. one iron, two irons) in the singular when we talk about something for the first time. There's a cup on the table. We use the to talk about something specific. The cup is green. (Which cup? The cup on the table.) We don't use the; a) before proper nouns. John's here. b) with the words this/that/these/those. This cup is blue. c) with possessive adjectives. It is my cup. d) names of countries (Spain), cities (Madrid), continents (Europe). Fill in a/an, the or -. 1 There is......table in the dining room........ table is brown. 2 There's ...... florist's in my neighbourhood. ......florist's is next to a baker's. 3 Have you got.......washing machine? 4 .......their house is in......Moscow. 5 .......view from my balcony is great! 6 .....my house is next to........baker's. 7 .....this desk is green. 8 .....Jason has got........big room. 9 .....carpet in my room is red. 10 There's.......vase on........table........vase is green. the /5э/ - words starting with consonant sound the cup the /5i:/ - words starting with vowel sound the apple Practise reading the. ч/ Listen and check. • the fridge • the iron • the toaster • the spoon • the eraser • the sofa • the armchair • the bedroom Draw the route you follow from your school to the nearest supermarket. Tell your partner. 35 ) g Skills Vocabulary Places **“ are I Look at the map and answer the questions. ! 2 Where can you ... 1 watch a film? 2 borrow books? Which place is behind the bookshop? Which place is between the clothes shop and the cinema? What is opposite the butcher's? ал 3 eat burgers? 4 have lunch? 5 buy stamps? 6 swim? 1 You can watch a film at the cinema. Speaking Giving direct!0' ^ 4 nCQuinu & Listening s W Read and listen to the dialogue. Mark Ann's route on the map. Ann: Excuse me, can you tell me where the post office is, please? Bob: Sure. It's on Milton Street. Go down Merton Street, past the baker's and turn left into High Street. Walk past the library. Cross Milton Street. The post office is opposite the supermarket on your right. Ann: Thanks! Bob: You're welcome. Use the phrases below to give directions to different places on the map. Follow the plan. • Go down ... and turn left/right into ... • Go straight on. • The ... is on your left/right/ opposite/next to/between/ behind ... О О Ask where X is Ask for directions. Thank B. Name the street. 36 Give directions. Say goodbye to A. Writing A h Г L эеп friend Read the first two sentences in the text. What is the email about? Cr Listen, read and check. J I I To: Karen From: Kelly Subject: Mv new house I How are you? I’m so excited about my new house and I can’t wait for you to come and see it. It’s in a quiet street opposite the park and it’s near my new school. It’s very big with a huge garden and a garage. It’s got a large living room, a modern kitchen and two bedrooms. My favourite room is my bedroom. It’s got a large bed, a desk with my computer on it and a huge wardrobe. I’ve got posters of my favourite bands on the walls. Next Sunday is my birthday party. Do come. Write soon, Kelly Which of the following are there in Kelly's email? • Kelly's address • where her house is • how big it is • what there is in each room • who is in Kelly's family Read the theory. Is It the same in your language? Punctuation We use a full stop {.) at the end of affirmative and negative sentences. We use question marks (?) at the end of questions. We use a comma (,) to separate a list of items. We use an exclamation mark (!) at the end of sentences that express strong feelings. 32^ 4 Complete the sentences with the correct punctuation. Use: (.). (?), U, (!). 1 Where is the baker's 2 It's fantastic 3 There are two banks on Princess Street 4 The flat has got a living room a kitchen a bathroom and two bedrooms 5 Is there a sports centre in the area 5 Read the theory. Find examples in the email, then put the words in the correct order. see p.GR4 * « » > I : Adjectives describe nouns. They can go before nouns or after the verb to ■ be. My flat is big. It's a very beautiful flat. 1 house/my/small/is 2 got/it's/nice/garden/a 3 living room/got/has/the/ furniture/modern 4 house/my/street/busy/is/a/in 5 is/there/garage/a/big Writing (an informal email about your house) g Answer the questions. 1 Where's your house? 2 What rooms are there? 3 What's your favourite room? What's in it? 7 Portfolio: Use your answers in Ex. 6 to write an email to your friend describing your house (50-70 words). Follow the plan. Para 1: greeting, opening remarks „ (Thanks for your email about your house!) Para 2: where your house is, what rooms there are, (My house is... near.... it's....) your favourite room (My favourite room is.... It has got... .There is also....) Para 3: closing remarks (That's all for now.) Yours, (your first name) ^1 Writing Bank 2 p. WB2 37 Curricular: Art & Design Listening & Reading ^ What is each tower in the pictures made of:e^ m Hf wood, glass, brick, steel tower, stand out, skyline, tonne, top, sight, cool, spaceship, second, great view, hundreds of flats, glass cube, slide out WOOD Glass Listen, read and check. Every city has its tower, but some are really amazing. Eiffel Tower The Eiffel Tower is a beautiful steel tower that stands out in the Paris skyline. It is 324 m tall and weighs over 10,000 tonnes. From the top you can see ail the other wonderful sights of Paris. Over six million people visit the Eiffel Tower every year. Space Needle The Space Needle is a very cool steel tower in Seattle, Washington. It is 184 m tall. The top looks like a spaceship. It only takes 43 seconds to get to the top where there is a great view of the Cascade Mountains. Eureka Skydeck Eureka Skydeck 88 is a glass tower in Melbourne, Australia. It is 300 m tall and has got hundreds of flats. From the top there is an amazing view. There is also a glass cube that slides out with visitors inside. 2 Read the text. What do these numbers ^ refer to: 184 m, 300 m, 43 seconds, 324 m, 10,000 tonnes, 6 million? ^ Use words from the section to complete the sentences. 1 From the top there's a ШЯШШШШЯШ of the city below. 2 Eureka Skydeck 88 has got for people to live in. 3 Tourists at the Skydeck can travel in a Д ТЙ1нк! Which tower is the most impressive to you? Why? ICTIIn groups collect information about another tower or building. Where is it?. What is it made of?. What does it look like? Present it to the class. Language Review 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Complete the spidergrams with these words. Add one more word. • fridge • cupboard • toilet • bed • sofa • dishwasher • wardrobe • sink • washbasin • pillow • armchair • cushion • bath bedroom у bathroom 7 kitchen living room; Fill in: quiet, earthquake, washing, skating, get, sea, estate, spiral. shell staircase ....-proof neighbourhood 5 6 7 8 machine ...rink agent ,.. wet Choose the correct word. The house has a great site/view of the lake. The lake is high above sea ride/level. The Uros people have a unique type/way of life. There are floating/popular islands on the lake that are in a different place each day. There isn't a school nearby/straight. Their houses are small hats/huts of reeds. We have picnics in/at weekends. Д Choose the correct preposition. 1 The house is in/at the shape of a seashell. 2 There are posters on/in the walls. 3 You can't walk in/at space. 4 There are small huts in/on the island. 5 The flat is at/on the third floor. 6 We're excited for/about our new house. 7 The place is popular with/for tourists. 8 The island is home for/to twenty families. Write the correct shop: There you can buy... b.................. 2 medicine ^ p..........°.............. Stamps c.........s........... f............r................ bu'-ger b..................... i bread In teams make sentences. Use words from the list. Each correct sentence gets one point. The team with the most points wins. • sea level • home to • go straight • turn left • unique way of life • estate agent • second floor • huge park • chores • vacuum cleaner • small windows • friendly to the environment • great view Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Read through Module 2 and write a quiz of your own. The Nautilus House is like a snake. The Space Needle is in Melbourne. The Uros people have got reed boats. The Empire State Building has got 100 floors. 5 You can't walk in space. 6 The Statue of Liberty is on Ellis Island. 7 There aren't any lakes in Central Park. 8 Lake Titicaca is in Peru. ^ I 39 1 Listening (Multiple Matching) In a minute write down as many words as possible related to flats under these headings. Compare your lists with your partner. lowtion city centre furniture Wing room adjectives cosy extra features balcony Ч. Multiple Matching Read the sentences and underline the key words. While listening, try to listen for words/phrases related to the underlined words. 2 a) You are going to listen to six people talking about their flats. Read the sentences (A-G) in Ex. 2b and underline the key words. In pairs think of words related to them. don't like: hate, can't stand, etc. modern furniture: not old furniture, new, etc. b) Q Listen and match the speakers (1-6) to the correct statement (A-G). There is one extra statement. A I don't like modern furniture in flats. В C E F My flat has fantastic views. I live in a flat next to a main shopping street. There is a lovely garden next to my flat. It is very quiet inside my flat. need new furniture in my flat. G My flat is very small. Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 Speaker 6 40 c) Q Listen again with pauses. Which words helped you decide on each choice? ij' I j i Reading (Matching paragraphs to headings) 3 b) You are going to read a text about the White House. What do you know about It? Who lives there? Read the headings (A-E) in Ex. 3c and underline the key words. Compare with your partner. Fit for a President 4 ^ 4’, What is the most famous building in your country? Is it a symbol that everyone can recognise? 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is a very famous address in Washington, USA. , Jhe White House is one of the most famous symbols of America. It is the home of the President and his family. It has got a long history stretching back over two centuries to the year 1800. It is like a museum with beautiful furniture and expensive artwork and it is open to the public. . This impressive building is very large. It has got six floors, 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms, 3 lifts and 8 staircases. A number of the rooms are offices including the world famous Oval Office. There is also a huge kitchen and the 5 chefs there can make dinner for up to 140 people at a time. , Jhe White House has got some very beautiful gardens. They are over 18 acres of gardens and they have got a number of different species of plants and trees. There is even an organic garden for the First Family to use. There are also 2 fountains. One in front of the building in the North Lawn and one in the private South Lawn at the back of the White House. . , , There are a variety of facilities for residents and guests to use. There is a cinema and a bowling alley to relax and have fun in. There is also a gym, a tennis court and a swimming pool to stay fit. And the White House is also green. It has got solar panels for its heated swimming pool. \ study skilts Matching paragraphs to headings Read the headings and underline the key words. Read the text to get the gist. Read each paragraph again separately and try to find words/phrases synonymous to the key words in the headings. S. c) Match the paragraphs (1-4) to the headings (A-F) below. There is one extra heading. A THE BIG PICTURE В RESPONSIBLE FUN C A LONG PAST D GREEN SPACE E AN IMPRESSIVE SIZE Д a) What is the author's purpose: to inform, to narrate or to entertain? b) Give two reasons why people visit the White House. Speaking 5 b) Read the sentences. Who would say them: somebody asking about a house or somebody describing a new house? • Is it in a nice area? • Yes, it's great. • I've got my own room. • Your house sounds really amazing. • What's it like? • What about the garden? • It's really nice. О Listen to Stuart talking to his friend, Brenda, about his new house and complete the table. rooms garden special features c) О Listen again. What's Stuart's favourite place/room in the new house? Why? 6 Read the information. Then act out your dialogue. Follow the plan. You have got о new house. In conversation with him/her friend, teii him/her: How big the house is (size, „number of floor, rooms, etc.) What your room is like /"What your favourite thing about the new house is giving reasons What the outside space is like and if there are any special features (pond, garage, etc.) What is in the area (park, shops, etc.) О Say hello and ask about new house. Ask about friend's bedroom. Ask about the outside space. Ask about area. Ask what their favourite thing about their new house is. Comment on it. e Say hello and give details of size, floors, rooms, etc. Describe bedroom Give details of garden and any special features Say what the area has got Respond Invite friend to visit Writing (Writing Bank 2: Notices p. WB2) Writing Notices are short pieces of writing which we write when we want to inform others about something. We use short clear sentences and avoid being chatty. ГЗЗИГЕ X 7 a) Read the rubric. Answer the questions. m ^ тш wm ^ ^ ^ mm mm ^ ^ mm mm mm mm тш mm ^ You are studying English at York university. You want to rent a flat nearby. Write a short notice to put on the student noticeboard. Include: • what you want to rent • details of what size flat, rooms, etc. you need • the area it can be • how much rent you can afford Ы wm ^ em м нш » ш» м «в от тт wm шш ^ ет ms тт тт 1 What are you going to write? 2 What information should you include? 3 Who is going to read it? b) Write your notice. Make sure you include all the points in the rubric. 41 Listening & Reading ^ What is your house like? Tell your partner. 2 Look at the picture. Where can you see this type of house: in the city or in the countryside? О Listen, read and check. 2 Read the text and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say). 1 Triumph Palace is in the city centre. ... 2 It is over two hundred and sixty metres high. ... 3 The building is the tallest skyscraper in Russia. ... 4 Each VIP room copies the look of a main city. ... 5 You can't see the city from all of the VIP rooms..... 6 The building has got a wide range of facilities for its residents. .... Speaking & Writing ^ Tell your partner three things you remember from the text. 2 Now write a description if the Triumph Palace. Present it to the class. I I Luxury T riumph Palace has got the wow factor. It is a 57-storey building in Moscow and one of Russia’s most beautiful buildings. At a height 264.1 metres it is one of Europe’s tallest skyscrapers. It has got around 1000 luxury flats and, on the top three floors, there is a luxurious hotel. The hotel has got 15 VIP rooms, each in the style of a famous world city. J Each one has got breathtaking views of ФЧ Moscow. The building I has got a water park fllH with a swimming pool 1ДТ and fitness centre for I Iji residents. There is & also a beauty salon, bowling alley, ЧгТггГ cinema, restaurants, I 7 shops, medical centre II. and much more. It has got everything I j, under one roof. IjlL- Viiir ■> к t-- . ^ it . |ТиЖ I I sky-high, luxury, the wow factor, storey, skyscraper, VIP, famous, breathtaking views, fitness centre, residents, bowling alley, medical centre 42 i-’i i Vocabulary: free-time activities, daily routines, animals, pets, school rules, family members Grammar: present simple, prepositions of time (in/at/on), adverbs of frequency, possession, have to/not have to, should, shouldn't, ought to, oughtn't to, adverbs/adjectives; linkers (and/or/but) Everyday English: making arrangements, telling the time Pronunciation: /s/, /z/, /iz/, 161,1Ы Writing: an email giving news Culture: College Life in the USA; Russia's favourite animal Curricular (Science): Reptiles Vocabulary Free-time Activities Listen and say. • playing board games • watching DVDs • sending text messages • snowboarding • going to the library • listening to music • rollerblading • t • surfing the Net • going to the pool • hanging out with friends • reading books Which activity does each person in the pictures like (Q) doing? Om TO vov.' and....... I don't like and....... • • • 4 * V 12 у Kary S Adam V ' f о • i D _ T* / Vi Уд - Л \ (У Vocabulary Bank 3 p. VB1 W ••Ж' r»* а Daily routines Vocabulary 1 Fill in with: get, have (x4), walk (x2), do (x2), watch, brush, go. О Listen and check, then say. b) What do you do in the morning ©O, in the afternoon in the evening © ])7 In the morning, I get up, I have... and then I.... 1 up 2 a shower 3 .......breakfast 4 ..........to school lessons sport M 7 .......dinner 8 ....my homework 9 ........the dog 10 ............a DVD 11 my teeth 12 .......to bed 44 Reading 2 a) b) We usually milk cows, sheep and goats, dan we milk snakes? What does Bill do at work? Is his job clangerous? О Listen and read to find out. Read and complete the sentences. 1 2 3 4 3 Bill works at............. In the morning, he........ At work he................ Bill's job is important because..... Grammar Present simple (affirmative) Read the table. How do we form the present simple? Find examples in the text. SINGULAR l/You walk to school. He/She/lt walks to school. PLURAL И/еДои walk to school. They walk to school. We use the present simple to talk about: • daily routines: Every morning, I eat eggs for breakfast. • habits: John plays tennis on Saturdays. • permanent states; They live in London. V Time expressions: every dayAweek, every afternoon/evening, on Mondays, etc. Spelling rules • verb + -s Iran- he runs • verbs ending in -ch, -o, -sh, -ss, -x, + -es -»I watch - he watches, I go - he goes, I wash - he washes • verbs ending in consonant + у drop the >y and take *ies -♦ I study-he studies 1Й?в milk cows, we milk goats, but what about milking snakeffwell, Bill Hernandez does this еуес)ц|ау! He works at a snake farm in Florida, USA. His dally routine is dangerous. The snakes often bite Bill on his hands and arms. Every morning, Bill gets up early and walks to the farm. He catches different tvoe^ poisonous snakes from their enclosijres and ‘milks’ them in his laboratory. The^^*^ snakes bite a special glass cup and the’^VerroriT falls into It from their teeth. In the afternoons. Bill and his team make rgedicine or ‘antivenin’ fron^iiSb4/enom. Bill knows his job is very important. “Each year, poisonous snakefeflle 8,000 people in the USA. They die without antivenin,” he says. In the evenings. Bill tries to forget all about snakes! He walks his puppy. Holly, and watches a DVD before he goes to bed. 3 4 5 3 4 routine? a habit? a Ton J I; 11 Sally..........(walk) to school every day. We ....................(live) in a village. Pronunciation: /s/, /z/, Az/ 5 Write the 3rd-person singular forms of the verbs from the text. О Listen and tick (/). Listen again and repeat. 1 I do - he.......... 2 I work - he........ I get up - he ..... I catch - he ...... 5 I fall - it ....... 6 I know - he........ 7 I say - he......... 8 I try - he ........ /3/ 111 l\zl Speaking & Writing g Make notes under the headings. Use your notes to talk about Bill's daily routine. lOrninfi Afternoon •It.» Think! Compare your routine to Bill's. In three minutes write a few sentences. Tell the class. office work, outdoors, wildlife photographer, dawn, get ready, work shifts, hide, jungle, keep still, wait for a chance, return, share, beauty of nature 46 Do you catch the bus or tube in the mornings? Lots of people do this to get to work but Nathan Dell doesn't. Nathan doesn't do office work. He works outdoors as a wildlife photographer. He often gets up before dawn, has breakfast then he gets ready to go to work. He doesn't work shifts or even 9 to 5. He hides among trees in the jungle, keeps very still and waits for a chance Vocabulary & Reading ^ Write down as many jobs as you can think of. 2 Look at the man in the photo. Which of the sentences (1-5) are true about him? О Listen, read and check. 1 Nathan works in a park. 2 He catches the tube to work. 3 He starts work early in the morning. 4 He sends his work using a computer. 5 He doesn't like his job. 2 a) Use words from the section to complete the sentences. 1 Nurses work in the morning or in the evening. They.................... 2 ....................and don't move. There's something on your head. 3 Secretaries do....................... such as sending emails or answering phone calls. 4 Police officers don't usually work indoors. They work..................... 5 The morning shift starts very early, just before to photograph an animal. At the end of the day he returns to his camp. After dinner he checks the photographs on his computer. He sometimes works late to send the pictures to the magazine he works for. It's a tiring and dangerous job but Nathan is happy to share the beauty of nature with people all over the world through his photographs. b) TkiNK! Я Complete the sentence. I admire Nathan because ... .... see Grammar p gr4 ft Present simple (negative/ interrogative) Д Read the table. Find examples in the text. NEGATIVE l/You/We/They don't play sport. INTERROGATIVE Do l/you/we/they go running on Saturday? Does he/she/it cook on Sunday afternoons? He/She/lt doesn't play sport. SHORT ANSWERS Yes, l/you/we/they do. No, l/you/we/they don't. Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn't. л Ь 5 Jane and Tom Smith have busy weekends. Look at their timetables and correct the sentences. Use the verbs have, do. go, watch, play. ro 0 9 • Ф ^ Jane Tom ^ 10:00 tennis lesson football practice 16:00 homework chores 18:00 out with friends out with friends 10:00 chores computer games 16:00 violin lesson homework 18:00 DVD DVD 1 3 4 5 6 Jane and Tom have a music lesson on Saturday mornings. Jane and Tom don't have a music lesson on Saturday mornings. Jane has a tennis lesson and Tom has football practice. Jane hangs out with her friends on Saturday mornings. Tom does chores on Sunday mornings. Jane and Tom watch DVDs on Saturday evenings. Jane does her homework on Sunday afternoons. Jane and Tom play computer games on Sunday evenings. Listening 6 О Listen to Jack and Kate. Mark T (true) or F (false). лЛ Jack Kate go to school 1 like Maths do sport get up early live in a flat 1 b) Fill in do, does. Then answer the questions. .............Jack go to school?..... 2 ..............Jack get up early?.......... 3 ..............Jack and Kate live in a flat? 4 ..............Kate like Maths? ........... 5 ..............Kate do sport? ............. Prepositions of time у a) Study the table, then fill in at. in or on. AT IN ON 1 2 3 4 5 the time (at 3 o'clock), at weekends/the weekend, at midday/night in the moming/afternoon/evening, months/ seasons (in May, in the winter), years (in 2010) days (on Saturday(s), on Monday morning(s)), dates (on 8th June), on weekdays________________________ Sue doesn't work...............Saturdays. My birthday is.............20th December. He never works................the evening. They go to school ..............weekdays. I have a dancing lesson.........6 o'clock. Speaking b) Ф Use the phrases to ask and answer. • watch TV/the evenings • get up/7 o'clock • do your homework/Friday evenings • do sport/the winter • buy a magazine/weekends A: Do you watch TV in the evenings? B: Yes, I do. Do you ... ? Adverbs of frequency g a) Read the theory box. Adverbs of frequency tell us how often something happens. They go before the main verb, but after the verb 'to be'. Tommy often goes skating. He is never late. always usually 731 often sometimes never 9 b) How often do you ... • read in bed? • help with chores? • catch a bus? • go to the library? • buy a newspaper? • do the shopping? • send text messages? Writing Write a few sentences about what you do at weekends. Use adverbs of frequency (often, always, usually, sometimes, never). 47 с Culture Corner interesting, make friends, last a lifetime, attend, GCSEs, qualifications, further studies, school uniform, catch up with, after school activities, compete with, choir, instrument, orchestra, musical events, complete, experience 1' ;l 1 4 48 What is school life like in England? Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). U Listen, read and check. 1 Children go to secondary school when they are 11 years old. 2 Pupils leave school able to work or go to college. 3 All children in England wear uniforms to school. 4 There is school on a Saturday. 5 The school teams play each other. 6 The students can become members of various clubs. 2 Choose the correct word. 1 Some children join/attend school choir. 2 Pupils do/perform after school activities. 3 Children enter/go to secondary school from the age of 11. 4 Some pupils play/compete on the football team. 3 ^ Read the text again and School days can be the best days of a child's life. They learn a lot of interesting things and they can make friends that last a lifetime. School Subjects Children in England attend secondary school between the ages of 11 and 16. They learn a lot of different subjects like English, Maths, Science, Geography and Art. From the ages of 14 to 16 all pupils study for their GCSEs. These are qualifications that pupils can use to get a job or go on to further studies. School Life Most schools in England have a school uniform. The uniform usually has the school’s colours. Children go to school during the week and have up to 8 lessons a day. They have a morning break of about 15 minutes and a one hour lunch break where they can catch up with their friends. Some pupils each lunch in the school canteen but many bring a packed lunch. After School Activities The day doesn't always end at 3:30 pm. A lot of pupils do after school activities. Some are members of their school’s football or hockey teams and compete with other schools in their area. Other pupils are in the school choir or play an instrument in the orchestra and perform in musical events during the school year. There are other clubs that pupils can join such as the art, drama or computer club to give them the complete learning experience. make notes under the headings. Use your notes to talk about ^ schools in England. • Subjects • Lessons • Breaks • Food • Clubs What is school life like in your country? Make notes under the headings in Ex. 3. Tell the class. Asking/Telling the time ^ 'ч./Listen and say. six o'clock or six half past six or six thirty (a) quarter to six or five forty-five twenty to six or five forty (a) quarter past six or six fifteen twenty past six or six twenty 2 a) ч»'* Listen and number the clock faces in the order you hear them. \ i D E F b) In pairs, use the clock faces in Ex. 2a to ask and tell the time, as in the examples. A: Excuse me. Have you got the time, please? B: Yes, it's ten forty/twenty to eleven. A: Excuse me, please. What time is it? B: It's twelve o'clock. Making arrangements 3 a) Listen and say. • Do you want to ...? • That sounds good. • What time do you want to meet? • What time is it now? • Is 6:30 OK for you? • Let's meet (at the tennis courts) at 7:30. • OK, see you there. Everyday English ) d b) The sentences are from a dialogue between two friends. Where do they agree to meet? At what time? ч/ Listen and read to find out. Tom: Jamie; Tom: Jamie: Tom: Jamie: Tom: Jamie: Do you want to play tennis in the park later, Jamie? That sounds good. What time do you want to meet? What time is it now? It's quarter past three. Right. Well, is 6:30 OK for you? Not really. My guitar lesson finishes at 6:30. That's not a problem. Let's meet at the tennis courts at 7:30, then. Don't be late. OK, see you there. Д Find sentences in the dialogue which mean: - Make sure you're on time. - That's a great idea. - No, it isn't. - Do you want to meet at half past six? - That's OK. Pronunciation:/d/, /6/ 5 Listen and tick (/) the correct boxes. Listen again and repeat. Speaking 6 Ф Arrange to meet your partner. Use the sentences from Ex. 3a to act out your dialogue. Follow the plan. О Suggest an activity & a place. Ask what time it is now. Suggest a time to meet; Suggest another time О Agree & ask what time. Reply. Say why that time isn't good for you. Agree. 49 4 У У True Friends Г' 1 1 Vocabulary Animals a) Use words from the list to label the animals (1-9). Ч Listen and check. • iguana • bear • giraffe • cat • monkey • parrot • elephant • horse • ant • hamster • goldfish • eagle • snake • duck • dolphin 3)A r ' it. % « 4 ' ^ ^ #- 92e fO \ I S’ 3K y: г; Ч Jj* ft »* И -га/ м I ^. y;^ Ti.-c* I T : I U » I stare, normal, leaves, twigs, slice, playful, personality, leader, treat, guests, hug, typical, conservation project, rare, in the wild, acre, estate, exotic, owner, staff, do their best, feel welcome, gentle Listen and say which of the animals (1-9) in Ex. la you hear. •A c) Which of the animals mentioned in Ex. la can be pets? Reading & Listening Look at the pictures in the text. What can you see? Is there such a place? Where is it? Listen and read to find out. ^jS • >. ■Vi: ■,'V» i.vr . 1. . * Whafsifor hat's it like to wake up in the morning and see Lynne, a 5-metre tall Rothschild giraffe, staring through your window? It sounds strange, but this is a normal morning at the Giraffe Manor, a hotel in Kenya, Africa. Every morning before 9 o'clock, the giraffes walk over and put their heads through the open windows to see what's for breakfast. In the wild, giraffes eat leaves and twigs, but here at the hotel they prefer a slice of toast and some orange juice. These playful creatures are like members of the family. Each one has its own name and personality. Lynne is the leader and loves treats from the guests. Arlene likes hugs while Barney is like a typical teenager - even though he's only 3. The hotel is also a conservation project. The Rothschild giraffe is a rare animal with only a few hundred left in the wild. On the 140-acre estate there are also exotic birds and antelope. __ The owners and the staff do their best to make their guests feel welcome. Giraffe Manor is a place that promises an amazing experience and lots of photographs with its gentle creatures. 3 1 гт - V- Now read the text and for questions 1-4 choose the best answer (A, B, C or D). Find evidence in the text. 4 Use words from the complete the sentences. section to 1 What animals live at Giraffe Manor? A Only giraffes. В Wild animals. C Only rare animals. D Birds, giraffes and antelope. 2 What do the giraffes like doing in the morning? A Eating from the trees. В Sharing guests' meals. C Opening the windows. D Playing with the families. 3 What does Lynne enjoy? A Hugs. C Kisses. В Treats. D Leaves. 4 What is special about the Rothschild giraffes? A They are very tall. В They are exotic. C There aren't many left. D They only eat sweets. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 Lynne, the giraffe, doesn't think it's rude to............. at people through windows. The............. in the hotel are very friendly and always ready to help guests. Chocolate is a welcome sweet..............for everyone. You can't see a Rothschild giraffe everywhere. It's a ............animal. On the................there are exotic birds and antelope. The owners made all their................feel welcome. Giraffes eat............and............... The.......is the head of the group that everyone else follows. The staff always..........................to make sure the guests have a nice time. Match the adjectives in bold in the text to their synonyms: exceptional, typical, uncommon, kind, lively, fantastic. Speaking & Writing g In three minutes write some reasons why someone should go to Giraffe Manor. Tell the class. у Imagine you are at Giraffe Manor. Send your English pen friend an email. In your email write: where you are, what the place is like, what is special about it and what you like the most. [») Vocabulary Bank 3 p. VB1B VB14 Ex. 9 51 ) л f An amazing school Vocabulary School & school rules 1 a) In a minute write down as many school subjects as you can. Which is your favourite? b) О Listen and say. Imagine a school where the students don't play football and basketball in their sports lessons. Instead, they learn to juggle and fly fast through the air on a trapeze! Well, a school like this really exists. It's called the Flying Fruit Fly Circus School and it's in Wodonga, Australia. The students at this school study circus skills such as acrobatics, clowning, trapeze, and tightrope walking. They also study dance, theatre and music and take part in many performances and tours. Students don't spend all day flying through the air though! They have to work hard at all the normal subjects, like Maths and Science, too. There are also rules like at an ordinary school. Students have to be on time, wear a school uniform and switch their mobile phones off in class (they sometimes don't have to switch off their MP3 players, though!). Also, they don't get into the school easily. They have to do a circus skills course and then the school chooses its students. juggle, trapeze, exist, circus skills, acrobatics, tightrope walking, performance, course, performer, unique experience After leaving the circus school, some students become performers, and others don't. But all the students have a unique experience at the school. It's a place where ordinary students can do extraordinary things! The Flying Fruit Fly Circus has videos of its performances on YouTube! You should take a look. They're amazing! 5 take part in S£orts ^ a) Read the text again. Match the headings (A-E) to the paragraphs (1-4). There is one extra heading. 2 52 Reading & Listening Look at the pictures with the text. What is unusual about this school? What subjects do you think students study here? Read to find out. A Not All Fun and Games В An Unforgettable Time C Special Studies D Be Famous E A Special School b) О Listen and check. How similar is this school to yours? Write sentences. In my school we don't study circus skills, but in the Flying Fruit Fly Circus School students study acrobatics, clowning, trapeze and tightrope walking. ) see Grammar p grsJ Have to 4 Read the theory. Find examples in the text in Ex. 2. AFFIRMATIVE/NEGATIVE 1/УоиЛА/еЯЬеу have to/don't have to work. He/She/lt has to/doesn't have to work. AFFIRMATIVE/NEGATIVE Do l/you/we/they have to work? Yes, I, etc do./No, I, etc. don't. Does he/she/it have to work?Yes, he, etc. does./No, he, etc, doesn't. • We use have/has to to express obligation/duty. We have to wear a uniform at school. (It's the rule./lt's a duty.) • We use don't/doesn't have to to express lack of obligation. She doesn't have to work on Saturdays. (It isn't necessary.) 5 a) Fill in: have to, has to, don't have to, doesn't have to, as in the example. 1 Jane doesn't have to sign in every morning. (X) 2 Jane and Steve.............respect their teachers. (/) 3 Jane and Steve ......be silent in the school library. (/) 4 Jane and Steve ..................wear a uniform. (X) 5 Steve ............................show an ID card. (X) 6 Jane..............................study acrobatics. (/) b) cS> Use the phrases to ask and answer questions, then tell the class what your partner has to/doesn't have to do. • do sport at school • do the washing-up every day • walk to school • do homework every evening • share your bedroom with a brother/sister A: Do you have to do sport at school? B: Yes, I do. Do you have to...? Should/Ought to g Read the theory, then fill in should/ought to or shouldn't/ oughtn't to. We use should/shouldn't to give advice/make a suggestion. You should go I to the circus! It's great! {\t's a good idea.) You shouldn't smoke. (It's not a good ' idea.) We use ought to/oughtn't to to give advice. You ought to be polite. (It's a morally right.) ___________________ In class... 1 You ............................always listen to the teacher. 2 You...........................................talk to others. 3 You..................ask questions if you don't understand. 4 You .............................................chew gum. f Adject! ves/Adverbs у Read the theory and find examples in the text in Ex. 2. ~ V » Adjectives describe nouns. They usually go before nouns but after the verb to be. He's a good teacher. They are the same in the singular and plural. The students are great. • Adverbs describe verbs. He speaks Russian well. (How does he speak Russian? Well.) Formation adjective + -ly quiet -* quietly: adjective ending in y+ -ly terrible-* terribly: adjective ending in -y+ -ily happy-* happily: irregular forms: good - * well, fast -♦ fast: hard -* hard: early/late - * early/late 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 Choose the correct word. Max juggles really good/well. Angie walks quickly/quick. She's a careful/carefully driver. Sam is really badly/bad at Maths. My teacher speaks softly/soft. Tina sings bad/badly. 9 1 2 3 4 5 Complete the sentences with the correct adverbs formed from the adjectives in the list. • polite • late • happy • quiet • good The children play................ in the playground. I think Ellie sings really .....! He sat..............and waited. He often leaves work............ Speak to your teachers.......... Speaking & Writing 10 Write what you have to/don't have to do at your school. Tell the class. !►] Vocabulary Bank 3 p. VB14 Ex$. 10-12 ' 53 grandmother/grandma granddaughter cousin niece 2 a) Look at Lisa's family tree. Complete the sentences. -1 John Stella Lisa & Karla 1 Mark is Lynn's............. 2 Lynn is John and Stella's 3 Mary is Lisa and Karla's 4 John is Peter's............ Peter 5 Larry is Peter's 6 Karla is Peter's 7 Mark is Peter's 8 Stella is John's 9 Karla is John's 10 Stella is Lisa's. b) Fill in: married, twins, single, only, divorced 1 Peter hasn't got a wife. He's .............. 2 Mark and Lynn are........................... 3 Mary and Larry aren't married now. They're..... 4 Peter hasn't got any brothers or sisters. He's a(n)....................child. 5 Lisa and Karla look the same. They're .......... 54 E Vocabulary Bank 3 p. VBIS) 2 Ask and answer questions. Use who's or whose. see \ p.GRS, Possession • singular noun + 's. John's mum • plural noun+ '. fheg/r/s'ounf • irregular plural + 's. the men's house Who's...? Who is...? Who's Lynn? She's Mark's wife. Whose ...? (ask who the possessor is) Whose daughter is Lynn? John and Stella's. A: B: A: Who's Karla? She's Lisa's sister. Whose cousin is Peter? He's Lisa and Karla's cousin. Who's Larry? 4 Listen to Amy and Nick talking about their families and tick (/) True or False. 1 Amy is Nick's cousin. 2 Nick is an only child. 3 Amy has got a big family. 4 Amy’s mum is a doctor. 5 Nick's parents are divorced. 6 Nick lives with his grandparents. Identifying people 5 a) -r' Read the dialogue. Who's Mary? A В A В A В Who's that girl with you, Sandy? Which one? The one with the long brown hair, That's my cousin, Mary. She's very pretty. Thanks. b) Bring family photographs. Act out similar dialogues to find out who each person is. Writing h An email giving news ^ a) Read the rubric and answer the questions. This is part of an email you received from your cousin Stella. "How are things there? Are your parents OK? Write back and tell me all about you." Write an email to Stella giving her your news. 1 What does the rubric ask you to write? 2 Who is the reader? 3 What is it about? b) Read the email. Name the people in the photograph. 2 Match the paragraphs to the headings. Dear Stella, !► Hi! I'm glad you're OKI Everything's fine here. I've only got good news to tell you. Mum's got a new job. She works as a teacher at a primary school three blocks from home. She likes it a lot. The only problem is that she gets up very early. She has to be at school at 7:30 every morning. Щ Dad wants to learn Spanish! He has lessons every afternoon. Sam and I go swimming. We go to the pool five times a week. Sam finds it tiring, but I'm really keen on it. I think it's fun. I also want to learn to play a musical instrument. I can have guitar lessons on Mondays or piano lessons on Fridays, but I can't decide. What do you think? Have to go now. Mum wants me to help her with the housework. Write again soon. Love, Julia A В C closing remarks - request to write back opening remarks; comment on last email family news 2 a) Read the theory box. Find examples in Julia's letter. see . “ Linking ideas >...^^3' We use and for things that are similar. Emma likes skiing and snowboarding. We use but for things that are different. I enjoy PE, but I don't like Maths. We use or to give a choice. You can have cola or orange juice. b) Fill in: and. but. or. 1 Jane likes music,......she doesn't like Maths. 2 Do you want to go to the cinema ............... watch a DVD? 3 I love surfing the Net.......sending emails. 4 PE is really fun,......it's sometimes tiring. 5 Geography is interesting........fun. Writing (an email giving news) Answer the questions. 1 How many people are there in your family? 2 What are their names? 3 What do they do? 4 What extra activities do you do? 5 Portfolio: Use your answers in Ex. 4 to write an email to your English friend giving your news (80-100 words). Follow the plan. You can use Julia's email as a model. P’anJ Dear (your friend's first name), Para 1: opening remarks (Hi! How are you?) Para 2: write your news (what your parents/ brothers/sisters do; how often) Para 3: closing remarks; ask your friend to write back. (Have to go now... Write back...) Yours, (your first name) > »| Writing Banli 1 p. WBl) 55 1 Which well-known reptiles don't^exist anymore? A crocodiles В dinosaurs C tortoises - J i г :■ reptile, poisonous, exist, tortoise, cold, dry, hot, backbone, warm blood, meat, vegetables 2 Which reptiles are poisonous? A iguanas В alligators Where do most reptiles live? A in cold places В in dry places What haven't reptiles got? A a backbone В ears C tiger snakes C in hot places C warm blood ' 5 How many legs do most reptiles have? A six В four C eight What do most reptiles eat? A meat В vegetables C plants Li Listen and check your answers. Д Tell the class three things you learnt about reptiles. Did you know? The largest lizard is the Komodo dragon, which reaches a length of more than 3 metres. Reptiles are cold-blooded which is why they lie in the sun. 5 pcfl ■§» Do some Internet research about another animal category (e.g. mammals, insects, birds) and write a quiz like the one in Ex. 2. Language Review 1 Match the words. 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 send A a shower do В work catch C with friends have D the dog start 1 1 E my homework F text messages walk G the Internet - go H the bus hang out 1 a musical surf instrument - play J to bed 2 Choose the correct words. Cheetahs are 1) mammals/ reptiles that belong to the cat 2) family/course. They are very fast 3) land/ air animals. They 4) live/stay in Africa. They are an 5) endangered/risky species because they can't adapt to new 6) environments/areas easily. They also 7) have/take difficulty finding food to eat. J 1 2 3 Write the times. 10:30 4 5 6 I 4 1 2 3 4 5 Write the correct word. My mum's sister is my .... My aunt's husband is my My dad's parents are my My mum's mum is my .... My parents' son is my .... 5 Choose the correct prepositions. 1 3 4 He listens to/at music while he does his homework. Snakes can bite you in/on your hands. How do you get at/to work? She starts work in/at 9 o'clock. Let's look at the photographs on/in the computer. He takes photographs of/ from wild animals in/into the jungle. Sue is in/on the school choir. 6 Fill in: daily, office, do, conservation, brush, take, work, feel, hours, poisonous. 1 2 3 4 5 outdoors .. routine ... snake my teeth ...work 6 ................medicine 7 .................welcome 8 .................project 9 ...............my best 10 work long................ In teams use the words below in sentences. Each correct sentence gets a point. The team with the most points wins: exotic birds, aunt, uncle, grandmother, study hard, typical teenager, keep still, work shifts, work late, go shopping, have dinner, go to bed, free time, have lunch, dining hall, take part in, catch up with, get up, niece, office work. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Read through Module 3 and write a quiz of your own. 1 2 3 4 5 Some snakes are poisonous. Snakes haven't got legs. Snakes are cold-blooded. Reptiles haven't got a backbone. Kenya is in Europe. The Rothschild giraffe is an endangered species. People can make antivenin from snakes' venom. (») Revision 3p. 117) 57 Listening (Тгие/Faise statements) ^ Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 1 What do the people in your family look like? 2 How old are the people in your family? 3 What are your parents' jobs? Rending (Multiple Choice) Study skills True/False statements Read the rubric, then the statements to familiarise yourself with the content of the recording. V 2 a) Read Ex. 2b and the statements (1-6). Answer the questions (1-4) below. 1 2 3 Are you going to listen to a monologue or a dialogue? What is James talking about? Which family members do you think James mentions? Which jobs can you find in the statements? b) Q You're going to listen to James talking to a friend of his about his family. Listen and tick (/) the correct box. Compare with your partner. True False 1 3 4 James's aunt, Anna, is an actress on TV. James's sister, Katie, can speak several languages. James looks like his brother Sam. James's father, Lucas, is in his late forties. Emma wants to become a biologist. James wants to be an actor. Study skills Multiple choice reading Read the text quickly to get the gist. Read the questions and possible answers. Find the part in the text that contains the answer to the question. Read carefully ' trying to find synonymous phrases. Remember the questions follow in the order they appear in the text. 58 3 Look at the title of the text and read the first sentence in each paragraph. What do you expect to read about? Read through and check. Cool Veterinarian - Sam Martin It’S fun being a vet. I like It because although (t Is hard work, every day (s different! It all depends on what Is wrong with the animals that come in. At my clinic, I work long days on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and short days on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Sunday Is my day off so I can spend some time with my family. My day at my clinic begins at 7 am. My receptionist opens the door, turns on some music, and makes everyone a cup of tea or coffee. My assistant cleans and feeds the animals. The phones start to ring, and people make appointments. This Is a very busy time of day! At 9 am, pet owners start to arrive with their sick pets. Appointments take up the whole morning. At midday, I stop for 2 hours. I don’t examine any new animal patients. I use these 2 hours to have lunch and do all my paperwork. At 2 pm, I start to see sick animals again. At 5 pm, three students from a local school who love animals arrive to help out. I am always happy to see their smiling faces! From 5 pm to 7 pm, I continue to see animal patients. Then, at 7 pm, we close our doors and the clean-up begins! We tidy the clinic, and feed and clean the animals. Of course, we also stroke them, and give them hugs and cuddles, too! Then, we turn off the lights and go home. This Is the type of day I aim for. But of course unexpected things sometimes happen! V I I v: г . I_* •' [ isf# b) Read the text and answer the questions (1-6). 1 Sam says he likes his job because A there is a lot of variety. В he likes hard work. C he likes to make animals better. D he sees lots of different animals. 2 Sam works A seven days a week. В different hours every day. C full days only on some days. D even when he is at home. 3 At the start of the day, people in Sam's clinic A let the staff into the clinic. В play with the animals. C make a lot of phone calls. D have a lot to do. 4 During the day, Sam A has to do administration work. В sometimes gives talks at local schools. C often has no time for lunch. D teaches students who want to be vets. 5 Sam examines sick animals A all day. В between 9 am and 5 pm. C all day except 12 pm-2 pm. D 9 am-12 pm & 5 pm-7 pm. 6 The text is about A why Sam is a vet. В Sam's daily routine. C a special day In Sam's clinic. D Sam's love of animals. Specking (Describe a picture) c) Complete the sentences. 1 Sam likes his job because ........ 2 He works long days in the week, but not........................... 3 He starts work ................... 4 There's a break at ............... 5 In the afternoon, they've got help from ............................. A ^Listen to someone describing the photograph and complete the gaps. The photograph shows a family having 1).............There's the father, mother and two 2)...............They are at the table in the 3) .............They are in casual 4)...........On the 5)............. there are cornflakes, fruit and orange juice. The parents look happy. dy sk Describing photographs When you describe a photo, imagine you are describing it to a person who can't see it. Be as detailed as possible. Talk about people and their clothes, time of day, place, weather, other things/objects you can see and people's feelings. 5 Look at the photo and make notes under the headings in the Study Skills box. Use your notes to describe the photo. М/г/Г/Л9 (Writing Bank 1: Informal letters p. WB1) 0 a) Read the rubric. Think of vocabulary related to the points in the rubric. Write it down under the headings: morning activities - afternoon activities - evening activities You have received a letter from your English pen friend, Kim. What is a typical weekday routine for you? When does your day start? What do you do in the morning, at noon, in the afternoon and evening? Write her a letter and answer her questions. b) Use the activities listed to write your letter. Follow the plan. ^ (Plan I Informal style ' • short forms Dear Kim, • everyday vocabulary Para 1: opening remarks, reason for writing . expressions Para 2: describe your typical weekday routines. Para 3: closing remarks, ask about friend's typical weekday routine (your first name) j J 59 1 Reading & Listening a) Look at Misha, the Moscow Olympics 1980 mascot. What animal is it? b) What do you know about this animal? How do the Russians feel about it? Q Listen, read and check. 2 Read the text and answer the questions. 1 Where do brown bears live? 2 What do they look like? 3 What do they eat? 2 Use words from the text to label the picture. Speaking 4 Complete the table. Use the completed table to present the brown bear to the class. Name: Lives in: Looks like: Eats: Russians Favourite Animal Russia is a big country and lots of animals live there. One animal, ---^ the common brown bear, has / ' a special place in the hearts of the Russian people though. The brown bear lives in the mountains and forests of Russia. It is a very large animal with a large round head, small round ears, and a long mouth with 42 teeth. It’s fur is thick and it has large paws witMo^g^cTaws that can grow up to 10 cm long. It eats berries and nuts, roots, grasses, insects and fish. This big and beautiful animal is a favourite character of Russian fairytales and cartoons. In fact, the brown bear is so popular that it is the national symbol of Russia. common, special place, in the hearts of, mountains, forests, fur, paws, claws, grow, berries, nuts, roots, grasses, insects, fish, fairytales, cartoons, national symbol u r - 1 large round 2 small round 3 long i * r 5 Writing Find information on the Internet about two other animals in your country. Write short paragraphs. Present them to the class. 5 large 4 thick -3 60 Did you know? The brown bear can run as fast as 55 kmph. 6 long - -I. ' Vocabulary: seasons, weather & climate, holiday / activities, clothes, drinks & snacks, market products, festivals & celebrations, food & drinks Grammar: present continuous, present simple vs present continuous, stative verbs, must - can, object pronouns; some/any/a lot of/a few/a little/much/many; going to, countable/uncountable nouns/quantifiers, be going to Everyday English: buying drinks & snacks Pronunciation: -ing ending; /ai/, /ei/ Writing: a postcard describing a festival Culture: Mall of America; National dishes: Borsch Curricular (Geography): Climate 0 Vocabulary Weather & Seasons ^ Match the descriptions (1-5) to the pictures (A-E). w'Listen and check. It's freezing cold and snowy It's boiling hot and sunny. It's windy, cold^ncj rainy. It's chilly and foggy. ^ It's warm, but it's cloudy. I-. A ОУБИ TO YOV/ What is the weather like in your city in winter, spring, summer, autumn? In winter it's freezing cold and... Complete the sentence. My favourite season is... because... В r.f ? г r 1 ■ /■ - — cicj-t V ■ H M'v X ^ :ti- У Vocabulary Bank 4 pp. VB16-VB17 Ex.3 1 : / a On the go 1 Vocabulary Holiday activities Match the sentences to the pictures. Q Listen and check, then say. 1 2 3 4 5 6 They're sightseeing on a tour bus. He's shopping for souvenirs. He's swimming. She's sunbathing. They're eating local dishes. They're hiking. see Grammar p* gr s Present continuous (affirmative) 2 Read the table and complete the rule. Find examples of the spelling rules in the sentences in Ex. 1. LONG FORM / am walking. You are walking. He/She/ltis walking. И^еДоиДЛеу are walking. SHORT FORM I'm walking. You're walking. He's/She's/lt's walking. We're/You're/They're walking. We use the present continuous for actions happening now/at the moment/today. Form: noun/pronoun +............+ verb -ing form Time expressions with the present continuous: now, at the moment, today Spelling rules • most verbs: + -/ng fly- flying, eat - eating • verbs ending in consonant + -e -► -e'+ -ing come - coming • verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant: double the consonant and take -ing shop - shopping Pronunciation 2 a) Write the -ing form of the verbs. 1 play.......... 2 wear.......... 3 4 5 6 swim make do .... send 7 stop .... 8 write .. 9 run 10 read .... 11 have ... 12 sit b) Q Listen and say. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the -ing ending. Listening Д W Listen to the sounds and circle what you hear. Then write sentences, as in the example. 1 2 3 Tony: watch TV /(play tennis^ Stella: swim / sleep Mike & Tom: play computer games / play the guitar 4 Dan: ride a bike / ride a horse Tony is playing tennis. 62 с» ^ л eading Peter is on holiday with his family. Read the first sentence in Peter's postcards. Where is he? What is he doing there? Listen and read to find out. b) Read the postcards and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say). Friday, 10tK September HiJoKn, After three days in Mexico City we re leaving for Puebla. It’s hot and sunny today. The guide says the route is fantastic. The coach goes past snowcapped mountains and volcanoes. As for Puebla, everyone says it’s beautiful with lots to do. I can’t wait. Peter I / a * \ ’ - * .1 # . turday, 11th September ?ar Jenny, Hi from Puebla. We’re staying at a hotel near the centre. It’s a bit chilly today. We re going on a tour around the citu now. The bus stops along the route so we can visit lots of sights. I want to see 'he/orts. Andy isn't coming with us He wants to walk around the city centre and — I . ■ . ^ photogi houses there. It you aren’t here. See s a Peter you soon. guide, route, coach, snow-capped, mountain, volcano, can't wait, tour, sights, fort, it's a pity, flea market, crafts, snack 1 Puebla is near Mexico City. 2 Peter is travelling alone. 3 There are beautiful buildings in Puebla. 4 You can buy souvenirs at Los Sapos. 5 The weather is the same during Peter's visit. 6 List ail the present continuous forms in the text. Write their corresponding present simple forms. Speaking & Writing Use these words to write sentences about Mexico. Tell the class. • snow-capped mountains & volcanoes • sights • forts • city centre • animals & plants • flea market • crafts 0 Imagine you are in a place in your country. Write a postcard to your pen friend. Say: Suixday, 12th September I IП5 AoDos We’re having о We're back from Parqoe I To I?s a beautiful place with lots Ecologico. It s 0 oea j к of animals and ^ jiea Tr^n to stop. Talk to you soon. Peter 7 where you are who else is with you what the city is like what you are doing now 63 / b Shopping time ' I , 'i*- -■ Vocabulary Clothes ^ О Listen and say. What do you usually wear: at school? at a party? on a hot and sunny day? when it's raining and it's cold? Tell your partner. / usually wear... at a party. Etc. Reading 2 Sandy, Ann's big sister, is at a department store. What is she doing there? What does she buy? О Listen and read to find out. look for, present, success, together, expensive, guess, top, gorgeous, half-price, match Sandy: Hi, Ann. How are you? Ann: Oh, hi Sandy. What are you doing here? Are you shopping for clothes? Sandy: No, I'm not. I'm looking for a present for Angela but I'm not having much success. Ann: Let's find her something together. Sandy: OK. Any ideas? Ann: How about a bag? Sandy: Good idea. She likes bags. What do you think of this blue one? Ann: It's nice but I think it's a bit expensive. Sandy: I guess you're right. What about these scarves? Ann: She doesn't wear scarves. Wait! Here! These tops are gorgeous. Oh, and they are half-price. Do you like this one? Sandy: That's great. Green matches the colour of her eyes. Ann: Buy this, then. Read and complete the sentences. i к L 1 Sandy wants to buy Ann offers to ......................... They aren't buying the blue bag because Angela doesn't wear.................... Sandy decides to buy................... because ............................... see ч Grammar £• V Present continuous (negative & interrogative) 4 Read the table. How do we form the negative/ interrogative of the present continuous? Find examples in the dialogue in Ex. 2. NEGATIVE / am not/'m not You/We^hey are not/aren't He/She/lt is not/isn't INTERROGATIVE wearing a scarf. Am I winning] ? Are you/we/they winning] ? Is he/she/it winning] 7 SHORT ANSWERS Yes, I am./No, I'm not. Yes, you/we/they are./ No, you/we/they aren't. Yes, he/she/it is./ No, he/she/it isn't. g Look at the pictures. Ask and answer questions. Use the phrases. • try on shoes • do their homework • have lunch • surf • wear scarves _ _____ h. ' I ■ , Brilj: 4:- - .V.'*:' fe.- V- I ж 1 Тот and John/wear ties? Are Тот and John wearing ties? No! They aren't wearing ties. They are wearing scarves. 2 Sally and Helen/listen to music?............... 3 Peter/try on a sweatshirt?..................... 4 Ann/swim? ..................................... 5 The girls/look for a present?.................. g Use the verbs in the list in the present continuous to complete the gaps. • not rain • eat • have (x2) • drink • sit • wear (x2) These are my big brother's friends at university. They 1).....................at a cafe and 2)..................... lunch. They 3)......................................burgers and fries and 4)............................................cola. It 5)............................... today. It's quite hot actually. Jason and Jeff 6)............................shirts. Mike 7)..........................a T-shirt. They 8)..........................a great time. Present simple vs present continuous у a) Read the table. We use the present simple to talk about habits & routines. She often wears boots. We use the present continuous to talk about actions happening now. I'm wearing my new dress today. Note: Some verbs don't have continuous forms because they express a state (e.g. want, believe, like, etc.). 1 / want to go out now. {NOT: Ikn-wonting.) b) Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. 1 A: We............................(go) shopping. .....................(you/want) to come? B: I can't. I.....................(help) Mum. 2 A: Why ...............(you/take) the umbrella? B: It ..........................(rain) outside. 3 A: What..................(you/wear) at school? B: I usually..........................(wear) a school uniform, but today I ................ (wear) my jeans and a T-shirt. 4 A: What ....................(they/talk) about? B: I.................(not/know). I............. (think) they.................(try) to decide what to do tonight. Speaking & Writing g Find pictures of your friends & family. Write sentences describing where they are, what they are doing and what they are wearing. Tell the class. _______________ ______________________ Vocabtil.ify Bank 4 pp. VB18-VB19 ) 65 — ulture Corner skyscraper, appear, shopping mall, biggest, accessories, electronics, toys, travel, get tired of, food court, serve, variety of dishes, snack, dinosaur museum, indoor, roller coaster, aquarium, sea creature, shark MALL OF America The USA is famous for its skyscrapers that appear in most big cities and its huge shopping malls. Americans love shopping there. The Mall of America, or MOA, in Minnesota with over 520 shops is the V biggest mall in the USA. About 40 million people from many countries visit it every year. You can find everything there from accessories and books to electronics, toys and travel agents. When you get tired of shopping, you can eat in two big food courts. 20 fast food restaurants serve a variety of dishes and snacks. After that you can watch a film in a 14-screen cinema, visit a dinosaur museum, have fun at the indoor amusement park with roller coasters or play golf. There is even an aquarium with over 4,500 sea creatures including sharks! MOA has got something for everyone! Did you know? • The Mall of America can hold 32 Boeing 747s. You can even fit 258 Statues of Liberty in it. Where do your parents/you go shopping? How often? Are there shopping malls in your city? What can you buy there? Tell the class. 2 a) Which of the following can you do in the Mall of America? Listen, read and check. • shop for clothes • book tickets • have lunch • watch a film • stay in a hotel • visit a museum • see sharks • go on a roller coaster • dance b) Read again and complete the chart. Name: Location: Shops: Things to do: 3 Use words from the section to complete the sentences. 1 You can see fish in a(n).................... 2 You can eat at a(n) ........................ 3 There are..............................at an amusement park. 4 There is a(n)....................golf course so don't worry if it starts raining. 5 When you get................................ walking you can relax at one of the cafes. a) Imagine you are at the Mall. Call your friend to tell him/her about it. A: Hi, Bob. it's Mark. B: Hi, Mark. Where are you? A: I'm calling from.... b) Would you like to visit this mall? Why/Why not? Tell the class. 5 Where do people In your city go shopping? What is the place like? Write a few sentences about it. Tell the class. Everyday En r slice of pizza chips r J _ A , лц\^ Hot dog Soft drinks (cold) lemonade) Ice cream cornet mm Coffee 1 Buying drinks & snacks How often do you eat out? What do you usually eat/drink? Do you buy any of these drinks or snacks on the menu above? 2 a) 4r4isten and say. • What can I get you? • I'd like a hot dog, please. • Anything else? • Can I have a cola, please? • That's £5.15, please. • Here you are. • Here's your change. b) The phrases in Ex. 2a are from a dialogue at a snack bar at a food court. Who says each phrase, the cashier or the customer? 4^' Listen and read to find out. ^ Find sentences in the dialogue which mean: - What would you like? - Of course. - They cost £5.15. Pronunciation: /ai/, /ei/ Д Listen and tick (/) the correct boxes. Listen again and repeat. /ai/ Ж Idil /ai/ buy wait I pay my late A В A В A Next please. What can I get you? A, Hi. I'd like a hot dog, please. OK. Anything else? Can I have a cola, please? Щ Sure. Here's your hot dog ... and your cola. i That's £5.15, please. = OK. Here you are. \ Thank you. Here's your change. ■ Thanks. Bye. 5 Speaking CP Take roles. You are a customer and your partner is a snack bar cashier. Order something to eat and drink. Use the menu in Ex. 1 to act out your dialogue. Follow the plan. О Ask how to be of help. Ask if customer wants something to drink. Give customer's order & say cost. Give change. Thank customer. О Order food. Order a drink. Offer money. Reply and say goodbye. 67 / е Marvellous markets Vocabulary Market products 'I a) Q Listen and say. “'С ti -A' -* • 'i лЛ tt iWV 1 J > . r Ji' r I # li •=L^Г 0 :5 Н/ Jane! Greetings from London! I'm at the world famous Camden Market We're shopping in the iorgestpart of it, Camden Stables Market There are hundreds of shops and stalls here. You can find some great second-hand shoes and clothes at bargain prices plus beautiful antiques and furniture. They have also got food from all over the world in their food courts. Right now, my parents and I are having lunch at a Mexican food stall. We're having such a good time! I can't imagine this place in Victorian times full of stables for the horses pulling the barges along the canal, but that's where the name comes from. Can you believe it? You'd love it here! See you soon, Fiona %7 2 68 prW. i 11 / 1 ra- V. У V J r* I / ' H : f * 1 / 1 JbV ^ В ■ 1 b) Are there any street markets in your area? Which are market days? Which of the items in Ex. 1 can you find there? Tell the class. Think! в Listen to the sounds. Imagine you are at a street market. What are you doing? Who else is with you? What can you see? What are the people around you doing? How do you feel? Tell the class. Reading 3 The pictures show two different markets. Where is each one? What products do you think you can find there? Listen and read to find out. 1 2 3 4 5 4 1 2 3 stables, stalls, second-hand, at bargain prices, food courts, barges, follow, map, get lost, delicacy, fried insects, delicious, pineapple juice b) Read again and write the name of the market, Camden or Chatuchak. None of the areas are as big as this one. ... People can find used goods there. There are some strange foods there. It gets its name from animal homes. You can lose your way easily there. Fill in: get, second-hand, fried, bargain, food, follow. Use the phrases to write sentences about Camden Stables and Chatuchak Markets. clothes ,. prices . a map 4 ...............insects 5 ..................lost 6 .................stall You can buy second-hand clothes at the Camden Stables Market. / pottwy Hi Tony, |»m in Thailand with my classmates. Right now we’re at the Chatuchak Weekertd Market. You must follow a map when you walk oround because the market has got 15,000 stalls and it s easy to get lost! You can find everything here: clothes, books, antiques, jewellery, shoes, fowers, pottery, pets ond many other things. There are lots of delicacies to choose from, even fried insects! I’m drinking a delicious pineapple juice at a food Stoll at the moment while my friend is shopping for souvenirs. We’re having a great time! See you next week, George see Grammar p.gr6/ Can - Must 5 Read the theory. Find examples in the postcards in Ex. 3. 7 You can visit the market on Mondays. (It's possible ./It's allowed.) You can't visit the market on Fridays. (It isn't possible.) You must use the litter bins. {\X's necessary./lt's the rule.) You mustn't/can't bring pets here. {\t isn't allowed.) A В C D g Rewrite the sentences using can, can't, mustn't, can't. 1 It's possible to buy flowers there. You can buy flowers there. 2 It isn't allowed to ride through the stalls. You ................................................ 3 It's possible to eat fried insects there. You................................................. 4 Throw empty cans in the bins. It's the rule. You................................................. 5 It's possible to have lunch there. You....................................... 8 Listening О Listen to four short exchanges at the Chatuchak Weekend Market. What does each person want to buy? Sonya ...................... Peter ...................... George ..................... Alfred ..................... Speaking & Writing a) Choose a picture and describe it to the class. Talk about: place, people, clothes, activities, feelings. b) Which of the two markets in Ex. 3 do you want to visit? Why? In three minutes, write a few sentences about it. Read your sentences to the class, gg / f Food & drinks Vocabulary Food & drinks ^ a) W Listen and say. cheese yoghurt К ivottnA Ah* h’®’" oh/cken butter 1 salmon beefs FRUIT Cherries watermelon oppies tomatoes oranges bananas ABLES onions caulifioiver beans ' /ettuce eggplant carrots % What are you going to make for breakfast tomorrow? What do people eat in other parts of the world? Japan: A traditional Japanese breakfast includes a bowl of soup and some steamed rice. People serve these with some fish and vegetables, together with a cup of green tea. Good manners are very important at the table; the rice should always be on a person's left-hand side and the soup on the right. The United Kingdom: The typical English breakfast is a 'fry-up that includes a lot of fried food, like eggs, mushrooms, bacon, sausages and tomatoes with baked beans! They serve it with a few slices of toast and some butter and a cup of tea to finish. Not many people eat a 'fry-up' every morning. When they wake up tomorrow, most Brits are probably going to eat a bowl of cereal. Poland: Polish people like a breakfast spread with a lot of choice. Fresh bread and creamy butter are essential. They prepare scrambled eggs, cold meats, sliced tomatoes and many different types of cheese for the breakfast table. They even have a soup made from milk. These days people can also have some yoghurt or cereal. Strong coffee or a pot of tea is always available. эЬЬад( tea coffee change juice water 70 ^^J^^eggs • • ■ ^ cereal sugar b-ad ^^^*^3rice. b) Complete the sentences about you. 1 I eat.............every day. 2 I never eat................ 3 I never drink.............. 4 I sometimes eat............ traditional, includes, steamed, good manners, important, fried, toast, breakfast spread, scrambled eggs, sliced, available Reading 2 a) What do you usually have for breakfast? Is it the same in other countries? 'чг' Listen and read to find out. b) Read the text and write the countries: Japan, the UK or Poland. 1 They eat rice for breakfast in ............ 2 Most people eat a bowl of cereal with milk in 3 They serve breakfast with toast and butter in 4 Table manners are important at breakfast in 5 Fresh bread and butter are important for breakfast in .............................. see \ Grammar p- gr ej Countable/Uncountable nouns/ Quantifiers 2 Read the theory. Find examples in the text. Countable nouns are nouns we can count. They have plural forms. an apple two apples Uncountable nouns are nouns we can't count. They don't have plural forms. ^,7^. Countable nouns I eat a lot of oranges. How many oranges do you eat? • too many oranges (more than I I a lot of/lots of oranges a few/some oranges few oranges Uncountable nouns / drink a lot of milk. How much milk do you drink? • too much milk (more than I need) • a lot of! lots of milk • a little/some milk • little milk ] 4 Write a/an or some. Then mark the nouns C (Countable) or U (Uncountable). 1 .... bread 6 .... potatoes... 2 .... chicken 7 .... peppers ... 3 .... milk 8 .... beans 4 .... carrots 9 .... apple 5 .... rice 10 .... tea 5 1 Choose the correct word. A: Can I have a few/a little onions, please? B: OK. Anything else? A: How much/How many cheese do we need? B: Very few/little. A: Here's your coffee. B: There's too many/too much milk in it. A: We've got a few/a little cherries. B: Great! We can make a cherry pie. A: How much/How many peppers are there? B; There are too many/lots of. Don't buy any. Be going to g Read the table. Are there similar structures in your language? Affirmative 'm going to eat pasta. He/She/lt's going to eat pasta. \Л/е/УоиЯЬеу'ге going to eat pasta. Negative 'm not going to eat pasta. He/She/lt isn't going to eat pasta. \А/е/УоиЯЬеу aren't going to eat pasta. Interrogative Am I going to eat pasta? Is he/she/it going to eat pasta? Are we/you/they going to eat pasta? We use be going to to talk about plans and intentions in the future. What are you going to do tomorrow? Time expressions: tomorrow, next week/month/year. etc. у Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the affirmative or negative of going to. 1 Next Sunday we ........................ (visit) the Real Food Festival. 2 Joanna .............................. (not/buy) any apples today. 3 The girls .............................. (have) a birthday party next weekend, 4 Mum ...................(cook) pasta for lunch. 5 They...................(not/eat) pizza tonight. Speaking & Writing g Find out what your partner is going to/isn't going to do this weekend. Use these ideas. You can use your own ideas as well. • visit the aquarium • do homework • cook chicken • play the guitar • book tickets for theatre • shop for clothes • buy a birthday present • go hiking • have dinner with friends • make a cake A: Are you going to visit the aquarium? B: Yes, I am./No, I'm not. Q Write six sentences about what you are going to do and what you aren't going to do this weekend. [>►] Vocabulary Bank 4 p. VB20~) 7 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Vocabulary Festivals & celebrations Match the phrases to the pictures. Listen and check. play music in the streets dance in the streets watch a parade watch a fireworks display crown the queen paint their faces Read the advert. What kind of information ' is missing in each gap? Now listen and complete the gaps. 30th April-1)................May crown the 2).................... carnival rides and a 3).............. live 4).................. food, fun Burrito 5).............contest 5K Run/Walk 2 (Ж> Imagine you are at the place in picture F. Describe the scene. Think about: • place • weather • people • clothes • activities • feelings Speaking Making suggestions 4 You and your friend are at the town carnival. Use the phrases in Ex. 1, your own ideas and the language in the table to act out exchanges, as in the example. It's.... People.... They are wearing.... They are.... Everyone is having.... Suggesting Let's.... Shall we... ? Do you feel like (watching etc.)... ? Replying That sounds good. Great idea! Sure, why not! 'd rather not. Let's... instead. Vocabulary Bank 4 p. VB21} A: Let's dance in the streets. B: Td rather not. Let's watch the fireworks display instead. A: Sure, why not! 1 4 А postcard from a festival Read the postcard. Who is writing it? Where is she? What is happening there? 2 Which of the following does Erica mention in her postcard? 1 the weather 2 the name of the festival 3 when the festival takes place 4 where Erica is staying 5 how people usually celebrate the festival 6 when the festival ends 7 what Erica is doing now 8 what other people are doing now 2 Which of the sentences (1-5) are О (opening remarks), C (closing remarks)? What opening & closing remarks does Erica Include in her postcard? 1 Well, here I am in India. 2 Bye for now! 3 I'm having a great time here in India. 4 See you when I get back. 5 That's all for now! .•... see Ч Object pronouns p.GR?/ a) Read the theory. Find examples in the postcard. Object pronouns go after the main verb and in prepositional phrases. I love this festival. I love it. Give this to Sue. Give this to her. them b) Replace the words in bold with appropriate object pronouns. 1 Look at these elephants. 2 He's taking a photo of the parade. 3 Give this to your aunt. 4 She is dancing with John. mm h we’re having a ,v Hi Amy. Greetings from Jaipurl tt’a hot an^ sunny ^ ^ v «md WcV« at my aunt and und« Hdi hern in India now - tha foatlval of ooloura Faopla W ovoiv oprine. HiPy 11# T throw ootoured powder at each other. At the moment we’re watching a parade of painted elephants! ll^s really exciting here. People are dancing In the streets. I’m taking lots of fantastic photosl Give your parents my love. 6ee you next week, Erica > \ .V ^ 4 i ) 9' f? 5 Rewrite the sentences. Use short forms or omit the pronoun. When writing postcards to friends, use short forms (We're staying) and omit subject pronouns (e.g. See you soon, NOT: Шкееуои soon). ^ This helps you write in a friendly, informal style. 1 It is a bit cloudy today. 2 I can't wait to see you. 3 We miss you. 4 We are watching the parade now. 5 I do not want to leave! 6 I hope you are OK. Writing (a postcard from a festival) 0 Portfolio: Imagine you are at a festival in your country. Write a postcard to your English pen friend. Follow the plan. Plan Hi..., Write your opening remarks, describe the weather, & say where you're staying. (Greetings from.... It's.... We’re staying....) Write the name of the festival, say when it is & what usually happens. (It's... here now. People celebrate it every.... They... and....) Describe what's happening now/what you are doing (At the moment people are.... Tm/We're....) Write your closing remarks. (See you next week,) Yours, (your first name) [!►] Writing Bank 3 p. WBS) 73 A V Curricular: Geography 1 Read the dictionary entry. What is the climate in your country? climate /klaimst/ (n) the typical weather conditions of a particular place e.g. wet, humid, etc b) What characterises tundra and hot desert climates? 4.^' Listen and read to find out. Read the text again and mark the sentences Г (for tundra climate) or HD (for hot desert climate). It doesn't rain very often. .... It's very cold even during summertime....... Several kinds of plants can live there...... There's no sun during the winter. .... It can be hot in the morning but freezing cold in the evening. .... ^' ■’7 low temperature, characterise, exist, last, reach, shine, midnight sun, dark, drop, survive, dry, below freezing, hold in • I ‘ t rr !\ Mi / HOT DESERT / Deserts are usually very hot all year round with temperatures over 46° C. They get very little rain and have very long dry periods. At night temperatures drop to below freezing. Only plants that hold in a lot of water can survive in hot desert climates. 3 4 TUNDRA CUHATE Cold weather and low temperatures characterise the tundra climate all M i| year round. The winter season is I long and hard. A short summer season exists. It lasts about 6 to 10 weeks and temperatures reach -1“C. The sun shines almost 24 hours a day during this season so people call the tundra “the land of the midnight sun". During the long winter months it is dark most of the day and temperatures drop to -35° C. No plants can survive in the tundra. Complete the sentences with words from the section. Not many plants...................in deserts. Winters in the tundra climate are very long, they can......................ten months. It's so cold, the temperature is........... It's very difficult for plants to............ without water. High temperatures.................the hot desert climate. 4 ICT^ In groups collect Information about different types of climate. Use textbooks, encyclopaedias or the Net, You can use the key words: climate types. Present them to the class. Language Review / ^ Label the pictures. • freezing cold • snowing • sunny • windy • raining • foggy / ^ 1 2 Fill in: sights, sightseeing, malls, chilly, boots, map, survive, parade, tired. 1 It's........................and foggy today. Take a coat with you. 2 There are a lot of ........................... to visit in Puebla. 3 It's raining. Put on your............., please. 4 They are ......................on a tour bus. 5 Most Americans do their shopping at shopping 6 You need a ................to find your way. 7 We are watching the carnival............... now. 8 Plants can't ...................in very low temperatures. 9 I'm .................of shopping; let's have a snack. 3 1 2 3 5 4 Circle the odd word out. boots - trainers - sandals - socks market - beach - mall - stalls trousers - shorts - shoes - jeans chilly - hot - warm - display Fill in: fireworks, snow-capped, flea, half, traditional, high, amusement, below, fried, roller. 1 market 6 heels 2 coasters 7 ... costumes 3 -price 8 display 4 park 9 freezing 5 insects 10 . mountains Choose the correct preposition. 1 3 4 5 6 7 The weather in Ireland at/in winter is often cold and windy. There are thousands of stalls at/to the Chatuchak Market! People are dancing on/in the streets. Many people dance at/in the Rio Carnival. Let's go on/at a tour around the city. I'm tired for/of walking. Let's go for a coffee. There are lots of souvenirs to choose of/from. GIK** In teams, make sentences. Use words from the list. Each correct sentence gets one point. The team with the most points wins. • second-hand clothes • tour bus • get lost • snow-capped mountains • roller coaster • tired of • follow a map • low temperatures • freezing cold • watch a parade • dance in the streets • paint their faces Answer the questions. Look at Module 4 and write a quiz of your own. 3 4 5 Is it cold in deserts at night? Does the Chatuchak Weekend Market take place in London? What is Holi? Can plants survive in the tundra? What is Los Sapos? 8 Is the Camden Stables Market in Thailand? What do people call 'the land of the midnight sun'? Is there an aquarium in the Mall of America? __ Revision 4 p. 11^ / Э Гш >-•54 s Reading (True/False statements) Study skills True/False statements Be very careful when a sentence contains a negative word e.g. hardly as this changes the meaning of a sentence completely. V ^ a) Read the rubric. I You are going to read a text about ■ [ honey. Read the text and mark the j I statements T (true) or F (false). i 1 b) Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Which of the sentences contain a negative word? Honey comes from a non-human maker. Г Eating honey can help you stay in shape. Honey causes problems with sleep. Sportsmen use honey so they don't tire too easily. There are hardly any medical uses for honey. You shouldn't eat too much honey. Now do the task. Speaking (Based on a stimulus) fip 'I ,._____ cd b bd Q e ~ ^ ^ ~ _ , 9^. ’ llfc * 'S ^tomato - ' • Ik b) Listen, read and check. 2 Read the text and answer the questions. 1 What is borsch? 2 What does it contain? 3 What do people eat it with? 4 How can you make it? 2 Complete the sentences Use the words from section. 1 Borsch is the................................... of Russia. 2 It is a very..............................meal. 3 Borsch usually contains meat but you can also make a borsch with............................. 4 You can serve borsch with bread and National dishes Borscht is a Ukrainian national dish which has become so ? popular in Russia that many Russians consider it one of their ;; national dishes too. It is a delicious soup that Russian people eat cold or hot depending on the season. Borscht contains f meat, tomato juice, beetroot, and vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, potatoes, parsnips, celery, onions and , garlic. It usually has either beef or sausage but people can ? also make borscht using vegetables only. People often eat it with bread and sour cream called smetana. . .k-S ШШ 1 Boil the beef from the pot. 2 Peel and tender. Then remove the ■' vegetables. Place them in 3 Р1а.е?"к broth. " " riake the beef and salt nnrt to the vegetables. Add ^^tand pepper. Cover and let it simmer for an e the soup in large bowls with sour cream. rt c ^___ national dish, delicious, depend on, season, contain, sour cream, boil, tender, remove, pot, peel, chop, broth, flake, simmer 4 Speaking & Writing Imagine your English pen friend asks you how to make borsch. Use the Information in the text to tell him/her. 5 What other traditional dishes are there in your country? Choose a dish you like and write a recipe for it. Write: • Ingredients • How to make it Present it to the class. Vocabulary: places in a town, ancient civilisations, past activities, personal memories, types of films, famous figures Grammar: was/were, had, could, past simple of regular/irregular verbs Everyday English: talk about early childhood memories Pronunciation: -ed ending; /ае/ - /а/, hi - f\:l, /о/ - /о;/ Writing: an email to a friend recommending a film Culture: Life in the UK: The Swinging 1960s; Catherine the Great Curricular (History): Native Americans Vocabulary Places ^ Read the box. Which of the places can/can't you see in the pictures? pool/theatre/beach/park/zoo/ gym/library/fast food restaurant/ opera house/aquarium/supermarket Life in the St Ч»'Listen and circle. 1 Jane was at the pool/zoo/park. 2 Tony was at the library/theatre/aquarium. 3 Sandy and Mark were at work/home/school OrtR те vow/ Yesterday afternoon as / can see a zoo, but I can't see a school or a supermarket. I can see..., but I can't see... or..., -.

.v p 0 ancient city volcano, busy, narrow street, full of, forum, temple, public baths, running water, eruption, destroy, bury, ash Pompeii was an ancient Roman city near Naples and Mt Vesuvius, a volcano in Italy. It was a busy city and its narrow streets were often f]^i of people. In the centre of the city there was a large marketplace and a forum. There was a large amphitheatre and two smaller theatres where people watched performances. There were also temples and public baths and many buildings had running water. The town had bakers', restaurants and even a hotel. Unfortunately, it wasn't a very lucky city and in 79 AD the eruption of Mt Vesuvius destroyed it and buried it under ash. 5' It Vi v: T'-. - 1 : 5/ Ill ______* ■ - ^ --jj' ■ ^ •JVocabulary Bank 5 p. VB22 - JNT И V. & -4 1, * > ^iS' ' A н b Ancient Civilisations 2 j played board games /f J / !1 I Ancient Egyptians Ancient Egyptians lived along the banks of the River Nile in northeast Africa. Pharaohs ruled this great and powerful empire for more than 2,500 years. The ancient Egyptians lived in houses made of mud bricks, but they also built houses and gigantic pyramids from stone. They worked as farmers and artists. They hunted for animals and went fishing on the River Nile. They also had boats and transported food and other goods along the river. In their free time they played music or board games. Only wealthy boys could attend school. They studied hieroglyphics*. Ancient Egypt had a great civilisation which many people still study and admire today. * ancient Egyptian writing 10 attended school lived in houses made of mud bricks Listening & Reading ^ Q Listen and say. Say the phrases (1-10) in your language. 2 1 2 3 4 The pictures show the lifestyle of the ancient Egyptians. Which sentences below are true about them? О Listen and read the text to find out. They were farmers. ...... They fished on the River Nile.......... They played football. ...... Only boys attended school. ............ - see \ Oram mar p- gr? / 4 Could (past simple of can) 3 a) Read the table. Find examples in the text. b) Use the text to complete the sentences with had, didn't have, could or couldn't. 1 Ancient Egyptians could build huge pyramids. 2 They..............boats. 3 They...........transport things by boat. 4 They..............blocks of flats. 5 They.............travel by plane. 6 They...............cars. Listening О Listen and tick (/) what the ancient Romans could do. Write complete sentences. 1 play football 2 swim 3 read 4 write 5 play the piano 6 ride bikes AFFIRMATIVE l/You/He, etc. could walk at the age of five. INTERROGATIVE Could l/you/he, etc. write at the age of five f NEGATIVE l/You/He, etc. couldn't talk at the age of two. SHORT ANSWERS Yes, l/you/he, etc. could. No, l/you/he, etc. couldn't. The ancient Romans could play football. 82 5 What about you? Use the verbs in Ex. 4 to ask and answer questions. A: Could you play football at the age of six? B: Yes, I could./No, I couldn't. see • Past simple^- (regular/irregular verbs) g a) Read the table. How do we form the affirmative/negative of the past simple? AFFIRMATIVE l/You/He, etc. played tennis/swam yesterday. NEGATIVE l/You/He, etc. didn't play tennis/didn't swim yesterday. INTERROGATIVE Did l/you/he, etc. play tennis/swim yesterday? SHORT ANSWERS Yes, l/you/he, etc. did./No, l/you/he, etc. didn't. We use the past simple for actions which happened at a certain time in the past. He phoned his friend last Monday. Irregular verbs have irregular past forms. See list at the back of the book. Time expressions: last week/month/year, etc., a week/two days ago, yesterday afternoon/evening, etc. b) Read the theory box. Find examples in the text. t Spelling rules verb + -ed start - started verb ending in e + -d -♦ dance-danced verb ending in consonant + -Y+ -ied -+ carry - carried verb ending in one stressed vowel between two consonants double the last consonant + -ed ♦ travel - travelled Pronunciation:/{/, /6/, /id/ c) Now write the past simple forms of the verbs below. О Listen and tick (/) the correct boxes. Listen again and repeat. 1 arrive - 2 exist- 3 play - ... 4 design - 5 ask - .... 6 hurry - . 7 want- . 8 stop - ... 9 travel -. 10 discover- 7 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 8 Use the past forms the verbs work, live, discover, travel, design play to complete the sentences. The Vikings...................in Scandinavia. They......................as traders. They..................to England in the 8th century. They...............ships to sail fast. у Erik the Greenland They............games, music and sports, b) Correct the sentences. The Vikings lived in Africa. No. The Vikings didn't live in Africa. They lived in Scandinavia. They worked as sailors....................... They designed aeroplanes..................... Eric the Red discovered China in 981 AD...... a) Read the table. How do we form the interrogative form of the past simple? b) Use the phrases to ask and answer questions about the ancient Egyptians. • live on boats? • work as farmers? • fish on the river? • sail boats? • play music? • play football? • girls attend school? A: Did they live on boats ? B: No, they didn't. Speaking 0 Use the pictures on p. 82 to tell your partner about the ancient Egyptians. The ancient Egyptians lived along the banks of the... Collect information about the Aztecs. Write six T/F sentences about them. Exchange your sentences with another group. You can do some research on the Internet using these key words: the Aztecs. )►] Vocabulary Bank S p. VB23 Ex. 2 } 83 н Culture Corner П 4 .frjF/i MUSIC & DANCE Music was very imporlant to teenagers in the 1960s. They were crazy about music and they listened to their favourite rock and roll bands, like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, on the new radio station, BBC Radio 1. Young people also enjoyed dancing in the ‘60s. They wore the latest fashions at the dance halls and danced all night long. FASHION The 1960s fashion fads were cheap and colourful. Teenagers made their own clothes. Girls wore short mini skirts and tall boots. A lot of people were shocked when long hair became fashionable for boys. The colourful, floral prints of the ‘hippy’ style were also popular. FILMS & TELEVISION Spy films and TV shows, like James Bond and The Avengei's, were big hits in the cinema and on TV Most people had a television at home in the ’60s. Programmes like Top of tlie , , , , , crazy about, band, radio Pops, which showed live pop music, ,3,55^ fashion. were the craze. In 1969, families all dance hall, fad, shocked, over the UK watched Neil Armstrong fashionable, floral print, walk on the moon! I'iPPy P°P“'^P “g hit, craze, moon _ •» ^ I I i г, - M , ^Vj'i 7 • t. -yv. ггь ___»^ ii r :■ ^ What do the pictures tell us about life in the 1960s? 2 Read the text and complete the sentences 1 In the 1960s, teenagers listened to........ 2 Their favourite music bands were........... 3 They liked dancing at...................... 4 The girls wore............................. 5 The boys wore their hair .................. 6 In the 1960s, most homes had a............. 7 Top of the Pops showed .................... 8 In 1969 Neil Armstrong .................... О Listen, read and check. 3 Match the words in bold to ^ their definitions: enthusiastic about, very surprised, fashion, most recent, successes Use the pictures to tell the class what the 1960s were like in the UK. Young people loved dancing in the 1960s. 5 84 Think! я Compare life in the UK in the 1960s to life in your country nowadays. In three minutes, write a few sentences about it. Write about: music, dance, fashion, films and TV. Tell your partner. .i Talking about early childhood memories ^ W Listen and say. Which of these activities did/didn't you do as a child? Everyday English H d had fancy dress parties 2 a) *4^ Listen and repeat. • It looks great, • What was it like? • It was a lot of fun. • It sounds like a great place to grow up. • Do you miss it? b) The sentences above are from a dialogue between a boy and his mother. Where did the boy's mother l[ve when she was young? Listen and read to find out. 3 4 helped my parents with chores Find sentences in the dialogue which mean; Do you wish you could go back? - It must be a good life for children. - Yes, I didn't want to move. Pronunciation - minimal pairs W' Listen and tick (/) the correct boxes. Listen again and repeat. Paul; Mum: Paul: Mum: Paul: Mum: Paul: Mum: Paul: Mum: Mum, is this a picture of you and Uncle Peter when you were kids? Yes, that's us at our old house in the country. It looks great. What was it like? It was a lot of fun. We had a large garden and your uncle and I played outside every day after school. Cool! What about at the weekend? Well, your uncle had a paper round in the morning. He delivered newspapers in the village and I helped our parents with the chores. Then on Sundays we walked our dog in the woods next to the house. It sounds like a great place to grow up. It was. Do you miss it? Yes, I was sorry when your Granddad started his new job in the city. At least you have some good memories. ml la III 1Г w ж hat sit pot , heart seat port r ■ 1 ipark sheep spot . pack ship sport ■ ■ 1 . - .« Speaking 5 Imagine you are speaking to your parent about where they grew up. Take roles and act out a simlar dialogue. Use the sentences in Ex. 2 and the the plan below. О Ask В where they grew up. Ask В what it was like. О Say where you grew up. Respond & say what you did there. Comment & ask what-*-=^^^-*i7Tell A what you did they did at weekends. / at weekends. Comment on B's -^-==^^Respond. description and ask if they miss those days. [!►] Vocabulary Bank S p. УВ23 Ex. 3} 85 H e Lost Cities Listening & Reading 1 Look at the picture. What do you know about this place? What would you like to know about it? Write two questions. b) 4^ Listen, read and see if you can answer your questions. V. 2 Read the text and match the headings (A-D) to the paragraphs (1-3). One heading does not match. A Culture В Architecture C History D The people Study skills It was 24th July, 1911. Hiram Bingham, an American archaeologist, was in the Ancles Mountains in Peru. Suddenly he saw walls of stone in front of him. He couldn't believe it! Was this the lost city ofMachu Picchu? 1 Machu Picchu is an ancient Inca site in the Ancles Mountains in Peru. It dates back to 1436. But what was it exactly and why did the Incas build it so high in the mountains? No one is really certain. Bingham found amazing things in Machu Picchu. He discovered stone buildings with thick walls, homes for the people and a beautiful palace for the emperor. There was even a huge pyramid. The city also had a tall tower, temples, storage rooms, baths, about 150 houses and a park. It had running water and water fountains. All the buildings were very strong. Even earthquakes didn’t destroy them! 3 I The Incas were clever people and they knew how to do many things. They weren’t only great builders and astronomers. They were also good farmers. They constructed terraced fields around the city and they grew potatoes, corn and cocoa. Matching headings to paragraphs The title of a paragraph gives the main idea of that paragraph. Read the paragraph once to get the main idea. Then look for words related to the title. This will help you match the paragraph to its title. Г- - I Machu Picchu was a great city. Hundreds of people lived there. Then, one day, they left, and no one really knows why. The name Machu Picchu means 'old mountain'. 86 I ■4 Vi н / ij study skills Using dictionaries to explain words A dictionary presents words in alphabetical order. For each word there is information about the type of word and its meaning, spelling, pronunciation and use. pronunciatior^ type of word meaning castle /'kas'"!/ noun a large building with thick high walls The kina has a beautiful castle on the hill. example sentence (use) ^ Use your dictionaries to explain the words in bold in the text. Vocabulary Structures Match the words to the structures (1-11). What are these words in your language? Use them to make true sentences about Machu Picchu. 4 baths temple houses , fountain , tower , palace EH, park EH, , storage rooms , wall EH, bridge EH, pyramid EH, There were baths in Machu Picchu. Adjectives 5 a) Complete the opposites. Use: small x2, modern, thin, weak, ugly. 1 thick walls ........walls 2 strong buildings ......... buildings 3 beautiful palace ......... palace 4 tall tower ^.....tower 5 huge pyramid ^......... pyramid 6 ancient town .......... town 1 e ____r b) Fill In: ancient, thick, storage, stone, terraced, running. 1 ...........................rooms 2 .........................fields 3 ..........................walls 4 ...........................site 5 ..........................water 6 ......................buildings g Ask and answer questions as in the example. 1 Where/Hiram Bingham/travel to? A: Where did Hiram Bingham travel to? B: He travelled to Peru. 2 What/he/discover? 3 Who/live/there? 4 When/the Incas/build Machu Picchu? 5 What/buildings/survive? 6 Earthquakes/destroy them? 7 What/Inca farmers/construct? Speaking & Writing "J Make statements using the prompts. Your partner agrees or disagrees. 1 Hiram Bingham/a scientist Л A: Hiram Bingham was a scientist. B: Wrong! He was an archaeologist. 2 He/American / A: He was American. B: Correct! He was American. 3 Hiram Bingham/discover/Machu Picchu/1912/ 4 The Incas/live/there / 5 Earthquakes/destroy buildings / 6 Many buildings/survive / 7 Farmers/construct/terraced fields / 8 The Incas/be clever people / g Imagine you are Bingham. In three minutes write a few sentences about Machu Picchu. Read them to the class. / found amazing things in Machu Picchu. Q Legendary Figures к :S‘H; Y и ' the magician Merlin is one of the most fascinating figures in British mythology. He was a wizard, a poet, a teacher and an advisor to kings. His story is full of mystery and magic. Today, we think of Merlin as a wise old man with a beard and a cloak who had magical powers. Ancient myths describe him as being half human; the son of a woman and a demon, and they say he could turn into a bird or cloud! In the century the Kings of Britain were fighting great battles with foreign enemies. News of Merlin's intelligence and magical abilities reached King Uther and he became the King's advisor. One day, Merlin had a vision that the King's son, Arthur, was in great danger. Merlin advised the King to send his son to live in the forest. As the young Arthur was growing up in the forest Merlin became his guardian and teacher. When Uther died, the noblemen of the country started fighting each other for the throne. To put an end to the fighting Merlin created a contest to choose the new king. He stuck the magic sword, Excalibur, into a large stone and said whoever pulled it out was the true King. All the strongest men in the land tried to free the sword but failed. Then Arthur, who was looking for a sword for a local tournament, saw the sword and lifted it out easily. He became king and made Merlin his special advisor. Even today, people wonder if Merlin was more than just a character of medieval stories. Real or not. Merlin continues to fascinate people whenever they hear his story. bi •■irt rtlKT« Listening & Reading ^ What do you know about Merlin? What was he: a knight? a king? a magician? 2 a) How are the people in the pictures related to him? Listen and read to find out. В 88 b) Read the text and answer the questions (1-4). Justify your answers. 1 In the 6*'^ century, Britain A wasn't a very a dangerous place. В wasn't a very safe place. C was full of demons. D was full of magicians. 2 Merlin helped Britain by A fighting the Kings of Britain. В advising foreign enemies. C advising the Kings of Britain. D fighting foreign enemies. 3 Merlin wanted to hide the king's son because he A was afraid of him. В thought he was dangerous. C wanted to protect him. D didn't want the king to have a son. 4 Merlin organised a contest to find A an advisor to the king. В the strongest man in the country. C a magic sword. D the next king. н с) Which sentence from the text best describes picture D? 2 a) Match the two columns to form phrases, then use the phrases to fill In the gaps. 1 2 3 4 5 local ancient magical foreign medieval A stories В powers C enemies D myths E tournament 1 Wizards in mythology have got 2 3 Arthur needed a sword for a(n)... The Kings of Britain were fighting 4 5 1 ............tell stories of magic and wizards. Some mythical characters from ............. ...............could be real. b) Fill in: fight, put, had, choose. Merlin...................a vision that Arthur was in danger. In the stories knights.......... battles with each other. Merlin used a competition to............... the new king. Merlin created a contest to................ an end to the battles between the noblemen. r‘.. see Grammar p. grs; Past continuous 4 Read the table. Find examples in the text. AFFIRMATIVE / was reading You were reading He/She/tt was reading We/You/They were reading INTERROGATIVE NEGATIVE / wasn't reading You weren't reading He/She/lt wasn't reading We/You/They weren't reading SHORT ANSWERS Was I reading? Were you reading? Was he/she/it reading? Yes, I was./No, I wasn't. Yes, you were./No, you weren't. Yes, he/she/it was./No, he/she/it wasn't. Yes, we/you/they were/No, we/you/they weren't. We use the past continuous for actions: a) which took place at a specific time in the past. They were sleeping at 7 am yesterday, b) which were happening at the same time in the past. He was listening to music while she was watching TV Were we/you/they reading} 1 9 1 f 5 Put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous to complete the sentences. 1 The wind ........................(blow) softly. 2 He ...........................(play) tennis at 6 pm yesterday. 3 Mum .............................(cook) dinner while Dad ............................... (do) the gardening. 4 He ..................................(fish) all afternoon yesterday. 5 Julia................................(sleep) at 6 pm yesterday. g What were you doing: • at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon? • this time yesterday? • at 10 o'clock last Sunday morning? • at 8 o'clock yesterday in the evening? у Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous. 1 He.......................(get) a job on a ship when he was 14. 2 The boys................................ (find) a wooden box in the garden. 3 The sailors ........................... (clean) the boat while the officers................... (have) a meeting. 4 He.......................(walk) in the forest when he heard a strange noise. 5 The men.....................(drive) to Madrid at 9 o'clock last night. Speaking & Writing g Read the text again and write three things about Merlin. Tell the class. Think! я Why is Merlin a popular legendary figure? In three minutes write a few sentences. Tell the class. 10 Write a paragraph about a legendary figure. Include: name, description, what their legend is about. Tell the class. 89 study skills N Listening for specific information Read the rubric then go through the sentences and underline the key words. They'll help you do the task. Listening 1 Vocabulary Films a) Look at the film posters (1-5). What type of films (A-L) do you think they are? You will hear five people talking about films. Listen and match the sentences to the speakers. One sentence DOES NOT match. A fantasy G animated В action H comedy C thriller 1 superhero D adventure J musical E science fiction К horror F romance L western A В C D E F spend all my money at the cinema. I only go to the cinema at weekends. I like all types of films. I find it hard to stay awake during films. I never go to the cinema. Going to the cinema is an important part of my life. Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 Indiana Jones is a... b) Listen to two musical extracts. Which type of film (A-L) does each match? 2 What types of films do you like/ dislike? Use the adjectives to discuss, as in the example. interesting saa/aepressing funny exciting/ amazing frightening/ scary A: What type of films do you like? B: I like comedies because they are funny. How about you? A: I don't like comedies. I think they are boring. I prefer science fiction films. I think they're exciting. 90 s: Vocabulary Bank S p. VB24 ^ Speaking Talking about films Д Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple. A: What 1).....................(you/do) last night? B: I 2)..................(watch) a film on TV. A: Which one? B: 17Again. It's a comedy. A: WhatS)......................(it/be) like? B: It 4)...................(be) great. I 5)................(love) it. Make sure you watch it. 5 Use the language in the table to talk about a film you saw. Use the dialogue in Ex. 4 as a model. Asking What was... like? Expressing likes/dislikes • It was great/amazing/ • It wasn't very good, fantastic, etc. • It was boring/tiring/ loved it. frightening, etc. quite liked it. • I didn't like it. \У Writing L » » ■v An email about a film ^ Read an email about a film. Which of the following are in it? • title of the film • type of film • names of actors • main points of the plot • recommendation 2 Fill in the table with synonyms from the list: • amusing • dull • depressing • scary • great • thrilling • terrible •r Hi Julia, weekend. 1 went to the How are you? I had a g fripnds We watched a science fiction film with Stephen is about an e-marine Jach,«^^ survive there together with the 1 ГеЬ m“s"lL a lot. The ptet was very interesting^and How about you? Did you enjoy your weekend, Samantha h I • • good great bad boring sad funny frightening exciting 3 Rewrite the extract using positive adjectives. The story was boring and the acting was awful. The special effects were terrible and the music was dull. I think it was a bad film. Recommending 4 Complete the reviews with: you'll love it, It's a bore to watch, should see it, a must-see, miss it. A Journey to the Centre of the Earth was full of action and great special effects. It's 1)...............Don't 2).................. В Target was too long. The story was confusing and the acting was terrible. 3).................... C Indiana Jones was a great film. The acting was great and the plot was thrilling. You 4)....................I'm sure 5)............... Writing (an informal email) 5 Read the rubric and answer the questions. r — — — — — — — — — — — — — ■ This is part of an email you received from your English pen friend, Sally, in which she asks: • Did you enjoy the cinema on Saturday night and why? • What was the title of the film you saw and what type of film was it? • Who starred in it and what was it about? • What did you like most about it and why? Write an email in reply. 1 What are you going to write about? To whom? 2 What's the name of the film? 3 What type is it? 4 Who stars in it? 5 What is the film about? 6 What did you like most? Portfolio: Use your answers to write your email. Follow the plan. Plan Dear..., Para 1: opening remarks, reason you are writing (How are you? I had.... / ivenf... and I saw.... It's a ... movie... with....) Para 2: main points of the plot (The film was about....) Para 3: your comments & recommendation (I liked/ didn't like it because....) Para 4: closing remarks (How about you?) Yours, (your first name) (») Writing Bank 1 p. WBl) 91 -t. S-r\l V i ■isi rn rt □.'-.Л. < When the Europeans arrived on the continent they called America in the 15th century, many different native tribes ^, already lived there. These people respected the environment and their ways of life can still teach a lot to the modern world. I •?, й J - % Wi % 'J 7Ш •I*", .V in ' U II У — *.ТУ__*Л -'П-V ■N f y± t'- .A- -.1 The KwakiutI were fishermen. They had large wooden houses. Seven families could live in one house. They had canoes for fishing, hunting and trading. They used animal skin and even wood to make their winter clothes. « /' О 1^ The Navajo were farmers and grew crops. They lived in houses made of earth and wood. They travelled on foot. Sometimes dogs pulled them on sleds. The women farmed, looked after the children and did the housework. The men hunted and protected the tribe. Listening & Reading At first, The Cheyenne lived like the Navajo. When the Europeans brought horses to America, they left their farms and moved from place to place. The men hunted buffalo. The women built their houses called ‘tepees’. They used buffalo skin. They could take them down and move the village in an hour! '«/Close your eyes and listen to the music. Travel back in time. Now open your eyes. • Where were you? • Who were you with? • What did you do there? Who are Native Americans? Listen and read to find out. arrive, continent, native tribe, respect, wooden, canoe, hunting, trading, animal skin, sled, look after, protect, buffalo 4 Make notes in the table about each tribe. Choose one tribe and use your notes to tell your partner about it. ^^vvakiutl Navai. Chegenne 92 2 Write N (Navajo), C (Cheyenne) or К (KwakiutI). Which tribe(s)... 1 made houses out of skin? 2 used animals to travel? 3 used parts of trees as clothes? 4 didn't live in one place? 5 lived near the sea? 6 grew their own food? homes wooden houses transport work/clothes ICT Collect more information about these tribes. You can do some Internet research using these key words: Native American tribes. Present your information to the class. н Language Review "I Match the words to the descriptions. 1 amphitheatre 2 marketplace 3 temple 4 eruption L г 6 aquarium ^ bridqt 8 forum a You can see performances there. b A square in Roman cities where people met to discuss business or politics. c Explosion of a volcano, d You can buy bread there, e A small area in a town where people buy and sell goods, f A building to worship gods in. g A place where you can see fish. h A structure over a river that people can cross. 2 Choose the correct words. Inishmore is a beautiful little island off the west coast of Ireland. At first, it seems exactly as it 1) was/were eighty years 2) ago/before, but in fact it isn’t. Back then, only a few tourists 3) went/go to the island. There 4) wasn’t/weren’t any ferryboats or an airport in those days. Life was 5) thin/diiricult. People didn’t 6) have/had much money. They 7) lived/stayed in small stone cottages. They didn’t even have electricity or 8) moving/running water. Inishmore is very 9) boring/busy today. There 10) are/were guesthouses, restaurants and a lot of shops. People have got II) ancient/modern houses and fast cars. There is electricity in every house. There is even an airport. Inishmore is still beautiful, though. 3 Choose the correct preposition. 1 The streets were full with/of people. 2 The ancient Egyptians lived across/along the banks of the River Nile. 3 The Navajo had houses made with/of earth. 4 They travelled by/on foot. 5 Teenagers were crazy about/for The Beatles. 6 We lived in/on the country ten years ago. 7 We had picnics in/at weekends. Д Fill in: animal, opera, attend, help, hunt, transport, deliver, native, running, special. • I ^ A A goods 1 .... tribes 6 2 skin 7 3 .... house 8 4 for animals 9 5 .... water 10 newspapers QfitM In teams make sentences. Use words from the list. Each correct sentence gets one point. The team with the most points wins. • ancient city • busy city • narrow street • public baths • running water • destroyed • powerful empire • hunted for animals • transported goods • science-fiction film • thick walls • buried • grew potatoes • dates back to • a must-see • thrilling plot • looked after • respected the environment • protected о Read through Module 5 and answer the questions. Now write a quiz of your own. Give it to your partner. Check his/her answers. 1 Where was Pompeii? 2 How did Pompeii disappear? 3 Where did the Vikings live? 4 Who ruled the ancient Egyptians? 5 Which rock bands were popular in the UK in the 1960s? 6 What did Neil Armstrong do? 7 Where is Machu Picchu? 8 What does 'Machu Picchu' mean? 9 What is special about Avatar! 10 What are tepees? W Revision 5 p. 11^ 93 Reading a) Read the text quickly. What is it about? b) Read the statements 1-5 and underline the key words. Now do the task. Underline the words in the text and in the sentences that helped you decide. Compare with a partner. 1 The Phoenicians lived A on an island. В at high altitudes. C in cold climates. D beside the sea. 2 The Phoenicians used the stars to A give them light while sailing at night. В guide them in the right direction. C rule the seas. D trade on their ships. 3 The Phoenicians traded mainly A raw materials. В food. C ships. D clothes. 4 The Phoenician alphabet A was only for the royalty. В evolved from the Greek alphabet. C had letters based on what they could hear. D had only sounds no letters. 5 The Greeks created their alphabet A so they could cheat the Romans. В with fewer letters than the Phoenician alphabet. C before the Romans did. D around 7th century BC. 1 You are going to read a text about an ancient civilisation. Read the i • text and for questions 1-5 choose the best answer A, B, C or D. The Ancient Phoenicians The ancient Phoenicians were a great civilisation that inhabited the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The Phoenician civilisation lasted over 1,000 years. It began about 1550 BC and ended about 300 BC. The Phoenicians were the best shipbuilders and sailors of the ancient world. For more than 400 years, they ruled the seas! They were the first people to learn how to sail using the stars at night. The Phoenicians were brilliant traders too. They sailed their ships around the Mediterranean, and sold things like wood and glass to the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians. One special item that they traded made them very rich. It was a purple-coloured dye. Purple was the colour of royalty in ancient times. No one in the ancient world knew how to make purple clothes except the Phoenicians. Historians think the Phoenicians were the first civilisation in the world to use an alphabet. They also think that all the alphabets in the world today come from the Phoenician alphabet. The Phoenicians invented an alphabet and a writing system around 1400 BC because they wanted to communicate with their trading partners in Greece, Rome and Egypt. It consisted of only 22 letters based on sound. Once the Greeks and Romans saw the Phoenicians had an alphabet, they learnt it. They wanted to make sure the Phoenicians didn't cheat them out of money! Soon afterwards the Greeks developed their own alphabet. That consisted of 24 letters. The Roman alphabet evolved from the Greek alphabet in the 7th century BC. 2 Read again and complete the sentences. 1 The Phoenician civilisation lived on ....... 2 The Phoenicians used to work as............. 3 They sailed around the Mediterranean selling 4 The first alphabet was the.................. 5 The Phoenicians needed the alphabet so that 6 The Greek alphabet was a model for.......... f Listening Study skills T/F statements Read T/F statements very carefully. It is often one word that determines if a statement is T (true) or F (false). у 94 3 1 а) Read the rubric and the sentences. What do you expect to listen to? Г You will hear an interview with an archaeologist. 1 • Listen and say whether statements 1-7 are * j 7 (true) or F (false) by putting a tick (/) in the [ I correct box. Emma and her students discovered some ancient buildings in London. Some locals told Emma and her students about the buildings. Emma believes the buildings are important because of their size. Emma says it isn't unusual to find Roman ruins in Britain. Emma once discovered a pot full of Roman gold coins. The Romans stayed in Britain for 40 years. The Romans left Britain because they had to defend their homes in Italy. true false ■iL t Ч ■ I « » к I b) Q Do the task. Which word(s) In each statement determined whether the statement was true or false? Speaking Study skills Sound natural: When you speak English don't translate the words from your mother tongue. The word order can be different. Also, learn phrases, not isolated words, and use them without thinking of your native language equivalents. 1 ^ a) Read the rubric. r — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — T I You travelled abroad last month. Your friend i • wants to find out more about it. Talk to him/her' I I I b about: - place you went to - what you saw/did - why [ someone should visit the place - invite friend to go i there next summer • b) О Listen to two people doing the task and tick (/) the correct box. Anna Paul includes all points seems to translate from mother tongue uses English phrases sounds confident and fluent uses correct English grammar structures ^ Brainstorm for Ideas and phrases for the points in Ex. 4a. Use your ideas to do the task. Your partner evaluates your performance as in Ex. 4b. Writing (Writing Bank 3; Postcards p. WB 145) Postcards Postcards are short pieces of writing we send to people we know very well to tell them our news. g Read the rubric and underline the key words. Make notes under the headings. You are on holiday. It's your last day. Send your English friend Laura a postcard. In your ^ postcard: i • write where you are j • write when you arrived i • mention the place you liked most [ • write when you are coming back i Saint Petersburg ^^F^^/^^rite^lace i museum Accommoda^ hotel \Date you return Date of arrival | family \Feelings | happy у a) Which of these sentences can you use in your postcard? • Greetings from ... • The weather's just fine. • I'm staying at a beautiful... • It's the best holiday in my life. • To get there take bus No. 7. • My family and I wanted to visit the art gallery but it was closed. • Every morning we go sightseeing. • Give me a call later • Everyone can come. b) Which set can you use to start and end your postcard? A Dear friend, В Dear Laura, C Dear Laura Smith, Yours, See you. Love, g Write your postcard. 95 Reading & Listening ^ What do you know about Catherine the Great? Think of three questions. О Listen and read. Did the text answer your questions? 2 Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the false statements. 1 Catherine the Great was born in Russia.... 2 Catherine studied at home. ... 3 Catherine got married when she was a teenager. ... 4 Catherine's reign was a good period for Russia. ... 5 Catherine made Moscow a great city........ 3 Use the words from the section to complete the sentences. 1 Catherine's father was the.........of a city in Prussia. 2 Babette was Catherine's.......... 3 Catherine did not have a very happy........... 4 Catherine became...........of Russia in 1761. 5 Catherine wanted to create a better........... system in Russia. r Study skills Reading years: In English we write years as fourdigit numbers but we usually read them as two sets of two digit numbers. 1964 = nineteen sixty four 1901 = nineteen oh one BUT 2011 = two thousand and eleven Speaking & Writing 4 a) Say the years. 1729 1645 1761 С"’79бЗ 96 b) Make notes under the years, then present the Information about Catherine the Great to the class. Catherine the Great Catherine the Great was born in Stettin, Prussia (now Szczecin in Poland), on 2nd May 1729. Her father was Prince Christian August of the Anhelt family. He was a Prussian army officer and was governor of Stettin. In the 18th century wealthy children had their own private teachers and so Catherine received a lot of her education from her French nanny Babette. She learnt French, German, History, Religion and Music. When Catherine was fifteen she went to Russia where she met and married the Grand Duke Peter in 1745. In December 1761 Peter III became Emperor of Russia and Catherine his empress. Only a few months later, she became the sole ruler of Russia, During her reign, Russia became one of the great powers of Europe. Catherine developed the arts and sciences in her country. Under her direction, St Petersburg became one of the world's greatest capitals. It was a fantastic period for theatre and music. Catherine II also improved the country's educational system. Catherine died of a stroke on 17th November 1796. During her reign she made Russia a great nation. army officer, governor, wealthy, private teacher, nanny, marry, empress, sole, ruler, reign, power, develop, direction, improve, stroke •UOTATION I praise loudly, I blame softly Catherine the Great Writing 5 Collect more information about Catherine the Great. Write a paragraph. Present it to the class. Vocabulary: experiences, means of transport, charity/volunteer activities, gestures & body language, accidents & injuries, technology Grammar: present perfect, present perfect vs past simple, yef, already, ever, never, just, since, for, the passive Everyday English: volunteering/offering to help Pronunciation: /10/, /i:/, /&/ Writing: a short story describing an experience Culture: VSO (Volunteering Overseas); Tsiolkovksy Museum Curricular (Science): Mobile Phone Network a ever...? Vocabulary Exciting experiences Listen and say. Listen to John describing a photograph. Which one is he describing? What does he say about: the place? the time of year? the weather? the people? people's clothes? the activity? people's feelings? Choose a photograph and make notes under the headings in Ex. 2. Use your notes to describe the photograph to the class. # # ........... •• ......... .........................,, ..•/Л*........................ .V . *•. \ •• \ • •• OlfSR TO YOU.' Have you ever done any of these activities? If yes, when did you do it? If not, which would you like to do? • fj. • ■ • - - * • .Г-- 1 V. IT fly over a place in a helicopter^ m ^ •* Ci / go camping • • f 9 Ф j ' '%'• ■■ 1 i t • ^ г : *• cycle across country *• ^ *1 Г© [Гл!-’Л*.4 sail on a yacht »4 go sightseeing on an open-top double-decker bus Л ride an elephant ^P^rive a quad bike 151^ ■ V t .ss- •• ^ 'W ’** г' г Н а Amazing Adventures Vocabulary Activities idtC ( ^ < ^ Liste Listening & Reading a) Look at the postcards. Where is each person? b) Which of the activities in the pictures do you think each person has done? О Listen and read to find out. Hi Anna! I’m having a brilliant time here in Perth, Australia! I’ve been here for a few days now and I've already taken a ferry ride to see the city skyline. 1 took some great photographs. I’ve also made a dream come true because I’ve swum with dolphins! It was an amazing experience! The water was so clear, and the dolphins swam really close to me. They were really happy and friendly. It was the highlight of my trip! Best wishes, Paul 1 c) Read the postcards again and choose A, B, C or D to complete each statement. Paul liked, more than anything, A the city skyline. C the ferry ride. В swimming with D taking photographs, dolphins. 2 Sarah thinks she will always remember A the helicopter ride. C the camel ride. В the river cruise. D the Pyramids. 3 James is spending most of his time A climbing. C walking. В swimming. D cycling. 2 Match the words to make phrases. Use the phrases to make sentences based on the postcards. f' Hello David, Greetings from Egypt! What a country! There’s so much to see and explore; history really comes to life here. I’ve already been sightseeing and taken loads of photos, but you’ll never guess what I’ve done today! I’ve ridden a camel! We were in the desert with the Pyramids behind us. What an experience! I’ll never forget it. Tomorrow, we’re going on a river cruise down the Nile, travelling south. After that, we’re taking a helicopter ride over the source of the Nile. I’m so excited! Speak to you soon, Sarah r 1 H 98 in dream never go on highlight history A a ferry ride В comes to life C of the trip D forget E come true Hi Mark, It’s really beautiful here in Sicily, Italy. It’s a really interesting island, with a great climate and beautiful coastlines. I’m cycling around the island in order to experience as much of it as possible. I’ve seen some fantastic ancient ruins, and have gone swimming on beautiful beaches. I’ve also climbed up Mount Etna. It’s the largest active volcano in Europe and it can get pretty hot up there! It was a thrilling climb. Sicily has been a fantastic experience, I definitely won’t forget it Bye for now, James ferry ride, skyline, make a dream come true, clear, highlight, explore, desert, river cruise, source, climate, coastline, ancient ruins, active volcano Vt' *J. f> Ij a •4 Ч F Grammar p grs; Present perfect (affirmative) Д Read the table and find examples in the texts. ( Form havelhas + past participle (just/already) flown to Rome. AFFIRMATIVE l/You have He/She/lt has \Л/е/УоиЯНеу have We use the present perfect for: experiences. He has travelled abroad. actions which started in the past and continue up to the present. He has lived here for ten years/since May. (He still lives here.) Note: He has gone to London. (He is still there.) He has been to Edinburgh. (He has come back.) f 5 Match the infinitives to the past participles. • go • work • sleep • walk • read • swim • see • tell • give • eat • make • eaten • worked • gone • told • read • given • seen • walked • slept • made • swum g a) Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect. 1 Karen.................(sail) solo around Britain twice and is planning to sail to Iceland soon. 2 Ken and Paula ........(fly) in a helicopter over New York and say it is an amazing experience. 3 We.......................(drive) quad bikes on the highlands In Scotland once and we loved it. 4 Tony .........................(already/ride) a camel in the desert and would like to try riding an elephant through a jungle. 5 Phil's dad .....................(travel) across Alaska on a dogsled. He's a real adventurer. b) Which of these have you done today? Write sentences. • walk the dog • do your homework • watch TV • play football • eat breakfast Have been/Have gone у Complete the sentences with: have/has been or have/has gone. 1 A: Where are Lyn and Tim? B: They....................on a ferry ride. 2 I don't live in Liverpool. I............. only ..........................there once. 3 Tina is alone in the house. Her parents.. ..............on holiday. 4 A: Is Henry at home? B: No, he .......................to work. 5 Craig wants me to go on holiday to Paris this summer, but I........already.......there. 6 Lisa has just come home. She............. at the sports centre. Speaking & Writing g a) Read the texts again and complete the table. Use the table to say what each person has done while on holiday. Name Place Activities Paul Perth -take a ferry ride - swim with dolphins b) Which holiday do you think is the most exciting? In three minutes write a few sentences. Tell the class. c) Imagine you are on holiday. Write a short email to your English pen friend. Write: • where you are • where you are staying • what activities you have done • how you like it 99 / 1 1 Travel Experiences Vocabulary Means of transport 4»^ Listen and say. Which of the following can you see in the photographs? • tram • boat • bus • car ' • coach • lorry • helicopter • scooter • gondola • ship • train • bike • canoe cable car • raft «van • taxi • ferry • • • omm Note: in a car/taxi BUT on a plane/bus/boat/bike/ ferry/coach; by car/taxi/bus/plane/ship BUT on foot experiences I’ve just come back from Europe. I really enjoyed it! But something very weird happened in London. One day, I was at Marble Arch and I decided to get on a London bus. Seconds later, a bus arrived. I was so excited; it was an old-style, red, double-decker bus! It was also a number 7, my lucky number, so I jumped on board. There were only two elderly ladies travelling; one smiled at me. The bus went through a strange part of London. There were very few cars around and all the streets, houses and even the people looked old-fashioned. The bus didn’t stop anywhere. Ten minutes later we were back at the Marble Arch again. I got off the bus and went to my hotel. The receptionist gave me my room key. “Have you been anywhere nice today?’’ she asked. I told her about my tour on the number 7 bus. She looked surprised. “That’s very strange," she said, “the number 7 bus hasn’t run since 1958!" S\N Think! я Which experience impressed you the most? iVA'aNvA- vV* \\S\v\ \ , kJ ■ • ■ • Ш щт чм ш • • щт w ii|j/%v Why? Tell the class. ^ 1 tlx riill ] « < • [\v \v Listening & Reading 2 a) Look at the text. What is a blog? Where can you see It? b) What can Nick's blog be about? Q Listen and read to find out. What means of transport does it mention? 2 a) Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Nick lives in London. .... 2 The bus was full when Nick got on. ......... 3 The number 7 bus stopped running years ago. .... 4 The woman on the cable car was old.......... 5 John didn't see the woman. .... Grammar p gr9 Present perfect (negative & interrogative) Д Read the table and find examples in the text. NEGATIVE ' l/You haven't He/She/lt hasn't flown to Milan yet. 1 \Л/еА'оиЯЬеу haven't INTERROGATIVE SHORT ANSWERS Have l/you ever travelled Yes, l/you have. abroad? No, i/you haven't. Has he/she/it ever travelled Yes, he/she/it has. abroad? No, he/she/it hasn't. Have we/you/they ever Yes, we/you/they have. travelled abroad? No, we/you/they haven't. 100 о b weird, on board, elderly, old-fashioned, get off the bus, ghost, wear my hair in a bun, bouquet, lost in thought, puzzled look W" Post a comment Wow! That’s so strange. Have you ever seen a ghost? think I have! I was in San Francisco. My friend John and I took a ride on one of the famous cable cars. We were the only people travelling when a beautiful woman of our age got on. She was dressed in a very old-fashioned grey suit. She wore her blonde hair in a bun and she carried a small bouquet of roses. She looked like someone from an old photograph. She was very still and lost in thought. John asked me to take some photographs because the view was amazing. I only looked out of the window for a moment, but when I turned back, the woman wasn’t there. I asked John about her. John gave me a very puzzled look. "What woman?’’ he asked. But I know I saw her. Posted by Judy (25) Г 5 Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect. 1 A: ............................ (you/ever/ride) a camel? B: No, but I..................(fly) on a plane. 2 A: Sarah............................ (never/be) snorkelling. B: No, she hasn't but she................. (be) bungee jumping once. 3 A: How was your holiday?...................... (you/do) anything special so far? B: We ..............(swim) with dolphins and ................(climb) up a volcano so far. 4 A: How's Tony? B: I don't know. I .................. (not/see) him lately. 5 A: .....................(they/reach) London? B: Yes, they ....................(just/arrive). 6 A: ................(he/be) on a plane before? B: No, this is the first time he.............. (travel) by plane. 7 A: ...................(you/hear) from Jenny? B: Yes, she's in Spain. She................... (be) there a week now. Ч i!, Write complete questions. Answer them. 1 you/ever/drive a lorry? Have you ever driven a lorry? Yes, I have./No, I haven't. 2 your parents/ever/travel to San Francisco? 3 you/ever/ride a scooter? 4 your teacher/ever/see a ghost? 5 you/ever/be on a double-decker bus? 6 your friends/ever/spend a night in a castle? у Study the table. Find examples in the text. x* ------------------------ already - yet - since - for - just - ever - never * We use already in affirmative sentences to say that sth is now finished. He has already bought the tickets. * We use yet with negative and interrogative sentences to show that we expect sth to happen. He hasn't arrived yet. Have they called yet? * We use just in affirmative sentences to say that sth happened recently. She has just arrived. * We use since to say when sth started. I’ve lived here since 2009. * We use for to say how long sth lasted. He's lived here for ten years. ► We use ever in the interrogative. Have you ever travelled abroad? » We use never instead of the negative form to say that sth has not happened. He has never ridden an elephant. = He hasn't ridden an elephant. J g Choose the correct word. Write sentences using the words you didn't use. 1 I have ever/never visited San Francisco. 2 Janet has lived in London since/for 2008. 3 She has already/yet booked the hotel room. 4 I haven't been abroad since/for years. 5 Have you ever/never ridden a bike? 6 John has just/yet missed the bus. 7 The Smiths have just/yet reached Sicily. 8 They haven't been on a cable car already/yet. Writing g Have you ever had a strange experience? Post your comment to Nick's blog. Write: where you were - who was with you - what happened - how you felt. [»] Vocabulary Bank 6 pp. VB2S VB26 Ex. 2 ) 1 01 с Culture Corner “irr:. "i"»«—“s“ « «• Shdrin^ SKlIlS teachers, who volunteer for VSO. Changing lives It > P — j 1 I «,!“«» «!»« W *«■• •■”■•' 'tr"oS W* ::-r^s;=s.rr::-. - ■ different places around the world, including Cameroon, Nepal and Indonesia. Tl 1 Being a volunteer changes your life. You learn about different cultures while working in a foreign community, hand in hand with the local people. The fulfilment of helping people bring positive change to their communities is an experience you never forget. For more information visit; www.vso.org.uk charity, aid programme, volunteer, experience, field, participate, allow, host community, hand in hand ‘I Look at the pictures. What is the woman on the right doing there? How do you think she is feeling? 2 b) A В C D What do you think VSO is? How can it help people like the children in the picture? Ч Listen and read to find out. Match the paragraphs (1-4) with their correct headings (A-E). One heading does not match. BEING A VSO VOLUNTEER UNSKILLED VOLUNTEERS HOW TO MAKE DONATIONS EVERYONE CAN HELP 102 E WHAT IT IS 3 Think of a different heading for each paragraph. 4 Use the words from the section in the correct form to complete the sentences. 1 We are searching for..................... to help clean up the beach this weekend. 2 You can work ..................... with the local people to help rebuild houses. 3 Jeff and Carol...........in the tennis match last Friday. 4 The......................... organised a concert to raise money to help the homeless. 5 Doctors Without Borders accepts volunteers who work in the ......................................of medicine. 6 My trip to the Amazon was an unforgettable............ 5 What type of voluntary work would/wouldn't you like to do? Why (not)? Tell the class. 0 What sort of charity organisations are there in your country that young people can do voluntary work for? Write a short paragraph. Present it to the class. 1 А В А В: А; В: А: В: 3 day English d Volunteering/Offering to help Q Listen and repeat. Which of these have you done in aid of a charity? 2 a) C.) Listen and repeat. • I'm interested in volunteering. • When are you available? • I'm free on Monday mornings. • We could use someone to walk the dogs. • You can start on Saturday if you like. b) The sentences above are from a dialogue between two people. Who do you think the speakers are and what are they talking about? О Listen and read to find out. Good morning, Avondale Animal Shelter. Hello, I'm interested in volunteering for the shelter. Well, we are always looking for new volunteers. When are you available? I'm free on Saturday afternoons. Fantastic. We could use someone to walk the dogs. We are also looking for someone to help with fundraising. Are you interested? I can definitely walk the dogs. As for fundraising, I can help to collect donations. Great! You can start on Saturday if you like. Just come in around 2 pm and ask for Maria. OK, I will be there. Goodbye. f Find sentences in the dialogue which mean: When are you free? - / can make it on Saturday afternoons. - How does that sound to you? - Is Saturday OK with you? - I'll see you there. 1^1 Щ Donations 'S _ donate/collect ^ old clothes help look after animals j g 7 ■ St /jb donate/collect buy/sell raffle tickets ^ , Pronunciation'^:^ (diphthongs) ^ Q Listen and say. Find words with these sounds in the dialogue in Ex 2. Can you add one more word for each sound? /10/ ear, near, hear, dear, cheer,....... /i;/ eat, each, clean, keep, feed,....... /ei/ pain, sail, main, mail.............. Speaking 5 You want to help out in a(n) animal shelter/charity shop/home for the elderly. Take roles and act out a similar dialogue. Use the sentences in Ex. 2 and the plan below. Make sure to: • say the reason you are calling & offer to volunteer, • say the days/times you are available & ask how you could help, • say what you can do, • agree on suggested day to start. О О Greet, saying the------- to volunteer. name of the charity. / Ask when he/she is which days/times available. / you are free. Suggest volunteer -♦''‘^^^Agree to help, activities. / Say where and when-^-^^'^Agree. Say goodbye, he/she can start. 103 й л *■ ► '' к Vocabulary Gadgets a) Q Listen and say. • text friends • instant message someone • send an email • share photos • write a blog • chat online • play video games • look up maps • listen to music • download music/films, etc. • browse web pages • use a social networking site, e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, etc. • use a search engine, e.g. Google, Searchalot, Yahoo, etc. b) Use the phrases In Ex. 1a to say how we use these gadgets. • smartphone • MP3 player • tablet computers • laptop • GPS receiver • video games console We can text friends with a smartphone. Reading Look at the text. Where can you see forums: on the Internet, in a newspaper, in a magazine? b) What Is this forum about? Read through and check. 3 a) r Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing sentences (A-F). There is one extra sentence. Compare with your partner. Which words helped you decide? FORUM A lot of us just can't live without our gadgets. In fact, ive are so caught up in texting, tweeting, surfing and updating our Facebook statuses that we are unaware of what is happening in the world around us. Although gadgets are very useful, sometimes they can get us into trouble. ( Post 7 of 36 Lauralo^ l\e had a few awkward moments while using some of my gadgets. Last year 1 moved to London to go to university. My dad bought me a GPS receiver so 1 could find my way around town easily. One evening 1 decided to use it to walk to a restaurant with my new friends. 2 Everyone followed me eagerly. But after walking half an hour we found ourselves at the same spot. 1 was puzzled. Suddenly one of my friends pointed across the square. There was the restaurant. Then I understood. The GPS receiver was on driving mode and took us through all the one-way streets to reach the restaurant! (Post 8 of 36 Dariotl) I think the most embarrassing moment I've ever had with a gadget was with my new smartphone. I bought this really cool smartphone one day when I was out shopping. | 4 | I took it out of its box and started playing around with it. It has an excellent menu and loads of applications but it was all new to me then. I was so busy going through the menu when suddenly I walked smack-bang into someone and their ice cream went all over me. Everyone around laughed at me standing there like a circus clown with ice cream all over my face. | 5 | I had a good laugh about it with my parents later that day though. I couldn't wait to try it out. I felt so stupid in front of the others. I threw my old phone away. The worst was with my GPS receiver. I was so embarrassed. I took it out of the car and entered the name of the restaurant. gadget, awkward, mode, spot, puzzled, can't wait, application, smack-bang b) ^ Дisten and read the text. Which story do you think is the most embarrassing? Tell the class. 1 see Grammar p gr9 Past simple vs present perfect 4 Read the theory. Find examples in the text. We use the past simple for; • an action which happened at a stated time in the past. Peter bought a new CD last week. (When? Last week.) • an action that started and finished in the past. Sue had the flu for two weeks. (She hasn't got the flu anymore.) Time expressions used with past simple: ago, yesterday, 4 last week/month, etc. We use the present perfect for; • an action which happened at an unstated time in the past. David has bought a lot of CDs. (When? We don't know. The time is not stated.) • an action which started in the past and is still continuing in the present. Lisa has had a cold for three days. (She has still got a cold.) Time expressions used with present perfect: since, already, for, just, yet, ever, never, etc. 5 Choose the correct verb. 1 Julie has sent/sent Mary several text messages last night. 2 Dave is going to recycle his old computer. He has had/had it for over 10 years. 3 Have you ever used/Did you ever use Flickr to share photographs? 4 We have had/had a great time playing video games at Paul's house last night. 5 Jane bought/has bought a new mobile phone yesterday. 6 I haven't received/didn't receive a reply from the university yet. 7 Tara was/has been on the Internet since this morning. 8 How many emails have you sent/did you send so far today? 9 Have you ever had/Did you ever have an accident while text messaging? 10 Last Monday I have left/left the library at about 4:30 pm. 7 8 8 C g Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the present perfect. 1 A: Lisa..........................(win) a new laptop on the quiz show last night. B: Yeah. I .................................. (just/hear). Isn't she lucky? 2 A: ................................. (you/see) my new profile picture on Facebook? B: Yes, I ............................... (be) on Facebook last night. It's a cool photo. 3 A: I..............................(have) this laptop for years. I need to get a new one. B: You can get cheap ones now. My brother .................(buy) a new one last month. 4 A: Tony .......................... (not/visit) us for ages. Is he all right? B: Yeah. I............................. (chat) with him online the other day. 5 A: Owen................................ (tell) me you got a new smartphone. B: Yes, it's great. у Complete the sentences with the correct adverbs from the list. • always • never • since • already • ago • just • yet • ever 1 My dad has had the same mobile phone......... 2006. 2 I've .....................had a GPS receiver. I prefer to use maps. 3 Karen only bought her MP3 player yesterday and she's..........................broken it. 4 Have you......................thought about creating your own website? 5 Liam has..................loved video games. He plays almost every day. 6 Martha is delighted. She has................. won an iPad. She hasn't left ............................. John bought a new laptop a week.............. Speaking & Writing Think of an embarrassing moment you had using any of your favourite gadgets. Write a short paragraph about it. Write: where you were, who with, what happened, how you felt. [!►] Vocabulary Bank 6 p. УВ26 Ex. 3-Ех.У ) 105 г Cultural Habits Vocabulary Social etiquette ^f'l'rrbbtnmorl ^ ^./'Listen and say. your nose in public kiss sb you meet on the cheek smile at people {'f Social Etiquette T\ Be careful what you do with your feet! In Thailand it has always been very disrespectful to point your feet, particularly the soles of your feet, at another person or to show your feet in any way. So remember, if your host tells you to make yourself comfortable that doesn’t mean you should put your feet up on the coffee table. \ te#® i's;”' ■ •гЧ ![ . Has anyone ever told you it’s impolite to point at people? In Malaysia it is rude to point at someone with your index finger. People use the whole fist and thumb to show direction. In the Philippines, people only point by moving their eyes towards a person or thing, or even by pursing their lips and pointing with their mouth. б1 1 Thinking about visiting Bulgaria? If so, then it can ■ - n. КлН\/ loo. a, the g wK; wi strangers and Chinese people try to avoid it. I ^ I I } I III wwww. ^ ^ really help to remember the following: in Bulgarian body language, nodding your head up and down means no, while shaking your head from side to side means ‘yes’! So be ^ careful how you move r.-.* ■*r.* .‘ч» —.—I In Europe and the USA people have always shaken hands with a firm grip to show strength of character. If you have ever visited Turkey, you will know that for Turkish people, a firm handshake is very rude and it is seen as a sign of anger. , . . Flowers are a very thoughtful gift, but here’s some advice. If you are going to Poland don’t arrive at a party with yellow flowers known as chrysanthemums. They are used at funerals! In Italy, people have long believed that yellow flowers indicate jealousy, and red ones show secrecy! Don’t get confused! In some parts of the world it’s polite to eat all of the food on your plate at dinner but in China and Korea you should leave something. This shows that you were given enough food by your host. If you eat everything, your Chinese host! feels obliged to offer you more. That’^ is because he thinks you are still hungry! 2 Which of the actions in Ex. 1 do people in your country consider impolite? In my country it's impolite to burp after a meal. 106 etiquette, polite, rude, globe, ground, respect, make eye contact, avoid, shake hands, strength, firm handshake, thoughtful, advice, jealousy, secrecy, disrespectful, sole, host, index finger, purse your lips, nod your head, side to side, confused, appreciate, obliged Listening & Reading 3 Look at the title of the text on p. 106 and the headings (A-H). What do you think the text is going to be about? Q Listen, read and check. (A) DON'T USE YOUR HANDS ® CHOOSE YOUR COLOURS CAREFULLY @ KEEP YOUR SHOES ON THE GROUND ® BE CAREFUL DURING MEALS (D DON' T TALK WITH YOUR MOUTH FULL © EYES DOWN © A NOD IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION ® SHAKE LIGHTLY 4 b) Read paragraphs (1-7) in the text. What is the main idea in each? c) Read the text and match the paragraphs (1-7) to the headings (A-H). There is one extra heading. Which words helped you decide? Fill in: show, social, to make eye, firm, thoughtful, index, body, nod. Then use the phrases to write sentences about social etiquette based on the text. 1 2 3 4 .... contact .. my head ..... rules handshake 5 6 7 8 .. respect .... finger language .....gift Americans make eye contact when they greet people to show politeness. 5 Read the text. Make a list of dos and don'ts for the countries: • China • USA • Turkey • Poland • Thailand • Malaysia • Philippines • Bulgaria • Korea Use the list to tell the class about social rules in these countries. see Grammar p. gr9/ The passive g Read the theory. Find examples In the text Form: to be + past participle of the main verb We use the passive when we don't know who carried out an action or when the action is more important than the person who carries it out. Present Simple Active; People send chrysanthemums to funerals. Passive; Chrysanthemums are sent to funerals. Past Simple Active: Peter painted the portrait. Passive: The portrait was painted by Peter. The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence. We use by in the passive sentence to introduce the person who did the action. у Rewrite the sentence in the passive. 1 In many countries, people offer handshakes as a greeting. 2 People give sweets and flowers as gifts to their host in Malaysia. 3 They kissed him three times on the cheek. 4 They serve dinner at 7 o'clock. 5 He offered flowers to the hostess. Speaking & Writing g Do any of the social rules in the text apply in your country? Tell the class. In my country people shake hands to greet each other. g What other social rules are there? Write a short paragraph about social etiquette in your country (60-70 words). [!►] Vocabulary Bank 6 p. УВ2б} 107 с g Skills 1 Vocabulary Minor injuries/ ailments Listen and say, then match the phrases to the pictures. 2 Ask and answer questions as in the example. A: Have you ever cut your finger? B: Yes, I have, /No, I haven't. Listening 3 в c D E F *4r'Listen and match the speakers to the injuries. There Is one extra sentence. The speaker ruined their new clothes. The speaker had a high temperature. The speaker ate too much. The speaker fell down. The speaker had to get professional help. The speaker wasn't able to walk. 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 cut your finger have a fever sprain your wrist have a toothache twist your ankle have a cold/the flu have a headache have a nosebleed have a sore throat have a stomach ache Speaking Giving advice 4.^’Listen to a dialogue between a doctor and a patient. Who says these phrases? What is the problem? What should the patient do? • What are the symptoms? • You can also take this to get your temperature down. What seems to be the problem? I think you should stay in bed for a couple of days. Work in pairs. You have a runny nose and a cough and you can't stop sneezing. Your partner is a doctor. Use the language below to act out your dialogue. Follow the diagram. Give advice Why don't you ...? I think you should/shouldn't... My advice is to ... If I were you, I would ... Have you got the flu? Drink lots of fluids. Take cough medicine. Get lots of sleep. Wash your hands. О Greet patient. Ask what the problem is. Ask about symptoms. Say the patient has got the flu Give the patient some advice. О Say what the problem is. Describe the symptoms. Ask what you should do. Thank doctor. 108 [!►] Vocabulary Bank 6 p. VB28^ А story I Read the rubric. Answer the questions. A teens magazine has asked its readers to send in stories that end with И/е never found out what that noise was for its annual story competition. The best story wins a week's holiday. (120-150 words) 1 2 3 What are you going to write? Who is going to read it? Is it a first person narrative or a third person narrative? How many main characters can there be? Should the story be true or imaginary? What tense should you mainly use? Study skills Sequencing When you write a story, present the events in the order they happened. This helps the reader follow your story. 2 Read the story and put the events in the order they happened. A В C D E F G H 1 We put up our tent. We heard a noise. Travis tripped on a rock. Travis and I went camping. We went to get firewood. We started running. I called for help. I pulled him to the tent. A ranger picked us up. 3 Find all the words In the story that show the sequence of events. EllMPtlirS The by Jim Hewit Last summer my brother Travis and I decided to go camping. An roullate “vTeperfect spot and put up our tent. Then we both iooked for firewood. Suddenly we heard a strange гюке^ It was a low moaning sound, as if a creature was in pain. We froze The noise became louder so we dropped the woo ran as fast as we could back to our tent. Unfortunately, Г Travis tripped on a rock and twisted his leg. I dragged him back into the tent and then 1 called for help. Thirty minutes later a ranger came to pick us p^ relieved. Travis ended up with a sore ankle, found out what that noise was. Writing When you write a story you should start by setting the scene. Describe the place (where), the time (when), the main characters (who), the weather and what happened first. Д How does the writer set the scene in the story? 5 Read the rubric and answer the questions. • Your teacher has asked you to write a story about l I a(n) exciting/scary/embarrassing experience you had for the [ I school's English magazine. Write your story (120-150 words). I 1 What are you going to write? 2 Who is going to read it? 3 What can the story be about? g Portfolio: (listen to Jane narrating her experience and take notes to answer the questions In the plan. Now use your notes and the plan below and write the story. Plan Introduction Para 1: Main body Paras 2-3: Conclusion Para 4: (set the scene) Who? Where? When? What? (events in the order they happened) What happened? What was the main event? (end of the story, how people felt) What happened in the end? How did you feel? •v* [!►] Writing Bank 4 p. WB4^ 109 • ' » Curricular: Science radio waves Millions of people around the world use mobile phones to keep in touch with friends and family, and there is an 80% chance that you've got a mobile phone in your pocket or bag. Have you ever wondered, though, how a mobile phone network works? A mobile phone is actually a sophisticated radio that uses radio waves to communicate, like a really good walkie-talkie. A walkie-talkie uses one channel and one frequency so only one person can talk at the same time. The mobile phone uses two frequencies, one for talking and one for listening, which means both users can talk at the same time; and it can use over 1600 channels. When your mobile phone is on, the phone communicates to what we call a base station. A base station is a special antenna which can be on the top of a building or a communications tower. There are usually hundreds of base stations in cities all over the world. Sometimes telephone companies disguise their base stations so you don't even notice them. Each base station is at the centre of an area called a cell. All calls and messages in that area go to the cell's base station where a special base station controller transmits the call. Controllers can only take a certain number of calls at the same time so if a lot of people call, some of them may not be able to get through. This doesn't happen very often though because there are antennas everywhere. Keep an eye out for them! mobile phone \ user 4 keep in touch, sophisticated, frequency, base station, antenna, cell, transmit Look at the picture. How do you think a rnobile phone network works? / Ч ¥ Listen and read the text to find out. Did you know? ____________ It is possible to locate a mobile phone user to a couple of metres anywhere on the planet. 3 1 2 ead the text and mark the sentences T (true) br F (false). A mobile phone uses radio waves to communicate. .... Mobile phones use three frequencies. ......... All base stations are clearly visible. ....... There is a base station in every cell. ....... Controllers can usually take all calls. ...... 3 4 5 Match the words/phrases In bold in the text to their meaning. to manage to connect to hide or cover sth so you can't see it sends (a signal) a radio signal a system that joins things ICT How does a GPS system work? Collect information from the Internet. Make notes and present the information to the class. Language Review ^ Fill in: ruins, donation, handshake, active, thought, contact, charity, burp, cruise, climate. 1 In Japan it is rude to make eye................ with strangers. 2 When I was in Egypt, I saw lots of ancient 8 9 10 2 Etna is one of the world's .................... volcanoes. Because of its warm................... Greece is a nice place to visit during the autumn. He was lost in .................. so he didn't notice the car approaching. In the UK, men often greet new people with a firm................... VSO Is a ................... organisation that helps people in need. Last year we went on a river................... down the Nile. It's not polite to ...............after a meal. You can make a ................to help charity. Fill in the correct word from the list: purse, animal, firm, radio, social, blow, index, puzzled, donate, disabled. 1 etiquette 6 .. 1 your lips 2 your nose 7 .. look 3 waves 8 .. money 4 grip 9 .. people 5 finger 10 .. shelter 3 Fill in: on, in, or by. 1 a bus 6 ... .... a ferry 2 a car 7 ... .... a coach 3 foot 8 ... .... train 4 plane 9 ... .... ship 5 a boat 10 ... .... a bike О 4 Choose the correct words. 1 I've twisted/cut my finger. 2 Riding a camel in Egypt would make my dreams come alive/true. 3 Last year I had a great holiday in a camper lorry/van. 4 Keep in hand/touch when you move to Poland. 5 Just nod/contact your head if you agree. 6 Jeff volunteered for a(n) aid/host programme in China. 7 Rachel looked/cared after my cat while I was away. 5 Choose the correct preposition. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Lucy always eats everything on/in her plate. He cares of/for the elderly. A dolphin came close at/to us while we swam. A young man jumped in/on board the bus. I'm free on/in Sunday mornings. Darren couldn't get off/through on the telephone. She was by/on a plane to Rome. We're interested to/in helping to collect money for the shelter. In teams make sentences. Use words from the list. Each correct sentence gets one point. The team with the most points wins. • volunteer • elderly people • gadget • raise money • fundraising event • raffle tickets • animal shelter • browse a web page • point at people • text someone • chat online • write a blog • twist your ankle • have a cold • have a stomach ache • awkward • • - -VT Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Read through Module 6 and write a quiz of your own. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The Nile is in China. Marble Arch is in London. Yellow flowers mean secrecy in Italy. Shake hands gently in Turkey. San Francisco has got cable cars. You shouldn't point your finger in Malaysia. 7 Mount Etna is in Sicily. 8 The Chinese look at the ground when they greet people. 9 Perth is in Australia. 10 In Bulgaria, nodding your head up and down means 'yes'. M'.Mi [l^l Revision 6 p. 12^ 111 Skills Listening (Multiple matching) ^ a) Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 1 Have you ever volunteered before? 2 Do you think volunteers make a difference? 3 What kind of people do you think volunteer? b) In pairs, brainstorm for two minutes for ideas under the following headings. Positive things about volunteering Negative things about volunteering • meet like-minded people • make new friends • can make you feel sad • many volunteer programmes are expensive Study skills Multiple matching Before listening, read the rubric and quickly try to paraphrase the sentences. This will give you an idea of what to listen for. c) You are going to hear five students talk about volunteering. Read the sentences (A-F) in Ex. 1d. In pairs, paraphrase each sentence. e.g.A = had a good time but was ready to leave / had fun but didn't want to stay longer ...etc. d) О Now listen and match the speakers (1-5) to the sentences (A-F) There is one extra sentence. A The speaker enjoyed the experience but didn't want more. В The speaker didn't expect to meet people from all over the world. C The speaker was surprised they made so many good friends. D The speaker originally planned to stay for a shorter time. E The speaker stays in touch with the children. F The speaker says you experience a country in a different way when you volunteer. Speaking Study skills Talking about a picture Start by describing the picture as a whole (e.g. where, what), then go into more detail (who, how, what kind, how many, etc.). End by speculating about the scene. This will show you ^ can go beyond a simple description. 2 a) Look at the picture and complete the gaps. О Listen and check. Underline the sentence which speculates on the scene. The picture shows a group of teenagers on a 1).................. There are three girls near the front and a boy sitting 2)................. them. Others are sitting at the back. The girls are wearing bright 3) ................ clothes and smiling. They and the boy are 4) ...................... texts or playing games on their mobiles. They all seem to be enjoying themselves so they are probably on a school trip somewhere. I personally find days out like this a welcome 5) ....................from the dull routine! b) In pairs, make your own speculations about the scene. e.g. Where are they going? What are they thinking? How do they feel? c) Describe the photo. 1 2 3 112 Now answer the questions: Do you think the people in the photo are enjoying their travel experience? Why (not)? What was your favourite travel experience? Why? What is your least favourite means of transport? Why?