Английский язык 4 класс Учебник Баранова Дули Копылова часть 2

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык 4 класс Учебник Баранова Дули Копылова часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Starlight (Старлайт) звездный английский:

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i английским it АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК класс Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка в двух частях Часть 2 Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации Москва Express Publishing «Просвещение» 201 1 УДК 373.167.1:811,111 ББК 81 2Амгл 922 кЬА С.ерт ангтмАск{^й^' or«oeufri-*ot *»o»lor}. Л1»*к (•.ptnn- prorj ic t:or <о:||'п1кч) .ind ’It f^iMi’v. hjNi',l I'lq iir,iqiii<'i)n. j'lrt Г niilv ОапГ' Pn'«rf, Егн-j Пюпоху «nd rimod'.y Wo ^ 'iki* In Ih.iid IhiiM' ll^lll•l1l<»l^ .I'lrfiont lu-i'. wliri DiloU'rl iho n.ih.*v.« pj .»oo kVhoM* hk '.il di.nk'i In 8''dqoi. < h'f-wiginii ^ .wKt v**t-o tcx>k p.itr i»’ f’i»”r1«'1<'У. K'.'TM VV1u’.« ♦ R.KJrJ^iv MIV«k[ VO'0 (filriij' llii.'.it.itirffi'. "Мдоп»'.'. VOlO llr.liii1iNT hy S|it4»ii Aidii’WS, A^i'X.ii iJ'.i |рлп. AI.Hi SI4’|>»uuc! Voru* Jniy Wil'/wi /f xpini'. fiifjlvnruj, JO 10 VSrhllo ovory oHort ho« boon mode to troco oil tho copyright holders. If ony hove boon inadvertently overlooked the publishers will bo pleased to make tho nocossory arrongomonts ot the first opportunity. Английский ЯЗЫК. 4 t'.rtacr умоб для о^ообразоваг ум^х»*дений и ШК с угпубл И1У‘К'ИИ rpo«>tOAi/ И.И. 1‘уковод1<1е."ь п|»ема К7А Смнр''с:£! Выгусчго1иий рсдашоа М.А Ссмнч(?» Р(>;ц<к:р С.Ю. /ТрьжглЧ/? Корректоры И Г- Окуьевв. Н М Ксучер'у*^ |1ЛГ'Огоаоя лыота - Obii.epocc№>cr,.w класспои<ато& пс*>д,«:аи^» ОХ 005 93 953000 HjA n/u. Серия ИД 0582а о* 12 09.0: 11пд|'и:нк() в пмчаП| 0.3 03 11 Фг»пм<ч* (i0x90/8 м?«сзаи‘-ня ^ди»*и1уо^ Пр*-нть <к?)гя*ндя Уч шд и 16.'19 1ираж, 30 000 >Kd 3et'6jiN' ГОЛ Открытое|Зкцио1«ср1гоеобщсстсо^Иэдзтельс'оо•ПсосБешо**ле* 12752t.Москел. 3 йпсоеэцМорь^мой оощи. «11 Г xii'r-Vi Я|||)1Ы|1пд. hU'ity Mouse. \(>км Gieprharii Рйг*:. Sewbu*/, Br-rkshto 9G19 6HW ту 1635 81 7 3fi3 Гах fCnv.«JJ ' 635 817 ЛЬ:1 M-itMil iiKJiuiu.»s"»‘exiHPS4pibIsl4ng i;oul Itllp /,'v/wwexptek^pi;h'iyi-ni} С)гги-1м?и1чп ivM'H'.M 'orifHPH’Hiin I ^-<^ч^v1н<^м ’1рнА*гг1лвт*мчц» »UK»Ht"ThC*Bnr/ MH’Ppv*dnoH H f.W) •* Гч<‘р< iviai АС-TCto» литературы им 50 notneCCCR» 170040.* ’’oep*.,. просюкт SO п*->гОк:яЬся. 46 1^ ISBN 978-5-09-018725-1(2) ISBN 978-5-09-024486-2(общ.) Ф t*pres'> Rjn'i'Ji nq, JO 11 <0 HiA.rpntXTgo^^npornc.ur’Mv’e*, 2П1 I Все rpaoa or fyr. .i'kI hkI ',‘м> XlMni; ?ЬйгА Contents »rs Modules The Country Code...... p. 4 Module 6 Yumville............. p. 20 Starlight CLUB 4 ............. p.36 Module? Knights and Castles... p. 42 Module 8 Willow’s Story....... p. 58 Starlight CLUB 5 ............. p.74 Modules The Fairy Garden...... p. 80 Module 10 Port Fairy.......... p. 96 Starlight CLUB 3 ............. p. 112 Valentine’s Day/Peter and Fevronia Day.............. p. 118 Грамматический справочник .... p. 120 Словарь....................... p. 126 Code Listen, point and repeat. countryside * put out a fire 1 \ drop litter Ч, I rf make a noise grass Q a b the countrysWel I C utterl b your camp fires! • lowers! // • a 0 >\l4Ul||U' Г| Listen, point and repeat. II ☆ Read and match the sentences to the pictures. 1 Ben's got a toothache. d 2 Sue's got a stomachache...... 3 Bill's got a headache. 4 Scott's got a cold 5 Joe's got a rash. ... /.eT's-piaY' Cwhot'sthe motter^] ri'vegota'': l^oothache You should go to the dentist': Vlmliib* a Must/Mustn't (GR 120) w ( J We use must to say that it is necessary for someone to do something. I We use mustn’t to say that something is not allowed. I You must put out the fire. You mustn’t drop litter. In tbe par ! Look. mc3tch and soy. Complete the sentences. 1 We mustn’t ride our skateboords. 2 We..............pick flowers. 3 We..............keep off the grass. A > 4 We............. drop litter. 5 We............. keep our dogs on a lead. ☆ Read and match. Make your bed. Don’t eat in bed. Listen to your teach-f. Don't be late. Don’t eat in class. Don’t drop litter in class. ☆ Talk with your friend. r You must help with the chores. F' At home. The Country Code Have to (GR 120) \ ( \ We use have to to talk about things that are necessary to do because there are rules to follow. We can't choose to do something else. 1 have to wear a uniform at school. (It's a school rule.) He has to get up early tomorrow (He can't chooSe to get up late.) We use don’t have to to say that it isn't necessary to do something. We can choose to do something else. I don’t have to get up early on Saturdays. (It's not necessary, I can choose to get up late.) They don’t have to go to the cinema with us. (It's not necessary. They can choose to stay at home) ☆ Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of have to or don’t have to. 1 We are on holiday. Bogdan. You don’t have to get up early this week. 2 1 can't go to the park. I ....... ...................help my mum with the chores. 3 Svetlona .................walk to school. She can take the school bus. 4 We....................write a text on Yuri Gagarin. Where can 1 find some information? 5 They...................... come with us. They can stay at home. 6 I.....................leave now. I've got a piano lesson. it Complete the conversation. Then take roles and act out. Tina: Can I osk you some questions? Mikhail; Yes. of course, Tina: 1) Do I have to have о visa to trovel to Russia? Mikhail: Yes, you 2).................. Tina: 3).................take some worm clothes with me? Mikhail: Oh, yes. It's still cold in the evenings. Tina; 4)................speak Russian? Mikhail: No. you 5) ..................... A lot of Russian people speak English. They can help you. Tina: One more thing, 6) ............. ..............stay at a hotel? Mikhail: No. you 7) ..................... You can stay with a family. Tina: Thank you for your help. Mikhail: You're welcome. Should/Shouldn’t (GR 120) 9 I We use should/shouldn’t to give advice to someone. ■ e.g. You should go to the doctor's. I You shouldn't go outside. * Give the correct advice, go to the dentist's take an aspirin У take some cough syrup I've got a cold! I've got a toothache! I've got о headache! I've got a stomachachei 1 You should take some cough syrup. 2 ................................. 3 4 Listen to the doctor and put a tick (/) or a cross it Complete the phrases. 1 put out a fire 2 keep off the 4 drop Find the words about health. s T О М А с н А С Н D О О Т Т к А О F А G О А Y Е R S Н и Р S H Т L 1 С А к Q G W К E н и Т Н S X Н $ 1 A А О V J Н R н S К N D С К р Р К т Y Y т С A н R S С Z в О R Е R C Е S (с О L D) R и 1 Е H 1 S G I Q V В Р К А E 1 D О С Т о R С S М iMIlKlilMliil The Country Code ☆ Read and put a tick (/) or a cross (Л). Then complete. (★ eat too much chocolate И ) * brush your feeth after meals □ m (★ drink too much cola C* visit the dentist often 1 You shouldn't eat too much chocolate. 2 ..................................... 3 ..................................... 4 ................................. ☆ Read and complete the text. Pavel feels terrible today. He's got a 1) He should take some 2) i the3) toothache, and go to 4) They're bad for his 6) He should eat a lot of 7) ; . He shouldn't eat any or 5) and .~....... Ш Moilrrlc ' Ulii The Sitoine Flower Listen, point '' to the picture and repeat. spin Listen and read the story. “Please, show me the Stone Flower." Danila asks. “I want to understand the beauty of the stone. I must see the Stone Flower!" he says. “No. Danila, You will be sorry." she says and smiles. “Those who see my flower leave their family and come to live with me in my mountain. What obout Prokopych and Katya? They love you." "I know," says Danila “But 1 need to see the Stone Flower!" “All right," she answers. “Come with me to my Magic Garden." She takes him and shows him the amazing Stone Flower. "It's so beautiful," says Danila. “The most beautiful thing in the world!" He goes back home feeling very happy. Moiliiic 5 it Read and complete the sentences. Use show, understand, leave or amazing. 1 Don't......................me here. I'm scared! 2 This is a(n)....................ring. It's very beautiful! 3 You have to..................... your ticket to the mon at the door. 4 Can you explain this to me, pleaseI don't............*............it. ☆ Who says the following sentences? Read the story again and answer D for Danila or M for the Mistress of Copper Mountain. 1 Please, show me fhe flower. 2 You wilt be sorry, 3 What about Prokopych and Katya? 4 Come with me to my Magic Garden. 5 It's so beautiful. Let’s sing! 4 Its beauty mokes my heart sing What happiness it brings! Its beauty makes my head spin What happiness it brings! Flower of Stone A wonder to see. Flower of Stone A wonder to me! Read the story and complete the list with the words in bold. 0 Ч The Gffiivc Here comes Ounce Mouse. She sees a glove and she climbs into It and sits there. Jog Frog comes hopping up. He stops and says: "Hello, there! Who Is living in this glove?" "I am. Ounce Mouse. Who are you?" "Jog Frog. Let me in!" "All right. Jump ini" Habit Rabbit comes hopping up. He stops and says; "Hello, there! Who is living in this glove?" "We are. Ounce Mouse and Jog Frog. And who are you?" "Habit Rabbit. Can 1 come in?" "All right. Jump in!" Box Fox comes running up. He stops and says: "Hello, therel Who is living in this glove?" "We are. Ounce Mouse. Jog Frog and Habit Rabbit. And who are you?" "Box Fox. Is there any room for me?" ‘AH right. Jump ini" Hair Bear comes walking by. He stops and says; "Hello, there! Who is living in this glove?" "We are. Ounce Mouse, Jog Frog, Habit Rabbit and Box Fox. And who are you?" "Hair Bear. And I know you can make room for me!" "All right. Get in!" So Hair Bear gets in. too. Now there are five animals in the glove. Suddenly, a hunter comes by. He sees the glove move, and bang! - he fires his gun. The glove bursts and the five friends run away. /л/: comes, /d/: ........... /1/: ........... /ae/: .......... /ее/: .......... /и/ /ai/ /СХ/ /ei/ ☆ In groups, take roles of the animals and act out the story. Make the story longer. Think of some more animals to go and live in the magic glove. Write your story. UottiiU' Look, read and complete. 0 I love the c _o ntr x s J_ d 1 Fruit and__9__t_bl_s are good for you!. 2 Tom is very str_ng! 3 We should _x__re _ s_ every day. 4 We shouldn't eat many sw_______ts! ☆ Read and choose the right word. it Read and choose a or b. 0 You m.ust/mustn’t wear a seat-belt when you drive a car. 1 You must/mustn‘t drop litter in the street. 2 He have to/has to wear a uniform at school. 3 You must/mustn’t eat in class. 4 Does she have to/has to get up early? 5 You must/mustn’t listen to your teacher, © it 0 0 The cough syrup is on the table. Please, give...........to Bob. (§)it b them 1 Where's Mum? Can you see ....? a her b she 2 Can you give.........the bread, please? a i b me 3 Look at........He's very strong. a him b he Give advice. С-ЗП 0 I've got a toothache. You should go to the dentist’s. 1 I've got a cold. 2 I've got a headache, talk about the Country Code talk about illnesses/health problems give advice talk and write about how to stay fit and heolthy ------------------ifl Engli^K ^ AYumville ^i> Listen, point and repeat. , mango mefon Read and complete the song. Then sing along! How many 4) V. Л ..? How many!) i^f ^ lemons? How many 5) ........? How much .............? y^y< How much 6) ^ .............? How many 3) iJ^g..........green • and red? 5И^ How much 7) ........? Read and match the lists to the pictures. [2П ^ bread |emon$ ЕЛ,,*" . oliv'c- 01 bre-ad (iivie-'; tyie-lon peas watermelon II ^ oi'ive oi^ brecld strawberries coconuts \ Listen, point and repeat. lemonade plate bottle. can carton packet loaf ^ ^ [A can or Can I have some J ^ bottle? orange juice, please? Ч [a can, please.] Read and correct the mistakes. 1 a jar of milk - a carton of milk 2 a bottle of jam -............... 3 a plate of cola -............... 4 a loaf of flour -.............. 5 a packet of lemonade -......... [e s^ptaY' F-\ fc'' u А lot of/Much/Many (GR 120) There are a lot of limes. Are there many limes? There aren't many limes. How many ...? Not many./A lot. There is a lot of cheese. Is there much cheese? There isn't much cheese. How much ...? Not much./A lot. if Look at the picture and choose the right words. 1 There are a lot/a lot of mangoes. 2 t here isn't much/many orange juice. 3 There aren't much/many strawberries 4 There is a lot of/many honey. 5 There are much/a lot of melons. ☆ Memory game! There ore a lot of mangoes. it Talk with your friend. Can I have some grapes?j ^ow many^ Yumville A few/A little (GR 120) I • I've got a few apples (= not many apples) in the fridge. I There's a little olive oil (= not much olive oil). ☆ Cl) What can you see in the pictures? Look and answer. Г2'' (3) a few strawberries (4 Г5; ☆ Make sentences. Use a few or a little instead of some. 5 Can I take some limes? 6 Can you buy me some honey? 1 Can I have some grapes, please? Can I have a few grapes, please? 2 Would you like some tea? 3 Let's make some sandwiches. 7 Let's make some biscuits! 4 Would you like some sugar in your 8 May I have some juice? tea? ....................... if Tick (/) the correct sentences. Cross out the incorrect words and correct the mistakes. 1 There is a lot of cheese in the fridge. 2 Are there rpaio«lfflV fi. Some/Any/No-Somebody/Something (GR 120) There is some jam. There isn't any olive oil. There is no cola. Are there any eggs? There Is somebody in the garden. There isn't anybody in the house. There is nobody in the room. Is there anybody in the car? There is something on the floor. There isn't anything on the table. There is nothing in the fridge. Is there anything in the cupboard? it Complete the sentences. Use some, any or no. 1 I'm making some sandwiches for Dima. 2 Is there..........coke for me'? 3 We've got ............milk. Can you buy some? 4 We need ........flour for the pie. 5 Are there ........ grapes in the fridge? 6 Can you go to the supermarket'? We've got.................jam ☆ What is there on the table? Look and make sentences. Use the words below. milk flour eggs lemonade apples butter bananas carrots 1 There's some milk. 2 There i$n 1 any flour, or There is no flour. it Read and choose the right words. Then take roles and act out. A: There's somebody/anybody here to talk to you. His name is Kirill Ignatov. B: I don't know somebody/ anybody by that name. A: I'm going to the supermarket. Is there nothing/anything I can get for you? B: No, anything/nothing, thank you. A: Do you know something/ anything about animals in Alaska? B: No, not much. A: I'm making a pie. Does somebody/anybody want to help me? B: No, Mum. We're busy. A: Is there something/anything I can do for you? B: Sure. Can you hold this for me, please? Modolt- ft Yumville Possessive pronouns (GR 121) mine yours his hers ours yours theirs ( ■ I " We use possessive pronouns instead of nouns. I e.g. This is my lemonade. Where is yours? (yours = your lemonade) N ☆ Complete the sentences. Use possessive pronouns. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ilya has got a bottle of lemonade. It's his. I've got a red schoolbag. It's Dmitry's sister has got five dolls. They're This is Olga's sandwich. Ifs You've got a packet of flour. It's We've got a big house Ifs • They've got new dresses. They're Roman has got some new toys. They're it Replace the underlined words with a possessive pronoun. A: Is that your cola? B: No, it's not my cola. If s her cola. Mv cola is in the fridge. A: Whose car is this? B: It's our cor. A: Your car? Wow! A: Are these hot dogs Andrev and Nikolay's? B: No, they aren't Andrev and Nikolay's hot doas. Andrev and Nikolay's hot dogs are on that table. A: Is that Katya's cat? B: No, ifs not Katya's cat. If s mv cot. Katva's cat is grey. s --------- I Whose pen is this? Yumville . 1 Listen and read the dialogue. ‘^It's harvest time in Yumville. Read the dialogue again and choose a or b. 1 This is fun! о Lee b Alvin 2 How much food is there? Q Mona b Horry -А-е Listen, point and repeat. V' - — green pepper onion beans pasta salt and pepper ☆ Where are they? Choose then talk with your friend. О onion pepper #=c salt ^^cola bean Q Sing alor^gi Whaf have fhe elves got up On fhe shelves? Burgers, pizzas or cakes? No way! No! Not today! Ifs harvest time. Shout hooray! No way! No! Not today! There's honey, beans and peas! fWhere is Mr Onion in your picture? I He's in the ■^upbogrdj ^ltиlfflr (I эпюп >ег г Read and complete the shopping list. i Kceerf some things to matee a s,aLad, weVe 0ot some beanos, but we havti^'t 0ot й1А/у 0reeiA. “peppeKS or c«Krots. Сй1д. you 0et some? There's som.e cheese the frldQc, but there IsiA/'t й1д.у chucteem you 0et som.e oLuve oLL, too, pLe^se? There's some momy oiA,th tflbLe. ThakU^s, ^ _ Mum —---0—- Shopping list green peppers What have you got in your fridge? What do you need? Write a note to a person in your family. I'^id you. kuovvv In Japan, there ore square watermelons. !n Russia, people like a kind of pizzo covered in mockba. If s got sardines, tuna, salmon and onions. Yummy! A company in Taiwan makes plates out of wheat. So when you finish your dinner and you are still hungry, you can still have something to eat! Q: What's brown and hairy and wears sunglasses? A: A coconut on hoHday! it Fruit clothes! Look at the pictures and complete what the people are saying. ■ I My T-shirt has got some ) hat has got ^ My trousers have got .... and Design your own fruit clothes. Present them to the class. Read and complete the lists, can posfa onion <^orfon lemonade i®*^ .nan г burger packet^ green pepper cola Make sentences. 1 a - of - milk, - I - carton - have -Can - please? Can I have a carton of milk, please? 2 a-of-We-packet-need-flour. 3 lemonade.-Buy-bottles-two-of 4 please.-of-loof-A-bread, 5 Can-please?-cola,-l-can-of-have - a 6 of-l-meat,-Can-kilo-pleose?-have-a Yumville '9- 30t nd p b ir Talk with your friend. ☆ Rearrange the letters in the food poems. Mary’s got a little 1) (maj) jam, A little 2) (loccO............, a little 3) (ujcie) And every time that Mary eats, Her little teeth really hurt! Is there any cola? r Are there any mangoes? Your shopping bag is number 1 This is the way we eat our ч) (izapz) ....., Eat our 5) (sanbe) ........eat our 6) (asapt) This Is the way we eat all our food When we're very hungry! One little, two iittie, three little 7) Csatrweblrers). Four little, five little, six little 8) Csatrweblrers). Seven little, eight little, nine little 9) Csatrweblrers) Ten little Ю) Csatrweb(rers).......dancing! Dancing, ctancing on your 11) Cckae).........., Dancing, dancing on your 12) Cckae)........... Dancing, dancing on your 13) Cckae)..........., Ten little 14) Csatrwebirers) .....dancing! T\k^ Sitone Flower Listen, point to the pictures and say the words. p celebration breok cry Listen and read the story. it is the evening before his wedding and there is a big party in the village. Everyone in the village is having fun -they sing songs and they dance with Danila and Katya. At first. Danila is happy and he is enjoying the ceiebrotion. but soon he begins to feel very sad. "What's wrong. Danila?" asks Katya, but he doesn't answer her. After the party he goes quickly home, breaks his vase and runs oway! The next day Katya and Prokopych look for Danila in the forest but he is not there. Katya is very sad and she cries all day! "Donilo. Danila, where are you?" Katya calls, but Danila does not come bock! Three years pass and Danila does not come back. Poor Katya is still waiting for him. She does not marry anyone else. \lnnt/ IS/ ag. nd Look and complete. lime e I m I g о m n a о c n о c t ☆ Read and tick (/). 0 How many melons do we need? 0 How much melons do we need? П 1 Con I have о jar of bread? Ц Can I have a loaf of bread? ЦЦ 2 There isn't some butter. Q There isn't any butter. Ц 3 There are a lot of onions. СЦ There is much onions. Q 4 Is there much salt in the food? О Is there many salt in the food? О e ☆ Read and fill in. • How many • cola • lemons • A can or a bottle) A; Can I have some 0) lemons? B: 1) ............................? A: Five, please, A: Can I have some 2) ............? B: 3) ...........................? A: A bottle, please. name fruit and vegetables osk how much food there is say how much food there is write a note to a member of my family in Engli_5K у Uoiluir 'W' % ^.'u* . J ' , * - I Lonike Read and complete the letter. Dear Aunt Sara. Here are some photos of the 1) J castle we visited last Friday, It was great! We all 2)......... (travel) on the school 3) ............^ Journey, but we all 4) ,,, (play) games and listened to 5) ..........It was great fun! At the castle we 6) ............(look) at some paintings and some , ........They were really cool! Then we 8)..............(watch) a film about 9) . ..........We liked it a lot! On the way home we 10).............. (stop) at a big cafe We played on the game machines. It was a fantastic day! 1 hope you like the photos. Love and kisses, Tina How was your weekend? Tell the class. Write about what you did last weekend. Use your ideas from Ex. 5. ЧЛ1 Read the proverb. What does it mean? Is there a proverb like this in your language? Uid. S'CU- ICucWY 4^ The pen is stronger than the sword. Men trained for about 14 years before becoming knights. Knights and Castles In n\y dream? Read and match the texts to the pictures. In yr\'j (iredTH I Wds ny JreaTffi I "was a c^ueen. I ciresse<{ in expensive c-fothes anrn im he ЭП es JS. so w Look, read and number. 0 knight 1 castle 2 hunt 3 deer 4 fence 5 fight 6 motorbike ☆ What did they do yesterday? Look and complete. 0 He visited 1 He .................... (visit) his (study) for his cousin. test. в'1 2 She............. 3 He............. (play) the (watch) TV. piano. ■ 4 She............. 5 They............... (listen) to (dance) at the music. party. it 0 A: B: 1 A; B: 2 A: B: 3 A: B: Read and choose a or b. What did you do yesterday? @ I played chess with my brother, b) Yes, 1 did. What happened? a) Yes. it happened. b) That boy climbed up that tree! Did the knights live in big castles? a) Yes, they did. b) Yes. they didn't. Did Tim play tennis on Tuesday? a) No, he did. b) No. he didn't. Мэг/1 can • talk about kings, queens and knights • say what 1 did yesterday • write what I did last weekend Mudnlr L p^pl Vf's S iJ Listen, point and repeat. top branch Complete the crossword puzzle. Across 1 Down 0У •MtuliiU' К щ Listen, point and repeat. ■> Read the story. Answer the questions. Do not use more than THREE words. diistory o{ Potatoes "ul© Walter Raleigh was the first marl to bring potatoes to the UK. He was о famous sailor and Л.. j worked for Queen Elizabeth I. He sailed to Americo ond carried the potatoes back with him. His servants plonted the potatoes on his farm in ' ' Ireland. 1 Who was Sir Waiter Raleigh'^ a famous sailor 2 Where did he sail? ............. 3 What did he carry back with him? ............... f ' .\ Sir Walter offered the pototoes to the Queen as a gift. She invited everyone to a feast at her palace \ \ ^ to taste the potatoes. The cooks were not sure what to do with the pototoes. They decided to cook the leaves and throw the potatoes into the -bin! Everyone at the feast was very ill! These days, everyone in the UK eats potatoes - the right way! 4 Who did Sir Walter offer the potatoes to? ................................ 5 Where was the feast'’ at............................... 6 What did the cooks do? They...........not the potatoes. ____i к s.- - «?| Past simple (Irregular verbs) (GR 122) A young boy came into the forest, break - broke eat - ate can - could come - came do - did drink ~ drank fall - fell get - got give - gave go - went have - had hear - heard lose - lost make - made read - read see - saw . sit - sat stand - stood v\/in - won write - wrote ^ Complete. Then listen and check. ^ «90 «stand «come »eat sit > One day, Horry. Mona and Emma 1) went for a ж ^ picnic In the forest. They 2) ........near a big tree and 3).........their sandwiches. Suddenly. it started to rain so they 4)..and 5) under the big tree. "Welcome to the Magic Forest", a voice said. It was Willow! Then Alvin and Erlina 6)..........to say hello. The children ^ were very happy to meet their new friends. And that's the story of how they all got together! ☆ What did Tony do last Sunday? Complete the sentences. 1 get up He got up early. 2 rnake не ............................ breakfost for his mum. 3 do He.......................................his homework. 4 see He..........................his favourite cartoon on TV. 5 write He .................an email to his friend from Mexico. г it ;J Read and complete the sentences. Willow's Sfoiy 1 The children went (go) to a pet shop to buy cat food. 2 We .................(eat) at a big restaurant yesterday 3 I ............ (can) swim when I was five. 4 John.............. (fall) off his bike and hurt himself. 5 She .............. (stand) on the wall and looked around. 6 Tina ..............(write) a poem for her teacher. 7 Unde John................(come) to see us. 8 My team .................(win) the football match. 9 They .............(sit) at the front of the cinema. 10 Jim ..............(get) up early yesterday. What happened to Lizzie yesterday? Listen and number. Act out Lizzie's story. Last Saturday, Lizzie went to the park. Complete the joke. Tell it to a friend. One day. о man 1) saw (see) a boy across the street. The boy 2)................(be) very small ond he 3)....................... (can/not) reach the doorbell. The man 4) ....................(walk) across and 5) ...............(stand) next to the boy. "Don't worry." the man 6).............(say) "I can help you." He 7).................... (press) the doorbell. "Now. what?" the man 8).....................(ask), The boy 9) ..............(answer), “Now. we run!" Past simple (irregular verbs) (GR 122) \ I I lost my new camera • Did the branch break? I Did you lose your comera? Yes, it did./No. it didn’t. I didn’t lose my camera. Famous Russian people! tqiic with your friend. Now check your answers with your teacher. S' / we?it to Me zoo. '^1 saw Me Queen. / ate an ice cream^^. You didn't see the Queen! Mmifilr H Willow's Story N ☆ Read and correct. Then match. 1 Alvin got a magic skateboard. He didn't get a magic skateboard. He got a magic mirror. 2 The children went to Andy's concert in space. 3 Alvin dressed like a clown. 4 Willow broke his nose Ir. tX. ее l! Full infinltive/Bare infinitive (GR 122) ! I went to the supermarket because I wanted to buy some cheese. I I can run very fast. if Complete the sentences. Use the full or bare infinitive. 1 Can you climb (climb) up that tree? 2 She wanted..................... (come) to the party with us 3 We must ................... (be) very careful. 4 May I ................. (speak) to John, please? 5 We want ................... (stay) in this hotel. 6 What should I...............(do)? 7 Does he want..................... (play) tennis? 8 Do you want...................... (drive) my new car? Moilrili* S Willow's Story Listen and read the dialogue Read the dialogue again and correct the mistakes. 1 An old man came into the forest 2 He was very sad. 3 Suddenly, it started to snow. 4 He sat down but he slipped. Motlrrlr К 5 Не got hurt. 6 That's how Willow lost his trunk. Willow's Story Listen, point and repeat. A nurse writer artist composer athlete actor actress it Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 2 ««"Ottoj 3 »°tra«scll„,ospoc„ 3 ifQ Sing along. AstronoLits and doctors, NLTses, writers, teachers -They made the world a better place. They did it for the hunnan race! They did what they did. They gave it their best! And now it is up to us To try and do the resfi Artists and composers. Athletes, actors. darx:ers -They made the world a better place, They did It for the hurrxin race! actress 'Л I 'Well? ber? Г ace, >1 ::e, ^ Read and match the texts to the pictures. a ^ Judy Garland was a famous'^ singer and actress. She started singing when she wo; just a child. As a young girl, she played the part of Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. ^ Charlie Chaplin was a famous actor. Everyone loved his films because they were very funny. They called him “The Little Tramp". - Jesse Owens was a famous athlete. He won four gold medals in the 1936 Olympics - the first American in history to do this. INT^ lo: Write about a famous person. Which verb changes to its past tense form when you take its first letter and put it as the last letter? Need help? It*s one of the verbs on p. 60. Tongue Twister! Say the following sentence as fast as you can! Betty bought butter but the butter was bitter, so Betty bought better butter to make the bitter butter better. Ule UlioVx Every time Beethoven sat down to write music‘s ■ he poured ice water over his heod. Leonardo da Vinci invented the scissors. Ж; it Read and complete the sentences using the past simple. A: What happened? B: И) ^ slipped and 2) . A: Did you 3) ‘ i 4^ B: 14) ^ -t A: Oh, no! ☆ Write the words. Then match them to the pictures. 1 aotrc actor 2 J_a t_t SI ........... 3 coo г p s m e ............. 4 r“"neu^ ........... * 5 fs a t r c_e s 6 t о I h e e t 7 i t e г r w ^ e ■-5. my arm. i Moiiiili’ К 1 it Willow's Read the text and say why the following years are important. 1934 1955 1960 1961 1968 Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin \л/аз born in 1934 in Klushino, Russio. His father was a carpenter and his mother was о milkmaid. At secondary school he studied Moths, his favourite subject, and Physics After that he went to a technicol school where he joined a flying club, He went to Orenburg Pilot's school in 1955 and trained for the air force. Gagarin became a cosmonaut in 1960. He flew into space on the Soviet spacecraft Vostok / on 12 April 1961. and became the first man in space. The flight made him a hero all over the world. The people of Russia gave him the Order of Lenin and made him a deputy of the Soviet parliament, the Supreme Soviet. Gagarin died in an aeroplane crash In 1968. . 1934: That's when Yuri Gagarin was born. Read the text again and find ... 1 a word that means о person v/ho makes and repairs things from wood. 2 a word that means о woman who takes milk from cows and makes butter and cheese. 3 the names of two school subjects. 4 another word for astronaut 5 a word that means a member of the parliament ☆ Find the odd one out. Then write sentences that include that word. slip ^ fall шпа 'ЩцгНег' 4 fMaUss^Jphysic^Hist^j^Oiympia\ 1 Fyodor Dostoevsky is my favourite writer. 2 .............................. 3 .............................. 4 .............................. Moduli' b Listen, point to the picture and say the word. Listen and read the story. Katya goes again to Serpent Hill to look for some more stones. But she thinks obout Danila again and the teors fall down her foce ’'Where ore you. Danila'’ Why did you leave me?" Then Katya looks round and she sees that the mountain is opening in front of her. "This must be the Magic Garden!" she says. "Perhaps this is where my dear Danilo is. Maybe I can see him again!" Katya is sure thot Danila is in the mountain. She starts to call out. "Danila, where are you? Answer mel" Suddenly, the Mistress of Copper Mountain appears and asks, "Why did you come to my Magic Garden? If you need the stones, take what you want and go away." Katya is surprised to see her. but she is not afraid. es. ler en fS. m rts |y. id fe к S^9t*XKlllcl it Read the story again and put the events in the correct order. Katya is not afraid of the Mistress of Copper Mountain. Katya goes to Serpent Hill to look for some more stones. Suddenly, the Mistress of Copper Mountain appears. Katya sees the mountain opening in front of her Katya starts to call out to Danila. Find one mistake in each sentence. Then correct them. 1 Katya goes to Serpent Hill to look for some more flowers. 2 Katya sees that the tree is opening in front of her. 3 Katya is sure that Doniia is in the village. 4 Katya is happy to see the Mistress of Copper Mountain. Let’s sing! I did not come here for the stones, I want Daniia only! Please give Doniia back to me Without him I am lonely! Please give me back my one true love, 1 know you do not need him! You put your magic spell on him, And only you can free him! want what's mine and mine alone I want Danila only! Please give Danila back to me Without him I am lonely! ^i№iCS^ Read the words first to yourself and then to your friend. -ock: knock, lock, sock, clock -oke: joke, woke, broke, smoke, spoke, stroke -op: hop, mop, pop, top, chop. crop, drop, shop, stop -ore: more, sore, tore, wore, chore, score, shore, snore -ot: dot, got, hot, lot, not, clot, plot Match to make a nonsense rhyme. Then choose a rhyme and mime it to your friend. Can he/she guess the rhyme? 1 Stroke the A shop 2 Hop to the В dot, 3 Snore C joke. 4 It's a hoi D no more. it Read and complete the story. Read the story first to yourself, then to your friend. Maxi 1) /деэ/ "There!” said Olga, as she finished putting a little 2) /'silv9y........ medal on Max's collar. "Don't look 3) /saed/..........Max," said Olga. "Now. if you ever get lost, someone con read your 4) /neim/ ......... and Ч address on this ond bring you 5)/h0om/........'' But f ^ Max was very angry, "What a stupid thing to do! A big dog like me, nearly six months old. I can't get lost!" And he 6) /'sta:tid/...... walking oway from the house. Suddenly, Max turned around and he couldn't see the 7) /haus/ ......He didn't know where he was. "Where is my house? Where is Olga?" Just then a little 8) /дз:1/ ........... and her mother opened the door. The mother 9) /lukt/ ...........at the medal "Here is his name and address," she said. "MAX, 34 KING ROAD. Take him home. Ana ” So Ana took Mox home and Olga was so 10) yhaepi/........to get him bock. Max is not angry anymore. He feels sorry for little dogs who haven't got a medol. medal Read the story again and answer the questions. I How old is Max? 2 What is his address? MiiUnlr к it to lend. little ook get and 8ut tog he ed ^re 3:1/ 34 ;o !lS it Complete the sentences. 0 Leo Tolstoy was one of the greatest Russton writers in history. 1 Tchaikovsky was a famous c........... 2 Leonardo da Vinci was an a...........from Italy. 3 Jesse Owens was о famous Olympic a............: . 4 Mikhail Baryshnikov is on a........and dancer. ☆ What happened yesterday? Look and complete the sentences. He went (go) shopping They...........(have) dinner at a restourant. s She ^ (fall) off her bike. They.......... (win) the race. He............ (lose) his keys ☆ Read and fill in. ( Did you see ) went you do^ ( didn't like^) A: 0) Did you see the film last night? B: Yes. I did. It was fantastic! A: Really? 1 1)...........it at all! A: What 2) ..........yesterday? B: 3) ...........to the cinema. What about you? A: I played some computer games. can talk about things that happened in the past talk about jobs tell a story n English Warwick Castle Is one of the most famous castles in England Queen Elizabeth I visited the castle and Queen Victoria had lunch there. Today, you con visit the castle and have lunch there, too! Chambord Castle is in France. It is one of the most beautiful castles in France - it looks like something out of a fairy tale! Drew Barrymore acted in a film called Ever After in this castle. Dulv?iri &ist?e is in Ire-fcirid- The tower is 800 ^e4rs Its tower was etectlve.!rC What to do: 1 Find a tree near your house. 2 Does the tree lose its leaves in the winter or not? 3 What is the size, shape and colour of the leaves? Draw the leaves. 4 What does the top area of the tree look like? Draw it. 5 What is there around the tree? Draw the area. 2 Now present your drawings to the class. 76 I Why are trees and ' ! elephants the same?i 1 Look, read and match. K^iЙ y\rthur uiit( ^Exccifibur ГЛ The King of Britain. King Uther, died and Great Britain did not have a king. The next day. a stone appeared in a market place. There was a sword in the stone and on the stone these words: The man who pulls this sword from the stone is the true King of Britain. Гз1 At that time. Arthur was 16. He lived with Sir Ector and his son, Kay. There was a tournament in the city for all the knights. Arthur went to the tournament as Kay's servant. Щ Kay couldn't find his sword and sent Arthur to look for it. Arthur couldn't find it. but saw the sword in the stone and pulled it out to give to Kay! . Everyone was amazed! Merlin appeared and said; "Arthur, you are the son of King Uther and the next King of Britain!" 2 78 BvTfolio; : Write about a legend from your country. Draw or stick pictures. Q Listen and read the story. Popsie, did you AAAhhhhhh!! • \im rol<‘.s тЛ пми!. Listen, point and repeat. a? January February March April -4L May June July August 4k September October November December ☆ Talk with your friend. My birthday's in July. When's your birthday'^ In March, Q Match. Then listen, point and repeat. twelfth first hundredth second third ninth twenty-first fiftieth fifth fourth Read and complete. 1 C is the third letter of the alphabet. 2 April is the........month of the year. 3 May Oay is on the..........of May. 4 L is the.......ietter of the alphabet, 5 .. vis the............day of the week. iSlotliilf tl Listen, point and repeat. nrioustache beard well blanket CD player Look at the picture and read the sentences. Write yes or no. 1 The girl is listening to music. yes 2 Her CD player is pink. no 3 She has got short curly hair......... 4 The boy is sitting on a blonket....... 5 He Is holding о ball. .... 6 The man in the picture has got a moustache. 7 He has got a beard, too. 8 He is sitting next to о well. fm ( Question words (GR 122) Who is Mike? He's my cousin. What are these? They're fairy armadillos. When's Fairy Day? On 24th June. Where's Tracy? She's at the cinema. Why are you so tired? Because I went to bed late. How old are you? I'm ten years old. it ☆ Talk with your friend. • your name? • spell your name? • old are you? • favourite colour? • best friend? • time you usually get up? • phone number? Read and correct. шк I What is your ' name? 1 Who are you from? Where 2 Who is May Day? ............. 3 What is your school? ........ 4 When time is it? ....... 5 Where country is Madrid in? ....... 6 Where old are you? 7 Why is your best friend's birthday? 8 When is your favourite colour? Uluilllr II ☆ Read and underline. Then match. 1 Why/When are you so sad? 2 When/What is on 14th February? 3 Why/What are Faye and Fifi? 4 Where/Who can help me with the chores? 5 When/Where is my new camera? 6 How/What did you get to school? 7 When/Why is your birthday? a Valentine's Day! b It's on 16th June, c By bus. |d Because I lost my new watch^ e They're fairy penguins, f We can! g It's in the cupboard, t ☆ m Write the questions for the words in bold. 1 What is your favourite colour? My favourite colour is red 6 7 8 I am phoning my mum My birthday is on 5th May. I am twelve years old. The book is on your desk Sharon is a doctor. Claire is in Australia. It's £20, W/e e Why can't elephants fiy? Future simple (GR 123) J 1 will (ГИ) feed the dog I 1 hope it will not (won't) rain. ★ Read and write will or won't. Will you help me, please? Yes. I will./No, I won’t. 1 It’s John's birthday on Monday. He will be eighteen. 2 She.............. probably travel to Africa next summer. She can't wait. 3 Don't worry. It's only 2 o’clock. You............be late. 4 We...............fake a taxi. Sally can toke us in her car. 5 I.............come with you. I'll stay here. ☆ Look, ask and answer. . have a big house? * glasses? .„„o • have a beard and a • have a dog. moustache? • ride a motorbike? • have two children? A: Will he have a big house? ☆ Complete. Use He'll or He won’t. 1 He'll have a big house. 2 ..........wear glasses. 3 ..........have о beord and a moustache. Mtuiftlr B: Yes. he will. 4 5 6 ....ride a motorbike. ....have a dog. ....have two children. The Fairy Garden ☆ Read and put a tick r? In the future, we’ll ... 1 go on holiday to the moon. 2 get all our energy from the moon. 3 wear hats that can fly. 4 wear T-shirts with computers on them. lo; Write about life in the future. Stick or draw pictures. ^R^Tfoi Tongue Twister! Read the following sentence as fast as you can! / If two witches watch two wotches. which witch will watch which watch? Pld ycU. l4liC’VVY • Foiry bluebirds are small birds that live in Asia. • Pink fairy armadillos are very small (about 90-115 mm). They live in Argentina. • Fairy penguins (also called tittle penguins) live in Australia and New Zealand. • Fairy wrens are small birds that live in Australia. Complete the word puzzles. jj a I n 1 и . X Л. 1 ^ r I у is A—^ Ш [ ^ r—^ a I M У j e A 3Ll g у ^ u s tl Make a calendar with important dates for you. j ■* 12th January - s if Read and put a tick (/) or a cross (/). Then correct the mistakes. 1 Alvin's birthday is on the fourth of July. 2 Fairy Day is on the twenty-four of June. 3 C is the three letter of the alphabet. 4 They've got ten cats! 5 He was sixth in the race. 6 September is the nine month of the year. 7 Who was the one president of the USA? 8 When is the twelfth of May? 9 Did you come back from Russia on the thirtieth? 10 Denis has got a hundredth pens! Moilolr H / Л twenty-fourth The Fairy Garden Read Then colour. 1 Colour the 2 Colour the 3 Colour the 4 Colour the 5 Colour the 6 Colour the 7 Colour the I a I t {w ,J IJ j I [u [e [b [ i [r (^d[e4 ] pink, purple. black. red. green. yellow. blue. i The Stone Flower Listen and read the story. Katya answers, ’'I don't want your stones. Please, give me my Danila! Why did you take away the mon I love?" The Mistress laughs at her. "I did not take him away. He came to me! If you don't believe me. ask him yourself!" Just then, Danila appears in front of them Once ogain, tears fall down Katya's face. Danila looks at the girl he left three years ago. The Mistress says, "You must choose, Danilo. If you go home with Katya, you will forget everything you learned in the mountain. If you stay here, you must forget her." Danila looks at his Katya and says, "\'m sorry, but I can't forget the people I love. I think about Katya every minute of the day." 1 2 3 4 i ______Эг Who says the following sentences? Read the story again and answer. 1 / don 7 wont your stones. ................. 2 / did not take him owoy. He come to me! ................. 3 You must choose, Donilo. . , ............. 4 Гт sorry, but I con t forget the people I love. ................ What do you think will happen next? Tell the class. Choose from the following or use your own ideas. Danila will go home with Katya Danila will ask Katya to stoy with him in the mountain. Let’s sing! Choose. Danila, Choose today! Choose to go Or choose to stay! Choose, Danila, Choose, at last! Choose your future Or choose your past! Choose, Danila, Choose to win! Choose to end Or choose to begin! Read the story first to yourself and then to your friend. Once upon о time, there was a baby bird with only one wing. The-baby bird could not fiy. One day the other birds said, "It is very cold here," and they all flew away. The bird with one wing was very sad. "1 can't fly," it said, ‘and I can't live here all alonel What should I do?" Just then the little bird saw some squirrels. Please, can I live with you?" it asked. "Can you crack nuts for us?" asked the squirrels. "No." said the bird. "Then you cannot live with us." they answered. The poor little bird walked on until it came to a fox. "Please, con 1 live with you?" said the bird. "Can you catch chickens?" said the fox "No." said the bird. "Then you cannot live with me." said the fox. So the bird walked on and on. feeling very sad. Suddenly the little bird saw a treehouse. The bird knocked on the door and Mr Rabbit opened. "Please," said the bird with one wing," "I'm all alone. Please, can I live with you?" "What can you do?" said Mrs Rabbit. "I can clean your house," said the bird. "Come in. then." said Mrs Rabbit. "That is just what we want!" So the bird with one wing cleaned Mr and Mrs Rabbit's house and was very happy in the treehouse. And every winter it went back to Mr and Mrs Rabbit when the other birds flew away to warmer places ☆ Find words in the story with the following sounds. /wio/ wing 6 /skwirelz/ /flai/ 6 /Кгжк/ /e'wei/ 7 /ksetj/ 11 /flu;/ /э'1еип/ 8 Ajikinz/ it Read the story again. What's the moral of the story? ☆ Write your own version of the story. Change the animals the little bird meets and what they ask it to do. 1) ith 1y. )ld ifh id, d I »ls. ou [le d. lOt d. Vlr ЗП ie ^e er ir Complete the missing months. January, 0) February. March, 1)................May, 2)....... 3)................September. 4) ................November. 5) July. ☆ Read and match. 1* ... 0 first 1 fifth 2 ninth 3 twelfth 4 eighteenth 5 Twenty-second it Make sentences. 0 me.-help-Will-you-please? Will you help me, please? 1 I - won't - hope - snow. - it 2 here-They'll-at-be-seven. 3 buy - Will - car? - he - new - a 4 won't - the - come - to - party. She it Read and answer. Wow I c-cin 1 What's your last nome? 2 Where are you from? 3 When is your birthday? 4 Who's your favourite singer? ask and answer questions say the months talk about life in the future n English у swimsuit sandals ☆ Read the sentences and write the words. 1 Boys wear these when they go swimming. 2 You should put on some of this before you go swimming, 3 Girls wear this when they go swimming. 4 In the summer, you wear these on your feet. 5 You can sleep in this. 6 You put these on when It's sunny What aren’t they wearing? Choose. sunglasses sandols coat swimming trunks boots coat dress jumper trousers Shirt shoes swimsuit 0 cMotlnlt* 10 * ^, I г * • I ' i ^ Listen, point and repeat rucksack ШЙШЗ Coinplete. Then sing along! I'm going to 1) •T swim! I'm going to swim! I'm going to swim in the sea so 2) Be careful! Be careful! A big white shark is going to 3) you! for two! I'm going to camp! I'm going to camp! I'm going to camp in a 4) Be careful! Be careful! A big black 5) ^ ^ ......is going to come, tool Rearrange the letters to find out what Sam is going to do on holiday. 1 V i d n g i 2 c m f a p n g 3 s i n u f г g 4 s i m m w i n g 5 i i h s f n g go diving go...... go...... go...... go...... J I’m going to take a sleeping bag. I He’s going to come with us. • We’re going to go on thot plane. I They’re going to visit the museum I’m not going to go camping. Are we going to go surfing? Yes. we are./Nio. we aren’t. Read and complete. Use am, is or are. 1 It is going to rain tomorrow. I......going to take my umbrella with me. 2 They..........going to go dancing tomorrow. Why don't you go with them? 3 The weather...........going to be fine tomorrow. 4 We.............going to visit the National Museum. Come with us! 5 She............going to go sailing next week 6 He............going to buy о new tent. 7 I..........going to play tennis tomorrow. 8 Emma and I............going to go to Tina's party next Saturday. ☆ What are Pog and Trog going to do next week? Look and say. Moiuln.v: riicsilav: visit Mog go dancing WVdiirStlav: go to the dentist’s l’bnr.sa«v: play tennis ^ rritla^w'; watch a football match i Sftinraav: Popsie's party Pog and Trog are going to visit Mog next Monday. What about you? Tell your friend. r 'Я Ir Motbilr 1(1 'ime. lem? Port Fairy What are Jake and Jilly going to do tomorrow? Talk with your friend. Jake Jilly pack a rucksack / buy a map Л go camping buy souvenirs go diving go surfing / / Л / / Л Л / ☆ Read and answer. Imagine you're going to go camping 1 Where are you going to go? 2 Who are you going to go with? 3 How are you going to get there? 4 What are you going to take with you? 5 What are you going to do when you get there? Present perfect (GR 124) ( \ 1 have lived in Itoly, He has sailed across the Atlantic Ocean. We have finished our horr^ework. Have you ever been to England'^ I have never travelled to Italy. I have not watched this film before. Have they travelled to Spain? Yes. they have /No, they haven't. I have already called Vladimir. I haven't written the email yet. it Complete the sentences using the verbs in the present perfect 1 We haven't finished (not/finish) our homework yet. 2 They ....................... (live) in Poland. 3 He....................(stay) tn this big hotel. 4 ..................... (they/call) you yet? 5 The children..................... (not/watch) any TV today. 6 I ................(play) football with David Beckham. ☆ Match. Go to p.l26 and check your answers. come fly 90 run sir do write be break take see drive make swim know I bi»' eat drink „ boughf flown taken gone come known done seen swum eaten run J driven broken been drunk Mutlfilc 1(1 N 5fore. jn’t. >y/call) Dotball n de Port Fairy ☆ What has Maria Petrova done in her life? Look at the pictures and make sentences. Use the phrases below. be to Rome fly a helicopter eat frogs' legs swim across the Black Sea meet Vladimir Putin drive a tractor 1 She has flown a helicopter. 2 ............................ 3 ............................ 4 5 6 it What has Jim already done? What hasn’t he done yet? Look at the list and say. clean windows / make lunch / call Mark л wash the dishes Л write to Julie / play tennis with Roy / buy sandals л take the dog for a walk л He has already cleaned the windows. He hasn't washed the dishes yet. it Make questions. Then answer them about yourself. 1 you/ever/iive/in another country? Have you ever lived in another country? Yes, I have, or No, I haven’t. 2 you/ever/visit/Red Square? 4 you/ever/make/breakfast for your mother? 5 you/ever/meet/somebody famous? 3 you/ever/swim/in о river? 6 you/ever/drink/tea? Mdiliilr 10 .J 1 Harry's suitcase is sinall. 2 The children are going to go sailing. Moiiiilr Ml jall fiy! ,Nexi day No, we aren't. But we're going to go sailing. 3 Alvin's weoring a wetsuit. 4 He's swimming with the hippos. Motifilc lU .1.0. Port Fairy Q Listen, point and repeat. rf/S sky wave handbag am you! imagine you are your friend. Complete the sentences. □ My favourite colour is......... □ I don't like........... Q My lucky number is .......... This evening l*m going to........... G I like.......... Q When I grow up. I'm going to ... Compare your answers with your friend. Did you get any answers right? Sing along! We are going to fly to the sky, We are going on holiday! Yes, weVe going to fiy on the wings of a dove V Singing Polly - Wolly - Doodle all the dayl ^ Fly away! Fly away! We are going to fly away! -We are going away on a holiday Singing Polly - Wolly - Doodle all the day! We are going to fly to the sky, We are going on holiday Yes, we’re going to send you lots of love Singing Polly - Wolly - Doodle аП the day! ’ Л % 4 «f It? ^ Read the text and choose the right word. S — Hi. Ben! . camping I m going to go 1) g|^jj„ with my dad next weekend. We're. going to take о big 2) nouse comp by a river, We're going чт -- ’ tent V, to go fishing! I hope it's going to be 3) because I wont to ^ О wi iri у go swimming, too! My dad and I are going to make о big fire and cook 4) our own food. It's going to be great! What are you going to do 5) weekend? See you soon. Love, Danny ю: What are your plans for the next weekend? Write. Attach or draw pictures. / Read the following proverb. What does it mean? Have you got a similar proverb in your language? \ Die VUU. kllL’VVV Monday’s Child is a popular nursery rhyme. What we ore like depends on the day we were born. Do you agree? Monday's child is fair of face, Tuesday’s child is full of grace. Wednesday's child nice to know, Thursday's child has far to go. Friday's child is loving and giving, Saturday's child works hard for a living. But о child born on a bright SUNDAY Is fair and wise and good always! A journey of a thousond j miles starts with о single step. M Explain the meaning of the rhyme in your language. Moildic Look, read and number. Then complete. 1 camera 2 steeping bag 3 sandols wetsuit 5 sunglasses 6 sun cream ? map В swimsuit 5 handbag iO swimming trunks Gary is going to take his camera. Alice is going to take Port Fairy unks Write. Then ^ircl^ the odd one out. 'J funfair - j ^ C^r/ I cinema restaurant a ir ^ Listen and match the names to the suitcases. © Lee Emm a ☆ Now look and say. Harry is going to fake his shorts,... о Mona '// Tlh;^ Sitoiiiiv.e iFtewv^ir ^-y ’ ' K- Listen, point to the pictures and say the words. couple stone carver Listen and read the story. The Mistress smiles and says, “All right, Danllo. Go back home and for your honesty, 1 will reward you. You will not lose the craft thot you have learned here. But you must not tell the people of the village about my Magic Gordon. Katya and Danila go home happy. Everyone in the village is excited to see the young couple back together again. They all ask. "Danlio, where did you go?" Danila just similes and says, “I went to study my craft with a master who lives far away." Danila became fomous all over Russia and people called him the greatest stone carver in the Ural Mountains. And so Katya and Donilo lived happily ever after! 1 Moilnli* lO Are the sentences True or False? Read the story again and say true or falce. 1 The Mistress of Copper Mountain rewards Danila for his honesty. 2 The Mistress of Copper Mountain wants everyone to know about her Magic Garden, 3 Katyo and Danila stay on the mountain. 4 Everyone in the village is excited to see Katya and Danila again. 5 Danila became famous all over Russia. me raft bof 9 IS 'all iim ya ☆ Read the story again and find the word or words that mean: 1 OK 2 two people 3 learn 4 not near ^ Let's sing! ji The most precious things in life Are right before your eyes The people that you love the most Are always by your side There's no need to go away There's no need to go too for When you find the ones you love You wifi find your shining star The most precious things in life Are right in front of you And they're the ones who love you for The things you say and do Complete the story. Then read It to your friend. THE ШТГТШ DOG Once upon о time, there was a 1)/'Ьлтздп/ hungry little dog, He had no 2) /haoni/.............no name and very often no 3) /fu:d/ ............. Sometimes he was so hungry that he ate things like 4) /peipe/ .......... bags! He walked around the houses with a hungry look and kind people usually 5) /geiv/...........him something to eat. Sometimes the little dog was so excited that he knocked things over. People thought the dog was mad, but he was not mad. He was just a very 6) /‘spejl/........dog. One day, a man watched the funny little dog The man was very surprised. "I've got an idea," said the man. "This dog is a great 7) /’cekta/...... " The man took him home and gave him a name. Lucky. Now, Lucky had plenty of food and a good home. ^ ^ Lucky was a great actor and soon became famous. Of course, he made a lot of 8) /'тлш/ .............. for his master, and he was never hungry ogain. He ate fIi • ‘t] what he liked for 9) /'dina/ .............. went out when he (iked, and stayed in bed lote in the 10) Ллэ:п11]5/...............The little dog was very pleased with himself. "V\/oof! Woof! I am not a hungry little dog now - I AM A FILM П) /sta:/.................Г ☆ Read the story again and answer the questions. 1 What did the dog do when he was excited? 2 What name did the man give to the dog? 3 What happened in the end? it Work in pairs. Student A is the dog’s master. Student В is a reporter who wants to find out all the information he/she can about the dog. Act out the interview. Moiliilr lU 10 lly iO le 1 'd b Look at the pictures. Then read and complete the sentences. 0 You wear this when you want to go diving. wetsuit 1 You should olways put some of this on before ” you stay in the sun, ........ 2 This is what you buy to remember your holidays............. 3 You use this so you won't get lost ........ - 4 You wear these on your feet in the summer. ........ 5 You put things inside this and carry it on your bock....... a Q ☆ Read and match. 0 It's sunny. 1 Mum's in the kitchen. 2 Гт thirsty, 3 I feel tired. 4 It's already six o'clock 5 She lost her phone. it Read and choose a or b. 0 Is Jake going to pack his rucksack? @No, he isn't. b Yes, we are. 1 Are you going to be a singer? a I like the song. b No, I'm going to be c dancer. 2 What are you going to do this weekend? a We are going to go swimming b No, we aren't 3 Where are you going to go on holiday? a We're going to go in June, b We're going to go to France. a He's going to be late, b I'm going to go to bed. c She's going to buy a new one. d She's going to make lunch. 0 e It's going to be hot todoy. f I'm going to have some lemonade. Are James and Janet going to come with us? a We are going to go surfing, b No, they're going to go surfing. Are we going to buy a tent? a We are going to fly to Spain, b Yes, we are. Wowl can name things to take on holiday talk and write about holiday plans ifl English у lU 1 Choose the best holiday for each family. The Bartons The TaylOfS The Deans Like: dancing and funfairs! Like: shopping and swimming! Like: sports and animals! Banff, Canada 1 CorfU, Greece Banff is a great place to visit. You can go skiing in the Rocky Mountains. You con even ride a snowmobile! There are some amazing animols here, too, Have you ever seen a buffalo? Come and have a look! Hove you ever dreamed of a paradise isiand'i^ Come to sunny Corfu. There are tots of great beaches where you can swim in the beautiful blue sea You can also visit the museums and do some shopping in Corfu Town! Blackpool, England Blackpool is о fun place to visit! It has been a popular seaside resort for years. You can go dancing in the music hall or go for a \л/а1к in one of the parks, There is a big funfair with some amazing roller coasters, tool ■ fill mlttlH- 2 Read the text and explain the words in bold. Check your answers with the dictionary at the back of the book. I K>r(iSKa|ja Krasnaya Polyana is the best ski and snowboard resort in Russia, The 2014 Winter Olympics wiil take piece there. This resort is famous for its excellent ski slopes and wonderful hotels. The lifts are fast and the local rescue team is the best in Russia. Krasnaya Polyana is 45 km from Adler City where there is an airport and a train station, so the resort is easy to get to. Hundreds of Moscow skiers and snowboard riders spend weekends at Krasnaya Polyana during the winter. 3 Read the text again and complete the sentences. 1 Krasnaya Polyana is a ski..............in Russia. 2 It will host the...........Olympics. 3 It is............from Adler City. 4 It is easy to get to Krasnayo Polyana because there is an.. and a....................in Adler City. 4 Write about a famous holiday resort in your country. 113 г t-г- 1 Read and answer. ^8 У p. Earth Day is the day we celebrate that the Earth is beautiful ond we need to take care of it! The first Earth Day wos on 22nd April, 1970. Today, people from 174 countries celebrate Earth Day. It is a day when everyone tries to look after the planet. People plant trees and collect glass, paper and ^ plastic to recycle. C aftw rk 1 When was the first Earth Doy? 2 How many countries celebrate Earth Day? 3 What do people do on Earth Day? We've got the planet in our hands! We've got the plonet in our hands! We've got the planet in our hands! Understand ... in our hands! • We've goi the flowers in our hands! • We've got the rivers in our hands! • We've got the animals in our hands! 4 Think of your own verse for the song! 114 5 It s шт, Y/ today. What can you do to celebrate? Choose and write. plon+ 0 free recycle paper, gloss, oli/minI«^rn ride yovr bike arovnd fown ret/se shopping bogs recycle robbish - don'f fhrow If ovoy fi^rn off fhe TV when nof vofching If foke core of onimols and fheir homes foke 0 shower, nof о bofh can plant a tree. M5 ш 1 Look and talk with your friend. ^ Cairo (Egypt) 36 96^ boiling hot ^ Acapulco (Mexico) 31 89 very hot Tokyo (Japan) 29 84 quite hot Moscow (Russia) 24 76 very warm Dublin (Ireland) 19 67 warm Sydney (Australia) 16 62 ^ V quite cool f 2 Choose one of the cities to visit. Decide what to pack and make a list • Now tell your friend. I'm going to go to Acapulco. Гт going to fake 116 1 ^ Listen and read the story. Valentine's Day/Peter and Fevronia Day if Look at the pictures and the title of the text. What is the text about? How do you think the people in the pictures are related to the text? Tell the class. Then read the text and check your answers. \Valentine-s iPay Every February, all over the world, people exchange sweets, flowers and gifts in the name of St. Valentine. But who was St. Valentine? Why do we celebrate Valentine's Day on 14th February? Why do we give flowers and cards? Some people believe that Father Valentine was a priest in Italy in the third century. The Roman Emperor Cloudius II didn't want his soldiers to marry. But Father Valentine continued to marry them In secret. VVhen Claudius found out, he put Father Valentine in prison, Father Valentine died on 14th February. When Father Valentine was in prison, the young couples he married visited him secretly and gave him flowers and thank-you notes, That's how the tradition of giving flowers and cards started. What do you know about Peter and Fevronia Day? Complete the sentences. Then read and check your answers. 1 Peter and Fevronia Day Is on.............. 2 Peter and Fevronia are patron saints of 3 One of the traditions is to exchonge............a type of Valentine's Day card. The Day of Married Love and Family Happiness holiday is on 8th July, Peter and Fevronia day, the Orthodox patron saints of marriage and family life. A )6th-century story tells how Prince Peter, who ruled the Russian city of Murom in the 13th century, was very ill. Fevronia, a young peasant woman cured the prince and he promised to marry her. The prince at first broke his promise, but in the end they got married. Peter and Fevronio died ot the some time on 8 July, 1228. The city of Murom is the centre of the celebrations. One of the traditions is to exchange 'fevronki', a type of Valentine's Day heart-shaped cards. i г do а$$. nily Ind I ;ef, he 'ig n )f 0 s ^ Complete the Valentine’s Cards. Then listen and check your answers. what Valentine do you heart red song love How do they celebrate Valentine's Day in the US and Japan? Read and answer. In the US, children celebrate Valentine's Day with great enthusiasm. In a lot of schools students sing songs, dance and perform ploys. They make gifts and cards and give them to their friends and teachers j Patrick 14 In Japan, people celebrote Valentine's Day on 14th February and on 14th March. On the first date, women give chocolofes or gifts to men. Men who receive chocolates or gifts on Valentine's Day should return the favour to women on 14th March, exactly a month after Valentine's Day. Akino 16 Now write how you celebrate Valentine’s Day in your country. Грамматический справочник Module 5 Глагол must/mustn’t Мы употребляем глагол must, чтобы сказать, что кому-то необходимо что-то сделать. You must put out the fire. Ты должен погасить огонь. You mustn 'f drop HUet. Сорить нельзя Конструкция have to • Конструкция have to используется чтобы сообиАИть о ТОМ. что следует сделать согласно существую1цим правилам. Okja has to wear a school uniform. Ольге приходится носить школьную форму. (- Это школьное правило. Ей нельзя носить в школе другую одежду.) • Конструкция have to используется, чтобы показать, что нечто делать необязательно, для этого нет необходимости. You don't have to get up early tomorrow. Тебе не нужно рано вставать завтра (- Рано вставать необязательно. Ты можешь встать позже.) Глагол should/shouldn’t Мы используем глагол should/shouldn’t. чтобы дать кому-то совет, You should до to the doctor’s. You shouldn't go outside. Личные местоимения Личные местоимения в именительном падеже Личные местоимения в объектном падеже (используются перед (используются после глаголом вместо имени) глагола вместо имени) 1 те you you he, him she her it it we us you you they them Mark has got a Look at Mark. headache. Look at him. He has got a headache Module 6 A lot of/much/many • A lot of используется в утвердительных предложениях с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе и с неисчисляемыми существительными. There are а lot of lemons in the cupboard. There t$ a lot of cheese in the fridge. • Much используется только в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях с неисчисляемыми существительными. Is there much bread? There i$n't much milk in the carton. • Many используется только в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе. Are there many sandwiches? There aren ’t many strawberries in the cake. • How many употребляется c исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе, а how much с неисчисляемыми существительными. How many apples are there? A lot!/Not many! How much sugar there? A loV./Not much! грамматический справочник ных су- IOM ICT- \rd. >0- 10- 1И> А few/a little • А few употребляется с существительными во множественном числе, когда говорим о небольшом количестве предметов: i've got а few bananas. У меня есть немного бананов She's got а few mangoes У неё есть немного манго • Мы употребляем а little с иеисчисля-емыми существительными, когда говорим о пебольитом количестве продукта. We've got а tittle cheese У нас есть немного сыра Нс 'S got а tittle milk У него есть немного молона Some/any/no - Somebody/something • Some используется с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе (pens, apples books) и ноисчисляемыми существительными (ice cream, sugar, rice) в утвердительных предложениях The/е are some books on my desk. There is some rice in the cupboard. • Any употребляется c исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе и неисчисляемыми существительными в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях. Are there any children in the park? Is there any ice cream in the fridge? • Мы употребляем no в отрицательных предложениях вместо not... any There is no milk in the fridge. (There isn any milk in the fridge.) There are no buses today. (There aren't any buses today.) • В вопросах some используется, чтобы предложить что-то или попросить о чём-то. Would you like some milk? Can I have some tea. please? • Somebody, anybody и nobody используют. когда говорят о человеке • somebody в утвердительных предложениях: There fs somebody here to talk to you. • anybody в вопросах: Is there anybody in the class? • anybody и nobody в отрицательных предложениях; There isn't anybody in the kitchen. There is nobody in the kitchen. • Something, anything и nothing используют! когда говорят о предметах: • somethihg в утвердительных п[>ед-ложениях: There is something in your milk. What is it? • anything u вопросах; Is there anything I can do loi you? • anything и nothing н отрицательных пре/уюжениях Тт very thirsty, but thrne isn't anything to drink. I'm very thirsty, but there is nothing to dnnk. Притяжательные местоимения Основная форма Абсолютная форма притяжательных притяжательных местоимений местоимений 1 my mir»e your yours his his her hers its - 1 our ours your yours their theirs Притяжательные местоимения используются вместо существительных. Му house is there. Where is yours? (- your house) грамматический справочник Module 7 Past simple (Прошедшее простое время) Утверждение Вопрос 1 worked Did 1 work? You worked Did you work? Не worked Did he work’ She worked Did she work? II worked Did rt work’ ' WcMvorked Did we work? i You worked Did you work? They worked Did they work’ Отрицание Полная форма Краткая форма 1 did not work 1 didn’t work You did not work You didn’t work He did not work He didn't w(Mk She did network ' She didn’t work i It did not work It didn’t work Wc did not work We didn't work You did network You didn’t work | They did not work They didn't work • Мы употребляем past simple когда говорим о том. что что-то произошло а прошлом. Обычными указателями этого времени являются: yesterday, last year, five years ago и т. д. ! played football yesterday. • Утвердительные предложения с правильными глаголами строятся по формуле: подлежащее -* глагол с окончанием -ed. listen - listened work - worked Правила написания • Глаголы, оканчивающиеся на -е, прибавляют окончание -d. bake baked dance - danced • У глаголов, оканчивающихся на согласную + у. -у меняется на i и прибавляется окончание -ed. study - studied carry - carried HO play played • У глаголов. оканчивающихся на ударную гласную и следующую за ней согласную, согласная буква удваивается и добавляется окончание -ed. travel - travelied stop ~ stopped Краткие ответы Did you play football?—Q Did he/she/it live in London? didn’t Did they dance all night? £ Yes» l/we did No, l/we didn’t. Yes, he/she/it did. No, he/she/it Yes, they did. No, they didn’t. Module 8 Past simple {исправилы1ые t лаголы) Утверждение Вопрос 1 went Did 1 go? Y(HJ went Did you go? He went Did Iw go? Sire went Did she go? ll went Did it go? We went Did we go? You went Did you go’ They went 1 Did they go? Отрицание Полная форма Краткая форма 1 did not go 1 didn't go You did not go You didn’t go He did not go He didn’t go She did not go She didn’t go It did not go It didn’t go We did not go We didn’t go You did not go You didn’t go They did not go They didn’t go Неправильные глаголы имеют собственные формы в past simple. до - went see ~ saw come ~ came Вопрос и огрицание строятся по следующей формуле did/didn’t > начальная форма глагола за ней удва--ed. 7ес/ I’t. tdid. r- / saw Michael at the party yesterday. Did you see Jenny at the cinema? We didn^t see you at the park. Where were you? Инфинитив • Полный инфинитив (частиид to ^ начальная форма глагола) используется с глаголом want: I want to до to Moscow at the weekend. • Инфини!ив без частицы to употребляется после модальных глаголов (сап. nmsi. should, may) We can play foott)all. We must leave now. You should go to the dentist s. May I open the window? Module 9 Вопросительные слова • Who употребляется, когда спрашиваем о людях. Who is she? She s my inend, Zara. • What используется, когда спрашиваем о TOM, что есть что, или о том. чем кто-то занимается What 's that? It’s ту new camera. What’s she doing? She‘s dancing. • Where употребляется, когда спрашиваем о местонахождении чего-либо. Where is Sue? In the garden. Where is Paris? In France. • When используется, когда спрашиваем о времени. When is your birthday? On 4th July. • Why употребляется, когда спрашиваем о причине Мы отвечаем на такие вопросы, начиная с because (потому что). Why are you late? Because I missed the bus. • How используется, когда спрашиваем об образе действия How are you going to go to the USA? By plane. Future simple (будущее простое время) Утверждение Полная форма , Краткая форма 1 will travel I'll travel You will travel You’ll travel i He will travel He’ll travel She will travel She’ll traw^l It will travel It’ll travel We will travel We’ll travel You wilt travel You’ll iravf!l They will travel They'll travel Отрицание Полная форма Краткая форма 1 will not (ravel 1 won’t tiavrrl You will not travel You won’t liaw^l He will not travel He won't Itavtii She will not travel She won’t travel It will not travel It won’t travel We will not travel Wg won’t lraw)l You will not travel You won’t travel They will not travel They won’t travel Will t travel? Will you travel? Will he travel? Ш\ she travel? Will it travel? Will we navel? Will you travel? V/illthey travel? Future simple используется, когда речь идёт о будущих действиях. I will buy а new coat. Краткие ответы л Г~ Yes, l/we will. Will you go to London? —j L No, l/we won’t. г рамматический справочник Module 10 Оборот be going to Утверждение Полная форма Краткая форма 1 am going to swim You are going to svflin Ho is going to swim She is going to swim Ills going to swim are going to swim You are going to swim arc дЫпд to swim I'm going to swim You’re going to swim He’s going to swim She’s going to swim It’s going to swmi W(»’re going to swim You're going to swim Itiev're going to swim ' Отрицание Полная форма Краткая форма | 1 am not going to swim You are not going to swim Ho is not going to swim She is not going to swim It is not going to swim Wo are not going to swim You are not going to sviim Tliey are not going to swim Cm not going to swim You aren't going to swim He isn’t going to swim She isn't going to swim It isn't going to swim We aren’t going to swim You aren't going to swim Tliey aren’t going to avim Вопрос Am I going to swim? Are you going to swim? Is he going to swim? Is she going to svflm? is it going to swim? Are we going to swim? Are you going to swim? Are they going to swim? Оборот be going to используется, когда речь идёт о будущих планах и намерениях. Указателями времени в этом случае могут быть такие единицы. как tomorrow, next month и т. д. Утвердительные предложения строятся по формуле: подлежащее ^ am/is/ are + going to + смысловой глагол / am going to go sailing tomofrow. В отрицательных пре/цюжениях not ставится после arn/is/are. подлежащее am/is/are not going to + смысловой глагол, I'm not going to clean his room. • Вопросительные предложения строятся по формуле: Am/ls/Are + подлежащее + going to + глагол Are you going to cook dinner? Краткие ответы Are you going to play hasketb going to _|- skelball? ~L Yes, I am No, I’m not Is he/she/it going top Yes, he/she/it is play basketball? isn’t Are they going go play basketball? £ No, he/she/it Yes, they are. No, they aren’t Present perfect (Настоящее совершённое время) Утверждение Полная форма Краткая форма t have lived I’ve lived You have liveg to + it is. I’t Ыноо Вопрос Have I lived? Have you lived? Has he lived? Has she lived? Has il lived'^ Have we lived? Have you lived? Have lliey lived? Краткие ответы Have you lived in the USA? h: Yes,I have No, I haven't Г рамматический справочник Have you travelled _|~ Yes, l/we have lo Russia? No, l/we haven't. Has he/she/it left? Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/she/it hasn’t Мы употребляем present perfect, koi да говорим о: событиях, которые произошли в прошлом. но мам неизвестно или неважно, когда именно они произошли; / have lived in Moscow. своем опыте Have yob ever sailed across Ihe Atlantic Ocean? Обычно c present perfect используются следующие указатели нремени; ever, never, just, yet already В Word List A a Acapulco /,;eko'pulko()/ Акапулько act Ixkil играть (в фильме) actor АикЮ/ актёр actress At'kir.is/ актриса agree !o\]\rJ соглашаться air /сл/ воздух ait force - военно-воздушные силы ait port h:\\rx\l аэропорт aluminium /,:clJo‘tiiini^m/ алюминий amazing b'tnci/iiV удивительный any А'ш/любой artybody AntbiKli/ кто угодно atiylfiing A'mOny что угодно apart A->pu:i/ крогие appear /?'рю/ появляться April /'cipr(p)l/ апрель Argentina /,a:cl5(o)ii'ii:no/ Аргентина armadillo /.uimo'dilou/ броненосец fairy armadillo - сказочный броненосец artist foiusU художник aspirin /';esp(o)rin/ аспирин athlete AtiOli:!/атлет August /'Digost/ август В b bake Ibakl печь beans/Ы:п// бобы, фасоль beard борода begin /ЬТдшУ начинать believe /br'li:v/ верить bin /Ъш/ мусорная корзина biscuit /"biskn/ печенье bitter/btl.V горький blanket /'bkuiiku/ одеяло bluebird /'blurirrd/ птица-синешейка body/biKli/ тело bone /boon/ кость bottle Лтт1/ бутылка branch Ibnunfl ветка top branch - самая верхняя ветка brave /l>reiv7 смелый break IhrakJ ломать breakfast /'brekbsi/ завтрак bright /brait/ яркий bring /Ъпг)/ приносить brooch ibroui]'! брошь buffalo /Ъл1'(.т)1эи/ бык burst/b3:st/ лопаться bush /buj7 куст butler/ЬлгЬ/ слуга butter /Ълтэ/ масло Cc cabbage /'kiebidy капуста cage /keid.V клетка Cairo /'kairou/ Каир camp /kiemp/ лагерь can /кссп/1. жестяная банка; эика |етка 2. мочь, уметь carpenter /кшрпид/ плотник carry /'’ка'п/ тащить carton /ки:1(л)п/ пакет castle fka:s\l замок catch /kictj/ ловить CD player /,si: 'lii: ,plcio/ CD-плеер celebrate /'sdohrcii/ праздновать celebration /,scI,Vbrcij(:i)n/ праздник Celsius /'sdsios/ Цельсий century /*sctuj(o)n/ век cheese Aji:/y сыр coUage cheese творог chess AJc.v шахматы chip Ajip/электронный чип chips Aj'ips/жареный картофель claw Ikb'J когтистая лапа clean ,'kli:n/чистить coconut/koukn,n\i/ кокосовый орех coffee/кпП/кофе code /kdud/KOA, шифр country code - правила поведения на природе coin /кэ1л/ монета silver coin /.silva 'кэш/ серебряная монета cola /ко(т1э/ кока-кола cold /кэЫс1/ холодный collect /кэ'1ск1/ собирать company /'клшрош/ компания, фирма composer /кэт'рэоу.э/ композитор container/кэп'ютз/ контейнер continue /kч^п'lIrlJlI:/ продолжать cook ikuki 1. повар; 2. готовить / соо1/ки;1/ \. здорово ('сленгу 2. прохладный quite cool - довольно прохладно corner fky.no/ угол round the comer - за углом cosmonaut /кп/тлпэ:»/ космонавт cough /к»1/ кашлять cough syrup — сироп от кашля countryside /'kMunsiiKi/ сельская местность couple/клр[/ пара couscous /'kosktTs/ кускус (африканское блюдо) cover /*к.лУо/ прикрывать crack/кгшк/ щёлкать (орехи) craft /kruAt/ умение; дар crash /кгсс// катастрофа crown /кгатл!/ корона cry/krai/ плакать cure ikyozl лечить cut /клг/ резать cut off - обрезать Dd dark/du:k/‘темнота in the dark - в темноте December /di'scmba/ декабрь Word List deer/diD/олень degree /di'yri:.' градус delicious /di'lijos^' вкусный dentist AicniM/ зубной врач deputy Alc|iji)ii/ помощник cliclionary AiikJon(o)n/ словарь dive /d;uv/ нырять divide /diVaid/ разделять doctor AlnkuV гфач dooi l)ell Aia:bcl/ дверной замок dove KM голубь Dublin /dAblm/ Дублин dragon Alrxcj(.'^)n/ дракон dress /dres/ платье dress in - наряжаться drop /drop/ бросать drop litter - сорить Ее Egypt /'id.^ipi/ Египет electricity /.ehk'irisoti/ электричество elf/ell? эльф emperor /'етрэгз/ император empress АтргоУ императрица end /end/ 1. конец; 2.заканчивать energy /'cn?d3i/ энергия enjoy /in'd.pi/ наслаждаться enthusiasm /in'0ju:/.ioz(,T)m/ энтузиазм exchange /iks'ifcind^/ обменивать(ся) excited /ik'samd/ возбуждённый, взволнованный exercise A'ksosai/У 1. упражнение; 2. тренироваться expensive /ik'spcnsiv/ дорогой eyes liU/J глаза before your eyes - перед глазами Ff fair /Гео/ честно This is not fair! - Это нечестно! fairy bell /Jcori 'bcl/ волшебный колокольчик fairy wren /.Icon 'гоп/ крапивник (птица) fall /Го:1/ падать favour /Tcivo/ одолжение ask for a favour - просить об одолжении feast /П:ь[/пир February /ГеЬгиоп/ февраль feed /tl:d/ кормить feel ,Ti:l/ чувствовать feel terrible - ужасно себя чувствовать fence /fens/ ограда few liuv мало a few - немного fifth /ПГО/ пятый fiftieth A'lfiipO/ пятидесятый fight /fait/ сражаться le: гься ами titta) film /film/ фильм film star - кинозвезда find /fanul/ находить find out - обнаруживать finger /fiogo/ палец first /h:sl/ первый fit /Ги/ в хорошей форме flour /ll;uj,V мука forget /fo'gci/ забывать fourth /Го:0/ четвёртый fox /Inks/лиса fried /fraicl/ жареный fruit /Гги:1/ фрукт funfair /1лпГсз/ ярмарка future /'Гнп.Гз/будущее Gg get /дет/ получать get lost - потеряться gift /gilt/ подарок giving /givig/ щедрый gold /дэи1с1/ золотой (из золота) golden /дэиШ(э)п/ золотой (позолоченный) glass /glas/ стакан grace /grei:>/ грация grapes /greips^ виноград grass /ym:s/TpaBa green pepper/.grim 'pep?/зелёный перец guard /cju:d/1. охранник; 2. охранять Н h hairy /’hcon/ волосатый handbag /'hiciullxcy/ сумочка happiness /’h;cpin?s/ счастье harvest /'hci:v?si/ урожай harvest time - время урожая headache /hcdcik/ головная боль healthy AiclOi/ здоровый stay healthy - оставаться здоровым heart/hu:i/ сердце hero /'hiorou/ герой hers ihx/J её his /hi/У его hold /liotrid/ держать hold up - подавать (лапу) honesty /'omsti/ честность honey /luni/ мёд hop /hop/ прыгать host /liDost/ принимать гостей hot/lim/ горячий boiling hot - огненный quite hot - довольно жарко human race /,liju:mDii ‘rets/ человеческая раса hundredth /'11лпс1г?Д0/ сотый hungry Лглрдп/ голодный hunt /Ьлт/ охотиться Word List hunter /’h,\nt9/ охотник hurt /113:1/ причинять боль get hurt - пораниться husband /’h.\/.h,^nd/ муж I important /ini'i>r>:t(:>)m/ важный indoors/.iii'd.i:// в помещении instead/in'sietl/ вместо instead of - вместо чего-яибо/кого-яибо invent /iiVvcni/ изобретать invite /mVaii/ приглашать Ireland Anolond/ Ирландия island /'ailonci/ остров J j January /'d3itnjur>n/ январь jar /d7>o:/ стеклянная банка join /d^oin/ вступать ('b клуб) journey Д15з:ш/ путешествие July/d^n'lai/ июль June/d5ii;n/ июнь Kk keep /ki:p/ держать keep off - не ходить (по траве) kick /kik/ пинать king/киу король kneel /ni:l/ становиться на колени knight /паи/ рыцарь knock 'мпк,*' стучать LI land/licnd/страна: земля last /lu:st/ последний last one - последний lead/li;d/ 1. поводок: 2. вести за собой Keep your dog on a lead. - Держи свою собаку на поводке, leaf /li:l7 лист (дерева) leaves /lirv/У листья lemon /'Icmoiv лимон lemonade /.Icnu'iKMd/ лимонад lift/lift/ подъёмник lime /iaim/ лайм list /list/ список shopping list - список покупок little /1и1/ маленький a little - немного living проживание for a living - (зарабатывать) на жизнь loaf /but? буханка local Лзик(з)1/ местный look /lob смотреть look after - присматривать lose Ли://терять жи М m machine /то'(1:п/ машина mad /m;cd/ бешеный make /пимк/делать make а noise - шуметь mango /пксоьро/ манго many Лист/ много How many ...?-Сколько ..? тар/пкер/ карта March /nui:t(/ март таггу .Лжсп/ жениться, выходить замуж master /moisuV хозяин; мастер matter Лшс1э/дело, вопрос What’s the matter? - Что случилось? May/mci/ май meal /mi:l/ еда medal /’mecil/ медаль medicine /'meds(D)n/ лекарство memory /‘шстлп./ память melon /mebiV дыня Mexico /meksiksu/ Мексика mightier /’maitia/ сильнее mile /mail/ миля milkmaid /milkmeid/ доярка mine /mam/ мой minute /nimit/ минута miss /nils/ скучать, опаздывать month /тлп0/ месяц moral .■'mnr(o)l/ мораль Morocco /mo’mkou/ Марокко Moscow .^iiinNkou/ Москва motorbike /'mrxM.ibaik/ мотоцикл moustache /mn'sui:j‘/ усы move /mii:v/двигаться mucti /niAtJ'/ много How much ...? - Сколько ...? must /niAst/ должен N n New Zealand /njii: '/iil.ind/ Новая Зеландия по /Тию/ нет nobody ,’noab.xli/ никто nonsense /nDns(o}ns/ чепуха nothing /n.vOirj/ ничто November/nsuVembo/ ноябрь nurse Inxiil медсестра nut null орех Oo October /nk'toubo/ октябрь olive oil /,d1iv 'oil/ оливковое масло onion Avnjgii/ репчатый лук ours/auaz/ наш, наше, наша, наши oven Л\у{э)п/ печка, духовка Рр packet /’pickil/ пакет (сока) paella /pai'clo/ паэлья (испанское блюдо) Word List palace t\rccbs! дворец pan /рх'п/ сковорода pancake /'pienkcik/ блин paradise /’pxndiiis/ рай pailiament 'pcrl.'inioni/ парламент pass 1\ж>м‘ проходить pasl /pu:si/ прошлое pasta макароны paw /po:/ лапа peasant /'pc/.ni/ крестьянин penguin /pcotiwm/ пингвин fairy penguin - волшебный пингвин pepper /’popD/ перец perform /poTo:m/ разыгрывать (пьесу) Physics /Ti/.iks/ физика pick/pik/ собирать pick flowers - собирать цветы pick up - поднимать picnic /’piknik,' пикник pie /pai/ пирог piece /pi:s/ кусок pizza /'pi:tso/ пицца plant /plu:ni/ растение plate /pleit/ тарелка pleased /pli:7d/ довольный pole vault /"pDal прыжки c шестом poor/po:/ бедный popular /'pnpj^lp/ популярный porridge /’рштс1з/ каша port /р.т(/ порт potassium /po'lxsiom/ калий pour ipyj наливать precious /prejbs/ драгоценный prepare /рп'рс.т/ готовиться present /'рге/(э)п1’‘ подарок priest /pri;st/ священник prison /*рг1/(о)п/ тюрьма promise /'pmmis/ 1. обещание; 2. обеищгь protect pr.T'R’ki/ защищать pull /ро1/ тянуть put /рт/ класть put out -тушить put out a fire ^ тушить костёр Q q queen /kwi:n/ королева R r rash /гх//сыпь rearrange /.rb'reindy переставлять receive /n'si:v/ получать recycle /,ri:‘saikl/ перерабатывать repair ^’п'рсэ/чинить resort In'ixi! курорт reuse/,ri:’ju:z/ использовать ещё раз reward /n'\vn:d/ награждать rhyme /гашт/ стихотворение nursery rhyme - детский стишок/ песенка rice /raisS/ рис w rich /ntj/ богатый roll /rool/ переворачиваться roller coaster ,к,т1гмо/ американские горки root /ni:i/ корень rubbish /'глЬ||/ мусор rucksack /'rAksick/ рюкзак rule /rii:l/ I. правило: 2. править Ss sail /sell/ плавать на судне sailor /scib/ моряк salad /’vclod/ салат salmon /'sicm.^n/ лосось salt /sn:lt/ соль sandals сандалии sandwich /sienwidy бутерброд sardine /,su:'di:n/ сардина sausage /'snsid.V сосиска save /scjv/ спасать scare /skeo/ пугать school /sku:l/ школа secondary school - средняя школа technical school - техникум scissors /'stAO/J ножницы seafood /4i:tu:d/ морепродукты seaside /si;«iid/ побережье second jVk(o)nd/ 1. секунда: 2. второй secret /'siikroi/ секрет in secret - в секрете sell /scl/ продавать send /send/ отправлять September /sop'icmkV сентябрь servant /\:i:v(o)in/ слуга share //со/ делиться shining star //шин.) 'stu:/ светящаяся звезда should//ud/ t. следует: 2. должен shout /Jaol/ кричать show /Jou/ показывать side /ыиО/ сторона by your side - на твоей стороне skin /skin/ кожа skin cream - крем для кожи sky /skai/ небо slave /slciv/ раб sleeping bag - спальный мешок slip /slip/ подскользнуться slope /sloop/ склон smile /small/ улыбаться sneeze /sni:z/ чихать snore /snoy храпеть snowboard /'snouboid/' сноуборд snowmobile /‘snoumobi:!/ снегоход soap /soup/ мыло soldier ,"so uidjo/ солдат some /s,\m/ несколько somebody /'sAinbodi/ кто-то something /ЧлтОмУ что-то Word List Soviet Psoxi\]p\i советский soup /su:p/ суп souvenir /.sicvo'np/ сувенир spacecraft ^pciskruMl/ космический корабль spell /spci/ I. заклинание; 2. произносить по буквам magic spell - магическое заклинание spin /spin/ кружиться spoon /spu:n/ ложка spot /spm/ прыщик squirrel /'skwir(o)l/ белка start /siu:i/ начинать start the day - начинать день step /step/ шаг single step - единственный шаг stomachache /'stAmokoik/ боль в желудке stone carver /siDUn ,ка:\э/ резчик по камню straight /streii/ прямой straight from - прямо из strawberry /н1гэ:Ьэп/ клубника stroke /siraisk/ удар strong /sirnr)/ сильный suddenly Длс1{р)п11/ вдруг sugar /'Jugo/ сахар suitcase Asinkcis/ чемодан suit of armour ov anuV рыцарские доспехи sunglasses /4\n.glasiz/ солнцезащитные очки sun cream fs\n kri:m/ солнцезащитный крем supreme /su’phim/ первоклассный surf заниматься сёрфингом surprised /s.T’praiAi/ удивлённый sweets /s\vi;is/ конфеты swimming trunks /'swimni ,(глг>кч/ плавки swimsuit /'swimsin/ купальник sword /s.Tcl/ меч Sydney /\u!m/ Сидней Tt Taiwan /lai'uiciV Тайвань taste /leisi/ пробовать на вкус team /ti;in/ команда rescue team - спасательная команда tear/иэ/слеза tent Лет/ палатка theirs ,CcDz/' их third /03:ci/ третий thorn !Qo:nl шип thorny fOy.mJ колючий throne /Вгэиш трон throw /0гэо/ бросать throw away - выбрасывать tip /Ир/ подсказка tissue Aisjuy носовой платок toast /tousi/ поджаренный хлеб, гренок Tokyo Аоакюи/ Токио tomato/i.Vniu:ioo'/ помидор tomato juice - томатный сок toothache Au:Ocik/ зубная боль lop /1пр/ верхний tradition /tro'diKn)!!/ традиция traditional /1го'с!||лп(л)1/ традиционный train /нет/ поезд travel /'(ле\-(,->)]/ путешествовать treehouse Arrhausy домик на дереве try/1гш/ пробовать tuna AJiiriia/ тунец twelfth /iwclff)/двенадцатый twenty-first .Awcnii Tr.si/двадцать первый typical /’upik(a)l/ типичный и u uniform /'ju:nilb:m/ форма upstairs /,.\p'sieoz^ наверху Vv vegetables A'cd3t5bl/7 овощи veggies овощи (разговорный) verse /v3:s/ рифма, стихотворение villager A ilid^o; житель деревни violet Ат1]э1э1/ фиалка vitamin A'liomiiv витамин W w warm iwy.n)! тёплый warm clothes /,wo;m ‘kloud// тёплая одежда v^atch/wnij/ 1. часы; 2. смотреть Watch out! - Берегись! water /Ч\ .Tio/ вода watermelon /4vn;io,mcLin/ арбуз wave /weiv/ волна weather AvcOo/ погода wedding Avcdiiy свадьба week /wi:k/ неделя weekend /.wiik'ciid/ выходные well /wel/1. колодец: 2. хорошо wetsuit /Vclsu:i/ гидрокостюм wheat /vvi;i/ пшеница whole /luTol/ весь wing /w!iV крыло wipe /waip/ вытирать wise мудрый wish Avij? 1. желание: 2. желать make a wish - загадывать желание Vv^itch 'wuj7 ведьма wonder Av..\nd3/ чудо wood /wud' дерево woods iwudzJ леса wooden Avad(o)n/ деревянный writer/гаио/ писатель wrong iwiyf неверный What’s wrong? - В чём дело? Yy yours fjy.yj ваш, ваше, ваша, ваши Irregular Verbs Infinitive Past Past Participle Infinitive Past Past Participle be was been lie lay lain beat boie born(e) tight ht lit beal beat beaten lose lost lost became became become make made mado begin began begun mean meant moarit bite hit bitten meet met rnol blow blew blown pay paid pairl break broke broken [lut |)Ut put bring bi ought brought read road rc.vid bulkl bnilt built nde rocio riddfvi bum bui nl (bill neeJ) tHirnt (buirrcd) ring rang rung buisl buisl burst rise rose risen buy tionghi bought run ran mil can canid (boon able to) Siiy !>aid smd catch caught caugtit see saw soon cliotjse cl юке ctrosuii seek sought sought <2cimo f;ame come sell sotcJ sold cost cost cr>st send s«nl suni cul ruit cut set set S(H deal denll dealt stiake shook simkon (Jig dug diHj stiine shone sIioik; (Jo rjKJ rloiw Shoot shot shot drink drank drunk stinw sbov/od StlOViPII drive drove driven stmt stmt Shut eat me eaten Sing sang sung tall l(4l fallen sit sal sal lDO(J ItHi fwJ sleep slept sifjpl fool fiMI fell smell smelt srnoll light foijijht fnugf^l speak spoke spoken IiikJ found found spell spelt Sptilt tiee flecJ fled spend spent speni fly flew flown split split split forbid forbade forbidden spread spread spiead forget forgot forgotten spring sprang sprung forgive forgave forgiven stand stood stood freeze froze frozen steal stole stolen get got got Slick stuck stuck give gave given Sting Slung Slung go went gone stink stank slunk grow grew grown strike struck struck fiave had had swear sv/ore sv;orn hear heal'd heard sweep sv/epi swept hide hid hidden swim SNvam swum l-iil hit hit take took taken hold held held teach taught taught hull hurt hurl tear tore torn keep kept kept tell told told knovj' kiievi* known think thought thouglU lay laid laid throv/ threv/ thiov;n lead led ted understand understood understood learn leainl (learned) learnt (learned} wake woke woken leave left left wear wore worn lend lent lent win won won lot lot let wntn wrote wiitteri ФГОС Syllabus based on Common ^ European ^Framewor)(<^ ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ иадлтЕпьсгоо Express Publishing