Английский язык 4 класс Учебник Баранова Дули Копылова часть 1

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык 4 класс Учебник Баранова Дули Копылова часть 1 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Starlight (Старлайт) звездный английский:

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Express Publishing rr V Г:Г-* англиискии ★ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка в двух частях Часть 1 Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации Москва Express Publishing «Просвещение» 2011 УДК 37Э.167.1;8П,П 1 ВЬК S\.?Ангг.-922 А64 С^ри» «Звёу^ны.ч основана и 2009 году. На учебник попучеиы .псложи/ельные заключений Российской акаде.“^ии наук ГЛ?:* Wf00-.b2f5/^90 oi ()}./ !.20W}.)h Российской академии образования (tv^'O/ 5/7д 6f2ov20 lOJOWr.). Авторы: КМ, bripaiioBJ, Д. Дул^^. В.В. Копылова, Р.П. Мильруд, В. Эаанс Authors: V.-'ginia Evans. Jen.ny Dooley. Ksenia Barano-za. Victoria Kopylova. Rad's'av Milliood Or»--. VVV' v/ointJ i'k<‘ to riMi'k :i4 i.V 50«'l .-.j Exp'C-s^ Pjbl,s'iin-5 v/Ik: to'Jl'.lwled tht^u $к!|1< ic ivlhI.k.i.Kj *1 i> b:)yk,. ha-iks 'or rb-j' 4i;:t)oii эт (idtiHi'fi* are diiH ii ()oircu,'at 'o. (v'ervl Ph.l.p'. (EditC'-ir С.Н«рП, .’u.tc- Hir* (sh'iIo: editor); A.'&x IJaruvi fson'or iH*>:si;c:i10*' .лю I (я1.у iNert-loii.Ki'vii hani^. Parkei, Eikd I.'ioripso*: and Ti'ro'l y fo'tile* 'Лк> л-c.iM abo ne .mrl v/fioso ronm^oi»:» •■.•no iwdbarV vvi^rc i'iva.'i:abif* ir ib? p'CkIu;ч.от or il^e book Sp-or.'d' ‘karks to Urktcjel, Clirif». Gforqi,iai Zv'iv., Di4«ni^. Gt^jroi; ano Jar.KiH vv.‘ic)TХчМгк:го iwis. At^n SiV|irtJ-ii. S'.oen. Vrry W.bin ?)Exprori> PubltO.'nnQ. 2C :0 While every eHort hos been made to trace all the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently ovoriooked the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrongoments ct the first opportunity. Английский язык. 4 .стлсс : y-'pC\ для о5шео6ра-юза«. учреждоний и иж. с у.'‘пу6л. изучением Аб4 оитг. яз. В ч. Ч. 1 / [К.М. Бара.чоеа, Д. Дули, В,В. Копыпояа и др.]. - М. ; Express .Publish,чд ; npocaouieHHe, 20"' I. - J ЗЬ с.; ил. - (Звездный антдийсхий). ~ 'SBN 9/8-В-П9-018712-?, УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГП-922 Учебное издание Серия «Звездный английский» Баранова Ксения Михайловна Дули Дженни Копылова Виктория Викюровпа Мильруд .^адиспав Петрович Эванс Вирджиния Английский язык 4 класс Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка В двух частях Часть 1 Hesij; 'pyri'bi ч^р{^мнских ил.кс*) .'ухоеодитнпь цсм^1Ы1 К.З. Ko-cw-oso 3tiM. 1)укс«»оди*С11и tb'i’vpa то грг»к'дм ЯН Трж*гг>ел PyKCHvpi'.ro.’t .тооок'а Ю.Л С.м.чр-<.о Вы'>‘скаю1.уй ,1>едн1СГ'.)р М.А Сомита ГТцах.ор ( Ю Доиясом .’Г<.:.0|)екг1)р;.1 И Ь Оху.ч^'ва. гНтпогсчдЯ .'Ъ'ога С1п^с»рс<;<.и7ск/и Mwcci/ф/кагур тоодук1,ии ОК С0‘>'93 95л000. ИуД.иим Сор/я ИД Nt С582П от Годгисз‘1У г» nowtii 04 03 ’ Oodwj' б0х90/й. uVMfl d м2 I /р.;лс 30 000 WJ. 3dK'ii Vs 703. Orxi.ifc ico г!кдис»мч>1К«?сГ)и,С': isn «И»д.Т1ел|уг,130 «flt>o<‘r«eiu“ iW‘». 12742*. КАххна, .3-7 ррс^зл Мд|)ь/нс7ро.1ж. 41. Ехогонч r-iju.'isbnij u.l»*ny rlixisc. Nr>wGrscri.‘i3,T birk, Vewbay, Df->cksh.ro KG''9 oH'vV fet (0044/ lf>35 8’7 36i Гах; (0044J 153'3 817 4t)3 »>-rr.dtk ii:qjirics'-^oxprc5spuiT5H.nc).i.o.uk h4p://vvw.v<*xptessp-.ibi.^hlng.cu тк O*r»* i3wi» o R r oji‘K)fv' 1Г)01вС‘Кгз/и < .«(Лчустколл Рр^'дгд raftuoTbtix из,>5т?11:>« »еим ь'огори^г'оз и ОАО “Ti‘>epc.HH чу-^играфкомручит. док.чо/н ли’с-ро1*/ро'им. SO ..кмия С( СР» V0C4O, i Тнер.>, чргхчучт >0net Октября. 4?: ISBN 978-5-09-018712-1(1) ISBN 978-5-09-024486-2(общ.) S> cXf.*'o<.s Pi.MusUng, 201 ‘ V’viaie;i.-^ ! Write about your super family. Draw or stick pictures. UiJ. Vl’Ll kllOWV John: Repeat after me: I can walk. Parrot: I can walk. John: I can talk. Parrot: I can talk. John: I can fly. Parrot: That's a lie! The names of all the continents end with the same letter they start! Australia, Europe, America, Africa, Asia. Antarctica Our eyes are always the same size. Our nose and ears never stop growing! The Stone FI owe r Listen, point to the pictures and say the words. village craftsman malachite weak carve Tir Sinrirp (Inif Listen and read the story. This is a village in the Ural Mountains, a long time ago. Prokopych is a famous craftsman. He makes jewellery and he is the best craftsman in the Urals. He uses malachite, a beautiful green stone, to make his jewellery. The people of the village want Prokopych to teach some of the village boys how to make jewellery, but none of them have the talent. "Гт sorry," Prokopych says. "I cannot teach these boys. They haven't got the talent. I need a boy who understands what beauty is!" There is a young orphan boy. Danila, in the village. Danila is weak and can't work like the other boys. Prokopych has no children of his own, so he takes Danila into his home. Read the story again and answer the questions. 1 What is Prokopych? 2 What is malachite? 3 What do the village rulers want Prokopych to do?- 4 Who does Prokopych take into his home? ☆ Find words In the story that mean: 1 rings, watches, etc. j _ 2 a person who makes things with his hands c . 3 a child who does not have a mother or a father о . 4 not strong w 5 a special ability to do something t _ ☆ Let’s sing! • i t Ш Dear Danila, he Is growing He is growing every doyl Now he's handsome, now he's tall -Now he isn't weak at all! Dear Danila, he Is learning He is learning every day! Carve the stone! Yes, that's the way! Carve the stone! All through the day! Dear Danila, he is dreaming He is dreaming every day! Dreams about the plants and flowers Dreams and dreams for hours and hours! §#• ^ -U 7 Lesson 7 ★ Read the words/sentences first to yourself, then aloud. /se/ dad, gran, can, clap, that, back, talent; My dad and my gran have a special talent. They can ride a bike and dap their hands behind their backs at the same time. Can you do that? /Л/ mum, fun, bus, jump, up, uncle, understand, young, cousin, double, come; Young cousin Gus and his mum are in the UK. They want to visit Big Ben. "Look, Mum," says Gus. "A double-decker bus!" "Oh, good!" says Mum. "Come on. Let's jump on the bus!" So young cousin Gus and his mum are on their way to visit Big Ben. Have fun! f\J see, green, need, Greece, weak, beans, Italy; "Greetings from Greece!" says Pete. "The sheep here eat green beans! Sweet Greek sheep!" /о:/ all, tall, small, short, poor, orphan, Portugal; Gloria is a beautiful horse. She is from Portugal. Gloria is an orphan. Poor Gloria hasn't got a mum or dad. Gloria is very young. She needs someone to look after her. Call Mr Porter. He's got a nice home for orphan horses. m Ov 'aer ☆ Complete the words. Use a, u, ea, or ее. Say the words to your friend. 1 b s 4 b ... ns 7 b .... ck 2 t ....!! 5 ... ncle 8 w .... к 3 gr.... n 6 d ... d 9 sm .... II if Look, read and choose. This is my super family. We 0) is/(gr^from the UK. My grandma can 1) fly/!if! a lorry! My grandpa can see 2) through/ up walls! My mum's got 3) fair/dark hair. My dad's got 4) long/short hair. My mum and dad can fly 5) into/over houses. ☆ Read and choose a or b. 0 We are brothers.......names are Harry and Tom. @Our b Their 1 This is my fish..name is Goldie. a its b My 2 Are these ...............books? a you b your Read and answer. 1 What does your friend look like? 2 What is your friend like? 3 What does your teacher look like? 4 What is he/she like? 3 This is Mary and.........sister, Sue. a his b her 4 My cousins live in Australia......... house is very big. a My b Their 5 Shakira is........favourite singer. I like her a lot. a my b your Wowl CCJD • name the countries • say where someone/something is from • describe people • say what people are like • say what I can do • say and write about my super family -------------------il) Engli^K — S(jir(»*r -> No, you may not. if Make the questions. Then answer them. 1 go/I/outside?/May A: May I go outside? B: О Yes, you may. 2 your/l/May/ruler?/use A:................... 4 TV?/t/May/watch A: ............. B: © ........... 6 open/the/May/window?/l A:.................... B: © B: 3 listen/May/new/l/your/to/CD? A:............................. 6 a/May/glass/have/of/l/water? A: ........................... B: © B: © итп: Lesson 10 Prepositions of movement (GR 120) • • eei • » Ш ( The cat is jumping over the net. ''^Trt L» ,•;!'• over £ p out of _ fp •iVv into down N if Look at the picture and choose the right word. 1 The teacher is walking through/ into the door. 2 A girl is climbing down/up a bookcase. 3 A boy is jumping up/over a desk. Sldrlr|. Ldurd 1 I'm in Germany. 2 I'm playing music. This is me in б-егтоиу. l-f’s very £л1Д, but ’m tiavinj fun. Look! I'm skiinj! Alice Thk К v'. ‘ '/., /у'Лу/г/л Moiidh* I т ☆ Listen, point and repeat. 4^ jumper jeans scarf cap § > pyjamas gloves one pound slippers one penny two pence Colour the ‘s’ words red, the ‘c’ words green and the ‘j’ words blue. Look again, read and find the clothes. 1 They're thirty-eight pounds and sixty pence. 2 It's seven pounds and twenty-five pence. 3 They're twenty-one pounds and ten pence. 4 it's thirteen pounds and fifty pence. 5 It's twenty pounds. jeans f5U ViolUiit' 1 Ш ымгт Prepositions of place (OR 120) ^Where's the ^clothes shop'^ Look, read and answer. opposite next to on the left on the right 1 The bank is opposite the post office. 2 The hotel is ...............park. 3 The butcher's is ................ the bank and the greengrocer's. 4 The. police station is .......... the park. 5 The supermarket is............... Where is Kitty the cat? Listen, look at the map again and choose a, b or c. the bank. Now ask and answer. г Excuse me, I where's the bank? I * It's opposite the post office, j MtKhilt' 1 i In Town ☆ Read and find the names. Six children ore on the train. The boys are Jake, Scott and Colin. The girls are Amy, Alicia and Klara. Alicia is sitting opposite a boy. Klara is sitting between two boys. She isn't sitting next to Jake. Jake is sitting next to Amy. Colin is sitting next to the window. Amy is sitting opposite Klara. Scott isn't sitting nex1 to Ihe window. ^le s A; Who's sifting next to Alicio? B: Amy! A, an or the (GR 120) I've got an umbrella. The umbrella is black. Anton is a teacher. He's got a thousand books. There are a hundred people in the park today. Madina is in the kitchen. I can play the piano. Victor has got a computer. ^ Is the~^ computer new? if Are the following sentences correct? Put a tick (/). Are they incorrect? Change the underlined words. 1 I think Victoria is g singer. / 2 There are the thousand people waiting for the famous actor. 3 Svetlana can play the piano really well. 4 Is Tim in g bathroom? 5 Sara is the farmer. ... 6 Olga, have you got qn apple, please? 7 I'm in the kitchen! Come in! ... 8 Can you play g guitar? ... _ ----- MmlttliM Hr ипм|' Plural number (GR 120) . coat - coats /s/ I lemon - lemons /z/ - mango-mangoes Ш I dress - dresses /iz/ How much are these gloves? ! knife - knives I /z/ cherry - cherries i\zi if Look and complete the crossword. Across 2 Find eight differences. b How much ' is this cap? Ч Down Minltflc I 1 In picture a, there are two scarves. In picture b, there’s one scarf. 2 .................................................................. ☆ Complete. 1 How much is this / coat? 2 How much £93.09 4 How much 5 How much £45.50 3 How much ^?5.87 6 How-much....... ...............7 £)9.20 Now talk with your friend. A: How much is this coat, please? B: It's ninety-three pounds, nine. ir Read and say yes or no. 1 Jake's got £20. He can buy the jumper. 2 Troy's got £35. He can buy the scarves. 3 Ann's got £10. She can buy the slippers. 4 Pam'sgot£16. Shecan buythe pyjamas. Ш MoiUiir 1 In ^ Listen and read the dialogue. in town. She's'^i at the bank. J S Mum, meet me in Hill "C Street. There's a new clothes shop here! It's opposite the hospital, next to the baker's. P I S r^'ifWhere ore you^..^ ....I'm waiting in iC к Street? Oh dear! We're in Mill Street! ☆ Read the dialogue again and answer the questions. 1 Where's Mona's Mum? 2 Where's the clothes shop? \K>tWil<' 1 ^Oh no! Look at ^your new scarf! 3 Where are the jumpers? 4 How much Is this jumper? Viodlilt' ) л In Town ★ Listen, point and repeat. walk across L bus stop ☆ Sing and do! J r r Use the Green Cross Code When you cross the road: Stop, look and lisfen! Find a safe place to cross. Then stand and wait! Use your ears, use your eyes. Look left, look right! Do not cross the road Until It is safe! Walk across, never run. And look both ways! restaurant cinema ☆ Streetwi e! Look and say 1 Never play in the street! 2 Always stop before you cross the street! Read and complete. This is -vn^ neighbourhood. house is in Hili’ Street, next to the !£)...........There’s d big pork opposite тп^ house, h'j j^dvourite shop is d sveet shop in Tro^ Street. It's between the 2) ..........dnd the restdurdnt. schoo-? is in Green Street. Cdn ^ou see it? It's next to the 3) lo: Write about your neighbourhood. Draw a map. . 'T'. ^ I veu KlK’Vv4 Cowboys want their hats to look old. So when they buy a new hot, they dig a hole and put their hats in it! They fill the hole with water and cover it with sand. After a few days they take their hats out of the hole and leave them to dry in the sun. - I I II •, it Look, read and find the building. 1. ИИ 1 There are houses and shops there, town 2 You can stay there on holiday. 4 You can buy vegetables there. 5 You can buy meat there. 3 You can buy bread there. ☆ Where can you see these notices? Read and choose. i (Ш(зШ <> 2 TV е\<егу -ли a in a supermarket b in a post office c in a police station __ Today's a in a bank b in a hotel c at a butcher's 3 special: Obick-Co 4r Now showing: Л'Д a at a greengrocer's b in a bank c in a restaurant a in a cinema b in a hotel c in a bank 1 1 .Mniiiiit’ 1 ☆ Read and complete the map. a police station There is a bank opposite the police station. Next to the bank there is a cinema. There is a restaurant between the police station and the post office. There is a supermarket opposite the post office. ☆ Look and find the clothes. i s I E , и i(p !! Y i J If Г I ¥ Z с ■; G 1 M " Y ЦИ t К \ ■fvmy/iv. Read the sentences and name the clothes. 1 You wear this on your 4 You wear these on your head. cap hands. 2 You wear these when 5 You wear these on your feet you go to bed. ...... when you're in the house. 3 You wear this before you 6 You put on these before go out when it's cold. ...... you put on your shoes. |\1ах1г|1г 1. The Listen, point to the pictures and say the words. Great. excited vase plant Listen and read the story. One day, Prokopych runs home, very excited; “A very rich man from the village wants you to make him a vase! Look, here is a drawing of what he wants!" Danila can see how much this means to Prokopych. He wants to make something very special, but he is not happy with the drawing. "This drawing has no life in it, I need to look at something that has life in it." He goes to the woods to look at the plants and flowers, hoping to get some ideas. He works day and night on the vase. He wants it to be the best vase in the Urals. M llJllIc 1 1 if Read the story again. Then read the sentences and write who says them. 1 "A very rich man from the village wants you to make him a vase!" 2 "I need to look at something that has life in it." ☆ Read the story again and correct the mistakes. One day, Prokopych runs home very 1) angry: "A very 2) tall man from the village wants you to make him a 3) plate! Look, here is a 4) photograph of what he wants!" Danila 5) doesn’t want to make something special. He goes to the 6) cafe to look at the 7) tables and chairs, hoping to get some ideas. He works day and night on the 8) flower. 3 4 5 6 7 8 Let’s sing! There's beauty in the plants, There's beauty in the trees. There's beauty in the flowers Dancing in the breeze! Mother Nature's beauty !s here for all to see Open your eyes, open your heart. Open your minds, set yourself free! There's beauty in the mountains, 0 There's beauty in the sea. Ф There's beauty all around you, It's here for all to see! 1*1“-----^ ^ - ik Read the words/sentences first to yourself and then to your friend. /CI3/ jurriper, jeans, jewellery, June, July, jungle, pyjamas, village; v,' Jingle bells, jingle bells; Jingle all the way. Julie's jewellery jingles - In June, July and May! /a:/ park, dark, scarf, carpet, starfish, plant, vase; Mark is a starfish. He lives in the deep blue sea. His house is in a beautiful park. Look at all the plants in Mark's garden. And look! There's a dork blue carpet outside the door. It looks like a scarf! Colour the same sound with the same colour. ome colour. A- Excuse me, where's the 0) .M « 11 : I ! 0 / I е >' 9f* if Read and choose the correct word. 0 Please put on your pyjamas/ (^ci^; it's cold outside. 1 Dad always puts on his slippers/ cap when he comes home. 2 These gloves/scarf are very expensive. I can't buy them. ☆ Look, read and complete. .C* A: Excuse me, where's the 0) ^ , g , j bank, please? J fl I B: It'sl) 3 How much are these cap/jeans, please? 4 I always wear my pyjamas/ jumper before I go to bed. 5 My feet are cold. Can you bring me my coat/socks? ☆ Read and match. ' |o|q| It's four pounds, ninety. ’ 11 I I It's ninety-nine pounds, ninety-nine. ! ^_____It's eighty-five pence. ; 3 It's fifty-eight pence. the * j I* I Excuse me, where's the 3) \ ^ Ж t / ^99.99 , please? B: It's next to the 4) name shops and buildings • give and follow directions • name clothes • ask for prices • say the Green Cross Code • say and write about my V neighbourhood in Engli^K у it Q Listen, point and repeat. i уу-—Уа^м " iv spaceship planet moon astronaut alien ^4 Jl pilot greengrocer ☆ Read and complete the sentences. 1 I cook food for a lot of people. I'm a chef. 2 I fly to other planets in о spaceship. I'm................. 3 I sell fruit and vegetables. I'm................. 4 1 make bread and cakes. I'm.................. 5 I fly planes and helicopters. I'm.................. 6 1 fix people's cars. I'm.................. ☆ Write the words below under the correct headings. baker drum maracas tennis shark badminton baseball mechanic starfish octopus hockey xylophone Jobs Musical Instruments water-skiing horse astronaut guitar pilot greengrocer triangle sea cow Sports .. .«MoihiU* *2 Listen, point and repeat. concert go to the gym IT. go shopping get dressed visit study Remember: eight o’clock quarter past eight half past eight quarter to nine Answer. Then talk with your friend. A: What time do you get up? /ет e f: B: At A: What time do you go to school? В: At ' A: What time do you get bock from school? B: At A: What time do you go to bed? B: At ■: ВШМЛ ■ What do I do in the morning? First you get up. Then you wash your face!^ umd 4Present simple (GR 120) ^ . ЯГ) i f — He's a pilot. : He flies planes.J know - knows /z/ go - goes /z/ fix - fixes /iz/ fly-flies /z/ 1 fix cars. He flies planes. They don’t self vegetables. Does she like fish? Yes, she does,/No, she doesn’t. moke - makes /s/ 1 1 ★ Look and say. • be a famous singer / X / • have a big car Л / / • go into space / / / • be a footballer Л / X • buy a big boat / Л X • go to Africa / X X When Mona grows up. she wonts to be Q famous singer. She ... Draw. Then talk with your friend. A: Do you like football? B: Of course I do! I play footbaf! every day! it Correct your teacher. Moilriir 2 у А Space Trip Read and complete the text. Vladimir 1) wakes (wake) up at half past seven. 2).............. (get) dressed, and 3)................. (have) breakfast at eighi o'clock. He 4)............... (go) to school at quarter to nine. Lessons 5)................... (start) at nine o'clock. Vladimir usually 6).................(finish) school at half past three. In the afternoon, Vladimir 7)...............(do) his homework. Then, at [quarter to eight he 8).................(watch) his favourite programme on TV. it Read the text in Ex. 4 again. Make the questions for the answers below. 1 When does Vladimir wake up? At half past seven. 2 What time ....................? At eight o'clock. 3 .................in the evening? No, he doesn't. Vladimir does his homework in the afternoon. Adverbs of manner (GR 121) 4 When....................school? At half past three. 5 .........L....at half past nine? No, they don't. Lessons start at nine o'clock. 6 When ...................on TV? Quarter to eight. , Mike is a quick learner. He learns quickly.- I quick - quickly slow - slowly BUT I careful - carefully happy - happily good - well fast - fast hard - hard ☆ Make sentences, as In the example. 1 Mariya is a bad football player. Mariya plays football badly. 2 Kiril is a fast runner...................................... 3 Natalya is a beautiful dancer............................... 4 I'm a slow learner.......................................... 5 Dmitriy is a good piano player.............................. 6 Oleg is a hard worker....................................... 7 Elena lives a happy life.................................... 8 My dad is a careful driver. ( 1мт Adverbs of frequency (GR 121) always sing in the bathroom. ^ - i I 1 always get up at half past eight. 1^ ]||^ usually go to the gym in the afternoon. sometimes go to the park, i I never go to school on Sundays. All aboul fcimmal Look and complete the sentences. Make true sentences about you and your friend. Emma always wears a skirt. »»»♦ She...........studies after school. She............watches sport on W. She .........has cereal for breakfast. ^ She ......... chocolate. ...eats HOV^ o«endoVOU- ^ea\t(UVt? late? « meetyourfriends after school? ^^eip with the chores? '*vfeotbo(9 / eot fruit every day. My friend never eats fruit ☆ Put the words in order. 1 Do/Saturdays?/go/you/to/ cinema/usually/on/the Do you usually go to the cinema on Saturdays? 2 the/l/in/never/TV/afternoon./watch 3 Sundays./She/cleans/always/room/ her/on 4 their/They/visit/sometimes/the/at/ weekend./friends 5 shopping?/often/you/How/do/go 6 eat/don't/chicken./They/usually Prepositions of time (GR 121) in + morning/afternoon/evening 1 have a shower-in the morning. on + day 1 visit my grandma on Fridays. at + time/noon/night 1 go to school at nine o'clock. ? ☆ Read and complete the text. Use on, In, at. ■# Saturday is my favourite day. 1) On Saturdays I get up ;:9- 'X't- 2)........ten o'clock 3)........the morning and 1 have breakfast. Then I go to the park and play with my friends. 4)........one o'clock I have lunch and 5)...........the afternoon 1 watch TV. 6).......the evening 1 go to the cinema with my friends. I go to bed 7)........ten o'clock 8).........night. yhere we come! Read the dialogue again and answer the questions. 1 Does Andy know any aliens? 2 Does XL play the piano? Motlittf ’1 t':;:*' -.к-:" -^^i- 1лП;; —V r-i;:*'r“-w;J*^^ >m‘ > if 1^ п:*‘Ь»п'‘0 w__ .**_ I'l . ^. *u Лц.^ -i^ ■V -V'-' _ •■ ■ _ ».» . U-. :\ s'i. 3 Does he dance when he sings? 4 Does he go to the gym in the morning? ■ 'oillllr *l А Space Trip Listen, point and repeat. { C f t: f ^ - t t- ^ C'C Art English |2+3=? Maths Music ☆ A happy student! Talk with your friend. \ ^ paint pictures ” work with numbers ■^'^'play the violin play sport ■^1 use the computer A: Whaf's your favourite subject? B; Art. A: Why? B: Because I love painting pictures. Шк ICT о «о О PE ☆ Sing along! I like playing music. And watching kids* cartoons. I like eating sushi. And fishing on the moon! f*m a happy kind of person, I always laugh and smile. I*m a happy kind of person, People (ike my style! 1 like having picnics, And skipping In the rain. I like planting flowers. And riding in a train! cf Moitiih* '1 ☆ Read and answer the questions. r. r r ii red usually gets up at half past eight. He has breakfast and then goes to school. His favourite subject is Maths because he wants to be an astronaut when he grows up! Jack loves reading stories about aliens. His favourite subject is English. He wants to be a famous writer one day. 1 Who gets up at half past eight? 2 Whose favourite subject is English? 3 Who wants to be a writer? 4 Who wants to be an astronaut? ☆ Answer the questions. Then tell the class. What time do you get up? What do you usually do after school? What's your favourite subject? What do you want to be when you grow up? lO: Write a short text about yourself. Use your ideas from Ex. 5. r 9et»sf Cartoon Mascots: Meet Mickey Mouse and Goofy! They are not cartoons! They are real Q- Wh/ is the Maths book unhappy? A: Because it‘s full of problen^ Pet Detective: A very important job, especially if your dog is missing! Look, read and write. father unde aunt This is my family. My grandfather sells fruit and vegetables. He is a 1) greengrocer. My father is a 2).............He loves his job! My mother is a 3)............She works at a restaurant in town! My unde is a 4)............and my aunt is a 5)............... I want to be a pilot like my father. I love aeroplanes! Wsmilfl Read and write the names. Zippy is tall and slim. Broom likes carrots. Blinky has got pink curly hair. Yally lives on the moon. Zena flies a spaceship. Jilly has got purple straight hair. Wanda fixes spaceships. lobby likes bread. Zena 8 A % (J ‘I Listen and draw the times. A Space Trip it go to bed? Who am I? Read and choose. 5 1 } fix people‘s cars. a Chef (§) Mechanic 2 I bring letters to your house. a Milkman b Postman 3 / fly into space. a Astronaut b Policeman 4 I've got a tractor. I grow fruit and vegetables. a Greengrocer b Farmer 5 I'm very famous. I sing and play the guitar. a Rock star b Taxi driver What’s the subject? Read and answer. 1 We learn about other countries in this lesson. We learn where these countries are, how many people live there, what you can see and do there. 1 love • ................ It's my favourite subject! fF is very interesting. We learn about the past, the people, their lives, their clothes, ■ everything. This week I've got to . write about Tsar Ivan IV. ..Л We learn to sing and play a musical instrument in this lesson. 1 play the guitar, We have a school band and at the end of every school year we give a concert. It's great!...............is definitely my favourite subject! i like ............ a lot. You always learn something new. We learn about plantc ^—» also plants and we carry out some experiments. Our project for this week is to find information -- * about malachit' Uiululr.2. Th e St^iinie iFlle^er* Listen, point to the pictures and say the words. hard soft servant Listen and read the story. Danila finishes the vase and shows it to the other craftsmen. They think the vase is wonderful, but Danila is not pleased with it. He says, "This vase does not have any living beauty. When you look at a flower, your heart fills with happiness because of its beauty. Stone is hard and cold and does not have such beauty!" Prokopych tells him, "Don't say that! You don't want to become a servant of the Mistress of Copper Mountain! Her workers live and work in the Mountain and nobody ever sees them. Once, long ago, I was lucky enough to see their work." Danila's eyes light up, "Oh, tell me! What was it like?" "Amazing!" answers Prokopych. "These workers understand the beauty of stone because they know all about the Stone Flower!" After that, Danila goes to the woods all the time. He wants to find the perfect stone to make a vase of his own. if Read the story again and complete the sentences. 1 Danila finishes the vase and shows it to the other c......................... 2 "When you look at a flower, your h......................fills with happiness/' 3 "Stone is h............and c..............and does not have such beauty." 4 "You don't want to become a s.....................of the Mistress of Copper Mountain!" 5 Danila wants to find the p................stone to make a vase of his own! ☆ Find the words. A В W О О D S P H A R D C Э D L l. ^ ] F V A S E G A M О u N T A 1 liL О F T H M 1 , T E X C 1 T E D J К Qj M N О R P О S E R V A N T s Q Let’s sing! If s wonderful! Amazing! The vase is marvellous! It's fabulous! Amazing! Danila's a genius! has no life! It's cold and hard! It's just a piece of stone! It has no heart! It has no soul! This vase is not the one! t.¥ VIoiWilc 2, ☆ Read the words and the sentences first to yourself and then to your friend. /u:n/ moon, noon, soon, spoon, balloon; There's a man in the moon. You can see the man in the moon only at noon. The man in the moon has a balloon in one hand and a spoon in the other. /ЭО/ slow, show, grow, own, old, cold, gold, soul, Joe; "Joe, slow down, please," says Grandpa. "I can't run as fast as you. I'm old." "Hurry up, Grandpa," says Joe. "I want to show you something." Grandpa goes with Joe into an old house. "Look, Grandpa," says Joe. "I think it's gold!" "No, it isn't," says Grandpa. "It's just a yellow box." ☆ ипзсгаглЫе the letters to find the words, moon 1 oomn 2 Ido 3 gido 4 wrgo 5 ponso 6 onos 7 osul 8 wno 9 oonn Read the words first to yourself and then to your friend. sk: skateboard, ski, skip, skirt, sky sm: small, smell, smile sn: snake, snail, snow sp: space, spaceship, speak, special, spider, sports st: stand, star, start, station, stay, stone, stop, story, street, study $w: sweet, swim ☆ Use the code and colour the pictures. sk- = blue sn- = yellow St- = black sm- = red sp- = pink sw- = brown ii 0 0 it Read and fill in the missing words. 0 He's a chef. He cooks for a lot of people. 1 He's a....... He......bread and cakes. ☆ Look, read and complete. 0 usuaily/goes/gym/the/ fo/He He usually goes to the ЧН1Н gym in the evening. always/shopping/Do/ go/you on Saturday? sometimes/They П concerfs/go/to at the weekend. V never/studies/He at night. He.......fruit and vegetables. 3 He's a....... He...... people's cars. it Read and complete. A: What time do you get up? B: AfO) (sJIn)' half past eight. A: What time do you go to school? B: At 1) (Ч^ГБ) ........... A:. What time do you finish school? B; At 2) [3:30 V МП name jobs • say what people do • say what I do every day • tell the time • name school subjects • say and write what school subject I like and what I wont to be ------------------- ifl Engli^K - Mmliilc 2 Ш 1 Match the money to the country. Euros and cents Dollars and cents 1 GERMANY ;’£5 ?0 • ;,, Pounds and pence 2 Penrsy Wi e! Try the money quiz. Read and choose a or b. Check your answers with your teacher. 1 A piece of round, metal money is called a a coin. b con. A piece of paper money is called a a page. b note. 3 The symbol for a dollar is a £. b $. 4 A 'quid' is another word for a a euro. b pound. 5 How many pence are in a pound? a 10 b 100 6 Another word for a dollar is a a buck. b book. / v; r' '• ?^KT]fof!o: Imagine that you’ve got your own country. Design your own money. 72 и -* » •-. 4 Read and complete the sentences. Russian coins are from 1 kopek to t) 10 roubles. There are 2)...............kopeks to 1 rouble. In Russia, the rouble has got the symbol of "p", as it is the first letter in the Russian spelling of rouble. Kopeks have the symbol of 3)...............as It is the first letter in the Russian spelling of kopek. The way to write 100 roubles and 50 kopeks is 4)............................................. «SWfлАигл #>octw» V; "I JltSIW 5 Read the poem and complete. . I '.■> .«i* ■■ " x'' .../ ■>. .’V «лУ... 'i.!% Money In my pocket A jingle, jangle sound A hundred cents, one 1) ■‘Г' ■■ У"'-' ^ А hundred репсе, one ^ о ........ 2) ^ А hundred kopeks, one 1 i 3) I Ш A jingle, jangle sound Ш Ш Money in my pocket Makes the world go round! 73 '-' l ' Mr Waste or Mr Green? 1 Read and say yes or no. |i I always, have a shower; i^ever a bath. I pu,t lA-ewspiaiiers an^d bottles the ' reoyclliA/0 bliA/. '3 I write 01Л. both &tdes of рй-рег. у/ I bcse empty bottles aiA.d &«ia.s to mcifee thuA.0s. iHr ( 0lve my old toys to c-hlldreiA/'s hospltcils- ^ I lA^ever Leave the tap ru.iA/iA.liA0. Hostly YCS; You're a good friend of planet Earth. You are definitely Mr Green! Hosllg NO: Oh dear! Try not to throw things away. Don't be Mr Waste! 2 iPesing- f Mr Waste or Mr Green? Are you diiiy or Are you clean? Are you kind or Are you mean? Mr Waste or Mr Green? 3 Break the code! Decode the messages. They can help you become a good friend of planet Earth! 16 IS I 19 50 9 3 20 8 18 15 S3 • Reuse bags; don't th> away. 5 15 15 If 19 8 15 16 • Take your old books to the 19 S3 9 SO 3 8 (J^ the light off when you leave the roorri. IS 51 14 3 8 Use your own packed box. 8 15 51 18 19 Don't talk on the phone for 18 9 4 5 5 9 li 5 your to school if you can, 53 1 50 3 8 Don't TV all the time. TOP Secret 1= A4= D7= G10= J 13= M 16= P 19= S 22= V 25= Y 2= В 5= E 8= H 11= К 14=N 17= Q20=T 23=W26=Z 3=C6= F 9= I 12= L 15= О 18= R 21= U 24= X 1 Look, read and find the words. 1 We use this to see what is on our computer. screen We use this to print words and pictures. ............ We use this to type words into our computer. ...... 'mm Ш. 4 We use this to listen to sounds and music from our computer. 5 We use this to move around the screen. PRXKTER SCREEN IVieWSE In groups, make a poster with computer words. Present it to the class. CE 76 1 Qf Listen and read the story. ' моГР1х1ё$ ' can't driven /Nice car, boysil Put your seatbelt' on, Trog! I know. Pog! I always .stop at the red light! f Grr! You never У listen to me! f I like driving I f ^our new car!^ " • \•“- —- -i MlxIttN' Л Animal Sections Listen, point and repeat. rainforest jungle /(f grassland python camel whale gorilla Sing along! 1 Г The cheetah (n the grassland Faster than a man! The cheetah (n the grassland The fastest (n the (and! У The python in the rainforest Longer than a man! The python in the rainforest The longest in the land! The camel in the desert -Stronger than a man! The camel in the desert -The strongest in the land! The whale in the ocean -Larger than a nr>an! The whale in the ocean The largest in the land! u Ш ^m yellow and brown. I'm the fastest animal in the ^orld. I live in the grassland i J Read and complete the texts. Taipei 101 In Taiwan Is the 1) tallest building In the world Ifs got 101 floors! It’s also got the 2)............lifts In the world - you can get from the main floor to the top In about AO seconds! Yorkshire temers are огьс of the з)........ dD0s liA. the world. Wou-Lct you й1ге a uppy liA/ a c-up? v'> The SdhctrANGBP! Gobi bears ore special 1) (naaimis) animals because they are the only 2) (rbaes)...........that can live in the 3) (seretd)...........They live in the Gobi desert in Mongolia. The sad thing is that there are only 4) (fiytf)..........Gobi bears these days. They can't find food or water easily. Let's help Gobi bears. Dumbo is a(n) cheetah/elephant. 6 Roo is a kangaroo/ parrot. Kaa is a python/ parrot. Listen, point to the picture and say the words. Listen and read the story, Danila is engaged to Katya, a very pretty young girl from the village. Danila spends most of his time in the woods and Katya does not see him very often. “Danila, you go to the forest every day," she says. “I hardly ever see you." "Don't be sad. Katya, I am looking for the right stone to moke a beautiful vase for us," Danila answers. Prokopych is worried about Danila. He tells him, "You must get married to Katya now, my son, and make your own family." But Danila tells him, "Yes, I love Katya, but I am not ready! First I need to find the right stone. 1 want to make the perfect vase for our home. After that we can get married." 1 Str»r)ri^ A ж /Г. Were you in the garden, at 9 o'clock. Mr Rabbit?' ☆ Who was the robber? Read and say. The robber wasn't in the garden at 8 o'clock. The robber was with Mr Frog in the living room at 8 o'clock. But at 9 o'clock the robber was in the garden. The robber was... Л. [ No, I wasn't.! A \ N Moiiflir I Who Was It? ☆ Make questions. Then match. 1 Scott and Wendy/at school/last Monday? Were Scott and Wendy at school last Monday? 2 the food/nice? 3 the cafe/open/yesterday? 4 the children/in France/last summer? 5 Emma/at park/yesterday afternoon? a No, she wasn't. b Yes, they were on holiday. c Yes, all day. d No, it was awful! e No,they were ill. it Ask and answer. Where was Harry last Saturday? . v; ^ He was at the museum. ^,..4 s No, I wasn't! / Were you at the cafe yesterday? j Listen and read the dialogue. , A little green , , I man? ] really scared -------------- and angry, too! ☆ Read the dialogue again and choose a or b. 1 We were worriedl a Emma b Mona 2 / was really scaredl a Gran b Harry Moiloir I 3 it was great! a Erlina b Emma 4 Look at my head! a Alvin's dad b Alvin Vlmliili* I Who Wqs It Listen, point and repeat. noisy ☆ Listen and write. Just the other day 1 was really bored, was all alone, was on my own! And when !*m bored, This is what I do -You con do it too ... Ooh-hoo, Ooh-hoo, Ooh-hoo! Now sing and do! ☆ Read the text and complete the list. This \s ^ pHoio o-p T(^e wHer» I W4S I Wds nois^l '/ ^ЗШёш ^ung... -pc^vouriie -pood wcis c<-b of the 3)...... QY WOrlCl ^ i^uicrLtUl ' A n Oi\A.W^ ЦЛ^ tV\b^ fj c,V\ewuA^0 Vtircirj^sL on iHe bdriks the river i Ganges in India, is one o|^ the 2)......... ..cities in the wor^d. It is thousands ^ears ofd and is У(спг\е to poets, writers and Tnusicians. It is caWed the cufturai* capital o|^ India. no T’.'I ■ Famoue Ctttee In my countiy l)v Vadim Konovalov Moscow is the capital city of Russia. It is the biggest city in Russia and in Europe. The people of Moscow are called Muscovites. Moscow has got 96 parks and 18 gardens. The Central Park of Culture and Rest (also known as Gorky Park) is a famous park on the Moskva River. Izmaylovsky Park is one of the biggest parks in the world. It is six times bigger than New York's Central Park! The Neskuchniy Garden is Moscow's oldest park. Other popular places are Tsytsin Main Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences, the largest botanical garden in Europe, and the Moscow Zoo. I love Moscow. It's the best city in the world! Novgorod is one of Russia's oldest and most beautiful cities. It is between Moscow and St Petersburg, on the Ml0 highway. Novgorod is on the Volkhov River, just below Lake Ilmen, Now the city is called Velikiy Novgorod which means fhe great new city. B^er^ne siouM cme mi yxsit Russia., it's a. ^eat coiartr^ wit^ ? e?>f^ gri^^ed duck or chicken with dpp^es, d^ot of pies dnd d sd^dd cd^-fed 0,Pivie. грамматический справочник Starter Unit Глагол to be (быть, находиться) Утверждение Вопрос Полная форма Краткая форма 1 am а sludeni Yoti are а student Не is а student is а student It is a student Wo are students You are students Ttiey are students Гт a studeni You’re a student He's a studeni Stie’s a student It’s a student V^c’re students You’re students Thev’re students Am 1 a student? Are you a student? Is lie a student"? Is she a student? Is it a student? Are we students? Are you students? Are ttiey students? Отрицание Полная форма Краткая форма 1 am not a student You are not a student He is not a student She is not a student It is not a student Wc are not students Yott are not students They are not students I’m not a student You aren’t a student He isn’t a student She isn’t a student it isn’t a student Wo aren’t students You aren’t students They aren’t students В разговорной речи мы обычно используем краткую форму глагола to be. Harry. Краткие ответы Are you from England? —|^ -C Yes, I am. No, I’m not. Is he/she/it nine? Yes, he/she/lt is. No, he/she/it isn’t. Are you sisters? Are they friends? -c T Yes, we are. No, we aren’t. Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. Притяжательные местоимения Личные Притяжательные местоимения местоимения 1 my you your he his fihe her it its wo our you your they their Притяжательные местоимения указывают на то, что принадлежит кому-то. Мы ставим притяжательные местоимения перед существительными. / am Тогчу. This is ту house. She’s Sue. This is her camera. Глагольная конструкция have got (иметь) Утверждение Вопрос Полная форма Краткая форма lhavc goto cal I’ve got a cal Have 1 got a cat? You have got a cat You’ve got a cat Have you got a cat? He has got a col He’s got a cal Has he got a cat? St№ has got a cat Stie’s got a cat Has she got a cat? It has got a cat it’sgotacat Has it got a cal? Wc have got a cal We’ve got a cal Have v/e got a cat? You have got a cat You’ve got a cat Have you got a rat? Tlicy have got a cal ■nicy’ve got a cal Have ttiey got a cat? Отрицание Полная форма Краткая форма 1 have not got a cat You have not got a cat He has not got a cat She has not got a cat It has not got a cat We have not got a cat You have not got a cat They have not got a cat I haven’t got a cat You haven’t got a cat He hasn’t got a cat She hasn’t got a cat II hasn’t got a cal We haven’t got a cat You haven’t got a cal They haven’t got a cat ★ Запомни: I’ve ' I have He’s = He has В разговорной речи мы обычно используем краткую форму. Гу- Кр На th< дс Гл I г рамматический справочник rve got fair hair. Краткие ответы Have l/you/we/ Yes, l/you/we/they have, h: they got a car? *— No,l/Vou/we/they haven’t. -C Has he/she/it Г Yes, he/she/it has. got long hair? I— No, he/she/it hasn’t. Глагол can (мочь, уме1ь) Утверждение Вопрос 1 can siny Can 1 sing? You can sing Can you sing? Hg can sing Can he sing? She can sing Can she sing? И can siny Can it sing? We can sing Can we sing? You can sing Can you sing? They can sing Can they sing? Отрицание Полная форма Краткая форма 1 cannot sing 1 can’t sing You cannot sing You can't sing He cannot sing He can't sing She cannot sing She can’t siny (t cannot sing It can't sing We cannot sing We can’t sing You cannot sing You can’t sing They cannot sing They can't sing Мы употребляем глагол сап для обозначения способности и умения что-то делать. I сап play the piano. ic Запомни: I can’t = I cannot Краткие ответы -с Can l/you/he/ she/il jump? Yes, l/you/he/she/itcan. No, l/you/he/she/it can’t. Can we/you/ they dance? -Г Yes, we/you/they can. No, we/you/they can’t. Present continuous (Настоящее продолжен- Hoe время Утверждение Полная форма Краткая форма 1 am playing football You are playing tciotball He is playing football She is playing football It is playing football We are playing football You are playing football They arc playing football I’m playing football You’re playing football He’s playing football She’s playing tootbali It's playing football We’re playing football You’re playing football They’re playing tootbali Отрицание Полная форма Краткая форма I am not playing foott)all You are not playing football Ho is not playing football Sfie is not playing football II is not playing football ' We are not playing foolball You are not ptaying tootbali They are not playing football I’m not playing loothall You aren’t ptaying football He isn’t playing football She isn’t playing foott^ll It isn’t playing football We aren’t playing football You aren’t playing football They aren’t playing foolball Вопрос Am I playing football? Are you playing football? Is he playing football? Is she playing foolbalt? Is it playing football? Are we playing football? Are you playing football? Are Ihoy playing football? Мы употробляем present continuous, когда описываем дейтвия, происходящие в момент речи. В подобных случаях могут использоваться указатели времени now и today. Тот is carrying а box now./i am deaning my house today. May I ...? Вопрос May I ...? употребляется, чтобы спросить разрешения. Ответы на этот вопрос могут быть следующие: Yes, you may./Yes, of course, или No, you may not./Sorry, no. May t go to Kelly's party? Sorry, no. Г грамматический справочник предлоги движения over (над) into (в, up (вверх) through вовнутрь) down (вниз) (через) out of (из) The plane is ffying over the houses. Module 1 Предлоги места Where’s the bank? Где находится банк? It’s opposite the bookshop. Oh напротив книжного магазина. It's next to the hospital. Oh рядом c больницей. It’s between the hospital and the hotel. Oh между больницей и отелем. It’s on the left of the hospital. Oh слева от больницы. It’s on the right of the hotel. Oh справа от отеля. Артикли а. ап или the Неопределённый артикль а употребляется перед существительными, которые начинаются с согласных звуков (Ь, с, d, f. т. д.). а артикль ап перед существительными, которые начинаются с гласных звуков (а. е. i. т. д.). Victor сап ride а bike. I’ve got an apple. Артикли a/an используются с существительными для описания человека/ предмета. Sam's got а саг. Olga is а teacher. Мы используем артикли а/ап перед числительными hundred, thousand: а hundred pens, а thousand people Мы используем определённый артикль the. когда говорим об определённом человеке, животном или предмете. Гт in the kitchen. Я на кухне (этого дома). Мы также используем артикль the перед названиями музыкальных инструментов. / сап play the guitar. Множественное число существительных • В большинстве случаев множественное число образуется при помощи окончания -s: one lemon - two lemons • К существительным, оканчивающимся на -s, -ss. -ch, -sh, -X или -о, во множественном числе добавляется окончание -es. mango - mangoes glass - glasses 9 У существительных, оканчивающихся на -f или -fe. во множественном числе f меняется на v и добавляется окончание -es. knife - knives • У существительных, оканчивающихся на согласную + у, во множественном числе -у заменяется на -i и добавляется окончание -es: cherry - cherrfes НО boy - boys Особая форма множественного числа существительных Некоторые существительные во множественном числе имеют особую форму. Например: Ед. ч. Mh. Ч. Ед. Ч. Mh. Ч. man woman child fish person men women children fish people mouse sheep foot tooth mice sheep feet teeth Module 2 Present simple (Настоящее простое время) Утверждение Вопрос I I like bananas You like bananas He likes bananas She likes bananas It likes bananas We like bananas You like bananas They like bananas Do I like bananas? Do you like bananas? Does he like bananas? Does she like bananas? Does it like bananas? Do we like bananas? Do you like bananas? Do they like bananas? I Грамматический справочник Отрицание Полная форма Краткая форма 1 do not like bananas You do not like Ьапагта$ He does not like bananas She does not like bananas It does not like bananas We do not like Ьапаттав You do not like bananas They do not like banana,s 1 don’t like Ьапагтаз You don’t like bananas He doesn’t tike bananas She doesn’t like bananas It doesn’t like bananas Wo don’t like bananas You don’t like bananas They don’t like bananas Наречия неопределённого времени Мы употребляем present simple, когда речь идёт о действиях, происходящих обычно, постоянно. Не works in <х hospital. Не doesn *t work in a hospital. Does he work in a hospital? Наречия образа действия Прилагательные уточняют существительные. Мы используем их, чтобы описать людей или предметы. Mike is а quick learner. What kind of a learner is Mike? Quick.) Наречия образа действия уточняют глаголы. Мы употребляем наречия, чтобы рассказать о том. как люди выполняют действия: Mike learns quickly. ( How does Mike leant? Quickly.) Наречия образа действия образуются от прилагательных при помощи суффикса -1у: quick - quickly, slow - slowly, careful - carefully Если при/1агатслы1ое оканчивается на -у. у меняется на I и прибавляется окончание -1у: happy - happily Некоторые наречия образа действия совпадают по форме с прилагательными: fast - fast hard ~ hard Наречие образа действия для прила! аюльного good - well. Наречия неопределённого времени, щкие как always, usually, sometimes и never показывают, насколько часто что-то происходит. Мы используем наречия частотности с present simple, ставим их перед глаголом и после do/does, is. Предлоги времени in + morning/ afternoon/evening 1 have a shower in the morning. on + day 1 visit my grandma on Fridays. at T time/noon/ night 1 do to school at nine o'clock. Module 3 Сравнительная степень прилагательных • Мы используем сравнительную степень для того, чтобы сравнить двух людей или два объекта. Сравнить их можно с помощью структурьт: прилагательное + -ег + than А cheetah is faster than a lion. Правила написания • К прилагательным, оканчивающимся на -е, прибавляется окончание -г. large - larger • У прилагательных, оканчивающихся на ударную гласную и следующую за ней согласную, согласная буква удваивается и добавляется окончание -ег. fat - fatter • У прилагательных, оканчивающихся на согласную + у, в сравнительной степени -у заменяется на i и добавляется окончание -ег. happy - happier Превосход|-тая степень прилагательных Мы используем превосходную степень для того, чтобы сравттить человека г рамма тический справочник или предмег с двумя и более людьми или предметами. Сравнить их можно с помои^ью структуры: the + прилагательное + -est + of/in The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world. Правила написания • К прилагательным, оканчивающимся на •е, добавляется окончание -st. large - largest • У прилагательных, оканчивающихся на ударную гласную и следующую за ней согласную, согласная буква удваиваег-ся и добавляется окончание -est. Ш - fattest ф У прилагательных, оканчивающихся на согласную + у. в сравнительной степени -у заменяется на i и добавляется окончание -est. happy - happiest Module 4 Глагол to be в past simple Утверждение Вопрос 1 was sad Was 1 sad? You were sad Were you sad? He was sad Was he sad? She was sad Was she sad? It was sad Was il sad? We were sad Were we sad? You were sad Were you sad? They were sad Were they sad? Отрицание Полная форма Краткая форма 1 was not sad 1 wasn't sad You were not sad You weren’t sad He was not sad He wasn’t sad She was not sad She wasn’t sad It was not sad, It wasn’t sad We were not sad^ We weren’t sad You were not sad You weren’t sad They were not sad Tliey weren’t sad Обычно мы используем формы глаюла to be а past simple, чтобы рассказать о собыгиях, случившихся в прошлом. в атом случае мы используем такие указатели времени, как yesterday, then. ago. ИТ. д. / was really tired yesterday. Оборо! there was/were Мы используем оборш there was/there were для того, 4to6i>i сказать, что нечто произошло или не произошло в про(нлом. There was а red car outside the bank. (OkO' ЛО банка стояла красная машина. Сейчас её нег.) There were three men outside the restaurant. (Около ресюрана стояли трое мужчин. Сейчас их тм нет.) Словарь А а ability /o'biloti/ способность, дар special ability - особый дар action АскГ(о)п/действие address lo'drcsl адрес Africa ЛсГпко/ Африка аде /eid.'v' возраст alien /’cilinn/ инопланетянин America /о'тспко/ Америка angry /’ссоуп/ злой annoy h'noil раздражать Antarctica Лсп'ш:кпкг)/ Антарктика arm /и:т/ рука Art/a:i/ искусство Asia /'eijb/ Азия astronaut /’а;н1п*)пэ:1/ астронавт aunt /u:nt/ тётя Australia /n'sireiha/ Австралия Bb backtek,^ спина behind your back - за спиной badminton /'b;.ccim niton/ бадминтон baker /'bciko/ пекарь baker’s /'bcikoz/ булочная balloon /Ъо'1и:п/ воздушный шарик bamboo /кеш'Ьи:/ бамбук band /bccnd/ музыкальная группа school band - школьная музыкальная группа bank /'bicok/ банк baseball /beisbo:!/ бейсбол basketball /'bu;skitbo:l/ баскетбол bear Ibcol медведь beautiful /'bju:tif(o)l/ красивый beauty /'bju:li/ красота best /best/ лучший do my best - делать всё воз-можное become Ф1'клт/ становиться beep lbv.pl гудеть, сигналить belong /br’lniV принадлежать between /bi'twi:n/ между bin/Ьт/мусорная корзина recycling bin - мусорный кон-тейнер birth /Ъз:0/ рождение at birth - при рождении bored /bo:d/ скучающий bottle /'botl/ бутылка bracelet /'brcislot/ браслет breeze/bri:/7 лёгкий ветерок building /'biidii.)/ здание bus /l)AS/ автобус bus stop - автобусная остановка bush Axrj? куст butcher’s /'batfoz/ мясная лавка buy /Ьш/ покупать Словарь Сс cafe /'ka^fei/ кафе call /кп:1/звать, называгь camel /‘kicm(,'))(/ верблюд сап ten/1. жестяная банка; 2. мочь, уметь сар/кжр/ кепка capital .■"к<ср11(э)1/ столица capital city - столица carry /'kicn/ тащить, нести carry out - проводить (экспери-меит) carve /ka:v/ высекать fиз камня) cent /seni/ цент chase/tjcis/ преследовать cheetah /'ijkto/ гепард chef /fel7 шеф-повар chemical /'kc;mik(o)l/ химическое вещество, химикат chew /tjii;/ жевать chores домашние обязанности do the chores - выполнять домашние обязанноеIи cinema /’smomo/ кинотеатр circle h3±\i 1. круг; 2. обводить classmate /'kkrsmeit/ одноклассник clever /klcvo/ умный coat /кд01/ пальто code /koncl/ код, шифр coin /кош/ монета come /клш/ приходить come true - сбываться concert/'konsnt/ концерт continent .■■')<пп11пэт/ континент cook/кик/ 1. повар: 2.готовить coral /knrol/ коралл country /клШп/ страна cousin /’кл2{о)п/двоюродный брат cowboy /knubol/ ковбой cover tkwol накрывать, покрывать craftsman /'kra:llsnipn/ мастер crocodile /'krnkndail/ крокодил cross/krns/ 1. крестик; 2. переходить cross the road - переходить дорогу crowd /kraud/ толпа Dd decode /,di:'knad/ расшифровывать desert I'dczoil пустыня die /dat/ умирать dig /diy/ рыть, копать disappear/.diso'pio/ исчезать do /du;/ делать do the ironing - гладить dog /dog/ собака dog walker - человек, выгули-вающий собак dollar/'dolo/доллар dream /dri:ni/ 1. мечта; 2. мечтать dreamer мечтатель drums /с1глп1^/ барабаны dry/drai/ сухой Ее Earth /з:0/ планета Земля eighty/'сми/ восемьдесят election /i'lekJ(o)n/ выборы empty /'cmpti/ пустой engaged /m'geid5d/ обручённый English /’igglij/ английский excited /ik's^itid/ взволнованный, возбуждённый Excuse me. - Прошу просдения. exercise /'eksosiiiW упражнение expensive /ik'spcnsiv/ дорогой experiment /ik'spcrimsrn/ эксперимент explore iik'spbj изучать, исследовать euro i'jmrovi евро Europe /'jonr^p/ Европа Ff fact /fekt/ факт fat /Гш(/ толстый fifty /Tiili/ пятьдесят fight Лак/ драться, сражаться fill /ГМ/ заполнять(ся) fix/fiks/чинить flag /П(Сд/ флаг floor i(]yj пол; этаж follow tibbol следовать follow directions - следовать указа-ниям forest /'b:risi/ лес tropical for-est - тропический лес fresh /Ггс1/ свежий fresh bread - свежий хлеб friendly /'frcndli/ дружелюбный funfair f\\n\bdf ярмарка further I'fr.doi дальше go further - продолжать(ся) Gg galaxy /'go/ газета net/net/сетка next to - рядом c ninety /'nainu/ девяносто noise /n.TiW шум noisy fimi]! шумный none /плп/ ничего note /по<п/ банкнота; запись notice AiDutis,/ объявление Oo ocean океан octopus /'nktopos/ осьминог often Mon. 'nlbn/ часто How often ...? - Как часто ...? oil ,bil/ масло Olympics .Ы|шр|Ы Олимпийские игры opposite/'opDzit/ напротив orphan hSonl сирота oval /'эил-(з)1/ овал own i'oim} собственный on my own - самостоятельно oyster /bisto/ устрица pp page /peidV страница panda f\)xm\of панда paper /'peipD/ бумага parer»t fpcor(o)n\l родитель parrot /'pa:roi/ попугай PE /,pi: 'i: / физкультура pence /pcn^ пенс penny/'pern/ пенни perfect /'p3:Fik(/ отличный permission l\yo'nwf(o)ni разрешение Peru !\-)o'ru'J Перу pet /pet/ питомец pet detective - детектив, разыс-кивающий домагиних животных pie /pui/ пирог piece /pi:s./ кусок pilot/'pailoi/ пилот planet /'pkemt/ планета plant/р1а:ш/ растение plate /pleii/ тарелка plastic .'"pkestik/1. пластик; 2. пластиковый pleased /pli:zd/довольный pocket /'pnkii/ карман poet Mml поэт Poland /'poubnd/ Польша police /pD'li:s^' полиция police station - полицейский участок Portugal /'po:tJbtj(3)V Португалия post office /'poust ,n(’is/ почтовое отделение pound /paund/ фунт power /'ратю/ сила president /’ргс/idont/ президент price /prais/ цена protect /prn'tckt/ защищать proverb i'\ym\xb! пословица pour/po:/ наливать print /рпш/ печатать printer /'prints/ принтер promise /'prnmis,- обещать puppy/'p.\pi/ щенок pyjamas пижама python /'pai0 {s)n/ питон Q q quiet /'kwais!/ тихий Rr race /rcis/ гонка rainforest /'rcin.Inrist/ тропический лес rat /reet/ крыса reach /ri:tj/ достигать rearrange /.rirs'rcmcfe/ переставлять rectangle /'rcktj^joyl/ прямоугольник reporter /п'рэпо/ журналист restaurant A‘cst(3)mni/ ресторан reuse/,n:'jLi;z/ использовать повторно rhyme /rami/ стихотворение right/rait/право on the right - справа river /rivo/ река robber /'robo/ грабитель robbery ;’’п>Ьэп/ кража robot/'гэиЬт/ робот rouble/'ш:Ы/ рубль round /raund/ круглый rubbish /V;\biJ/ мусор runner /'глпэ/ бегун Ss safe /seif/ безопасный save /sciv/ спасать sand /sffiiid/ песок scared /skcsd/ испуганный scarf /ska:f/ шарф Science /'saians/ естественные науки score fiikyj забивать score a goal - забить гол screen /skri:n/ экран sea cow /*si; kau/ морская корова sea horse hi: hxv морской конёк search 1ш}1 искать seatbelt/’si;tbclt/ ремень безопасности second ,^ск(о)пё/ секунда for а second - на секунду see /si:/ видеть see through a door - видеть сквозь дверь Словарь September /sep'lemho/ сентябрь servant /'s3:v(o)nt/ слуга set/set/ накрывать set the table - накрывать на стол Set yourself free! - Освободи себя! seventy /'sev {n)nii/ семьдесят shark акула shop .{|bp/ магазин sweet shop - кондитерская short KOpo i кий shy /Jai/ стеснительный side /said/ сторона sixty Asiksii/ шестьдесят size /saiz/ размер same size - одинакового размера skateboard /'skeiiboxl/ скейтборд skiing /'ski:n.V кататься на лыжах skip /skip/ прыгать slim /slim/ стройный slippers тапочки snail /sneil/улитка soft/soft/ мягкий soul /S9ul/ душа sound 1штй! звук south !amO! юг South America - Южная Америка space /speis/ космос spaceship /'speisjip/ космический корабль Spain /spein/ Испания speaker /'spi:ko/ (звуковая) колонка spelling /'spciity правописание spend /spend/ проводить spoon /spurn/ ложка sport /sport/ спорт national sport - национальный спорт square /skweo/ квадрат starfish /'siurfij/ морская звезда station /'stciJ{o)n/ станция stick ;^iik/ наклеивать stone /stoun/ камень street/si riri/улица strike /'siraik./ бить (о часах) study /'sT.-\di/ учиться subject/'s.\bd7,ik[/ предмет sumo wrestling /.siirmou 'rcslio/ сумо supermarket /'surpo.murkil/ супермаркет sushi /'surjl/ суши swim /sivirn/ плавать swim across the ocean -пере-плыть океан symbol ,/’simb(o)l/символ, знак Tt talent/'1шЬт/талант talented /'ijidonud/ талантливый tall /tori/ высокий tap/ticp/водопроводный кран teach /tirij/ учить team /ii:rn/ команда team sport - командный вид спорта tennis /'teiiiv' теннис table tennis /.tcibl 'lems/ настоль-ный тенис theatre /'Gioto/ театр thirsty /'(b:sii/ хотеть пить thousand fOmz{o)ndf тысяча tiger тигр tired уставший tongue /Uiy язык tonne /1лп/ тонна tortoise А.ояэУ сухопутная черепаха treat /tri:t/ oi носиться triangle /'iraiaiixil/ треугольник Turkey Дз:к|/ Турция turn/l3:n/ 1. очередь; 2. поворачивать(ся) turn around - поворачиваться turtle i'ixWI морская черепаха type/taip/печатать Uu uncle /'лок1/ дядя use /jii:/; использовать Vv vacuum /'vtekjom/ пылесосить vacuum the carpet - пылесосить ковёр vase fva:?J ваза vegetable /vcd3t3bl/ овощ village /'vilid.y деревня violin /.vaio'lio/ скрипка visit fwziii навещать volleyball /'vnlib;^;!/ волейбол vote /vDut/ голосовать Ww wait /well/ ждать walk/wa:k/ 1. прогулка; 2. идти пешком walk across переходить (дорогу) wash AvdJ/ мыть wash the dishes - мыть посуду water /worm/ вода water the plants - поливать рас-тения water-ski Avo:to ski;/ кататься на водных лыжах weak /wi:k/ слабый whale /well/ кит Whaf s ... like? - Какой ... из себя? What does ... look like? - Как ... выглядит? whisper Avisps/ 1. шёпот; 2. шептать wife /waif? жена win /win/ выигрывать Словарь wish /wij/ желать wood block Avutl Ыпк/деревянная коробочка: вуд-блок ('муз. инструмент) woods леса world /w!i:ld/ мир worried AvArid/ обеспокоенный worth /wrj:0/ стоящий writer/Vaito/ писатель Xx xylophone /'zaib.fsim/ ксилофон Yy young 1}.щ‘ молодой ФГОС Syllabus based on ^ Common ^ European '^Framework’^ ISBN 978-5- 9 785090 1 09-018712-1 871 21 9 ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ НЭДАГЕЛЬС1110 Express Publishing