Английский язык 3 класс Учебник Баранова Дули Копылова часть 1

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык 3 класс Учебник Баранова Дули Копылова часть 1 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Starlight (Старлайт) звездный английский:

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ФГОС Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley Ksenia Baranova - Victoria Kopylova Radislav Millrood Student’s Book PROSVESHCHENIYE PUBLISHEDS Express Publishing штыы€ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК О 0 Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка В двух частях Часть 1 Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации Москва Express Publishing «Просвещение» 20П УДК -J73 1б7.Т:8П,111 ЬЬК 8К2Льгл 922 А64 Серт гlьr/7имf;^f^-fй» осыоваьд и 2009 году. (fa учебоик получены ^ios^QЖi^^eлы^ыi^ лакпюченнл Россмйской ака.цемин наук (№ (0(06 52(Ь/429 от О! .К .20(0 г.) и Росо4йско^^ образования (N:- 01 З/Уд-в? 1 от 20. (0.20 (О г). Авторы: К.М. Баранова. ДЛули, 8.В. Копылооа, Р.П. Мильруд, В. Эвак Authors: Virginia hvans. Jenny Dooloy, Ksenia Baranov^ Victoria Kopylova. Kadislav Mil rood V\v would iKC to r-ittrk :i I Me 5"лЧ a: fx::i(?ss •■'oblisl’*iry who lidve con!rir-/i.t<^k I iiaoks ‘or Mpii s^ipftoM ord IMle'Jcs ггй diK< ill pa’tici,lor Ic; MkivI Philips (tdilo'-ir-t'iief), .ulie Kkl- (sericr cdilir); Л1в« 8or:on iriSTiio- p.-ocljclo*i rc'il'olltf) and Inf Express ^uNisbmj d-esiqr knuti; i5ninq. 2C‘ n lllusiifileil cy S mor A'drrws, Aloxancia lewis. .Alan Shopnanl. Slone. To'-'v VVHy)’i iDExpress Pi.blisluntj. 2010 While every effort has been made lo trace all the copyright holders. If any hove been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will be pleased to moke the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Английский язык. 3 класс; у^еб. для общеобр^зоват, учреждении и шк. суглубп. изучением А64 англ, ят В 2 ч. Ч. 1 / [К.М. Баранова. Д. Дули, В.В Копылова и др.]. - М.: Express Publishinc; Просзещрние. 2011. - 128с.: ил. - {Звездный английский).^ ISBN 978-S-09 0196S7-4, УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Учебное издание Серия «Звёздный английский» Баранова Ксенип Ми^хайловьа Дули Дженни Копылова Виктория Викторовна Мильруд Радислав Пегрович Эванс Вирджиния Английский язык 3 класс Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка В двух частях Часть 1 lUf-Лр *pyni'IJ !'|>W0' tK>1X изикг>н Руксполит. h Loirpc- З.Л ><(кчы!>овз .Т.1М. |)у<оводи'Г’Пй 1 по гроаккл'! И ^ .•’с.ч. ю.еа /’у<оеоди*сл1. мро1‘<|.1 гОА Cmh;>w« Выпускаю.!|/и редйкгор iVJ./i. Рс'да^юр CrG. Коррекюо .4 .W <о-,*ерги.‘с? hanniOH.j). льгота - Cbi юрссси/хки/; кП:1С<иои<<пср п?о;гук1;и/ ОК 005 03 • ЦЬ 1мдгис.зно а п«>чсГт 11 01.1*. »i0x9C/8. r>VM.-ii :i мсгооа1-и.'.я 1аинитура Тиоэх 20001) .^<5. 3ax3J Mi' 607 Огкрыгор гзкчионорц.>? аби,!»! iso «йздл"ги .» то «^рссп-^ысиин» 12762 1. Мгдкн-j. Expti'ss Pub ish nq. Lilx>ily House. N-l'w Grsen ixH'n Park. Nw.Ti.iiy. eerksnir-a RCiHl fjHW db.t е-гпз1: lncunip\t:^exoi05spjbl '4hiny cc.tk nrp.v/v.ww.excresspuolisniiKj r.o .ik Ong'iOTiiiiG fi 1Ч11НОМ соотоотпнии t кз^•ccгnr)^• г[к>дус*зелс1М1|1х Hv.oteiibcrnorvi Коаг|кя:> indwoim по.'‘иг1)н;|комб/11а“ЛЯ’(<ой iiM'c-parv;5i.i им 60 яс-т/я С.('( Р» ISBN 978-5-03-019657-4(1) ISBN 978-5-09-023740-б(общ.) JCOO. Wii. ii/u Сср/я И7. N'J Л6824 O' 17 1)4 0*’. Гр«пЫ4ти<а. Поч<1Г|. посетийя. Уч.-yv: .'i I'.'T? 3-Й npoovn M/i:>bHtw poi.iK, 41 •M.. (0044) 1635 817 T6.3 hiK (C044) ln.)5817 Мгиериглоп r ОЛО «1зс*рской о:>,;енд 'рудозею IV004C. ' I nepb. npocn>K ■ .lO nor ОчгяЬрм. 40. к) ¥) £xofOSSHj::ii'>iiry). 2011 Издлтмьсгво *Посн:вг м<пн/б». 201' Rvy поаза 2а.и/1цк.1Ы hd (X 9t he Contents ).CI. 1.9?. S17 Starter Unit .. p. 4 Starlight Club 1 .. p. 34 Module 1 My Family .. p. 40 Module 2 At the Toy Shop .. p. 56 Starlight Club 2 .. p. 72 Modules It’s So Cute! .. p. 78 Module 4 Talent Show .. p. 94 Starlight Club 3 .. p. no Merry Christmas! .. p. 116 Грамматический справочник ... .. p. 118 Словарь .. p. 121 eorn ound-u Lesson 1 Match the names to the children. Draw the first letter of your name. Talk with your friend. Hi, 1 m Jack.'^i What's your I name? J r 1 Hi, Lee. \ i'm Harry, ^ Listen, point and repeat. one two three eight nine four five 9 Ш ten I ☆ Do the sums to find the names. 1 My number is three + three. Гт Jim. 2 I'm.......................... My number is five + five. 3 My name's.................... My number is nine - one. 4 My number is eight-three. I'm......................... 5 My name's.................... My number is one + one. [B ‘ 'S ; I How old I are you? | V______ у J'm eighty SbritT \ «1 Lesson 2 v-.j, -, Useful phrases (GR 118) ^--------------------------------- • • Hi, Гт Lee. I • Nice to meet you. What’s your name? • How do you spell it? | ★ Who are they? Look, choose and complete the speech bubbles. Shrek Winnie the Pooh WqII-E Mickey Mouse Popeye Pluto ^ li i Round-up Lessons D ☆ Take roles and act out. PSergeigegrufepy ☆ Read and choose a or b. 1 Tina: Hello) Bob: a) Bye! b) Hi! 2 Tina: What's your name? Bob; a) I'm Bob. b) This is Bob. 3 Tina: How do you spell it? Bob: a) It is a nice name. b) B-O-B. Bob: Whot's your name? Tina: a) Tina. That's T-l-N-A. b) That's Tina, Tina: Bob. this is my friend Anna. Bob: a) Bye, Anna! b) Hello, Anna! Anna; Nice to meet you, Bob. Bob: a) Nice to meet you, too, b) it's a nice day. Mari<4* lliti Lesson 3 , Useful phrases (GR 118) ♦ ( Who’s that? = Who is that? \ That’s my friend, Jim. ____________/ That’s Jim. = That is Jim. Talk with your friend. l^ho'sthat?J . -X p SbfbT 1 nil Round-up Le$soiris •I Who are they? Ask and answer questions as in the example. Batman Spider-Man Superman ☆ Read and choose a or b. 1 What's your name? a Hello, Harry, b I'm Emma. 2 Who's this? a This is Erlina. b This is a ball. 3 How old are you? a Oh, that's Alvin, b I'm ten. 4 Hi, I'm Steve, a Hello! b This Is Steve. Read and complete the sentences. I m Hi, I'm Bob! 1) What’s your name? ItaiKI Tom: 2)............I'm Tom! Nice to meet you. M ............ Тлт* nino Mk Sfadrr I iiif Lesson 4 Listen and read the dialogue. Read the dialogue again and choose a or b. 1 Lee is ..... a seven Ш b ten 2 Mona is a nine b ten Lesson 5 ^ Listen, point and repeat. 4b red yellow blue green orange purple black white Sing along! Heiio purple, hello blue, Red for me and green for you! Hello orange, yellow too. Red for me and green for you! Goodbye purple, goodbye blue, Red for me and green for you! Goodbye orange, yellow too. Red for me and green for you! Шк Mrtrivl’ UllU Q Read and complete the text. Hi! My name's 1) Mona. I'm 2) П......years aid, This is my dog, Missy. Missy is 3) b.... and white. love my dog! Write about yourself. Draw or stick a picture. I? id you l\UoVV0 Owls are the only birds that can see the colour blue. The colour red doesn't really гтхзке bulls angry. They cannot see any colours! In Russia, red means beautiful. Green is the national colour of Ireland. Purple is the colour for kings and queens. In India, people wear to welcome spring. How fast can you write the colours In alphabetical order? Compete with your friend. Who’s the Winner? Sbrtrr Гп5 Lessor 6 Listen, point to the pictures, and say the words. village farmer dumb mushroom kitchen stove shiny Listen and read the story. This is a small village in Russia. Look! There is a farmer with his three sons, Andrei, Sergei and young Ivanushka. The farmer is an old man and he works very hard. He wants to give his sons a good life and he wants them to be happy. They are not very rich and they haven't got a big farm. Andrei and Sergei are very clever, but ivanushka is not as clever as his brothers. The two older sons work in the field and they like wearing nice clothes. But Ivanushka is not like his two brothers. He likes to go into the forest and collect mushrooms. When he is at home he spends most of his time sitting on the kitchen stove. Sometimes Andrei and Sergei call him 'Silly Boy.' But Ivanushka doesn't mind and he never gets angry, He is a kind young man with a big heart. ’- ,.:='- : у-"'' ir Read the story again and answer the questions. 1 Where do the old man and his sons live? 2 What are the names of the three brothers? 3 What do the two older brothers like doing? 4 What does the younger brother like doing? 5 What do they cal! Ivanushka? 6 What kind of person is Ivanushka? Let’s sing. Ivanushka, he's poor and young. He is just a farmer's son. People say that he is dumb. But he's kind to everyone! A heart that is golden and true! A heart that is shiny and new! Good and kind And loving, too! A heart That is golden and true! \Z'~- Lesson 7 Read the words/sentences first to yourself, then aloud /е/ red, fen, spell, seven, welcome, yellow, Emnna; Welcome, Emma. Can you spell? Spell yellow. Spell rpd. /i:/ he, she, me, see, tree, three, meet, street, green, Sheena; Meet Sheena and me at three under the tree in Green Street. Match the words to Emma /е/ and Lee Л/. Who’s got the most words? Let’s sing. Red and green. Count with me! How many trees Can you see? spell SlrtWor \ lilt ■. ?. ^ у :'•:? •?'-; •> г'Шк X <. ••: >?1аж£5 й^'^Л. ■.. V <Л ^-<^. ь i ■• . ’ ★ Look and complete. 10 0 ten 5 4 1 7 Read and colour. Number one is red. Number two is black. Number three is blue. Number Tour is yeliow. Number five is orange. Number six is purpie. Number seven is green. ;л*!1'л»!КкиК1«п«; 'кя. *1.1 Read and choose a or b. 0 (a)Heiio, I'm Lee. b Hello, i Lee. 1 a What your name? b What's your name? 2 a Who's that? b Who that? 3 a How old you are? b How old are you? 4 a That's Alvin, b That Alvin. 5 a I'm ten. b i ten. CrCtn introduce myseif and greet others count from 1-10 say the colours ifl EnQli^^K Round-up Lessons Lesson 8 (aeroplane} it Listen, point and repeat. f rubber ☆ Look and complete. W Now read the sentences and colour the school items. 1 It's a red pencil. 2 It's an orange and purple aeroplane. 3 It's a red and blue rubber. 4 It's a black book. 5 It's a yellow and green schoolbag. 6 It's a brown pencil case. i!n»l it Listen, point and repeat j^ij(^teacher) it Listen and choose the right picture. 1 /ei s'" ptaY. Sfarlrr I Ilf Unm Lesson 9 -' Л'"' . ; A/An iGR 1 IS) ^ { - a + consonant ( e.g. It's a schoolbag. an + vowel .(a, e. L o, u) e.g. It's an ocange. Put the words on the right tree. pen aeroplane rubber apple pencil orange desk book 's - .r This/That (GR 118) ( • We use this to talk about I something that is near us. I e.g. This is my bike. ^ " I * We use that to talk about something that is far away from us. e.g. That is my schoolbag. ☆ Look, read and complete the sentences. Use this or that. 1 This is my book. 5 ...........is my desk. is my hat. 6 .....is my umbrella. 'Ж^ 3 .......is my aeroplane. is my schoolbag. iT m 4 ........is my school. 8 ......is my pencil case. Complete the questions and answers. Then talk with your friend. 1 What's this? It's a pencil case. 4 What's..........? It's............. 2 What's..........? It's............ 5 What's..........? It's............ 3 What's..........? icr It's............ 6 What's..........? It's............ Mort<’r Lesson 10 Plural number (GR 122) j pencil pencils • Most nouns form the plural by adding -s. I e.g. one book - two books N if Put the words in plural. 1 a dog - dogs 2 a chair-..... 3 a ruler- .... 4 a sharpener - 5 a notebook - 6 a board -... 7 a teacher-.... 8 a classroom - 9 a schoolbag - 10 a pen -...... ☆ Match the numbers to the pictures. Then complete. 1-,"1 Гт^ Round-up Lessons ; Possessive case (GR 118) --------------------------------------------------------------- • • We use *s to show that something belongs to somebody. | ( e.g. Alvin’s hats Lee’s ruler I i Whose are the things? Look and answer. 1 It’s Lee’s schoolbag. 1^Шк ШШ^к 2 3 Talk with your friend. 1 A: Look of Alvin's rulers! 2 A; Look at Lee's schooibogi B: They're so funny.' B: It's so funny/ r г Mom" C 't' ^mct] fErll^l [l^oncff^ ' *jgL^y', Lm Sbrirr I nif птшшшттШ... W%^ ^/ W/y!':i ■•■- ' ' '' ч'Л vV ч- ^ "Фф' ^ Listen and read the dialogue. Read the dialogue again and choose a or b. 1 It's an aeroplane, a Harry b Erlina 2 No, it's an apple. a Harry b Alvin 3 If's a magic pen! a Harry b Lee SUrUr If-' Lesson 12 If ☆ Read the text and answer the question. - What is Julia's favourite colour? f Look at my /avourite things! This is my schoolbag. It’s red. This is my notebook. It’s red, too! This is my red pencil case. U<*d is my favourite colour? lo; Write about your favourite colour. Draw your favourite things. Unscramble the letters to find the verbs. Then use the numbered letters to find the title of the story. ooulrc sti tnads rewit Inites ^ i i ь The title of the story Is I 7676» The following sentence uses every letter of the English alphabet. Read and check it out! The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog! Sbflrr Lesson 13 it Read, look and complete the text. This is my 1) pencil case, my 2) and my 4) and my 6) ☆ Match the words to the pictures. 1 ruler 2 notebook pencil case 4 rubber 5 chair 6 sharpener 7 board 8 pen 9 schoolbag 10 pencil my 3) Look at my 5) . It's time for school! 7У Stnrivr 1 nil Read the poem. Then choose a school item and draw a funny picture. Make up your own poem. (A'j sHcirpener is so sKdrpener is so -funn^, sMrpefier is so li's iike d liitle Ti^ousei Read and draw lines fo the correct schoolbag. Й '7-, 'w- %0 ^ Now write about the extra schoolbag. Л1Г( Lesson -л Listen, point to the pictures, and say the words. i short gjjj^ ж wheat Л' Listen and read the story. gold p^SSS» There is only one field on the farm. It is full of tall, QOlden wheat. The old man is very proud of his wheat. Every morning, he goes to look at his wheat field. He feels very happy when he looks at the yellow wheat, shining like gold in the sun. "My wheat is like gold! It is the best wheat in the land!" he says. "Our wheat makes the best bread in the land!" says Andrei. "Our wheat makes the best pies in the land!" says Sergei. "Can 1 help you in the field?" asks Ivonushka. "I like our wheat, too." "No! Go and collect mushrooms!" says Andrei. "Silly Boy! Go back and sit on the stove!" says Sergei. S(urtrr < nif '//"‘'■'.'У/'у/''' . '■■ Уу'--. Complete the sentences. Use the words below. proud of field shining best land collect 1 You are a very good student, Yelena. We are very proud of you. 2 My munn's pies are the ..................pies in Russia. They're so yummy! 3 The sun is ........................................It's a great day today. 4 !'ve got a lot of pens because I.....................pens. It's my hobby. 5 The farmer is in the ..........................He is looking at his wheat. 6 Vladimir makes the best bread in the ..........He's famous all over Russia! Who says the following sentences? Read the story again and answer. 1 My wheat is like gold! 2 Our wheat makes the best pies in the land! 3 Can I help you in the field? 4 Go and collect mushrooms! ^ Let’s sing. Yellow wheat, so golden The best wheat in the land Yellow wheat, so golden Yellow wheat, so grand! Yellow wheat, so goiden The best wheat in the land Yellow wheat, so golden The best wheat for a man! Lesson 15 it Read the words/sentences first to yourself, then cloud. /u:/ room, school cool blue, rule; Is your room blue? Cool! /ае/ an, and, apple, that, black, hat, stand, glad, bag, lamp; Put on that Pul on that black hat Put on that black hat and stand Put on that black hat and stand next to Put on that black hat and stand next to the lamp. /л/ fun, sun, run, funny, rubber, under, umbrella; Gus has a special umbrella. It can run. "It is fun to run In the sun under an umbrella." says Gus. ☆ Choose and complete the lists. Read aloud the words. There are some extra words. bag, black, blue, book, class, hat, rubber, room, run, school sun. umbrella /ае/ /и/ /л/ Let’s sing! I'm glad. I'm glad! I'm here at school. It's OK, it's fun, it's cool! Black bag, blue cap. That's the rule. It's OK, it's fun, it's cool! к Read and complete. Use this or that is Mark's hat That is John's chair. ^ How many? Count and answer. two chairs ☆ Read and choose a or b. 0 A: How oid are you? B:@) I'm eight, b) i'rri Lee. 1 A: What's that? B; a) Yes, it is. b) it's a pencil case. 2 A: Is that Mona's pen? B: a) No, it's Emma. b) No, it's Emma's pen. 3 A: What's your name? B; a) I'm Harry. b) Nice to meet you. say the names of school objects say who some things belong to say and write what colour my favourite school objects are follow my teacher's commands in Engli^K ’AHl.tHHvKf.rti*»’*»: »i;ii M.I ShtrN'f * Hello! My name is Lucas. I am 8 years old. I live in Germany. My /tag is blade, red and yellow. 1 Look, read and match. VvAJVIE 1 Lucas 2 Jennifer 3 Jane 9 7 8 black, red and yellow red and white red, white and blue 34 . 1 SI ,’i-'’1^ гЛ t,/'' f* ■’ . *. Ш -A' .1 - Чб:.' Л'.'4- ' . ...,.-v|.’ V* '-. f :, lV,»rV, tv ■ I'г'/.» ■'■ii' ^ • V, Ч - * 1 '•'■'is. 2 Look, read and complete the texts. Hello! My name is Marina. I'm ten years old. 1 live in Veliky Novgorod, Russia. This is my favourite 5).........His name is Mischa. He's very cute! Talk with your friend. Then write about yourself. 35 1 Look at the apple tree. Find, point and name the parts of the tree. branches apples leaves 36 к V '■■'.. ’■,: ■ ,■' ’'' . ’■ /. ’■ ■ ■■‘■у- ■ - '■■' ■■■ f - '•- ••'’■• '■ у. 'у " '•■ А- • '■' ' '• / ■• •/' '‘у- '■< '/ i ■. ■”■■.. ,, ч! , •'* /~ч ZN .-У"-■:■■:' ■•• ч-А.'..//>>Л ^.ШкЗЯВ^^^ 2 ТГ0е Facts! Read and choose о or b. 1 There are more than.........different kinds of trees in the world. a 23,000 b 230,000 2 Trees grow from the bottom, a True b False 3 We call the top part of a tree a....... a head b crown 4 The shortest tree is the Dwarf......It's about 6 cm tali! a Willow b Pine 5 We can make more than...........things from a tree. a 500 b 5,000 6 The biggest forest in the world is in..... a the USA b Russia 7 You can make..........pencils with one tree! a 170 b 170,000 8 How old is the oldest tree in the world? a 4,844 years old b 484 years old 3 Make a leaf print! • Collect some leaves. • Brush paint over each leaf. • Press the leaf onto a white sheet of paper. ICT: Collect information about trees. Make your own quiz. & V 37 t ш Things to see: Red Square, the Bolshoi Theatre Food and drink: Kasha, borsch, kvas, pancakes Famous actors/actresses: Sergey Bezrukov, Chulpan Khamatova Famous athletes; Evgeniy Plushenko, Yelena Isinbaeva 'uHB Things to see: Big Ben Food and drink: fish and chips, tea Famous actors/actresses Sean Connery, Catherine Zeta-Jones Famous ath teles: Steven Gerrard, Phillips Idowu Things to see: Sydney Opera House, ’ Ayers Rock Food and drink: seafood, iced coffee Famous actors/actresses: Mel Gibson,j Nicole Kidman Famous athletes: Steve Hooker, Catherine Freeman V Things to see: Disneyland, Statue of Liberty Food and drink: steak, Coca-Cola Famous actors/actresses: Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz Famous athletes: Michael Phelps, Sanya Richards 1 Work in pairs. Each pair chooses a country. Student A is a visitor to this country and wants to know some information. Student В lives in this country and answers Student A’s questions. Questions Answers What can I see in.................? You can see ... What can I eat/drink in ..........? You can ... Do you know any famous ...........? Yes, some famous ... are ... 2 ICT - Work in groups. Write some information about your country and the countries around it. Use the texts in Ex. 1 to help you. 38 h' I I U; 1 Listen and read the story. в I fry nd Vow roles «iiJ reatL 39 fbl 1 Famil Q Listen, point and repeat. mum brother ☆ Ask and answer questions about Mona’s family. Martin Frank Listen and join the dots. "i-------------- Ib'-------------- .17 14 l'?. .18 She's my ji3, mum, Erika, j .15 ■It's a % Moihilc ‘ Listen, point and repeat. grandma grandpa friend happy sad flower Q Listen and choose a or b 1 a Yes, it is. b No, it isn't. 2 a Yes, they are. b No, they aren't 3 a Yes, they are. b No, they aren't 4 a Yes, it is. b No, it isn't. Vlothil' I The verb ‘to be’ (GR 118) 'm Miss Dee. f Are you a ] teacher? ' ' Yes, I am. -V.________ Affirmative Negative Interrogative Long form Short form Long form Short form 1 am I'm 1 am not I'm not Am 1? You are You're You are not You aren't Are you? He is He's He is not He isn't Is he? She is She's She is not She isn'-t Is she? It is It's It is not It isn't Is it? Short answers Are you a teacher? Yes, I am./No, I’m not. Is he/she/it five? Yes, he/she/it is./No, he/she/it isn’t. У w Complete the sentences. It is a kangaroo. 4 1 am twelve. it’s a kangaroo. twelve. She is my friend. Sue. 5 He is my grandpa. my friend. Sue. my grandpa. You are my friend. 6 It is a funny dog. my friend. dog. ☆ Read and fill in: am, is or ore. This is my dog, Toto. 5 What your name? Hi! 1 Sally. 6 you a teacher? You .. not funny. 7 It not a vase. My brother famous. 8 she your sister? Vimlolr » ☆ Read and answer the questions. 1 What's your name? rmWen. 2 Are you a teacher? No...........I'm a singer. 3 How old .....................? I'm nineteen. J 4 Is Lee your brother? Yes.......................... 5 is Kim your sister? No...................my mum. ☆ Ask and answer the questions. \y 1 Is it a pencil? Yes, it is. 2 is it a kangaroo? No, it Isn’t. It’s a fox. 3 is he an eif? 4 Is it a sharpener? 5 Is it a dog? 6 is she a singer? The verb ‘to be’ (GR 118) ( I Yes, we are^ | 1 Affirmative Negative Long form Short form Long form Short form We are You are They are We're You're They're We are not We aren't You are not You aren't They are not They aren't Interrogative Are we? Are you? Are they? 11 Short answers Are you brothers? Yes, we are./No, we aren’t. Are they blue? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. . ^ Read and match the sentences to the pictures. A We are friends. ^ В Are you sisters? C They're for you. Read and complete the text. 11) am Kim and this 2)...........Pat. She 3)........... my sister. My mum and dad 4)................teachers. Their names 5)............ Peter and Alison. They 6)..........great! We 7).............a happy family. 18).........very lucky! ☆ You are Kim. Read again and answer the questions. 1 What's your name?.............. 2 Is Pat your mum? .............. 3 Are your mum and dad teachers? ☆ Look, read and answer the questions. 1 A: They're yellow and blue. Are they flowers? B: No, they aren’t. They’re kites. 2 A: They're red and blue. Are they aeroplanes? B: Yes, they are. 3 A: They're black and white. Are they cats? B: ....................................... 4 A: They're green and yellow. Are they hats? B: 5 A; They're red. Are they rubbers? B: .............................. I • 1 2 3 Read the dialogue again and match the questions to the answers. How old is he? Whafsthat? Who's this pretty girl? a This is глу friend, Mona, b He's nineteen, c It's a vose. " Hello, Lee. '' What's that?,CP (Oh. It's a vase? Do you like the story? Choose. : • « Ч . « t и / ! Listen, point and repeat. milkman policeman te s fireman Л walk postman [what am l?'l ---- run ride Yes, I am. ☆ Sing and do. I’m a poilceroon In the town. p All day long, ^ ~ I walk around! Its my job, Its what I do. Its my job, } l(ko if, foof ftreimon - run around postman - ride around mlikiman - drive around ЕЭ; fT% 11 —lEa- 1 ! I л JO an? ^ Read the text and answer the questions. 1 Who’s Tom? 2 Who’s Jack? aw he's QDo/^ I wme ,s «V ' sister Claire She This Is Ппу io: Write about your family. Draw or stick pictures. 'll Ш Read the words from top to bottom and complete them. What’s the secret word? w a о f 12lci yt2U. ■oV'v'c П t m a n m a I d n Jim and Michelle Duggar are from the USA. They have got 18 children. All their children s names stort with J- Joshua, Jana, John-Dcvid, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joseph, Josiah, Joy-Anna, Jedidiah, Jeremiah, Joson, James, Justin, Jackson, Johannah, Jennifer and Jordyn. 'vл‘^ ■ Ш Read and complete the sentences, mum dad grandpa brother family grandma sister Angela Nancy Jack Me! Peter This is my 1) family. Bill is my 2)......... Angela is my 3)....... Nancy is my 4)........ Jack is my 6)......... Peter is my 6)....... Mary is my 7)........ We're a happy family! Complete the numbers. Then match. 1 e 2 si __t_n 3 t„e_ty 4 s_V__nt____n 5 tw_l___ Шк 6 th__tee _ 7 e_g_te_n 8 f__rt _ en 9 f_f_een 10 n__n_t___n ☆ Look and complete the crossword puzzle. 5|M rrn M 2 § I ; P О A! 7J1 бП П Look at the picture and answer the questions. Is Alvin in the park? How old Is she? 3 Чу Count the oranges. Write the number. 5 Count the flowers. Write the number. 6 Is he happy? Ш Moitllir 1 $ivlka4Bsiir|i^ Listen, point to the pictures, and say the words. footprints Listen and read the story. One day, the farmer goes to his field as usual. But when he gets there, he is shocked by what he sees. There are big, heavy footprints ali over the fieid and his beautifui wheat is flat. "My beautiful, golden wheat!" he shouts. "My sons, come quickly!" The three sons run to their father and look at the field. They don't know what to do. "Look at the wheat!" cries Andrei. "Look at these big, heavy footprints!" cries Sergei. "What kind of animal can do this?" asks the old man. "A horse, perhaps," says Ivanushka. "A horse! Don't be silly, Ivanushka!" says Andrei. "Go and collect mushrooms!" "Silly Boy! Go back and sit on the stove!" says Sergei. ’Г- Read the story again and put the events In the correct order. |q| I They are all very upset. The farmer goes to his field as usual. The farmer and his sons don't know what to do.. The farmer calls his sons. There are big, heavy footprints all over the field. Ivanushka thinks a horse can make such footprints. n he >\g, lot. me fid. ivy >e, 3!" ck There's something in the wheat field. It's stamping on the wheat. There's something in the wheat field With four big heavy feetl Four big heavy feet - boom, boomi Four big heavy feetl There's something in the wheat field With four big heavy feet! Read the words/sentences first to yourself, then aloud. /d/ dog, box, job, long, orange; Put that dog Put that dog in the box Put that dog in the orange box Put that dog in the orange box, Moily. /аэ/ sad, dad, rap, band, land, and, man, have, happy. Jack; Jack and Jill are sad. They haven't got any water. "Let's get some water, Jill/' says Jack. So Jack and Jill go up a hill. They have got some water now. Jack and Jill are very happy. /Э/ ruler, rubber, brother, sister, singer, teacher, sharpener, blazer, cleaner; "Where's your ruler?" the teacher asks Peter. "Where's your rubber? Where's your sharpener?" "They're in my blazer," says Peter. "Where's your blazer?" "At home. Miss," says Peter. Listen and choose the right picture. 3 Q Sing. My dog's got a job. He's a singer in a band! His raps are the happiest Songs in all the land! MoiUrlr t it Look, read and complete. 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 This is Lee's grandma. 1 This is Lee's................ 2 This is Lee's................ 3 This is Lee's ............... 4 This is Lee's................ 5 This is Lee's................ Look, read and choose a or b. 18 15 0 @ eighteen 1 a) five b) eight b) fifteen 11 20 2 a) eleven 3 a) t\A/elve b) nineteen b) twenty Read and match. 13 17 4 a) sixteen b) thirteen 5 a) seven b) seventeen 0 c Read and fill in; Who’s, happy, name, is she. 0 A: What's your name? B: I'm John. 1 A: ......................that? B; That's my dad. 2 A: Are they .................? B: Yes, they are. 3 A: How old ..................? B: She's seventeen. can talk and write about my family count from 1 to 20 talk about jobs — ifl ЕлдЬдк i о. V*: irsr At the Toy Sho if Listen, point and repeat. .rtoy shopf ☆ Ask and answer questions. ^hat are these?J They're teddy bears! J I They're really nice! .Mmhiic 2 -X s: i Listen, point and repeat. Who’s the winner, A or B? Read and say. Thirty! Thirty-two! Twenty-five! Forty-six! Forty-eight! Twenty-four! Fifty! Forty! Thirty-nine! Talk with your friend. A: Happy Birthday, Sam. Here's your present, B: И/ow/ A car! Thank you. A: You're welcome! в 1 N G ; о В В 1 N G 0 30 28 24 30 50 25 46 48 22 46 48 32 32 25 50 1 40 24 39 <4 fc *^sS •»^XA * ^ • /Л ' ;■ - These/Those (GR 119) ★ Remember: this (singular) - these (plural) These presents are for Tom. that (singular) - those (plural) | Those roller-skates are cool! #2 We use these to talk about things that are near us. e.g. These are my teddy bears. We use those to talk about things that ore far away from us. e.g. Those cameras are nice! if Match the sentences to the pictures. 1 This is a car. 2 That is a train. 3 These are presents. 4 These are cameras. 5 These are planes. 6 Those are bikes. Write the sentences. 1 This is my teddy bear. These are my teddy bears. 2 ......................... These are my cameras. 3 That is my ball. [e S'pia'if These cameras are red. Those cameras are orange. Those are my pens. 5 This is my ruler. 6 ..................... These are my books. _^ t • Complete the sentences. Use This, These, That or Those. 1 These are roller-skates. 3 .........are bikes. 5 .....Is a teddy bear. 6 is a train. MiVilnli’ Plural numbers (GR 119) • Most nouns form the plural by adding -s. e.g. one cat - two cats /s/ Л Nouns that end in -x, -s. -ss or -ch. take -es in the plural, e.g. one fox ' - two foxes /iz/ e.g. one bus e.g. one dress e.g. one watch - two buses /iz/ - two dresses hzl - two watches /iz/ Nouns that end in -y, drop the у and take -ies in the plural. e.g. one fairy e.g. one lorry - two fairies /iz/ - two lorries /IZ/ A I -mam • . Put the words in plural. 1 boy - boys 5 apple 2 glass - 6 bus 3 fox - 7 vase 4 box - 8 baby N ☆ 1 rings Listen and choose a or b. 5) © IC .. I I A: Red lorries. B: 10 b. Ш Vhuliilc *2 г ^ Listen and read the dialogue. L \ Emma, what^ Read the dialogue again and correct the mistakes. 1 Oh, this is a bjg bus! 2 Two yellow lorries! 3 A small car! if ^ Listen, point and repeat. ☆ ^ Listen and complete. Then sing along! It's my birthday today. It's my birthday today! These are my presents. It's my birthday today! Here's a kite and a plane. And a super toy 1)........... These are rmy presents, It's my birthday today! Here's a ball and a 2) And a new toy guitar! These are my presents. It's my birthday today! Who are the cards from? Unscramble the letters to find the names. Coo' \/sJ\bV> \^o^2 ve . r- ^0 Har © Have a ^^PPy BirtHda,, Love ay! ofKcX t) ^''■^dayi Love 9reat ' M N W It’s a 2 Write down your favourite toy in code. 76 к c; U a kJ Л’"«вг c 1 1 Listen and read the story. How old ore I you today? ♦ Mow toko rolfS «lul rOiUl. w Listen, point and repeat. г о nose j ear eyes fair hair mouth face dark hair Talk with your friend. A: l/Vhaf does fmmo look like? B; She's got fair hair and blue eyes Listen and choose a, b or c. Which one Is Sammy? s f ^ fW Miiiiiilr ^ Listen, point and repeat. Body Wl-y i ^----- Choose and complete the text. legs nose 1>эсЙ feet ears eyes My monster has got a big I) head and a long 2).., It's got three 3) 4)... and big 5) 6)... It is very funny. к Match the texts to the pictures. 1 It has got small eyes and a big nose. It has got big ears and a long toil. It's white. What is it? 2 It has got a big head and a big mouth. It's got a short tail. It's brown and white. What is it? 3 It has got a long tail and small ears. It has got a pink nose. It's wet. What is it? The verb ‘have got' (GR 119) Affirmative Long form Short form 1 have got Tve got You have got You’ve got He has got He’s got She has got She’s got It has got It’s got We have got We’ve got You have got You’ve got They have got They’ve got *s 've got fair hair. I • i She's got dark hair.'.:::^ У. /!', j \____ He's got i ^ fair hair, j ★ Funny FnCie^ complete the sentences. Then match them to the pictures. 1 She’s got big eyes. A 2 They............got fair hair... 3 They............got big ears.... 4 It .........got a big mouth. 5 He .........got a long nose. 6 They...........got short hair. 1К$ So Cute! Fill in: have got or has got. 1 Tammy has got fair hair. 2 David ...................a funny mask. 3 Joey and Tom................... a dog. 4 Eddy ....................a radio. 5 We ................a big house. Make sentences. 1 she/red hair She has got red hair. 2 he/a house/in London 3 l/a baby brother 4 her house/a little garden 6 My kitten ................a small nose. 7 I ...................a red bike. 8 My teacher ..........a new cor. 9 You...................brown eyes. 10 Tracey and Kelly............... long hair. 5 he/a fast car 6 Mark/a big nose 7 Kelly and Frank/a cute cat 8 We/a small house/in the country Read and choose a or b. 1 @) My dog has got a long black tail. b> My dog have got a long black tail. 2 a) My brother and sister have got red hair. b) My brother and sister has got red hair. 3 a) Look! We's got a TV in our room, b) Look! We've got a TV in our room. 4 a) Andrew has got three balloons, b) Andrew have got three balloons. 5 a) I've got four pencils in my pencil case. b) I's got tour pencils in my pencil case. 6 a) You's got blue eyes, b) You've got blue eyes, я IIIK ^ KJI Ч.1 М|к1м!<* The verb ‘have got’ (GR 119) f Negative Long form I have not got You have not got He has not got She has not got It has not got We have not got You have not got They have not got Short answers e.g. Short form , 1 haven’t got You haven’t got I He hasn’t got ’ She hasn't got It hasn’t got We haven’t got I You haven’t got I They haven’t got Interrogative Have ! got? Have you got? Has he got? Has she got? Has it got? Have we got? Have you got? Have they got? Have l/you/we/they got a car? Yes, l/you/we/they have. No, l/you/we/they haven’t. Has he/she/it got long legs? Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/she/it hasn’t. Ask and answer, as In the examples. 1 A: Has she got dark hair? B: No, she hasn’t. She’s got red hair. 2 A: Has he got a dog? B: Yes, he has. a bike? B: Read and match. Then listen and check. II? fe? woman child tooth women 1^ Spot the differences. H i foot children 1 (man) In picture a. there’s one man. In picture b, there are two men. 2 (woman) .......................................................... ir? 3 (child) ^ Listen and read the dialogue. Read the dialogue again and choose a or b. 1 I've gof wet hair. a Lee b Emma 2 Ve got wet legs and feet. Q Emma & Mona b Lee Harry ^ Listen and read. P* I've got bair on my ears. I’ve got hair on my head. I've got hair on my tail. I've got hair on my legs! rVe got hair everywhere, From my head to my feet! Tve got hair everywhere, Tm a kitten and Tm sweet! I've got hair on my tummy. rVe got hair on my feet. And when I lick my body, IVc got hair on my teeth! Lets make a mask. Now sing and do! Jif I*'' Read the text and choose the right words. I My hero is Shrek. He is very funny. He's got a 1) big/small head and 2) brown/blue eyes. Look at his ears! They're very long! Shrek has got 3) big/small hands and feet, too. He s fantastic! : Draw your favourite character. Write about him/her. Read the proverb. What does it mean? Have you got the same proverb in your language? Did LvLXCVvd Dolphins sleep with one eye open. Mosquitoes have got teeth! One hand washes the other. ;, .'Z,'-; ^',- '..Л ^ ;•■/';Z';^.>'f X” ^'-'/ ' / ■' .'/:■ '.? '';У-аЛ"У' ^ ,,.■ ’•r?f/ri' А* -•Л < IT Look and complete the words. 1 ^ у _e 2 _a 4 m Read and choose the right words. Tina has got a little 1) kitfen/puppy. It has got small 2) ears/ear and a small 3) brown/pink nose. It has got two big blue 4 eye/eyes. Its name is Belle. Unscramble the letters. Find the words. 1 Sue is very beautiful. She's got big blue syee. eyes 2 Look at that man, He's got a big osne. .......... 3 The baby has got pretty small raes. .......... 4 Giraffes have got long egsl. .......... 5 It's got a long Hot. .......... 6 Bob has got short red iarh. .......... Mmliilv :l L iK Look, read and answer the questions. Maxim I 1 Who's got a big head? Sasha I j 2 Who's got long arms? ■ 3 Who's got long legs? 4 Who's got long tails? Borris & Masha Ivan & Alek Alena & Natasha Read and colour the picture This is Bozo the clown. He's got pink hair, blue eyes and a red mouth. Look at his nose. It's orange! Bozo has got a green hat, too. He's very funny! Listen, point to the pictures, and say the words. yawn Listen and read the story. That night, the three brothers go to the field. They take some bread and cheese with them. They eat and then sit down in the fieid to wait. The night is very stili and quiet. The moon is shining on the wheat, and it makes it iook like silver. Andrei and Sergei start to teel very sleepy. "There's nothing to see," says Andrei. "This is really boring!" "I'm tired," says Sergei and yawns. Before long, Andrei and Sergei fall asleep, but not Ivanushka. He sits back and looks up at the stars. "What a wonderful night!", he says. "The stars look magical tonight." Suddenly there is a loud noise like thunder. The field begins to shake. "What is that?" cries Ivanushka and jumps up. He looks at his brothers, but they are still sleeping. Read the summary and correct the mistakes. That 1) morning, the three brothers go to the 2) mountain. They take some bread and 3) honey. They eat and then sit down in the field to wait. The night is very still and 4) noisy. The moon is shining on the wheat, making it look like 5) gold. Andrei and Sergei start to feel very 6) happy.' 1 Read the story again and choose a or b. They take some bread... a the three brothers b Sergei and Andrei ... making jt look like silver. a the moon b the wheat Let’s sing! 3 _/'m fired. a Sergei b Andrei 4 He sits back. a Ivonushka b Sergei There's magic in the air. Feel it in the night. Feel it in the stars above. And in the moonlight! Can you feel the magic? There's magic in the air. Can you feel the magic? There's magic everywhere! There's magic in the air Feel it in the night. Feel W in the stars above. Tonight will be the night! Vi :: hies t-.- i, г-^-^д^ Т>^-л.::55.- \^-^'--А-^---,,Щ~.у<,. A.* ^■'' V i ^ ^'•.i •'•'г \-'- C's Read the words/sentences first to yourself, then aloud. /о/ look, book, good, foot; Look! Look! My book Look! My good book is Look! My good book is under your toot! /00/ no, go. nose, note, home, those, old, know; "Take this note to Mr Jones, Tony," says Mrs Bones. "Who's Mr Jones?" asks Tony. "I don't know him." "His home is up the hi!l," says Mrs Bones. "Oh yes, 1 know," says Tony. "He's the old man with the big nose!" Лэ/ ear, dear, hear, near, real, Neal; Dear Neal, come near. I can't hear you well. My ear hurts. /еэ/ hair, chair, fair, bear, where, careful; Ben is a beautiful bear. He's got fair hair. Where is Ben now? There he is, on that chair. Be careful dear Ben! Find the odd one out. 1 good - book - toot - come I 2 shop - home ~ nose - those 3 ear - jeans - near - real 4 choir-where-cake-careful / Sing. My poor old bear Has got no nose And only one good ear! And now his hair Is no longer fair. But to me, my Teddy's dear! Mndlllr .'{ Look, read and choose the right words. 2 jr • itail)/hair. on their feet/arms. ears/eyes. nose/mouth. hands/heads. > Look, read and complete. A: What is your 0) like? B: He's got a big 1) ..............He's got dark 3) f and smali brown 2) ........too! He's realiy cute! ☆ Read and choose. 0 (fi^/Have she got green eyes? 1 They hasn’t/haven’t got fair hair. 2 Sam and i have/has got big feet. 3 Have/Has he got a brother? 4 Her cat has/have got a short tail, 5 i hasn’t/haven't got blue eyes. 6 Has/Have you got red hair? 7 We haven*t/hasn’t got a big nose. 8 I have/has got dark hair. - Put the words in plural. 0 child - children 1 tooth - ............ 2 man - ................ 3 foot - ............... 4 woman - ............. say the names of the parts of my body describe a person/an animai say and write what my hero is iike Listen, point and repeat. -.г,,::.. , dance jump play the piano swim ride a horse draw fly f f' Read the poem and unscramble the words. r I can 1) cdiiae............ f, And I can ^ 2) wadr........... ;■)% Yes, of course! Yes, of course! 1 can 3) WSllli And I can 4) ...... Oh me, oh my! te^s piaY can dance.l ___________^ fW cMilihli*' I Listen, point and repeat. DSllM? •'Ч ^ ФШЕ8 Клдазй GDSJ?) Match the sentences to the pictures. , У7 Ж' : псе. 1 They сап hop. 2 They сап Jump. 3 They can run. 4 They can fly. 5 They can swim. 6 They can climb. ©Л Look at the animals in Ex. 4 for one minute before you close your books. What can the animals do? Teacher: Mice Student: They con run! ^ Let's sing! H We're Zappy and Zip. We can do magic tricks! What can we do? What can we do? We're Zappy and Zip. We can do magic tricks! We can fly, we can fly! Zipperoo! 'VW The verb ‘can’ (GR 120) it! can fly. Can you fly?y^ Negative , Affirmative Long form Short form Interrogative 1 can 1 cannot I can’t Can 1? You can You cannot You can’t Can you? He can He cannot He can’t Can he? She can She cannot She can’t Can she? It can It cannot It can’t Can it? N No, I can't. Short answers e.g. Can I swim? Yes, you can./No, you can’t. Can you swim? Yes, I can./No, 1 can’t. Can he/she/it swim? Yes, he/she/it can. No, he/she/it can’t. Complete the sentences. Use: can or can’t. P- She can’t play' the piano. It.... sing. Шк i i i 1 Ti ■An:. Mdilnir t Talent Show T ☆ Find someone in the class who can ... Julie, can you play the piano? 1 play the piano. 2 dance. 3 ride a horse. 4 swim. 5 draw. 6 ride a bike. Now tell the class what your classmates can do. Ju//e can play the piano ... What about you? Think of three things you can do. can I can I can What can Tina do? What can’t she do? Look, read and complete the text. 0^ Tina 1) 'C^ \ f can draw and 2) . She 3) ,, but she 4) She can 5) the piano. but she can't 6) Ш ^ й The verb ‘can’ (GR 120) Гсап you fly?'! ■ ■ Affirmative Negative Interrogative Long form Short form We can We cannot We can’t Can we? You can You cannot You can’t Can you? They can They cannot They can’t Can they? Short answers e.g. Can we swim? Yes, you can./No, you can’t. Can you swim? Yes, we can./No, we can’t. Can they swim? Yes, they can./No, they can't. . Moiliilr 1 i Talent Shaw Listen, point and repeat. seat belt helmet fast ' slow do karate: 'Й'» Sing and do. Beep! Beep! Beep! I can drive my car Seat belt on, watch me go! Beep! Beep! Beep! I can drive my car Sometimes fast and sometimes slow! Yeeow! Yeeow! Yeeowl I can fly my plane Seat belt on, watch me go! Yeeowl Yeeow! Yeeow! I can fly my plane Sometimes fast and sometimes slow! I^ing! Ring! Ring! I can ride my bike Helmet on, watch me go! Ring! Ring! Ring! I can ride my bike Sometimes fast and sometimes slow! Шк ^ Read the text and say yes or no. prate I 1 Scott is nine years old. My name’s Scott and Гт eight years old. I can do a lot of things. I can swim and I can do karate, too. Look at me in my car! I can drive really well. Watch me go! 2 He can do karate. Kfjfofio; Now write about yourself. Draw or stick pictures. u Dl'i LviiC'Vv't и ICT: Find some amazing facts about other animals. Present them to the class. You can use the key phrase: amazing animal facts. What can Sam do? Look and make sentences. ☆ Read and complete the text. have got two long 1) .........and a small 3) I like carrots. What am I? I am a 4) _ ears. I have got four 2) . I am fast and I can hop. Think of another animal. Write a riddle for your friend. MlMlriif 1 Read and complete the text. [af^lya Smirnova is from Russia. She is oi^ly 1) seven Aiotbitr 1 Listen, point to the pictures, and say the words. reins wake up follow Listen and read the story. ivanushka feels very frightened. He opens his mouth, ready to shout to his brothers. Then he sees a big beautiful brown horse running into the field. Ivanushka looks at the horse with his mouth still open. The horse has got a golden saddle and silver reins. It looks like a magic horse! It starts to eat the wheat, and Ivanushka walks quietly up to it and grabs the reins. "Aha! I've got you!" he cries. "Oh, please let me go," says the horse, "i can be your friend. If you ever need my help, just call me three times. Say Sivka-Burka, come!" Ivanushka feels sorry for the horse and lets him go, but he does not tell his brothers about the horse. When they wake up, Ivanushka is looking up at the morning sun. "Let's go home now," says Andrei. "What a boring night!" says Sergei. Ivanushka follows his brothers home, smiling to himself. iioiliiic ‘ ■С' ★ Read the story again and complete the sentences. 1 Ivanushka feels very..................................................... 2 He sees a ..........................................running into the field. 3 The horse has got a..................................................... 4 It starts to ........................................................... 5 Ivanushka walks quietly up to It and ................................... 6 He feels........................and lets the horse...................... 7 The next morning they wake up and go ................................... Now use the sentences to give a summary of the story. a t ;e ;e ic 1y d. 13- m iU i /S f. Let’s sing! Magic horse, please come out tonight, i Come out tonight, come out tonight. Magic horse, please come out tonight. Dance by the light of the moon. Golden saddle, silver reins, Magic horse, magic horse. Golden saddle, sliver reins, Shine in the light of the moon. _SBSk / j:' у ' у, V, '/.'. /У' 'Ч- /. W0 V', 'У/ • i -г ■: /I/ /ei/ Read the words/sentences first to yourself, then aloud tin, bin, big, sing, trick, swim; The Tin Man is sad. He can't swim. "What's the matter?" asks Jill. "I can't swim," says the Tin Man. "I've got an idea!" says Jill. "Come with me!" So th'e Tin Man follows Jill. "Look! A big bin!" says Jill. "You' can learn to swim in this big bin!" sail, tail, fail, wait, whale, face; This is Jane. Jane likes to sail. Look! Whose tail is this? Ah yes, it's Miss Whale's. "Hello, Jane," says Miss Whale. "Let's set sail!" /ai/ eye, fly, sky, ride, like, kite, white, climb, knight; Mike is a white kite. He's alone in the sky. One day Mike sees a bike. "Hello," says Mike. "Hi," says the bike. "Can you ride a bike?" "No," says Mike. "Can you fly?" "No," says the bike. "But I can climb!" So the bike climbs up the hill. Now Mike isn't alone. He's got a friend. Complete the words. 1 tr. 2 wh......le sing. The big whale swims at night Its tail is like a snail! It likes to sing when the tide is high And the moon is white and pale! Mtxiriii Look, read and put a tick (/) or a cross 00. 0 dance swim I I 'Ч singQ hop □ Look and match. read I I Read and choose a or b. 0 A: Who can help me? B: a) I am! can! 0 The frog jump. 1 Frank \ / . can / swim. 2 Lisa ride a bike. 3 Rita can't ride a horse. 4 Sue play the piano. 1 A: Please put your glasses in the hat. B: a) Here you are! b) A white rabbit! 2 A; This is for you! B: a) Yes, please. b) Oh, thank you! 3 A: Can you see the glasses now? B: a) No, we can't! b) No, you can't! 4 A: Are they your friends? B: a) Yes, we are. b) Yes, they are. Цэ1/1 torn • say and write what I can do • ask you what you can do 'Л Engli^K Module \ I .‘■г \ \:■■ у Ronaldinho This is Ronaldinho. He's from Brazil. Ronaldinho's got long dark hair and brown eyes. He can play football really well! He's great! 1 Read the texts and answer the questions. 1 Who's from Brazil? 2 Who's got red hair? Rachel Atherton This is Rachel Atherton. She's from the UK. Rachel's got red hair and brown eyes. She can ride a bike really weli. 3 Who can play football? 4 Who can ride a bike? 110 2 Read and complete the sentences. This is Alexandra Kosteniuk. Alexandra can play chess really well. If you like chess, you can buy her book How / became Grandmaster at Age 14. You can also buy Alexandra's chess boards and DVDs. Alexandra is an International Grandmaster and Women's World Chess Champion of 2008. Many young people in Russia look up to Alexandra. She says that chess is cool! Do you agree? ^ Yaroslav Rybakov is from Russia. He is a high jumper. His best high jump is 2.38 metres. He's got a silver medal from the 2005 World Championships and a gold medal from the 2009 World Championships in Berlin. Yaroslav is very popular with young people in Russia. A lot of young athletes want to be like him when they grow up. 1 Alexandra Kosteniuk can play.......................................really well. 2 She is an International Grandmaster and Women's World Chess Champion of 3 She says that chess is really................................................. 4 Yaroslav Rybakov's best jump is............................................... 5 He's got a gold......................................................in Berlin. 6 A lot of young athletes want...................................they grow up. 3 10! ICT - Talk with your friend about your favourite sports person. Then write about him/her. Ill 1 Read the poem. What can rabbits do in Bunnyland? Can rabbits sing? Yes^ they can! Yes, they can! And they can play the piano In funny Bunnyland! Can rabbits dance? Yes, they can! Yes, they can! And they can do karate In funny Bunnyland! 2 You are In Bunnyland. Write a letter; to your pen-friend. Dear Hi! Guess what! I'm in Bunnyland! It's lots of fun here. The rabbits in Bunnyland are so clever! They can .................................. Wish you were here! Love, К 1 ^ Listen and read the story. j Where's the '[ gold, Pog? Ltsten and sing. Oh, Christmas tree, / / Oh, Christmas tree, / / Your ieaves are never changing! Oh, Christmas tree, j Oh, Christmas tree, Your leaves are never changing! h. tty; They are ali green when summer’s hei They are all green when winter’s near. Oh, Christmas tree. Oh, Christmas tree. Your leaves are never changing! Vi- V Dear 1) Santa, My name's Paul. I’m 2) years old. My Ш- is at 45 Pine Road. Can 1 have a new 4) for / \ Christmas, please? My stocking is in the 5)^ Merry Christmas! Love, Paul rf V. Грамматический справочник Starter Unit • Полезные вопросы Когда мы хотим представиться собеседнику, мы говорим: Hi, /’m ... . или Hello, ту name’s.... Hi, /'m Lee. Когда мы хотим узнать, как зовут собеседника, мы спрашиваем: What’s your name?iКак тебя/вас зовут?) WhaVs your name? My name 'sJane. Когда мы хотим уточнить, как пишется имя собеседника, мы спрашизаем: How do you spell it? (Как пишется твоё/ваше имя?) What's your name? George. How do you spell it? G-E-O-n-G-E Когда собеседник представляется нам, мы отвечаем: Nice to meet you. Hello, I'm Tina. Nice to meet you, Tina. Когда мы хотим узнать, кто сюит вдалеке, мы спрашиваем: Who’s that? (Кто там?) Who's that? That’s ту friend, Тот. Примечание: В разговорной речи мы обычно используем краткую форму глагола "to be”. What*s ...? = What is ...? Who’s ...? = Wlio is ...? That’s ... =Thatis ... Неопределенный артикль a/an Мы ставим артикль а перед существительными, которые начинаются с согласных звуков (Ь, с, d, f, g ...). а book а desk а pencil Мы ставим артикль ап перед существительными. которые начинаются с гласных звуков (а. е. I, о, и). ап apple ап ell ап orange Указательные местоимения this/that Мы используем this, когда предмет находится рядом с нами. This is ту new computer. (Это мой новый компьютер). Мы используем that, когда предмет находится далеко от нас. That house over there is Kelly’s. (Вон тот дом - ото дом Келли). Множественное число существительных К бoльuJинcrвy существительных во множественном числе добавляется окончание -S. book - books apple - apples ruler - rulers Притяжательный падеж Когда мы хотим сказать, кому нринад||^5жи[ та или иная вещь, мы добавляем’s к имени человека или названию животного: This is MarMs pen./This pen is Mark*s. Повелительное наклонение Мы употребляем повелительное наклонение для выражения приказания или просьбы. Мы используем начальную форму глагола. Listen 10 те! Stand up! Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения образуется при помощи don’t и начальной формы глагола. Don't write! Don't talk. Module 1 Глагол to be (быть, находиться) УтвержАбние Полная форма Краткая форма Вопрос 1 lam Гт Ami? You are You’re Are you? He is He’s Is he? She is She’s Is she? It is It's Is it? We are We’re Are we? You are You're Are you? They are 1 They’re Are ttiey? и IT ir грамматический справочник Отрицфпие Полная форма Краткая форма 1 am not I’nri not You arc not You aren’t He is not He isn't She is not ! She isn't It is not ! It isn’t We are not I We aren't You are not | You aren’t They are not They aren't в разговорной рочи мы обычно используем краткую форму. Нэпу. Краткие ответы г Are you а teacher? Is he/she/it five? Are you brothers? -! Are they blue? Module 2 t Yes, I am. No, I’m not. Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn4. Yes, we are. No, we aren’t. Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. Указательные местоимении these/those • Мы используем these, когда предметы находятся рядом с нами. These are ту new shoes. • Мы используем those, когда предметы находятся далеко от нас. Those children over there are Bob's. Множественное число существительных • К большинству существительных во множественном числе добавляется окончание -s. helicopter - helicopters bike - bikes car - cars • К существительным, оканчивающимся на -X. -s. -ss или -ch. во множественном числе добавляется окончание -es. box - boxes glass - glasses bus - buses watch - watches • Существительные, оканчивающиеся на согласную + у. теряют у и приобретают -ies во множественном числе. fairy ~ fairies family - families Но: boy - boys Module 3 Полная форма I have got You have got He has got She has got It has got We have got You have got They have got Краткая форма I’ve got You’ve got He’s got Sfie’s gol It’s got We’ve got You’ve got They’ve got Вопрос Have I got? Have you got? Has fie got? Has she got? Has it got? Have we got? Have you got? Have they got? ^ ' Отрицание Полная форма Краткая форма 1 have not got Itiaven’lgoi You have not got You haven’t got He has not got He hasn't got ; She has not got She hasn't got It has not got | 1 It hasn't got ! We have not got , We haven't got i You tiave iiot got You haven’t got They have not got | They haven’t got | Глагольная конструки.ия have got * Запомни: I’ve = I have He’s = He has В разговорной речи мы обычно используем краткую форму. / Ve got fair hair. Краткие ответы £ Have l/you/we/ 1“ Yes, l/you/we/they have, they got a car? No, 1/уои.Ллю/Шеу haven’t. Has he/she/it got long legs? Yes, he/she/it has. — No, he/she/it hasn’t. Особая с1>орма множественного существительных числа Ряд существительных или некоторые существительные имеют особую форму множественного числа: Грамматический справочник man - men woman - women child - children foot - feet tooth - teeth Module 4 Глагол can (мочь, уметь) Глагол can показывает, что кто-то может (способен) что-то делать. / сап ride а Ыко. Утверждение Вопрос 1 can Can 1? You can Can you? He can Can iie? She can Can she? It can Can it? We can ; Can we? You can Can you? They can Can ttiey? Отрицание Полная форма Краткая форма 1 cannot 1 can't You cannot You can't He cannot He can’t She cannot She can’t i It cannot It can't We cannot We can’t You cannot You can’t They cannot They can’t Запомни: I can’t = I cannot, но cannot менее употребляемая форма. Краткие ответы Сап 1/you/he/ she/itdraw? Can we/you/ they swim? I' Yes, l/you/he/she/itcan. No, l/you/he/she/itcan’t. 1“ Yes, we/you/they can. 1— No, we/you/they can’t. Глагол can в значении разрешения Мы задаем вопрос Сап I ...? для того, чтобы попросить разрешение что-либо сделать. На такой вопрос мы обычно отвечаем: Yes, you can. или No, you can’t. Can / go to Ivan s birthday party? Yes, you can. Can I watch TV? No, you can’t. Словарь А а above /о'Ьлу/ наверху actor /’sekto/ актёр actress Ackiros/ актриса aeroplane /'eoro,plcin/ самолёт agree h'g&J соглашаться air /сэ/ воздух all over /,о:1 'ouvo/ повсюду alright /orCrait/ в порядке aluminium /,a:lo'ininiom/ алюминий angry/'oi.ign/злой another /э'плсЪ/ другой apple 'a:p!/ яблоко arm /a:m/ рука around /э*гйопс1/ вокруг ask /u:sk/ спрашивать athlete /'seGiiit/ атлет Australia /n'sircilio/ Австралия Bb back /Ъшк/спина balloon /Ъп'1и:п/ воздушный шарик band lb£Qnd! музыкальная группа bandana /Ьа‘п'с]ам1л/ бандана barn /Ьи:п/ амбар beautiful /bjirtilbl/ красивый beef/ЬШ говядина before long /bi,fa: 'Ido/ вскоре best /best/ лучший better /'bciQ/ лучше big /big/ большой bike /billк/ велосипед bird /Ьз:с1/ птица black /Ъкск/ чёрный blazer/'bleizo/ пиджак, куртка blow /Ыэи/ надувать blue fbUyJ синий board Д:)о:с1/ школьная доска, доска body/'bndi/ тело book /Ьок/ книга boring /Ъо:гпУ скучный bottom /ЪоЮт/ низ branch /brcriit// ветка Brazil /bro'zil/ Бразилия bread /bred/ хлеб brother/Ьглдо/ брат brush /br.Aj/ наносить кисточкой (краску) bubble /ЪлЬ1/ пузырь bull /ЬЫ/ бык bus lb.\si автобус buy Ib'dil покупать Сс call /ко:1/ называть, звать; звонить camera Дкеетогэ/ фотоаппарат Canada /'kienods/ Канада cat /ко:/ машина careful /кеоГ(о)1/ осторожный be careful - будь осторожен celebrate /'selobreu/ праздновать, отмечать chair /tfco/ стул champion /'ijc^inpion/ чемпион cheese /1)1:2/ сыр chess /tfes/ шахматы child /tjaild/ ребенок China/'tfaiпо/ Китай class ikk\:si класс classroom /'kla:sru:m/ классная комната cleaner /klhns/ уборщик Словарь clever /klevo/ умный climb/kiaim/ взбираться clothes Ikbad/I одежда clown /kUran/ клоун collect /ka'lckt/ собирать colour/'кл1э/ 1. цвет; 2. раскрашивать cool /ки:1/ классный (сленг) It’s cool! - Классно! (сленг) count /каапт/ считать You сап count on me! - Можешь на меня рассчитывать! country/клп1п/ страна crown /кгаоп/ верхуижа дерева cry /krai/ кричать cute /kju:i/ хорошенький, симпатичный Dd dad /с1азс1/ папа dance /dans/ танцевать day /dei/ день all day long - весь день dear/dio/дорогой desk lilcski парта different /'(lif(o)r(i>)m/ разный dog /dog/ собака doll /dnl/ кукла dulptiin /’dnifin/ дельфин draw/dro:/ рисовать dress /drcV платье drink /dmjk/ пить drive /draiv/ водить (машину) dumb /dAin/ глупый dust /d;\si/ пыль Ее ear /ш/ ухо eat /i:t/ есть eight /си/ восемь eighteen /,ei'ti:n/ восемнадцать elephant/clifnm/ слон eleven /i'lev(3)n/ одиннадцать elf/с11/ эльф everyone /cvnwAiV все everywhere /'cvriwco/ везде eye /ai/ глаз Ff face /Ibis/лицо fail /fell/ проигрывать fairy /Тсэп/ фея. false /fb:ls/ неверно family /Txm?]i/ семья famous /'feimos/ известный fantastic /fauVucstik/ потрясаюш.ий farm /fam/ ферма farmer /Та:тэ/ фермер fast /fu:s(/ быстрый favourite /Tciv(o)nt/ любимый feel /11:1/ чувствовать feel sorry for - жалеть field /fi:ld/ поле fifteen/,firti:n/ пятнадцать fifty /'firti/ пятьдесят fire/Таю/ огонь fire engine/faiD ,end5in/ пожарная машина fireman /Тгизт<->п/ пожарный five /faiv/ пять flag /Пхд/ флаг flat /flict/ примятый flowei /‘’Паш/ цветок fly /llai/ летать follow ЛЫэи/ следовать (за) food /fu:d/ еда foot /fot/ ступня feet /П:г/ ступни footprint/'fotpmU/ след forest /'forist/ лес forty сорок forty-six 'siks./ сорок шесть four i(yj четыре fourteen /,tb:'ti:n/ четырнадцать fox /fbks' лиса friend /frend/ друг frightened /Traiind/ испуганный full of - наполненный funny i'fwMl смешной They’re so funny! - Они такие смешные! Gg garden /'yu:d(a)n/ сад Germany /'d33:moni/ Германия get /get/ по;1учать, становиться, добираться get in - залезать в giraffe /d5rru:ff жираф girl /дз:1/девочка give /gjv/ давать glad /cjlted/ радостный, довольный glass/gla:s/ стакан glasses /'glaisi^/ очки go /доп/ идти, ехать gold /goukl/1. золото; 2. золотой golden .^gciuld(o)n/ золотистый grab /gra:b/ хватать grandma /'gra;imia:/ бабушка g ran dmaste r /,g rtend' mciisto/ гроссмейстер grandpa /'gricnpa:/дедушка green /gri:n/ зелёный grey/grci/ серый grow /дгоп/ расти grown-up /.grDun Чр/ взрослый guard /ga:d/ охранять guitar /gi'ia:/ гитара Hh hair/hc9/ волосы fair hair/,Гео 'heo/ светлые волосы dark hair /,cUi:k 'Ьсэ/ тёмные волосы long hair/.ioo 'heo/длинные волосы hand /h;.cnd/ рука (кисть) happy /'h^pi/ счастливый Happy Birthday! - C Днём рождения! hard /lui:d/ усердно work hard - усердно работать hat /ha;i/ шляпа head /hed/ голова hear /liio/ слышать heart/Iki:i/сердце heavy /'hevi/ тяжёлый helicopter /'heli.knpio/ вертолёт helmet /helmii/ шлем help/help/ 1. помощь; 2. помогать hen /hen/ курица here /!лп/ здесь Here you are! - Вот, пожалуйста! hero/'hiaran/ герой high /hai/ высокий Словарь home /Ьэиш/ дом honey Лгии/ мед юр Ihnpl прыгать, скакать horse /ha:s/ лошадь hot dog /'lint хот-дог I i idea/ai'dio/ идея !'ve got an idea! - У меня идея! India/mclio/ Индия international /,imo'na;J'(o)n(o)I/ международный Ireland Лиэ1шпс1/ Ирландия jj job /d^nb/ работа junp/djAmp/ прыгать Kk kangaroo /.kxpgo'ru;/ кенгуру karate te'ruTi/ карате CO karate - заниматься карате kind/kaind/ 1.вид; 2. добрый What kind of...? - Какой ...? king/кпу король kitchen /kitjm/ кухня kitten /к)((э)п/ котёнок knight/nail/ рыцарь know /пэи/ знать Did you know? - Ты знал/зиала? LI land /kcnd/ страна, земля later /'leito/ позже laugh /lci:f/ смеяться leaf /li;(/листок leg /leg/ нога let /let/ позволять Let me go. - Отпусти меня. Let's/lets/ Давай... lick/Ilk/лизать life /iaif/ жизнь light /laii/ свет, like /laik/ нравиться listen /'hs(o)n/ слушать little /'liil/ маленький live /liv/жить :эпс /1по/ длинный look /Ink;' смотреть look up to - равняться на What does she look like? - Как она выглядит? lorry /'Inn/ грузовик loud /laud/ громкий love /l;\v/ 1. любовь; 2. любить lovely /'I.Avli/ прелестный They’re lovely! - Они прелестные! loving /'IaviiV любящий lunch /Unty трапеза в середине дня, обед,ланч М m magic /'niiccferk/ 1. волшебство; 2. волшебный magic trick - фокус magical /niEecfeiknl/ волшебный magician /mo'd^ijon/ волшебник make imcikj делать man /mten/ человек, мужчина many /'mem/ много how many - сколько marvellous /'nia:v;>l9s/ изумительный mask Imcvskl маска mean /mi:n/ означать Merry Christmas! - Весёлого Рождества! metre метр milkman /"пиИстэп/ молочник mind /maind/ против monster /'mnnsta/ монстр moon /mu:n/ луна moonlight /'muinlait/ лунный свет mosquito /ms'ski:tou/ комар most/moo's!/большинство, больше всего mountain /'maonnn/ гора mouse /maos/ мышь mouth /mauG/ рот mum /тлт/ мама mushroom /гплГпял/ гриб music /'mjiKzrk/ музыка must /тл$!/ должен N п name /ncim/ имя What’s your name? - Как тебя зовут? never Aicvo/ никогда nev./ /nju*y новый next to /'nckst 10/ около, рядом с night /паи/ ночь nine /пат/ девять nineteen /,nain'ti:n/ девятнадцать noise {nov/J шум nose /nooz/ HOC notebook /nonibuk/ блокнот nothing /плОлз/ ничего number/'плтЬэ/ номер, число Оо of course /ov 'ko:s/ конечно old /oold/ старый How old are you? - Сколько тебе лет? one /wMi/ один' open /'9up(o)n/ открывать Open your book. - Открой книгу, orange/'Dnnd.V I. апельсин; 2. оранжевый owl !m\I сова pp page страница paint/pcint/1. краска; 2. рисовать pale /pcil/ бледный paper /'peipo/ бумага sheet of paper - листок бумаги pencil /'pens(o)l/ карандаш pencil cast- /'pens(3)l ,keis/ пенал people/’pi:pl/люди perhaps /pa'Iueps/ возможно pie /pai/ пирог pine /pain/ ель pink/pipk/ розовый plane /plciii/ самолёт planet планета plastic /'plsestik/ пластмассовый play/pici/играть play the piano — играть на пианино please /pli:z/ пожалуйста poem /'pouim/ стихотворение policeman /po'lKsmsn/ полицейский poor/pn:/ бедный popcorn /"popkorn/ попкорн postman /'poustmsn/ почтальон Словарь present /’рге/(э)п(/ подарок press /ргсУ прижимать pretty/'prill/1. хорошенький(ая); 2. довольно proud /praucl/ гордый puppy tp.\]iil щенок purple /'рз:р1/ фиолетовый put /put/ класть put on - одевать Q q quickly /‘kwikli/ быстро queen /k\vi:n/ KopojieBa quiel /’kwiiiol/ тихий oe quiet - тише Rr rabbit /'гшЬп/ кролик rainbow /гсшЬои/ радуга rap /гжр/ рэп recL: /ri:d/ читать real /пЫ/ настоящий recycle /,ri;'saikl/ перерабатывать recycling bin - мусорный контейнер гео /red/ красный rein /гсгп/ вожжи, поводья remember /гГшстЬз/ помнить rich /т// богатый ride /raid/ кататься верхом ride а horse — ездить на лошади ring /пг)/ кольцо roller skate /'rnoh skeii/ кататься на роликах root /ru:i/ корень rubber /глЬэ/ ластик rule /ги:1/правило ruler линейка run /глп/ бежать Russia Лл/о/ Россия Ss sad /syed/ грустный saddle /'sacd!/ седло sail /sell/ плавать set sail /,sei 'seil/отправляться в плавание Santa /'sa^nis/ Санта school /sku:l/ школа schoolbag /'sku:lb£eg/ портфель, ранец seat belt /si;i boll/ ремень безопасности secret /'sirkrDt/ секретный secret message - секретное сообщение see /si;/ смотреть, видеть seven /^sev(3)n/ семь seventeen /,sev(o)n'ii:n/ семнадцать shake /Jcik/ трястись sharpener /*Ja:pno/ точилка shine /’Jam/ светить shiny ffiUiiu светящийся shocked /(bki/ потрясённый short Ifoiti короткий shout /faut/ кричать silly /sfii/глупый Don’t be silly! - He глупи! silver /silvo/ серебряный sing/si ly петь sing along - подпевать singer/'’siQo/ певец sister/sisty сестра ц sit /sit/ сидеть sit dowr* - садиться SIX /siks./ шесть sixteen /,sik'sti:n/ шестнадцать slet p/sli:p/ спать sio^^b /slou/ медленный /smo:l/ маленький smell /srnel/ нюхать smile /small/ улыбаться snail /sncil/ улитка something ;'4\m0iiV кое-что, что-то son /SAIl/ СЫН Special .■"spcj(9)l/ особенный spell /spel/ произносить/писать no буквам How do you spell il? - Как это произносится? spend /spend/ проводить (время) spider /'spaidg/ паук spring /spmy весна stamp /stccmp/ топтать stand /st;jend/ стоять 'and - вставать c места star /sta:/ звезда start/sia:i/ начинать(ся) stay /slei/ оставаться still ./stjl/ спокойный stocking /'sinkio/ чулок stop /81»р/останавливать(ся) stove /stouv/ печь, печка kitch stove - плита street/sirkt/улица suddenly /Члс1(э)пИ/ неожиданно, вдруг summer /'s.\nio/ лето sun /sAti/ солнце sun cream /'sah kri:m/ солнцезащитный крем supper ./*s;\po/ ужин sweet /swirl/ 1. конфета; . 2. милый swim /swim/ плавать Tt tail /teil/хвост take/teik/брать talent /'t£elont/ талант talent show - шоу талантов ■ all /1о:1/ высокий taste /teisi/ пробовать на вкус taxi Aa;ksi/ такси taxi driver - водитель такси teacher /'lirtjb/ учитель teddy bear /'tcdi beo/ плюшевый медвежонок /ten/десять thank you /Эшцк ju/ спасибо thing /0iiV вещь ihirteer- /,03:'ti:n/ тринадцать .■■’0з:п/тридцать Али ■ ■■ two /,0з:11 'ui:/ тридцать два three /6i‘i:/ три thunder/'0Ando/ гром tide /laid/ прилив time /taim/ время tin /iin/ жестяная банка /'laiod/ уставший together/to'geda/ вместе longue /tAiy язык tooth /iLirO/ зуб touch /UtJ7 трогать town /laun/ город Словарь || I toy /toi/ игрушка :ov shop Aoi Jbp/ магазин игрушек train /(rein/поезд tree /triy дерево true/tm:/ 1. настоящий; 2. верно tummy /(лпи/ животик /iwclv/ двенадцать twenty /'twenti/ двадцать two fiivj два U u UK /jii: 'kci/ Соединённое Королевство Великобритании under A\iidn/ под unfriendly /лп'Ггспс111/ недружелюбный USA /р: es 'ci/США use (\u:zl использовать usual /'ju:5unl/обычный as usual - как обычно Vv vase /va:// ваза tillage A'ilid3/ деревня W w wait /well/ ждать vake up /,weik 'лр/ просыпаться, будить ■vaIk/wo:k/ 1, прогулка; 2. идти пешком want/wDn(/хотеть, желать warm /wo;m/ тёплый warm wishes - наилучшие пожелания wash /wdJ/ мыть(ся) watcli /wotj/ смотреть way /well путь get in the way - стоять на пути, мешать wear /weo/ носить одежд welcome /wclkom/ приветствовать You’re welcome! - Пожалуйста! wet/wci/ мокрый whale/well/ кит what /wm/ что What's this? - Что это? wheat /wi;t/ пшеница which /wiij/ который Which one ...? - Который (из)...? “Tte /wait/ белый who /lui:/ кто Who’s got... ? - У кого есть...? Who’s that? - Кто это? willow/'wibu/ива winner /wnia/ победитель winter /'wtnto/ зима woman /'woTnon/ женщина women /’wnnin/ женщины wonder /'wAiidg/ чудо wonderful /’\\-лпё;)Г(о)1/ чудесный work Iwr.kl работать world /w3;ld/ мир wor m /W3:m/ червяк worry волноваться Don't worry, - He волнуйся. ■•v: /rait/ писать Yy yav-:-. /jo:n/зевать /jclDxVжёлтый young /jAiy молодой ФГОС Syllabus based on ^ Common ^ European ^Framework. ISBN 978-5-09-019657-4 9 785090 196574 ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО Express Publishing