Английский язык 3 класс Рабочая тетрадь Баранова Дули часть 2

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 3 класс Рабочая тетрадь Баранова Дули часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Starlight (Старлайт) звездный английский:

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WORKBOOK Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley Ksenia Baranova - Victoria Kopylova Radislav Millrood Part 2 ___ PROSVESHCHENIYE PUBLISHERS Express Publishing Contents Module 5 Where’s Alvin? .. p. 4 Module 6 In the Old House .. p. 12 Module 7 My New Clothes .. p. 20 Module 8 At the Animal Park .. p. 28 Module 9 Fairy Cakes .. p. 36 Module 10 Another Lovely Day!... .. p. 44 Mother’s Day .. p. 52 Consolidation .. p. 53 Board Games .. p. 56 My Pictionary .. p. 63 School Plays .. p. 70 Cutouts .. p. 76 ere's Alvin? Find the stickers for these. Complete the sentences. Use possessive adjectives. 1 Who's that girl? What's her name? 2 ...................bike is great, Katya. Is it new? 3 I'm Natasha and this is ......... mother, Sveta. 4 Viktor's eyes are blue........... hair is fair. 5 We're in Moscow........ grandmother lives here. 6 Ramil and Olga are in the к ..........mother is in the ODiuM 7 Look at that cat!........... tail is very long! IJ 8 Vaientina is ten and .. is five. it Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Mum & Dad 1 This is my bed. 2 This is his lamp. 3 This is.............TV. 4 This is...........radio. 5 This is.......lamp. « 6 This is bed. 7 This is ............ TV. 8 This is ........ radio 9 This is ....... lamp. 10 This is ............ bed i Where's Alvin? it Look at the pictures and then unscramble the letters. Write the words. (o b о c e к s g) g I e b t^ C (u p о c g b d r) (mrah I r c a) it Look, read and complete the sentences. Use: in, on, under, behind, next to. F К ГП Sammy is behind the computer. Sammy is............the bookcase. Щ Sammy is................the chair. Sammy is .........the wardrobe. |T| Sammy is .....the cupboard. 0 Sammy is ................the table. р Listen and draw a line. it Look, read and answer the questions. 1 What's behind the desk? A dog. 2 What's in the cupboard? 3 What's next to the bookcase? A ....................... 4 What's on the bed? A ....................... 5 What's next to the computer? A ....................... 6 What's under the chair? A ....................... у M £____V It -7 Go to the Student’s Book and read the story on pages 10-11. Then put the pictures in order and match them to the speech bubbles. Hello, Erlina. Come in, Alvin. О Where's Alvin? Where’s your radio? Draw it and then colour the picture. Talk with your friend. Is it on the bed? My radio is......... My friend's radio is No, it isn't. iMotlnlr S О 1 А: Where's Beth? В: She's In the cupboard. 2 A: Where's Andy? B: He's............... 3 A: Where's Tom? B: He's .............. 4 A: Where's Ann? B: She's ....... 5 A: Where's Jeff? B: He's......... 6 A: Where's Pete? B: He's......... Moiiiilr о where's Alvin? Look, read and choose the right answer. DESK CUPBOARD CLOCKS COMPUTER i (D OLOOK ■ LAMP OD ! COMPUTER the picture. •k Now, answer the questions. 1 What colour is the bed? 2 Where are the flowers? ................................. Module 5 This is my bedroom. Look! There’s a yellow bed and a blue wardrobe. On the desk there is a red clock and a purple vase with orange flowers. My bedroom is very nice! 3 What's on the desk? 4 What colour is the wardrobe? ^ fK^lliCS Rhyme time! Where are the fairies? Read and complete. • table radio • armchair • bed 1 is on the table. is under the w is behind the ijfesn) !F(a6tr is next to the i^r Find the words with /13/, /аи/ or /tj/ sounds and write them in the columns. CHAIRDDKBROWNJFHKINGD CHAMPION FJKTOWERKFNM TOUCH FJHFLOWERRINGTHING /13/ /аи/ In the Old House Find the stickers for these. Harry is in the kitchen. Emma is in the bathroom. Mona is in the bedroom. Lee is in the iiving room. There are ghosts in the house! Look and complete the sentences. 1 There’s one ghost in the bathroom. 2 ............in the iiving room. 3 ............in the bedroom. 4 ..............in the kitchen. 1 it Spot the differences between the pictures. Then write the sentences. 1 (clock) In Harry’s living room there is one clock. In Lee’s living room there are two clocks. 2 (mirror) 3 (lamp) 4 (armchair) In the House Read and(circl^the odd one out. 1 (Jre^- wardrobe - bed 2 cooker - fridge - both 3 Cleon - water - dirty 4 ghost - spider - frog 5 living room - TV - bathroom 6 bed - sink - fridge How many? Find and colour the picture. - 2 0/ Now, write questions and answers. 1 (cooker) A: How many cookers are there? B: There are two. 2 (fridge) A: ................................ B: ................................ 3 (spider) A: ................................ B: ................................ О O' 4 (table) A: .... B: .... 5 (frog) A: .... B: .... чО о О О О О Look at the pictures, then read and correct the sentences. © There are three spiders behind the fridge. No, there aren’t three spiders. There are two spiders. There are three frogs on the bath. @ There's a radio on the cupboard. There are three tabies next to the cooker. Read and match the questions to the answers. is there a school in your street? A He's under the tabie. is there water in the bath? В No, there isn't. Where's Ben? C Yes, there is. it's next to my house. In the Old House Go to the Student’s Book and read the story on pages 26-27. Then read and correct the sentences. 1 There are ghosts in the living room. 4 There is a frog in the bedroom. 2 There is a mouse in the kitchen. 3 There are spiders in the bathroom Look and draw Missy. Missy before a both ir IT Read and write yes or no. 1 There are two children in the picture. yes 2 They are in the bedroom........ 3 There ore three oppies on the tobie. .... 4 There is о cot in the sink..... 5 There is о dog under the table. .... ir Read and colour the picture. Colour the: , words yellow ^ words blue words red words green words black In the Old House Listen and tick (/) the circle. 1 Where's the ghost? IL 2 What's in Anna's bedroom? 3 Where are the spiders? Read and compiete the sentences. It's in your /Ьаэд/ I Where's my /'Japna/ 9 Who's that /boi/ 9 He's my friend, /roi/ I It's lovely. /0жпк/ you. This /toi/ is for you. Is this your /'с1злппр0/ No. It's /ji:l0z/ New Clothes w Look, read and tick (/) the right picture. ^ skirt rr^ .dressl^ A / В A В 1ST Read and write the letter. A В I 1 She's wearing a purple dress. d 2 We're wearing blue trousers........ 3 He's wearing a white shirt. ....... 4 I'm wearing my new shoes........... 5 They're wearing pink skirts. ...... 6 He's wearing a red T-shirt. ....... I Make the sentences. 1 am/skirt/new/wearing/l/a I am wearing a new skirt. 2 in/pork/the/Ken/playing/is 3 Mary/flowers/is/picking 4 ore/school/We/to/going 5 playing/garden/They/in/are/the 6 song/singing/are/my/favourite/You ik What are you and your friend wearing today? Draw and colour the pictures. WivJult’ 7 Му New Clothes •к Find the stickers for these. о oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo ooo^O, о What's the weather like today? 8 О Is it coid g Is it raining О о 8 О О 8 О О Is it sunny 8 О ? Is it snowing or is it hot ? Is it windy 8 Is it nice or is it not? oooo oooo - 'OOO OOO . OOO ; • OO О it у What’s the weather like today? Write the questions, then (^irci^the right answer. Yes, it is ^ Is It sunny today? > t i ". 0 о c 0 e 0 e Yes, it is Yes, it is J— ☆ Match the pictures to the sentences. 1 She's picking flowers. 2 She's driving a car. 3 They are running. 4 The sun is shining. 5 She's dancing. 6 He's swimming. 7 He's riding a bike. 8 She's drawing a picture Complete the letter and read It. Dear Ted, London is cool! We 1) are having (have) a great time! The sun 2) ................ ............(shine) today and it's hot, so I 3) ........................... (wear) my favourite T-shirt and 14)..................(walk) in the park. Anna and Tanya 5)...................... (sit) under a tree and Matt 6).......................(play) football. It's great here! Love, Peter 'ludlllo 7 New clothes i i к L*J 11 W Go to the Student’s Book and read the story on pages 48-49. Then read and complete the sentences. 1 Mona and Emma are ....................................................flowers. 2 Emma is .........................................................a new T-shirt. 3 Lee and Harry are.....................................................football. 4 It's raining. The children are ...........................................wet. 5 Everyone is......................................................a great time. u^(Circl&the differences. Then write. И: In picture A ... 1 It’s raining. 2 Emma is .. 3 .......... 4 .......... In picture В 1 ......... 2 .......... 3 ......... 4 ......... Mod«K> 7 "И ir Look and complete the crossword puzzle. Listen and tick (/) the right picture. 0 What's Adam wearing? Му New Clothes It's sunny and Mona is picking flowers. She's wearing a yellow dress and purple shoes. It's.............Mona is ............the piano. She's wearing a..............skirt and ............shoes. It's.........and sunny. Mona is ...........a horse. She's wearing ...trousers and a .......T-shirt. U Q ^ C'*) Q ^^ OO ' Q —0 0 уЛ' .Щ| о ;■ Ч г 0 it's cold and it's....... Mona is walking in the snow. She's wearing a......jacket and .......boots. N ^ . MCS Think of words with the /a:/ and /з:/ sounds and write them in the two columns. /а/ /з:/ car girl Read the sentences and put a tick (/) or a cross (X). ☆ Complete the dialogue. Then read it. Mum: Hello, dear! Is everything OK? What 1) are the children doing (the children/do)? Dad: Well, Tina 2) .............(play) with the cat and Tony 3) .................. (eat) chocolate. Mum: And the baby? Dad: The baby 4)................(drink) milk. ^ Mum: 5).......................... (you/have) (w a good time? Dad: Oh, yes. 16)................... (have) a great time! ■ ж 1 г it Read and(^rd^the right answer. 1 Is she playing the piano? 2 Are they sleeping? 3 Is she eating an egg? 4 Are you singing? 5 Is he sleeping? Yes, she is./No, she isn't. Yes, they are./No, they aren't. Yes, she is./No, she isn't. Yes, we are./No, we aren't. Yes, he is./No, he isn't. ☆ Read and colour the pictures. It's windy. The rhino is flying a red kite. It's wearing blue trousers and a yellow T-shirt. It's sunny. The hippo is sleeping under a blue umbrella. It's wearing green shorts and an orange cap. r At the Animal Park Find the stickers for these. 1 Tony and Rob ore playing football. No! Tony and Rob aren’t playing footbali. They’re talking. 2 Debbie is dancing. 3 Ralph is writing. 4 Mandy is eating. 5 Scott is playing with his plane. Listen and draw a line. it Look and write the questions and the answers 1 What are the lions doing? They are writing. 2 ...................... 9 At the Animal Park Go to the Student’s Book and read the story on pages 64-65. Then complete the sentences and match them to the pictures. lebra# JkiPP» Let's go on the 1) train! Look at the 2)......... They're sitting on a 3) We're not going 4)........yet. Draw an animal face! r.' - I - - I ■к Where are the animals? Look and complete the crossword puzzle. 10 ^ The animals are at the /I) Make the sentences and the questions. 4 We/milk/drinking/are 1 you/Are/time/having/a/good/ Are you having a good time? 2 the/eating/ls/cow .................................? 3 cats/in/aren't/The/sleeping/the/ house 5 boat/swimming/the/Stella/is/next to 6 you/home/Are/going 1 At the Animal Park Look at the pictures and read the questions. Write the answers. ■-.h- 1 How many mice are there? y- There are three. L pnoifiCS; i"i----- Colour the words with the /ав/ sound blue and the words with the /ei/ sound pink. ★ Now, write the words in the correct column. /ав/ /&/ т!г-ж«»т^имвдиак^^ 1 rain 2 lamp 3 toy the odd one out. train flower cat dark juggle boy 4 flight 5 brown 6 new turn tower you light cat book Modol** 8 ☆ Look, read the questions and write the answers. 1 Do you like burgers? Yes, I do. Yuinmy! 2 Do you like hot dogs? No, I don’t. Yuk! 3 Do you like cokes? 4 Do you iike chips? 5 Do you like sausages? 6 Do you iike eggs? Read and draw the hands of the clock to read the correct times. 1 A: What time is it? B: It's five o'ciock. 3 A: What time is it? B: It's six o'ciock. 2 A: What time is it? B: It's eleven o'clock. 4 A: What time is it? B: it's three o'ciock. liulfTlt- Fairy Cakes ir Look and the words. r A N D W H A В J U i c E A U U R X M E A T S R i Y D C L В A G C Q В T R G E E J Z E X E E R C D F A G A M j 1 L К F M В D ☆ Read and write A or B. 1 There's some milk. 2 There are some sausages. 3 There's some juice. 4 There are some eggs. 5 There are some sandwiches. 6 There's some cheese. 7 There are some cakes. 8 There's some ice cream. it Complete the dialogue. Use some or any. Then read Bob: What do you want to eat? Ann: Mm, I want a hot dog and 1) some chips. ----------- .'vi Bob: Oh, they haven't got 2)..........hot dogs. Ann: Have they got 3).................burgers? Bob: Yes! Ann: Oh, good. Is there 4)..............apple juice? Bob: No, they haven't got 5).............apple juice, but they've got 6)..........pineapple juice. Ann: OK. Great! ★ Where are Bob and Ann? Look, read again and choose StiQ-M Tl'/ud Hot dogs Chips Apple juice Orange juice Ice cream Burgers Chips Orange juice Pineapple juice Chocolate cake >Ioduk‘ 9 Д^Н^ЯНВ J • I г Ёк^Ж L < Go to the Student’s Book and read the story on pages 86-87. Then read and write the food items. 1 Emma doesn't like ............ 4 Harry's got a big ............... 2 Lee doesn't like ............. 5 Mona's mum is making some fairy 3 Mona doesn't like ............ ...................... Put your favourite food in the sandwich! Then write what you like and ^ don’t like. list Find the stickers for these. ..К.А.Ж iir Read and choose the right answer. A: What's in the fridge? 4 A: Are there any potatoes? B: a) Oniy some cheese. B: a) Yes, there are. b) it's next to the sink. b) Yummyl A: Is there any ice cream? 5 A: Do you like chocolate? B: a) Yes, please. B: a) No, thank you. b) No, there isn't any ice cream. b) Yes, 1 do. A: What time is it? 6 A: Here you are, Liam. B: a) No, it isn't. B: a) Thanks, Jenny. b) It's ten o'clock. b) I'm Liam. Motidle 9 1 What’s in the fridge? Listen and put a tick (/) or a cross (/). lk Read and compiete the text. Use: meai, you, do. My favourite 1) meal is dinner. I love dinner, 12)...........! I like chicken and peas for dinner. What about 3)..............? ---------^ 's. it Read and match transcription to the pictures. ^m\ts © Шк Modnlo !) Another Lovely Day! Look, read and match the pictures to the activities. 1 get up 2 have a shower 3 go to work 4 go jogging 5 do homework 6 watch TV 7 listen to music 8 go to bed Write the missing letters to complete the short text. > I _t s_v_n _'cLcfe _n th_ m_m_nG. I й-]/_ - sh/_w_r _nd th_n I __t m_ br__k(^_st. \ _ t ..ды - 'cl _ ck, t_ sch__l l_ if_s. ► Read and (^iirc%> the right item. 1 You has /(Ho^unch at one o'ciock. 6 What time do / does you have 2 Lucy listens / listen to music in the breakfast? afternoon. 7 Our dog doesn’t / don’t eat fish. 3 i has / have a shower in the 8 Sue go / goes to bed at ten morning. o'clock. 4 Kenny don’t / doesn’t go to 9 Do / Does he do his homework in schooi at night. the afternoon? 5 Do / Does your brother iike chocolate? l- > Look, read and write yes or no. in the morning / in the afternoon in the evening 1 Kelly has a shower in the evening. 2 Alex has a piano lesson in the afternoon. 3 Keiiy watches TV in the evening. 4 Aiex listens to music in the no evening. 5 Keiiy does her homework in ... the afternoon. 6 Aiex goes jogging in the ... evening. Now, ask questions and answer them. ■ A: What does Kelly do In the morning? B: She has о shower. Vlodiile Ш 10 Another Lovely Day! ☆ Unscramble the words to find the names of the seasons. ‘ ~ СЭ. ☆ Read, choose and complete the dialogue. Elf: Fairy: Are you the summer fairies? 1) Yes, we are. I'm Daisy and this is Rosie. Why do you iike summer so much? 2) Yes, we are They ski down the branches of the trees No, we don't In summer we swim ail day and sing with the birds. Cool! Do you iike winter? 3)................................. but the winter faires love winter! And what do they do in winter? 4) and dance in the snow. Wow! Fairies have a iot of fun! Yes, we do! Afodolr 10 Read and match. 1 After school 1 do.^.._^_^ a the flowers grow. 2 Kim and Jenny go b the piano in the afternoon. 3 Birds make \ c eggs and toast for breakfast. 4 My friend plays ^ \ d swimming in the summer. 5 Mary has e nests for their babies in spring. 6 The bees help ^ f my homework. Make the questions. eat fish Does it eat fish? No, it doesn't. he Yes, he does. Does Do No, they don't. she No, she doesn't. go jogging in the eveniny Another Lovely Day! ☆ w Go to the Student’s Book and read the story on pages 102-103. Then read and draw the hands of the clock to read the correct times. Ф Alvin gets up at... He has lunch at... @ He goes to work at... ® He goes to bed at... ifir Read and match the pictures to the speech bubbles 2 1 I The bees help the flowers grow! I love the forest in summer! In summer the flowers give food to the bees! 4 I Happy Environmenr Day! I » r \ Read and tick (/) the correct sentence. 1 1 A 1 has a shower in 3 A the morning. □ f В 1 have a shower in В i 1 the morning. 0 4 A 1 t 2 A Does bees fly from □ Щ flower to flower? В В Do bees fly from □ flower to flower? at night? at seven o'clock. We doesn't have at seven o'clock. □ □ □ □ Listen and write the days. • Monday • Tuesday • Wednesday • Thursday • - Saturday • Sunday 10 SSnother Lovely Day! Read and find the stickers for these. My favourite day is Saturday. I get up at nine o’clock, have breakfast and go to the park with my friends. We play football all morning! In the afternoon I play computer games or watch TV with my little brother. In the evening I have dinner and then I listen to music. At ten o’clock I go to bed. I love Saturdays! by Arthur In the afternoon In the evening ■ i iJr Read and complete the crossword puzzle. DOWN ACROSS Find a path. Match the words with the Д/ sound 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ;-''Ж т ....X^i ■ ■-■д . '■ 'j ,yf#i L This is "Уп^ ■щитп. " I -I - i^'^3SS»£4.u-^V-_ 7 -- ■ ■ My mum's name is.............................................. iTj My mum is ..........................................years old. My mum's favourite colour is.................................. My mum has got...................hair and................eyes. Look and write yes or no. 1 There is a table next to the sofa. 2 There is a guitar on the TV. 3 There is a phone behind the armchair. yes 4 There is a mirror next to the lamp. 5 There is a book under the table. 6 There Is a dog behind the sofa. Find the animals! There are 12. Now, write them in a list. Put your favourite on the top, and so on. CoiMuiitlafion Look and tick (/) the right picture. 1 It's flying. 2 She's writing a ietter. 3 They're sleeping. 4 He's playing football. 5 He's eating. 6 She's picking flowers. Picture A 0 Picture В □ □ □ Read and tick {/) the right sentences. ■af*. I watch TV I have dinner I go jogging I get up □ \ / □ I do my homework □ Now, write about your day. 1 --i’ mmsy-- - - Mt;. й№м/- 'l-!^ ю§^ J.. U* Щ I'nn George. 'kk% This is ..........bike. Go back to start Say what it is Say the missing word(s) Say or do ЖМШ Ir Name four : rooms in a n house. - - i • = bf ' • m Say what there is in your bedroom. b'J“ . Alvin? ^ He's under ^ the bed Name four things in a i kitchen. ‘ ' t Ju't ^ . ‘ ^ ^'•■’ Ap 4^ ’ r УЖ4^, tS дШ®|рра ''ШШк J % [ Find the stickers for these. ★ Find the stickers for these. I * Find the stickers for these. I m. My PiftiOllfliy , Find the stickers for these. !4 Mona & Emma: Missy, come back! Harry: Look! This is a very oid house! Mona: But where's Missy? Lee: Let's iook in the iiving room! Emma: Ugh! There are spiders in the iiving room! Erlina: What's in the living room? Audience: Spiders! Erlina: Is Missy in the living room? Audience: No! Lee: Let's look in the kitchen! Mona: Ugh! There's a frog in the kitchen! Erlina: What's in the kitchen? Audience: A frog! Erlina: Is Missy in the kitchen? Audience: No! Lee: Let's look in the bathroom! Emma: Ugh! There are mice in the bathroom! Erlina: What's in the bathroom? Audience: Mice! Erlina: Is Missy in the bathroom? Audience: No! Lee: Let's look in the bedroom! Ollie the Owl: Woooow! Woooow! All: Help! There's a ghost in the bedroom! Bertie the Bat: Mona: Harry: Bertie the Bat: Emma: Bertie the Bat: All: Erlina: Audience: Erlina: Audience: Hello! Is this your dog? Yes! Who are you? I'm Bertie the Bat. Welcome to my house Ugh! There are spiders in the living room! Yes. Spike and Spud the spiders. My friends Aah! Who are Spike and Spud? The spiders! Where are they? In the living room! Mona: There's a frog in the kitchen! Bertie the Bat: Yes. Freddy the Frog. My friend! All: Aah! Erlina: Who is Freddy? Audience: The frog! Erlina: Where is he? Audience: In the kitchen! Harry: There are mice in the bathroom! Bertie the Bat: Yes. Milly and Molly the mice. My friends! All: Aah! Erlina: Who are Milly and Molly? Audience: The mice! Erlina: Where are they? Audience: In the bathroom! Lee: Help! There's a ghost in All: Welcome to my house. the bedroom! My itzy bitzy house. Bertie the Bat: No, there Isn't a ghost. It's an itzy bitzy house for two! s' Ollie! Olllel Ollie the Owl: Woooow! Woooow! All: Help! A ghost! Ollie the Owl: What's the matter? There are pictures on the wall. There's a carpet on the floor. And curtains in the window, too! Bertie the Bat: Don't worry, Ollie. Say Welcome to my house. Ее hello to our new friends! My itzy bitzy house. Ollie the Owl: Hello! Hello! It's an itzy bitzy house for two! 1 Co Erlina: Who is 0!lie? Audience: The owl! Bertie the Bat: Welcome to my house! Erlina: Let's sing, everyone! There are pictures on the wall. There's a carpet on the floor. And cushions on the armchair, too! .9. Lee: Harry: Alvin: Harry: Lee: Alvin: Emma: Alvin: Mona: Alvin: Hey, Alvin! Come on! Let's play football! No, thanks! Oh, Alvin! The sun is shining! Don't be sad! I'm picking appies. Come with me! No, thanks! I'm picking flowers. Come with me! No, thanks! I'm sitting in the sun. Come with me! No, thanks! Mona: Oh no! it's raining! Lee: Come on, everyone! Run! All: Oh, hello. Farmer Freddy! Farmer Freddy: Hello, children! Is it raining? All: Yes! Farmer Freddy: Well, come in, children! Alvin: What are you doing. Farmer Freddy? Farmer Freddy: i'm iooking for my animais. Now, where are my rabbits? Help me call them! Everyone shout: "Robbie, Rusty!" Audience: Robbie, Rusty! Farmer Freddy: Oh, good! Here you are Alvin: Cool! The rabbits are hopping! Look! I'm hopping, too! Come on, everyone! Sing with me! Alvin & Audience: Two funny rabbits Are hopping away. Hopping away, hopping away. Two funny rabbits Are hopping away. Hopping away todayT Farmer Freddy: Now, where are my ducks? Heip me call them! Everyone shout. "Dolly, Donny!" Audience: Dolly! Donny! Farmer Freddy: Oh, good! Here you or# Alvin: Cool! The ducks are flying! Look! I'm flying too! Come on, everyone! Sing with r^e' Alvin & Audience: Two funny ducks Are flying away, Fiying away, fiying away. Two funny ducks Are fiying away, Fiying away today! Farmer Freddy: Now, where are my IL es f "8 sheep? Help me call them! Everyone shout: "Shelly! Shaggy!" Audience: Shelly! Shaggy! Farmer Freddy: Oh, good! Here you ore! Alvin: Coo!! The sheep ore running! Look! I'm running, too! Come on, everyone! Sing \A/ith me! Are running away. Running away, running away. Two funny sheep Are running away. Running away today! 1 Aivin & Audience: Two funny sheep Lee: Hooray! The sun is shining again. Harry: Let's play! All: Bye, Farmer Freddy! Farmer Freddy: Bye, children! Bye, Alvin! 1 'Г. ■ М I5)agf шй ЩЬ$ <№Ш Emma; What time is it, Mona? Mona: it's four o'ciock. Emma: Where are Harry and Lee? Mona: Are they in the pet shop? Let's iook! Lee; What time is it, Harry? Harry: it's four o'ciock. Lee: Where are Emma and Mona? Harry: Are they in the ciothes shop? Let's iook! Emma: They're not in the pet shop. Where are they? Mona: Where are Harry and Lee? Audience: in the ciothes shop! Emma: The clothes shop? Let's iook! Harry: They're not in the ciothes shop. Where are they? Lee: Where are Emma and Mona? Audience: in the clothes shop! Lee: Oh no, they're not! Audience: Oh yes, they are! All: Oh, there you are! Harry: Let's go to the pet shop! Lee: It's five o'ciock. The pet shop cioses at on Saturdays! Harry: OK, let's go to the shop! Mona: It's five o'ciock! The toy shop closes a* on Saturdays! I Harry: Let's go to the d shop then! Emma: It's five o'clock! clothes shop clcsersif' five on Saturday-; tp.. Harry: Oh, dear! Lee: Look! Snacky's s open. It doesn at five o'clock cr Saturdays! Emma & Mona: Oh, yes! Snoc Mona: Burgers! Chips. c= cream! !'m here too! Harry: Are you hun-cr Audience: Yes! All: Come on, e.” Let's sing! il щ le 1': г All: Are there any burgers? Are there any peas? Is there any chicken? Is there any cheese? Listen to my tummy, Glipper, glapper, glupper! Listen to my tummy, I'm ready for my supper! Are there any apples? Are there any eggs? Is there any chocolate? Harry: What time is it, Lee? Lee: It's six o'clock. Emma: It's time to go. Mona: Yes, it's time to say goodbye. All: Goodbye! Goodbye, everyone! Audience: Goodbye! £к Syllabus based on У Common European ^Framework Компоненты УМК: • Учебник в двух частях (со встроенной книгой для чтения) ✓ Рабочая тетрадь в двух частях • Книга для учителя в двух частях (со встроенным учебником) • Языковой портфель • Контрольные задания • Аудиокурс для занятий в классе • Аудиокурс для самостоятельных занятий дома • Сборник упражнений • Постеры (можно скачать бесплатно с сайта) • Видеокурс (DVD-video) • Раздаточный материал (можно скачать бесплатно с сайта) • Рабочие программы. Предметная линия учебников «Звёздный английский». 2-4 классы Интернет-сайт УМК: https://prosv.ru/umk/starlight ISBN 978-5-09-029176-7 9 785090 291 767 ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО Express Publishing