Английский язык в фокусе 9 класс Рабочая тетрадь Ваулина Дули

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык в фокусе 9 класс Рабочая тетрадь Ваулина Дули - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Spotlight (Спотлайт) английский в фокусе:

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WORKBOOK Virginia Evans Jenny Dooley Olga Podotyako Julia Vaulina Express Publishing PROSVESHCHENIYE PUBLISHERS Contents Module 1 • Pairwork Activities (p. 84} * Irregular Verbs (p, 88) 1 Read the text and fill in the correct word for each gap. fiesta time The Alasitas Fair in La Paz, Bolivia, is a 1)............ event that takes place at the 2) .........of January. This 3).......... festival 4) ........... people from all over the country, nnany of them in 5)...........costumes. What makes it special ts the fact that it gives you the chance to acquire all the things you've been wishing for! How does this happen? Simple! First, buy tiny versions of what you want to have. When the festival ends, there is a huge 6)..........to visit Yatiri, a wizard who blesses what you've bought. This 7) ........... sure that your wish to have that certain something comes true! So, if you want to 8)............the adventure of travelling around the world, all you need to do is buy a miniature passport and airline ticket! Well, at least according to tradition, anyway! 2 1 A colourful В coloured C colouring 2 A final В end C last 3 A year В monthly c annual 4 A invites В attracts c grabs 5 A traditional В popular c typical 6 A parade В step c march 7 A is В has c makes S A do В expenence c feel a Match the words in the two columns. [Г bright open-air 3 I I cooking strong a charity b tradition c idea d contest e theatre 2 3 4 I 5 I I local b Use the phrases from Ex. 2a to complete the sentences. Throwing rice at weddings has been afn)................... ..............in many countries around the world for ages. I've never been to a play in a(n}..................before. Do you think Jessica will win a prize in the..............? Ail the money from the sales is going to a(nj............. ....................for people in need. Having a fancy dress party for your birthday is a very.... 3 4 Complete the sentences using the words below, • enter • golden • spare • raise • character • display The organisers of the festival hope to................ enough money to build another playground, it’s a lovely summer day, and everyone is enjoying the warmth of the..........................sun. Snow White is my little sister’s favourite fairytale ....... Why don’t you.................... the singing competition? You have a fantastic voice! Have you ever watched the New Year’s fireworks ................? Don’t forget to take a ........... change of clothes with you when you go to your friend's house for the weekend. Underline the correct word. n^edievall festival; Events 1) discover / include: ik A re-enactment of the historic battle of Preston i/ An 'eat until you Z) burst / transform’ competition W Best medieval costume competition You can also; Shop at a medieval market ik 3) Burn / Let off fireiworks 1/ Go on a treasure 4) trip / hunt Join us at the town's central square so we can 5) celebrate / symbolise our town’s history together! DATES: Saturday 3rd May a Sunday 4th May TIMES: 10:00 am-10:00 pm COST OF ADMISSION: Free 1 Find the word missing from each sentence in the grid below to complete the sentences. H В U T T Е R F L Y V Y F fi E V О L С R V L L s E т В и G А s V Y H К D Р L Р 1 p D R 1 В Y D Д L N 1 5 F N Т А С А J В D X D 1 К М X Т L О E L S N z G С А Б W R Z 1 G м 1 R R О R G N 1 T 0 О Н s N S 3 Choose the correct response, A: Don’t get a black cat, they bring bad luck! B: a That’s a load of rubbish! b Thanks, I’ll need it! A: My friend and I were born on the same day, and at exactly the same time. B: a That can't be! b What a coincidence! A: I've failed my driving test again. Б: a Best of luck. b Better luck next time, A: You can't get married on Friday 13th; it's bad luck! B: a That’s just an old wives’ tale! b That's not the point! A: I’ve been feeling a bit anxious lately. B; a Is there something on your mind? b Why don’t you think more rationally? SUPERSTITIONS 1 Never step on a.............it brings bad luck. 2 Has a ................... just landed on your hand? Lucky you! 3 Oh, no, a broken.....................I This means seven years of bad luck. 4 look! A...............star. Make a wish, quickly! 5 Why are you walking under this ..................? Do you want to have bad luck? 6 We’re so lucky! We've just seen a ..................and it's not even raining! 7 Do you really believe that a four leaf brings you good luck? 8 My dad says that if the first.................. you see in the year is white, good tuck will follow you all year round. 2 A В c D E О Listen to five people talking about luck. Match the statements (A-E) to the speakers (1-5), You need more than luck to be successful. I can't hope that I’ll be lucky forever. I know my luck will change for the better. I must always have my lucky charm with me. Luck doesn't play a role in our lives. Speaker 1 2 3 4 1 5 Statement Г ^ A Use the phrases (A-E| below to complete the T diaiogue, A You don’t really believe that, do you? В There’s nothing to be anxious about. C Why, what's the matter? D I didn't know you were so superstitious 1 E But... what’s troubling you? Amy: I can't believe how unlucky! am! Tom: 1).............. Amy: Well, it's my I birthday on Friday, and I want to have a smalt garden party. ' Tom: Good ideal 2)....................... Amy: There’s a full moon on Saturday! Tom: So? There’ll be a nice atmosphere. Amy: You don’t understand! A full moon means I trouble. The whole party will go wrong! I Tom: 3)....................... ; Amy: Yes, ask anyone and they’ll tell you the same ' thing about the moon. I Tom; 4).......................Let me guess... black I cats and ladders are also a problem, right? ■ Amy; It's not funny! This is really worrying me. 'Tom: 5)....................Everything will be alright, j 1 !й1 Ф Put the verbs in brackets into the present simplet present continuous, present perfect or present perfect continuous. email Dear Jane, I 1)................ (know) that it’s quite a while since I last wrote to you, but for the past few weeks I 2).............. (do) so many things at the same time, that I hardly had time for anything! 3) .......... (l/te!l) you that my school 4) ........(hold) a big dance next week? We 5) .............. (celebrate) the end of the school year. As I’m a member of the organising committee, I 6)...........(spend) most of my time after school trying to work out the details of the event. 7) ................ (you/have) any good ideas to give me? What about you? What S).................. (you/do) lately? 9) ...............(you/stili/work) at your dad's shop alter school? You know what? I 10)................ (just/have) a great idea! Why don’t you come to visit me for a few days? You can come to our school dance, and then we can spend some time together. Anyway, I have to go now. Let me know what you decide! Love, Mary у Write exclamations for the following, as in the в example. 1 You think your friend looks very nice. ► How nice you look! 2 Your sister’s costume is funny. 3 The fireworks are amazing. 4 You like the way your friend dances. 5 You think your brother is very lucky. 3 Use the present tenses to expand the sentences and include the words in brackets. 1 A; You/try?to fix/the computer? (still) B: Yes. l/try/all morning/and/)/not manage it. (yet) 2 A: l/decide/what I wear/at tonight’s school prom. (already) B: Me too. l/buy/perfect dressl (just) 3 A: Jessica/go out/at weekends, (rarely) B: Really? Howfshe/spend/her time? (usually) 4 A: He/go to bed/after midnight? (often) B: No. He/steep/early. (sometimes) 4 Circle the mistake (A or B) and then correct It. as T in the example, p- £)o you understand 1 Are you understanding what I’ve been trying W ^ в to tell you all this time? 1 Hurry up! The parade has started in an hour A and you are still getting ready. В 3 Your fancy dress costume looks fantastic! is A this what you wear tonight? В 4 Sarah hasn't been to a carnival for she was a A В little girl. 5 Joshua never takes part in the town parade; A he don't like wearing costumes. В 6 I am trviriB to call the festival organisers for A the last three hours, but no one is answering В the phone. 1 Find the verb missing from each sentence to complete the crossword puzzle. ACROSS 1 Here are some streamers to ....................at the people passing by! 4 Let’s all .................... a toast to the birthday girll 6 Christmas is a time when all the members in my family like to ....................gifts. 7 Why don’t you all come to my house tonight so we can ................ the tree together? DOWN 2 1 simply love alt the colourful masks people ...................... at carnivals! 3 Every year on my birthday, I .................... a nice card from my grandparents. 5 Do you want to................... the parade with me? 3 2 Use the idioms below in the correct form to complete the sentences. the cake be a piece of cake ^ ^€ti Wte hoicakes ^ have your cake and-eeHt^ 1 l want to find a Batman costume for the fancy dress party, but ( can’t find any; they ...................................1 2 The town festival was full of fun activities and an amazing parade, but the surprise appearance of a famous pop singer was...................................................... 3 Alex has told Jane about the surprise birthday party we're having for her, and he’s invited four of his friends, too! He really .................................................1 4 Don’t worry about organising your graduation party; it... .........................................................! 5 You can either invite your friends over for your birthday or take them out to dinner, but not both. You .............. ................................................. you know! Use who, whose, which, where and when to join the sentences, as in the example. 1 Jason always dresses up in costumes at Carnival. The costumes are funny and original. ► Jason always dresses up in costumes which are funny and original at Carnival. 2 Martha has invited me to her sweet sixteen party. She lives next door. 3 This is the central market square of the town. The parade is taking place here. 4 31st October is my favourite day of the year, Halloween takes place then. 5 Lucy Scott works at the local gift shop. Her son is my age. 1 а Read the article and complete the paragraph plan. Valencia, Spain, is a lown of under a million people, but from 15th to 19th of March it is full of visitors; almost three million of them! The reason is Los Fallas, which means 'the fires'" in Vatencian. This is the local festivol that celebrates the end of winter. Preparations for the festival last for over six months, as hundreds of people,are busy constructing extremely big floats, called 'ninotsT When it's close to the time of the festival, they place the 'ninots' at different places around the city. When the festival begins, the city becomes one big, celebratory street party! Happy people in funny-looking, colourful outfits or traditional costumes spend the days and nights exploding smoke bombs and firecrackers and dancing to loud music. There are also very beautiful fireworks displays every night. The festival ends on the night of 19th March, when people burn the 'ninots'. Las Folios is truly an amozing celebration, which leaves anyone who has attended the festivities exhausted, but happy they were part of the fiesta. L> Read the article again and find words or phrases describing: People’s clothes: .......................... Feelings: 2 Replace the highlighted words/phrases in the text with the ones below, as in the example. • stunning • cheerful • festive • huge • crowded with full of: ► crowded with extremely big: ........................... celebratory; ............................. happy: ................................... very beautiful; .......................... ^ a Think of a popular national or local celebration in your country and make notes under these headings: Activities Clothes Atmosphere b Now, use these notes to write a short paragraph (60-70 words) describing what happens during the day of the event. 8 Plan Introduction Para 1: name, place, date, reason for celebrating Para 2: .............................. Para 3; Conclusion Para 4: comments, feelings 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in bold. As a travel writer, I've been to some of the most 1) ................places on AMAZE earth, and I’ve also attended some very 2) ..................local events and INTEREST celebrations.This means that I’ve been to dozens of festivals, carnivals and parades all over the world. "Aren’t you 3}.............with §oiny to all these BORE celebrations? Don’t they all feel the same after you’ve been to twenty or thirty of them?” my friends ask me. The 4) ..................... answer is nol SURPRISE Every time I visit a new festival I feel 5) ............ as if I’ve never been EXCITE to a festival before. Festivals are not a 6) .................experience, but RELAX no matter bow 7)................... I EXHAUST am after a day or days of celebrating, I’m always 8)...........that I had the PLEASE chance to experience the local culture of a place. It’s always 9)............ SATISFY to know that the next event I go to, I’ll do new things and make new friends. And I’m never 10)................; this DISAPPOINT is what always happens during these festive events! ■! ШШ 1 3 Underline the correct word. Biting your nails is a very bad custom/habiL Every time a float passes by, the audiences/ spectators cheer excitedly. I met Luke by chance/luck at the cinema the other day. Do your parents allow/let you stay out late on weekdays? Match the phrasal verbs to their definitions and then use them in their correct form to complete each of the sentences. turn down a arrive turn into b switch off turn off c return turn back d refuse turn up e become 3 4 The quiet little town.............................. a busy cultural centre during carnival time. We’re too far from home; we can’t.................. ................to get the cannera now! I don’t believe how many people.................... ................... for the music festival! It's not a good idea to............................ their offer before you think about it properly. Don’t............................. the TV, please. I want to watch the parade. Underline the correct preposition. Are you interested for/in going to a fancy dress party tonight? Bill's tired of/with doing the same thing for his birthday every year. Don’t tell me you still believe in/of Santa Claus! Are you pleased for/with the decorations we have chosen? The reason of/for this meeting is to talk about the school's music festival. My little brother is afraid in/of the loud noise that fireworks make when they go off. [; __X. _ ■ : -. . Л relatively new addition to the age-old tradition of global^ national and local festivals, the Dubai Shopping Festival, or the DSF as it's more commonly called, is an event that offers something for everyone, it lasts for about a month, and takes place in one of the winter months every year. What first began as a tourist attraction in 1996 is now a 1)............of buying and selling that welcomes hundreds of thousand.s of visitors. Over 2,300 shops offer an enormous variety of goods at very low prices. 2).............will find even more bargains at one of the most popular attractions of the DSF, the Night .Souk. This is a big street market that is open from the afternoon till the small hours of the morning. There, it is customary for the shoppers to haggle with the sellers over the price of something, until both the buyer and the seller agree on a 3)...........price. But the DSF is not only about shopping. There is a wide range of 4)...............that keep everyone in the family happy. Over the years, events such as a food festival, fashion show, carnival and a fireworks di.splay have offered visitors an 5)...........experience. The festival 6)............keep surprising visitors with new, bigger and better events every year. The Dubai Shopping Festival is a fantastic family event that combines shopping with fun and culture, and brings people from the four corners of the world together. As the slogan of the festival says; "One Family, One World, One Festival", 2 Read the text and use the words below to fill the gaps, • enjoyable • organisers • activities • satisfactory • celebration • festival-goers Read the text again and mark the statements below as T (True), F (False) or NS (Not stated). The DSF always takes place in the same month every year. .... The DSF began as a way to make Dubai’s shops more famous. .... The first DSF was not very popular. .......... The Night Souk is a favourite with visitors. .... The DSF offers different things to do every year. A family pays less to visit the events at the DSF. .... 10 ^ Match the highlighted words/phrases in the » text with their meaning. 1 usual;........................................ 2 international: ............................... 3 great:........................................ 4 huge: ....................................... 5 existing for a long time; .................... 6 very many: ................................... /j Complete the sentences using the words in ~ bold in the text. The shops offer everything at really low prices, so people find Lots of...............to choose from. The big parade ano tne song contest are two ................ that draw large crowds to the festival. The famous Carnival at Rio de Janeiro............. for four days. The Dance Festival................... modern and traditional dances from an over the world. The floats are a nice................ to our local carnival. 3 1 Underline the correct word. 0-m ® i;< The delidous/brightly/ excitedly decorated trees look wonderful at night. People are wandering around smartly/ hurnediy/happily, admiring the sculptures at the Winter Festival. They are waiting patiently/siowly/ proudly to buy tickets for the show. 2 The children are watching the game ^ and cheering exotically/surely/ enthusiastically. Fill in: messy, spectacular, treats, traders, explode, memorise. The local..............offer their goods at very low prices. Oiga finds it difficult to...........her lines for the school play. During Christmas time, the streets of our town ...........with festive activity. My mum keeps a basket of............. Like sweets and candy to offer children on Halloween. One of the most popular events at the festival is the...............fireworks display. The house was so ............... after the party that it took us three hours to dean up. Correct the sentences. Use the words: depends, unique, reminded, decided, formal, holding, special. 1 James is doing a party for his birthday this weekend. 2 The success of the event relies on how well we organise it. 3 Have you chosen on a theme for your part ? 4 When you go to Venice, don’t miss the specific oDDortunity to visit the Carnival. 5 You can’t wear jeans to his graduation party; it’s a strict event, 6 A woman’s wedding day is a very particular day in her life. 7 Have you remembered George to bring the decorations; Underline the correct item. Have you ever seen such magoificent/ delicate costumes? I need to know how many people are attending/ are representing Friday’s party, so I can buy enough refreshments. The big parade on Sunday displays/signals the end of Carnival weeK. On Memorial Day, people in the USA point out/ commemorate all the American soldiers who died in war. Every year, too/lone musicians from European countries take part in the Eurovision Song Contest. At the market square you can find many monuments/stalls selling local handicrafts. 11 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous to complete the dialogue. Ben: Hi, Ian. How are you? Ian: Hello, Ben. I’m OK, but I 1) (have) a lot of work to do and 12)........... (try) to finish it. Ben; Really? And I’ve called because I 3)........... (’want) to invite you to my son’s party. We A)............. (celebrate) his graduation. Ian: A party? It 5)...............(sound) fun, but I 6)............. (stay) at work till late tonight. Ben; Again? You 7) ............... (always/leave) the office tatei Ian; That’s not true] But. anyway, what time 8).................... (the party/start)? Ben: Around eight. 9)............. (you/come)? fan: Well, I 10) .................(think) of coming for an hour or so and then doing some work at home. Ben: That's greatl I'll see you later, then! 2 2 3 У Choose the correct verb tense. Harry has always been wantfng/has always wanted to ride on a parade float. I'm sorry I'm late. Have you waited/Have you been waiting long? Have you found/Have you been finding a costume for the fancy dress party yet? Alex has been asking/has asked his mum to take him to the parade all morning. I’ve never been trying/’ve never tried candy floss. Is it nice? Ivan has danced^has been dancing ever since the concert started. Isn’t he tired? I don't think the parade will take place; it has been raining/has rained for two days now and the streets are flooded. 3 Look at how Samantha celebrates her birthday every year and write sentences using the adverbs below, as in the example. never sometimes often rarely always usually Has a party. 100% Invites teachers to her party. 10% Has a chocolate birthday cake. 75% Has clowns at her party. 0% Throws streamers at her party. 25% Plans her party a month earlier. 50% ► Samantha always has a party on her birthday. 1 ................................................ Choose the correct item. George and Jane haven't decided where they’re having their wedding reception......... A just в yet C now Lisa is .....worried about the broken mirror. A still В ail morning C already I haven’t been to a school prom ....... a long time! A since В so far C for Mary’s been calling you ......... because she wants to ask you something. A stilt В at the moment C all morning I’ve ........ seen a shooting star. Quick, let’s make a wish! A now В already C just 12 5 Underline the mistake in each sentence and correct it, as in the example. 6 TTb Do you know the reason [2J___[ That's the hotel j~3 I ] Carnival Week is a time I 41..i i iove parade floats I 5 I I In our street there’s a house I 6 I I My friend believes that those В when people celebrate in the streets, why he’s not coming tonight? who are born on Friday 13th are unlucky, where i’m having my sweet 16 party, which are huge and brightly decorated, whose garden is always brightly decorated at a b c d e f Christmas. Do you know the reason why he's not coming tonisht? Every Christmas, my mum has baked traditional gingerbread cookies. bakes Sarah has always been to a music festival before; it's her first time.......... I don’t believe you haven’t sent out the party invitations still! ......... Chris is loving the Carnival; it’s his favourite holiday. ......... Have you gone to their wedding next week? .......... Emma buys a costume for the party, but it’s too big and she has to take it back. ........ Jill has been trying to find her glasses since an hour. ......... A\atch column A to column В to make sentences, as in the example. CORNER What's the English for: собирать деньги на благотвори-тельноаь, конкурс поваров, хорошая (плохая) примета, суеверие, превращаться в пираккий город, прожить жизнь пирата, задуть свечи, надеть маскарадные костюмы, главное событие в жизни подростка, самое лучшее, быть нарасхват, превращаться, день памяти, торжественное празднование, угощения, быть взволнованным. 8 Translate the situations into English: 1. В каждой стране свои праздники и фестивали. В России мы отмечаем Новый год, Рождество, Масленицу, День Победы и многие Другие праздники. У нас прочная традиция отме-чатьженский день 8 Марта. В этот день все женщины получают подарки, мы устраиваем вечеринки, готовим особенные блюда. Если вы идете к друзьям, не забудьте красивые цветы для матери семейства. Национальным праздником всей страны является День Победы, которь!Й мы отмечаем 9 мая. Утром мы смотрим парад на Красной площади по телевизору, а вечером — разнообразные фейерверки, а также представления на открытом воздухе, концерты, которые проходят в парках и на главных площадях. В России много региональных фестивалей, например день арбуза в Астрахани, день огурца в Суздале, В эти дни проводятся разнообразные конкурсы, вы можете стать их участником и получить приз. Самый любимый праздник детей — Новый год. Они украшают елки, взрывают хлопушки, пускают серпантины, надевают маски и маскарадные костюмы. Взрослые юже любят этот праздник, нарядно одеваются, обмениваются подарками, фотографируются. Это самый веселый семейный праздник. 2. Ежегодный карнавал на острове — очень красочное зрелище. Жители острова свято придерживаются своих традиций: надевать на карнавал маски монстров, наряжаться {для костюмов используется все: от фруктов до старой мебели и посуды) и веселиться. 13 1 2 Label each picture. • detached house • caravan • block of flats • cottage Complete the grid. What's the hidden word? '0 'V "s 1 I've already put the plates and the glasses in the all you need to do is turn it on. 2 When there is ... gravity, everything seems weightless and floats upwards. 3 How can we clean our carpets, now that the ... cleaner is broken? 4 You need a new ... bag if you're going camping; this one is too old. 5 Kate loves living in the ... of the city, because it’s full of life. 6 It's been raining for six days and the football ... is too wet, so I don’t think there'll be a game tonight. 7 You need to start exercising again, your muscles are starting to go ... . 8 ... of gravity makes it difficult for astronauts aboard a spaceship to move around. 9 The in our area are very happy with the council’s decision to create another park. 2 Underline the correct item. 1 We can share the chores; you wash/dust the furniture, and I'll clean the windows. 2 Can you be a little more careful and stop floating away/bumping into everything that's in your way? 3 The International Space Station is weird/glant in size; it’s as big as an American football field. 4 John works out/blocks out on an exercise bike for two hours a day. 5 1 want to take my car out of the garage. Can you please move yours from the porch/drive? 6 Turn the music down; it’s too nofsy/crowded in here! 4 Fill in: mop, make, not do, wash and keep in the correct tense. ^ Mrs. Jones........................ the beds before she gets on with the chores around the house. ^ 1 find it so difficult to...................my room tidy! It’s always messy. & Don't come in here with your dirty 'shoesl I...................the floor right now. Jane........................ the ironing yet, because she’s too busy. si ^ Lisa and Nathan have just finished dinner, and they............................dishes. 14 1 Choose the correct response, as in the example. I 1 I I You're always leaving your things everywhere! I 2 I I You'd better not do that again. I 3 I I I can’t help you around the house today. I’m too busy. I 4 I I You promised to help me with my homework, and you didn't! I 5 I b I Please forgive me. I didn’t mean to upset you. 6 I I Come here, young ladyl I’d like a word with you. a I’m really sorry. How can I make it up to you? b Don’t worry about it. c What have I done now? d I’m sorry, I didn’t realise it bothered you so much, e But that’s what you always say! f I promise I won’t. 3 Replace the phrases in bold with the ones below. Having a sister is great, but having a twin sister is fantastic! Suzan understands me completely, and 1) never leaves my side when I need her. This doesn’t mean that we don't have our share of problems, though. We may be very similar in character and appearance, but each of us still has habits that 2) really annoy the other. For example, Suzan 3) hates it very much when I play loud music. She also says that when I call someone, 4) I talk to them for hours and hours! As for me, I really don't like the fact that Suzan 5) always leaves her side of our room messy. This means that I have to clean the whole room, which 6} makes me very angry. But all these don't really matter. No matter how angry we sometimes make each other, we always forgive one another in the end! A & c never get off the phone gets on my nerves is always there for me D never tidies up E can’t stand it F drive each other crazy 2 О Listen and mark each statement as True, False or Nof stated, Janet is angry with her brother. A True В False C Not stated George is a very messy person, A True В False C Not stated Janet does some household chores in the evening. A True В False C Not stated Janet has talked to George about the problem. A True В False C Not stated Laura thinks that Janet is being selfish. A True В False C Not stated George will soon start helping ■ Janet around the house. A True В False C Not stated 4 Use the idioms below in the correct form to complete the sentences. 1 get on like a house on fire 2 be home and dry 3 be as safe as houses 4 horne from home 1 Now that the most difficult part of the project is over, we 2 Whenever we go to the countryside we always stay at the same hotel; it ..................................................... 3 Sarah and Nicole work really well together, and enjoy each other’s company; they ......................................... 4 Don’t worry, the mechanic has done a good job repairing your car; it ....................................................... 15 1 2 1 1 3 4 Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive (with or without fo) or -ifij form. A: Here, let me............................ (hold) the bike while you’re fixing it. B; Thanks! 1 could certainly............... (do) with your help. A: What do you think of........... ............. (get) these boots for Jane? B: Bad idea. She doesn't like..... .............(wear) anything but sports shoes. Would you like............. ...........(order) now? B: Do you mind.................... (give) us a few more minutes? A: You can't avoid ..................... (talk) to Sam forever, John. He’s your best friend. B: Well, you don’t expect me............ ........... (for^ve) him after what he’s done, do you? Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive without to or 'ing form. I can hear Matt ....................(shout) at John. What are they arguing about now? Since you saw him............................... (break) the vase, why didn’t you say anything? Have you heard Bob.............................. (sing)? He has a terrible voice! He felt something ....................... (touch) his arm for a moment, and thought it was a spider. Mary saw Robbie................................. (cry) and went to tell the teacher. 3 Put the verbs in bold into the to-jn/inftrve or -fng form. 1 • Why don't you try ..................... some of your chores during the week? Then you’ll have more free time at the weekend. • Olga tried................her errands in the morning but she didn’t have enough time for all of them. 2 • I don't understand why the neighbours complained about the noise, i remember ..........them about the party weeks ago. • Did you remember.................our new neighbours to come to us if they need any help? 3 • Why don’t we stop...................that man for directions to the hotel? It seems we’re lost! • Can you please stop................... so many silly questions? it’s really annoying! «fell «gsk 4 • When Lisa starts talking about how awful her old car is. she can go on «^ompfain for hours! • First she says she likes doing the housework all by herself, and then she goes on that no one ever helps her! 4 Use too or enough and the appropriate word from the list below to complete the sentences. * space ■ crowded * big • safe О Jane doesn't like living in the city centre because it's The streets in qur neighbourhood are........... for young children to play in. ^ The garage of this house has .................for two cars. We can’t put a table on our porch, because it’s not 16 1 Complete the sentences using the words below. There are three words you do not need to use. nosy I tree-lined clean spacious [ peaceful | 2 local noisy expensive crowded 5 t Jane's new house is very.....................; nothing like her old one-bedroom apartment, i don’t see why you do your shopping in the dty centre, when the........................shops offer everything you can ask for. Living next to a playground gets a little.... ..................when all the neighbourhood children gather around to play. Don’t mind Mrs Parker. She’s not mean, she’s just a .........................old lady who wants to know everything about her neighbours! suggest doing the shopping in the morning, when most people are at work and the shops aren’t so 6 I’d never imagined that living in the suburbs would be so..................................and quiet. Э Match the adjectives to their opposites. ГТГ 1 traditional a attractive |2| 1 ugly b noisy |3| 1 quiet c tall |4] 1 low d modern LlU I narrow e wide b Use adjectives from Ex, 2a to complete the sentences. The streets in this neighbourhood are so........ ....................... that there’s not enough room for two cars to pass at the same time. Our next-door neighbours are very.............. .............................; they keep having loud parties all the time, i don’t like the way they have decorated their living room; i think it looks really............ Their house in the country is full of old, wooden, ....................... furniture, which gives the whole place a very beautiful and warm look. 3 Use the words below to complete the exchanges. n€ws«geiit% шяШ bek@r'’s fief kejois 1 A; Hi, Carol. Would you like to go to a........... ...................for a cup of coffee? B; Sure, but first 1 have to go to the........... ...................to get some money. 2 A: I need to buy some bread. Is there a ...................nearby? B: Yes, it’s next to a ...............down the street where you can buy your fruit and vegetables. 3 A: Could you give me directions to the ...................? i need to buy some meat. B: i’ll go with you. It's opposite the........... ...............where i buy the paper, 4 A: i feel terrible! i should go to the............ ...................to get some aspirin, B: You can’t leave your ...................... in this cold weather! I'll go and get some for you. ^ Choose the correct response. 1 A: Can you please show me how to do this exercise? B: a Sure, it would be a pleasure, b That’s really kind of you. 2 A: I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you. Б: a Please forgive me. b Don’t worry about it. 3 A: Would you mind moving your car, please? B; a Sorry about that. ! didn’t know it was in the way. b That's really kind of you. ! appreciate it. 4 A: Would you like me to feed your dog while you’re away? B: a ! didn't mean to bother you. b Would you? Thanks, that would be great! 17 1 Below is a part of an email you have sent to your friend inviting him to your birthday party. Read the extract and choose the most suitable way to begin and end your email. email Now that school and football practice are over, I have plenty of time to throw a big party! I'm having it on Friday 20th June, but I’ve asked my mum if my friends can stay the night, so we can hang out the next day, too! Please say you're coming! I know you haven’t met my friends, but I'm sure you’ll all get on like a house on fire! I'll try to get the new Rihanna CD for the party, but it’s selling like hotcakes, and I don’t know if 1 can find it. It doesn’t matter, though. You are coming, right? You can't turn down this great chance to meet new people and have lots of fun! Dear Thomas, j ^ Dear Mr T. Wright, Yours truly, j John Hall 1 Yours sincerely, Mr. JHalt i| (- Hi, Tom, 1 Take care, 1 John Read the email extract in Ex. 1 again and find two examples of; a phrasal verbs; b idioms; c informal linkers: d short forms: 3 Choose the most appropriate opening and dosing paragraphs for the task in Ex, la. Opening paragraphs I hope this communication finds you in good i health. Moreover, ) would like to take this i I opportunity to express my wish to have you as I my guest at my birthday celebration. ' В I How are you? Sorry I haven’t written for ages, but it’s been crazy around here! The good news is I that I’m having a birthday party, and I’d love it if > you could come. Closing paragraphs Anyway, I have to go now. Let me know what you decide about the party, but please try to make it! В In closing, I wish to say that I shall be truly I delighted to see you at my birthday celebration, j Please inform me of your decision as to whether , you will attend. 4Э Read the rubric below and underline the key words. This is part of a letter that you have received from your pen friend, Zoya. Write back to Zoya answering her questions, it’s my parents’ wedding anniversary next week, and I want to surprise them by making them a nice dinner. And here’s where I need your help! t don’t know what to make! Any ideas? Also, what can I do to make sure my parents don’t Jlnd out about my surprise? b Read the rubric again and tick (/) the sentences which are suitable for a reply to Zoya’s letter, 1 I'm sorry, but better luck next time. □ 2 Dinner will take place at eight o’clock. П 3 A great idea! Your mum and dad will be pleased. □ 4 It is easy to make and doesn’t take too Long. □ 5 i look forward to our next meeting. □ 6 I’ll ask my mum for ideas too. She’s a great cook! □ 7 I've got to go, but let me know how it goes. D 8 You shouldn’t keep secrets from your parents. П L8 3 Complete the sentences with the prepositions below. Fill in the correct form of the words in bold. 1 Jenny prefers honey in her tea; it has the.................... SWEET of sugar, but it’s healthier. Z When it comes to choosing an area to live in, safety is of great .................................. IMPORTANT 3 Mrs Williams is very good at suggesting fun learning .................that help her ACTIVE students understand her lesson better. 4 John says that dogs have a high level of...................... INTELLIGENT which is why they learn tricks so easily. 5 More and more people are starting to complain about the ....................... of the FREQUENT local bus service. 2 Complete the sentences using the words below. washes cupboard washing cleans wardrobe cleaning sweep 1 Don't leave your clothes all over your room! Hang them in the........................... 2 Sam......................his teeth every morning and night, as he hates to visit the dentist. 3 Olga .............her car every Sunday. 4 The cleaners.......................and mop the office floors every day. 5 Grab a glass from the kitchen ..............and I'll pour you some juice. 6 You’ve got no clean T-shirts! You’d better do the ............................today. 7 Why don’t we share the housework? i’ll do the cooking and washing-up, and you can do the out Stephen gave his sister a big bunch of roses to make...................forgetting her birthday. One minute my next-door neighbour is really nice to me, and the next he's extremely rude; 1 don't know what to make..................him! According to the newspaper report, the thieves made .................. goods worth over ten thousand pounds. Can you make................what it says here? The letters are too small for me to read. You don't need to make..............an excuse for being late; just tell your teacher the truth. Underline the correct preposition. The armchair is on/in the corner of the room next to the window. Can you stop leaving your things to/on the floor? You’re so messy! The fire left half the buildings in the street at/in ruins. ! know we're in/on a hurry, but can you slow down, please? Don’t worry, if we can't find a nice hotel for your birthday party, we’ll do it at/in home. James has parked his car in/on the corner of Smith and Nicolson street, Suzan can’t do her maths homework, because she’s left her book to/at school. 19 Read the text below and choose an alternative title for it. YOU LIVE AWD LEARN! (B) SOMEONE'S WATCHING YOU! SHARING FAMILY CHORES Do the Dishes and Win! Big Brother is a reality TV show that brings a number o1 people together in a house for a period of time. Cameras and microphones record their actions and they appear on TV. Each week viewers 5 vote for their favourite resident, and the least favourite housemate has to leave the house. This happens until there is only one housemate left, who goes home with a cash prize. Big Brother began in the Netherlands in 1999 and since then the idea 10 has spread like wildfire throughout the world. There have been Big Brother shows in over 70 countries worldwide. In its early years, Big Brother was a huge hit. Originally, people saw it as a fascinating social experiment. Viewers could peep into the lives of ordinary people twenty-four hours a day. It was very interesting for millions of young and old viewers around the world to see how different types of people live together. 20 15 One thing that hasn’t changed in the Big Brother household is that some residents get on like a house on fire, while others drive each other crazy. A major source of conflict for the contestants, but also entertainment for the viewers, is housework. If all housemates do their share of household chores housemates usually live in harmony. Yet a messy housemate who doesn’t help around the house isn't very welcome in the Big Brother "family”. In fact, the winner is usually the person who does their share of chores and doesn't complain about anybody else not doing theirs. Although over the years Big Brother has become less popular, there is still a huge audience eagerly awaiting to see how far their favourite or least favourite character will go to win the big cash prize in the end. Who knows? Maybe some of us see a bit of ourselves in the show! V Й5 I’'J 30 t- 35 U . V .1 Read the text again and mark the statements below as T (True), F (False) or Ns (Not stated). t People watching from home choose a new winner every week. 2 Big Brother started in the Netherlands. 3 In recent years older people have started to take part in Big Brother. 4 Most housemates share their food in the Big Brother house. 5 Some of the housemates in the Big Brother house have a very good relationship, 6 The Big Brother show has a smaller audience than what it had in the past. Match the highlighted words/phrases in the text with their definitions. 1 in the beginning: ...................... 2 peace: ................................. 3 a person who you share your house with; 4 take a took at: .. 5 with enthusiasm; 6 disagreement: ... 20 Answer the questions. 1 What does the writer want to show by using the phrase "spread like wildfire”? (line 9) 2 Why is the word family in quotation marks? (line 28) ^ а Match the pictures (1-6) with the animal types (a-f). mammal f I reptile I 3 I I insect ш I 5 I I bird I 6 I I fish amphibian b Match the characteristics (1-6) with the animal types (a-f). Write sentences, 1 feed babies milk 4 have feathers, lay eggs 2 six legs 5 live on land and water 3 have fins 6 cold-blooded, scales 1 feed babies milk ► An animal which feeds its baby milk is called a mammal. 2 .............................................. 3 .............................................. 4 .............................................. 5 .............................................. 6 .............................................. 2 Choose the correct item. 1 Animal.......are in danger all over the world, A hedgerows S homes C habitats 2 How many.........of birds live in this woodland? A inhabitants В species C residents 3 My neighbour is very.....; he never says hello to me. A arrogant В friendly C selfish 4 The Nile . flows into the Mediterranean Sea. A River В Lake C Pond 5 Water pollution is....... many fish species with extinction, A threatening В destroying C damaging 3 10 Underline the correct word/phrase. I usually stare/watch out the window for the entire journey when I am on a plane. The prime minister stood up, ready to receive/ recognise his guests. The use of poisonous chemicals/litter in farming results in serious environmental damage. The child let go of the balloon and watched it float/send away into the sky. It’s such a beautiful evening, let's go and sit or^ the drive/porch for a bit. It is important to cover/Ыоск your eyes with sunglasses when you look at the sun. Please buy me a kilo of potatoes when you go to the grocer’s/newsagent’s. There is not enough room for a cycle path on this street - it is too wide/narrow. Is your new neighbour/neighbourhood very crowded? What I enjoy most about living at/in the suburbs is the peace and quiet they offer. Match the words in the two columns. Then use the phrases to complete the sentences below. A В 1 official a machine г extinct b Minister 3| terraced c station 4 rowing d function 5 space e house 6 Prime f species 1 I live in a pretty .......................... in an attractive area of London. 2 Can you help me buy a suit? ! am going to a(n) ....................................next week and 1 need to look nice. 3 I am buying a(n) .............................. to use at home because I don't like going to the gym. 4 If we are not careful, animals like tigers and leopards will soon be ........................ 5 The astronaut needed more than one hour to complete the repairs on the................... 6 10 Downing Street, London, is where the British ............................................lives. 21 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive or ч'лз form. When my sisters and I were young, we ioved 1)................(spend) our summer holidays in Brighton. I can remember ail of us 2) ..............(look) forward to the end of the summer term at school, so we could 3) .............. (start) packing our suitcases. The fun started before we even got there: alt of us wanted 4).................(sit) at the front seat of the car, our mum made us 5).................(play) a game of “rock - paper - scissors”, The winner sat at the front! In this way, we avoided 6) ..............(argue) with each other. During the three-hour trip we enjoyed all sorts of car games, in which the whole family participated. After 7) ..............(drive) for about two hours, my father always stopped 8) ................... (have) some rest. Then, we continued 9)................... (travel) until we got to Brighton. That’s where the real fun began! Our parents let us 10)............. (do) almost whatever we wanted, for the next three weeks! And you know what? We did! 2 Match the tv^o parts of the sentences. Ml I George isn't looking forward I Z I I How do you manage I 3 I I Mum says we must 1.4 [ I I’m sorry, but f can’t help Г5 T I Don’t deny Ml I I would love Has anyone offered It’s not worth В breaking the window, Tom saw you. laughing at your strange haircut! paying so much for a used car. to have a house in the countryside, to moving to a new house, to help you with the chores? put the dirty dishes in the sink, to do so many things at the same time? a b c d e f 3 h 3 4 Underline the correct verb form, A: Why don’t you stop wasting/to waste your tinte and get on with your work? B: Because I can’t stand doing/do chores around the house! A: I've been working all morning, and I’ve stopped to take/taking a break. Do you want to have some coffee with me? B: I’d love keeping/to keep you company, but I have to leave. A: i'm so sleepy! I can hardly staying/stay awake! B; You should try to go/going to bed earlier, A: Let me to help/help you hang out the washing. B: Thanks, I promise helping/to help you with your chores, too! A: Are you still thinking about buying/to buy a new dishwasher? B: No, I’ve decided calling/to call someone to fix the one I have. Complete the text with too or enough. I don’t think you're ever prepared I)............ for life or your own. When I went away to college I thought 1 was ready, but I soon realised that I was wrong. The money my parents sent me wasn't 2)................. so I got a part-time job, I worked 3)...............many hours and soon my grades started to drop. I was living on my own for the first time ond had a lot of responsibilities. There was 4)...............much to do and not 5)..............time. I guess I wasn't old Й)..............to be on my own just yet. 22 5 Complete the following with too or enoogfi and the words in brackets. Translator’s ICORNER 1 Our new neighbours are nice people, but I don't think they are ..................... {sociable). That’s why they never come to any of our parties, 2 I don’t like this new, modern block of flats; it looks....................(ugly)- 3 It’s .................... (noisy) in here. Why don’t you go to the study to do your homework? 4 Let's not sit in this park. It's not........... (clean). 5 Oo you think this armchair is.................. (modern)? I don’t want to buy something old-fashioned 1 6 Our vacuum cleaner is....................(old). We need a new one. 6 Circle the mistake (A or B) and then correct it, as in the example. 1 The winters in my country are too long. I’d ► to Uve ^ love live somewhere where it's warm for most of the year! 2 I am sorry to tell you this, but we don’t have A money enough to go on holiday this year. В 3 It's no use to worry about losing my book now, A but next time don't borrow my things without asking me first, В 4 Alice doesn't mind doing most of the chores, A but I suggest you to help her. Q 5 You don’t need to worry about Maya. She’s A too old to stay home by herself. В 6 Helen is tired enough to water the plants, so A she’s decided to do it tomorrow. В 7 Please remember switching off the lights. You A always forget to do it! В 8 What's the English for: работать на космической станции, невесомость, мышцы становятся мягкими, отсутствие притяжения, наткнуться на компьютер, в безвоздушном пространстве, автобусная оаэновка находится на углу улицы, подружиться с кем-то, вьислючзть свет, взять что-то без разрешения, убирать помещение, подвергать кого-либо риску, висеть на телефоне, разговорчивый, высокомерный, эгоистичный, готовый помочь, забывчивый. Translate the situations into English: 1, Прошлое лето я провел у дедушки с бабушкой. Их коттедж находится недалеко от маленького, тихого и красивого городка Мышкин на Волге. В доме шесть комнат: три внизу и три наверху, У дедушки есть даже свой кабинет, где много-много книг и компьютер. Самое интересное место в доме — чердак. Там много вещей, которые напоминают о моем детстве. Ближайшие соседи очень общительные и заботливые люди, они помогают дедушке с бабушкой, когда нас нет. В детстве я обычно проводил здесь каждое лето, поэтому у меня много друзей. Недалеко от дома — огромное футбольное поле, и прошлым летом мы часто играли в футбол. Мы, конечно, ходили в поход, разбивали палатки и спали в спальных мешках. Было здорово! Но я не только радовался жизни, мне приходилось выполнять домашние обязанности: я пылесосил весь дом. Мои друзья предложили помочь отремонтировать мою комнату. Мы использовали шланг от пылесоса, чтобы побелить ее. Прекрасное лето! 2. - Аня, мне надо поговорить с тобой. — О, что опять не так? — Посмотри, в каком беспорядке кухня. 1-1еужели ты не можешь убрать за собой? — Я занята, работаю на компьютере, — Не забывай, у тебя тоже есть домашние обязанности. Я работаю с утра до вечера, делаю покупки, готовлю обед. — Ты права, мама. Через пять минут я помою посуду и уберусь. — Замечательно! Спасибо! 23 24 1 2 Match the words to form collocations. Then use them to complete the sentences. iL A huge sharp В rm mythical И snake-like 51 I recorded Violent sightings creature whirlpool hooks eye head 1 2 The unicorn is a ........................in Greek mythology. The Kraken sea monster creates a ............................ ................when it dives back into the ocean. There have been many ........................................ of a strange ape-like creature in the mountains of southern California. The.............................on the tentacles of the giant squid can cut deep scars into a fisherman’s skin. People who have seen the Loch Ness Monster say it has a long, slender neck and a ......................................... In Greek mythology, a Cyclops was a giant with one ......... ...............................in the middle of his forehead. Underline the correct item. The sailor only caught a quick glimpse/giare of the beautiful mermaid before she dived back into the sea. The knight hid behind a rock and glanced/stared in wonder at the fire-breathing dragon. The child said he had spotted/looked a strange creature in the sky, with the head of an eagle and the body of a lion. The children decided to go in search/approach of the Loch Ness Monster, The true reason why dinosaurs became extinct remains/continues a mystery. The plesiosaur is a dinosaur species that survived/existed millions of years ago, Investigators/Witnesses are still trying to find out what type of animal the skeleton they discovered belongs to. 3 Fill in: mysterious, legend, oncj'ent, horrifyins, coast, monster. THE Myth of the Minotaur In the Mediterranean Sea, to the south of the Greek 1).............. lies the island of Crete. According to the 2).............. in 3).............. times, a creature called the Minotaur lived there. Haif-man, half-bull, the Minotaur was truly 4).......... The King of Crete, Minos, kept the Minotaur in a maze which had many 5)..........., twLsdng passages. Every nine years, the King of Athens sent fourteen children for this strange- looking 6)............... to eat. Theseus, an Athenian hero, took a magic ball of thread into the maze with him, he found the Minotaur, killed it with a sword, then found his way out of the maze using the thread to retrace his steps. 1 3 Underline the correct item. Many people believe that dreams are a way for our subconscious brain/mind to express our deeper thoughts and fears. Don't worry about your dream; it just shows that you're under/a bit stress these days. Evelyn woke up in the middle of the night terrified, with her heart shakingypounding. Don’t mind James, he just got out of the bad/ wrong side of the bed! I don’t know what your nightmare means! Why don’t you deal with it/look it up in a dream dictionary? 2 l:^i в c Ф о Listen to 5 people talking about their dreams. Match the statements (A-E) to the speakers The speaker created something out of his/her dream. The speaker felt scared after his/her dream. The speaker shared a similar experience with a friend. The speaker doesn't agree with the explanation of his/her dream. The speaker dreamt about something that happened in reality. Speaker 1 2 3 4 1 5 Statement Put the dialogue in the right order. Э What do these phrases express? Put them in the appropriate category in the box below. 1 I doubt that very 6 much. 7 2 Oh, that’s horrible! Й 3 That's a thought. 9 4 That can’t be right! 5 is everything 10 alright? 1 don't believe it! What’s the matter? Surely not! You can't be serious! You might be right. Expressing agreement Expressing disagreement Expressing concern Expressing surprise b Use some of the expressions from Ex. 4a to complete the exchanges. More than one answer may be possible. 1 A: What about going to see a film tonight? B: .......................................... 2 A: Someone robbed the Waltons last night. B: .......................................... 3 A: Б: 11 Uf a Somebody was chasing me. [2j_J b Really? Why? 4 A: mn c I had a terrible nightmare. Б: 4 d Oh! That’s horrible! ilU e Tired. I didn’t sleep well last night. 5 A: f Yeah, I woke up shaking like a leaf. 7^ g Hey, Jerry. How are you? B: m h What was it about? Joe has been in France for two weeks now. I was sure 1 saw him outside the cinema yesterday! !’m tired. I had a nightmare last night and didn’t sleep well. 1 think you can't sleep because you are stressed out. I have a lot on my mind lately. 25 1 ф Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense. m m https://WWW, dreaming, net Ь 1 W j * Welcome to the Share Your Dreams page, where you can send in descriptions of any unusual dreams you've had, or read about. In my dream, I 1)...................(walk) home from school, when I 2).................(realise) that a cute little dog 3)............ (follow) me all that time. 1 4)................... (turn) around to give the dog the sandwich 15)...............(hold) at the time, and the puppy 6)...............(start) meowing, just (ike a cat! Nancy, 14 Two years ago I 7) ..................... (dream) that 1 had a terrible toothache, and had to go to the dentist. But by the time I 8) ................. (arrive) at the dentist’s, all my front teeth 9) ..................(fall out)! When I 10)....................(get up), Ml)......................(run) to the mirror to see if all my teeth were there! Jeremy, 17 \ was in a big shop, and while I 12)................(wait) in line to pay, I 13).................... (spot) my old neighbour, who ) I'l)........................ (not/see) for many years. The funny thing is that as I 15)................... (go) to school the next day, I 16)...............(bump) into her, at the bus stop! Maria, 15 26 2 3 Rewrite the sentences using used to. Use would where possible. 1 Marion had dark hair, but now she has blonde hair. 2 Simon didn't read comics when he was at school. 3 Edward’s granddad walked for an hour to get to school when he was a child. 4 Claire trained every day when she was younger. 5 Ben worked in a shop, but now he works in a museum. 6 Diana lived in the countryside before she moved to the city. Circle the mistake (A or B) and then correct it, as in the example. ► bad 1 James was having breakfast and © left for work. В 2 At 10 am yesterday morning, Sarah was cooking while her A sister tidied her room. В 3 Tom was waiting for Jessica for A an hour before she arrived, so he В was upset. 4 After Charlie had cut the grass, A he used to water the flowers. В 5 Helen used to live in London A before she was moving to Madrid. В 6 Mike bumped into an old friend A of his while he had jogged in the В park. 7 When she came home, Nathalie fed her cat, would make dinner A В and watched some TV. 1 2 3 UnderlinG the correct item. 1 A: Do you think this painting is an original? B: No, it can’t/must be. The original is in a museum in Paris. 1 Match the words in the two columns. Then use the phrases in their correct form to complete the sentences. 2 A: B: Are you coming to the art museum with us? I may/must come. I haven’t decided yet. Б 3 A: is that an oil painting? A B; It must/can’t be. That artist only worked with oil. 1 teach a to see 2 play b images 3 have c important lessons 4 A: Did the artists Claude Monet and Rerre-Auguste 4 natural d tricks on Renoir ever meet? 5 fail e fun with B: They must/may have. Renoir painted a portrait jr individual f shades of Monet in 1875. 1 2 This painting is a collection of ............... put together to form a new picture. Of course the circles in the picture aren't moving! Your eyes are .......................... you! Children's stories .............young children .......................about life and the world around them. Patrick thinks that slipping on a banana peel and falling down is funny, but I ................... the humour in the situation. Janet is...................lots of.............. her new toys; she hasn’t stopped playing all morning! The artist has used............................. of blue and green to paint this country scene. Fill in: fn, at, about. 4 5 I don’t think we should talk................... this anymore. You may think that Sophie is distant and arrogant but.......................reality, she’s just shy. They’ll never agree on this; they just see things ..................a completely different way. Stop staring .............people! It's very rude, There’s a nice cafe........................the end of the street, do you want to go and grab a cup of coffee? She didn’t recognise me ....................... first, but when I told her my name she remembered who I was. Chris has taken care of everything, there’s nothing to worry .............................. A: Is that portrait of a man or woman? B: I'm not sure, I think it may/must be of a man. Correct the sentences. Use: a fantasy, minds, process, a shadow, /(fusions. 1 Optical images can force the eyes to see things in a different way. Wherever Tommy goes, his puppy follows like a reflection. Albert Einstein was certainly one of the finest brains of modern science. Jason believes his painting will fetch 20,000 euros. He really lives in an imagination world. Discovering new things and developing critical thinking are part of the learning performance. 27 1 f 1 Read the story and answer the questions. 1 2 3 4 Where did the story take place? Who were the main characters? What was the climax event? How did the characters feel at the end of the story? It was a warm, sunny afternoon in Epping. Jamie and his two friends, Mark and Sean, were walking happily in the forest, telling stories of their recent holidays. Suddenly, while they were enjoying their walk, Mark’s foot hit something and he fell over. As he got up, he spotted something sticking out from the ground; the corner of a brown, dusty box. The three curious friends reached excitedly for the box, but it was too deep into the ground, which meant they would have to dig so as to get the box out. However, it was getting dark so they decided to cover the box with leaves and return the next day. The following afternoon, the boys rushed to the hidden spot in the woods with a small shovel. As soon as they got there, they started digging enthusiastically, and after an hour of exhausting effort, the three finally managed to pull the mysterious box out. Mark opened the box carefully, and what they saw in there took their breath away: dozens and dozens of small, gold coins! Later, they took the chest to the police and lound out that someone had stolen those coins from the local museum and hidden them in the woods. The museum was offering a three-hundred pound reward to anyone who found them. The three friends were now proud and happy that they had discovered the stolen treasure. But they were also famous, as their story and picture appeared on the front page of the local newspaper! 28 2 5 Choose a suitable title for the story. a A Walk in the Woods b The Hidden Treasure c The Fait ( 3Read the story again. In which paragraph(s) does the writer: 1 end the story? ...... 2 develop the story? ...... 3 set the scene? ...... 4 describe the climax event? ......... Use the linkers to join the sentences. 1 Helen tried to phone the police. The phone was dead, (but) 2 Janet walked into her house. She heard a strange noise, (as soon as) 3 Chris was swimming. He saw a shark heading fast towards him. (while) 4 Nick tried to open the door. It was locked from the inside, (however) Look at the picture and use the words/phrases, as well as your own ideas, to set the scene for a story. 1 Match the words 1n the two columns. Then use them to complete the sentences. A в T second- a night 2 well- b long 3 I strange- c known 4 I old- d year looking fashioned 5 I hour- e ГбП late- f 7 I two- g hand 1 The boys watched a(n) ......................... documentary on the mysterious Loch Ness Atonster. 2 What a .................................picture! What is it supposed to be? 3 This art school is so popular there is a(n) .....................wafting list to get in. 4 This book shop has a lot of.................... books that are hard to find. 5 My parents don’t let my brother watch the ........................ films on television. 6 Ms Maple dresses in a(n)....................... way and looks much older than she really is. 7 Picasso is a(n).......................... painter. 2 Fill in: over, across, out, up with. US to win • Have you come 1)..............any mysterious looking figures lately? Send us your pictures. -------- - ,-----------------------------\ ^^^~------------- ■ —----------------\ • Can you write imaginative stories? Send in the scariest stories you can come 2)........... _______ _________i • Have you ever walked into a room or house and had a weird feeling come 3)............you? Share your experiences with us. We are looking for articles, stories and pictures for our Scary & Mysterious issue that comes 4)......next month. The winner in each category will receive tickets to the theatrical play Little Shop of Horrors. 3 Fill in: alike, iilusion, imasination, some, scenes, sights, spectators, witnesses. ■■■ This artist always paints ....................of the countryside. I keep having the ........................dream over and over again. One of the....................we enjoyed on our visit to Scotland was the haunted Aldourie Castle. Twenty thousand ........................came to the football pitch to cheer their team. The police found no ........................who could identify the thief. Marissa and Nancy look very much ................ and others often think that they're sisters. My brother has a vivid.......................and always scares us with the stories he makes up. Of course the circles in the painting are not moving! It’s just a(n)........................... Underline the correct preposition. A: i feel a little nervous of/about starting a new job. B: Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. A: Have you heard from/of Stephen King? B: Of course I have! I’ve read alt his books! A: How was your trip to Scotland? B: It was good, but unfortunately we didn’t succeed about/in seeing the Loch Ness Monster! A: Have you heard of/from Lisa? B; She called me a few days ago. She’s just got back from Japan. A: I find it so difficult to draw portraits I B; Don’t worry, I know from/about experience that you get better with practice. A: Have you ever thought of/for having an exhibition with your works? B; Not really. 29 ] т вф Rgad the text and mark the statements below it as T (True), F (False) or № (Not stated). What is art? In the 1960s a collection of artists made that question even more difficult to answer. They created Pop Art, a style of art that represented everybody's everyday experiences. Pop artists were fascinated by realistic images 5 from everyday life that everybody saw. One element of life they noticed was that almost all people are consumers who buy and use millions of different things every day. As a result, many Pop artists used images of products from the supermarket or advertisements in their works. 10 The most famous Pop artist was the American Andy Warhol. Warhol painted products like Campbell's Soup, Coca Cola bottles and bananas. He also painted other everyday images. For example, his bright portraits of celebrities like Marilyn Monroe, the famous actress, became very fashionable. The British Pop artist Eduardo Paolozzi collected pictures and is advertisements from magazines to use in his works. Another well-liked Pop artist was Roy Lichtenstein, Instead of using products or advertisements, most of his works were simitar to images in the comic books that chiidren read every day. Many people in the art world do not accept Pop Art as a real го art form. They can't see why a dull painting of an ordinary can of soup should be part of an art exhibition. However, many original Pop Art works have sold for millions of dollars. Many works have also appeared on music album covers. All in all, the most important result of Pop Art is that it has created го a new artistic way of looking at the everyday world. 4 5 Pop artists were interested in people’s everyday experiences. Pop art was only in America. Alt Pop artists used images of products in their works, Paolozzi was only famous in Britain. Marilyn Monroe was a Pop artist who painted celebrities. Pop Art hasn’t been very popular with some people. Some Pop artists never sold their works. Complete the sentences using the words in bold in the text. 1 Kate has decorated her flat with .................................works of art, 2 Many Hollywood ............................... attended the opening of the artist’s exhibition. 3 The magician only needed a(n) ................ ...........pack of cards for his amazing trick. 4 Monet painted beautiful ................... ...........of the countryside. 5 His .............................of works by Picasso and Dali is worth millions. Find words in the text that mean the opposite of the words below, not interested (line 4)....................... imaginary (line 4)............................ unknown (line 10)............................. dark (line 13)................................ different (line 18) .......................... exciting (line 21) ............................ Answer the questions. 1 What type of images did Pop artists find fascinating? 2 How did some people in the art world feel about Pop Art? 30 Choose the correct item. Use the words to complete the spidergram. • cube • paper • surrealism • dull • cubism • dark • triangle • oil THE 2 a Match the idioms in column A to their definitions in column B, В Jackson Pollock was or^ of the most well 1)......^and unusual American painters of the 20th century. He was an artist with a rich 2) who came 3)........with a style of painting called action painting. His paintings had a huge 4)....... on the art world. Pollock painted standing up, wandering around a canvas on the floor. He poured and dripped paint down on the canvas at different angles creating layers of colourful lines. Many people thought Pollock’s 5}......of painting was too easy. One artist said that Pollock’s paintings were only nice wallpaper. However, not 6)....... agrees. One viewpoint is that Pollock’s paintings represent maths equations. Most people agree that Pollock’s paintings have a(n) 7).......of mystery in them. In 2006, a German businessman bought one of Pollock’s paintings, “No. 5, 1948", for 140 million dollars, making it the most expensive painting in the world. Expensive wallpaper indeed! like watching paint dry a decide that ab/sth is the same as sb/sth [I [1 paint a grim else 1 A thought В known C done D believed picture of (sth) b very boring 2 A fantasy В illusion C imagination D thinking paint (sb/sth) with c have an enjoyable 3 A down В across c forward D up the same brush time 4 A power В impact c result D strength as (sb/sth) else d describe sth to make 5 A style в material c part D structure paint the town red it seem bad 6 A no one в everyone c sonreone D anyone 7 A theme в amount c subject D element b Use the appropriate idiom in the correct form to complete the sentences. 1 I don’t enjoy going to art exhibitions. It’s . ............................for me, 2 We had a great time last weekend. We went out on Saturday night and ........................ 3 Don’t................................ George ........................the rest of his family; unlike his brothers he is actually quite nice. 4 He ..................................what it’s like to be a young artist who's trying to become famous. Fill in: astonished, curious, confused^ excited. Frank was ...........................to find out what happened at the end of the book, so he stayed up all night to finish it. I was ...................by the directions they gave me, so I asked a local to show me the way. Jane couldn't wait to meet her favourite pop singer; she was so ....................that she couldn’t sit still. Kate was .......................when she heard that the painting hanging in our living room was an original. 31 1 1 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the post simple or the post continuous. A: I..............................(call) you all afternoon yesterday but you weren’t home. B: I......................(study) in the library, with some kids from my class. A: What...................... (Patrick/do) when Sam told him the truth? B: He....................(start) shouting at him! A: As I.................(look) out the window, I ...............(see) a car crash into a tree. B: ......................(you/call) the police? A: Why.......................... (you/take) the bus to work this morning? B: Because as I..................(drive) to the office, my car.......................(break) down. A: ............................(the girls/heip) you with the housework yesterday? B; Oh, yes! While Anna ........................ (vacuum) the carpets, Alice................. (clean) the windows. A: ................................ (you/know) that our dads .........................(go) to the same school when they were young? B: Really? I...................(have) no idea! Use the past perfect or the past perfect continuous to complete the sentences with the appropriate verb from the list below. win look have stare 1 Tom was very tired. He play visit 32 ............................football for hours. Z Susan was very happy because she ............... .........the first prize in the art competition. 3 Lisa was very upset because she............... .........................a horrible nightmare, 4 Peter and Sue were very excited because they .................................a haunted castle. 5 Sam was annoyed because he ................... ....... for information on Bigfoot for an hour, but couldn’t find anything interesting. 6 Shane........................at the woman for quite some time before he realised who she was. 3 4 Read the sentences and underline the correct item. The girls had been watching/were watching TV when their mum came home. What did you do/were you doing at 10 o’clock yesterday morning? Tom had a headache because he wasn't sleeping/ hadn’t slept enough the previous night. As Tony played/was playing computer games, his sister was listening to music. James used to/would be afraid of the dark when he was a child. Bill was working/had been working as a sales assistant for five years before he became an actor. Ed had never heard/was never hearing about the Loch Ness Monster before he went to Scotland, The secretary had sent/had been sending all the letters by the time her boss came to work, Use when, before or after to join the sentences, as in the example. Use past tenses. Susan waited for an hour. Then her friend arrived. P- Susan had been waitins for an hour before her friend arrived. They waited for all the guests. Then they started eating. 3 Jonathan was walking in the street. He bumped into an old classmate. 4 His mum picked him up. He finished school. 5 Beth was mopping the floor. She slipped and fell. 6 Natalie and David lived in a small flat. Then they moved house. 5 Read the text and choose the correct answer. йвдсЕ Ш 1да In t9l2, the Titanic 1) ...... an iceberg and sank in the nniddle of the Atlantic Ocean. Strangely enough^ Morgan Robertson 2) ... a novel, Fiftility, describing a similar event fourteen years before the Titanic sank. Robertson 3}....the ship in his book the Titan. In the novel, the best engineers 4).... the Titan and people 5} .... it was unsinkable. Surprisingly, the Titan also struck an iceberg and sank while it 6}..across the ocean. Both the Titanic and the Titan 7).a similar number of passengers during their voyage. Also, both ships met with disaster in the month of April. Had Robertson predicted the future, or was it all just a strange coincidence? 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 A A A A A A A hit was writing was calling were making believed was travelling had carried В was hitting В used to write В called В had made В had believed В had travelled Б had been carrying C would hit C had written C had called C had been making C were believing C used to travel C were carrying 6 Tick (/) the correct sentence. a Sharon used to take the tube to work before she learnt to drive. b Sharon was taking the bus to work before she learnt to drive. a Tom's family lived in Paris before they moved to Prague. b Tom's family were living in Paris before they moved to Prague. a Simon was reading many books when he was a child. b Simon read many books when he was a child. a After Gregory had been working out in the gym, he went back home. b After Gregory had worked out in the gym, he went back home. a Scott used to be very shy when he was younger. b Scott would be very shy when he was younger. Translator’s ICORNER 7 8 What’s the English for: вымершие виды животных, сильный водоворот, зарегистрированные случаи обнаружения чудовии^а, человеческие следы, видеть сон (хошмар), жить в придуманном мире; картина, написанная маслом; на заднем плане картины, случайно обнаружить что-то, в поисках чего-либо, нарисовать яркую/мрачную картину происшествия, тусклые краски. Translate the situations into English: 1. Существует множество легенд о загадочнь[х чудовищах. Люди из разных уголков земли сообщают о встречах с ними, некоторые видят снежного человека, Йети, ростом 2—2,5 метра, с человеческой головой, короткой шеей и длинными руками. В 1966 году заговорили о Мотмзне, сущеаве коричневого цвета размером с человека, с огромными крыльями, похожими на крылья мотылька. Несколько очевидцев видели, как он пролетал над городом Чарльстон. Ученые сомневаются, что зти существа реальны, так как, к сожалению, не найдено ни их следов, ни оаанков (скелетов). 2. В. И. Суриков написал картину «Боярыня Морозова» в 1 S87 г., вспоминая детство, проведенное в Сибири. На переднем плане мы видим женщину в русской национальной одежде XVII века, полулежащую на санях. Это Феодосия Морозова. Она призывает всех бороться за веру. На заднем плане зимний сельский пейзаж, снег и толпа людей. Цвета — естественные, преимущестеенно синий, белый и черный. Контраст делает картину очень реалистичной 33 1 2 Correct the sentences. Use the words:common, pгo^^em, clean, inventions, obstacles, conflicts, reality. Computers and the Internet are two fascinating developments of modern technology. According to Asimov, a robot must not do anything that argues with the three Laws of Robotics. It is only a matter of time before there are robots that cook and clear in every home. These days it is quite ordinary for children as young as ten to have a mobile phone. Wany of the gadgets we see in films don’t exist in fact. There are many difficulties to overcome when trying to create a perfectly functioning robot. In my opinion, the main trouble with mobile phones is that their buttons are too small. Match the words in the two columns, Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences. ГГГ ] vacuum a our needs |г| J mow b tasks |3| ] come c to harm |4| J cater for d the carpets |5| ] perform e a reality ] become f the lawn I need a robot that can ...................... because one of my chores is to keep the garden tidy. There are many gadgets and machines on the market that already ....................... but scientists promise that future robots will satisfy even more of our demands. Robots in factories are there to.............. that are dangerous or difficult for humans. Floors in homes will never be dirty again once there are robots to .........................! Should we trust robots to take on jobs where humans could ..........................if they made a mistake? Do you think that robotic doctors will ever... 7 3 Complete the text using; fi§urative, emotional, home, household, artificial. Do you think it is possible to have a(n) .................. response to a robot, such as love? Well, robot Л -V researchers do! In a few decades, some think we may have ^ 2).............. robots that look like humans, act like humans and even talk using 3).................. speech like humansl We will feel for these robots the way we feel about other humaris and animals. However, scientists probably need to create a(n) 4)................brain before machines are able to think, and this is no easy task. But if you doubt that this will happen, stop and think; who could have predicted 100 years ago that 5)..............computers and the Internet would exist? Complete the crossword puzzle using the clues. (Across) thinking about sth carefully before reaching a conclusion not natural, made by humans the ability to produce original things, ideas, etc. (Down ) the ability to understand and learn the ability to move from place to place when you are not doing anything 34 3 Use the phrases to complete the dialogues. 1 Choose the correct response. • Well... I suppose so. • I suppose that might work. • The best thing to do is reboot the system. • Would you help me sort this problem out, please? pT| [ I suggest that you save the document under a different name. Let me take a look at that scanner problem you have. I've already tried that, and J it didn’t work. Can you give me a hand with my printer? I can't get my screen to turn on. ^ Are you sure you don’t want me to fix that for you? That’s really kind of you. How about rebooting the system? Well, it’s worth a try. Thanks, but I think I can manage. Sure, what's the problem? 2 Use the words below to complete the sentences. There are three words you do not need to use. • connect • link • frozen • transfer • join • memory • download • deleted • connection • virus • spilt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S Oh, no! I’ve accidentally.................... all the photographs on my hard diskl Let me make a copy of these files before you ..................them to your computer. The reason why your computer is so slow is that it needs more.................... Is there a problem with the network? I can’t .... ...............to the Internet. I need to buy a new mobile phone. I’ve ...... ................water on my old one, and it's stopped working. Click on this.....................to go to the international site of the online store. I think your computer has a ................. You’d better run a full scan. What's wrong with the screen? It’s been ..... ...............for the last ten minutes. О Listen to S people talking about computers. Match the statements (A-E) to the speakers (1-5). A The speaker had to call someone to remove a virus from his/her computer. В The speaker doesn't like computers. The speaker thinks it's important to learn how to use computers. The speaker doesn’t like it when others use his/her computer. The speaker spends a lot of time on his/her computer. Speaker 1 2 3 4 5 Statement 35 1 1 Underline the correct verb form. i 1 A: 36 The computer’s crashed again, I will have called/ will call someone to come and fix it. B: A: B: A: B: A: Б: A: B: Don’t worry, I’ve already called him; he will come/will be coming in a few minutes. TTie printer isn't printing very welt. We are going to run/will be running out of ink. Since you will go/are going to the shops tomorrow, can you buy some more ink? There’s a great film on at the cinema. It starts/is starting at 9:00, do you want to go? It’s not worth it. By the time we get there it is going to start/wiil have started. Do you think John is lending/will lend me his laptop for a few days? 1 don’t know, but he is going to be/will have been here soon. Why don't you ask him? Can I have an iPod, mum? Please? t promise I’m not asking/won’t ask you to buy me any more gadgets! OK, I’ll get/wiil have got you the iPod, but you have to keep the promise you've just made! 2 Expand the sentences and include the words in brackets, as In the example. 1 I ask Ben/to email you/file/he come in. (as soon as) ► I’ll ask Ben to email you the file os soon as he comes in. 2 you buy/some paper/for printer? (when) 3 switch off/all computers/you leave/classroom. (before) ....................................... 4 we waste energy/we leave appliances on standby all night, (when) .............................. 5 you restart your computer/run virus scan, (after) 3 Choose the correct item. Save your files...something goes wrong with your computer, A so as В in order C in case 1 need a scanner......i can transfer these photos to my PC. A so that В in order C in order to The IT teacher drew a diagram ......... how a network works. A to illustrate В in case he illustrates C so as illustrate Wendy went online.....to find some information about her school project. A in order that В so as C so that Mary wants a laptop ...... to use her brother’s computer anymore, A so that not В in case not C so as not 4 Fill in so or such. Don’t get me wrong. I find all this new technology 1) .............. fascinating. I can’t imagine whal it was like before people had access to 2) .............convenient and sophisticated gadgets. However, there is 3)................an amazing variety of things out there. Some of them are 4).................. complicated, or have 5)................. confusing instructions that I feel completely helpless! But they make my life 6).............. much easier that I don't really mind! 1 Match column A to column Б to complete the idioms. Then use them In the correct form to complete the exchanges. [TU [Щ [HJ A not be be light years be on get one's b c d В the same wavelength wires crossed rocket science ahead of A: Eve and Kate really don’t get along! They never agree on anything. B: It's not that. I Just don’t think they........ 3 A 2 A: What do you think of Apple’s new laptop? Б; I love it! Apple............................ the competition when it comes to design. Why did you get coloured ink for the printer? We need black. 6; Oops! We must have ......................... because I thought you said we have enough black, buy colour cartridges. A: I find ft difficult to download music from the Internet. B: Oh, come onMt...............................! Underline the correct item. (T) In 2007, the total Dumber of internet visitors/usets in China reached 210 million. Creating an email account/subscnption Is quick and simple. it's easy to spend many hours browsing/looking up the Web. Many parents think children should not have access/way 1o certain websites. ('5) With a broadband connecHon/communicotion you get fast access to the Internet. © Soon we'll be able to connect every appliance to a globol/whole network. ^ Complete the sentences with the words below. modem servers taking over service received institutions 1 If you continue to have problems, you’ll need to call your Internet................ provider. 2 I haven’t .................... your email yet. When did you send it? 3 The reason why you can't connect to the Internet is that there’s something wrong with your........................... 4 Do you think there's a possibility of robots ....................the world one day? 5 Many universities and other academic .......... ....................offer IT courses. 6 Try connecting to the Net later, when the ........................aren't so busy. Fill in the text with the following: convenient, chances, not too distant, Web, Researchers. The future of the Internet is At the moment, the 1)................... i^oks like a newspaper, in the 2).............future, it may look a lot more like an interactive film. 3)......... that the moment it becomes cheaper to display things fn interactive 3-D images rather than 2-D images, the Internet will become like a virtual world. What does this mean? Well, when shopping for a car for instance, instead of just looking at a picture of the car, you will be able to climb into it and take it for a test drive down a motorway! Not only will it make buying a car more 4)......... hut 51 *1. will sell more of them! 2 List the highlighted words/phrases in the essay under the appropriate heading. Then add one more phrase in each category. T 1 ADD POINTS INTRODUCE EXAMPLES Read the opinion essay below and list the EXPRESS cpiNJON viewpoints and their supporting reasons/examples. .............. THE INTERNET: FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE? Nowadays, at work or at home, a targe number oi people use the Internet. It is dear that the Internet is hugely popular, but has it really improved our lives? ^ In my opinion, it has, and will continue to improve our lives as more and more people become connected ■ around the world, £ Rrst of all, the Internet has increased our ability to communicate. We no longer need to use letters (or ‘snaii^mair) to contact people, On the Internet, you can i send an email to a person on the other side of the |'-world, and they will receive it immediately. ^ Furthermore, the Net gives us instant access to information and knowledge, if you want to know H something you no longer need to go to the library or ask a teacher. For example, you can type a question in an Internet search engine and it will look for a site that will help you answer it. Anyone with Internet access has information that can help them improve their knowledge of the world at their fingertips, 'On the other hand, some people believe that the Internet is anti-social and has actually worsened our lives. They complain about sites on the Internet that cause anti-social behaviour. For example, they say some sites encourage violent behaviour. In conclusion, it is clear that the Internet has changed our lives forever. I believe that it has greatly improved our fives by allowing us to communicate faster and giving us access to information. However, we should _ not forget toat the Internet is a powerful tool, and like | 3 j any powerful tool it can be used for good as well as bad. It Is up to us to choose. LIST POINTS EXPRESS COK*‘'.'^ASTi!NC VIEWPOtiMT CONCLUDE 3 Match the topic sentences (1-3) to the supporting sentences (A-C). I лП [Ш There are many advantages to downloading music from the Internet, instead of buying CDs from the shops. A video game is not always the best present to buy for a young child. 38 Viewpoints Supporting reasons/examples ► The Internet hat, email: someone far away increased our ability receives communication В to communfcote • immediately « c • • Zl People today may be spending money they cannot afford on gadgets they do not really need. To begin with, some of the latest devices cost a lot of money, and their job is to do something that a person can easily do without the help of technology. Songs cost less when you buy them online, and you can also save money by buying only the songs you like, instead of the whole album. Children need to be outside socialising with their friends, and not sitting in front of a PC playing games, many of which show scenes of violence. !;ф Complete the text by using the correct form of the word in bold. b ^ I video gaming is a popular form of I) ................ for millions of people aromid the world. Perhaps the biggest 2)...............in video game technology has come with the 3)................ of the Wii, the Nintendo console, in 2007. Wii allows users to play games interactively using a special piece of wireless 4)...............called a Wiimote. You can bowl, box or golf by making the same physical 5)................. required for these activities in real life. Despite advances in technology, 6)..................... about the negative effects of video games continues. Many parents claim that video games distract teenagers* attention from their 7)....................Others cal! for the 8).................... of violence from video games. However, video games continue to grow in popularity, liecent research has led to the 9).......:........... that more and more adults are enjoying video games. It seems that for now, millions of people around the world will ‘game on*. ENTERTAIN DEVELOP INTRODUCE EQUIP MOVE DISCUSS SCHOOL OMIT DISCOVER 2 Match the phrasal verbs to their definitions and then use them in their correct form to complete the sentences. 1 break down a go into a building by force to steal |2| ] break into sth |3| ] break up b escape from a place |4| ] break out c stop having a relationship with sfa ] break out of d start happening e stop working 1 The police stopped cars on the motorway in search of the criminal who had.................the local prison. 2 Fighting................between opposing football fans after last night’s game. 3 The couple ................. but got back together a month later, 4 When her car..................she called a local garage to ask for help. 5 The police are looking for two men who were filmed as they were.................an electrical shop last night. 3 Correct the sentences. Use the words: discovered, research, eiectric, engine, download, affected. His car machine wouldn’t start, so he had to take the bus to work. Isaac Newton invented gravity when an apple fell on his head. The Internet has effected the way people communicate with each other. According to recent experiments, more and more people are doing their shopping online. You should access an anti-virus programme from the Internet so that you can protect your computer. Grandma often uses an electronic blanket to keep warm at night. Fill in the gaps with: for (x2), from, with, in or on. A MUSICAL BREAKFAST! Very few of us enjoy mornings, apart 1) .......during the weekend. 2) .......theory, morning should be a happy time, but 3) .......... many people it is a stressful time of the day. Most of us are anxiously getting ready for school or work. But at least you can rely 4).......the Toaster Radio to .start your day 5) ...... a smile! The Toaster Radio is a new kitchen appliance that caters 6) ....... all the family. You can enjoy listening to your favourite morning radio show while you . wait for your toast to pop up! 39 1 |.аф Read the text once quickly and choose an appropriate title Online Friends зге Best Friends Parents Happy with Children's Online Friendships Social Networking Helps Businesses Keep a Social Balance with Social Networking I I People originally used the Internet for business and academic reasons, but in modern times it has now become a vital part of millions of people's social lives. Many Internet services such as email offer people ways to communicate with each other electronically. Recently, social networking has become a hugely important means of online communication. As email once replaced the letter. 1 The term ‘social networking’ refers to online communities that connect old or current school friends, business colleagues, or people with common interests or activities. A user of a social neiwod7 6 They are going to the theatre but they're worried about missing the start of the show, (show/start) "By the time we get there................... >y 7 Someone’s asked me how long I have been working in this company, (here/two years) “By next September, I ...................... Underline the appropriate time phrases and put the verbs into the correct tense. 1 I’d like to have a word with you when/before you ..................................(leave). 2 George....................(finish) his chores until/by the time his parents come home. 3 I .......................(send) you the email as soon as/while the Internet starts working again. 4 Oorr’t send out the invitations to the party when/until we ........................(know) for sure that the band we’ve booked is coming. 5 Sam .............................(buy) a new mobile phone by the time/when he has saved enough money. Join the sentences using the words in brackets, as in the example, 1 The students are going to the school library. They want to do some research on the Internet, (so that) The students are going to the school library so that they can do some research on the Internet. 2 Alex has gone to the shops. He needs to buy a scanner, (so as) ............................... 3 Mary has kept a copy of the email. She’s afraid Joe won’t receive the one she has sent him. (in case) .......................................... 4 John has switched his mobile phone off. He doesn’t want to annoy the other people in the restaurant, (so as not) ........................ 5 Install an anti-virus programme. In this way you protect your computer, (to) .................... 6 Tom has bought extra ink for the printer. He doesn't want to run out again, (in order not) TranslatiM'’s Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use two to five words, including the word in bold. Ivan’s new computer game is amazing, and he can’t wait to tell his friends about it. so Ivan’s new computer game ................ he can’t wait to tell his friends about it. My computer is very old and takes ages to switch on. such I have.................................. .......that it takes ages to come on. Bill buys a lot of gadgets, but he doesn't have enough space for them. many Bill buys.,....................... ..................that he doesn’t have enough space for them. John is very good at fixing computers, which is why his friends always ask for his help. so John is................................... .....................computers that his friends always ask for his help. Mobile phones are very convenient devices; some people can’t do without them. such Mobile phones........................... .....................that some people can't do without them. Choose the correct item. Don't call Jessica tomorrow morning; she...... a tennis lesson. A will be having В is having C will have Send me a copy of the photographs.......I can show them to my friends. A in order В so that C in case James stopped playing his video game.......he heard his mum at the door. A while В by the time C as soon as I don't like my next-door neighbour; she’s... nosy woman! A such a В such C a so Can we watch the parade when we.........to the Carnival? A are going В go C will go It’s not worth going to the football pitch now; the game.........by the time we get there. A will have Started Б will start C will be starting [CORNER What's the English for: расходиться во мнении no поводу чего-либо, выполнять задание, принимать решения, решить проблему, искусственный мозг (интеллект), экран завис, войти в Интернет, платить за соединение с Интернетом, загрузить музыку, в принтере закончились чернила, сохранить документ, жесткий диск заполнен, стереть файл, антивирусная программа, сидеть в Интернете, доступ в Интернет, получать электронную почту, ломаться, провести полную проверку антивирусной программой, выполнять приказы, зритель, устареть. Translate the situations into English: 1. Роботы наступают! Так можно подумать, посмотрев фильмьf «Робот полицейский», «Искусственный разум», «Я робот» и другие. Роботы существуют в нашем воображении более аэ лет. Сейчас это реальноаь, Изобретены роботы-собаки, которые ходят и реагируют на звук. Изобретены роботы - помощники по хозяйству, которые пылесосят комнаты, но они могут выполнять только одно задание. Трудно создать робота, который сможет обеспечить все наши нужды. В фильмах роботы способны чувствовать и любить. Однако ученые не могут пока создать робота, который вел бы себя как человек. Невозможно решить проблему, как наделить робота интеллектом, способностью рассуждать и чувавовать. Но кто знает? Может быть, через сто лет у нас будут роботы, выполняющие всю работу по дому, роботы-питомцы (вместо нааоящих кошек и собак) и роботы-друзья. 2. Технический прогресс сделал нашу жизнь радоаной и творческой. Сейчас трудно предаавить себя без Интернета: мы получаем информацию, читаем новости, уточняем прогноз погоды, посылаем письма. Интернет объединил всех нас. Мы заводим новых друзей и чаще общаемся со аарыми. Популярным стало образование «в сети». Оно дает всем доступ к различным библиотекам и современным технологиям. 43 3 1 Use the words to complete the spfdergram. Then add one more of your own in each category: sculpture, sketching, potter, model making, chisel, painter, kiln, drawing. UK Equipment Types of Art Techniques Peopie 2 Match the two columns. Then use the phrases to complete the sentences. В a guest b anonymous c still d difficulties e artist f creativity 11 I I perfectly I 2 [ [ street I з] j learning 41 I artistic Гз1 I remain 6 I I popular 44 Over 200 people wilt stand .................... ......................in the street for one hour in an exciting ‘living art’ show. That artist had.............................. when he was a young student, and only felt happy when he was painting. Why does that artist want to .................. ................,...7 I really want to know who made this stunning piece of work! Jane shows a lot of............................; She should think about becoming a professional photographer. Joe Tyler is an exciting new .................. ........................ who wants to bring colour to the pavements of London, The art expert is a(n) ........................ ....................on various television shows. 3 3 Match the words to the pictures. a potter’s wheel b stage c watercolours d tripod e easel f clay b What type of artist uses each of these things? ► A potter uses a potter’s wheel. ^ Complete the sentences with the words below. • remove • host • impress • portray • add 1 Joshua's work is sure to ..................... the judges at the art competition; the first prize is his! 2 A teen spray-painted some graffiti on my garage door and it took me two hours to ........................it! 3 Photographer Sam Kubala will ................. a new photography show on Channel 4 this summer. 4 This wall painting by a famous artist will .....................great value to the house, when they decide to sell it. 5 Does this painting ......................... the artist’s sister at a very young age? 2 I 2 Complete the exchanges using the following word pairs. turn off turn down 1 A: Can you please..........your music........... a bit? It’s very loud! 8: Don’t worry, I’m going out now, so I'll ..........it.......... line verse A: Do you think I should write the second ...... of this song again? B: Not all of it, just the last word in the first ..............The rest of it is fine. hurnming singing 3 A: Which song is Mark .............. at the competition tomorrow? Б: The one he's been ........... for the last three days! melody tune A: Brad’s been playing the theme......to The Pink Panther on his guitar all morningl 6: ! know. He says he loves the ...... listen hear 5 A: Did you ................. Karla practising for tonight's concert? Б: Yes. She has the most incredible voice! I could................to her all day! Find ten types of music in the word grid. R 0 z D Q 0 R T c E L E 0 P N E X в E A В 0 s s J N L E L К G 0 s E 1 F C F A Q R R A G I G C в F 0 L К S P E C C 1 V E A R H N P D N C s E 1 Q 0 £ C E L 1 U E 1 0 F p S 0 A E D S E К p Z R В A T s E Q Z Z A J D D H M A N S A N 0 X H В L Б U N 0 D N U L G К C A В R Z E P 0 p S E C В S N Y N L N Y F F X w R U T A Q T X S G К E 1 A S G К L L A T E M Y V A E Hi Match the responses to the questions Justin Timberlake's new CD sounds amazing, doesn’t it? Are you and Sally coming to the reggae concert with us? What’s your favourite pop group? Why don’t we buy George a jazz CD for his birthday? Did you like that band we heard last night? What sort of music do you like? A В c D E F The Jonas Brothers. I absolutely love them. Sure, count us in! It’s not a good idea. He prefers rock. Lots of different types. Actually, it's not really my kind of thing. Yeah. They were pretty good. 1йф о You will hear a conversation between a reporter and Ruth Rolland, an artist. Choose whether the statements are True, False or Not stated. Ruth became interested in art when she was a child. A True В False C Not stated Ruth’s first attempt at art was painting. A True В False C Not stated Ruth understood she was talented very quickly. A True В False C Not stated In 1999, a collector bought all of Ruth's paintings. A True В False C Not stated Ruth’s first real exhibition was in her own city. A True В False C Not stated Ruth doesn't find it difficult to be a mother and an artist. A True В False C Not stated Ruth thinks that she has the perfect job. A True В False C Not stated 45 ] 46 Put the adjectives in brackets in the comparative or superlative form. BATMAN FOREVER! Tim Burton introduced the modern Batman’ to cinema screens with the films Batman in 1989 and Satmarr ftetums in 1992. The superhero world in Burton’s films is the 1)........................(dark) and 2}.................... (ugly) of all Batman films and Batman's character is 3)............................(serious) and thoughtful than in other character portrayals, Joel Schumacher’s films Batman Forever in 1995 and Batman and Robin in 1997 have a 4}.............................. (light) mood and are 5)............................(suitable) for families than Burton's films. The script Is 6)...................(funny), the design is 7)......................(colourful) and the characters are 8).....................(cheerful), However, the films were not successful. Some people even think that Batman and Robin is the 9)..................(bad) superhero film ever made, Batman returned with Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins in 2005 and the Dark Knight in 2008. Nolan's films had 10).........................(impressive) special effects, all).........................(talented) cast and a 12).......................(good) story than previous Batman films. The Dark Knight was the 13).................... (successful) film of 2008 and many people believe It is the 14).......................(good) Batman film ever made. 2 Underline the correct word. 1 The author’s new book sold out very/completely fast. 2 They wanted to buy a sculpture from the exhibition, but it was completely/rather expensive. 2 It’s very/absoiutely impossible for me to finish this book in two days; it's huge! 4 The acting in this film was totally/extremely perfect. 5 They are completely/rather worried that they will be late to the opening of the art show. The .MtMia LUra 3 Use the correct adjective/adverb from the list below in the correct form to complete the sentences. well easily ^accurately much Tittle bad ) 1 Out of all Leonardo da Vinci's paintings, the Мола Liso is probably the one people know 2 Can you try to describe the picture a little ...................? I’m still not sure which one you're talking about. 3 This is by far..................concert I’ve ever been to. It is far too crowded and the sound is terriblel 4 You may find it difficult now, but with a little more practice, you’ll be able to paint landscapes 5 Now that he’s had a few lessons, Jason can play the guitar much.....................than a few weeks ago, 6 Jake has started his school exams, so now he has much ........................time to spend on his favourite hobbies. Circle the mistake (A or B) and then correct it. 1 Stunts in adventure films today are becoming more and most dangerous than in the past. A В 2 The most talented an artist is, the A more chances he has of becoming famous. В I think jazz is rather interesting, but my friend A Sophie insists that reggae is a lot of better Б than jazz. 4 The film Happy Feet wasn’t as adventurous as A the film Madagascar, and also Madagascar was very funnier than Happy Feet. В Pam’s voice is a sliehtlv better than her A sister's, but she doesn’t feel very comfortable В singing in front of others. ▼ 1 IFill in the gaps in the text with the following words: * box office * special effects • action-packed • plot • all-star ARMAGEDDON ****" '' evening at home, ’* Armageddon is a(n) 1)............ film that will have you on the edge ^ The 2)........... cast, which includes Bruce Wiilis, Ben Affleck and Liv Tyler, all give incredible performances. Tlic film has an interesting 3)........ A team of scientists tries to save the Eartli from destruction, and there is a moving twist at the end. What’s more, there is great camera work and the 4)..........are stunning. This film was a S)..... success when it came out and offers thrills and excitement for all in the family. A must-ses! 2 Match tho Idiotns in colunan A to their definitions in column Б. Then use them to complete the sentences. В un face the music A make all the decisions about sonnething 2 run the show В both people are responsible imi it takes two to tango c accept responsibility/ the negative consequences in the spotlight D the centre of attention James says that only Natasha is responsible for the situation, but............................. Why do you always want to......................? It's not fair that you are always the one telling everyone else what to do! To be a famous celebrity you have to love being I believe that Evelyn should just admit that she is the one who caused the problem, and......... 3 Read the texts and choose which type of film they describe from the words below. SCIENCE FICTION Romontic Comedy MVENIBBE WSICAL In these films, the characters sing songs and usually dance, too. The songs help to develop the characters or move the plot along. These films are light-hearted, with humorous plots. Typically, they are about a man and a woman who meet, btrt then separate because of some difficulty (e.g. an argument). But at the end of the film, they always fall in love and get together. These films are set in the distant future and their plots are often about living on other planets or travelling to space, They usually have very advanced and impres.sive special effects. ir I The heroes in Ihis kind of film usuolly find themselves in exotic locations and ore involved in something exciting, like о treasure hunt or looking for an unknown lond. Underline the correct item. A; Do you want to play a video game? B: Not really. I'd rather/l prefer watch a DVD than play a video game. A: Do you want to read this magazine after me? B: No thanks. I rarely read magazines. I prefer/) would sooner reading newspapers. A: How about going to a film tonight? Б: I’d sooner/prefer go out to dinner than go to a film, A: Do you want to start learning French with me? B: Not really. I'd prefer to learn Italian to/ rather than learn French, 47 В 1 Read the review below and put the paragraphs in order. Some may find the ending rather predictable, but all in all, Wall-E is a satisfying film that offers something for everyone. It is a children’s animation film, a science-fiction film and a romance film, all in one. It is also a film with a strong political and environmental message. All the family is sure to enjoy this brilliant film. В I I Wall-E is an animated film directed by Andrew Stanton about a likeable robot, Wall-E. It was one of the most successful films of 2008 and many believe it is one of the best animated films ever made. ШП Wall 'E is a very imaginative and unusual film. It certainly is not like normal children’s animations. There is very little speech because the robots communicate in beeps and movements. Also, the film is quite slow-paced and relies on beautiful imagery rather than fast-paced action. However, Wall-E is very well-written and the audience remains entertained throughout the film by the interesting characters they meet. The story is set in the future when all the humans decide to leave the Earth because it is too polluted. Before they go, they make robots dean the Earth so that one day humans can return. However, the plan doesn't work and all the robots break down except one, Wall-E, who continues working on his own. One day he meets Eve, another robot, who comes to the Earth to try to discover plant life. Wall-E and Eve begin an exciting adventure together to save the Earth. 2 Match the highlighted adjectives to their opposites below. worst ................. ugly ................. boring ................. disappointing ................. surprising .................. common ................. awful ................. 3 Read the three review extracts below and match them to their descriptions. A Book Review Б CD Review C Review of a Theatrical Play /fr The Golden Morning Breoks is the latest work from French composer Colleen. As in her previous album, Everyone Alive Wonts Answers, Colleen continues to experiment with natural sounds Like bells, drops of rain and the wind. She has made a beautiful, calming album that you should listen to with your eyes closed. 2 I I Edipse by Stephenie Meyer continues the story of Bella Swan and her boyfriend, the vampire, Edward Cullen. Set in Seattle, USA, Bella and Edward face an army of evil vampires that they must defeat to save their families. Eclipse is certainly an entertaining read and Meyer is fast becoming a leading author of teen novels. I 3 I ~| Mamma Mia at the Haymarket is turning out to be a great success. Already in its second week, the cast is excellent and, as expected, the music has had audiences dancing in their seats. Look out for some beautiful stage imagery as well. Be sure to catch this spectacular show before it moves on. Think of a book, film, play, etc. that you have recently enjoyed and write a short recommendation for it (40-50 words). Include appropriate phrases from the list below. 1 highly recommend it. The film/book/play is set in ... Don’t miss it. The plot is dull/exciting/predictable ... I wouldn’t recommend it. If ) were you, I’d give this ... a try, I think that this is the author's/director’s best book/film/play so far. In my opinion, some of the characters were a bit shallow/uninteresting, I wasn’t too keen on the beginning/end. 1 ( 48 1 иф Complete the sentences with verbs derived from the words tn bold in their correct forms. The foreign actor is diffictilt to understand because he .................many English PRONOUNCE words. My art teacher asked me to .................my drawing DO because I had made some mistakes. Don’t......................... ESTIMATE the value of this painting; it's actually worth ctose to sixty thousand euros! Citizens of the town worked together to................... BUILD the cinema that a fire had burnt down. It would be wrong to ....................the novel SIMPLIFY by describing it as just a love story, because it is about a number of themes. I know you ................... LIKE Henry, but it was very rude of you to tell him that he’s a bad photographer. Fill In: by, of (x2), in, [or, with. Alexander Sokurov is perhaps one of the most successful Russian film directors 1)..........all time and is particularly popular 2)..........tans of art cinema. He is best known 3)...........bis film fluss/an Ark, released in 2002. Sergei Dontsov, who stars 4)......... the film, plays a stranger journeying through the halls of the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. Sokurov creates a sort b)............. dreamlike fantasy world in the film, similar to some 6)................ Andrei Tarkovsky. Certainly, Sokurov is one of the finest film makers of our time. 3 Fill in: through, into, over, away, out. A: Have you seen Bill recently? B: Yes, actually. I ran .........him yesterday at the library. A: I think we should run.............scene three one more time. B: I agree. We need to be ready for our first performance tomorrow evening. A: Is it true that you ran...........from home when you were young to join the circus? B: That’s not true. My parents actually worked in the circus. A; Did you finish that landscape you were painting? B: No, I ran ..........of blue and green, and didn’t have time to go and get some. A: Why are you so late? B: I nearly ran............a dog on my way, so I stopped to check if it was all right. Choose the correct word for each sentence. set situated a The film is.............. in late 19th century England. Ь The town where they'll shoot the film is ............... somewhere in the English countryside. playing starring a The film is..............in cinemas all around the country, b The Dork Ko/ght,...............Christian Bate, is a fantastic film. took made a Mark ................ a short film about his experiences in South America. b Laura................some photographs of the beautiful scenery. presentation performance a The speaker gave a ................... about career opportunities in computer graphics. b A group of musicians gave a ..............of well-known classical pieces, exhibits exhibitions a The gallery is planning to run a series of ............. with works by local artists, b Most of the .............in the gallery are paintings from the 20th century. 49 I'(^r 0 THE TALE OF DESPEREAUX Those who liked reading Kate DiCamiiio's The Tale of Despereaux wi!l certainly enjoy the film. It’s about Despereaux, a likeable mouse with big ears who falls in love with a human princess called Pea. A servant girl, who wants to become the princess, kidnaps Pea with the help of Roscuro, an evil rat. It is up to Despereaux to defeat his opponents and rescue Pea. Although it is an American film, The Tale of Despereaux has an interesting European feel to it. It features a great cast of voice actors, with Mathew Broderick starring as Despereaux. It might not do well at the box office, because it is more artistic than action-packed, but it is sure to be a significant film for true film lovers. 0 INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL Indy is back! After years of waiting, enthusiasts of fits adventurous archaeologist Indiana Jones, once again played by Harrison Ford, can enjoy their favourite character as he’s off to uncover more mysteries of the ancient world. Everything we expect from an Indiana Jones film is there: the action, the special effects, the excitement, and the clever dialogues. Yet, those of us who have been following indy’s career since its start will feel like we’ve seen it all before. Predictable or not, though, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crys^l Skull is still an excellent film for those who enjoy a tight-hearted adventure, and it’s also among this year’s greatest box office hits. 0 THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN The magical world of Narnia is opening its doors one more time. The four Pevensie children enter the wardrobe once again, this fime to help Prince Caspian get his kingdom back from foe villain, the evil King Miraz. P/ince Caspian has all the fascinating elements that made foe first film in the series. The Lion, the Witch suid the Wardrobe, a success and continues to entertain the audience with its intriguing characters, One problem with it, though, is Its runtime: parents might find it challenging to keep their young children stili and quiet for almost two and a half hours! 1 Which film (A-C), 1 is rather long? 2 will probably disappoint fans of the main character? 3 includes historical elements? 4 is a romantic tale? 5 takes its plot from a book? 6 wilt probably sell the most cinema tickets? 7 is an animated film? 2 Watch the words/phrases in bold in the text to their definitions. 50 1 cheerful 2 length 3 enemies 4 difficult 5 fans 6 extremely interesting 7 important 3 Fill in the gaps using the highlighted words from the text. Your idea to invite all of Nick’s friends to the cinema for his birthday was very................ AU the kids loved it! Heroes in films are usually ...................... characters who do the right thing and set a good example. The ...................... in the film is a horrible character who wants to take over the world. How did the superhero manage to................. the secret plans of the evil doctor? They've temporarily stopped shooting the film, because some members of the .................... have fallen ill with food poisoning. Love stories are so ......................the good guy always gets the girl in the end! James doesn't like watching cartoon films, because he thinks they’re not .................. enough. 1 Mark the adjectives P (positive) or N (negative). Then use them to complete the sentences below. 1 shallow ...... 2 likeable ...... 3 intelligent ...... 4 hardworking ...... 5 irresponsible ...... 6 talented ...... 7 creative ...... 8 irritating ...... 1 Good Will Huntins is a film about a(n).................man who can answer difficult maths questions. 2 The acting was extremely..........; none of the actors portrayed the real emotions of their characters. 3 Kate is a very .................... painter who always finds new artistic ways to express her ideas. 4 It is..............of parents to let their children watch films showing violence. 5 Many people found the background music of the play to be very .................and wanted it to stop. 6 The main character in the novel is a(n)....................girl called Kate, who is always friendly to the people she meets, 7 A film director must be..........., because sometimes it takes all day to shoot one scene. 8 Mark is a very..............artist; it seems he was born with the gift to paint. ^ Circle the odd word out. 1 lawyer — director - author — playwright 2 action — folk — comedy - thriller 3 tune — melody — composer — song 4 dull - creative — unimaginative -boring 5 merchant - trader - moneylender -photographer Fill in: disagree, compositions, turn up, $eniuses, artistic, leading. 1).................your radio for the latest album by 2).................... rock group RadioheadI In Rainbows marks the band's change to a more 3)........................style of music with many songs sounding more like classical 4)........................ than rock tunes. After this album few would 5)........................ that Radiohead are 6)........................... of the music industry. Fill in the crossword using the words that complete the sentences. The first letter of each word is given. 'H Across 2 Some people believe a...................of the Mona Lisa hangs in the Louvre while they keep the original in a safer place. 4 In The Merchant of Venice, Portia uses a....................to make it appear she is a young lawyer. 6 The battle of good versus................has been a popular theme in films for decades. 7 The author didn't write under his ..............name because he wanted to hide his identity. The main..................of the novel are love and destiny. 8 Down 1 They.....................the artist her paintings would fetch a high price at the art exhibition. The story is about an....................who gets a beautiful castle when her father dies. Many of Charles Dickens’s novels................. the difficult lives of poor families in 19th century England. 51 Fill in the correct form of the ^ adjective in brackets. ( Rick: I can't see why this is 1)........................... ............... (expensive) painting in the exhibition, John; Really? I think it's _ _______ Z)........................... ....................(good) painting in here, ft's certainly much 3)..................................... (interesting) than some of the other works we’ve seen. Rick: Maybe, but ! like paintings which have a 4}........................................... (original) subject and are painted in 5)......................... .................... (bright) colours than this one. Take, Picasso’s Guernica, for example. Now, that's a fascinating work of art! John: Are you kidding? It's a painting about war! It’s one of 6) ...................................(sad) paintings I've ever seen! Rick: Perhaps you're right, but I think it makes a 7) ...............................(lasting) impression on people’s minds. John; Well, I suppose everyone has different tastes when it comes to art. ^ Fill in the correct form of the adjective/adverb in brackets. New Messafie Dear Mike, How are you? How is your studying coming along? Lucky ior me my exams finished last week. So now that I'm tree I've been to two concerts! I went to go see U2 and Britney Spears last week. U2 has been around 1 -j j.......(long) than Britney Spears and the at that concert were 2) ........ (old) than those at Britney’s concert. 1 believe that U2 is 3) ....... (talent) than Britney because they are more about the music. U2's show ran 4)......... (late) than Britney’s because they sang 5)........... (many) songs. U2 is by far one of the 6)........... (popular) bands around. This was the second fime i had seen Britney, but I think she sang 7)......(badly) than she did in her last concert. Maybe she had a cold! All in all, 1 enjoyed both shows and it was a great treat after studying so hard. Good luck in your exams! Sara 3 Л -f Underline the correct item. The portrait that Henry’s painted is a slightly/bit more accurate than Billy's. After weeks of practicing, it's getting easier and easfer/easy and easier to learn how to play a song on my guitar. The opera was a lot of/much more entertaining than I had expected. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is certainly much/very more romantic than Othello. The more famous an artist is, the highest/the higher price his works fetch. Choose the correct word for each sentence. totally rather A: I was .................. afraid when we went to that haunted castle. B: Afraid? I was................... terrified! absolutely fairly A: Jason's new song is............. boring, don’t you think? B: No, I find it................... perfect! extremely completely A: This puzzle is.................. impossible to solve, B: Keep trying. It’s .............. difficult, but you'll manage it in the end. slightly absolutely A: I think you should use ...... ........................ darker colours in your painting. B: You’re ................ right, I’ll do it! rather completely A: I’m ................. tired, do you mind if we stay in tonight? B: It's fine; I’ve just got back from work and I’m.................... exhausted! 1 i I ^ Underline the mistakes and correct them^ as in w the example. 1 6 What would you rather to do, go to the cinema or stay in and watch a DVD? do J’d sooner read a book than seeing this boring film. .... Alice prefers going to the theatre from seeing films at the cinema. .... I would prefer not watching a thriller tonight; I’d like to see a comedy. ....... Laura prefers concerts to listen to her favourite artists on CD. The Waltons would prefer to see the play tonight rather than to wait until next week. .... Choose the correct answer. This original Dali painting is ... expensive than all the others here, A by far В a lot C much more The Four Seasons is Vivaldi’s....famous work. A very В most C little Penny doesn’t think photography is as....... as sculpture. A exciting В more exciting C most exciting A kiln gets......than a household oven. A much hotter В more hot C hottest Mark was ........ furious when he found out someone had stolen his MP3 player. A slightly В absolutely C rather The new artist is becoming......popular with teenage audiences. A more and more В the most C the more and more This is by ....... the strangest painting in the galleryl A much В far C most Translator’s I CORNER / What’s the English for: остаться неизвестным, трудности в обучении, частная собстеенность, раскрашивать черно-белые картинки, проектировать дом, написать портрет известного скульптора, второй куплет песни, напевать популярный мотив, фильм с трюками и спецэффектами, иметь кассовый успех, быть в центре внимании (идиом.), расхлебывать кашу (идиом,), случайно встреть друга, г** Translate the situations into English: 1, Искусство миниатюры такое же древнее, как человеческая цивилизация. Дар работать в этой области дается немногим. Русский Левша из рассказа Лескова, сумевший подковать блоху, известен во всем мире. Сегодня в России есть мастера, имеющие в коллекции своих произведений настоящую подкованную блоху - это стало классикой. Таких умельцев в России 7 человек. Среди них Анатолий Коненко из сибирского Омска. Среди его работ - самая маленькая книга Б мире размером 0,9 мм. Она занесена в книгу рекордов Гиннеса. Поражают воображение портреты великих людей на рисовых зернах. На создание такой миниатюры уходит три месяца, инструмент художника — волосок с крыла бабочки. Посетителей его выставки «Чудеса под микроскопом» поражают многие уникальные произведения, такие как самая маленькая в мире балалайка (точная копия настоящей) в футляре из макового зерна, скрипка длиною 6 мм, шахматная доска 6x6 мм с фигурами 0,6—1,8 мм, Анатолий Коненко - известный во всем мире художник. Его выставки впечатляют зрителей не только в России, но и в Европе, Азии, Америке. 2. Граффити - уличное искусство -изменило внешний вид улиц в конце 20 века. История граффити началась в нью-йоркском метро. Сегодня яркие и оригинальные работы граффити можно встретить на улицах городов во всем мире. Но и сегодня есть разные мнения: «Граффити — это вандализм», «Каждая работа в граффити — ценное произведение искусства». А что думаешь ты? 53 1 Watch the words In the two columns. Then use them in their correct form to complete the sentences. A В 1 get a choice 2 burst b a full recovery 3 make c involved 4 take d out with IT natural e care of 6 . hang f into tears We should all ..............................with projects that will help improve our community. Henry’s grown up on a farm, so he knows very well what it's like to .................animals. When the doctor told her that her puppy was going to be fine, she................................. Instead of..................................your friends all the time, why don’t you do something more useful? 1 want to be a nurse, so volunteering at my local hospital was the .......................for me. When the kitten was found, it was very sick, but luckily it............................ 2 Underline the correct item. We found the puppy abandoned/neglected on the side of a motorway Our teacher has asked us to donate/report any books or toys we don’t need to the local children’s hospital. Do you think you could spare a couple/plenty of hours each week to take Mrs Doe’s dog for a walk? If a person cannot look after a pet extremely/ properly, they should not be allowed to own one. The local council is asking for volunteers to plant/ feed trees in the city square. You can support/encourage charities like the Red Cross by volunteering or donating money. 3 Read the leaflet about community action and fill in the gaps with the following words: • shelter • activities • senior • public raise Want to help out in the community? Herd’s howl Five small ways to make a difference „ • Love to read? Read books for 1).......... citizens with poor eyesight in your community. • Enjoy exercise? Get friends and family to sponsor you on a fun-run to 2}.............. money for your favourite charity. • Like drawing? Design posters to put up around your neighbourhood .encouraging members of the 3).........to volunteer in the community. • Love animals? Volunteer to give animals at your local animal 4)............ some love and attention after school one day a week. • Concerned about the environment? Ask your school principal if your school can patiicipate in 5)........... like tree planting days and rubbish collecting afternoons. No matter how you choose to give your time, you will be making a huge difference! Fill in: staff, foster, remove, answer, rescue, worthwhile, victims. 54 It took the fire fighter a lot of time to...... the koala from the burning tree. Helping people or animals in need is certainly = ...............cause. After the animals recover, they are placed in.. .................homes where they're loved anc looked after. This charity aims at helping...................v* the recent earthquake disaster. It is against the law to....................... endangered species from their natural habitats.. The ...................... members at the ani"'.s_ clinic are very helpful and willing to teach how to look after your pet. The local community centre is asking for i volunteer to .......................phone and help in the organisation of various eveo3. i 1 Match the words/phrases in column A to their descriptions in column B. Then use the words to label the pictures below. В zebra crossing roundabout 3 I I pavement cycle lane traffic lights path used only by people riding bikes circular construction where roads meet sets of lights that controls the movement of cars, buses, etc. on the road place on the road marked with black and white stripes, where cars stop to allow people to cross the road path by either side of a road for people to walk on 2 3 Choose the correct response. 1 A; How do you get to the supermarket from here? B: a Go past the chemist's and take the first turn on the left. b I hope you enjoy your stay here. 2 A: How often does the bus to the Library run? B: a Take the No, 10 bus. b About every fifteen minutes. 3 A: Where is the nearest bank? B; a I'm not sure. I’m not from here, b You'll have to take the train. 4 A: What’^ the best way to get to the train station? B; a Take the No. 8 bus from the corner, b Yes, turn left at the corner, 5 A: Where is the town hall? B: a There’s one just around the corner, b it's to the left, right across the bookshop. 6 A: Is the City Theatre far from here? B: a Sure, what are you looking for? b Just a ten-minute walk away. Q Listen and mark each statement as True, False or Not stated. 1 Both girls enjoyed their holidays. A True В False C Not stated 2 Angie volunteers to work at an old people's home every year. A True В False C Not stated 3 It’s the first time Jen has become a volunteer. A True В False C Not stated 4 The girls live in the same area. A True В False C Not stated 5 Jen only went to the soup kitchen for four days. A True В False C Not stated 6 Angie's grandparents live dose to her. A True В False C Not stated 7 The girls will be doing the same thing next year. A True В False C Not stated 55 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense. 1 A: B: 2 A: B: 3 A: B; 4 A: B: 5 A: B: 6 A: B: Excuse me, I’d like to borrow this magazine. I’m sorry, but magazines cannot............. ....................(take) out of the library. Who won the best director award at the Oscars this year? The award ................................... (give) to Steven Spielberg for the third time, I wonder what will happen to these homeless kittens? Don't worry, homes.......................... .................... (already/ftnd) for most of them. Did you get the tickets to the show? No, because by the time I got to the theatre, all tickets...........................(sell). What exactly do you do at the animat shelter? I make sure all the animals................. .......................(feed) and that their cages are clean. What are you going to wear to Sarah's party? I.................1.............(not/invite). We’ve had a huge argument. 2 Fill in: whichever, whatever, however, whenever, whoever or wherever. 1 56 Come and visit us............................... you have some free time. 2 .............................of the two puppies you chose to take home will certainly make a perfect pet for you and your family, 3 ............................... Helen goes, she takes her laptop with her. 4 it takes a lot of care and effort to look after a dog, ..............................easy it may seem. 5 Jason will not change his mind, ................ .......................you say to him. 6 ............................ wants to participate in the charity event should leave their name and telephone number with the event organisers. W 3 Write sentences using the causative, as in the example. i Someone is going to mow Tom’s lawn tomorrow. What is he going to do? ► He is going to have his lawn mowed. The Milters' roof was leaking, so a workman repaired it. What did the Millers do? 3 Tommy walks Mrs Pearson’s dog twice a day. What does Mrs Pearson do? 4 A technician is checking Stephen’s computer to see what’s wrong with it. What is Stephen doing? 5 A professional has decorated Gary's new home. What has Gary done? 4 Choose the correct item. 1 The first Harry Potter book...by J.K. Rowling in 1997. A has written В had written C was written 2 Patricia wanted to change her hair colour, so she red. A had It dyed В had dyed ft C has been dyed 3 Don't believe.... he tells you; he isn’t a very honest person, you know! A whichever В whenever C whatever 4 Our house has been painted....environmentally friendly paints, A from В with C by 5 The money from the sates ......... to a local charity. A will be given Б we will give it C will have given 6 All the children in the neighbourhood come out to play.....the sun is shining. A however В whenever C wherever г 1 d Use the words below to complete the exchanges. * single • parcel • form • overdue • account ■ return • scales • class 1 A: I’d like to open a(n)..................... please. B: Certainly. Could you please fill out this 7 2 A: I’d like to send this...............to Rome, please. Б; OK, Please can you put it on the............? 3 A: One first................ticket to Liverpool, please. B: ................or return? 4 A: I’d like to.................these books. B: Unfortunately, they are four days....... That’s il please. b Decide in which of the places (A-D) each exchange is taking place. A Post Office C Bank В Library D Airport 2 Use the following idioms in their correct forms to complete the sentences, as in the example. do it oneself make oneself clear help oneself by oneself make oneself heard 1 There’s plenty of food in the fridge........... ...............to whatever you want. 2 Class, please quieten down! I shouldn't have to shout to ...................................... 3 I think Ben wilt need help fixing the car, I am not sure he can ................................... 4 Let me try to explain this again. I didn’t..... 5 Sam’s not going on holiday with anyone. He’s going.............................................. 3 Find ten character qualities in the grid below. 0 T A G L E S N E M T L F M N Б N К C V E N P A D 0 X E I I I F E T A C P в R L I T R G Z $ T I E 0 F E C c I A H E I T M и S E N L I G c N E c L с T T L S M F J 0 N A L E К E A I I T F H T R D s T N L L L C Z E U P G N I К R 0 W D R A H К I R E S P 0 N 5 I В L E L I К E A В L E Z Y F J 4 Choose the correct answer. Katie told her friends to make.....at home. A ourselves в themselves C herself He doesn't look........today. Is he alright? A yourself 6 his self C himself The house ......... was nice, but the area was horrible, A the self В himself Alex, did you choose my present A yourself В itself C itself ....7 C myself She did it all by A yourself В itself C herself Girls, if you want some more food, help......... A themselves В yourselves C ourselves 5 Еф Complete the text with the correct form of the words in bold. A very serious 1}.................. crisis has just hit the area. Everyone is completely 2)................... but scientists say that the 3) ..................work will take many more weeks. A team of 4) ..................are working around the clock to ensure that the dean up job is done 5) ..................and that as many animals as possible are saved and cared for. 6).................., only a few animals have actually died, so we can say that our rescue efforts have been 7)............... ENVIRONMENT EXHAUST RECOVER PROFESSION II PROPER FORTUNE WORTH 57 3 How are you? I haven’t heard from you for a while. Remember I told you that I would be visiting Warwick Castle with my classmates? j Well, I have to tell you about my exciting day I (herd ■ My teacher told us some interesting facts before our visit. Did you know that the old castle was built because a king’s daughter wanted a wall round her small village? Today, the castle has the Great Hall where meals were eaten, bedrooms and a tower with many windows on which canons were placed to defend the residents of the ca.stle. Also, there is a steep hill called the Mound, which stopped attacking soldiers from getting into the castle. Now, it has become part of the pretty hillside garden. Of course, there is also a gift shop and various restaurants serving tasty meals. We arrived there at 10 am and were taken around the Great Hall and the Cold Tower. Then my teacher surprised us by taking us on a Christmas journey. It was truly magical! We went through a pine forest with big ice sculptures of animals, Jack Frost and the Christmas Fairy, as well as a twenly-five-metre high Christmas tree. Unfortunately, it all ended too quickly. Anyway, I told my parents about it and they want to go, loo, St) we’re going back in a couple of weeks! Would you like to come with us? I’ll let you know the exact date. Love, Mary Para 1 name? when/ where/who/ with Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 2 Match the base adjectives in bold from the text with the appropriate strong adjective from the list below. 1 tiny .............................. 2 delicious ......................... 3 fascinating ....................... 4 huge .............................. 1 3 Put the following adjectives in the appropriate box, as in the example; tired, old, dirty, terrified, exhausted, afraid, filthy, ancient. Q absolutely ^ ( very ) ► terrified ► afraid Read the rubric and mark the statements below as О (opening remarks) or C (closing remarks). You have just been on a day trip with your friends to an amusement park, the seaside, etc. Write an email to your friend James to tell him all about it. 1 t wanted to tell you about the amazing time my friends and I had last Saturday, , If you are free next Monday, would you like to join us? . Well, ru see you at the entrance to the train station at 8 am if you are coming with us. . It’s been a while since I last heard from you but I’ve been busy recently, too. . Let me know if you can come along for the day. , I couldn’t wait to tell you of the wonderful time I had on my school trip. . 58 1 Match the phrasal verbs to their definitions and then use them In their correct form to complete the sentences. FT J check out a make sure sb is doing what they are supposed Ul H check in to |3| J check out of b mark an item on a list M check up on c make sure sb/sth is OK |5f H check off d say you arrived at a hotel 1 h J check on e try/visit to the first time f pay the bill and leave a hotel 1 After you........someone will help you carry your luggage to your room. 2 Alice always.............her children to make sure they are sleeping safely before she goes to bed herself. 3 Laura..............the items on her shopping list as she went around the supermarket. 4 Would you like to ..................the new amusement arcade this weekend? 5 Peter was asked to return his room key when he the hotel. 6 Every now and then my parents go to my school to.................how I’m doing. 2 Underline the correct word. Bill; Ann: Bill: Ann; Bill: Excuse me, could you give me directions to the train 1) stop/station, please? Certainly. Go down this 2) pedestrian/waIking street and turn left at a 3) sign/signal that says 'Charing Cross'. OK. Is it far from here? Around 50 metres. The station is just past the 4) community/society centre. You will probably see a 5) queue/line of people outside the ticket office. Thanks for your help. 3 Fill In: to, into, with, of(x2), from. A vet named Dr Elisabeth Svendsen got tired of bursting 1) .....tears every time she saw a neglected donkey. In 1969 she decided to start a charity to help them. The Donkey Sanctuary has been taking care 2) ................ abandoned or mistreated donkeys for nearly forty years, Over 12 thous^d donkeys have been rescued 3)........... conditions of suffering around the world. Volunteers at the Donkey Sanctuary show kindness 4) .......... these peaceful animals and give them a better home. If you’ve ever thought 5) ........... getting involved 6) ....... an animal charity, the Donkey Sanctuary is the perfect place to start. We are always looking for donations and volunteers. Visit our website www.donkeysanctuafy.org.uk and see how you can help. 4 иф Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words in bold. 1 Peter gets a great deal of ................out of playing golf with his friends. 2 You should have seen the ...............on the children's faces when 1 told them we were going to the toy shopl 3 is there any ....:.......... that Alex wilt lend me his laptop? 4 After thirty years of............, Mr and Mrs Johnson are still as happy as they were on the day of their wedding. 5 Full.................of the gym costs 200 pounds per year. 6 What I like about this ................is that it's nice and quiet. 7 A new..................of Nikolai Gogol's short stories in English has recently been published. 8 Rugby is slowly growing in ................ in Eastern Europe. ENJOY HAPPY POSSIBLE MARRY MEMBER NEIGHBOUR TRANSLATE POPULAR 59 1 Гй.ф Read the text and match the headings to the paragraphs. There is one extra heading. [I In the middle of the 19th century more and more people in England were moving out of the countryside to find work in the cities. These people felt they needed a green space in the city to relax and make them think of beautiful towns and villages away from the big city. The first urban park that was created was Phillips Park in Manchester. Another park that was created was Hyde Park in central London. It has since become the best known park in England. The Park is also well known for its music, Some of the most popular rock bands in the world have held concerts in Hyde Park, In 2005 it held a Live 8 concert that was part of a massive charity campaign. Other things that take place in the park include a swimming race on the Serpentine named the Peter Pan Cup. It is held on Christmas morning every year for people who are brave enough to swim in the freezing cold water. [2 Hyde Park offers a number of interesting things to see. Firstly, it has two spectacular arches. Marble Arch and Wellington Arch, both constructed in the 1620s. It also has a number of monuments including a statue of the fictional character Peter Pan and a fountain remembering Diana, Princess of Wales. [3 Perhaps the most famous feature of Hyde Park is Speakers’ Corner. This is a unique area where citizens are allowed to speak to the public. Many -fascinating public speakers can be seen talking to crowds about their political and philosophical ideas. Hyde Park is a place for people to relax and hang out. Some wander around the park with their dogs and others jog on the paths. There are also sports areas where people can play informal games of football or cricket. A short distance away from Hyde Park there are many things to enjoy, such as an IMAX cinema as well as interesting museums and important landmarks, like Kensington Palace, The area offers something for everyone! A В C Park events The history of Hyde Park Park attractions A place to spend your time A place to exchange views The beginnings of the urban park Choose the correct answer. Urban parks were created because people wanted ... A more green areas in the city, somewhere to go to after work, a place where they could meet their friends, a place that reminded them of the countryside. В people talk to each other about their opinions. C tourists get information about local attractions. D citizens ask politicians questions. In Hyde Park you can ... A watch professional sports games. В see swimming races all year round, C go to live music performances. D visit the Science Museum. Hyde Park ... A is located in central Manchester. В is located just outside London. C is known all around the world. D is the most famous park in England. Match the words in bold to their meanings. Speakers’ Corner is an area where ... A people read about politics and philosophy. 1 2 3 4 5 walk slowly: .. one of a kind: of the city:.... amazing:....... not real:......... 60 I 1 Match the phrasal verbs to their definitions and then use them in their correct form to complete the sentences. run on hop off pick up get around come up with splash out 2 collect think of spend a lot of money be powered by get out of travel from place to place 1 We need to ......................a great idea for our charity event next month. 2 To get to my house, take the train from the centre, and ..................at Preston Station. I live across the street. 3 The most convet>ient way to....................... London is by tube, 4 For their anniversary, the Smiths decided to ....................................on a trip to Paris. 5 Do you think cars will still be................... petrol in 50 years’ time? 6 Can you ...........................today's paper as you’re coming home, please? Underline the correct word. Helen has attached a sea/basket to her bike, where she puts her things when she goes shopping, It’s a good idea to replace the windscreen wipers/ steering wheels every year, so you don't have problems when driving in the rain. When a car is approaching in the opposite direction, you should dip your headiights/handlebars so that you don’t blind the other driver. Jason pushed the wbeels/pedals on his bike as hard as he could in order to ride up the steep hill. The mechanic lifted the windscreen/hood of the car to see what was wrong with the engine. 3 Fill in: network, glimpse, destination, bustle, on the way, complete, spectacular. No visit to Bangkok is 1) ................without a boat ride down its waterways, it’s the perfect 2)............... for tiose who want to escape the hustle and 3).............. of ^e city. Also, it's a great way to catch a 4)................. of how life in Bangkok was in the past! Bangkok was once known as the 'Venice of the East’, because a large 5).................of cantds or ‘Wongs’ ran through the city. Today, many of the kiongs have been covered over to make way for motorways and pavements. But on some of them, you can still find floating markets or Talaat Naam’, Talaat Naam have been around for centuries and they are a 6)..................sight. This is where hundreds of traders sell fresh fruit and vegetables from small boats. So, why not take a boat ride down a Wong? You can do some shopping at a Talaat Naam 7)..................! Match the words in the two columns. Then use the phrases to complete the sentences. В 1 I I detailed ■?..[ I city I 3 I I ancient trendy huge [Ц cafe sites commentary hit skyline 1 When you are on the third floor of the Eiffel Tower, you have an amazing view of the Parisian 1 A boat ride around the island is always a(n) .................................... with visiting tourists. 3 The Acropolis of Athens is one of the most recognisable..................................... in the world. 4 Many young people enjoy having a light meal at the new.......................................... in the city centre. 5 The guide’s....................................... throughout the whole tour was very interesting and informative. 61 1 Use the words to write complete sentences in the causative. Lucy/bicycle/repair The word ‘kremlin' 1) (use) to describe a Russian castle or fortress. The Moscow Kremlin is the best known Kremlin of all. The wall around the Moscow Kremlin dates back to 1156, and at first it 2)........................ (make) of wood. Since then, it 3)................. (rebuild) with stones. The Kremlin 4).................... (use) as the centre of Russian government until 1712. Four palaces and four cathedrals are some of the structures that can 5) ...;...................(see) at the Kremlin. In 1990, the Moscow Kremlin 6) .......................(name) a World Heritage Site. It 7)..................(estimate) that over a million people visit the Kremlin every year and it 8)...... ............(visit) by many more tourists in the future. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive form. r; 1 Mum and Dad will drive the children to the museum. 52 2 Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet. 3 You can use this pass for twenty-four hours. 4 They will take the homeless animals to an animal shelter. 5 They have raised a lot of money for charity. 6 Someone had left a puppy in the street. - Replace the words in bold with whoever, whofever, however, wherever, whichever, whenever. 1 Anyone who wants to come to the library must be here at 10. 2 George will eat anything you prepare. 3 Every time I call, he is never home, 4 I’m not working this weekend, so we can go any place you want. 5 You can cook the chicken in any way you want. 6 This ticket allows you to go to any of the three museums I've picked out for you. Translator's ICORNER ^ Fill in the correct reflexive/emphatic pronoun. 1 i hope you like the cake; I made it........... 2 The sculptor was very pleased with............ after the success of his exhibition. 3 Mum burnt ..................on the oven while preparing dinner. 4 My parents really enjoyed .................... at the theatrical performance. 5 How do you know John won the contest? Did he tell you so......... 6 Don’t worry, if we need anything we'U help 6 7 The day .....................doesn’t cost much, but the potter’s wheel is expensive. Rewrite the second sentence to mean the same as the first. Use two to five words, including the word in bold. 1 The postman delivered the parcels to the town hall for Fiona. had Fiona ............................ to the town hall by the postman. 2 Charles made the costumes for the school play on his own. by Charles made the costumes for the school play ..................... 3 Doug installed the antivirus software. by The antivirus software ........ ............................Doug. 4 A famous artist will paint a portrait of the family, will The family |>ortrait ............. .................a famous artist. 5 We can see a film at the cinema whenever you want. time We can see a film at the cinema at .......................... want. 6 The children had a fantastic time at their friend's party. themselves The children really.............. ........... their friend's party. 7 It's impossible to finish the project by the end of the week, cannot The project ............................ ......................by the end of the week. What's the English for: отвечать на телес|?онные звонки, разразиться слезами, помогать очищать лес, приемник для животных, кадровый состав, переходить улицу по «зебре», общественные службы, открыть счет в банке, снять деньги, сообщить о пожаре, отправить посылку, зарегистрироваться в отеле, выехать из отеля, встретиться с мэром, запретить движение транспорта в центре города. О Translate the situations into Biglish: 1, В каждой стране существует большое количество благотворительных организаций. Они оказывают реальную помощь детским домам, приютам, помогают беспомощным престарелым гражданам, спасают животных на грани вымирания, заботятся о раненых животных до их полного выздоровления. Такие фонды организовывают помощь жертвам землетрясения и наводнения в любой точке мира. Особенно их помощь нужна детям, которых иногда Приходится спасать, забирая из семьи, где с ними обращаются не так, как следует, Благотворительный фонд «Кто, если не Я?» приглашает волонтеров для работы с такими детьми, чтобы общаться с ними, развивать их творческие и интеллектуальные способности. 2. - Во сколько отправляется поезд на Манчестер? - В семь вечера, — Два билета второго класса до Манчестера, пожалуйста. - В один конец? - Нет, туда и обратно, пожалуйста. - 40 фунтов 50 пенсов. - Пожалуйста, А с какой платформь! отправляется поезд? - Платформа три. - Спасибо. - Пожалуйста. 3, Библиотека - это место, где хранится большая коллекция книг разных жанров, доступных для читателей. Вы можете взять любую книгу на несколько дней, и прочитав, вернуть. Хороший библиотекарь всегда поможет вам сделать выбор. Терпеливый, внимательный, заботливый библиотекарь прививает нам любовь к книгам. Сейчас, однако, более популярны электронные библиотеки. Вы можете читать книгу онлайн, не выходя из дома. 63 1 Complete the sentences with the following words; • enclosed • irrational * screaming * lift • teasing • triggered 2 I wish you’d stop................Jack about his fear of needles. Not everyone is as brave as you, you knowl I have a fear of...............spaces so I avoid flying as much as possible. I realise my fear of birds is completely ..............., but I can't seem to get over it. Even just thinking about going in a(n) ...............makes Katie sweat. ЛЛапу people with a fear of dogs remember a childhood incident which they believe.......... this fear. Emma started .................. loudly when the lights went out and the room was left in complete darkness. Match the idioms in column A to the correct emotion in column Б. Then use them in the correct form to complete the sentences. [Ш [6П butterflies in one's stomach a long face over the moon go bright red green with envy through the roof Б a jealousy b pleasure/happiness c anger d nervousness e embarrassment f sadness 64 1 James is ......................... because his parents have just bought him a new computer. 2 Olivia’s........................that Jason has sold a painting and she hasn’t. 3 My parents will go........................when they find out I've failed Maths and Chemistry. 4 Just thinking about the singing competition next week gives her............................ 5 I know Sally’s upset about losing her purse, but how long is she going to walk around with that ? 6 I wish I didn't always........................... when I have to speak in public. 3 4 Underline the correct item. It took Scott a long time to melt/fight his fear of the dark. George’s worst fear went/came true when he was bitten by a dog. Don't you think it's about time for you to face/ activate your fear of heights? As soon as Nathan entered the dentist's office, his heart started pumptng/beating faster. Joy and anger are two tiny/basic human emotions. Fill in the missing words/phrases, then do the quiz. freeze avoid leaf injection ' fight react Do you have^ You're at the doctor’s and you’re told you need a{n) 1).........How do you 2)...........? A 1 roll up my sleeve. В i become a bit worried and ask the doctor if it’s necessary. C I 3).........and begin to have a panic attack. Have you ever avoided medical treatment because you knew a needle would be involved? A No, never. В Once or twice. But I usually try to 4)......... my fear and go. C Many times. I always try to 5)................. going to the doctor when a needle is involved. How do you feel when you see a picture of a needle? A Nothing, it doesn’t bother me at all. В I find it a bit disturbing, C I start shaking like a 6)...............! Mostly A's: Lucky youl You have no problems with needles. Mostly B's; Congratulations. You don't like needles, but you don’t let your fear get the better of you. Mostly C's: It's possible you may have belonephobla. Don’t worry! Talk to your doctor. Hs/She can helpl ~ltr- 1 Put the dialogue in the right order. nrrri Li d 1} n a Operator: Is she hurt badly?' b Man: OK. Thank you. c Operator: Emergency. Can 1 help you? d Operator: What is the nature of your emergency? e Man: My wife fell down the stairs, f Operator: OK, don’t move her, An ambulance will be there as soon as possible, g Man: Can you send an ambulancsj please? h Man: Yes, she's in a lot of pain. Fill in: coastguard, mountain rescue, falsa call, line, unconscious. 1 A; What did you do when Tom fell while rock climbing? Б: We immediately called the................... We didn’t want to move him and cause more damage. 2 A; Oh, sorry, 1 dialled the wrong number. B: Please, be careful next time. You can get into a lot of trouble for making a(n) ............. 3 A: How did you get back to the shore safely after your boat sank? Б: The......................came and got us, 4 A: What happened to Ted? 6: He was knocked ...........,,,,,,,,,, after he hit his head and was taken to the hospital. 5 A: Hello. I need an ambulance to come to my house, please. B: Please, hold the.................I'll put you through to Emergency Services. 3 Match the correct response to the statement. H H Fire department. How can I help you? Is your address 184 Mulberry Road? There’s been an accident at the Town Hall. Please, send help. What service do you require? What's the matter? Where are you rushing to? В Yes, that's right. The hospital called. Mike was in an accident. Sorry, I dialled the wrong number. Stay on the line, please, help is on the way. The coastguard, please. Cr^ Listen and for questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A, В or C. How many people are injured every year because their fire alarm does not work? A 3 В 7000 C 90 Most fires are caused by ... A faulty fire alarms. В candles. C cigarettes. Which is the best place to put a fire alarm? A bathroom В hallway C kitchen To prevent a fire in the kitchen, you must... A cook at a low heat. В not leave the kitchen while cooking. C make sure devices do not get wet. What does the firefighter advise us to do in preparation for a fire? A Practice staying calm. В Keep an extra set of keys in the house. C Have an organised plan of escape. 65 1 1 Use the verbs in the list in the correct tense to complete the sentences. Then say what type of conditional each sentence is, as in the example. throw not/act lock not/eat continue visit not/be sit 1 If she ► hadn't acted immediotely, the fire would have spread throughout the whole house. (3rd) 2 If he...............so many sweets, he would not have to visit the dentist so often! ....... 3 If you..............afraid of heights, I'd take you on a helicopter ride with me. ....... 4 If James ................. driving so carelessly, he will have an accident............ 5 Their park would be tidier if everybody ......................their rubbish in the bins. ....... 6 If we ................. Italy next year, we'll go on a tour of all the important historical sites. ....... 7 If he............... the window, the thief would not have got in. ....... 8 You get sunburn when you............... out in the sun too long. ....... 2 5 6 Underline the correct item. Unless/When George sees a dog in the street, he freezes because he's terribly afraid of them. We can go to the new Thai restaurant tonight, tf/uniess you’d rather stay in. Would you scream when/if a big spider crawled up your leg? Helen wouldn’t have been so upset if/unless you had told her the whole truth. When/Uniess I miss the bus, I’m late for school. Jane won't be able to improve in painting unless/if she doesn’t practise more often. 3 Rewrite the following sentences to express a wish for the present or regret for the past, as in the example. 1 Lisa didn't save her work. Lisa wishes she had saved her work. 2 I’m not old enough to drive yet. /' 3 My mum doesn’t let me get a pet snake. 4 Mrs Abbott gave us too much homework. 5 Mary lost the keys to her house. 6 Susan wants her little brother to stop teasing her. 7 Emma screams whenever sh^ sees a tiny spider, and she doesn’t like this. ^ Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1 A: I didn’t know Gary wanted to quit his job. If only he...........................(tell) me! 8; Why? What................................... (you/do) if he had let you know? 2 A: I wish you........................(not/leave). I hate being home alone. B; Look, if you're really afraid of being alone, I ........................... I^tay) and keep you company until your parents get back. 3 A: Nick says he won’t come to the concert unless we.............................(pay) for his ticket, too. B: Oh, come on! He's just jokingl I wish you ...........................(not/take) him so seriously all the time. 56 ш. 1 Match the words in the two columns. Then use the phrases in their correct form to complete the speech bubbles. В Ml I join [T| I cut down on I 3 I I lose go on a fatty foods b a diet c a gym d weight , I should and start eating more fruit and vegetables. I’m glad I............Л now 1 can exercise more \oftem__________________У This is my last slice of pizzalN, Congratulations, you N ' tomorrow! J have........... about 3 kilos! 2 Fill in: feey, redpe, physical, balanced, treat, junk, habits. My friend Katie is such a health nut! She goes jogging every day, and eats a 1)............................. diet. She says the 2) ...................to a healthy lifestyle is eating well and exercising regularly. But Katie thinks I don’t get enough 3) ................. activity because i prefer watching W to exercising. She says my lifestyle is a(n) 4)................. for disaster and that ! need to make some changes. Well, I agree that my eating 5).................. may not be the best but! could never do what she does. Avoid all 6)................ food? No, thanks! I think it’s important to 7).................. yourself once in a while! But ! see what she means about exercise. So! think I will make some changes in that department! 3 Underline the correct item. People who are watching their weight prefer food which is low/ short in fat. Did you know that spinach is rich/ full in iron? Exercise helps us destroy/burn calories more easily. A piece of fruit or some nuts are healthy desserts/snacks to have if you’re hungry between meals. Jane is a vegetarian, and doesn’t eat any meat produce/products. You're looking so much healthier now that you’re eating sensibly; give/keep up the good work! ^ Choose the correct item. 1 Students.......to call the school if they miss a class. A can В should C have 2 You ........ only eat at the restaurant if you are a guest at the hotel. A could Б have to C can 3 We........wash our hands before eating so as not to get sick. A must В needn’t C can 4 You........wash the dishes. Doug has already done it. A don’t have to В ought not C mustn’t 5 Mum, ........ I have some ice cream after dinner, please? A must В can C should 6 If you’re not happy with the gym you’re going to, you ........ try coming to mine; it's very good. A may В could C need 7 i ...... return the book to the library today or I’ll pay a fine. A ought В may C must 8 If you’re on a diet, you ........ avoid eating junk food and anything that has too much sugar in it, A should В can C could 67 Read the essay beiow and put the paragraphs in the correct order. > I A I I There are several advantages to a gym membership. To begin with, most gyms have a large amount of equipment and exercise machines. For example, gym members can choose to use equipment that exercises different parts of the body. Consequently, members can get an all-body workout by using different equipment, which means exercising is not boring and repetitive. In addition, gyms have trained instructors. Not only do they give advice on exercise techniques, but they also help members achieve their fitness goals with proper diet information. f В I )n conclusion, there are arguments both for and against a gym membership. In my opinion, the cost of a gym membership is not worth it. For those who want to exercise and keep fit, there are many free and more enjoyable options to choose from. C I I On the other hand, there are some drawbacks to a gym membership. Firstly, it costs money. Monthly or yearly fees are often expensive. Secondly, gyms are often crowded, especially in the evenings and on weekends. For this reason, it is sometimes necessary to go to the gym at unsociable hours to avoid queues for machines. I DI I Many people, with busy working lives, choose to join a gym for exercise. But is joining a gym the best option? People should be aware that there are both pros and cons to being a gym member. 1 Replace each of the highlighted words/phras« in the essay L vdth the appropriate alternative below. 1 Furthermore: ............................................ 1 Therefore:............................................... 3 However; .............................................. 4 All in all;............................................. 5 To start with: ........................................ 6 For instance; ......................................... 7 As a result: .......................................... 3 Fill in; in particular, Moreover, One point in favour of. One reason why. .............computer games as a form of entertainment is that they offer hours of fun in the comfort of our own home. Violent films can have a very negative impact on some kinds of audience................., younger children may find some violent film characters "cool” or heroic and imitate them. ...........fewer people choose to go on holiday abroad each year is that foreign travel is becoming increasingly expensive. Pets are great company for children.............., taking care of a pet teaches children a sense of responsibility. Match each argument against fast food restaurants (1-3) with its appropriate justification (A-C). Arguments They serve unhealthy food. The quality of what is served is not always high. They do not encourage healthy eating habits. Justifications Children, especially, choose junk food instead of healthy snacks. The meats are not nutritious, but high in fat and sugar. Many ingredients used are either frozen or pre-cooked. 8 3 Complete the text with the correct word derived from the word in brackets. 1 Fill in: out of, up with, off, back, on. five simple tips on home safety 1Ф ' Keep 1)...............wet floors, as they ■ are quite slippery. Iio Ask young children to keep 2)............... the kitchen while you are cooking, to prevent them from accidentally touching a hot stove. * Keep 3)..................the latest on home “ security systems to make sure your house is properly protected. '' If a small fire starts in the kitchen or any " ■ other pari of the house tel! children to keep 4).................... ' Ф Keep 5)................reminding everyone in the family to lock all doors and windows when they are the last to leave the house. Clioeo|late< not really the villain we think it is! Most of us 1)................ (joy) eating chocolate, but when we think of all the fat and sugar in it, we try to avoid it. Well, a little chocolate doesn't hurt! in fact, doctors even 2)..............(courage) us to eat chocolate, because according to latest research, chocolate: i • helps to 3)................. (less) tiredness *4)..................(strength) the memory • 5).................(sweet) the breath And these are just a very few benefits of our favourite treat! Of course this doesn’t mean that we can help ourselves to dozens of chocolate bars every day! This would only 6).................. Д- (sure) that we put on lots of extra kilosl Э Use the words below to complete the sentences. There are three words you do not need to use. damage poor habits lead 2 Underline the correct preposition. weak spend t- ruin Drinking too little water can lead to/in headaches. Don't put any milk in Jason’s coffee; he's allergic from/to all dairy products. How do you manage to keep in/to such good shape? Samantha still hasn't recovered in/from her bad cold. It is important to use sunblock on your skin to protect it from/to sunburn. You need to change your eating .................; eating junk food all the time isn’t good for you. Recent studies show that people who have ........... diets and take little exercise suffer from ill health. Don't tell Pete about the party we're planning for him; you'll...........the surprise. People who ............. busy lives rarely find time to exercise. b Use the extra words from Ex. 4a in sentences of your own. 69 1 ■-U " Fill in: play, dras, scratch, warn. Fill in the gaps with the following words. • cuddly • poisonous • continuously • venom • unpredictable • motionless * swamps • sightings Here are some useful tips and interesting trivia about the world of the wild! 1 Some spiders, wasps, bees and snakes can produce.......... 2 Wild animals are....................so never, ever approach them. Alligators are very good at lying.............in water. Baby wild animals rnay look cute and ..................... but remember the golden rule: 1сюк and don’t touch! Leopards are nocturnal animals, so........................ Of them during the day are not common. Unlike humans, who produce two sets of teeth during their lives, reptiles like crocodiles and lizards replace their teeth г 4 7 ...................... are wetlands full of animat and plant life. 8 Never pick a wild mushroom from a field to eat; many are ...... .. I Match the words in the two columns. Then use the phrases in their correct form to complete the sentences. D ПГ vulnerable a a fight u wasp b sense |3 1 common c target |4 ^ put up d sting |5 1 mosquito e the risk 6 ^ raise f bite 70 People who walk alone at night in dark areas are.............. ......................for muggers. 1 shouldn’t have to tell you not to take a short cut through the park at night; use your..........................! ..................... are more painful than those of bees, and can cause more problems. I always have a terrible reaction to....................They are very itchy! Although the little animal tried to........................, it had no chance against its bigger and stronger attacker. Being overweight........................of illness, in extreme cases. 1 it.............its I prey underwater to eat. ^ 2 It uses the rattle ^ I on its tail to , ' ........other V animals it’s dangerous. If you are chased by one, lie down and ........ dead! 4 It carries diseases like rabies, so don’t let it........ you! b Decide what animal each person is talking about from the list below. • raccoon • alligator * rattlesnake * bear 4 Underline the correct word. Raccoons are very clever and can open things with their paws/flaps. If you wear your bag across your body, rather than over your shoulder, you make it harder for someone to snatch/poke it. Self-defence classes teach you what to do if you find yourself in a(n) insulting/threatening situation. Tragically, the snake’s bite was ferocious/fatal and the young animal died. We sat at an outdoor cafe, swallowing/sipping our coffee and watching people going by. T ( 1 Read the text once quickly and answer the question below. What is this text generally about? A The dangers of martial arts В Places to learn martial arts C Advice on when and how to use martial arts Th A>‘t of Martial arts are studied for a number of reasons. People take up martial arts . classes for spiritual reasons, as a form of exercise or maybe because they want to fight in martial arts competitions. Mostly, however, 1 But how do martial arts help you improve your self-defence? Firstly, it must be noted that you should use martial arts techniques only when it is necessary. For example, if a mugger snatches your bag, don’t put up a fight. Indeed, many people say that the best martial arts experts I I. The most important self-defence skills are being aware of your surroundings, as well as the ability to run away from a threatening situation. Having that said, even the most careful person can be physically attacked, Гз Т I. Obviously the best martial arts techniques to learn are defensive rather than attacking techniques. You should concentrate on defending yourself and giving yourself enough time to run away И I I. You should also note that you usually have a very short ^ Therefore you should try to learn hand-to- period of time hand combat techniques rather than kicking techniques (like the ones used in Taekwondo or Savate). The hands are far quicker than the legs and attackers usually grasp the upper body. It is also best to try to learn techniques that do not need a lot of strength. Most IT martial arts include defensive techniques but, ], the best martial arts to take up are the Korean martial art Hapkido and the Japanese martial art Aikido. Both these martial arts concentrate on defensive hand-to-hand techniques that twist your opponent’s joints. Whatever martial art you decide on, keep working on it continually. Attacks can happen swiftly, so you need to have ‘muscle memory’ to instantly trigger your techniques into action. But always remember: your common sense and intuition to avoid risks are your most important skills of all. 2 3 Fill In the gaps with the phrases A-G below. There is one phrase that you do not need to use. C 0 F G and that is when a martial arts technique can save you from harm martial arts teach you ways to protect yourself when in danger to defend yourself from an attack rather than violently trying to harm your attacker taking all the points discussed above into account this can cause fatal injuries never have to use self-defence techniques in their lifetimes Read the text again and mark the statements below as T (True), F (False) or NS (Not stated). Martial arts are popular with young people. When in danger, it is better to try to escape rather than stay and fight. You must be strong to practise martial arts. It’s necessary to practise your martial arts techniques often. Look at the highlighted words in the text and choose the most appropriate definition for them, as they appear in the text, spiritual a related to one's beliefs b related to mystery snatches a does sth quickly b takes sth by force combat a fight grasp a take hold of b see swiftly a soon intuition a instinct b competition quickly knowledge 71 3 Underline the correct item. If the young boy hadn’t smelled/hasn’t smelled the smoke, the family wouldn’t have got out of the house in time, If you spoke/speak to Robbie, tell him to bring the camping equipment. If I had prepared ahead of time for my trip, I wouldn't have had/won’t have so many problems. If you mix the colours blue and yellow, you get/would get the colour green. If I were you, I would take/will take an emergency kit on holiday. When I go to Venice next year, I attend/will attend the Carnival. The sculpting lesson will be cancelled/would be cancelled if the teacher is still ill. If I had more time, I would join/would have joined the gym. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Dear Jodie, I wish there 1}..................... (be) an easier way for me to tell you this, but I’m in hospital] But don’t worry, if all goes well, I 2)..................(go) home at the end of the week. Unfortunately, I broke my arm. It’s my fault, really! If I 3).................(not/try) to put up the curtains myself, I wouldn’t have fallen off the ladder. If only i 4) ................(wait) for Tom to come home! If Tom had been there, he 5) ................(hold) the ladder, and I wouldn’t be in hospital now. Actually, it's not so bad, but if I didn’t have a TV in my room, I 6) ......................(die) of boredom! Tom comes every day after work and brings flowers. If only you 7}....................... (be) here to see my room; it’s like a florist's! Anyway, give my love to your family. I'll come and visit you as soon as I'm feeling better, unless I 8)..................(have) another careless little accident, that isl Love, Jane Use the words given to make a sentence about each picture. 1 ^ If only/1 wake up/earlier/this morning I wish/l not be/afraid/of spiders 3 ^ If only/1 take/an umbrella I wish/l can stay/here longer If only/someone drive by/and help me 72 ][ Fill in: unless, if, when. 1 .......it rains, we will go see the sights. 2 .......the weather gets colder, the leaves fall from the trees, 3 I wouldn’t ride my bike without a helmet...... I were you. 4 Sara is always late.......she walks to work. 5 We aren’t allowed to go to the cinema.......... we dean our rooms. 6 ....... she exercised more, she would be healthier. Transidtor’s Rewrite the second sentence to mean the same as the first. Use two to five words, indoding the word in bold. 1 She’s afraid of lifts, so she won’t come in. were If she.................................... .................. she would come in, 2 He’s ill all the time because he has a very рсюг diet. have If he..................................... ..................... such a poor diet, he wouldn’t be ill all the time, 3 I am so sad we missed Doug’s art exhibition, had I wish we ................................. ...............Doug’s art exhibition. 4 If you don’t leave now, we won’t make it to her birthday party in time. unless We won't make it to her birthday party in time ....................... ...............................now. 5 He didn't stop at the traffic light and he had an accident, stopped If he.................................. ........................traffic light, he wouldn’t have had an accident. I 1 Choose the correct item. It 1} may/ought to sound silly to some, but I have a great fear of flying. My family has moved to Australia, so I 2) can/should only fly there whenever t want to visit them! My friends keep telling me that I 3) don’t need/shouldn’t worry so much, because all planes 4) may/must go through a safety inspection before they take off. My problem is that whenever I’m nervous I 5) need to/ can move around, and I simply 6) can’t/ needn’t do that on a plane, it's not allowed! h ICORNER What’s the English for: замкнутое пространство, страх высоты, громко кричать, избегать авиаперелетов, быть на седьмом небе от счастья (идиом.), позеленеть от зависти (идиом.), краснеть до корней волос (идиом.), побороть страх темноты, человеческие чувства, вызвать горных спасателей, сделать ложный вызов, не кладите трубку! сократить употребление жирной пищи, худеть, сеаь на диету, начать посещать тренажерный зал, здравый смысл, мисные продукты, не наступать на мокрый пол. Translate the situations into English: 1, В Англии есть дети, которые не ходят в школу, а выбирают домашнее обу-чение/образование. Большинство родителей таких детей — учителя, но это не так важно, так как они пользуются интернет-школой. Интернет предоставляет возможность получать знания, проверять себя, готовиться к экзаменам. Различные компьютерные программы помогают им повторять материал. В Интернете десятки обучающих курсов, дети могут заняться курсом, который им нравится, и продолжать обучение благодаря новым курсам, предлагаемым университетскими про (|)бссорами. Однако многие учителя полагают, что самый большой недостаток такого обучения состоит в том, что дети привь(кают к компьютеру и все больше общаются в Сети, играют в компьютерные игры, посылают SMS друзьям, реже встречаются с друзьями, так сказать, лицом к лицу. Ученые обеспокоены тем, что школьники проводят все больше времени за компьютером. Но сегодня мы уже не можем обойтись без средств электронной связи. 2. - Привет, Володя. Как ты сдал математику? - Мне повезло, достались вопросы, которые я знал. А ты? - Не очень хорошо. Я запутался в двух вопросах, и только третий знал хорошо. -Почему так получилось? - Математика не очень хорошо мне дается, и у меня было мало времени, чтобы все повю-рить. - Не расстраивайся. Следующий экзамен у нас физика. Ты любишь этот предмет и подготовишься лучше. 73 1 1 Match the words in the two columns to make collocations. Then use them in their correct form to complete the sentences. E m E и E face come perfectly burn brain a her hand b damage c challenges d into sight e still 2 Put the words into the correct Ьож. • shoulder * ankle • cheek • knee • wrist • eye • finger • head • spine 3 Fill in the gaps in the text with the following words: ~ 1 Everyone..................................in life, but the trick is to keep smiling! 2 He was sitting ................................. waiting for the photograph to be taken. 3 She ......................................while she was cooking. 4 ................................may occur due to an illness or an injury, 5 The injured mountaineers shouted with joy when the rescue helicopter........................... • wheelchair • amazing • mind • quit • attitude • inspiration • sorry My brother James is a{n) 1)........................... to me. Five years ago, he was badly injured in a skiing accident. The doctors all said it was unlikely he would ever walk again. But James didn't listen. Right from the start, far from feeling 2)......................... for himself, he told me that he was going to prove them wrong. He said he was going to keep hts 3).......................... on nothing else but walking. Well, it’s 4)................what a positive 5) ........................ can do! It took James more than two years, but he did get out of his 6) ........................The doctors all call him their 'little miracle’. I say that James proved that if you bravely refuse to 7)......................... you can I achieve anythingl (pjjwtes Bruise Sprain Bump 4 Underline the correct word. She cut/burnt her finger white was was chopping vegetables. If you plant/stand your feet firmly into the ground at each step, you won't fall. Everyone faces bumps/attacks in the road in life, but overcoming them makes you stronger! Right now he is simply another wannabe/ champion film-maker, but with hard work he could become a professional. My motto/miracle in life is ‘never give up and you will succeed’. After Ben broke his arm he found it difficult to swim, but he could still paddle/roll through the water. 74 1 Fill in; Hmm ... I don’t know., I love extreme sports!, What do you think?. What happened?, Let me think about it., It was fantastic!, I’m not sure that's a good idea., I prefer safer sports. f Nurse; Peter: Nurse: Peter: Nurse; Peter: [ h Nurse: L Peter: How did you hurt yourself, Mr Samuels? \ i had a little accident this weekend. 1)..................... I went skydiving. Really? How was it? 2}......................... But I hurt nny knee when I hit the ground. That's why I don't like activities like that. 3)......................... Not me! 4).......................... Ian; Joe: Ian: Joe: ian: Joe: I've finally decided to join an ice climbing club! 1)...................... Well, 2).................. Why not? I thought you’d like it, since you’re a fan of extreme sports too. In fact, I think you should join the dub as well. 3)........................... Oh, come on! It'll be great fun! OK. 4)........................... J 1 Match the phrases in bold with the phrases in the list: a b c d e you're looking under the weather stick to it yes, definitely obviously dangerous go for it 3 4 A; Do you think it’s a good idea for me to start windsurfing lessons? B: t think it’s a great Idea. A; You don’t look too well. B: Yeah, I think I may be getting a cold. A: I think I will take photography classes, B: Sure, try it. A: David had an accident as he was rafting. B: Well, this sport is clearly not safe, right? A: I’m having trouble learning Spanish. Don’t worry, you'll get better. Stay with it. Б Chose the correct response. 4 A: Want to try rafting with me? B: a Oh, that's good, b I don't know, A: I’m thinking of trying a new sport, 8; a Go for it! b Get well soon! A: Did something happert to your arm? B: a Ouch! That hurtl b Yes, it really hurts, A: Do you think i should ask Jenny to come with us? 8; a If I were you, I would, b It’s great fun! A: I’m going to join an extreme sports club. 8: a Thanks a Lot! b I’d think twice about doing that. Q You will hear a job interview. Choose whether the statements are True, False or Not stateci. Mr Berkley is applying for the position of English teacher. A True В False C Not stated Mr Berkley has no experience at this job. A True В False C Not stated The interviewer feels Mr Berkley has the right qualities. A True В False C Not stated For Mr Berkley, punctuality is the most important quality. A True В False C Not Stated Mr Berkley enjoys teaching children. A True В False C Not stated The interviewer offers Mr Berkley the job. A True В False C Not Stated The interviewer will contact Mr Berkley directly next week. A True В False C Not stated 75 1 1 Underline the correct tense. What were the speaker’s exact words? 1 A; Shall we wait for Billy? Б: No, he told me he will be/would be late, ► "ГП be late. ” 2 A: Is Monica coming to the art gallery? B; Ho. She said she would go/is going out 3 A: Has Clark called Mary? B: No. He told me he didn't have?wouldn’t have her number. 4 A: Have they delivered your new furniture yet? B: No. They told me they brought/were bringing it on Monday. 5 A: Has Helen heard from George? B; No. She told me that she didn’t see/hadn’t seen him since Christmas. 2 Turn the following sentences into reported speech using the verbs: warn, threaten, be$, advise, promise, offer, remind. 1 “Please, help me!” John said to Susan........ 2 'Til do all my chores this weekend," Betty said to her mum....................................... 3 “Don't forget to lock up the house before you leave,” he told me. ......................... .............................................a 4 "Don’t stand too dose to the fire,” she told the children......................................... 5 “I'll take you to the airport later," David said to Ben.............................................. 6 “Г11 tell everything to Mr Brown," Jessica said to Sarah............................................ 7 "You should see a doctor about your sprained ankle,” she said to Mike......................... 3 Read the speech bubbles and match them to the sentences. Then complete the sentences in reported speech, as in the example. museum was. ^ I I Melanie wasn’t feeling well, so her mum told 1^1 I Michael wanted to start exercising more, so 1 told ......................................... I 4 I I My leg still hurts after the accident, so the doctor told me......................................... Phillip’s scanner was broken, so he said I b I I ! asked Julie how Emma was, but she said ., 4 Choose the correct word. 1 Marion has done all the chores. There is everything/ anything/nothing for you to do. 2 They told the police nothing/everything/ anything they knew. 3 I think f see something/nothing/anyone moving in the garden. 4 Would you like anything/something/everything to eat? I’ve just made dinner. 5 Anybody/Everybody/Nobody wanted to follow him on his trekking excursion, so he went alone. 6 Little Tommy takes that toy car nowhere/ everywhere/somewhere he goes. 7 There weren't enough seats for someone/ anyone/ everyone, so some of us stood in the back. 1 76 1 Match the words In the two columns. Then use the phrases to complete the sentences. A 6 1l steep a island 2| antiseptic b vegetation 3| remote c hillside 4| thick d insect 5 poisonous e cream 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fill in the appropriate question tag. It won’t hurt, ............................ ? Let’s take an umbrella, .....................? You brought the compass, ....................? The weather is terrible,.....................? George hasn’t left for his trip yet, ........? They’re cold, ............................. ? Don’t forget to bring the camera.............? You don’t have an extra sleeping bag, .......? Match the idioms in column A to their definitions in column B. Then use them In the correct form to complete the exchanges. i 1 It was really difficult for the hikers to find their way through the....................of the forest. 2 A sting from a(n)........................caused Jim to suffer a serious allergic reaction, 3 Survivors from the shipwreck were found on a(n) ...........................off the coast of Australia. 4 You need to put some..........................on that cut, to prevent a possible infection. 5 Climbing that.........................was a real challenge for William; he felt exhausted from the effort. 2 Fill In: fnsect repellent, pen knife, warm clothes, mop, sunscreen, first aid kit, rucksack. Dear Katie, I thought I'd send you a quick email to remind you what to take on our hike this weekend! First, it may get cold, so make sure you take some 1) ............I know your 2) ..........is quite small, so if you don't have enough space, you can put some things in mine, I will bring the 3).........in case we have any small accidents, but can you bring the 4)............. as there will probably be a lot of mosquitoes at night. Oh, yes, please take some 5)................ too, so you don't get burnt. Don't forget to bring a 6J..........too, as they come in handy for all sorts of things. My father's bringing a 7).........of the area, so we won't get lost! Well, see you tomorrow. I can't wait, Love, Emma ш: j have a bee in one’s bonnet 2 kill two birds with one stone 3 bark up the wrong tree 4 take the bull by the horns 5 let the cat out of the bag be wrong about the reason for sth/howto do sth do sth difficult or risky in a determined and confident way tell people secret information, often without meaning to do two things at the same time using the effort needed to do only one. talk a lot about sth you think is important or interesting 1 A: We can drive past Sam’s place on our way to the doctor’s, so we can drop off his sleeping bag. B: Good idea. We’ll be .......................... _ ...................................... 2 A: Ollie thinks this path is the quickest way out of the forest. B: No way! Tell him he's ........................ ..............................................! 3 A: Nathan's found out we are buying him a bike for his birthday, B: I’m sure it was Janet who .................... She’s not very good at keeping secrets, 4 A; Isabelle really................................ about extreme sports. B: ! know. That’s all she ever talks about. 5 A: Don’t worry about skydiving, just .............' B: That's easy for you to say! You’ve done it dozens of times before. 77 с 78 1 Read ttie letter and match the underlined parts with the appropriate features of formal letters listed below. Гв IA [ I formal Linking words formal ending advanced vocabulary formal greeting [C[ E I I passive voice Гр] I full forms 1) Dear Mrs Jones. 2) Lam writing with reference to your advertisement for the position of volunteer at the Preston Animal Shelter, which appeared in the Brighton Mail of 25 July. I am interested in applying for the post. I am currently a year ten student at Coburg High School. 3) Moreover, by the end of this month I will have completed a three-week course on tirst aid at the local community centre. I am also a member of Greenpeace. 4) I am described by my teachers as hardworking, dedicated and responsible. As for work experience, last summer I worked at a pet shop. My duties included caring for and feeding the animals, as well as keeping the shop in order. I have enclosed an application form including the telephone number and email address where 5) I can be reached. Please feel free to contact me at any time. I look forward to hearing from you. 6) Yours sincerely. Adam Appleby 1 2 Read the opening and closing remarks below and put a tick (/) next to the ones that are appropriate for a letter of application. Opening paragraphs I saw your ad in today's paper and I want to apply for the job you wrote about. I would like to apply for the post of sales assistant, advertised in yesterday's Post. I’m interested in applying for the position I saw in The Daily News. Closing paragraphs 14' I look forward to hearing from you. 5 My phone number is 555596S. Call me whenever you want fej I wish to thank you in advance tor considering my application. 3Use the words in brackets to rewrite the sentences in formal style, as in the example, 1 You can find me at 5553242, (be contacted) ► / can be contocted at 5553242. 2 You’U find a copy of my application form, (enclosed)....................................... 3 I can’t wait for you to get in touch with me. (look forward).................................. 4 I want to apply for this job. (interested/position) 5 I really like working with kids, (enjoy/children) 6 Also, I’ve worked at my dad’s pet shop for a few hours a week, (moreover/part-time) ] 3 Match the phrasal verbs to their definitions and then use them in their correct form to complete the sentences. Underline the correct word. Lifeguards often risk their lives to rescue/recover swimmers, We lost/missed our way in the dark and had to spend the night in a cave. Would you be annoyed if I asked Sam to go skydiving with me instead of/besides you? There's only room for one more in my car. His inability/disability to express himself clearly makes him unsuitable for this position. Look! That fox must be injured/harmed, because it’s limping. Sign up for a course on first aid and gain/win the ability to help out in emergencies! Complete the sentences with words formed from the words in capitals. 1 There was an.................... ANNOUNCE informing passengers that the flight to Madrid would be cancelled. 2 The best way to overcome your ...............is to take a deep NERVOUS breath and try to think positively. 3 Atex finds it quite ............ EMBARRASS .when his mother calls him “sweetie" in front of his friends. 4 The old church suffered so much damage in the earthquake that they will have to................... BUILD it rather than try to repair it, 5 My class is going on an ........ OUT to the NaturalHistory Museum next week. 6 It is quite a popular belief that travel .....................the mind, BROAD 7 John was.......................... AAAAZE to find out that his old primary school teacher wcis now a famous concert pianist. jlJ__I carry off 21 I carry out 3 I I carry on 41 I carry away 5 I I carry through В a do sth b manage to do sth with success c manage to do sth difficult d continue e excite greatly 1 We...........................walking even though it was getting dark and we knew we should turn back. 2 Do you think James vrill.......................... with his plan to climb Mt Everest? 3 When she found out she had won, she got a bit ........................and called up everyone she knew. 4 Dr Oliver will.....................the operation. 5 Even though the job was difficult, Katie managed to......................it........................ ^ Underline the correct preposition. 1 One of the many difficulties of/in her job is having to deal with many people at the same time. 2 Keep your mind in/on getting better, and don't worry about anything else. 3 Despite his fear of/for spiders, Tom managed to pick the animal up and put it in the garden. 4 They forgot to take a map which resulted in/of them losing their way. 5 There’s no need to feel sorry of/for Ian; he’s a brave man, who manages to overcome any challenge, 5 Fill in: remain, prevent, properly, avoid, suitably, survive, 1 You need to have that tooth looked at, Ben, You can’t............... going to the dentist forever! 2 The vet didn’t think the dog would.............its serious injuries, but luckily, it made a full recovery 3 Jason had to ........in hospital for three weeks, 4 Put some ointment on that scratch to ............. it from getting infected. 5 I don't think you’re .............. dressed for a hiking trip. - 6 You should start eating............and cut down on junk food. 79 I л ■ ■■■! J Operation@Smile Changing Lives One Smile at a Time 10 IS Imagine feeling uncomfortable about smiling or even talking because of a facial deformity*. Now imagine that the physical challenges of your deformity are minor compared with the emotional challenges, as others make fun of or avoid you because of your strange appearance. Lastly, imagine that all your problems could be fixed by one simple operation that could transform not only your face, but your whole life; but your family is too poor to pay for this operation ... This is where Operation Smi/e comes in. Founded in 1982 by plastic surgeon William Magee and his wife Kathleen, Operation Smiie is a charity that sends teams of medical volunteers to developing nations to treat children with facial deformities. The idea for Operation Smiie came to William and Kathleen when they were in the Philippines with a group of doctors to operate on some children with disfigured faces. When they arrived, they came upon hundreds of children with facial deformities - far zo too many than they could help on one trip. William and Kathleen knew that they could not just forget about these children. So, when they got back to the USA, they started Operation Smi/e. Their mission? To ensure every child in the world is zs given a chance to smile. To date, Operation Smi/e has repaired the faces of more than 120,000 children worldwide. The Magee’s have faced many challenges along the way. Principal among these is raising the money to keep their so volunteer work going. But the thousands of happy faces have been a reward that makes the doctors’ hard efforts all the more worthwhile. " a condition in which part of the face does not have a normal shape Read the text again and mark the statements below as T (True), F (False) or Ns (Not stated). Match the words in bold to their meaning. Operation Smiie is a charity that works in poor countries, Operation Smife offers psychological support to children. Operation Smiie was started by a group of doctors. A doctor in the Philippines suggested the Magees start a charity. Thousands of children have been helped by Operatibn SmiTe. The Magees find it easy to collect money for their charity. The doctors keep in touch with many of the children they have worked with. 1 most important: 2 cure: 3 sth received in exchange for doing sth useful or good: 4 what one hopes to achieve: 5 unimportant: 6 set up: 7 change: 80 .. Find wordsyphrases in the text that mean the same as the ones below. 1 related to one's feelings (line 4): 1 not advanced yet (line 14):................. 3 discovered (line 19): ...................... 4 make certain (line 25);..................... 5 helpful, valuable (line 33): ............... 1 Label the pictures: (aboratoiy, wilderness, C02 emissions, continents, polar ice sheet. 2 Fill in: reflect, shelf, draw, race, flood, scenery in the correct form. 1 After the storm, there was in many areas of the city. 2 In 1953, climbers from several countries were ..................to be the first to reach the top of Mt Everest. 3 The.........................on the way up the glacier was amazing. 4 One of the things that........................ people to mountain trekking is the chance to be so close to nature, 5 Ouch! The sunlight is........................ off the ice and hurting my eyes. 6 Ice........................are shrinking at an alarming rate due to the increase in the Earth’s temperature. Match the words in the two columns. Then use them to complete the sentences. II native human food unspoilt greenhouse global a gases b places c people d chain e warming f impact 3 Complete the crossword puzzle. ACROSS 1 develop, improve 2 vary between one 3 look DOWN 4 complete a university/college degree 5 separate, divide 6 go up, increase 1 2 3 4 5 6 The Great White Shark is an incredible predator at the top of the marine........................ The...................on the Earth’s rainforests has been huge. Carbon dioxide and other.................. are responsible for the pollution of the environment. Unfortunately, there are few.................... on Earth which have not suffered the damaging effects of human interference. The ...................... of New Zealand are called Maoris. Some scientists predict the ice in the polar regions will continue to melt as a result of 81 1 1 Read what each person says and report their words. Ф 82 I find this sculptor unique. I am going to the train station. I have passed all my exams. @ I broke my arm while trekking. I can’t get the Internet to workl © I'm visiting my grandparents next Sunday. 1 She said 2 She told the taxi driver.... 3 She said 4 He told the doctor 5 He said that 6 She said that 2 3 Doug Murray, a rescue worker, was interviewed yesterday by Jill Smith, a local journalist. He was asked the following questions, Turn them into reported questions. 1 "Why did you decide to become a rescue worker?” She asked him .............. 2 "Where did you get your training?” 3 "How many hours a week do you work?” 4 "Do you use hi-tech medical equipment?” 5 "Have you ever been in serious danger?” 6 "What is the worst thing about your job?" Rewrite the second sentence to mean the same as the first. Use two to five words, including the word in bold, 1 “My Internet connection is so slow!” he said, complained He ......................................... ..................................too slow 2 "Help me do the chores, please!” she said to Joe. begged She ............................................. .............................do the chores 3 "Yes, I'll meet you at the theatre,” he told us. agreed He .............................................. ............................at the theatre 4 "1 have to return this printer because there's something wrong with it,” she said. explained She......................................... ........................to return that printer because there was something wrong with it. 5 “Don’t run in the street, childrenl” she said. warned She............................................... ..........................run in the street. 6 "I'll mail those parcels for you,” he told me. offered He.......................................... ...................................for me. Fitl in the blanks with some, any, every, no and their compounds. 1) ......once toid me to never be afraid of trying new things. I had never tried 2) ......... daring, so when I had the opportunity to travel to a foreign city I took tt. Paris was 3)..............like my hometown. I spent most of my days visiting the museums and seeing the sights. The people were extremely friendly. I didn’t meet 4)............. who wasn’t nice. There were so many beautiful caf4s and shops 5).............. around the city. Parts is a very exciting city and there is always 6)............. to do. I loved 7)................ about the city of lights! 5 Watch the sentences to the correct question tags. В 111 I He is alright, 17T~ I Hand me that pantbrush, I 3 I I You’ve watered the plants, I There aren't enough chairs, I 5 I I He called the doctor, I 6 I I You can do this, I 71 I Let’s go to the art gallery, 181 [ The train hasn't come yet. а are there? ь haven’t you? с has it? d didn’t he? е isn’t he? f will you? 9 can’t you h shall we? 6 Underline the correct item. 1 The teacher told me don't leave/not to leave before she spoke to me. 2 The performance starts at eight, won't it/doesn't it? 3 Dad promised he will be/to be at the train station when we arrive. 4 After the accident, the police asked/toid us if we were hurt. 5 I've looked for my book everywhere/anywhere, but I still can't find it. 6 The band told us they will perform/would perform at the park on Saturday. 7 Let's take a drive to the country, should we/shall we? S The mechanic said there was anything/nothing wrong with the car. [CORNER What's the English for: 8 подавать сигнал о помощи, защищать себя, выжить в джунглях на необитаемом острове, антисептическая мазь, наложить повязку, аптечка, наложить шину на ногу, экстремальный опасный спорт, черепно-мозговая травма, взять быка за рога (идиом.), иметь причуды (идиом.), раскрыть секрет (идиом.). Translate the situations into English: Паралимпийские игры становятся все более популярными, Тысячи спортсменов, которые отказались сдаться и готовы бросить вызов судьбе, участвуют в них. Их позитивное отношение к жизни воодушевляет многих. Люди, ставшие по разным причинам инвалидами, понимают, что их жизнь может быть интересной и полезной. Сама жизнь - абсолютное чудо. Многие паралимпийские спортсмены прошли через ужасные испытания, прежде чем поняли это. Алексей Ашапатов был уже известным спортсменом, когда в результате несчастного случая потерял ногу в 2002 году. Он продолжил заниматься спортом и выиграл несколько соревнований сначала по волейболу, затем в метании диска. Олеся Владыкина, которая победила в соревнованиях по плаванию на пекинской олимпиаде, победила себя, За год до олимпиады в Таиланде перевернулся туристический автобус, в котором она ехала. Олеся выжила в этой аварии, но потеряла руку и получила сильнь[й ушиб спины. Многие бы впали в депрессию после такой трагедии, но Олеся всех поразила своим мужеством. Она не стала тратить время на жалость к себе, а начала упорно тренироваться. Как ни странно, инвалидность пробудила в ней скрытые силы, И вот результат - олимпийское золото! Олеся считает, что только экстремальные моменты позволяют использовать свой потенциал. Ее девиз: «Никогда не сдавайся!». Следует больше писать о таких людях и делать все возможное, чтобы они не чувствовали себя инвалидами, даже находясь в инвалидной коляске. 83 SET 1 Pairwork Activities Visual Materials Student Join US for the 9t!r Annual FhmmFmtwci from 18th-24th May in Hampton Park, Seagrove • plant & vegetable exhibits ■ Siitgi'ound rides for children pntranee fire: adults jf2, сЫккеп free 5A 32flii London Film Festival: |uty12th-25th at theOdean Theatre Complex, South Bank Over 100 films ' 13 from France alone, 42 more from the rest of Europe, and another 55 from around the world I Booking: I By telephone: Call 020 8593 T754 from 09:30-20:10 daily. J In Penan: At the Box Office, South Bank, open daily from d t_____ П;30-20;3а i 2A Haia йшй Household Chores? Let us do them for you! We can help you with ... • general cleaning (mopping, dusting etc) • washing clothes • ironing • gardening • meal pneparation ... and much, much more! Prices start from only £10 per hour our website www.choreanqets.com detailed price list). Email us from oijFwe®e or call 'the Chore Angels' on ОЕО-4Б5746, (check ЗА Bradbury Concert Hall LECTURE IN OCTOBER Thursday 14th: Great Myths & Legends (Dr. Jane Johnson) • The main concert auditoriuri at 7:30 pm, Jb reserve yaur seat, call In at our booking t^ce during office hours (Monday Ю Friday, 9am-5pm). 4A King’s Road Community Centre Computer Classes Beflirner: Monday & Wednesday, 7 pm-9 pm Improver: Tuesday & Thursday, 6.30 pm-8,30 pm Advanced: Friday 7 pm-9 pm All courses last 10 weeks See our website (WWW. kings roadcommunlty centre.com) for more information. Save 20% if you book and pay online! Volunteer Helpers wanted at the animal Sanctuary in Bath • Do you love animals? * Are you al leas! 16 years old? If yes, why not apply to be □ volunteer? No experience required. E-moil us ot [email protected] Any questions? Coll Jo on 07)4 3209- 4583. 7A J competition Wm, ЩШ • Are you aged 13-16? • Do you love creating healthy meals? If the answer is YESI, send us your favourite recipe that uses only organic products and you could win One of five trips to Germany to attend the Worid’s Largest organic Food Fair! I____________________________________________^ (visit our website www.orgQnicfQods.com for full details.} Closing dale for entries: February I S 8A LIKE THRIiLLS? ■mEN LEARK TO SKYDIVE WJTH US! .SuperSportS is the UK’s best known skydiving schooi. Courses for beginners start from only £200! Our school is open 365 days a year! Call James on 0875 339 2850. ' Book online during March and get a 10% discount* 84 Pairwork Activities Visual Materials SET 2 Student В \ Bradgate Secondary School's social committee Invites you to theSr Hl^Serade Bail 5B Date: Friday, 12th July Placet School sports hall From; 7:30-11:30 pm Dress: Formal. o№ce< Don’t forget to wear a mask the best will win a E20 book token! The NaMftmal Gaul Trafalgar Square, London proud/y presents: An exhibition on Ituliun Paintii^ and Scidptn^e I51№47d0 When: 12 February-15 June Where: Sainsbury Wing Spnn.sored by: National Savers’ Bank Admission: Free 2B 1ШШНЕШ lit • RonsonVSOSO ------ • twice as powerful as most HbW! other handheld cleaners • very lightweight • re-chargeable batteries & fast re-charge function 12th July,atthe Animal Rescue Centre, Oxford Help raise money for all our animals by entering your pet in our pet show! • Pet show registration from fOom • Judging starts crt 12pm • Cost: £ 10 for every pet entered Order on 0115-9456332 or at www.handyclcaa.com Note; Free delivery a a 25% discount it you order online! 36 /Ч 7B I Д A^;feT7ftif?a3maf!te=fWhf^g^ >' 300 pages of real dreains people have had aлd ■what they mean. ^ Second edition now with even more entries and 'dream dictionary’ at the backi hardback only £16.00, paperback only £7.00. Buy one hai'flback copy, get another one half price! j The Gym Group will shortly be opening new gyms in Edinburgh, ' Glasgow and Liverpool, • Are you outgoing? Dg you love healthy food? If yes, why not come and join our dynamic teom! ^Applicants must be over 16* 4B COMPETITION Please e-mail your CV to heleni^jobsgymgroup.com 8B r FUN tlUN Are you aged between 11 and 18? Then ENTER OUR COMPETITION to suggest an idea for a brand new game! How to enter: Write a description of your game in 300-500 words. Include; name of game - setting - rules Help false money for children In need! ' June 19th • Hyde Park * 5 km * over 12 to enter ' £8 per person - groups over ifive people £5 per person Cl nun yuui eniiy lU ■SIWKm:- JSRjli iJJBwfi—by 14th May. ‘The winner's game witi be made into a real garnet *AII money raised will go towards helping children in poor countries who need eye surgery* For informatign, phone Kelly on 0563 4430 S9S1. 85 1 SET 1 Pairwork Activities Visual Materials IB f Flower Festival . When? • Where? • Activities for children? • Ticket? How much? • Fireworks display? SB London Film Festival When? Where exactly? Films only from Europe? Phone number? Box office — opening hours? 2B ( Household Chores Company Chores they do? Price — How much? Name of company? Website? Phone number? 6B Helpers Wanted Sanctuary location? Open to all ages? Experience needed? Who to call? Phone number? 3B 7B Concert Hail Lectures Date? What about? Where exactly? What time? How to reserve seats? I f Competition Who allowed to enter? What have to do? Prize? Where find more information? Applications in by? 4B i ^ Computer Classes What classes? Advanced classes? When? Courses last? How long? Special offer? How find out more information? 8B Skydiving Name of school? Price of beginner course? Courses available when? Who to contact for information? Special offer? 86 Pairwork Activities Visual Materials SET 2 Student lA 5A Masquerade Ball When? What wear? Prizes? How get tickets? Ticket includes? National Gallery Art Exhibition What showing? When? Where? Exhibition funded by whom? Cost? 2A ( Vacuum Cleaner Name of vacuum cleaner? Price? Features? How order? How get better price? 6Л Open Day & Fun Pet Show Where? Registration - What time? Judging - When? Fee to enter? Prizes? ЗА The Book of Dreams What in it? Changes in new edition? Paperback - How much? Hardback price? Special offer? 7A Job Opportunity What company? Where? What applicants should have? How old to apply? How/apply? 4A 8A Competition What competition about? Enter? How old? What include in entry? Closing date? Winner? {: t London Fun Run Date? Distance? Fee for group of 7? Money goes to whom? Who/contact? 87