Английский язык в фокусе 5 класс Рабочая тетрадь Ваулина

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык в фокусе 5 класс Рабочая тетрадь Ваулина - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Spotlight (Спотлайт) английский в фокусе:

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^]ЧО^^УЛООУ- Virginia Evans Jenny Dooley Olga Podolyako Julia Vaulina Express Publishing PROSVESHCHENIYE PUBLISHERS ^ н yi.' - га т О Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений с приложением на электронном носителе 6-е издание Москва Express Publishing «Просвещение» 2011 УДК 373.167.1:81 1.11 1 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 А64 Серия «Английский в фокусе» основана в 2006 году. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс Authors: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Olga Podolyako, Julia Vaulina Acknowledgements Authors' Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks are due in particular to: Meryl Phillips (Editor-in-Chief); Julie Rich (senior editor); Nina Peters and Rianna Diammond (editorial assistants); Alex Barton (senior production controller) and the Express Publishing design team. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. Colour Illustrations: Pan, Stone. While every effort has been mode to trace oil the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Учебное издание Серия «Английский в фокусе» Ваулина Юлия Евгеньевна Дули Дженни Подоляко Ольга Евгеньевна Эванс Вирджиния Английский ЯЗЬ1К Рабочая тетрадь 5 класс Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений с приложением на электронном носителе Центр группы германских языков Руководитель Центра В. В. Копылова Зам. руководителя Центра по проектам И.Н. Темнова Руководитель проекта Ю.А. Смирнов Выпускающий редактор М.А. Семичев Редактор А.А. Каплина Корректор Н.Д. Цухай Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93 - 953000. Изд.лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 15.03.11. Формат 60x90/8. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура (Прагматика. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 7,67. Тираж 50 000 экз. Заказ № 1104. Открытое акционерное общеаво «Издательаво «Просвещение». 127521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. Express Publishing. Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HW Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 e-mail: [email protected] https://www.expresspublishing.co.uk Отпечатано s полном соответавии с качеством предоставленных издательством материалов в ОАО «Тверской ордена Трудового Красного Знамени полиграфкомбинат детской литературы им. 50-летия СССР». 170040, г. Тверь, проспект 50 лет Октября, 46. У ISBN 978-5-09-025546-2 © Express Publishing, 2010, 2011 © Издательаво «Просвещение», 2010, 2011 Все права защищены Contents Starter.............................. 5 Module 1 School ............................. 17 First day!.......................... 18 Favourite subjects.................. 19 Writing (a homepage) ............... 20 Grammar Practice.................... 21 Module 2 I’m from............................ 23 My things........................... 24 My collection ...................... 25 Writing (a descriptive story) ...... 26 Grammar Practice.................... 27 Module 3 At home ............................ 29 Move in! ........................... 30 My bedroom ......................... 31 Writing (about my dream house)...... 32 Grammar Practice.................... 33 Module 4 My family! ......................... 35 Who’s who?.......................... 36 Famous people ...................... 37 Writing (an email).................. 38 Grammar Practice.................... 39 Module 5 Amazing creatures................... 41 At the zoo ......................... 42 My pet ............................. 43 Writing (a paragraph)............... 44 Grammar Practice.................... 45 Module 6 Wake up! ............................ 47 At work.............................. 48 Weekends............................. 49 Writing (a letter)................... 50 Grammar Practice..................... 51 Module 7 Year after year ..................... 53 Dress right! ........................ 54 It’s fun! ........................... 55 Writing (a postcard)................. 56 Grammar Practice..................... 57 Module 8 Celebrations ........................ 59 Master chef.......................... 60 It’s my birthday! ................... 61 Writing (an article about a festival) .... 62 Grammar Practice..................... 63 Module 9 Going shopping ...................... 65 Let’s go! ........................... 66 Don’t miss it! ...................... 67 Writing (a film review) ............. 68 Grammar Practice..................... 69 Module 10 П51 Travel & leisure .................... 71 В1Я Summer fun .......................... 72 ВЯ Just a note ........................... 73 НИ Writing (a note) ...................... 74 Grammar Practice..................... 75 • Pairwork Activities ................. 77 • Revision Section .................... 85 111 The Ei^lish-alphabet (I) Write and name the letters. Ш lb t t ID d f I Hb Match the pictures to the words. Then write the words in alphabetical order. cat Ъ do"? apple? fox ^ 4^4 ball^ girl 6 1 ............ 5 .......... 2 ............ 6 .......... 3 ............ 7 .......... 4 ............ 8 .......... Join the capital letters to the small letters. © О О 0 0 0 0 © О © ©000 © 0 The EnQLish-alDhabet (II) Write and name the letters. I li J li к к I L II Щш N m О 'Q p p Ч R ir Write the missing letters. 1 ite 2 elon nk 4 est en obot 7 am 8 emon 9 range 10 ______ueen Write the words in small letters. 1 ROBOT 2 MELON 3 NEST 4 QUEEN 5 ORANGE 6 JAM Match the pictures to the words. doll kite f » ***®ion •jad' fox 8 The EngU5hsil|Dhabet (III) Write and name the letters. T if W/w/ vW/\W Ж ж ¥ 'M Ж Ш Match the capital letters to the small letters. О о о о о Oo OqO OqO QqO 0 о О о о 0 0 о о ©о© Write the missing letters. OqO 1 niform 2 indow 3 et Л Look, say and write. Ш a OqO 4 acht a 10 a The English-^phabet (IV) Fill in the missing letters. AB_DE_G_______J_______NO_____R_T______W_Y. a____d__fg___ij____m_____p___rs___v___x__z Circle the correct word. 1 cat / cap 2 flag / fox 3 hand / hat 4 apple / ant 5 book / ball 6 garlic / girl Match the pictures to the words. nest 1 yacht orange snake lemon zebra 11 Numbers Join the numbers. What is it? Match the right number. ®si ® 5 4 10 12 CoIqucs Write the missing letters. Ш 6 lu 7 r_d 8 b_____0____n 9 gr______________у 1y — llo__________ 2g________________e______n 3pu___________________pi_____ 4 0_______an______e 5p___________________n 10 Ы c Look and colour. Name the things and the colours. CQiTmap-verbs Match the pictures to the words. Л eat^ sing walk sleep write draw climb look read run Ж (i ^ <л fb - 'C. Elaces. Match the pictures to the words. the gym school the shop the garden the park the supermarket -.1 the cafe t the museum 14 Write the words, then say. 1 edks ...... 2 elcinp..... 3 legu ...... 4 colhso gab 5 lodbacrakb 6 Ipcnei hrnepersa 7 reresa .......... 8 ulrer ........... 9 obokenot ........ 10 ronsyac ........ Match the pictures to the words. Then put them in alphabetical order. eraser glue chair blackboard pencil sharpener ruler paperclips notebook 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 Classf^on^laDguage Label the pictures. • Open your books! • Be quiet! • Stand up! • Listen! • Sit down! • Close your books! • Come to the blackboard! 16 School What lessons are the students in? (Й1л(иП|Ш? ♦ A/An Fill in the spaces using a or an. i !• - a) Write the missing days. Sunday M..................... Tuesday W..................... T..................... F..................... Saturday b) Which is your favourite day? School Wet 1 .......dictionary 2 ......maths textbook 3 ......atlas 4 ......school bag 5 ......pencil case 6 ......notebook for music class 7 ......eraser 8 ......pen 9 ......ruler 51 О Listen and tick (/) the correct answer. 1 Which room is the English lesson in? SE Ш В шгз 2 What is the boy’s favourite subject? ШЗ [ЕП [Ш 3 When is the art class? ______ art Monday T-uesday Friday WadnUday Thursday Wadneeday ШЗ ШЕЛ [CTJ 17 First day! Find the numbers in the grid. C 13 J E T A 0 R S F T S u E S К L w A S 1 X 0 F 1 V 1 E E E E В R S T U 1 X p G V A V N N E E T R 0 T 1 H E T E T T H 1 R T E E N T N w N Y 0 S E L E N E S E T E E 1 E R E S E N N T E E E T W E L V E N S 1 X N E 1 s N 1 N E T E E N s E N V F 1 F T E E N E T E E N R (SlislirfulH? ♦ Personal pronouns/ The verb ‘to be’ Complete the gaps in the dialogues with a personal pronoun and am/is/are. ЛГ B: A В A В What school do you go to? Hillside Secondary. What about you? Clifton Primary School. Oh! How old are you? 1).........eleven. My sister goes to Hillside Secondary. 2).........in class 4D. AAatch the exchanges. 1 2 3 к Hello. My name’s Emma. Are you in class 1D? Let's go to the history lesson together. How old are you? Nice to meet you. a I’m eleven, b Nice to meet you too. c Yes, I am. d Hi. I’m Susan, e Yes, OK. A; Is Dan a student? B: Yes, 3) ................. A; 4)..........at Broadboak School? B: Yes, 5)............ B: A: B: How old are Tom an Carrie? Tom is 12 and Carrie is 13. 6) ........students. Oh! Which school? Green School. 7) ........ a very good school. 18 Favourite subjects (МГаВЩ Read John’s school timetable and mark the sentences T (True) or F (False). School Progra-vn-^ne Л Monday 8.30 - 9.30 I Hietory 9.ЗО-10.25П Geography Break 3 10.30-11.00 Maths 11.00-11.30 English 11.30-12.30 Art 12.30-1.30 L 1.30-2.30 Science 2.30-3.30 IT Tuesday Music English R Science History Art U F.E. IT Wednesday Maths Geography Б History English Music N Science EE. Thursday English Maths /\ Science History Music C EE. IT Friday Maths English К Geography History Science H Music EE. 1 John does maths on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. 2 The IT lesson is at 2.30-3.30 on Wednesday. 3 John does four RE. lessons a week. 4 The geography lessons are on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. 5 John has five music lessons a week. ♦ Personal pronouns Fill in the gaps with personal pronouns. о Listen and complete the missing information. This is Emma. 1)......is in my class. This is me. 2) am 14 years old. This is my school. 3) ...... is Hillside Secondary School, This is my teacher. 4).......is very nice. Hillside Secondary School Mrs Cook 1) D Miss Brown Science 2) 3) Hunt English В Mr Marks 4) C Miss Simms Music 5) Mr Clark 6) E Writing (a homepage) Read the homepage and fill in the headings. Then put capital letters in the correct places. ^ A Lessons I Love ^ В People I Like ^ c C About Me ) hi, my name’s jane and i’m twelve years old. i go to hillside school, i’m in class la. 2) My/avourite subjects are english, history, art and music, i don’t like geography because I’m not very good at it! 3).................... My /avourite teacher is mr green, he teaches history and he is very nice. My best friend is called Rachel, she is in my class. 20 Find the persona/ pronouns in the text. Who do they refer to? 1 I 2 it. 3 he 4 she Fill in the form about you and your school. Your name: I Your age: I Name of your school: I What class you are in: I Your favourite school subjects: I School subjects you do not like: ' Your favourite teacher: Your best friend: '^9 Use the information in Ex. 3 and the homepage above to write about you and your school. Grammar Practice Fill in a/an in the boxes. eraser atlas pen Fill in the gaps with the personal pronouns they, he, she, it. Replace the words in bold with the correct personal pronoun. 1 John and I are 10 years old. 2 The pencil is on the desk. 3 You and Clara are classmates. 4 The lesson is in room B. 5 Mrs Smith is my Art teacher. SI Write the short forms. 1 He is 2 She is not 3 We are 4 I am 5 They are not 6 You are Fill in: 'm, ’s, ’re, isn’t, aren’t. Dear Anya, - Hit How are you? 11).......fine. 12).......at ! my new echooll It 3)........... it ......% / like my classmates. They ......^ery friendlyl ' ...... 53. This year I’m doin^ , maths, history and eeography. The lessons I ^........difficult so I have a lot of free ' time. My favourite subject 3)......maths. My ] Maths teacher 9).........very nicel i What about your school this year? Love, Wendy Л Complete as in the example. 1 A: ► /s it a classroom? B: No, it isn’t. It’s a school. 2 A: ► Are they pens? B: Yes, they are. 3 A: ...................atlas? B: ......................... 4 A: ................notepads? B: ......................... 5 A: .................teacher? B: ......................... 21 Grammar Practice Look at Sally’s subject choice form. Write questions and answer them. Use what. Name; Sally Owens School: Forest Park School Level subjects: Science □ IT □ I Music [3 Maths i7] Translator’s ICORNER 1 ► Whot’s her name? 2 ...........................school is she at? 3 .................subjects does she choose? ^ Fill in: what, how, and answer the questions about yourself. 1 ..............’s your name? 2 ..............old are you? 3 ..............is your favourite school subject? 4 ..............class are you in? ^ Put the words in the correct order. 1 maths / where / the / is / lesson? 2 is / her / Linda / name. 3 John / in / class 2B / is. 4 old / are / years / you / twelve. 5 not / this / a / is / ruler. 6 friends / Ann / are / Bill / and. 22 What’s the English for: расписание уроков, английский язык и история, физкультура и естествознание, урок математики, книга и тетрадь, линейка и карандаш, любимый предмет, дни недели, учитель музыки, перерыв на обед? Translate the sentences into English: 1. Урок математики в кабинете № 16. 2. Мой любимый день недели - суббота. 3. Сколько лет Тому? - 10. 4. Мне 12 лет. А тебе? 5. Его зовут Саша. Он учится в 5 классе. 6. Джон и Билл — друзья. Они новенькие в 4 «А» классе. 7. Это карандаш? - Нет, это ручка. 8. Моя любимая учительница — Анна Ивановна. Она преподает русский язык. 9. Как его зовут? В каком он классе? Сколько ему лет? 10. Какие предметы он изучает? Какой его любимый предмет? Кто его любимый учитель? 11. Где проводится урок английского языка? Ш Translate the dialogue: - Здравствуй! Меня зовут Мэри Грин. - Здравствуй! Я Таня Петрова. - Сколько тебе лет, Таня? - 11. А тебе, Мэри? - Мне тоже 11. - Приятно познакомиться! - Мне тоже! Пойдем вместе на урок музыки! I'm from... «Ё1ШМ1Щ7 Write sentences as in the example. ----------- 1 »Aeg Ry^ Figo /p- 0 Keanu Reeves is from the Щ / American. Write the nationalities. 1 France ................. 2 America ................ 3 Britain ................ 4 Japan .................. 5 Canada ................. 6 Russia ................. 7 Greece ................. 8 Italy ........... ♦ Have got Write has sot, hasn’t sot, have sot or haven’t sot. й m eiBrv / / / / X Л X X ^ / X X ^ / / / 1 Ann ................an atlas. She.............. an eraser. 2 Tom ...........a pencil case. He............... a ruler. 3 Bill and Mary.................an eraser. They ............an atlas. 4 Ann and Tom ....................an atlas. They ............a ruler. 5 Tom, Bill and Mary..................an eraser. They..............a notepad. 6 Ann, Bill and Mary .............a pencil case. They..............a ruler. What have you got in your school bag? 23 2 Щ)Щ things Write the words. ■>f------------- о © c Circle the correct answer. 1 A: Happy Birthday, Kate! B: a Thank you. b You’re welcome. 2 A: What have you got there? B: a It’s a blue one. b It’s a present. 3 A: I’ve got a present for you, too. B: a Great! It’s a watch, b It’s in the box. 4 A: This is for you! B: a It’s over there, b Wow! It’s fantastic! ♦ This/These - That/Those Complete the sentences. 1 ► This is a basketball and a cap. a watch. I®-! ♦ Plurals Write in the plural. 1 This is a doll. 5 That is a brush. ► These are dolls. ............... 2 That is a bus. 6 This is a man. 3 This is a fox. 4 That is a leaf. 7 This is a toy. 8 This is a mouse. 24 Му collection Write the numbers. Read the texts and choose the correct answers. Coins, Coins! Have you got a coin collection? If you have, this is the site for you! We have got hundreds of British, American, Canadian, Japanese and French coins. www.coincollection.co.uk Russian Dolls Dolls for sale. We have many beautiful dolls from Russia. Dolls from £10 to £100. Start your collection today! The Russian Shop, 14 Oxford Street, London. О Listen and match the people to the souvenirs. TTie Stamp Shop This is the shop for stamp collectors! We have hundreds and hundreds of British stamps. Come and see our collection! The Stamp Shop. 12. High Street. Leeds. 1 The Coin Collection has only got British coins, A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say 2 The Coin Collection is in London. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say 3 The Stamp Shop sells stamps from America, New Zealand, Canada and Britain. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say 4 Some Russian dolls cost £100. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say 5 Many people collect Russian dolls. A Right В Wrong C Doesn’t say A key ring В skateboard C watch D hat E F gloves doll G red London bus H coins 25 2 WritinO (а descriptive 5^ Which country is Wellington the capital of? Read the first two lines of the text to find out. a) Read the text and fill in the missing words. • souvenirs • capital • Zealanders • city • camera Vv! c^-LLlLlC: l:Ci Ll btcj _______ ______ Welcome to Wellington, the 1).........city of New Zealand. There’s something for everyone here. New 2) ......... are warm and friendly and Wellington is beautiful, so bring your 3).........! This 4).......has got great places for shopping and buying 5)........ Come and visit us soon! b) Read the text again and decide if the sentences are T (True) or F (False). 1 Washington is the capital city of New Zealand. ...... 2 People from New Zealand are unfriendly. ...... 3 Wellington is a beautiful place. ...... 4 Wellington is a good place to go shopping. ...... Write a text welcoming people to your town or city. Write: • which country your town/city is in. • what the people are like. • what your town/city is like. • about shopping in your town/city. Use the text about Wellington as a model. 26 Г П Li У Grammar Practice Look at the table and write sentences as in the example. \щ m super car / X X X A cloak / / / / О ring X / X X wond Л X / X X X X 1 / 1 Batman ► has got a super car and a cloak but he hasn’t got a ring, a magic wand or a bow. 2 Harry Potter................. .........................but 3 Robin Hood and Batman but 4 Frodo Answer the questions. 1 What have you got in your school bag? 2 What have you got on your desk? 3 What has your friend got on his/her desk? Fill in: have, has, then answer the questions. 1 ..............you got a dictionary in your bag? 2 ..............your parents got a car? 3 ..............you got English friends? 4 ..............your teacher got a skateboard? 5 ..............your friend got a bicycle? Write the plurals. 1 child ............ 5 lady 2 tomato....... 6 toy . 3 brush........ 7 fox , 4 foot ............. 8 leaf. 9 tooth 10 cap .. Make sentences as in the example. 1 ► This is a camera. but 10 27 2 Grammar Practice •j Change in the plural. 1 The child has got a basketball. ► The children have sot basketballs. 2 That woman has got a pink scarf. 3 This bus is blue. 4 That man is a doctor. 5 My friend is Russian. 6 A superhero has got special powers. 7 I have got a toy mouse. 8 She has got a digital camera. 9 This is a helmet and that is a watch. Ask questions to the answers. 1 Jim Carrey is from Canada. 2 No, 1 haven’t got a teddy bear on my bed. 3 ......................................... Nancy is 25 years old. 4 ......................................... Yes, Mary has got a big collection. Correct the mistakes. 1 Peter haven’t got a red cap. 2 The children’s got bicycles. 3 That are digital cameras. 4 This is a new car over there! 5 Tom and Susan are from Canadians. Translator’s ICORNER 28 What's the English for; красный велосипед, новый баскетбольный мяч, синий шлем, цифровой фотоаппарат, американские дети, говорить по-французски, две новые сумки, три женщины из Японии, новые часы, сто почтовых марок, итальянский шарф? Translate the sentences into English: 1. Я из России, а Джон из Англии. 2. У меня много друзей в США и Канаде. 3. У Джейн в портфеле книги, тетради и новый пенал. 4. Света и Сергей в 6 классе. Они умеют читать по-английски. 5. Это кошка. А то - собака. 6. Это футбольные мячи, а те - баскетбольные. 7. С днем рождения, Джим! — Спасибо! 8. Откуда ты? - Я из России. 9. Что у тебя в портфеле? - Много книг и английский брелок. 10. Кто твой лучший друг? — Ты. 11. Что ты умеешь делать? — Петь. 12. Сколько это стоит? - 2 фунта. Translate the situation: Меня зовут Дима Симонов. Я из Новосибирска. Мне 10 лет. У меня еаь коллекция монет. В моей коллекции 54 монеты из 22 стран мира. Моя любимая монета из Новой Зеландии. L At home toBE68ll3$7 D a) Circle the house words. В A T H R 0 0 M G A R A G E N 0 0 К I T C H E N H I L К S T Y R A В E D R 0 0 M L E D S T E A N L G A R D E N N b) Write the words in two groups. Inside- Л /■ Outside- What rooms has your house got? ♦ Ordinal numbers Write the ordinal numbers for each floor of the building. a) Complete the text with the words in the list. • tall • lift • old • floor • third • large Water tower for sale. The tower is 150fi*^* 1)..........and 120 years 2)...........There are four floors. On the ground 3)............ there are two garages. On the first floor there is a kitchen and dining room. There’s a 4)..........living room with fantastic views on the second floor. On the 5)........floor there are two bedrooms and two bathrooms. There are two more bedrooms and one more bathroom on the fourth floor. There is a 6)........to all the floors! 885,000- Contact: stevensmith©housesale.com b) Look at the floor map of the water^ tower. Label the rooms. 4th floor Which floor is Bill on? П r Move in! a) Think of your house. Complete the mind maps. • television • wardrobe • sofa • cooker • fridge • desk • lamp • bookcase • carpet • toilet • washbasin • bed • armchairs • table • chairs • sink ♦ There is/There are Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with: Is there. Are there, There is(n’t). There are(n’t). Answer the questions. 30 b) Say what there is in each room. Circle the correct answer, 1 A: What’s your new flat like? B: a It’s very nice. b Really? 2 A: Has your new house got any furniture? B: a How about the kitchen? b Yes, it has. 3 A: How many rooms are there in your flat? B: a There’s a small living room. b Five. 4 A: Is there a bookcase in your room? B: a Yes, there is. b Yes, there are. a carpet in the room? a window in the room? 1*3 ...................two tables in the room? three armchairs in the room? ........a sofa in the room? .......a lamp in the room? \щ7 ..................a bookcase in the room? 1 .............................................. ^ 8 ...................paintings in the room? I 4 I j f 5 I I 6 ■s 4 I У What have you got in your bedroom? Му bedroom • Prepositions of place Answer the questions. Use: • in • on • under • behind • next to • in front of Z i 1 A: Where’s the bed? B: ........................the windows. 2 A: Where’s the lamp? B: ............................the bed. 3 A: Where’s the painting? B: ...........................the wall. 4 A: Where’s the carpet? B: ............................the bed. 5 A; Where are these things? B: .......................the bedroom. 6 A: Where are the windows? B: ............................the bed. 7 A: Where’s the magazine? B: ...........................the desk. ____ - ^ ^ ^ Look at the picture. Make wrong statements. Your partner corrects you. ► A: The chair is under the window. B: Wrong! The chair isn’t under the window. It’s in front of the desk. О Listen and tick (/) the correct answer. 1 Where is the fireplace? 2 Which is her favourite room? 3 Where is the painting? 4 What is on the desk? 5 What is in the bedroom? 31 3 WritinO (about my dream ^Use) Read the text and write the words. My dream house is a small beautiful stone house in France.The house has seven rooms. Downstairs there is a д«а^— small ■ 1)............. a living room and a 2)............The living room has two sofas, a big 3)............ beautiful paintings on the walls and big 4)...........In the dining room there is a table with eight 5)........and a lovely It mirror on the wall. Upstairs there are two bedrooms and two 6) .........The bedrooms have big 7) .........and wardrobes. There are fantastic views from all the windows upstairs. Outside there are front and back ..........In the back garden there is a small pool. \A Match the opposites. L1I I huge '2l I upstairs 3l I inside 4LJ back I 5'EJ old a outside b front c small d new e downstairs Read the text again and complete the table. 1 1 rooms kitchen, i 1 furniture table, gj Put the words in the correct order. 1 chairs / There / two / in / kitchen / are / the 2 has / rooms / The / got / seven / house 3 the / are / paintings / There / beautiful / on / walls 4 a / bedroom / There / big / the / is / bed / in What is your dream house like? Write a short text. Use the text in Ex. 1 as a model. П 1 L j Grammar Practice Look at the picture and write sentences as in the example. 1 ► There's one IMng room. 2 ........................... 3 ........................... Look at the picture. Write questions and then answer them as in the example. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ► Are there any sofas in the shop? Yes, there are. ...........................armchairs? ....table? cupboard? ....desk? ... mirrors? paintings? 4 5 Write sentences as in the example. 1 (bike) ^ She's got a bike. It’s her bike. 2 (guitar) 3 (sofa) 4 (cat) 5 (teddy bear) CO cr, M < tH w a. D Grammar Practice SI Circle the correct answer. Translator’s ICORNER 1 2 3 ^ ........9^^ ^ beautiful wooden 2).......... house there ......... three bedrooms and two bathrooms. 4)........is also one living room and one kitchen! All the rooms ......... 9ot large windows. In the living room there 6)......a fireplace to keep us warm! My house 7)..........got a beautiful garden, too! 8)......is in front of the house. 9)......... are many trees and flowers 10).......the garden and I like it a lot! 1 А has В have C am 2 А your В his C my 3 А is В are c has 4 А There В It c This 5 А has В have c are 6 А has В are c is 7 А has В is c have 8 А This В That c It 9 А Those В These c There 10 А on В in c behind Circle the correct preposition. There’s a poster on / in / under the wall. The cat is in front / in / next to the sofa. There are some flowers on / next to / in the vase. There’s a tree under / behind / in front of the house. There’s a garden in / behind / under the house. 34 .Д What's the English for: восемь этажей, на девятом этаже, в гостиной, в ванной, перед столом, позади кресла, под кроватью, рядом со шкафом, в холодильнике, на стене, известная картина, сад перед домом, многоэтажный дом, ее письменный стол, моя кровать, твой гардероб, его любимое кресло, наша маленькая квартира, белая плита? Translate the sentences into English: 1. Как выглядит твоя новая квартира? На каком она этаже? 2. Там есть плита? - Да. 3. Сколько комнат в квартире? - Две. 4. Взгляни. В спальне нет телевизора. 5. Его квартира на третьем этаже. - Замечательно! 6. В новой гостиной есть ковер? - Да, на полу. 7. Это наш красивый дом. Давай войдем! 8. Рядом со спальней ванная. Над раковиной — маленькое зеркало. Translate the situations into English: Меня зовут Саша. Я из России. У нас хорошая квартира на седьмом этаже многоэтажного дома. В квартире три комнаты. Моя любимая комната - спальня. Она маленькая. Стены в ней желтые. В спальне - диван, кресло, два стула и письменный стол с компьютером. Стол у окна. Диван и кресло - у стены, они оранжевого цвета. На стене большой плакат. Это мой любимый известный кино-герой — Человек-паук. Его зовут Питер Паркер. У меня много книг. Они в книжном шкафу в холле. Перед нами красивая вилла. В ней восемь комнат. На первом этаже находится гостиная. Она очень большая. Там есть камин и шесть кресел. Гостиная голубая. На стенах красивые картины. В комнатах большие окна. В доме четыре спальни и четыре ванные на втором этаже. Кухня большая. Она расположена на первом этаже. На кухне огромная плита, холодильник, стол, стулья. Перед виллой красивый маленький сад. Му family! a) Read the letter and fill in: • family • brother • grandfather • plays • mother • grandmother • father • languages • lucky • kind Dear Erica, Hi, I'm Amy Clark. I'm ten years old. This is a picture of my 1)..................They are all very nice people. My 2)............is Mike. He’s 36 and very friendly. He can speak two 3)..............English and French. Janice is my 4)......................She's 35 and a very 5)..............person. My 6).....................is багу. He's 62 and very funny. He is my mother's father. Nancy is my 7) .......................She’s 59 and 8)........................ the piano very well. Jesse is my little 9).................He’s 8 and very clever. He can be a little сгат>/, too! My family is great and I’m so 10)..............to have them! Write back and tell me about your family. Send a picture! Yours, Amy b) Draw Amy’s family tree. a) List ail the adjectives in Amy’s letter which describe character. Add four more. b) Use adjectives to make sentences about your family. ► Л1у mum’s sweet and clever. ♦ Can (ability) Look at the table and fill in can or can’t. play the guitar speak Italian make pizza sing Joseph / X / X Karen / X / X Lisa X / X / John & Mary X / X / Peter / X / X 1 Joseph....................play the guitar, but he ..................speak Italian. 4 5 6 Karen.....................make pizza, but she ...............sing. Lisa .............sing, but she.............. play the guitar and she .......make pizza. John & AAary ................play the guitar, but they.................sing. Peter ...................make pizza, but he .........................speak Italian and he ...............sing. Fill in the correct pronoun or possessive adjective. Jason is a good friend. I see ............... at the weekends. This is .................book. Your book is not as old. Ms Hampton is .................teacher. We enjoy her lessons. Hi, I’m Abby. What’s..................name? That is my grandmother. Look at ............. Mark, can you give ......................the guitar? I want to play it. 35 (А 4 Who's who? a) Complete the spidergrams. b) Use words from the spidergrams to describe the people in the pictures. young СЭёШШШ ♦ Imperative Put the words in the correct order. 1 piano / play / the / don’t / please 2 and / come / him / meet 3 at / there / girl / look / that / over 4 close / don’t / door / please / the 5 quiet / please / be ♦ Possessive (’s/s’) Write sentences as in the example. 1 This is Mary. This is her bicycle. ► This is Mary’s bicycle. 2 This is Tom. This is his mother. 3 Look at the boys. This is their ball. I 4 This is John. This is his house. 5 This is Sue. This is her sister. 6 Look at the women. This is their car. У Complete the exchanges using the sentences below. • How old is he? • He's from Spain. • What’s her name? • No, she hasn’t. 1 A: Has she got any brothers? B: ................................... 2 A: ................................... B: He’s eleven. 3 A; ................................... B: Katey. 4 A: Where’s he from? B: ................................... 36 Famous people Read the text and complete the sentences below. Prince william Prince William is from the United Kingdom. Prince William’s date of birth is 21st June, 1982. His full name is William Arthur Phillip Louis Windsor. His father is Prince Charles. His younger brother is Prince Harry. His grandmother is the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth! Prince William’s hobbies are playing football and swimming. He can paint, ski and ride motorbikes. He’s a great athlete. 1 Prince William is from .................. 2 His birthday is on ...................... 3 His brother is........................... 4 Queen Elizabeth is his .................. 5 His hobbies are.......................... 6 He can .................................. Ask questions about Prince William. Use whflt, when, where, who, can. Answer them ► Who’s Prince William? He’s the Prince of Wales. Q Listen and tick (/) the correct answer. 1 When does Jeremy celebrate his birthday? 1 2 What is Frank’s favourite hobby? 3 Where is Natalie from? ^in itaW uK 4 Who’s Ann? 37 (Л 4 Writing (an email) Read the text and put the paragraphs in the correct order. ©Internet Explorer! М^Рёв1Рпё1Шё r i- 1 That’s all about me. What’s your family like? Write back soon. Sarah. I2I I My father and mother are Tom and Susan. My brother is Jacob. He’s nine years old. He’s very clever. He can play computer games. My sister is Emily. She’s six years old. She’s friendly but very noisy! My hobbies are playing the guitar and dancing. I can also cook dinner for my family. 1з| I Hi, I’m Sarah. I’m fourteen years old and I’m a student. I’m from Manchester, UK. I’m tall and slim with brown hair and blue eyes. 4^ Find words in the text that show: • age • height • appearance • family members • Joining sentences Join the sentences as in the examples. I’m tall. I’m thin. ► I'm tall and thin. She’s tall. She’s got red hair. ► She’s tall with red hair. He’s short. He’s fat. 4 She’s tall. She’s got brown hair. She’s got green eyes. 5 They are short. They have got dark hair. They have got brown eyes. 6 She’s got short, brown hair. She’s got blue eyes. You’ve got a new English pen friend. Write him/her an email. In your email write: • your name • your age • where you live • what you look like • your family members • your hobbies 38 Grammar Practice Look at the card and write sentences. Use can/can’t. /*Name: Post: Languages: Skills: Ч_______ Jane Perkins Secretary English / German Spanish / type letters / use a computer French Italian / Chinese drive / send a fax Jane................but............... Write sentences with can/can’t. . She Andrey Lara Jake & Sue sing / Л / play the piano / X X draw Л / / ► Andrey can sins and play the piano but he can’t... . Complete the table. Then ask and answer questions. me my best friend my parents speak English make cookies play the guitar dance ► A: Can you speak English? B: ... . A: Can your best friend ...? B: ... . 2I Ask and answer as in the example. 1 (John/cello) ► Whose is this cello? It’s John’s. It's his cello. 2 (children/hats) but (children/bikes) 4 (Adam/ball) Fill in the correct object pronoun. 1 These are my sisters. Look at .............! 2 Can you give ...............my bag, please? 3 That is Paul. I don’t like.................. 4 Mrs Green is our teacher. We see ........... every day at school. 5 Look at ...............! We are on the tree! Use the sentences to complete the gaps. • Don’t play so loud! • Listen to this song! • Don’t cry! Grammar Practice Is it has, is or the possessive ’s/s’l Write as in the example. 1 Ken’s brother is in the car. ► possessive’s 2 He’s got a noisy dog, .............. 3 She’s my grandma. .............. 4 The man’s car is red. .............. 5 She’s got the boys’ .............. notebooks. .............. 6 Ann’s Tom’s best friend.................... 7 Helen’s mum is the girls’ ................. aunt. .............. Ask the questions. 1 My sister is friendly. 2 He’s Jeremy, Mary’s brother. 3 ........................................ She’s tall with blue eyes. 4 ........................................ No, I haven’t got any brothers or sisters. Я Circle the correct word. ----Д ^ Hi, Sonya! This is a picture о/ 1) my / me family. 2) I I My Mum’s name is Joy and 3) her I she is a teacher. 4) My / Me Dad’s name is Alex and 5) his / he is a doctor. 6) Me /1 have also got a brother. 7) He / His name is John and I love 8) his / him a lot! 9) Us / We are a very happy family! Look at 10) we / us in this holiday picture! We are all smiling! Write soon and tell 11) my / me about 12) you / your family! Love, '— Martha Translator’s ICORNER What's the English for: играть на пианино, говорить по-французски, играть в компьютерные игры, готовить пищу, говорить на пяти языках, быть учителем музыки, смотреть на картину, вставать, садиться, познакомиться с кем-либо? Ш Translate the sentences into English: 1. Мой день рождения 15 сентября. 2. Как его зовут? - Петя. - Что он за человек? -Петя добрый, приветливый, очень милый. 3. Ему одиннадцать лет. Он говорит по-английски и по-французски. 4. Это мой дедушка. Ему семьдесят два года. 5. Моему брату два года. Он очень забавный. 6. Ваня увлекается игрой на гитаре. 7. Сколько лет твоей сестре? -Десять. 8.Кто такой Петя? - Это мой брат. 9. Кто отец Ани? - Его зовут Михаил. Он летчик. 10. Чья дочь Аня? — Михаила и Светланы. Translate the situations into English: 1. Ольге десять лет. Она высокая девочка, худенькая и красивая. У нее большие темные глаза и длинные светлые волосы. Оля добрая и приветливая. Она очень умная. Она умеет играть на пианино и писать стихи. У нее есть две сестры. Лене тринадцать лет. Она говорит на двух языках, английском и французском. Маше восемь лет. Младшая сестренка шумная и забавная. Она поет и танцует. 2. У нас большая семья. Моя мама учительница. Ей тридцать пять лет. Она высокая, темноволосая и очень красивая. Мама добрая и умная. Она умеет хорошо готовить. Папе сорок лет. Он высокий и стройный. Папа умеет играть на гитаре и пианино. Он замечательный друг. Моему брату пятнадцать лет. Он большой и сильный. Его зовут Дима. Он увлекается рисованием и компьютерными играми. Моей бабушке шеаьдесят пять лет, а дедушке — семьдесят. Они очень славные. 40 Amazing creatures ОбВЕйаОщ a) Complete the crossword puzzle. 1 2 b) What colour is each animal? • Present Simple (affirmative) a) Write the third person singular of the present simple of the verbs below in the correct box. • wash • relax • swim • do • play • live • miss • like • carry • say • laugh • cry • walk • bite b) Use them to make sentences. ► He washes the dishes after dinner. 4 I 5 . J 6 8 1 J 9 (D (D 0 (D Ф Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present simple form. A cheetah............(run) very fast. ^ Frogs ........... (live) on all continents except Antarctica. Hippos...........(give) birth underwater. The blue whale............(weigh) 50 tons at birth. Dolphins ........... (sleep) with one eye open. The black and white rhino...........(have) two horns. Butterflies..........(taste) with their feet. A crocodile..........(move) fast with its tail. A deer...........(eat) grass. Leopards ............ (keep) moving. They never stay in the same place. 41 a) Match the prompts to the pictures. • mane • paws • fur • tusks «tail • feathers • neck • legs • trunk • nose b) Ask and answer as in the example. ► A: Which animal has sot feathers? B: A peacock. (Й1л(1ШМР ♦ Present Simple (negative & interrogative) Fill in do, does, don’t or doesn’t. 1 A: ................Helen take the bus? B: Yes, she.................. 2 A: ................I need my book? B: No, you................... 3 A: ................a lion eat leaves? B: No, it................. 4 A: ................you want milk? B: No, I.................. 5 A: ................you live in a big house? B: Yes, we................... Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple, negative or interrogative. Jane...........................(not/enjoy) going to the zoo. Tony......................(not/swim) well. ......................(you/walk) to school? They......................(not/eat) meat. She.......................(not/like) tigers. Sue and Bob...........(not/run) very fast. ......................(they/play) football? 8 .................(Mr Harris/live) in Brazil? Я Circle the correct answer. 1 A: Do you like snakes? B: a Yes, they are. b No, I don’t. 2 A: What does it look like? B; a It’s a rabbit. b It has fur and long ears. 3 A: Does your cat live indoors? B: a Yes, it does. b No, they don’t. 4 A: Has it got wings? B: a Yes, it has. b Yes, it does. 42 Му pet Read and write the name of the animal. This animal’s got a big body and lives on a farm. It can run but it can’t jump. ► cow It’s got horns on its head. It’s got green feathers. It lives in the house. It’s a small animal with a round body. It’s got a small head. It can’t run. 5 It’s got short fur and long ears. It can’t run. It can only jump. 6 It’s got wings and feathers. It lives on farms. T here are many kinds of dogs in the world. They can be big, or they can be small. The St Bernard is a very big dog with thick fur and thick legs. The Chihuahua is very small and has thin, short legs. Dogs love to play, but they can also work. Sheepdogs work on farms and help their owners take care of farm animals like cows and sheep. The Alaskan Husky can pull people in sleds across the snow. One kind of dog, the German Shepherd, works with the police. Dogs are really great animals. A dog is man's best friend I Read the text and mark the sentences T (True) or F (False). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 There are not many kinds of dogs. The St Bernard is a small dog. Chihuahuas have long legs. Dogs can work on farms. Sheepdogs help take care of cows. The Alaskan Husky can pull sleds. Dogs can’t work with the police. ► F Q Listen and match the people to their pets. People II Vicky Nathan George Maggie Susan Pets a budgie b cat c goldfish d tortoise e dog f guinea pig S rabbit 43 5 2 3 4 5 Writing (a paragraph) Read the text and complete the sentences. ^ (liUMP^ The North...............and "* in the.......... Its colour is... It’s got short . and a long ..... In the hump there is ... M i j It can go .............. If I without water. m” a) Read again and find verbs that: • express permanent states • express habits b) Underline words in the text that describe the Arabian Camel. The Arabian Camel is an animal of North Africa and the Middle East. It is brown with short fur and long, thin legs. It has a large body and a long neck. It's got a hump on its back with fat in it. It lives in dry places like deserts^ and can go three weeks without water. It carries people on its back for miles. The camel is a friendly animal. ’ a large dry area with little or no plants Look at the information in the box below. What kind of animal is this? A pet? A wild animal? What it looks like: Facts; # ur white, large body, thick fur, big legs, short neck, brown paws lives in the far north, can swim 60 miles, eats other animals, sleeps a lot in the winter, likes to be with other polar bears, doesn't like to be around Look at the information again. Now write a paragraph about this animal. Give a reason why you (don’t) like it. % • 44 Г1 П L U Grammar P г a с t i c e Write the third person singular of the following verbs. 1 I speak - he 8 1 teach - he 2 I carry - he 9 1 live - he 3 I go - he 10 1 like - he 4 I wash - he 11 1 write - he 5 I eat - he 12 1 sleep - he 6 I play - he 13 1 laugh - he 7 I write - he 14 1 hunt - he в Put the verbs in brackets in the third person singular. 1 The Bengal Tiger .... (live) in India. 2 Sumit’s elephant (carry) heavy things on his back. 3 John (wash) his car every week. 4 The baby (cry) a lot at night. 5 Debbie (go) to school in the morning. 6 The rhino ... (like) to sit in the mud. 7 Monica (watch) TV every evening. Read the text and ask questions. Then answer them. Emus are very large birds. They live in Australia. They are very tall. They can’t fly but they can run very fast. They live for nearly 30 years. They eat leaves, fruit and insects and they drink a lot of water. They also like sitting in the mud! 1 what/look like ► What do emus look like? They are forge birds. 2 where/live 3 how long/live 4 what/like 5 what/eat Fill in do/does and answer the questions. 1 ...............you take the bus to school? you like pizza? 3 ............... you live next to the school? 4 your mother work in a bank? your parents watch TV in the morning? Use the prompts to ask and answer. 1 (Mary/go swimming/at weekends) ► A: Does Mary go swimming at weekends? B: No, she doesn't. She goes skiing. 2 (Eddie/drink water/in the morning) 3 (Ben and Mike/play football/after school) 4 (Betty/play/the piano) Grammar Practice ^ Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. My name’s Eric and I’m a vet at the Zoo. Sometimes the Bengali Tiger 1)................. (not/feel) very well, so I 2).................. (take) care of him. Mr Green is the zookeeper. He 3).................... (feed) the animals and 4)...................(wash) them. He also 5).....................(clean) their cages, but he 6)..................(not/like) it very much. The animals 7)...................(love) us and we 8)......................(love) them too! Fill in do, does, have, has, can, is, are and answer the questions. 1 ...........you play the guitar? 2 ............you got a pet? 3 ...........your parents work in the morning? your friends English? your teacher got long hair? 6 ..........your best friend like football? 7 ..........your English teacher give you a lot of homework? 8 ..........there a zoo in your town? 9 ................your friends live near you? Translator’s ICORNER У 46 What's the English for: красивые животные из Африки и Азии, опасная змея с желтыми полосками, индийские слоны, питаться растениями, много насекомых, жить в Бразилии, морская свинка моей сестры, спать днем, плавать в реках, на высоком дереве, птица с длинным хвостом, животное с длинной шерстью? Translate the sentences into English: 1. В Африке много тигров и львов. 2. Сюны любят бананы. 3. Обезьяны - забавные животные. 4. Кошки умеют плавать? 5. Моя кошка очень красивая: у неё ярко-зеленые глаза и рыжая густая шерсть. 6. Ты любишь собак? - Да. Я люблю больших собак. 7. Твои родители работают по субботам? — Нет. По субботам мы иногда всей семьей ходим в парк. 8. Твой друг хорошо плавает? - Да. Он живет в Самаре. Он плавает в Волге. 9. Посмотри! Что там на дереве? — Большая красивая птица! 10. Твой брат любит кошек? — Нет, он любит только компьютер! Это его хобби. 11. Жирафы живут в России? - Да, в зоопарке. ш Translate the dialogue: - Давай сыграем в игру! У меня фотография моего питомца. Его зовут Том. Кто он? Задавай мне вопросы. Но я могу отвечать только «да» и «нет». - Том - собака? - Нет. - Кошка? - Нет. - Это большое животное? - Нет. - Том умеет плавать? - Да. - Он ест мясо? - Нет. - У него длинный хвост? - Нет. - Это морская свинка? - Да! Посмотри на фотографию Тома! Он красивый и очень смешной. Я его очень люблю! Wake up! These are the daily activities of Mr & Mrs Collins. Use the information to ask and answer questions about them as in the example. Time Mr Collins Mrs Collins 7.00 am get up get up 9.30 am have breakfast have breakfast 12.00 pm have lunch have lunch 1.25 pm work on computer do the shopping 5.00 pm watch a DVD have a cup of tea 6.15 pm have dinner have dinner 10.00 pm go to bed go to bed ► A: What do Mr Collins and Mrs Collins do at seven o’clock? B: They set up. What do they doat...? Look at the clocks. What time is it? 1 . \ 2 A .3 What do you always!usually/often/ sometimes/never do on Mondays at 7 o’clock in the evening? Complete the exchanges. • It’s ten o’clock. • Yes, I do. • So Jenny, what time do you get up? • Have you got the time please? 1 A: ........................................ B: No, I haven’t. 2 A: Excuse me, what’s the time please? B: ....................................... 3 A: Do you often go shopping? B: ....................................... 4 A: ........................................ B: Usually, at about nine o’clock in the morning. ♦ Prepositions of time Complete the text with in or at. Chris wakes up 1)...seven о clock 2).... the morning. He dresses and has breakfast 5^..... 7,50. He leaves home for school 4^..... 3.30. He has his lessons and at around 1.30 5).....the afternoon, he has his lunch at school. He comes back home в).... the evening. He does his homework and 7).....seven o’clock he has dinner. Then, he plays on his PlayStation. He always eoes to sleep 3)....about ten 9)......night. ^ Put the words in the correct order. 1 to / you / go / school / always / do? 2 sleep / doesn’t / early / to / go / she. 3 he / a lot / the / on / computer / works. 4 they / TV / watch / often / do / night / at? 47 6 At work Find the jobs. Q E J Z I E X P A F W J T D A S L 0 W D 0 S J 0 T V A U X M P Q 0 D 0 G К 0 E N X S E M V A D U S I D G A F I L P D E В A К E R U Z C U D I L 0 0 C A T T A L A H I R E U C S A H G W A I T E R I 0 I T A T V A W J X I R N V Q F 0 Q A M M N P A I N T E R M R A I N A D I Z V M E R A I V U X W J N 0 C E P F 0 Z ♦ Present Continuous Look at the picture and complete the questions. Then answer them. §^Jake & Tom) , 1 ► Is Jake singins (sing)? No, he isn’t. 2 ........Robert and Peter................(play) on the computer?......................................... 3 ........the dog..................(bite) the armchair? 4 .......Sandy.........................(play) the piano? No, .........................She..................... 5 .......Jake and Tom ..............(jump) on the sofa? 48 Put the words in the right box. • have • swim • go • work • meet • practise • eat • do • look • paint • serve • read • deliver • repair • wait • come play- playing dance - dancing get- getting Q Listen and match the speakers to the activities. People Activities ГГТ "1 Harry a go jogging b sleep ^ Linda c read book d do homework Lli "1 Vicky e have lunch RT 1 Sam f play basketball g take the dog for [5L J Peter a walk h paint 1Я What are your family members or friends doing now? Write true sentences. ► My brother is paintins his room. Weekends a) Match the words to form phrases. ТГ J write a v/ith a friend 2| J plant b an email 3| H play c in the garden 4| J make d flowers 5l J work e phone calls П read f the newspaper b) What are the people in the pictures doing? c) What do you do at weekends? Read about Harry Potter and complete the gaps. hi №c il1oniill|^ Harry gets up at seven o'clock, and puts on his cloak. Then, he wakes up his friends, Hermione and Ron. 1)........... half past seven, they leave their rooms. At about half past eight 2)....... have a big breakfast. Then classes start. Ill the att<*TllOOli: Harry finishes his lessons at around half 3)........one. He learns a lot about magic. Sometimes he hides under his cloak and walks out of the classroom. In the. ei^eiiili»: He usually plays Quidditch, the О favourite game of wizards. At half past six, he 4).........his homework or does magic tricks with his friends. Harry doesn't go to bed before ten o'clock. But, he always wakes up early the next day 5)........goes to his lessons! It's hard being a wizard! Draw the different times. Harry Potter gets up has breakfast does his homework goes to bed 49 6 Writing (a letter) Use the verbs to complete the letter. Put them In the correct tense. • do • play • relax • wake up • have • walk • watch • go • plant Dear Jane, Hi! How are you? I’m great! It’s the holidays and we are in our new house. I love it! Every day, I 1)......................... 2) .................. the dog! We usually 3) .................. break/ast at around 10 in the morning. Later, I o/ten 4)................/о*" ^ walk or 5)................board games with my brother. In the evening, we all 6)............TV and then we have dinner. We go to bed late. It’s so nice here. I 7)..............balcony right now. The weather is brilliant. Josh g)...................some/lowers in the garden. My parents 9)...................the shopping in town. And you? Are you having a good time at your country house? Write soon! Lyn РД Put the words in the correct order. 1 busy / the afternoon / am / I / in. 2 works / never / the garden / she / in. 3 mum / phone calls / is / making. 4 she / letters / does / often / write? 5 he / playing / is / football? 6 you / the dog / washing / are? 7 do / read /1 / newspaper / not / the / night / at. 8 the / he / planting / flowers / is / in / garden. Write a letter to your friend. Write what you do every day, then what you are doing now. 50 n Li ij Grammar Practice Use the adverbs of frequency in the box as well as the prompts below to ask and answer questions. Match the questions to the answers. • always • usually • often • sometimes • never How often ... • do the shopping? • watch a DVD? • 80 jogging? • work on your computer? Form complete sentences. 1 Nancy/a cup of tea/afternoon/in/sometimes/ has/the. 2 bed/Gareth and Tonia/to/go/never/early. 3 Lara/practises/evening/kickboxing/usually/ the/in. 4 my/pa rents / weekends / relax / a I ways / at / the. 5 friends/my/often/home/visit/at/me. Look at Sally’s schedule and write about her routine using morning/noon/ afternoon/even ing. S4mP4y 9:00 11:00 12:00 maths geography wake up LUNCH tennis practice 13:00 14:00 science LUNCH art 18:00 football practice meet friends • On Monday mornings, Sally class at 9:00 o’clock.......... has a maths On Saturday mornings, Sally What does your mum do? 2j__I What is she doing? 3|__I What’s the time? What time do you usually have dinner? At 9 o’clock. She’s a teacher. И A В C She’s doing a crossword. D It’s ten o’clock. Put the verbs in the correct box. • open • stop • sleep • ride • study • run • put • hurt • leave • swim • relax • visit___________________________ +ing * +ing Double consonant +ing .•1 Look at the pictures and use the prompts to ask and answer. A: Is the postman opening a letter? B: No, he isn’t. He's delivering a letter. (deliver) 2 A: B: watering the flowers? (plant) 51 Grammar Practice 3 A: painting the room? B: . (drink) 4 A: making coffee? (read) 5 A: B: they walking? (run) Look at the picture. Correct the sentences. • listen to music • read a book • talk on the phone • ride her scooter • work on the computer хл Sue 2 3 4 5 Sam Sam is watching TV. ► Sam isn’t watching TV. He’s listening to music. Andy is typing a letter. Matt is listening to the radio. Clara is driving a car. Sue is sending an email. Translator’s [CORNER 52 What’s the English for: завтракать на кухне, обедать в школе, ходить в школу, ужинать в 7 часов, ложиться спать в 10 часов, работать на компьютере, чашка чая, разговаривать о работе, около половины седьмого, отдыхать в кресле, смотреть DVD, читать книги, ремонтировать автомобиль, сажать цветы, пить кофе, играть в компьютерные игры? Translate the sentences into English: 1. Мой брат всегда читает вечером, а я смотрю ТВ. 2. Моя мама обычно готовит завтрак для меня и моей сестры. 3. Я никогда не делаю уроки в воскресенье. 4. Где папа? - Он ремонтирует машину. 5. Собака в саду. - Она играет? - Нет, спит. 6. Ты свободен сегодня после обеда? - Нет, извини, я очень занят. 7. Будьте добры, который час? - 4.15. 8. В котором часу ты встаешь? — В 7.30. 9. Что вы сейчас делаете? - Мы ждем друзей. 10.Чем занимаются (где работают) твои родители? Translate the situations into English: Посмотри на картинку! Что делают эти люди? — Это летчик; он управляет самолетом. Это пекарь: он печет хлеб. Это ветеринар; он осматривает собаку. Это официант; он подает напитки. Посмотри на фотографию. Это моя семья. Мы в саду. У нас в саду много цветов и плодовых деревьев (fruit trees). Папа работает. Сад - это его хобби. Это я. Я помогаю папе. Мама поливает цветы около дома. Мой младший брат Дима играет со своим другом под большой яблоней. Наши питомцы с нами. Собака Тобик и кошка Мурка играют вместе с мальчиками. 2. Year after yeac a) Write the names of the months, then complete the names of the seasons. RMHAC □□□□□ PIARL □□□□□ MYA □□□ (A) И1ШПНЕ] DERMEBCE □□□□□□□□ ARYANUJ □□□□□□□ YRFERBAU □□□□□□□□ (B) 0ШПШПП BOETRco ППППППП EVBERMON Г 6 7 8 UNEJ □□□□ JYUL □□□□ TAUSUG □□□□□□ ® ШИИП1Н Underline the correct verb. They always pick/rake flowers in Шу. They sometimes play/go in the snow. They usually shine/rake leaves in the autumn. They always go/play swimming in the summer. It’s warm and the sun is shining/ raking. It’s raining greatly/heavily now. It’s swimming/freezing today. It’s very cold/hot today. We can go swimming. (с)1ЯиЕЖ j [ b) Match the pictures to the seasons. ВевйВщ Read the texts and answer the questions. Dear Diary, '' It’s very beautiful here in Lapland! it’s the end of June Щ and the weather is very warm. From the end of May > until the end of July the sun never goes down here! I’m having a great time. There is only one problem; I can’t sleep because it’s always day! 1 2 Dear Diary, It’s December and the weather is just great! It’s hot and sunny. Everything is here in Australia. I go swimming most days. My brother is making a sandcastle at the moment! He’s having fun. It’s really nice. What is the weather like in June in Lapland? What is the weather like in December in Australia? 53 Dress right! toSEBBlW Tom and Ann are buying clothes from an online shop. What is there in their bags? Look at the items marked with A and T and complete the lists. IV £40 A о £20 A £10 T £35 A A £30 T £8 A £10 ^ T £15 T il Add to your bog Ann 1 2 3 4 Tom 1 2 3 4 Complete the words. s. clothes accessories s(-arf jumper ^.......... ............... a) Look at the pictures. What are the people wearing? b) What are you wearing now? What do you wear when it is cold/warm? ♦ Present Simple or Continuous Use the words to make questions. Then answer them. 1 moment/the/are/picking/you/ flowers/at? 2 scarf/gloves/are/you/a/and/ wearing? 3 you/now/leaves/are/raking? 4 raincoat/have/a/you/got? 5 he/swim/doesn’t/well? 6 it/outside/is/raining? Use the prompts to ask and answer. 1 John & Helen - swim - every Sunday ► A: What are John & Helen doing? B: They are swimming. A: How often do they swim? B: Every Sunday. 2 Paul - do his homework - every afternoon 3 Mary - walk the dog - every morning 4 Bob & Paul - cook lunch - every afternoon 54 It's fun! таяИ>я^187 Use the phrases in the list to ask and answer as in the example. • go skiing • watch TV • go camping • have a picnic • make a snowman • read a book • play in the snow ► A: Are they going skiing? 8; No, they aren’t. They are playins in the snow. (go skiing?) (make a snowman?) (watch TV?) (go camping?) (read a book?) (have a picnic?) (play in the snow?) Circle the correct answer. 1 A: What’s the weather like today? B: a It’s lovely! b You look lovely! 2 A: Do I look OK in this? B: a What size do you wear? b I’m not sure it suits you. A: How much is it? B: a Here you are. b It’s £20. A: What do you think of my new trousers? B: a You look great! b It’s freezing! A: I’m only joking! B: a Oh, you’re awful! b Thank you. Q Listen and tick (/) the correct answer. 1 When are they going to Spain? 2 What is Susan doing at the moment? A В 3 Which blouse is Angela buying? ^ ^ ^ 55 Dear Fiona, How are you? Гт having a great time here in Italy. The mountains are lovely and very white. Matt and I go skiing every day. We wake up early in the morning and we come back in the afternoon. The hotel is very nice but I don’t like the food very much. I have pizza all the time. In the evenings we go swimming in the indoor swimming pool or we read books next to the fireplace. It’s fun. See you soon! Love, Kate Fiona Smith 15 Fair Road Dublin 2 56 Read the postcard. Which picture matches it? You are on holiday. Write a postcard to your friend. Include: • the place you are in • how you like it • what the weather is like • what you are doing Grammar Practice Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. Hi, Janet! Greetings from Australia! Christmas is so different here! In Toronto it always 1).........(snow) on Christmas Day but right now the sun 2).............(shine) in Sydney and it 3)...........(be) very hot! We usually 4)...........(wear) warm clothes in Canada but today we 5)............. (wear) T-shirts and shorts! Tina always 6)............. (make) a snowman or 7)...........(have) snowball fights with her friends back home but now she 8)................. (swim) and 9)...........(make) a sandcastle! It's really cool! Love, Joanna Write the questions using where, what, how, when. The girls are sitting on the balcony. That dress looks great on you! My sister studies in Australia. I’m wearing a jumper and a scarf. 6 7 8 9 10 It’s cold in Norway now. Harry loves wearing ties. No, it isn’t raining but it’s freezing here! We are staying at a hotel. He works in a bank. Elsa always wakes up at 7.30 am. Write a sentence for each word/phrase. 1 (at the moment) 2 3 4 5 6 7 (on Sundays) .... (in the summer) (always) ....... (right now) .... (in the winter) . (never)......... James is on holiday at a teen sports camp. Make sentences as in the example. James usually wakes up at 7:00 in the mornins but today he's getting up at 8:00. 57 Grammar Practice Write the questions and then answer them. 1 where/you/go/now ► Where are you soins now? To the park. 2 what/you/wear/right/now 3 what/be/the/weather/like/today 4 what/your/parents/do/at/the moment 5 what/time/you/get/up/every/day 6 which/season/you/like/most Я Choose the correct answer. Look! The children.......in the snow. A plays В play C are playing My brother........like the snow. A don’t В isn’t C doesn’t ........Roy staying in a hotel? В Does C Do Translator’s ICORNER A Is 4 Mary..........her suitcase at the moment. A packs В is packing C pack 5 ........ people wear woollen sweaters in the summer in Alaska? A Do В Does C Are 6 She...........sunbathes. She hates it! A always В now C never 7 They..........usually go camping. A aren’t В don’t C doesn’t Correct the mistakes. 1 Look! The little girl is makes a snowman! 2 We are look for a T-shirt. 3 is Mary and Steve going home on foot today? 4 Listen! It is rains. 5 What size does you take? 6 Does he studies in Switzerland? 58 What’s the English for: плавать, срывать цветы, надевать пальто, уаавать от чего-либо, носить длинную юбку, кататься на лыжах, хороший денек, поехать в аэропорт, смотреть телевизор, лепить снеговика, хорошо проводить время, устроить пикник, искать что-либо? Translate the sentences into English: 1. Тепло, и идет дождь. 2. Сейчас жарко. Светит солнце. 3. На улице замечательно. Морозит. 4. Идет снег. Холодно. 5. Какая погода сейчас в ЕУотландии? 6. В России много снега зимой. 7. Какое сейчас время года в Австралии? 8. Какого размера юбка? 9. Как на мне смотрится это платье? 10. Это мне не подходит. Translate the situations and dialogues into English: 2. — Привет, Маша! Это Аня. Что ты делаешь? - Здравствуй. Читаю интересную книгу. - Пойдем, погуляем в парк. - Хорошо. - Надевай теплое пальто. На улице холодно. - Снег идет? -Нет, но морозит. Солнце светит. Хороший денек! В России зимой чаао идет снег. Дети катаются на лыжах, лепят снеговиков. Иногда очень холодно. Мы тепло одеваемся. Моя подруга любит зиму, а я люблю лето. Жарко. У нас каникулы. Мы можем устроить пикник. Я часто играю в футбол. Летом я ношу шорты и футболку. Иногда идет дождь, но тепло. 3. - Идет дождь. - Чудесно. У меня новый плащ. Я могу его надеть. Как он на мне смотрится? - Он тебе очень идет, но возьми мой зонт. Я не люблю дождь. Я не могу гулять или кататься на велосипеде. Когда идет дождь, я смотрю телевизор, играю в компьютерные игры. Я люблю весну. В апреле у меня день рождения. Это мой любимый месяц. Тепло. Небо голубое. Можно увидеть первых птиц. 4. Celebrations Match the words. Which best describe the pictures? 11 1 dress ^ a the house ^ 12 1 1 street b dinner 13 1 1 special c gifts |4| 1 light d fireworks 15 1 1 family e fires 16 1 1 decorate f up 17 1 1 exchange g food ^ 8 1 1 set off у h parade у 3 4 5 6 7 8 Underline the correct word. People in the Philippines celebrate/cook the Banana festival in spring. Turkey and sweet potatoes are popular/ fresh foods on Thanksgiving day. Let’s have ice cream for dish/dessert. The festival is/lasts three days. Don’t let the children run free/different in the streets. Tony is making/letting a special dish today. I don’t like sweet/popular cakes. Let’s make a pumpkin variety/pie. ♦ Countable/Uncountable Nouns Write C for countable or U for uncountable. 1 rice 6 wheat 2 pumpkin ............ 7 water 3 potato ............. 8 tea 4 banana ............. 9 milk 5 turkey ............ 10 biscuit Fill in a/an or some, then write C (for countable) or U (for uncountable). 7 .....orange]^ 8 .... pineapple [ | 59 Master chef Read the text and complete the gaps with the correct word. Meols,^- in England Meoltimes Breaklast: Between 7.00 and 9.00 om lunch: Between 12.00 and 1.30 pm Dinner: Between 6.30 and 8.00 pm C Breoklosl) A typical English breakfast consists of 1).bowl of cereal, a slice of toast, orange juice and a cup of coffee. A 2).of children have a bowl of cereal. (Lunch) Most children at school and people at work have a packed lunch. 3)....consists of a sandwich, a packet of crisps, fruit and a drink. (Dinner) A typical English meal for dinner is meat with vegetables. Vegetables like potatoes, carrots, peas, cabbages 4)..... onions are very popular 5)..England. 60 1 A some В а С ап 2 A much В many С lot 3 A It В These С Those 4 A and в or с but 5 A at В on с in 2 3 4 5 6 (ЭМШйБ!? ♦ Some/Any - (How) much/(How) many Ask questions with how much/ how many. Answer them. Use not much/not many. water/in the bottle? ► A: How much water is there in the bottle? B: Not much. apples/in the fridge? eggs/in the fridge? sugar/in the pot? milk/in the fridge? biscuits/in the box? Fill in: some, any, much, many. A: I’d like 1) .........milk, please. B: How 2)..............do you want? A: A glass, please. Have you got any crisps? B: Of course. How 3) ........ packets do you want? A: Two, please. A: We need 1) .........pizzas for the party. B: Good idea. How 2)......... do we need for twelve people? A: Four large ones. We need 3) ...........burgers too. B: I think twelve are OK. Have we got 4)................. lemonade? A: Yes, there’s 5)........... in the fridge. B: How 6) ............bottles are there? A: Six. It's my birthday! a) Do the crossword puzzle. b) Which of them do you usually have on your birthday? Circle the correct answer. 1 A: Would you like me to make you a birthday cake? B: a That would be great! b There isn’t much! 2 A: Shall we decorate the house with red paper for the birthday party? B: a Not much, b Good idea. 3 A: How about sausages on sticks for the party? B: a No, there aren’t. b I don’t think so. 4 A: Let’s have some ice cream! B: a That sounds great! b Really? W Listen and tick (/) the correct answer. 1 What is Tom’s favourite drink? A IВ I I c 2 What food doesn’t Sue like? 3 What do Tim and Kate want to buy? A В C 4 What is there in the fridge? A В C 8 WritinO (an article about 5^ a festival) Look at the pictures and the title of the text. What do you think people do at food festivals? Read and check. Put the paragraphs in the correct order. PLO^im PPSWWi I A| I People shop at the festival too.They can buy strawberry ice cream, strawberry biscuits, strawberry milkshakes and strawberry cakes to take home with them. В Every year in Florida, USA, there is a fantastic strawberry festival. The festival is to celebrate the strawberry harvest It takes place in the spring. The Florida festival is one of the best festivals in North America. Id I During the festival people eat strawberries and vote for the festival Queen. There are a lot of activities: competitions, parades and lots of music. Everyone has a good time. Some people stay at the festival all day or even all weekend! Use the information in the text to complete the festival factfile. Think of a festival in your country. Make notes under the headings of Ex. 3. Now write a short article about this festival for the school magazine. 8 Grammar Practice Use a, an, some and write sentences. a What’s on the breakfast tray? 1 ► There is a siass of milk on the breakfast tray. b What’s in the pizza? What do you need to make a chocolate cake? Tick (/) the pictures, then write. Ask and answer as in the example 1 2 3 4 5 How many peppers do you want? Two peppers. 63 Grammar Practice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Find the word. a foal............................of bread a rtonac ..........................of milk a oxb .......................of chocolates a Ibwo ............................of soup a sagsl ..........................of water a raj ..............................of jam a tbotel ......................of olive oil Circle the correct word. Have we got a / any / some onions? Yes, we have got a / any / some but we need more. How many / much / any rice have we got? Not many / much / some. We need to buy a packet / a loaf / a bowl. Can / Would / Do you like a cup of tea? Yes, I’d love to / much / one. Would / Do / Can I have some apples? Yes. How many / much / any would you like? How about / to / for spaghetti tonight? I don’t think to / so / nice. g Correct the mistakes. 1 You need any eggs to make waffles. 1 A: B: 2 A: B: 3 A: B; 4 A: B: 5 A: B: 2 Is there some coffee in the jar? 3 How much apples are there? 4 There isn’t many milk in the bottle. 5 There’s a orange in the basket. 6 I haven’t got some biscuits in my bag. Translator’s ICORNER Whafs the English for: праздновать, украшать комнату, обмениваться подарками, приготовить любимое блюдо, любимый праздник, выбирать фрукты, сделать бутерброды, принести овощи, забыть правила, порезать картофель? Translate the sentences into English: 1. Как насчет мороженого? 2. Ты хотела бы поесть супа? - С удовольавием. 3. Приятного аппетита. - Спасибо. 4. Давай устроим семейный обед. — Хорошая мысль! 5. Принеси цветы, пожалуйста. 6. У нас есть клубника? — Давай посмотрим в холодильнике. 7. Я люблю печенье и шоколад. 8. Я обычно устраиваю праздник в день рождения. 9. Купи пакет молока. 10. Принесите, пожалуйста, немного винограда и черешни. - Пожалуйста. Translate the situations and dialogues into English: 1. Мой любимый праздник Новый год. Мы украшаем квартиру, нарядно одеваемся, обмениваемся подарками. Мама готовит что-нибудь особенное на ужин для всей семьи. Мы любим курицу и рис с овощами. Папа покупает ананас и апельсины, а бабушка печет особый торт. У нас в стране декабрь и январь — холодные месяцы. Мы не устраиваем парады на улицах, но запускаем фейерверк. 2. — Как насчет яиц и сосисок на завтрак? -Замечательно. Я люблю сосиски. А у нас есть сыр? - Посмотри в холодильнике. -Немного есть. Я люблю хлеб с сыром и маслом. Приготовь чай, пожалуйста. 3. — Маша, сходи в магазин. - Хорошо, мама. Давай составим список покупок. — У нас нет капусты и моркови для супа. И купи помидоров и лука. - Можно купить печенья? - Да, купи печенья и хлеба. 4. Моя сестра всегда устраивает праздник на свой день рождения. Мы украшаем ее комнату воздушными шарами. Ее друзья приносят подарки. Мама печет праздничный пирог. Я покупаю мороженое и клубнику. Мы поем, танцуем, играем в игры. Весело! 64 Going shopping тан^ЕяШ1|7 a) Label the pictures. И (dZZZD b) Match the pictures of the products to the shops. __I newsagent’s |2| I florist’s |3| I bakery toy shop chemist’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Complete the sentences. • pair • nearly • shop • toy shop • ground • jeweller’s • different • chemist’s Hamley’s is London’s most popular................ I need to buy a...............of shoes. There are soft toys on the...........floor. This shop is...............100 years old. There are...............types of books in the bookshop. A lot of people...............there. You can find nice rings at this.................. Can you buy me some aspirin from the................? a) Look at the brochure. What is it about? ^ Caleteria Hot and cold drinks. Snacks. Chips. , Sandwiches. \ Ployiown^ Play with dolls and teddy bears in big Lego dollhouses. ____y "'Rides for Big Kids] Fly in a plane, space rocket or roller coaster. ^ 1 Mogic Gomes ^ Trick your friends. V°u are a magician.; Rides for SmofI Kids Go on the new toy train with your friends. Rirde on our ^ friendly animals. j 1 2 3 b) What area do you go to when you want: something to eat a ride for your baby sister a ride on a roller coaster 65 sgo! Уй@6и11а$7 Match the definitions to the words. (Art gallery } (Theatre) (Theme park) 1 An area where there is fun based on films or cartoons. .......... 2 A building where you can see paintings............. 3 An area where you can see wild animals.......... 4 A place where you can see a play. .............. 5 A building where you see people who sing or play music. ......... 6 A place where there are collections of things to see. ......... (Concert hal) (Museum) ( Zoo ) ♦ Must/Mustn’t Complete the rules with must/mustn’t. On a ride, you................. stand up. At the concert hall, you ...... .........turn off your mobile. In the zoo, you................ touch the animals. At the theatre, you ............ be quiet. At the art gallery, you......... photograph the paintings. At the fireworks display, you ...................go near the fireworks. Explain the signs. Use the verbs: • smoke • stop • keep to your right • enter • don’t speed s NO SMOKING KEEP RIGHT 1 2 3 4 5 3 Q Listen and complete the missing information. To celebrate Shop.10™ 0) birthday YOU CAN SB On the first floor (ir= games ) ^ ^ for young children) Price of the special magazine Shop closes at Cl} ............. ! . "-Д . 66 Don't miss it! WggftnlHtjy Write the types of films. Find nine words related to films. Complete the sentences with the words. • saves • spy • worth • boring • perfect • faces • rescue • armed • disappears The new film is about an English .......... who ..............and nobody can find her. It’s a good film. It’s well ............... watching. In this film, the toys are ...........with special gadgets, and they ............the animals in the zoo. This film is very funny. It is ............ for children and adults. It’s a great film! The hero ............... horrible robots, and ............the world from monsters. It is not an interesting film. It’s........ to watch. 21 Circle the correct answer. A; Can I help you? B: a Thank you. b Yes, please. I’m looking for a pair of shoes. A: Thank you very much. B: a You’re welcome. b They are on the ground floor. A: How can I help you? B: a You’re welcome. b I’d like to buy some CDs. A: I’m looking for the bookshop. B: a It’s on the first floor, b You’re welcome. A: Excuse me, where’s the cinema? B: a Opposite the supermarket, b You can’t miss it. 67 9 Writing (a film review) a) Read the film review. What is each paragraph about? The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe By Jessy Lanet !► The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is an amazing adventure film in the magical world of Narnia. Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie go to Professor Kirke's house. ^ Lucy (Georgia Henley) hides in a wardrobe during a game of hide-and-seek, and she discovers the world of Narnia. She tells her brothers and sister about it and the adventure begins. The children meet Aslan the Lion and other strange creatures. But Narnia has got problems with the White Witch (Tilda Swinton). What will happen to them? The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is a thrilling adventure for the whole family. Don't miss it. Look at the following adjectives. Which ones can you use to describe films/ characters in a film/actors and actresses? Complete the box. You can use some of the adjectives more than once. • boring • great • beautiful • wonderful • horrible • exciting • clever • good • handsome • bad Films Actors Which is your favourite film? Make notes under the headings. • type • plot • main characters • recommendation Use your notes to write the review. b) What type of film is it? 68 П П L Grammar Practice Rewrite the following sentences to make rules. lil0i^0r . * 'T^ -^ • i > —• *'■ t-Л'-" ****■'' /. Syllabus . j r " based on ж\ A Common * 1 ^ European ^ ^ Framework'^ ЧЧ ★ ♦ ISBN 978-5-09-025546-2 9 "785090"255462" Express Publishing ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО