Английский язык в фокусе 4 класс Учебник Быкова Дули

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык в фокусе 4 класс Учебник Быкова Дули - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Spotlight (Спотлайт) английский в фокусе:

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Virginia Evans Jenny Dooley Nadezhda Bykova Marina Pospelova Express Publishing PROSVESHCHENIYE PUBLISHERS 4}csdd®(§® 0) для общеобразовательных организаций Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации 9-е издание Москва Express Publishing «Просвещение» 2015 I УДК 373.167.1:81 1.11 1 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Аб4 Серия «Английский в фокусе» основана в 2006 году. На учебник получены положительные заключения по результатам научной (заключение РАН № 10106-5215/433 от 01.11.2010 г.), педагогической (заключение РАО № 051 от 29.01.2014 г.) и общественной (заключение РКСN° 138 от 07.02.2014 г.) экспертиз. Авторы: Н. И. Быкова, Д. Дули, М. Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс Authors: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Nadezhda Bykova, Marina Pospelova Acknowledgements Authors' Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to; Megan Lawton (Editor-in-Chief); Mary Swan and Sean Todd (senior editors); Michael Sadler and Steve Miller (editorial assistants); Richard White (senior production controller); the Express Publishing design team; Warehouse (recording producers); and Kevin Harris, Kimberly Baker, Steven Gibbs and Christine Little. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. Российские авторы выражают благодарность учителям и учащимся ГОУ COLLI № 1279 и ГОУ COLLI № 1971 Москвы за предоставленные фотографии и поддержку при создании раздела УМК Spotlight on Russia. While every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Английский язык. 4 класс : учеб, для общеобразоват организаций / А64 [Н. И. Быкова, Д. Дули, М. Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс]. - 9-е изд. - М.: Express Publishing : Просвеидение, 201 5. - 184 с. : ил. - (Английский в фокусе). - ISBN 978-5-09-036100-2. Учебник является центральным элементом учебно-методического комплекта серии «Английский в фокусе» для 4 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Отличительной особенностью УМК является модульное построение учебника, наличие аутентичного материала о России, заданий, соответствующих требованиям международных экзаменов, готовящим постепенно к итоговой аттестации учащихся за курс начальной школы. Учебник получил положительные заключения по итогам научной, педагогической и общественной экспертиз на соответствие (Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту начального общего образования. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ________________________________________________________ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922________________________ Учебное издание Серия «Английский в фокусе» Быкова Надежда Ильинична Дули Дженни Поспелова Марина Давидовна Эванс Вирджиния Английский язык 4 класс Учебник для общеобразовательных организаций Центр лингвиаического образования Зав. редакцией английского языка Ю. А. Смирнов Ответавенный за выпуск М. М. Чердакова Редакторы Е. Р. Михальчук, Ю. А. Смирнов Координатор по художественному оформлению изданий международных проектов М. А. Свмичев Корректоры Н. Д. Цухай, И. Б. Окунева Налоговая льгота - Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93-953000. Изд. лиц. Серия ИД Ns 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 26.02.15, Формат 60x90/8. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Прагматика. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 15,56. Тираж 39 000 экз. Заказ №ВЗК-01198-15. Открытое акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». 127521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. Express Publishing. Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HW. Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363. Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463. e-mail: [email protected] https://www.expresspublishing.co.uk Отпечатано в АО «Первая Образцовая типография», филиал «Дом печати - ВЯТКА» 610033, г. Киров, ул. Московская, 122. ISBN 978-5-09-036100-2 ® Express Publishing, 2007, 2012 © Издательаво «Просвещение», 2007, 2012 Все права защищены ®ВВ^8_ 138 .174 штпт j>.M5 Contents Starter Unit - Back together! (pp. 4-8) Module 1 - Family & friends! (pp. 9-24) In this module you will..._____________ learn, read and talk about... learn how to ... practise ... Larry and Lulu meeting Uncle - describe people the verb ‘have got’ Harry and his family at the airport. • say where things are • prepositions of things you have got, actions. • describe things place numbers 30-100 happening now • present continuous • express ability • pronounce the sounds /о;/ and /о:/ • the verb ‘can’ Now I know (pp. 22-23) Module 2 - A working day! (pp. 25-40) In this module you will... learn, read and talk about... learn how to ... practise ... Uncle Harry’s job at the Animal • talk about location • adverbs of | Hospital, buildings, jobs, a text • describe jobs frequency about Uncle Harry and his • pronounce the sound /з:/ • the verb ‘have to’ everyday life kJ/4\A/ 1 /ГЧГ> ?Q_*20\ • describe your everyday life • tell the time 1 1 write about your best friend write about one of your relatives Module 3 - Tasty treatsi (pp. 41-56) In this module you will... learn, read and talk about... learn how to ... practise ... write... Larry and Paco making a fruit • talk about food • much/many/ • a food quiz salad, food and containers, prices • distinguish between a lot of and pronounce the • containers sounds /cfe/ and /g/ • plurals • buy food • may/may not Now 1 know (pp. 54-55) • talk about prices Module 4 - At the zoo! (pp. 57-72) In this module you will... learn, read and talk about a visit at the zoo, animals, whales and the journey they take every year, zoo rules Now I know (pp. 70-71) learn how to practise write talk about animals and present simple their usual activities versus present distinguish between continuous and pronounce the • the months sounds /и/ and /u:/ • must/mustn’t • compare animals • talk about rules about an elephant seal’s journey Module 5 - Where were you yesterday? (pp. 72-88) In this module you will... 1 learn, read and talk about... learn how to ... practise ... write ... Chuckles eating the cake, where people were last week, feelings Now 1 know (pp. 86-87) • talk about where people were • say where you were last night • describe feelings • distinguish between and pronounce the sounds /а/ and /о:/ • ordinals • was/were • there was/were • about a scary film Module 6 - Tell the tale! (pp. 89-104) In this module you will... learn, read and talk about... learn how to ... practise ... write ... the Hare and the Tortoise, what people did last night. Lulu’s dreams Now 1 know (pp. 102-103) • talk about the past • distinguish and pronounce the sounds 161, M and /id/ • telling stories • talking about things that happened in the past • simple past (regular) • a story Module 7 - Days to remember! (pp. 105-120) In this module you will... learn, read and talk about... learn how to ... practise ... write... 1 people’s memorable events during the year, Larry’s magic moments 1 Now 1 know (pp. 118-119) • talk about past actions • describe (old) classmates • distinguish and pronounce the sounds /ai/, /i/ and l\l • past simple (irregular) • superlatives • about their best day of the year Module 8 - Places to go! (pp. 121 In this module you will... -136) learn, read and talk about... learn how to ... practise ... write... 1 countries, holiday plans, things to take on holiday • talk about countries • give holiday plans • going to • will • question words • a letter from holiday Now I know (pp. 134-135) Optional Units (pp. 138-141) Spotlight on Russia (pp. 142-149) Further Reading Practice (pp. 150-155) Further Writing Practice (pp. 156-161) Further Speaking Practice (pp. 162-165) Grammar Reference (pp. 166-173) Phonetics (p. 174) Word List (pp. 175-180) Back together! Listen and point. Then sing along! Hello, everybody! Back together again! We’re happy you can join us! We hope you feel the same! Remember Larry and Lulu? Maya and Paco too? And do you remember Chuckles? They’re all back here with you! Introduce yourself to someone new. A: Hi, my name’s Kelly. What’s your name? B: Hello! I’m David. A: Nice to meet you, David. 4 Ш i Q Read and choose. Then act out. 1 A: What’s your name? B: a) I’m Philip. b) This is Philip. 2 A: Sandy’s a nice name! B: a) Yes, it’s short for Sandra. b) I like her too. 3 A: Do you like playing computer games? B: a) No, I’m playing now. b) Yes, it’s fun. 4 A: Goodbye, Ron. B: a) Oh, hello! b) Bye. See you later. 5 A: Whose is this ball? B: a) It’s Peter. b) It’s Peter’s. Ask your friends. Find someone who... A: Can you swim? B: Yes, I can swim really well. OR No, I can’t./Not very well. I Listen and repeat. Then talk with your friend. A: I’ve got a present for you! B: What is it? A: It’s a CD. B: Oh, thank you. A: You’re welcome. What have you got in your schoolbag today? In my schoolbag today, ... I This is a library card. Read and answer. к Name Sieve Baxter Age 10 Class 4A Phone no 203 587641 1 What’s Steve’s surname? 2 How old is he? 3 What year is he in? 4 What’s his phone number? Copy the shapes. Listen and colour. Then say. The big triangle is blue. How good is your memory? Work with a friend. You’ve got six minutes! i Write the names of: ' 1 four subjects. 2 five members of a family, (e.g. Grandma, ., 3 five colours. 4 five food/drink items. 5 three things you can find in your room. 6 three animals that have got four legs. 7 three things you can find in a kitchen. 8 three activities you can do in the evening. .) J 4 8 Ш In this module you will... #► learn, read and talk about... • Larry and Lulu meeting Unde Harry at the airport • Unde Harry’s family • things that belong to you • activities • numbers 30-100 practise ... • talking about appearance and character • talking about location • describing actions happening now /Snj^is^'speakinjf countries of ik woricj [ One big happy amily! fl^Listen and repeat. 1 Uncle Harry slim dark hair kind 1 A: What does Uncle Harry look like? B: He’s tall and slim and he’s got fair hair. A: What’s he like? B: He’s very funny! Let’s play! I’ve got blue eyes. 3 Cousin Robbie I’ve got blue eyes.< 1П Listen and read. Look, children. That’s the plane from Australia! What does he look like? He’s tall and slim and he’s got fair hair. Hello! This is your Aunt Pam and your Cousin Robbie. He’s our favourite uncle, Nanny. He’s a vet and he’s very funny too. Welcome to England! Are these your things? Yes, but I’ve got a few more! Look! / Q Read again and say yes or no. 1 Uncle Harry is in Australia now. Wow! You’ve got a lot of pets. Uncle Harry! 2 He has got a lot of pets. 11 Listen, point and repeat. I in the box under the box next to the box 1 on the box behind the box in front of the box h Uncle Harry can’t find anything! Help him. Uncle Harry: Where’s my hairbrush? Aunt Pam: It’s next to the clock. Read and say the word. 1 You can tell the time with this, watch 2 You put this on your head. 3 You open doors with these. 4 You can go very fast on these. 5 You wear these on your hands. 6 You can play music with this. 7 You can brush your hair with this. 8 You can listen to your favourite songs on these. 9 You can talk to your friend on this. 10 You can take photos with this. 0^^Listen and repeat. Mark likes playing the guitar in the park. Paul is forty and he’s very sporty. Read. ar /а/ or /о:/ garden horse party popcorn dark sport star short arm tortoise farm morning Art uniform Copy, complete and read. 1 m...rning 2 ...rm 3 h...rse 4 st...r 5 p...rty 6 t...rtoise 7 unif...rm 8 g...rden i In picture A, the man has got dark hair. In picture B, the man hasn’t got dark hair. He’s got fair hair. I щ 2 Л \ Му best friend! Listen and repeat. (William) skiing A: B: sailing ( Simon ) playing the violin Chit-Chat What’s William doing? He’s skiing. He can ski really well. Look, read and complete. Dan ) surfing Look! Bob is diving! Is Rose diving too? No, she isn’t. Rose and Tom aren’t skiing. Larry, Lulu and Chuckles are at the seaside today. The sun is 1)... (shine). Look! What 2)... (Chuckles/do)? He 3)... (eat) an ice cream! Lulu 4)... (not/eat) an ice cream. She’s 5)... (make) a sandcastle. Larry 6)... (have) fun too. He 7)... (dive) into the sea! [| Read and answer the questions. Mjf Best №ien by James This is my best friend Craig. He’s nine years old. Craig has got short dark hair and blue eyes. He’s tall for his age and quite plump. Craig is very kind and friendly. In the picture Craig is playing soccer. He likes playing soccer in his free time. Craig is a good friend and we do a lot of things together! 1 Who is James’ best friend? 2 How old is he? 3 What does he look like? 4 What’s he like? 5 What does he like doing in his free time? Now use the questions to talk about your best friend. 0 >^^Portfolio: Write about your best friend. Let’s play! Ricky and Tom! They’re both skiing! 15 Listen and repeat. 4® m ®® thirty forty fifty sixty 7® ®® ®® 1®® seventy eighty ninety a hundred Q Chit-Chat A: How old is your grandfather? B: He’s sixty-two. I’ve got a lot of people In my family -There’s Mum and Dad and Lulu, There’s Betsy and there’s me! One big happy family, One big happy crew. One big happy family. We stick together like glue! There’s Grandma and there’s Grandpa And Uncle Harry too! Aunt Pam and Cousin Robbie -We stick together like glue! Q Match the sounds to the pictures: ‘Boing, boing, boing!’, ‘Splash, splash, splash!’, ‘Tra-la-la!’, ‘Shloop, shloop, shloop!’ IИУ . or' Q Complete the poem. I’m ..., Shloop, shloop, shloop! I’m playing..., Boing, boing, boing! I’m ..., Splash, splash, splash! I’m ..., Tra-la-la! Л Write your own ‘sound poem’. Present it to the class. 17 Narrator: Goldilocks, a little girl, Has big blue eyes And golden curls. Her mother tells her... Mother: Now, be good! Don’t go walking In the wood! 18 - Module 1 Narrator: She says... Goldilocks: Oh, Mummy, Please don’t worry! Narrator: But Goldilocks Is in a hurry. Goldilocks: The wood is nice. The wood is cool, I can walk there On my way to school. Ш Module 1 -19 Goldilocks and the Three Bears Complete the sentences. 1 Don’t go walking ... the wood. 2 Goldilocks is... a hurry. 3 I can walk there on my way ... school. Read and correct. 1 Goldilocks has got brown eyes. 2 She’s got dark curls. 3 The wood is cold. 4 Goldilocks can walk in the wood on her way home. What can Goldilocks see in the wood? Read and choose. rainbow fridges birds cookers houses flowers computers trees bears • mice /I I 'En^is^-speakin^ countries of Ые worU Д Look at the pictures. Match the capital cities to the countries. Use: the UK, Ireland, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. i fill Washington D.C. и ^ — Wellington London ill Dublin Canberra Ottawa London is the capital of the UK. Q How much do you know about English-speaking countries? Do the quiz and find out! 1 Which country doesn’t belong to the UK? A Ireland В Scotland C Wales 2 Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver are cities in A Canada. В Ireland. C the USA. 3 Sidney, Melbourne and Adelaide are cities in A Canada. В Australia. C Britain. 4 Auckland, the City of Sails, is in A Australia. В Ireland. C New Zealand. 5 Where is Big Ben? A Oxford В Cambridge C London l21 L Now Vocabulary Choose the correct word. (10 points) e.g. watch/(cio^ 1 mobile phone/camera 2 hat/helmet 3 hairbrush/keys 4 roller blades/shoes Q Look and write. (12 points) e.g. swim Write the numbers. (18 points) 1 i)© 2 3® 3 fi 4 H®© 5 gloves/coat 10 Granfimar Q Read and choose. (16 points) e.g. She®/are carrying the box of chocolates. 1 He is a great cook. He is/can cook really well. 2 Look! Mary is dance/dancing! 3 Are you/Can you ride a bike? 4 Harry and Tom aren’t/isn’t sleeping. They’re in the garden. 12 i® 18 22l 16 Complete: on, in, next to, behind, under. (12 points) 10 jH 18 16 e.g. The keys are on the table. 1 The mobile phone is... the table. There are roller blades ... the chair. The helmet is ... the box. The camera is ... the box. 2 3 4 Communication 12 I Read and match. (20 points) 1 What does she look like? 2 How old is your mother? 3 Is your uncle from England? 4 Have you got my CD? a She’s tall and slim, b No, he isn’t, c No, it’s on the shelf, d Thirty-six. Reading and Writing В Look, read and say yes or no. (12 points) 20 e.g. Bob is running. yes 1 Wendy is singing. 2 Jack and Steve are playing. 3 Kathy is dancing. 4 Jen is sailing. 12 Total 100 1 name personal items 2 talk about location 3 talk about activities 4 say numbers 30-100 5 talk about appearance and character 6 write about actions happening now 23 L 0 Episode Hello, are you new here? Гт Rascal. , What’s your name? Wolfie, this is Arthur. Oh, oh! Goodbye, Wolfie! — In this module you will... #► learn, read and talk about... • Uncle Harry’s job at the Animal Hospital • buildings • jobs • activities practise ... talking about location talking about jobs talking about activities telling the time /I c(ajf in Ш -^ife! 25 u- 0 The Animal Hospital Listen and repeat. station garage cafe I ■ Castle Streep flflflflflaa QQQQQ Pine Roa^ IIIIIIIIHIIIIIQIIIII ■ llj;:: ................... i!! theatre baker’s hospital ffli King Street 0 mm ТПВ greengrocer s Queen Streep post office Chit-Chat A: Excuse me, where’s the Animal Hospital? B: It’s in Bridge Street. 26 №• Listen and read. Excuse me, where’s the Animal Hospital? Ш*. i Well, let’s go and see! Uncle Harry! Come on in! This is Fifi! She needs an injectionJ Ж It’s in Bridge Street. JOh, she’s so cute! Where’s Chuckles? There he is! Behind the curtain! * * I don’t know! It’s OK, Chuckles! You don’t need an injection! Q Where’s Chuckles? Read again and choose. A Under the chair. В Behind the curtain. 27 baker Щ mechanic greengrocer postman Who says what? Look, read and match. a I wear a uniform. I serve food and drinks, b I wear a white uniform. I help sick people, c I carry a big bag. I take letters to people’s houses, d I sell fruit and vegetables, e I bake bread and make cakes, f I work in a garage. I fix cars. nurse Chit-Chat A: What do you do? A: Where do you work? B: I’m a nurse. I help sick people. B: At a hospital. We always play football on Sundays. //// We usually wake up late on Saturdays. /// We sometimes go to the park. // We never go to school on Sundays. Л Read and match. Then say. How oftet! do xpa. _ ЧJ wake up late? read a book? clean your room? wash the dishes? play sports? walk to school? go shopping? 28 I never wake up late. №№ se Listen and repeat. A girl with golden curls serves burgers on Thursday. Q Read. ir /а/ ur /а/ er /а/ birthday nurse her circus surfing serve circle turn shirt curtain thirty turkey Q Copy, complete and read. 0^ Let’s play! Snap! A nurse usually works at a hospital! 1 th...rty 3 s...rve 5 s...rfing 7 sh...rt 2 n...rse 4 c...rcle 6 b...rthday 8 h...r r 29 I /i 4 a Work and play! Listen and repeat. Mondays/ Thursdays Wednesdays/ Fridays/ Saturdays tennis Thursdays/ every @ Sundays day table tennis Tuesdays badminton Saturdays hockey Chit-Chat I go to the cinema once a week. Gary has guitar lessons twice a week. Emma washes her hair three times a week. A: How often do they play volleyball at the sports centre? B: Twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays. Look, ask and answer. 1 A: What time is it? B: It’s quarter to eleven. You have to wear a uniform. He has to get up early every morning. They don’t have to go to school on Saturday. Does she have to work at night? Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t. Mrs Ellis is talking to Kim. Read and complete. Use have to or don’t have to. 1 You have to wash the dishes. (/) 2 You ... serve food and coffee. (/) 3 You ... work at night. (/) 4 You ... wear a uniform. (/) 5 You ... be polite. (/) 6 You ... pay for your meals. (X) Now, ask and answer. 1 A: Does Kim have to wash the dishes? B: Yes, she does. Sing along! Postman Pete, what’s in your bag? A parcel or a letter? Postman Pete, what’s in your bag? A card - or something better? Oh, my postman’s very special. He whistles and he sings! wait for him each morning, I love the things he brings! Postman Pete, what’s in your bag? A postcard or a prize? Postman Pete, what’s in your bag? Give me a surprise! 32 я- HbAitoatt How many hours/days do they work? Read, do the maths and say. I’m a police officer. I work at night. I work fifty hours a week. How many hours do I work every month? I’m an artist. I work at home. I usually work about ten hours a week. How many hours do I work every month? I’m a doctor. I work 12 hours a day, six days a week. How many hours do I work every month? I’m an actor. I only work 3 days a week. How many days do I work every month? Find out how many hours/days these people work per week/ month in your country: teacher, doctor, police officer. 33 Goldie, Goldie, Goldilocks Is as pretty as can be. Her mother tells her every day: “Now, listen to me!” Goldie, Goldie, Goldilocks With long golden curls Through the wood she takes a walk -The naughty girl! Goldie, Goldie, Goldilocks With long golden curls Through the wood she takes a walk The naughty girl! Goldie, Goldie, Goldilocks Is on her way to school. She says “The woods look lovely” And she breaks her mother’s rule! 34 - Module 2 N C h №■1 г«^^.' ! ..'A-V * -О ■ I ■■.s'*» ^ Narrator: Daddy: Narrator: Now in the wood There live three bears! Mummy, Daddy and Baby. Let’s take a walk. Daddy says... And Mummy says... Mummy: Well, maybe: I’ve got some porridge In this pot. It’s very nice -But it’s very hot! We can eat it When we all return. Let’s go outside And get some sun! t? 0 Nc::42l i * ri ’ Module 2 - 35 Activities Module 2 Goldilocks and the Three Bears Match and say. 1 golden 2 naughty 3 lovely 4 hot a b c d girl curls porridge v^oods Complete the sentences. 1 Mother says: “Listen ... me.” 2 Goldilocks is a girl... long golden curls. 3 Goldilocks is... her way ... school. 4 Goldilocks takes a walk ... the woods. 5 Three bears live ... the wood. Talk with your friend. 1 What does Goldilocks’ mother tell her every day? 2 Where does she take a walk? 3 Who lives in the wood? 4 What do the bears have for breakfast? 5 Why can’t they eat the porridge? /I Му name is Danielle Pearson. I live in Wisconsin, USA. My school is called Danver Elementary School and I really like it there. School starts at 8.30. Every day we have Morning Meeting and usually start the day with a game or a song. We have a break at 10.30, and most of the students go outside. Every Thursday I have a meeting with my teacher Miss Blake to talk about my school work and projects. We have lunch every day at 12.15.1 usually eat in the school canteen. In the afternoon we usually have Art, PE or Music. After school, at 3 o'clock, I go home and play with my little sister. Then I help my mother to cook dinner. After dinner I always do my homework and then I read or watch TV for a while. I go to bed every night at 10 o'clock. Ц Read and complete the sentences about Danielle’s day. 1 She starts school at... . 2 She has lunch at... . 3 She goes outside at break time at... . 4 She goes home from school at... . 5 She goes to bed at... . Q Now talk about a day in your life. Ш 37 Vocabulary Look, read and match. (8 points) e.g. He’s a baker. A 1 He’s a waiter. 2 He’s a greengrocer. 3 She’s a nurse. 4 He’s a mechanic. 8 Grammar Q Make sentences, as in the example. (16 points) e.g. clown/circus/make people laugh A clown works at a circus. He makes people laugh. 1 teacher/school/teach students 2 greengrocer/greengrocer’s/ sell fruit and vegetables 3 postman/post office/take letters to people’s houses 4 waiter/cafe/serve people Read and make sentences. (16 points) e.g. you/often/Do/read/comics? Do you often read comics? 1 often/do/play/soccer?/ How/you 2 sometimes/Pam/Saturdays./ goes/cinema/to/on/the 3 go/l/to/usually/once/park/ the/week./a 4 he/wash/dishes/Does/ sometimes?/the 16 ;es. mics? nics? lays./ e )ark/ 16 8 20 Q What does Betty have to do? Read and complete. (20 points) water the flowers wash the dishes dean the room wash the dog do her homework X / / X / e.g. Betty doesn’t have to water the flowers. 1 Betty ... the dishes. 2 Betty ... the room. 3 Betty ... the dog. 4 Betty ... her homework. Communication Q Look, read and match. (20 points) • soccer match 5.15 • volleyball match 1.15 • piano lesson 8.30 • Jenny’s party 9.45 1 What time is Jenny’s party? 2 What time is the soccer match? 3 What time is the piano lesson? 4 What time is the volleyball match? a At quarter past one. b At quarter past five, c At quarter to ten. d At half past eight. 20 Reading and Writing Q Read and answer. (20 points) Aunt Polly is a mechanic. She works at a garage in Stonebridge. Aunt Polly wears a uniform when she works. She fixes cars. A lot of people take their cars to her garage. I think my aunt Polly is great! e.g. What does Aunt Polly do? She’s a mechanic. 1 Where does she work? 2 Where is the garage? 3 Does she wear a uniform at work? 4 Does she fix bikes? 20 Total 100 can ••• 1 talk about buildings jobs 2 talk about activities 3 tell the time 4 write about a relative 39 Episode 2 Hi, my name’s Arthur. What’s your name? Ir Tricksy! Come back! Oh, oh! Nice to meet you. Rascal! J In this module you will... learn, read and talk about... Larry and Paco making a fruit salad food and containers prices 5 ,5^Pirate’s fruit ^salad! 0^ 0^ Listen and repeat. Ф m lemon beans mango ft butter coconut flour Cai pineapple olive oil sugar salt & pepper tomato Chit-Chat Can you pass me the lemon, please? Sure. Here you are! 42 Listen and read. So, that’s how you make a Pirate’s fruit salad! Now, it’s your turn! Paco, how many mangoes do we need? Not many. Only two, I think. Can you pass me the lemon, please? It looks great! Oops! There isn’t any sugar in it, but there’s a lot of salt! V Q What’s wrong with Larry’s salad? Read again and complete. There’s a lot of ... in it. 43 1 Read and complete. 1 2 3 4 oranges are there in the bag? butter is there in the fridge? bread is there on the table? eggs are there in the box? How many mangoes are there? A lot!/Not many! How much sugar is there? In t gre к A lotl/Not much! J 5 ... potatoes are there in the cupboard? Look, ask and answer. 1 bread? 2 olive oil? 3 eggs? 4 cheese? 5 lemon juice? 6 potatoes? 7 tomatoes? 8 butter? 9 pepper? 10 biscuits? 1 A: How much bread is there? B: A lot! How good is your memory? Close your book and talk with your friend. There is a lot of bread. ! Listen and repeat. In the magic garden there are lots of oranges on the green mango tree. B| Read. Then put the words Geography, good, garden, sausage in the right column. /cfc/ /g/ fridge mango orange egg magic sugar gym green V__ Q Let’s play ‘Fruit Salad’! Apples! 45 Make a meal of it I Listen and repeat. a packet of biscuits a bar of chocolate a kilo of potatoes a loaf of bread £1 = one pound 85p = eighty-five pence/p \^£1.20 = one pound twenty (pence^ a jar of jam a carton of milk a bottle of Coke a tin of beans Chit-Chat A: Can I have a packet of biscuits, please? B: Yes, of course. Here you are. That’s one pound nine pence, please. к We’ve got a lot of sugar. We’ve got a lot of beans. We haven’t got much sugar. We haven’t got many beans. Have we got much sugar? Have we got many beans? Read and choose. 1 There are a lot of/much tomatoes in the salad. 2 Do we need much/many bread? 3 I take many/a lot of sugar in my tea. 4 There aren’t much/many eggs in the fridge. 5 There’s much/a lot of sugar in the cake. 6 Have you got much/many mangoes? I I f • (М ise. Q How much do you know about food around the world? At an Australian barbecue, snaggers are very popular. What are they? A burgers В potatoes C sausages What’s another name for chips? A French fries В American fries C English fries Where is Cheddar cheese from? A France В Spain C England Portfolio: Write a food quiz! Word Chain! Let’s play! Butter! I Ul =\ May I leave the table? Yes, you may./No, you may not. V J Read and match. Then act out. 1 May I have some more potatoes, please? 2 May I ask my friend to come for dinner, please? 3 May I wash my hands, please? 4 May I eat my lunch in the living room, please? 5 May I taste the apple pie, please? A Not yet. It’s still very hot! В Yes, the bathroom’s down the hall. C No, you may not. Eat it in the kitchen, please. D Of course you may. What’s her name? E Sure, here you are. ong! -------- ^ ^ rhips is Fish Japanese. Sush'^-’^avian, ^ Лье eiorvd Jn China they ^ potatoes OnUieslieKf Q What kind of food: dairy, meat, fruit or vegetable? Read and say. yogurt carrot 10 lamb mango cherry 1 yogurt - dairy Q On my shelf. Draw a shelf with your favourite drinks and snacks on it. 49 Narrator: Now, to the house Comes Goldilocks And on the door She gives three knocks! Goldilocks: Narrator: Goldilocks: No one home. She says ... What luck -ГИ go inside And have a look! 50 - Module 3 V ‘>:-Л , ' ЛЧ*» Goldilocks: Narrator: Goldilocks: Yum! She says I want some porridge Yuk, not this -And this one’s horrid! Goldilocks: But this one here Is very good -And porridge Is my favourite food! • - '1 Module 3-51 Goldilocks and the Three Bears Guess the words. • mohe • ridropge • nvoufate • seuho odor I U 1 Read and choose. 1 Goldilocks comes to the school/the house. 2 She gives 2/3 knocks on the door. 3 She goes inside/outside. 4 Her favourite food is porridge/salad. How to make porridge. Read and put the pictures in the correct order. Heat and stir for 5 minutes. Put water and porridge oats in a pot. 0 Eat it with sugar or honey. Add some milk and a little salt. Try it at home. It’s yummy! ]/1Ы$ for fvdclin^l Q What is pudding? Read and choose. a dessert b dinner Many British families follow their main evening meal with a dessert, or pudding as some people call it. Most puddings only need simple ingredients such as flour, fruit, milk, bread, eggs, sugar and butter. One question you almost always hear at dinner time is “What’s for pudding. Mum?” Q Can you name at least two ingredients for each pudding below? Check your answers with your teacher. \ nilk bread pudding lemon meringue ml 53 Vocabulary Look, read and choose. (18 points) e.g. (S) bread В beans A flour В sugar A biscuit В butter A coconut В mango A olive oil В lemonade A pineapple В orange A salt В pepper 18 I Ш Grammar Q Choose the correct word. (20 points) 1 We don’t need much/many sugar. 2 Do we need many/much mangoes for the fruit salad? 3 There isn’t many/much butter left in the fridge. 4 There are a lot of/much oranges in the basket. 5 How much/many bread have we got? 20 Read and match. (30 points) 1 May I have a piece of that cake, please? 2 May I leave the room, please? 3 May I use your phone? 4 May I bring my sister to your party? 5 May I eat my dinner in the living room, please? 6 May I have a pen, please? A No, you may not. You can eat it in the kitchen. В Here you are. C Not yet. It’s still very hot! D Yes, but don’t be too long. E Yes, of course. F Of course you may. What’s her name? Communication Q Look, read and complete. (12 points) e.g. A: Can I have a carton of milk, please? B: Here you are. That’s one pound, please. ■сТш 1 A: Can I have a ..., please? B: Here you are. That’s..., please. 2 A: Can I have a ..., please? B: Here you are. That’s..., please. Reading and Writing Look, read and say yes or no. (20 points) e.g. There is a lot of bread, yes 1 There are a lot of tomatoes. 2 There is a lot of olive oil. 3 There are a lot of biscuits. 4 There are a lot of eggs. 5 There is a lot of butter. 20 Total 100 1 can ••• 1 talk about food 2 buy food and say prices 3 ask for, give/refuse permission___________ 4 write about food у Д In this module you will... learn, read and talk about... • a visit to the zoo • animals • months whales and their journey every year • zoo rules practise ... • talking about animals and their actions • months talking about rules и 7 I^Funny animals! ^ Listen and point. Then sing along! When Гт at the zoo, What do I see? Lots of funny animals Looking at me. I see a tall giraffe, Eating from a tree. I see a silly monkey. Laughing at me. I see a clever dolphin. Swimming in the sea. ^see a little seal. Clapping one, two, three! I see a lazy lizard. Sitting in the sun. 1 see a big whale. Having lots of fun. I see a baby hippo. Learning how to run. And one crocodile. Crying on its own! A: Look at the giraffe! B: Oh, yes! It’s eating from a tree! Listen and read. a tree! I ^'s- неге we are! Wow! This is a big zoo! 9% ILL This is the kitchen. They make food for all the animals here! Q»\ Lunchtime! Come on - let me sjiow you! у ■ ... tCL Cool! Who’s this fish for?|Look! The seals are clapping! Yes! They always clap at lunchtime! They’re so clever! Chuckles is clapping too! ]i'^ i % '■y It»' Q Read again and answer. He wants fish for lunch! What do the seals always do at lunchtime? A They swim. В They clap. 59 i ^ Look! She’s playing the piano. She always plays the piano in the evenings. У Look, ask and answer. clap/lunchtime 3 have lunch/1 o’clock have a bath/afternoon play/morning 1 A: What are the seals doing? B: They’re clapping. They always clap at lunchtime. Hi L€ C Read and put the sentences in the right order. 1 A: What are you doing? B: Oh yes! I think they’re great! A: Look at that picture - the dolphin is catching a fish! B: I’m reading a book about dolphins. 6 B: Of course! Dolphins eat fish, you know. A: Really? Do you like dolphins? J^Listen and repeat. lave a good look at the cookery book! let’s go to the zoo after school. It’s cool. Q Read. Then put the words wood, school, book, too in the right column. 00 /и/ 00 /u:/ good zoo look afternoon cook room foot cool 0^ Let’s play! Monkeys climb trees! Ш* 61 1 Wild about animals! Listen, point and repeat. Then put the months in the right ordi Re Chit-Chat A: When’s your birthday? B: It’s in March. cococooeocccoocoei Parrots are smaller than pandas, small - smaller funny - funnier good - better nice - nicer big - bigger Look, read and say. Whales are bigger than dolphins. Q Read and answer. ^ ©(? a Grey Whales, often called ‘friendly whales’, make the same amazing journey every year! From April to November the whales stay in the cold waters of the Arctic looking for food. Then, from December to April they go to the warmer waters of Mexico to have their babies! The Grey Whale travels more miles than any other mammal on earth. They don’t need tickets, passports or suitcases -and I’m sure they all have a whale of a time! 1 What are Grey Whales often called? 2 Where are the whales from April to November? 3 How many months do they stay in Mexico? Q ^^fPortfoho: Write about an elephant seal’s journey. (See Workbook, p. 89.) Q Be a poet! Read and complete. The ... comes in April. It sings its song in .... In ... it changes tune And in July it... away! I Tr You must feed dogs every day. You mustn’t give dogs any sweets. Look and say. Use must or mustn’t. PuTyouR ___ , R«BBl$H iN Tfp'»» I THEBlH 1 You mustn’t feed the animals. School rules. Read and choose. 1 You can’t/don’t have to run during the break. 2 I can/have to wear a uniform at school. All children wear one. 3 You’re in the library. You may/must be quiet. 4 Mr Green, may/must I ask you a question? 5 You mustn’t/don’t have to go to school on Sunday. 6 May/Have I come in, please? Sing and do! It can ^e. a lon "^^ ^ree, long 1°^ And it too. me orT you! n Aniniil Q What are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores? Read and find out. p Animals are either herbivores, carnivores or omnivores. • A herbivore eats only plants. • A carnivore eats meat from animals. • An omnivore eats meat and plants - usually fruits and vegetables. Q Look and match. ^erb/vore в Carnivore Otnnlv Q Draw or find a picture of a herbivore, carnivore and omnivore. Present it to the class and talk about it. Ю* 65 66 - Module 4 Please put my porridge In a pretty little pot. I like it for my breakfast And I like it nice and hot. Porridge oats, porridge oats As tasty as can be. Porridge oats, porridge oats The only food for me! Na Narrator: Then she sits Upon a chair. Goldilocks: Oh no! Not this one -That one there! It’s nice and small — Not big at all! Narrator: But then, poor Goldie Has a fall. m r^ '4^ v: m Module 4-67 Goldilocks and the Three Bears Choose the correct answer. 1 What does Goldilocks like for breakfast? a) burgers b) porridge 2 How does she like her porridge? a) hot b) cold 3 Which chair does she like? a) the big one b) the small one What’s your favourite hot meal? Replace the words in bold to make your own poem. Please put my burgers In a pretty little pot. I like them for my dinner And I like them nice and hot! 68 Burgers, burgers, As tasty as can be. Burgers, burgers, The only food for me! №• /I wdk in Ые wiicl! Q Read and answer. f ine Walk Koala ParF TREAT YOURSELF TO A SPECIAL DAY OUT! In Pine Walk Koala Park you can: Hug a cute koala anytime of the day! Feed friendly kangaroos and emus! Walk around the beautiful forest in the park Have a picnic by the side of the river! Meet some fun-loving Australians! Opening Times: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Cost: Adult $15 Child $11 WE HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON! Jin A/i 1 Which animals can you see in the park? 2 Where can you have a picnic? 3 Who can you meet? 4 What time is the park open? 5 How much is it for a child? №• 69 Vocabulary Look and match. (8 points) © a whale b dolphin c seal d giraffe e crocodile f hippo g lizard h monkey Grammar Read and choose. (15 points) 1 Pam always is watching/ watches TV in the evening. 2 Gary and Diane never go/are going to school together. 3 Frank is in his room now. He reads/is reading comics. 4 Do they usually play/Are they usually playing basketball in the park? 5 Where’s Alan? Is he sleeping/ Does he sleep? 15 Read and complete. (24 points) e.g. January, 1)..., March, 2)..., 3)..., June, July, 4)..., September, 5)..., 6)..., December Read and complete. (15 points) e.g. A dolphin is cleverer (clever) than a whale. 1 An elephant is ... (short) than a giraffe. 2 A kangaroo is ... (big) than a lizard. 3 A tiger is... (tall) than a dog. 4 A hippo is ... (fat) than a seal. 5 A monkey is ... (funny) than a parrot. 15 nts) ire He :hey I in ig/ ^er) han m a bg. ?al. lan iH Q Read and choose. (12 points) 1 You must/mustn’t eat with your hands. 2 You must/mustn’t do your homework. 3 You must/mustn’t go to bed late. 4 You must/mustn’t help your mum. Communication 12 3 A: Are you listening to me? B: a) Yes, I am. b) Yes, I do. 4 A: What is he doing? B: a) He swims in the sea. b) He is swimming in the sea. QRead and choose. (16 points) 1 A: Jane is playing volleyball! B: a) Yes, she loves volleyball. b) Yes, she does. 2 A: Do you always go shopping on Saturdays? B: a) I’m going out on Saturdays. b) Not every Saturday. Reading and Writing QRead and complete. (10 points) Hippos are very big animals. They live in Africa. They are very fat, and can be 3,000-4,500 kilos! Hippos have their babies during the rainy months of October and April. They sleep most of the day and eat at night. They eat grass and live for about 40 years. 16 ^ame: e.g. hippo lives in: 1)... has babies in: 2)... and 3) ^ eats: 4)... lives for: 5)... lean 10 Total 100 1 talk about animals 2 name the months 3 talk about rules 4 write about animals i\ 71 Do you want one? O ^ Do people eat dogi I nh nhl They’re not really dogs, silly! dogs? In this module you will... learn, read and talk about... • Chuckles eating Munn’s cake • feelings • where people were last week practise ... talking about birthdays talking about feelings talking about where people were Tea party! O^^Listen and repeat. 4St first 5’ fifth second eleventh third twelfth 4 th fourth ar twentieth Chit-Chat A: That looks delicious! B: It’s for Robbie’s sixteenth birthday. Jim Janet Laura Mike Kelly 74 It’st I e wt №• Listen and read. Yum! That looks delicious. while latpr.Д _ lO Oh no! Look at the cake! Larry! Lulu! It’s for Robbie’s sixteenth birthday. No! I was in my room with Paco! 1 Look at this cake! Larry, was it you? It wasn’t me! We were in the gardenjy^ Then, who was it? Look! Chuckles is having a chimp’s Q Read again and answer. Where were Larry and Paco? 75 Read and complete. Use: was or were. 1 Uncle Harry ... not at work yesterday. 2 ... the cake for Robbie’s birthday? 3 Larry and Lulu ... at the zoo last night. 4 Mum and Dad ... not at home last night. 5 Chuckles ... in Larry’s room this morning. 6 ... Larry and Paco in the garden an hour ago? B^^Where was Kim last week? Listen and write the day in your notebook. 1 Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Correct your teacher. Teacher: Kim was at the zoo on Saturday. Student: No, she wasn’t at the zoo. She was at the shops! 00 Listen and repeat. The teacher often asks the class to make masks. The students like the task. All children like playing with a ball when they’re small. @ Read and complete the lines with the words task, small, talk, grass, glass, always, all and mask. /a/: ask, pass, class, fast, ... /0:/: tall, all, walk, salt, ... Draw and play! Where was I yesterday? You were in the park. 77 1! All our yesterdays! Listen and point. Then sing and do. wasn’t happy yesterday. , bored I wasn’t happy y^terday. I was scared ^ , tired But not today, not today! Today I’m very happy! and angry and hungry Get in the mood! A: Were you angry yesterday? B: Yes, I was. 78 Li w ai t( Y( Vi a №• c I I Д Where were they? Read and complete. Last week, Larry and I were at the 1)... . We were with my Uncle Harry. There were lots of animals there: seals, dolphins, and crocodiles, too! It was really exciting! Yesterday, Maya and I were at the 2)... . There was a really funny show on. There were dancers and clowns, too! It was a really interesting day! Q Now read again and match. There is one extra picture. В Portfolio: Write about the extra picture. в ^^Last night! Play the game! Last night I was at a party with Brad Pitt! Last night I was at the cinema with Julia Roberts! 79 Г' March - the seventh of March Look at the calendar, then rewrite the sentences in your notebook. Use: two weeks ago, last Sunday, yesterday, a week ago, last Tuesday, three days ago. Q о C Oi MARCH " I SUN MON TUI WIO THU j rai SAT / 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 15 14 /5 16 17 ia 19 20 ь ^—/ 2Z 25 24 25 26 27 29<50 51 1 I was in France on the seventh of March. I was in France two weeks ago. 2 Mary was at school on the twentieth of March. 3 Mum and Dad were at the cinema on the eighteenth of March. 4 David was at the shops on the fourteenth of March. 5 I was at the zoo on the seventeenth of March. 6 Brian and May were in London on the fifteenth of March. Sing along! You were in my dreams, Oh yes, you were! You were in my dreams last night: I was Beauty And you were the Beast. It was a really funny sight! You were in my dreams. Oh yes, you were! You were in my dreams last night; i was the Lion And you were the Mouse. It was a really funny sight! 80 №• В/П at schoo What’s the occasion? Q Match the wishes to the cards. 1 Happy Birthday'. Congratulations! ^ Thank you! 4 Bon Voyage! В i D Q Design a card for a special occasion for a friend or relative. fiS 81 Goldilocks: Never mind the chair! Narrator: She says... Goldilocks: I need a bed -ril go upstairs! Narrator: The bed she finds Is nice and small. She goes to sleep In no time at all. L - - ^ г ■ 82 - Module 5 inds lall. ?ep all. Go to sleep, Goldie, Have a sweet dream. Think of your porridge With lots of cream! Sleep on the soft bed. Sleep for a while. Stay warm in bed And wake with a smile! Goldilocks and the Three Bears Read and complete. 1 She goes to sleep ... no time. 2 Think ... your porridge. 3 Sleep ... the soft bed. 4 Sleep ... a while. 5 Stay warm ... bed. 6 Wake ... a smile. There is one wrong word in each sentence. Correct it. 1 Goldilocks says, “I need a chair.” 2 The bed is nice and big. 3 Think of your porridge with lots of milk. 4 Sleep with a smile. What is Goldie dreaming about? Draw and say. 84 №t Q Read and say which of the words in bold you can see in the picture. Birthday parties in England are a lot of fun! Children bring presents and cards for the Birthday Boy or Girl. Then the party begins! At the party there is always lots of food and drink. There are usually a lot of balloons in the room where the party is. The children wear party hats and play party games. After that it’s time for the birthday cake! The Birthday Boy or Girl blows out the candles and makes a birthday wish! Then everyone sings ‘Happy Birthday’. Birthday parties are great fun for everyone! @ Sing the ‘Happy Birthday’ song. Q What are your birthday parties like? Talk with your friend. 85 5»!I Vocabulary Read and match. (16 points) f ith Лс1 1 second 2 eleventh b 3 fourth 4 twelfth c 5 twentieth 6 ninth d^@^^ 7 twenty-eight h 8 thirtieth f 2' 8 28**^ 16 Look, read and choose. (12 points) • sad • hungry • scared • bored scared hungry • tired • happy 86 lliylfSitmB 12 Grammar George and Jan are talking about their last holiday. Read and complete. Use was, wasn't, were or weren’t. (20 points) George: Jan: George: Jan: ' George: Jan: George: Jan: George: Jan: The hotel was old. No, it 1).... It 2)... new! The rooms were small. No, they 3).... They 4)... really big! The owner was Australian. No, he 5) ... . He 6) ... American! The food was bad. No, it 7) ... . It 8) ... great! The weather was cold. No, it 9) ... . It 10) ... really hot! 20 Communication Q Complete the questions, using was or were. Then match them to the answers. (16 points) 1 Paul/at school/yesterday? 2 John and Jane/on holiday/last week? 3 the food/nice/at lunchtime? 4 the shops/open/yesterday? A Yes, it was yummy! В Yes, they were. C No, he was ill. D Yes, they were in France. 16 Reading and Writing Q Read about Neal’s day and complete. Use: was or were. (24 points) Yesterday was great! by Neal I e.g. was at home yesterday. I 1)... with my friend, Peter, in the morning. We 2)... in my room playing. My new game 3)... really good, but Peter 4)... the winner! In the afternoon, I 5)... in the living room. There 6)... a film on about clowns. They 7)... really funny! Yesterday 8)... a great day! Q Now read again and answer the questions. (12 points) 1 Who was Neal with yesterday morning? 2 Where were they? 3 Who was the winner of the game? 24 I can ••• 12 Total 100 1 use ordinal numbers 2 say & write about where people were 3 express feelings 87 0 Episode 5 Oh, goody! Time for my favourite programme! Arthur? Can I sleep in your basket? In this module you will... learn, read and talk about... • the story of the Hare and the Tortoise Lulu’s funny dreams practise ... telling stories talking about things that happened in the past lie Stor^ Mind He d^ne! 89 The Hare and the Tortoise Listen and read. Once upon a time, there was a very fast hare and a very slow tortoise. The hare always laughed at the tortoise because he was so slow. Suddenly, the hare opened his eyes and looked around. He saw the tortoise at the finish line! All the animals were tired of listening to the hare. Then one day the tortoise surprised them all: ‘Let’s have a race tomorrow then!’ Read and put H for hare “ and T for tortoise. 1 He always laughed at him. 2 He surprised them all. 3 He jumped forward. 4 He passed him. 5 Suddenly, he opened his eyes. 6 He was the winner. H It was a very sunny day and the hare was very hot. ‘There’s a tree. I can rest under it!’ What lesson do you learn from the story? Let’s play! The tortoise was the winner! The hare learned his lesson that day: ‘Keep on going and don’t stop until you cross the finish line!’ Read and complete. 1 2 3 4 5 6 watch jump walk talk climb play - watched John laughed at the funny film, laugh - laughed и pass - passed What did they do last night? Look and match. Then say. fe':' watch TV paint a picture cook dinner walk the dog play basketball listen to music 1 She cooked dinner. Q^Usten and repeat. Chuckles painted the toy box brown, Lulu helped and danced around, Larry laughed and clapped his hands. Chuckles stopped and dropped his paints. Q Read. Then put the words passed, closed, opened, added, started, talked, lived, shouted, danced, wanted, smiled, clapped in the right column. 161 /t/ /Id/ climbed watched painted played walked skated listened jumped visited served laughed studied Q '^cC^Noughts and crosses! Let’s play! listen close dance ivi j- lough watch cUmb 93 ii Once upon a time! Q^^LuIu’s dreams. Listen and say yes or no. Then ask and answer. V They didn't watch a film last night. Did you play in the park yesterday? Yes, I did./No, I didn’t, climb - climbed dance - danced carry - carried skip - skipped J • dance with the prince 2 • skate with the Ugly Duckling • climb the beanstalk Шт serve porridge to the Three Bears visit the Country Mouse 1 A: Did Lulu dance with the prince? B: Yes, she did! Now talk about Lulu’s dreams. Lulu’s dreams last night were so funny! First, she... Q Look, read and complete. Last Saturday, my father and I There was a 2) walked to a small fishing village. cafe there and we stopped for a rest. A man sailed by in a small fishing 3) hope you catch a 4) the water and onto the man’s 5) ... . My father shouted: ‘1 ... !’ Suddenly a big fish jumped out of ... ! The man was very surprised and my father and 1 both 6) ... . Then, the man /' i ' ... back in the water. ‘I tried to pick up the fish but it 7) wanted to catch a fish,’ he shouted to us, ‘I didn’t want a fish to catch me!’ It was very funny! О'OfPortfolio; Write a story. Give it a title. Design the book cover. 95 What did they do last Saturday? Copy the table in your notebooks. Listen and tick (/). Then say. play soccer watch a film visit a friend paint a picture listen to music Larry / / Lulu Paco Maya Last Saturday Larry played soccer and then visited a friend. Sing along! to 00 I» A year to remember! # ghty-/oui twelve Q Match the events to the year. 1 1492 2 1666 3 1789 4 1914 5 1969 A World War I begins В The Great Fire of London C The start of the French Revolution D The first man lands on the moon E Columbus discovers America I Q Choose one of the events. Design the front page of a newspaper. -—_______ Тн<_^д11,у h<7alX Columbus d/scovers Amer/ca/ What are the important dates in your country’s history? Write five of them and say why. 97 Mummy: Now, come on, Baby: everyone! Narrator: Narrator: Says Mummy. Baby: Mummy: Let’s eat the porridge! Yummy, yummy! But where is mine? Says Baby Bear. It’s not here. Is it there? ai Daddy: Oh dear! Oh dear! Narrator: Says Daddy Bear -And then he sees Poor Baby’s chair. Baby: Mummy, Mummy, It’s not fair! Now I haven’t Got a chair! iir и Goldilocks and the Three Bears A curl В fall C yummy D hot E bear Read and match. 1 mummy 2 chair 3 pot 4 small 5 girl Q Read and complete. 1 “But where is mine?” says ... Bear. 2 Mummy says, “Let’s ... .” 3 “Oh dear! Oh dear!” says ... Bear. 4 And then he sees Poor Baby’s .... 5 Baby Bear says, “Now, I ... a chair.” Design a chair for Baby Bear! Present the picture to the class. \ о о i j/lh stor^ Se^ncl tie ri^inel Match the rhyme to its history. Mary had a little lamb, Its fleece was white as snow; And everywhere that Mary went, The lamb was sure to go. It followed her to school one day. Which was against the rule; It made the children laugh and play. To see a lamb at school. |A In 1014, King Olaf, a Viking, and his men sailed up the river Thames and pulled down the first London Bridge. London Bridge is falling down. Falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down. My fair lady! IВ Mary Sawyer’s lamb followed her to the Redstone School House (Massachusetts) around 1820. Now sing along! Q Do you know any rhymes from your country? Draw a picture of one. M# 101 ■H'l t ’ Vocabulary Look and complete. (18 points) 1 h _ r _ 2 t_rt__s_ 4 r _ St 5 r _ c _ ^ 6 w _ nn _ r 18 Grammar Q Look, read and write. (18 points) 1 7om ... (visit) the zoo last Saturday. The children ... (watch) a film last weekend. tennis yesterday. Mark... (listen) to music last night. Mum ... (cook) supper an hour ^ago. Bob ... (wash) the dishes this morning. 18 Read and write. (20 points) 1 Did Ben visit (Ben/visit) Egypt last summer? 2 1 ... (phone) my aunt yesterday. 3 She ... (not/visit) the zoo on Friday. 4 ... (Tom/wash) the dog two days ago? 5 She ... (not/cook) meat yesterday afternoon. 20 о с ] Communication Q Read, match and complete. (24 points) a I was in the park, b No, actually we played basketball. c Yes, we talked on the phone, d No, I danced with Peter, e Yes, there was a really good film on. f No, he painted the living room. 1 A: Where were you yesterday? B: ... 2 A: Did you watch TV last night? B: ... 3 A: Did you play tennis last week? B: ... 4 A: Did you talk to Sue today? B: ... 5 A: Did Gary paint the kitchen? B: ... 6 A: Did you dance with Paul at the party? B: ... 24 •Ие! сЭП ••• 1 talk about past activities Reading and Writing Look, read and answer. (20 points) ^ Last night Kate and her best friend, Jennifer, stayed at home and watched a funny film on TV. The film finished at 10 o’clock. The girls were hungry, so they cooked a pizza for supper. Then, they listened to their favourite CDs. It was a wonderful evening! e.g. Who is Kate’s best friend? Jennifer 1 What did the girls watch on TV? 2 What time did the film finish? 3 What did they cook? 4 What did they do after supper? 2 write what people did in the past 20 Total 100 03 0 Episode 6 Maybe she’s sleeping. i. Arthur! Cookie! There’s something wrong with Tricksy! I barked at her, but she didn’t move No, look! She just turned around! Tricksy! Are they all yours? They’re kittens. Rascal! In this module you will... •fleam, read and talk about... • people’s memorable events during the year • Larry’s magic moments •f practise ... talking about memorable events talking about classmates / Mon Towers 105 The best of times! Listen and point. Then read. They were the best of times They really, really were: I went to a big museum And I saw the dinosaurs there! I danced all night at a concert I stayed up very late! I went to a famous funfair The rides were really great! ■ф Listen and read. What was your best time this year, children? ! Л 6000 SUMHER 4^' - I had a big birthday party at O’Donnells. It was great! went to a big museum and Miss Hart, what was your best time? met the nicest children in the school! j.ook, here they are! г Read again and choose. Lulu’s best time was at the museum/funfair. 107 went to a concert last night. Did you go to the party yesterday? I didn’t go to the party, go - went see - saw ride - rode have - had Read and complete. One day a man 1) went (go) to the cinema. In front of him, he 2) ... (see) a woman and her dog. He 3)... (be) very surprised! When he 4)... (come) out of the cinema, he said to the woman, as a joke: “Did your dog like the film?” “Oh, yes!” she 5)... (answer), “But he thought the book was much better!” Where did they go last weekend? Read and say. 1 “I danced all night! The music was great!” (Phil) 2 “I went on the Big Scream! It was really scary!” (Grace) 3 “I saw some dinosaurs! They were fantastic!” (David) 4 “I rode a camel! I had a really good time!” (Kate) a concert Phil b zoo c funfair d museum Now ask and answer. A: Where did Phil go last weekend? A: What did he do? B: He went to ... B: He ... 00 Listen and repeat. id you like my yellow yacht? Yes, it was yummy. I liked it a lot. Q Read. Then put the words party, bye, yacht, spy, yellow, why, really, year, funny, rhyme, story, yesterday in the right column. /ai/ /i/ /j/ fly very yuk Bring photos and make a poster for your class. Then present it. 109 14 Magic moments Read and match. -I draw Irriake 3 eat 4dnnK 5s/og 6\e^ve 7Wr/fe g 9 9^®j a made cdrew d bought f gave g drank i \e1y What did Paco do yesterday? Look and say. 1 buy a jacket • drink milk • eat a sandwich • write a letter draw a picture 1 He bought a jacket. Listen and match. \ (t^ pretty shy a Andy b Babs d Ronnie e Joe 4 John was the cleverest student in my class. clever - cleverer - cleverest pretty - prettier - prettiest good - better - best Now talk with your friend. A: Who was the best student in the class? B: Andy was! Read and put the paragraphs in the correct order. by Paco We bought tickets for all the scary rides - the best one was the Monster House! f V* JB I In the evening, we stayed to watch the fireworks and we left the funfair at eight o’clock. It was a really special day! ! \ Q Later, we ate burgers and chips for dinner and the waiter gave us a free Coke! ДТУр] The best day of the year was when I went to the funfair with Larry. f I В Portfolio: Write about your best day of the year. В ^^Team up! Let’s play! Mn was very tall. \ He was la the basketball team. Larry’s magic moments! Look and say. 1 come - came sleep - slept win - won take - took meet - met swim - swam ^ Uncle Harry/come/from Australia. We/meet him/at the airport. Nanny/take us/to a safari park, l/ride an elephant! l/go/to the mountains/Dad. l/swim/for my school team. We/sleep/in a tent. l/win/a trophy! 1 This year Uncle Harry came from Australia. We met him at the airport. S,.g VeAB-e-'®''' It was the best year ever! I had the greatest time: I went to the funfair and the zoo, This year was really fine! Oh, what a year. What a year it was! The best year of my life! It was the best year ever! I had a lot of fun: : i saw a magician and a clown, I This year was number one! t l^Match the sounds to the instruments. Which one is the loudest? drums guitar Listen to the three types of music. Which makes you feel: happy, sad, scared? Tell the class. 1 It makes me feel.... Q Bring your favourite music to class. Play it and say how it makes you feel. w# 113 Daddy: Narrator: Let’s check the beds! Says Daddy Bear And then they all go Up the stairs! 114 - Module 7 • % . .. 1 . > • ■ Г' • . • . . Ч.-: .4^' ». - . c Poor Baby, poor Baby Poor Baby Bear! No porridge for him It just isn’t fair! Poor Baby, poor Baby Poor Baby Bear! Now he hasn’t even Got a chair! Poor Baby, poor Baby Poor Baby Bear! He doesn’t know Goldie Is sleeping upstairs! ■II! l:. . ii'; Activities Module i\ Goldilocks and the Three Bears Read, look and say. I Poor Baby Bear! Look, he’s hasn’t got any He wants to go to Has he got a . Why? He . He hasn’t got a Cheer up! Complete the joke to make Baby Bear smile. Q: bear/How/can/fly?/a/make/you A: on/Put/bear-o-plane!/a/him I 116 №• Шоп Towers А visit to Alton Towers in Staffordshire is a fun day out for all the family. The rides at the theme park are some of the best in the world. Here’s what some young people said about their time at Alton Towers: It was fantastic. My sister and I went on a ride called 'Rita — Queen of Speed'. It was faster than a Ferrari! Brilliant! Jackie, 9, Chester We waited for an hour to go on a ride called ‘Pinball Whizzer’, but it was worth it! The ride lasted a minute and a half. We loved it! Richard and Jamie, 10, Birmingham ____________ My favourite was a ride called ‘Air’. It’s a flying ollercoaster. It was quite scary, but I felt like a bird in the air! I had a great time. Kerry, 12, Belfast Q Read and match. 1 Alton Towers is a 2 Jackie went on a ride called 3 Richard and Jamie went on a ride called 4 Kerry went on a ride called a ‘Pinball Whizzer’. b ‘Air’. c ‘Rita - Queen of Speed’, d theme park in Staffordshire. g Which of the rides would you like to go on? Why? Tell the class. IS 117 1 ! 1 . i ^ I 1 • I I ill J Now Vocabulary Look and write. (15 points) 5 A: Everyone wants to take a picture of Kay. B: She’s a very ... girl! 15 15 Look and write: good, pretty, loud, strong, kind. (15 points) 1 A: We call Charles‘Hercules’. B: He’s a very ... boy! 2 A: Rob buys cakes and sweets for everyone in the class. B: He’s a very ... boy! 3 A: When Tim shouts, everyone in the class jumps! B: He’s a very ... boy! 4 A: Stuart gets good marks in all his tests! B: He’s a very ... student! Grammar Read and choose. (30 points) 1 She ... at the concert last year, a sang b sings 2 Harry is the ... student in my class. a better b best 3 Bob ... a poem last night, a wrote b write 4 They didn’t... to the theatre, a went b go 5 Liz is the ... girl in my school, a pretty b prettiest 6 Did the school team ... the trophy? a win b won 7 Ron is a very ... swimmer! a fastest b fast 8 Clara is ... than Sue. a shyer b shyest 9 I... a ticket an hour ago. a bought b buy 10 Julie ... a famous person, a met b meet 118’ 30 №• 4 А: When’s the next match? B: a) On Saturday. b) In the park. 5 A: Who’s coming to the party? B: a) All our friends. b) It’s a big party. Communication P Read and choose. (20 points) 1 A: Where’s Sam? B: a) He’s tall. b) In his room. 2 A: Why are you walking to school? B: a) I like school, b) I missed the bus. 3 A: How do you usually go to school? ' B: a) It’s next to the station, b) By car. Reading and Writing 19 and complete. Then answer yes or no. (20 points) • day • waiter • go • sing • tickets • eat • band 20 The Best Day of the Year by Marianne The best e.g. day of the year was when I e.g. went to a concert with my friend, Liza. We bought 1) ... for the front row - the best seats in the theatre! We 2) ... all the songs, and later we danced on stage with the 3)... I After the concert, we went to Pizza Zone and we 4) ... pizza. The 5) ... gave us a free Coke. It was a very special day! 6 Marianne went to a concert with Liza. 7 They sat in the front row. 8 They sang on stage with the band. 9 They ate burgers. 10 The waiter gave them a free Coke. 20 Total 100 I can 1 say what people did in the past HR 119 Arthur, what are those? What’s Valentine’s day? ^t’s a day to celebrate love! WC7 They’re cookies. It’s Valentine’s day today! Oh goody! I love cookies! Rascal! Where are my cookies: Oh, oh! Just a minute, Arthur! Here you are, Arthur! Oh, Arthur, how lovely! 1 D Rascal...! ^ Yoo hoo! Arthur, I’m here! Ir In this module you will... learn, read and talk about. • countries • holiday plans • things to take on a holiday practise ... talking about countries talking about holiday plans talking about the weather question words / F^icla fun! 121 Good times ahead! 1 Listen and repeat. II Greece Italy Portugal Mexico Poland Spain Turkey go camping Chit-Chat go to the mountains go to the seaside go to the lake Where are you going to go on holiday? What are you going to do there? I’m going to go to Australia! I’m going to go to the seaside! 122wyE5ffl® Listen and read. Oh, hello! We’re getting our suitcases ready! We’re going to go to Australia! But what about Chuckles? Oh, Chuckles is going to go on holiday too! 0No, he’s going to go to \ \ the Chimps’ Hotel! , A J Well, have a great summer! 7Г " !He’s going to spend the summer [with all the other chimps! Bye! See you in September! Read again and answer. I Where is Chuckles going to go on holiday? What are you going to do this summer? Гт going to travel to Portugal. Are you going to make a sandcastle? Yes, I am./No, I’m not. What are you and your family going to do this Sunday? Tell the class. I’m going to visit my grandmother this Sunday. My brother is going to play soccer this Sunday. Q Talk with your friend. 1 Are you going to watch a video this evening? 2 Is your friend going to play tennis after school? 3 Are your parents going to visit their friends on Saturday? 4 Is your grandma going to make a cake on Sunday? 5 Are your grandparents going to work in the garden at the weekend? Look, ask and answer. go to the mountains Tgololhe (akej 1 A: What is Wendy going to do on holiday? B: She’s going to go camping. 124 •IHiJBS*] Listen and repeat. Listen! Somebody’s knocking on the door. Who’s there? It’s your brother Joe. Q Read the words and name the silent letter. know, when, lamb, where, what, climb, why, write, who, knock, whale, listen, wrong, white 0^ What a memory! Let’s play! A: On holiday. I’m going to go swimming. B: On holiday. I’m going to go swimming and I’m going to eat ice cream. If! Hello, P^sunshine! Listen, point and repeat. swimsuit swimming trunks sunglasses _ jeans boots tent flippers sleeping bag Choose three things to take on an island holiday or a camping holiday in the mountains. I’m going to go on an island holiday and I’m going to take ... It will be sunny tomorrow. It won’t be cold What will the weather be like tomorrow? Look and say. о sunny windy cloudy Rome Athens rainy cold ,.»,hot. , V V > Ч % V • я % _ - 1*1 Madrid Moscow 4-iC- A: What will the weather be like in London tomorrow? B: It’ll be cloudy. Q What are Mum and Dad going to do? Read and say yes or no. Dear Larry and Lulu, Hope you’re having a good time in Australia! We’re in Italy now and having a great holiday! Rome is wonderful - tomorrow we’re going to visit the Coliseum, then on Tuesday we’re going to travel to Venice. We can’t wait! It will be very hot today. Dad and I are going to swim in the pool in a while. After that we’re going to have lunch in a really nice restaurant close to the hotel. This evening we’re going to have a walk around the city and Dad is going to take some photos. There’s so much to see and do here! Anyway, that’s all for now. Take care and be good ... we miss you! Love, Mum and Dad 1 go to the Coliseum yes 2 visit a museum 3 travel to Venice 4 buy a camera 5 go for a swim 6 have lunch in a nice restaurant Portfolio: You are on holiday. Write a letter to a friend. Let’s play! Teacher: What doesn’t belong? Team A S1: Rainy! Sunglasses and shorts are for sunny weather. 1127 г Who is he? What is this? Where is London? When is the race? Why are you buying so much food? How do you go to school? My brother, Joe. A present from George. In England. At seven o’clock. Because I’m having a party! By bus. Read and choose the best answer. Then act out. 4 A: How are you going to get there? A: Hello, Jane! Why are you carrying a suitcase? B: a) I’m going to go on holiday, b) I’m on holiday. A: Where are you going to go? B: a) Turkey’s nice. b)To Turkey. A: Who are you going with? B: a) That’s my sister, b) My sister. B: a) By plane, b) I like planes. 5 A: When is your train? B: a) In three hours. b) Three hours ago. 6 A: When are you going to come back? B: a) Last week, b) Next week. Sing along! I ^ ' ^''eryoDe/ ^e’re ^ rest! ’ гиП at scKoo шт Countries and costumes! Q Look and match the costume to the country. 1 Spain 2 Japan 3 Scotland 4 Greece 5 India 6 Turkey Q Draw or find pictures of other costumes around the world. Present them to the class. Я81ИД;Ш29 Baby: Who’s this? Who’s this In my nice bed? Narrator: Then Goldie lifts Her sleepy head! Come to my house, Come with me! We can eat some cakes And drink some tea! Goldilocks: Oh no! Narrator: So Goldilocks Narrator: Goldilocks: She says ... I’m very sorry! But please don’t cry! Please don’t worry! And her three new friends Are very happy In the end! 130 - Module 8 And so our little story Reminds us every day To always say we’re sorry When we make mistakes. We all need friends, We need to care. We all need friends, We need to share! Now everybody’s happy! Let’s sing a happy tune. Goodbye, everybody We hope we see you soon! Module 8 -131 Goldilocks and the Three Bears Who says these words? 1 Come with me! 2 Who’s this? Who’s this? 3 Then Goldie lifts her sleepy head. 4 I’m very sorry. Copy the invitation and complete it. Talk with your friend. 1 What lesson does the tale teach? 2 Why do we need friends? 3 What is your friend like? FioridcL fun! Q Where do people go on holiday in your country? What can they see and do there? Talk with your friend. ШШ1133 Now Vocabulary Look, read and match. (24 points) H 1 You wear these when you walk up in the mountains. 2 Girls wear this when they swim. 3 You can swim faster with these. 4 You can sleep in it. 5 We wear these over our eyes when it’s sunny. 6 Boys wear these when they swim. 24 Grammar Read and match. (15 points) 1 Mike is very hungry. 2 Jim wants to buy some biscuits. 3 Alice likes sports. 4 Fiona is going to the baker’s. 5 Jeff is going to the mountains. a He’s going to go climbing, b He’s going to go to the supermarket. c She’s going to play soccer in the park. d She’s going to buy some bread, e He’s going to make a pizza. 15 i 134 Q What will the weather be like tomorrow? Look and write. (24 points) 1 Moscow It will be ... in Moscow tomorrow. 2 Rome 3 Paris 4 Cairo 24 Communication iQ Read and match. (12 points) 1 Where are you going to go on holiday? 2 Who are you going to go with? 3 Where are you going to stay? 4 What are you going to do? A In a big hotel. В I’m going to swim all day! C To Spain. D My big sister. 12 Reading and Writing Q This is a note from your friend Tom. Write a letter to him and answer his questions. Write 20-25 words. (25 points) I’m very happy because I’m going to go on holiday next week. I’m going to travel to Mexico and I’m going to spend all day in the sun! What about you? Where are you going to go on holiday? What are you going to do? Tom 25 Total 100 lean ФФФ 2 talk about holiday plans 3 ask and answer questions 4 talk about countries 5 write a letter about my holiday 6 talk about the weather № Ш135 Wppy New yearl Q What’s your New Year’s resolution? Complete, then draw. X 139 We all know April Fool’s Day is a day when we play tricks on one another, but each country has a different way of doing things: They only play jokes in the morning. It is bad luck to play a joke on someone in the afternoon. School children stick a picture of a fish on each other’s backs and shout ‘April Fish’! People play tricks and throw paint on one another to celebrate the beginning of spring. 2 ... 141 1. Rmsim miUiomire сШ What is a millionaire city? Read and answer. Everybody knows that Moscow and St Petersburg are very big cities. But there are other Russian cities with more than one million people in them. They are called millionaire cities. Here are some pictures of some of them. In these pictures you can see famous sights: monuments, theatres, museums, churches and streets. Put the cities in order. Start with the biggest city. Moscow, St Petersburg, ... Talk with your friend. 1 Do you, your relatives or friends live in one of these cities? 2 What famous sights in these cities do you know? 3 What sights are there in your city/town/village? _ Й L. 142 J xes Z, УЫ Russian cMdren want to fe Q Read and match. 1 Tanya wants to be 2 Dasha wants to be 3 Ilya wants to be 4 Nikita wants to be a a scientist, b a teacher, c a doctor, d an astronaut. таиуа I want to be a doctor. My Mum, Dad and uncle are doctors. They help sick people. They wear white uniforms. Sometimes they work at night and I don’t like it. My dream is to be a teacher like my Mum. I think it’s an interesting job. I often play school with my ■ friends. I want to be an astronaut. I like to watch stars and planets at night. I dream of flying in a spaceship to different planets. love animals, they’re so cute! I think I want to study them and become a scientist. I watch a lot of TV programmes about animals. Q What do you want to be? Why? 143 /3 \ilM. wou£d Ш Ш for ^owr tea] “ Sushki, baranki, bubliki (bagels) are a traditional Russian product. You need flour, butter, oil, water, salt and sugar to make them. They can be round or oval, very big or very small and they can have different colours and flavours. They are very popular because they taste good and they are cheap. Sushki last a long time too. People like to take sushki with them when they go hiking. Everybody loves sushki, baranki and bubliki: from babies to old people. They are a good treat at teatime. Talk with your friend. 1 Why are bubliki, baranki and sushki so popular in Russia? 2 Where can you buy them? 3 What is your favourite treat at teatime? How many of them are there in one kilo? 1 Sushki: about 2 Baranki: 3 Bubliki: up to a) 70 b) 100 c) 80 a) 20-30 b) 25-50 c) 40-60 a) 10 b)15 c) 20 144 т Апщф our Ae(p! I Q What does WWF mean? Read and answer. WWF - World Wildlife Fund - helps to save the wildlife on our planet. In Russia there are 100 reserves and 33 national parks where different kinds of animals live. Near Ryazan and Moscow there are bison reserves where WWF supporters have a special project, called “Adopt a Bison”. People donate money to buy food, pay vets and raise a baby bison. They can give a name to it too. Every adopter gets a Certificate of Adoption. July 2 is a “A Day of Adopters” in the bison reserves. ь Read the text again. What do the words in bold mean in your language? Talk with your friend. 1 Are there any nature reserves and national parks where you live? 2 What animals live there? How do people help them? 3 How can you and your classmates help animals? Q Draw pictures of animals that need our help. Present them to your classmates. Have a display at school. 145 5 Тй Dm of Ые Cit^ с ДНЕМ РОЖДЕНИЯ. Москвл! Cities and towns have their birthdays like people do. They are called ‘The Day of the City’ in Russia. People want their home town to look especially beautiful on this day. There are a lot of flowers, balloons, flags and other decorations everywhere. You can buy a special city birthday card too. This is a family celebration. Everybody has a lot of fun. People can watch parades and carnivals or take part in them. They enjoy street performers and concerts. There are a lot of competitions for sports, dancing and singing. A lot of people join in. The evening is the time for fireworks. Look at the pictures and say how people celebrate ‘The Day of the City’. Do you celebrate this holiday in your home town? What do people do on this day? Design a programme for this day. 146 6. шгЫ of Fair^ Q Match the pictures and the tales. The tale of Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Grey Wolf A tsar has got a beautiful garden. But every night someone comes to his garden and takes golden apples from his best apple tree. The tsar is very angry and he asks his sons to find the thief. L The Magic Wild Geese An old man and an old woman have got a daughter, Alyonushka, and a little son, Ivanushka. One day the mother says to her daughter, “We have to work all day. Look after your brother and don’t leave the house.” But the daughter doesn’t listen to her. lso). I like all fruits and I like fruit too cakes! My mother makes the best banana cake. She makes also great banana biscuits! My sister likes also fruits but her favourite cake is chocolate cake. • Writing a birthday party invitation Writing Tips! When you write an invitation you must include: your friend’s name the reason you are inviting him/her the place, the date and the time the party is taking place 157 Further Writing Practice Fill in the missing information. Dear Anton, It’s my....................on the.....................of December and I’m having a...................... ! Can you come? My.......................is 23 Pavlovic. The party begins at....................o’clock. Be there! Love, Nadjia Send an invitation to a friend for your birthday party. • ^ A- Dear '■Л ^ 1. о ” A Love, О 1 • Using because Writing Tips! • We use because to give a reason, e.g. Micha was tired because she studied all night. V -------------- ---------------------------------^ 158 Further Writing Practice Match. Then write sentences with because. ^ I I Matvey slept for 10 hours ^ I I I like Saturdays ^ I I Vera is the best student in the class J We didn’t buy tickets for the concert a there aren’t any classes, b there weren’t any left, c he was tired, d she studies very hard. 1 2 3 4 Read the text and circle the correct word. ^4 The best day of the year was when we went to the Funfair. I love funfairs also / because there are many rides. This year we went to the Strawberry funfair! In the evening, we went to an Italian restaurant because / also we were very hungry. We wanted to stay and watch the fireworks but we didn’t also / because my dad was very tired. Ф • Checking for mistakes Writing Tips! Always check your work for mistakes. Check your: punctuation spelling word order 159 Further Writing Practice Correct the mistakes. 1 My brother likes ^o^storiS'. 2 The prince talked to the princess beautiful. 3 Did the elephant play the saxophone. 4 Last night Anton and dimitri watched a funny film. 5 My favourite month is february. 6 Were were you on Monday? • Writing a story Writing Tips! When we write a story, we use time words like first, then, suddenly, finally to show the order of events. Read the story. Underline the words first, then, suddenly and finally. Last Saturday my dad and I had a great time! First, we had breakfast. Then, we took our boat and went fishing. We were on our boat for hours. Suddenly, we saw something in the water. It looked like a monster fish! I was really scared! “Help!” I shouted. Finally, the monster fish came closer. It wasn’t a monster fish, it was a dolphin. It was so cute! Put the story in the correct order. 160 D Finally, we left the zoo and went to an Italian restaurant. The food was yummy! It was the best Sunday ever! ГТ| Last Sunday my mum and I had a great time. I I First, we had breakfast. Then, we went to the zoo. We were at the zoo for hours. I I Suddenly, a monkey jumped and climbed on my shoulder. It was really funny! Further Writing Practice • Writing about plans Writing Tips! Expressions for writing plans: • Tomorrow I’m soing to On Monday/Tuesday etc, • This evening/afternoon etc, • Then, in the evening/afternoon etc You are going to London for the weekend. Use your notes and complete the letter to your friend. i к ь ■ \ : \ 'i Trip to London, 13-15 October Museums: * Madame Tussauds * The Natural History Museum Sights: * The Tower of London * Buckingham Palace Shows: * The Planetarium Show * Theatre If : If Dear Diana, Hi! How are you? I’m very happy! I’m going to London this weekend! On Saturday morning, I’m going to go to............... After that I’m going to.............................. Then, on Sunday morning I’m going to ... I’m very excited! Anyway, that’s all for now. Take care. I miss you! Love, p' i tc-l Further Speaking Practice • Giving information Take roles and read out. Denis: Who’s this? Valentina: This is my uncle Danil. Denis: Where does he live? Valentina: He lives in England. He’s a doctor. Denis: How old is he? Valentina: He’s forty-five. Denis: What’s he like? Valentina: He’s very kind and friendly! I Я — r Work in pairs. Use the pictures below or your own ideas and act out similar dialogues. Moscow teacher 40 friendly Paris student 10 cl&ver • Asking for/giving directions Take roles and read out. A: Excuse me, where exactly is the animal hospital? B: Go along Hill Street and turn left into New road. It’s opposite the garage. A: Thanks! 162 Further Speaking Practice Q Work in pairs. Use the picture and act out similar dialogues. Mr Baker's house • Buying food Take roles and read out. A: Excuse me. Can I have two bars of chocolate, a jar of jam and a tin of beans, please? B: Yes, of course. Here you are. A: How much is it? B: That’s four pounds and seven pence, please. A: Here you are. B: Thank you. Work in pairs. Use the pictures below or your own ideas to act out similar dialogues. 163 Jungle/ bananas Andrey: Where were you yesterday? Ida: I was at a party with Dima Bilan. Andrey: Wow! I can’t believe it! What was he like? Ida: He was really friendly! Work in pairs. Use your own ideas and act out similar dialogues. • Talking about what you did last night Take roles and read out. Olga: What did you do last night? Ilya: I visited my grandmother. What about you? Olga: Nothing special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Use the prompts below or your own ideas to act out similar dialogues. 164 Further Speaking Practice • Talking about experiences Take roles and read out. Nadja: What did you do at the weekend? Yuri: I went to a party on Saturday night. Nadja: Did you have fun? Yuri: Yes, I did! I danced all night! Nadja: That sounds great! Work in pairs. Use the pictures below or your own ideas and act out similar dialogues. Saturday dance all night Sunday eee dinosaurs Sunday see a lot of animals • Talking about plans Take roles and read out. Masha: What are you going to do this weekend? Vlad: I’m going camping! How about you? Masha: I’m going to visit my grandmother on Saturday as usual. Vlad: Well, anyway, have a good weekend! Masha: Thanks. You too! Q Work in pairs. Use the pictures below or your own ideas to act out similar dialogues. _ 165 Грамматический справочник МОДУЛЬ 1 Prepositions of place - Предлоги места Предлоги места употребляются для того, чтобы указать, где находится пред-мет/лицо. behind next to on under in front of opposite • • between | | Present Continuous - Настоящее продолженное время Утверждение Полная форма Краткая форма 1 am playing You are playing He is playing She is playing It is playing We are playing You are playing They are playing I’m playing You’re playing He’s playing She’s playing It’s playing We’re playing You’re playing They’re playing Отрицание Полная форма Краткая форма 1 am not playing You are not playing He is not playing She is not playing It is not playing We are not playing You are not playing They are not playing I’m not playing You aren’t playing He isn’t playing She isn’t playing It isn’t playing We aren’t playing You aren’t playing They aren’t playing Вопрос Am 1 playing? Are we playing? Are you playing? Are you playing? Is he/she/it playing? Are they playing? Утвердительная форма • Present Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be (am, is, are) и смыслового глагола с окончанием -ing. We are playing a game. Отрицательная форма • Отрицательные предложения образуются при помощи отрицательной формы глагола to be (am not, is not/isn't, are not/aren’t) и смыслового глагола с окончанием -ing. They are not playing a game. Вопросительная форма • Вопросительные предложения образуются при помощи нужной формы глагола to be (am, is, are) + подлежащее + смысловой глагол с окончанием -ing. Are they playing a game? Краткие ответы • В кратких ответах употребляется Yes или No, личное местоимение в именительном падеже (/, you, he и др.) и глагол to be в нужной форме. Смысловой глагол с окончанием -ing в ответе опускается. (— Yes, I amlwe are. Are you eatins? ± aren’t. r- Yes, he/she/it is. Is he/she/,t eatins’ ~L he/she/it isn't. (- Yes, they are. Are they eatins? -L ^o, they aren’t. Употребление • Present Continuous употребляется, когда речь идёт о действиях, происходящих сейчас, в момент речи. Указатели времени (сигналы), употребляемые с Present Continuous: now, at the moment и др. 166 Грамматический справочник МОДУЛЬ 2 ЭИ эе с :я 1Ы ге с Present Simple — Настоящее простое время Утверждение Вопрос 1 work Do 1 work? You work Do you work? He works Does he work? She works Does she work? It works Does it work? We work Do we work? You work Do you work? They work Do they work? Отрицание :я J Полная форма Краткая форма ,e 1 do not work 1 don’t work Э- You do not work You don’t work He does not work He doesn’t work She does not work She doesn’t work It does not work It doesn’t work We do not work We don’t work 1И You do not work You don’t work M в They do not work They don’t work Утвердительная форма Настоящее простое время образуется с помощью смыслового глагола без частицы to. В 3-м лице единственного числа к глаголу добавляется окончание -s. Не works at а hospital. Отрицательная форма Со всеми лицами, кроме 3-го лица единственного числа, используется вспомогательный глагол do в отрицательной форме do not (don’t) + смысловой глагол без частицы to. / don’t often play soccer. В 3-м лице единственного числа используется вспомогательный глагол does not (doesn’t) + смысловой глагол. She doesn’t like milk. Вопросительная форма В вопросах для всех лиц, кроме 3-го лица единственного числа, используется вспомогательный глагол do + подлежащее + смысловой глагол. Does he/she/it like cats? • В 3-м лице единственного числа используется вспомогательный глагол does + подлежащее + смысловой глагол. Do you like cakes? Does he like vegetables? Краткие ответы • В кратких ответах используется Yes или No, личное местоимение (/, you, he и др.) и вспомогательный глагол do/don’t или does/doesn’t. ^ , , г- Yes, I do/we do. Do you bke cats? -L j- Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn’t. r. . ... . r Yes, they do. Do they don't. Правила правописания глаголов в 3-м лице единственного числа • К большинству глаголов в 3-м лице единственного числа добавляется -s: / eat - he eats • К глаголам, оканчивающимся на -ss, -sh, -ch, -X и -о, добавляется -es: / miss - he misses, 1 finish - he finishes • У глаголов, оканчивающихся на согласную + у, у заменяется на i и добавляется -es: / study - he studies • К глаголам, оканчивающимся на гласную + у, добавляется -s: / play - he plays Произношение (3-е лицо, единственное число) Окончания -S и -es произносятся как: • /з/ если глагол оканчивается на глухие согласные: he eats • /Iz,/ если глагол оканчивается на шипящие или свистящие звуки: he watches • /z/ если глагол оканчивается на гласные или звонкие согласные: he goes Употребление • Present Simple употребляется, когда речь идёт о регулярно повторяющихся, повседневных действиях, привычках. / get up at 7 am every day. 167 Грамматический справочник Указатели времени (сигналы), употребляемые с Present Simple: every hour/ day/ week/month/summer/year etc, usually, always, every morning/evening/ afternoon/ night, in the morning/afternoon etc, on Monday/Tuesday etc, once/twice/three times a week/a day и др. He plays tennis on Saturday. They visit their grandmother twice a week. Adverbs of frequency — Наречия частотности Употребление • С Present Simple употребляются следующие наречия; never, sometimes, usua/iy, often, a/ways. Они показывают, как часто что-либо происходит. / usually до to school at 7:30. Не never goes to bed late. He is always very friendly. Have to - Don’t have to ____ _ _ Употребление • Have to употребляется, чтобы выразить необходимость. / have to be at school at 9 o'clock. • Вопросительная форма и отрицательная форма с глаголом have to образуются при помощи вспомогательных глаголов do или does. Do you have to wear a uniform at school? Yes, t do. • Don’t have to употребляется, чтобы выразить отсутствие необходимости. Peter doesn’t have to go to school on Saturday. МОДУЛЬ 3 Much/Many/A lot of Употребление • Much употребляется в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях с неисчисляемыми существительными (е.д. milk, cheese и др.). There isn’t much butter in the fridge. Is there much sugar in the tea? • Many употребляется в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе (е.д. books, apples и др.). There aren’t many apples in the bag. Are there many girls in your class? • A lot of употребляется в утвердительных предложениях с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными. She’s got а lot of friends. There is a lot of cheese in the fridge. • В вопросительных предложениях с неисчисляемыми существительными употребляется how much, а с исчисляемыми how many. How much milk have we got? Not much./ A lot. How many boys are there in your class? Not many./А lot. May Употребление • May употребляется, чтобы спросить разрешения (официальная форма). May I leave the classroom? Ответ: Certainly./Of course you may. or Sorry, no./No, you may not. МОДУЛЬ4 Present Simple в сравнении с Present Continuous_______________________________ Употребление • Present Simple употребляется для описания регулярных повторяющихся действий. She works from 9 to 5 every day. • Present Continuous употребляется для описания действий, происходящих в момент речи. George isn’t sleeping at the moment. He is at the cinema. He is watching a film with his friends. 168 Грамматический справочник Comparatives — Сравнительная степень прилагательных МОДУЛЬ 5 Прилагательное Сравн. степень small smaller big bigger busy busier popular more popular • Односложные и двусложные прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -у, образуют сравнительную степень путём добавления -ег. old - older (than) • Некоторые двусложные и все многосложные прилагательные образуют сравнительную степень с помощью more. beautiful - more beautiful (than) Правила правописания • К односложным прилагательным, оканчивающимся на -е, в сравнительной степени добавляется -г. nice - nicer • У односложных прилагательных, оканчивающихся на гласную + согласная, эта согласная удваивается и добавляется -ег, thin - thinner (than) • В прилагательных, оканчивающихся на согласную + у, у заменяется на i и добавляется -ег. funny - funnier (than) Употребление • Сравнительная степень + than используется для сравнения людей/предметов/ объектов. Elephants are bigger than monkeys. Must/Mustn’t • Must употребляется, тогда, когда говорят, что действие должно быть обязательно выполнено. / must put ту rubbish in the bin. • Must not употребляется, когда запрещают что-то делать. You must not run. Глагол to be (Past Simple) Утверждение Вопрос 1 was Was 1? You were Were you? He was Was he? She was Was she? It was Was it? We were Were we? You were Were you? They were Were they? Отрицание Полная форма Краткая форма 1 was not 1 wasn’t You were not You weren’t He was not He wasn’t She was not She wasn’t It was not It wasn’t We were not We weren’t You were not You weren’t They were not They weren’t • В вопросительных предложениях was/ were ставится перед подлежащим (I, you, he, she и др./ Was Mike at the party yesterday? • В отрицательных предложениях после was/ were ставится not. Chris wasn’t at work yesterday. Краткие ответы • В кратких ответах используется Yes или No, личное местоимение (/, you, he и др.) и глагол to be в соответствующей форме. Were you at the cinema yesterday? _r Yes, I was/we were. *- No, I wasn’t/we weren’t. Was he/she/it at the-T ''«> '’e/s/ie/it was. No, he/she/it wasn’t. cinema yesterday? Were they at the cinema yesterday? _j- Yes, they were. L- No, they weren’t. 169 Грамматический справочник МОДУЛЬ 6 Указатели времени (сигналы), употребляемые с Past Simple: yesterday, last week, last month, last year, two days ago, weeks/months/ years ago, in 1975 и др. Ordinal Numbers - Порядковые числительные There are fifteen (15) children coming to Ann's party on the fifteenth (15"') of June. first (1^') second (2"^) third (3^“) fourth (4'") fifth (5‘'') sixth (6‘'’) seventh (7‘'') eighth (8"') ninth (9"’) tenth (10“’) eleventh (11*'’) twelfth thirteenth (13'") fourteenth (M'") fifteenth (15'") sixteenth (16'") seventeenth (17'") eighteenth (18'") nineteenth (19'") twentieth (20'") twenty-first (21”) twenty-second (22"“) twenty-third (23'“) twenty-fourth (24'") twenty-fifth (25'") twenty-sixth (26'") twenty-seventh (27'") twenty-eighth (28'") twenty-ninth (29'") thirtieth (30'") thirty-first (31”) Past Simple — Прошедшее простое время Утверждение Вопрос 1 worked Did 1 work? You worked Did you work? Не worked Did he work? She worked Did she work? It worked Did it work? We worked Did we work? You worked Did you work? They worked Did they work? Отрицание Полная форма Краткая форма 1 did not work You did not work He did not work She did not work It did not work We did not work You did not work They did not work 1 didn’t work You didn’t work He didn’t work She didn’t work It didn’t work We didn’t work You didn’t work They didn’t work Утвердительная форма • Прошедшее простое время правильных глаголов образуется путём прибавления -ed к начальной форме смыслового глагола. Kate visited her granny yesterday. Отрицательная форма • Отрицательные предложения строятся с помощью вспомогательного глагола did not (didn’t) и смыслового глагола без -ed. She didn't play the violin on Sunday. Вопросительная форма • Вопросительные предложения строятся с помощью вспомогательного глагола did + подлежащее -f смысловой глагол без -ed. Did she help her mother last night? Краткие ответы • В кратких ответах используется Yes или No, личное местоимение (/, you, tie и др.) и глагол did. 170 Грамматический справочник Did you so? -С Yes, I /we did. No, l/we didn’t. L _r Yes, he/she/it did. D,d he/shet,t so? i, Did they so? _r- Yes, they did. No, they didn’t. Правила правописания • К глаголам, оканчивающимся на -е, добавляется только -d. dance - We danced all nisht. • В глаголах, оканчивающихся на согласную + у, у заменяется на i и добавляется -ed. study - She studied for her test yesterday. • В глаголах, оканчивающихся на -I, эта буква I удваивается и добавляется -ed. travel - She travelled to Scotland when she was a student. • В односложных глаголах с кратким гласным между двумя согласными удваивается последняя согласная и добавляется -ed. plan - Не planned this party months aso. clap - The seals clapped because they were hunsry. Произношение Окончание -ed произносится как: • /t/ после глухих согласных (кроме t): washed, worked • /d/ после гласных и звонких согласных (кроме d): opened, played • /Id/ после букв t, d: wanted, visited Употребление • Past Simple употребляется, когда речь идет о действиях, которые происходили в прошлом (см. указатели времени (сигналы) в Модуле 5). МОДУЛЬ? Past Simple (irregular verbs) - Неправильные глаголы • Прошедшее простое время неправильных глаголов образуется не путём прибавления -ed, а другими способами, например: go — went, see - saw, make - made, have -had. They had a lot of fun yesterday • Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения строятся при помощи did/did not и основной формы смыслового глагола. Did he so surfins last week? He didn’t see this film yesterday Superlatives — Превосходная степень прилагательных — Прилаг. Сравн.степень Превосх.степень tall tasty fat interesting taller tastier fatter more interesting tallest tastiest fattest most interesting • Односложные и двусложные прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на согласную или на -у, образуют превосходную степень путём добавления -est. fast - faster - fastest • Многосложные и некоторые двусложные прилагательные образуют превосходную степень при помощи most. beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful Правила правописания • К односложным прилагательным, оканчивающимся на -е, в превосходной степени добавляется -st. nice - nicest; late - latest • В прилагательных, оканчивающихся на согласную + у, у заменяется на i и добавляется -est. happy - happier - happiest • У односложных прилагательных, оканчивающихся на краткую гласную + согласная, эта согласная удваивается и добавляется -est. bis - bigger - biss^st Исключения Прилаг. Сравн.степень Превосх.степень good better best bad v^orse worst Употребление • The -I- превосходная степень + of/in употребляется для сравнения трех и более людей или предметов. 171 Грамматический справочник Не is the shortest of all. He is the shortest in the class. МОДУЛЬ 8 Be Going To (собираться, намереваться) Утверждение I am going to swim You are going to swim He is going to swim She is going to swim It is going to swim We are going to swim You are going to swim They are going to swim Отрицание Полная форма I am not going to swim You are not going to swim He is not going to swim She is not going to swim It is not going to swim We are not going to swim You are not going to swim They are not going to swim Краткая форма Гт not going to swim You aren’t going to swim He isn’t going to swim She isn’t going to swim It isn’t going to swim We aren’t going to swim You aren’t going to swim They aren’t going to swim 172 Вопрос Am I going to swim? Are you going to swim? Is he going to swim? Is she going to swim? Is it going to swim? Are we going to swim? Are you going to swim? Are they going to swim? Утвердительная форма • Утвердительные предложения образуются при помощи глагола to be (am, is, are) + going to + основная форма смыслового глагола. Не is going to watch a film tonight. Отрицательная форма • Отрицательные предложения образуются при помощи частицы not, которая ставится после глагола to be. Не is not going to watch a film tonight. Вопросительная форма • Вопросительные предложения образуются при помощи глагола to be, который ставится перед подлежащим. Is he going to watch a film tonight? Употребление • Be going to употребляется, когда речь идёт о планах и намерениях на ближайшее будущее. / am going to до to а party. Future Simple (will) - Будущее простое время Утверждение Полная форма Краткая форма 1 will travel I’ll travel You will travel You’ll travel He will travel He’ll travel She will travel She’ll travel It will travel It’ll travel We will travel We’ll travel You will travel You’ll travel They will travel They’ll travel Отрицание Полная форма Краткая форма 1 will not travel You will not travel He will not travel She will not travel It will not travel We will not travel You will not travel They will not travel 1 won’t travel You won’t travel He won’t travel She won’t travel It won’t travel We won’t travel You won’t travel They won’t travel Грамматический справочник Вопрос Will I travel? Will you travel? Will he travel? Will she travel? Will it travel? Will we travel? Will you travel? Will they travel? Утвердительная форма • Утвердительные предложения образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола will + начальная форма смыслового глагола. Не will watch а video. Отрицательная форма • Отрицательные предложения образуются при помощи частицы not, которая ставится после глагола will. Не will not/won't visit his cousin. Вопросительная форма • Вопросительные предложения образуются при помощи глагола will + подлежащее + основная форма смыслового глагола. Will he до to school today? Краткие ответы • В кратких ответах используется только личное местоимение и вспомогательный глагол will/won’t. Will you eat? -Г No, I won’t./No, we won’t. Will he/she/ it eat? _r- Yes, he/she/it will. '—No, he/she/it won’t. Will they eat? -£ No, they won’t. Употребление • Future Simple употребляется, когда речь идет: о предсказаниях будущих событий. You will be а great teacher one day. об обещаниях или решениях, принятых в момент речи. I’ll buy you а new car. Указатели времени (сигналы), употребляемые с Future Simple: tomorrow, next week/month/year, soon и др. Question words — Вопросительные слова • Мы употребляем вопросительные слова, чтобы получить конкретную информацию (время, место, причина и т. д.). • К вопросительным словам относятся слова, начинающиеся на wh- (who, what, where, when, why) и how. Who: Кто Who phoned you yesterday? What: Что What did they buy? Where: Где, куда Where is the cinema? Where are you going to go in summer? When: Когда When did she speak to him? Why: Почему Why did you visit him? How: Как How did they find me? 173 Phonetics Consonants /р/postman /f/shy /Ь/ badminton /j/usually /d/dream /h/hockey /t/tennis /tf/cherry /к/ key /dyiar /д/guitar /т/monkey /f/lun[air /п/ nurse /V/volleyball /ij/ angry /Q/ theatre /w/week /д/those /r/ride /s/salt /1/lemon /z/zoo /j/yesterday 174 Vowels and diphthongs /// slim /о:/ tall /е/ vet /и:/ cool /ее/ sad /з:/first /0/hospital /ei/ station /а/ butter /ai/ diving /а/ waitei /01/oil /и/good /00/ slow /// sixty /аи/ loud /i:/ beons /еэ/hare /a:/ last /ю/г^Иу Word List Starter Unit activity /aektiviti/ деятельность back together /Ьжк tagedsV снова вместе feel /fil/ чувствовать hope /houp/ надеяться join /(feoin/ присоединяться remember /птетЬэ7 помнить same Isoiml так же, такой же Module 1 Unit 1: One big happy family! camera /кжтгэ/ фотоаппарат CD /si; di7 компакт-диск friendly /frendli/ дружелюбный glove /gUv/ перчатка guitar /gitoiV гитара hairbrush /ЬеэЪгл// расчёска key /к]7 ключ kind /kaind/добрый mobile phone /moubail foun/ мобильный телефон roller blades /гои1э^ bleidz/ роликовые коньки slim /shm/ стройный sporty спортивный vet /vet/ ветеринар watch /wetf/ часы What does he look like? /^wot daz hi lyk laik/ Как он выглядит? What’s he like? /’wyts hi laik/ Какой у него характер? Unit 2: Му best friend! best friend /best frend/лучший друг both /bouG/ оба crew /kru7 команда dive /darv/ нырять glue /glu7 клей play the violin /plei бэ vaiahn/ играть на скрипке plump /р1лтр/ полный, пухлый quite /kwait/ довольно skate Isk^tl кататься на коньках ski /ski7 кататься на лыжах sound /saynd/ звук stick together /stik tsgedaV держаться вместе surf Isx’fl заниматься сёрфингом Module 2 Unit 3: The Animal Hospital always /oilweiz/ всегда bake /Ьак/ печь baker /beiksV пекарь, булочник baker’s /beika'z/ булочная carry /кжп/ носить clean /klkn/ убирать(ся) curtain /kai't’n/ штора fix /fiks/ чинить, ремонтировать garage /gaerg^/ гараж go shopping /gou fppin/ ходить no магазинам greengrocer /grmgrousaV продавец овош,ей и фруктов greengrocer’s /grkngrousa'^z/ овощной магазин hospital /hpspitd/ больница injection /тфек^п/ укол mechanic /mikaenik/ механик never /nevaV никогда nurse Inx^sl медсестра play sports /spoi'ts/ заниматься спортом post office /poyst ofis/ почта postman /poystman/ почтальон serve /s3:'v/ подавать на стол, обслуживать sick /sik/ больной Word List sometimes /sAmtaimz/ иногда station Мщрп/ вокзал usually /ju^uali/ обычно waiter /weit97 официант wake (up) /weikAp/ просыпаться wash the dishes /wd[5э dijiz/ мыть посуду Unit 4: Work and play! badminton /b^dmintan/ бадминтон baseball /b^sbo:!/ бейсбол doctor /doktaV врач free time /fr]: taim/ свободное время hockey /hoki/ хоккей meal /тк!/ еда month /тАп0/ месяц parcel /poi'sM/ посылка pay /pel/ платить police officer /paliis ofisaV полицейский polite /palait/ вежливый postcard /poustka:'d/ почтовая открытка sports centre /spo:'ts sentaV спортивный центр surprise /sa'praiz/ сюрприз volleyball /vplibo:!/ волейбол wait /weit/ ждать week /wrk/ неделя whistle свистеть Module 3 Unit 5: Pirate’s fruit salad! basket /bAskit/ корзина beans /bbnz/ бобы, горох butter /Ьл1э7 масло coconut /коикэпА!/ кокос easy /kzi/лёгкий, простой flour /Ааиэ7 мука It’s your turn /itsjo:43:m/теперь твоя очередь lemon /1етэп/лимон make sure /т^к/иэ7 убедись mango /таепдои/ манго olive oil /dIiv ^1/ оливковое масло pass Ipxsl передавать pepper /рерэ7 перец pineapple /painaep-'l/ ананас put /put/ класть salt /so:lt/ соль sugar //идэ7 сахар tasty /teisti/ вкусный tomato /t9mg:tou/ помидор treat /trbt/ угощение, угощать Unit 6: Make a meal of it! bar /bg:7 плитка (шоколада) barbecue /boi'bikju;/ барбекю beef Ib'dl говядина bottle IbpVV бутылка carton lka:Vnl пакет cherry /tferi/ вишня cookie /kuki/ печенье dairy /deari/ молочный French fries /frentj fraiz/ картофель фри jar /фщ7 банка kilo /ккЬи/ килограмм lamb /1жгп/ мясо молодого барашка loaf ДоиГ/ батон, буханка onion /лп]эп/ лук packet /paekit/ коробка, пакет, пачка paella /paieb/ паэлья (испанское блюдо) snack Isnxkl закуска sushi /зщП/ суши taste /t^st/ пробовать tin liinl жестяная банка world /w3:1d/ мир yogurt /Jegal/ йогурт 176 Word List Module 4 Unit 7: Funny animals! cookery book /kukari buk/ кулинарная книга giraffe /cfeiroif/ жираф lazy /leizi/ленивый lunchtime /Unlftaim/ время обеда seal /ski/ тюлень zoo /zu;/ зоопарк Unit 8: Wild about animals! a whale of a time /э "weil av a taim/ особенно приятное время amazing /ameizii}/ удивительный carnivore /ko:'nivo:7 плотоядное животное cuckoo /кики:/ кукушка elephant seal /elifant ski/ морской слон herbivore /hai'brvaiV травоядное животное journey /cfeii'ni/ путешествие omnivore /nmniva:'/ всеядное животное panda /p^nda/ панда passport /po:spa:'t/ паспорт plant /plaint/ растение rubbish /rAbiJ/ мусор suitcase /suitkeis/ чемодан ticket /tikit/ билет Module 5 Unit 9: Tea party! delicious /dilijas/очень вкусный yesterday /Jesta^dei/ вчера Unit 10: All our yesterdays! angry /жрдп/ злой bored /bal'd/ скучающий dream /drkm/ сон, мечта calendar /ka|linda7 календарь dancer /dainsaV танцор scared /sk^'d/ испуганный tired /taia'd/ уставший Module 6 Unit 11: The Hare and the Tortoise finish line /fmijlam/ финишная линия hare /Нш7заяц pass /pais/ проходить soon /suin/ скоро Unit 12: Once upon a time! beanstalk /bknstaik/ бобовый стебель bumblebee /ЬлтЬМЬ!:/ шмель discover /diskAvaV обнаруживать saxophone /sgeksafoun/ саксофон I Module 7 I Unit 13: The best of times! camel /k«md/ верблюд dinosaur /dainasD:'/ динозавр funfair /fAnfeaV ярмарка c аттракционами Unit 14: Magic moments! 1 drum /drAm/ барабан loud /laud/ громкий shy //ш/ застенчивый, робкий trumpet /tFAmpit/ труба Module 8 Unit 15: Good times ahead! go camping /gou кжтрпз/ отдыхать на природе в палатках go to the lake /дои ta бэ \oikj ходить/ ездить на озеро 177 Word List go to the mountains laou t9 бэ mauntinz/ ходить/ездить в горы go to the seaside /gou ta бэ siisaid/ ездить на море Unit 16: Hello, sunshine! boots IbxrXsl ботинки, сапоги cloudy /klaydi/ облачный Coliseum /kDlasbam/ Колизей flippers /flipa'z/ ласты rainy iTQiniJ дождливый sleeping bag /slkpii] baeg/ спальный мешок sunglasses /sAngla:siz/ солнечные очки swimming trunks /swimig trAgks/ плавки swimsuit /swimsuit/ купальник tent /tent/ палатка Goldilocks and the Three Bears break a rule /breik э ru:i/ нарушать правило check /tjek/ проверять curl /кх'У завиток fair /Геэ7 честный, справедливый golden /gould’n/ золотистый horrid /hprid/ страшный, ужасный in a hurry /in э Нлп/ в спешке inside /insmd/ внутри knock /ппк/ стучать luck /1лк/ удача mine /main/ мой mistake /mist^k/ ошибка naughty /noiti/ непослушный never mind /nevo' maind/ неважно, не беда oats /outs/ овёс on my way /on mai we\J no пути outside /^smd/ снаружи porridge /pnricls/ каша pot /ppt/ горшок remind /rimaind/ напоминать return /ritai'n/ возвращаться share //еэ7 делиться soft /soft/ мягкий tune /tju;n/ мелодия wood /wyd/ лес worry /wAri/ беспокоиться Cultural Sections on English-speaking Countries 1. English-speaking countries of the world capital (city) /k^pit’l siti/ столица 2. A day in my life! for a while /Гэг э Vail/ на время is called /iz koild/ называется project /prpcfeekt/ проект 3. What’s for pudding? almost /oilmoust/ почти at least hx Irst/ no крайней мере bread pudding /bred pudig/ пудинг dessert Idizx'Xj десерт dinner /бшэ7ужин follow /fnlou/ следовать ingredients /ingrkdiQnts/ ингредиенты, состав jam tart /cfeaem tgi't/ пирог c джемом lemon meringue /leman тэгаср/ лимонная меринга simple /smip’!/ простой 4. A walk in the wild fun-loving /Глп lAvig/ весёлый hug /Нлд/ обнимать river /riv97 река 178 L Word List 5. Birthday wishes! balloon /Ьэ1и;п/ воздушный шар birthday boy Ibx’Qdei hoij именинник birthday girl Ibx’Qd&i дз:1/именинница 6. The story behind the rhyme fleece /fli:s/ овечья шерсть lamb /1жт/ овечка, ягнёнок pull down /pul daun/ разрушать, сносить 7. Alton Towers brilliant /briliant/ замечательный it is worth it In iz W3:'0 it/ это того стоит ride /raid/ аттракцион, поездка rollercoaster /roula'koustaV американские горки theme park /0];т ро:'к/ тематический парк развлечений young 1}АГ)1 молодой 8. Florida fun! rest /rest/ отдых sandy /sffindi/ песочный Arthur & Rascal bark Ib^'kl лаять busy /bizi/ занятой celebrate /selibreit/ праздновать fast food /fo:st fu:d/ еда, которая быстро готовится (сосиски, пицца и т. п.) hate Iheiil ненавидеть hungry /Ьлрдп/ голодный kitten IkiVnJ котёнок programme /prougraem/ программа scary film /skeari film/ фильм ужасов Special Days! resolution /rezaliLpn/ решение April Fool’s Day /eipril fuilz dei/ День первого апреля (праздник шуток и розыгрышей) throw /0гои/ бросать Spotlight on Russia 1. Russian millionaire cities church /tjsi'tf/ церковь, храм millionaire /miljan^V миллионер monument /monjumant/ памятник sight /smt/достопримечательность 2. What Russian children want to be astronaut /aestranait/ астронавт, космонавт scientist /saiontist/ учёный spaceship /speisjip/ космический корабль 3. What would you like for your tea? cheap /tjl;p/ дешёвый hiking /haikig/ поход last a long time do:st э br) immj храниться долго oval louydl овальный 4. Animals need our help! adopt /adopt/ усыновлять, удочерять bison /baism/ зубр donate /douneit/ жертвовать, дарить national park /na^an’l pgi^k/ национальный парк raise Imzl растить reserve заповедник save /seiv/ спасать 179 J Word List___ 5. The Day of the City carnival /koi'nivl/ карнавал competition /kDiripit^fn/ соревнование decoration /dekareipn/ украшение fireworks /faiowsi'ks/ фейерверк, салют parade /psr^d/ парад street performer /strkt рэТэ:т1э7 уличный артист 6. The world of fairy tales character /kgeriktaV персонаж geese /ghs/ гуси thief /0i:f/ вор wolf /wulf/ волк 7. The days we remember diploma /diplpums/ диплом pancake /paenkeik/ блин performance /paToi^mans/ представление 8. Travelling is fun travel /traev'l/ путешествовать diary /daiari/ дневник Months April /eipril/ апрель August /Digost/ август December /disembsV декабрь February /febjuari/ февраль January /фжгуиэп/ январь July /фЫщ/ июль June /фшп/ июнь March /mo:'tj7 март May /тщ/ май November /nouvembaV ноябрь October /pktoubaV октябрь September /septembaV сентябрь 180 Numbers eighty /eiti/ восемьдесят first Ifx'stI первый hundred /lundrad/ сто ninety /пшп11/девяносто second /sekand/ второй seventy /sevmti/ семьдесят sixty /siksti/ шестьдесят third /03i'd/ третий Geographical Names and Nationalities Athens /ae0inz/ Афины Australia /pstr^lia/ Австралия Canada /k^nada/ Канада China /ущпа/ Китай England /ipgland/ Англия Florida /flonda/ Флорида France /frg:ns/ Франция Germany /cfesi'mani/ Германия Greece IqvvsI Греция Ireland /aialand/ Ирландия Italian /itaelian/ итальянский Italy /itali/ Италия Japan /фаржп/ Япония Japanese /фэерапкг/ японский London /Undan/ Лондон Madrid /madrid/ Мадрид Mexico /meksikou/ Мексика Moscow /mpskou/ Москва New Zealand /nju; zLland/ Новая Зеландия Paris /paeris/ Париж Poland /poyland/ Польша Portugal /poi'tfog’I/ Португалия Rome /room/ Рим Russia /гл[а/ Россия Russian /глрп/ русский, российский Scotland /skotland/ Шотландия Spain /8ршп/ Испания Turkey llx'kil Турция Useful English Bon voyage! /bo:n уэ1Щз/ Счастливого пути! Congratulations! /kangr^tjuleifnz/ Поздравляю! Excuse me, where’s ... ? /ikskju:z mi "wes^z/ Извините, где находится ...? Happy New Year! Ihxpi njuijiaVC Новым годом! Nice to meet you. /nais ta mkt ju:/ Рад c Вами познакомиться. See you later, /skju: leitaV Увидимся./ Пока. Thank you. /0жок]и:/Спасибо. — You’re welcome, /jus'welkam/ Пожалуйста. 181 ..J Instructions Introduce yourself to someone new. Представься незнакомому человеку. Read and choose. Then 'act out. Прочитай и выбери. Затем разыграй сценку. Ask your friends! Find 'Someone who... ‘Спроси своих друзей! Найди кого-либо, кто... How good is your nnemory?_________ Проверь свою память. Match the sounds to the pictures. ‘Соотнеси звуки с картинками. Who says what? Look, read and match. Кто это сказал? Посмотри, прочитай и найди соответствия. Put the words in the right 'Column. Помести слова в правильную колонку. Read and choose the correct 'answer. Прочитай и выбери правильный ответ. Replace the words in bold to make your own poem. Замени выделенные слова, чтобы написать своё стихотворение. Design а card for а special occasion for a friend or a relative. Сделай открытку для друга или родственника по поводу какого-нибудь события. There is one wrong word in ^^each sentence. Correct it. каждом предложении одно слово неверно. Исправь его. Read and say which of the words in bold you can see in the picture. Какие из выделенных слов ты видишь на картинке? Прочитай и скажи. Noughts and crosses. Let’s r^la^______________________ Крестики-нолики. Давайте поиграем! Read and put the paragraphs in the correct £fder.____________________ Прочитай и расставь абзацы в правильном порядке. Read the words and name the silent letter. Прочитай слова и назови непроизносимые буквы. Read and match the captions to the pictures. Прочитай и соотнеси картинки и подписи. Компоненты УМК: /Учебник • Рабочая тетрадь • Книга для учителя • Языковой портфель • Контрольные задания • Аудиокурс для занятий в классе • Электронное приложение к учебнику с аудиокурсом для самостоятельных занятий дома (ABBYY Lingvo) • Сборник упражнений (для самостоятельной работы учащихся) • Раздаточный материал (можно скачать бесплатно с сайта) • Плакаты • Видеокурс на DVD (DVD-video) • DVD-ROM (интерактивные задания к учебнику) • Программное обеспечение для интерактивной доски • Рабочие программы. Предметная линия учебников «Английский в фокусе». 2—4 классы • Книга для родителей Интернет-сайт УМК: https://prosv.ru/umk/spotlight Аудиокурс и дополнительные материалы к учебник;/^ размещены в электронном каталоге издательства «Просвещение» на интернет-ресурсе www.prasv.ru на сайте www.prosv.ru/umk/spotlight L1 ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО