Английский язык в фокусе 11 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Дули

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык в фокусе 11 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Дули - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Spotlight (Спотлайт) английский в фокусе:

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Virginia Evans Jenny Dooley Bob Obee Olga Afanasyeva Irina Mikheeva 08 Express Publishing PROSVESHCHENIYE PUBLISHERS г ■ г f 1 и Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений 4-е издание Москва Express Publishing «Просвещение» 2012 УДК 373.167.1:811 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 А64 111 Серии «Английский в фокусе» основана в 2006 году. Авторы: О. В. Афанасьева, Д. Дули, И. В. Михеева, Б. Оби, В. Эванс Authors: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Bob Obee, Olga Afanasyev^ Irina Mikheeva Acknowledgements Authors' Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks are due in particular to: Meryl Phillips (Editor-in-Chief); Julie Rich (senior editor); Nina Peters and Rianna Diammond (editorial assistants); Alex Barton (senior produaion controller) and the Express Publishing design team. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. Colour Illustrations: Pan, Stone. While every eKort has been made ta trace all the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Рабочая тетрадь является составной частью учебно-методического комплекта «Английский в фокусе» для 11 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. Она содержит разнообразные задания и упражнения для самостоятельной работы учащихся, способствующие лучшему усвоению, закреплению и повторению материала учебника. Учебное издание Серия «Английский в фокусе» Афанасьева Ольга Васильевна Дули Дженни Михеева Ирина Владимировна Оби Боб Эванс Вирджиния Английский язык Рабочая тетрадь 11 класс Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений Центр группы германских языков Руководитель Центра В. В. Копылова Зам. руководителя Центра по проектам И. Н. Темнова Руководитель проекта Ю. А. Смирнов Выпускающий редактор М. А. Семичев Редактор О. И. Грендаль Корректор Н. Д. Цухай Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93 - 953000. Изд.лиц. Серия ИД N" 0582^ от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 18.05.12. Формат 60x90/8. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Прагматика. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 7,92. Тираж 30 000 экз. Заказ № 1710. Открытое акционерное общество «Издательство «Прсхвещение». 127521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. Express Publishing. Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HW Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635 81 7 463 e-mail: [email protected] https://www.expresspublishing.co.uk Отпечатано в полном соответавии с качеством предоставленных издательством материалов в ОАО «Тверской ордена Трудового Красного Знамени гюлиграфкомбинат детской литературы им. 50-летия СССР», 170040, г. Тверь, проспект 50 лет Октября, 46.1^_____________________________________________________________________________________ ISBN 978-5-09-029155-2 © Express Publishing, 2011, 2012 © Издательство «Просвещение», 2011.2012 Все права защищены Contents Module 1 Reading Skills ....................... 4 Listening & Speaking Skills .......... 5 Grammar in Use........................ 6 Literature............................ 8 Writing Skills ....................... 9 Vocabulary Practice...................10 Spotlight on Exams....................11 Module 2 Reading Skills .......................12 Listening & Speaking Skills...........13 Grammar in Use........................14 Literature ...........................16 Writing Skills .......................17 Vocabulary Practice...................18 Spotlight on Exams....................19 Module 3 Reading Skills .......................20 Listening & Speaking Skills...........21 Grammar in Use........................22 Literature ...........................24 Writing Skills .......................25 Vocabulary Practice...................26 Spotlight on Exams....................27 Module 4 Reading Skills .......................28 Listening & Speaking Skills...........29 Grammar in Use........................30 Literature ...........................32 Writing Skills .......................33 Vocabulary Practice...................34 Spotlight on Exams....................35 Module 5 Reading Skills .......................36 Listening & Speaking Skills...........37 Grammar in Use........................38 Literature ...........................40 Writing Skills .......................41 Vocabulary Practice...................42 Spotlight on Exams....................43 Module 6 Reading Skills .......................44 Listening & Speaking Skills...........45 Grammar in Use........................46 Literature............................48 Writing Skills........................49 Vocabulary Practice...................50 Spotlight on Exams....................51 Module 7 Reading Skills........................52 Listening & Speaking Skills...........53 Grammar in Use .......................54 Literature ...........................56 Writing Skills........................57 Vocabulary Practice...................58 Spotlight on Exams....................59 Module 8 Reading Skills .......................60 Listening & Speaking Skills...........61 Grammar in Use........................62 Literature ...........................64 Writing Skills........................65 Vocabulary Practice...................66 Spotlight on Exams....................67 Irregular Verbs ...................... 68 Translator’s Corners ................. 69 Reading Skills Vocabulary 1 Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences below. 111 1 cultural И behaviour ^ I 2 I I maternal b moment Ui I birth c look HI I nuclear d traditions 151 I poor e marriage 161 I dull f grandmother |7| I arranged 8 rates I 8 I J inside Li. family 2 1 Evan is part of a........................... as he lives with just his parents. 2 Events like weddings, birthdays and New Year’s celebrations help keep.................alive. 3 Sadly, Helen’s.............................. passed away last year. 4 Across Europe...............are falling. As a result, European populations are beginning to decrease. 5 Bill Clinton’s autobiography offers a(n) ....................into life in the White House. 6 Anita’s parents are planning an............. for her. They have found her the perfect husband. 7 With five children, there is never a........ .........................in the Brady house. 8 ......................................is not acceptable in oriental cultures as it reflects badly on the family. Circle the correct word. 1 Mrs. Evans is very active for an.....woman. a elderly b ancient 2 Four ....... of Millers were at the family reunion. a relations b generations 3 Katie was surprised to find out that one of her ............was a famous explorer in the 18th century. a ancestors b relatives She has two sons from her first... a wedding b marriage 3 5 Amir lives with uncles, aunties and other members of his........family. a extended b immediate 6 .....is important for the Chang family, who are respected members of the community. a Honour b Support 7 Jeff is high up in the management........ a authority b hierarchy 8 The town has a low crime rate since most of its citizens respect and....the law. a comply b obey Fill In: foster, stroll, engaged, widow, reputation, priority, divorced, in-laws. 1 The people of the island have a............. for being kind and polite. 2 We are going to spend the summer holidays with my................. 3 Young Jeremy was placed in a................ home. 4 The recently.............couple are planning a summer wedding. 5 Jim’s first............is to find a job. 6 They got...............after only one year of marriage. 7 Mrs. Adams has been a.............for fifteen years. 8 The whole family went for a..............in the park. Complete the table with the male/female equivalent, as in the example. husband cousin wife niece granddaughter brother-in-law twin brother widow ex-wife stepfather half-sister 1 l^ng &Spealdng Skills/ Everyday English 2 Vocabulary Read the exchanges and fill in the gaps with words from the list below. concern popular ‘||(ame' picking break showing telling 1 A: I’m the best guitar player in the entire school. B: Stop..............off, John! You aren’t as good as you think! 2 A: Alex, if you take my computer games again, there’s going to be trouble! B: Stop being so nasty. You’re always...... .......fights with me. 3 A: My daughter is inviting thirty friends to her birthday party next weekend. B: Wow! She must be a very ................ girl! Good luck with the preparations! 4 A: Come on, David. Tell me your problem. I promise I won’t tell anybody. B: No way! You can’t keep secrets and you always ......................your promises. 5 A; Should I get involved in Ben and Joe's argument? B: No. It’s best to keep out of things that don’t..................you. 6 A: You should have helped your brother with the dishes! B: Why are you always.............me off? 7 A: Mum, what happened isn’t my fault. Bill’s responsible for everything. B: Stop putting the...............on others. Idioms Fill in: blood, trousers, sheep, apple. 1 Jill has always been the...........of her father’s eye. He simply adores her. 2 I love my best friend as if he were my own flesh and.................. 3 My dad thinks he’s in charge of our house, but Mum wears the................in our family! 4 No one really pays attention to my cousin. She’s the black..............of the family. 3 Choose the correct response. 1 A: Oh no! You spilt the glass of water all over me! B: a I’m so sorry. Please accept my apologies. b I’m really upset to do this. 2 A: How about going to the theatre tonight? B: a Yes, I wouldn’t like to. b Sounds great, but I’m afraid I can’t. 3 A: I'm afraid I have a complaint about the meal. It’s cold! B: a That’s unfortunate! b I do apologise, sir. I’ll take care of it, right away. 4 A: Would you like to join us at the cinema tonight? B: a No, I was unable to. b I would love to. 5 A: Do you think you could do something about the noise, please? We’re trying to sleep. B: a Oh, sorry! I had no idea! b Thanks, I appreciate that. Listening C ) Listen to the radio programme and fill in the gaps on the form below. Fam Caller’s complaint: Her 1)............. takes her 2) without asking. У /Aunt Alice’s advice: • Consider it a 3)......that she likes your style. • Agree she can wear some clothes but must first ask your 4).......... • Make a 5).........drawer for clothes that can be shared. Agree that everything else is completely off 6).......... Grammar in Use, 1 2 Present tenses Underline the correct tense. 1 This jacket belongs/is belonging to Catherine. 2 I am knowing/have known Edward since he was a child. 3 Steven reads/is reading a few pages of his book before bedtime every night. 4 I’m not visiting/haven’t visited my grandparents this week, so I’ll visit them next week. 5 The basketball game starts/has started at 7:00 pm. 6 Nia cleans/ls cleaning her bedroom right now. 7 I’m listening/’ve been listening to the radio all morning for the competition results. 8 Jimmy and Penny own/have owned this house for sixteen years. 9 ‘Hurricane Carla is becoming/becomes stronger, so please stay indoors and close all vdndowsl’ 10 I’m waiting/have been waiting here for two hours! Where have you been? 11 Teri Is loving/loves Italian food. 12 lam needing/need to talk to Darren. Complete the sentences with the correct time expression from below. Г recentlfl tonight always how long at the moment yet for before every summer every morning 1 I go jogging ................................. 2 Have you seen any good films .................? 3 Tom is walking the dog ....................... but I’ll tell him you rang. 4 Let’s go to Rome this summer. We’ve never been there ................................... 5 Lily hasn’t been skiing ........three years. 6 ................I travel to Italy vdth my mum and dad. 7 Josh is going to the cinema.................. 8 Have you eaten your breakfast ...............? 9 .....................have you been studying English? 10 My brother is.............wearing my clothes vrithout asking. He’s such a pain. 3 Future tenses Choose the correct item A, B, C or D. 1 I’m going on holiday to Majorca. This time next week, I.....in the sun. A will be lying C will lie В am lying D will have been lying 2 Mind the low ceiling! You.....your head! A are hitting C are going to hit В will hit D will be hitting 3 I’m sure Jim......the job. A is going to get C gets В is getting D will get 4 By autumn, I.....at university for two years. A will study В will have been studying C am going to study D will be studying 5 I...the report until 5 o’clock. A am finishing В will be finishing C won’t have finished D will finish 6 ....to the party tonight? If so, could you give me a lift? A Will you be driving В Have you been driving C Have you driven D Will you have been driving Complete each sentence with two to four words, including the word(s) in bold. 1 The mayor will open the new health centre on Thursday. is The mayor ........................the new health centre on Thursday. 2 The tour bus will arrive at 10:00 am. due The tour bus...........................at 10:00 am. 3 His parents will be disappointed when they hear he’s moving out. bound His parents ...............disappointed when they hear he’s moving out. 4 We should board! The train is going to leave the station. about We should board! The train ............. ........................the station. 5 Julie will certainly come vrith us. sure Julie ..........................with us. 6 The company Henry works for will soon close down. on the point The company Henry works for of closing down. Past tenses 5 6 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense. 1 Where..............(be) you? I................ (try) to get in touch with you all day yesterday. 2 By the time Jenny......................(get) to the theatre, the play .................... (already/start). 3 Frank.................(drive) to work when, all of a sudden, a tree branch............... (come) crashing down on the road. 4 Before his accident, Peter.................... (ski) for 5 years. 5 Yesterday, I ...................(walk) home from work when it ....................(start) to rain. 6 Ben ..................(win) the race, so he felt thrilled. 7 Kyle...............(work) in that restaurant for six years before he ..............(quit). 8 While I ...............(prepare) dinner, the phone................(ring). Choose the correct answer. 1 “Do you remember Jane?” “Yes. She ..... to go to primary school with us." A is used В used C was used 2 “Was is difficult for you to live on your own?” “It was at first, but I soon...to it.” A get used В be used C got used 3 “You look so tired today.” “Well, I....to staying up late at night.” A am not used В am used C get used 4 “Wasn’t your grandfather a businessman?” “Yes. Before he retired, he....to run his own company.” A used В would C was used 5 "Alex’s parents were shocked when they saw his report card.” “Of course. They.....to seeing such low grades.” A aren’t used В are used C got used 8 9 6 “Remember how much we loved that tree house?” “Yes. We......play in it all day long.” A were used to В would C got used to Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use two to five words including the word in bold. 1 I’ve never seen such an exciting film. ever It’s the most....................seen. 2 How long has it been since we last saw each other? last When was ...................each other? 3 He’s never broken a promise before. time It’s the .................a promise. 4 Mary will get a pay rise. sure Mary .....................a pay rise. 5 When he was younger, he used to go to the gym every morning. would When he was younger,.................. ......to the gym every morning. 6 Jenny started studying economics two years ago. been Jenny ................................. economics for two years. Dependent prepositions Complete the sentences with the following prepositions. about to of for 1 Margaret feels very close...her sister-in-law. 2 Aren’t you ashamed......treating her that way? 3 Frank has a great deal of respect ..... his teachers. 4 William is very attached ......... his friends at school. 5 Couples often argue.....money. Phrasal verbs Fill in: across, into, over, up with, down with. 1 Dan came................some great ideas for his grandparents’ anniversary celebration. 2 The workers came ..............some ancient ruins while digging at the construction site. 3 We would like to come ...............tonight if that’s alright with you. 4 My body aches and I feel hot. I think I’m coming ..................the flu. 5 She came ...............a lot of money when her uncle died. 1 Complete the groups of sentences with words from the lists. • plucking • ashamed • unselfishness • spoil • envious • in return • sternly • drowsy • temptation • bothered • finer • devoted • scarlet • on credit 1 Tina is on a strict diet and must resist all ........................; no crisps or chocolate. 2 I’m impressed by Dominic’s ................; he always puts other people before himself. 3 I shouldn’t have shouted at you. I’m ....... of my actions. 4 She fell over in front of everyone and turned ..................with embarrassment. 5 He wears designer clothes and drives an expensive car. He obviously prefers the..... things in life. 6 Cecilia is such a ...........mother. She will do anything for her children. 7 Robert’s just woken up from surgery and is feeling a little............... 8 My brother always gets better marks than me at school. Sometimes I feel a little........... 9 I’ll get this vase ................because I don’t have any money right now. 10 Eve bought us a wonderful gift; we must get her something..................... 11 The teacher spoke ....................to the naughty pupil. 12 Penny spent the afternoon................... flowers from the garden. 13 Don’t let what happened ...........your day! 14 Mr. Hanson is in a meeting and doesn’t want to be.................... 2 Match the comments to the adjectives. _4_ T kind-hearted envious vain compassionate lonely I pI I charming [Zn silly I 8 I I selfish I 9 I I polite |l0| I clever Andrea never forgets to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. Bob wants whatever his friends have! Alan is so caring and generous. Professor Davenport can answer any grammar question! В Erin thinks she is so beautiful and constantly looks at herself in the mirror. If somebody is upset or sad, Kyle always shows them a lot of understanding. . Jacob only cares about himself and not others. Valerie doesn’t think things through sometimes. , ,3 He's so unhappy as he has nobody to speak to. Hillary has a great personality and she’s very attractive too. 3 Label the pictures with correct words from the list below: herd, gong, flock, bunch, pack, sack, handful, set, swarm. 4 a..........of 5 a china plates of sheep аЁ 7 a......... of sweets 8 a............ 9 a.............. of flowers of vandals 8 1 List the words under the following headings. • energetic • of medium height • ice-skating • optimistic • outgoing • likes scuba diving • cooking • straight nose • sensitive • piercing eyes • tennis • casual clothes • arrogant • tanned • sailing '^APPEARANCE PERSONALITY HOBBIES ^ 2 3 Rewrite the sentences using linking words or phrases. 1 Kim is friendly. She is polite. ► Kim is both friendl)/ and polite. 2 Paul is easy-going. He can sometimes be bossy. 3 Tina is hard-working. She is kind. 4 Frank is cheerful. He tends to be hot-tempered at times. 5 Jane is reliable. Occasionally she can be quite impatient. 6 Liz is helpful. She is rather stubborn at times. Use the ideas in brackets to rewrite the sentences. Which sense is used? 1 Brian is organised, (room tidy/clothes neatly folded/books and papers all in order) ► Brian has a tidy room. His clothes are neatly folded and his books and papers are all in order, (sisht) Frank is an excellent chef, (cook delicious meals/many different flavours/everybody/ enjoy every bite) She smells good, (wear sweet perfume/beautiful fragrance of garden flowers) 4 Suzy has nice hair, (hair soft/silky/run finger through easily) Tanya is a great singer, (beautiful singing voice/charm everyone) IE Ш Read the follovring essay and put the paragraphs in the correct order. A Olo<;c' Brian is well-built and quite tall. He’s got a long, triangular face and a straight nose. He is rather handsome with piercing blue eyes and shiny, black hair. Brian prefers casual clothing that is quite fashionable. You can often see him in a sports jacket and dark blue jeans. Over the years, Brian and I have become great friends and shared many good times together. He is one of my most trusted friends and I know I can always rely on him. I first met Brian in secondary school. I can still remember the big smile on his face when the teacher chose him as my Chemistry partner. We spent more time chatting in class than doing the actual experiments. Brian loves music. His favourite hobby is playing the guitar. In his free time, he writes his own songs and makes his own CDs. Brian also gives private lessons and performs in a band. He is so talented. Brian is a kind person who doesn’t judge people based on their looks or on what others say about them. He is very helpful, compassionate and glad to lend a hand whenever someone is in need. Vocabulary Practice 1 2 Fill in: bring up, preserve, speak, filter, waste, take part, remove, experience in the correct form. 1 It’s a sad fact that many ethnic minority groups .....................terrible racism in the 1960s. 2 The men came to ....................the litter from the park. 3 Leah..................all her time watching TV when she could be out with her friends. 4 I was ................in Canada but I moved to the UK last year. 5 The water is so dirty that the government has asked people to start.......................it themselves. 6 Dylan is such a good boy. He always ........ so politely to his parents. 7 Sally is considering ...............in a play for this year’s community festival. 8 By recycling plastic, paper and other products, we can help.....................landfill space. AAatch the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences. 111 I fireworks a water |2| I running b sweeps I 3 I I concrete c diverse |4| working d jungle I 5 I household e display I 6 I I culturally f class I 7| coal 8 mines i 8 i chimney h chores It’s like a ...............here in New York. Everywhere you look there are buildings! There will be a big ...............tonight to celebrate Guy Fawkes’ Night. Most people in Britain come from small .................families. People from all over the world live in London; it is one of the most.....................cities in the world. In the nineteenth century, many men worked in 3 Some villages in Africa don’t have........... and rely on pumps and local rivers. Boys from poor families often worked as a long time ago. Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words in bold. 1 Motor vehicles emit many ................into the air. POLLUTE 2 In the Victorian era, it was not uncommon for a rich family to have their own......... SERVE 3 We were raised in a small ...............outside the city. NEIGHBOUR 4 What do people do for .................in this town? ENTERTAIN It’s so quiet! 5 A large Pakistani.... COMMUNE lives in the city of Birmingham. 6 .................... continues RACE to be a serious problem around the world. Listening C') You will hear two people talking about membership of ‘Greenpeace’. Listen to their conversation and fill in the missing information. 6 My sister and I take turns doing the Greenpeace Because the Earth deserves a voice ... Founded over three 1).........ago, our aim has always been to make our planet a greener, safer place to live. Active in more than 2).......... countries around the world, we campaign for stopping 3)................... 4)............... and disarmament, and to protect the Earth’s precious environment. It’s 5).....to join us, so visit and become a member today! DONATIONS WELCOME! You con make a 6)........donation or you con 7)........up | for monthly donations. 10 р Reading 1 Read the text and fill in the gaps (1-6) with the phrases (A-G). There is one phrase that you do not need to use. The traditional nuclear family of 1960s Britain consisted of a married male breadwinner and female carer living in a household with their children. This is now a thing of the past. Since the sixties, a dramatic change in the struaure of family life has taken place in the UK. Marriage rates have been declining 1).... Divorce rates have increased dramatically in the last four decades. There are also more and more couples 2)......Single parents are no longer the exception and women have started giving birth to fewer children later on in life. The result is that it is becoming increasingly rare to find the nuclear family structure in 21st century Britain. ; Indeed, researchers agree that by 2020 it will be very difficult | to talk about the 'typical British family 3)... While many people worry about the 'breakdown' of the ! family, others propose another way of looking at things. These people suggest that families are not falling apart. Rather, the future of the family is stronger than ever in the UK, Families may live apart 4)..Surveys show that family members who live apart still turn to each other 5)--And families are still responsible for most of the socialising which occurs in British life. Also, it is conversations between family members 6)------ In other words, the change that the family has undergone in the last few decades is not so much a breakdown. It is a reinvention. Families in the UK are still highly valued and will continue to be so in the future. A but the emotional support and commitment between family members remains just as strong as ever В because there will be so many different types 2 C so in fact relationships between family members are improving D for support when important life events occur E which accounts for a large percentage of telephone usage in the UK F and the age at which people marry has been increasing G who have chosen not to marry Use of English Choose the best word (A-D) for each gap (1-7). pMy iBest jFriend ijames One Friday evening while T wa.s walking home from school, 1 saw a boy from my class struggling to 1).........a huge pile of books. 1 didn’t know' much about him, jast that his name was James. He wore quite unfashionable clothes and didn’t seem to have any friends. 1 knew that he lived near me, and 1 could see that he needed some help, but 1 just shrugged my 2) ........... and walked on. Suddenly, a group of kids ran past him, pushing him out of the way. He 3)...........over and his books flew out of his arms and onto the ground. He lcK)ked up and I .saw a terrible sadness in his eyes. At that moment, my heart 4).........out to him. 1 jogged over to him and helped him pick 5).......... his lxx)k.s. He кюкес! at me, surprised, and said, “Hey, thanks!" There was a big smile on his face. As we walkcxJ home togetlier that day, I discovered that James w'as pretty' cool! Now, whene\'er 1 think ©...........the day my test friend and I first met, I am reminded of one thing: you should never judge a 1.хюк by its 7)........! Who knows what special friendship y«ju might miss out on! 1 A fetch В bring C carry D take 2 A arms В shoulders C eyes D head 3 A ran В went C fell D got 4 A went в got C was D came 5 A over в up C on D off 6 A back в to C for D about 7 A front в cover C top D outside 11 Reading Skills Vocabulary 1 Read the text and fill In the gaps with words/ phrases from the list. • nutritious • out of hand • overwhelmed • essential • lighten the load • relieve • grin and bear it • keep things in perspective • positive What with heavy workloads and pressure to get good grades, many teens today feel 1).............Some try to 2)................but stress affects their health all the same. Learning how to manage stress and maintain a 3)............attitude is crucial. But what are the ways teens can beat those feelings of stress? Well, to begin with, teens can learn time-management skills. Time-management is 4)...........if last- minute exam cramming and assignment panic is to be avoided. Secondly, busy teens should think of ways to 5) .................For example, those with part-time jobs or a lot of extracurricular activities should seriously consider dropping some of them around exam time. Thirdly, teens should pay attention to their health. 6) ..........meals and adequate sleep are stress- busters! Exercise too should not be forgotten. Working-out is a great way to deal with tense muscles and 7) ..........stress. Finally, teens should realise that there is never a need for things to get 8) .................Parents, teachers, guidance counsellors and friends are all there to help and provide support. Often, simply a talk with a loved one is all it takes to relieve stress and 9)...............I 2 12 Underline the correct word. 1 When asked whether she wanted to go to the cinema or the park, Mary shook/shrugged her shoulders indifferently. 2 The little boy was so mad that he tapped/ stamped his feet angrily. 3 Sarah clenched/trembled with fear as the wild dog growled at her. 4 He blushed/shook in embarrassment while walking out on stage to give his speech. 5 Frank trembled/tapped his fingers nervously on the desk while the teacher returned the test papers. 6 The man clenched/folded his fists angrily as the manager told him he was no longer needed. 7 When Dan’s mother told him the bad news he shrugged/shook his head in disbelief. 8 Jenny folded/tapped her arms while waiting impatiently in the queue with her son. Complete the exchanges with the phrases from the list. • pulling my hair out • in a nutshell • is under a lot of stress • lost her temper • Take it easy • keep you on your toes • getting me down • off my chest 1 A; Can you summarise the story for me? B; No problem. Here’s what happened ...... 2 A: B: 3 A; B: 4 A: B: 5 A; B: 6 A: B; 7 A; Why is Ben so short-tempered lately? Because he .......................... ......................at the moment. Why are you so upset, Helen? Because Katie........................ with me this morning. I’m so stressed about the Maths exam tomorrow. I feel like...................! Don’t worry. You’ll be fine. Sir, why do you keep giving us surprise Science tests? Because I want to ......................! I’m up to my ears in homework. you have all weekend. I need to get something Remember, B: Go ahead. I’m listening. 8 A; My breakup with Cindy is really B: I’m sorry to hear that. Do you want to talk about it? Listening & Speaking Skills 1 2 3 Vocabulary Underline the correct word. 1 Tell Greg to pick at/on someone his own size! 2 We don’t want you to spend any more time with Maria. She’s a bad effect/influence. 3 It’s only a game. It’s no big deal/lt’s your loss if you lose. 4 Do these two colours fit/match? 5 I’m sorry but my mum won't let/make me come out until I’ve finished my homework. 6 You’ve been so angry lately. What’s come/ gone over you? 7 At the weekend, I am going to hang out/in with my friends at the shopping centre. 8 What will you tell/say to Charlotte if she is rude to you again? Fill in the gaps with the words from the list below. persuade discourage give in dissuade resist influence 1 Don’t ....................to peer pressure. Do what makes you feel comfortable. 2 How can we .....................you to join us at the restaurant this evening? 3 Don’t let one bad exam result ............ you from studying harder next time. 4 Harry was going to quit his guitar lessons, but his parents managed to................him. 5 If a bully does something nasty to you, you should......................the urge to get back at them. 6 Anya shouldn’t let her friends ............ her decisions. She should think for herself. Idioms Complete the sentences using the words: million, half, hundred, sevens, two. 1 Oliver’s been very confused lately. He has been at sixes and................... 2 There are a.................and one reasons why you should go to university. 3 Ray always gives me a hand. He’s one in a ....................I 5 4 I feel terrible. I’m in..............minds about whether or not to go to school today. 5 To me, it was six of one and............... a dozen of the other. They were both responsible for what happened. Everyday English QO Circle the correct response. 1 A: My life cannot get any worse. B: a Cheer up! Things can’t be that bad. b I’m just going mad. 2 A: You look very angry, Peter. B: a I’m so sorry. You really need support, b I’m ready to explode! 3 A: Come to the party with me! It’ll be fun! B: a It’s no big deal. b Thanks, I’d love to. 4 A: Please help me with my project. B: a Oh, all right then, just this once, b OK, thank you. эф Ч.) Listen to Melanie and Sally’s conversation and then choose A, В or C for statements 1-7. 1 Both Melanie and Sally have a Science test soon. A True В False C Not stated 2 Melanie says that she will help Sally with her AAaths project. A True В False C Not stated 3 Melanie is the first person Sally has told about her troubles at home. A True В False C Not stated 4 Melanie feels guilty that she didn’t ask earlier if Sally was upset. A True В False C Not stated 5 Melanie’s parents got divorced last year. A True В False C Not stated 6 Sally didn't remember that Melanie’s parents were divorced. A True В False C Not stated 7 Melanie suggests meeting after her music lesson to talk. A True В False C Not stated 13 Grammar in Use 1 2 Relative clauses Join the sentences using who, which or whose, as in the example. 1 Rita is reading a magazine. It is about healthy eating. ► Rita is reading a magazine which is about healthy eating. 2 That’s the girl. Her dog bit me. 3 Sally is married to a man. He is a journalist. 4 That’s the woman. Her husband works with my sister. 5 Alex spilt a glass of milk. It was on the coffee table. 6 Beth is watching her daughter. Her daughter is playing in the park. Fill in the gaps with who, which or where, then answer the questions. 1 Name the first person.......reached the South Pole. A Robert Scott В Roald Amundsen 2 Name the country ............ you can see fjords. A Norway В Spain 3 Name the person ............. invented the microwave oven. A Jack Kilby В Percy Spencer 4 Name the continent..........is home to the endangered Giant Panda. A Asia В Australia 5 Name the city ........... was home to the famous philosopher Plato. A Sparta В Athens 6 Name the person ............ wrote the play Oedipus the King. A William Shakespeare В Sophocles 3 5 14 Fill in the relative pronoun or adverb. Put commas where necessary. Write / for identifying, N1 for non-identifying and say whether the relative can be omitted or not. 1 The cinema ► where we saw the new Brad Pitt film is closed for renovations. (I, cannot be omitted) 2 Those............are caught littering will be fined. 3 The play............Frank and I saw last night was wonderful. 4 My cat...........name is Sugar is a Siamese. 5 Dana ............ works at Barclays Bank is Swedish. 6 The DVD.............you lent me yesterday is damaged. 7 He doesn’t know the reason ............. she left without saying a word. 8 The university...........he is attending has a good reputation. 9 The day.............my son was born was the happiest day of my life. 10 My sister..........is three years older than me lives in Australia. Clauses of purpose Join the pairs of sentences using the words in brackets, as in the example. 1 Rick is taking a few classes. He vrishes to further his education, (in order to) ► Rick is taking a few classes in order to further his education. 2 Jill closed the door. She didn’t want to disturb the baby, (so as not to) 3 He is renovating his house. He is thinking of selling it later, (with a view to) 4 This is washing powder. We use it to wash delicate fabrics, (for) 5 Jim took a map with him. He might get lost, (in case) Clauses of result Fill in the gaps with so, such or such a/an. 1 Laura was in........hurry to leave that she left her handbag at home. 6 [I 2 The boys were making...........much noise that their parents got angry and sent them to bed. 3 She speaks.........quickly that I can hardly understand her. 4 Our tour group had .......... amazing time visiting the Colosseum in Rome that we booked to go again. 5 She was..........upset when she heard the bad news that she broke down in tears. 6 We were having........fun at the amusement park that we forgot about the time. 7 It was.......hot day that they decided to go for a swim. 8 There were......... many people on the bus that we couldn't get on. Match column A to column В to make correct sentences. A 8 The cake was so delicious that The weather was so bad that Frank ate so much chocolate that There were so many people at the cafe that It was such a funny film that Mr. Brown is such a popular professor that 0 a every student wants to be in his class. b all the flights were delayed. c she laughed out loud all the way through it. d he felt sick. e I asked for another piece. f the couple had to wait before getting a table. 9 Combine the sentences using the words in brackets. 1 Sarah had to walk to school. She missed the bus. (the reason why) ► The reason why Sarah had to walk to school was (the fact) that she had missed the bus. 2 He had difficulties parking the car. He was an inexperienced driver, (as) 3 Jason couldn’t sleep. It was very noisy, (because of) 4 Summer holidays are here. Now we can relax, (now that) 5 I can’t text Rick. I haven’t got his mobile number, (since) 6 The citizens of Dartford were distressed. A new factory was to be built in their town, (for) Phrasal verbs Fill in: down, up, up with, on, off. 1 Put ......... a hat and scarf. It’s snowing outside. 2 My aunt put us..........while our house was being repainted. 3 We put ........... our plans till after the exams. 4 Tim’s boss doesn’t put..........lateness. 5 He always puts his friends...........He is so insensitive. Clauses of reason Underline the correct item. 1 Today’s tennis match is cancelled due to/since rain. 2 The road was blocked since/on account of a fallen tree. 3 The schools were closed because of/for the heavy snowfall. 4 Brenda put on a jacket because/the reason why it was getting chilly. 5 She asked for his help due to/since the boxes were too heavy to carry by herself. 6 No one knows the reason why/the reason for Jerry left so suddenly. Dependent prepositions A Л Complete the sentences with the correct I V preposition. 1 My parents insist........picking me up from school. 2 She always boasts .......... how rich her family is. 3 It is important to pay attention......your teacher. 4 I am trying to make a good impression...... the kids at my new school. 5 My mum thinks Todd is a bad influence...... my brother. 15 1 3 Vocabulary 2 Complete the sentences using the following words. affection bewildered inflictions takes her side dreading rummaged accustomed to obedient threats 1 It’s not fair! Whenever I have an argument with my sister, my brother always................ 2 .......................are often meaningless, hurtful words from angry people. 3 We were ..............by Steven’s behaviour. He is usually very well behaved. 4 Carrie’s dog is very........................ 5 William is ................his driving test; he thinks he will fail. 6 He is ...................a luxurious lifestyle. 7 The prisoner suffered unspeakable........... ...........at the hands of the prison guards. 8 I..................through all the cupboards and drawers looking for my keys. 9 I have a great deal of...................... for my cousin. She’s my best friend. Fill in: to, for, at, of, by, down. 1 ......... taking my side, Hector had made new enemies. 2 He had thought ........... replying to the letter but never came around to doing it. 3 Getting ahead ............ somebody else’s expense is not the right thing to do. 4 Beth soon became accustomed.............his strange behaviour. 5 Jeff was so hot he could feel the sweat trickling.........his face. 5 5 dominate .................................(v) 6 depend....................................(n) b Use the words from Ex. 3a in the correct form to complete sentences 1-6. 1 Despite his best..................he always ends up causing trouble. 2 German speakers.............................. in Switzerland. 3 Charles has a strong.................for the bully in his class. 4 She felt.............as she watched because there was nothing she could possibly do. 5 When completing your tax forms, remember to include your daughter as a ................. 6 My brother never dares pick on me in my parents’................... Fill in the gaps with the appropriate adverb below. • frequently • suddenly • strongly • shortly • instinctively • immediately 1 Randy................ran under the doorway when the house started to shake. 2 The exam ends in 2 minutes. You will be asked to hand in your papers .................... 3 Animals.................protect their young. 4 The boys love learning about the past. They visit the local history museums ........... 5 ..............., from out of nowhere, a bolt of lightning struck the tree. 6 She doesn’t believe in war and ............. supports the global peace movement. AAatch the synonyms. 6 The boy was in need of assistance so his 1 1 1 hurl a constantly friends ran help. 121 impudence b hit Form words using dis-, -enc ■ant. s, -ion, pre-, -less. 1 3 1 strike c disrespect Q I 4 1 1 totter d take hold of 1 like help (n) (adj.) 1 5 1 grasp e throw 2 3 present (n) 1 6 1 continually f walk unsteadily 4 intent .....................................(n) 16 Writing Skills 1 Read the semi-formal sentences below and match them to the informal ones in the box that follows, as in the example. SEMI-FORAAAL [Ж I hope you can accept my apologies. I hope you find this information about making model aeroplanes useful. Could you tell me where I can get my car serviced? I’m afraid I won’t be able to attend. It was very nice of you to let me use your laptop. I F I i I I look forward to seeing you at the party. INFORAAAL 1 Accepting an invitation See you at the party! 2 Refusing an invitation Sorry but 1 can’t make it. 3 Thanking Thanks for letting me use your laptop. 4 Apologising Please, forgive me. 5 Asking for information Do you know where 1 can get my car serviced? 6 Giving information 1 Hope this is what you wanted to know about making model aeroplanes. 2 3 You are going to York this summer and must write to two people informing them that you will be in town. What sort of letter (informal or semi-formal) would you write to each of these people? 1 A friend who you grew up with: 2 An old schoolteacher:........... b Read the beginnings and endings of the two letters (A, B) below and match them to the people (1, 2) in Ex. 2a. Dear Mr. Taylor, I thought I should inform you about my holiday plans , I Ш I ... I look forward to meeting you while I am in York. I Best wishes, I Tina Adams 3 Dear Betty, Hi! Just writing to let you know what I’ve planned for my holidays... See you io three weeks Take care, Tina The following email should be written in an informal style. Circle the correct word/phrase to complete the email. Г г Dear 1) Jeff / Mr. Richards, 2) I am writing to you / Thought I’d drop you a line to tell you the good news. I recently won some tickets to a Euro Championship game and thought you 3) would want to come with me /'d like to come. Last Thursday 4) I was lucky enough to have been / ,what luck, I was the tenth caller in a radio show contest. The prize includes two plane tickets to Austria, hotel accommodation and tickets for a football match between Spain and Portugal on the first weekend of June. To join me, 5) all you have to do is / it is necessary for you to take a couple of days off from work since we’d be leaving on Friday and returning Tuesday afternoon. 6) I would really like if you could come / I’d love for you to make it. You’re actually the first person I’ve considered asking since you’re such a football fanatic. Let me know as soon as possible and if 7) you have any questions / there is any information you may need 8) please don’t hesitate to / just ask! 9) Write back soon / Regards, 10) Bob / Bob Miller 17 Vocabulary Practice 1 2 Complete the following sentences with the words below. consumers biodegradable preserves dump tray delivered fundrafee volunteering 1 The primary school decided to .............. so as to raise money for much needed books. 2 Bob has been.................as a firefighter for the last three years. 3 Not only does salt add flavour to food, it ...................it, too. 4 The waiter walked towards us carrying our drinks on a.................. 5 Nowadays, most ................read the labels to find out what is in the products they buy. 6 Instead of properly recycling their aluminium cans, people.....................them in the rubbish bin. 7 Our furniture was .....................to our home a few days after we bought it. 8 Even though paper bags are ................... it takes a very long time for them to break down in landfills. Match to form collocations and then fill in the gaps. ТП spinal a system 2| 1 problem-solving b back 3| 1 cut c bags 4| 1 nervous d wrap 5| 1 cloth e cord bubble f skills 18 1 Manufacturers usually use ................. to protect items while in transport. 2 Experts believe that it is important to teach children .................from a young age. 3 Instead of using plastic, why not carry reusable 4 Sadly, he injured his ....................in the accident and was unable to walk. 5 The company had to ...............on costs so they fired three members of their staff. 6 The ...............is made up of the brain, the spinal cord and the nerves. 3 Complete the sentences v^th the correct word derived from the words in bold. 1 There are so many adverts for .................powders on TV. WASH 2 Natural............................... PRODUCE are safe for our environment. 3 Glass jars are ......................... REUSE and shouldn’t be thrown away. 4 .............costs have increased TRANSPORT due to rising petrol prices. 5 .............affects every living POLLUTE thing on the planet. 6 Manufacturers should enclose their products in............material. RECYCLE 7 Childline is a free ................ CONFIDENT helpline for children and young people in trouble or danger. 8 Patty makes regular ................... DONATE to charity. ^ Underline the correct word. 1 What acts as the central/control computer for the body? 2 There are billions of nerve/message cells in the brain. 3 When a neuron is stimulated, it generates a tiny electrical/responsible signal. 4 The pituitary gland releases hormones when we experience/produce stress. 5 It is the hypothalamus that controls processes such as automatic/body temperature. 6 The eyes, ears and nose are all network/ sensory organs. Listening ^ {,) Listen and fill in the gaps (1-7). -------------------------------------- Calls are strictly 1)..—! v Caller’s problem: 2)......... Been going on for over 3)---- Caller’s concern: Telling her 4)______will make things worse. Advice: Inform a 5)........because they are 6)_______in this area. Helpline requests caller calls her 7)---- у YOLfTH^ HELPLINE 1 Listening 4^ Listen to the radio interview. For each question (1-7), choose A, В or C. 1 According to Dr. Smith, peer pressure can be helpful when you A lack interest. В lack courage. C lack experience. 2 Dr. Smith says that peer influence is usually A positive. В negative. C positive and negative in equal measure. 3 Dr. Smith says teens can give in to bad peer pressure A to feel cool. В so as not to be the odd one out. C to be admired. 4 Dr. Smith says one way to avoid bad peer pressure is to A avoid difficult situations. В explain to your friends why you don’t want to do something. C think ahead of clever answers. 5 Dr. Smith says that teens nowadays A desire celebrity and success. В are tougher than before. C are under more pressure. 6 Dr. Smith tells the teens who come to see him that they A should not go along with the crowd. В will learn to do what their inner voice tells them. C must be independent. 7 According to Dr. Smith, during the teenage years A peers become more important than family. В peers help us more than family. C peers influence us more than family. Reading 2 Match the headings (A-H) to the paragraphs (1-7). There is one heading that you do not need to use. |A| I Temptations I в I I GIVE SUPPORT I CI I Changing needs | D | I Follow others .11 IT Seeking help REPORT THE INCIDENT [GJ m TOUGH DECISIONS / Across the decades © 1 In ttie 1950s teen fashion took its cue from role models like James Dean. Boys dressed in tight jeans and white T-shirts. In the sixties, the hippie look emerged with long hair, tye-dyed shirts and floor-length dresses. During the seventies, teenage fashion was influenced by disco. Flared trousers and platform shoes became the latest trend. Friendship is important at every stage of frfe but especially so during adolescence. The teenage years are a time of great change. It is during these years that young people become less dependent on their parents and turn to their peers to meet their emotional needs. (Pj Exam time can cause panic for a lot of you. It is important however, to talk to ^ your teachers and parents if you feel unmanageable amounts of stress. They will be able to support you and give you advice. And always remember to keep everything m perspective. There is life after exams! One of the most difficult things a teenager can face is the divorce of his or her parents. Every year, millions of children experience exactly this. While most teens adjust well to this life changing situation, a significant number have trouble coping. If someone you know is going through such a tough time, let them know that you are there for them. Everyone knows that smoking is a health hazard. Yet every year, thousands of teenagers take it up. At some point, most teenagers will find themselves in a situation where they are offered a cigarette. Many teens end up taking a puff because they don’t want to look ‘ипсооГ. If you are asked, remember to be strong. A moment of peer pressure is not worth a lifetime of addiction! I© Most teens desire more things than they can afford. The latest mobile, an i-Pod. trainers, jeans... there is always a new ’must-have’ item. Some teens resort to shoplifting to get what they want. The results are always disastrous. A police record, disappointed parents.... So be smart and get a part-time job to save for the things you want. The satisfaction you’ll get from buying something yourself will surprise you! Victims of school bullies often keep the fact that they are being harassed to themselves. Too afraid to tell teachers or parents because they are worried that the bullying will get worse if the bully becomes aware he has been reported, they keep their suffering to themselves. But this is a mistake. Teachers and parents have the experience to stop bullying without any negative consequences for the victim. So. If you are being bullied or know someone who is, speak up! 19 Reading Skills Vocabulary 1 Look at the newspaper extracts (1-5) and fill in: mugging, vandals, kidnapping, burglary, pickpocket, ____ _______________ A .................... was caught yesterday at Redborough Shopping Centre after о shopper reported seeing him steal a purse from on elderly woman's handbag ... 3 6 The young man was charged by the police and later.....to court. A taken В driven Which of the people in the list are law-breakers? Circle the correct ones. • judge • thief • security guard • culprit • neighbour • police • passer-by • victim • bank robber • shoplifter • witness • fraudster News was relea.sed yesterday of the.................of multi-millionaire businessman. George Miliband. It is believed a note was left demanding £.500,0(Ю for his safe return... Caverstone City Hall s walls were spray painted by .............last night, the second such act in one month. PC Rolx;rt Howanh .said ... Home owners in the Darlington Circle area expressed their concern today as they learned of a........... at one of their neighbours’ homes. A 16-year-old boy is recovering in hospital this morning after a violent...................The attacker stole the victim's mobile phone and left the teenager bruised and shaken up... 2 Choose the correct item. 1 As she was seen at the scene of the crime, the lady is being treated as a.... A witness В suspect 2 It is a criminal...to sell stolen property. A crime В offence 3 It's....not to wear a seat belt while driving in the UK. A unlawful В illegal 4 The punishment for electronic fraud is up to ten years’...... A sentence В imprisonment 5 The accused was......not guilty and released from prison. A found В announced Use the phrases to complete the sentences. • made off • found guilty • pay a fine • do community service • prison sentence • got off with a warning • broke the law • went to court 5 1 She was..............................of the murder of Jessie Roberts. Anyone caught speeding will have to......... ..........................of £60. Yesterday, my mum........................... to give evidence in a criminal trial. The young shoplifter ....................... because it was his first offence. The burglar was given an 11-month........... 6 Catherine ..............................by illegally downloading music. 7 The judge told the vandal he would have to ..........................in the area he lived. 8 The robbers broke into the shop and ....... ....................with £100,000 worth of jewellery. Match the words. r Л Ml 1 security a a crime 1 2 1 1 investigate b fine 1 3 1 1 prison c sentence 14 1 1 life d offence 1 51 1 heavy e evidence 1 6 1 1 driving f station 1 7 1 1 police g guard 1 8 1 1 give h imprisonment 20 1 Listening & Speaking Skills 7 / Vocabulary 2 Complete the exchanges with one of the phrases below. stand up for our rights have no right take responsibility for have the right to have a responsibility to entangle f repair I 7 eventually S remember I 8 extinguish h put out I 9 I I commemorate i unclean ^ 11 I I filthv a health I2I I ill b pollution I 3 I I bone c control I 4 I I water d clock I 5 I I under e dry I 6 I I around the f conditions J 34 1 The fire fighters worked................to stop the fire from spreading any further. 2 Mary had to give up her job due to.............. 3 As it hasn’t rained for months, the land is 4 Both detergents and fertilisers can cause 5 It took them three hours to bring the fire 6 In the Victorian age, working class people usually lived in .......................while the rich lived in luxury. Listening 5 U Listen to five people talking about water pollution. Which of the comments below might each speaker make? There is one comment that you do not need to use. A People are lacking information. Although it’s not much, I do my bit. Preventing water pollution has more than one advantage. Water pollution should be a crime. People don’t care about water pollution. One person acting alone won’t make a difference. Speaker 1 2 3 4 5 Comment Reading 1 Complete the gaps (1-6) with the phrases (A-G). There is one phrase that you do not need to use. Acupuncture is one of the oldest healing techniques in the world. It has been practised in Asian countries for thousands of years 1)................ ~ Acupuncture involves putting extremely thin metallic needles into the skin at certain sites. These needles are then moved around by hand, heated or -ч. connected to a battery. The aim is to return health and relieve pain. In traditional Chinese medicine, a healthy body is one in which the forces of yin and yang are balanced. Yin is whatever is cold and slow and yang is whatever is hot and excited. Disease occurs when there is an imbalance in the forces of yin and yang, 2) ......... Acupuncture works by unblocking qi, and hence returning yin and yang to balance. When visiting an acupuncturist for the first time, be prepared to answer several health questions. The specialist will also ask you 3) .............This is necessary for them to determine your treatment needs. In general, people do not feel any pain 4) ............. In fact, during acupuncture sessions many people report feeling either relaxed or full of energy. For the most part, acupuncture is an incredibly safe medical procedure. Very few complications have been reported. Those that have, have been the result of practitioners using defective needles or placing them incorrectly in the patient's body. Thus, it is important to seek treatment 5)............... For many years now, scientists in the West have been studying the usefulness of acupuncture 6).................Their studies have not yet found the mechanism behind acupuncture's apparent effectiveness, but they have indicated that acupuncture can be useful in treating a wide variety of health problems. Every year, thousands of people benefit from using acupuncture to help them stop smoking, relieve stress, lose weight and much more. A В 2 about your behaviour and lifestyle to harmonise the forces of yin and vans and it is one of the main components of traditional Chinese medicine when acupuncture needles are inserted into their body and trying to understand how it works which causes energy flow (called ‘qi’) within the body to become blocked from qualified and experienced acupuncturists only Listening Listen to the conversation between Jill and her doctor. Choose A, BorC for statements 1-7. 1 Jill is at the doctor’s because she has a problem with her eyes. A True В False C Not stated 2 Jill’s eyes started hurting a few days ago. A True В False C Not stated 3 At first, the doctor thinks Jill has hay fever. A True В False C Not stated 4 Jill bought her puppy from a pet shop. A True В False C Not stated 5 The doctor tells Jill she can keep her puppy. A True В False C Not stated 6 Jill will have some small scratches on her skin after the allergy test. A True В False C Not stated 7 The doctor says the allergy test will take all morning. A True В False C Not stated 35 Reading Skills Vocabulary 1 Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences below. 1 sleeping a home fixed b water foster c bags running d kitchen soup e list waiting f address J 2 1 After her parents were killed in a car accident, Annie was placed in a.................... 2 The young mother put her name on a ....... ....................for affordable housing. 3 While away at school, Brian’s mail was sent to his.............................in London. 4 The twins brought along their ............ ......................on the camping trip. 5 There was no............................in the building after a pipe burst in the basement. 6 The homeless man went to a nearby ........ ...........................for a hot meal. Underline the correct item. 36 Stonehenge is a well-known residential/historic site in Salisbury, England. Cosmopolitan/Industriai cities offer many cultural events for tourists in the summer. These flats have been overcrowded/abandoned since the tragic fire. Brian felt safe jogging along the well-lit/rough path after dark. There are many statues and large gardens outside the posh/run-down houses of Beverly Hills. Canberra is the inner/capital city of Australia. Before entering the city, we passed a shanty/ new town where many poor families lived in rough huts. 3 Fill in: make ends meet, boom, squat, office, pedestrianised, self-esteem, cramped, market. 1 They live in a............without electricity or running water. 2 Children can play safely in.............areas since there is no need for parents to worry about passing vehicles. 3 Sally has to work two jobs just to............. 4 Losing your job can have a very bad effect on your............... 5 In the past, farmers used to travel to ...............towns to sell their vegetables. 6 The ............. building he works in was once an old warehouse. 7 It became a............. town when oil was discovered in the cornfields nearby. 8 They are living in very ..................... conditions. They need to find a bigger house. Complete the sentences with the adjectives from the list. • proud • lonely • confused • excited • anxious • delighted 1 The villagers were.....................about hosting the folk music festival. 2 Many parents become ......................... when their children are late coming home from school. 3 Cathy felt...................to be nominated for such an important award. 4 Janet was ................... when her boss told her she was getting a raise. 5 She was......................by his strange remarks and odd behaviour. 6 Jill loves living abroad, but sometimes she misses her family and friends and feels Listening & Speaking Skills^ 1 Vocabulary AAatch the big city problems to the pictures. A noise D beggars В overcrowded public E rubbish on the streets transport F heavy traffic on the C bird mess roads 2 Everyday English Choose the correct response to complete the exchanges. 1 A: B: A: B: 3 A: It really gets on my nerves when people push and shove to get on the train, a Yes, It Is really annoying, b Hey! Stop that! I hate that the bus is so crowded every day. a It doesn’t really bother me. I’m used to it. b Yuk! That’s disgusting! Putting more rubbish bins on the streets might solve the litter problem, a Well, actually, I don’t mind it. b That’s a good point. 3 4 A: It makes my blood boil having to remove all this graffiti. B: a Yes, it is really irritating, b That’s annoying! 5 A: Seeing street hawkers selling pirate CDs really gets me angry. B: a What do you expect? b Yes, it gets on my nerves, too. 6 A: There are so many beggars in the street. B: a Sorry about that. b Yes, it is really awful. Idioms Underline the correct item. 1 It's a small place, but I’m grateful we have a home/roof over our heads. 2 You sure packed a lot. It looks like you have everything in there but the kitchen sink/drain! 3 I can’t believe I trusted her. She really led me up the garden road/path. 4 Why don’t you ever bring your lunch? Eating out all the time is just like throwing money down the drain/sink. Listening Гйф w You will hear a conversation between two neighbours. Listen and choose the correct answer for each question. 1 Bob expected to find Frank painting. A True В False C Not stated 2 Frank’s wife is upset about the graffiti. A True В False C Not stated 3 Joe Smith works at a petrol station. A True В False C Not stated 4 Frank thinks surveillance cameras will be too expensive. A True В False C Not stated 5 Bob’s brother has been telling him that he should start a neighbourhood watch scheme. A True В False C Not stated 6 Bob thinks the other neighbours will like the idea of a neighbourhood watch scheme. A True В False C Not stated 7 Frank doesn’t have much more painting to do. A True В False C Not stated 37 Grammar in Use 1 Modal verbs 3 Match the sentences (1-8) to the pictures (A-H), as in the example. 1 I might go to New York this summer. 2 You shouldn’t eat so much junk food. 3 I can’t answer difficult AAaths questions! 4 You mustn’t smoke here. 5 I have to clean my room before I go out. 6 Jacob can skateboard really well! 7 Could you drive me to the airport, please? 8 You needn’t have bought me a present! 3 2 b Identify the functions of the modal verbs used above, as in the example. 1 prohibition ► 4 6 ability 2 obligation .............. 7 absence of 3 request ......... necessity 4 inability ............... 8 possibility . 5 advice .......... Complete the dialogues by filling in: must, mustn’t, can, can't, needn't or have to, as in the example. 1 A: ► Can I go out with my friends, Mum? B: No, Andy, not until you finish your homework! 2 A: You .................use your mobile phone while you’re driving. B: You’re right. I’m sorry. I’ll put the phone down. 3 A: Do you want to come to the park with me? B: I can’t. I...............meet my brother in half an hour. 4 A: You .............pick me up from the train station. I’ll get a taxi. B: But why? I’d be happy to collect you. 5 A: How is Lillian doing in school this year? B: Well, she ...............work much harder Look at the photographs and use the ideas to write sentences using must, mustn't or needn't. On an aeroplane 1 fasten seatbelt before take-off and landing ► On an aeroplane, you must fasten your seatbelt before take off and landing. 2 smoke during the flight 3 take hand luggage in the flight cabin ] In the supermarket 1 open goods before you buy them 2 pay for all items at the checkout 3 use a basket 4 Use needn’t have/didn’t need to and the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. 1 You...................................(tidy) the house; I was going to do it after work. 2 George ..................................... (take) out the dustbins because there was no litter collection in the morning. 3 You ..................................(call) James. I spoke to him earlier. 4 We ......................................... (rush). When we reached the station we learnt that the train was running half an hour late. 5 Michael..................................... (wait) long for his friends. They arrived shortly after he did. 6 Peter ...................................... (buy) a bus ticket because Chris offered to give him a lift. 5 Read the situations and write what you would say using should, ought to and the correct tense of the infinitive. 1 Sandra took your favourite computer game without telling you. You want her to ask you before she borrows something next time. What do you say to her? You arranged to meet Matthew outside the stadium at 5:00 pm. He came at 5:30 pm but he didn’t call to tell you he would be late. What do you tell him? 6 7 8 Your friend Kelly failed her driving test because she didn’t read the test manual. What do you have to say to her? Tick (/) the correct item. 1 You mustn’t smoke in public places. a It is not necessary to smoke in public places. П b It is illegal to smoke in public places. И 2 I might go shopping tomorrow if I have enough time. a I will go shopping tomorrow. П b It is possible that I will go shopping tomorrow. □ 3 You ought to have taken some time off work. a You took time off work. СИ b You didn’t take time off work. СИ 4 Paul can’t have lost Hannah’s book. a I’m sure Paul didn’t lose the book. СИ b I think Paul lost the book. СИ Phrasal verbs Fill in: without, up, in. 1 Ria is doing .......... her living room at the moment. She wants to make it bright and modern. 2 If you don’t do ......... your laces, you are going to fall over! 3 I had to do ........... electricity while the repairmen fixed the cables. 4 That football match has really done me ..............I feel like I could sleep for days. Dependent prepositions Fill in: beyond, at, of, in. 1 This washing machine is .......... repair. We have no choice but to throw it out. 2 Neil needs to have the porch fixed. It’s..... very bad condition. 3 Our office is vdthin easy reach.......the bus station. It’s only a five-minute walk. 4 The computer has shut down again. I’ll ask John to take a look........it. 5 Tm so tired lately. I’m in need.......a long holiday! 39 1 Label the pictures with the buildings below. • hall • stable • cottage • greenhouse • manor • shed 2 Complete the gaps with the words below. • thriving • pasture • fate • tended • estate • ornamental 1 The gardener.............to the roses by the side of the house. 2 They think it was ............ that brought them together. 3 The company is .............. thanks to the success of its new product. 4 My garden is full of...........plants. 5 From the farmhouse window, the children could see the cattle grazing in the.......... 6 Mr. Smith owns a large............. in West Yorkshire. 3 4 5 Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words in brackets. 1 Ben was full of.................(apprehend) as he opened the envelope with his exam results. 2 Luckily, Betsy doesn't have any............. .............(trouble) students in her class. 3 Many people favour a 20 mph speed limit in ..............................(resident) areas. 4 “James will be the best .................... ...............(represent) for our company at the conference,” Sally said to her boss. 5 “Let me know if you require any ............ .............. (assist) filling out the form,” said the bank manager. 6 Queen Elizabeth II of England is a direct .. ...............(descend) of Queen Victoria. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition below. • from • of • off • for • by • with 1 Sarah just took it ....... granted that she would pass the exams. 2 I was surrounded.........so many people at the concert that I could hardly move. 3 Ask the bus driver which stop to get........ at if you aren’t sure. 4 The Great Wall of China is visible ......... space. 5 Brian thinks the best croissants outside.... France are made in England. 6 The living room is fitted.....a new carpet. Complete the sentences with the following words/phrases. • gazing • in sight • fell in • emerald • in full view • by hook or by crook 1 The....................forest near the Collin farm is full of pine and oak trees. 2 After some disagreement, he finally ........ ...............with her plans. 3 Lisa was determined to get the job ......... It wasn’t difficult to locate the inn as the sign was placed............................ He looked around for help. Unfortunately, there was no one ............................. She sat there for hours just.................. out the v/indow. 40 Writing Skills 1 Read the report below and underline the correct word(s) in bold. Then, use the subheadings from the list to fill in the blanks. • Additional services and bigger buses • More bus routes • Conclusion Underground system • Introduction From: Mildred Cudahy To: Mr. Dan Forthright, Director of Public Transport Subject: Overcrowded Buses Date: 12th May A The aim of this report is to suggest ways of reducing overcrowding on Newport buses during peak hour traffic 1) so that/in order to improve passenger safety, comfort, and travel rimc-s. В There is an insufficient number of buses on Newport roads during peak hour traffic. 2) Especially/As a result, there is extreme overcrowding on buses during rush hours which is both frustrating and unsafe for travellers. Putting either more buses, or iurticukted or double decker ones on the road would help to alleviate the problem. 3) Despite the fact that/Howcx'cr Newport is a large city, bus routes arc limitexL A laq;cr proportion of the city urgendy needs bus access. Prowding more bus routes will enable more people to travel by bu.s, and will therefore gready relieve the congesdon on Newport city roads. Each year, Newport city council receives millions of pounds from tax payers. 1 4) strongly/especially suggest diat some of this money be channelled towards the construction of an Undetground train system for Newport. To case the problem of overcrowding on buses, 1 recommend that die Newport Public Transport Department should provide additional bus routes. They should also invest in arriculatcd and/or double-decker buses, and increase the frequency of bus services during peak hours. 5) Finally/ Nevertheless, it would he advantageous to all if the Transport Department supponed the construction of an Underground svstcin. 2 The two extracts below are written in an inappropriate style. Read them and replace the words/phrases in bold with more suitable ones from the lists. get involved the aim of this report is encourage 1) I’ve written this report to suggest ways that will 2) get Hampshire residents to 3) join in with j community activities. creating additional deal with to sum up 1)To cut a long story short, 2) getting more underground parking areas and issuing a greater number of parking tickets would help 3) get rid of the problem of illegal parking on pavements. 3 Events Facilities Services Rules/ Regulations b Use the information from Ex. 3a as well as your own ideas to write the main body paragraphs of the report. You work for a local newspaper. The editor has asked you to find out how the problem of stray animals in the area can be dealt with. Read the ideas below and put them under the correct subheadings in the table. • provide certified dog trainers • stricter laws against animal abuse • build animal shelters/provide temporary accommodation • animal parks for pet owners • pet adoption day • free spaying and neutering • insist on walking dogs with a lead • seminars for children/adults ‘How to care for pets’ • make available pet sitters/dog walkers 41 Vocabulary Practice 1 Use the words to label the pictures. • flats • terraced • bungalow • detached • semi-detached house 4 ...........houses houses 2 Cross out the odd word. 3 1 basement/attic/village/loft 2 Victorian/houses/villas/flats 3 unemployment/recreation/child labour/ malnutrition 4 clean water/poverty/electricity/sanitation 5 ugly/derelict/pretty/unattractive Match the words. Use the phrases in the correct form to complete the sentences below. ГГГ shanty a labour l2| child b one’s mind |3| I set up c parks |4| I make up d congestion l5l I urban e business |6| traffic f sprawl Lt1_ national 8 town 1 Many countries have laws against ........... .........................because they want to protect young children from working under dangerous conditions. 2 I haven’t ..........................where to visit yet, Athens or Rome. 3 Before city planners brought clean water and electricity to that part of the city, it was a 5 4 Jake planned to open a small restaurant. However, he needed a bank loan to........... ..................the....................... 5 The new metro system solved the city’s....... .............................problem as less people drove their cars. 6 ...........................................is destroying farmland at an alarming rate. 7 England’s ..............................help preserve its vrildlife and natural beauty. Fill in: alarmed, railinss, loan, worthless, prospect, vast, surrounded by, enrich, commuters. 1 The land was ............... before houses were built on it. Now its value has increased. 2 Jude moved to the city because of the ......................of finding a better job. 3 John is trying to get a £60,000............. to start his own business. 4 The train was filled with................... travelling to work. 5 The city is.................beautiful snow- capped mountains. 6 Environmentalists are ................... by the government’s plans to build a motorway through the rainforest. 7 The refugees fled across the border in ..................numbers. 8 Education can ................... someone’s life to a great extent. 9 The city workers put up..................to stop children from walking onto the road. Fill in: to, with, by, of. 1 A local charity started a scheme to provide homeless people.........work and affordable housing. 2 The island is joined........the mainland by an impressive new bridge. 3 The town was full ....... excitement after the local football team won the championship. 4 They moved to the village because they were attracted.........its natural beauty. 42 1 Listening О Listen to a man talking about houses of the future. For each question (1-7), choose >1, В or C. 1 In the future, people will enter their homes using A their hand. В a hand-held computer. C their voice. 2 What do we learn about cleaning in the future? A It will be a lot more fun. В Houses v/ill clean themselves. C There won’t be washing machines. 3 In bathrooms, A people will brush their teeth wnth tiny toothbrushes. В toothbrushes will repair bad teeth. C mirrors will check for eye problems. 4 In kitchens, fridges and cupboards A will suggest what food to buy. В vnll ‘speak’ to each other. C will help with the shopping. 5 Living rooms A will have TVs with many screens. В will have curtains that change colour. C vflll have moving walls. 6 Bedrooms will have talking A wardrobes. В music systems. C mirrors. 7 When people go away on holiday in the future, they A will still need to get someone to feed their pets. В won’t need to get someone to water their plants. C won’t need to take their laptop. Reading 2 Match the headlines (A-H) to the paragraphs (1-7). There is one extra heading that you do not need to use. 1 _______The home is full of hidden dangers. Not many people would think that curtains or the TV are especially unsafe. Children, however, can strangle themselves on curtain cords and can be crushed under falling TV sets. So, make sure curtain cords are out of reach of children and attach your TV to the wall. __________ There are many things that you can do to keep your home safe. For example, never hide a pair of house keys in a 'secret' place in your garden. Burglars know where to look! Never give personal information to unidentified telephone callers. And establish a daily routine that ensures that you will never leave your house without first locking all the doors and windows. I 3 I I Germs are not only found in public places but also around the home. Too often, people do not wash their hands after going to the toilet or before preparing food. To keep your home clean, wipe down surfaces regularly using disinfectant and a dean cloth. There is no need to buy expensive disinfectants; vinegar and hot water is a cheap and effective alternative. 4 I I Burglars prefer houses which are easy to break into. They like to work under the cover of darkness and avoid places where fordng entry would be too noisy or time