Английский язык в фокусе 10 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Дули

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык в фокусе 10 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Дули - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Spotlight (Спотлайт) английский в фокусе:

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Contents Module 1 Reading Skills ....................... 4 Listening & Speaking Skills .......... 5 Grammar in Use........................ 6 Literature ........................... 8 Writing Skills ....................... 9 Vocabulary Practice...................10 Spotlight on Exams.................. v __________________________Or Module 2 Reading Skills .........\.\..........12 Listening & Spiking wills U...........13 Grammar Ji^se......V.... .r..........14 te»1!ll^^^^....^...r..................16 ing 17 Vocabyi^^fyWractice...................18 light on Exams....................19 Module 3 Reading Skills .......................20 Listening & Speaking Skills...........21 Grammar in Use........................22 Literature ...........................24 Writing Skills .......................25 Vocabulary Practice...................26 Spotlight on Exams....................27 Module 4 Reading Skills .......................28 Listening & Speaking Skills...........29 Grammar in Use........................30 Literature ...........................32 Writing Skills .......................33 Vocabulary Practice...................34 Spotlight on Exams....................35 Module 5 Ж ^ Reading Skills .... .YC... ... .'^...36 Listening &i^^Sttigwills.............37 СгЩтзя in iMe^^......................38 WriingS^.............................41 >ulary Practice.................42 Spotlight on Exams...................43 Module 6 Reading Skills ......................44 Listening & Speaking Skills..........45 Grammar in Use.......................46 Literature ..........................48 Writing Skills.......................49 Vocabulary Practice..................50 Spotlight on Exams...................51 Module 7 Reading Skills.......................52 нЯ Listening & Speaking Skills.............53 Grammar in Use ......................54 Literature ..........................56 Writing Skills.......................57 Vocabulary Practice..................58 Spotlight on Exams...................59 Module 8 Reading Skills ......................60 Listening & Speaking Skills..........61 Grammar in Use.......................62 Literature ..........................64 Writing Skills.......................65 Vocabulary Practice..................66 Spotlight on Exams...................67 • Irregular Verbs .................... 68 • Translator’s Corners.................69 111 Vocabulary 1 Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences below. 1 2 3 6 computer a outdoors window b music horse c labels designer d riding great e shopping dance f game 2 1 I don't particularly like ................... They’re far too expensive. 2 Jack loves the ...................He always goes hiking or camping at the weekends, 3 Emily loves.......................... so she’s always going clubbing, 4 On Saturday afternoons she usually meets her friends in town to do some ................. 5 .......................is a great way to see and enjoy the countryside, 6 Tom bought a new .......................last week and he stays up all night playing itl Circle the correct word. 1 I'll.....you an email once I know how I did in my exams. a send b post 2 My brother thinks that playing computer games is such a......of time. a rubbish b waste 3 Deborah is going to be late because she has to......an errand for her grandmother. a walk b run 4 I don’t......living in London. There’s too much traffic. a fancy b hate 5 I don’t do anything in the evenings ........ from watching television. a separate b apart 6 Dance music and clubbing are my........ a passion b romance I think it's very important for the young and old to......fit. a mind b keep i hate computer games. They're so a annoyed b annoying 3 9 She’s a window-shopping .........; she does nothing else in her free time, a fantastic b fanatic Fill in: bargain, film, bite, friend, iook. 1 Have you got any plans for tonight? Would you like to catch a..............? 2 I’m a little hungry. Why don’t we grab a before we go home? 3 Paula goes for the sporty.................She doesn’t like fancy clothes. 4 This leather jacket was a real................ I got it for E30. 5 Ian always hangs out with his................. Luke, at the local shopping centre. Everyday English Ш Circle the correct response. 1 A: What do you think of paragilding? B: a I’m crazy about it. b Are you crazy? 2 A: Do you enjoy cooking? B: a ! hate it. I find it really boring, b Not too bad. 3 A: What do you like about computer games? B: a I think they're cool and exciting, b I don’t fancy it. 4 A: What sort of things do you like cfoit^C.#oLir free time? B: a I hate shopping. b I love checking out th^^l4)ps for new clothes. ■ l^^ps f Listening & Speaking Skills Vocabulary 1 Which of the following adjectives are positive? negative? • loyal • respected • creative • dishonest • supportive • mean * patient • moody • selfish • trusting • jealous • dedicated • aggressive taring Positi itive TVeqi ative 2 Match the comments to the adjectives. A, jealous |8 1 1 patient creative |9| 1 trusting dishonest |10| 1 dedicated loyal i11| I supportive respected 12 selfish mean 13 aggressive 1 caring ft 1 think he’s r Jim very rarely : f ' looking for a fight! ( gets annoyed V with people. ' 1 ■ He's very good at art and has some great ideas, The whole I class likes ' David. .j;J — Barry never shares with people! ^ Jane finds it difficult to believe that some people ' be dishonest. ..ft ' ■ Jenniter hates it that her best friend spends so much time with her new boytrien^,." David never talks about his friends behind their backs. ■Ф I аш trust Marie. jFi He's always helping the elderly. .- . "Alyson was always there for me when I was going through some hard times. - Adam trains very hard at sport. He I wants to win. She’s very unkind to the new girl in the class. 3 5 Underline the correct word. 1 Matt and I always argue. We don’t see eye/mind to eye. 2 He talks too much. He’s a real pain in the neck/head. 3 Turn down the music! It’s really getting on my ears/nerves. 4 After they found out that Sonia had been saying mean things about them, they gave her the cold handshake/shoulder. 5 I'm not a morning person. I’m like a bear with a sore paw/ head when 1 wake up. 6 She’s always telling me what to do. Why doesn’t she get off my back/chair? Underline the correct word. 1 He is acting the supportive/ supporting rote in the film. 2 He’s a very caring/careful driver. 3 Marie is very well-meaning/ mean but whenever she tries to help, somehow she makes things even worse. 4 He isn't respected/respectful because he is rude to people. Say it right Circle the correct response. 1 A: How’s it going? B: a Thanks, so are you. b Not too bad. And you? 2 A: Everything alright? B: a That's crazy! b Yeah, fine. 3 A: See you later. B; a Bye. b Really! 4 A: You’re looking well, B: a I don’t believe it. , b Thanks, so are ycjjf.^/ A: What's up? B: a Nothing b I’m sicj^ qjf.N 'tired of it. 1 Present tenses Mark the tenses with PS (present simple), PC (present continuous), PPS {present perfect simple), PPC {present perfect continuous). Then match them to the correct descriptions. 1 |2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 □ a b c d e f S h i j They are moving to Australia this summer. Laura has just finished cooking dinner. Water boils at 100 °C and freezes at 0 °C, The train to London leaves at 12 o’clock. Oerek is watching a new DVD now. He’s been reading the magazine all morning. She has had a haircut. It suits her very much. China is becoming more and more powerful. My cousin lives in Wales. My sister is always borrowing my clothes. fixed arrangement in the near future permanent situations/states actions taking place at or around the moment of speaking; temporary situations actions started in the past and continuing up to the present changing or developing situations a past action whose result is visible in the present permanent truths or laws of nature expressing anger, irritation or criticism timetables recently completed actions 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense. Dear Jessie, In your last email you asked about my friends. Well, I 1) .............. (have) lots of friends, and I 2) .............. (know) some of them since I started school. My best friend is Deirdre. We always 3) ................. (send) text messages to one another and we 4)...................(try) to meet up as much as we can. I 5).........(start) a new hobby recently, rock climbing. Deirdre is much better than me so she 6)............. (help) me. This weekend, my friends and I 7) ........... (go) out clubbing. One of them 8) ................... (celebrate) her birthday on Saturday. We’re really excited as we 9) ................. (look) forward to it ail week! 110)...............(take) my new digital camera with me so I’ll send you some photos of the night. Lots of love, Helen 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. 1 A: I .....................(see) the dentist this afternoon. B; I....................(see). We can meet tomorrow then. 2 A: Pat ........................ (enjoy) paragliding. B: And ....................... (he/enjoy) his paragiiding holiday in Scotland? 3 A: They ....................... (think) of moving house. B: I.......................... (not think) it’s a good idea. 4 A: He...................(have) a new computer game. B: That’s why he.............. (have) problems doing his homework. 5 A: Who’s the girt over there who (look) at the painting? B; I’m not sure but she....... .........(look) very friendly. 6 A: The band................... (appear) on stage next week. B: Indeed. It ................ (appear) that lots of people will attend the concert. 7 A: What....................... (you/smell)? B: These flowers. They just... .........(smell) beautiful! 8 A; ........ this bag of sugar ........ (weigh) more than that one? B: Hold on, Mum ............... ........(weigh) them now. 9 A: Why......................... (he/be) so difficult? B: Oh, some people ............ (be) just difficult to get on_“ ^ with. 10 A: Why................. W?n( (you/taste) the soucQi’ynot ready. B: It ........(taste) ■me water! a it too salty.} г f 5 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple, present continuous, present perfect simple or present perfect continuous. 1 A: What .................................... (you/do) all summer since you got here? Б: ( ...........................(swim) and .........................(cycle) mostly, 2 A: How long................................. (Patrick/work) there? B: He ..........................(be) at that company for five years. 3 A: ......................................... (he/know) how to paraglide? B: No, but................................ (he/learn) to. 4 A: .............................(she/study) all day? B: Yes, she............................(sit) exams tomorrow. 5 A: ..............................(you/play) this computer game before? Yes, I .........................(play) it every day for the past week. Fill in: has/have been to/in or has/have gone to. 1 How long ....................... you ..............Petersburg? 2 Alistair ............ the cinema to see the new Superman film. 3 1.............that cafe many times. 4 My Dad isn’t here. He ............... his office. 5 Sarah stilt isn’t feeling very well. She the doctor twice already 6 Mum ................. the supermarket this morning. 7 Dad .............. the supermarket. 8 He.................the cinema twice this week. 9 We.................never this basketball court before. 10 you ever London? 6 Look at the people in the pictures. Follow the example to ask and answer questions. tired/train at the annoyed/try to happy/wait for gym/all morning send an email/for their exam results/ an hour for a month 1 A: She ► looks tired. B: ►She is. She’s been training at the gym alt morning. 2 A: She......................................... B; ............................................ 3 A; They ....................................... B; ................................... 7 Phrasal verbs Fill in: forward to, out for, after, down on, up. 1 People from the countryside hate it when people from cities took...........them. 2 I’m really looking...............watching my favourite comedy on TV this evening. 3 When paragliding, you have to look strong winds. 4 Sorry, but I can’t go to the cinema with you tonight as I have to look ............... my younger brother. 5 If you need her number I can look it........ for you in the telephone directory. Dependent prepositions Fill in: at (2), with, on, about. 1 His parents are not keen..........him going ^ on holiday on his own. 2 My best friend is not very good ............ horse riding, 3 Sean is very careless......... his things. keeps losing them. 4 My grandmother is very creativ^^S^ is enthusiastic.........surfing t 5 My brother loves eating, bi^ .........cooking. hopeless .Ш:- 1 1а Use the words to complete the table: pretty, thick, plump, sweet, smooth, white, tall, brown. Ions, baby, upturned, fair, pointed, grey, blue, round, bis, expressive, rosy, in his/her teens, bright, peaceful, thin, curly, dark, wide, slim, youthful, overweight, tanned, skinny, pale, spotty, bald, spiky, race: .................................................. Mir: ................................................... Eyes: .................................................. NoSe; .................................................. LPPS: .................................................. Chin:................................................... Height: ................................................ Age:.................................................... Build: ................................................. Complexion: ............................................ b Use the words to describe the people in the pictures. 2 1 Sue........................................... 2 Bob........................................... 3 Laura ........................................ 4 Steve ........................................ Complete the groups of sentences with words from the lists. A faded, fierce, bundled, siender, thoughtful, vain, comical, sharp, plain 1 Sheila is my best friend, but the way she dances when we go clubbing is................. 2 When I was in hospital some friends brought me flowers. It was very................of them. 3 We couldn’t go horse riding because of the ...................storm. 4 This dress is very ................... It needs some bright accessories. 5 I think you should buy a new pair of jeans as those ones are................. 6 Stop looking in the mirror; you’re so 7 Watch out! I nearly cut myself with that ....................object. 8 Martha is very beautiful: she’s tall and 3 9 My grandmother always wears her hair ..................in a net. В knitting, twilight, tranquillity 10 Switzerland was fantastic! The............. in the mountains was unforgettable. 11 My grandmother really likes ...............; she has made me some wonderful jumpers. 12 My dad thinks that the most dangerous time to drive is at............... C bloomed, provided, crackled ш--- 13 The old radio.............in the background while John tried to do the crossword. 14 Most of the plants in our garden........... in early May. 15 Sarah ............. the sandwiches for last week’s party. Complete the sentences using a compound adjective. 1 She’s got dark hair. She’s,a ► dark-haired girl. 2 That woman has a real sharp tongue. She’s a ..................woman. 3 The rugby player has got broad shoulders. He’s a................rugby player. 4 The insect with the green eyes is amazing. It’s an amazing,..............insect. 5 My grandmother has such a warm heart. My grandmother is such a .................. woman. 6 That boy has a real baby face. He’s a real...............boy. 7 Your baby has beautiful wide eyes. It’s a beautiful..............baby 8 That spider has got very long legs. It’s a very...............sp^^^ 9 Ivan the Terrible was a ruler ^^^a cold heart. Ivan the Terrible was a ......ruler. Writing Skills 1 2 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions. You recently came back from a holiday, which you enjoyed a lot. Write a letter to your English pen-friend telling him/her what you did on your holiday, who you met and what they were like. 1 Who is going to read your letter? 2 Where is this person now? 3 Where are you now? 4 Why are you writing the letter? 5 What topics should your letter include? 6 How will you begin and end the letter? 3 AAatch the opening remarks {1—7) to the types of letter (A-G). Sorry to hear about the quarrel with your friend. I think you should try to talk to her again. How are you? I’ve a small problem and I’d like to ask your opinion. Thanks for inviting me to your party. I’d love to come! I'm writing to say how grateful I am for the gift you sent last week. Hope you’re well. Listen, I’m very sorry about last week. Sorry to hear you’re in hospital and hope you’ll get better soon. Hi. I’ve been meaning to write this letter for a week, as I’ve got something really big to tell you. _____ _ A a get-well letter В a letter asking for suggestions/advice C a letter giving your news D a letter of apology E a reply to a party invitation F a letter giving advice G a thank-you letter 111 VI vn 3 Match the opening remarks (1-7) from Ex. 2a to the closing remarks (i-vii). Wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery. Really looking forward to it and see you next week. OK, that’s my news. Write to me and tell me yours. Again, sorry for everything that happened and I hope you forgive me. Again, many thanks. I really appreciate it. Write back and let me know how things worked out, I’m very interested in what you think. Thanks in advance. Topic/Supporting sentences Match the topic sentences (1-3) to the supporting sentences (A—C). H York is a realty exciting city with lots of things to do. Ann is quite good-looking. My big news is that I’ve passed my exams. She's tall and slim with a pale complexion and curly dark hair. She has a great sense of style and always wears casual clothes. It was a difficult year at school. I’m glad it’s over and I’m very happy with my results. There are lots of museums to visit and tea shops to enjoy an afternoon tea. Alternatively, you can go for walks along the river or around the old castle. The paragraphs in the letter below are jumbled. Put them into the correct order. _ ^ Dear Laura, I’d really love (t If you could come with me. We’ll have a great tlmel We con go any time In June Let me know your plans as soon as possible. How ore you? Thanks for your letter and your fantastic news. I‘m so happy for you! Well, IVe some really great news for you. Last week I entered a photo competition organised by a local travel agency. I dltjwj^ think I’d win, but I gave It a go. YesterdAiJ* | my surprise, 1 got a phone coll from Ш^^са! f newspaper saying that I’d won. УйЛ guess what the prize Is! A the Mediterranean for two! Lots of love, Diane never :rulse In 10 Vocabulary Practice 1 Fill in: tease, manufacture, conserve, tend, take in the correct form. 1 The government yesterday issued a report highlighting the need to..........electricity. 2 With her comical appearance, it’s very hard to ...................... her seriously. 3 Many expensive designer clothes are now .....................cheaply in Asia. 4 Robert is a pain in the neck. He’s always other children at school. 5 I .................... to take my time when walking in the countryside. Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences. a b c d e f designers service speaker markets names jeans 3 1 Those....................don’t really suit you at all. 2 Russia’s most famous pop singer was the ...................at my school graduation party. 3 He’s not really interested in ................ and fashion and wears what he wants. 4 My mother believes that the best bargains can be found at the..................in our town. 5 After the fashion show, the................... mixed and spoke with the guests, 6 A....................was set up for survivors of the disaster. Fill in: obouf, out, up, for, of. 1 Her classmates made fun ........ her because she was unable to answer the question. 2 My sister applied for a job she wasn’t really qualified.....but managed to get it in the end. 3 I'm not bothered ....... where we go. I just want a holiday. 4 Jane is a quiet, shy girl and doesn't stand... in a crowd. 5 My mum’s gone off to pick.......some bargains in a shop that is closing down. 6 Jack is so much better than me at computer games. I find it hard to keep....with him. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words in bold. 1 School uniforms don’t help young people develop a sense of......................... INDIVIDUAL 2 I really love this shop as the prices are quite .............................................. AFFORD 3 Valentin Yudashkin is probably Russia’s most famous fashion......................... DESIGN 4 My best friend Carmel is the most helpful person I know. She's an.................to me. INSPIRE 5 Owning up to breaking the window was the ......................thing to do. HONOUR Use of English Choose the best word (A—D) for each gap (1-8). Taking up the entire east side of Red Square, and looking more 1).....a palace than a shopping centre the State Universal Store (GUM) is one of Rus.sia’s 2) known department stores. and best- Built at the 3) .... of the 19'*' century, it has an elegantly decorated interior, which includes an impressive fountain and a magnificent glass ceiling. It once had over 1,200 separate shops and stalls, making it one of Moscow’s liveliest markets. A whole day can easily be 4)......window shopping around the building’s 200 shops. It’s amazing how many well-known brand names and designer labels there are, The store is very 5} ..... with tourists, many of whom look forward 6)........spending a few hours here. If you’re enthusiastic 7)...fashion and enjoy shopping, it is 8)....worth the effort. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A A A A A A A A tike large twist spent loved after at good unlike largest about bought liked out for with fine same D enormous D turn D purchased D popular to towards Reading 1 Match the texts (1-6) to a description (A-G). There is one description that you do not need to use. В [сП SPORTS ARTICLE SCHOOL REPORT FILM REVIEW HOLIDAY BROCHURE AD NOVEL A THANK-YOU LETTER BEAUTY TIPS Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank and of having nothing to do. Once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but i t had no pictures or conversations in it. “and what is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pictures or conversation?’ Lizzy is a hard-working, dedicated student, who is always happy to participate in class activities. She has improved considerably this year. She is respected by all her classmates. She is a caring, well-meaning person, and helped a new student who was being teased by some other pupils. Are you the active type who loves extreme sports? Well, Exodus Holidays has a range of adventure and active holidays on offer, from places as diverse as Kilimanjaro and Antarctica. Activities include walking and trekking, cycling and mountain biking, rafting and cross-country skiing. Call us now! A lion, Samson, is the star of New York Zoo. His son Ryan feds that he will never be as popular as his father and after an argument he hides in a box which gets sent to an island. Realising the danger Ryan is in, Samson and his friends set out to rescue him from the island and the wild animals who live there. 5 I like if course dtid Tve sfdried pi'd^ing ii. I'd dciud-f^^ pever ^ledrd ii bej^ore becduse it's so riew. rW never forget who gdve it to irie. The winner w'as Des Griffin, who showed some remarkable determination on the day. His powerful creative moves make the best skateboarding fanatics jealous. 2 Listening Q Listen to the speakers. For questions 1-7, choose A, В or C. You will hear a teenager talking about pastimes, VYhich is his favourite? A clubbing В football C hanging out with friends Listen to a girl talking about her best friend. She’s annoyed when her friend is A mean. В moody. C jealous. Listen to a girl talking about films she likes. Which film does she find funny? A Meet the Parents В Harry Potter C Batman Listen to a woman talking about her summer holiday plans. Where is she thinking of going? A Ireland В Greece C Italy Listen to a boy talking to a friend on the phone. What is the boy doing? A accepting an invitation В congratulating his friend C giving advice Listen to a girl talking about fashion. Where does she buy her clothes? A in new shops В in expensive shops C in second-hand shops Listen to a man talking about recycling. What kind of waste^ he recycle most? 8 glass paper clothes 4Y 11 Reading Skills Vocabulary 1 Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences. m household j a spree |2| 1 bus 1 b money |3| 1 student c bills |4| 1 pocket d fares IJlJ shopping e loan 2 1 My brother took out a..................to go to university. 2 .................seem to be going up all the time. I think I’ll cycle to work in the future. 3 Many consumers go on a...................at Christmastime. 4 I'm always broke after paying the at the end of the month. 5 If I don’t help around the house, I don’t get any...................... Fill in: resist, catch, afford, survive, waste, hand, save in the correct form. 1 We should find a cheaper flat. I’m not sure we can .....................this one any more. 2 Oh, I can't ..............those chocolates. Let’s buy some. 3 Jane is finding it difficult to.............. on such a tow salary, 4 Will you slow down a bit? Wait for me to .................up with you. 5 The two men were........................out advertising leaflets outside the supermarket yesterday afternoon. 6 We realty need a new TV, We’d better start .....................up for one. 7 My sister ................ so much money on fashion magazines and clothes. It’s terrible! 3 Underline the correct word. 1 A: Can I borrow/lend a few pounds, Ken? B: Sure! How much do you need? 2 A: You waste/pay so much money on unnecessary phone calls. B: Oh, come off it! I like calling my friends, 3 A: How much does your dad save/earn from his job? B: About C500 a week. 4 A: I'm fed up. I’m broke again. B: I can lend/borrow you some money if you like. 5 A; How much did you pay/cost for your new shoes? B: Oh, they didn’t earn/cost much. Idioms Sc Phrases Complete the dialogue with: • dig deep in my pockets • make ends meet • can-bafford-to • ^ptastrotrt A: I don’t know what I'm going tp do, B: What’s wrong this time? A: t just can’t seem to 1) ................... B: 1 know what you mean. Everything is so expensive these days. I fe^ like I jhav& to 2) ....................^nord and more. A: Me tpo. Ypu know' I usedj tq.be able to 3) ................... on clothes and CDs once or twice a month but nq\y ... , , B: now you 4) ...........•,-.,...-..■,^1.buy anything, right? A: You said it! 12 1 Vocabulary Label the pictures, sentences about yourself. *| Label the pictures. Then complete the Listening & Speaking Skills / 4 Vv'hen someone is...............they like to meet other people. 5 ................ people often love the outdoors and exploring places. 6 When someone is.................they are not eager to talk to others. 7 ................ people tend to enjoy extreme sports a lot. 8 ................ people are very careful about what they do. b What are you like? Idioms ^ Fitlin: cooi, joke or straight. 1 I don’t trust Tony. 1 don't think he plays it 2 Come onl My bag was here a minute ago. Are you playing a ................. on me or what? 3 1 know you’re nervous but just play it ...................and everything will be OK. 1 I prefer..................to.................. 2 I’m not too keen on..................... 3 ) don’t like doing................... 4 I really love .................... but I hate 5 I’d rather go...................than i 2 a Complete the descriptions: • adventurouj • ambitious • cautious ^daring • imaginative • outgoing • reserved • sensitive 1 When you are .................... you really want to succeed. 2 ................. people are easily hurt or offended, 3 ................. children usually create games to play. Everyday English Circle the correct response. 1 A: Would you rather go fishing or white-water rafting? B: a That would be great! b Well actually, I’m not too keen on either. 2 A: Fancy coming to the swimming pool with me? B; a I’m sorry. I don’t like it. b Thanks, but I'm really tired. 3 A: Do you like aerobics more than martial arts? B: a Yes, I prefer aerobics. b I’m not keen on it. , I A: How about going fishing this weekend? B; a Well, I think you’re right. X|^ b That would be really great. A; Would you like to go to the foot^Aatch tomorrow? ^ B: a I’d love to. b ) think you’re tigh^^^^ 1C lUULUd^ 13 -ins form/(to) infinitive Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1 A: Would you like .................... (go) bowling tonight? B: No, thanks. I hate ..................... (bowl). A: I can’t wait ............(iet) home. B: Neither can i. I’m really looking forward to ....................(open) our presents. A: Remind me ................... (walk) the dog before I leave in the morning, will you? B: Sure, but you know I wouldn’t mind .....................(do) it for you. A: I’m not very keen on ....... (play) board games. / B; Me neither. I can’t stand .............. (wait) for someone to make their move. A: I can’t help = .... (laugh) when I see him. B: Yeah, and I love ................(tease) him. 2 14 Choose the correct sentence. 1 a He was mean and made the child to cry. b He was mean and made the child cry. 2 a Let me to have your dictionary for a while, b Let me have your dictionary for a while. 3 a I would love to watch a good comedy now, b I would love watching a good comedy now. 4 a Jake really enjoys going to the gym. b Jake really enjoys to go to the gym. 5 a Could you remind me posting the letter? b Could you remind me to post the letter? 6 a I honestly don't mind doing the shopping for you. b I honestly don’t mind to do the shopping for you. a They must to work long hours if they want to make money. b They must work long hours if they want to make money. 8 a Can you imagine to be as famous as her? b Can you imagine being as famous as her? 9 a I look forward to seeing you at the party, b I look forward to see you at the party. 10 a Would you mind to help me with the dishes? b Would you mind helping me with the dishes? 3 Put the verbs in brackets in the infinitive or -ins form. 1 A: Will you let me.................(borrow) your black jacket tonight? B: No way! I want.................... (wear) it myself. 2 A: I can’t wait ................... (get) to know everyone. 5 6 Fill in the correct form of the infinitive or the -ing form, 1 I didn’t mind...........................(be) alone when I was a child. 2 Did Jack remind you........................... (feed) the cat? 3 Mum made us...........................rooms. 4 I’m not too keen on.................... to shopping centres. I prefer small shops. 5 The film was so sad it made us all .................(cry). 6 Harry forgot ......................(do) his homework again last night. 7 Sandy can’t help.....................(blush) when she sees Jude. 8 My sister must.................(study) hard because she wants to be a doctor, 9 My grandparents used.............(toll) me stories when I was very young. 10 Did you let Pat .................. (use) your laptop? Key word transformations Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. 1 Can you tell me to set the alarm in case I forget? remind Could you............................ .....................the alarm? 2 1 had to get money from my parents to pay for my holidays. borrow I ................................... my parents to pay for my holidays. 3 Claire loves going to the gym after work, keen Claire ............................... ..........to the gym after work. 4 Mark really resembles his father. taken Mark has ............................ .....................his father. 5 We’re looking forward to going to the party. wait We ................................... .....................to the party. 6 I started doing karate when I was six. took I .................................... .................when I was six. 7 I’d rather watch a DVD than go to the cinema, prefer I’d ................................ a DVD than go to the cinema. 8 Brendan hates listening to people’s problems, stand Brendan ............................. ..........to people’s problems. 7 9 I’m not sure I have enough money for that. afford I’m not sure....................... ..........................that. 10 I'm quite happy to help him with his homework. mind I ................................... ............with his homework. Phrasal verbs Underline the correct particle. 1 I’d love to take after/up karate. Do they have lessons at the gym? 2 Will you take that silly hat off/out? You look ridiculous. 3 They say I take over/after my mum. We've got the same habits too. 4 Do you think you’ll take over/up your mum’s shop when she gets old? 5 I’ll have to take up/in these trousers. The legs are too wide. 6 If you pass your exam, I'll take you off/out for a nice meat. 8 Dependent prepositions Fill in; about, at, in, of, on. 1 My sister is very good .........painting. 2 My mum was so proud my little sister for winning the beauty contest. 3 I’m not too keen .........aerobics but I love dancing. 4 My granddad is extremely interested......... history. 5 Our PE teacher is crazy .................... snowboarding. 9 Words often confused Fill in: win, borrow, waste, earn. 1 Factory workers don’t ........... a lot of money. 2 I don’t like to .......... money. It’s always easy paying it back. 3 Jeff hopes that some day he will ... money in the lottery. 4 You shouldn’t...........so nw^money on useless things. , _ 15 Vocabulary 1 Fill in: cross, dreadful, dull, merry, suburban, unjust. 16 There are more and more.......... shopping centres these days. The lecturer was so.............. we thought we’d die of boredom. George never gets ............... He’s really very patient! What a(n) .................. day. Everything went wrong. Sam can be very.................. at times. He seems to blame everyone for his mistakes. Granddad is a(n)................. old man who loves to have fun. 2 Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences. Q Q ГТП coloured a windows 121 I French b house ГТП estate c glass Г4~П good d agent im doll’s e intentions 1 They live in an old house with............. and a lovely balcony. 2 Our front door has................In it. 3 I know she has .................. but she is always messing things up. 4 I had a lovely................. to play with when I was young. 5 Fred’s parents went to a(n)................ to look for a new house. 3 Fill in; grow, get, go, make, turn in the correct form, 1 No one believed him at first, but his story .................out to be true. 2 My grandmother had a hard time ....................over her latest illness. 3 Ben would like to be a pilot when he .................up- 4 Children like to ................. up funny stories. 5 I’m glad they won the match, but I couldn’t sleep. Fireworks were .................. all night. 3 Form words using -en, in-, -ion, re-. 1 dark 2 furnish 3 intent 4 experience 5 perfect (V) (V) (n) (П) (u) b Use the words from Ex. 4a in the correct form to complete the sentences 1—5. 1 His..................in sailing was proven to be the cause of the accident. 2 You’ll have to come and see my flat. I’ve just .....................it. 3 Large grey clouds suddenly................... the sky above us. 4 This is such an excellent meal! It’s cooked to 5 5 It wasn’t his................., but he caused a lot of trouble. Match the words (1-6) to their opposites (a-f). aloud modern [HZ HI ИП merry ordinary real-life tender a sad b unusual c model d tough e old f silently O Writing Skills 1 Complete the gaps with the elements: informal openins/ closing remarks, short form, abbreviation, omitted verb/ article/preposition/pronoun. 3 Read the rubric, the note and the answer. Then, answer the question that follows. Your sister has left you the following note in your bedroom. 2 3 hfi Tim, 'm going camping Fri, Fan^^coffflng? Got tents and other equipment. If interested give me call. See you soon. Liam ^ 2 Make the texts shorter. > Dear Ivan, Hope you are well. I'm having a great time here in Dublin. It's a charming city and there is a lot to do here. I went to the National Art Gallery on Tuesday and yesterday, I saw the Book of Kells in Trinity College. I bought you a lovely present. You’ll see. I’ll see you soon. Moria ■i-PrarJuin Щ- Ms.l I И>И«р|д|13й^ Ivan Zelenko ..Ш5062Ло1 U .Lyalin Street House 8 Entrance 2 Moscow Russia i Sally, I Thanks for your email. I’lri glad that you are happy in your new town. I'm doing fine. I went to a really cool party on Saturday night and had a great I time. I found a part-time job too. I'll phone you soon and tell you all about it. [Talk soon, Angela To: LindsayT From: Thomas I m sorry I can t come tonight but I have a very important meeting. )'(l call you tomorrow to explain. Take care! Gone shopping/or Mum's present. Be bade in about two hours. Remember to order thejlowers and tell Dad I booked the restaurant/orS. Clara You get the note when you return from school. You forgot it was Mother’s Day and promised your friend to help him with a project. In your answer say: • you forgot to order the flowers, • you haven't seen Dad, • you will be late because you have to help friend with project. Dear Clara, I am terribly sorry but I completely forgot that it [s Mother's Day today, therefore I also forgot to order the flowers for her. Unfortunately, I will be late for the restaurant because I have promised to help Mark with his science project. I’ll try to be there as early as I can though. I hope you are not angry. Yours. Ann Does the answer include all the /^41 necessary information? If not, what is missing? .........................>0^ ............................ 17 1 18 2 3 FilHn: competitors, presenters, spectators, sports, consumers, players. 1 The best........................ take part in the World Chess Championship. 2 He was lucky to be among the hundreds of .... ...........................that managed to get tickets for the match. 3 Food companies must be extremely careful with the quality of products they offer to 4 Iron Will, one of the youngest.............. in the race, won by at least three minutes. 5 Mark and Jeff are radio ....................: they have a show every evening from Monday to Friday at 10. 6 Do you like indoor.......................or do you prefer outdoor activities? Fill in: in, out of, for, with, on, to. 1 Extreme sports are becoming very popular ...........teenagers. 2 Many people are allergic........the pollen in the air in springtime. 3 Millions of competitors took part........the race. 4 Jenny’s very fit. She can run miles and she’s never.........breath. 5 Tennis matches can last.........hours. 6 Everyone was commenting .............. how badly Bill Bently played. Fill in: notice, look, observe, see, view, watch in the correct form. 1 She didn’t have time to dust the furniture, but no one...............it. 2 Astronomers.................the stars and the planets. 3 They stayed up late to..............the film on TV. 4 What are you................at? 5 They decided to go back and ................ the flat again. 6 It’s too dark in here. We can’t............. anything. Complete the word maps. • football • tennis • dogsled • badminton ■ swimming • rugby • horse • hockey • cricket • car • boat • greyhound • cross-country • boxing • go-kart • wrestling greyhound 5 Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences. insect A breathing dust cleaning air-conditioning 1 2 3 . 4 5 a b c d e mites li filters sprays problems products 6 1 Excessive use of .............. causes air pollution. 2 Using sticky traps instead of ............ can help reduce pollution. 3 ............... that live in carpets and mattresses, are known to cause allergies. 4 If you want to be sure to keep the air in your house fresh, you need to clean or replace your..............regularly. 5 Some doctors believe that having a cat in the home is the cause of ............for rriany people. Listening й[ф 0 Listen to five people talking about protecting the environment. Which of the comments below might each speaker make? There is one comment you don’t need to use. /Speaker 1 2 3 4 V^Comment A В C D E F el^^ 4** I think I do my best, Polluting should be a crime. Why should I bother if no one els.^ Nobody really cares. Local governments need в^мйКпоге. If everybody does sora^^g small to help, it could make a big dililirfce. 1 Reading I I P' Read the text and for questions 1-6, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. ^Fyodor ^ ^fikhaylovich Dostoevsky F yodor Mikhaylovich Dostoevsky was born in Moscow in 1821. He was the son of retired military surgeon, who had a small estate, and was educated at home until the death of his mother in 1837. That same year, he and his brother, Mikhail, were sent to Military Engineering Academy in St Petersburg by his somewhat stern and oppressive father. While Dostoevsky was still at military school his lather died and there were rumours that he was assassinated by his serfs, but this was never proven. It seems more likely that he died of a stroke. Dostoevsky graduated from the Military Engineering Academy as an engineer, but knew that a career in the army wasn’t suitable for him. He wished to pursue his interest in literature. In 1844, thanks to a small income from his father’s estate, he was able to resign from the army and devote his energies to writing. His first novel, Poor Folk, was published in 1846 and was soon followed by a second. The Double. It was around this time that Dostoevsky started taking an active interest in politics, and this would determine many things in his life over the coming years. He joined a group of utopian socialists called the Petrashevsky Circle that used to hold political meetings in the home of an eccentric named Petrashevsky. Unlortunately, the secret police had placed a spy in the group and on the evening of 23rd April, 1849, Dostoevsky was arrested along with some other men and Dostoevsky's father used to be A an army engineer, В a teacher, C a doctor. D a serf. Dostoevsky financed his writing with A his army income. В inheritance money. C rent from his property, D his estate agent salary. In the 1840s Dostoevsky’s political ideas could be best described as A orthodox. В monarchist. C eccentric. D idealist. sentenced to death. He wasn’t executed, but spent the next lour years in a hard labour camp in Siberia with criminals who had been convicted of murder. On his release he was forced to join the army as a common soldier, in 1857, Dostoevsky married Maria Isaeva and later resigned from the army. Dostoevsky’s time in Siberia had a profound effect on him and he returned to St Petersburg in 1859 a monarchist and a devout follower of the Russian Orthodox Church. During the 1860s Dostoevsky would publish three works based in one way or another on his experience in Siberia, the most poignant being The House of the Dead (1860), a fictional account of prison life. He travelled to Europe and continued to write, but after the death of his wife and his brother he became obsessed with gambling and drinking. In 1864, he published one of his greatest works entitled Notes from the Underground which begins with the narrator’s words “I am a sick man. ... ) am a spiteful man,” and in which Dostoevsky satirises contemporary social and political views. Dostoevsky married again in 1867 shortly after completing his masterpiece Crime and Punishment (1866). He then wrote a number of other interesting works such as The Idiot (1868-69) and The Possessed (1872). He died in St Petersburg on 9th February, 1881. In the late 1850s his beliefs were mostly influenced by A his experience in prison. В his experience in the army. C the Petrashevsky Circle. D criminals he had met. His first wife’s death A inspired his writing. В had a devastating effect on him. C made him a little sad. D became his obsession. In Notes from the Underground, he A expresses his belief in contemporary v, В criticizes his obsession with gam C makes fun of contemporary po D describes his travels in Euro, iry У 4^ .4Г 19 Vocabulary 1 Arrange the words in the list in the categories below. • boarding • maths • photography • state • art • single-sex • drama • library • science • sports • specialist • science labs • teachers ■ private • students • co-educational 2 Answer the questions about yourself. 1 What type of school do you go to? .............. 2 Is it a single-sex or a co-educational school?.. 3 How many days a week do you go to school?....... 4 Are there any early morning/evening classes? 5 What time do your lessons finish?............... 6 What facilities does your school have?.......... 7 What extra-curricular activities are there at your school? .................................. 3 Underline the correct word. 1 i am a pupil/student at the local university. 2 Do you have to wear a uniform/overalls to school? 3 He has a first class honours mark/degree from Oxford University. 4 i’ll see you in lesson/class later onl 20 Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the text. You may have to change the form of the verb. a b c d e a uniform exams the rules classes homework My name’s Peter and I go to the LaGuardia High School oj Music, Art and Per/orming Arts in New York City. I want i to be an actor when I’m l| oider and lots oj students who Ij................... at LaGuardia go on to become J^amo us. For example, Jenni/er Aniston, who played Rachel in ‘Friends’ is an exstudent and so is Ai Pacino, one oj the most famous actors ever! As LaGuardia is a school/or young people talented in the arts you don’t have to 2)............... to win Q place here, instead you have to pass an audition in the area you hope to study. However, LaGuardia isn’t all about singing, dancing and acting. We have lessons in English, Maths and Science like any other school and we 3)....................every night as well. We don’t have to 4)...................nt LaGuardia, which is great The local government 5).................and I’m happy about that because I'm more com/ortable in my own clothes! I love my school and I /eel really lucky to be a pupil there! 5 Fill in: study, fail, enrol, get, graduate in the correct form. gra^)^^ 1 Alison needs to pass all her exams to . into university. 2 Keith is...........for a degree in Geograpjj^ ‘ 3 Johnny will.............from Leeds Unij next summer. 4 If he doesn't study hard he will ....bis exams, 5 I am going to...........^^fe^ookery course. I’m useless at cooking! Listening & Speaking Skills ^ 1 Vocabulary Where does each person work? Complete the table with words from the list: managins director, artist, author, lawyer, norse, secretary, fisherman, translator, businessman, surgeon, architect, doctor, gordener, cashier. 2 Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences. ГТ [2 |3 |4 5 16 Jj medical emergency skilled armed shift highly-qualified common a job b sense c profession d services e personnel f work g forces 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 1 2 3 If you are involved in an accident, make sure you <^3ll the...........................right away. You have to study hard if you want to become a doctor, or anything in the .................... You must be fit and healthy if you would like a career in the ................................. This position involves using your ............. .................to solve customer's problems. There is a lot of......................involved in working at a factory. Being an architect is a very................... The company prides itself on having ........... Fill in: skills, self-employed, part-time, 9-5, overtime. Did you know that Jim is..................now? He decided he didn't like working for other people. Mary can only work ....................as she has two children to take care of. William wants to find a...................job after working night shifts for 10 years. / 4 You must have good communication ......... to become a nurse, 5 “It’s 7 o'clock, where’s Nick?’’ "He is working .....................today, he’ll be back later." I Match the words to form compound nouns. 1 2 3 4 5 6 _J bank a guard managing b instructor flight c clerk security d attendant e director ski f designer Idioms ^ Fill in: jack, boat, home, footsteps. 1 My mum works long shifts at the hospital to bring .............. the bacon. 2 Dad is a successful lawyer. I’d love to follow in his............ 3 It is sometimes really difficult to find a good job, but at the end of the day we're all in the same............. 4 Grandpa was a ............. of all trades. He could turn his hand to anything! 6 Everyday English Circle the correct response. 1 A: Do you think you’ll be the boss of a big company one day? B: a No, I don’t think so, b I can't stand working shifts. 2 A: Cm going to a job interview tomorrow at the bank. B; a Yes, I think you are. b Good luck! 3 A: Are you going to become a doctor like your father? B: a I hope so, b That's great! 4 A: I've lost my job! B: a Oh, how nice! b Oh dear! 5 A: I got the job at the florist’s! B: a That’s great. Well done! , b Definitely! L^V О 21 if iT- 1 1 1 2 dm 4 lA ^ 6 7 p 8 1 ТГ Future tenses Match the tenses in bold in sentences 1-9 to their description (a-i). I’m going to travel around the world when I leave school. You must be starving. I’ll cook you something nice. ni have finished the report by the time you get back. If you don’t stop talking, I’ll call the headmaster. This time next week i’ll be relaxing on the beach. I forgot my homework. The teacher isn't going to be very happy. I’m sure Frankie will pass his exams. I’ll explain everything to you later. 9 I ~| How many people will be coming to your party? Ш threat 0 prediction 0 future plan or intention # promise @ prediction based on what we see/know 0 actions in progress at a stated time in the future 0 polite question about sb’s plans in the near future ■"0 actions finished before stated time in the futur^ Ш on-the-spot decision 10 A: There’s somebody at the door! B: Don’t worry. 1...........get it. A; Oh dear! Look at the traffic! B: Yes, we............be late for work again. A: You look exhausted. B: Yes, I am. I think I.........go home now. Д; I...........go to a job interview tomorrow. B; Good tuck! A: I haven’t had a pay rise for years. B: Why don't you ask your boss? I think he ..............give you one. A: The office is really hot today! B: I...........open the window. 3Put the verbs in brackets into the future continuous or future perfect. 1 A: This time next week I .......................... (take) my driving test. B: Good luck with that! 2 A: Have you finished that translation yet? B: Don’t worry! I................................ (finish) it by tomorrow morning, 3 A: ......................................(you/see) Pat later? B: No, she’s busy tonight. 4 Д; I .................................(meet) Jane later for coffee. Why don’t you join us? B: Sorry, I can't but give her my regards. 5 A: I’m really hungry! B: Don’t worry. I................................ (cook) lunch by the time you get home. 22 2 Fill in: witi or be going to. A: Did you see that job advert in the newspaper? B: Yes, I...........fill out an application form tomorrow. A: Why is James in the boss’ office? B: I don’t know. I expect he............tell us later. A: What are your plans for the weekend? B: We............visit my friend Kim in London. A: I'm having trouble writing my CV! B: I...........help you if you like. 2 3 4 Underline the correct item. I’ll do my homework until/as soon as I g^^^ home, We’re going to visit my sister after/until I’ll work there before/until I find abot^^ob. She was watching TV as soon as/vd3%Twum was washing the dishes. I'm going to the hairdresser^^^fcre/when work on Friday. 5 10 11 6 Comparati ves/Superlatives Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form adding any necessary words. 1 A: Being a nurse must be very tiring. B: To me it is one of..............{hard) jobs. 2 A; How’s your new job? B: It is definitely................(stressful) than the last one! 3 A: Did you hear that Martin became a surgeon? B: I’m not surprised. He was................... (hardworking) boy in school. 4 A: Did you pass the test? B; I don’t think so. It was ................... (difficult) than I thought. 5 A: A journalist usually gets paid............... (much) than a cameraman. B: That’s truel 6 A: So you want to be an army officer? B: Yes, I think that would be.................. (exciting) job of all. 7 A; Do you like working as a vet? B: Well, it’s certainly........................ (interesting) than working in an office! 8 A: What did you think of the film !ast night? B: It was.................... (good) film I have ever seen! 9 A: You must be the same age as my brother. B: No, I’m a year ...................... (young) than him. A: 1 wish I’d worn a jumper today. B: Yes, the weather’s getting.................. (cold) and..................(cold). A: I heard you failed your exam. B; Yes I did. It was ................... (bad) day of my life! Key word transformations Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. Matthew finds English easier than Maths. not Maths is...................for Matthew. We won’t start tidying up until the guests have left. before We will wait until the guests have left .........................tidying up. The town centre was nearer than we expected. far The town centre............we expected. I didn’t think it would be so difficult. more It was........................ I thought. 5 The first thing I’ll do when I get home is have a cup of tea. soon I’ll have a cup of tea.............. .......................I get home. Word formation 7 Complete the sentences with the correct ' word derived from the words in bold. 9 1 Van Gogh is one of the most famous ................ever! ART 2 My sister is a very careful ..................She’s never had DRIVE an accident. 3 What a voice! She’s a fantastic ...................... SINGj 4 I think Robert De Niro is one of the |i best.................of all time. ACTi 5 I am a stamp................. I’ve COLLECT got around 500 now. Phrasal verbs ^ Fill in: on, out, up, at. 1 I used to get picked.....at school by the older children, 2 I’ll pick you...from the station. 3 No wonder she's thin. She only picks.her food. 4 Can you help me pick.....a new dress? 5 For goodness sake pick...that rubbishi Dependent prepos/fions Fill in: for, with, in, from. 1 He’s going to apply.......a job at the hospital. 2 Terry resigned........his job last Friday. 3 Let me deal........this. 4 He’s responsible........5 other people at work. 5 Tina is in charge.......the whole office. 6 Ben works........a computer software firm. 7 He’s working.......Jane on this project. Words often confused 10 Underline the correct word. 1 I go to job/work by car. 2 My hourly wages/salaries are ES.OO.^j^ 3 Lea is a valued member of emp|drt^taff. 4 How many points/marks do yo«i\^d to get into that university? 4^____________________ 23 24 Vocabulary IFill in: beam, stare, mutter, purr, overflow, arouse in the correct form. 1 Jim was so bored in the lesson that he just .........................out of the window. 2 “Stop....................Nancy, I can hardly hear what you’re saying!” said Grandpa, 3 The cat began to......................as she stroked its head. 4 The garden was....................with fresh vegetables, 5 That lecture has really.................my interest in politics, 6 Sarah’s mother.................with pride as she watched her win the race. 2 3 4 3 Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words in bold. it is not certain whether the project will be a ...............success or not, COMMERCE She was really.................about the way she had acted. SHAME It was a cold and...........morning, MIST George was..................by his parents as a small child. ABANDON They tried to find a ................ solution to the troubles. PEACE She shook her head .................. after hearing the sad news. SORROW Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences. m sound ; a instinct |2| 1 deep : b entrance |3( 1 school * c asleep U]_l maternal : d ties 3 4 She didn’t know she had a ..................... until she held her newborn baby. Mother started to cry when she dropped me off at the....................for the first time. The baby was..............despite all the noise. Mothers usually have.................emotional ................with their children. ^ Fill in: die, open, learn, mind, 1 The pupils have to ............. the poem by heart before the performance. 2 I hadn’t eaten for so long I felt like I was going to...........of hunger. 3 When you graduate from university there are many roads.............to you, 4 It’s not always easy to concentrate in class, especially when you have other things on your Listening 5'iji О Listen to a radio interview and choose the correct answer {A, В or C) for questions 1—7. 1 Annie works for a(n) A fashion publication. В employment office. C radio station, 2 What happened when Annie went for her first job interview? A She got the job. В She wore the wrong clothes. C The interview went very badly. 3 What does Annie say about what to wear to an interview? A You should dress slightly unusually. В You should dress conservatively. C You should dress fashionably. 4 According to Annie, a black suit is appropriate if you’re interviewing for A any job. В a creative job. C a high position in a big company. 5 What does Annie suggest is essential in an interview? A There should be something characteristic in the candidate’s appearance. В The candidate should be well-dressed. C The candidate should wear a tiepin. 6 How can candidates find out more information about what to wear to the interview? ^ A Go to the company and took at what others are wearing. В They can call Annie at her office. C They can speak to other emplqy^^ of the company. 7 What should all candidate^ tfefllftitely NOT wear to an interview? « ^ A Jewellery В Leather jackets Identify the underlined parts of the letter and fill in the gaps with the definitions below. • formal greeting • formal ending • advanced vocabulary/set phrase • formal linker 101 New Road Clarifield Hants P08 OLM . 2P'May Dear Mrs Parru. ^ □m writing to applu for the position о/ Junior Che/ that was advertised in this week’s edition о/‘The Times’. 1 am 20 years old and presently studying /or an NVQ^ In Food Preparation at Henley College. For this reason. I would really like to gain some practical experience over the summer before I start my /inal year studies. I have 8 GCSEs including Maths and English and have also helped out In a small Italian restaurant/or the past 2 years. Lhave always been interested in cooking and my greatest ambition is to become a respected chef one day. My teachers describe me as committed and reliable. I have enclosed a copy of my CV and am available for interview at any time. can be contacted on the /ollowing number 020 456 7778. I look/orward to hearing/rom you soon. Yours sincerely. Donna Davies ' WatLonol Vocational Quali/icotion: a practical qualification in the UK based on work activities 2 Use the words in brackets to rewrite the sentences in formal style. 1 I want to apply for... (writing/l/to/for/am/apply) 2 That’s why... {this/reason/for) 3 I really like ... (have/been/always/in/l/interested) Take a took at my CV ... (enclosed/have/a/ l/copy/CV/of/my) We can have a chat... (contacted/t/be/can) 3 Love from, Peter Bennet... {Peter Bennet /sincerely/yours) Read the letter. Put the paragraphs in the correct order. 51 Raymond Road Windsor Berkshire BU12 RPX 30^^ April Dear Sir, I have enclosed a copy of my CV. I would be available for interview at any time and I can be contacted on 020 361 9900.1 look forward to hearing from you in the near future. I В I 1 I have ten GCSEs including English and Maths, I haven’t worked in an office before, however, I feel that I possess all the necessary skills to be able to do a good job. I have always been interested in human resources and am willing to work hard to achieve my goal, C I I I am writing to apply for the position of secretary that was advertised in the ‘Evening News’ last Thursday. I D I I I am 2t years old and am about to take a gap year from university before starting my final year studies. 1 am hoping to pursue a career in Human Resources or Marketing when 1 graduate. For this reason, I would like to gain some practical experience of working in an office environment. ^----------------------- Yours faithfully, Judi Finnigan 25 -.iV ■ I; • Vocabulary Practice Vocabulary Fill in: encourage, experience, expect, share, * afford, state, hatch. 1 Turtle’s eggs begin to .............in August. 2 The boss will ......................us to attend the seminar even though it’s on Sunday. 3 We very rarely .....................such strong feelings. 4 Let me........................my thoughts on this with you. 5 He’ll have to save up for years before he can ..................................to buy a new car, 6 The house rules clearly......................... that you cannot keep pets. 7 You must......................young children to read books instead of watching TV. 2 Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences. .HI I business II a paid 'HI I report H b born HI I organising discussion HI I poorly I ‘I I e lesson HI I driving studies HI I sponsored I f committee HI I class g event J newly h card 26 1 I only want to see As on your .................... ............at the end of term, Daniel. 2 So kids, today we are going to have a .........................about poverty. 3 Claire crashed her instructor’s car during her first ...................... 4 All the..................... babies lay sleeping in their cots. 5 Jan is head of the......................that will arrange the graduation ceremony. 6 Some nurses are so ....................... they have to get a second job. 7 Victor graduated from Durham University with a degree in...................... 8 We will hold a ...................... to raise money to build schools in Africa. ^ Fill in: with, on, under. 1 There are many species of animats which are threat today. 2 I am going to have a chat .............. John about your pay rise. 3 Robert is going to share a dessert........... Polly, 4 Dogs depend...............their owners to feed them. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words in bold. 1 It is important for students to think..............and INDEPENDENT question what they are told. 2 The costume............... DESIGN did a very good job in this theatrical production. 3 She was so exhausted she was................able to speak. BARE 4 Endangered species need all the ..............they can get. PROTECT ^ Underline the correct word. 1 I’m really sorry. It was all my mistake/fault. 2 This lake in the park isn’t natural; it’s artificial/ fake. V 3 The dodo and the golden toad are dead/extif^ animals. Cr 4 We went swimming at the coast/l^«i^^ last Sunday! 5 My aunt collects unique/rare<£M|^|K. 6 We are trying to rise/raisew^vrey for charity by organising a sponsored eu^j^ I Watch the profiles (1-5) to the texts (A-F). There is one text you do not need to use. Where would you study if... you loved the environment? you wanted to study and work at the same time? you were passionate about the world of sport? working in the media interested you? you wanted to become a star of stage and screen? ' Fancy a career in TV or Radio? О j If the answer is ‘yes’ then why not sign up for a > degree in Broadcast Journalism at Southminster ; University, London? It is one of the top 3 courses of i its kind in the UK with more than half our students ; gaining employment in the media after they graduate. ; Interested? Call 020 781 1313 and leave a mes^ge^^ Do you have what it takes to become the next ; Orlando Bloom or Keira Knightley? ' The performing arts HND at Lowbury College may be ; just for you. Not only will you learn how to write your ; own plays, but you will also have the opportunity to ■ perform in them as well! Come to the drama studio ; on September 10th if you would like to audition. 1 Want to combine sport with studying? i^'! Well, we have the answer! ! Enrol on Portsmouth University’s Sports Science ■ course and you can have the best of both worlds, if * you’re going to study, why not study something you love! If you’re on the ball, call us on 02392 81942Z ^ Use of English II ; i \l r i * f 2 Fill in the gaps (1—7) with a word derived from the words in bold. Ш YEAR fAVOURIlES: THE TRANS-SIBERIAN RAILWAY Do you want to save the Earth? О Are green issues your thing? If so, Nettingham Trant University has the perfect course for you. The new wildlife conservation degree helps budding environmentalists learn ; everything they need to know. For more i Information contact [email protected] • Finished a degree in Archaeology? Want to Q 1 get some practical experience? i Why not consider joining the research team at the ' University of Edinburgh? We are looking for hard’ working graduates to assist our professors with ; their research. You can also study part-time for a masters degree. Call Dr Hubert on ext. 290^_____ Are”you interested in the glamorous world of q' fashion? Do you dream about seeing your ' designs on the catwalk? if that’s the case, then we are here to help. Our fashion design course is one of the best. You will learn about all aspects of clothing and jewellery design. You can also look forward to workshops with world famous designers. Call 020 789 0001 for an application form! STUDY FAME Lots of 1)........choose to take a gap yeor and travel around the world before they finish university. One of the most popular things to do is take a ride on the Trans-Siberian Railway. The Trans-Siberian Railway Is the world's longest and most 2)................. train route. It starts in Moscow, passes through European Russia, crosses the Ural Mountains, continues into Siberia's steppes and finishes in Vladivostok on Russia's 3)............coast. Along the Trans-Siberian's ROOD kilometre route you will see many 4)..........types of landscapes and meet people from many 5)............... backgrounds, The CULTURE Trans-Siberian Railway can 6)............. toke you from one side of Russia to the other in as few as six days, but lots of people make stopovers on the way to make the most of their trip, if you get the opportunity, make sure you , stop at Lake Baikal os it is 7)..... ; of the highlights of the journey. The bigXi i the largest and deepest freshwati^^iKe EAST DIFFER QUICK on Earth. -m- Reading Skills 1 28 Vocabulary 1 Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences. Ll 2| 3 4 5 6 energy vegetable excessive packed writing compost -a spapeV ... packaging c peelings d heap * e lunch f consumption Make sure you’ve used both sides of the .................................before you recycle it. It is essential that we try to cut down on . ................in order to save the planet. A............................usually consists of a sandwich, a piece of fruit and a drink. It’s a pity that most people don't seem to realise that............................can be used to make compost. My grandfather never needs to buy fertiliser for his garden as he has a large............ 6 Don’t buy anything that comes in 2 Fill in: store, release, harm, decompose, replace, reuse, save, wrap, encourage, swap, waste in the correct form. Some people in my class 1).............a lot of valuable resources that are difficult to 2)................For example, some classmates always 3).........their packed lunches in silver paper which cannot be 4)............... Silver paper 5) ................... nature when it’s 6)................into the environment because it 7) ............... very slowly. There are other, more environmentally friendly ways to 8)...................food, and perhaps schools need to 9)....................... students to eliminate waste. As there are so many ways to protect the environment, people should 10).................. ideas on their favourite ways. That way, we can 11)..................... the Earth. ^ Fill in: down on, away, down, off, on. 1 Don't throw ............. ^ anything without thinking of “■ ways to reuse it. .2 Switch.............lights, ^ computers, televisions, ect. when you're not using them. TO SAVE ^ ........heating and .. THE ■'' P'Jt......................warmer clothes Instead during the winter. _ ^ " 4 Try to cut............. ^ packaging and paper. Tick (/) the correct box: cO»’ bag caj;ton box bottle 5 For gaps 1-7, choose the best answer A, B, C or D. Tuvalu is a tiny island in the Pacific, 1)..Australia and Hawaii. It creates 2)......carbon pollution than a small town in America, but scientists 3) .........that Tuvalu will be one of the first places to disappear because of global warming. Unfortunately, most of Tuvalu is no more than a metre above sea level, which 4)..........that it's getting even smaller as sea levels rise. No one in Tuvalu argues 5) .............whether global warming is really happening because they can see the | effects all around them. Several 6).........a year the ^ Pacific Ocean rises enough to pour onto roads and into i., neighbourhoods. However, the people of Tuvalu are not 7).............up on their little island. They’re campaigning to stop global pollution. But unless there is a dramatic change soon, Tuvalu will completely disappear beneath the waves in 50 years. 1 A among В along C betwe 2 A little В less C small 3 A inform В predict c tell 4 A is в says c shows 5 A for в around c about 6 A points в times c eva^ 7 A taking Б holding c clesV D D D inside few S'" itteans 0 moments giving Listening & Speaking Skills Vocabulary a Match the verbs (1-4) to their opposites {a-d). 1 cut down 2 increase 3 provide 4 build a deny b plant c decrease d destroy b Fill in the gaps using the following verbs in the correct form: cut down, increase, decrease, provide, improve, destroy. 2 The use of cars and planes greatly.............. CO2 emissions. I don’t think genetically modified crops ^ ....................the quality of food, | It is impossible to make new paper without ................trees. A power station near my home.................... most of the electricity in the country. Building roads often means that wildlife habitats are....................... The amount of oxygen in the air has............. ; in recent years. - I hii Mil I i Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences. 1 2 3 4 power global conservation natural modern habitats programmes warming lifestyle stations 1 It's very important to protect 2 The government needs to build new ......... ...............to produce more electricity, 3 Cars, computers and cheap flights are all part of a......................... 4 .......................are a way of helping animals in the places where they live. 5 Hotter summers are caused by.............. 3 5 Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words in bold. 1 Without..................(electric), we could not have our modern lifestyle. 2 Modern transport doesn’t do enough to help reduce traffic.............(congest). 3 Animal ................. (adopt) is a great way of helping endangered species, 4 One easy way of helping the environment is to make ................. (personal) birthday cards from old paper for friends. 5 An ................ (close) is not a natural habitat for a lion. 6 1 was so proud when 1 got a................. (certify) for my work for the environment. Idioms Fill in: storm, rainy, weather, cloud. 1 He was on ................. nine when he signed the animal adoption form, 2 I’ve been feeling a bit under the........... this week. 3 He tries to save some money for a........... day. 4 Their argument was just a ............. in a teacup. Everyday English % Circle the correct response. A: They say that cars increase CO2 emissions. B: a I'm crazy about it, b That’s just so true, I read somewhere that they are cutting down the forest to build a new road, a That’s shocking, b I don’t fancy it. A: Did you know that more than 150 acres of rainforest are lost every minute? ^ a Do something before it’s too latel b That is terrible. I heard the other day that cutting trees improves the quality of oq^mckjern lifestyles. a I'm really into it. ‘ b That's just ridiculou», 2 A: B; B; 4 A: B: 29 i SIL^ W- •a'< '■' .r :"' 'ib ■»:■' :.• Grammar in Use/ 3 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. 1 Let’s take the empty bottles to the recycling Moaals centre, (shall) 1 Match the items in column A to the phrases in ^ Please turn the cooker off. (could) column B. ................. m—I , I* ■ ^ ^ allowed to use my phone here^ fmavl Ш I She ran a It IS necessary that e неге, (may; [2]~] He may (will) b It is likely that they... ................................ I J He should ... cl think that it is best ^ (must) ВП You must be... ^ J 6 I wish people would do" more" to "the [Sn She needs to,,. choice but,о , LiJ—11 ought to ... ^ ' suggest that we ... 7 It’s not right to throw away empty bottles and p-m—I f She’s able... jars, (you/should) LZJ_J He could be ... _ , g It s best jf I ... .......................................... EJ We have to .. b It is likely that he ® ^ compost heap? . (can) sn They might.. ' ....................... , Maybe he is, but I 9 Ifs a good idea to buy things with simple L_[—I Shall we..,? can’t be sure ... packaging, (you/ought) 2 Underline the correct item centre is just around the corner, ‘ (must) 1 You should/ought recycle glass. We help the .......................................... environment this way. 2 The cooker must/can be on. It feels hot. Д Underline the correct word. 3 We mustn t/don’t have to damage the 4 ^ buy an animal adoption 4 May/Would you bring the vegetable waste out certificate? to the compost heap? B: Yes, I certainly can/would. e pro uce too much rubbish. We must/may 2 A; I use silver paper to wrap my packed try to cut down on waste. lunch, 7 Shouldn’t/can’t use silver paper 7 Should/Can I use your phone? as it produces waste. 8 He had better/couldn’t read when he was 3 A: Must/May I use a reusable lunchbox instead? 9 You must/can respect the environment. Б; Yes, of course. \ 5'’™''i™'>bldyoulikemetotbkethe уЛ ' ® ^ vegetable waste out to the compost hM^^ '^'^stn’t/don’t have to. Your bftSfer Vnim* bas already done it. TOBGUSS \v , GLASS . .V I and BOnifS 9w |N0=ss" P .w* tin I ййгай1гжЯК(Г1Й I’ . UmSSXinlBSXIlSiSSSf - . жЖг 5 study the situations and respond to each one using an appropriate modal verb. 1 6 You see that your sister has left the tight in her room on white she’s in the living room watching TV. What do you say to her? You shouldn't leave the light in your room on when you're not there. You want to leave the classroom for five minutes. Ask for your teacher’s permission. 3 You work in a museum and a visitor is ready to take a picture of a painting. Tell them that they are not allowed. 4 You are throwing a party and a friend offers to prepare something to help you out. Tell him that it isn't necessary for him to prepare anything. 5 The sky is cloudy and it looks like it’s going to rain. Tell your sister that it’s not a good idea to ride her bicycle to work. 6 You’re going out with your friends tonight. Tell your parents that there’s a possibility you will be late. 7 Tell a friend of yours that it is important that he does his share to help protect the environment. Make true sentences about going to the beach. Use must/mustn’t. 1 swimmers/be careful 2 leave rubbish/behind 3 play/loud music 4 light/fires 5 swim/after eating 7 8 9 Dependent prepositions Fill in: of, from (2), to, under, about, in (2). 1 We all need to protect nature............... pollution. 2 Keeping endangered species ................. captivity can help their conservation. 3 Cars and planes are extremely harmful ..................the environment. 4 Plenty of species are................ danger of losing their habitats. 5 Forests are.............threat.............. new roads and buildings. 6 My dad feels very strongly ................. recycling. 7 They are very supportive ................... animal conservation programmes. Phrasal verbs Fill in: into, over, away from, on, out of. 1 Sue ran ................ Tom while she was shopping at the supermarket. 2 The police were looking for three endangered animals which ran................the zoo. 3 We've run................sugar. Will you go and buy a packet, please? 4 He almost ran...............the old woman who was crossing the road. 5 The cooker runs...............electricity. Word formation (prefixes) Form negative adjectives from the words in bold. 1 My younger sister is very ....................She RESPONSIBLE doesn’t believe in recycling. 2 People who believe that there < is no global warming are 3 She thought it was........... USUAL that the winter was so warm. vL ^ 4 Because we need to cut down Cr trees to make paper, it is ...............to waste paper. 1 List the animals in the correct categories. • eagle • elephant • lizard • crocodile • horse • dog • fly • whale • salmon • bee • robin • monkey • snake • cat • crow Insect Reptile Mammal 1 ish Bird 2 Labe I the different parts of the body. 3 Fill in: whisper, gliner, yelp, soften, cry, praise, endure in the correct form. 1 32 The film about endangered whales was so sad that I...........all night after watching it. Silver paper is useful when making fancy dress outfits because it.................. My dog...........when Dad stepped on his paw. The Earth has had to...........environmental pollution caused by humans. The local newspaper.................our class for our successful ‘Use Less Stuff’ campaign. The heavy rain.................the ground so much that we were unable to play football. He..........as he didn’t want to wake anybody. 5 6 Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words in brackets. 1 Tom was so amazed at what he had seen that he stood................(motion) for several minutes. 2 Cutting down the forest was a................ (monster) thing to do. I'm so angry! 3 It was ................. (wonder) to see the endangered lion going back into its natural habitat. 4 She looked in................(amaze) at the man who said that genetically modified foods were good quality. 5 I’m.................(confide) that I'll get the job. 6 The team returned.................(triumph) to their native city after winning the final. Fill in: in, at, on. 1 We have an environmental awareness day .........my school. 2 Don’t leave the light.....when you’re not in the room. 3 The enclosure is five metres.......length. 4 We spent hours gazing.........the pretty stars in the night sky 5 Sadly many people have difficulty ........... practising the three Rs: reduce, recycle, reuse. 6 On a compost heap, you put new material .........top of older material. Fill in: marvellous, clearing, trunks, swamps, thuds, track. Hi George, Greetings/rom Kenya! I’m here on a safari holiday with my school. It's wonder/ul! Yesterday we went /or Q long walk in a local forest. It was very dangerous as there were 1)........very near the 2).........we were walking on. After a few hours, ,4 we reached о 3)..............All of a sudden, heard some monstrous 4)..............We w*k all terrified. It was nothing to worry about, as it was only a herd of elephants. They' 5).............sight and their were huge. I’ll never forget them^^show you some photos when I get home. Best wishes, I Writing Skills Match the topic sentences (1-3) to their supporting sentences (A-C). It must be said, however, that there are many positive aspects to cycling to work. However, genetically modified crops have their disadvantages. There are many advantages to animal conservation programmes. The main one is that they may have negative effects on people’s health. Firstly, they help save endangered species. First of all, it is a cheap and easy way to stay fit and healthy. a Match each argument against genetically modified crops (1-3) with its corresponding justification (a-c). Arguments People are afraid of them. They damage the environment. They are expensive. 1 [3 Justifications A They have a negative effect on other plants. В They don’t know what effect these crops will have on them in the future. C Farmers have to buy the seeds from big companies, b Use the ideas above and complete the main body paragraph. There are many negative aspects to the use of genetically modified crops ... I n Write topic sentences for the following C a Read the extracts below. Which are L supporting sentences. J beginnings! Which are endings? 1 ................................................ (X) Would you like to see a better Earth? For people who ................................................ are worried about harming the environment, recycling is To begin with, it would mean that less trees a must. With the wide range of recycling opportunities would have to be cut down, now available, more and more people are trying to 2 ...................................... reduce, reuse and recycle. So, what are the advantages ................................ and disadvantages of living a 'green’ life? First, it would save whales from extinction. ■■■ ■ ^ ................. (5) To sum up, although there are many arguments .........,.....*V"’j....У «•" ■ 'I'c against keeping animals in zoos. 1 believe there are Firstly, this would reduce traffic jams, certainly aspects in favour of it. As the famous American actress Nicole Kidman said; 1 love acting, but it’s much more fun taking the kids to the zoo” 3 Fill in; to sum up, in addition, not only, but, nevertheless, 1 Firstly, new roads destroy wildlife habitats. ............ they are very expensive to build. 2 ..............do cars save us time and effort, ............you don’t have to follow a fixed route either. 3 ................. although there are many disadvantages to public transport, it is more environmentally friendly than using cars. 4 Petrol is expensive............. , solar energy cannot provide for our modern lifestyles. 5 Firstly, zoos provide protection for endangered species........ you can visit them to see animals you don’t normally find in your country. ® More and more families today have two cars. Many people believe that one car is enough, but is that really the case? Having more than one car has both advantages and disadvantages for families. All things considered, I believe that there are more : disadvantages than advantages to building new roads. There are already too few forests in the country and ^4 ^ more roads would mean even less trees, b Use the theory box in the Student^ (p. 71) to identify which writing technique(s) has/have beerj^Used in each paragraph. 4^________________ 33 а, Г Vocabulary Practice 3 Label the parts of the tree, using: bark, roots, leaves, branches, trunk. b Fill in: absorb, store, obtain, convert, grovv. 1 Plants ................ carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates, 2 Animals eat plants to................energy. 3 Plants and trees can ..................... to various heights. 4 Plants................carbon dioxide through their leaves. 5 Plants can ................ the energy they produce through photosynthesis. Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences. 1 tropical a reef 2 coral b floor 3 breeding c bark 4 cough d clear 5 crystal e mixture 6 forest f rainforests 7 tree % grounds 34 1 Without............................ the Earth cannot support life as we know it. 2 A lot of medicines come from ............... A conservation programme in Australia is trying to protect the .......................there. Forests are great...................for birds and animals. I prefer this beach because the water is..... 3 No house should be without a bottle of...... .................during the winter. 7 There is so much vegetation that it is difficult to see the........................... Complete the poster using the correct forms of the following verbs; conserve, act, join, make, protect, reverse. Are you worried about the environment? Would you like to t)................an organisation to help 2)................nature’s treasures? The ‘Clean Ringsend’ group believes strongly that our local wildlife habitats need to be 3).............. from pollution. It also tries to 4).............the harm already done. By 5)................together, we can realty 6)................a difference. Contact us today! Listening О Listen to a radio announcement and fill in the gaps (1-6). Next morning: Thursday, 12*^ 1).....at 2)....P Speeche Douglas’^' acil4..... Adams Topics: ....Arctic and ' ♦ Sinking 6)..... ❖ Reading Read the passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1—7. Evidence of global warming is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. Latin America and Southern Asia are suffering from storms and floods more than ever before while Europe is experiencing unusual heat waves and forest fires. However, it is the Arctic that provides the clearest demonstration of mankind's effect on the global climate. The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet and the bright white surface of polar ice is disappearing. Most of the sunlight that strikes the polar ice simply bounces back into space, but the dark ocean water absorbs the light and heat. As each square mile of ice melts, the total amount of reflecting white surface is reduced and the heat absorbing dark surface of the water is increased, so the remaining ice melts faster. Furthermore, there is also the possibility that higher temperatures may release more methane from the Arctic and COj from peat bogs, which will also speed up the warming process. During the Earth's history, the climate has changed a lot and plant and animal life has adapted to survive. However, the climate is now changing so fast that many animals in the Arctic are facing disaster. The Arctic is home to some of the world's most amazing mammals, millions of migratory birds and a rich community living on the ice-edge. Animals like walruses, ringed seals, caribou, reindeer, collared lemmings, Arctic foxes, muskoxen, narwhals, bowhead and beluga whales and polar bears live only here. In the summer, the ice begins to melt and break up, and the polar bears have to swim between the floating ice to find food. However, as global temperatures have risen, the ice has melted more and the distances between the floating ice have increased. Of course, the polar bears don't know about this until they find themselves gradually becoming exhausted while swimming in open water. Sadly, researchers are now finding the dead bodies of drowned polar bears floating in the Arctic Ocean. Scientists are now warning that the entire ecosystem of the Arctic region may be threatened. Plants that grow in cold conditions will either grow further north or die out, which will endanger the land animals that eat them. Consequently, animals such as reindeer, caribou and muskoxen may starve if they can't find enough to eat. Life in the Arctic has always been a struggle for survival, but the added difficulties caused by global warming could soon make it almost impossible. Although no one knows for certain exactly what will happen in the future, we do know that any damage to this precious environment will affect the whole planet and we will be unable to change it back again. ■> Global warming is causing the Arctic to ... A have terrible storms. В suffer from floods, C experience unusual heat waves. D warm twice as fast as elsewhere. The ice in the Arctic ... A reflects most of the sun's light and heat. В absorbs most sunlight. C is melting slower than before. D releases methane into the atmosphere. The Earth’s climate ... A hasn't changed much. В is slowly changing. C is changing too quickly. D isn’t changing quickly enough. The Arctic is the only place where you can find... A beluga whales and grizzly bears. В penguins and narwhals. C buffaloes and polar bears. D caribou and collared lemmings. Polar bears... A can’t swim, В can’t swim very well. C sometimes swim to find food, D sometimes swim to other polar bears. Reindeer in the Arctic may ... A stop hunting ringed seals. В lose their food supply, C threaten the entire ecosystem. D endanger other land animals. Damage to the Arctic environment will... A have unpredictable results. В definitely destroy all life there. C only have an effect on local animals. D be easy to fix. Reading Skills 1 Vocabulary Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences. 1 delayed a tour 2 street b comforts 3 breathtaking c festivals 4 local d view 5 annual e dishes 6 guided f vendors 7 home 1 g flight We had a .........................of the bay and its volcanic island from our room. They went on a........................of Paris and discovered its many interesting sites. There are thousands of ....................in Marrakech offering a variety of exotic goods. I was dying for some......................... after my two weeks in the jungle. We arrived home hours late due to a.......... 2 6 We always taste as many..................as we can when we are abroad. 7 The island hosts many ...................... including international cultural celebrations. Cross the odd one out. 1 peaks - hills - mountains - temples 2 parade - beach - contest - festival 3 souvenirs - handicraft - pottery - viruses 4 trails - campsites - hotels - hostels 5 selling - trekking - backpacking - climbing Tick {/) the correct boxes. 36 5 6 Fill in: ancient, breathtaking, cheap, nasty, rocky, spectacular. 1 We like to go on cycling holidays and stay at .................campsites. 2 We had to trek up a ........................ mountain trail for six hours to get there, 3 The highlight of our visit to Peru was the .................ruins of Machu Picchu. 4 My unde caught a ...................... virus when he was in Thailand. 5 I’ll always remember the ................... view from the top of Mont Blanc. 6 For me, Tibet has some of the most .................scenery in the world. Underline the correct word. We’ll go to an excursion/exhibition at the museum. The west coast/seaside of Ireland is beautiful. Our weekend tour/trip to Rome was great. The astronauts left on a six-month voyage/ journey into space. We had to trek/step up a rocky mountain to reach the monastery. Underline the correct word. 1 Tanya was very upset because she had left/ forgot her handbag on the bus. 2 He ran as fast as he could but didn’t mana to take/catch the bus. 3 Are you sure we should cash/afford^ traveller’s cheques at once? 4 We tried/attempted a whole^ngr of local dishes while in Turkey. 5 My parents always hire/rejrf^our guide when they go abroad, ▲|\Л 6 Our package contained/included guided tours of Ж the major sites. f 1 Listening & Speaking Skills Vocabulary Complete the word maps with: 6 & 6, overcast, chalet, freezing, package, working, self-catering, adventure, rainy, hostel, scorching, backpacking, cruise, hotel, camping, stormy, caravan, skiing, guest house, boiling bot. package 1 Fill in: absolute, disgusting, crowded, rude, single, terrible. 1 He never rests. He did all his sightseeing in a{n)........... day. 2 I’m never flying with that airline again. The hostesses were so .. 3 It was a(n) ............... nightmare. Everything went wrong from beginning to end. 4 I must say I’ve never had such..........food in my life. 5 I’m fed up with ................. beaches. Let’s rent a house on the lake this summer. 6 You couldn’t imagine what a(n)..............experience it was. I’ll think twice about taking the plane again. 3 Fill in: mug, steal, pickpocket or rob in the correct form. 1 I can't believe it. My car has been 3 4 4 2 3 4 There are regular announcements in the metro stations reminding tourists to be aware of........ Jack was ............ in a dark alley by two youths last night. Two masked men ................ the petrol station this morning. Idioms Fill in: heart, port, road, track. We left knowing we wouldn’t reach our next.............of call for another week at least. It’s getting late. We’d better hit the............... It was with a heavy............ that I gave him such terrible news. It might be off the beaten ................ but it’s a town well worth visiting. Everyday English 5 Underline the correct item. 1 A: Did you hear Dan was in a car accident? B: What a shame!/How awful! Is he all right? 2 A: t hear you’re going away for a while. B: Yes. Have a great time./l can’t wait. 3 A: How was the excursion? B: Not that great actually..d’i^^ just got back. 4 A: Did I tell you I Mlled my driving test again? ^ B: How disappdi^ngl/What a terrible «с|5еНепсе! 37 Past tenses Put the verbs into the post simpie or the past continuous. 2 38 1 A: ..............................(you/see) the lightning last night? B: No, 1 ..........................(sleep). 2 A: Why....................................... (you/not answer) my text message? B: I'm sorry but I ......................... (take) a bath. 3 A; Where ........................(you/stay)? B: Oh, we...........................(rent) a cottage near the beach. It was beautiful. 4 A; ..............................(you/feel) down when I called yesterday? B: No, but I ..........................(be) very tired. Sorry! 5 A: What ..................................... (Jill/say) when I walked in? B: Oh, nothing. She ........................ (talk) about her mum. 6 A: What ..................................... (you/do) at lunchtime? B: Why?..................................... (you/try) to call me? Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect or the past perfect continuous. 1 Garry .................................(teach) in Manchester for 12 years before he got a post in Oxford. 2 Mike was tired. He .......................... (clean) the house since early in the morning. 3 They ...................(try) to have a child for years before they had Jane. 4 My uncle ........................(be) in the navy for years before he became a commercial diver. 5 They...................................(wait) for two hours before Ann finally arrived. 6 By the time Bob came home, Laura............. ..............................(cook) dinner. 7 She got fired because she.................... ................(come) in late consistently. 3 8 Harry...............................(write) several pages before he realised he was off the point. Choose the correct item. 1 I ...... to work when I heard the news on the radio. A had driven C had been driving В was driving 0 drove 2 What ....... at 6 o’clock? I couldn’t get in touch with you. A did you do C had you done В had you been doing 0 were you doing 3 Jake had only been talking for a minute .........the microphone went dead. A when C after В while D until 4 We ......... around town when we bumped into Mary. A were wandering В had wandered C wandered 0 had been wandering 5 Mary left work very late. She....... tetters all day, A was typing C had been typing В typed D had typed 6 She had been waiting ........... two hours before she left. A since C until В for D after 7 Mary........all the chocolates by the time I got back. A ate C had eaten В had been eating 0 was eating 8 They ....... a lot of souvenirs during their trip last year. A bought C had bought В were buying D had been buyfr '5^ 9 Mrs Jacobs ...... the door when was leaving last night. A had locked C lo^^ О В was locking D ЬйЙ&Вёеп locking 10 I ...... along the cai^^Jfes great idea оссиггк|А**е. A walked C had walked В had beer^^^itg D was walking St night when a f Complete the letter with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. Hi Roy, I hope you’re well. Sorry, I 1)........... (not/write) sooner, but I 2)...............(be) on holiday in Malta. You should have come. We 3)...............(find) a lovely house on the beach and we 4)...............(renO it/or the/our о/ us. It was beauti/ul. We also 5)...............(hire) a jeep to see the area. One day, we 6)............... (decide) to visit an ancient castle. While we 7)...............(walk) around the castle, someone called my name. Surprised, I 8)............(turn) around to see who it 9)................ (be). It was Steve, an old /rlend о/ mine /rom school. I 10) ............(not/see) him since we 11) ............(/inish) school and he 12) ............(move) to another town. Steve 13) ............(study) Archeology /or the last five years before he 14)...............(get) his degree and 15)................(join) an expedition. He 16)...............(work) there/or the last two months. Steve 17).................(invite) us to the camp where we 18).................(meet) the rest of the team. Some 19)................(examine) ancient vases whereas others 20)...............(take) pictures о/every single piece before starting to put them together. I don’t think ! could do this job. I’m not that patient. Anyway, we 21).............. (spend) the rest of the '^days with the team and 22)................. (take) lots of pictures. I’ll show them to you when you come to visit Well, I’ve got to go now. Write back soon. ^ Yours, Nancy 5 3 We couldn’t afford a five-star hotel, enough We .................................. ..............for a five-star hotel. 4 They unpacked the minute they arrived home. soon They unpacked ......................... ............................home. 5 Jim has a very good relationship with his parents. get Jim .................................... .......................his parents. 6 They decided to stay two more weeks, prolong They decided to..................... .......................two weeks. 7 She didn’t cook dinner until after Bill had arrived home. before She waited until Bill................ ....................cooked dinner. 8 The tour had begun before I arrived at the site, time The tour had begun..................... .......................at the site. 9 it was the best holiday he had ever had. never He ................................... ....................a good holiday. 10 The last time he had seen her was at her birthday party in June. since He ................................... .................her birthday party in June. Phrasal verbs ^ Fill in: around, by, in, on with. 1 I don't get...............Brian. I don't like his attitude. 2 It’s difficult for people in wheelchairs to get .........................this part of town. 3 I don’t know how you can get ............on such a low salary. 4 Get ................and I’ll drive you home. Key word transformations Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. 1 I'm finding it hard to manage on the money I earn. get I’m finding it hard ................. .............on the money I earn. 2 Tim checked in and then Anna arrived, before Tim .............................. ...................Anna arrived. 7 Dependent prepositions Underline the correct item. How often do you travel in/by train? It’s not very far. Let’s go by/on foot. We didn’t arrive in/at Kathmandu after dark. When did you last go in/on We'll have to go in/by b^et-^ere’s no road. Q iu well lП^^m^y? 39 40 1 2 3 FftI in: do, foot, heart, eyebrows, tear, trust. 1 When he told his mom he was leaving, a .......................welled up in her eye. 2 Many emigrants dream of the day they’ll set .......................on their native soil again. 3 Neil is very honest. You can................. him. 4 Stop raising your ......................[ (’m telling you the truth. 5 My friend’s kindness sometimes touches my 6 I think a change would ...................... you some good. Fill in; for, in, into, with. 1 Mary looked at me ........... astonishment when I told her the news, 2 The only thing [ dislike about cross-country running is you often end up covered........ mud. 3 Oliver Twist was so hungry that he pleaded ............some more food. 4 After all that trekking Barry simply collapsed ............the armchair and slept. 5 ‘Has anyone seen my son?’ the woman asked despair. 6 Do you have something.........mind......... dinner tonight? Underline the correct word, 1 Fear/Scare often prevents people from doing what they’d like to do, 2 Quick! Get your camera and come here. There isn’t a moment to miss/lose. 3 Mr Rogers lives in a house in the woods and leads a very quiet/quite life. 4 Kate was deeply uneasy/troubled by her son’s mysterious behaviour. 5 When I travel ( always take a(n) copy/ example of Homer’s Iliad with me. 6 He took a wad of notes/coins from his wallet to pay for the suit. Match the opposites. Then, choose five words and write sentences using them. 1 arrival ^ descend 3 I I enter return purchase a go away b exit c sell d departure e go up Use of English Fill in the gaps (1-7) with a derivative of the words in bold. 5 remembeh TREK АПРАСТ Visit Lake Baikal, the largest lake in Eurasia and one of the world’s most 1)........... IMPRESS natural wonders, on foot, We organise a 15- day 2).......trip that you'll never forget. Starting from the 3)...... city of Irkutsk we’ll take you up the Angara River by hydrofoil to the village of Listvianka where the actual trip begins. The trip involves 5-6 hours walking per day and includes visits to the Obeutikha Cave where Neolithic man lived, Chasovnia Chapel cave, the Museum of Wooden 4)....... .. and many more 5).......sites. Most of the walking is quite easy but some of the tracks demand a good level of 6)......All accommodation and meals are included in the cost of the trip, we recommend that you bring wit snnall 7)......of your favourite l^t^llies’ SELECT for moments when you feel lik^i^lmg at something. ARCHIT INTE ke^ S ni Writing Skills 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Then match the beginnings to the endings. We 1) .......... (jump) up and down, and waving like children at the people on the pier as the boat left the harbour. We 2) .............. (wait) for the summer to come all year and now it was here we were on our own yacht, sails hoisted and on our way on our first real sailing trip. "Come on Roy, get up," screamed Jane as I 3)...........(open) my eyes, "We'll miss our flight." I thought she was pulling my leg but I rolled over and 4) ........... (take) a look at the clock. I couldn't believe my eyes, i Have you ever gone to bed feeling that something great was going to happen to you the next day? Well, it's strange but one cold night last winter I 5) .......... (sit) on the couch watching a film when I 6) .............. (get) a strange but nice feeling, I could almost г hear a voice in my head telling me to prepare 1 myself for something good. [ The evening ended with everyone singing and ^ dancing. It was one of the best days in my life s and it certainly 7)........(change) the way I | live. I know now that in the future I will always [ follow my instincts. __________________________i The police reassured us that they 8) ..........(find) Laurence and took us to the hospital. We couldn't hide our joy and we all hugged and kissed him. "Maybe we should take a few more sailing lessons," said Terry and we all 9}...........(laugh) When the boat finally docked and we 10) ........... (see) my dad waiting on the quay, tears filled my eyes. I was so happy to be back, but I was also exhausted. I never thought that missing a flight could cause so many problems. 2 Replace the words in bold with others from the list: comfortabie, deafening, desperate, gigantic, calm, soaked, gentle. The weather was l)good with a 2) slight breeze so 1 turned off the erigiue and decided to take a rest on the foredeck. 1 must have fallen into a deep sleep, but when 1 woke up 1 heard a 3) loud noise and felt the boat was rocking violently. 1 was 4) very wet and 1 knew this W'asu't a good sign. As 1 got up 1 saw a lightning flash in the sky. Suddenly, a 5) big wave came over the top of the bow. It knocked me down again. 1 knew the situation was 6) very bad. 1 ran to the radio and made a distress call. After that, everything is a blur, 1 only remember waking up in a 7) nice and dry hospital bed. 3 Use the linkers to join the sentences. 1 Sheila was ready to give up. A rescue team appeared on top of the cliff, (when) 2 He did his best to hold on. He just didn’t have the strength, (but) 3 Jack was trying to fix the radio. Linda was searching for food, (while) 4 They watched the horror film. The children had gone to bed. (after) 5 He put on his coat. He left, (and) 6 She took her umbrella. It was raining heavily, (because) Join the sentences using a present or past participle. 1 She was embarrassed. She bowed her head and left the room. Embarrassed, she bowed her head and (eft the room. He held on to the branch. He pulled himself out of the water. I was bored. I decide to make a few phofjg, calls. Q Kate was exhausted. She went to bed.,^^ He opened the door. He saw^JJ^ieng-lost brother standing there. She smiled. She refused hisi^i^tion and said Soodbye. ^ Vocabulary Practice 42 1 2 Fill in: experience, part, vaiue, wits. 1 Travelling to China was truly a(n) ....................of a lifetime. 2 The haunted house ride scared Julie out of her.................. 3 The agent promised me that the holiday would be both fun and good ....................for money. 4 When it comes to pollution, we’re all the solution. Fill in: drizzle, pour, rain, iinins, showers in the correct form. 1 After the................., a rainbow sometimes forms in the sky. 2 “Is it raining outside?” “Not really. It’s only................" 3 I’m soaked again. I always get caught in April.................... 4 As the saying goes; it never rains but it 5 Every cloud has a silver............. of 3 Fill in: harm, injuries, wound, threatened, starve. 1 Boat propellers have already caused...................to a number of turtles. 2 Many sea creatures are...................by man’s actions in the sea. 3 Not everyone realises how tourism can .................... the environment. 4 Some animals literally .................... because man destroys their habitat and their food. 5 Spear fishermen sometimes ...................... fish they don’t want, and then leave them to die. 4 Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences. 11 2| 3| 4 1 5 6 serve bird’s eye endangered food fishing digestive a b c d e wrappers nets system a purpose view species You have a..................of the bay from the top of that hill. Rubbish sometimes ends up in an animal's ................. and harms them. Sometimes dolphins or seals get caught in ................ and are injured. We should all keep our ................until we find a bin to throw them in. Some people believe that human beings may soon be on the list of 6 All life forms on this planet 5^ Complete the sayings with: rains but it pours, cats and dogs, a little rain must fall, has a silver lining. 1 A: What's the weather like? B: Oh, it’s raining.............. 2 A: Don’t be so sad. B; You’re right. Every cloud 3 A; What’s wrong now? B: Trust mel It never.. 4 A: Why is it always so difficult? B: Come on. Into every life,............. b Use one of the sayings to label the picture. Listening 1 йфо Listen to five people talking about their summer holidays. Which of the comments below might each speaker make? There is one comment you don’t need to use. It was quite a funny situation. It never rains but it pours, ft was a slightly disappointing holiday, I can’t wait for the holidays, f always lose my luggage or get mugged while on holiday. I had the time of my life. Speaker 1 2 3 4 5 Comment Reading 2 Read the passage, then choose the correct answer (Л, B, C or D) for questions 1-6. 1 The narrator is A very rich. В a salesman. C not free. D a performer. 2 The characters are travelling A to their friend’s house. В to a large city. C to a nearby town. D home. 3 The narrator A is riding a horse. В is being carried. C is carrying the luggage. D is walking. 4 Glumdalclitch complained A so that they would go faster. В because the horse was tired, C because she was exhausted. D to protect the narrator. fiiilliveet M у master, finding how profitable I was likely to be, decided to carry me to the most important cities of the kingdom. Having therefore provided himself with all things necessary for a long journey, and settled his affairs at home, he took leave of his wife, and on 17th August, about two months after my arrival, we set out for the metropolis, situated near the middle of that empire, and about three thousand miles distance from our house. My master made his daughter, Glumdalclitch, ride behind him. She kept me on her lap, in a box tied about her waist. The girl had lined it on all sides with the softest cloth she could get, well quilted underneath, furnished it with her baby's bed, provided me with linen and other necessaries, and made everything as convenient as she could. We had no other company but a boy of the house, who rode after us with the luggage. My master’s plan was to show me in all the towns on the way, and to step out of the road for fifty or a hundred miles, to any village, or person of quality’s house, where he might expect custom. We made easy journeys, of not above seven or eight miles a day; for Glumdalclitch, not wanting to exhaust me, complained she was tired with the trotting of the horse. She often took me out of my box, at my own desire, to give me air, and show me the country, but always held me by a leading string. We passed over five or six rivers, much broader and deeper than the Nile or the Ganges: and there was hardly a stream so small as the Thames at London Bridge, We were ten weeks in our journey, and I was shown in eighteen large towns, besides many villages, and private families. On the 26th day of October we arrived at the metropolis, called in their language LORBRULGRUD, or Pride of the Universe. My master took a lodging in the principal street of the city, not far from the Royal Palace, and put out bills in the usual form, containing an exact description of my person and parts. He hired a large room between three and four hundred feet wide. He provided a table sixty feet in diameter, upon which I was to act my part. I was shown ten times a day, to the wonder and satisfaction of all people. I could now speak the language tolerably well, and perfectly understood every word, that was spoken to me. Besides, I had learnt their alphabet, and could make an attempt to explain a sentence here and there; for Glumdalclitch had been my instructor while we were at home, and at leisure hours during our journey. She carried a little book in her pocket, not much larger than a Sanson’s Atlas; it was a common treatise for the use of young girls, giving a short account of their religion: out of this she taught me my letters, and interpreted the words. In Lorbrulgrud, they stayed A at Pride of the Universe Hotel, В in the city centre, C in the Royal Palace. D in the master’s house. Glumdalclitch taught the narrator A to dance. В leisure activities. C her language, D to act. 44 Reading Skills mT7 1 Vocabulary List the words under the correct heading. • grapes • oft • chicken • raspberries • broccoli • potatoes • mangoes • yoghurt • cherries • biscuit • tea • milk • aubergine • cake • cheese • pepper • cucumber • prawn # tuna • orange juice • crisps • lamb • cola • carrots • sardine • lobster • pineapple • chocolate r Fruit Vegetables Meat & poultry Dairy products Seafood, fish Fats & Sweets Drinks > 2 3 Fill in: carbohydrates, fat, sugar, minerals, protein, vitamins, fibre. 1 You need this to help you grow. You can find it in meat, eggs and milk................. 2 It helps to store energy in your body. You can find it in butter & oil................ 3 It is used to make food and drinks taste sweet. You can find it in biscuits and cakes........ f Substances you need to be healthy. You can find them in fruit and vegetables.............. i Parts of plants or seeds that your body cannot digest. Helps food pass through the body quickly.................... > They provide you with energy. You can find them in bread, pasta and rice................ A substance that is formed naturally in rocks or the earth and is found in small quantities in food and drinks.......... What is each question about; wine, steak, water, courses, coffee? 1 Still or fizzy? 2 Black or white? 3 Medium or well done? 4 Starter, main, dessert? 5 Red or white? 5 Cross the odd one out. 1 steamed, boiled, grilled, fried rice 2 baked, boiled, roast, toasted potatoes 3 toasted, roasted, baked, fried bread 4 fried, toasted, grilled, raw fish 5 roast, fried, scrambled, grilled chicken Match the pictures to the words. • bitter • sour • sweet • hot 6 7 Fill in: slice, bowl, piece, handful. ^ A: What would you like for breakfast? A............of cereal, please. 2 A: How many raisins do we need for the cake? B; Just a.............. 3 A: How about a ................. of lemon in your drink? B: Oh yes, please. 4 A; It’s my birthday today. Please have a .............of cake. B: Thanks very much. Fill in: desserts, dishes, starters, additives, fizzy drink, main courses. Gfiaiinirs Щтш 1)......... • Prawn Cocktail • Soup of the day 2)......... • Spaghetti Carbonara • Roast chicken with lemon & garlic • Grilled salmon with tomato sauce 3)........ • Fruit salad • Chocolate cake with icecream All our 4)........are Fay is very ......... . . She always talks about people behind their back. Georgina is a very makes a fuss! Your clothes are so to buy some new ones. Mrs Miggins is the .. in the sweet shop. They make burgers at Guiseppe’s Diner. APPEAR him a lot in future 9^^CE l^ttOBABLE ♦ 4^ 55 1 Fill in; invade, rush, quarrel, smack, shake, stalk, vanish, flee, dare in correct form. 1 If their team wins the football match, the fans will ..............the pitch, 2 The ball...........me on the leg and left a big bruise. 3 My sister and 1...........; that's why we are not speaking now! 4 The young girl ........... without a trace last Thursday morning. 5 Nobody.............to speak during the lesson. 6 Thousands were forced to ............. from their homes after heavy rainfall led to flooding, 7 It is polite to.......hands when you first meet someone. 8 The woman..........into the supermarket to get some milk, 9 The ghost is known to..........the building at night. 2 Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold. 1 John couldn’t wait to stop working and enjoy his............. RETIRE 2 Last evening we saw an amazing ...........at the theatre. PERFORM 3 Wendy is so...........- she thinks black SUPERSTITION cats bring bad luck! 4 The judge.............came to the wrong CLEAR decision. The man was definitely guilty! 5 Some of the models at the fashion show v^ere............thin. EXTRAORDINARY 3 Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences. 1 gala 2 I upturned p l3 stage I 4 i dark I l5 practical I a bell b jokes c complexion d performance e nose 1 The queen attended the....................of the new opera. 2 When the .......................rings we have five minutes to get to the stage. 3 Have you seen the thief? He has brown hair and a.......... 4 Simon is so annoying. He is always playing on his classmates. 5 Many people thought her cute ............. one of her best features. was 56 5 Circle the parts of the face you can see in the picture above; nose. eye, cheek, neck, forehead, ear, skull, pupil, chin. Fill in: at, of, in, on. 1 You shouldn't make fun ........... penny. She is very sensitive. 2 Mum made her a cake...........the shape of a clown for her birthday. 3 I feel really.......ease in their company. 4 What were you looking for ...........particular? 5 Let's play a joke.......Mary, It’s the last day of school. 6 She cried out........terror when she thought she saw a ghost. 6 Prepositions of movement Fill in; through, over, across, along, into, onto, out of. 1 Everything was dark while the train went...........the tunnel. I Writing Skills 1 Underline the correct word/phrase. 1 The leading role/character is played by Tom Hanks, 2 The audience/viewers were on the edge of their seats. 3 The characters/cast includes some of the biggest names in Hollywood. 4 Sometimes it's hard to follow the action and read the subtittes/headings as well. 5 The first episode/track of that new crime drama was really entertaining. 6 The film Armageddon was starred/directed by Jerry 6ruckheimer, 7 The theme/song tune was really catchy. 8 Lord of the Rings has amazing special effects/settings. I couldn’t believe my eyes! 9 The film is based on/set in the book of the same name. 10 The story line/script was so predictable you knew what was going to happen next. 2 3 Fill in the table with adjectives from the list. • thrilling • brilliant • excellent • gripping • tragic • dull • hilarious • awful • depressing • dreadful • superb • predictable • moving '^Sood \ Funny Exciting Sad Boring ■ Bad j The Devil wears Prada' is a good comedy drama based on a novel by Lauren Weisberger. The movie is set in the busy offices of a Mew York Publishing House and focuses on a college graduate who takes a job as an assistant at a top fashion magazine. She believes it is the first step towards becoming a senous journalist, but things don’t turn out to be quite so simple. Her new boss is ruthless, bad and determined to make her life a living hell. The acting in the film is nice. Anne Hathaway is convincing as the naive young assistant, but it’s Meryl Streep that steals the show with a good performance as the bad boss. The plot can be a little boring at times but there are plenty of laughs to make up for that. All in ail, The Devil wears Prada is a good film and really funny, if you only see one film this year, this should be it! b Replace the adjectives in bold in the review with ones from the table in Ex. 2a. C Think of a film you’ve seen or a book you’ve read and write a recommendation. Use the vocabulary in Ex. 2a. 3 Underline the correct item. 1 The Black Eyed Peas' new song is extremely/slowly catchy. 2 The new series of ‘24’ is really/more gripping, I can’t wait for the next episode. 3 I think that new soap opera is dreadful. All the storylines are incredibly/less predictable. 4 Children shouldn’t watch the film. It is completely/almost , unsuitable. 5 Everyone should try bungee jumping once. It’s a(n) f»0 Incredibly intense experience. . 6 I usually enjoy reading crime novels, but the last^^Ji^d ♦V was totally/gently boring. 57 Vocabulary Practice / 58 1 Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences. 2 I 3 4 6 7 wax tourist egg music paper air cardboard software attraction products pollutant program models boxes g technology h cartons 2 Car exhaust fumes are a major.............. in alt towns and cities. Have you seen the Pirates of the Caribbean ..................at Madame Tussauds yet? The British Museum is a big ............... in London. We can make tots of ....................... ..................... from recycled paper. Developments in..................now mean that we can make music without instruments. Could you help me install this............. on my computer, Tom? .........................can be made from recycled newspapers. You can save empty...................and use them for art projects. Fill in: tear, explore, illustrate, harvest, wrap, conserve, line. 1 Farmers .......................their crops in autumn. 2 We have wanted to............................. Paris since we were little. St is such an interesting city. 3 You can use old magazines to ................. shelves in a cupboard. 4 They used cartoons to ........................ the children's book. 5 Could you help me ......................these Christmas presents? 6 Turning the lights off when you leave a room helps to .........................electricity. 7 Anne was so angry after she read the letter, she began to .........................it up. 3 Fill in: into, to, with, on, in. 1 We bumped ......... Carrie in the shopping centre today. 2 Did you know Derek has moved ......... New Zealand? 3 Have they settled......to their new flat yet? 4 You have to chop the carrots ......... small pieces. 5 The film was based ........ the book of the same name. 6 They were all armed........guns. 7 Working too hard is having a bad effect..... his health. 8 She solved the problem ........ a little help from her friends. 9 She is feeling much better compared ........ yesterday. Fill in: state-of-the-art, celebrity, notes, paper, revolution, humming. iEf; “I ij) Would you like to cause a 1)......in the music world? ^ ■ Would you like to learn how to make music using p’ '1 2).........equipment? ' i Well, if you want to become a future 3).......why not sign up for our ‘Electronic Music Workshop’. We’ll teach you all the new techniques for digitally producing music. You’ll soon be making tunes that will have the nation 4}.........along in no time! Paper Come and see us for all your paper needs! We have every kind of paper you might need from environmentally friendly recycled paper perfect for scribbling down 1).....to glossy 2).......for wrapping the most special of presents. 5 Underline the correct verb. "I Why don’t you play/produce us a tune on the лУ piano? 2 Some musicians choose to give/distribi^^ their own music. 3 Harry is such a nice person that peojM^Sften give/take advantage of him, 4 Owen and Ray often make/da^^^c together. 5 Tree bark and roots are ^CT^ffhes burned to make/produce energy. ______________Sy---------------------------- 1 Listening О Listen to the speakers. For questions 1 -7, choose A, В or C. Listen to a teenager talking about a band. Why does she like them? A their videos are brilliant В they’re good dancers C their songs are beautiful Listen to a man talking about his job. What does he enjoy most? A signing autographs В acting C meeting fans Listen to a woman talking about a film. How does she feel? A annoyed В excited C sad Listen to a girl talking about actors. Who does she prefer? A Danny Brown В John Moore C Sammy White Listen to a man talking about TV, What doesn't he like? A there are too many documentaries В there’s never any news C there are too many reality shows Listen to a TV presenter talking about a book. What does she say about it? A it’s exciting В it made her cry C it’s difficult to read Listen to a boy talking about a concert. How does he feel? A frightened В delighted C disappointed Reading 1 iMatch each profile (1—5) to a text (A-F). There is one text that you do not need to use. Which DVD would you recommend for someone who... 1 2 3 4 5 loves nature? likes fashion? is interested in mysteries? daydreams a lot? loves practical jokes? : ,i_ A: A tale of two worlds that come together. Betsy comes to New York from a small farming town in Ohio to study Law. One night at a party she meets a haute couture designer who insists that she model for her. Betsy accepts, but soon her world is turned upside down. \ В Rated one of the best adventure Itims ever, Land of the Lords takes you on a thrilling and fascinating adventure through mysterious lands inhabited by strange creatures. Three young boys find themselves inside a story one of them imagined while sitting in the classroom. Centuries ago on a distant planet a child was born who the oracles had promised would change the world forever. London in the year 2200, the evil Faddy Can rules the land controlling the masses with extreme surveillance techniques. But underground a force is growing and awaiting their saviour. This is a classic thriller in which two treasure hunters unearth more than they were bargaining for, and pay a heavy price. Dan and Kay Flannigan’s life-long dream of finding the secrets to King Sabouro’s kingdom along with its immense treasure turn into to a nightmare when they discover a strange code on a tomb. A laugh a minute with Brian Beed’s teenage horsing around at a public boarding school in an English town. This film definitely lives up to what we can expect from Beed. This time he has chosen the funniest cast you can imagine and invented the most ridiculous tricks. You're sure to die laughing! Ha ha! A sentimental story of a man’s fight to live his passirff^d ■ protect what’s left of the local wildlife. Hank Lawless Ira^ved in Norton Vl/ood all his life and intends to stofl^jl^^ being destroyed by property investors. 59 Reading Skills Vocabulary 1 Underline the correct words.Then match the speakers to the gadgets they describe. В Laptop computer C MP3 player 2 Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences. 1 digital a freak 2 home b life 3 social c recorder 4 techno d movies in university e collection 6 music f camera 7 voice i lecture 1 1 think that most actors have a very busy In the......................... the professor discussed how computer technology affects us. My mobile phone has a built in............... I have my whole .................on my iPod. My dad used to hate technology, but he loves the..............I bought him for his birthday. My younger brother loves new gadgets and computers. He’s a real....................... John invited his friends around to his house to look at some...................of his holiday. 3 A Video mobile phone ) ■“ ■ ................... _Ипл: It’s great. I can 1) store/carry up to 5,oi)0 songs on it and listen to them anywhere and anytime I like. Because it's so small, I can 2) have/ carry it around in my pocket I don't know what I’d do without it!” □Eva; 1 can use it to talk to friends, 3) play/send them messages, 4) play/take photos and even videos.” [^Duncan: '1 always 5}send/have it with me wherever I go. It's my mobile office and all the documents and information I need for my business are 6) carried/stored on it. I don't ' just use it for work though, I use it " to 7) save/play games, Fill in: keep, burn, consider, choose, store, edit, admit in the correct form. 1 My best friend David is ................. a career in computing. 2 She’s been using a personal organiser for two years now to................a record of her appointments. 3 I wanted some pop music for the party, so John some songs onto a CD for me. 4 His computer is really old so he can’t use it to ..................his home movies. 5 He...............to having stolen her mobile phone. 6 You can...............all sorts of information on a laptop. 7 .............. a mobile phone isn’t easy because there are so many to choose from. Underline the correct preposition. 1 I’m not very keen on/at modern technology. A lot of it is too confusing for me, 2 He’s hooked with/on computer games. He stays up all night playing them. 3 Shhh! I’m trying to listen at/to the radio! 4 Sarah is doing research of/on computer technology at university. 5 I was so bored with/on the journey. I wish I’d had my MP3 player. 6 Is that the digital camera that you won in/on the competition? 7 Jane has a very important job with a computer company and is always on/from the move. 5 Fill in: godgets, passion, handy, portable. Do you have □ О.......for пеш technology? Rre you looking for □ 2)... DVD player? Or a 3).....video camera? If so, Cahill Electric have all the newest 4)...... 60 Listening & Speaking Skills/ Vocabulary 2 Fill in; jammed, cracked, torn, crashed, scratched. 1 The music wouidn’t play because the CD was 2 Oh no, not again! The paper in the printer is 3 He bought a new strap for his camera because the old one was................. 4 She couldn’t do any work on her computer last night because it had................ 5 It’s a pity that the lens is.............on that old camera. Watch the words, then use the phrases to complete the sentences. 1 2 I 3 4 5 6 7 8 memory high guarantee recorded digital good flat hard certificate drive quality batteries camcorder message g card h prices У If you still have your...................for the computer, we will repair it free of charge. Alistair made a film of my birthday party with his new..................... I’ve been trying to phone Ann but I keep getting the ..........................on her answering machine. The.....................on my computer can store up to 120 gigabytes of information. I can't use my iPod because it has......... My new printer can produce.................. photographs, I need to buy a new.....................for my camera. This one's full. 1 can’t afford to shop there because it has very 3 4 Underline the correct preposition. 1 It’s very expensive to get a laptop repaired if it's not with/under guarantee. 2 The PC was delivered free of/on charge. 3 This laptop isn’t with/in stock. 4 I don’t know what’s wrong at/with my PC. 5 The shop assistant exchanged my broken printer for/from a new one. Idioms Complete the idioms with: under, right, works, science, drawins. 1 Anybody can use a mobile phone; it’s not rocket........... If the price is.......... I might replace my old computer with a laptop. I really put the camcorder ...........the microscope but I still couldn’t fix it. Dad couldn’t fix my cassette player, so it's back to the........board. I heard that IBM have a new type of PC in the 5 Everyday English Circle the correct response. 1 A: What seems to be the problem? B: a It is very helpful. b I can’t turn it on. 2 A: Do you think I could exchange it for another one? B; a Yes, of course, b It will be ready soon. 3 A: There seems to be a problem with the screen. B: a Let me have a look at it, b No, of course not. 4 A: Do you think I could have a new stra^ B: a Sure, no problem, b That’s just ridiculous. A; I’ve got a question abo for my laptop. B: a Could you please^(joWcTie line? b Of course. How'Sa04help you? >c> )Ou£kA^Buarantee ld 2 2005 was the уеаН^^Г........ I bought my fir^(jri&0Re phone. 3 That's the sf^ja .V...I got a cheap MU^j^er. 4 Toshiba, ......... is Japanese, is one of the largest computer companies in the world. 5 Bob ......... is my neighbour, sells laptops, 6 The digital camera............ i got for my birthday, is still under guarantee. 7 That’s the girl..........brother is a computer programmer. 8 The iPod ........... is on the table is Eileen's. 9 I was so happy.........I won a camera in a competition last year. 10 Tim,...........is a businessman, loves photography. 6 Join the sentences below using relative pronouns/adverbs. 1 This is the video camera, i bought it yesterday. 2 They love their house. They bought it last year. Word formation , ^ Make verbs from the words in bold and use them in the correct form to complete the text. Recent developments as well as new gadgets have brought about huge changes for photographers. High-tech scanners and new computers I)........(able) photographers to 2) .......(digital) their photo collections. In this way they can save thousands of standard photos in digital form on their computers. This 3) ....... (tight) the security of any collection, and also 4)......(sure) that the images will last forever. Computer technology also S).......(broad) the range of options available to photographers when it comes to editing images. 8 Phrasal verbs Underline the correct word. 1 We were brought up/on in Manchester, England. 2 My new computer has brought on/about big changes in how I work. 3 The stress from his job brought back/on a heart attack. 4 I've been waiting for weeks for Ellen to bring up/back the DVD I lent her. 3 A man lives next door. He’s a photographer. 4 I know a woman. Her sister is an actress. 5 This is the camera. It belongs to my mother. 6 She wrote a book. It was a bestseller. 9 Key word transformations Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the words in bold. Use two to five words. 1 “Be quiet!” the teacher said to the class, told The teacher.............................quiet, 2 Sony is a huge company that makes S68 billion a year, which Sony,.................a year, is a huge company. 3 “Are you buying your computer from this shop?” he asked, if He asked............................my computer from that shop. 4 “I can’t afford a new PC,” John said to me. told John ..........................afford a new PC, 5 Last night’s power cut brought about my computer problem. which The power cut,.................., brought abc^^ my computer problem. 6 Connor goes to university, he is hooked on gadgets^j^ who ---------- - - - ■ ■ 1.W UI IJ Tii^i 114. 1^