Учебник Английский язык 9 класс Афанасьева Михеева Баранова часть 2

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Учебник Английский язык 9 класс Афанасьева Михеева Баранова часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Rainbow English (Рейнбоу инглиш):

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о. в. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова ю АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК о. в. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова («Г^ о английским язык Учебник В двух частях. Часть 2 Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации ВЕРТИКАЛЬ МОСКВА ^орофа 2014 УДК 373.167,1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ 922 А94 Условное обозначение: ^Рд — предлагаемое задание имеет экзаменационный формат Афанасьева^ О. Б. А94 Английский ЯЗЫК-9 кл.: в 2 ч. ^1. 2 : учебник , О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова. — М. : Дрофа, 2014. — 151, [IJc. : ил. ^ 1CD. — (Rainbow English). ISBN 978-5-358-14042 4 (ч. 2) ISBN 978-5-358-14043-1 Учебник, созданный известными спеииалигтями в об-гасти цреиодаваиим аид л*ш-гкого языка, является основным компонентом уче6но-методичрско1*о д^омплекса для 9 класса. УчеОдшк соотастстддуетФедеральному гогударгтвенкому образовательному стандарту основного общего образовадшя и рекомендован Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК81.2Аигл 922 ISBN 978-5-358 14042-4 (ч. 2) ISBN 978-5-358-14043-1 ООО .Д1’ОФЛ., 20\1 Book Guide UNIT 3. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (pages 5—57) Talking Points 1. Industrial revolution in Europe 2. Stages of civilization 3. History of technology 4. Tools and devices 5. Space exploration Grammar Points 1. Gerundial constructions after the verbs with prepositions (complain of, forgive for, prevent from, succeed in, object to etc) 2. Articles to denote a class of objects and a member of this class 3. Articles with words man and woman 4. Infinitive in the constructions 1) V+V,„ 2) N+V,„ 3) Adj+4„ 5. Articles with the words denoting unique objects (sun, moon, world etc) 6 Modal verbs to express possibility and skill Vocabulary Points 1. Words tor the talking points 2. The noun technology 3. Homonyms: use (v) — use (n) 4. Confusable words; to invent — to discover 5. Word building; 1) prefix en- to form verbs, 2) suffix -en to form verbs 6. Phrasal verbs: break down, break in, break into, break through, break out 7. Social English to express doubt 8. Confusable English; could — managed to — was (were) able to 9. English — idioms with the words earth, moon, stars Culture and History 1 World famous scientists 2. World famous inventions 3. World famous cosmonauts and astronauts Revision and Extension 3; Step 9, pages 49—54 Test Yourself 3; Step 10, pages 54—57 Project Work 3r page 57 Workbook 9; Unit 3 UNIT 4. BEING A TEENAGER (pages 58—109) Talking Points 1. Teens' problems 2. Generation gap 3. Pocket money for teenagers 4. Teens and part-time jobs 5- Teens' ambitions 6. Teenagers and racism 7. Teens' hangouts 8. Young people's movements and organizations | 9. What is it like being a teenager? Grammar Points 1. Infinitive after the verbs agree, afford, hope etc. 2. Gerund after the verbs mind, enjoy, keep etc. 3. Infinitive or gerund after the verbs stop, remember, forget 4. Adverbs; anymore, anyhow, anytime 5. Complex Object 6. Substantivized adjectives Vocabulary Points 1. Confusable English: 1) couple-pair 2) to be -r adjective/to get + adjective 3) to be used to doing sth/used to do sth 2. Social English to express warning and prohibition 3. Word building: suffix -ive to form adjectives 4. Phrasal verbs: get along {on), get at, get away with, get down to, get over 5. English idioms with the word friend Culture and History 1. Spelling of American English words 2. J.D. Salinger and his famous book «The Catcher in the Eye» Revision and Extension 4; Step 9, pages 100—106 Test Yourself 4: Step 10, pages 106—109 Project Work 4; page 109 Workbook 9: Unit 4 Science and Technology i/> r-¥ Ф *D Step 1 tJO IT TOGETHER A Listen to the song, ^ (35), and say why it sounds sad. Give 2—3 good reasons. Have New Year celebrations ever made you sad? Why? r Read the lyrics and sing the song along. Happy New Year ( \BBA) No more champagne [Jsem'pein] And the fireworks are through Here we are, me and you Feeling lost and feeling blue^ It’s the end of the party And the morning seems so grey So unlike yesterday Now’s the time for us to say... Happy New Year Happy New Year May^ we all have a vision® now and then Of a world where every neighbour is a friend Happy New Year Happy New Year May we all have our hopes, our will to try If we don’t we might as well lay down and die You and I Happy New Year ^ Happy New Year '0 ' blue [blu:] = sad ■ may Imeil — здл пусть ’ vision [ vnn] — sd,: мечта ы V. Put the marked lines in the Christmas poem in the right order. Listen and check, (36). The New Year (Anonymous) a) Here I come tripping it' over the snow. b) Shaking my bells with a merry din^ — c) I am the little New Year, ho, ho! So open your doors and let me in! a) Presents I bring for each and all b) Each one from me a treasure'' may win — c) Big folks^, little folks, short and tall; So open your doors and let me in! a) Some shall have brass* and some shall have tin** — b) Some shall have new clothes and some shall have old. c) Some shall have silver and some shall have gold. So open your doors and let me in! a) Some shall have water and some shall have milk, b) But each from me a present may win — c) Some shall have satin" and some shall have silk. So open your door and let me in! Say what in your view the poem is about: a) love b) hope c) the rich and the poor? ■. Do you think one should welcome any presents life gives us? What New Year presents would you like to receive? Say if it is true or false 1) Russia was the first country in the world to send man into space 2) Dmitry Mendeleev worked on radioactivity all his life. ' to trip it идти спотыкаясь ^ din [dm] — шум 3 treasure [1гезэ] сокровище folks ffauks] — люди brass [bra:sj — латунь, жёлтая медь tin [tin I — олово satin r'snetin] — атлас 3) Earth is not the biggest planet in the solar' system. 4) Russian cosmonauts landed on the Moon in 1969. 5) Isaac Newton lived in the 17th century and studied physical laws. 6) Platinum is the most expensive metal in the world. 7) Ivan Pavlov had a lot of discoveries in the field of atomic energy'. 8) On the Earth, an astronaut in his spacesuit weighs about 135 kg. But on the Moon he is six times heavier. 9) Alexander Popov invented the radio in 1895. 10) The first living being in space was a cat called Barsik, that orbited tlie Earth on the Soviet spaceship in 1957. 11) Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman cosmonaut to travel into space. 12) American astronauts ['aestrana:!] landed on the Moon in 1982. Say whose invention or discovery it is. ft X) 1. Isaac Newton 2. Alexander Popov 3. Marie Curie [kjur'ri:] 4. Dmitry Mendeleev 5. Ivan Pavlov 6. Ts’ai Lun 7. Alexander Bell a) radio b) conditional reflexes c) telephone 9. John Logie Baird d) radium e) law of gravity f) X-ray 8. Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen g) television h) paper e) table of chemical elements solar I saub] солнечный 8 г •• Listen, ♦Ф (37), and read continue [кэп tmju:] — продолясать(ся) function ['fAgkJn] n — функция function V — функционировать gun [длп] — 1) оружие; 2) ружьё purpose ['p3:p3sl — цель simple [’simpl] — просч’ой technology [tek'nolac^i] — 1) техника; 2) технология tool [tu:l] — инструмент use [juts] 1) использование, применение; 2) польза ы continue: to continue work (the trip). He continued living with his parents. How long will this bad weather continue? function n: the function of education, an important function. Glass has an important function in modern architecture function г': to function without any difficulty. The telephone was not functioning. gun: to carry a gun, to use guns. The gun sounded and the race began, purpose: the purpose of the meeting, to use for peaceful i)urposes, to do something on purpose. Her only purpose in life was to get rich. Do you think 1 did it on purpose? simple: a simple question, a simple dress, a simple problem. They are only simple farmers. He had gone into trading for the simple reason that he could find no other work. technology: 1) the power of modern technology. A high level of modern technology lielps |)eople to solve many problems. 2) a computer technology, western technologies of housing. We already have the technology to do this, tool: primitive tools, garden tools, basic tools, a set of tools. We had all the necessary tools to do the job. A good memory is a useful tool for learning, use: to be in use, it is no use doing sth. Is this book any use? What’s the use of going there? Guests have free use of the hotel swimming pool. А, Match the new words v 1) use (n) a) 2)tool(n) b) 3) function (n) c) 4) purpose (n) d) 5) function (n) 6) simple (adj) e) 7) continue (v) f) g) is used Use the words from the left column in your own sentences. J» The Noun • OOpdiMTe внимание, что сочетание science end technology соответствует русскому наука и техника. • Однако чаще сущеа вительное technology обозначает технологию, способ, метод, приём (= technique). Computer technology, information technology. We already have the technology to do this. They are using modern technologies/techniques of business management. • Для обозначения механизмов, различных приспособлений, машин используют существительные machine{s)tmachinery. You can get tea or coffee from the drinks machine. There is an answering machine in the office. New machinery has arrived at the factory. Read the text "What Is Science and What Is Technology" and say what is the main difference between science and technology. П) T5 \\ hat. I.»- St 1, ace aad W hat l.s T ti i .. Ш - tfj What i.s science? What is technology? These are not easy questions. People don’t often see the difference between them. But they are different though the two are connected. Science studies the physical world. Trying to answer questions about this world of ours scientists ask “what” and “why” question.s. “What” questions are usually answered in a rather simple way. For example, we have a question: “What kind of animals live in that pond?” The answer to the question is: “Frogs, fish and reptiles.” “Why” questions are much more difficult, they ask for explanation. Technology is the use of science for practical purposes especially in industry. Technology is also methods, machines and tools that are used in doing things in a science or profession. Technology often asks “how” questions and answers them. Some technologies cannot function without science, but there are many modem technologies that continued and developed from old technologies without any help of science. It often happened in history that people made things and after that science tried to explain them. For example, first guns appeared and then ballistic.s as a science did. During certain periods in history innovations in technology have grown so fast that they resulted in industrial revolutions. fi. Listen to the same text, ^ (38), and learn to read it aloud. C The marked words in the text may be new to you. Do you understand what they mean? What helped you to understand their meanings? Answer the questions. 1) What does .science study? 2) Chemistry, physics, biology are sciences, other sciences? 3) How does technology use science(s)? Can you give the names of some II 10 ы ■1) What are the two meanings of the word technology? 5) Does science or technology offer explanations to natural facts, processes? 6) Why do people say that science and technology are connected? 7) How can technology help science(s)? 8) What modern technologies do you know? 9) What in your opinion are the most important sciences nowadays? A. Say if these are sciences or technologies; • making clocks and watches • car making • medicine • house construction • archeology • fruit growing chemistry metallurgy economics navigation shipbuilding photography F Match these sciences and technologies. In each pair which do you think appeared first — the science or the technology? Sciences 1) electronics 2) biology 3) chemistry 4) ballistics 5) optics 6) linguistics 7) agronomy 8) geometry 9) thermodynamics Technologies a) measuring’ land b) making guns c) farming d) making microchips e) using steam engines’^ f) using telescopes and microscopes g) cloning h) making new materials i) language teaching and learning ЕЮ IT Oni YOUR OWTJ Match the names of sciences with their explanations. 1) biology 2) astronomy 3) physics 4) statistics 5) linguistics 6) acoustics [D'kurstiks] 7) mathematics 8) geology 9) meteorology 10) geography a) the study of numbers and of the structure and measurement of shapes b) the science that studies natural forces, such us heat, movement etc c) the study of sound d) the scientific study of weather e) the study of the Earth’s surface, regions of the world f) the science of using numbers to I'epresent^ facts g) the scientific study of the Earth, its structure, the way in which it was formed, and how it has changed over time h) the study of living things i) the study of languages, their structures, gram mar, history etc j) the study of the Sun, the Moon, planets, stars ' measuring [’тезэпг]] — измерение • a steam engine [,ьЬ:т‘епфнз1 — napoBoii двигатамь representl,repri'zent] представлять Spell these words. 1) ['рз:рэ5] 2) [длп] 3) [ju-'z] 4) [tu:ll 5) [1ек'по1эф|] 6) f'fArjkJn] 7) [kon'tinju:] 8) ['simpl] 9) ltok'ni;k] Write four sentences using there is no use doing sth and four questions beginning with What's the use of doing sth. Get ready to speak about science and technology. Mention: • what science studies; • what questions sciences try to answer; wliat technology is; • what questions technologies answer. 11 l/f о Xi hJ step no IT TOGETHER 'Fa You will hear two friends speaking about computers. Listen, ^ (39), and complete the following statements. 1) Andrew and Bob .... a) didn't know exactly when the fii'st computers appeared. b) found out on the Internet when the first computers appeared. c) couldn’t find out when the first computers appeared. 2) The friends were surprised that.... a) the first computers were so cheap b) nobody used computers in the middle of the previous century c) the first computers were used only by few people 3) Bob said that the first computers were .... a) fast and expensive b) slow and large c) small and slow 4) The friends agreed that computers .... a) have become very simple to operate since the middle of the previous century b) will be \ised in all spheres of our life in the future c) have become more effective’ since the middle of the previous century effective [I'fektivJ - эффективный 12 ы The Gerund Во многих случаях в английском языке после глагола с предлогом или глагольного оборота с предлогом употребляется герундий. Например; I am tired of telling you this again and again. Подобные случаи следует запомнить, обращая особое внимание на предлоги. about to complain of/about sb's /sb speaking loudly {жаловаться на то, что кто-то громко говорит) of to dream of/about going to London {мечтать о поездке в Лондон) to talk of/about leaving Moscow to think of/about buying the pet for to apologize for coming late {извиниться за опоздание) j to blame sb for missing the train {винить за опоздание на 1 поезд, упрекать в...) to forgive sb for telling a lie {простить за обман) to thank sb for helping us {благодарить за помощь) from to keep sb from going there (не позволить пойти/поехать куда-либо) to prevent sb from doing sth {помешать сделать что-либо) to stop sb from buying sth {помешать купить что-либо) 1 Complete the sentences with the appropriate prepositions from the box. about/of, for, from i) Nobody could stop him doing what he wanted to do. 2) The old lady was complaining ... the quality of the service. 3) 1 sincerely apologize ... all our possible mistakes. 4) Have you ever dreamt... going to Australia? 5) We thank you ... helping us. 6) Are you going to keep me ... becoming an actress? 7) I will never forgive you ... telling me a lie. 8) Prevent him ... getting there on time. 9) I know they are going to blame us ... being so late. 10) I apologize ... using your data in my report. Think of the situations when you can (can't) dream or complain of something, apologize for something, blame somebody for something or prevent somebody from doing something. Make up sentences with these verbs. 1) to complain of/about the music playing loudly • the children being late • having a bad cold 2) to dream of about • going to the Black Sea • becoming a singer ’ getting a good education 3) to apologize for arriving late forgetting one’s birthday leaving the party early 5) to prevent somebody from going to the theatre visiting Greece buying expensive rings 4) (can’t) blame somebody for • coming back buying a computer • going to Italy 13 ta beue English Homonyms Обратите внимание на то, что глагол use (использовать) и существительное use (использование), хотя и пишутся одинаково, имеют различное произношение: to use [ju;z] — use (ju;s]. Сравните: 1) The phone is in constant use [ju-.s]. This room is now ready for use [ju:s]. 2) Candidates are not allowed to use [ju:z] dictionaries at the exams. I'll show you which room you can see. Ф *D KJ Read the sentences aloud. Mmd the way you pronounce use. Check your pronunciation. ^ (40). 1) The tennis court is sometimes used as a car park, 2) How can we use this device? 3) Don’t throw that box away. I’m sure I can put it to some use. 4) He made full use of his journey. 5) Biiying that expensive dress was not the best use of our money. G) We are all used to cold winters. 7) This phone number is only for use when I’m not in the office. 8) What textbooks do you use to teach English Grammar? 9) My family are used to living in the country in summer. 10) Can we use the verb to be in this sentence? Listen, (41), and read. construct [kan'stTAkt] строить, сооружать crop [krop] — 1) с /х ку.яьтура, растение; 2) урожай device [di'vais] — приспособление dig [dig] — копать draw [dro:] — тащить skill [skill — умение, мастерство trade [treid] торговля weapon ['wepon] — оружие construct: to construct a building, to construct a bridge, to construct a sentence. l’n\ not sure they can construct a road here. crop (often plural): 1) a widely grown crop, fields of crops. Wheat* is a widely grown crop in Britain and North America. 2) a crop of apples, this year’s crop. They get two crops of rice a year. device: a modern device, an expensive device. A clock is a device that shows the time. A computer is an important device of nowadays. dig (dug, dug): to dig a garden, to dig for gold, to dig a hole, to dig a tunnel. The dog has been digging in that corner for an hour. wheat [wi:t] — пшеница 14 С D r+ ы draw (drew, drawn): to draw the train, to draw the net, to draw the curtains open. The horse drew a cart* up the hill. skill; basic computer skills, reading* skills; to have great (no) skill in sth. Nowadays teachers use more imagination and skill in exidaining things to children, trade: foreign trade, world trade, domestic trade, to develop one’s trade, to work in the tourist trade. It has been a bad year for the trade between our countries. Steps were taken to develop the trade in fruit and vegetables with Spain, weapon: a powerful weapon, atomic (nuclear) weapons, stones as weapons. A knife- can be a weapon. Say what they are, using the new words. 1) a plant grown by a farmer; 2) something that is used in fighting; 3) the business of buying and selling goods; 4) the ability to do something well; 5) a machine that does something to make onp’« work (for схаа-пуЛе, a dishwasher, a microwave). Complete the text with the new words. Jethro Tull was an 18th century engineer who c(l) ... the seed drill'* in 1730. His invention was very important as it helped to improve farming. Thanks to such agricultural machinery c(2)... production rose fast. The s(3)... and cleverness of such people as Tull produced a lot of new tools, machines and d(4)... . Their use made it possible for England to begin t(5)... in grain*, continue it successfully and become richer. But many farm workers lost their jobs as new machines needed fewer men. So in some parts of the country people d(6)... stones and used them as w(7)... to destroy the new machines. Thus, though the industrial revolution was progressive, it lead to mass emigration and made many people suffer. Do you know that...? Industrial Revolution is a period of time when machines are invented and factories begin to appear which brings a lot of changes into peoples’ lives. The Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the 18Lh century and spread to many of the European countries, such as Belgium, France, Germany, throughout the 19th and early part of the 20th centuries, as well as to North America. This led to tlie transformation of these countries into industrial rather than agri- - - cultural ones. For Russia and Japan, industrialization began to develop rapidly at the beginning of the 20th century. Nowadays some people think that computers and automation can bring about a new Industrial Revolution. ‘ a cart rka:tl — повозка a knife [naif] (knives) — нож (ножи) * a seed drill ['si:d dnl] — сеялка * grain [greinj — зерно л Use the text of Ex. 7 and speak about Jethro Tull's invention and the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. Mention these: - Jethro Tull and his invention; • advantages of the Industrial Revolution; • disadvantages of the Industrial Revolution. -. Can you say that we live at the time of a new technological revolution? Support your answer. 15 DO IT Oni YOUR OWM Complete the sentences. Make them true. Use -/ng forms. 1) When I meet my friends, we usually talk about... . 2) I never forget to thank my parents for ... . 3) I’ve been thinking of ... for a rather long time. 4) I’ve never dreamt of ... in my life. 5) My ... often complains of ... . 6) Once I tried to stop my friend from ... . 7) I don’t often complain of ... . 8) Nobody can keep me from... . 9) I’ll never forget how once I had to apologize for ... . 10) Only ... can keep me from ... . Decide in which sentences use is a verb and where it is a noun. Choose the appropriate pronunciation for each case. 1) Jack wants to use (iju:z] '[ju:s]) your mobile phone. Can he? 2) This is an old-fashioned use (lju;z] [ju:s]) of the word. 3) What is the use (Ou:zl/ [ju:s]) of sitting and waiting for the success to come? 4) He has got brains but will he use ([ju:z],'[ju:s]) them? 5) What kind of shampoo do you use ([ju:z]/[ju:s])? 6) If something is of use ([ju:z],'[ju:s]) it is useful. Spell these words. 1) [kan'strAkt] 2) [ wepan] 3) [di'vars] 4) [dig] 5) [dra;] 6) [skill 7) [treid] 8) [krop] tn *o hi Write the same in English. 1) Цель визита; 2) продолжать работу; 3) исполь.зовать ружья; 4) простая проблема; 5) современная техника; 6) делать что-то специально; 7) садовые инструменты; 8) бесплатное использование; 9) строить дороги; 10) торговля с зарубежными странами; 11) вскопать сад; 12) раздвинуть шторы; 13) важное умение 14) ядерное оружие; 15) успешная торговля. step s u DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the text about Francis Bacon, ^ (42), and say which of the statements below are true and which are false. 1) Francis Bacon was interested only in one tiling philoso- pby. --CJ’wiisi 4xi*iC f\r«tr vv^ Ь WoVk. 3) Bacon was a great scientist. 4) Bacon’s teaching showed scientists that they should rely on observ^ation^ 5) Bacon was called the father of modern science by two 17th century philosophers. 6) Sir Isaac Newton was Francis Bacon’s teacher. 7) Bacon used his method of observation himself making different experiments. 8) Bacon died at the age of 65. Say what these people are doing. Use the verbs under the pictures. 1. dream 2. talk 3. blame 4. apologize c • - Л 5. complain 6. think 7. keep 8. thank Do you know that...? The Stone Age is the earliest period of human history when tools were made from stone. The old part of the Stone Age is called the Paleolithic period. The Neolithic period, or late Slone Age, began around 10,000 years ago, when humans began to plant crops and keep farm animals. The Stone Age was followed by the Bronze [bronz] Age, which began in some parts of the world in about 5,000 BC, but in other parts of the world Stone Age societies continued until the 19th century. The Iron Age is the time about 3,000 years ago when iron was used for making tools, weapons etc. It was a more developed period than the Bronze Age before it. observation [,Dbzo'veif3n] наблюдение А. Read the text and answer the questions after it. 1йл1огу oi leclinoloy,. Part I The history of technology begins with tiie use of the stone tools by the еш best humans. The Old Stone Age, which began almut 2.5 million years ago produced stone tools, the use of fire, spears, the bow [bauj and arrow and simple oil lamps. The New Stone Age, which began about 9,000 BC, saw early farming, the use of the digging stick and the wood hoe [hau]. The stone tools were improved and stone axes began to be used for cutting down trees. Neolithic people learned to make pots, cloth, baskets, build houses and use early beats. oil lamp diggihg stick cloth baskets The Bronze Age beginning about 4,000 BC gave birth to agricultural civilization. The use of copper' and bronze led to a lot of new techniques and devices. That was the time when trade first appeared. Copper and bronze hand weapons came into use as well as horse drawn war chariots. Building technology also developed fast diu-ing the Bronze Age. That w^as the time when people began building pyramids, which still impress us. While constructing pyramids Bronze Age builders solved some of the most difficult problems of construction technologies. They also knew how to irrigate'' their lands to get good crops. plough waterwheel chariot column fleet aqueduct arch The Iron Ago, which began about 2,000 BC, was a new technical era [‘lara]. First of all iron started to be used in making weapons, and iron weapons gave Greece its military power. The Greeks built a large fleet, which they used for trading copper Г’корэ] медь to irrigate ['ingeitj - орошать 17 r> fb T3 UJ 18 ы f_2 and for fighting in their wars. Greek builders used stone to produce their noble structures with massive columns. The skill of Roman engineers is legendary. They learned to build stone arches, domes and aciueducts ['sekwidAkts]. Roman engineers constructed the waterwheel to use its power. Even more important was the invention of a heavy plough [plau].This new plough helped the civilization of northern Europe to develop. 1) What four eras in people’s history are mentioned in the text? 2) What were the most important inventions of each era? 3) Which of the things mentioned in the text were new to you? Listen to the text, » (43), and learn to read it aloud. History and technology are international words which you can find in many languages. What other international words can you see in the text (Ex, 3)? What do they mean? Complete the sentences with the word combinations from the box. the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age 1)... is the time about 4000—6000 years ago before iron was known. 2)... gave birth to agriculture. 3) ... is the earliest time in human history. 4) Spears, the bow and arrows appeared during ... as well as simple oil lamps. 5) ... began about 2.5 million years ago. 6) People began to use fire during ... . 7) Early farming began in ... . 8) People could use pots, cloth and baskets in ... . 9) Ploughs and waterwheels appeared during ... . 10) Trade first appeared during ... . и структур с предлогами, после The Gerund Запомните ещё несколько глаголов которых используется герундий, in: to succeed in learning English {преуспеть в чём-либо) to participate in discussing the problem (участвовать в чём-либо) to be interested in studying sciences (интересоваться чем-либо) of; to be capable of acting on the stage (быть в состоянии, быть способным к чему-либо) to be guilty CgiltiJ of lying {быть виноватым в чём-либо) to be tired of reading (быть уставшим от чего-либо) to: to look forward to seeing Paris (c нетерпением ждать чего либо) to object to visiting Beijing {возражать против чего-либо) to be used to getting up early {привыкнуть к чему-либо) Say the same in Russian. 1) My family are used to eating Chinese food. 2) I’m looking foT-ward to travelling about the Far East. 3) My mother objects to my coming home late at night, N. F 5 4) My older sister objects to spending a lot of money on clothes. 5) My brother is interested in joining yoiir club. 6) My father is used to reading newspapers at breakfast. 7) The children were looking forward to visiting the British Museum. 8) I object to your watching television all the day through. 9) Jolni succeeded in getting only good marks in physics. 10) Students are capable of learning long English texts by heart. Which prepositions — in. of, to — would you use to complete the sentences? 1) The students of my class are used ... writing articles. 2) We are tired ... doing so many sums and problems in mathematics. 3) My elder brother has always been interested ... collecting badges. 4) I object ... your using my computer without asking me first. 5) Would you like to participate ... making our school magazine? 6) We all were looking forward ... meeting our mother at the railway station. 7) Our school football team succeeded ... wdnning the final match, 8) I am used ... having tea without sugar. 9) My friend is capable ... running very fast. 10) My parents object... my playing football in the garden. Speak about one of these periods: 1) the Old Stone Age; 2) the New Stone Age; 3) the Bronze Age; 4) the Iron Age. Mention these when the period began. the most important inventions of the period, usual/typical activities of the people who lived in that period. 19 fb ■D U «- — OftI VOiiR OWN Match the pictures (1—15) with the names of inventions and technologies (a—o). 9. 10. 15. a) bow and arrow; b) first houses and boats; c) cloth; d) use of fire; e) sj^ar; f) plough; g) pyramid; h) stone axe; i) irrigation; j) pots; k) waterwheel; 1) wood hoe; m) digging stick; n) aqueduct; o) arch Б 20 w Write nine sentences about yourself. Write what you; 1) never (seldom, often, alvrays) object to doing 2) like to participate in 3) are never (sometimes) guilty of doing 4) are not used to doing 5) are not capable of doing 6) usually get tired of doing 7) succeed in doing 8) are really interested in doing 9) look forward to doing Which of the two is right — the plural or the singular? I) Where (is/are) Sally’s clothes that she takes for her holiday? 2) Mathematics (is/are) a rather difficult subject. 3) The spectacles that Ann has bought (is are) not cheap at all. 4) The news they brought (is/are) sad and depressing. 5) Rickl Your trousers (is/are) dirty. 6) She told me she would wait for me at the stairs. But where (is/are) the stairs? 7) The money he earned (was/ were) enough to support the family. 8) I can’t say physics (is/are) my favourite subject. 9) Acoustics (is/are) a part of physics. 10) (Is /are) gymnastics a sport or a game? II) Brussels (is/are) a city in Belgium, its capital. Write this in English. 1) Бесполезно делать это. 2) Что за польза (смысл) идти туда? 3) Он решил продолжать брать уроки вождения. 4) Он всегда носит (to carry) оружие. 5) Какова функция этого элемента? 6) Он специально рассказал тебе об этом. 7) Они работают, используя новые компьютерные технологии. 8) Необходимо развивать науку и технику. Step DO IT TQGfcTHER Listen, (44), and match the names of tools and devices with their descriptions. Tools and Devices 1) Tools we use in the garden r L a) spade b) rake c) hoe d) knife 2) Tools we use in the factory a) saw [sd:] b) a pair of tongs [tnqgzj c) hammer d) axe 3) Devices we use at home a) toaster b) dishwasher c) washing machine d) cooker e) vacuum cleaner f) kettle g) iron h) microwave i) coffee maker. Use the appropriate prepositions from the box to complete the sentences. for, from, alxnit, in, to 1) T apologize ... being so late. 2) Ronald is used ... working with different tools. 3) We are tired ... washing up ourselves. Can’t we buy a dishwasher? 4) My little brother is capable ... running very fast. 5) We all dream ... takiiag part in the coming dancing competition. 6) I’m sure the children are looking forward ... travelling to the sea. 7) The noise in the next room prevented me ... learning the poem by heart. 8) I’m really happy that the school team succeeded ... winning the competition. 9) The neighbour blamed the boys ... breaking the window in his cottage. 10) The tourists thanked their guide ... helping them to do the sights of the city. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1) What devices and tools make human lives easier? more fun? 2) MTiat do engineers design? 3) What, in your opinion, are the most important inventions from prehistoric times to nowadays? 4) What kinds of modern weapons are the most dangerous? 5) With what countries does Russia have successful and well-devel oped trade? 6) What architects of groat skill can you name? 7) What crops grow best in your area? 8) What devices and equipment do you use most often? 9) What is the purpose of such devices as a shaver, a mixer, a juicer? 10) W’hat machines do you find fairly easy to operate? 21 Ln r-t- fD T5 You know the words in column A. Read the sentences and say what the words in col umn В mean. _ 22 Ы trade skill invent complain apologize 8 trader skilful inventor complaint apology 1) A trader is a person who buys and sells things. There are street traders and market traders. 2) The Roman builders were very skilful. They could build beautiful archers, columns and domes. 3) Kulibin was a Russian inventor. Do you know what he invented? 4) Louis Pasteur, a French scientist, was the inventor of the process of pasteurization. 5) The pupils made a list of their complaints about school meals. 6) The police received several complaints about the noise from our party. 7) I’m not going to make an apology for what I said — it was a fair comment. 8) Dr Gordon is sending his apologies for being unable to come. ta _______________ Articles 1. В английском языке определённый артикль the часто используется с существительными в единственном числе для того, чтобы обозначить какой-либо класс предметов или животных в противопоставление другим классам. Например: The elephant is а big strong animal that lives in Africa and India. The thermometer has been used by people for many centuries. 2. Неопределенный артикль а/ап с существительными в единственном числе, в свою очередь, используется для обозначения представителя класса предметов или животных. Например: А fox is а common animal in many parts of the world. A barometer is a useful thing to have at home. 3. Множественное число существительных в этом случае означает всех представителей такого класса. Тогда употребляется нулевой артикль. Crocodiles сап be dangerous. Cars first appeared in the 19th century. 4. Английские слова man {человеческое существо или мужчина) и woman употребляются в единственном числе и с нулевым артиклем, если используются для обозначения целого класса людей: Man is а part of the natural world. What is the role of woman in the modern world? Сравните: Don't cry, be a man! A woman in love always looks beautiful. Здесь слова a man, a woman обозначают мужчину и женщину как представителей класса. Use the right articles a, the or zero, — to complete the sentences. In some sentences two variants are possible 1)... computer has greatly changed the life of people. 2) I have al way.s believed in goodness of ... man. 3) ... dinosaurs lived a very long time ago and are now extinct- 4)... rabbits make very good pets. 5)... windmill uses the power of the wind to do different kinds of work. 6)... wolf seldom lives alone. 7)... bluebird is a small songbird of North America. 8) Some people still think that ... woman’s place is at home. 9)... column is usually used to siipport the roof of a building. 10)... comet often looks like a bright star. 11)... honeybees make and store’ honey. 12)... helmet^ should be worn when you ride a motocycle or a bike. •kii Contusable Words Постарайтесь различать глаголы to invent и to discover, в использовании которых легко допустить ошибку, to invent (to create something new) 1) Trains were invented before cars. 2) People began to invent tools very early in their history. 3) Will the time machine ever be invented? to discover (to find out something that you did before) 1) Galileo discovered the planet Jupiter f'c^urpita]. 2) Columbus [kal/vmbas] discovered America in 1492. 3) When did you discover that you'd made a mistake? 23 1Л rt> X5 Inventor discover? Complete the sentences. 1) I’d like to know who ... the mobile phone. 2) Many years ago they ... iron in this place. 3) Penicillin was ... by Alexander Fleming. 4) When was the atom ...? 5) All through their history' people ... new and new weapons. 6) Australia was ... for Europeans by James Cook. 7) In what country was money first ...? 8) I’ve recently ... that my home town has a very interesting history. 9) Alexander Graham Bell... the telephone in 1876.10) He ... tlic truth about his birth only when he was a grown-up man. Read the text and match its paragraphs (a—f) with the titles (1—7). There is one title you don't have to use. iV luMi Was the I mbrella Invented? 1) The Umbrella’s First Appearance in Europe 2) The Umbrella as a Weapon 3) The Latest Changes in the Umbrella Style 4) 'The First Function of the Umbrella 5) The Umbrella’s Disappearance and Reappearance in Europe 6) The Umbrella as a Symbol of a Person’s Importance 7) The Nation That Invented the Umbrella a) It seems so natural to us to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains. But the umbrella was not invented as protection against rain. Its first use was to protect people against the sun! b) Nobody' knows who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times. Probably the first to use it were the ' to store [stD:l — хранить - helmet ['helmitj — каска, шлем 24 w Chinese in Uie eleventh century B.C.! We know that the umbrella was used in ancient Egypt too. c) And there was a strange thing about the umbrella in those days. It showed that a person who liad it belonged to people of high social status. In the Far East in ancient times, the umbrella was allowed to be used only by the members of royal families or by those in high office. d) In Europe, the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella and they used it as protection against the sun. But it is believed that the first people in Europe, used the umbrella as protection against the rain, were the ancient Romans. e) During the Middle Ages the umbrella practically stopped being used. Then people began making them again in Italy in the late sixteenth century. And again it was supposed to be a symbol of power and authority. By 1680, the umbrella appeared in France, and later on in England. f) By the nineteenth century, the umbrella was used against rain by peoples of most European countries. Umbrellas have not changed much in style during all this time, though they have become much lighter in weight. It wasn’t until the twentieth century that women’s umbrellas began to be made in different colours. I Work in pairs. One of you needs advice about what present to give to your sister for her birthday. You choice is; • a new umbrella; • a new hair dryer; • an electronic reader. Discuss all the three possibilities. Be active. Say what decision you’ve finally made. DO IT Oni YOUR OWN 10 Complete the sentences with the appropriate prepositions where necessary and write them. 1) We apologized to our friends our leaving the project. 2) His words prevented us ... coming, 3) We are looking forward ... meeting you all again, next summer. 4) I blamed my cousin ... telling lies, 5) Aren’t you tired ... repeating this again and again? 6) Jane succeeded ... writing compositions really well. 7) I think Bob is dreaming ... flying to Russia. 8) I am used ... doing morning exercises. 9) We would like to thank you all... helping our children. 10) Are you capable ... working on the computer now? Make up and write the names of these devices. Use the words from the two boxes. Example: a microwave Box I Boxll note, micro, food, dish. wave, mixer, phones. hair, coffee, washing, ear dryer, washer, maker, machine, book 5. 1. 3. Г '♦ г 4. 25 (/) ГО ■О 1Л Complete the text with the appropriate forms of the verbs on the right An invention is a machine, tool, or system that someone (1) ... . or designed for the first time. An invention may (2) ... the creation of something completely new or an improvement of something that someone else (3) .... Many important inventions (4) ... from the work of one person; others (5) ... by many people (6)... as a team. We nt'ver (7)... who (8)... of many of the very early inventions, such as the wheel and the plough. make be produce, come create work, know, think 12 Get ready to speak about a useful invention. Mention; • when it was made and by whom; what it is like and for what purpose it is used; • why you believe it to be useful. Step 5 DO rr TOGETHER Listen to three telephone talks, ^ (4b), and say in which of them; a) Linda Collins is at home but can’t answer the call; b) Linda Collins can’t answ'er the phone because she is not at work; c) Linda Collins can’t answer the call because she is not at home. 26 Choose the appropriate articles (a, the or zero) to complete the sentences. 1) (A/-) man began using fire thousands of years ago. 2) (The/-) fox is a small dog-like wild animal with a reddish coat and a wide furry' tail. 3) Is your doctor (a / ) man or (a/-) woman? eonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael. The beginning of Renaissance led to the end of the period called the “Middle Ages”. A. Read the text and name some pros and cons of technological progress. TV of Teel Part U In the Middle Ages in Europe watermills and windmills brought a revolution to the production of pow'er. The new technologies enabled people to construct wonderful cathedrals of great size — the best example of gothic architecture [ arkitektjo]. During the 14th century Europeans managed to produce guns. From the 15th to the 17th century the period of Renaissance spread in Europe. It is considered revolutionary in many spheres. The New World was discovered and explored. The printed books helped the development of European cultural life. The Renaissance saw a new interest in technology, and the new technology led to new problems. One problem was that shipbuilding and iron industry needed a lot of wood. To be able to afford it Europe soon lost its forests. Another problem was the need in more powerful engines. The 18th century in Europe was the time of the Industrial Revolution, the time when technology developed very fast. In 1712 Thomas Newcomen, an Englishman, invented the steam engine. In the 1760s, James Watt improved the Newcomen engine, which opened the way to constructing steamboat and locomotives in the early 19th century. The Industrial Revolution gave rise to the engineering profession. More and more universities began to train engineers. During the 19th and 20th centuries people’s lives have greatly changed thanks to science and technology. Achievements in transportation, communications and use of energy have had a great influence on the modern society. Medical knowledge has given people longer and healthier lives. Computers are giving us new opportunities at work and at home. Now people have better living standards and much more free time. On the other hand, a lot of people may argue that such great technological achievements do not come without a price. And indeed they were achieved at the cost of losing a lot of important things — the beauty of nature, physical health, some personal qualities. New technology has led to creating weapons of mass destruction; new communication technology and computers have brought with them the iiroblem of loneliness. Air, water and soil pollution is now damaging the environment; the great intensity of human life leads to stresses. As a result many people question the advantages of high technology and often ask: “What does the future promise I us/ V” 29 fD T5 U1 Listen to the same text, (47), and read it aloud Answer the questions on the text "History of Technology" (part II). 1) What periods in the history of humanity are mentioned in the text? What do vou know about them? 2) How did people produce power through their history? What did they use? 3) Why did Europe lose its forests? 4) Why was the engine invention ver5’ important? 5) How has the human society changed thanks to the achievements in technolo- gy? 6) What are the negative results of the technological revolution? Can people improve the situation? How? • -т Speak about the history of technology. Mention the following periods: technology in the Middle Ages; * technology during the period of the Renaissance; the Industrial Revolution in Europe. 30 DO IT OIU YQtJn ovum Read the text "History of Technology" again and find in it the English equivalents for the following; 1) производство энергии; 2) готическая архитектура; 3) Новый Свет (Америка); 4) эпоха Ренессанса; 5) судостроение и чёрная металлургия; 6) в начале XIX века; 7) благодаря науке и технике; 8) транспорт, связь и использование энергии; 9) более высокий жизненный уровень; 10) за такие технические достижения необходимо платить; 11) оружие массового уничтожения; 12) заставляет нас сомневаться в преимуществах высоких технологий. 10 Give it а name. Use а dictionary if necessary. 1) The period in European history between about AD 1100 and 1500. 2) A mill that is driven by imning water, usually a river. 3) An important Christian church, usually very large and beautifully decorated. 4) A weapon from which bullets or shells are fired through a metal tube. 5) The period in European history from about 1400 to about 1600. 6) Designing and constructing ships. 7) A period of time when machines are invented and a lot of factories built. 8) An engine powered by steam, often in a train. 9) Something successfully finished or done often with the help of skill and hard work. 10) Different ways of sending information between plai;es. 11) A sum of money for which a thing is sold or bought. 12) Unhappiness as the result of problems of living, too much work, etc. 11 Write is the odd word out in each line. 1) enable, encourage, enrich, sadden, enlarge 2) explore, cost, manage, promise, size 3) afford, argue, achieve, advantage, admire 4) explore, argue, afford, manage, promise 5) connect, destroy, consider, promise, explore Write 5—7 sentences of your own with on the one hand... on the other hand. Example: On the one hand, watching television can be fairly enjoyable, but oi the other hand, it takes up a lot of our time. step в >0 гг TOGETHER ^ Listen to the dialogue between Richard and his father, ^ (48), and complete the sen tences (1—4). 1. Richard’s classmates... what Hippocrates’ occupation was. a) didn’t know b) knew very well c) were not sure 2. Hippocrates was a great.... a) inventor b) explorer c) doctor 3. The Hippocratic oath*.... a) was created by Hippocrates himself b) was written by Hippocrates and his pupils c) was named after Hippocrates 4. Hippocrates was famous because he ™ . a) had saved thousands of his pupils b) had invented new medicines c) had taught medical people how to help sick people Work m pairs and discuss how science can help medical care^ and medical service in modern society. Mention these; the invention of new medicines; use of computers in treating patients; new technologies and devices that can help sick people. A. Read the texts about some well-known inventions and match them with their names. In enti :js a) It is an instrument used to collect light from an object, to bring the light to forms and produce an image, and make that image look larger. There are three kinds of these devices: refractors which use lenses, refractors-*, which use mirrors'* and those which use a combination of lenses and mirrors. b) It is a device that generates '‘well-organized” light. The mechanism uses a process known as stimulated emission. It generates electromagnetic radiation in a special microwave region. Nowadays those devices are widely used in different ways, among which is medicine. This device is often used to make quick and painless operations. 31 1/1 n> ■D Ф * oath |э()0] к.1ятва; the Hippocratic oath — клятва Гиппократа ^ medical care здравоохранение ^ a refractor Iri'fraektoJ рефрактор ^ a mirror ['miia] — зеркало 32 .mm ui 1) the laser 2) the optical telescope 3) the clock 4) the turning lather 5) the computer c) It is a machine tool that takes away unwanted material from a work piece by rotating' it against a cutting tool. It is the oldest and probably the most important machine tool. Early wood-turning tools powered by foot were used in the Middle Ages. Modern models work at a very high speed and have a lot of functions. d) This device is based on a microprocessor, a small chip that performs the operation of a central processing unit. The early kinds of these machines had a rather small memory, typically in the 16—64 kilobyte range. Modern models hav'e memories in the megabyte to gigabyte which is a great improvement'*. e) This is a mechanical, electrical or atomic device that measures the passage of time. Mechanical models date from the late Middle Ages. All mechanical models must have a source of energy' — for example, a falling weight or a woxuid spring. All such models must be carefully regulated to make them run accu rately. The energy turns a system of wheels that move the hands. В In the text there may be words that you did not know. What were the words? Whai helped you to understand them? ' to rotate (rao'teit] вращать ^ a spring [spng] пружина Л Read the text and answer the questions after it. Pi.I MO 111 ' ;i Pov koi Do you play the iiiano? The problem with pianos is they’re big and heavy. Now there is the Hand Roll* Piano from Japan. It rolls up very small. You can play the piano in the park or in the car. The piano costs £70 (104 Euros) in Japan. 1) Would you like to have such a piano? Why? Why not? 2) Do you think it’s a good idea to play the piano in the park or in the car? Where else could you take such a piano? 3) What stimulates inventors to make new devices for modern consumers-? What stimulated them earlier in history? 4) Some people think that modern man has become lazy and spoiled by all the new machinery doing everything for him. What do you think? 33 П) T3 01 B. Work in small groups. Make two lists of 5 most important and 5 least important inventions. Compare your lists with your classmates'. Explain your choice. C Why, in your view, there are so many international words in the language of science and technology? Complete the sentences about yourself 1) 1 have some free time so I can (easily) afford ... . 2) I don’t have enough time to afford ... . 3) I consider ... to be great fun. 4) I consider ... terribly boring. 5) I rarely argue with my friends about... . 6) I sometimes argue with ... about... . 7) The part of Russia that I would really like to explore is ... . 8) The place on the globe I hope to explore is ... . 9) I ... give promise which I can’t keep. 10) Once I broke a promise, and this is how it happened: ... . 11) ... was not easy but I managed to do it. 12) I hope that soon I’ll manage ... . 13) On the one hand, I... but on the other hand ... . The infinitive В английском языке инфинитив или неопределённая форма глагола {Vto) в предложении может употребляться после: 1) глаголов (V); 2) имён существительных (N); 3) имён прилагательных (Adj). * to roll [гэо1] — сворачивать(ся), гкатывать(ся) ** а consumer | kan'sjii.ma] — пот1>ебитель to 34 w 1) V + V agree decide afford forget hope ^ to do sorлething глападе learn refuse promise want > to do something I wanted to ao home at once. They offered us to stay at their place. We can afford to buv it. Обратите внимание, как строятся предложения, когда требуется инфинитив с отрицанием (не опоздать, не приходить и т. д.) We promised not to be late. They agreed not to come home after 11. Did you manage not to miss the train? 2) N+V^ • Инфинитив после имён существительных часто выполняет функцию определения (атрибута): This is the film to see. (Вот фильм, который надо посмотреть.) She didn't know about his wish to leave. (Она не знала о его желании уехать.) Не read the article to get more facts. (Он прочитал статью, чтобы получить больше фактов.) • Часто имени существительному предшествуют порядковые числительные (.the first, the second, the third etc), a также прилагательные (last, next, best, worst). Who was the first man to fly into space? (Кто был первым человеком, полетевшим в космос?) John will be the last person to know it. (Джон будет последним, кто узнает об этом.) It was the best dictionary to buy. (Это был лучший словарь, который можно было купить.) 3) Adj + His accent is difficult to understand. (Его акцент трудно понять.) This book is easy to read. (Эту книгу легко читать.) Обратите внимание, что прилагательные с инфинитивом могут быть задействованы в разных предложениях с одинаковым смыслом. It is difficult to understand him. He is difficult to understand. (Его трудно понять.) j A. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the appropriate forms. agree, promise, forget, learn, afford 1) If Dan has to come, he will certainly be at the party. He always keep? his word. 2) Don’t... to .call granny and say happy birthday to her. 3) 1 have jUHt bought a television, that’s why I can’t... to buy a new camera. 4) Jane ... to roll-erskate very early, at the age of four. 5) Michael was so kind, he ... to help me with my mathematics. Complete the sentences using the adjectives from the box. In some cases two or three can be appropriate. Example: I watched the film because someone told me .... I watched the film because someone told me that it was a good film to watch. 1 comfortable, interesting, exciting, good, safe, easy, fashionable, the best, useful, cheap, enjoyable 1) We played this new game because someone told us ... . 2) The Greens stayed in the Central Hotel because someone ... . 3) The travellers decided to visit Novosibirsk because ... . 4) Emma took the job because ... . 5) 1 chose that bank because someone ... . 6) Peter is reading Stephen King because someone told ... . 7) My parents chose this school for me because ... . 8) They bought this computer because ... . 9) Mrs Benton is growing [ransies* because someone ... . 10) Uncle James bought a BMW because someone told him ... . 11) Kate is learning Danish because ... . 12) Ian is taking this new medicine ... . Little Tom never agrees with his elder brother Jack. Read what Jack said and express Tom's arguments using as in the example. Example: Jack: Tom, why are you so late? You said you would come home at seven. T о m: promise/not to be late T о m: No, I didn’t. I just promised not to be late. 1) J a c k: Tom, уогд haven’t done your room yet! And you agreed to do it yesterday. Tom: agree/to make the room messy 2) J a c k: Tom, why hat'en’t you finished your lessons yet? Yoti planned to be free at four! Tom: plan/to work on the computer in the evening 3) J a t; k: Tom, you haven’t been to the shops yet. And you promised to do it. T о m: promise,'not to leave the family without bread 4) J a c. k: Oh, I see, Tom. How good of you! You have decided to prepare lunch. Tom: decide/to ask you to do it 5) J a c k: Tom, I can’t believe my eyes. You’re writing an essay instead of watching a horror film in the cinema as you planned to do. Tom: plan/tn stay at home this evening 6) J a c k: Tom, my bike is broken and you promised not to touch it. T о m: promise/not to ride your bike 7) J a c k: Tom, you don’t know the poem and you agreed to recite it at the school party. T о m; agree/to play the guitar and sing my song 8) J a c k: Tom, where is the money? You promised not to spend it on little things. Tom: promise/to spend the money on CDs. 35 ■O a ' a pansy I’papn/iJ — пнютины глазки Look at the pictures and say why these people did what they did. Example.'. Mr Keatiiig/come/buy — Mr Keating came to the pet shop to buy a kitten for his little daughter. 36 ui 1) Sam Johnson/grow/get driving school 2) James/'go/learn 3) Patrick/buy/give ftieeirari; 4) The tourists/arrivehave a look 5) The young people/come/ get married 6) The children /come, have tea 7) Donald, sit down / paint DO IT OIU YOUR OWN A. Complete the sentences with the words from the boxes in their appropriate forms manage, offer, refuse, learn 1) 1 didn’t want to go to the shops but... to do it because I wanted to lielp Mum. 2) My brother ... to swim when he was just a baby of two. 3) How did you ... to dig the garden alone? It is such hard work! 4) If Margaret invites you to the theatre, don’t ... to go witli her: she’s so lonely. 5) “War and Peace” is a very long novel but I... to finish it soon and start reading “Anna Karenina”. 37 ft) ■D Ф pleasant, happy, small, easy, important 1) The task is not so ... to do as you think, you’ll have to concentrate on it. 2) This beautiful place is very ... to visit in late spring. 3) If you want to speak good English, it is very ... to practise a lot. 4) I’m ... to say that we’ve managed to succeed. 5) The house is too ... to be a home for their big family. Paraphrase these sentences as in the example. White them down. Example: It is impossible to read your essay. Your essay is impossible to read. 1) It is difficult to improve this device. 2) It is easy to destroy a sandcastle. 3) It is hard to learn Chinese. 4) It is interesting to invent new tools. 5) It is not safe to drink this water. 6) It was exciting to watch that football match. 7) It was difficult to follow his plan. 8) It was easy to find my friend’s cottage. 9) It was hard to find a five-star hotel on the coast. 10) It was impossible to believe his words. Consult dictionaries or the Internet and answer the questions. You can also ask your family or friends for help if you need it. 1) Who 2) Who 3) Who 4) Who 5) Who 6) Who 7) Who 8) Who 9) Who was the first man to fly into space? was the second man to travel into space? was the first woman to fly into space? was the first man to walk in space? was the first astronaut to walk on the Moon? were the first people to fly a plane? was the first person to invent the radio? was the first person to invent the telephone? was the first scientist to discover radium? SFa r’ 38 10) Who were the first explorers to discover Antarctica? 11) Who was the first person to reach the South Pole? 12) Who was the first person to sail around the world? Write an answer to your pen friend's letter. Answer his/her questions. The number of words in your letter should be 100—-120. _I'd like to have an I-pad or о new smartphone but I simply cant afford to buy them — they are too expensive. And what gadgets’ do you have? bo you find them useful? Do you dream of buying something new? w Step mO it together Listen to the text, (49), and say which facts are true, false or not stated. 1) Valentina Tereshkova was the first cosmonaut to travel into space. 2) Valentina could fly aeroplanes. 3) Tereshkova was born in spring. 4) She spent her childhood in a small village. 5) She joined the Soviet cosmonaut programme in the fifties of the previous centixry. 6) Valery Bykovsky and Valentina Tereshkova travelled into space on the same spaceship. 7) Valentina left the cosmonaut programme after her flight. 8) Another Soviet cosmonaut became her husband. Speak about the profession of cosmonauts and astronauts. Mention the following: what makes it an unusual occupation; * what personal qualities are necessary to do such a job; if it is a good profession for women; flying into space in the nineteen sixties and nowadays. The Articles • В английском языке уникальные объекты и явления (солнце, луна и др.) обозначаются именем существительным, перед которым обычно используется определённый артикль. К ним относятся: the sun the moon the sky the east the west the north the south The moon moves round the earth. The whole world has changed lately. They live in the east the earth the world the universe ['ju:niv3:s] (вселенная) a gadget ['уж<^э1] — ус тройство • Однако если перед этими существительными употребляется описательное определение, возможен неопределённый артикль. We all hope to live in a better world. The sun was shining in a clear blue sky. • В отличие от них имя существительное space в значении "космос, космическое пространство" с артиклем не употребляется. The Soviet Union was the first country to send a man into space. People began to explore space many centuries ago. Complete the sentences. Use the articles a or the where necessary. 1) Who was the first explorer to sail round ... world? 2)... Moon is the body which moves round ... Earth once every 28 days and can be seen shining in ... sky at night. 3) Who was the first man in ... space? 4) A strange light appeared in ... north. 5) Cheshunt is a few kilometers to ... north of London. 6) Stars are found in every part of ... our universe. 7)... universe is ... space and everything that exists in it, including ... Earth and the other planets. 8) The origin of ... universe is still a mystery. 9) The crew have been living in ... space for about three month.s. 10)... sun is the star in ... sky that gives light and warmth to ... Earth. Complete the sentences with appropriate infinitives. 1) Nick promised ... on time and not to be late. 2) Everybody likes it when Mr Priston gives lectures. He is easy ... . 3) Sara knows a lot of facts. She is interesting ... to. 4) They couldn’t afford ... that car. It was too expensive. 5) Alice refused ... the grammar rule to her younger brother. She had done it twice before. 6) The suitcase with books was very heavy but I managed ... it into the house. 7) 1 decided ... the flowers in my garden as the soil was very dry. 8) It was very hot outside and the children wanted .... 9) We offered the old man ... his heavy bag with vegetables. 10) I told Jane ... her warm sweater as it was rather cold. A. Listen and read, (ф (50). aim [eiml — цель flight [flart] — 1) полёт; 2) авиарейс generation [фепэ'гэх^п] — поколение huge Ihjurcg'J — огромный launch [b:n^] — запускать (e небо), спускать {на воду) memorable ['тетэгЫ! — памятны!) prove [pru:v] — 1) доказывать; 2) оказываться satisfy [ sajtisfai] — удовлетворять В aim: somebody 's aim, to achieve your aim. The aim of this project is do heip the patients of our hospital. I knew very well how to achieve my main aim and become u doctor. flight: a long flight, a flight from Moscow to London, to be on the flight. Gagarin’s flight into .space took only about an hour and a half. generation: the older generation, the younger generation, tlie generation gap. Three generations of the family live together in this old house. The generation gap may become a real problem and not allow different generations to understand each other. L 40 I Ы huge: a huge castle, a huge country, huge success. She arrived at the airport carrying two huge bags. The new play was a luige success. launch: to launch a rocket into space, to launch a new ship, to launch a new project. Weather satellites are launched into space regularly, memorable: a memorable day, a memorable journey. Our trip to Rome was really memorable. Last autumn was full of memorable events, prove: 1) to prove something to somebody. She wanted to prove to her parents that she could live on her own. How can you prove that you are telling the truth? 2) His decision proved to be a good one. The disease proved very serious, satisfy: to satisfy somebody, to satisfy one’s hunger, to bo satistied with same-thing. John’s progress at school satisfies both his parents and his teachers. A sandwich was not enough to satisfy his hunger. It is impossible to satisfy everyone. Complete the sentences with the new words in their appropriate forms. 1) This family photo shows three ...: myself, my parents and my grandparents. 2) The film was ... for its fine acting. 3) The book ... very (useful and informative. 4) What is your ... in life? 5) I managed to photograph the bird in ... . 6) Some people are very hard to ... . 7) What or who can help to bridge the ... gap between parents and their teenage children? 8) The building is ... ; it is much bigger than all the other houses in the street. 9) I’ve done everything you asked; are you ...now? 10) The new ship ... by the queen. 11) How can I ... to you that I’m not lying but telling the truth? 12)... BA 447 to Delhi is delayed. Say a few words about the first man's flight into space. Use these; 1) compete with the USA in apace exploration; 2) both the countries; 3) launch rockets into space; 4) explore the universe; 5) produce new space equipment; 6) make the first flight into space; 7) fly around the Earth in 1 hour 29 minutes; 8) belong to the first generation of Soviet cosmonauts; 9) launch the spaceship Vostok I into space on April 12, 1961; 10) memorable event; 11) be satisfied with the results of the experiment. Phrasal Verbs Познакомьтесь c новыми которых является to break: фразовыми глаголами, ядерным элементом 1) to break down — ломаться (обычно о механизмах) 2) to break in a) вломиться The car broke down just outside London. 3) to break into — нсюжиданно начать что-то делать to break into laughter — рассмеяться to break into tears — расплакаться to break into a run — броситься бежать Someone had broken in through the bedroom window. 6) вмешаться в разговор. 41 *c “Hilary,” he broke in, *T’m just tr^»^-ing to help.” 4) to break out — разразиться, начаться A fire broke out in the kitchen They looked at each other and broke into laughter. 5) to break through — прорываться, совершить прорыв The sun had finally broken through the clouds. Fill in the missing function words to complete the sentences. 1) The horses broke ... a gallop as soon as they heard the gun shooting. 2) Scientists hope to break ... soon and find an effective medicine for this terrible disease. 3) My washing machine was broken ... and I had to wash by hand. 4) The storm broke ... at night and in the morning the garden looked terrible. 5) What will you do if someone breaks ... your house? 6) As soon as we were alone, we closed the door of the room: we were afraid that somebody would hear us and break ... oru* talk. 7) How did it happen that a fire broke ... in the garage? 8) Л group of young football fans managed to break ... the police lines and found themselves on the field. DO IT ON YOUR OWPJ 42 Write why these things happened to the people in the pictures. ui 1) The girl broke into a run ... 2) The old man’s face broke into a smile ... . 6) Paul broke into a sweat [swet] ... . Match the words with their definitions. 1) aim 2) flight 3) generation 4) huge 5) launch 6) memorable 7) prove 8) satisfy a) difficult to forget b) to send off (a rocket etc) or to put (a ship etc) to sea c) very big, gigantic d) to please someone by giving them something they want or need e) to give evidence' which shows that something is true f) all people of the same age g) the thing you hope to achieve by doing something h) a journey through the air or space Write these in English. I) запускать ракеты в космос; 2) памятньп! космический полёт; 3) новое поколение космонавтов; 4) необъятная (огромная) вселенная; 5) достигнуть цели; 6) отменить полёт; 7) отложить полёт; 8) запустить новый космический проект; 9) удовлетворить чей-то интерес; 10) утолить чувство голода; II) доказать учителям и родителям; 12) оказаться правым. Use а, the or zero article to complete the sentences. 1) The boy grew up to be ... tall man. 2)... man is the only animal that can speak. 3)... univer.se is everything that exi.sts. 4) Many birds travel to ... south in winter. 5) ... sun gives light, it is a star. 6) On clear days ... sky has a light blue colour. 7) They come from ... west. 8) ... moon seems to shine because it reflects light from ... Sun. 9) On the wall of their bedroom there was a picture of ... big yellow moon. 10)... woman was tall and beautiful. 43 ft ■C 00 step or.TT^ER What do you know about Neil [ni:l] Armstrong? What would you like to know about him? Listen to the text, (51), and complete the following sentences. 1) The world heard about Neil Armstrong when he .... a) flew into space b) flew to the Moon c) stepped on the Moon 2) Neil Armstrong explored the surface of the Moon .... a) alone b) together with another astronaut c) together with two more astronauts ' evidence f'evidansj —локазяте.чьство, доказательства л г 44 3) Armstrong was educated to be .... a) an astronaut b) a pilot c) an engineer 4) Armstrong.... a) enjoyed his popularity b) did not like to be in the focus of public attention c) did a lot for the American space exploration programme. C Comment on Neil Armstrong's words: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap’ for mankind " w Listen, ^ (52). Repeat the names of the planets and find the right places for them in the picture. _______________________ a) Mercury ['msrkjari] b) Neptune ['neptju:nj c) Earth [з:0] d) Saturn [ saetan] e) Mars [ma:z] f) Venus [Virnas] g) Uranus ['juaranes] h) Jupiter ['фи:р1Га] Read the text and complete the sentences after it. > f Space Exploi rftit n People often think tliat the ag’e of space exploration began u"ith the first spaceships in the 1950s and 1960s, though in fact, astronomers had been exploring the universe long before the beginning of space flights, Galileo made the first a leap lli:p] — скачок optical telescope used for astronomy in 1609. Later scientists got a lot more information about the solar system and its planets with the help of interplanetary probes’, space capsules that carry special equipment and send information back to the Earth. From the beginning of the space age, both the Soviet Union and the United States were active in the exploration of the solar system. Both countries had their own space programmes, competing with each other. Both countries sent their probes to the Moon, to Venus, Mars and, later, to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Anyhow a real breakthrough^ in space exploration was the beginning of manned space flights. The first manned flight took place on April 12, 1961, when Yuri Gagarin went into orbit in the Soviet Vostok 1 spaceship and proved that man could survive in space. At the same time the USA carried on its programme of the Moon exploration and in 1969 Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon. In 1975 the USSR and the USA made the first space experiment | ik'spenmont] together. The future of space exploration seems to be connected with cooperation work in space. People’s wish to know about the world around us will never be satisfied and we can get the best results if we do this hard work together. 1) The age of space exploration began ... the first space flights, a) before b) with c) after 2) Interplanetary probes ... information. a) produce and collect b) collect and transmit c) produce and transmit 3) At the beginning the USSR and the USA worked in the field of space exploration __ a) together b) individually c) with the help of other countries 4) A manned flight is a flight in which the spaceship is operated by — a) people on Earth b) robots c) astronauts or cosmonouts 5) Leonov’s flight was memorable because he was the first man .... a) to wear a special spacesuit b) to become a copilot c) to stay in outer space 6) American astronauts reached the Moon ... Russian cosmonauts a) before b) together with c) after 7) It seems that in the future people of different countries will ... for space exploration. a) unite b) do more w'ork c) be thanked 45 СЛ Ф ■D 00 Speak about the history of space exploration. Mention the following; space exploration before the beginning of space flights; unmanned flights into space; manned flights into space; » competition and cooperation in space exploration. ' interplanetary probes космические зонды ^ breakthrough [ breikOru:] — прорыв 46 w Complete the text with the appropriate words. Discuss the problem. .■^рясч* and 1'“^ In March 2004 a new planet was (1)... 10 billion kilometers from Earth and was named Sedna'. It was found by the Hubble (2) ... which cost millions of dollars. Some people say Sedna is not really a planet. Anyway, the news (3) ... very exciting because the planet (4) ... beyond the planetary solar system. Space now has become (5) ...! Such countries as Russia, the USA and Japan are planning to send more astronauts into (6)... space and spend more money on it. Is space exploration so important? Read the arguments below and say with which of them you agree. YES • We need to know more about the universe we live in. We must do it so that we can make more (7)... to improve our world. • We need to find out if there is life and water on other planets. • We must be ready to colonize other planets. NO ' The money for space exploration should be spent on looking (8)... planet Earth as we live on it. We should spend (9)... money on poor people. ■ We should think more about (10)... health than aboixt going to other planets. • 1) а) invented Ь) discovered с)opened 2) а) rnicroHcope Ь) periscope с) telescope А- 3) а) is Ь) are с) will be 1 4) а) found Ь) finds с) was found L 1 5) а) large Ь)larger с) the largest 6) а) Ь) а с) the 7) а) discoveries Ь) inventions с) equipment 8) а) at Ь) for с) after 9) а)these Ь)those с) this 10) а) people Ь) people’s с) peoples’ You know the words in column A. Read the sentences and say what the words in column В mean. > • memorable aim memory aimless aimlessly satisfaction satisfactory refusal promise promising proof 1) In studying history it is helpful to have a good memory for facts and dates. 2) He couldn’t recite the poem from memory. 3) I get a lot of satisfaction from working in the garden, 4) For me, job satisfaction is more important than making money. 5) His test is far from satisfactory. 6) Do you have any proof that the document has been w^ritten? 7) The proof of the pudding I'pudn]] is in the eating. 8) They took an aimless walk through the fields. 9) They walked along to satisfy to refuse to promise to prove * Обратите внимание на то, что названия планет употребляются без артикля. the beach aimlessly talking. 10) She gave them a refusal to go on with the job. 11) We were surprised at their refusal to join us. 12) Andrew remembered his sister’s promise to help him. 13) T gave a promise that I would clean my room. 14) Helen is a promising young scientist. Social English Помимо известных вам способов выражения сомнения, уверенности (It's possible.... I'm not quite sure.... I'm certain..., i don't it..., I have no doubt about... etc.), существует возможность выразить то же самое при помощи модальных глаголов must, may, could, might. Обратите внимание, что в значении «возможность» эти глаголы выражают различную степень сомнения. Их можно расположить на шкале в соответствии со степенью возрастания неуверенности следующим образом: must -----► may -------► could------► might самая низкая степень сомнения самая высокая степень сомнения Сравните: Не must be happy. — Должно быть, он счастлив. (Я почти уверен, что он счастлив.) Не may be happy. — Возможно (это большая вероятность), что он счастлив. Не could be happy. — Возможно (есть определённая вероятность), что он счастлив. Не might be happy. — Возможно (есть маленькая вероятность), что он счастлив. 47 г» “О Complete the dialogue with the verbs must, may, could or might and act it out. A: Look! There’s some object in the sky, there, above tlie hill. B: It (1)... be an aeroplane. A: Oh, no, look, it’s flying too low for a plane. It (2)... be a UFO’. B: Don’t be silly. I don’t believe in UFOs. Tliey are a fniit of people’.s imagination. A: What makes you so sure? Look, it’s coming nearer. It has a funny shape. It (3)... be a big bird. B; No it isn’t. Birds move their wings. If this thing has wings, it doesn’t move them. A: It’s not a plane or a helicopter because there is no noise. It (4)... be a U^FO! It is so exciting! B: Don’t speak too soon. It is not. Wait! I see now! It is a hang-glider! The Verb • Вы уже знаете, что модальные глаголы сап (could) выражают возможность или умение сделать что-то. Тот сап read. — Том умеет читать. Тот could read when he was five. — Том мог читать, когда ему было пять. ' а UFO Cjuifso] ап unidentified fljang object — Ш10 (neonojHUHHbiU летающий объект) t 48 г w • Следует отметить, что форма could не используется, если речь идёт о чём-то, что люди смогли или сумели сделать в конкретном случае, то есть им удалось что-то сделать. Вместо could в подобных случаях употребляют was/were able to или managed to. The pupil managed (was able) to do the sum. Ученик смог решить задачу. (Ему удалось...) The questions were not easy but we managed (were able) to answer them. Вопросы не были простыми, но мы смогли ответить на них. • Однако если нужно сказать, что люди могли (то есть имели возможность) что-то делать в прошлом, форма could нормативна. The swimming pool was not far from the hotel and we could go there every day. (... мы могли/имели возможность ходить туда). Отрицательная форма couldnt используется во всех случаях наряду с формами didn't manage to, wasn't/were not able to. Сравните; They couldn't (didn't manage to) speak to the head teacher but they managed to discuss the problem with the biology teacher. We couldn't (were not able to) see the film at the cinema but we were able to see the video. How else can you say the same? Think of different variants. 1) John was not able to phone me yesterday. He had left for Kiev. 2) They managed to find Aunt Margo’s house though it was not easy. 3) Linda didn’t manage to write the test very well. Her mark was only satisfactory. 4) Uncle George was able to enlighten us about Neil Armstrong’s biography. 5) Wendy managed to find a lot of interesting articles about the Middle Ages. 6) The Browns didn’t manage to move in the new flat. 7) She was supposed to change her job but was not able to. 8) Alec tried to open the door but didn’t manage to. 9) Mrs Loveday managed to protect her family. 10) Andrew wasn’t able to refuse the offer. DO IT OU VOUR OWIU Complete the sentences with the words from the box. aim» satisfy, refusal, satisfactory, aimlessly, promise, memory, proof, promising, satisfaction, memorable, aimless, refuse 1) Do you have any ... that this is true? 2) We went there with the ... of seeing the places of interest in the tOAvn. 3) I was surprised at Jane’s ... to join us for supper. 4) The government’s new project looks fairly ... . 5) “Now you see that I was right, don’t you?” she said with ... . 6) How could Dan... to help his own brother? 7) This is Julia’s new article, I hope it will ... you. 8) I walked about the house ... unable to concentrate on my work. 9) Jack said he would come on time but failed to keep his ... . 10) I’m afraid I have a very bad ... for names so 1 can’t remember your friend’s. 11)1 have a feeling that this kind of discussion is absolutely let’s stop it now. 12) Later he wrote about those ... days in his famous novel. 13) Steve is a ... singer. IQ Use the modal verbs must, may, could, mightir\ the following sentences to show doubt'. Example: Travelling by train is quite comfortable. Travelling by train may be quite comfortable. 1) In the future there will be no nations or races, all peoples will be one big family. 2) In the 21st century humans will colonize other planets of the solar system. 3) Very soon machines will do all possible work for people. 4) Very soon books will disappear and their role will be played by computers. 5) It’s not so long before all children will be taught at home with the help of special computer programmes. 6) The world ocean contains as many secrets and mysteries as outer space. 7) The Earth is facing some very bad ecological problems. 8) Soon there will be no paper money or coins, only bank cards. 9) In the near future people will live not less than 200 years. 10) There will be no difference between town and country. All people will live in megapolises. 49 tv *a Ш Fa Some of the following sentences have mistakes. Find the sentences and correct the mistakes. 1) I thought a lot but couldn’t remember his nanie. 2) Was he able to talk to hi.s neighbour? 3) I couldn’t do the sums myself and asked my father to help me. 4) They could play their parts so well that the audience broke into laughter again and again. 5) How did you manage to do all that work on your own? 6) I could answer the teacher’s question and was very proud of myself. 7) The children couldn’t go to the beach as it was raining. 8) Sally could win the 100-metre race. 9) At last we could see the film we had wanted to see so long. 10) Why couldn’t he explain the problem more clearly? Get ready to speak about a cosmonaut or an astronaut. Mention the following: ^ what the astronaut’s name is and where he/she is from; => when his/her spaceship was launched into space; • if he/she was alone on the orbit or worked with a crew; = why his/her flight is memorable. Step 9 Revision and Extension DO IT TOCETH€R Listen, (53), and complete the sentences below. 1) Doctor Martin Cooper was the father of the a) radio phone b) telephone c) cell phone to show doubt — выразить сомнение *л- 50 ы 2) А cell phone ... like а radio. a) functions b) looks c) costs 3) Car phones of the 1980s were — a) cheap b) not very cheap c) not cheap at all 4) Mobile phones are cheaper than radio phones because .... a) people share the same frequencies^ b) people don’t need any special equipment c) people use special channels 5) Every two people speaking on cell phones use ... . a) one frequency b) two frequencies c) more tlian two frequencies 6) Something that modern mobile phones can not do is — a) contacting the Internet b) sending and getting messages c) printing Working in pairs discuss pros and cons’ of using mobile phones. You can find some ideas below useful. Pros (+) 1) It gives you an op^rtunity to contact your family and friends at any time you need. 2) It stores some useful information. 3) It can wake you up in the morning. 4)... Cons (-) 1) Mobile phone calls don’t give you a chance to concentrate. 2) Mobiles may be bad for the user’s health. 3) People sometimes buy them not because they need them but because mobiles have become fashionable. 4) ... A. Read the dialogue. Say which of the sentences after it are true, false or not stated ‘^huuld V- X Spend li VlxHiey t'\p'or?n KiJ. ■’ Andrew: My short answ’er to this question is yes. We are part of the universe. I think we must find out what else there is in it. Boris: Sorry, but I don’t think space discoveries could help us. At least^ 1 can’t see how space exploration has helped us so far. Andrew: Well, it may be that it hasn’t helped a lot. Definitely it hasn’t helped to find a cure for this or that illness. But I am sure we may find some- ' a frequency L'frirkwansil — частота * pros and cons [,ргэигэп'кппг1 «за» и «протиа» ’ at least [li;stj — no крайней мере thing in space that will help us to find such cures in the future or we may discover something else. Boris: You may be right. But all those advantages are so uncertain and space exploration is so expensive. Andrew: Oh yes, it is. You’re absolutely right here, but I don't think wo oon spend less. We can’t tell the scientists to make it cheaper and we need to know what is happening in the universe. It might help us to survive. And do you think we should stop exploring space? Boris: I’m not quite sure but I think we can stop it for a few years and spend the money on more important things. Andrew: Like what? Boris: Like pollution, illnesses. We should think about drinking water. In fact we should spend this money on the Earth’s problems. 1) Andrew is for spending a lot of money on space exploration. 2) Andrew would like to take part in space investigations himself. 3) Boris says space exploration should be stopped for ever. 4) Andrew is sure people can afford to spend a lot of money on space exploration. 5) Boris tells his friend that space exploration is not at all cheap. 6) Boris is for spending more money on doing more real things for our planet. . In one or two groups organize a talk about billions spent on space exploration in which some students speak for and some against it. Give examples. In small groups talk about space exploration. Find arguments for and against spending a lot of money on space exploration programmes. Some of these sentences are grammatically wrong. Find the mistakes and correct them. 1) When Nora entered the room, she couldn’t understand what was going on. 2) It was difficiilt to do the stim but Andrew could do it. 3) Lizzy could play the piano at the age of six. 4) Jerry could run away by jumping out of the window. 5) We could do a lot of interesting things in summer: we could swim, play volley ball and football, we could cycle and go to the mountains. 6) Our team could win the match though our best player was sick. 7) Jane could sp)eak English very slowly at the beginning of the school year and made a lot of mistakes. Her language skills are much better now. 8) He could earn enough money to buy a good car. 9) It was difficult to prove that John was not to blame, but his friend could do it. 51 i r* n> *D Ф Complete the sentences with the prepositions from the box. 1) Do you know how long this type of planes has been ... use? 2) It was just a silly mistake, I don’t think Ben did it... purpose. 3) ... the one hand, I can understand him but... the other, I find it very difficult to agree ... his arguments. 4) What size do you take ... clothes? 5) Janet’s skill... writing poetry is gradually developing. 6) Nowadays a lot of people are used ... buying things online. 7) I think you should apologize ... your behaviour: it made us all very unhappy. 8) The first manned spaceship was launched ... space in 1961. 9)Oneof the most terrible wars broke ... at the beginning of the previous century. 10) Reading the article father broke ... laughter more than once. 11) They can’t use their computer at the moment: it has broken .... 12) A lot of discoveries were made ... the cost of human lives. Ы English Idioms Познакомьтесь c несколькими английскими идиомами, в которых 1/пг>»ямияи->тгя небесные тела. to come down to earth = to have to return to the reality of everyday life to promise the earth (the moon) = to promise to give people things that they cannot in fact possibly get to ask (to cry) for the moon = to ask for something that you cannot possibly get once in a blue moon = happening very rarely to be over the moon = to be very happy about something to aim (reach) at the stars (the sky/the moon) = to be very ambitious and try hard to achieve something difficult to have stars in your eyes = to be very hopeful and excited about things that may happen in the future. Such hopes are usually unlikely to come true. 'Fa Say what idioms are missing in these sentences. 1) Mike is a stay-at-home man. He leaves his house only ... . 2) Sue was thrilled by the mountains, the snow and the fresh air and then she ... and began cooking for the whole family. 3) Joe and Abbie have just had their fir.st baby. They ... about it. I’m told. 4) “What I’d like is to have a lot of free time, a comfortable sum of money and a villa”. “Don’t you think you ...?” 5) I’m not talking to Steven: he ... and then broke his promise. 6) I ... when 1 was making plans to become a guitarist, .linger and songwriter. 7) Felix is making a brilliant career; he always ... and wants to be the best in everything. Give a talk on space exploration beginning with the first manned flight. Mention these: the Soviet Union and the USA in their competition to explore space; — famous Soviet cosmonauts; — cooperation in space exploration. Consider the following; 1961 — Vostok 1 (USSR). Yuri Gagarin is the first to orbit the Earth. 1963 — Vostok 6 (USSR). Valentina Tereshkova becomes the first woman in space. • 1965 — Voskhod 2 (USSR). Alexei Leonov is the first to leave a spaceship for a space walk. • 1968 - Apollo 8 (USA). First manned flight orbits the Moon. 1969 Apollo 11 (USA). First manned Moon landing; Noil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin walk on the Moon. • 1975 Soyuz 19 (USSR) and Apollo 18 (USA). The American and Soviet crews cooperate in experiments. 2000 Russia, the USA and some countries of Europe and Asia work in cooperation and launch spaceships to explore the Earth and the other planets. DO iT ом YOUR OWN Find synonyms in the two boxes and write 8 sentences with some of them. 10 Box A continue, construct, consider, device, function, huge, manage, prevent (from), simple, tool, weapon, say that you are sorry Box В think, keep (from), very big, apologize, go on, easy, build, operate, gun, gadget, be able, device Complete the sentences. Choose the appropriate forms in brackets. Whire the sentences down. 1) Philip has been dreaming (for/of) going to Paris since he began learning French. 2) Be careful. The vase is (breaking/breakable). 3) 1 can’t (afford/ob-ject) to buy such an expensive coat. 4) The machine is difficult (to operate/operating). 5) You shouldn’t break (in/into) when your elder brothers are talking. 6) He couldn’t find any (proof /prove) for his theory. 7) What do we know about (the/-) universe? 8) (A/-) man is a part of the natural world. 9) Don’t (argue ' afford). You are both right. 10) The result (achieved/achieving) was really important. Write an answer to your pen friend's letter. Answer his/her questions. The number of words in your letter should be 100—120. 53 i to П) T3 “I hove become really interested in science this school year. Our teacher in this subject is really good. He tells us so many interesting things. Yesterday we discussed science in the Middle Ages and during the Renaissance. That was great! What are your favourite school selects? What do you think of science and how long have you been doing thi^ubjecti^o you think this subject important for your future career? 12 Revise the words for Test 3. TJ Afford, aim, aimless, aimlessly, apologize, apology, argue, arrow, axe, blame, bow, bronze, capable, column, complain, complaint, consider, construct, continue, cost («, u), device, explore, flight, forgive, function, generation, guilty, gun, hoe, inventor, launch, manage, memorable, memory, nuclear, object, participate, prevent, promise (n, u), promising, proof, prove, purpose, refuse, refusal, satisfy, satisfactory, simple, size, skill, skillful, succeed, technology, tool, trade, trader, (the) universe, use (n), weapon. 54 dig — dug — dug draw — drew — drawn cost — cost cost to look forward to sth, to be used to sth, on the one hand.,, on the other hand..., at the cost of sth, generation gap, it is no use doing sth, to be in use, to break out (in, into, down, through). w Step 1Q Test Yourself I. LISTENING Ni Listen, ^ (54), and match the names of the speakers with the names of the devices they are describing. There is one name of a device you don't have to use. 1) Katy 2) Alex 3) Don 4) Patricia 5) John 6) Emma a) fridge b) mobile phone c) television d) computer e) dishwasher f) washing machine g) vacuum cleaner Maximum result 6 Your result ? II. READING Read the text "Going Underground" and say which of the "metros" is mentioned in paragraphs 1—5. ъ a) the oldest of them b) the most comfortable c) the one which carries the biggest number of passengers d) the one which shows the style of decoration matching the capital e) the one which has the longest lines tioinr I iiderground 1. Moscow underground is the largest in terms of passenger numbers, with more than a billion passenger journeys a year. Some underground stations are very beautiful and include sculptures, mosaic pictures in the ceilings, beautiful decorations. The first line was open in the thirties of the 20th century. It ran through the city centre and had just ten stations. 2. The New York underground is the largest in terms of kilometers covered. It is often called the “Subway” and is one of the world’s cheapest, with a single journey to and from any station just $2. It is characterized by the fact that its lines are named by numbers and letters (like 1, 3 and A, D). 3. The Paris Metro was built at the turn of the 20th century* and has 368 stations covering 15 lines and transporting around six million people daily. Some stations are designed in a very artistic way characterized by flower and leaf motifs. The architect Hector Guimard decorated this mass transit system in tune with the city. 4. The Tokyo subway became infamous** in 1995 when Aum Shinri Kyo cult** used Sarin gas on a train, killing 12 people. However, it is one of the safest underground systems and generally people characterize it as the world’s best in terms of ease of use and comfort. 5. London was the first city to get the underground. The London Underground (The Metropolitan Railway) was opened in 1863 and Londoners at once began speaking about it as a fashionable way to travel. The Metropolitan Railway grew and began to be called the Tube because of the narrow tunnels that characterize the older parts of the system. Today the London Underground covers most of Greater London with 11 different lines and 97 million passenger journeys every year. 55 1Л n> ■D UNDtRGRCUNO Maximum result 5 Your result V • III. USE OF ENGLISH n Complete the text with the derivatives of the words on the right. Our (1)... is not the only life form in the universe. Some (2)... believe that UFOs are real and try to prove it. Ufologists all over the world have become very (3) ... . They use hi-tech (4) ... to measure (5) ... effect which comes from UFOs. They think these objects fly from (6) ... galaxies. Human science and technology are not yet advanced enough to contact with them. civilize science act equip, magnet distance Maximum result 6 Your result 7 • ' at the turn of the 20th centur> в начале XX столетия ^ infamous pinfamas] пользующийся дурной славой, печально иавепный * cult — культ, поклонение; .id.: секта Complete the text with the appropriate forms of the verbs on the right. Tho Channol Timnn!' 56 Ы t The Channel Tunnel (1) ... in May 1994 with a big formal ceremony. It (2)... 13,000 engineers and 170 million hours to construct it. It (3)... about 21 billion dollars to build it. The history of the Channel Tunnel (4)... in 1802 when Albert Mathien, a French engineer, (5) ... Napoleon about his idea of an underwater channel. Seventy-three years (6) ... the Channel Tunnel Company Limited began (7) ... near Dover in England but in 1882 the work (8) ... as the British were afraid of a foreign attack through the tunnel. In 1986 the French and the UK agreed (9) ... the project, and a few years (10) ... the first trains (11) ... along the tunnel. After all these years it is quite clear that the tunnel is a success. Europe is (12) ... than ever to the British Isles. It takes (13)... than three hours (14)... from London to Paris by train. open take cost begin tell late, dig stop continue late, run close little, travel Maximum result 14 Your result ? • IV. SPEAKING N. Speak about how science and technology make our life easier. Mention these: ' achievements that have influenced the process of education; achievements that have made life inside your home more comfortable and easy; • achievements that influence our lives outside our homes. Maximum result 10 Your result ? • V- WRITING Write the following in English* 1) запустить космический кораб.'гь в космос; 2) лук и стрелы; 3) простые приспособления и 11нст1)ументы; 4) искусный рабочий; 5) исследовать вселенную; 6) наука и техника; 7) опасное ядериое оружие; 8) памятный рейс; 9) бесполезно спорить; 10) способный изобретатель. Maximum result 10 Your result 9 • ' the Channel Tunnel f^lJaenl'tAnll — подводный тоннель под Ла-Маншем, соединяющий Англию и Францию Count your results. Total result Tasks 1—6 51 59 Personal letter 8 Your total result Tasks 1 — 6 7 • 7 Personal letter 7 • • IT ON YOUR OWN Do Project Work 3. Complete a page in your English Album. Write about your favourite gadget that you most often use. Mention when it first appeared in your life and why you need it so much. Illustrate your story with pictures Don't forget to think of an outline for your story before you write it. Ask your family and/or friends to help you if necessary. 57 rt> x: 58 1^: ' “ ^ - t ► • ^4* > *Р ■5 - t^4- =ru Unit Being a Teenager Step 1 DO IT TOGETHER Д. Listen to the song, (55), and say what it is about. B. Read the lyrics and sing the song along. Dancing Queen (Benny Andersson, Bjorn Ulvaeus. Stick Ancierssan) You can dance, you can iive танцевать под быструю джазовую музыку liaving the time of your life see that girl, watch that scene dig in the Dancing Queen присоединиться (к танцующим) Friday night and the lights are low looking out for the place to go where they play the right music getting in the swing you come to look for a king- неярки, притз^шены ' ■ ! Anybody could be that guv night is young and the music’s high with a bit of rock music everything is fine you’re in_the_mood for a dance and when you get the chance You are the Dancing Queen young and sweet only seventeen Dancing Queen feel the beat from the tambourine, oh yeah you can dance, you can jive having the time of your life see that girl, watch that scene парень, мужчина громкая в настроении шанс ритм искусительница, насмешница сгорающие от чувств все равно кто dig in the Dancing Queen You’re a teaser you turn ’em on leave ’em burning and then you’re gone looking out for another anyone will do you’re in the mood for dance and when you get the chance You are the Dancing Queen young and sweet only seventeen Dancing Queen feel the beat from the tambourine, oh yeah you can dance, you can jive having the time of your life see that girl, watch that scene dig in the Dancing Queen Answer the questions. 1) Why do people say that being a teen is great and hard at the same time? 2) What would you like to change in your life and yourself? 3) How often do you think about your fxiture? What will you be like in five years’ time and what will you do? 4) How do you understand the phrase “уош" future begins today”? What are you doing for your future now? 5) How much, in your view, is your future connected with the future of your country? 6) What are your priorities today? How, do you think, they may change with time? Work in pairs and talk about your greatest dreams. You may use the following: • to dream about sometliing; • to dream of doing something; • to have a dream; • a big/great/lifelong 'distant impossible, romantic dream; • to make your dream come true; • to achieve a dream. Read the questions that were asked during Edwin's and Lora's interviews and their answers. How would you answer the same questions? The Questionnaire' Questions: How much pocket^ money do you have? How do you get it? What do you spend it on? Edwin: 1 usually have seven pounds a week. My parents give it to me. I spend it mostly on computer games and football kit^. I am a Chelsea football fan. Lqraj_I do some babysitting and get about 6 pounds a week. I spend all the money I have on clothes. 59 ' a questionnaire [.kwestja'neal — анкета, вопросник ■ pocket 1 pokitl — карман ^ football kit — футбольное снаряжение СЛ fD 60 с 3 You: ... Questions: What do you usually do in your free time? When do you have to be at home in the evening? Edwin: I go to the cinema, play football, see my friends, listen to music and watch television. My parents ask me to come home at 9 p.m. in the week, at the weekend it’s 10 p.m. Lora: I often go to the theatre, watch TV and listen to music. I like reading too. I’m always back home aboiit six. At weekends I can do what I want. You: ... Questions: A few words about your school life. Do you have to wear a uniform? How much homework do you have? Do you enjoy school? Edwin: Yes, I wear a uniform at school. It is grey. I don’t really mind because we all wear it. As for the homework, I usually spend on hour a night. Five hours a week. I can say I rather like school. I have good friends and I’d like to get a good education. Lora: No, we wear what we want. I usually spend two hours a night on my homework. If I have a test, it can be three hotirs. I can’t say I really enjoy school. I look forward to leaving school and beginning to train for a hair stylist. You: ... . Questions: What are your hopes and fears'? What do you like hate about being a teen? Do you feel safe in your city? Is there anything you can’t live without? Who is your role model hero? Edwin: It’s OK being a teenager but I don’t like the way 1 look. I feel quite safe in my city, but some of my friends had their mobile phones stolen. I can't live without my friends and football. My role models are my elder brother and my favourite football player Alan Shearer. Lora: I can enjoy myself and I have many friends. But life is not always easy and interesting. It can be rather difficult and boring too. I worry^ about my future. I’m not sure I’ll be able to find a good job. As for feeling safe, I can say my city is not a dangerous place to live but 1 don’t like to travel by subway. My role model is Mum. I can’t live without my friends and my family. You: ... . The Verb 1. Вы уже знаете, что • после некоторых глаголов в английском языке можно употреблять только инфинитив (agree, afford, hope, manage offer, promise, refuse): I promise to come back soon. • после иных глаголов используются V ^ формы (mind, enjoy, keep, prevent, object); I object to going there. • после целого ряда глаголов (start, begin, finish, like, love, hate) возможно использование как инфинитива, так и Ving. При этом значение высказывания практически не меняется; Ralph started to run. He started running. I began to laugh. I began laughing. 2. После глаголов to stop, to remember, to forget также возможно употребление как инфинитива, так и однако значения высказываний в этих случаях будут различаться. fears [fiaz] страхи, опасения to worry ['wAri] — беспокоиться Сравните; 1. stop doing something Перестать что-то делать. Stop to do something Остановиться, чтобы что-то сделать. a) John really must stop smoking. b) It has stopped raining. a) 1 stopped to have a talk with Liz. b) 1 stopped at the shop window to look at the prices. 2. Remember/forget doing something Помнить (забыть) то, что происходило в прошлом Remember/forget to do something Помнить (забыть) то, что необходимо сделать a) 1 still remember visiting the Lake District. b) 1 shall never forget dancing at my first ball. a) 1 never remember to take the mail out of the letter box. b) We often forget to do things we have to do. in A. Complete the sentences with the appropriate verb forms. In which sentences can both forms be used? 1) I have very little time, I just can’t afford (to stay/staying) here any longer. 2) My little brother loves (to listen/listening) to fairy tales. 3) Luke enjoys (to play/playing) basketball. 4) As I keep (to tell telling) you, everything will be fine. 5) When did they start (to use/ using) this word in the English language? 6) Can you name two or three good films (to watch/watching)? 7) At the weekend we had a wonderful time (to walk walking) in the park. 8) Lucy says she hates (to wait/waiting). 9) Isn’t the child too old (to do doing) such silly things? 10) I don’t mind (to tell/telling) you the truth at all. B. 1) We all remember (to take/taking) part iu the skiing competition. 2) Did you remember (to post/posting) my letter? 3) Uncle Philip stopped (to take taking) a look at our new house. 4) I remember (to watch/w'atching) a film about the first man on the Moon. 5) The child couldn’t stop (to cry/crying). 6) You mustn’t forget (to buy/bujdng) the medicine you need to take. 7) Please remember (to tele-phone/telephoning) me when you come back home. 8) Can you, please, stop (to talk talking)? 9) I’ll never forget (to see/seeing) the ocean for the first time in my life. 10) The train stopped (to take, taking) in some more people. A. Listen, (56), and read. annoy [a'noi] досаждать, раздражать couple ['клр1] — 1. пара 2. супружеская или влюблённая пара expect [ik'spekt] ожидать, предполагать mad [тжО] I) сумасшедший, безумный; 2) без ума от чего-.чибо, в восторге notice [naotis] замечать pretty [ priti] 1) adj хорошенький 2) adv достаточно, довольно rebel [n'bel] — бунтовать, восставать rebellion (rtbeljan] — восстание, мятеж, бунт shake [Jeik] 1) трясти(сь); 2) жать {руку) I got bored... мне надоело You can’t help it! Ничего нельзя поделать (нельзя иначг)\ в. 62 annoy: to annoy somebody; to aivnoy grown-ups, to annoy parents. I don’t dislike her, but she annoys me sometimes. It really annoys me when you don’t listen to what you are told. couple: 1) a couple of friends, a couple of things to discuss. A couple of police officers were standing at the door. 2) a happy couple, a married couple, a newly married couple. My father and mother are a happy couple. expect: to expect somebody/something, to expect a good mark, to expect a letter. I expect that Lucy will pass her exam. mad: 1) a mad idea, a mad person. He went mad and had to be put into a mental hospital. He was mad with pain. You are driving me mad! 2) to be mad about something. My cousins are mad about football. My family is mad alx>ut camping, notice: to notice somebody/something. She probably won’t even notice Г)п gone’. Nobody really noticed the changes. Did you notice that Mr Bennet was driving a new car? pretty (adj): a pretty girl, a pretty face. Your little cousin is very pretty, pretty (adv): pretty hard, pretty slow. Your work is pretty good, but it could be better. rebel (rebelled): to rebel against somebody/something. It’s natural for teenagers to rebel. Liberal parents often leave their children nothing to rebel against, rebellion: a military rebellion, a teenage rebellion. The castle was destroyed during the rebellion. shake (shook, shaken): 1) to shake slowly, to be shaking all over, to be shaking like a leaf, to shake with laughter. The girls stood shaking with laughter. 2) to shake hands, to shake somebody by the hand. When we met, Mr Johnson shook hands with each of us. get bored: Steve was getting bored with the game. He got pretty bored with her endless complaints. can’t/couldn’t help it: You should visit her every day. You can’t help it! Complete the sentences with the new words. I) Jenny is ... about music. Now she is learning to play the saxophone. 2) When 1 understood that I had to do all the work alone, I decided to ... . 3) What really ...s me is that Alec believes he knows ever^''thing. 4) Sally looked very ... in her evening dress and new shoes. 5) In Britain they don’t... hands as often as they do in Russia. 6) Did you ... that Fiona looked very sad when she was leaving? 7) The capital was destroyed during the military ... . 8) We are ...ing good weather at the coming weekend. 9) I made myself a ... of cheese sandwiches before leaving for school. 10) Put on a warm sweater — you’re ...ing like a leaf. II) These two bags look ... much the same. Look at the pictures and make up short stories about each of them 1) get bored 2) pretty 3) shake hands 1 T’ I’m gone — .меня нет 4) notice 5) annoy 6) rebel (rebellion) t- 7) mad professor 8) newly married couple 63 tn (V ■o DO IT ON YOUR OWN 10 Complete the sentences with the appropriate verb forms. Mark the sentences where both forms can be used. 1) Did Samantha apologize for (to be being) late? 2) I think I’ll always remember (to meet/meeting) our President. 3) They stopped at the lake (to look looking) at the map as they didn’t know where to go, 4) We began (to learn ' learning) English eight years ago. 5) The little girl is already beginning (to read reading). 6) Please don’t forget (to buy/buying) some bread on your way home. 7) Can't you stop (to make making) that awful noise? 8) Did you enjoy (to dance/dancing) with a professional dancer? 9) Did you remember (to feed/ feeding) the dog in the morning? 10) We stopped (to have having) a cup of tea in a small tea shop. Complete these sentences. Make them true. 1) I think I know... pretty well. 2) I can’t help thinking that... . 3) What usually annoys me is ... . 4) One of my friends is absolutely mad about... . 5) I get terribly bored when ... . 6) I feel like rebelling when ... . 7) I rarely notice ... . 8) I expect that the new year will bring me ... . Spell the new words. 1) [a'nai] 2) [ri'belj 3) [n'beljan] 4) [Jeik] 5) Uok] 6) f'nautis] 7) ['клрП 8) [maed] 9) ['pnti] 10) fik'spekt] 11) [n'Qurzl 12) f'la:fta] 12 Write these in English. 1) трястись от смеха; 2) довольно хороший ответ; 3) досаждат) одноклассникам; 4) бунт подростков; 5) пожать друг другу руки; 6) быть без ума от хоккея; 7) пара (несколько) портфелей в углу классной комнаты; 8) ожидать каникулы; 9) заметить перемены; 10) хорошенькая молодая лсеищина. Step 2 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to what five British teenagers (1—5) think about the way they spend money, ^ (57), and match their names with the statements in the textbook (a—f). There is one statement you don't have to use. 1^ Г». 1. Josh 2. Walter 3. Jennifer 4. Victoria 5. Hannah Statements: a) 1 turn to my parents for help. b) I spend about one hundred pounds on going out and buying CDs every month. c) I would like to take the money management course' at school. d) It is difficult for me to live on the money I have. e) I often buy things without thinking if I really need them. f) I think lessons about money management at school are useful only for young children. Match the words with their definitions. 1) to annoy 2) pretty 3) to rebel 4) bored 5) couple 6) to notice 7) mud 8) to shake 9) rebellion 10) to expect a) very stupid b) tired of something uninteresting and diill c) sweetly pleasing d) to move quickly up and down, back and forth e) to make someone feel uncomfortable, to bother' f) to fight against authority g) two things that are the same or go together in some way h) to pay attention by seeing, hearing or feeling something i) to look forward to something, to think that something may happen j) struggle against those who have power ' a course [кэ;5] курс (учебной Оисциплины) - to bother 1 bnftoj докучать, раздражать Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions to get more information. Example: Monica got bored while reading. What was she reading? - She was reading a thick novel. Why did she get bored? — The novel was not interesting. Does she always get bored while reading? — I don’t think so. 1) Ralph needs a couple of hours to complete the work. 2) Joyce felt really annoyed after she talked with Max. 3) Orson is absolutely mad about disco dancing. 4) Rick was shaking with cold when I saw him. 5) Gwen didn’t notice any changes in the decorations. 6) Kevin rebelled for the first time in his life. 7) Philip expects some news. You know the words in column A. Read the sentences and say what the words in column 65 1 в mean. A. B. to rebel a rebel [ rebalj rebellion rebellious to notice a notice to annoy annoying bored annoyance boredom mad madness madly 1) The rebels have control over the radio station. 2) The rebels fought against the government army and killed a number of soldiers. 3) My brother sometimes feels rebellious and argues our parents. 4) He put up a notice on the door, saying that the gym was closed. 5) It’s raining again. We can’t play in the garden. How annoying! 6) Please stop making that noise it’s getting annoying! 7) She felt some annoyance when he told her he wasn’t joining them. 8) I don’t want to liye in the country. I hate the boredom of such places. 9) It’s real madness to driye so fast. 10) She says she is madly in loye with Martin. l/\ n> ~o hJ Confusable Words В английском языке два существительных couple и pair соответствуют русскому «пара». Обратите внимание на то, что существует некоторое различие в их использовании. Couple 1. Два предмета А couple of apples А couple of books 2. Несколько предметов или явлений (не обязательно два) А couple of apples А couple of books A couple of days Pair 1. Два парных предмета или два предмета, состоящие из двух частей А pair of shoes/boots А pair of eyes A pair of trousers A pair of pyjamas 2. — 66 •л>- с 3 3 — 4.— 5. Пара (чаще замужняя), чета А married couple. А happy couple, А loving couple 3. Пара животных (самец и самка) А pair of swans А pair of sparrows 4. Двое людей, объединённых общим делом. А pair of dancers А pair of guards To work in pairs Complete the sentences. Use pair or couple. In some sentences both are possible. 1) Alice bought a ... of fashionable boots for winter, 2) Jason always keeps a ... of periodicals on his desk to read them during the break. 3) My breakfast usually consists of a cup of coffee and a ... of sandwiches. 4) My advice is to keep another ... of spectacles at hand. 5) I have a ... of very good friends whom I love dearly. 6) She will arrive in a ... of days. We are preparing a room for her. 7) This ... of trousers will go very well with your new jacket. 8) These socks are different, they are not a .... 9) What a wonderful... of eyes she has! 10) Everyone knows that Andrew and Margo are a loving ... . 11) The happy ... are going to Spain after the wedding*. 12) I often come to the zoo pond to have a look at the ... of swans living there. 13) A ... of swallows are making a nest under my r(юf. The Adverb В тексте, который вам предстоит прочитать, встретится наречие anyway, которое означает «во всяком случае», «так или иначе», «все равно». Очень близко к нему по значению, хотя и несколько менее частотно слово anyhow. Ниже приводятся другие наречия, в состав которых входит элемент any; anymore (any more) — еще, больше anywhere \ с с anyplace (ЛтВ / “ ™''™6удь, куда-нибудь anytime — когда угодно, в любое время Сравните: 1) The work was not easy but I decided to continue it anyway (anyhow). 2) My old friend doesn't live here anymore. 3) I'm ready to meet you anywhere (anyplace) you choose. 4) You can come and see me anytime you like. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. In some sentences two variants are possible. ' a wedding ['wedujJ свадьба 1) You may call me ... you want. 2) Maybe it won’t rain, but we should be prepared ... . 3) Now that the child can ride a bicycle, he doesn’t use his tricycle ... . 4) Take the car and drive ... you want. 5) The water was cold but Kate decided to go swimming ... . 6) Jiist put the books down ...» ГИ put them on the shelf later. 7) No one comes here ... and I feel rather lonely. 8) There’s nothing to eat. ..., I’m not really hungry. 9) Did you go ... interesting last weekend? 10) The beginning of the film was boring. ... its ending happened to be much better. A. Listen to the text, ^ (58), then read it. Holden Comes to See liis Teacher Parti “The Catcher in the Rye”' by the American author J. D. Salinger may he the world’s most famous booh about a teenager. The main character’s name is Hold en Caulfield and he is going through the period of teen age rebellion. In the passage you are going to read Holden has just been expelled'' from a good school for poor academic performance and he has come to Mr Spencer’s home to say goodbye to his old teacher. “Hello, sir,’’ I said. “I got your note. Thanks a lot.” He’d written me this note asking me to stop by^ and say goodbye. “You didn’t have to do all that. I wanted to come over to say goodbye anyway.” “Have a seat there, boy,” old Spencer said. “So you’re leaving us, eh?” Yes, sir. I guess'* I am.” Have you told your parents yet?” No, sir, I haven’t, because I’ll probably see them Wednesday night when I get home.” And how do you think they’ll take the news?” Well... they’ll be pretty annoyed about it,” I said. “They really will. This is about the fourth school I’ve gone to.” I shook my head. I shake my head quite a lot. “Boy!”'* I said. I also say “Boy!” quite a lot. Partly because I have a lousy*’ vocabulary and partly because I act quite yoimg for my age sometimes. I was sixteen then, and I’m seventeen now, and sometimes I act like I’m about thirteen. It’s really ironical, because I’m six foot two and a half and I have gray hair. I really do. The one side of my head — the right side — is full of millions of gray hairs. I’ve had them ever since I was a kid. And yet I still act sometimes like I was only about twelve. Everybody says that, especially my father. It’s partly true, too, but it isn’t all true. I get bored sometimes when people tell me to act my age. Sometimes I act a lot older than I am — I really do — but people never notice it. People never notice anything. 67 4< Li Li ii * “The Catcher in the Rye” — ♦Ловец во ржи о, традиционный перевод заглавия ♦ Над пропастью во ржи9 '' to expel [ik spell — исключить (uj школы) ^ to stop by to make a short visit to sb’s house — заглянуть ■' I guess (A rriE) = I think Boy! восклицание, выражающее волнение или восхищение '' lousy [‘Inozi] отвратительный VI П) "О N1 68 4i 44 44 “What’s the matter with yoti, boy?” old Spencer said, “How many subjects did yoTi carry’ this term?” Five, sir.” I flunked^ you in history because you knew absolutely nothing.” I know that, sir. Boy, I know it. You couldn’t help it.” “I don’t think that you opened your textbook even once the whole term. Did you? Tell the truth, boy.” “Well, I sort of looked through it a couple of times,” I told him, I didn’t waul to hurt his feelings. He was mad about history’. c) bad c) geography B. Say which is right. 1) Holden was a ... pupil. a) good b) not very good 2) Mr Spencer taught... in Holden’s school a) literature b) history 3) Holden’s parents__ a) were very unhappy b) were coming to Holden’s school on Wednesday c) didn’t know anything about his problems 4) Holden ... acted his age. a) never b) sometimes c) always 5) Holden was ... most children of his age. a) taller than b) shorter than c) as tall as 6) Holden said that he had tried to prepare for the examination because he knew.... a) his teacher would be sorry to hear that he hadn’t b) he was telling the truth c) the teacher could get mad C. Act out the talk between Holden and the teacher. Read the text "Holden Comes to See His Teacher" again and answer the questions 1) How much do we know about the way Holden looked? How tall was he if 1 foot 0.3 metre and 1 inch = 2.5 centimetres? 2) Do you think he was sure of himself or was he a self-questioning boy? 3) Did he care about other people’s feelings? 4) Do you think Holden and his parents always understood each other? What makes you think so? 5) What, in your opinion, made Holden “act younger than his age"? Is it typical of teenager children? 6) Why do you think Holden didn’t do well in schools? Does he impress you as a boy who had no talents? 7) Woidd you like to read the book “The Catcher in the Rye”? Why? Why not? ' to carry (a subject) иметь задолженность - to flunk ГАлдк! провалиться на эк.}пмене DO IT Oni YOUR OWN 10 12 Complete the sentences with the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets (Vto or Ving). 1) I would like to apologize for (be) so rude. 2) Paul said he was looking forward to (see) Mary again. 3) I have finished (read) the article. 4) I have always tried (help) people when they needed help. 5) Can we afford (buy) these devices? 6) Did you have a good time (play) football? 7) I’m used to (get) up early and (do) my homework in the morTiing. 8) Cheer up and keep (smile). 9) Never forget (answer) letters you get. 10) His accent is easy (understand). 11) She is clever enough (answer) all your questions. 12) You should stop him from (fly), he has a weak heart. Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences. 1) After what I heard I felt rather (rebellion/rebellious). 2) Nick needs another (couple, pair) of minutes to finish his morning exercises. 3) My mobile has broken down again. How (annoyance/annoying)! 4) Suddenly, Jack noticed a fine (couple/pair) of large blue eyes studying him. 5) The new song could be heard (anywhere/anyway): in shopping centres, clubs, parks and gardens. 6) The (couple/pair) of young foxes made their home near the forest lake. 7) I believe that it is real (boredom, madness) to swim in such cold water. 8) It was a sad story, but we listened to all of it (anyway/anyplace) as we wanted to hear the ending. 9) I’m afraid these socks are not a (couple/pair). 10) What makes you so (annoying/annoyed) today? Write eight questions you would like to ask Holden. In the text "Holden Comes to See His Teacher" find and write out the equivalents to the following Russian word combinations. 1) Книга о подростке; 2) подростковый бунт; 3) главный герой; 4) слабая академическая успеваемость; 5) садись; 6) в среду вечером; 7) они будут весьма раздосадованы; 8) частично потому что; 9) я покачал головой; 10) вести себя в соответствии с возрастом; 11) вы по могли поступить иначе; 12) я вроде как заглядывал в него (учебник); 13) задеть его чувства, обидеть. 69 СП ГГ тэ U step 3 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the interview, ^ (59), and complete the sentences below appropriately. 1) The interview is about.... a) schoolchildren not having enough pocket money b) schoolchildren getting jobs c) schoolchildren leaving schools early 2) The Job not popular with teens is .... a) looking after babies and young children b) washing up in cafes and restaurants c) house cleaning 70 с 3 3) For the same jobs teenagers usually get.... a) less money than grown-ups b) more money tlian grown-ups c) as much money as grown-ups 4) Doing a part-time Job can be a problem because working children .... a) spend too much time at work and don’t see their parents b) cannot fully concentrate on their studies c) cannot spend more than two or three hours at work A. Work in pairs. Make a list of arguments for and against part-time jobs for pupils. Compare your lists. B. Speak about a job you once did or what kind of part-time job you would like to choose for yourself. (If you never did a job and are not going to take one, explain why.) 41 ^Jsne Complex Object^ 1- В английском языке инфинитив часто встречается в составе структуры, которая называется сложным дополнением (complex object). I want Ann to come with me. (Я хочу, чтобы Анна пошла со мной.) Словосочетание Ann to come и есть сложное дополнение, которое состоит из имени существительного и в данном случае инфинитива с частицей to. 2. Если вместо имени существительного в предложении используется местоимение, оно употребляется в объектном падеже {те, you, him, her, it, us, them). I want them to return on time. (Я хочу, чтобы они вернулись вовремя.) 3. Запомните глаголы и глагольные конструкции, после которых в состав сложного дополнения входит инфинитив с частицей to: to want, to expect would like/would love. Tom would like his parents to take him to Florida. (Тому хотелось бы, чтобы родители взяли его во Флориду.) We expect him to finish the article on Monday. (Мы ожидаем, что он закончит статью в понедельник.) Paraphrase these sentences using pronouns instead of the words in bold type.^ Example: I expect Julia to come back tomorrow. I expect her to come back tomorrow. 1) I would like my brother to buy a new book by this author. 2) We want the boys to get good marks for their exams. 3) My })arents expect my sister and me to get up rather early. 4) I don4 want Ed to annoy me. 5) We woidd love Tom and Sue to get married. 6) Tliey expect Betty to reappear soon. 7) My granny would like my parents and me to visit her more often. 8) Your cousins say they would like your family to meet Aunt Polly at the airport. 9) Do you expect Bob to drive all that distance himself? 10) I expect Jennie and Max to inform me about their plans. complex object сложное дополнение Make up sentences about yourself. I would like want expect luy parents my friends iny teacher my pet to buy a new computer to buy a digital camera to go to the disco with me to explain the rule again to give us fewer tasks to obey me to follow my commands Mr Harrison is instructing his new secretary. Look at the pictures and say what he wants/doesn't want her to do in her working hours. Use wouldlike/wouldn't like, expects/doesn't expect 71 П) ■a Ы 1) to type documents 4) to do shopping I Hi . 7) to photocopy documents 2) to play computer games 5) to water the plants 8) to be late 3) to make tea 6) to talk over the phone with her friends Л. Listen, (60), and read. angry ['aiijgrij — сердитый bottom ['botaml — низ, дно challenge [ tfaelonc^] — вызов, трудная задача 72 Ъ extreme [ik'stri:mj — чрезвычайный note [naot] — записка, примечание reason ['ri;zn] причина riddle [Vidl] — загадка various [Veanas] ~ различный, разнообразный top [top] — верх, вершина wrap Ггаер] — заворачивать read out loud читать вслух В. angry: an angry look, an angry face, to be angry witli sb for sth. Dan was angry with his friends for breaking his model airplane. bottom: the bottom of the sea, at the bottom of the page, on the bottom of the river. The girl ran down to the bottom of the hill. Read what is written on the bottom of the box. challenge: a challenge to fight, a challenge for sb. Jane was bored with her job and felt she needed a new challenge. This new task is a real challenge for me. extreme: in extreme danger, to have extreme views, extreme cold, in the extreme south. They live in the extreme Tmrth of the country, note: a note from dad, to write somebody a note. We left them a note saying we’d be back around ten. reason: a reason for something. What is your reason for going to Tendon? The reason I’m going to London is that I want to. riddle: a book of riddles, the answer to the riddle, to talk in riddles. Are you good at solving riddles? Stop talking in riddles and explain what is going on. various: various goods, various zones. His reasons for leaving were many and various. top: at tl)e top of the hill, at the top of the class, at the top of the page, on top of something. We saw a houst; at the top of the hill. When angry he speaks at the top of his voice. wrap: to wrap sth round oneself, to wrap sth round sth, to wrap sth in sth. We have just finished wrapping up Susie’s birthday pi'esent. Keep the apples fresh by wrapping each one individually, to read out loud: Each child reads the text out loud. Match the words in columns A and В and complete the sentences with the word combinations. A. various angry note from answers to top of bottom of real wrap extreme serious B. reasons riddles the page nationalities my parents the scarf challenge voice views the hill 1) Jane is a clever girl but she can’t give ... at all. 2) Alex has ... . He always criticizes everything and evei-ybody. 3) Mr Holmes had some very ... not to believe the visitor. 4) The Greens lived in a little cottage high up at the ... . 5) On the table I saw a ... . 6) Exercise Five is at the .... 7) Jane didn’t like her little brother’s words and spoke to him in an ... . 8) Students of ... go to our school. 9) I would like you to ... round your head. 10) It was a ... for Andrew to get the job he w'anted. American English 1. Роман, отрывки из которого вы читаете, написан американским писателем. Свидетельства этому вы можете найти в тексте, а) Глаголы flunk и guess (в значении «думать, «полагать») используются, преимущественно в американском английском. в) Отсутствие предлога после глагола write (He'd written me...) также типично для американского варианта (ср. ВгЕ: He'd written to me...), с) Слово gray приводится в тексте в американской орфографии. Британский вариант этого слова — grey. Помимо прилагательного gray (grey) в языке есть ещё ряд слов, которые пишутся в британском и американском вариантах по-разному. Сравните: British English: American English: encyclopaedia encyclopedia catalogue program programme catalog dialogue dialog Кроме того, существуют и некоторые регулярные соответствия в правописании. Обратите внимание на некоторые из них: 73 1 г+ ft тз ы American English: 1) colgr honor humor 2) center theater meter 3) traveled, traveling rebeled, rebeling British EngIjsh: 1) colour honour humour 2) centre theatre metre 3) travelled, travelling rebelled, rebelling 2, Текст написан от лица подростка, поэтому в нём много разговорных, неформальных слов и выражений. lousy L'lauzi] = terrible, very bad kid = child to be mad about somebody or something = to love sort of = in some way or a little A. Read the text and say why Mr Spencer was unhappy about Holden's essay. Holden Comes to See Ilis Teacher Part IJ “Your exam paper is over there on top of the others. Bring it here, please,” said old Spencer. It was a very dirty trick, but I wont over and brought it over to him — T didn’t have any alternative. At that moment I was sorry that I'd stopped by to say goodbye to him. “We studied the Egyptians from November 4th to December 2nd,” he said. “You chose to write about them. Would you like to hear what you had to say?” “No, sir, not very much,” 1 said. 74 -it Не read it anyway, thougli. You can’t stop a teacher when they want to do something. They just do it. The Egyptians were an ancient race of Caucasians^ liv ing in one of the northern sections of Africa. The latter as we all know is the largest continent in the Eastern hemisphere^. The Egyptians are extremely interesting to us today for various reasons. Modern science would still like to know what the secret ingredients were that the Egyptians used when they wrapped up dead people so that their faces would not roC for centuries. This interesting riddle is still quite a challenge to modern science in the twentieth century. He stopped reading and put my paper down. I felt angry and began to hate him. “Your essay ends there,” he said in his very sarcastic voice. “However, you left me a little note, at the bottom of the page,” he said. “I know 1 did,” I .said. I said it very fast because 1 wanted to stop him before he started reading that out loud. But you couldn’t stop him. DEAR MR SPENCER [he read]. That is all 1 know about the Egyptians. I am not very interested in them although'^ your lectures are very interesting. It is all right with me if you flunk me though as I am flunking everything else except' English anyway. Respectfully youi'S, Holden Caulfield. B. Answer the questions. 1) Did Holden understand that the essay he had written was no good? 2) What was wrong with the essay? 3) Why didn’t Holden want his teacher to read his essay out loud? 4) Why had Holden written a note to Mr Spencer at the bottom of the page? 5) Did his teacher understand him? 6) Why does it often happen that children and grown-ups don’t understand each other? Did it ever happen to you? What is the best way to understanding? 7) How do you understand the term generation gap? Can you give an example of how it works? 8) Do you think the generation gap is a really big problem? C. Some words in the text may be new to you. What are they? Do you understand what they mean? What helped you to understand their meanings? DO IT ON YOUR OWN Write out of the text "Holden Comes to See His Teacher" (Part II) English equivalents tor the following; 1) отвратительная уловка; 2) У меня не было выбора; 3) по ряду причин; 4) неизвестные компоненты; 5) Твоё сочинение на этом заканчивается. ‘ Caucasian (ка; ke/jan) иуедсгивпте.чь белой расы а hemisphere [ hemisfia] — полушарие ' to rot [rot] — 1’нить, разлагаться ' although though ' except [rk'septl — кроме, помимо 10 6) самым саркастическим тоном, на который он был способен; 7) я не против; 8) я проваливаю все остальное; 9) С уважением. Ваш ... Complete the sentences with the appropriate function words and write them down. 1) They usually put the number of a page ... the bottom of it. 2) If you talk ... riddles, no one will understand you. 3) There was an ancient castle... the top... the hill. 4) Wluit is the reason ... your decision? 5) The new job was a real challenge ... me. 6) The note on the table was ... my teacher. 7) I always wrap ... gifts before giving them ... my friends. 8) The little town was situated ... the extreme north, near the cold sea. 9) There were various reasons ... staying at home that day. 10) I’m angry ... you telling a lie. That mustn’t happen again. 11) Put your names ... the top of your examination papers. 12) Are you angry ... me? What did I do wrong? 13) On cold days like today 1 always wrap a warm scarf ... my neck. 14) All the souvenirs were wrapped ... colour paper. Match the parts of these sentences. Write down the sentences. 75 tn rt ■o 1) Steve didn’t expect his teacher 2) The children would like us 3) Jane wanted me 4) I suppose everyone would love 5) Do you really expect me 6) No sensible person would like 7) 1 want all my friends a) to get an i-pad for a present. b) to help them with the riddle. c) to be happy. d) to take her to the theatre. e) to stay indoors from morning till night. f) to tell you about my secret wishes? g) to be so understanding. 12 Get ready to speak about the generation gap. Mention these: • what people mean when they use this term; • how important the problem is for teenagers and their parents; • how teens and grown-ups can find a better contact with each other. Step 4 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the text "Unusual School", (61), read the sentences below (1—7) and say which of them are true, false or not stated. 1) Teenagers usually love music. 2) All pupils in the UK can study DJing' at school. 3) The BRIT^ school prepares only radio presenters. 4) The BRIT school has enough money to develop DJ project.s. 5) All students who want to become DJs should be able to imitate some music star. DJ - дидже11; DJing f,di:'d5eni^] — выполнять работу диджея BRIT = British Record Industry Tru.«t 6) Shortie, a pupil of the BRIT school, thinks that he should have good academic results. 7) Shanon and Lauren became radio presenters when they were 1 5. Match these words with their definitions. 1) bottom 2) top 3) angry 4) reason 5) various 6) wrap 7) riddle 8) note 9) challenge a) an invitation to take part in a competition b) explanation for what has liappened c) the lowest part of an object d) different and more than a few e) a question that seems impossible or silly, but sometimes has a clever answer f) the highest part of an object g) to cover something by putting paper round it h) very annoyed i) a piece of writing to call attention to something You know the words in column A. Read the sentences below and decide what the words in column В mean. A. reason various challenge note angry extreme B. reasonable variety challenging to note anger extremely 1) Edwin, you must be reasonable: 1 can’t meet you at the station while I’m at work. 2) Daniel says that his job is boring — there is no variety in it, he does the same things all day long. 3) The work we had to do was hard but cJiallerigirig. 4) It is interesting to note that the biggest part of the city was built in ancient times. 5) Jenny often feels anger, but doesn’t show it. 6) When in anger he is a violent person/ 7) I’m extremely sorry for telling a lie. 8) Alex is extremely nide w’hen he is angry. Say what your family usually: a) expect don’t expect you to do; b) want/don’t want you to do; c) would like/wouldn’t like you to do. Add what your usual reaction to their wishes and expectations is. Mention if you enjoy, hate or don't mind doing these things. Example: My Granny wants me to do the shopping every Saturday and I don’t mind it. Say the same in English. 1) Я хочу, чтобы ты прочитал эту книгу. 2) Я не хочу, чтобы Макс приходил домой поздно. 3) Мне бы хотелось, чтобы мой друг помог мне. 4) Мне бы не хотелось, чтобы мама так много работала. 5) Мы ожидаем, что они вы ш раю г этот матч. 0) Они не ожидают, что мы вернёмся так скоро. 7) Он не xoiea, чтобы его родители знали об этом. 8) Наши учителя ожидают, что мы хорошо напишем тест. ta.beae. Complex Object 1. Сложное дополнение (complex object) в английском языке часто используется после так называемых глаголов чувственного, слухового и зрительного восприятия: to feel, to hear, to see, to watch, to notice. I saw Ann dance at the party. We heard him play the piano. Обратите внимание на то, что в структуре сложного дополнения после вышеуказанных глаголов инфинитив употребляется без частицы to. 2- После этих же глаголов в структуре сложного дополнения вместо инфинитива без частицы to может употребляться participle I другого глагола. Например: I saw Ann dancing at the party. We heard him playing the piano. John noticed Alec looking at her. 3. Различие случаев, описанных в пунктах 1 и 2, заключается в том, что инфинитив используется, чтобы выразить завершённое действие, а первое причастие — действие незавершённое, находящееся в процессе. Сравните; I saw Ann arrive to the house. (Я видел, что Анна подъехала к дому.) I saw Ann arriving to the house. (Я видел, как Анна подъезжала к дому.) We saw Helen enter the room. (Мы видели, что/как Елена вошла в комнату.) We saw Helen entering the room. (Мы видели, что/как Елена входила в комнату.) 77 K/S г+ Ф Т5 A. Read the text "Pets" and f ind ‘in it sentences with the compiex object. Read them out and say what they mean in Russian. B. Answer the questions at the end of the text. Pets A lot of teenagers keep pets at home. Some of them are very common. Duncan’s pet is a budgie. Its name is Whipper the Budgie. Duncan likes his bird very much. He often watches it flying around the hou.se. Duncan always laughs when he sees Whipper dance in front of the mirror. One morning when Duncan was still sleeping he felt Whipper’s beak touch' his lips and heard his bird say loudly “Hello!”. Later Duncan noticed Whipper say “Goodbye”. Now there are several words in Whipper’s vocabulary. Some people buy dangerous animals as pets; crocodiles for example. In Florida 54)u can see a young man walking a crocodile! In Canada one family keeps a buffalo as a pet. They call him Buffalo Bailey and love to watch it running on the farm ground. Julia Lloyd has a pet that can change its colour. Have you ever heard of such animals? They are chameleons [ka'midianzl. They are very beautiful but not easy to keep. Jidia often watches her pet changing the colour and climbing the tree in its big cage. Have you got any pets at home? What are they like? What do you like to watcli them doing? Do you think that any animal can make a good pet? to touch ItAtfl дотрагиваться 78 Complete the sentences with to where necessary. 1) I have never seen my favourite team ... lose a game. 2) We expect the film ... finish by 9 o’clock. 3) He’d love his friends ... come over and see him in the evening. 4) They watched the sports car ... race along the street and ... disappear round the corner. 5) No one has ever heard Peter ... use bad language. 6) Kate doesn’t expect anyone ... help her choose her future career. 7) Does anybody want me ... repeat the rule again? 8) Only few of us noticed Mai-y ... get out quietly of the house. 9) Suddenly I felt the car ... begin moving. 10) Would you like me ... bring you a cold drink? 11) The whole cla.ss heard Jane ... read her favourite poem. Read the sentences and develop each situation by adding 2—4 phrases to it. 1) For some time the children watched the strange bird flying in circles above their house. 2) No one noticed the big car drive along the road. 3) The boy felt someone take him by the hand. 4) In spring jjeople can hear birds singing in parks and gardens. 5) We can watch our city growing. 6) Did you see Margo win the one hundred-metre race? 7) In my dream I saw myself climbing a high mountain. 8) We loved to sit at the fireplace and watch wood burning in it. DO IT OI\l YOUR OWIU Complete the sentences. Use the verbs to feel, to hear, to see, to watch, to notice in the appropriate form. 1. The window was open and I ... my cousin singing her favourite song. 2. Yesterday in the theatre we ... wonderful ballet dancers performing on the stage. 3.1 didn’t ... Ann enter the classroom. It was very noisy. 4. I ... my mum put her hand on mine. 5. Have you ever ... DJs working? 6. We didn’t... our friends leave the party. 7.1 have never ... Mrs Ross dance flamenco'. 10 Put the sentences in each pair into one Example'. The snowflakes were slowly falling to the ground. Margo saw it. Margo saw the snowflakes slowly falling to the ground. 1) Something fell onto the kitchen floor. James heard it. 2) The boy disappeared from the house. Nobody noticed it. 3) The fish were happily swimming in the bowl. The children watched them. 4) The car stopped at the bank. The policeman saw it. 5) The television screen suddenly went dark. We saw it. 6) Something warm Cell on to the man’s arm. He felt it. 7) Someone in the hall sang along. The singers on the stage heard it. 8) The book fell onto the floor. The whole class heard it. 9) A cold raindrop fell to her face. Julia felt it. 10) One of the children quietly left the room. The teacher noticed it. Write the same in English. 1) Мы оидели, что ракета взлетела в небо. 2) Маленькая девочка наблюдала за тем, как самолёт летел по небу. 3) Я заметила, что Анна закрыла глаза. 4) Я услышал, что мама играет на пианино. 5) Ты когда-нибудь с.пышал, как поёт соловей? 6) Джон почувствовал, что сестра взяла его за руку (to take sb flamenco [Пэ'тепкз(>] я form of very fast and exciting Spanish dance and music 12 by tlie hand). 7) Роберт наблюдал за тем, как лодка исчезала вдали (in the distance). Вскоре он увидел, что она исчезла. 8) Мы заметили, что Кейт вышла из дома одна. Spell the words. 1) ['^aelancfej 4) [ik'stri:m] 7) [Veorias] 10) [ik'spekt] 2) ['ceqgri] 5) Lraep] 8) I’ndl] 11) [va'raioti] 3) [ botam] 6) ['ri:zn] 9) 1'клрЦ 79 Step 5 DO IT TOGETHER A. Listen to the interview with Kelis, an international music star, ^ (62), and say which facts below are true, false or not stated. 1) Kelis became interested in music in her childhood. 2) Kelis left home at the age of fifteen. 3) She left her home because she wanted to travel and to see the world. 4) Kelis’ first CD appeared in 1980. 5) Kelis has a few hobbies. 6) Kelis knows how to teach people to make a career in the music business. B. Read Kelis' fact file’ and then make up your own one. Kelis’ Fact File Full Name: Kelis Rogers. Birthday: 21 August 1980. Birthplace: Harlem, New York City, USA. Career: She changes her music style with each new CD and she tours with many different typ fD ■D U1 Some of these sentences have mistakes. Correct them. 1) My mum expects me to become a doctor. 2) I want my mum think more about my problems. 3) I see iny mother often not understand me. 4) At nine o’clock every morning we see Mrs Temple entering our school yard. 5) Linda watched her brother stopping riding on his bike, getting off it and walking to the cottage*. 6) I felt my mother kiss me good night. 7) They hear their classmates leaving for St Petersburg. 8) I .saw my little brother entering the classroom. 9) I hear him to be making a very successful career. 10) I would like my teacher give us more information about Britain. Read the text " I eens and Parents" and complete it with the phrases (a—g). There is one phrase you don’t have to use. a) kids to listen to b) the most annoying thing about their kids c) isolated from their teenagers d) very positive e) about their parents’ clothes f) showed their love g) by the BBC 82 N. Teens and Parents According to a recent survey' (1)22% of teens in the UK want their parents to give them more freedom. A lot of teens say they don’t like their parents’ bud moods^ and many parents say (2) ... is their bad moods. However, the survey showed there was a lot that teens loved about their parents: 62% of teens said they liked the way their parents (3)... for them. 61% of teens said they liked their parents’ sense of humour. Sadly, 28% of teens said they were not happy (4)... . 27% of parents thought their kids spent too much money. 10% of parents feel (5)... . 10% of parents would like their (6) ...them more. Look through the text "Teens and Parents" again and say; 1) if you like the way your parents show their love for you; 2) if you suffer from their bad moods and if they suffer from yours; 3) if they think you spend too much money; 4) if you like the way your parents dress; 6) if you like your parents’ sense of humour; 6) if you always listen to what your parents say and why; 7) if you feel isolated from your parents. Work in pairs. You are having an interview with some famous person of show business. You know that he/she is very popular with teenagers and very busy. You are trying to invite him/her to your school. Before making a decision about the date of the visit ask him/her: • if he/she often meets teenagers and speaks to them; • what things he/she would like to tell the pupils; • if he/she will be able to find some free time and make a visit to your school and when it may happen; You begin the conversation. Your partner will play the part of the star. Remember to: • be active and polite; • ask questions and find out all the information you need; • decide when he/she will visit your school. Social English Порой приходится предупреждать людей о нежелательности определённых действий с их стороны или даже запрещать такие действия. Научитесь делать это на английском языке. 1. Warnings' • 1 warn you/l'm warning you (not to go there). • Remember that (it is easy to fall down). • Remember to (lock the door). • Remember not to (come home late) ' a survey ['s3;vei] — обзор, исследование a mood [mu:d] — настроение ' a warning | wo;nii)] — предупреждение • Mind (you) that (it's a long way). • Look outl/Watch out! (Берегись1/Осторожно!) • Watch out (for the train). • Watch your (stepAongue/the time). • (You should) watch what you say. • I wouldn't do it (Я бы не стал/не стала это делать). 2. Prohibitions — Don't do it (that)! — Whatever you do, don't (go there). Try not to fall down. — Stop it/doing it. — You can't/mustn't do it. — Don't you dare do it! (He смей этого делать!) — This must not continue. — Make sure it doesn't happen again. 83 1Л r+ П) ■D wn A. Your younger brother is going camping for the first time. What warnings and prohi bitions will you give him? The pictures below may give you some ideas. в. Маке up and act out a dialogue about what to do or not to do while camping. Men tion: — what to take and not to take; — what clothes to wear; — how to behave. 84 c 3 10 DO IT Oni YOUR OWni Complete the sentences. Use complex object. 1) My parents expect me ... . 2) Our teacher would like us ... . 3) Every morning I hear my .... 4) I often see my friends .... and ... . 5) Sometimes I watch ... . Decide in which sentences you can use Participle I instead of the Infinitive. Write these sentences with Participle I down. 1) I felt a snowflake fall on my hand. 2) We noticed Andrew enter the classroom. 3) I never expected him to do such a thing. 4) She saw her son drive up to the cottage and come in. 5) They watched their friends play volleyball. 6) He has never heard his aunt sing. Complete the dialogues. Use Social English. 1) C h i 1 d: Mummy, may I ski down this hill? Mother: Yes, dear, but... the hill is very steep*. 2) C h i 1 d: Monkey, monkey! Would you like a banana? Z о о к e e p e r: ... It is absolutely prohibited. 3) T e a c h e r: You are not listening to me. Pupil: Sorry, I just asked Peter to pass^ me the textbook. 4) D a u g h t e r: I’d like to watch the late-night film. I’ve heard so much about it. Father: ... you have to get up early tomorrow morning. 5) S о n: I’ll be home at about 11 o’clock. Parent: ... Our neighbourhood isn’t very safe. 6) В о y: I’m .so sorry. I only wanted to ride your bike once. I rode into a tree and... Oh, I’m really sorry! В о y’s sister: .... I told you so many times not to take my things. Write an answer to vour pen friend's letter. Answer his/her questions Write 100—120 words. 12 The before yesterday my father didn’t allow me to go to the ni^ht club with my friends. He said it wasn't safe enough. I felt гмПу annoyed. What about your parents? What are the things they consider taboo? What do you feel when they don't allow Ypu to do this or that? How do you react? ’ steep [sti:p] — крутой to pass Ipa;s1 — передавать step 6 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the text, ^ (63), and decide which facts mentioned below are true, false and which are not stated 1) Parents in Britain think that their children are overworked. 2) Philij) Pullman is now a schoolteacher. 3) Mr Pullman wants school to be more fun. 4) Mr Pullman wrote several articles about children’s psychology. 5) British children take 78 exams while they are at school. 6) Tests don’t help pupils in their studies. 85 in •D OV Work in pairs and discuss the problem of tests and stress in your life. Mention the following: • if you feel that you are under stre.ss; • how much homework you get daily; • how much time you spend on your homework; • how often you have tests, how many tests in a subject you usually have every month; • if you have 3—4 tests in different subjects on the same day; • if you are asked to learn to say the right thing to get good marks or asked to expre.ss your own opinion; • if learning is fun for you; • if you stop doing hobbies to be able to prepare for school classes properly; • if you think tests help you to learn; • if you want to change something in the process of learning; • what things you can offer to make school life less stressful. A. Listen, ^ (64), and read claim [kleim] — 1) заявлять свои права на что-то, востребовать; 2) утверждать, заявлять date [deit] встречаться с кем-то, назначать свидание exist [ig'zistj — существовать likely [ laikli] — вероятный preserve [pn'zsrv] сохранять tear [tea] рвать touch [tAtJ] — трогать, затрагивать unemployed [,Amm'pbid] — безработный worry ['wAri] — волноваться, беспокоиться B. claim: 1) to claim something. Did anyone claim the lost umbrella? 2) to claim that, to claim falsely. Nigel falsely claimed that he had done all the work himself. date: to date somebody. Paid dated Caroline la.st summer. Jane and Sam have been dating for a year and a half. exist: to exist somewhere. Does life exist on other planets? A human cannot exist for long without water. 86 likely: tiie most likely reason, it seems very likely, to be likely/unlikely to do something. Tony will most likely win the competition. He is likely to agree with us. They are unlikely to arrive so early. preserve: to preserve customs and traditions, to preserve food, to preserve sotnething for the future generations. We put food in the fridge to preserve it. In my view, some interesting customs should be t)reserved. The ancient Egyptians knew how to preserve dead bodies. tear (tore, torn): to tear the T-shirt on a branch, to tear a page out of the book, to tear something up. Andrew tore his jeans when he was climbing up the tree. I saw Iris tear the letter up without reading it. touch: to touch something, to touch somebody’s heart, to touch on/upon something, to be touched by something, to touch wood. The chair was so high that his feet didn’t touch the ground. The child’s story touched our hearts. Fred was touched by Emma’s kind words. The speaker didn’t touch on the problem of immigration. Ben is feeling much better now, touch wood. unemployed: unemployed men, unemployed people. The factory had closed and tliere were a lot of unemployed people in the area. worry (worried, worried): to worry somebody, to worry about somebody or something. Stop worrying, we’ll be fine. Don’t worry the driver with unnecessary questions. Complete the situations by making conclusions\ Example: The train usually arrives at 9 o’clock. Now it is five minutes to nine and we neither see nor hear it. — The train is likely to be late./The train is not likely (unlikely) to be on time. 1) Some time ago the sun was shining and now the sky is covered with hea\^ dark clouds. 2) Steve is leaving school this year. He is working very hard as he wants to become a doctor. 3) Mary doesn’t look well today and she says slie has a headache. 4) I’ve been calling Andrew the whole evening but nobody takes the phone, 5) The new school is nearly ready. There is still some time before the 1st of September. 6) The whole family have gathered in front of the television. They all support the same football team. 7) George enjoys acting, and he is very good at it. He is thinking of an acting career. 8) Fred is busy at the moment. He is helping his old aunt who is very ill, I don't think we’ll see him this summer. 9) The shop closes at eight. It is five to eight now. What shall we do about the food? 10) The runners are coming to the finishing line. Susan is well ahead of the other athletes. Say the same in a different way. Use the new words instead of the underlined parts of the sentences. 1) When the letter was tiearly finished, Margaret pulled it into small pieces and started a new one. a conclusion |кэп к1и:зп] заключение, вывод 2) Phil’s bad health makes his parents feel that something bad is going to happen. 3) To keen the cut flowers unchanged we can put them in a dark cool place. 4) On our planet there were several civilizations. 5) Kate goes out with a very nice boy. They seem to be very happy together. 6) Jeremy hasn’t had a iob for a long time. I hope he’ll find one soon. 7) Pauline assured us that she was the best pupil in her class, 8) It looks like the weather will be wonderful today. 9) The sweet song made me feel emotional. 87 A. Answer these questions. What is racism f'reisizmj? Do you think it exists in Britain? B. Listen to the text, (65), then read it and explain what is BNP's idea about immigrants and why it is wrong. Racism About thirty years ago in Britain there used to be not so many blacks and Asians in local government or on TV as newsreaders; now it is very common. The culture of these people is becoming more and more part of the British lifestyle. But can we say that racism has become a fact of the past or does it still exist? The British National Party (BNP), an extreme right-wing group is supported by about 4% of the population. The leaders of the party say that they are a respectable party wanting to “preserve the future of Britain by sending ethnic minorities back to tlie countries they come from.’’ But their deeds speak louder than their words'. The BNP’s members take part in attacks on Asian and black people. They and their supporters claim that the blacks and Asians are stealing their jobs. But black and Asian people are two and a half times more likely to be unemployed than whites. At the same time, there are a lot of Asians and blacks in medicine and law. The only way they are stealing white people’s jobs is by getting better qualifications. As the British law allows all British citizens to get their education free, blacks and Asians get these job places in a fair competition with whites. Many blacks and Asians were invited to Britain after the Second World War and in the 1950s and 60s when Britain needed working hands. luunigrants were prepared to do the jobs white people did not want. The BNP’s idea of repatriation sounds especially strange if you remember that blacks and Asians are just as British as any other citizens of the country because most of them were born in the UK, It is natural that this problem worries British teenagers and they feel strongly about it. This is what some black and Asian teens said about racism'. D h a r a: 1 feel half British, half Indian, torn bel ween the two cultures. Jaskiran: I don’t think I could ever live in India. I can’t speak Punjabi^ very well and I feel like an outsider there. Sheridan: About ten years ago people threw bottles at my uncle because he was dating a white girl. Dunjhaise: 1 don’t think the BNP will get into power because Britain is so multicultural and I don’t think the population will support them. They don’t make me angry. I just think they’re stupid. l/> r+ ft “D ‘ Their deeds speak louder than their words. Их дела красноречивее слов. ^ Punjabi [рлп'фа:Ь11 one of the lanquages spoken in India 88 Do you know that...? Racial and ethnic groups are one of the most sensitive topics. Nowadays more and more groups of people prefer to be called by the name they have chosen themselves. For example, many Americans whose families originally came from Africa prefer to be called African-American. But there are others who prefer to be called black because they see themselves as American, not African. At any given time members of a certain racial or ethnic group prefer different terms and the words that were used before become outdated. For example, in books and articles that were written in the middle of the last century you may see expressions like Oriental or Chinaman. Be careful not to use old-fashioned and offensive words like these. Use more acceptable terms, such as Chinese people. Read the text "Racism in Britain" again and answer these questions. 1) When did Britain begin to become a multicultural country and why? 2) Why is it difficult to say that racism in Britain is dead? 3) What does the BNP work for? Do they use only peaceful methods in their activity? 4) What are the BNP’s arguments when they say that blacks and Asians should be repatriated? 5) What is the situation in the labour market in Britain? 6) Can you understand the teenagers who speak about racism and have problems because of their nationality? 7) Do you think it is good or bad for a society to bo multicultural? What is the sitiiation like in your country? 8) Do you think racism exists in your society? Word Building 1. В составе многих английских прилагательных встречается суффикс iv€. Сравните: expense — expensive negate negative relate ^ relative [’rclotiv] inform — informative administrate — administrative [ad'ministrativ] invent — inventive 2, Как вы уже знаете, в настоящее время с помощью конверсии образуются новые слова по модели Adj N, когда на базе иметги прилагательного возникают имена суидеетшттелытые, которые употребляются с определённым артиклем и обозначают группы людей. Например: Adjective Noun old the old [старьте (люди), старики] young the young [молодые (люди), молодёжь] rich the rich [богатые (.поди), богачи] poor the poor [бедные (люди), бедняки] deaf [def] the deaf [глухие (люди)] blind [blaind] the blind [слепые (люди)] dumb IdAiii] the dumb [немые (люди)] unemployed [,Amm'pbidj the unemployed [безработные (люди)] These picture books are for young readers Jack is my old friend. adjectives The old and the voung do not always understand each other. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. > nouns How much money do the unemployed get in this country? 89 Л. Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words given on the right. 1) This prefix dis- has got a ... meaning. 2) I would like our school life to be less .... 3) Ronald is a very ... person. 4) She wears quite ... clothes and looks fairly smart. 5) I know that university education in many countries is very .... 6) Teenagers usually ask for more ... and ... than they are given. 7) The article about science and technology I’ve read is very.... 8) Some schools use ... methods to make stress in schools less. 9) We saw the boat... in the distance. 10) Our ... says that .some pupils in our class are very negate stress knowledge shape expense free, independent inform origin appear library invent 1/1 П) ■o B. Use the where necessary to complete the sentences. 1) ... blind can learn to read with the help of their fingers. 2) She became ... blind at the age of ten. 3) She looked ... young enough to be his daughter. 4) This government has helped ... rich but has done nothing to help ... poor. 5) A .special school for ... deaf is being built in our town. 6) Mr Morrison asked us to speak more loudly, as he was rather ... deaf. 7) ... deaf, ... blind and ... dumb are the categories of people who may have problems finding a job. 8) This part of the city is ... old and very beautiful. 9) What do we call people who can’t hear: do we call them ... deaf or ... dumb? 10) Alice is too ... young to drive a car. 11) The number of... unemployed people is rising all the time. DO IT ON YOUR OWIU Cross the odd word out in every line. 1) preserve, claim, anger, exist, tear; 2) allow, claim, tear, date, reason; 3) date, claim, may, likely, faint; 4) preserve, citizen, likely, worry, stupid; 5) unemployed, unsuccessful, understand, unhappy, unlib.'ly. 10 90 12 Find in the text "Racism" English equivalents for the following. 1) Ha телевидении в качестве ведущих новостей; 2) британский образ жизни; 3) крайне правая группировка; 4) этнические меньшинства; 5) честное соревнование; 6) идея возвращения (их) на родину; 7) они остро это чувствуют; 8) я чувствую себя там чуясим; 9) многонациональное (государство). Express the same in English using complex object. 1) Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы присоединились к нам. 2) Ты слышишь, что звонит те.чефон? 3) Я почувствовал, что моя маленькая племянница взяла меня за руку. 4) Я увидела, как Эндрю открыл сумку и достал из неё бумаги (Документы). 5) Мы заметили, что Алиса начала что-то писать. 6) Мои родители не хотят, чтобы я стал певцом. 7) Мы наблюдали за тем, как дети плавали в море. 8) Я никогда не видел, как он танцует. Match the words in the two columns and complete the sentences with the word combinations. 1) touched 2) unlikely 3) tore 4) worried 5) unemployed 6) dating 7) claim 8) exist 9) preseiwe a) the picture b) on bread and water c) to forget d) the water e) each other f) many old documents g) people h) this book i) about hi.4 education 1. They have managed to ... and to give them away to a museum. 2. He ... with his foot. It was very cold. 3. Does anyone ...? Who can it belong to? 4. Jane ... of her favourite actor out of the magazine. 5. Is it possible to ...? 6. Tom’s mother is ... . 7. The number of ... in this country has been growing all the time. 8. Jean’s daugther is ... about her mum’s birthday. 9. They’ve been ... for months but it’s still not very serious. Step 7 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to what six teenagers from Belgium think about immigration in their country, ^ (66). Say who; a) thinks immigrants have the wrong idea of Western life; b) worries about the fact that there are not enough jobs for everyone; c) tliinks of the world as one big country; ri).says that immigrants sometimes bring problems; ef has ft reiir^i'iiirirmiTiiTg'x^i.'oiYT <оЬч-с5'«тй',- f) thinks immigrants should get used to the ways and traditions of their new country. Work in pairs There's a new pupil in your class who comes from another country. You would like to know more about him/her. Find out; • what he she thinks about his her new country; • if he/she misses his,'her home; • what problems he she has; • how you can help him her. Remember to: • be active and polite; • ask questions to get all the information you need; • decide how you can help the new boy or girl to feel more comfortable in the new place. 91 1Л r+ n •D Complex Object 1. После глаголов to let («разрешать, позволять») и to make в значении «заставлять» в конструкции complex object используется только инфинитив смыслового глагола без частицы to: Му mother doesn't let me go there alone. Our English teacher makes us work very hard. 2. Однако в пассивных структурах с глаголом таке частица to употребляется The children were made to work hard. John was made to go to bed at nine. 3. Глагол to let в пассивных структурах не используется вовсе. Вместо него употребляется глагол to allow [o'lau] — позволять, разрешать: Му parents let us watch this film. We were allowed to watch this film. Complete the sentences. Use to where necessary. 1) My elder sister never lets me ... do anything 1 want. 2) The little monkey made me ... smile. 3) We were made ... wear white blouses for the meeting. 4) I know they were not allowed ... swim in the lake. 5) I will never let him ... go there alone. 6) I was made ... tell you a lie. I’m really sorry. 7) I don’t know how you will make him ... agree to do this but you must do it. 8) They were made ... get up very early. 9) We were not allowed ... visit the sick person. 10) My mother never lets me ... drink water or milk from the fridge. Paraphrase these sentences. Use the underlined’ verbs in the passive voice. 1) Roger meant to make his brother sit still. 2) My mother never lets me leave home after ten. 3) How did you inake him listen to you? 4) The farmer lets me underlined [Andolaindl — подчёркнутые 92 live in a small cottage behind his house. 5) Г11 make Andrew pay the money back! 6) Just imagine! They made the old lady wait more than an hour, 7) My granny lets me look through her old photogi'aphs. 8) My parents never let my little sister go to the river alone. 9) She didn’t me see what she was doing. 10) I made little Ann smile. Read the text and complete it with the appropriate forms of the words on the right. Why Teens Can’t Stop Gambling' A lot of British teenagers gamble. Some scientists say about 75%. In the USA this figure is even (1) ... 87'7o. One journalist mentions he (2) ... Professor Griffiths (3) ... there will be more teen gamblens, soon. Professor Griffiths is Europe’s only professor of gambling studies. He wants everybody (4) ... that gambling is a form of addiction^. He watches many young people (5)... lottery tickets. Some of them gamble at night and feel tired and sleepy at school. Even if they lose money, they can’t stop (6).... Nowadays you can see teenagers (7) ... Internet gambling and you can notice lots of them (8) ... in pubs and cafes. hear say high understand buy gamble use gamble A. Read the text and say what advice you could give Jerry. It’s a fact that only one person among fourteen million wins the lottery. Sadly, knowing this fact doesn’t stop people from gambling. People of all ages gamble. A lot of teenagers become victims of this addiction. This is derry’s story: “I started betting" on American football. I was gambling on all the sports. I did well at first. I couldn’t wait to get the sports page every day so I coidd see who to bet on. Then I discovered Internet gambling. I stayed up all night and I felt sleepy and tired at school. I began losing money but I still couldn’t stop gambling. I used my parents’ credit cards to gamble online. When the credit card companies started calling the house, I wa.s thousands of dollars in debt'. I know I’ve been doing wrong but I don’t know how to make myself stop gambling”. B. Speak about gambling. Say: • why gambling is dangerous; • what makes young people start gambling; • what one can do not to become a gambler or to stop gambling. Phrasal Verbs Познакомьтесь c фразовыми глаголами, ядерным элементом которых является глагол to get. ' to gamble Г'джтЫ] — играть в азартные иг ры addiction [a'dikjnj — 11рист]>астрте ' to bet ГЬег] — делать станки ^ а debt |det] — дол] 1) to get along/on with somebody — уживаться, ладить с кем-то. 2) to get at something намекать на что-то. 1 » Richard and his sister don’t really get along, on. 3) to get away with something избежать наказания или порицания за что-то. I don’t under-stand what you’re getting at. 4) to get down to something — приняться за что-то, приступить к чему-то. Don’t think that you can get Well, let’s get down to business, away with speeding up. 5) to get over something — справиться c чем-то, преодолеть что-то. 93 fb *D Don i.s very sad but he’ll get over it. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. at, over, ОП/ along, down to, away with 94 1) My dog and my cat get... very well with each other. 2) The boy has taken our money and got......it. 3) What are you getting ...? I have done the job myself! 4) Does she get... with all her classmates? 5) Your news is a real shock and we can’t get... it. 6) Get ...work right now! You haven’t written anything yet and it’s already six o’clock. 7) 1 hope she will be able to get ... all the difficulties. 8) How are you getting ... with your neighbours? 9) He tells so many lies and always gets......it. 10) If you don’t mind, I’d like to get.....business right now. A. Read these sentences. What differences can you see in their word order? 1) This is a fairly big school. This is a pretty new dress. 2) This is a good story. 3) This is rather a useful dictionary. B. Put a in the appropriate places in the following sentences. 1) Wo walked ... quite ... long way from the railway station. 2) The new boy had ... rather ... pleasant face and good manners. 3) Mine was ... pretty ... old bike but I didn’t want to have any other. 4) That seemed ... ciuite ... satisfactory decision for both of us. 5) Going to the picture gallery was ... cjuite ... memorable event. 6) The house w^as constructed by ... fairly ... skilful builder. 7) It w^as ... rather ... simple rule to remember and use. 8) Yesterday was ... pretty ... stressful day. 9) This is ... quite ... noble aim. 10) James is a man of ... fairly ... inventive mind. DO IT OIU YOUR OWM 10 Complete the sentences. Use to where necessary. Write the sentences down. 1) We have never seen Iris ... read thick novels. 2) Jane is not allowed ... watch soap operas late at night. 3) We would like to go camping but I’m afraid our parents won’t let us ... do it. 4) Sue never lets her children ... cat many sweets. 5) We were made ... finish our meeting at three. 6) Thank you for letting me ... borrow your car. 7) Make John ... prepare the papers by six o’clock. 8) I expect them ... arrive in Moscow tomorrow. 9) I’ve heard him ... offer his help to Andrew. 10)1 want you ... publish Peter’s article in your magazine. Write the same in English. 1) Моя мама не позво.яяет мне носить короткие юбки. 2) Мне не разрешают работать на этом компьютере. 3) Так жарко! Позволь мне пойти на речку поплавать (to have а swim). 4) Я заставлю тебя сказать мне правду. 5) Нас заставили вымыть окна. 6) Мой старший брат не разрешает мне кататься на CBoi'M велосипеде. 7) Детям разреши.пи купить мороженое. 8) Виктора заставили выучить стихотворение наизусть. 12 d) to be friendly to each other r) to manage to do something bad without any punishment or criticism Write an answer to your pen friend's letter. Answer his/her questions. KA Q ТЭ 00 I just got your letter. It was interesting to know more obout life in Russia. Nowadays we ran see a lot of immigrants everywhere in Britain. Our countyjs becoming multicultural. Is Russia a multicultural country? Do many people from other countries come to live in Russia? What problems dqjtheyJiave? Step 8 DO IT TOGETHER You will hear what five young people say about some famous teen hangouts' in the world, ^ (67). Match what each teenager (1—5) says with the statements (a—f). There is one statement you don't have to use. a) It is a fantastic place to visit. You can shop in it all day and dance all night. b) I prefer to spend the end of December there. Together with my friends we have the most unusual celebrations. c) This place is a good magnet for teens. There are always young people from all over the world there and they can meet in various clubs. d) 1 like this cooF place and have very good memories of Thailand, especially when I look at the things 1 bought there. e) You can meet many talented people from many cultures there. It is an exciting place where people can say what they think about life and society. f) You should wear your wildest and most unusual clothes if you’re going there. ' a hangout [ haeqautj — место встреч, отдыха - cool Jkurll — оа.{г.: крутой, классный j - ^ • ^4, J - /^оп е]7оп]ц MGHJ. Ло/iL MijqGSf 9uq mogf nunensj ejo^'pes ц Лол.ис goinS f jrcLG- IU& bjaCG MfJGLG bGObjG C9IJ SS'A Mp9f fPinjC Hponf Щ6 91Я} HOCIbfA- g) /^on can ixiGGf шяиА fajGUfG(| bGobje швиЛ Gnjfm.ea fpGLG- гг an Gxcif- MpGJJ I joop 9f fpG I porrgpf .ppGLG- I coo|j bjacG auq jjhag agi.7 Sooq iirGuioLiGe o^ бяЬосхяи?, f X XXXO j^XC XO Cl ^ KJXJKA I A i i A A W VV. X A*4 A \ ^ J wma w ^ * w ^ ^ шт m ^ over the world there and they can meet in various clubs. d) I like this cooF place and have very good memories of Thailand, especially when I look at the tilings I bought there. e) You can meet many talented people from many cultures there. It is an exciting place where people can say what they think about life and society. f) You should wear your wildest and most unusual clothes if you’re going there. ' a hangout I'hacgaotl — место встреч, отдыха cool Iku:ll pa.ie,: крутой, классный 96 Say what your favourite hangout is. Mention the following: • where this place is situated; • what teens usually do there; • how often you visit this place; • whether you go there alone or with friends; • why you like this place. A. Listen to the text, (ф (68), then read it and say the names of which movements and organizations were new to you. Young People’s Movements and Organizations. The term “Young People’s Movement” is so wide that it includes all kinds of young people’s associations [a.sausi'eijanz] from Punk Rockers, Hippies and Goths to the Young Conservatives' in Britain and Komsomol in Soviet Russia. The world’s first voluntary ' youth* organization was the Boy’s Brigade [bn geid] founded in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1883 by William Alexander Smith. His idea was to give the boys religious education and teach them to be disciplined and well-mannered. In England Major-General Robert Baden-Powell founded the Boy Scouts [skauts] movement in 1908. Like the Boy’s Brigade, the Scout movement has become popular in the world. A sister organization to the Scouts, the Girl Guide Assoeiation, founded in 1910, also has a lot of members in different countries. These organizations train boys and girls in various useful skills, such as lighting a fire, cooking, fishing and help children to develop their character. Very often young people’s movements are political in nature. In the 1930s there existed Fascist ['faejisl] organizations for young people in Mussolini’s Italy and Hitler’s Germany. In Britain before the Second World War some young people joined the Blackshirts, who were members of a fascist organization and wore black sliirts. Soviet Rus.sia had young communist groups; Oktobrists. Pioneers and Komsomol. They were founded to give young people political education and teach them patriotism. The second half of the 20th century saw a number of youth cults [kAlts] and cultures such as the Rockers, associated with motorcycles, rock and-roll music and clothes made of leather. The Hippies of the late 1960s ' a conservative |kan's3:vativ] — консерватор - voluntary ['volanlari] добровольный '■ youth [ju:e] .1^.: молодёжный experimented with drugs, lived in communities, grew their hair long and were interested in radical politics. The Gotha followed a fashion of the late 1980s and early 1990s for white faces anti black and purple clothes. Skinheads are associated with racism. They appeared in the 1960s. Skinheads, mostly boys and young men, shave their hair off or cut it very short. They w'car heavy boots and earrings. Skinheads often use violence and terrorize people. Some of the youth cults have survived till nowadays. B. Read the text again and complete the statements. 1) The term “Young People’s Movements” includes .... a) only political teen organizations of all types b) various group.s of young people c) religious associations of young people 2) The world’s first youth organization was founded .... a) last century b) last but onel century c) last but two' centuries 3) The members of the Boi/s' Brigade were .... a) trained to believe in God b) taught to obey everybody c) taught to become patriots 4) The Boy Scouts movement was founded .... a) in the late 19th century b) in the early 20th century c) in the mid-20th century 5) Many Scout organizations all over Europe .... a) give their members a good education b) teach them to keei> the house c) prepan* them for the future 6) ... is not a political organization. a) The Blackshirts b) Komsomol c) The Goths 7) ... is an organization the members of which are characterized by racist behaviour. a) Skinheads b) The Rockers c) The Hippies C. The text may contain some words that you didn't know. What are the words and what helped you to understand their meanings? 97 1Л О "D 00 ' last but one предпоследний last but two третий от конца 98 Work in pairs. You want to give a talk on some young people's movement or organization. Your friend is very knowledgeable. Ask him about: • youth organizations w'hich were popular in the XX century; • political youth organizations; • youth organizations for girls only. Remember to: • be active and polite; • ask questions and find out all the information you need; • decide which youth organization you are going to talk about. Put the sentences in each pair into one. Use complex object. 1) Jerald sees Peter. Peter is playing badminton. 2) Maria hopes her favourite football team will win. She wants it to happen. 3) Robert watched the boat. Suddenly it disappeared. 4) Roger thinks his daughter will make a good actress. That’s his great wish. 5) Alice noticed Florence. Florence was entering the supermarket. 6) Kate doesn’t want to go to the dentist, but her mother thinks she must. Kate’s mother is sure she will find the way to convince' Kate. 7) We expect Rose. We think she may come on Thursday. 8) Stephen heard Polly. Polly was playing the piano. 9) Sigmund’s mother is against his going to a night club. Sigmund is sure he will get the permission to go there. Confusable English В ряде структур английские глаголы to be и to get отличаются тем, что первый обозначает состояние, а второй — переход в него. to be + Adj (состояние) to get -н Adj (переход в состояние) to be angry (быть сердитым) to be dry (быть сухим) to be married (быть женатым, замужем) to get angry (стать сердитым, рассердиться). to get dry (стать сухим, высохнуть) to get married (стать женатым, выйти замуж) Сравните также сочетания этих глаголов с предлогами: to be in — быть дома, в помещении; to be out — находиться вне дома, за пределами помещения; to get in — попасть в дом, в помещение; to get out — оказаться вне дома, за пределами помещения Complete the sentences. Use the verbs to be or to get in their appropriate forms. In some sentences you can use both verbs. 1) I... very tired, I would like to go to bed. 2) Leila says she ... tired very cpiick ly when she does something boring. 3) George ... weaker every day. I really don’t know what to do. 4) Justin ... rather weak, but I’m sure he’ll become stronger soon. 5) How long ... married? 6) I think they ... married five years ago. 0 Look! Your dog ... in my kitchen. Can you ... him out of it? 8) I don’t know when they ... in last night. 9) It’s ten o’clock p. m. ... your children at home? 10) There ... a little box in my bag. How did it... then;? to convince [kDn'vtns] - убедить Give your reaction to the following situations. Use your social English (warnings and prohibition). 1) Your younger brother is using bad language. 2) Your best friend has begun to miss classes at school. 3) Your other friend is planning to learn to ride a motorbike. 4) Your sister forgets to call home when she is late. 5) Your dog steals food from the table. 6) Your mother is going to touch the hot frying pan. 7) Your friend is dating somebody you don’t like. 8) You see that your father may be late for work. 9) One of the steps in the stairs is broken. 10) A young child is going to climb a tree. la Ьег£ иметь делать что- то Confusable English Обратите внимание на существенные различия в употреблении двух знакомых вам структур; to be used to doing something used to do something обыкновение, привычку Делал что-то в прошлом, что не делает сейчас 1) I used to get up late when I was on holiday (but now I get up early). 2) He used to dine at 6 o'clock p. m. (he doesn't do it any more). 3) They used to play hockey when they were younger (they don't play hockey these days). 1) I am used to getting up late. 2) He is used to dining at 6 o'clock p.m. 3) They are used to playing hockey in winter. 99 LTi r-*' о ■о OP Choose the appropriate forms and complete the sentences. 1) Jane doesn’t live here now but she (used to do it is used to doing it). 2) I (used to go /am used to going) to the cinema a lot but I never get time for it now. 3) Alec is a vegetarian. He (used to eat is used to eating) a lot of fruit and vegetables. 4) Oh! It is one in the morning. I (didn’t use to go am not used to going) to bed so late. I’ve never done it before. 5) My grandmother (used to dance; is used to dancing) a lot when she was young. 6) Johix (used to walk is used to walking) because he hasn’t got a car. 7) The boys (used to swim/are used to swimming) in cold water when they lived in the mountains. 8) My aunt (used to live/is used to living) with no one around. Her husband died fifteen years ago and she has no children. 9) Diana (used to write; is used to writing) everything about her pet in the diary when she was a young girl. 10) We (used to read;aro used to reading) books and we find it very helpful. DO IT ON YOUR OWIU Each sentence has one of the two structures — to be used to doing something or used to do something. What words are missing? Complete the sentences. 1) When James was younger he ... spent hours fishing in the lake. 2) I always drink coffee in the morning. I... drinking two cups or more. 3) Did you ... keep pets in your childhood? 1 know that now you keep no pets. 4) My cousins ... travelling by plane. They say jet planes are so fast. 5) Peter ... be a quiet and friend- 100 с D 10 12 ly boy at school. He has changed a lot. What has happened to him? 6) We ... living in the country and prefer it to a noisy life and fast tempo of big cities. Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1) If you are hungry, go to the kitchen. There is a ... (couple pair) of sandwiches on the plate there. 2) I couldn’t understand what made the ... (rebel rebellion) start? 3) John stopped for a couple of minutes (to talk/talking) to Jane. 4) I still remember (to visit visiting) Scotland when I was a student. 5) I heard somebody (say/saying) something in French, and then start speaking English. 6) I hear that Bob (pass has passed) his exam. 7) She is (quite/fairly) a good writer now. 8) He is one of the best pupils. I can say he is at the (top/bottoin) of the class. 9) I want Rebecca (to stop/stop) her long talks with Angela on the phone. 10) It is such a (boring/bored) film. Write the following sentences in English. 1) Я сердита. 2) Я вчера рассердилась. 3) Вы замужем? 4) Моя сестра недавно вышла замуж. 5) Мы хотим пить. 6) Когда на улице жарко, m»i начинаете испытывать жажду. 7) Анна голодна. 8) Анна проголодалась и решила съесть тарелку супа (а bowl of soup). Complete the sentences and write them down. Use to where necessary. 1) The shopper expected the shop assistant ... wrap the box with the present. 2) I want you ... explain the reason for your refusal. 3) Did you notice the boy ... put some papers on the table? 4) We would like you ... read the text out loud. 5) I can’t afford ... buy such an expensive gadget. 6) Jack promised ... come back before ten p.m. 7) They won’t make me ... agree with these results. 8) My parents sometimes let me ... watch television late at night. Step 9 REVISION AND EXTENSION DO IT TOGETHER A. Listen to the talk between Silvia and Cindy about uniforms in school, (69). Com plete the sentences below. 1) According to^ Sifvia in EngJand peopie .... a) talk a lot about the ргоЫош of uniforms in schools b) don’t talk about the problem of uniforms at school at all c) don’t talk much about this problem 2) Cindy is sure that wearing uniforms at school is .... a) an advantage b) a disadvantage c) not only an advantage but a disadvantage too 1 . according to no словам 3) All pupils in England .... a) wear the clothes they like in their schools b) must wear the uniforms of the school they go to when they are at school c) wear the clothes they like after classes 4) The uniforms in England .... a) cost fairly much b) are rather cheap c) coat more than families can afford B. Say; 1) if pupils in your school must wear uniforms; 2) if all of them follow the rule; 3) what you feel about wearing a uniform at school; 4) why many teenagers are against wearing a school uniform. Consider the following: if you agree that wearing uniforms helps to break down the barriers ['baenaz] between those from well-to-do families and pupils w'hose families are not very well-off*; - if you think that wearing a uniform gives you a feeling of belonging to your school, develops a sense of pride in pupils; — if you think that wearing uniforms is necessary for primary school pupils blit not a must for secondary school pupils. Answer the questions. 1) Why do you think young people like to join cults, groups and organizations? 2) How do young people usually demonstrate that they belong to a certain organization? 3) Is there any organization, a cult or a culture that you find interesting or good for yourself? What is it? Why are you interested in it? 4) Are there any youth organizations, cults or cultures which you will never join? Why not? 5) Why is it necessary to think hard before you join a movement or an organization? Are you happy with your body? Answer these questions to find out. 1) When you look in the mirror, do you feel happy with what you see? a) Yea, I usually feel pleased with what I look like. b) Sometimes. c) No, never. I always think I look terrible. 2) How many different clothes do you try on* before you decide what to wear? a) I wear the first thing I put on. b) 2—3. c) 1 try on so many that I can’t remember. 3) What do you hate most? a) Examinations. b) A bad haircut. c) Going shopping for clothes. 101 ' well-to-do/well-olT - состоятельный, благополучны!! в финансовом отношении to try on примерять одежду, обувь 102 с 3 4) How do you feel about someone taking your photo? a) I love it! b) I like it most of the time. c) I hate it. 5) Л friend tells you that you’re looking good. What do you say to him /her? a) Thanks very much. I feel good today. b) Thanks but I need to lose some weight. c) Are you blind? If your results are mostly As: You have a very good body image. You are comfortable with your body. Well done! Bs: Most days уояд have a good body image bxit on the days when you don’t, try to remember the things that are really good in life: good health, good friends, a loving family and having fun. Cs: You have a very bad body image. You are always thinking about how to make your body look better. You should stop thinking about it and find friends who are more interested in personality than looks. Read and complete the text below with the derivatives of the words on the right. Hoodies* Now 1 ... newspapers are full of stories about bad teen 2... . But how serious are these problems? Arc they really important? Nowadays it is 3 ... to wear hoodies. But some people say they feel 4... when they see groups of 5...S wearing them. You can’t see people’s faces, if they wear hoodies, so if they do something bad, the police may have some 6... seeing them. But you can’t stop kids from wearing hoodies. It is 7... . Hoodies are what everybody wears. They sell them everywhere, so how can yoii stop people from wearing them? Britain behave fashion safe teenage difficult use Complete the text with the appropriate forms (1—10) given after it. Top Cool Read.4 for Teens “Pride and Prejudice”^ by Jane Austen If you liked the film with Keira Knightly, now try the book. “Pride and Prejudice” is the story of Mr and Mrs Bennett, (1) ... daughters and their romantic relationships. In the film after it Keira played the character of Elizabeth Bennett, (2) ... w'as Jane Austen’s most (3)... character from her own books. * a hoodie [ hu:di] куртка или толстовка с капюшоном - “Pride and Prejudice” — ^^Гордоегь и предубеждение * {на^юание знаменитого ро мана английской писательницы Джейн Остин (1775—1817) “Ark Angel” by Anthony Horowitz Alex Rider is not an ordinary teenager. (4)... a 15-year-old spy. The author Anthony Horowitz says that when he was writing tlie book he was thinking about James Bond. “I started (5) ...the books because I thought the actors in the James Bond films were all (6)... to be really “cool”, I thought Bond should be (7)... teenager. “Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”' by C. S. Lewis Everybody’s reading (8) ... books, so why shouldn’t you? After “Harry Potter” and the “Lord of the Rings” this is the (9) ... fantasy book that has been made into a film. It’s about a magical wardrobe that can take you to a secret land. So, if you haven’t read the Narnia books, do it now. They will make you (10)... your imagination. a) five there a) who a) loveliest a) His 5) a) write 6) a) too old 7) a)- 8) a) children’s 9) a)late 10) a) use b) five their b) which b) loving b) He’s b) wrote b) old enough b) a b) childrens’ b)later b)to use c) their five c) whose c)loved c) Him c) writing c) older c) the c) children c)latest c) using 103 le Teens from different countries were asked five questions. Read the questions and their answers, then answer the same questions yourself What is it really like being 15? 1) What are the biggest worries for 15-year-olds in your country? Kevin from Bern, Switzerland: Most of my friends are afraid to get bad results at examinations or fail them. FiПшs_froттLAthens, Greece: School and exams. You:.... ' “Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe нии: лев, колдунья и платяной шкаф<> «Хроники Нар- 104 2) What do you want to do in five years’ time? Kevin: I want to be at luiiversity. Filipps: I’d like to be at university and have my own car. You:... . 3) What are the best/w'orst things about your country? Kevin: The best is the political system. Filipos: Some of the best things about Greece are its mild climate, beautiful beaches and nature. The worst things are the unemployment, the economy and immigration. Robbie from Antananarivo. Madaga.scar: I feel very safe in my country, there’s very little crime. The worst thing is that it’s a bit too cpiiet — there’s nothing to do. You:.... 4) What are the best and worst things about being 15? James from Glasgow. Scotlanrl. UK: I like having more independence now. My parents let me do more things. I decide when 1 go to bed if I manage to get up on time in the morning. I don’t like exams. Robbie: It’s good to be fifteen becau.se people give you more independence. They think you’re not a kid any longer. But you are more responsible. Parents expect you to behave well. You:.... 5) W’hat are you most afraid of? Kevin: Terrorism. Filipos: Unemployment and war. But my biggest worry is the death of my relatives and friends. Robbie: World war. You: ... . Idiomatic English Friends and friendship are extremely important for every teenager. To speak about friends and your relations you may use some word combinations and idioms. • the best friend • a close friend • an old friend • a good friend • a trusted friend (never fails you) • a loyal friend (supports you even when you have problems) • a soulmate (shares with you your feelings and ideas) — If you and your friend go back a long way, you have known each other for a long time. — If two people get on like a house on fire, they like each other very much and become friends quickly. — If your friend stands by you through thick and thin or becomes a tower (pillar) of strength, they always support you even in difficult situations. — If two friends live in each other's pockets, they spend too much time together, which may become a disadvantage. — A fair-weather friend is someone who is only your friend when you are happy or successful. A. Say the same in Russian. 1) We go back a long time, don’t we? 2) He is only a fair-weather friend. Where was he when I needed his help? 3) Jane is a trusted friend. She will stand by you through thick and thin. 4) The two girls lived in each other’s pockets having no time even to call their relatives. 5) We met in a tourist camp and got on like a house on fire. 6) My eldest daughter Marie was a tower of strength for me when I was ill. 7) Julia is my soulmate. She knows all my secrets. 8) Ronald has always been my loyal friend. I’m really thankful to him for his support. 105 1/1 a> T3 Б. Describe some of your friends using the phrases from "Idiomatic English tf Use the appropriate words to complete the sentences. 1) She says she can’t get (along/ovcr) her husband’s death. 2) It is not (challenging reasonable) to swim in the river when the water is so cold. 3) I would like to write a (note notice) to Mrs Morrison. 4) Dick and Richard look alike but they are (different/various) people. 5) This difficult riddle is a (challenge, rebellion) for UR. 6) Do you think teenage rebellions (about against) their parents are typical? 7) This is a (pretty/quite) slow train. 8. Did anyone claim (-- for) this bag? 9) Can you wrap this scarf (round about) your neck? 10) We were angry (with to) the children (for about) what they have done. 11) What is there (at/on) the top of the page? 12) Why are the teens shaking (with from) laughter? DO IT ON YOUR OWN 10 Write four sentences about the things you did some time ago but never do now and 4 sentences about what you usually do nowadays. Use used to do something and to be used to doing something Write a list of 10 questions you would like to ask your pen friend about what problems he has being a teenager of 15/16 years old. Write an answer to your pen friend's letter. Answer his/her questions. The number of words in your letter should be 100—120. 106 “Teenoqers today hove larger groups of friends than twenty or thirty years ago. I think that couples of friends are a thing of the post. How many close friends have you got? Does it seem to you more reasonable to have several soulmates, not just one best friend? Do you use the Internet to communicate with your friends? How impor-tant are friends to you? 12 Revise the words for Test 4, Anger, angry, annoy, annoyance, annoying, anyluw, anymore, anyplace, anytime, anyway, anywhere, bored, boredom, (the) blind, challenge, claim, couple, date, (the) deaf, (the) dumb, exist, exi)eet, extreme(ly), informative, inventive, let, likely, mad, madly, madness, negative, note, notice, (the) old, preserve, pretty, (the) poor, reason, reasonable, rebel, rebellion, rel>elIious, shake, tear, top, touch, (the) unemployed, unlikely, variety, various, w'orry, wrap, (the) young shake — shook — shaken tear — tore —tore rebel — rebelled — rebelled worry — worried — worried to get along/on, to get away with, to get over, to get at, to get down to something. Step 10 Test Yourself I. LISTENING You will hear five people speaking about their best friends. Listen, (70) and match the statements (A-F) with what the people (1—5) say. There is one statement you don't have to use. Л. The speaker says his/her best friend is his her teacher. B. The speaker explains that his her best friend is his,'her parent. C. The speaker talks about his/her classmate as the best friend. D. The speaker con.siders his/her coach (trainer) to be his - her best friend. E. The sjjeaker says his her best friend is his.dier relative. F. The speaker .says his/her best friend is his/her neighbour. Maximum result 5 Your result ? II. READING Read the text "Teens' problems" and match its paragraphs (1—5) with the titles (a—f). There is one title you don't have to use. a) Teenagers Choose Different Ways to Talk to Their Friends b) It’s Too Easy for Teens to Get Drinks and Cigarettes c) British Teenagers Have a Number of Serious Problems cl) Fewer Teenagers Have Only One Person for a Friend e) Grown-ups See Teens’ Problems in the Wrong Way f) Teenagers Are Very Much Afraid of Losing Their Friends Teens’ Problems 1) What do you think the biggest problem of today’s teenagers is? What are they like? The facts about teenage life may seem shocking. These are some facts typical of British teenagers: • 33"/o of UK teens say they began drinking alcohol at the age of thirteen or younger. British teens drink more alcohol than teens anywhere in Europe. • Four out of ten teenagers know so little about cooking that they can’t even make an omllette. • One in evei-y four teens smokes. • 9% оГСЖ'Теепъ iTvfvm-.4eadf\ooks for pleasure. • 75% of UK teens have their own television and watch it many houi s traVry. • One in every five UK teens is overweight. • 64% of 15-year-old girls take less than half an hour’s exercise a day. • More than 5% of pupils leave school with no ciualifications for working life. 2) The situation is more or less the same in other European countries. Naturally most parents worry about their teenage children. But if you ask them what the most serious problem is, they will probably answer that it’s drugs, but they are wrong. 3) For a lot of young people the most important problem is their relationships, especially with their friends. Nothing, it seems, can be worse tlian falling out' with your best friends. Teenagers discuss any problem they may have with their friends. If they fail oat with their friends, then there is no one to speak to. This зап seriously influence their mental health. 4) Today teenagers think more and more about friends. It is interesting that young people nowadays have larger groups of friends than twenty or thirty years ago. Having a group of people to hang out and socialize-’ with seems safer than having one exclusive relationship with one person, especially if something goes wrong. Some teenagers even say that couples are a thing of the past. 5) Communication seems very important to 11 — 16-year-olds. of them have a mobile phone and spend a lot of money talking with friends. 45% of UK teens regularly surf the Net. 60% of teens say they are happy to give out their э-mail addresses. And many of them don’t like to discuss things with their par- 107 ил r+ *o to fall out with sb поссориться to socialize ['saujalaiz] — общаться 108 ents. When they are asked such questions as “What’s wrong?” or “What did you do at school?” they usually answer “Nothing” or “Whatever”*. They si)end a lot of time in their rooms because they prefer to be alone. Maximum result 5 Your result V • III. USE OF ENGLISH Complete the text with the derivatives of the words on the right. In our school we (1) ... have personal (2) ... . But we also must keep to the rule.s. Our school has a “dress code” which means that teens at school are not allowed to wear (3) ... clothes, in other words clothes several sizes too big. Due to reasons of morality girls are asked not to wear short skirts and T-shirts that show their stomachs. You can’t find many books in our library, because the school officials find some scenes in the texts immoral or (4)... . School newspapers are looked through by our school officials to make sure there are no articles with messages of (5)... or hatred in them. certain,free shape harm race Maximum result о Your result 9 • Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences. 1) There were t\vo socks on the sofa but 1 couldn’t put them on as they were not a (couple,/ pair). 2) The other day Tom told us such a joke that we all (shook, had shaken) with laughter. 3) I always touch (by/on) these problems when I speak to teenagers. 4) Rachel says Roy is her loyal friend so it is most (likely,' unlikely) that he won’t support her. 5) Whatever I do, sheis always angry (with - for) me. 6) Why are you shaking all (over through)? 7) There was a beautiful picture (at/on) the bottom of the page. 8) I don’t expect you (to find/find) out what was wrong in the experiment now. 9) Make him (-/ to) come back whatever he says. Maximum result 10 Your result 9 m IV. SPEAKING Speak about some teens' problem which is important for you or your friends. Mention • what the problem is; • how long you have had it; • if you can change the situation and how you are going to do it. Maximum result 10 Your result 9 • ' whatever .id.: довольно грубое воск.аицание, которое часто используется подростками в значении «тебе то что», «какая тебе разница* V. WRITING Write the following in English. 1) Читать вслух; 2) порвать что-то о ветку; 3) восстать против чего-либо; 4) новобрачные; 5) на верху страницы; 6) трястись от смеха; 7) довольно трудно (4 варианта); 8) чувствовать досаду (раздражение); 9) завернуться во что-то; 10) затронуть проблему. Maximum result 10 Your result 9 • 1 Count your results. Tasks 1—6 45 Total result Personal letter (Step 9, Ex. 11) 8 53 Your total result Tasks 1 —6 9 • 9 — Personal letter 9 r 109 1/1 fb *c DO IT ON YOUR OWN Do project Work 4. Complete a page in your English Album. Write about what/who you consider to be the most important thing (person) in your life. Illustrate your story with pictures. Don’t forget to think of an outline for your story before you write it. Ask your family and/or friends to help you if necessary. Вопросы для самооценки 110 1. Какие из разделов учебника оказались самыми сложными? Как вы думаете, почему? 2. В каких грамматических явлениях вы допустили ошибки? 3. Какая лексика требует дальнейшей отработки? 4. Что могло бы вам помочь лучше справиться с заданиями по говорению? Письму? 5. Приходилось ли вам при выполнении заданий обра1цаться за дополнительной помощью к своему учителю? Родителям? В каких случаях? 6. Использовали ли вы при выполнении заданий дополнительные ресурсы: справочники, Интернет? 7. Насколько вы довольны своими результатами? Internet Resources En.wikipeclia.org Ru.wikipedia.org Britishmuseuni.org Kreml.ru Louvre.fr Metmuseum.org Museodelprado.es Muzei-mira.com Sitekid.ru Edukids.narod.ru www.bbc.co.uk/learning/subjects/english.stml WWW. 1 - langu age. com www.english-at-home.com www.manythings.org 111 ЛЕксико грамматический справочник GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY REFERENCE 1 г 1 И»» i г ■ ,1 Ui ;пл ( К‘*1 ''rrnrL' 112 The Noun § 1. Классификация имён существительных. Имена существительные делятся: • на нарицательные (а table, а реп, а house); • собственные: а) имена людей (Mr Holmes, James, Beth); б) географические названия (London, Russia, the Thames); в) названия газет, журналов, литературных произведений, организаций (the ВВС, the Financial Times, Wind in the Willows). значения нарицательные имена § 2. С точки зрения выражаемого ими существительные могут быть: конкретными (а boy, а girl, а boat); абстрактными (love, friendship, freedom); собирательными (team, crew, clothes, jeans); вещественными (milk, bread, corn). § 3. По пришщпу нсчисляемости имена существительные подразделяются на: • исчисляемые, обозначающие субъекты и объекты, которые можно сосчитать и которые могут употребляться как в единственном, так и во множественном ч исле: а photo — pliotos; а boy — boys; а bird — birds; • неисчисляемые, обозначающие понятия, явления, которые нельзя пересчитать и которые употребляются только в единственном числе, согласуясь со сказуемым в единственном числе: light, water, juice, air. Light travels fast. Freedom is important for people. § 4. Имена существительные advice. Information, knowledge, progress, news, топеуу hair в английском языке являются неисчисляемыми. Они не употребляются во множественном числе (существительное hairs имеет другое значение — «волоски^) и заменяются местоимением it. Все вышеперечисленные существительные согласуются с глаголом в едиттственном числе, перед ними не используется неопределённый артикль. Your advice is good, hut I can’t follow it. It was such _ good advice. Where is the money? ^ It is on the table. You can take it. Ha русский язык данные имена могут переводиться соответствующими существительными 1>усского языка как в единственном, так и во множественном числе: advice — совет'советы; information — сведение/сведения; knowledge — знание знания; progress - прогресс/усаехи; news — новость/новости; или только существительными во множественном числе: money — деньги; hair волосы; Where is the monev? Is it on the table? § 5- Имена существительные police^ media, data были заимствованы в английский язык из французского языка и латыни и сохранили определенные свойства, отличающие их от иных имён существительных. Так, имя существительное police имеет только одну форму — форму мнолсественного числа, сочетается с глаголом во множественном числе и в предложении заменяется местоимением they, В большинстве случаев лексическая единица police употребляется с определённым артиклем. The police are looking fora tall dark man. They think they will find him soon. Имя существительное media представляет собой форму мнол^ественного числа латинского заимствования а medium [ mi:diaml — средство, способ: Radio was the medium for family entertainment before television. В современном английском языке существуют две формы мнолсественного числа этого имени: media mediums способы, средства: Сап you offer any other media!mediums to broadcast the news? Имя существительное media часто используется в сочетании mass media^ обозначая средства массовой информации. После media (jnass media) в этом значении глагол может использоваться как в единс*] венном, так и во множественном числе. С этим существительным, как правило, используют определённый артикль. The media are sources of news and information, such as newspapers, television, magazines and the Internet. The media has a lot of power today. Имя существительное data [‘deitoj также представляет собой форму множественного числа латинского заимствования. Сравните: а datum pdeitom] (данное) — data (данные) We сапЧ tell you the results until we look at all the data. В наши дни имя существительное data в разговорной речи начинает использоваться как неисчисляемое, а потому возможны сочетания лексической единицы data с глаголами как в единственном, так и во множественном числе: These data are very interesting. This data is very interesting. В научных текстах в большинстве случаев data сочетается с формами глаголов во множественном числе. These are the latest data concerning this project. 113 § 6. Использование артиклей с именами существительными. • Артикль в английском язьм^е является определитслем имени существительного и употребляется толысо с именем существительным. В английском языке используются два артикля: опрелолёпный the (the definite ar tide) и неопрелелённый a/an (the indefinite article). В предложении артикль произносится без ударения. • Иеопределённый артикль произошёл от Д1ювнеанглийского числительного один (one), поэтому он употребляется только с исчисляемыми именами существительными в единственном числе. Неопределённый артикль имеет две формы а (перед именами сутцествительными, начинающимися с согласной буквы) и ап (перед именами существителытьтми, начинающимися г гласной, за исключением буквы “и” - а university, а также перед словами, которые начинаются с «немой» буквы “h"’ ап hour, ап heir [еэ1 - наследник). 114 • Определённый артикль the произошёл от древнеанглийского указательного местоимения that. Он употребляется с именами существительными как в единственном, так и во множественном числе. Поред именами существительными, начинающимися с согласной, определённы!! артикль произносится Гбэ]: the day [dodei], а перед словами, начинающимися с гласной, — [6\]: the egg [6ieg], • Отсутствие любого артикля перед именами существительными часто описывается словосочетанием нулевой аптикль (zero article): What wonderful weather we are having today! They are such great scientists! • Помимо известных вам случаев употребления определённого, неопределённого и нулевого артиклей, следует обратить внимание на следующие моменты: a) Неопределённый артикль обычно используется перед исчисляемыми именами существительными, когда значение имени существительного — любой, каждый, всякий: А dictionary is а special book that is used for finding the meanings of words. A dog is an animal. A teacher is a person who helps people to learn things. При этом артикль выполняет функцию обобщения, ибо предмет или лицо, о котором идёт речь, выступает в роли представителя определённого класса лиц, предметов, явлений. б) Оппеделённый артикль обычно используется перед исчисляемым именем существительным в единственном числе, если оно обозначает целый класс лиц или предмет ов: The lion lives mainly in Africa and southern Asia. The violin is one of the hardest instruments to play. b) Определённый артикль используется перед существительными, если они обозначает уникальный, единстнеиный в своём роде предмет или явление: the Moon, the Earth, the Sun, the sky, the North Pole, the Far East, the world, the south, the north, the east, the west (исключением является слово space, которое употребляется без артикля: There are millions of stars in space). Тем не менее, если, напрртмер, существгттелытые moon, world в предложении употребляется с описательными определениями, перед ними возможно использование неопределённого артикля. There was а bright moon in the sky. Let’s hope to live in a better world. r) Если имена существительные man, woman, child обозначают всех представителей своего класса (символизируют весь класс женщин, мужчин, детей), пехюд ним!1 используется нулевой артикль (иными словами, никакой артик.'1Ь не употребляется): Man, woman, child these are eternal notions. При этом имя существительное man в подобных случаях имеет значение человек. Man is the only animal that can speak. Early man learned how to use simple tools. Clii ibtiaiis believe that God created man. В наши дни многие полагают данное использование сутцествительного man недостаточно политкорректным и предлагают употреблять вместо него следующие слова и словосочетания:а human being, people, the human race. The Adjective § 1. В современном английском языке отдельные прилагательные служат основой для образования новых слов, которые приобретают категориальные свойства имён существительных, в частности, возможность употребляться С определенным артиклем — the old (старики, старые люди), the yoimg (молодёжь, молодые люди). Подобные образования называются субстантивированными прилагательными, от английского substantive ['sAbstantrv] — имя существительное. § 2. Подобные субстантивированные имена прилагательные часто обозначают группу людей, имеющих общую черту, призна1с, качество: the strong - сильные; the deaf глухие; the weak слабые; the sick — больные; the brave — храбрые; the poor — бедные; the hungry — голодные; the rich богатые; the free — свободные; the dead мертвые; the educated — образованные; the unemployed — безработные; the dumb — немые; the educated — обра.юванные; the blind - слепые; the uneducated — необразованные. В предлоясении субстантивированные имена прилагательные сочетаются с глаголом во множественном числе. The unemployed are hoping for new jobd. The rich are don’t usually buy houses here. Если два подобных субстантивированных прилагательных в предложении объединяются союзом and, определённый артикль с ними не употребляется: Rich and poor have their own problems. Young and old are being educated in the centre. 115 § 3. К субстантивированным прилагательным также относятся названия наций, оканчивающиеся на s/i, ch: the Spanish — испанцы; the Dutch голландцы; the English — англичане; the British — британцы; The Dutch are the people who live in Holland. § 4. Некоторые субстантивг1рованные прилагате.аьные обозначают абстрактные понятия: the present — настоящее; the possible — возможное; the future — будущее; the impossible — невозможное; the past прошлое; the inevitable неизбеясное; the unknown — неизвестное; the unbelievable — невероятное. Субстантивированные прилагательные подобного типа часто встречаются в устойчивых сочетаниях, например: in the negative в отрицательной форме; in the affirmative — в утвердительной форме; in the open на открытом пространстве; on the whole — в целом; for the better — к лучшему; for the worse к худшему; not in the least — ни в Koeii мере. 116 The Pronoun § 1. Как нам известно, в английском языке все местоимения делятся на следующие группы: • личные (I, ho, she, we, us, them, etc); • притяжательные (my, his, her, its, mine, ours, etc); • возвратные (myself, herself, ourselves, etc); • указательные (this, that, these, those); • неопределённые (any, no, some, somebody, both, one, etc). § 2. Неопределённое местоимение one. Неопределённое местоимение one имеет формы единственного и множественного числа: one - ones. Местоимение one имеет также форму притяжательного падежа one’s: One should do one’s best at all times. One’s first duty is to one’s family. One часто используется в предложениях как слово-заместитель имени существительного, если говорящий или пишущий стремятся избежать его повторения: — I have bought а new jacket. — Is it the one you’re wearing now? Если существительное стоит во множественном числе, местоимение one также используется в форме множественного числа: Have you met our new neighbours? - Are they the who moved here yesterday? Формы one и ones часто используются в oTBeiax на вопросы, которые начинаются с вопросительного слова whlchj чтобы идентифицировать предметы или людей. — Which woman do you mean? — Which cups would you like? — The one, who is sitting near the window? — The yellow ones. Неисчисл яемые существительные не могут заменяться местоимением one: Don’t use the milk from the fridge, use this fresh milk, В предложениях, имеющих очень общий (безличный) характер, местоимение one часто используется вместо существительного, имея значение <^любoй», «каждый«всякий->: One likes to have one’s breakfast in bed now and then. One should be patient. § 3. Подобным же образом в современном английском языке употребляется и личное местоимение you, причем предложения с you звучат менее фо1>мально, а потому они предпочтительнее в разговорной речи: One shouldn’t be too hard on oneself, (more formal) You shouldn’t be too hard on yoxirself. (less formal) The moment one gets into the mountains, one is on one’s own. The moment you get into the mountains, you are on your own. The Verb I. Страдательный залог (Tlie Passive Voice) § 1. Как известно, глаголы в страдательном (пассивном) залоге встречаются в английском языке значительно чаще, чем в русском. Как правило, подобные формы используются, когда либо не известно, либо не важно, кто совершает действие. Если же деятеля или источник действия необходимо назвать, eio наименование вводится в предложение с помощью предлога hy: The book was written by a good author. За 1лаголом в страдательном залоге может следовать предлог with, указывающий на пнстрлсиент, при помощи которого совершается действие: The tree was cut down with an axe. § 2. В страдательном залоге существуют следующие видо-временные формы: Simple Prc^sent Passive ain/is/are -ь V.j The work is done. 1. 1 Simple Past Passive was/were -I- V •p The work was done. i (Simple) f’uture Passive will be/shall be The work will be done. Present Progressive Passive am being/is being/ are being -f V The work is being done. Past Progressive Passive was being were being + v. The work was being done. Present Perfect Passive has been have been + The work has been done. Past Perfect Passive had been + The work had been done. Future Perfect Passive will have been The work will have been done. 117 § 3. При образовании вопросите.аьной формы вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим (When was the book written?). Если вспомогательных глаголов два, то перед подлежащим ставится первый из них (When will tiie lettcns be posted?). В отрицательной форме отрицание следует за первым вспомогательным глаголом: The article has not been translated yet. § 4. В английском языке есть I’pynna глаголов (to give, to allow, to show, to tell, to offer), после которых возможно употребление и прямого, и косвенного дополнения (Mother gave Tom an apple). Хотя эти глаголы могут употребляться в двух страдательных оборотах (1) Тот was given an apple. 2) An apple was given to Tom), первый вариант оказывается более предпочтительным. I was offered an interesting job. Nick was allowed to go there. We were told about it yesterday. § 5. Следует обратить внимание на употребление в страдательном залоге глаго.лов, которые часто используются с пред.погами — to laugh at, to speak to (about), to listen to, to send for etc. He is much spoken about. О нём много говорят. I’hey are never listened to. Их ни1согда не слушают. The flat isn’t lived in. В квартире не живут. § 6. В учебнике для 9 класса основное внимание обращается на четыре из вышеперечисленных форм; 118 a) present progressive passive; b) past progressive passive; c) present perfect passive; d) past perfect passive. В целом, данные глагольные формы употребляются в тех же случаях и по тем же правилам, что и их аналоги в действительном (активном) залоге. Иными словами, если в предложении следует упо'1'реблять глагол активного залога в настоящем продолженном времени (prescmt progressive), то и соответствующая пассивная конструкция используется в этом времени (present progressive passive). Сравните: a) Listen! These people are speaking Italian. Listen! Italian is being spoken here. b) In early autumn Jack was still building his house. In early autumn Jack’s house was still being built. c) Today the pupils have learned something new. Today something new has been learned. d) I knew that my friends had visited the museum. I knew that the museum had been visited. Продолженные формы и в действительном и в страдательном за^аохах обозначают действия, происходящие (происходившие) в определённый момент речи, а формы совершенного вида — действия, совершившиеся к определённому моменту в настоящем или в прошлом. § 7- Вопросительные предложения в формах present perfect passive и past per feet passive образуются no тем же правилам с той лишь разницей, что на место перед подлежащим в предложении выносится вспомогательный глагол to have {has, had): Why have the plans been changed? Had the problem been discussed before you learned about it? Отрицательные предложения, в свою очередь, строятся при помощи присоединения к формам вспомогательного глагола to have отрицания not: The story has not (hasn’t) been told yet. The new books had not (hadn’t) been bought by the beginning of the school year. II. Причастие (The Participle) § 1. В английском языке различают два вида причастий — Participle I и Participle II (в некоторых учебниках они называются Present Participle и Past Participle соответственно). Принципиальное отличх^е между этими двумя видами глагольных форм заключается в том, что причастие первое несёт в себе значение активного действия: • а playing girl — играющая девочка; • а swimming boy — плах^ающий. плывущий мальчик; • а smiling child — улыбающийся ребёнок. В подобных словосочетаниях имена существительные (girl, boy, child) обозначают исполнителей действихк. Второе причастие (Participle II) заключает н себе смьиш пассишюх о действия; • а played match — сыгранный матч; • а cleaned window — вымытое окно; • а painted picture — нарисованная картина. в этих словосочетаниях имена существительные обозначают объекты, над которыми совершались некие действия (кто-то сыграл матч вымыл окно/ нарисовал картину). Как видно из вышеприведённых примеров. Participle I образуется от глагольной основы с помощью суффикса ing, а Participle II — с помощью су(]к})икса ed или же представляет собой третью форму неправильных глаголов, которую следует запомнить (см. таблицу неправильных глаголов, стр. 133 учебника). § 2. Обе разновидности причастий обычно выполняют в предложении роль определения или входят составной частью в сказуемое: It’s so pleasant to look at smilinfr faces. We stopped at the closed doors of the shop. The child was learning to play a new game. They had finished the work by 2 o’clock. § 3. Одним из самых сложных моментов д.ля изучающих английский язык является правильный выбор причастия в устной и письменной речи. Особенно это касается причастий, образованных от одной и той же глагольной основы. Например: exciting — волнующий; excited — взволнованный; pleasing — приятный; pleased — довольный: boring — скучный; bored — скучающий; promising (много)обещающий; promised — обещанный; rewarding — вoзнaгpaждaioщий; rewarded награжденный. § 4. Структуры с Participle I в английском языке могут соответствовать деепричастному обороту в русском языке. Reading the new book he laughed a lot. (Читая новую книгу, он много смеялся.) Однако .эту же мысль можно выразить по-русски и с помощью придаточного предложения: Он много смеялся, когда читал новую книгу. Thinking about that day she remembered her granny. (Думая о том дне, она вспоминала свою бабушку. Она вспоминала бабушку, когда думала о том дне.) § 5. Participle I испо.пьзуется в целом ряде устойчивых сочетаний английского языка. Вот некоторые из них: to be busy to have fun to enjoy to have difficulty > doing something to have trouble to have a good time to have a hard time J When I entered the classroom, everyone was biisy reading. They had trouble finding our house. 119 III. Герундий (The Gerund) § 1. Помимо причастия первого, в английском языке существует еще одна глагольная форма, которую также можно образовать с помощью су{])фикса ing. Она назт.твается герундием. Смысловое отличие герундия от причастия 120 заключается в том, что если причастие первое объединяет в себе черты глагола и прилагательного, то герундий объединяет в себе свойства глагола и существительного. Соответственно функции причастия в предложении — это функции, свойственные прилагательным, а функции герундия сходны с функциями имени существительного. Например, герундий в пред.'южении может быть подлежащим или дополнением: Skating is my favourite pastime in winter. My friends and I like playing basketball in the schoolyard. § 2. В английском языке есть целы!! ряд словосочетаний, в которые герундий входит составной частью. Такие словосочетания рекомендуется запомнить. Вот некоторые из наиболее ргюиространённых: to begin start to stop / finish to love/like to hate, dislike to keep to deny to imagine someone to need to enjoy to prefer to mind to look forward to to give up doing something Например: I have always enjoyed painting. Do you mind waiting a little? I can’t imagine my mother riding a motorbike. § Я. Герундий часто используется после глтола to mind (возражать, быть против). При использовании структур с глаголом to mind нужно помнить о смысловой разнице между следующими вариантами: 1) to mind doing something; 2) to mind somebody/somebody’s doing something. В первом случае речь идет о том, что сам говорящий возражаетие возражает против чего-либо. I don’t mind going to the shops. (Я не возражаю против того, чтобы сходить в магазин. = Я сам готов сходить туда.) Во втором случае говорящий возраясает/не возражает, чтобы кто-то что-то Сделал. I don’t mind him his going to the shops. (Я не возражаю, чтобы он сходил в магазин.) При этом считается, что употре^бление в данной структуре притяжательных местоимений (ту, his, her, our etc), a также супщствительных в притяжательном падеже (Jane’s, Peter’s) более характерно для формальной или пгтсьменной речи. В вопросительных предложениях, начинающихся с Do you mind..., также следует различать две структуры: 1) Do you mind doing something? 2) Do you mind somebody,'somebody’s doing something? В первом случае говорящий обращается к слуишющеыу с пхюсьбой; Do you mind helping me with the books? (He могли бы вы помочь мне с ктшгами?) Do you mind going to the market? (Ты ne мог бы сходить на рынок?) Во втором случае говорящий выясняет, не будет ли слушатель возражать против того, что кто-то совершит какое-либо действие: Do you mind me my joining you? (Вы не против Toi’o, что я присоединюсь к вам?) Do you mind him/his doing tlie job? (Ты не против того, чтобы эту работу выполнил он?) § 4. Герундий часто используется в словосочетаниях с глаголами to go и to do: to go shopping to do (some/the) reading to go f ishing to do (some/the) cleani ng to go skiing to do (some the) washing-up to go jogging to do (some/the) cooking My friend goes jogging every morning in any weather. (Мой приятель бегает каждое утро в любую погоду.) Let me do the washingnp. (Давай я вымою посуду.) Sue is doing some cooking in the kitchen. (Сью готовит на кухне.) § 5. Использование герундия характерно и для целого ряда структур, в которые входят глаголи, употребляющиеся с пред-тогами. Все эти структуры строятся по формуле: Verb Preposition ^ При этом предлоги, испо.чьзуемые в таких структурах — это предлоги, которые в английском предложении вводят существительное, например: about, of, for, from, in, to. I’d like to thank you for being so helpful. Don’t even think about going there alone. Will you be interested in learning German? I won’t say no to her visiting us. § 6. Герундий часто выполняет роль подлежащего в предложении: Playing chess is his favourite pastime. (Игра в шахматы — его любимое времяпрепровождение.) В русском языке эта же мысль часто переда'тся с помощью неопредел'нной формы глагола: Играть в шахматы — его любимое затгятпе. Сравните также: Watching 'rV sYiouid Vje limited. Смотреть телевизор следует ограниченное количество времени. Making а fire is not always easy. Развести костёр не всегда легко. IV. The Infinitive § 1. Еще одной неличной (т. е. не имеющей категории лица) формой глагола является неопределё1£ная форма глагола (инфинитив), которая может выполнять различные функции в английском предложении. Ве(^ьма типично использование инфинитива с частицей to после многих английских глаголов, например: to agree, to decide, to learn, to like (love), to want и некоторых друг’их. W’hen did you learn to read? I hope to finish the work .soon. Иногда между двумя глах’олами появляется вопросительное слово, например: I can’t decide what to do. He doesn’t know how to say it in English. 121 Существуют таклсо глаголы, после которых перед инфинитивом нужно обязательно использовать местоимения: I advise you to soend more time on English. It took them long to reach the city. They told us not to think about this problem. 122 § 2. Глаголы в неопределённой форме с частицей to также нередко используются после сущсствите.льных: It was my decision to fight. I could understand their wish to ulav the game. It’s a tjleasure to talk to you. Isn’t it fun to be here? При использовании инфинитива после существительного он может выполнять функцию определения: His was an interesting idea to discuss. That was a dav to remember. Mike is the right person to ask this question. Иногда перед инфинитивом с частицей to вместо существительного стоит словосочетание прилагательного и существительного; часто в этих случаях используются также с.лова too и enough’. Julia is too clever a girl to make this mistake. Jam is a wise enough^mmLto_agree with his wife. Другой случай — когда перед ттнфинитивом используется существительное в сочетании со словами Lant, next, only или качественными прилагательными в превосходной степени, включая best и worst’. This is the best present to give. You’ll be the only person to know my secret. That was the most interesting place to visit. Кроме того, существительному могут предшествовать порядковые числительные. В этих случаях использование инфинитива также очень типично: She was the first woman to fly into space. My sister will be the second person to know it: you’re the first. § 3. Инфинитив c частицей to встречается в качестве уточняющего определения после имён прилагательных; Гт happy to meet you. It’s good to see you again. В подобных случаях структура часто расширяется за счёт предлога of в сочета1£ии с местоимением или именем существительным, обычно обозначающим человека: Arc these flowers for me? It was very kind of you to bu\- them. Isn’t it really clever of Mark to know so many poems by heart? It was silb’-pf us to believe him. § 4. Изучающим английский язык рекомендуется запомнить, после каких глаголов употребляется то.лько инфинитив (to decide, to manage, to afford etcl, после каких — только ing формы (герундий) (to keep, to mind, to be used to etc), a после каких возможно испо.1ьзование и той и другой неличной формы глаголоБ (to like, to begin, to finish etc), например: Jane likes to play the piano. Jane likes playing tlie piano. § 5. Особое внимание при этом необходимо обратить на те случаи, когда выбор одной из двух неличных форм влияет на смысл высказывания. Подобных случаев в английском языке не так много и их несложно запомнить. В учебнике 9 класса речь идёт о трёх подобных глаголах: to stop, to remember, to forget. a) to stop: • doing somctliing (перестать что-то делать); • to do something (остановиться, чтобы что-то сделать); They stopped playing table games long ago. We stopped at the side of the road to look at the maps. b) to remember: • doing something (помнить о том, что что-то сделал в прошлом); • to do something (помнить о том, что что-то нужно сделать в будущем); Не didn’t remember watching that film. Mike rememljercd to buy gifts for everyone. c) to forget: • doing something (забыть, что сделал что-то в прошлом); • to do something (забыть сделать что-то в будущем); You’ll never forget coming here. We forgot to tell Vickie about our plans. 123 g 6. К таким же случаям несовпадения значений при выборе неличной формы относят словосочетания с глаголами 1о regret to do doing something, to try to do doing something, to go on to do/doing something и некоторые другие. Словари могут подсказать вам, какие именно различия имеют здесь место. V. Мода.льный глагол сап и его эквиваленты § 1. Вы знаете, что модальный глагол сап {could) выражает возможность или умение сделать что-то. Тот сап read. — Том умеет читать. Тот could read when he was five. Том мог читать, когда ему было пять. § 2. Следует отметить, что форма could но используется, если речь идёт о чём-то, что люди смогли или сумели сделать в конкретном случае, то есть им удалось что-то сделать. Вместо could в подобных случаях употребляют was/were able to или managed to. The pupil managed (was able) to do the sum. Ученик смог решить задачу. (Ему удалось...) The questions were not easy but we managed (w'cre able) to answer them. Вопросы не были простыми, но мы смогли ответить на них. § 3. Однако если нужно сказать, что люди могли (то есть имели возможность) что-то делать в прошлом, форма could нормативна. The swimming pool was not far from the hotel and we could go there every day. (... мы могли имели возможность ходить туда.) Отрицательная форма couldn't используется во всех с.пучаях наряду с формами didn't manage to, wasn't, were not able to. Сравните: They couldn’t (didn’t manage to) speak to the head teacher but they managed to discuss the prolileni with the biology teacher. We couldn’t (were not able to) see the film at the cinema but we wx‘re able to see the video. 124 VI. Сложное дополнение (Complex Object) § 1. Конструкция «сложное дополнение» характерна для английского языка. Она состоит из имени существительного в именительном падеже (the child, the boy, the students) или местоимения в объектном падеже (me, him, her, them, you, it) и либо глагола в неопределённой форме (с частицей to или без неё), либо причастия первого'. I want the boy (him) to understand me. Я хочу, чтобы мальчик (он) меня понял. I’ll make the students (them) do it. Я заставлю студентов (их) сделать это. We saw you crossing the street. Мы видели, как вы переходили улицу. § 2. Complex Object употребляется после трёх групп глаголов. Первая включает глаголы to want, to expect, to like, структуру would like, после которых в конструкции Complex Object используется только неопределённая форма ivjaiojia с частицей to: Would you like me to come early? We didn’t expect you to arrive so late. 1 don’t want my brother to go away. § 3. После второй группы глаголов to see, to watch, to notice, to hear (так называемых глаголов зрительного, слухового и чувственного восприятия) и конструкции Complex Object возможно исполыювание как неопределёгтной формы глагола без частицы to, так и причастртя первого: I saw her walk/walking into the house. We noticed him drive/driving along the street. В груггпе с глаголами зрительного, слухового и чувственного восприятия следует различать случаи использования инфинитива и причастия. Инфинитив упо'1'реблястся для обозначения завершённого действия или иесколькррх последовательных действии (глагол совершенного вида в русском варианте). АН of us heard Max say that. Bee мы слышали, как Машг сказал это. The students saw the teacher enter the room and stop at the blackboard. Учащиеся видели, как учитель вошёл в комнату и остановился у доски. Причастие первое используется для обозначения действия в процессе (глагол несовершешюх’о вида в русском варианте). АН of us heard Max saying that. Bee мы слышали, тсак Макс говортгл это. The students saw the teacher entering the house. Учащиеся видели, как учитель входил в дом. I felt something crawling up my leg. Я мо'гувствовал, что что-то ползёт у меня по ноге. Конструкция Complex Object не используется, если глаголы to hear, to see и to feel имеют переносное значение. В этих случаях используются придаточные предложения. I feel that my father is right, Я чувствую (понимаю), что мой шша прав. We see that you are not going to give up. Мы видим (понимаем), что ты не собираешься сдаваться. They hear tliat а new teacher is (coming to our school. Им стало известно, что новый учитель приходит к нам в школу. § 4. Третья группа включает глаголы to let, to тако, после которых в конструкции Complex Object неопределённая форма глахола употребляется без частицы to: 01f?a makes me work very hard. T won’t let you go there alone. Однако в nacriifi}fhix структурах с глаголом make частица to употребляется. The children were made to sing. Детей заставили петь. Глагол let в пассиве обычно ис используется совсем. Вместо него употребляется его пассивный аналог be allowed to do something. They let us watch the film. Они позволили нам смотретт. фильм. We were allowed to watch the film. Нам разрешили смотреть фильм. 125 126 Pari Two. \ <>ral)ular\ Kt‘f«*rom r* Щ L Омонимы (Homonyms) § 1. Как известно, слова, совпадающие по звучанию и написанию, но имеющие различное значение, называются омонимами, К омонимам относятся такие существительные, как; 1) а ball - мяч; а ball бал; 2) а match — матч; а match — спичка; глаголы: to lie лежать; to lie лгать. Вышеприведенные примеры являются примерами полных омоеттмов (complete homonyms). § 2. Слова, одинаково звучащие, но имеющие разное написание и значение называются омофонами (homophones) [ ЬошэГэип/]. Примерами омофонов являются: 1) beach пляж; beech — бук {буковое дерево); 2) air — воздух; lieir — наследник; 3) tale сказка; tail хвост; 4) son — сын; sun — солнце, § 3. Слова, имеющие одинаковое написание, но различное звучание и значение, называются омографами (homographs) [‘homagrorfs]. Примеры омографов в английском языке: 1) tear [tea] — рвать на части; tear [tiaj — слеза; 2) lead [li:d] — вести за собой; lead fled] — свинец. II. Синонимы (Synonyms) § 1. Английский язык имеет богатую и хорошо развитую систему синонимов. Синонимы — это слова, близкие по значению, выражающие одно и то лее, но по-разному. Они могут отличаться нюансами значений и их количеством, стилистической и эмоциональной окраской, частотностт»ю употребления н особенностями функционирования. § 2. Знать, чем отличаются друг от друга синонимы чрезвычайно важно при изучении иностранного языка. Многие различия синонимичных слов или выражений объясняются в учебнике, сравните: 1) to murmur говорить негромко; to mumble — говорить рюгромко и неясно; 2) children — дети {стилистически неитраль!10); kid.s ребята {разговорное); 3) rarely редко {более частотно); seldom — редко {менее частотно): 4) type — печатать {на компьютере)-, print печатать (нп печатном станке). Однако в учебнике невозможно объяснить различия в абсолютно всех синонимах, которыми вы пользуетесь. Для того чтобы лучше понять различия между синонимами, следует почапде обращаться к англо-русскому, я лучше — к английскому толковому словарю. 111. Словообразование. Деривация. (Word Building. Derivation) § 1. Многие слова в английском языке образуются путём деривации или аффиксации, когда к корню или основе слова прибавляются префиксы (приставки) или суффиксы. Приставки (префиксы) и суффиксы часто обозначают одним общим термином — аффиксы, отсюда и второе название этого способа образования слов в анг лийском языке аффиксация (affixation). § 2. Некоторые аффиксы довольно часто используются при создании с.чов в современном английском языке fwork-er: qiiick-iy; home-less); другие ^ значительно реже (depend-ent; Afric-anJ[. Определённые аффиксы можно выделить только в структуре современного анг.пийского слова. Они уже не используются для создания новых английских слов (fani-ous; danger-oiis; guld en). § 3. Знание различных словообразовательных моделей и конкретных суффиксов и префиксов помогут вам успешно понять незнакомые слова английского язьпса, а также справиться с заданиями на создание и реконструкцию слов при подготовке к ОГЭ (Общий государственный экзамен), который вам предстоит сдавать в конце 9 класса. 127 § 4. Наиболее частотные префиксы. Префикс Значение Примеры bi- «два» bilingual двуязычный inter- «между, среди» international интернациональный mid- «середина» midnight — полночь prc- «до» prehistoric доисторический re* ♦ пере-, снова», «заново» reread — перечитать rebuild — перестроить mis- «неверно» misunderstand — неверно понять misspell — неверпо написать over- «пере-», сверх меры» overact - переиграть overdo перестараться dis- disagree не согласиться il- ? лттр-л Мтпгтттяттмр^ illiterate — неграмотный im- immaterial — невещественный in- inattentive - невнимательный ir- 1 \ J irregular — нерегулярный, неправильный non- поп swimmer не умеющий плавать un- unattractive — непривлекательный I § 5. Суффиксы, используемые для создания имен существительных 128 Суффикс Значение ^ Примеры -апсе процесс, состояние или свойство importance, entrance, performance -dom состояние, общественный статус или явление kingdom, freedom, boredom -епсе процесс, состояние или свойство difference, existence, preference *ег I деятель, инструмент, с помощью которого выполняется действие reader, driver, runner, computer, mixer, blender указание на принадлежность к женскому роду actress, duchess, waitress -hood состояние, общественное положение childhood, brotherhood, neighborhood -ing наименование результата действий meeting, greeting -ism верования, убемсдения socialism, atheism, idealism -ist профессия, род деятельности pianist, terrorist, optimist, naturalist -i(ty)/y состояние equality, curiosity -ment действие, его результат movement, punishment, improvement -ness качество, состояние happiness, illness, weakness -or профессия, род деятельности doctor, sailor, tailor -ship умение, способность, отношение к чему-либо sportsmanship, friendship, relationship (t)ion свойство, процесс, состояние, результат процесса direction, collection, operation -th обозначение определённого качества, параметра width, length, strength, growth • Обратите внимание на изменения в написании при словообразовании: create creator; pure purity; permit — permi^ion; happy happiness; decide — decision; reserve reservation. Некоторые слова могут иметь в своей структуре и префиксы и суффиксы im happiness. 4 4 § 6. Суффиксы, используемые для создания глаголов или встречающиеся в структуре глаголов. ('уффикс Примеры -ен weaken, deepen, soften -(i)fy clarify, classify, glorify -ize realize, apologize -ate [eit] - -ute translate, contribute • Обратите внимание на изменения в написании слов при словообразовании единиц иной части речи: haste — hasten; beauty — beautify; clear — clarify, • Некото{)ые слова могут иметь в своей структуре тт суффиксы и прс'фиксы: presoften. 129 §7.Су(])фиксы, используемые для создания прилагательных или встречающиеся в их структуре. Каждый из нижеследующих суффиксов свидетельствует о конкретном аспекте той или иной характеристики того или иного качества, выраженного основой или корнем слова. Суффикс Примеры -able comfortable, enjoyable, understandable -al classical, educational, original -an African, Italian, European -ant pleasant, significant, important -ar lunar, solar -ary legendary, imaginary, momentary -ate delicate, fortunate, illiterate -ed pleased, excited, bored -en golden, wooden, woollen -cut different, dependent, violent -ese Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Vietnamese Окончание таблицы 130 fill beautiful, helpful, graceful, powerful •Ibltr (livibihie, rrsiKitisible. (orrililt*. р«жь1Ыс ic atomic, heroic, poetic, nymbolic ■iciil |)otiUciil. niK'hanical. historical iriR iiituresting, Inmhiig, umpiring *islj cliUdish. woiimnieh greenish, Turkinh, Spanish •ive expfn^tvu, negAttve. cnrAlivc '1еь& horoclees. helpless, penmlasa ly friendly, weekly, shapely, daily Otif fnmoiiK, ilangcrous. enomums *y sandy, nusly. sugury. angry £ 8. Суффикс, при помощи которого а английском мямкс обрлауи*тгя ипречкн, эго суффикс 1у: quick — quickly: PuUrien siultUuily: *.l«)w — slowly; pcrfcci — porfoctly. ‘ -MCI I. Формулы |w4pfw>ro ятиксуп!, тлшлы1угмы<.' чтобы iipnpuuTb 1к>мь со6исо;иж1<а| пппрппить его сч<, выс>и1эвты:р|«тичрск<м* замечание: Surr>' to correct yon, liut Not exactly— Yc8, but... ll'b nulqmteab Ibeeil. i tbiiik. ИаВ11}тте. ччч> иоиргш.ияю1$ас. no... Нссопсемтак... Дя. ко... Я yrv ПОНИМАЮ несколько иначе. Пп мой В.*{Г.1ЯЛ... Il))urmm>. что попрни.'шю Вас, по... Боюсь, ты не прае. Унерс'и. 'гго ты ошиСпсшы'в. Ты пбтлютио пгпрни. знаешь ли... (Кйк IIA3) наоборот... Наоборот... Fcirglve me If I keep corrcHrting yon, but... I'lu afraid you're uuatakeu. I'm *uro you’re wr<»ng. Yon'rr quite wrouR, y*ou know... Quite the other way round— Un the contrary— 2. Ц>ормулы рсчеиого этикета, пглпл|,аугмые при fw.tninupe ш*гс.'ич|юиу. Т1111НЧИЫГ poit-’iiiKu звонящего: НоПо. IfB 1.СТГ. бссиоконт... Ц а — apeakiiitf Мну I ьренк 1о.... р1еамг? Можно попреют i> к те.‘н.ч1юну... (Мо»кш> ногонорить с...) Гш calling to l«ll Звоню, чтг^ы сказать... Г11 cjtll... Ык'к 1п1д^г. Я ui‘|X’ODomo пизже. Типичные реплики огве^тющего ш> телефонный звонок: Hello? Л.чло? to receive take the гиПотютить tin аппппн У телефоне... Хщмшо. чгч) гы 1юавоШ1Л (а)... . Как пела? ... не может от1м>тнть на звонок lie вошойто трубку. Я ег/с»ч> позову Воюоь... Н1*т ломн (на мечете) ucfi'uic Передап! что-нибудь? Обязитгльш! передам. Спасибо, что по.1ппн:ы<<0. чтобы выр»31ггь гокнеиие. и*н— Bpeuking... Good to hoar ytai....Hnw are you? ...can’t take rocen-e the call... Iliilfl un. I’ll call her him... I'm nfritid... inn't in now. (at the moment) (.'un I lake the шгччмч'е? ( will. Thanks forcnllinR. 3. Формулы речевою этикета, ксоо.:ьзуемые. в«чк'НТИое'1ь, увер«ч1ШК'Т1<. Помимо и.твестпых тебе способов пыражения сомнения. уве)а'нно(ЧЧ1 (II’в poesi Ыг..., Гш nut (pule МИТ..., I’m certAin.... I doubt it.... 1 linve no dc>ubt about...oU'l. существует позможность выразить то Ж1.> самое при иомпщи мо.'^яльмых глаголов rnunt. may. cooW. mtuht. Обратите вннмипие, что, указывая на 1№роят1ич‘ГЬ сооытин, зтн глл1т>лы HiapnHuiinr различную стгигнисомпання: Пи must Ы? happy. Должно бьт.. ои паплнк. (Я почт уиср(Ч1, чго он ГЧАГГ.1ИВ.) Не may 1и* ]|Н|>|>у. В(иможио (и ;»то fwjju.uiHB и**)н»ятность), что он сча(Г-лив. Не could he Ь.зрру. — Во.1«ожно {есть опрсделон1тя вероятиость), что он С<ШГГ.'1И11. Не imght 1*с happy. Во.зможио (сч-ть мплепькая всгюятшють), «по о» счастлив. 4. (формулы речевою .ттикето. используемые для того, чтобы кырлэип. зяп|хт пли предупреждепне. 131 11р(‘.чу|(р • I wnm yon„. Я прелупрожлак* тебя Гш wariiiiiif you^ КсшешЬог to~. Н()>шбуль<» ■ Reincttilx'r fx> lo Ihr Khops. И«‘аабул1><:холптТ|Омлгллин. ■ Keniembor not to.M Cmoti>u hc... • Reiueitihrr not to come home inte. Смотри, но гг|}ИХолк ломои позлно. • Rcmoiubor ihnl.. Помпи Нсапбудь, что... 132 • Romemhor Umt U*s easy to fall down here. Hc зоАуль. что адсчп. легко ------- упяст».. • Mind (you) liml... И.чсй в вилу— Mind you thalil*ri a lung way. Имей u виду, чш ;>то днлтш. • Lo<»}c«iilf Wnt/’h out! Осторожно! Берегись! Watch out for the train. Берегись иоеоли. • Wntch yourKUipl Смотри под ноги! • Wntch yonr tongne! Следи за спос'й речью! (Думпн, что гош>риш1|.) Yon fihoiilri wntch whnt >*on any! Watch wlial you auyt Следи зи enueit {«чью! • Watch the time! Следи au временем; • I wouldn't do it. Я бы 11гстш1(я) делнгь птою. Запрет (Prohibition). • Don't do it that. He otvi^ii этого! • Whatever you 6w ты !«• ле.пип(и)... (*!тоуго.тио, то.*1ько не...) Wluilevnr you do, don't (ell her. Чтобы ты itu делал, иетиори eii обатом. • Wiiftteveryou do. try not to.» Чтобы ты hit делал, старайся не... Whatever you do, try not to lie rude. Чт обы тн ни лсл«л(п), старлйся »тс т])убить. • jitopitl StopdnliiKil! Прскрнти! • You can’t do it. Yuu mudtn’tdoit. Нельзя атодгошть! • Don’t you dare do it! 1 le cxeit этого делать! • Thiemuet not continue. нода1Жни иролп тжат1л»! ■ Make sure U doeBii’t hap)x>n ;igitin. He .телай этого больше. L?STOFlRRI:CUi^: bf |bt;I was wereivvorl |w3;J l>een [brn| быть bfv'oinr Ibi'kATOl hrcnniD [h) kcim) hc4!onu' (bl'kAmJ CttiKOBIITbCM, ЯВ.1ЯГЪСЯ itegith (bi'gsnl Irf.^un Ibi’gAnJ IIAMHIUltb blow Iblau] blew [blu:| blown [blaunl луть br;dko;.sl] tiruadce^t f bni:dku:st|/ hroaficHftted (bn:dko:$iJi)dc№t (Ьгэ:дкп:5Л1. brondcaeU4l (bro.'dkccstid} транслировать^ породанпть bitild Ibild) built (bdt] litnil (bdt] CriMIHTli burn ttn^l tnirnt Ibimtl burnt ib^mi] Ж1*чь» тр««ть buy (IhiiI t>ougl)t lbj:i) bought [b.y:ii ппкутипт- can [к£п| cuuid (kud) мочь catch ciiiight [kn:tj ciiugbt Ik.rtJ схиатить сЬообе cboMj l$au7.1 Cho!mc 1клл|] cfline Ikciml 1чжи> [k.\iii) приходить cost fkDStl cost fkDsr] cost [kostj CTOMTIi ciiL [kAtJ cut ilCAtJ rut IKaiI pe»*jb dig fdigl dug (dAgI dug Idogl копать dn [du:J did Idrd] done [dAnl л^*лить draw idr?:! drew fdru: | drawn |dr.i:n.1 рисойать; тяп(ить dn>flni Idrirml diT'anioct/dreimu [dremtj dreamed dreamt (drvmt) мечтать drink fdngkl drank fdricnkl drunk IdrAtjki пттть rlrivo [dmiv] flmvn Ldrauv] driven rdnvni йолшь [,ншиипр и f)u л.) c«l {i:ll hU* fel) paten 1 i:tnl i^cn. ГпП [Ij:I| fell IfclJ fnlton ri.>:tan| light Ifmtl fought fought {b;ti драться» сра-жат1*гя find {fnindl fuund Ifnund] found jftHind] ИПКОЛИТ)» riy in«ij flew tnu:) flown Ifbonl летать forget Ifo get 1 forgot (b’giMl forgoUeit lu'gmn) забывать forgive forgave Ifogciv) forgiven ffagtvn] прощать 1 13Э Иродапжоше тай-шиы 134 ! gel fgetl got IgofJ 1 K«l [goij тэлучать give (grvj gave (geivj went [wenll f given 1 QivnJ gone fgoni * илги» lumpun grow Igrau) Imiig j grew tgru:) ^ liung |1|лд] i grown Ignaail ^ hung (llAljJ 1 (шети иошить huve fhavj 1 lind IhxdJ had [hod] им«пь hear Ihid] 1 heurti fha:dj heard [h3:dj СЛЫШИПе hnl^UMTU. ГОЛ«'Р nt4»4 Д« 1 knuw [iKMil knew [njiuj known fn^onl опять Icjiil (|j;d} led LiedJ let! [Jedl П«Т1£, руково- Л1ПЬ leam ГЬ:п1 leaniL4)/lcurnl [IxiilJ li'uriied leamt учить Imvt* left [Icfl] left lleftl уиожягь. Ш110И лять, <к*тяяляп* let flcil let fk-tl lirtllerj ппаж1Л11ть liHlIniJ ley (letj lain (lein) лелеять loee [lu:/.] lofil [Instl loet [lost] ТРрАТЬ nmkr (mrikj rtiAdr [mtudl mmlr {mrid| лп-тпть, иагспов-;:ит1* mam Imi:n] mennt (ment] iiieanl ImrntJ лплчить* импь и виду mc4>t iiu'L (metj im'L [met] i>crpc«uub 1 *1 put [poll put [potl put [poll клпсть read [ri:d) read |rcd| read Ired) что tis ride fraidj n>dt! | гэ<к1| ridden [’mini гадип. (flfpjroAi ми мчииг^и. нл tsf .’.осипгде) rlugfrujl rmig fro!i]| runglrAtjl JBOKIITb rinc [raezj rocn* (roor) ri*гя nm (глп) rail [г№л) nm || лп] ilrraTb Сйу («С|] said |%ed) «aid t^d] сказапь врг |sJ:I w)w fs3:l seen [sinil видеть eell 1<и>|) 8oiляпат|« СЛитчание mo6jmt^u send (м*п<1| нем1 {sent] sent |.senr| иосы«1дТ1» shakt* IJeikl shook {[ok] filniken ([cikan] трясти 1 Kki |ski:] ekierl [ski;dj Hkietl IskndJ кятаться uu лы* жйх ^peak |spi:k) spoke [spoukt spoken [spouk^n] ronopiTTb ' spell [spell speH [spell] sprit (spehl П1К>И4М0СИ ГЬ по ярппс! (spend] (ipt'iil [spciitl spent [sptfnt) траттт. (|?р«г*.*и): прояодпгь(о/П' мя) foaiiil [McendJ stfMKl [Modj »t4Mxl [stud] столтк hteol [stidj stole [stooll stolen {'stoubiil краеги strike hinilk) struek {StrAkJ siritrk (strAkJ у.*шрять, бмтй (о часах) ^wmt Iswimj swam Isweml swum fswAm] плавать tAlu> ficikj took flukl Lnkrii I'lRikan] Cpu'i'k tench Uught lt:t;tl taught |t3:(] VMIITIi. «э6уч«Т1. tear [leal ton* (ia;I torn [ta:nl рвагь tell (tell told llauldl told (lould) СКАЛИТЬ, pacTKfi лать tliink (eiQk] thought fOa:t j thutighi [UaU] думлть finders iniiri [And.iM£end] unriorstuotl [Aiida'siud) understood [andastudl поиимать wear (weal wore [wo:l worn (w3:nl nOCHYb, бЬПЬОД!** тьш win (win) won [wAnl W'OII (WAnI Bumpiijofm. write Irani wn>te (rout I wriUeii 1 ntn] ПИСАТЬ 135 Contents Book Ouido............................................... 3 Unit 3. Science and Technology Step 1................................................... 5 SU?p 2.................................................. II Sl<»p 3................................................. 16 Step Л.................................................. 20 Step 5.................................................. 25 Step 6.................................................. 31 Step 7.................................................. 38 Step 8.................................................. 43 Step 9 Revision tmtl Extension......................... -19 Step 10 Test Yourself................................... 54 Unit 4. Being a Teenager Stop 1.................................................. 58 Step 2.................................................. 64 Step 3.................................................. 69 Step 4.................................................. 75 Stop 5.................................................. 79 Stop 6.................................................. 85 Step 7.................................................. 90 Step 8.................................................. 95 Stop 9 ReWsion and Extension........................... 100 Slop 10 Tost Yoursolf.................................. 106 Вопросы для самооценки................................. 110 lutemot Resources.................................... IП Grammar and Vocabulary Reference....................... 112 Social English Section................................. 131 List of Irregular Verbs................................ 133 EnglUh'Russian Vocnbnlary.............................. 136 151 Crpnn •Rffinlmw Лф|шас1д«|ш 0.1 M*« B(M. и lursna Miixmui И]1ин« Влмиынр/хтпг* Г»ар4Ион« 1Сггни11 Михтсюпиа ЛИ1ЛИПСК11Н язык 9 Kjuici' R Л11}ч 4Af*Ttix. *1дс*т1.2 y*»rftni*ir 8лА.ргД|1яШ1го Л Г Хуле «иге ганшык р|*дяьУ0|) Л. П. Hnnu^fM Xyanattiiiit Л.Л./р/1мл Ц»В Лсиш^ лимит* »fO/» 4tm KUrtiR* Г*tTTtMj«vis t finmnnewtr /5^ >» И«1 HUAI^I ^ nw»W(iM««vninnXltU'< 14.444mrt’AU *N) , IlymiitB 1.фг'«п«»||. •Ulnikii.iuk* itiyo i iiuk ХШЛК Гирш» :\^^Л m;L Л^ьлл S 14 itOO *ЛР(а1>Л*. I стам. Mon.ui»OniCtieAalt Л« Л Н 1«ШГ^Н1М» H«t iM«V|lt.annH« и »мм»« |||«к я>ч 1нм1рл1и«г1к fi iMuuiфв*' oAfuiuuiti^«n»*ip«rv H mum.Oi»CHurf»iii w* a. 4.д>гтр. « m.tHPiKVfbCMMi. 41 Фп1ч iitr.'iivx^oiHi:^ СмпСКК»«АГ<>ФА«. ilrvlR IV I irblpmiMAflUtHnA 1M|I«»iM|«|« in TKl.; KMXI ЖЮ0’У«*>С1 iinoilo» no Гмгмн AcraiVTMUM) y^THM РПШТ I |;|)11'lKiqviMM? УчсГл К) • методический комааскс о. в. Лфяинс(.С1и1. И. В. Михггин, К. М- Ьарятта Лмглнйскип Я)ЫК 5клй(\' О. В. Афднлсм'нл. И. В. Мияссва. К. М. Ьаранопа АиглиЛсхии я ык б класс О- В. А4мнисьс8а. Н. В. Мия1ч-ш1. К. М. Бйрлнлвл Акгдкйскнй я»дк 7i y'li-fiHiK |ч'Ли|;т 7»‘111.гн. J лле У‘ЧШ1Яхс*’ 0 1 « ш vn'ivTpmiiha* ||ри;южс1К|1,' НО m кми.1|.им>'«и<глн ^ рС9>*Л(гТЛ7>1П n/jf1.4UilUMI|fr О. В. И. В. Мкхе«аа« К. М. Блрзтж«1 Авпш*скнм 8i MKaiKi.'-quwM;rnw^*KiiH О. В. Лфаиагьгва. И. R. Мих<'Опя« К. М. BapaiNiH«i Амглийслии ишк Biuacc >Я'Т1'Л11‘К'Снл!( man ржк» и? ги .AS ^ . '4CU/ 4 f М4С :' «Г ^орофа Ш г<