Учебник Английский язык 8 класс Афанасьева Михеева Баранова часть 2

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Учебник Английский язык 8 класс Афанасьева Михеева Баранова часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Rainbow English (Рейнбоу инглиш):

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о. в. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К- М. Баранова гос АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 А94 Условное обозначение: — предлагаемое задание имеет экзаменационный формат А94 Афанасьева, О. В. Английский язык. 8 кл.: в 2 ч. Ч. 2 : учебник / О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова. — М. : Дрофа, 2014. — 126, [2] с, : ил. — (Rainbow English). ISBN 978-5-358-13993-0 (ч. 2) ISBN 978-5-358-14044-8 Учебник, созданный известными специалистами в области пхюподгшания английского языка, является основным компонентом учебно-методического комплекса для 8 класса. Учебник соответствует Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту основного общего образования, рекомендован Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК81.2АНГЛ-922 ISBN 978-5-358-13993-0 (ч. 2) ISBN 978-5-358-14044-8 © ООО «ДРОФА», 20 Book Guide UNIT 3. Performing Arts: Cinema (pages 5—51) Talking 1. The history of cinema Points 2. Film stars of the 20th century 3. Types of films 4. Describing and discussing films Grammar 1. Articles with the names of cinemas, theatres. Points museums, galleries 2. Past perfect and past perfect progressive in the reported speech 3. Future-in-the-past 4. Rules of the sequence of tenses not observed 5. Verbs with two forms of comparative and superlative degrees {late, old, far, near) 6. Definite and zero articles with the adjective late Vocabulary 1. Words for talking points Points 2. Formal and informal English 3. Word building: the suffix -ish to form adjectives 4. Phrasal verbs: to see around, to see to, to see through, to see off Culture and 1. History of Hollywood History 2. Walt Disney and his cartoons Consolidation and Extension (Textbook, Step 8, pages 37—43) Workbook 8: Unit 3 Revision (Textbook, Step 9, pages 44—48) Test Yorself (Textbook, Step 10, pages 48—51) Project Work (Textbook, page 51) UNIT 4. The Whole World Knows Them (Textbook, pages 52—101) Talking 1. Famous people of different countries Points 2. Well-known artists and their works 3. Celebrated writers and scientists 4. Biographies of outstanding people Grammar 1. Passive constructions (general information) Points 2. Past simple passive (affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences) 3. Passive constructions with verbs that can have two objects 4. Passive constructions in present simple 5. Passive constructions with the verbs followed by prepositions 6. Passive constructions with modal verbs 7. Using adjectives after link-verbs {seem, look, feel, etc) Ф TJ п Т5 Vocabulary Points Culture and History 1. Words for talking points 2. The word Sir and its usage 3. English synonyms to learn and to study 4. Confusable English: to be made of versus to be made from 5. Words and phrases to give opinion 6. Word building: suffixes -dom, -hood, -ship, -ism to form nouns 7. Phrasal verbs: to put down, to put off, to put out, to put up with Some representatives of different cultures — Katherine the Great, Mikhail Lomonosov, Alexander Griboyedov, Horatio Nelson, Benjamin Franklin, Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth II, Steve Jobs, American presidents, Confucius, Mother Teresa, Jury Gagarin, etc Consolidation and Extension (Textbook, Step 8, pages 87—93) Workbook 8: Unit 4 Revision (Textbook, Step 9, pages 94—98) Test Yorself (Textbook, Step 10, pages 98—101) Project Work (Textbook, page 101) Unit Performing Arts: Cinema Ф ■D Step 1 DO IT TOGETHER Q Listen to the song, ф (41), and sing it along. Pasadena^ {Karen and Alice Maywood) Come with me to Pasadena, Today at ten we will arrive. I have been in Pasadena For a great deal of my life. Refrain: Come with me to Pasadena If you want to have some fun. Watch the dancing seniorinas In the heat^ of the sun. When I woke up today I heard someone say, “Girl, it’s raining And they’re expecting^ snow”. Refrain And it’s morning I knew What I had to do — Take the next plane And finally go. Refrain ^ Pasadena [pssa'diins] — a city of California, USA, a famous place for holidaymaking ^ heat [hi:t] — жара ® to expect [ik'spect] — ожидать (В •D Л. Work in pairs. Find out: 1) how often your partner goes to the cinema; 2) what he/she prefers: to watch films at home or in a cinema house; 3) what kind of films he/she prefers; 4) if he/she has any favourite films and favourite actors; 5) what is the best/worst film he/she has ever seen and why he or she considers them good or bad. B. Report what your partner told you. Example-. N. says he goes to the cinema once a month with his parents. Listen, ^ (42), and read. A achievement [a'tfi:vmant] — достижение anywhere ['eniwes] — где бы то ни было, повсюду crime [kraim] — преступление director [di'rekta] — режиссёр rapidly ['raepidli] — быстро screen [skri:n] — экран silent ['sailant] — беззвучный, немой, молчаливый within [wi'din] — в течение, с интервалом в, внутри achievement: many achievements, а great achievement. What are Mike’s best achievements in sport? You’ve written a very beautiful piece of poetry, which is quite an achievement! anywhere: to travel anywhere, anywhere else. He never travels anywhere without his camera. Did you go anywhere interesting? This species of tigers doesn’t live anywhere else in the world. crime: a serious crime, a scene of crime, to commit' a crime, to solve a crime. It took the police years to solve that crime. At that moment he didn’t understand that he had committed a crime. director: a film director. What successful film directors do you know? I remember some very good films by this famous director, rapidly: to move rapidly, to develop rapidly, to grow rapidly. People’s interest in politics is rapidly growing in the country. Some of these bossinesses are rapidly developing. screen: a computer screen, a TV screen, to come to the screen. A new icon will appear on your screen. Margo’s screen career was very successful. He is a star of stage and screen. silent: a silent person, silent reading, to keep silent about something, a silent film. I asked my friend to keep silent about my new plans. We walked through a silent forest. Everyone was silent when the president spoke. I think that silent films are in the past now. within: within an hour, within the country. There were four churches within the walls of the ancient city. We arrived within two minutes of each other. I hope to be ready within two or three days. Complete the sentences with the new words from the box. to commit совершать (обычно преступление, самоубийство) 1) You’ve been very ... today. What’s the matter? 2) Killing a person is a terrible ... . 3) Nowadays people prefer big- ... televisions. 4) The car ... disappeared behind the houses. 5) The new test showed much better ... of the students. 6) There are some very talented young film ... working in the country. 7) I think I’ll be able to complete the work ._ two or three days. 8) I can go ... with you if you just ask me. A. Read the text and answer the questions after it. How It All Began ^l6miere Cinema is much younger than theatre. It was born at the end of the 19th century. The first people who showed the first movies to the public ['рлЬкк] were the Lumier ['lumieo] Brothers of France. They did it at the Grand Cafe, Boulevard des Capucines*, Paris, on the 20th February 1896. This was the first cinema show. Very quickly cinema appeared in many other places in all parts of the world. The first films showed moving people and transport, then people were able to see short comedies on the screen. In 1901 France was the first country to produce a dramatic film. The Story of a Crime, then The Great Train Robbery^ appeared in the United States in 1903. At first, people could see films anywhere: in music halls, clubs and shops. By 1908 special film theatres began to give regular programmes. At this time cinema rapidly developed in both the New and the Old World. Charlie Chaplin made his first film. Making a Living, in 1914 in the USA. The Russian film industry was now going on its own way. It produced such great films as Protazanov’s The Queen of Spades (1916) and Father Sergius ['ssicfeias] (1918). A little later Ф ■o ' Grand Cafe, Boulevard des Capucines [ graii] 'ksfa hulva; 'ds 'kapuljm] кафе на бульваре Капуцинок ^ а robbery ['rabari] — ограбление Гранд- fO тз The Battleship “Potemkin” came to the screen. That was Russia’s great achievement in cinema. The film director was Sergey Eisenstein ['aiznstain]. In 1927, Warner Brothers^ in Hollywood made the first film in which an actor sang and spoke. The film’s title was Jazz [(^aez] Singer. It had three songs and a short dialogue. That opened a new era [i:ra] in films — the era of the “talkies”, or sound films. The silent film was dead within a year. The first one hundred percent^ sound film. Lights of New York, appeared in 1928, and the first colour films — in the 1930s. Questions: 1) When was cinema born? 2) What country produced the first dramatic film? 3) Why is the film Jazz Singer important in the history of cinema? 4) Where could the people watch the first films? 5) What can you say about the first Russian films? 6) When was the era of silent films over? When did the era of talkies, or sound films begin? 7) When did the first colour films appear? t What do the marked words in the text mean? What helped you to understand them: a) the way they look and sound or b) the context? Find in the text the names of these films. 1) «Большое ограбление поезда» 2) «Пиковая дама» 3) «Огни Нью-Йорка» 4) «История преступления» 5) «Отец Сергий» 6) «Броненосец “Потёмкин”» 7) «Певец из джаза» 8) «Зарабатывая на жизнь» ' Warner ['шэ:пэ] Brothers — американская кинокомпания ^ percent [pa'sent] — процент ^^'^Artides Обратите внимание, что с названиями театров, кинотеатров, музеев, картинных галерей обычно употребляется определённый артикль. Theatres the Bolshoi Theatre the Maly Theatre the Royal Opera House the Royal Shakespeare Theatre the National Theatre the Playhouse Museums the British Museum the Science Museum the Natural History Museum Cinemas the Coliseum ['kDli'siism] the Saturn [’saet3:n] the Odeon ['audian] the Zenith ['zeniG] the Rossia Cinema House the Forum Galleries the National Gallery the National Portrait Gallery the Tretyakov Gallery n T3 Complete the sentences. Use the articles a or the where necessary. The Royal Opera House The centre of theatre life in Britain is London but in most (1) ... cities and (2) ... towns of (3) ... country there are (4) ... theatres too. There are about (5) ... hundred theatres in London, half of them are situated in (6) ... West End. Probably (7) ... most famous theatre is (8) ... Royal Opera House at Covent Garden which is in (9) ... central London. There you can listen to operas and also watch ballets by the Royal Ballet, which has become very successful. There are many theatres and (10) ... theatre companies for young people. (11) ... National Youth Theatre and (12) ... Young Vic Company in London are among them. This guidebook gives you information about Washington, D.C. Here you can find (1) ... texts about all the museums of (2) ... city. For example, on (3) ... page 56 you can read about (4) ... National Museum of American History and (5) ... some other museums as well. Children often go to (6) ... Natural History Museum where they spend hours learning about how life developed on (7) ... planet. Another must for (8) ... visitor to Washington, D.C. is (9) ... National Air and Space Museum, possibly (10) ... most popular of Washington’s museums and (11) ... most visited museum of (12) ... world. The National Air and Space Museum 10 П) "D Ni DO IT Oni YOUR OWN Use past simple or past perfect to complete the sentences. 1) Many British critics wrote that The King’s Speech (to be) the best film of the year 2010. They (say) it (mark) the rebirth of the British film industry. 2) John was sure that film-makers (to use) the press to sell their product to the public. 3) Alice answered that she really (to enjoy) the movie. 4) The film director said he (to make) a funny comedy. 5) We mentioned that we (already to buy) tickets. Find in the text "How It All Began" the word combinations antonymic to the following. Example', it died — it was born 1) At the beginning; 2) the last show; 3) finally; 4) common film theatres; 5) slowly developed; 6) disappeared from the screen; 7) silent films. 3 Write these in English. 1) Великие достижения; 2) знаменитый кинорежиссёр; 3) совершить преступление; 4) гулять где угодно; 5) в границах (внутри) государства; 6) тихая ночь; 7) широкий экран; 8) быстро расти. Write 8 sentences with the word combinations from exercise 10. Step 2 DO IT TOGETHER Д Listen to the text about Charlie Chaplin, (43), and complete the following statements. 1) Charlie Chaplin ... . a) played in films b) directed films c) was both an actor and a film director 2) Chaplin’s first performance came when he was ... . a) a very young boy b) a teenager c) a young man 3) Chaplin ... . a) was born in the US b) moved to the US c) loved the US 4) Chaplin’s first films were ... . a) short sound dramas b) long silent tragedies c) short silent comedies 5) Chaplin didn’t make the film ... . a) “The Circus Animals” b) “City Lights” c) “Modern Times” Listen to a piece of music by Charlie Chaplin, (44), and say what you associate it with. Read the word combinations and sentences. an important achievement a personal achievement a cultural achievement a film director a theatre director a musical director on the screen a wide screen to come to the screen within a month within a year within the next hour 11 (D •D to commit a crime to solve a crime to report a crime to develop rapidly to produce rapidly to grow rapidly to grow silent to become silent to keep silent within the city within the UK within the garden walls I’ll meet you anywhere you say. He says he can live anywhere in this country. Sit anywhere you like. I tried to find that book but couldn’t see it anywhere. A Read the text and complete it with the word combinations (a—h). Give the text a name. I a) the home of the American film industry b) who lived on the farm near , c) a great success I d) in the early 1890s e) to make films f) and all his actors I g) with an invitation to visit a farm I h) build a film studio 12 fO ■a M Why do many American film companies have offices and studios in Hollywood, California? Do you know it all started (1)... ? The American film industry began (2)... in New York, the financial capital of America. The industry developed very quickly as the technology developed. The first films were black and white and silent. As directors learnt more about filming, they made longer and longer films. Later came colour movies we see today. But in the old days, when the first films appeared, people made them in small studios or in the streets. Then, in 1907, a producer in Chicago was making a film called The Count of Monte Cristo, and part of the film was set at the seaside. He didn’t want to (3)... which looked like a seaside, he wanted a real thing. The producer had a friend (4)... the small town of Hollywood. This friend had invited the producer to visit him. So the producer took all his film crew (5)... with him and they made part of the film at the seaside near Hollywood. The film was (6)... . After that many film companies came to Hollywood (7)... . The town got bigger and bigger and many studios were built. Hollywood became (8)... . ^ Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about films and film making. Report what your partner has said. Example: Ann, have you seen, a lot of films? — Ann said (told me) that she had seen a lot of films lately. 1) Have you seen many films lately? 2) What films were they? 3) Did you enjoy watching them? В 1) Did you go to the cinema last week? 2) To what cinema house did you go? 3) How long did it take you to get there? C 1) Did you see any comedies last month? 2) With whom did you watch the film? 3) Did you enjoy the actors? ▼ о fia ben^ Обратите внимание на изменения, которые происходят в глагольных формах при переводе предложений из прямой речи в косвенную, если глагол, который вводит прямую речь, используется в past simple. Kevin said: "I have been writing a play for a week". Kevin explained he had been writing a play for a week. Alice asked Bob: "How long have you been directing the film? Alice wondered how long Bob had been directing the film. Alice asked Bob how long he had been directing the film. В придаточных предложениях present perfect progressive переходит в past perfect progressive. А group of pupils are staging a play. They have come to their teacher to say what they have been doing. Report what they say. Example: Tim and Sarah: We have heen decorating the hall since last Tuesday. Tim and Sarah explained that they had been decorating the hall since the previous Tuesday. 1) Alice: I have been writing invitation cards for several days. 2) Jane and Robert: We have been making scenery for two weeks. 3) Rebecca: I have been selling tickets for a week already. 4) S i m о n: I have been learning my part for a month. 5) Fred and Lizzy: We have been inviting our classmates and teachers to the performance since last Wednesday. 6) Wendy and Max: We have been making gifts for the actors for several days. 7) A n d r e w: I have been drawing pictures for the performance since last Friday. 13 T3 rsj Describe' a good modern cinema house. Here are some ideas. big hall comfortable seats wide screen good sound equipment equipment for showing films in several shows a day box office that works long hours tickets which are not too expensive booking tickets^ through the Internet drinks and refreshments in the foyer Work in pairs. Invite your friend to go to the cinema. Together decide: — where to go; — what film to see; — which show you prefer: morning, afternoon or evening. DO IT DM YOUR OWni И1 This is what Julia, a famous actress, said about herself in an interview. Report it in writing. Example: Julia said she had always liked cinema. to describe — описывать 3D [|0ri:'di:] = 3-dimentional [dai'menjanl] to book tickets — заказывать билеты 14 п> тз ы Julia: “I have always liked cinema. I think I have been watching my favourite films since my early years. At the age of ten I received my first part in a film. At this moment I’m preparing for some very important festival. I’m going to speak about my acting career. I have been writing my speech for several days.” Compare old and new cinema houses. Use the adjectives in the box in their comparative degree. big, small, narrow, wide, comfortable, expensive, modern, good Example'. The halls in new cinema houses ... . The halls in new cinema houses are bigger than in old cinemas. 1) The foyers in old cinema houses ... . 2) The screens in old cinemas ... . 3) The screens in new cinemas ... . 4) The seats in new cinemas ... . 5) The tickets for films in new cinemas ... . 6) New cinema houses are ... and ... . Spell these words. 1) [3'tj'i;vmant] 2) [kraim] 3) [skri:n] 4) [wi'6m] 5) ['eniwea] 6) [ sadant] 7) [di'rekta] 8) ['rccpidli] Ш Get ready to speak about a visit to the cinema. Mention: what cinema it was; • who was with you; what film you watched; where were your seats; • if you had any refreshments; • if you enjoyed the visit and why (or why not). Step J DO IT TOGETHER Qj Listen to five peopie (1—5) speaking about different films, ^ (45), and match what they say with the statements (a—f). There is one statement you don't have to use. Match the statements with the pictures. a) The speaker says that the film is about Hollywood. b) The speaker explains that the film is not a “talkie”. c) The speaker talks about a musical. d) The speaker explains that the film is about prehistoric animals. e) The speaker says that he has seen the film two times. f) The speaker talks about a Russian film. Say what questions the pupils asked at the meeting with Brian Kelly, a Hollywood actor. Example-. Mark wondered how long Brian had been working in cinema. Mark: How long have you been working in the cinema? 1) Linda wanted to know if Brian had ever taken part in film festivals in Cannes [kaen], France. 2) Diana asked if Brian himself often went to the cinema. 3) Greg asked if Brian had been keeping to a diet of fruit and vegetables. 4) Susan wanted to know when Brian had been to the theatre last. 5) Jack wondered with how many directors Brian had worked. 6) Kevin asked who Brian’s favourite director was. 7) Julie wanted to know when Brian had begun his career. 8) Sarah asked if Brian was going to visit some European countries. 9) Sam wondered in how many films Brian had appeared. 15 Ф "O 16 ^ Пои П( При переводе из прямой речи в косвенную обратите внимание на следующее: если глагол в главном предложении употребляется в простом прошедшем времени, то вспомогательные глаголы will и shall, образующие будущее время, изменяются соответственно на would и should: John said: "I will have an advantage over Bob." John said he would have an advantage over Bob. We said: "We shall go to the cinema." We said we should go to the cinema. future simple future-in-the-past future simple future-in-the-past П) T3 u Report what they said. Use the verbs from the box. wondered, thought, wanted (to know), asked, said Example: Jenny: I’ll play the central part in a new film. Jenny thought she would play the central part in a new film. 1) P e t e r: What film will you see at the Odeon? 2) J о h n: Hector, will you appear in this comedy? 3) V a 1: I shall go to the cinema in the evening. 4) R о b e r t: Jane, will you buy tickets for The Sounds of Music! 5) M r Cook: We shall have our seats in the stalls. 6) Mrs Cook: I am sure our daughter won’t like this film. 7) Mrs Evans: Where shall we meet? 8) Miss Fox: Who will play in this comedy? A. Listen, ^ (46), and read the words and phrases that can help you to speak about films. Good impression^ powerfull — сильный moving — трогательный thrilling — волнующий gripping — захватывающий enjoyable — приятный a hit — ХИТ, успешный фильм a blockbuster — кассовый фильм, блокбастер Bad impression Words slow — затянутый boring — скучный shallow — поверхностный silly — глупый violent — жестокий, содержащий сцены насилия Phrases The film is good fun. — Фильм интересный (весёлый). I enjoyed every minute of it. The film leaves a deep impression. — Фильм оставляет глубокое впечатление. The film is a flop. — Фильм провалился. It is so-so. — Oh так себе. ^ an impression [im prejn] — впечатление Watching this film is a waste of time. — Смотреть этот фильм — попросту терять время. The film has an interesting message. — Фильм содержит интересные идеи. The actors’ playing is fantastic. The director’s work is original. The film is a hit with the public. — Фильм пользуется успехом у публики. В. What сап these people say about the film they are watching? 17 1) Andrew 2) John Say the same in one word. 3) Jack 4) Nick 5) David fB •o Ы Something that — moves you is (1) ... thrills you is (2) ... doesn’t move fast is (3) ... keeps you interested is (4) ... has a lot of crime and blood is (5) ... doesn’t have any interesting ideas is (6) is popular with the public is a (7) ... is uninteresting is (8) ... is not clever is (9) ... is pleasant is (10) ... Say what film you have lately seen is a) powerful; b) gripping; c) moving; d) good fun; e) a hit with a public. f) slow; g) boring; h) shallow; i) violent; j) a flop. Think of three films you've seen and say what you think of them. Use the words and phrases from exercise 4. DO IT ON YOUR OWN Report what the children said in writing. Bob: I will go to see a ballet next Sunday. Helen: Sid, will you join us? Sally: What play will they perform? Harris: Will you help me, Paul? Chris: I won’t go to the circus with you. 18 Ф •о □ Spell these words. 1) ['gripig] 3) [hit] 5) [Vaiabnt] 7) [flop] 2) ['Oriliq] 4) ['blokbAsta] 6) ['Jaelau] 8) ['mu:vii]] Pair up the antonyms from the boxes. Write the pairs down. boring kind slow war clever fast moving violent a hit peace deep gripping first finally a flop silly shallow ш Give the English for the following word combinations. 1) Трогательная история; 2) захватывающие события; 3) глубокое впечатление; 4) игра актёра; 5) жестокое поведение; 6) пустая трата времени; 7) важная идея; 8) поверхностный ответ. Step 4 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (47), to the dialogues (1—4) and say where these talks (a-take place. There is one statement you don't have to use. a) The dialogue takes place in the circus. b) The dialogue takes place at the theatre. c) The dialogue takes place in the box-office. d) The dialogue takes place outside the cinema house. e) The dialogue takes place at home. -e) You know the words in column A. Read the sentences (1—10) and say what the words in column В mean. A. achievement impression silent rapidly a screen В to achieve to impress silence rapid to screen 1) The Russian hockey players have achieved really great results. 2) He is one of the actors who has achieved real success in Hollywood. 3) What impressed me was the way they solved their everyday problems. 4) This is not the film to impress the public. 5) When I answered the phone, there was dead silence (= no sound at all). 6) The owl’s cry broke the silence in the forest. 7) We see a rapid growth in the use of the Internet. 8) The result of the reform is a rapid change of the national industry. 9) To screen means to make a film of some literary work. 10) When did they screen “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy? Pta bene Правила согласования времён не соблюдаются, если глагол в главном предложении используется в форме прошедшего времени (said, explained, thought, added, etc.), a в придаточном предложении a) речь идёт об общеизвестной истине, фактах не требующих доказательств; Не said that the Earth is round. I explained to little Ann that the sun sets in the west. 6) указывается конкретная дата события: John said he left school in 2012. b) используются модальные глаголы must, should, ought (to): I thought you must visit her. He said I should be more careful. 19 n> •a A Read the sentences and explain in Russian the use of the verb forms in the clauses’. 1) I didn’t know when Patricia was born. 2) He said the American film industry began in 1890s in New York. 3) My mother told me I ought to see the doctor. 4) The teacher explained to his pupils that the Earth is moving round ' the Sun. 5) He was not sure that there are four oceans in the world. 6) Jacob thought that the Lake District is in Scotland though it is situated in England. 7) My older brother said World War II began in 1939. 8) He said he didn’t know when the first Russian film appeared. Read the text. Use the necessary forms of the words on the right to complete it. As you know Hollywood is the home of the American film industry. Hollywood (1) ... an ideal climate and different places to make films. They are much (2) ... than many others. You can find deserts, hills and mountains, small seaside towns and the city of Los Angeles there. Since the 1920s thousands of directors (3) ... their films in this place. Nowadays Hollywood is (4) ... than ever. You can watch films of its studios in all parts of the world. But these days film-makers prefer (5) ... crews to real places to make films there, and many studios (6) ... in Hollywood. Whatever^ the future (7) ..., we’ll remember Hollywood as the centre of the American film industry. a clause [kb:z] — придаточное предложение whatever [WDt'eva] — что бы ни offer good make popular send close, bring Read the texts and match the names of these actors and actresses with the information about them. 20 •D 4k a) Yuri Nikulin b) Charlie Chaplin c) Lubov Orlova d) Marilyn Monroe [imaenhn man'rau] e) Jean Marais [i3a:nma:'rea] f) Sophia Loren [saU|fi:a b:ren] 1) He was born in 1889 in England and lived a long life. He was a film actor and director who worked a lot in the USA in silent black-and-white comedy films. His favourite role was that of a tramp* wearing funny clothes and walking in a funny way. During his life he was very popular with the public. He died in 1977. 2) She is a beautiful Italian actress. She was born in 1934. During her work in cinema she was a real film star and had won several Academy Awards^. 3) This Russian actor was born in 1921. He was at the front during the Second World War. Since 1950 he began to work in the circus as a clown. He became a popular film actor in his country. A lot of people remember him for his comic and tragicomic parts. 4) She is an American film actress, born in 1926, whose real name is Norma Jean Baker. She played a number of characters in many successful films. She was a perfect example of a Hollywood studio star. She had a tragic life and died at the age of 36. Since her death interest in her life has only grown. 5) He is a popular French actor who was born in 1913 and died in 1998. He starred in a lot of popular films. Probably cinemagoers remember the parts of Monte Cristo and Phantomas best. 6) She was born in Russia in 1902 and died in 1975. She played in one of Moscow theatres but appeared both on screen and stage. She played central parts in the films The Spring, The Circus and Volga-Volga. a tramp [traemp] — бродяга an Academy Award [3,kEEd3mi a'wDid] — награда Академии киноискусства л Listen, ^ (48), and read the names of some popular types of films. Types of Films an adventure [ad'ven^a] film — приключенческий фильм a thriller — триллер a crime film — детектив an action ['aekjn] film — фильм в жанре «экшн» а western — фильм в жанре «вестерн» а war film — военный фильм а psychological [ saika'lnc^ikl] drama — психологическая драма а comedy — комедийный фильм а horror [Ъргэ] film — фильм ужасов а musical — мюзикл а science fiction [^saians 'fikfn], sci-fi ['sai|fai] — фантастический фильм a family film — фильм для семейного просмотра а documentary [idnkju'mentri] film — документальный фильм а cartoon [ka:'tu:n] — мультфильм 21 п> ■а и В. Think of several films you've seen and say to which types they belong. Look at the pictures and name the types of these films. DO IT ON YOUR OWN 22 n> ■a ui Match the types of these films with their descriptions'. 1) 2) A film with lots of music and dance. A film about cowboys and life in the Wild West. 3) A film about criminals and detectives. 4) A film in which terrible and frightening^ things happen. 5) A film about space travels or life in an imaginary® future. 6) A funny film with a happy ending. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. a) a horror film b) a crime film c) a comedy d) a western e) a musical f) a science fiction film (a sci-fi) achieved, impress, silence, screen, rapid 1) John mentioned the ... development of new technologies in the film industry. 2) I don’t think this science fiction film can ... you. 3) The two actors were looking at each other in ... . 4) The republic ... its independence in the middle of the previous century. 5) A famous Hollywood director is going to ... one of Jeffrey Archer’s stories. Spell these words. 1) ['hnra] 2) [ dnkju'mentri] 3) [ka:'tu:n] 4) [ad'ventfa] 5) ['erils] 6) ['aekjn] 7) [|Saika'lDd5ikl] 8) ['westan] Get ready to speak about the type of films you like to watch. Mention: what type of film it is; why you like such films; what films of this type you have seen; which of them you think is the best; who the director of the film is; what actors play in the film. Step 5 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the text, ^ (49), and say which of the facts is not mentioned in it. 1) At first the Willcoxes bought two lemon farms near Los Angeles. 2) The Willcoxes called the land they had bought Hollywood. a description [dl'skripjn] — описание frightening ['fraitanip] — пугающий imaginary [l‘m£ed5inri] — воображаемый 3) Until 1910, audiences did not know the names of their favourite actors and actresses. 4) Good weather attracted film-makers to California. 5) Actors and actresses didn’t talk in the first films. 'Ж' TRADE ■ MARK »'.T* Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Paramount Pictures 20th Century Fox Universal Pictures Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. Warner Bros. [Ъглбэг] 23 Ф "O Ul A Read and say what types of films they are. Example: A comedy is a film that tries to make the audience laugh. 1) A comedy 2) A thriller 3) A romantic comedy 4) A drama 5) A cartoon 6) An action film 7) A family film 8) A historical film a) any serious film b) a film which is a love story and a comedy c) a film that parents and children enjoy watching together d) a costume drama about real historical events e) a film where characters are not people f) a film with a lot of fights g) a film that makes you thrilled, often about a crime h) a film that tries to make the audience laugh B. Answer these questions. 1) What action films have you seen lately? 2) Are you fond of horror films? Why? Why not? 3) Sherlock Holmes [JsrlDk'houmz] is one of the world-famous characters of crime films. Do you know any others? 3) Are psychological dramas popular nowadays? 4) Why do you think they are (aren’t)? 5) Who do you think prefers to watch science fiction films more: men or women, young people or those who are older than sixty? 6) Can you call the film about Robinson Crusoe an adventure film? Why? Why not? 7) What adventure films have you seen or heard of? 8) Can you give the titles of some thrillers? Listen, (50), and read. 24 Ф ■c 1Л agree [a'gri:] — соглашаться applaud [a'pbd] — аплодировать attentive [a'tentiv] — внимательный besides [bi'saidz] — кроме, кроме того, помимо cheap [tji:p] — дешёвый price [prais] — цена rise [raiz] — подниматься seem [si:m] — казаться at last [at'larst] — наконец agree: to agree with somebody, to agree to do something, to agree with somebody (on/about) something, to agree to a plan/an idea/an offer. Do you think John will agree with us? We agreed to leave at once. It’s a fantastic movie, isn’t it? — I couldn’t agree more. (=I quite agree with you.) applaud: to applaud somebody, to applaud loudly/warmly/wildly. The audience applauded the actors wildly. We all got to our feet and applauded the speech. attentive: to be attentive to somebody or something; an attentive listener, an attentive student. Our family doctor is friendly and very attentive. Be attentive to your younger brothers and sisters, besides: I don’t like the jacket, besides it’s too expensive. There are a lot of rivers in England besides the Thames. cheap: cheap food, cheap clothes, cheap tickets. I think that cinema tickets should be cheaper. price: the price of something, low and high prices, to buy something at a low price. What’s the price of these apples? They bought their television at half price. She has become very successful, but at what price? rise (rose, risen): to rise rapidly, to rise regularly. Everyone knows that the sun rises in the east. The curtain rose and we saw some beautiful scenery on the stage. seem: to seem nice, to seem good, to seem to somebody. It seems rather cold today. It seems to me that the weather is going to change, at last: At last we got the answer we wanted to get. At last means the same as finally. Match the words in the two columns and complete the sentences. tickets for the film attentive enough for their words rose into the air to send the students the actors loudly agree applauded cheap price plane besides seemed 1) The ... and then disappeared in the clouds. 2) The school will never ... abroad without teachers. 3) I would like to buy ten ... . 4) Did you speak to anyone ...? 5) The audience ... and I understood the performance was a real success. 6) The children ... to what their teacher was saying. 7) They have paid a very high ... . А. Think of what these proverbs may mean. Choose the right variant. 1) Best is cheapest. a) Cheap things are better than expensive things. b) Good things serve longer, so in the long run' they save your money. c) It’s always better to buy cheap things. 2) Birds in their little nests agree. a) Birds always live peacefully. b) People must agree not to kill birds or destroy their nests. c) If you want to be happy, you must live together in harmony. 3) Things are seldom what they seem. a) What you see doesn’t always tell you the truth, look deeper. b) You can never be sure of what you see. c) Things often seem to be better than they are. 4) A thing that you don’t want is dear at any price. a) Don’t buy things that are dear (expensive) in their price. b) Don’t buy things that are cheap in their price. c) Don’t buy things you don’t need even if they are cheap. 3 Which of these proverbs do you agree with? Tell a brief story to illustrate one of them. 25 (Tl ■D U1 Некоторые имена прилагательные образуют степени сравнения особым образом. К ним относятся, например, такие единицы, как late (поздний) и old (старый). .-*■ later (более поздний) — latest (последний, очередной; 1. late"''^ последний на настоящий момент) latter [laeta] (последний из двух упомянутых) — last (самый последний, больше не будет) Let's take а later train. Pete and his friend came in. The former^ was short. The latter was very tall. What is the latest movie by Nikita Mikhalkov? August is the last summer month. 2. Обратите внимание на различие в употреблении артикля с прилагательным last: last (прошлый по времени) last year — в прошлом году last month — в прошлом месяце last week — на прошлой неделе last summer — прошлым летом older — the oldest (о людях и предметах) 3. old elder - семьи) the last (последний по порядку) the last house on the left the last question in the exam paper the last month of the year the last bus the eldest (только о людях, как правило, о членах ' in the long run — в конечном итоге ^ former ['1э:тэ] — первый из двух упомянутых This oak is the oldest tree in the garden. Jane is my older (elder) sister. Granny is the oldest (eldest) member of the family. 4. При сравнении используются слова older и oldest, но не elder и eldest. Jane is two years older than Jack. Mr Davis is the oldest member of the club. 26 n> ■a ui Translate these sentences into Russian. 1) She always dresses in the latest fashion. 2) What time does the last bus leave? 3) December is the last month of the year. 4) The teacher told us about the latest elections’ in this country. 5) We’ve read two books this month — “Alice in Wonderland” and “Matilda”. As to me, the latter was more interesting. 6) This poem belongs to his later works. 7) He did well in both schoolwork and sport and won some medals in the latest football matches. 8) His latest film is very sad. 9) “My Old Friends” was Joseph’s last work. He wrote the book just before he died. 10) It happened on the last day of November. Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences. In two sentences both words are possible. 1) I bought the (latest/last) copy of today’s paper. There were no more in the kiosk. 2) His (last/latest) words before he died were: “The rest is silence.” 3) My uncle is the (oldest/eldest) member of my family. 4) Do you know that Mr West’s (older/elder) daughter is an actress? 5) What is the (last/latest) day of the week? 6) What do you think about his (last/latest) play? Does John himself like it? 7) The school building is (older/elder) than all the other buildings in this street. 8) What is the (last/latest) news’’? 9) I haven’t read Kitty's (last/latest) play, but I know what she is working on now. 10) My friend’s (elder/older) brother is not in Russia now. DO IT ON YOUR OWN Use the appropriate forms of the words on the right to complete the text. Mel Gibson, a famous American actor, never (1) ... about that profession think when he was a child. His real dream (2) ... to become a journalist. But his be (3) ... sister said he (4) ... a very old, be good actor. She (5) ... his name down put for the Academy and they (6) ... him. choose Now Mel Gibson is one of the (7) ... good world-famous actors. elections [ilekjnz] — выборы news [nju:z] — новости Use the words from the box and complete the sentences. attentive, agreed, applauded, prices, cheap, price, besides, seem, seems, cheaper 1) I hope that the ... on food won’t rise too high. 2) These shoes are expensive — ..., they are too small. 3) We all ... the director’s plan to give the film a happy ending. 4) What ... did they pay for the house? 5) The pupils were very ... when the teacher was speaking. 6) I don’t like this dress: it looks ... and old-fashioned. 7) He ... to visit us some day and read his poems. 8) Thin people always ... to be taller than they really are. 9) Cinema tickets for morning shows are usually ... than tickets for evening performances. 10) It ... like years since I last saw you. Spell these words. 1) [bi'saidz] 3) [si:m] 5) [prais] 7) [a'tentiv] 2) [a'gri:] 4) [lji:p] 6) [raiz] 8) [o'pb:d] Write these word combinations in English. 1) В прошлом году; 2) последний день недели; 3) последняя книга (автор жив); 4) последняя книга (автора нет в живых); 5) мой старший брат; 6) старше, чем я; 7) самый старший член семьи; 8) мой самый старший брат; 9) самый старший ученик в классе. 27 Ф тз Ф Step 6 DO IT TOGETHER я Од S о. о Р. Ц Listen, ^ (51), and say which of the following is true, false or not stated in the text. 1) The two friends went to the cinema every Saturday afternoon. 2) Once they decided to watch a new film. 3) They wanted to look older than their age because the film was not for young children. 4) Both boys put on unusual clothes. 5) In the ticket office they asked Nick about his age. 6) The boys watched a funny film. 7) They both enjoyed the film a lot. 8) The storyteller didn’t find the film quite fit* for the children’s age. fit подходящий 28 Read these word combinations. attentive eyes to applaud the singer attentive ears to applaud the speech an attentive audience to applaud the actors a high price cheap clothes a low price cheap goods a half price cheap tickets Л) тз а> to seem pleasant to seem curious to seem expensive to happen at last to finish at last to find at last to agree to watch a film to agree to play in one team to agree to study more a story and a poem besides a skirt and two blouses besides a cup of coffee and a sandwich besides You know the words in column A. Read the sentences (1—8) and say what the meanings of the words in column В are. attentive applaud price attention applause priceless pricy/pricey 1) “May I, please, have your attention, gentlemen?” said the lecturer. 2) What first caught my attention was his voice. 3) There was a storm of applause when the performance ended. 4) His speech got a lot of applause. 5) He has a priceless collection of drawings. 6) The information they sent to us was really priceless. Now we knew what to do and where to go. 7) Mum says my new clothes are too pricey, but I don’t think twenty dollars is too much for a blouse. 8) The car we have bought is not cheap, but it is not very pricey either. Men and women have different tastes in films. Look at the diagram and comment on it using the phrases from the box. I understand from the chart that... I’m surprised to see that... I find it interesting that... It’s difficult to believe that... The most unusual thing is that... I quite agree that... Types of films action horror psychological drama comedy musical ^ cartoon science fiction A Read the text and match the titles below (a—e) with its four paragraphs. There is one title you don't have to use. I a) Why We Go to the Cinema I b) How Cinema Began s c) Where We Watch Films I d) Cinema Was the Great World of Fantasy I e) Tastes Differ^ 29 ID ■D № Let’s Go to the Cinema! 1) Today it is possible to buy a video and watch a film at home, but millions of people all over the world still prefer to go to their town or city cinema for a “night out”. And before television arrived in people’s homes, a visit to the cinema was something really special and truly wonderful. 2) The Golden Age of film-making and going to the cinema was between 1930 and 1950. Film stars seemed like kings and queens. Cinemas were “picture palaces” where, for the price of a ticket, you could find yourself in a magical world. In that world anything and everything was possible. 3) Nowadays cinema audiences are much smaller and usually younger than the audiences of the Golden Age. Many of the “picture palaces” are now multiscreen cinemas with four or five small cinemas inside one building. Today’s films appear on video, and then on TV after cinema audiences have seen them. But some films don’t look so good on TV, they need a large screen and only then you can really enjoy them. Television can’t do it. You may agree or disagree with it, but for many people the cinema is still the only place to watch a film. Besides, the cinema is the only place where you can watch a brand-new^ film before your friends do it and decide if you like it. Tastes differ. = О вкусах не спорят, brand-new = new and completely unused 4) Of course, everyone has their own favourite kinds of films — action films or thrillers, comedies, psychological dramas, science fiction, adventure and crime films, horror films or musicals. But cinema is always in the focus of our attention; it thrills, entertains and educates us. 6. Listen, ^ (52), and read the text aloud. 30 rt> •o Read the text "Let's Go to the Cinema" again and find in it the words and word combinations which mean: 1) an evening when you go out to a cinema, theatre or party. 2) a period of time when the best works of cinema industry appeared. 3) a well-known actor or actress in cinema pictures. 4) money you pay for a ticket. 5) a place which is strange, wonderful and enjoyable. 6) filmgoers. 7) having a few screens. 8) the film that has just appeared on the screen. 9) films that tell a very exciting story, usually of crime or adventure. 10) funny films which end happily. 11) films about imaginary future events travelling to other planets. 12) films where terrible and dangerous things happen, such as dead people coming to life. 13) films with spoken words, songs and often dances. and characters, often about W П ta best Прилагательные far (далёкий) и near (близкий), также как late и old, образуют степени сравнения иначе, чем остальные прилагательные: farther — further 1. far 7^ ^ * farthest — furthest Указание на расстояние Vladivostok is farther/further away from Moscow. My house is the farthest/fur-thest from the station. Указание на дополнение For further information, see Page 2. Any further questions? That's a further reason to do it. further improvement — улучшение further education образование further notice уведомление дальнейшее — дальнейшее — дальнейшее 2. near ■ nearer — nearest (ближайший, самый близкий) 'next (следующий по порядку, соседний) next The next train to London is at 10 a.m. We'll watch this film at the next lesson. nearest Where is the nearest cinema? The nearest house to ours is 2 miles away. But. in the near future — в ближайшем будущем next door — no соседству, рядом (in the house next door) next-door — соседний (in the next-door house) 31 A Choose the right forms to complete the sentences. In some sentences you can use both the forms. 1) What do you think of your (further/farther) education? 2) He lives four miles (further/farther) away from the cinema than I do. 3) We have no (further/farther) information. Call us later, please. 4) The hospital is (further/farther) from the school than the park. 5) They agreed to meet in the (farthest/furthest) corner of the park. 6) I wonder what her (farther/further) explanation is going to be. 7) The hunter’s house is on the (further/farther) shore of the lake. 8) Have you any (further/ farther) questions? S Choose the right forms to complete the sentences. 1) Two passengers talking on the bus: “What’s the (nearest/next) stop?” 2) We’ll have to walk to the (nearest/next) shop, I’m afraid. 3) How do you usually get to the (nearest/next) underground station? 4) Do you know the name of your (nearest/next)-door neighbour? 5) Excuse me, where is the (nearest/next) telephone box? 6) What is your (nearest/ next) question? 7) Peter lives (nearest/next) to the school of all of us. 8) We have to hurry if we want to catch the (nearest/next) bus to Liverpool. ro T3 0> DO IT DM YOUR OWN Some of these sentences have mistakes. Find the sentences and correct the mistakes. 1) My best friend lives next door to me and we go to school together. 2) Excuse me, where is the next bus stop? 3) The cinema is a bit farther on along this road, next to the bank. 4) The nearest train to Saint Petersburg leaves at 6.30. 5) Farther education is the education you get after leaving school. 6) They think the Sun goes round the Earth. What next? 7) If you travel farther north, you will be able to see some very beautiful places of wild nature. 8) If we want to see a new film, my friends and I go to the next cinema. 9) What are they going to do in the nearest future? 10) Which is further from here: the cinema house or the circus? Complete the sentences with the words from the box. 1) 2) 32 3) 4) 5) r+ Ф 6) ■D 7) in town. I can’t buy this game, it’s too many years. For us they are ... . The audience gave the famous actor a storm of ... . If you aren’t ... , you’ll miss the most interesting episode in the film. Change the words on the right to complete the text. Kirsten Dunst (1) ... in films since she was three hut Spiderman fans know her as Peter Parker’s girlfriend. First she (2) ... to play the role of Mary Jane. When a journalist asked her what she (3) ... of the character, she said that Mary Jane was great but she (4) ... playing her in Spiderman 2 where she finally gets married. Wimbledon is another popular film with Kirsten. This is a romantic comedy. Her character, a tennis player, (5) ... in love with another athlete. Their love (6) ... him (7) ... and (8) ... them both very happy. be not want think prefer fall help, win, make Get ready to speak about a film star you like. Mention the following: where he/she comes from; • when he/she started appearing in films; • some of the most successful parts he/she played; • your favourite film with this actor and why you like it. Step 7 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the text about four films, (53), and match the film numbers (1—4) with the statements below (a—e). One statement you don't have to use. a) In this film the central character is in great danger. b) In this film the central character learns an important lesson. c) In this film four people travel through time and space. d) In this film four children help to free a country from its ruler. § e) In this film its character can do something that other people can’t. Have you seen these films? What are they? Do you like them? 33 (B T3 Listen, ^ (54), and read. A. caring ['кеэш]] — заботливый, любящий deserve [di'z3:v] — заслуживать gifted ['giftid] — одарённый imagine [1'таефт] — воображать, представлять себе imagination [i|maecj5i'neij^n] — воображение library ['laibrari] — библиотека matter ['maeta] — 1) дело; 2) проблема, вопрос для обсуждения novel ['noval] — роман punish ['рлшД — наказывать B. caring: а caring teacher, loving and caring parents. He is a good father because he is so caring. Caring teachers can make a difference. It is a great school because there are so many caring people there, deserve: to deserve a holiday, to deserve a prize. You have worked hard and now you deserve a break. Do you think she has deserved what she has got in the end? gifted: a gifted child, to be gifted in/at something. She is very gifted in music. He is very gifted at maths. They are very gifted athletes, imagine: to imagine something, it’s hard/impossible to imagine. I can hardly imagine that we’ll live there. You don’t really imagine I’ll agree to that. imagination: It is a product of your imagination. It doesn’t take great imagination to say what happened next. library: a town library, a school library, to borrow books from a library. You can borrow this book from our university library. The Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. is one of the largest libraries in the world, matter: a matter for consideration, an important matter. What’s the matter with the radio? It won’t turn on. There is nothing the matter with you, you are just tired. novel: an interesting novel, a long novel, a novel by Leo Tolstoy. A novel usually tells us about different places and people like those in real life. punish: to punish a pet, to punish seriously, to punish somebody for something. If you miss at school, the teachers will punish you for that. Use the prepositions from the box where necessary to complete the sentences. 34 Ф X5 1) Have you read any novels ... Ivan Turgenev? 2) Every week I go ... the library and borrow one or two books ... it. 3) I don’t think there is anything the matter ... her. She simply doesn’t want to join ... us. 4) “Young Robinson, I’ll punish you ... these words,” said the School Head. 5) I don’t think she deserves ... your love. 6) My elder brother is very gifted ... the art of drawing. 7) My little sister is not very gifted ... maths, but she has got a very rich imagination. Match the words in the two columns and complete the sentences (1—9) with the word combinations. imagine deserve punish gifted caring moving school poor important her servant imagination a prize matter novel library child my future life teachers 1) My little neighbour is a very ... . She can easily write gripping and moving stories. 2) Jane can’t ... . She has several rather poor marks in biology. 3) I can’t borrow books from our ... so far. I haven’t given back two novels yet. 4) The cruel old lady decided to ... . The latter was rather silly and didn’t understand what he had to do. 5) I really think it is an ... for our consideration, and besides I must give our answer in two days. 6) The school is really great because loving and ... work there. 7) I have finished reading the book at last. It is a ... with a happy ending. 8) His cousin is a rather shallow boy with a ... . 9) I can’t ... without you. It seems impossible. Read the text and give it a title. What do you think the marked words in the text mean? What helped you to understand their meanings: a) the way they look and sound, b) the context, c) both? Yesterday I took my younger sister to the cinema to see “Matilda”. It is a fairly old children’s film. I can say it is a family film too because I think grown-ups can enjoy it as much as children. The film appeared on the screen in 1996. Its director was Danny DeVito, a famous American actor, who starred [sta:d] in the film. Mara Wilson played the leading role, that of Matilda. David Newman wrote music to the film. “Matilda” is truly enjoyable. It is a gripping and moving film. You love every minute of it. It is a modern American screen version' of Roald Dahl’s novel of the same name. Matilda Wormwood (Mara Wilson) is a very clever and talented girl. One of the great things about her is her love of books. Her family do not understand her and are not interested in her or her wishes. Her father, who sells old cars, refuses to buy her books. Matilda feels very lonely. At the age of four she takes matters in her own hands and begins to visit the library and read lots of books. Though Matilda is too young she asks her parents to send her to school and in the end they agree to do it. At school quite unusual things begin to happen. Matilda finds out that she can move objects. These wonderful telekinetic powers help her to punish the terrible and violent School Head Miss Trunchbull who terrorizes pupils. In the film Matilda believes that when a person is bad, he or she deserves to get a lesson. There are two types of grown-ups in “Matilda”. Mr and Mrs Wormwood, the girl’s parents, and the Trunchbull, as the children call her, are not pleasant people. They are rather cruel and uncaring. Matilda’s teacher. Miss Jennifer Honey, is, by contrast, kind and she quickly discovers Matilda’s intellectual gifts. The girl develops a warm friendship with Miss Honey. I think “Matilda” is one of the best films I have ever seen. The actors’ performance is fantastic, the special effects are great, the music is nice. But the most important thing about the film is that it is thought-provoking^ and helps to develop our imagination and to understand the world around us better. 35 fD ■o •si S. Listen, ^ (55), and read the text aloud. Собирательные имена существительные, такие, как family, government, crew, audience, group, team, в предложении могут употребляться с глаголами в единственном и во множественном числе. Сравните: A. 1. Му family is big. (Семья целиком) 2. Му family are not interested in sport(s). (Члены семьи) B. 1. The present government hasn't been in power long. (Правительство целиком, орган государственной власти) 2. The Moscow Government usually arrive at their place of work at 9 o'clock. (Члены правительства, отдельные люди) Щ Speak about the film "Matilda". Mention the following. The type of film The time when it appeared • The film director • The story line in short Some of the actors and their performance • The message of the film • The narrator’s impression ‘ screen version ['skri:n ,V3:Jn] — экранизация ^ thought-provoking ['03:tprO|V3ukii]] — заставляющий думать 36 (В тз Fornnal and Informal Вы, наверное, не раз замечали, что наш выбор слов часто зависит от той ситуации, в которой мы находимся, то есть от ситуации общения. К примеру, в официальной ситуации (на работе, на деловой встрече) люди обычно не используют так называемую сниженную, бытовую лексику, если не хотят быть неправильно понятыми. Сказанное справедливо для всех языков. Ниже приводится список некоторых слов, относящихся к категории формальных или нейтральных по стилю и соответствующих им единиц неформальной лексики. Их полезно запомнить. More formal or neutral a bicycle (a) television a friend a refrigerator a man mother and father wonderful a policeman to telephone I enjoyed the film. Hello! Goodbye Thank you. What's the matter? Quite informal a bike the telly a pal a fridge a guy mum and dad terrific a cop to phone The film grabbed me. Hi! Ta-ta. Та. What's up? Read the dialogue and say how it can sound in informal English. Stolen^ Bicycle Polly: Hello, Walter! What’s the matter? Walter: Someone has stolen^ my bicycle! It makes the second time this year. Polly: Poor Walter! My mother saw a pro- gramme on television yesterday. They said something about a man stealing bicycles in our neighbourhood. Walter: Really? I have a friend who is a policeman. Do you think I should telephone him? Polly: I think it’s a wonderful idea. Meanwhile I can drive you to work. Walter: Thank you. It’s very helpful of you. stolen ['staulan] — украденный steal (stole, stolen) — красть DO IT ON YOUR ОШШ Q Rewrite these sentences. Use neutral vocabulary. 1) It’s getting late. I’m afraid I must go. Ta-ta. 2) Why don’t you watch the telly while I’m getting ready to go out? 3) This park is a terrific place with lots of entertainments. 4) Jason is my best pal, we spend a lot of time together. 5) Hi, guys! How are things today? 6) Do you know anyone who wants to become a cop? 7) The film I watched yesterday really grabbed me. Qj Find in each line the odd word out. 1) loving, cruel, caring, kind, pleasant 2) library, attention, school, cinema, theatre 3) enjoyable, slow, moving, thought-provoking, powerful 4) gifted, talented, clever, intellectual, shallow 5) horror, terror, crime, terrorize, violence 6) imagine, applaud, deserve, matter, punish 7) bookshop, story, newspaper, novel, magazine Complete the text with the words from the box. Write the text down. 37 № TO 00 previously, first, meanwhile, finally, eventually (1) ... we meet Matilda in the local library, which she often visits. Matilda loves books and regularly borrows them from the library. (2) ... she had read the few books the Wormwoods had at home. At school the girl makes friends with Miss Honey, a loving and caring teacher. (3) ... Miss Trunchbull terrorizes her and her classmates. Matilda finds a very unusual way to punish the cruel and violent woman. (4) ... the Trunchbull leaves the school and never comes back. (5) ... Matilda and Miss Honey become a kind of family. Get ready to speak about the film you've recently seen or the film you like. Use the outline from Exercise 6, page 35. Step Ш Consolidation and Extension DO IT TOGETHER Qj Listen to the text, (56), and complete these statements. 1) To become a football player was Banderas’s ... . a) life-time dream b) school-years dream c) dream that came true 38 П) тз 00 2) Banderas worked in different theatres ... . a) before he began appearing in films b) while appearing in films c) after he began appearing in films 3) In the US Banderas first had ... . a) a language problem b) a cultural problem c) problems with his film directors 4) Women in ... . especially like Banderas a) “Evita” b) “The Mask of Zorro” c) “The Interview with a Vampire' 5) In “Shrek” Banderas speaks in a) one language b) two languages c) three languages Read these word combinations. a matter of great importance a matter of life and death a matter of time to deserve a reward to deserve better to deserve success to punish the agressor to punish the children to punish the dark powers to imagine the near future to imagine the distant future gifted children gifted kids gifted students his latest novel a novel about growing up a historical novel to visit the library to give books back to the library to borrow books from the library to imagine the film’s ending to imagine the world without love Match the words and word combinations which are close in their meanings. Make up sentences with some of them. 1) talented 2) friend 3) central role 4) intellectual 5) wonderful 6) matter 7) previously 8) receive 9) appear in a film iO) excited a) gifted b) deep c) kid d) leading part e) thing f) clever g) before h) think i) get j) thrilled a vampire ['vaempaia] — вампир 11) thought-provoking 12) consider 13) child k) terrific l) pal m) star in a film Read the four parts of the text (A—D) and put them in their logical order. Think of a possible title to the text. A Walt returned to the USA from Europe and began working with the company that produced short cartoons. They became fairly successful and popular in the local Kansas City area. But soon the company understood that the money they put into the films never returned and Walt decided to move to Hollywood, California. В So Disney had to develop a new cartoon star. He himself and his friends began work on a new mouse character to take Oswald’s place. Basically it looked like Oswald, but with round instead of long ears. The mouse’s original [э'пфэп!] name was Mortimer but later Walt’s wife Lillian offered to call him Mickey Mouse. The first Mickey Mouse films were silent but then Walt Disney himself performed as the voice of this character until 1947. Mickey and his friend Minnie are still among the best-loved cartoon characters everywhere in the world. C. Walt Disney (1901—1966) was an American film producer, director, screenwriter, voice actor and a world-famous creator of cartoons. He was born in Chicago. In 1910 the family moved to Kansas City where he spent his school years. At the age of sixteen he left school. During World War I he was a driver and a member of the American Red Cross Ambulance Force in Franceh D. There with his brother Roy Walt Disney organized the Disney Brothers Studio which later became the Walt Disney Studio and in 1927 the new series of cartoons Oswald, the Lucky Rabbit appeared. That was a real success but under the contract the studio could make Oswald cartoons without Disney as the rabbit character belonged to the Studio, not to Walt Disney. 39 (T) TJ 00 the American Red Cross Ambulance Force in France — американское отделение Красного Креста во Франции 40 fD ТЗ 00 • Многие английские прилагательные образованы при помощи суффикса -ish. Вы встречались с ним в таких словах, как English, Spanish, Irish, British, Scottish, Finnish. Этот же суффикс входит в состав таких слов, как Polish — польский Swedish — шведский Turkish — турецкий Danish — датский • Суффикс -ish может указывать на качество: childish — ребяческий (характерный для ребёнка) boyish — мальчишеский girlish — девический, характерный для девочки womanish — женский, характерный для женщины • Часто суффикс -ish в составе прилагательных указывает на неполноту качества: greenish — зеленоватый (недостаточно интенсивный, чтобы быть названным зелёным) brownish — коричневатый yellowish — желтоватый tallish — высоковатый Подобные прилагательные относятся к разговорному стилю. ' Complete the sentences with the derivatives formed from the words on the right. 1) Jack refuses to try any new kinds of food. I think it is child behaviour. woman 2) Her voice was not soft or weak and ..., it was strong and manlike. boy 3) Mr Wilson was a man with a ... temperament. 4) They are from the north of Europe, their native Ian- Sweden guage is ... . 5) The carpet was not brown, it was not yellow either. I brown can say it was ... . B. Complete the text with the derivatives formed from the words on the right. Just You Wait! Just You Wait! (Nu, pogodi!) is a popular Soviet/Russian series^ of cartoons. The first film appeared in 1969. It’s (1) ... was Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin. ^ a series ['siari:z] — серия The (2) ... film language is (3) ... but there is very little speech in it. The (4) ...characters are a (5) ..., stupid and aggressive Wolf who is a (6) ... fellow* and who is trying to catch a clever and (7) ... Hare. The latter is full of (8) ... and (9) ... and (10) ... makes fun of his enemy. Wolf is a good figure (11) ..., he can play the guitar and rides the (12) ... motorbike. But he is always (13) ... to catch Hare. direct origin, Russia lead, fun big joy, strong, imagine, brave skate power, able 41 rc •a 00 rj, 1. to see somebody around (часто) встречаться с кем-то Goodbye, I'll see you around. 2. to see through something or somebody — видеть насквозь You can never fool him. He can see through your tricks. 3. to see to somebody or to something — позаботиться о ком-то/чём-то Can you see to my pets while I'm away? 4. to see somebody off — проводить Will you all come to the airport to see me off? a fellow [ felau] — парень 42 Say the same in a different way. 1) I’m very surprised he didn’t understand that Ann was lying to him. 2) Don’t worry, I’ll take care of your garden in summer. 3) We’ll all come to the railway station to say goodbye to Aunt Brenda. 4) Last week I met Rob quite often. 5) Make sure that the windows are not open before you leave the flat. 6) The detective was so clever, he could easily understand the gangsters’ plans. 7) I’m sure I’ll be able to meet you quite often now, as we go to the same school. 8) When are you leaving? I’ll come to the airport to say goodbye to you. (В ■D 00 Develop these ideas (1—4) and use some of the word combinations listed below. 1) Cinema a century ago 3) Cinema and theatre • before television appeared ■ the Golden Age of Cinema ■ a special event • film stars like kings and queens • black-and-white films • silent films • the first film studios • small cinema houses • more/less popular • not all places have their theatres • cheaper/more expensive • more/less intellectual • take more time • need more imagination • more entertaining • bigger/smaller audience 2) Cinema today 4) Films of different kinds • high ticket prices • multiplex cinemas • brand-new films • better picture and sound • modern equipment • films in 3D • a lot of special effects • smaller and younger audiences • older and younger audiences • many types of films • favourite kinds of films • different people prefer different films ■ films from many countries • Russian films • old and new films • films not to everyone’s taste IT ON YOUR OWN Complete the sentences using the missing words from the box. around, off, through, to 1) She knew him well enough to see ... his behaviour. 2) Will you come to the airport to see Lilian ...? She is flying to New York. 3) John said he would see ... our luggage. 4) Will you see ... the children while I’m away? 5) My elder brother saw ... my plan at once and told me about it. 6) He saw his relatives ... at the bus station. 7) Do you see Bob ... these days? 8) After all those years she had learnt to see ... his little tricks and lies. 9) Don’t you think about the puppies. I’ll see ... them. 10) Kevin will make a flowerbed. I’ll see ... it. IQ Complete the text using the words on the right in the appropriate grammar forms. Westerns are films telling stories about the life in the American Old West. These films show how hard life (1) ... there in the 19th century for those people who (2) ... to America from far-away European countries. The leading characters in westerns are often hunters and cowboys. The (3)... characters often (4)... between towns and ranches^ and (5)... a lot of adventures. Westerns often (6)... conflicts of white people with Native Americans. While in (7)... western films Indians (8)... cruel and agressive people, the (9)... films show them in a (10)... way. be come late, ride have 43 show early, be late Ф friend T3 00 Match the words and word combinations with the opposite meanings. a) a colour film b) outside c) expensive d) a child e) a sound film f) at the end film g) slowly 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) cheap a grown-up rapidly within at the beginning a silent film a black-and-white Ш Get ready to speak about the cartoon you like/dislike. Mention the following. • the name of the cartoon and its director • the plot of the film • when and where you saw it • your impressious of the cartoon a ranch [ra:nt[] — ранчо step 9 Revision IT TOGETHER 44 n TJ Listen to the text, (57), and complete the sentences 1—5. 1) During the war Gloria ... . a) spent some mornings with her granny b) spent some afternoons with her granny c) spent some evenings with her granny 2) Gloria’s granny ... took her granddaughter to the cinem a) often b) from time to time c) seldom 3) Gloria loved ... . a) only musicals b) films about adventures c) musicals more than other films 4) Gloria’s granny ... . a) liked films about adventures b) made Gloria’s visits to the cinema a real adventure c) told her granddaughter a lot of adventure stories about adventures 5) On their way home Gloria and her granny ... . a) were always talking about what they had seen b) were talking about the darkness c) sometimes forgot about the darkness in the street Work in groups. Imagine you are at a TV show about cinema and filmmaking. What answers will you give to such questions? 1) What is the role of cinema in people’s lives? In your life? 2) Have you seen any films that you can call great? What are they? What makes them great? 3) What types of films are your favourites? Can you say what kind of films your friends and relatives prefer. 4) Who do you like to go to the cinema with? Why so? Why do you think people still go to the cinema when they could easily watch the same films at home? 5) Do you think going to the cinema is an expensive pastime? Does it seem to you that cinema tickets have become really expensive? 6) Do you think the size of a screen is important if you watch a film at the cinema? Which is better — a usual screen or a wide screen? Read the text and complete it with the following phrases (a—g). What title can you give to the film? j a) is always in danger i b) men and animals die j c) shows its horror and cruelty i d) it is a war film ^ e) Joey was really lucky f) the family doesn’t have a lot of money I g) to watch Joey’s adventure 45 The director of the film “War Horse” is famous Steven Spielberg. The film is a screen version of a popular novel by Michael Morpugo ['mD;pju:gau]. As you can understand, (1)... . Spielberg made it for all audiences except' children under 13 because of some scenes of war violence. Some very good actors like Peter Mullan, Geremy Irvine, Emily Watson star in the film. The message of the film is timeless, it is about the horror of war in which both (2)... . The film begins on a small farm in England. We meet young Albert Narracott, Ted, his not unkind father, and Rose, his hard-working, loving and caring mother. Though (3)... the father buys a beautiful horse Joey. Albert and Joey become good friends. Then the First World War begins and Ted sells the horse to the army. The next part of the film is about what happened to the horse at war. The film presents the scenes of that terrible war quite realistically, (4).... Joey meets several masters^ both English and German, his life, like the life of other horses (5)..., the work that people and animals do seems next to impossible. There are a lot of powerful scenes in this part of the picture. Sometimes it is painful (6)... especially for younger audiences. However, Spielberg gives his film a happy ending, which makes such a story watchable. By contrast to a lot of other war horses (7)... . Albert and Joey eventually meet and both return home. The director is not afraid to seem sentimental, his movie is deep and thought-provoking. A lot of cinemagoers are sure to enjoy this talented work. fD •D VO Say if you would or would not like to watch the film "War Horse" and why or why not. Here are some ideas you may use. • you like/don’t like war films • you like/don’t like the idea to make a horse the central character • you like/don’t like films with happy endings • you are/aren’t interested in the work of Steven Spielberg you like/dislike to see cruel and violent scenes on the screen • you prefer/don’t prefer films that entertain except [ik'sept] — кроме, за исключением a master ['ma:st3] — хозяин Read the text. Use the necessary fornns of the words on the right to complete it. 46 Ф ■D VO The country school for (1) ... children was a low building for two hundred and fifty pupils. In Matilda’s class there were eighteen other small boys and girls about the same age as her. Their teacher. Miss Honey, had the (2) ... face Matilda (3) ... . She looked like a madonna with her light-brown hair and eyes of the (4) ... blue. Miss Jennifer Honey was kind and quiet, her voice seldom (5) ...; and though she (6) ... a lot, every small child under her care seemed to love her. She understood very well what children (7) ... when they found (8) ... in the classroom for the (9) ... time in their lives. Miss Trunchbull was very different. She was a tall monster who terrorized pupils and teachers alike. When she shouted, you could hear her voice in the (10) ... room. Thanks God we (11) ... many people like her in this world. If you ever do, climb up the (12) ... tree and stay there until she (13) ... away. young lovely, see bright rise, not smile feel they, one near not meet near go Open the brackets to complete the sentences. 1) Jacob said he never (see) a horror film. He added that he (like) to go and see some films of this genre ['зопгэ] the next week. 2) Our teacher told us that the Lumiere brothers (give) the world’s first public film show in 1896. 3) I knew that the first “talkie” (appear) in 1927, it (be) “The Jazz Singer”. 4) They remembered very well that Hollywood (be) the centre of the American film industry. 5) My elder sister said I (must) see the new film by all meansh 6) They decided they (go) and see some old westerns. 7) My eldest brother thought that Conan Doyle’s famous detective Sherlock Holmes (be) the film hero that everybody (know). 8) They said I (can) buy cheaper tickets for the show. 9) Ron explained to us that the United States still (produce) most of well-known films all over the world. 10) He was sure that a new screen version of “Sleeping Beauty” (appear) soon. Listen, ^ (58), and read the dialogues. Act them out. I. A.: What did you think of the film? B.: I loved every minute of it. Brad Pitt’s fantastic. A. : That’s what I feel too. Angelina Jolie was not so bad either. I really liked her. B. : Mostly I enjoyed the final scene where the leading characters win their victory. A. : Yes, it was a very powerful scene indeed. And what will you say about the music? B. : I think it was the best soundtrack I’d ever heard. ' by all means — вне всяких сомнений II. А.: What did you think of the film? B.: I can’t say I enjoyed it. A. ; I think it was so-so. The story line isn’t interesting or original. B. : I agree. The film is too slow, it didn’t grab me at all. A. : You know what? I think the leading actors did their best but it didn’t make the film better, did it? B. : No, it didn’t. Though I can’t say that the film is a complete flop, I won’t really recommend it to my friends. 47 В Make up similar dialogues about good and/or bad films. T3 VO DO IT ON YOUR OWN IS Margaret came home from the cinema. Eliza, her elder sister, asked Margaret five questions. Report Eliza's questions. 1) Did you enjoy the film? 2) Who starred in the film? 3) Was the story line exciting? 4) How well did the actors play? 5) Will you go and see the same film again? В Use the necessary forms of the adjectives to complete the sentences. 1) This is the (late) film of the famous director that I have seen. 2) Everybody wants to know what his (near) film will be about. 3) Eddie Murphy and Sylvester Stallone are famous American actors. The (late) took part in the well-known Rembo films. 4) Have you any (far) questions? 5) The house was situated in the (far) corner of the garden. 6) All the children in the family are teenagers, the (old) is Mike who is seventeen. 7) He died and his (late) words were: “Remember me.” 8) John came up to the flat (near) door and rang the bell. Complete the sentences with around, through, to or off. 1) I’m afraid I have to go now. I’ll see you ... . 2) Don’t try to hide anything from me, I see you ... . 3) I know that you’re leaving tomorrow. Is anyone seeing you ...? 4) I’ll see ... it that the children have a hot breakfast every day. 5) Every time father goes away, my mother and I see him ... at the station. 6) Please see ... it that everyone knows the facts. 7) I don’t see Jack ... very often these days. In fact I haven’t seen him for a long time. 8) I have a feeling that my mother sees ... me, so I tell her the truth. 9) Don’t see me ...; I’m going to the airport by taxi. 10) I’ll see ... lunch, it’ll be ready on time. Revise the words for Test Three. 48 (B "O T3 О achieve(ment), adventure, agree, anywhere, applaud, applause, attention, attentive, besides, blockbuster, caring, cartoon, cheap, cop, crime, deserve, director, documentary, farther, farthest, flop, further, furthest, gifted, gripping, guy, hit, imagine, imagination, impress(ion), intellectual, latter, leading, library, matter, message, moving, musical, novel, pal, price, priceless, pric-ey/pricy, public, punish, rapid(ly), rise — rose — risen, screen, seem, shallow, silence, silent, silly, star, talented, telly, thought-provoking, terrific, terrorize, transport, violent, western Step 10 Test Yourself I. LISTENING Listen to four texts about different films, ^ (59), and match their names with the categories (types) to which they belong. You don't have to use one of the categories. Films 1. Tsar 2. The Star 3. Come Look at Me 4. The Ugly Swans Categories a) Romantic comedy b) Drama. Sci-Fi. Thriller c) Horror d) Drama. History e) History. War Maximum result 5 Your result 7 Ё1. READliT:: Read the text and decide in which sentences after it the information is true, false or not stated. The Match In May 2012 a new Russian film appeared on the screen. It was “The Match” with popular Russian actors Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Sergey Bezrukov starring in it. It is a drama about the football match that took place in 1942 in Kiev between Dinamo Kiev and the German fasciststeam. fascist ['fejist] — фашист; фашистский The film is a patriotic action movie. Such films are very popular these days. Historical dramas seem very interesting for modern audiences. Many of us like films about the past. People from the past centuries look different, they think and act differently, they are a very important part of what we call history. For example, every family who lived during World War II can become a film character, as they all have their own stories to tell. This is why historical dramas are often real hits with the public. When people go to see a “patriotic drama”, the audience wants to see the action, the war and people’s feelings. Sergey Bezrukov plays the part of the Dinamo team captain Nikolay. Sergey is a very good actor, but he is a good football player too and you can watch it on the screen. He learnt to play professionally within a short period of time. In the film Elizaveta Boyarskaya plays the part of Anna, the woman who loves Nikolay and who is a German language schoolteacher. Elizaveta Boyarskaya says she tried to make her character realistic. Anna looks free and open in the film. The ending of “The Match” is tragic though the Soviet team wins. This is a film to see. 49 n ■a 1) Sergey Bezrukov is the director of the historical drama “The Match”, a) True b) False c) Not stated 2) Any patriotic action movie is usually a hit with the public, a) True b) False c) Not stated 3) People from the previous centuries seem interesting to modern audiences. a) True b) False c) Not stated 4) Sergey Bezrukov’s favourite kind of sport is football. a) True b) False c) Not stated 5) The film “The Match” has a happy ending. a) True b) False c) Not stated 6) The journalist who has written the text thinks “The Match” is a talented film. a) True b) False c) Not stated Maximum result 6 Your result 7 111. USE OF ENGLISH Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences. 1) In cinema houses you can’t hear (applaude/applause) very often. The audience (applaud/applause) only if the film is very successful. 2) I’ve seen two films this week, the former was a comedy and the (later/lat-ter) — a psychological drama. 3) I’m sorry, I don’t want to speak about 50 (D TO it any (farther/further): it makes me sad. 4) We have had this ring in the family for many years, for all of us it is (priceless/pricy). 5) The new film is very popular, I can say that it’s a real (blockbuster/flop). 6) This funny cartoon is (last/the last) thing I watched on television. 7) This writer died two years ago. His (last/latest) book is a long novel. 8) Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce to you our new film director, he is a very gifted (guy/man). 9) Films about American cowboys are (thrillers/westerns). 10) Use your (imagination/impression) and speak about schools of the future. 11) Jim is leaving London by the (nearest/ next) train. 12) He said he (will/would) watch the film later. Maximum result 11 Your result ? Complete the sentences with the words from the box. 1) The children were very attentive ... what their teacher was saying. 2) The book was not a success at all but ... contrast its screen version became a real hit ... the public. 3) When did that romantic comedy come ... the screen? 4) Jack’s father told him that he would punish him ... his dangerous driving. 5) I said I would finish the job ... half an hour. 6) His latest action film seemed a real flop ... me. 7) I will never agree ... you on this matter. 8) ... last the detectives had solved the crime and the audience understood the ending of the film. 9) We have bought this camera ... half-price. 10) When will the actress starring in the film appear ... the screen? 11) I’ll go to the airport to see you ... . Maximum result 12 Your result ? I V. SPEAKIM( Comment on one of the statements. You may agree or disagree with them. 1) Young children can watch the same films as grown-ups. 2) Soon nobody will go to the cinema: people will watch films only at home. 3) Cartoons are films for young children. 4) They make the best films in Hollywood. 5) Russia has produced a lot of wonderful films. 6) Different people prefer different types of films. 7) To make a new film is not easy at all. 8) Old films are always boring and not interesting. Maximum result 15 Your result 7 V. WRITING Write these in English. 1) Последние новости; 2) ближайший кинотеатр; 3) наказать за ошибки; 4) достижение в спорте; 5) присмотреть за багажом; 6) развивать воображение; 7) аплодировать актёрам; 8) приключенческий фильм; 9) кроме того; 10) мультипликационный фильм. Maximum result 10 Your result 7 Total result 59 Your result ? 51 01 тз DO IT ON YOUR OWN Do Project Work 3. Complete a page in your English Album. Write about your favourite Russian film, explain why you like it. Illustrate your story with pictures. Don’t forget to think of an outline for your story before you write it. Ask your family and/or friends to help you if necessary. 52 Unit 4 rD T3 The Whole^ World Knows Them Step 1 DO IT TOGETHER Every nation has people it can be proud of. Look at the list of names, listen, (60), and read them, then decide what country they belong to. Say what these people are famous for. Match their names with the pictures (A—L). Example: Sir Winston Churchill (1874—1965) was the English Prime Minister during most of World War II. He made many famous speeches. People remember him wearing a hat and smoking a large cigar. f ^ 1) Leonardo da Vinci [li:3,na:d3u de Vin^i] (1452—1519) a) Russia 2) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [|Wulfgaei] ,aem3deias 'mautsa:t] (1756—1791) 3) Indira Gandhi [,mdira 'gsendi] (1917—1984) 4) Thomas Alva Edison [,1отэ5 ,aelv3 'edisn] (1847—1931) 5) Ludwig van Beethoven [,ludvig vasn 'beithauvan] (1770—1827) 6) Karl Brulov [|ka:l brui'lov] 7) Confucius [k3n'fju:Jas] (about 551—479 BC®) 8) Napoleon Bonaparte [пэ'рэиИэп Ъэипэра:!] (1769—1821) 9) Walter Scott [,W3:lt3 'skot] (1771 —1832: 10) Charles Darwin [,tja:lz 'da:wm] (1809—1882) 11) Nicholas Copernicus [,niklas кзи'рз:шкэ5] (1473—1543) 12) Rembrandt ['rembraent] (1606—1669) b) England c) the USA d) Holland e) Poland f) Austria^ g) Scotland h) India i) Italy j) Germany k) France l) China ' whole [haul] — целый, весь ^ Austria [bstria] — Австрия ® ВС = Before Christ [,bi:'si:] - до Рождества Христова (до нашей эры) A. В. С. D. 53 re T3 E. F. H. I. J. K. в A. Who are these Russian people? 1) He was born in Russia in 1828 into a noble family and fought in the Crimean War. At the age of 82 he left his home but soon became ill and died in a small railway station hotel. A talented man, he wrote some of the world’s greatest novels. One of them is “Anna Karenina”. 2) She is a ballet dancer Russia is proud of. After Moscow School of Ballet she began working in the Bolshoi Theatre. She danced in “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty” and “Carmen” where she performed some of her best parts. She is married to the famous Russian composer Rodion Shchedrin, who has written music for her ballets. She teaches young ballet dancers and stages new ballets. 54 Ф тз 3) She is the first woman professor in Russia and North Europe. She was born in Moscow in 1850 and showed her interest in mathematics very early. At the age of 11 she already could do a lot of things that university students find difficult. Though she was a gifted mathematician, she could not complete her education in Russia as women could not be university students then. She had to go abroad and eventually became a really famous scientist. 4) He was a Russian airplane test pilot born in a small town near Nizhni Novgorod in 1904. He is famous for several ultra ['лЬгэ] long flightsh One of them was a 63-hour flight from Moscow to Vancouver [vaen'ku:va], United States. To get there he flew over the North Pole. He died at the age of 34 when his plane crashed^ during a test flight. B. Speak of some people living now, whose names people will not forget. Explain why. Ьвов ▼ The Passive Voice Bee уже известные вам глагольные формы были использованы в так называемом активном залоге (the active voice), когда глагол показывает, что действие выполняется лицом или предметом, выраженным подлежащим. Richard broke the window yesterday. Susan wrote the project last Sunday. Однако, когда говорящий либо не знает, кто совершает действие, либо не придаёт этому значения, в предложении обычно используется страдательный залог (the passive voice). В английском языке страдательный залог образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be и третьей формы основного глагола (Ved/V^). Для прошедшего времени это was/were + Ved/V^. The film was shown. — срильм был показан. The books were translated. — Книги были переведены. Обратите внимание, что одно и то же предложение в страдательном залоге может переводиться на русский язык по-разному. The letter was sent yesterday. 1) Письмо было отослано вчера. 2) Письмо отослали вчера. Если же возникает необходимость назвать лицо, которое совершает действие, пользуются предлогом by. The book was written by Joanne Rowling. Change the sentences in the active voice into passive. Example: The team played the match very well. The match was played very well (by the team). ' a flight [flait] — полёт ^ to crash [kreef] — разбиться (о самолёте) 1) John found a small silver box in the garden. 2) Mr Morrison hung the picture on the wall. 3) Jason learnt the poem by heart. 4) Our school football team won the final match. 5) The girls did the exercises after classes. 6) Barbara took these pictures while travelling in Africa. 7) Jane chose the blue dress because it was longer. 8) Alice cut the cake into small pieces. 9) Mrs Biggs kept the old letters in a small green box. Look at the sentences and say how negations and questions are made in the passive voice. 55 The floor was not cleaned last night. The cars were not washed in the evening. (T) •a Was the book bought last weekend? Were the churches built last century? Wh? When were the apples bought? Where was the car made? Why were the letters burnt? Disagree with the statements. Correct them using the passive voice. Example: The teacher collected the projects. not the teacher, the students No, he didn’t. The projects were not collected by the teacher, they were collected by the students. 1) Professor Jackson informed everybody about the lecture. 2) John broke their mother’s favourite vase. 3) Little Sarah built a small sandcas-tle on the beach. 4) Emma painted the door yellow. 5) Tourists killed a lot of dodos. 6) Marion took two eggs from the fridge. 7) Henry scored the last goal in the game. 8) Mr Jason chose Plan A, not Plan B. Listen, (61), and read. A. admire [od'maia] — 1) восхищаться; 2) любоваться bury ['beri] — 1) хоронить; 2) закапывать в землю law [b:] — закон lead [li:d] — вести, приводить not Professor Jackson, Professor Davidson not John, Florence not Sarah, little Alice not Emma, her brother Steve not tourists, sailors not Marion, Sharon not Henry, Max not Plan A, Plan В 56 тз mankind ['maenkaind] — человечество mixture [ mikstja] — смесь village ['У11эф] — деревня whole [haul] — целый all over the world — no всему свету В. admire; 1) to admire sb/sth for something. Brian admires his talented cousin. 1 admire you for your hrave actions. 2) to admire the old cathedral. He stood admiring beautiful swans on the pond. bury: 1) to bury near the church. Both my grandparents were hurled here. 2) The dog has hurled a hone. law: to break laws, to make laws, to keep the law, the laws of nature, the law of gravity'. Parliament makes law. He broke the law and was punished. lead (led, led): to lead somebody to some place, to lead a quiet life. This road leads to my house. Who was chosen to lead the group? Is she able to lead a quiet life? mankind: to help mankind, for the good of all mankind, the future of mankind. There are many world-famous people in the history of mankind. mixture: a mixture of feelings, a mixture of different types, a strange mixture of styles. I was listening to him with a mixture of love and sadness. The building was a mixture of different styles, village: a small village, a village on the bank of the river. He was born in a small Scottish fishing village. The road led to the village, whole: his whole body, my whole family, the whole thing, the whole story. Come on, let’s forget the whole thing. They are the best teachers in the whole world. all over the world: to be famous all over the world; to be important all over the world. People have the same problems all over the world. ^ I A. Use the new vocabulary to give names to the following: 1) all the humans on the planet; 2) to put a dead body underground; 3) a group of houses that is smaller than a town; 4) to take a person or animal in a certain direction^; 5) the rules which people follow in a certain place or in a country; 6) to look at something with great pleasure; 7) all of something; 8) the result of putting things together. B. Complete the sentences with the new words. 1) It is not always easy to keep the ... but everyone must do it. 2) They ... a quiet life in the country and don’t meet a lot of people. 3) The pirates ... their gold on a small island in the ocean. 4) They lived in a beautiful little ... at the foot of the mountain. 5) He was a great athlete, one of the best in the ... world. 6) Use a ... of eggs and milk to make omelette. 7) Bad ecology is very dangerous for ... . 8) People know the names of some Russian writers all ... the world. the law of gravity [ grffiviti] — закон всемирного тяготения direction [di'rekfn] — направление DO IT ОМ YOUR OWN Translate these sentences into Russian. 1) The castle was built in the 17th century. 2) The books were brought from the library. 3) The lunch was eaten in no time. 4) These cameras were made in Japan. 5) The English language was spoken only in England in the 16th century. 6) The living room was cleaned an hour ago. 7) Two bottles of mineral water were drunk because it was very hot. 8) The vegetables were brought in the morning. 9) The boy was asked to come back at 9 p.m. 10) The work was done at once. 57 A. Write who these pictures were painted by. Ask your family and/or friends to help you if necessary. a) Claude Monet b) Victor Vasnetsov c) Karl Brulov d) Leonardo da Vinci e) Vincent Van Gogh f) Ivan Shishkin 1) “Morning in the Pine* Forest” 2) “The Horse Rider” 3) “The Mona Lisa” 4) “Alenushka” 5) “Sunflowers 6) “Waterlily Pond” B. Write who these books were written by. Ask your family and/or friends to help you if necessary. 1) “Life on the Mississippi” a) Leo Tolstoy 2) “Harry Porter and the Philosopher’s Stone” b) Joanne Rowling Ф "D * a pine [pain] — сосна 58 п тз d. e. 3) “Peter Pan” 4) “Oliver Twist” 5) “Robinson Crusoe” 6) “War and Peace” Spell these words. 1) [haul] 3) [ad'maia] 5) ['beri] 2) ['vila^j 4) ['mikstja] 6) ['maenkamd] f. c) Mark Twain d) James M. Barrie e) Charles Dickens f) Daniel Defo 7) [b:] 8) [li:d] Write these in English. 1) По всему свету; 2) вести спокойный образ жизни; 3) восхищаться собором; 4) история человечества; 5) закопать коробку с монетами; 6) быть похороненным около церкви; 7) законы природы; 8) маленькая деревня; 9) соблюдать законы; 10) нарушать законы; 11) смесь цветов; 12) целый класс. step 2 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the three texts about world-famous scientists, ^ (62), and say which of them a) didn’t go to school to get his education; b) was not an only child in the family; c) was not healthy while a child; d) was buried in a cathedral; e) was not interested in astronomy; f) spent a lot of time in the south of Europe. 1) Nicholas Copernicus 2) Charles Robert Darwin 3) Konstantin Tsiolkovsky $ i Ч 1) Nicholas Copernicus 2) Charles Robert Darwin 3) Konstantin Tsiolkovsky Read these word combinations, to admire the flowers to admire modern novels to admire Russian ballet the laws of nature to keep laws to break laws to be buried in the castle to be buried in the abbey to be buried far away a village on the bank a village on the seashore a fishing village a mixture of colours a mixture of styles a mixture of theories to lead a peaceful life to lead to the theatre to lead the boy from the room the history of mankind for the good of all mankind for the happiness of mankind the whole world the whole class the whole school 59 n T3 Kl You know the words in column A. Read the sentences (1—10) and say what the words in column В mean. A. to admire mixture to lead B. admiration admirer to mix to mix up leader 60 fD тз 1) The young girl looked at her new teacher in admiration. 2) We’re full of admiration for all your hard work. 3) The film star stood among her friends and admirers. 4) Kevin has always been a great admirer of Pablo Picasso. 5) Mix the eggs and sugar well. 6) OiP and water don’t mix. 7) They are so much alike that it is very easy to mix them up. 8) I think I’m mixing him up with someone else. Ask questions to get information about these facts. Give answers. Example: Kevin’s plan was supported. When was his plan supported? Where was his plan supported? By whom was the plan supported? Why was the plan supported? Last week. At the Congress. By everyone. It was really good. 1) The poem was written. 2) The sandcastle was built. 3) The story was told. 4) The new land was discovered. 5) Some species of animals were killed. 6) A lot of historic facts were remembered. 7) The trees were cut down. 8) A lot of power stations were built. 9) Some rivers were polluted. Work in pairs. Ask questions and choose the answers. Check, ^ (63). 1) when America was discovered; a) 1392 b) 1492 c) 1429 2) on what continents rainforests were mostly destroyed; e) Asia a) Europe b) Australia c) North America d) South America 3) when “Eugene Onegin” was written; a) 1823—1831 b) 1832—1837 c) 1810—1819 4) when Moscow was founded; a) 1047 b) 1147 c) 1417 5) when the electron was discovered; a) 1807 b) 1877 c) 1897 6) when World War II was finished; a) 1945 b) 1948 c) 1946 7) by whom “Robinson Crusoe” was written; a) Daniel Defo b) Jonathan Swift c) Rudyard Kipling 8) when the first clock was made; a) in the early Middle Ages b) in the late Middle Ages c) in ancient times oil [oil] растительное масло 9) where the Eiffel Tower was built; a) Dijon b) Lion c) Paris 10) by whom “The Mona Lisa” was painted; a) Michelangelo [|та1к1'агпфэ1эи] b) Leonardo da Vinci [li;3,na:dau de vin^i] c) Raffaello Santi ['rsefeiab: 'saenti] 11) when “The Mona Lisa” was painted; a) 1603 b) 1403 c) 1503 12) when the first plane was flown by the Wright brothers, a) 1903 b) 1913 c) 1923 A. Read the text and complete it in 3—6 sentences. 61 (t) T3 M Isaak Newton Sir Isaak Newton is a world-famous English scientist, who devoted his life to mathematics, physics, astronomy [as'tronami] and other sciences. Newton discovered the law of gravity and many other laws, he developed some very important scientific theories which helped people to understand and explain a lot of things about the physical world. Isaak Newton was born in a small village in the east of England in 1642. At school he was interested in mathematics, which he studied later at Cambridge University. In 1655 Newton received his degree* and returned home where he did much of his most important work. Here, among other things, he studied optics. His experiments [ik'speriments] showed that white light was a mixture of all colours of the rainbow. Many people had seen the colours of the rainbow before but it was Newton who explained that white light was made of those colours. Newton’s studies of light led him to build the first reflecting^ telescope ['teliskoup]. Newton also first thought about the law of gravity. The legend says that he discovered this law when an apple fell on his head while he was sitting under a tree in his garden. That’s why in many pictures Newton was often shown with an apple in his hand. Newton understood that the same kind of power that made apples fall from trees also gives objects weight and keeps planets on their orbits. Newton’s discoveries are still important for modern science. For example, by studying the spectrum of light from a star scientists can find out what it is made of. Newton took part in the political life of England and was a member of English Parliament. He didn’t have a family and devoted all his life to science. Newton died in 1727 and was buried in Westminster Abbey where there is a monument to this great man. Many scientists all over degree [di'gri:] — степень reflecting [n'flektiq] — отражающий the world admire his talent and consider him to be the greatest genius ['(^imias] in the history of mankind. To sum it up, we remember Isaak Newton because... B. You probably didn't know the marked words in the text. What helped you to understand them: a) the way they look and sound or b) the context in which they are used? 62 Ф •D Слово Sir перед именем мужчины означает, что он имеет рыцарское звание или принадлежит к аристократическому роду. Так, например, Исаак Ньютон первым в стране получил рыцарское звание за заслуги в науке. Обратите внимание, что слово Sir ставится перед именем и фамилией (Sir Isaak Newton) или же перед именем, но не перед фамилией (Sir Isaak). В подобных случаях перед женскими именами используют слово Lady для женщин-аристократок (Lady Chatterley) и слово Dame для тех, кому титул был присвоен за заслуги перед страной (Dame Agatha Christie). Look through the text about Newton again and a) answer the questions; b) make up questions to match the answers. a) 1) Where did Newton get his education? 2) What did the scientist find out about white light? 3) What gives objects weight and keeps planets on their orbits? 4) How did Newton take part in political life? 5) What is a popular legend about Newton? b) 1) It was the law of gravity. 2) In a small English village. 3) When he was at school. 4) They were experiments with light. 5) The first reflecting telescope. 6) Because there is a legend about an apple which fell on his head. 7) In 1727. 8) In Westminster Abbey, London. DO IT ON YOUR OWN On Saturday the Greens had lots of things to do. They worked very hard and at the end of the day everything was done. Write what was done by the Greens. Example'. Mr Green spent two hours washing the car, so the car was washed. 1) Mr Green spent the afternoon making a bench, so ... . 2) Mrs Green spent a lot of time planting the flowers and cutting the grass, so ... . 3) Jake Green spent an hour and a half painting the garage, so ... . 4) Margo Green spent three hours cleaning the windows in the house, so ... . 5) Barbara Green spent the afternoon preparing dinner for the family, so ... . 6) Sam Green spent a few hours building a new garage roof, so ... . 7) Young Polly Green spent all the afternoon making and hanging new curtains, so ... . □ Write these sentences in the passive voice. 1) People grew this coffee in Brazil. 2) Someone made this piano in the 18th century. 3) Somebody sent a Christmas postcard to me. 4) Somebody bought a lot of vegetables and put them in the fridge. 5) Andrew took us to the living room. 6) People killed the last dodo many years ago. 7) They built a new hospital in our city last month. 8) People translated this book into many languages. 9) They taught reading in the first year. A. Spell these words. 1) [|£edma'reijn] 2) [miks] 3) [ad'maiars] 4) ['li:da] B. Complete the sentences with the propositions from the box. 1) He is admired ... his devotion ... science. 2) The narrow road led ... a small village church. 3) Who was the book written ...? 4) The name of this film director is famous all ... the world. 5) Why did you decide to bury your ring ... a flower pot? 6) What can you tell me about this mixture ... colours? 7) He says he has always felt admiration ... you. Get ready to speak about Sir Isaak Newton. Don't forget to write an outline of your story. 63 Ф T3 Ы step 3 DO IT TOGETHER A. Read the text below, then listen, ^ (64), and say what information is missing in it. Catherine the Great Catherine II is also known as Catherine the Great. She was the leader of Russia in the 18th century and made the country larger and stronger than ever. During the years when she was on the throne the Russian territory was rapidly growing and soon the country became one of the greatest powers of Europe. Catherine made Russia the dominant ['dominant] power in the southeast of Europe. Catherine introduced many new things. A lot of new palaces and houses were built in Russia, many were in the classical style and they changed 64 fD ТЗ ы the face of the country. Catherine was fairly well educated. She wrote books and was very much interested in the arts and literature. She knew many world-famous people of that century and wrote letters to the great French philosopher [fi'lusafo] Voltaire during 15 years trying to make his ideas popular in Russia. Catherine the Great believed in education. She thought education could change the hearts of Russian people. She wanted to develop them. Catherine died in 1796. She is buried at the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St Petersburg and is considered one of the great Russian rulers'. B. Why do you think, people remember Catherine the Great? ▼ Английские синон Английские синонимы to learn и to study близки по смыслу, однако необходимо знать, как правильно употреблять их в речи. Сравните: learn = 1) приобретать новые знания или опыт Today we've learned something new about our planet. 2) научиться что-либо делать When did you learn to play the piano? 3) узнавать о чём-то Soon he learned that his friend had left their home town. study = 1) изучать какой-либо предмет в школе, университете или самостоятельно I want to study literature at university. 2) внимательно рассматривать что-либо, например карту или текст We studied the map carefully but didn't find the little village on it. Важно отметить, что глагол to learn часто используется, если речь идёт о практическом овладении предметом или заучивании наизусть: to learn а foreign language, to learn some poetry. В то же время глагол to study употребляется в случае, когда говорится о теоретическом овладении предметом: to study foreign languages, to study poetry. Заметьте также, что глагол to study обычно не используют, если говорят об учёбе в школе или колледже. Более уместны в этом случае выражения to go to school, to be at school (university, college). Choose learn or study to complete the sentences. 1) My cousin has just (learned/studied) a new song. He’s going to sing it at the school concert. 2) I carefully (learned/studied) the text of the letter before answering it. 3) If you want to (learn/study) mathematics seriously, think about going to university. 4) Since ancient times people have been (learning/studying) the night sky. ' a ruler ['ru:la] — правитель(ница) 5) Helen’s dream is to (learn/study) biology at one of the best universities. 6) Where did you (learn/study) to dance so well? 7) Do you find it easy to (learn/study) new English words? 8) Try to (learn/study) more about the English language and how to use it. 9) At that time Michael was (learning/studying) to become a doctor. I rta bene правило, c переходными глаголами, имеют после себя дополнение. 65 СП английском языке употребляется, как о ■о ТО есть с такими глаголами, которые ы I saw him at school yesterday. He was seen at school yesterday. John told me about it. I was told about it. Заметьте, что в значении «мне сказали» возможна только английская фраза I was told. (Соответственно, he was told — ему сказали, she was told — ей сказали и т. д.) Глагол say в этом значении не употребляется. Обратите внимание, что если предложение в активном залоге содержит два дополнения, то в пассивном залоге возможны два варианта. 1. They gave Andy an apple. (The active voice.) An apple was given to Andy. 1 (The passive voice.) Andy was given an apple. / 2. Someone showed me a new dictionary. (The active voice.) A new dictionary was shown to me.) (The passive voice.) I was shown a new dictionary. J При этом второй вариант является более употребительным. I was told а joke. They were asked about the film. Sarah was given two sweets. Bob was shown the new library. Change the active voice into the passive voice where it is possible. I) A beautiful town lay on the river. 2) Someone remembered these facts. 3) The valley stretched for miles. 4) People built a lot of skyscrapers in New York. 5) He showed me his new car. 6) A small polar bear lived in the city zoo. 7) My granny grows flowers in her garden. 8) Dick travelled to Australia last spring. 9) What happened in the class yesterday? 10) They discovered a small island in the middle of the lake. II) James gave me a book. 12) We told her our address. Read the sentences and say how present simple passive is formed. Then translate the sentences into Russian. 4- I am told to come back at 5. Coffee is grown in Brazil. Butter and cheese are made from milk. African languages are not usually taught in Russian schools. I am not included in the team. This poem is not translated into French. 66 n ■o Ы Are the Hobsons invited to your party? Is English spoken here? Wh? Why are you asked to go there? What kind of music is played in your country at Christmas? Find the sentences in the passive voice in the text and read them out. Every country has some famous people whose names are known all over the world. They are remembered for the things they did for mankind. Their books are read, their theories are discussed, their discoveries are admired. People want to know details about the lives and works of different scientists and athletes, actors, ballet dancers and showmen. Thousands of museums and galleries are visited in different countries. A lot of questions are asked and answered and yet tourists and visitors want to know more. Nowadays you can easily find such information on the Internet and we know that millions of users look for it. Great and famous people will always be interesting for us. Listen, (65), and read. A. brilliant ['bnliant] — блестящий, восхитительный contribution [|kDntri'bju:jn] — 1) вклад; 2) взнос enter ['enta] — 1) входить в; 2) поступать в учебное заведение; 3) вводить данные в компьютер graduate ['graedjueit] — оканчивать (университет) improve [im'pru:v] — улучшать knowledge ['nDlid5] — знания opportunity [|Opa'tju:nati] — возможность respect [ri'spekt] — уважение в brilliant: а brilliant scientist, a brilliant career, to have a brilliant time. Winning that race was just brilliant. Wasn’t it an absolutely brilliant idea? contribution: a wonderful contribution, to make a contribution to something. They made a very large contribution to the development of this theory. We were asked to make a contribution of 25 dollars, enter: 1) to enter the house, to enter the hall; 2) to enter a university. I’d like to enter this school. The boy was not allowed to enter the room. 3) Enter the information onto the computer. graduate: to graduate from a university, to graduate from a college. He entered the university in 2005 and graduated from it in 2010. improve: to improve the results, to improve the performance, to improve education, to improve educational standards. The weather has improved. My elder brother is always trying to improve himself, knowledge: to improve your knowledge, his knowledge of the facts, not to my knowledge. I did not have any knowledge of what had happened. You should have some knowledge of physics at your age. opportunity: a good opportunity, a brilliant opportunity, a fantastic opportunity, to take the opportunity, to miss the opportunity. Your visit to London is a wonderful opportunity to do the city. Don’t miss the opportunity to go there. respect: respect for somebody/something, to lose respect, to show respect. We have always shown respect for the law. 67 (I) T) Ul DO IT ON YOUR OWN Change the active voice into passive. Write down your sentences. 1) Listeners always admire such songs. 2) The children didn’t ask this question. 3) When did Columbus discover America? 4) They don’t grow such fruit trees in cold countries. 5) They remembered the performance for a long time. 6) He ate the ice cream in no time. 7) Did a famous architect build this palace? 8) A lot of tourists visit this castle. 9) He hung his coat on the hook. 10) Little Adam broke his toy car. The active voice or the passive voice? Use the appropriate forms of the verbs and write down the sentences. 1) a)Cristopher Columbus (discover) America in 1492. b) Nobody knows when this fact (discover). 2) a) The Post Office Tower in London (build) in 1964. b) It (build) to make the telephone and television systems of the British capital better. c) Who (build) the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow? 3) a) The small island (not, show) on the map. b) Mrs Pitkin (not, show) me her garden when I came to visit her. 4) а) Mr Woodriff (paint) very good portraits when he was younger. b) A lot of strange animals (paint) on the wall. We couldn’t see all of them. 5) a) Jonathan Swift (write) “Gulliver’s Travels’’ in the 18th century, b) “Battle of the Books” (write) by him too. 68 Spell the words. 1) [ri'spekt] 3) [im'pru:v] 2) ['nuhcfe] 4) [ enta] 5) [|Dpa'tju:nati] 6) ['briliant] 7) [|kDntri'bju:^n] 8) ['graedjueit] (V ■D Use the new words to complete the sentences. 1) Students show their ... for the teacher by behaving themselves. 2) He always worked hard and was a ... student, and he ... from the university with excellent marks in all the subjects. 3) When did he ... college? 4) We never miss the ... to speak to them. They know so mush. 5) Pushkin’s ... to the development of the Russian language is really great. 6) He has really improved his ... of mathematics. 7) You should ... your presentation. Step 4 DO IT TOGETHER mu A. Look at the portrait. Who is this man? What do you know about him? Listen, ^ (66), to get more information about his life and career. Say what facts were new to you. B. Look at the chart below, listen again, ^ (66), and say which dates are wrong in it. Date Event^ 1795 was born 1803 began his education 1806 entered Moscow University 1812 graduated from the University 1817 began his career of a diplomat 1823 finished his famous comedy “Y Uma) ‘ an event [I'vent] — событие 1825 1827 1828 1829 was sent to Persia' (now Iran) as a diplomat was arrested married Nina Chavchavadze, was sent to Teheran [teo'ram] to work for peace between Russia and Persia was killed by nationalists in Persia A. Read the text and complete the sentences after it. Mikhail Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov (1711—1765) was a Russian scientist and writer who made important contributions to literature, education and science. Among his discoveries was the atmosphere ['aetmosfia] of Venus [Vimos]. His interests lay in chemistry, physics, optics, geography, history and art. His poetry helped to develop the modern Russian language. Lomonosov was born in the village of Denisovka (now Lomonosovo) near Kholmogory in the far north of Russia. His father, first a fisherman, eventually bought a ship and began transporting things from Arkhangelsk to other places. When Mikhail was ten, his father decided that the boy was old enough to help him. However, young Lomonosov was not interested in the family business. Learning was what he wanted. His neighbour had taught him to read and he spent as much time as he could with books, among which there was a grammar book and a book of arithmetic. The knowledge he got at home was not enough for Lomonosov and in 1730, at nineteen he left the village and joined a caravan ['кгегэуэп] travelling to Moscow. Here he entered Slavic Greek Latin Academy [a'kasdami] and lived on bread and water for quite a long time but made rapid progress ['praugres] as a student. He completed a twelve-year study course [kois] in only five years, and graduated from the Academy with brilliant results. A fantastic student, he was given an opportunity to go to Saint Petersburg University and later to the University of Marburg in Germany. 69 •a «к ' Persia ['psrja] — Персия 70 fS тз The latter was among Europe’s most important universities in the 18th century. Lomonosov quickly learned German and developed an interest in German literature and philosophy. He seriously studied chemistry and began writing poetry. In Germany Lomonosov got married. The money he got from the Russian Academy of Sciences was not enough for his growing family and he decided to return to St Petersburg. At home he became a member of the Academy, and soon was made professor [pra'feso] of chemistry. Wishing to improve education in Russia he and Count' Ivan Shuvalov founded Moscow University. Lomonosov developed a number of important theories and made some brilliant discoveries, wrote poetry some of which is remembered till nowadays. 1) Lomonosov was not interested in ... . a) astronomy b) biology c) literature 2) Lomonosov’s father ... . a) sold goods b) bought goods c) delivered^ goods 3) Young Lomonosov left home for Moscow because ... . a) he didn’t have enough books to read b) he wanted to see the world c) he wanted to receive a good education 4) Lomonosov was able to get a university education because ... . a) the Russian government paid for his studies b) the German government paid for his university course c) he worked very hard and paid for himself 5) St Petersburg University was founded ... . a) before Moscow University b) after Moscow University c) at the same time as Moscow University B. In the text you've read there are some words you may not know. These words are marked. Did you understand their meanings? What helped you to understand them: a) the way the words look and sound, b) the context in which they are used, c) both? A. Use the text about Lomonosov and prove^ the following. 1) Mikhail Lomonosov had wide interests. 2) He was largely a self-made man. 3) He was a gifted student and a fast learner. count [kaont] — граф to deliver [di'liva] — доставлять to prove [pru:v] — доказывать 4) Lomonosov’s contribution to education is priceless. 5) He helped to develop both sciences and arts. B. Give 3—5 good reasons why we remember and respect Mikhail Lomonosov. 1^ Change the active voice into passive. 1) We form the passive voice with the help of the verb to be. 2) People grow oranges in Italy. 3) They build a lot of new houses in our country. 4) People often make tables of plastic ['plaestik]. 5) They translate the Harry Potter books into many languages. 6) They don’t teach foreign languages at this primary school. 7) They don’t show such films on TV. 8) My granny doesn’t grow tomatoes here. 9) People don’t build tall buildings on this island. 10) What questions does your teacher usually ask you in class? 11) Do you hear such melodies here? ▼ Обратите внимание на различие предлогов в следующих сочетаниях: to be made of и to be made from. Словосоченатие to be made of используется, когда материал, из которого сделан предмет, не подвергался качественной переработке, т. е. не изменил своей сущности (the реп is made of plastic). The castle is made of sand. The bench is made of wood. The bridge is made of stone. The book is made of paper. Словосоченатие to be made from используется, когда материал подвергается переработке и в результате становится чем-то иным. Например, яблоки при варке превращаются в джем: the jam is made from apples. Обычно предлог from используется тогда, когда речь идёт о приготовлении пищи. Butter is made from milk. Borsch is made from different vegetables. This fruit salad is made from apples, plums and apricots. 71 П) ■o «к A. Read the list of words and say what makes them similar. Gold, stone, silver, paper, wood, sand. B. Learn some more words belonging to the same category of material leather ['1ебэ] — кожа metal ['metl] — металл plastic [plaestik] — пластмасса brick [brik] — кирпич cement [si'ment] — цемент rubber ['глЬэ] — резина wool [wul] — шерсть cotton ['kotn] — хлопок silk [silk] — шёлк glass [gla:s] — стекло cardboard ['ka:dbD:d] — картон china ['^ашэ] — фарфор A. Read these word combinations. a rubber ball a plastic bag a glass window a brick wall a cement floor a metal spoon a china jug a cardboard box a silk blouse a wool sweater a cotton shirt a leather belt nouns. 72 тз В. Say what these things are usually or often made of. Example.-. Matryoshka dolls are usually made of wood. Use of or from to complete the sentences. 1) Is your new skirt made ... wool or cotton? 2) As everybody knows, Pinocchio was made ... wood. 3) This tasty cocktail is made ... milk, ice cream and fruit juice. 4) We have made this juice ... fresh oranges. 5) A lot of old cottages in Scotland are made ... stone. 6) In Asia they often use tables and chairs made ... bamboo. 7) My grandmother’s jam made ... plums is really nice, we often have it for tea. 8) Watches made ... gold are very expensive. 9) What is this soup made ... ? 10) The boat was not heavy because it was made ... rubber. DO IT ON YOUR OWN Write answers to these questions. 1) What are books usually made of? 2) What are bottles usually made of? 3) What are milk jugs usually made of? 4) What are cottages usually made of? 5) What are shoes and bags usually made of? 6) What are mittens, scarves and jumpers usually made of? 7) What is butter made from? 8) What is jam made from? 9) What is omelette made from? 10) What is soup usually made from? Make up and write down ten true sentences. 1) Wine 2) Coffee 3) Books 4) Gold 5) Lemons is/ often/ 6) Tea 7) Rings 8) Bridges 9) Fishing villages 10) Wild flowers are usually Spell these words. 1) ['1ебэ] 2) ['глЬэ] 3) ['kotn] 4) [wul] 5) [gla:s] 6) [si'ment] grown, made of/ made from, found 7) [brik] 8) ['plasstik] 9) [silk] stone. in rivers. in the mountains. in warm countries. grapes. in the fields. on sea shores. cardboard and paper. in Latin America and Africa. metal. 10) ['metl] 11) ['ka:db3:d] 73 n ■o 1Л Be ready to speak about Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov. Say why we remember him. Step 5 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to three speakers, ^ (67), and match the statements (a—d) with what they say. There is one statement you don't have to use. a) The speaker says that all the traveller’s voyages were difficult. b) The speaker says that the traveller was not loved by one nation but was admired by another. c) The speaker says that the traveller was not born in England. , d) The speaker says the traveller didn’t die in his native country. A. Read the following word combinations. 74 fa T3 1Л a friendly atmosphere a family atmosphere a cosy atmosphere a family business a growing business a successful business a course of English a course of German a university course to transport goods to transport people to transport food rapid progress slow progress to make progress modern philosophy ancient philosophy his philosophy of life B. Make up sentences of your own with some of these word combinations. You know the words in column A. Read the examples and decide what the words in column В mean. A. brilliant a contribution to enter to graduate to improve knowledge respect brilliantly ['briliantli] to contribute [kan'tribjud] an entrance ['entrans] a graduate ['graed5uat] an improvement [im'prurvmant] knowlegeable ['nnlic^abl] respected [rispektid] respectable [ri'spektabl] respect [n'spekt] 1) Joe is a very gifted actor. He plays each of his roles brilliantly. 2) Some businesses contributed money to rebuild the museum. 3) I’ll meet you at the central entrance to the theatre at six o’clock. 4) Mary’s elder brother is a graduate of Moscow State University. 5) There has been an improvement in the country’s economy. 6) My father is one of the most knowlegeable people I’ve ever met, I think he has answers to all questions. 7) Mr Johnes was a respected member of his club. 8) Everyone knows that Elizabeth leads a perfectly respectable life. 9) We all respect him for his devotion to his children. A. How much do you know about Benjamin Franklin? Share the information you have with the others. B. Read the text and match the paragraphs with their titles (a—f). There is one title you don't have to use. a) Brave and Gifted Scientist b) Able Pupil c) Teacher of Life Wisdom d) Man of Many Interests e) Politician and Educator f) A Great Traveller 1) Benjamin Franklin (1706—1790) lived in America at about the same time as Mikhail Lomonosov in Russia. They both belonged to the Age of EnlightenmentL Franklin was a writer, publisher, scientist, diplomat ['diplamaet] and politician [iPDli'tiJn]. He was among the most famous and respected people of his time. He was, probably, the first selfmade man in America. 2) Franklin’s family immigrated to America from England, his father was a candle-maker. Though Benjamin was self-educated, he was well-read and had learned a lot from Enlightenment writers. While he was still young, he taught himself languages. During his whole life Franklin worked hard and carefully to improve his knowledge and character. 3) Never selfish, Franklin tried to help other people to become successful and wrote a self-help book “Poor Richard’s Almanack”. The book became very popular and made Franklin quite rich and well-known in the American colonies. The Almanack is full of useful information and has a lot of clever sayings. Here are some examples: “God helps them that help themselves.” “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a Man healthy, wealthy^ and wise.” 4) Franklin believed in experimental science. He tried to explain the nature of electricity. Once he decided to show that lightning^ is a form of electricity with the help of an experiment. He flew a kite during a storm and showed that electricity got from the kite to the metal key'* on the other end of the cord°. 5) Franklin understood early the power of words. He became one of the people who worked on the U. S. Constitution [,kDnsti'tju:jn], which played such an important role in the country’s history. In his later years this truly great man did his best to prove that education must be given free to everybody in the country. 75 n •a ut C. Find in the text words and word combinations which mean the same as the following: 1) people for whom others have respect; 2) a man who became successful without anybody’s help; 3) to come to a country to make your life and home there; * the Age of Enlightenment [in'laitnmant] ^ wealthy ['wel0i] — состоятельный " lightning ['laitnii)] — молния ‘ key [ki:] — ключ ^ cord [ko;d] — проволока, шнур — эпоха Просвещения 4) а book that comes out every year and gives some useful information; 5) bright light that you see in the sky during a storm; 6) the most important laws and rules of a country put together; 7) without paying any money. 76 Compare Lomonosov and Franklin. Example-. Like Lomonosov, Franklin didn’t come from a rich family. Unlike Lomonosov, Franklin didn’t have a university education. n -o ui ta bene в английском языке в страдательном залоге часто употребляются глаголы, которые требуют после себя предлога: to take about, to send for, to listen to, to look at, to think of, to look after (присматривать за), to laugh at, to speak to/about, to look for (искать), to wait for. В страдательном залоге эти предлоги всегда сохраняются: Не is much spoken about. — О нём много говорят. The doctor was sent for. — За доктором послали. She is often waited for. — Её часто ждут. Such jokes are not laughed at. — Над такими шутками не смеются. Are the children looked after? — 3a детьми присматривают? John wasn't spoken to. — C Джоном не говорили. Обратите внимание на различие предлогов by и with в предложениях, где глагол используется в страдательном залоге: The tower was built by a famous architect. — Башню построил известный архитектор. The toy tower was built with a lot of tiny instruments. — Башенку построили при помощи крошечных инструментов. А. How сап you say the same using the passive voice? 1) People speak much about this film. 2) They spoke to Mr Davidson. 3) My cousin looks after my pet. 4) People laughed at him. 5) They sent for my parents. 6) The boy is so unusual, everybody looks at him. 7) People often ask for such dictionaries. 8) Nobody spoke to me in such a way. 9) People just don’t talk about such things. 10) I’m sure that nobody listened to Harry. B. Complete the sentences using by or with. 1. The show was enjoyed ... everyone. 2. The Christmas tree was decorated ... lights, flags and toys. 3. The town was destroyed ... the enemy. 4. Who is the story translated ... ? 5. The houses were built ... the help of the government. 6. The primary school was built ... the money that came from an unknown gentleman. 7. The carpet was made ... small pieces of silk, cotton and wool. 8. The club was created ... the three brothers. 9. The club was built ... the Canadian technology. 10. In Ancient Greece this music was always played ... a horn. 11. The porridge was eaten ... little Hue. It was eaten ... a tea spoon. А. Say what they are usually made of. tables and chairs modern cars children’s toys excercise books scissors rings and earrings tennis balls bags and handbags mobile phones buildings windows scarves B. Remember your favourite dish or drink and say what it is made from. Example-. I like hot sandwiches. They are made from bread, cheese, ham and tomatoes. DO IT ON YOUR OWN 77 fB ■D Complete the sentences with the missing prepositions. 1) Not all new books are much spoken ... . 2) Nobody likes it when they are not listened ... . 3) The new toy was looked ... and forgotten. 4) The new museum is visited ... thousands of people. 5) This dish is eaten ... a spoon. 6) The game is played ... a ball and two rackets. 7) The Head Teacher was spoken ... and the decision was rapidly made. 8) Don’t take too long, remember that you’re waited ... . 9) These beautiful flowers are grown ... my younger sister. 10) The picture was coloured ... felt-tips. 11) The old castle was made ... stone. 12) I made the drink ... water, sugar and orange juice. Use the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. 1) The book (write) in the previous century. 2) Not long ago this story (tell) by a famous traveller. 3) We (just buy) her a pair of skates as a birthday present. 4) The child (look) for his toy everywhere but couldn’t find it. 5) The music (play) by a big orchestra tomorrow. 6) The other day the team (win) the game quite easily. 7) Last week the dog (find) on the road not far from the village. 8) Such cakes (make) and (decorate) for Easter. 9) They (clean) the room very carefully two or three times a week. 10) What vegetables (grow) by these farmers in the future? Continue these sentences. 1) We all respect our friend because... 2) When Liza becomes a university graduate, she... 3) There’s some improvement in his English, he... 4) Everybody contributed one or two poems to... 5) He sang brilliantly and the audience... 6) You need to be quite knowlegeable to become... 7) His great-grandfather was a respected man in... 8) Excuse me, where is the entrance to the gallery? I... Spell these words. 1) [ri'spektid] 2) [kan'tribjud] 3) [gracfeuat] 4) ['nolic^abl] 5) ['entrans] 6) [im'pru:vmant] 7) ['briliantli] 8) [n'spektabl] 78 Ф ■о 91 Step 6 DO IT TOGETHER m Listen, (68), and say which facts are true, false or not stated. 1) Nelson’s personal name is Horatio [ho'rerjiau]. .s:'- Ж i'.Jil'l a) true b) false c) not mentioned 2) Nelson was killed in 1805. a) true b) false c) not mentioned 3) Nelson took part in the wars against France, a) true b) false c) not mentioned 4) Nelson became captain of a ship at the age of twenty, a) true b) false c) not mentioned 5) Napoleon’s army didn’t come to Britain thanks to Nelson’s victories, a) true b) false c) not mentioned 6) In the wars Nelson lost his left hand and eye. a) true b) false c) not mentioned A. Who do you think a role model is? Read the word entry from Macmillan English Dictionary and say if you understood this word combination in the same way. role model noun [C] someone whose behaviour is considered to be a good example for other people to copy B. Listen to the dialogue, (69), and explain why Ann has chosen her elder sister as a role model. A Role Model Ann-. You know, Irene, yesterday we were asked to write about role models. Irene: Role models? I wonder who you wrote about. Let me think. I’m sure you chose Helen, your elder sister as a role model. Ann: You are right. How did you guess? Irene: It was rather easy indeed. You often say you admire Helen for her talents. Anrv. That’s true. She is good at so many things. She is interested in foreign languages and literature, she often goes to the cinema and to the theatre, she regularly visits picture galleries and museums. She tells me so many interesting things. Irene: I like Helen too. She is very kind and caring and she is always ready to help but I think a role model must be older and more important. Ann: Really? I have never thought this way. Who can be your role model then? Irene: Well, maybe some famous scientist or traveller, somebody who has achieved a lot, who has been successful and who has done much for their country. Ann: That sounds logical. But I think a role model can be anybody who you respect and want to copy'. Read the sentences and say how future passive is formed. Then translate the sentences into Russian. 79 rt) ■o 9> -b Ann will be invited to the party. The room will be cleaned tomorrow. The fruit will be bought on Sunday. Tom won’t be helped. The letter won’t be sent tomorrow. The cake won’t be made by granny. Will flowers be grown here? Will the tickets be brought in the morning? Will the story be translated soon? Wh? When will the car be washed? Why will the letter be written in French? Where will the flowers be planted? Say the same in a different way. Use the passive voice. 1) We’ll remember the play. 2) People heard a loud noise in the garden. 3) Ann won’t clean the carpet tomorrow. 4) She will do it next Saturday. 5) What will you grow in the kitchen garden is summer? 6) I won’t forget your help. 7) They speak only English in their club. 8) They did not include all endangered birds on the list. 9) They will make a new discovery soon. 10) Will somebody draw the emblem of our club? ' to copy [ kopi] — подражать Listen, (70), and read. 80 Ф TJ Ol A. death [deO] — смерть, гибель duty ['dju:ti] — долг, обязанность event [I'vent] — событие responsible [rtsponsobl] — ответственный sense [sens] — 1) чувство; 2) смысл sensible ['sensabl] — разумный, благоразумный share []еэ] — делить, разделять wisdom ['wizdam] — мудрость B. death: an early death, a tragic death. He was saved from an almost certain death. Her death came at the age of 86. duty: a family duty, to do one’s duty, to have a duty. It’s a duty of every team member to do their best. He felt it was his moral duty to help his neighbour. event: a happy event, a historic event, to celebrate an event. What were the main events of the school year? Today is Ben’s birthday and there will be a party to celebrate the event. responsible: to be/become responsible for something, fully/wholly responsible. They are responsible for the cooking. Who is responsible for the mistake? I knew Jane as a very responsible person. sense: 1) a great/strong/deep sense, a sense of duty, a sense of humour. Though he can’t see, he learns a lot through his other senses. 2) common sense, to make (no) sense. What Jack tells us makes no sense, sensible: sensible words, sensible behaviour, sensible clothes, sensible shoes. Keeping a diary was a sensible thing to do. share: to agree to share, to share among the children, to share the cake between the friends. Every time he comes back home he shares his impressions of the trip with us. We shared the money between the two of us. wisdom: great wisdom, words of wisdom. He doesn’t have enough wisdom to become a politician. Match the words in columns A and В and complete the sentences (1—7). A. B. common responsible sensible share early historic unusual the money wisdom death event sense job answer 1) It is ... to use an umbrella^ when it rains. 2) I think I can ... with you, because I’ve got it for my job. 3) His ... was a shock to everybody in the family. James was so young and so strong. 4) The discovery of America in 1492 is an important ... for the American nation. 5) Being a queen, a king or a president is a ... . 6) She gave a very ... to his rather silly question. 7) The child’s ... surprised us. an umbrella [лт'ЬгеЬ] — зонтик oTSng opinion В жизни нам часто приходится высказывать своё мнение по тому или иному поводу, а также соглашаться или не соглашаться с мнением собеседника. Полезно научиться делать это корректно. Giving your opinion Agreeing I think... That's just what I think. I believe... Yes, that's true. I fully agree. I couldn't agree more. I'm of the same opinion. Disagreeing I see what you mean but... It may be right but... Well, I'm not so sure. I'm afraid I can't agree with you here. I shouldn't (wouldn't) say so (say that...) Not at all! In my view... It seems to me... In my opinion... To my mind... As I see it... If you ask me... 81 m Agree or disagree with the following. 1) In my opinion, reading books has become old-fashioned. 2) As I see it there is no place like home. 3) If you ask me, the mankind has no future. 4) It seems to me that watching TV is the best entertainment. 5) I believe we must improve the ecology in our country. 6) In my view, everybody should be responsible for their own health. 7) I think weak people are not easy to respect. 8) To my mind rich people are always greedy. 9) In my view, wisdom comes with age, nobody is born wise. ■a 0) DO IT ON YOUR OWN Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box. Use them in present, past or future simple passive. bury, respect, make, admire, contribute, share, improve, study 1) The beautiful St Paul’s Cathedral always ... by tourists. 2) The famous novel “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy ... next year. 3) Many Russian tsars ... in Peter and Paul Cathedral in the previous centuries. 4) The money we’ve got ... between us next Saturday. 5) I am sure that such people never ... in the past, never ... now and never ... in the future. 6) I don’t know when this discovery ... . 7) I’m sure our project ... some day. 8) A lot of pictures ... to our school newspaper last week. Complete the questions with the right prepositions. about, after, for, off, to 82 Ф T3 1) Will the children be seen ... at the airport? 2) Who is usually waited ...? Who always arrives last? 3) Who are your pets and pot flowers looked ... when you are away? 4) Were these events spoken ...? 5) What is this lady admired ...? 6) Will our luggage be seen ...? 7) Little Tom was not listened ... , though he was speaking about very important things. Spell these words. 1) [de9] 3) Цеэ] 2) [dju:ti] 4) [sens] 5) [I'vent] 6) [n'spnnsabl] 7) ['sensabl] 8) ['wizdam] Choose a world-famous person and get ready to speak about him/her. Say if he or she is a role model for many people and explain why. Consider the following: 1) name, age, occupation, place of living; 2) the good example he/she gives; 3) personal characteristics; 4) your opinion of the person. Step 7 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to what different people say about Queen Victoria, (71), and match the speakers (1—5) with the statements (a—f). There is one statement you don't have to use. a) The speaker officially. b) The speaker c) The speaker ruler of the d) The speaker e) The speaker f) The speaker explains why the Queen’s first name was never used tells us about the Queen’s early years. gives general information about the years she was the country and characterizes her as a monarch. tells us about Queen Victoria’s family life. talks about the end of Queen Victoria’s era. talks about Queen Victoria’s jubilees. Ш Read the word combinations. responsible for the work responsible for the performance responsible for everything a sensible price a sensible answer sensible behaviour 83 n T3 festival events sports events political events a sense of duty a sense of time a sense of humour to share food to share impressions to share knowledge hard duties pleasant duties moral duties to make sense to have sense common sense sure death tragic death certain death people’s wisdom ancient wisdom words of wisdom Я ^ hexm The Verb Модальные глаголы (must, should, can) или их эквивалент (have to) часто употребляются с конструкциями в страдательном залоге (the passive voice), при этом предложения строятся по следующей схеме: [модальный глагол] + [be] + [V3] The letter must be written. — Письмо должно быть написано. The answer should be given. — Ответ следует дать. The record can be listened to. — Пластинку можно послушать. The books have to be returned to the iibrary. — Книги необходимо вернуть в библиотеку. The text must be translated. — Текст должен быть переведён. Complete the sentences with the given verbs in active or passive forms. 1) Kevin should (tell) about it as soon as possible®. 2) This letter must (answer) at once. 3) Fred has to (tell) about the meeting. 4) This text * an era ['гэгэ] — эра ^ a jubilee ['cku:bili:] — юбилей ® as soon as possible — как можно скорее can (translate) into Chinese. 5) Tom should (invite) to the party. 6) Children should (teach) to speak politely. 7) It’s too hot. Milk must (keep) in the fridge. 8) The film can (show) after lunch. 9) This fact must (explain) to the students. 10) The text must (read) by the children. 84 01 T3 Королева Елизавета Вторая является главой Великобритании и одновременно главой так называемого Содружества Наций (Commonwealth, или Commonwealth of Nations). В Содружество входят более 50 независимых государств, когда-то составлявших Британскую империю. Содружество создано для развития дружеских и торговых связей между этими странами. Королева Елизавета носит следующий официальный титул: "Her Most Excellent Majesty Elizabeth the Second by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her Other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith". (Её Величество Елизавета II, Божией милостью Соединённого Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии и иных своих царств и территорий Королева, Глава Содружества, защитница веры). □ А. Read the text and answer the questions after it. Give a title to the text. In 2012 the Diamond^ Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II was celebrated. A lot of events devoted to the Jubilee took place in the UK and abroad: different countries were visited by the Queen and other members of the RoyaP Family, big lunches were given across the UK, people were asked to share their stories of the last 60 years to make a digital gift to Her Majesty the Queen. What makes her such a special person? Queen Elizabeth has been on the throne for over 60 years. She was born in London in April 1926. Her father came to the throne as George VI in 1936. Young Elizabeth and her sister Margaret were educated at home. Her studies mostly included history, language, literature and music. People who knew her as a child remember her love of animals, especially dogs and horses. They described her as a very responsible, sensible and well-behaved girl. During the Second World War Princess Elizabeth trained as a driver and mechanic [mi'kcenik] because she wanted to help her country and give a good example. In 1947, Princess Elizabeth married Prince Philip, her third cousin, with whom she had been in love since the age of 13. With her husband she had four children: Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward. She came to the throne after her father’s death in 1952. The time she was a Queen was not cloud- ' diamond ['daiamand] — бриллиант; бриллиантовый ^ royal [гэ1э1] — королевский less. It included a number of local wars, problems in her children’s families, the death of her daughter-inlaw Diana, Princess of Wales. The Queen had to face criticism ['kntisizm] of the Royal Family from the press, but she is still a very popular monarch. People respect her for her devotion to her country and all the work she does for it. Everyone knows about the Queen’s sense of duty, her unselfishness and wisdom. Many people believe that she is a unique [ju'ni:k] personality as well as a sucessful head of the state. to the Queen’s Jubilee are 1) What events devoted mentioned in the text? 2) Who was on the throne before Queen Elizabeth II? 3) What do we learn about the Queen’s young years? 4) How long had Princess Elizabeth been in love with Prince Philip before they got married? 5) What were some of the problems the Queen had to face during her reign? 6) What makes Queen Elizabeth a popular monarch? B. The marked words in the text are probably new to you. Did you understand what they mean? What helped you to understand their meanings: a) the way the words look and sound, b) the context in which they are used, c) both? A. Say what you know about: 1) the Queen’s personal life; 2) the advantages and the disadvantages of the Queen’s 3) the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. ‘job” B. Work in pairs or in small groups and make a list of a monarch's duties as you see them. Compare your lists and decide whose thinking was the most realistic. ta Ьвпр После некоторых глаголов английского языка: look (выглядеть), seem, appear, taste, smell (пахнуть), sound, feel, в отличие от русского языка, не могут следовать наречия, после них используются прилагательные. Сравни: Russian English Музыка звучит громко. The music sounds loud [laud]. Джон выглядит молодо. John looks young. Алиса чувствует себя плохо. Alice feels bad, she doesn't feel well/good. (B последнем примере well является старой формой прилагательного.) Обратите внимание на различия в значениях глагола to look. Jane looks sad. (После look следует прилагательное.) Джейн выглядит грустной. Jane looked at me sadly. (После look следует наречие.) Джейн посмотрела на меня грустно. 85 -VV* ф тз 1) 2) 3) 4) 86 5) m 6) r+ ф ■о SJ 7) 8) 9) 10) Q Get Complete the sentences with one of the verbs — seem, look, sound, taste, smell or feel in the appropriate forms. How are you ... today? — I’m fine, thank you. In fact I’ve never ... better. The water ... so cold. I don’t think I’ll swim today. I can ... something nice cooking in the kitchen. What’s for dinner? The language they are speaking ... strange. I’m sure it’s not a European language. Evening came. It was very quiet. The air ... of grasses and flowers. What’s the matter with George today? He ... very unhappy. The cake ... lovely. May I have another piece, please? I don’t like the music, it ... so sad! Hello, Jane! You ... wonderful today. 10) The child ... very young. I don’t believe he is ten years old. outline of what you are going to say. DO IT on YOUR OWN Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences. 1) Please speak (quiet/quietly). 2) I can’t understand why you can’t be (quiet/quietly) when you see Rex. 3) Tom doesn’t like the porridge, he says it tastes (unpleasant/unpleasantly). 4) Doris smiled (unpleasant/un-pleasantly) and looked at me. 5) I feel (bad/badly), I have a terrible headache. 6) Bob cooks (good/well), he is a (good/well) cook. 7) Jane looks (unhappy/unhappily). What’s the matter? 8) Ralph looked at me (unhappy/unhappily) and said he was sorry. 9) The song sounded rather (pleasant/pleasantly). 10) The lilies-of-the-valley smelt so (sweet/sweetly). Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use the verbs in active or passive forms. 1) Your friend (should, give) some unusual present for his 20th birthday. 2) Milk (must, keep) in a fridge. Don’t you know? 3) I tried but I (couldn’t, open) the window. 4) Someone (have to, take) the child home. He (can’t, leave) here alone. 5) This new book (must, read). It’s wonderful! 6) They (shouldn’t, spend) so much time in front of the television. Complete these sentences and write them down. Use the verbs from the box. read, invite, spend, write, forget, visit 1) These letters have to be 2) The money may be ... . 3) Your friend should be ... 4) This wonderful book must be ... . 5) The idea may be ... . 6) At the moment the country can’t be ... . m Celebrating anniversaries' is an old tradition which appeared in the Middle Ages. It is very popular nowadays. Match the years and the anniversary titles. Ask your parents or relatives for help if necessary. Year 3d Anniversary Title 1st gold 2nd silk wood 5th wool 7th silver Year Anniversary Title 12th china 20th diamond 25th paper 50th cotton 60th leather 87 fD T3 00 Step 8 Consolidation and Extension DO IT TOGETHER Q[ Listen to five people speaking about world-famous painters, (72), and match the speakers (1—5) with the statements (a—f). There is one statement you don't have to use. a) The speaker says that this painter lived in the 15th century and was a man of many talents. b) The speaker says that this painter died very young. c) The speaker says that this painter didn’t spend the last years of his life in his motherland. ' an anniversary [|£eni'v3:ssri] — годовщина 88 ft) •о 00 d) The speaker says that nearly all works of this painter are in the country where he was born. e) The speaker says that this painter got his first studio from his father and mother. f) The speaker says that the painter began his career much later than he showed his talent. “The Basket of Bread” “Alexander Pushkin” “The Hay Wain”' “Madonna Litta” “The Scream”^ Word Building в составе многих английских имён существительных можно встретить суффиксы -dom, -hood, -ship, -ism. -dom kingdom — королевство freedom — свобода wisdom — мудрость boredom — скука -ship leadership — руководство, первенство partnership — партнёрство friendship — дружба relationship — родство, отношение -hood childhood — детство brotherhood — братство babyhood — младенчество neighbourhood — окрестность, соседство -ism racism — расизм optimism — оптимизм patriotism — патриотизм tourism — туризм ' “The Hay Wain” — «Воз сена» ^ “The Scream” — «Крик» Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right. A 1) I am surprised at her ... . 2) There were a lot of parks in the ... . 3) He thought he would die of ... living in the country. 4) We are a group of people who have the same interests. We belong to one ... . 5) They have enough ... to forget about their fight. 6) His ... is absolutely clearly seen. 7) We would like to be free and we shall fight for our ... . 8) Once upon a time there lived a cruel king in his cheerless ... . 9) The time of war is a great test of people’s 10) We can speak about a new ... between the two countries. 11) Their ... can be admired. 12) What games did you like to play in your ? Last year Olaf graduated from the university. He was a very (1)... young man, (2)... enough, and fairly (3)... . But not all the people in the (4)... liked him. Many of the (5)... said Olaf thought only about himself and they didn’t feel his (6)... into the life of their community. I am sure they didn’t feel much (7)... for the man, but in my view he had begun to change and I could see some (8)... in his (9)... with the people. I hope Olaf will have enough (10)... to see that he is one of us. ideal neighbour bore brother wise 89 leader free Ф ~o king 00 patriot relation friend child sense, knowledge respect, neighbour, village contribute admire improve, relation wise A. Look at the picture. Do you know this man? What do you know about him? Steve Jobs (1955—2011), an American businessman, one of the founders of Apple Inch Company, is also known as Father of the Digital Revolution. He was born in San Francisco to two university students who were unmarried then and couldn’t support their baby. The boy was adopted^ at birth by Paul Reinhold Jobs and Clara Jobs who became loving and caring parents for Steve. Paul taught him some elementary electronics and how to work with his hands. Clara taught Steve to read before he went to school. Inc = Incorporated to adopt [a dopt] — усыновлять или удочерять ребёнка В 90 го Т5 00 Though Steve often found school boring, he was known as a gifted student. While in high schooh, he met some people who shared his interests in electronics. One of them was Stephen Wozniak. In 1976 Jobs and Woz-niak formed their own business. They named it “Apple Computer Company” in remembrance of a happy summer Jobs had spent picking apples. Everyone agrees that it was Steve’s character and intellect that helped to make the company what it was. He was certainly the heart and souP of the company and its public face. Steve was responsible for designing [dizamip] new products, marketing and finding the best possible people for the company. Under his leadership the company had the greatest success in business history and developed such world-famous products as iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone, iPad and many others. Steve Jobs was a perfectionist. Nothing was ever “good enough” for him — it had to be perfect. It seemed that he worked 24 hours a day. This devotion to work and great interest in it helped him to become a real winner and achieve great results working together with his team. Steve loved songs by Bob Dylan and was a great fan of The Beatles. This is what he once said about them, “They were four guys who... balanced each other. And the total was greater than the sum of the parts. Great things in business are never done by one person, they are done by a team of people.” He said that from that point of view The Beatles were a model for him. B. The words that are marked in the text may be new to you. Did you understand their meanings? What helped you to understand the words: a) the way they look and sound, b) the context in which they are used, c) both? C. Complete these statements. 1) Steve Jobs was ... . a) the head of a big company b) a famous scientist c) not the only founder of a big company 2) Steve Jobs’ interests lay in ... . a) producing hi-tech equipment b) improving the old models of computers c) finding new markets for the company’s mobile phones 3) Steve Jobs was a ... . a) good friend b) good public speaker c) hard worker 4) The word “perfectionist” means a ... . a) perfect personality b) person trying to achieve the best results c) person who always wins high school — в CIUA старшие классы средней школы soul [saul] — душа 5) Steve Jobs believed in ... . a) a great role of a leader b) being a winner c) joining with other people in doing work A. Choose the words that can describe Steve Jobs. a role model a founder of a successful company a modern public figure the heart and soul of the company a perfectionist a man of character the company’s public face a man who knew what he wanted a man devoted to his work a genius a successful designer a discoverer of talents a talented businessman a lover of music a team player a true leader a workaholic a real intellectual B. Speak about Steve Jobs. Mention the following: his family and early years; his first interest in electronics; Apple Computer Company; his responsibilities in the company; his special talents; what helped him to achieve success. 91 Ф T3 os Phrasal Verbs Постарайтесь запомнить и использовать фразовые глаголы с ядерным элементом put. (out^)^ 1) to put down — записать ^^Чир (with)) 2) to put off отсрочить отложить. I’ll have to put down your names. 3) to put out — погасить огонь, выключить свет Jim has been putting off his work for years. 4) to put up with something — мириться c чем-либо Please don’t forget to put the fire out before you leave. I will not put up with your bad behaviour any longer. Use the words from the box to complete the sentences. 92 fD •a 09 1) I was trying to put ... the moment when I would have to leave. 2) I don’t want to put ... with this situation any more. 3) Please put your cigarette ... . We don’t smoke in here. 4) She put the light ... and went to bed. 5) Never put ... till tomorrow what you can do today. 6) You are sure to forget his address if you don’t put it ... . 7) Bad language shouldn’t be put ... with. 8) I’ve just put ... the names of all the children in the club. 9) Put all the candles ..., please. It’s time to finish the party. 10) How can you put ... with all this noise? Let’s ask your neighbours to be a little quieter. Answer these questions to give your opinions. 1) What people are usually respected and admired? 2) Is it possible to improve your knowledge of English? What, in your view, are the best ways to achieve this result? 3) Which of your friends, in your opinion, contributes a lot to the after-school activities? What do they do? 4) Can you say a few words about the latest most interesting sports or cultural event? 5) Do you know any university graduates? Who are they? When, in your view, did they graduate from the university? 6) What person can you call responsible? Do you know such people? 7) Have you ever felt a mixture of feelings about something? What feelings were they? 8) Have you ever felt admiration for somebody or something? When and why did it happen? 9) What are parents’ duties and children’s duties as you see them? 10) Do you always try to use opportunities that life offers you? Can you give an example? A. Match the parts of the proverbs in the two columns. Say what makes them all alike. Comment on one of the proverbs and illustrate it with a short story. A. 1) The bull 2) Rome 3) Well begun 4) Children 5) Men 6) The devil 7) The fish 8) A fool and his money 9) Marriages B. a) are made in heaven'. b) should be seen and not heard. c) is not so black as he is painted. d) will soon be caught that nibbles^ at every bait^. e) are known by the company they keep. f) are soon parted. g) is half done. h) must be taken by the horns^. i) was not built in a day. heaven ['hevsn] — небо, небеса nibble [ nibl] — надкусывать bait [belt] — наживка a horn [Ьэ:п] — рог DO IT ON YOUR OWN ^1 Paraphrase these word combinations using of or from. Write down the sentences you get. Example: A glass jug. The jug is made of glass. Apple jam. The jam is made from apples. 1) Paper money; 2) china vase; 3) fur coat; 4) vegetable salad; 5) metal ring; 6) tomato soup; 7) stone bench; 8) silver chain; 9) orange marmalade; 10) plum juice. □ Complete the sentences. Use the prepositions from the box. 1) They are always waited ... . 2) This actor is much spoken ... . 3) Your pets will be looked ... when you are away. 4) Julia dresses brilliantly. She is always looked ... . 5) Alice is running a high temperature. The doctor must be sent ... . 6) The clown is so funny. His tricks are always laughed ... . 7) The young man was spoken ... yesterday, but I don’t think he understood his mistake. 8) The key was looked ... everywhere but we didn’t find it. 9) Miss Loveday is a very good speaker and she is always listened ... . 10) Your project will be thought ... and discussed later. 93 rt) TJ 09 Match the phrasal verbs in column A with their meanings in column В and write sentences of your own with these verbs. A. 1) to put down 2) to put off 3) to put up (with) 4) to put on 5) to put out B. a) to stop something burning b) to dress yourself c) to write something down d) to make something happen later e) to accept* an unpleasant situation, behaviour or somebody even if you don’t like them Write these in English. A. 1) Потушить огонь; 2) надеть плащ; 3) отложить на завтра; 4) мириться с чем-то; 5) записать что-то. B. 1) По соседству; 2) отношения между странами; 3) в младенчестве; 4) в детстве; 5) сильное (мощное) королевство; 6) настоящий патриотизм; 7) большая скука; 8) его руководство; 9) великая мудрость; 10) наше братство и дружба. to accept [sk'sept] — принимать как неизбежное, мириться 94 Step 9 Revision DO IT TOGETHER Listen to four speakers who talk about American presidents (1—4), ^ (73), and match them with the statements (a—e) below. There is one statement you don't have to use. Match the names of the presidents with the pictures. n ■D VO a) The speaker says this president lived in the 18th century. b) The speaker says this president didn’t come from a rich family and put a stop to slavery' in his country. c) The speaker says Americans often use three letters for this president’s name. d) The speaker says this president was a symbol of the country during World War II. e) The speaker says this president was not very successful, especially at the end of his presidency. B. Work in pairs. Give your opinion on the following themes, agree or disagree. Use the "opinion words" from Step 6, 1) a film you both watched 2) dangerous sports 3) a singer or a group you both know 4) language learning 5) opera and/or ballet 6) some food you like or dislike 7) travelling 8) shopping 9) role models Say the same in one word. Some of the words from the box can help you. 1) a good opinion, admiration for someone or something 2) to make something better than it was before 3) to give 4) a place through which people come in slavery ['sleivsri] — рабство 5) to finish studying and be given a diploma 6) a small group of houses in the country 7) to use something with another person or other people 8) a feeling 9) having all its parts, complete 10) to put two or more different things together 11) human beings as a group 12) the end of life in people, plants and animals 13) anything that happens, especially anything that is important 14) an understanding that you get through experience or study 15) something that a person must do 95 whole, to share, brick, mankind, opportunity, to graduate, to study, event, brilliant, duty, to contribute, sensible, respect, responsible, to improve, knowledge, law, death, to mix, to lead, village, wisdom, entrance, sense П) ■D Complete the sentences with the verbs in their appropriate forms. 1) Not long ago a lot of money (to contribute) to the Save the Animals Fund. 2) People who help others must (to admire) and (to respect). 3) How did it happen that the boy (to make) responsible for all the problems? 4) James died the day before yesterday and (bury) tomorrow. 5) Not all questions can (to answer) easily. 6) It’s a very good opportunity to learn something new and I think it should (take). 7) Can you tell me what this lovely dish (to make) from? 8) I know you are full of impressions and I hope these impressions (to share) in the lesson tomorrow. 9) I’ll come in a minute, I don’t want (to wait) for. 10) Mark is one of the most knowlegeable people I’ve ever met, his intellect (to admire) everywhere. Work in pairs and decide what are 10 most important reasons for a person to be remembered, admired and respected. Choose from the long list below. Compare your short lists. person should: be a good leader be knowlegeable and wise work hard for his or her country be well educated have a strong character be loving and caring do something useful for other people be a role model for others respect and keep the law not do harm to people or nature be an intellectual have a powerful personality be a self-made person be honest with himself/herself and other people be talented in some field wish good to people always help those who need help be responsible for what they do be a patriot be abble to see through other people not put up with cruelty or violence Look at the portraits of these world-famous people and say what you know about them, why, in your opinion, they are remembered, respected or admired. 96 n T3 w A. Say how much do you know about the man whose name was Confucius. B. Work in pairs and make up some questions you would like to ask about Confucius. C. Work in pairs. One of you will read Text A and the other Text В and then share the information with each other. See which of your questions have found their answers. Text A Confucius was one of the greatest moral teachers of all time. He lived in China about five hundred years before Christ [kraist]. Confucius studied ancient Chinese writings from which he took some ideas. Those ideas seemed important to the development of fine character. Then he taught these ideas to the princes and to the students of all ages who came to him for instruction [in'strAkjn]. The rules he wrote down 2,400 years ago are still used by people. For example, his golden rule was “What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others”. He tried to interest people in ideals of love, openness and moral behaviour. Confucius believed that man was naturally good and could live in harmony with other people. Text В Confucius’ Chinese name was Kung-Fu-tse. At the age of 22, three years after his marriage, Confucius began to teach men how to live happily. Among other people he taught a number of Chinese princes. Confucius did not consider himself a god. In fact, he taught nothing about religion or about what happens to us after death. Within five hundred years after his death, his teachings became the philosophy of the whole country. When Buddhism appeared, the teachings of Confucius were almost forgotten, but later remembered again. We can say that even today Confucius’ ideas are important for people. 97 Л) T3 ts DO IT Oni YOUR OWN D Complete the sentences with the missing function words’ where necessary. 1) What I felt was a mixture ... love and hate. 2) You’ll find me ... the enterance ... the cinema at a quarter to seven. 3) You should show more respect ... your teachers. 4) It’s not necessary to graduate ... a university to be a respected and knowlegeable person. 5) All the houses in the little village were made ... wood. 6) Sara said she was not going to put ... with the children’s behaviour. 7) You need a sense ... responsibility to become a good leader. 8) So many subjects can’t be studied ... pupils at the same time. 9) Will I be able to enter ... the hall after the third bell? 10) Yuri Gagarin is one of the people whose name is known all ... the world. Cross the odd words out. 1) lead, leader, leather, leadership, leading 2) rubber, leather, china, land, paper 3) law, mankind, admiration, knowledge, opportunity 4) contribute, respect, improve, bury, whole 5) of, at, on, in, we Complete the sentences using the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets. 1) a) Who you (wait) for now? b) John always (wait) for. 2) a) I think you should (send) for the doctor, Pete is seriously ill. b) I think the ' function words [W3:dz] — служебные слова doctor should (send) for, Pete is seriously ill. 3) a) I never (listen) to. I think they don’t respect me. b) I never (listen) to him, I don’t respect his opinion. 4) a) The children will (look) after. Don’t worry about them, b) Will you (look) after the children? I don’t want to leave them alone. 5) a) He was a very famous actor and he much (speak) about then, b) He always (speak) much about famous actors. 98 n T3 Revise the words for Test Four. -D О admiration, admire, admirer, brick, brilliant(ly), bury, cardboard, cement, china, cotton, contribute, contribution, death, duty, enter, entrance, event, glass, graduate, improve(ment), knowledge(able), law, lead, leader, leather, mankind, metal, mind, mix (up), mixture, opinion, opportunity, plastic, respect, respectable, respected, responsible, rubber, seem, sense, sensible, share, silk, smell, talent, taste, view, village, wisdom, wise, whole, wool Step 10 Test Yourself DO IT TOGETHER LISTENING Listen to the text about Yuri Gagarin, facts are not mentioned in it. (74), and write which of these 1) Yuri went to school in 1941. 2) Yuri was a very good pupil at school. 3) Yuri was very good at flying planes. 4) Yuri spent 108 minutes in space. 5) Yuri asked the people of our planet to keep its beauty. 6) Yuri Gagarin became a hero of the Soviet Unionb Maximum result 2 Your result ? the Soviet Union — Советский Союз I II. READING Read the text and decide which of the following is true, false or not stated in the text. 1) Mother Teresa [ta'ri:za] was not born in India. 2) The number of people in her order’ has grown. 3) Mother Teresa learned a foreign language in Ireland. 4) Mother Teresa didn’t need any money contributions as she did everything with her own hands. 5) There were only thirteen women to start helping Mother Teresa first. 6) The members of her order worked in more than one or two countries. 99 T3 Mother Teresa The whole world remembers the name of Mother Teresa, whose life was very unusual. She was Albanian by blood but spent most of her life in India and once said about herself that she belonged to the world. Born in 1910, Mother Teresa was a Catholic nun^ who devoted 45 years to poor, sick, lonely and dying people. Mother Teresa founded an order which gives “wholehearted and free service® to the poorest and the poor”. Now the order consists of about 4,500 sisters working in 133 countries. Mother Teresa received the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize. Her real name was Agnes and she came from Kosovo, Albania. At the age of 18 she left home, learned English and went to teach children in India. When Agnes was 21, she became a nun and chose for herself the name of Teresa, now world-famous. Though Teresa enjoyed teaching schoolchildren, there was something she could not put up with: at that time there were a lot of poor people in Calcutta [каеГкл1э], hundreds of them died from hunger and illness. Teresa knew that if she wanted to help them, she had to live among them. That was how she started working with the poor in the most terrible parts of Calcutta and collecting money for them. Then people gave her the name of Mother Teresa. She offered food and medical help to those who needed them and went on teaching children. Soon she was joined by a group of young women who wanted to help “the poorest among the poor” together with her. That was how the order began. Soon they opened the first Home for the Dying, a free hospice for the poor where they received medical help, love and care. Then they opened a home for children who had no parents and started working in some countries outside India. Sisters of her order went to the most dangerous places where people needed their care. Mother Teresa lived a fairly long life doing the duties of the head of her order [bids] — зд. монашеский орден Catholic nun [|kae01ik плп] — католическая монахиня service ['s3:vis] — услуги, помощь order practically until she died in 1997. She certainly belonged to those who change the world for the better. Maximum result 6 Your result 7 100 П) "D III. USE OF ENGLISH Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences. 1) The music sounds (long/loudly). 2) The Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II (celebrated/was celebrated) in 2012. 3) Young Elizabeth and her sister Margaret were (educated/education) at home. 4) I bought my new mobile at a very (responsible/sensible) price. 5) (In/To) my opinion, you are not quite right here. 6) Let’s meet at the (enter/entrance) to the building. 7) The roses smelt (sweet/sweetly). 8) My little brother is ill. He must be looked (for/after). 9) The campers put (out/down) the fire before leaving. 10) The earlier you begin to (learn/study) to swim the better. Maximum result 10 Your result 7 Complete the sentences with the words on the right in their appropriate forms. Roy’s cousin had always been a role model for the boy. Frank was 5 years (1)... than Roy but he was Roy’s (2)... friend. Frank (3)... so many talents and he (4)... and (5)... by all Roy’s friends. A year before Frank (6)... from the university and at the moment he (7)... as a doctor in their village. He always (8)... to work on time and (9)... never. The villagers (10)... him a lot and said they had the (11)... doctor in the world. old, good, have respect, admire graduate work come, wait for admire, responsible Maximum result 11 Your result 7 IV. SPEAKING Think of who you could name the symbol of Russia or the most respected person in the country. Explain why you have chosen him or her. Maximum result 15 Your result 7 WRITING Write the same in English. 1) Уважаемый человек; 2) разумные цены; 3) поделиться впечатлениями; 4) исторические события; 5) честное мнение; 6) всё человечество; 7) блестящий учёный; 8) талантливый лидер; 9) древняя мудрость; 10) вход в здание. Maximum result Your result Total result I Your result 10 54 DO IT Oni YOUR OWni Q Do Project Work 4. Complete a page in your English Album. Think of one or two people who you could name your role models. Describe them. Illustrate your story with pictures. Ask your family and/or friends to help you if necessary. Don't forget about an outline for your story before you begin writing it. 101 n "O Dear all, We hope it’s been an interesting and fruitful year. You’ve learned a lot of new things and not only in terms of English. Now you know | how much you can do on your own — and how much more you can do working with others. You also know that if we want to do something | very much and work at it, and enjoy it and become better at it — then what we do never seems to be too hard. Have wonderful holidays! See you again in September. Yours, the authors. 7 7 Grammar Reference Морфология 102 моим (ИМЯ СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНОЕ) § 1. Собирательные имена существительные (audience, company, family, crew, government, team, etc.) могут употребляться с глагольными формами в единственном и множественном числе. • Если вышеуказанные существительные обозначают людей, воспринимаемых как единое целое, они используются с глаголом в единственном числе, вместо них может использоваться местоимение it, а определительные придаточные вводятся служебными словами which/ that: Му family is big. Our team, which is not always successful, has shown rather good results. It’s getting better. • Когда же мы воспринимаем людей, обозначаемых рассматриваемыми именами существительными, как отдельных личностей, из которых состоят те или иные коллективы, то данные имена используются с глаголом во множественном числе, вместо них в предложении могут использоваться личные местоимения they и them, а определительные придаточные в этом случае вводятся при помощи союзного слова who: Our company are meeting tomorrow. They are all very nice people. I like them. The audience who you can see are all my schoolmates. § 2. C именами существительными, обозначающими названия языков English, French, Indian, Chinese и др. артикль не употребляется. Однако если в наименование включается имя существительное lan-gnage, то название языка содержит определённый артикль: the English language, the German language. § 3. C именами существительными, обозначающими лицо той или иной национальности, употребляется неопределённый артикль: а Russian, ап American, ап Englishman. Однако для обозначения коллективного названия нации обычно используется определённый артикль: the English — англичане, the French — французы, the Chinese — китайцы. § 4. В структуре имён существительных, образованных способом деривации (аффиксации), выделяются следующие суффиксы: -ist (pianist, portraitist, egoist) -ance (importance, entrance, appearance) -ence (difference, patience, intelligence) -hood (childhood, boyhood, babyhood) -dom (freedom, boredom, kingdom) -ism (egoism, socialism, patriotism) -ship (friendship, leadership, relationship) ADJECTIVE (ИМЯ ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНОЕ) § 1. Для сравнения людей, предметов и объектов используют такие модели, как as...as; not so/as...as; Adj -t- er -t- than; Adj -1- more/less -f than; (the) most/(the) least -t Adj. Например: The new building is as high as the old one. The new game is more interesting than the old one. The new play is the most modern of all. § 2. Иногда формы степеней сравнения одного и того же прилагательного отличаются своими значениями или употреблением: old — older — oldest (старый: о людях, животных, предметах); old — elder — eldest (старший: обычно о членах одной семьи); far — farther — farthest (удалённый по расстоянию); far — further — furthest (удалённый по расстоянию или по времени, дальнейший); late — later — latest (более поздний, позднейший по времени); late — latter — last (второй из двух, самый последний по порядку); near — nearer — nearest (находяш;ийся ближе, ближайший); near — nearer — next (находящийся ближе, следующий по порядку). Для сравнения возраста возможно лишь использование форм older и oldest. 103 VERB (ГЛАГОЛ) § 1. Для описания действия, которое происходило в прошлом, но не происходит сейчас, часто употребляется оборот used to. They used to swim a lot last summer. Они обычно много плавали летом (а сейчас так много не плавают). I used to travel with my parents. Я имел обыкновение путешествовать с родителями (а сейчас нет). Отрицательная и вопросительная формы данного оборота чаще образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to do: ■ Не didn’t use to like skating when he was small. Did you use to go in for sports at school? Однако возможны варианты: He used not to like riding a horse when he lived in the country. § 2. Грамматическая форма past perfect образуется c помощью вспомогательного глагола had и третьей формы смыслового глагола: had + Vg. Вопросительные предложения образуются с помощью изменения порядка слов, при котором вспомогательный глагол had ставится перед подлежащим, а отрицательные — с помощью прибавления к нему отрицания not (n’t): Му friend said he had seen the new film. Had the teacher answered your question? They had not told us the truth. § 3. Past perfect часто используется в предложениях с предлогом by (к какому-либо времени) и в придаточных предложениях времени, которые вводятся словами when, before, after, если речь идёт о прошлом: I had done the work by evening. She had already told us the news when the working day began. Had they learned the words before the test? After we had read the book, we began to understand the material better. § 4. В английском языке имеются два залога — действительный (active voice) и страдательный (passive voice). В предложении Mrs Brown 104 grows flowers in her garden глагол употреблён в действительном залоге, так как Mrs Brown (подлежащее предложения) сама совершает действие, сама выращивает цветы. Если для говорящего не важно, кто совершает действие или если он этого не знает, то глагол употребляется в страдательном залоге: Beautiful roses are grown here. Здесь выращивают великолепные розы. Формы страдательного залога образуются при помощи глагола to be в нужной форме и второго причастия (participle II) основного глагола по формуле to be -I- V^. Present simple passive (am/is/are -I- Vg): I am chosen for the expedition. He is much spoken about. Such flowers are grown here. Pass simple passive (was/were -I- Vg): John was asked this question yesterday. The letters were sent the other day. Future simple passive (shall be/will be -I- Vg): We shall be driven to school by car. New stories will be told tomorrow. В отрицательных предложениях вспомогательные глаголы употребляются с частицей not. Например: We are not informed about it. My friends were not invited to the party. They will not be left alone. В вопросительных предложениях вспомогательные глаголы ставятся перед подлежащим. Например: Is this car sold in your country? Were the children shown about the new museum? Will these books be read during the school year? § 5. Глаголы в страдательном залоге часто сочетаются с модальными глаголами или их эквивалентами. must (not) can (not) may (not) should (not) ought (not) to have/has to/(don’t/doesn’t have to) + be При этом глагол to be после модальных глаголов используется без частицы to и не изменяется по лицам и числам. В вопросительных предложениях модальные глаголы ставятся перед подлежащим, в отрицательных к ним прибавляется отрицание not: These exercises must be done today. Can the work be finished later? These vegetables shouldn’t be boiled. § 6. Речь, которая передаёт подлинные слова какого-либо лица, называется прямой речью. Речь, в которой передаётся содержание того, что было кем-то сказано, называется косвенной. При переходе прямой речи в косвенную соблюдаются правила согласования времён. Если глагол, который вводит косвенную речь в главном предложении, употреблён в настоящем или будущем времени (present indefinite, present perfect, future indefinite), to b придаточном предложении время глагола не меняется: Не says, “I was in Moscow in 2001”. He says he was in Moscow in 2001. Если в главном предложении глагол, вводящий косвенную речь, употреблён в прошедшем времени (past indefinite), то в придаточном обычно происходят следующие изменения: present indefinite -» past indefinite Не said: “I think Nelly is right.” -* He said he thought Nelly was right. past indefinite, present perfect —► past perfect He said: “I lived in the country.” He said he had lived in the country. He said: “I have done it.” He said he had done it. future indefinite future in the past He said: “I will go there.” ^ He said he would go there. Однако если в косвенной речи сообщается о событии, которое является как бы общим фактом, то правило согласования времён в этом случае обычно не применяется: Не said Paris is the capital of France. § 7. Если после глагола to say, который вводит прямую речь, есть указание на то, к кому эта речь обращена, то глагол say меняется на слово tell (somebody). Jeff said to Ann: “I am going to Glasgow.” Jeff told Ann he was going to Glasgow. Bee личные и притяжательные местоимения изменяются в зависимости от того, от какого лица что-то сообщается. Pam said to Jill: “I want to talk to you.” -» Pam told Jill she wanted to talk to her. Союз that часто опускается после глаголов to say, to think, to know, to remember и т. д. He remembered (that) she had asked him about it. § 8. В соответствии с правилом согласования времён в придаточных предложениях, вводящих косвенную речь, происходят также следующие лексико-грамматические изменения: now ^ then today that day tomorrow the next day the day after tomorrow two days later in two days ^ two days later ago before next year ^ the next year last week the week before, the previous week here ^ there this that these ^ those Необходимо также обратить внимание на перевод подобных предложений на русский язык. Не said he was writing a letter. Он сказал, что пишет письмо. She said she lived in Rostov. Она сказала, что живёт в Ростове. They said they had lived in Rostov two years before. Они сказали, что жили в Ростове два года тому назад. § 9. В вопросах в косвенной речи соблюдается прямой порядок слов, т. е. сказуемое занимает позицию после подлежащего. Не asked: “Where do you live?” ^ He asked me where I lived. § 10. Для постановки вопросов типа Кто из вас ...?, Кто из них ...? употребляются структуры Which of you ...? Which of them ...? Which of you has passed the exam? Кто из вас сдал экзамены? Но: Who lives in London? Кто живёт в Лондоне? — Mr Green does. Господин Грин. § 11. Глаголы to taste, to sound, to feel, to smell, to look, to seem часто выступают в качестве глагола-связки при образовании составного 105 106 именного сказуемого, в именной части которого используются прилагательные. I feel bad, I don’t feel well. Я чувствую себя плохо, а не хорошо. The rose smells sweet. Роза сладко пахнет. The orange tastes bitter. Апельсин горек на вкус. При этом в русском варианте, как видно из вышеприведённых примеров, в предложениях имеется простое глагольное сказуемое, и оно определяется наречием. Синтаксис (Syntax) § 1. в английском языке сущ;ествуют две схожие по смыслу структуры — одна включает слово so, а другая слово such: The book is so interesting. It is such an interesting book. Чтобы не ошибиться в их использовании, следует помнить, что слово so является усилителем к прилагательным и наречиям, в то время как слово such используется для усиления суш;ествительных: so interesting, so well, so good, so slowly such a fine story, such a pleasant face, such lovely music Как видно из примеров, в структуре such -f существительное часто присутствует третий элемент, прилагательное, являюш,ееся определением к этому супдествительному. Однако этот факт ничего не меняет: слово such так или иначе по смыслу связано именно с существительным. В этой структуре необходимо использование неопределённого артикля при условии, что существительное, к которому относится слово such, является исчисляемым и употребляется в единственном числе. Сравните: It was such а good idea. The were such good ideas. That was such tasty bread. § 2. Помимо восклицательных предложений, начинающихся со слова what, в английском языке используются восклицательные предложения со словом how. Сравните: What а clever answer! How clever the answer is! Выбор первой или второй конструкции зависит от того, что хочет подчеркнуть говорящий. Если акцент делается на предмете, о котором идёт речь, используют конструкцию с what, а если на качестве того, о чём говорят, — конструкцию с how. Слово what соотносится с существительными, а how — с прилагательными и наречиями. Сравните: What а day! What fun! What good luck! How nice! How clever! How soon! В восклицательных предложениях, начинающихся со слова what, необходимо употреблять неопределённый артикль, если существительное является исчисляемым и используется в единственном числе. Internet Resources En.wikipedia.org Ru .Wikipedia. org Britishmuseum.org Kreml. ru Louvre.fr Metmuseum. org Museodelprado.es Muzei-mira.com Sitekid.ru Edukids. narod. ru www.rubicon.com www.bbc.co.uk/learning/subj ects/english. shtml www.l-language.com www.english-at-home.com WWW. many things. org 107 Вопросы для самооценки 108 1. Какие из разделов учебника оказались самыми сложными? Как вы думаете, почему? 2. В каких грамматических явлениях вы допустили ошибки? 3. Какая лексика требует дальнейшей отработки? 4. Что могло бы вам помочь лучше справиться с заданиями по говорению? Письму? 5. Приходилось ли вам при выполнении заданий обращаться за дополнительной помощью к своему учителю? Родителям? В каких случаях? 6. Использовали ли вы при выполнении заданий дополнительные ресурсы: справочники, Интернет? 7. Насколько вы довольны своими результатами? List of Irregular Verbs be [bi:] was/were [wdz]/ [W3l] been [bi:n] быть become [Ы'клт] became [bi'keim] become [bi'kAm] становиться, являться begin [bi'gin] began [bi'gffin] begun [bi'gAn] начинать blow [bbu] blew [blu:] blown [Ыэип] дуть break [breik] broke [Ъгэик] broken [Ъгэикэп] ломать bring [bng] brought [bra:t] brought [bro:t] приносить build [bild] built [bilt] built [bilt] строить burn [Ьз:п] burnt [Ьз:Ш] burnt [Ьз:п1] жечь, гореть buy [bar] bought [ba:t] bought [ba:t] покупать can [keen] could [kud] мочь catch [kaetf] caught [ka:t] caught [ka:t] схватить choose [^u;z] chose [tjauz] chosen ['^auzn] выбирать come [клт] came [keim] come [клт] приходить cut [kAt] cut [kAt] cut [кл1] резать do [du:] did [did] done [dAn] делать draw [dro:] drew [dru:] drawn [drain] рисовать dream [dri:m] dreamed/dreamt dreamed/dreamt мечтать [dremt] [dremt] drink [dni]k] drank [draegk] drunk [drAgk] пить drive [draiv] drove [drauv] driven ['drivn] водить (машину и т. п.) eat [i;t] ate [et] eaten [htn] есть fall [fad] fell [fel] fallen ['fa:lan] падать fight [fait] fought [fa:t] fought [fa:t] драться, сражаться find [faind] found [faund] found [faund] находить fly [flai] flew [flu:] flown [flaun] летать forget [fs'get] forgot [fa got] forgotten [fa'gotn] забывать get [get] got [got] got [got] получать give [giv] gave [geiv] given ['givn] давать 109 Продолжение табл. 110 go [дэи] went [went] gone[gnn] идти, направляться grow [дгэи] grew [gru:] grown [graun] расти hang [hteq] hung [Ьлр] hung [Ьлд] вешать have [heev] had [haed] had [haed] иметь hear [hia] heard [ha:d] heard [ha:d] слышать hold [hauld] held [held] held [held] держать keep [ki:p] kept[kept] kept [kept] держать, содержать know [паи] knew [nju:] known [naun] знать lead [li:d] led [led] led [led] вести, руководить learn [1з:п] learned/learnt [b:nt] learned/learnt [hint] учить leave [li:v] left [left] left [left] уезжать, покидать, оставлять let [let] let [let] let [let] позволять, давать lie [lai] lay [lei] lain [lem] лежать lose [lu:z] lost [lost] lost [Inst] терять make [meik] made [meid] made [meid] делать, изготовлять mean [mi:n] meant [ment] meant [ment] значить, иметь в виду meet [mid] met [met] met [met] встречать put [put] put [put] put [put] класть read [ri:d] read [red] read [red] читать ride [raid] rode [raud] ridden [ ridn] ездить {верхом на лошади, на велосипеде) ring [nq] rang [rasg] rung [ГЛ1]] ЗВОНИТЬ rise [raiz] rose [rauz] risen [ rizn] восходить, вставать, подниматься run [глп] ran [raen] run [глп] бегать say [sei] said [sed] said [sed] сказать see [si:] saw [sa:] seen [si:n] видеть send [send] sent [sent] sent [sent] посылать ski [ski:] skied [ski:d] skied [ski:d] кататься на лыжах Окончание табл. speak [spi:k] spoke [spaok] spoken [ spaukan] говорить spell [spel] spelt [spelt] spelt [spelt] произносить по буквам spend [spend] spent [spent] spent [spent] тратить (деньги); проводить(время) stand [steend] stood [stud] stood [stud] СТОЯТЬ steal [sti:l] stole [staul] stolen ['staulen] красть strike [straik] struck [strAk] struck [strAk] ударять, бить (о часах) swim [swim] swam [sweem] swum [swAm] плавать take [teik] took [tuk] taken ['teikan] брать teach [ti:^] taught [tD:t] taught [tart] учить, обучать tell [tel] told [tauld] told [tauld] сказать, рассказать think [0п]к] thought [0D:t] thought [0a:t] думать understand understood understood понимать [Anda'stEend] [Anda'stud] [Anda'stud] wear [wea] wore [wd:] worn [warn] носить, быть одетым win [win] won [WAn] won [wAn] выигрывать write [rait] wrote [raut] written ['ritn] писать 111 ENGLISH-RUSSIAN VOCABULARY 112 achieve [a'ijirv] достигать achievement [a'tfirvmant] достижение add [aed] добавлять, прибавлять admiration [,aedma'reijn] восхищение admire [ad'mais] 1) восхищаться; 2) любоваться to admire somebody for something восхищаться кем-либо за что-то admirer [ad'maisra] поклонник adopt*^ [a'dopt] принимать в свою семью advantage [ad'va:ntic^] преимущество to have an advantage over somebody иметь преимущество перед кем-то adventure [ad'ventja] приключение aerobics [ea'raubiks] аэробика to do aerobics заниматься аэробикой agree [a'gri:] соглашаться to agree to something соглашаться на что-то to agree with somebody on/about something соглашаться c кем-то no какому-то поводу alike [a'laik] похожий, сходный allow [s'lau] позволять, разрешать anniversary* [,£eni‘v3:sri] юбилей anywhere ['eni,we3] где бы то ни было applaud [a'pb:d] аплодировать applause [a'pb:z] аплодисменты arena* [э'г1:пэ] арена athletic [ceB'letik] спортивный, атлетический attention [a'tenjn] внимание attentive [a'tentiv] внимательный to be attentive to somebody/something быть внимательным к кому-то или чему-то Austria* ['ostria] Австрия В balance ['baebns] уравновешивать balcony ['baelkani] балкон in the balcony на балконе baseball ['beisbo:!] бейсбол battle [ bad] 1) n битва; 2) v биться, сражаться to win a battle выиграть сражение ВС* [|bi:'si:] (Before Christ) до нашей эры (до Рождества Христова) besides [bi'saidz] кроме (того) biological [,bai3'lDd5ikl] биологический blockbuster [Ъ1пк|Ьл51э] блокбастер Значок * означает, что слово не входит в активный вокабуляр учащихся blood [blAd] кровь in blood no крови box [bnks] 1) коробка; 2) театральная ложа box office ['bnks ,Dfis] касса (в кино или театре) brick [brik] 1) п кирпич; 2) adj кирпичный brilliant [ЪпИэп!] блестящий, великолепный brilliantly [ЪпИэпШ] блестяще, великолепно bronze* [brnnz] 1) п бронза; 2) adj бронзовый buffet [bufei] буфет burry [beri] 1) хоронить; 2) закапывать 113 С cardboard ['ka:db3:d] 1) п картон; 2) adj картонный caring ['кеэгщ] заботливый cartoon [ka:'tu:n] мультипликационный фильм cement [si'ment] 1) п цемент; 2) adj цементный central ['sentrsl] центральный ceremony [ serimani] церемония champion ['^aempian] чемпион character [каегэк1э] 1) характер; 2) герой (фильма, спектакля, книги) characteristic [ kaerakta'nstik] характерный chart* ['^a:t] таблица, чертёж cheap [tji:p] дешёвый china ['^атэ] 1) п фарфор; 2) adj фарфоровый chorus* ['кэ:гэ5] хор, припев Cinderella* [iSmda'rela] Золушка circle [ S3:kl] 1) круг; 2) бельэтаж (в театре) in the circle в бельэтаже classical [’kleesikl] классический clause* [kb:z] придаточное предложение climatic [klai'maetik] климатический climh [klaim] забираться, карабкаться rock climbing скалолазание cloakroom ['klaukrum] театральный гардероб at the cloakroom в гардеробе comedy ['komadi] комедия comical ['knmik] комический, комичный committee [ka'miti] комитет compete [kam'piit] соревноваться, состязаться competitive [ksm'petativ] dancing спортивные танцы connect [ka'nekt] соединять connection [ka'nekjn] связь, соединение contrast [kontraist] контраст, противопоставление hy contrast в противоположность contribute [kan'tribju:t] вносить вклад contribution [|kDntri'bju:Jn] вклад to make a contribution of something вносить вклад в виде чего-либо to make а contribution to something вносить вклад во что-то сор [кцр] (informal) полицейский cord [кэ:й] бечёвка, верёвка, шнур 114 cotton ['kotn] 1) n хлопок; 2) adj сделанный из хлопка count* [kaunt] граф court [ko:t] корт crash* [kraej] разбиться crime [kraim] преступление to commit a crime совершать преступление to solve a crime раскрыть преступление criticism* ['kntisizm] критика to face criticism* сталкиваться c критикой cruel ['кги:э1] жестокий cruelty ['кш:эШ] жестокость cry [krai] 1) плакать; 2) кричать to cry on somebody’s shoulder жаловаться, изливать душу кому-то to cry with pain/happiness кричать (плакать) от боли, счастья curtain ['кз:1л] занавес cycling ['saiklig] велосипедный спорт to go cycling заниматься велоспортом D death [de9] смерть degree* [di'gri:] диплом, учёная степень deliver* [diliva] доставлять, привозить description* [di'sknpjn] описание design* [di'zain] 1) n дизайн, разработка; 2) v разрабатывать devote [di'vaut] посвящать to devote something to somebody посвящать что-то кому-либо devoted [di'vautid] преданный a devoted friend верный друг devotion [di'vau[n] преданность diamond* ['daiamand] бриллиант digital* [ did5itl] цифровой director [di'rekta] режиссёр documentary [|dDkja'ment9ri] 1) adj документальный; 2) n документальный фильм drama [ drarma] драма a psychological drama психологическая драма dramatist* ['draematist] драматург draw [dro;] ничья (e игре) to end in/with a draw закончиться вничью duke* [dju:k] герцог duty ['dju:ti] долг, обязанность to do one’s duty выполнять свой долг E ecologist [I'kolai^ist] эколог effect [I'fekt] эффект special effects специальные эффекты (в кино) elder ['elda] старший eldest ['eldist] самый старший elections* [I'lekjnz] выборы electronics* [,elek'troniks] электроника elegance ['eligans] элегантность elementary* [|eli'mentri] элементарный, простой else [els] ещё anywhere else где-нибудь ещё nobody else никто больше what else что ещё who else кто ещё end [end] 1) n конец; 2) v заканчиваться to end in закончиться чем-либо to end up оказаться, очутиться to end smth with smth закончить что-то чем-то at the end в конце ending ['endir)] финал Enlightenment* [m'laitnmsnt] Просвещение the Age of Enlightenment век Просвещения enter ['enta] входить, вступать, поступать to enter university поступать в университет entertainment [enta'temmsnt] развлечение entrance ['entrans] вход equipment [I'kwipmant] оборудование a piece of equipment предмет оборудования era* ['lara] эра event [iVent] событие, выступление (в спорте) а historic event историческое событие eventually [I'ventfuali] со временем, в конце концов excite [ik'sait] волновать, возбуждать excited [ik'saitid] взволнованный excitement [ik'saitmant] волнение expect* [ik'spekt] ожидать expensive [ik'spensiv] дорогой, дорогостоящий experiment* [ik’speriment] 1) n опыт; 2) v экспериментировать explain [ik'splein] объяснять to explain something to somebody объяснять что-то кому-то 115 fair [fea] 1) красивый; 2) светлый; 3) справедливый fellow* ['felau] приятель, парень film [film] кино, кинофильм а colour film цветной фильм film industry киноиндустрия а horror film фильм ужасов а science fiction (sci-fi) film научно-популярный фильм finally ['fainali] наконец flight* [flait] полёт flop [flop] неудачный, провальный фильм former ['f3:ma] первый из упомянутых foyer ['foiei] фойе frightening* ['fraitaniq] пугающий further [Тз:бэ] дальнейший, более дальний (по расстоянию) furthest ['f3:6ist] самый дальний {по расстоянию) G 116 gallery ['gaelsri] галёрка in the gallery на галёрке geographical [|<%i:3'gr8efikl] географический gifted ['giftid] одарённый to he gifted in/at something быть одарённым в какой-либо области gladiator* ['gleedieito] гладиатор glass [gla;s] 1) n стекло; 2) и стеклянный globe* [glaub] земной шар, глобус glove-maker* ['д!лу |meika] перчаточник god [god] бог, божество God Бог (в христианстве) golf [golf] гольф goods* [gudz] товары govern* ['длуэп] управлять grab [дгжЬ] хватать graduate ['graedjueit] оканчивать, выпускаться to graduate from а university (college) заканчивать университет, колледж graduate ['greedjuit] выпускник gravity* ['grasvati] гравитация the law of gravity* закон всемирного притяжения gripping [ gnpiq] захватывающий guy [gai] {informal) парень gymnastics [(^im'nffistiks] гимнастика H head [hed] 1) n глава; 2) v возглавлять heroic [hi'rsuik] героический historian [hi'stonian] историк historic [hi'stnrik] исторический hit [hit] ХИТ, имеющий успех (о книге, фильме) to be а hit with the public иметь успех у публики hockey (ice hockey) ['hokij хоккей, хоккей на льду hold (held, held) [haold] держать, доводить to hold on ждать to hold on to smth держаться за что-либо to hold out протягивать to hold up задерживать honour ['nna] 1) n честь; 2) v чествовать host* [host] 1) принимать; 2) вмещать however* [hau'eva] как бы то ни было I imaginary* [I'meecfemri] воображаемый imagination [i|mffid5i'nei]n] воображение importance [im'paitans] важность, значимость impossible [im'pnsabl] невозможный impress [im'pres] производить впечатление impression [im'prejn] впечатление to leave a deep impression on somebody производить на кого-то глубокое впечатление improve [im'prurv] улучшать improvement [im'prurvmant] улучшение improvise* [ improvaiz] импровизировать instruction* [in'strAkjn] наставление intellectual [|int9'leklju9l] 1) adj интеллектуальный; 2) n интеллектуал interior* [m'tiaria] интерьер interval ['intavl] антракт, перерыв introduce [,mtr9'dju:s] представить, познакомить to introduce oneself представиться to introduce somebody to somebody представить кого-то кому-то 117 J join [с^эт] присоединяться to join in an activity присоединиться к какой-то деятельности to join somebody присоединиться к кому-то jubilee* ['(%u:bili:] юбилей jump [флтр] 1) n прыжок; 2) v прыгать the high jump прыжок в высоту the long jump прыжок в длину hungee [Ълпф1] jumping прыжок с тарзанки ski jumping прыжки на лыжах с трамплина К key* [ki:] ключ knowledge ['nolic^] знания not to my knowledge мне об этом не известно knowledgeable ['noli^abl] знаюгций L last [la:st] последний at last наконец latter ['lffit9] второй из двух упомянутых law [Id:] закон the law of nature закон природы to break the law нарушать закон to keep laws соблюдать закон to make laws создавать законы lead [li:d] (led) вести to lead a quiet life вести тихую, незаметную жизнь leader ['liida] лидер leading ['li:diq] ведуш;ий a leading part/role ведугцая, главная роль least [li:st] наименьший leather ['1ебэ] 1) n кожа; 2) adj кожаный less [les] меньше library [laibrgri] библиотека lightning* ['laitniq] молния local* [laokl] местный M 118 magical* ['тжфгк!] волшебный, магический majesty* ['mae^asti] величие Her Majesty Её Величество mankind ['mffinkaind] человечество marketing* [ ma:kitii]] маркетинг matter ['maeta] 1) суть, сущность; 2) материя meantime [|mi:n'taim] тем временем in the meantime в то же самое время meanwhile [|mi:n'wail] в то же самое время mechanic* [mi'kaenik] механик medical ['medikl] медицинский message [mesic^] 1) идея; 2) послание text message* 1) n СМС-сообщение; 2) v передавать СМС-сообщение metal ['metl] 1) n металл; 2) adj металлический mime* [maim] 1) мим, участник пантомимы; 2) движения тела mind [mamd] ум to my mind как мне представляется mix (up) [miks] смешивать mixture [ mikstja] смесь a mixture of feelings смешанные чувства moral* ['moral] 1) n мораль; 2) adj нравственный mountaineering [|таипц'шэпг)] альпинизм moving [mu:vir)] 1) движущийся; 2) трогательный fast moving быстро развивающееся (о действии фильма, сюжете) musical ['mjuizikl] 1) adj музыкальный; 2) п мюзикл N nation ['neijn] нация, народ national ['пж]пэ1] национальный the national team сборная команда new [nju:] новый brand-new абсолютно новый, «с иголочки» news* [njurz] новости noble ['пэиЫ] благородный novel ['novol] роман Nutcracker*['nAt,krceka] Щелкунчик О object* [ obc^ikt] предмет, объект offer ['ofa] предлагать oil* [эй] нефть, растительное масло opera [рргэ] опера (а pair of) opera glasses ['рргэ ,gla:siz] театральный бинокль opinion [a'pinjan] мнение opportunity [|Dpo'tju:niti] возможность to take/miss an opportunity использовать/упустить возможность optics* ['optiks] оптика orbit* [Dibit] орбита orchestra pit [bikistra ,pit] оркестровая яма organize [biganaiz] организовывать original [a'ric^inl] оригинальный P pal [peel] {informal) приятель pantomime ['paentamaim] пантомима parkour* [ра:'киэ] паркур peace [pi:s] мир, покой to keep peace сохранять мир war and peace война и мир peaceful ['piisfl] мирный, спокойный percent (per cent) [pa'sent] процент perfectionist* [pa'fekjanist] перфекционист Persia* [ рз:]э] Персия personality* [,p3:sa'naelati] личность philosophy [fi'losafi] философия pianist ['piianist] пианист pick* [pik] собирать, рвать pine* [pain] сосна plastic ['plcBStik] 1) n пластик; 2) adj пластиковый, пластмассовый platform* ['plcctfaim] помост, платформа playhouse* ['pleihaus] театр pleasure ['р1езэ] удовольствие with pleasure c удовольствием poetic [pau'etik] поэтичный, поэтический political [pa'litikl] политический polo ['paulau] поло water polo вводное поло position* [pa'zijn] место, позиция, должность possible [ posabl] возможный preference ['prefrans] предпочтение pre-historic* [priihistDrik] доисторический presence ['prezans] присутствие press (the) [pres] пресса previous ['priivias] предыдущий, предшествующий previously ['priiviasli] ранее price [prais] цена to buy something at a certain price покупать что-либо по определённой цене priceless ['praislas] бесценный pricy (pricie) ['praisi] дорогой, дорогостоящий primitive* ['primitiv] простой, примитивный prize [praiz] награда, приз to win/get a prize выиграть, получить награду, приз produce [pra'dju:s] производить, выпускать to produce goods выпускать товары product* ['prodAkt] продукт 119 120 programme ['ргэидггет] программа prove* [pru:v] доказывать public ['рлЬЬк] общественный, публичный punish ['рлш^] наказывать to punish somebody for something наказывать кого-то за что-либо put [put] класть to put down записать to put off отложить, отсрочить to put out погасить, выключить to put up with something мириться c чем-либо R race [reis] гонка, состязание на скорость car racing* автогонки motorcycle racing мотогонки to race somebody to a place бежать c кем-то наперегонки до какого-то места ranch* [rarntj] ранчо rapid ['raepid] быстрый rapidly ['raepidli] быстро reappear [|ri:a'pia] появляться вновь receive [ri'si:v] получать, принимать to receive visitors принимать посетителей, гостей refuse [ri'fjurz] отказываться remembrance* [ri'membrans] напоминание reply [ri'plai] 1) V ответить; 2) n ответ, реплика required* [ri'kwaiad] требующийся, необходимый resistance [ri'zistans] сопротивление respect [ri'spekt] уважение respect for somebody/something уважение к кому-то, чему-то respectable [ri'spektabl] уважаемый, респектабельный respected [ri'spektid] уважаемый responsible [ri'spnnsabl] ответственный to be responsible for something отвечать за что-либо retnrn [ri'tsin] вернуть, вернуться rise (rose, risen) [raiz] подниматься robbery* [‘robari] ограбление, грабёж rodeo* [rau'deiau] родео row [rau] ряд royal* ['ratal] королевский rubber [ глЬа] 1) n резина; rugby ['tAgbi] регби ruler* ['ru:la] правитель run [глп] протяжённость 2) adj резиновый in the long run* в перспективе, когда-нибудь safe [seif] надёжный, защищённый safe and sound в целости и сохранности scene [si:n] сцена a scene of crime место преступления scenery ['si:nari] декорации school [sku'.l] школа high school старшие классы школы (в США) score [sko:] 1) п счёт; 2) v получить очко, забить гол screen [skri:n] экран to come to the screen выйти на экран screen version экранизация see [si:] видеть to see smb around встречаться c кем-либо to see through видеть насквозь to see to приглядывать, позаботиться to see off провожать seem [si:m] казаться to seem to somebody казаться кому-то seldom* ['seldom] редко sense [sens] 1) разум; 2) чувство a sense of humour чувство юмора common sense здравый смысл sensible [ sensobl] разумный series* ['sioriiz] серия shallow ['jcclou] 1) мелкий; 2) лишённый глубокого содержания, поверхностный share Цеэ] 1) v делить(ся), разделять 2) п доля to share among/between/with somebody делить между кем-то, с кем-то silence ['sailans] молчание, тишина silent ['sailont] 1) тихий, молчаливый; 2) немой (о фильме) to keep silent хранить молчание, соблюдать тишину а silent film немой фильм silk [silk] 1) п шёлк; 2) adj шёлковый silly [ sili] глупый silver ['silvo] 1) п серебро; 2) adj серебряный а silver medal серебряная медаль skateboarding ['skeitboidig] катание на скейтборде ski [ski:] кататься на лыжах ski cap ['ski: ,каер] лыжная шапочка ski suit ['ski: ,su:t] лыжный костюм slavery* ['sleivori] рабство smell [smel] 1) n запах; 2) v пахнуть smile [small] 1) n улыбка; 2) v улыбаться to smile at somebody улыбнуться кому-то to smile to oneself улыбаться самому себе, своим мыслям so [sao] так so-so так себе, не очень хороший sock [sok] носок knee-length (knee-high) socks гольфы solve* [solv] решать soul* [soul] душа sound [saund] 1) n звук; 2) v звучать a sound film звуковой фильм That sounds good. Это звучит заманчиво, spectator [|Spek'teita] зритель spectrum* ['spektram] спектр 121 122 sportswear* ['sp3:tswea] спортивная одежда stage [steicl5] сцена, подмостки on the stage на сцене stalls [stD’.lz] партер in the stalls в партере star [sta:] 1) n звезда; 2) v блистать, сниматься в кино steal* [sti:l] (stole, stolen) красть stick [stik] палка a magic stick волшебная палочка stolen* ['staubn] украденный studies* [ sUdiz] учёба, занятия surfing ['s3:fiq] сёрфинг swimming trunks ['swimig itrAqks] плавки swimsuit ['swimsu:t] купальник ta [to:] (informal) спасибо ta-ta [ta'ta:] (informal) пока, до свидания talent ['tffibnt] талант talented ['tcelontid] талантливый taste [teist] 1) n вкус; 2) v иметь вкус to my taste мне no вкусу team [ti:m] команда telescope ['teliskaup] телескоп a reflecting telescope отражающий телескоп terrific [tg'rifik] потрясающий terrorize ['teraraiz] терроризировать though [бэи] хотя thought-provoking ['0эйргЭ|Уэикп]] дающий пищу для размышлений thrill [0п1] 1) п волнение; 2) и волновать thrilled [Orild] взволнованный, возбуждённый thrilling ['0п1п]] волнующий, щекочущий нервы ticket [ tikit] 1) билет; 2) жетон, номерок ticket office билетная касса train/plane/boat/bus ticket билет на поезд, самолёт, корабль, автобус tragedy ['traed3adi] трагедия tramp* [traemp] бродяга transport ['traenspa:t] 1) n транспорт; 2) v [traens'pa:t] перевозить U umbrella* [лтЪгеЬ] зонт unique* [ju:'ni:k] уникальный usher ['Aja] капельдинер, билетёр victory* ['viktari] победа view [vju:] вид, взгляд in my view c моей точки зрения village [Vilic^] деревня violent [Vaialant] жестокий W waste [weist] напрасная трата a waste of time напрасная трата времени wealthy ['welGi] состоятельный weightlifting ['weit|liftii]] тяжёлая атлетика well-behaved* [ welbi'heivd] воспитанный west [west] запад the Wild West Дикий Запад western ['weston] западный whatever* [wpt'eva] что угодно whole [haul] целый willingly ['wiliqli] охотно windsurfing ['winds3:fir|] виндсёрфинг wine* [wain] вино winner ['wina] победитель wisdom [ wizdam] мудрость wit* [wit] ум, остроумие within [wi'6in] внутри, в течение (о периоде времени) within ап hour в течение часа within the country внутри страны woe* [wau] горе wonder ['wAnda] интересоваться, спрашивать world [W3:ld] мир all over the world во всём мире wool [wul] шерсть 123 yoga ['jauga] йога List of Proper Names 124 Alaska [a'lffiska] Albania [ael'beinia] (the) Appalachians [ffipa'leijsnz] Australia [o'streilia] Austria ['ostria] Brazil [bra'zil] Covent Garden [,коуэп1 ga:dn] Brighon ['braitn] Brussels ['brAslz] Canberra ['каепЬэгэ] Chicago [Ji'ka:gau] China ['^aina] (the) Colorado River [|ко1э'га:с1эи ,nva] Death Valley [,de0 Vceli] (the) Globe Theatre [.glaub 'Giata] (the) Grand Canyon [|graend 'ksenjan] (the) Great Planes [,greit 'pleinz] Japan [d5a'pffin] Kansas City [,kffinzas 'siti] Lake Badwater [,leik 'bcedwD:ta] Melbourne ['melban] Аляска {штат в США) Албания {государство в Европе) Аппалачи/Аппалачские горы {горная система на востоке Северной Америки) Австралия Австрия {государство в Европе) Бразилия {государство в Южной Америке) Ковент-Гарден {театр в Лондоне, место проведения оперных и балетных спектаклей) Брайтон {город на юге Великобритании) Брюссель {столица Бельгии) Канберра {столица Австралии) Чикаго {город в США) Китай {государство в Восточной Азии ) река Колорадо {на юго-западе США и северо-западе Мексики) Долина Смерти {США, национальный заповедник в восточной части Калифорнии) театр «Глобус» {один из старейших лондонских театров) Великий (Большой) Каньон (СЛ7А) Великие равнины {США), предгорное плато Кордильерских гор Япония Канзас-Сити {1) город в штате Миссури, США; 2) город в штате Канзас, США) озеро Бэдвоутер {в Долине Смерти, США) Мельбурн {второй по величине город Австралии) (the) National Air and Space Museum [ naejnal ,еэ and 'speis mju:|Zi:am] (the) Niagara Falls [nai,ffigara fadz] (the) Niagara River [nai|aegara riva] Nigeria [nai'cfeiaria] Perth [рз;0] Peru [pa'ru:] Singapore [,5П]э'рэ:] Sydney ['sidni] Texas ['teksas] Vancouver [veen'ku:va] Vietnam [,vjet'ncem] Wemhley ['wembli] Национальный музей авиации и космонавтики {музей Смитсоновского института в Вашингтоне) Ниагарский водопад река Ниагара (США) Нигерия (государство в Западной Африке) Перт (крупнейший город на западе Австралии и столица штата Западная Австралия) Перу (государство в Южной Америке) Сингапур (государство в ЮгоВосточной Азии) Сидней (крупнейший город Австралии, расположен на юговостоке, столица штата Новый Южный Уэльс) Техас (штат США) Ванкувер (город на западном побережье Канады) Вьетнам (государство в ЮгоВосточной Азии) Уэмбли (стадион на северо-западе Лондона) 125 Contents Book Guide .............................................................. 3 UNIT 3. Performing Arts: Cinema Step 1................................................................... 5 Step 2.................................................................. 10 Step 3.................................................................. 14 Step 4.................................................................. 18 126 Step 5..................................................................... 22 ------- Step 6................................................................. 27 Step 7.................................................................. 32 Step 8. Consolidation and Extension.................................... 37 Step 9. Revision........................................................ 44 Step 10. Test Yourself.................................................. 48 UNIT 4. The Whoie Worid Knows Them Step 1.................................................................. 52 Step 2.................................................................. 59 Step 3.................................................................. 63 Step 4.................................................................. 68 Step 5.................................................................. 73 Step 6.................................................................. 78 Step 7.................................................................. 82 Step 8. Consolidation and Extension.................................... 87 Step 9. Revision........................................................ 94 Step 10. Test Yourself.................................................. 98 Grammar Reference...................................................... 102 Internet Resources..................................................... 107 Вопросы для самооценки................................................. 108 List of Irregular Verbs................................................ 109 English-Russian Vocabulary............................................. 112 List of Proper Names................................................... 124 Серия «Rainbow English» Учебное издание Афанасьева Ольга Васильевна Михеева Ирина Владимировна Баранова Ксения Михайловна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 8 класс В двух частях. Часть 2 Учебник Зав. редакцией Л. Г. Беликова Редактор Л. Г. Беликова Художественный редактор Л. П. Копачева Художник А. В. Лебедев Компьютерная верстка М. М. Яровицкая Корректор Г. Н. Кузьмина в соответствии с Федеральным законом от 29.12.2010 г. № 436'ФЗ знак информационной продукции на данное издание не ставится Сертификат соответствия № РОСС RU.AE51.H 16508. Щф Подписано к печати 28.05.14. Формат 60 х 90 Vs-Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура «Школьная». Печать офсетная. Уел. печ. л. 16,0. Тираж 7000 экз. Заказ № 14-01301. ООО «ДРОФА». 127254, Москва, Огородный проезд, д. 5, стр. 2. Предложения и замечания по содержанию и оформлению книги просим направлять в редакцию общего образования издательства «Дрофа» 127254, Москва, а/я 19. Тел.: (495) 795-05-41. E-mail: [email protected] По вопросам приобретения продукции издательства «Дрофа» обращаться по адресу: 127254, Москва, Огородный проезд, д. 5, стр. 2. Тел.: (495) 795-05-50, 795-05-51. Факс: (495) 795-05-52. Сайт ООО «ДРОФА»: www.drofa.ru Электронная почта: [email protected] Тел.: 8-800-200-05-50 (звонок по России бесплатный) '^TNM PRINT s. г. о. TNM PRINT s.r.o. НоБЭ Место 14 Хлумец над Цидлиной 503 51 Чешская Республика www.tnm.cz mail.: tnm@tnm,cz тел.: +420 495 480 878 Представительство типографии В России: ООО «ИНО ПРЕСС». Тел.: ■^7 (499) 392-0015 в соответствии с Федеральным законом от 29.12.2010 г. № 436-ФЗ знак информационной продукции на данное издание не ставится Сертификат соответствия № РОСС RU. АЕ51. Н 16508. , _ Подписано к печати 28.05.14. Формат 60 х 90 ^/g. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура «Школьная». Печать офсетная. Уел. печ. л. 16,0. Тираж 7000 экз. Заказ № 14-01301. ООО «ДРОФА». 127254, Москва, Огородный проезд, д. 5, стр. 2. Предложения и замечания по содержанию и оформлению книги просим направлять в редакцию общего образования издательства «Дрофа»: 127254, Москва, а/я 19. Тел.: (495) 795-05-41. E-mail: [email protected] По вопросам приобретения продукции издательства «Дрофа» обращаться по адресу: 127254, Москва, Огородный проезд, д. 5, стр. 2. Тел.: (495) 795-05-50, 795-05-51. Факс: (495) 795-05-52. Сайт ООО «ДРОФА»: www.drofa.ru Электронная почта: [email protected] Тел.: 8-800-200-05-50 (звонок по России бесплатный) '^TNM PRINT s. г. о. TNM PRINT s.r.o. Новэ Место 14 Хлумец над Цидлиной 503 51 Чешская Республика www.tnm.cz mail.: [email protected] тел.; +420 495 480 878 Представительство типографии в России; ООО «ИНО ПРЕСС». Тел.: «7 (499) 392-0015 ВЕРТИКАЛЬ Учебник рекомендован Министерством образования и науки РФ К каждому курсу выпускаются рабочая программа Учебно-методический комплекс о. в. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К- М. Баранова Английский язык 5 класс о. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова Английский язык 6 rciacc о. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова Английский язык 7 класс о. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова Английский язык 8 класс J , Q к учебник рабочая тетрадь для учащихся электронное приложение на www.drofa.nj и аудионриложснис книга для учителя диагностика результатов образования лексико-грамматический практикум о. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова Английский язык 9 класс \Ai\Ai\iu методическая поддержка ¥¥ W W www.drofa.ru ISBN 978-5-358-13993-0 9 785358 1 39930 Л орофа