Учебник Английский язык 7 класс Афанасьева Михеева Баранова часть 2

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Учебник Английский язык 7 класс Афанасьева Михеева Баранова часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Rainbow English (Рейнбоу инглиш):

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о. в. Афаыасье1^а, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова ю АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык ВЕРТИКАЛЬ ■» орофа о. в. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык Учебник в двух частях. Часть 2 Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации МОСКВА ^ орофа 2014 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2Англ*922 А94 Условное обозначение: — предлагаемое задание имеет экзаменационный формат Афанасьева, О. В. А94 Английский язык. 7 кл.: в 2 ч. Ч. 2 : учебник / О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова. М. ; Дро^>а, 2014. — 152 с. : ил. ь 1CD. — (Rainbow English). ISBN 978 5 358 13696 0 (ч. 2) ISBN 978-5-358-13697-7 Учебник, гоалянный иавегтн».ши гпедиялигтями воблягти препгхлявания акгли11-гкого яаыкА, является основным компонентом >''<ебно'методического комплекса для 7 клягса. Учебник соответствует Федеральному государственному образовательномл’ стан* ларт>’ основного обтт;его обряаования, рекомендован Минигтерпв(ш обряаовпнпя и науки Российской <1»едерадии. УДК 37;iHi7.l:81MII ППКН1.2ЛнглН22 Серия «Rainbow English» Учебное издание Афанасьева Ольга Васильевна Михеева Ирина Владимировна Баранова Ксения Михайловна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 7 1сласс В двух частях. Часть 2 Учебник Зав. редакцией Л. Г. Беликова. Художественный редактор Л. П. Копачева Художник А. А. Гурьев. Компьютерная верстка Я. В. Зайцева. К*грректор Г. II. Кузьмичи Вс<иггкет1твии г Ф1-д*«|т;1ьиым энконом 1, Москва, Оюродпый проезд. Д. 5. стр. 2. Предложения и замечания по содержанию и оформлению книги просим направлять в редакции) общего обраловапия и.щательгтпа «Дрофа»: 127254, Москва, а/я 19. Тел.: (495) 795-05-41. Б-таО: < hieffaidrofa rii По Bonpoi4iM приобретения продукции и.ч.тательсзва «Дрофа» обращазьгя по адресу: 127254. Москва, Огородный проезд, д. 5. стр. 2. Тел.: (49.5) 795 05 .50. 795 05-51. Ф^кг: (49.5) 795-05-52. Сайт ОГК) •Д1Ч)ФЛ»: www.drofa.ru Электронная ш>чга: sales(Q drofa.ru Тел.: 8-8(К)-2(Ю-0.5-.50 (.звонок по России бесплатный) TNM TNM K.f п . Нг'Л"* PRINT Хяу>л*ц |гал llnr"iMwfi Mh S. г. о. 4ctihi.a)it’m:y^iiini^ Vrtvw.tnifi С/ • mail-- lnn45-‘tnrr.i,/ T«PI II га*и«1-пм ninprpetfHH »|^М1|» (VJO'Irtinni • f*n .т(4»Ч)тв *D I i B. Listen, (60), and learn some new names. 1) an ostricn ['ostriJJ ^ a magpie ['maegpai] 3) a woodpecker ['wud.peka] 4) a crow [кгэи] 5) an owl [aul] 6) a pigeon ['pitfenj 7) a seagull ['si:gAl] 8) а swallow ['swobu] 9) a starling ['sta:ln]] 10) a nightingale ['naitiogeil] A. Say; a) which of these birds you have seen and in what season you saw them; b) which of the birds you have never seen; c) about what birds you have never heard; d) which of these birds you can keep as a pet; e) which of these birds have become domestic'. B. Choose one of the birds from Exercise 5 and say what you know about it. Mention- • where it lives; • what colour it is; • if it is big, small, strong weak etc.; • what it feeds on; • what makes it different from other birds. Name the bird. 1) It’s a small bird. People usually say that it can sing better than any other. It usually sings at night or in the early hours of the morning. 2) This bird lives in Africa, Australia and South America. People often keep them as pets and teach them to talk. 3) This bird is larger than a sparrow but smaller than a crow. It can be blue-grey, grey, sometimes white or brown. Some time ago people used them to carry short letters. 4) This is a sea bird. It feeds mostly on fish and often follows ships. 5) This black-and-white bird lives in the woods and forests, but people often see it near their houses. The bird has a long tail and a loud cry. 6) A bird with a strong narrow' beak. People sometimes call it the “doctor” of trees. 7) A large water bird, usually white, sometimes black in colour, it has a long neck and flies to the south in autumn. 8) A night bird with large round eyes, it hunts and eats small animals. DO IT ON YOUR OWN Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in past simple or present perfect. 1) He (say) it just now. 2) Jack (tell) me about it the other day. 3) I know that they (win) the game. 4) Yesterday I (buy) a very fashionable blou.se and (pay) one thousand roubles for it. 5) I never (hear) anything about it. 6) The clock just (strike) seven. 7) Last Tuesday I (mean) domestic Ida'mcstlkJ — домашний wliat I (say). 8) Chris already (make) two mistakes in the exorcise. 9) VVe (learn) a lot of interesting things lately. 10) John just (put) the bowl of salad on the table. Remember and write down some names of birds under these categories. a) water birds d) town birds g) talking birds b) song birds e) wild birds h) birds that make good pets c) forest birds f) domestic birds 10 Write 6—10 sentences about any bird. Step 2 a> ■D % DO IT TOGETHER Listen, ^ (61), and complete the sentences. 1) The nightingale lives in England from .... 2) The nightingale never visits .... 3) The nightingale sings at night and at .... 4) The nightingale’s songs are beautiful but its body 5) The nightingale builds its home .... Put together the information about the nightingale and speak about this bird. Mention: where the nightingale lives; what countries on the British Isles it never visits; during what months you can hear the nightingale’s songs; during what parts of the day the bird sings its songs; why it is difficult to hear its songs during the day; if the bird’s songs are beautiful; if its body is beautiful; where the nightingale builds its nest. A. Read the title of the text and its first paragraph. What do you think the text is going to be about? B. Read the text to the end What new things did you learn from it? They Are So Much Like Us Many people think that penguins f'peggwinzl live in the places where it is very cold. But we can find them not only along the Antarctic [aenl'arktik] continent (not the Arctic!) and islands. They also live in Peru fpa'ru:!, Brazil [bra'zil], Southwest Africa, New Zealand and in the south of Australia. 10 The penguin is famous because it can stand up straight and walk. When they w'alk they look funny to us. They look like people wearing black coats and white shirts. Ages ago, the penguins were about 2 metres tall and could fly as well as any other bird. But today their wings are short and useless for flying. How did it happen? Many scientists say that it happened because penguins had very few enemies. They lived on the territories where there was practically nobody dangeroтдs for them. So they could safely spend all the time on land or in the water. They stopped using their wings. In time those wings became very small, until today they an* useless for flying. But penguins are fantastic swimmers. Penguins also developed a thick coat of fat to protect them from the icy cold of the territories where they live. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about penguins. Ask about; where j)enguins live; if they live near the North or the South Pole; in what penguins are different from other birds; what they look like; what they w’ere like long ago; how it happened that they can’t fly; w'hat they can do very well; why penguins don’t feel cold. Confusable Words (Слова, которые следует разтичать) В английском языке есть два похожих слова other и another, которые следует различать. 1. Another означает 1) «другой», «ещё один», «дополнительный» (I'd like another cup of tea, please.) и 2) «другой», «иной» (My cousin lives in another part of the country.). Местоимение another используется только с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе: another day, another place, another man. 2. Other означает 1) «другие», «дополнительные» (You are my good friend. I have no other friends.) и 2) «другие», «иные» (Let's go to the zoo. — Thanks, but we have some other plans.). 3. Слово other обычно используется с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе: other pupils, other places, other traditions. Однако OHO может сочетаться и с неисчисляемыми существительными: Соте some other time, please. 4. Сочетание other + существительное в речи часто заменяется словом others: Some people like singing, others (other people) like dancing Complete the sentences. Use another, other, others. 1) I can’t talk to you now. Come ... day, please. 2) 1 have just had one sandwich. May 1 have ... one? 3) This is a very bad road. Are there ... roads to the castle? 4) Some i)eople like fish and ... don’t. 5) There is ... big river in this part of Scotland. 6) Are there any ... mountains in Wales? 7) I can carry this bag and some ... too. 8) Tomorrow will be ... sunny day. 9) We are going to visit France and some ... countries too. 10) If you don’t like these postcards, I can bring some ... . 11) Where are my ... exercise books? T can’t find them. 12) Some people travel by train, ... like travelling by car. 13) “Tom Sawyer” is a book about a young boy. ... book about a boy is “Oliver Twist”. 14) After going to New York I’d like to see some ... cities in the USA. Ask for more things. Use the words from the box. box, bag, cup, carton', jug, plate, piece 1) Can I have another ... of coffee? 2) Can we ask for another ... of milk? 3) I’d like another ... of sugar, please. 4) May I have another ... of chalk, please? 5) I’d like to buy another ... of pears. 6) Will you give me another ... of orange juice? 7) I’d like another ... of ham and eggs, please. 8) Could I have another ... of chocolates? 9) Could you give me another ... of tea? 10) Have you got another ... of pencils? 11 СЛ r+ n> “D n; Irregular Verbs (Неправильные глаголы) Запомните третью форму следующих глаголов, ^ (62): 1 II III blow blew blown [blaunj дуть, надуть draw drew drawn [dro:n] рисовать fly flew flown [flaun] летать forget forgot forgotten [fa'gotn] забывать grow grew grown [дгэоп] расти, выращивать know knew known fnaon] знать wear wore worn [worn] носить, быть одетым Say what Mr Andrew Morgan a) has never done, b) has just done. Л. 1) to blow up a balloon 2) to know this rule 3) to wear shorts 4) to forget what he must do 5) to fly by plane 6) to grow vegetables 7) to draw animals B. 1) to blow on his hot soup 2) to draw a castle for his little son 3) to fly to Helsinki 4) to grow a now kind of flower 5) to wear a clown’s costume^' ' a canon [ karmj пакет {картонная упаковка для продуктов) а costume l'kr>stju:m] маскарадный или театральный костюм DO IT OIU YOUR OWIU Spell these words 1) [aol] 2) [4vud,pek3] 3) [krou] 4) [’naitiggeil] 5) Гдл1] 6) f'swDlaul 7) rpic^n] 8) [ mjegpai] 9) ['starliij] 12 Choose the right words to complete the sentences, then write the sentences down. 1) I like apples and 1 like some (other, others) fruit as well. 2) (Other Another) country that we visited was Australia. 3) Sojne of us like big cities, (other, others) prefer the country. 4) I’d like to read (other, others) books by this writer. 5) Swans don’t stay here in winter, they fly away to (other/others) places, 6) Some days in February were cold, (other, others) quite w'arm and pleasant. 7) I’m still hungry; may I have (another, other) sandwich? 8) Some go out in the evening, (other, others) stay at home. 10 Complete the rows of verbs with their forms and write them down. 1) see - - saw — seen 5) forgjjt — ? — forgotten 2) wear — ? worn 6) V — understood — understood 3) ? • struck — ? 7) grow — ? ? 4) draw — drew — ? 8) fly — flew — ? Step 3 DO IT TOGETHER Four people speak about the animals that live in Africa. Listen, (63), and say what animals they mean. There are two animals they don't speak about. Speaker 1 Speaker 2 2. Speaker 3 Speaker 4 6. 4а Confusabfe Words (Слова, которые следует различать) Следует различать два похожих по форме английских глагола; to fly — flew — flown (летать) to flow — flowed — flowed (течь) Обратите внимание на то. что лишь один из них относится к разряду неправильных. 13 Choose the right verb forms to complete the sentences. 1) The waters of the river (flew/flowed) slowly. 2) Jill was writing a poem and the words just (flew flowed) from her pen. 3) The other day my parents (flew flowed) to the Far East. 4) They have never (flowed/ flown) in a hot-air balloon. 5) His speech (flew, flowed) freely. 6) Would you like (to fly/to flow) to Sydney with us? cn r+ (T) u Ul Articles (Артикли) Известные вам слова other и others могут употребляться в таких ситуациях, когда речь идёт об определённых людях или предметах. В этих случаях необходимо использование определённого артикля. Сравните: Wendy has got two dresses. One is red, the other dress is blue. Vera has been to Canada but she has never been to the other English-speaking countries. Обратите внимание, что сочетание the other + существительное в единственном числе в речи часто заменяется единицей the other. There are two armchairs in the room. One is high, the other is low (the other = the other chair). Сочетание the other + существительное во множественном числе часто заменяется единицей the others. There were five children in the house. One of them was a girl, the others were boys, (the other children = the others) Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. another, other, the otlier, others, the others 1) There are three cakes on the plate, take ... . 2) One boy fell off the ch belongs to Betty, ... pencil is mine, teachers were there. 5) Some people when it is not. 6) Jane’s house is on . are better than ... . 8) We must all tell ...? 9) Come ... day. 10) 1 wanted but Roland had ... ideas. 11) Not now. I’d like to have one and you may air and ... laughed. 3) This pencil 4) Mrs Smith, Mr Jones and ... like it when it is hot, ... like it .. side of the street. 7) Some books know this. Г11 call Ann. Will yon to spend our holidays in California . We’ll talk about it some ... time. 12) One of the children was Rob, what was ... boy’s name? 13) I can’t find my ... shoe. What are they? 14 1) This is an elk. What is the name of the other animal? 2) The wolf is grey, What colour is the other animal? 3) The squirrel is in the tree. Where is the other animal? 4) The nightingale is singing. What are the other birds doing? 5) The sparrow is a small bird. The other bird is big. What is it? 6) The owd lives in trees and hunts at night. Where does the other bird live? Does it hunt small animals? Listen, (64), and read. A. breathe [bri:6] — дышать common ['Roman] — 1. общий 2. часто встречающийся, обычный hide [haidj — 1. прятать 2. прятаться include fin‘klu;d] — включать including [in'k!u;dii]] — включая insect [’insekt] — насекомое soil [soil] — почва, земля species [spirjiz] — вид, род support [зэ'рэй] — 1. поддерживать 2. содержать B. breathe: to breathe in, to breathe out. Fish cannot breathe out of water. Breathe in deeply. The air we breathe should be clean. Now breathe out slowly. common: 1. a common language, to have something in common. The Plnglish and Americans have a common language. I have a lot in common with my brother. 2. to become common, a common thing, common people. It was common for our children to spend a lot of time swimming in the ocean. It has become common for us to use the Internet. In the 15th century common people could not read or write. Rabbits and foxes are common in Britain. hide (hid, hidden): 1. to hide something somewhere. I decided to hide the money in the box. 2. to hide in some place, to hide from somebody. Jane ran and hid behind the tree. include: to include something/somebody, to include on the list. The class of twenty includes seven girls. Did you include me when you were making the list? including: including me (us etc.), not including. Seven schools, including ours, decided to join the meeting. The box was heavy, about 15 kilogrammes, not including the two books I had to put there, insect: a small insect, an unusual insect. An insect is a small animal with six legs. Ants, bees, grasshoppers and flies are insects. What other insects do you know? soil: the dry rocky soil, to grow in (the) soil. Plants grow well in good soil. species (pi species): one species, many species, unusual species. There are more than 120 species of birds in New York Central Park, support: 1. to support a plan. Jane always supported my ideas. 2. to support a family. Her father supported her till she was twenty-five. 15 to fD •D Ul Complete the sentences with the new words. 1) I’m sure that my friends will always s... me. 2) Bees and ants, as people think, are i...s that live in big groups. 3) Doctors say it is very good to b... sea air. 4) Rabbits and hares look very much the same but in fact they are different s...s. 5) My favourite subjects i... biology and geography. 6) Cactuses ['ksktasiz] can grow in dry s..., practically without any water. 7) It’s not always easy for me to find a c... language with Paul. We are different people. 8) Plants get their food and water from the s... with the help of roots. 9) All of us, i... me, were not sure of the facta. A. Read the text and say in what way animals are different from plants. Animals and Plants As scientists say, an animal is any living thing (including people) that is not a plant. Nobody knows how many different species of wild plants and animals there are on our planet. People discover hundreds of new kinds every year. In what way are animals different from plants? This question is not always easy to answer. Animals and plants get their food differently: animals eat plants or other animals, while plants get their food from the air and soil with tlie help of their leaves and roots. But we know that some plants can catch and “eat” insects. Also animals can move about and hide while plants grow in the same place. But there are some plants that can travel and there are some that never leave their place. As you sec plants and animals have much in common. There are more than 300,000 different species of plants on the Earth. Some plants grow very tall and live a very long life. Other plants are so small that you can see them only through a microscope L'maikroskaopl. The same is true about animals. You can find plants and animals in the oceans and deserts, in mountains and in cold tundra ['tAndra] plains. When people first learned to cultivate ['kAltiveit] plants and domesticate animals, our civilization [,sivalai'zeijn] began. We can't live without them. Plants are able to use sunlight to grow. They “breathe in” carbon diox- 16 с 3 ide' gas and “breathe out” life-giving oxygen^. They support life on the planet. B. Listen, (65), and read the text aloud. C. Answer the questions on the text "Animals and Plants". 1) What do living things include? 2) Can we say that we know all the plants and animals that live on our planet? 3) In what way are plants and animals different? 4) Why is it not always true? 5) The text says that some plants are small and some are very big. Is that true about animals? Can you give examples? 6) Why can’t we live without plants and animals? In what ways do we use them? 7) Why is oxygen that plants “breathe out” so important for people? DO IT Oni YOUR OWN Which words from the box will you choose to complete the sentences? Write the sentences down. another, other, others, the other, the others 10 1) One clown fell down and all ... laughed. 2) Yesterday morning I met two girls. One was Matilda, but I didn’t know ... . 3) Where are all the children? — John went to play football, ... boys went with him. 4) Some languages are fairly difficult, ... are much easier. 5) Can I have ... cup of tea, please? 6) What ... nouns do you know? Choose the right verb forms (past simple or present perfect) to complete the sentences. 1) You ever (wear) a kimono [ki'mounou]? 2) What clothes Nick (wear) at the party yesterday? 3) Bob (draw) a very good picture lately. 4) When my brother was a child he (draw) a lot. 5) The other day John (fly) to Paris. 6) My grandparents never (fly) by plane. 7) You (blow) up the balloon yet? 8) My aunt (grow) very unusual flowers in her garden lately. 9) The children (fly) a kite just now. 10) We never (know) these facts. Thanks for telling us. 11) She already (forget) about our plan. Spell these words. 1) [bri:6] 2) ['koman] 3) [haid] 4) [in'kluid] 5) [in'klurdin] 6) [soil] 7) ['spi:jizj 8) [sa'part] Exercise 7 can help you. 9) ['maikraskaup] 10) r'L\ndra] 11) ['peqgvvm] 12) [,sivalai'zeijn] 13) [kAltiveit] 14) [Чбэ] 15) [эп'лбэ] ' carbon dioxide углекислым газ oxygen кислород 16 ide' gas and “breathe out” life-giving oxygen^. They support life on the planet. B. Listen, (65), and read the text aloud. C Answer the questions on the text "Animals and Plants". 1) What do living things include? 2) Can we .say that we know all the plants and animals that live on our planet? 3) In what way are plants and animals different? 4) Why is it not always true? 5) The text says that some plants are small and some are very big. Is that true about animals? Can you give examples? 6) Why can’t we live without plants and animals? In what ways do we use them? 7) Why is oxygen that plants “breathe out” so important for people? DO IT OIU YOUR OWN which words from the box will you choose to complete the sentences? Write the sentences down. another, other, others, the other, the others 10 1) One clown fell down and all ... laughed. 2) Yesterday morning I met two girls. One was Matilda, but I didn’t know ... . 3) Where are all the children? — John went to play football, ... boys went with him. 4) Some languages are fairly difficult, ... are much easier. 5) Can I have ... cup of tea, please? 6) What ... nouns do you know? Choose the right verb forms {past simple or present perfect) to complete the sentences. 1) You ever (wear) a kimono fki'maunau]? 2) What clothes Nick (wear) at the party yesterday? 3) Bob (draw) a very good picture lately. 4) When my brother was a child he (draw) a lot. 5) The other day John (fly) to Paris. 6) My grandparents never (fly) by plane. 7) You (blow) up the balloon yet? 8) My aunt (grow) very unusual flowers in her garden lately. 9) The children (fly) a kite just now. 10) We never (know) these facts. Thanks for telling us. 11) She already (forget) about our plan. Spell these words. 1) [bri:6] 2) [кшпэп] 3) [haid] 4) [m'klu:d] 5) [in'kluidig] 6) [soil] 7) l'spi:Jiz] 8) [sa'part] Exercise 7 can help you. 9) ['maikraskaup] 10) ['tAndra] 11) ['peggwm] 12) f,s>valai'zeijn] 13) f'k/vltiveit] 14) ['лбэ] 15) [ап'лбэ] carbon dioxide углекислый газ oxygen — кислород step 4 % DO IT TOGETHER You will hear 5 people speaking about rainforests’, ^ the tion the people give during their talks (1—5) with There is one statement you don't have to use. a) The speaker says that rainforests are in danger. b) Tlie speaker describes the places where we can find rainforests. c) The speaker mentions the weather in rainforests. d) The speaker says that rainforests are very important. e) The speaker talks about the tribes that live in rainforests. f) The speaker gives information about the age of rainforests. (66). Match the informa-e statements below (a—f). 17 i/» 0) “D 4:^ J^QtaJane ^ Confusabie Words (Слова, которые следует различать) Обратите внимание, что для обозначения понятия «земля» в английском языке могут использоваться разные слова; 1) earth (the Earth) — Земля (планета, на которой мы живём, или поверхность земли по отношению к небу) After а week in space, the cosmonauts came back to earth. 2) land — земля (суша по отношению к морю) After а week at sea, the sailors saw land. Говоря о землевладении, земельных угодьях, также используется существительное land; You are on my land. The king's lands stretch for many miles. He works on the land (= he is a farmer). 3) soil — земля (почва) The soil here is not rich at all. I don't think anything can grow in it. 4) ground — земля (поверхность, по которой мы ходим) The horse fell to the ground. Слово land часто употребляется в значении «страна»; my native land, the land of poets. Заметьте, что часто название нашей планеты употребляется с определённым артиклем и при этом пишется с заглавной буквы; the Earth, the planet Earth. В то же время в устойчивых выражениях артикль обычно не используется и слово earth пишется со строчной буквы; соте down to earth (спуститься с небес на землю, быть реалистом); — Гт going to travel around the world. — Oh, come down to earth. It's too expensive. ' rainforests — тропические леса Read these word combinations aloud. 18 % breathe sea air breathe in deeply breathe easily breathe in and out rich soil brown soil rocky soil sandy soil including insects including the others including physics and including the ancient different species common species uncommon species native species to support life to support your friend to support your family to support the idea hide the nuts hide the food chemistry have hidden the sweets languages has hidden his gifts earth land soil ground Use the words from the box to complete the sentences. 1) Mrs Wilier prepared the ... for the flowers she was going I to plant. 2) It is snowing now, and beautiful snowflakes are falling down to the .... 3) Is ... nearer to the Moon than Mars is? 4) There is water and water around us. When shall we see ...? 5) She planted the roses in wet rich ... . 6) After working at sea for eight years, I got a job on .... 7) In autumn red and yellow leaves fall to the ... and we walk on them. 8) Mr Parson is interested in our planet. He has a good collection of books about .... 9) The captain of the boat wanted to walk on dry 10) The ... in the pot is very dry. Can’t you water the plant? Read the text and say what new information you found in it. Say which of the statements after the text are true. Language of Birds The song of birds is one of the most wonderful sounds. Probably the best singer is the nightingale. Sometimes when we are out in the country, we hoar birds making some sounds and we may think they are telling one another something. The fact is that birds have their own language, just as many other animals do but their language is different from people’s language. We use words and people must know these words, they should learn them. Birds don’t learn their language. They are able to sing, “to talk” because they can make sounds and noises. It is an instinct with them. Let’s take a chick from its parents so that it can’t hear the sounds they make. When the chick grows up, it will still be able to make the same sounds as its parents. But birds can’t learn “other languages”. Some birds like parrots, crows, jackdaws' are talented imitators ['imiteitaz]. They imitate the speech of people and other animals. A lot of birds can learn other birds’ songs. For example, if a canary grows up with a nightingale, it can learn a jackdaw [’d5EekdD:] — галка a real 1) a) b) c) 2) a) b) c) 3) a) b) c) 4) a) b) to sing like a nightingale. But this imitation is not a real language. Birds do not talk as we do. a) Birds talk in their own way. b) Birds don’t talk in their own way. c) Some birds can talk in their own way. a) Birds have a language that is different from the languages people speak. b) Birds speak as people do. c) Birds’ language is more difficult than people’s language. a) A chick can’t make the same sounds as its parents can. b) A chick can make the same sounds as its parents can. c) A chick can make the same sounds as its parents can if it lives with them. a) Birds can learn other “languages” and understand them. b) Birds can learn other “languages” without understanding them. c) Birds can leai'n only other birds’ languages. 19 i/> r+ Л5 T3 ■Ck Tenses (Грамматические времена) The Present Perfect Progressive Tense Для того чтобы подчеркнуть, что то или иное действие происходило какое-то время в прошлом и продолжается в настоящем, в английском языке используют настоящее совершенное продолженное время — present perfect progressive. Оно образуется следующим образом: have been + Ving или has been -f Ving have been writing have been reading has been writing has been reading I have been living in Moscow for 10 years. — Я живу в Москве 10 лет. (Действие началось 10 лет тому назад, все эти 10 лет я жила в Москве и сейчас тоже живу в этом городе.) Магу has been playing the piano for 40 minutes. — Мэри играет на пианино 40 минут. We have been learning English for four years. — Мы учим английский 4 года. Помимо указателя for —■ «в течение» в подобных предложениях часто употребляется предлог since — «с» (какого-то времени), а также словосочетания all day, all night, all the morning, all the afternoon, all the evening: Sue has been talking on the phone since 2 o'clock. — Сью разговаривает по телефону с 2 часов. It has been raining since morning. — Дождь идёт с утра. They have been working in the garden all the morning. — Они работают в саду всё утро. А. Say what language and how long the children have been learning. Example: Tom has been learning Ru.ssian for 3 years. 1) Tom — Russian - for 3 years 2) Jenny — French — for 5 years 3) Peter — Norwergian ~ for a year 4) Robin German — for 2 years 5) Diana — Italian — for 4 years 20 6) Sam — Chinese — since 2003 7) Brian — Japanese — since 2000 8) Matilda — Greek' — since 1998 9) Nora — Vietnamese — since 2004 10) William — Spanish — since 1999 B. Say how long you have been learning English and other school subjects. It is autumn and it often rains in many cities of Europe. It is 8 p.m. now and it is raining in these European cities (1—9). Say how long it has been raining in each of them. Example: It It 1) It 2) It 3) It 4) It 5) It 6) It 7) It 8) It 9) It began began began began began began began began began began raining at 3 p.m, in Rome, has been raining for 5 hours. raining at 9 a.m. in Bonn. raining at 2 p.m. in Berlin. raining at 11 a.m. in Paris. raining at 7 p.m. in Madrid. raining at noon (12 o’clock) in Moscow raining at 10 a.m. in St Petersburg. raining at 4 p.m. in Oslo. raining at 6 p.m. in Vienna. raining at 8 a.m, in London. Say why these people are tired. Example: I (do) the геют for three hours already. I am tired because I have been doing the room for three liours already. 1) Jenny (draw) since morning. 2) Sam (work) there for fifteen years. 3) Chris (watch) TV for three hours already. 4) Rose and Alan (learn) Spanish for 2 years. 5) The children (play) tennis for forty minutes. 6) The Willers (try) to build their own house all these years. 7) Miss King (drive) since 8 in the morning. 8) Mister Swift (teach) since 1987. DO IT ON YOUR OWN Match the sentences in the two columns and write them down. 1) I’ve been reading the book for five minutes. 2) I’ve been sitting at home doing nothing all day. 3) I have been writing my book for two years. 4) We have been waiting for Alice for an hour. 5) Jack has been doing his room for two hours already. 6) My little son has been sleeping since 2 p.m. 7) They have been painting the hou.se all the morning. 8) My dog Rex has been playing with the ball for several minutes. a) When will he finish it? b) He usually does it when we are out in the garden. c) When will she come? d) 1 think it’s time for him to get up. e) It looks so bright now. f) And I already know it is very boring. g) I think I’ll finish it soon. h) My life is not interesting at all. Greek — греческий (язык) 10 Make up sentences and write them. 1) Jack chemistry/since/has been doing/2009. 2) We,'decorations/have been preparing/all the morning/Christmas. 3) has been working/since/of the school year/on the computer/Fiona, the beginning. 4) We/playing/for,been/have/football/half an hour. 5) have/travelling/about/for, Australia/The Wilsons/been/months.'two. Write the names of the animals in three groups. Wild Animals Domestic Animals Insects Grasshopper, ant, cow, sheep, bear, elk, fly, reindeer, elephant, pig, hen, chimp, bee, snail, turtle, horse, squirrel, hedgehog. 21 tn о ■D U1 step 5 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, ^ (67), and sing along. I’ve Been Working on the Railroad {American song) I’ve been working on the railroad All the livelong ['livlug] day. I’ve been working on the railroad Just to pass the time awav. Can’t you hear the whistle blowing? Rise up so early in the morn! Can’t you hear the captain shouting. Dinah, blow your horn! ii Dinah, won4 you blow, Dinah, won’t you blow, Dinah, won’t you blow your horn? Dinah, won’t you blow, Dinah, won’t you blow, Dinah, won’t you blow your horn? Someone’s in the kitchen with Dinah, Someone’s in the kitchen I know! Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah. Strumming on the old banjo. Singing fee, fie, fiddle-yie-o Fee, fie, fiddle-yie-o-o-o-o. Fee, fie, fiddle-yie-o Strumming on the old banjo! железная дорога весь день напролёт провести время как свистит свисток поднимайся рано утром как кричит начальник поезда рожок бренчит на старом банджо Look at the sentences and say how we can form questions in present perfect progressive. 22 A. 1) 2) 3) 4) B. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Have you been sending e-mails since morning? — Yes, I we have. (No, I/we haven’t.) Have they been talking for an hour? — No, tliey iiaven’t. Has he been watching TV since morning? — Yes, he has. Has she been making tea all this time? No, she hasn’t. How long have they been staving in this hotel? — Since Thursday. How long have you been building your summer house? — For 2 years already. Since when has it been raining outside? — Since 4 p.m. Since when hgs he been nlaving the piano? — Since when he was five. What have they been doing all the morning? — They have been walking in the park. What has she been doing all the evening? — She has been preparing her talk. irs. Follow the example and ask questions. Your partner will answer Work in pairs them. Example: How long have Mary and Kate been skiing? Since when have they been skiing? Wh_at have they been doing since afternoon? 5) The Robinsons to cook, since morning 6) Julia to talk on the phone, for an hour 7) The tourists to visit museums and picture galleries/since 10 in the morning 1) Mary and Kate to ski/since afternoon 2) Paul, Pete and Mary to learn English,/since last year 3) Cousin Fred to stay at a hotel/since yesterday 4) The parents to shop/since 5 p.m. Listen, ^ (68), and read. A. close [klaus] — близкий curious r'kjuarias] — любопытный especially [I'spejli] — особенно human [hjurman] — n человек; adj человеческий scientific [,saian'tifik] — научныii similar [’simila] — похожий relative ['relativ] — родственник twin [twin] — близнец twin brother/twin sister — брат сестра-близнец B. close: to be close to something, to be close to each other, a close friend. The hotel is close to the centre of the town. We can walk to the swimming pool, it's quite close. Diana is a close friend of mine. curious: a curious look', to be curious about something, to be curious to see (hear, know). Children are often curious about animals and how they live. People were curious to know why that happened. Ann gave me a curious look. especially: especially in spring, especially now, to be especially interested. It was a very cold house, especially in winter. I especially like the idea of going there with you. human (or human being) n: especially humans, all humans. Some animals can have the same diseases as humans. Human beings also belong to animals. human adj: human feelings, a human body. Everybody makes mistakes sometimes — we are only human. scientific: a scientific subject, a scientific language, scientific words. It is a scientific fact. Scientifically speaking this is not quite true, similar: similar projects, similar plans, similar ideas. We have similar hobbies and interests. relative: close relatives, friends and relatives. My parents, grandparents, my aunts, uncles and cousins are my relatives. twin: to have a twin. There were twins in the family. twin brother/twin sister: My twin brother lives in Liverpool. They were twin sisters. 23 KA r+ fD T3 1Л Match the words in the two columns and complete the sentences with these word combinations. similar close scientific curious human twin look brother relatives colours interests faces 1) Orange and yellow are .... 2) When I was ill, only ... came to visit me. 3) He is a famous scientist but I’m not sure of his .... 4) Ann didn’t understand what was happening and gave me a .... 5) After his journey in the rainforest he was happy to see ... . 6) Jane’s ... doesn’t live in Britain. A. Say what you know about primates ['pratmeitsj. B. Listen, (69), read the text and say what new information you've got from it. Our Close Relatives Apes are the closest relatives of humans. For a long time people thought that monkeys and apes belonged to the same species of animals, but scientifically speaking it is not so. Monkeys are .smaller than apes, they have long tails which they often use as an extra “hand”. They easily use both their hands and feet if they want to take something. Monkeys and apes are primates. They live in the tropics, especially in rainforests. Apes and monkeys are common in tropical Africa and Asia. Monkeys also live in South America. a look — взгляд 24 Probably the most interesting of all are great apes. This group [gru:p] includes the chimpanzee [,фтргеп'г1:], gorilla and orangutan lD:'raer)u:'t£ei]]. Apes are the only primates that are humanlike. They look like us, are tailless and have the same disea.ses as people. All apes sleep at night. Some of them make platforms in the trees, others make nests on the ground. Apes mostly eat plants and sometimes kill sniall animals, like insects, for food. Chimpanzees and gorillas spend more time on the ground than in the trees and walk on all fours. Apes have just one young, or, from time to time, twins. They travel in family groups of 30 or 40. Apes live 30 years or more. They carry their babies in one arm like human mothers or place them on their backs. Chimps are very curious and often friendly and peaceful. Gorillas become aggressive [s'gresiv] only when they defend their territory. Apes are very clever animals, second only to humans. They can understand the vocabulary of up to several hundred words and symbols. Chimps often use branches, stones and boxes on which they stand to get their food. Some scientists even believe that apes can count. A. Look through the text "Our Close Relatives" again and say which of these facts are true, false or not stated. 1) Monkeys and apes are not one species. 2) Both monkeys and apes have tails. 3) Monkeys can stand or sit up on two legs. 4) Each group of primates has their own territory. 5) Apes don’t live in South America. 6) The gorilla is a monkey, not an ape. 7) Apes build platforms in the trees from branches and leaves. 8) Chimps prefer to stay in the trees and don’t often come down to the ground. 9) Apes’ bodies are like humans’ bodies. 10) Gorillas are strong and aggressive animals. 11) Apes are the only animals that use tools*. B. Work in pairs and make up a dialogue about primates. gorilla chimpanzee orangutan monkey DO IT OM YOUR OWN Complete the sentences. Use for, since, all day. 1) The boys are tired. They have been playing basketball ... an hour and a half. 2) Alex has been talking on the phone ... 5 o’clock. 3) The telephone has been ringing ... . 4) Mr Williams has been writing his book ... half a year and he hasn’t finished it yet. 5) People have been working on this problem ... the beginning of the century. 6) John has been washing his car ... nine o’clock this morning. 7) Sarah has been writing her project ... . 8) We have been learning the poem ... an hour and a half. * a tool [tu:l] — инструмент 10 Write how long they have been doing it. Example'. John/write/0.5 hour John has been writing for half an hour. James/ read 1.5 liours James has been reading for an hour and a half. 1) Victor/work 1.5 hours 2) Robert/watch TV,'2.5 hours 3) Mr Cook/fish/3 hours. 4) Jenny,/decorate the hall/0.5 hour 5) Wendy/make a dress'0.5 hour Spell these words. 1) [twmz] 2) ['hju:man] 3) ['kjuarias] 4) [’simila] 5) ['relativ] 6) [klaus] 7) [ saian'tifik] 6) the boys/run 0.5 hour 7) the Morgans/drive/1.5 hours 8) the children/play football, an hour 9) Jim shop. 0.5 hour 10) I wait for you, 0.5 hour 25 i/) fD T3 O) 8) ['m/vgki] 9) [eip] 10) [I’spejli] Write a paragraph (= 30 words) about primates. Step 6 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (70), and choose the right items (a or b). 1) a) Sally is fifteen this year. b) Sally is going to be fifteen this year. 2) a) Sally is thinking about her career. b) Sally is not thinking about her career. 3) a) Sally goes to the park to watch birds without her friends, b) Sally goes to the park to watch birds with her friends. 4) a) Sally knows a lot of species of birds living all over the world, b) Sally knows a lot of species of birds living in Great Britain. 5) a) Sally loves reading books about plants and animals, b) Sally loves reading books about birds and animals. 6) a) Sally’s teacher gives her books about animals to read, b) Sally’s teachers give her books about animals to read. 7) a) Bears and wolves do not live in Great Britain anymore, b) There are a lot of bears and wolves in Britain now. 8) a) Sally gave a talk on plants, b) Sally gave a talk on animals. 9) a) Sally is going to university to do biology. b) Sally is thinking about going to university to do biology. 26 Say how long they have been doing it. 1) Mr Robinson since yesterday 2) Rose — since 2010 3) Frank — since Sunday 4) William and Sam 0.5 year 6) Molly and Kate — 2.5 hours 5) Jenny and Alice 2.5 weeks V 7) Greg — 0.5 hour 8) George — 1.5 hours Tenses (Грамматические времена) В предложениях с present perfect progressive момент, когда действие началось в прошлом, может быть обозначен придаточным предложением. Jane has been watching TV since she came home. Colin has been playing the computer since he came back. В этом случае в придаточных всегда употребляется past simple. Период времени, в течение которого длится действие, выраженное глаголом в present perfect progressive, может также обозначаться словосочетанием for а long time. Helen has been talking on the phone for a long time. Say how long they have been using these things. Example: Mr Stubbs/drive his car/he to buy it/in 2009 Mr Stubbs has been driving his car since he bought it in 2009, 1) Julia/to wear her shoes/she/buy them last summer. 2) Boris/to read this book he/borrow it from his brother. 3) Chris/to take pictures/his father to give him the camera*. 4) Brian and Mary/to live in this house/they • to come to town. 5) The Davidsons/to play the piano/2010. 6) Bill/to ride his bike/he/get it as a gift. 7) They to use their garage they/to built it. 8) Jim to drink from this cup/I/to give it to him two years ago, 9) Olga/to dance modern dances/for a long time. 10) Boris/to dream about going to rainforests/for a long time. Greetings Научитесь праиильио поздравлять людей с различными событиями. 1) Традиционные поздравления в дни общих праздников: Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! Happy Easter! Happy Teacher’s Day! (Greetings on Teacher’s Day!) Happy Mother’s Day! (Greetings on Mother’s Day! Greetings on Women’s Day!) 2) Традиционные поздравления в дни личных праздников: Happy birthday (to you)I Many happy returns of the day! (C днём рождения!) Best wishes for your birthday! I wish you all the luck in the world! (Желаю удачи!) All the good luck! May all your dreams come true! (Пусть сбудутся мечты!) 3) Поздравления с достижением успеха: Congratulations Lkan,graetfs'leijnz]! (Поздравляю!) Congratulations to you! 4) Пожелания при расставании: Enjoy yourself! Have fun! Have a good time! Have a nice day! 5) В ответ на пожелание обычно говорят: Thank you. The same to you. (И тебе/вам того же.) 6) При поздравлении с Новым годом. Рождеством или Пасхой отвечают той же фразой: Happy New Year, Linda! — Happy New Year, John! 27 r+ 0) ■Q Ф Желаю хорошо провести время! Work in pairs. A. Complete the dialogues and act them out 1) — Гт so glad you’ve become a student. I know it wasn’t easy, • • t 2) — Happy New Year, dear! — mom! 3) — Good-bye, Fred, I wish you good luck! ... a camera [ кгетэгэ] — фотоаппарат 28 4) — Гт going away on holiday tomorrow. — Bye-bye! ... 5) — Well, I hear you’re fifteen today. ... • • • 6) So, you’re ready for the party. You look wonderful. ... B. Greet or congratulate each other on: a) a birthday; b) the New Year; c) one of you is getting a prize; A. Listen, ^ (71), and repeat. d) one of you is getting a job; e) Easter Day; f) St Valentine’s Day. a butterfly a spider a moth a dragonfly a beetle B. Say what you know about the insects you can see in the pictures above. what the name of the insect is where you can see it when you can see it (season) if it is common in the place where you live what they eat if they are useful or useless for people if they are dangerous A. Read the texts (1—4) and match them with the titles (a—e). There is one title you don't have to use. a) Living on the Ground and under It b) Working Hard to Get Little c) Uncommon Species d) An Insect with Several Lives e) They Are So Many! 1. Insects live all over the world. There are more kinds of them than of all animal species. We know more than 850,000 different kinds of insects. In other words, eight out of ten of all the Earth’s animals are insects! Some of them are very- small, others are as big as your hand. Some of them are useful and helpful. Others are dangerous. Many have interesting life stories. Here are some of them. 2. Bees are social ['saujl] insects — they live in big groups or colonies. Each colony has a queen bee and worker bees. A worker bee’s life is very short, usually about four weeks. Worker bees fly and collect nectar L'nekto] from flowers. A bee can see some colours. They are green, blue and ultraviolet' wliich people cannot see. But red is no colour to a bee. It sees red things as black. By the way a bee must visit about 4,000 flowers to make a tablespoon of honey^. Worker bees are very busy insects. People often say as busy as a bee about someone^ who has a lot of work to do. 3. Ants are social insects too. They are colony makers and have been living on the Earth for about 100 million years. Their number is very large. You can find ants in forests and mountains, in plains and valleys, nearly in all the places of our planet. Some colonies are on the ground, others live deep in the ground. Most ants are wingless, but their queens usually have wings. Ant workers get food for the queens. Ants are very hard-working insects. 4. Butterflies are flying insects. They live in most parts of the world, even as far north as the Arctic. Butterflies have many colours, they can be big and small. One of the smallest lives in South Africa. The largest is the Queen Alexandra that is as big as a bird. All butterflies begin their lives as caterpillars which appear from eggs. The caterpillars spend their lives eating plants. They change their skin several times as they grow. Then a caterpillar turns into a chrysalis^, from which a butterfly comes out. Some butterflies fly from one part of the world to another during some seasons. One of the most famous is the monarch butterfly in North America. In the summer it lives all over the USA and Canada. In the autumn monarch butterflies fly south to Mexico, Florida and California for the winter. In spring they fly back again. Dragonflies, beetles, ladybirds and moths have their interesting and unusual stories. B. Listen to the text, (72), and read it aloud. The Pronoun (Местоимение) Обратите внимание на то, что в той части текста, где речь шла о пчёлах, употреблено неопределённое местоимение someone, которое по смыслу может заменять известное вам somebody. То же можно сказать о следующих словах; everybody = everyone (каждый) anybody = anyone (любой) nobody = по one (никто) 29 кп о тз ф * ultraviolet f,Altr3vaioIot] — ультрафиолетовый ^ honey [Ълп|] — мёд someone =" somebody ^ chiysa)is fkns^hs) — кукачиа ^насекомых); кокон 30 Ask and answer questions about ants, bees and butterflies. Find out. A. if insects are animals how many kinds of insects people know what is special about bees and ants what colours bees can see how long is a worker bee’s life if each colony of bees has a queen bee how bees are useful for people if ants are social animals if ants have the queen and worker ants how long ants have been living on the Earth where ants make their colonies what kind of ants doesn’t have wings who gets food for queen ants DO IT ON YOUR OWN 10 Complete the sentences. Use present perfect progressive. Then write them down. 1) 1 (wait) for an hour and a half. Why have you come so late? 2) Jenny (live) in this place since 2008. She knows everybody here. 3) Peter (learn) Spanish for half a year only. He has a long way to go. 4) Rose and her husband (build) this garage all the summer and they haven’t finished it yet. 5) My parents (travel) about the country for two weeks. They are coming back soon. 6) The children (watch) television for an hour and a half already. I think I’ll take them for a walk. 7) Ruth (wash up) since after dinner. Nearly all the plates are clean. Spell these words: 1) ['leidibsrdl 2) ['bi:tl] 3) ['spaido] 4) [moG] 5) ['bAtaflaiJ 6) ['draeganflaij 7) ['kaJtapila] Write 6 sentences about what you or your relatives: a) have been dreaming about for a long time; b) have been doing for a long time. Example: I have been dreaming about my own snowboard for a long time. My father has been collecting stamps for a long time. Write a paragraph about some animal or insect you find interesting. step 7 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (73), and say which statements are true and which are false. an eohippus a racehorse a Shetland pony 31 СЛ fD X3 1) The horse has been living on Earth for millions of years. 2) Now there are no wild horses any more. 3) The first horses were fast and strong animals. 4) The first horses didn’t live on the plains. 5) The horse’s legs changed because of their new lifestyle. 6) Horses can be “doctors”. What questions can you ask these people? Example: Mr Harry Parson has been writing a book for eleven months, Have you finished your book yet? 1) Simon has been looking for a job for five months. 2) Ann and Alan have been doing their homework for hours. 3) Alice has been hoping to buy a new mobile. 4) Ruby King has been thinking of visiting New Zealand for years. 5) Ronald Scott has been trying to make a successful film for years. 6) Bobby lias been hoping to find his favourite pet for weeks. 7) Nora has been thinking of going to the Niagara Falls for a long time, 8) Alice has been waiting for her friend since morning. Tenses (Грамматические времена) В некоторых случаях время present perfect progressive употребляется, чтобы описать действия, которые начались в прошлом и только что закончились. При этом видны явные признаки или результаты этой деятельности. Why are you so dirty? — We have been playing football. Why is the kitchen so messy. Rose? — I've been cooking. Look at the pictures and say what they have been doing. 32 4) Wendy/to shop 2) Helen/to cook 5) Chi'is and Jack/to swim 3) Peter/to play football 6) Julia/to eat chocolates Match the sentences in the two columns. 1) Why are your hands red and a) green? b) 2) Why are you so tired? c) 3) Why are your shoes wet? 4) Why are your eyes red? d) 5) Why is the kitchen so messy? e) 6) Why are you breathing so fast? f) 7) Why is your face red? 8) Why are you so cold? g) h) I have been working all day. I have been running all day. I have been out in the street for 3 hours. I have been cooking diner. I have been watering flowers. I have been staying in the sun for a long time. I have been crying'. I have been painting a picture. A. Listen, (74), and read the names of these animals and plants. What are their names in Russian? Plants; 1) an oak 2) a pine 3) a thistle Animals: 1) a snake 2) a robin 4) an elm 5) a fir 6) a daffodil 3) a lizard 4) a blackbird 7) a beech 8) a birch 9) a shamrock ' to cry — плакать В- which of these animals and plants are common in your country? Where did you see them? Read the text and give a name to each of its four parts. Flora and Fauna of the British Isles 1. The warm and wet climate of Great Britain is very good for plants. That’s why the country looks like a big beautiful garden. Centuries ago there were a lot of forests in the British Isles but now you can find big forests only in a few parts of the country - the north of Scotland and the southeast and southwest of England. The most common trees in England are oaks, elms and beeches while Scotland has a lot of pines, firs and birches. 2. The fauna, or animal life in the British Isles is like in the northwest of Europe. Many larger animals such as bears and wolves don’t live on the British Isles any more but there are a lot of smaller animals: foxes, rabbits, hares and hedgehogs. Deer live in the forests of Scotland and England too. There are also different kinds of fish, snakes, frogs, butterflies and dragonflies. 3. More than two hundred species of birds live in the British Isles and about two hundred kinds are visitors to the place. Many of them are songbirds, in spring the land rings with their singing. The most common are blackbirds and sparrows. A lot of waterbirds — swans, ducks, geese and gulls live on the lakes and rivers and on the sea coasts of Great Britain. 4. It may be interesting that the robin, one of Britain’s common birds, has become the national symbol of the country. There are also plant symbols of the country: the red rose is the national emblem of England, the thistle is the national emblem of Scotland, the yellow daffodil and the leek are emblems of Wales and the shamrock is the emblem of Ireland. Speak about the flora and fauna of Russia. Mention: • some common plants and where they grow; • common animals li\nng in fields, forests and in the water; • common birds, including songbirds and waterbirds; • plants and animals that have become symbols of Russia and Russian cities and towns. 33 to rp T3 Nl DO IT ON YOUR OWN Write questions. Use present perfect progressive. 1) How long you (do) these exercises? 2) Since when you (paint) this picture? 3) How long she (wait) for her lunch? 4) Since when they (grow) these plants? 5) How long she (stay) at this hotel? % 34 Complete the situations. Use the verbs in the right verb forms. 1) The boys ... football now. They ... tired. They ... football for an hour and a half. 2) Tom ... talking on the phone an hour ago. I tlilnk on the phone for an hour 3) he should finish. He ... already. Roy came to see the It ... 9:30 now. Roy ... a.m. 4) Colin ... a professor in 1998. He versity since he ... a professor. 5) The Greens ... to Canada last summer. They ... in Canada now. They ... in Canada for about a year. dentist at nine o’clock, for the doctor since 9:00 at the Uni- play, be, play begin talk be, wait become, work become move, live live 10 Use some of the greetings (p. 27) and write what you may say; 1) to your teacher on the International Teacher’s Day; 2) to your mum on her birthday; 3) to your friend before he/she goes away on holiday; 4) to your friend after his team has won a football match. Step 8 DO IT TOGETHER A. Listen, 9 (75), and read the poem. The Animal Store {After Rachel Field) When I have a hundred dollars to spend. Or maybe a little more, I’ll hurry as fast as my legs can go Straight to the animals store I won’t say, “How much for this or that?’’ “What kind of dog is he?” I’ll buy as many as roll an eve. Or wag a tail on me! I’ll take the hound with the drooping ears. That sits bv himself alone: Cockers and Cairns [keanzl and wobbly pups For to be my very own. I may buy a parrot, a parrot all red and green And the monkey 1 saw before. If I have a hundred dollars to spend. Or maybe a little more. магазин я поспешу взглянут на меня завиляют охотничья собака висячие одна кокеры и кернтерьеры ковыляющие в. Answer the questions. What makes the poet wish to buy the animal? Do you think animals in a pet shop often look lonely? Why do people buy animals and keep them? What do you think about keeping animals? What animals should not become pets? A. Say what you know about Charles Darwin. B. Listen, (76), and read the text, then do the task after it. Charles Darwin Charles Darwin was a world-famous scientist. His theory ['в1эп] of evolution [,ev3'lu:Jn] opened a new page in the old book of nature'. Darwin was born on 12 February 1809 in England. His father was a doctor and his grandfather was a philosopher [fi’losafo] and a poet but he was interested in nature too. When a boy, Darwin showed little interest in school and later when he was a medical student at the university he was not really fond of medicine ['medsnj and soon decided he did not want to become a doctor. At that time he began to be interested in biology. In 1831 he joined an expedition [,ekspi'dijn] on a ship that went to the Pacific Islands. There Darwin understood that the living things coiild change with time and developed his famous theory of evolution. Charles Darwin believed that all species of life appeared from one living organism. The scientist died in April 1882. His body now lies in Westminster Abbey. Choose the right variants to complete the sentences. 1) Charles Darwin was born ... . a) in the seventeenth century b) in the eighteenth century c) in the nineteenth century 2) Charles Darwin was born in ... . a) Great Britain b) the USA c) Australia 3) Some of Darwin’s relatives were interested in ... . a) painting b) living things c) writing stories 4) At the beginning of the 19th centui*>' he ... . a) made a voyage b) had a train journey about South America c) lived for some time on the Pacific Islands 5) Charles Darwin’s body lies ... . a) in one of the English cathedrals b) on some Pacific island c) on the Pacific coast of South America 35 cn r+ n> "D 00 nature [‘npjljA] — природа 36 It is 9 p.m. now. Say how long it has been raining or snowing in these cities. Example’. 1) It has been snowing in New York since 8 p.m. 2) It has been snowing in New' York for an hour. since 8 p.m, 1) since 9 a.m. 2) since 11 a.m. t/ 3) since 1 p.m. 4) since 3 p.m. 5) since 6 p.m 6) since noon ^ Phrasal Verbs (Фразовые глаголы) Познакомьтесь с фразовыми глаголами с ядерным элементом таке. (up ^1)). 1) to make up — сочинять, придумывать Every day he made up a new story for his grandchildren. 2) to make up — гримировать, накладывать косметику They made him up as a clown for the evening performance, 3) to make off — быстро уйти, убежать, сбежать The boys made off as fast as they could. 4) to make out — разобраться, понять (с трудом) I can't make out what he is saying. Complete the sentences with up. off or out. 1) She is a very unusual girl. I can’t make her ... . 2) The boy gave the letter to Sherlock Holmes and made ... . 3) I think young girls should not make ... their lovely faces. 4) The children made ... a little poem and wrote it in the card. 5) Don’t make ...: I’ve got something to tell you. 6) They stood far from me and I couldn’t make ... what they were saying. 7) My sister takes a long time to make ... in the morning. 8) I don’t believe you, I think you’ve made it all ... . Work in pairs. Read the dialogues, then make your own dialogues with the words on the right. 1) — Your coat is so beautiful. Is it new? — Oh, no. I’ve been wearing it for years. ! 37 ■‘4 2) — Your roses are so beautiful. Have you planted them this year? — Oh, no. I’ve been growing them for years. 3) — You have a wonderful collection of books. When did you start it? — I’ve been collecting them for years. tn jacket 0> scarf t: jeans 00 shoes trousers tulips lilies lilies-of-the-valley sunflowers bluebells stamps badges coins postcards albums Word Building (Словообразование) Английские прилагательные часто образуются от имён существительных или глаголов при помощи суффикса -аЫе: comfort + able = comfortable (комфортабельный, удобный) fashion + able = fashionable (модный) understand + able = understandable (понятный) enjoy + able = enjoyable (приносящий радость, приятный) break + able = breakable (хрупкий) read + able = readable (читабельный, пригодный для чтения) move + able = movable (передвижной) ъ Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right. A. 1) You can wear this watch playing volleyball. This watch is not ... . 2) 1 can’t read this text. I don’t think it is .... It has been in the water too long. 3) Yesterday we went to the circus. It was such an ... visit. 4) Wooden chairs are not always ... . 5) This is a ... radio station. break read enjoy comfort move 38 В. 1) The football match between the two schools was not easy. Wlio was the ...? 2) Jack always helps me in the kitchen. He is a good cook and a good ... . 3) What can you say about our Christmas ...s? 4) Well, this is a ... surprise! 5) Jennie was a ... little girl. 6) Apes are ... animals. 7) All his life Mr Foster has been very 8) I have no money at all. I am ... . 9) This fruit is not ... at all. Don’t try it. 10) My ... friend lives in Toronto. • • • • win bake decorate please love tail success penny eat Canada A. Is keeping animals in the zoo a good idea? Read the lists of pros and cons’. What is your answer to the question? Pros: 1) Zoos help scientists and common people to learn more about animals. 2) Zoos show us how rich the animal world is. 3) Animals feel fairly comfortable in modern zoos. 4) To visit a zoo is enjoyable, especially for children. Cons: 1) They often keep animals in cages, and it is very unkind. 2) There are a lot of old zoos, which are small and dirty. 3) Visitors may kill zoo animals when they feed them. 4) Zoo animals may be dangerous for visitors. B. Work in pairs and discuss the problem of keeping animals in zoos. C. Describe a zoo you have once visited or an ideal zoo. DO IT Oni YOUR OWiy Complete the sentences with the words from the box other, others, another, the other, the others 1) I’ve got one little brother. Soon I’m going to have ... . 2) This winter we’ve visited France. I’d like to go to some ... European country now. 3) Two of my close friends are in Moscow now and all ... have gone to Kiev. 4) I know the name of two songbirds. One is the canary and ... is ’ pros tprauz] and cons Ikonz] — «за* и * против» the nightingale. 5) Some people like to play sports, ... prefer to watch them. 6) Can I have ... postcard, this one is very dark, I don’t like it. 7) Some people are warm and friendly, ... are not. 8) They’ve been to London, but they haven’t been to any ... places yet. Choose the right verb forms to complete the sentences. Write the sentences down. 1) The girls (have been dancing/danced) since 3 p.in. They (are/were) tired. 2) Frank (has begun/began) learning Italian recently. He (learns/is learning) it fast. 3) The other day we (met 'have met) a very famous actor in the street. She (talked/was talking) with someone. 4) How long (have you been living/do you live) here? — I (live/have been living) here all my life. 5) They (travelled/have been travelling) for a month already. Can you say when they (will come back/come back) home? 39 a> T3 ID 10 Write the three forms of the verbs. 1) hide ? - 2) say — said 3) prefer — ? 4) ? — left - 5) put — put - hidden — ? — preferred • left — 9 6) stand — stood — ? 7) ? — made — made 8) strike — struck — ? 9) ? — heard — heard 10) burn — ? — burnt Step 9 Consolidation Class DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (77), and match the texts you hear with the pictures. There is one picture you don’t have to use. a) water lily b) red rose c) bluebell Л. J d) lily-of-the valley e) sunflower Read the texts (1—6) and match them with the titles (a—g). There is one title you don't have to use. 40 a) Giants from the Black Continent b) Clever Builders c) Hide and Attack d) Not a Raceliorse e) Furry Skiers f) People’s Helpers g) Unusual Picture Books 1. The seahorse doesn’t look like a fish but in fact it is a small fish. There is a certain kind of seahorse which is only 4 cm long. Seahorse is the slowest moving fish. It may take a seahorse about two days and a half “ to travel 1 km, even if it moves the fastest it can. 2. About 5,000 years ago the Sahara Desert had a lot of grass and trees. How do we know about it? From the paintings which people found in ancient caves. The paintings show giraffes, hippopotamuses [,hip9'pDtamasiz] and lions, people hunting and domestic animals grazing. 3. Some rabbits in North America get their name from their unusually wide feet. Their feet are like snowshoes and help the animal to move in the deep snow. Long hair grows on the sides of the feet and between the toes. It keeps the rabbit’s feet warm too. 4. The African ostrich is the largest living bird. They can grow to be 2.7 metres tall. Ostriches have the largest eggs of any living birds too. The egg shell is so strong that a big man can stand on it and it won’t break! 5. Ugly stonefish look quite like rocks on the sea floor. So their enemies just don’t see them. But even if they do. stonefish are ready to fight with them. The fish has 13 spines on their backs which are very dangerous not only for other fish but also for human beings. 6. African weaver birds* make some of the most fantastic nests of all. The bird makes the nest from leaves and grass. When it is ready, the nest looks like a ball hanging from a branch. Use the verbs in their right forms and complete the dialogues. Act them out. 1) 2) You ... ever to France? When you there? What you ... there? I ... in Paris last May. I ... there to stay with my relatives. You ... your job yet. I ... sorry, not. How long you ... it? I ... it since 2 o’clock. When you ... it? 1 ... I ... it in half an hour. be do be, go finish be do do finish think, finish ‘ a weaver bird ['wi;v3 b'?:d] — ткачик {название птицы) 3) — When you ... at the cinema last? ~ That ... long ago. I ... at the cinema lately. — Why yon often ... to the cinema? — I ... modern films, I ... to go to the theatre. 4) — You ... your room yet? — No. I ... it now. — Since when you ... it? — I ... it since morning. I already .., dows. two win- be be, not be not go not like, prefer do do do do, clean 41 Say what you or your relatives: • have been doing lately; • have just already done; • did just now; • have never done before; • have done several times; have done many times; have done for the first time; have been doing for some time; are going to do next week. tn r+ fD •a iO A. Decide to what parts of speech the words in the box belong breathe human scientific close include similar common insect soil curious other species especially others support hide relative twin Nouns Verbs Adjectives B. Decide to what categories these living things belong. moth elm turkey sunflower bluebell beech caterpillar butterfly oak ape horse lion elk crow hare canary jackdaw goat swan goose dragonfly eucalyptus duck Adverbs Plants Insects Birds Other Animals A. Speak about the flora of the place where you live. Think about the following. • What is the climate like? Is it hot/warm wet etc? Is it good for plants? • Does this place look like a real garden? In what season? Why? • Are there many forests? What are some of the trees in your place? What are the common flowers? 42 B. speak about the fauna of the place where you live. Think about the following. • What are the common animals? • What are the common birds? • What are the common insects? C. Speak about some insect, bird or animal and say if they are big or small, what colour they are, where they live, what they eat, if they like to hide or attack. Add any information you can about them. Match the English and Russian proverbs. 1) One swallow doesn’t make [ a summer. 2) Great oaks from little acorns ['eiko:nz] grow. 3) Don’t teach a fish to sw’im. 4) Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. 5) A cat in gloves catches no mice. 6) First catch your hare, then cook him. Comment on one of them. a) He убив медведя, шкуры не делят. b) Дарёному коню в зубы не смотрят. c) Без труда не вытащишь II рыбку из пруда. d) Всякий бык телёнком был. e) Одна ласточка весны не делает. f) Не учи плавать щуку, щука знает свою науку. DO IT ОМ YOUR OWN Write what they have been doing. Choose the right words to complete the sentences. Write the sentences down. 1) We have been waiting for you (since/for) half an hour. 2) Mr Jack-son (flew/flowed) to Italy, he didn’t go by train. 3) Have you (ever/just now) seen a lizard? 4) Mr Smith, wc would like to congratulate you (with/on) becoming a doctor. 5) I saw my friends (the other day/lately). 6) Two of your pet mice are here, and where are (the other the othens)? 7) Have they left for Moscow (yet/just)? 8) If you want to have (another,the other) sandwich, tell me; I’ll make you one. 9) The letters are so small, I can’t make the words (up/out). 10) Ben made (out/off) without saying a word to us. Make sure that you know how to spell the new words. Get ready to write Dictation 4. Here is your Word Box 4. 10 Words another, ape, beech, beetle, blackbird, bluebell, breakable, breathe, butterfly, caterpillar, close, common, curious, daffodil, domestic, dragonfly, elm, enjoyable, especially, everyone, fur, hide, human, include, including, insect, ladybird, lily, lizard, magpie, monkey, moth, moveable, nightingale, no one, oak, os- тз trich, owl, penguin, pigeon, pine, rainforest, readable, relative, robin, scientific, seagull, similar, shamrock, snake, someone, soil, spacious, species, starling, sunflower, support, swallow, thistle, twin, understandable, water lily, woodpecker Word Combinations to be close to sb, to be curious about, close relatives, a twin sister, a twin brother Phrasal Verbs to make of, to make out, to make up Verb Forms blow blew blown make made made burn burnt burnt mean meant meant dream dreamt/ dreamt/ pay paid paid dreamed dreamed put put put draw drew drawn say said said fly flew flown spell spelt spelt forget forgot forgotten stand stood stood grow grew grown strike struck struck hear heard heard tell told told know knew known understand understood understood let let let wear wore worn learn learnt/ learnt/ win won won learned learned 43 i/> fD "O step 10 Test Yourself >/ I. LISTENING Listen, (78), and say which of these statements are true and which are false. 1) Ostriches have no wings. 2) Ostriches can run as fast as some animals. 3) Ostriches live in Asia, Africa and South America. 4) Ostriches hate water because they can get wet. 5) Ostriches eat only plants and nothing else. 6) Ostriches live only in the wild. 7) Not everything that people believe about ostriches is true. Maximum result 7 Your result ? II. READING 44 У Read the text and match its paragraphs with their titles. There is one title you don't have to use. d) Early Years e) Story for a Young Friend I :.Д N 4 V' I a) Her Greatest Interests b) Beginning of a Writer c) School Friends Helen Beatrix Potter 1. Helen Beatrix Potter was bom on the 6th of July 1866 in London. She w£is an only daughter of rather rich parents. She did not go to school but had classes at home. 2. Beatrix was fond of two things. They were animals and drawing. She had a lot of small pets at home: a family of snails, mice, a rabbit _ and a hedgehog. From a small child she did hundreds of drawings of plants and animals and learned to do it very well. She often illustrated her letters to child friends with little animal drawings and told them stories about these animals. 3. One day in 1893 she wrote to a little boy called Noel Moor. The boy was ill and she wanted to please him and make him laugh. The letter began with the words: “I don’t know what to write to you so I shall tell you a story about four little rabbits whose names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail and Peter.” In this letter she told the story of Peter Rabbit and illustrated it with lovely little drawings. 4. Eight years later Beatrix Potter remembered the letter and the story and wrote her now famous children’s book “The Tale of Peter Rabbit”. The book was very successful and Beatrix Potter became a professional children’s writer. For many years now children in England and in other countries have been enjoying her stories about mice, kittens, ducks, squirrels, hedgehogs and rabbits. And her fantastic illustrations make her books even better. Maximum result 5 Your result ? III. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar and Vocabular^O Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1) This big group of animals doesn’t (include,-including) insects. 2) No one gives (breakable/movable) things to babies. It may be dangerous. 3) A daffodil is a(n) (insect-plant). 4) Let me congratulate you all (on, with) your successful project. 5) I don’t think that water lilies can grow in dry (land,soil). 6) I don’t believe Jack, I think he made his story (off up). 7) I can see only one photo in the album. Where are (others the >/ others)? 8) I would like you to speak about biology in a (scientific/sci ence) way. Maximum result 8 Your result ? У Use the verbs in past simple or present perfect progressive. 1) It is raining now. In fact it (rain) all day. 2) It (start) raining at 9 a.m. in the morning. 3) How long you (live) here? — We (live) here for ten years. 4) When they (live) here? 5) I (wait) for you since 3 p.m. I’m glad you have come at last. 6) Your hands are dirty. What you (do)? 7) I (do) it just now. 8) The other day they (leave) for Brazil. Maximum result 8 Your result ? IV. SPEAKING Speak about any interesting learnt about in this unit. animal Maximum result 15 Your result 9 45 1/1 r+ П) ■D У V. WRITING Listen, ^ (79), and write Dictation 4. Maximum result 10 Your result ^ f ' ' ? У Total result 53 Your result ? Do Project Work 4. Complete another page of your English Album. Find out what living things became the symbols of some Russian cities. Illustrate your information with pictures. Use the Internet. Ask your family or friends to help you if necessary. The cities: Murmansk, Vladivistok, Ekaterinburg, Tomsk, Veliky Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Yelnya, Samara, Khabarovsk, Pskov, Chelyabinsk. *V г'.' • 1 • т ш г ^ • 46 -.4^' ir; V. Unit 1^^ The ABC of Ecology U1 step 1 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, ^ (80), and say when these people are talking. Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 Speaker 6 a) 1 January d) 2 September b) 14 February e) 25 December c) 30 April f) 5 October Tenses (Грамматические времена) Для того чтобы описать действие, которое началось в прошлом и длится до сих пор, глаголами, которые не употребляются в продолженных временах (to know, to have, to be, to want, to love, to own — «владеть»), вместо present perfect progressive употребляется present perfect: We have owned this farm for ten years. — Мы владеем этой фермой 10 лет. I have been here for three days already. — Я здесь уже три дня. How long have you been here? — Сколько времени ты (находишься) здесь? I have had this camera since Christmas. — Этот фотоаппарат у меня с Рождества. She has known Boris all her life. — Она знает Бориса всю жизнь (знала в прошлом и знает сейчас). I have always wanted to come here. — Я всегда хотел побывать здесь (и вот я здесь). I have always loved you. — Я всегда тебя любил (и сейчас люблю). А. How long have they known them? Example: Dr Ross — Mr Harrison since 2000. Doctor Ross has known Mr Harrison since the year two thou sand. 1) Rose Smith — John Parker — for 6 months. 2) Simon — Alan Wilier — all his life. 3) Mrs Parson — Ronald Scott — since she visited Britain. 4) Roger Gordon — Tony Dobson — for 2 years and a half. 5) Miss Hook Fanny Devlin — for half a year. 6) Walter — Sam — for 3 days. 7) Lena — Oleg — since she went to school. 8) Olga — Boris — since last year. B. Say what they have always wanted to do. Example'. Natasha — to visit Australia. Natasha has always wanted to visit Australia. 1) Roy — to become a journalist. 2) Sarah — to have a house of her own. 3) Ann — to learn Spanish. 4) Tom and Jane — to travel around Canada. 5) David and Chris — to go to the Great Lakes. 6) Vivien and Richard — to see a kangaroo. 7) Edward and Polly — to move in a new house. 8) Raymond — to write a poem. Say how long they have been doing these jobs. Example: 1) Mrs Wenders has been a teacher since 2008. 47 Ю r+ П5 ■o 1) Mrs Wenders/since 2008 2) Victor/for ten years 3) Jim/since he finished school 5) Patrick since 2011 4) William and Bob, for three years and a half 6) Diana,for 7 years 7) Margo/since 2010 8) Kevin/for 5 years and a half 48 1Л How long have they had them? Example: The Davidsons/for a year and a half The Davidsons have had a garage for a year and a half. 1) The Coppers/ for 3 years 2) Miss Simpson/ for years ^ чЧ ____________ 3) Megan/since last summer 4) Harry/since his last birthday ¥ 5) Alan/since 2011 Ц ! ir 4 Ч i i.l. . J 6) Alice/since her parents bought it 7) Doris/for 4 years and a half 8) Aunt Grace, for 15 years Match the sentences in the two columns to make up dialogues. Continue the dialogues (4—6 phrases). Act them out. 1) How long have you known Mr Morgan? 2) Hello, Jane! You look wonderful today. I like the bag you’re carrying. How long have you had it? 3) You know. Bill, we have bought a new flat. 4) So we are in New York at last. 5) The Wilsons are very rich people — they own a real castle in the mountains. 6) Do you still love Martin, Brenda? 7) How long have you been here, James? a) Two days. I came to Paris the day before yesterday. Yes, I have always wanted to visit this city. Only five days. I bought it last Thursday. Yes, I do. I have always loved him. I’m not sure, but I think, he has been my friend all my life. Do they? How long have they had it? g) Congratulations. Is it comfortable? How many bedrooms? b) c) d) e) f) Read the text and answer the questions about it. Keep the Beauty of Russia Russia is a large country with many wonderful places. It stretches from the shores of the Pacific Ocean in Asia to the Baltic Sea in Europe, and from the cold, snowy Arctic to the sunny Black Sea coast. An elk Russia has nearly every kind of weather. Also, it has many kinds of land — rocky niointains, dry empty steppes, powerful rivers, wide plains and grasslands, great forests and lands of endless winter. There are places of great beauty and places of historic interest. The wild areas* in the country are the home of many birds and animals. It is important not to destroy these places but to keep them as they are for everyone to enjoy. Russia, like many other countries, has a system of national parks. The first national park, Losinyi Ostrov (Elk Isle) appeared in 1983. It is situated to the northeast of Moscow and a part of it in fact lies on the territory of the city. Now the park has become a popular place to visit for grown-ups and children, especially schoolchildren who come to the park in big groups. The park has two visitor’s centres. The scientists who work in the park are interested in the flora and fauna of this area. Here are some unusual species of grasses and wild flowers that you can’t see so often any more, for example, different bluebells and lilies-of-the-valley. Most of the park’s territory' is under forests, and the common trees here are pines and firs. As for the animals, there are about 300 species of them, mostly birds. They are forest birds and water birds like ducks and geese and even gulls. Here a visitor can see mice, .squirrels, foxes, hares, otters, wild boars, deer and elks which gave the name to the park. There are not so many elks living in the park now, only 20 or 30, but the scientists hope to see more of these beautiful and strong animals in the park in the future. An otter A boar 49 cn a> •o ’ an area [ earia] область 50 N 1Л Questions: 1) What territory does Russia take? 2) What type of land can you see on its territory? 3) Where are the lands of “endless winter”? 4) Why do people want to keep some places as they are? 5) How old is the first Russian national park? 6) Is the park a scientific centre as well as a place of great beauty? 7) Who visits this park? 8) What species of plants, birds and animals are common on the territon.' of the park? 9) What animal gave the name to the park? What is this animal like? Work in pairs and plan a national park. Decide; • where you would like to have it; • what visitors of the park will be able to go there; • what species of plants, birds and animals they will see in the park; • how you will make this park popular. DO IT Oni YOUR OWN Write: 10 a) how long you have known your best friend; b) how long you have had your backpack or schoolbag; c) what you have wanted to do all your life; d) since when you have been a pupil; e) whom you have always loved. Write 3—5 sentences to expand on each of these situations. At 1 2. . 1) I have always wanted to visit London. 2) I have had this coat for years already. 3) I have always loved the idea of going to Australia. 4) I have been here only a day. Use the right verb forms to complete the sentences, write the sentences down. 1) Robert is a manager. He (be) a manager for 10 years. He (work) here all this time. 2) Tom is at home. He (he) at home .since 3 p.m. and all this time he (speak) on the phone. 3) Jane is at the railway station. She (be) there for a quarter of an hour. She (wait) for the train for 15 minutes. 4) Nick is on the bank of the river. He (be) there since morning. He (paint) for several hours already. step 2 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the song, ^ (81), and sing it along. Green Fields (By Terry Gilkyson, Rich Dehr, Frank Miller) Once there were green fields kissed by the sun. Once there were valleys where rivers used to run. Once there were blue skies with white clouds high above. Once they were part of an everlasting love. We were the lovers who strolled through green fields. Green fields are gone now, parched by the sun. Gone from the valleys where rivers used to run. Gone with the cold wind that swept into mv heart. Gone with the lovers who let their dreams depart- Where are the green fields that we used to roam? Г11 never know what made you run away. How can I keep searching when dark clouds hide the day? I only know there’s nothing here for me. Nothing in this wide world left for me to see. But Г11 keep on waiting till you return. Г11 keep on waiting until the day you learn. You can’t be happy while your heart’s on the roam. You can’t be happy until you bring it honie. Home to the green fields and me once again. получившие поцелуй когда-то текли вечная бродили исчезли, опалённые проник в моё сердце упустили свою мечту мы когда-то гуляли заставило тебя уехать продолжать искать ничего не осталось блуждает Choose the right forms of the verbs to complete the situations. 1) It is 2 р.ш. now and Jane (to play) the piano. How long she (play) the piano? She (do) it for half an hour, since she (come) home. 2) How long you (have) this flat? I think we (have) it for 5 years and a half. We (live) here since Bob (finish) school. 3) Jack always (want) to visit Russia. Now he is in Moscow. He (be) here since last Sunday. He (do) the capital of Russia for several days already. Listen, 4 (82), and read. A. behaviour [bi'heivja] — поведение environment [ui'vaiaranment] окружающая среда 51 LO n> *D N> 52 vn influence ['influans] — v влиять; n влияние natural ['nae^ral] — естественный, природный nature [ nei^a] — природа number [плтЬэ] — 1. количество 2. число person ['p3;sn] — человек, личность study ['stAdi] — изучать survive [sa'vaiv] — выживать В. behaviour: perfect behaviour, the pupils’ behaviour, to watch animals’ behaviour. The child’s behaviour was a pleasant surprise to me. environment: a happy home environment, the problems of the environment. Scientists all over the world are working on the problems of the environment. influence u: to influence people, to influence someone’s life. His speech influenced everybody. Computers have greatly influenced the world of science. influence n: to have influence on somebody. My father had a great influence on me. natural: natural beauty, quite natural, natural food. It is only natural to love your motherland. The child has a natural talent for music, nature: Russian nature. Mother Nature, the beauties of nature. My interest is in nature, wildlife and birds. We hope Mother Nature will be kind to us and bring some rain. number: 1. a great number of animals, a small number of species, the right number of chairs. I have a number of English books at home. 2. One, two, three etc. are numbers. The number of rooms in the house is five. person‘: a good person, any person. Every person in the room stopped talking. I know Jack as a person, not as a writer. study: to study to be a journalist, to study .science at school. He studied mathematics in one of the best universities. My dream is to study wildlife. survive: to survive the fire, to survive in the ocean. He survived in the desert for a week on bread and water. We must help these animals to survive. Match the words and the word combinations. Example: flora plants 1) number 2) study 3) person 4) nature 5) plants and animals 6) environment a) living things b) everything around people, animals and plants c) human (being) d) several e) the land, the sea and all the living things f) learn Say the same differently. Example: Jenny wants to ask you some questions. Jenny wants to ask you a number of questions. ‘ Множественное число су1цествительного person — persons используется достаточно редко. Чаще для обозначения двух или более людей употребляют слово people. 1) John spends a lot of time learning geography. 2) Max has an unhappy home environment. 3) At the university students get important information about living things, the land as well as the sea. 4) Mr Wilson has a large number of cars in his garage. 5) Mr Green is a teacher. His students always do what he asks them to do. 6) There were many persons on the list whose names I didn’t know. A. Read the text and find international words in it. What Is Ecology* No living thing or group of living things can live and grow in isolation [aiso'leijn]. All organisms, plants and animals need energ>- ['ena^i] to develop and all species of living things influence the lives of others. Ecology is a science. It studies how plants, animals and human beings live together and influence each other. It is also a science about our environment. People have always studied living things in their natural environment. In other words, they have always studied the air, the water, the soil and all other things that are around a person, animal or plant. The environment can influence the growth of living things and the way they develop. Ecologists [I'kolac^ists] also study what happens to different species, how they change. The scientists collect information about the number of living things in different areas, their size and behaviour. Ecology is one of the most important .sciences in the 21st century. It teaches us how to survive in the modern world. B. Listen, (83), and read the text aloud. Л. What does the text "What Is Ecology" say about these? Complete the sentences. 1) Ecology is a .... 2) Ecology studies .... 3) A natural environment is ... . 4) Ecology teaches us ... . 5) Ecologists collect information about .... 53 о ■a Ы B. Answer the questions about ecology. 1) Why do people so often speak about ecology these days? 2) What makes ecology an important science? 3) When did people first start speaking about ecology? 4) The information of what sciences does ecology use? 5) What are some of the problems that ecologists are working on now? 6) How can the environment influence a living thing? Can you give an example? 7) What is human ecology? What does it study? 8) What is your natural environment? Do you think it is healthy? ecology [ikolocfeiJ экология DO IT OIU YOUR OWN 54 ui 10 Use the right verb forms to complete the sentences. Write the sentences down. 1) How long you (own) this beautiful house, Mr Starr? — Not so long. I just (buy) it. 2) Look at Nick’s clothes! I think he (play) football. 3) I’m so tired. I (ski) all the afternoon. 4) I (know) this rule nearly all my life. 5) I (phone) him for an hour and a half. There is no answer. What he (do) all this time? 6) If they (be) in Mo.scow for two weeks, they (visit) the Bolshoi already, I think. 7) My friend Rose (study) French since last year. She can speak it a little. Use the prepositions where necessary to complete the sentences. Write the sentences down. in (2), of (2), on, to, without 1) A poet’s influence ... people is often great. 2) They study ... a lot ... subjects at school. 3) Many fish cannot survive ... the ocean and die. 4) I don’t think people can survive ... deserts ... water. 5) No one can like ... his behaviour. 6) The number ... people on the platform was about ten. 7) You should go ... Alaska to enjoy the beauty ... this US state. Spell these words. 1) ['stAdi] 2) [’плтЬэ] 3) [m'vaiaronmant] 4) [bi'heivjo] 5) [’influans] 6) [sa'vaivj 7) [’пег^э] 8) [’p3:sn] 9) ['nae^ral] Step 3 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, ^ (84), and complete the sentences. • • • animals that 2) are important for c) million people because 1) We know the names of about a live on the Earth, a) hundred b) thousand Animals they ... . a) give us food b) give us things to wear c) give us food and things to wear 3) People think about animals because ... . a) animals are different from human beings b) humans are animals c) animals and humans belong to the same world 4) People have changed the world ... . a) and for many animals it is difficult to survive b) and it has become better c) and it has become worse TfJ,rt IV What is their natural environment? What do they feed on? Example: This is a fish. Fish live in water. Rivers, lakes, seas and oceans are their natural environment. They feed on insects, other fish, water plants and other water organisms. ^ 55 ел Г+ TJ Ы I Confusable Words (Слова, которые следует различать) Обратите внимание, что сказать по-английски «немного» можно по-разному. Помимо хорошо вам известного местоимения some, в английском языке часто используют а few, а number of, several для исчисляемых существительных и а little для неисчисляемых; I've got some (а few/а number of/several) interesting books about animals. We have got some (a little) water in the jug. Важно не путать известные вам слова few, little (мало, недостаточно) с сочетаниями а few, а little (немного). Сравните: I have few potatoes. I can't make the salad. I have a few potatoes. I can make the salad. В разговорной речи чаще используют not many, чем few, и not much, чем little. I don't have many English books at home (= I have few books...). We don't have much butter in the fridge (= We have little butter...). Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1) There is (little/'a little) water in the pond. You can’t swim there. 2) (Few/little) children will be able to do this difficult test in German. 3) (Not many/not much) people live to be a hundred years old. 4) There is (little ^a little) milk in the fridge. Can you buy (some several)? 5) There were (a few a little) apples on the plate and one orange. 6) Can you wait for (a few few) minutes? 7) Would you like (a few/few) of these flow- 56 .S-- U1 ers? 8) Hurry up! We can be late for the train. We have (little/a little) time. 9) We have (little/a little) time left. You can finish your e-mail. 10) I remember (little/a little) about my school years, you can say I remember nothing. The Pronoun (Местоимение) Reflexive pronouns (Возвратные местоимения) У всех личных местоимений в английском языке возвратные местоимения. Они имеют окончания числе и -selves во множественном числе, 9 (85). есть соответствующие -self в единственном Личные местоимения Возвратные местоимения 1 myself [mai'seifj • you (ты) yourself [jD:‘selfj he himself fhim'selfj > сам(а), себя, себе she herself (hsr'self] it itself [it'self] j we ourselves [aoa'selvz] 1 you (вы) yourselves |jD;'selvz] >сами, себя they themselves (dam'selvz] J The boy found himself in a big room. — Мальчик очутился в большой комнате. Have you made the cake yourself? — Вы сами приготовили торт? Не never speaks of himself. — Он никогда не говорит о себе. Возвратные местоимения, как правило, не употребляются при следующих глаголах: to wash, to dress, to bathe [hcid] (купаться), to shave (бриться), to hide (прятаться), to feel (чувствовать себя), to behave (вести себя). Сравните: Следует мыться каждое утро. — You should wash every morning. Она плохо себя чувствует. — She doesn't feel well. Однако существует выражение behave oneself (вести себя хорошо), в котором возвратное местоимение всегда используется: Гт leaving the classroom for just one minute. Behave yourselves! Возвратные местоимения часто употребляются после предлога by для того, чтобы подчеркнуть, что действие выполнено самостоятельно. Не did it all by himself. — Он сделал это абсолютно самостоятельно. She lives by herself.*— Она живёт совершенно одна. Susie and Kate made the dress all by themselves. — Сьюзи и Кейт сшили платье абсолютно самостоятельно. Английский глагол to enjoy в сочетании с возвратным местоимением означает «прекрасно провести время». Например: Did you enjoy yourself at the party yesterday? Read the sentences and say the same in Russian 1) Look at yourself! Your face is dirty. 2) Pam dressed and went downstairs to tlie kitchen. 3) They never speak of themselves. 4) Mary always does the shopping herself. 5) Bob is very small. He can't open the door himself. 6) I don’t know anything about it myself. 7) You yourself heard it, didn’t you? 8) We’ll go there ourselves to see everything with our own eyes. 9) I enjoyed the music but didn’t like the film itself. 10) Think for yourself, I won’t tell you. 11) Have you behaved yourself? Have you been a good boy? Complete the sentences. Use reflexive pronouns where necessary. 1) I can’t tell you what to do, you must decide for ... . 2) Nobody helped him. He did everything ... . 3) The child was ill yesterday. How is she feeling ... today? 4) He got up early, washed ... and shaved ... and at 7 o’clock he was ready to leave the house. 5) I think that they understand everything ... . 6) Jenny looked at ... and saw that her skirt and blouse were not very clean. 7) Don’t go to the shops. I’ll buy everything ... . 8) The day was hot and the girls decided to bathe ... in the river. 9) Look at this new chair. We’ve made it ... . Isn’t it beautiful? 10) They don’t buy bread in the shop. They make it ... . 11) She says she always behaves ... but I don’t believe her. 57 rf fC ■D Ы Read these word combinations aloud to influence the children to influence the government to influence their behaviour to be close to nature to think about nature to love nature to study languages to study biology to study nature natural world natural homes natural behaviour a natural environment a healthy enviroimient an unusual environment a large number of cars a great number of birds a small number of visitors Answer the questions. 1) Do you usually make breakfast yourself or does your mother or anybody else do it for you? 2) Do you usually do English exercises all by yourself or does anybody help you? 3) Have you ever driven a car yourself? Would you like to? 4) Did you learn to read yourself or did anybody teach you? 5) Do people speak to themselves? Do you speak to yourself? When does it usually happen? DO IT OIU YOUR OWN Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns and write them down. 1) Why don’t you believe me? I saw it ... . 2) We really enjoyed ... at the concert yesterday. 3) Don’t give the scissors to the baby: he can cut ... . 4) They told me their story ... when we met the other day. 5) My sister often makes her own clothes ... . 6) I hope you will understand the truth ... . 7) Sea air ... is good for people’s health. 58 10 ui Use the article a where necessary in these sentences and write them down. 1) Sam has ... few friends and often feels lonely. 2) Diana would like .. little sugar in her coffee, she likes it sweet. 3) There are ... few peoplt who know more than five languages. 4) They have ... little time, Гп afraid they will bo late. 5) Give me ... little time and Г11 give the an swer to this question. 6) I don’t speak French, I only know ... few word: in it. Complete these sentences and write them down. 1) I think it is quite natural ... . 2) The number of books I have at home is ... . 3) The people who influence me most are ... . 4) It is very difficult for people to survive in ... . 5) The subject I’d like to study in the future is ... . 6) Everyone should think about their behaviour ... . Step 4 DO IT TOGETHER A. Listen, ^ (86), and say why the poem has got the title it has. Who were the girl's guests’? Three Guests (By Jessica Nelson North) I had a little tea party. This afternoon at three; ’T^ was very small. Three guests in all. Just I, myself and me. B. Read the poem. Myself ate up the sandwiches. While I drank up the tea, ’T was also I Who ate the pie And passed^ the cake to me. Fill in prepositions where necessary to complete the sentences. 1) People have always studied living things ... their natural environment. 2) How does our environment influence ... our children? 3) I don’t think people living ... isolation could be happy. 4) Ecologists study what happens ... different species of birds and animals. 5) My father’s influence ... me was great. 6) My interest lies ... nature. I am fond ... animals. 7) It’s not easy to collect information ... this species of plants. 8) Mr Brown is 92 years old but he is ... good health. 9) Whnt’s the number ... children in your family? 10) Ecology is a science ... our environment. ' a guest Igest] — гость г ’T = it to pass [pa:s] — передавать 60 л* U1 protect [pra'tekt] — защищать, охранять waste [weist] — 1. отходы 2. пустая трата В. dump: а large dump, а town dump. Take all these things to the tow rubbish^ dump, factory: a big factory, to work at/in a factory. There are few factori< in this town. They make cars at the Ford factory. necessary: a necessary thing, to be necessary for somebody. Such food necessary for your health. I have packed all the necessary things. It necessary to go there. nowadays: A lot of people travel by air nowadays. Nowadays it is nece sary to be able to июск on a computer. pollute: to pollute the water, to pollute the soil, to pollute the enviroi ment. People mustn’t pollute our beautiful planet. pour: to pour coffee into a cup, to pour water into a teapot, to pou dirty water into the river. protect: to protect life, to protect nature, to protect birds and animal from danger. We should protect wildlife on the Earth. John was weai ing a jacket to protect himself from the cold. A protected species A lily-of-the-valley is a protected species of flowers. waste: 1. Where do you put waste? We put it into the rubbish bin Things that we throw' away are waste. 2. waste of time, waste of mone\ waste of energy. It’s a waste of time to water the garden when it i raining. Look at the pairs of words. In each pair there is a word you know. Read tb sentences below and guess what the other word in each pair means. dump — to dump pollute — pollution waste — to waste polluted — unpolluted diet — to diet environment — environmental protect — protection 1) Animal protection is a necessary thing nowadays. 2) People often dumj waste in the forests but they mustn’t do it. 3) Don’t w'aste your time do something useful. 4) Would you like some cake, Jane? — No, thanks. I am dieting. 5) Nowadays we have a lot of ecological environmentai problems. 6) The rivers in this part of the country are unpolluted. 7) Pol lution is a bad disease of our century. A. Read the text and say what title you can give it. The environment is all the things we need to be able to live — clean w'a-ter to drink and to wash with, air to breathe and healthy food to eat. We can’t live without plants and animals. They help to make the soil, they clean the water and air, and they give us all our food. But nowadays they are in danger. rubbish — мусор, зд.: мусорная (свалка) The world is our home and we want to see it clean and beautiful. At the same time we take from nature as much as we can. We cut down forests and build farms, houses, roads and factories on the land. While doing it we pollute the environment. We make a lot of waste some of which is toxic [ toksik]. We dump domestic and industrial' waste in the country and pour toxic waste into our rivers, seas and oceans. Cars and factories, plants® and power stations pollute the air and make it dangerous to breathe. Pollution is one of the worst diseases of the century. People have to think about all these ecological problems if they want to survive. They should protect all living things around us and the Earth itself. B. c. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) Listen, (88), and read the text aloud. Say in how many ways you can complete these sentences. People can’t live without ... . People need to make our planet ... . We would like to see our rivers and lakes ... . It is dangerous to ... . There are a lot of things we can take from nature We pollute the environment when we ... . People should always remember that ... . Let’s make our country ... . ... need our protection. Nowadays we should ... . It is necessary to ... to live in a beautiful world. • I 61 r+ n> ■D ‘M о IT OM YOUR OWN I I ] A. Find in the text from Exercise 7A the English words and word combinations for these; 1) чтобы мы смогли жить; 2) воздух, которым дышат; 3) находятся в опасности; 4) столько, сколько можем; 5) мы вырубаем леса; 6) мы загрязняем окружающую среду; 7) мы производим массу отходов; 8) мы сбрасываем бытовые и промышленные отходы; 9) сливаем ядовитые отходы; 10) опасный для дыхания. B. Write these word combinations out of the text. Use reflexive pronouns where necessary to complete the sentences. 1) How are you today? — Thank you, I feel ... much better. 2) It is not a difficult rule, you can easily understand it ..., I’m not going to help you. 3) Dress ... nicely and wait for me. I’ll come at about 7 o’clock. 4) I have some free time today, and I’ll cook the dinner ... . This time I want to do it on my own. 5) I hope they will enjoy ... at the disco tonight. 6) I don’t like the way Peter behaves ... with younger children. 7) The children hid ... at the back of the garden. Spell these words. 1) ['nauadeiz] 2) [рэ:] 3) [weist] 4) ['faektari] 5) [pa'lu:t] 6) [pra'tekt] 7) ['nesasri] 8) [d.\mp] ' industrial [in'dAStrialJ — промышленный * a plant = a factory that makes cars, machines etc. — завод step 5 -4 ‘ 62 ui DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the story of dinosaurs’, ^ (89), and say which of the facts below an true, which are false and which are not stated. Dinosaurs — Very Big Lizards 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) People have never seen dinosaurs alive’'. All dinosaurs ate meat”. Plant-eating dinosaurs could be as tall as 8 metres. The tyrannosaurus’ killed other animals to eat. They found a lot of dinosaur bones in Russia. They didn’t find dinosaur bones in Antarctica. Scientists know about 30 different species of dinosaurs. Scientists don’t know why dinosaurs died out. There are a lot of books about dinosaurs. A. Put the statements below under the right categories. Dos Plant more trees to make your country green. Turn the rivers into dumps. Build factories on river banks. Help animals to survive. Pour toxic waste into rivers and lakes. Dump old cars on the roads. Burn toxic waste. Clean rivers and lakes. Be careful with farm waste. Use rivers for washing cars. B. Contunue the list of Do's and Don'ts. Don’ts” Don’t cut down green trees, which make our air clean. • Feed animals in cold seasons. • Build plants on lake shores. • Use fewer cars. • Make Clean Air laws. • Take lorries out of city ап' town centres. • Pay big money if you are polluter. • Make laws to control pollution Complete the text using the necessary words. Everyone knows that life in modern world has become rather (1) d... In big cities there are a lot of (2) f...s and cars that (3) p... the aii The water is (4) p... too because factories and plants (5) p... thei (6) w... into the rivers, lakes and seas. In the country the (7) e... ca be also (8) p... . People (9) d... the industrial and domestic (10) w. ' a dinosaur ['dainaso;J — динозавр ^ alive [a'laiv] — живые ” moat — мясо ^ a tyrannosaurus |U,r£0na's.T.ras] тираннозавр ^ dos and don’ts — правила того, что следует и чего не следует делать everywhere: in forests, fields, near the rivers and lakes. The food people eat is not always (11) h... . All these are serious (12) e... problems. A. Read the text and match its paragraphs with the titles. There are 6 titles but only 5 paragraphs. There is one title you don't have to use. a) Land Without Trees b) Problem of Big Cities c) Dangerous Waters d) Toxic Food e) Problems Important for Everyone f) Animals in Danger 1. The word “environment” means what is around us. People who live in big industrial centres, cities and towns live in a town environment. For others their environment is countryside'. Everybody who lives in towns or in the country breathes air, drinks water, uses soil which should be clean. But are they really clean? 2. The water in the oceans, seas and rivers has become polluted in many places. If people drink this water, they can get ill or even die. People use oceans and seas as big dumps and pour industrial and domes-tic waste into them. And so fish become toxic. It is very dangerous for people to eat such fish. Water birds leave places with toxic water. A lot of trees on the coast die, too. 3. The things we eat are not always healthy as fruit and vegetables can grow on polluted soil and become dangerous too. The meat we get from sheep and cows can be bad for our health if these sheep and cows eat grass that grows on polluted land. 4. People cut down trees and many birds and animals can’t have homes in their usual places and they begin dying out. If the situation doesn’t change, soon we shall live in a very different world a world without a number of species we know now. 5. Nowadays people feel that it is more difficiilt to breathe: in big cities the air has become badly polluted. Most of the pollution comes from cars and buses. Old people and little children feel bad and get ill because of the polluted air. B. Listen, (90), and read the text aloud. C. Work in pairs and discuss the main ecological problems of nowadays. Say what is pollution and why it can be dangerous. Here are some ideas. • to pollute the air, the .soil, waters of lakes, rivers, seas and oceans • to have problems with water, food, air • to have much noise in cities • not to have clean air especially in big cities 63 1/1 r+ fD X5 УЛ countryside ['kAntnsaid] — сельская местность (miss) already very many classes. 7) I (phone) Diana for three hours already, but she is not at home yet. 8) It’s 11 p.m. I (work) on the computer since six and I (finish, not) yet. 9) I always (want) to make a tour of Spain. 10) The telephone (ring) for almost a minute. Why doesn’t someone answer it? 11)1 even (have coffee, not) yet. 12) They (build) their house for a year and a half. Read these word combinations and sentences aloud. at the city dump at the town dump to take rubbish to the dump to protect from snow to protect one’s interests to protect your skin against the sun pollution of the pond dangerous pollution environmental pollution to pollute air to pollute rivers to pollute soil polluted fields polluted rivers polluted forests to waste one’s time to waste one’s money to waste one’s words It is necessary to do the job at once. I won’t stay here longer than it is necessary. We are going to send you all the papers if necessary, 65 to r+ Ф T3 U1 I IT oni YOUR OWIU Make up 8 sentences about ecology and write them down. Our planet country air rivers and seas food forests people water should be healthy to eat. safe to live on. clean and not dangerous to bathe in. powerful and happy to live in. unpolluted and clean to breathe. rich in birds and animals, clean and safe to drink, healthy and happy. Match the words (1—8) with their definitions. 1) waste 2) pollute 3) nature 4) environment a) the place in which people live and work b) a scientist who studies the environment and the way plants, animals and people live together in relation to each other c) to make air, water and soil too dirty and dangerous for i)eople d) useless materials 5) healthy 6) power station 7) ecologist 8) dump e) a place usually outside' a town where people c lect waste f) the world with all living things, the land a the seas g) a large building with machines that give el tricity [plck'trisiti] h) good and useful for your health 66 10 ui Complete the sentences. Choose the necessary verb forms. In some senten two forms are possible. 1) How long (have you written/have you been writing) tliis story? (Нг you finished/have you been finishing) it? 2) I (haven’t met/haven’t Ы meeting) Mr Webster. I don’t know what he looks like. 3) We (hs learnt/have been learning) English for several years. But I can’t say know it very well. 4) They (haven’t seen/haven’t been seeing) each otl for ages. 5) John (has lived/have been living) in this house since came here. 6) I (have never spoken/have never been speaking) to Mr Ft ester. 7) Jack (has been waiting/has waited) for his cousin for an he already. Are you sure she will come? 8) I (have read/have been readii this book up to the end and I find it boring. 9) We (have grown/ha been growing grapes) on these lands for all our lives and we are goi to do it in the future. 10) He (has worked/has been working) here for years. Step 6 DO IT TOGETHER A. Listen, ^ (91), and say which of the facts are true, false or not stated the text. 1) Climate all over the world has become hotter. 2) Climate is changing nowadays. 3) Climate influences the life of people more than the life of plants and animals. 4) Climate in Euroj^ has changed recently. 5) Winters in Europe are colder nowadays than in the twentieth century. 6) Summer temperatures in Europe can be more than thirty degrees above zero. B. Work in pairs and discuss the climatic changes of nowadays. Read the information and try to complete it with the numbers from the Ы Check yourself, ^ (92). a) 6 b) 4,600 c) 200 ri) 2 e) 27 f) 1,600 g) 365 h) 1 ' outside — за пределами, снаружи How Long Does It Take? 1) Some scientists think that it took the Solar System^ about ... million years to form from a cloud of gas. 2) It takes the Earth ... days to go around the Sun. 3) It takes the Moon just over ... days to travel round the Earth. 4) It took the English language about ... years to develop into the language we speak today. 5) When Romans came to the British Isles in 53 BC, they built some very good roads. In those days it took only ... days by horse to get from London to Rome. About 1500 years later, in the 19th century, it took just as long. 6) It takes only ... minutes to fly from Westray Island to Papa Westray near Scotland. It is the shortest flight we know. 7) An early bike that was popular in the 17th century had no pedals. It took ... years to make a bike with pedals. 8) The eucalyptus grows faster than any other tree: it takes about ... year to grow 10.5 metres tall. 67 ut r+ a> TJ Use the right verb forms to complete the sentences. 1) The clock jjist (strike) five. It’s teatime. 2) They (build) the sports centre for a year and a half. It’ll soon be ready. 3) How long you (wear) this jacket? It looks rather old and dirty. 4) Jim is my close friend, I (know) him all my life. 5) For many years Mrs Wilson (buy) vegetables in one and the same place. 6) Anna knows St Peterburg very well, she (spend) there eight years. 7) Sue (not tell) you the truth. What kind of friend is she? 8) They (own) the shop since last year. I hear that they’re doing very well. Listen, (93), and read. A. among [э'тлд] — среди, между damage ['daemic^] — повредить, нанести урон endangered [m'dem<^ad] — вымирающий extinct [ik'stigkt] — вымерший, исчезнувший habitat ['haebitset] — естественная среда обитания law [b:] — i^KOH member L'memba] член (общества, организации) recycle [,ri:'saikl] — перерабатывать responsible [n'sponsabl] — ответственный save [seiv] — спасать B. among: among the trees, among your friends. This mountain is among the highest in the world. I know that here I am among my friends, damage: to damage a building, to damage a forest. Pollution has damaged the ecology of the place. endangered: endangered species, endangered animals. Elephants in Africa are becoming endangered animals. There is a large number of endangered species of animals in the world. extinct: extinct animals, extinct species, to become extinct. The Tasmanian tiger became extinct in 1936. What extinct animals can you name? habitat: the habitat of plants, the habitat of animals. What is the natural habitat of lions? ’ Solar System — Солнечная система 68 ui law: laws of nature, good laws, to make a law, to be against [a'gensi] law. Killing endangered animals is against the law. member: a member of the group, a member of the party. There twenty-four members in our school English club. recycle: to recycle waste, to recycle paper. Japan recycles forty perc of its waste. responsible: a responsible person, to be responsible for something. V is responsible for looking after the classroom plants? save: to save animals, to save people from danger. The house was fire but we saved the pictures. Only hard work can save our planet Answer the questions. 1) What are the natural habitats of fish, bears, elephants, gorillas? 2) What animals are extinct? Do you know any? How many can j name? 3) There are a lot of endangered species of animals and plants no\ days. Can you name some of them? 4) How can people protect endangered animals? 5) Can you give an example of how man destroys the habitats of birc animals and plants? 6) Why do people destroy forests? How does this influence the wildlii The life of people? 7) Do you think it is easy for different animal species to sur\dve in t 21st century? Why? 8) Should governments help to save endangered animals and plant What should and can common people do to help living things? 9) Should there be special laws protecting endangered species? Other animals, plants, water, air and soil? 10) Have you ever been a member of any ecological organization? Are there members of such organizations among your friends? Would you like to join .such an organization? What kind of organiz tion? A. Read the title of the dialogue, its four opening lines and say what tl dialogue can be about. An Unusual Badge Jane: Miss Chapman, may I ask you something? Miss C h.: Yes, Jane, what is it? Jane: What’s that badge you are wearing? Miss C h.: This panda badge? It shows that I am a member of WWF. Jane: What’s WWF? I’ve never heard of it. Miss C h.: WWF means “Worldwide Fund' for Nature”. It’s an international organization that protects wildlife on the planet. I believe WWF needs our support because it is ver important to help wild animals to survive. Jane: Are there any students among WWF members? Miss C h.: Oh, yes, lots of them. Jane: What do they do to help animals to survive? Miss C h.: Different things. Mostly they help endangered animals For example, if there are few birds of this or that species, it mean they can become extinct. Ecologists protect them and try to .save them. WWf * a fund [fAnd] — фонд Jane: I see. That’s very interesting. They are like Greenpeace. I’d like to work with Greenpeace. Miss C h.: That’s a great idea. Why would you like to do it? Jane: I think they are very brave. They stop those people who kill endangered animals and destroy their habitats. Miss C h.: Yes, they do, don’t they? All ecological organizations are useful. I know that everyone should do what they can. B. Listen to the dialogue, (94), to see if you were right, then read it. C Act the dialogue out Social English Instructions Постарайтесь запомнить следующие фразы, которые часто используют, объясняя, как следует выполнять определённые действия: The first thing you should do is... The next thing you do is... By the way, don’t forget to... (Между прочим, не забудь...) Remember to... Another thing to remember is... Be careful ['кеэП] not to... (Смотри не...) 69 сл п> "О о I А. Read the text and find in it "instruction" phrases. Nothing can burn without oxygen. To find out how much oxygen there is in the air, make a simple experiment. The first thing you should do is to stand a candle in a bowl of water. Light the candle. Be careful not to burn yourself. The next thing you do is to cover' the candle with a glass jar^. Remember that water should be able to get into the jar. Another thing to remember is to mark the leveP of water in the jar. As the candle burns, there becomes less oxygen in the air and the water goes up to take its place. Soon the candle goes out — all the oxygen has gone. You will find that the water has gone one fifth of the way up the jar. A fifth of the air is oxygen. B. Complete the text "Grow Your Own Violets". Use the "instruction" phrases. Grow Your Own Violets (1) is to choose a healthy leaf and cut it off from the plant. (2) is to prepare a pot of good soil. By the way, (3) to wet the soil well. (4) to make the soil soft. Put the leaf into the soil as you see in the picture. (5) not to damage it. Take a glass jar and cover the leaf with it. The soil should always be wet. (6) is that your young plant should not stand in the sunshine. You’ll see that your violet will soon develop roots and new leaves. ' to cover [ kw3] — ^ a glass jar [фа;] -•'* to mark the level накрыть — стеклянная банка — отметить уровень Ч * |^ Ча| bene ^ Confusable Words (Слова, которые следует различать) В тексте "As Dead as а Dodo" есть слово Dutch — «голландский». Обратите внимание на следующий ряд: Holland = Netherlands — Голландия (Нидерланды) Dutch (the Dutch language) — голландский язык The Dutch — голландцы A Dutchman — голландец A Dutchwoman — голландка Read these word combinations aloud. Dutch ships Dutch cheese Dutch tulips to make someone responsible to think someone responsible to find someone responsible endangered species endangered birds endangered insects Say who these badges belong to. to damage the habitat to destroy the habitat to protect the habitat a new law a perfect law a state law extinct dinosaurs extinct dodos extinct butterflies 71 LTl n> ■D Nl •w ^WF> ooo emus V ALTIUS FORTIUS 4. I МОСКВА 5. 7. 8. a) a sports club fun b) a Greenpeace member c) a member of an Olympic team d) a member of an international peace organization' e) a history lover f) a book lover g) a member of the Worldwide Fund for Nature h) a member of an ecological movement ' a peace organization [arganai'zeijn] — организация, борющаяся за мир Read and act out the dialogues. Then use the words on the right to cha them. Act the new dialogues out. 72 VI 1) — Could you wait a second? I’ll change mv clothes and come back. A second? It usually takes you hours to change your clothes. — Are you joking? It won’t take me more than five minutes, you’ll see. 2) — I hate washing the plates. It usually takes me hours. — Does it? I can wash the plates in no time. It doesn’t take me more than 10 minutes. — Really? 3) — How long will it take me tgLjlo. the History Museiim? — It may take you quite long: it’s a very large museum. — I see. make tea water the plants call Sally wash the plates doing my homework cleaning the room cooking washing the car to get to St Petersburg to grow a fruit garden to learn English to do this exercise This is what some people think about ecological problems With whose ideas you agree? Anna: They are beginning to build a new road near our park. Birds and small animals are afraid of people and the noise from the roads. So they will leave the park for some ciuieter place. My friends and I are going to write to our local* government and ask them to stop building the road. Liza: I’m an animal lover, so I don’t eat meat. Sheep, pigs and cows aren’t in danger, but they don’t live in their natural environment and they die young for meat eaters. Mike: I always walk and go by bike. People can do something about pollution from cars. Mr Potter: I give money to protect wild animals — whales and dolphins*. I think it is very important to help these wonderful sea animals to survive. Mrs Colton: I had a fox coat and liked it very much. But I don’t wear it any more. Now I think it is terrible to wear a coat from a dead animal. Г11 never do it again. Mark: I never go to the zoo. I hate zoos because I think that animals are not happy there. Zoos are not natural places for animals. I \ < ’ local — местный ^ whales [weilz] and dolphins ['dnlfinz] — киты и дельфины Sofia: I never buy early spring flowers. Most of them are endangered and I think it is very bad to make money by destroying them. Complete the sentences. Must or must not? 1) Governments ... put laws into practice'. 2) Governments ... build factories to recycle waste. 3) We ... support people who damage endangered plants. 4) We ... buy early spring flowers such as lilies-of-the-valley or snowdrops^. 5) We ... listen to scientists and do all we can to protect nature. 6) People ... make laws that can damage the environment. 7) All human beings ... be responsible for the future of our planet. 8) Nobody ... hunt endangered animals. 9) We all ... work together to save our planet. Confusable Words (Слова, которые надо различать) Известный вам предлог места between обозначает «между двумя предметами или людьми». Если же количество больше чем два, то употребляется предлог among; I could see а small house between the two trees. I could see a small house among the trees, (more than two) Запомните следующие словосочетания: between you and me — между нами (говоря) in between = between — между Between you and me, John is not a responsible person. She sat in between her two sons. В конце предложения употребляется только словосочетание In between; Kate has English at 10 a.m., science at 2 p.m. and music in between. 73 CO r+ a> "D Look at the pictures and say where they are. 1) the children 4) the low table f f ^ 2) Kate Sam Peter 5) the road 3) the red car 6) the monkey ‘ to put laws into practice претворять законы в жизнь " а snowdrop — подснежник DO IT Oni YOUR OWni 74 ui 10 Use the word take in the right forms to complete the sentences. Write t sentences down. 1) In older times it ... people weeks to travel from Moscow to St Peter burg. Now it ... us from 1.5 to 8 hours. 2) I’m going to the shops. ... me rather a long time to buy everything I need. 3) It ... people long time to understand that our planet is in danger. 4) Yesterday it us half an hour to clean the classroom and decorate it for the holida 5) How long it ... you to finish writing the story? Will it be ready t morrow? 6) It never ... her longer than 20 minutes to do her room. SI does it in no time. 7) How long it ... you to learn Dutch? You speak very well. Use {in) between or among to complete the sentences, then write them dowi 1) Julia couldn’t choose ... the two dresses. 2) We spent la.st summer our friends in Canada. 3) Elephants are ... the largest animals in tl world. 4) Put the small jugs on the sides and the bowl ... . 5) I don like Paul very much, but that’s ... you and me. 6) The revolver lay the two boxes. 7) The tents were situated ... the high trees of the thh forest. 8) There is a bridge ... the island and the bank of the river. Write short instructions about how to plant a garden of your own. Use tl "instruction" phrases. Here are some ideas: Think of what plants you want to see in your garden. Draw a plan of your garden. Prepare the seeds or young plants. Put them in the soil. * Water regularly. Keep your garden tidy. Enjoy your garden. Step 8 DO IT TOGETHER ir > Listen, ^ (96), and complete the sentences. 1) Baiji dolphins live in ... . a) just one river b) seas c) seas and rivers 2) The water in the Yangtze River is ... . a) polluted b) clean c) clear 3) Baiji dolphins cannot see well in the water of the Yangtze River because ... . a) they have no eyes b) tlieir eyes have changed a lot c) it has become dirty and polluted 4) Baiji dolphins cannot hear well nowadays because ... . a) they have stopped to develop b) they are deaf* c) there is too much noise in the river 5) Dolphins are in danger ... . a) only in China b) in China and India c) in China, India and Bangladesh These children belong to the Young Ecologists club. They are going to have a conference^ on ecology soon. Say how they are preparing for it. 1) Pete 2) Mary 4) John 75 r+ TD 00 5) William 6) Kate 7) Rob 8) Helen Example'. 1) to make badges for the conference Pete is making badges for the conference. 2) to interview a famous scientist 3) to invite a well-known ecologist to school 4) to prepare a talk on endangered species of plants and animals 5) to prepare a talk on the main ecological problems 6) to write ciuestions to the members of the local government on ecology of the place 7) to study the ecological sitiiation in the neighbourhood 8) to make a presentation about the extinct animals of the planet the la bene r Word Building (Словообразование) 1. В английском языке многие существительные образуются от глаголов при помощи суффикса -ment, Л (97): develop + ment = development фазвитие) agree + ment = agreement (соглашение) enjoy + ment = enjoyment (удовольствие) pay + ment = payment (оплата, платёж) move + ment = movement (движение) 2. Отрицательный префикс dis- может участвовать в образовании глаголов, существительных и прилагательных; appear (появиться) • dis + appear = disappear (исчезнуть) agree (соглашаться) — dis + agree = disagree (не соглашаться) believe (верить) • dis + believe = disbelieve (не верить) honest (честный) — dis + honest = dishonest (нечестный) agreement — dis + agreement = disagreement (несогласие) comfort dis + comfort = discomfort (неудобство, дискомфорт) ' deaf [def] — глухой * a conference [ konfarans] — конференция 1) 2) 3) 4) 76 5) c 6) 3 7) 8) СП 9) 10) Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right. A. I ... Mr Johnson very much. He is a ... man. A lot of endangered species can ... from our planet very soon. The scientist spoke about the new ... of this idea. Our talks ended in ... . The police couldn’t say anything about the terrorists’ ...s. The first ... must arrive on 31 March. We very much ... this information. I felt a great ... because of hi§ behaviour. Everything in the room was in ... . He doesn’t get any real ... from dancing. like, honest appear develop agree move pay believe comfort order enjoy B. 1) In the middle of the flowerbed you could see a very ... flower. 2) I am absolutely sure they can ... do it. 3) If we don’t stop .... our future can be in great danger. 4) The group of lakes on the ... border is called the Great Lakes. 5) There was such a ... garden in the centre of the busy city. 6) The number of ... people in Europe is getting more and more every year. In all ... countries there are men and women who have no place to live. 7) Jane sells goods at the market. I can say she is 3. ... • 8) My little five-year-old cousin is such a ... little girl. usual easy pollute Canada beauty home Europe .sell love Read the sentences and the text. Say which of the facts (1—7) are true, false о not stated. 1) The polluted sea water can become clean again thanks to some organ isms. 2) The Black Sea is one of the most polluted seas in the world. 3) In a food chain every member eats the member below. 4) Oil doesn’t get deep into the water, but floats. 5) Oil can kill wildlife. 6) They cleaned the water in the Gulf of Mexico v^ery fast. 7) The smoke from the fire in 1991 travelled to several other countries. Water Pollution The sea is full of bacteria [baek'tiaria], plants and animals which eat waste. The sea cleans it.self if we do not use it as a dump. But if we dump too much weiste in the sea, the bacteria, jjlants and animals cannot recycle it quickly, so the water becomes polluted. Chemicals ['kemikals] from farms and factories get into the rivers; and the rivers carry the waste to the sea. The chemicals get into the food chain and so fish and other sea animals can become dangerous to eat. The worst kind of sea pollution is oil’ pollution. Oil is black and dirty and there are toxic chemicals in it. If oil gets in the sea water, it stays on top^ of it. Air cannot get to the plants and animals under the water and they die. Water birds become dirty with oil and are not able to fly. Very few of them survive. One of the worst oil pollutions in the world took place in 2011 in the Gulf of Mexico. When millions of tons [L\nz] of oil went into the sea. People had to work for months to stop the pollution and to clean up the place. In the Gulf War^ in 1991 people themselves put oil on fire. A lot of oil went into the sea, got onto the ground. There were lakes of burning oil everywhere. The oil went down under the ground and polluted the water there. The pollution was terrible. Electric street lights burned all day in Kuwait [ku;'weit] because of the smoke'* from burning oil. Black and dirty rain fell on the Himalayan [,hima'lei3n] Mountains, thousands kilometres away. latafaBoc ^ Phrasal Verbs (Фразовые глаголы) Познакомься с новыми фразовыми глаголами, у которых общее ядро слово take. down off (It off (2) 1) to take down — написать, записать The police took down their addresses and phone numbers. 2) to take in — понять, взять в толк (обычно в отрицательных предложениях) Не read the text but didn't take half of it in. 3) to take off (1) — взлетать (о летательных аппаратах) Our plane should take off on time. 4) to take off (2) — снимать (об одежде, обуви) Take off your boots when you come in. 5) to take up — заняться чем-то новым My friend Pam has taken up gardening. 77 tn П) T3 00 * oil [ml] — нефть ® top [top] - верх, поверхность ^ the Gulf War [,дл1Г 'wo:] — война в Персидском заливе ^ smoke [smook] — дым 78 С 3 г+ U1 В Complete the sentences with down, in, off or up. I Cl 14* «/4*1 I CWfl 1^4* V W»ctl ***# * 1) Mr Davidson took ... painting when he was about sixty years oicl anc became successful. 2) Why didn’t Steve come to help us? I can’t take it ... . 3) Liz took ... everything the teacher said about dolphins. 4) There was some problem, and the plane took ... 25 minutes late. 5) Jane gave me her full name and I took it ... in my notebook. 6) Paul decided to take ... swimming and began going to a good swim ining pool. 7) Helicopters can take ... from nearly any place on the ground. 8) James will always be my friend. Why can’t you take it ...? Comment on these. 1) Animals make the world a richer and a more beautiful place. 2) In many African countries people have no clean water for drinking. 3) Rainforests are disappearing from the Earth. Will there be any oxy gen for us to breathe? In pairs discuss the following. 1) Can we survive without wearing coats from dead animals? 2) Can we use les.s water in our everyday life? 3) Can we stop using cars? 4) Can we survive without killing animals for food? 5) What can we do to make the Earth a healthy and comfortable plac< to live? DO IT ON YOUR OWN Complete the sentences with people must or people must not and write then down. Example: People must always remember about ecological problems. 1) ... keep their planet clean. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) protect endangered species of plants and animals. dump waste into seas, lakes and rivers. cut down a lot of trees. destroy the animals’ natural habitats. pollute the environment. teach their children to love nature. think about the future of the planet. Complete the sentences with the right forms of the verbs make or take. Writ< the sentences down. 1) Look, our plane is ... off. We are late. 2) Rick didn’t ... up the sto ry, what he said was quite true. 3) The man took iny bike and ... of with it; I couldn’t stop him. 4) My brother has ... up photography lately His pictures are not bad at all. 5) Sue is a clever girl but sometime! she says stupid things. I can’t ... it out. 6) I’d like you to ... dowr what I’m going to say now. 10 Use prepositions where necessary. 1) Who is responsible ... tlie conference? 2) We shall meet ... Monday and decide what we shall do to protect ... the swans’ habitat. 3) I disagree ... you on this. 4) What is happening ... the rainforests? 5) We should protect air, water or soil ... pollution. 6) The teacher’s influence ... his pupils is really great. for from on (2) to with Write a letter to your pen friend and tell him/her what you can do and really do to protect nature. Step 9 Consolidation Class 79 KA о DO IT TOGETHER Listen to three people, (98), and match what they say with these statements (a — d). There's one statement you don't have to use. 1) Donald 2) Peter 3) Susan a) People can’t survive without oxygen. b) People can’t survive without water. c) Birds and animals can’t survive withoiit their natural habitats. d) Don’t turn the planet into a dump. A. Read the text and choose a title for it. a) A Beautiful Place to Live b) Ways to Survive c) Government Laws People have been polluting the planet for many years. Pollution started in a small way, but then it began growing and асюп we all shall be in danger. The time has come to save our planet, to protect people, animals and plants from dying. First of all countries should have strong laws to control [ksn'traul] pollution, to protect animals and plants. Governments should be responsible for protecting nature. Today the law in some countries says: “The polluter must pay. If a person damages trees or animals, he must also pay.” But such good laws don’t always work. Scientists often meet and talk about ways of helping nature, and politicians in many countries listen to them and are beginning to talk about this too. Countries can open national parks. These are homes for animals living freely and also for birds, trees and flowers. Visitors can go there but they can’t hunt there. Politicians can think of ways to stop hunting. Governments should also find ways to recycle things we have used: paper bags and plastic bags, plastic bottles and metal things. They should 80 in build recycling factories. Governments must control and if necessary' close dangerous plants and factories. We all must work to keep our planet clean. B. Listen, (99), read the text again and say; • why we all can be in danger soon; • how laws can help to protect nature; • why politicians must listen to scientists; • in what way national parks can help to protect wildlife; • what things we can recycle and why it is important; • who is responsible for making our planet a clean and beautiful place. Say what people living on our planet should or should not do to survive. Develop the following and think about more. 1) to keep our planet clean 2) not to pollute air, water and soil 3) to make laws to protect nature 4) not to destroy animals’ habitats 5) not to cut down a lot of trees 6) to build new recycling factories 7) to use less* paper where we can 8) to use less water where we can 9) to walk and to ride bicycles more, to drive cars less 10) to plant more trees 11) to open new national parks 12) to stop hunting animals as a hobby 13) ... Say what these words mean 1) to protect b) to help a) to defend 2) to pollute a) to make extinct b) to make dirty 3) behaviour a) the way you see things b) the way you do things 4) a member a) someone who belongs to a group b) someone who protects the environment 5) environment a) the place in which people or animals live b) the nature around us 6) endangered a) dead b) becoming extinct 7) to take down a) to write down b) to run down 8) to take in a) to remember b) to understand le.ss [les] — меньше A. Use present perfect or present perfect progressive of the verbs to cornplete the situations. 1) Nick says he (to forget) to buy vegetables for dinner and asks me to do it, but I can’t. I am doing my homework, I (do) it for two hours already and I (not, finish) all the exercises yet. 2) Jane (dream) about going to Spain since la.st summer. I think she already (buy) plane tickets for her trip. 3) David (learn) to drive a car for half a year already. But I don’t think he (become) a real driver. I think he is still afraid of Moscow roads. He always (be) afraid of them. 4) How long you (know) Mr Morgan? — Oh, I (know) him for ages but I (not, see) him lately. 5) We (not, meet) the Dickensons for a long time. Is everything all right with them? — Yes, it is. I just (speak) to Mr Dickenson on the phone. B. Use present perfect or past simple of the verbs to complete the situations. 1) — Hi, John! How long you (be) here? — Not long at all. We just (arrive). I can say we (arrive) a minute ago. 2) r- You ever (be) to Australia, Polly? — No, but I (visit) New Zealand last June and (have) a wonderful time there. 3) Nick (fall) down from his bike just now. I think he should see the doctor. 4) I don’t know what (happen) to Helen. She (not, send) me e-mail yet. 5) How long you (have) this car? — We (have) it since we (buy) it in 2009. Complete the sentences with the reflexive pronouns. 81 CO n> ■D iO L myself, herself, himself, yourself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves 1) Mary, if you can’t do the work ..., ask somebody to help you. 2) You may not believe me, but I ... have seen an elk ■with my own eyes. 3) The ehildren enjoyed ... at the party dancing and piayung games. 4) Alice has told me about her trip ... . It was a very interesting story. 5) The town has become modern. But the Kremlin ... hasn’t changed at all. 6) We decided to plant the trees in the school garden ... and look after them. 7) Sam ... doesn’t speak French but the members of his family do. 8) Boys, just look at ...! What have you been doing? Choose the right words to complete the sentences. A. 1) (Among/Between) you and me I can’t say I believe his story, 2) The flowerbed was (among/between) two tall trees. 3) We spent last summer (among/be tween) friends in Australia. 4) The road was running (among/ between) tall trees in the forest. 5) You can choose (among/between) porridge and omelette for breakfast. 1) There are (a few/a little) people who do not know about it. 2) There is (a little/little) butter on the butter dish, we can make a sandwich. 3) Is there any milk in the jug? — Yes, there is (little/a little). 4) This rule is very difficult, (few, a few) people can understand it. 5) Hurry up! We have /littl^/a littlg) .time J)efnce .the Jtyair » 82 VI DO IT ON YOUR OWN Write the three forms of the verbs. 1) ? — blew — blown 2) ? — broke — broken 3) burn — burnt — ? 4) buy — ? — bought 5) ? — ? — forgotten 6) hide — ? — ? 7) ? — left — left 8) stand — ? — stood 9) teach — taught ? 10) wear — wore — ? Use the verb to take in the right forms to complete the sentences. 1) It not ... you long to do the exercise, it is very short. 2) Yesterday it ... the tourists two hours to do the city centre. 3) I’m sorry I’m late. It ... me a lot of time to find your house. 4) Usually it not ... them long to decide what to do at the weekend. 5) Why it ... you so long to do the work? All the others have already finished. 6) It ... my friend a year to \carn some Spajuslj. It >va.s W.s Second foreign language. 7) flow long it ... them to prepare this wonderful concert? I’m really enjoying myself. 8) It not ... Europeans long to kill all the dodos on the island of Mauritius. 9) I don’t think I’ll go to the cinema with you. It ... me all afternoon to do my room and I feel tired. 10 Make sure that you know how to spell the new words. Get ready to write Dictation 5. Here is your Word Box 5. Words agreement, among, behaviour, damage, development, disagree, disagreement, disappear, disbelieve, discomfort, dishonest, dump, Dutch, Dutchman, Dutchwoman, endanger, enjoyment, environment, extinct, factory', habitat, herself, himself, influence, itself, law, member, movement, myself, natural, nature, necessary, nowadays, number, ourselves, payment, person, pollute(d), pollution, pour, protect(ion), recycle, responsible, save, study, survive, themselves, unpolluted, waste, yourself, yourselves Word Combinations another thing to remember is, to be careful to/not to, to be responsible for sth, to behave oneself, to have influence on sb, to make a law, to remember to do sth, endangered species, extinct .species, a great number. Mother Nature, protected species, a rubbish dump, waste of time, between you and me, by the way, in between Phrasal Verbs to take down, to take in, to take off, to take up Geographical Names Holland, the Netherlands step 10 Test Yourself V L LISTENING Listen, (100), and decide which of the facts below are true, false or not stated in the text. 1) The changes in the modern world influence the climate on the planet. 2) Nowadays people can’t breathe in big cities. 3) In big cities the work of factories, power stations as well as cars and buses have a big influence on the environment. 4) There are no forests in Europe. 5) There are more rainforests in South America than in Africa or Asia. Maximum result 5 Your result 9 • 83 r+ a> T3 II. READING Read the text and complete the sentences after it. Every Little Helps (Story by a schoolgirl, age 12) Once Vicki was coming back from her small country school. It was one of the last days of the term. The weather was so nice that the girl decided to take a longer way home, to the cottage where she lived. Her way lay through a small wood. Vicki was in shock to see that the wootl looked terrible: there was rubbish everywhere — paper and plastic bags, boxes and bottles, Vicki ran all her way back home. She had to do something about it. Suddenly she had an idea. “We must clean up the place,” she thought. At home she phoned four of her schoolfriends. They all agreed to help her. It was hard work but soon they put all the rubbish into big bags and took it away. The little green wood looked beautiful again. On the next day the girls came to the wood once more. They wanted to see the rubbish dumpers with their own eyes. In the wood there were some people finishing their picnic. There was a lot of rubbish on the ground around them. “What are you going to do with this rubbish?” asked the girls. “The place looks ugly. Don’t you think so?” "The young lady is right,” said a w/oman with a hat on, “we can’t leave this rubbish here.” “That’s right,” .said Vicki. “Here, take this bag.” “Thank you, girls," they said. “You’ve helped us to understand that the country is a beautiful place and we must keep it clean.” 1) Every little helps means ... . a) little children can very well help grown-ups b) everybody should help to do important work c) even small things can give good results 84 ui у • * • 2) Vicki lived ... . a) in a city b) outside a city c) in the wood 3) When Vicki was going home she saw that the little wood looked a) not the same as it usually did c) better than it usually di b) the same as it usually did 4) Vicki cleaned up the wood ... . a) with the help of her girlfriends c) on her own b) with the help of the picnickers 5) The picnickers ... . a) understood the girls and decided to clean up the place b) understood the girls but were not ready to clean up the place c) didn’t understand what the girls wanted Maximum result 5 Your result ? III. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar and Vocabulary) Use reflexive pronouns where necessary. 1) I cut ... when I WEIS preparing the salad. 2) Don’t hide ... behind tl: bench. I can see you. 3) Please, Tom, behave ...! 4) Fred is very litt but he has done it ... . 5) Why are they asking me to send an e-m Can’t they do it ...? 6) She lives alone, all by ... . 7) You must dr ... and go downstairs. 8) The children have washed ... . Their clean fai es look so nice. >/ Maximum result 8 Your result ? Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right. 1) We felt a great... because of Rob’s behaviour. 2) More and more species of animals ... from our planet every day. 3) Our ... is like this: they should finish everything by the end of August. 4) Yesterday we saw two ...s in the forest. They left a lot of plastic bags in the picnic place. 5) That was a ... idea. I was sure we couldn’t do that. 6) The bank of the river was ... and very inviting. 7) His was a very ... face, we didn’t like the man at all. 8) The countryside looked .... comfor appear agree dump hope sand pleasar peace У Maximum result 8 Your result ? I / / IV. SPEAKING Say what five important things about ecology we must teach children. Choose one of the ideas and develop it. Maximum result 15 Your result ? V. WRITING I Listen, ^ (101), and write Dictation 5. Maximum result 10 Your result ? У Total result 51 Your result 7 • 85 n> T3 I о IT ON YOUR OWN I Do Project Work 5. Complete another page of your English Album. Find information about endangered species of plants and animals which grow or live in your country. Write a page about one or two of them. Illustrate your story with pictures. Use the Red Book of Endangered Species, the Internet, books. If necessary, ask your family or friends to help you. Unit Living Healthy Ф Step 1 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to two texts, (102). Choose titles for them from those belov^ On* title you don't have to use. a) The Ecology of Man b) How to Stop Pollution c) What We Need Is Working Together Л- Read the nine golden rules. Say which of them you follow and which yoi don't. Say why. 1) Take a lot of exercise. Physical activity is good for all of us at an^ age. 2) Begin your day with morning exercises. They give you a lot of ener gy for the day. 3) Be sporty. Join a sports club or go to the gym and work out*. 4) Take a lot of sleep. Most people need eight hours of sleep to fee well. 5) Spend some time out of doors every day. Fresh air is good for you. 6) Limit the time you spend in front of your television or computer t< an hour — an hour and a half. 7) Keep to a healthy diet. Doii4 eat too much. 8) Don’t oat unhealthy food. 9) Always say “no” to alcohol ['selkahol], cigarettes [ siga'rets] and drugs. B. Work in pairs and discuss what you do to keep fit. Listen, (103), and read. A. drug [drAg] — 1. наркотик 2. лекарство enough [I'nAf] — достаточно harm [harm] — вред meal [mi:l] — 1. трапеза 2. еда ' to work out — поддерживать физическую форму obese [a'bi:s] — болезненно полный almost ['D:lmaost] — почти quick [kwik] — быстрый smoke [smauk] — n дым; v 1. дымить 2. курить fast food — еда быстрого приготовления junk food неполноценная еда В. drug: 1. а drug for some disease, to take drugs, to use drugs, a drug user. Jenny has never taken drugs in her life and she says she never will. No drug-taking. 2. Aspirin is a popular drug which some people take. enough: enough food, enough time. Are there enough vegetables to make a salad? harm: a lot of harm, no harm, to do harm. It’ll do you no harm to spend some time outdoors, in fact, it will do you good. If you spend a lot of time in front of the computer, it does you more harm than good. Harmful habits. meal: 1. to have three meals a day, to go out for a meal. When do you have your evening meal? 2. to cook (prepare/make) a meal, a tasty meal. Yesterday dad cooked us a tasty meal. obese: obese people. To be obese is dangerous for your health. Obese people have a lot of problems travelling. almost: almost a year, almost everyone, almost all. Are you ready? — Almost! I’m just putting my shoes on. Sam’s almost as tall as his father, quick: a quick worker, a quick learner, to be quick. Please be quick and do something. Quickly: to do things quickly. She went quickly out of the room. We have to work quickly. smoke n: a cloud of black smoke. There’s no smoke without fire, smoke v: 1. to smoke badly. The wood was wet and our fire was smoking. 2. to smoke a cigarette. I don’t smoke. Smoking may damage your health. Please don’t smoke here. fast food: Fast food is food like hamburgers [Ъает,Ьз:дэг] or cheeseburgers ['^i:Z|b3;gaz]. Fast food can be harmful. junk food: junk food is unhealthy because there is a lot of fat, salt or sugar in it. Chips, sweets and cakes are junk food. Put the following under two categories; harmful ways and healthy ways. 87 r+ П) T3 Healthy ways are... Harmful ways are... eating fast food regularly eating green salads eating your meals quickly smoking cigarettes eating junk food almost every day saying no to drug-taking not eating too much not to become obese drinking fizzy' drinks like Pepsi or Coke having regular meals taking enough exercise spending some time outdoors eating a lot of vegetables and fruit seeing your doctor when you have health problems fizzy [ fizi] — шипучий 88 С э The Adverb (Наречие) Обратите внимание на сочетания слова enough с различными частями речи. Enough употребляется перед именами существительными, но после глаголов, прилагательных и наречий enough + Noun Adjective Adverb у+ enough Verb to have enough time to get enough money to buy enough apples to be long enough to run quickly enough not to practise enough % Complete these sentences, 1) John is (old enough/enough old) to go to school. 2) Don’t hurry. There is (time enough/enough time) to do it. 3) There is (food enough, enough food) for everyone. 4) The poor man doesn’t (eat enough/enough eat). 5) Have I made (coffee enough/enough coffee)? 6) Have we got (enough apples/apples enough) for everybody? 7) The days have become (long enough/enough long). 8) The text is (easy enough/enough easy) for the pupils to understand it. 9) The road is not (wide enough/enough wide) for two cars. 10) Are there (pencils enough/enough pencils) for all the pupils? A- Read the text and complete the sentences after it. Shall We Go to McDonalds? McDonalds food has always been popular, especially with young people and children. They have always liked their Big Mac and drinks. You can find fast food restaurants in all countries of the world, almost in all big cities. People come in and cjuickly have their lunches and dinners. They say they like McDonalds restaurants because it doesn’t take them long to have a meal, the food is fairly tasty and you don’t pay much money for it. But is this food really healthy? Can we say that it does more good than harm to people who eat it? We know quite well that taking drugs, smoking cigarettes and drinking a lot of alchohol are very dangerous. But eating junk food can be no less^ dangerous. That’s why nowadays scientists talk a lot about eating problems. Some of them say that many people have become obese because they are fond of junk food — hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chips and so on^. And these are the things we usually buy and eat in fast food restaurants. There is not enough fruit and vegetables on the menu and there is much sugar in pies and cakes that you can buy there. This food is low in vitamins t'vimminz]. Eating such food regularly is risky and can be really dangerous. * no less — не менее 2 SO on и так далее 1) McDonalds food ... . a) wa.s popular in the past and is popular now b) was popular in the past more than it is now c) is popular only with young children 2) McDonalds fast food restaurants are situated in a) practically* all countries of the world b) all countries of the world c) all big countries of the world 3) McDonalds food is a) quite healthy b) v'ery dangerous c) rather unhealthy 4) There are ... on the fast food restaurants’ menu. a) a lot of vegetables b) few vegetables c) a few vegetables B. Work in pairs and discuss McDonalds restaurants. Find out: • if there are such restaurants near the places where you live and if you would like to have some; • if you go to McDonalds restaurants and how often; • if the food in such restaurants is healthy, dangerous, tasty, unhealthy; • what kind of food you can have there; • why, in your view, many people prefer McDonalds restaurants. Ла Ьвпе Synonyms (Синонимы) Обратите внимание, что слова almost и practically являются синонимами Во многих случаях они взаимозаменимы, однако practically менее частотно и используется в основном в устной речи. 89 кл Г+ Ф тз Say what you think about McDonalds restaurants and the food you can get there. Use the ideas from the box. You can begin like this: McDonalds is a chain of fast food restaurants, one of a large group of American restaurants in the USA, Europe and many other countries. popular with people easy to have a meal quickly fairly tasty not much money to pay not quite healthy junk food — hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chips food low in vitamins little fruit and few vegetables on the menu a lot of very sweet things on the menu fizzy drinks - Coke, Pepsi harmful influence on people’s health can get obese quickly ’ practically ['praektiklij — практически, почти DO IT Oni YOUR OWN 90 O) Match the words in the two columns to get word combinations. Write your own sentences with them. 1) a fast food 2) regular 3) to do 4) no smoke 5) a ciuick 6) junk a) a lot of good b) learner c) without fire d) restaurant e) food f) meals Put the word enough in the right places in these sentences and write them down. 1) My story is long, so prepare yourselves. 2) In many countries people don’t have drinking water. 3) These children have free time to do sport and to play games. 4) If this apple is not good, take another one. 5) I hope they have money to go away on holiday. 6) The girl was cpiick to understand the new nde. 7) There’s food in the house not to go hungry. 8) The meal was big and tasty. 10 Spell these words. 1) [mi:l] 3) [a'bi:s] 2) [harm] 4) [kwik] 5) [smauk] 6) [iWf] 7) [drAg] 8) ['arlmaustj Write a letter to your pen friend about McDonalds restaurants. Step 2 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the rhyme, ^ (104), and read it in pairs. Your Cold Is Getting Worse {By Carolyn Graham) Your cold is getting worse. You ought to‘ see the nurse. Oh, no. I’m fine. My cold is much better. Your cough is getting worse. You ought to see the nurse. Oh, no. I’m fine. My cough^ is much better. Your cough sounds bad. It doesn’t sound good. You ought to see the nurse. You really should. ' ought to [^:t] = should ^ cough [knfj кашель 5. Look at the pictures and say what does a lot of harm or a lot of good to these people. Example’. Swimming does them a lot of good. 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 4. 9. Complete the sentences. Use the new words. 1) Some children prefer ... food to a real lunch at school. So they buy chocolate bars, sweets and chips. 2) There is a number of very good pupils in my class. They are all ... learners and get good marks. 3) I*m afraid I haven’t got ... money to buy this new disk. 4) It said “No ...” on the wall but there stood a man who was ... a cigarette. 5) Using ... is a very serious problem of nowadays. 6) Drinking alcohol does people more ... than they think. It destroys their minds and bodies. 7) In my family we always have our evening ... together. 8) Eating healthy food helps us not to become ... . 9) I think I’ll take up some sport. I’m ... sure of it. ^ The Adverb (Наречие) У известного вам слова too (тоже) есть омоним — наречие too, которое означает «слишком»; • It is too cold today. • The coffee is too sweet. • We arrived at the airport too late and missed the plane. Предложения c наречием too можно перефразировать при помощи известного вам наречия enough, однако если enough стоит после прилагательного, то наречие too употребляется перед ним. Сравните: 1) She is not old enough to get married. = She is too young to get married. 2) He is not tall enough to get the book from the shelf. = He is too short to get the book from the shelf. Оба наречия часто используются в предложениях с инфинитивами глаголов: The weather is too good to stay at home. The boxes are too heavy to carry. The water was not clean enough to swim in it. Make one sentence from two. Complete the new sentence with too or enough. Example: Wo ooiilrln't drink Гоя. It. was vory hot.. The tea was too hoi, for ns to drink. She didn’t want to read the book. It wasn't interesting Tlie hook wasn't interesting enough for her to read it. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) fi) 7) 8) У) 10) The girls couldn't carry the l)ox. It was loo Iieavy. 1 don't wear this jacket in winter. It is not warm. Three peoi)]e can't sit on ll*e back seat. It is not wide. We couldn't read the text. It. was too difficult. She can't wear the skirt. It is not long enough. You can’t use tins water. It is not clean enough. He can't drive a car. He is young They can't win the game. They are slow. We can't walk to the market. It is far-away. The little puppy can't do this trick. It is not clever. Read the questions. Complete the answers with too or enough and match them with the questions. Questions 1) Is he going to learn to dri\^e a car? 2) Why don’t we go to the cinema?' 3) Can he read a newspaper in Dutch? 4) Can she win the race? 5) May 1 put on this sweater? G) May we swim? 7) Do you want to buy a "Volvo"? Answers a) I'm nut (rich) to buy it. b) He doesn't know the language (well) to do it. c) No. he isn’t. He is (young) to drive a car. d) I don't think she can. She can't run (quickly). e) I'm afraid it is not (warm) for such cold weather. f) I think it is (late) to go there. The film has alreadv begun. g) I don't t.hink you may. The water is (cold). A. Read the interviews and say what Andrew and Sarah do right and what they do wrong. Two Interviews Interview 1 1 liter viewer: Do you think you're a healthy person? Andrew: Yes, I get n cold one or two limns a year and tlint's all. Interviewer: And do von think tliat’s because of what you eat and •* • the exercise vcui take? Andrew: Maybe. I try to oat healthy food — fruit, vegiMaides and lots of salad. I seldom eat sweets or rakes or other junk fond. Interviewer: What, about. smol;ing? Do you smoko? Andrew: No, I've never smoked at nil. Interviewer: Do you drink alcohol? Andrew: Yes, but only wine. Sometimes I have it with my meals. Interviewer: And do you take much exercise? Andrew: I’m afraid not enough. In summer I ride a bicycle and in winter I try to do some swimming once a week but I feel that’s not enough. Interview 2 Interviewer: Sarah, you look fine. Do you think you’re a healthy person? Sarah: Well, I feel healthy. I don’t feel too bad. Interviewer: Do you keep to any diet? Sarah: Not really, because I enjoy my food too much. I like fat food and sweet things. I can’t say that my diet is healthy. Interviewer: And what about exercise? Do you jog* or play tennis or anything? Sarah: No, I’m afraid I don’t. I try to walk to work and other places. So that’s the only exercise I take. B. Listen, (105), and read the text aloud. Complete this interview and act it out. Interviewer: Do you think you’re a healthy person? You: ... Interviewer: What do you do to keep fit and healthy? You: ... Interviewer: And what is it that you never do not to damage your health? You: ... Interviewer: Do you keep to any special diet? You: ... Interviewer: Do you have regular meals? You: ... Interviewer: Do you have enough sleep? When do you go to bed? You: ... Interviewer: Well, thank you very much for your time and all the best. 93 (jO П) "O NJ DO IT ON YOUR OWN Rewrite these sentences using the word enough. 1) He is too short to get an apple from the tree. 2) The soil is too dry’ for the flowers to grow. 3) The trousers are too short for the hoy’. 4) The bench is too high for the child to climb on it, 5) The child is too weak to carry this box. f>) The hotel is too uncomfortable to stay at it. to jog [ck^g] — бегать трусцой 94 ф А. Look at the pictures and write what they can do quickly. Example: 1) The monkey can climb the tree quickly or The monkey can quickly climb the tree. 10 B. Write three sentences about what you can do quickly. Write it differently. Example-. He has practically finished the job. He has almost finished the job. 1) I am practically ready. 2) Practically all the students have come. 3) The blouse is practically dry. 4) They have spent practically all the money. 5) The frost killed practically all the flowers. Step 3 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (106), and match the questions (1—6) with the answers (a—e). There's one question you don't have to use. 1) What do you usually do if you have a problem with your teeth? 2) And what do you do if something happens to your eyes? 3) What helps you if you have a problem with sleeping? 4) What do you do if you have a problem with your stomach’? 5) What do you do if you have a cold-? 6) What helps you if you want to become slimmer? descriptions. 1) arm 2) back a) one of the two long parts of your body with your hands at the end b) one of the two parts at the sides of your head that you hear with ’ stomach ['stAmskl — живот, желудок ^ to have a cold [kauld] — быть простуженным 3) ear c) 4) eye 5) face d) 6) finger e) 7) foot 8) head f) 9) leg 10) neck g) 11) toe h) i) j) k) you often sleep hand a face etc. at the end which you stand 95 oo fl> •D Ы Look at the picture, listen, ^ (107), and read the new words. 7) backbone [ЪагкЬэип] 8) wrist [rist] 9) knee [ni;] — 10) ankle ['aei]kl] Complete the sentences with the new words. 1) My father wears his watch on his ... . 2) I will always remember my visit to your place, it will stay in my ... . 3) The people in the square stood on their ... when the monarch appeared. 4) You use your ... for thinking. 5) Susan was wearing a warm scarf around her ... , 6) Don’t go to school on an empty ...: you won't be able to work well. 7) Your ... goes down the middle of your back. 8) Julia’s hair has grown down to her ...s. 9) My ... were full of wonderfully fresh sea air. 10) It’s wet outside. Put on your .strong ... boots. |№ta.he№ ^ Confusabie Words (Слова, которые следует различать) В английском языке восклицательные предложения строятся с помощью слов what и how. Сравните: What а wonderful day (it is)! How wonderful the day is! What a clever boy he is! How clever he is! What interesting stories! How interesting the stories are! What cold water! How cold the water is! 96 ф ^*ta Ьепв Articles (Артикли) Обратите внимание на использование артиклей в восклицательных предложениях с what 1) В предложениях с исчисляемыми существительными в^ единственном чидпе нужен неопределённый артикль; What а big park it is! What an interesting book! 2) В предложениях с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном чи£ле употребляется нулевой артикль, т. е. артикли не используются; What kind gentlemen! What tasty sweets! 3) В предложениях с неисчисляемыми существительными также употребляется нулевой артикль; What fresh air! What tine weather! Complete A. 1) What 2) What 3) What 4) What 5) What 6) What 7) What 8) What the sentences. Use a, an pleasant face! unpleasant man! heart! big stomach! healthy lungs! slim ankles! bony knees! thin wrist! the zero article. B. 1) What ... 2) What ... 3) What ... 4) What ... 5) What ... 6) What ... 7) What ... 8) What ... fresh air! deep river! unusual job! white snow! high hills! dangerous person! easy text! long journey! Say the same in a different way. Example: What ...! How ...! What a difficult job (it is)! How difficult the job is! What ...! 1) ... 2) What fresh air! 3) What beautiful valleys! 4) ... 5) ... 6) What slow animals! 7) ... 8) What funny monkeys! 9) ... 10) What tasty chocolate! How ...! 1) How dangerous this place is! 2) ... 3) ... 4) How powerful the king is! 5) How cute the babies are! 6) ... 7) How rich this area is! 8) ... 9) How fast the rabbits are! 10) ... A. Read the text and try to understand what the marked' words mean. Why Are Some People Left-handed? About four per cent [po'sent] of people are left-handed. From history we know that some of the most talented men and women have been left-handed. Leonardo da Vinci [ vintji] and Michelangelo [,maikI'cenc^ol3u], the greatest sculptors of all times, were both left-handed. At the same time we live in a right-handed world. We make our scissors, cars, musical instruments and other things mostly for right-handed people. So left-handed people have to learn to use them. ' marked tma;kt] — выделенный We don’t know what makes most people right-handed. Here is one theory: the body is not symmetrical, not quite the same on both sides. For example, the right side of the face is a little different from the left. One of our legs is not as strong as the other. Our feet, toes or shoulders may be a little different in size. And this asymmetry goes through our whole' body. The same is true about the brain. The hiiman brain has two halves which don’t work the same way. People believe that the left half of the brain is more “active” than the right half. The nerves [naivz] from the brain go to the opposite side of the body. That’s why the right half of the body is better able to do things. We read, write, speak and work with the left half of the brain. And this makes most of us right-handed ^ю. But with some few people the right half of the brain is more active, and these people work best with the left side of their bodies. B. Listen, ^ (108), and read the text aloud. C. Why, do you think, doctors say that parents shouldn't teach left-handed children to work with their right hands? Choose the right answer. 1) It may make left-handed children less talented. 2) It may take too much time. 3) It may damage their health. 97 tn о •D Ы DO IT Oni YOUR OWN John likes what he sees. Express what he feels. Begin your sentences with what (3) or how (3). Example: The sandy beach is very clean. How clean the sandy beach is! What a clean sandy beach! 5) The chair is comfortable. 1) My voyage is very interesting. 2) The garden is beautiful. 3) The man is brave. 4) The baby is cute. 6) The sea is warm. 7) The room is tidy. 8) The shirt is fashionable. Complete these sentences. Use it is, they are, he is, she is. Example: What strong children! What strong children they are! 1) What a low bench! 2) What clever animals! 3) What a slow turtle! 4) What a strong sportsman! 5) What a loving mother! 6) What wonderful butterflies! 10 Spell these words. 1) ['baekbDon] 2) ['Jaulda] 3) [nstj 4) [a;gkl] 5) [ha:t] 6) [’stAniak] 7) Ini:] 8) llAgz] 9) IBraot] 10) [mau9] ' whole [haul] — весь, целый 98 (Л Step 4 DO IT TOGETHER Д. You will hear the text “What Is the Secret of a Long Life?” Say how you can answer the question in the title. B. Listen, ^ (109), and say if your answer and the answers in the text are different. C. Listen to the text again and say which of these facts are true, false or not stated in it. 1) About a million people all over the world are more than a hundred. 2) Scientists say that fresh air is a necessary thing to have if you want to live long. 3) Not less important is fresh food. 4) People who are a hundred are fond of eating meat. 5) Such people always cook their food themselves. 6) They eat many sweet things. A. Read this text and answer the questions after it. Say what you think about the rules helping to live a long life. Do you want to live to be a hundred? Here are some rules for success. First. Choose your parents and grandparents carefully. If they lived to a good old age, so will you. Second. Choose the right place to live. Such places should have a healthy environment, with no air, water or land pollution. And third. Choose the right kind of job. Doctors, dentists, bus-drivers, office managers die young. Farmers live much longer. • Is Rule One serioiis? Is there any true information in it? • Is Rule Two important? Is it difficult to follow it? Why?/Why not? • Is there any truth in Rule Three? If there is, why so? B. Do you think you are ready to follow these rules to make your life really long? Why?/Why not? с Work in pairs and discuss what is important to do to live a long life and what you are ready to do for it. Mention the following: • the food you eat; • the environment of the place where you live; • the sports activities. Match the words with their definitions. 1) tongue a) 2) knee b) 3) ankle 1 c) 4) shoulder 5) mouth d) 6) backbone ) 1 t/iruat o> 8) brain f) 9) wrist g) 10) lungs h) i) j) er part of your arm breathe %% rv •o Ш 4 head the neck Look at the picture and name some parts of a human body. Listen, ^ (110), and read. A. ache [cik] боль {ноющая, тупая, обычно не очень сильная) п кашель; v кашлять cough [kof] hurt [Ьз:1] — 1. ушибить, ударить 2, причинить боль medicine ['med.snj — i. медицина 2. лекарство pain fpein) — боль {часто сильная) prescribe [pri'skraib] — прописывать recover [п'клуэ] — выздоравливать sneeze [sni;z] — чихать * inside fin'said| — внутри 100 at В. ache: a headache, (a) backache, (a) stomachache, toothache, earache. Tanya is ill, she has a high temperature ami a bad headache. C’liocttlale gives me toothache. cough n: to have a bad cough, to give a cough. James has been ill for two weeks but he still has a bad cough. She gave a cough and answered, cough u: to cough badly. You are coughing a lot I think you smoke too much. hurt (hurt, hurt): 1. to hurt one’s arm. He hurt his leg when he fell. I’ve hurt my toe. 2. My foot liurts. Where does it hurt? It hurts to walk, medicine: 1. to study medicine. Sandra studied medicine for five years to become a doctor. 2. to take a medicine for a high temperature. Penicillin is a medicine. What medicine do you take for a headache? pain: a pain in the leg, to have a pain in one’s right side, to have a terrible pain, elohn was having a pain in his left side, prescribe: to prescribe a medicine for one’s earache. The doctor prescribed John some medicine for his cough. recover: to recover soon, to recover from a serious illness. John is ill. He has a cold, but I’m sure he will recover soon. sneeze: to sneeze badly. There was a lot of pepper in the salad and Mike began to sneeze. Synonyms (Синонимы) Слова pain и ache являются синонимами, но обозначают разный вид боли. Для описания несильной ноющей боли обычно используют существительное ache. Оно входит в состав таких сложных слов, как: а headache (а) stomachache (а) toothache (а) backache (ап) earache (а) heartache (душевная боль, страдание) Articles (Артикли) Обратите внимание на использование артикля с этими существительными. Существительное headache всегда используется с неопределённым артиклем: Yesterday she had а headache. В британском варианте английского языка остальные сложные слова могут использоваться как с артиклем, так и без него: She often gets а stomachache. She often gets stomachache. В американском английском сложные слова на -ache чаще используются с неопределённым артиклем: Не has а toothache. She has а backache. Чтобы рассказать о проблемах с сердцем, используют такие сочетания, как а heart attack (сердечный приступ), а heart problem, а weak heart. Jane had a heart attack yesterday. Про больное горло говорят а sore throat. Answer the questions using the new words. How often do you have a cold? What do you feel when you have a cold — a headache, an earache, a pain in the stomach? Do you usually sneeze or cough when you have a cold? Do you have a sore throat? What about your temperature? Is it usually high? л. Read the text and decide what the marked word combinations mean. Philip Is 111 Yesterday Philip came home from school very tired. Soon he developed a bad headache, and it became clear that the boy was ill. When his mother took his temperature, it was high. At night the boy sneezed and coughed. In the morning his mother called the family doctor, Mr Bell. Dr Bell: Well, what’s the matter, young man? Philip: I’ve been feeling bad since yesterday. Doctor. I’ve got a headache and a sore throat. My nose is running, I cough and sneeze. Dr Bell; Let me look at your throat, Philip. Now take off your shirt. I want to listen to your lungs and heart. Does it hurt you to breathe? Philip: No, not really. But I have some pain in my back and my head is swimming a little. Dr Bell: I see. This may happen because you’re running a high temperature. It will pass as soon as your temperature falls. Philip: Shall I take any medicines, doctor? Dr Bell: I’ll prescribe you something for your running nose and for your temperature. Take it two times a day with water. Philip: And what about my throat? It feels really painful. Dr Bell: I’m sure it does. I’ll ask your mother to go to the chemist’s and buy some tablets for your throat and some spray for your nose. Philip: When will I be able to go to school. Doctor? Dr Bell: It’s too early to say. Stay in bed until your temperature falls and have a lot of hot drinks. Take vitamin C. It’s only a bad cold. I hope you’ll recover within a week. Philip: Thank you very much. Doctor. Dr Bell: Goodbye, Philip. I’ll phone you tomorrow to find how you’re doing. Get well soon. Philip: Goodbye, Doctor, and thanks again. B. Listen, (111), and read the dialogue from the text in pairs. Act it out. 101 i/) r-f 0) "D о IT oni YOUR OWN I Read the text "Philip Is and doesn't have. tr again and write which of the problems Philip has • a runny nose • a pain in his side • a cough a stomachache a headache an earache Jj Complete the sentences with the words from the box. a high temperature a sore throat a toothache I) It took medicine . medicine . me two weeks to recover ... cold. 2) My mother is taking a . her heart problem. 3) The doctor prescribed me some new . my stomachache. 4) The doctor told me to breathe in and out wliile she was listening ... my lungs. 5) After the long walk Sue had a bad pain ... her knee. 6) You should take this medicine ... milk or warm water. 7) Nick joined us as soon as he got better ... his bad cold. 8) Here is a new spray ... your sore throat. 9) ... two weeks Jane fully recovered ... her earache. 102 10 Spell these words. 1) [eik] 2) [pein] 3) [sni:z] 4) [h3:t] 5) [kof] 6) ['medsn] 7) [pri'skraib] 8) [n'k.\v3] Write a letter to your pen friend about what you can do and what you are really doing to live a long life. № Step 5 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (112), and match the names with the pictures. 6. 2. a) June b) Peter c) Jack d) Don e) Daniel 7. f) Pamela g) Philip h) Richard i) Kevin 8. 5 Read these words, word combinations and sentences aloud. a headache to have a pain in the side a stomachache to have a pain in the leg an earache to have a pain in the wrist to have a sore throat to sneeze badly to have a weak heart to cough badly to have a bad cough to see badly She is running a high temperature. Ted has a running nose. My left foot hurts. It hurst to walk. Where does it hurt? My eyes liurt when I look at the sun. Say the same differently. 1) to have a pain in the back; 2) to have a pain in the ear; 3) to have a pain in the head; 4) to have a pain in the stomach; 5) to have a weak heart; 6) to have a pain in the tooth; 7) My leg hurts; 8) My arm hurts. Confusable English (Структуры, которые следует различать) Сказать по-английски «простудиться» можно по-разному; to get а cold to catch a cold to come down with a cold Обратите внимание, что выражение to come down with a cold часто используется в настоящем продолженном времени и может переводиться с помощью глагола «заболевать». Сравните. Every spring she gets a cold. I caught a cold in the storm yesterday. 1 have a headache 1 think I'm coming down with a cold. Выражение to have (got) a cold означает «быть простуженным». — Why isn't Alice at school? — She is ill. She's got a cold. 103 1/1 t-* ra TJ ui A. Say it differently. 1) It was raining heavily yesterday and we had a walk. I think we’ll catch a cold. 2) My children got a cold last week. 3) When Jack gets a cold he eats a lot of oranges. 4) I never catch a cold in summer. 5) William is strong and healthy. I don’t think he’ll get a cold after our trip. B. Use to have a cold or to get/catch a cold in the right forms to complete the sentences. Sometimes both are possible. 1) Jill is running a high temperature. I think she ... . 2) If you don’t put on your raincoat, you will ... . 3) When she ..., she usually stays in bed for a day or two. 4) Do they often ... in spring and autumn? 5) 1 don’t think Bob ... but his throat is a little red. Confusable Words (Слова, которые следует различать) Прилагательные ill и sick могут характеризовать людей, которые нездоровы: The boy is ill/sick. The children are ill/sick. Однако только одно из них — прилагательное sick — в этом значении может употребляться как определение. Сравните; The sick boy had a very high temperature. What medicine do sick people take for their colds? 104 № How do you know you are coming down with a cold? What do you usually do to recover? Complete these dialogues and act them out. Dialoi'ue 1 Parent; What’s the matter? Why aren’t you getting up, dear? It’s time to get ready for school. Child: I’m afraid I have a problem... Parent; Have you taken your temperature yet? Child: Yes, ... . Parent: Poor thing! I think I’ll call the doctor. You need some medicines for your cough and for your sore throat. Child: Thank you. Can you make me a hot drink, please? Parent: ... Dialogue 2 (on the telephone) Pupil 1; Why didn’t you come to school today? Are you OK? 2: No, not quite... 1: Did you call the doctor? 2: Yes, ... . 1: Can I help you to get the medicines from the chemist’s? 2: No, ... . But it was very kind of you to ask. 1: OK. Get well soon. I’ll call you tomorrow and tell you about Pupil Pupil Pupil Pupil Pupil Pupil school. Pupil 2: Thank you. Try to match the word combinations with what they mean. 1) to have a heart of gold 2) to be a pain in the neck 3) to have eyes bigger than the stomach 4) to have a good head on your shoulders 5) to bring somebody to their knees 6) to have a finger in every pie 7) to walk with your nose in the air a) to be clever, brainy b) to think that you’re better than other people c) to win a victory over somebody d) to do many things at the same time e) to be a big problem f) to be very kind, helpful, to think about other people g) to take more food that you can eat DO IT DIM YOUR OWIU Use the words from the box to complete the sentences and write them down. 1) Doctor, can you prescribe something ... my stomacliache? ^ 2) What’s the matter? — 1 think I am coming........... a cold. 3) What does she take ... her sore throat? 4) Jane has almost recovered ... her disease. 5) Rose says her baby is coming ...... a cold. 6) What do you usually take ... your headache? 10 Sick or ilf? or both? Write down the sentences. 1) Jane has been ... for a montli. 2) The ... child is going to recover soon. 3) When people are when they have colds, they often stay in bed for some time. 4) I didn’t know tliat your cousin was ... . 5) How long have you been ...? 6) She is a nurse and works with ... people. Use the idioms from Exercise 7 instead of the underlined words in the sentences, then write the sentences down. 1) Jerald is a very kind person. 2) Tom wants to take part in everything that is going on. 3) Richard thinks he knows everything better than others. He is sure ther^is nobody in our class better than him. 4) Ел^егу-body in our class is tired of Martin and angry with him. 5) Frank is a very clever boy. He always knows what to dp and does it very well. Step 6 DO IT TOGETHER 105 CO r+ Ф "D A. R'latch the problems (1—6) with the pictures (a—g). There is one picture you don't have to use. Say what has caused’ these people's problems. Example'. (1 — c) We have been shouting loudly at the stadium and now I’ve got a terrible headache. 1) I’ve got a terrible headache. 2) I’ve got a toothache. 3) Oh, my legs really hurt. 4) I woke up this morning with a sore throat. 5) I think I’ll sit dow'n. I’ve got a backache. 6) Oh, my wrist hurts. a g e f B. Say what other things could cause the same problems. Listen, ^ (113), and choose the right variants to complete the sentences. 1) Max couldn’t take his bag away because ... . a) it was very heavy c) he didn’t want to do it b) it hurt him to move 2) The doctor recommended Max the swimming programme because a) the boy had a terrible backache b) he couldn’t get a good sleep c) Max often caught colds ‘ to cause [кэ:г] — быть причиной, вызвать 106 3) Max’s grandpa was ... ill as a schoolboy. a) almost never b) never c) regularly 4) The swimming instructor didn’t send Max to the beginner’s class because the boy ... . a) could swim fairly well b) was older than the other pupils 5) Grandpa sent Max ... . a) to make a cup of strong tea b) to watch a TV programme c) was not able to swim as well as the others c) to have a rest' Exclamations^ Люди часто используют восклицательные предложения в диалогической речи для того, чтобы дать оценку событию, ситуации, явлению. При этом использование восклицательных предложений делает такую оценку весьма эмоциональной. Вот несколько примеров, т (114): 1) How boring! How clever! How strange! = How unusual! How silly! = How stupid! How (un)lucky! (Вот не повезло/повезло!) How careless! (Как неосторожно, неосмотрительно!) How true! 2) What a day! (Hy и денёк!) What a surprise! What a chance! (Какой прекрасный случай!) What a tragedy! (Какое несчастье!) What bad luck! (Какое невезение!) What fun! (Вот здорово, весело!) ^ A. Choose the phrases from the examples above to give your reaction. Example'. He told us his story three or four times. — How boring! 1) They have invited me to join their club. I’m so happy! 2) We missed our bus stop and got off the bus in a strange place. It took us more than an hour to find the way back. 3) The car broke down and we were late for the beginning of the show. 4) When 1 came home I found a new bike waiting for me in the garden! 5) She broke her leg right before her trip to Europe. 6) My class is going to the History Museum tomorrow afternoon. 7) He laughs best who laughs last. 8) My friend has grown a big rose bush on his windowsill. 9) She didn’t tell anyone about her earache. 10) I’ve been to six different places today. I’m dead tired! B. Work in pairs and think of more situations. Give your reaction to them. Use the phrases above. ' to have a rest отдохнуть ‘‘ an exclamation 1 ekskla'meijn] восклицание Listen, (115), and read. A. cure [kjua] — излечивать, вылечивать examine [ig'za?mm] — 1. экзаменовать 2. осматривать, изучать habit [’haebit] — привычка hard [hard] — adj трудный, тяжёлый, упорный; udv тяжело, упорно, изо всех сил lose [lu:z] — 1. терять 2. проигрывать patient ['pei^ant] — пациент swallow [’swolau] — глотать weigh [wei] — 1. весить 2. взвешивать weight [weit] — вес do one’s best [best] — стараться изо всех сил B. cure: to cure a disease, to cure somebody of someting. Nothing can cure her of her headaches. There is no medicine to cure diabetes [,daia'bi:tiz]. examine; to examin a student, to examine a patient. My doctor examined my throat and prescribed a medicine for my cough. It took Dr Harris about ten minutes to examine his patient. habit: a good habit, a terrible habit, to give up a habit. You should develop healthy eating habits. Smoking is a very bad habit, give it up as soon as you can. hard adj: hard work, a hard day, hard life. It’s hard to believe that we are leaving this place and will never come back. hard ado: to work hard, to breathe hard, to fight hard. I was trying hard to remember her name. lose (lost, lost): 1. to lose money, to lose a pen. Mike lost his job last year. 2. to lose a game, to lose a match. The boys are so sad because they’ve lost an important football match. patient: a new patient. The number of patients in the hospital is larger than usual at the moment. swallow: to swallow a tablet. It hurts to swallow. Irene had a cold and it hurt her to swallow. Swallow your medicine! weigh: 1. to weigh much, to weigh little. The baby weighs three kilos. 2. to weigh a box, to weigh a baby. The shop assistant weighed the tomatoes for me. weight: the weight of a box, in weight, to lose weight, to put on weight. The bag was 12 kilos in weight. Have you lost weight lately? James needs to put on some weight, he is very thin. do one’s best: I’m doing my best to be a good son and a good brother. She .says she’ll do her best to give up the bad habit of eating too much. Match the words in the two columns and complete the sentences after them with the word combinations in the right forms. 107 i/> r+ о T3 О) 1) hard 2) weigh 3) examine 4) lose 5) swallow 6) cure 7) see a) his patient b) weight r) some dangerous diseases d) too much e) the girl’s teeth f) work g) some tea 108 № 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) The dentist ... and said there was no problem witJi them. My throat hurt so I couldn’t eat, I could only ... . It was ... preparing for the party, and we needed more people to help. Through the centuries people have learned to ... but not all of them. The woman is obese, she should do her best to ... as soon as she can. The doctor ... yet. He’ll do it later. If you ..., try to do more exercise and change some of your eating habits. What is true about you? I do my best — (not) to do harm to my body — (not) to eat healthy food — (not) to drink Pepsi or Coke — (not) to eat junk food — (not) to have the last meal of the day before 7 p.m. — (not) to say ‘no’ to smoking and drug-taking — (not) to keep to fashionable diets — (not) to control my weight — (not) to have a lot of physical exercise — (not) to see my dentist regularly — (not) to take the medicines that my doctor prescribes — (not) to keep regidar hours — (not) to have regular meals — (not) to spend some time outdoors every day — (not) to look like a film star A. Read the two dialogues and think of the titles you can give to them Dialogue 1 Doctor: Next, please. Ah, good morning, Mr Harper! How are you today? Mr Harper: Well doctor, I think I’m coming down with a cold. I have a sore throat, a runny nose and I often cough. I’m running a high temperature too. Doctor:! see. Let me examine you. Open your mouth, please. Does it hurt to swallow? Mr Harper: Yes, it does, doctor. Doctor: And your cough is really very bad. How long have you had it? When did you begin coughing like that? Mr Harper: I’ve been coughing for several days, doctor. Doctor: All right. Let me listen to your heart and lungs. Could you breathe in deeply through the no.se? And again, please. Does it hurt here? Mr Harper: Oh, yes, it does. Is it serious, doctor? Doctor: I think it is fairly serious. You have a heart problem and you’ve caught a cold. I can prescribe some medicine for your cold but this is not enough. You should go to hospital. There the doctors will quickly cure you. Mr Harper: Thank you, doctor. Dialogue 2 Alice: Hi, Jane. I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you? Jane: Fine, thanks. And how are you, Alice? You look fantastic — so slim, fresh and healthy. Alice: Thank you, Jane. I feel quite healthy too. Jane: You have lost weight. How have you done it? What has happened? A 1 i c e: I think I’ve changed my life a bit. I keep regular liuurs. I do my best to go to the swimming pool three times a week. Jane: Are you a good swimmer? A 1 i c e: I don’t think so. I could hardly^ swim when I went there for the first time. But now I swim fairly well. Swimming has become a pleasant and useful habit. Jane: So, you do sport seriously, don’t you? Alice: No, not really. It’s hard to find enough free time. My studies keep me busy. But I walk a lot and in summer play badminton and ride a bike. Jane: Do you keep to a diet? Alice: I don’t think I do. I eat everything but I don’t usually have much bread or many sweet things. I prefer vegetables and fruit. B. Read the dialogues again and answer the questions. 1) Why did Mr Harper have to go to hospital? 2) Why doesn’t Alice go in for sport seriously? C. Act out one of the dialogues. 109 LO r+ о T3 в 1999 году в Британии закончился официальный переход на метрическую систему измерения веса и расстояния. Английские школьники, как и российские, учат в школе, что километр состоит из тысячи метров, а в килограмме — тысяча граммов. Однако жители Великобритании хорошо помнят старую систему измерений и иногда продолжают ею пользоваться. Так, на рынках вам до сих пор могут взвесить продукты в фунтах, объём напитков назвать в пинтах, а расстояние измерить в милях. Для многих людей старшего поколения это гораздо более привычно. То же положение дел характерно и для США. Сравните меры в двух системах. Length^ 1 inch = 2.54 cm 1 foot = 0.3048 m 1 yard = 3 feet = 0.9144 m 1 mile = 1.609 km Liquids 1 pint [pami] = 0.4732 dm^ Принятые сокращения ounce = oz Weight 1 ounce [aans] = 28.35 g 1 pound = 0.454 kg 1 stone =14 pounds = 6.35 kg 1 gallon ['gaslon] = 3.7853 dm^ pound = lb Обратите внимание, что на письме англичане отделяют десятичные дроби от целого числа точкой, а не запятой, как принято у нас. Сравните: Russian style; 27,58 English style: 27.58 [twenty seven point fifty eight] ‘ hardly I'ha:c)li] — едва ^ lem’ih lleoG] длина DO IT ON YOUR OWN 110 Ф 10 In the table above find Russian equivalents for the English terms inch, foot, yard, mile, ounce, pound, stone, pint, gallon. Find antonyms in the two columns and write down six sentences with them. 1) to lose 2) junk food 3) to put on weight 4) obese 5) to go to hospital 6) hard 7) to get ill a) to find b) to recover c) to leave hospital d) slim/thin e) easy f) healthy food g) to lose weight Spell these words. 1) [kjua] 2) r'peijant] 3) [weit] 4) [wei] 5) ['heebit] 6) [ha;d] 7) [‘swobu] 8) [ig'zamin] Step 7 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (116), and say what their health problems are. There is one name you don’t have to use. a) Andrew b) George c) Margaret 1) This person has a heart problem. 2) This person has a pain in the back. 3) This person has a stomachache. 4) This person has caught a cold. d) Linda e) Harry' Confusable English (Структуры, которые следует различать) Вы знаете, что от имён прилагательных легко образовать наречие при помощи суффикса -1у. В некоторых случаях вновь образованное наречие не связано со значением исходного прилагательного. Сравните: hard — тяжёлый, упорный hardly — едва The work was hard. He could hardly do it. He забудьте, что у прилагательного hard есть омонимичная форма наречия: to work hard to think hard to fight hard to rain hard to try hard to snow hard А. Say which of these you can hardly do. play the piano ride a bike drive a car take photos grow roses paint pictures make fashionable clothes cook travel abroad alone write books or poems B. Say which of these you hardly ever do. swim in winter go to museums read books on ecology wear a school uniform go to the zoo go to the circus play with little children play hide and seek listen to fairy tales before going to bed do morning exercises In what situations can you say these things to your friend? Act some of the situations out. Ill 1/1 r+ fl> TJ Your friend 1) . 2) . 3) . 4) . 5) . 6) . 7) . 8) . You How unusual! What bad luck! How silly! What a surprise! What a day! How clever! How lucky! What a surprise! faeoe ^ Confusable Words (Слова, которые следует различать) 1. Слова such и so используются в английских предложениях для усиления смысла. При этом они употребляются в разных структурах. Сравните следующие предложения, и вам нетрудно будет сделать вывод о том, слова каких частей речи они усиливают. The day is so busy. It is such a busy day. The story is so long It is such a long way. They run so quickly. These are such good days. She recovered so soon. It is such luck! 2. Постарайтесь пользоваться этими словами правильно и не забывать об артикле а/ап перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе. It is such а tall building! 3. Обратите внимание, что в таких выражениях, как to have а good time слово time обозначает период времени, т. е. является исчисляемым; They are having such a good time! Say the same differently. Example: The work was so hard. — It was 1) The film was so boring. 6) The 2) The rain was so heavy. 7) The 3) The night is so dark. 8) The 4) The trip has been so hard. 9) The 5) The idea is so interesting. 10) The such hard work! air is so fresh, text is so difficult, forest is so thick, pain is so bad. new car is so fast. 112 Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1) I’m so tired, 1 can (hard - hardly) move. 2) Sort. 3) Carrying boxes this size is fairly ... work. 4) It is snowing ... outside. 5) Our people fought ... to get their independence. 6) John, you liave ... done any work. 7) The area around my native town has ... changed at all. 8) I find it ... to believe her words. ‘ a reason ('ri:zn] — причина ^ a skull [sRaIJ череп step 8 114 Ф DO IT TOGETHER Л. Listen, (117), and complete the poem. Who do you think people call Robin the Bobbin? Robin the Bobbin Robin the Bobbin, the bi^-bellied Ben He 1) ... more 2) ... than fourscore men; He ate a 3) ..., he 4) ... a calf [ka:f]. He ate a butcher [Ъи^э] and a half, He ate a 5) ..., he ate a steeple He ate a priest [prirst] and 6) A 7) ... and a cnlf, An ox and a half, A church and a steeple. And all 8) ... people. And yet he complained that his 9) ... wasn’t full. c большим брюхом ycrnap. восемьдесят телёнок мясник колокольня священник бык жаловался В. Have you ever heard this poem in Russian? Can you remember any lines? If not, find it and read in the next lesson. ta bene ^ The Adverb (Наречие) В стихотворении Robin the Bobbin вам встретилось знакомое слово yet — «ещё». Русское слово «ещё» может передаваться на английский язык также знакомой вам единицей still. При этом still означает «всё ещё»: It is still very early. It is still raining. Is Terry still at hospital? Помимо того что наречие yet означает «ещё нет» (They haven't done it yet), OHO часто используется в вопросах, имея иной смысл; Have they come yet? Они уже пришли? Кроме того, наречие yet употребляют для соединения слов, словосочетаний, а также присоединения главного предложения к придаточному; The weather was cold, yet bright and sunny. Погода была холодной, однако ясной и солнечной. Her words were strange, yet I belived her. Её слова прозвучали странно, однако я им поверил. Read these word combinations aloud. still frosty to cure a disease difficult yet interesting still cold to cure a headache frosty yet sunny still interesting to cure backache not yet hungry still ill to cure toothache not yet late to lose time to get a habit it hurts to swallow to lose weight to have a habit it hurts to walk to lose money to develop a habit it hurts to move to lose a friend to give up a habit it hurts to look at the heavy w^eight to be a patient light little weight to become a patient to lose weight to examine a patient to put on weight to cure a patient 115 r& о тз 00 ^taJsoe -ness образуются Word Building (Словообразование) От имён прилагательных при помощи суффикса существительные. weak + ness = weakness (слабость) ill + ness = illness (болезнь) fresh + ness = freshness (свежесть) ugly + ness = ugliness (уродство) dark + ness = darkness (темнота) В некоторых именах существительных встречается суффикс -th, который раньше тоже использовался в словообразовании. Обратите внимание на произношение таких слов. long + th = length (длина) warm + th = warmth (тепло) strong + th = strength (сила) grow + th = growth (рост) wide + th = width fwidB] (ширина) Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right. A. 1) What can you say about the patient’s ...? 2) The ... of the witch’s face was really strange. 8) The ... of a football field is a little more than 52 yards. 4) What is the ... of this medicine? 5) The young boys’ ... was wonderful. 6) What’s the ... of this island? 7) The ... of the fruit was fantastic. 8) ... from the illness keeps the child in bed. B. 1) 1 am not sure this illness is ... . 2) What’s your job? — 1 am a .... I buy land and put new buildings on it. 3) Ryan’s ... legs were almost ... . He could hardly move after his ... . 4) Everyone liked the ... photographs of tropical birds. 5) The Great Lakes are situated on the ... and the US border. ill ugly wide strong polite long fresh weak cure develop shape, help ill colour Canada step 8 114 О) DO IT TOCETHER A. Listen, 4 (117), and complete the poem. Who do you think people call Robin the Bobbin? Robin the Bobbin Robin the Bobbin, the big-bellied Ben He 1) more 2) ... tlian fourscore men; He ate a 3) he 4) ... a calf [ka:f]> He ate a butcher [Ъи^э] and a half. He ate a 5) ..., he ate a steeple He ate a priest fprirst] and 6) A 7) ... and a calf. An ox and a half, A church and a steeple. And all 8) ... people. And yet he complained that his 9) ... wasn’t full. c большим брюхом устар. восемьдесят телёнок МЯСНР1К колокольня священник бык жаловался В- Have you ever heard this poem in Russian? Can you remember any lines? If not, find it and read in the next lesson. ^Pta Ьвпе ▼ The Adverb (Наречие) В стихотворении Robin the Bobbin вам встретилось знакомое слово yet — «ещё». Русское слово «ещё» может передаваться на английский язык также знакомой вам единицей still. При этом still означает «всё ещё»: It is still very early. It is still raining. Is Terry still at hospital? Помимо того что наречие yet означает «ещё нет» (They haven't done it yet), OHO часто используется в вопросах, имея иной смысл: Have they come yet? Они уже пришли? Кроме того, наречие yet употребляют для соединения слов, словосочетаний, а также присоединения главного предложения к придаточному: The weather was cold, yet bright and sunny. Погода была холодной, однако ясной и солнечной. Her words were strange, yet I belived her. Её слова прозвучали странно, однако я им поверил. Read these word combinations aloud. still frosty to cure a disease difficult yet interesting still cold to cure a headache frosty yet sunny still interesting to cure backache not yet hungry still ill to cure toothache not yet late to lose time to get a habit it hurts to swallow to lose weight to have a habit it hurts to walk to lose money to develop a habit it hurts to move 115 to lose a friend to give up a habit it hurts to look at the heavy weight to be a patient light 1/) 1^ little weight to become a patient a> to lo.se weight to examine a patient to put on weight to cure a patient 00 Word Building (Словообразование) От имён прилагательных при помощи суффикса -ness образуются существительные. weak + ness = weakness (слабость) ill + ness = illness (болезнь) fresh + ness = freshness (свежесть) ugly + ness = ugliness (уродство) dark + ness = darkness (темнота) В некоторых именах существительных встречается суффикс -th, который раньше тоже использовался в словообразовании. Обратите внимание на произношение таких слов. long + th = length (длина) warm + th = warmth (тепло) strong + th = strength (сила) grow + th = growth (рост) wide + th = width fwidB] (ширина) Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right. A. 1) What can you say about the patient’s ...? 2) The ... of the witch’s face was really strange. 3) The ... of a football field is a little more than 52 yards. 4) What is the ... of this medicine? 5) The young boys’ ... was wonderful. 6) What’s the ... of this island? 7) The ... of the fruit was fantastic. 8) ... from the illness keeps the child in bed. B. 1) I am not sure this illness is ... . 2) What’s your job? — I am a ... . I buy land and put new buildings on it. 3) Ryan’s ... legs were almost ... . He could hardly move after his ... . 4) Everyone liked the ... photographs of tropical birds. 5) The Great Lakes arc situated on the ... and the IIS border. ill ugly wide strong polite long fresh weak cure develop shape, help ill colour Canada 116 ф 6) There was an ... sound coming from the back room. 7) ... killed the plants that once grew in the pond. 8 The snn was so bright, the sunshine was full of pleasant pollute shine, warm 4a bene Познакомьтесь c Познакомьтесь c новыми фразовыми глаголами, центральным элементом которых является слово stay. 1) to stay away (from) somebody or something — 1) держаться в стороне (от кого-либо); 2) не общаться с кем-либо Stay away from that dangerous place. Stay away from these people. 2) to stay off — 1) воздерживаться от чего-либо; 2) пропускать школу из-за болезни Му doctor recommends me to stay off fat food. Mary had to stay off for a week. 3) to stay together — быть (держаться) вместе We'll win only if we stay together. 4) to stay up — не ложиться спать When Martin was young, he could stay up all night. Complete the sentences with away {from), off, together, up. 1) Mum told me not to stay ... too late. 2) The friends decided to stay ... and go to one and the same university. 3) “Don’t come up to these children,” said the man. “Do you hear me? Stay ... . 4) When I had stomachache, I had to stay ... spicy food for a long time. 5) Maria has a weak heart and often has to stay ... . I’m afraid she may have to repeat the year. 6) It’s quite a new cafe and people arc staying ... but I hope it will become popular soon. 7) The little boy decided to stay ... till midnight to see Father Frost bringing presents. 8) Coming home from school I tried to stay ... from the street where my enemy lived. 9) 1 know we’ll always stay ...: we can’t live without each other. 10) My doctor tells me to stay ... doing sport for some time before I fully recover. Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue and act it out. The word combinations from the box can be helpful. Two Pupils Talking on the Phone stay home from school to cough and sneeze stay in bed to take some medicine to run a high temperature to get better to come down with a cold • to recover from the illness A. Read the first paragraph and think of what the text can be about. B. Read the text to see if you were right. Give a title to the text. When Sue looked out of the window one summer morning, she saw a new family moving into the house opposite theirs, their new neighbours. There was a girl about her age and a boy in a wheelchair'. Soon Sue and the new girl Carrie became good friends. Once Sue asked Carrie about her brother. “What’s wrong with Brad?” “There’s a problem with his backbone,” answered the girl. “That’s why he can’t use his legs.” “How sad! Can’t the doctors do anything about his legs?” asked Sue. “No, not really. But he doesn’t like it when people feel sorry for him. He’s very brave. You’ll see for yourself when you meet him.” Once Carrie invited Sue and her twin brother Ted to come to their place. The first time Sue and Ted saw Brad’s room they were greatly surpised. There were photos of famous football players on the walls and a guitar on one of the chairs. “Do you like football?” asked Ted and his face became red when he remembered that the boy could not walk, to say nothing of playing football. “And you play the guitar, don’t you?” “Oh, yes. Football is great,” Brad agreed. “And I love music too.” By and by the four children began to spend more time together. Brad knew a lot about music, sports and other things, and it was fun to talk to him. One afternoon when they were in the park Ted’s friends called him to play football. He wanted to say “yes” but thought ateut Brad. Brad understood. “It’s all right. I’ll watch,” he said. But in fact he wanted to play together with the others. Suddenly the ball flew near him, and the boy did a good header. “Wow!” shouted the players. “How did you learn to do that?” “We played football in wheelchairs in my old school,” answered Brad. “It was a school for disabled* children.” “Are you going to leave us in autumn to go to your old school?” asked Ted who didn’t want to lose his new friend. No,” answered Brad, “I hope to go to the same school as you.” I’m so glad,” said Ted and the others agreed with him. C. Say which facts are true, false or not mentioned in the text. 1) The doctors could not cure Brad. 2) The boy had been disabled for a long time. 3) Brad’s room told the children about his interests. 4) When Ted saw the photos on the walls he thought Brad played football. 5) Brad was a good musician. 6) Brad was not able to play football with the boys. 7) Brad’s old school was not like the new one. 117 (✓> a> ■a 00 ' a wheelchair f'wi;l^eaj — инвалидная коляска ^ disabled fdis'eibld] — инвалид и и A. Read the first paragraph and think of what the text can be about. B. Read the text to see if you were right. Give a title to the text. When Sue looked out of the window one summer morning, she saw a new family moving into the house opposite theirs, their new neighbours. There was a girl about her age and a boy in a wheelchair'. Soon Sue and the new girl Carrie became good friends. Once Sue asked Carrie i\bout her brother. What’s wrong with Brad?” There’s a problem with his backbone,” answered the girl. “That’s why he can’t use his legs.” “How sad! Can’t the doctors do anything about his legs?” asked Sue. “No, not really. But he doesn’t like it when people feel sorry for him. He’s very brave. You’ll see for yourself when you meet him.” Once Carrie invited Sue and her twin brother Ted to come to their place. The first time Sue and Ted saw Brad’s room they were greatly surpised. There were photos of famous football players on the walls and a guitar on one of the chairs. “Do you like football?” asked Ted and his face became red when he remembered that the boy could not walk, to say nothing of playing football. “And you play the guitar, don’t you?” “Oh, yes. Football is great,” Brad agreed. “And I love music too.” By and by the four children began to spend more time together. Brad knew a lot about music, sports and other things, and it was fun to talk to him. One afternoon when they were in the park Ted’s friends called him to play fcюtball. He wanted to say “yes” but thought about Brad. Brad understood. “It’s all right. I’ll watch,” he said. But in fact he wanted to play together with the others. Suddenly the ball flew near him, and the boy did a good header. “Wow!” shouted the players. “How did you learn to do that?” We played football in wheelchairs in my old school,” answered Brad. It was a school for disabled'' children.” Are you going to leave us in autumn to go to your old school?” asked Ted who didn’t want to lose his new friend. No,” answered Brad, “I hope to go to the same school as you.” I’m so glad,” said Ted and the others agreed with him. (i a 4i U (i C. Say which facts are true, false or not mentioned in the text. 1) The doctors could not cure Brad. 2) The boy had been disabled for a long time. 3) Brad’s room told the children about his interests. 4) When Ted saw the photos on the walls he thought Brad played football. 5) Brad was a good musician. 6) Brad was not able to play football with the boys. 7) Brad’s old school was not like the new one. 117 «✓> 00 * a wheelchair ['wi:l^ea] — инвалидная коляска ■ disabled fdis'eibld] — инвалид 118 Answer the questions. 1) Was Ted a good friend? Why? 2) Was Brad a brave boy? Why? 3) Why, do you think. Brad wanted to go to a new school? 4) What or who will help Brad to feel more comfortable in the new school? 5) Do you have any disabled children in your school? 6) How do you help them to feel more comfortable? What kind of help do they need? ot DO IT OIU YOUR OWN Choose the right words to complete the sentences and write them down. 1) My son is still (enough too) weak to go to school after such a serious illness. 2) You can catch a cold if you stay long in such (hot/cold) water. 3) (What/How) interesting stories my grandma (tells/says) me before I (go/conie) to bed. 4) Even the best doctors in the country can’t (cure recover) this disease. 5) I can prescribe you a very strong medicine (for from) your pain. 6) It was (such/so) luck to recover (so'such) quickly and to finish the school year together with my friends. 7) Brian has (lost/found) his mobile, he can’t (find/lose) it. 8) The (pain/ache) was sudden and very strong. I could (hard/hardly) move. 9) Jill has (put on, lost) weight. She has become obese. Still or yeti Choose the right words to complete the sentences. Then write the sentences down. 1) I haven’t finished the book ... . 2) Ralf is ... sick. He doesn’t go to school. 3) I ... don’t understand you. Why haven’t you come on time? 4) They were ... having tea when I came. 5) Rose says the children haven’t finished their afternoon meal ... . 6) Where is Steve? He is ... working on the computer, I think. 7) Sharon has put on weight but she ... eats too many sweets. 8) Harris hasn’t left ..., he is ... in the office, ... I don’t think I can speak to liim now. He is very busy. 10 Write what Mr Fox, a businessman, hardly ever does. Example’. Mr Fox hardly ever skates. 2. 3. 6. step 9 Consolidation Class DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (118), and complete these statements. 1) Paul comes to see Doctor Gordon because he has a) a healiache b) a temperature Paul has just ... . a) one problem b) two problems The doctor examines Paul’s ... . a) nose b) throat The doctor ... . a) gives Paul a medicine b) tells Paul to buy a medicine The doctor is ... . a) going to visit Paul soon b) asking Paul to come to his office again 2) 3) 4) 5) 119 r-f fD •D Make these sentences more emotional in two ways. Example'. It’s a warm sunny day! a) It’s such a warm sunny day! b) The day is so warm and sunny! 1) Green salads are healthy food to eat. 2) This disease is difficult to cure. 3) Poor Mike has a bad cold. 4) Vitamin C is useful when you have a cold. 5) Alice has a serious illness but she’s getting better now. 6) This meat is fat, it’s not good for you. 7) Sea air is fresh, breathing it may do the patient a lot of good. 8) The child’s temperature is high, let’s call the doctor. Complete tiie sentences with the verbs in the right forms. 1) Lily is very quiet today. She doesn’t want to play with the other children. I think she (come) down with a cold. 2) Mr Reed has a bad cough. How long he (smoke)? 3) Jane looks slimmer. I think she (lose) some weight. 4) My tooth (ache) for two days. I think I should see my dentist, 5) The doctor says John is much better. We hope he (rt^cover) within two or three days. 6) I want to thank you very much. Doctor. You (cure) my legs, and I can do sport again. 7) Have you got a sore throat? It (hurt) you to swallow? 8) I hope you’ll take all the medicines the doctor (prescribe). Answer these questions. 1) What good and bad habits have you got? 2) What can you do to give up your bad habits? 3) Why is it important to develop good habits when you are still young? 4) How often do you catch colds and what do you do to cure them? 5) How much do you weigh? What’s your weight in stones? 120 О) 6) What do people usually do to lose or put on weight? 7) What kinds of food can do harm to your lx)dy? 8) What is healthy eating? 9) What is living healthy? 10) Do you do your best to live a healthy life? Make up a dialogue between a parent and a child. Use the following; have a problem; call the doctor; have a pain in the side; cough; take the temperature; go to the chemist’s; buy a medicine for the cough; stay in bed; have a hot drink. A. Read the title of the text and look at the picture. What do you think the text is about? Why is there the word back in the title? B. Read the text to see if you're right. Back to the Bike Travelling to work or to school if it is far from your house gets more difficult every year. That’s why people have found a very useful kind of transport or rather they have remembered it and have taken it from the past. They are going back to the bike. In many European countries children often go to school by bike and students cycle to classes. But nowadays more and more office managers, businessmen and people of other professions are going to work by bike. One of them is Dr Williams. “Cycling is good for you,” he says. Every day Dr Williams cycles to his hospital in the centre of London and he sees that drivers and their passengers can sit in traffic jams' for a long time. People are afraid to be late for their work and they often breathe in polluted air. They are tired, they are not happy. That’s bad for their hearts and lungs. Then they can’t find a place for parking. And that doesn’t do them any good either. Many people who drive cars and work in offices easily liecome obese. “People living in the twenty-first century do not get enough exercise,” says Dr Williams, “so I tell all my patients to buy a bike. If you cycle to work, you save environment, you save money and you save your health. And you often save time too. In London, it’s sometimes quicker to travel by bike than by bus. Cycling is clean, quiet, cheapo and healthy. And it can also be fun. Cycle to work, to college or to school all week and go for a cycle ride in the country at the weekend. Or go on a cycling holiday.” ‘ a traffic jam — «пробка* (транспортная) ^ cheap [tji:p] — дешёвый с Read the text again if nesessary and complete the sentences. 1) Getting to school or to work ... . a) has become very difficult in big cities b) is is more difficult in London than in other cities c) has always been difficult 2) People ... to travel to work faster. a) should stop using cars b) have discovered a new kind of transport c) have begun to use the old kind of transport 3) These days the number of people who use bikes as a kind of transport ... . a) gets bigger b) gets smaller c) is the same as in the past 4) Dr Williams ... . a) always cycles to work c) cycles to all the places he goes b) is always afraid to be late for work 5) People who drive cars in London ... . a) are always late for their work c) can be late for their work b) are never late for their work 6) Dr Williams ... . a) thinks that cycling is the cheapest kind of transport b) believes that cycling is the best thing to do to keep fit c) prescribes “cycling” to many of his patients Cycling is healthy and cycling is fun. But cycling can be dangerous in big cities. Say a) what you think of cycling in the place where you live; b) which of the rules below can be helpful to those who travel by bike in big cities and why. Use cycle ways if there are any in the city. Keep at a distance' from the cars and other bikes. Don’t carry two people on one bike. Don’t ride “no hands”. Don’t wear loose^ clothes. Stop if a policeman asks you to. Give hand signals, especially when you turn. Look after your bike. Always wear a helmet'^. 121 to 0) ■D 10 DO IT OIU YOUR OWN Find the odd words out. 1) ankle, throat, wrist, hurt, shoulder 2) save, sneeze, breathe, lose, recover 3) width, length, warmth, tenth, strength 4) hardly, quickly, slowly, lovely, sadly 5) obese, harmful, ache, sore, painful ' distance ['distans] — расстояние, дистанция ^ loose flu:s] — широкий, свободный {об одежде) ^ а helmet [ helmit] — шлем 122 10 А. What nouns can you form from these adjectives? Б- Write eight sentences with these nouns. Make sure that you know how to spell the new words. Get ready to write Dictation 6. Here is your Word Box 6. 01 T3 о m Words ache, almost, ankle, backbone, brain, cough, ciu*e, desease drug, earache, enough, examine, freshness, habit, hard, hardly, harm, harmful, headache, heart, hospital, illness, knee, length, lungs, medicine, meal, obese, pain, painful, patient, practically, prescribe, quick, quickly, recover, slioulder, smoke, sneeze, stomach, stomachache, strength, swallow, throat, toothache, warmth, weakness, weigh, weight, wrist Word Combinations fast food, junk food, to catch a cold, to come down with a cold, to do harm, to do good, to get a cold, to have a bad cough, to have a cold, to prescribe (a medicine) for, to recover from a sore throat, to take a medicine for sth, a heart attack, a health problem, a weak heart Phrasal Verbs to stay away (from), to stay off, to stay together, to stay up Verb Forms hurt — hurt — hurt lose — lost — lost Step 10 Test Yourself у I. LISTENING You will hear three people speaking after their visits to a doctor ^ (119). Match the statements (a—d) with what each speaker says (1—3). There is one statement you don't have to use. a) The speaker has a sore throat. b) The speaker spent a lot of time lying in the sun. c) The speaker has a stomachache. d) The speaker has a headache. Maximum result 3 Your result V * II. READING Read the text and match its paragraphs with the titles. One title you don't have to use. a) The Right Kind of Food b) Modern Lifestyle and Health c) Environment and Health d) Lazy Ways May Be Dangerous 123 1/1 f-+ (b X5 0 '."u. у/ 1. It may sound strange or funny to you, but man needs protection as much as animals do. People must keep their habitats — houses, towns and cities — ecologically clean. In the places where people drink bad water, eat unhealthy food and breathe polluted air, they may have serious diseases and die early. Their children are often born weak. Doctors prescribe them medicines which can’t help them. This problem becomes more and more serious with every passing day. 2. The way people live nowadays also tells on their health. They try to do a number of things at the same time, have their finger in every pie. For a lot of people such a situation is stressful. It may result in heart attacks, headaches and other health problems. It is also hard for modern people to cope* with all the information tliey get from the Internet, radio, television and newspapers. That is a big stress as well, and people will have to learn to live with the new way of life. 3. Also modern living often moans little physical activity. We don’t get enough exerci.se because we use cars and other mechanisms to make our lives easier. At the same time we often forget that we were born to move run, jump and walk, but not to watch television for many hours or to sit in front of the computer monitor. Not having enough physical activity can easily turn us into weak legless human beings with lots of health problems. Maximum result 3 Your result ? to copn [koup] — справляться III. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar and Vocabulary) 124 o> У У A. Use such or so in these sentences. 1) The meal is tasty. 4) The film is long. 2) His arms are strong. 5) This is important. 3) The rules are useful. 6) The children are healthy and fit, B. Make up exclamations. 1) Town/green and beautiful 2) Mountain air/fresh 3) Junk food 'dangerous 4) Idea/clever Maximum result 10 Your result V Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1) (What, How) a dangerous disease! 2) The boy was (too/enough) tired to move quickly. 3) What is the (wide/width) of the street? 4) Our patient is (going to, leaving) hospital tomorrow. We have (cured recovered) him. 5) I’ll come home late. Please don’t stay (off/up) for me, go to bed. 6) What about the (weigh/weight) of the box? Is it very heavy? 7) He (hard/hardly) ever catches colds. He is (quiet quite) healthy. 8) The (ache/pain) was sudden and very strong. 9) What can you prescribe (from/for) my stomachache? 10) The doctor has cured Alice (from/ of) her terrible cough. Maximum result 12 Your result V • У у IV. SPEAKING Make up some golden rules to keep fit and healthy. Think of both dos and don'ts. Maximum result 15 Your result 9 • V. WRITING Write Dictation 6, ^ (120). Maximum result 10 Your result ? У Total result 53 Your result ? • DO IT ON YOUR OWN Project Work 6 Complete a new page of your English Album. During your holidays write what you did in summer to be healthy and fit. Illustrate your story with pictures. Grammar Reference Грамматический справочник В справочник включён только новый материал по морфологии и синтаксису английского языка. В случае необходимости повторить уже изученное обращайтесь к разделам Grammar Reference в учебниках Rainbow English для 5 и 6 классов. THE моим (ИМЯ СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНОЕ) § 1. Имена существительные в английском языке могут быть исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми. Исчисляемые имена существительные (Countable Nouns) обозначают предметы, которые можно сосчитать и которые имеют два числа — единственное и множественное (а boy boys, an egg - eggs). Неисчисляемые имена существительные (Uncountable Nouns) обозначают явления и понятия, которые нельзя сосчитать. Они употребляются только в едипственном числе и согласуются со сказуемым в единственном числе: Gold is expensive nowadays. Surfing is sometimes dangerous. The information h2is been very useful. Неисчисляемые имена существительные могут обозначать вещество (bread, cheese, water), вид деятельности (work, shopping), иметь абстрактный характер (love, friendship, joy). Нсисчисляемые существительные обычно не используются с неопределённым артиклем: We are having fine weather today. There was snow on the roofs. § 2. Иногда в речи необходимо указать на часть целого. Для этих целей в английском языке часто употребляют существительное piece (а piece of bread, а piece of meat, a piece of paper). § 3. Имя существительное pair часто используется с названиями парных предметов: а pair of boots, а pair of gloves, a pair of trousers. Обратите внимание на то, что в случае использования подобных словосочетаний глагол употребляется не во множественном, а в единственном числе: There was а pair of slippers under the bed. The new pair of jeans is dark blue. § 4. Вы уже знаете основные прави.та использования артиклей (а/ап, the, нулевого артикля) с именами существительными school, college, univer sity, hospital, bed, church, prison, work. Обратите внимание также на нижеследующее правило. В сочетаниях с именами существительными артикль опускается, если эти слова употреб-зяются в переносном значении и называют не объект или место, а деятельность, связанную с ними: to go to school — у^штъся в школе to be at school — учиться в школе to go to college university — учиться в колледже/университете to be at college/university — учиться в ко-чледже/университете to go to hospital — лечиться в больнице to be at hospital — лечиться в больнице to go to bed ложиться спать 125 126 to be in bed — быть в постели to go to church — пойти в церковь (пойти помолхгться Богу) to be in prison — быть в заключении, сидеть в тюрьме to go to work — пойти на работу to be at work — быть на работе Если те же самые слова обозначают конкретные объекты, с ними употребляются определённый или неопределённый артикль в соответствии с общим правилом. There is а clmrch at the end of our street, (здание церкви) The work was interesting but not easy, (конкретная работа) § 5. Имя существительное ache (часто т^шая ноющая боль) является исчисляемым именем существительным. Однако сложные слова earache, backache, stomachache, toothache в британском варианте английского языка часто используются как неисчисляемые; Chocolate gives me toothache. She suffers from backache. Тем не менее имя су1цествительное headache всегда употребляется с артиклем, являясь исчисляемым: I had а nasty headache yesterday. В американском английском сложные слова, оканчивающиеся на -ache, обычно используются как исчисляемые: а toothache, а stomachache, ап earache, а backache. § 6. С именами существительными, обозначающими названия языков: English, Russian, French, Chinese, Japanese etc., артикль не употребляется. Однако если в наименование языка включается имя существительное 1ап gauge, то название содержит определённый артикль: the English language, the Russian language, the French language etc. § 7. Для обозначения коллективного названия нации обычно перед именем существительным употребляется определённый артикль: the Chinese — китайцы, the Portuguese — португальцы, the Japanese — японцы, the English — англичане, the British — британцы, the Irish — ирландцы, the French — французы, the Dutch — голландтщт. Однако если в названии нации имеется имя существительное с суффиксом -ап, то сама лексическая единица используется во множественном числе, причём она может употребляться как с определённым артиклем, так и без него; (the) Americans — американцы, (the) Russians — рус«'кие, (the) Canadians — канадцы, (the) Italians — итальянцы. § 8. Для обозначения отдельного представителя нации указанные выше имена существительные используются с неопределённым артиклем: ап American, а Russian, а Canadian, ап Italian, а Chinese, а Portuguese, а Japanese. Несколько иначе создаются имена существительные, обозначающие отдельного представителя нации, если они образованы от слов Dutch, English, Irish, French, British. В этом случае используются слова man, woman. Сравните: а Dutchman — голландец ап Irishman — ирландец а Dutchwoman — голландка ап Irishwoman — ирландка ап Englishman — англичанин а Frenchman — француз ап Englishwoman — англичанка а Frenchwoman — француженка Во множественном числе эти сложные имена существительные содержат основы -теп и -women: Englishmen, Dutchmen, Englishwomen, Dutchwomen. Возможно также использование словосочетания со вторым элементом people: English people, Irish people, French people и т. д. § 9. Во фразах типа «Я русский«>, «Он англичанин» чаще используется омонимичное прилагательное, чем имя существитачьное. Сравните: I am Russian. Не is English. They are American. (I am a Russian. He is an Englishman. They are Americans. — возможные, но значительно реже употребляемые варианты.) § 10. Многие имена существительные в английском языке образуются при помощи различных суффиксов и префиксов: dis- (dissatisfaction. distraction) -er (reader, writer, painter) -ing (meeting, beginning, ending) -ment (development, agreement) -ness (darkness, whiteness, fitness) -th (depth, growth, width) -tion (demonstration, pollution, education) 127 THE ADJECTIVE (ИМЯ ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНОЕ) § 1. Английские глнголы to sound (звучать) и to feel (чувствовать) сочетаются в предложении с именами прилагательными, в отличие от аналогичных конструкций русского языка, в которых используются наречия- Сравните: The music sounds loud, (Музыка звучит громко.) She says she is feeling strange now, (Она говорит, что странно себя чувствует.) Jack feels good every summer. (Каждое лето Джек чувствует себя хороню.) § 2. Слова few {fewer, fewest) и little {less, least) часто употребляются с артиклем а: а few (немного, с исчисляемыми существительными) и а little (немного, с неисчисляемыми): а few apples, а few languages, а few photos, a little water, a little porridge, a little kindness. В отличие от единиц few/ little (мало), сочетания а few/a little указывают на небольшое, но достаточное количество чего-либо и имеют позитивное (положительное) значение, в то время как few/little подчёркивают малое количество чего-либо, недостаточное для выполнения определённого действия: I have а few potatoes and а little chicken. I can make a salad. I have few potatoes and very little chicken. I can’t make a salad. § 3. Указателем на некоторое количество знакомых вам предметов или вещества также служит единица some: some juice, some vegetables. Для исчисляемых существительных в этой функции часто используется слово several: There were several flower shops in my street. Alice is one of the several nieces. § 4. Имена прилагательные в современном английском языке часто образуются при помощи суффиксов и префиксов: -able (suitable, readable, spreadable) -al (cultural, geographicalt musical) dis- (displeased, disconnected) -fill (painful, skilful) -loss (penniless, childless, careless) -ly (lovely, kindly, ugly, shapely) -y (sandy, cloudy) 128 THE PRONOUN (МЕСТОИМЕНИЕ) Возвратные местоимения (reflexive pronouns) представляют специфический разряд английских местоимений. Эти местоимения образуются путём прибавления элементов self (для единственного числа), selves (для множественного числа) к личным местоимениям в объектном падеже (him, her, it, them) или притяжательным местоимениям (my, our, your). Единственное число Множественное число myself himself ourselves yourself herself yourselves itself themselves Данные местоимения можно перевести на русский язык следующим образом: I saw it myself, Я видел это сам. Do it yourself. Сделай это сам. Do it yourselves. Сделайте это сами. They are looking at themselves. Они смотрят на себя. Don't cut yourself. He порежься. Don’t hurt yourself. He ушибись. Однако целый ряд возвратных глаголов русского языка при передаче смыслового содержания на английском языке не имеют при себе возвратных местоимений. Сравните: to bathe — купаться to hide — прятаться to behave — вести себя to shave — бриться to dress — одеться to wash умыться to feel — чувствовать себя Jack washed, dressed and went to the kitchen. He is too young to shave. THE VERB (ГЛАГОЛ) § 1. Глагол в английском языке обладает большим количеством форм, обозначающих грамматическую категорию времени. Глагольные формы указывают не только на то, когда происходит действие — в прошлом, настоящем или будущем, но также свидетельствуют о некоторых особенностях протекания действия. Так, неощюделснные времена (simple Indefinite tenses! говорят о том, что мы имеем дело с обычным, постоянно повторяющимся действием: We often play football in the schoolyard. Эта же хлагольная форма используется для описания законов природы, общеизвестных истин, бесспорных фактов: In autumn days will be shorter than in summer. Продолженные времена (progressive/continuous tenses), как правило, обозначают действия, протекающие в определённый момент пли определённый период времени: John is talking at the moment. Colin was not listening to me then. Пер())ектные и.чи совершенные времена (perfect tenses) описывают законченные, завершившиеся к моменту речи действия: Tim has become а champion this season. I had lived there 3 years by 2000. Кроме того, принято различать совершенные продолженные времена (например. present perfect progressive tense), Э'го время описывает действия, которые длились определённое время в прошлом и продолжаются в момент речи или закончились только что: She has been staying here for a week. I have been waiting so long! Wliere have you been? § 2. Таким образом, на этом этапе вам знакомы следующие формы анг лийских глаголов: 1) simple/indefinite; 2) progressive/contimious; 3) perfect; 4) perfect progressive,/continuous. Однако любое действие может протекать в настоящем, прошлом или будущем. Поэтому в целом классификация глагольных форм в активном залоге может быть представлена следующим образом. Настоящее Прошедшее Будущее present simple past simple future simple present progressive past progressive future progressive present perfect past perfect future perfect present perfect progressive past perfect progressive future perfect progressive (С формами, выделенными в таблице курсивом, вы познакомитесь в следующих классах.) § 3. Грамматические времена группы present perfect образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола have-has и трютьей формы смыслового глагола: Have/has + V3 При ;кгом форма has жюбходима для глаголов в третьем лице единственного числа, а форма have — для всех остальных случаев. Правильные глаголы образуют третью форму с помощью прибавления окончания ed (played, wanted, stayed), a так называемые неправильные глаголы делают это особым образом с помощью слов, которые нужно запомнить (gone, been, cauglit). Отрицания во времени present perfect строятся с помощью отрицания not и вспомогательного глагола: have not (haven’t)/has not (hasn’t). They haven’t spoken to their teacher. She hasn’t decided where to go yet. Вопросы в рассматриваемом здесь времени строятся с помощью перемещения вспомогательного г.тагола на первое место в предложении (в общих вопросах) и перенесения его в позицию между вопросительным словом и подлежащим (в специальных вопросах), а также соответствующего интонационного оформления: Have they done the work yet? Has John come back yet? Where has everyone gone? How well have they played the game? Разделительный вопрос во времени present perfect образуется по общему П1>авилу образования разделительных вопросов: You have not seen a giraffe, have you? You have never seen a giraffe, have you? He has given you lus word, hasn’t lie? To же самое касается и альтернативных вопросов: Have they had salad or sandwiches for lunch? Следует обратить внимание на то, что в вопросительных предложениях с глаголом в форме present perfect обычно используется наречие yet. В этих случаях место этого наречия — в конце предложения. 129 130 Has Jane come back yet? Однако наречие already^ сходное по своему значению со словом yet^ также может использоваться в предложениях с present perfect. Например: Has Jane already come back? Have you already seen this photo? Заметьте, что при этом наречие already стоит после подлежащего, а не в конце предложения, да и смысл всей фразы несколько иной. Если вопрос со словом yet свидетельствует только о желании говорящего полу’чить ту или иную информацию (выполнено ли действие, завершён ли процесс), то аналогичный вопрос со словом already выражает удивление происходящим: Разве Джейн уже вернулась? Как, ты уже видел это фото? § 4. The present perfect tense (настоящее совершенное время) бывает двух видов: present perfect resuliative и present perfect durative. Present per feet resuliative (настоящее совершенное результативное время) используется для обозначения действия, завершившегося в прошлом, но связанного с настоящим через результат. При этом говорящему не важно, когда происходило данное действие, важен лишь его результат и связь результата с настоящим. I have lost my key. (I can’t open the door.) Don has j'ust begun speaking. (We can listen to his speech.) She hasn’t come yet. (She is not here.) В тексте на форму present perfect resuliative часто указывают такие слова и словосочетания, как just, already, yet, never, ever, today, this month, this year, this morning, this afternoon, this evening, lately, и некоторые другие. Так, например, форма present perfect также типична для предложений со словами и словосочетаниями before, many times, several limes, it*s the first {second, third) time: I’ve never seen him before. They’ve met many times. It’s the first time he’s become a champion. § 5. Present perfect durative (настоящее завершённое длительное), вторая разновидность настоящего совершенного времени, используется для обозначения действия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается в момент речи (I have had these gloves for two years.). Данная глагольная форма часто используется с теми глаголами, которые в своём основном значении не имеют продолженной формы: to be, to have, to know, to own, to want, to love. Нередко эта глагольная форма встречается в предложениях с предлогами since (с определённого времени) и for (в течение опхюдслённого времени). При этом на русский язык подобные предложения переводятся при помощи глагола в настоящем времени: John has been in Moscow since last Sunday. (Джон находится в Москве с прошлого воскресенья.) We have known the truth for a long time. (Мы уже давно знаем правду.) Кроме рассмотренного выше сл^’чая, с1)орма present pei'fect durative служит для описания действия, которое началось в прошлом, продолжалось какое-то время в прошлом и только что закончилось. We have lived in this town for 5 years. (Мы прожили в этом городе 5 лет, но больше не живем.) Where have you been? (Где ты была?) § 6. Во времени present perfect фразы She's been to the shop и She's gone to the shop имеют разный смысл. В первом случае речь идёт о том, что кто-то побывал в магазине и вернулся, а во втором — о том, что кто-то отправился в магазин, но пока не вернулся обратно. § 7. Очень важно уметь различать случаи употребления времён present perfect и past simple. Время present perfect не используется, если в тексте есть указание на то, когда и где проходило действие. В этих случаях пользуются глагольной формой в past simple: The girl has just been to the zoo. — The girl was in the zoo last week. They have never sung this song. — They sang this song five minutes ago. Заметьте также, что, если ситуация начинается во времени present per fect^ её продолжение зачастую следует в одном из прошедших времён. Например: I have just seen а very good film. It was alx)ut a group of travellers. They were crossing the Atlantic. Или: — Will you believe it? WeVe won the game! — Really? What was the score? Who played best in your team? Вопросы, начинающиеся со слова when, никогда не строятся во времени present perfect, но обычно имеют гла1ол во времени past simple, например: When did you see James last time? When did they begin the show? § 8. Английские наречия just и just now являются маркерами разных грамматических времён; если just указывает на время present perfect, то just now на время past simple. Where is Peter? He’s just gone out. I talked to Sarah on the phone just now. § 9- Ho своему смыслу форма глшюла в present perfect durative весьма близка к глагольной форме present perfect progressive. Однако present per feet durative подчёркивает законченность действия, a present perfect progres sive — его продолжительность. Сравните: We have played 3 games this season. (B этом сезоне мы сыграли три игры.) We have been playing football since 4 o’clock. (Мы играем в футбол с четырёх часов.) Вопросительные предложения в форме present perfect progressive образуются с помощью изменения порядка слов в предложении и соответствующей вопросительной интонации. При этом вспомогательный глагол have или has выносится на первое место и ставится перед подлежащим: Has he really been doing lessons for an hour? (Он действительно делает уроки целый час?) В специальном вопросе предложение начинается с вопросительного слова или слов: How long have you been cooking? (Сколько времени ты готовишь?) В отрицательных предложениях к вспомогательному глаголу добавляется отрицание not {n't): They haven’t been talking to each other for years. (Они не разговаривают друг с другом много лет.) § 10. В английском языке существует такое явление, как фразовые глаголы, т. е. глаголы в сочетании с определёнными послелогами. Фразовые 131 132 глаголы весьма многочисленны и представляют определённую трудность для изучающих английский язык, так как значение фразового глагола далеко не всегда можно вывести из значений его составляющих. Видимо, по этой причине учащиеся зачастую стараются избегать их употребления. Однако обойтись без фразовых глаголов в современном английском языке невозможно: они широко используются в разговорной речи, в .электронных посланиях, технических текстах и т. д. Устная речь, лишённая фразовых г.чаголов, звучит неестественно. В учебнике для 7 класса вниманию учащихся предлагаются следующие фразовые глаголы: give away, give back, give out, give up hand in, liand back, hand out, hand over make up, make out, make off stay away (from), stay off, stay together, stay up take down, take in, take off, take up talk back, talk over, talk into, talk out of § 11. В современном английском языке глаголы часто образуются при помощи приставок: dis- (disagree, disappear, djsobey) i*e- (reread, rewrite, reopen) THE ADVERB (НАРЕЧИЕ) § 1. В предложении наречие может зггочнять а) глагол (Му granny doesn’t hear well.), б) имя прилагательное (She is rather small.) и в) наречие (Не didn’t sleep very well.). § 2. Русское наречие ещё в английском языке может быть представлено двумя словами: still и yet. Still обычно используется в предложении, чтобы передать значение « всё ещё»: It is still raining. She is still at school. Yet обозначает «ещё не» и используется в отрицательных предложениях: Не hasn’t done it yet. They haven’t come back yet. § 3. Наречия hard (тяжело, сильно) и hardly (едва) нужно уметь различать при употреблении. Сравните: to work hard, to fight hard. It was raining hard last afternoon. He hardly ever speaks English. I could hardly breathe. § 4. В речи слово enough может использоваться с различными частями речи. В предложении оно всегда употребляется перед именами существительными, но после имён прилагательных, глаголов и наречий. Сравните: enough + noun We don’t have enough time. They have got enough money. You haven’t made enough sandwiches for everybody. adjective 4 enough The skirt is not long enough. The boy is not strong enough to carry this box. ad verb + enough Jack never runs fast enough. I don’t think you work hard enough. verb + enough The pupils don’t practise enough to know English better. In my view nowadays children don’t read enough. English-Russian Vocabulary Англо-русский словарь Условные обозначения Английские adj — имя прилагательное adv — наречие АтЕ — слово, принятое в американском варианте английского языка 133 ВгЕ — слово, принятое в британском варианте английского языка п — имя существительное pi — множественное число sb — кто-либо sth — что-либо и — глагол Русские разе. — слово или выражение, характерное для разговорного языка Аа ache [eik] adjective*’ ['aec^iktiv] atraid [s'freidj to be afraid of sth age [ei^] air [еэ] in the open air almost ['odmaustj among [э'тлд] already ['odredi] ankle ['aegkll another [э плбэ] ape [eip] apart* [o'part] art [a:t] area* ['eDriaj artery* ['ortori] asymmetry [as'simatri] awful ['э:Я] боль прилагательное испуганный бояться чего-либо возраст воздух на (открытом) воздухе почти среди уже лодыжка, щиколотка другой, ещё один человекообразная обезьяна порознь, в разлуке искусство область артерия асимметрия ужасный вь baboon* [ЬэЪигп] baby [ beibi] back [Ьгек] at the back in the back with one’s back to sb/sth backache [ bcckeik] backbone [ ЬгекЬэип] обезьяна бабуин маленький ребёнок, дитя спина сзади, позади позади (в автомобиле) спиной к кому-либо, чему-либо боль в спине позвоночник I Q 11 о t/ ^ ГкОТГОИОЛа* 1Ю OVr^TTMT* П ^ Xi'0^14 0 II П « П xrtio ITt 11 vr 134 backpack ['bsekpaek] balloon* [ba'lurn] bed [bed] to go to bed to be in bed beech [bi:lj] beetle ['birtlj beginning [bi'gmii]] behaviour [bi'heivja] between [bi'twirn] between you and me in between biology [bai'obc^i] biscuit* [ biskit] blackbird ['bleekbard] bluebell ['blu:belj border [ baida] to border on sth borrow [Ъогэи] borrowing ['borauig] brain [brein] branch [brarnij] break [breik] (broke, broken) breakable ['breikablj breathe [bri:6] to breathe in to breathe out brush [ЬглП bush* [buj] butterfly ['bAtsflai] рюкзак воздушный шар, шарик постель ложиться спать быть (лежать) в постели бук {дерево) жук начало поведение между между нами между, посередине биология печенье чёрный дрозд колокольчик {растение) 1. п граница, грань 2, v граничить граничить с чем-либо брать взаймы заимствование мозг ветвь, ветка ломать, ломаться хрупкий дышать вдохнуть выдохнуть кисть, кисточка для рисования 1) кустарник 2) невозделанная земля, покрытая кустарником; буш бабочка Сс cactus* [kaektosj candy* {АтЕ) ['kcendi] car [ко:] a саг park careful ['keofl] carry ['kseri] cartoon* [kar'tuin] carton* ['ka:tn] caterpillar ['kaetopilaj cause [ko:z] celebration [,scl3'breijn] chain [^ein] a mountain chain chalk [tJo:k] chemist’s [kemistsj at the chemist’s to go to the chemist’s chemistry [’kemistri] childless ['^aildbs] кактус конфета автомобиль авт<ютоянка, парковка осторожный, внимательный, тщательный нести мультфильм пакет, картонная упаковка для продуктов гусеница являться причиной празднование цепь, цепочка горная цепь мел аптека в аптеке идти в аптеку химия бездетный children [^Idron] chimpanzee* Chinese [^ai'nirz] chips* [^ps] church to go to church cinema ['sinama] classmate [‘kla:smeit] close adj [kbus] close to sth cloudless r'klaudlas] coast [kaust] cold n [kauld] to have a cold to get a cold to catch a cold to come down with a cold common [koman] computer [kam'pjurta] computer studies convict* [ konvikt] cooker* ['kukaj cookie* (AmE) [’kuki] college [‘коЬф] to go to college to be at college colloquial* [ka'laukwiol] costume* [’kostjuim] cough [kof] to have a bad cough crazy [ kreizi] to be crazy about sth cure [kjua] to cure sb of sth curious ['kjuarias] to be curious about sth дети шимпанзе китайский; китаец AmE чипсы; BrE хрустящий картофель церковь ходить в церковь кино, кинематограф одноклассник близкий близко, поблизости безоблачный побережье простуда быть простуженным простудиться простудиться заболеть простудой общий, распространённый, обычный компьютер информатика каторжник, ссыльный печь, духовка печенье колледж пойти учиться в колледж учиться в колледже разговорных! театральный или маскарадный костюм 1. п кашель 2. v кашлять сильно кашлять безумный быть без ума от чего-либо вылечить, излечить вылечить кого-либо от чего-либо любопытный любопытствовать по поводу чего-либо 135 Dd daffodil [ daefddil] damage ['daemi^] danger Г'бетфэ] darkness ['da:knisl day [dei] the day before yesterday daybook ['deibuk] decoration [,dek9VeiJnl demonstrate [,demon'streit] demonstration [,dem9n‘streijn] derivative* [di'nvotiv] desert ['dezal] желтый нарцисс 1. n повреждение 2. v повредить, Нечнести угцерб опасность темнота день позавчера дневник украшение демонстрировать, показывать демонстрация, показ производное (слово) 1. п пустыня 2. adj 1) пустынный 2) необитаемый 136 destroy [dr'strDi] develop [di'velap] to develop an interest in to develop into sb sth development [di vebpmont] dictionary ['djkjnri] die [dai] to die from sth to die out diet ['daiat] dinosaur* ['damaso:] disabled* [di'serbid] disagree [,disa'gri;] disappear [,disa'pi3] disbelieve [disbili:v] discomfort [dis'kAmfat] disease [di'zi:z] to develop a disease dishonest [dis'cnist] dislike [dis'laik] do [du:] to do one’s best dos and don’ts dodo* ['daudau] dolphin* ['dolfin] domestic [da'mestik] dragonfly [’draegnflai] drug IdrAg] a drug user a drug store* (AtnE) duckbill ['dAkbil] dump [dAmp] rubbish dump dustbin* ['dAstbin] разрушать развивать sth развивать интерес к чему-либо превратиться в кого-либо, во что-либо развитие словарь умирать умирать от чего-либо вымирать 1. п диета 2. v быть на диете динозавр инвалид не соглашаться исчезать не верить неудобство болезнь заболеть бесчестны!! не любить, испытывать неприязнь делать делать всё возможное то, что следует и чего не следует делать дронт (птица) дельфин домашний стрекоза 1) лекарство 2) наркотик наркоман аптека утконос 1. п свалка 2. v сбрасывать, выбрасывать свапка мусора мусорный бак Ее earache ['ioreik] earth [з:0] to come down to earth echidna Li'kidna] ecologist [I'kuladjist] ecology [I'knlac^i] educate ['edjukeit] education l,cdju'keijn] free education primary education secondary education elevator* (AmE) [*ehveita] elm [elm] empty ['empti] to be empty of sth emu боль в ухе земля вернуться на землю ехидна экология эколог давать образование образование бесплатное образование начальное образование среднее образование лифт вяз пустой быть лишённым чего-то страус эму endangered [m'deinc^ad] endless [endlas] Englishman ['iqglijmon] Englishwoman ['igglij,woman] enjoyable [ш'с^эюЫ] enjoyment [in'c^Dimant] enough [1'плП environment [mVaiaranment] environmental [in,vaiaran'mentl] especially [I'spejli] eucalyptus [jurka'liptas] even [‘i:vn] ever ['eva] everyone ['evriwAn] exam [ig'zaem] {разг.) examination [ig,zaemi'neijnl examine [ig'z2emin] exercise book [ eksasaiz,buk] extinct [ik'stigkt] extreme* [ik'strirm] вымирающий, исчезающий бесконечный англичанин англичанка приятный, восхитительный удовольствие, радость достаточно ^)кpyжaющaя среда принадлежащий окружающей среде особенно эвкалипт даже когда-нибудь всякий, каждый, любой экзамен экзамен 1) экзаменовать 2) осматривать, изучать тетрадь вымерший, исчезнувший крайний, экстремальный 137 Ff fact [faekt] in fact factory [Tasktari] recycling factory fall (fell, fallen) [fo:l] to fall in love* fall n (AmE) [Гэ:1] fancy ['fasnsi] Fancy that, fantastic [faen'taestik] faucet* {AmE) ['forsitl fauna* r'fD:na] feeling l'fi:lig] felt-tip (pen) [,felt'tip] film [film] fir (tree) ['fa: ,tri:j flora* [ Пэ;гэ] flow (flowed, flowed) [flau] to flow west (east) to flow into follow I'folau] to follow sb to follow one’s nose fond [fond] to be fond of sth food [fu:d] fast food Junk food foreign ['form] foreigner ('forma] факт фактически фабрика фабрика по переработке вторсырья падать влюбляться осень представлять себе Представь себе. потрясающий, с])антастический водопроводный кран фауна чувство фломастер 1) фильм 2) плёнка ель (])Лора течь течь на запад (восток) впадать (о реке) следовать следовать за кем-то идти прямо вперёд любящий любить что-либо, увлекаться чем-.либо еда, пища пища быстрого приготовления вредная пища иностранный иностранец 138 free [fri:] freshness ['frejnas] friendly L'frendli] (French) fries* [,frentj 'fraiz] Frenchman ['fren^man] Frenchwoman ['frentj,woman] full [ful] to be full of sth fund* [fAnd] 1) свободный 2) бесплатный свежесть дружелюбный, дружеский картофель, жаренный ломтиками француз француженка наполненный быть наполненным чем-либо фонд Gg garbage* (АтЕ) [ga:bic^] garbage can* (АтЕ) gasoline* (АтЕ) ['gaesali:n] give [giv] to give away to give back to give out to give up geography [(^i'ografi] glue [glu:] good [god] to do good gorilla* [ga'nla] grammar* ['угавтэ] Greek [gri:k] growth [grouG] guest* [gest] мусор мусорный бак бензин давать отдавать возвращать раздавать бросать, прекращать география клей польза, добро, благо приносить пользу горилла грамматика гр>еческий рост гость Hh habit ['hsebit] habitat ['haebitaet] hand [haend] to hand back to hand in to hand out to hand over handy* [ hsendi] happen ['haepn] to happen to sb happening [Ъжрзшд] hard [hard] hardly [hardli] harm [ha:m] to do harm harmful ['ha:mfl] headache [ hedeik] heart [ha:t] a weak heart a heart attack a heart problem привычка среда обитания передавать, подавать вернуть сдавать раздавать передавать 1) удобный 2) умелый случаться случаться с кем-либо происшествие 1) сильный 2) сложный едва, с трудом вред причинять вред вредный головная боль сердце слабое, больное сердце сердечный приступ болезнь сердца herself [har'self] hide (hid, hidden) [haidj himself [him'self] history ['histarij honest ['nnistj hospital ['hnspill] to go to hospital to be at hospital to leave hospital human ['hjuimonl a human (being) hurt (hurt, hurt) [halt] себе, собой, (она) сама прятаться себе, собой, (он) сам история честный больница пойти (лечь) в больницу лежать в больнице выйти из больницы человеческий человек ушибить, причинять боль 139 illness ['ilnas] illustrate ['ilastreitj illustration [,ila'streijnj immigrant* ['imigrantj include [in klurdj including [in*klu:diq] incredible [in'kredobll influence ['influansj insect ['tnsekt] inside* [in'said] instrument* [’rnstram^nt] itself [it'self] болезнь иллюстрировать иллюстрация иммигрант включать включая невероятный 1. п влияние 2. насекомое внутри инструмент (оно) само V влиять Jj Japanese [,<^aepa’ni:z] jog* [фод] journey ['c^3:nij a two-hour journey a journey home to make a journey jumper [’флтрэ] just [c^ASt] just now японским 1. n бег трусцой 2. v бегать трусцой путеихествие двухчасовое путешествие путешествие домой совершить путешествие джемпер, свитер только что только что Кк kindly L'l<3indlij knee [ni:J koala [кэи'а:1э] kookaburra [‘кокэ.Ьлга] добрый, добродушный колено коала кукабарра L1 ladybird ['leidi,b3:d] last [la:st lately ['leitli] божья коровка 1. adj последний 2. adv в последний раз недавно 140 Latin* Llaetinl laugh [Ia:f] to laugh at sb/sth to laugh outloud laughter [1а:Лэ] law [b:] to make a law laws of nature to be against the law leaf (leaves) [liivz] learner [’1з:па] a quick learner left-handed* [^Icft'haendidl length [leg0] librarian* [lai'brearbn] library* ['laibr^ri] lift [lift] lily [lilij liquid* ['likwidj list* [list] literature [litro^s] lizard [‘lizad] local* look [luk] to look after to look (the word) up lonely ['bunli] lose (lost, lost) [lu:z] lorry ['lorij loud [laud] loudly ['laudli] lovely [‘lAvli] luck [1лк] Bad luck. Good luck! lung [bq] латынь, латинским язык смеяться смеяться над кем-либо, чем-либо смеяться громко, хохотать смех закон составить закон законы природы противоречить закону лист (листья) ученик, учащийся способный ученик леворукий, левша длина библиотекарь библиотека лифт лилия жидкость список литература ящерица местный 1. п взгляд 2, V смотреть присматривать посмотреть (найти) слово в словаре одинокий терять грузовик громкий громко прелестный, милый, славный везение, удача Не повезло. Удачи! лёгкое {часть тела) Mm magpie ['maeypai] manly ['maenli] mark [mark] a mark in a subject a mark for a test mathematics [maeOo'maetiks] maths [maeBs] {разе.) maybe ['meibi] mean [mirn] (meant, meant) meaning ['mirniq] meat [mi:t] mechanism* ['mekanizm] medicine ['medsn] to take a medicine for sth сорока мужественный, мужской оценка, отметка оценка по предмету оценка за контрольную математика математика возможно 1) значить 2) иметь в виду значение мясо механизм 1) медицина 2) лекарство принимать лекарство от meetinjj member fmembo] mentioned* ['menjnd] mistake [mi'steikj to make a mistake monkey ['mAgki] moth [mo0J movable [’muivabl] movement ['mu:vmont] movie* {AmE) [*mu:vi] movie theatre* {AmE) muscle* ['mAslJ myself [mai'self] встреча член организации упомянутый ошибка делать ошибку обезьяна мотылёк переносной движение 1) фильм 2) кино кинотеатр мускул сам, себе, собой, себя 141 Nn nation* ['neijn] nationality* [,nsej'nael3til natural ['naeljral] a natural talent nature ['neitjaj Mother Nature necessary [’ncs^sri] need [nird] nerve [n3:v] never [*nev9] nightingale ['naitirjgeil] noise Inoiz] to make a noise noisy [’noizi] no one [’nauwAn] noun* [naun] nowadays ['nauadeiz] number ГпАтЬэ] a great number нация национальность естественный, природный природный талант природа Мать-природа необходимый нуждаться нерв никогда соловей шум шуметь шумный никто имя существительное в наши дни 1) число 2) количество много Оо оак [эок] obese [su'birs] official* [a'fijl] oil* [oilj oneself [wAn'self] to do something by oneself only ['aunli] an only child orangutan* [D:,raegu:'taei]] ostrich [DStn^] other ['лбэ] the other day others ['лбэ/] ought* [o:tJ (to) do sth ourselves [.aua'selvz] дуб болезненно полный официальный не(1)ть сам, себя, собой делать что-либо самому 1. adv только 2. adj единственный единственный ребёнок орангутан страус другие, другой на днях другие быть должным сделать что-либо сами, себя over [’эиуэ] to be over owl [aol] own adj [эип] on one’s own над заканчиваться сова собственный самостоятельно 142 рр pain [реш] paint [peintj pair [peaj a pair of spectacles pants* {AmE) [paents] paper ['peipsj park [pa:k] a parking lot* (AmE) patient L'pei^nt] pavement* ['peivmantj pay (paid, paid) [pei] to pay for sth payment ['peimant] penguin ['peggwm] pencil ['pensl] a pencil case a pencil sharpener per cent [pa’sent] perfect ['p3:fikt] person L'p3:snJ petrol* ['petrolj physical education (PE) [,fizikl edju'keijn] physics ['fiziks] piece [pi:s] a piece of land a piece of music a piece of paper pigeon L'picfean] pine [painj plane [plein] plant [plarnt] plural* ['р1иэгэ1] points* [points] pollute [polurt] polluted [pa'lu:tid] pollution [pa'lurjnj pour [po:J power ['paosj a power station powerful ['раиэП] practically ['prasktikli] prefer (preferred, preferred) [pri;f3:] to prefer sth to sth боль 1. n краска 2. и рисовать пара очки брюки бумага 1. п парк 2. V парковаться стоянка пациент тротуар платить платить за что-либо оплата пингвин карандаш пенал точилка процент совершенный личность, индивид бензин физкультура физика кусок, кусочек участок земли музыкальное произведение лист бумаги голубь сосна равнина 1) растение 2) завод множественное число очки, баллы загрязнять загрязнённый загрязнение лить сила, власть электростанция мощный практически предпочитать предпочитать что-либо чему-либо preposition* [prepazijn] prescribe [pn’skraib] to prescribe a medicine for sth primate* ['praimett] primary ['praimari] probably ['probobli] pronounce [pra'nauns] protect [pro'tektj protection [pra'tekjn] proud [praudj to be proud of sth предлог прописывать прописать лекарство от чего-либо примат начальный вероятно произносить защищать защита гордый гордиться чем-либо 143 Qq quick [kwik] quickly ['kwiklij быстрый быстро Rr railroad* {AmE) ['reilraud] rainforest [Vemionst] readable r'ri:d3bl] reason* [’ri:zn] recover [п'клуэ] to recover from sth recycle [,ri:'sajkl] relative I'relativJ a close relative relief* religious [nlic^as] religious education reply* [nplai] report* [ri'po:t] responsible [n'sponsabl] to be responsible for sth/sb right-handed* [rait'haendid] robin* [VobinJ rubber ['глЬэ] rubbish* [rAbiJ] rule [n\:\] to make a rule ruler ['ru:la] железная дорога Т1юпический лес читаемый, разборчивый, хорошо читаемый (увлекательный) причина выздоравливать выздороветь от чего-либо перерабатывать родственник близкий родственник рельеф религиозный религиозное образование ответ отчёт о поведении и успеваемости ответственный отвечать за что-либо, кого-либо праворукий, правша малиновка ластик мусор правило составить, создать правило линейка Ss safe [seif] say [sei] to say to sb You don’t say so! school [sku:l] school age безопасный, надёжный говорить сказать кому-либо Не может быть! школа школьный возраст 144 schooldays schoolhouse school year to be at school to go to school a school leaver primary school secondary school state school schooling ['sku:hg] schoolmate [‘skurlmeit] science ['saians] scientific [jSaisn'tifik] scissors [’siZ9Z] sculptor [’skAlpta] (sea)gull ['si:gAl] seat [siitj secondary ['sekandri] see [si:] to see with one’s own eyes several ['sevral] shamrock ['Jaemrak] shapely I'Jeipli] shoulder [ jaulda] sidewalk* {AmE) ['saidwo:k] similar ['simild] since [sins] smoke [smauk] No smoking, snake [sneik] snowdrop* ['snaudropj soccer* {AmE) [’soka] soil [sail] someone [*SAm,vvAn] sore [sx] to have a sore throat sound [saund] species {pi species) ['spi:fi:zj endangered species extinct species protected species speech [spi:^] a part of speech to make a speech speechless [*spi:^as] stand [staend] I can’t stand it. starling ['stailii]] state [steitl station ['steijn] a railway station школьные годы здание школы учебный год учиться в школе учиться в школе выпускник начальная школа средняя школа государственная школа обучение в школе соученик, товарищ по школе 1) наука 2) школьный предмет, включащий физику, химию и биологию научный ножницы скульптор чайка место средний видеть видеть своими глазами несколько клевер, трилистник красивой формы, имеющий красивую форму плечо тротуар похожий с тех пор, с 1- п дым 2. и курить Не курить. змея подснежник футбол земля, почва кто-либо больной иметь больное горло 1- п звук 2. о звучать образец (образцы, вид, виды) исчезающие, вымирающие виды исчезнувшие виды охраняемые виды речь часть речи произнести речь безмолвный 1) стоять 2) выносить Я терпеть это не могу. скворец 1) государство 2) штат станция вокзал а power station statistics [sto'tistiks] stay [stei] to stay away to stay off to stay tojjether to stay up stomach [‘stAmak] stove* {AmE) [stauv] strength [stregG] stretch [stre^J to stretch as far as structure* ['strAk^a] student {AmE) [stjurdant] study ['stAdi] subject [sAbc^ikt] to do a subject such [SAtJ] sudden ['sAdn] suddenly ['sAdnlij sunflower [’sAnflaua] support [sa'pDit] sure [Jua] to be sure of sth surprise [sa'praiz] to sb’s surprise surprised [sa'praizd] to be surprised at sth survive [saVaiv] swallow [Wobu] sweater {AmE) ['sweta] sweet [swi:t] syininetrical [si'mctnklj symptom* ['simptaml электростанция статистика оставаться 1) держаться в стороне 2) не общаться 1) воздерживаться 2) пропускать занятия в школе держаться вместе не ложиться спать живот, желудок плита сила простираться простираться до структура ученик, учащийся учить, изучать предмет {школьный) изучать предмет такой неожиданный вдруг подсолнух 1. п поддержка 2. v поддерживать уверенный быть уверенным в чём-то 1. п удивление 2. v удивлять к чьему-либо удивлению удивлённый удивляться чему-либо выживать 1. п ласточка 2. v глотать свитер конфета симметричный симптом 145 Tt take [teik] to take down to take in to take off to take up (doing sth) talented [ taebntid] talk [to:k] to talk back to talk into (doing sth) to talk out of to talk over tap ItaepJ team* tell [tel] to tell a lie брать снимать понимать 1) снимать {одежду^ обувь) 2) взлетать заняться чем-либо талантливый болтать, говорить огрызаться уговорить отговорить обсуждать водопроводный кран команда говорить, сказать солгать 146 to tell the truth to tell a fairy tale to tell the time themselves [Som'selvz] term [t3:m] theory ['0i9ri] thistle [‘0isl] throat [0raut] a sore throat tired ['taisd] to be tired of sth/sb tongue [Ш)] a mother tongue toothache [‘tu:0eik] toxic* ['toksik] top [top] tragedy* [ traec^adi] trousers [’trauzaz] truck* (AmE) [гглк] twin [twin] a twin brother a twin sister говорить, cicaaaTb правду рассказывать сказку сказать, который час сами, себя, себе, собой семестр, четверть теория чертополох (растение) горло больное горло усталый устать от чего-либо, кого-либо язык (часть тела) родной язык зубная боль токсичный вершина трагедия брюки грузовик близнец брат-близнец сестра-близнец Uu ugliness ['лдкпэз] ugly Г*лдИ] understandable [,/vnd9'st2endDbl] uniform ['ju;nifo:mj university [jurniVs.sati] to be at university to go to university unpolluted [,Anp9'!u:tid] useless ['u:s1ds] уродство уродливый, некрасивый понятный форма университет учиться в университете учиться в университете, быть студентом незагрязненный бесполезный Vv vacation* (AmE) [v^'keijn] valley ['vgelij vein* [vein] Vietnamese [,vjetn9'mi:z] vocabulary [va'kaebjolori] каникулы долина вена вьетнамский лексикон Ww waste [weist] waste of time to waste money on sth ^sb water lily ['wo:t9 ,lilij warmth [wo:m0] weakness l‘wi:kn9s] whale* [well] whole* [haul] 1. n отходы 2. V напрасно тратить потеря времени тратить деньги зря на что-либо/кого-либо водяная лилия, кувшинка теплота слабость кит целый width [wide] womanly ['wumanlij woodpecker ['wod.pelo] word [\v3:dj a word entry* work [w3:k] to be at work to go to w'ork Wow! [wau] wrist [nst] wrong [roj]J ширина женственный, женский дятел слово словарная статья работа быть на работе ходить на работу Ух ты! запястье неправильный 147 Yy year Ц1э] year one student year two pupil yet [jet] yourself [jD:'self] Behave yourself! yourselves [jDr'selvz] год студент 1-го курса ученик 2 класса 1) ещё 2) уже сам, себе Веди себя хорошо! сами, самим List of Geographical Names Список географических названий Alaska [d'laesks] (the) Antarctic [aen'ta.ktikj 148 (the) Antarctica [sen'ta:ktiko] (the) Appalachians [ aepa'leijanz] the Arctic ['a:ktik] Australia fn'streilia] Bangladesh [^baerigla'dej] Boston [’bostn] Brazil [bra'zil] Brighon ['braitn] Canberra ['кагпЬэгэ] (the) Capitol [kaepitl] Carnegi Hall [,ka:nagi Ъэ:1] Chicago [fi'karqau] Chile ['фИ] China ['tfaina] (the) Colorado River [.kolaVardau ,nva] Death Valley f,de0 'vaelij Detroit [di'trnitl Аляска (штат в США) Антарктика (южная полярная область земного шара, включающая Антарк тиду и прилегающие к ней участки Атлантического, Индийского и Тихого океанов) Антарктида (континент, расположен ный на самом юге земного шара) Аппалачи Аппалачские горы (горная система на востоке Северной Амери ки) Арктика (северная полярная область Земли, включающая окраины материков Евразия и Северная Америка и почти весь Северный .Педовитый океан с островами) Австралия Бангладеш (Народная Республика Бан гладеш, государство в Южной Азии) Бостон (столица и крупнейший город штата Массачусетс в США) Бразилия (государство в Южной Америке) Брайтон (город на юге Великобрита нии) Канберра (столица Австралии) Капитолий (местопребывание Конгрее са США на Капитолийском холме в Вашингтоне) Карнеги-холл (концертный зал в Нью « • _ Норке, на углу Седьмой авеню и 57 й улицы Манхэттена, одна из самых престижных в мире площадок для исполнения классической музыки) Чикаго (город в США) Чили (государство в Южной Америке, имеющее выход как к Тихому, так и к Атлантическому океану) Китай (государство в Восточной Азии) река Колорадо (на юго западе США и севера западе Мексики) Долина Смерти (США, национальный заповедник в восточной части Кали форнии) Детройт (город на севере США в шта те Мичиган, на реке Детройт на гра нице с Канадой) |,уг4ЧГ pk'mzj со [,9л1Г 4V- loiintainft В«'ликнг rwinmmiii (США). и(№ДПфи iLiaro Кордил1>срсю1Х гир М|*кгикн1<гк11Й яяЛ1ш (пнутргит'г мо ,шпа<)нои чачгти Ат.(аытичгсниго икг. на; wpuHUHfH с стеро .шпаЭа. ct'eti и ы/г/пока ncf6cpcMhejH США. на имг HtroMnaOr — uoOepeMtbfM Мгксики) Гпмлллмскнс горы (выгочаишАн горш система 3r.4f.3u: 1>аспо,1ожсна меж> Тибетским нитр1>ем на егасре и Лн/ Гамескай равниной ни юег) ап) (I^ke Huron) озеро Гурон (о вал ^ лВа*)* л А а а ly I ро:рэ vvcsnei] Desert (saharra 'i)L*rar| Pole [>аив paull ЭГ fsu: pisna] lor) lij si nnl'auj I u:lunj: rok) 1ШЫ Папа Уэстрей (острое на ccAf HeUcKoeo архипгла^а о Шотланх Пррт {крупнейший город па Ластралигг и етолица штата нал АпстралимЧ Пару {tticydapcmtio п Южной Ал пустыня М. Караном И. В. Микегва. К. М. Баражшя 1\ rVrt/fVU випускаютси 1 О ii мет1 iiW*K4*Kcic IK ,im ч^1мн‘-1к |м(Гк1»1ЛХ тетрш!. Л‘'Я г{11 Пи и пу^мгри*1пиве кШГА хм >SMTC.* .xiincH«vnik:t pV'1)Mb!dTi>0n^