Учебник Английский язык 6 класс Афанасьева Михеева Баранова часть 1

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Учебник Английский язык 6 класс Афанасьева Михеева Баранова часть 1 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Rainbow English (Рейнбоу инглиш):

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о. в. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова ю АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК о. в. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова («BS АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Учебник в двух частях. Часть 1 Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации ВЕРТИКАЛЬ МОСКВА орофа 2014 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 А94 Условное обозначение: ^Рд — предлагаемое задание имеет формат ГИА Афанасьева, О. В. А94 Английский язык. 6 кл.: в 2 ч. Ч. 1: учебник / О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова. — М.: Дрофа, 2014. — 144 с. : ил. + 1CD. —(Rainbow English). ISBN 978-5-358-10782-3 (ч. 1) ISBN 978-5-358-10784-7 УчеОыик, сюяданный известными специалистами ь оСлас-ги преполлвання англиЙ ского языка, является основным компонентом учебно методического комплекса для 6 класса. Учебник соответствует всем требованиям Федеральншю государственного образовательного стандарта основного общего образования. УДК 373.107.1:811.111 ББК81.2ЛпгЛ’922 Серия «Rainbow English♦ Учебное издание Афанасьева Ольга Васильевна Михеева Ирина Владимировна Баранова Ксения Михайловна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 6 класс в двух частях. Часть 1 Учебник Зав. редакцией Л,1\ Беликова. Редактор Е. И. Бухарова Художественный редактор Л. П. Копачева. Художник О. М. Войтенко Технический редактор С. А. Толмачева Компьютерная верстка //. В. Полякова. Корректор Г. И. Кузьмина в соответствии с Федеральным .1а]<оном от 29.12.2010 г. ЛГ- 436-ФЗ знак (шфирмацнонной продукции на данное издание не сгавится Ш Сертификат соответствия М-РОСС RU. ЛЕ51. И 16508. Подписано к печати 26.06.14. Формат 60 х 90 V.. Бумага о€|х*етная. Гарнитура «Школьная». Печать ся1)сетная. Уел. печ. л. 18,0. Тираж 5000 экз. Заказ 14 01575. ООО «ДРОФА». 127254, М^>сква, Огородный проезд, д. 5, стр. 2. Предложевня и замечания по содержанию и оформ.1еиню книги просим направлять в редакцию общего образоваяия ющателы'тва «Дрофа»: 127254, Москва, а/я 19. Тел.: (495) 795-05-41. E-mail: chief@>drota.ru По вопросам приобретения продукции нздате.1ьства «Дрофа» обращаться по адресу: 127254. Москва. Ого|юдный проезд, д. 5, стр. 2. Тел.: (495) 795 05-50, 795 05-51. Факс: (495) 795-05 52. С^айт (ЮО «ДРОФА»: www.drofa.ru Электронная почта: ьа)е8(а>4гоГа.ги Тел.: 8-800-2(Х1-05-50 (звонок по России бес1ынтнын) TNM 1NM PRINT 5Т4> .Нс«э Место М PRINT Хлуыга мал ишьтной МП st S. г. О. Meuiouui Ргслублнка voMw.tnin.rz • пшЬ {лпц^ппи./ тгл.^ «420 m 4М В78 ПрГАТш»тгяьггм пй>пф|^*п(§Р|яг«о«'ОПО.ННттТСа .7(4«0) П7«01^ ISBN 978-5-358-10782-3(4. 1) ISBN 978-5-358-10784-7 СХЮ «ДРОФА». 2014 Book Guide UNIT 1. TWO CAPITALS (pages 5—51) Talking Points 1. Visiting big cities 2. Going to places of interest 3. Moscow and St Petersburg and their sights 4. Travelling about Russia 5. The weather in different places 6. Getting to different places 7. The Moscow Kremlin and Red Square 8. Moscow Zoo, the Moscow Metro, Moscow theatres 9. Why people travel Grammar Points 1. Past simple of some irregular verbs 2. Indefinite pronouns "everybody", "nothing", "somebody", "anything" etc. and how to use them 3. The rule of one negation in English sentences 4. Countable and uncountable nouns 5. The verb "to hear" not used in progressive tenses Vocabulary Points 1. Vocabulary for the talking points 2. The words "high" and "tall" 3. The words "to take" and "to miss" with the names of transport 4. Quantity words "a lot (of)", "lots (of)", "many", "much", "little", "few" and how to use them 5. The word-building models "n->v, n->adj" (conversion) Culture and History 1. The history of Moscow, St Petersburg and some other Russian cities 2. The places of interest (museums, monuments, theatres, parks, bridges etc.) in these cities 3. Leo Tolstoy and Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky 4. Edward Lear 5. Some facts about the Moscow Kremlin Enjoy Yourself 1. Mixed-up stories about two Russian people 2. An English limerick 3. An English tongue twister 4. The story "The English Roses" (part 1) 5. The song "Which Land Is the Best" 6. The poem "Autumn Fires" by R. L. Stevenson 7. Some interesting facts Round-up 1; pages 40—44 Test Yourself 1: pages 45—47 Project Work 1: page 51 Workbook 6: Unit 1 Reader 6: Section One UNIT 2. VISITING BRITAIN (pages 52—100) Talking Points 1. Visiting places 2. Things to do on holidays. Goodbye, summer 3. The weather 4. Describing people, things and places 5. The geography of Great Britain 6. The British Parliament and monarchy 7. Ireland 8. Some places of interest in London 9. Some facts about British history and British traditions 10. Historical parts of London Grammar Points 1. The numerals "hundred", "thousand", "million" and how to use them 2. The words "too", "as well", "also", "either" and how to use them 3. The preposition "with" after the word "popular" Vocabulary Points 1. Vocabulary for the talking points 2. Expressing estimation in English 3. The word-building models "n -ь al = adj" ("musical", etc.) 4. The words "isle" and "island" and how to use them 5. Some new geographical names Culture and History 1. Some facts about British history and traditions 2. Historical places in London 3. The double-decker bus as a symbol of London 4. Buckingham Palace and other royal residences in Britain 5. Traditional songs 6. Myra Livingston, an American poet Enjoy Yourself 1. A story of Oxford 2. An English limerick 3. An English tongue twister 4. The story "The English Roses" (part 2) 5. The songs "London's Burning" and "Streets of London" 6. The poem "Finding Way" 7. Some interesting facts Round-up 2: pages 85—91 Test Yourself 2: pages 92—95 Project Work 2: page 100 Workbook 6: Unit 2 Reader 6: Section Two UNTT 3. TRADITIONS. HOLIDAYS, FESTIVALS bssm 101—144) Talking Points 1. Birthday celebrations 2. Holidays and festivals in Britain: New Year's Eve, New Year, St Valentine's Day, Easter Sunday, Halloween, Christmas 3. Presents we give and get Grammar Points 1. Wh-words to connect sentences in reported speech 2. The words "who", "whom", "whose" and how to use them 3. The words "who", "which" and "that" and how to use them 4. General questions in reported speech 5. Imperative sentences in reported speech 6. The prepositions "at", "on", "in" in time words and phrases 7. The word "money" and how to use it Vocabulary Points 1. Vocabulary for the talking points 2. Some English interjections, words which help us to express our feelings 3. The words "holiday" and "festival" and how to use them Culture and History 1. Holiday traditions in English-speaking countries and some facts about their history; holiday greetings 2. Writing greeting cards 3. Festivals in English-speaking countries 4. British and American money Enjoy Yourself 1. A story of Christmas celebrations in London 2. An English limerick 3. An English tongue twister 4. The story "The English Roses" (part 3) 5. The traditional English song "Jingle Bells" 6. The English poem "Calendar" 7. Some interesting facts Round-up 3: pages 133—137 Test Yourself 3: pages 137—140 Project Work 3; pages 144 Workbook 3; Unit 3 Reader 6: Section Three 1 Two Capitals Step 1 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, ^ (1), and say which sentences in A and В are true. A. 1) The Barkers always go abroad together. 2) Once the Barker children went abroad on their own. 3) Richard, Margaret, John and Sally Barker wanted to go to Russia. 4) The family wanted to see as many cities in Russia as they could. B. 1) John wanted to take some pictures of the Moscow Krem- lin. 2) John wanted to take some pictures of St Petersburg. 3) John wanted to take some pictures of his friend Yura. 4) John wanted to take pictures of the best places in the two cities. A. Read the text and give it a name. B. Complete the questions after the text and answer them. Summer was coming and the Barkers were thinking about their holidays. John and Sally decided to go to Russia and visit its famous cities — Moscow and St Petersburg. They travelled to Moscow by plane. The Smirnovs met them at the airport and they drove to the south of Moscow where the Smirnovs lived. In Moscow John and Sally stayed with the Smirnovs but in St Petersburg they had a room in a small hotel. John and Sally loved Moscow and they enjoyed St Petersburg very much. Неопределённые местоимения, ^ (2) every everybody — каждый, всякий ever^hing — всё Everybody knows this. Do you know everything? no some any nobody — никто nothing — ничто Nobody came in. There was nothing on the chair. (+) в утвердительных предложениях somebody — кто-нибудь, кто-то something — что-нибудь, что-то Somebody came in. There is something on the chair. (?) (b вопросах) anybody — кто-нибудь, кто-то anything — что-нибудь, что-то Did anybody come in here? Is there an^hing on the chair? Обратите внигиание, что в отрицательных предложениях также можно употреблять any, anybody, anything. Однако чаще в отрицательных предложениях используются слова nobody и nothing: There is not any soup in the bowl. There is no soup in the bowl. I did not see anybody here. I saw nobody here. There is not anything in the box. There is nothing in the box. (Grammar Reference, p. 147.) Complete the sentences. Use nobody, anybody, something, anything, nothing. 1) Would you like to buy ..,? 2) ... wants to go to the circus with me. Will you come? 3) I’d like to have ... tasty for lunch. 4) Please open the box. There’s ... for you in it. 5) ... in my family plays tennis. Please teach me. 6) ... must go and do the job. 7) They told me ... about their neighbours. Who are they? 8) Have you got ... interesting to read? 9) There was ... interesting in the show. We didn’t like it at all. Say it in a different way. Example: Jim didn’t have anything for lunch. Jim had nothing for lunch. 1) We didn’t meet anybody in the street. 2) The boy didn’t watch anything on TV yesterday. 3) The tourist didn’t see anything interesting in the city centre. 4) There wasn’t anything funny in his words. 5) They didn’t tell us anything new. 6) My friends didn’t have anything to do yesterday evening. 7) Molly doesn’t cook anything for her family, her sister does it. 8) Mr Richardson didn’t take anybody to the zoo in the morning. СЛ 0) "D DO IT ON YOUR OWN Use the right forms to complete the sentences. 1) When I was in Great Britain, I often (understand) what English people were saying. 2) I know Bob (understand) my question yesterday. 3) They don’t (understand) Italian. 4) Do you think Tom (understand) what he is doing? 5) Tanya spoke some English and she (understand) a lot. Use anybody, anything, nobody, nothing, everybody, everything to complete the sentences. 1) There is ... in the garden. All the visitors are in the museum. 2) Is there ... in the bag? — No, there isn’t. 3) Is there ... here who can speak English? 4) She doesn’t know his address, his telephone number, where he works. She says she knows ... about him. 5) If ... is clear to you, begin doing the exercise. 6) Is ... in the classroom? — Yes, all the students are here. 10 Look at the map of Russia and write what cities are in the west of our country. Step 2 Viadivostol DO IT TOGETHER Listen, 1) a) b) 2) a) b) 3) a) b) 4) a) b) 5) a) b) 6) a) b) 9 (3), and say which sentences you hear. Somebody can help us to do the job. Anybody can help us to do the job. Is there everybody in the classroom? Is there anybody in the classroom? There is nothing on the garden bench. There is something on the garden bench I know nobody here. I don’t know anybody here. The tourists liked everything they saw. The tourists liked not a thing they saw. Did the pupils understand everything? Did the pupils understand anything? Say it in a different way. 1) I don’t know anybody here. 2) I don’t think anybody can help us. 3) I can’t see anything behind the window. 4) We don’t understand anything. 5) They couldn’t buy anything in the supermarket. 6) We haven’t got any money. 7) Don’t ask anybody to help you. 8) He doesn’t like anything on the menu. Speak about your class. Use everybody, not everybody, nobody. ... speaks Italian. ... learns to play tennis. likes pop music, is a good football player, can sing or dance, plays golf, has a pet. wants to be an engineer, goes to the sea for holidays, travels about Russia, can draw or paint well, wants to speak good English. Listen, ^ (4), and repeat. What do the new words mean? column ['kolsm]: a tall column, the column in the centre of the square. The Bolshoi Theatre has got eight columns. There is a tall column in the centre of Dvortsovaya Square in St Petersburg. tsar (tzar) [za:]: Tsar Peter the Great, Russian tsars. Which of Russian tsars do you know? Listen, (5), and read. LO Г+ a> ■D A. appear [э'рю] появляться bank [baeqk] берег {реки) change [1^етф] 1) менять, изменять; 2) переодеваться fast [foist] 1) быстрый; 2) быстро found [faund] основывать monument ['monjumantj памятник move [muiv] 1) двигаться; 2) переезжать, перевозить palace ['paelisj дворец В. appear: to appear in the hall, to appear in the city. When the lady appeared in the room, everybody got up. bank: the bank of the river, the right bank, the left bank. A man was fishing on the opposite bank. change: to change the name, to change the job, to change the dress, to change trains. Some things never change, do they? After a few days the weather changed. fast: 1) fast trains, fast cars. It was a very fast trip. My watch V5> V5\.vwvvtft.'S> fast. 2.^ to d.rtvo fast, to walk, fast, to r\i\v fast. Could you drive faster, please? Run as fast as you can. found (founded): to found a city, to found a newspaper, to found a university. Mikhail Lomonosov founded Moscow University. Who founded the Pushkin Museum in Moscow? — Ivan Tsvetaev did. monument: a monument to Alexander Pushkin, a monument to the queen. There were some historic monuments in the square. move: to move to a new place, to move the bookcase away from the wall, to move fast. Jill moved to Yaroslavl last month. palace: Winter Palace, a beautiful palace, an old palace. Winter Palace is situated in Dvortsovaya Square in St Petersburg. A. Read the text, give it a name. Say why many tourists would like to come ' to St Petersburg again. St Petersburg is a famous Russian city situated on the Neva River near the Baltic ['Ьэ:1йк] Sea. The first name of the city was St Petersburg after the tsar Peter the Great who founded it. In 1914 the city got the name of Petrograd and changed it for Leningrad in 1924. It became St Petersburg again in 1991. Peter the Great founded the city in 1703 and moved the capital from Moscow to St Petersburg in 1712. The new city became home of Russian tsars and began to grow fast. Soon beautiful Winter Palace appeared in Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square with a tall column in its centre. You can see the famous monument to Peter the Great on the bank of the Neva River. St Petersburg is famous for its palaces and bridges (there are 342 bridges in the city), its churches, theatres and museums, its wonderful parks and gardens. The Summer Garden is one of them. Every year a lot of tourists come to see this beautiful city. They walk along the straight streets of St Petersburg, enjoy boat trips, take lots of pictures and often come back to it. B. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about St Petersburg. Match the pictures and the names. 1) The monument to Alexander Pushkin in Moscow. 2) The monument to Alexander Suvorov in St Petersburg. 3) The 4) The 5) The 6) The 7) The 8) The monument monument monument monument monument monument to Peter the Great in St Petersburg, to Ivan Fyodorov in Moscow, to Alexander Pushkin in St Petersburg, to Georgy Zhukov in Moscow, to Yury Gagarin in Moscow, to Catherine the Great in St Petersburg 13 Г+ П) T3 Ki DO IT ОМ VOUR OWM Complete the sentences with the new words. moved, appear, changing, fast, banks, columns, monuments, founded 1) Every river has two ... . 2) In 1703 Tsar Peter ... a new city near the Baltic Sea. 3) Moscow, the capital of the country, is ... very fast. 4) The tall ... make the theatre look very beautiful. 5) Do you know that there are ... to animals in different places of the world? 6) The capital ... from Moscow to St Petersburg and then back to Moscow. 7) More and more new theatres and museums ... in our city every year. 8) Everything around us changes very ... . Complete the sentences. Use nobody, everybody, everything. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) • • • is green and beautiful in spring, likes cold and rainy days in autumn, likes to stay at home on cold winter days, is yellow, green and red in autumn forests was wet and cold from the rain. 10 Match the pictures with the sentences. a) I’m sorry. I’m late, nobody told me I was beginning the concert. b) No, no, Mr Perry, everybody thinks that your story is very interesting. c) Excuse me, is anybody sitting here? 1. 2. 3. Step DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (6), and match the pictures (1—6) with the names of the places (a—e). a) St Petersburg (2) b) Moscow c) Kazan d) Kostroma e) Holland \ 5. Read these words and word combinations. somebody nobody anybody everybody beautiful columns to move slowly tall columns wonderful palaces old palaces to found a town something nothing anything everything a fast train a fast car to drive fast to run fast to change trains to move fast to change planes to appear in the hall to appear in the street to found a city T3 Ы 16 Read the text and say why many people don't like the climate of St Petersburg. St Petersburg, the City on the Baltic Sea A lot of people think that St Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Its straight streets, wonderful palaces, green parks and squares leave nobody cold. But at the same time not so many people would like to move to St Petersburg and live there. You can ask why. The answer is: because of the climate. The city is situated in the north, near the Baltic Sea. The winds often blow from the sea and bring* cold and rains. The weather in St Petersburg is often nasty. There aren’t many sunny days. The strong winds make autumns and winters very unpleasant. The Neva is one of the coldest rivers and only very brave people swim in it on hot days. As you see, the climate in St Petersburg is far from good but it doesn’t stop thousands of tourists who come to see the city from different places. People who live in St Petersburg usually say that their city is the best and they will never change it for any city of the world. Speak about St Petersburg. 1. The name | 2. How it began • the first name • founded the city in 1703 • got the name of Petrograd • moved the capital in 1914 to Petersburg in 1712 • changed the name for • became the home Leningrad of Russian tsars • became St Petersburg • began to grow fast again • Peter for short to bring [bng] (brought) [brart] — приносить “3 4 3. The climate 4, The famous Ш situated on the banks of the Neva River near the Baltic Sea strong winds blow from the sea a lot of cold and rainy days not a lot of sunshine unpleasant autumns and winters famous for its beauty monument to Peter the Great 342 bridges Winter Palace and Dvortsovaya Square the Summer Garden theatres, museums and picture galleries 17 tn Ф T5 W 1. Обратите внимание, что местоимения any, anybody, anything могут обозначать «любой, всякий»: Any child can understand it. Anybody knows it. 2. Местоимения some, somebody, something могут употребляться в вопросах, когда вопросы по сути являются просьбой или предложением: Would you like some juice? Can I have something to eat? Do you want something hot or cold? Can somebody help me, please? (Grammar Reference, p. 147.) Say the same in Russian. 1) Does anybody know where Nina lives? 2) Anybody can do it. 3) I don’t know anybody here. 4) Any help is important. 5) I would like to buy any book by this author. 6) They didn’t see anybody in the park while they were walking the dog there. Complete the sentences. Example'. We don’t have (any/some) museums in our town. We don’t have any museums in our town. 1) The cake is wonderful. Won’t you have (some/any)? 2) Would you like (something/anything) to drink? 3) There is always (anything/something) to do on the farm. 4) (Somebody/ Anybody) knows the answer to this question. It is easy. 5) Is 18 there (any/some) coffee in the cupboard? 6) Would you like (any/some) coffee? 7) Do you want (anything/something) sweet? 8) Are there (any/some) chocolates in the box? 9) Can (anybody/somebody) move this bookcase, please? 10) Can I have (any/some) water, please? Обратите внимание, что в английском языке в предложении может быть только одно отрицание. Сравните; Nobody knows anything about it. — Никто ничего об этом не знает. I don't know anybody here. — Я никого здесь не знаю. We see nothing. We don't see anything, f ничего не видим. Say the same in a different way. Example: We don’t hear anything. —> We hear nothing. 1) Jack is not learning anything now. 2) He doesn’t like anybody here. 3) We don’t have anything in our new flat. 4) Jane doesn’t know anybody in her new school. 5) They didn’t see anybody in the park. 6) I didn’t cook anything for supper yesterday. DO IT OIU YOUR OWN Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1) Nobody wants (anything/something/nothing) to eat. 2) Nobody knows (anything/something/nothing) about this place. 3) Nobody watches (anything/something/nothing) on TV late at night. 4) Would you like (anything/something/nothing) to drink? 5) Can I have (anything/something/nothing) to eat, please? 6) Please give me (anything/something/nothing) beautiful to put in the middle of the table. Use the where necessary. (See Grammar Reference, p. 145.) 1) 2) 3) 4) Baltic Sea Neva River Dvortsovaya Square Peter ... Great 5) 6) 7) 8) Winter Palace Summer Garden Nevsky Prospect Russian Museum 10 1) found 2) appear 3) move 4) change 5) understeind B. Spell these words. 1) [э'рхэ] 4) [fa;st] past simple. 6) extend 10) turn 7) take 11) buy 8) miss 12) come 9) tell 13) go 2) [baeqk] 3) [^етф] 5) [faund] 6) ['monjumant] 7) [mu:v] 8) [‘paelis] Complete the text of the postcard to a pen friend. 19 LO 1-^ Ф T3 Dear • •• It is the last day of our trip to St Petersburg. We are coming back to ... . The weather is fine ... . We all liked St Petersburg very much See you soon.____________ Tonight we are going to • • • step 4 DO IT TOGETHER Answer the questions. 1) Why do you think many tourists come to St Petersburg? 2) St Petersburg was the capital of Russia, wasn’t it? 3) If you go to St Petersburg, what places would you like to see? 4) What is Winter Palace famous for? 5) Where is the Summer Garden situated? 6) What monument can you see there? Ivan Andreevich Krylov wrote fables, didn’t he? Do you know any of them? 7) Where did the Russian tsars live in St Petersburg? 8) In which museum can you see a collection of Russian paintings — Winter Palace or the Russian Museum? 9) Who founded St Petersburg? When was it? 10) What names did the city have? А. Listen, (7), and say how long it took Yura to get from Dvortsovaya Square to different places in St Petersburg. Match the time and the pictures. 4) Moskovsky Railway Station 1) Palace Bridge a) 35 minutes b) 15 minutes c) 5 minutes d) 30 minutes e) 40 minutes B. Work in pairs. Ask and tell the way from Dvortsovaya Square to some places in the city. Example: A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Palace Bridge, please? B: Certainly. It’s not far from here. Go straight on and then turn left. The bridge will be in front of you. You can’t miss it. A: How long will it take me? B: Not long. Just three or five minutes. A: Thanks a lot. B: You’re welcome. 1) Palace Bridge: not far/walk straight on/left/3—5 minutes 2) the Summer Garden; walk or take a bus/the Neva River/ on your right/15 minutes 3) Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theatre: far/a bus or a trolleybus along Nevsky/turn right at the Anichkov Bridge/ walk along the bank of the Fontanka River/35—40 minutes 4) Moskovsky Railway Station: far/a bus or a trolleybus down Nevsky/right to the station/about 30 minutes Listen, (8), and read. build [bild] — строить builder ['bildo] — строитель building [‘bildiq] — здание cathedral [ko'0i:dral] — собор rebuild [rir'brid] — перестраивать road [rood] — дорога side [said] — сторона stand [staend] — стоять statue ['stse^u:] — статуя wooden ['wudan] — деревянный В. to build (built): to build houses, to build new schools, to build palaces. They are building a new bridge over the river, builder: boat builders. The builders will start to work tomorrow, building: a tall building, a low building, an old building. There are a lot of beautiful buildings in St Petersburg, cathedral: Kazan Cathedral, to visit cathedrals and churches. Kazan Cathedral is one of the most important cathedrals in St Petersburg. rebuild (rebuilt): to rebuild a house, to rebuild a palace. They rebuilt a lot of old houses in our town. road: a road to the church, in the middle of the road, a busy road, up and down the road. They live in Lockwood Road, side: the north side, the south side, the left side, the right side. A square has four sides. The left side of your coat is dirty. They live on the north side of the town, stand (stood): to stand by the window, to stand up, to stand out from something. There were a lot of people on the train and we were standing all the way to Kolpino. The teacher came in and all the pupils stood up. Her red car stood out from the black cars. statue: a marble* statue, a beautiful statue. There are a lot of beautiful statues in the Hermitage [Ъз:тшф]. wooden: a wooden building, a wooden tower, a wooden box, a wooden chair. There are not many wooden houses in modern big cities. Complete the sentences with the new words. stands statues., wooden., road, cathedral, building's, built, side 1) The pet shop is on the opposite ... of the street. 2) In old Russia you could see only ... houses in cities and towns. marble ['ma:bl] — мрамор, мраморный 3) А ... is the most important church on some territory. 4) The old castle ... on the hill, you can see it from far away. 5) There are a lot of beautiful ... in Moscow and St Petersburg. 6) There are high buildings on the two sides of the ... . 7) The Summer Garden is famous for its beautiful white marble ... . 8). They ... a new supermarket in the city centre last month. Read the dialogues. Make up your own dialogues and act them out. 1) A: Excuse me, what’s that building on the opposite side of the road? B: It’s a new picture gallery, (museum, circus, health centre, supermarket) They built it only last month. (two years ago, last year, three years ago, last spring) 2) A: Excuse me, I’m new to this place. What stood here before they built the new school? (theatre, picture gallery, church, university) B: There was an old market in this place. (cinema, bookshop, restaurant, opera house) 3) A: Excuse me, when did they build this new road? (skating rink, market, school, health club) B: Oh, the road appeared here only last year. (last month, last autumn, last winter, last summer) Listen, ^ (9), and read the texts. Match them with the names. You don't need’ to use one of the names. a) The Oldest House in St Petersburg b) One of the Oldest Streets in the City c) The Place to See the Richest Collection of Paintings d) The Park on the Bank of the River e) The First Monument in St Petersburg 1. The Summer Garden is one of the oldest and most famous parks of St Petersburg. Many visitors come to this place on the bank of the Neva to see its marble statues and the monument to I. A. Krylov, which is the first monument to a poet in Russia. There are animals from his fables on its four sides. People say the Summer Garden is one of the most beautiful places of St Petersburg. 2. Peter the Great’s wooden house was the first building in St Petersburg, The builders finished it in three days. The house You don’t need — Тебе не нужно .в m. f t* III'! лЛк lb- * ■' Д ii appeared in the place where it is now at the end of May 1703. People say that the tsar had his birthday party on May 30 there. Now it is a museum. There are two small rooms in it. One of them is a dining room with an old table and a chair. 3. Nevsky Prospect is the most beautiful and the most important street of St Petersburg. It is a busy wide road 4.5 (four and a half) kilometres [,kil9'mi:t9z] long with beautiful buildings on its sides. There are palaces and cathedrals, cafes and restaurants, theatres and museums here. One of them is the Russian Museum with a rich collection of Russian paintings. 4. The Hermitage is one of the most famous and oldest museums in the world. Now it is situated in six buildings four of which are open to visitors. One of them is Winter Palace. It stands on the bank of the Neva River. Its many statues make the building more beautiful. The Hermitage has got the world’s largest collection of paintings. Choose one of these places and say what you can about it. 1) The Summer Garden 2) Peter the Great’s House 3) Nevsky Prospect 4) The Hermitage 23 GO П) T3 DO IT 01У YOUR OWiy Match the words from the boxes. Example: road — street A. road, cathedral, castle. B. king, monument, house. statue, tsar, building church, street, palace 10 Which are the odd words out? 1) house, building, flower, palace, castle 2) stand, sit, run, jump, road 3) cathedral, wonderful, high, wooden, powerful 4) stand, statue, speak, circus, side Spell these words. 1) [bild] 2) ['bilda] 3) ['bildiq] 4) [ri:'bild] 5) [ka'Girdral] 6) [rood] Write the names of these places. I If tliitiiltiiili imiSiiArtiwe* Л.М * <•4 V 7) [staend] 8) ['stae^u;] 9) ['wudan] step 5 DO IT TOCETHER '«A Listen to what John Barker says about his trip to St Petersburg, ^ (10). Are these true, false or not stated? 1) The Barker children visited St Petersburg in April. 2) It was not windy those days. 3) The brother and sister liked the boat trip very much. 4) John and Sally saw everything in Winter Palace. 5) John and Sally liked the monument to Catherine ['kae0rm] the Great. Прилагательные high и tall Вы уже знаете, что прилагательные tall и high используются по-разному, хотя оба они могут характеризовать высокие предметы. Для описания предметов с узким основанием используется tall, а с широким — high. а high tree л а tall building а tall tree а high building to r+ “D (Л ‘'I The twenty-first century is the century of B. Say what you are ready to defend. I am ready to defend ... . my country, my city, my town, my home, my family, parents, my friends, my neighbours, my life, my pets. my C Say what you can do very well or fairly well. I can ... very well/fairly well. ski, skate, swim, sing, dance, draw, perform tricks, play the piano, train animals, cook, run a marathon, roller-skate, grow flowers, ... Listen, ^ (12), and read the text. Say which sentences after it are true, How It All Began A lot of Russian cities have Kremlins. We can see them in Pskov, Novgorod, Tula, Smolensk and in many other places. But the Moscow Kremlin stands out from them. People think that Moscow began in 1147. It was the year when Prince^ Yury Dolgoruky of Suzdal sent Prince Svyatoslav a letter. He wrote, “Come to me, my brother, to Moskovy.” In those days all the buildings were on the territory of the Kremlin. It stood high on the bank of the Moskva River. To defend Moscow from the enemies they built the first wooden wall around the Kremlin. The city grew very fast and soon new houses appeared behind the Kremlin wall, but the Kremlin was still the most important place in Moscow. In the 14th century they built the first stone churches and cathedrals in the Kremlin. Later Dmitry Donskoi decided to build a strong wall of white stone and tall white towers around it. After that people began to speak about “white-walled Moscow^.” 1 2 a prince [pnns] — зд.: князь white-walled Moscow* — Москва белокаменная By and by Moscow was becoming a fairly important city of Russia. The Russian tsars wanted to show their power and riches. So they started rebuilding the Kremlin again. They invited the best architects from Italy. Together with Russian builders they turned the Kremlin into one of the most beautiful places in the world. 1) The Moscow Kremlin is like other Russian Kremlins. 2) The first wall around the Kremlin was a stone wall. 3) By and by Moscow became larger than the Kremlin. 4) The first stone buildings appeared in the Kremlin in the 14th century. 5) Dmitry Donskoi made Moscow a city of white walls. 6) Some architects came to Russia from Italy. Read the text "How It All Began" again and complete the sentences. 1) Prince Dolgoruky first wrote about Moscow in year ... . 2) The Moscow Kremlin stood high ... . 3) To defend Moscow from the enemies they built ... . 4) Dmitry Donskoi built a strong wall ... . 5) The Russian tsars started rebuilding the Kremlin and 6) Together they turned the Kremlin into 29 tn n> "D U1 the • • • « • • DO IT OIU YOUR OWN Complete the sentences with the new words, still, other, enemies, century, defend, architect, fairly 1) I have no ..., only friends. 2) We all live in the 21st ... . 3) I can say that I know my home town ... well. 4) They want to travel to Great Britain and some ... places. 5) He is not a child but he ... likes ice cream. 6) This is my home and I must ... it. 7) My brother says he would like to become an ... . Match the words from the two boxes and write the whole word combinations. Example: wooden wall A. wooden high Italian important stone tall Russian white-walled B. cathedrals Moscow builders place wall river bank towers architects 10 Which of them are tall and which of them are high! 30 "7 и ' Example'. Mountains are high. The sky, towers, walls, basketball players, columns, shelves, horses, grandfather clock. L Step 6 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (13), and match the texts 1, 2 and 3 with the pictures. Ч Read the word combinations. a great architect a famous architect a Russian architect this century last century next century fairly well fairly good fairly bad still at home still famous still cold to defend the city to defend the capital to defend the country friends and enemies builders and architects years and centuries other places other people other countries to change by and by to grow by and by to turn into a big capital A. Read the text and give names to its two parts. Red Square in the centre of Moscow is 695 metres long and 130 metres wide. It is one of the largest and most beautiful squares in Moscow. First the square had the name of Torg, or market place. Then after a big fire in 1493 people began 4^' to call it Pozhar. They called it Troitskaya Square too. In the 17th century when people spoke about it, they said “krasnaya”, or beautiful, great. This was how the square got its modern name. Everybody in Russia knows the famous buildings and monuments situated in Red Square: St Basil’s ['beizilz] Cathedral, the History Museum, Spasskaya Tower with the large Kremlin Clock and some others. Tourists from different Russian towns and cities and from abroad come to Red Square to look at its historical buildings and monuments and to listen to the Kremlin Clock. A lot of young people come here on the New Year’s Eve. On the 9th of May, the Victory Day, a big parade [po'reid] takes place in Red Square. B. Answer the questions, 1) Where is Red Square situated? 2) What was its first name? 3) Why did people call the square “Pozhar”? 4) When did the square get its modern name? 5) What can people see in Red Square? 6) What can they hear? fie* to take to miss a train a plane a taxi - a train a plane a bus - сесть на поезд - сесть на самолёт взять такси ■ опоздать на поезд - опоздать на самолёт опоздать на автобус П) тз Use take or miss in their right forms to complete the situations. 1) Last Sunday I was going to the country to visit my grandparents. I wanted to ... the 7 o’clock train. I didn’t want to ... the train and came to the railway station at half past six. 2) Last weekend I ... my bus to Zelenograd. The next bus to my place was only at five o’clock and I decided to ... a taxi to get there. Where do you go? 1) When I want to buy some food, I go to a supermarket. 2) When I want to take a bus, I go ... . 3) When I want to take a train, I go to ... . 4) When I want to go across a river, I go to ... . 5) When I want to have a good dinner, I go to ... . 6) When I want to see good paintings, I go to ... . 7) When I want to buy some vegetables or flowers, I go When to ... . When I want to watch a new film, I go to When I want to take a walk, I go to ... . 8) 9) 10) When I want to fly to some city, I go to • • » ^ В английском языке есть разные слова, сообщающие нам о количестве, ф (14): а lot (of), lots (of), many, much little, few много мало много many (с исчисляемыми) much (с неисчисляемыми) а lot (of) lots (of) (с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми) Обратите внимание, что в утвердительных предложениях обычно используют а lot (of), а в вопросах и отрицаниях — many и much. Сравните: I've got а lot of Have you got I haven't got milk, apples, much milk? many apples? much milk, many apples. II мало few (c исчисляемыми) little (c неисчисляемыми) Сравните: There are few buildings in this square. There is little time for the test. В устной речи слово few используется достаточно редко Вместо него говорят not many: There are not many places of interest here. (Grammar Reference, p. 145—146.) 33 Listen, (15), and repeat. I’ve got a lot of milk in the jug. I’ve got a lot of apples on the plate. Have you got much milk? Have you got many apples? I don’t have much milk. I don’t have many apples. We’ve got few trees in the garden. We’ve got very few trees in our garden. We’ve got little water in the pot. We’ve got very little water in the pot. Choose the words to complete the sentences. 1) There are (a lot of, little) shops in this street. 2) Are there (many, much) cinemas in the town? 3) There is (little, few) water in the pond. 4) There is not (many, much) snow in the square. 5) Are there (a lot of, many) bridges across the Moskva River? 6) There is (few, little) ice on the road. 7) Is there (much, a lot of) food in the supermarket? 8) The town hasn’t got (many, a lot of) schools. r+ a> T3 Ф DO IT OI\l YOUR OWN Write answers to the questions. Use some, very few. a lot of, no. Example: — Are there any bookshops in your place? — Yes, there are some. — Yes, but very few. — Yes, there are a lot. — (No), there are no bookshops in my town 1) Are there any airports in your place? — 2) Are there any schools in your place? — 3) Are there any food shops in your place? 4) Are there any cinemas in your place? — • # Which of these nouns are countable’ and which are uncountable^? Continue the lists. Rain, shop, snow, ice, building, place, tea, animal, road, grass, market, water, river, bank. 34 Countables shop building Uncountables rain snow 10 Spell these words. 1) ['aikitekt] 2) ['sen^ori] What are they? 3) [di'fend] 4) ['enami] 5) [’feali] 6) [Чбэ] step 7 7) [still DO IT TOGETHER Listen, ^ (16), and say which of these places Jane didn't see. 1) the Kremlin 3) St Basil’s Cathedral 2) Red Square 4) the Bolshoi Theatre ’ countable ['kauntabl] — исчисляемый ^ uncountable [лп'каиШэЫ] — неисчисляемый 5) the Maly Theatre 6) the Tretyakov Gallery 7) the Pushkin Museum 8) the Moscow Metro 9) the Moscow Circus jr ta bene Как вы уже знаете, в английском языке существует возможность создать новое слово, не меняя его форму. Так, из имени существительного можно образовать глаголы и прилагательные, ф (17): I. N place plant water house V to place to plant to water to house - to shower II. N ^ Adj chocolate — chocolate cake 35 СЛ /-f a> •o sj shower — (Grammar Reference, pp. apple — stone — clock — summer 146, 153.) apple pie stone wall clock tower — summer holidays Make up new words. Use them in the sentences. A, N -> Adj (tomato, fish, milk, orange) 1) There is ... juice in the jug. 2) My little cousin doesn’t like ... soup. 3) There was a high ... tree near my house. 4) Johnny ate a lot of ... chocolate yesterday. B. N —> V (place, water, plant, breakfast) 1) I would like to ... the dishes on the table. 2) Who usually ...s the flowers in your garden? 3) We ...ed in a small cafe yesterday. 4) We ...ed a few apple trees yesterday. A. Choose the right words to complete the text. Check, Ф (18). The Smirnovs* Visit to Suzdal Last May the Smirnovs visited Suzdal — a small town not far from Moscow. The place is very nice with (1 a lot of/ much) forests around it. The town is clean and cosy with (2 few/little) high buildings. The shops are not big and very (3 few/little) people work there. “Are there (4 many/much) cinemas here?” Yura asked. His father said there were (5 some/any). This old town has got (6 a lot of/much) churches. When you walk in the streets of Suzdal, you have a feeling^ that every third building is a church, (7 Some/Any) of them are wooden. The town has got (8 a lot of/much) beautiful wooden houses too. They say Suzdal is a living museum of Russian history. The Smirnovs liked their trip very much. B. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about Suzdal. Say why people visit this place. A. Read the text and give it a name. Moscow Zoo is one of the largest and oldest zoos in Russia. It appeared in Moscow in 1864 and had 286 animals then. There are more than 6,000 different animals in its rich collection now: elephants and giraffes, polar bears and brown bears, squirrels and foxes, deer and wolves, lions and tigers. At first the zoo’s buildings were wooden. Now animals live in stone buildings when it is cold outdoors, Moscow Zoo is situated in the centre of the city. When you get there, you are in the animal world. There are two large territories in the zoo with a high bridge between them. In the zoo ponds you can see beautiful water birds. The zoo keepers, workers who look after the animals, feed them, keep them healthy, clean their cages. They a feeling ['fi:liq] — чувство know a lot about birds and animals and often answer the visitors’ questions. Moscow Zoo is open in all seasons. Children and their parents enjoy going there. Now there are plans to move Moscow Zoo to a new larger territory. B. Are these true, false or not stated? 1) Moscow Zoo is the largest in Europe. 2) There are 286 animals in Moscow Zoo now. 3) All the buildings in the zoo are wooden. 4) The zoo keepers look after the animals. 5) Moscow Zoo works in summer. C. Say five things about Moscow Zoo. 1Л r+ fD T3 SJ Обратите to hear -hear BO внимание на различие между глаголами слышать и to listen (to): — слушать. Глагол временах present и past progressive не употребляется: Гт listening to you. I hear you well. We don't listen to the news on the radio. We can't hear you. Я слушаю тебя. Я слышу тебя хорошо. Мы не слушаем новости по радио. Мы не слышим вас. Глагол hear часто сочетается с отрицательной формой модального глагола сап (can't, couldn't), так же как и глагол see: We couldn't hear the teacher. We can't see you. Choose the right words and complete the sentences. 1) My granny is old. She can’t (hear/listen) well. 2) John, why (don’t you hear/are you not listening)? 3) Ann, we can (hear/listen to) you well. 4) In the evening we (listened to/ heard) the news and went to bed. 5) “(Listen to/Hear) me, please,” she said. 6) She can’t understand it because she never (listens to/hears) her teacher. 7) I (am listening to/hear) you but I can’t (listen to/hear) you. 38 These people left their houses in the afternoon. Now it is evening. Where are they? Example'. Ann is still in the bank. BANK univ/ersity 01 OQOOO oefl Pete picture gallery Lucy Kate Cinema John Lizzy Theatre ‘ГЛах Speak about Moscow. 1. A big and important city the capital very large green parks tourists come to see its places of interest a lot to see and to do 2. The history of Moscow an old city its history began before 1147 founded Moscow built the Kremlin on the high bank of the river • grew and changed fast [ 3. The city centre 4. The of Russian culture • the Kremlin and Red • a lot of universities and Square schools • the oldest territory in the • a good collection of city pictures • see buildings in Red • theatres and opera Square houses • listen to the Kremlin • places children can visit Clock with their parents • the most important square DO IT OI\l YOUR OWIU Use hear or listen to complete the sentences. 1) I can ... some music. What is it? 2) Our teacher often reads to us and we ... . 3) ... to your parents, child. 4) In a spring forest we ... birds’ songs. 5) I invited my friend to ... to my favourite disks. 6) My grandfather is fairly old and can’t ... well. Match the words in the two columns. Example: TV programme A. TV city cheese river vegetable fox water animal B. 39 tail bird to soup 0) food sandwich ^1 airport bank programme 10 Match the sentences with the pictures. 1) This is my home and I want to defend it. 2) Have a nice trip! 3) Did you turn right or left at the post office? 1. 3. 2. Complete the text of the postcard to your friend. Dear Гт enjoying my stay in Moscow. The capital of Russia is really g wonderful city, places ... . We visited so many interesting Hope to see you soon step 8 Round-up DO IT TOGETHER Listen, 9 (19), and say which of the sentences is not true 1) A lot of people think . that the climate in Moscow is far from good. 2) The coldest month is February. 3) The best time to visit Moscow is late spring and early autumn. 4) The climate is slowly changing. Say what they were still doing at four o'clock in the afternoon. Example'. The children/to play football. The children were still playing football. 1) The builders/to rebuild the wooden house. 2) The tourists/to do the capital. 3) The visitors/to take pictures of the monument. 4) Nick’s neighbours/to build their garage. 5) The Browns/to travel about Russia. 6) The Gordons/to buy fruit and vegetables at the market. Say what Charles could see in Moscow when he was there and what he couldn't see. 41 r+ 0) "D 00 If it " 3 ^Li 42 Speak about your family. Use everybody in my family, nobody in my family, some people in my family. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) know/knows famous architects, is/are fairly old. defended our country in 1941 —1945. work/works in a bank, speak/speaks Russian, speak/speaks other languages. visited St Petersburg last year (some years ago), travelled to Great Britain last year (some years ago). A. Read the text and give it a name. Moscow is a great city for tourists. Every year lots of people from different countries come to the capital of Russia to see its places of interest. One of them is the Moscow Metro. Many visitors say that the Moscow Metro stations look like beautiful palaces. And indeed you can see wonderful columns and beautiful sculptures at some of the stations. The Moscow Metro is one of the deepest and busiest metros in the world. When the Moscow Metro opened in 1935, it had two lines. Now it has got more than ten and their number is still growing. The metro trains move very fast and you can easily get to the centre of the city from any other place of the capital. People who live in Moscow are very proud of their metro. B. Are these true, false or not stated? 1) The Moscow Metro trains are faster than railway trains. 2) You can get faster to any place in Moscow if you travel by the Moscow Metro trains. 3) The Moscow Metro trains move fairly fast. 4) It is difficult to get from the centre of the city to other places of Moscow. Answer the tourist's questions about the two cities. Tourist You 1) Who founded Moscow? 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) When was it? On the banks of what rivers are Moscow and St Petersburg situated? There are a lot of forests around Moscow, aren’t there? Are Moscow and St Petersburg green cities? What parks and gardens do you know in them? What squares are situated in the city centres? What monuments do you know in Moscow? In St Petersburg? What are Moscow and St Petersburg famous for? Can we say that Moscow and St Petersburg are cities of beauty and culture? • • • СЛ Ф ■D 00 Say all you can about a) Moscow, b) St Petersburg. Use exercise 6 as a plan. DO IT 01У YOUR OWN Use the right words to complete the sentences. 1) Did you (hear/listen) about their trip to St Petersburg? 2) “I (am listening to/hear) you, mum, but I (am listening/ hear) badly.” 3) We couldn’t (hear/listen to) what he was speaking about. 4) “(Listen to/Hear) us,” the children asked. 5) Little Lizzy likes to (listen to/hear) fairy tales. Use few or little to complete the sentences. 1) There is (few/little) water in the cup. 2) There are (few/ little) towers on the old building. 3) I could see a lot of chickens and very (few/little) birds there. 4) I’ve got (few/ little) soup in the fridge. 5) We’ve got (few/little) snow this winter. Answer the tourist's questions about the two cities. Tourist You 1) Who founded Moscow? 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) When was it? On the banks of what rivers are Moscow and St Petersburg situated? There are a lot of forests around Moscow, aren’t there? Are Moscow and St Petersburg green cities? What parks and gardens do you know in them? What squares are situated in the city centres? What monuments do you know in Moscow? In St Petersburg? What are Moscow and St Petersburg famous for? Can we say that Moscow and St Petersburg are cities of beauty and culture? 43 in m “O 00 Say all you can about a) Moscow, b) St Petersburg. Use exercise 6 as a plan. DO IT OIU YOUR OWN Use the right words to complete the sentences. 1) Did you (hear/listen) about their trip to St Petersburg? 2) “I (am listening to/hear) you, mum, but I (am listening/ hear) badly.” 3) We couldn’t (hear/listen to) what he was speaking about. 4) “(Listen to/Hear) us,” the children asked. 5) Little Lizzy likes to (listen to/hear) fairy tales. Use few or little to complete the sentences. 1) There is (few/little) water in the cup. 2) There are (few/ little) towers on the old building. 3) I could see a lot of chickens and very (few/little) birds there. 4) I’ve got (few/ little) soup in the fridge. 5) We’ve got (few/little) snow this winter. 10 Get ready to write Dictation 1. Dictation 1 44 1. A wooden building, a famous monument, builders and architects, columns and statues, churches and cathedrals, castles and palaces, to defend your city, to appear fast, fairly small, to rebuild everything. 2. 1) Do you see anybody there? 2) We knew nothing about it. 3) Who founded Moscow? 4) He can speak English fairly well. 5) I never miss trains or planes. anybody, anything, appear, architect, bank, build, builder, building, cathedral, century, change, column, defend, enemy, everybody, everything, fairly, fast, few, found, little, miss, monument, move, much, nobody, nothing, other, palace, parade, prince, rebuild, road, side, somebody, something, statue, still, tsar (tzar), white-walled, wooden by and by, turn into bring — brought, build — built, rebuild rebuilt. stand stood Winter Palace Dvortsovaya Square Nevsky Prospect Palace Bridge Kazan Cathedral the Baltic Sea the Neva River Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theatre the Summer Garden the Anichkov Bridge the Russian Museum the Hermitage Red Square St Basil’s Cathedral Spasskaya Tower the Kremlin the Pushkin Museum the Maly Theatre the Moscow Metro the Kremlin Clock Obraztsov Puppet Theatre step 9 Test Yourself 1. LISTENING Listen to the text, (20), and say which places of interest Kevin Davis didn't see on his first day in Moscow. a) Moscow churches b) Red Square c) St Basil’s Cathedral d) Gorky Park e) the Bolshoi Theatre f) the monument to Alexander Pushkin ч/ Maximum result 3 Your result ? • II. READING Read the text and name three things that are different in Moscow and St Petersburg. Moscow and St Petersburg are the most important cities of Russia. They stand on the banks of two rivers — the Moskva and the Neva. The two cities have a lot of places of interest, theatres, museums and picture galleries. In their streets and squares there are a lot of beautiful buildings. They have some wonderful green parks. But what makes them different? St Petersburg is younger than Moscow: Tzar Peter the Great founded it in 1703. Prince Dolgoruky lived in Moscow as early as in 1147, in the 12th century. In St Petersburg there are a lot of bridges but there is no Kremlin. More people live in Moscow than in St Petersburg, and its streets are busier, the territory of Moscow is larger. St Petersburg is a large sea port because it is i «Я я i ’n Tsar Bell 1Л ■D Smolny Cathedral situated near the Baltic Sea. Moscow has only river ports. The climate in St Petersburg is different from the climate in Moscow: the city has more nasty and rainy days. There are some symbols of Moscow: the Tsar Bell in the Kremlin, Spasskaya Tower and St Basil’s Cathedral. St Petersburg has some symbols too — the monument to Peter the Great on a horse and Smolny Cathedral. 4/ Maximum result 3 Your result ? • III. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar and Vocabulary) Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. anything, everybody, anybody, everything, nobody, nothing 1) ... says the Moscow Metro is beautiful. 2) ... is white in Moscow when it snows. 3) ... knew anything about the English language in Europe in the 14th century and earlier. 4) ... can show you the road to the city cathedral. 5) I can hear ... . He is very far from us. 6) Can you hear ... ? У Maximum result 6 Your result ? 1 Choose the right words to continue the rows’. enemies, rain, architects, statues, water, palaces, ice, columns 1) Few enemies, ..., ..., ..., 2) Little rain, ..., ..., ..., .. У Maximum result 8 Your result ? # ^ to continue the rows — продолжить ряды у IV. SPEAKING Say what you can about Moscow and St Petersburg. Speak about: • where the city stands; • its monuments; • its theatres, museums and picture galleries; • its streets, squares, parks and gardens; • its places of interest. Maximum result 5 Your result 9 • V. WRITING Write Dictation 1, (21), У Maximum result 15 Your result 9 • у Total result 40 Your result 9 • Step 10 Enjoy Yourself DO IT TOGETHER Here are two stories about two famous Russian people. What are the stories? a) His life was not easy and he was a fairly unhappy man, but his music is very warm and beautiful. He travelled abroad but loved to live at home, in his country. b) Leo Tolstoy, born in 1828, wrote two of the world’s greatest books “War and Peace” and “Anna Karenina”. c) When he was 82, he left home, but soon became ill and died in a small railway station hotel. A lot of people came to say goodbye to their favourite writer. d) Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky was one of the most famous musical composers. He was born in Votkinsk in 1840 and became a student in St Petersburg. e) His family was rich and had some land. He thought a lot about the people who lived and worked on that land. He also wrote about it in his books. f) His most popular works are the ballet “Swan Lake”, his first Piano Concerto [kan'^eatau], the ballet “Sleeping Beauty”, and his Symphony No 6. He lived to be 53. 48 Одной из важных для английской литературы поэтических форм являются лимерики (limericks). Это небольшие юмористические стихотворения из пяти строк, где первая строка рифмуется со второй, третья с четвёртой, а пятая не рифмуется ни с одной из них или повторяет окончание первой строки. Эдвард Лир (Edward Lear, 1812—1888) — английский художник и путешественник, считается самым известным создателем этого вида стихотворений, которые фактически лишены смысла, но очаровывают своей абсурдностью. Многие лимерики Лир проиллюстрировал сам. Read the limerick and choose the right words to complete it. There was an Old Man on a hill Who seldom ['seldom], if ever ['eva] was well stood still played golf He ran up and down In his grandmother’s gown [gaun] Which adorned [o'daind] the Old Man on a hill. редко, когда-нибудь халат украсил Learn to read this tongue twister as fast as you can, She sells seashells on the seashore. скороговорка продаёт ракушки, морской берег Read the text and think of why the girls were jealous. завидовали The English Roses {After Madonna) Part one What are English Roses? Here is what they are not: A box of chocolates. A football team Flowers in the garden. What they are is this: Four little girls whose names are: Nicole, Ami, Charlotte and Grace. The girls went to the same [seim] school and lived in the same town. They played the same games, read the same books and liked the same boys. They had picnics in summer and went to the skating rink in winter. Most of all they loved to dance. It all sounds [saundz] fun and nice. And in many ways it was. But there was one problem. команда CO та же самая звучит ш U N Ч \ They were а little jealous of a girl who was their neighbour. Her name was Binah [Ъашэ], and here are some things to know about her: she was very, very beautiful. She was a very good pupil and a good athlete. She was always kind to people. She was wonderful in any way. But she was sad. Do you want to know why such a beautiful and successful girl was sad? Because she was very lonely [’launli]. She had no friends and she was always alone [э'1эоп]. (to be continued) одинока, одна продолжение I следует Listen to the song, (22). and sing it along. 50 Which Land Is the Best 1) In my country we are happy. In my country we are happier. In my country we are the happiest of all. 2) In my country we are friendly. In my country we are friendlier. In my country we are the friendliest of all Chorus'. My country, your country Travel East or West If North is good and South is better Which land is the best? 3) In my land, it’s sunny. In my land, it’s sunnier In my land, it’s the sunniest of all. 4) In my land, the skies are blue. In my land, they’re bluer In my land, they’re the bluest of all. Chorus'. 5) In my land, the grass is green. In my land, it is greener. In my land, it is the greenest of all. 6) In my land, it is peaceful. In my land, it’s more peaceful. In my land it’s the most peaceful of all Chorus: My country, your country. Travel East or West. If North is good, and South is better. Which place is the best? My country, your country. Travel East or West. Learn to live with one another One world is the best One world is the best. страна, земля припев друг с другом Listen, (23), and read the poem, Autumn Fires {By Robert Louis Stevenson) In the other gardens And all up the vale From the autumn bonfires See the smoke trail! Pleasant summer over And all the summer flowers. The red fire blazes. The grey smoke towers. Sing a song of seasons! Something bright in all! Flowers in the summer. Fires in the fall! долина костры облако дыма лето закончилось сверкает поднимается тз осень Q Read to get more information. 7 Do you know that... ... the Tsar Cannon ['каепэп] in the Moscow Kremlin was the biggest in the world in its time. It shows the great skills of the Russian craftsmen ['kraiftsmon] in the 16th century. The cannon weighs [weiz] 40 tons (40,000 kg)I ... the Tsar Bell in the Moscow Kremlin is the biggest bell in the world. The bell weighs 200 tons and the fragment of the bell weighs eleven and a half tons. They made the bell in 1735 but never rang it because it was damaged ['daemi(^] badly in the fire of 1737. пушка умение, мастера весит звонили повреждён DO IT ОМ YOUR OWM Do Project Work 1. Complete a new page in your English Album. Write about the place where you live. Write what you like about it, what makes it interesting, unusual, good to live in. Use pictures to illustrate your story. Ask your family or friends to help if necessary. г 52 hi Visiting Britain Step 1 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, 9 (24), and say who visited these places last summer. 1) Sasha 2) Betty and Polly ’'f "• 5) the Browns 6) Jim 9) Cathie and her brother a) Moscow b) Canada c) the Lake District d) Russia e) England 3) the Barkers 7) Bob and Andrew 10) Natasha and her family f) Rome g) Spain h) Brighton i) Florida, USA j) France 4) Roy 8) Dolly А. This is an e-mail Olga sent to her parents from Moscow. Read it and say which of the verbs in it are regular and which are irregular. Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs visited took Dear mum and dad, Moscow is wonderful. Yesterday we visited the city centre and walked about the Kremlin. I took a lot of pictures. Soon I’ll send them to you. In the afternoon we all drove to the Tretyakov Gallery and spent two hours there. Now I know that Pavel Tretyakov collected Russian paintings and gave his collection to Moscow as a present. It was long ago. Now the collection is bigger and richer. We had dinner in the hotel and now I have some free time to write to you. In the evening we are going to the Maly Theatre. I think the visit will be great fun. Lots of love, Olga B. What are the forms of the irregular verbs in the e-mail? Example', take — took Say what places John and Sally visited in Moscow and St Petersburg. 53 n> T3 What can you say about these places? Say what Yura and Lena did last summer. 54 met, drove, listened, saw, read (2), spoke, gave, took, watched, had, ate NJ 1) They ... their friends John and Sally Barker. 2) They ... around Moscow with their friends. 3) They ... a lot of pictures. 4) They ... some places of interest. 5) They ... some nice food in a restaurant. 6) At home they ... interesting video films. 7) They often ... for their favourite music. 8) In the evenings Yura ... magazines and Lena ... a new book. 9) They ... English with the Barkers. 10) Once they ... a party to their friends. 11) They ... a wonderful time in summer. Which is true about you? ■vTV • museums and • travelled a lot. picture galleries. • travelled about Russia. • theatres. • went abroad. • my grandparents. • stayed at home. • my aunt and uncle. . tit»® „t a Л • with my friends. • with my family. • with my pets. \ vie to the park, to the cinema to the forest, to the circus. Ъ') swam in the sea. swam in the lake, swam in the river, didn’t swim at all. ^ ■■ • volleyball. • football. • different games ^ ** • books. • magazines. • newspapers X - • a lot of time • little time 9) interesting sports different programmes on TV outdoors \0> tvl- to Ъе' vie early late. KA r+ Ф T3 \г> \ enjoyed my holidays. had fairly good holidays. didn’t like my summer holidays at all. would like to have better holidays next summer. DO IT OIU YOUR OWN Write what the girls did on their trip last summer. Use the verbs in the box. visited, had, travelled, took, met 1) Nina and Vera ... about Russia. 2) They ... many interesting places in our country. 3) They ... some very interesting people. 4) They ... a lot of pictures. 5) They ... a wonderful time. Complete the text. Follow the example. Example: Last summer I (make) a trip to Suzdal. Last summer I made a trip to Suzdal. We (1 go) there by car. The weather (2 be) sunny and warm. We (3 drive) fairly fast and (4 come) to that wonderful Russian town in the afternoon. We (5 have) lunch in a small restaurant. It (6 take) us about four hours to do the churches and the museums. We (7 enjoy) our trip a lot. Write a letter to your tnend and teirr^im ^doOl youi -sunTnnfi hniirtiu'/j. can begin like this: N Dear •••A. My summer holtdoys were very interesting. I spent them ... ■ I visited ... ■ Most of all I enjoyed ... .______________ _ step 2 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the text about Victor's trip abroad, (25), and complete these sentences. c) August c) mother and father c) not very good 1) Victor went to Scotland in ... . a) June b) July 2) He went there with his ... . a) mother b) father 3) The weather was ... . a) good b) bad 4) Victor’s family stayed ... . a) in a hotel b) with a family of friends c) at Victor’s grandparents 5) Victor spent a lot of time ... . a) in the wood b) on the river bank c) near the lake 6) Victor’s family visited ... big cities. a) one b) two c) three 7) Victor’s holidays were ... . a) not very good b) not bad c) great Complete the chart’. Present Simple Past Simple 1) I spend my holidays ? * abroad. a chart [tja:t] — таблица Окончание Present Simple Past Simple 2) ? We stayed at home in summer. 3) He swims a lot in summer. ? • 4) ? She had a trip to St Petersburg. 5) They don’t like two-star hotels. ? • 6) ? He didn’t live on the farm. 7) Does he often visit England? 9 m 8) ? Did she take many pictures? 9) What languages do they speak? ? 10) ? Where did she live? 11) Who likes summer weather? ? *D Ы Listen, (26), and read. back [back] назад, обратно beach [bi:^] пляж diary [’daiari] дневник {не школьный) during ['djuariq] в течение find [faind] находить resort [ri'zDit] курорт sand [saend] песок sandy ['saendi] песчаный terrible ['terabl] ужасный go boating кататься на лодке go fishing ловить рыбу make sandcastles строить замки из песка в. back: to come back, to go back, to give back. Sam comes home back from school at five. Will you give me back my pen, please? Put the book back on the shelf, beach: wonderful beaches, on the beach. There were a lot of children on the beach. Come to the beach in the morning. Окончание Present Simple Past Simple 2) ? We stayed at home in summer. 3) He swims a lot in summer. 7 • 4) ? She had a trip to St Petersburg. 5) They don’t like two-star hotels. ? 6) ? He didn’t live on the farm. 7) Does he often visit England? ? 8) ? Did she take many pictures? 9) What languages do they speak? ? • 10) ? Where did she live? 11) Who likes summer weather? ? ■ 57 Ф Т5 Ы Listen, ^ (26), and read. A. back [baek] назад, обратно beach [bi:^] пляж diary [‘daiari] дневник {не школьный) during ['djuariT)] в течение find [faind] находить resort [n'zDit] курорт sand [saend] песок sandy ['saendi] песчаный terrible [ tersbl] ужасный go boating кататься на лодке go fishing ловить рыбу make sandcastles строить замки из песка B. back: to come back, to go back, to give back. Sam comes home back from school at five. Will you give me back my pen, please? Put the book back on the shelf, beach: wonderful beaches, on the beach. There were a lot of children on the beach. Come to the beach in the morning. г ’ 58 РГ ^ т Ы diary: ап оЫ diary,- Yura'a diary,- io write in a diary.- The sisters wrote about everything in their diaries, during: during summer, during the holidays, during the lesson. During his visit to Great Britain Yura saw a lot of interesting places. find (found): to find a coin, to find an old stamp. Jack couldn’t find his bag, but then he found it under the sofa. To find something interesting (good, bad). I find trips to the mountains interesting. resort: a wonderful resort, a summer resort. It is a famous resort. Brighton is a famous resort town. sand: a lot of sand, little sand, yellow sands, to play in/on the sand. Little Lizzy played on the yellow sand near the tent. sandy: sandy beaches. Some resorts are famous for their sandy beaches. terrible: terrible weather, terrible food, a terrible wind. We had a terrible time during our last holidays, go boating (fishing): Many people like to go boating and fishing in summer. make sandcastles: Children like to make sandcastles on the beach. Match the words and complete the sentences with the word combinations. 1) made 2) to make 3) during 4) to play on 5) swim 6) to find 7) write in 8) had a) our holidays b) in the sea c) a room d) a trip e) your diary f) the beach g) terrible weather h) sandcastles 1) Last June we ... to Scotland. 2) ... we always travel a lot. 3) Children like ... in good weather. 4) John and Alice ... every day in summer. 5) It is not easy ... in a good hotel during the summer season. 6) Please ... everything you will find interesting during your trip. 7) We ... when we stayed in St Petersburg. It rained a lot. 8) When I was little, I liked ... on the yellow sandy beaches. Look at the pictures. What is the weather like? Where are the children? What are they doing? Use the words from the box. Example'. 1) The weather (It) is sunny and hot. The children ai-e on the beach. They are having fun. 1) sunny, on the beach, have fun 2) rainy, stay at home, write a diary 3) windy and foggy, cold, in the street, run back home 4) warm, sunny, on the beach, stay in the sun 5) terrible, in the sea, fish 6) hot, sunny, on the beach, make sandcastles 7) not very warm, in the boat, have a boat trip 8) nice and warm, in the country, have fun ГТ) "D Ы ( 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. Yura wants to practise' English and writes his diary in this language. Listen, ^ (27), and read a page from his diary. Say where Yura went for his holidays. 60 ro 9th of September Goodbye, summer! I think my holidays this year were just wonderful. I had a lot of fun. In June my family and I went to the Black Sea. We stayed three weeks at a hotel in SochL a famous resort. The weather was hot and sunny, and we went to the beach every day. We swam a lot and stayed in the sun. My father taught me to fish and we went fishing and boating early in the morning. In July we came back to Moscow. My parents began work-ing, and I made a trip to St Petersburg to visit my grandparents who live there. My sister Lena went to Yaroslavl to stay with our cousin Lena and I came back home in the middle of the month. During the next week we made day trips to some places of interest in Moscow. We visited the Kremlin museums and the [,plaeni'teoriamJ. I found the Planetarium very interesting _and decided to go there again. It was all very good but the best was still to come: in the middle of August Lena and I went to London to stay with the Barkers. We had a great time there. We did the city and made a^^trip to Scotland. It was the best holiday In my life! Now I'm back at school and happy to see my friends again, In summer I took a lpt_ of pictures. I'm going to send some to London, to my friend John Barker. Planetarium to practise ['praektis] — практиковаться, тренироваться Read the page from Yura's diary again. Are these true, false or not stated? 1) Summer is over. 2) Yura enjoyed his summer holidays a lot. 3} His family went to the south in June. 4) It was their first trip to Sochi. 5) The weather was hot but rainy in June. 6) Yura’s father is very good at fishing. 7) Yura and Lena together visited their cousin. 8) Yura liked the Planetarium more than the other places. 9) The children visited the Moscow Kremlin. 10) The brother and sister did the city centre in London. 11) The Barkers took them to Glasgow. 12) The children left London for some other place in Britain. u\ r*f fD Ki DO IT OI\l YOUR OWN Complete the sentences with the new words. during, beach, resort, fishing, back, terrible, find, sand, diary 10 1) Polly hated her summer holidays. She thought they were ... . 2) When do English pupils go ... to school after holidays? 3) I like playing volleyball on the ... . 4) I have a ... and write in it about my family, school and friends. 5) I can’t walk: there’s ... in my shoes. 6) Sochi is a famous ... on the Black Sea. 7) ... his summer holidays Sam made a trip to Scotland. 8) People ... swimming good for their health. 9) In summer I went ... every day. Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1) Who (taught/thought) you English last year? 2) Mike (bought/brought) this souvenir in Paris. 3) Peter the Great (found/founded) St Petersburg. 4) Yesterday Jane (bought/ brought) some pictures to school. 5) My brother (found/ founded) a very interesting book in the new bookshop. 6) James (taught/thought) about his friends and felt happy again. Complete the sentences. Make them true. 1) During our English lessons we ... . 2) During September I’m going to ... . 3) ... during my summer holidays. 4) ... during this school year. step “З k> DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (28), and say where and how they like to spend their holidays a) Going to Hawaii [ha'waii:] 1) George Clooney b) Riding in Italy 2) Freddie Prinze c) Visiting museums abroad 3) Robin Williams A. Look at the picture and say what they are doing on the beach. OD Example: The old woman is coming into the hotel. 1) The boys ... . 2) The dog ... . 3) The father ... . 4) The children on the sand ... . 5) The boy at the hotel ... . 6) The big girls ... . 7) The birds ... . 8) They are all having fun ... . в. Now imagine' that the picture is a photo. Say what they were doing on the beach then. Example’. The old woman was coming mto the hotel. Choose the right forms to complete the sentences. 1) Look! Your friend (is/was) skating so well. 2) When I came home, the telephone (is/was) ringing. 3) Who is the boy we met when we (are/were) coming back home from school? 4) Tell me, Jane, what (are/were) you thinking about in the lesson yesterday? 5) Where (are/were) you going? I’d like to come with you. 6) What (is/was) he talking about? I don’t understand him. Listen, (29), and read the dialogue. What name can you give to the text? Helen: Hi, Lucy! You’re back. It’s nice to see you again. Lucy: Hi, Helen! It’s good to see you. I’m happy I’m back home again after my long trip. Helen: Where did you go this time? Lucy: I travelled to England last August. My parents and I went on a wonderful trip to the south of England and stayed in Brighton for two weeks. Helen: Brighton is a famous English resort, isn’t it? Lucy: It is. Our hotel was near the sea. It took us five minutes to get to the beach. Helen: How did you find the hotel? Lucy: It was modern and very comfortable. We had a very cosy room and could see the sea from its window! The food in the restaurant was very good and the people in the hotel were friendly. Helen: What about the weather? L u c y: It was fairly good. We had some rainy days but the sea was warm and pleasant. I swam a lot. Helen: I’m happy for you. I stayed in town all the summer. And the weather was terrible. It rained a lot and it was fairly cold. But I’m going to Italy in September and they say early autumn in Italy is always beautiful. Answer the questions about Lucy's holidays. 1) What was Lucy’s trip like? 2) What was the hotel like? 3) What was the hotel room like? 63 СЛ f-f 0) T3 Ы ll imagine [i'mae<%in] — представь себе 64 м 4) What was the hotel food like? 5) What were the people in the hotel like? 6) What was the weather like? 7) What was the sea like? 8) What were Lucy’s holidays like? 9) What was Helen’s summer like? Полезно уметь выражать фактам. Этой цели могут тебе прилагательные. оценку служить событиям, людям, хорошо известные Положительная оценка Средняя оценка Отрицательна я оценка Great. Fairly good. Not (too) good. Wonderful. Not (too) bad. Fairly bad. Fine. Too bad. Good. Bad. O.K. Terrible. Choose the right answers to these questions. Questions 1) What was your summer like? 2) How did you find your summer holidays? 3) What was the weather like in June? July? August? 4) How did you find the first weeks at school? 5) What are school lunches like? 6) How did you find your new teachers? New friends? 7) What is the weather like now? 8) What was your last weekend like? 9) How do you find your homework? 10) What’s your free time like? Answers Great. Wonderful. Good. Fine. O.K. Fairly good. Not bad. Not too good Fairly bad. Terrible. м *ta bene Вы уже знаете, что в английском языке имена прилагательные можно образовать при помощи различных суффиксов: -у: windy, rainy, cloudy, sandy, foggy -ful: joyful, wonderful, colorful, beautiful Познакомьтесь ещё с одним суффиксом, который тоже участвует в образовании имён прилагательных: -а1, ® (30). music + а1 = musical (музыкальный) centre + а1 = central (центральный) politics + а1 = political (политический) culture + а1 = cultural (культурный) profession + а1 = professional (профессиональный) (Grammar Reference, р. 146.) 65 о ы Д. Listen, (31), and read the word combinations. 1) a musical box, a musical family, a musical film 2) a central square, a central building, a central tower 3) a political centre, a political system, a political party 4) a cultural centre, a cultural capital, cultural life Ъ>; "a , 4x 'iC&iXn , 7x ’prcA'eb'SjcUTi'bli photographer B. What is missing’ in these words; -y, -ful, -af? Wind______, co\onr_____, politic_____, centr___ ston___, wondeT joy. fogg. cultur music profession DO IT ON YOUR OWN Make up questions and write them down. 1) your / new / friend / is / like / what? 2) what / was / last week / like / the weather? 3) at school / like / your first day / was / what? 4) in this street / what / the houses / are / like? 5) like / this resort / by the sea / what / is? Spell these words. Ibi:^] ['djuani}! [faind] Lbaek] [’sajndi] [ri'zD'.tl ['terabl] What is missing? — Чего не хватает? f 66 м 10 Match the sentences with the pictures. 1) Just look at him! Tom is enjoying Beethoven. He is very musical. 2) It’s good to dream on starry nights like this. 3) Fluf is American. He lives in a tree in Central Park, New York. a. Step 4 DO IT TOGETHER Listen to the dialogue, (32). Did Peter have good holidays last summer? A. Look at the picture, you think the words northwest, southeast, are in Russian? What do northeast, southwest B. Look at the map and say where the cities are situated. Example: London is situated in 'tne soiltnea^i ей: Хггейг 'brltain. north northwest west southwest northeast east southeast south Brighton Read the word combinations, then say the same in Russian. 1) watery soup 2) a stony beach 3) a starry sky 4) a milky drink II 1) a central problem 2) a central question 3) a musical clock 4) a musical talent III 1) a thankful reader 2) a helpful teacher 3) a helpful book 4) cheerful children A. Listen to these geographical names, (33), and repeat them. 67 i/> r+ (b "O Great Britain Ireland Northern Ireland England Scotland Wales the British Isles the United Kingdom the UK the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland B. Look at the map and show these places on it. 1) the British Isles 2) Ireland 3) England 4) Scotland 5) Wales 6) Northern Ireland 7) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Listen to the sentences, (34). What do the new words mean? Repeat them. 1) More than 10 million people live. \Vl Nlyawt e.iglvt \тл\11\еу\ч live iw Le>wde>w. 2) North America is a continent. Africa is a continent too Are Europe and Asia continents? Listen, (35), and read. древним ancient [einjont] — both [bau0] — оба government ^L'g^vonn\ont] island [’ailand] — остров Vie — лежать правительство 68 SI mean [mi:n] — значить part [pa;t] — часть в. ancient: an ancient tower, an ancient castle, an ancient palace. In ancient times people didn’t know many things we know now. both: both children, both of them, both of the countries. We can both speak English. Both my parents are doctors. They are both good singers. government: the British government, the Russian government, the government of the country. Do you know how the government works? island: a big green island, a grassy island, to live on an island. This hotel is the best on the island, lie (lay): to lie on the sand, to lie in the sun. I lay on the bed dreaming about my holidays. mean (meant): to mean something, to mean nothing, to mean a lot. What do you mean? I mean we can be late. What does this word mean? part: a part, a bigger part, an important part. In what part of the country do you live? Text five was the most difficult part of our lesson. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. P islands, ancient, part, million, mean, continents, meant, lay, government, both 1) There are six ... in the world. 2) There are more than 80 ... on the river Thames. 3) How many ... people live in London? 4) ... London Bridge and Tower Bridge are very famous. 5) The British ... works in London. 6) What did he ... when he said that? He ... that he was going to leave at seven. 7) Do you learn history of ... Rome? 8) A beautiful garden ... in front of us. 9) What is the most important ... of the plan? В английском языке оба слова isle [ail] и island значат «остров». Однако имя существительное isle встречается в основном в некоторых географических названиях: the British Isles, the Isle of Man (остров Мэн), the Isle of White ростров Уайт). Два последних находятся недалеко от Великобритании и входят в состав Соединенного Королевства. л. Read the text and choose the best name for it. a) Country in the North b) Beauty of Britain c) Some Facts^ about Britain Great Britain, or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is one of the most important countries in Europe. It is situated on the British Isles to the northwest of the continent. Its territory is not large, but on this small territory you can find low hills and high mountains, deep lakes, long and short rivers. There is no place in the country that is far from the sea, because it lies on the islands. Great Britain is very beautiful with its green woods and nice gardens. 69 1Л m TJ «к The United Kingdom has four parts or four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Every country has a capital. London is both the capital of England and the capital of the United Kingdom. This ancient city on the banks of the river Thames has eight million people. A lot of tourists come to see its places of interest and learn more about its history. The British government and Parliament of Britain both work in London. The Parliament is the oldest in the world. It appeared in the 12th century. The British Parliament sits in * a fact [faekt] — факт 7?» м the beautiful building on the bank of the river Thames. Great Britain is a kingdom. It means that the country has a king or a queen. B. Read the text again. Are these facts true, false, or not stated in it? 1) Great Britain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are different countries. 2) Great Britain is fairly small. 3) The country is situated on some islands. 4) The highest mountains are in the north of the country. 5) England is the largest part of the kingdom. 6) London lies on the river Thames. 7) The British Parliament is famous for its long history. DO IT Oni YOUR OWN Complete these sentences. 1) The British Isles are situated in the ... of Europe. 2) The United Kingdom of ... is a fairly small country. 3) There is no place in the country that is far ... . 4) The United Kingdom has four parts: ... . 5) Both the British government and Parliament work ... . 6) The British Parliament sits in ... . Write what is true about you and your friend (5 sentences). Begin like in the example. Example: Both my friend and I like to watch comedies. A. What are the second forms of these verbs? 10 lie — ? build — ? mean — ? speak — ? see — ? B. Spell these words. 1) ['einjant] 3) ['gAvanmant] 2) [bau0] 4) [’ailand] 5) [lai] 6) [mi:n] 7) [pa:t] Step DO IT TOGETHER A. You're going to listen to the text "The River Thames". What facts do you think you can get from it? N, •Vj. ¥ ,;*м|И1 »•' •- i-x f"Kz * ii; —у СЛ e. Listen to the text, (36), and complete the sentences, 1) The Thames is ... kilometres long. 2) The Thames has more than ... islands. 3) There are ... bridges over the Thames. Read these geographical names. Where is the missing? 1) ... Great Britain 8) ... British Isles 2) ... London 9) ... Isle of Man 3) ... Thames 10) ... Northern Ireland 4) ... Ireland 11) ... Scotland 5) ... UK 12) ... Wales 6) ... United Kingdom 13) ... England 7) ... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Let’s speak about Great Britain. Answer the questions. 1) What other name of the country Great Britain do you know? 2) Where is Great Britain situated? What are the names of the two largest islands of the British Isles? 3) Is the territory of Great Britain large or small? What can you say about the territory of the country? 4) What are the four parts of the United Kingdom? 5) What is the capital of England? What is the capital of the United Kingdom? 6) In what city does the British government work? 7) The British Parliament is the oldest in Europe, isn’t it? When did it appear? 8) Is there a king or a queen in the United Kingdom now? f 72 м Use the words from the box and complete the sentences. The maps on pages 66 and 67 can help you. east, west, south, north, northwest, southeast, southwest 1) Scotland is in the 2) Wales is in the ... 3) Brighton is in the 4) Dover is in the ... 5) Glasgow is in the 6) Blackpool is in the 7) Hull is in the ... . 8) London is in the .. of Great Britain Знакомые вам числительные hundred, thousand, million в английском языке имеют некоторые особенности употребления. Указывая на конкретное количество, данные числительные используются в известной тебе форме. а (one) hundred = 100 а (one) hundred houses two thousand = 2,000 two thousand people four million = 4,000,000 four million stars Однако для обозначения большого числа предметов, людей или животных без указания на их точное количество в английском языке существуют такие сочетания, как hundreds of, thousands of, millions of: hundreds of people — сотни людей thousands of children — тысячи детей millions of birds — миллионы птиц Сравните: two hundred fish hundreds of fish three thousand flags thousands of flags five million lights millions of lights Обратите внимание на использование союза and при чтении многозначных чисел: 8,328,497 = eight million three hundred and twenty-eight thousand four hundred and ninety-seven В отличие от русского, в английском языке в многозначных числах на письме сотни, тысячи и т. д. отделяются запятой. Например: 4,000; 10,000,000. (Grammar Reference, р. 148.) Use of where necessary. 1) Five thousand ... roses. 2) Ten hundred ... children. 3) Hundreds ... places. 4) Millions ... friends. 5) Two million ... cars. 6) Thousands ... birds. 7) Seven hundred ... buildings 8) Two thousand ... people. 9) Hundreds ... rivers. 10) Millions ... towns. Match the places with their 1) Scotland 2) Wales 3) The Thames 4) London 5) Glasgow 6) Brighton 7) The Lake District descriptions’. a) It is a famous place in the northwest of England where English poets liked to live and write. b) It is the longest river in England. c) It is the capital of the United Kingdom. d) It is a famous resort in the south of England. e) It is a big city in Scotland. f) It is the part of the United Kingdom which is in the southwest. g) It is the part of the United Kingdom which is in the north. Вы знаете, как пользоваться английским словом too (тоже), например: I like apple juice and I like orange juice too. Ту же мысль можно выразить с помощью наречия also ['d:1s3u] (чаще оно встречается в письменной речи) и словосочетания as well: I drink black tea, I drink green tea as well. I play football, I also play basketball and ping-pong. Заметьте, однако, что too и as well следует использовать в конце предложения, а also обычно стоит перед смысловым глаголом, но после глагола to be: She and Sam are in the lesson today, Jim is also there. Слова too, also и словосочетание as well не используют в отрицательных предложениях. (Grammar Reference, р. 149.) ■о сл description [di'skripjn] — описание Say it in two different ways. 74 NJ Example: They travel in Russia and they travel abroad too. They travel in Russia and they travel abroad as well. They travel in Russia and they also travel abroad. 1) Ireland is an island. Great Britain is an island too. 2) Late autumn is rainy, early spring is rainy too. 3) A lot of tourists come to England, some of them visit Scotland and Wales too. 4) Great Britain has a lot of lakes, it has rivers too. 5) My dad reads newspapers, he reads magazines too. 6) Both friends could sing, they could dance well too. 7) I’m going to visit the UK someday, I’d like to go to the USA too. DO IT ON YOUR OWN Write these in English. 1) Сотни животных; 2) тысячи птиц; 3) миллионы звёзд; 4) пятьсот учебников; 5) три тысячи школ; 6) два миллиона туристов. Use as well or also to complete the sentences. 1) I like John and I like his sister ... . 2) I play football and I ... play volleyball. 3) London is the capital of the UK and it is ... the capital of England. 4) Julia dances very well; she ... sings very well. 5) We are going to visit Wales and Scotland .... ^ 10 Write what these countries are, Example: 1 — England © Step DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (37), and complete these sentences. 1) Ireland’s history was ... . a) never happy b) always happy c) both happy and unhappy jBelfast#] Dublin 2) Ireland has a lot of ... . a) rain b) snow c) sunshine 3) People in Ireland are famous for their love of ... . a) their country b) Dublin c) music 4) A lot of musicians ... Dublin. a) go to \>> come trom c) 'ш Work in pairs. Talk about what English-speaking countries you'd like to visit and why. Begin like this: A. : There’s a country I’d very much like to visit. B. : Really? What is the country? A.: It’s ... . Use the prepositions from the box where necessary to complete the sentences. 1 about, at, by, during, from, in (3), of, on, to (2) 1) You can see wonderful buildings ... the banks of the Thames. 2) Scotland is ... the north ... Great Britain, Wales is ... the west. 3) There is a monument ... a king ... the square. 4) We went ... Brighton ... car. 5) More than four hundred ... people can stay ... this hotel. 6) We always travel ... Russia ... our holidays. 7) Is Glasgow far ... London? 8) He never goes ... abroad. Listen to the sentences, (38). What do the new words mean? Read them. 1) Nelson was a brave and famous British admiral. 2) The geographical centre of a place lies in the middle of it. 3) In big cities a lot of people work in offices. 4) Does your school have any interesting traditions? 5) What is Russian traditional food? Look at the pictures. Listen, ^ (39), and read the new words. 1) dome [daum] ■o Ф 3) fountain ['fauntm] 4) prison ['pnzn] 5) popular ['popjula] 6) raven ['reivn] А. Listen to these place names, 9 (40), and read them. 76 N) 1) the City 3) the White Tower 2) Trafalgar Square 4) the Tower of London 6) the Houses of Parliament (Westminster Palace) 5) St Paul’s Cathedral •' T Г , •■) ШШ 7) the National Gallery 9) Big Ben (the Clock Tower and the Bell) 8) Nelson’s Column 10) Tower Bridge 11) London Bridge B. Listen to the text, (41), read it and give names to its parts. 1. London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, its political, cultural and business centre. The City of London is its central part, it is also the oldest part of London. Many people work in the City but very few live there. There are a lot of banks and offices in the City. 2. Two wonderful places of interest are situated in this part of London. They are the Tower of London and St Paul’s Cathedral. The Tower of London, or the Tower, is an ancient castle on the north bank of the Thames. There are some buildings on its territory behind strong grey walls. The White Tower which gave the name to the place is a central building. The Tower of London was a palace, a fortress, a prison and the King’s Zoo. Now it is a museum. The Tower of London has some interesting traditions. One of them is to keep black ravens on its territory. They say Britain will be strong, powerful and successful if ravens don’t leave the Tower. 3. St Paul’s Cathedral is one of the most famous and most important beautiful cathedrals in the country. It is a cathedral with a very large dome and the clock tower on the west end. 4. The geographical centre of London is Trafalgar Square with its fountains, a tall column, a monument to Admiral Nelson, and the National Gallery. The Gallery is world-famous and has the largest collection of paintings in the UK. Trafalgar Square is a popular place with tourists from different countries. 5. Not far from Trafalgar Square there is Westminster Palace, or the Houses of Parliament, which lies on the north bank of the Thames. It has three towers, the most famous of them is the Clock Tower, or Big Ben. There are some small gardens around the Houses of Parliament and more than a thousand and a hundred rooms in it. Ln r+ a> Ф 1) 2) 3) 78 4) c 5) 3 6) Ы 7) Match the parts of the sentences. 1) Trafalgar Square 2) The City The White Tower The Houses of Parliament The National Gallery 6) St Paul’s Cathedral 7) Tower Bridge a) b) c) d) e) f) g) has a collection of important paintings. is a central place in the Tower of London. has a large dome. is the political and cultural centre of London. is not far from the Tower of London. is the geographical centre of London. is on the north bank of the Thames. DO IT OIM YOUR OWN Complete the sentences with the new words, fountains, fortress, popular, dome, geographical, admiral, ravens, prison 1) Trafalgar Square is a place ... with tourists. 2) This square is also the ... centre of London. 3) In Trafalgar Square there are two big ... . 4) In the centre of the square you can see a tall column, a monument to ... Nelson. 5) The ... of St Paul’s Cathedral stands high above the City. 6) Not far from the cathedral there is the Tower, an ancient • • « 7) Now the Tower is a museum but some centuries ago it was a terrible ... . 8) In the Tower tourists like to take pictures of the famous black ..., big proud birds. Write what places they are. 1) The place where black ravens live. 2) The place which gave the name to the Tower of London. 3) The place where few people live but many work. 4) The place which is the geographical centre of London. 5) The place with Big Ben, the famous Clock Tower. 10 Write five questions about London. Write a postcard to your friend. Tell him/her what places of interest in London you enjoyed most of all. Dear ________________________________________________________ I'm writing to you from London. This is reoffy q great city with its old cathedrals........I took some pictures of London. Most of all I enjoyed going to ... . I also visited ... . Tonight we ore going ... ._____________________ step 7 79 1 LTt fl) ■D •sj DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (42), and say what these British cities have got. Example’. London has got some beautiful parks and gardens 1) London 2) Newcastle-upon-Tyne 3) York 4) Wimbledon 5) Bath 6) Brighton 7) Stratford-on-Avon 8) Bristol a) some ancient buildings b) good sandy beaches c) some beautiful parks and gardens d) a famous theatre e) a great Gothic cathedral f) an old part g) very good tennis courts h) an ancient castle and a famous bridge Use the where necessary. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) The City Tower of London White Tower Big Ben Trafalgar Square National Gallery Nelson’s Column Houses of Parliament St Paul’s Cathedral Tower Bridge 80 NJ Match the names from exercise 2 with the pictures, ' ! Ill a. w c. f * j»" ta bene Обратите внимание на предлог, который обычно требляется с прилагательным popular: The hotel is popular with tourists. The teacher is very popular with her students. This magazine is popular with young people. yno- Say: 1) what singers/songs are popular with your friends; 2) what sportsmen are popular with your friends; 3) what games are popular with schoolchildren; 4) what places are popular with the visitors to your city/ town; 5) what books, magazines are popular with pupils of your year. Listen, 9 (43), and read the new place names of London. 81 П) 4J 1) Hyde Park 2) Buckingham Palace 3) Speaker’s Corner 4) Downing Street 5) Oxford Street 6) Whitehall 82 |^№JnKL Вы уже знаете, что в английских отрицательных предложениях наречия too, as well, also не употребляются. В подобных случаях используется слово either ['ai6a]; I don't like rain either. Я тоже не люблю дождь. We are not going to the shops either. Мы тоже не собираемся за покупками. (Grammar Reference, р. 149.) N Use too, as well, also, either to complete the sentences. 1) I would like to visit the Houses of Parliament ... . 2) We don’t get up early ... . 3) I am ... a pupil. 4) They are not students ... . 5) Trafalgar Square is popular with tourists ... . 6) He didn’t travel about France ... . 7) They are not going to come to my party ... . 8) Do you ... like painting? 9) These hotels are popular with tourists ... . Listen, ^ (44), and read the text. Complete the sentences after it. Parks and Streets of London London is a green city with a lot of parks in its centre. Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in central London. It is open from 5 a.m. to 12 p.m. Londoners like to take long walks over its grassy territory in fine weather. Hyde Park is famous for its Speaker’s Corner'. It is the place in the park where on Sundays people stand up on boxes or chairs and speak of anything they want. There are other parks and gardens in the centre of London as well. Some of them are near Buckingham Palace, the London home and office of the British monarch ['топэк]. When the Queen or the King is in London, they live in Buckingham Palace. The gardens around the palace have a lake where flamingos live. London streets are different. Some of them are wide and long, some are narrow and short. Some of them are very famous and popular with tourists, for example Downing ['daunii]] Street in central London. Here at number 10 the British Speaker’s Corner ['кэ:пэ] — уголок ораторов (a corner — уголок, угол) Prime Minister lives and works. There is usually a policeman outside the front door of Number 10. Oxford Street is a famous street too. It is an important shopping place. There are about three hundred shops in it. They say it is the busiest shopping street in Europe. Oxford Street is fairly long, about two and a half kilometres. There are big and small shops on its both sides. Whitehall is a wide busy street in central London. Government buildings and offices are situated there. It is the political centre of the British capital. When newspapers write Whitehall they often mean the British Government. In all streets of London you can see red double-decker buses or just double-deckers. They are also a symbol f'simbll of the city of London. From the double-deckers visitors to London can see the best of the city. 1) You can listen to speakers in Hyde Park ... of the week, a) three days b) two days c) one day 2) The British monarch ... lives in Buckingham Palace, a) always b) sometimes c) never 3) Tourists come to Downing Street to ... . a) buy souvenirs b) look at the flamingos c) look at the Prime Minister’s House 4) Oxford Street is the ... shopping street in Europe, a) busiest b) longest c) widest 5) Whitehall is a ... . a) hall b) street c) square 83 r+ П) “O SI I Double-decker (bus) — одна из достопримечательностей Лондона и один из его символов. Красный двухэтажный автобус в настоящее время является и национальным символом Британии. Сложное слово double-decker {double — двойной; deck — палуба) употребляется для обозначения любых двухэтажных автобусов, которые в разных странах перевозят туристов из одного города в другой. Красный лондонский double-decker, особенно с открытым верхом, — излюбленный способ проведения экскурсий по городу. DO IT OIU YOUR owmi Match the two parts of the sentences. Write them down. 1) 2) 3) 84 4) c D 5) r+ K> 6) 7) 10 Minister offices a) lives at 10, Downing Street. b) are situated in Whitehall. c) is very popular with Londoners. d) everybody can say what they want. e) is a symbol of London and a symbol of the country. f) there are a lot of big and small shops. g) is where the British monarch lives when he or she is in London. Think of three things your parents and you don't like (want, love) to do. Write three sentences about them. Example: My parents don’t want to stay at home during the summer holidays. I don’t want it either. This is a list’ of souvenirs tourists usually buy in London. Choose three of them and write what you would like to buy. Example: I would like to buy a book about Great Britain. List of souvenirs A toy double-decker bus ___ A mug with a London policeman on it A cap with the word “London" on it A book about Great Britain Some pictures of London A pen with the Houses of Parliament on A model of Tower Brlclge________ A watch from Oxford Street Souvenir chocolates SpeJJ these lA/ords. 1} [doom] 2) f'fo.-trasj 3) ['fauntinj 4) ['pnzn] 5) fpopjob] 6) ['reivn] a list [list] — список step 8 Round-up DO IT TOGETHER Listen to what Sasha says about his visit to London, (45). Decide what places of interest he didn't mention. 1) Trafalgar Square 2) Buckingham Palace 3) Whitehall 4) Hyde Park 5) St Paul’s Cathedral Say where in London you can: 6) the National Gallery 7) Oxford Street 8) the Tower of London 9) the Houses of Parliament 10) London Bridge 85 cn r+ Я) T3 00 1) take a picture of black ravens 2) see the monarch in his/her office 3) listen to speakers 4) walk on the grass and enjoy the beauty of trees and flowers 5) see an ancient castle 6) see the Prime Minister in his/her office 7) look at a good collection of paintings 8) look at the statue of Admiral Nelson 9) ride on a double-decker bus 10) go to some good shops Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1) I know a lot about Great Britain, I know something about London (also/as well). 2) The Greens haven’t got a dog, they haven’t got a cat (either/too). 3) My parents like to travel. I (also/too) like travelling. 4) My friend doesn’t speak French, she doesn’t speak Italian (as well/either). 5) Everybody likes good films, I like them (either/as well). 6) Mary doesn’t go to school by bus, she doesn’t go to school by metro (also/ either). 7) My grandfather collected stamps, he (also/too) collected old coins. 8) Mrs Roberts grows roses, she grows tulips (also, too). 9) I don’t keep hamsters and I don’t have guinea pigs (either/too). 86 Say what John Barker saw in Russia and Yura Smirnov in Great Britain. i /lri^-Ve1r»Q\\ there ore goverrvmerit offices. 5) Wheri we saw the dome of St Paul's Cathedral, we understood that we were In the City. fp •D 00 •O admiral, also, back, beach, both, continent, diary, dome, double-decker, during, either, find, fortress, fountain, geographical, government, island, isle, million, monarch, northeast, northwest, office, popular, prison, raven, resort, sand, southeast, southwest, terrible, tradition, traditional as well, go boating, go fishing. Prime Minister find — found, lie — lay, mean — meant Ireland Northern Ireland Wales Trafalgar Square Tower Bridge Big Ben Nelson’s Column St Paul’s Cathedral Westminster Palace Hyde Park Speaker’s Corner Downing Street Whitehall the British Isles the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) the Isle of Man the Isle of White the City the White Tower the National Gallery the Tower of London the Houses of Parliament Buckingham Palace Oxford Street step 9 Test Yourself 92 ^ 5рд Ы ✓ I. LISTENING Listen, (46), and complete the sentences. 1) Lena went to Britain with her ... . a) friends b) family c) teacher 2) Lena’s family were going to visit ... . a) London and Northern Ireland b) London and Wales c) London, Wales and Scotland 3) Lena’s family came to London in the ... . a) morning b) afternoon c) evening 4) Lena saw ... from the taxi window. a) a lot b) little c) much 5) Lena understood that London ... . a) had a lot of streets b) was very ancient c) was big and green 6) Lena’s hotel was near ... . a) the Tower of London b) the Houses of Parliament c) Trafalgar Square 7) In the morning the family decided to visit a) Buckingham Palace and Hyde Park b) Whitehall and Downing Street c) St Paulas Cathedral and the Tower Maximum result 7 Your result 9 # II. READING Read what a tourist wrote in his e-maiis to his friend. Say which part of the UK he didn't visit. Our trip began in the capital. During two days we visited some places of interest and rode about the city in a double-decker. The best part of it was the visit to the ancient Tower. Here are some pliotos of the famous ravens, the White Tower and... in r+ n> ТЭ ID У ...the lakes are beautiful in any weather. It must be the most wonderful place in the country. There are a lot of tourists and holidaymakers staying here. I’d like to come to the Lake District again in summer. ...in sunny weather the grassy hills with lots of sheep on them look like a page from a book of fairy tales. Tomorrow we’re leaving for Glasgow and from there going straight to Wales. It’s my last day in the country. We’re in Brighton, a resort in the south of Britain. The weather is nasty and nobody swims in the sea, but the place is still fairly busy. People walk along the sandy beaches, dance in night clubs and enjoy the sea air. Maximum result 1 Your result ? • (as 111. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar and Vocabulary) Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1) My friends visited Scotland and Northern Ireland ... . well/also) 2) The Tower of London is not a fortress now, it is not a prison now ... . (too/either) 3) We didn4 get into the Houses oi TariimmiX hunng our stay in London ... . (as well/either) 4) London is a big city, Glasgow is ... a big city, (as well/ also) 5) We bought some souvenirs in Oxford Street and in other streets ... . (also/as well) 94 bJ у/ 6) Big Ben is a symbol of London, a double-decker is symbol, (also/either) . its Maximum result 6 Your result ? • Use the where necessary. 1) ... Houses of Parliament 6) ... Whitehall 2) ... Britain 7) ... Trafalgar Square 3) ... Northern Ireland 8) ... St Paul’s Cathedral 4) ... United Kingdom 9) ... Hyde Park 5) ... Tower of London 10) ... Tower Bridge У Maximum result 10 Your result 9 • Use -s where necessary. 1) More than twenty million... tourists come to Great Britain every year. 2) King’s Cross railway station appeared in London about a hundred... and sixty years ago. 3) Thousand... of tourists come to London every day. 4) The Thames is three hundred... and forty-six kilometres long. 5) There are two hundred... and fourteen bridges over the Thames. 6) You can see thousand... of wonderful paintings in the National Gallery. у/ Maximum result 6 Your result ? IV. SPEAKING See how much you know about Great Britain. 1) Traditional London double-decker buses are ... . a) green b) red c) yeJlow 2) The UK has ... parts. a) four b) three c) two 3) The UK is situated ... . a) on an island b) on two big islands c) on many islands, big and small >/ >/ >/ 4) 5) 6) The tower of London is a ... . a) museum b) zoo London is the capital of ... . a) the UK and Wales c) the UK and England The National Gallery is situated c) prison b) the UK and Scotland b) in Trafalgar Square 7) b) Westminster Palace 8) b) the White Tower 9) 10) 11) a) in Oxford Street c) in Whitehall The British Parliament sits in a) Buckingham Palace c) the Tower of London Big Ben is a clock on ... . a) the Houses of Parliament c) St Paul’s Cathedral Britain has ... . a) hot summers b) cold winters c) thick fogs The British Parliament is the ... in the world, a) best b) oldest c) largest London lies ... . a) on a river b) near the Pacific Ocean c) near a big lake СЛ r-f Ф T3 VO Maximum result 11 Your result 9 • What can you say about the UK or London? The UK Where is it? How large is it? • What are its parts? • Where is the capital? • What is the climate like? What makes it a beautiful • country? London Where is it? How large is it? What is the City? What are some of the places of interest? What place in London would you like to visit first of all? Why? Maximum result 6 Your result ? • V. WRITING Write Dictation 2, (47). Maximum result 15 Your result ? • >/ Total result 62 Your result ? Step 10 Enjoy Yourself 96 ЖЮ rr TOGCT'HbR Read the text about Oxford and match its parts (1, 2, 3) with the questions (a—d). There is one extra question. Ki a) What was Oxford like in early days? b) Why fs Oxford a city to see? c) What is Oxford like in the daytime? d) Where is Oxford situated? wy f 9 ^ A ^ 1. Oxford is one of the oldest British cities. It is ninety kilometres from London and stands on the Thames. The Thames runs through^ Oxford and then the river runs southeast to London. 2. Oxford is famous for its history and its university. It started in the thirteenth century. At that time Oxford was a market town on the river with roads running in it. There were walls around the town and not many people lived there. But the town got bigger and bigger. People made new houses, walls, bridges. Soon the city had a palace, a castle and some churches. 3. Now Oxford is a big city. It has got a lot of old and very beautiful houses. There are many interesting museums, parks and gardens in the city. Tourists from many countries of the world come to Oxford to see it. The city has got a lot of hotels for tourists. There are many shops where visitors buy souvenirs. The centre of Oxford is a very green place. Visitors love walking in the narrow old streets. Many people travel in the city by bicycle. Some like to see Oxford from the bus. Put the lines in the limerick in the right order. a) Who never did anything wrong; b) With his head [hed] in a sack [saek] c) There was an Old Man of Hong Kong, голова, мешок through [0ru:] — сквозь, через d) He lay [lei] on his back. e) That innocuous [I'nokjuas] Old Man of Hong Kong. лежал, спина безобидный Learn to read this tongue twister as fast as you can. My dame has a lame tame crane, My dame has a crane that is lame. Let my dame’s tame crane Feed and come home again. дама, хромой ручной журавль in (Ь ■о зависть Read the text and think of why the girls could not say anything to Nicole's mother. The English Roses Part Two I’m sure, some of you know what it means to be green with envy ['envi]. So, the English Roses were jealous of Binah. You see, the girls wanted to be friendly, and it was clear to them that Binah was lonely. But they could not be nice to her, because everybody around said: “She is so beautiful! “She is a star pupil! “Binah is the best”. When Nicole and Amy, and Charlotte, and Grace heard those words about Binah, they always felt bad. This is what they said: “How can anybody be so wonderful?” “Nobody says that about us!” She has everything.” Let’s don’t talk to her.” And so time went on, and the English Roses had fun together, while Binah stayed alone. One night, when all the girls were having a sleepover party at Nicole’§ hou§€, her mother said, “I’d like to talk with you.” u n вёчериша. cночёвкой с 13 N1 “Don’t worry [wAri], Mum, we’re going to go to bed soon,” said Nicole. “We just want to finish our pillow ['pibu] fight!” “That’s not why I came in here,” her mother said. “I’d like to talk to you about Binah. She lives down the road, she goes to your school, she likes to do all the same things you like to do, but you never invite her to come and play with you or try to be friendly to her.” There was a very long pause [po;z]. {to be continued) Listen, (48), and sing along. London’s Burning m London’s burning, London’s burning. Fetch the engines, fetch the engines. Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Pour on water, pour on water. беспокоиться подушка на нашей улице пауза горит несите насосы лейте Streets of London So how can you tell me you’re lonely. And say, for you that the sun don’t shine?’ светить ^ And say, for you that the sun don’t shine = and say that for you the sun doesn’t shine (e песне даётся разговорный вариант) Let me take you by the hand And lead you through the streets of London, I’ll show you something to make you Change your mind. провести no взглянуть на вещи иначе 99 Существует много песен о Лондоне, знакомых многим людям. Песня "London's Burning" повествует о важном историческом событии, лондонском пожаре, который произошел в 1666 году и нанёс большой ущерб городу. С другой стороны, во время пожара было разрушено много деревянных построек и Лондон начал отстраиваться заново, превращаясь в красивый каменный город. Кроме того, пожар помог справиться со страшной эпидемией чумы, свирепствовавшей в городе в то время. Песня "Streets of London" была написана Ральфом Мактел-лом (Ralph Mctell) в 1974 году и сразу же стала популярной. В ней говорится о бедных, бездомных и одиноких людях, а также о том, что вопреки человеческому страданию, в жизни всегда есть место радости. Здесь приводится только припев песни. п> тз Listen, (49), and read the poem. Finding Way (By Myra Livingston) I’d like you for a friend I’d like to find the way of asking you to be my friend. I don’t know what to say. What would you like to hear? What is it I can do? There has to 6e some wora’, some look. Connecting me to you. должно взгляд соединяющий 100 ISJ Майра Кон Ливингстон (Myra Cohn Livingston) 1926—1996, была известным в Америке автором стихов для детей. Она составляла поэтические сборники или антологии, в которые включались стихи различных авторов по определённой теме — праздники, времена года, животные и т. д. Её сборники "Sky Songs", "Sea Songs", "Birthday Poems", "Cat Poems" широко известны и популярны в США. В общей сложности Майра Ливингстон опубликовала 83 поэтических сборника. ^ £: Read to get more information. 7 Do you know that... ... London is in fact three cities: the City of London, the East End and the West End. ... there are 27 bridges over the Thames and 8 tunnels [’tAnlz] under the river. ... the national flag of Great Britain has got the name of Union Jack; it consists [kan'sists] of three flags: those of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. туннели состоит из DO IT ОМ YOUR OWN Do Project Work 2. Complete a new page in your English Album. People say that there's a monster’ in one of the lakes in Scotland. Its name is Nessie. Find some information about it. Illustrate your story with pictures. Ask your family or friends to help you if necessary. a monster ['monsta] — чудовище Traditions, Holidays, Festivals Step 1 DO IT TOCETHER Listen to the journalist's questions, (50), and answer them. A. Read and say which is true about you. My birthday is in Щ *.V spring. summer autumn. winter. 101 tn t—f Ф -a I always often sometimes never My friend comes My family come A lot of people come Nobody comes I usually have I don’t usually have enjoy my birthdays. to say Happy Birthday to me. birthday parties. At my parties everybody sings. dances. plays games. has a great time, other^ ' other ['лбэ] — другие варианты 102 ы Му favourite party food is I like love hate My best birthday present was salads, fruits, cakes, ice cream. other. getting presents an unusual toy. a bike. a snowboard, other. B. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the best birthday you had. Say: • when it was; • what happened that day; • why you enjoyed it. Известные вам слова how, who, whose, what, which, where, when, why могут соединять главное и придаточное предложения: I don't know where he lives. Ask him why they are here, находятся здесь. Я не знаю, где он живёт. Спроси его, почему они Я могу тебе сказать. I сап tell you what we are doing. — что мы делаем. We are not sure when the train arrived, в TOM, когда прибыл поезд. Say which pen is yours. — Скажи, какая ручка твоя. Мы не уверены Так как придаточные предложения вопросами не являются, в них прямой порядок следования слов — подлежащее, сказуемое, дополнение, обстоятельство. Вспомогательные глаголы do/does/did не употребляются. Сравните: Where is Kate? I am not sure where Kate is. What did he tell Ann? Ask him what he told Ann. Why does she come here? I don't know why she comes here. (Grammar Reference, p. 153.) Use the words from the box to complete the sentences. 1) I don’t know ... book it is, but it is not mine. 2) We can’t say ... they decided to stay in London. 3) I’m not sure ... is going to help us with the dinner. 4) Tell me ... city you like best, Moscow or St Petersburg. 5) Say ... is situated in the centre oi Traiaigar Square. 6) Ask ... they are going to come to Moscow. 7) Jane doesn’t know ... her friend is not here either. 8) I’m not sure ... they are going to travel, by car or train. by Complete the sentences. A) a) Do you know where ...? b) James asked me, “Where . B) a) I want to know when ... . b) “When...?” I want to know this. C) a) We would like to see what ... . b) “What...?” Bob asked. D) a) Ask Alice why ... . b) “Why...?” Peter asked. E) a) 1 don’t know which book ..., Jane. b) “Which book ..., Jane?” 1) does he live 2) he lives 1) he is going to Moscow 2) is he going to Moscow 1) is he doing now 2) he is doing now 1) is Betty at home 2) Betty is at home 1) are you reading 2) you are reading Match the two parts of the sentences. 1) I think you know the boy a) 2) John lives in the house b) 3) I like small animals c) 4) Please tell me d) 5) Carroll is the writer e) 6) This is the pond f) 7) Football is the game g) 8) Yesterday I watched h) a film which make good pets. who wrote “Alice in Wonderland”. where ducks and swans live. who is playing the piano which people play everywhere. which is not far from the park. which was fairly boring, what present you’d like for your birthday. 103 r*r a> T3 104 ы Compfete the sentences in your way. 1) Everybody likes stories that... 2) I have a friend who... 3) Your home is a place where... 4) Best of all I like weekends when... 5) English is the language which... 6) It is not easy to say why... 7) Do you know how...? These are the answers. What are the questions? Who ...? When ...? How ...? Whose ...? What ...? Why ...? How often . My best friend. Yesterday after school. Very well indeed. My cousin’s. Usually I have tea and a sandwich Because I love it. Every weekend. Complete the questions. Use the word combinations from the box. 1) ... is your cousin? — He is sixteen. How well 2) ... books are there on the desk? How difficult 3) ... does he come here? How old 4) ... do you know him? How much 5) ... is the text? How often 6) ... milk is there in the jug? How many DO IT Oni YOUR OWN Make up the sentences. 1) me/he/where/tell/lives/. 2) does/he/where/live/? 3) I/likes/don’t/she/know/what/. 4) does/what/like/she/? 5) do/spend/summer/you/holidays/your/where/usually/? 6) want/where/usually/summer/your/I/to know/ holidays/you/ spend? Write three questions. You want to know: a) where your friend lived when he was little; b) what he/she is interested in now; c) where he/she is going for his/her winter holidays. j ni Write a letter to your friend and tell him/her about some places you would like to see when you go to London. You can begin like this: _ _ • V J De^ I'm going to visit JLondon^his spring. I'm really happy, We are going there with our teacher. I would like to see many places in London. First of all ... .________ Yours. ... step 2 105 ел “O Ni DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (51), and say who is who in the pictures. Mr Norris? Mrs Black? Jack? Nina? Peter? Mary? Mrs Hudson? Mr Harrison? 1. 5. j»»* heoe UK; I 4. 3. 6. 7. Обратите внимание на особенности употребления относительных местоимений who (whom) и whose, когда они присоединяют придаточные предложения к главному. 1. Когда речь идёт о людях, используются местоимения who/whom; The woman who is standing near my mother is my teacher. I don't understand who/whom you are talking about. 106 w При этом whom употребляется значительно реже и звучит достаточно формально. С предлогами используется whom, но не who: Alice is the girl with whom you played tennis last week. 2. Когда речь идёт о неодушевлённых предметах, используется местоимение which: The book which I'm reading is very interesting. 3. Очень часто which и who в подобных предложениях опускаются: This is the book (which) you wanted to read. This is the man (who) you wanted to see. 4. Bo многих случаях вместо who и which можно использовать that: This is the book that you wanted to read. This is the man that you wanted to see. 5. Когда речь идёт о животных, можно использовать местоимения which и that (последнее предпочтительнее) или who, если речь идёт о любимцах семьи или сказоч-ных персонажах: The dog that/which you see is a collie. My dog Joy, who is ten, still likes to play. 6. Местоимение whose вводит придаточные, в которых речь идёт как о людях, так и о неодушевлённых предметах и животных: This is the man whose name is Rob Webster. This is the cottage whose name is Sunny Beach. (Grammar Reference, p. 153.) Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1) I don’t like people (who/which) hate animals. 2) The question (who/which) you are asking me is very difficult. 3) The children (who/which) are playing in the garden are my brother’s friends. 4) The jobs (who/which) he did in his young years were all very interesting. 5) The mice (who/which) live under the floor get out at night. 6) The man (who/which) married my sister is my good friend now. 7) The place (who/ which) we visited last summer was very beautiful. 8) The career (who/which) I chose is not easy. 9) The deer (who/ which) live in the forest come to our house, and we feed them. 10) The 1ш1л'^ег811у (who/which) is in the city centre is the best. Complete the sentences with who, which, whose, that. 1) The boy ... is playing the computer game is my friend. 2) The story ... I read yesterday was very interesting. 3) The plant ... flowers are red is a rose. 4) The man ... car is in the garden is my cousin. 5) The room ... walls are yellow is the best in the house. 6) The children ... are sitting at their desks are my pupils. 7) The women ... are dancing now are our school teachers. 8) The dog ... is playing with a ball is Chase. 9) The house ... roof is high is my grandfather’s. 10) People ... like music often come to this place to listen to it. Listen, (52), and read. A. card [ka:d] — карточка, открытка celebrate ['seb|breit] — праздновать, отмечать gift [gift] — подарок hug [Ьлд] — обнимать midnight ['midnaitj — полночь shout fjaut] — кричать strike [straik] — 1) ударять, бить; 2) бить (о часах) wish [wij] — желать be fond of something — любить что-либо New Year’s Eve — канун Нового года в. card: а postcard, а greeting card, a birthday card, a bank card, to play cards. I got a beautiful birthday card from my uncle and aunt. celebrate: to celebrate a holiday, to celebrate a birthday. Jane is celebrating her twelfth birthday today. gift: a New Year gift, a wonderful gift, a gift shop, to make a gift. My granny made me a gift of her favourite books, hug (hugged): to hug your parents, to hug your friends. I hugged my grandparents because I was so happy to see them. midnight: at midnight. Twelve o’clock at night is midnight. My grandma usually goes to bed at midnight, shout: to shout at somebody. Why are you shouting? I can hear you well. I hate people who shout at children, old people and animals. strike (struck): 1) to strike somebody. Why did you strike Nick? 2) Listen! The clock is striking midnight. When does the Kremlin Clock strike? 107 LO r+ 0> "O Ni wish: to wish success, to wish good holidays. I wish you a Happy New Year. We wish you a good trip, be fond of: to be fond of travelling, to be fond of good music. I’m so fond of your new friend. New Year’s Eve: The 31st of December is New Year’s Eve. On New Year’s Eve we meet our families and friends. 108 Look at the pictures and say: a) when the children celebrate their birthdays; w b) what they got as a gift; c) what they are shouting; d) what time their clocks are striking. А. Listen, ^ (53), and read the names of the holidays. Match them with the dates. a) New Year’s Eve b) New Year’s Day c) St Valentine’s Day February Wenuary mecewber B. Listen, (54), and read. Complete the sentences after the text. Holidays and Festivals in Britain Part 1 Who doesn’t like holidays? Holidays usually mean not going to school or to work, they also mean nice food, gifts and a lot of fun. British people like them too. New Year begins on the first of January. It is a time for celebrating and for making a new start. People wish their families and friends “Happy New Year” and send special greeting cards. On New Year’s Eve many people go to parties with their families, neighbours and friends. They go to bed after midnight to “see the New Year in” at 12 o’clock. In London people come to Trafalgar Square to celebrate. From there they can hear Big Ben. Big Ben is the name of the bell inside the Clock Tower of the Hauses of Parliament. When Big Ben strikes, they all hug and kiss their friends and shout “Happy New Year”. January 1st is a holiday in Britain and the US. For older people it’s a day to spend at home. But young people go out and meet their friends at parties and different clubs. On St Valentine’s Day people send special greeting cards (Valentines) to those they love. It’s a tradition not to give the name of the sender. Some people buy presents for those they love or give them red roses, a symbol of love. 1) Holidays usually mean ... . 2) The beginning of a year is a time for ... 109 LTl r+ a> 3) People wish their families and friends ... and send special 110 Ы 4) In London people go to Trafalgar Square to ... . 5) When Big Ben strikes, people ... . 6) For older people 1 January is a day to spend ... . 7) But young people go out and ... . 8) On St Valentine’s Day people send ... . Are these facts true, false or not stated in the text? 1) Holidays usually mean staying away from school or work. 2) In January people send greeting cards to their families and friends. 3) December 31st is New Year’s Day. 4) People see the New Year in at midnight. 5) There is a big beautiful New Year tree in Trafalgar Square. 6) Everybody is very happy when Big Ben strikes. 7) Everybody tries to go out on New Year’s Day. 8) People celebrate St Valentine’s Day on February 14. 9) Spring in Britain begins on St Valentine’s Day. 10) Valentines are gifts that people make to those they love. uo IT om voaR oiviif Rewrite' these sentences. Use which or who/whom in the place of that 1) This is the dress that Nora bought in Italy. 2) This is the man that Nora met in Rome. 3) This is the picture that Nora took in France. 4) These are Nora’s friends that travelled with her. 5) These are the books that Nora read. 6) This is the driver that took Nora to the airport. Use the verbs in the right forms. 1) Last year we (celebrate) New Year abroad. 2) Listen, the clock (strike) midnight. 3) When I came into the room, my mum (hug) me. 4) “I (wish) you Happy New Year,” said Rose. 5) “I don’t hear what John (shout),” my aunt said. 10 Spell these words. 1) [ sebbreit] 5) [gift] 8) [ко;] 2) I'midnait] 6) [JautJ 9) ['poostka.'d] 3) [straik] 7) [Ьлд] 10) [fond] 4) [win ' Rewrite [,ri;'rait] — Перепиши step 3 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, ^ (55), and say which did you hear? 1) a) b) 2) a) b) 3) a) b) 4) a) b) 5) a) b) 6) a) b) I’d like to know where they are going to celebrate it I’d like to know when they are going to celebrate it. Who can say what time the clock is striking? Who can say what time the clock was striking? I don’t know what gift he is going to buy. I don’t know which gift he is going to buy. I can’t say what animals he is fond of. I can’t say which animals he is fond of. We’d like to know whose postcard it is. We’d like to know what postcard it is. I can’t understand who is shouting. I can’t understand why he is shouting. 111 LO r+ Ф "D Ы You know the verbs hug, wish. Read the sentences and say what the nouns hug and wish mean. 1) When my father came home, he gave me a big hug. Come to me, Lizzy, and give your granny a hug. 2) She has a great wish to see Father Frost some day. What is Helen’s deepest wish? At the end of a letter people often write With best wishes. Put two sentences into one. Example'. Where does he live? I’m not sure of it. I’m not sure where he lives. 1) When are we going to buy New Year gifts? I’d like to know that. 2) Why are they celebrating New Year’s Day in the country? Tell me that. 3) Why is he shouting? Ask him. 4) What was he doing at midnight? I don’t know that. 5) Who sent this greeting card to you? Tell me that. 6) What time is the clock striking? I’m not sure. 7) How can they answer this question? Tell me that. 8) What flowers is she fond of? I don’t know that. 9) Who does Harry hug before leaving home? Ask him. 10) What are your birthday wishes? I would like to know. 112 w Общие вопросы типа Does she play tennis? Can Jack drive a car? Has Andy got any pets at home? легко переделать в придаточные предложения при помощи небольшого слова if (ли, если), начав предложения с таких структур, как: I want to know... I don't know... We would like to know... Сравните: Does she play tennis? Can Jack drive? Has Andy got any pets? Was Boris at home? Is he going to celebrate it? They are interested... You ask if... I'm not sure if... I'd like to know if she plays tennis. We are interested if Jack can drive. They don't know if Andy has got any pets. Clair asks if Boris was at home. I'm not sure if he is going to celebrate it. This is what Jerry is thinking about. Say what he would like to know. You can begin like this: Jerry would like to know if... 1) Is Mum at home? 2) Is she cooking now? 3) Was she at the shop in the morning? 4) Is father going to come home early? 5) Does he go to the bank on Fridays? 6) Can father take us to the cinema today? 7) Do they show a James Bond film in the cinema? 8) Does mum like James Bond films? 9) Can she go with us? 10) Are you going to enjoy the film? Answer the questions if you can. Example: Do fish jump high? I don’t know if fish jump high./I know that fish jump high. 1) Do people live high in the mountains? 2) Is painting pictures interesting? 3) Can dogs play the piano? 4) Is January a winter month in Australia? 5) Is the weather warm or cold in Great Britain now? 6) Do they speak English in South America? 7) Does the new year begin on 1 January in all the countries? 8) Were the first cars big or small? 9) Does the British Queen like travelling abroad? Как вы знаете, междометия это те слова, которые помогают нам выразить наши «^вства. Вот, пожалуй, самые распространённые из них, ^ (56). Oh [эи] — выражает удовлетворение или просто свидетельствует о том, что ты понял собеседника {русск. о, а). Ouch [аи^] — это мы произносим, когда чувствуем внезапную боль {русск. ой). Неу [hei] — этим возгласом мы привлекаем внимание того, кто находится поодаль, не самый вежливый способ общения {русск. эй). Мтт... — этот звук свидетельствует о том, что пища кажется нам вкусной или вкусно пахнет. Wow [wau] — возглас удивления или восторга {русск. ух). Yuck [|лк] — возглас отвращения {русск. фу). Oops [u:ps] — это слово используют в случаях, когда совершают небольшую оплошность {русск. ой). 113 1/> г+ (Ь 13 ы 1 What are these people saying? 1. 3. 7. 114 u А. Say which is true about you. Y\\.e WoUd»V \s the New Year, my birthday. St Valentine’s Day, other. tVve • s-Bve • do a lot of cooking. • buy presents for my family and friends. • write greeting cards, other. Ъ') pe cef^ ibet go out with my parents, celebrate at home, go to bed early, watch a lot of TV, other. Otv r’S 4> M ■■ • shout “Happy New Yearl”. • listen to the clock strike 12 get New Year gifts. • eat tasty things, other. « - • wish everybody a good year. ' go out with my friends. stay in bed. • visit my grandparents, other. getting gifts, eating nice things, having fun. doing nothing, other B. Work in pairs. You are giving each other New Year presents. Say what you are giving, say thank you. Follow the example. Example: A: Hi. Victor. B: Hi, Jane. How are you? A: I’m fine, thanks. And how are you? B: I’m OK. I have a little present for you. It’s a new book by your favourite writer. A: Oh, thank you very much. It’s very nice of you. I’ve got something for you too. It’s a model car. B: Thank you so much, Jane. I love it. Happy New Year! A: Happy New Year to you too! DO IT 01У YOUR OWiy Complete the sentences and write them. 1) Do you know the holiday (which/who) people celebrate in February? 2) What is the name of the man (who/whose) greeting card you got yesterday? 3) I like to talk to people (which/who) know a lot. 4) My friend lives in the house (which/whose) door and windows are dark green. Write down the sentences that are true about you. 1) there are more holidays in Britain than in Russia. 2) British people eat special food on the New Year’s Eve. 3) it usually snows in London in winter. 4) there is a special song people sing when they see the New Year in. 5) St Valentine’s Day is popular with young people. 6) they give chocolates to those they love. I don’t know if 115 • M • \ LT) Ф T3 10 Match the words with the pictures. a) a postcard b) a greeting card c) a bank card d) a birthday card 3. 4. г Step 4 DO IT TOGETHER Read the dialogue and act it out. A: Did you enjoy the New Year’s Day? B: Oh, yes. I had a lot of fun. A: What did you do? 116 В: We had а party. All my friends came to my place. And you know what? A: What? B: When the clock struck seven. Father Frost 1 appeared at my door and wished us Happy New Year. A: Father Frost? Don’t be a baby. It couldn’t be Father Frost. B: Certainly not. It was my father with a big box of gifts. A: Wow! That’s great! Listen, 9 (57), and match the three texts with the names. Ы 1) Fiona sees the New Year in with a lot of people. 2) Maria sees the New Year in alone. 3) Elizabeth doesn’t cook on the New Year’s Day. Work in pairs. Complete the dialogue and act it out. A: What are you going to do on the New Year’s Eve? •p. • • • • • A: And what about New Year’s Day? Will you stay at home or go anywhere? B: ... . And you? What are you going to do? A* Л Ai • • • • • Listen, ^ (58), and read. A. afraid [a'freid] — испуганный decorate ['dekareit] — украшать each [i:^] — каждый religious [п'ЬфэБ] — религиозный treat [tri:t] — 1) угощение, лакомство; 2) удовольствие wait [weit] — ждать, ожидать B. afraid: to be afraid of something/somebody; to be afraid of dogs, geese, horses; to be afraid of dark. I am afraid you can Father Frost — Дед Мороз miss your bus. Don’t be afraid of horses, to be afraid to do something: If you don’t know the answer, don’t be afraid to say so. to be afraid of doing something: He is afraid of riding a horse. decorate: to decorate a room (classroom, hall), to decorate eggs, to decorate with something. We decorated the hall with balloons. They decorated the walls with the pictures and photos, each: each pupil, each girl, each of us, each of them. Each house in the street has a garden. They each have a book. Each of us got a gift, each other: To see each other, to like each other. religious: a religious holiday, a religious tradition, religious people. He is a deeply religious person. treat: an unusual treat, a wonderful treat. It’s a great treat to see you again. I like to give my daughters a little treat on the New Year’s Eve. wait: to wait for somebody, to wait for something. Why are you standing here? — I’m waiting for a bus. Wait a minute, I’m coming with you. We’ll wait and see. Which is true about you? 1) I like to decorate my New Year tree with ... . (balls, stars, toys, sweets, flowers, fruit) 2) I do these things each day of my life, I ... . (wash my hair, do my room, go to school, play computer games, read books, meet my friends, say ‘hello’ to somebody) 3) I’m afraid of ... . (wolves, snakes, the dark, rats, dogs, fire, swimming in deep water, walking in the forest, staying alone) 4) It is a treat for me to ... . (go out with my parents, listen to my favourite music, visit my good friends, go to the shops, dance, see a circus show, go to the cinema) 5) I’m waiting for ... . (the New Year, the school holidays, spring, the weekend, my birthday, nothing) 117 fD "D Обратите внимание на то, что английское слово festival ['festival! отличается от похожего на него русского слова фестиваль. Так же как английское holiday, существительное festival может обозначать праздник, обычно религиозного характера (Easter ['i:sta] — Пасха, Christmas ['krismas] — Рождество). Listen, (59), and read. Match the parts of the text with the names. There are two parts but three names. 118 w a) The Day of Wild Parties b) The Day of Wonderful Presents c) The Day of New Life Holidays and Festivals in Britain Part 2 1. People celebrate Easter in March or April. It is an important religious festival. On Easter Sunday many people go to church. Easter always means spring, new life after winter, flowers, green trees and young animals: usually chicks or lambs [laemz]. Children in Britain get gifts of chocolate Easter eggs. Many people decorate eggs and give them to each other. 2. In autumn the English wait for October 31st. It is the day when people in Britain and some other English-speaking countries celebrate Halloween. It is a very old tradition. In ancient times people thought that on this day ghosts and witches are free and you can meet them. In those days people were afraid of witches and ghosts and many stayed at home. Now in Britain and the USA it is a time for fun. There are always a lot of parties on October 31st. At these parties people often dress as ghosts and witches and play games. Some of them make Halloween lanterns from large pumpkins. Sometimes children go out into the street, come to their neighbours’ doors and say “Trick* or treat.” They usually get a treat — some chocolate, sweets or nuts. lamb ghost lantern witch Read the text "Holidays and Festivals in Britain" again and complete these sentences. 1) Easter is an important ... . 2) People celebrate it in ... . 3) For many people Easter Sunday is the day to go a trick [trik] — зд.: шалость, проказа • • • pumpkin 4) Easter means ... . 5) The symbols of Easter are 6) Popular gifts at Easter are B. 1) People celebrate Halloween on ... . 2) The tradition of Halloween is very 3) In ancient times people were afraid to meet ... . 4) Now in English-speaking countries it is a time for ... . 5) At Halloween parties people often ... . 6) A symbol of Halloween is ... . 7) On Halloween night a lot of children go to their neighbours’ doors and say ... . DO IT ON YOUR OWN Make up sentences from these words. Write them down. 1) if/likes/your friend/I’d like to know/chocolate. 2) knows/nobody/Alice/if/is still waiting. 3) sure/what/the children/I’m not/treat/like/best. 4) why/you like/tell me/New Year’s Day. 5) we’re/if/they/had/at the party/a lot of fun/not sure. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. 1) We decorate a New Year tree ... sweets, nuts and toys. 2) I’m not afraid ... turtles, I like them. 3) It’s a treat ... me and ... my parents to go to the Bolshoi Theatre. 4) Who are you waiting ...? 5) We decided to decorate our room ... pictures. 6) Every morning I wait ... my friends at the bus stop. 119 ел П) TJ 1Л for (4), of, with (2) Spell these words. 1) [tri:t] 2) [weit] 3) [п'Ьфэз] 4) [a'freid] 5) ['dekareit] 6) Step 5 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (60), and match the texts with the names of the holidays. Text 1 a) Easter Sunday b) Halloween Text 2 Text 3 Text 4 c) New Year’s Day d) New Year’s Eve Work in pairs. Ask each other and answer these questions. 120 w In what season do people go skiing? buy New Year gifts? choose Easter presents? stay a lot outdoors? dream about hot summer days? give each other Valentine cards? wish each other a good and successful year? make lanterns from pumpkins? go roller skating? Look at the pictures and say what each of these people has got. Example'. Each doctor has got a watch. Each of the doctors has got a watch. 1. 2. 8. Complete the dialogues with the words from the box. Oh! Auch! Hey! Mmm... Wow! Yuck! Oops! 1) A: B: 2) A: B: 3) A: B: Do you like your birthday cake? ... It looks great! I can’t wait to eat it ... Where are you going? Are you talking to me? Please drink some hot milk. ... I hate hot milk! 4) А: В: 5) А: В: А; 6) А: В: 7) А: В: Look at these gifts. They are for you and your friends ... Thank you very much! They are wonderful. # • • What’s the matter? It’s a bad word. Don’t say it again. We’re going to have a New Year party. ... When are you going to have it? ... It hurts!^ I’m sorry, dear. Just wait: it’ll feel better soon. 121 3 Speak about these British holidays and festivals. 1. Easter important religious festival • go to church in March or April means spring and new life chicks and lambs chocolate eggs 2. Halloween • popular in English-speaking countries • very old tradition • on October 31 ‘ ghosts and witches are free • have parties dress as ghosts and witches • make lanterns from pumpkins ‘ go to their neighbours’ doors • “Trick or treat” 3. New Year send greeting cards wish each other Happy New Year on New Year’s Eve have parties see the New Year in Big Ben strikes midnight hug and kiss each other shout “Happy New Year!” 0) ■O 1Л I It hurts [h3:ts]. — Мне больно. 122 4. St Valentine's Day • old tradition • send Valentines • those they love • give presents • flowers and chocolates • symbol of love w What does Bob ask? A. Example: How often does John visit his grandparents? Bob asks how often John visits his grandparents. 1) How long does John usually decorate the New Year tree? Bob asks how long ... . 2) How far from school does John live? Bob asks how far ... . 3) How well does John know the poem? Bob asks how well ... . 4) How often does John come here? Bob asks ... . 5) How much time does John usually spend on his homework? Bob asks ... . 6) How many vegetables does John buy on Saturday? Bob asks ... . 7) How many times a week does John go to the cinema? Bob asks ... . B. Example: How old are the children? Bob asks how old the children are. 1) How Bob 2) How Bob 3) How Bob 4) How Bob 5) How Bob 6) How Bob 7) How Bob good is the film? asks how good ... . interesting are the books? asks ... . deep is the river? asks ... . wide are the streets? asks ... . long is the fairy tale? asks ... . old is the car? asks ... . tall is the tower? asks ... . Обратите внимание на то, каким образом просьбы и приказания из прямой речи можно перевести в косвенную: © о John says, "Buy some bread." John asks to buy some bread. John says to Helen, "Go there!" John tells Helen to go there. John says, "Don't buy any bread!" John asks not to buy any bread. John says to Helen, "Don't go there! John tells Helen not to go there. n 123 0) "D VI What does Jill ask her sister to do/not to do? Example: Jill: Betty, come home at 9. Jill asks/tells Betty to come at 9. Jill: Don’t watch television now. Jill asks/tells Betty not to watch television now, 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) J J J J J J J J i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 « 1 1 ♦ 1 1 1 Don’t lie in the sun so long, Betty. Make a sandcastle, Betty. Betty, go to school. Don’t be afraid of the dog, Betty. Betty, have a trip to the Green Island. Betty, decorate the New Year tree. Wait for me in the hall, Betty. Don’t ask me so many questions, Betty! DO IT Oni YOUR OWN Write what Sam asks his mum to do/not to do. 1) Help me! 2) Don’t go! 3) Read to me, please! 4) Don’t cook porridge for me. Put two sentences into one. Example: Tell me something. How old are you? Tell me how old you are. 1) Tell me something. How good are you at skating? 2) Tell me something. How fast do you ski? 3) Tell me something. How popular is this festival? 124 Ui 10 4) Tell me something. How often does he go to the skating rink? 5) Tell me something. How well do your friends speak English? Write what they are. 1. Write a birthday card to your friend, Dear ..., Happy birthday! I wish you .. Lots of love. .4 ^ • > Ч 1 A 6. Enjoy this wonderful day Step DO IT TOGETHER A. Put the lines right’. Listen, ^ (61), and check. I. (1) Roses are red __ Sugar is sweet __ And so are you __ Violets are blue II. [Vaiabts] фиалки (1) Lilies are white __ You are my queen __ When I am a King __ Rosemary’s green. ['hliz] лилии ['rauzmari] розмарин в. When do people say these rhymes^? • on the New Year’s Day • on 31 October, Halloween • on St Valentine’s Day • at Easter * Put the lines right. — Расставь строчки в нужном порядке. ^ а rhyme [raim] — стишок, рифмовка А. А young journalist is going to ask a famous singer these questions. Say what the journalist wants to know. Example: Gloria, do you often visit other countries? The journalist asks/wants to know if Gloria often visits other countries. 1) Do you like pop music? 2) Do you often go to the rock concerts? 3) How often do you do that? 4) Are you interested in the cinema? 5) How well do you know modern actors? 6) Do you sometimes watch videos? 7) What songs do you usually sing? 8) Which of them are your favourite songs? 9) Do you celebrate New Year at home with your family? 10) How do you do that? 11) What songs are you going to sing here? 12) Are you going to sing some songs in French? B. Act out the talk between the journalist and the singer. 125 in r-f n> •O What does Charlie ask Roy? A. Example: How many Russian books have you got, Roy? Charlie asks how many Russian books Roy has. 1) Have you got a family? 2) Have you got brothers or sisters? 3) How many sisters have you got? 4) How many brothers have you got? 5) Have you got any pets? 6) What pets have you got? B. Example: Where did you go yesterday? Charlie asks where Roy went yesterday. 1) With whom did you celebrate last New Year? 2) Who decorated the New Year tree then? 3) How many gifts were there under the New Year tree? 4) What did you cook that day? 5) What did you do on New Year’s Eve? 6) Who did you meet on New Year’s Day? 7) What gifts did you give to your parents? 8) What gifts did you get? 126 ы It is 22 December, the shortest day of the year. Little Frankie is writing a letter to Father Frost. This is Frankie's letter. Read and say what little Frankie is asking Father Frost to do/not to do in his letter. Dear Father Frost! Bring me a dog, please. Don’t bring me a teddy bear, they are for girls. Bring me a computer. Don't bring me a bike: I have a new one. Bring me a mobile. Don't bring me a book of fairy tales. I've got a lot of them. Thank you. Father Frost. I will wait for your gifts. Frankie кого-то; Little Frankie is asking Father Frost ... Listen, 9 (62), and read. A. believe [bi'liiv] — 1) верить кому-то, верить в 2) думать, полагать greet [gri:t] — приветствовать, здороваться greeting(s) ['gri:tig(z)] — приветствие, поздрав.т1ение hang [haeg] — вешать (на что то) money ['тлп1] — деньги prepare [рп'реэ] — готовить(ся) quiet ['kwaiat] — тихий, спокойный real [пэ1] — реальный, настоящий special ['spejl] — специальный, особый, особенный В. believe: 1) to believe somebody, to believe something. I believe her words. I think we can believe them. Do you believe in Father Frost? 2) I believe he is right. = I think he’s right, greet: to greet the children, to greet your teacher. Pupils often stand up to greet their teachers. greeting(s): birthday greetings. New Year greetings. I sent my New Year greetings to my aunt and uncle. hang (hung): to hang a clock on the wall, to hang (up) a coat on a hook, to hang toys on the New Year tree. When I came home, dad was hanging a picture on the wall, money: to have a lot of money, to have no money, to spend money on books, to give money to people. Take the money and go to the shop. Moneybox: There is no money in my moneybox. prepare: to prepare for dinner (supper, tea), to prepare gifts for the children, to prepare a birthday cake. She is in the kitchen preparing the dinner. quiet: a quiet evening, a quiet game. Be quiet! Ann is sleeping. Jack is a quiet boy, he never shouts. Do you live a quiet life? real: a real treat, a real friend, a real problem, a real man. Tom is a real man. He is not afraid of anything. special: a special gift, a special day. I know this book is of special interest to him. New Year’s Eve is a special day for him. Answer the questions. Use the new words. 1) When do people in Russia usually decorate New Year trees? When do you do it in your family? Who usually hangs toys on the New Year tree? Do you hang sweets, nuts, bright balls, lights* on the New Year tree? 2) Do you believe in Father Frost? Do you believe that New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are very special? 3) What is a real treat for you on 31 December? What do you usually do before going to bed? What is a real gift for you? Is this evening usually quiet in your family? 4) Do you prepare something special for your parents, neighbours, friends on that day? If yes, what are these things? 5) Who is busier on New Year’s Eve — you or your parents? Why? Who usually prepares food for the party? Do you always see the New Year in at home? Say what you did on 31 December last year. These word combinations can help you. decorate the house (flat) buy a New Year tree prepare gifts (for each other) write special greeting cards send e-mails go to a party/stay at home wish each other Happy New Year watch television listen to the Kremlin Clock strike midnight go out, sing and dance phone friends and neighbours 127 r+ ft T3 lights — огоньки, лампочки на ёлке DO IT OIU YOUR OWN 128 Ы 10 Write who or what they are. a) two people you greet in the morning b) two things you can hang on the wall c) two people you believe d) two things you often spend money on e) two things you prepare on 31 December Write more nouns to continue the rows. 1) a special child, ... 2) a real holiday, ..., 3) a quiet pet, ..., .. Spell these words. • • • • • Ф 1) [рп'реэ] 2) ['spefl] 3) ['пэ1] 4) ['тлш] 5) [bi'liiv] 6) [grid] 7) [haeq] 8) ['kwaiat] Write a letter to Father Frost and ask him for a Christmas or New Year gift. Exercise 4 on p. 126 can help you. Step 7 DO IT TOGETHER Listen, ^ (63), and say where they were on Easter Sunday and what they did. 1) Steve Tray 2) William Davidson 3) Brian Wells a) visited his friends in the country b) stayed at home to celebrate his brother’s birthday c) travelled visiting some places of interest Read these words, word combinations and sentences. A. Festival, greetings, believe, midnight, money, hang, hung, prepare. B. a quiet life a quiet street a quiet evening a special day a special holiday a special present a real teacher a real mother real food to greet each other to hug each other to hear each other Easter greetings birthday greetings New Year greetings C. I wish you a Happy New Year. I wish you a bright and happy Easter. Ьвпе Обратите внимание на употребление предлогов в составе некоторых обстоятельств времени: at three o'clock Easter Christmas noon night midnight on Monday 31 December a cold day Thursday morning Tuesday night the New Year's Day Saint Valentine's Day the New Year's Eve in 2012 January February March the evening the morning the afternoon 129 ro T3 Ni Complete the sentences with the missing words’. 1) What do you write to the people you love ... St Valentine’s Day? 2) Jack London, an American writer, was born ... 1876. 3) Are you always at home ... New Year’s Eve? 4) ... June it is not very dark in St Petersburg ... night. 5) ... Thursday night all the boys decided to meet ... the living room. 6) How many classes have you got ... Friday? 7) Let’s meet ... the afternoon. — Why? Let’s meet ... the evening. 8) That day ... four o’clock a strong wind was blowing. 9) We usually stay at home ... New Year’s Day. 10) Do you give your friends presents ... Easter? 11) ... midnight, when the clock struck twelve, there appeared Father Frost. 12) A lot of people go to church ... Christmas. Listen, ^ (64), and read. Jesus Christ^ [,ф1:гэ8 Christmas ['knsmas] 'krarst] Christmas tree Christmas cake 1 2 with the missing words — недостающими словами Jesus Christ — Иисус Христос, основатель одной из величайших мировых религий — христианства. В английском языке часто используют одну часть Его имени — либо Jesus, либо Christ. 130 ы Xmas Christmas Day Christmas stocking Father Christmas Santa ['saenta] Listen, ^ (65), and read the text. Are these sentences true? 1) In England it is often rainy at Christmas. 2) Father Christmas visits children on Christmas Eve. 3) On Christmas Day they can hear the monarch of England on television. 4) People usually eat their Christmas cake on the day after Christmas. 5) People in the west of Russia celebrate Christmas on 25 December, Christmas in Britain Christmas (Xmas), or Christmas Day, is an important and very special religious holiday for millions of people all over the world. People in Britain and many other countries of Europe celebrate this festival on 25 December. They celebrate it as the day when Jesus Christ was born and send greetings to each other. It is often cold, wet and foggy at Christmas in JirzitRin Л^ятИшч .their .homes and Christmas trees and often put candles in each window to show that Jesus Christ is the light of the world. You can see Christmas lights in the streets. People often hang them there. There are Christmas trees in squares and other important places. People decorate them with bells, bright balls, Christmas stockings, toys and lights. You can hear music from different places. The day before Christmas is Christmas Eve. It is a very busy time for families in England. They prepare gifts, make Christmas cake, hang stockings near the fireplace. Children often write letters to Father Christmas or Santa with their wishes. Many of them believe that while they are sleeping Father Christmas comes to visit. They think he is a real old man in red with a big sack of toys, sweets and other presents. He puts them in the children’s stockings. 1 I Ч ' 1 r fireplace handbell sack Chrismas stocking On Christmas Day everybody opens their presents and sits down to table to have a big dinner. Families usually have turkey or goose with vegetables. After dinner the family often meet in the living room to listen to the monarch of England on television. At teatime in the late afternoon they drink tea with their Christmas cake. During the holidays some people go from house to house in the evening. They ring handbells and sing Christmas songs. Families often give them pies, nuts, fruit or a little money. Сошр\е\е the text with the wovds hom the box. 131 i/> r+ П) ТЭ stockings, money, cards, monarch, turkey, December, gifts, handbells, dinner, bom, hang, fireplace, decorate People in Britain and the USA celebrate Christmas on 25 (I) ... . They believe Jesus Christ was (2) ... on that day. People (3) ... their homes and Christmas trees. They prepare (4) ... for each other and write special Christmas (5) ... . Children often (6) ... Christmas stockings near the (7) ... . They believe that Father Christmas is a kind old man who puts sweets and small toys in their (8) ... . On Christmas Day families sit down to table to have a big (9) ... . They usually have (10) ... or goose with vegetables. After dinner they meet in the living room to listen to their (II) ... on television. There is also a tradition to walk from house to house in the evening, ring (12) ... and sing Christmas songs. People give them tasty things and a little (13) ... . Имя существительное money (деньги) является неисчисляемым в английском языке. Оно не имеет формы множественного числа. Это слово согласуется с глаголом в единственном числе и заменяется местоимением it. Неопределённый артикль с ним не употребляется. Where is the money? It is on the table. I had a lot of money yesterday, but I spent it. Jack says there was some money in his bag. (Grammar Reference, p. 143.) г '’К 132 Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1) — (Was/Were) there any money in the box? — I don’t know, but there (is/are) no money in it now. 2) Where (is/are) the coins? (Is/Are) they on the shelf? 3) Ask Jane if she has (many/much) money. 4) Money (was/were) important in the past, money (is/are) important now. 5) Take (this/these) money and buy some fruit. 6) The money (is/are) not in the bag, (it/they) (is/are) in the moneybox. w DO IT 01У YOUR OW Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Write them down 10 at. in. on December, 1) I like to be with my family ... Christmas. 2) People in Russia don’t celebrate Christmas ... they celebrate it ... January. 3) All my family are very busy ... New Year’s Eve. 4) We were going to buy New Year gifts ... the afternoon. 5) People believe that Santa visits their houses ... midnight. 6) ... Sunday morning everything was ready for the holiday. Choose the right words to complete the sentences. Write them down. 1) Please give me the money (who/which) lies on the desk. 2) Some people believe (which/that) witches and black cats always go together. 3) Father Christmas brings presents to children (who/which) are good, quiet and helpful. 4) We want to prepare a dinner (which/whose) everybody will like. 5) I like the clock (whose/which) face is light blue: it looks very nice. Give the past forms of these verbs. Example: find — found 1) hang - - ? 6) build — ? 2) make 9 • 7) defend — 3) lie — 9 • 8) write — ? 4) move - — 7 • 9) hug — ? 5) appear — ? 10) strike — ? step 8 Round-up DO IT TOGETHER Listen, (66), and choose the right answer. 1) The children decided to go to London in ... . a) spring b) summer c) autumn d) winter 2) They came to London on . a) Sunday b) Monday 3) In London they stayed ... a) with their friends b) with their families c) Saturday d) Friday c) at the hotel d) at the holiday centre 4) On Sunday morning the weather was ... . a) cold b) good c) nasty d) bad 5) The children . a) took a bus b) took a taxi in London. c) walked d) went by underground 6) On the 25th of December they had ... for lunch. a) meat and vegetables c) turkey and apples b) turkey and rice d) turkey and vegetables 7) The speaker got . a) a postcard b) flags and stars for Christmas. c) a toy d) a book Complete the sentences. Use the prepositions from the box where necessary. of, at (4), on (4), with, for (2) 1) At 6 o’clock yesterday Hue was preparing ... a party. 2) Come in, Linda, and hang your coat ... the hook. 3) Who are you waiting ...? 4) The clock was striking ... midnight. 5) Never shout ... children. 6) Little Boris is not afraid ... dogs. 7) People see the New Year in ... midnight. 8) We celebrate a special holiday ... the 8th of March. 9) What do your family usually do ... Christmas Day? 10) Let’s meet ... Thursday 7 p.m. 11) Are you always together with your family Easter? 12) I never decorate New Year trees ... nuts. • • • 133 СЛ r+ о *D 00 Match the words in the two columns. A. 1) believe a) a Christmas cake 2) send b) each other 3) prepare c) midnight 4) greet d) in Santa 134 5) strike e) the New Year tree 6) decorate f) greeting cards c B. 3 1) see a) for the teacher r+ 2) celebrate b) the New Year in ui 3) shout c) you “Happy New 4) hug d) at the geese 5) wish e) your granny 6) wait f) Easter A. What do they ask? Example’. Helen: How far is the city centre? Helen asks how far the city centre is. 1) S t e V e: Where did you buy this beautiful Christmas tree? 2) P о 1 1 y: How often do your family come together? 3) J a n e: Whose greeting card is this? 4) D a V i d: When do they celebrate Christmas in Canada? 5) P e t e r: How do you decorate your home at Christmas? 6) L i z a: Is January 1 a quiet day for you? 7) M a r y: Were you happy to get this gift? B. What do they tell their friends? Example: John: Stay with us for the weekend. John tells/asks his friend to stay with them for the weekend. 1) N i n a: Don’t sing this song again, please. 2) A n d y: Have dinner with us. 3) R u t h: Help me to put the lights on the tree. 4) К a t e: Don’t drive so fast, please. 5) R о n a 1 d: Don’t eat too much chocolate. 6) F r e d: Choose any toy you like. 7) S о f i a: Don’t hang the picture so high, please. Choose the right forms of the verbs and complete the text. On a cold winter night Harris and his family (1 be) at home. The weather (2 be) terrible and a strong wind (3 blow). But the bright fire in the fireplace (4 make) the living room warm and cosy. The children (5 decorate) the Christmas tree. They (6 decide) to hang some bells on it. Suddenly the door (7 open) and Father Christmas (8 come) in with a big red sack of gifts. The children (9 look) at him and (10 run) to hug him. “Hello, Uncle Tom,” they (11 shout). “You are not real Father Christmas. Thank you for the presents. Uncle.” Work in pairs. Connplete and act out these dialogues. I. A: How do they celebrate Halloween in Britain? B: ... . A: Really? And how do they dress up? B: A lot of people have parties too. A: And what do children do? B: They really enjoy this day. A: I’m sure that they do. II. A: • • B: They decorate their houses and Christmas trees, prepare tasty food and invite their families and friends. Ai ...? B: Some people go out to restaurants and clubs. But most people believe that it’s important to spend this day with their families. A: ...? B: Oh, yes, they do. They give each other chocolates, beautiful candles, toys and other things. Speak about Christmas in Russia, on January • religious holiday • dress beautifully • go to church • decorate • some tasty dishes family and friends sit down at table sing and dance around the Christmas tree Christmas gifts 135 00 DO IT ON YOUR OWN Choose the right words to complete these sentences. 1) Hob says he doesn’t have (many/much) money. 2) Where (is/are) the money for the gifts? 1 can’t see (it/them). 3) (This/These) money is for Jane as a Christmas present. 4) I don’t think money (is/are) a good present for children. 1 ы Write а greeting card for somebody you love. Choose some of these. • Best wishes for the New Year! • Merry Christmas! • Have a wonderful New Year! • With Christmas Greeting's and All Good Wishes for the New Year! • Sending you special wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! • Wishing you a Long, Healthy and Happy Life! • Best wishes for the coming year! Get ready to write Dictation 3. Dictation 3 1. To be afraid of ghosts and witches, to prepare special gifts, to strike midnight, a quiet evening, to greet each other, to believe in Father Christmas, to be fond of flowers, to decorate the room with pictures, to see the New Year in, a religious holiday. 2. 1) Going to the circus was a real treat for the children. 2) All children hope that Santa will visit their homes and bring his gifts. 3) They often decorate their houses with pumpkins for Halloween. 4) Children usually wait for New Year's Eve. 5) We send a lot of greeting cards before Christmas. о т afraid, believe, card, celebrate, decorate, each, fireplace, ghost, gift, greet, greeting, handbell, lamb, lantern, midnight, money, prepare, pumpkin, quiet, real, religious, sack, Santa, shout, special, stocking, treat, trick, wait, wish, witch be fond of something hang — hung, hug — hugged, strike — struck Christmeis, Easter, Halloween, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, St Valentine’s Day 137 LT> r+ Ф TJ Ф Step 9 Test Yourself I. LISTENING Listen, iS> (67), and complete the sentences. 1) Mary likes Christmas because ... . a) she likes tasty food b) she likes Christmas gifts c) she meets her family 2) Last December Mary’s grandmother didn’t cause ... . a) she was ill b) she likes a quiet life c) she was visiting her children in the city 3) Mary bought for her granny ... . a) a Christmas tree and a Christmas cake b) a Christmas tree and some gifts c) some Christmas gifts and a Christmas cake 4) Mary and her granny ... together. a) decorated the Christmas tree b) made tea c) had tea visit her be- У Maximum result 4 Your result 9 Ф II. READING Read the text. Put its parts in a logical order and then give them names. 138 w У A. All other days of my holiday were wonderful too. We had short and long trips to different places in the mountains and in the city. We went to the shops, visited the US Bank Tower wAfCiV iv Argit o-/ iJiW AcfAWrirgS' At AVv? world). We drove to Santa Barbara and spent six days there. It’s a beautiful place on the beach 50 kilometres from Los Angeles. I swam a lot there. My two weeks in America were just wonderful and passed like two days. B. On Christmas Day the weather was fine. It was warm and sunny. After breakfast we drove to church. We had a traditional dinner of turkey and vegetables at four in the afternoon and then we opened our gifts. I got a book about Los Angeles as a Christmas present. C. Last Christmas I went to Hollywood for two weeks. My best friend Laura was living there in the southwest of the USA. I travelled by plane to Los Angeles. Thirteen hours later I was in that famous city. Laura met me at the airport. We hugged and kissed each other and then drove to Hollywood in her car. We arrived home at midnight. The clock was just striking twelve. D. The next day was Christmas Eve. In the morning Laura took me to Disneyland, which is not very far from Los Angeles. I didn’t think I could like the place but I enjoyed it very much. When we came back home, we began to decorate the Christmas tree. Soon the room looked very cosy with the Christmas stockings which hang over the fireplace and a small toy Santa with a red sack near it. Maximum result 8 Your result 9 • III. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar and Vocabulary) У Put the sentences together to make one sentence. 1) Is there a fireplace in the house? I’d like to know it. I’d like to know... 2) Wbooc Chrietmae gift is it? Please tell me. 3) Why do they hang Christmas stockings at the fireplace? Does anybody know it? 4) Do they celebrate Christmas in India? Do you know it? 5) How old is the story of Santa? Tell me. 6) How do they make Christmas cake? I don’t know. 7) Is Christmas festival long? I’d like to know it. 13S tn П) “D Maximum result 7 Your result 9 V Choose the right words to complete these sentences. 1) This is the writer (whose/which) books I enjoy most of all. 2) Where (is/are) the money? 3) Who are you waiting (for/of)? 4) This is the book (who/which) I bought yesterday. 5) Andrew is the boy (which/that) everybody knows. 6) (On/At) Christmas Eve people usually decorate Christmas trees. 7) What do you usually do (on/at) Easter? Maximum result 7 Your result 9 • IV. SPEAKING Answer the questions. 1) When do they celebrate Christmas in the UK and the USA? 2) Who was born on this day as people believe? 3) Why do children hang stockings near the fireplace on Christmas Eve? 4) When is New Year’s Day? 5) How do people see the New Year in? 6) What is a traditional gift for St Valentine’s Day? 7) What is a Valentine and what is special about it? 8) When do they celebrate Easter? 9) What are the symbols of Easter? 10) What presents do children usually get at Easter? 140 11) When do they celebrate Halloween? 12) Mow do a lot of people dress at Halloween? 13) What do children do on Ttalloween night? Maximum result 13 Your result 9 • Say how British people celebrate Christmas. Outline 1) Christmas is an important religions festival. 2) People prepare gifts for Christmas. 3) On Christinas Eve i)oop)e decorate n Christmas tree. 1) People have a traditional Christmas dinner. 5) Why a lot of people like this holiday. Maximum result 5 Your result ? V. WRITING Write Dictation 3. (68). Maximum result 1_15 у Total result 39 Your result 7 Your result ? Step Enjoy Yourself DO IT TOGETHER Read the text and match the paragraphs (1—3) with their rwmes (a—c). Names a) Shopping at Christmas b) Л Present from the Country in the North of Europe c) Christmas Lights in lx)ndon London at Chrifttmas 1. London is a grcnt plnrp to ho at Christmas! Every Cliristmas London gotb a present from Norway — a Christmas tree wiiicli is 23 metros high end has got 500 white lights. 2. At this time I^ondon is a great place to go shopping, but the sho{>s are very busy. 200 inillioii people go to Oxford Street every year! There are я lot of shops there. The most famous shops arc Hamleys (a toyshop), Selfridges, Marks and Spencer and Tower Records for music and CDs. Hamleys is in Regent Street, it is next to the Disney Store. Selfridges is In Oxford Street near to Bond Street underground station' and next to Selfridges is Marks and Spencer. 3. London is famous for its decoration at Christmas. Many people come to London to see the Christmas lights. Every year an actor or pop star switches (зажигает) on the Christmas lights in Regent Street and Oxford Street. The Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square is alway^s beautiful. 141 V) r* «Э •o Put the lines in the Itmeridc in the right order a) When she said, ”Tick'a'tack!”; a) Which grieved [grirvdj that Old I^dy of France; h) Who taught little duc klings {dAklir)7.| to dance; c) They only said, **Quack’*; (1) Tliere was an Old I^dy of France. огорчило утята Кряк лл uutlergrouiu! sUlion — гтаиции Mtrr|K> 142 С э ы Learn to read this tongue twister as fast as you can. Three prey geese in the green grass grazing пастбище c зелёной Grey were the geese and green was the grazing. травой Read the te>ct and say what the fairy godmother is going to teil the girtv The English Roses Part 3 Amy waa the first to speak. “She thinks she’s n star because she’s beautiful." “We don’t want to invite her over," Charlotte added. “It’s not that we don’t like her." said N’icoic. “She just tJiinks ifmt she doesn’t like us." Nicole's mother thought about, this for a scK:ond mid then siie said. "I think you girls aren’t right. Binah would certainly like to have friends. You don’t know anything Im* portant about her. All you know is tliat she’s beautiful." The girls knew Nicole’s mother was right, but they didn’t M'ojj/ to say it. After tije /ttot?2er JeJsseei tiwju ^oodnifr^it. the girls went to bed but could not sleep. They were thinking. No one said a word. When at last they fell asleep, ail the girls had the same dream. Here is what they oA'amea;* aii”idur oi'ttikm were nbviiig a picnic in the park. As usual they were talking about Binah and her beauty when suddenly a fairy godmother appeared! She was short and had a round kind face. She landed right on Charlotte's sandv^dch. “Oh. excuse me. Is that fresh bread’/’’ she said. “T just love fresh bread!’’ {to be continued) наконец уснули как обычно чг Listen, (69), end sing along. Jingle Bells James Pierpont (published in 1857) Jingle bells, jingle bells« Jingle all the way! Oil, what fun it is to ride Tn a onc'horse open sleigh [slei] [repeat) Dashing through the snow On a oiie*horsc optm sleigh. Over the fields f5:Idz] we go, laughing (’lorfiQl all the way Bells on bobtail ring, Making spirits bright, What fun it is to ride and sing Л sleighing song tonight. Listen, (70), and read the poem. Calendar ('laddnddl Jmmnry shivers, February shines, March blows off The winter Ice, April пшкев The niorninga nice May is hopscotch lines. June is Deep blue ssvimming, Hiciiies iii4j July, August is My birthday Scpteinl)or whistles by. October is Roller skates, November is The firephice December is The best because Of sleds Ami Hiiow And Santa Claus, [kb:/] .звештте бубенцы без Komia открытые сани, запря* жёпньк* одной лошадью летя по снегу по полям хохоча, смеясь на коротко подстриженном хвосте веселя душу (сердце) песня для санной проо'лки 143 О •о дрожит от холода сдувае'г, сметает асфальт* разлинованный для iirpM в кла(хики плавания в синей морской воде здл пролетает незлметио санки Read to get more information. ЕГ 144 C Э Ul Do you know that.eo In Russia People celebrate parties on or after one's birthday, not before. Before leaving for a long journey, the travellers and those who are seeing them off must sit down for a moment. People do not give knives as presents. If you give somebody a purse as a present, put some money inside. in England Many families celebrate Christmas Day in the open air. English children often find their Christmas presents in Christmas stockings. The traditional English dinner on Christmas is turkey and pudding. The English celebrate Halloween on October 31, the eve of All Saints' Day. People usually dress up on that day. DO IT OM YOUR OWM Do Project Work 3 Complete 6 new page in your English Album. There is a tradition in Britain to celebrate the Sth of November as a national holiday. On this day people make big bonfires and have fireworks'. The British people gave this tradition two names: 1) ВопЯге Night or 2) Guy Fawkes' (fb:ks] Night. Fir>d out who Guy Fawkes was and what he tried to do. Illustrate your story with pictures. Ask your family or friends to help you if rwcessary. Hrework» (’foiaw^rks) феиерасрки Учебник рекомендован Министерством образования и науки РФ ВЕРТИКАЛЬ К кажл,ому к>7>су выпускается Учебно-методический _L тстрал Aim y'lHiuHXi'M комплекс о 4wfapi»MHi)T гт|)ПЛ1>жсикс lid uuu.drofd.ni О. в. Афандс-ьсиа, И. В. Михеена, К. М. Бнрлнонд А»1ГЛПНСК»И RHilK II П>ДИиИ|Яи|ПЖ1-*И1И* 5 кллсс li КННП! ДЛН>*Ч11ГСЛП О. В. Лфннасмйл, Н. В. /Иихг«ш1, К. М. Бйранивл Лиглпт'кии юмк .wiOjWKvw>e тн.ч/и|г 6 класс 1 Л1Я ynim'jiN О. В. Лфйкасьсйл, И. В. Ммхссвд, К. М. Барапош! Аиглий^кли L ДКШ1«1СТМКи 7 кл.ча* О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева. К. М. Баранова Лныннекмй AU4X ✓ в класс щюплщ'и О. В. Афанасыва. И. В. Михегш!. К. М. BapaiKHui Аш лийскнЛ язык класс WWW iimvuiMCi'Kdff 1И1л:1Г|1мкп lid uuu:rbofd ru !*? • • О 7в?3* ^орофа