Учебник Английский язык 5 класс Афанасьева Михеева Баранова часть 2

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Учебник Английский язык 5 класс Афанасьева Михеева Баранова часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Rainbow English (Рейнбоу инглиш):

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о. в. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык о. в. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К- М. Баранова гсх английским язык # fA } / <) 1 Учебник в двух частях. Часть 2 Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации 2-е издание, стереотипное ( ВЕРТИКАЛЬ МОСКВА # орофа 2014 i Book Guide UNIT 4. AFTER SCHOOL (pages 5-~46) Talking Points 1. Our pastimes 2. Our pets 3. Choosing pets 4. Collecting things 5. Going to the theatre and circus 6. Visiting museums and picture galleries 7. People's hobbies Grammar Points 1. Alternative questions 2. Infinitive used as an attribute 3. Special questions in present, past and future simple 4. Disjunctive questions Vocabulary Points 1. Words for talking points 2. Word building: prefix "un-" to form adjectives Culture and History 1. History of the word "hobby" 2. Old English tradition of cherry stone counting 3. A.A. Milne Enjoy Yourself 1. "The Kid and the Wolf" (fable) 2. "Cherry Stones" (poem by A.A. Milne) 3. "Old MacDonald" (song) 4. Language game Round-up 4: pages 35—39 Test Yourself 4: pages 40—42 Workbook 5; Unit 4 Project work 4: page 46 Reader 5: Section Four UNIT 5. FROM PLACE TO PLACE (pages 47—91) Talking Points 1. Why people travel and where they go 2. Describing cities and towns 3. Methods of travelling ^ 4. Some places to see in Scotland and England 5. Town of my dream 6. Doing big cities 7. London markets 8. Describing a place where you live Grammar Points 1. Possessive pronouns in absolute form 2. Special question "What is/was it like?" 3. Answers to disjunctive questions Vocabulary Points 1. Words for talking points 2. Words naming the cardinal points 3. Question words "what" and "which" 4. Verbs "come" and "go" 5. Verbs "say" and "tell" 6. Some prepositions of place and movement 7. Word building: suffix "-ly" to form adverbs Culture and History 1. Tower Bridge in London 2. Ways to apologize 3. Russian cities and towns 4. Langston Hughes 5. London Bridge in London Enjoy Yourself 1. "The Mice's Plan" (fable) 2. "Dreams"(poem by L. Hughes) 3. "London Bridge" (old song) 4. Language game Round-up 5: pages 79—84 Test Yourself 5: pages 84—87 Workbook 5: Unit 5 Project work 5: page 91 Reader 5: Section Five UNIT 6. ABOUT RUSSIA (pages 92—134) Talking Points 1. Travelling about Russia 2. Buying souvenirs 3. Russian geography 4. The climate of Russia 5. The riches of Russia 6. Some cities of Russia 7. Some famous people of Russia 8. Plant world and animal world of Russia Grammar Points 1. Articles with geographical names 2. English sentences with the word "that" 3. Past progressive 4. Special cases of forming the plural 5. Verbs in past progressive — spelling rules 6. Verbs not used in progressive forms Vocabulary Points 1. Words for talking points 2. The structure "It takes... to get..." 3. Nouns in the plural — spelling and reading rules 4. Polysemy — the noun "people" Culture and History 1. Old Russian cities 2. Christina Rossetti Enjoy Yourself 1. "The Lioness and the Fox" (fable) 2. "The Rainbow (poem by Christ^a Rossetti) 3. "For He Is a Jolly Good Fellow" (song) 4. Language game Round-up 6: pages 124—127 Test Yourself 6: pages 128—130 Workbook 5: Unit 6 Project work 6: page 134 Reader 5: Section Six Guide to Textbook Tasks: pages 135—137 Grammar Reference; pages 138—159 List of Irregular Verbs: pages 160—161 English-Russian Vocabulary: pages 162—174 List of Geographical Names: pages 175—176 Unit After School Step cn r+ a> ■a Listen to the dialogues, (81), and match the names with the answers. 2) Tom 3^ Mark a) He is not interested in it. b) He doesn’t like it. c) He can’t do it. Answer these questions about your free time. 1) Do you like to stay at home or go out after school? 2) Do you like to be on your own or to have company?^ 3) Do you usually spend your free time with your family or your friends? 4) What do you spend more time on: watching TV, reading books, sport and games, other activities^? 5) If you meet your friends after school, where do you go and what do you do? 6) Do you find time to help your parents with housework? What do you do? 7) Do you have any pets you look after? What pets? 8) What activity or hobby would you like to take up? activitiy [sk'tiviti] — деятельность, занятие Ты уже умеешь задавать вопросы на английском языке. Вопросы бывают разными. Если ты задаёшь вопрос ко всему предложению и ответом на него являются слова "Yes" и "No", такие вопросы называются общими. Вспомни, как они строятся в разных временах и с разными глаголами. (See Grammar Reference, рр. 156—157.) с 3 Ask the same about the past and the future^ Answer the questions. Example: Does your friend go boating in summer? Did your friend go boating last summer? Will your friend go boating next summer? 1) Does your friend play basketball in summer? 2) Does your best friend swim a lot in summer? 3) Do your friends lie in the sun in summer? 4) Does your best friend travel in summer? 5) Do your friends go to the country in summer? 6) Does your best friend ride his bike in summer? 7) Do your friends go roller-skating in summer? A. Read the questions John Barker's grandfather asked him. 1) Can you play tennis? 2) Can pupils do athletics in your school? 3) Are you and your sister good swimmers? 4) Are you good at cycling? 5) Do you have an interesting hobby? 6) Are you interested in photography? 7) Do you have a pet? 8) Can you cook? B. John wanted to know the same about his grandfather when he was young. What are John's questions? What, do you think, his grandfather answered? Work in pairs. Example: — Could you play tennis, Grandfath^? — No, I couldn’t. But I could play football well. You have a new friend. You want to know a lot of things about him/her. What questions will you ask? Example: often/to go to the cinema Do you often go to the cinema? to play any games to enjoy reading books to like travelling to be interested in animals to watch a lot of television often/to visit your grandparents future ['fju:lfa] — будущее to go to a sports club to be a good skier can roller-skate to be a good friend have got a hobby A. Look at the pictures of these pets. Repeat their names, kitten [kitn] puppy [pApi] (82). f¥ П) ■D budgie [Ьлф1] rabbit [rasbit] goldfish [gouldfij] hamster [hsemsto] guinea pig [gmi,pig] parrot [paerat] rat [raet] canary [кэпеэп] B. What colour are the pets in the pictures? C. Do you like any of them? Do you or did you keep any? Would you like to have any of them? In pairs speak about your pet or a pet you would like to have. 8 c 3 Example: A: Have you got a pet? B: Yes, I have. (No, I haven’t but I’d like to have one.) A: What is (will be) its name? B: Bunny. A: What is it (will it be) like? B: It (he/she) is (will be) small, cute and funny. A: What makes it (him/her) a good pet? B: It (he/she) is fun to play with. Make up questions and write them down. 1) your friend / any pets / got / has /? 2) look after / well / you / can / your pet /? 3) in winter / feed / do / birds / your friends /? 4) are / good / hamsters / pets /? 5) like / to the zoo / do / to go / children /? Look at the picture and write where Jack's pets are. The mice ... . The puppy ... . The guinea pig The parrot ... The canary ... Continue the lists. Our pets 1) These pets live in water: frogs, ... 2) These pets can fly: canaries, ... 3) These pets are very cute: kittens, ... 4) These pets make good friends: horses, 5) These pets can learn to talk: budgies. Step (jO f+ П) ■D NJ Listen, (83), and match the names with the pictures, a) Mike has got .... c) Vickie has got b) Kate has got d) Denis has got 3. 2. Read the word combinations and sentences. funny little budgies cute little rabbits playful little kittens my favourite hamster his new guinea pig her beautiful goldfish a kitten and a puppy a hamster and a guinea pig a rat and a mouse to have pets to keep pets to enjoy having pets Rabbits can hop. Canaries can sing. Parrots and budgies can learn to talk. Dogs can learn to do a lot of things. Pets can make your life happier. 10 с 13 © Ещё одним видом вопросов в английском языке являются вопросы, которые называют альтернативными. Альтернатива — это выбор. В этих вопросах предлагается выбор между двумя или несколькими возможностями. По форме альтернативные вопросы похожи на общие, и в них всегда есть союз or (или): Does your friend have a puppy or a kitten? (See Grammar Reference, p. 157.) 1) ...? 2) ...? 3) ...? 4) ...? 5) ...? 6) ...? 7) ...? 8) ...? Ask questions to match these answers. Example'. ...? — I like cats. Do you like dogs or cats? - They live in a cage. - My friend has got a goldfish. - This bird is a canary. » - rd like to have a kitten. - They aren’t mice, they’re rats. - He walks his dog in the evening. - The parrot has a short tail. - This goldfish is white. Listen, (84), and read. A. bowl [haul] — миска cage [ке1ф] — клетка clever [’kleva] — умный companion [kam'paenjan] — попутчик, спутник, товарищ fishbowl ['fijbaol] — аквариум friendly ['frendli] — дружелюбный grass [gra:s] — трава seed [si:d] — зёрнышко teach tricks ’triks] — научить трюкам, фокусам B. bowl: а small bowl, a bowl of soup, a bowl of fruit, a bowl of salad. Where are the apples? They are in the bowl, cage: a big cage, a cage for animals, a birdcage. When I travel, my canary travels with me in a cage. clever: a clever dog, a clever answer, clever children. That’s a clever idea. Tom is a clever young man. companion: a good companion, a clever companion, to have a companion. The dog soon became my true companion. fishbowl: a big fishbowl, a glass fishbowl. I keep my goldfish in the fishbowl. friendly: a friendly dog, friendly companions, to be friendly to somebody. John enjoys working here, the people are so friendly to him. grass: green grass, in the grass, to walk on the grass. Who lives in the grass? Grasshoppers do. seed: a lot of seeds, a bowl of seeds, to eat seeds, to grow from seed. Last year I grew a sunflower^ from seed, teach tricks: My puppy knows some tricks. Fd like to teach him new tricks. A. Look at the picture and say: 11 (jO r+ fD ■D tSJ 1) what Lucy is doing; 2) where the birdcage is; 3) what bird it is; 4) where the bowl of seeds is; 5) where the fishbowl is; 6) where the goldfish are; 7) where the fish food is; 8) what the kitten is doing. B. Answer the questions. 1) Is the kitten clever or not? 2) Is the kitten friendly to the fish? 3) Is the kitten Lucy’s companion? 4) Is the kitten the fish’s companion? a sunflower ['злпАаиэ] — подсолнух 12 с 3 в предложении инфинитив (неопределённая форма глагола) часто используется в таких конструкциях: easy to keep, difficult to teach, funny to watch и т. д. Turtles are easy to keep. — Черепах легко содержать. Chimps are funny to watch. — 3a шимпанзе забавно наблюдать. Cats are difficult to teach tricks. — Кошек трудно обучить трюкам. Kittens are fun to play with. — C котятами весело играть. Make up new sentences. Follow the example. Example: They are turtles. It is easy to feed them. Turtles are easy to feed. 1) They are puppies. It is wonderful to play with them. 2) These are rabbits. It is nice to watch them. 3) They are dogs. It is easy to teach them tricks. 4) These are kittens. It is fun to keep them as pets. 5) These are parrots. It is interesting to teach them to talk. 6) They are horses. It is useful to keep them. 7) These are dogs. It is pleasant to have them as companions. In pairs read the dialogue. Make up your own dialogues and act them out. Why are you sad? My little hamster is ill. Oh, I’m sorryh I hope^ it’ll get better soon. puppy kitten guinea pig rabbit canary budgie rat mouse parrot Complete the sentences. Example: ... make wonderful pets. Guinea pigs make wonderful pets. 1) ... are interesting to play with. 2) ... can learn to speak. ^ I’m sorry ['sori]. — Мне жаль. ^ I hope [haup] — Я надеюсь. 3) ... are easy to teach tricks. 4) ... are fun to play with. 5) ... make good companions. Write questions with these word combinations. Example’, modern or not modern Is your town modern or not? 1) friendly or not friendly; 2) clever or not clever; 3) healthy or not healthy; 4) useful or not useful; 5) pleasant or not pleasant. Write the names of these things. 13 П) "D U 1. 3. 4. 5. Step Listen, (85), and say who is interested in cars, who loves playing hockey and who has a lot of pets at home. ШШ у 1) Jeff 2) Larry 3) Simon Jenny is speaking on the phone. Her sister can hear Jenny's answers. What are the questions? Example: I didn’t come home at 4, I came at half past three. Did you come home at half past three or at four? 14 с 13 1) I didn’t have potatoes for lunch, I had a salad. 2) We didn’t play basketball, we played badminton. 3) I didn’t talk to Mary, I talked to Sally. 4) I didn’t visit granny, I visited Aunt Meg. 5) We didn’t have four classes, we had five. 6) My day wasn’t easy, it was difficult. 7) I didn’t meet Alan, I met Alex near the school. 8) I didn’t feel sad, I felt happy. Listen to the text, (86), then read it and complete the sentences after it. In the Pet Shop Mr Johnson: Hello! Could you help me? I want to get a pet for my daughter, but I can’t choose. They all look nice and friendly. Shop assistant: Get a hamster or a guinea pig. They are easy to keep. A lot of people keep them. Mr J.: What do they eat? Do they sleep in a nest or in a little house? S. A.: They eat grass and seeds and sleep in their cages. Mr J.: In cages? I don’t want a pet in a cage. I think animals are born to be free. S. A.: Pets can’t be free. They can’t live without people looking after them. Mr J.: I understand. But I don’t want any pets in a cage. S. A.: Would you like to get a kitten? We have six wonderful healthy kittens to choose from. Mr J.: I don’t know. Cats are not always friendly. They scratchh S. A.: A puppy? Dogs make wonderful companions for children. Mr J.: Yes, but who will take the dog out for a walk? I don’t think my daughter will do it. S. A.: Let’s see. You don’t want a parrot, a budgie or a canary as they live in cages. Would you like to look at these goldfish? They are really beautiful and fun to watch. Mr J.: Goldfish? That’s not a bad idea. Could you tell me about them? to scratch [skrae^] царапаться S. A.: They are not difficult to keep at all. Just feed them at regular hours and keep the water clean. If you look after them well, they can live a long life. Mr J.: I think ГИ get one and a fishbowl for it. Thanks for your help. 1) Mr Johnson has a ... . a) son b) daughter 2) It’s ... for Mr Johnson to choose a pet. a) difficult 3) Mr Johnson a) knows 4) Mr Johnson b) easy what hamsters and guinea pigs eat. b) doesn’t know a pet in a cage, b) doesn’t want . take the dog out. a) wants 5) Mr Johnson’s daughter a) will b) won’t 6) Mr Johnson chooses a ... for his daughter, a) goldfish b) canary 15 r+ ГВ T3 Ul In pairs act out the dialogue "In the Pet Shop". Listen, (87), and read. A. because [bi'koz] — потому что certainly ['ssJonli] — конечно collect [ko'lekt] — собирать collection [ko'lekjn] — коллекция famous ['feimas] — известный proud [praod] — гордый B. because: Why are you late? — Because I got up at 8. Why didn’t she come? — Because she was busy. certainly: You’re certainly right. He’ll certainly do it. Will you come? — Certainly. collect: to collect coins, to collect disks, to collect toys. My brother is interested in books and collects them. I collected books about animals when I was young. collection: a big collection, a wonderful collection. I’ve got a very big collection of coins. famous: a famous collection, a famous writer, a famous film star, to be famous for something. There are a lot of famous parks in Moscow. John Lennon is famous for his songs. proud: a proud man, a proud woman, to be proud of something. We are proud of Moscow. Henry is proud of his collection of old coins. А. Listen to the new words, (88), and repeat them 16 \Ш- a stamp — four stamps a badge — three badges c a matchbox — many matchboxes a card — a lot of cards B. These children are proud of their collections. Say what they collect and how large their collections are. Example: Sue collects toy dolls. She has twenty dolls in her collection. She is proud of it. Tom is calling his Aunt Betty. She doesn't hear well and asks him to repeat what he says. What does she ask? Example: Tom: I went to the park yesterday. Aunt Betty: When ... When did you go to the park? Tom: I go to the swimming pool every day. Aunt Betty: Where ... ? How often ... ? Tom: I came home at 4 because we were busy at school. Aunt Betty: Why ... ? Where ... ? When ... ? Tom: I read very interesting magazines every evening. Aunt Betty: What ... ? When ... ? Tom: I was at the cinema with Max yesterday. Aunt Betty: Where ... ? When ... ? Tom: I have got a very nice kitten as a pet. Aunt Betty: What ... ? Tom: I can play water polo. Aunt Betty: What ... ? © Вопросы, начинающиеся с вопросительных слов what, when, where, why, who (whom), how, how often, называются специальными. When do you get up? — At half past seven. Why did you take a taxi? — Because I was late. Who(m) will you meet in London? Вспомни, как образуются такие вопросы и как обычно отвечают на них. (See Grammar Reference, р. 158.) Вопросы к подлежащему также относятся к специальным вопросам, но образуются они иначе. Who gets up at seven? Who took a taxi? 17 on Г+ fD ■O Ы Write what they are. Example: 1) It is a stamp. They are stamps. 3. Complete the sentences. Use the new words. 18 c 3 collects, collection, because, certainly, proud, famous 1) A. S. Pushkin is a ... Russian poet. 2) Do you know it? ..., I do. 3) Joseph ... pictures of his favourite singer. 4) My friend is ... of his children. 5) Why are you sad? — ... I can’t go to the swimming pool. 6) I have a big ... of fairy tales. Write five questions. 1) are / you / where / going? 2) did / who / see / you / in / the street? 3) why / they / did / late / come back? 4) do / she / what / does / here? 5) will / he / fly / to London / when? Step A. Listen to the dialogue, hobbies? (89). Does Miss Stewart speak about her B. Listen to the dialogue again and complete the sentences. 1) Miss Stewart ... . a) is in London b) came from London c) is going to London 2) Miss Stewart came to Sidney’s town by a) train b) car c) plane 3) Miss Stewart ... now. a) is ill b) feels worse c) feels better 4) In Sidney’s town Miss Stewart is going ... . a) to show her new film b) to talk about her new film c) to see a new film 5) Miss Stewart can’t talk about the new film because she ... . a) doesn’t know what to say b) hasn’t got time c) never talks about new films Иногда судьбы слов, как и судьбы людей, бывают весьма увлекательными, а их история может многое нам поведать. Например, существительное hobby — ^от нечастый случай, когда мы можем с .Ееоенностью говорить о происхождении :~эва. Деревянную лошадку, сидя на которой ■“"КО вообразить себя всадником, когда-то -азывали hobby horse. Затем появилось вг оажение to ride а hobby horse, означавшее «заниматься "-обимым делом», и, наконец, британский писатель XVIII века "оренс Стерн использовал в одной из своих книг слово hobby в современном значении, а именно дело, которым занимаешься на досуге для своего удовольствия. 19 Ln г+ 0) •D Match the parts of the sentences. Leo Tolstoy Elena Isinbaeva Alla Pugacheva Pele Mikhail Lermontov 1) Leo Tolstoy is a famous 2) Elena Isinbaeva is a famous 3) Alla Pugacheva is a famous 4) Pele is a famous 5) Mikhail Lermontov is a famous a) pop singer b) poet c) writer d) sportsman e) sportswoman Say who or what you are proud of. The words in the box can help you. 20 friends, family, parents, grandparents, city, country, school, collection, Russian sportsman (sportswoman) Example’. I am proud of my grandparents. c Listen to the dialogue, (90). Read it and act it out. — Did you have a good day today, Mary? — No, I didn’t. — I’m sorry. Why? — I was late for my classes. — Why were you late for your classes? — Because I got up late. — Why did you get up late? — Because I did my homework at night. — Why did you do your homework at night? Why couldn’t you do it in the evening? — Because I was busy in the evening. — Why were you busy in the evening? — Because I went to my friend’s birthday party. Answer these questions. Begin your answers with Because. 1) Why do more and more people go to the gym or to the swimming pool? 2) Why is it good to spend some time outdoors every day? 3) Why do people keep pets? 4) Why do people have hobbies? 5) Why do we all want to have good friends? 6) Why are you learning English? Ы в английском языке новые слова можно образовать при помо1ЦИ приставок или, как говорят ученые, при помощи префиксов. Одним из них является префикс un-. Он придаёт новому слову противоположное значение. happy — счастливый unhappy — несчастный fit — в хорошей форме unfit — в плохой форме born — рожденный unborn — нерожденный pleasant — приятный unpleasant — неприятный (See Grammar Reference, р. 143.) Read and say what the new words mean. 1) The armchair was uncomfortable and she sat down on the sofa. 2) The house was old and unclean. I didn’t like it. 3) Why are you unhappy today? 4) If you are unwell, go to see your doctor. 5) The children were uninterested in their mother’s story. 6) Jane wanted to go to university but was unsuccessful. 7) The day was unpleasant — wet and cold. A. Read the name of the text and say what you think about Val's hobbies. B. Give names to the three parts of the text. Val’s Hobbies I’m Jack Wilson, a pupil from London. My friend Val is a university student now. He is older than me but we are true friends. Val often helps me with my problems and teaches me to do a lot of useful things. Val has got a lot of hobbies. He likes collecting different things. When he was at school, he collected stamps, coins and badges. He kept them in big albums and was very proud of them. Once he brought them to school and we could see them all. His collections became famous in our school. But Val stopped collecting stamps and badges last year. He took up photography. He says pictures are easy to take and it’s fun to take them. Some of his photos are very good, some are unsuccessful. Val is learning and I know soon he’ll be one of the best photographers in his university. 21 LT) Г+ CD ~o Read the text \/a/'s Hobbies again. Are these facts true, false or not stated? 1) Val is a pupil. 2) Val lives in one and the same house with Jack. 3) Jack always has a lot of problems. 4) Now Val’s hobby is collecting stamps. 5) Val stopped keeping coins in the album. 6) Val is interested in taking pictures now. 7) Val is very good at taking pictures. 22 с 3 Write their opposites^ 1) happy 2) old 3) small 4) pleasant 5) cloudy 6) uncomfortable 7) uninterested 8) unfriendly 9) untidy 10) unhealthy Answer the questions. Write down your answers. 1) Are pictures easy to take? 2) What is more interesting — collecting things or keeping pets? 3) What must people do when they’ve got a pet? 4) What things are interesting or useful to collect? Step (91). Are these facts true, false or not stated? Listen to the dialogue, 1) Jane is a sports lover. 2) Jane skates better than her friends. 3) Jane loves swimming in summer. 4) Jane thinks she has a very good collection of stamps. 5) There are no old Russian stamps in Jane’s collection. 6) There are two hundred stamps in Jane’s collection. Tom and Bob are twins^ but they are different. Read about Tom and then speak about Bob. Example: Tom is interested in animals. Bob is uninterested in animals. Tom is a tidy young man. His hands and face are always clean. He has a successful career. He lives in a comfortable flat. Tom is always happy. ’ opposites [npazits] — слова противоположного значения ^ twins [twinz] — близнецы Англичане часто задают так называемые разделительные вопросы (disjunctive questions или tag questions), чтобы проверить то или иное предположение, найти подтверждение своей мысли. Состоят эти вопросы из двух частей. Первая часть — повествовательное, утвердительное или отрицательное предложение. Вторая часть присоединяется к первой через запятую и по сути является кратким общим вопросом. Если первая часть утвердительная, то глагол во второй части стоит в отрицательной форме и наоборот. Вторая часть подобных вопросов может переводиться на русский язык так; не правда ли?, не так ли? верно ведь? и произносится с повышающейся интонацией. Обратите внимание на глагол, которым выражено сказуемое предложения, и время, в котором стоит этот глагол. to be I am a pupil, aren't I? Гт not a student, am I? He is a nice boy, isn't he? She isn't English, is she? It is a book, isn't it? It isn't a watch, is it? We are Russians, aren't We aren't little, are we? we? Jane will be 5, won't she? I was there, wasn't I? You were at school, weren't you? There is a box here, isn't there? There are apples in the box, aren't there? Jane won't be there, will she? I wasn't free then, was I? You weren't in, were you? There was no hill near the lake, was there? There were not any eggs in the fridge, were there? 23 r+ u U1 (See Grammar Reference, pp. J57—158.) Complete the disjunctive questions. 1) Your hobby is collecting coins, ... ? a) is it b) isn’t it 2) They are outdoors, ... ? a) are they b) aren’t they 3) I am busy now, ... ? a) am I b) aren’t I 4) The film wasn’t a success, ... ? a) was it b) wasn’t it 5) The kittens were cute, ... ? a) were they b) weren’t they 6) There are no hamsters in the cage, 24 c Z! a) are there 7) We won’t be ill, ... a) will we 8) They will be famous, a) will they b) aren’t there b) won’t we ? b) won’t they Complete the disjunctive questions: 1) . ., isn’t it? 6) 2) . ., aren’t I? 7) 3) . ., are you? 8) 4) . ., am I? 9) 5) . ., was it? 10) Listen, (92), and read. weren’t they? won’t you? will you? isn’t there? aren’t there? A. ballet ['baelei] — балет draw [dro:] — рисовать {карандашом, тушью) drawing ['dronp] — 1) рисунок; 2) рисование gallery ['gaebri] — галерея important [im'pDitont]— важный museum [mju:'zi:9m] — музей paint [peint] — 1) рисовать красками; 2) красить painting ['peintip] — 1) картина; 2) живопись theatre [0i9to] — театр B. ballet: classical ballet, modern ballet, a ballet dancer, a ballet school. The music to the ballet we saw yesterday was wonderful. draw (drew): to draw in pencil, to draw birds and animals. My little daughter took up drawing last year, drawing: 1) a drawing = a picture (usually in pencil). Her drawings are wonderful. 2) Olga’s hobby is drawing, gallery: a picture gallery, to visit galleries. She spent her free time visiting picture galleries. You can see drawings and pictures at picture galleries. important: an important thing, an important visitor, to be important to somebody. Music is important to my children, museum: a history ['histsri] museum, museums of the city, at the museum. You can see a lot of interesting things at the History Museum in Moscow. paint: 1) to paint mountains, to paint animals. When did he start to paint? 2) to paint the walls of the kitchen, to paint the door white. painting: 1) a beautiful painting, a painting by Vasnetsov, paintings by Serov. Where can you see paintings by Shish- kin? — At the Tretyakov Gallery. 2) to be interested in painting. Ann loves painting and often goes to picture galleries. theatre: a theatregoer, a musical theatre, a children’s theatre, a puppet ['pApit] theatre, to go to the theatre, to be at the theatre. Little children like to go to puppet theatres. My parents are theatregoers. Say: A. where the children went yesterday: Alice / museum Bob / theatre Ted / picture gallery Ann / puppet theatre Helen / children’s theatre B. what they painted or drew at school yesterday. C what is important for Alex to do if he wants to become a successful sportsman: — to eat healthy food; — to do morning exercises; — to spend much time outdoors; — to play different sport games; — to do different sports. A. Read the text and say what Lena's hobbies are. Choose the name for the text. a) Moscow Theatres b) Pictures and Picture Galleries c) Lena’s Hobbies There are two children in the Smirnov family. Their names are Yura and Lena. In their free time they like to play tennis and to meet their friends. Yura collects stamps and disks with his 25 Ln r+ fD ~o V/1 26 с D favourite music. Lena is interested in a lot of different things. The Smirnovs live in Moscow where there are some very good and famous theatres and opera ['оргэ] houses. Lena’s favourite is the Bolshoi Theatre. There theatregoers can listen to beautiful operas and watch classical and modern ballets. Lena often goes to picture galleries, it is her hobby because she is interested in painting. Lena’s favourite is the Tretyakov Gallery with its wonderful collection of Russian paintings. Lena goes there to look at the pictures by famous Russian painters. The Smirnovs have a good collection of books at home and the children enjoy reading them. Lena says when she reads books she travels to different countries and learns many important things about them and their people. Read the text from exercise 7 again and correct these statements. 1) Yura and Lena collect disks and stamps. 2) People go to the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow to watch ballets. 3) Lena goes to the Tretyakov Gallery because it is one of the biggest in Moscow. 4) People can see pictures from all over the world in the Tretyakov Gallery. 5) Lena enjoys reading books but Yura doesn’t. Complete these disjunctive questions. 1) There are a lot of good museums in Moscow, ... ? 2) Lena is a theatregoer, ... ? 3) Some of the best Russian paintings are in the Tretyakov Gallery, ... ? 4) It is very interesting to look at paintings, ... ? 5) I am right, ... ? Match the pictures with the sentences. a) I’ll help you to see all the museums in two hours. b) I’m sorry, but I’m here to listen to the opera, not to listen to you. c) Chuck is the best painter in the zoo. Step Listen, 1) a) b) 2) a) b) 3) a) b) 4) a) b) 5) a) b) 6) a) b) (93), and say what sentences you can hear. I am at the theatre now, aren’t I? You are at the theatre now, aren’t you? He is a theatregoer, isn’t he? He isn’t a theatregoer, is he? There are many paintings and drawings by Aivazovsky in this gallery, aren’t there? There aren’t many paintings and drawings by Aivazovsky in this gallery, are there? We were in the History Museum yesterday, weren’t we? We weren’t in the History Museum yesterday, were we? She is a famous ballet dancer, isn’t she? She isn’t a famous ballet dancer, is she? He is my favourite opera singer, isn’t he? He isn’t my favourite opera singer, is he? 27 cn r+ О ■о Read the words and word combinations. a ballet dancer an opera singer a theatregoer to draw pictures * draw flowers * -y. pencil to visit theatres to visit museums to visit picture galleries to paint mountains to paint the sea to paint the sky museums and gaderies operas and ballets :э (2), in (2), at (3), by .. Valentin Serov, my favourite painter. ... the theatre? 3) My good friend and painting. 4) His sister is very good ... there’s a new ballet ... this opera house, collection of puppets ... this museum, new picture ... pencil. 8) How important -9 28 Read these dialogues. Make up your own and act them out. theatregoer 1) — Are you a cinemagoer? — Yes, I am. — How often do you go to the cinema? — I think three or four times a month. theatre once or twice c 13 2) — Let’s go to the History Museum tomorrow. — Sorry, I can’t. I’m busy tomorrow. — What about Wednesday? — OK, let’s go. picture gallery theatre opera house Tuesday Thursday Sunday be Обрати внимание, как образуются разделительные вопросы в предложениях с модальными глаголами и оборотом have got/has got. have got/has got Tve got a dog, haven't I? We've got pets, haven't we? You've got a puppy, haven't you? They've got two kittens, haven't they? He has got a parrot, hasn't he? I haven't got a ball, have I? We haven't got a plan, have we? You haven't got any time, have you? They haven't got any children, have they? He hasn't got a family, has he? Modal Verbs can ski well, can't I? ,Ve could swim well, couldn't we? must stay here, mustn't She can't sing, can she? They couldn't drive then, could they? You mustn't be late, must you? See Grammar Reference, pp. 157—158.) Iz-'-olete the disjunctive questions. A. 1) You have got a guinea pig as a pet, ... ? 2) They have got a lot of grass for the rabbit, ... ? 3) Sarah hasn’t got a budgie, ... ? 4) My brother hasn’t got many coins in his collection, 5) We haven’t got much time, ... ? 6) John has got a new pet, ... ? B. 1) We can play tennis, ... ? 2) You can speak English, ... ? 3) They must visit their parents, ... ? 4) He couldn’t read then, ... ? 5) She can’t play the piano, ... ? 6) We mustn’t do it now, ... ? Say which is true about you. 29 IjO r-b П) ■O 1) I 2) I 3) I 4) I 5) I 6) I never often sometimes can can’t know don’t know am am not go to the theatre. say that I enjoy opera. much about ballet, interested in painting. museums and picture galleries. often visit don’t often visit can draw. can’t draw at all. can draw but not very well. to paint well, to sing well, to dance well. 7) I would like to learn 30 с 13 8) I spend а lot of time listening to my favourite music, reading books, drawing and painting, taking photos. 9) My hobby is growing flowers, looking after my pets, visiting museums, going to the theatre. 10) My hobby is very important to me. not very important to me. A. A famous film star is coming to your school. Get ready with the question for her. You want to know: when she was born where she is from how big her family is where she lived when a child where she went to school what she was interested in then what her favourite sport was what her hobbies were what they are now when she finished (left) school when her career began how many of her films were a success B. Work in pairs. Act out a dialogue between the journalist and the film sta Complete the disjunctive questions. 1) I am a theatregoer, ... ? 2) I have got many hobbies, ... ? 3) They can’t find her address, ... ? 4) You won’t be in the museum at four, 5) Joseph can dance very well, ... ? 6) We must leave for the theatre at 6, . Complete the text using the new words. operas, theatregoer, free, hobby, ballet, museums, galleries Barker ’s (1) ... is theatre. She is a true (2) ... . She goes to see (3) ... or to listen to (4) ... . When she is -don and is (5) ..., she likes to visit picture (6) ... and snt (7) ... . : e:e the words and write them down. s_ _m nting tre Step 4) impo tant 5) balle_ 6) ga_ _ery 7) famo_s 8) theatreg_ 9) inter_sted 31 r+ (b -Q 4J (94), and say what hobbies they have. Jack Willy Angela riding a bike singing dancing cars music Match the parts of the disjunctive questions. Check and repeat them, ^ (95). 1) Anna can draw animals well, 2) Her brother is very good at paining, 3) They can’t go to the museum with us, 4) The boy hasn’t got a hobby, 5) Children must learn to swim, 6) John isn’t a very good dancer, 7) There are a lot of interesting things to do, 8) There aren’t any picture galleries here, 9) You have got some time for your hobby, 10) I’m a good singer and not a bad dancer. a) mustn’t they? b) are there? c) is he? d) can’t she? e) aren’t there? f) can they? g) haven’t you? h) isn’t he? i) aren’t I? j) has he? 32 С гз 1. Если в первой части разделительного вопроса использован любой глагол, кроме модальных глаголов, глагола to be и оборота have got/has got, то вторая часть разделительных вопросов в present simple и past simple строится при помощи форм do/does или did. Не gets up at seven, doesn't he? We go to school, don't we? Yesterday they came late, didn't they? Our classes don't begin at 8, do they? Pete doesn't like porridge, does he? You didn't stop, did you? (See Grammar Reference, pp. 157—158.) 2. Разделительные вопросы с выражениями to have breakfast, to have lunch, to have dinner, to have supper, to have fun, to have a good time, to have a shower также образуются при помощи форм вспомогательного глагола to do (do, does, did). You have breakfast at home, don't you? He always has a good time there, doesn't he? We didn't have fun yesterday, did we? Complete the disjunctive questions. A. 1) We always meet at school, ... ? 2) She likes to talk to her granny, ... ? 3) I have lunch at school, ... ? 4) Simon often comes late, ... ? 5) We played water polo yesterday, ... ? 6) They left for Moscow 3 hours ago, ... 7) He had a good time at the party, ... B. 1) Sally doesn’t live in Glasgow, ... ? 2) We don’t go to the swimming pool, .. 3) Little Lizzy doesn’t go to bed at 9, .. 4) You don’t hear well, ... ? 5) She didn’t give you the textbook, ... 6) They don’t have breakfast early, ... ? 7) We had a lot of fun yesterday, ... ? i: the picture and listen, (96). Then read the text. 33 CO fD T3 4J At the Circus This is a circus. You can see trained animals on the ring. The chimps are dancing. The big brown dog is counting. The trainer is showing a number to the dog. There are acrobats and jugglers on the ring too. They are near the clowns who are playing tricks. The clowns have got funny faces. You can see a horse rider too. She is on the white horse. The musicians are playing some joyful music. They are all performing for the audience. The audience is enjoying the show. B. Say what numbers they are in the picture. Check, a) The circus is number one. b) The ring is number ... . c) The trained chimps are number ... . d) The trained dog is number ... . e) The trainer is number ... . f) The acrobats are number ... . g) The jugglers are number ... . h) The clowns are number ... . i) The horse rider is number ... . j) The musicians are number ... . k) The audience is number ... . (97). 34 с D Look at the picture again and answer the questions. 1) This is a circus, isn’t it? 2) There are trained animals on the ring, aren’t there? 3) What are the trained chimps doing? 4) What is the trained dog doing? 5) What is the trainer doing? 6) Who can you see on the ring? 7) Are the clowns funny? 8) Where is the horse rider? 9) What are the musicians doing? 10) Who is performing for the audience? Say what they do at the circus. Example: 1) The audience enjoys the show. 1) audience a) jump 2) clowns b) train animals 3) horse riders c) play music 4) acrobats d) juggle 5) trained animals e) perform for the audience (dance, count, etc.) 6) jugglers f) ride horses 7) musicians g) play tricks 8) trainers h) enjoys the show Answer the questions. 1) Do you like the circus? 2) Do you watch circus shows on TV or do you go to the circus? 3) What do you like to watch most of all? Why? 4) What trained animals can you often see in the circus? 5) Some people think that animals are born to be free and their place is not in the circus. What do you feel about it? 6) Why do a lot of people like the circus? Complete the disjunctive questions. 1) Trainers train animals, ... ? 2) Acrobats can jump well, ... ? 3) Yesterday clowns played tricks, ... ? 4) You won’t go to the circus tomorrow, 5) They didn’t play music, ... ? . ' :е : in English. наездница ' дрессировщик I музыкант I :конглёр I дрессированный 6) акробат 7) цирк 8) зрители 9) выступать перед зрителями 10) арена -з: words сап help you to describe a circus show? Bright, funny, unusual, wonderful, colourful, fine, interesting. pleasant, sunny, busy, dangerous, friendly. Step Round-up o: A. Listen, (98), and say what is true. 1) Mike went to the circus last week. 2) Mike thought the clowns were the best in the show. 3) One of the trained dogs sang to the piano. 4) Mike is thinking about a career of a circus performer. B. Say what you did yesterday. Read the word combinations. to go to the circus to go to the museum to go to the theatre to go to the picture gallery to be a cinemagoer to be a theatregoer to be a ballet dancer to be an opera singer a friendly puppy a friendly rat a clever parrot a clever dog to be famous for his ballets to be famous for his paintings to be famous for his drawings to be famous for his collection to be proud of her collection to be proud of her paintings to be proud of her country to be proud of her garden an important question an important problem a goldfish in a bowl a canary in a cage 36 с D ? Complete the disjunctive questions. A. 1) You were at the circus yesterday, ... ? 2) You liked the trained animals, ... ? 3) You didn’t enjoy the clown, ... ? 4) There were acrobats on the ring, ... ? 5) There were not any horse riders on the ring, B. 1) You collect coins, ... ? 2) You have got a big collection, ... ? 3) You don’t keep your collection in the box, ... 4) You can show me your collection, , 5) You are proud of your collection, . Read the texts and match them with the pictures. Text 1. They are small animals, they . grow up to 30 centimetres. They are ■ usually brown, white, black, grey or have two or three different colours. A lot of people keep them as pets. They eat grass and seeds. Your pet will be healthy if its cage is always clean and dry. They are not difficult to keep. Text 2. These animals come from Africa. They usually live in families. Older animals love their young and look after them. They live in places where there are a lot of trees and sleep in nests in trees. They often travel together. These are clever and playful animals. People say they are b. very easy to teach. Speak about one of the hobbies. The boxes can help you. 1) to go to the theatre to be a theatregoer to enjoy ballet to listen to operas to know the names of ballet dancers and opera singers 2) to go to the circus to love funny clowns to watch trained animals on the ring to perform for the audience to listen to musicians to keep pets at home easy difficult to keep to look after to feed to give milk, water, seeds to to clean the cage (fishbowl) to take the pet out friendly, cute, clever 4) to collect stamps, badges, coins to keep in a box/ an album to have a big collection to be proud of to show ... to friends 37 bO (b ■O 00 to love painting to go to picture galleries to read books about painters to collect drawings and pictures to take up drawing to learn to paint 6) to play games to love sport to know famous sportsmen and sportswomen to be good at to do athletics I:mplete the sentences. Use the words from the box. unhappy, unhealthy, unsuccessful, unfriendly, unclean 1) Rob, you’ve got ... hands. Go and wash them. 2) Tim eats I’dps for breakfast, lunch and supper. I think he eats ... food. 3) James Richardson is an ... writer. People don’t like his oooks. 4) My favourite pet died. I’m very ... . 5. Some dogs :an be ... . A. Read about the Smirnovs' hobbies and speak about your family's interests. The Smirnovs Your family The Smirnov family have many hobbies. My family... . The father of the family enjoys drawing My ... is inter- and painting. He is interested in collect- ested in ... . ing pictures too. 38 с 13 Не often goes to picture galleries and He often reads books about painters. The mother of the family loves animals My ... . very much. The Smirnovs have got some pets at home. We ... . They have two budgies and a dog. The budgies live in a birdcage. They are The ... . cute. The dog’s name is Joy. He is a family’s companion. He is clever and very friendly. Yura and Lena love sports. They swim, I love ... play tennis. Yura collects stamps and disks. Lena is a theatregoer. I am ... The Smirnovs have a big collection of books. They are all book lovers. B. Work in pairs. Talk about your hobbies and interests. Ask and answer questions about: the hobbies you had before; the hobby/hobbies you have now; the hobby/hobbies you would like to have. Complete the sentences. in (3), of (2), for (2), to, by, about 1) Lizzy is proud ... her collection. There are twenty dolls ... it. 2) My city is famous ... its museum. 3) In the circus trained animals, acrobats, clowns and jugglers perform ... the audience. 4) I’m a theatregoer. I often go ... the theatre. 5) There are many paintings ... Aivazovsky at this picture gallery. 6) We are interested ... ballet. 7) Marc is interested ... painting. He has a big collection ... books ... his favourite painters. :he pictures with the names. You can ask your parents to help you. 1) It is a picture by 2) It is a picture by 3) It is a picture by 4) It is a picture by a) Isaak Levitan b) Victor Vasnetsov c) Ivan Shishkin d) Valentin Serov 39 LO r+ 0) ■D 00 Get ready to write Dictation 4. Dictation 4 A famous collection of paintings and drawings, an important audience, opera and ballet, museums and picture galleries, two budgies in the cage, a playful kitten, a friendly puppy, trained parrots, jugglers and acrobats, to perform in the arcus. "O о acrobat, audience, ballet, because, birdcage, bowl, budgie, cage, canary, circus, certainly, clever, collect, collection, companion, draw, drawing, famous, friendly, fishbowl, gallery, goldfish, grass, guinea pig, hamster, important, juggler, kitten, museum, musician, opera, paint, painting, parrot, perform, performer, proud, puppy, rabbit, rat, ring, seed, theatre, theatregoer, train, trained, trainer draw — drew 40 с D Step Test Yourself I. LISTENING Listen to the text or not stated? 'Ralf and His Friends' (99). Are these facts true, false 1) Half’s brother has no hobby. 2) Ralf has very good friends. 3) Mario loves going to the theatre. 4) Pedro is an animal trainer. 5) All Anna’s pictures are successful. 6) Ralf is proud of his collection. У Maximum result 6 Your result II. READING A. Read the text and give it a name. Do you think the girl's hobby is usual? Hobbies are different because different people are interested in different things. Some people enjoy travelling. They like visiting new places and meeting new people. It is a very useful and important hobby. You can learn a lot about many countries and cities. Some people love gardening. In England gardening is a favourite hobby of many. It is interesting to grow plants and flowers in your garden. Famous hobbies all over the world are doing sport, keeping pets, collecting things. Xow young people often take up playing computer games. Tr.is is one of the new hobbies. I think that the most in-:-resting hobbies are going to theatres and cinemas and read-::\g books but these days many people like watching videos and television more. My hobby is growing lemon trees. I grow them from seeds in pots. Some of them grow big. Last year there was the first rruit on one of them. B. Read the text again and match the beginnings with the ends of hobby. going to theatres and c mas and reading books, watching videos and tel sion more. У :ne sentences. 1) People enjoy travelling a) 2) Gardening is b) •3) Travelling is c) 4) The most interesting d) hobbies are 5) These days many peo- e) pie like new places and meeting new people. a favourite hobby in many countries. Maximum result 5 Your result 41 00 r-+ 05 •D III. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar and Vocabulary) Complete the disjunctive questions. 1) .. ., aren’t I? 2) ..., can you? 3) ..., didn’t they? 4) ..., has he? 5) ..., wasn’t she? 6) ..., were they? 7) ..., isn’t there? 8) will you? Complete the sentences with the word combinations from the box. a) animal trainers b) picture gallery c) circus shows d) famous ballet e) proud musician f) puppy’s bowl g) black-and-white drawing 1) Is there any water in the ...? 2) We often go to the ... to look at our favourite pictures, 3) It’s only a ... but I think it’s very beautiful. 42 с 13 4) The family watched the ... on television. 5) ... usually perform at the circus. 6) I thanked the ... for his playing. 7) They give two or three ... every day. У Maximum result 15 Your result ? IV. SPEAKING Say what you think about hobbies. Are hobbies useful for people? What kinds of hobbies do you know? What hobbies do your family have? Can people have more than one hobby? What hobbies do you think are the most interesting? What is your hobby (hobbies)? Did you have the same hobbies two or three years ago? What hobbies would you like to have? Maximum result 5 Your result ? V. WRITING Write Dictation 4, (100). У Maximum result 10 Your result ? У Total result 41 Your result Step Enjoy Yourself Read Aesop's fable "The Kid and the Wolf" and say which is the best moral for it. a) Never do things if you can’t do them well. b) Try to find a way out of any dangerous situation. опасный c) Never try to please people. радовать, угождать The Kid and the Wolf A Kid lost his way in the wood. In the -ladle of the wood he met a big hungry vvolf [\vulf]. First the poor kid tried to : i::i away but the wolf was strong and ; lid run better than the kid. V.'aen the kid saw that he was going to lie. he stopped and said: “I know, sir, liiat I can’t run away from you and I .‘iiiow that you are going to eat me. Tiiere is only one thing I want to ask ; lu: my life will be very short, so, elease, make it as joyful as it can be. ’.Vill you play the pipe for me to dance : 1' your music before I die? I think you are a wonderful musician.” The wolf agreed [a'griid] to play some music before his dinner: he thought he was a fine musician and enjoyed performing even if his audience was just one little kid. He took out his pipe and began to play, and the kid started dancing before him. заблудился волк 43 i/) r+ fD ■a дудочка, свирель согласился Very soon some people who were not far away heard the music and came running to see what was going on. They saw the wolf and drove him away. Before running off the wolf turned to the kid and said: “I deserve [di'zsiv] this. My job is to kill but not to perform. Playing music to please you isn’t my business at all.” прогнали заслужил убивать 44 с 13 Say who did it in the fable. 1) Who met a hungry wolf? 2) Who ran better than the kid? 3) Who knew that his life was going to be short? 4) Who played the pipe? 5) Who danced to the music? 6) Who drove the wolf away? 7) Who said he deserved it? Answer the questions. 1) Where did the kid meet the wolf? 2) Why couldn’t the kid run away? 3) The kid said he wanted to dance, didn’t he? 4) Why did the wolf say “yes” to the kid? 5) Why did some people come to that place? 6) Did the people help the kid? 7) The wolf knew he deserved it, didn’t he? Одной из старых английских традиций является пересчитывать вишнёвые косточки на тарелке, когда ягоды уже съедены. При этом вспоминают стишок, который предсказывает будущее. Считалось, что человеку предназначено то, что выпадает на последнюю косточку. Вот эта рифмовка. Tinker, Tailor, Лудильщик, Портной, Soldier, Sailor, Солдат, Моряк, Rich Man, Poor Man, Богач, Бедняк, Ploughboy ['plaubDi], Пахарь, Thief [0i:O Bop Английский поэт и писатель Алан Александр Милн использовал эту рифмовку в одном из своих стихотворений. Listen to the poem "Cherry Stones", (101), and say why the boy in the poem speaks about "lots of cherries on his little cherry tree"? Read the poem. Cherry Stones Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor, Rich Man, Poor Man, Ploughboy, Thief — косточки :.what about a Cowboy, Policeman, Jailer. Engine-driver, r Pirate [paiorot] Chief? '.t'::at about a Postman [’poustmon] — r a keeper at the Zoo? '•Vr.at about the Circus Man Л no lets the people through [0ru:]? And the man who takes the pennies :or the roundabouts and swings. What about a Conjuror [’клпфэгэ] with rabbits in his pockets? What about a Rocket Man who’s always making rockets? Oh, there’s such a lot of things to do and such a lot to be That there’s always lots of cherries on my little cherry tree! ковбой полицейский, тюремщик машинист предводитель пиратов почтальон пропускает людей {на представление) пенни карусели фокусник карманы зд.: человек, запускающий фейерверки 45 г+ П) ■о Алан Александр Милн (1882—1956) — английский журналист, писатель и поэт. Милн писал как для взрослых, так и для детей. Сказку о Винни-Пухе, медвежонке с опилками в голове, он начал сочинять для своего сына, Кристофера Робина Милна. Эта сказка стала самым известным его произведением. Она переведена на множество языков. Самым известным в нашей стране стал перевод Бориса Заходера под названием «Винни-Пух и Все-все-все». Стихи Милна для детей также пользуются большой популярностью. (102), and sing it along. Listen to the song, Old MacDonald 1. Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-0. And on this farm he had some chicks, E-I-E-I-O. With a chick, chick here, and a chick, chick there. Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere a chick, chick. Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. повсюду 2. Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-0. And on this farm he had some ducks, E-I-E-I-0. With a quack, quack here, and quack, quack there. Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack, quack. Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-0. 46 c D 3. Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. And on this farm he had some turkeys, E-I-E-I-O. индюк With a gobble, gobble here, and a gobble, gobble there. Here a gobble, there a gobble, everywhere a gobble, gobble. Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. Read the fable "The Kid and the Wolf" again and write the sentences the right order. a) The wolf began playing the pipe. b) The wolf said his job was to kill. c) The kid stopped and spoke to the wolf. d) Some people came running to that place. e) A kid met a wolf in the wood. f) The wolf thought he was a good musician. g) The people drove the wolf away. The first letters of these words make a new word. What is it? Write down. The word is ... Do Project Work 4. Complete a new page of your English Album. Ask yOL family or friend to help if necessary. PROJECT WORK 4. Write about your hobby or a hobby yo.: would like to have. Illustrate your story with pictures. Unit From Place to Place on ro ■Q Step Read the rhyme and complete it. Check, ^ (103), and read it again. What Can I Do Today? What can I do today? Can you help me? Can you say? Why don’t you^ fly a kite? I flew it yesterday. Why don’t you draw a picture? I ... one yesterday. Why don’t you read your book? I ... it yesterday. Why don’t you drive the car? I ... it yesterday. Why don’t you sing a song? I ... one yesterday. Why don’t you drink some milk? I ... it yesterday. Why don’t you learn your lessons? I ... them yesterday. What can I do today? Can you help me? Can you say? Look at the pictures and say what the children did yesterday. Example: The children swam in the sea yesterday. Why don’t you...? — Почему бы тебе не...? 48 с 13 r+ in 1) swim in the sea 3) ride their bikes 2) go boating 4) teach Billy to play football 5) leave for the country 6) choose new books 7) spend some time outdoors 8) go to the museum b Познакомься с новым вопросительным словом whose [hu;z] — чей. Whose pen is it? — It's my pen. Whose books are they? — They are his books. Отвечая на подобные вопросы, часто приходится использовать так называемую абсолютную форму притяжательных местоимений. Ею пользуются в тех случаях, когда за местоимением не следует существительное, с которым оно связано по смыслу. Постарайся запомнить эти формы, (104). Притяжательные местоимения Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений my mine his his her hers its — our ours your yours their theirs Whose реп is it? Is it your pen, Ann? — Yes, it is. It is mine. Whose book is it? Is it Ben's book? — No, it isn't his, it's yours. Jane gave us her address and we gave her ours. I know your telephone number, I don't know theirs. (See Grammar Reference, p. 145.) 49 Ln r-h П) T3 Complete the sentences. 1) This is his bike. The bike is ... . 2) They are her canaries. The canaries are ... . 3) It is their city. The city is ... . 4) It is my drawing. The drawing is ... . 5) They are our budgies. The budgies are ... . 6) They are your magazines. The magazines are ... . Complete the sentences as in the example. Example'. I gave him my telephone number and he gave me his. 50 с 13 r+ 1Л 1) She gave me ... 2) They gave us ... 3) We gave her ... 4) You gave them you ... . 5) He gave you ... 6) I showed them .. 7) He showed you . 8) They showed her 9) We showed him 10) She showed us .. telephone number and I gave her ... telephone number and we gave them telephone number and she gave us .. ... telephone number and the\- telephone number and you gave hin: . garden and they showed me ... . .. garden and you showed him ... . ... garden and she showed them ... ... garden and he showed us ... . . garden and we showed her ... . Listen, (105), and read. Th( A A. east [i:st] — восток, восточный north [пэ:0] — север, северный south [sauG] — юг, южный west [west] — запад, западный castle ['ka:sl] — замок forest [‘forist] — лес river [’riva] — река trip [trip] — поездка be situated [‘sitjU|eitid] — располагаться, находиться B. east: in the east. We live in the east of Moscow, north: in the north. North America, the North Sea. are a lot of beautiful places in the north of Russia, south: in the south. South Africa, South America, of people go to the south for their holidays. west: in the west. West Europe. What cities and towns a: there in the west of our country? East or west, home best. castle: an old castle, in the castle. A lot of old castles a: museums now. forest: a big forest, in the forest. Bears and foxes live : forests. Forests make our country more beautiful, river: a long river, a short river, the Moskva Rive: the Volga River. The Thames [temz] is a river, trip: a trip to the country, to go on a trip, to have a tri: to take (make) a trip. At the weekend we went on a bo: trip. ITl write to you about my trip to the country, be situated: is situated, are situated. Where is London s: uated? — It is situated on the River Thames. Complete the sentences with the new words. 1) In Russia it is cold in the ... and hot in the ... . 2) The family made a wonderful . to the sea in summer. 3) Yesterday I saw a picture with an old ... . It had high walls and tall towers. 4) The Volga ... is one of the biggest rivers in Russia. 5) ... or ..., home is best. 6) There is a big green ... near our town. 7) I don’t know where Scotland is ... . Can you tell me? 8) On Sunday my family went on a ... . We visited a beautiful old ... which is .. near our town. 51 A. Listen, (106), and read the text. Say why people travel. Where and Why People Travel These days people travel a lot. They travel at home and abroad. They want to see new places and to meet new people. Sometimes they travel on business, but often they go to places for holidays. In summer a lot of people like to go to the sea or stay at the lake or near the river. There they can enjoy swimming and boating and stay in the sun. In winter people sometimes go to the mountains to ski. It is always nice to be in the forest. Forests, lakes, seas and mountains are very beautiful places. People often make pictures of the places they visit and show them to their friends. When people go abroad, they usually visit interesting places: old towns, castles and museums. People travel by plane, by train, by car or by sea. Travelling can be very pleasant or not very pleasant but it is usually interesting. B. Why would you like to travel? Where would you like to go? 1/1 Г+ 0) •O Complete the sentences with the new words. north, east, south, west, forests, trip, river, castle 1) ... or ..., home is best. 2) It is usually cold in winter in the ... of our country and it is warm or hot in the ... in summer. 3) The Volga is a very long ... . 4) Last summer we had a wonderful ... to the south. 5) Bears live in ... . 6) An old ... is situated on the mountain. 52 с ID r+ U1 Write where they are situated. Example: The theatre is situated near the museum. 4) The bank Write whose coats they are. The red coat is (my), the blue coat is (his), the yellow coat is (her), the black coat is (your). The grey coat and the white coat are (our). Step A. Listen to the text, (107), and say which of these facts is not in it. 1) Where Arkhangelsk is situated. 2) Who went there. 3) Where they stayed. 4) How long they stayed there. 5) What they saw near Arkhangelsk. 6) How many photos they took. 7) Why they chose Arkhangelsk for their visit. B. Work in pairs. Make up questions (1—7, part A) and answer them. Example: 1) Where Arkhangelsk is situated. -> Where is Arkhangelsk situated? Look at the plan and say which places are situated in the north, in the east, n the south and in the west. STLE 53 LTt r+ П) T3 NJ PARK Ы Вопросительное слово which [witj] — который, какой используется в вопросах наряду с известным тебе what — какой. What обычно употребляется в таких вопросах, где количество возможных ответов весьма велико. What cities in Europe do you know? What flowers grow in our forests? Which чаще используется в таких вопросах, где подразумевается выбор из ограниченного числа вариантов. Which of these cups is yours? Which of the coats are theirs? Обрати внимание, что русскому «кто из вас», «кто из них», «кто из нас» соответствуют английские сочетания which of you, which of them, which of us. Which of you lives in Moscow? Which of them is never on time? Which of us is the best swimmer? Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions. 54 c 13 r+ tn Example'. London/New York Which city would you like to visit York? 1) cities a) Paris/Madrid b) Moscow/Kiev c) Rome/Glasgow d) Kursk/Vladivostok 2) countries a) Finland/France b) Spain/Italy c) India/the USA d) Greece/Canada Use which or who to complete the sentences. London or New 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) lives in Canada? — Mr Wilson does. of them lives in Canada? — Mr Wilson does. likes travelling? — Betty does. of the girls likes travelling? — Betty does. can speak English? — John can. of you can speak English? — John can. Complete the texts. Choose the right words. 1) (My, mine) friend Tanya likes travelling very much. When summer comes, (her, hers) parents usually go to the south to the Black Sea and they take Tanya with them. They live in a tent. Tanya often speaks about this place as (their, theirs). 2) Betty, whose bags are these? — The brown bag is (my, mine). — Which of us has got a green bag? — I think Lucy has. Yes, certainly, the green bag is (her, hers). 3) Pat, do you know the Greens’ telephone number? — There are two telephone numbers here. I don’t know which of them is (their, theirs). But I’ve got (their, theirs) address if you want. Read the dialogue and answer the questions. Kate’s Trip Sally: Hi, Kate! It’s good to see you again. Kate: Hi! It’s good to see you. Sally: How was the trip? Did you enjoy it? Kate: I did. I had a lot of fun. 55 1/1 г+ гт> тз NJ Sally: Where did you go? Kate: My parents and I went to the south of Russia. Sally: Did you stay at a hotel? Kate: We did. It was a modern four-star hotel near the sea. We had a cosy room and I could see the sea from my window. And the food in the hotel was very good too. Sally: That’s wonderful. Did you stay in the sun a lot? You’re very brown. Kate: I did. The weather was sunny and hot and it never rained. I swam a lot too. Sally: What about the people in the hotel? Kate: They were very friendly. 1) What was the trip like? 2) What was the hotel like? 3) What was the hotel room like? 4) What was the food like? 5) What was the weather like? 6) What were the people like? A. What was your trip like? Answer the questions. 1) When did you travel? 2) Where did you go? 3) How did you travel: by car, by sea, by plane, by train? 4) Who travelled with you? 5) Why did you go to that place? 56 с Г+ (Л 6) What did you see there? 7) Who did you meet there? 8) What was the place like? 9) Did you enjoy your trip? 10) Would you like to go there again? B. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your trips. Say: where you went; when you went there; what the trip was like. Look at the map and write where these cities are situated. Example: Portland ... . Portland is in the south. Blackpool ... . Hull ... . Brighton ... . Wick ... . John and Sally Barker were in Scotland last spring. Write six questions about their trip. Begin them with Where? When? Why? What? Whose? Which? Complete the new words. 1) r____er 3) t_ 2) fo_ _ _t 4) n_ _P th 5) s_ _th 6) e_s_ step Listen, ЙЮ (108), and say what the boys' names are. DUt 57 ui 1) He’s ...? ... . Speak about last Saturday or last Sunday. 2) He’s...? ... (un)cloudy, muddy, (un)pleasant, sad, nasty, cold, strong, friendly, (un)happy, wonderful, warm 1) What was the weather like? 2) What were the streets like? 3) What was the sky like? 4) What was the wind like? 5) What were the people like? 6) Did you have a trip or did you stay at home? A. If you had a trip: a) Where did you go? b) With whom did you go there? c) What did you do there? d) When did you come back? B. If you stayed at home: 1) What did you do? 2) Whom did you stay at home with? 3) Why did you stay at home? 4) Where are you going next Sunday (Saturday)? Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1) What was your last trip like? 2) The weather was fine, wasn’t it? 3) You went there with your friends, didn’t you? 58 с 3 r+ U1 4) You enjoyed your trip, didn’t you? 5) You could do what you wanted to do, couldn’t you? 6) It was a successful trip, wasn’t it? be Если в первой части разделительного вопроса в английском языке содержится отрицание, то в ответе на него не используют одновременно утверждение и отрицание, что типично для русского языка. Сравни: Отвечаем ДА Русский: о © о Ты ведь не живешь в Лондоне, не так ли? — Да, не живу. Ты ведь не любишь кофе, верно? — Да, не люблю. Английский: о о о You don't live in London, do you? — No, I don't. You don't like coffee, do you? — No, I don't. Отвечаем НЕТ Русский: о о 0 Она не умеет петь, не так ли? — Нет, умеет. Она не в Москве, правда? — Нет, в Москве. Английский: о 0 © She can't sing, can she? — Yes, she can. They are not in Moscow, are they? — But they are. Обрати внимание, если в первой части вопроса употреблены слова по или never, она содержит отрицание. Не never gets up early, does he? — No, he doesn't. (не встаёт) Yes, he does. (встаёт рано) They have no car, do they? — No, they don't. (нет машины) Yes, they have. (есть машина) Complete the questions. 1) Jane never visits picture galleries, ...? 2) We have no pets at home, ...? 3) There is no castle in our town, ...? 4) Jack can’t play water polo, ...? 5) There was a river near our country house, ...? 6) Our trip was very interesting, ...? 7) There was no forest there, ...? 8) We never play badminton, ...? Look at the pictures, read the questions and choose the right answers. 1) Ron can’t ski well, can he? 2) Ron doesn’t live in a big city, does he? 59 un I-+ ro "O Ы Yes, he can. No, he can’t. Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. 3) Ron isn’t a photographer, is he? 4^ Ron \iasn’t got a pet, has he? 5) Ron never plays basketball, does he? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. Yes, tve \vas. No, he hasn’t, But he does. No, he doesn’t, 60 с г+ (Л 6) Ron wasn’t at the sea last summer, was he? 7) Ron doesn’t speak German, does he? 8) Ron hasn’t got a garden, has he? But he was. No, he wasn’t. Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t. Say what you can about Scotland. a beautiful country in the north of Britain lots of lakes and rivers high mountains famous for its history the famous Loch [Ink] Ness, the lake where the Loch Ness Monster lives five million people Glasgow, one of the important cities the flag of Scotland (white and blue) famous sports: golf, football A. Jack invites his friend to go to some places. Use the words from the box and say it for him. Example: Let’s go to the forest. Why don’t we go to the forest? the theatre, the cinema, the river, the swimming pool, the cafe, the mountains, on a trip, a party, the zoo в. In pairs make up dialogues. Example: Why don’t we go to the park? a) Let’s go. The weather is wonderful. b) I’m sorry I can’t. I’m busy. Write answers to these questions. 1) You are never late, are you? 2) You haven’t got a pet, have you? 3) You can’t ski, can you? 4) You don’t like milk, do you? 5) You don’t like sweets, do you? 6) You haven’t got friends, have you? Complete the sentences. Use in the north or in the south. 1) White bears live ... . 2) People grow oranges ... . 3) People don’t grow coffee ... . 4) It never snows ... of our country in summer. 5) The Black Sea is ... of our country. 6) It often snows ... in winter. Match the pictures with the sentences. 61 CT a) Goodbye! Have a nice trip! b) Joe writes he is having fun in the mountains. c) I think that the British Museum is a wonderful place to live. step Yura is speaking about his trip. Listen to him, sentences. (109), and complete the 62 c 3 r-f in 1) Yura is speaking about his trip ... . a) to Moscow b) to Sochi c) abroad 2) His family travelled by ... . a) car b) train c) plane 3) Yura’s family stayed ... . a) with friends b) at a hotel c) with the children’s grandparents 4) They lived in the ... of the city. a) north b) south c) east 5) The weather was ... . a) hot b) rainy c) cold 6) Yura wants to go to that place again in . a) summer b) spring c) autumn Read the word combinations. to live in the castle to visit the castle to paint the castle to draw the castle a wonderful trip an important trip a comfortable trip an interesting trip to be situated in the east to be situated in the west A. Say what these places are famous for. 1) Moscow 2) St Petersburg 3) Rome 4) Paris 5) Madrid 6) Newcastle 7) Yaroslavl B. Say why people go to these places. is famous for on the river near the river to the river by the river a thick forest a dark forest a green forest a beautiful forest to be situated in the north to be situated in the south a) its old castle b) the Louvre ['lu:vro] c) the oldest Russian theatre d) the Bolshoi Theatre e) its football players f) Summer Gardens g) Colosseum [kDb'siiom] Example: People often go to Moscow because they want to visit the Bolshoi Theatre. Listen, (110), and read. A. bridge [Ьпф] — мост buy [bai] — покупать centre ['sento] — центр church — церковь market [maikit] — рынок restaurant [’restront] — ресторан souvenir [|Su:v9'ni9] — сувенир supermarket ['su:p9ma:kit] — магазин самообслуживания B. bridge: Tower Bridge, Dvortsovy Bridge, London Bridge, Krimsky Bridge. There are a lot of bridges over the Neva River, aren’t there? buy — bought [Ьэ.Т]: to buy food, to buy flowers, to buy books. We bought a lot of vegetables yesterday. Are you going to buy a new camera ['кает9Г9]? centre: in the centre, in the centre of the square, in the centre of the town, the city centre, a shopping centre. There are a lot of shops in the city centre, aren’t there? church: a small church, an old church, to go to church. There are no churches in the place where I live. On Sundays my granny always goes to church. market: a fish market, a fruit market, the market square. The old market is situated in the Market Square, restaurant: a fish restaurant, a good restaurant, a French restaurant. Let’s meet at the restaurant at seven o’clock, souvenir: a good souvenir, wonderful souvenirs. You can buy souvenirs in a souvenir shop. supermarket: a new supermarket. There is a big supermarket next to the post officeL 63 LO Г+ 0) ~o 4^ Тауэрский мост (Tower Bridge) — разводной мост в центре Лондона над рекой Темзой, недалеко от Лондонского Тауэра (the Tower of London). Этот мост был открыт в 1894 году, он является одним из символов Лондона и Великобритании. Пегиеходные галереи моста используются как музей и как смотровая площадка. а post office ['p90St,Dfis] — почта Say where they are: 64 c D r+ m Example: zoo / in / park The zoo is in the park. 1) fish market / next ! to j bank 2) restaurant / behind / cinema 3) supermarket / near / bridge 4) church / in / city centre 5) theatre / in front of/ museum 6) swimming pool / on / left 7) old castle / in / square Look at the pictures and say what these people are doing. Use the new words. Example: Meg and Polly Meg and Polly are going to the supermarket. 1) Mrs Johnson 2) Mark 4) Sam and Susan evv Ьв Вы уже знаете два английских глагола, которые обозначают движение — соте и до. Они довольно часто переводятся на русский язык одинаково — идти, ехать. Здесь важно иметь в виду, где находится говорящий. Движение от него передается глаголом до, а движение к говорящему глаголом соте. Вот почему русское «Иди к доске» может звучать и как "Go to the blackboard" (учитель находится, например, у парты одного из учеников), и как "Соте to the blackboard" (если учитель стоит у доски). С этими глаголами часто употребляются предлоги in и out, а также наречие outside. Come in! — Входи (те)! Go out! — Уходи (те)! Go outside! — Выйди(те)! А. Complete the sentences with come or go. 1) You and your friend are in the classroom. You say, “Let’s ... to the gym.” 2) You and your friend are in the street. You say, “I’d like to ... to the sweet shop.” 3) You are in the house. Your friend is in the street. You say,“ ... in and have a cup of tea with me.” 4) Your friend is in his/her house. You are at home. You say,“ ... to my place, I have a wonderful video to watch.” 5) You are at home. Your mother is at work. You say, “When will you ... home, mum?” 6) You and your mother are at home. You say, “I’m not ... out tonight. I’m staying at home.” Write where Jane is going now. Example: 1) It is half past eight. Kate is going to the market. 8:30 a.m. market 4:00 p.m. bank 10:15 a.m. supermarket 6:15 p.m. museum 1:45 p.m. health club 8:20 p.m. restaurant Write what your family bought last week. (5 sentences) Example: I bought some stamps last week. be Вы уже знаете два английских глагола, которые обозначают движение — соте и до. Они довольно часто переводятся на русский язык одинаково — идти, ехать. Здесь важно иметь в виду, где находится говорящий. Движение от него передается глаголом до, а движение к говорящему глаголом соте. Вот почему русское «Иди к доске» может звучать и как "Go to the blackboard" (учитель находится, например, у парты одного из учеников), и как "Соте to the blackboard" (если учитель стоит у доски). С этими глаголами часто употребляются предлоги in и out, а также наречие outside. Come \п\ — Входи(reV. Go out! — Уходи(те)! Go outside! — Выйди(те)! 65 г4* Л) "О А. Complete the sentences with come or go. 1) You and your friend are in the classroom. You say, “Let's ... to the gym.” 2) You and your friend are in the street. You say, “I’d like to ... to the sweet shop.” 3) You are in the house. Your friend is in the street. You say,“ ... in and have a cup of tea with me.” 4) Your friend is in his/her house. You are at home. You say,“ ... to my place, I have a wonderful video to watch.” 5) You are at home. Your mother is at work. You say, “When will you ... home, mum?” 6) You and your mother are at home. You say, “I’m not ... out tonight. I’m staying at home.” Write where Jane is going now. Example: 1) It is half past eight. Kate is going to the market. 8:30 a.m. market 4:00 p.m. bank 10:15 a.m. supermarket 6:15 p.m. museum 1:45 p.m. health club 8:20 p.m. restaurant Write what your family bought last week. (5 sentences) Example: I bought some stamps last week. 66 с 3 r+ (Л What are the people saying? ' I < I ' J O 2. a) Come out! b) Go in c) Go out! d) Come in Step Listen, (111). Are these facts true, false or not stated? 3XX 1) Boris travelled to Britain with his parents. 2) They travelled by plane, by car, by bus, and by train. 3) They didn’t travel by sea. 4) The Petrovs spent five days in the Lake District. 5) They stayed in a hotel in London. 6) The weather was fine when they came to London. What is it? Give it a name. Use the words from the box. Example'. Number one is a bridge. tPX тт I] 8 8 1Д1) 5. 7. 8. 67 tn r+ П) T3 U1 a restaurant, a bridge, a picture gallery, a theatre, a market, a supermarket, a church, a museum, a cinema - sten, (112), and read the dialogue. Make up your own dialogues and act them out. A: Hi, how are you today? B: Fine. What about you? A: I’m fine, thanks. Where are you going? B: To the pet shop. And you? A: I’m going to the cinema. B: Well, it was nice seeing you. A: It was nice seeing you. OK., Not so bad. theatre, museum, market supermarket, restaurant, picture gallery Listen, (113), and read. A. airport [’еэрэ:1] — аэропорт far [[fa;] — 1) далёкий; 2) далеко miss [mis] — пропустить, пройти мимо railway station ['reilwei |Steijn] — вокзал straight [streit] — 1) прямой; 2) прямо tell [tel] — сказать, рассказать turn [t3in] — поворачивать way [wei] — путь get to some place — добраться до какого-либо места 68 с r+ ui В. airport: a modern airport, London airport, at the airport. Show me the airport on the map. far: far from here, to walk far, to live far from school. Is the supermarket far from here? miss: to miss the square, to miss the shop. Our new supermarket is a high building in Market Square. You can’t miss it. railway station: far from the railway station, near the railway station. Is the railway station far from the airport? straight: 1) a straight street 2) to go straight on. Go straight on and you’ll see the church. You can’t miss it. tell — told [tsuld]: to tell us, to tell him, to tell them. John told us about their meeting. He didn’t tell me about it. To tell a story (a fairy tale, a fable). My granny often told me interesting stories before I went to bed. turn: to turn right, to turn left. Turn right and go straight on. way: a long way, a short way. What’s the way to the nearest bus stop? Walk straight on and turn right. You can’t miss it. to get to: to get to the airport, to get to the railway station, to get to the metro station. How can I get to the railway station? Извиняясь, англичане говорят I am sorry. Sorry или Excuse me [ik'skju:z ,mi:]. Выражение Excuse me часто служит для того, чтобы обратить на себя внимание незнакомого человека в начале разговора. Например: Excuse me, is there a bank near here? Excuse me, where is the nearest bus stop? Sorry/I'm sorry говорят в том случае, когда на самом деле испытывают чувство вины или проявляют вежливость. Например: Гт sorry. Гт late today. Гт sorry I can't go with you. (114). Read and act them out. Listen to the dialogues, A. A: Excuse me, can you help me? B: Certainly. What’s the matter? A: Is there a market near here? B: Yes, there is. Walk straight on and then turn left. You can’t miss it. A: Thank you very much. B: You’re welcome. в. А: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the railway station? B: Certainly. Turn left and walk straight on. You can’t miss it. A: Is it a long way from here? B: No, not very long. A: Thanks a lot. B: Not at all. Complete these dialogues. A. A: Excuse me, ... . B: Certainly, walk ... . You can’t miss it. A: Is it far from here? B: ... . A: Thank you very much. B: ... . B. A: Excuse me, can you help me? B: Certainly. ... the matter? A:... near here? B: Yes, ... . Walk ... and then turn ... . You can’t ... . A: Thanks a lot. B: ... . 69 LO r+ ro ■O vn E) Известные тебе глаголы to say и to tell очень близки по смыслу. Оба значат «сказать, говорить». Оба глагола могут употребляться, если в предложении указано, к кому обращена речь. Однако после глагола say в этом случае требуется предлог to, после глагола tell сразу же следует косвенное дополнение. Сравни: Your brother says to me you are going away. Your brother tells me you are going away. Только глагол say используется, если лицо, к кому обращена речь, не указано. I said goodbye and went to school. Только глагол say вводит прямую речь: Bob said: "I like swimming." Только глагол tell может использоваться в значении «рассказать»: Му granny often tells fairy tales. Запомни также сочетание to tell the time: Can you tell me the time, please? Если в предложении после глагола tell следует неопределённая форма глагола, оно приобретает оттенок приказа. Father told us to go to bed at once. 70 С :j r+ (Л A. Complete these sentences with say/says or tell/tells. 1) Our teacher ... we are going to visit the History Museum soon. 2) My sister ... she likes her birthday present. 3) Parents often ... their children bedtime stories. 4) A lot of people ... they like sport. 5) Granny often ... us about her young years. 6) Who ..., “There is no place like home”? B. Complete the sentences with said or told. 1) My father ... he liked circus shows. 2) Jeff ... his friends he was going to stay in a hotel. 3) The doctor ... me to drink tea with lemon. 4) The teacher ... it was a very old castle. 5) Yesterday grandad ... us a very interesting story. 6) I ... my parents about my new friends. Complete the sentences. 1) People (say/tell), “East or west, home is best.” 2) Mother often (says/tells) me and my sister about her work. 3) If you want, I can (say/tell) you a new fable. 4) My brother (said/ told) he wanted a new bike. 5) I (said/told) my friends about my birthday party. 6) The teacher (said/told) the class to open the books. Look at the map and write answers to these questions. 1) Which city is in the north of Great Britain — Wick or London? 2) Which city is in the north of Scotland — Wick or Glasgow? 3) Which city is in the east of England — Hull or Blackpool? 4) Which city is in the south of Great Britain — Brighton or Hull? 5) Which city is in the west of England — Blackpool or Wick? Write these verbs in the past forms. Example', paint — painted 1) draw 2) collect 3) find 4) buy 5) get 6) turn step Look at the map, listen to the dialogue, (115). Say where Mr Johnson is going. 71 (У1 r+ rD ■D 01 Read these word combinations and sentences. to tell a story to tell a fable to tell a fairy tale What’s the way to the market? What’s the way to the city centre? What’s the way to the restaurant? far from the airport far from the railway station far from the metro station Walk straight on and turn left. You can’t miss it. Walk straight on and turn right. You can’t miss it. Can you tell me the time, please? Can you tell me the time, please? It’s a quarter past 6, It’s a quarter to 6. Complete the dialogue. Check, ЙС (116), and act it out. Sorry. Excuse me. Thank you. Certainly. ... left. What’s the way... 72 с D r+ ... (1), ... (2). ... (3) Walk there, centre. ... (5). Yes, I ... (6). You’re can you help me? What’s the matter? to the city centre? straight on and turn ... (4). There is a bus stop You can’t miss it. Take Bus 37. It goes to the city Did you say Bus 37? did. welcome. Read the texts (a—d) and match them with the names (1—5). There is one extra name. 1) A Page from a Letter 2) A Holiday Abroad 3) Where to Stay in Yaroslavl 4) Weather in June 5) His Hobby a) Vlad likes swimming a lot. In autumn, winter and spring he goes to the swimming pool five days a week. In summer he goes to the sea or to the river. He enjoys swimming in lakes and ponds too. b) If you come to this old Russian city and would like to do it, you can stay in one of the hotels. A lot of them are situated in the centre. c) It is a warm summer month. Sometimes it is rainy but it doesn’t rain a lot. It is usually very sunny. It is pleasant to stay out. d) Dear granny, on Saturday, 15 I had a trip to Suzdal with my parents. We went there by car. Dad drove. We got to the place at 12. I saw a lot of interesting things. We did the city and its museums. I liked it a lot. I bought some wonderful souvenirs. You are going to get a big doll in a beautiful dress. I think you’ll like it. Listen, (117), and read the new words and sentences with them. A. across [o'krns] — через around [o'raund] — вокруг between [bi'twiin] — между opposite [bpozit] — напротив .'.'::ere is the bank? — It's next to the sweet shop. .‘.'r.ez’e is the cinema? — It’s between the bank and the su- ■:narket. ere is the school? — It’s opposite the sweet shop, ere is the street market? — It’s around the cafe, ere is the bus stop? — It’s in front of the restaurant. ::ere is the church? — It’s next to the restaurant. a: the picture of High Street. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions. ’гр/с: Where is the cafe? — It’s in the middle of the street market. © be в английском языке наречия часто образуются при помощи суффикса -1у, который добавляется к прилагательным: slow + 1у = slowly (медленно) regular + 1у = regularly (регулярно) warm + 1у = warmly (тепло) usual + 1у = usually (обычно) (See Grammar Referense, р. 144.) А. Read the sentences and say the same in Russian. 1) John spoke with us pleasantly. 2) Francis did the job easily. 3) Mrs Finch came into the classroom and looked at us coldly. 4) We regularly go to the swimming pool. 5) They did the job successfully. 6) He answered my question cleverly. в. Form adverbs and complete the sentences. 74 c Example: The exercise was not difficult. John did it (easy). John did it easily. 1) Grace is very polite. She always speaks (pleasant). 2) Mr Davidson is 83. He walks very (slow). 3) I don’t think Greg likes me. He always speaks (cold) with me. 4) Tom swims every day. He trains (regular). ui Look at the picture in exercise 6 and complete the sentences. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) is opposite the supermarket. is around the cafe. is next to the restaurant. is opposite the street market. is between the sweet shop and the cinema. is in front of the restaurant. Make up new words and complete the sentences. 1) My friend plays basketball (regular). 2) She can read in English but very (slow). 3) The man talked to us (kind). 4) I answered the teacher’s question (easy). 5) We (usual) don’t go to the cinema without our parents. 6) It was a cold day, and I dressed (warm). 7) They wrote the test (successful). Match the sentences with the pictures. a) No, I didn’t say inside, I said outsidel b) Walk straight on and turn left. c) I told you to drive slowly but you never listen to me! 1. Step text, (118), and complete it. :ge is in the centre of the city. It is not narrow and very wide. It is not short and it isn’t very long, re two souvenir shops (1) ... the bridge and a small se (2) ... it. Old Bridge is (3) ... the river Strom, re two big hotels near the bridge and a vegetable mar-... them. There is a nice small garden (5) ... the mar-a big supermarket (6) ... it. 75 LO rH- П) T3 4J ; very small place. Bill wants to go to Close, but he doesn't know ut it. Look at the picture and help him. There are many mountains around Close, aren’t there? There is a river near Close, isn’t there? There are many forests around the place, aren’t there? Are there many streets in Close? Are they straight? And squares? Are there any squares there? Are there any shops? How many? There are two hotels in Close, aren’t there? Are there many schools? How many? 76 с D r+ U1 9) Is there a cinema, a picture gallery or a theatre there? 10) There are some big houses in Close, aren’t there? 11) Is there an airport in Close? And what about a railway station? 12) Are there many cars in Close? Many people? 13) Close is a pleasant town to live in, isn’t it? Speak about Close. Use the words and word combinations from the box. Exercise 2 can help you. a pleasant green town, a bus stop opposite the hotel, in the town centre, straight streets, a big modern cinema, no supermarkets, forests around the place, a river near the town, mountains around the town Read the text and say in what way this town is different from the town of your dream\ The Town of My Dream The town of my dream is not very big and not very small but it is very beautiful. It is cosy and comfortable to live in because it has all kinds of important things: good houses, health centres, shops, cafes, restaurants and hotels. The streets in my dream town are wide and green with a lot of trees and flowers. There’s a green park where people go for a walk and where they feed water birds. The schools in this town are big, light and modern. There’s a university for those who want to become students. There are museums and picture galleries too. The town has its own airport, buses and taxis. There are a lot of things to see and to do in the town of my dream. Describe your dream town. a dream [dri:m] мечта обрати внимание на использование предлогов в следую ^их сочетаниях: :о get in (into) а car (а taxi) — сесть в машину (такси) :о get out of а car (а taxi) — выйти из машины (такси) to get on а bus (train, plane) — сесть в автобус (поезд, самолёт) to get off а bus (train, plane) — выйти из автобуса (поезда, самолёта) 77 1/1 г+ п> -о Ч| Complete the sentences. Use in, on, out of, off. 1) Mrs Brown is in a taxi. She is going to the theatre. “We are at the theatre,” says the driver. “Can I help you to get ... the car?” 2) The bus is in front of the school. The pupils are going to visit the city museum. The teacher says, “Don’t be slow. Get ... the bus.” 3) We are going to the lake. Get ... the car. We are leaving. 4) John Baxter is at the railway station. He is going to Glasgow. He is getting ... the train. 5) We are at home. Get ... the bus. A. When Yura was in London, he bought some things for his family and friends. Listen, ^ (119), and complete the sentences. 1) Yura bought a beautiful ... for his father. 2) He bought a ... for his mother. 3) Не bought some ... for his cousin Sergei. 4) He bought a fine ... for his aunt Vera. 5) He bought some ... for his sister Lena. 6) He bought some colourful ... for his uncle Dima. 7) He bought some very good ... for his friend Denis. B. Say what you bought when you were in the shop last. 78 c 13 i*+ vл Complete the texts about Jack and Jill. Use on, in, out of, off. Jack went to Close by train. At 8 o’clock Jack got ... the train. At half past ten Jack was in Close and got ... the train. Jill went to Close by taxi. At 8 o’clock Jill got ... the car. At 10 o’clock Jill was in Close and got ... the taxi. Use the right forms to complete the text. Last summer my uncle (travel) to France, to Paris. He (go) there by plane. In Paris he (live) in a big hotel not far from the city centre. He (stay) in Paris for a week and (see) a lot of places of interest in the big city. Most of all he (enjoy) the museums and the wonderful parks. He (buy) some souvenirs for his family. I (get) a blue-and-red cap with the word “Paris” on it. Complete the sentences. Make them true. 1) There is a ... near my house. 2) ... across the street from my house. 3) ... opposite my school. 4) ... around my school. 5) ... between my school and my house. step Round-up Listen, (120), and match the texts with the pictures. 79 H- fD "D 00 B. Read the word combinations and sentences. 80 c D r+ U1 outside the souvenir shop opposite the restaurant around the city centre between the church and the castle rivers and forests hills and mountains railway stations and airports streets and bridges situated in the north situated in the south situated in the east situated in the west walk straight on turn right turn left Excuse me! What’s the way to the market square? How can I get to the nearest metro station? What’s the way to Tower Bridge? You сапЧ miss it. Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1) Alec (tells/says) the railway station is across the street. 2) Jane is opening the door and sees her cousin. “(Come/go) in, Fred,” she (says/tells). 3) John and I came up to a very unusual house. “Let’s (come/go) in,” (said/told) John. 4) Mark, the weather is wonderful. Let’s (go/come) out and swim in the river. 5) He never (tells/says) me where he wants to (go/come). 6) My aunt often (told/said) us fairy tales when we were children. 7) Can you (tell/say) me the time, please? Answer the questions. Use his, hers, yours, mine, theirs. 1) Barbara has got a red car. James has got a green car. Whose car is bigger? ... . Stree.t Green Street. 2) We live in Green Street. They live in Apple Street. Whose street is wider? ... . о I My telephone number is 9998756. His telephone number is 642836. Whose number is longer? ... . 41 Jane’s dog is three. My dog is eight. Whose dog is younger? : i You are a famous journalist. Bob is a writer, but not all his stories are good and interesting. Whose career is more successful? I think ... . 81 (У) r+ Ф ■D 00 ''ere are two mixed-up dialogues here. What are the dialogues? Л) Excuse me, what is the best way to the picture gallery? ::) Yes, certainly. You can take Bus 15. The bus stop is opposite the cinema. : ) Thanks very much. d) Oh, the city centre is far from here. e) Did you say left or right? :) Opposite the cinema. I see. Thank you very much for your help. g) I said, “Turn left.” The picture gallery will be right in front of you. You can’t miss it. n) Excuse me, how can I get to the city centre? 1) The picture gallery is not far from here. Walk straight on and turn left at the street market. i) Is there a bus to the city centre? ‘vlatch the numbers with the letters. There is one extra letter. London’s Markets There are 65 street markets in London. them. 1) Billingsgate market is not a very a) pleasant place for visitors of London. There are no flowers or vegetables and there is no fruit in this market. You can buy only b) fish here. Here are four of This market is good for those who like to collect things. This market is for lovers of music. 82 с D r+ U1 2) Camden Lock is your market if you like listening to music. This market is very famous. 10 million people come here every year. 3) Portobello Road is a good place for people who like old coins, medals, postcards, badges and stamps. In this market you can see very old things. 4) Brixton market is in South London. You can buy lots of food here. This food comes from Africa, South America and other places. c) Here you can buy food from different continents. d) You can see beautiful flowers in this market. e) You can buy only seafood in this market. You My .../The place where I live _________ Its name is __________ It is Read what Sergei says about Yaroslavl and speak about the place where you live. Sergei My city is not very big. Its name is Yaroslavl. It is a very old place. Yaroslavl is situated not far from Moscow on the Volga River with a lot a bridges across it. My town is famous for its theatre. It is the first Russian theatre. The theatre is in the city centre, not far from the Kremlin. It is situated (not) far from __________ It is famous for is in the centre. The streets are not very wide, but they are green. There are shops, banks, cinemas, restaurants in my city. We have got a railway station too. It is not very far from my house. The streets There are in the place where I live. We have got _____________ (not) far from my house. There is a museum in Yaroslavl There is and a picture gallery too. There are a lot of things to see and to do in my city. There are many forests around it. I know many cities are more important than Yaroslavl. But not for me. I can say, “East or west, home is oest.” I think my city is very beautiful I think and I’m proud of it. There are a lot of things to see and to do _________________. I know many cities I can/can’t say 83 Ln r+ П) ■Q 00 Use the right forms to complete the text. My family (travel)^ in Russia last August. We (get)^ to Moscow by plane. We (see)^ a lot of interesting places in Moscow and (meet)^ very friendly people. Some of them (speak)^ very good English. We (learn)® some Russian words and (like)^ the capital of Russia very much. We (buy)® many souvenirs and (take)® a lot of pictures of Moscow streets and squares, cinemas and theatres, its churches and museums. Now I (have got)^® a lot of pictures of Moscow in my album. Make up new words and complete the sentences. 1) When Richard took up swimming, he trained (regular). 2) When we met, Mrs Baxter greeted me (warm). 3) The exercise is not difficult. You’ll do it (easy). 4) I think John knows what he is doing and will finish the job (successful). Get ready to write Dictation 5. Dictation S A bridge across the river, not ours but theirs, a forest around the castle, walk straight on, outside the restaurant, opposite the church, souvenirs from the north, between the museum and the supermarket, turn right, which way. 84 с 13 r+ U1 j- across, airport, around, between, bridge, castle, centre, ^ church, east, far, forest, hers, its, market, mine, miss, north, opposite, ours, outside, restaurant, river, south, souvenirs, straight, supermarket, the Thames, theirs, trip, turn, way, west, which, whose, yours buy — bought, tell — told Ш Step Test Yourself I. LISTENING Listen to these texts, ^ (121), and match them with the statements. a) Anna didn’t go away for her holidays. b) Sasha is good at taking pictures. c) Olga doesn’t usually travel when she is on holidays. Maximum result 3 Your result ? II. READING Read the text and complete the sentences after it. My name is Nina. Last spring my sister and I went to Smolensk to visit our aunt and uncle. It is an old Russian city in the west of our country. But it is a modern city too with big supermarkets, hotels, cinemas and theatres. I think the people who live in Smolensk are theatregoers. They have got many theatres in their city. We visited the children’s theatre and the Puppet Theatre too. There are two picture galleries in Smolensk. They have very interesting collections of paintings. There are lots of churches in the city. Some of them are in the city centre. They are very beautiful. Lots of people from our country and abroad come to this famous place and enjoy staying there. у 7:.- girls went to Smolensk to visit ... . - >:r::e of their family ::.rir friends ::.e:r great-grandparents .r!-Srv is ... /Г- old city old and modern city Л modern city Xina ... that people of Smolensk are theatregoers, a) feels b) writes c) hopes The girls visited ... theatres in Smolensk, a) two b) three c) no 85 {/) r+ Ф ■D Ф ... in Smolensk are very a) The picture galleries 0) The theatres : ) The churches laximum result 5 'our result ? III. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar and Vocabulary) Ic^plete the sentences. A. 1) What is the way to (their/theirs) house? 2) This coat is not (my/mine), it is (her/hers). 3) (Our/ours) trip was a success. It was much better than (your/yours). B. 4) (Tell/Say) them to stay where they are. 5) “Come in,” she (said/told), opening the door. 6) My aunt is very good at (saying/telling) bedtime stories. Maximum result 8 Your result 7 Match the pictures with the words. in, across, around, between, opposite, near, behind ■D О iAi 84 c 13 ui across, airport, around, between, bridge, castle, centre, church, east, far, forest, hers, its, market, mine, miss, north, opposite, ours, outside, restaurant, river, south, souvenirs, straight, supermarket, the Thames, theirs, trip, turn, way, west, which, whose, yours buy — bought, tell — told Step Test Yourself I. LISTENING Listen to these texts, (121), and match them with the statements. a) Anna didn’t go away for her holidays. b) Sasha is good at taking pictures. c) Olga doesn’t usually travel when she is on holidays. Л. Pead the text and complete the sentences after it. 1 My name is Nina. Last spring" my sister ancf Г went to Smolensk to visit our aunt and uncle. It is an old Russian city in the west of our country. But it is a modern city too with big supermarkets, hotels, cinemas and theatres. I think the people who live in Smolensk are theatregoers. They have got many theatres in their city. We visited the children’s theatre and the Puppet Theatre too. There are two picture galleries in Smolensk. They have very interesting collections of paintings. There are lots of churches in the city. Some of them are in the citv centre. Thev are verv beautifiu. L::- of oeoDie 'on: ov.r coiirzi'v ar.ci abroad co:::e :e 1) The girls went to Smolensk to visit ... . a) some of their family b) their friends c) their great-grandparents 2) Smolensk is ... . a) an old city b) an old and modern city c) a modern city 3) Nina ... that people of Smolensk are theatregoers, a) feels b) writes c) hopes 4) The girls visited ... theatres in Smolensk, a) two b) three c) no 5) ... in Smolensk are very beautiful. a) The picture galleries b) The theatres c) The churches 85 un r+ rD ■o У Maximum result 5 Your result ? III. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar and Vocabulary) Complete the sentences. A. 1) What is the way to (their/theirs) house? 2) This coat is not (my/mine), it is (her/hers). 3) (Our/ours) trip was a success. It was much better than (your/yours). B. 4) (Tell/Say) them to stay where they are. 5) “Come in/’ she (said/told), opening the door. 6) My aunt is very good at (saying/telling) bedtime stories. Maximum result 8 Your result Match the pictures with the words. in, across, around, between, opposite, near, behind Example: 1 — in 86 c D r+ wn 3. 7. тш D Maximum result 6 Your result ? IV. SPEAKING Answer the questions and speak about the place where you live. 1) Is your place situated in the north (south, west, east, centre) of our country? 2) Is it big or small? Old or modern? 3) Is there a river or a lake near your place? What river, lake? Are there any bridges across the river? Are there any forests, mountains or hills around your place? 4) What is there in the centre of your place? Are there any supermarkets, markets, cinemas, theatres, hotels, picture galleries there? 5) Is there an airport or a railway station near (in) your place? How do people usually get there? 6) Where do you live? Is it far from the centre, far from your school? What is opposite the place where you live, next to it? 7) Do you like the place where you live? Why? Are you proud of it? Maximum result 5 Your result у V. WRITING Write Dictation 5, (122) Maximum result 10 Your result ? >/ Total result 37 Your result ? Step Enjoy Yourself 87 a> T5 Read Aesop's fable "The Mice's Plan" and choose the best moral for it. 1) Mice are cleverer than cats. 2) Mice cannot make good plans. 3) Good plans are the plans you can put into life. воплотить в жизнь The Mice’s Plan Once upon a time there lived mice under the floor of a kitchen. In the kitchen there lived a fat and strong cat. The mice were unhappy because the cat didn’t often go outside and the mice couldn’t get the food they wanted. One day they met together to decide what to do with the cat. Different mice had different plans. But the plans were not very good. The cat didn’t like to leave the kitchen and didn’t stay long in the garden. The mice never knew when the cat could come back. Then one young but very important mouse got up and said: “I think I have a plan which you all will like. I think this plan can work very well. We must put a bell around the cat’s neck. The bell will tinkle ['tipkl] and will tell us that the cat is coming. Then we’ll have time to run away.” шея, звенеть 88 All the mice liked the plan and decided to take it. But then a wise [waiz] old mouse got on his feet [fi:t] and said: “I agree [o'gri:] with you all that the last plan is very good. But can I ask you one question? And this is a very important question indeed. Which of you is going to put the bell around the cat’s neck?” мудрый ноги, согласен с □ r+ \л Say who in the fable: 1) lived in the kitchen; 2) lived under the kitchen floor; 3) didn’t often go outside; 4) met together one day; 5) was important; 6) liked the last plan; 7) was cleverer — the young mouse or the old mouse. Answer these questions. 1) The mice didn’t live in the cupboard, did they? 2) The mice were not happy, were they? 3) The mice often couldn’t get the food, could they? 4) The cat didn’t like to go outside, did he? 5) The mice didn’t like the last plan, did they? 6) The old mouse didn’t ask a very important question, did he? 7) The old mouse wasn’t very clever, was he? Act out the fable. Listen to the poem "Dreams", (123), read it, and say what dreams can give us. Dreams Langston Hughes Hold fast ['hould 'fa:st] to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged [|br9ukn'wiqd] bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren [Ъаегэп] field [fi:ld] Frozen ['frauzn] with snow. не выпускай из рук потому что со сломанными крыльями пустое поле замёрзшее Лэнгстон Хьюз (Langston Hughes) (1902—1967) — американский поэт, писатель, драматург. Писал книги как для детей, так и для взрослых. Первые стихи Хьюз написал ещё школьником. Он автор 16 поэтических книг. Однако большой популярностью пользуются также и его многочисленные рассказы, романы и пьесы, многие из которых переведены на русский язык. Listen to the song, № (124), and sing it along. 89 London Bridge Old London Bridge 1. London Bridge is falling fforlig] down, falling down, falling down. L::idon Bridge is falling down, ' ! fair [feo] lady! - Build [bild] it up with :r:>n [aian] bars [ba:z], iron bars, iron bars. z :.d it up with iron bars, ’ d' fair lady! I:*::- bars will bend and break ‘ * • . ::end and break, bend and break. will bend and break, рушится прекрасная построите, укрепите чугунные сваи погнутся и сломаются 90 с 13 U1 4. Build it up with silver ['silva] and gold [gsuld], silver and gold, silver and gold. Build it up with silver and gold, My fair lady! 5. Silver and gold are much too dear, much too dear, much too dear. Silver and gold are much too dear. My fair lady! 6. London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down. My fair lady! серебро и золото слишком дорогие Лондонский мост (London Bridge) через реку Темзу находится в центральной части города. Это последний в серии мостов, которые возводились примерно на одном и том же месте с древних времен. Все они назывались Лондонский мост. Деревянные мосты, сменявшие друг друга, постоянно разрушались штормами и пожарами и восстанавливались. В конце XII — начале XIII века был построен каменный Лондонский мост. До XVIII века он был единственным мостом в столице Великобритании. В XX веке Лондонский мост перестал справляться с транспортным потоком, и его выставили на продажу. Купил этот мост один американский бизнесмен за 2,5 млн долларов. Существует легенда, что он перепутал Тауэрский мост и Лондонский мост, купив не тот, который хотел. Мост перевезли в Америку, где его вновь собрали. Современный Лондонский мост (Modern London Bridge) официально открыли в 1973 году. Modern London Bridge Read the fable "The Mice's Plan" again and write the sentences in the right order. a) Who is going to put the bell around the cat’s neck? b) A young but very important mouse got up. c) Once upon a time there lived mice. One day the mice met together. ■H All the mice liked the last plan. : I The mice were unhappy. The cat didn’t often go outside. -1 A wise old mouse got on his feet. ■''e first letters of these words make a "ite it down. The word is ... . new word. What is it? 6. О ^ 3. 7. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10 10. 91 LO Г+ О -a Do Project Work 5. Complete a new page of your English Album. Ask your family or friend to help if necessary. PROJECT WORK 5. Write about an interesting place in your country or abroad. Illustrate your story with pictures. 92 Unit С 13 About Russia Ф Step Listen to the text "My trip to Vladivostok", sentences are true. (125), and say which 1) a) Sveta spent two weeks in Vladivostok in summer. b) Sveta travelled two weeks by plane. c) Sveta went to the east of Russia in winter. d) Vladivostok is in the west of Russia. 2) a) Sveta was very tired after her trip. b) Maria thought Sveta was tired after her trip. c) Sveta’s cousins thought she was tired after the trip. d) Sveta was not tired after her trip. Answer the questions. 1) Do you like travelling? With whom do you usually travel? Do you always go far from the place where you live? Are your trips long or short? 2) Do you bring souvenirs to your family and friends from your trips? What souvenirs do you like to buy? 3) Where would you like to go — to the north or to the south of Russia? 4) Do you always travel in summer? Do you sometimes travel in winter? Where do you go in winter? 5) What places would you like to visit in our country and abroad? Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1) Are supermarkets usually small or big? Is there a supermarket in the place where you live? What do you buy there? How often do you go there? 2) Where do people often buy vegetables and fruit? Is there a market in the place where you live? 3) What is there in the centre of your city, town? 4) Where do people usually go if they want to see paintings? Are there any picture galleries in your city, town? Are there any museums? 5) What questions do people usually ask when they want to get to some place but don’t know how? How do you usually get to school, the nearest cinema, the railway station, the airport? Чтобы сказать по-английски сколько требуется времени, чтобы добраться куда-либо, используется конструкция It takes... to get (there). Посмотри, как ее используют в речи. It takes an hour to get to the airport from here. It takes me/him/us 10 minutes to get to school. It takes the teacher a quarter of an hour to get home from school. It takes Mr Brown half an hour to get to his office. Обрати внимание на отсутствие артикля перед half в сочетании half ап hour — полчаса. 93 П) ■о A. Make up some sentences. me half an hour her an hour him a quarter of an them hour It Brian twenty minutes takes Tony ten minutes to get to the airport, the railway station. the restaurant. the metro station. the bus stop. the picture gallery. the theatre. 94 с r-h О) It takes me В. What about you? Complete the sentences. to get to the nearest cinema, to get to the market, to get to the supermarket, to get to the theatre, to get to the airport, to get to school. Listen, (126), and repeat. What do the new words mean? beautiful — beauty ['bju:ti]: the beauty of the city, the beauty of the music. We all heard about the beauty of this old Russian town. visit — visitor [Vizito]: Many visitors come to Russia every year. climate [klaimot]: The climate in the north is not like the climate in the south, it’s a lot colder. territory ['teritori]: There are some museums on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin. tourist ['tuorist]: A lot of tourists from different countries come to our city every year. Listen, (127), and read. A. deep [di:p] — глубокий extend [ik'stend] — простираться, тянуться fresh [frej] — 1) свежий; 2) пресная (о воде) large [1а:ф] — большой ocean [oujn] — океан powerful ['раоэА] — мош;ный, сильный rich [ritj] — богатый that [6ast] — что (союз) do а city (museum, etc.) — осмотреть город (музей и т. д.) B. deep: а deep lake, а deep river, deep water. The river in this place is very deep. extend: to extend from place to place, to extend to the river. The forest extended to the territory of the city, fresh: fresh flowers, fresh food, fresh water. I’d like to buy some fresh milk for breakfast. The water in this lake is fresh, you can drink it. The water of the sea is never fresh, large: a large country, a large city. What is the largest city in Russia? The family lives in the large house near the river. ocean: a large ocean, a blue ocean, to swim in the ocean. The country extends to the ocean. There are four oceans in the world. powerful: a powerful king, a powerful river, a powerful juntry. The Volga is a powerful river in Europe, that: I know that Russia is a large country. My parents :e'A me that we are going to visit my aunt and uncle in ’/iadivostok. do a city (museum, etc): It takes many days to do a large ity. We did some of the Kremlin museums. A. Continue the lists. .Л deep lake, ...^ •••9 •••9 * A large country, ..., ..., ... . A powerful queen, ..., ..., ... . A rich king, ..., ..., ... . Fresh fruit, ..., ..., ... . B. Say what your family tell you about the place where you live. Use that Example: My parents tell me that our town is not large but very nice. 95 LO r+ Ф ~o ^ Complete the new words. A. d_ p, 1_ _ e, r_ _h, o_ _ _n, p_ _ _ __ful, fr_ _h, ex________d, th t. B. be________y, vis________r, cli_ _ e, tour_ _ t, te_ _ tory. f ^ Look at the pictures and write the sentences. Example: It takes Nina a quarter of an hour to get to the picture gallery. I____..i... (rn e>^ к ■€. V И ark 25 minute sj 1 Ke. A re e n s LA our 96 Which are the odd words out? Example: climate, weather, rain, friend, snow. 1) river, forest, lake, ocean, pond 2) big, little, large, small, busy 3) play, extend, east, enjoy, easy 4) deep, beautiful, wide, narrow, high 5) fresh, young, rich, station, powerful c r+ 01 step Listen, (128). Which is the nearest place from Jill's house? 0 D dT I 1 в -in Ш) Обрати внимание, как строятся отрицания и вопросы с известной тебе конструкцией It takes... to get there. Запомни, что часто используемое в таких случаях слово long означает долго. It doesn't take long to get to the food shop. It doesn't take me long to get there. Does it take Mark long to get to the market? Does it take you long to get to the supermarket? How long does it take them to get to the theatre? How long does it take her to get to school? £^og5 it t3) r+ ro -o w •:>» 41 5) P Complete these words and learn to write them. 1) The Ca_ca_ s Mountains 2) The Pa _ __ _c Ocean 3) The F_~_ E______t 4) S__________a 5) The A_ __ti__ Ocean 6) St P_ _ _rsb_ _g 7) The Ur_____s Say what the children were doing in the afternoon yesterday. 104 c 15 r+ Make up as many sentences as you can. I was talking to my friend when They were playing football Jeff was reading a magazine Sue was having a cup of tea We were walking our dog You were having lunch The children were enjoying the game it began raining, the doorbell rang, the telephone rang, it became dark, the TV show started. Complete the sentences. A. Example’. ... when mother came back from work. I was talking to granny on the phone when mother came back from work. 1) ... when we decided to have some tea. 2) ... when our visitors rang at the door. while [wail] в TO время как Write what they were doing at that time. Example: 1) Colin (swim) at ... yesterday. Colin was swimming at 5 o’clock yesterday. 106 2) The children (play) volleyball at ... yesterday. 3) The tourists (do) Moscow at ... yesterday. 4) Kate (show) her city to the visitors at ... yesterday. 5) Uncle Tom (read) a newspaper at .. yesterday. 6) My parents (buy) souvenirs at ... yesterday. Write four true sentences. 1) I know that ... 2) I think that ... 3) I say that ... 4) It is clear that Step Listen, ^ (132). Say which sentences you hear. 1) a) Ben is playing tennis, b) Ben was playing tennis. 2) a) You are talking to your friend, b) You were talking to your friend. Write what they were doing at that time. Example: 1) Colin (swim) at ... yesterday. 106 c D r+ 2) The children (play) volleyball at ... yesterday. 3) The tourists (do) Moscow at ... yesterday. 4) Kate (show) her city to the visitors at ... yesterday. 5) Uncle Tom (read) a newspaper at .. yesterday. 6) My parents (buy) souvenirs at ... yesterday. Write four true sentences. 1) I know that ... 2) I think that ... 3) I say that ... 4) It is clear that Step r' f p f p- Listen, (132). Say which sentences you hear. 1) a) Ben is playing tennis, b) Ben was playing tennis. 2) a) You are talking to your friend, b) You were talking to your friend. 3) а) Liza is drawing her cat. b) Liza was drawing her cat. 4) a) Mike is buying a new football, b) Mike was buying a new football. 5) a) Sam is telling me his phone number, b) Sam was telling me his phone number. 6) a) The Smiths are travelling abroad, b) The Smiths were travelling abroad. 7) a) Colin is choosing a present for his friend, b) Colin was choosing a present for his friend. Mrs Ford went shopping. What were her children and their pets doing when she came home? Check, f r+ Л) ~o U1 t'T^plete the sentences with the new words. Write the sentences. neighbour, cosmonauts, talented, language, scientist, kind, great, brave 1) You and your friends are learning the English ... . 2) In :he picture gallery you can see works by ... painters. 3) Are :here any ... singers in your class? 4) A lot of Russian ... oegan their careers as pilots. 5) My best friend is my ..., he lives next door to me. 6) Ron’s grandfather is a ..., he is famous for his works. 7) You can’t become a cosmonaut if you are not ... . 8) Please be ... and help me with my bags. Write what language they speak. 1) Russian people speak the Russian language. 2) Spanish people speak ... . 3) Italian people speak ... . 4) English people speak ... . '.^atch the sentences with the pictures. a) He is training to be a cosmonaut. b) Jerry is going to be a great scientist. c) They say our new neighbour takes part in a circus show. '■■г 3. step Listen, (139), and say why they want to go to Russia. 116 c r+ t e. \/ e r\ Read these word connbinations. a brave cosmonaut a kind farmer a talented scientist a great musician the English language the French language the Italian language the Spanish language Continue these lists. new neighbours good neighbours helpful neighbours friendly neighbours to learn more about Russian culture to know Russian culture to like Russian culture to be interested in Russian culture 1) a great country, show, ... 2) a talented musician, ballet dancer, ... 3) a brave man, acrobat, ... 4) a kind neighbour, mother, ... 5) a(n) new, unusual, ... language 6) a good, new, ... cosmonaut 7) a(n) clever, old, ... scientist A. Read the questions. How do we make them? Were you reading at 6 o’clock yesterday? Was she watching television then? Was he playing with his kitten then? Were they writing exercises then? в. -^s/.er the questions. ere you watching television last night? ere you reading a newspaper or a magazine last night? ere you doing your room last night? ere you cooking supper last night? ere you doing lessons last night? ' esterday was Emma's birthday. What were the people doing at the party e Emma's father was taking this photo? Read and answer the questions. 117 LO r+ П) ■D Ф 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Where was Rose standing? Where were Ann and Dan sitting? Where was Tim going? Who was dancing? Who was singing? What was the mother doing? What were Ann and Dan watching? What were Liz and Andy drinking? B. How do we make wh-questions? I In pairs ask questions and give true answers about last Sunday evening. Example: At 5 (6, 7 ...) o’clock I was doing my lessons. Were you playing computer games while I was doing my lessons? to play the computer games to watch television to speak on the phone to buy souvenirs ‘to your parents ' - : rr.a^azine to have dinner to read a book to do lessons to paint pictures to listen to music to cook supper Read what English people usually do and then compare English and Russian ways. 118 c Z5 Г+ England In England they I) drink a lot of tea. often go to hot places for their holidays, often have cornflakes for breakfast. don’t like living in flats, love gardens and flowers, often eat porridge for breakfast. 7) love playing and watching football. usually have two or three children in a family, like having pets at home. 10) work on computers a lot. II) travel by car a lot. 12) have school holidays in winter, spring and summer. 13) don’t often speak Russian. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 8) 9) Russia In Russia they 1) drink a lot of tea too. Write questions to these answers. Example: ...? — I was watching TV. What were you doing at 7 o’clock yesterday? 1) ...? — He wasn’t watching a ballet, he was listening to an opera. 2) ...? — We were drawing a bowl of fruit. 3) ...? — She was having supper with her family. 4) ...? — They were writing a test. nte what your family and you were doing between 8 and 9 o'clock .esterday evening. EXample: My sister was reading a new book. Complete these words. 1) gre t 3) n_ _ghb_ _r 5) cosmon_ _ _ 2) lang____g 4) s_ient_st 6) tainted 119 Step D Listen to the dialogue, the party. 1) Mother 2) Father 3) Alice 4) Tim 5) Ann (140), and say what Ann's family were doing at a) was dancing. b) was doing tricks. c) was watching. d) was playing the guitar. e) was singing. Read the text and say what a tourist can see in Irkutsk. Irkutsk Irkutsk is one of the largest cities in Siberia. About 6 hundred thousand people live there. The city is situated near the Angara River, not far from Lake Baikal. The Angara is a wide river. It is 580 metres wide. Irkutsk takes its name from the Irkut River which is small and narrow. It joins the Angara opposite the city. Irkutsk is an old and modern city with straight green streets, beautiful squares and parks. There LO r+ 0) T3 120 is a port, a university, theatres, cinemas and a lot of museums in the city. You can see a lot of Russian churches there too. The forests around Irkutsk are thick. A lot of wild animals live there. Irkutsk is famous for its climate too. In the summer temperatures are very warm. Winters can be very cold. The warmest month is July. It is the wettest month too. The coldest month is January. February is the driest month of the year. c Z5 r-t- Ф Правильно написать формы глаголов в past progressive вам помогут следующие советы. Прибавляя -ing к корню (основе) глагола, помните, что: • если глагол оканчивается на букву е (drive), она опускается, а -ing прибавляется к основе глагола: drive — driving, write — writing, dance — dancing; • если глагол состоит из одного слога с кратким гласным звуком (swim, stop) или глагол оканчивается на ударный слог с кратким гласным звуком (begin), конечная согласная буква удваивается: swim + ing = swimming stop + ing = stopping begin + ing = beginning • в словах на I (travel) возможны два варианта написания: travelling (британский вариант английского языка) traveling (американский вариант английского языка); • если глагол оканчивается на ie, это сочетание букв меняется на у: Пе^ — lying, die — dying Complete the sentences and write the verb forms. Example’. Jane (sit) when I came in. Jane was sitting when I came in. 1) Irene (write) a letter when the phone rang. 2) Who (lie) on the sofa when you opened the door? 3) They (travel) about Italy in early September. 4) We (swim) when it began raining. 5) Mary and Tom (dance) when our teacher asked us to go to the classroom. 6) They (begin) to write the text when John came into the room. to lie [lai] 1, лежать 2. лгать Ken had a very bad day yesterday. What did he say to his friend Lizzy about it? Example: I was taking a shower when my mother called. 1) At seven o’clock Ken was in the shower. His mother wanted to speak to him on the phone. He spoke to his mother and went to the bedroom to dress. 2) He began to dress. His neighbour came. The neighbour asked some questions about Ken’s garden. The neighbour left. 3) Ken went to the kitchen to have a cup of tea. His friend came. He asked for some book. Ken gave him the book. 4) Ken went to the garage to get out the car. A policeman^ stopped him. The policeman asked Ken about the neighbour’s dog. 5) Ken drove to Lizzy’s house. His car stopped in the middle of the street. Ken took a bus. 6) He was on the bus. It began raining. 7) The bus stopped. Ken got out. He stood at the bus stop because of the rain. When Ken came to Lizzy’s place, he HI was very late and Lizzy was not happy. ■ te Целый ряд глаголов в английском языке обычно не употребляют в продолженном времени (present или past progressive). Это глаголы like, love, understand, see, hear, want, know, hate, think (в значении «полагать»), have (в значении «иметь, обладать») и др. John likes winter. We don't know these people. They see us. I want a new blouse. Pete loves his mum. I don't understand French. I hear you. They have a good old friend. Однако сравни; I think they are having fun at the party now. What are you doing? — I am thinking. (See Grammar Referense, p. 151.) 121 LO r+ П) -O 4J a policeman [pa'li.’sman] — полицейский 120 is a port, a university, theatres, cinemas and a lot of museums in the city. You can see a lot of Russian churches there too. The forests around Irkutsk are thick. A lot of wild animals live there. Irkutsk is famous for its climate too. In the summer temperatures are very warm. Winters can be very cold. The warmest month is July. It is the wettest month too. The coldest month is January. February is the driest month of the year. c Правильно написать формы глаголов в past progressive вам помогут следующие советы. Прибавляя -ing к корню (основе) глагола, помните, что: • если глагол оканчивается на букву е (drive), она опускается, а -ing прибавляется к основе глагола: drive — driving, write — writing, dance — dancing; • если глагол состоит из одного слога с кратким гласным звуком (swim, stop) или глагол оканчивается на ударный слог с кратким гласным звуком (begin), конечная согласная буква удваивается: swim + ing = swimming stop + ing = stopping begin -t- ing = beginning • в словах на I (travel) возможны два варианта написания: travelling (британский вариант английского языка) traveling (американский вариант английского языка); • если глагол оканчивается на ie, это сочетание букв меняется на у: Пе^ — lying, die — dying Complete the sentences and write the verb forms. Example: Jane (sit) when I came in. Jane was sitting when I came in. 1) Irene (write) a letter when the phone rang. 2) Who (lie) on the sofa when you opened the door? 3) They (travel) about Italy in early September. 4) We (swim) when it began raining. 5) Mary and Tom (dance) when our teacher asked us to go to the classroom. 6) They (begin) to write the text when John came into the room. to lie [lai] 1. лежать 2. лгать Ken had a very bad day yesterday. What did he say to his friend Lizzy about it? Example: I was taking a shower when my mother called. 1) At seven o’clock Ken was in the shower. His mother wanted to speak to him on the phone. He spoke to his mother and went to the bedroom to dress. 2) He began to dress. His neighbour came. The neighbour asked some questions about Ken’s garden. The neighbour left. 3) Ken went to the kitchen to have a cup of tea. His friend came. He asked for some book. Ken gave him the book. 4) Ken went to the garage to get out the car. A policeman^ stopped him. The policeman asked Ken about the neighbour’s dog. 5) Ken drove to Lizzy’s house. His car stopped in the middle of the street. Ken took a bus. 6) He was on the bus. It began raining. 7) The bus stopped. Ken got out. He stood at the bus stop because of the rain. When Ken came to Lizzy’s place, he was very late and Lizzy was not happy. HI Целый ряд глаголов в английском языке обычно не употребляют в продолженном времени {present или past progressive). Это глаголы like, love, understand, see, hear, want, know, hate, think (в значении «полагать»), have (в значении «иметь, обладать») и др. John likes winter. We don't know these people. They see us. I want a new blouse. Pete loves his mum. I don't understand French. I hear you. They have a good old friend. Однако сравни: I think they are having fun at the party now. What are you doing? — I am thinking. (See Grammar Referense, p. 151.) 121 LO r+ -a a policeman [рэ'И:8тэп] — полицейский Choose the right forms of the verbs to complete the sentences. 122 c □ r+ as \Ofc^4TOt / / ХЧ \х<ГЧХХХО. '^CYVJvT X XX Ч-ХХ vxvx - ‘-XX -X Weis waiKiiig^ го tfie supermarket^ 5) My brother (hated/was hating) milk when he was little. 6) We /Ш/were dlimer (v/ien you caded. fj ййе (ikmb/is thinking) that she is the best pupil in her class. 8) What present (do you want/are you wanting) for your birthday? 9) What television programme (did you watch/were you watching) at hearing) when Tom came back? 12) “Think, Jane, think!” “Oh, mum, I (am thinking/think)”. Nick's sister always asks him questions about his day. Work in pairs. Act out their dialogues. Example: What were you doing at half past one? I was having lunch. Complete these sentences. Use the right forms of the verbs. Example: Jane (cook) when Alice (get up). Jane was cooking when Alice got up. 1) Our friends (sit) on the bench in the garden when their rather (come). 2) I (send) a postcard to my granny when I (see) her in the street. 3) I (hug) my grandfather when the :ioor (open). 4) Mrs Morrison (walk) in the street when she I meet) Sue. 5) We (watch) television when Charles (leave). 6) They (leave) for St Petersburg when they (see) their friends. 7) The musicians (play) for the audience when the acrobats (come) onto the circus ring. 8) The tourists (do) the city when it (begin) raining. 123 r+ Ф "D sj Make up sentences and write them. 1) was, not, he, football, with, us, yesterday, playing. 2) a, book, at, 7, o’clock, you, reading, were, ? 3) they, visiting, their, grandad, were, in, the, morning, ? 4) singing, the, birds, were, early, in, the, morning. 5) Ben, what, yesterday evening, doing, was, ? 6) sleeping, wasn’t, at, night, she. 7) the, teacher, to, you, speaking, was, ? Complete the sentences. Write about your day. Example: At seven o’clock yesterday I was reading. 1) At seven o’clock yesterday I ... . 2) While I was doing my lessons ... . 3) When I was coming home yesterday, I met ... . 4) I was watching television yesterday evening while ... . Choose the right forms of the verbs and complete the sentences. 1) Most of all I (want/wanted) to travel now. 2) I’m very busy, I (make/am making) tea for grandmother. 3) All my friends (love/are loving) to watch comedy films. 4) They (think/are thinking) it’s not easy to write stories. 5) When I opened the door, the doctor (wrote/was writing) at the desk. 6) At 9 o’clock yesterday my parents (watched/were watching) their favourite film. 7) I (hear/am hearing) a beautiful song. Who (sings/is singing)? step Round-up 124 c D r+ Ф Listen, Й|) (141), and say what the Smirnovs were doing last Sunday. Alexei (the father) Maria (the mother) Lena Yura All the family What were they doing? Check, (142). Example'. Charles was reading while Sam was watching television. Ask for more information. Example: I was writing a letter. (Where) Where were you writing a letter? 1) He was buying a present for Helen. (When) 2) We were playing ping-pong. (Where) 3) They were skating. (Where) 4) It was raining. (When) 5) We were staying at a hotel. (Why) 6) We were doing the city. (With whom) 7) She was speaking to Mr Green. (Why) 8) She was visiting my grandparents. (When) 9) You were swimming. (Where) 125 in r+ fD "O 00 Work in pairs. Ask and answer how long it takes to get to different places from your school. Example: — Listen, Victor! How long does it take to get to the centre of the city? — I think it takes about an hour to get there. the theatre the nearest cinema the nearest food shop the bank the railway station the nearest bus stop the museum the market the airport Melissa wrote a letter to her mum about Russia. Complete it. Use the where necessary. Dear mum, (1) ... Russia is wonderful and very large. It takes more than 9 hours to get to (2) ... Far East from (3) ... Moscow. Yesterday Sonya took me to (4) ... Red Square and ... Kremlin. The churches in ... Kremlin look great and unusual. Sonya showed me (5) ... Tverskaya Street with its modern shops, supermarkets, hotels. We had lunch in a small cafe near the History Museum. I wrote and sent you a postcard with a picture of the Bolshoi Theatre. In the evening I went to the airport and now I'm in (6) ... Vladivostok, an important city on (7) ... Pacific Ocean. My business trip is a success and I enjoy staying here very much. Lots of love, Melissa Answer the tourist's questions about your country. 1) 2) 126 3) 4) c ID r+ 5) № 6) 7) 8) 9) Tourist What is the capital of Russia? What are some other important cities and towns? Is Russia a large country? Are there any mountains? Where are they? Are there any seas and oceans? Where are they? Are there any lakes? What can you say about Lake Baikal? Is Russia rich in forests? What animals live in the forests? What are Russian people like? 10) Are there many peoples living on the territory of Russia? 11) What are Russian people proud of? You Say what you can about: 1) The territory of Russia — extends from ... to ... — is rich in ... — important cities and towns — famous for — the beauty of the country — great seas and lakes, powerful rivers 2) The animals of Russia — live in ... — bears, wolves, elks, foxes, squirrels, hares, hedgehogs — reindeer in the north — a lot of fish in the rivers, seas and lakes 3) The climate of Russia — different in different places — colder in the north than in the south — low temperatures and high temperatures — it often snows/rains 4) The people of Russia — talented — open, warm, friendly — proud of their country and its history — many peoples — a lot of great scientists, musicians, ballet dancers, cosmonauts — speak different languages — try to live like good neighbours Write the plural of these words. Example', story — stories 1) country — 6) sheep — 2) wolf — 7) mouse — 127 3) reindeer — 8) watch — 4) man — 9) fish — LO 5) woman — 10) child — r+ fD u Write the where necessary. 1) Caucasus Mountains 5) _ Urals 00 2) Pacific Ocean 6) _ White Sea 3) Siberia 7) _ Lake Baikal 4) St Petersburg 8) . Volga River Get ready to write Dictation 6. Dictation 6 Different languages, kind neighbours, great territories, scientists and cosmonauts, tourists and visitors, history and culture, powerful oceans, hedgehogs and squirrels, wolves and hares, deer and reindeer. "O о I beauty, brave, climate, cosmonaut, culture, deep, deer, elk, extend, fresh, great, hare, hedgehog, history, kind, language, large, long, neighbour, ocean, powerful, reindeer, rich, scientist, squirrel, talented, territory, that, tourist, visitor, wolf the Pacific Ocean the Arctic Ocean the Ural Mountains (the Urals) the Caucasus Mountains (the Caucasus) the Far East the Black Sea the Caspian Sea Siberia Lake Baikal (the Baikal) 128 с D r+ Ш Step Test Yourself I. LISTENING Listen, (143), and say which of the facts are true and which are false. 1) Novosibirsk is a very important city in Siberia. 2) The Ob River is not very big. 3) The metro bridge across the river is the longest in Europe. 4) The year 1893 is very important for the city. 5) If you visit Novosibirsk, you can enjoy watching a ballet or listening to an opera. 6) The children of Novosibirsk would like to have a zoo in their city. У Maximum result 6 Your result ? country last It’s true. II. READING Read the text and complete the sentences after it. Journalist: Mr Lockwood, I’d like to ask you some questions if you’ve got a minute. Mr Lockwood: OK. What are you interested in? Journalist: I hear that you were away from the month. Mr Lockwood: I was in Russia. Journalist: ness? Mr Lockwood: No, I didn’t. I went to Russia as a tourist because I wanted to see the country and meet its people. It was my first visit there. J о u r n a 1 i s t: Why Russia? Mr Lockwood: Because I’m interested in Russian culture and history and want to know more about them. Journalist: Did you enjoy your trip? Mr Lockwood: I certainly did. I visited Moscow and St Petersburg. I watched a ballet in the Bolshoi and visited In Russia? Did you go there on busi- some picture galleries in St Petersburg. I enjoyed every minute of it. Journalist: What about the climate? They say Russia is a cold country. Mr Lockwood: I was there in March, in early spring and it wasn’t very cold. I know that winters in the north of Russia are the coldest season. J ournalist: Did you meet a lot of people? What are they like? Mr Lockwood: Very friendly and warm. I think Russian people are very talented. They make great poets, musicians and painters. They are brave soldiers 1 too. Journalist: Would you like to go there again? Mr Lockwood: Yes, I would. I’d like to travel about the country, go to Siberia and the Far East, to visit the north. Journalist: Thank you for your time, Mr Lockwood. 1) Mr Lockwood ... to Russia on business, a) went b) didn’t go 2) Mr Lockwood ... what he saw. a) liked b) didn’t like 3) Mr Lockwood visited Russia ... . a) in the coldest season b) when the temperature was not low 4) Mr Lockwood wants to see more of ... . a) Russia b) Siberia 129 to <-+ Ф "D У j Maximum result 4 j Your result ? III. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar and Vocabulary) Choose the right forms to complete the sentences. 1) When my telephone (rang/was ringing), I (watched/was watching) my favourite TV programme. 2) My friend and I (danced/were dancing) while my sister (played/was playing) the piano. 3) While Mr Brown (drove/was driving) home, his family (worked/were working) in the garden. 4) When the lesson began, all the pupils (sat/were sitting) at their desks. a soldier [зэЫфэ] — солдат, воин some picture galleries in St Petersburg. I enjoyed every minute of it. Journalist: What about the climate? They say Russia is a cold country. Mr Lockwood: I was there in March, in early spring and it wasn’t very cold. I know that winters in the north of Russia are the coldest season. Journalist: Did you meet a lot of people? What are they like? Mr Lockwood: Very friendly and warm. I think Russian people are very talented. They make great poets, musicians and painters. They are brave soldiers 1 too. J ournalist: Would you like to go there again? Mr Lockwood: Yes, I would. I’d like to travel about the country, go to Siberia and the Far East, to visit the north. Journalist: Thank you for your time, Mr Lockwood. 1) Mr Lockwood a) went 2) Mr Lockwood a) liked to Russia on business. b) didn’t go what he saw. b) didn’t like 3) Mr Lockwood visited Russia ... . a) in the coldest season b) when the temperature was not low 4) Mr Lockwood wants to see more of .. a) Russia b) Siberia 129 tn r+ Ф T3 у Maximum result 4 Your result L ? r II. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar and Vocabulary) :^Dose the right forms to complete the sentences. (watched/was When my telephone (rang/was ringing), I watching) my favourite TV programme. My friend and I (danced/were dancing) while (played/was playing) the piano. While Mr Brown (drove/was driving) home, his iworked/were working) in the garden. When the lesson began, all the pupils (sat/were sitting) at :::eir desks. my sister family >oldier [8эи1фэ] — солдат, воин 5) John (rode/was riding) in the park when he (saw/was seeing) his friend Sam. Maximum result 9 Your result ? 130 c 3 r+ A. Use the where necessary. 1) We could see ... Ural Mountains from the plane. 2) I know that ... Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world. 3) A lot of people like to go to ... Black Sea for their holidays. 4) ... Moscow is situated on ... Moskva River. B. Write the plural of these words. 1) city 4) child 2) church 3) life 5) reindeer 6) wolf 7) mouse 8) sheep Maximum result 13 Your result 7 IV. SPEAKING Say what you can about Russia. Speak about its 1) territory 2) plant world and animal world 3) big cities 4) people Maximum result 5 Your result ? V. WRITING Write dictation 6, (144). Maximum result 10 Your result ? У Total result 47 Your result ? step Enjoy Yourself / - '‘x \ f ' % ш ''' - . 4ead Aesop's fable "The Lioness and the Fox" and choose the best moral 'or it. 1) Agree with those who are stronger than you. 2) All mothers love their children. 3) Sometimes one thing can be better than a lot of things. Once upon a time a lioness and a fox were talking about their young, as mothers always do. The lioness and the fox were happy that their children were healthy and active. 05^ The mothers thought their children were very beautiful and clever and were proud of them. The fox said, “My little cubs^ are very nice. Look how they are running in the green grass. I think they are the most wonderful fox cubs in the world. You can’t find better cubs!” Then the fox looked at the lion cub and added: “I have got six cubs this year, I had seven cubs last year, but you, as I see, never have more than one.” “No, I don’t,” said the lioness and looked proudly at her cub, “but that one is a lion.” Say who did it (was doing it) in the fable. 1) Who was talking to the fox? 2) Who was healthy and active? 3) Who was happy because of that? 4) Who was proud of the cubs? 5) Who was running and playing in the grass? 6) Who had six cubs? 7) Who had one cub? Answer the questions. 1) The lioness and the she-fox were happy about their cubs, weren’t they? 2) Mothers often speak about their children, don’t they? 3) The lioness was not proud of her cub, was she? 4) The cubs were not clever and beautiful, were they? 131 r+ Ф ■a cubs [клЬг] детеныши некоторых животных 5) John (rode/was riding) in the park when he (saw/was seeing) his friend Sam. Maximum result 9 Your result 130 c D r+ Ф A. Use the where necessary. 1) We could see ... Ural Mountains from the plane. 2) I know that ... Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world. 3) A lot of people like to go to ... Black Sea for their holidays. 4) ... Moscow is situated on ... Moskva River. B. Write the plural of these words. 1) city 4) child 2) church 5) reindeer 3) life 6) wolf 7) mouse 8) sheep Maximum result 13 Your result ? IV. SPEAKING Say what you can about Russia. Speak about its 1) territory ^ 2) plant world and animal world 3) big cities 4) people У Maximum result 5 Your result V. WRITING Write dictation 6, (144). Maximum result 10 Your result ? Total result 47 Your result ? step Enjoy Yourself Read Aesop's fable for it. 'The Lioness and the Fox" and choose the best moral 1) Agree with those who are stronger than you. 2) All mothers love their children. 3) Sometimes one thing can be better than a lot of things. \--------------- Once upon a time a lioness and a fox were talking about their young, as mothers always do. The lioness and the fox were happy that their children were healthy and active. The mothers thought their children were very beautiful and clever and were proud of them. The fox said, “My little cubs^ are very nice. Look how they are running in the green grass. I think they are the most wonderful fox cubs in the world. You can’t find better cubs!” Then the fox looked at the lion cub and added: “I have got six cubs this year, I had seven cubs last year, but you, as I see, never have more than one.” “No, I don’t,” said the lioness and looked proudly at her cub, “but that one is a lion.” Say who did it (was doing it) in the fable. 1) Who was talking to the fox? 2) Who was healthy and active? 3) Who was happy because of that? 4) Who was proud of the cubs? 5) Who was running and playing in the grass? 6) Who had six cubs? 7) Who had one cub? Answer the questions. 1) The lioness and the she-fox were happy about their cubs, weren’t they? 2) Mothers often speak about their children, don’t they? 3) The lioness was not proud of her cub, was she? 4) The cubs were not clever and beautiful, were they? 131 LO Г+ fD "O cubs [клЬг] — детёныши некоторых животных 132 с 13 r+ ф 5) Where were the fox cubs running and playing? 6) How many cubs did the fox have? 7) How many cubs did the lioness have? 8) The lioness was not sad because she had one cub, was she? 9) Why, do you think, she was not sad? Act out the fable. Кристина Россетти (Christina Rossetti, 1830—1894) — английская поэтесса итальянского происхождения. Кристина Россетти преклонялась перед красотой природы. Она начала писать стихи в возрасте 12 лет. Первый её сборник вышел в свет, когда ей было всего 16 лет. Многие стихи поэтессы написаны для детей. Большая их часть вошла в известный сборник «Дин-Дон» (Sing-Song). А ее стихотворный девиз Нет слов «не хочу», «Не могу», «разучилась», А есть «постараюсь» И есть «получилось» стоит запомнить каждому. Стихи Кристины Россетти в Англии считаются классическими. Listen to the poem, (145). Say if you agree with the poet that clouds sailing in the sky and rainbows are more beautiful than ships, boats and bridges. The Rainbow Christina Rossetti Boats sail on the rivers. And ships sail on the seas; But clouds that sail across the sky Are prettier ['pritio] far than these. There are bridges on the rivers. As pretty as you please; But the bow that bridges heaven And overtops the trees. And builds a road from earth to sky. Is prettier far than these. плывут гораздо красивее bow = rainbow как мост в небе возвышается над дорогу от земли s:en to the song, ^ (146), and sing it along. For He's a Jolly Good Fellow — это песня, которую поют, поздравляя кого-то со значительным событием в жизни: днем рождения, победой в спортивном соревновании, окончанием учебного года и т. п. For He’s а Jolly Good Fellow/ For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow^ 1. For he’s a jolly good fellow, for he’s a jolly good fellow г :»r he’s jolly good fellow, which nobody can deny^ ''horus: Which nobody can deny, which nobody can deny. For he’s a jolly good fellow, which nobody can deny! 2. For she’s a jolly good fellow, for she’s a jolly good fellow. For she’s a jolly good fellow, which nobody can deny! Chorus: Which nobody can deny, which nobody can deny. For she’s a jolly good fellow, which nobody can deny! 133 CO r+ Ф T3 D i О hb Read the fable "The Lioness and the Fox" again and write the sentences in the right order. 1) The fox said her cubs were the best fox cubs in the world. 2) The lioness’s and the fox’s cubs were healthy and active. 3) Once a lioness and a fox began talking about their children. 4) The mothers were proud of their cubs. 5) The lioness said that her cub was a lion. The first letters of these words make a new word. What is it? Write it down. The word is ... . 1. < 0 3. 4. ’ For He’s/She’s a Jolly Good Fellow — зд.: потому что он/она отличный товарищ ^ to deny [dinai] — отрицать 134 с □ г4* О) 5. 6. Do Project Work 6. Complete a new page of your English Album. Ask your family or friends to help if necessary. PROJECT WORK 6. Write an e-mail to your imaginary pen friend, invite him or her to come to Russia. Give good reasons why he or she must do it. Dear friend, Have wonderful summer holidays! Your authors Guide to Textbook Tasks Формулировки заданий -:t out the dialogue. — Разыграйте диалог по ролям. -^:t out the fable. — Разыграйте басню по ролям. -"е these facts true, false or not stated? — Являются ли данные факты верными, неверными или они не упоминаются в тексте? -s< for more information. — Задай вопросы, чтобы получить больше информации. -5< the same in the past and future. — Задай те же вопросы в прошедшем и будущем временах. 1'^еск and repeat. — Проверь себя по аудиозаписи и повтори. I'^oose the best moral for the fable. — Выбери лучшую мораль для басни. Znoose the name for the text. — Подбери название тексту. Cnoose the right forms to complete the sentences. — Подбери правильные формы, чтобы закончить предложения. Znoose the true answers to these questions. — Выбери ответы, которые соответствуют действительности. Compare English and Russian ways. — Сравни привычки англичан и жителей России. Compare the pictures. — Сравни картинки. Compare these. — Сравни их. Compare the weather. — Сравни погоду. Complete а new page. — Заполни новую страницу. Complete the sentences. — Закончи предложения. Complete the text. — Закончи текст. Complete the page. — Заполни страничку. Continue as in the example. — Продолжи no образцу. Continue the lists. — Продолжи списки. Correct the false sentences. — Исправь неверные предложения. Correct the false statements. — Исправь неправильные утверждения. Describe... — Опиши... Find on the map. — Найди на карте. Follow the example. — Выполни задание как в примере. Form adverbs. — Образуй наречия. Get ready to write Dictation... — Подготовься к диктанту... Guess what these words mean. — Догадайся, что означают эти слова. Illustrate it with pictures. — Проиллюстрируй свою проектную работу рисунками. Imagine ... — Представь ... 135 In pairs... — В парах... Listen and read them. — Послушай и прочитай. Listen and match. — Послушай и соедини. Listen and repeat the sentences. — Послушай и повтори предложения. Listen and read the text. — Послушай и прочитай текст. Listen (to the dialogue) and say... — Послушай (диалог) и скажи... 136 Listen to the song and sing it along. — Пос.яушайте песню и спойте её вместе. Маке up questions (sentences). — Составь вопросы (предложения). Маке up similar (your own) dialogues. — Составь похожие (свои собственные) диалоги. Match the names with... — Соедини названия с ... Match the paragraphs with the names. — Соедини параграфы с названиями. Match the parts of the sentences. — Соедини части предложений. Match the pictures with the sentences. — Соедини рисунки с предложениями. Match the questions and the answers. — ответами. Match the texts (words) with the pictures. (слова) c картинками. Put the parts of the text in the logical order. текста в логическом порядке. Put the words in the two columns. — Расположи слова в колонках. Read and check. — Прочитай и проверь себя. Read the name of the text and say what it can be about. — Прочитай заглавие текста и скажи, о чём он. Read the rhyme... — Прочитай рифмовку... Read the sentences in the right order. — Прочитай предложения в правильном порядке. Read out the true sentences. — Выбери и прочитай верные предложения. Read out the verbs. — Выбери и прочитай глаголы. Read the words and word combinations. — Прочитай слова и словосочетания. Repeat the sentences. — Повтори предложения. Rhyme the words in the two boxes. — Скажи, какие слова рифмуются, и соедини их. Say it in а different way. — Скажи то же самое иначе. Say the same in the past. — Скажи то же самое в прошедшем времени. Say what facts are true, false or not stated. — Скажи, какие факты верны, неверны или не упоминаются в тексте. Соедини вопросы с — Соедини тексты — Расположи части двух Скажи, что верно в отношении - Скажи, какими Скажи, о чём в тексте не Скажи, какие предложения - Скажи, кто есть кто на Say what is true about you. -тебя. Say what numbers they are in the picture. номерами они обозначены на картинке. Say what was not in the text, говорилось. Say which sentences are true (false) верны (неверны). Say who is who in the pictures картинках. Speak about... — Расскажи о... Talk about... — Расскажи о... The first letters of these words that name things in the pictures make up a new word. What is it? — Из первых букв слов, которые называют предметы на рисунках, можно составить новое слово. Что это за слово? There is one extra name (letter). — Одно название лишнее (Одна буква лишняя). Use the right forms to complete the sentences. — Используй правильные формы, чтобы закончить предложения. Use the words from the box. — Воспользуйся словами в рамочке. Use ... where necessary. — Используй ... там, где необходимо. Use the verbs (in the past forms). — Используй глаголы (в прошедшем времени). What do the new words mean? — Что значат новые слова? Which are the odd words out? — Какие слова лишние? Work in pairs. — Поработайте в парах. Write it in a different way. — Напиши это иначе. Write true sentences. — Напиши предложения, соответствуюш;ие действительности. Write their opposites. — Напиши противоположные по значению слова. Write the plural of these words. — Напиши эти сугцествительные во множественном числе. Write the sentences in the right order (in the past). — Напиши эти предложения в правильном порядке (в прошедшем времени). Write the verbs in the past forms. — Напиши глаголы в формах прошедшего времени. Write whose coats they are. — Напиши, чьи эти пальто. Write out of the text... — Выпиши из текста... Write out the verbs. — Выпиши глаголы. 137 138 Grammar Reference Грамматический справочник^ Морфология THE моим (Имя существительное) Особенностью английских сун;ествительных является использование с ними артиклей (определённого и неопределённого). § 1. Неопределённый артикль а/ап используется перед исчисляемыми сугцествительными в единственном числе. Если имя сугцествительное начинается с гласного звука, но не буквы, употребляется ап (ап apple, ап elf, ап hour), в остальных случаях — а (а box, а dog, а university). Если имя существительное в единственном числе используется с определением, артикль ставится перед определением: ап: ап easy exercise, an old church, an open book; a: a yellow dress, a clever dog, a white cloud. § 2, C именами существительными во множественном числе неопределённый артикль не употребляется. Ср.: а rose — roses, а table — tables. § 3. Определённый артикль the произносится [бэ], если он употребляется с именами существительными, начинающимися с согласной: the lion, the mouse, the flower. Если слово, перед которым используется определенный артикль, начинается с гласной, артикль читается как [5i] — the egg, the ice cream, the airport. Определённый артикль используется с существительными в единственном и множественном числе, когда речь идёт о чём-то определённом. а) The houses in front of me are tall buildings. Open the door and the windows, please. (Из контекста понятно, о каких зданиях идёт речь, какая дверь и какие окна имеются в виду.); б) There is а table in the room. The table is brown. (Стол в этом случае упоминается второй раз. Собеседникам ясно, о каком столе идет речь.) § 4. Определённый артикль не употребляется: а) с собственными именами существительными: Jane, Alice, Mr Richardson; ^ Справочник содержит грамматический материал, относящийся ко 2—5 классам б) с существительными, если перед ними используются указательные местоимения: this flat, that room, these chairs, those pictures; b) c именами существительными, если речь идёт о чём-то вообще: I like apples, I don’t like milk; r) c именами существительными — названиями видов спорта или игр: football, basketball, tennis, ping-pong. § 5. Определённый артикль употребляется с именами собственными, обозначающими: горные цепи: the Urals, the Ural Mountains, the Caucasus (Mountains); океаны: the Arctic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean; моря: the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Caspian Sea; реки: the Volga, the Thames, the Moskva River; озера: the Baikal; Однако если перед названием озера стоит само слово lake, артикль отсутствует: Lake Baikal. § 6, Без артикля употребляются названия: континентов: Europe, Asia, Central America, Africa, Australia; стран: Russia, England, Spain (но: the USA); городов: Paris, London, Madrid, Moscow, St Petersburg; площадей: Red Square, Dvortsovaya Square; Trafalgar Square; улиц: Tverskaya Street, Nevsky Prospect; парков и садов: Hyde Park, Gorky Park (но: the Summer Gardens); мостов: Palace Bridge, Tower Bridge, London Bridge (но: the Anichkov Bridge); дворцов: Winter Palace. C определённым артиклем употребляются названия: театров: the Bolshoi Theatre, the Maly Theatre; музеев: the Pushkin Museum, the British Museum; картинных галерей: the Tretyakov Gallery. § 7. Названия месяцев и дней недели обычно употребляются без артикля и пишутся с заглавной буквы: in January, in April, on Tuesday, last Friday. § 8. Имена существительные в современном английском языке могут быть образованы различными способами. Основными из них являются: а) деривация (когда к корню или основе добавляется суффикс или префикс (приставка). Так, например, образуются слова, обозначающие профессии людей: read + -ег = reader, write + -er = writer; 139 140 б) словосложение (когда сложные имена существительные образуются путём сложения двух основ): bed + room = bedroom, black + board = blackboard; b) конверсия (когда на основе слова, уже существующего в языке, образуется новое. Оно совпадает со старым по морфологической форме, но имеет иное значение): to walk — а walk: (прогулка). § 9. Множественное число большинства имён существительных образуется при помощи окончания -s/-es: а) если имя существительное оканчивается на глухой звук, окончание -s произносится как [s]: books, plates, desks, forests; б) если имя существительное оканчивается на гласную или звонкую согласную, окончание s произносится как [z]: days, tables, woods, friends; в) если имя существительное оканчивается на шипящую или свистящую, во множественном числе к нему прибавляется окончание -es^ которое читается как [iz]: roses, boxes, benches: г) если имя существительное оканчивается на -у после согласной, во множественном числе -у меняется на и к нему добавляется окончание -es, которое читается как [z]: lady — ladies, fairy — fairies, country — countries; д) если имя существительное оканчивается на во множественном числе -/ меняется на -и, и ic слову добавляется окончание -es, которое читается как [z]: wolf — wolves, wife — wives. Исключением из этого правила является имя существительное roof: roof — roofs [ru:fs]; е) если имя существительное оканчивается на -о, во множественном числе к нему может добавляться как окончание -es (potatoes, tomatoes), так и окончание -s (kangaroos, zoos, photos, pianos); ж) в некоторых случаях множественное число существительных образуется особым образом: а man — men а woman — women ['wimin] a child — children a mouse — mice a goose — geese a sheep — sheep Существительные deer, reindeer и fish имеют две формы множественного числа: а deer — deer, deers а reindeer — reindeer, reindeers a fish — fish, fishes При этом форма fishes имеет значение «разные породы рыб». § 10. Притяжательный падеж имён супдествительных обо- : -т принадлежность, обладание. Обычно он используется с - лми существительными, обозначающими людей и животных: “Слп имя существительное используется в единственном к нему прибавляется апостроф и окончание -s. В зависи-от звука, на который оканчивается имя существительное, : :лние может читаться как [S] или [Z]. Если существительное чпзается на гласный или звонкий согласный, то окончание ; h jchtch [z]: the boy’s name, the pupil’s book. I .t:i имя существительное оканчивается на глухой согласный, нчание произносится [s]: Pete’s house, Kate’s dress. П имя существительное оканчивается на -s, -z, -х или фи--idIm звуком является шипящий звук, то окончание произ-::т:я [iz]: .’ h:x's [maeksiz] address my boss’s fbosis] plan [liziz] doll Alice’s ['sehsiz] town '' если имя существительное используется во множественном тг. то апостроф ставится после окончания -s: the students’ '-:5. the parents’ farm, the kings’ country, the princes’ ring. Правила произношения не меняются по сравнению с единст-- иным числом. 5) если имена существительные образуют множественное число л о общему правилу, при образовании притяжательного падежа рорме множественного числа прибавляется апостроф и окон- лтле -s: the children’s toys, the men’s cars, the women’s bags, the mice’s :use; r) ряд неодушевлённых существительных, чье число огра-лченно, также образует притяжательный падеж с помощью рибавлений апострофа и окончания -s, например: England’s territory, the country’s climate, today’s newspaper. 141 THE ADJECTIVE (Имя прилагательное) § 1. Имена прилагательные в английском языке бывают :-:ачественные, имеющие степени сравнения (small — smaller — (the) smallest), и относительные (golden — золотой). Английские прилагательные не изменяются по числам: а big house — big houses. В предложении прилагательные часто являются определением к существительному и используются перед ним: а green tree, а beautiful garden. Кроме того, прилагательные часто выполняют роль именной части в составе составного сказуемого: It is good. It was rainy. They will be happy. 142 § 2. Прилагательные имеют три степени сравнения: 1) поло жительную, 2) сравнительную, 3) превосходную: a) при образовании степеней сравнения односложных или двусложных прилагательных к ним прибавляются суффиксы -ег. -est: cold — colder — (the) coldest small — smaller — (the) smallest 6) прилагательные, имеюгцие более двух слогов, образуют сравнительную и превосходную степени с помогцью слов тоге и most: beautiful — more beautiful — (the) most beautiful interesting — more interesting — (the) most interesting b) некоторые прилагательные, такие как clever, modern, narrow, friendly, могут образовывать степень сравнения и тем и другим способом: more clever — (the) most clever clever cleverer — (the) cleverest § 3. При образовании сравнительной и превосходной степеней сравнения следует помнить о правилах правописания: a) если прилагательное оканчивается на -с, то в сравнительной и превосходной степенях данная буква опускается: large — larger — (the) largest; б) если прилагательное оканчивается на -у, то в сравнительной и превосходной степенях у заменяется на /: happy — happier — (the) happiest windy — windier — (the) windiest; b) если прилагательное оканчивается на слог с ударным кратким звуком, то в сравнительной и превосходной степенях конечная согласная удваивается: big — bigger — (the) biggest sad — sadder — (the) saddest § 4. Имена прилагательные bad и good имеют особые формы сравнительной и превосходной степеней: good — better — (the) best bad — worse — (the) worst § 5, Сравнивая качества двух и более людей, животных или предметов часто используют: а) слово than (чем): The girl is older than the boy. б) конструкцию as...as (если люди или предметы обладают одинаковыми качествами): Мах is as old as Mark. в) конструкции not as...as/not so...as (если качества не являются одинаковыми): Cats are not as (so) clever as dogs. § 6. При использовании превосходной степени прилагательных 5 предложении часто употребляются структуры с предлогом of ;.пи in и определённый артикль перед прилагательным в ::ревосходной степени: Kate is the happiest girl of all. He is the tallest of us. Russia is the largest country in the world. § 7. В современном английском языке имена прилагательные могут образовываться тремя способами: a) к корню добавляется суффикс или приставка: sun + -у = sunny rain + -у = rainy colour + -ful = colourful wonder + -ful = wonderful un- + healthy = unhealthy un- + happy = unhappy b) при помощи конверсии из имени существительного образуется имя прилагательное, при этом форма слова не меняется: silver (серебро) silver (серебряный) metal (металл) —^ metal (металлический) gold (золото) ^ gold (сделанный из золота, золотой) apple (яблоко) apple (яблочный) c) сложные имена прилагательные образуются путём сложения двух основ: snow + white = а snowhite (dress). § 8. Much/many. Much — много, означает количество и определяет только неисчисляемые имена существительные, обычно в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях: I haven’t got much time today. Is there much milk in the fridge? Many — определяет только исчисляемые имена существительные (также обычно в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях): Не hasn’t got many friends here. Are there many sweets on the plate? В утвердительных предложениях и в том, и в другом случае чаще употребляется сочетание а lot of (lots of): There are a lot of books at home. There is a lot of water in the glass. There are lots of flowers here. Степени сравнения: many/much — more — (the) most. § 9. Little/few. Little — мало, означает малое количество, используется с неисчисляемыми именами существительными: We have very little milk. Few — мало, означает малое количество, употребляется только с исчисляемыми именами существительными: 143 144 There are few flowers in the garden. Перед little и few часто используется усилительное слово very: There are very few plants in room. There is very little milk left. § 10. И little, и few обозначают недостаточное количество и имеют отрицательный оттенок: We have got little time left. (Мы можем не успеть на поезд.) There are few potatoes on the plate. (Я не смогу приготовить салат.) THE ADVERB (Наречие) В английском языке большинство наречий образуются от прилагательных при помощи суффикса -ly: slow — slowly comfortable — comfortably pleasant — pleasantly beautiful — beautifully Если прилагательное оканчивается на -у (happy), то при образовании наречия у меняется на i\ happily. THE PROMOUM (Местоимение) § 1. В английском языке среди других выделяют личные местоимения и притяжательные местоимения. Первые могут выполнять в предложении те же функции, что имена существительные, вторые используются как имена прилагательные. § 2. Личные местоимения Личные местоимения имеют два падежа — общий и объектный. Они изменяются по числам (единственное и множественное), а в единственном числе по родам (he — мужской, she — женский, it — средний). Таблица личных местоимений Падеж Общий Объектный Единственное число I (я) те you (ты) you he (он) him she (она) her it (оно) it Множественное число we (мы) us you (вы) you they (они) them видно из таблицы, формы you в единственном и мно-гЕенном числе совпадают. С этим местоимением глагол всегда :: тется во множественном числе: you are, you have, you see. § 3. Притяжательные местоимения также имеют две формы. - ; я из них всегда используется в качестве определения перед сгществительным: _____ ::> ■ “вительным: ИереД * ЧИСЛО Множественное число Our books Your books Their books Their bones 145 : форма называется абсолютной, после неё имена Е-льные не употребляются: ' : л is mine. ::в is hers. our books, not yours. '■!естоимения Притяжательные местоимения Основная форма Абсолютная форма my mine his his her hers its — our ours your yours their theirs § 4. Указательные местоимения в английском языке изменятся по числам: This — these, that — those Указательные местоимения this/these употребляются для сазания на предмет/предметы, находяпдиеся рядом с тем, кто ворит, that /those — для указания на то, что удалено от него: This is Kate, my sister. That boy on the opposite side of the street is my brother. § 5. к неопределённым местоимениям относятся известные тебе слова all, any, every, по, some. Обратите внимание на особенности употребления некоторых из них: a) неопределённое местоимение some используется для обозначения некоторого количества предметов или вещества. Употребляется оно в основном в утвердительных предложениях как с 146 исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми существительными: There are some pets in the family. We’ve got some milk in the fridge. В отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях some заменяется на апу\ Have you got any books at home? Has he got any butter in the fridge? There aren’t any books at home. There isn’t any butter in the fridge. Однако, если вопросительное предложение представляет собой просьбу или предложение, в нем обычно используется местоимение some: Would you like some tea? Can I have some water, please? 6) неопределённое местоимение any может использоваться в утвердительных предложениях. В этом случае оно обозначает «любой, всякий»: This exercise is easy. Any pupil can do it. Any child knows these facts. b) если в отрицательных предложениях используются неопределённое местоимение по, глагол употребляется в утвердительной форме: There is no milk in the jug. There was no bread at home. В отличие от русского языка, в английском предложении не может быть двух (и более) отрицаний. Сравни: have got no problems. У меня нет никаких проблем. haven’t got any problems. THE NUMERAL (Имя числительное) Числительные в английском языке подразделяются на количественные и порядковые. § 1. Количественные числительные отвечают на вопрос “How many?” (Сколько?) I have three good friends. в тексте числительные 1—10 принято писать словами, а не шифрами. § 2. Количественные числительные от 13 до 19 образуются к к томощи суффикса -teem ::.irteen sixteen nineteen : : гt een seventeen :.::een eighteen j'riaTiiTe внимание на правописание числительного 15 — fif- § 3. Количественные числительные, обозначающие десятки, разуются при помощи суффикса -ty: 80 — eighty 90 — ninety 20 — twenty 50 — fifty 30 — thirty 60 — sixty 40 — forty 70 — seventy Обратите внимание на правописание числительного forty. Количественные числительные типа 25, 34, 46, 58 и т тшутся через черточку (дефис): 22 — twenty-two 55 — fifty-five 33 — thirty-three 64 — sixty-four 44 — forty-four 71 — seventy-one Д. 86 99 eighty-six ninety-nine § 4. Количественные числительные «сто» (hundred) и «тысяча» i::iousand) не используются во множественном числе: two hundred people — двести человек five thousand birds — пять тысяч птиц two thousand three hundred and nine = 2309 § 5. При обозначении года употребляются количественные числительные. При чтении числительное, обозначающее год, разбивается на две части. Сначала произносится число сотен, затем число десятков и единиц. 1985 = 19 Ч- 85 = nineteen eighty-five 1803 = 18 + 03 = eighteen О [эи] three 1700 = 17 + 00 = seventeen hundred В обозначении года может использоваться существительное year: (in) the year 2011. Обозначение года в XXI веке читается так: 2011 = the year two thousand and eleven. § 6. Порядковые числительные отвечают на вопрос “Which?” (Который?). Большинство из них образовано от количественных числительных при помощи суффикса -th: fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth и т. д. 148 Обратите внимание на правописание и произношение порядковых числительных 20-й, 30-й, 40-й, 50-й и т. д.: twentieth [WentioO]; thirtieth ['0з:йэ0]; fortieth [Ъ:Оэ0]; fiftieth ['fifti90]. § 7, Порядковые числительные первый, второй, третий следует запомнить; (the) first, (the) second, (the) third. § 8. Следует обратить внимание на то, что в предложении перед порядковыми числительными обычно употребляется определённый артикль: I like the first fairy tale very much. Get off at the fourth stop from here. § 9. В английском языке принято обозначать нумерацию с помопдью количественных числительных: Text One, Test Three, Bus Forty. (Сравни: в русском языке «текст первый» или «текст один» и т. д.) В подобных случаях на письме числительные часто обозначают цифрой: Text 1, Test 3, Bus 40. В подобных случаях рекомендуют писать имя сугцествительное с заглавной буквы. Однако слово page пишется с маленькой буквы: page two, page 2. THE VERB (Глагол) В отличие от русского языка, английский язык располагает целой системой времён. Для описания действий, происходягцих в настоягцем, происходивших в прошлом и тех, что будут происходить в будуш;ем, могут быть использованы различные времена. § 1. Настоягцее неопределённое время (Present Simple). а) Данное время образуется по формуле V/Vs, где вместо V может использоваться любой смысловой глагол (для всех лиц, кроме 3-го лица единственного числа), а в 3-м лице единственного числа к основе глагола прибавляется окончание -s/-es. I You We They run He She It runs 6) Если глагол оканчивается на гласную или звонкую согласную, окончание -s читается как [z]: gives, plays, listens, sees, comes, reads. Если глагол оканчивается на глухую согласную, то окончание читается как [s]: takes, helps, stops, sits, works, likes. Если глагол оканчивается на свистящие или шипящие звуки [^11» [s], [z], [ks], [(%], то окончание -es читается как [iz]: .jhes, mi^es, finishes, ki^es, washes, closes. Если глагол оканчивается на -у, на письме буква у меняется / и прибавляется окончание -es, которое читается как [Z]: . V — tries, cry — cries; <149 В вопросах п отртах,анпях в настоящем неонрсд,сз1Снном ------------- времени используется вспомогательный глагол do/does'. I/we don’t live in London. Do we live in London? You don4 speak French. Do you speak French? They don’t eat fish. Do they eat fish? He/she doesn’t go to school. Does he/she go to school? It doesn’t like milk. Does it like milk? r) Настоящее неопределённое время используется для описания обычных, повседневных, повторяющихся действий или общих истин, известных фактов: Тот gets up at seven o’clock. We don’t go to school on Sundays. It often rains in autumn. д) В предложениях с глаголами в настоящем неопределённом времени часто используются наречия always, often, usually, some 'imes. Эти наречия стоят перед смысловым глаголом, но после глагола to Ъе: Do they always begin work at 9? He doesn’t usually get up at 6. She is often sad. В предложениях с глаголами в present simple часто употребляются также следующие словосочетания: every year, every month, every day, at night, in the evening, in the morning, in the afternoon, on Monday, on Tuesday и т. д. е) Глагол to be (am, is, are) и оборот have got не используются с вспомогательными глаголами do/does. Они образуют вопросительную и отрицательную формы самостоятельно: to be I am (not) here. Am I here? He is (not) here. Is he here? She is (not) here. Is she here? It is (not) here. Is it here? We are (not) here. Are we here? You are (not) here. Are you here? They are (not) here. Are they here? have got I have (not) got it. He has (not) got it. She has (not) got it. It has (not) got it. We have (not) got it. You have (not) got it. They have (not) got it. Have I (you, we, they) got it? Has he (she, it) got it? Сокращённые формы глагола to he и оборота got: I am = I’m I have got = I’ve got He is = He’s He has got = He’s got She is = She’s She has got = She’s got It is = It’s It has got = It’s got We are = We’re We have got = We’ve got You are = You’re You have got = You’ve got They are = They’re They have got = They’ve got ж) В английском языке суш;ествуют так называемые модальные глаголы — сап, must и другие. Они также не требуют вспомогательного глагола при образовании вопросительных и отрицательных предложений: Сап you play football? They cannot (can’t) speak French. Must they help their friend? Children must not (mustn’t) miss classes. В модальных глаголах не прибавляется окончание -s в третьем лице единственного числа (he сап, she must); после них в предложении используется неопределённая форма смыслового глагола без частицы to. (We can speak English.) Обратите внимание, что отрицательная форма глагола сап, cannot, пишется слитно с отрицанием, а отрицательная форма must not — раздельно. Сокрагцения mustn't и can't характерны для устной речи, а полное написание — для письменной. § 2. Настоягцее продолженное время (Present Progressive или Present Continuous). а) Данное время образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be (am, is, are) и смыслового глагола, к которому добавляется окончание -ing\ am/is/are + Ving I am sleeping He/She/It is sleeping. I’m not sleeping. He/She/It is not sleeping. (+) 6) ется: Am I sleeping? Is he/she/it sleeping? Смысловой глагол в We/You/They are sleeping. We/You/They are not sleeping. Are we/you/they sleeping? кратких ответах обычно не повторя- — Are you working? — No, I am not. — Yes, I am. — Is he/she working? — No, he/she isn’t. — Yes, he/she is. к H II в C( tJ в) Настоящее продолженное время используется, чтобы описать действие, которое происходит сейчас, в данный момент, в момент речи. Обычно в предложении используются следующие слова и выражения: now, at the moment, these days: She is working now, she is not watching TV. What is Ann doing at the moment? r) В настоящем продолженном времени не употребляется целый ряд глаголов. К ним, например, относятся глаголы: have (в значении «иметь, обладать»), hate, hear, know, like, love, see, think (b значении «думать, полагать»), understand, want. I hate porridge. We think you are right. The boy has a sister, he doesn’t have a brother. Do you hear me? д) Однако глагол to have употребляется в настоящем продолженном времени, если он является частью устойчивых сочетаний: to have breakfast to have a shower to have dinner to have a lesson to have tea to have a class to have lunch to have a good time to have supper to have a party to have a bath to have fun We are at home and we are having supper. Is he having a good time in Paris now? § 3. Прошедшее неопределённое время (Past Simple). а) Данное время употребляется, чтобы сообщить о том, что какое-либо событие произошло в прошлом и оно не связано с настоящим моментом. Обычно говорящему известно, когда (when) и/или где (where) оно произошло. В предложениях с глаголами в past simple обычно употребляются следующие слова и словосочетания: last, ago, yesterday, last year, last month, last week, three days ago, in 1970 и т. д. б) Данное время так называемые правильные глаголы (regular verbs) образуют при помощи окончания -ed, которое добавляется к смысловому глаголу: play + ed = played like + ed = liked live -(- ed = lived work + ed = worked; b) Окончание -ed может произноситься как [t], если глаголы оканчиваются на глухую согласную: worked, placed, missed, stopped, watched, washed. Окончание -ed произносится как [id], если глаголы оканчиваются на звуки [t] или [d]: wanted, translated, visited, added. 151 152 Во всех остальных случаях окончание -ed произносится как [d]: played, loved, closed, changed, cleaned. r) Правильные глаголы в past simple имеют следуюгцие особенности правописания: -- aizycic^G'rcjT: like — liked, love — loved, dance — danced, place — placed, decide — decided; — если глагол оканчивается на согласную + у, у меняется на i, и к ней прибавляется окончание -ed\ study — studied, marry — married; — если односложный глагол имеет краткий гласный звук, то конечная согласная буква глагола удваивается: stop — stopped, plan — planned; — в глаголе travel финальная -I удваивается в британском варианте английского языка: travel — traveUed. д) Простое прошедшее время так называемых неправильных глаголов (irregular verbs) следует запомнить (см. таблицу неправильных глаголов на с. 160—161); е) Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с глаголами в past simple образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола did/did not и основной формы смыслового глагола: I met my friend. He/she met his/her friend. It met its friend. We met our friend. You met your friend. They met their friend. I did not (didn’t) meet my friend. He/she did not (didn’t) meet his/ her friend. It did not (didn’t) meet its friend. We did not (didn’t) meet our friend. You did not (didn’t) meet your friend. They did friend. not (didn’t) meet their — Did you meet your friend? — Yes, I did. — No, I didn’t (did not). — Did you meet your friends? — Yes, we did. — No, we didn’t. Who did you meet? — We met our friends. § 4. Прошедшее продолженное время (Past Progressive/Pa: Continuous). б) a) Прошедшее продолженное время образуется при помош,и вспомогательного глагола to be в прошедшем времени (was, were) и смыслового глагола, к которому добавляется окончание -ing. was/were + Ving © I was sleeping at nine o’clock yesterday. They were not doing their room at seven. Were you working when I phoned you? What were you doing at seven yesterday? Данное время используется, чтобы указать на событие, которое происходило в определённый момент в прошлом. В предложении этот момент может быть обозначен по-разному. С одной стороны, это может быть указание на конкретное время в прошлом: Polly was washing her bike at eight last Sunday. We were watching an interesting film at six. C другой стороны, этот конкретный момент в прошлом может быть обозначен иным действием, которое указано в придаточном предложении: She was reading when I came. He was watching TV when the telephone rang. b) B сложноподчинённых предложениях с союзом while обычно используются глаголы в past progressive и в основном и в придаточном предложении: I was cooking while my sister was washing up. While they were doing the shopping, their son was riding his bike. 153 § 5. Для описания действий, которые происходят в будущем, может использоваться будущее простое время (Future Simple). При этом в предложении часто используются слова soon, tomorrow, next. Данное время образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола will и смыслового глагола: will + V © I will come soon. They will do it tomorrow. В современном английском языке форма will часто сокращается до 4I: ГП соте soon. TheyTl do it tomorrow. © He will not (won’t) phone you next Monday. We won’t go to England next summer. В разговорной речи форма won’t является более употребительной. 154 ® Will I come at seven tomorrow? Will you work here in autumn? Where will they go in June? § 6. Для того чтобы сообш;ить о своих планах или намерениях, говоряпдие часто используют в речи оборот to be going to do something (собираться сделать что-то): © I am going to water the flowers. He/she is going to run a marathon. We are going to build a garage. О I am not going to the cinema. She is not going to learn French. They are not going to meet at the skating rink. @ Are you going to leave at five? Is he going to dance? Are they going to buy a car? When are they going to visit Paris? § 7. Когда нужно сообгцить, что какой-либо предмет или лицо находится в том или ином месте, часто используют структуру there is/there are или there was/there were: There is an apple on the plate. (Ha тарелке яблоко.) There were two apples there. (Там было два яблока.) Как видно из вышеприведённых примеров, перевод подобных предложений начинается с конца, при этом первое слово рассматриваемой конструкции на русский язык не переводится. Обычно в предложениях с данным оборотом имеется обстоятельство места: There is somebody in the classroom. There were a lot of flowers in the garden. a) C исчисляемыми именами сугцествительными в единственном числе и с неисчисляемыми сугцествительными используются формы there isjthere was: There is a book on the shelf. There is an elf on the flower. There is snow around us. 6) Обычно c неисчисляемыми абстрактными или вегцественными именами сугцествительными в подобных случаях используются слова some, а lot of, little, much: There was some water in the jug. There was a lot of meat in the fridge. There was little milk in the cup. b) C исчисляемыми именами сугцествительными используются формы there arefthere were. При этом также обычно используется указание на количество (some, many, а lot of, few): There are some books on the shelf. There are a lot of children here. There were very few fish in the fishbowl. r) В отрицательных предложениях с этой конструкцией после форм глагола to be (is, are, was, were) употребляется частица not, a слово some меняется на any: There are not any pens here. There was not any snow in the street. Однако указать на отсутствие чего-либо или кого-либо в определённом месте также можно, используя неопределённое местоимение по: There was no bread on the plate. There were no museums in that town. д) Вопросительные предложения с указанной структурой начинаются с глагола to be в нужной форме: Is there а cinema in your street? Were there any plates on the table? Обрати внимание на то, что в вопросах, как и в отрицаниях, часто используется слово any: Are there any pupils in the room? При этом с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе используется неопределённый артикль: Was there а teddy bear in the shop window? Ответы на подобные вопросы также включают в себя слово there: 155 Is there а gym in your school? Were there any books on the desk? Yes, there is. No, there isn't (is not). Yes, there were. No, there weren’t (were not). е) Необходимо отметить разницу в выражениях на английском языке следующих и подобных им фраз русского языка: На столе кружка. — There is а mug on the table. Кружка на столе. — The mug is on the table. В гараже машина. — There is a car in the garage. Машина в гараже. — The car is in the garage. В небе звёзды. — There are stars in the sky. Звёзды в небе. — The stars are in the sky. ж) Выбор между there is и there are при перечислении объектов в единственном или множественном числе зависит от числа существительного, непосредственно следующего за этой структурой. Сравни: There are three boys and a girl in the family. There is a girl and three boys in the family. There is an armchair and two chairs here. There are two chairs and an armchair here. 156 Синтаксис ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ ВОПРОСОВ § 1. Обычно выделяют пять типов вопросов: а) общий вопрос (general question) — вопрос ко всему предложению, на который можно ответить yes или по; б) альтернативный вопрос (alternative question) — вопрос, в структуре которого содержится союз or или предлагающий выбор; в) разделительный вопрос (disjunctive question) — вопрос, состоящий из двух частей, первая из которых является повествовательным предложением, которое произносится с нисходящей интонацией, вторая же соотносится с русским «не так ли», «не правда ли» и произносится с повышением тона; г) специальный вопрос (special question) — вопрос, начинающийся с вопросительных слов Whom, What, Where, When, Why, Which, Whose, How, How well. How long. How old. Flow often. How much. How many и др.; д) вопрос к подлежащему (question to the subject) — разновидность специального вопроса, который часто начинается с вопросительных слов What или Who. § 2. Большинство глаголов образуют общие вопросы при помощи вспомогательного глагола do. В настоящем времени это формы do/does; в прошедшем — did: Do you like cycling? — Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.) Does he play badminton? — Yes, he does. (No, he doesn’t.) Did you stay at home yesterday? — Yes, I did. (No, I didn’t.) В будущем времени используется вспомогательный глагол will. Will you come at 5? — Yes, I will. (No, I won’t.) Will you do it? — Yes, I will. (No, I won’t. I’m busy.) Как видно из последнего примера, при отрицательном ответе может следовать объяснение, почему даётся отрицательный ответ. В этом случае реплика звучит более вежливо. § 3. Чтобы задать общие вопросы с глаголом to be (am, is, are/was, were), оборотом have got/has got, a также модальными глаголами can {could) и must, вспомогательный глагол не требуется. Ср.: Are you busy? — Yes, I am. (Yes, we are.) Were you at home yesterday? — No, I wasn’t. (No, we weren’t.) Was there any milk in the fridge? — Yes, there was. Were there any shops in the street? — No, there weren’t. Can you swim? — Yes, I can. Could you swim when you were five? — No, I couldn’t. Must we go there? — Yes, you must. Have you got a bike? — Yes, I have. (Ho: Did you have a bike last summer? — No, I didn’t.) § 4. Большинство альтернативных вопросов так же, как и общих, начинаются с вспомогательного глагола do (do, does, did), причем во второй части вопроса после союза or вспомогательный глагол часто опускается: Does he live in Moscow or (does he live) in St Petersburg? Do you like tea with milk or with lemon? Did he go to Italy or to Spain last summer? Ответы на подобные вопросы могут быть краткими и развёрнутыми. Does he know French or English? — English. / He knows English. Альтернативные вопросы с глаголом to be, оборотом have got II модальными глаголами строятся без do/does или did: Is he in Paris or (is he) in Madrid? — He is in Madrid. Is she reading a book or (is she) reading a magazine? — She is reading a book. Were they at home or at work? — They were at home. Was he selling vegetables or fruit? — He was selling fruit. Have you got a flat or a house? — A house. Can you speak English or French? — English. Must we do it now or tomorrow? — You must do it now. § 5. Если первая часть разделительного вопроса является утвердительным предложением, то во второй части глагол употребляется в отрицательной форме. Для большинства глаголов во второй части используются формы вспомогательного глагола do (do, does, did): © © We like sweet, don’t we? I go to school, don’t I? He speaks English, doesn’t he? They built a house, didn’t they? 157 Оборот have got, модальные глаголы и глагол to be во второй части не используют вспомогательный глагол do: They have got a house. He has got a pet. You can speak French, haven’t they? hasn’t he? can’t you? 158 We must go there, He is at home, She is speaking. You are 12, They were in Moscow, There is some water in the jug. There were some apples on the plate. mustn’t we? isn’t he? isn’t she? aren’t you? weren’t they? isn’t there? weren’t there? Обрати особое внимание на то, как образуется разделительный вопрос в предложении с формой am глагола to be: I am eleven, aren’t I? I am a pupil, aren’t I? § 6. Если первая часть разделительного вопроса является отрицанием, то во второй части вопроса следует глагол в соответст-вуюгцем времени, а за ним подлежащее: 0 © I am not eight, am I? He isn’t a student, is he? They are not swimming, are they? You can’t drive, can you? We don’t live here, do we? She doesn’t know it, does she? We haven’t got a computer, have we? § 7, При образовании специальных вопросов на первое место в предложении ставятся вопросительные слова, за ними следуют вспомогательный глагол do (do, does, did), подлежащее, a затем смысловой глагол: Where do you live? — In Moscow. When does he come back? — At three. What did they know? — Nothing. Если специальные вопросы содержат модальные глаголы, формы глагола to Ъе (am, is, are, was, were) или оборот have/has got, вспомогательный глагол do не употребляется: What can you see? — A picture. Where was he? — In St Petersburg. Who is coming to us? — Jane (is). Why were they sleeping? — Because they were tired. Если после вопроса следует полный ответ, необходимо помнить о согласовании во времени и числе: What did you bring? — I brought a new magazine. Where does he want to go? — He wants to go to the zoo. § 8. Вопрос к подлежащему обычно начинается с вопроси-льных слов What или Who, за которыми следует глагол в 3-м ;:де единственного числа, а за ним все остальные члены пред-лления. В ответе обычно употребляется вспомогательный или лальный глагол: Who lives in this flat? — We do. (I do. He does.) Who went to the park yesterday? — We did. (I did. He did.) Who has got a pet? — We have. (I have. He has.) Who can swim? — We can. (I can. He can.) Who must go there? — We must. (I must. He must.) Значительно реже в ответе может встречаться смысловой :агол: Who is at home? — We are. (I am. He is.) 159 List of Irregular Verbs Список неправильных глаголов 160 be [bi:] was [wDz], were [w3:] быть, находиться become [Ьт'клт] became [bi'keim] становиться begin [bi'gin] began [bi'gaen] начинать blow [Ыэи] blew [blu:] дуть buy [bai] bought [Ьэ:1] покупать can [keen] could [kud] мочь, уметь choose [^u:z] chose [^90z] выбирать come [клт] came [keim] приходить do [du:] did [did] делать draw [dra:] drew [dru:] рисовать dream [drirm] dreamed [dri:md]/ dreamt [dremt] мечтать drink [driqk] drank [drsegk] пить drive [draiv] drove [drsuv] 1 вести (машину) eat [i:t] ate [et] есть feed [fi:d] fed [fed] кормить feel [fill] felt [felt] чувствовать fly [flai] flew [flu:] летать get [get] got [got] получать, добираться give [giv] gave [geiv] давать go [gau] went [went] идти grow [дгэи] grew [gru:] расти(ть) have [haev] had [haed] иметь hear [hia] heard [hs:d] слышать keep [ki:p] kept [kept] держать, содержать -л- r-ru] knew [nju;] знать ;:з;п] learned [Ismd]/ learnt [hmt] учить -v-r ;;;:v] left [left] покидать ^meik] made [meid] делать met [met] встречать ■ put [put] положить, класть [n:d] read [red] читать 'raid] rode [raud] ехать верхом (на велосипеде) :.i- ;rii]] rang [rsep] звонить ;r.\n] ran [raen] бегать V ]sei] said [sed] говорить - ;5i:] saw [sd:] видеть [send] sent [sent] посылать Lsii]] sang [saep] петь : [sit] sat [saet] сидеть -rp [sli:p] slept [slept] спать гак [spi:k] spoke [spauk] говорить [spei] spelt [spelt] называть (писать) по буквам and [spend] spent [spent] проводить время, тратить ■sai [still] stole [staol] воровать, красть •am [swim] swam [swaem] плавать ке [teik] took [tuk] брать ach taught [ta:t] учить, преподавать :i [tel] told [tauld] сказать, рассказать ink [Oipk] thought [0a:t] думать rite [rait] wrote [raut] писать 161 English-Russian Vocabulary Англо-русский словарь 162 Aa above*^ [эЪлу] над abroad [a'broid] заграница, за границей to live abroad жить за границей acrobat ['aekr9|baet] акробат across [a'kros] через activity* [ak'tiviti] деятельность, занятие actor ['sekta] актёр, артист add* [aed] добавлять, прибавлять address [a'dres] адрес agree* [a'gri:] соглагнаться airport ['еэрэ:1] аэропорт album* ['aelbam] альбом animal ['aeniml] животное a trained animal дрессированное животное another* [э'плбэ] другой, ещё один with one another друг с другом around [s'raund] вокруг athletics [aeG'letiks] лёгкая атлетика audience [bidians] зрители, аудитория aunt [a:nt] тётя axe* [aeks] топор Bb back* [baek] назад baker [beiks] пекарь, булочник ballet [bselei] балет a ballet dancer артист (артистка) балета bank [baepk] банк banker [Ьаеркэ] банкир barren* [Ьаегэп] бесплодный, пустой basketball [ba:skitbo:l] баскетбол beauty [bju:ti] красота because [bi'koz] потому что become (became) [Ьх'клт] становиться to become friends становиться друзьями, подружиться Символ ■" указывает, что данные слова не входят в активный вокабуляр учащихся. English-Russian Vocabulary Англо-русский словарь 162 Aa above*^ [эЪлу] над abroad [a'bro:d] заграница, за границей to live abroad жить за границей acrobat ['aekr9|baet] акробат across [a'kros] через activity* [ak'tiviti] деятельность, занятие actor ['aekta] актёр, артист add* [aed] добавлять, прибавлять address [9'dres] адрес agree* [9'gri:] соглашаться airport [eopoit] аэропорт album* ['selbom] альбом animal ['aeniml] животное a trained animal дрессированное животное another* [о'плбо] другой, ещё один with one another друг с другом around [9'raund] вокруг athletics [aeQ'letiks] лёгкая атлетика audience [bidions] зрители, аудитория aunt [a:nt] тётя axe* [seks] топор Bb back* [baek] назад baker ['beiko] пекарь, булочник ballet [baelei] балет a ballet dancer артист (артистка) балета bank [baepk] банк banker [Ъаерко] банкир barren* [Ъаег9п] бесплодный, пустой basketball ['baiskitbod] баскетбол beauty ['bju:ti] красота because [bi'koz] потому что become (became) [Ьт'клт] становиться to become friends становиться друзьями, подружиться Символ * указывает, что данные слова не входят в активнь: учапдихся. п I bent) [bend] клониться, сгибаться : л ren [bi'twi:n] между ' -[bsidkei^j птичья клетка ' iZing [bleizii]] яркий, сверкающий, сияющий ■« [Ъу.п] рождённый : be born родиться ". V.' ;Ьэи1] миска л bowl of fruit ваза с фруктами л bowl of soup тарелка супа ' \mg‘ [boksip] бокс ■-ave [breiv] храбрый, смелый ■-еак (broke)”' [breik] ломать(ся) --id^'e [Ьпф] мост (brought) [brip] приносить, приводить - г :»ken-winged [|Ьгэокп Wipd] со сломанными крыльями “udgie [Ълф1] волнистый попугай "usinessman ['biznosmon] бизнесмен “usy [bisi] 1) занятой; 2) оживлённый (об улице, городе) а busy street (city) оживлённая улица (город) ону (bought) [bai] покупать by [bai] поблизости, рядом 163 Сс cage [кек^] клетка canary [ko'neori] канарейка candlelight ['kaendl,lait] свет (от) свечи capital ['kaepitl] столица captain ['kaeptin] капитан career [кэ'пэ] карьера, профессия to make а career сделать карьеру а career in (journalism) карьера в (журналистике) castle ['ka:sl] замок catch (caught) [кае^] ловить, хватать centre [sento] центр in the city centre в центре города certainly ['s3:tnli] конечно change [(^етф] изменять, менять to change trains пересесть с поезда на поезд chat [tjaet] беседа, болтовня choose (chose) [tju:z] выбирать to choose a career выбирать профессию church [ijs:^] церковь circus ['s3:k9s] цирк 164 city ['siti] город to do a city осматривать город clever fklevo] умный, смышлёный climate ['klaimot] климат climb [klaim] карабкаться, забираться club [к!лЬ] клуб collect [ko'lekt] собирать collection [ko'lekjn] коллекция colorful ['кл1эА] цветной, яркий come (came) [клт] приходить to come in входить to come out выходить companion [kom'paenjon] приятель, попутчик cosmonaut ['kozmonoit] космонавт country" ['kAntri] 1) страна; 2) сельская местность; 3) деревенский, сельский cowboy* ['каО|Ьэ1] ковбой crumb* [кглт] крошка, крупица cub* [клЬ] детёныш {некоторых животных) culture ['клЩэ] культура cut (cut) [kAt] резать to cut down рубить (о деревьях) cycling [saiklip] велосипедный спорт, велогонки Dd dangerous ['йетфэгэз] опасный date* [deit] дата day [dei] день for a rainy day на чёрный день dead* [ded] мёртвый deep [di:p] глубокий dentist ['dentist] стоматолог, зубной врач deserve* [di'zsiv] заслуживать dew* [dju:] роса dialogue ['dai9|lDg] диалог diamond* ['daiamsnd] бриллиант die [dai] умирать different ['difrsnt] разный, различный to be different from отличаться от difficult ['difiklt] трудный dive* [daiv] нырять door [do:] дверь to shut the door захлопнуть дверь draw (drew) [dro:] рисовать drawing ['droiii]] рисунок dream [dri;m] 1) мечта; 2) мечтать one’s biggest dream чья-то самая большая мечта to dream about мечтать о dressmaker ['dreS|meik9] портной (женской одежды) drive [draiv] 1) гнать; 2) вести машину to drive away прогонять 165 Ее earth [з:0] земля east [i:st] восток in the east на востоке easy ['i:zi] простой, лёгкий elk [elk] лось end' [end] 1) конец; 2) заканчивать engine-driver [enc^m|draiv9] машинист поезда engineer [,en(^i'm9] инженер excuse [iks'kju'.z] прош,ать excuse me простите exercise [eks9|Saiz] упражнение, зарядка, тренировка to do morning exercises делать утреннюю зарядку to have (get/give) exercise иметь (получать, давать) физическую нагрузку extend [ik'stend] простираться, тянуться to extend from ... to ... простираться от ... до ... Ff fable ['feibl] басня face [feis] 1) лицо; 2) циферблат fair [fea] 1) красивый; 2) светлый false [foils] неверный, неправильный fall (fell) [fad] опускаться, падать to fall down опускаться, упасть famous ['feimas] известный, знаменитый to be famous for прославиться чем-либо far [fa:] 1) далёкий; 2) далеко far from далеко от fareweir [|fe9'wel] 1) прош,ание; 2) прош,ай(те) feel (felt) [fi:l] чувствовать feet [fi:t] ноги {ступни ног) field* [fi:ld] поле find (found) [faind] находить to find something easy (difficult) считать что-либо простым (трудным) finish ['finij] 1) заканчивать; 2) конец, финиш first (the) [fsist] первый fishbowl ['fijboul] аквариум fisherman ['fijomon] рыбак fit [fit] находяпдийся в хорошей физической форме 166 fitness ['fitnos] хорошая физическая форма, здоровье а fitness club фитнес-клуб forest ['forist] лес free [fri:] свободный fresh [frej] 1) свежий; 2) пресный (о воде) friendly [’frendli] дружеский, дружелюбный frozen^" [feuzn] замёрзший fruit [fru:t] фрукт, фрукты fun [fAn] веселье, развлечение Gg gallery ['gaslori] галерея a picture gallery картинная галерея gate* [geit] ворота, калитка to lock the gate* запереть калитку get (got) [get] 1) получать; 2) покупать; 3) становиться to get ill (well/better) заболеть (поправиться/идти на поправку) to get to some place добраться до какого-либо места to get in (into) the car сесть в машину to get out of the car выйти из машины to get on the train (bus/plane) сесть в поезд (автобус, самолёт) to get off the train (bus/plane) выйти из поезда (автобуса, самолёта) go (went) [дэи] идти, ехать, передвигаться to go marching* маршировать to go roller-skating (skateboarding/snowboarding) кататься на роликах (скейтборде/сноуборде) to go in (out/outside) войти (выйти/уйти) to go straight on идти прямо gold* [goold] 1) золото; 2) золотой goldfish ['g9old|fiJ] золотая рыбка good [god] хороший to be good at something хорошо делать что-либо grass [gra:s] трава • г n the grass ходить по траве ■ :>гг" ::::;shDp9] кузнечик 1-~::кий. большой ^ *i~a.hild . greit'graenijaild] правнук, правнучка ' г ddauLThter [ greit'graendoita] правнучка ^-indrather [ greit'graendfardo] прадедушка а ~ dmоt hег [ greit'graenmAdo] прабабушка ^’^ndparents [ greit'graenpearants] прадедушка и прабабушка j:-ar.d>on ' greit'graensAn] правнук jrewi gr^u] 1) расти; 2) выращивать up дасти (о человеке, животном) •; - up 3 : г : '‘лый ^ ри 'р:г.: pig] морская свинка > ncestiks] гимнастика {вид спорта) 167 rin ‘ i .: I halves) [ha:f] половина Зл!:' past половина (о времени) ’ 'П->:ег ynsmsto] хомяк “:ird г.гепс' 1) кисть руки; 2) стрелка на часах лп hour hand часовая стрелка л minute hand минутная стрелка а second hand секундная стрелка oлгd yna:d] сильно олге .леэ] заяц Health [hel0] здоровье Healthy [hel0i] здоровый Heaven [hevn] небо, небеса to pray to heaven молиться небесам (богу) hedgehog ['hec^hog] ёж hers [h3:z] её {абсолютная форма) history [’histari] история hive" [haiv] улей to rob a hive забраться в улей за мёдом hold (held)’' [hould] держать hop" [hop] скакать hope [houp] надеяться hour [аиэ] час li if [if] если ill [il] больной 168 important [im'pD:t9nt] важный inside [in^said] внутри interest ['intrast] интерес interested [intrastid] интересуюндийся to be interested in интересоваться чем-то iron ['аюп] железо, чугун Jj jailor ['фейэ] тюремш;ик joyful ['фэ1А] радостный, весёлый judo ['фи:йэи] дзюдо juggler ['флд1э] жонглёр just [(^ASt] 1) просто; 2) только что Кк karate [ka'raiti] карате keep (kept) [ki:p] держать, хранить to keep healthy сохранять здоровье to keep fit сохранять физическую форму to keep regular hours делать всё по часам, соблюдать режим дня to keep (to) а diet придерживаться диеты kiir [kil] убивать kind [kaind] 1) вид, разновидность; 2) добрый kitten ['kitn] котёнок LI language ['laepgwic^] язык the English language английский язык land* [Isend] земля, суша larder* [laida] кладовая lea* [li:] пастбигце, луг learn (learnt, learned) [1з:п] учить to learn a language учить язык leave (left) [li:v] уезжать, покидать to leave some place уезжать откуда-либо to leave for some place уезжать куда-либо letter [lets] 1) письмо; 2) буква a small letter строчная буква a capital letter заглавная буква life (lives) [laif] жизнь like [laik] 1) любить, нравиться; 2) похожий lioness ['lai9nes] львица little ['litl] маленький live [liv] жить to live at number 4 Oxford Street жить no адресу дом 4, Оксфорд-стрит long [lorj] 1) длинный; 2) долго How long...? как долго ...? look [luk] смотреть to look after приглядывать за, заботиться о loud" [laud] громкий lullaby* ['1л1э bai] колыбельная песня 169 Mm magazine [,mceg9'zi:n] журнал market ['ma:kit] рынок marathon ['тгегэвэп] марафон to run a marathon бежать марафон, марафонскую дистанцию marry ['maeri] вступать в брак to be married быть женатым, замужем, состоять в браке to get married жениться, выйти замуж mine [mam] мой {абсолютная форма) minute ['mmit] минута miss [mis] упустить, пропустить, промахнуться you can’t miss it вы не пройдёте мимо mountain ['mauntm] гора move [mu:v] передвигаться, переезжать museum [mju:‘zi:9m] музей а history museum исторический музей musician [mjui'zijn] музыкант Nn nearly* ['пюИ] почти neck* [nek] шея neighbour ['neibo] сосед(ка) newspaper ['njuispeipo] газета north [пэ:0] север in the north на севере numeral [hjuimorol] числительное Oo ocean [bujn] океан once [wAHs] однажды 168 important [im'pDitant] важный inside [in,said] внутри interest [intrast] интерес interested [intrsstid] интересующийся to be interested in интересоваться чем-то iron [aisn] железо, чугун Jj jailor ['фейэ] тюремщик joyful ['фэ1А] радостный, весёлый judo ['фн:йэи] дзюдо juggler ['флд1э] жонглёр just [фл81] 1) просто; 2) только что Кк karate [кэ'га:й] карате keep (kept) [ki:p] держать, хранить to keep healthy сохранять здоровье to keep fit сохранять физическую форму to keep regular hours делать всё по часам, соблюдать режим дня to keep (to) а diet придерживаться диеты kiir [kil] убивать kind [kaind] 1) вид, разновидность; 2) добрый kitten ['kitn] котёнок Ll language [laepgwi^] язык the English language английский язык land* [laend] земля, суша larder* [laida] кладовая lea* [li:] пастбище, луг learn (learnt, learned) [1з:п] учить to learn a language учить язык leave (left) [li:v] уезжать, покидать to leave some place уезжать откуда-либо to leave for some place уезжать куда-либо letter ['leto] 1) письмо; 2) буква a small letter строчная буква a capital letter заглавная буква life (lives) [laif] жизнь like [laik] 1) любить, нравиться; 2) похожий львица :-:лленький л* е at number 4 Oxford Street жить по адресу дом 4, ■ : ;:: л - :трит "г’ 1| длинный; 2) долго л long'...? как долго ...? . смотреть 1:ок after приглядывать за, заботиться о громкий bv ' л1э bai] колыбельная песня 169 Мп1 ~a,azine ' mcego'zi.'n] журнал —.arket ’ma:kit] рынок —.arathon [гпсегэЭэп] марафон : :> run а marathon бежать марафон, марафонскую дистанцию ~аггу 'mceri] вступать в брак to be married быть женатым, замужем, состоять в браке to get married жениться, выйти замуж г:те miain] мой {абсолютная форма) minute [minit] минута [mis] упустить, пропустить, промахнуться you can’t miss it вы не пройдёте мимо mountain ['mauntin] гора move [mu:v] передвигаться, переезжать museum [mjui'zimm] музей а history museum исторический музей musician [mjufzijn] музыкант Xn nearly" [шэИ] почти neck" [nek] шея neighbour [heibo] сосед(ка) newspaper ['nju:s,peip9] газета north [пэ:0] север in the north на севере numeral ['njurmaral] числительное Oo ocean ['эи^п] океан once [wAns] однажды 170 once upon a time однажды once a day (week) один раз в день (в неделю) one [wah] один one by one один за другим opera [Ъргэ] опера opposite ['opozit] напротив ours [au9z] наш {абсолютная форма) outdoors [|aut'dD:z] на воздухе outside [|aut'said] на улице, снаружи over [эиуэ] указывает на окончание чего-л. to be over закончиться, завершиться рр painful [peinfl] болезненный, причиняющий боль paint [peint] рисовать, писать красками painting ['peintip] картина, живописное изображение а painting by картина, написанная... parrot ['paerat] попугай past [pa:st] 1) после; 2) мимо peasant ['peznt] крестьянин pen friend ['pen ,frend] друг no переписке perform [pa'foim] выступать, давать представление to perform for the audience выступать перед аудиторией performer* [pa'foima] исполнитель, артист photography [fa'tDgrafi] фотография picture ['pik^9] картина, фотография to take pictures делать фотоснимки a picture gallery картинная галерея pipe* [paip] труба, трубка, дудочка pirate* ['pai9r9t] пират place [pleis] место a place of interest интересное место, достопримечательность play [plei] играть to play tricks показывать фокусы please* [pli:z] угождать, радовать ploughboy* ['plaubDi] пахарь poor [pu9] бедный postman ['p9ustm9n] почтальон post office [|p9ust 'ofis] почта {здание^ powerful ['pauofl] мощный, могучий pretty ['priti] славный, хорошенький problem ['problom] проблема, сложность to be no problem не представлять сложности proud [praod] гордый to be proud of гордиться чем-либо puppet ['pApit] кукла, марионетка a puppet theatre кукольный театр puppy ['pApi] щенок puss'" [pus] киска put (put) [put] класть to put down* писать, записать 171 Qq quarter [’kwDito] четверть a quarter past четверть (часа) a quarter to без четверти (час) Rr rabbit ['raebit] кролик rat [raet] крыса regular ['regjulo] регулярный reindeer (reindeer) ['reindio] северный олень (олени) restaurant ['restront] ресторан rich [ritj] богатый riches* ['ri^z] богатства ring [rig] 1) кольцо; 2) арена, ринг river ['riva] река root [ru:t] корень roundabout ['raund9|baut] карусель round-up ['raund|Ap] предназначенный для повторения Ss sack* [saek] мешок, котомка sail* [sell] плавать, плавать над парусами saucer* [’soisa] блюдце scientist [saiantist] учёный sea [si:] море second ['sekand] второй seed [si:d] семя, семечко seem* [si:m] казаться shoe [Ju:] ботинок, башмак to tie a shoe завязать ботинок shop assistant ['jop a,sistant] продавец silly* [sili] глупый 172 silver* fSilva] I) серебро; 2) серебряный similar* ['simila] сходный, похожий situated [|Sitju'eitid] расположенный, находящийся to be situated находиться size [saiz] размер soldier* ['5эи1фэ] солдат, воин sorry ['sori] сожалеющий to be sorry сожалеть, приносить извинения south [sao0] юг in the south на юге spend (spent) [spend] тратить to spend time on тратить время на sport [spo:t] спорт to do sport заниматься спортом sportsman ['spDitsman] спортсмен square [skwea] 1) площадь; 2) квадрат squirrel [skwiral] белка start [sta:t] начинать(ся) station [steijn] станция a railway station железнодорожный вокзал a metro station станция метро stay [stei] оставаться, останавливаться to stay in (at) the hotel останавливаться в гостинице to stay with жить у (кого-либо) stick* [stik] палка to pick up sticks подбирать палочки, хворост style* [stall] стиль style of life/lifestyle стиль жизни success [sok'ses] успех to be a success преуспеть, добиться успеха sums [sAins] примеры (математические) to do sums решать примеры sunflower ['злпАаиэ] подсолнух supermarket ['su:p9|ina:kit] супермаркет swing [swip] качели Tt talented ['taelantid] талантливый take (took) [teik] брать to take up (swimming) заняться (плаванием) to take part in участвовать it takes ... to get to нужно ... чтобы добраться tell (told) [tel] сказать, рассказать to tell a story (fable, tale) рассказать историю (басню, сказку) tent [tent] палатка to put up a tent поставить палатку territory ['teritori] территория te-it [test] тест, контрольная работа that [6st] 1) что; 2) тот, та theatre ['0i9ta] театр theatregoer ['0i9t9|g9U9] театрал theirs [6e9z] их {абсолютная форма) thief [0i:f] вор thing [0ip] вещь third [03:d] третий through [0ru:] сквозь, через throw (threw) [0r9u] кидать, бросать time [taim] время tourist ['tuorist] турист train [trein] тренировать(ся) trainer [treino] тренер, дрессировщик trick [trik] фокус, трюк to teach tricks учить трюкам trip [trip] поездка turkey ['t3:ki] индейка turn [t3:n] поворачивать(ся) to turn left (right) поворачивать налево (направо) twin [twin] близнец twinkle ['twipkl] мерцать 173 Uu uncle [лрк!] дядя university [ju:ni'v3:siti] университет to be at university учиться в университете to go to university пойти учиться в университет а university student студент университета useful [ju:sfl] полезный Лу verb' [v3:b] глагол а regular verb правильный глагол ап irregular verb неправильный глагол visitor [Vizito] гость, посетитель Ww watch [wDtJ] наручные часы way [wei] 1) путь; 2) способ What’s the way to...? Как пройти...? to lose one’s way потеряться, заблудиться quite the other way round совсем иначе, наоборот 174 west [west] запад in the west на западе wet [wet] мокрый, влажный which [witj] который which of you...? кто из вас... ? while [wail] в то время как whose [hu:z] чей why [wai] почему Why don’t you...? Почему бы тебе...? wise [waiz] мудрый without [wi6'aut] без wolf (wolves) [wolf] волк (волки) wonder ['wAndo] чудо wooden ['wudn] деревянный word [w3:d] слово Yy yours []d:z] твой, ваш {абсолютная форма) List of Geographical Names Список географических названий tains (Горы) :г.е Caucasus ['koikasaz] (Mountains) Кавказ (горная система) Ural Mountains [juarol ’mauntinz] (the Urals) Уральские горы ^ rans I Океаны) :he Arctic Ocean [,a:ktik ’oujn] Северный Ледовитый океан :he Atlantic Ocean [ot|laentik 'aujn] Атлантический океан the Pacific Ocean [p9,sifik ’aujn] Тихий океан 'Моря) - Baltic Sea [|bo:ltik 'si:] Балтийское море - Black Sea [blaek 'si:j Чёрное море ^ Caspian Sea [,kaespi9n ’si:] Каспийское море - Red Sea [red 'si:] Красное море ? White Sea [ wait 'si:] Белое море rs (Реки) г Moskva River [mDskv9 |ПУ9] Москва-река ? Neva River ['neiv9 ,riV9] Нева I* Thames [temz] Темза - \'olga [Volga] Волга <'Озера) ' аь:е Baikal (the Baikal) [,leik ‘baikael] озеро Байкал ’T'.M-nes (Регионы) .".e Far East [fa: i:st] Дальний Восток Liberia [saibiaria] Сибирь 175 ^_ow [niDskau] Москва b r.d 'n [ Oidon] Лондон Petersburg [sant 'pi:tazb3:g] Санкт-Петербург 'Мг'Сты) 1 rd :n Bridge [,lAndan 'bric^] Лондонский мост Fi-i.e Bridge [,paelis 'Ьпф] Дворцовый мост ~ -*ег Bridge [ taoa 'Ьпф] Тауэрский мост 176 Streets and squares (Улицы и площади) Market Square [|ma:kit 'skwes] Рыночная площадь Red Square [,red skweo] Красная площадь Nevsky Prospect [|Hevski prospekt] Невский проспект Tverskaya Street ['tverskaio ,stri:t] Тверская улица Theatres (Театры) the Bolshoi Theatre [ЬоГ^Э! |0i9to] Большой театр the Children’s Theatre ['^Idranz |0i9t9] Детский театр Museums and Galleries (Музеи и галереи) the Hermitage [Ъзшпйф] Эрмитаж the History Museum ['histari mju:|Zi:9m] Исторический музей the Pushkin Museum [pojkm mju:|Zi:9m] Пушкинский музей the Russian Museum ['гл|п mju:|Zi:9m] Русский музей the Tretyakov Gallery [|tretj9kof 'gaelari] Третьяковская галерея Other places in the city (Другие места в городе) the Kremlin ['kremlin] Кремль the Moscow Metro [,mDsk9u 'metrau] московское метро the Summer Gardens [^SAma 'ga:dnz] Летний сад Contents Book Guide..................................................... 3 UNIT 4. After School Step 1 5 Step 2 9 Step 3 13 Step 4 18 Step 5 22 Step 6 27 Step 7 31 Step 8 Round-up ............................................ 35 Step 9 Test Yourself ....................................... 40 Step 10 Enjoy Yourself ..................................... 42 UNIT 5. From Place to Place Step 1 47 Step 2 ................................................ 52 Step 3 ................................................ 5 7 Step 4 62 Step 5 66 Step 6 71 Step 7 75 Step 8 Round-up .......................................... 79 Step 9 Test Yourself ..................................... 84 Step 10 Enjoy Yourself .................................... 87 UNIT 6. About Russia Step 1 92 Step 2 96 Step 3 101 Step 4 106 Step 5 Ill Step 6 116 Step 7 119 Step 8 Round-up ......................................... 124 Step 9 Test Yourself .................................... 128 Step 10 Enjoy Yourself ................................... 131 Guide to Textbook Tasks (Формулировки заданий) .......... 135 Grammar Reference (Грамматический справочник) ............. 138 List of Irregular Verbs (Список неправильных глаголов) ............................ 160 English-Russian Vocabulary (Англо-русский словарь) ........ 162 List of Geographical Names 'Список географических названий) .......................... 175