Английский язык 8 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Михеева Баранова

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 8 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Михеева Баранова - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Rainbow English (Рейнбоу инглиш):

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о. в. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова гос АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык РАБОЧАЯ ТЕТРАДЬ задания ЕГЭ о. в. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова HDC АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК РАБОЧАЯ ТЕТРАДЬ задания ЕГЭ 2-е издание, стереотипное ВЕРТИ КАЛ Ь МОСКВА ■^^'врофа 2016 i 8 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 А94 В комплект входят аудиоприложения к учебнику и рабочей тетради, доступные для бесплатного скачивания на сайте https://www.drofa.ru/rainbow/ Я. Условные знаки: — предлагаемое задание имеет формат ОГЭ (общий государственный экзамен); — личностные качества; — метапредметные результаты. Афанасьева, О. В. А94 Английский язык. 8 класс : рабочая тетрадь / О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова. — 2-е изд., стереотип. — М.: Дрофа, 2016. — 94, [2] с. : ил. — (Rainbow English). ISBN 978-5-358-16220-4 Рабочая тетрадь является составной частью УМК по английскому языку для 8 класса серии «Rainbow English» и соответствует ФГОС основного общего образования. Пособие предназначено для самостоятельной работы учащихся в школе и дома и содержит задания для повторения и закрепления иззшенного по учебнику материала. Специальными значками отмечены задания, направленные на формирование метапредметных умений и личностных качеств учащихся. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2Англ-922 ISBN 978-5-358-16220-4 ООО «ДРОФА», 2015 Contents____________________________________________________________________ Unit One. Sport and Outdoor Activities I. Listening........................................................... 4 II. Reading............................................................. 5 III. Speaking .......................................................... 9 IV. Use of English ..................................................... 9 Vocabulary exercises................................................ 9 Grammar exercises...................................................15 V. Writing ............................................................23 VI. Bonus for Eager Learners............................................25 Unit Two. Performing Arts: Theatre I. Listening ..........................................................26 II. Reading ............................................................27 III. Speaking ..........................................................31 IV. Use of English .....................................................32 Vocabulary exercises................................................32 Grammar exercises...................................................41 V. Writing ............................................................48 VI. Bonus for Eager Learners............................................49 Unit Three. Performing Arts: Cinema I. Listening ..........................................................51 II. Reading ............................................................52 III. Speaking ..........................................................56 IV. Use of English .....................................................57 Vocabulary exercises................................................57 Grammar exercises...................................................63 V. Writing ............................................................70 VI. Bonus for Eager Learners ...........................................72 Unit Four. The Whole World Knows Them I. Listening ..........................................................73 II. Reading ............................................................74 III. Speaking ..........................................................78 IV. Use of English .....................................................79 Vocabulary exercises................................................79 Grammar exercises...................................................84 V. Writing ............................................................92 VI. Bonus for Eager Learners............................................94 Unit Sport and Outdoor Activities C О 3 Ф Listening ж Listen to the text, (1), and match its parts (a-you don't have to use. 1. Keeping Your Body Safe 2. Birth of the Game 3. Russia’s Most Favourite Winter Game 4. Conquering Countries across the Ocean 5. Some Features of the Game 6. Varieties of the Game ?) with the titles (1—6). There is one title PARTS OF THE TEXT a b c d e TITLES EXTRA Listen to the interview, (2), and decide which of the statements below are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS) in it. 1. The Olympic Games in Kila Raipur cost their organizers millions of dollars. 2. The Kila Raipur Olympics are an important event for the local people. 3. The Kila Raipur Olympics take place from February 11 to February 13. 4. The Kila Raipur Olympics are open for local participants only, as they are India’s finest athletes. 5. Most of the athletes in the Kila Raipur Olympics are young people. 6. Some of the Kila Raipur Olympic events are fairly exotic. STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 VARIANTS Listen to the text, (3), and answer the following questions. 1. Who were the people to play lacrosse at the beginning? — 2. Do lacrosse players use only their feet to score goals? — 3. Why is skill especially important in this game? 4. How many different kinds of the game do people play nowadays? —----------------------------------- 5. Has lacrosse ever been included in the Olympic Games? — [M] C О 3 Ф Read the words in transcription. 1. [ad'vamtic^] 6.[дэи] . 11. [spek'teita] 2. [ae0'letiks] 7. [Ъпэ] 12. [ti:m] 3. [klaim] 8. ['naejnol] 13. [бэи] 4. [I'kwipmant] 9. ['пэиЫ] 14. [(^im'naestiks] 5. [ik'saitmant] 10. [pi:s] 15. [’s3:fiq] Read the words, word combinations and sentences out loud. A. Advantage, battle, crew, event, excited, honour, join, return, score, taste. B. Outdoor activities, package holidays, travelling abroad, sea resorts, enough time, to have a tendency, foreign countries, travel agencies, to go on excursions, backpacking and camping holidays. C. We used to take long walks in summer. The longer you learn English, the better you know the language. Jane has an advantage over the boys, she can speak French. Have you ever taken part in a race? Though it was rather cool outside, we decided to have a race outdoors. The excited fans shouted and waved national flags. Who scored the goal in the second half? Which of these games is uncommon in your country? Read the texts (1—6) and match them with the titles Cato use. -g). There is one title you don't have a) Sport of Nowadays b) Record that Needed Courage c) Together with People on Earth d) Six-year-long Race e) Sport and Traditions f) One Team, One Colour g) Testing His Men 1. Wimbledon is the most prestigious tennis tournament in the world. The first tennis competition took place at Wimbledon as early as in 1877. Every tennis player in the world dreams to play in it. At Wimbledon, the players compete с о D Ф on grass and must wear all white. Wimbledon is not only a sports event, but also a social occasion, and it’s traditional to eat strawberries and cream there. 2. Sunita Williams is an American astronaut — and the first person to run a marathon in space. She took part in the Boston Marathon but did it aboard the International Space Station. By the time Sunita finished her marathon, she had circled the Earth two times. 3. Rugby is the most popular sport in New Zealand. The country even has the world’s first rugby museum. Rugby appeared in the country for the first time in 1870. New Zealand’s national rugby team, the All Blacks, have become very famous. The All Blacks got their name because they wear black shorts, shirts, socks and shoes. Their shirts have the sign of the silver fern, a native plant which is sacred to the Maori people. 4. Martin Strel, from Slovenia, has become the first man in the world to swim the whole length of the Amazon River. It took Martin 66 days to swim 6,259 kilometres of the mighty river. The Amazon is the world’s widest river and the second longest. It’s also a dangerous place to go for a swim. That’s because it is full of piranhas, crocodiles, sharks and anaconda snakes. “I think the animals have just accepted me. I’ve been swimming with them such a long time that they must think I’m one of them now,” said Martin. 5. In the 11th century, Scottish King Malcolm III organized contests in a Scottish village called Braemar to find the strongest and fastest men in his kingdom. Those who were the strongest became the king’s bodyguards and those who were the fastest became his messengers. The Highland Games were very spectacular and many people came to Braemar at the time of the contest. Some wanted to take part, others just came as visitors. 6. Robert Garside, a former police officer from Britain, is the first person to run around the world. He started out on his adventure in 1997, and finished it in 2003. It took him all those years to run across 30 countries. And it’s taken years to prove that he did it without walking. Now Robert has a certificate saying that he is a real record-holder. “I’m really happy about this, this run cost me everything,” he said. TEXTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 TITLES EXTRA Read the text and complete the sentences after it. Land Sailing Some sailors do not need water. Their “boats” have wheels and they can race them on land. This sport has the name of land sailing, or land yachting, and it has fans all over the world. In the past land sailing was a means of transportation. Some experts say that it dates back to the ancient Egyptians. In the 1960s and 1970s it was an “underground” sport which they practised mostly in Australia and New Zealand. Now it is becoming more and more popular with people of all ages. Land sailors who call themselves “pilots” can sail at up to four times the speed of the wind. This means that they can go at 90 km an hour. Land sailing works best in windy, flat areas — on beaches, fields, and lake beds that have dried up. But the new generation of land sailors have moved to the cities and can now be seen in parks and parking lots. Land yachts have three wheels and pedals. There are a number of types or classes of land yacht. The largest is the class 2, which can have an 8-metre mast. The class 3, probably the most popular yacht design, is much smaller. The class 5 is still smaller and has a different shape. A new generation of land-sailing yachts are small, light and not very expensive. One can quickly take them apart for easy transport. They can fit into the back of a car or on a car’s roof rack. And you do not need to be strong to sail it. One of the most popular microyachts, the Sirocco, appeared in Chicago. “We don’t have big open spaces in the Chicago area,” says the land sail designer Dan Feldman. “Our goal from the start was to produce a land yacht that we could use in rather small places.” Many sailors, however, prefer to build their own land yachts — from bicycle parts, wood, and other materials. Land sailing is less dangerous than other extreme sports but land sailors prefer to play safe: they wear helmets, goggles and gloves. Land yachting is also a truly green sport, with no noise or pollution. c D О 3 1. There is a theory that land sailing a) is a new sport b) has existed for years c) has existed for centuries d) appeared in the 1960s, 1970s 2. Nowadays people practice land sailing a) everywhere b) in the same places as before c) in more places than before d) outside big cities 3. The recent land yachts tend to be a) powerful b) pricey c) strong d) portable 4. Land yachting a) is good for small places b) helps to save money c) is developing in Chicago, USA d) is environmentally friendly STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 VARIANTS 8 С □ о 3 ф А. Read the text silently and then out loud. Pay attention to: • your sounds and intonation; • logical pauses; • the tempo of reading. Ballet barre exercises Ballet is a performance in which dancing and music tell a story without any speaking. But, in my opinion, ballet is very much like a sport. It certainly can tell a story. It can also express a mood. But it is a very controlled form of dancing, with complicated movements that need great skill and a lot of training. This kind of dancing must look effortless and graceful. A lot of movements that ballet dancers make are unnatural for a human body. Ballet dancers achieve the necessary result after many years of hard training, and the steps to it are so difficult! Even experienced dancers must constantly practice or they may lose their skill. Some professionals prefer to practise alone and practically all ballet dancers take daily classes. Classes usually begin with barre [ba:] exercises. Dancers use the barre for support, that’s why they can concentrate on strengthening muscles. The exercises are not at all easy and dancers do them many times, which is certainly boring, but in this way dancers develop endurance^ Isn’t the process like regular sports training? B. Write 5 questions on the text. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. endurance [in'djuarans] — выносливость м ж А. Choose one of the pictures and say what you can see in it. C D О 3 В. What is the story behind the picture? Use your imagination and give some details. Speak about sports in Russia. Say: • what sports and games are particularly popular in different seasons; • when people usually start practising them; • where they practise sports and play games; • why school sport is important; • what do you know about Russian athletes on the international arena. Work in pairs. Act out one of the following situations. Situation One. Two friends want to join some sports club but their tastes are different. One of them prefers team games while the other is all for athletics. They discuss what club to join and in the end come to a certain decision. Situation Two. Two friends support different teams. Each of them tries to prove that the team they support is better. At the end of the conversation they either agree which team is the best or keep their original points of view. Comment on the following proverbs. Try to connect them with sports activities. • Paddle your own canoe. • The strength of the chain is in the weakest link. • All things are difficult before they are easy. • Slow but sure wins the race. Use of English Vocabulary exercises Choose the words from the box to complete the sentences. advantages, climbing, excited, race, score, taste, team, though, honour, battle, end, join, noble, peace, return 10 с □ о 3 ф 1. Are you а member of your school football te^? 2. Last year they went ____________________ in the Alps. 3. Mr Stubbs has always been a man of ____________________You can believe him. 4. I don’t think Victor has any ____________________over you. Both of you are well prepared and have equal chances to win the prize. 5. Jenny is very__________________about becoming a member of your basketball team. 6. Г11____________________you to the end of the road. Let’s see who’s faster. 7. John never says when he will ____________________, but we think he’ll be at home about six. 8. Sorry, Ann, but such house decorations are not to my____________________I don’t like such bright colours. 9. Both countries say they want__________________but contin- ue their military activities. 10. The of Trafalgar is an im- portant event in the British history. In 1805 British ships under admiral Nelson’s command won the joined fleet of France and Spain. 11--------------------- the match was difficult we managed to__________________________the final goal. 12. Which of you is going to______________________ in the game? 13. We walked to the_____________________of the garden road. 14. Elizabeth was a woman of _____________________ birth. Explain why people think they should do it. 1. Let’s hurry up, or else we'll be late for the game. 2. Let’s visit our parents, or else______________ 3. Let’s join some fitness centre, or else__________ 4. Let’s buy some new sports equipment, or else 5. Let’s repeat these rules, or else________ 6. You should finish your job, or else______ 7. You should stay in bed, or else__________ 8. Could you buy some potatoes, or else 9. Do your room, please, or else _ ____ 10. Learn the poem by heart, or else Read the sentences and decide to what parts of speech (noun or verb) the underlined words belong. 1. Louis wanted to know what the score (noun) of the game was and who had scored (____________) the first goal. 2. Their climb (_______) to the top of the hill was not easy, but the members of the expedition didn’t complain. 3. I’m not sure this dangerous sport is to my taste (_). 4. These oranges taste (______) a bit bitter. 5. The children’s excitement (_ .) grew with every moment. 6. The prospect of working in Australia really excited (_ 7.1 raced (________) my brother down the street. .) us. 8. Martin needs to win the race (. .) to return his title. A. Make proposals to your friends or relatives and write them down 1. You want to play a game of chess with your friend. — Why don't we play q game of chess? 2. You think your friend is a good athlete and can be a member of your school sports club. —___________________________________ 11 c о 3 Ф 3. You would like to go to the stadium and have training there together with your friend. —_______________________________________________________________ 4. You ask your friend to join you in a cycling trip. — 5. You would like to buy tickets for the final football match and go there with your friend. —__________________________________________________________________ B. Write what you can say to accept these proposals. 1. Let’s take part in the high jump competition tomorrow. — OK. 2.1 feel like playing badminton. Will you join me? —______________ 3. Why don’t we go on an excursion to Abramtsevo with our class? — 4. How about playing a game of ping-pong? — 5. Why not have a swim before breakfast? — 12 C О 3 Ф C. Write that you can't accept these proposals and explain why. 1. Let’s take part in the volleyball game in the evening. — I'm of raid I can't. I'm not feeling well. 2. Why not watch the final on TV? —____________________^___________________ 3. How about going to the skating rink after classes? — 4.1 feel like water skiing. Will you join me? — 5. Why don’t we go in for parachute jumping? ino"? — Write the same in English. 1. заниматься аэробикой — to do aerobics 2. заниматься йогой —____________________ 3. заниматься альпинизмом — _________ 4. заниматься конькобежным спортом — 5. заниматься лыжным спортом — ------ 6. заниматься рыбной ловлей — ------- 7. заниматься скейтбордингом — ______ 8. заниматься тяжёлой атлетикой — 9. заниматься прыжками в длину — _ 10. заниматься боксом —__________ 11. заниматься прыжками в высоту — 12. заниматься спортивными танцами — Choose and circle the appropriate words to complete the sentences. 1. I thought the work of the boat ((pre^/team) was very professional. 2. There were a lot of bluebells (in/on) the field. 3. The football players met (in/on) the football field. 4. I used to play tennis when I was at school. I (finished/ended) playing it at the university. 5. They all (go/do) athletics in the sports club. 6. Our school basketball (team/crew) became the champion of the year. 7. John’s (sport/sports) equipment is fairly cheap. 8. In modern stadiums we can (do/go) in for sport all the year round. Use the function words from the box to complete the sentences. about, at, for, in, of, to, over, with 1. Our team has an advantage over yours. We can train in the gym every day. 2. I don’t think boxing is a sport________my taste. 3. The kids were excited __________the motor races. 4. How many goals did John score_____________the game? 5. Is Andrew playing your hockey team? 6. Their climb _________ the hill took more than three hours. 7. What’s the final score? — It’s 3__________4. 8. Alice said she could race me________that old oak. 9. Our fans often support our team_________the stadium. 10. Do you know what happened___________the end of the match? 11. I’m sure Mr Morgan is a man__________honour. 12. Soon Alec joined us__________the game. 13. Peter fell down and cried________pain. 14. Sue smiled_____us and said she had won the competition. 15. Never cry such little things. »J A. Use the function words from the box to complete the phrasal verbs in the sentences. in, up, with 1. The battle ended m the new team’s defeat. 2. The members of the committee decided to end their annual meeting_a concert. 3. We discussed our possible route and decided to end______in St Petersburg. 4.1 used to end my personal letters_______________________XXXh 5. The match ended_the victory of the opponent’s team. 6. The orator ['uroto] decided to end his speech_____a little joke. 7. Fred stole the money and ended___ to end a match_______a draw than to lose it. in a jail. 8. It is certainly better B. Revise the phrasal verbs you know and use the verbs end, take, talk, hand, make, stay in the appropriate forms to complete the sentences. 1. After visiting some small towns in the Crimea they ended up in Yalta. 2. We ----------- Oliver into taking part in the marathon. 3. All the three games -----------in a draw. 4. I asked my pupils to_________in their stories on Monday. 5. I don’t think we can believe his explanation. It is not true. He has -----------everything up. 6. Even small girls should__________up if they take part in professional dance competitions. 7. I’ll have to__________up tonight and finish the presentation. 8. When did you ^ XXX — a lot of kisses up gardening? Your 13 c о 3 Ф 14 С D О 3 ф rose bushes are fantastic. 9. I tried to teach the rules to him, but Jim couldn’t ___________them in. 10.1 know the battle will______________in our victory. ж Use the derivatives of the words on the right to complete the sentences. 1. Atomic submarines^ are an important part of warships. 2. Silvia smiled a friendly, slightly____________________smile. 3.1 was getting more and more________________________work. 4. _____________________climatic changes can seriously influ- ence the Earth. 5. Susie speaks English with a 6. How many _______________ accent. institutions are there in this locality? 7. His___________ tastes are well known. 8. This old clock was a present from my father and has a_____________________value. 9. Our_____________________team has won the match. 10. We have always been ________________ ______ and we have always been sure of our success. 11. Our_____________________working hours are from 9 till 6. 12. George is a very____________________person. Use the derivatives of the words on the right to complete the text. OLYMPIC GAMES The 1948 (1) Olympic Games were (2) ____________________ (3) ___________________ because they were the first Games after World War II. People had not had games for 12 years. In 1948 the London (4)----- _____________didn’t have money or _____________materials to build (5) 29 JULY 194 8 14 AUGUST LONDON a new Olympic stadium. Instead sports events took place wherever (6) __ ______________: in parks, sports grounds and halls around the city. atom irony journalist globe region education artist sentiment nation optimist norm athlete Olympia real memory govern necessity possibility a submarine [,5лЬтэ'п:п] — подводная лодка ж The (8) (9)- (7) athletes, and just the stayed in dormitories^ in military camps or in college rooms. But in spite of all the (10) were very (11)_______________ -S, the games and more than 4,000 ath- fame begin used difficult success letes from 54 countries participated in them. Choose the appropriate variants (a—d) to complete the text. That autumn Kate (1) b she would join some fitness centre. Her working day in the office (2) _________seven hours. Practically all the time she had to sit (3)__________the computer. Naturally she began to feel some pains in the back and realized she needed (4)__________And Kate began jogging. She tried to do it each morning but she was not very (5)__________about it. When the weather was bad, Kate (6)_______ _____her running. When she had a lot of work to do, she ______that day. Very soon Kate understood she had to be more systematic and she set up a training (8)______Every Tuesday she had simply skipped (7) to run 3 kilometers, every Thursday not less than 2 kilometers and every Saturday as far as possible. Once a week she visited the fitness centre. By the beginning of November she was jogging in rain and wind and once she did it (9) in snow. She got used t( (10) changed her lifestyle. Э it. By the end of the j year Kate had 1. a) made her mind b) decided c) took decision d) determined 2. a) had b) passed c) lasted d) prolonged 3. a) ever b)behind c) alongside d) before 4. a) an exercise b) the exercise c) some exercise d) any exercise 5. a) strong b) serious c)lazy d) devoted 6. a) postponed b) delayed c) put away d) left 7. a) the lesson b) a class c) the training d) an activity 8. a) project b) line c) outline d) programme 9. a) though b) thus c) even d) else 10. a) rarely b) really c) fairly d) possibly Grammar exercises Read the text and write different types of questions on it. Figure skating as a sport appeared in the 19th century. An American ballet teacher Jackson Haines who went to Vienna in 1863 invented it. Once he watched skaters on the skating rink. They were moving aimlessly and suddenly 15 C D О 3 Ф a dormitory ['dD:mitri] — зд.: казарма Jackson thought that it could be wonderful to set skating to waltz music and get “dancing on ice”. The first noted figure skater in America was one of his pupils. His name was Louis Rubinstein. 1. (general question)_______________________________________________________ 16 c :: О 3 Ф 2. (alternative question) 3. (disjunctive question) 4. (1^/io-question) 5. (When-question) 6. (Ж/га^-question) 7. (кГ/геге-question) 8. (How-question) Complete the sentences using the more..., the less..., the longer..., the better..., the worse. etc. 1. The more I learn English, the better. I think, I know it. 2. The better I know my classmates,______________________ 3. The longer I live here,_______________________________ 4. The more our school team trains,_____________________ 5. The more I chat on-line with my friends, 6. The less junk food I eat,________________ 7. The later I go to bed,___________________ 8. The more time I spend outdoors, 9. The less I see my friends,_____ 10. The more sports activities I do. Mrs Stevenson was very active and did different kinds of sports. Now she is 80 and doesn't do them anymore. Look at Mrs Stevenson's photos and write what sports she used to do. When Mrs Stevenson was young she 1. used to go cycling; 17 C D О 3 Ф A. Write 5 sentences about what you didn't use to do when you were a child. 1.1 didn't use to learn Chinese^when I was a child. _ ________ 2______________________________________ - ________________________ 18 С D О 3 Ф 3 ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4 ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5 ____________________________________________________________________________ 6 ___________________________________________________________________________________ В. Write 5 questions to ask your parents if in their childhood they used to 1) ride a tricycle, 2) spend summers abroad, 3) go to a kindergarten, 4) often travel to different places, 5) read many books, 6) ski and skate a lot. 1. Did you use to ride q tricycle in your childhood? 2. _______________________________________— 3____________________________________________ 4. _ _____________________________^ 5 ____ __________________________________ 6 ____________ _ ______________________________ /И Write what Mrs Wilson had done before her husband returned from work. 1. to feed Alec 2. to lay/set the table 3. to tvash up 4. to take Alec to his kindergarten 5. to go shopping 6. to make a cake 7. to be to the bank 8. to wash their clothes 9. to cook dinner 10. to do the flat 1. She had fed Alec. 2_____________________ 3 ____________________ 4 ____________________ 5 __________________ 6.____________________ 7____________________ 8.____________________ 9_____________________ 10. 19 c D О 3 Ф Read the list of things that Mr Wilson planned to do yesterday. Write what he hadn't done by 8 p.m. • to walk his dog Lord in the park; • to go to the swimming pool; • to take his car to the service station; • to take his suit to the cleaner’s; • to visit the fitness centre; • to have lunch with Mr Fox; • to visit his friend in the hospital; • to buy a new mobile; • to buy a gift for his mother; • to send a parcel to his aunt. 1. Mr Wilson hadn't walked his dog Lord in the park, 2________________________________________________ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Use the appropriate forms of the verbs (past simple or past perfect) to complete the sentences. 1. When I (get) got to the party, it (already start) raining. 2. I (just finish) (phone)____________ writing my essay, when Laura 20 С D О 3 Ф 3. Jenifer (complete) 4. The children (run) _ the training by 7 o’clock. into their playground and (see) that the storm (ruin) everything on it. 5. Jason (open)____ (cover)_________ the window. A white sheet of snow the ground. 6. Sue gave me a call to say they (not buy) sary sportswear yet. 7. When we (meet) _____________________ the neces- John (already do) everything for our next class. 8. Bob was wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He (wash)------------------------ his sports suit. 9. Lucy (not can) ________________________ remember the fact her friend (mention)_________________________the day before. 10. Yesterday we (start) ris (return)__________ our training only after Har- Use the appropriate forms of the words on the right to complete the sentences. A. On the Sunday before Easter, or on Easter Sunday (1) itself, it teams from Oxford and Cambridge Universities meet at Putney Bridge (2) --------------------- begin a boat race. They (3) the race every year since 1829 and thousands of people come (4) (5)------------ the boats along. The race at Chiswick Bridge. B. Every spring Londoners can watch the London Marathon. It (6)_____________at the end of April or in early May. The event (7) ---------------from Greenwich Park. Most people run (8)__________money for charity. C. Those who (9)--------------- get a ticket to see the 2012 Olympic football match at Wembley hold cheer end happen start raise not can Football Stadium now have the opportunity (10)____________ the stadium. Wembley is the (11)_____________football stadium in the country. It (12)_________________ 90,000 fans. The arch that (13)______________over the stadium is 133 me- tres high. Use the appropriate forms of the verbs on the right to complete the text. You certainly know what the word “marathon” (1) means. It’s a running race of about 42 kilo- metres (42 km and 195 m (2) ________________________ exact). The race has got its name from the place name in Greece. In 490 BC there (3) ________________________ a great battle at Marathon. The Greeks (4) One of the Greek soldiers, Pheidippides by name, (5)____to bring the news of the victory to Athens. He (6) ________________________ the distance as fast as he (7) ________________________According to the legend, when he (8) ________________________ in Athens, he (9) _________________________ out the good news and (10) down dead. But today’s marathon distance is not the distance between the Olympic stadium in Athens and the plains at Marathon. In 1908 the Olympic Games (11) ________________________ place in London and the marathon (12) ________________________ as the longest race running competitions. It represents the exact distance of 42 km 195 m from Windsor to the White City Stadium in West London that the athletes (13)_____________ _____________by then. visit large seat stand mean be be win choose run can arrive cry fall take appear 21 C D О 3 Ф run 22 С D О 3 Ф Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate forms. Mark Twain and the Ascot Cup The English are fond of horseracing. They (1) (hold) hojd horse races near Ascot every year. These races (2) (become)______________________very popular all over England. Sports fans (3) (arrive)______________________at Ascot from all corners of the country. Once one of the members of the race organizers committee found that the Gold Cup (4) (not be)__________________ ____in its usual place. It (5) (disappear) ________________________. Nobody (6) (know)_________________________where it (7) (can) lice (9) (look) (8)(be) The po- for it all over the country but without any result. At that time Mark Twain, a witty American writer, (10) (come) ________________________to England. He (11) (have)------------------------ an invitation from the English Literary Society. In the evening during the dinner in Mark Twain’s honour the President of the society was giving a speech. He (12) (raise)___ ___________________a toast to Mark Twain. The American writer (13) (reply) ________________________: “Gentlemen. Let me (14) (thank)________________________you for the great honour you (15) (do) ________________________ me. I (16) (never have) _________________________ such an enjoyable time with colleagues. But I rather (17) (doubt) ________________________ that all your countrymen join you in your warm welcome. Arriving at Dover yesterday the first thing I (18) (see) ________________________was a newspaper poster on which I (19) (read) ARRIVES. ASCOT laughter and applause. _ two headings in big red letters: MARK TWAIN CUP STOLEN!” The audience (20) (meet) _ this witty speech of the writer with a shout of [M] Writing Look at the picture and describe it. Use the following outline. Mention: a) what the picture shows; b) what and who you can see in the picture (in its centre/at the top/at the bot-tom/on the left-hand side/on the right-hand side of it); c) what is happening in the picture; d) what you think and what you feel when you look at the picture. 23 C 3 О 3 Ф 24 С □ [Mj Read the central part of the story and then write its possible beginning and ending. The Unexpected Gift О 3 Ф It was a very convenient jeep, rather expensive. That morning before breakfast Mr Wilson told his wife that he was going to the office by car and came up to the window to have a look at the car. When he returned from the window, his face was pale. The car had disappeared. After several miserable days the Wilsons went to the cinema. As they walked home from the bus stop after the movie, Mr Wilson saw a familiar^ car in the driveway. They were surprised to see a note with the “apologies for borrowing” the car and two tickets to the theatre. familiar [fa'milia] — знакомый Bonus for Eager Learners Language Challenge A. Believe it or not, but you can find all the letters of the English alphabet in this sentence. Check if it is true. Which letters can you meet twice? Which letter can you meet four times? • A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. B. In the box there are ten most commonly used words in the English language. How many of the ten words can you find in the sentence below? the, in, if, and, is, you, a, that, to, it • A book of any kind is good to read if you understand and apply the information that is in it. 25 c 3 О 3 C. Can you write another sentence that uses all the ten words? 26 __JJJ-aJUJ fhuv Performing Arts: Theatre C D g О ж Listen to the texts, (a—g). (4), and match the names of the school plays (1—7) with the statements 1. “A Christmas Carroll” 2. ‘Alice in Wonderland” 3. “The Emperor’s New Clothes” 4. “The Little Mermaid” 5. “The Treasure Island” 6. “The Wizard of Oz” 7. “Pinocchio” a) This play has two parts with an interval between them. b) Children usually watch this play during winter celebrations. c) In this play nine children play the main parts. d) In this play several children appear in one and the same role. e) The final part of this play is fairly optimistic. f) In this play the young performers don’t sing anything. g) This play teaches an important lesson. TITLES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 STATEMENTS Listen to the interview, (5), and decide which of the facts (1—7) are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS) in it. ________________ 1. Natalia Sats founded several children’s music theatres. 2. Hers was the second theatre of this kind in the world. 3. Both Natalia’s parents belonged to the world of music. 4. The theatre gives performances for different age groups. Ж1ш 'ШГ“ 5. The theatre’s educational programmes take place regularly. 6. The theatre tends to focus on modern music. 7. The theatre’s company consists of a big orchestra and a group of singers. FACTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VARIANTS Listen to the text, (6), and decide which answers (a—c) to the questions (1—4) are appropriate. Circle them. 27 C □ 0 1. Where is Stratford-upon-Avon situated? a) Not far from London. b) In central England. c) In the countryside. 2. Why does Stratford attract tourists? a) Because it’s a lovely place. b) Because Shakespeare was born there. c) For both these reasons. 3. How long do the celebrations in Stratford take place? a) A week. b) Three days. c) Two days. 4. How many times does the ceremonial procession stop on the way to Holy Trinity Church? a) Twice. b) Three times. c) Four times. Read the words in transcription. 1. [lenta'temmont] 6. ['kru:9lti] 11. ['pri:vi9sli] 2. [’sirnri] 7. [fe9] 12. [kan'sida] 3. ['wiliqli] 8. [|kaer9kt9'ristik] 13. [im'pDS9bl] 4. ['0i9t9,g3ua] 9. ['kl9ukrum] 14. [Orild] 5. [bUd] 10. [ri'siiv] 15. [i'ven^u9li] Read the words, word combinations and sentences. 28 C D t О A. Blood, character, entertainment, cruelty, fair, foyer, preference, previous, row, scenery, usher. B. To receive guests, in the balcony, characteristic of some people, heavy curtains, expensive tickets, the importance of understanding each other, a fair weather friend, an orchestra pit, safe and sound, to produce good results. C. First of all, I’d like to introduce myself. We offer you our help; please don’t refuse it. All the true theatregoers felt thrilled. Why did he think staging that play was impossible? Eventually the long performance came to an end. What impression did the scenery produce on you? How will the children entertain themselves meanwhile? We decided to go to the buffet during the interval. Do your parents allow you to travel on your own? Do you consider it cruel to make animals perform for us? A. Read the text silently and then out loud. Pay attention to: • your sounds and intonation; • logical pauses; • the tempo of reading. Every May Day, outside the village pubs of England, you can see strangely dressed people jumping into the air, waving handkerchiefs and sticks, with bells jingling from their clothing. They perform a traditional morris dance and welcome the return of spring. We don’t know when this tradition of morris dancing began, but most specialists agree that it goes back at least to the 15th century. B. Put 5 questions on the text and write them down. 1__________________________________________________ 2. 3. 4. Read the text and complete it with the phrases (a—f). There is one phrase you don't have to use. a) and you can run away together b) who agrees to marry them secretly c) and are fighting constantly d) if Romeo returns e) for the young lovers f) she finds Romeo’s dead body Romeo and Juliet The story takes place in Verona, Italy, during the fifteenth century. The Montagues ['mDnt9gju:s] and the Capulets ['kaepjulets] are enemies. They have hated each other for a long time (1)__________ One evening, Romeo ['raumiau] Montague and his best friend Mercutio [m3:'kju:ji9u] go to a party at the Capulets’ house. They wear masks for no one to recognize them. There Romeo sees Juliet ['c^urliat], the most beautiful girl he has ever met. He falls in love with her and learns that she is the daughter of the family’s enemy. Later that night Romeo climbs the wall to Juliet’s balcony and tells her about his love. He learns that she loves him too. The following day Romeo and Juliet go to Friar^ Lawrence (2)___________Friar Lawrence hopes that their marriage will help to bring peace to the families. The day after the wedding Tybalt ['tibolt] Capulet starts a fight and kills Romeo’s friend Mercutio. Romeo is so angry and so sad that he kills Tybalt Capulet. The Prince of Verona sends Romeo away from the city and says that (3)___________, “that hour is his last”. Juliet is sad to hear that her cousin Tybalt is dead and that it is Romeo who killed him. She has another problem, too. Her parents want her to marry Paris, a man she dislikes. She goes to Friar Lawrence for advice. Friar Lawrence gives her a special kind of poison. “Drink it,” he says. “And you’ll look as if you were dead for twenty-four hours. When they leave your body in the chapel, Romeo can come back (4)------------Г11 send Romeo a message and tell him about our plan.” But Romeo never gets Friar Lawrence’s message. When Romeo hears that Juliet is dead, he believes it. He can’t live without her so he buys some poison and drinks it in the chapel. He dies near Juliet’s body. When Juliet wakes up, (5)_____________lying next to her. She takes his dagger^ and kills herself. 29 C D 0 ’ a friar ['frai9] — монах 2 a dagger ['daega] — кинжал 30 с g о People find Romeo and Juliet in each other’s arms. When the Capulets and the Montagues realize what has happened, they agree to end the years of fighting and promise to live in peace. BLANKS 1 2 3 4 5 PHRASES EXTRA Read the text and answer the questions after it. Sarah Bernhardt Many people think that Sarah Bernhardt was the greatest actress in the history of the theatre. She fascinated audiences around the world. People adored her and called her “The Divine Sarah”. Her performances were very dramatic and so was her life. Sarah was born in 1844 in a poor area in Paris; her childhood was far from being happy. Sarah had a bad temper and loved to break the rules. But she also had charm, passion and a strong personality. Sarah studied acting at the Paris Conservatoire for several years and made her first stage appearance at the national theatre company, the Comedie-Fran-Qaise, when she was 17. Sarah’s debut was unsuccessful. Soon she had to leave the most prestigious theatre in Europe. At the age of 22 she joined the Odeon Theatre and studied very hard for the next six years. She performed with all her energy and passion and became a well-respected actress. Soon Bernhardt had her first great success and was on her way to a brilliant career. But at that time the Franco-German War broke out. Paris was under attack. In 1870 Bernhardt organized a military hospital in the theatre. After the war ended in 1871, the Odeon began to produce plays again, and she returned to acting. The audiences loved her and the critics wrote about her talent. The Comedie-Frangaise asked her to come back to them. She gave unforgettable performances. That was when her fans began to call her “The Divine Sarah”. The company travelled to London and thousands of people came to see her. After her last performance in the United States, 50,000 people came to the stage door to say “goodbye” to her. At the same time people told stories about Sarah. Some of them were true, some were not so true. Because she was thin and played male roles, some people said she was a boy dressed up in women’s clothes. Sarah loved the publicity and lived a life as wild and eccentric as the stories about her. The problem was that the management of the Comedie-Frangaise did not like her lifestyle. When the managers told her this, she left the company and formed her own. Sarah Bernhardt played many important parts. She was one of the first women to play Hamlet. She travelled around the world and became an international celebrity. Sarah was not like other actresses: age didn’t hurt her career. She became more brilliant as she got older. When she was 64 years old, she shocked audiences playing 19-year-old Joan of Arc. Once she hurt her leg during a performance and suffered from pain for many years. When she couldn’t play standing, she played sitting in a wheelchair. When she could no longer sit in a chair she said, “Film me in bed.” There was no actor or actress in the world like Sarah Bernhardt. 1. How many times did Sarah Bernhardt have to leave the Comedie-Frangaise? — 31 C О 2. How did the actress help her country during the war? — 3. What was the important male part that Sarah Bernhardt played? — 4. How did the actress’s age influence her career? — 5. What facts show that Sarah Bernhardt was a woman of character? — Ql^Speaking Q A. Choose one of the three pictures and say what you can see in it. Ж В. What is the story behind the picture? Use your imagination and give some details. 32 С □ t о Speak about a certain performance. Say: • if you saw it with your own eyes/took part in it/heard about it; • where and when the performance took place; • who participated in it and directed it; • what was special about the performance (music, special effects etc); • if it was a success and what was the audience’s reaction. Work in pairs. Act out one of the following situations. Situation One. Two friends are members of a school drama circle. They are trying to decide what play to stage for the school open house day. One of them thinks that it should be something serious and impressive, the other is all for a light-hearted comedy to make the audience laugh. The friends discuss various possibilities and come to some conclusion. Situation Two. Two friends have different hobbies. One of them loves the theatre and knows a lot about it. He/She has got two tickets for a good performance and wants to invite his/her friend to go to the theatre with him/her. The other says he/she doesn’t like theatre and has a number of arguments to support his/ her opinion. At the end of his/her talk they come to some conclusion. Answer the questions on the topic "Theatre". 1. What performing arts do you know? Which of them do you enjoy most and why? 2. When did you first get acquainted with the performing arts^? When and how did it happen? 3. What do you know about the history of the theatre? 4. What names of great Russian and foreign dramatists do you remember? When did they live? What are some of their works? 5. What are the necessary characteristics of a successful performance? 6. What should or shouldn’t the audience do in a theatre? 7. Do you agree with the opinion that the theatre is an art for the intellectuals? 8. How do you understand the famous line from Shakespeare: “All the world’s a stage. And all the men and women merely players.” Use of English [M] Vocabulary exercises Match the words in the two columns and then complete the sentences below with the word combinations. 1. explain 2. orchestra 3. devoted 4. connect a) the printer b) weather c) and sound d) why performing arts = plays, music and dance 5. previous 6. fair 7. produce 8. received 9. safe 10. consider e) enough food f) the young dramatist g) pit h) owner i) the new visitors j) friend 1. I know that Anna is my most devoted friend: I can always rely on her. 2. The Reeds___________________________________________warmly and offered them the best seats at the festive table. 3. The missing child had been found_______________________________________ 4. A few farmers______________________________ 5. Did she____________________________________ for the whole population. 6. How do you 7. People___ 8. The______ she was late? ____ to the computer? to be of great talent. of the house had added to it two wings and widened the hall. 9. We could see the musicians in the all ready for the performance. 10. It’s so pleasant to have a picnic in Divide the words from the box into four groups according to the parts of speech to which they belong. allow, scenery, possibly, devotion, eventually, previous, cruelly, receive, classical, impossible, willingly, cruelty, character, elegance, blood, add, entertainment, devoted, previously, explain, preference, produce, thrilling, cruel, connect, expensive, devote, finally 33 c 13 О Nouns: scenery. Verbs: allow. Adjectives: previous. Adverbs: possibly. Write the names of the objects and people you can see in the picture. 1. box_______________________________3______________________________ 2. __________________________________ 4_____________________________ 34 С D S о 10. Choose and circle the appropriate words to complete the sentences. A. 1. He likes most music but he has a ((^eferen^/presence) for classical music. 2. The news was so (thrilled/thrilling) that we couldn’t wait to tell it to the others. 3. The (foyer/gallery) is the top floor of seats in a theatre. 4. A hotel must (receive/refuse) its guests warmly. 5. Two years (previous/previously), we had lived in a big city. 6. Your sixteenth birthday is an (important/impossible) day both for you and your parents. 7. A(n) (conductor/usher) is a person who shows people to their seats in a theatre. B. 1. Twins are often very (alike/like). 2. The boy climbs (alike/like) a cat. 3. Have you ever tasted sushi? What is it (alike/like)? 4. You and your brother don’t look very much (alike/like). 5. He educated all his children (alike/ like). 6. (Alike/Like) her mother, she is a very good singer. 7. I’ve got a sweater just (alike/like) yours. 8. Please stop acting (alike/like) a small child. Use the most suitable words from the box in their appropriate forms instead of the verbs say and ask. add, explain, shout, tell, wonder 1. James told us the news and then (also said) added that he was very happy. 2. Some of my friends (asked)_______________who had organized the school party. 3. Nina ran into the room and (said very loudly) that she had an announcement to make. 4. The teacher spoke to the young theatregoers and (said to them making it clear)___________that the play belonged to the pen of an 18th century dramatist. 5. My parents (asked)-----------what kind of impression the play had made on the audience. 6. The singer talked about his preferences in music and then he (also said)___________that he had just prepared a new programme. 7. One of the actors (said to us making it easy to understand)_____________that the company had been working on the play for a long time. 8. My cousin (said at the top of his voice)------ that he was refusing to wait any longer. 9. Everyone (said)------- us that the best seats were in the stalls or in the boxes. 10. My dad (asked) _______________if I had any true and devoted friends. Change the words and phrases in italics to make the sentences lexically correct. 1. We remembered very well that the tourists had visited the Covent Garden Opera three days ago. (three days before) 2. Jeremy added that he was happy to be with us today. (__________________) 3. My parents explained to me that these clothes were too expensive to buy. (------------------------) 4. I wanted to know how many people had taken part in this entertainment. (------------------------) 5. Everybody said that they felt thrilled now. (_____________________) 6. The teacher told us that she had heard some important news yesterday. (------------------------) 7. The children knew that their grandparents had come to live here willingly. (------------------------) 8. They asked me what was happening in my town at this time last year. (------------------------) 9.1 told you these people were great actors, didn’t I? (__________________) 10. It was in the News that the government had allowed them to leave the country some time ago. (___________________________) Complete the sentences with the words from the box. at, for, in, of, on, onto, to, under 1. What did Sue say in reply to your question? 2. My friend says he wants to devote his life________music. 3. When the situation became truly dangerous. 35 C D t 0 36 с D s о Max showed us that he was a man____________character. 4. A lot of people feel nervous before coming___________the stage. 5. Don’t forget to introduce your guests-----------each other. 6. He warmly thanked the audience__________the end of his speech. 7. I’ve never sat_______the front row in the theatre. 8. Everyone knows that she is greatly devoted___her family. 9. What is the punctuation mark___________the end of this sentence? 10. How can you explain this difficult rule________young children? 11. When you’re sitting_________ a balcony, you see more of the ceiling than the stage. 12. This actor first appeared ---------- the stage when he was a young child. 13. I got a ticket __________the performance as a present from a friend. 14. First he tried to protest, but gave up__________the end. 15. Here are three tickets__________the National Theatre. I’ve just bought them. 16. When Roy was leaving the room, he was holding the broken toy__________his arm. 17. We discussed the problem for a long time and agreed to differ_______the end. A. Complete the phrasal verbs in the following sentences using the words from the box. on, onto, out, up 1. Sorry to hold you уд: my train was late. 2. She held___________me to stop herself falling down. 3. Mr Brown is busy at the moment, hold________, please. 4. He said his boss had held him ________________ at the office. 5. The child was holding ------------- the sleeve of my coat while we were walking along the road. 6. “Nice to meet you,” he said and held 7. Mary is next door; I’ll call her if you can hold _ ----------his identity card to the policeman. his hand to me. 8. The man held B. Use the verbs end or hold in the appropriate forms to complete the sentences. 1.1 knew that the argument would end in tears. 2. We learned that the criminal _______________up in prison. 3. Vickie________________out a glass of water to me and smiled. 4. Yesterday’s performance-----------------with a very effec- tive scene. 5. 6. If you-------- on! What are you talking about? _____________________on to your bag, you won’t lose it. 7. I got an important phone call this morning, which___________me up. 8. We were afraid that our plan would in failure. Complete the text with the words and word combinations from the box. after that, later on, previously, finally, in the meantime, meanwhile, eventually, at some point, at the beginning The Winter's Tale “The Winter’s Tale” is one of the last plays by William Shakespeare. (1) At the beqinnihg Polixenes, the King of Bohemia, is paying a long visit to his old friend. King Leontes of Sicily. (2)_____________________he feels that he is ready to return to Bohemia. Leontes asks him to stay longer but Polixenes is missing home and says “no”. (3) __________________________ Leontes’ wife, Hermione, also asks him to stay and he does because he can’t say “no” to a woman. (4) ____ ___________________Leontes begins to think that his wife has been un- faithful to him with his friend. He orders his servant Camillio to poison Polixenes. Instead, Camillio warns Polixenes and both of them run away and leave Hermione and her little boy Mamillius to face King Leontes’s displeasure. Leontes puts Hermione into prison where she gives birth to their daughter. Leontes orders to take the baby away from its mother and to put Hermione on triaP. Sadly, her son Mamillius dies from heartbreak. At this news Hermione falls down and appears to die too. These events are a shock for Leontes and he begins to understand how wrong he has been. (5) ________________________a servant places the baby girl on a beach in Bohe- mia. A shepherd^ and his son discover the child and take her to their home. Sixteen years pass and King Polixenes’ son, Florizel, falls in love with the shepherd’s adopted daughter, Perdita. (6) ____________________________ Perdita 37 c D S 0 ^ to put sb on trial ['traial] — привлечь к суду ^ a shepherd [’Jepod] — пастух 38 С D О organizes a feast for the shepherds and other villagers. Polixenes and Camillio come to the feast in disguised There they meet Autolycus, a man who (7) _________________________has tricked Perdita’s brother and stolen his mon- ey. When Florizel announces that he is going to marry Perdita, Polixenes takes off his disguise. He is very angry to hear that his son wants to marry a shepherd’s daughter. (8) _________________________Camillo and Autolycus help Florizel and Perdita to run away to Sicily. Here they find themselves at the court of King Leontes and things become even more complicated. Who are Perdita’s true parents? Will the two kings be friends again? And what is the secret of the statue of Hermione? In a group or individually make up a story. Use the following patterns. • This is my story. • At the beginning ... . • After that... . • Next... . (Previously .) • And in the meantime ... . • Eventually ... . • In the end ... . • Well, this is what happened to me (my friend etc), believe me or not. Try to guess what the following nouns mean and write their meanings in Russian. 1. a soloist — СОЛИСТ 2. a humourist —____________________________ 3. a linguist —___________________________ 4. a psychiatrist [sai'kaiatnst] — 5. an anarchist ['aenakist] —_______ 6. an oculist —______________________ 7. a therapist —____________________ 8. a florist —_______________________ 9. a perfectionist — 10. a modernist — _ 3 Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right. 1. Julia’s presence at the party was a great surprise to me. 2. This kind of behaviour is not my younger brother. of present character in disguise [dis'gaiz] — переодетый of in a symphony 3. Everyone understands the ________ a good education. 4. May’s father is a________________ orchestra. 5. What are your____________________ 6. Patriotism is a feeling of_______ country. 7. The visitors paid attention to the______________________ of the lady’s clothes. 8. We didn’t like it that the boy spoke about his parents with -S in modern music? __________to one’s 9. Will someone, please, chairs? all these 10. The school is staging a Christmas____________________ 11. To win the first prize in the competition was so T 12. Jack rather agreed to take part in the performance. 13. Chekhov is one of the greatest Russian .s. important piano prefer devoted elegant respect move entertain thrill willingly 39 c D drama Complete the text using the derivatives of the words on the right. On the day of the concert I went up to London on the train and then by bus to the Albert Hall. I was feeling very (1) nervous as it was my first date. There she was. Waiting for me! I kissed her on the cheek. Then things started to become difficult. She didn’t like the idea of sitting up in the highest seats, and complained all the way climbing the (2)_________________________steps. She said that she had always sat in the front stalls, just behind the Albert Hall nerve end 40 С 3 S о (3) (4) “You don’t hear music music floats to you.” She looked very (5) down there,” I argued. “Up here the through the first direct compete music part of the concert, and then horrified me by saying that she really would like a drink. I mentally counted the money in my pocket and went in the (6) ____________________ of the bar. “And could we have a programme?” she called after me. I just had enough money for one glass of gin and tonic which she wanted. “Aren’t you having one?” asked the girl when I returned. “Me? Oh no. I’m training, you see — for football. There’s a (7)___________________next week.” “Did you get a programme?” she wondered. “I’d like to know what the (8)____________________s are playing.” “Sold out,” I lied desperately. “All gone. Anyway I think it’s more fun guessing, don’t you?” I was glad when it was over. Choose the appropriate variants (a—g) to complete the text. The world’s first robot teacher was very popular (1) d pupils at a Japanese school. One pupil (2)___________________Saya as “pretty”, another said that she was a bit “scary but fun”, while another said that he couldn’t believe his teacher was a robot. Professor Hiroshi, of Tokyo’s University of Science, who had been (3) ___________________ the robot for 15 years, said: “The children are not afraid of Saya at all. They don’t see her as a humanoid, they see her as a (4)____________________They (5)_____________________Saya as a real teacher. They were very happy and surprised when she was able to (6)____________________their names.” The robot is able to (7) _________________________, move her head and (8)____________________to questions. She uses around 300 phrases and has conduct proper happy a (9) of 700 words. She can look happy, sad, angry. surprised and respond to words and questions. 1. a) for b) of c) at d) with 2. a) called b) described c) named d) thought 3. a) building b) producing c) making d) doing 4. a) living b) functioning c) human d) alive 5. a)treat b) behave c) address d) believe 6. a) call b) call at c) call for d) call to 7. a) tell b) say c) talk d) discuss 8. a) put b) ask c) answer d) reply 9. a) glossary b) dictionary c) vocabulary d) list Grammar exercises Write the sentences below in direct speech. Give two variants where possible. 1. He asked why I had bought the programme. He asked: "Why have you bought the programme?" He asked: **Why did you buy the programme?" 2. Jane said she didn4 want to watch that sad play. 3. The book said that the bridge connected the river banks in the narrowest place. 4. We knew that the project had produced fantastic results. 5. The artist said he was working on the scenery for the new production of “Hamlet”. 6. Anna said she knew how to receive visitors properly. 7. He said he had devoted three years to writing his latest novel. 8. The usher said our seats were not in the stalls but in the dress circle. 41 C D i о 9.1 said I was willing to join my friends for lunch. 10. The girl said she wanted to go to the foyer during the interval. 42 C D i о Report the following questions in the past tenses. Begin with I wondered... . 1. Who are the main characters in the new play? — I wondered who the main characters in the new play were. 2. Has James always been Lou’s devoted friend? —------------------------------ 3. Was it possible to get seats for the new performance? — 4. Has Diana ever been to the Bolshoi box office? — 5. Is the dramatist writing a new comedy now? — 6. Has everyone noticed the elegance of the scenery on the stage? — 7. Why is there so much cruelty in the film? — 8. How long are the intervals between the acts? — 9. Did Maria receive my e-mail yesterday? — 10. To what theatre did they go in the first place? — 11. How can we reply to this greeting? — 12. How many people can the theatre hold? — Report what these people said. 1. Lisa: Jack’s presence at the meeting was a surprise to me. liSQ said Jack's presence at the meeting was q surprise to her. 2. Dr Parsons: Ben’s come back home safe and sound. 3. George: I have always considered Paul to be an honest man. 4. Don: The curtain is going up. The performance is beginning. 43 C D s' 0 5. Claudia: It is the most thrilling thing I’ve ever heard. 6. Ms Dickson: We cannot spend so much time in the buffet. 7. Margo: The tickets were not at all expensive. 8. Mr Adams: We are staging a classical play. 9. Alex: I’ve brought my own opera glasses. I always do. 10. Chris: The gentleman introduced himself as soon as he entered the room. Write the appropriate phrases to express your surprise or disbelief. 1. — I’m not a theatregoer. — Really? And I thought you loved it. 2. — Their seats are in the back row. — Really? And I thought______________________________ 44 С 3 t О 3. — Anna has offered me a glass of water. — Really?__________________________________ 4. — I found the story fairly thrilling. — Really?_________________________________ 5. — Our seats are in one of the boxes. — Really?___________________________ 6. — My friends and I are organizing a concert of classical music. — Really?____________________________________________________ 7. — Larry is willing to join us for the Sunday dinner. — Really?______________________________ 8. — Listen! Mr Johnson is playing the piano. — Really?______________________________- --- Some of these sentences have mistakes. Correct them and rewrite these sentences without mistakes. 1. Pauline had taken out her mobile, dialed the number and heard the busy signal. 2.1 had explained everything to my friend before I asked for his advice. 3. Sam was sorry his words had sounded cruel yesterday. 4. The children wondered who was playing the piano next door. 5. Harold said he can show us about the theatre some day. 6. Michael added that his career has only just begun. 7. The man replied that he is going to tell us the truth later on. 8. The author read his new story out loud after the public had asked him about it. 9. The usher looked at my ticket and had explained where my seat was. 10. My mother said she allowed me to go to the theatre with my friends. Report what was in the news yesterday. 1. The city theatre has staged a new play. 2. Builders are finishing a new bridge. 3. An international theatre festival is taking place in the capital. 4. A new park has opened for the public. 5. The weather is going to change by the weekend. 6. Russian skaters have won an important competition. 7. A new TV channel is beginning to work. 8. A big modern shopping centre has appeared in the city centre. 9. Several government leaders are meeting in Moscow. 10. They have turned a famous play by Chekhov into a film. 1. The news caster said the city theatre had staged q new play. 45 C D s о 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Rewrite the jokes using reported speech and past tenses. 1. Father: Doctor, Doctor, my son has swallowed my pen - what should I do? Doctor: Use a pencil. A father told the doctor that his son 2. Pupil: I see little black dots before my eyes. Teacher: Have you seen the doctor? Pupil: No, Miss. Just little black dots. 3. Mother: How was your first day at school? Mary; Not bad. We had just one problem. There was a woman that we have to call “Miss”. She ruined all the fun. 46 C s' 0 4. Patient; All the people in this clinic are ignoring me. Doctor: Next patient, please! 5. Patient: Doctor, I keep thinking Fm God. Doctor: When did this start? Patient: First I created the Sun, then the Earth... Use the appropriate forms of the words on the right to complete the text. David Copperf ield the (4)__________ gicians. By now David (5) David Copperfield is probably the (1) most successful magician in history. He became famous at the age of 19, when he played the leading role in the musical “The Magic Man”. Newspapers wrote that David Copperfield (it’s his stage name) (2) ___________________ practising magic when he was only ten and at the age of 12 he (3)------------------- member of the Society of American Ma- ____________________several Guinness World Records and a lot of Emmy Awards for his TV series. Not long ago he (6) --------------------------- the title of “King of Magic”. successful start become, young win get (7) most popular illusions include walking through the Great Wall of China, levitating over the Grand Canyon and making the Statue of Liberty disappear. When people ask David about the secret of his success, his answer is always the same: “Practice, practice, practice.” He says that the inspiration for his illusions comes to (8)___________________________in his dreams. Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate forms to complete the text. The Unsuccessful Lecture Once Mark Twain, the great American author and humourist, lectured in Newark. One afternoon a young man came up to him and said he (1) (have) had an uncle who (2) (stop) ________________________ feeling any emotions. He also added that his uncle (3) (not laugh) ________________________ for a year. Mark Twain (4) (feel)______________________ Copperfield he sorry for the young man and told him to bring the uncle to his lecture. He explained to the young man that he (5) (know) _________________________some jokes that always made people laugh. “Oh, if you (6) (do) _______ ____________________ it, our family (7) (be) _________________________very grateful to you,” said the young man. The next day when the writer came onto the stage he saw that the young gentleman’s uncle (8) (sit)_______________________in the front row. Mark Twain remembered all his best jokes, his speech sparkled with humour, but the uncle never (9) (smile)_______________________After the performance Mark Twain told the president of the literary society about his failure. The president (10) (shake) ________________________ his head and said that the writer (11) (waste) ________________________ his time as the old man (12) (be) ________________________deaf, dumb and blind^ for a year. 47 C 3 g 0 deaf [def], dumb [ёлт] and blind [blaind] — глухой, немой и слепой f a Writing 48 C 13 о Choose one of the two pictures and describe it. Use the following outline. Mention: a) what the picture shows; b) what and who you can see in the picture (in its centre/at the top/at the bot-tom/on the left-hand side/on the right-hand side of it); c) what is happening in the picture; d) what you think and what you feel when you look at the picture. Read the central part of the story "Big Surprise" and then write its possible beginning and ending. As it was a special day, Mr White took his wife to a very expensive restaurant. There people could often meet pop stars and actors. Soon after Mr and Mrs White had ordered their meal, a very good-looking man and a beautiful woman came into the restaurant and sat down at a table next to theirs. The faces of the elegantly dressed young couple seemed familiar to Mrs White. She felt really thrilled. The lady said to her husband, “Look at those people, George! I’m sure I’ve seen their pictures somewhere.” The new visitors gave their order to the waiter, and when he brought Mr and Mrs White their roast beef, Mrs White said to him, “Who are these people? Do you know them?” “Oh, they are nobody famous,” answered the waiter with a smile. 49 C 3 t О viil Bonus for Eager Learners Language Challenge A. Read the lyrics of the song and write some more lines to it. You may also find its music and sing the song along. Anything You Can Do {Bernadette Peters) Anything you can do I can do better No, you can’t Yes, I can No, you can’t Yes, I can No, you can’t Yes, I can, yes, I can Anything you can be I can be greater ...Sooner or later I’m greater than you No, you’re not Yes, I am No, you’re not Yes, I am, yes, I am Any note you can reach I can go higher I can sing anything higher than you Anything you can say I can say softer I can say anything softer than you Anything you can sing I can sing sweeter I can sing anything sweeter than you в. Read the information about some oriental symbols. 50 C D Flying birds = prosperity Sitting birds = happiness The sun = fame Bamboo = honesty Sailboats = hope Butterflies = love Fish = good luck Flowers = beauty Rainbow = family unity Decide what symbols you can choose for these: wisdom, weakness, freedom, care, tenderness, pain Unit гЬуэз Performing Arts: Cinema 51 [M] Listening Listen to the five people speaking, (7). Match what they say with the statements (a—f). There is one statement you don't have to use. a) An actor begins his career. b) Film watching can lead to negative results. c) Things that are the same, but still different. d) An actor has lots of experience before choosing his career. e) A character gets its name. f) An actor finishes his career. c D H T “f Ф to SPEAKERS 1 2 3 4 5 STATEMENTS EXTRA Listen to the text, (8), and decide which of the statements below are not true. 1. At the age of 13 Camile Manybeads Tso made up her mind to make a film. 2. The film was about Camile’s relative. 3. Yellow Woman was a Native American. 4. Camile’s mother told her the story of the Yellow Woman. 5. Camile’s brothers and sisters helped her to make the film. 6. Camile thinks that stories about families’ past can be interesting for the future generations. Statements that are not true Listen to the text, ® (9), and answer the following questions. 1. What kinds of children’s animation cartoons did Soyuzmultfilm studio mainly release? —___________________________________________________ 2. “Tom and Jerry” is a famous western cartoon, isn’t it? — 52 C H 3* n Ф Ф 3. Is Yury Norshtein’s name well known in our country? — 4. What are the main characters of Yury Norshtein’s famous cartoon “Just You Wait”? —______________________________________ ______________________ 5. Do grown-ups like the cartoons of Soyuzmultfilm studio? — 6. Why do you think they like/dislike these animated cartoons? — Read the words in transcription. 1. [od'ven^o] 2. ['eniweo] 3. [9'pb:d] 4. [ka:'tu:n] 5. ['fa:5ist] 6. [di'zsiv] 7. ['gripiq] 8. [I'maecfein] 9. [im'prejn] 10. ['laibrari] 11. ['mesicfe] 12. ['praislas] 13. ['praisi] 14. [’nzn] 15. [ta'nfik] Read the words, word combinations and sentences out loud. A. Achievement, applause, attentive, besides, blockbuster, caring, documentary, further, guy, thought-provoking. B. A film director, a memorable impression, a shallow person, a gifted writer, a gripping film; to applaud loudly, to punish severely, not to deserve any praise, to produce short cartoons, impossible to imagine. C. A western is a story or a movie about frontier life in the western United States. A lot of visitors come to California to see places like Hollywood and Beverly Hills. Read the text and circle the best variants (a—c) to complete the sentences after it. From the History of American Cinema In 1896 in America Edison held the first public showing of motion pictures. That caused a sensation. Movie houses opened across the country. People called them nickelodeons [,nikl'9udi9nz]. You could watch a short feature film in them for a nickel (5 cents). Those shorts were no more than silent scenes from staged plays or vaudevilles ['vD:d9Vilz] with subtitles. In the theatre a piano player was providing music during the performance. By 1910 the shorts were making more money than vaudevilles and live theatre together. The next development in movies came in 1927 when sound films or “talkies” appeared. This made movies more popular than ever. Movies began to replace theatre and vaudeville. Moviemakers also started to explore the world of special sound effects. They found out they could express the mood of a scene through the sound of birds singing or through the noise of the wind or rain. The new talkies were more realistic, but they were still only in black-and-white. Then in 1939, “Gone with the Wind”, one of the first major movies filmed in colour, was on the screen. The beauty and realism of this film surprised audiences. From this year on, moviemakers learned that colour, too, was very important to set a mood or create a special atmosphere. From the late 1920s until the 1950s, movies were the most popular of all American entertainments. The new film industry, centered around Hollywood, California, gave work to thousands of people. In towns and cities across the country movie palaces appeared. For many years movies used to be a major form of entertainment in America but their popularity began to fall in the 1950’s. When television came practically to every house, people preferred to stay at home. There seemed to be less reason to go out when they could have entertainment in their own living rooms. By 1980 only one American out of ten went to movies in a given week. At the same time, however, millions of viewers see movies on television or watch videos. Even movies that are more than 50 years old continue to attract people. They include such classics as “The Wizard of Oz”, “Snow White”, “Gone with the Wind”, and “Casablanca”. 53 C H 3" Ф Ф 1. At the turn of the 20th century_______ a) a new kind of entertainment appeared in America b) Americans called short films nickelodeons c) it was fairly expensive to watch a film in a cinema house 2. The first sound films in America______ a) didn’t bring any change to the field of entertainment b) added popularity to the cinema as an art c) were also colour films 3. Colour in film industry_________ a) helped this kind of entertainment to achieve the leading position b) was less important than sound c) was first used in the film “Gone with the Wind” 4. Though going to the cinema became less popular in America now people______________ a) prefer to watch classics that are 50 years old b) try to go to the cinema at least once a week c) still watch lots of films ж 54 С У 41 Ф Ф Read the text and match its paragraphs (1—7) with their titles (a—h). There is one title you don't have to use. a) The Dream that Came True b) A Memorable Event c) The Very Beginning d) Her Heart Is in Wales e) A Role in a Real Performance f) Fame and Money to Help the Poor g) The Teen’s Hard Life h) The First Appearance on the Screen Catherine Zeta Jones 1. One of the most famous Hollywood actresses was born in Wales. A talented actress, dancer and singer, Catherine started performing at the age of four! She played in a local church drama group and often sang and danced on the kitchen table using the spout^ of her grandma’s kettle as a microphone. Her family, neighbours and friends were absolutely sure that one day she would become famous. 2. Catherine Zeta Jones made her acting debut at the age of ten (I), when she played the leading part in ‘Annie”, a musical at the Swansea ['swonzi] Grand Theatre. At 12, she won a British tap dancing championship. 3. Catherine says that even at 13 she looked 20. And she worked like a grown-up person! “No one knew how or where I got all this energy,” she says. “After school I came home, did my homework, ate something, went to dance classes and rehearsals. But I loved it. I always wanted more. Anyway, by the time I was 15,1 was already doing musicals in the West End of London. 4. Success came to Jones when she played Isabelle in the American TV mini-series of “Titanic”. Mr Steven Spielberg, the world-famous creator of “Jaws”, “E.T.” and “Jurassic Park”, was so impressed with her performance that he immediately called Martin Campbell, the director of “The Mask of Zorro”. In the film Catherine played the daughter of an aging Zorro (Anthony Hopkins). When “The Mask of Zorro” came out, it was an immediate hit. a spout [spaut] — горлышко, носик 5. On the 18th of November in 2000 Catherine married Michael Douglas, a famous Hollywood actor. A traditional Welsh choir sang at their wedding. Catherine’s beautiful dress was designed by a famous Welsh fashion designer David Emmanual (who also made the dress for the marriage of Diana, Princess of Wales). Her gold wedding ring has a Celtic motif on it. 6. Catherine and Michael have two children. Their son, Dylan Michael Douglas, was named after Dylan Thomas, a famous Welsh poet. Their daughter’s name is Carys which means love in Welsh. Though Catherine lives in Bermuda, she often visits Wales and says that it’s the best place in the world. 7. In 2003 Catherine won an Oscar for “Chicago”. She had wanted to get an Oscar since her childhood. When Scotsman Sean Connery gave her the statuette, Catherine said she couldn’t believe that a Scot was giving the award to a Welsh person. PARAGRAPHS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TITLES 55 C D □Г (D EXTRA A. Read the text silently and then out loud. Pay attention to: • your sounds and intonation; • logical pauses; • the tempo of reading. Movies have grown into a serious art form. Specialists study new films and old ones by great directors with world-known actors playing in them. Moviemakers often imitate such films. The movies have shown that they can move an audience in many of the same ways as a great live drama or a great painting or sculpture. Movies entertain millions of people around the world. At the same time they have entered the arena of serious artistic concern^ B. Put 5 questions on the text and write them down. 2. 3. 4. 5. concern [kan's3:n] — зд.: значимость 56 С □ ф ф А. Choose one of the pictures and say what you can see in it. B. What is the story behind the picture you've chosen? Give your opinion. •J Think of your favourite actor (director) and speak of his/her life and career. Say: • what the person’s name and place and time of his/her birth are; • what the person’s childhood, years of schooling, further education were like; • what his/her first film was; • what the person’s place in the art of cinema is; • why you appreciate his/her talent. Work in pairs. Act out one of the following situations. Situation One. Two friends would like to spend an evening watching a film. One of them likes adventure films, the other is for watching a musical comedy. The friends know what films are on in the nearby cinema houses. They discuss some of the possibilities and then decide where to go and what film to see. Situation Two. Two friends are finishing school and discussing their future. One of them wants to become an actor. He/she is fond of cinema, enjoys watching films and thinks that being an actor is the best occupation a person can have. The second speaker warns his/her friend about possible difficulties and disadvantages of this profession. Answer the questions on the topic "Cinema". 1. In your opinion, is cinema an entertainment or an art? How can you prove your point of view? 2. Why, in your opinion, do many people think that Hollywood is the centre of cinema life? 3. Have you ever seen any black-and-white films? Can you agree that the era of black-and-white films is over? Why do you think so? 4. What types of films are your favourites? 5. Where do you usually watch films? Do you like to watch films with your friends, members of your family or alone? Why? 6. Do you like watching cartoons? Do you think cartoons are children’s films? Why, in your opinion, are many grown-ups fond of watching cartoons? 7. Do you know any famous actors? Which of them is (are) your favourite(s)? In what films have you seen these actors? Why do you like them? 8. Have you ever thought of becoming an actor? A film director? A cameraper-son? Do you think these jobs are attractive for young people? Why, in your opinion, do so many boys and girls dream of becoming actors? 57 C 3 1 Ф Ф Use of English Vocabulary exercises A. Write the same in English. 1. трогательный фильм — Q moving film 2. заботливые, любящие родители — _ 3. захватывающий роман —__________ 4. внимательные ученики —_________ 5. приключенческий фильм —________ 6. согласиться с оппонентом—______ 7. подниматься быстро —___________ 8. казаться нереальным —__________ 9. заслужить наказание —__________ 10. громко аплодировать —_________ В. Write the same in Russian. 1. a great imagination — богатое воображение 2. to picture in one’s imagination —__________ 3. imaginary characters —_____________________ 4. frightening scenes —_______________________ 5. to have an enjoyable time — _ 6. to be a hit with the public — 58 7. within a week — 8. to be a flop —_ 9. a waste of time — 10. to get to one’s feet and applaud wildly — Use the prepositions from the box to complete the sentences. at, by, for, from, in, to, with c “I D i. r+ H T 2. Ф Ф 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. maths. such a proposal. >oks__________the library? ^hat the matter__________the car engine was. famous novel___________Leo Tolstoy. his behaviour but person- ally I don’t think he deserves any punishment. Young people don’t often agree_________grown-ups. Alas4 Sam has never been attentive_________my words! it? — I don’t remember exactly, but I’m sure I bought it price. 10. Do you know it for a fact or does it only seem____ Continue the rows of word combinations. 1. a silent listener, audience,_______________________ a fairly low you? 2. an attentive child, 3. a pricey coat, ____ 4. a powerful river. 5. an enjoyable party, 6. a shallow answer, _ 7. a silly joke,______ 8. a violent fight, 9. a boring show. 10. a rapid change. alas [a'laes] — увы 11. an imaginary world, 12. the rising spectators, Choose and circle the appropriate words to complete the sentences. 1. John (raised/(fos^) his arm and waved to us. 2. “Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” is an interesting (horror/crime) film. 3. The film impressed me very much. I’m sure it will be a real (hit/flop). 4. The Smiths live in the (near/next door) cottage. 5. The audience was (silent/dumb) for a minute then there was a storm of applause. 6. A (documentary/sci-fi) is a film about space travels or life in an imaginary future. 7. In my opinion Steven is (older/elder) than Andrew. 8. I’ve got two brothers. My (old/older) brother is an engineer. 9. Have you read Edwin’s (last/latest) novel? — Not yet, but I hear he is writing a history book now. 10. Philip said nothing about his (farther/further) actions. 11. Mrs Wilson is the (eldest/oldest) member of our drama society. 12. I’m sure such robots will help us about the house in the (near/nearest) future. 59 C D T Ф Ф In the box find synonyms to the words below and write them out. at a low price, at last, boring, film, gifted, guy, pal, pricey, rapidly, terrific, without sound, within 1. finally —Qt last 2. during —________ 3. dull —__________ 4. quickly — 5. cheaply — 6. expensive — Write the same in English. 1. в прошлом году — last year 2. его последнее слово —____ 3. твоя старшая сестра —____ 4. последний дом справа — 7. wonderful — 8. silent —____ 9. talented — 10. movie — _ 11. friend — _ 12. man —____ 5. последний роман писателя {писатель жив) — 6. последний роман писателя {писатель умер) — 7. более поздний рейс —___________________ 8. в ближайшем будущем — 60 с □ У Ф Ф 9. по соседству, рядом —_______ 10. дополнительная информация — 11. самая далёкая станция —____ 12. дальнейшее улучшение —_____ 13. ближайший кинотеатр 14. следуюш;ий поезд в Москву — 15. соседняя комната —________ Write antonyms to these words. 1. slow — quick, rapid, fast 2. silly —__________________ 3. shallow —________________ 4. boring — 5. cheap — _ 6. agree — _ 7. attentive — 8. pricey —____ 9. a flop —____ 10. silent — 11. first — _ 12. to sit — Decide which variant (a or b) you will use in each situation (1—8). Circle the appropriate variant. 1. You are speaking to a customs officer at the airport. (0)Hello, sir, what’s the way to gate 14, please? b) Hi, what’s the way to gate 14? 2. You’re speaking to your best friend. a) Yesterday I went to the cinema with my mother and father. We saw a wonderful science-fiction film. b) Yesterday I went to the cinema with my mum and dad. We saw a terrific sci-fi. 3. You are speaking to your school Head teacher. a) I enjoyed the film we saw yesterday. b) The film we saw yesterday just grabbed me. 4. You’re speaking to your younger cousin. a) I was cycling on the road when a policeman stopped me and asked whose bicycle it was. b) I was cycling on the road when a cop stopped me and asked whose bike it was. 5. You’re speaking to your elderly neighbour. a) Our fridge and telly are out of order. We have to repair them. b) Our refrigerator and television are out of order. We have to repair them. 6. You’re speaking to your sister. a) Do you see that man over there? He is my friend. b) Do you see that guy over there? He is my pal. 7. You’re speaking to your classmate on the phone. a) Boris, I can’t hear you. What has happened? Telephone me again, please. b) Boris, I can’t hear you. What’s up? Phone me again, please. 8. You are speaking to a stranger who has helped you. a) Thank you. Goodbye. b) Та and bye. Write English equivalents for these Russian phrases. Use the appropriate phrasal verbs. 1. проводить своего друга на вокзал — to see ones friend off to the railway Station 2. закончить битву поражением врага —___________________________________ 3. закончиться вничью (о матче) — 4. встречаться с одноклассниками —____________ 5. подождите {не кладите трубку) —____________ 6. позаботиться о растениях, пока кто-то в отъезде — 61 С 3 н 3" т ф ф 7. присмотреть за моим чемоданом — 8. закончить путешествие в Омске — 9. протянуть книгу —_____________ 10. видеть насквозь — 11. закончить конференцию концертом —___________________ 12. держаться за ручку (handle) двери —_________________ Use the derivatives of the words on the right to complete the sentences. 1. It’s autumn. Yellow, red, brown and greenish leaves fall onto the ground. 2. Every spring___________________s can watch the London Marathon. 3. What’s your____________________ of the horror film you saw the other day? 4. The new war film was very and 5. What are the latest ematography? -S in the field of cin- 6. The film I saw last Monday was very bad. I wouldn’t advise you to go and see this comedy. It’s a flop, very-------------and not_______________at all. green London impress power grip achieve real bore, enjoy 62 С D Н т н ф ф 7. The tickets were_________ cellent. 8. There was a storm of but the seats — ex- after the 9. I know that my uncle has got a of ancient coins. Some museums are interested in it. 10. The film you are talking about is a comedy. 11. It took a great __________________ a ____________________drama. to create such 12. I don’t know if they have achieved any in this business matter. Use the derivatives of the words on the right to complete the text. Joe McFadden Joe McFadden is a famous Scottish (1) actor. He is known to millions of (2) ___________________s as Joe Mason in ITV police drama “Heartbeat”. Now Joe McFadden is going to join the cast of BBC hospital drama “Holby City”. He is the latest recruit. The film follows a (3) ____________________ spell in theatre (4) ------------------s. Joe is eager to meet his new castmates and speaks (5) ______________________ about his future role. “I play Ralf — a Glasgow (6) ___________________, he is a (7)_________________who works with a cutting edge technique. My character is very (8) ___________________.” Joe hasn’t worked with anyone in the new cast before. He says he would like to work with Olivia Colman who is an (9)___________________actress. price applaud perform price collect nation romance imagine psychology agree act view success product happy Italy specialize demand amaze Choose the appropriate variants (a—d) to complete the text. Although I (4) I’m a fan of film director James Cameron. His (1) b scientific films “The Terminator” and “Aliens’”^ are brilliant and “Titanic” is a classic in the (2) _________sense of the word. As you can imagine, I had been looking (3)---------the re- lease^ of “Avatar” for a while before it came out. admit I didn’t think the result could be so good. The film is fantastic. The incredible special effects throughout the (5)----------------------- film are terrific. And the plot^ has all the classic (6)-----------------of a good story: love, war, “goodies” and “baddies”. The film (7)_____________________an old story of he- roes and villains'*. The new technology and director’s vision bring the film into the 21st century and (8)________________a real event in the world of cinema. 1. a) elder b) older c) oldest d) eldest 2. a) true b) truthful c) truly d) truth 3. a) for b) forward c) to d) forward to 4. a) must b) would like c) happen d) want 5. a)each b) every c) whole d) all 6. a) episodes b)scenes c) elements d) characters 7. a) tells b) says c) talks d)speaks 8. a) do b) make c) produce d) fabricate 63 c D H T Ф Ф Grammar exercises Choose and circle the appropriate verb forms to complete the sentences. 1. Sofia knew that Rome ((is)/was) the capital of Italy. 2. Boris said that the Volga (rises/rose) in the Valdai Hills. 3. Sarah explained that the distance between Moscow and St Petersburg (is/was) about 700 kms. 4. Jason answered that the Great Patriotic War (began/had begun) in Russia in 1941. 5. Ron asked when the first talkie (appeared/had appeared). 6. Fred knew for a fact that people from England (moved/had moved) to America in 1607. 7. We explained that we (will go/would go) on an excursion soon. ^ an alien ['eilian] — инопланетянин ^ the release [ri'li:s] — выпуск ^ a plot [plot] — сюжет '* a villain [Vibn] — злодей 64 С □ У о ф 8.1 knew that Alexander Pushkin (was born/had been born) in 1799. 9. Elly added that there (are/were) four oceans in the world. 10. Ann explained that World War II (ended/had ended) in 1945. Report what they said. 1. Holly: I live in Scotland. Holly said she lived in Scotland.____________________________ 2. John: I will go to London soon. 3. Stella: I have seen the new horror film. I can’t say I like it. 4. Pete: Yesterday I went to the library. 5. Jack: The leading actor is playing his part brilliantly. 6. Sofia: We waited for Helen rather long. 7. Alec: I have never been to any Russian cinema house. 8. Tim: My family is not very big but they are all fond of cinema. 9. Alice: My uncle has lots of books about the British cinema industry. 10. Polly: I knew this role by heart some time ago. Write what they asked/wanted to know. 1. Ron: Where did you live before? Ron asked where I had lived before. 2. Wendy: Where have you put your mobile? 3. Tom: When shall we go to Wales? 4. Andrew: Have you seen “Matilda”? 5. Nick: Do you always get up early? 6. Ken: When did you return last Friday? 7. Charles: What flowers did you grow in your garden? 8. Ian: Is Steve still taking driving lessons? 9. Victor: Have you been to the cinema yet? 65 C 3 10. Albert: Did you recognize the famous actor in the new film? Ф Decide which of the sentences have mistakes and correct them. 1. Ann asked if South America is a continent. — Correct 2. Pat added she had been shooting her film since 2013. 3. Roseexplainedtoherpupils where the Ural Mountains were. — 4. Mike promised they would show the new musical in London. — 5. Everybody knew that Murmansk was in the north of our country. — 6. Jane explained that the Moon rotated^ round the Earth. —. 7. I knew that the Volga flowed into the Caspian Sea. 8. Little Sam asked where the sun set. His mother answered that it set in the east.—______________________________________________________________ 9. I thought they had moved here in 2014. ^ to rotate [rau'teit] — вращаться 66 с 3 □г о ф 10. Alice said that Irkutsk was in Siberia. She added that it was a big industrial city. —---------------------------------------------------------------------- Use the definite article where necessary to complete the sentences. 1. The British Isles became islands when they were separated from the continent of________Europe. 2_________Stratford is the city where Shakespeare was born. It stands on_______River Avon. 3._________British Museum is one of the world’s largest museums. It was built between 1823 and 1852. It includes _______________British Library, which is the national library of_United Kingdom. 4_________________________________________________________Victoria and Albert Museum has a wonderful collection of fine and applied artsL 5.________National Gallery has works by Rubens, El Greco and Van Dyck. 6__Science Museum houses the national collection of science. 7. ________ Tower of London is the capital’s top tourist attraction. 8________Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow has an outstanding^ collection of paintings by Russian artists. 9. Nowadays it is very difficult to get tickets for_ Bolshoi Theatre performances. 10_________Five Stars Cinema House is situated in_______Paveletskaya Embankment^ in Moscow. Read the text and put different types of questions on it. “Road to Perdition”^ is the film by Sam Mandes, director of the Oscar-winning film “American Beauty”. The film tells the story of a human Mike Sullivan (Tom Hanks) and his mafia boss John Rooney (Paul Newman). The action takes place in a wintry 1930s Chicago. The acting is first-rate, however “Road to Perdition” is not a gripping film. The plot is quite slow and the ending is totally predictable^. But what the film really lacks is human warmth — the characters fail® to move us. To sum up, “Road to Perdition” is a beautifully-filmed gangster movie. 1. (general question)___________________ ________________________________________ 2. (alternative question) fine and applied arts — изобразительные и прикладные искусства outstanding [,aut'staendig] — выдающийся an embankment [im'baeqkmant] — набережная perdition [pa'dijn] — гибель predictable [pri'diktabl] — предсказуемый the characters fail to move us — героям не удалось затронуть наши чувства 3. (disjunctive question) 4. (Т^/го-question) 5. (И^/ге/г-question) 6. (W'/iaf-question) 7. (Vr/ii/-question) 8. (Tfoif^-question) Use the appropriate forms of the words on the right to complete the sentences. % 1. — I have seen a very interesting documentary lately. — When (you)_________________________________it? — I-------------------------------exactly. A few days ago,I-------------------------------- 2. I was sure they a new war film next month. 3. What___________ on at our local cin- ema? Which of the films would you prefer? 4. Ian said he-------------------------his childhood far from the city and (always)__________________ to become a Hollywood actor. 5. —Who___________________ — I____________________ next door? , I (never) my neighbour. 6. Alice entered the bedroom. She thought the children ---------------------but they_______________________ a crime film. 7. — How many new films (your studio) __________________ Now they each year? — About six. __________a new sci-fi. see see not remember think release be spend want live not know, meet sleep, watch release shoot 67 C D Ф Ф 8. When Henry he 68 C H 3" (D Ф ---------- US everything about the conference. Would you like_______________________________and join us? 9. The film________________________________enjoy___________ 10. He didn’t say anything about achievements in the field of cinema art. 11. Where does your __________________ live? 12. How much is she___________________ sister than you? 13. Could you, please, send me all the_________________________ data you will get? Use the appropriate forms of the words on the right to complete the text. return, tell come begin, you they old old far James Cameron’s “Avatar” appeared on the screen in December 2009, but the idea (1) had Started many years before that. Cameron (2)______________________80 pages of script^ for the film in 1994. After that, however, he decided not to make the film for many years, because at that time the technology wasn’t available^ to do what Cameron wanted with the film. Instead, he (3) _______________________ several documentary films in which he practiced using the (4)---- visual effects and camera technology. In those films he perfected (5) ^ a script [sknpt] — сценарий ^ available [a'veilabl] — доступный start write make late he techniques and then used (6) in “Avatar”. Cameron said he (7) about making “Avatar” for many years. Since 1968, he (8) _________________________ to make a movie that (9) _________________________ people’s minds. The film certainly (10) _________________ the public’s imagina- tion, it had massive commercial success. “Avatar” (11) ________________________several box office records and (12) _________________________the highest-grossing^ film of all time, surpassing^ “Titanic”. That’s pretty impressive to be the director of the two highest-grossing films ever! Open the brackets to complete the text. they think want blow catch break become 69 C :: Ф Ф On that first morning when the sky was blue again Mary (1) (wake) woke up very early. The sun (2) (shine) ________________________ ________________through the curtains. Mary (3) (understand) _ spring (4) (come) . that .. She jumped out of bed and (5) (run) (6) (draw) _________________ to the window. She up the curtains and (7) (open) the window itself which she (8) (close) the evening before. Mary (9) (put) her hand out and (10) (hold)____________________________it T(12)(never in the sun. “It must be very early,” she (11) (say)_________________________ see) ___________________________ such a blue sky. I think no one (13) (be) --------------------------up yet. I (14) (go)___________________________and see what (15) (happen). out if it (16) (change) to the garden. I’d like to find _________ since I (17) (fall) asleep last night. ^ the highest-grossing [,haiist'gr3usiq] — самый кассовый ^ surpassing [sa'pa:siT)] — превосходящий I hope the tulips (18) (appear) Mary (19) (dress)_____________ in my Secret Garden.’ and five minutes later she (20) (fly) downstairs. 70 C D Ф Ф [M] 12^ Writing Choose one of the two pictures and describe it. Use the following outline. Mention: a) what the picture shows; b) what and who you can see in the picture (in its centre/at the top/at the bot-tom/on the left-hand side/on the right-hand side of it); c) what is happening in the picture; d) what you think and what you feel when you look at the picture. Read the central part of the short story and then write its possible beginning and ending. 71 C и H T Л1 Ф Ф Christmas is coming. Jim and his wife Della want to buy Christmas presents for each other. Jim’s idea is to buy some combs for his wife’s long beautiful hair. Della knows that Jim has a gold watch that belonged to his grandfather and wants to give him a platinum chain for the watch. But the chain is very expensive. So Della sells her hair and buys the gift. Excited and delighted that she has bought a perfect gift she arrives home and starts to prepare dinner. Soon Jim returns and sees his wife with short hair. He can’t believe his eyes and even becomes pale. Della tells him what has happened and gives him the gift. Jim hands out his present. Bonus for Eager Learners Language Challenge 72 C D H T Ф A. One form of poetry is Japanese haiku. Haiku has three lines and often describes something in nature. Here is a sample of Japanese haiku. The willows hanging low, Shake from their long and trailing skirts The freshly fallen snow. Make a picture in your mind of a willow tree. Answer the questions: What is its long and hanging skirt? What makes the tree shake? Write a haiku of your own. You may find some additional information about haiku on the Net. B. Read the poem below. Try to write a similar one based on the same pattern. Begin and finish your poem with the words "have you ever...". Have You Ever? {Peter Young) Have you ever stood on your head had a pillow fight in bed rolled over and over down a slope climbed and swung from a piece of rope jumped around on a pogo pole dug yourself a big, deep hole swung to and fro on five barred gates roared around on roller skates flown a kite stayed up all night ridden a donkey, ridden a horse traced a river to its source fallen over and cut your knee swum down to the bottom of the sea — have you ever? Unit The Whole World Knows Them 73 M You will hear five people speaking, (10). Match what they say with the statements (a—f). There is one statement you don't have to use. a) This person was a famous politician. b) This person had many great talents. c) This person is a royal celebrity. d) This famous person never existed. e) This person was a no less talented pupil than his teachers. f) This person’s dream came true. C :: О c SPEAKERS 1 2 3 4 5 STATEMENTS EXTRA You will hear an interview with Will Smith, ^ (11), who is a well-known American actor and musician. Decide which facts below are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS). 1. Will Smith was a Christian. 2. Will Smith began his career as a musician. 3. Will Smith’s parents were delighted to hear that their son had made up his mind to become a rapper. 4. After leaving school, Will didn’t go to college. 5. Will’s parents were proud that their son took part in television sitcoms^ 6. Will Smith has no wish to become a university student. 7. Will Smith is sure he can learn anything he wants to learn. FACTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VARIANTS ^ a sitcom ['sitkom] — комедийный сериал 74 С □ Т1 о £ -I You will hear а talk between a mother and her elder daughter Julia, e> (12). Decide which of the facts given bellow are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS). 1. Julia has read “The Mermaid” and “The Emperor’s New Clothes” to her sister. 2. Hans Christian Anderson had a happy family that was not rich. 3. Copenhagen was the capital of Denmark in those times. 4. Julia’s mother said Anderson’s childhood was not absolutely cloudless. 5. Anderson’s dream to become an actor came true. 6. All Anderson’s writings were very successful. FACTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 VARIANTS Read the words in transcription. 1. ['beri] 6. [’глЬэ] 11. ['nolK^abl] 2. [li:d] 7. ['kardboid] 12. ['entrons] 3. [ad'maia] 8. [’^атэ] 13. ['briliant] 4. [ri'spekt] 9. [si'ment] 14. ['wizdom] 5. ['graedjueit] 10. ['1ебэ] 15. [,iri'spDns9bl] Read the words, word combinations and sentences out loud. A. Mixture, mankind, admiration, whole, law, bury, respectable, brick, cotton, contribute. B. Sensible behaviour, a historic event, words of wisdom, knowledgeable students, to speak English brilliantly, an important improvement, a leather belt, to graduate from university, a fantastic opportunity, all over the world. C. A general improvement of the area is evident. His life is perfectly respectable. Emma is quite knowledgeable about the theatre. The teapot is made of china. We all admire Mr Wilson for his heroism. There are discoveries which lead nowhere. Those people are now all dead and buried. This research is carried out for the benefit of mankind. Read the text and complete the statements after it. Albert Einstein: the Greatest Scientist of the 20th Century Not many people really deserve the title “genius” but Albert Einstein [’amstain] was one of them. His discoveries have changed the way we understand our world today. Albert Einstein was born in Germany in 1879. He was a very slow learner at first. He even had trouble learning to speak! His parents were really worried. As a boy, Albert Einstein was very unhappy at school. His teachers treated him badly because they thought he wasn’t very clever. His marks were usually bad. In 1896 Albert went to Zurich to study at one of the best technical universities. There his abilities in mathematics and physics began to show. After he graduated in 1902, Einstein took a job at the Swiss Patent Office. 1905 was his “Miracle Year”, as he published three important essays including one on the “Special Theory of Relativity”. Later Einstein wrote “The Theory of Gravity” and “The General Theory of Relativity”. Soon he became a worldwide celebrity. In 1914 Einstein moved back to Berlin. In 1921 Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics, and modestly travelled third class to Stockholm to receive it. He used his influence to lecture around Europe and the USA to promote world peace. Soon the Nazis came to power in Germany. So in 1933 he had to go to America where he lived for the rest of his life. He died on April 18th, 1955 in New Jersey, leaving behind a new way for us to look at the world. 75 C D "П О £ 1. Albert Einstein a) was a real genius b) could hardly be regarded as a genius c) is a real genius for some people 2. Albert’s progress at school a) was not very good b) was very good c) was not good at all 3. Albert’s abilities in mathematics became evident during his a) school years b) university years c) college years 4. Einstein worked on his famous theories in the a) 19 th century b) 20th century c) 19th and 20th centuries 5. Albert Einstein____________ a) thought that only science was important b) believed that scientists had a duty to protect the world c) was sure the main aim of any person’s life was fighting for peace STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 VARIANTS 76 С □ ■71 О с Read the text and complete it with the phrases (a—g). a) where painted a lot from nature b) lay on his mother’s shoulders c) a genre in which he worked d) a really promising student e) was also a book illustrator f) to have lessons with a local artist g) spent his childhood and youth 'The Fair' 'The Mechant's Wife' 'Hunting" (self-portrait) Boris Kustodiev, a famous Russian artist, (1) .. His life and work are inseparably linked with the Volga and the wide open countryside of the area, where Kustodiev (2)_______________His deep love for this area never left him all his life. Boris Kustodiev was born in Astrakhan. His father, a schoolteacher, died young and all financial problems of the family (3)____________Despite financial difficulties Boris’ mother sent the capable boy (4)________A. Vlasov. In 1896 Kustodiev went to St Petersburg and entered the Academy of Arts. He studied in Repin’s studio (5)______His teacher Ilya Repin thought that Kustodiev was (6)_______________He once said, “Kustodiev is a talented artist. a thoughtful and serious man with a deep love of art...” In 1905 Kustodiev first turned to book illustrating, (7) through- out his entire life. He illustrated many works of classical Russian literature, including Gogol’s “Dead Souls”. His famous paintings are “The Fair” and “The Merchant’s Wife”. BLANKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PHRASES А. Read the text silently and then out loud. Pay attention to: • your sounds and intonation; • logical pauses; • the tempo of reading. 77 C D О c Mel Gibson Mel Gibson as Sir William Wallace in "Braveheart" Mel Gibson is a famous Hollywood actor and director. He was born on the third of January 1956. In 1977 he graduated from the National Institute of Dramatic Arts in Australia. His cinema career began in 1978. Since then, Mel Gibson has never looked back. Probably his most famous film is “Braveheart”. Gibson says that when he received the “Braveheart” script, he rejected it because he thought he was too old to play the part. But after careful thinking, he decided not only to act in the film, but to direct it as well. “Braveheart’s” success established Gibson permanently in Hollywood. B. Put 5 questions on the text and write them down. 1______________________________________________________________________________ 2. 3. 5. 78 С 3 "Л о с Ш А. Choose one of the pictures and say what you can see in it. B. What is the story behind the picture you've chosen? Use your imagination and give some details. Think of your favourite singer (showperson) and speak of his/her life and career. Say: • what the person’s name, place and time of his/her birth are; • what his/her hobbies were while he/she was a teenager; • when his/her career began; • what you know about his/her most famous songs, performances, programmes; • why you like his/her songs (performances, programmes). Work in pairs. Act out one of the following situations. Situation One. Two friends are speaking on the phone. One of them is going to visit a bookshop where a writer is going to present his/her book. The first friend invites his/her friend to go there together. The other doesn’t know anything about this writer or his/her books. Situation Two. Two friends are discussing the future visit of a famous footballer to their school. The friends are football fans and often go to stadiums to watch football matches. They are discussing what questions to ask the well-known athlete. Choose one of these famous quotes from Albert Einstein and comment on it. 1. “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” 2. “A person who has never made a mistake never tried anything new.” 3. “Information is not knowledge.” 4. “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” 5. “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.’ 6. “The important thing is not to stop questioning.” 7. “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” [M] Use of English Vocabulary exercises A. Write the words and word combinations from the box into the three columns below. admire, brilliant, bury, contribution, death, enter, entrance, improve, knowledgeable, lead, opportunity, respectable, responsible, sensible, village Nouns Verbs Adjectives contribution B. Can you define to what part of speech the words share, respect, work belong if they are used in isolation? Why? Match the words and word combinations in the two columns and complete the sentences below. 1. rubber 2. responsible 3. knowledgeable 4. respectable 5. brilliant 6. whole 7. plastic 8. sensible a) scientist b) bag c) book d) to look both ways e) boots f) young man g) babysitter h) married woman 1. It is sensible to look both ways before crossing the street. 2, We have a very________________________________ little George. 3. What a strange suggestion, young man. I’m a who takes care of 4. James is really a eral discoveries. 5. Simon is a very .. You can’t suspect me. ________________who has made sev- He knows so many 79 C 3 О c interesting facts about the history of St Petersburg. 80 С D О с -t 6. How long have you had these ___ Where did you buy them? 7. Helen brought her purchases in a big 8. Have you read the _____________ already? You are the fastest reader I know. Complete the sentences with the prepositions from the box. about, after, by, for, from, to, through, with 1. The film is much spoken about. 2. The papers were looked and some of them were chosen for the discussion. 3. She is often late and waited ----------------4. Why is it so noisy at his lectures? Why is he often not listened ---------- ----? 5. When Гт away, my pets are well looked ----------------6. Such problems are often discussed________________our man- agers. 7. The salad was made was designed _______________ ken ____________ various vegetables. 8. The church _________unknown architects. 9. The witnesses were spo- yesterday. They answered lots of questions. 10. When Mr Smith entered the room, he saw his servant dead on the floor. Mr Sherlock Holmes was sent_______________. He promised to arrive immediately. 11. The wooden churches in Kizhi were often built________________axes. 12. They are trying to forget him. He is never spoken______________ Match the verbs with their meanings. 1. to admire 2. to bury 3. to lead 4. to respect 5. to enter 6. to graduate 7. to improve 8. to share a) to show the way b) to use something with other people c) to make or become better d) to approve, to regard sth/sb with respect e) to come in f) to place a dead body in a grave, to hide sth in the ground g) to show honour or consideration for sb/sth h) to finish studying at an educational institution and get a diploma VERBS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MEANINGS d Give English equivalents for the following Russian phrases. 1. чувство долга — а sense of duty_______________________ 2. благоразумное поведение — 3. поступить в университет 4. знающий врач —______ 5. здравый смысл 6. отпраздновать событие —_______ 7. быть сделанным из картона —___ 8. перепутать два адреса —_______ 9. ради будущего всего человечества 10. внести вклад в развитие науки — 11. блестящий лектор — 81 С О с 12. чувствовать восхищение по отношению к кому-либо — 13. уважать закон — 14. смешать муку и яйца — 15. по всему свету —____ Choose and circle the appropriate words to complete the sentences, 1. The melody sounded ((^leasa^/pleasantly). 2. Where did you (learn/study) to drive a car? 3. The young woman looked (shy/shyly). 4. The little boy looked at me (shy/shyly). 5. James (studied/learnt) philosophy at the university. 6. Alice is coming down with a cold, she feels (bad/badly). 7. The roses smelt (nice/ nicely). 8. Laura can’t arrive (quick/quickly). It hurts her to walk. 9. The wooden cathedral was built (by/with) unknown architects (by/with) axes. 10. Nowadays children (learn/study) to read at an early age. Comment on the following statements or give your opinion. 1. Computers help a lot in medicine. — Yes. that*s true. Nowadays computers help to perform operations, give diagnoses. 2. Winters in the south of Europe are very cold and snowy. —___________________ 3. People should feed birds in winter. — 4. Keeping a diary is a sensible thing to do. — 5. It’s important to share. — 6. Knowlegeable people doubt a lot. — 82 C D T! О c 7. Governments should take responsible decisions. — 8. Proverbs are always full of wisdom. — 9. Mountaineering is dangerous. — 10. All teenagers are fond of wearing jeans. — •1 Use the function words from the box to complete the phrasal verbs in the sentences. down, off, on, out, up 1. I sometimes put off going to the doctor’s. 2. Airline pilots usually have to put________with being away from home and working at weekends. 3. The pupils carefully put______the words they had to learn. 4. You shouldn’t put___ for tomorrow what you can do today. 5. The fire brigade quickly put the fire _______and drove away. 6. Put______your sweater, it’s rather chilly^ outside. 7. Sometimes nurses and doctors have to put______with difficult patients. 8. Have you put her telephone number right? 9. John usually puts ________taking important decisions. He says he must think everything over. 10. You’ll have to put______with it or leave the company. Use the derivatives of the words on the right to complete the sentences. 1. Victor is a very sensible young man. 2. The___________________________of the lake is unknown. 3. Mr Richardson is a very________________________gentleman. 4. Georges Seurat ['s3:ra:J was a French______________________ He painted using small dots^ of colour. In _____________ to his painting Seurat did _ _____________ experiments with sunlight. 5. His words are full of____________________ sense deep respect art add science wise ^ chilly Е'фИ] — прохладно 2 to use small dots of colour — класть на холст краску точками 6. The future had a happy in the country. 7. Charles Dixon is very tory. 8. ______________________ about his- is extremely important for teen- agers, sometimes more important that other things. 9. We have been in __________________________ for several years. 10. _____________________ is a very ______________________ thing, and we must fight against it. 11. Alice lives in a quiet____________ shops. 12. I don’t think ____________________ with good can help you. If you think it’s going to rain, it will. Use the derivatives of the words on the right to complete the text. -S to you! It is My (1) greetings and (2)_________________ a pleasure to have you as new members of our club of (3) ____________________ (4) ____________________s. You’ll take part in most (5) ____________________ and (6)_____________________adventures. I hope you understand why our (7) ______________________ is taking place in a trailer (8) hidden from sight in the back yard of our (9) ___________________________ (10) __________________Mrs Emma Walters. But enough of (11) ____________ _____! The most (12)______________________ music, child knowledge friend partner race, danger neighbour pessimist greet, salute fame, investigate usual excite meet clever charm host introduce, wonder adventure of the year begins! Choose the appropriate variants (a—d) to complete the text. Ludwig van Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven, a great composer of music, was born one December day in Bonn, Germany, in 1770. Although he grew up to write some of the greatest music in history, his childhood was very (1) Q and his family was very poor. Little Ludwig loved to (2)________(3)___________(4)__________the country- side. He listened to the music of nature. The sound of wind playing in the 83 c 3 о c 84 C 3 T1 0 c / trees, the sounds of the birds, even the sounds of the insects were music to him. Ludwig’s head was filled with music. At the piano, he could (5)________lit- tle tunes instantly^ and remember every one. Finally people (6)_________his genius. When Ludwig (7)____________________in Vienna, the cultural capital of Europe, he became very famous there. He wrote nine symphonies, an opera, and many (8)__________ kinds of music. As he grew older, Beethoven lost his hearing. He wrote his ninth and last symphony while completely deaf. Beethoven’s music was (9)___________from the music of his time. His music expressed feelings, and people listened to it just for(10)___________ Most other composers wrote music only for religious services, to teach or to entertain at social gatherings. Beethoven gave composers freedom to put their feelings into music, just as writers do with words. He died in 1827, but his music will live forever. 1. a) hard b) heavy c) simple d) true 2. a) walk b) go c) come d) wander 3. a) lonely b) alone c) one d) oneself 4. a) through b) at c) on d) over 5. a) make up b) make c) do d) prepare 6. a) found b)learnt c) recognized d) discovered 7. a) reached b) went c) came d) arrived 8. a)other b) others c) the other d) another 9. a) differ b) indifferent c) different d) unusual 10. a) it b) its c)itself d) it’s Grammar exercises Make these sentences negative. 1. Such people are always admired. — Such people are not always admired./Such people are never admired. 2. The boxes will be buried in that part of the garden. —_________________ instantly ['instantli] — мгновенно 3. А new church will be built in the village. — 4. The children were asked to come back before nine. — 5. The whole story will be forgotten. — 6. The plan was supported. — 7. The words were written in transcription. — 8. The results of the experiment will be reported. 85 c D ■n о c 9. The play was staged last month. — 10. Such goods are usually transported by sea. — Make these sentences interrogative. 1. Many trees were cut down recently. — Were many trees cut down recently? 2. New flowers will be planted in front of the houses. —--------------------- 3. Cooking in our family is done by my granny. — 4. The articles will be translated into other European languages. — 5. Some money will be contributed to this business. — 6. These questions were answered. — 7. New villages will be built in this area. — 8. The walls of the hall were painted last. — 9. Such fruit is grown in the Caucasus. — 10. The books were published with some difficulty. — 86 c D О c ■n Look at the pictures and write what, in your view, these things are made of. © 1. The books are made of paper and cardboard. 2 3. _ 4. 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. 11. Маке these sentences passive. 1. Doctor David Gramp painted this picture when he was on holiday. — This picture was painted by Doctor David Gramp when he was on holiday. 2. The policeman stopped me when I was crossing the street. —_________________ 3. They showed the match on television. — 4. We bought these newspapers and magazines yesterday. — 5. My dad did all the cooking when we were on a hiking tour. — 6. They sold their farm the other day. — 7. They built the church in the 16th century. 8. We burnt the dry leaves last Sunday. — 9. They found this old silver coin during their trip to the mountains. — 10. Some people cooked the food, some laid the table, somebody bought small gifts. Everything was ready for the party. —_________________________ 87 C 3 •n о c 11.1 wear this dress only on special occasions. — 12. They grow coffee in Brazil. — 88 C D ■Л О c ■n Make these sentences passive. 1. Every year they contribute large sums of money to this medical centre. — Large sums of money are contributed to this medical centre every year. 2. People never approve of such behaviour. — _____________ ____________________ 3. They make these souvenirs by hand. — 4. My parents give me pocket money at the beginning of each month. — 5. They mow grass every week. — 6. Granny grows beautiful roses in her garden. — 7. They buy dictionaries for philology classes in London. — 8. Doctors examine patients in this room. — 9. They weigh and measure the birds in autumn. — 10. People sometimes steal books from libraries. — Write what these sentences mean in Russian. 1. This money must be spent on books. — Деньги должны быть потрачены на книги. 2. John should be spoken to.—___________________________________________- 3. The children should be looked after. — 4. This information can be found on the Internet. — 5. Such facts have to be reported to me immediately. — 6. The students should be asked about all the details. — 7. The hospital should be opened in September. — 8. The boy can’t be admitted to the university. — 89 c и T1 о c П Make these sentences passive. 1. They will read these fairy tales together. — These fairy tales will be read by them. 2. We will admire such pictures all over the world. —_________________________ 3. They will finish the report very soon. — 4. They will ask the girl about it. — 5. We will invite the children to the party. 6.1 will remember these rules. 7. They will mention the facts. — 8. They will decorate the hall next month. — 9. They will write these lines tomorrow. 10. They will plant Dutch tulips next spring, — 90 С D Read the text and put different types of questions on it. Henry VIII came to the throne of England in 1509. He was instructed to marry Catherine of Aragon, which he did. Henry became heir to the throne because his elder brother had died. During his first years of rule Henry did a lot for his country. He defeated both the French and the Scottish in battle in 1512 and 1513. Peace was made with France in 1514. Henry is the most famous king of England who had six wives and was the founder of the Church of England. TI 0 c 1. (general question) 2. (alternative question) 3. (disjunctive question) 4. (TV/m-question). 5. (W/ie/i-question) 6. (W/iz/-question) 7. (IV/iere-question) 8. (W/ia^-question) Complete the text. Use the words on the right in the appropriate forms. Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci was one of the world’s greatest men. He was born in Italy in 1452 and (1) died in 1519. The great man (2) ____________________ also an artist and a scientist. Leonardo (3)-------------------many things. He (4) ____________________ the body of man and (5) ___________________ to know how plants (6) -------------------He (7) -------------------- the (8) (9)----- (10) aircraft and a ship that ___________________under the sea. Leonardo painted one of the (11) paintings in the world. It (12) ____ Mona Lisa”. Another of (13)_________ paintings is “The (14) _____________ ‘The . greatest Supper”. This one shows Jesus and his disciples^ while they (15) --------------------- a meal the day before Jesus (16) _____________________ Open the brackets to complete the text. Pete and Paul were friends. One day Pete (1) (invite) WQS invited to his friend’s birthday party. Pete asked his mother if he (2) (can) ---------------------- visit Paul on Saturday. Pete’s mother (3) (phone)______________________ Paul’s mother and Pete (4) (allow) ----------------------to go. Before Pete (5) (go) to the party on Saturday afternoon his mother (6) (ask) him (7) (be)_____________________polite and (8) (not ask) — -------------for food. “Wait until food (9) (give) to you,” she said. When Pete (10 (arrive)___________________ that there (12) (be) he (11) (see) a lot of boys and girls at the party. die be invent study 91 want C grow, draw □ Г+ one ■n 0 can, go c famous call he Late have crucify^ ’ a disciple [di'saipl] — апостол 2 to crucify ['kru:sifai] — распять 92 С D Т1 О С ■п They (13) (play) (14) (play) ------ (15) (invite) ____some games. Pete joined them. They all together for an hour and then the children — to have tea. Pete’s mother (16) (give) (17) (forget) some cakes to the children but somehow she ------------ to give Pete any. The boy (18) (wait) anyone (20) (want) politely for a few minutes, and then he (19) (hold) his plate up in the air and said loudly, “_________________ ___________________a nice clean plate?” Choose one of the two pictures and describe it. Use the following outline. Mention: a) what the photo shows; b) what and who you can see in the photo (in its centre/at the top/at the bottom/ on the left-hand side/on the right-hand side of it); c) what is happening in the photo; d) what you think and what you feel when you look at the photo. Read the central part of the short story and then write its possible beginning and ending. 93 C D О c T Matilda and her husband are invited to an important party. Matilda borrows a beautiful necklace^ from an old school friend who is very rich. When the couple comes home, they find out that the diamond^ necklace is missing. They look for it everywhere but can’t find it. They start looking for a duplicate and finally find it. They borrow a lot of money to buy the duplicate and give it to the friend. Then they have to sell everything they possess. For ten years they work constantly until they are ruined physically. Finally the debt^ is paid off. One day Matilda sees her friend in the park. ^ a necklace ['neklas] — ожерелье 2 diamond ['daiamand] — бриллиантовый ^ a debt [det] — долг Bonus for Eager Learners ► 94 C О 0 c Language Challenge A. Decide to whom these famous lines belong and match the lines with the names. 1. “Eureka! [)‘иэ'г1:кэ] (I have found it!)” 2. “Brevity is the sister of talent.” 3. “I came, I saw, I conquered.” 4. “I think, therefore I am.” 5. “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” 6. “Beauty will save the world.” 7. “But it does move!” a) Descartes b) Dostoevsky c) Lincoln d) Julius Caesar e) Chekhov f) Galileo Galilei g) Archimedes LINES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NAMES 9 B. "Tom Swifty" is a kind of joke that uses adverbs. It is named after Tom Swift, a character in popular adventure stories of the 1920s. Do you get the jokes in the "Tom Swifties" below? Make sure you find the adverb in each sentence and try to explain why the author uses them in the sentences. 1. “Where is the airport?” Tom asked plainly. 2. “Г11 be back in seven days,” Tom said weakly. 3. “I like your pony,” Tom said hoarselyh 4. “May I have a slice of pie?” Tom asked peacefully. hoarsely ['haisli] — хрипло Серия «Rainbow English» Учебное издание Афанасьева Ольга Васильевна Михеева Ирина Владимировна Баранова Ксения Михайловна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 8 класс Рабочая тетрадь Зав. редакцией Е. Ю. Шмакова Редактор И. П. Гончарова Художественный редактор Л. П. Копачева Художественное оформление О. М. Войтенко Технический редактор И. В. Грибкова Компьютерная верстка Е. Ю. Кваскова Корректор Г. Н. Кузьмина Сертификат соответствия 12+ №POCCRU. АЕ51.Н16602. l.T. Подписано к печати 25.06.15. Формат 60 х 90 Vs* Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура «Школьная*. Печать офсетная. Уел. печ. л. 18,0. Тираж 5000 экз. Заказ № 37478. ООО «ДРОФА*. 127254, Москва, Огородный проезд, д. 5, стр. 2. Предложения и замечания по содержанию и оформлению книги просим направлять в редакцию общего образования издательства «Дрофа*: 127254, Москва, а/я 19. Тел.: (495) 795-05-41. E-mail: [email protected] По вопросам приобретения продукции издательства «Дрофа* обращаться по адресу: 127254, Москва, Огородный проезд, д. 5, стр. 2. Тел.: (495) 795-05-50, 795-05-51. Факс: (495) 795-05-52. Сайт ООО «ДРОФА*: www.drofa.ru Электронная почта: [email protected] Тел.: 8-800-200-05-50 (звонок по России бесплатный) Отпечатано в соответствии с качеством предоставленных издательством электронных носителей в ОАО «Саратовский полиграфкомбинат*. 410004, г. Саратов, ул. Чернышевского, 59. www.sarpk.ru Онлайн словари издательства «Д|юфа» Комфортный перевод бесплатно и без рекламы Мобильные В || AppStore словари издательства «Дрофа» Доступно в AppStore и Google play 1^ C.tKiglc play