Английский язык 5 класс Рабочая тетрадь Деревянко

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 5 класс Рабочая тетрадь Деревянко - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия New Millennium English (Нью Миллениум Инглиш):

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Ш I ШШШ ■ Ш WORKBOOK NtW MILLENNIUM ENGUSH АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык нового ТЫСЯЧЕЛЕТИЯ MILLENNIUM Н. Н. Деревянко С. В. Жаворонкова Л. Г. Карпова Т. Р. Колоскова Н. Б. Пономарева Л. Н. Струкова r — - . 5 .jr . Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику для 5 класса общеобразовательных учреждений BRITISH COUNCIL Brookemead Engush Language Teaching T и T Y Л T I T U L 2012 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Д36 УДК 802.0(075.3) С любовью и благодарностью к нашим семьям за их бесконечное терпение, понимание и поддержку. С глубокой признательностью к коллегам и учащимся учебных заведений, в которых мы работаем. Авторы Authors’ thanks and acknowledgements Our special thanks and deepest gratitude go to Diana Lubelska, Mike Scholey and Rod Bolito, from the CoHeage of St Mark and St John, Plymouth, UK, for consultancy advise and inspiration. The authors \M)uld like to thank Ye. G. Borovikova, N. Yu. Shulgina, O. L. Groza who contributed to the book by their efficient management and administration of the project. We would like to thank O. V. Nosenko, S. N. Sheludko and the ICT team for their contribution to the book. A big thank you goes to the teams of the TituI and Brookemead publishers, especially S. N. Kononenko, O. A. Denisenko, N. N. Selyaninova, S. V. Shirina, E. A. Valyaeva, N. A. Valyaeva, Duncan Prowse and Anna Whitcher Kutz, whose commitment, enthusiasm and professionalism made this book happen. Условные обозначения: — номер задания — задание повышенной сложности Деревянко Н. Н. и др. Д36 Английский язык: Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику Английский язык нового тысячелетия / New Millennium English для 5 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. / Н. Н. Деревянко, С. В. Жаворонкова, Л. Г. Карпова, Т. Р. Колоскова, Н. Б. Пономарева. Л. Н. Струкова.— Обнинск: Титул, 2012.— 96 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-616-2 Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику для 5-го класса серии “Английский язык нового тысячелетия” представляет собой систему упражнений, обеспечивающих дополнительную отработку лексики и грамматики, изученнью на уроках, а также развитие навыков чтения и письма. Рабочая тетрадь предназначена для самостоятельной работы, включает интересные по форме и содержанию задания, снабженные ключами. Структура и организация рабочей тетради, уровень сложности заданий, необходимость дополнительной практики и т. д. позволяют выбирать задания в зависимости от потребностей каждой отдельной группы учащихся. ISBN 978-5-86866-616-2 © Н. Н. Деревянко, С. В. Жаворонкова, Л. Г. Карпова, Т. Р. Колоскова, Н. Б. Пономарева, Л. Н. Струкова, 2009 © The British Council, 2009 © Brookemead Associates Limited, 2009 © Издательство “Титул", дизайн, издание, распространение, 2009 It’s me Lesson 1 Back at scHooT Put the words in order to make a question. Example: old / are / How / you? — How old are you? 1 are / you / How / ?______________ 2 name/What / your /’s/? 3 are / class / you / What / in / ? 4 you / are / from / Where / ?_ 5 like / with / you / Would / sit / me / to / ? 1Ы Match the answers to the questions in Ex. 1 a. Гз1 a) I’m in class 5B. □ b) I’m from Russia. □ c)OK. I I d) My name’s Max. I I e) I’m fine. Do the crossword. 1 тетрадь 2 брелок 3 цифра 6 4 цифра 8 5 дверь 6 карандаш 7 ученик 8 очки 9 парта 10 ластик 11 доска 12 окно 13 книга 3 Match the words and their phonetic script 1 school a) [bold] 2 listen b) I'lesan] 3 read c) [baek] 4 six d) [ri:d] e) ['lisanj 5 back f) fsiks] 6 board g) (lAvl 7 lesson h) Ipeicfel 8 page i) [skull] 9 love UNIT 1 Lesson 2 I.esMi 2 A nenir pufuT Complete with are, am, ’m or’s. 1 How are you? — I_____fine. 2 ______you in class 5B? — Yes, I____ 3 What_______your name? — My name_______Rob. 4 ______you new? — Yes, I---- 5 How old______you? — I_____ten. 6 ______you from England? — No, I_____not. 7 Where_______you from? — I_____from Australia. 8 ______you good at sport? — Yes, I____I play football and tennis. 9 What your favourite food? — I love pizza. Make up questions for these answers. • Use the table. Match the words and their phonetic script. 1 what a) [iz] 2 football b) [Veri] 3 number 1 c) [Tutbo:!] 4 very d) [WDt] 5 hello e) ['плтЬэ] 6 is Ш f) (ha'lau) Write the words. 1 [faiv]_________ ['swimii)] [Tutbo:!] _ ftenisl____ [klois]____ [spot]----- [’pL'tsa] What Where are your name from in at computers What class ’s you new at sport Are good favourite food My name’s Dasha. I’m in class 5. I’m from Russia. Yes, I am. I’m new. Yes, I am. I like swimming. Yes, I am. I often play computer games. I like fruit, apples and bananas. They are very sweet UNIT 1 Lesson 3 l^son 3 Me and my class la Match the pronoun and the verb. Write where the cat is. 1 b Complete with am, is or are. from England. 2 ______you serious? 3 We_______all very good at computers. 4 Our teacher________fair and kind. 5 Jane and Max_______good friends. 6 My favourite sport_______football. Write the adjectives. Example: ifra — fair 1 pahyp_____________________ 2 osurise 3 odog _ 4 sebt___ 5 dnki___ 6 neci___ 7 agert 8 wen _ 1 The cat is on the box. Look at the picture and write the names of the people in it. That’s my class. That’s my teacher of history. His name is Mr Clarke. Mr Clarke is a very good teacher, he is fair and kind. That’s Dave next to Mr Clarke on his left. Dave is good at sport. That’s Mike in front of Dave. Mike is good at computers. The girl next to the teacher on his right is Lisa. Lisa is the best pupil in our class. That’s Mary behind Lisa. Mary is new, she is from Bristol. The boy in front of Lisa is Ronan. Ronan isn’t very good at studying. That’s Andy between Ronan and Mike. Andy, Mike and Ronan are very good friends. В________________ D__________________________ C A. F. G E. Read and write the sentence. Find it in Ex. 4 ['lisa] [iz] [дэ] [best] ['pju:p9l] [in] [аоэ] [klois] UNIT 1 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 What do you collect? Look at the picture and correct the wrong sentences. Vicky collects a lot of things. She’s got two cards soft toys, lots of model cars (1)____, three key rings (2)________, four posters (3)____________and six clocks (4) 2 Write words instead of the pictures. I’m crazy about cats. I’ve got lots of cats in my cat collection. I've got a pet cat called Puff, a lot of (1)__________________, cat (2)________________and (3)__________________with cats. My (4)________________ are with cats on the covers. I also have a cat (5)__________________I can draw cats and I read lots of books about cats. Cats are beautiful and clever. Read the interview and match the answers and the questions. 1 Vicky, do you collect anything? []] A — My collection of coins. It’s really big. 2 What’s your favourite collection? Q В — It’s just very interesting. They’re all different. It’s great fun. 3 How many coins have you got? П C — Of course, I do. Lots of things. 4 Why do you collect them? Q D — A lot of. I don’t count. Over three hundred. Look at Vicky’s collection in Ex. 1 and write her answers to the questions. 1 Victoria, do you collect anything?------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 What do you collect?-----------------------------------------------------------------—-------------------- 3 How many toy soldiers have you got?---------------------------------------------------—-----—------------- 4 How many seashells have you got?.......................................................—------------------ Complete the conversation. A: Have you got any toy soldiers? B: Yes, I have. Have you got any coins? A: Yes, I have. (1)___________________ B: OK, (2)____________________________ UNIT 1 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Hello on Music Radio~«HBBBBi 1 Find the words in this ‘snake’ and circle them. ^^Mooritemusic/7/^.^ o^stoyso/ Find 5 more ^computer’ words. computer________________ 1___________________________ 2___________________________ 3 __________________________ 4 __________________________ 5 __________________________ К •frl ' e n 0 n 1 t s к к e у b 0 a r d I a p e d n m У 0 1 m r r r 0 b d i s c 0 c и t i s c s p m s e d r a g b У e к c 0 m P u t e r . ■ *»• UNIT 1 Lesson 6 Look at the screens and give instructions how to change screen 1 into screen 2. Click on the mouse, it in box 3. Highlight the word mouse, Highlight the mouse,________ Click on the screen,________ it under the picture in box 3. it in box 4. it in box 2. the word screen under the picture. on the pencil, drag and drop it in box 1. _ the word pencil, cut and paste it under the picture in box 1. 4} Write an e-mail to the ‘Fair Swap’ website. • You collect toy soldiers. • You’ve got stickers and coins. • You want to swap. 2 Рабочая тетрааь для S кл. New Millennium English 2 School and daily routines Lesson 1 My timetable 1 Find seven days of the week and write them in the right order. 2 Read the timetable and the sentences and do the tasks. • Write T (true) or F (false). • Correct the wrong sentences. Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8.55-9.10 Registration 9.10-10.00 Drama Geography Science PE Maths 10.00-10.50 English English English PE French 10.50-11.05 Break 11.05-11.55 English PE Maths French ICT 11.55-12.45 History Art PE History ICT 12.45-13.45 Lunch 13.45-13.50 Registration 13.50-14.40 Music French Technology English Music 14.40-15.30 Maths Maths Technology Science French Example: There are two music lessons on Monday. There is one music lesson on Monday. EH 1 Art is on Wednesday., EH 2 There is a break after the third lesson. EH 3 There are three PE lessons on Thursday. EH 4 There are two technology lessons a week. EH 5 There are two history lessons on Monday. Г W T U E S D A Y S r s A T U R D A Y U 0 H s R F R 1 D N N M 0 N D A Y В D D 0 N G T D R D A W E D N E S D A Y E N A В N D A Y A Y D Y F R 1 D A Y T H U R S D A Y В 10 UNIT 2 Lessons 1, 2 Answer the questions about the timetable in Ex. 2. Example: How many lessons a week are there in the timetable? There are 30 lessons a week. 1 How many lessons a day are there?________________________ 2 How many lessons are there on Saturday? 3 How many subjects are there in the timetable? 4 How many English lessons a week are there? _ Write five sentences about your favourite school day. Example: My favourite school day is Wednesday. There are two ICT lessons in my timetable. We have one English and one maths lesson on Wednesday. Lesison 2 Things about my school (lj) Guess the word. It’s the third letter in Russian It’s the fifth letter in music. It’s the fourth letter in maths. They are the third and fifth in biology. It’s the fourth letter in English. 2 Write what subjects these children like (/) and what they don’t like (/). Example: Mark: I like maths, science and English, but I don’t like history. Mark Julia Susan Ben maths / Л literature / Л biology / science / / ICT / PE Л / history Л / English / / Julia; Susan: Ben: 11 UNIT 2 Lessons 2, 3 Read and answer. Example: Do you wear a uniform to school? — No. I don’t. 1 Do you have breaks?_____________________________ 2 Do you like maths?______________________________ 3 Do you have ten lessons every day? 4 Do you go to school on Saturday? _ 5 Do you have lunch at school?_____ 6 Do you walk to school? __________ 7 Do you get good marks at school? Misha wrote a letter to his friend. This is her answer. Write five questions he asked. Hello! Thanks for your letter. I ^0 to school in the morning. I usually have five lessons. I have lunch at school. We wear a uniform to school: a dark blue skirt, blue jacket and a white blouse. Every week our teacher sends a report with marks to my parents. My favourite subject is English. I also like ICT and history. 5est wishes, Kate Lesson 3 What’s the time? Read and draw. ^Tt 1 Tio % • / 2\ ^11 t gw ' ' ' 2Д gw ' 9 - • - |9 - • - |9 - • i8 , ч' 4 J V I '' 4 g Ve / , 4 NL 6 i V. 6 \L 6 - 3 It’s nine o’clock. It’s half past ten. 12 It’s quarter to one. 2 Look and write the answer to the question: WhaVs the time? И UNIT 2 Lesson 3 V 1 0 It's twelve o'clock. 3 3 Read about Dung’s school day and match the pictures with the sentences. There is one extra sentence. A school day in Vietnam 1 I have lunch at one o’clock in the afternoon. For lunch I eat rice soup and vegetables. 2 I walk home at eleven o’clock in the morning. 3 After breakfast I say goodbye to my mum and go to school. 4 At break time I play in the playground with my friends. 5 The lessons start at seven o’clock. I study maths, literature, science, geography, English and Vietnamese. 6 I have breakfast with my family at half past six in the morning. 7 I get up at five thirty in the morning. 8 I help my mum in the house and I look after my little brother. Before lunch I do my homework. 9 Hi! I’m Dung and I’m 10 years old. I am from Vietnam in South-East Asia. 13 UNIT 2 Lessons 3, 4 г 4 Fill in the gaps with when / what time, where, what. do you help your mum? — After dinner, do they go for a walk? — To the park, do you do homework? — At 4 o’clock in the afternoon, do they do in the evening? — They listen to music, do they have lunch? — At school. Lesson 4 Who does 1 Write the words from the box into the correct column. * goes watches cleans plays comes sleeps gives sings looks * • gets up reads listens takes draws helps walks writes washes • cleans walks watches - • 2 Write five sentences about these children. Example: Jane and Aigul get up at 7 o'clock. Who get up play computer games walk with a dog do homework go to bed Jane / Anya / Max / Dima / Aigul / / When at 7 o'clock after school at 5 o’clock in the evening at 10 o’clock 14 UNIT 2 Lesson 4 Read about the children and complete the sentences. Jane, Vicky and Kate are friends. They play the guitar, the piano and the violin and study English, Spanish and French. Each girl studies one language and plays one musical instrument. A girl who plays the guitar, studies Spanish. Kate doesn’t play the violin. Jane doesn’t play the guitar. Vicky studies English and she doesn’t play the piano. Jane guitar French piano English violin Spanish Kate guitar French piano English violin Spanish Vicky guitar French piano English violin Spanish 1 Kate plays the 2 Jane plays the 3 Vicky plays____ She studies She studies She studies Read the sentences and fill in the correct word. 1 ... get up at half past seven. a) I b) My dog c) Max 2 ... doesn’t go to school. a) Rex b) My sister and I c) They 3 ... begin at half past eight. a) School b) The first lesson c) The lessons 4 ... come home from school at quarter past two. a) My friend b) I c) She 5 ... takes a dog for a walk in the evening. a) I b) My sister c) We 6 What time do ... go to school? a) your sister b) he c) you Write five sentences about who does what in your family. Example: My brother takes a dog for a walk in the morning. get up at... o’clock clean the room wash up do homework watch TV play computer games water the flowers cook help mum go shopping drive a car play football go to school walk work take a dog for a walk 15 UNIT 2 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Always, sonnetfmes or heverT Look at the pictures and match the sentences with the pictures. 4^ School I ^ Monday — Saturday 9.00-13.30 ! Computer club { Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 14.00-15.00 _ Music lesson ? ) Tuesday, Friday 17.00-18.00 Swimming pool (once or two times a month) School Monday — Friday 9.15-15.30 Computer club Monday, Friday 15.30-16.15 Swimming pool Monday — Friday 18.00- 19.00 Sunday 14.00- 16.00 1 She never goes to school on Saturdays. 2 She always goes to the swimming pool on Sundays. 3 She never goes to the computer club on Wednesdays. 4 She sometimes goes to the swimming pool. 5 She always goes to school in the morning. 6 Her music lessons always start at 17.00. Are you a perfect pupil? Read and choose the answer. 1 Are you sometimes late for school? 4 Do you sometimes get bad marks? a) I’m never late for school О a) 1 never get bad marks. О b) I’m sometimes late for school © b) 1 sometimes get bad marks. © c) I’m always late for school. о c) 1 always get bad marks. о Do you forget your homework? 5 Do you ask questions in class? a) Yes, 1 always forget my homework. о a) No, 1 never ask questions. о b) 1 sometimes forget my homework. © b) 1 always ask questions. © c) No, 1 never forget my homework. о c) 1 sometimes ask questions. о Do you cheat in class? a) No, 1 never cheat. b) Sometimes, but not always. c) 1 always cheat. О © о iseq jnoA op pinogs пол •|!dnd рооб Б 9Je пол iQuop цэ/\л 60iqissod Aiieej v. S! 1^8 jJadns :о seseo ;solu uj :© seseo isouj u| :0 seseo jsouj uj s;insey Write five sentences about how often you do different things. Example: I never play the guitar. play the guitar go to the swimming pool help your mum and dad go to the theatre read books watch TV clean your room 16 UNIT 2 Lessons 5, 6 Read about Nastya and Marina. Write five questions you would like to ask them. The Tolmachovs sisters are from Kursk. They are the winners of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2006. They like singing, dancing and watching cartoons. They write songs themselves. Children from all over the world write letters and ask them a lot of questions. Example: How often do you watch cartoons? 1 __________________________________________________________ Lesson 6 Let’s work together Look at the photos and write the words. I.ooapperrgthh 3. eirrwt 2. oaulittsirr 4. dtroie 5. rengised 3 Рабочая Trrpaob для S кл. New Millennium English 17 UNIT 2 Lesson 6 2 Write the words (phrases) into four groups 18 UNIT 2 Lesson 6 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Example: Who plays computer games? — Jane does. 1 What time does Jane come home from school?______ 2 What time does Aigul get up?____________________ 3 Who plays the piano?____________________________ 4 Who plays football? ____________________________ 5 When does Dima play football? 6 What time does he go to the sports centre? 7 Who collects CDs?__________________________ 8 Who has got a pet? ________________________ 4 Write questions to the answers. 1 time / get up / What / you / do / ? — 2 makes / you / for / breakfast / Who / ? — 3 walks / the dog / Who / in the morning / ? 4 go / you / to the swimming pool / When / do / ? — 5 your brother / does / When / come home / ? — At half past eight. My mum does. My sister does. On Sunday. In the evening. 19 3 Му family Lesson 1 Family album (l^ What do we call these family members? My mother’s sister is my My father's brother is my The son of my sister is my The daughter of my brother is my The son of my aunt is my My mother and my father are my aunt Find the words with the same meaning in the box below. mother father grandmother grandfather mum, mummy dad grandma mum granddad daddy mummy granny grandpa a) Read and match the names with the people in the picture. i Thread Hi, Max! Meet my family. Thi^ is my mum. She is a teacher. Her name is Natalia and she is thirty-five years old. She is a very beautiful woman. She likes reading books. My dad’s name is Boris. He is a businessman and he is thirty-nine. He is very tall and strong. I’ve got two brothers. My elder brother’s name is Sergei. He is thirteen years old and he is in class 7. My younger brother’s name Is Igor. He is six years old. My grandmother and my grandfather do not live with us. They live in a village near Novosibirsk. In this picture you can see my parents, brothers and me. Have you got any brothers or sisters? Write soon, Anna Complete Anna’s family tree. 1 Anna Name: Age: — Name: Age: _ (elder) brother Name: Age: _ it’s me Name: Anna Age: 10 Name: Age: _ 20 UNIT 3 Lesson 2 Wesson 2 1 Complete the tables. my. tall taller big bigger short thin long fat dark fair happy happier small funny old heavy young ugly beautiful more beautiful interesting helpful handsome frightening Read about Liz and Dave and write T (true) or F (false). Liz is older than Dave. Dave is shorter than Liz. Liz is heavier than Dave. Dave is taller than Liz. Dave is younger than Liz. Liz is younger than Dave. Read the text and write how similar the twins are. It’s a twin thing Identical twins who grow up separately (раздельно) are often very similar. For example, Jim Springier and Jim Lewis were adopted (усыновлены) by different families but have similar lives. First, they both look the same. They both have got short fair hair and blue eyes. They both are tall and thin. They both have the same name — Jim. Then they both have wives (a wife — wives) with the name Linda. They both have a son James and a dog called Toy. They are both policemen and have the same model of car. Wow! Name — Jim hair eves wives* names 21 UNIT 3 Lessons 2, 3................................................ 4 Read the text and answer the question: What is Twinsburg famous for? Every year in Twinsburg, Ohio, USA, there is a twins' festival! Hundreds of twins from all around America gather (come together) for a party. They are often identical twins and are similar in everything: they look the same and dress the same. How confusing must that be?! Twinsburg is famous for its___________________________________ Lesson 3 My home is my castle 1 Label the rooms in the plan of the flat. 2 Read Masha’s letter to her friend about her home and fill in the missing words. • Use the words from the box below. Dear Cathy, You asked me about my home. I live in a block of flats. My (1)___________________ is nice. IVe ^ot three (2)__________________There are two (3)____________________ and a (4)______________________________There is a (5)___________________and a (6)____________________in my flat. My favourite place is the living room because it is (7) and (3) In the evening my family love sitting there watching TV or talking to each other. What about your home? What’s your favourite place at home? Hope to hear from you soon. Love, Masha bathroom kitchen flat bedrooms big living room rooms comfortable 22 UNIT 3 Lessons 3, 4 3 Read the sentences and underline the right verb. 1 There is/are a bathroom in the house. 2 There is / are four bedrooms in the cottage. 3 There is / are a study in my flat. 4 There is / are two living rooms in the house. 4 Read the text and write T (true) or F (false). Windsor Castle in England is a very big and over 900 years old castle. It is very famous around the world as one of the homes of the British royal family. Windsor is a very popular town in England for tourists because the Queen often stays there at her castle. It is her favourite home. The people in Windsor always know when the Queen is at the castle because a special flag flies to tell everybody. 1 Windsor Castle is famous only in England. 2 British royal family live in Windsor Castle. 3 The people in Windsor never know when the Queen is at the castle. □ □ □ 5 Write the words from the box into the correct column. think mother usually attach Kingfisher bathroom special DJ collection cottage information they chess m Idl itn m Ш l5l think Lesson 4 ^Memories 1 a Put the words in order to make questions. 1 you / were / old / How / ? 2 Who / with you / was / ? 3 you / were / Where / ? 4 you / happy / Were / ? 1 b Look at Dan’s old picture and write his answers to the questions in Ex. 1 a. I was UNIT 3 Lessons 4, 5..................................................................... Read Max’s grandmother’s memories about her childhood (детство) and underline the right word: was or were. Well, I remember my mother (1) wae / were a widow (вдова) from when I (2) wae / were three years old and my brother (5) wae / were six months old. My mother (4) wae / were very kind and active. I remember our house (5) wae / were always very we\com\Y\(^ for г\е\фЬоиге (соседи) and friends. My schooldays (6) wae / were happy and the school (7) wae / и/еге just next to my house. Skipping (3) wae / were one of my interests when 1 (9) w^s / were a child and I (10) wae ! were very good at it. It (11) was / were a happy time because people (12) was / were friendly. Our neighbours (15) was / were very friendly then, and their doors (14) was / were always wide open for people to go in. Read Max’s grandmother’s memories in Ex. 2a again and answer the questions. I Example: How old was Max’s grandmother and her brother when their mother was a widow? She was three years old and her brother was six months old.______________________ 1 Was she happy at school? 2 Where was her school? 3 Why was it a happy time? Lessons Family history (ЧЗ Complete the sentences. 1 My mother helps sick people. She’s a_ My aunt teaches maths. She’s a_______ My father works in the police. He’s a My uncle works on a farm. He’s a______ My sister studies biology. She’s a____ Prepare the questions to interview your (great) grandparents. 1 you / When / were / born / ? When were vou born?____ 2 you / Where / were / born / ?_______________________ 3 your / was / father’s name / What / ? 4 your / was / father’s profession / What / ? 5 your / was / When and where / father / born / ? 6 your / was / mother’s name / What / ?__________ 7 your / was / mother’s profession / What / ? 8 your / was / When and where / mother / born / ? 24 UNIT 3 Lessons 5, 6 Interview your (great) grandparents (Ex. 2a) and write the answers. 1 Mv grandmother Natasha was born in 1950. 2 _________________________________________________________ Look at the two photos of the twins and compare them. • Use the words from the box. small(er) big(ger) tall(er) short(er) old(er) young(er) Ten years ago Now They weren't big. They were small. They are bigger. 6 Everyone has a story to tell Fill the gaps with the words was, wasn’t, were or weren’t. Mike: I’m doing a project about our family history. Can you answer my questions, please? Mother: Sure. What do you want to know? Mike: When (1)________________you born? Mother: Well, I (2)___________born in May 1970. Mike: (3)_______________you born in Norwich too? Mother: No, I (4)_____________I (5)_____________born in a small village in Devon. Mike: (6)_______________your parents from Devon too? Mother: No, they (7)______________They (8)______________born in Liverpool. Mike: Wow! That’s interesting. 4 Рабочая Ttrpaob ДЛЯ S кл. New MiUeimium English 25 UNIT3 Lesson 6 ............................................. Write a short story about Mike’s mother and grandparents. • Use Ex. 1a. Mike's mother was born in____________________________ Read the two jumbled stories and unjumble them. 0 Ask me who is my best friend. My answer is — it’s my elder brother. f No doubts. All friendships (дружба) have ups and downs — fact! ^ It was a terrible day for me. My family and I were in the countryside. But my brother and I try to be always honest with each other. That’s our secret. We talk things through and little problems never blow up. T The weather was sunny and warm. My brother and I were in the forest | and our parents were in granny’s cottage. We smile at small things and discuss big things. We talk about our hopes and dreams, then we find a way to acWewe (достигать) them together. ^ acnieve It was dark in the forest. There was a cave in the hill side. Ш ' My brother was so excited and I was scared. It was cold and dark in the cave. ^ I г I ^ Our dream is to become a famous rock band. My brother guitar and he says I’ve got a nice voice. I think stars. plays the we can be real musical m There was a big and heavy bone there. My brother thinks it is a dinosaur’s bone. It is now in his room under the bed. Read the stories again and choose the best title for each one. Story 1 Story 2 A My Elder Brother A My Brother В Best Friends В A Terrible Day C Musical Stars C A Dinosaur’s Bone 26 4 Yummy, yummy Lesson 1 I love bananas! _ _ _ . 1 Write what food the children like / don’t like. Example: Anya likes salmon, cucumbers and mushrooms but she doesn’t like peas or carrots. salmon peas carrots cucumbers mushrooms Anya / X X / / Max X / / X / Dima X X X / / Renat and Aigul X ✓ у / X Max Dima Renat and Aigul 2 Write the words from the box into the correct column. apple juice peas fish tomato chicken meat ice cream potato mushroom biscuit pizza carrot tea lemonade fruit sugar cheese cake sweets banana orange cucumber salmon sandwich lae] aoole [a:] [ei] [I] [i:] [u:] [u] Choose the right word. Example: My mum has got some potatoes / potato in the kitchen. 1 We have got some tomato / tomatoes in the fridge. 2 Have you got any apples / apple in the basket? We haven’t got any pizza / pizzas. My friend has got some oranges / orange in his lunch bag. 4 Write five sentences about what the family has in their fridge. Example: They have got some juice in the fridge. 1 ____________________________________________ 2 3 ___________________________________________ 4 ___________________________________________ 5 ___________________________________________ 27 UNIT 4 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 niave you got Find nine more food words. L E M 0 N A D E w I C E C R E A M A P M ' В U T T E R T 0 N I 0 N 0 T В E T E E L R u К R R E T A S I V c E I A 0 D Y C T к A В В I F N E I T D 0 C H 0 c. 0 L A T E Ask Max what he has got in the picnic basket. • Write the questions and the answers. Example: Have you got any bread in the basket? — Yes, I have. 1 any / in / Have / basket / got / cucumbers / the / you / ? 2 you / in / Have / carrots / the / any / got / basket / ? 3 tomatoes / got / basket / you / any / in / Have / the / ? 4 the / in / you / water / Have / got / basket / any / ? 5 you / the / Have / any / got / in / chicken / basket / ? 6 Have / in / mushrooms / basket / got / any / the / you / ? 7 you / any / Have / in / basket / the / salmon / got / ? Choose the right word. Example: I've got some/any tomatoes. 1 Has she got some /any cucumbers in her lunchbox? 2 They haven’t got some /any rice in the shopping bag. 3 She has bought some/any chicken. 4 Have you got some / any water? 5 Has he got some / any butter in the fridge? 28 UNIT 4 Lessons 2, 3 Look at the food Max*s father bought and his shopping list and write what food he bought / didn’t buy. Example: He bought some bread. He didn’t buy any cucumbers. Lesson 3 A packet of crisps. Write a conversation. What does hot dog mean? you / Thank /. V Hot dog means 29 UNIT 4 Lessons 3, 4 2 Help Anya to write a shopping list. What to buy? 1 kilo of apples of chocolate of milk of orange juice of crisps I дани A packet 2 bars 3 1 kilo \ L..:: j A bottle Lesson 4 TKe lost trolley 1 Write what there is in the trolley. Example: There is some rice in the trolley. 2 Turn uncountables into countables. two cartone of juice two four 1 some juice 2 some cheese 3 some milk 4 some chocolate 5 some tea 3 Victoria left her shopping bag on the bus. Help her to write a letter to the bus office. • Fill in there was / there were. I left my shopping bag on the bus. There was a lot of food there. (1)______________a bottle of juice. (2)_____________two packets of crisps. (3) a carton of milk. Help me find my bag. 30 some bread. And (4) UNIT 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 Let’s make a fruit salad 1 Read the words and write about this picture. Use the words some / any. 1 chocolate bars There aren’t anv chocolate bars. 2 oranges 3 strawberry jam 4 bread 5 cheese 6 ice cream How to cook an omelette? a) Label the pictures b) Put the pictures in the correct order fry [frai] — жарить frying pan — сковорода Mix with milk. Enjoy your meal. Add some salt. Take three eggs. Fry for 10 minutes. Cut the omelette into pieces. Put some oil in the frying pan. Take some eaas. 31 UNIT 4 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Have you got a sweet tooth? Read Jane’s story and choose the answer to each question. My name’s Jane and I am eleven now. I go to school five days a week. In my free time I go dancing because I want to be a model. Look at this photo. My dad took it when I was only two. I was a very fat baby. I ate a lot of porridge and drank a lot of milk. I played, slept, ate and always smiled. I was a happy baby. I am happy now too. I don’t play with toys. I like reading and playing with my friends. For breakfast I usually have a glass of tomato juice. I don’t eat a lot for lunch, just a sandwich and an orange. For dinner I usually have fish and vegetables. I need to have a good figure to be a model. How old is Jane? a) She is 10. b) She is 12. c) She is 11. Why does she go dancing? a) She wants to be a dancer. b) She wants to be an actress. c) She wants to be a model. Who took pictures of Jane? a) her father b) her mother c) her cousin fat — толстый porridge — каша What did she eat when she was a baby? a) porridge and juice b) oranges and sandwiches c) milk and porridge What does she usually eat for dinner? a) ham, fish and potatoes b) fish, carrots and tomatoes c) chips and orange juice Translate into Russian. 1 I like nuts__________ 2 I’d like an orange. 3 Have you got any cheese? 4 Here you are__________ Fill the gaps with the words and / but / so. When Jane was two years old she ate a lot of porridge, (1) SQ. she was fat. She slept, ate (2)__________played with her toys. Now she goes to school. She likes dancing (3)____________reading. She doesn’t eat any porridge (4) She is a happy girl. she eats a lot of vegetables and fruit. 32 Animal life Laseon 1 Mini beasts 1 Find a secret word. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Eighty thousand bees can live in one ... at a time. A small insect that lives in large groups. Grasshoppers eat.... A black and yellow flying insect that makes honey. Grasshoppers do it with their legs. A type of insect that has large beautifully coloured wings. An insect that has long back legs for jumping and that makes short loud noises. 2 Read and guess the animals. 1 It has six legs, a small head and a small body with four colourful wings. It lives in the forest. It eats nectar from flowers. It can taste flowers with its feet. 2 It has six legs, a small head and a long body. It is yellow, brown, red, or black. It lives in the forest. It eats seeds and small insects. It can carry heavy things. 3 It is yellow and black. It has six legs, four wings and a small head with two eyes. It lives in nests or hives. It eats sweet nectar on flowers. It can make honey. 4 It is red with black spots. It lives in the fields, gardens, on plants. It eats small Insects. It has black legs, a small head. 5 It is green or grey. It lives at lakes and rivers. It has a long body, four large wings! a big head with large eyes, six legs. It can fly fast. 6 It is black. It lives in the forest. It eats insects. It has eight legs. It can make a web. 3 Match and write where these animals live. Bees Spiders Ants Dragonflies Ladybirds Butterflies Grasshoppers live in forests gardens fields a hive a house anthills Read the conversation and guess the insect. A: Where does it live? B: In the forest, on plants. A: Has it got wings? B: Yes, it has. A: What can it do? B: It can fly. A: What does it eat? B: Small insects. A: What colour is it? B: It’s red with black spots. A: Is it a______________________? B: Yes, it is. i Рабочая тетрадь для S кл. New Millennium English 33 UNIT 5 Lesson 2 .....................*................................. Lesson~2 Smart creatires (jJ) Read the story and choose the title for each paragraph. There is one extra sentence. Mysteries of the se^ A ______ I lost my treasured thing I was a weak child and used a wheelchair until the age of 10.1 didn’t like school. Children at school were never rude or unkind to me, but I didn’t have many friends. All my classmates were walking in and out of our classroom, talking and laughing. And I spent most of the time alone. В _______ \A' in hr Ю T 7 ' Every summer my parents took me to the sea to have fun and swim. It was so great to feel sand on my feet and water splashing on my knees. One day we sailed in the sea. I loved the colour of the sea, it was so wonderful. How many mysteries the sea holds, from its wonderfully beautiful plants to its interesting creatures. It was time to go back to the shore, when I saw something blue a few metres away. We went closer to this blue thing. Right there, swimming in front of our boat, was a dolphin! I looked at It with amazement. ~Tlvei do^phUb fno/db hO/ppfj Q/QQ/i/K/ Suddenly my necklace fell down into the water. My grandma gave it to me as a birthday present. My eye started to water and a tear ran down my cheek. I thought about the necklace, about how much I loved and treasured it and I stopped thinking about the dolphin. Some days later when I was swimming with my dad I saw the dolphin again. It was so close that I could see its huge eyes . On top of the water, something shone. I picked it up to see it was my necklace! The dolphin found and brought it to me. I was happy. 2 Write a report about the chimpanzee using the information from the box. rude — грубый unkind — недобрый alone — в одиночестве splash — плескаться held (hold) — держать necklace — ожерелье treasure — дорожить shine (shone) — сверкать Has: very long arms (the arms are longer than the legs), a short body, a funny face with large ears Lives: in tropical rain forests, woodlands, swamp forests, and grasslands in western Africa. Eats: leaves, grass, fruit, meat Does (uses): arms legs and a tail to climb trees, sticks and stones to get food, sounds and gestures to communicate (общаться) The chimpanzee 34 UNIT 5 Lessons 3 Lesson 3' Perfect parents 1 Find six words. brave T caring ■ good attentive , ,, loving \ helpful -> H E L P F и L F A L 0 M 1 N G В T M G 0 0 D 0 0 T E К L 0 V E N E N К M C A R 1 N G R E w A T M T N S W V Q R T 1 E J G P A L 1 V 0 К M W Y R R E N D u В L D В E 2 Write the words from the box into the correct shape. sharp strong loving long caring big helpful thick brave attentive short Read and complete the sentences. 1 Rhinos are I_______________mothers. They look after their young for years, protect them from enemies and teach them how to survive. 2 Bats are h________________mothers. They feed their babies on mother’s milk, care for them and teach them to fly and find food. 3 The fox is a very a_____________________ father. It brings food to the mother and pups (babies). The father plays with little foxes and teaches them how to survive. 4 A mother octopus is very c______________She doesn’t eat for two months as she cares for her eggs. 5 A mother moose is very b________________ 35 UNIT 5 Lesson 4 ^essoh 4 Wif^visitors (jQ Write the words from the box into the correct column. lizard bear bee fox squirrel ant penguin grasshopper stork ladybird snake spider elephant raven tiger monkey panda butterfly snake fox oenauin butterflv 1 Odd one out. 1 forest, hive, river, squirrel 2 ant, lake, grasshopper, dragonfly 3 hive, scare, hold, catch 4 loving, attentive, sharp, helpful Read the text and answer the questions. 1 Why do moose come to the cities? 2 Are they always friendly? 3 Why do moose become angry with people? 4 J Read these short texts, match them with the photos and fill in the missing words. T[ was there, hopping around in the snow. It is illegal to feed a moose in Alaska. Moose can get used to handouts from humans and then become angry with humans that are near them without food. Moose are wild animals and are not necessarily warm and cuddly. Moose will come right into city neighbourhoods, or even up to your front door. This doesn’t mean they want to be touched or fed. Keep your distance to be safe! This is only the second time I’ve seen a_______________________closer than a mile from the house — the other time was December of last year when I saw one in the tree behind the back fence. That was terrific; today was just delightful! This morning about 11:00 a.m. two young ________________________walked across our road in front of our house. There was lots of excitement for awhile. Our dogs were barking at them. As we arrived at a party at The Gersh House, we saw a lot of people. And a__________________ 36 UNIT 5 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 When I waslittle Match the animals and their kids. 2 Read about the animals and write T (true) or F (false). Sea turtles and many Insects never know their parents, and must survive from the first minute of birth. The white tiger babies are born blind (слепыми) and weigh only about 1 kg. They live on milk for six to eight weeks before the mother begins taking them to hunt. A cub will begin eating meat at around 12-13 weeks. Tiger cubs can stay with their mother for up to three years. Chimpanzees and elephants spend years with mum or dad. 1 Chimpanzees are caring parents. dl 2 White tiger babies can’t see for two years. Id 3 Cubs eat meat when they are born. d 4 Sea turtles do not live with their parents. d 37 UNIT 5 Lesson 6 ......................... Lesson 6 Big and beautiful (ij) Read and fill in the chart. Newborn news Uzuri, the Wild Animal Park’s white rhinoceros baby, was born in October 2000. Uzuri means ‘beauty’. Zoo-keepers say she is special. Baby rhinos aren’t just pretty, they are also amazing creatures. A newborn rhino calf can stand when it is one hour old. Rhinos are born without horns. (Lucky for the mother rhino!) Young rhinos drink 45 liters of their mum’s milk every day, and put on (прибавляет в весе) about 45 kilograms every month. Uzuri weighed about 45 kilograms as a baby, and at six months of age, she weighed about 250! White rhinos use their wide, square mouths to eat grass. Their skin is not really white, but grey! The name ‘white rhinoceros’ comes from a word describing the rhino’s wide (not white!) mouth. Name: Uzuri Was bom Weight Colour Fun facts Southern white rhinoceros Use the words in the box to label the pictures. clean play watch feed give an interview write a report • 4 5 6 38 Many years ago... LesSon 1 They lived many years ago' la Read the DVD box and choose what the film is about. early animals early people □ □ Twelve thousand years ago, it was the time of the last Ice Age, the earth was different from now. The weather was very cold and there were different types of plants and animals. Huge animals such as the woolly mammoth, woolly rhinoceros and mastodon lived in the north of Europe and Asia and in North America. These animals died out shortly after the Ice Age came to an end. In the Ice Age there were different species (виды) of early man. Their life was really hard. They learned to be good hunters, had many tools and lived in family groups. They looked and did like modern people, yet they were not like us. They hunted and killed mammoths and other animals. But dangerous animals killed them too. They walked a lot to find food. They were strong and powerful. They could think and understand many things. Early people needed food, homes, clothing and tools. They had religious leaders, community leaders, and doctors. They had no schools but their children learned at home. Some time passed and they learned a lot. They were as clever as we are. They began human history. 1 b Complete the table to show how life was different in the Ice Age. • Use the words in the box and the information in Ex. la. cold weather huge animals the mammoth the woolly rhinoceros early man good hunters modern people strong and powerful people early people doctors schools clever people human history Twelve thousand years ago Now 2 Complete the archaeological report about the Ice Age with it was, they were. 1 At the time of the last Ice Age_______________________________cold. 2 In the Ice Age there were different species of early men.____________________ 3 Early people looked like modern people, yet_________________ 4 The wooly rhinoceros lived in Siberia.______________________ good hunters. not like us. a dangerous animal. 39 UNIT 6 Lessons 1, 2 Write the time. Example: 5,000 years ago — five thousand years ago 1 10,000 years ago _____________________________ 2 300 years ago ________________________________ 3 500 years ago ________________________________ 4 2,000 years ago ______________________________ 5 3,000 years ago ______________________________ Lesson 2 Native Americans (2) Read and put in order. EH The Europeans came to North America. EU The Native Americans lived in North America for many thousand years. EH The Europeans built castles in North America. EH Life was difficult for the Native Americans. The Native Americans lived in America for thousands of years. They got their food from the land. They caught fish in the rivers and lakes. They hunted deer, bears and birds in the forests. They ate the meat from these animals. They made clothes from the animals’ skins. There were many different tribes, or families. In 1607 the English people came to North America. In 1608 the French came. They hunted the animals and took them to Europe. Soon more and more Europeans came. They wanted the Native Americans’ land. The kings of France and England sent soldiers to North America. The soldiers built strong castles to live in. The soldiers brought guns. The Europeans fought and the Native Americans fought too. It was hard time for them. Write the verbs from the box into the correct column. used collected hunted farmed killed visited fished travelled lived played wanted liked [t] [d] [Id] used Correct the wrong information. Example: The Native Americans played volleyball — No, they didn’t They played ball. 1 The Native Americans hunted dinosaurs. 2 The Native Americans lived in castles. 40 UNIT 6 Lessons 2, 3 3 The Native Americans wanted the Europeans’ land. 4 The animals killed the people. 5 The Europeans used smoke signals. Oh a Write the past form for these verbs. take __________________ make __________________ have __________________ build _________________ can ___________________ go ____________________ 2 Write who lived in those places. 1 Ancient Greece _______________ 2 Ancient Rome _________________ 3 Ancient Egypt ________________ 4 Ancient China _______________ Write questions for the answers. Example: The ancient Romans built roads. (What) — What did the Romans build? 1 The ancient Greeks went to the theatre. (Where) 2 The ancient Chinese made a computer. (What) 3 The ancient Egyptians lived 4,000 years ago. (When) 4 The ancient Romans had a strong army. (Why) 6 Рабочая тетрааь для S кл. New Millennium English 41 UNIT 6 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Ancient Sparta (j^ Read and write T (true) or F (false). Alexander and his horse The big black horse was wild. He jumped and reared. It was impossible to come near him. King Philip of Macedonia was very angry. The horse is crazy!’ he said. 'He’s no good. Take him away!’ He was angry because he needed new horses for his soldiers and this horse looked fantastic. The horse’s name was Bucephalus. He was strong and beautiful, but a crazy horse was no use for soldiers. ‘Let it go,’ the king said. But then his young son, Alexander went up to Bucephalus. He stroked him and spoke to him. The little prince got on the horse and galloped off. Bucephalus and Alexander liked each other. King Philip was very happy and he bought the horse as a present for his son. Alexander had many horses, but Bucephalus was his favourite war horse. When Philip died and Alexander was king of Macedonia, Bucephalus travelled as far as Egypt and India with him. Bucephalus died in 326 BC. Alexander loved Bucephalus so much that he built a city and called it Bucephalus in memory of his favourite horse. 1 The black horse was dangerous. 2 The black horse didn’t like Alexander. 3 When Philip died Bucephalus was king of Macedonia. 4 King Philip built a city and called it Bucephalus. 5 Alexander had only one horse, Bucephalus. □ □ □ □ □ Write the past form for these verbs. feel ___________________________ choose wear ___________________ see think __________________ run swim ___________________ Choose the right form of the verb. 1 Boys in ancient Sparta trained/ train a lot to be soldiers. 2 Modern children have / had a lot of clothes. 3 Boys in ancient Sparta didn't have / don’t have a lot of clothes. 4 Modern children don't train / didn’t train a lot to be soldiers. 5 Boys in ancient Sparta swam / svi/im in cold water. 6 Modern children don’t swim / didn’t swim in cold water. 42 Lesson 5 Meet the great 1 Read the legend and put the pictures in order. UNIT 6 Lesson 5 О I The Sword in the Stone Ancient Britain needed a new king, a strong king who could win the war against the Saxons. So the great lords of Britain decided to organise a competition. The winner of the competition would be the next king. Sir Kay, son of Sir Ector prepared to fight in the competition. He thought, ‘I will win!’ He said to his young brother Arthur, ‘Please take care of my armour and weapons.’ Arthur was very happy. He could go to the competition. On the day of the competition Arthur was very excited and he forgot to bring Sir Kay's sword. Sir Kay was angry. ‘I cannot fight without my sword. Go home and get it!’ Arthur was sad. He went home. On his way home he saw a sword in a stone in the middle of a courtyard. He looked around. There were no people or animals there. So he decided to take the sword and bring it back later, after the competition. He pulled the sword out of the stone and went back to the competition. Arthur gave the sword to Sir Kay. Sir Kay’s father. Sir Ector saw the sword and said, 'Where did you get that sword?’ Arthur said, ‘I found it.’ ‘Where did you find it, Arthur?’ asked Sir Ector. And Arthur said, ‘I found it in a stone in a courtyard, father.’ Sir Ector showed Arthur some writing on the sword. ‘Whosoever draws this sword shall be the King of Britain.’ Sir Ector stopped the competition. He showed the men Arthur and the sword. They understood that Arthur would be the new king because the wizard Merlin placed the sword in the stone many years ago. Many men tried to draw the sword from the stone. Only Arthur could do it. Arthur was the new king! 2 Write the past form for these verbs. use collect hunt farm kill visit fish travel live Dlav studv train like want 43 UNIT 6 Lessons 5, 6..................................... Choose the right word or phrase. 1 Peter the Great built a lot of ships / theatres. 2 Alexander the Great trained to be a hunter / soldier. 3 The ancient Romans went to the baths / cinema. 4 Woolly rhinoceros was a plant eater/meat eater. 5 Peter the Great had a strong army / horse. Le^on 6 Tinie travel Find and circle the past form of the verbs. Write the verbs from the box into the correct column. Правильные Неправильные use go use go think wear collect choose hunt build farm make kill take can visit feel fish have travel swim live play study train like want run see Fill in the missing words. 1 Mammoths were h_______animals. 2 Sabre-toothed tigers were m____e______________. 3 The Native Americans lived in t__________. 4 Early man h___________mammoths, 5 There were a lot of different t______of Native Americans 6 The Native Americans were good h______________and h_ . 44 7 Let’s go to the theatre Lesaon l What’s on? 1 Match the phrases. 1 Thank you. 2 Would you like to see Midas the King? 3 Let’s go to the theatre. 4 Can I have two tickets for the Punch and Judy show? 5 Is row 5 OK? a) Let’s. What’s on? b) Yes, that’s fine. c) I’d love to. I like old Greek legends. d) You’re welcome. e) Sure. What time? Use the information in the ticket and complete the dialogue. Jane: Can I have two tickets for (1)_______show? Clerk: Yes, sure. What time? Jane: At (2) o’clock. OK? Clerk: Let me see. Is row (3) _ Jane: Yes, That’s fine. Clerk: Here you are. That’s (4) _ please. Jane: Thank you. Clerk: You’re welcome. Enjoy the show. Sa Read and choose the best title. A Comedy and Tragedy В Theatre in ancient Greece C History of the theatre symbol pounds. several — несколько clay — глина wig — парик sly — хитрый The theatres in ancient Greece were very big. There were seats for 10,000 people. Actors played outside from morning until evening in daylight. The plays in ancient Greece were about the god Dionysus. They were comedies or tragedies. Masks were very important in Greek drama. All the actors were men. They all played several roles in one play. During the play the actors changed masks to play different characters. Masks and costumes helped the audience to see different characters from a great distance because theatres were very big. Masks were made from clay. They had a wig to cover the head and they had wide open mouths so that actors could speak easily and loudly through them. Masks were in different colours. The colour of the mask said a lot about its character. For example, the dark red mask showed that the character was very angry, the yellow mask showed that the character was ill, and the red mask said that the character was very sly. Now the traditional ‘Comedy Tragedy’ masks are a symbol for THEATRE. It helps to remember the first theatres in ancient Greece. 45 UNIT 7 Lessons 1, 2 3|i Write if the statements are T (true) or F (false). In ancient Greece: 1 Plays in the theatre were performed in the evening. 2 Actors wore masks because they played different characters in one play. 3 There were no actresses in the theatres. 4 The yellow mask showed that the character was happy. 5 Actors spoke very loudly. □ □ □ □ □ Lesson 2 The bear that wasn’t there 1 a Find eight words from the play in Lesson 2 in the puzzle. s N A К E S U R X C К E R M В E в E A R S L A A w F 0 R E S T S A s 0 N E D H 0 T L Y S A F E N c s 1 L L Y U W H C A R E F u L 1 b Complete the sentences with the words from Ex. la. 1 The scouts are deep in the____________ 2 There are no_________________ 4 Be_______ 5 Don’t be 6 You’re___ 7 There’s no scared. or here. out! I with me. _____to be Write which phrases in Ex. 1 b are good to say to a friend who is frightened. Read and say who the scouting movement is for. Scouting Scouting is for young people, both boys and girls. It began in the UK at the beginning of the 20th century. Scouting is about being with friends as part of a team and helping others. Scouts have their promise, their law and their motto. The Scout Troop in the UK is for young people aged between 10 and 14 years. Scouts take part in many activities. They find out about the world, develop their talents and do sport to keep fit. Scouts spend a lot of time outdoors. They take part in camping, survival and cooking. They also do a lot of adventure activities. They usually meet together once a week in a Scout Centre. A Scout can get different Challenges Awards and Activity Badges when he or she gets a good result or takes part in an activity. Scouts wear their awards and badges on their scout shirts. 46 UNIT 7 Lessons 2, 3 The Scout Promise The Scout Promise is: On My Honour, I promise that I will do my best To do my duty to God and to the Queen, To help other people And to keep the Scout Law. The Scout Law The Scout Law is: * 1 A Scout is to be trusted. 2 A Scout is loyal. 3 A Scout is friendly and considerate. 4 A Scout belongs to the worldwide family of Scouts. 5 A Scout has courage in all difficulties. 6 A Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property. 7 A Scout has self-respect and respect for others. law — закон motto — девиз survival — выживание challenge award — награда за победу в состязании badge — нашивка do my duty — выполнить свой долг trust — доверять loyal — преданный courage — мужество possessions and property — имущество self-respect — самоуважение respect — уважение The Scout Motto j1 scouts SCOL be prepared The scouting movement is for Lessotv S A Robot Father (!) Make pairs. 1 fix 2 help 3 pick up 4 give 5 bury 6 keep 7 buy 8 tell 9 play a) goldfish b) a hug c) stories d) games e) sweets f) stuff g) with homework h) a room tidy i) from school ‘Ш 2a Add un-, /m-, or in- to make new words. • Translate them into Russian. Example: happy — unhappy (несчастливый) 1 possible__________________________________ 2 realistic_________________________________ 3 credible__________________________________ Translate these words into Russian. Example: untrue — неверный, ложный 1 unfair — 2 unusual unfriendly impersonal inactive___ 47 UNIT 7 Lessons 3, 4 Look at the buttons on the remote control of the robot and describe its functions • Use the phrases from Ex. 1. Example: The robot tells stories. The best ever present for your child Lesson 4 Hywel and the Mermaid What are the words? Example: morst - storm 1 diremam 4 merhifna.q ? re.snh 5 fitn 3 ewav 6 cork a) Read and put the sentences in the correct order. ГП One day a baby elephant wanted to know what crocodiles eat for supper. I I Her nose became longer and longer. I I ‘Mr Crocodile, what do you eat for supper?’ I I He took the baby elephant’s nose and pulled it. I I She saw her new nose in the water and said, I I And that’s why elephants have such long noses to this very day. r~l The crocodile said, I I 'Let me go! Please let me go!’ r~| The crocodile opened its eyes and said, r~| ‘Today I want to eat a baby elephant.’ r~1 She saw a crocodile In the river and asked, r~| At last the crocodile let her go. ГП ‘It’s a secret. Put your head down and I’ll tell you.’ r~] ‘I like it. I can take a shower with it.’ r~| Baby elephants love secrets. So she put the head down 48 UNIT 7 Lessons 4, 5 Find the speeches for the characters in Ex. 2a and copy them. Narrator; One day a baby elephant wanted to know what crocodiles eat for supper. Baby elephant: _________________________________________________________________ Crocodile: Narrator; Crocodile: Narrator: Baby elephant: Narrator: Baby elephant: Narrator: Lesson 5 A puppet show Mr Punch’s cousins around the world 4|t. Read the story about one of Punch’s cousins and write this cousin’s name in the diagram and in the title. The story of Once upon a time there was a poor man who had a good wife and ten children. This man lived in Lyon in France and he was a weaver. His name was Laurent Mourguet. One day there was no more work for the silk weavers and so he was very poor. He was sad because he could not feed his many children. weaver — ткач tooth puller — зубодёр pull out — вырывать pincers — щипцы troubles — беды 49 UNIT 7 Lesson 5 This is how he became a tooth puller. He travelled from village to village and from town to town. Those people who had toothache came to see him. Laurent pulled out their bad teeth with his big pincers. But these big pincers were very frightening. People were scared and ran to hide. Soon Laurent-the-dentist didn’t have any teeth to pull out. He had no work and no money. Laurent Mourguet had an idea. He made a wooden puppet. It looked very like Laurent himself. He called it Guignol. This little person told very funny stones. People stopped to listen, and everybody laughed. Then Mr Mourguet pulled out their bad teeth. Nobody was afraid of the pincers because of Guignol. Guignol became the people’s friend because his stories let them forget all their troubles. Everybody liked the puppet and its stories. Laurent Mourguet didn’t want to be a dentist any more. He came back to Lyon and started a theatre. Parents and their children came to the theatre to see Guignol. Laurent worked at the theatre for a long time. Laurent died at a very old age. He was not a rich man but he was happy and famous. 1 b Read the story again and answer the questions. 1 What was Laurent Mourguet’s first job? 2 Why did he become a tooth puller? 3 How did Laurent Mourguet pull out bad teeth? 4 Why were people not afraid of the big pincers any more? 5 Why did everybody like Guignol? 6 What was Laurent Mourguet’s last job? 7 Was Laurent Mourguet a rich man when he died? 50 UNIT 7 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 How'did you like it? 1. Read the sentences and put them into two groups. r 1 V , That was fantastic. H у /f It was very boring. ) 2 It was terrible ^ 3 It was a great show. ^ _J ^ ^------- 6 I really enjoyed the showT^ "4" dfc'V Read an interview with a 10-year old actress and match the questions and the actress’s answers. EH A Are you afraid to forget your words? EH В Do you remember a show when something went wrong? EH C Do you feel nervous on stage? EH D Do you want to be a professional actress? Culture section The youngest actress in town Our magazine interviewed Poppy Paton, the youngest actress in our town. Q: So Lauren. (1)... A; Yes, I do, very much. I love acting. Q: (2)... A: No, I don’t never. I am nervous before the show and sometimes I can’t sleep the night before, but when I’m out on stage I’m not nervous at all. Q: Why not? A: I know that I’m not alone. I’m with my partners, we’re all together. We must do it. Q: (3)... A: Not very, no. If I forget something I usually make it up. People don’t know my lines, it’s only me who really knows them. And the director always tell us, ‘Say what you feel like.’ Q: (4)... A: Oh yes, sometimes things happen. Once the music stopped in the middle of a dance. And there were 12 of us on the stage. I started singing the tune, and the others joined me and we danced and sang. People said it was really great. We changed the show after that. We stopped using music and now we sing ourselves. 51 Si Town and village Lesson 1 Where do you live? Look at the maps of two cities and write the names of the buildings. • Use the table. theatre, castle, cinema, museum, market, shopping centre, library, restaurant, church, university, supermarket, post office Blue Lake City Green sburg 1 theatre 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 Blue La ke City 1 theatre 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 Look at the maps and complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. In Greensburg 1 There is a castle_____________the museum. 2 There is a castle______________the cinema. 3 There is a market______________the museum. next to opposite behind In Blue Lake City 1 There is a cinema___ 2 There is a theatre__ 3 There is a post office supermarket. the church, the museum. ____the 52 UNIT 8 Lesson 1 Write what places and buildings there are in your area. • Draw a map of your area. Example: I live in a small house in a village. There's a school near my house. There’s a shop opposite the school. Misha and Helen say why they like their cities. • Use the words from the box and complete the sentences. historical buildings the big castle the big ice hockey rink tall modern buildings I like St Petersburg because it is a big city. There are many_________________________ I like_______________________because I can meet my friends there and we can go skating together. I like Norwich because it is a beautiful old city. There are many________________________ I like_____________________because there’s a museum there and you can find many things out. Write why you like the place where you live. I like_________________________________________ because it is There are I like____ and_______ 53 UNITS Lesson 2 j^esson 2 The London Eye 1 Complete the chart. L A R G H 1 G C 0 T в 1 G G L 0 N F A • •• • • • est 2 Complete the table. tall the oldest new the biggest large long the fastest the most exciting wonderful the most special interesting the most famous frightening 3 Read about new sights in London and fill in the words in the right form. 1 The New Millennium Bridge is one of (1) the______________ landmarks in London. It was built to celebrate the start of a new millennium in 2000. 2 The New London IMAX cinema is (2) the_____________________(large) in Europe. Its screen is more than 20 metres high and 26 metres wide. You have to take a lift to reach your seat. The high-tech visual effects make you feel everything as if in real life. 3 Millennium Dome. The new millennium officially started in Greenwich, England on 1st January 2001. The world’s (3)____________________ (big) dome was built on the Meridian Line in Greenwich to celebrate this historic event. 4 Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood is a museum with (4) the _____________________(colourful) collection of dolls, doll’s houses, toy soldiers, puppets, toy theatres and games. 5 The Animals in War Memorial is (5) the____________________ (special) memorial which honours the millions of animals that served and died in 20th century wars and conflicts. 6 London Bridge has (6) the____________________________(long) and (7)________________________(interesting) history. It was built in Roman times. An American millionaire bought it in 1965. He transported it to Arizona. The modern bridge was built in 1972. 54 UNIT 8 Lesson 2 7 The British Museum is (8) the (large) and (9) the (old) national museum. It has mummies from Egypt, Roman ancient things found in the-Thames and an Aztec death mask. 8 The Natural History Museum has a huge skeleton of one of the (10) __________________(long) dinosaurs, a 150 million year-old diplodocus. You can watch the robot dinosaurs and take part in interactive exhibits. 9 The Sherlock Holmes Museum. Do you remember where Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson lived? It’s 221b Baker Street, the world’s (11) __________________(famous) address for more than 100 years. 10 London Dungeon is the museum which shows (12) the_____________ (frightening) periods in British history. Scary wax models and the actor-guides show historical dramas trying to scare you. 11 London Zoo is (13) the_____________________(old) and (14) the _____________________(famous) zoo in the UK. There are more than 12,000 animals there. 12 The Cutty Sark was (15) the______________________(fast) ship on the sea and once sailed from Australia to England in only 72 days. 13 Madame Tussaud’s is the world’s (16)_______________________(famous) waxwork museum. Over two million people go there every year to see wax figures of presidents, film stars and pop stars. 55 UNIT 8 Lessons 2, 3 Read about these facts and use the words in the box to fill in the gaps. • Change the form of the words. 1 The Nile is the ________river in the world. It is 6,670 km long. 2 Everest is the__________mountain. It is 8,846 metres high. 3 The___________country is Vatican City. 4 The Dead Sea is the___________sea in the world. Lesson 3 Where dreams come true Look at the map of Greensburg in Lesson 1 and complete the City Tour Leaflet. • Use the words in the box. Museum of Art and History cinema castle restaurant WELCOME TO GREENSBURG! Visit Greensburg and see this wonderful City with us. The tour starts on the Main Road. Go straight on and turn right to the (1)______________________ Don’t miss the opportunity to explore this fantastic old building. Next to the castle you can see our famous (2)____________________________________It’s really fun and you can learn lots of things every time you go there. Now cross the street. There is a big modern (3)______________________ opposite the castle. Have a break in the (4)______________________behind the cinema. Design a tour leaflet for visitors to your town / village. • Use your map from Lesson 1. Welcome to The tour starts at Go Now 56 UNIT 8 Lesson 3 3 Look at the plan of Misha’s ideal place and complete the conversation between Helen and Misha. • Use the words from the table below. watch films sail on the sea play ice hockey ride a bike play football watch wildlife Helen: Where / you / like / to live? Where would you like to live? Misha: I’d like to live on______________________________________ Helen: What / you / like / to have in your dream place?. Misha: ______________________________________ Helen: What / you / do / in your dream place?. Misha: ________________________________________ 4 Draw a picture or a plan of your dream place and write about what you would like to have and what you can do there. 57 UNIT 8 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Incredible buiidings''^’K 1 Complete the word-web. 2 Read the texts and complete the fact files on the buildings. A geodesic (геодезический) dome is a very unusual building. It has a shape of a ball. An architect R. Buckminster designed this building. They built it in Montreal, Canada in 1967 and used metal as the main material. The buifding is 76 m in diameter (диаметр), 62 m high and has 20 floors. In 1992 it became the Biosphere, an interactive (интерактивный) museum of water and environment (окружаюидая среда). The Empire State Building in the USA is very tall. Gregory Johnson designed it. They built it in 1931 and it was the tallest building in New York. It’s 381 m high! It has 103 floors and 2,908 steps! There are 73 lifts in the building. There are 6,500 windows — imagine having to clean them all! О Mary Axe is a modern building in the City of London, the United О Kingdom. It has the nickname (прозвище) ‘cucumber’ (огурец) because of its unusual ‘cucumber’ shape. Lord Foster designed it. They built it with modern glass material in 2004. it is 180 m high, making it one of the tallest buildings in London. On the 40th floor, which is the building's top floor, there is a cafe. The visitors can enjoy a fantastic 360 view of London there. 58 UNITS Lesson 4 The Biosphere Location Constructed Material Diameter Height Floors Use Architect The Empire State Building Location Constructed Height Floors Architect 30 St Mary Axe (the Cucumber) Location Constructed Material Height Floors Architect 3 Look at the information about the buildings again and write the name of: 1 the tallest building 2 the oldest building 3 the most modern building Cl) Complete the fact file on the most famous, unusual, beautiful building in your place. Name:______________________________ Location Constructed Material Diameter Height Floors Use Architect 59 UNITS Lessons- Lesson 5 Guess and write the words о I W 0 w a s r t 0 w 0 d s к c I b r wool I a s g s p r e p a e I e t s Put the words into two columns. wood wall door wool roof straw floor granite bricks glass paper steel wood wall Write eight adjectives. Find a mystery word. G F S U E P R w 0 N D E R F U L S L W L E U L 4 Write the words from Ex. 3 in the superlative form. Example: big — the biggest 60 1<ёжв5п в М овеош Find nine words to speak about Moscow. UNIT 8 Lesson 6 Q w E R N P R T Y U 1 U N 1 Q U E A s P 1 N D F G H A L J 0 0 U К M L Z C A X p p S W 0 N D E R F и L U C D V В F G A L 0 A N E M Q U E M A C L W R E R L T 0 R A A S N D F G H u L L Z D F G H H J s В D fd Complete the sentences with superlatives where necessary. • Remember to add the where necessary. 1 The Spasskaya Tower is____________________(tall) of the twenty Kremlin towers. 2 Ostankino Tower is__________ TV tower in Europe. (high) 3 Yury Kuklachev’s House of Cats is a ____________________(unique) place where cats and a dog are the only performers on stage. 4 Poklonnaya Gora is a______________________ (special) place in the history of Moscow. 5 The State Armory is_____________________ museum in Russia. Read the tale and write the words in the superlative form. • Remember to use the with superlatives. (old) ^^nce upon a time there lived a princess. Her name was Most. She was (1) the most beautiful princess. She lived in (2)_____________________________(modern) castle with (3)____________________________(famous) garden. One day Most was in her garden and met a prince. 'Good morning, dear princess. You are very beautiful,’ he said. ‘You are wrong, dear prince. I am (4)_______________________________(beautiful). My name is Most.’ I ‘And my name is Est. I am (5)_______________________________(strong) and I live in (6)___________________________(old) castle.’ ‘And my garden is (7) ‘And my horses are (8) (big),’ said Most. _ (fast),’ said Est. They talked and talked. The princess and the prince became good friends and had a good time. 61 9 Summer plans Lesson 1 What’s the weather like? 1 Complete the table. wind windy storm cloud snow fog foggy sun 2 Look at the pictures and fill in the missing words. • Use Ex. 1 as a support. Oh no! I’ve lost my hat. The (1)_________ strong. What a (2)_________________day! IS so There’s a lot of (3)___________ It’s a (4)_______________day. Look! There are many (5)__________ We can’t go to the beach. It’s a (6) day. in the sky. I can’t see the road. It’s a (7) (8)------- day. There’s a lot of everywhere. Let’s make a snowman. 62 UNIT 9 Lessons 1, 2 3 Read the text and draw the weather symbols in the right places. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland It is a cloudy day across much of the UK. Scotland is cold with snow in the mountains and the temperature is minus four. The day is cold and foggy over most of the central part of England and the temperature is about three degrees, but warmer in Northern Ireland. There it’s cloudy with sunny intervals and a temperature of nine degrees. In the south of England and Wales the day is windy with temperatures above ten. North O' ♦ e Lesson 2 WeatherJacts 1 Find thirteen weather words. A В H U M 1 D H W C C L 1 M A T E E E G 0 0 D 1 E F S A A H P 1 L L G J E V T К D L S D C D R Y H M N A 0 E W E T R E E P Q M R A S T A R C U V W P X S Y 1 Z A 0 C C A s 1 0 N A L W E 0 T H E R N В P humid ^ cold \ climate desert i dry wet season \ damp place T weather i" mild i heavy rain i occasional 2 Match the words with their definitions. 1 humid 2 mild 3 occasional 4 heavy rain 5 dry 6 desert 7 climate 8 damp a) a large area of land where it is always very hot and dry, and there is a lot of sand b) weather conditions that are typical in the place c) a lot of rain d) having very little rain e) happening sometimes but not often f) not too hot, cold or wet, and sometimes pleasantly warm g) very hot and wet h) cool and wet 63 UNIT 9 Lesson 2 Read the text and complete with the words from the box. the south of Russia the north of Siberia the central part of the country R ussia is a large country and it has various climate in different parts of it. (1)_____________________________has a mild climate: the winter is not very cold, the spring and autumn are warm or cool and summer is hot and warm. In summer people like swimming in the rivers, picking up berries and mushrooms and going camping. In (2)_______________________the temperature is usually above zero all year round, even in winter. Summers are really hot. There are even some small deserts on the territory of Russia. The north and northeastern Black Sea coast has mild winters but heavy rainfall all year round. This is one of the sunniest places in Russia, where the swimming season lasts from April to October. Krasnaya Polyana is one of the most interesting places in the world, where warm sea winds and continental cold create the perfect conditions for fluffy and safe snow. There’s a lot of snow here. This valley is noted on the meteorological map of Russia as the wettest place in the country. In (3)_______________________winters are very cold. The temperature is sometimes -60 *C. Oimyakon is the coldest place on Earth where people live. Summers in this region are short but beautiful. There are lots of brightly coloured flowers in summer here. Answer the questions using the information from Ex. 3a. 1 What is the sunniest place in Russia? ________________ 2 What is the wettest place in Russia? _________________ 3 What is the coldest place in Russia? _________________ I ■ - -r ! ■ -J. 1 Read the text and answer the question. What can you see when it rains? 1 ________________________________ 2 3 _______________________________ 4 _______________________________ Look up at the sky. It is dark. It’s going to rain. When it rains you can see water falling from the sky. But sometimes it rains fish and frogs. Bet (спорим) you didn’t know that! But there are stories about rains of frogs, fish and lizards. In 2004 people in one part of Great Britain (Shropshire) were surprised when they saw fish in the puddles (в лужах). In 1983 in India it was raining frogs. Why does it happen? When strong winds travel over water (a sea, lake or river) they pick up (подхватывают) fish, frogs and other small things and carry (переносят) them for long distances. Then the clouds open and the fish and frogs fall with the rain. 64 UNIT 9 Lesson 3 ^бювопЗ Maidng pfam Read about vyeather indicators and match them with the pictures. If you are going to spend a day outdoors, you should know how to predict the weather. Do you know that plants, animals and insects are good weather indicators? 1_____ When the morning is foggy, one can see dew (роса) on the grass, the day will be clear and warm. When the sky is red at night and the moon is clear and white, good weather is expected. Leaves show their backs, flowers smell better, flies bite more, fish jump out of water and catch mosquitoes, you can’t see bees and butterflies and frogs croak louder before rain. Cats sit with their backs to the fire before a storm. Look at the texts in Ex. 1 and write what your plans are going to be. • Use the words in the box. Example: (watch TV) Tm going to watch TV. 1 If there is dew on the leaves,________________ go for a walk go to swim stay at home wear warm clothes take my umbrella ride my bike 2 If the leaves show their backs. 3 If my cat sits with her back to the fire. 4 If fish jump out of the water. 5 If the moon is clear and white, 65 UNIT 9 Lesson 3 Ask your friend if his / her plans are the same as your plans in Ex. 2. Example: Are you going to go for a walk? 4 Solve the division puzzle, then put the corresponding letter in the box to read a weather saying. A В C D E F G H 1 J К L M 9 17 13 8 11 16 4 2 3 18 20 19 12 N 0 P Q R S T u V W X Y z 7 6 0 21 5 25 1 10 24 22 14 30 23 66 UNIT 9 Lesson 4 1 Max is talking to his friends about their plans. Write the questions and the answers. Example: What / do / in the evening — go to the park 1 Who / play / football / with — my friend 2 Where / go — to the river 3 When / go / fishing — in the morning What are you going to do in the evening? 4 What / do / in the evening — watch TV 5 Why / go / to the concert — I like music 2 Read Mike’s plans for tomorrow and write what he is going to do. Example: read Treasure Island’ — He is going to read ‘Treasure Island’. 1 visit grandma ____________________________________ 2 do homework ____________________________________ 3 play computer games ________________________________________ 4 go for a walk ____________________________________ 5 walk Rex ____________________________________ 3 Look at the table with pupils’ answers and write five sentences about the children’s plans for Sunday. Example: Natasha and Dima aren’t going to get up at 7 o’clock. get up at 7 o’clock watch TV listen to music play football read books 1 Natasha X X / / / 2 Misha / / / / / 3 Katherine / X X X / 4 Dima X / X / / 67 UNIT 9 Lessons 4, 5................................................... Write three true and three funny sentences about what you are going to do if the weather is like that. If it’s Example: If it’s sunny, I’m going to ride my bike. If it’s wet, I’m going to go skiing. fly a kite. ride my bike. go swimming. play computer games. go skiing. make a snowman. read a book. study maths. go snowboarding. cold, hot, sunny. windy, ‘ cloudy. I’m going to wet. I’m not going to foggy, cool. warm. stormy. snowy. 5 1 ^holidays Read and find out what holiday children are going to have and when. Misha, Dima and Katherine are going to have different holidays in summer (camping holiday, seaside holiday and a holiday in the country). Everyone is going to go on holiday in a different month. Misha is not going to spend his holiday in the country and he is going to spend August in the city. The other boy is going to go to summer camp, but not in June. Katherine is going to visit her grandma in her village in July. June July August Summer camp Seaside holiday Holiday in the country 68 UNIT 9 Lessons 5, 6 1# Complete these letters. Use the information from Ex. 1 a and the pictures as a support. Hello, Max, I love holidays. I have ^reat plans. I’m going (1) In June. _ in the city. I’m going to spend (2)________________ I’m going to go to the amusement park with my friends and ride my bike. What are you going to do in the holidays? Write about your plans. Misha . =- V ^ r f ^ . V r ^ ^ f f f ^ Hello, Jane, Summer's great. What are you going to do in the holidays? I'm going to spend (3)____________________with my grandmother. I'm going (4)_____________________a lot. Bye, Katherine Hi, Max, What are you going to do in summer? Summer is my favourite season and I've got great plans. \'m going to read books, play computer games, listen to music. In (5)________________I'm going to go to (6)_______________ It's wonderful to stay there, to play football with my new friends. Let's go there together. Bye, Dima n 6 Where 1o go? ^ Do the crossword. 1 not dry 2 a large sandy place where it is always hot and dry 3 not very hot, cold or wet, sometimes pleasantly warm 4 a place where children can go in the summer 5 one of the four seasons of the year, which is hot in Russia 6 strong wind with rain or snow 7 water falling from the sky 8 having a high temperature 9 white or grey mass in the sky 10 not very hot and not very cold 11 the first summer month in Russia M 6 9 11 8 10 U 69 UNIT 9 Lesson 6 Read the advertisements about places to visit on holiday and find out what you can do there. 1 sunbathe В 2 watch animals 3 draw pictures 4 watch historical shows 5 do sports 6 look at flowers 7 make sandcastles 8 play games 9 have a picnic 10 go swimming VISIT WILDLIFE PARK Best time to come: spring and summer • Beautiful lakes • Picnics • Plant Centre • Wild Animals Write the words from the box into the correct column. go horse riding safari park bird watching go skating and skiing lake go swimming mild river play football cold picture gallery beautiful park wet sea mountains forest hot ride a bike go fishing sunny go snowboarding watch animals zoo natural history museum pick berries and mushrooms Weather and climate Places to visit Things to do 70 о Му planet Lesson 1 А strange~planet 1 Find seventeen words. R U s S I A D N N I F L I F E L I S V 0 L C A N 0 A T E R 0 L P X E T R R E A R T H I N A 0 S N I u R S U N C T N A L P E 0 G К о C E A N A M E plant, Russia, volcano, Earth, sea, ocean, name, river, rock, forest, sun, strange mountain, explore, ruins, thin, life 2 Find four colourful seas on the map and label them Example: 1 the Black Sea 71 UNIT 10 Lessons 1, 2 Write questions about your home town / village and answer them. Example: a sea / near your town (village) — Is there a sea near your town / village? No, there isn’t lakes / near your town (village) — Are there any lakes near your town / village? Yes, there are. a river / near your town (village) — hills / near your town (village) —________ a forest / near your town (village) mountains / near your town (village) — Lae^on 2 Xl^ef^roiind 1J What are the words? 1 tho hot_________ 2 uclydo__________ 3 mapd ___________ 4 wydin 5 etw 6 nnysu 7 mawr Write the words from the box into the correct column. summer autumn winter spring rock ruins town strange cave village city country volcano forest lake river hill climate foggy sometimes small big love was underground form dried-out explore land change aggressive footprint hot w [au] [D] [o:] [®] [ei] [e] [I] lu:] [ai] hot Make the comparatives and write them in the columns. sunny interesting young dangerous clean tall popular attentive clever big helpful LONG word beautiful — more + beautiful SHORT word + er cold — colder у = 1 + er happy — happier 72 UNIT 10 Lessons 2, 3 4 Which seasons do the children like? Match the seasons and the children. I like summer but the cold weather is also fun and I like it the best. It’s great to make snowmen and play hockey. We’ve got a big hill in our yard and we sledge a lot and go skiing. Dima Max I like this season because it’s not too hot and it’s cold. You can go out without a jacket, but you’re not cold. I love it because the trees are beautiful, especially in the parks. It’s the best time to bike, go for walks, hike, everything. autumn spring winter summer I like this season very much. We’ve got holidays and I can ride my bike all day. I can go swimming a lot because there’s a river and a beautiful lake near our town. It’s fantastic! I like this season best because my birthday’s in May, then it’s not too hot and it’s not too cold. Everything’s so colourful and beautiful. Joyce Jane Lesson 3 Tell me about yourself 1 Write the words from the box into the correct column. grandmother warm shorts wonderful father granny lovely sister hot granddad puck fantastic brother skipping rope grandparents pet baseball bat grandma tennis racket trainers beautiful cousin ball grandfather T-shirt cold fishing rod Weather Family Things for sports nice mother bicycle t 73 UNIT 10 Lesson 3 Fill in the gaps with is, % are, have, has. 1 What’s the weather like? 2 ________it sunny? 3 How many friends_______________you got? 4 What 5 ____ 6 _____ 7 _____ 8 ____ your favourite season? there any trees near your house? you got a garden? your family big? he got a sister or a brother? a) A lot. b) No, I haven’t. c) Yes, there are. d) Oh, it’s lovely. e) No, it isn’t. f) It’s summer. g) He’s got a sister. h) No, it’s cloudy and windy. 2b Match the questions and the answers in Ex. 2a. 3 Read about the weather and write T (true) or F (false). Can you forecast weather? Every day you listen to the weather forecast (прогноз) on the radio and television but do you know that you can forecast weather, too? How? Firstly, watch birds, animals and flowers and they tell you about the weather. For example, birds fly lower than usual before it rains. Secondly, look at the sky. The colour of the sky, the sun, the moon and the stars can tell you a lot about weather. People say; ‘Evening red and morning grey help the traveller on his way. Evening grey and morning red bring down rain on his head.’ And it is really true. A red sky in the evening means good weather the next day. When the summer stars are clearer and brighter than usual, it also means good weather but bright, clear stars in winter mean cold weather. When you see dark clouds in the west, it means rain: ‘Dark clouds in the west — stay indoors and rest.’ But when there are no clouds in the sky, the night is getting cooler. So if you want to forecast weather, watch nature carefully. Try to do it and it can be a lot of fun. 1 Listen to birds and animals and they can tell you about the weather. 2 Before rain, birds usually fly high. 3 When the sky is red in the morning, it means good weather. 4 Dark clouds in the west mean sunny weather. 5 When the sky is grey in the evening, it means rain. 6 The weather is cold when the stars in winter are brighter than usual. 7 No clouds in the sky mean a cool night. Guess the riddles. 1 If It begins with C you can eat it if it begins with L you can swim there. 2 With M it’s afraid of cats with H it’s the place where you live. 3 With S it is where you can swim with T it’s a drink. □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 74 UNIT 10 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Follow the map 1 Complete the poem with the words from the box I live in a town. It is very (1)_____________ The streets aren’t (2) The houses aren’t (3) The lakes are (4)_______ The rivers are (5)______ busy tall old small clean happy beautiful The people look (6) My town is (7)______ It is very small. But this is my town. I love it! That’s all. The gardens are green. 2a Write the verbs into the two columns. Match the irregular verbs with their past forms. 2b Match the verbs from Ex. 2a and the past simple form of these verbs. _______go_______went _______________found ______________ _______________came _______________ _______________saw _______________did had ran met was / were grew 75 UNIT 10 Lessons 4, 5 Complete the page from the Captain’s logbook. • Use the verbs from Ex. 2b in the correct form. Lesson 5 The manuscript hunt 1 Complete the crossword. 1 2 3 1 16 12 15 10 11 13 14 ACROSS 1 We use it to look at very small things. 4 To bring a spaceship down to the planet. 6 We use it when we speak about a place. 8 The final part of a film. 10 The past simple of run. 11 To slide over snow. 12 You can kill a monster with it. 14 We use it to cook potatoes. 15 An underground road. 16 A lot of salt water. DOWN 1 We use it to read a map. 2 Ancient people lived there in the past. 3 We use it to dig sites. 5 We use it to see far away places. 7 A very old paper. 9 A river with no water. 13 A mountain with hot gas. 76 UNIT 10 Lesson 5, 6 2 Guess the riddles. 1 When I am clean, I am black. When I am dirty, I am white. What am I? 2 What kind of mouse doesn’t eat cheese?_______________________________ 3 How do you spell ‘mouse trap’ using three letters? Lesson 6 We mysTefy of 1ГШ1Ш9гой riaXahff Odd one out. 1 go run clean walk ride 2 black yellow purple litter pink 3 baseball football racket tennis badminton 4 foggy rainy damp mystery cloudy 5 mosaic big short small tall 6 win cut down jump play hop 7 grow keep help water kill The Largest underground take : IS in the cave in Namibia, and ]i was discovered in 1986, The Pacific is the largest ocean in the world. Its territory is 166, 241, 700 km^ m Read about some interesting facts and write the questions to the answers. Mountain Wai — ale- ale, -Kauai, Hawaii, has the most rainy days — nearly^ 350 rainy days a year. Ttie world’s longest rivers are the Nile, in Africa, and Amazon, in South America. Mount Everest (Choniolungma) is the highest mountain on Earth. Tke coldest place Is In Vostok, Antarctica. 1 Q A 2 Q A 3 Q A 4 Q A 5 Q A 6 Q A — What is the largest ocean in the world? — The Pacific Ocean. — Vostok, Antarctica. — The Nile in Africa and the Amazon in South America. — In Kauai, Hawaii. — Everest. — In Namibia, Africa. 77 Keys Unit l^esson 1 la 1 How are you? 2 What’s your name? 3 What class are you in? 4 Where are you from? 5 Would you like to sit with me? 1b 1e 2d 3a 4b 5c 2 1 exercise book 2 key ring 3 six 4 eight 5 door 6 pencil 7 pupil* 8 glasses 9 desk 10 rubber 11 blackboard 12 window 13 book 3 1i 2e 3d 4f 5c 6a 7b 8h 9g ^esson 1 1 ’m 2 Are, am 3 's, ’s 4 Are, am 5 are, ’m 6 Are, ’m 7 are, ’m 8 Are, am 9 ’s 2 1 What’s your name? 2 What class are you in? 3 Where are you from? 4 Are you new? 5 Are you good at sport? 6 Are you good at computers? 7 What’s your favourite food? 3 Id 2c 3e 4b 5f 6a 4 1 five 2 swimming 3 football 4 tennis 5 class 6 sport 7 pizza IS am are 1b 1 am 2 Are 3 are 4 is 5 are 6 is 2 1 happy 2 serious 3 good 4 best 5 kind 6 nice 7 great 8 new "3 1 on 2 behind 3 on the right 4 on the left 5 in front of 6 in 7 between 4 В — Mr Clarke C — Dave A — Lisa F — Mike D — Ronan G — Mary E — Andy 5 Liza is the best pupil in our class. ^esson 4 1 She’s got two cards soft tovs. lots of model ears (1) coins, three key rings (2) dolls, four posters (3) seashells and six clocks (4) tov soldiers. 2 1 soft toy cats 2 posters 3 key rings 4 exercise books 5 clock 3 1C 2A 3D 4B 1 Yes, I do. 2 Soft toys, coins, dolls, seashells and toy soldiers. 3 Six. 4 Four. 1 Let’s swap. Lesson 5 2 It’s a deal. 1 Favourite music / hit / DJ / CD / key ring / seashells / perfect / coins / robots / toy soldiers / cards / soft toys / model cars / music programme 1 is, is 2 is, is 3 are, are 4 is, am 5 are 3a 1 Do you collect seashells? 2 Is Meg from London too? 3 Is the teacher’s name Ms Bally? 4 Are you good at computers? 3b 4 Dima 1 Anya and Rita 3 Meg 2 Max 78 Keys ^ A This is our teacher. Her / The teacher’s name is Ms Bailey. She is great. В This is me. I am Dima. I am good at computers. C This is Max. He is from London. We / Max and I are good friends. D This is Meg. She is from London too. She is good at dancing. E Their names are Anya and Rita. They are ten. They collect seashells. ^esson 6 la teddy bear computer game fishing rod guinea pig sports centre birthday party pencil case fairy tale nature study e n 0 n i t s к к e у b о a r d 1 a P e d n m У 0 1 m r г r 0 b d i s c 0 c u t i s c s p m s e d r a g b У e к c о m p u t e r 1) drag and drop 5) type (write) 2) cut and paste 6) click 3) drag and drop 7) highlight 4) copy and paste / drag and drop Open-ended 1 ^ P 0 r t s c e n t r e 1 P e n c i 1 c a s e z о m P u t e r g a m e g u i n e a P i g : e d d У b e a r i s h i n g Г; ■ r 0 d Unit ^esson 1 W T U E s. ^ D A Y S 1 s A T U R D A Y U 0 H s R F R 1 D N N M 0 N D A Y В D D 0 N G T D R D A W E D N E S D A Y E N A 6 N D A Y A Y D Y F R 1 D A Y T H U R S D A Y В 1 F There isn’t art on Wednesday. 2 F There isn’t a break after the third lesson. 3 F There are two PE lessons on Thursday. 4T 5 F There is one history lesson on Monday. 'з" 1 There are 6 lessons a day. 2 There are no lessons on Saturday. 3 There are 12 subjects in the timetable. 4 There are five English lessons a week. 4 Open-ended ^esson 2 _ 1 School 2 Julia: I like literature and history but I don’t like PE. Susan: I like biology and ICT but I don’t like maths. Ben: I like science, PE and English but I don’t like literature. 3 Open-ended 79 Keys 3 1 Do you go to school in the morning? 2 How many lessons do you usually have? 3 Do you wear a uniform to school? 4 Do your parents get school reports? 5 What is your favourite subject? C§) 1 It’s half past ten. 2 It’s (a) quarter to nine. 3 It’s twenty-five past six* 4 It’s five past eleven. 5 It’s ten to four. 1H 2F 3 Extra 4E 5D 6C 7B 8G 9A 1 When / What time 2 Where 3 When / What time 4 What 5 Where (2) (3) 1 Jane and Aigul get up at 7 o’clock. 2 Dima plays computer games after school. 3 Max walks with his dog at 5 o’clock. 4 Aigul does her homework in the evening. 5 Anya goes to bed at 10 o’clock. 1 Kate plays the guitar. She studies Spanish. 2 Jane plays the piano. She studies French. 3 Vicky plays the violin. She studies English. cleans walks watches goes sleeps washes plays looks comes gets up gives takes sings helps reads writes listens draws 1 1 get up at half past seven. 2 Rex doesn’t go to school. 3 The lessons begin at half past eight. 4 I come home from school at quarter past two. 5 My sister takes a dog for a walk in the evening. 6 What time do you go to school? Open-ended MHKIII9.______ (l) IB 2B 3B 4A 5A, В 6A Open-ended (4) Open-ended (j) 1 photographer (2) (4) 2 illustrator 3 writer 4 editor 5 designer 1 When: in the morning, at half past six, at 5 o’clock, at night, at quarter to ten 2 What: play computer games, read books, walk a dog, do homework 3 How often: never, sometimes, usually, every day 4 Who: his dad, Jane, my sister 1 At half past three. 2 At 7 o’clock. 3 Aigul does. 4 Dima does. 5 On Tuesday. 6 At (a) quarter past four. 7 Dima does. 8 Aigul. 1 What time do you get up? 2 Who makes breakfast for you? 3 Who walks the dog in the morning? 4 When do you go to the swimming pool? 5 When does your brother come home? 80 Unit Keys 1 aunt 2 uncle 3 nephew 5 cousin 6 parents 4 niece 2 mother — mum. mummy father — dad, daddy grandmother — granny, grandma grandfather — granddad, grandpa ^ 1 Anna 2 Boris 3 Natalia 4 Igor 5 Sergei mother father Name: Natalia Aae: 35 Name: Boris Aae: 39 felder} brother Name; Sergei Age: 13 it’s me Name: Anna Age: 10 (younger) brother -I Name: laor Age: 6 ^esson tall taller big bigger short shorter thin thinner long longer fat fatter dark darker fair fairer happy happier small smaller funny funnier old older heavy heavier young younger ugly uglier beautiful more beautiful interesting more interesting helpful more helpful handsome more handsome frightening more frightening 2 IF 2F 3F 4T 5F 6T 3 1 Jim 2 short fair hair 3 blue eyes 4 Linda 5 James 6 dog Toy 7 policeman 8 model of the car 4 Twinsburg is famous for its twins’ festival. 1 flat 2 rooms 3 bedrooms 4 living room 5 kitchen 6 bathroom 7 big 8 comfortable (з) 1 is 2 are 3 is 4 are IF 2T 3F (5) 10] [ai (tn №1 Ш think bathroom mother they attach chess DJ cottage Kingfisher special collection information usually (Js) (Jb) 1 How old were you? 2 Who was with you? 3 Where were you? 4 Were you happy? 1 I was six. 2 My parents were with me. 3 We were in Italy. 4 Yes, I was. I was 2 was 3 was 4 was 5 was 6 were 7 was 8 was 9 was 10 was II was 12 were 13 were 14 were 81 Keys 2b 1 Yes, she was. 2 Her school was next to her house. 3 Because people were friendly. Lesson 5 1 1 doctor 2 teacher 3 policeman 4 farmer 5 student 1 When were you born? 2 Where were you born? 3 What was your father’s name? 4 What was your father’s profession? 5 When and where was your father born? 6 What was your mother’s name? 7 What was your mother’s profession? 8 When and where was your mother born? 2b Open-ended 1 My grandmother / grandfather was born in 2 My grandmother / grandfather was born in 3 My great grandfather’s name was ... . 4 My great grandfather’s profession was .... 5 My great grandfather was born in ... in .... 6 My great grandmother’s name was .... 7 My great grandmother’s profession was ... 8 My great grandmother was born in ... in ... . Lesson 6 Ten years ago Now They weren’t big. They were small. They are bigger. They weren’t tall. They were short. They are taller. They were young. They are older. lb 2a were was were wasn’t was were weren’t 8 were Sample: Mike’s mother wasn’t born in Norwich. She was born in a small village in Devon in May 1970. Her parents weren’t from Devon. They were born in Liverpool. 1 —A C E F I Ask me who is my best friend. My answer is — it’s my elder brother. No doubts. All friendships have ups and downs — fact! But my brother and I try to be always honest with each other. That’s our secret. We talk things through and little problems never blow up. We smile at small things and discuss big things. We talk about our hopes and dreams, then we find a way to achieve (достигать) them together. Our dream is to become a famous rock band. My brother plays the guitar and he says I’ve got a nice voice. I think we can be real musical stars. 2- В D G H J It was a terrible day for me. My family and I were in the countryside. The weather was sunny and warm. My brother and I were in the forest and our parents were in granny’s cottage. It was dark in the forest. There was a cave in the forest. My brother was so excited and I was scared. It was cold and dark in the cave. There was a big and heavy bone there. My brother thinks it is a dinosaur’s bone. It is now in his room under the bed. Ш 1B 2C 82 Keys Unit ^asson 1 Max likes peas, carrots and mushrooms but he doesn’t like salmon or cucumbers. Dima likes cucumbers and mushrooms but he doesn’t like salmon, peas or carrots. Renat and Aigul like peas, carrots and cucumbers but they don’t like salmon or mushrooms. 1 [ж] apple sandwich carrot salmon * M tomato banana {eil cake potato lemonade 14 fish chicken pizza orange biscuit [i:] cheese tea ice cream sweets peas meat M fruit juice cucumber [u] sugar mushroom & 1 tomatoes 2 apples 3 pizzas 4 oranges ^ 1 They have got some chicken in the fridge. 2 They have got some cucumbers and tomatoes in the fridge. 3 They have got some cheese in the fridge. 4 They have got some ice cream in the fridge. 5 They have got some sandwiches in the fridge. ^esson 2 Across: lemon, lemonade, ice cream, butter, onion, chocolate Down: tea, rice, bread, water L E M 0 N A D E w 1 C E c R E A M A P M В и T T E R T 0 N 1 0 N 0 T В E T E E L R u R R E T A S 1 V C E 1 A 0 D Y C T К A В В 1 F N E 1 T D 0 C H 0 C 0 L A T E 1 Have you got any cucumbers in the basket? Yes, I have. 2 Have you got any carrots in the basket? Yes, I have. 3 Have you got any tomatoes in the basket? Yes, I have. 4 Have you got any water in the basket? No, I haven’t. 5 Have you got any chicken in the basket? No, I haven’t. 6 Have you got any mushrooms in the basket? No, I haven’t. 7 Have you got any salmon in the basket? No, I haven’t. 1 any 2 any 3 some 4 any 5 any 4 He bought some chicken. He bought some water. He bought some eggs. He didn’t buy any butter. He didn’t buy any onions. Lesson 3 1 I would like a hot doo. please. Do you want any onions? No, thank you. Would you like some ketchup? Yes, please. Here you are. Thank you. Hot dog means “Сосиска в тесте’’ 2 bars of chocolate A bottle of milk 2 cartons of orange juice A packet of crisps Lesson 4 1 There are some tomatoes in the trolley. 2 There are two bottles of water in the trolley. 3 There is a packet of crisps in the trolley. 4 There are three cartons of milk in the trolley. 5 There is a bar of chocolate in the trolley. 2 some cheese — a kilo of cheese 3 some milk — two bottles of milk 4 some chocolate — four bars of chocolate 5 some tea — a cup of tea 1 There was... 2 There were... 3 There was... 4 And there was. 83 Keys (1) 1 There aren’t any chocolate bars. 2 There are some oranges. 3 There is some strawberry jam. 4 There isn’t any bread. 5 There is some cheese. 6 There is some ice cream. 7 There aren’t any sandwiches. 1 A Take some eggs. 2 В Mix with milk. 3 D Add some salt. 4 F Put some oil in the frying pan. 5 E Fry for 10 minutes. 6 G Cut the omelette into pieces. 7 C Enjoy your meal. 1c 2c 3a 4c 5b 1 Я люблю орешки. 2 Я бы хотел апельсин. / Мне бы хотелось апельсин. 3 У вас есть сыр? 4 Пожалуйста (возьмите). 1 so 2 and 3 and 4 but 1 h i V e 2 a n t 3 g r a s s 4 b e e 5 c 1 i c к 6 b u t t e r f 1 У g r a s s h 0 P P e r 1 butterfly 2 ant 3 bee 4 ladybird 5 dragonfly 6 spider 1 Bees live in a hive. 2 Spiders live in a house, in forests, in gardens, in fields. 3 Ants live in anthills. 4 Dragonflies live in forests, in gardens, in fields. 5 Ladybirds live in forests, in gardens, in fields. 6 Butterflies live in forests, in gardens, in fields. 7 Grasshoppers live in forests, in gardens, in fields. (j} A My school days В A sea trip C I lost my treasured thing D The dolphin made me happy again (2) Open-ended E ; L : P i . F U : ■; F A l'; 0 M I N G В ^ T , M Gs 0 '0 D 0 0 T E К L 0 ,!v" ff L .1 E N '_e'^’ N К M c . ' Л, : R . I : \Ы ^ 'g R E W A T M '' T^ N: s W ' У Q R T E J G P А/ L 1 V 0 К M W Y R R , E ■' N D u В L D В . E brave caring good attentive loving helpful ladybird sharp loving strong caring long helpful big brave thick attentive short 84 Keys 1 loving 2 helpful 3 attentive 4 caring 5 brave snake fox penguin butterfly lizard bear stork bee squirrel raven ant elephant grasshopper tiger ladybird monkey panda spider 2 1 squirrel 2 lake 3 hive 4 sharp ^ 1C (bear) 2A (mooses) 3B (squirrel) butterfly kangaroo bird wolf elephant cub spiderling tadpole caterpillar joey fawn owlet calf chick pup ^ IT 2F 3F 4T ЮП e Name: Uzuri Was Born Weight Colour Fun Facts Southern white rhinoceros October 2000 a baby 45 kilograms 6 months-old 250 kilograms Grey ‘white’ really means ‘wide’ (2) 1 clean 2 feed 3 watch 4 write a report 5 play 6 give an interview la В 1» Twelve thousand years ago Now cold weather modern people huge animals strong and powerful people the mammoth doctors the woolly rhinoceros schools early man clever people good hunters strong and powerful people early people doctors clever people human history 1 it was 2 they were 3 they were 4 it was 1 10,000 years ago 2 300 years ago 3 500 years ago 4 2,000 years ago 5 3,000 years ago ten thousand years ago three hundred years ago five hundred years ago two thousand years ago three thousand years ago The Native Americans lived in North America for many thousand years. 2 The Europeans came to North America. 3 The Europeans built castles in North America. 4 Life was difficult for the Native Americans. 85 Keys (tj [dj iid] fished used collected liked farmed hunted killed visited travelled wanted lived played l^esson 5 3 1 No, they didn’t. The Native Americans hunted mammoths. 2 No, they didn’t. The Native Americans lived in teepees. 3 No, they didn’t. The Europeans wanted the Native Americans’ land. 4 No, they didn’t. The people killed the animals. 5 No, they didn’t. The Native Americans used smoke signals. Lesson 3 take — took make — made have — had build — built can — could go — went 2 1 Ancient Greece — the Greeks 2 Ancient Rome — the Romans 3 Ancient Egypt — the Egyptians 4 Ancient China — the Chinese 3 1 Where did the ancient Greeks go? 2 What did the ancient Chinese make? 3 When did the ancient Egyptians live? 4 Why did the ancient Romans have a strong army? Lesson 4 t 1T 2F 3F 4F 5F 2 feel — felt wear — wore think — thought swim — swam choose — chose see — saw run — ran (3} 1 trained 2 have 3 didn’t have 4 don’t train 5 swam 6 don’t swim 1 A2 B3 C1 2 used collected hunted farmed killed visited fished travelled lived played studied trained liked wanted 3 1 ships 2 soldier 3 baths 4 plant eater 5 army Lesson 6 1 ran swam took wore had chose saw thought could made felt built went (2) Правильные Неправильные use go collect think hunt wear farm choose kill build visit make fish take travel can live feel play have study swim train rur like see want (3) 1 huge 2 meat eaters 3 teepees 4 hunted 5 tribes 6 horsemen and hunters 86 Keys _Unit ^ssson 1. -jj ;d 2c 3a 4e 5b ?' Winnie-the-Pooh 2) 10 3) 2 4) 5 C Ээ *»= 2T 3T 4F 5T ^esson2 s N A К E S U R X C К E R M В , E в E A R S L A A w F 0 R E S T S A S 0 N E D H 0 T L Y S A F E N c S 1 L L Y U W H C A R E F U L lb 1 forest 2 snakes, bears 3 watch 4 careful 5 silly 6 safe 7 reason Ic 5 Don’t be silly! 6 You’re safe with me. 7 There’s no reason to be scared. 2 Open-ended ^esson 3 1 If (fix stuff) 2g (help with homework) 3i (pick up from school) 4b (give a hug) 5a (bury goldfish) 6h (keep a room tidy) 7e (buy sweets) 8c (tell stories) 9d (play games) ^ 1 impossible / невозможный 2 unrealistic / нереалистичный 3 incredible / невероятный Ф 1 несправедливый 2 необычный 3 неприветливый 4 безличный 5 неактивный 1 The Robot fixes stuff. 2 It helps you with your homework. 3 It picks you up from school. 4 It gives you a hug if you feel sad. 5 It buries your goldfish when it dies. 6 \t keeps your room tidy. 7 It buys sweets. 8 It tells stories. 9 It plays games. ||esson 4 1 1 mermaid 2 shore 3 wave 4 fisherman 5 net 6 rock 1 11 3 9 13 15 7 10 4 8 2 12 5 14 6 Narrator: Baby elephant: Crocodile: Narrator: Crocodile: Narrator: Baby elephant: Narrator: Baby elephant: Narrator: One day a baby elephant wanted to know what crocodiles eat for supper. Mr Crocodile, what do you eat for supper? *lt’s a secret. Put your head down and I’ll tell you. Baby elephants love secrets. So she put the head down. Today I want to eat a baby elephant. He took the baby elephant’s nose and pulled it. Let me go! Please let me go! At last the crocodile let her go. She saw her new nose in the water and said. I like it. I can take a shower with it. And that’s why elephants have such long noses to this very day. 87 Keys Guignol 1 Не was а silk-weaver. 2 Не was very poor, 3 With his big pincers. 4 The puppet told funny stories and people laughed. 5 It let people forget about their troubles. 6 He worked at the theatre. 7 No, he wasn’t. Lesson 6 O) That was fantastic. It was terrible. It was a great show. It was very boring. 1 really enjoyed the I’ll never go to the show. theatre again. 2) ID 2C ЗА 4B Unit ..esson 1 Greensburg Blue Lake City 1 theatre 1 theatre 2 castle 2 church 3 cinema 3 cinema 4 museum 4 museum 5 market 5 university 6 shopping centre 6 supermarket 7 library 7 library 8 restaurant 8 restaurant 9 church 9 post office (1^ In Greensburg In Blue Lake City 1 next to 1 opposite 2 opposite 2 opposite 3 behind 3 next to Open-ended (3) I like St Petersburg because it is a big city. There are many tall modern buildings. I like the big ice hockey rink because I can meet my friends there and we can go skating together. I like Norwich because it is a beautiful old city. There are many historical buildings. 1 like the big castle because there’s a museum there and you can find many things out. Open-ended (1} 88 L A R G H 1 G H C 0 L D T A L L в 1 G G L 0 N G F A S T est I tall the tallest old the oldest new the newest big the biggest large the largest long the longest fast the fastest exciting the most exciting wonderful the most wonderful special the most special interesting the most interesting famous the most famous frightening the most frightening 1 newest 2 largest 3 biggest 4 most colourful 5 most special 6 longest 7 most interesting 8 largest 9 oldest 10 longest 11 most famous 12 most frightening 13 oldest 14 most famous 15 fastest 16 most famous 1 longest 2 highest 3 smallest 4 saltiest Lesson 3 ' - ....... 1 castle 2 Museum of Art and History 3 cinema 4 restaurant Open-ended Open-ended Open-ended Keys 4 ^ The Biosphere Location Montreal, Canada Constructed 1967 Material metal Diameter 76 m Height 62 m Floors 20 floors Use museum of water and environment Architect R. Buckminster The Empire State Building 30 St Mary Axe (the Cucumber) 3 1 The tallest building is the Empire State Building 2 The oldest building is the Empire State Building 3 The most modern building is 30 St Mary Axe (the Cucumber) Open-ended Location New York, the USA Constructed 1931 Height 381 m Floors 103 floors Architect Gregory Johnson Location The City of London, United Kingdom Constructed 2004 Material glass Height 180 m Poors 40 floors 1 Architect Lord Foster 1 straw 2 wood 3 bricks 4 glass 5 paper 6 steel (2) wood wall wool door straw roof granite floor bricks glass paper • steel (3) В 1 G F A M 0 u S U N 1 Q U E P 0 p U L A R W 0 N D E R F U L S P E C 1 A L N E W L A R G E U N U S U A L famous — the most famous unique — the most unique popular — the most popular wonderful — the most wonderful special — the most special new — the newest large — the largest unusual — the most unusual 89 Keys....... ^esson 6 ^ CD Q w E R N P R T Y U U N 1 Q U E A S P 1 N D F G H A L J 0 0 U К M L Z C A X P P s W 0 N D E R F U L и C D V В F G A L 0 A N E M Q U E M A C L W R E R L T 0 R A A S N D F G H U L L Z D F G H H J S В D 1 the tallest 2 the highest 3 a unique place 4 a special 5 the oldest 2 the most modern 3 the most famous 4 the most beautiful 5 the strongest 6 the oldest 7 the biggest 8 the fastest _Unit ^esson 1 wind windy storm stormy cloud cloudy snow snowy fog foggy sun sunny 2 1 wind 2 windy 3 fog 4 foggy 5 clouds 6 cloudy 7 snowy 8 snow North East Northern Ireland .esson 2 1 climate desert mild humid dry heavy rain cold wet occasional season cold damp place weather A В H и M 1 D H W C C L 1 M A T E E E G 0 0 D 1 E F S A A H P 1 L L G J E V T К D L S D C D R Y H M N A 0 E W E T R E E P Q M R A S T A R C U V w P X S Y 1 Z A 0 C c A s 1 0 N A L W E 0 T H E R N В P 2 1g 2f 3e 4c 5d 6a 7b 8h 3a 1 The central part of the country 2 the south of Russia 3 the north of Siberia 3b 1 The north and northeastern Black Sea coast 2 Krasnaya Polyana 3 Oimyakon 4 1 water 2 frogs 3 fish 4 lizards 90 Keys l^esson 3 1 1A 2D 3B 4C 2 1 If there is dew on the leaves, I’m going to go for a walk / I’m going to go to swim / I’m going to ride my bike. 2 If the leaves show their backs, I’m going to stay at home / I’m going to take my umbrella. 3 If my cat sits with her back to the fire, I’m going to wear warm clothes. 4 If fish jump out of the water. I’m going to stay at home / I’m going to take my umbrella. 5 If the moon is clear and white, I’m going for a walk / I’m going to go to swim / I’m going to ride my bike. 3 1 Are you going to go for a walk? / Are you going to go to swim? / Are you going to ride a bike? 2 Are you going to stay at home? / Are you going to take your umbrella? 3 Are you going to wear warm clothes? 4 Are you going to stay at home? / Are you going to take your umbrella? 5 Are you going to go for a walk? / Are you going to go to swim? / Are you going to ride a bike? around the sun, time for fun. - ng around the moon, storm coming soon. |«sson4 ^ ^ Who are you going to play football with? — With my friend. 2 Where are you going to go? — To the river. 3 When are you going to go fishing? — In the morning. 4 What are you going to do in the evening? — To watch TV. 5 Why are you going to go to the concert? — I like music. ^ 1 He is going to visit his grandma. 2 He is going to do his homework. 3 He is going to play computer games. 4 He is going to go for a walk. 5 He is going to walk Rex. ^ 1 Misha and Katherine are going to get up at 7 o’clock. 2 Natasha and Katherine aren’t going to watch TV. 3 Misha and Dima are going to watch TV. 4 Natasha and Misha are going to listen to music. 5 Katherine and Dima aren’t gong to listen to music. 6 Natasha and Katherine aren’t going to play football. 7 Misha and Dima are going to play football. 8 Natasha, Misha, Katherine and Dima / All of them are going to read books. 4 Open-ended. Lesson 5 (la) June July August Summer camp Dima Seaside holiday Misha Holiday in the country Katherine 1b 1 to swim in the sea 4 to walk 2 August 5 August 3 July 6 summer camp Lesson 6 1 1 wet 7 rain 2 desert 8 hot 3 mild 9 cloud 4 camp 10 warm 5 summer 6 storm 11 June 2 2C ЗА 4A 5B 6C 7B 8B 9C 10B Weather and climate Places to visit Things to do • mild • safari park • go horse riding • cold • lake • birds watching • wet • river • go skating and • hot • picture skiing • sunny gallery • go swimming • beautiful park • play football • sea • ride a bike • mountains • go fishing • forest • go snowboarding • zoo • watch animals • natural history • pick berries and museum mushrooms 91 Keys Ф R U s S 1 A D N N 1 F L 1 F E L 1 S V 0 L C A N 0 A T E R 0 L P X E T R R E A R T H 1 N A 0 S N 1 u R S U N C T N A L P E 0 G К 0 C E A N A M E 1 The Black Sea 3 The Red Sea 2 The White Sea 4 The Yellow Sea (3) 1 Is there a river near your town / village? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. Are there any hills near your town / village? Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t. Is there a forest near your town / village? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. Are there any mountains near your town / village? Yes, there are. / No. there aren’t. 2 cloudy 3 damp 4 windy 5 wet 6 sunny 7 warm (2) [л] — summer, love, country, underground, sometimes [au] — town, underground, dried-out [d] — hot, forest, was, foggy, rock [o:] — small, autumn, form, explore [ae] — land [ei] — lake, volcano, strange, cave, change [e] — aggressive [i] — river, hill, big, city, village, winter, foggy, spring [u:] — ruins, footprint [ai] — dried-out, climate, sometimes SHORT: young — younger, clean — cleaner, tall — taller, clever — cleverer, big — bigger, sunny — sunnier LONG: interesting — more interesting, dangerous — more dangerous, popular — more popular, attentive — more attentive, helpful — more helpful Dima — winter Jane — summer Joyce — spring Max — autumn (j3 Weather; wonderful, beautiful, lovely, cold, fantastic, hot, warm Family: grandmother, grandfather, father, brother, sister, cousin, granddad, grandma, granny, grandparents, pet Things for sports: baseball bat, tennis racket, ball, fishing rod, shorts, skipping rope, trainers, puck, T-shirt 2 Is (h) 3 have (a) 4 ’s (f) 5 Are (c) 6 Have (b) 7 Is (e) 8 Has (g) @ 1T 2F 3F 4F 5T 6T 71 4) 1 cake/lake 2 mouse / house 3 sea/tea 1 small 2 busy 3 tall 4 beautiful 5 clean 6 happy 7 old Regular verbs: open, want, cross, help, turn, live, travel, play, land, change Irregular verbs: be, go, have, run, meet, find, come, see, grow, do go — went, have — had, run — ran, meet — met, find — found, come — came, see — saw, do — did, be — was / were, grow — grew • 2 had 3 were 4 ran 5 found j 6 went 7 saw 8 met 9 was 92 Keys . 1 Across: 1 microscope 4 land 6 in 8 end 10 ran 11 ski 12 gun 14 oil 15 tunnel 16 sea Down: 1 magnifying glass 2 cave 3 spade 5 binoculars 7 manuscript 9 dried out 13 volcano 2 1 blackboard 2 computer mouse 3 C-A-T 1 clean 2 litter 3 racket 4 mystery 5 mosaic 6 cut down 7 kill 1 What is the largest ocean in the world? 2 Where is the coldest place in the world? 3 What are the longest rivers in the world? 4 Where are the most rainy days in the world? 5 What is the highest mountain in the world? 6 Where is the largest underground lake in the world? 93 The Publishers would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce copyright material: © HEINEMANN Guided Readers Beginner Level by James Fenimore Cooper "The Last of the Mohicans", 1997 40; © Macmillan Publishers Ltd. © www.scoutbase.org “Scouting" by The Scout Association 48. Photographs © PhotoXpress 7, 17 (3 photos), 34, 36 (3 photos), 37, 60 (4 photos) The authors and publishers have used their best endeavours to trace all copyright holders and obtain from them permission to reproduce all items used in this book wherever possible. They apologise if for any reason there are any omissions and will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements when the book is reprinted. All internet sources and information are believed to be correct at the time of publication. However, the publishers can give no representation or warranty as to the completeness or correctness of any website address or web search information given in this publication. The authors and publishers would like to thank the following teachers, their students and their school administrators for their help in piloting and commenting on the materials in 2007-2008: Pyzhanova Elena Mikhailovna (Irkutsk, Education Centre № 8), Artemenko Elina Valentinovna (Irkutsk, Education Centre № 8), Chudnikova Elena Anatolievna (Tulun, Gymnasium), Zhigacheva Larisa Vasilievna (Tulun, Gymnasium), Gibina Yulia Igorevna (Novosibirsk, Lyceum № 130), Horoshildva Vera Nikolaevna (Novosibirsk, School № 21), Podshivalova Larisa Nikolaevna (Omsk, Gymnasium № 139), Kuznetsova Tatiana Alexandrovna (Himki, School № 20), Andreeva Elena Nikolaevna (Ekaterinburg, Lyceun № 3), Katkovskaya Tatiana Andriyanovna (Ekaterinburg, Lyceum № 3), Zybareva Tatiana Petrovna (Ekaterinburg, School № 154), Stenina Viktoria Edvardovna (Ekaterinburg, Gymnasium № 161), Redkina Viktoria Vladimirovna (Sochi, School № 10), Pitinova Natalia Vladimirovna (Sochi, Gymnasium № 44), Sarycheva Elena Fedorovna (Sochi, School № 13), Shlyahtina Natalia Vladimirovna (Yaroslavl, Gymnasium № 1), Hozhainova Elena Dmitrievna (Yaroslavl, Gymnasium № 1), Krivosheya Galina Grigorievna (Yaroslavl, Gymnasium № 1), Moreplavtseva Tatiana Vitalievna (Cheboksary, School № 62), Ksenofontova Elena Nikolaevna (Cheboksary, School 41), Krasnova Galina Ilyinichna (Cheboksary, School № 51), Kovalyova Irina Sergeevna (Cheboksary, Lyceum № 1), Kobzeva Olesya Olegovna (Tambov, Lyceum № 6), Starovoitova Irina Yurievna (Tambov, Lyceum № 6), Donetskaya Natalia Borisovna (Tambov, Lyceum № 6), Aivazyan Olesya Vladimirovna (Tambov, School № 35), Korneeva Elena Alexandrovna (Samara, School № 41), Kikina Anna Alexandrovna (Samara, School №41), Smolyakova Olga Ivanovna (Samara, Lyceum), Kozlitskaya Anna Mikhailovna (Petrozavodsk, School № 27), Petuhova Elena Viktorovna (Solikamsk, School № 12), Volontsevich Klavdia Ireniushevna (Kostomuksha, Gymnasium) Учебное издание НН Деревянко АНГЛИЙСКИМ ЯЗЫК с. в. Жаворонкова английский язык нового тысячелетия Л. г. Карпова Т. Р. Колоскова Н. Б. Пономарева Л. Н. Струкова АП1ЛИИСКИИ гш MILLENNIUM ENGLISH Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику для 5 класса обсцеобразовательных учреждений Замдиректора по подготовке изданий С. В. Ширина Редактор Н. Н. Селянинова Корректоры Г. А. Киселева, Г. П. Мартыненко Дизайн макета Н. С. Вишенковой Художники: П. Г. Кирин, А. Н. Мезрина, О. В. Перова, Е. А. Подтуркина, А. В. Савельева, М. Е. Спехова, М. Ю. Яковлев Художественный редактор Е. А. Валяева фотографии и цифровая обработка изображений Л. Н. Новоселова Верстка Т. А. Вильчинской Сертификат соответствия санитарным правилам РФ и требованиям нормативных документов № РОСС RU. АЕ51. Н 16002 от 24.01.2012. Подписано в печать 20.04.12. Формат 60x90/8. Гарнитура “Прагматика". Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 12,0. Уел. кр.-отт. 13,0. Тир. 25000 экз. Зак. № 1030. Издательство “Титул". 249035, Калужская обл., г. Обнинск, а/я 5055. Тел. (48439) 9-10-09. 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