Английский язык Рабочая тетрадь 8 класс Дворецкая

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык Рабочая тетрадь 8 класс Дворецкая - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия New Millennium English (Нью Миллениум Инглиш):

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г WORKBOOK о. Б. Дворецкая Н. Ю. Казырбаева Н. И. Кузеванова М. Л. Мичурина Н. В. Новикова Л. В. Талзи Е. Ю. Шалимова г-' \ 1 A lJJ г английским язык нового тысячелетия РАБОЧАЯ ТЕТРАДЬ к учебнику английского языка для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений BRITISH COUNCIL Brookemead Engush Language Teaching ТИТУЛ T U L 2006 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Д24 УДК 802.0(075.3) С любовью и благодарностью к нашим семьям за их бесконечное терпение, понимание и поддержку. С глубокой признательностью к коллегам и учащимся учебных заведений, в которых мы работаем. Авторы Authors’ thanks and acknowledgements This project would not have been possible without the unfailing commitment and enthusiasm of Ye. A. Lenskaya, Assistant Director for Education and English Language, British Council, Moscow. Our special thanks and deepest gratitude go to Diana Lubelska and Rod Bolitho, from The College of St Mark and St John in Plymouth, UK, for consultancy advice and inspiration and to Ruxandra Popovici of the British Council in Bucharest for generously sharing her professional experience with us. We would also like to give our thanks to Ye. G. Borovikova and O. L. Groza from the British Council, who contributed to the book by their efficient management, administration and academic coordination of the project. The authors would like to thank all the members of the BC ELT Advisory Board, whose comments and suggestions have helped with the book, especially David Crystal, John McGovern, Katherine Walter, S. G. Ter-Minasova, M. Z. Biboletova, J. M. Kolker and V. V. Kopylova. Our thanks go to the SPEX Project Team, St Petersburg, for their help in developing the assessment component of the book. We would also like to thank M. V. Verbitskaya (Moscow State University), T. G. Dobrosklonskaya (Moscow State University), O. Ye. Podolyako (Education Centre ОАО “Gazprom"), M. D. Pospelova (School No 1971, Moscow), Ye. S. Ustinova (Ryazan Pedagogical University) for advice and support. Special thanks to music band “Western-S", Omsk, Russia, Sergei Gruzdev, Omsk Railway University and Yekaterina Tsvetkova, Kransoyarsk Gymnasia “Univers" for their singing and music. Дворецкая О. Б. и др. Д24 Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику “New Millennium English” для 8 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. / О. Б. Дворецкая, Н. Ю. Казырбаева, Н. И. Кузеванова, М. Л. Мичурина, Н. В. Новикова, Л. В. Талзи, Е. Ю. Шалимова.— Обнинск: Титул, 2006.— 80 с.: ил. ISBN 5-86866-311-х Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику “New Millennium English" для 8 класса представляет собой систему упражнений, обеспечивающих дополнительную отработку лексики и грамматики, а также содержит задания для развития навыков чтения и письма. Тетрадь предназначена для самостоятельной работы учащихся, поэтому снабжена ключами, однако она может успешно применяться на уроках. ББК81.2АНГЛ-922 ISBN 5-86866-311-х О. Б. Дворецкая, Н. Ю. Казырбаева, Н. И. Кузеванова, М. Л. Мичурина, Н. В. Новикова, Л. В. Талзи, Е. Ю. Шалимова, 2005 The British Council, 2005 Brookemead Associates Limited, 2005 Издательство “Титул", дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение, 2005 1 А teenager’s world Lesson 1 Holiday time 1 Circle the odd one out. water skiing scuba diving surfing sunbathing rollerskating roller coasters roller blading skateboarding a scooter a bike a horse a motorbike scuba diving sailing boating surfing a first aid kit a rucksack a fire a tent badminton volleyball bowling doing puzzles 2 Fill in the gaps with the correct verb form (past simple / past continuous). THE SUMMER I’LL NEVER FORGET When I was younger 1(1)_____ _____________________(live) in Kenya because my dad was sent there with his work. During our first summer, my granny visited us from England, so we (2)________________(go) on a day trip to the national safari park. As we (3). . (drive) along we saw a car stuck in the mud (грязь),so my dad got out to help them. You’re not meant to do this because of all the animals wandering around. Suddenly, a baboon (4)________________________(come) over to our car and my granny (5)_________________________(open) the window and (6)_______________________(start) to feed it bananas! Within a few seconds there were baboons all around us — baboons (7)________________________(jump) all over the top of the car! It was really scary ’cos they’ve got big teeth and were trying to get inside the car! Luckily, my dad turned round and saw the trouble we were in. He crept (прополз) over to us and crawled into the driver’s seat — commando-style, on his belly! It was such a relief to drive on but after about a minute we (8)_________________________(see) a lion. My dad was so scared that he had to stop the car for a minute. All he (9)_________________________(can) think of was how close he’d come to being face to face with a lion! I still love animals, but I think that a safari trip made me realise that animals may look cute, but sometimes they really can be very dangerous. Change the adjectives into adverbs. Example: slow — slowly 4 Choose the best word to make up a sentence. Example: He speaks German very well / 1 bad 2 quiet 3 terrible 4 careful 5 hungry 6 quick 7 nice 8 easy very good. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Can I have a quick j quickly word with you? The teacher explained the task clear / clearly. I usually spell the words correct / correctly. My dad drives his car careful / carefully. My neighbours have a beautiful / beautifully cat. Tom’s uncle has travelled a lot and always tells interesting / interestingly stories. r UNIT 1 Lesson 2 \esson^ the “thumb generation” 5 Complete the table. Verb Noun Noun (person) 1 loss loser 2 to be addicted to addiction 3 to play play 4 use user 6 Read and put the parts in the right order to make a ietter. В 2 3 4 5 6 G I wish you a happy Christmas and all you want for that occasion! I hope life in Vancouver is good for you. Please go for a hike in the mountains for me as I miss hiking very much! I am still in Russia and enjoying my time here. I am teaching English to Russian teenagers and they remind me a bit of you. H When I arrived it was still warm and they were playing soccer all day since school had just started. Now that it is winter they usually play hockey or enjoy their free time hanging out at home. Teenagers here visit each other regularly and listen to music. Our Canadian singer, Avril Lavigne, is also popular here and teenagers like her music. Your dear cousin, Jenny XXX В Omsk Russia December 2005 Dear Simon, D Russian teenagers enjoy playing computer games either at home or at computer clubs. Many teenagers like swimming and watching movies. They all like Mike Myers’ movie, Austin Powers and The Matrix w\th another, Canadian Keanu Reeves. As you can see the world is very small when it comes to being a teenager, it is all pretty much the same. г UNIT1 Lessons Lesson 3 A brainy teenager 7 Circle the words and phrases which describe the functions of the human brain. behave control emotions develop exercise judge coordinate movements control speech grow play give advice 8 Read the text and cross out the extra word (maximum one per line). • Some of the lines are correct. r TEENAGE RACING DRIVER Britain has found for a new racing driver but he is has only 13 years old. Jordan Wise has been racing carts since when he was six and he has won more than a hundred races. Now he is training to be a future Formula One driver. He has to be go to school, like other British teenagers and he likes watching the TV and playing in computer games. But he spends most of his free time at the racing track. He hopes that in a few years he will is going to be as more famous as Michael Schumacher. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 for 9 Put the words in the right order to make sentences. Example: granny / cook / is / wonderful / my /a — My granny is a wonderful cook. 1 read / letter/the / quickly / I 2 talked / me / to / angrily / he 3 a\wful / we / an / meal / had 4 birds / cheerfully / the / outside / were singing 5 nice / a/journey / have / ! 6 looked / me / at / seriously / she “Teenage racing driver” article first published in Crown Magazine April 2001. Copyright Mary Glasgow Magazines/Scholastic UNIT 1 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 School days 10 Choose the right word from the box to complete the description of each picture. happily angry tastily loud angrily happy awfully nicely nice delicious 2 The girl feels. 5 The flowers smell. г UNIT1 Lesson 4 11 Read the postcards and choose the right word to complete the sentences. here. Hi Sam, I'm Ьаипа a gtML ^ „ Florida's a lot warmer than Iceland we {llrr^d % IVe mode lots of O') new/new!^ friends Their names are Mickey, Minnie and (^oof^ although I think the^ miaht be spies. Tl^ rides donH f as (J ^шск/^шск!^ as m^ bike Aiton Martin LUFI' PAR дvlo^■l#4:!^, Oea.r Erooid^^ ^ We re kavi-K» a W-ir fi^ (s) / j. ,D ' We .sAiv Й kave f^e iKOSMifo&s •bee -^ov soon. 0 a ^reaf d»'t pb„ “ " l^k Ц,„ To a„ La+,„ ^ 3 3 ThiriK Г (ooK. / '^ / (.Л mce/nice n m ''^y new Mress. yoo' ujhen it^c ^ . . " ^ (.o) ьиапА/ in LoaMom EnK.Q 12 Rewrite the sentences using the key word. Example: He is a careful driver. (carefully) —He drives carefully. 1 Emma is good at organising parties, (well) 2 Her cooking is awful, (awfully) 3 This train is very slow, (slowly) 4 My brother is a fast runner, (fast) 5 There was a loud knock at the door, (someone / loudly) “Postcard" texts first published in Crown Magazine April 2003. Copyright Mary Glasgow Magazines/Scholastic Г UNIT1 Lessons 5-6 Lessons 5-6 What is it iike being a teenag 13 Put the words into two groups. Countable nouns school — schools Uncountable nouns love freedom teenagei exam uniform n music childhood advice homework 14 Put the article the where necessary. 4 Teenagers listen to a lot of. music. 6 I usually spend. money on video games. г UNIT1 Lessons 5-6 15 Fill in the gaps with a, the or zero article. WHAT ARE YOUR INTERESTS? I love (1). .video games! I started playing them, because everyone had video games, so I wanted to try. Now, if there’s a new game, I buy it, and I can’t wait to spend a lot of (2)_____time playing it. Consoles are best, because the screens are bigger. (3)____computers are fun, too, because I can play games with my friends in other houses. The Internet’s good too. I like to go on line and write (4)_____e-mails. Rob Cooking is my thing. I just love it! Some people say that (5)_ boy shouldn’t cook, but I really enjoy it. I like (6)_Japanese food best. I often make tempura, which is made from (7)------- vegetables and shrimp covered with (8)_____batter. Mexican food is great too, especially enchiladas, but I don’t eat many vegetables — I hate broccoli. Jeff. I’ve been singing since I was (9)_____child, and I write songs. My mum says I have (10)_______very good singing voice, and she has always encouraged me. Last year I started playing (11)-----guitar. Now I practise for an hour every day. (12)_____songs I like to listen to are different from (13)_____songs I write. I write songs about my experiences and feelings. I like listening to (14)__rock music. Sophie r Shop around Lesson 1 A shopping trip 10 Read the letter Jane wrote to a magazine about Christmas presents she got and decide whether the statements are T (true), F (false) or NM (not mentioned). For me Christmas is a special time. This year I spent many months preparing — to make it special for my husband and teenage children. There was so much to do: shopping for presents and decorating the house. I put so much thought and effort into making this a wonderful time for all of them. The Christmas tree looked beautiful and there must have been about 60 presents for my husband and children — each one carefully chosen during the year. On Christmas morning we opened the presents. My husband and children loved their presents, but I’ve never been more hurt in my life. Under the tree j there was only one small present for me with a gift card from a department store and two small packets of sweets from the supermarket. My husband and children were very surprised when I said I wasn’t happy about my present, especially about the sweets. My husband says I am ungrateful (неблагодарная). I suppose he’s right, I am ungrateful for the present my family gave me this year. What I am really upset about is the lack of thought my family has shown towards me. They didn’t think about me and all my hard work for them during the year. Jane started buying Christmas presents for her family well in advance. Jane has got three children. Not all of Jane’s family liked their Christmas presents. Jane was happy to get her present. The sweets Jane got were very special ones. Jane likes the sweets her husband gave her. Jane’s husband thinks she should be more grateful towards him. Jane is unhappy because her family didn’t try hard to choose a nice present for her. □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Using the words in the box, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. • Do not change the word given. • Up to five words can fill one gap. 1 She made a shopping list. She didn’t want to forget to buy anything. She made a shopping list---------------------------------to buy anything. m Let’s meet in town. We can go shopping together. Let’s meet in town------------------------------together. to 3 If you wait for a sale you can buy a camera cheaper. You can wait for a sale. a camera cheaper. order My friend has borrowed some money from me. He needs to buy a dictionary. My friend has borrowed some money from me___________________________________ a dictionary. so I decided to stay at home instead of going shopping and getting tired. I decided to stay at home________________________get tired while shopping. as 1 UNIT 2 Lessons 2-3 Lessons 2-3 How do they feel? 3 Match the questions in the left column with the correct answers in the right column. 1 Can 1 help you? ’ a) I’m size 40. 2 How about this one? : Certainly. 3 Where are the changing rooms? 1 I’ll try it on. 4 What size are you? : d) Blue or black, 1 think. 5 Does it suit you? i e) They are over there. 6 What colour would you like? Well, 1 think it’s too small. 7 What about this one? i g) It’s only £30. 8 Can 1 pay by credit card? I Yes, I’m looking for a party dress. 9 How much is it? 1 i) This is perfect. I’ll take it. 4 Decide which question tag belongs to each question. • Each question tag is used only once. isn’t it? has he? had they? were you? aren’t you? did she? doesn’t he? do you? is she? didn’t you? won’t he? 1 She didn’t watch the film last night, 2 It’s great to see each other again, 3 He comes here every Friday, 4 You’re a pupil, 5 You went to Tom’s last weekend, 6 You don’t like meat, 7 She isn’t much of a cook, 8 He hasn’t been here long, 9 You weren’t invited to the party, 10 He’ll go shopping, 11 They hadn’t visited you before. ? ? ? 0 ? ? _? ? _? _? 7 11 I UNIT 2 Lessons 2-3 Find 16 “shopping” words in the grid. • Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all eight directions. c T C R E D 1 T C A R D A s A T N U 0 c S 1 D 0 S F U 1 Y H L c A H 0 C H Y H p Q L L c 0 1 N U w P J R E Q W D S S P R в R F S В R L L F В T R M 1 1 R Q A M E E u s E A C T S W Y R A W Y 0 N T E H P U W R G R z c C c A T P 0 1 E F A к M Y H 0 w 0 X J T T J 1 E H N 0 T E z S A L E X N T Complete the conversation with the words from the box. cash desk size tried feel jeans suit check IN THE FITTING ROOM Mary: How did you get on? Fiona: They(1)__________ the next (2). - tight. Have they got ____up on the shelf? Mary: Wait a minute, I’ll (3)_____________ No, that’s the largest size they have. Fiona: So, what do you think? Do they (4) ___________________me? Mary: Well, they are nice (5)_____________ but I’m not sure if they’re really you. Fiona: Why? What’s wrong with them? Mary: They make you look too fat. Fiona: Mmm, I think I’ll take the white shorts I (6). on before. Mary: OK, I’ll be waiting near the (7)_____________ 12 г UNIT 2 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 “Unforgettable” presents 7 Read the conversation between a mother and her teenage children, Katy and Mark, and fill in the gaps with the phrases in the box. I have an idea! Let’s buy... Listen, we could... Yeah, you are right. Let’s think. I don’t know, I doubt... That would be great but... You know, it... Well, what if... Why don’t we... Oh, have a look at... You’re joking! Oh, how about... OK, how about... And what about... That’s great. You’re right... Katy: (1). Mum: (2). Mark: (3). . all our Christmas presents today. . if we know what we want. . buy presents for Dad, Granny and Liz together and we’ll buy something for our friends next week. Mum: (4)_______________________________________________we buy a warm jumper for our granny? Mark: (5)______________________________________________she has just got one for her birthday. Mum: (6)_______________________________________________of something else. Katy: (7)______________________________________________a cookery book for her? She was talking about a new collection of French recipes she had seen in the shop. Mark: (8)_________________________, Granny likes cooking. Mum: (9)__________________________it will be a great present! Granny will enjoy it. Let’s think of something interesting for your dad. Mum: (10)____________________________________ buy a CD player for him? He’ll be able to enjoy his favourite group while he’s driving the car. Katy: (11)_____________________________________________________Dad never listens to music. I think we could think of something he will really like. Mum: (12). . a video camera? Our old one doesn’t work well and Dad is fond of making films about our family holidays. Katy: (13)__________________________He will be pleased and happy. Mark: (14)_______________________________________________a present for Liz. She is so little I don’t know what she wants. Katy: (15)_________________________ Mum: It’s a great idea and it will keep her busy for some time! . this puzzle. It looks nice. 13 C 1 UNIT 2 Lesson 4 8 Read the text and choose the correct answer to the questions below. SHOPPING WITH TEENAGERS Shopping with teenagers is something we should all try at least once in our life. Ground rules are very important to enjoy it. My suggested ground rules: We don’t go shopping if we don't have enough money to spend. There is nothing worse than spending all day shopping and coming home empty-handed. Remember: no bad moods. Be prepared to make some compromises. Maybe the little shirt is... well... extremely short, but I could agree on the wide leg pants. However, as always there are some things that are definitely no-go. Parents: If it costs too much — stand your ground. Teenagers need to respect the fact that their parents are the ones earning the money. And frankly, if you earn it — you have the final say. I have a set limit on what I will spend for certain items, such as jeans, shoes, etc. In my case, if all three of my girls go, it’s a guarantee of a great time. (Nothing against their brother or their father, but they just don’t like to shop.) The girls will go into many different stores and try on clothes. Their standing rule is if one is trying on something, it is required that the others also try on something. If they can’t find something, their sisters will find something. They laugh and carry on like best friends. The only problem with shopping is paying the bill. But that doesn’t worry them, because it’s me who usually pays. It isn’t the buying of clothes and things that makes the day special, although everyone likes new clothes and things. It isn’t the meal. It’s everything. It’s being together and enjoying each other’s company. 1 The author of the article is a) a parent b) a teenager c) a teacher 2 The article Is written for a) parents b) teenagers c) shop assistants 3 A “no-go” here means a) sth teenagers b) sth a parent c) sth fashionable want to buy doesn’t let teenagers buy 4 The author thinks parents should make the final decision on what to buy because a) parents know b) teenagers are c) parents work and better too young get the money 5 The author enjoys shopping with her daughters because a) they never buy b) the father and the son c) they have a lot of expensive things don’t join them fun together 6 At the end of the day the author a) thinks about the b) feels happy after c) is sorry about the new things they a good day with money spent in have bought her children the shops 14 I Lesson 5 The power of advertising 9 Choose the right form of the verbs. UNIT2 Lessons “FRIENDS” ADS SELL FOR £1.1 MILLION Can you imagine making £1.1 million in just 30 seconds? Well, that’s what American television will be doing when the final “Friends” episode (1) goes / will go out. More than 30 million homes across America (2) were expected j are expected to watch the show, being screened in May. Enjoying the idea of so many people watching, advertisers (3) line up / are lining up (стоять в очереди) to pay NBC to show a commercial for their products during breaks in the show. Meanwhile, TV bosses (4) keep / are keeping secret about how the show (5) ended / will end. Journalists say that they (6) are filming / film several endings to the sitcom, which (7) has been / had been on TV for 10 years. The filming is being done behind closed doors instead of in front of an audience, so there’s no fear of the ending being revealed to the public. a HONOUR MAY 21 «tWSMAY15.16&20 10 Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words from the box 1 Some adverts are. time, but then they become too repetitive. 2 Her progress in English since the beginning of the school year is______________________ 3 This film is an____________________adventure story set in the time of King Arthur. 4 I get really_____ channel every five minutes. 5 We have all had a__________ TV this evening. 6 Pupils easily get__________ they don’t learn anything new. entertained / entertaining amazed / amazing annoyed / annoying j interesting / interested boring / bored tiring / tired * - when you change the television --------day, so let’s all watch .with the lessons if UNIT 2 Lesson 6 L,6sson 6 Pocket money 11 Read the advertisement and fill in the gaps with articles a (an), the, or zero article where necessary. NEW COLLECTION!!! DISCOUNTS! C29.99 £19.99 Open: Mon-Sat, 10-19, Sun 10-16, credit cards are welcome 16 UNIT 2 Lesson 6 12 Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps with the words and expressions you have learned in the unit. • See the Student’s Book. Mum: I think we can buy everything in this new (1) d__ s--------------------across the road. Their (2) a_ Ann: looks very attractive. Look they have a lot of (3) d_ I hope I’ll find a bag that (4) g_ my new sandals. Mum: Well, I think I should (5) t__ -. We can save money! __w________________ . these Ann: jeans. They look nice. Oh, I am sorry I am afraid I left my money at home. Don’t worry. Mum. We can pay by (6) c_______________________ c______________________ 17 r 3 Insight...out! Lessons 1 -2 Discover yourself 1 Read the text and choose the best title for it. 1 Shaking hands 2 Your hand and your personality 3 Your hand and your future profession A square hand is (1) a sign of / shows a reliable person. If your friend has this kind of hand she / he probably likes to get his or her own way. A conical hand has a long triangle-shaped palm and long straight fingers. It (2) suggests / shows that someone is fun-loving and sociable and likes to be the centre of attention. This person has a good sense of humour but can be a bit impatient sometimes. A knobbly hand with a rectangular palm (3) indicates / suggests that this person often day dreams, but is also full of ideas and very independent. She / He likes everything to be well-organised. A pointed hand with a triangle-shaped palm and long, pointed fingertips (4) suggests / is a sign of that the person will be quiet, but very intelligent and creative. Sometimes it is easy to hurt her / his feelings and they find it hard to forgive people who do. 2 Read the text in Ex. 1 again and choose the right word. 3 Match the words with their transiation. 1 ambitious a) завистливый 2 fun-loving b) способный к учению 3 jealous c) амбициозный 4 creative d) очаровательный 5 charming e) веселый 6 intelligent f) творческий 4 Fiil in the gaps with the right form of the word from the box. • Change the form of the word if necessary. A broad hand with a wide palm and chunky fingers shows that this person is (1)______________________and very (2)________________________She / He can get bored easily and often comes up with (3)--------------------------- ideas. She / He is (4)_______________________to make the ideas work, but likes to make people agree to do everything the way that she / he likes. These people are quite (5)------------------------and can make an (6)______________________career as firefighters, photographers or news reporters. widely (1) rely / (2) confidence (3) create (4) care (5) ambition (6) excellence 18 J UNIT 3 Lessons 1-2, 3 I" 5 Fill in the second column in the table. Noun Adjective generosity health success attract reason dishonesty independence Lesson 3 It’s cool! 6 Choose the right verb. 1 2 3 4 5 That couldn't / can’t be Tom. He is in Japan. It was 3 o’clock an hour ago. Youf watch mustn’t /can’t be right. Let’s tell Mum. She may not / might not know. We might not / can’t be lost. I don’t believe it! We’re not sure but we could / might go to Australia for Christmas this year. — How old is your new teacher? — She looks very young. She could / can’t be over thirty. Tomorrow I can’t / might miss my classes. I will probably go to the dentist. 7 Fill in the gaps with could, might, can’t or must. Kelly says her mother’s a famous singer. But she. She works with my dad in his office. Where’s Pat today? He-_______________ 3 - 4 5 ---------------be at the dentist’s. Yesterday he had toothache. Why is Robbie walking with a stick? — I’m not sure, but he______________________have injured his leg. — Please, don’t stand in the boat. You______________________fall into the river. — Would you like to swim across the English Channel? — You------------------be joking! I can only swim in a swimming pool. 19 UNIT 3 Lessons 3, 4 Do the questionnaire and read the results in the key. Are you a fashion victim (жертва)? 1 You see a very trendy sweatshirt and try it on. It doesn’t suit you, but you want to buy it anyway? a) no b) yes 2 A lot of people you know wear designer trainers made by a well-known company. Your new trainers are fine, but do you ask your parents to buy you some of the designer trainers? a) no b) yes 3 You’re going shopping with your friends. Do you talk to them about what is the trendiest thing to buy before you go? a) no b) yes 4 Do you feel bad if you aren’t dressed as fashionably as possible? a) no b) yes Interpretation: If you have four B’s, you are definitely a fashion victim! If you have three B’s, maybe you need to be more confident. If you have two B’s and two A’s, you think quite a lot about what you wear. ^ If you have more than two A’s, you probably don’t worry much about how you look. 7! Lesson 4 Are you a party person? 9 Fill in the gaps with the right word or phrase from the box. ! keep it a secret had fun stay away from show-off be on my own 1 Rick was so interested in the competition that he could not. 2 On holiday in Scotland we walked in the mountains, went sailing, watched the wildlife and enjoyed the Highland Games. We really. 3 Ah, it’s Sandy again! Here and there and everywhere! She’s a real. 4 Sometimes I’m so tired of parties and people around that I prefer to. 5 We’re going to make a surprise for our granny on Mother’s Day but, please, can you 9 (l^ Put the verbs in brackets in the right form to make sentences. Example: — Susan's friends look happy. — (They/at her party/(enjoy) / themselves). — They have been enjoying themselves at her party. 1 — How beautifully Ann sings! — lessons / for ages. / She / (take) 2 — David / (cook) / for two hours. There is a delicious smell in the kitchen. — It’s something exotic, isn’t it? I wonder why Mary seems so excited, a pyjama party / for a week. / She / (plan) 20 1 4 — Do you know why Mum looks tired? She / (plant) / all morning. / vegetables You look upset, Molly. What has happened? I / for half an hour / haven’t found it yet! / (look) / for my report / and 6 — Look, Sally, your website’s really beautiful. You’ve done a good job! — I / it / (design) / it for so long! 11 Choose the Russian equivalent for the highlighted phrases. • Pay attention to the context. 1 — Look! Tommy’s staying away from the celebration. — Yeah, he looks sad. I wonder why? 2 Please, stay away from John. He’s a bad influence. a) не принимать участия b) держаться подальше c) быть в одиночестве Lesson 5 Tame your time 12a Read these parts of a letter written by Sarah White, a time manager, and put them in the right order. i If you do planning in this way, you will surely tame your time. Good luck! Yours sincerely, Sarah White First, make a list of things you must or have to do during the day. Sometimes you might have quite a long list of things to do which c3n discourage you, but you should not get disappointed at this stage. Then grade the activities from the most important to the least important and think of those you can put off until the next day or even week. Cross them off the list. Has the list got shorter? To begin with, you must plan your day carefully. Start doing it at the end of the previous day so that you have enough time to think it all over. It is much better to have a special notebook for this purpose but a sheet of paper which you can put somewhere where you can see it will also do. Dear Andy, It shouldn’t be very difficult to manage your time! There are just a few rules to follow. ZL After this, go back to the list and keep only a few things that you cannot do without. Think how much time each of them will take and then put the exact time of day for each of the activities. For example, 10 a.m. — call Martin and arrange a football match for next week. 21 I 1 UNIT 3 Lessons 5, 6 12b Read the letter in Ex. 12a again and write T (true) and F (false). 1 You should plan some of the activities for your day. 2 In order to manage time you should spend some of it on organising your day. 3 You must stick your list of “things to do” on a sticker on your computer to see it. 4 You should calculate the total amount of time you are going to spend on the activities during the day. 5 You should plan regularly to be a master of your time. □ □ □ □ □ 13 Fill in the gap with the right preposition. 1 We have to go shopping. We are short. a) of b) off c) from milk and butter. 2 We were told off by the teacher as we were late. ‘■a) at b) on c) for 3 Everyday a lot of people spend their free time _ a) at b) on c) away 4 Why don’t you join_______the game? a) in b) into c) to . the test. helping wildlife. 5 Some of my classmates are so good. a) on b) at c) in managing their day! 6 You can rely on Paul. He will keep it secret. a) for b) from c) to .everyone. Lesson 6 I have changed 14a Read and decide why both texts have been written: 1 to ask for advice 2 to analyse the situations 3 to inform someone it 77rl her moLUe I cen keep .n Zch XZt W. r- lately!But my mates sUU hugh at me. mis 22 I г UNIT3 Lesson 6 И[ f Ucy did.'f4't«tfir t'Tfr bl« - M»tk< if I j ‘t: 11' T ' “““ "'■‘ “'**■ •»'- Иоме ^eei.M ^Ad AAd leAlou^ Cliw I ^ i T ^ t^leм. We hojJ A rp/iii j ^ I ^ '“«к „ СЛЙ cLtti., ■''''' ‘“''Ч 14b Read Text A in Ex. 14a again and choose the right answer. 1 How did he feel about his parents’ worries? a) annoyed b) pleased 2 Have his parents stopped worrying? a) yes b) no 3 Have his feelings changed? a) yes b) no 4 Has the boy changed? a) yes b) no 14c Read Text В in Ex. 14a again and write T (true) or F (false). □ □ □ 1 The girl has arrived at a new school. 2 The girl’s close friend has left. 3 She does not try to change the situation. 4 The girl has become more open. □ 15a In the texts in Ex. 14a find the words that mean the same as the words and phrases below. understand establish contact, communicate------------------------------------- meet somebody that you know when you were not expecting to--------- spend a lot of time with somebody for having fun or without any special purpose. 5 put on a piece of clothing to see if it suits you 23 Г UNITS Lessons 1§b Fill in the gaps with the right word from Ex. 15a. • Change the form of the words if necessary. an 1 I went to London on holiday. Imagine my surprise when I--------------------------------- old friend of mine at Victoria Station. Have a nice journey, Charlie. Please,---------------------------------- I finally____________________________that it was still two weeks before Mum comes back Can I________________________________this fantastic hat? 5 We’ve been doing nothing for an hour, just. 16 Choose the right form of the verb. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I have broken / broke my arm, as you can see. What have you done / did you do with this alarm clock? It doesn’t work. Have you given / Did you give Natalie the book when you saw her? Have you seen / Did you see my bag anywhere? I can’t find it. Look, Mary! My dad has bought / bought a new bicycle for me. Andy’s absent today. He has gone / went to Italy on Sunday. Have you read / Did you read the newspaper? Good news! 17 Change the collection of words into a sentence. • Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. • Pay attention to the place of the adverb in the sentence. Example: I / (visit) / the wildlife park / lately / three times / I have visited the wildlife park three times lately. 1 — Would you like to go to the Far Friends concert? — I don’t think so. I / to one / (be) / recently. 2 — We’re going to the Amazon this winter. Welcome to our team, Katy. — I’m afraid I can’t. I / school / not / (finish) / yet 3 — Jerry’s terribly upset. He / still / (feeling) / his sister / upset about — Poor thing! 4 — Sandy looks tired. — Yes, she / back from / (come) / just / her exam 5 — I / (wear) / clothes. / casual / still 24 1 4 People who stand out |,essons 1 -2 Everybody knows them 1 Fill in the gaps with the words and phrases in the box. a name for herself became famous overnight brave hero made his name prodigy stars well-known won fame as • 1 Oleg Yankovsky is one of my favourite movie. 2 She works in local radio, and is quite____ region. 3 Clint Eastwood first______________________ , in her 4 She is beginning to make_______________ designer. 5 Ekaterina Markova first________________ becoming a writer. 6 With the success of their first record, they. 7 You have to be very____________________ in the TV series Rawhide. _____as a fashion . an actress before - to be a firefighter. 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a child_____________________________________— he could play the piano when he was three and played for the public when he was four years old. 9 Georgiy Zhukov was a famous World War II____________________________________ 2a Fill in the gaps in the text with articles, if necessary. . amazing person. He was LANCE ARMSTRONG Lance Armstrong is (1) _ (2) ___professional triathlete while he was still at (3) ___school. During his senior high school year, (4) ___companies started to sponsor Lance for his cycling and he began winning championships. Six years ago, Lance discovered that he had cancer (рак). It looked like it was (5)_end of his career. But he recovered and in 1999, he won (6)_Tour de France for (7)___first time. He won (8)__competition again in 2000, 2001 and 2003! “Lance Armstrong” article first published in Crown Magazine May/June 2002. Copyright Mary Glasgow Magazines/Scholastic UNIT 4 Lessons 1-2 2b Read the sentences below and put them in the correct order according to the text in Ex. 2a. • Two of the answers are given. When he was 16, Lance became a professional triathlete. В D In 1999, at the age of 28, he won the Tour de France. His success continued and he also won the competition in 2000, 2001 and 2003. After two years of training, Lance could cycle again. Lance Armstrong was born in Texas on 18th September 1971. Just after Lance’s 25th birthday, the world champion got some terrible news — he had cancer. No one knew if he would cycle again. At school, Lance loved sport and he won the Iron Kids Triathlon when he was 13. Will Lance win this year’s Tour de France? Lance didn’t go to university after school. He stayed at home to train. In 1991, he won the US National Amateur Championship and two years later he became World Champion. Soon after he discovered he had cancer he formed a charity (благотворительное общество) called the Lance Armstrong Foundation. After his treatment, Lance began to train again. 3 Fill the gaps with adverbs. • See the adjectives in the box for ideas. SHAGGY’S GUIDE TO SUCCESS hard confident positive fast regular good 1 Think. . You can do whatever you want. 2 Work______________ . Lazy people never succeed. 3 Don’t be impatient. Success doesn’t always come ) 4 Perform. 5 Practise. 6 Sleep___ __— even if you feel nervous. ___Try to do it every day. . It always helps you to look fresh. 26 “Shaggy” article first published in Crown Magazine April 2002. Copyright Mary Glasgow Magazines/Scholastic г UNIT4 Lessons |,esson 3 Who is a hero? 4 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. e The mistakes are underlined. 1 Albert Einstein made famous as an outstanding mathematician. 2 Vadim Repin achieved his name as a talented violinist when he was 11. 3 Tenzing Norgay and Sir Edmund Hillary became fame overnight after they conquered Everest. 4 M. Lomonosov made his fame thanks to his genius and hard work. 5 The Klitchko brothers won their famous in the boxing ring. 5 Make the words using the suffixes from the boxes. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 econom eccentr egot hero national colonial problemat 8 diplomat ism ic 6 Fill in the gaps with the words and phrases in the box. courage deeds extraordinary overcame respect stands up for to achieve their goals who sets an example A hero is someone of great strength and (1). A hero is anyone admired for their qualities or the ability (2). important event or period, (3). A hero is someone who always (4). is right and does good (5)_ -. A hero is the central figure in any __________________________of courage. ______________________________what If I had to just say that one single individual person was my hero, I would have to say that it would be my great aunt. There is nothing (6)________________________________________________________ about her, but she (7)___________________________________________________________so many difficulties during the Great Depression and World War II. She has a lot of friends who (8)____________________________________her very much. 27 I UNIT 4 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Record breakers 7 Complete the sentences with could, were able and managed. 1 The children followed the route and at last they - • to find the spot. 2 At a very early age Mr Green ___________solve very difficult logical problems. 3 A robber attacked Jim, but the brave boy__________________to escape. 4 The police_________________to find the criminal, though they had very little evidence. 5 When I was five, my dad taught me how to fight, and I_________________resist anybody. 8 Underline the correct form of the verb. JACKIE CHAN Who is he? Jackie Chan (^) is / are one of the biggest “non-Hollywood” movie stars in the world. People (2) love / loves the fact he doesn’t speak English very well and does amazing stunts. Jackie is famous for the films Rush Hour, Rush Hour 2 and Shanghai Noon. How did his film career start? Jackie (3) has been / was born on 7 April 1954 in Hong Kong. He (4) has started / started training in music, dance and martial arts at the age of six. A filmmaker (5) offered / has offered Jackie a role as a stuntman. He (6) has worked / worked in the kung fu movie industry as a stuntman until the age of 20 when he became a director. Why is he so famous? Jackie is famous for his stunts. He (7) is always doing / always does his own stunts and asks his actors to do their stunts too. But this can be . dangerous. He (8) broke / has broken his nose three times, his ankle once, most of the fingers on his hands, both cheekbones (скулы) and his skull (череп). Jackie (9) is often ending / often ends his films with failed stunts and other accidents. What does Jackie say to his fans? “Don’t try to be like Jackie. There’s only one Jackie... study computers instead.” d- i. “Jackie Chan’’ article first published in Team Magazine March 2002, Copyright Mary Glasgow Magazines/Scholastic 28 Lesson 5 Give it a try Read the answers Julia Roberts gave to a magazine correspondent and put the letter of the answer opposite the corresponding question. Did she always want to be an actress? How did she first achieve success? What are her most recent films? What does she think of Brad Pitt? What else is she good at apart from acting? What is she bad at? What does she dislike about herself? A No. When she was very young she wanted to be a vet. Then she trained to be a journalist. When her brother Eric started to become a successful actor, Julia got into acting too. В She gets on really well with him. “He’s a great guy.” I C The Mexican with Brad Pitt, American \ Sweethearts with Catherine Zeta Jones and Oceans 11 with George Clooney and Brad Pitt again! D Julia Roberts is one of the most popular and highest paid actresses in the USA. She won an Oscar for her role in Erin Brockovich and has already had several film hits since then. E In a film called Mystic Pizza in 1988. But when she did Pretty Woman in 1990, she became a huge star. F She wishes she was a tiny bit shorter (she’s 1.75 metres tall). G “I’m great at being a good friend, I’m good at raising money for charity (благотворительность) and I’m good at knitting (вязание).” H “I’m hopeless at crosswords and 1 used to be bad at choosing boyfriends.” k- “Julia Roberts’’ article first published in Club Magazine September/October 2001. Copyright Mary Glasgow Magazines/Scholastic 29 r UNIT 4 Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Age doesn’t matter 10 Use the correct form of the verb, active or passive. DOG SAVES CHILD FROM RATTLESNAKE In Salinas, CA, during the summer of 1998, an English Springer Spaniel named Dolly (1)_____________________________(rescue) her owner’s three-year-old son, Jimmy from the deadly bite of a rattlesnake. One morning as Jimmy’s father (2)______________________________ (sweep) his yard he (3)___________________________(hear) a noise coming from his back yard. When he (4)____________________________ (look) over he saw a large rattlesnake ready to attack his little son, Jimmy. Fortunately, Dolly (5)----------------------------(jump) between the snake and the child, taking the bite that (6)------------------------- (intend) for the little boy. Dolly (7)------------------ an animal hospital where she (8)________________________ (bring) to (recover) and soon was home with her grateful and much relieved family. 11 Translate the highlighted phrases into Russian. “It’s a.shock,” Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova, 2004 Wimbledon winner, said. “I knew that 1(1) could achieve many things (2) if I worked hard and if I believed in myself, but I (3) never expected to do so well at an.early age.” (4) Sharapova’s has been an unusual life. “This girl is not afraid,” said John McEnroe, “I think (5) she’s got a huge game, she’s a very strong girl. (6) She’s not a very easy opponent.” Sharapova says that after her triumph in Wimbledon she just wants to go out and (7) have fun. 30 Thinking outside the box Lesson 1 How creative are you? 1 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the word at the end of each line. 1 I’ve got a big 2 How would you. 3 Would you like to join a. . of old postcards at home. __the most famous place in your region? __________ club for teenagers? 4 I don’t think that watching TV develops children’s__________________ 5 You always____________________all kinds of excuses to avoid doing housework. 6 Birds’ nests are amazing (1) collect (2) description (3) discuss (4) imagine (5) invention (6) create Match the two parts of the sentences to make them complete. The first astronauts tried to describe a) to continue their work when nobody believes in their theories. Many scientists decide b) something new are often full of strange ideas. People always tried to imagine c) your problem with your parents before you make any decision. In the 13th century Marco Polo explored d) how a man feels in space. Those who can invent e) the world. The Bible gives a story of how God created , f) China and lived there for some years. You should discuss g) they were birds flying through a clear, bjue sky. .--O' 31 I UNITS Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Are you in your right mind? 3 Read these fact files about two Russian 8th-graders and complete the sentences below. • Use the correct form of the verb and one of the phrases from the box. 32 both of them neither of them one of them... and the other Ivan (Krasnoyarsk) Likes biology and chemistry, dislikes geography Lives in the city centre Goes to school on foot Likes playing computer games Prefers classical music to pop music Wants to become a computer engineer and create a new type of home computer system Doesn’t believe in the brain-dominance theory Natasha (St Petersburg) • Likes history and biology, dislikes geography • Lives far from the city centre • Goes to school by bus • Likes watching TV in the evening • Doesn’t like pop music • Wants to become a fashion designer and create theatrical costumes • Believes in the brain-dominance theory Example: ... (like) chemistry and... (prefer) history. One of them likes chemistry and the other prefers history. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (like) biology. (like) geography. . (live) in the city centre and - (live) far from the centre. (go) to school by car. . (like) playing computer games and . (prefer) watching TV. . (be) fond of music. . (like) pop music. . (be going) to be a scientist. . (want) to be an engineer and . (dream) of becoming a fashion designer, (want) to be successful in their careers. . (take) the brain-dominance theory critically and. (believe) in it. г UNIT 5 Lessons 2, 3 4 Fill in the gaps in the second sentence with one of the phrases in the box. 1 Are you conning this week? — I am coming next week and Tom is coming next week too. -------------------------------------coming next week. both of 2 ‘You can make better progress,” our teacher told me. She told the same to my friend. “----------------------------------------make better progress,” our teacher i- us you them told to us. 3 Jack is not here. Tom is in another city. neither of us you •them . here. 4 Fred loves travelling and Jane wants to go around the world. ----------------------------------------------------travelling. 5 “I didn’t break the window!” shouted the boy. “I didn’t break it either!” shouted another one. Both boys shouted, “_____________________________________the window!” Lesson 3 Guessing game 5 Read the jokes and fill in the missing sentences from the box. Mother; Girl: Did you enjoy your first day at school? (1)----- Headmaster; I’ve had complaints about you, Johnny, from all your teachers. (2)__ Johnny: Nothing, sir. Headmaster: Exactly. a) What have you been doing? b) First day? Do you mean I have to go back tomorrow? Pupil: Would you punish me for something I didn’t do? • Teacher: Of course not. d) Pupil: (3) j . e) Little Johnny: Teacher, can I go to the bathroom? Teacher: Little Johnny, (4) Little Johnny: But I asked first! the bathroom? I haven’t done my homework. The teacher to a student: Change the verb to walk into the simple present. The student: I walk. You walk... The teacher asks her / him: (5)______ The student: I run. You run... 33 I UNIT 5 Lessons 3, 4-5 Read the joke and fill in the gaps with articles where necessary. Once there were three turtles. One day they decided to go on (1)____ got there, they realised they had forgotten (2)______lemonade. (3) . picnic. When they __youngest turtle said he would go home and get it if they wouldn’t eat (4)__sandwiches until he got back. (5)______week went by, then (6)______month, finally (7)_____year, when (8)______two turtles said, “Oh, come on, let’s eat (9)___sandwiches.” Suddenly (10) little turtle popped up from behind (11). rock and said, “If you do, I won’t go for the lemonade!” Lessons 4-5 A clever invention 7 Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentences. • Sometimes both options can be correct. 1 Before he finished the 5th grade he wrote/had written his first computer programme. 2 When she went to secondary school she started/had started learning new subjects. 3 They felt much better after they finished/ had finished the project. 4 Before he moved to Moscow he never was/ had never been there. 5 The room was empty. Everyone ieft/had left. 6 He worked hard and won /had won the competition. 7 He won the competition because he worked/had worked hard. 8 Read the text and put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. TETRIS The name Tetris comes from the Greek word tetra or four. Tetris is a computer puzzle game in which various shapes each made of four squares fall down a well (колодец). The user turns the pieces around and moves them, left or right in order to arrange them on top of each other. When the well fills up the game ends. Tetris first (1). . (appear) in Russia around 1985 and was never patented. The original authors of Tetris (2). (be) Alexey Pazhitnov, Dmitry Pavlovsky and Vadim Gerasimov. Computer engineers Alexey Pazhitnov and Dmitry Pavlovsky (3). (work) together at the Computer Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Alexey Pazhitnov (4)_______________________________________(already / publish and sell) several psychology based games. Dmitry Pavlovsky (5). . (write) several computer games by that time. High school student Vadim Gerasimov who was only sixteen at the time, (6). (just / write) a programme for MS DOS when he joined the group. It was Alexey Pazhitnov who first (7)___________________________________(design) the Tetris game. Alexey Pazhitnov and Henk Rogers later (8)__________________________________(found) the Tetris Company. 34 1 г UNITS Lessons4-5, 6 9 Fill in the gaps in the stories with the right form of the verb. A / Father asked his children what they (1). (do) to help their mother that morning. His son answered that he (2)___________________(dry) the dishes and the daughter added, “And I helped pick up the pieces.” Father said to his son, “Look at your face I know what you had for breakfast today.” The son asked what it (3)___________________(be). “Eggs,” replied Father. “No,” answered the son and said that that (4). the day before. (be) One day a teacher asked his pupil if his father (5) (help) him with his homework. “No,” replied the pupil and explained that the father (6)_____________(do) it all by himself. Lesson 6 Inventions you might want 10 Match the words in two columns to get a list of the most useless inventions The most useless inventions 1 Non stick a) matches 2 A black b) sellotape 3 Glow in the dark c) alarm clock 4 An inflatable (надувной) d) highlighter pen 5 Waterproof e) playing cards 6 Fireproof f) sunglasses 7 A silent g) teabags 8 Double-sided h) anchor(якорь) I UNITS Lessons 11 Go through the maze by joining up the words or phrases that complete these sentences. • If you join them correctly and take the letters from each square, you’ll read the hidden message. • You can go left, right or down. 1 There is a Spanish proverb which states that to be rich, one should not collect money, but_______________________one’s needs. They couldn’t___________________whether to have chocolate or vanilla ice cream. Antarctica was the last continent to be----------------by mankind. Can a person be taught to be___________________________? His_______________________of the historical events is somewhat unclear. What is the greatest difficulty you have had to___________________________ in your life? 7 An Arab proverb says, “Let the sword. plan has failed.” .only after the ___in history. 8 Thomas Edison was one of the greatest_________________ 9 There is a Zanzibar proverb which states that wealth diminishes (уменьшается) with usage, whereas learning---------------------with use. 10 Laughter helps us to____________________the difficulties of life. 11 The greenhouse effect in the Earth’s atmosphere can_____________________great change in our global climate. reduce storm reply trouble dishwasher relax money problem U X A Q В H T M cross choose explored advantage mind solution anecdote think F S E M В L К E head idea look creative description learn left life Y C X Y 0 К R L space future gadget friends overcome wrong brain give J К W 0 U В G A lose right original discussion decide imagine puzzle laugh E D A N R T E 1 talk cope with increases inventors time teacher memory try H A E H N F Y U skill result in hole chemistry win collection pupil fun U D К В 0 E N 0 36 1 It feels like home Lesson 1 Home, sweet home 1 Complete the sentences with the names of buildings or homes from the box. . hospital palace station tent houseboat wigwam igloo skyscraper 1 The building next to the railway line where people buy tickets is called a_____________________ 2 Native Americans used to live in a------------------ 3 A king or queen lives in a__________________ 4 The Empire State Building is so tall that it’s called a_______ 5 Eskimos traditionally live in a house made of ice called an 6 A lightweight shelter used for camping is called a-------------------- 7 A boat that can be lived in is called a______________________ 8 A place that has many doctors and nurses is called a-------------------- ШкШЩШ \ t r i \U'' 2 For the sentences below choose the right option. A: Hi, Masha. Have you chosen where to go for an English course? B: Yes, I have. It’s in Brighton, on the south coast, and, actually, I’m leaving on Saturday. A: That’s great news! Where are you going (1) to stay / staying? B: I’ve chosen (2) to stay / to staying with a family. (3) / like / I’d like to have more practice in English. A: That’s OK for you, perhaps, but I wouldn’t (4) choose / want this. (5) / like / I’d prefer being independent and doing whatever I like. B: You’ve got a point, but I (6) like / hate having to shop and cook for myself. (7) / prefer / I’d prefer being looked after to having to look after myself. Also I would really love (8) to make / making friends with my host family. A: I see. That really makes sense. Anyway, have a nice trip and take care! B: Thank you! Bye! I 37 UNIT 6 Lessons 2-3 Make necessary changes. Lessons 2-3 The place where you live 3 Read the conversation between Kate and Tim and fill in the gaps with the words and expressions in the box. — Tim, have you got any idea where Masha’s house is? She said it was (1)____________________, but I don’t know how to find it. — Oh, they all (2)-------------------It often happens in new districts. I think, something should be done to (3)_____________________these buildings Let’s ask somebody for help. 2 — OK, we’ve found it, Kate, and it looks very (4)____________ (5)___________________buildings are usually very comfortable. -. And — Yes, I think it’s a really (6). place and not far from school. It’s (7). I hope, her(8). party today. . Masha that her parents decided to move here. ________won’t (9)____________________by our quiet look the same make ... a bit different cosy easy to reach modern nice for... be disturbed neighbours 38 J\ г UNIT 6 Lessons 2-3 4 Read what John thinks and write what he and his family wish. • Use the example. Example: We live in a huge block of flats in the city centre. — I wish we didn 't live in a block of flats in the city centre. 1 I live a long way from my school. I wish__________________________ 2 I have to go to school by trolleybus. 3 It’s a pity I can’t go to school by helicopter to save time. 4 I have to share a room with my younger sister. 5 I can never talk with my friends over the telephone. 6 Our flat is rather small and my mother doesn’t allow me to switch on music late in the evening. 7 My mother thinks children should only listen to classical music. But we don’t think so. 8 It’s a pity I can’t live in a small house somewhere in the forest to enjoy a quiet, peaceful life. 39 i 3 Her schoolbooks are on the shelf under the TV set. 4 There are paints and brushes on the album. 5 There is a dance coursebook on the desk. 40 UNIT 6 Lessons 4, 5 [ 6 Choose the correct preposition. 1 2 3 4 5 6 V If you want to reach that shelf you’d better stand over j on j above a chair. You will find some stamps between / b^low / ins)de the middle drawer of the desk. The boy in this picture is sitting between / among / on top of his mother and his father. Among / In / In the middIg of the box were the earrings she thought she had lost. Please play opposite / inside / be/ow the house. It’s too cold outside. When you are sitting under / in front of / at the table tor dinner, don’t put your elbows by I oh / behind the table. The boy hid Ше money on the right j under / in the middle of a rock on top of / in front of / in the garden. И 8 We looked down from the mountain at the village above j below / under. Lesson 5 Workspace 7 Complete the sentences using the words in the box. ; shared space focus on lighting to hand concentrate disturb 1 If you can reach everything you need easily, you keep everything 2 If your lamp gives you enough to strain your eyes. you don’t need 3 To do this exercise well you need to. 4 If you don’t_______________________ your task, you’ll make mistakes. ---------------------people around you. 5 Don’t shout so loudly — you may_______________________ 6 A--------------------------can be as comfortable as a personal workspace. 41 UNIT6 Lessons 8 Put the word enough in the correct position before or after the word in question. _______________money.____________________to buy 1 Jane doesn’t have. the T-shirt. 2 This street is not _ . wide. 3 I can’t make omelette because I don’t have. 4 The classroom is too small and there aren’t - -for such big lorries, -eggs-------------------- -tables. 5 You can’t play for our basketball team — you aren’t - 6 There isn’t___________________snow________________ - tall. 7 James is getting fat — he doesn’t take. 8 I’m not______________________old_________ -to go skiing. _ exercise___ -to travel on my own. 9 Rewrite these sentences using the words in brackets so that the meaning is the same. 1 This table is not large, (enough / for me / to put all the necessary books to hand) 2 This room is dark! (too / for studying) 3 Our dining room is small. (too / for all of us / to have a big party) 4 The problem is important, (enough / to attract your attention) 5 Was your composition good? (enough / for the teacher / to give you a good mark) 6 The task is hard, (too / for me / to do it without help) 7 Is the light bright? (enough / for you / to read by) 42 1 i г UNIT 6 Lesson 6 |,esson 6 A fantasy room 10 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. THE GEFFRYE MUSEUM ooc<><><><>c><><>oo<>o<>oc><>oooc>c><><><><><><>c<><> Welcome to the Geffrye Museum, the only museum in the United Kingdom which specialises in furniture and domestic interiors. The Geffrye Museum (1)_____________________________(be) one of the most enjoyable museums in London and (2)-------------------------(give) a unique opportunity to see how English homes (3). (develop) from the 17th century to the present day. The exhibition (4)_____________________________(be designed) as a series of rooms. Each room (5). (show) furniture, costumes and interiors of a particular period, for example during the reign of Queen Victoria (правление королевы Виктории). Looking at how fashion and scientific progress (6)_________________________________(develop) into the world we know today is very exciting. As you walk along, you can see how the dark and gloomy (мрачный) houses during the period of Henry VIII (7)_____________________________ (be replaced) by the houses of today with central heating and various electric devices. The museum (8)_________________________(use) the almshouses built by Sir Robert Geffrye in 1715. Almshouses (9)______________________(be) houses for old people who did not have any money. Robert Geffrye (10)_____________________(be) a wealthy and successful merchant (купец) who made his fortune through trade with India and China. For his good deeds and success in business. Sir Geffrye even (11) ----------------------(serve) as Mayor of London. The Geffrye almshouses (12) ----------------------(become) a museum in 1912 to support and encourage local furniture makers. Today, the museum (13). (be) not only a collection of English furniture and interiors but also an active education centre. Children and young people can come here to learn the basics of design, and also to take part in theatre shows, lectures and seminars. The Geffrye Museum also (14)_________________________________(have) a beautiful herb (лекарственные травы) garden where people can see herbs from many countries and learn how different herbs can be used for medicine, cosmetics and cooking. 43 [ 11 Put these words in the right order to make sentences. • The first word is underlined. Example: white / would /The / flowers and birds / colourful / with / walls / be The walls would be white with colourful flowers and birds. 1 of a car / a bed / would /1 / in the shape / ask for 2 would / with a DVD player / There / be / a large-screen TV 3 of a pop group / put up / a signed poster / i / would 4 fantasy room / my skateboard / a place / would include / to ride / My 5 would / with a high-tech computer / i / have/ a desk 6 my own food / There / a mini fridge / would be / to store 44 1 7 Being together г Lesson 1 Sakubona! Many happy returns! 1 Fill the gaps in the texts about birthday traditions in different countries with the words from the box. Change the form of the verb if necessary. celebrate come true be served wish decorate for good luck receive say Jane, England — Fortune Telling Cakes (1). to the guest. Certain symbolic objects are mixed into the birthday cake as it is being made. If your piece of cake has a coin in it, you will be rich. Your friends and relatives come to (2) _____________________happy birthday to you and to (3) _____________________you many happy returns of the day. Alex, New Zealand — After the birthday cake is lit, the happy birthday song is sung loudly and often out of tune and then the birthday person (4)_____________________ a clap for each year he / she has been alive and then one (5)------------------------- John, United States — A cake is made, and candles are put on top based on how old the person is. The birthday child blows out the candles. If they blow them all out with one blow, their birthday wishes will (6)______________________Usually the child’s room is beautifully (7)_____________________with posters, balloons and banners. And lastly, all the guests put on birthday hats and start to (8)___________________ 45 UNIT? Lessons 1, 2-3 2 Put these jumbled lines in order to make the text about greetings. • The first one is done for you. ! s c D 1 E F G H “God bless you” at the end of a conversation on the phone or when you leave to go home. “How means that if your appetite is good and you eat well, you are said to be well. others today? Greetings are wonderful things and are a part of our culture and life as we country in the Far East people do not say, “How are you,” but “DO YOU EAT WELL.” It I wonder if you have received any kind of greeting this morning? Did someone say to you communicate with one another. There are also farewell greetings — “goodbye”, “goodnight” and “Good morning” on your way in? Have you used the word “Hi!” or “Hello” as you met up with are you?” is a well-worn and well-used greeting — an enquiry as to your well-being. In a certain Lessons 2-3 Who cares who hears me? 3 Read what a person says about using mobile phones and fill in the gaps with the words you learnt in the lessons (see the Student’s Book Ex. 2a, Lessons 2-3, Text D). • The first letters are given. I don’t use a mobile phone much. I don’t like (1) s_________c__________________. I only use it when I have a good reason like an (2) e_______________________________situation. I know that I should always use it to put my parents at (3) e___________, but I keep forgetting this. Also I hate using my mobile phone in public places, because I am (4) c_________________________________that other people can overhear me. Of course, it can be useful when you are, for example, (5) r______________________I____________, but still I believe using mobile phones in public places is not (6) a_________________________________. 4 Choose the correct phrase. • There is one case when both are possible. 1 My little sister often gets tired / gets tiring after a long walk. 2 When I arrived at my new school in September I was not interested / was not interesting in mathematics at all. 3 When he changed his job, my father got used to reading / got used to read the newspaper after lunch. 4 My best friend usually gets excited / is exciting when she sees her favourite pop singer on TV. 5 Soon after getting to university I got used / got use to doing my homework on a computer. 6 These are very strange clothes but I’m sure you were / you’ll get used to wearing them. 7 Are you starting / getting used to the accent now? It’s very different from standard English, isn’t it? 8 “If you don’t stop talking, I will get annoyed j getting annoyed with you," said our teacher. 46 г г UNIT? Lessons 2-3 Each sentence below may contain a word which should not be there. Put a tick (✓) if the sentence is correct or write down the odd word in the box at the end of the line. Mike was get annoyed with himself for being late. It won't take you long to be get used to working with your new computer. He was got not interested in classical Russian literature. When I first came to China I didn’t like Chinese food very much. Now I have been got used to eating this food. I found Africa strange at first. I wasn’t used to live living in such a hot climate. He heard the news and got was extremely excited. 6 Fill in the gaps with the words in the box. about that at about off to I can overhear (1), . least one cell phone conversation most days, including some that give me more personal Information than I want to know (2)___________a person. Usually people are concerned (3)_____________it. They try to get (4)__________the phone as fast as they can. Still, there are always a few who seem not to worry (5)________ others have to listen (6)________________their conversation. 7 Match these text messages with their meanings. Ik L 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 F2T? OK CU2DAY? TTFN RUOK? LUVB @J’S. CUL8TR YNY? 8 N0 2M0R0WER? 9 LOL 10 IMO 11 @ HM. CU L8TR? 12 OK. B4N. 13 N.WERRU? 14 YWEN? 15 BTW 16 @7. TA4N.CU 17 @WK. NU? a) At John’s. See you later. b) Are you 0)) 'йоТ S'Mre о-p Mi|j-sft^-P й-йг! о-p и/ЯйТ “Everybody” is singular. Is “people” singular? Is it the right word class? Why plural here? Is it the right form? Is it the right part of speech? Something missing here? X do. X ТЯ1-й)< i-p X ^й1-й шогй. с-о-й-Р^й-йС-й; nfjj- ^гййис wiM ^0 (?) Trw. X-P ij-o-M ЯйУй Й ^гйййс; ij-o-M wt-MsT rio йуйг||-ТЯ1-й^ To -Рй1£ (б)! 7 Is it the right word? 8 Is it logical? has 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 13 Read the poem and tick the numbers of the pictures the boy saw in his nightmares. LAST NIGHT’S NIGHTMARES Some aliens from outer space Came down in UFOs. They kidnapped me and shoved A slimy brain-probe up my nose. A horde of screaming monkeys chased me halfway to Japan, and Transylvanian vampire bats attacked me as I ran. Demented ogres tackled me and tied me in a knot, and wicked witches cackled as they cooked me in a pot. A starving three-eyed dinosaur then drowned me in his drool. But what was scariest of all: I dreamed I was in school. имя 72 г Answer keys Unit 1 sunbathing 2 rollercoasters 3 horse 4 scuba diving 5 fire 6 doing puzzles 1 lived 2 went 3 were driving 4 came 5 opened 6 started 7 were jumping 8 saw 9 could 1 badly 2 quietly 3 terribly 4 carefully 5 hungrily 6 quickly 7 nicely 8 easily 1 quick 2 clearly 3 correctly 4 carefully 5 beautiful 6 interesting ^esson 2 5 1 lose 2 addict 3 player 4 use 6 1B 2F 3E 4H 5D 6A 7G 8C j^esson 3 7 The functions of the human brain are: control emotions, develop, judge, coordinate movements, control speech, grow. 8 1 has 2 when 3 — 4 — 7 in 8 — 9 will 10 more 5 be 6 the 1 I read the letter quickly. 2 He talked to me angrily. 3 We had an awful meal. 4 The birds were singing cheerfully outside. 5 Have a nice journey! 6 She looked at me seriously. ^esson 4 10 1 happy 2 angry 3 delicious 4 loud 5 nice 11 1 new 2 quickly 3 terrible 4 badly 5 awful 6 lazily 7 nice 8 warm 12 1 Emma organises parties well. 2 She cooks awfully. 3 This train goes slowly. 4 My brother runs fast. 5 Someone knocked at the door loudly. ^essons 5-6 13 Countable nouns: teenager — teenagers, exam — exams, uniform — uniforms, finger — fingers, activity — activities. Uncountable nouns: freedom, time, money, music, childhood, advice, homework. 14 1 I like tea. 2 The tea in the cup is hot. 3 Please, turn down the music. 4 Teenagers listen to a lot of music. 5 Have you done the homework? 6 I usually spend money on video games. 15 1 - 2 - 8 - 9 a 3 -10 a 4 — 11 the 5 a 6 - 7 - 12 the 13 the 14 - Unit ^esson 1 1 IT 2NM 3F 4F 5F 6F 7T 8T 2 1 in order not to forget 2 to go shopping 3 in order to buy 4 so as to buy 5 so as not to ^essons 2-3 3 1h 2f 3e 4a 5i 6d 7c 8b 9g 1 did she? 2 isn’t it? 3 doesn’t he? 4 aren’t you? 5 didn’t you? 6 do you? 7 is she? 8 has he? 9 were you? 10 won’t he? 11 had they? c C R E D 1 T C A R D A s T N U 0 c S 1 D S U L C H P L c 0 1 N U p E R R F S В R В T R M 1 1 A M U s E A C T S R A Y 0 N T E u G R c C c 1 A К Y H T 1 E N 0 T E S A L E N T 1 feel 2 size 3 check 6 tried 7 cash desk 4 suit 5 jeans Ijesson 4 7 1 I have an ideal Let’s buy 2 I don’t know, I doubt 3 Listen, we could 4 Well, what if 5 That would be great but 6 'Teah, you are right. Let’s think 7 Oh, how about 73 Г Answer keys 8 You know, if... 9 You’re right 10 Why don’t we 11 You’re joking! 12 OK, how about 13 That’s great. 14 And what about 15 Oh, have a look at 8 la 2a 3b 4c 5c 6b ^esson 5 9 1 goes 2 are expected 3 are lining up 4 are keeping 5 will end 6 are filming 7 has been 10 1 interesting / entertaining 2 amazing 3 entertaining / amazing 4 annoyed 5 tiring 6 bored ^esson 6 11 1 - 2 the 8 the 9 — 3 a 4 a 10 a 11 5 -- 12 6 the 7 a 12 1 department store 2 advertisement / advert / ad 3 discounts 4 goes with 5 try on 6 credit card Unit j^essons 1 -2 1 2 Your hand and your personality 2 1 sign of 2 shows 3 indicates 3 1c 2e 3a 4f 5d 6b 4 1 reliable 2 confident 3 creative 5 ambitious 6 excellent 5 4 careful Noun Adjective generosity generous health healthy success successful attract attractive reason reasonable dishonesty dishonest independence independent l^esson 3 6 1 can’t 2 can’t 6 can’t 7 might 7 1 can’t 2 could 8 Pupils’ own answers 74 5 might ^esson 4 9 1 stay way from 4 be on my own 2 had fun 3 show-off 5 keep it a secret 10 1 She’s been taking lessons for ages. 2 David has been cooking for two hours. 3 She’s been planning a pyjama party for a week. 4 She’s been planting vegetables all morning. 5 I’ve been looking for my report for half an hour and I haven’t found it yet! 6 I’ve been designing it for so long! 11 la 2b ^esson 5 12a IE 2D 3B 4C 5F 6A 12b IF 2T 3T 4F 5T 13 la 2c 3b 4a 5b 6b ^esson 6 14a 2 to analyse the situations 14b la 2b 3a 4a 14c IF 2T 3F 4T 15a 1 realise 2 keep in touch 3 bump into somebody 4 hang out with somebody 5 try on 15b 1 bumped into 2 keep in touch 3 realised 4 try on 5 hanging out 1 have broken 2 have you done 3 Did you give 4 Have you seen 5 has bought 6 went 7 Have you read 17 1 I have been to one recently. 2 I haven’t finished school yet. 3 He is still feeling upset about his sister. 4 She has just come back from her exam. 5 I’m / am still wearing casual clothes. HUnit ^essons 1 -2 1 stars 2 well-known 3 made his name 4 a name for herself 5 won fame as 6 became famous overnight 7 brave 8 prodigy 9 hero 2a 1 an 7 the 2 a 3 8 the 5 the 6 the 2b ID 2F ЗА 4H 5E 61 7C 8B 9G 1 positively 2 hard 3 fast 4 confidently 5 regularly 6 well ^esson 3 4 1 became 2 made 3 famous 4 name 5 fame 1 economic 2 eccentric 3 egotism 4 heroic, heroism 5 nationalism 6 colonialism 7 problematic 8 diplomatic 1 courage 2 to achieve their goals 3 who sets an example 4 stands up for 5 deeds 6 extraordinary 7 overcame 8 respect ^esson 4 7 1 managed 4 managed 2 could 5 could 3 managed / was able 8 1 is 2 love 3 was 4 started 5 offered 6 worked 7 always does 8 has broken 9 often ends ^esson 5 9 1A 2E 3C 4B 5G 6H 7F ^esson 6 10 1 rescued 5 jumped 2 was sweeping 3 heard 4 looked 6 had been intended / was intended 7 was brought 8 recovered 11 1 могу добиться многого / могу достичь многого 2 если буду усердно / упорно / много работать 3 не ожидала такого успеха 4 жизнь Шараповой необычна / необыкновенна / у Шараповой необыкновенная жизнь 5 она классно / замечательно / великолепно играет 6 она непростой соперник / с ней непросто соперничать 7 повеселиться / развлечься 1 1 collection 2 describe 3 discussion 4 imagination 5 invent 6 creations Id 2a 3g 4f 5b 6e 7c ^esson 2 3 Both of them like biology. Neither of them likes geography. One of them lives in the city centre and the other lives far from the centre. Neither of them goes to school by car. One of them likes playing computer games and the other prefers watching TV. 6 Both of them are fond of music. 7 Neither of them likes pop music. 8 Neither of them is going to be a scientist. 9 One of them wants to be an engineer and the other dreams of becoming a fashion designer. 10 Both of them want to be successful in their careers. 11 One of them takes the brain-dominance theory critically and the other believes in it. 4 1 Both of us are... 2 Both of you can... 3 Neither of them is... 4 Both of them love... 5 Neither of us broke... ^esson 3 5 1b 2a 3e 4c 5d 6 1 a 2 the 3 the 4 the 5 a 6 a 7 a 8 the 9 the 10 the 11 a ^essons 4-5 7 1 had written 2 started 3 had finished 4 had never been 5 had left 6 won 7 had worked 1 appeared 2 were 3 worked / had been working 4 had already published and sold 5 had written 6 had just written 7 designed 8 founded 9 1 had done 2 had dried 3 was / had been 4 had been 5 had helped 6 had done ^esson 6 10 lb 2d 3f 4h 5g 6a 7c 8e 11 1 reduce 2 choose 3 explored 4 creative 5 description 6 overcome 7 decide 8 inventors 9 increases 10 to cope with 11 result in reduce U choose s explored E creative Y description 0 overcome U decide R cope with A increases E inventors H result in D The hidden message is “Use Your Head!” 75 Г Answer keys Unit l^esson 1 1 1 station 5 igloo 2 wigwam 3 palace 6 tent 7 houseboat 4 skyscraper 8 hospital 2 1 to stay 2 to stay 3 I’d like 4 choose 5 I like 6 hate 7 I prefer 8 to make ^essons 2-3 3 1 easy to reach 2 look the same 3 make these buildings a bit different 4 quiet / cosy 5 modern 6 cosy / quiet 7 nice for 8 neighbours 9 be disturbed 4 1 I wish I lived not far from / close to school / didn’t live far from school. 2 I wish I didn’t have to go by trolleybus to get to school. 3 I wish I could go to school by helicopter. 4 I wish I didn’t have to share a room with my younger sister. 5 I wish I could talk with my friends over the telephone. 6 I wish our flat was bigger / wasn’t so small and I wish my mother allowed me to switch on music late in the evening. 7 I wish my mother didn’t think children should only listen to classical music only. 8 I wish I could live in a small house in the forest. esson 4 The posters are on the wall over / above the bed. The vase with flowers is on too of the speaker on the right of the desk. Her schoolbooks and files are in the box in the middle of the room. There are paints and brushes bv / beside the album. There is a dance coursebook among Katva’s tovs on the shelf. 1 on 2 inside 3 between 4 in 6 at, on 7 under, in 8 below 5 inside ^esson 5 7 1 to hand 4 focus on 2 lighting 5 disturb 3 concentrate 6 shared space 1 enough money 2 wide enough 3 enough eggs 4 enough tables 5 tall enough 6 enough snow 7 enough exercise 8 old enough 1 The table is not large enough for me to put all the necessary books to hand. 2 This room is too dark for studying! 3 Our dining room is too small for all of us to have a big party. 4 The problem is important enough to attract your attention. 5 Was your composition good enough for the teacher to give you a good mark? 6 The task is too hard for me to do it without help. 7 Is the light bright enough for you to read by? I^esson 6 10 1 is 2 gives 3 have developed / have been developing 4 is designed 5 shows 6 have developed 7 were replaced / have been replaced 8 uses 9 were 10 was 11 served 12 became 13 is 14 has 11 1 I would ask for a bed in the shape of a car. 2 There would be a large-screen TV with a DVD player. 3 I would put up a signed poster of a pop group. 4 My fantasy room would include a place to ride my skateboard. 5 I would have a desk with a high-tech computer. 6 There would be a mini fridge to store my own food. Unit ^esson 1 1 are served 2 say 3 wish 5 for good luck 6 come true 8 celebrate 4 receives 7 decorated 2 IE 2G 3C 4F 5A 6H 7D 8B ^essons 2-3 5 6 7 1 silly chats 2 emergency 3 ease 4 concerned 5 running late 6 acceptable 1 gets tired 2 was not interested 3 got used to reading 4 gets excited 5 got used 6 you are used / you’ll get used 7 getting 8 get annoyed 1 get 2 be 3 got 4 been 5 live 6 was 1 at 2 about 3 about 4 off 5 that 6 to lOo Ik 2d 3n 4b 5h 6a 7e 11i 12q 13c 141 15p 16m 8f 9j 17g esson 4 I are 2 was about to leave 3 asked 4 Did you enjoy 5 was 6 was about to offer 7 hit 8 spilt 9 would kill 10 was on the point of finishing II was switched off 12 didn't believe ID 2B ЗА, D 4C 5B 6A 7A 8C 76 J Answer keys ^esson 5 10 ^esson 4 1 to 2 -near 7 — 3 for 8 - 4 at 9 of 5 -10 at 6 by / next to / 11 1 He always keeps everything to himself. 2 I didn’t recognise you yesterday in the street. 3 I can’t work out how this phone works. 4 He always gets away with everything. 5 Don’t repeat your mistakes. 7 1 examined 2 to investigate 3 found out 4 suspected The extra word is commit. 8 IE 2K 3D 4L 5G 10B 11F 12A 131 6C 7H 8M 9J ^esson 6 12 A В C D E ^esson 5 9 7, 11 1,6 2.4,5, 10 8, 12 3, 9 1 might have existed 2 could have been, must have used 3 can’t have been 4 can’t have answered 5 could / might have been 6 can’t have been 7 must have thrown 10 la 2a 3a 4 the 5-8 the 9 a 10 the 11 the 13 — 14 - 15 the 6 a 7 a 12 the 11 Unit 1 about 2 like 3 of 4 from 5 with 6 as 7 in The extra word is on. ^essons 1 -2 2 esson 6 2 Bob can’t have covered the page in the class register with ink. f 12 1 2 5 6 P 10 12 C F 3 4 s w 0 8 9 C 11 3 Emma must have informed the police. d R 1 E D и 1 L A c R C 4 Police can’t have questioned Mr Forster. 5 The suspect must have been at the crime scene that night. c e 1 N V E s T 1 G A T 1 0 N M D 1 T p N c E S M P 1 D E E E E N E E N n F r. r. S T 6 Jim must have called me that night. b A U N T T S 7 Inspector Donut can’t have proved that Luker was guilty. a L T C 1 E V 1b 2c 3a 4c E ^esson 3 4 Unit 1 hid 2 had always told 3 wished 4 had stopped 5 ran 6 tried 7 decided 8 didn’t stop 9 asked 10 didn’t want 11 had happened 12 didn’t know 13 took 14 had been 15 had stayed 5 1 don’t even know 2 wear 3 get 5 tries 6 were 7 play 4 is ^esson 1 1 1 stream 2 flow 3 store 2a IT 2F 3T 4T 2b 1 first 2 then 3 at this stage 4 afterwards 5 at the same time 1 Jennifer said to / told me (that) Eliza had broken... 2 Mr Gripp said to / told me (that) he was sure that John had taken his sneakers... 3 The head teacher said to / told me (that) he couldn’t believe that it had been Michael who had sent the message... 4 A witness said to / told me (that) the police had arrested... 5 Donald said to / told me (that) he had been invited... I^esson 2 3 1 chicken 2 milk 3 pasta 4 orange 1 (a) agriculture 2 Your answers are correct if they are within ±10. 1 USA 390 (397) 2 Japan 280 (279) 3 Switzerland 270 (270) '4 Italy 220 (220) 5 UK 150 (150) 6 Germany 140 (145) 7 Spain 130 (126) 8 India 30 (25) 77 Г Answer keys ^essons 3-4 5 1 reef 2 breathtaking 3 camouflage 4 breeding 6 1 the 2 a 3 — 4 — 5 the 6 an 7 — 8 an 9 — 10 — 11 the 12 the 13 the 14 the 15 the 16 the 7 1 was built 2 was closed / closed 3 were built 4 survived 5 was 6 was opened / opened 7 have been located 8 have followed 9 mix ^esson 5 8 Noun Adjective disaster disasterous damage damaged cause caused death dead constuction constructed 9 la 2c 3c 4b 10 1 drowned 2 light 3 to prevent 4 severe j^esson 6 11a 1C 2E 3B 4D 5A 10 Unit ^essons 1 -2 la IT 2F 3T 4T 1b 1b 2b 3a 4b 2 1 achieved 2 chance 3 obstacles 4 dreams came true 5 had a dream 6 goals 7 succeed 8 have a dream ^esson 3 3a a) REM sleep is rapid eye movement sleep, b) A nightmare is a bad dream. 3b 1 REM 2 REM, non-REM 3 REM 4 non-REM ^esson 4 4 1 I wish I had a magic wand. 2 I wish I could dance well. /1 wish I were good at dancing. 3 I wish I were hard-working. / I wish I weren’t so lazy. 4 I wish I were never late for school. /1 wish I always came to school on time. 5 I wish I had a dog. If I’d go on a journey round the world if I were very rich. 2g If I had a perfect command of English, I would oo to Oxford to study. 3a If I had a twin brother, we would share our homework. 4b I wouldn’t do any housework if I had a robot. 5c I would ask for happiness for everybody if I had a magic wand. 6d If I caught a Gold Fish, I would ask her to teach me how to drive a car. 7e If I had a shorter nose, I would enter a beauty contest. If I fell asleep more easily, I wouldn’t have nightmares. If didn’t have nightmares, I would sleep better and feel healthier. If I slept better and felt healthier, I would do more in the day. If I did more in the day, I would be more tired. If I were more tired, I would fall asleep more easily. If I fell asleep more easily, I wouldn’t read horror books. ^esson 5 7 10 1 Я видел сон / Мне снилось 2 сны 3 Перестань мечтать 4 Собака должно быть видит сон / Собаке должно быть что-то снится / Собаке должно быть снится сон 5 стал мечтать 6 Я видел / Мне снился странный сон 7 романтические девичьи сны Verbs: win, lose, succeed, fail, cause Nouns: regret, pride, winner, loser, success, failure, cause 1 failed 2 confident 3 proud 4 failures 5 self-confident 1 gained 2 regretted 3 caused 4 proud 5 fail The extra word is self-confident. ^esson 6 11 16 R c c N I О N F I S S ,4 R G R E T E;N M M P R I D C JH rIe| 12 1 other 2 succeed 3 obstacle 4 spoke 5 self-confident 6 I am not sure 7 come true 8 succeed / make it come true 13 1,2,4, 5, 7 78 г The publishers would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce images and copyright material: © Mizz/IPC 3; “Teenage racing driver” text first published in Crown April 2001 © Mary Glasgow Magazines/Scholastic 5; “Postcards” text first published in Crown April 2003 © Mary Glasgow Magazines/Scholastic 7; “Lance Armstrong” first published in Crown May/June 2002 © Mary Glasgow Magazines/Scholastic 25; “Shaggy” text first published in Crown April 2002 © Mary Glasgow Magazines/Scholastic 26; ‘Oackie Chan” text first published in Team March 2002 © Mary Glasgow Magazines/Scholastic 28; ‘Uulia Roberts” text first published in Club Sep/Oct year 2001 © Mary Glasgow Magazines/Scholastic 29; Connie Eccles, CEO and writerforwww.comportone.com /4; Reprinted by kind permission of the BBC https://bbc.co.uk/newsround 15] Extract from Shout © DC Thomson & Co., Ltd. 22, 23; 49; © Mary Beilis https://inventors.about.com 34; © Mary Moor Reprinted by kind permission of the Trustees of the Geffrye Museum 43; www.kidsparties.com/traditions.htm 45; This information was provided by KidsHealth, one of the largest resources online for medically reviewed health information written for parents, kids, and teens. For more articles like this one, visit vww.KidsHealth.org or www.TeensHealth.org. © 1995-2005. The Nemours Foundation 67; “Last Night’s Nightmares”, © 2005, Kenn Nesbitt. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted by permission of the author, www.poetry4kids.com. 72. Photographs © Getty Images 4, 9, 19, 22, 23, 44 © Brookemead Associates 9 (thanks to William McDonald) © Olga Vitale Picture Collection 9, 11, 12, 19, 37, 51 © Alamy / Brand X Pictures 15 © Alamy / Brian & Cherry Alexander Photography 30 © Alamy / Bob Pardue 37 © Regency Room at the Geffrye Museum (photo: Chris Ridley) 43 © Zela 47 © Alamy / Oote Boe 61 © Alamy / Brandon Cole Marine Photography 62 © RPG / Corbis / Denis O’Regan 26 © RPG / Corbis / Mitchell Gerber 29 © PhotoXpress 28, 37 Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders of material in this book. The publishers apologise for any omissions and will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements when New Millennium English is reprinted. All website addresses (URLS) are believed to be correct at the time of publication. The publishers can accept no liability whatsoever for any changes to these addresses, loss, damage or distress caused to any person accessing any material contained on any page found at any of these Internet addresses. r The authors and publishers would like to thank the following teachers, their students and their school administrators for their help in piloting and commenting on the materials in the spring of 2004: Kobzeva Olesya Olegovna, Malutina Tatiana Albertovna, Donetskaya Natalia Borisovna (Tambov, School No 6); Kolesnik Raisa Vladimirovna (Ekaterinburg, Lyceum No 109); Masharova Irina Sergeevna (Ekaterinburg, School No 152): Borzykh Nadezhda Mikhailovna (Samara, School No 22); Khusinova Elena Pavlovna (Samara, Bezenchuk, School No 1); Malinovskaya Marianna Lvovna (Novosibirsk, Koltsovo, School No 21); Ofitserova Tatiana Ivanovna, Koptyug Nina (Novosibirsk, School No 130); Murauskis Inara Ivanovna (Yaroslavl, School No 18); Titova Elena Nikolaevna (Yaroslavl, Gymnasia No 1); Romanova Alyona Albertovna (Krasnoyarsk, Gymnasia No 9); Tregoubova Galina Borisovna (Krasnoyarsk, Gymnasia No 1 “Univers”); Kolesnik Raisa Grigorievna, Zhiltsova Nina Petrovna (Ryazan, Liceum No 4); Krasnova Galina lllyinichna (Cheboksary, School No 51); Maryashkina Lubov Aleksandrovna (Cheboksary, School No 27); Novikova Alla Ivovna, Golovkina Galina Nikolaevna (Tula, School No 8); Komissarova Svetlana Nikolaevna (Omsk, School No 122); Karzaeva Svetlana Mikhailovna (Omsk, School No 77); Agafonova Elena Aleksandrovna (Sochi, Gymnazia No 6); Zabelian Valentina Saakovna (Sochi, Gymnazia No 78); Zhenchenko Larisa Veniaminovna, Orlova Lidia Sergeevna (Nevelsk, Sakhalin, School No 2); Michka Marina Alexandrovna (Irkutsk, Lyceum No 3); Nartseva Irina Valerievna (Angarsk, Centre of Education No 8); Borshchko Irina Petrovna, Shubina Larisa Victorovna (Volgograd, School No 31); Nosonovich Elena Viktorovna, Martirosyan Suzanna Maksimovna (Moscow, Non-state comprehensive school “LInia plus"); Chernetsova Elena Vladimirovna (St Petersburg, School No 628); Slepukhina Irina Borisovna (St Petersburg, School No 667); Bystrova Elena Konstantinivna, Ivanova Marina Viktorovna (Nizhni Novgorod, Pushkin Gymnasia No 25). O. Б. Дворецкая H.Ю. Казырбаева H. И. Кузеванова М. Л. Мичурина Н. В. Новикова Л. В. Талзи Е. Ю. Шалимова РАБОЧАЯ ТЕТРАДЬ к учебнику английского языка для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений NEW MILLENNIUM ENGUSH АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК нового ТЫСЯЧЕЛЕТИЯ Замдиректора по подготовке изданий С, В. Ширина Корректоры Г. А. Киселева, Г. П. Мартыненко Дизайн макета Pentacor pic Иллюстрации: Н. В. Китаева, Mark Duffin, Graham Kennedy, David Shenton, Phillip Burrows, F&L Productions Фотографии: Л. H. Новоселов Художественный редактор E. A. Валяева Цифровая обработка изображений Л. Н. Новоселов, Н. С. Вишенкова Лицензия ИД № 00416 от 10.11.99. Санитарно-эпидемиологическое заключение о соответствии санитарным правилам РФ №Д.002629.03.06 от 30.03.2006. Подписано в печать 07.06.2006. Формат 60 х90/8. Гарнитура “Прагматика”. Печать офсетная. Бумага офретная. Усл. печ. л. 10,0. Уч.-изд. л. 9,5. Уел. кр.-отт. 12,0. Тир. 20 000 экз. Зак. № 1313 Издательство “Титул”. 249035, г. 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