Английский язык учебник 4 класс Азарова

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык учебник 4 класс Азарова - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Millie (Милли):

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I-:/ --“J ^ a rTi:.t .•> rrr^ —: .[jf ШЩш' I ^ *1 «, £?T' 3*.». sJ>. - ‘- .I jj5 • « 4_>'j »**! В ' к к h "ini - - •L I- V «. .--ViSa;' iL -fUb^ Шй.. ■УТГ ' _ ri_- ■ “ ' '-'v' Hohie Pen Pol Club Emoil W/ f Look" fi*~Mu^ic Songs & Music Projects Game Zone 1 \~ Sing the song. Nice to see you again Hello! Hello! Hello! It’s nice to see you ogoin! It’s time to hove о go, u°M®. ®0"9s.’ploy gomes Hello! Hello! Hello! H'p. hipi ho^ro^ Hip hip! i| ijl ■ ^ 0 d Aii w_4 «. :l .'bwV- Ф « ^^У|Г,1^уд&аг1 .N ■ч?‘ Г l^>y>^«oycfy г>т;..»; W.r^ ■ ----. *::JC.- . 4 . I t> ^ i‘=v^ '■Ч "a Л 'I , .-|g;V--i‘ VV.J У 2: Г КЛАСС с. и. Азарова, Э. Н. Дружинина, Е. В. Ермолаева, Е. В. Зоткина, Л. Г Карпова. Е. М. Коренкова, Е. В. Костюк, И. В. Крайнева, Н. Н. Петрова, Н. Б. Пономарева, Р. Ю. Попова, Н. С. Славщик, Л. Л. Соколова, Л. Н. Струкова, Н. Ю. Шульгина АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Учебник ДЛЯ общеобразовательных учреждений Начальный курс к учебнику “Английский язык нового тысячелетия"/“New Millennium English для 5-11 классов Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации к использованию в образовательном процессе в образовательных учреждениях общего образования имеющих государственную аккредитацию (соответствует федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту начального образования) BRITISH COUNCIL Brookemead English Language Teaching ТИТУЛ T I T и L 2012 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 А35 УДК 802.0(075 2) With love (о ОШ Millie-husbands, Millie-^aicntsand MHlie-kids and all those Millie-peopte in Rus&a and in the Uf< who always believed in us and in Millie. Уош Millie-authuib Authors* thanks and acknowledgements This project would not have been possible without the unfailing commitment of Ye. A. Lenskaya, Assistant Director for Education and English Language. Brnish Council, Moscow. Our special thanks and deepest gratitude go to Mike Scholey, from the College of St Mark and St John, Plymouth, UK and Annamaria Pinter, the University of Warwick. UK, for consultancy advice, inspiration and tann in us in spite of all trials and tribulatior)s of the project. IVe are also very grateful to Pod Bolitho, Steve Ansell and all the tutors and consultants from the College of St Mark and St John, Rymouth, UK. andShelagh Pixon. the University of Warwick. UK, who inspired us to launch into a wonderful journey of textbook writing. 7?it; authors would also like to thank T. M. Krasnopolskaya, Ye. G. Borovikova, S. M. Kuzmina and our "bigger sisters"— authors of the "New Millennium English” textbooks who contributed to the book by their efficient management, administrative support and generous sharing of their professional experience. We would tike to thank Catherine Walter, N. N. Achkassova, I. A. Kalinina, N. M. Podina and K. V. Ponzhina for advice and support. Our thanks go to Konstantin Finov and Serguei Gruzdev whc wrote the music for the songs in the book. We would like to thank K. L Boutiagina and S. M. uoubovik. the project partners from the National Training Foundation. A big thank you goes to the teams of the TituI and Brookemead publishers, especially S. N. Kononenko, S. V. Shinna, O. A. Denisenko, E. A Valyaeva, N. A. Valyaeva, Durrcan Prowse and Anna Whitcher Kutz, whose commitment, enthusiasm and professionalism made this book happen. Азарова C. И. и др. A35 Английский язык: Милли / Millie: Учебник для 4 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. / С. И. Азарова, Э. Н. Дружинина, Е. В. Ермолаева, Е. В. Зоткина, Л. Г Карпов^, Е М. Коренкова, Е. В Костюк, И. В. Крайнева. Н. Н. Петрова. Н. Б. Пономарева, Р. Ю. Попова, Н. С. Славшик. Л. Л. Соколова. Л. Н Струкова, Н. Ю. Шульгина — Обнинск:Титул,2012.— 128с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-468-7 УМК “Милли-4" является заключительной частью учебного курса “Милли" для 2-4-х классов общеобразовательных учреждений России и составляет с курсом 'Английский язык нового тысячелетия" единую учебную линию для 2-11 -X классов. УМК соответствует требованиям федерального государственного образовательного стандарта начального общего образования. УМК “Милли-4" предназначен для учащихся 4-го класса и состоит из учебника, книги для учителя, рабочей тетради, аудиоприложения (аудиокассеты, CD MP3), набора карточек для обучения говорению и чтению, обу^а ющей компьютерной программы — 'Милли-4“. "Интерактивные плакаты" (1-4-е классы). Как и предыдущие учебники серии, учебник для 4-i о класса предлагает разнообразный материал хшя развития речевых и общеучебных навыков, кот орый был отобран авторами с учетом психологических и воэрастиьх особенностей младших школьников. Задания включают тексты для аудирования и чтения, игры, инструкщч* ". выполнению поделок, страницы самоконтроля, захватывающую сквозную историю. Темы и CMTi-aLiu* близки учащимся начальной школы, а предлагаемый языковой матерттал позволяет им выраз»’ть сво»» и чувства, стимулирует общение со сверстниками на английском языке. В учебник включен ин'"ёр*-;-э-> »« э-навательный материал страноведческого характера, а также двуязычный словарь активной ne^t:***** раздела и страница для родителей. ISBN 978-5-86866-468-7 © С. И. Азарова, Э. Н. Дружинина Е Б Е. М. Коренкова, Е. 6. Костюк. И Б Коа*'-5=-. R Ю. Попова, Н. С. Славщик. Л. F Сссугяс ‘ © The British Council. 2007 © Brookemead Associates zyj' (Й Излателкгтйо 'Титул' лиг«й-© Издательство Titiyr i>:*i c. ияменрниями £ £ Л Г Карпова, - Б Пономарева. • Ю. Шульгина, 2007 7007 .зас>з»:*:*^анение, 2011 Содержание Uni* 1 WWW. а round. the_world.net 4 ■ ■ ■ Unit 2 In Millletown Unit 4 In the castle ...36 CD 1 О) СО 1 СИ CD СО 1 (0 to 0) СЛ О) +-J о С CL Z) ...14 Q. Z) Unit 3 It’S a festival I ■ Be 26 Unit 5 With a little help from my friends ...48 Unite We are the champions! ..58 00 (O Unit 7 Dinosauria ...70 Unite Unit 9 My travelogue "^“...92 Wordiist Unit 10 Until we meet again! Once upon a time... ...80 0) a> 05 Q. CO ^ ^ fj = К « To: [email protected] From: tokyoschool©globalschoolnet.org Subject: International projects 0Attach: Class Profile.doc, Questionnaire.doc Questionnaire: 1 Do you go on the Internet' We’re all pupils from Tokyo, Japan. We’re doing a project on the Internet called ‘Children around the world’. What do you like doing? Do you like to travel? What countries do you want to visit? What do you collect? What computer games do you like to play? Have you got any pen pals in different countries? Please answer our questions. You can email the information about your class or visit our class website: https://japan_school.gr4 You can also put It on the international website www.around_the_world.net Thank you! J Have you heard? More than 2 million American children aged 6-17 have their own personal websites. C ! 12 2 Read and write. Our class profile Town: Samara Country: Russia School: Class: Number of pupils: Our class interests 1 ... want to visit ... . 2 ... collect ...... and Our class on the Internet J 1 2 3 4 5 want to go on the Internet. want to look for interesting information want to find pen pals. want to send emails. want to do a project on the Internet. Games 1 ... play computer games. 2 ...’s favourite game is ... 3 ... like 0 Ч \ ' Millie loves looking at her | Unit 2 In Mililetovi/n grandma’s clothes there ------^ (d) You can fly a bus from it. ---------^ Щ ' t Yi ^ Wow! Swimming in orange juice! I’d like to go there. 2 Read and say. What can millipedes do there? swimming pool hospital cinema museum sports centre theme park bus station town 3 Choose a place to visit in Millietown. /L I’d like to visit the sports centre, because I can play nose-ball there. ) 15 Unit 2 In Millietown Iesson 2 # # • # t # # # Look^ listen and read Excuse me, where’s the zoo, please? The zoo? Yes, the zoo. Ah, yes. It’s over there. Next to the school. Thank you. That’s cool. Excuse me, where’s the school, please? The school? Yes, the school. Ah, yes. It’s over there. Opposite the swimming pool. Thank you. That’s cool. Excuse me, but where's the pool, please? BUS STATION 16 This is on invitation to our station. And these ore easy directions to our international station. 4. т т ш * * ' * Unit 2 In Millietown Listen and find the museum. and the circus. Find the bus station Oh, but where’s the swimming pool? It’s in on old building over there, opposite the cafe. And the cafe’s a high building in Blue Street. J Have you heard? Beijing is the capital of China. It’s about 3,000 years old. You can see many old buildings there. The symbol of the city is Tian’anmen, the tower with the old gate. The Museum of Chinese History is opposite the tower. Today Beijing is a very modern city. It’s the host city of the 2008 Olympic Games. tower - башня gate - ворота host - принимающий I IP tS ?J! Unit 2 In Millietown L 1 Listen, read and say the Pirate want to do? What does Spide Millie Spider the Pirate and you’ll get 98 green leaves! All milliepeople are welcome to Dreamland the new theme park! к • opening times: Monday - Sunday 9 am - 10 pm Whatever the weather, it’s an ideal place to visit! Come to Dreamland Theme Park and have fun! 2 Listen and follow the directions. Then -------------- moke up the dialogue. ^ l efuTsfreer ' Stupid r Where’s the theme (p) machine! park?! ZRKLZ... walk along Yellow Street. Turn left at the swimming pool and you’ll see a cafe...ssss. \S--------- “N Ah! The Information centre! Where’s the new theme park, please? ZRKLZSZKssssssssss 18 N in I ?»■ YELLOW STREET hospital Information Centre cinema 3 Read and find the theme park. Dear Vic and Kate, Go out of the bus station in Yellow Street. Turn left and go along Yellow Street. Turn right at the swimming pool. Then go along Green Street. Then turn left at the zoo. It’s next to the primary school, which is an old building. You’ll see the sports centre opposite the zoo. Dreamland Park is next to the sports centre. Good luck! You’ll need it! The President 4 Choose a role and act out your dialogues. Help Vic find the way to the theme park from Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 the circus the cinema hospital Excuse me, where’s the theme park, please? It’s in New Street. ^---------------------- I How do I get there? yt. Go along ... Street, then turn left at ... . You’ll see an ... building. It’s next to ... opposite the ... . Hit 2 •: Milli. ‘ . Iesson 4 1 Look, listen and find Millie. 20 Unit 2 In Millietown 2 Read and say. Where would you like to go? What would you like to do? Xyielcome to o,eamland Part, Rain! Snow! Wind! No problem! Whatever the weather, you con hove fun on the fantastic rides, slides and pools in our beautiful pork! Dreamland Park is open 7 days a week 9.00 am - 10.00 pm Would you like to o) slide fast down the Tube? b) jump and dive in the Pool? c) hove a look at Millietown from the Big Wheel? d) climb a banana tree and have lunch at the 9 e) ride down the Rapids? f) swim and ride a seahorse in Green Milk 9 g) visit the Chewing Gum ? h) see cuddly millie-animals in the Circus? i) have a snowball fight with a ghost in 9 j) watch the film, ‘Granny on Holiday’, at the cinema? Dreamland Park is a great place for you and your family! I’d like to ride on the Dragon Big Wheel. It’s good fun to look at Millietown from the sky. And I’d like to slide down the Snake Tube again. It’s fantastic! 21 Unit 2 In Millietown Lesson 5 -22 i Eight mums and eight dads with eight kids and eighty cats, eight cars with weighty freight move to house number eight. 1 Read and make your own Funtown. 1 Draw the streets of your town. Write the names of the streets. 2 Draw the buildings and rides you want to have in your Funtown. Stick the buildings on your map. 3 What’s the most popular building / ride in your Funtown? Why? What can you do there? How do I get there? Welcome to Funtown! It's a fantastic place to visiti You can visit • Dragon Sports Centre • Smile Park • Clown School You can • play Snowman Football • ride the Lemonade River Rapids • listen to the Monkey’s stories You can play Snowman Football and swim in orange juice in the swimming pool. Г ’* ( How do I get there? j It’s a yellow building in Drum Street. Go along Violin Street, then turn left. Dragon Sports Centre is next to Clown School. 1 Listen, read and say. What a beautiful town! Let’s go and look! Look, people are running away! The bugs! Run to the home of the Muses! These monsters are eating our town! Look at your clothes and feet. 3~T This building looks like о swimming pool. Which building is the home of the Muses and who ore they? Help; It’s 0 Greek town. Greeks wear tunics and sandals. The building that looks like a swimming pool is a bath. People go there to wash themselves. The building with the snake is a hospital. The stadium’s the place where people do sports. The Museum’s the home of the Muses. The Muses are nine sisters. They are goddesses of learning and arts. Find an old book about the town and draw a map of it. Do it before the bugs eat the whole town. Take this mouse and click the right button when the Dicture’s ready. Hurry up! The school’s next to the museum and the hospital’s opposite the school. The bath’s next to the hospital and opposite the stadium. And the stadium’s next to the school. Muse - муза do sports - заниматься спортом goddess - богиня click - нажимать g uossa^ Progress page Units 1-2 1 Listen to the Wormtown guided tour. Write the letter next to the name of the building. 1 Pen Pal Club 2 Worm Museum __________ 3 Happy Pizza Restaurant __ 4 Internet Cafe _ 5 Brave Worm Sports Centre ___ 2 Read and complete the email. To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: friends Hi. (1) ... . I’m Daisuke. I’m ten. My mum’s from (2) ... and my dad’s from Brazil. I live in (3) ... in Great Russell (4) ... . My house is (5) ... the British (6) ... . I (7) ... CDs and comics. In summer we (8) ... to different countries. It’s so (9) ... ! I want to (10) ... Moscow next summer. Do you like travelling? Please write to me. Daisuke •i 9 9 ft m 1 ¥ opposite collect travel Museum interesting Japan London Bigfoot Street visit ё Ф Score /10 Progress page Units 1-2 3 Read and find the password 1 It’s the third letter in 2 It’s the first letter in 3 It’s the seventh letter in 4 It’s the fourth letter in 5 It’s the second letter in 6 It’s the second letter in Tnpnbt (S* умг и ш t тлп doe oM 4t 04(fi9nl 4 Fill in the table and draw a map of your town. Ask and tell your friend about your new identities. Name Country Street, town House Likes Billy Brazil Yellow Street, Greentown next to the bus station doing projects on the Internet What’s your name? ---------------^ What country are you from? '---------- Twhere do you live? -----------------?— ^--------------------- I How can I get there? In Yellow Street in Greentown. yzi % Walk along Banana Street. On your left you’ll see the bus station. My house is next to it. Do you like doing projects on the Internet? Oj —1 —r <6 — Great! Well done! ' OK! Try again! 16-20 11-15 6-10 0-5 25 ^ Ч н 3 26 It’s а festival! Lesson 1 1 Read and say. When is people do for Diwali? Diwoli? What do Dear Steve, Hi! My name’s Madhuryc. I’m from India. My favourite festival is Diwali. We call it the ‘Festival of Lights’. It’s in October. We decorate our homes and streets with lots of ‘diwas’, which are little lamps. We wear new clothes, sing songs and dance. We give each other presents and send Diwali cards. In this photo I’m dancing with my friends. Come and enjoy this beautiful festival with us! Madhurya Listen and say the number. Then read and say. What's Wendy going to do? Would you like to find the way out of a maze? You can eat delicious food and lots of sweets. J.K MAYOR OF LONDv; > and oIl in association with bml Diwali on the square Unit 3 It's a festival! 3 Sing the song. When you light a Diwo lamp, you clop your hands. When you light a Diwa lamp, you clap your hands. Dance and sing this song. When you light a Diwa lamp, you clap your hands. When you .... you clap your hands. When you ..., you clap your hands. Dance and sing this song. When you ..., you clap your hands. 4 Read and say. What would you like to do at the festival? ■ Welcome to the Diwali festival! Come and have lots of fun with us! • Find your way out of a maze and take part in a sack race • Light fireworks and Diwa lamps • Eat delicious food and lots of sweets • Sing and dance with Diwa lamps • Listen to the beautiful music • Make lots of friends У Have you heard? The name of this Jewish festival is Honukkoh, or the festival of lights. It takes place in December. 27 I- ,.M V V *' г \ J' I esson 2 1 Read, listen and say. What will Steve and Wendy do at the festival? They'll... light fireworks listen to Russian music Г' eat fraaitional food -jj Л таке a snowman I 'i October, 20 take part in a sack race find the way out of a maze have a snowball fight play wooden spoons 2 Read and say true or false. 1 The Mayor of Moscow will open the Russian Winter Festival in London. 2 People will listen to traditional Russian folk songs during the festival. 3 The children will watch a puppet show. 4 People will light fireworks and lights. 5 The children will take part in a sack race and maze puzzles. 6 People will taste traditional Russian food. 3 Read and guess the festival. Town Festival Food Fe5tival McnkeLf Festival Potato Town Festival Flower Festival Bun'FRFLV Festival Z' 28 You’ll light fireworks. You’ll moke potato puppets. You’ll moke a potato house. You’ll have traditional potato soup. /—~y ’*'■ ь tr^ ^'<1 ' У . I . s 1. r; I $ II 1^- I I % ' Unit 3 It’s a festival!! t ross*a:-j F£Si:VAt RUSSIAN WINTER FESTIVAL Trafalgar Square, London, 15 January 2005 The festival will bring music and fun to celebrate the ‘Old New Year’, according to the old Russian calendar. The Lord Mayor of London will open the festival. You’ll like the traditional folk dancers, singers and musicians. And you’ll see fantastic fireworks and special lights. You’ll also watch a puppet show. Come and • have a sfiowball fight • join clowns and magicians • make a snowman • make Russian ‘Petrushka’ puppets • play wooden spoons • learn Russian folk dances • skate with Russian ice-skating stars • buy traditional Russian food and souvenirs Don’t miss a true taste of Russia. celebrate - праздновать mayor - мэр skate - кататься на коньках ice-skating - катание на коньках Have you heard? Muslims celebrate Eid ul-Filr. It’s a very happy festival. On this occasion girls get colourful bracelets and boys get prayer caps flil/AbJt 29 - к.’Л e r.: • f ^ t 4 li I esson 3 1 Read and put the text in the order of the pictures. Listen and check. > r 30 a Ms Fun Well done, Wendy! You’re the winner. You’ve got five Easter eggs in your basket! Here’s your prize. It’s another basket with five Easter eggs in it. Wendy Ms Fun Ms Fun: It’s Easter Sunday today. Who knows who brings Easter eggs to the children? The Easter Bunny! Right. But she likes to hide them Now we’re going to have an egg hunt. Do you like Easter eggs? Oh, yes, yes. I love Easter eggs, too. So, let’s have an egg hunt. Have you got your baskets? Can you stand in one line, please? OK, first find and pick up the eggs. Then put them in your basket. Then bring your baskets to me. The child who has the most eggs is the winner. Are you ready? Go! Children Ms Fun Wendy: Steve: Wendy: Steve: Steve, how many eggs have you got in your basket? Three. How about you? Five. But I’m tired. Let’s sit down here. Yeah. I’m tired too. Oh, no! The Easter eggs!!! Steve: I’ve got five eggs. But I’ll put two eggs in my pocket and eat them later. I*-. J Unit 3 't’s a festival! 0 Read and play. Score 3 9ОЭП 1 Find a friend to play the game with. 2 Take the strips of paper (A) and a plastic egg (B) 3 Put the strips on the desk (C) 4 Pick up a plastic egg and put it in the centre (D). 5 Blow the egg (E). 6 Score five goals and win the game! D 3 Read and play. 1 Take four cards and write: Instructions game Find an egg. Pick up the egg 2 3 4 5 6 Put the egg on your head. Bring me the egg. Mix up your cards and the cards of your friends. Choose the leader of the game. Listen to the leader reading instructions. Follow the instructions. The last pupil to follow the instructions is out of the game! t \ ■ л J f ^ (an) ego; head (a) pen hand (a) basket foot the Easter Bunny arm • • • Ф 0 9 mix up - перемешать choose - выбирать follow - выполнять is out of the game - выбы вает из игры 31 Unit 3 H’s a festival! I esson 4 1 Sing the song 2 Shake your dragon tail, It’s not a fairy tale. Why don’t we dance? Shake your tail with us! Shake it high, Then say ‘Hi’. Shake it low, Make it slow. Shake your dragon tail, It’s not a fairy tale. Why don’t we dance? Shake your tail with us! Wear your mask And fancy dress. Let’s parade. Don’t be afraid! 1 Listen, say and make. What will Steve and Wendy do? Why don’t we take part in the Crazy Parade? у Unit 3 It's a testival! 3 Read and play. Crazy Parade Get ready to dance and play some^eat musli wjth us! f When: Sunday May 1st Where: London Mayflower Primary School Make crazy nnusical instrunnents fronn spoons, bottles and plastic bass. Take part in a sack race or a flower hunt, or find the way out of a maze. Make up your own sons or poem. Make funny puppets from socks, and colourful masks from paper. Make a crazy fancy dress. Come and s^t a prize! j * . 1 Write three sentences about what you will do at the festival. 2 Guess what your friend will do. 3 Guess three correct sentences and win the game. Why don’t we take part in flower hunt! I think it’s fantastic. No, thanks. Why don’t V we make funny masks? Great! We’ll make funny masks. 33 ,-.4 Unit 3 It's a festival! lesson 5 We can read When it’s auTumn, I’d like to be It’s worm and sunny there. The autumn in Auckland! It’s a special time of year! Just like August weather here. in Auckland. 1 Read, write and say. 1 Give a name to your festival. 2 Write where and when you’ll have the festival. 3 Write what you’ll do at the festival (the programme) 4 Plan to make decorations, masks, and fancy dress. 5 Choose music, songs and rhymes. 6 Make a list of guests. д ^ 7 Tell your friends about your plans. JXLcl. L. Л. . t |TO^ ■ keyboard computer mouse ^ ight pen touch screen \ g uossa^ IBAijsei в 8Д1 e Jiun к z 36 ■■, ‘ ^ ’V Iesson 1 1 GT Look, listen, read and guess Steve: That’s fantastic. It’s very old, isn’t it? Look! Ttiere are four towers. Wendy: And a big garden with a lovely lake in the middle. It’s beautiful! Wendy: Who’s that on the lawn? Steve: On the lawn? Where? Wendy: Under the tall tree, on your right. Steve: I don’t know. 1 Steve: Hey! It’s a cellar! And it looks quite scary! Wendy: Who’s that in the cellar? Steve: Someone’s in the cellar? Where? Wendy: Under the stairs. Steve: I don’t know. I think... ...it’s a ghost! There’s a castle near the river. It’s a museum now. Why don’t we go there next Sunday? Oh, Steve! I want to visit a castle so much! Unix ч m me casi^e Look, listen and read. What^s Iri the castle? 1 What? What? What’s there? What’s near the river? There’s a castle. There’s a castle. There’s a castle near the river. 2 What? What? What’s there? What’s behind the castle? There’s a forest. There’s a forest. There’s a forest behind the castle. 3 What? What? What’s there? What’s in the castle? There are towers. There are towers There are towers in the castle. 4 What? What? What’s there? What’s under the towers? There’s a cellar. There’s a cellar. There’s a cellar under the towers. 5 Who? Who? Who’s there? Who’s in the cellar? There’s a ghost. There’s a ghost. There’s a ghost in the cellar. What? What? What’s there? What’s under the towers? There’re stairs. There’re stairs. There’re stairs under the towers. 0 € 3 Make your own verses. l-n V r>'- There’re trees in the river There’s a garden near the tree There’s a ghost behind the garden There’s a lawn on the towers There’re stairs under the lawn i There're sheep l . I I the stairs 37 т Unit 4 In the castle Lesson 2 1 Look, read and say. Where are the ghosts? I on I opposite next to between behind under r in front of Listen, read and say true or false. a) There’re five portraits of kings, princes and princesses on the wall. b) There’s a small gate and four towers. c) The fireplace is between the portraits. d) Near the fireplace there’s a door to the attic. ^ ON A GUIDED TOUR 38 I fi В fi— j),r A unit 4 in me casTie 3 Build your own castle and give a guided tour. There’s a big gate in the middle of the wall. There are two towers. This is the hall. There’re portraits on the walls. There’s a door to the attic next to the fireplace. —jj---------------------- \ Hi J Have you heard? There are no castles in Russia, but there are kremlins. A kremlin is a fortress with many buildings inside. The Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is about 500 years old. It has thirteen towers and four gates. The Kremlin wall is about two kilometres long. Tourists can walk along the wall and look down at the city and the River Volga. fortress - крепость We can rjead r Showers, showers, come down on my flowers! Flowers, flowers, grow as tall as towers. Unit 4 In the castle Iesson 3 1 Look, listen and say. Who's listening to the scary music? 2 Are there any...? stairs chairs portraits windows Is there a...? tree gate table portrait Sing the song. Match the pictures with the words. 40 The ^hosrs son^ I live in the castle, My scary old castle. Soooooo! Here I am! Stay away from my towers, My scary old towers. Ooooooh! Here I am! Here’s my garden, My scary old garden. Boooooo! Here I am! Downstairs in my cellar. In my scary old cellar. Woooooo! Here I am! Don’t come near my attic. My scary old attic. Aoooooo! Here I am! Are you scared? We can read Don’t listen to the ghost’s whistle in the castle. unii ч m me casiie } Look, read and say. Why is Wendy sad? Is there a big scary garden near your castle? Well... No, there isn’t. And it’s not a castle. Is there a cellar in your castle? - there is Is there an attic? Yes, there is. But it’s not very interesting. Are there any portraits of your family? \л Yes, there are. A lot. Are there any towers? No, there aren’t. And no ghosts. Living there is really boring %.Y Don’t worry. Why don’t we play an exciling game! i Listen and play the game. Where am I?^^ \____________________ 7^ Ж \ Are there any chairs? гггп Yes, there are. Is there о ^ Yes, there is. j ^ Are you on the lawn? ^ A Ч No, I’m not. Ah! You’re in the hail! Now it’s my turn. 41 fe‘j. г 42 ; -Чк •I г .• Unit 4 In the castle Lesson 4 1 Look and soy. What's wrong? I think ... is the odd one out. й Look, listen and read ТЬ^г кп1йЬГ§ ea§tl(z; fr:8p^i-4, .-.ГГГ-2-ТГ 1гТП?1гТПГТГПГТГТ^ 0 Many years ago My castle was new. The weather was warm. My clothes were bright. Then there were knights. The music was sweet. There were bears in the woods в Now it’s old. Now it’s cold. Now they’re white. Now there’re guides. Now it’s strange. Now they’re in a cage. unii ц m ше casiie 3 Read and compare now with many years ago. The Tower of London The Tower of London is an old fortress on the river Thames. Many tourists from Russia, Japan, the USA, Brazil, China and other countries visit it every day. Now there are many high buildings around the Tower, so it does not look very big. Three hundred years ago it was one of the king's palaces. There were a lot of brave knights and princesses in beautiful dresses. It was also a prison. Many people were murdered there. Some people say there are ghosts in the Tower. Today the Tower is a museum. Tourists can see the Crown Jewels of the English kings and queens, and the ravens too. There are seven ravens in the Tower of London. Their names are Hardey, Thor, Odin, Cwyllum, Cedric, Hugine and Munin. Guides can tell you a lot of stories about them. Many, many years ago there were a lot of ravens. People say these birds keep the Tower and the city of London safe. Many years ago there were... Now there are... ----------------- palace - дворец prison - тюрьма murdered - убиты Crown Jewels - королев ские драгоценности raven - ворон keep safe - оберегать t Many years ago it was... Today it’s... 4- In the middle of the bright night two knights had a fight. 43 H ипп ч 1п те casiie Lesson 5 1 Listen and complete the story. It was a dark and scary night. In the dark scary ... There ... a dark and scary tower. ... that dark and scary tower There ... dark and scary ... . ... the dark and scary stairs. There ... a dark and scary cellar. In that ... and scary cellar There ... a dark and scary door. ... that dark and scary door There was a dark and scary ... . In that dark and ... room There ... a dark and scary cupboard In that dark and scary ... There... 2 Read and find the ghost's name. 44 1 In the book about castles there was a cellar. The first letter is there, under the stairs. 2 There are three portraits in the hall in the castle. The second letter is under the portrait on the fireplace 3 There was a photo of Wendy’s parents in the family album. The third letter is in her mother’s hand. 4 There were knights in bright clothes in the castle. The fourth letter is on the horse, behind the knight. 5 There was a bike next to the wall in an old town. The fifth letter is on the wall near the bike. 6 There are two windows in the Knight’s castle. The sixth letter is between them. 7 There was a door to the dark gloomy cellar. The sevenlh letter is near the door. The ghost’s name is C________________, 917 1 Listen, read and say NiKita, what happened? Where are we? ■',n (jpS'ih iliwn woipld Ш It’s so cold here. Look! Do you see those two big brown eyes? Is that you, explorer? Don’t be afraid of me. I’m Prince Felix. We’re in the cellar of my castle. It’s called Mukochevo and we ore in the Carpathian mountains in Ukraine. The castle is very old, about 1200 years, and very big. There are 130 buildings. Listen, I know you are here to help me. I can’t get out of this cellar. The underground passage begins here, behind one of these doors. The passage ends in the old garden behind the castle. But I can’t open the right door. And I don’t know the secret magic word. ~z ЕЮ There’s something on the wall. / Look, an electric light! There's a maze of scary underground passages under the castle. The knights will find the secret magic word. And the scary passage behind the fourth door will open. Say the word seven times and open the door to your freedom. VEMTOP' у к yboard computer ouse 'Ш ight pen I to ch screen electr c light happened - случилось underground passage подземный ход freedom - свобода g uossel 0iiseo ЭШ ui ь nun Prog?t!bi page Units У-4 Progress page Units 3-4 1 46 •J L.- A ^ A ••• ir> 1 Listen and choose the correct answer. Wendy puts the orange sticker on her a) dress, b) face, c) T-shirt. 2 Lynda is a) a teacher, b) a tourist, c) a guide. 3 There’s a maze a) on the lawn, b) in the cellar, c) in the garden 4 Children will see a film in the a) cellar, b) hall, c) attic. 5 The film is about a) knights, traditional festivals and ghosts. b) kings and princesses, c) castles in the UK. 6 Children can eat something delicious in the cafe a) behind the souvenir shop, b) near the gate. c) in the castle kitchen. Score 2 Read and match the descriptions with the photos. To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Yasnaya Polyana Hi, Wendy, Thanks for your letter. Here are some photos of my holiday. (1) 1 was at the festival in Yasnaya Polyana (Russia) in summer. It’s Tolstoy’s house. There were children playing wooden spoons. It was great! (2) There were guides in traditional Russian clothes. In this photo they meet us on the lawn in front of the main building. (3) There were a lot of portraits of Tolstoy and his family in the hall. (4) Then we were in a small house with a big Russian fireplace called ‘pechka’. In this photo we were eating traditional apple jam. (5) The garden with apple trees, flowers and a lake was so beautiful. (6) The festival was so exciting! In this photo we are taking part in a sack race. Please write back. Ahmed Score L I * Progress page Units F u-.i 3 Complete the sentences using the words from the box. : between scary sack race : \ were fireworks was I’ll : : guide festival Castle Steve, what’s that? It’s the programme of the festival at Leeds (1) ... . I’m going there with my family on Sunday. What will you do at the (2) ...? (3) ... take part in a (4) ... and watch the (5) ... . I (6) ... in a castle in Japan two years ago. It was Matsumoto Castle. Was there a festival in the castle? Yes, it was music festival. I’ve got a photo of it. Look I’m standing near our (7) ... . And who’s that, (8) ... the guide and your father? It’s my pen pal from Japan. Were there ghosts in Matsumoto Castle? No. And there (9) ... no knights. But there was a (10) ... cellar. Score /10 4 Find five differences. w Two davs aao Two days ago there were two ... . Today there’re ... Two days ago the ... was between the tree and the ... . Today it’s ... . Great! 16-20 £ Well done! Try again! 0-5 With а little from my friends Lesson 1 1 Look, listen and match I’ve got a runny nose.J 2 V I’ve got a fever. ) ■-^Why don’t we play outside? 4 I’ve got a cough. 5 I’m ill. -^I’ve got a sore throat.'] ^^ Look, read and match, i fe©l t©rrlbl©! I’ve got 0 sore throat. A very bod sore throat. Is?; |T| 0 Please, coll me a doctor, A doctor for me. I’ve got a cough. A very bod cough. / ^ Ч Don’t talk to me! Please! ^ Don’t talk to me! I’ve got a fever. A very bad fever. Oh, where’s my hankie? Get a hankie for me. rl ___________» < - >--r 48 ^0 I’ve got a runny nose. A very bad runny nose. I need some warm tea. Please, get me some tea I Unit 5 With a little help from my friends Poor you! I hope you’re better soon. 3 Read and play. Be my playmate Masha, why don’t we ride our bikes? ^------------7Г Sorry, I can’t. I’m ill. I’ve got a fever. Poor you! Mitya, why don’t we have a snowball fight? ГI hope you’re better soon. _________________________ Vera, why don’t we play outside? Sorry, I can’t. I’m ill. I’ve got a sore throat. 49 ;* F* ium-ы Unit 5 With a little help from my friends Iesson 2 1 Look and read « 4 • ■■ ' f f I feel excited. ] I feel scared, j (Tfeel terrible 2 Read and complete the interview. Listen and check. When Pm ill - - - _ ^ ^ How do you feel when you’re ill? Sad? Happy? Not to have lessons! Not to have homework! We’re going to ask some pupils from Class 4 to find out. Here comes someone now. Excuse me, can I ask you a question? ^ How do you feel when you’re ill? J r-' ' " ' III? Hm... maybe bored. I hate being alone. No friends. They’re outside playing games. And I’m in bed, alone. Yes, (1) ... when I’m ill. Thank you. And now someone else. Excuse me! How do you feel when you’re ill? I don’t know. I’m never (2) ... . You’re at home and there’s no homework. You don’t go to school. Yes, it’s cool. I think I want to be ill. I don’t think it’s good to be ill. (3) You know, a runny nose, a cough, a fever, a sore throat. Thank you. Now let’s ask one more person. How do you feel when you’re ill? But I think (4) ... . I hate injections and hospitals and doctors. I don’t like it at all. Unit 5 With a little help fronn my friends Look, listen and say. Who are they? I phone my friend. I get my friend something tasty. J ^ Hope you’re better soon. ^ I soy nice things. V,- . '-.гг.т:/: \ Xi'O Steve * V • • Щ • • Simon Miriam • 1 Carlos Martha ;V ' \ Kevin I send my friend a card. I help my friend I with his homework. i /Г I text my friend. Лч e' 4 Read and say. How can you help your friend? My friend’s ill. She’s in hospital. She feels scared. I’ll visit her in the hospital. Why don’t you text her? ________________ OK. I’ll text her and then visit her. 51 ft Unit Ь With a little help from my friends Lesson 3 1 Listen, choose and say Wendy’s friends homework oranges ice cream cards juice apples bananas biscuits video cassettes have got Wendy’s got a fever runny nose cough sore throat 2 Read and say. Last winter WG had a snowball fight 52 1 Z’» - *1 • • X и Last winter we had a snowball fight with Mike. You know he lives next door. I got a black eye. He got one too. But not as big as mine. Last summer I hurt my leg badly and had an operation in hospital. And I broke my arm last September. I had a plaster cast on it. I burnt my hand at home last Monday. Just have a look! Ouch! It hurts. And I fell from a tree last Sunday... and hurt my head. And I... My cat cut its leg with some glass... last Saturdav. ' Unit 5 With a little help from my rrienos 3 Listen and complete. Рббг Mister Oh, poor Mister Cloy! He hod bod luck one day. He hod 0 Fell down at night. He broke his ... And cut his palm. He burnt his ... And hurt his toes. He got a black ..., And swallowed a fly. Oh, poor Mister Clay! He had bad luck one day! r 4 Read and play. K' Last summer I broke my leg. I hope it Poor you! And I cut my hand last Sunday. ’s better soon. Last Monday Tuesday Wednesday winter I had broke hurt a black eye. a leg. a fight, a hand, an arm. my friend cut fell from suinmer burnt an operation, a tree. . 1^ We can read Curt burnt his curly purple hair and hurt his head last Thursday. 53 '> Unit 5 V\Ath a iittle help from my friends Iesson 4 •I—^ » Щ 54 1 Listen and choose the correct sentences ack to school 1 2 3 4 5 6 a) She’s at school, a) Wendy’s ill. a) She’s got a runny nose a) She’s got о fever, a) She’s got a cough, a) Carlos is ill. Read and complete the text. Then listen and check. b) She was at school, b) Wendy was ill. b) She had a runny nose, b) She had a fever, b) She had a cough, b) Carlos was Look, what i’ve got Steve: Wendy, look what I’ve got. Wendy: Wow! What’s that? Steve: It’s (1) ... . I think it’s from a shark. Wendy: It looks scary! Steve: Yes, doesn’t it? I (2) ... it on the beach last Sunday. Wendy: I think it broke while the (3) ... was eating. Steve: Or it broke when the shark attacked a boat. Wendy: Maybe it (4) ... because it was just old? I know! It was a milk tooth. Have sharks got milk (5) ...? Steve: I don’t know. Have you got any milk teeth left? Wendy: Yes. Look! One fell out yesterday when I was in the swimming pool. Miss Fun: Wendy and Steve, what are you doing there? Are you listening? 1 found \ a tooth fell out I found a parrot on ^ I---- - ly J ^ Monday. Right. Take the card. Now it’s your turn. don’t believe you, j т Ф • 0 Z 0 0 Unit 5 With а little help from my frienda 3 Read and match the parts of the text with the pictures. Then complete the sentences. A long time ago, when there were dinosaurs on the Earth, there was a shark called a Megalodon. It had big teeth the size of a man’s hand. Then all the Megalodons died. (1) Now there are Great White Sharks. Their teeth are the size of a man’s finger. They have 3-5 rows of teeth at a time. When a tooth from the first row falis out, a tooth from the second row takes its place. Sharks may have up to 3,000 teeth at one time. (2) People like collecting sharks’ teeth. They usually find them on the beach. (3) Now I’ve got only 23 teeth. —7^---- size - размер died - вымерли finger - палец row - ряд fall out - выпадать r I don’t believe you. My friend broke a window last Wednesday. Wrong. It’s true. time ago 1 There ... a shark called Megalodon. 3 Megalodon ... teeth the size of a man’s hand. 5 Steve ... a shark tooth. 7 The shark tooth ..., because it was old. 9 Wendy had .... before one fell out. 1 fall out 24 teeth has are found i 1 fell out were 23 teeth had find j now / usually_______________ 2 There ... Great White Sharks. 4 The Great White Shark ... teeth the size of a man’s finger. 6 People usually ... shark teeth on the beach. 8 Milk teeth always ... . 10 Wendy has got only ... now. 4 Read and play. I don't beHeve 5 >• L you % > [ Unit 5 With в little help from my friends Lesson 5 1 ’ Listen and say. What happened to broKe her / his... burnt her / his... had a fight had an operation fell from cut her / his... her / his tooth fell out 2 Sing the song. Wfith a littSe help from my friends - What do I do when my love is away? - Does it worry you to be alone? - How do I feel by the end of the day? - Are you sod because you’re on your own? No, I get by with о little help from my friends. Mm, I get high with о little help from my friends. Mm, gonna try with о little help from my friends. Sasha? has got 0 fever has got cough has got 0 block eye has got 0 runny nose has got 0 sore throat hurt her / his... 56 Read and find Sasha's cousin. Marco hasn’t got о block eye. Sue has got о block eye. Rita broke her arm. She’s not Sasha’s cousin. Sasha’s cousin hasn’t got fever. Judy has got fever. Martin burnt his leg. He’s not Sasha’s cousin. What happened to Sasha’s cousin, Marco? Sasha Martin i Kate Rita Sue Neil Judy Nadya Phil Marco 5 1 listen, read ana say. Л Explorer, what’s the matter with you? Achoo’ I feel terrible. The bugs... achool... They got into my ‘Health’ file. Find... the ^ man with the three eyes. ^ He can help... Do you know the man with three eyes? Where are we? Where can we find him? Yes, he’s the man who writes books. He lives in that house. I think we’re in China. But I don’t see any bugs. Let’s ask the fisherman about the man with the three eyes. Hello! They call me the man with the three eyes. Here, take these spectacles. They’ll help you to see better. Help: The first spectacles were made in China 2000 years ago People said they helped protect people from evil forces. They were one-glass spectacles. In 1267, an English monk called Reegan Bake made the first pair of spectacles in order to read the Bible. .'к» mveHTORT keyboard I computer mouse ■ight pen I see the bugs! j to ch screen electr o light spectac es health - здоровье call - называть made - сделал evil forces - злая сила у glass - стекло monk - монах in order - для того чгобк Bible - Библия g uosse*! sDuam Alu шод djag эщ!| e Ч iiufl z We are the champions! ! lesson 1 1 Look, listen and chant. n score win I-. 58 play We played the game! We played the game! Hi-ho, the derry-o, We played the game! We passed the puck! We passed the puck! Hi-ho, the derry-o, We passed the puck! We scored a goal! We scored a goal! Hi-ho, the derry-o, We scored a goal! We won the game! We won the game! Hi-ho, the derry-o, We won the game! Stop DOSS Look, listen and say. Who was the goalkeeper? What a great goalkeeper! 3 Read and put in the correct order. A Last Sunday the Reds played against the Greens, but Steve was ill. He had a sore throat. He watched TV in his room. В Steve’s got a sporty family. His dad plays football, his mum goes swimming, and his granny plays basketball and ice hockey and does gymnastics. C The Reds scored three goals. It was cool! D But then the player from the Greens team passed the puck. The goalkeeper stopped it! E But... guess who was the new goalkeeper? It was MY GRANNY!!! F The Reds won the game! We won! We are the champions! 4 Complete the sentences and tell the story. '>4 ^ _ - - . Saturday, December 15 Ice hockey match Last my favourite ice hockey team, the Lions, against the Tigers. It was a great game! number 2 Johnson from the Lions team the puck. The stopped it. It was cool! But then a О ffo m the Tigers team О a goal. The Tigers the game. What a great Oi L Unit 6 We are the champions! Lesson 2 1 Look, listen and soy. play basketball go skating do judo play tennis go do played play When she was ten, Mrs Rogers played... 60 We Can i-egd F A cockroach is standing near the goal He’s the go(jlkeeper. A goGt is playing football on the rood. He’s a footballer. •sm 2 Read and say. How many boys play tennis? 28 pupils 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 There’re twenty eight pupils in our class: thirteen boys and fifteen girls. We play ice hockey and tennis, do gymnastics and go swimming We don’t play basketball, go skating and do judo. Six boys play ice hockey, five boys and seven girls go swimming, and six girls do gymnastics. Two girls and boys play tennis. boys girls ploy ice hockey play tennis do gymnastics go swimming Do the survey and draw a graph. There are ... pupils in our class: We play ..., do ..., go ... . We don’t play ..., do ..., go ... . ... boys and ... girls play ... . ... boys and ... girls do ... . ... boys and ... girls go ... . Then report on the results ... boys and ... girls. Do you play ice hockey? I don’t. Do you do gymnastics? ] ^ Yes, I do Do you go swimming? — Yes, I doT^ 61 Urit 6 We агр -lie champions: Lesson 3 1 Read, listen and say. Who came first? Steve: Hi, Wendy! Did you run in the race yesterday? Wendy: No, I didn’t. I’m not good at running. But my friend Jess ran. I’ve got о photo of it. See the girl in the yellow T-shirt. That’s Jess. Her time was 29 seconds. Steve: Great! And who’s this, in the green T-shirt? Wendy: It’s Shan from China. And the girl in the white T-shirt is from Russia. Her name’s Olga. Steve: And who came first? Wendy: Well, Olga’s time was 27 seconds! And Shan’s time was 30 seconds. Steve: Really? So, ... came first, she won the gold medat, did she? Wendy: Yes, she did. ... came second, and won the silver medal. Steve: And ... came third and won the bronze medal 2 Read and put in the correct order 62 Pang from China came fourth, ... Anna Maria from the UK came tenth. I :: ь h и t: A rabbit in a brown sweater is to run for his breakfast. Ready! Steady! Go! ^ _ ready cl V h I • I ;5 St 4 Л t • ^ ;s I % - - -t W* t -“Л** 3 Read and play. My busy Sunday Choose five squares and put an ‘x’ in each of them. Work in pairs. Ask questions and find out what your friend did yesterday. Did you go swimming last Sunday? [ No, I didn’t. Did you run in a race last Sunday? Yes, I did. • •OS..^4 -I ___ ^ *• • 63 I I Д -; i Unit 6 We are the champions! I esson 4 1 Listen, read and say what's wrong. Name: Country; Sport; Started doing Won the first First medal: the sport medal; Marino Russia gymnastics 5 years old a year ago in silver 1 the USA 2 Read and fill in the table. When Evgeny Plushchenko was four years old, he wanted to play ice hockey. He started skating and loved it. Evgeny won his first medal in 1998 at the age of fifteen. It was a bronze medal. He won a silver medal in Salt Lake City in 2002. Evgeny is now an Olympic Champion. He is one of the best Russian figure skaters. Yulia Chepalova started skiing when she was only four years old. At the age of eight she was her school champion. In 1997 Yulia won her first medal. She was twenty-one. Yulia is now an Olympic Champion. She is one of the best Russian skiers. Andrei Kirilenko went to a sports school and started playing basketball when he was seven years old. He won his first medal when he was a player in St Petersburg city team, at the age of fifteen. Soon Andrei became one of the top ten players in Russia. Name Country Sport Started doing the sport Won the first medal The first medal was — umi d we are me cnampionsi 3 Read and play. An interview What country are J________ \ you from? ^ Egypt. ^ When did you start doing the sport? What was it? When I was^four. V It was gymnastics. When did you win your first medal? Did you win a gold one? In 2002. Yes, I won a gold medal. 'У У / «• •Л* * J Have you heard? Ч ’ ^ ^ b‘ " Animals are good at sports. The ostrich is the fastest running bird on the planet. It can run at fifty kilometres an hour. Kangaroos are the world’s top jumpers. They can jump three metres in the high-jump and twelve metres in the long-jump. Ч ^ Jf4 'f i ? i We can read what's wrong in the picture? Jack is t ill. He plays basketball. Paul Is small. He plays volleyb ill Jack is tall, Paul is small. And they both play football. V Unit 6 We are the champions! ' .. Lesson 5 1 Write a story to a school magazine ] A football / ice hockey match When was it? Who played the game? Who scored a goal? Who won the game? A race When was it? Who ran in the race? Who came first? Did she (he) win a gold medal? Who came second? Who came third? What’s her (his) name? What country is she (he) from? When did she (he) start doing the sport? When did she (he) win her (his) first medal? I’m a champion What sport do you do? When did you start doing Do you do it every day? Did you win any medals? When did you win one? A PE Lesson When was it? Did you run in a race? Did you play a game? Who came first? Who won the game? Did you get good marks? it? 2 Read and make. t Cut out the medals. S Ф Ч Colour the medols. HI Write on the medals: a funny story, ar interesting story or the best pictures. 1 Listen, read and say. 19 [^Nenikekamen! Nenikekamen!j Nenikekamen! ] He’s dying. Let’s ask the explorer for help. Help; The man’s name was Pheideppides. He ran 42 kilometres from the Greek town of Marathon to Athens in order to bring people the news. He ran very fast all the way. When he arrived to Athens, he shouted ‘Nenikekamen’ and died. Now the marathon race is an Olympic sport. And the champions run for about two hours 20 minutes. But what does ‘Nenikekamen’ mean? The bugs are everywhere! They look frightening! ft Go to the Dictionary file. But mind the bugs! There are a lot of them in that file. Find the English words for ‘Nenikekamen’ and you’ll fix the file. Ш i Ц Word search nenikekamen go English Italian French German Russian! abbiamo vinto nous avons gagne wir haben gesiegt МЫ we game and get a gold medal. This electronic dictionary looks OK. Let’s open it. There are no words in English. 6 ! к yboard electro light computer ouse spectac es Ш ight pen ^ to ch screen isuoidujeuo aui am алл a imn died - умер fix - приводить в порядок dictionary - словарь mean - значить Wait! We can open one more dictionary Look!... But what does it mean? dictio ary 1 r^rogress page units d-d Progress page Units 5-6 1 Listen and find the corresponding picture. 2 Read and tick. rs Hello! My name’s Oleg. I live in Russia. My family is very sporty. We play football, tennis and basketball, go swimming and skiing. I’m the goalkeeper in our school football team. My dad doesn’t play football, but he’s a football fan. He ploys basketball and he’s very good at it. Sometimes I play tennis with my dad or my sister. My mum doesn’t play tennis, but she goes swimming with my sister Natasha every Sunday. In winter, when it’s not very cold, my family all go skiing in the forest. We like it very much. 68 plays plays plays goes goes tennis football basketball skiing swimming Oleg ✓ Dad Mum Natasha Score /5 1 WllllO sJ^\J 3 Unscramble and write the words into three groups. I evfer idd dylepa ntwe og ougch od otionpera pyla I found find team 4 Look at the picture and tell Kate about the sports events last Sunday. (V % had an operation last Sunday went did gymnastics ran in a race came first won a gold / bronze medal played football goalkeeper scored a goal had a fight won the game had a black eye 6 __ , Great! Well done! OK! Try again! 16-20 11-15 6-10 0-5 О c 9 9 • 9 О 9 О О # # о й т о 69 е- г .7 , А t.K lET' I Dinosauria esson 1 Dinosaurs mx i*" London! ('ЧГ 1 Dinosaurs from i American Museum ! of Natural History * came to London. ' This museum has a big collection of dinosaurs from all over the world. ■^trAp •I 1 Sing the song. The sun was hot, It rained a lot, Huge dinosaurs walked on the Earth. This dinosaur had a huge head. And this dinosaur had sharp teeth. It didn’t eat leaves, it ate meat. It could swim fast. It lived in the past. The sun was hot. It rained a lot. Huge dinosaurs walked on the Earth. This dinosaur had a small head, This dinosaur had a long neck. It didn’t eat meat, it ate leaves. It couldn’t run fast. It lived in the past. huge = very big J Have you heard? The Troodon lived 70 million years ago. It could run fast. It ate snakes and lizards and could kill animals with very sharp teeth. Scientists think it was a very clever dinosaur because it had a large brain. It also had big eyes and could see animals in the dark, scientist - ученый brain - мозг Unit 7 Dinosauria 2 Read the fact files. Diplodocus - D Name: Body: T-Rex - T Food: F It hod 0 huge head and о strong neck. It hod short arms with only two fingers. It had sharp teeth. It hunted other dinosaurs and ate them. Could: It walked on two legs but couldn’t run fast. It could swim well. Lived: It lived 65 million years ago. Name: Body: Could: Food: Lived: It had four short legs with five toes, and it had a very long tail It had a tiny head and no ears. It walked slowly. It ate leaves. It lived 145 million years ago. 1 This dinosaur could eat 230 kilos of meat in one bite. D/T 2 This dinosaur was about fourteen metres long. D/T 3 This dinosaur had about sixty strong, sharp teeth. D/T 4 This dinosaur couldn’t put food into its mouth with its arms. D/T 5 This dinosaur had a very long neck. D/T 6 This dinosaur couldn’t run. D/T 7 This dinosaur didn’t eat meat. D/T 3 Read and complete the fact files. ^gn you describe D? J It was fourteen metres long, it had four short legs. What did T eat? П .1 i ?i It ate other dinosaurs. Could D run? No, it walked slowly. When did T live? 65 million years ago. 71 r /. Unit 7 Dinosauria j^esson 2 ь 1 < Listen and say the chant. VM Which dinubuut is longer than two buses? This dinosaur is longer, longer, longer. It’s longer than two buses. Which dinosaur is taller than a house? This dinosaur is taller, taller, tollef. It’s taller than a house. Which dinosaur is bigger than a plane? This dinosaur is bigger, bigger, bigger It’s bigger than a plane. Diplodocus \ 72 Read the story and say true or false. Roma-Rex is my little kitten, named after me. He’s smaller than a ball and can’t catch mice yet. Last night I played a lot with Roma-Rex. We were tired and hungry and Roma-Rex ate some cat food, and... Gosh! ...He grew and grew... My little kitten was bigger than a dog! He had a big head, big sharp teeth, long tail, big strong legs and... two short arms! He looked like a dinosaur! And he was still hungry! Roma-Rex ate all the food from the fridge and the cupboard and grew and grew and grew. He was taller than my Dad. He said: “Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!”. I was scared. And Roma-Rex was still hungry. He walked to the living room and ate a chair, a table and... he grew and grew and grew. And now he was longer than a bus and taller than a house. He looked frightening! ''^Когл(х-Кех ^ weeks dinosaur? • » # ■ * * ■ Unit 7 Dinosauria GciUimitTius Which dinosaur is faster than a bike? This dinosaur is --faster, --faster, —-/rrs/er. It’s faster than a bike. Compsognathus Which dinosaur is smaller than a chick? This dinosaur is smaller, smaller, smallei. It’s smaller than a chick. Which dinosaur is heavier than ten elephants? This dinosaur is heavier.^! heavier. НПа) heavier. XJni/ It’s heavier than ten elephants. + But he was still hungry. He walked on his huge legs along the street. He ate a bus and grew bigger and bigger. He was now even bigger than T-Rex. And he was very dangerous. He said: “GRRRRR!” and... ...and I opened my eyes. There was my little kitten next to me on the bed. Phew! ...It was a dream! “Miaooowl” said my kitten. 1 Roma played with a bell. 2 Roma was hungry. 3 Roma-Rex from the dream was bigger than a dog. 4 Roma-Rex from the dream was shorter than a bus and taller than a house. 5 Roma-Rex from the dream looked frightening! 6 Roma had sharp teeth. 7 Roma woke up on the bed. 3 Play the game and tell your story. Unit 7 Dinosauria t # Lesson 3 \ Listen, look and soy, This dinosaur had biggest teeth. Were they a) 15 cm long, b) 28 cm long, c) 50 cm long? the 2 This dinosaur had the longest tail. Was it a) 3 m long, b) 13 m long, c) 30 m long? < I Ч. This dinosaur had the smallest brain. Was it the size of a) an egg, b) an apple, c) a walnut? 74 5 This dinosaur was the heaviest. Was it . a) 60 tons, ^ b) 70 tons, c) 80 tons? i| 'J Have you heard? 4 That was the tallest meat-eating dinosaur. Was it a) 6 m tall, b) 16 m tall, c) 26 m tall? , ’ T-Rex ■. I 1 This dinosaur was the fastest. Could it run a) 8 km/h, b) 18 km/h, c) 88 km/h? 1/1 • I* J Mary Anning (1799-1847) was a British fossil hunter. She began finding fossils as a child. She lived in Lyme Regis in the UK. Mary Anning found the first Plesiosaur and Ichthyosaurus. She also found many other important fossils, including Pterodactylus, sharks, and other reptiles and fish. fossil - окаменелость Unit 7 Dmosauria 2» Play the game. Dmosauria Sharks (live) in the sea long before dinosaurs И Most dinosaurs (can’t) run fast because they were too heavy. This dinosaur’s name means ‘arm lizard’ because its arms are (long) than its legs. This dinosaur could run (fast) than 8 This dinosaur’s head was (small) than an apple. sTecosAtiKus IThis animal’s the (big) and the (long) on Earth. It’s (heavy) than the dinosaurs . t U 2 This dinosaur had the (big) head. It was three metres pentaceratops This dinosaur was one of the (small) It was forty centimetres long. MICRORAPTOR Number 1. This animal’s the biggest and the longest on Earth. It’s heavier than the dinosaurs were. V Now it’s my turn. Number 5. Unit 7 Dinosauria I esson 4 J 76 Address; www.dinosaurWwolkie-toikie.cGrntl Stories Quiz I Walkie-talkie ' Forum ] Walk with a wolkie-talkie and talk to ^ Dr Chalk about the Walkeria Mr Walker found. 1 Read and match. Where were they found? 1 Hundreds of fossils of nests, eggs and babies were found in ... . V— r Ч / ^ • . One of the smallest dinosaurs was found in ... . In 1677 the first dinosaur bone was found in ... . m. I \ 1 f I The dinosaurs had sharp teeth. One of their teeth was found in ... . It was eight centimetres long. -j \ Ч Dinosaur fossils were found by the British scientist Alick D. Walker in ... . I )i Unit 7 Dinosauria У Have you heard? A lot of fossils were found in a town in America. Now this town is called Dinosaur. The streets in this town ore called by the names of different dinosaurs. WELCOME TO ^ Where was the first dinosaur bone found? 2 Where were a lot of fossils of nests, eggs and babies found? 3 Where was the dinosaur’s 8 cm-long tooth found? 4 Where was the smallest dinosaur found? 5 Where was the second biggest dinosaur found? The oldest dinosaur lived 240 million years ago. It was found in ... in 2001. It’s got no name yet. What would you call it? \ China \ \ The second biggest dinosaur was found in ... . It had a long neck, a small head and a long tail. This dinosaur was smaller than T-Rex but faster and a cleverer hunter. It was found in ... . . Australia ♦ 4 <• - 4 t t' 2 Role-play. Walkie-talkie Dr Chalk, where was T-Rex found? C It was found in 77 — • . .f • 1 Unit 7 Dinosauria Lesson 5 Look and say. What can you do in the club? It lived ... . It walked on ... . \ Welcome to our club ‘Dinosauria’! You can How long was it? 2 ? Make your own Dinosauria poster. 1 Moke fact files about all the dinosaurs you know. 2 Stick the map of the world in the middle of your poster. 3 Colour, cut out and stick the dinosaurs onto the poster. 4 Write fact files under each dinosaur. 5 Draw a line joining the dinosaur with the country where it was found. Write the name of the country on the map. 1 This dinosaur was the longest. It was .... Where was a new dinosaur found? Play the game. Dino-quest ^ How tall was T-Rex? It was Dinosour ЕлрсгГ$ 1 i' Listen, read and say, Run, Sadsy! Run! Take my hand! пещ^ ;5dveiififrci$^m ap^iip^?de-<]oWii world Look! A small baby dinosaur. Coochee coo! T' Run, Nikita! She’s coming! She looks like a small Troodon. Crunch! Crunch! ^ N Yeowch! He bites! Where’s his mother? She’ll be here soon and she’ll eat us up! j I This dinosaur’s very small. I don’t think it’s very dangerous! .j Shhh! It’s one of the most dangerous of all dinosaurs! It’s got eighty sharp teeth two-and-a-half centimetres long. It can run at sixty kilometres an hour. That’s what the ‘Dinosaur Encyclopedia’ says. It also can jump very high and it eats meat. This dinosaur hunts in packs and can kill a dinosaur three times bigger than itself. So, you see, it’s very dangerous. But I don’t remember its name. I only remember that it means ‘fast-running robber’. Ч. к yboard computer ' ight pen to ch screen ouse l&aj electee light Цр spectacles diet onary Let’s block the way with these stones. a sto e Ч bite - кусаться pack - стая kill - убивать remember - помнить robber - вор stone - камень Ч Look, there’s something written on them! У 9 uosse^ Bunesouia A liufi Ч Ш f • • % # • Once upon a time... Lesson 1 I Who? What was she (he) like? Where? What happened? Happy end , f « m -i 1 Look, read and match. 80 rr У •c 1 Q fairy. She did magic and helped good people. u queen a scarecrow Щ a soldier ... a beast. He was a hairy monster, who lived in a huge castle in the middle of the forest. ... a wizard. He could do magic and helped good people. 0 ... a pirate called Captain Hook. He had a instead of his hand, (ihildren were scared of him f A A Cinderella В The Wizard of Oz Ч .• Y Beauty and the Beast Sleeping Beauty iJ' unit <5 unce upon a iime iri] jjiQ 1Г]\:у, j 3. ^ ^ Listen and say. Who's hiding behind the curtain? Kossword; The v\icked witch v\ent the wror way when casting her spell. Who is who in . hich tale? Nov we can tell. Who went to the ball? curtain - штора cast a spell - произносить заклинание ball - 1) мяч, 2) бал fair - two fcines 3 Play the game. m queen -one princess one prince -one witch - . one beast - . one pirate - . one king - ... one wizard - . ... queenc - ... princesses ... princes . witches . beasts . pirater king" ,. wizards I’ve got the fairy tale - Peter Pan. Once upon a time there lived a fairy and a pirate. ................— .......... Excellent! Sorry. Try again Next —► 82 Unit 8 Опое upon а time... 1 Iesson 2 e There lived Who? ^ What was she (he) like? Where? What happened? Happy end 1 Read and say. princess -<-^beautlful^-*^ ; rabbit t cowardly «-► I t r, .* prince t handsome I witch t ^ -I; wicked,^' brave woman t kind wise The Wizard of Oz was wise. Koshchey was an ugly and wicked wizard. beast A I ugly )— this - Listen^ read and guess the fairy tale. There was a princess long ago, Long, long ago Д And she lived in a big high tower. Long, long ago. J -.J ■ ■7 A wicked fairy cost a spell, -i Long, long ago. The princess slept for a hundred years, Long, long ago. ' - ДЬ. Ш»— _ ' A great big forest grew around. Long, long ago. A handsome prince come Long, long ago. He cut the trees down one by one,,^ ШК ftV» Ш V,- Л* 4*.. ,:'^A rl‘i riding '9'. Long, long ago. He woke the princess with a kiss, Long, long ago. 4^ They married and lived happily Ever after, ever after.' A Ч'» R slept - спал(а) I woke - разбудил(а) married - поженились i lived happily ever after - жили счастливо всю свою долгую жизнь -i.u.^ я I Read and correct wrong sentences. Once upon a time there lived a king and queen. They had a daughter. The king and queen invited seven good fairies to the castle to see their little princess. They all cast their spells over the princess; The princess will be ugly and stupid. She will be as cowardly as a flower...’ Then came a handsome black fairy, who cast her spell: ‘When the princess is 16 she will hurt her finger and die!’ But the flower fairy helped with her spell: ‘The princess will only sleep. She will sleep for a hundred years. Then an ugly prince will come and kiss her. And they will live happily ever after.’ And after these words... daughter - дочь 4 Read and play. Can you help me, please? I don’t want to be stupid. I’d like to be wise. Once upon 0 time there lived о king or>d чиесм. They hod о dougliiei The kn>g I end queen invited [seven good foiries to the costle to see their iiitie princess. They loll cos' their spells * • Jr m Abracadabra, three, four, five. The Scarecrow will be wise. ШК J hi Con you help me, please? I don’t wont to be on ugly frog. I’d like to be... ~v Abracadabra, three, four, five The Frog Princess will be... Excellent! I Sorry. Try again. Next 83 1 I V , Ч* ' • . % " 84 Unit 8 Once upon a time. i esson 3 THE PRINCESS LIVED IN Who? i What was she (he) like? Where? What happened? 1 Listen and chant. Once upon a time, Once upon 0 time, There lived a witch, There lived a witch. An ugly old witch. An ugly old witch. Where did she live? Where did she live? She lived in a hut, A small dancing hut Deep in the forest. Deep in the forest. With mice and rats. With spiders and cats. Her friend was a ghost. She loved him most. Happy end I/. .'Jt m swamp j /i Ik- Wl « \ Mr к palace I 4 ЛУ У ^ 2 Read and match. Make your own chant. iVi dancing hut Ш, uni- с ирп; a ш о... А CASTLE IN THE... Read and make up stories. Once upon a time there lived... A - Peter Pan : В - The Wizard of Oz \ C - The Frog Princess : ......*.............. I ...a girl named Dorothy and her dog, whose name was Toto. ...the wicked Koshchey and Baba Yaga in a far away country. ...a naughty, but very brave boy and his best friend, a small fairy called Tinkerbell. He lived in a dark gloomy palace and she lived in a dancing hut. They lived on an island in Never-Never Land. They lived on a farm. And in a faraway Fairyland, In a beautiful palace, there lived the Great Wizard. And also on the island lived Pirate Hook with his wicked friends. And poor green Frog Princess lived in the swamp. 4 Play the game, j . ^ Never-Never Land придуманная страна чудес щ * _ ■ * ► • г Once upon a time L there lived... jj ^ a brave soldier a stupid ghost _^ja cowardly pirate Where did she 1 (he) live? a tower on the beach •• - H a castle in the sky a wise wizard . 12 an ugly beast a palace in an old city a swamp on an island the ugly Koshchey 11 I " a handsome ! prince a cave in the mountains a dancing hut deep in the forest ^ a good king a wicked witch / 9 ■ у a good fairy f / у a wicked queen Z.- a beautiful princess 'О Once upon а time there lived an ugly beast in a faraway country. He lived in a beautiful palace in an old city. A good fairy lived in an old dancing hut deep in the forest. _____ '}■ 7 Excellent! - Sot ry. Try again., ] Next—► I ^1 ____________ 185 Unit 8 Once upon a time. Lesson 4 *) 1 Ж I I IN THE СЛ§Т1Е Wno? What was she (he) like? Where? What happened? Happy end Listen, read and put the pictures in order. ( //'/ V : V ‘ The twelve dancing princesses Once upon a time there lived a good king with his 12 beautiful daughters. They lived in a beautiful old palace. But every morning the princesses looked tired and their shoes were always worn-out. This was a puzzle to the king and he couldn’t find the answer to it. Many brave princes came to the palace to help the king with the puzzle, but they couldn’t do it either. You see the princesses always gave them a cup of magic tea and so they slept all night. One day a brave and wise soldier came to the palace. And he didn’t drink the tea. Since he didn’t sleep, he saw what happened. First the princesses cast a spell and the portrait on the wall turned into a door. Then the princesses ran out of the castle to the forest and into a cave. So the soldier took his magic cloak and put it on. Nobody could see him and he ran after the princesses. When they disappeared into the cave and the soldier ran after them. Then he saw a beautiful garden... worn-out - изношенный до дыр slept - спал(а) cloak - накидка disappeared - исчез give take cast a spell saw turned into see put on disappear turn into cast a spell put on took gave ш f J I? i Of T 'w Qju й M Ц(%Л(^ .b ^ 11<аЕП] a ccc i I 1 Read and match the questions with the answers. Then listen and check. 1 What did the princesses do with the portrait? 2 What happened then? 3 Where did they go? 4 Did they see you? 5 Where did you find the magic cloak? 6 What did you see in the cave? 7 What did the princesses do in the cave? a) A good fairy gave the cloak to me. b) No. I took my magic cloak with me and I put it on, c) I saw lovely gardens. d) They went to the forest and disappeared into a cave. e) The princesses cast a spell. f) A portrait turned into a door. g) The princesses danced with the princes. Read the questions and talk about what happened in the fairy tale. 1 Where go? 2 What did you see? 3 What do? 4 What happened then? Where did you go in your fairy tale? 7^ went “T“ One day I went to the dancing hut in the forest. I I I ¥*f 1 dancing hut cave 9 ft 1 swamp 1 1 1 1 1 U=«=«=«=‘- ЯП\Л/ t J % ■■ ^ 1 i 1 « vv i 1. 1 f t a magic hat a magic wand a magic book of spells 7 • put it on cast a spell 9 • ate } — - , ■■jr ^ 1 V ■ ■ 'T V * t 1 ? disappeared grew turned into ^ Excellent! j ^Sorry. Try again.} Next —► J 87 Unit 8 Once upon a time... 88 Iesson 5 O^Vf^o & О AND THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER sn Happy end 1 Read and make up a fairy tale. 1 ."РЛ T- A**- Name of the fairy tale The Frog Princess, Peter Pan, The Soldier and the Witch, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast Beginning Who? Once upon и time... Once long ago... Long, long ago... princess, prince, queen, king, scarecrow, rabbit, fairy, beast, pirate, soldier, wizard, ion, dog, cat, three brothers, seven fairies What was she (he) like? Where? What happened? beautiful, ugly, handsome, wicked, kind, cowardly, stupid, wise swamp, lake, river, sea, castle, palace, dancing hut, cave, tower, cellar, museum, forest turned into, disappeared, cast a spell, found a magic wand, slept, had a fight with Who helped? Happy end A handsome prince kissed her. Peter Pan had a fight with Captain Hook. The wicked pirate fell into the sea and a big crocodile ate him up. And they lived happily ever after. i 1^2 Listen to your friend's fairy tale and say why you like it. I like it because it’s ... (interesting, exciting, scary, fantastic). In your tale there is / are ... (Who?). She (he, they) is / are ... (What are they like?) She (he, they) lived ... (Where?). She (he, they) ... (What happened?). ... (Who helped?) Congratulations! Sorry. Try again. Start again? 1 Listen, read and say. \-r-vy nvw acliciitiirc.s 111 -*l np5>u!e-d0Wll world )8 Is there a way out? You’re in the fairy tale The Tinder Box’. I’m the soldier. I meet a witch near the big tree with a hole in it. Her tinder box falls down inside the tree. She asks me to bring it to her and promises me money. But the money is in three rooms guarded by three dogs. The first dog has got eyes as big as plates. The second dog has got eyes like wheels. The third dog has got eyes as big as the tower of a castle. The dogs are very dangerous. But if I put the dogs into the apron that the witch has given me, they’ll be harmless and I can go past them. But something goes wrong. The doors of the rooms are closed and I can’t open them. Turn the word hut into pet. Then open the door. IMYENTORY keyboard t^l computer rr ouse light pen spectac es diet onary stone tinder box - огниво hole - дупло promises - обещает guarded - охраняемые wheels - колеса apron - фартук harmless - безопасный goes wrong - идёт не так tojch screen electric light • Г.» ! tinder box J g uossal ^ 90 и Progress page Units 7-8 " " Progress page Units 7-8 1 Listen and choose the correct ending. 1 Doctor Wise was a) a scientist, b) a wizard, c) a soldier. 2 Doctor Wise went to a) the Museum of Dinosaurs. b) Dinosaur Island. c) a town called Dinosaur. 3 Doctor Wise found fossils of a) the smallest dinosaur and a dinosaur egg. b) the biggest dinosaur and a dinosaur egg. c) the heaviest dinosaur and two dinosaur eggs. 4 The egg was a) 22 centimetres long. b) 20 centimetres long. c) 12 centimetres long. 5 In the morning Doctor Wise a) couldn’t find the egg in the box with the fossils b) found a small dinosaur between the boxes. c) found a big crocodile between the boxes. 2 Read and complete the tales. 1 Once upon a time there lived a king and a queen. 2 Once upon a time there lived a good king with his 12 beautiful daughters. a) They had a daughter. b) Every morning the beautiful princesses looked tired and their shoes were worn-out. c) One day a brave and wise soldier came to the palace. d) The king and queen invited seven good fairies to the castle to see their little princess. e) But an ugly wicked fairy cast her spell and the princess fell asleep. f) He took a magic cloak and put it on. g) Then a handsome prince came and kissed her. h) He went after the princesses and saw them in a beautiful garden. i) She woke up and they lived happily ever after. j) There the princesses danced with 12 princes. I fell asleep - заснула , Unscramble the words. Then complete the sentences. 1 T-Rex is (1) _________than a house. Diplodocus had the (2)_______tail. It was 13 metres Roma’s kitten is (3) _______than a ball. The giraffe’s the (4) _______ animal. 2 3 4 5 long Steve’s the (5) runner in our class. # c a Itaelts merslal esigont fsatset atlerl О • ^ • О % Score /5 Make up a fairy tale and tell it to your friend. Guess the name of the friend's tale. - kv The Wizard of Oz beautLj and the beast sleeping beauty Peter Pan rhe Prog Princess The Twelve Dancing Princesses The Soldier and the Witch Roma-Rex baby Dinosaur Once Upon a time a wicked witch was in her cave. She cast a spell and there was a big storm all over the world. A strong wind took the small farmhouse with a little girl and her dog away to a magic country... It’s The Wizard of Oz’. Try again! 0-5 91 Iesson 1 page Invite your friends 1 Listen, read and say. Traveller profile: Hi! Welcome to my travelogue. I've just got home after a two-week holiday in the UK. It was really great. I want to remember everything and tell my friends all about it. August 2005 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 We travelled by plane to London and I saw Big Ben and the River Thames from the plane. Then we went by train to Torquay. It’s in the south of England. There’s a beach and a museum near our summer school. It’s very beautiful there and I think we are going to have a great holiday. The programme is fantastic! We’ll sail to an island for a treasure hunt! Listen, choose and talk about their holiday. Where did they go for their holiday? Wendy, Steve and Max lo went to How did they get there? and Max V went travelled there What did they do there? Wendy, Steve and Max went to saw a mountain a lake a museum the Kremlin dinosaurs Japan Australia Russia Moscow London China by plane, by car. by bus. for their summer holiday. for their Easter holiday. for their winter holiday. by train, by boat, on foot. in Moscow, in St Petersburg in London. Unit 9 My travelogue 4 i к Search see Nickname: Treasure Hunter Gender: girl Age: 10 Country: Russia Click to listen by plane sea * Лг i looking for adventures - в поисках приключений out of reach = far away buried - захороненный 2 Sing the song. Looking for adventures On my holiday I found 0 place to see. It’s somewhere ..... Between London and Torquay. I travelled there ..., ...... By car, ..., by train. And my friends were there Travelling with me. Hey-ho, we’ll go Anywhere the winds blow. Set sail! We’ll ... Treasure Island in the ... . Hey-ho, we’ll go Anywhere the winds blow. We’ll sail far away. Hip-hip-hip, hooray! In my small ... I was sailing in the sea. All my friends were Sitting in the boat with me. We found a sunny ... ; py boat Somewhere out of reach, Looking for some ... | j Buried near a tree. , : V treasure beach ■Д1' St Petersburg North 4. Read and play. My travelogue Where? to China When? last summer South How? by bike and then on foot What? saw a beautiful lake < Ч 94 Unit 9 Му travelogue Г Lesson 2 1 Read and say. What did the girl do on the second day? Hi! Welcome to my travelogue. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 We did a quiz in the afternoon. There were some questions about islands and pirates. I couldn’t ^ answer two of the questions. But my new friend from China won the quiz and got a treasure map as a prize. We’re going on a treasure hunt tomorrow. We’ll sail there. л Listen, read and sing. Can you read a map? Listen to the rap. Go up first. You’ll see a horse. It’s in the north. Can you read a map? Listen to the rap. Let’s go down To the river mouth. It’s in the south. Can you read a map? Listen to the rap. Now look right. Watch out! A beast! It’s in the east. Can you read a map? Listen to the rap. Then turn left. Hey! Do your best! Go to the west. bridge rock i] river J Have you heard? The longest name in the world for a hill is Ч h O'ngi-VA^ It’s in New Zealand. Unit 9 My travelogue 3 Read, look at the map and correct the sentences. a) In the south of the island there’s a hill. b) There’s a bridge across a river in the east. c) In the north of the island there’s a jungle. d) You can see some hills in the west of the island. e) There are mountains with a cave in the north-west. f) There’s a swamp in the north-east. g) There’s a castle in the north-east. : ■ > h) There’s a beach in the south-west. У Have you heard? 'Jh>rl Torquay has two parts in the name: a tor is a rocky place and a quay is a place where boats can moor (stop). The town of Torquay is on seven hills made of hard granite rocks. 4 Draw a map and play the game Bear Cave is in the south-east of my island. There’s Black Tiger Jungle in the south. There are three black ^ tigers in the Jungle. Buffalo Rock is in front of Beast Hill in the west. V c How can I get there? You can go by boat down the river. Then you can go on foot. Buffalo Rock Purple Beach Ш Beast Hill Dinosaur Mountain Bear Cave Monkey Bridge Dragon Lake Black Tiger Jungle Crocodile River Snake Beach Wicked Witch Swamp Ghost Castle 95 . ^ 96 5- Unit и Му travelogue....... Lesson 3 1 ‘#^1 Read the chant and match the pictures. Тгввшж® hmt We’re going on a treasure hunt. We’re going across Treasure Island. We’re not scared. What a beautiful day! Oh! No! Grass. Grass. Tall and wavy grass. We can’t go round it... We can’t go over it... So we’ll go through it. Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish Mountains. Mountains. High and rocky mountdins. We cdn’t go round them... We Cdn’t go through them... So we’ll go over them. Plod, plod, plod, plod, plod. Swdmp, swdmp. A dark and gloomy swomp. We can’t go through it... We can’t go over it... So we’ll go round it. Slosh, slosh, slosh, slosh, slosh. A cove. A cave. A dark and spooky cave. We can’t go round it... We can’t go over it... So we’ll go through it. Shhh, shhh, shhh, shhh, shhh. One blind eye... One wooden leg... A pirote’s scory smile... It’s a ghost! It’s a ghost! Quick! Run back! Back through the cave, shhh, shhh... Back round the swomp, slosh, slosh... Back over the mountains, plod, plod... Bock through the gross, swish, swish... Bock to the boot! Quick! Soil owoy! 2r Unit 9 My travelogue ( Listen and find the treasure. f/w/^ Ф IT ‘ dangerous n ‘ ** V-s*. * • ^ •* ’ I • • • ,t Л ^ u. ♦ ♦ • V J 3 Decode the note and play the game. The wzest bzeachz, the czastlez, the Izake, tzhe rizver, tzhe swazmp, thze cavze andz the pziratzes arze allz danzgerozus onz the izslanzd. 1 Take three steps to the east. Turn left. How can you get to the castle? Go up the hill and down the other side. You’re in front of an old castle. What will you do? Your lunch is under the trees on the other side of the lake. How can you get across the lake? 4 At Skull Rock take one step to the south. How can you get across the river? 5 You need to get to the South Beach but there are high rocky mountains on the way 6 There’s a cave in the mountain. You can’t go round the mountain. 7 Watch out! There are some pirates behind the trees in the east. How can you get to the treasure? I’ll go round the jungle. I’ll go through the jungle. I’ll go to the lake. I’ll go into the castle. I’ll swim across the lake. I’ll sail across the lake. I’ll go over the bridge. I’ll swim across the river. I’ll go round the mountains. I’ll go over them. I’ll go through the cave. I’ll go back to the river. I’ll run fast. I’ll wait for the evening. 97 fr r Unit 9 My travelogue \ Iesson 4 1 Read the travelogue and fill in the gaps. T. - и Переход Ссыгж »t • Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 I Ш t * I ) We had a great day yesterday. We reached the island in the morning. We walked (1) ______ the jungle. Then we sailed (2) ____ the lake. We went (3) _____ a bridge and climbed high rocky (4)______We walked (5) the spooky cave. There were some pirates (6) the trees. When it got dark we walked quietly through the grass. We found the treasure (7) ___ two palm trees. It was a box with some books inside it about world travellers. Listen, read and find the mistakes. Marco Polo went to China. He set off from Italy with his father and uncle in 1271. They travelled to the west on horses and camels. Marco Polo lived in Russia for 17 years. He discovered lots of new things there. He discovered coffee and spaghetti. He saw that people there used bicycles and they put coal on their fires. He explored China and came back by boat in 1295. He took lots of gold from China but his special treasure was his CD about his travels there. It became the greatest travelogue in the world. 1 Where did Marco Polo set off from? a) Italy b) China 2 What place did Francis Drake reach? a) China b) South America 3 What did Marco Polo discover? a) ice cream and spaghetti b) coffee and spaghetti 4 What or who did Francis Drake meet? a) some dangerous animals b) Native Americans 5 What did Marco Polo explore? a) China b) America 6 What did Marco Polo see? a) people using paper money b) people riding on bicycles 98 ? <4 Unit 9 My travelogue СЛ Pi h-i Ы > < Pi H Sir Francis Drake was an English pirate and explorer. He set off from Plymouth for Egypt in 1577. But his ships sailed north-west across the Atlantic and he reached South America. They attacked Spanish ships there and took their food. Captain Drake sailed round the continent of South America. He discovered some hills to the south of the Antarctic and South America. Then he went north and was the first person from Europe to reach the west coast of North America. He met Native Americans there. Sir Francis Drake explored a new way home from North America. He was the second captain to sail around the world. He came back home in August, 1588. Have you heard? There's a rock called Uluru in Australia which changes ifs colour (to blue or red) in different weather or at different times of the day. It’s also the oldest rock in the world. There are caves with Aboriginal drawings in them. Read about the explorers and complete the chart. James Cook set off from Plymouth in August 1768 and went south. He wanted to discover a new land there. He didn’t find the Antarctic on this trip, but he discovered and mapped some new islands. He reached New Zealand and discovered that it was two islands. He met Maori people there. Captain Cook also explored and mapped the east coast of Australia. He saw koalas and kangaroos in Australia. He came back home in July, 1771. Christopher Columbus Where did he set off from? What country did he reoch? What did he discover there? Who did he meet there? What did he explore and mop? What did he see? Go straight ahead Then turn right. You’ll see a bright light In the dark of the night Be careful! Be careful! The pirates are there. Run back to the boat. If you’re scared. 1 4 99 V/ I tv Vc‘ O-Vb lesson 5 1 Read and play. ' ' You met a famous traveller, Captain Brave. He gave you a map of a treasure island. Look at the map. Where’s the island? How are you going to travel there? 2 Л . 3 . 4 5 *K. You reached the island and saw huge mountains. What will you do? \ You see a big What’s there? cave on your way. Explore it. 1 What will you do? 1 run away 2 lake the 3 go round 4 feed 5 wake up the 6 catch the and go dinosaur the cave the little big dinosaur dinosaur and back home egg dinosaurs and run away take it home You found the treasure. Where was it? 4 4 2 Write your own travelogue. AcJdress [5 hltp;//www.trovelbiog.. 2Й » ^4 , J I ho«n« о о ^ J3l«c«a io 90 100 r i4 Travelblog is looking for young travellers (6-13 years old) to share their travel or holiday stories with all of our Travelblog online visitors. Your name Tell us about your best holiday -I lOL 1 Listen, read and say. Where are wc? Wow, look at that! They look like the ancient Egyptian pyramids. Oil' op^^ide-dowsi world Go to the Great Pyramid and find a gold compact disk. It’s in a sarcophagus with a mummy inside. You can fix all the files with this CD. Take this map. It’s the Great Sphinx, an ancient Egyptian god. It is huge at 57 metres tong and 20 metres high. It is over 4,500 years old. It guards the way to the pyramids. The Great Pyramid is behind it. I think we are here. Look at this Egyptian queen. We have to go through this underground passage, across this bridge and then go round the rock to the north. iMvehTDRY keyboard computer mouse I^J Mght pen \W] to -ch screen electric light spectacies dictiO‘“.ary stone I can read them. We read hieroglyphics in our world. Look! These are the letters ‘m’ and ‘n’, and those are the letters ‘i’ and ‘u’ !AI t;nder box coimpact disk ancient - древний god - бог guard - охранять 9 uossa*! anboio.ABJ} 6 ;iun Until we meet again! 102 Lesson 1 1 Make up sentences A garden A castle A museum is A sports centre A river a place where you can see towers. swim sports. do flowers. grow Crown Jewels. find a fireplace. A bike A black eye A mask A medal A goal is a thing you can score win ride wear get when you play football. when you come first in a race. on. at the fancy dress party, when you have a fight. 2 Read and say. What's wrong in the picture? a i j f! I h" ^ Ш IL! illipedes have got a long segmented body with two pairs of legs on each segment. They have got from 48 to 200 pairs of legs. Some millipedes are very long - about 23 cm. Millipedes living in North America are shorter - about 10 cm long. Young millipedes are short. Millipedes have got two eyes, two short antennae and a mouth to eat leaves, potato and flowers. There are some millipedes that eat meat. When they are scared they roll into a ball and become smelly. Millipedes can be different colours: brown, white, green, black and even red. Millipedes hatch from eggs. They grow by moulting and may live from one to seven years. segment - сегмент, часть young - молодой antennae - антенны roll - сворачиваться smelly - пахучие hatch - вылупляться moult - линять What is it? It’s a thing millipedes eat. It’s a place where millipedes live. ) ■1.. 3 Read and make a millipede. ' ‘nil I’T' : i ,v r" ‘ ii ■ i’- 1 -4Jr Cut out 14 strips of paper that are 12x2 cm, and one squore that is 9x9 cm. ena N ' r V Make a circle from one strip by sticking the ends together. I iK Put one strip inside the circle and make another circle, by sticking the ends together. f ■ chain r —jaws A % eyes J Repeat this to make a chain of circles. Cut a circle from the paper square and make a head for the millipede. Draw the eyes and stick on two triangular jaws. Glue the head to your millipede. 4 Read and play. How long is your millipede? ] t t г f Fifteen centimetres, ^ - L_L1 II 111 1-^ What colour is it? ^ ^ i 1 ^ - I I -T~ It’s got a red head and a blue and yellow body. Where’s your millipede? It’s in a place where you can put books. It’s near the thing you can read. 103 1. i Unit 10 Until we meei again! Lesson 2 1 Read and give definitions. A teacher is a person who works at a school. 1 1 0 • e c о 0 helps sick people gives tours around the museum plays football stops goals in a game of football helps you find your lost dog goes to school 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a о 0 0 о 104 Read and guess the meaning of the words. A cheerful person is a person who loves fun and jokes A helpful person is a person who helps her / his family and friends a lot. A person who hasn’t got friends is a lonely person. A naughty person is a person who doesn’t obey his mum, dad or teacher. A reliable person is a person who always does what she or he promises. joke - шутка obey - слушаться promise - обещать t f i Unit 10 Until we meet again! Listen and say. I Pippi Lo^stocking the Tin Woodman 4 Read, match and complete the sentences. 1 1 He’s very nice but... Sometimes he’s... Some people think he’s scary. Some think he isn’t real. He lives in the castle. He’s Wendy’s friend. Many years ago he was a knight. 2 He’s very ... and ... . He’s got a sister. He can roller-skate very well. He likes playing computer games and reading books. He’s a very good friend. 3 She’s different every time: sometimes ... - a real trouble-maker, but usually she’s a nice ... little girl. She likes fireworks and adventures. Her friends love her. When she was ill and didn’t go to school, they missed her. 4 She is a character from fairy tales. She is ... and she can cast a spell and turn a person into an animal. She is ... but can turn into a beauty. In some fairy tales she lives in a castle but she can also live on a swamp. 5 Read and do the survey. I like Wendy best, because she’s clever and ^ funny. And who’s your favourite person, Dima? Steve is. Because he’s helpful and reliable. And who do you like best, Natasha? I like Wendy too, because she’s funny. So two people in our group like Wendy best. I I 1C • Ч J b Unit 10 Until we meet again! Lesson 3 1 Look, read and find. Five minutes to find the... 1 person who is sleeping. 2 person who is wearing a beautiful dress. 3 thing that is in front of the swimming pool. 4 big yellow thing. 5 place where you can buy things. 6 places where you can do sport. 7 person who is reading an advert. 8 person who has hurt his leg. 9 person who came first. 1 106 2 Read and match. A In the dark gloomy tower there was a dark gloomy room... В Harry and his friends spent Christmas at school... C Oh, poor Mister Clay! He had bad luck one day. He had a fight, Fell down at night... D Evgeny won his first medal in 1998 at the age of fifteen. E A shark can have thousands of teeth in its lifetime. F Once upon a time, there lived a king with his twelve beautiful daughters. G Captain Brave set off to the Dinosaur Island in the morning... poem scary story biography encyclopedia magazine fairy tale fantasy adventure story Unit 10 Until we meet again! Listen and say. 4 Read and do the survey. ,_______________________________ ^ ^ ^ I like reading scary stories. j ^ What about you?______________________ I like reading adventure stories. What books do you like reading, Natasha? % I like reading adventure stories too. So two people in our group like reading adventure stories. Л Unit 10 Until we meet again! Lesson 4 1 Listen and say. Will Wendy join in and help Steve? Why? r Certificates? 2 Read and do the quiz. 1 108 0 Hav# y@M •S’ 1 How many American children aged 6-17 have their own personal websites? a) 200 b) 2 million c) 7 million 2 How old is Beijing? a) 300 years old b) 3,000 years old c) 3,350 years old 3 What’s the name of the Jewish festival of lights? a) Hanukkah b) Eid ul Fitr c) Maslenitsa 4 How many towers has the Kremlin in Nizhny Novgorod? a) three b) thirteen c) thirty 5 Which bird is the fastest runner of all birds on the planet? a) a raven b) an ostrich c) a parrot 6 Which animal is the world’s best high-jumper? a) a koala b) a monkey c) a kangaroo 7 Which dinosaur had a large brain and was quite clever? a) T-Rex b) Troodon c) Diplodocus 8 What is the name of an early British fossil hunter who began finding fossils as a child? a) Mary Anning b) James Cook c) Christopher Columbus 9 What’s the name of the rock which changes its colours? a) Uluru b) Torquay c) Buffalo Rock Г 4 I I Unit 10 Until we meet again! I I r fe 3 Read, match and make up a quiz yourself. Quizzes When you read a magazine, watch TV or surf the Internet you find many different quizzes. They are like these examples below: 1 0 question with some answers to choose from; 2 a sentence which can be true or false; 3 a sentence with a missing word and some words to choose from; 4 woras in two columns which you need to match up. When you’re ready, you check the answers and get a point for each correct one. You count the score and get ideas about your personality or, if it was a factual quiz, you get a prize. Anyway, when you’re doing quizzes you learn about something in an interesting way. BVIaychehc Qurz Match the sky grass lemon colour with the object. В green yellow ' blue \J All shaiKs aic ciaogefoviS to people Trin* F>Vr 0чл4Ьоо Help 0 All sharks are to people True r (• False False ^alRC dangerous Nev/ 0 0 JT Ssve Qu 2 Pfcpeilies <- s Vw, J. ® Pie'/iew M/Ooce Fill in the Blank - Magic Reindeer Name:_________Class:_________Date Fill in the blanks in these sentences with the word that fits. 1 2 3 4 Santa’s reindeer step proudly, they Magic is the night of December 24th. _____ can fly. is another name for St Nicholas. Select your answers from the following words prance Christmas Eve Santa reindeer 109 1- Unit 10 Until we meet again! Lesson 5 1 Play the game. • • 110 It’s a six. It’s your turn. It’s my turn. Move on three places. Throw the dice. I’ve got a three. лО ш ■июбо |ЭЭШ 0М |цип ‘spuauj jnoA ||D Oi элсоооб элодд ‘зриэ.щ jnoA i|D spueij^ jnoA ц\/ ‘spuauj jnoA ЦО oi sAcpoo6 элодд ■0'JOP S jno MO(\J ‘рэАо|с1 puD p0>jjOM 0v QUO, JoaA \\y ■paAoid puD p0>jJOM ‘poAofd cud p0>jjoyv\ ‘рэАо|с1 puD pa>iJOv\ 0,v- 5uo JO0A nv •6uOS 9l|4 6uj5 1 Listen, read and say. The password is ‘Millennium’ Good job! You are very clever and reliable. Now I can help you. Open these locks. The road behind this door will lead you home. Good luck! Lcc В учебнике есть исюрия о приключениях в перевернутом мире. Почему дети слушают, а не читают эту историю? Мама, 40 лет, учитель русского языка Эта история развивает умение чтения. Сначала дети одновременно и слушают, и читают эту историю. Именно запись позволяет им услышать, как правильно прочитать слова и произнести предложения с верной интонацией. Затем дается задание на поисковое чтение. Дети должны прочитать отрывок истории и ответить на определенный вопрос учителя. Эта история позволит и вам узнать, как научился читать ваш ребенок. Сделайте это в игровой форме. Организуйте “Марафон чтения”. Сначала вместе с ребенком послушайте предложение, следя глазами за текстом, а потом посоревнуйтесь в его чтении. 0 Мой старший сын учится по учебнику "New Millennium English”. На некоторых уроках они занимаются проектами. Что это такое и есть ли этот вид работы в “Millie”? Отец, 42 года, милиционер Да, в нашем учебнике есть элементы проектной работы. Проект предполагает развитие умения самостоятельной творческой деятельности. Проект может выходить за рамки одного урока Какая-то часть работы может происходить за пределами класса, например сделать фотографии или рисунки, расспросить об этом родителей. Проект часто включает исследовательский этап. Например, в ходе работы над проектом дети выясняют отношение одноклассников к интернету, с какой целью он чаще всего используется: как источник информации, средство для развлечения, или что-либо другое. 0^ 24Г Я отправляю ребенка в летний языковой лагерь. Сможет ли мой ребенок общаться на английском языке со своими сверстниками? Отец, 45 лет, бизнесмен 1 Parents’ (:age Мы надеемся, что ваш ребенок сможет общаться на английском языке в пределах тех тем, которые проходили на уроках. Это рассказ о себе, своей семье, любимых игрушках и занятиях, о своей школе и т. д. Самое главник, чтобы ребенок хотел общаться. А для развития умения общаться мы включили в учебник множество заданий на парную и групповую работу, задания, построенные по принципу информационного неравенства, когда ребенку приходится искать необходимую для него информацию, общаясь с одноклассниками 0-- Почему в учебнике нет таблицы неправильных глаголов? Ведь дети читают истории в прошедшем времени. Когда я училась, мы учили все три формы глаголов. Сестра, 18 лет, студентка колледжа На наших уроках дети усваивают язык не через объяснение правил грамматики, а через многократное повторение речевых образцов. Для этого в учебнике есть много песен, рифмовок, стихов. Обучение грамматике с обьясне-нием правил начнется в пятом классе, когда у детей наберется достаточный запас речевых образцов, и их можно будет анализировать, сравнивать. К этому времени у детей начнет складываться элементарное представление о структуре языка благодаря урокам русского языка. (D В этом году мой внук закончит начальную школу. По какому учебнику он будет заниматься в пятом классе? Я не видела в продаже учебника “Millie-5". Бабушка, 68 лет. пенсионерка MILLENNIUM !ЙЯ Учебник “Millie” является частью единого учебного курса “Millie” -“New Millennium English”. Таким образом, учебник для пятого класса называется “New Millennium English”. Взрослеют наши дети, “взрослеет" и учебник. Он становится сложнее, но не менее увлекательным. “New Millennium English" научит вашего ребенка новым умениям, например переводу. А к одиннадцатому классу подготовит к сдаче ЕГЭ. © Моя дочь будет учиться в четвертом классе в другой школе и по другому учебнику. Сможет ли она перейти на новый учебник? Мама. 30 лет, домохозяйка Мы уверены, что сможет. Учебники “Millie-2”. “Millie-3” и “MiHie-4" написаны авторами с учетом требований федерального компонента государственного стандарта начального общего образования по иностранному языку. Учите, играйте и наслаждайтесь английским языком вместе с ребенком! Успехов вам! Авторы “Millie” 125s -.-t- The authors and publishers would like to thank the following teachers, their pupils and their school administrators for their help in piloting and commenting on the materials in April 2005: Maltseva Yelena Ivanovna (Angarsk. School No 27), Maryashkina Liubov Alexandrovna (Cheboksary, School No 27), Shchukina Natalya Veniaminovna (Cheboksary, School No 51), Pimhakova Yulia Vladirriirovna, Sedykh Irina Ivanovna (Ekaterinbuig, Gymnasia No 120), Tsepeleva Varvara Petrovna (Ekaterinburg, Lyceum No 159), Balobanova Natalia Anatolyevna (Irkutsk, School No 26), Malinovskaya Marianna Lvovna (Koltsova, Novosibhsk Region, School No 21), Nesterova Nadezhda Nikolaevna (Krasnoyarsk, Gymnasia No 9), Seizhantova Olya Gennadievna (Krasnoyarsk, Gymnasia No 1 'Univers'), Konishcheva Nadezhda Alexandrovna (Moscow, School No 743). Kuznetsova Tatiana Aleksandrovna (Moscow Region, Novopodrezkovo School), Yakovleva Galina Konstantinovna (Nizhny Novgorod, School No 44), Zubtsovskaya Yevgeniya Vladimirovna (Nizhny Novgorod, School No 17), Taizi Yelena Vasilievna (Novosibirsk, Lyceum No 130), Nikiforova Natalya Ivanovna (Omsk, School No 38), Sharonova Galina Fedorovna (Omsk, School No 116), Kadiskalieva Agipa Shamilievna (Palassovka, Volgograd Region, School No 2), Badenko Tatiana Anatolievna, Koptseva Irina Konstantinovna (Ryazan, School No 47), Divnova Maria Alexandrovna (Samara, School No 139), Kukrei Natalya Nikolaevna (Samara, IT Lyceum of Samara), Kunitsyna Irina Alexeevna (Samara, School No 90), Maslova Natalya Yurievna (Samara, Gymnasia No 3), Stavtseva Irina Valerievna (Samara, 'Creativity' School), Pitina Natalya Vladimirovna (Sochi, Gymnasia No 44), Tchaikovskaya Vera Vasilievna (Sochi, Gymnasia No 16), Donetskaya Natalya Borisovna, Nesterova Svetlana Aleksandrovna, Starovoitova Irina Yurievna (Tambov, Lyceum No 6), Abramova Nadezhda Vladimirovna (Toliatti, Gymnasia No 35), Tchizhova Vera Vasilievna (Volgograd, School No 31), Korneeva Yelena Geogievna, Sulzhenko Lyubov Vitalievna, Tulupova Yelena Genrikhovna (Yaroslavl, School No 18), Loginova Lidiya Ivanovna (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 'Eastern' Lyceum No 1). The authors and publishers would also like to thank the piloting facilitators for their help in organising and monitoring of the piloting process and commenting on the materials in April 2005: Shelukhina Tatiana Vladimirovna (Cheboksary, Chuvash Republican Institute of Education), Masharova Irina Sergeyevna (Ekaterinburg, Secondary School No 152), Kournaya Maria Yurievna (Irkutsk, British Council), Lagutochkina Marina Viktorovna (Krasnoyarsk, Lyceum No 3). Gribkova Bella Pavlovna (Nizhny Novgorod, British Council), Koptyug Nina Martievna (Novosibirsk, Lyceum No 130), Bondarenko Olga Anatolyevna (Omsk, 'Perspektiva' Educational Centre), Ustinova Yelena Sergeyevna (Ryazan, Ryazan State University), Tchernikovs Yulia Vladimirovna (Samara, British Council), Kostyuk Natalia Vladimirovna (Sochi, International Co-operation Office of Education Department), Milrood Radislav Petrovich (Tambov, Tambov State University), Ostrovskaya Svetlana Vladimirovna (Volgograd, Volgograd State Pedagogical University), Isaeva Nadezhda Pavlovna (Yaroslavl, School No 18), Lapshina Vlada Igorevna f Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. British Council). The publishers wouid like to thank the following for permission to reproduce images: ©AUADNAN/bIPA © Ai igelo Hof».ak / CORBIS / RPG 43\ © Brian A. vmander / COhBIS / hHCj 26, © Biookb Kiaft /COibis/ RPG 17; © Everett Collection / Hex i-eatures SO', © Floresco Productions / Cordis / RPG /2; © Ilyas J Dean / Rex Features 29; © Jim Zuckerman / Cordis / RPG 26-27, ©Jonathan Blair/CORBIS/RPG 43; © Ken Seet / Cordis / RPG 26-27; © Lars Halbauer / dpa / Cordis / RPG Г 7; © I iu Liqun / CORBIS / RPG Г 7; © Michael Ochs Archives / Cordis / RPG 56; © Patrick Bennett / Cordis / RPG 27; © Peter Adams / zefa / Cordis / RPG 29; © PhotoXpress / Квадра Медиа 104 (5 фото); © PhotoXpress / Квадра Медиа 39 (2 фото); © PhotoXpress / Квадра Медиа 64 <3 фото); © PNC / Brand X / Cordis/ RPG 27; © Rainer Elstermann / zefa / Cordis / RPG 27; ® SNAP / Rex Features 80; ©\^nnArthus-Bertrand/CORBIS/RPG 9Я Every ettort has been made to trace the copyright holders ol material in this book. Tile publishers apologise foi any ooiissim ts e« id will be pleased to make the necessai у arrangements when Miiite is reprinted. Учебное издание С. И. Азарова. Э. Н, Дружинина, Е. В. Ермолаева, Е- В. Зоткина. Л. Г. Карпова. Е. М. Коремкова, Е. В. Костюк. И, В. Крайнева, Н. Н. Петрова, Н. Б. Пономарева. Р. Ю. Попова. Н С Славщик. Л. Л. Соколова. Л. Н. Струкова, Н. Ю. Шульгина АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Учебник для 4 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Замдиректора по подготовке изданий С. В. Ширина Корректоры Г А. Киселева. Г П. Мартыненко Дизайн маке1а, верстка В. КиН. Н. С. Вишенковой Иллюстрации Т. С. Богомягких, Н. В. Китаевой, Д. Б. Костиной. А. С. Кудашкиной. К. Мартиросян. Н. В. Мишиной. М. В. Парнышковой, А. В. Савельевой. Е. 6. Сергеевой. Г Ю. Скрипалыциковой. И. С. Слюнковой Фотографии Л. Н. Новоселова Художественный редактор Е. А. Вштяева Цифровая обработка изображений Л. Н. 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СО MP3), ••вборнартомсч для ов>н»мя «тсигчо и r^м^^*vжt. овучикл.,п« iKpnuA г^МУШмма для Z 1сласса - учоОии» гхЛсн^ retfiaAh. кмгв дли Y*ял^лa. ауД|Югр«^гс*^н*/ hdcc^ru СОМРЗ). иебсркэо7очскдяясб>'сииячте»я«си ^онсрееяло, обучох-.и^дя горная псогтаммд для 4 Mtacca - у1г<^ч>к, рабочая тетоадь. кнгга для учителя, ода^югсыпоясг - * кассоти.СОМРЗ) 1«бор кзргочея/vw обучая ЧГРИ1Н0 и говсрето.сбучдоаа*'. -TTW програки^а для 1 -4 кпяссоя — обучшиоя «с*№и»еи*«ея 1кдх«ымма иИиторакгив1^1е плякаты* АЛЯ 5 класса (1-й год обучанкя) - робочая тртрдль. «иигя для ■ - * ориложеиио <«}увм>хогхс(Ы. СО МРЗ) для 5 класса (4-й год обученйя) - учсб*ич. работая ^етсАШ». смеа для у^1Уоеля лр«<гххж01ет (СО MP3), сбучаююяй кгамшююгино лрОфамыв для 6 класса - уч>0иик рабская ю^содя khi«;i дчяу^югм дyви0пз)илl>e1t>ч^; <лссе?ы. 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