Английский язык 9 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 2

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 9 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Happy English (Хэппи Инглиш):

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i^Ч^^S^’ЛW^^•.^Ч^^ЧVX>Л.^лXs•ЛЧ^ -.I. >s ; 1 ^ Change the sentences. Use the complex object. Model: Come here! — I want (expect / would like) you to come here. 1. Close the door! ____ 2. Finish your breakfast. 3. Obey me at once. _____ 4. Explain your behaviour. 5. Treat me like a grown-up person. 6. Give me some pocket money. __ 2 ? Change the sentences. Use the complex object. Model: Do)i4 read in the dark! — / don 7 want you to read in the dark. 1. Don’t embarrass me! _________________________________________ 2. Don’t pay attention to the untidy house. 3. Don’t nag him. ________________________ 4. Don’t drive her mad. _ 5. Don’t get mad with me. 6. Don’t treat your son like a baby. 3 ;■ Read the words and expressions and their translations. upbringing — воспитание Victorian times — времена королевы Виктории children should be seen and not heard — детей должно быть видно, но нс слышно а motto — девиз а gentleman with refined manners — джентльмен с утонченными манерами а rocking chair — кресло-качалка а forehead — лоб to explore the world — исследовать мир to be out of the question — не может быть и речи to love somebody back — любить кого- либо в ответ to inherit — наследовать strict — строгий 4 Read the story, translate it into Russian and answer the questions. Support your answers with the information from the story. 1. What was the motto of Victorian times? 2. Was Eleanor’s father a typical Victorian gentleman? Unit 4 Lessons b 2 3. Was Eleanor’s father an emotional person? 4. Did Eleanor’s father spend a lot of lime with his daughter? 5. Who brought Eleanor up? 6. What was her father’s hobby? 7. Did reading help Eleanor in life? How? 8. What did Eleanor think of the upbringing her father had given to her? Eleanor’s Father Eleanor was brought up by her father. He grew up in Victorian times. “Children should be seen and not heard.” 'Fhis was the motto of Victorian England. Life was hard, and parents were strict. Eleanor's father was fifty when his youngest daughter was born. The family had already six children, and Eleanor’s mother did not pay much attention to her. But her father did. He was a gentleman with refined manners. Eleanor kissed her father’s forehead before bedtime. He never gave her a kiss in all his life. Emotions and close contacts were out of the question at that time. But Eleanor knew that her father loved her dearly, and loved him back. He did not speak much, but commented on important things. He took his youngest daughter for a walk every day. He gave her his finger and they went to explore the world. Eleanor's father was very fond of Literature. He often sat in his rocking chair and recited poems. Little Eleanor sat at his feet and listened. He read poems for hours. He completely forgot about everything. When he looked down and saw his daughter, he was surprised. “Are you still here?” — he used to ask. Eleanor inherited his love of Literature. She grew up, got married and had a big family. Years went by. She lost her husband, and her children left her house. vShe started writing. She wrote about everything: about her childhood, about her father, she described real events and made things up. She won a few' writing competitions and got published. “1 don’t know where all these stories come from. It’s all my father. He gave me a very good upbringing — he taught me to love books.” Ш Unit 4 Lessons L 2 5 ^ What do you think? 1. What does a good upbringing include nowadays? 2. What is the motto of parents in our time?. 3. Do a lot of children like to read nowadays? 4. Why is reading still very important / not so important anymore? 6 Unit 4 Lessons b 2 Homework 1 [ A I Express some of the ideas from the song in your own words. Use the words and phrases. Model: John admits that his parents are cool, but he would like them to explain some things. 1. John would like his parents / wants them / expects his parents .... 2. John wouldn’t like his parents / doesn’t want his parents / doesn’t expect his parents 3. John’s parents would like him / want him / expect him / make him / let him ... . 4. John’s parents wouldn’t like him / don’t want him / don’t expect him / don’t let him 5. John refuses / hopes / admits / complains / agrees / thinks ... . : В I What are the people in the pictures saying to each other? Use the following phrases to write short dialogues. Parents: 1. You’re driving me mad! 2. rd like you to go to university when you finish school! 3. Why have you locked the door again? 4. That music is getting on my nerves. 5. Have you done all your chores? Children: a) Can’t I decide for myself? b) Please don’t nag me, Mum. c) Will you give me some pocket money this week? d) But we need to have some fun! e) Leave me alone. 1 need my space. 1 J. i№“i 1 Sj ' Unit 4 Lessons 1,2 ; С I What problems do you have with your parents? ''“^?c*.*»*«***t*' Lessons 3^4 Whol^ do hrs porents want him to do? •\ЧЧ .4 чЧ\ч* 1 I Translate the sentences into Russian. Why is the complex object used without to? 1. You can drive the horse to the river, but you cannot make it drink. 2. Lei me explain everything! 3. Let us visit the pet shop. _ 4. His sister made him tell a lie. 5. Nothing can make him change his mind. 6. I will never let you go. Read the words and expressions and their translations. a doorstep ~ ступенька крмльг^а a cane ~ палка, трость a strap ~ ремень a punishment — наказание a disgrace — позор kneeling on the hard tloor with your hands on the back оГ your neck — стояние на коленях на твердом полу, закинув руки за шею 3 I Read the story and translate it into Russian. v; Would you like to live in Victorian times? Do you think your parents are too strict and your teachers arc often unfair to you? Then compare your problems to the problems of children in Victorian times. The first problem they had was to survive after birth. A lot of people were so poor that they couldn’t afford to have children. So they tried to lose them everywhere: in the streets, on doorsteps, at railway stations. Children were often found dead. Some children were sent to baby farmers. A baby farmer was a woman who looked after a lot of children for their parents. If you think that parents took their children back home in the evening, you are wrong. They paid five pounds, which was a lot of money at that time, and never saw their children again. Baby farmers didn’t do much for the money they were paid. After all if a child died, they saved money. Even if a child lived in the family, life was extremely hard. Big families had to share one room and everybody slept on the floor. If somebody died, people often kept the body .-.-.■.•ANN..-. . . NNN-. > . • N*.*. .•-n-.nn-.*.‘.nv<4':-:-;' Unit 4 Lessons 1,2 and 3^ 4 in the room, because they couldn't afford to bury it. So remember that when you get mad | with your little brother or sister who shares a room with you. I When a child could walk, he started to work. Children made matches and sold them in I the street. They didn’t have any warm clothes, so when the weather was bad, some of them | froze to death. Do you still think that your house chores are too much? | Schools weren’t expensive, but parents wanted their children to work and bring some | money home. So only those children who were lucky went to school, but... will you really | cal! them lucky? Victorian teacher believed in punishments as the best method of upbringing. | They didn’t ask a child why he had done something wrong — they just punished him. The | list of punishments included: the cane, the strap, kneeling on the hard lloor with your hands | on the back of your neck for a long time. But the worst of all was The Punishment Book. | If something bad about you was written in that book, it was a big disgrace. The person | mentioned in this book had no chance to get a good job after school. | Unit 4 Lessons 3, 4 \ ^ I Now try to match the "crimes" with the punishments and don't forget to thank your teacher for being so nice to you. I I a) A child didn’t come to church on Sunday. 1. The cane □ b) A child threw a pen in class. ^ 2. The stripe I I c) A child was late for school. Boole I I d) A child wrote something in a very bad handwriting. ^ Kneeling"'^ The results of the test are on page 13. : 4 I What do you think? V.'WCs'N- 1. What problems did children in Victorian times have? ____________ 2. What was the worst punishment? Why? 3. What punishments do you get at school? 4. Which punishment is the worst for you? Why? I 5 I Use the complex object with or without to. 1. I want you understand me. 2. Don’t let him______play with your feelings. 3. He expected his parents______return by nine o’clock. 4. They made him . 5. I would like you __join them. __stay. 6. Tom wanted his aunt_______believe him. 7. His aunt wanted him_______grow up a good person. 8. She made him_______obey her. 9. He never let his friends_____drive him mad. 10 Unit 4 Lessons 3, 4 6 I- Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Don’t pay attention to his behaviour. 2. Please don’t wear so much make-up, you'll embarrass grandmother. 3. Tom’s wife nagged him because he always left dirty dishes in the sink. 4. Don’t drive me mad! 5. His mother treated him like a child. 6. Every child can’t wait to grow up. 7. Young children usually obey their teacher. I 7 I Choose the right word. 1. When parents want their twenty-year-old son to obey them, it drives him mad/pleases him 2. Let me help you and do the chores / go to the party. 3. Sometimes a strange style can embarrass / touch people. 4. He must phone home every hour. His parents encourage independence / treat him like a child. 5. It is important to have good relationships/income in the family. 8 ^ Read two groups of sentences and find the sentence with similar meanings. □ 1. Take it easy. . behaviour was welcoming and friendly b) You are treating me like a child. I I 2. He always does what his parents tell him. I I 3. It’s impossible to make him angry. ^ .. □ ^ . 1,11 c) He always obeys his parents. I 4. I must help mv mother about the house. j j t I I 5. It’s not important to me. ^ must do the chores □ . . u e) I couldn’t care less. ^ 6. You think 1 am still a baby. ^ me ^ ^ You embarrass nic* I I 7. He was polite to the guests. ' ' ''' □ g) You can’t drive him mad. s. 8. Your behaviour in front of mv friends ............ . makes me feel uneasy. Don't pay any attention to it Homework Ь » » * N C. « * « я ^ A I Answer the questions about the dialogue from Ex. 5. 1. Where did John use to go with his friends? Unit 4 Lessons 3, 4 11 2. John used lo come back on lime, didn't he? 3. What did his parents expect him to do when he didn't come back on time? 4. What did John's teacher tell his parents? 5. What did John's parents expect him to do? В ; Translate the sentences into English. 1. Мне не хотелось бы, чтобы его родители узнали об этом. 2. Они ожидали, что он позвонит. 3. Родители хоч'ят, чтобы их сын приходил домой вовремя. 4. Она заставила сына принять аспирин. 5. Она заставила свою подругу сказать правду. 6. Наши друзья хотят, чтобы мы пошли в кино с ними. 7. Она не ожидала, что они приедут во вторник. 8. Мэри не хотела бы, чтобы ее дочь похудела. С i Write sentences with the words below. Use the complex object and make any changes necessary. More than one version is possible. Model: YoUy 7, would like^ come back early.— I would like you to come back early. You would like me to come hack early. 1. I, write a letter, they, expect______________________________________________________________ 2. he, want, I, become a teacher 12 Unit 4 Lessons 3, 4 3. he, made, we, buy, a dress 4. they, would like, Andy, play for their team 5. we, not want, he, sing D I Complete the sentences. Use make or do. 1. She__________up her mind to become a teacher. 2. He has _____ a lot of mistakes in his test. _____________________my homework in the evening. 3. I always 4. Who____ 5. Jeff the housework in your family? ______friends with her son two years ago, 6. Finally, she___________him tell the truth. 7. Will you 8. Has he „ me a favour and invite my friend to the party? any progress in Maths? Lessons 5,6 \S4S4'4* .••V.nVi I 1 I Read the v/ords and expressions and their translations. population — население united families — дружные семьи poverty — бедность long-livers — долгожители to make life longer — продлевать жизнь to analyse the factors of a long life — анализировать факторы долгожительства it turns out ~ оказывается to depend on something — зависеть от чего- либо to live in harmony with somebody — жить в гармонии с кем-либо to perform а social poll — проводить опрос общественного мнения ■ 2 I Before you read. Read the questions and give your opinion, 1. What is the key factor of a long life? 2. What is bad for our nervous system? 3. What is good for our health? 4. Is it possible to be poor and happy? Results 1, - d; 2. — a; 3. — c; 4. — b Unit 4 Lessons 3, 4 and 5, 6 13 ! 3 Read the story, translate into Russian and check you answers. Support your answers with the infoj-n^Qjjon from the story. Who lives long? It has always interested people how to make life longer. Some people believe in diets, some in exercise, some in nature. Scientists analysed the factors of a long life. It turns out, that people who live really long and slay in good health, may live in very different climates and on very different diets. There are people who live near the sea, and people who live high in the mountains, people who eat lots of meat and people who are vegetarians, people who drink wine, and those who never touch it. But there is one feature that is common for every group of long-livers. It is respect for parents. But if you think about it, it’s quite logical. Conflicts in the family are the key factors of a ruined nervous system. Our health depends more on our good nerves than on anything else. When we live in harmony with our parents, children, husbands and wives, there isn’t much to worry about. Recently they performed a social poll in Bangladesh, one of the poorest countries in the world. Eighty percent of the population called themselves happy. They have big united families, and even poverty does not matter. 14 Unit 4 Lessons 5, 6 ; 4 I Here is a list of wishes. Group them into two columns; parents' and children's. Use the complex object. Some things con be wished by both parents and children. lo make good progress at school, not to embarrass somebody in front of his / her friends, not to treat somebody like a baby, lo let somebody make important decisions, to be positive, to do housework, to pay attention to somebody’s needs, to be grateful, to obey in important matters, to have more respect for somebody Model: to give somebody more pocket money — I want my parents to give me more pocket money. : 5 ^ Use the correct form of make or do. ]. Who 2. Everybody 3. Have you _ shopping in your family? ______ mistakes. 4. He is rich, he ________ 5. Let’s_________friends! 6. Where is Tom? — He your homework? Let’s much money. some sports. a report at the conference. Unit 4 Lessons 5, 6 15 7. She doesn’t like children because they_____ 8. I am hungry! Let’s__________some cooking. noise. 6 I Translate into English. 1. я хочу, чтобы ты понял меня. 2. Позволь мне все объяснить. 3. Заегавь ее извинитт^ся. 4. Они ожидают, что она придет в девять. 5. Его мама не хочет, чтобы он шокировал гостей. 6. Он хочет, чтобы отец уделил ему внимание. Homework i- < - v > V > V N « •> < л у* > V > V 4 S' л <' > V > <• А t а) Sometimes people get upset with each other not because of the words, but because ’ ■' of the meaning behind the words. Read the phrases and answer the questions. 1. Which of the phrases do you hear from your parents most? 2. Do you agree with the meaning of the phrases? 3. If you don’t, what do they mean when your parents say them? What parents say What they really mean 16 Unit 4 Lessons 5, 6 1. Are you going to wear that for your grandma’s birthday party? — We’re not letting you leave this room in those clothes! 2. How was your day today? — Did you do anything bad today? 3. Go and dean your room.— We need to talk about something important. 4. Have you done your homework yet? — When you are not busy with anything, it gets on our nerves. 5. Who's the boy (girl) who phoned you? — We’d like to meet him (her), and talk to his (her) parents before you go out together. 6. Your friend Kate is really nice.— I can’t stand your friend Mary. 7. We got a call from the school today.— Are the teachers going to complain about you again? 8. Will your friends’ parents be at home? — Do you really expect us to go to sleep before you're back home? 9. Whose turn is it to do the dishes? — It’s your turn to do the dishes. 10. How much did you pay for that?! — You’ll get no pocket money this week. You’ll understand when you’re older.— We don’t know how to explain this to you. Unit 4 Lessons 5, 6 17 11. We expect you to get good marks in your exams.— You should study for your exams instead of having fun with your friends. 12. Do you really think that suits you? — We think it looks awful. 13. Do you think money grows on trees? — Get a part-time job. 14. Shouldn’t your school report be here by now? — Where have you hidden it? 15. Be nice to your little sister (brother).— One more fight and we’ll go crazy. 16. We know that you’re a good boy / girl and would never do anything bad.— We don’t trust you at all. b) Write your own pairs of phrases from your own family or your friend's family. i В I Fill in the gaps in the conversation with your own phrases. You can also use phrases from the Conversation bricks. Girl: Mom, I’d like to talk to you about the party tomorrow. Mom: 1 think we’ve already discussed that and the answer is “No”. Girl: ________________________________________________________ Mom: What makes you think that you deserve to go? Girl: ______________________________________________ Mom: Weil, that’s all very nice, but Tve already told you that you can’t go this week. If you behave yourself. I'll let you go next time. Girl: Mom: Well, I really don’t know. Go and ask your father then. Girl: ___________________________________________________________ Mom: . You’ll understand when you’re older. ^ C I Write about any problem that you or one of your friends / relatives had with their parents. How was the problem solved? 18 Unit 4 Lessons 5, 6 ; Homework Ь' ^ > ; A I Fill in the table. > •> c. о it c ^ V ■•• Ч Ч > .4 г. j. .• c V •< s Ч % V Л »* .* V V Ч- Ч s Ч > The Smith Name during the war The Union Attitude towards slavery Attitude towards the United States wanted to preserve the union. Reason for fighting wanted to protect their independence, their land and their homes. Advantages of their position Disadvantages of their position В I Write a short report about the events in Russia. Use the following questions to guide you. 1. Was there a civil war in Russia? 2. When did it happen? 3. Who fought against whom? 4. What was the cause of the war? 5. Do you remember any names of the war leaders? 6. When did the war end? 7. Who won? Unit 4 Lessons 5, 6 and 7 19 8. What happened alter the war? Did the country change? Did the political system change? Were these changes good or bad? lesspns 8,9 Welcome to Washington Get ready for your test Use the complex object with or without to, L Tom's parents want Tom_____make progress at school. 2. They make him_____work hard at his maths. 3. They rarely let him йо for a walk. 4. They don’t want him_______go out late. 5. Tom would like his parents______pay attention to his needs. 6. Tom doesn't want his parents______treat him like a baby. Choose the correct word or word combination. 1. Don’t sing so loudly, you are nagging / embarrassing people. 2. Little boys often make much noise / money. 3. He is making a mistake / report at the conference. 4. Can 1 ask you to have more respect for me / drive me rnad7 5. He made / did a decision to go to university. 6. He embarrassed her and she got mad with him / made friends with him. 7. I want to work in summer. 1 want to make money / do favours. Reod about uncle Ben. Write a letter from uncle Ben to his nephew using the complex object. Model: / want you to visit me in summer. I will not let you be lazy. Uncle Ben lives in a beautiful place in the countryside. He invites his nephew to come to visit him in summer, to go swimming, to fish in the pond, to have a party. He also asks him to help him do the chores, to behave properly and make friends with his neighbours. He is strongly against noise. He recommends a tennis course. 20 Unit 4 Lessons 7 and 8, 9 4 I Use the correct form of mafce or do 1. He wants to____________friends with you. 2. Don't this mistake again! ___up his mind yet. 3. He hasn’t_______ 4. Let’s_______ some shopping. 5. He asked me to__________him a favour and open the window. 6. Is he_________progress at school? i Homework ^ ^ ! A I Say if these statements are true, false or there is no informotion. Then correct the mistakes. ч>л....о. pQ information in the text, try to find out more, 1. Washington stands on the River Thames.______________________________________ 2. Washington isn't in any slate. _____________________________________________ 3. DC stands for the District of Columbia. 4. Washington is named after the second President of the USA. 5. The District of Columbia is named after Christopher Columbus. 6. The Capitol is the tallest building in Washington. ____ 7. Tn the evening Washington can look like an outdoor fitness club. 8. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 is the address of every American president. ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. It’s not possible for an ordinary person to go inside the White House. 10. The Jefferson Memorial can be seen from the White House. 11. The Washington Monument was brought from Egypt. 12. The FBI building is in New York.________________ 13. Some foreign embassies are in Washington and some are in Los Angeles. Unit 4 Lessons 8, 9 21 i В [: Write about the capital of Russia. Include any museum or memorial you like and give a description. lesson 10 Test yoiif self '.S4>SXX«SV.V.V4>:' .%VbV»V«N4»j4VSV4'W' 1 I Listen to two girls and write. a) Who does Jane have her problem with? What’s the problem? b) Who does Liz have her problem with? What’s the problem? 2 5 Read the advice. Is it the advice for Jane or Liz? Continue the sentences with information from the text. Which of these things does / doesn't the author advise the girl to do? Model: Keep your diary on the .... Liz. is advised to keep her diary on the compute, because. 1. Keep your diary on the _______________________________________________________________ 2. Tell your parents everything__________________________________________________________ 3. Give your sister and brother some of your pocket money________________________________ 4. Make a fake diary and_________________________________________________________________ 5. Hide your diary in a place where I can see that your little brother and sister are really making life difficult for you”. You could tell your parents about their behaviour but will it help? 1 think your parents will just tell you that you shouldn’t pay any attention because your brother and sister are young and silly. You could also try and give your brother and sister some of your pocket money 22 Unit 4 Lessons 8, 9 and 10 and make them promise to leave you alone, but it won't work for a long. Soon they'll want more money or something else. So try to be cleverer than them. First of all, hide your diary. You can keep it on the computer or, if you don’t have one, hide it in a place where your brother and sister will never find it. Or make a fake diary and write a message to your brother and sister in it. Then watch them, read it and laugh your head off! I 3 I Make up new sentences. Use the complex object. Model: He has to read more. His mother would like it — His mother would like him to read more. 1. She has to reach a compromise with her brother. Her parents expect it. 2. All the pupils have to like English. Mr Reed wants it. 3. Peter has to do chores. His mother expects it. 4. Alex watched a very boring film. His girl friend made him. 5. Mary can’t go out. Her parents don’t let her. i 4 I Translate the sentences Into Russian. 1. They want us to visit them next month. 2. T know him to be a very good doctor. 3. Nobody let these children leave their room. 4. Don’t make me say that again. 5. I wouldn’t like them to know my name. 5 I Fill in the gaps. Use do or make. 1. He asked me to__________him a favour. 2. Don’t__________him eat if he doesn’t want to. 3. Anybody who_____________this mistake must__________exercise 5 again. 4. You’ll have to give up this job because you aren’t_________enough money. 5. What does his sister_________? — She’s a singer. 6. I’d like to________more friends at my new school. At the moment I have to hang out with my younger brother. Unit 4 Lesson 10 23 i 6 I Find the synonyms for the underlined words. 1. Гт fed up with my little sister. a) Fve had enough of her. b) I don’t like her. c) I don’t understand her. 2. She says she couldn’t care less. a) She doesn’t agree. b) It doesn’t matter to her. c) She is upset. 3. When J walked into the room, nobody paid any attention to me. a) They ignored me. b) They embarrassed me. c) They surprised me. 4. Mom is mad with me because I forgot her birthday. a) She is angry with me. b) She agrees with me. c) She couldn’t care less about me. 5. My brother’s behaviour embarrassed me. a) made me feci proud b) made me feel uncomfortable c) made me feel angry 6. Why do 1 always have to do all the chores? a) all the housework b) all the boring things c) all the exams 7. When 1 grow up. Г11 get a good education. a) become older b) become younger c) improve my behaviour 24 Unit 4 Lesson 10 Going down Hollywood Boulevard.,. i 1 I Express the same ideas using to be likely, to be unlikely, to be sure, to be certain. 1. You expect your best friend to visit you today. 2. His mother is planning to buy him a present. 3. You really think you'll find your pen on your desk. 4. The film may start later. 5. It is not going to rain today. 6. 1 have no doubts that this football match will be successful. 7. Mike believes he will fail his exam. 8. Sarah hopes her brother will come at five. j 2 I Read the words and expressions and their translations. a fuss about something — беспокойство из-за чего-либо an incident — случай childhood — детство lap — колени a public person — публичный человек Is an Oscar worth all this fuss? — Стоит ли переживать из-за какого-то Оскара? to mention — упоминать to participate in something — участвовать в чем-либо to sit still — сидеть спокойно 3 I Read the text translate it into Russian and answer the questions. 1. What words of his little daughter helped Nikita Mikhalkov relax? 2. What lesson did he give to his daughter? 3. Did Mikhalkov get his Oscar?. Unit 5 Lessons 1,2 25 А fuss about an Oscar In one of her interviews, Nadezhda Mikhalkova mentioned an interesting incident from her childhood. She was in America with her parents. Her father, Nikita Mikhalkov, a famous Russian film director, took his family there for a film festival. He participated in the festival. He could hardly sit still, and was very nervous. When he stood up and sat down for a hundredth time, his little daughter said, “Come, Dad, is an Oscar worth all this fuss?"' For a moment he looked shocked, and then laughed and relaxed. He got his Oscar, by the way. At this ceremony he taught his daughter a lesson, too. She was only six, and was very tired after a long trip. Her mother took her on her lap and told her to get some rest. However, her father got angry. He said the words which she never forgot. “If you are going to be a public person, stand up immediately. Walk, smile, and never show how tired you are. You will have a rest w^hen you are alone in your room. Nobody w^ants to know if you tired or not.’’ *: what do you think? 1. Should a public person always hide his or her real feelings? 2. Will the lesson given by her father help Nadezhda in her future life? 3. Is it good for a child to be in the centre of everybody's attention? 4. What is the most important lesson somebody has ever given you? 26 Unit 5 Lessons 1,2 Homework V' ' * ^ ' sv ! A i Write your own questions for the following statements. :l. Hollywood is called the biggest star factory in the world because the biggest and most successful film studios are there. | __________________________________________________________________? — Hollywood is. ? — Because the biggest and most successful film studios are there. 2. Oscar Night is the most important event in show biz. ____ ? — Yes, it is. ? — Oscar Night is. 3. If you visit Malibu, you may see some famous stars. _______? — In Malibu. ? — Some famous stars. 4. Tn Los Angeles you arc unlikely to have bad weather. | __? — bad weather. ? — in Los Angeles. ? — You are unlikely to have bad weather in Los Angeles. В I Look at the pictures of the places that are mentioned in the text and write the names. Explain why you would like to visit them. Unit 5 Lessons 1,2 27 с \ Substitute the underlined words and expressions with the following words and expressions. Make changes if necessary. to take place, an event, to be famous, suburbs, celebrities, in vain 1. She'd like to be popular. 2. My best friend worked hard, but all his work didn't bring him anything. 3. My mother likes to read about famous people. 4. This part of Moscow used to be a village just ten years ago. 5. The ceremony will be in the Bolshoi Theatre on May 25. 6. Tell me what happened in the last series. lessons 3,4 Wbaf s.ipn tedoy!? ; 1 : Meet the Browns. They hove a few DVDs, but cannot make up their minds. Help them choose a film suitoble for all. Mr Brown likes horror films, historical films, classics. He hates soap operas, musicals, fantasy. Mrs Brown is fond of romance, drama, musicals. She likes classics and thrillers. She hates horror films and documentaries. Bill Brown, 12 likes fantasy, comedies, science fiction, thrillers and action films. He hates musicals and soap operas. He thinks that classics and historical films arc OK. Old Mrs Brown likes soap operas, romance and comedies. She hates thrillers and horror films. Sometimes she enjoys classics, westerns and historical films. Old Mr Brown prefers documentaries, historical films and war films. He hates comedies and soap operas. Classics and musicals are alright with him. The DVDs they have are: | ''Gone with the Wind”, “Spartacus”, “The Lord of the Rings”, “Santa Barbara”, “Home ^ Alone'y “ Oliver Twist”, “ The Battle of Britain”, “The Sound of Music”, “The Treasure p- Island”, “The Hound of the Baskcrvilles”, “Prince Caspian", “World War П”, “Toni Щ Sawyer”, “The Day Watch”, “Hamlet”, “Indiana Jones”, “Vampire Story”, “Star Wars”, | “Jane Eyre” I: V. g Unit 5 Lessons L 2 and 3^ 4 29 2 I Read the film reviews. Describe every film in one word; superb, av/ful, funny, moving, thrilling, violent, boring. 1. ''Tt was a waste of time. I don’t recommend this film to anyone who loves adventure/’ 2. “Keeps you at the edge of the seat from the first minute.” 3. '‘1 haven’t laughed so much in years. Superb for kids and adults who are young at heart.” 4. ‘^1 cried my eyes out. Tt leaves no one indifferent.” 5. ''Excellent in all respects”. 6. "Too cruel. Not for the faint-hearted.” 7. "It doesn’t have a single idea. Complete uninteresting nonsense.” i 3 V Read the words and expressions and their translations. nearest and dearest — самые близкие и little things of no importance — пустяки a killer shark — акула-убийца to get used to somebody — привыкнуть к кому-либо familiar — знакомый close — близкий дорогие isolated — изолированный от общества. одинокий at hand — рядом 30 Units Lessons 3, 4 4 I Read the text, translate it into Russian and answer the questions. What kind of i'ilrn is called a soap opera? 2. Are there usually a lot of characters in a soap opera? 3. What people particularly like soap operas? 4. What is initialing about soap operas? 5. Why do some people like to watch soap operas? shfj The phenomenon of soap operas Do you like soaps? If not, you are likely to have a good taste. If yes, have you ever thought what makes you wait impatiently to sec what happens next? A soap opera can last for months and even years. The action is rather slow. If you miss a series, or even ten, you find that the plot has not developed much. While one character loses his memory and keeps looking for his or her baby child, another one may think for weeks if he should go to the cinema or not. Why are all these little things of no importance interesting to us? 1 think it happens because we gel used to the familiar characters. They become close like family. In real life we take interest in everything that happens to our nearest and dearest. You can phone your mother or your granny or a friend to find out how they are, what they have bought recently and who has visited them. You are very unlikely to hear about crocodiles, killer sharks or the latest news of David Beckham, and yet every little thing about our family and friends is important to us. Probably the same happens with soap opera characters. They might be neither interesting nor clever, but with the time they become like a part of your family: everything about them becomes important. Old people are particularly fond of soap operas. They feci lonely and isolated. A long film about people who never existed gives them an illusion of life and makes them forget about real problems. If their real children and grandchildren arc too busy to phone them or visit them, soap opera characters are always at hand. Units Lessons 3, 4 31 5 ^ What do you think? 1. Do you need much talent to produce a soap opera / to play in a soap opera? 2, Do you know any interesting soap operas which are really interesting to watch? 3. What was the first soap opera you watched? 4. How can we help older people not feel isolated? 5. When did you visit your grandparents last' 32 Units Lessons 3, 4 i 6 I Describe a film you have watched recently. Use these questions as a plan, 1. What is the genre? 2. What is the plot? 3. What is the cast and who is the film director? 4. What did you like about the film? 5. Did it have any weak points? What arc they? 6. Whom will you recommend this film to? Ts it a family film? : 7 I Have you got a family's favourite film which unites all the family? How many times have you watched it? What do you like about the film? Do the members of your family make comments while watching? Homework 4 \ \ .4 A > •: < < s 4‘ V ■< A A A .» S» -C* ! A I Match the definitions with the words and expressions, you've learned in this unit, 1. The person who makes a film.________________________________________________ 2. All the aclors in the film._________________________________________________ 3. The first time the film is demonstrated. 4. The person who is rich and famous.___ 5. A sad and emotional film.____________ 6. No tickets left.___________ Units Lessons 3, 4 33 \ в i; Complete the sentences with the suitable words and expressions. 1. The scene is______________________in the 1960s in New York. 2. The film is______________________a little boy who leaves his home to find his father, 3. T recommend this film. There are cowboys and Indians in it. Actually iTs a_____ 4. At first Mary and Jack hate each other but then they fall 5. It's a brilliant romance. Greta Garbo 6. Td like to know what’s_________________ 7. Let’s go to the________________________ ________today? and see the latest in it. i C I a) What kind of films are these Russian films? Who stars in them? Which of them could be called a blockbuster or a cult film? b) Which of these films do / don't you like? Why? Write 4-5 sentences. 34 Unit 5 Lessons 3, 4 D I Write a short review of any Russian film that you like. Lesson 5 Boulevard Read the words and expressions and their translations. charity — благотворительность, благотворительная организация cancer — рак (заболевание) а marathon — марафон а hospice — хоспис а disability — ограниченные возможности, инвалидность ап unforgettable performance — незабываемое представление helpful devices — полезные устройства, приспособления in somebody’s memory — в память о ком-либо It gives me satisfaction. — Это приносит мне удовлетворение. Нс docs not give up. — Он нс сдается, to make а huge difference to something — произвести огромные (благотворные) изменения в to sponsor — спонсировать to be a favourilc with children — быть любимцем детей to raise money — собирать деньги (на благотворительность) to support a charity — делать взносы в благотворительную организацию modest — скромный charilable — благотворительный ( 2 ^ Before you read. Do you think these statements are true or false? Give your opinion. 1. Charities arc very popular in the West._________________________________________ 2. Charilable work is always done by big organizations. 3. Only very rich people can support charities. ___________ 4. You can do sports and raise money for a charity. 5. People support charities because it makes them happy. 6. Very little money can change the life of a person._______ i 3 I Read the story, translate it into Russian and check your answers. Can you help? Success stories are very popular in the West. But there arc other stories which are even more popular: stories of people who help others. Let me tell you a few. Andrew Hill from Suffolk, England, has been raising money for charity for twenty years. He has raised nearly a million pounds. He is very modest, and it’s hard to believe that this man in an old T-shirt and Unit 5 Lessons 3, 4 and 5 35 worn Jeans had done so much for people with cancer. “It gives me a lot of satisfaction to be useful to those who need our help. 1 am a very happy man,” he says. There are lots of ways to raise money. One of the most popular activities is a sponsored sport. It might be a sponsored walk, a parachute jump, a marathon. Bob Smith lost his daughter many years ago. Every year he runs a marathon in her memory. He supports a charity which helps children with the same problems. Another man is a favourite with children. In the past fifteen years he has been a popular Santa. He visited children in hospices and made wonderful and unforgettable performances for them. Now he is getting too old to perform, but he doesn’t want to give up. “I must think of something else. 1 shall not leave those children.” Another popular form of charity is sponsoring a particular child or a family in a poor country. You get to know a child personally through letters and photographs. You sec how his life changes with your help. A young Scottish woman sponsored a child in Africa for a few years. Then she decided to visit him. vShe saw that her twelve pounds per month had made a huge difference to the whole village where the child lived. When she saw the children’s faces full of gratitude and hope, she realised her life had changed for ever. “1 have never seen so much love in all my life. I cannot live as before. I want to give more to those people.” An engineer from South England has been helping people with disabilities. He designed artificial hands, and lots of helpful devices for those w'ho depend on others in their everyday life. He helped three thousand people a year. He did it all for free. When 1 read about these people I often think about my own country. Sometimes we still think that we are not rich enough to help other people. But I believe that you don’t have to be rich to do that. There’s always someone whose need is greater than yours. Start helping today and your life will become happier. 36 Unit 5 Lesson 5 > Answer the questions. 1. What are the popular forms of charity in the West? 2. What charities are there in Russia? Whom do they help? 3. What kind of charity would you like to support? Why? у V к г X « л v л v -г> о v « с л v л * л v * v <. * »» V > ^ < Л •> .: Л ^ у ^ Ч- H A I Here are some facts about Joanne Kathleen Rowling. Fill in the gaps with make or do. Use the negative form if necessary. 1. J. K. Rowling 2. J. K. Rowlina 3. In Portugal Rowling 4. Whal did she______ a French course when she was young. , a mistake when she became a secretary. ________a lot of progress with her writing. 5. In Portugal J. K. Rowling 6, In Edinburgh J. K. Rowling in Portugal? — She taught English. ___________sports. ____________all the housework herself. 7. When J. K. Rowling needed money, one of her friends_ 8. Rowling________________a lot of money with her books. her a favour. 9. Nowadays J. K. Rowling 10. J. K. Rowling_____ a lot of writing. friends all over the world thanks to Harry Potter. ! В i Get ready for your next lesson. Read and translate the text on pages 169-171 Units Lesson 6 41 Lesson 7 What \s the book / film about? 1 j: Read the words and expressions and their translations. a nickname — прозвитцс unity — единство sunshine — солнечный свет a lone star — одинокая звезда a sunflower — подсолнух a pine tree — сосна a peninsula — полуостров a wolverine — росомаха In God we trust — в Бога веруем To the stars through difficulties.— Через тернии к звездам. By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty.— Мечом ищем мира, но только свободного мира. Не who transplanted sustains. — Тот, кто посадил нас, будет заботиться о нас. In America every state has a motto and a nickname. Sometimes one state has even two or three nicknames. Read the mottos and the most popular nicknames of these states and translate them into Russian. a) Connecticut's motto: He who transplanted sustains. Nickname; Constitution State. Unit 5 Lessons 6 and 7 43 b) California’s motto: “Eurika!” ('Ч have found it!”). Nickname: Golden State. c) Florida’s motto: “Tn God wc trust”. Nickname: Sunshine Slate. d) Kansas' motto: ‘‘To the stars through difficulties!”. Nickname: Sunflower State. e) Maine’s motto: “I lead”. Nickname: Pine Tree State. f) Massachusetts’ motto: '‘By the sword wc seek peace, but peace only under liberty’ Nnickname: Old Colony State. g) Montana's motto: ‘'Gold and Silver”. Nickname: Treasure State. h) Michigan’s motto: ‘Tf you look for a pleasant peninsula, look around you”. Nickname: Great Lake’s State. i) Texas' motto: “Friendship”. Nickname: Lone Star State. j) Vermont's motto: ‘"Freedom and unity”. Nickname; Green Mountain. ■ 3 i The states' nicknames can tell you a lot about their history and geography. information from Ex, 2 and try to match the states with the descriptions. I I 1. There are a lot of pine trees in the is state. I I 2. There is one of the Great lakes in this state. I I 3. The US constitution was signed in this stale. 4. A lot of gold was found in this state in 1848. I I 5. There are some of the best and warmest resorts in the world in this state. I I 6. A lot of gold and silver was found in this state. I I 7. This state was named by a French explorer who first saw it in spring and was impressed by its beautiful mountains. 44 Unit 5 Lesson 7 I I 8. There is only one star on the flag of this state. I I 9. This state got its name after its beautiful fields with yellow flowers. I I 10. Plymouth colony was situated in this state. [ 4 I What do you think? L What nickname can be given to your city / town / village? Why? 2. What motto can you choose for your city / town / village? Why? Homework Ч X Get ready for a film project: write a review of your favourite film. Illustrate it with pictures and photos. I I I i' ^ I- I I f: I Л’ Si:; Unit 5 Lesson 7 45 lesson 9 ttie bl^ry^ of ilie American №0 t^Д^vwч^»№^s^л»C<ччw»ч^&»xsw^^c<^>vo^v»Vl^v»:«X.чvJJ^«}■>»»%v^s>^^:чsvчNS^>AC^XNV^V^Vv^ЛJ^J<<«Лчч»^ / Get ready for your test 1 i: Express the same ideas using to be likely, to be unlikely, to be certain, to be sure. ‘•■улуу,:У 1. Гт sure that your friend will stay with you for a weekend. 2. I think Tom's dad will punish him for his poor progress at school. 3. 1 know that the concert will start soon. Unit 5 Lessons 7 and 9 47 4. I don’t think my brother will give you a hand in the kitchen. 5. Vm not sure your parrot will be able to fly. j 2 I Complete the sentences with the right words. 1. Sylvester Stallone is a famous... a) camera operator. b) actor. c) artist. d) actress. 2. A funny film is called... a) a thriller. b) a comedy. c) a horror film. d) a drama. 3. A film that makes the audience cry is... a) boring. b) awful. c) moving. d) violent. 4. A loser is someone who... a) loses things. b) often gets lost. c) wears loose clothes. d) does not achieve anything important in life. 3. Hollywood is... a) a state. b) a city. c) a river. d) a suburb of a big city. 6. '‘Winnie-the-Pooh” is... a) a soap opera. b) a fantasy film. c) an action film. d) an animated cartoon. 7. ...means fairy-tales for grown-ups. # a) A comedy b) Fantasy c) A western d) An animated cartoon 8. A blockbuster is a very ... film. a) successful b) boring c) moving d) violent 9. A film about cowboys and Indians is called... a) a western. b) an action film. c) a drama. d) a romance. 10. An American flag is called... a) the Union Jack. b) Stars and Stripes. c) the Red Dragon. d) the Southern Cross. j 3 I What sort of films ore these? Which audience will you recommend to watch these to? ‘‘Cheburashka”_____________________________________________________________ “The Idiot”________________________________________________________________ “Jane Eyre”________________________________________________________________ “Over the Hedge”___________________________________________________________ “Sherlock Holmes” ________________ The Lord of the Rings' ‘ Smeshariki” “Ushastik and his friends”. “The Magnificent Seven” The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' 48 Unit 5 Lesson 9 t 4 ^ Write a film review. Use these questions as a plan, 1. What is the genre? 2. Where is the action set? 3. Who are the main characters? 4. What is the main idea of the film? 5. What impression did it make on you? 6. Would you like to watch it again? 7. Whom will you recommend to watch it? : 5 I Imagine you have a chance to visit America. What state would you like to visit? Why? Lesson 10 ill Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. 1. Where docs Andrew live?______ 2. What does he do? 3. Where is he now? 4. What countries has he visited? 5. Is he likely to come back for Alex's birthday? Why? / Why not? Units Lessons 9 and 10 49 6. Docs Alex want him to come? 7. What does Kate advise Alex to do? choose the correct word and complete the sentences. 1. — Who ... in this film? — Oh, give me a minute. I always forget her name. a) starred b) star c) actress d) directed 2. ‘'The Day Watch’' was a real .... It cost millions to make and people queued for hours to get the tickets for it. a) star b) blockbuster c) drama d) famous 3. — We can’t go to the movie tonight. Oh, no! Why? — The tickets .... a) arc not there b) are sold out c) are in the sale d) sold 4. What’s ... today? — Nothing special. Just an old comedy with Mister Bean, a) off b) up c) wrong d) on 5. rd like to see the new Star War film. It’s so exciting: spaceships, cosmic empires, pirates. — You go on your own, you know I hate .... a) science fiction b) drama c) cartoons 6. What do you think of this young actor? — He is really .... a) promising b)successful c) celebrity 7. This film is likely to become a hit. It has a brilliant .... a) actor b) cast c) film studio d) westerns ( 3 J Fill in the gaps and complete the sentences with the following words. Beverly Hills, film studios, the capital, actors, Malibu Beach, Rodeo Drive, sidewalk, Hollywood Boulevard, the USA, Hollywood, the Oscars ceremony, the Kodak Theatre Los Angeles is one of the biggest cities in . It's famous for of the world’s movie production. A lot of work and live near LA. They work for MGM; Paramount and many others. They live in or are sure to come to , where they feel safe. You are likely to spot them at where the most expensive shops in the world are situated. They also ___________________, which takes place in______________________ every year in February. If you walk down________ the_______________________. It is the world-famous you’ll see a lot of stars in ] 4 I Match the people, objects, documents and events with their places in the American History. С<х1опЫ life 1600S-1763 | 50 Unit 5 Lesson 10 oflilllependeiice (The American Revolution) 1763-1783 Civil War 1861-1877 Plymouth, Gettysburg, Strangers, British taxes, Squanto, William Bradford, the South, Massasoit, Geroge Washington, Saints, the Declararation of Independence. Boston Tea party,' the Union, No taxation without representation’", the First Continental Congress, Puritans, General Lee, the vSecond Continental Congress, Thomas Jefferson, help from the Indians Slaves, Confederacy, the fist Thanksgiving, the North, cotton fields. Cape Cod, the Mayflower Compact, the first American flag, Abraham Lincoln, the Constitution. i I Take any of the names, events, places and documents mentioned above and write a definition or a short description for it, (Each definition / description will add one point to your test mark. More than three definitions will get you an extra mark.) Unit 5 Lesson 10 51 What are you going to do in summer? lessons 1, 2 Употребление Present Simple вместо Future Simple в английских придаточных предложениях времени и условия I Обратите внимание! Английские придаточные предложения, присоединяемые к главному предложению с помощью союзов when (когда) и if (ли), могут быть и придаточными изъяснительными, отвечающими на вопросы что? чего? о чем? Тогда в этих предложениях употребляется Future Simple. I don't know when he will receive my letter, — Я не знаю (него?), когда он получит мое письмо. Не asks if Тот will go to the party. — Он спрашивает (о чем?), пойдет ли Том на вечеринку. I 1 \ Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the use of tenses. 1. If I come late, 1 will not phone you. 2. When they finish their joh, they will let you know. 3. We don't know if they'll invite us to the parly. 4. He will try to enter a university after he finishes school. 5. He know^s when she will come. 6. He asks if she'll go to the cinema. 7. We shall leave before he comes. 8. She will visit you when she is on holiday- 52 Unit 6 Lessons 1,2 [ 2 I Write the verbs in brackets in the right form. 1. Tf I (get) the news first, 1 (e-mail) you. 2. [ don't remember when the train (arrive) tomorrow. 3. She (not do) anything until you (ask) her to do it. 4. He (gel ready) in time on condition that you (help) him. 5. They (not to know) when the match (start). 6. T should ask granny if she (go) with me tomorrow. 3 ^ Use the verbs in brackets in the right form. If he (get to know) you better, he (understand) you. 2. He (finish) his homework when he (come). 3. They (invite) Jane if she (phone). 4. He (be late) for school unless he (hurry up). 5. If he (come) for dinner, 1 (be) happy to introduce him to my family. i 4 Complete the sentences using your own ideas. 1. I shall visit my granny if ____________ 2. They will come here soon if 3. Tom will help you if_______ 4. Jane will read this book if 5. The students will finish the exercise if i Complete the sentences using your own ideas. 1. If I have enough time, I_______________ 2. If she is lucky, she __________________ 3. If he keeps his word, he _______ 4. If she wins the competition, she 5. If he enters the university, he _ Unit 6 Lessons 1,2 53 ^ HOm©VS^Or*lc V .> <■ * < А >i 3» ^ у <■ < с- ч ^ s V » V с. чг > ч л л X ^ V > ч- ^ s' i А ^ Put the verbs in the right form, ' J: ^ 1. If he (have) a toothache, he (go) to the dentist. 2. He (not go) to university unless he (work) hard. 3. They (wait) until he (come back). 4. She (not go) to the park if it (rain). 5. 1 (give) you the book if I (find) it. 6. You (have to) take a taxi if you (miss) the bus. i В }■ Write questions about the underlined words. 1. They’ll go to the disco if it rains. 2. She’ll find out a lot about the subject when she reads this book. 3. She’ll lose weight when she goes on a diet. 4. If she has time, she’ll work as a babysitter. 5. You’ll burn calorics if you do sports. : C j: Translate the sentences into English. 1. Если вы будете знать английский язык хорошо, вы сможете найти хорошую работу 2. Если мальчики найдут сокровище, их приключение закончится. 3. Что будет делать Миша, когда вернется в Россию? 4. Если в моем городе откроется ресторан, я попробую найти там работу. 5. Ты умрешь от зависти, когда я расскажу тебе о своих планах на лето. 54 Unit 6 Lessons 1,2 6. Летом он будет работать официантом, если его возьмут. 7. Если Эмили не поедет в летний лагерь, она будет [юмогать лесникам. 8. Ты будешь раздавать рекламные объявления, пока не найдешь работу лучше. lessons 3,4 If would bove 0 summer fob .4SS4i<<».NN44'.«44N>V. 1 I Read the words and expressions and their translations. Looking for a job is a job in itself. — Поиск работы — сам no себе работа, expectation — ожидание а job-hunter — человек, который ищет работу а curriculum vitae (CV) — резюме an advertisement — реклама a potential employer — потенциальный работодатель to hire — нанимать reliable — надежный gloomy — мрачный briefly — кратко experienced — опытный fll Read the text, translate it into Russian and answer the questions. i. What are the rules for teenage job-hunters? What is the most important rule in your opinion?_______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Who has a better chance to find a job: a very competent person or a person with a big smile? _____________________________________________________________ 3. Who can be helpful to teenage job-hunters' 4. What is a CV? 5. Will you get a good job if your employer finds out that you have to miss school? 3ibf4 What Sort of Job is Right for You? *4 * 4 66 T ooking for a job is a job in itself”, -L/they say in Britain. Even experienced grown-up people might find it difficult. You should start with some thinking. Make up your mind what you want to do. What sort of job would you be good at? What arc your strong points? What do you expect of the job: money, satisfaction, experience? Here are a few rules for job-hunters: First of all, professionalism is Presentation, Punctuality, Preparation. Unit 6 Lessons 1,2 and 3, 4 55 Be organised. Collect the local information carefully. That includes local newspapers and advertisements. Look what is needed. Think what is suitable for you. Write a curriculum vitae, or a CV for short. It should tell your potential employer that you arc the right person for the job. Write briefly and honestly. Your CV shouldn’t be long. No one will read a long CV. The expectations on both sides should be clear. The employer must tell you from the start what he expects of you, and describe your duties. You should inform him if the job is suitable for you. If there is something that you cannot do, you should tell him right away. 3, Use the help of adults. Your teachers, parents or relatives might have some helpful ideas. Perhaps, some of them are looking for someone to hire. Make it clear that you are looking for a job or they will never know. 4, You should prove that you are responsible. An employer won’t be happy to find out that you miss school to do the job. If he sees that you are not reliable in your most important duty (school), he will not trust you much. 5, Be positive! Smile! People like to see smiling happy faces, and not gloomy ones. 56 Unit 6 Lessons 3, 4 [ 3 : Would you like to know about British rules and regulations on teenage work? Write your questions about the following points: age when the children are allowed to work ____________________________________ kind of jobs that teenagers can do working hours for teenagers payment : 4 i Read the information and match your questions with the answers, * ;; Teenagers who work part-time in England ■.S4SV.4V»S4'»:<«ASS*.X4X4.v44S4*.V.V.44'>.4X^*.»44»-«.4« How old do children hare to be before they can work in England? Children are not legally allowed to work until they are 13. What times can children work? Children can only work after 7 a.m. and before 7 p.m. On a school day they can only work for up to 2 hours. The kind of jobs teenagers can do Delivering newspapers Many teenagers will gel up early to deliver newspapers to houses in their local area before going to school. They are known as Paperboys or Papergirls. Babysitting Looking after young children in their home while their parents have gone out for the evening is a popular job for teenagers. They get paid for watching children and television all at the same time! Unit 6 Lessons 3, 4 57 Helping the milkman on his round From the age of 14 some teenagers help the milkman deliver milk to houses. Other popular jobs include: • agricultural \vork • working in shops • office work • washing cars (not in a garage) • working in cafes or restaurants • working in riding stables • domestic work in hotels How much money do teenagers get paid for working? It depends on the kind of work but could be anything up to £3 per hour. 5 I Translate the text into Russian. Pay attention to the use of tenses. Give the text a title. Two little friends were playing together. Tim: We are such good friends! If I had a million dollars, I would give it to you! Kyle: It would be very kind of you... Actually, I would be happy if you gave me your red pencil. Tim: You can't possibly have the pencil! It’s mine! T need it! i 6 Put the verbs in brackets in the right form and translote the sentences into Russian. 1. If I had good computer skills, I (to apply) for this position. 2. Tf the manager offered me this position, I (to be happy) to take it. 3. Tf you showed a good attitude to me, I (to be) more open with you. 4. If 1 worked as babysitter, I (to try) to be patient. 5. If 1 were able to make website homepages, T (to make) one for myself. 6. If I were more active and imaginative, I (to have) a better chance to find a job. 58 Unit 6 Lessons 3, 4 Homework л * чХ A A > ч\ * > * X л •; .X Ч X V V ч- ч- ч- Ч X Ч X X X V V S' V Ч^ V X X X X X S* V s' Nv«S4X<»‘ А I Look at the reasons why you may not get a job. Write sentences about the job you want to do according to the model. Model: You may not be old enough. — If I were older, Fd be able to work as a sales assistant. 1. The place you want to work may be a long way away and you may not have reliable transport. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. You may not have enough time or a regular enough schedule for the job you want. 3. You may not be able to find a job which interests you. 4. You may need a degree. 5. You may not have the special skills required for the job. J В I Translate the sentences into English. Continue the story with two or three more sentences. 1. Если бы летом он заработал достаточно денег, он купил бы компьютер. 2. Если бы он купил компьютер, он мог бы искать информацию в интернете. 3. Если бы он мог искать информацию в интернете, он получил бы всю необходимую информацию по физике и математике._____________________________________ 4. Если бы он имел всю необходимую инфopмaтtию, он бы хорошо сдал экзамены и поступил бы в институт._______________________________________________ Unit 6 Lessons 3, 4 59 i С I Sometimes when you are angry with your parents, you might think that if you were them, ' ^ your life would be so much easier and more interesting. a) Write about five good things that would happen to you if you were your mother (father). Use the words and expressions or your own ideas. Model: If I were my mother, Fd be able to eat whatever I like. no school no exams ability to spend money on anything you want no control discos and other exciting places ability to go to restaurants ability to drive ability to travel ability to make important decisions b) Write about the new responsibilities you would have. Model: If I were my father, Fd have to work for more than eight hours a day. : D I Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. 1. I would try do it if I (to know the situation belter). 2. He would be a very good costumed character if he (to be more reliable). 3. They would invite him if they (to be in town), 4. She would never work as an office clerk if she (not to need money). 5. He would hire Tom if Tom (to prove his good skills). 6. You would be surprised if you (to find out more about Tolkien) 60 Unit 6 Lessons 3, 4 Lessons 5,6 f th» job for yoo } b%.V4XN:c<44v<<^,w.>;44v.s*frx«»60«>si>aaag»^^ 1 J Use the right word. 1. This job is difficulL il offers/requires/suggests excellent manners and good compuler monitors / skills / classes. 2. If you are in a monotonous job, you need to have a lot oi patience / amusement / friends. 3. The manager required / expected / offered her a position of a secretary. 4. In London, they charge / hire / offer the drivers 5 pounds to drive into the city centre. People who don't want to pay should use public transport. 5. When you are invited for a job interview, it is important to show your designer clothes / strong points / weak poifits. 6. This is just the right job for me. I will try to avoid it / apply for it / offer it to a friend. 7. I like my manager, he always shows a very good attitude / mood /smile. 8. She is very kind, her patience / smile / family has no limits. 9. You don't need any special skills if you want to give out advertising fliers / go to space / make website pages. 2 j.; Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. L It’s a pity Tni so busy. If I (to have free time) I (to go) to the amusement park. 2. Don’t worry about the dogs. They (not to bile) him if he (not to be rude). 3. You are very impatient. You (need) more patience if you (want) to be a babysitter. 4. This is a not the right job for me. UI (to have) an outgoing personality, 1 (to apply) for this job. 5. He (get) this job if he (to write) a good CV. Please help him write it. 6. He must talk to his parents. They (to let) him work him as a ranger if they (to know) more about the job. Unit 6 Lessons 5, 6 61 7. She (can) help children with maths if she (to be) more confident. 8. They (to teach) their child to use the computer if he (to want) them to, but he's too lazy. 1 9. Your granny (to send) you an e-mail if she (to have) computer skills. Try to teach her. \ 3 I Read the words and expressions and their translations. a vet — ветеринар a vet surgery — ветеринарная больница a voluntary position — неоплачиваемая должность ability — способность reception — регистратура to work part-time — работать неполный день (полставки, четверть ставки) to work full-time — и\гсть полный рабочм день to appreciate somebody’s enthusiasm — оценить no достоинству энтузиазм : 4 I Read the story and translate it into Russian. A job for life When Helen was a teenager, she wanted to study for a vet. When she looked for a summer job, she could not find anything connected with her interest. Then she applied for a voluntary position in a vet surgery. To be a volunteer means to work for free. She stayed at the surgery for a year, working there a couple of hours a week. She really liked the job, and was very good at it. The employer appreciated her enthusiasm and abilities. He saw that she was the right person for the job. After a while he made up his mind to offer her a part-time position at the reception. He plans to employ her full-time after she finishes college. 5 I Answer the questions. 1. What did Helen want to do after school? 2. What job did she want to do in summer? 62 Unit 6 Lessons 5, 6 3. What does a “voluntary position’' mean? 4. Was Helen good at her job? 5. What kind of job did Helen get after a while? 6. What are your interests? 7. What would you prefer as a summer job: a very interesting job or a well-paid one? 8. What kind of job would you do for free? Homework A A < « « « « ч' ч'> •> V V S'- « « 1. a ranger | : A Match the description with the name of the job. ...........w. ^ 2. a bubysittCr i, I I a) Someone who looks after a forest or animals in a national park. I I b) Someone who looks after babies, ' ^ ^^^sistant □ 4. a cook V c) Someone who prepares food. ^ ■■ ■ 5. a dishwasher ....... ^ gardCUCr 7. a sales assistant I I I d) Someone who washes dishes. I 1 e) Someone who grows llowers and plants. . uofc^rter ^ Ь - g;'a cbstuiTied character ^ I___I f) Someone whose job is selling things. .. □ g) Someone who serves food and drink in a restaurant. a ^ I I h) Someone who shows a place lo tourists. ^ ^ □ i) Someone who collects people’s tickets and takes care of them during the ride. I I j) Someone who is dressed in a funny costume and plays with children. i В I Do the crossword puzzle. 1. Someone who is friendly to visitors. 2. Someone who can be trusted. 3. Someone who can change easily to suit any new situation. 4. Someone who is very imaginative and good at making things. 5. Someone who is good-looking. 6. Someone who wants to be more successful than other people. 7. Someone who is good at thinking of new, interesting ideas. Unit 6 Lessons 5, 6 63 с ;■ What is your ideal summer job? What would you like to do and why? Write 5-7 sentences. lesson 7 An occtdien* in Deofb Vdifey ■ 1 I Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. 'ЧхчХ'Ч'Л*’ 1. If Columbus (lo stay) at home, he would never (to discover) America. 2. If Columbus (not to discover) America, someone else (lo do) it. 3. If my computer (not lo break down), I (to send) you an e-mail long ago. 4. If Mr Jones (not to meet) Helen forty years ago, he (to remain) single for the rest of his life. 2 \ Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. 1. Why didn't you phone me? I (lo visit) you if you (to ask). 2. He was so sad when they didn’t invite him. He (to join) them if they (to invite) him. 3. Mum was tired yesterday. She (not to become) tired if she (not to walk) home. 4. They made a mistake when they sold their car. They (not to sell) the car if they (lo listen) to me._____________________________________________________________ ■ ___ ____________ 64 Unit 6 Lessons 5, 6 and 7 ; 3 I Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. 1. 1 would go with you if you (not to mind). 2. He would gladly help you if you (to let) him. 3. She would never ask him about this if she (to understand) him. 4. They would go to school tomorrow if they (to be) here. 4 Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. 1. If you (not to do) your homework last week, you (not to be) in trouble at the test yesterday. 2. If Newton (not to discover) the law of gravity, Physics (to develop) differently. 3. If Little Red Cap (to be obedient) to her mother, she (not to speak) to the Bad Wolf. 4. If Cinderella (not to come) to the ball, the prince never (to meet) her. Read the words and expressions and their translation. One man's meal is another man’s poison.— a headache Что русскому хорошо, HCMTiy смерть, an air company — авиакомпания to type air tickets — печатать билеты a typing speed — скорость печатания головная боль an outgoing personality — об1цительная натура to demand action — требовать деятельности, движения 6 Read the story and translate it into Russian. One man^s meat is another man’s poison Alex really needed a part-time job. He tried this and that, but was very unlucky. He gave out advertising ttiers, but wasn’t paid. Suddenly his friend Mike offered him a summer job in an air company where his mother worked. Mike had been in the job for a few years already and was a real expert. He typed air tickets. The job was not difficult for him. He just had to be very attentive. His typing speed was amazing. “You just sit at the table in a clean and comfortable office and type, " he said to his friend. Alex was impressed. On the first day he managed to type three tickets. Then he couldn’t concentrate, got bored and had a horrible headache. He managed to work for a week or so. He became depressed and was always tired, but he earned very little money. Mike was surprised. It turned out that Alex was very different from his friend. His outgoing personality demanded action. Soon Alex found another job. It wasn’t easy but was right for him. He was a costumed character in a shopping centre. His jokes attracted a lot of new customers. Alex spent long days in a heavy hot costume, but he never complained. He was happy. Unit 6 Lesson 7 65 [ 7 \ Answer the questions. 1. What job did Mike have? 2. Did Mike like his job? 3. Why did Mike offer his job to Alex? 4. What happened to Alex after a week? Why? 5. What qualities did Mike’s job require? 6. What job did Alex like? 7. What qualities did his new job require? Ч. 8 I Give your ideas. 1. What would happen if Mike worked as a costumed character? 2. What would have happened if Alex had stayed in the office? Hom©^yOrlc \ A I Write the verbs in brackets in the right form. 1. If the friends (not to go) in the USA, they (not to visit) Death Valley. 2. If they (come) to Death Valley in winter, they (be able) to see more. 3. If they (go) there, they (can) die of heatstroke. 4. If Martin (lake) more than a litre of water, it (help). 5. If the rangers (come) ten minutes later, they (not to be able) to save him. Unit 6 Lesson 7 67 ? в i Complete the sentences with the correct facts from history. to have sixty stars on the American Hag, lo discover America, to put tax on tea, to meet Indians, to become famous as the author of the American Constitution, to go to the New World 1. If Columbus hadn't gone to find a new way to India,__________________________________ 2. If the English king had been more tolerant, the Protestants _________________________ 3. The Pilgrims \\юик1пЧ have learned how to plant crops if_____________________________ 4. The War of Independence wouldn’t have started _______________________________________ 5. If Thomas Jefferson hadn't been the US President, 6. If there were sixty states in America, __________ Lesson 8 Foces on Mounf Rusbmore .>,*.4S4W' Get ready for your test Choose the correct word. 1. The teacher always had a good attitude / joke / mood for her pupils. 2. He was the right person for this position. I'he manager showed / offered / required him a job. 3. To work as a top manager requires lots of money / designer clothes / skills. 4. In your CV you need to show that you arc attractive / informative / rich. 5. An outgoing person has a better chance lo work as a ranger /office clerk / writer. 6. A waiter / a costumed character / a sales assistance serves food and clears the tables in a restaurants or a cafe. 7. After three years at home Tm looking for a job. 1 want to be back in amusement / employment / school. 2 'i Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. 1. if she asks him about this, he (to tell) her the truth. 2. If you need my help, 1 (to be) glad to give you a hand. 3. If they come late, they (not to sec) him. 4. If she finds out about the interview, she (to laugh). ! 3 ) Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. 1. He would read this book if you (give) it to him. 2. They would have gone shopping if they (to have) more time yesterday. 3. She would be surprised if she (to read) the news. 68 Unit 6 Lessons 7 and 8 4. 1 would never have done it unless they (to ask) me to. ! 4$ Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. ]. If 1 were you, I (to forgive) him. 2. If he knew about the visit, he (to stay) home. 3. If they listened to the weather forecast, they (to take an umbrella). 4. If she wanted to become a teacher, she (to go) to university. i 5 ? Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. 1. He (come) to your party last Monday if he (to go) to hospital. 2. — Why didn't she listen to him? — She (to listen) to his advice if he (not to fail) her many times. __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. — Why didn't they take her to the sea? — They (to take) their daughter to the sea if she (not to get) ill.________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why didn't the manager offer this job to Bob? — The manager (offer) this Job to Bob if he (to write) a good CV. ___________________________________________________________________ Homework b Answer the questions. [. What monument were the friends going to see? 2. What is special about the size of the monument? 3. What is the exact height of the monument? 4. What’s the monument made of? 5. When was it started and when was it finished? 6. Does the monument commemorate only great people in American history?. Unit 6 Lesson 8 69 Lesson 10 ‘i>X4S44s‘-^:<4cieIiik*HeI^^ 1 I Listen to the dialogue and fill in the table. Job Employer i ' j Working hours Minimum age requirement \ 1 • Extra qualifications 1 Personal qualities I I i 2 i: Translate the sentences into Russian. V M ^•rocw:«N‘ 1. If he applies for this job, he'll be able to learn a lot for his future career. 2. If T hadn’t left London, T wouldn’t have met my wife. 3. I’ll borrow your bicycle until 1 find a more reliable means of transport, 4. If I found a summer job, I’d buy a computer. 5. If they had found a babysitter, they would have gone to the party. 6. If I were more creative, I’d apply for this vacancy at the Bambi Adventure Park. i 3 \ a] Read for detail and mark these sentences as true, false or not stated if there's no information in the text. 1. If the man hadn’t tried to help his dumb wife, he would have been very unhappy.____ 2. If the man hadn’t found a doctor, he would have done the operation himself.___ 3. If the doctor hadn’t operated on the woman, she wouldn’t have been able to talk.___ 4. The man wouldn’t have asked the doctor to make his wife dumb again, if she hadn’t made his life so difficult._____ 5. If the woman had been able to talk, she would have never found a husband.___________ 6. If the man had asked the doctor to make his wife dumb again, the doctor would have helped him._________ 70 Unit 6 Lesson 10 An unhappy man There was a man whose wife was dumb (немая). He was very sorry for her and never gave up hope that there would be a cure for her. Some years passed and one day the man found a doctor who promised to help. After a difficult operation the wife returned home. And ...what a miracle! She was able to talk! The man was very happy, but his happiness didn’t last long; once the woman started to talk, she couldn’t stop. She talked day and night, and it started to drive her husband mad. Finally, he had had enough and went back to the doctor who had done the operation. The man asked the doctor to help him again and make his wife dumb, just the way she had been before. The doctor just shook his head. ‘Tm sorry I can’t make your wife dumb again,” he said, “but if it makes you so unhappy, I can make you deaf.” I b) what would you say to the doctor if you were that man. Moke up a story. ---- Ч i 4 I Write about a summer job that you would like. Write 5-7 sentences. Use the plan to help you. 1. What kind of summer job would you like to find? 2. How are you going to look for it? 3. What do you expect to learn from it? 4. Will you do it for money or for other reasons? 5. What are your strong points? 6. What qualifications do you have? Unit 6 Lesson 10 71