Английский язык 9 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 1

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 9 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 1 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Happy English (Хэппи Инглиш):

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к. Kaufman М. Kaufman WD;];i£3r)DX -J к. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Счастливый английский.РУ/ Happy English.ru Рабочая тетрадь № 1 к учебнику для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО т и Т У л Т 1 р и в L т 1 8 и Н Е L R S 2009 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 КЗО УДК 802.0(075.3) УМК "Счастливый английский.ру” / "Happy English.ru” для 9 класса включает следующие компоненты: | • учебник j • книгу для учителя • рабочие тетради №1,2 ! • аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты № 1,2. CD MP3) ; • пособие “Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь’ По вопросам приобретения книг следует обращаться в издательство ‘Титул’; ' 249035, г. Обнинск Калужской обл., а/я 5055, тел.: (48439) 9-10-09, . факс: (48439) 9-10-00, e-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), j [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). I Информация об УМК находится на сайте www.happyenglish.ru ____j К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман КЗО Английский язык: Рабочая тетрадь № 1 к учебнику Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru для 9 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2009.— 72 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-В6866-473-1 Рабочие пзтради №1,2 входят в состав УМК "Счастливый английский.ру” для 9-го класса. Предназначены для выполнения письменных заданий в классе и дома. 6 них помещены контрольные задания разделов учебника. В каждой рабочей тетради содержится дополнительный материал по ттлучаемым темам, а также упражнения, экгивттзирующие лексический и грамматический материал. ББК81.2Ант-922 ISBN 978-5-86866-473-1 © К. И. Кауфман. М. Ю. Кауфман, 2008 09 Издательство “Титул", дизайн, восгтроизведеттие, распрсхиранение. 2008 Contents Unit 1 Hello America! Lesson 1 Welcome to New York........................ 4 Lessons 2, 3 New York, New York..................... 6 Lesson 4 Streets and avenues........................11 Lesson 5 "I believe in liberty and happiness".......13 Lessons 6, 7 Have you ever tried blintzes?..........15 Lesson 8 Project.....................................20 Lessons 9, 10 Robin MacWizard's diary...............21 Lesson 11 Test yourself..............................23 Unit 2 Do good clothes open all doors? Lesson 1 What's in?..................................25 Lessons 2, 3 My favourite things....................27 Lesson 4 Grungers and Preppies.......................30 Lesson 5 You'll never believe iti...................34 Lessons 6, 7 What size are you?.....................39 Lessons 8, 9 Robin MacWizard's diary.................42 Lesson 10 Test yourself..............................46 Unit 3 Good health is above wealth Lesson 1 Sequence of tenses..........................49 Lessons 2, 3 What happened to Jane?.................53 Lesson 4 How can you burn calories?.................58 Lessons 5, 6 "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" .... 60 Lesson 7 Don't forget your medical insurance.........63 Lessons 8, 9 George Washington and Thomas Jefferson...................................66 Lesson 10 Test yourself..............................69 Lesson 1 Hello America! Welcome to New York CD Put in an article where necessary. 1. I went into_______church with a lot of other little girls and sat in the comer. 2. Every Sunday he went to__________church. 3. _______school was a low building. 4. You don't go to_________school to sleep at your desk. 5. Jim broke his leg and was taken to_________hospital right away. 6. There were many visitors at_________hospital. 7. He was in_________prison for two years. 8. He went to prison to visit his father. 9. What are you going to be after you leave__ 10. Tom isn't in. He’s in______college. 11. Are you still in______bed? It’s 11 o’clock! [ 2 ) Is Tom American or English? What about Diana? Tom: Diana, do you live in a flat? Diana: Yes. 1 live in an apartment. Tom: How many rooms has it got? Diana: Five. The rooms are small, but it’s a nice apartment. Do you live in an apartment, too? Tom: No. 1 have a house in the suburbs. Diana: Are there any big stores around? Tom: Yes, it’s close to shops. school? Q Underline the sentences that are written in American English? "My favourite colour is green.” "My favorite entertainment is theater.” “The travelers had to walk two more kilometers before they reached the village. "What’s your favourite shopping centre?” HTnewark ^................................................................ Who made a mistake / misunderstood? Find the mistakes or misunderstandings in the conversations and correct them. a) Model: A: Mary couldn't come to the party. She was in hospital. B: Oh, poor thing. What happened? A: Nothing. She’s a doctor. A made a mistake. He should say: “She was at the ho.spital. ” Unit 1 Lesson 1 b) A: My mother is in the college today. B; It's never too late to study. A; Oh. no. She's a teacher there. c) A: Jack is in prison. B: What an interesting job! A: I'm afraid you don't understand... d) A: Liz will have to go to school tomorrow... B: Do you have classes in the evening? A: No, Liz is my aunt. She wants to speak to my teachers. [j^J Put in the necessary article and translate the sentences into Russian. 1. I don’t take a bus to get to______school because I live near______school. 2. — Where's Wendy? — She is in________hospital. She's ill. — How long has she been there? — She’s been in__________hospital for a month now. Let’s go to and visit her. hospital 3. Normally she goes to_______ in________bed at 8 o'clock. bed late, that’s why I was very surprised when I saw her 4. Where shall we meet? Let’s meet near church. J What are the people in the pictures saying? Complete the dialogues. I It's very nice to meet | Г I you, Mr Brown. j V It was long, .so I'm a bit tired^ Unit 1 Lesson 1 5 Which places in America have you heard of and would like to visit? Write 2-3 sentences. Lessons 2,3 New York, New York... Meet Mila. She’s Russian but this year she’s living and working in England. Mila likes to write stories about everything that happens to her, her family and friends. She hopes her stories will help you learn more and get ready for your exams. Read the words and expressions and their translations, an approach — подход a sense of direction — чувство направления a substantial breakfast — плотный завтрак memory — память to get an impression — получать впечатление gfbty to devote — посвящать to fit smth into smth — втискивать что- либо во что-либо to exhaust — изнурять, выматывать irritating — раздражающий Read the story, translate it into Russian and answer the questions. Support your answers with the information from the story. 1. What did the old lady mean when she said: “If you meet one Englishman in London, give him my warmest regards?” 2. What two kinds of tourists are described in the story? 3. What’s important for the first type? 4. What’s important for the second type? 5. What kind of tourist was Mila’s American guest? Sightseeing: What do you actually see? I live in Ipswich. It’s a typical English city, very quiet and very traditional. When I go out in the morning, I say hello to all my neighbours, and very often we discuss our plans for the day with each other. Once I was on my way to the train station when I met one of my neighbours. “Where are you going?” an old lady asked. “I'm going to London.” I answered. “Well”, she said, "if you meet one Englishman there, give him my warmest regards.” I didn’t get her joke until I came to London. Then I realized that wherever I looked, I saw crowds of tourists. Although I was a tourist myself, I found other tourists very noisy and irritating. Then 1 started to think about it. Unit 1 Lessons 1,2, 3 Most of us have been tourists at least once in our life. What is more important to you: to see as many sights as possible or to enjoy yourself? Do you want to impress your friends with your pictures and stories or do you prefer to get impressions of new places? There are tourists who will not sleep well unless they have visited all the sights that are listed in the booklets. They take hundreds of pictures of everything they see. Sometimes I think that it’s more important to them to make a picture of a place than to learn about it. Some people however have a different approach to sightseeing. They do not put a task before them to do as much as they can. They choose a thing or two and devote a lot of time to it. For example, when they visit a picture gallery, they do not try to fit a maximum number of pictures into their visit but spend their time on one artist or even one picture. I had a guest from America many years ago. She destroyed some of the stereotypes of American tourists 1 had. She came to Moscow for a fortnight. Before visiting Moscow she spent a fortnight in St Petersburg and was already tired. I described some ideas of where we should go and what we should see, but she told me right away: “1 am here to enjoy myself, and not to exhaust myself to death. And I am already tired.” She woke up at twelve, had a shower and a substantial breakfast. Then we chose a place or two to visit. We never visited more than two places of interest in one day. On the way to a sight we had long interesting conversations. She asked a lot and she talked a lot, loo. I am not a good guide as I have a poor scn.se of direction and a bad memory for events. We got lost regularly, but it didn’t matter. Everything was fun to her, even getting lost: these were interesting situations. After a while I needed to go to the countryside where my parents were staying. I was realty surprised that she wanted to join me. “I’ve done enough. Now I am going to sunbathe and swim. After all. I’m on holiday.” Unit 1 Lessons 2, 3 (D what kind of tourist are you? Complete the sentences and find out. 1. When you come to a new city you want to visit a) the most famous places. b) something very special which not a lot of tourists know about. c) the places which you’ve read about and have always wanted to see. 2. Before you leave the hotel in the morning, you’ll have a substantial breakfast because a) you won’t have the time for food during the day. b) it’s very expensive to eat in cafes and restaurants near tourist attractions. c) you like to try new things and a good breakfast can be as interesting as a visit to a museum. 3. If your guide has a poor sense of direction, a) you’ll check your guide all the time and get really worried. b) every morning you’ll carefully plan your route yourself and always carry a map with you. c) you won’t mind. When you get lost, you still can see a lot of interesting things. 3. You are having lunch in the restaurant and suddenly understand that the person sitting in the far corner is a famous singer. a) You will run to this person and try to take a picture. b) You will wait until this person finishes lunch and ask for an autograph. c) You will carry on with your lunch. 4. You see a long queue near the shopping centre. a) You’ll take out your camera and take a picture of the queue. b) You’ll join the queue. c) You’ll try to ask somebody from the queue what’s going on. Unit 1 Lessons 2, 3 YOUR ANSWERS Mostly As You are an active tourist. You want to see and try everything. You come home with a lot of pictures and souvenirs for everybody, but sometimes you sit down and ask yourself: “Where did I take this picture? Where did I buy this souvenir?” Mostly Bs You are an inquisitive and practical tourist. You’ve got it all planned and your bag is full of maps, fliers and books about the places you want to visit. You don’t want to miss anything and sometimes get really tired. Mostly Cs You’re a relaxed tourist. You don’t want to miss the fun, but you never forget that you’re on holiday. You sometimes come to the same place two or three times, and there’s nothing wrong with that. You enjoy yourself, don’t you? Answer the questions. ; 1. What sights have you seen recently? 2. Describe a place of interest that made a particular impression on you. 3. What sights wilt you recommend to see to tourists visiting your city / village? 4. Are there skyscrapers in the place you live in? 5. What cities in the world are famous for skyscrapers? 6. Do you like guided tours or do you prefer to explore a place on your own? Homework * s» # # [ A j fmaqine thot your friend has visited New York. Write ten questions about the city that you would tike to ask him / her. Unit 1 Lessons 2, 3 ( в J Use the information from the fliers, fill in the gaps and complete the notes. Be careful A^th the articles. « « e e • New York is on the River, Another name for New York is It consists of five boroughs; The heart of New York is . It has a lot of in New One of them is the Empire State Building. It is the tallest_____________ York but only since . One of New York’s most famous museums is ________________. It’s famous for its building, which was designed by___________ Those who are interested in theater will be able to enjoy different musicals and shows on _________________. The fastest way to see New York is by____________________. You need to buy a and it will take you all over the city. (Cj Let's describe sights and buildings. Start this year's vocabulary. ©Learn to put useful words into groups. Copy the scheme and fill it in with words from the fliers. Verbs Sights Descriptions to design attraction famous to visit building theater 10 Unit 1 Lessons 2, 3 Lesson 4 Streets and avenues [ 1 ) Act out the dialogues. Ask and explain the way: a) from your home to your school. b) from the centre of your city / town to the nearest hospital. c) from your school to the nearest post office / shopping centre / chemist's. Use your active vocabulary. ( 2 ) Answer the questions. 1. What can you call a real masterpiece? 2. What picture made the most powerful impression on you? 3. Where would you like to do some sightseeing? 4. Are there skyscrapers in Moscow? 5. How do you make a living? 6. Does anyone have serv'ants in the twenty-first century? 7. Is it OK with you to go shopping instead of watching a film? 8. What is the heart of New York? 9. In which year will you leave school? 10. What do the letters NY stand for? Complete the sentences according to the model. Use ordinal numerals. Model: Today is my dad’s birthday. He is forty.— It's my dad's fortieth birthday today. 1. Today I bought a new book by Agatha Christie. I have twenty now.— Today I bought a_____________________________book. 2. Recently 1 have written twenty-five articles. Today I’m writing a______________________ article. 3. I have three sons. This is my youngest son.— He is my_______________ 4. You have had three cakes! Don’t eat a_________________________cake. .5. I have four TV sets. I don’t need a__________________ son. TV set. Unit 1 Lesson 4 11 6. Не is thirty today! — Today it's his , birthday. 7. 1 have watched seven films this week, and I now I'm going to watch an_____________________film. Homework ^ A Rosy has sent a reply. Read the envelope and say if her brothers are goinq to get her letter? Why? / Why not? I I Vort в Translate the sentences into English. 1. Нью-Йорк расположен на реке Гудзон. 2. Манхэттен — один из пяти районов Нью-Йорка. 3. Они поехали на Статен-Айленд, чтобы посмотреть на статую Свободы. 4. Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг — са.мый высокий небоскреб Нью-Йорка. 5. Их дом находится к западу от Пятой авеню. 6. На Бродвее много известных театров. С . Answer the questions about Moscow. 1. What is Moscow famous for? 2. On which river does Moscow stand? 12 Unit 1 Lesson 4 3. Why is Moscow the seat of the Russian government? 4. What other important institutions are there in Moscow? 5. What is the central square called? 6. What can a visitor see there? 7. What is the most famous theatre called? Write some information about your home city / town / village. Lesson 5 'i believe in liberty and happiness" Answer the questions using your active vocabulary. 1. How are you going to make a living after you finish your education? J 2. What are your duties in the family?, 3. Have you got a strong sense of duty?_ 4. Are you a person of strong will?_ 5. What is a more valuable possession: wealth or health?. 6. Do you believe in justice? 7. What is meant by equal opportunities? Translate into Russian: “Some people are more equal than others.”_______________________________________________________________________ Unit 1 Lessons 4, 5 13 (^^2^ Finish the sentences using the words and expressions below. Change them where necessary. a skyscraper, an impression, a masterpiece, a duty, justice, an obligation, to make a living, a responsibility, industrious, originally, to survive, to be seasick, an exception, to do sightseeing / to see the sights 1. There are many________________________of art in the Pushkin museum. 2. New York is famous for its_______________________, 3. How do you ? — I am a doctor. 4. He works really hard, he is very______________________. 5. Where do you come from? Are you American? — Yes, but I am___________________________ from France. 6. This made a very powerful_________________________on me. 7. It is possible to_____________________without food for a while, but not without water. 8. It is not allowed but we shall make an______________________for you. 9.1 don’t like travelling by water, I always get 10. If you live in a family, you must have certain__________________ 11. You come to a famous place to______________________________. A'" ' "V ( 3 I Put in an article where necessary. 1. He didn’t go to ____ college, because he was ill. He went to . hospital. 2. Let’s have a look at ____ school. 3. Are you going to____ school. I want to see it before our daughter goes to church? It’s Sunday. 4. — How shall I get to the post office? — Go straight ahead, you’ll see your right. Turn left at_____________church, and you’ll see the post office. old church on prison. He stole expensive jeans from a shop, ,_______ prison to visit Jack. 5. — Where is Jack? — He’s in_____ — And where is Jane? — She went to 6. Father has returned from______hospital where he visited granny, and he is in now. He is very tired. bed ..... ©Translate Rockefeller's words into Russian. ft e # e 14 Unit 1 Lesson 5 Lessons 6,7 Have you ever tried blintzes? [ 1 ] Read the words and their translations. an oatcake — овсяная лепешка a scone — ячменная или пшеничная лепешка а topping — зд. гарнир а warrior — воин, воитель topped with smth — покрытый чем-либо а teabag — пакетик чая pate — паштет to fish а teabag out of the cup — вынуть чайный пакетик из чашки to brew — заваривать to stare — уставиться nutritious — питательный coleslaw — салат из капусты whipped cream — взбитые сливки 2 )' Before you read, try to answer the questions and make some clever guesses. 1. What country is famous for its tea traditions? 2. When should you come for a visit if the English invite you for tea? 3. Will you get any food if you are invited for tea in England? 4. In which country can you have the best meal for tea: Scotland. England or Ireland? Unit 1 Lessons 5,6,7 15 ^3^ Read the story, translate it into Russian and check your ideas. li Help yourself! So many countries, so many customs... The way of receiving guests is different in different countries. If you are invited to tea in Scotland, you’ll probably be offered a good meal for tea which might include meat and cheese, bread and butter, a cake, scones and of course oatcakes. Oatcakes are plain biscuits made from oats. They are very nutritious and good for health. It was the main food of Scottish warriors. People eat them in various ways. “Oatcakes make a perfect snack or addition to a meal. Eat them on their own or with your favourite topping. Oatcakes are great in a lunchbox or with a cup of soup. Snack: try adding tuna and sweetcorn. Dinner: enjoy with pate and a glass of wine.” In England you can receive a cup of tea for tea — and that’s it! But sometimes you’ll be offered some biscuits, fruit and cheese. Teatime is five o’clock in the afternoon. In Britain you’ll hardly hear “At five” while making an appointment. “We’ll see you at teatime”, or “Come to the office at teatime” means “Come at 5 p.m.” In Ireland tea is very important. Even in very poor families people used to have a whole tea ceremony. Tea was brewed in a special teapot, and good leaf tea only was served. People were in no hurry and gathered round the table to discuss the latest news. A famous Irish writer describes his mother's visit to America where her future daughter-in-law serves her tea. The poor lady fished a teabag out of her cup and stared at it in horror. “What is this?” She could not believe that the ugly squashed teabag was tea. Later she complained to her friends and relatives in Ireland: “The Americans can go to space, but they cannot give you a nice cup of tea.” By the way it is pronounced “cuppotea”. You might be invited for a “cuppa”. In China, which is famous for its tea traditions, they give you a small cup of tea to encourage you to have many cups. A big cup of tea means: “Have your tea and go away.” 16 Unit 1 Lessons 6, 7 Answer the questions. Use these words and expressions. to have a tea ceremony, to brew tea, to have something tasty for tea, tea doesn’t really matter to me, to treat one’s guests to a big meal, to serve tea, to invite someone for a “cuppa” 1. What is the way you have tea in your family? Is teatime important to you? 2. Are you a tea fan or do you prefer a quick teabag which contains tea dust instead of tea? 3. Do you have tea every day at a certain time? 4. Do you often have guests for tea? 5. What do you treat your guests to for tea? 6. What Russian traditions of hospitality do you know? Unit 1 Lessons 6, 7 17 Plan а birthday / New Year / housewarming party. Write a menu. It should contain a main course, a dessert, a salad and a hot / cold drink. You may use some of the ideas below. Translate the new words with a dictionary. a homemade pizza, jacket potatoes, different toppings, tuna and sweetcorn, coleslaw, chicken Caesar, chicken kievs, tomato and cucumber salad, iceberg lettuce with cheese and mayonnaise, chicken curry, a strawberry milkshake, cappuccino coffee, ice tea, apple pie with whipped cream, a cottage pie, fish and chips, scones, Danish pastry, a chocolate fudge cake, mini chocolate rolls, freshly pressed apple juice Try to describe every dish using the following adjectives. nutritious, healthy, delicious, refreshing, satisfying, irresistible ( 6 ) Describe the following cafes and restaurants using the words below. noisy, top quality, atmospheric, posh, expensive, friendly, popular, fast food, cosy, cheap, crowded, elegant, simple ^1Яе “Savoy” restaurant ? ^ Pizza -Hut \ “Kroshka Kartoshka” McDonald’s I the “Elki-Palki” cafe i [ 7 } Fill the gaps with appropriate words and complete the story. Use your imagination. In the morning we have breakfast. Some people like a substantial breakfast, which may include: _______________________________________________________, others prefer a light meal. They have ____________between 12 p.m. and 1.00 p.m. It’s time for lunch. A healthy lunch might include Dinner is served between .‘i.(X) p.m. and 6.00 p.m. It is the main meal of the day. If you have guests, you may have_____________________________________________________________________. If there are no guests, you may have a to bed. 18 Unit 1 Lessons 6, 7 .before going ( Homework ^............................................................... [ A ^ Misha is telling his friends about some of his favourite Russian dishes. Match the dish with the description. Get ready to describe Russian dishes to your friends in the next lesson. peimenis 1. The recipe was invented in a St Petersburg cooking competition in the lS90s. It won the first prize and was named after the Stroganov family, whom the cook was working for. This dish traditionally consists of beef, onions, mushrooms and sour cream. 2. The dish originates from the Caucasus. No picnic or outdoor party can do without this wonderful dish. It's meat marinated in herbs, onions and wine. Then the meat is put on skewers and cooked on an open fire. 3. It's a really delicious, small round bread. Bread used to be the most important food in Russia, and no dish was eaten without it. That’s why bread is still so important to people in Russia. They used to decorate it with leaves and flowers. 4. Traditionally, mothers-in-law bake these for their sons-in-law at Easter, and they also used to be made for poor people and pilgrims. They should be thin, brown, and round and look like little suns. They are usually eaten with sour cream, jam. cheese and black or red caviar. 5. These are a favourite Russian dish. They are made of dough and meat and then they can be frozen and kept in the fridge for a long time. They are served with butter, sour cream, vinegar or tomato ketchup. You can buy them in the shops too, but the ones you buy can't be compared with the real homemade version. 6. It’s one of the most popular dishes in Russia. The recipe was created at the end of the 18th century. It’s a kind of soup, which got its name from its main ingredient — beetroot. Nowadays it’s made with cabbage, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and meat. On hot summer days it’s even better with no meat in it, just vegetables, fresh cucumbers, eggs, onions and greens. [ В ] Выпишите из текста учебника (упр. 8) все прилагательные с положительным значением. Unit 1 Lessons 6, 7 19 Lesson 8 Project 20 Unit 1 Lesson 8 Lessons 9, 10 Robin MocWisord^ diary J Homework Answer the questions. 1. Who wrote the diary? 2. Why did Robin decide to write a diary? 3. Why is the diary addressed to an unknown friend? 4. How many passengers were there on board the ship? 5. What was the name of the ship? 6. Who were the Saints and who were the Strangers? 7. Why did they decide to leave England? 8. When did they see land? 9. Who was the leader of the Saints? 10. Was he a remarkable man? 11. Where did they land? 12. Why did they land at Cape Cod? 13. What is the Mayflower Compact? 14. Who was chosen as governor? 15. Did the Pilgrims stay on board or did they go on shore? Why? 16. Why did they have to leave Cape Cod? Unit 1 Lessons 9, 10 21 17. What was the name of the place where they found their new home? 18. Was it better than the first place? Why? / Why not? 19. Why did so many people die? 20. What were the Pilgrims going to do to survive? 21. What was the name of the first Indian they met and talked to? 22. Did the Pilgrims trust him? 23. What document did the Pilgrims’ governor and the Indians sign? 24. When did the Mayflower leave for England? 25. Did any of the Pilgrims want to go back? Why? / Why not? CD Number the events in the correct order. 1. William Button, the young servant of Doctor Samuel Fuller died. 2. The Pilgrims landed in Cape Cod. 3. King James promised everybody who supported him religious freedom. 4. The Mayflower finally left for England. The prophecy that one day the Scottish king would rule both Scotland and England came true in 1603 when the Scottish king, James, got the crown of England. 6. There was a horrible storm, and the main beam cracked, and the ship was in real danger. 7. The Pilgrims met Samoset. 8. The Pilgrims signed an agreement which they called “Tbe Mayflower Compact”. 9. Massasoit and the governor signed an agreement to live in peace and help each other. □ 10. King James let all his old supporters down. I I 11. The Indians attacked the Pilgrims, but the Pilgrims won. I I 12. The Pilgrims left Сар>е Cod and sailed to Plymouth. I I 13. On 9 November 1620 the Pilgrims saw land. I I 14. Robin left England on 6 September 1620. □ 15. The Pilgrims came across an Indian village, but nobody was there. □ 1. □ 2. □ 3. □ 4. □ 5. □ 6. □ 7. □ 8. □ 9. □ 10. □ 11. □ 12. □ 13. □ 14. □ 15. 22 Unit 1 Lessons 9, 10 Lesson 11 Test yourself 1 I Listen to the story and fill in the table with the words and expressions from the story. noisy, crowded, quiet, unfriendly people, cosy cottage, evenings on the terrace, nice neighbours, cheaper shopping, better schools, museums and attractions, beautiful garden, boring, exciting Advantages of life in New York Disadvantages of life in New York Advantages of life in the country Disadvantages of life in the country CD Choose the right answers. 1. ... is the biggest part of New York. a) Brooklyn b) The Bronx c) Manhattan ... are very tall buildings. a) Skyscrapers b) Skyrippers c) Skyhighers ... is the tallest building in New York. a) The Rockefeller Center b) The Empire State Building c) The Chrysler Building If you want to see a famous musical you should go to ... a) Fifth Avenue. b) Broadway. c) Chicago. ... is famous for its unusual building, which was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. a) The Rockefeller Center b) The Chrysler Building c) The Guggenheim Museum 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Statue of Liberty used to... a) welcome the presidents of the USA. b) welcome immigrants to the USA. c) show the way to the ships. 7. ... is well known for its huge sandwiches and fantastic blintzes. a) The Carnegie Deli b) MacDonald's c) Russian food 8. New York is on ... a) the Hudson. b) the Thames. c) The Mississippi. 9. ... in New York run east to west across the island. a) Streets b) Avenues c) Squares Unit 1 Lesson 11 23 (Б Choose а, the or no article and fill in the gaps. 1. People of New York love to relax in_________ Central Park. dinner we had yesterday was great. 3. One of the most interesting places in New York is_________Statue of Liberty. 4. A lot of tourists from_______Russia.__________Germany,___________France and other countries come to_________USA every year. 5. ________lunch isn't ready yet. Wait a minute! 6. My friend is in________hospital. He has broken his leg. 7. Andrew is still in_______bed. We must wake him up! 8. We had________delicious dinner at Carnegie Deli. 9. Go to________Fifth Avenue and then turn right into. 32th Street. Б Б Find the synonyms to the underlined words. 1. The sights of New York are very interesting. a) attractions b) streets c) places 2. Every year a lot of tourists come to New York. a) immigrate b) visit c) listen 3. This dish is delicious. a) very bad b) OK c) tasty 4. 1 have just read an amazing book. a) boring b) wonderful c) exciting 5. The building was designed by Rastrclli. a) Rastrelli built this building. b) Rastrelli used his own money to build this building. c) The building was bought by Rastrelli. 6. MacDonald’s is famous for its quick service. a) is known for b) is interesting for c) is liked for Образуйте существительные от следующих существительных и прилагательных. free, brother, friend, member, kind, happy, neighbour 24 Unit 1 Lesson 11 Do good clothes open all doors? What's in? Group these words into a) synonyms b) antonyms. affordable, posh, fashionable, practical, unaffordable, fancy, cheap, aristocratic, popular, casual, expensive, elegant ^2^ Which of the two groups of shop signs mean "cheap" and which "expensive"? Bargain 70% Off New amva Q Fill in the gaps with last or latest. Translate into Russian 1. The______________train has gone! How will 1 get home? 2. It's impolite to take the____________piece of cake. 3. Sleeveless tops are the_____________fashion. 4. It's your_____________chance. Use it! 5. What's the news? 6. This is Lermontov's poem. 7. Jacqueline Wilson is a modern English writer. Here's her_ 8. My comment was the____________before the website closed. book. Unit 2 Lesson 1 25 Design а girl's / boy's school uniform. Describe the style, material and colour. Is it a practical thing? Use these words for help. Clothe.s: a shirt, a blouse, a skirt, trousers, a tie, a jacket, a dress Description: formal, casual, smart, practical, elegant, plain, cheap, expensive, comfortable Colour red. white, blue, navy, sand, green, black, yellow, grey IVfateriai: velvet, woolen, cashmere, cotton, acrylic, nylon (^HomewoHc^.............................................. Q Match the words with the definitions. 1 Something you buy really cheaply. 2. Somebody who thinks that he is better than other people 3. Something unusual. 4. Something that’s OK for the situation. 5. When shops reduce their prices. 6. Comfortable clothes that you wear in informal situations. 7. Expensive and elegant clothes. d) original | e) in the sales g) fancy clothes clothes В I Fill in the gaps with the words last or latest. 1. When did you see him________________? 2. I couldn’t hear the_____________news. 3. I didn’t forget our_____________conversation. 4. This dress is the_____________fashion. 5. Have you read the 6. It was the_____ book by Marinina? train for today. There won’t be any more trains until tomorrow. C i Translate the sentences into English. 1. Я не люблю выделяться. 2. Я покупаю вещи на распродажах. 3. Эта рубашка очень дорогая, но немодная. 4. Это платье — крик моды. 5. Мне нет дела до моды, я ношу удобные вещи. 26 Unit 2 Lesson 1 6. Его одежда и модная, и практичная. 7. Эти туфли красивые, но непрактичные. Они белые. 8. “Что сейчас модно?” — “Яркие пуловеры и клепш’ 9. Последний поезд только что ушел. Lessons 2,3 Му favourite things change the sentences into reported speech. 1. Jim says, “I like fashionable things.” 2. Tina says, “Fashion is not important to me.” 4. Mother asks, “Are you going shopping?’ 3. “Students should wear a proper outfit in school!” the teacher exclaims. 5. “Please use our fitting room to try the dress on,” the shop assistant says. 6. “Have you got this dress in a bigger size?” the girl asks. 7. “Don’t buy shoes in that shop. It’ll be a waste of money,” the mother says to her daughter. 8. Tom says, “I don’t want to stand out. 9. Jane says, “I go to discount shops for designer clothes.” Change the sentences into direct speech. 1. David says that he doesn’t like shopping. 2. Molly says that fashion matters a lot to her. 3. Michael says that he prefers colourful clothes. Unit 2 Lessons 1, 2, 3 27 4. Emma says that she likes to dress in style. 5. Mark says he likes casual jeans. 6. Ann tells her brother to change his socks. Q Choose the correct word. 1. Fashion is important to me, that’s why I always buy designer / casual clothes. 2. 1 like to stand out from the crowd and always wear unusual /practical clothes. 3. If you like a bargain, buy things marked SALE/ NEW ARRIVALS. 4. If you cannot afford much, you can buy designer clothes in a discount store / a high street store. 5. I need a waterproof / elegant raincoat to go to the countryside for a picnic. 6. The coat is a size bigger than 1 need and looks tight / loose on me. 7. He is not very rich, but he always buys expensive / cheap things. 8. She wants to look fashionable, but in fact she looks glamorous / ridiculous in a baggy T-shirt and on high heels. 9. I am invited to a grand party and mu.st wear something posh /practical. 10. This is a festive occasion and I need to buy a fancy / casual dress. 11. She always wears the last / latest fashion. 12. Clothes on sale arc usually a good bargain / expensive. 13. He comes from an aristocratic family, but he likes cheap /posh clothes. 14. Elegant people wear stylish / ridiculous clothes. ^4^ Describe the outfit you would like to wear for your friend's birthday party / relative's wedding. Use your active vocabulary. (^^omework^- Write your own list of things that ore in or out of fashion at the moment. Refer to fashion magazines, TV programmes and other sources of information. 28 Unit 2 Lessons 2, 3 Уже известный вам суффикс -less имеет значение отсутствия качества и является противоположным по значению суффиксу -ful. useful — useless (полезный — бесполезный) К каким из этих прилагательных можно подобрать антоним с помощью суффикса -less? colourful, awful, meaningful, beautiful, careful, wonderful, helpful, tasteful ^ ^ Прилагательные, заканчивающиеся ни -able / -ib/e, как правило, образуют антонимы с помощью отрицательного префикса ип-. comfortable — uncomfortable (удобный — неудобный) Rewrite the sentences, use prefix un-. 1. I hope this vase is not breakable. I'm going to put it in my bag.— 1 hope it’s__ 2. This dress is not suitable for the party.— This dress would be___ the party. 3. I never wear shoes that are not comfortable.— 1 never wear_______ shoes. 4. This sweater is not fashionable, but I still like it.— I'his sweater is, for [ C } Change the sentences from reported into direct speech and translate them into Russian. Model: He says that he doesn't like to go shopping.— He says, “/ don’t like to go shopping. 1. Mary tells her friends to leave quickly because her mum is very angry with her. 2. He says that he doesn't need any fashionable clothes. 3. The shop assistant tells her that she has to wear .socks to try the shoes on. 4. She tells her friend that her clothes are out of fashion. 5. She says that she doesn't like to stand out. 6. Helen says that she is having a great time in Spain. 7. He tells his friends that he doesn’t care about fashion. 8. She says that she prefers casual clothes. 9. Ann tells Jane that she likes casual clothes. Unit 2 Lessons 2, 3 29 Lesson 4 Grangers and Preppies CD Read the words and word combinations and looks — внешность an appearance — внешность dreadlocks — волосы, заплетенные в африканские косички to long to have something — очень хотеть чего-либо for free — бесплатно to become bold — становиться лысым to work part-time — работать неполный рабочий день to disapprove of something — осуждать что-либо their translations. to be in the focus of somebody’s attention — быть в центре чьего-либо внимания to grow out of something — вырастать из чего-либо to have age-appropriate tastes — иметь соответствующие возрасту вкусы to go out with girls — встречаться c девушками plain — зд. заурядный, невыразительный clumsy — неловкий witty — остроумный } Look through the story and match its parts with the headings. One heading should be left out. I I A younger brother Ц A student I I A professor Ц A growing up man I I A rapper ) Read the story, translate it into Russian and mark these statements as True, False or Not Stated if there is no information in the text. 1. Alex doesn’t care about clothes nowadays.________ 2. Alex’s clothes have always been very elegant. ______ 3. Alex used to be very fashionable. _____ 4. All teenagers grow out of their fashion tastes. ___ 5. Alex’s rapper clothes helped him run away from some bullies. ------ 6. Alex’s rapper clothes were very practical. ------ 7. Alex spent all his money on the dreadlocks. _____ 8. Alex changed his style when he started working in a bank. _____ 9. Alex disapproved of his rapper neighbours. ______ 10. Alex used to choose girls by their looks. ____ 11. Alex’s university professor became his role model. ------- 12. Now Alex doesn't wear fashionable clothes but he’s the soul of every company. ;SL, 1 Do clothes moke the man? My brother Alex doesn’t care much about what he wears. His clothes are always clean and nice, but that’s it. However when he was younger clothes were very important to him. At school he used to be a rapper. That means he listened to rap music and wore very loose clothes. I think he enjoyed shocking his family more than he enjoyed wearing baggy jeans and T-shirts. They were totally unsuitable for a situation when quick action was needed. I know from him that once he had to run away from some bullies and nearly lost his jeans on the way. The huge clumsy trainers added up to the problem. Another funny story is about his dreadlocks. He longed to have them and they were very expensive to make in a hair studio, but one of his friends was a stylist. She made him dreadlocks for free. He only managed to wear them for a short time and developed a headache. He also started losing hair. So he had to say “no” to dreadlocks because he did not want to become bald at twenty. 30 Unit 2 Lesson 4 When he was eighteen, he went to the university and worked part-time in a bank. At that time he wanted to look elegant and expensive just like the bank managers, so he spent all he earned on clothes. His views changed together with his style. He disapproved of the neighbours who wore rapper clothes just like him in the past. When I asked him about this change, his answer surprised me. “I grew out of this style. It’s for teenagers and our neighbours are thirty. They have a seven-year old child and he should be in the focus of their attention and not the rap music and night clubs. A person must have age-appropriate tastes.” I listened to him. looked at his posh shirts and ties and smiled to myself. When Alex started going out with girls, he used to say, “I value good looks in girls above all”. After a while he changed his mind. “There should be something behind those blue eyes: some intellect, some ideas and some kindness too.” So you can see that my brother was growing and learning from his own mistakes. (4) Once he met a professor. The professor was an outstanding scientist and a remarkable person. But his appearance was very plain. He dressed in grey. His grey shirt was wrinkled, his hair was untidy, his eyes looked huge behind the thick glasses. His appearance did not promise much, but the moment he opened his mouth, everybody forgot about his appearance and listened. His sense of humour, witty remarks and knowledge in various areas won everybody’s warm sympathy. He was the soul of every company. At that time Alex stopped thinking about the way he looked. He concentrated on who he was. Unit 2 Lesson 4 31 [ 4~] Whaf is the main idea of each part of the story? What is the main idea of the story? [ ~5~] Translate the sentences into Russian. Try to express the same idea in a different way. Model: Ann is already twelve. Dolls are not interesting for her anymore. Ann has grown out of dolls.— Ane уже 12 лет. Куклы ее больше не интересуют. 1. I think you shouldn’t judge (судить) people by their looks._________________________________ 2. Kate brought her friend a lot of apples and berries from her garden but she didn't take any money for that.______________________________________________________________________ 32 Unit 2 Lesson 4 3. Му friend is still interested in fairy tales. I think she should start reading books for her age. 4. This man is really interesting, but he has a very ordinary face. 5. Our teacher listened to the speaker and made some funny and clever comments. 6. 1 think these shoes are really uncomfortable.. 7. He doesn’t understand jokes. Don’t try them on him.. 8. My friend really wants to have dreadlocks.. 9. 1 don’t like the people who drop litter in the streets. (^~Homewo^^< Tell your friend that... 1. you don’t pay much attention to image. 2. your friend has chosen a hairstyle to fit an image.. 3. all the pupils in Rob’s school were labelled and put into groups. 4. your brother has influenced your tastes, interests and your lifestyle. 5. your sister doesn’t want to be under any label. 6. you like to wear casual clothes.. 7. your friend’s sister is a shopaholic.. 8. you don’t like to stand out. 9. her brother wears baggy jeans, with baggy, hooded tops, loose T-shirts and silver chains. Unit 2 Lesson 4 33 К), goths wear black gothic clothes, use black and white make-up and dye their hair black. 11. townies wear fake “gold” jewellery, fake Adidas or Nike trousers with white socks and baseball caps.___________________________________________________________________________ ]) Write about what teenagers wear in your school and neighbourhood. Lesson 5 You'll never believe it! [^1 ]) Read the words and expressions and their translations. a gent’s department — отдел мужской одежды a voucher — зд. подарочный сертификат affordable — доступггый по цене frequent — частый busy — зд. оживленный reasonably — умеренно, довольно suspiciously — подозрительно to have one’s eyes open — смотреть внимательно to attract customers — привлекать покупателей [ 2 I Read the story, translate it into Russian and answer the questions. 1. Which two shops are compared?____________________________ 2. Which one is cheaper? _ 3. Which one is more expensive? 4. Where is it busier? 5. Where are the shop assistants more helpful? 6. Where can you find more bargains?. 7. How does “Marks and Spencer’s” attract customers?. 8. Which of the shops do you think Mila prefers? 34 Unit 2 Lesson 4, 5 If А о !• ^ Cheap and Expensive There are two shops facing each other. On the left there’s “Primark" and on the right there’s “Marks and Spencer’s”. “Primark” is a cheap brand of clothes shops. They sell cheap and practical things. They also specialise in ladies’ fashionable and affordable clothes. The quality is reasonably good, but you have to have your eyes open. Things often lie in untidy heaps. The sales assistants spend most of their time sorting out clothes and putting them back to the shelves. The shop is always full of people. On Saturday morning there are so many young people that it’s hard to walk through. The ladies’ fitting rooms are crowded. But the gents’ department is never so busy. Men don’t care. The queues are huge, but the cashiers work quickly. There are loads of bargains and fantastic offers, but whatever you buy, be prepared to see dozens of people wearing the same. Everybody likes a bargain. If you go to “Marks and Spencer’s”, you’ll see lots of posh ladies there who come not only for shopping but for something more. M&S is not just a name, it’s a style. Frequent visitors come late on a Saturday morning. They are in no hurry. They look at things, ask the shop assistants lots of questions and choose a scarf or an expensive and totally unpractical vase. Then they have a rest and a long lunch in the M&S cafe. They often come with friends and have a nice talk over a nice cup of tea. A M&S shop-assistant might see at once that you are not the M&S type and watch you suspiciously though always politely. There are many ways of attracting customers to this or that sort of event and M&S gift vouchers are among the most popular. “Come to our opening evening and get a £10 M&S voucher". Introduce us to your friend and get your voucher”. Sometimes I think that M&S is more than a shop, it’s a religion. PRIMARK M&S Unit 2 Lesson 5 35 [ 3 ) Express the same idea in a different way. 1. Usually there are crowds of people in this shop. 2. You have to wait for a long time to get to the fitting room. 3. My brother often comes to this shop. 4. I like to find something really cheap which used to be expensive. 5. I’m looking for a bicycle which is not very expensive, so Г11 be able to pay for it. 6. Where is the room where I can try these jeans on? 36 Unit 2 Lesson 5 4 J Use the questions of Ex. 2 os a plan and compare two shops. Which of the shops would you like to go to when you go to London? [ A } Use the pictures from Ex. 7 (in the textbook) and write the main events of the story. Model: Misha asks Anficia for her autograph. Unit 2 Lesson 5 37 Write what the people in the pictures are saying. Model: The man is asking the shop assistant to show him the T-shirt. Could you show me ^ f Don't sit i another T-shirt? J ------------ in my presence! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 38 Unit 2 Lesson 5 Lessons 6,7 What size are you? J a) It’s a bit small. b) It’s twenty pounds. c) 1 prefer Nike. d) I’ll pay by credit card. e) It is definitely your colour. f) The fitting room is on the ground floor. g) I’m just looking, thanks. h) I’m a size 44. Match the questions with the answers. 1. What size are you? 2. How much is it? 3. Is it my colour? 4. What make do you prefer? 5. How will you pay? 6. Can 1 help you? 7. Where is the fitting room? 8. Is it the right size? Write and act out the dialogue. You are a shop assistant and your partner is a customer. He / She wants to buy: a) a pair of shoes / trainers b) a T-shirt c) a coat. Use your active vocabulary and the expressions below. What size are you? What make do you prefer? Can 1 help you? I’m looking for... It’s not easy to find what I want. Here you are. Can you do me a favour? Do you need a hand? Tlie fitting room is on your left. It’s an affordable thing. It’s half-price. How much is it? It's rather expensive, but it's a top quality thing. You won’t regret your purchase. Would you like to try it on? Sorry, I couldn’t help you. Would you like to try a discount store? Do you have these jeans in a smaller size? It’s out of fashion. It’s a real bargain. Homework Q Write the complete form of these questions. Work in pairs and ask your friend in class.. 1. what size shoes he / she is. 2. if he / she likes to stand out. 3. if he / she cares about fashion. 4. if his / her clothes were bought in the sales. Unit 1 Lessons 6, 7 39 5. which clothes he / she prefers. 6. where he / she buys clothes. 7. if he / she reads fashion magazines. 8. who helps him / her to choose clothes. ( В j Emily is trying some clothes on. Her family is helping. Which reactions ore negative / positive? Whot do you think of her clothes? They don't really | If you buy them. I’ll never let you go shopping alone again. You look awful. Where did you find those? Write about how everybody reacts. Model: Emily’s little brother says that her clothes are very colourful. How much are they? 40 Unit 2 Lessons 6, 7 Q Make up two dialogues from these phrases. 1. My Russian size is 41. 2. What size do you wear? 3. rd like to buy a jacket for my brother. 4. Thanks a lot. 5. His Russian size is 44. 6. OK. Your US size is 8. Here you are. 7. How do they feel? 8. OK, no problem. The US size is 34. 9. May I try them on? 10. Sure. 11. OK let me have a look. 12. We do, but they're another make. 13. I'd like to buy a pair of trainers. 14. What size is he? 15. I’m afraid they’re too big. Do you have a smaller size? f Read the column from a teenage fashion magazine. Match the questions with the answers. Write a short version of the question and make dialogues using reported speech. Model: JnssiF. from Boston: I have a job interview tomorrow. I really need this job and I'm very nervous. It's a fancy restaurant where I’d like to work. What should I wear? Tina Gi.am: Wear something you feel comfortable in. Jessie from Boston asks what she should wear for a job interview and Tina advis^' k'T to wear something that she feels comfortable in. Your fashion questions answered by Tina Glam! 1. Sharon from Nf.w York: Hello! I have a pink jacket and 1 am wearing dark blue jeans I don't know what top to wear under my jacket. I used to wear a lot of green and black with it, but I don't want to wear the same thing this time. Please help. 2. Kassie from Washington: 1 am 15 years old. and I have a short body and long legs. Sometimes I get very upset, because 1 think with my body type nothing looks good. Do you have any tips for me? 3. Erica from Denvi;r: Hi! I’m looking for a stylish waterproof jacket. I want to wear it instead of my usual coat this spring. Where would be the best place to buy it? Unit 2 Lessons 6, 7 41 4. Ingrid from Chicago: 1 am 16 and I want to be a clothes designer when I grow up. I already have some drawings and I make a lot of clothes for my friends and family. My question is, “How can I start a career while I’m still so young?” Thanks. 5. Diana from Los Angklks: My friends tell me 1 should dye my hair. My natural colour is light brown. What colour would be best for me? 1. Tina Gi,am: Try to contact FIT — Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City! 2. Tina Gi.am: A big department store like Macy's may have something for you. 3. Tina Glam: Try a darker colour if it suits your personality better. 4. Tina Glam: Short skirts will look just great on you! 5. Tina Glam: You can try a white or a red top! Lessons 8, 9 Robin MacWizard's diary Get ready for your test CD Fill in the gaps with the right words and translate the sentences into Russian. 1. You are going for a walk in the countryside and need___________________clothes. You are invited to a party and want to buy___________________clothes. (casual, elegant, waterproof, fa.shionable, practical, fancy) 2. You need and to work in the garden. (worn jeans, a stylish suit, a loose T-shirt, a fancy dress) 3. School uniform must be . (practical, elegant, fashionable, ridiculous) 4. Fashion is important to Jane and she buys, . clothes, (designer, old-fashioned) 42 Unit 2 Lessons 6, 7, 8, 9 5. The sweater is a size smaller than you need and looks. on you. (tight, loose) Jim likes to stand out and buys things, fcolourful. unusual, practical, baggvt These jeans are the fashion. Hatest. lastJ You can buv clothes in the sale, (cheap, expensive) 9. If you want to be comfortable, you should wear___________________clothes, but if you want to look smart, you should wear___________________clothes, (casual, elegant, fancy, worn, stylish) ________________________________________________________________________________ Change the sentences into direct speech. 1. The teacher tells the class to put on something casual for a visit to a farm. 2. Tom says that he doesn’t like shopping. 3. Emma says that she always dresses in style. 4. Jim says that colourful clothes show his individuality. 5. Mother asks me not to wear this ridiculous shirt. Change the sentences into reported speech. 1. “I think shopping is a waste of time,” says Mike. 2. She asks him, “What make do you prefer?’ Unit 2 Lessons 8, 9 43 3. Daniel says, "1 prefer designer clothes. 4. Ann says. “1 don't like to stand out.” 5. “Everybody likes a bargain.” Alex says. Fill in the gaps with last or latest. 1. This is my____________chance. 2. 1 have missed the_____________train. ________fashion. 3. These shoes are the , 4. It was the author's _ 5. This is Daria Dontsova's book. Soon he died. ______book. [ 5 I Translate from Russian into English. 1. Какой у Вас размер? _________ 2. Эта рубашка подходит к этим брюкам?______ 3. Это платье тебе велико. Попробуй другой размер. 4. Эти туфли войдут в моду осенью.. 5. Твои джинсы вышли из моды. _ 6. Не надевай эти кроссовки с юбкой. 7. Моя бабушка интересуется модой. ( Homework ^.......................................... Fill in the gaps with the facts from both parts of the stories. 1. The Scottish king, James, got the crown of England in 2. King James had promised everybody who supported him religious 3. King James_____________________________all his old supporters. 4. People couldn't____________________________their religion. 5. The Saints believed that God was in 6. The Saints wanted________________ 7. On 6 September____________________ 8. There were_______________________ , not in a church. __God in their own way. the Saints decided to leave England. passengers on board the ship. 9. The ship was called 44 Unit 2 Lessons 8, 9 К). was the leader of the Saints. 11. Bradford came up with the idea to call the Saints and the Strangers_________ 12. On 9 November 1620 the Pilgrims landed in____________________. 13. On 11 November the Pilgrims______________________“the Mayflower Compact” and chose________________________. 14. The governor's name was______________________. 15. On 8 December_____________________ 16. On 8 December_____________________ to________________________. attacked the Pilgrims, but the Pilgrims won. the Pilgrims left Cape Cod and sailed 17. On 22 March 1621 Massa,soit and the Pilgrims’ governor signed to live in peace and help each other. 18. On 1 April 1621 the Mayflower finally left for_____________ 19. On 16 October 1621 the Pilgrims and the Indians celebrated Q 1) Read the names of some of the holidays that are celebrated in America nowadays. Which of them was started by the Pilgrims? Why do you think so? Christmas 25 December Thanksgiving rhe fourth Thursday of November Valentine’s Day 14 February St Patrick’s Day 17 March Unit 2 Lessons 8, 9 45 2) Write about any holiday from part 1. Use the questions to help you. 1. What’s the holiday called? 2. When is it celebrated? 3. What is celebrated on this day? 4. What’s the history of this holiday? 5. What do people do on this day? 6. Is there any special food that they eat? If yes, what is it? Lesson 10 Test yourself Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. 1. What does the girl try on?_______________ 2. Why doesn’t she wear T-shirts? 3. Does she buy the suit?________ 4. Why? / Why not? ______________ Underline the correct word, complete the sentences and translate them into Russian. 1. I like this blouse. It is bright and colourful / colourless. 2. I don’t wear dresses. They are fashionable / unfashionable at the moment. 3. Casual /formal clothes are not suitable if you go camping. 4. It was very cheap because I bought it on sale / in the sales. 5. This jacket doesn’t fit well. It’s too expensive / big / bright. 6. I always wear unusual clothes because I like to try them on/stand out. Q Rewrite the sentences in reported speech and translate them into Russian. 1. Lena asks me. “Do you read adventure stories?’’__________________________ 2. “Please don’t go away,’’ Jane said to her friends.. 46 Unit 2 Lessons 8, 9, 10 3. They always say, “We're busy" when you need their help._ 4. The mother said to her children, “Don't open the door to anybody. 5. Caroline asks her son, “Where have you been all this time?' 6. The boys ask grandma, “Is dinner ready?' 7. The girl asks the shop assistant, “What’s fashionable now?’ CD Use the following phrases to moke a dialogue. Shop assistant Ask the customer if you can help him / her. Say that you have a lot of bargains at the moment. Tell the customer that all your clothes are the latest fashion.^rc Ask the customer what size he / she is. Give the clothes to the customer. Tell the customer that the fitting rooms are on the left. Say that it looks fine. Ask if the customer would like a bigger size. Ask how it feels. Say that it’s OK. Customer Say that you’re only looking. Say that you don’t wear clothes that are out of fashion. Say that you would like to see some tops. Tell your size. Take the top and say that you would like to try it on. Ask where the fitting rooms are. Ask if it fits you. Say that you are not sure about the size. Say that it looks better. Say that you’ll have to think about it. Unit 2 Lesson 10 47 Describe what the people in the pictures are wearing. What do you think of their clothes? 48 Unit 2 Lesson 10 Good health is above wealth Sequence of tenses change the sentences into reported speech. 1. Ann said, “I am so happy!” 2. Tom asked. “What are you doing here?’ 3. Jim said, “I’ll come tomorrow. 4. “Is the DVD player expensive?” Alice wondered. 5. Father asked him, “Have you finished your breakfast?” CD Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Sherlock Holmes said he liked to play the violin. J 2. At first Dr Watson believed that Sherlock Holmes was a dangerous criminal. 3. Mrs Hudson said that some boys were waiting at the door. 4. Mr Hudson reminded Sherlock Holmes that Dr Watson couldn’t use his right hand. 5. Sherlock Holmes answered that he had noticed that. He added that he was boxing with his left hand. _______________________________________________________________________ 6. She said that she would take a journey the next day. Read the story, translate it into Russian and ansv^er the questions. 1. What did the boy want to order? 2. What did the waiter understand? 3. Why is the story called “A misunderstanding”? Unit 3 Lesson 1 49 л iiii^cinderstandiii А Russian family went to London on an excursion. Their two children Ivan, who was thirteen and Anna, who was sixteen, could speak English very well, so they didn't have any problems to understand people around them. One day Ivan and his father went out alone. When they got hungry, they decided to have a snack in a caf6. The waiter came up to them to take their orders. ‘T'll have two sandwiches and a cup of espresso coffee," said the father. “And Г11 have a milk cocktail,” said Ivan. “We do not serve cocktails here." answered the waiter. “But it can't be true. I always order milk cocktails and every restaurant has them." said the boy. I'hen Ivan looked around: some visitors were looking at him in surprise. “OK." he sighed, “please bring me a can of Fanta." In the evening he told his sister about it and she laughed. “It's no wonder everybody looked at you. A cocktail is usually an alcoholic drink." she said. “You wanted a milkshake." ( 4 ^ Rewrite the story using reported speech. Ask Mr Help Вы уже знаете о существовании так называемых друзей переводчика, то есть слов, чье звучание и значение в разных языках имеет определенное сходство, что помогает переводить их. Кроме того, существуют и ложные друзья переводчика. Эти слова в иностранном языке схожи по звучанию со словами родного языка, но либо имеют другой смысл, либо употребляются в другом смысле. • ап artist — человек, занимающийся искусством, особенно художник (очень редко артист); артист — actor / actress • а cabinet — шкаф, а не кабинет; кабинет — office, study 50 Unit 3 Lesson 1 а Caucasian — европеоид / Caucasian — принадлежащий к европеоидный расе (гораздо реже кавказский) а character — персонаж, личность (а не только характер) а chef — шеф-повар, а не шеф в значении начальник; начальник — boss to control — управлять, а не проверять; проверять — to check а family — семья, а не фамилия; фамилия — family name, second name, last name instruments — измерительные приборы; музыкальные инструменты, а не инструменты; инструменты — tools mayor — мэр города, а не майор, майор — major nationality — гражданство, принадлежность к стране происхождения (а не национальность, принадлежность к этносу); национальность — ethnic origin original — настоящий, подлинный, изначальный (а не только оригинальный); sanatorium — больница, стационар для психических больных; санаторий — spa student — школьник, а не только студент sympathetic — сочувствующий, а не симпатичный; симпатичный — likeable, good-looking velvet — бархат, а не вельвет; вельвет — corduroy Answer the questions. 1. Are you а Caucasian?, 2. What’s your nationality? 3. Are you a student?_______ 4. Have you ever seen an English film in the original? 5. Who is the mayor of your city / town? __________ 6. Who is the main character of the story in Ex. 3?, There are a lot of mistakes in these sentences. Correct them. Consult a dictionary if you have to. 1. Brad Pitt is famous for his good looks. He’s a very sympathetic man.__________________ 2. My Mum and Dad have gone to the sanatorium in the Crimea. They are having a great time.______________________________________________________________________________ 3. The worker left all his instruments in your flat. He hasn’t finished fixing your fridge yet. 4. I understand that you can’t help me, so I’d like to talk to your chef. 5. Let's control your homework.___________ 6. Where is your boss? — He’s in his cabinet. 7. I know this man. He’s a famous artist. He played in the Star Wars. Unit 3 Lesson 1 51 (^^omework ^....................................................................... [ a I Yesterday Emily's aunt Alice came back from her holiday in Australia and met her relatives and friends. Here's what they said when they saw her. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Model: Sally, “I like your new blouse.” Sally said that she liked Alice's new blouse. (j was thinking about you when you cam^ Did you visit our relatives in Sydney? 7^ CD Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. She didn’t know where he was. 2. Andrew asked Wendy if she had heard the news. 3. We were glad that they were coming.____ 4. She told them not to phone her brother.. 5. She asked why the girl was crying._____ 6. She couldn't remember what she had done the day before. 7. She asked the shop assistant if that dress was in fashion., 52 Unit 3 Lesson 1 Lessons 2,3 What happened to Jane? 1 Read the words and expressions and their translations. a block of flats — многоквартирный дом a walking frame — тележка на колесиках, a good mood — хорошее иасфоение опираясь на которую передвигаются а positive attitude — позитивное миро- пожилые люди ощущение ап ambulance — скорая помощь 2 Read the story and mark these statements as True, False or Not Stated it there's no information in the story. Correct the false statements. 1. Mila rented a room in a big houvse._______________________________________________ 2. Most of the people in the block of flats were old.. 3. Mila's neighbours from the flat on the left were old. 4. An old man never left his flat because he was blind. 5. An old lady from the flat on the left could walk with the help of her walking frame. 6. An elderly couple often asked Mila for help. 7. Mila's neighbour from the flat on the right was an elderly lady.. 8. The neighbour from the flat on the right used to be an actress.. 9. An elderly lady always had a polite smile for eveiybody. 10. Mila understood that those elderly people lived long because they had good medical care and a lot of money._________________________________________________________________ Where is your smile? A good mood is good for your health. People with a positive attitude to life live longer. Once I rented a flat in a block of flats. My neighbours on the left were an elderly a)uple. When I moved in, they had celebrated the sixty-ninth year together. The gentleman was blind and his wife couldn't walk without a walking frame. But this blind man was very active. He often went somewhere in a taxi. When the taxi driver accompanied him to the door, he always had a nice joke for him. Once 1 had to call an ambulance and Unit 3 Lessons 2, 3 53 was taken to hospital. A week later I had a knock on the door. This was my neighbour, the blind man. When I opened the door, he asked in a kind voice, “Is everything alright with the lady who was taken to hospital?” I told him that I was the lady, thanked the man and said that I was fine. He smiled happily and said, “If you are ever in trouble, help is next door, at Number Six. Just knock on the door and we‘ll help you.” My neighbour on the right was a kind pleasant lady. She always wore a beautiful dress and some nice piece of jewellery. But what was more important: she always had a smile. Not just a polite smile that means nothing but a smile of joy. She welcomed a new neighbour and a new morning, the rising sun and a singing bird. She was fit and active and went to the nearest shop every day. It was more of an exercise than shopping. When 1 found out that she was nearly one hundred years old, I couldn’t believe it. I am sure it is the smile that kept her to that age. My neighbours lived through difficult times: World War II, hunger, stress, loss of relatives and friends. They had little time to think about diets and exercise but they never lost their kindness or their smile. 54 Unit 3 Lessons 2, 3 ^3^ Answer the questions. 1. Are there any elderly people in your block of flats?. 2. Do they need any help?. 3. Who helps them? ________ 4. What lesson can we leam from elderly people?. (^^Homewor^^ • < English in focus Emily and her friends are going to the hospital to visit Jane. They want to make her laugh and are getting all of the best jokes they know ready to tell. Every joke has a punch line which is usually the final word or sentence which produces a sudden, funny effect and makes people laugh. Take this joke, for example: Patient: Doctor! You’ve got to help me! Nobody ever listens to me. No one ever pays any attention to what 1 have to say. Doctor: Next, please! In this joke the sentence “Next, please!" is the punch line. Unit 3 Lessons 2, 3 55 А I Read the joke and answer the questions: What's the punch line of the joke? Who was the man talking to? A father and his baby One Sunday some visitors to Hyde Park, who were sitting on benches quietly enjoying their sandwiches, were suddenly surprised by a strange young man. The young man was pushing a pram. The baby in the pram was crying loudly. The young man stopped and said softly, “You should take it easy, Tom. You should control yourself, Tom.” The baby calmed down for a minute but then it started to cry again. The young man stopped, took out a little toy out of the bag. gave the toy to the child and said. “You should take it easy, Tom. You should control yourself, Tom.” They went on, but soon the child started to cry again. The young man stopped, took some chocolate out of his bag and gave it to the baby. “Don't worry. Tom. It’s OK, Tom. You'll be all right. Tom.” he said. But the baby didn't calm down. It just cried louder and louder. An old woman who had been watching the man came up to him and smiled. “You're a great father,” she said, “You know how to talk to your baby, in a nice, quiet voice.” Then she looked into the pram and asked, “What’s wrong with you, Tom? Why are you crying?” The father looked at the woman strangely and said, “The baby is a girl. Her name’s Sabrina. Tom is my name.” Get ready to retell the joke in reported speech. 56 Unit 3 Lessons 2, 3 Read the next joke and answer the questions. 1. What’s the punch line of the joke? 2. Why didn’t Aesop answer the man’s question when the man asked it the first time? 3. Who was the man talking to? Aesop and the traveller Aesop, a Greek philosopher, was famous for his Jokes. One day Aesop was out for a walk when he saw a man. The man was lost. The man greeted Aesop and asked him, “How long will it take me to get to the town?” “Go,” said Aesop. The traveller didn’t understand the reply. “I know that I have to go,” he said and repeated his question, but Aesop’s reply was the same. “Go,” he said again very politely. The traveller went away. “The man is mad,” he decided. After the traveller had gone some distance, Aesop shouted after him, “You’ll get to in two hours.” The traveller came back to Aesop and asked: “Why didn’t you tell me that “I didn’t tell you becau.se 1 didn’t know how fast you could walk.” Aesop replied the town before?” Get ready to retell the joke in reported speech. Unit 3 Lessons 2, 3 57 Lesson 4 How can you burn calories? У [ 1 I Read the story. Change the dialogue into reported speech. Ал incident in Victorian times No one knows if this really happened. They say that once Queen Victoria was passing through a village. She saw a very old man who was crying. “Is anything wrong?” she asked. “Father has punished me,” answered the old man. “Your father? But what did you do?” the Queen inquired. “I was rude to grandfather,” said the old man. [ 2 ] Write three questions to the story. [ ~3 ] Choose the correct word and translate the sentences into Russian 1. Food that is half-cooked is called fresh food / convenience food. 2. A healthy diet which contains fruit, vegetables, meat, milk and cereals is a balanced diet / calorie-controlled diet. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Pork, butler and cream are products which contain a lot oi fat /protein. 4. People who have excess weight should avoid food which contains/ht and su^ar/ iron. 5. Laura wants to lose weight and skips supper / has an ice cream before bedtime.. 6. The English say you should leave the table before you feel full / have a second dessert. _______ 7. In order to avoid bad breath you should brush your teeth regularly / have a sweet instead of dinner.__________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Vegetarians are people who don’t eat meat. They eat mostly fish / vegetables.. 58 Unit 3 Lesson 4 9. Dark chocolate contains no calories / sugar. 10. Yoghurt and cheese arc dairy products / meat products. 11. If you want to burn calories you should go jogging / go to a fast food restaurant. Homework ............................ Translate the following statements into Russian. 1. She asked Andrew to come to her house at 6.30 that evening. 2. He told us he had never been there before. 3. John asked Peter if he could help him. 4. We asked Mary where she had been. 5. She told Martin she would be able to meet him at 7.30. 6. He said that Moscow is one of the most beautiful capitals in the world. 7. She told her son to tell the truth. 8. He said that he had to help his brother's family. 9. The mother asked her son what he was doing. Change the sentences from Ex. A into direct speech. Unit 3 Lesson 4 59 с _ Find the odd one out. 1. Balanced, healthy, casual, strict, vegetarian — DIET 2. To count, to burn, to eat, to diet — CALORIES 3. Healthy, excess, exciting, unhealthy — LIFESTYLE 4. Physical, every day, calorie, morning — ACTIVITIES 5. To watch, to exercise, to lose, to gain, to control — WEIGHT 6. Slow, fast, vegetarian, disgusting, delicious, restaurant — FOOD [d~] Fill in the gaps to complete the sentences. 1. — Why are you eating so much? — Fm_____________a diet? — What? — Yes. it’s a special diet for very thin people. I'm trying to_ — You're lucky. Everybody wants to___________weight. — I don't agree with you. 2. — I'm_____________. Let’s have something to eat quickly! — There's a McDonald’s round the corner. — Oh, no. I don’t like_________food. It’s__________ some weight. — True, McDonald’s is not for somebody who counts somewhere else. for your health. ________. Let's go Lessons 5,6 ^An apple a day keeps the doctor away' J Q Choose the correct word and fill in the gaps. much / many / a lot of / little / a little / few / a few — Have we got any bread? — Yes, there is______________in the cupboard. It’s enough for today. of it. There isn’t enough for the two of us. — What about butter? — We have some, but there is too — Is there any ice cream? — Oh yes, there is_____________ice cream. I think there's more ice cream than we can eat. — Is there enough milk? — Oh yes. there’s_____ — Are there______________carrots? — There are___________ milk. It’s not much, but we don’t need more for today. . It’s alright for today, but we’ll need more of them tomorrow. Buy some carrots and we’ll be able to make some carrot juice. 60 Unit 3 Lessons 4, 5, 6 CD Underline the correct word. Sometimes both answers ore correct. 1. Have some / a cake. 2. Would you like some / a piece of cake? 3. I’m thirsty. I'd like a /some water. 4. I’m looking for some /a bottle of mineral water. .*i. There’s some / a sugar in the jar. 6. There's some / an apple on the plate. 7. May I have some/an apple pic, please? [ 3 ) Use the where necessary. 1. I don't eat_______salt. 2. Where is 3. ___ 4. ___ 5. I don't know the child who doesn’t like______ice cream. 6. _______ice cream is melting! Let’s finish it at once! ________salt? milk is good for children. milk from this village is really tasty. ^4^ a) Read and translate the recipe. 1ЯЯЕН strawberry milkshake You will need: some ice cream, half a cup of milk, a few strawberries, a blender. F4it the ice cream and the milk into a big bowl. Chop the strawberries and add to the bowl Blend everything together with a blender. Enjoy! L b) Write a simple recipe of your own. You may use these words. Some idca.s: scrambled eggs, omelette, salad, chips, a sandwich, a cup of coffee. Describe the dish: tasty, healthy, delicious, light, beautiful, nutritious. Ingredients: butter, onions, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, ice cream, milk, strawberries, bananas, kiwis, oranges, cheese, eggs, mayonnaise, fish, meal, coffee, chocolate. Actions: to cut. to chop, to mix. to blend, to fry, to cool, to boil, to .stew, to add. Unit 3 Lessons 5, 6 61 Homework ^............................................... [ A I Read what happened in the hospital when Emily and her friends were visiting Jane. Retell the story. Use reported speech. In the room where Mr Small. Dr Foam and Mrs Bulmer were talking to the children, there were some really old people. Mr Small went up to one of them. “I see that you're a very old man.” he said. “Yes, 1 am. I’m 90.” the old man replied. “Could you give the children here some advice about a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle?” Mr Small asked. “Sure. Follow my example. Don’t smoke, don’t drink, don’t eat too much sugar or fat and drink lots of water.” At that moment Dr Foam found another old man. who looked older than the first one. He was sitting in a wheelchair, but his eyes were merry and bright. “How old are you. sir?” Dr Foam asked. “I’m ninety-five,” the man replied. “Can you tell us why you have lived so long?” Doctor Foam asked. “It’s easy. I always do exercise, and I don’t smoke or drink. I spend a lot of time in the open air and I’m a vegetarian.” Just then Mrs Bulmer decided to join in the conversation. She saw a very, very old man in the corner of the room. He had no teeth or hair and he couldn’t see or hear very well, so she had to come very close to him. The children followed her. “May I ask you a couple of questions, sir,” she shouted. “Yes,” the old man whispered. “Why have you lived so long, sir?” Mrs Bulmer asked. “I don’t know,” the man replied. “Tell us about your lifestyle,” Mrs Bulmer continued. “OK, then. 1 smoke thirty cigarettes a day and drink a bottle of whisky every day. Sometimes I also have two bottles of beer. I never eat vegetables or fruit and I live on chocolate and cakes.” “How old are you, sir?” Mr Bulmer exclaimed. “I’m forty,” the “old” man replied. QFill in the gaps with the article the when necessary. a) “Is there enough________sugar in_________tea?” he said. b) ________coffee she made was tasteless. c) There was_________butter in the cake. d) There was no_________meat or__________fish in________soup. e) 1 drink________coffee without_________milk. f) _______juice 1 was drinking was very cold. 62 Unit 3 Lessons 5, 6 Lesson 7 Don4 forget your medical insurance Read and translate the dialogue. Change it into reported speech. Use the words: to complain, to inform, to advise, to warn, to agree, to tell somebody to do something, to reply, to add, to thank somebody, to wonder. Martha: Stop eating this horrible unhealthy hamburger at once! Jack: But darling. I am hungry! Martha: Have this wonderful salad instead. Jack: Thank you, dear, but 1 do not feci full. 1 am still hungry. Martha: Would you like some strawberry yoghurt? Jack: OK, I'll have some. Martha: Food that contains much fat is bad for you! You are gaining weight! Jack: But the yoghurt tastes like air... Martha: Yoghurts are good for health. Jack: Are they good for marriage? Martha: Why are you asking? Jack: I’ve just read a very interesting article about it. Believe it or not, many people in Europe get divorced because of food. Martha: I’ll never believe it. Jack: Just listen, “Men complain that their wives make them eat healthy foods. It turns out that most men prefer a roast beef or a Big Mac to a yoghurt or salad. If the wife is on a diet, it’s alright, unless her husband has to diet too.” Martha: I see, darling. 1 think we still have that huge pizza in the freezer. What do you think? 1. Do men and women need different food to stay healthy? 2. What kind of food is better for men? 3. What kind of food is better for women? 4. If somebody is on a diet, should the rest of the family go on a diet too? Why? / Why not? Unit 3 Lesson 7 63 Change reported speech and write two short dialogues. 1. Jane complained to her mother that she felt really unwell. 2. The mother advised Jane to go to hospital. 3. Jane informed her music teacher that she was going to miss a class. 4. The teacher asked what the problem was. 5. Jane replied that she was going to see a doctor. 6. The teacher advised Jane to warn her beforehand the next time. 7. Jane agreed to inform her as soon as possible in the future. Q Underline the correct word. 1. “I must see him at once,” she advised / decided. 2. “All right. Г11 do what you want.” he agreed / informed. 3. “Take this medicine twice a day and have some rest,” the doctor warned/advised. 4. “I am wearing sunglasses because my doctor recommended this,” the young man complained / explained. 5. “Гт tired of dieting.” she warned/ complained. 6. “You won’t lose any weight if you don't do any exercises.” the doctor warned / agreed. Q^Homework^............................................... Read the story and rewrite it in reported speech. Answer why the first manager couldn't insure the man's life. Honesty A young man went into an insurance office. He wanted to get some life insurance. The manager of the company said to him. “We’ll have to ask you a couple of questions.” “That's OK.” the young man answered. “I’m happy to answer your questions.” “Did your parents have any illnesses?” “Yes, actually. My mother was very unhealthy when she was a child, and she had problems with her health all her life.” “And was your father healthy?” the manager asked. “Not really, he had heart problems.” “I'm sorry to hear that,” the manager said quietly. “How old were they when they died?” “Oh. they were still very young. My mother was thirty-five and my father was forty.” 1Ъе manager sighed. “I'm sorry, sir,” he said, “but 1 can’t give you any life insurance.” When the man was leaving the office, another manager came up to him. “You mustn't be so honest with people,” he smiled. “Next time use your imagination and make something up.” The young man went to another insurance company. The manager immediately asked 64 Unit 3 Lesson 7 him “Did your parents have any illnesses?” and “How old were they when they died?” But this time the young man was ready with an answer. “My mother was very keen on sports. She died when she was ninety because she fell off her bike. My father was ninety-nine and died while he was playing football. He had missed the ball and was very upset about it.” The manager gave a big smile. “We must give you some life insurance right away, sir!” he said. Be ready to retell the story. Turn the following sentences into reported speech. Use ask, advise, agree, refuse, complain, promise. 1. “Don’t phone Liz now,” he said. 2. “Will you help me?” she asked. “Never,” he said. 3. “Would you like some juice?” Bill asked. “Yes, please,” Lisa said. 4. “May I give you some advice?" he said to the woman. 5. “I have a toothache,” the girl cried. 6. “Of course I’ll lend you the money,” her brother said to her. 7. “I’ll do my best to come back by 10 o’clock,” Wendy said to her mother. Unit 3 Lesson 7 65 [^D I Translate the sentences into English. 1. Нам предложили помощь. _____ 2. Он отказался идти на вечеринку._________________ 3. Мы посоветовали им позвонить врачу._____________ 4. Продавец отказался продать лекарство без рецепта. 5. Она обещала послать телеграмму вечером. 6. Она согласилась встретить его. ________________ 7. Они не приняли нашего приглашения. ____________ 8. Она пожаловалась, что у сына высокая температура. 9. Друзья не советовали ей ехать в Египет летом. Lessons 8,9 George Washington and Thomas Jefferson Get ready for your test j change these sentences into reported speech. 1. “I am tired." said Jane. _____________ 2. He asked her. “What are you reading?” 3. “Г11 come tomorrow,” he promised. __ 4. The teacher asked. “Where does Tom live?", 5. “What have you written?” the mother wondered. 6. "I played with my brother yesterday.” he said. 7. “I didn’t recommend this diet.” the doctor explained. 8. “We were playing football instead of doing our homework.” the boy admitted. [ 2 Underline the correct word. 1. Physical acihity / a trip abroad is important for good health. 2. Swimming, jogging and skating help us gain weight / lose weight. 3. A balanced diet contains a lot of fat / meat / vegetables /fruit / all sorts of healthy food. 4. If you have little time, ii.se convenience food / cook a big dinner. 66 Unit 3 Lessons 7, 8, 9 5. “If you gain more weight, it'll be dangerous for your health," the doctor warned / complained. 6. Tom went to the gym to barn calorie.s / to feel guilty. 7. Emma decided to lose weight and skipped supper / had three ice creams every day. 8. People with low .self-esteem / Physically active people may get anorexia. 9. I like this ice cream, it’s disgusting / delicious. 10. McDonald's is an expensive restaurant / a fast food restaurant. Q Fill in the gaps with much or many. 1. There is________sugar in the jar. 2. I have_________books at home. 3. Are there__________pupils in your class? 4. I don’t have_________time. Q Fill in the gaps with little or few. 1. There is____________butter in the fridge. 2. There are___________boys in the playground. 3. 1 have 4. She has time. _ toys. Q Fill in the gaps with little / a little / few / a few. 1. I have_____________books at home. It’s enough for the summer. 2. Tim has____________friends. He isn’t popular. 3. Would you like_____________milk? 4. There is___________milk in the fridge. I must go to the shop. CD Fill in the gaps with a / the / some. 1. I’d like 2. __________ . juice. 3. Have . juice is very tasty. _______piece of cake. 4. Give him 5. I need ice cream. ice cream is in the fridge. , cabbage to cook borscht. Rewrite the dialogue in reported speech. Use the words explained, complained, replied, admitted. Emma: What are you doing? Anna: I’m reading. Emma: Do you like the book? Anna: No, the book is not interesting. Emma: Would you like to go swimming with me? Anna: I’m afraid I can’t go with you. This is my homework. Emma: When 1 was in the ninth form, we also had to read a lot of books. Unit 3 Lessons 8, 9 67 Q Homework } Choose the correct answer. 1. The Boston Tea Party is a) a party that the British king organised for his American friends. b) a welcome party that the Bostonians organised for some important British politicians. c) the night when the Bostonians threw boxes of tea in the water as protest against British taxes. 2. The War of Independence was the war between a) the Americans and Indians. b) the Americans and Great Britain. c) the Americans and Great Britain on one side and France on the other. 3. I’he reason for the war was that a) the Americans wanted to get new territories. b) the Americans didn't want to pay taxes. c) the black slaves in America wanted freedom. 4. The Constitution is a) the document which made America an independent country. b) the document which describes how the American government should function. c) the name of a new American capital. 5. The Declaration of Independence is a) the document which made America a democratic country. b) the document which made George Washington the President of the USA. c) the document in which the USA declared their independence from Great Britain. [ В I Read the text about Thomas Jefferson again and write his short biography. Use extra information sources if you want to. 68 Unit 3 Lessons 8, 9 Write а short biography of any famous Russian politician or tsar. Use any source of information that is available to you. Lesson 10 Test yourself [ 1 } Listen to the conversation and tick the types of food that Emily eats during the day. Units Lesson 10 69 ( 2 ^ Listen to the conversation again and complete the sentences on Emily's diet. 1. Emily eats / doesn't eat a balanced diet. 2. She eats enough fruit / vegetables. 3. She doesn't eat enough dairy products / grains. 4. She eats very few vegetables / little meat. 5. She eats a lot of sweets /fruit. 6. Emily has her main meal in the afternoon / in the evening. 7. Before she goes to bed Emily has some coffee / a glass of milk. CD Fill in the gaps. Use much, many, a lot, few, little, more, fewer, less. 1. How______________milk would you like in your coffee? 2. You must eat_____________meat. It’s not very good for you. 3. If you eat___________carrots, your teeth and eyes will be very healthy. 4. If you want to lose weight, you should eat____________sugar. 5. How_____________servings of vegetables do I have to eat every day? — Four or five. 6. Next time Г11 put potatoes on your plate.— OK. Five potatoes are too many. ^4^ Change the sentences into reported speech. Use the sequence of tenses where necessary. 1. Peter said to his little brother, '‘You mustn't open this door.” 2. He asked, “Why do you always come home so late?” 3. She asked, “Was this man a doctor?” 4. Kate said to me, “I’ve finished your book. It was very interesting.” 5. The teacher said. “The Earth goes round the moon.’ 6. The British Prime Minister said, “Russia is a great country. 7. My friend asked me “Should I come to your place or stay at home?*^ CD Read the text for detail and answer the questions. Л Diamond Ring A merry group of friends was sitting on the terrace of a restaurant. The table was laid for four; two men and two women. The group of friends was eating fish and when dinner was finished one of the women said that very often diamonds and pearls were found inside fish. Everybody liked this topic, and they all remembered different stories about diamonds and fish. 70 Unit 3 Lesson 10 An old man who was sitting in the corner of the terrace came up to the group of friends. He said that he had heard their conversation and wanted to tell them a real story about fish. Everybody agreed, so the old man continued; “When I was a young man, I worked for a large importing company in New York. At that time I was in love with a pretty girl, and she told me that she loved me too. About two months before we got married I had to go to England. I left my girlfriend in New York and promised to write to her. She said that she’d wait for me. I had to stay in England longer than I’d planned, but finally 1 was ready to go back to New York. Just before my trip home, 1 had bought a very expensive diamond ring. It w'as a present for my future wife. “On my way home to New York. I read in the morning paper that my girl was marrying another man. It made me so angry that I threw the ring into the sea.” “A few days later when 1 was in a restaurant in New York, fish was served. While 1 was eating it. I felt something hard in my mouth. What do you think it was?” “The diamond ring!” cried the friends. “No,” said the old gentleman, “it was a fish bone.” 1. Why did the group of friends remember different .stories about fish and diamonds? 2. What did the old man promise to tell the group of friends? 3. Where did the old man live when he was young? 4. Why did he have to leave that place? 5. Who promised to wait for him? 6. What present did he buy for his future wife? 7. What did he do with the present? 8. What did he find in the fish when he was eating at the restaurant? 9. Was he surprised? Was the group of friends at the table surprised? 10. What’s the punch line of the joke in the story? Units Lesson 10 71 Учебное издание Кауфман Клара Исааковна Кауфман Марианна Юрьевна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Счастливый английский.РУ / Happy English.lu Рабочая тетрадь № 1 к учебнику для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Замдиректора по подготовке изданий С. В. Ширина Завредакдией учебных изданий по английскому языку К. И. Кауфман Консультант Пико Кэсиди Корректоры Г. А. Киселева, Г. П. Мартыненко Макет, верстка 8. КиН Иллюстрации А. Н, Мезриной, А. В, Савельевой, Е, В. Сергеевой Художественный редактор Е. А. 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Полиграфистов, 1. =ч Издательство “Титул” выпускает единую линию учебно-методических комплектов для 5-9-х классов “Счастливый английский.ру” / “Happy English.ru”: для 5 класса (1 -й год обучения) — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради № 1,2 с раздаточным материалом, аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3), учебное пособие “Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь” (серия “Проверь себя”) для 5 класса (4-й год обучения) — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради № 1, 2 с раздаточным материалом, аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3) для 6 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради №1,2 с раздаточным материалом, аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3), учебное пособие “Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь” (серия “Проверь себя”) для 7 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради №1,2 с раздаточным материалом, аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3), учебное пособие “Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь” (серия “Проверь себя”) для 8 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради №1,2 с раздаточным материалом, аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3), учебное пособие “Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь” (серия “Проверь себя”) для 9 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради № 1, 2, аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3), учебное пособие “Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь" (серия “Проверь себя”) Авторская программа курса Интернет-поддержка учебников и дополнительные материалы: — на сайте www.titul.ru — на интернет-портале www.englishteachers.ru I По вопросам приобретения книг следует обращаться в издательство “Титул”: 249035, г. 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