Английский язык 8 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 2

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 8 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Happy English (Хэппи Инглиш):

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К. Kaufman М. Kaufman £J \ №3 . ■■ Г'^ 1 J fc b: ^t-j Ш :1 1 ■..mi'-t %o ШЬ xbis tbm, iTbt 3^n Oui 3ft Once Once Oi 3J ЙЭ.1 V/i/r' \ к. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Счастливый английский.РУ/ Happy English.ru Рабочая тетрадь № 2 С раздаточным материалом к учебнику для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений и 3 Д А Т т и Е л т ь с т у в О л Т I т и L PUBLISHERS 2010 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 КЗО УДК 802.0(075.3) УМК “Счастливый английский.ру” / “Happy English.ru” II для 8-го класса включает следующие компоненты: || ® учебник II т книгу для учителя || ш рабочие тетради № 1, 2 с раздаточным материалом II ® аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3) # учебное пособие “Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь” По вопросам приобретения книг следует обращаться в издательство “Титул”; 249035, г. Обнинск Калужской обл., а/я 5055, тел.; (48439) 9-10-09, факс: (48439) 9-10-00, e-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). Информация об УМК находится на сайте www.englishteachers.ru К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман КЗО Английский язык: Рабочая тетрадь № 2 с раздаточным материалом к учебнику Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru для 8 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2010.— 64 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-429-8 Рабочие тетради №1,2 входят в состав УМК “Счастливый английский.ру” для 8-го класса. Предназначены для выполнения письменных заданий в классе и дома. В них помещены контрольные задания разделов учебника. Каждая рабочая тетрадь также включает в себя раздаточный материал, необходимый для работы на уроке (раздел Cut Out). В рабочей тетради № 1 помещен мини-словарь, включающий лексику, которая содержится в учебниках серии “Счастливый английский.ру” для 5-7-х классов. ББК81.2АНГЛ-922 Учебное издание Кауфман Клара Исааковна Кауфман Марианна Юрьевна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru Рабочая тетрадь № 2 с раздаточным материалом к учебнику для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Замдиректора по подготовке изданий С. 6. Ширина Редактор английского текста Пико Кэсиди Корректоры Г. А. Киселева, Г. П. Мартыненко Оформление обложки Н. А. Валяевой Иллюстрации А. В. Савельевой Макет, верстка В. КиН Художественный редактор Е. А. Валяева Цифровая обработка изображений Л. Н. Новоселова Лицензия ид № 00416 от 10.11.99. Санитарно-эпидемиологическое заключение о соответствии санитарным правиш-м РФ №Д.001105.01.10 от 26.01.2010. Подписано в печать 16.07.2010. Формат 60x84/8. Гарнитура “Таймс”. Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная. Уел. печ. л. 7,47. Уч.-изд. л. 5,36. Усл. кр.-отт. 8,4. Тир. 30000 экз. Зак. № 3246. Издательство “Титул”. 249035, г. Обнинск, Калужская обл., а/я 5055. Тел. (48439) 9-10-09. E-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (ошеныз Отпечатано в полном соответствии с качеством предоставленных издательством материалов в ОАО «Тверской ордена Трудового Красксго Знамени полиграфкомбинат детской литературы им. 50-летия СССР=. 170040, г. Тверь, проспект 50 лет Октября, 46. © К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман, 2006 © Издательство “Титул”, дизайн, © К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман. 2008^с ISBN 978-5-86866-429-8 © Издательство “Титул”, дизайн, Bocnpcisss;!—-*^ Йюи libera hew life for every ^^ahgudg^you speak English! 1 ^ Translate into English. 1. Его знания по математике лучше, чем мои. 2. Его советы помогают. Они всегда полезные. 3. “Где мои деньги?” — “Я положил их на стол”.— 4. В этом тексте мало информации. 5. Сколько денег вам нужно? — 2 } Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Translate into Russian. 1. What are you doing? — I__________________________(look for) my book. 2. I like Granny Pasha very much. She (look after) me when I was a child. 3. If you don’t know the word, you should (look it up) in a dictionary. 4. Don’t (look at) her. She’s crying. 3 j Translate the verbs in brackets into English and complete the sentences. 1. When she_____________(искала) her keys, she found her pen. 2. Mary asked a woman, “Have you ever___________________(присматривали) a child?” 3. __________(Посмотрите) at this woman. She looks nice, doesn’t she? 4. You won’t be able to translate this text until you____(посмотрите) all the words in a dictionary. 5. I’m____________ 6. She____________ (жду c нетерпением) meeting this man. (похожа) her mother. Unit 4 Lessons 1,2 3 Homework ^ [ А j When you do something, you do it for a reason. That's your motivation. Look at different why people learn English. Rewrite the sentences according to the model. Model: I learn English because I want be able to find a good job.— I learn English to be able to find a good job. reasons I learn English because I want to be able to make friends in other countries v~~ I learn English because I want to study languages at university. /Тlearn English because I want to be able to travel all over the world. I also want to \be able to understand people everywhere. I learn English because I want to be the best student in my school. [ В J Which of these reasons can be a motivation for you? Why? Why not? Write a composition about it (5-10 sentences). Start with your motivation. You can use information and ideas from the text. Unit 4 Lessons 1, 2 f с j Match two parts of the dialogues. \шятв10 1. — I don’t know this word, 2. — I can’t find my keys. 3 _ My friend Tom is going to come soon. 4. — Where are you? 5. — How will I find her? I’ve never seen her before! 6. — But my sister can’t fly to Moscow alone. She’s only ten! a) — Look for the red car. I’ll be there. b) — You should look it up in the dictionary. c) — A flight attendant will look after her. Don’t worry. d) — Look for them in your bag. e) — It’s easy. She looks like her mother. f) — Is he? I look forward to seeing him! Lesson 3 I must learn English to... [ 1 j Choose the correct answers for the questions. More than one answer can be correct. Use must or have to. 1. What do you have to / must do to understand native speakers (носители языка)? a) go to a summer school in England b) listen to English songs c) learn the grammar rules d) watch films in English e) listen to tapes and repeat after the speaker f) put on headphones and go to bed 2. What do you have to do to be able to talk to native speakers? a) read adapted versions of English books b) read English newspapers c) spell words correctly d) learn a lot of texts, songs and poems by heart e) get a good English accent f) learn the rules of reading g) do a lot of exercises in writing 3. What do you have to do to read English books and newspapers? a) buy a good dictionary b) write down new words and learn them c) listen to English songs d) learn a lot of texts by heart e) study as much as you can f) watch films and TV programmes in English [ 2 J Расположите ответы к упр. 1 в порядке их значимости по вашему мнению. What do you think you must do? Unit 4 Lessons 1, 2, 3 © Circle the correct verb. 1. Fve had a cold for three days already. I ... eat ice cream, a) must b) didn’t have to c) should 2. My tooth hurts. I ... go to the dentist, a) must b) have to c) should 3. You have a stomachache. You ... eat chips and sweets, a) mustn’t b) don’t have to c) can’t 4. Her head hurts. She ... take some aspirin, a) must b) should c) had to 5. If you have a sore throat, you’ll ... go to the doctor, a) must b) have to c) should Put in the correct verb. Choose from have to, must, should. Translate into Russian. 1. You won’t______________make him write that letter. I’ll do it. 2. Your friends don’t______________meet me. I know the address. 3. He looks pale. He_______________(not) spend so much time at the computer. 4. He_______________make some money, so he__________________work on Sundays. 5. The text is difficult, so you 6. Her mum was very ill, so she look up all the words in the dictionary, look after her. [^5^ Translate into English. 1. Им не придется переводить этот текст на английский язык. 2. Тебе не нужно помогать мне. 3. Он собирается поехать в Англию. Ему нужно много заниматься. 4. Ему пришлось много работать, чтобы заработать деньги. 5. У нее болит зуб. Ей придется пойти к зубному врачу. Ей следует есть меньше конфет. 6. Ты не должен здесь курить. Unit 4 Lesson 3 ^ Homework ^ ««••••••••••••в 1 А J Think of the aims you chose in Ex. 7. Choose the best ways to achieve them in Ex. 4 and fill in the table. Aim 1 To have a very good English accent. Aim 2 Aim 3 Ideas for learning English To listen to English tapes and CDs and repeat the words after the speakers. В j Choose any aim. Write advice for English learners who want to improve their English. Model: If you want to have a very good English accent, you will have to listen to English tapes and CDs and repeat words after the speakers. Unit 4 Lesson 3 Lessons ^f5 is your English good enough? Rewrite the sentences and fill in the gaps with too or enough. 1. You aren’t making any progress in English. You don’t work 2. There wasn’t... salt in the soup.— 3. We couldn’t understand him. He was speaking ... fast.— 4. I’m afraid I don’t have ... time to talk to you. 5. He looks tired. He has been working ... much. 6. I haven’t read the book to the end. It wasn’t interesting ....— 2 I Translate into English. 1. Четырех лет достаточно, чтобы знать английский хорошо. 2. В чае было слишком много сахару. 3. Он работает недостаточно хорошо. 4. Он съел слишком много конфет. 5. Вы сделали слишком много ошибок. 6. Вопросы были достаточно легкие. (^*3^ Read the story and find the correct translation for the word ride: a) набег b) прогулка c) поездка d) ездить верхом I'm Steve. On holiday I went to a place in France called Brive* It took two days to get there. Every morning we had to walk to the bakery in the centre of the village to get bread for the family. In the first week we were there we went to an adventure park. We couldn't go on many rides because we were too young or too old or it was a water ride. The things we went on were: the giant wheel, bumper cars and a big bumpy slide. Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 [ 4 J Answer the questions. 1. Where did Steve go on holiday? 2. How long did it take them to get there? 3. Why did they have to walk to the centre of the village? 4. Where did they go in the first week? 5. Why couldn’t they go on many rides? СЮ Match the problems for Mr Help's answers. Ann: I don’t understand the tasks in English. Vasya: I don’t remember words. Petya: I can’t translate the texts. Rita: I can’t make questions. Kolya: I can’t answer the questions. Sveta: I don’t understand what the speaker on the cassette says. Valya: I don’t answer the teacher’s questions because I’m afraid to make a mistake. Ask Mr Help How to learn English 1. Ask your teacher to help you translate the words you don’t know or look them up in the dictionary. 2. Make lists of new words, and translate and transcribe them. Stick them up around your home to help you learn them. Every time (каждый раз) you see your list, read five words out loud (вслух). Try to learn 2-3 words at a time (за один раз). You won’t remember more. You can also make cards. Write a word on a small card. On the other side of the card write the translation. Check yourself if you have time. 3. Ignore (не обращайте внимание) the words that you don’t need to know to understand the text. Use the context to help you guess the meaning of words. Find the verb and define its form. Use the dictionary only for important words that you can’t guess. 4. Before you listen, look for something that will help you understand the text. For example, the title, pictures. Look at the tasks and read the questions and try to guess the answers. You should have your own cassettes of this textbook and listen to them as often as you can. 5. Look at the Grammar Reference in this textbook. Your teacher will show you which pages you need to revise (повторить). If you don’t know how to say something, ask your teacher for help. 6. Revise rules of reading and the transcription symbols that will help you read any word. 2 Рабочая тетрадь №2 для 8 кл. "Happy English' Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 Homework * A What is your main problem with English? What should you do to solve it? Write 5-7 sentences about it. Lesson 6 Where does the Russian language come from? Before you start. 1. Do you know the name Jerome Klapka Jerome? 2. Is he a singer, a sportsman, a writer, a scientist? 3. What is this man's most famous work? Scan the first paragraph and find the answers for the questions of Ex. 1. Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859-1927) was an English writer. He became world-famous for his humorous book ‘Hhree Men in a Boat”. You are going to read an extract from the book. 3 Read the text for detail. Jerome K. Jerome A comic song We were a company of young Englishmen and one day our friend invited us to a party. It was a very nice party. We wore our best clothes, and we talked about smart things. We discussed philosophy and literature. Somebody recited a French poem after supper, and it was beautiful; and then a lady sang a ballad in Spanish that was also very nice. We were very happy, all except two young students who had just returned from Germany. These ordinary young men found the party boring. They didn’t understand our brilliant conversation and our high-class tastes. Then these two young men got up and said, “Our German professor, Herr Slossenn Boschen, has just come to the party. He is a famous person. He can sing the funniest comic song you have ever heard. He sang it in front of the German emperor and the Emperor had a lot of fun.” We had never heard about Herr Slossenn Boschen, but nobody said that. The students didn’t give up. “You should listen to him,” they said. When he sings this song, his face is very serious. You may think that he is singing about something very sad. That makes it even funnier!” 1 0 Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5, 6 We wanted to have a good laugh and the students brought Herr Slossenn Boschen into the room. He came at once and sat down to the piano. “Oh, it will be great. You’ll laugh,” whispered the two young men, as they passed through the room and stood behind the Professor’s back. Herr Slossenn Boschen started to play. The beginning was very sad and even a bit creepy. But we just thought that it was a special German song and smiled. In fact, I don’t understand German. I learned it at school, but forgot every word of it two years after I had left, and have felt much better since then. But I didn’t want to show my ignorance. Every intelligent person should understand German! So I had a very good idea. I looked at the German students and copied their behaviour. When they smiled, I smiled, when they laughed, I laughed too. Very soon I noticed that a lot of people followed my example. They looked at the faces of the two young men and laughed when they laughed. All went well, but the German professor did not look very happy. At first, when we began to laugh, he looked at us with a surprise in his eyes. But we laughed again and again and he looked more and more angry. We thought this very funny: we said his serious manner was half the humour. He finished and we cheered and applauded. We said it was the funniest thing we had ever heard in all our lives. “You should translate this wonderful song into English, so that everybody can enjoy it,” we said. Then Herr Slossenn Boschen got up... He swore at us in German, and he danced, and he jumped and he called us all the bad words he knew. He said he had never been so angry in all his life. The song was not a comic song at all. It was a tragic ballad about a young girl who had given up her life to save her lover, but he died and met her ghost... I’m not sure of the details, but it was something very sad. It was a bad situation. What could we say? We looked around for the two young men who had done this, but they had left the house quickly after the end of the song. So that was the end of that party. We went home very quietly and tried not to look at each other. I have never listened to German songs since then. In what order did the things happen? a) Everybody laughed when the professor sang the song. b) A friend invited a company of young Englishmen to a party. c) Two students from Germany found the party boring. d) After the professor had sung the song he got very angry. e) Students discussed philosophy and literature. f) A German professor sang a song. g) A lady sang a ballad in Spanish. [”5^ Answer the questions. 1. Who had a lot of fun? — 2. Who got very angry? — _ 3. Who pretended to know more than they did? Unit 4 Lesson 6 II J Circle the correct answer. More than one answer can be correct. 1. At the party there were a) English and Germans, b) Germans and French, c) Germans, French and Italians. 2. The Germans didn’t like the party because a) they didn’t like the food, b) they just returned from Germany, c) they didn’t understand English. 3. The German professor came to the party a) to have fun. b) to give a lecture, c) to sing a song. 4. The English at the party a) understood German, b) didn’t understand German, c) didn’t want to show that they didn’t understand German. 5. Everybody laughed when the German professor sang because a) the song was funny, b) the German students were laughing. 6. The German professor was angry because a) everybody was laughing, b) he was hungry, c) they didn’t pay him. 7. The song was about a) tragic love story, b) something funny, c) a girl and her lover. 8. What do you think are the main ideas of the story? a) You should always laugh when you hear a joke or an anecdote. b) You should never pretend (притворяться) to know more than you really do. c) It is very important to know foreign languages. d) It is right to say that you don’t know or don’t understand something. e) You shouldn’t speak a foreign language if the people around you don’t understand it. Homework Listen to the conversation and say: Have the friends found the book? Read the conversation and answer the questions. 1. What did Emily do when her computer broke down? 2. What did Emily do when she didn’t find her book? 3. Does Misha believe that Emily can explain everything? Misha Mark Misha Rob Misha: Mark: Misha: Mark: Misha: Mark: Rob: So what happened yesterday? Have you been to Emily’s room? Yes, and look what we’ve found! It’s your family history book. Where did you find it? It was in Emily's room. When her computer broke down, she was working on the book. She was so upset that she forgot about everything and ran to Andrew for help. She forgot to hide the book and lock the door. So it’s Emily. I still don’t believe it. We must talk to her about it. I’m sure she’ll explain everything. I’m afraid you won’t be able to talk to her. What do you mean? She’s gone. You won’t find her anywhere. But why? I think she came back to her room, didn’t find her book and understood everything. She got scared and ran away. But before she left she had done a very good thing — she had translated the second part of our story. 12 Unit 4 Lesson 6 Lesson 10 Test yourself 1 1 I Listen to the stories and fill in the file. Why does he / she learn English? What does he / she do to learn it better? Sveta Alex Mary Fill in the gaps. Use must or have to in the positive or negative form. 1. If you want to make progress, you__________ work regularly. 2. You________________open this window. It may fall. 3. I_________eat more vegetables and fruit. They are good for me. ________________pay for this book. It’s a present. 4. You________________ 5. You________________interrupt your teacher. 6. My grandmother____________________work. Her husband had earned enough money. i 3 J Write about English in your life. Use the questions for help. 1. Why are you learning English? — _______________________________________________ 2. Do you think you’ll use it after school (for your job)? 3. Have you ever visited England or America? — 4. Do you think you'll ever visit England or America? — 5. Why do so many people in the world speak English? 6. What should you do to learn English better? — Unit 4 Lesson 10 13 4 In pairs. Get ready and act out the dialogues in front of your teacher. Dialogue 1 A— Скажите другу, что у него очень большой словарный запас. В — Поблагодарите за комплимент. А— Расскажите о своей проблеме с английским языком. Вы все время забываете новые слова. В — Посоветуйте другу купить хороший словарь, чтобы проверять по нему значение новых слов, выписывать их в тетрадь и составлять предложения с новыми словами. А— Поблагодарите друга за совет. ■t Dialogue 2 А— У вас есть проблема с английским языком. Вам трудно понимать речь дикторов на кассете. В — Посоветуйте другу больше слушать кассеты и повторять за диктором, а также расширять свой словарный запас. А— Спросите, как расширять словарный запас. В — Посоветуйте больше читать по-английски и слушать английские песни, а также учить тексты наизусть. А— Спросите мнение друга, сможете ли вы улучшить свой английский за год. В — Ободрите друга. Скажите, что он (она) очень умный (ая) и у него (нее) все получится, А— Поблагодарите за комплимент. 14 Unit 4 Lesson 10 Fihdf'your way in the world Ffcinto oiinf<5rmation Lesson T Mass media 1 Translate into Russian. 1. Never lend money to anybody if you don't want to have enemies. 2. You borrow somebody's money, but have to pay back yours.— 3. You should always observe the due date if you borrow something from somebody. 4. He never borrows money from anybody, but he often lends it. Choose lend or borrow. Jack goes to a restaurant to have dinner. He aways _______________money from his friends and never pays it back. Simon asks to__________________$20 ... from him. Jack Simon the money _____money from and says, ‘‘I have never_____ you, so now you can pay for my dinner." Homework ^ Fill in the gaps. Use lend or borrow. 1. Some people____________money from the bank. 2. Can I 3. You can 4. Kate 5. I don’t like to 6. Who________ _ your pen for the day? I’ve left mine at home. ___this book. I’ve already read it. me her bicycle. I’ve lost mine. ________my things to people. you this bag? My sister did. Translate into English. 1. Какие источники информации самые надежные? — 2. “Вы когда-нибудь бывали в затруднительных ситуациях?" — “Да". Unit 5 Lesson 1 15 3. Телевидение, радио и газеты являются средствами массовой информации.— 4. Он проверил информацию, прежде чем написал статью.— 5. У него есть доступ к Интернету. Это поможет ему подготовить доклад. — Lesson 2 Broadsheets and tabloids Homework * ... A Complete the sentences with the following words and expressions. intriguing headlines, broadsheets, tabloids, reliable, serious things, The Times 1. There are two main types of newspapers in the UK:___ 2. _____________are bigger and heavier, they write about information is usually very____________. and and their 3. The English Queen starts her day with one of them:_____________. 4. ______________are smaller, they have more pictures and photos than serious information, but a lot of people prefer them, because they are more fun. Their__________attract millions of readers every day. В Be ready to talk about a Russian newspaper. Use the questions as a plan. 1. What kind of newspaper is it? — ____________________________________________________ 2. Do you buy it or borrow it from someone? 9 _ 3. How reliable is the information in it? — 4. What does the newspaper write about? 5. Are there many photos and intriguing headlines in it? 6. What kind of people read it? 7. Why is it interesting for you? 16 Units Lessons 1 and 2 lessons 3,4 When was the Russian State Library founded? Underline the passive form of the verbs. Translate into Russian. 1. The car was bought last month.— ___________________ 2. The letters were sent yesterday.— _________________ 3. The keys weren’t found.— __________________________ 4. Where was the treasure hidden? — 5. Was anything lost two days ago? — 6. What was done by you last year? — 7. The book was stolen, wasn’t it? — _ 8. Helory was killed by the Romans.— 9. Why weren’t the due dates observed? — Отметьте знаком (+) предложения, в которых действие совершалось лицом или предметом, и знаком (-) предложения, в которых действие совершалось над лицом или предметом. 1. The wind broke the window. 2. The window was broken by the wind. 3. The dog dug a hole. 4. The hole was dug by the dog. 5. The bag wasn’t found. 6. He didn’t find his bag. 7. The Normans attacked the English. 8. The English were attacked by the Normans. 9. When was paper invented by the Chinese? 10. When did the Chinese invent paper? 11. Why did they do it? 12. New computer programmes were used in this project. 13. He used a new programme in the project. Change the sentences from the Active voice to the Passive voice. Model: They built the house five years ago. — The house was built five years ago, 1. Somebody caught the robber red-handed (c поличным).— ______________ 2. Somebody wrote the book in 1974.— 3. They invited a lot of guests to the party. 4. They made a campfire.— 5. Somebody put up a tent near the river.— 3 Рабочая тетрадь №2 для 8 кл. "Happy English". Unit 5 Lessons 3, 4 17 L 4 Put in the correct form of the verb to be. 1. His birthday_________celebrated last Sunday. 2. The girls’ backpacks__________carried by the boys. 3. Mitya__________bullied by Vasya and Petya. 4. When___________mobile phones invented? 5. How many phone calls____________made yesterday? 5 Put the verbs in brackets in the Passive voice and complete the sentences. 1. Millions of books_____________in Russia last year, (publish) 2. The ring_____________^ to the clan, (show) 3. _____________the dog_______________at 6 a.m.? (walk) 4. The coffee 5. When ______by my granny, (make) the telephone_____________? (invent) 6 Translate into English. 1. Письмо написали вчера. 2. Ключи потеряли в библиотеке. 3. Елку нарядили 20 декабря. 4. Окна не помыли на прошлой неделе.— 5. Еду купили вечером. 6. Домашняя работа не была сделана вчера.— 7 Underline the passive form of the verbs. Translate into Russian. 1. Millions of e-mails are sent and received every day.— ___ 2. The books about Harry Potter are translated into Russian. They are written by an English writer J. K. Rowling.— ________________________________________________________________________ 3. The shops in England are closed on Sundays. 4. Application forms are filled in by the readers in England. 5. What ingredients are used to make pizza? — 1 8 Unit 5 Lessons 3, 4 6. England is visited by millions of tourists every year. 7. New computer programs are used in this project.— 8 Change the sentences from the Active voice to the Passive voice, 1. People decorate their houses for Christmas in England.— 2. They send millions of Christmas greetings by e-mail.— 3. They build a lot of houses in Moscow every year. 4. He reads this newspaper every day.— 5. They don’t wash the streets every day. 6. They are using a new computer program is in this project. 7. English readers observe due dates. 9 Put the verbs in brackets in the Passive voice. 1. Mobile phones________________by millions of people, (use) 2. When Bonfire Night in England? (celebrate) 3. A lot of animals 4. What berries every year, (kill) _________in your garden? (grow) 5. On Bonfire Night a figure of the guy________on top of a bonfire, (put) 10 Translate into English. 1. Квартиру убирают каждый день.— ___________________________________ 2. Телефоны используют часто.— ______________________________________ 3. Окна не моют каждый день.— _______________________________________ 4. Еду покупают каждый день.— _______________________________________ 5. Этот фильм показывают часто.— 6. Елку наряжают каждый год.— _ 7. Новые компьютерные программы используются в этом проекте.— 8. Сроки возврата книг соблюдаются.— Unit 5 Lessons 3, 4 19 1 1 I Underline the passive form of the verbs. Translate into Russian. 1. The flat will be cleaned tomorrow,— ___ _______ 2. Bonfires will be made on Guy Fawkes Day.— 3. When will the food be bought? 4. The Christmas tree will be decorated on 20 December. 5. Where will this film be shown? 6. The book won’t be published in August. i 12J Change the sentences from the Active voice to the Passive voice. 1. She will write a letter tomorrow.— ____ 2. He’ll make some money in three months.— 3. Lena will get an e-mail next week.— 4. They’ll show this film on TV. 5. They’ll read the story tomorrow.— 6. They won’t be able to discuss this question in 10 minutes. Put in the correct form of the verb to be. 1. The treasure_______________found in three years. 2. The fax 3. The robber 4. The film sent in five minutes. ___caught next month. 5. The books shown next week, collected in two hours. Put the verbs in brackets in the Passive voice and complete the sentences. 1. His fax________________________tomorrow, (send) 2. The reports_________________________at the conference next week, (translate) 3. The contract________________________in a week, (sign) 20 Unit 5 Lessons 3, 4 4. Tents 5. The windows by the boys, (put up) ______tomorrow, (clean) I 15 r Translate into English. 1. Контракт будет подписан в следующем месяце.— 2. Дом будет построен в следующем году.— 3. Письмо будет получено завтра.— 4. Тексты будут переведены моим другом. 1 6 I Маке questions. Start with the words in brackets. 1. The flat will be cleaned tomorrow. (What) _ 2. Bonfires will be made on Guy Fawkes Day. (When) 3. The robber will be caught. (Will) 4. The Christmas tree will be decorated on 20 December. (When ) 5. The film will be shown on TV. (Will) 6. The book will be published in August. (When) 117] Circle the correct form of the verb. 1. The tents ... last year. a) bought b) were bought c) are bought d) was bought 2. A lot of faxes ... every day. a) is sent b) were sent c) sent d) are sent 3. A lot of guests ... to the party next Saturday. a) will be invited b) invited c) is invited d) invite 4. They ... the fax at 5 o’clock yesterday. a) is received b) received c) will be received d) receive [is] Circle the correct translation of the underlined words. 1. The houses are decorated every winter, a) украшали b) украшают c) украсят 2. The film will be shown on TV. a) показывают b) показали c) покажут 3. The contract was signed last month, a) подписали b) подпишут c) подписывают Unit 5 Lessons 3, 4 21 Homework » * » А Look through the texts on page 47 in the Workbook Nol and answer the questions. 1. When was ink invented? — 2. Was this invention made by the Egyptians or by the Chinese? — 3. What was used to make ink? 4. The oldest piece of paper was found in Egypt, wasn't it? — 5. Where was the first official stamp invented? — 6. Why is the stamp called the Penny Black? — 7. What was invented by Samuel Morse? — 8. What is transmitted with the help of the telegraph? — 9. Who was e-mail invented by? — В Rewrite the sentences in the Passive voice. Model: Somebody robbed the house last year.— The house was robbed last year. When did they rob the house? — When was the house robbed? 1. Somebody lost the keys in the garden.— __________________________ 2. Somebody will send an e-mail tomorrow. 3. Somebody has borrowed this book.— 4. They will charge a fine. 5, They make phone calls every day.— 6. When did they publish the book? 7. What did they use to make pizza? 22 Unit 5 Lessons 3, 4 _________________ The library rules ^^^® passive form of the verbs. Translate into Russian 1. Look! The fax is being sent.— ______________________ 2. The problem is being discussed now.— 3. The coffee is being made at the moment.— ____ 4. The contracts are being translated at the moment.— 5. Homework is being done at the moment.— 6. The document is being printed out at the moment. 7. A photocopy of the text is being made at the moment. 2 ^ Change the sentences from the Active voice to the Passive voice. 1, Somebody is decorating the house at the moment.— ______ 2. Somebody is building the house at the moment. 3. Somebody is packing his backpack at the moment. 4. Somebody is doing a test at the moment.— 3 Put in verbs in brackets in the Passive voice. 1. The Christmas tree_____________ 2. My room________________________ 3. The cake 4. The contracts 5. A TV programme______ 1 4 Translate into English. 1 Смотри, дом строится. 2 Документ печатают.— 3 Сообщение отправляют. 4 Елку украшают. — ____ 5 Пирог печется.— _____ 6 Мясо жарится.— ______ at the moment, (decorate) at the moment, (clean) at the moment, (make) ___at the moment, (sign) _______at the moment, (watch) Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 23 CD Underline the passive form of the verbs. Translate into Russian. 1. The meat was being fried.— ____________________________ 2. The rooms were being cleaned.— 3. The film was being watched.— _ dJ 4. When she came home, the baby was being washed.— ________________ Put in the correct form of the verb to be in the Passive voice. 1. The problem___________________________discussed when he phoned. 2. The letter 3. The e-mail 4. The note printed out when he phoned. _ sent when he phoned. read when he phoned. ©Translate into English. Когда они пришли... ^ программу обсуждали.-сообщение отправляли, елку украшали.— ____ пирог пекли.— ______ мясо жарилось.— ____ с фильм смотрели.— Underline the passive form of the verbs. Translate into Russian. 1. The letters have just been sent.— _____________________ 2. The houses have already been built.— __________________ 3. The contract has already been signed.—_________________ 4. The film has already been shown.— _____________________ 5. Nothing has been done to help him.— ___________________ 6. The decision has already been made.— __________________ 7. The guests have already been invited.— ________________ 8. The fine has already been paid.— ______________________ 9. Two photocopies of the text have already been made.— [ 9^ Change the sentences from the Active voice to the Passive voice. 1. He has already read the book.— __________________________ 2. They haven’t found the robber yet.- 3. He has already done his homework. 4. She has already made a cake.— __ 5. The police haven’t caught the robber yet.— 6. He has just told the truth.— ____________ 7. They haven’t walked the dog yet.— 24 Units Lessons 5, 6 1 о I Put in the correct form of the verb to be in the Passive voice. 1. The film____already______seen. 2. The letter____just_____sent. 3. The work______already______done. 4. All the equipment_____already______bought. 5. A phone call_____just_____made. 6. A lot of friends___already______invited. Qjj Put in the verbs in brackets in the Passive voice. Make questions for the underlined words. 1. A lot of postcards (write) already.— ____________________________________________ 2. Ten pictures already (take).— 3. The book (sell) already.— 4. A campfire just (makej.— 5. The lights (turn off) just. 02^ Translate into English. 1. Программа уже обсуждена.— 2. Сообщение уже отправлено.- 3. Елку уже нарядили.— ______ 4. Пирог только что испекли.— 5. Мясо только что пожарили.— 6. Фильм только что показали.— ПТ) Fill in the gaps. Circle the correct variant. 1. The keys already. a) were found b) found c) have been found d) was being found 2. The book __________________twenty years ago. a) is written b) was written c) have been written d) had been written 3. The first stamp_________________in England in 1837. a) invented b) is being invented c) was invented d) will be invented 4. Red Square___________________by millions of tourists next year. a) is visited b) visit c) has been visited d) will be visited 5. Every year thousands of presents________________________________ before New Year. a) will be sold b) are sold c) have been sold d) are being sold 4 Рабочая тетрадь №2 для 8 кл. "Happy English". Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 25 14 i Scan the text and find the correct answer. The text is about a) a monument, named after Cleopatra. b) the Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra. c) the ship Cleopatra. 15 I Read the text and do the tasks. Cleopatra’s Needle A tall stone column stands by the river Thames in London. It is made of red granite, is about 21 metres high, weighs about 180 tons and is inscribed with hieroglyphs. It is called Cleopatra’s Needle because it was brought to London from Alexandria, the royal capital of Cleopatra, the Queen of Egypt. It is the oldest object in London and it has been standing by the Thames for over a hundred years. But a hundred years is a very small part of its long history. The column was originally erected in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis on the orders of Thutmose III in 1450 B.C. It was put outside the temple of Osiris, the sun god. The inscriptions were added about two hundred years later by Ramses II to commemorate his military victories. The column stood by the temple for many centuries, and time had no power over it. But people did. Two thousand years ago they decided to move it. The Needle’s journey across continents and oceans began. It was dragged through the desert to Alexandria in 12 B.C. when the Romans invaded Egypt and built their temples there. The column was put by the Roman temple. After three hundred years the Romans left Egypt and their great temple became a ruin, but the column wasn’t destroyed. In 1819 the column was presented to the UK by the King of Egypt to commemorate the victory of Lord Nelson at the Battle of the Nile. It was difficult to transport the column to England. The ships at that time were too small for the heavy column. Finally, it was decided to build a ship around the column. A mad idea, but can you think of a better plan? The stone monument was placed in a metal tube. A deck was built on top of the tube, but there were no sails and no engine. It could only float, and was pulled through the water by a tugboat. The floating tube was named the Cleopatra. Six brave men went to the sea on the Cleopatra. Their job was to steer and watch the tow rope. After twenty days at sea there was a bad storm. Waves crashed high over the Cleopatra’s deck. The Cleopatra was going to sink, so people cut the tow rope and called to the tug-boat for help. The tug’s captain came just in time and saved the men. Everybody thought that the Cleopatra had been lost. Months went by and there was no news of the monument. But the Cleopatra hadn’t sunk. To everyone’s surprise, she was found at sea, after floating on her own for three months. In 1878 the Needle’s journey came to an end. It was put on the bank of the river Thames in London. A collection of objects was buried under the column. The objects were chosen to show people in the future what life in London was like in 1878. Here is a list of some of the objects they bured: 1. a picture of Queen Victoria 2. a baby’s feeding bottle 3. British coins 4. a railway timetable 5. men’s clothes 6. a box of cigars 7. a cheap razor 8. the Bible 9. some women’s hairpins 10. some women’s clothes 11. a book of photographs 12. a ruler 13. a map of London 14. some newspapers 15. some children’s toys 26 Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 i 1 6 Circle the correct answer. w 1. The column is called Cleopatra’s Needle because a) it is the name of the queen, b) it was brought from the city where Cleopatra lived, c) it is as old as the Queen of Egypt. 2. Cleopatra’s Needle is a) one hundred years old. b) two thousand years old. c) three thousand five hundred years old. 3. The column was made in a) Egypt, b) Rome, c) England. 4. The monument’s first journey was to a) Alexandria, b) Rome, c) London. 5. The new temple was destroyed because a) the Romans left Egypt, b) the Romans invaded England, c) nobody looked after the temple. 6. The column was presented to the United Kingdom a) to save it. b) to commemorate military victory of Ramses II. c) to commemorate military victory of Admiral Nelson. ( 1 7 Answer the questions. 1. Why was it decided to build a ship around the column? — __ 2. Why did people on the Cleopatra’s crew have to cut the tow rope? 3. Was the Cleopatra saved? — 4. Where was she found? 5. Where and when was it placed? — 6. What was buried under the column? — 1 8 Copy the sentences in the Passive voice and translate them into Russian. 1 9 Match the objects that were buried under the column and some pictures. Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 27 ... 20J What was important for British people in 1 878? I 21 j What did the ladies look like? What did the gentlemen look like? 22 j What would you put in a box to give people in the future an idea of life today? Why? Model: Fd put in a model of the plane to show how fast we could travel 28 Units Lessons 5, 6 • ••#*# Га^ You need to borrow three books: "Doctor Zhivago", "Three Men in a Boat" and "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes". Check your online search results and say: 1. Who is the author of “Doctor Zhivago”? - “Three Men in a Boat”? — The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”? 2. Where and when were these books published? 3. Which of these books are available at the moment? — 4. When will the other books be returned? — a Author Title Published Description Jerome K. Jerome (Jerome Klapka Jerome), 1859-1927 “Three Men in a Boat”, with an introduction and notes by Jeremy Lewis London: Penguin, 1999 361 p. THIS BOOK IS SHELVED AT AVAILABILITY Short Loan Collection in library Author Title Published Description Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich, 1890-1960 “Doctor Zhivago”: novel / Boris Pasternak Moskva: “Sovetskaya Rossiya”, 1989 639 p. THIS BOOK IS SHELVED AT AVAILABILITY Main shelves On loan until April Author Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 1859-1930 Title “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” Published London: J. Murray, 1974 Description 317 p. THIS BOOK IS SHELVED AT AVAILABILITY Main shelves On loan until May Units Lessons 5, 6 29 Tesf yourself 1 Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. 1. What is the title of the book that the reader wants to borrow? 2. What is the problem' 3. When will the book be available? 4. Will the reader be able to get the book today? — 5. When will the reader have to return the book? — 2 Write: true or false. 1. The “Guardian” is a broadsheet.— 2. Tabloids write a lot about life of celebrities.— 3. Broadsheets are usually very reliable information sources. 4. Businessmen need tabloids for their work.—_________ 5. One of the famous Russian broadsheets is called “Megapolis”.—_______ 6. If you have to write a report on economics, you may find a lot of useful facts in The Times.—_________________________ 3 Rewrite the sentences in the Passive voice. 1. Somebody borrowed my pen.— _________________________________________ 2. Somebody broke this window.— 3. Somebody brings me flowers every day.— 4. Somebody will wash the floor. 5. Somebody is cleaning the room.— 6. Somebody reads newspapers every day.— 7. Somebody found my keys.— 30 Unit 5 Lesson 10 4 Complete the sentences with the passive form of the verb in brackets. Model: BMW cars ... Germany, (make) — BMW cars are made in Germany. 1. The best cheese_________________ in France, (make) 2. Paper_________________ by the Chinese, (invent) 3. Stonehenge_________________ about three thousand years ago. (build) 4. The Russian State National Library_______________in 1892. (found) 5. This book__________________next year, (publish) 6. Our library on Sundays, (close) 5 Correct the mistakes. Use the correct verb and preposition. 1. I never lend things from my brother. He often forgets to return them. 2. Tm afraid Til have to lend some money to you.— It’s OK. How much do you need? 3. May I lend your pen? — Sure. Here you are.— 4. Don’t borrow any money to Alice. She won’t give it back. 5. Mary wants to lend that grammar textbook from you.— I can’t give it to her now. I’m using it. —______________________________________________________________ Unit 5 Lesson 10 31 When you make a new friend, ask him, "What do you read?" is worth burning is worth reading Make two passive constructions from one active. 1. Phil sent them two faxes last week.— 2. Father promised Ted a computer.— 3. Linda always offers tea to her guests. 4. Sveta will leave me a message. 5. Henry always gives us good advice.— 6. Aunt Liz showed them a lot of photos.— 7. Sam has already told us your story. [ 2 J Translate into English. 1. Ему уже заплатили деньги.— 2. Ей сейчас посылают факс.— 3. На прошлой неделе нам предложили поездку в Англию. 4. Этот фильм покажут на следуюш,ей неделе. 5. Вам оставят сообщение на автоответчике (answering machine). i 3 1 Answer the questions. 1. Have you been sent any letters this week? 2. Was your mother paid any money last week? 3. Will your friend be sent any e-mails tomorrow? 32 Unit 6 Lesson 1 4. Will you be shown an interesting film this evening? 5. Have you already been told this anecdote? 4^ Translate into English. 1. Ha прошлой неделе им послали два факса. 2. Мне всегда оставляют сообщение на автоответчике.— 3. Нам только что рассказали интересную историю. 4. Ей только что предложили работу.— 5. Сейчас ей читают это письмо. 5 \ Correct the mistakes. 1. You will offered help.— 2. Him was left a message. 3. Me are sent a lot of e-mails every day.— 4. Them was promised nothing.— ___________ 5. The letter have just been sent to them.— ©Make sentences and translate them into Russian The film seeing The disc listening This car discussing These songs is buying These books isn’t visiting This man are worth reading Lake Baikal aren’t tasting This problem was meeting This poem wasn’t sending These cards learning This picture drawing Unit 6 Lesson 1 33 7 Translate into English. 1. Этот фильм не стоило смотреть.— 2. Этот замок стоит посмотреть? — _ 3. Эти песни стоило послушать.— ___ 4. Стоит испечь этот торт? — ______ 5, Эту песню стоит выучить? — Homework А Rewrite the sentences. Use the expression "worth doing..." Model: It’s a very boring book. I don’t recommend you to read it.— This book isn’t worth reading. 1. It’s a good film. I recommend you to watch it.—___________________________ 2. Skiing is dangerous. I don’t recommend you to do it.— 3. Chinese food is delicious. I recommend you to try it. 4. Red Square is one of the most beautiful places in Moscow. I recommend you to visit it.— '' '"'“Ч в Translate into English. 1. Эту книгу стоит почитать.— 2. Этот фильм стоит посмотреть. 3. Эту еду стоит попробовать.— 4. Его не стоит приглашать.— __ 34 Unit 6 Lesson 1 Lessons 2,3 What is the Index Liborum Prohibitorum? 1 Translate into Russian. 1. A new TV set was bought two months ago. 2. These books will be sold in a month.— 3. The rules were explained to us by the teacher. 4. A lot of new songs will be sung at the camp fire.— 2 Put in the missing prepositions and translate into Russian. 1. Why is he always laughed_________? 2. Who is being waited 3. Was Mary looked_____________by your sister? 4. The song was being listened__________when he opened the door. 5. Was his arrival insisted 6. His plans are always objected 7. Why is this book never referred 3 Read the story and answer the questions. 1. When was an old gentleman in love? — 2. Was he going to marry? — 3. Where was he sent? 4. Why was the man very upset? — 5. Why was the man happy on his way home? — Unit 6 Lessons 1, 2, 3 35 6. What was written in the newspaper? 7. What did the man do with the ring? 8. Did he find the ring? — A Diamond Ring A merry group of friends was sitting on a restaurant terrace. The table was laid for four: two men and two women. The waiter was sent for and soon dinner was served. Everyone was eating fish, and when the dinner was finished, a woman said, “Diamonds and pearls are often found inside fish.” A lot of interesting stories were told until an old gentleman, who had been sitting quietly all the time, said, “Г11 tell you a story about fish.” Everyone agreed, so the old gentleman continued, “When I was a young man, I worked in a large company in New York. At that time I was in love with a pretty girl. Very soon we were engaged. About two months before our wedding I had been suddenly sent to England. I promised to write to my girlfriend because I had to stay in England longer than I had planned and I was very upset. Finally, my work was done and 1 could go home. I was very happy because I had bought a very expensive diamond ring for my future wife. On my way to New York I was looking through the morning newspaper, which had been brought to me by the waiter. In the newspaper it was written that my girl was going to marry another man. This made me so angry that I threw the ring into the sea. A few days later when I was in a restaurant in New York, some fish was brought to the table. While I was eating, I felt something hard in my mouth. What do you think it was?” “The diamond ring!” cried the friends. “No,” said the old gentleman, “it was a fishbone.” HomeworiT"^ # « « « * # • * • « • # « ^ ♦ # t « # ♦ * » * Express the same idea using passive constructions. 1. He’ll read an interesting story to them.—_____ 2. Mother promised her a trip to Moscow.— ______ 3. They’ll send a lot of letters to Misha.— ____ 4. We always buy bread for her.— _______________ 5. They sold these trainers very cheaply.—_____________ 6. They always insist on this idea, but we don’t agree with it. 36 Unit 6 Lessons 2, 3 Г"в^ Find the mistakes and correct them. There are sentences without mistakes. 1. Us was shown the house yesterday.— ___________________________ 2. They’ll be sent a fax tomorrow. 3. They were recommended a good teacher. 4. Me has already been told this story.— 5. The child is read books every day. 6. Tourists were offered cold drinks.— 7. Next month she is paid 3,000 roubles. [ C J Put in the missing prepositions and translate the sentences into Russian. 1. He was being laughed____________when I came. 2. The doctor has already been sent 3. The child will be looked by my sister. 4. They were waited very long yesterday. 5. This book is often referred 6. His arrival was insisted 7. This man is always relied 8. His plans were objected ^ Translate the sentences into English. 1. Ha эту статью обычно ссылаются. 2. Над ним часто смеются.— Unit 6 Lessons 2, 3 37 3. За бабушкой будет ухаживать его сестра.— 4. Слушали его рассказ, когда я вошел. 5. Против его планов всегда возражают. 6. Ее ждали, когда она позвонила.— How to choose о good book 1 Fill in the gaps with necessary verbs. Translate into Russian. 1. We’ve seen this film already. So__she. 2. He is her friend. So I. 3. He’s never been to Rome. Neither my parents. 4. Vasya is playing football. So___________my brother. 5. He couldn’t remember her name. Neither I. 6. I didn’t see our teacher yesterday. Neither_______Sveta. 7. We liked the film. So they. 2 Fill in the gaps with so or neither. Translate into Russian. 1. They’ve been staying in this hotel for a week._____have we, Mv brother didn’t like fish. did I. Thev aren’t 2oins to visit the Petrovs. are we. Helen has already done her homework. have I. 38 Unit 6 Lessons 1, 3 and 4 3 : Translate into English. 1. Oh не знает китайского языка. И я тоже. 2. Я уже видела этот фильм. И он тоже. 3. Мы собираемся купить палатку, И они тоже.— 4. Мне не нравится эта книга. И ей тоже. 5. Лена вчера не работала. И Маша тоже.— 4 Join (соедините) the sentences. Use both,,, and or neither,,, nor. 1. She doesn’t speak English. She doesn’t speak Russian either. 2. Gemma is ill. Henry is ill too.— 3. Linda isn’t a secretary. Linda isn’t a manager either.— 4. He didn’t write to me. He didn’t call me either.— 5. The book is interesting. The book is funny too. 6. Misha doesn’t look like his father. Masha doesn’t look like her father either,— 7. Jane is often late for school. Doris is often late for school too,— 5 Translate into English. 1. И Я, и мама любим кофе.— 2. И мне, и моей сестре нравилось это платье.— 3. Ни нам, ни им не нужна собака. 4. Ни Миша, ни его друзья не могли найти Кьюта. 5. Ни она, ни ее подруга еще не видели этот фильм. Unit 6 Lesson 4 39 6. Они не читают ни книги, ни журналы. 7. И Сережа, и его сестра помогают маме. 8. И мы, и наши друзья пойдут в поход летом.— Answer the questions. Use neither.., nor or both ... and. 1. Does the boss speak German or Turkish? — _________ 2. Is the Stone of Destiny in England or in Wales now? — 3. Did Misha and Robin find Alice in the Tower or in Trafalgar Square? 4. Was Misha the best golf or basketball player? — 5. Can Misha read in English or speak English? 6. Did the friends give Robin’s note or Cute’s address to the kidnapper? 7. Did Robin celebrate his birthday or Halloween in Russia? 8. Was Rob lost in France or in Germany? f Homework Agree with the statements. Use the expressions from Conversation bricks. Model: A lot of people like to watch TV. (I) — So do /. My mother doesn’t drive a car. (mine) — Neither does mine. 1. Caroline was at this concert yesterday, (my friend) — ____________ 2. She isn’t a doctor, (he) — 3. They don’t speak any foreign languages, (my friends) — 4. We aren’t at home, (they) 40 Unit 6 Lesson 4 5. Не watches TV every evening. (I) — 6. Kate will visit us tomorrow, (her husband) There is a saying "Never judge a book by its cover". ("He суди о книге по обложке".) Write as many reasons as you can against this saying. (Tip: What information about a book can you find on the book cover nowadays?) Lesson 5 Would you like to read a good book? ] Translate into English. 1. Мне хотелось бы увидеть Красное море.— 2. Вам хотелось бы поехать в Англию? —_____ 3. Что им хотелось бы посмотреть? — _______ 4. Вам хотелось бы послушать эту песню? — _________ 5. Нам не хотелось бы встретить его здесь.—________ 6. Извините, но ему не хотелось бы говорить об этом.— 7. Вы хотите чай или кофе? — ______ 8. Вы хотите что-нибудь посмотреть? 9. Вы хотите купить что-нибудь? — 10. Вы хотите сказать что-нибудь? — 11. Вы хотите сделать что-нибудь? — Unit 6 Lessons 4, 5 41 Homework A Choose the correct variant and open the brackets. 1. (Would you like / Do you like) a cup of tea? # • e « 2. (Would you like / Do you like) books? 3. (Would you like / Do you want) to come with me? 4, (Would you like / Do you want) to see the ocean? 5. (Would you like / Do you like) animals? 6. (Would you like / Do you like) classical music? 7. (Would you like / Do you want) some cake? В Write true responses to the offers. Use No, thanks, or Yes, please, 1. Would you like some tea? — _________________________ 2. Would you like something to eat? — 3. Would you like a new school bag? — 4. Would you like some cheese? — ____ Lessons 6,7 P Why are books banned? 1 Circle the correct verb and fill in the gaps. 1. Why have you_____________the TV? — I wanted to see the film. a) turned back b) turned off c) turned up 2. Somebody called his name and he_________, but he saw nobody. a) turned out to be b) turned into c) turned back 3. She has been ill for a month. Her trip______very difficult for her. a) turned b) turned down c) turned out to be 4. He was offered help. But he__________. a) turned off b) turned it down c) turned back 5. He always_____________suddenly. a) turns down b) turns up c) turns back 42 Unit 6 Lessons 5, 6, 7 6. In the film “Beauty and the Beast" the Beast a) turns into b) turns up c) turned down a handsome prince. 7. Excuse me, can you tell me where the bookshop is? — Go down the street and___________left. a) turned b) turn c) turn up Translate into English. 1. He выключайте телевизор. Он смотрит фильм. 2. Когда он появился, все обсуждали матч. 3. Он оказался хорошим другом. 4. В сказках животные превращаются в людей. 5. Идите вверх по улице и не поворачивайте направо. 6. Когда она обернулась, Билл смотрел на нее. Homework А Fill in the table with the information from the blurbs. Genre Where is the book set? Characters What happens to the characters Romance America Scarlett O’Hara, Rhett Butler Scarlett’s life is changed by the Civil War. Her mother dies, and her father is very ill. Scarlett learns to work on the land and looks after all her family and friends. Rhett Butler is Scarlett’s friend. He is in love with her, but she loves another man. Unit 6 Lessons 6, 7 43 Genre Where is the book set? Characters What happens to the characters 44 Unit 6 Lessons 6, 7 в I Fill in the table with one or two examples. Important: think of new examples, don't use the books that have already been mentioned. Genre Examples Romance Detective story Science fiction Thriller Horror Adventures Fantasy Fairy tale History Animals Unit 6 Lessons 6, 7 45 Lesson 8 What do you read? Homework - * e .««fj . Si a • « * • Get ready for the project. « What are you reading now? » Write about the book. Use a plan: The author_____________________________________________________________ The title _____________ _______________________________________________ The genre The story is set in... The main characters What happens to them? Did you like the book? Would you recommend the book? Why? 46 Unit 6 Lesson 8 j^B Read the conversation and ansv/er the questions. 1. Who believes that Emily was the reason for all the bad things that happened to the friends? 2. Who doesn’t believe it? 3. Who do you agree with? 4. What facts are for Emily? / What facts are against her? Mark: Rob: Misha: Mark: Misha: Rob: Misha: Mark: Misha: Rob: Misha: Mark: Misha: Rob: Misha: This is the last story. We’re going to get the seventh key and find the treasure. You don’t look very happy, Misha. Are you still thinking about Emily? Yes, and I still don’t understand anything. What don’t you understand? Let’s start from the very beginning. Agent Cute was taking a secret note to your family when he met a woman on the train. He told the woman that the secret note was the key to the MacWizards’ treasure, and the woman stole the note from him. That’s right, isn’t it? Yes, that’s right. Then that’s the first problem. Agent Cute was talking to a woman on the train, and Emily is only a girl! It’s not a big problem. Maybe she used some make-up. OK, after that somebody broke into the MacWizards’ house to look for the old family manuscripts. The police spoke to Emily and found out that she had been in Spain at the time of the robbery. That’s true. We didn’t think about that. And then somebody kidnapped Rob. Do you believe that Emily did it? I don’t. Probably she had some help from her family. I’ve checked that. Emily Wilson is American. It’s her first year in England and she has never been here before. All her family and friends are in America. Yes, that’s very strange, but does it really matter, Misha? We have the book and we’ll soon get the treasure. It is important. I like Emily and I want to understand what happened. Lesson 9 ► " See Cuf Out Project "Start a reading club" Unit 6 Lessons 8 and 9 47 Test yourself , »S' sa*- /^i.tb,iMWi'iiiniiifr. I 1 I Listen and say: Which book is being discussed? Choose one of these books: 2 I Make two passive constructions from one active one. 1. The librarian gave us an application form. 2. They paid him some money for helping. 3. Mike told us an interesting story. 4. The Petrovs showed them a new theatre. 5. The library sent me an e-mail. 3 I Rewrite the sentences. Use the passive construction. 1. Everybody always laughs at his jokes.— _____ 2. They have already sent for the doctor.— 48 Unit 6 Lesson 12 3. People often refer to this book.— 4. We waited for Kate for ten minutes yesterday. 4 ^ Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 1. Pm not listening to the radio. Turn it_____________ 2. Step forward and don’t turn________. 3. The witch turned the prince________a frog. 4. Don’t turn______their help. You need it. 5. Turn__________the music. I’d like to dance. 5 Match the sentences from column A with the replies from column B. A ^ В 1. I can’t stand thrillers. a) No, thanks. 2. Would you like a cup of coffee? b) Yes, I am. 3. Do you like animals? c) Neither can I. 4. Are you keen on football? d) Let’s go on Sunday. 5. I’d like to see this film. e) So do I. 6. My brother likes sport. f) No, I don’t. What kind of books do you like? What kind of books aren't worth reading? Answer the questions and support your opinion with as many reasons as you can. Unit 6 Lesson 12 49 Lessons 1,2,3 Great Russian writers Russian writers and poets Translate into Russian. 1. He often laughs at himself.— 2. She doesn’t understand herself. Neither do I. 3. Did you talk to yourself? Yes I did.— 4. Are you angry with me or with yourself? — 5. Don’t do it yourself.— 6. They had a nice time in Turkey. They enjoyed themselves. 7. He could neither concentrate nor relax.— 8. She burned herself while she was cooking. 9. You are going to write a test. Check yourselves.— 10. God helps those who help themselves. 2 Translate into English. 1. Сделайте это сами.— 2. Как она себя чувствовала? 3. Они сами попросили помочь им.— 4. Они встретились вчера в парке. 5. Он взял с собой резиновые сапоги? — 50 Unit 7 Lessons 1, 2, 3 3 Complete the sentences. Use myself, themselves, himself, yourself, herself. 1. I_______________________thought about it. 2. Look at 3. They _ know what to do. 4. I don’t like him. He always thinks about_____________ 5. She often talks to__________________when she is alone. 6. He can be proud of__________________. 4 Translate into English. 1. Они гордятся своей школой.— __________________________ 2. Почему она гордится собой? 3. Они сами рассказали о своем загадочном приключении.— 4. Это был хорошо написанный боевик, и я получил удовольствие, когда читал его.— 5, Эта книга о загадочных приключениях в виртуальном мире. 5 Complete the sentences with the phrases: to tell you the truth, maybe I shouldn't tell you this, to be honest, in fact, I myself. we’ve never been friends, they are relatives. I didn’t like the film, don’t think so. but you’ll never see him again. 6 Translate into English. 1. Ha самом деле он гордится своим сыном.— 2. Честно говоря, она сама позвонила Диме.— 3. Мне лично не нравится этот проект. 4. По правде говоря, они ничего не могут сделать сами.— 5. Возможно, мне не следует говорить, но вы не должны видеть его.— Unit 7 Lessons L 2, 3 51 Homework • •зев • •««•••••в##*# * « « • I А I Mark has written down some information about Pushkin and Tolstoy. Look at the information file and correct the mistakes. Try to help Mark fill in the missing information. Name: Alexander Pushkin Was born: ____________________ Died: ___________________ Job: poet Genre: poetry and prose One of his famous books: “Dubrovsky” The main characters of the book: Pyotr Grinyov... The book is about: A young aristocrat who turns to crime because his house and money are taken away. Dubrovsky becomes a robber, who takes money from the rich and gives it to the poor. But then he falls in love with a beautiful girl and everj^hing changes. Name: Leo Tolstoy Was born: ____________________ Died: ____________________ Job: writer Genre: prose (long novels) One of his famous books: “War and Peace” The main characters of the book: Anna Karenina and Natasha Rostova.— The book is about: The war with Germany and the heroism of Russian people.— В 5 Listen to the speaker, check your answers and find out more. C Write about any Russian writer that you like. Use the plan from Ex. A. 52 Unit 7 Lessons 1, 2, 3 Great Russian poets 1 Translate into Russian. 1. You look bad. What have you been doing? — 2. His words sounded very strange. 3. She wasn’t very well last week, but she feels fine now. 4. The soup tastes good. 1 like it.— _________________________ 5. The flowers smelled bad, so she put the vase in the kitchen.— Circle the right words and complete the sentences. 1. She looked (happy / happily). 2. He looked at her (happy / happily). 3. He sounded (sad / sadly). 4. She sings (beautiful / beautifully). 5. The fish smells (strange / strangely). 6. How are you? I am (fine / well). 7. I can make pizza very (quick / quickly). Translate into English. 1. “Как OH себя чувствует?” — “Он чувствует себя хорошо”, 2. Пицца хороша на вкус.— _____________ 3. Цветы пахнут странно.— _____________ 4. Она выглядит счастливой.____________ 5. Ты выглядишь ужасно. Что ты делала? — 6, Мы разговаривали по телефону. Ее голос звучал приятно. Unit 7 Lessons 4, 5 53 4 Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. well educated, cup of tea. was awarded, proud of 1. Boris Pasternak 2. Russia can be the Nobel Prize in Literature. its talented poets. 3. All of them were 4. Poetry isn’t Misha’s Homework ^ . . * . . ^ . Complete the sentences with a suitable adjective. awful, good, great, boring, happy 1. I can’t eat this soup it smells_______. 2. Why are you smiling? — I am___________ « 3. Try this pizza! You’ll like it. It tastes 4. How are you feeling? — Very____________ I’m afraid. 5. I don't want to watch this film. Kate told me about it and it sounds Write a short report. Use the questions for ideas. 1. Do you like Russian poetry? 2. Who is your favourite poet? 3. Why do you like him / her? 4. How do you feel when you read his / her poetry? 5. How does his / her poetry make you feel? 54 Unit 7 Lessons 4, 5 Lesson 6 1 Read the words. On a lake called the Chad... Magi ['meid^ai] - волхвы, маги to save - копить rare - редкий worthy ['w3:5i] - достойный to pull down - распускать to put one’s hair up - заколоть волосы chain - цепочка leather strap - кожаный ремешок curling irons - бигуди to look thin - выглядеть осунувшимся hairs - волоски to number - считать to draw - вынуть haircut - стрижка comb - гребень Broadway - Бродвей to keep - сохранять 2 Read the story of a famous American writer O'Henry and answer the question; Why is the story colled "The gift of the Mogi"? The gift of the Magi One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. Three times Della counted it. One dollar and eighty-seven cents. And the next day was Christmas. Della stood by the window of her cheap flat and cried. She had only $1.87 to buy Jim a present. Her Jim. She had been saving every penny she could for months. She had spent a lot of happy hours planning a nice present for him. Something fine and rare and beautiful. Something worthy of her Jim. Suddenly Della ran up to the mirror. Her eyes were shining brilliantly. She pulled down her hair, and a cascade of brown waves fell to her shoulders. Jim and Della had only two treasures in all the world. One was Jim’s gold watch, which had been his father’s and his grandfather’s. The other was Della’s hair. Della put her hair up nervously and quickly. Then she put on her brown jacket and ran down the stairs and into the street. Where she stopped at, the sign read: “Mrs Sofronie Hair Bought.” Della went in. “Will you buy my hair?” asked Della. Mrs Sofronie looked at her hair. “Twenty dollars,” she said. “Give it to me quickly,” said Della. The next two hours were very busy. Della was looking for a present for Jim. At last she found one. It was surely made for Jim. It was a platinum chain, simple and beautiful in design. It cost twenty-one dollars but it was the perfect match for the watch. Jim didn’t look at his watch very often because he had to use an old leather strap instead of a chain, but with a new chain for his watch Jim could check the time in front of anyone. When Della got home, she got out her curling irons and forty minutes later her head was covered with tiny curls that made her look like a schoolboy. She looked at herself in the mirror carefully and critically. “I hope Jim won’t kill me,” she said to herself, “but what could I do? Oh! What could I do with a dollar and eighty-seven cents?” At 7 o’clock the coffee was made and the frying pan was hot and ready to cook the dinner. Jim was never late. Della sat on the corner of the table near the door and waited. Then she heard his step, and she turned white for just a moment. She closed her eyes and whispered, “Please God, make him think I’m still pretty.” The door opened and Jim stepped in. He looked thin and very serious. Poor boy, he was only twenty-two — and already had a family! He needed a new coat and a hat. Jim stopped at the door. His eyes were fixed on Della, and there was an expression in them that she couldn’t read. Della panicked. Unit 7 Lesson 6 55 It was neither anger nor surprise, neither pity nor horror. She came up to him. “Jim, darling,” she cried, “don’t look at me that way. I sold my hair because I wanted to give you a Christmas present. It’ll grow again, I promise. My hair grows awfully fast. Say “Merry Christmas!” Jim, and let’s be happy.” “You’ve cut off your hair?” asked Jim. “Cut it off and sold it,” said Della. “Don’t you like me anymore? I’m-still me without my hair, aren’t I?” “You say your hair’s gone?” Jim whispered. “Don’t look for it,” said Della. “It’s sold, I tell you — sold and gone. It’s Christmas Eve. Be nice to me, because it went for you. Maybe the hairs of my head were numbered,” she added, “but nobody can count my love for you.” Jim took a package out of his overcoat pocket and threw it on the table. “Don’t make any mistake, about me, Dell,” he said, “A haircut can’t make me like my girl any less. But if you open this box, you’ll probably understand me...” Della took the box and looked inside. At first she screamed with joy, but then tears came to her eyes. In the box there were the combs, that Della had often looked at in a Broadway window. Beautiful combs were made of tortoise shell and were exactly the colour of Della’s beautiful hair. They were expensive combs, she knew, and she never hoped to have them. And now, they were hers, but her hair was gone. Della looked up, “My hair grows so fast, Jim!” she said with a smile. And then Della remembered about her present. She showed it to Jim and the platinum chain sparkled in the light. “Isn’t it beautiful, Jim? You’ll have to look at the time a hundred times a day now. Give me your watch. I want to see them together.” Jim didn’t say a word. He put his hands under the back of his head and smiled. “Dell,” said he, “let’s put our Christmas presents away and keep them. I sold the watch to get the money for your combs. And now let’s have our Christmas dinner.” The Magi were wise men — very wise men — who brought gifts to the Baby Jesus. They invented the tradition of Christmas presents. Their gifts were wise too. And here I told you a simple story of two stupid children in a flat who stupidly gave away their greatest treasures to buy presents for each other. But let me tell you just one thing, “Of all people who give gifts these two were the wisest. And people who do stupid things like that are the wisest. They are the Magi.” O. Henry published his stories in magazines, but he was often late. One year O. Henry promised a Christmas story but he hadn’t turn up with it. The illustrator had to draw the pictures for the story but there was no story. Finally, the magazine sent the illustrator to find O. Henry. He was at home and hadn’t written anything. He hadn’t thought about the plot of the story either. But the illustrator needed to know the plot. “Give me an idea. What should I draw?” he asked. O. Henry thought for moment, then said, “Just draw a picture of a poor room with very little furniture.... On the bed, a man and a woman are sitting together. They are talking about Christmas. The man has a watch in his hand.... The woman has beautiful long hair. That’s all for now, but the story is coming.” Finally, he wrote the story in three hours. That is how one of the most magical Christmas stories in the world “The Gift of the Magi” was written. 56 Unit 7 Lesson 6 [ J Закончите предложение в соответствии с содержанием рассказа. The story describes a) how Della sold her hair. b) how Jim bought a present for Della. c) how Jim and Della gave away their greatest treasures to buy presents for each other. information which wasn't mentioned in the text. a) Della had $1.87 to buy a present for Jim. b) One of Jim and Della’s treasures was Jim’s gold watch. c) Jim wanted to buy a nice dress for Della. d) Della sold the combs to buy Jim a watch. Э Продолжите фразу в соответствии с содержанием рассказа. Della was crying because a) she wanted a Christmas present, b) Jim had sold his watch, c) she had no money to buy a present for Jim. d) she was afraid to cut her hair. f"6^ Find the wrong statements. a) Della had sold her hair before Jim sold his watch, b) Della made Jim give back the chain, c) Della was happy to have the combs. d) The tradition of Christmas presents came from the Magi’s present to the Baby Jesus. 7 I Answer the questions. 1. Why was Della sad? — ________________________________________________________________ 2. How many treasures did Jim and Della have? — 3. What did Della do with her hair? — 4. What present did she buy for Jim? — 5. Why were Jim’s eyes fixed on Della’s hair? 6. Did Jim need Della’s present? Why? / Why not? — 7. Who were the Magi? 8. The tradition of Christmas presents was started by the Magi, wasn’t it? Unit 7 Lesson 6 57 (iHomework s« . I A ^ Read the rubric Russ/an /n focus and answer the questions. 1. Who did Gumilyov write his poem for? —__ 2. Did he love the woman? — 3. In which part of the poem does the poet sound sad? Why? — 4. In which part of the poem does the poet sound happy? Why? 5. Did they finally get married? — 6. Were they happy together? 7. Did Gumilyov see Lake Chad before or after he wrote his poem “Giraffe”? — 8. Who was right about the poem: Misha, Mark or Rob? — Russian in focus The poem “Giraffe” is written in 1908 for another very famous poet, Anna Akhmatova. Gumilyov had been in love with her since they met in 1903 and wanted to marry Anna. But she didn’t love him and always said “no”. Gumilyov couldn’t live without her — he tried to commit suicide (совершить самоубийство). Finally, in 1910, Akhmatova agreed to marry him, but their marriage wasn’t a happy one. Soon after they got married, Gumilyov left his young wife and went to Africa. It was his first trip to Africa and he had a chance to see the places that he had described in his poem “Giraffe”. Test yourself 1 j Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answers for the questions. More than one answer can be correct. 1. What book are the friends talking about? a) “The Lord of the Rings” b) “The Lord of the Castle” c) “The Talisman Ring' 2. Who has read the book? a) both friends b) neither the girl nor the boy c) only the girl d) only the boy 3. What did he / she think of the book? a) It’s very exciting, b) It’s a bit boring, c) It’s interesting, d) It’s too long. 58 Unit 7 Lessons 6, 10 4. How did he / she feel when he / she finished the book? a) He / She was very sad. b) He / She was proud of himself / herself, c) He / She wanted to read the book again. 5. Does he / she recommend to read the book? a) Yes. b) No. c) There’s no information in the text. 2 Translate into English. 1. Осторожно! He порежься.— ______________________________________ 2. Посмотри на себя! Ты такая красивая! — 3. Марк должен проверить себя. Он еш,е не готов к тесту.— 4. “Почему она плачет?” — “Она обожглась”.— 5. Кейт и ее сестра мне не друзья. Они думают только о себе.— 6. “Как ты себя чувствуешь?” — “Я чувствую себя плохо”.— 3 Choose the correct word in brackets and complete the sentences. 1. The flowers smell (wonderful / wonderfully).— ___________ 2. Sarah has just come back from her holiday. She looks (good / well).— 3. I can’t eat this salad. It tastes (awful / awfully).— 4. Anna sings (beautiful / beautifully).— ____ 5. Kate isn’t feeling (happy / happily) today.— 6. This idea sounds (interesting / interestingly).— ____________________ 7. You can come with us if you finish your homework (quick / quickly).— 4 Role-play. A is a guest from England. В is a Russian student. A Вы приехали в гости из Англии. Вы сами не читали Пушкина, но слышали, что его книги очень популярны в России. Кроме того, вам интересна его биография. Подготовьте 10 вопросов о жизни Пушкина и его книгах. В Английский гость расспрашивает вас о книгах и биографии Пушкина. Подготовьтесь к разговору, запишите факты, события, названия книг, о которых вы будете рассказывать. Unit 7 Lesson 10 59 Cut Out Unit 4, Lesson 7 Project ► I Make a presentation of your language. Write a short composition as an answer to the last question. Unit 6, Lesson 8 The book I am reading ► What are you reading now? Write about the book. Use the plan: The author — The title — The genre — The story is set in The main characters What happens to them? I-! Did you like the book? Do you recommend the book? Why? Cut Out 61 Unit 6, Lesson 9 Project “Start a reading club 99 The main aim of a reading club is to write book blurbs and give information about books to other people. • Form groups with any number of people. • Choose a name for your club. • Design a logo for your club and draw it on a large piece of paper. Glue the book blurbs that you have written at home and put your poster on the wall. • Read the posters for other clubs and discuss them. The name of my club The logo of my club The book blurbs 62 Cut Out Cut Out 63