Английский язык 8 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 1

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 8 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 1 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Happy English (Хэппи Инглиш):

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Happy Engiish.ru \/70ЯХВ00Х -J к. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык Счастливый английский.ру/ Happy English.ru Рабочая тетрадь № 1 С раздаточным материалом и англо-русским словарем к учебнику для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений ■ и Y Л ■ I и L ББК81.2АНГЯ-922 УМК “Счастливый английский,ру" / “Happy Engllsh.ru” для 3 класса включает следующие компоненты; • ребочм тетради 1,2 с рээлкточным иагвриалои • аудиолрнложвние(ауди<жассетыГд>1,2.СОМРЗ) • пособие 'Мистер Халп идет на помощь' По вопросам приобретения книг следует обращаться а иадательстео 'Титул*: 249035, г. Обнинск Калужской обл., а/л 5055. тел.: (4S439) 9-10-09, факс <48439) 9-10-00, e-mail: pochlaewul.ru (книга почтой), игпквФШ1.1и (оптовые покупатели). Информация об УМК находится на сайте www.haopyenoNah.ro К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман » Английский язык: Рабочая тетрадь № 1 с раздвточны русским словарем к учебнику Счастливый английский ру / Happy Enghah.oj обшеобраэ. учрежд,— Обнинск: Титул, 2(Х)8.— 80 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86: ISBN 97в-5-в6в66-430-4 оаслростраияние, 21 Let's keep in touch Write the words next to the correct symbols. feel, parly, town, see, answer, mouth, class, after, say, bath, m n, bark, chance, rain, ask. ti CD Look through the text and soy: What did Sasha (earn to do? Преобразуйте слова, напечатанны) заглавными буквами, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Model: I saw... (НЕ) in the park. — I saw him in the park. Sasha's summer holidays This summer Sasha_________(GO) camping with his class. It____(TAKE) them five hours to get to the place. They____(LIKE) the campsite very much because very few people_______(KNOW) about it. It_________(BE) clean, there were a lot of fish in the river and a lot of___(BERRY) and mushrooms in the wood. They were lucky with the weather — it was hot all the time. The sun was shining, the birds_ (SING). Sasha_________(LEARN) to put up a tent and make a fire. He_____(MUST) steep in a sleeping bag and cook on a fire. He also took a lot of pictures of his friends who liked_________(THEY) very much. Of course they lay in the sun and______(SWIM) a lot. They also______(CATCH) a lot of fish. At night they used to sit around the campfire and tell funny stories. Sasha’s friend often made his stories up, and they were always________(GOOD) ones. Sasha thinks that it was the________(GOOD) holiday of his life. look through the text and write; Why did Jeff crash into wall? I’m Jeff. In my summer holidays I went to Dunstable. I went on a plane and then I went paragliding. I jumped off and 1 landed in a boat. Then I took off my paraglide and went fishing on a boat. The other day I went on a glider. A lorry was pulling it into the air and after five minutes they let the string go. You have to control a glider, because when I landed 1 crashed into a wall. Заполните табл ицу номерами предпохений 8 соответствии со случаями улотребле Действие, которое про-взондет в соответстввн с графиком или распи- Решенне о выполнеинн действия оринято, но об этом еще не договорились 1. She sings very well. She'll win the competition. You’ll see. 2. I’m leaving tomorrow. 3. He is going to buy that house. 4. I have a headache. I’ll take some aspirin. 5. They are going to visit us, aren’t they? 6. What time does the bus arrive tomorrow? 7. He is going to join two school clubs. 8. When does the first lesson begin tomorrow? ( 5 \ Use the verbs ir> brackets in the correct tense form. 1. Lessons________(begin) at 9 a.m. tomorrow. 2. We_________(meet) my friends tonight. 3- She writes good books. She soon__________(be) famous. 4. Is Mike ill? I _ _ (phone) him tomorrow. Translate into English. 1. Что вы собираетесь делать в этом году?. 2. Мой друг будет изучать французский язь 3. Я не буду опаздывать на уроки. _ 4. Он будет читать больше книг 5. Она собирается написать р. [ 7 ) Подберите вспомогательные глаголы к этим глаголом, есл Придумайте свои предложения. Model' соте — do. Do you come from Russia? know —________________________________ reads — _ have to —_____________________________ can —_________ CD Match the contractions and the full forms of the verbs. Model: he'll — he will she’s been — _ they're —_______ he is —_____ she has been -did not —___ he will —___ we will not-. [ 9~^ Complete the sentences. Use the correct question tags. Model: You know him,...? — You know him, don't you? 1. She was very tired yesterday._______________? 2. They’re her friends,_______________? 3. They’ll be angry,__________________? 4. You don't know him,________________? 5. The Thames is a long river,_________________? 6. Sveta has to arrive at 6 o’clock,___________? 7. The boys are playing football,______________? 8. He didn’t see him last week,________________? 9. She went to Rostov last summer,___________________? 10. He’s been to FnglanH '> 11. It’s his favourite book,___________? f 1^ Answer the questions. 1. How did you get to school today? __________________ 2. How long does it take you to get to school?________ 3. It’s Monday today, isn’t it? ______________________ 4. How many lessons do you have on Monday?____________ 5. Is English the first lesson today? ___________ 6. How many lessons have you already had today? _ 7. What are you going to do on Sunday? . 8- Was anybody at home when you came home yesterday? _ 9. What was he / she doing? . (^^Homework^- ( A~^ Read rile text and choose the correct answer: Whot is this text about? a) summer holidays? b) travelling around the world? c) weather and climate? 1. September has come, and it is still very warm. The leaves on the trees have turned yellow and red. a cold wind was blowing, but suddenly it got wanner again. 1 like early autumn because it reminds me of the summer. But October and November are not my favourite months. It’s usually chilly and wet and every day it gets colder and colder. 2. This summer 1 did all sorts of things. In June I went camping. It was a real adventure. I learned how to put up a tent and make a campfire. Л friend taught me how to play the guitar and I learned a lot of good songs. I also took a lot of pictures of my friends, our campsite, the forest and the river. The river was fantastic. We went canoeing and some of us enjoyed fishing. We were lucky with the weather, so we could swim and lie in the sun. There were some problems, but it was OK in the end. 3. In July my parents and I went to Holland. People there speak Dutch, but they also understand English. The trip was very interesting. We did some sightseeing and made a lot of friends. I'll never forget how beautiful this small country is and how friendly and polite the people are. 4. In August 1 had to go to see my grandmother. She lives in a small village not far from our town. She has a big garden and needs help. I was busy all the time. Together we picked fruit and vegetables and made Jams and pickles. She showed me how to find mushrooms in the forest, and 1 found a lot of them. (~C~) Match the parts of the text and the heodings (ааголоеки). Holland —_________ Granny —__________ Camping —___________ Autumn —___________ [ P~^ For which task did you a) read the whole text?; b) look br specific answers? c) read the key words? News from St Dovid's School Writ* the words next to the correct symbols, watch, ball, girl, life. wash, autumn, her, night, w thought, four, warm, bought walk, earth, right, turn. find, learn, box. Look through the text of Ex. 4 and choose the correct answers. The text is a) a diary. b) a newspaper article. c) an autobiography [,э:1аЬа1'1>дгэП]. The text is about a) a big company and its boss. b) the magic adventures of Misha Inin, Robin MacWizard and Rob MacWizard. c) how difficult life is at school. Look through the text of Ex. 4 and answer the questions. 1. Who is writing the story? . 2. What does the boss do? 3. What happened two years ago? _______________________________________________ 4. What problem did Betsey MacWizard have? _______ 5. What did everybody call Betsey’s son? _________ 6. How old was Betsey’s son? _____________________ 7. Why did the boss give the case to Agent Cute? _ 8. What kind of agent is Cute? ___________________ 9. Who was Rob’s pen friend?______________________ 10. What was strange about Robin?_________________ 11. Where did Robin come from? 12. Who helped Robin and Rob in the end? 13. What had Robin dropped before he left? 14. Who lost the note? 15. Why was the note so important?________________ 16. What strange things happened at St David's School? . 17. Why did somebody kidnap Rob? _________________ Read for detail. Match the pictures and the ports of the text. A page from the boss’s diary I am starting this diary because I haveJost hope. I have closed my office- I'm the boss of a successful detective agency. We have helped hundreds of people. We have never let any of our clients down and we've always done our best. Everything changed two years ago. I was having my morning coffee when a nice lady came into my office. Her name was Betsey MacWizard and I could see that she needed help. At first, I didn't find the case difflcult. Her son. Robin Mac-Wizard. had gone to Russia and disappeared there. Robin, or Rob, as everybody called him. was a very intelligent twelve-year-old boy. so I didn’t think anything could happen to him. The lady also had the address of his pen friend, Misha Inin. I sent Agent Cute to Russia. Big mistake! He isn’t very good at his job. He often loses and forgets things, but he is a good guy and he is my brother. Agent Cute went to Russia and found the boys easily. Robin MacWizard was staying with Misha Inin. They were having a great time together. But there was something strange about the boy. He didn’t know anything about TV. computers and cars, he wore a kilt, and Misha always helped him with everything. One day Cute told me that Robin could fly. I laughed when I heard that. How stupid I was! Soon after that the boys disappeared. We found them in London. Nobody knew how they got there without any money or travel documents (passports). Then we lost them again. I was really angry with Cute. Finally, he found them at Betsey MaeWizard’s house. They were staying there as her guests and made friends with her older children. Rosy and Mark. It was clear that Robin was not the MaeWizard’s son. At that moment I went on a holiday. I didn't understand anything any more and needed a rest. When I came back everything was over. Later Agent Cute. Misha Inin and Rob MacWizard (the real one) told me the most unbelievable story. Robin MacWizard had come to our time from the Edinburgh in 1599. He had swapped with Rob MacWizard, Betsey’s son, who was his 9 times great grandson. Thai’s why we couldn’t find Rob! Robin was a wizard and a Scottish patriot. He wanted to steal the Stone of Destiny from Westminster Abbey. This is the magic stone on which they crowned all the Scottish and then English kings. He thought that the Slone could make Scotland strong and rich, but there was one thing which he didn't know. The Queen of England had returned the Stone to Scotland in 1997! Then Robin had to find the way back to his time. He had made a lot of friends. With their help he and Rob returned to their own times. Misha says that Agent Cute helped them a lot and was a real hero, but I don’t believe it. We found the boy and after that Agent Cute gave me a note which Robin had dropped before he left. It was in an ancient secret language, but I decided to translate it. Another big mistake! The nole was the key (o the family treasure of the MacWizards. When the translation was ready, I sent it to them with Agent Cute. My last mistake! Somebody stole it from him on the train. He thinks it was a young woman, but he doesn't know I fired Agent Cute. But did that help? Somebody tried to rob the MacWizards' house when they were on holiday. The robber was looking for old manuscripts. The good news was that Misha came to England again. Together Misha, Rob, Mark and Rosy read a copy of Robin's note. To fRpB \ This thing is now in the faraway lend \ The Druids gave it Before they went. j Our famdy passed it from father to son | It is one in seven, there are seven in one. Once it Brought death, ' Once it showed the way, \ Once it Brought wealth, i Once it saved the day. I Once it Brought love, | Once it Brought hope, ' Once it Brought peace to the fighting foK^ It tvas hind to some people and it made some crt ‘But for worse or for Better it saved their ttves-But they lost this thing and the treasure got lost. ' T'nd the seven heys and the treasure is yours. Friends understood that the key to the treasure was in the old family manuscripts. Mark, who is very good at History, found the right book and they started to translate it from the secret language of the wizards. Meanwhile (тем временем), the boys went back to school. They weren't safe there. Somebody broke the window of their room, searched through (обыскал) their things and dropped a piece of paper. It was a page from the MacWizards' family history book. Stupid boys didn't tell me anything. They told everything to their "dearest friend" Agent Cute. He came and, as usual, made things worse. When he was at school, somebody kidnapped Rob. The kidnappers wanted the MaeWizard history book. In the end Rob got home safely, but the kidnappers got what they wanted. Now Rob and his family will never find their treasure. It is my fault! There is no end to this case! What shall Ido? 5 Read the text agoin and put the events in the correct order. The boss started a diary. Somebody kidnapped Rob. Q, The boss fired Agent Cute. Unit I lessons 2,3 П The boss sent Agent Cute to Russia. The boss met Betsey MacWizard and agreed to help with her case. CD Rob MacWizard disappeared in Russia. П Robin MacWizard came to Russia. П Misha came to London with Robin. C The Queen of England returned the Stone of Destiny to Scotland. П Robin went back to his time. П Robin dropped a note. П Misha came to England for the second time. П Misha went to Rob’s school. П Somebody at school was looking for the treasure. П Somebody robbed the MacWizards’ house. П Misha, Rob, Mark and Rosy found the MacWizards’ history book. CD The boss translated Robin's note and sent it to the MacWizards. CD A woman stole the note from Agent Cute. ^D Robin went back to his time. ( 6 j Перепишите данные пары предложений по образцу, используя Post Simple и Past Perfect в каждом предложении. Используйте союз before. Для того чтобы уточнить, какое из событий произошло раньше, обращайтесь к тексту упр. 4. Model: The boss took the MacWizards' case. The boss never let any of his clients down.— Before the boss had taken the MacWizards' case he never let any of his chients down. 1. The boss didn’t find the case difficult. Agent Cute went to Russia._________ 2. Cute found Misha and Robin at Betsey MacWizards’s house. Misha and Robin went to London.______________________________________________________________________ 3. Robin came to the 21st century. The Queen returned the Stone of Destiny to Scotland. 4. Cute found Rob. The boss went on holiday. _ 5. The boss translated the note. Robin dropped the П' 6. Agent Cute lost the note. The MacWizards read the П' 7. Agent Cute came to Rob’s school. Somebody kidnapped Rob. _ CD Fill in tbe table with leniences from the text in Ex. M События, происходящие в настоящий момент. События, которые происходят регулярно / никогда / всегда / время от времени. Оэбытия, которые произошли в прошлом, но своим результатом связаны с настоящим. Событвя, которые уже пронзошлв / еще ннкоща не происходвлн в чьей-либо жнэви. Событня. которые пронсходвлв в определенный момент времени в прошлом. События, провсходнвшве в прошлом, когда одно событие предшествовало другсму. HomeworiT"^...................................... f А~~^ Fill in the toble with the sentences from Ex. 7 of the textbook. Greetiag Formal letter Informal letter Starling the letter Ooitaf the letter Ending the letter ( B~) Fill in the gaps. Use on, over, up, bock, owoy. 1. Some people get________late on Sundays. 2. What’s your news? How are you getting 3. My friend broke her leg last year. She soon got j__it. 4. Mr Smart was very angry because he didn't like to live in a little village, but he couldn’t get______. 5. Father went to Kaliningrad, but he promised to get > . . . next week. C~^ Translate from Russian into English. I. “Где Мэри?" — “Она простудилась вчера". ____________________________ 2, Когда она выздоровеет, мы пойдем в поход. . 3. Становится темно. Возьми фона 4. Где ты была в 6 часов? Я не мог тебе дозвониться. _ 5. "Твой друг вернется в среду?” — “Д1 6. Как у него дела?_ I D J Моке up а story. Tell your classmates what happened with your friend yesterday. Use expressions wHh phrasal verb get. 2. When he got up, his wife was having breakfast. _ 3. Nancy had got away before John came back. _ 4- Everybody had to get back into the housi 5- I phoned you many times yesterday, but I couldn’t get through because the line was busy. 3~~^ Complete the texts with the correct form of the verbs in brockets. 1. I am looking out of my window, I can see some children In the street. The children____ (play) football. They always_________(play) football In the street. Now a little boy_______ (hit) the ball. Another boy__________(run) after him but he cannot catch him. The boy’s mother ____________(look) at them. I_____________(not like) it when children play near my windows. 2. My friend Robin_________(go) to America last year. He___________(leave) me his videos. Robin____________(spend) a lot of money on the videos. He____________(buy) one or two new videos every week. He nt home every evening and Sometimes they________ 3- Ijust- ______(go) to the cinema or the theatre. He _ _ (watch) films. He often _ -(stay) at _ (keep) them. That's why he _ He n< ____(give) videos to his friends. ____(lose) so many videos. (have) a letter from my brother Fred. He is in America. Fred is a programmer. ____(be) in America before. He already_____________(visit) a lot of places and _ (buy) a cs Не n — (buy) yesterday? _ (send) me anything. ___________(Have) you your dinner yet? Chelsea____________(beat) Real Madrid last month. He just____________(score) the goal. She often__________(tell) me interesting stories. Put the words In the right order and form questions. 1. Why, he, call, so often, does? — _______ ____________________ 2. Where, he, go. did, last year? — . _______ 3. Your children, do, usually, come, or, late, early, after school? - 4, When, he, come, will, tomorrow? — _ 5. When, he, translate, the text, did? — 6. Who, sent, him, the letter, last week? — 7. What, they, do, did. yesterday? — Put the verbs in brockets in the correct form. Moke seven quesNons to the text. Once upon a time there___________(H''e) an old woman and an old man. They______________ (have) no children. One day the old woman _ _ (say), “I (go) to bake a doughnut tomorrow." She __________(go) to the kitchen and_______(put) all the necessary things into the bowl and ________(mix) them together. After that she____________(remember) that she ________(not to put) salt in the dough (тесто). She_______(do) that and_____________ (put) the dough into the oven. While the doughnut _ _. (be) in the oven, she__________(work) in the garden. When the woman _ _________(open) the oven door, the doughnut________(hop) out and_____________ (run) out of the house. The woman_________(run) after it. but it shouted, "Nobody________ (can) catch me.” Many animals___________(try) to stop the doughnut but he__________(shout). “I__________ (stop) if you _ (catch) mel" CD* f~Homework j- You've received о leNer from on old friend who lives very for owoy from you. a) Read the letter. Flat 45.177 Kirov St ZA&OOO Kaluga 5 August Dear..,. How are you getting on? I haven't heard from you for ages. Where have you beer? I’m fine. At the moment I'm at home. I need some rest after my summer adventures. They were very exciting. In June we went camping in the forest in Karelia. Fortunately the weather was great. There are a lot of beautiful lakes there too. Next year weTI probably go there again. Do you want to come with us? In July I went To see my granny. She lives in a nice little village near Kaluga. I had a lot of fun with my old friends there. Unfortunately, their life isn’t easy. A lot of people In the village have lost their Jobs and they don't have much money. I'm spending August at home. I’m afraid I have to get ready for school. This year is going to be very Important for me. The good news is that Helen, who Is good at lots of subjects, promised to help me. Do you remember hen? I miss you a lot. How are you? How's your little brother? Say hello to your mum and dad too. I hope th^'re fine. Write sooni b) Write a reply. Ute the» question» o$ a plan. Start your letter 1. Have you had any letters from him / her? 2. Have you forgotten to write? Why? Give news and information 1. Are you OK? 2. Has anything new happened in your life? 3. Is there any news about your family and friends? Ask for the news and information 1. How is your friend? 2. How are his / her friends and family? Close yooT letter 1. Why do you have to stop? 2. When wUl your friend write again? [ в ] Agant Cute wroM a sacraF latter to Misha ond Rob. It's in ftussion, that's ' ' why only Misha can raod it. Thara ara soma mislakas in tha lettar. a) Translate the latter into English for Rob. b) Оформите письмо a соопатствии с проанлами, изученными на уроке. дорогой Мишо U Роб, это есть Агент кьют. Я лишу из красной улш4ы дом Ю. Сегодня есть 25 январь. Я есть (Ж, но я все время думать о Вас. У вас есть новость? вы имеете найти книгу? Я к вам буду ехать, когда вы нуждаетесь моя помощь. несчастливо. Босс есть злой со мной, но это не есть правда, я иметь сделать ошибгу, я ее буду исправить. У меня нет новости. Я боюсь, я должен остановиться сейчас, пришла мама, мы ^ем ужинать. Я смотрю вперед слышать от вас. Пишите скоро! Давайте держать прикосновение. а С помощью каких прафиксоа образованы эти слова? Translate the words into Russian, mispronounce, disconneci, inegular, unusual, impossible, unfair, misprint, uncomfortable, indirect, disappear, impatient Valentine's Day Remember our hittory adventure Last year we read stories from the MacWizards' family history book. The MacWizards have to find seven stories about the ring to get seven keys to the treasure. If you want to look for the treasure with them, you must first of all remember the events we read about last year (события, о которых мы читали в прошлом году). [ 1 ] Look at these people, Поетавк ' ' в которой они жили на Брите I последовательности. ( King Наг^ [ 2 ] Answer the questions obout the people in Ex. 1. There is more then one match lor some peopi Which of these people: 1. brought a Roman army to the British Isles? — ___________________________________ 2. beat the Viking army? — . 3. built ships? — ________________________________________________________________ 4. later became a Roman emperor? — 5. was the queen of the Iceni tribe? —____________________________________________ 6. died on 14 October 1066? — 7. revolted against the Romans? — ________________________________________________ 8. won a big victory in 1066? — [ 3 I In groups. Write os much os you can remember about all the people that had lived in Britain before 1066. Choose from: Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, Cells. Model: First, Celts lived on the British Isles. They lived in tribes. Use these ideas for help: Druids, to build ships, to build bridges and roads, tribes, walls, to fight bravely, to come from... Norway / Roman Empire / Germany, to revolt, to be the kings of the sea CD Read die words, to invade — вторгаться to resist — сопротивляться kingdom — королевство Duke — герцог powerful — могущественный huge — огромный a) The Danish kings ruled in Britain for about 24 years. The last of them. Edward the Confessor, died without a son. Fifteen years before Edward's death he had promised the English crown to William, the Duke of Normandy, who was his cousin. But then he changed his mind and left the English crown to Harold, the most powerful Anglo-Saxon earl in Engiand. In 1066. however William, Duke of Normandy, came to England with a strong army. He didn’t forget that Edward had promised the crown to him first. On 14 October. 1066 the Normans won a victory and started the last invasion in the history of Britain. b) The first Celts came to Britain from Europe more than two thousand years ago, They mixed with the people who were already living there. All the people who lived in Britain got the name Britons. They lived in groups. We call these groups tribes. Each tribe had a king or a queen. c) Then in AD 383 the Roman legions began to leave Britain to fight in Caul (France) against the Barbarian tribes who were invading the Roman Empire. By 407 most Roman soldiers had left the British Isles. Meanwhile Celtic tribes started to fight against each other. The Piets and Scots, tribes from the North, attacked the Britons. Thai's why the British chiefs had to ask Anglo-Saxon soldiers to come from Germany to help them. The Anglo-Saxons were strong and well trained, and they defeated the Piets and the Scots. After that the Britons asked them to leave, but the Anglo-Saxons liked England and it was safer than where they had lived before: they decided to stay. After about one hundred and fifty years of war some Britons had gone to Wales, some had become slaves and some had gone to Scotland to live with the unfiiendly Piets and Scots. The Anglo-Saxons founded a lot of kingdoms: Kent. Essex. Wessex. Mercia. Northumbria. d) In AD 789 more than three hundred years after the Anglo-Saxons had settled in Britain, the Vikings began to attack the British Isles. They came from Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The winters there were long and cold and the land was poor, so Britain was a rich prize for them. They had a big army and a lot of good ships. They killed and robbed in England. The Anglo-Saxon kingdoms couldn't resist the Vikings, and soon only the kingdom of Wessex was still free. The King of Wessex was Alfred the Great. He built ships and beat the Vikings. ;) Romans attacked Britain in 55 BC for the first lime. Consul Julius Caesar had brought the army of 10,000 men. After the victory he left Britain. The real invasion took place only in AD 43, when the Roman emperor, Oaudius, decided to make Britain part of the Roman Empire. An army of 40,000 Roman soldiers landed on British land. The Britons fought bravely, but they were much weaker than the Romans, who had fought all over the world. After that Britain became pan of the huge Roman Empire, which stretched from the north of England to the Red Sea. The Romans and the Britons lived together. Britons learned a lot from the Romans, but they didn't become good neighbours easily. Fighting continued for years and years after the Roman ir For history experts. Choose the correct answers. 1. Where does the name England come from? a) from the name of a German tribe, the “Angles” b) from the word “angel" c) from the word “earl" 2. Who built Londinium? a) the Druids b) the Anglo-Saxons c) the Romans 3. What was the religion of the Romans when they left Britain? a) They were Christians. b) They were pagans. c) They were Druids. 4. When did King Arthur probably live? a) at the lime of the Viking invasion. b) long before the Roman invasion. c) at the lime of the Anglo-Saxon invasion. 5. Why do we call Arthur’s knights “the knights of the Round Table"? a) because they ate all the lime b) because they met at a round table to show that none of them was better or worse c) because the Round Table was magic 6. What did Harold look like when he died? a) He had no head. b) There was an arrow in his eye. c) He had no legs. 7. How many people wanted the crown of England after Edward's death? a) one: Harold b) two: Harold and William. Duke of Normandy c) three: Harold. William. Duke of Normandy and the Viking king, Harald Hardrada ( Homework (i) ValenKne Quiz Valentine's Day is on a) 14 February. b) 14 January. c) 14 March. 2. On this day people a) send long letters to each ocher. b) get married. c) send cards to each other. 3. The day got its name from a) a girl’s name. b) a priest's name. c) the name of a Roman Emperor. Match the prefixes with the verbs ond adjectives and make the opposites. Prefixes: un-, in-, il-, im-. ir-, dis-. mis- Verbs: understand, lead, appear, connect, agree Adjectives: friendly, regular, usual, possible, kind, lucky, honest, comfortable 4. St Valentine went to prison because a) he secretly married people. b) he seCTetly got married. c) he didn't go into the army. 5. How should you sign a valentine? a) Yours faithfully b) Best wishes c) Guess who? How long have you been learning English? 1 } Write the words next to the correct symbols. shut, think, long, write, sing, phone, film, why, three, wash. page. get. gun. right, when, this, catch, clock, city, cry, when, photo, them, thin, she, change m lw| Id3l 19) in |в| Id) Id) ^2^ Moke questions for the underlined words. 1. She has been working in this school for five years. 2. They have been eight o'clock. 3. She has been in □ermany for a month. 4. I ha ve been busy all day because 1 was ill last week. 4. discuss / They / this article / two hours 5. How long / you / here / be 6. here /1 / be / two weeks [ 4 ^ Correct the mislokei in the sentences. 1. They were friends since 1997.______ 2. How long has she wrote this book? ^______________________ 3. The boys are looking for the treasure for sn months already. 4. 1 know her all my life. 5. What did they do since we left?_ Translate from Russian into English. 1. “Что ты делаешь?" — “Я смотрю фильм".— “Как долго ты его смотришь?" — “Я смотрю его с 5 часов".________________________________________________ — 2. “Где они?" — “Они ставят палатку. Они ставят палатку 20 минут и все еще Н' поставили”. ________________ -■ “Вы пишете письма своим друзьям? Сколько писем Вы н япигяли г. янвапя?" “ГДе ваши друзья?” - - "Они в Вологде".— “Как давно он и там?” — “Они там уже ме- . “Кто живет в этом Д' оме?” — “Его сестра. Она живет в Н' (f Homework .............................................................................. How intereiNng ii your life? Answer the quesKons about the lost few months of your life and find out. 1. Have you been doing any sports? — 2. Have you been sleeping a lot? — 3. Have you been going out with your friends? — 4. Have you been helping your parents with the housework? - 5- Have you been watching TV a lot? — 6. Have you been studying a lot? — __ 7. Have you been reading anything? — _ Your results -5 -t +4 Unfortunately, there isn't much interesting in your life at the moment. Is that because it's autumn? You must have more fun. Spend more time with your friends, find a hobby, get a dog and get out of the house more! +1-Г +5 You're happy with your life. You have your own hobbies and interests and you don't want to change anything. But aren't things a bit boring sometimes? +S -r +16 You're there when things happen. Or should we say things happen when you're there? You’re the centre of attention, but lately you have been doing too much. Remember, you can't be in two places at once. Don't forget it. Put Hie verbs in brackets in the correct form. 1, How many exercises you (do) since you started vour homework? _ 2. Mrs Izard (write) this book since her husband died.. 3. You (know) this man? How long you (know) him?_ 4. We already (talk) about it for a week. It’s time to do something!_ 5. They (talk) for two hours and (not finish) yet.____ . 6. Mr Dix is busy. How long he (be) busy?______________ _ 7. Caroline (think) about Mark since he left. . . 8. How long you (have) this hat? I (have) it for years. _ 9. I (not see) your dog lately. What (happen)? _ Tronslate into English. 1. Мы находимся в этом магазине уже 20 минут, а еше ничего не купили._____ 2. "Что он делает?” — "Он играет в "Как долго он играет?” — “Два 4i 3. Они путешествуют уже две недели и уже позвонили два pi 4. "Где Молли?” — “Она болеет".— "В течение какого времени она болеет?" "С четверга”. _____________________________ __________________ _______________ 5. Они уже обСудили первый вопрос и сейчас обсуждают второй. Они обсуждают ei Why has Jane been crying? CD- the verbs in brackets in the correct form. . I (travel) a lot since you last saw me._____ 2. I often (play) football when 1 (be) a boy. I (play) very often since then. _ 3. (hear) anyone from Mary lately? _ i. How’s Jane’s son? I (not see) him for three days. _ 5. They (live) in Minsk for 10 years. Then they (move) to Novgorod. . 6. 1 (not have) any English lessons this month. My teacher (be) if 7. I (meet) Duncan at my friend’s house today. . 8. Hi. I (see) Jane today. Where you (see) her? (Be) she alone or with her friend?_ 9. She (work) for this company since 1993. _ 10. They’re not in. They (go) on holiday._ 11. Look! Somebody (open) the windows._ 12. Why is he crying? He (break) his leg. How it (happen)? _ Answer the questions. Model: Why does he have a black eye? He (pghi). He has been fighting. 1. Why can’t you speak? I (talk all day)._______________________________ 2. Why is the road wet? It (rain). _____________________________________ 3. Why are you tired? I (work on Sunday). ______________________________ 4. Why can he smell onions? She (make a pizza)._________________________ 5. Why is she sad? She (cry).___________________________________________ Lost year Misha, Rob and Mark read the MaeWizards' family history book. They wanted to find the seven keys to the lost treasure of the MaeWizards. They had only read three and a half stories when they lost the book. Mark is still hoping to find the book again. Read. Найдите в тексте и выпишите предпожения • Present Perfect Progressive, когда действие уже вакончилосв к иомеиту речи, но явственно виден его 'след'’. Misha: What's wrong with you. Mark? You look pale and your eyes are red. Have you been crying? Mark: Of course, not. I have been surfing the net all night. Misha: What have you been looking for? Mark: I have been looking for the MaeWizards' family history Misha: Oh no. not again. How can you find it on the Iniernei? Mark: Of course. I can’t find the book. There is only one book and we've lost it. But I found the second part of the story about the Normans and Elmer. Misha: Really? Tell me all about it! Mark: 1 went to the Senate House Library website. They have a lot of old books and manuscripts there. I pul the key words of the story into their search engine and... I found a copy of our story in the library. A hundred years ago my great-grandfather gave some copies of our family manuscripts to the library. Misha: That’s wonderful! When can we read it? Mark: I wrote a letter to Rosy. She’ll go up to London, get a copy of the manuscripts and send them to us. Choose the correct answer. 1. What is the Internet? a) a worldwide network which connects millions of computers b) a computer c) an electronic letter 2. What is a website? a) an electronic letter b) a page on the net with some information c) a piece of land 3. What is a search engine? a) a car b) a special computer c) a programme which looks for specific information by keyword Test yourself Listen to the letter and answer the quesNons. 1. Who is the letter for?___________ 2. Who is writing the letter? _ 3. Are these two people relatives?___________________ 4, Where Is the person who is writing the letter now? _ 5. Is there good or bad m ^ 2~) Underline the correct form of the verbs. Linda: Hi, Peter, I haven't seen you / haven’t been seeing you for ages. Peter: Hi, Linda. It's great to see you. Linda: You look tired. What have you been doing / have you done? Peter: Oh, I have been helping / have helped my mother in that restaurant round the corner. Linda: Have you been working / Are you working there? Peter: Yes, I have had / have been having the job since summer. Linda: I have been wanting / have wanted to find a summer job for a long lime, but I’ve been Peter: What have you been doing / have you done? Linda: I have been getting ready /1 have got ready for my music school exams since July. Peter: Oh. that's really important. Do you have a piano? Linda: Yes, I have been having / have had one all my life. My mother has played / played it when she was young. Peter: Well, good luck to you, Linda. I’m afraid I have to go now. Bye-bye. Linda: Bye! 3 Translate the words and open the brockets. 1. I never (встаю) рано по субботам. . ... 2. Unfortunately Kate is very upset, but she will soon (переживет) it 3. It is (становится) c< 4. Why are^ou ^tiling? 1 have just (получила) a letter from my friend. . 5. How do you (добираешься) to school? I (побираюсь) there by bus. , look at the picture. Writ* John's letter to his friend Michael. Find the mistakes and correct then dislucky —_____________________ misusual — inunderstand — _ unregular —_____ In poirs. Gel ready and ocl out the diologues in front of your leocher. Ф A; У вас плохие новости. Ваша собака болеет уже три дня. В; Выраанте свое сочувствие. Предложите помощь. А: Вежливо откажитесь. Вам повезло. В вашем доме живет ветеринар. В: Порадуйтесь за товарища. V: Вы давно не видели своего друга. Спросите, как у него дела. 3: Скажите, что ваши дела обстоят отлично. У вас хорошие новости. На каникулах вы с семьей едете к бабушке. V: Порадуйтесь за товарища и попросите его рассказать о предстояшей поездке. Расскажите, что ваша бабушка живет в Москве и вы собираетесь посетить Кремль и сходить в Большой театр. I: Порадуйтесь за товарища. ): Скажите, что, к сожалению, вы едете всего на три дня. I; Скажите, что вам жаль. The British Parliament A surprise excursion Circle the correct conjunction, 1. That's the book that / who I’ve just read. 2. The boy. who / that helped me yesterday, is Peggy's brother. 3. The tents who! which are blue are ours. 4. The garden which / where the Browns bought is very nice. 5. 1 know the man who / which has this address. f~2~^ Tronslote. 1. Ня попке я увидел книгу, которую искал. 2. Женщина, чья дочь работала на почте, помогла ему отправить письмо. . 3. Он нашел место, где потерял ключи. _ I. Человек, с которым мы встретились, ничего hi о нашем отце._ 5. Она вспомнила о Наташе, которая была ее лучшей подругой. _ 6, Олег встретил друга, которого не видел два года. . 7. Мальчик, который показал ему дорогу, был очень вежлив. . Read the text about Newton (Ex. 10, p. 40) and tick the information that was m □ . . Newton didn't have a mother. □2 . Newton wasn’t the best pupil. □ 3. Newton got the Nobel Prize for his discoveries. □4, A teacher noticed his talent. I 15. Newton was interested in Mathematics. I ! 6. Newton is one of the greatest scientists of the world. QQ Translate the words in brackets and complete the sentences. 1. He'll (примет решение) after he has spoken to her. 6- When are you going to (делать доклад)? _ 7. Has he (принял решение) where to go? Not yet. . Make the sentences from the table. Write them. look for his book send an e-mail look up the words in the dictionary look after your little sister hat did your parents made you do when you were younger? Write five sentences. А Read Charlie Chaplin's biography and write the answers to the questions. 1. Which country was he born in? 2. Which country made him famous? 3. What was his childhood like?___________________________________ 4. Did he have any brothers or sisters? 5. When did he start to work?_____________________________________ 6. What is he famous for? Charlie Chaplin Charles Spencer Chaplin didn't have a very happy childhood. He was born in London. England, on 16 April 1889. When his father left the family. Chaplin's mother didn't work, and her two sons were often hungry, t^en their mother got ill. Chaplin and his brother went to the workhouse, which was the place for orphans. Life there was very hard, but Chaplin didn't give up. He started his career as an actor when he was nine. When he was twenty-one. he joined a travelling music-hall company. Soon after he went to America and became the famous film star, Charlie Chaplin. The actor died in 1977 but we still remember his "Little Tramp", a funny little man in baggy (мешковатый ) trousers and a small bowler hat. f Read the text again and find the best place for this information. • ...who brought smiles to the faces of millions of people... • ...whose health was getting worse... Ei; 0 Translate into Russian. 1. The song we were listening to was a very good one._______ 2. The tourists they were waiting for didn't come.__________ 3. Unfortunately he didn't get the present he had hoped for. , 4. The report he had to make was very important. Make one lentence from two, Use which, thol, whose, whom. 1. I bought a dress. My friend advised me to buy it. _ 2, We went to the party. It was very interesting. 3. That is the village. We used to go there every summer. . 1. This is Mary Jones. I’ve got a letter from her. . S. I was looking for a key. I've found it п> 6. This is the house. They bought it last year. _ 7. This is the actor. 1 like him very much. . How did the British Parliament begin? CD Образуйте новые слова с помощею известных вам префиксов и суффиксов; -Л, -leen, -lion, -less. read, five, job. celebrate, kind. pack, open, lock, advertise, invite, child, celebrate, л Translate the words in brackets in English. 1. I'm afraid we forgot something. We'll have to (распаковать)_ 2. (К сожалению.)_____________________we can't help him. 3. (Перепишите)_________________this exercise. 4. Where did you read this (объявление)_______________? 5. I've got an (приглашение)_______________from my frien< 6. Why is she so (недобрая) _ .? She is very (несчастлива) _ Choose the right form. 1, What________________I a) are b) were c) is 3. Bad news travels fast. _ 2. No n< a) art a) Does it? b) Do they? c) Don't they? 32 Unit 2 Lessons I, 2, 3,4 they? b) isn’t it? c) won’t they? t. I've heard____________ a) some b) many c) few Translate the phrases into English. A. 1. Как ужасно! — ______________ 2. Какая жалость! —____________________ 3. Р,'1сскажи — ______________________ 4. Как стыдно! — 5. Рад за тебя! — В. Match the phrases in A to the sentences in Б. a) Somebody has robbed their house._________ n a very inlercsling film this week. _ о sad? The boys bully him ai d) I've got a good mark in Mat e) Unfortunately. I couldn't help my friend- _ Use a sentence from box A and to do something. Model: A-1 need a pen. B. 1 w 1. They're going to Moscow. 2. We went to Egypt. 3. He has just called Lena. 4. They're buying a lent. 5. I went to the shop for bread. 6. The Browns went to the airport. :e From box В to explain why people do / did / are going ite a letter. — / need a pen to write a letter. a) We wanted to swim in the Red Sea. b) They want to go camping. c) I have to help Mum. d) They want to see Red Square. e) They had to meet their friend. f) He wants to invite her to his birthday party. Unit 2 lessons 3,4 33 [ Rephrdse the sentences. Use the expressions with moke. 1. He wants to become rich._______________________ 2. Have they decided where to go? _ 3. The children were crying loudly when 1 came. . 4. She was cooking when I phone 5. Her English is getting better. Translote into English. 1. Ha прошлой неделе они купили палатку, чтобы идти в поход. 2. Я должен навестить Мишу, чтобы помо*1ь ему. 3. Они хотели пойти в магазин, чтобы купить подарок. 4. Он пришел домой, чтобы пообедать. S. Они подружились год назад. 6. “Почему все шумят?” — “Он делает доклад уже д| 7. “Вы уже приняли решение?” — "Нет ei 8. Не заставляйте его совершить ошибку. How many Houses does the British Parliament consist of? Use the verbs in brackets and write: What has or hasn't happened to our friendsf 1- Misha and Rob (find) the treasure._________________________________________ 2. Mrs Larkin (catch) the robber._____________________________________________ 3- Misha (go) to London.______________________________________________________ 4. Misha (know) the MaeWizards for six years. . S. Robin (steal) the Stone of Destiny. . 34 Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4. 5, 6 Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect or Past Simple. 1. "When Yuri Gagarin (fly) into space?” — “In 1961.”__ “Yes, he just (get) home.” _ 3. “You (see) the film?” — “Yes I (see) it last week." _ i. I never (write) to Lucy, but yesterday I (write) to her si: 5. He just (finish) work, so he can go home m sent Perfect, Past Simple, Present Progre Alex's friend Mary just (come) home from school. She looks very sad. “What (happen) to you?" Alex asks. “I (lose) a very interesting book. I (finish) it yet and now I don’t know what to do. The worst thing about this situation is that the book isn't mine. My friend Lucy (give) it to me a week ago and I (promise) to read it very quickly. Lucy (not read) it herself yet,” Mary says. “At the moment I (try) to buy another copy of this book, but I (not find) one anywhere." ТЪе shop assistants say, “We (sell) out already.” People who sell books in the street say, “We (not receive) them yet.” Alex never (lose) books and he doesn't know what people normally do when this happens. Suddenly he gets an idea. “You (look for) the book in the Internet shop yet?” he asks. “No. I haven’t," Mary answers. “So try it!” he says. When Alex phoned his friend the next day. she said that she (ftnd) the book in the Internet shop. “They already (send) it and 1 (receive) it in three days,” my friend said happily. Ci! omewor D- Иг le of them ore not always In 1. English is a very difficuli language. 2. Moscow has always been the capital of Russia. 3. Columbus discovered America. 4. Barcelona is the capital of Spain. 5. The Stone of Destiny is in Westminster Abbey. 6. The English climate is very bad. b) Edinburgh castle a) Amerigo Vespucci Use the expressions from the ConversoKon bricks and write your explanations. Model: English is a very difficult language. — Some people say that English is a very difficult language, but in fact millions of people all over the world have learned it. 6. How often do British people vote for MPs?_____________ 7. What are the members of the House of Commons called?_ ( C ] How much do you know obout your country? 1. What is the official name of our country? . 2. Is Russia a monarchy? A republic? A federal! as It is called Federal Assembly. There are two houses. One is called the Federation Council, the other is called the State Duma. They are called deputies. It‘s the President. It's the Prime Minister. They work on bills. They have to approve bills. He forms the government. He chooses the Prime Minister. 0nil2 tessonsS, 6 37 In the Palace of Westminster ( Homework ^ ............................. [ A ^ The friends are back at school and have come to a history club meeting. Read for detail and soy: Is Л1г Jenkim a good teacher? Why? What is the best translation for Mr Know-it-all? Mr Jenkins: Hello, everybody. Today I have prepared a very interesting and unusual task for you. Emily: What is it, Mr Jenkins? Mr Jenkins: We're going to look at a fragment from an early medieval manuscript. Mark: What is unusual about it, Mr Jenkins? We often translate them. Mr Jenkins; Well, 1 have to tel! you something. I can't translate this manuscript. This time 1 need your help. Emily: You’re joking, Mr Jenkins. You can translate everything. John: How old is the manuscript? Mr Jenkins: I don't know. 1 got the text by e-mail two weeks ago. Here’s the e-mail. Your students think that you know everything, bi Can you translate this manuscript? And if you ci your students? Surprise met i: It's very rude! s: Yes, it is. At first, I didn’t want to read anymore, but then 1 saw the manuscript and forgot about everything. It's in runes, the ancient alphabet which Druids used for writing about secret things and magic. I know runes very well, but the runes of this manuscript are different. It's a code. I have been trying to translate it for two weeks but I’ve had no luck. Now I’m asking you for your help. /: Don't worry, Mr Jenkins. We’ll do it together. :: What did you say, Mr Jenkins? A runic alphabet? A secret code? Let me have a look at it! >: What’s wrong with you. MaeWizard? Why are you smiling? :: It’s our family runic alphabet. I have been looking for this story for months and I've found it! I’ll translate it for the next lesson. But... who is it from, Mr Jenkins? j: I’ve no idea! The e-mail address is [email protected]. You can never find a person through this e-mail address. r: But why not? i: Because there are millions of users at hotmail.com — people can use the server from any computer in the world. [ В~) Answer the questions. 1. What is unusual about this manuscript?__ 2- How did Mr Jenkins get the manuscript? _ 3- Was he able to translate the manuscript? Why? Why not? _ 4. Why was the e-mall rude? _ 5. Will Mr Jenkins surprise the writer of the e-mail? _ 6. Why was Mark smiling in the end?_ 7. Who was the e-mail from? _ 8- Will Misha, Mark and Rob be able to find the writer of the e-mail? Why? Why not?_ pCj Fill in the crossword puzzle and read the name of the river where the Poloce of Westminster stands. 1. What do MPs do with their feet? 2. What is the surname of one of the most famous British Prime Ministers (“the Iron Lady”)? 3. What does the Lord Chancellor sit on? 4. What are the members of the House of Commons called? 5. Who opens the Parliament? 6- Who presides over the House of Commons? i: n Test yourself f lixten to the speaker and answer Hie questions, t. Who is the story about?______________________ 2. What is the m an famous for? 3. What did the i man write about? 4 Where did he vet the information for his stories? 5. What do soms : neonie learn from his books? ca a What is the mistake that a lot of people make about this man? Circle the correct sentence. 1. They think that he is a geographer. 2. They think that he is a traveller. 3. They think that he didn't see any faraway lands. Today is Sunday and Linda is relaxing at home. She has had a very busy week, look at Linda's diary and write: Where did she go to this week? Why? Model: On Monday morning Linda weni lo the bank to get some money. 8.30 a.m. bank get some money 8 p.m. caH dinner with Mike Wednesday 8 a.m. the kiosk buy a newspaper 7 p.m. the cinema a new film with Julia Roberts Thursday 7 a.m. dentist check teeth Friday 9 p.m. Mike's house hove fun at his birthday porty ' Soturdoy 11.00 High Street do the shopping f 2 p.m. restaurant ■t have lunch with friends L 5 p.m. home ” phone Granny (£) а CD Circle Ihe correcT answers. 1. The United Kingdom is a) a republic, b) a monarchy, c) a federation. 2. The head of state is a) the Queen, b) President, c) the Prime Minister. 3. The British Parliament sits in a) one building, b) two buildings, c) three buildings. 4. MPs are a) the people who sit in the house of Lords. b) the people who sit in the house of Commons. c) all the people in the Houses of Parliament. 5. What are Britain's main political parties? a) Labour and Conservative b) Democratic and Republican c) Conservative and Democratic 6. How do Members of Parliament get into the House of Commons? a) The Queen chooses them. b) British people elect them. c) They inherit their seats from fathers and grandfathers. 7. Who presides over the House of Commons? a) the Speaker b) the Lord Chancellor c) the Prime Minister Fill in the gaps. Use: when, who, which, thot, where, whose. Put commas where necessory. 1. 1 need a friend______will never let me down. 2. Kate________is a teacher at our school has never been abroad. She’s afraid of flying. 3. My grandfather_______sweater you are wearing was a very nice man. 4. My friends went to Spain_______it’s warm and sunny. 5. The theatre__________you have seen in the pictures isn’t far away from here. 6. His parents were doctors_______worked in the hospital down the road. 7. Look at Mary. She has seen something________scared her. 8. The Pushkin novel________1 like best is Barishnya Krestyanka. 9. I've read a book_____was very interesting. 10. The benches_________are in the House of Lords are red. Use the suffixes -tion or -ment and form the nouns from the verbs. agree, elect, discuss, explain, demonstrate, improve, manage, inform, collect, equip of communication through the centuries What will you be able to do in ten years? Look through the text {Ex. 2) and match the picture! and the ports of the text. Op Look at the pictures and write predictions about the computers of the future. Model: The computer of the future may drive cars. [ 2~) Put the verb can in the right form. In the past computers were quite simple. They________count and store (сохранять) infortnaiion. They_________not understand many languages and_________not connect to each other. You__________ play some games with those computers, but they were very slow. Modem computers are more interesting- You____________do a iot of things with them. First of ail you_____surf the Internet and get information. Your computer________understand a lot of languages. Secondly it______help you keep in touch with your friends: you_______write and receive e-mails. It only takes a few minutes to get a reply. Like a good friend, your computer _______understand your voice and write texts for you. 'П I The compuiers of the future will be very small, fast and intelligent. They will drive your cars. You________talk to a car and it will drive you to the right place- Telephones will be different. You _______soon________talk to a person on the telephone and see the person you are talking to. Television will change. You_______watch a real three-dimensional television. You________to touch and feel the characters. People who don’t know much about computers will be lost in the _ understand the new technology. At a French border station It happened at a French border station. It was dark when the train arrived at the station. The passengers had to open their bags and wail for the customs inspection. A young man took out a lot of cigarette packets and was trying to pul them all into his pockets, but he wasn’t able to do it because his pockets were small. Suddenly he saw a friendly-looking passenger who was standing next to the window. He asked, “Could you please take some of these packets and put them in your pockets?" "Why can’t you leave them in your bags?" asked the passenger. "If I do that. I'll have to pay duty (платить пошлину) on them. So could you take the packets?" asked the young man. “OK. I’ll take them." said the passenger, “but you should know that I won't be able to give them back to you." “But why?" asked the young man. “I’m a French customs officer." said the passenger. Answer the questions. 2. Was it dark when the tr ain arrived at the station? 1 What fliri the nassenvers have to do? 4. What was the young ma 4 Was he worried about the castoms insnection? 6. What did the young ma n ask one of the nassenpers lo do? 7. The young man didn't v pant lo nav dulv did he? Я Did the oassenver apree to take the ciparettfts? 9. Why did he say, “I won •t he able to (rive them bark to von."? Homework"^........................ Imagine your$e1f in fifteen years lime. Write... 1. five things that you may do._ 2. five Ihings that you want to be able to do._ 3. five things that you won't be able to do. . Put Ihe verbs in brackets in the correct form. 1. He______________(be able to) speak En^ish in two years. 2. Who_____________(be able to) help him tomorrow? 3. Her brother_____________(can) read when he was five. 4. Where___________we_______________ (be able to) see them next week? 5. She_____________(not can) swim last year. Translate into English. 1. Они не смогут нам помочь завтра, t 2. Он не мог вспомнить адрес друга. _ 3. Когда Вы сможете написать письМ' 4. Я, ВОЗМОЖНО, позвоню ей завтра. . S. Нина, возможно. з> How То find the robber Translate Ihe words in brackets into English. 1. Why didn't you call last week? — There w ЗИ) in the village. 2. in the Internet. 3. — __________________________ (средства СВЯ- . (В наше время) you can find everything ____ (Bo всяком случае) we did our best to help him. 4. Children (воспринимают компьютер • Units lessons 1. 2 к само собой разумеющееся). [~2~^ Underline the correct form of the verb. 1. Mobile phones are / is the means of communication nowadays. 2. Is / Are there any other means of communication with the tourists? 3. There was / were very few means of communication in old times. 4. How many means of transport are / is there at your hotel? Answer the questions. 1. What time did you have an English lesson on Monday? 2. What did you have for breakfast this morning? — 3. Your friend hasn't a cold, does he? — 4. Do you always have a party on your birthdays? — 5. Your friends were having a nice time yesterday, weren't they? _ Homework • • ...................................................... [a J Read Ex. 7, p. 70 again. Выпишите иа стишка выражения с глаголом hove, которые можно замените другими глаголами. Напишите с каждым из этих выражений по два предложения. В переом предложении понятие должно быте выражено глаголом hove * сущесгеительное. а ео втором — глаголом. Model; We had а walk yesterday. — We walked yesterday. [ В ) Use the words in brackets as verbs or nouns and complete the sentences. Иногда вам может пона-' * добиться дописать предлог, артикль, окончание глагола или окончание множесгеенного число. !Г boring if you have a computer. I'll tell you why. I c _________________(CHAT) with somebody, I go to______ a lot of people. ______(CHAT) website. When I (PHONE). I _ When 1 need some information. I talk to my friends from a different town, I don't U! (PHONE) them through my computer. It doesn't cost much. 5_________________(LOOK) on the Internet. When (REPLY) quickly. Yesterday 1________ it. but I haven't had _ _ (E-MAIL) to my pen friend from Spain, she alwi _ (E-MAIL) my homework to her. She promised to help me with ______(ANSWER) yet- ( с I What is the giH in the pictures doing? ('d~^ What do you soy in these situations? Use the expressions with the verb hove. Model: Your friend: I'm tired. You: Have a rest. 1. Your friend: I'm thirsty. You; 2. Your friend; I don’t know what to do. You: ________________________________________________________________ 3- Your friend; I’m hungry. You: 4- Your friend; I’m flying to Turkey on holiday. You: ________________________________________________________________ E~^ Tronsiote from Russian into Engiish. 1. “Где Лена?" — "У нее грипп". — “У нее есть температура?" — “Да горло уже три дня”. 2. “У меня новый фотоаппарат". — “Можно посмотреть?” 3. "Ты позвонил Ане?” — "Нет. Я звоню уже 20 минут, но линия заня попытаемся дозвониться еще раз". 4. Сегодня вода в море теплая Давай поплаваем. What does @ mean? J 1 Read the "Ink" text and answer the questions. 1. People invented ink more than four thousand years ago. didn't they? 2. Did the Chinese and the Egyptians invent ink at the sai me time? 3. Where did the first man who used ink come from? Ink People invented ink before 2500 BC. Some books say that it was the Chinese, but probably the Egyptians invented it at the same time. However, the whole world knows the name of the Chinese philosopher, Tien-Lcheu, (2697 BC), who used ink to write with. At that time ink was a mixture of soot from pine smoke and lamp oil mixed with gelatine from donkey skin, and musk. Other cultures had ink too. They used natural pigments from trees, flowers and minerals. 2 j Scan the "Alphabet" text and answer the question; When did the Knl alphabet appear? Alphabet People used to think that the first alphabet appeared between 1700 and 1500 BC in the Levant region, in what is now Syria. Lebanon and Israel. However, modem archaeologists found facts to show that the alphabet is older and first appeared in 1900 BC. It came from Egypt, and other cultures copied it. Read the "Means of writing and letters" text and answer the questions. 1. Who made the first writing stylus? 2. Did the Greeks write their messages on paper? 3. How did Cadmus send his messages? .Means of writing and ieMers The earliest means of writing came from Greece. The Greeks made the first writing stylus and used it to write on wax-coaled tablets. Messages on these tablets were the first private letters. Their inventor, a Greek scholar called Cadmus, wrote letters like this and sent them to his friends by foot messengers. Read the "Paper" Гех» and write True or Fo/je. 1. Paper come from Turkey.— ___________ 2. The Chinese learned about paper in the second century AD.— 3. The oldest piece of paper was made of hemp fibres.— _____ 4. The archaeologists found the oldest piece of paper in a tomb.- Paper came from China, in the second century BC. The oldest piece of paper in the world is made from hemp. The archaeologists found it in a tomb near Xian, in China. They think the Chinese made it between 140 and 87 BC. ” [ 5 ) Read the "Penny Block" text and circle correct answers to the questions. 1. Very few people in England were able to send and receive letters because a) they couldn't read, b) they had no ink. c) they had to pay a lot of money for the letters. 2. Who had to pay for the letters? a) the people who sent them b) the people who received them c) the postman 3. A letter for a distance of nine miles cost a) four pence, b) five pence, c) six pence. 4. The main ideas of Sir Rowland Hill were a) everybody should send letters, b) everybody should be able to send letters, c) everybody should pay for the letters. 5. The first stamp was called the Penny Black because a) Penny Black invented it. b) there is a picture of Permy Black on it. penny and was black. The Penny Black Before Sir Rowland Hill came up with his idea of a stamp, very few people in England were able to send and receive letters. People couldn’t pay for their letters in advance; it was the people who received the letters who had to pay for them. The postman took the money when he brought the mail. Letters were expensive loo. At the beginning of the 19th century a letter cost fourpence for a distance of seven miles. Over seven miles and under fifteen miles it cost sixpence. At that time a worker earned fourpence a day. In 1837 Sir Rowland Hill, a school master, published a pamphlet called ‘‘Post Office Reform". The main ideas of the pamphlet were: “Letters shouldn't be so expensive. The price of a letter shouldn't be more than one penny. Everybody should be able to send letters." That's how Sir Rowland Hill invented the first official stamp in the world and became the “father of modern post office". The stamp is called the Penny Black because it cost one permy, had a watermark of a small crown, and was black in colour. Look through the "Telegraph' 1. What does the word “telegraph’ ВГ the questions: Whot does the word "telegraph" i 2. Does the telegraph transmit signals? 3. Who invented the electronic alphabet? 4. What was it possible to do with the help of Morse code? :s did the Hrsi telegraph connect? io the questions. Telegraph The word "telegraph" comes from Greek and means “to write far". In other words, it is a communication system which transmits signals. In 1835 a professor of arts and design at New York University. Samuel Morse, developed telegraph wires. He also invented Morse code, an electronic alphabet. With the help of that alphabet it was possible to code the letters and signs of a language. Morse gave a public demonstration of his invention in 1838. but it took five more years to get the money for the first experimental telegraph line from Washington to Baltimore. Read the "Telephone" text for detail and circle the correct onswe 1. February 14. 1876 was the day when a) Morse invented his code, b) Bell invented the telephone, c) Rowland Hill invented the first stamp. 2. Boll's invention was able a) to send letters, b) to code the letters of the alphabet, c) to transmit the sound of the voice by wire over long distances. 3. Elisha Grey didn't become the inventor of the telephone because a) Bell's invention was belter, b) he didn't know the address of the patent office, c) Bell arrived at the patent office two hours before him. 4. In 1891 there were a) 778 telephones, b) six telephones, c) five million telephones. Telephone February 14.1876 was a day that changed the history of c< forever. On that day a tall Scotsman. Alexander Graham Bell walked into the New York patent office. He was carrying the drawing of his invention. The invention was able to transmit the sound of the voice by wire over long distances. We know this invention as the telephone. Just two hours later on the same day. another man Elisha Gray came to the same patent office with “his telephone". But, unfortunately for him, it was too late. Bell has gone into history as the inventor of the telephone. The first real telephone call was on March 6. 1876. when Bell, in one room, called to his assistant in another room. “Come here. Watson. 1 want you." Watson heard Bell through a receiver which Bell had connected to the transmitter. After that Bell started his famous company: the Bell Telephone Company. The new invention quickly became popular. A month after Bell invented the telephone, his telephone company had sold only six phones! A year and a half later they had sold 778 telephones. Fifteen years after the invention (here were five million phones in America. Nowadays (he Bell Telephone Company (later AT&T) is the largest telephone company in the world. Units L w 3,4 49 the "E-moil" text and find the answer to the question; Whot does @ meon? Nobody tried to invent the e-mail. It simply happened. In 1969 an American. Ray Tomlinson, was working on two projects at the same time. Firstly, he was working on a programme called SNDMSG (send message). With that programme the people in his company were able to leave messages for each other. The second project was a file-transfer programme (CYPNET). With that programme users were able to send files between linked computers. Suddenly Tomlinson had an idea. “If I put the two programmes together, 1 may be able to send messages, not just files, to other computers." The idea worked and quickly became popular. Tomlinson invented e-mail addresses too. These have two parts: the name of the user and the name of the host (the computer). He chose the "commercial at” symbol and combined the user and host names. For example: mishaininta'lukinsk.ru (миша ИННН на компьютере лукинск.ру). The decision to lake the ® symbol took Tomlinson only thirty or forty seconds. The new system grew quickly and soon it became network e-mail. Nowadays users pass messages between billions of different computers. People send e-mails more often than they make telephone calls. So Ray Tomlinson gave us one of the greatest means of communication in history. He is still working as a programmer and he doesn’t think that the e-mail was the greatest thing he has done in his life. “I have done more difficult and useful things that took me years." he says “The e-mail look just a couple of days.” : Underline the wrong statements. 1. A lot of people were trying to invent e-mail. 2. An American, Ray Tomlinson, was working on a programme called SNDMSG. 3. With the SNDMSG programme the people in his company were able to send messages to each other. 4. With the second programme (CYPNET) users were able to send files between linked computers. 5. Ray Tomlinson put the two programmes together and users were able to send messages, not just files, to other computers. 6. E-mail address is the same as your postal address. 7. The @ symbol means “at”. 8. [email protected] means (пользователь Петров на компьютере obninsk.com). 9. It look Ray Tomlinson years to invent e-mail. 10. Ray Tomlinson got a Nobel Prize for his invention. English is the Latin of the 21 st century Answer the questions. 1. What languages do you need to talk to people in China? - _____________________________________ Holland? - ___________________________________ the USA? - ___________________________________ Germany? — Mexico? — _ Canada? — _ lialy? - ___ Spain? — _____ Turkey? - _ 2. Is (here any language which people understand in alt Ihese countries? If yes. which oi [~2~^ Put in the right orticle. 1. He usually has____tea with___milk. 2- Are___French more polite than___Germans? 3- I like_dogs and my friend likes___cais. 4. _falcone is the fastest animal. 5. Do____Americans understand____English? 6. I am afraid of_mice (мыши) and she is afraid of___pigeons (голуби). ^3^ Moteh the phrases in A and in 6 boxes. “Л/ 1. 1 like (his hook. 2. English is a very difficult language. 3. Let’s have a swim! 4. I think it’s the most interesting book 5. English is not as popular as German. 6. In twenty years there'll be no books. All the information will be on CDs. a) I'm afraid 1 can't agree with you. b) That's a good idea. c) I'm afraid that’s wrong. d) I think so too. e) I don’t agree with you. f) I don’t agree. f Л '' Translate the words in brackets. 1. (Ha самом деле)__________ e English words in Russian (например: сэндвич, футбол) _ 3. (Как правило)____________ 4. Let's have а party. (Это хороа п England in winter. А Get reody for a role*play Why is English sc Take your role cards from Cui oui. Llnil3 Lessons 5. b 51 А role-play Why is English so popukir? Homework"^ • Listen, reod and answer the question; Who is the robber? Mark; ['ve spoken to Andrew. He agreed (o help. He'll write a special vims that will dodge the filters of the hoimail system. This vims will destroy the robber's computer in two hours after he opens the e-mail. Misha: That's good. When will Andrew be ready? Mark; He promised to send the letter with a virus this evening. Rob: So if we're lucky, we'll catch the robber tomorrow. Mark: Let's hope so. /л the middle of the night Rob: Wake up. Misha. We must burry! Misha: What's happening! Rob; Andrew has just called me. Your plan worked. Misha: Who’s the robber? Mark; You'll never believe it. Half an hour ago a girl we all know came to Andrew with her laptop. She was crying because her laptop didn't work at all. Misha: A girl? What girl? Rob: It was your friend, Emily Wilson. Misha: Emily? I can't believe it. She's our friend, Rob. Mark: She's still with Andrew now. He’s fixing (чннит) her laptop. Let’s go and check her room. Maybe we'll find something there. Misha: I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to bed. Rob: Then we'll see you tomorrow. We must know the tmth. Test yourself 1 Listen to the speaker and choose the best name fT~) You’ll need this word for the text. Babel (beibl) — Вавилон a) The Tower of Babel b) The worst punishment c) English is the language of the future 2 Listen again and answer the questions. 1. Why could the people understand each other? 2. What did the people decide to build?_ 3. Why did they want to build the city? . 4. Why did God got get angry? . S. How did he punish the people? ^3^ Fill in the gaps with the positive or negative forms of can or to be able to in the correct tense form. In very early times, all the people on the Earth__________________speak the same language. They lived together and____________________understand each other. People at that time were strong and ambitious. One day they had an idea. "If we all gel together, we___________________ build a great city. We will call it the city of Babel and the tower of this city will go up to the sky. If we____________________do it, everybody will be happy.” When the men started the tower, God was watching them. “They____________________work really fast," he thought. Everything was going well and people forgot about God. They thought that they________________build the tower without him. God got very angry with the people. He decided to punish them. He gave them different languages so that (так чтобы) they (not) understand each other. After that people (not) finish the tower. They (not) live together and went to different places of the world. Nowadays people__________________speak many languages, but most of them_______________ speak English. Maybe, one day English will become the language of the earth and people_______________ communicate easily again. Fill In the gaps. Use the, a or i rticle. 1. ______computers can help you do a lot of things. 2. ______television will be more popular in the 21st century. 3. ______Chinese invented__________paper. 4. ______water is very good for you. You must drink two litres of water every day. 5. ______English don't speak any other foreign languages. 6. ______dogs are people's best friends. fs t Who! are the people in the pictures soying? Complete the dialogues. Use the expressions: to hove a headoche, to hove some coffee, to have some rest, to hove (no) time, to hove (no) dinner. [ 6 i Wrtte Five things that may happen to you in the future if you learn English. I 7 I What is the most important meoiss of communication for you? Write as much as you can abaut it. 54 Units Lesson 10 (Этот словарь содержит слова учебников "Happy Engliah.ru" для 5.6 и 7-х классов) а |а|.ап |9П| - неопределенный артикль а М (bit) - ненного about |»baui| — о. относительно, насчет above labAv] — над abroad |э'Ьго:<1| — а границей act Itekll - действовать, играть в пьесе act out |,як1 ’аи1| — разыграть (диалог) action I'sk/anl — действие activity Isk'tivHil — деятельность, занятие actor I'atkia) — актер add |ted| — добавлять address |a'drcs| — адрес admiraJ I'tedmanll — адмнрал admire |ad'maia| — восхищаться advenlCTe jadVen^al — приключение advert (сокр. от advertisement) — объявле! advertisement |3d'v3:(ism9m| — реклама advice i*d'vais| - совет afraid (aTretdl — испуганный be afraid — испугаться Afrka I'sfnkal - Африка afler I’aftsl — после aflernoon |,| — воздух aialiae I'ealamI — авиалиния airport |'еэрэ:(| — азропорт ■у I'telksmi) — alien I'eiUan) — чужестранец, инопланетянин alive la'laivj — живой all |al| — все. весь, целый allergic |a'l3:(bik| — аллергический along Isflool - вдоль aloud |a1aod| — вслух Alps laelps) — Альпы already (3:l'redi) - уже also (’slsso] — также always I'odwizj — всегда am |sm| — быть, находиться (I л. ед. ч. глагола to be) AmaiM I'temazonj — Амазонка (ргка) ambitious |a:mbijbs| — честолюбивый America ja^nkal — Америка American |а'пкпкап| — американский analyse I’asnsiaiz) — анализировать ancient I'ein/aml - древний and [tend] — и Angara |,о:лдэга| — Ангара (река) Anglican I'soglikanI - англиканский angry — рассерженный animal ['femmlj — животное Anno Domini l.enao ’dDminai] — наша эра another (а'плба) — другой answer ('oensa] — ответ, отвечать an.sweiing machine I'ccnsani] тэ,Д-л| — автоответчик Antarctic Itenlcckiikl — Антарктика any I'eni) — любой anybody I'eni,bodi) — кто-либо anything I’enieiol — что-либо anywhere |’eniwea| — где-нибудь, куда-нибудь appear (a'ptal — появиться appearance |»'pi3rans| — внешность apple [tepi} — яблоко appUcation form l^cpli'keij'n fxm) — бланк заявления apply |a'plai| — обращаться за (аимй) appropriate |a'prauprial| — соответствующий, подходящий April |'е1ргз1| — апрель aquarium la'kweariam) — аквариум archaeologisi |,o;ki'Di3(bisl| — археолог archaeology |A:ki'oia(bi| — археология archer I'afs] - лучник architect |’o:kilekt| — архитектор re [o;| — быть, н lo be) глагола to area ('еэпэ| — область argument I'cuqjumsml — аргумент, довод arm |o:m| — рука armchair |'о:т^еэ| — кресло Armoury Chamber l.nmari tTeimbal — Оружейная палата around |3'raund| — вокруг arrive |3'raiv| — приезжать art (at) — изобразительное искусство article 1'(Шкз1| — статья Arts |o:ts| — гуманитарные предметы as |3Z| - когда, как Asia I'ctsa) — Азия ask jdskl — спрашивать aspirin I'sspsnnI — аспирин asthma I'zsma) — астма astrologer [a'strolodyol — астролог because |bi'kuz| — потому что astronaut I'teslronoil — астронавт become |Ь|'клп1{ — становиться astronomy jo'slranomi) — астрономия bed [bed] - кровать at [tet| - y, около bedroom [ bedru:m| — спальня beefeater [%!:(,i:i3| — бифитер, ст ale [et! (II ф. от eat) - ел beetroot ('bi:mi:i| — свёкла Atlantic Ocean Ist'lsenuk .aw/n] — Атлантический before IbiTa) — прежде, до beggar I'begal — ииший. попрош: atmosphere |'telmasfi3| — атмосфера begin Ibi'gml — начинать attach la'ttetfl — приложить (документы) beginning Ibi'gimgl— начало attack [s'tskl — нападение: атаковать behind (bi'haind| — сзади attract [s'lrtektl — притягивать Beijing (.bci'r^tol - Пекин August [a:g3St| - август Belgium [ beldsaml — Бельгия aunt (a;nl) - тетя believe [bi'liiv] — верить - Australia lu'slreilial — Австралия bell [bell - звонок, колокол author I’oeol - автор belong (bl'logl — принадлежать autumn ['a:tont] — осень below |bi'l3u| — ниже: внизу average [ sevandsl - средний bell [belli - пояс away |o'wei| — далекий: далеко bench [ЬетЛ - скамейка awful |'э:Гэ1| - ужасный Berlin |Ьз:'||л| — Берлин axe [sks| — топор belTlbest) ~ лучший В between [bl'twfcnj — между Bible ['baibslj — Библия back IbtekI — назад bicycle I'baisikll - велосипед backpack ['btekpsekl — рюкзак big [bigl — большой bacon I'beikanl - бекон (свинина) billion ('biljsnl — миллиард bad [bted] — плохой bin [bml — корзина для мусора bag [b£g| — пакет, портфель, сумка Biology [bai olac^il — биология Baikal |bai'ko:l| — Байкал bird |ba:dj — птица bake [beik] — выпекать birth |Ьз:0| — рождение baker [beikaj булочник birthday [ b3:9dei| — день рожде bakery ['beikaril — булочная biscuit Ibiskill — печенье ball [bo:l| - мяч bile |baii| — кусать ballad I'beelad] — баллада black [blieki — черный hallel dancer [bslei 'dansaj — танцовщик ! blazer I bleizsl — форменный пи, танцовщица Meed [bled] — кровоточить balloon [Ьэ‘1и:л| — воздушный шар blew [blu:| (II ф. от blow) - дул Baltic Sea |Ьэ:1пк 'sl:| — Балтийское море blind Iblamdl — слепой banana |Ьэ'по:пз| — банан block |bIok| — блокировать bank [bteokj — банк blonde [blundl - блондин barrel |Ьггз1| — бочка blow |Ыэи| — дуть basin I'beisnl — раковина blue [blu:J - синий bat [bset] — летучая мышь blues [blu:z| — блюз bath Ibccei - ванна board I'bsdl - доска (классная) liathroom ['ba:0ru:m| — ванная комната boarding school |'b3:dlD ,sku:l| — c battle [bsetl] — сражение boat |Ьзи1| — лодка be asleep |bi: 3Sli:pl - спать body I'bndil — тело he back |'bL 'Ыек| — вернуться be glad I'bi: 'gised] — радоваться be good at school — хорошо учиться be homesick [bi: ‘h»tmsik| — скучать i be ready [bi; 'redi) — быть готовым be tired [bi: taiodj — быть усталым bear |Ьеэ| - медведь beat [bi:(| - бить beaten ГЫ:1п| (Ш ф. от beat) - побил beautiful |bju:nrol| — прекрасный became |bi'keim| (П ф. от become) — bodyguard |bi>diga;d| — телохран! bonfire I'bonfaial — костер book [bukj — книга bookcase ['bukkeisj — книжный uj bookshelf [buk/eif] — книжная no bookshop |buk]bp| — книжный м^ boot [bu:t| - ботинок bore Iba) — скука boring 1Ъз:по1 — скучный bom IbonI — рожденный borsch [ЬэЛ — борш boss [bos] — босс bossy |Ъо$1| — властный both |bw6| — оба bottle I’botl) - бутылка bought |ba:lt (II ф. от buy) — купил bow (Ьэи| — лук box [bnks| — коробка boy (boi) - мальчик boyfriend I'boifrendl — друг bracket |Ъг£екк| — скобка bread [bred] — хлеб break |breik| — перерыв breakfast [brekfastj — завтрак breathe |bri:d| - дышать brick |bnk| — кирпич bridge IbridsI — мост bright Ibraitl - яркий brilliant Cbnljantl — превосходный bring IbriQl — приносить bring back |'bni) ‘Ыек| — вернуть bring in the harvest — собирать урож! Britain Cbriml — Британия broke (brauk) (II ф'^от break) - слом; broken |Ъгэикап| — сломанный brother CbrAeaJ — брат brought (brail (II ф. от bring) - прин. brown (braunj — коричневый brush (ЬглЛ - чистить build [bild| — строить builder I'bildal — строитель built (billl (II ф. от build] — строил bully Cbulij — задирать, изводить burn |Ьз;п| — гореть burnt Ib3:nt) (III ф. от bum) - сжег; bury (Ъеп) - хоронить bus (Ьл$| — автобус business |Ъ|гп15| — цело, работа busy [bizi] — занятой but (Ьл1) - но butter I'bAtal - масло butterfly I'bAtaflail — бабочка buy [bat] — покупать by (bail — предлог me. падежа bye (bail - до свидания E>— cable I'keibol] — кабель cage (keicfel — клетка cake (keik) — торт calendar ('ktelmdsl - кал' call (koll - называть, зве came fkeim) (II ф. от com camera ['ksmara) — фотоаппарат camp (kffimp) - лагерь camper |'казтрз| — турист campfire I'ksmpfaiol — походный костер le I'ka sail) - can [ka:n| — мочь, быть в состоянии candle |‘ktendl| — свеча cannon I'kcenanl - пушка cap |кжр] — кепка capital I'ktepitl] — столица car (keel - машина card [ko:d| — карточка, открытка care (ke»| — забота, осторвжность carnival I'ktcnivall — карнавал carpet ['kupill — ковер carry ( kteril — носить cart (kcctl — телега case (keis) — случай, задание Caspian Sea I'ktespian 'su| — Каспийское море cassette (ka'seil — кассета cassette recorder (ka'set n.kxdaj — магнитофон castle [kccslj - зймок cat |kst| - KOT catastrophe (ks'lsstrafi) — катастрофа catch [krefl - схватить, поймать cathedral |k9'@kdral| — собор Catholic I'kteealikl — католик, католический Caucasus ('kikssas) - Кавказ caught |koT| (II ф. от catch) — схватил cauldron I'koddran] — котелок celebration l^elibrei/sn) — празднование cellar Cselal — подвал Celt (keltl - Кельт Celtic I'keltik) - кельтский cemetery ( semBiri) — кладбище central I'senlrell — центральный centre I'sents] - центр centiiry Csenifsril — век certain |'s3:tn| — определенный chair [^еэ| - стул challenge I'tfslmcfej - вызов champion ClTtenipianl — чемпион chance |^a:ns| — шанс, возможность change (tfemdy) - менять channel I'tTtenll — канал chant l^oinll — рифмовка character ('kserikt»| — персонаж charity lYtenti] — милосердие chart |1(a;l| — таблица, схема chase [(fets) — преследовать chut llfstl — болтать cheap |tri:p| - дешевый check Itfek) — проверять cheeky (flki) — развязный cheerleaders |'^l3,U:dBZ| — группа поддержки cheese (gi:t| - сыр Chelsea ('tfelsil — Челси (футбольный клуб) chemicals I'kemiklz) — химикалии chemist |'kemisl| — химик Chemistry |'kemi5iri| — химия chew — жевать China Ctfainal — Китай Chinese l,5ai'ni:zl — китайский chicken I'Vlhml — цыпленок child [^aildj — ребенок children [Y'ldtan] — дети chin [tfm] — подбородок chips (tfipsi - чипсы chocolate C^okliil — шоколад dioke (tfois) - выбор choir ['kwaia] — xop choose |tfu3| — выбирать chose (II ф. от choose) — выбрал Christ (kraist) — Иисус Христос Chrislian ('kns^sn) — христианский Christmas I'krismas) — Рождество Christmastime I'krismastaimj — Рождество church IfaitTI — церковь circle |'s3;k)| — круг city I'siti] — город civil Isivlj — гражданский civilised ('srvalaizdl — цивилизованный clan IkhenI - клан class [kins] — класс classical ['klzesikl] - классический classmate I'klasmeit) — одноклассник classroom ('klccsruml — классная комната clean [kli:n| — чистый, чистить cleaner ('k!i:na) — уборщик clear |kii»| - ясный clever ['kleval — умный client I'klaiant) — клиент dimate I'kiatmatl — климат climb down ! up l.klaim 'daon / лр) — спуститься / взобраться clock (klnk| - часы close [klauz] — закрыть clothes (kisudzl — одежда cloud Iklawdl — облако dub Iklxbl — клуб coach Ikautfl — тренер coast |kaust| — побережье coat Ikatnl — пальто codcerel |'кокэгэ1| — петушок code IkaudI — код coffee I'kufi] — кофе coffee table |koli teibl] — журнальный столик cola I'kaols) — кола Colchester I'kavltfistal — Колчестер cold (kauldl — холодный collect (ka'lektl - собирать collection (ko'lek/anl — коллекция college I'kulidsl — колледж colour ['kxiaj — цвет 58 Vocobolory colourful I'kxlafall — красочный column I'knlaml - колонка combination (.knmbi'neijh) — комбинация come |клт| — приходить comfortable |'клтйэЫ| — удобный commentary I'korasmari) — комментарий committee (ks'mitll — комитет company |'клтрап1] — кампания compare (ksm'pea) — сравнить compass | 'kxmpasi — компас compete |kam'pi;t] — соревноваться competition |,kDmpi'tiJhj — соревнование complete [кзт'рИД] — завершать comprehensive |,kompn'hensiv| — of compulsory |k»m'pAlsarl| — обязательный computer |кэш'р]идэ| — компьютер conductor Ikan'dAkta] — кондуктор congratulation ikan.grtefu'lei/nl — поздравление conjunction Ikan'djAnkJnl — союз connect Iks nekij — соединять connection (к»'пек/л| — связь consulate ('kunsjulail — консульство contact I'knntEekt) — связаться container (kon'temol — контейнер continent I'ktntmanil — континент continue Ikon'linjiul — продолжать contraction |kan'trtekj’n| — сокращение conversation l.konva'seijn) — разговор cook [ktikl — готовить, повар cool |ku:l| — классный copy I'kopi) — копировать copybook I'knpibuk) — тетрадь comer ('kin») — угол coronation l.knro'neijan] — коронация correct Iks'rekt] — правильный corridor I'knndo:) — коридор Corsica I'koisiksi — Корсика cost [knstl — стоить costume ('kosljuml — костюм cosy I'ksuzil — уютный couch potato I'kauf pa,leitau| — лежебока cough Iknfl — кашель, кашлять could |kud| (II Ф- от can) — мог count [kaont] — считать countess I'kaontisl — графиня country ['jovnirij — страна county I'kaunti) — графство courage |'клпс6| — храбрость in (кл2п| — двоюродный брат (сестра) >г 1'кА - обло cow |каи) — корова crayon I'kreisn) — цветной карандаш creature Ikriflal - существо creepy |'kii:pi| — страшный Crescent |'kresam| — полумесяц Crimea Ikrai’mts) — Крым cross IkTDSl — крест crossword |'kn)SW3:d| — кроссворд crowd ikraudi - толпа crown (kraonj — корона cry [krail - плакать, кричать Cuba |'kju:b9| — Куба cucumber |'к|а’клшЬэ| — огурец culture I'ksl^al — культура cup [клр] — чашка curly I’kadi) — вьющийся custom I'kAStamI — обычай customer ['kAStomal — покупатель cut [katl - резать cute [kju:t| - миленький, славный dad |d£ed| — отец daffodil I'daafadill — нарцисс dance |da:nsj — танцевать dancer ('dansaj — танцор danger I'demdial — опасность dangerous ('deindisrssl — опасный dark |dak| — темный date Ideitj — дата daughter |'do:ta| — дочь day (dei| - день dead |ded] (the) — мертвецы dear |di3| — дорогой death |dee| - смерть December (di'sembsl — декабрь dedde |di'said| — решить decision |di'si3n| — решение decorate pdekareit] — украшать decoration |,dek:’reij3n| — украшение deep |dLp| — глубокий defender |di'fenda| — защитник degree |di'gri;| — градус deliver (di'livaj — доставлять Denmark |‘denmo:k| — Дания denlist ('dentist] — зубной врач describe [di'skraib] — описывать description |di’sknp/an| — описание desk [desk] — парта, письменный стол destiny I'destmi] — судьба destroy Idi'siroij — разрушать detail |'di:teil| — деталь detailed (‘dcteildj — детальный detective |di'tekliv] — детективный detention |di'ten/n) — оставлять после уроков dial (daialj — набирать номер dialogue ('daialngj — диалог dictionary ['dikjonarij — словарь did (did) (II ф. от do) - делал die [dai] — умирать difference I'difarans] - различие different I'difaraiu] — различный dinner I'dina] — обед (вечером) dinosaur i'damaso:| — динозавр direct (di'rekt) - прямой director (direkts] — директор dirty |'d3:li] — грязный disappear (,disa'pio| — исчезать disco I'diskso) — дискотека discuss Idi'skasj — обсуждать disease [di'zi:a| — болезнь disgusting Idis'gASlig) — отвратительный dish [dijl — блюдо dislike Idis'laik] — не любить distance ('distsnsl - расстояние dive Idaivj — нырять, бросаться к мячу divide (di vaidj — целить divorced (di'voml — разведенный DJ = Disk Jodcey (disk 'efeoki) — диск-жокей do (du:( — делать doctor I’dDkia] — врач document ( dokjomani) — документ dodge (dodsl — обводить (игрока) dog [dog] — собака Don [do;n| - Дон (река) door (ds:) — дверь double-decker |,dabl dck»| — двухэтажный автобус doughnut I'daunstl — пончик dove (dav] — голубь down (datml — вниз dragon ('drsegan] — дракон dramatise ('drsmstaiz] — разыгрывать no ролям drank (draokl (II ф. от drink) - пил draw (dm:) — рисовать draw (dro;| — ничья to end in a draw — закончиться вничью dream (dri:m) — сон. мечта dress [dres( — платье drew ldni:| (П ф. от draw) - рисовал drilling I'dnili)) — бурение drink |dngk| — нить drive (draiv) — водить машину driver I'draiva] — водитель drop (drop! — капля drove Idroov] (II ф. от drive) — ехал на машине. druid ('dru:id] — друид dug (dag) (II ф. от dig) - выкопал dust (dASt) — пыль, вытирать пыль Dutch |<1л^ — голландский язык duty ('dju:ti| - обязанность dynamite ('damamaiil — динамит (Ю— ■' " '■ each |i:y) — каждый earache ('lareik) — боль в ухе Vocobulory 59 early Гэ:11| — рано earn |з;п| — заработать earth |з:в| - земля east [iai| — восток eat |U| — кушать ecological |,1;кз‘1оф1к]| — экологический Edinbnigh I'edmbaraj — Эдинбург educate |'edjukeit| — обучать es! l'«) - яйцо Egypt l'i;(feipl! — Египет eight |eil] — восемь eighteen (ei‘ti:n) - восемнадцать eighty ('eitij - восемьдесят either |'aid3| - тоже elbow |‘е1Ьэо| - локоть Elbrus le№ni:s| — Эльбрус electric li'lcktrik) — электрический electricity [i,lek1nsiti| — электричество electronic |i,lek'tn>mk| — электронный Elizabeth the Queen [I'lizabad da kwi:n] — королева Елизавета e-mail |'i:meil| — электронная почта embassy I'cmbasil — посольство empty ('empti) — пустой end [end] -конец enemy |'enami| - враг engineer |,en- had Ihsd] (II ф. от have) - имел had to I'hted ts) — должен был hair (heal — волосы half [haf| — половина Halloween ['Iuel3u‘i:n] — Хзллоуин 62 Vocobolory hand jhsnd] — рука handball [ h2endb3:l] — гандбол handsome I'htensm) — красивый hang |h3cj - висеть happen |'Ьзрэп| — происходить happy ['hspi] — счастливый hard |ho:d] - трудно Harvard I'hoivsd] — Гкрвард harvest I'htLvislj — урожай Hastings I'heistigz) — Гастингс hat |hst] — шляпа hate Iheitj - ненавидеть have [hsv] - иметь have a look |luk] — посмотреть have to — должен he |hL] - OH head |hed] - голова headache I'hedcik] — головная боль heading I’hedioj - заголовок health jheiei — здоровье hear [hi»] — слышать heard |h3:d) — слышал (II ф. от hear) heart (ho;ll — сердце heating [hung] — отопление heavy ( hevi) - тяжелый hello [h»'l»u] — привет help [help] - помочь hemisphere [ hemisfia] — полушарие hen [hen] - курица her [hs;] — ее. ей here [hic] — здесь Hermitage I’hstmitid?] - Эрмитаж hero ('hi»r»uj - герой Hi! [hai] — привет hide-and-seek [,haid and suk] — прятки high [haij - высокий hiking i’haikiol — ходить в поход hill [hilj - холм him [him] — ему. его Himalayas [.hima'leiaz] — Шмалаи hippy ['hipi] - хиппи his [hizj — его History [’histari] — история hit (hit) - ударить hobby ['hobi] — хобби hold [hauld] — держать hole [hstilj — дыра holiday ['hnlideij — праздник, каникулы be on holiday — быть на каникулах, в отпусю home [hamn] — дом homeless ['hattmlasj — бездомный homesick ['haumsik] — скучать по дому homework Chaumwsik] — домашнее задание hooray [ht^rei] — ура hop [hop] on / off — запрыгнуть, спрыгнуть hope [Ьэор] — надежда horizoD (ha'raiznl — горизонт hornbook I'hainbokl — букварь в XVI веке horrible [ honbli — ужасный horror I'horal — ужас horse |h3:s| — лошадь hospital ['hospilll — больница host lhausti — хозяин hoi (hotl - горячий hot water bottle |'hm Svo:!? bml| — грелка hotel (hsirtel) - гостиница, отель hour |au»| - час house [haus| — дом how [hau] — как how many (hau 'meni| — сколько huge |hju4sl — громадный hundred [‘Ьлпйгзб] — сотня hung IhAQl (II ф. от hang) - висел Hungary I'hAogsril — Венгрия hungry I'hAQgril — голодный hunt (hAWl - окотиться hunter I'hAittsI — охотник hunting I'luiuiol — охота hurry I'luri) — спешить hurt |ha:i| — болеть husband I'luzband] — муж hut |hAt] — хижина Hyde Park |,haid 'pаы (list| (превосх. ст- от little) -!8ve |li:v) - уезжать iciute riektfal - лекция ifl [left] - левый eg [leg] - нога igcnd I'lecbandl — легенда igion i'ltdsan) - легион imon ['lemanj — лимон Lena I'lena) — Лена (река) ength 11ег)в| - длина es8 lies) (сравн. ст. от un I'lesn] — урок i [lets] — давайте Vocobolory — меньше light |lait| — свет: зажечь; светлый like [laik| — нравиться limerick ( limankl — лимерик line llam) - линия link lligk) — связь lion I'laianI — лев iist (lislj — список Ibten |lisnj — слушать Literature [liirs^a) — литература litter I'litj) - мусор lillle [lillj - маленький live (livl-жить Liverpool I'livapu:!) — Ливерпуль living room ['livio ,ru:m) — жилая комната log [log| — бревно London I'Undan] — Лондон long ling] - длинный look |luk| — смотреть look around |,lok a'raimdl — оглядеться lord (bdl — лорд lose (lu:z| — проиграть, терять lottery I'lotari) — лотерея loud [laudl — громкий love [Uv| — любить, любовь luck |1лк| — удача lucky ['lAkij — удачный lunch [1лп(П — ленч, второй завтрак .М} esi'daumal — Македония mad |msd| — сумасшедший Madagascar |,msda'gteska| — Мадагаскар madam |‘mtedarn| — мадам made |meid) (II ф. от make) — сделал Madrid (ma’dnd) — Мадрид Magic Arts I'mteijyik aisl — волшебные искусства magic stone [mKfcik sta| — комар most (maost) (превосх. ст. от many / much) — больше всего mother ['шлба] — мама motto I'mmsu] — девиз mountain ('mauntinj — гора mouth (maud) — рот move (ma-v) - двигать Mr I'mists) - мистер Mrs I'misiz) — миссис much (nutfl — много muddy ('тлб1| — грязный mug (тлд] — кружка mnhiinillionaire |зпл1и,гш1)з'пе»| — мультимиллионер mum [тлт] — мама mushroom I'rtMjhKm] — гриб music |'mju:zik] — музыка musical ('mjiczikalj - музыкальный must (niAstj — должен name (neim] — имя named (neimd) — названный napkin I'nmpkinI — салфетка narrow |'п®гэо| — узкий nasty I'nasti) — злобный nationality |,пг]з'лг1Л1] — нашюнальность. гражданство nature I'nei^’a) - природа naval fneivl) — морской odd (ndj — лишний of (svj — предлог род. падежа nectarine |‘nekt8ri;n| — нектарин of6ce (ofis) — офис need |ni;d) - нуждаться ofGcer Colisal — офицер negative I'negstiv] — отрицательный ofTicial iaTifl) - чиновник; официальный neighbour [ neibo] — сосед often Cofn] — часто ivet (net] - сеть OK [sfykeij — все нормально network ('nelw3;k| — сеть Oka [s'ko:] — Ока (река) never I'nevo] — никогда old |3Uld] — старый new |nju:j — новый olive I'oliv] — маслина, олива New Year [,nju: 'jioj — Новый год omelette 1‘omlit] — омлет New York |,nju;'j3:k] - Нью-Йорк news |nju:z| — новость, новости once (wAm) — однажды newspaper ('nju:s,peip9j — газета one [wAn] — один next (nekstj — следующий only I'sunlij — только nickname i'ntkneim] — прозвище Ontario Innlenw] — Онтарио (озеро) night [naitj — ночь open ['зцргп] — открывать nil |nil] — ноль opera ( орэгэ) — опера Nile (nail) — Нил (река) operator i'nps.reitaj — оператор nine [паю] — девять opinion (s’pinjanj — мнение nineteen (,nam'ti:n) — девятнадцать opposite Cnpazitl — антоним; напротив ninety [’nainli] — девяносто optional subject |'вр/лэ1 'SAbibiktj — предме Nobel Prize |п80,Ье1 'praizl — Нобелевская премия nobody I'nsobedij — никто orange [nrin^l — апельсин, оранжевый order |'o:d3j — приказ nonsense rnnnsansj — бессмыслица, чепуха. ordinary ('D:dn3rij — обычный неразбериха organisation I.Kgsnai'zeifan] - организаци normal {'пэ:тэ1] — обычный organise ('arganaizj — организовывать normally ['no;malij — обычно oriier |'лвз| — другой north |пэ;6] — север Northern Ireland (,пэ:бэп 'aislandj — Северная Ирландия Norway I'nowei) — Норвегия Norwegian Ini'wtfJjnl — норвежец not Inol) - не notebook I’nBinbokJ — записная khi nothing I'nAeiol — ничего notice I'notrtisl — замечать noun |naun| — существительное November (nsuVembal — ноябрь number ['плтЬз| — номер nun |плп) — монахиня nut [пл1| - орех out loud I,am laodl — вслух outside l^m'said] — вне own (oun| — собственный ox [oks] - бык oxygen I'oksKison) — кислород CD- (2- o'clock la'kJok] — no часам, на часах oak |9uk| — дуб Ob |aub| — Обь !река) observation |,ubZ3'veiran| — наблюдез observatory l8b'z3:v3tori| — обсерват ocean Гзи/п) - океан October [Dk'wobsl — октябрь 66 Vocabulary p-m. [iPi'emI — после полудня Pacific Ips'siftkl — Ткхий океан pack IptekI — укладывать, паковать paella (pai'els) — паэлья (блюде из морепродуктов) page (peitfcl — страница paint [pemtj — краска; красить, раскрашнв pair IpesI - пара palace [ ptelisl — дворец pale IpeilJ — бледный paper I'peipol - бумага parachute |'par»,iu:l| — парашют paragraph I'pserogntf] — параграф patents I'pesrsntsl — родители Paris I’ptens) — Париж park [pak] — парк parliament [ palamsnt) — парламент pan |pat| - часть panner |‘ра;1пз| — партнер раПу ['po;ii| — вечеринка pass |pas| — проходить passport ['paspat) - паспорт past |po:st| — прошедший pastime I'ptcsiaiml — приятное времяпрепровож- patriot I'peetnal) - патриот pay |pei| — плата; платить peace |prs| — мир peaceful i'piisfall adj - мирный pen |pen| — ручка pen Mend ['pen frend] — друг no переписке , pence (pens) - пенсы , pencil [pensi] — карандаш peninsula |pi'nm$jul3| — полуостров ; penknife ('pen,naif) - перочинный нож I people [pi:pl] - люди pepper Грерз] — nepeu perhaps (ps'hEps) — возможно period [’piariadl — период permanent ('рз:тэпзп(| — постоянный person Cpsrssnl - человек personal |'рз:8зпз1| — персональный pel (pet) - домашнее животное Peter the Great |,pi:l3 дэ ‘greilj — Петр I Pelerhof |'pi:ls,hp:f| — Петергоф phone (faun) — звонить photo ['Гэшэо| - фото photograph ('fsina.gral] — фотография; фс^графировать phrase (freiz) — фраза physical I'fizikl) — физический Physical Education [.fiziksl edjo'keij'n] — физкультура physicist I'fizisisil — физик physics I'fiiziks) - физика pick |pik| — выбрать picture I'pikt/aj — картина pig [pig| - свинья pile (patll — куча pill |pil] — таблетка pin [pin] — булавка pine (pain) - сосна pizza I'pilss) - пицца pizzeria [,pi:is3'ri:3| — пиццерия place Ipleis) - место place name I’pleis ,neim| — географическое название plague Ipleig) - чума plain (plein) - равнина plan (piten) — план plane [pleinj - самолет planet I'pltenitl - планета plant [plo;nt| - растение plaster I'plarsts) — пластырь plastic I’ptestik) — пластмассовый plate (pleit) — тарелка play the piano [plei дэ pi'snau] — играть на player I'pleis) - игрок PlayStation [plei, stei/n) — игровая приставка playwright [ pleirait] — драматург please [pii;zj - пожалуйста pleasure |'р1езэ| - удовольствие plot IplDt) — заговор plough [plauj — пахать plug IpUg] - пробка plus IpIas] — плюс poem I'psuimj — стихотворение poet Срэоп) - поэт point [pamt] — указывать poisonous I'psizsnssj — ядовитый Pole Ipsulj — полюс poUce (pa'lis) - полиция policeman Ips'lismanj — полицейский polite Ipc'laiij — вежливый politician |,pnli'tljh| — политик pollute (рэЧил) — загрязнять pony I'pauni) — пони pool |pu;l] — бильярд poor (риз] - бедный popular ( popjuls) - популярный port [P5:t] - порт portrait ерэлга] — портрет position (рз'гфп) - позиция pnsii ■e I'po possession (ps'zs/nj — владение post office ('p3usi pfisj — почта postcard I'psostkixdj — открытка poster |‘p3usi3] — плакат postman ['psustmsnj — почтальон pot |pm] — ad. котелок, горшок potato [p3'teit3u| — картофель pound Ipaund) — фунт стерлингов predict Ipn'dikt) - предсказывать prediction (pn'dik/nj — предсказание prefix I’prifiks) - приставка present [pn'zentj — представлять (кому-то presentation |,prez3n'teiTn| — представление кого-либо / чего-либо (презентация) prevent Ipn'veml — предотвращать price Iprais] - цена priest (prist) - священник prime meridian (,pratm ms'ndian) - нулевой меридиан prime minister (,praim mimsis) — премьер-министр private I'praivii) — личный, частный prize (praiz) — приз probably rpmbsbli) — возможно problem I'problamJ — проблема professor Ipra'fesol — профессор programme |'ргэодггт| — программа programmer |'prougrxma| - программи! progressive |pra'gresiv| — длительный project I'pnxtsektl — проект promise |'pn>mis| — обещать pronoun I'prcunatml — местоимение pronounce (prs’natmsl — произносить protect Ipro'tekll — защищать prove Ipra-v) - доказывать public |'рлЫ|к| — общественный pudding rpudiol — пудинг pull IpolJ — тащнть. тянуть pumpkin ('рлгаркзп] — тыква punishment Грлл(Гтэт| — наказание pupii |'pju:pl] — ученик puppy I'pApil - щенок puritan I'pjuamanI — пуританин put (put) — вставлять, ставить, класть puzzie I'pAzIj — головоломка pyramid ( piramidl — пирамида quality |'kwnali| — качество queen [kwi:n] - королева question ('kwes^nj — вопрос quick |kwik| — быстрый quiet I'kwaial) — тихий quill |kwil| — гусиное перо quiz |kwiz| — викторина rabbit I'rsbitj — кролик radio I'reidiau) — радио rain |rein| — дождь: идти, литься (о дожде) rainy ('remil — дождливый ran |гго| (11 ф. от run) — бежал гар [ггер| - рэп raven (reivni — ворон read [ri:d) — читать reading ( rudiol — чтение ready Tredil — готовый real |пэ1] — настоящий realistic |ri3'iislik| — реалистичный really Гпэ1|| — на самом деле, настоящий recent IftsmI — недавний recognise I'rekognaizl — узнавать recommend |,гекэ'тепб] — рекомендовать recycle |ri:'saikl| — перерабатывать red [red] - красный referee |,refs’ri:| — рефери (судья) refrain |ri'frem| — припев region Гг1:ф1| — область 68 Vocabulary regular I'reqjulal — правильный relative ['relstiv] — родственник relax (n'lteks) — расслабиться religion In'lic^anj — религия reload |,n:'lavd| — перезагрузить remake |ri.'meik{ — переснятый фильм remember (n'membaj — помнить remove the inside |n'mav da insaidj — вынуть внутренность repeal [n'pi:l| — повторить reply In'plai] - ответить report Iri'pstl — отчет reporter |г|'рз;1з| — репортер rescue (‘reskju:| — приют resident ('reztdant) — резидент respect [ri'spekll — уважать rest [rest] — отдыхать restart [ri:'sta:l| — начать заново restaurant [ restarontl — ресторан result In’zAll] — результат retell [.it'lel) - пересказать return |пЧз;п1 — возвращаться reuse |it)u:z| — повторно использовать revolt |ri'v3Ull| — восстание revolver |n'volv3] — револьвер te (ri^rait) — переписать thym. - рифма rice Irais] — рис rich [n^ — богатый riddle I'ndll — загадка ride [raid] — ездить верхом ride a bicycle [raid з 'baisiklj — кататься riding I’raidiQl — верховая езда right (rail) — правильный, правый ring (no) - кольцо river |'nv3| - река road frsudl — дорога rob |rub| — грабить robber I'rnbal — грабитель robbery I'rubari] — грабеж Kobin Hood Lrubin hud| - Робин 1Уд rode |r3ud{ (II ф. от tide) — ездил верхом roller-skate ['r3ul3skeil| — кататься на роликовых Roman |'гзитэп1 — римлянин Rome 1гэит| - Рим roof [luf] — крыша Roquefort |'гикГэ;| — рокфор (сыр) ruse |гзог] — роза rouble [гиЫ] — рубль round [raundj — вокруг route liutl — маршрут royal |'гэ1з1| — королевский rubbish I'rsbiJ] — мусор ruby |'ru:bl) - рубин rucksack [ rAkssekj — рюкзак rude |nrd| — грубый rugby I'rAgbil — регби run [глп) — бежать run away (глп aVei) — убегать Russia Ггл/э) - Россия Russian ['гл/п| - русский CD- sad (ssdj — грустный safely I’serfti) — безопасность Sahara l^'hctrsl — Сахара said |sed| (II ф. от say) — сказал Sakhalin (,sieka'li:n| — Сахалин salad ['ssladi — салат Salisbury Plain |'sa:lzbari plcinl — Солсбера равнина sail Isokl — соль sandals |'S£endl2| — санлалии sang [ssql (II ф. от sing) — пел Santa Claus |,ssnl3 klozi — Санта-Клаус sal (sill (II ф. or sil)-сидел salisfactory l.siElis'fekiari) — удовлетворите Saturday ['seeiadi| — суббота sauce (sasl - coyc sausage Csosidll — сосиска, колбаса save (seivj — спасать saw (so) (II ф. or see) - видел say |sei| - сказать scared (skeadl — испуганный scary I'skesrll — страшный scholarship I'skols/ipl - стипендия school |sku;l| — школа science [saiansj — естественные науки scissors (lizsz) - ножницы score (ska:) - счет Scot |skm| — шотландец Scotland I'skDlIandl - Шотландия Scottish I'skotiJl — шотландский Scripture Cskripfal — изучение Библии sculpture I'skAlplfsl - скульптура sea [sL| - море seagull I'slgAl] — чайка search (s3:fl — поиск season |suzn| — время года Seattle (si'teUI — Сиэтл second ['sekandj — второй secret |'si:krn| - секрет section I'sekjh] — ad. раздел see (st) - видеть select (si'lektl — выбирать selfish I'selfiJ) — эгоистичный send (send) — посылать sent (sent) (II ф. от send) - послал sentence Csentans) — предложение separated Csepaifeitidl — разлученный September [sep'temba] — сентябрь serious I'siarias) - серьезный servant ('sarrant) - слуга serve (s3:v| — служить set (set I — набор seven (sevnl-семь seventeen [,sevn’li;n] - семнадцать seventy I'sevnti) — семьдесят sew isaul - шить sewing ('sTOinl - шитье sex (seks) — пол (муж./жеи.) shake [Jeikj — пожимать руку Shakespeare |'Jeikspi3| - Шекспир shanirock ('/гглтк] — трилистник share |/еэ| — делиться чем-либо shark ifiLk) - акула sharpen [‘Jcupanj — затачивать she l/i:| - она sheep lji:pl - овца, овцы shield L(i:ld| - щит shine [fam| — светить ship LIipl - корабль shin |;з:1| - рубашка shock Unk| — шок shoes [fu3| — туфли shone Lfun) (II ф. от shine) - сверкал shoot [far] — стрелять shop L/pp| — магазин shopping CJbpiDl - хождение no магази shore [Jb:| — берег short l/al] — короткий should (Jtid) — следует shoulder (Ifauldol - плечо shout IJatnl — крик: кричать show [)3u| — показывать shower C;aoa| - душ, ливень shy Lfai| — застенчивый, робкий Siberia |да|'Ьш:] — Сибирь sick (sik| - больной side (said) — сторона sigh (sail — вздох: вздохнуть sign (sainj — подписать silent I’sailantl - молчаливый be silent — молчать silver (‘silval — серебряный iple Csimpl! — простой g (sid] - петь nger [ siga; - певец iging I'sioigj - пение '^e (siogll - не женат / не замужем iir (S3:) - сэр • ter ['sista) - сестра [sit] — сидеть nation |д|1Ги'е|/эп| — ситуация [siksl - шесть iixleen [,siks'lLn] — шестнадцать sirty ['sikslij - шестьдесят skaliog ['akeiliol — катание на коньках skirt |ska:t) — юбка sky |skai] — небо slave [sleiv] — раб sledge |sle«) - сани sleep Isltp) - спать slept (slepil (11 ф. от sleep) — спал slim Isliml - стройный slingshot |'sliq,jD(| — праща slow |slw| — медленный small |sino:l| — маленький smell (smell — запах smile Ismail) — улыбка snack (sntek) — закуска snake |sneik| — змея snore |snx| — храпеть snow |snau| - снег, идти (о снеге) snowboarding |’snao,bo:dii)| — катание на сноуборде snowdrift i'snau.drifll — сугроб so (s«)-итак sock |sok| — носок sofa I'sMifoJ — софа soft |soft| — мягкий software |'snft,we»| — программное обеспечение solar I’saula) — солнечный soldier I'sauldyal — солдат some Issm) — какое-то количество somebody ('ssmbodil — кто-то somehow ( samhao) - так или иначе someone ('ssmwsn) - кто-то something I'sAmOiol — что-то song [sddI — песня soon |$i;n| — скоро, вскоре at ('S3 sorry |‘snri| — сожалеть son (soil — BKfl sound (saondj — звук soup |su:p| - суп soup bowl ( sup .bwl) — миска south jsauei — ЮГ space (speisl — пространство spaceship |'speis,Jip| — космический корабль Spain (spem| — Испания Spanish |‘5ргл1Я — испанский spare jspeal — свободный, запасной speak (sptk) - разговаривать speaker I’spidcal — диктор special ( spejol] — специальный speech (spiitf) - речь speed Ispud) — скорость spend (spend) — проводить, тратить 70 Vocobulory spent Ispern) (II, 111 ф. от spend) — провел spinach ('spinitbl — шпинат ^ke (spauk) (II ф. от speak) — говорил spoon [spun] — ложка sport [spo;i] — спорт spray Isprei) — брызгать spring (spno) - весна square Iskwea) — площадь St Basils Cathedral |snl .btezJz ka'eidrall — Собор Василия Блаженного St Petersburg |sm 'pixazbaig) — Санкт-Петербург stage [sleicbj - сцена stamp Isizmp) — марка stand [sttend] — стоять start [stall — начинать starve Isluv] — голодать stale Isieil) — государство statement ('sleitmsnt) — утверждение stalioa I'sieiJnl — вокзал, станция statue ['si«^u| — статуя status I'sienas) — положение stay |slei| — останавливаться, оставаться steal (slkll — украсть step [step] - шаг stepsoo I'stepsiui) — пасынок stew Istju) - жаркбе stkk [stik) — палка still Istil) — все ещё stocking I'stokjol — чулок stole (siwll (II ф. от steal) — украл stomachache CsLunakeikl — боль в желудке stone [siaunj — камень Stonehenge |,51эоп'1гспф) — Стоунхендж stood [stud) (II ф. от stand) — стоял stop [sinpl - остановиться stoiy I’storil — рассказ stove Isiauv) — печка straight Istrcn) — прямой strange [siremtbl - странный street [stri:(| — улица strengrii [sireooj — сила strict [sinklj — строгий strong [sloi}j — сильный student [‘stjudnt] — студент study [‘sudij — изучать stupid [’sljupidj — глупый style [siaiil — стиль subject ['SAb1 - спасибо thanks to )ecgks| — благодаря that |6st| - TO the (da) — определенный артикль Ihealre ('OoiaJ — театр ■heir Iflea) - их them Idem) — нм. их then [den| — тогда Iheory Cdiari) — теория there Idea] - тан these [disj — ant they (del) — OHH thick (век) — толстый thin |6in| — тонкий thing (eiol - вещь think [вн}к| — думать third (вэ:б) — третий thirsty Cesisti) — хотеть пить thirteen |,вз:11:п] — тринадцать thirty ['взП|| — тридцать Ibis |dis) — это thistle [0isl] — чертополох those (dauz) - те thought |вэд| (II ф. от think) — думал thousand I'eauzand) — тысяча three [BriJ — трк threw )6iu;| (II ф. от throw) — бросил ihrou^ |вш:| — через throw [бгао] — бросать thrown |0raon| (III ф. от throw) — выбросил Thursday Cdsizdi] — четверг tick [lik| — отметить галочкой ticket Ciikit) — билет tidy |4aidi| — опрятный tie |lai| — галстук tiger ['iai9a] — тигр till lull — до тех лор. пока time (taim| — время timetable ['iaim,ieibl| — расписание tin |tin{ — консервная банка lip (upl - совет tired Itaiadl — усталый tiUe I'tailll - заголовок today [la'dcil — сегодня together (ta'jeSaJ - вместе toilM iTsilil] - туалет • Thank" Itai'itenikI — "Титаинк" Tokyo haukiau) - Токио (old liwldl (II ф. от leU) - сказал (1Г^— tomato Its 'moiloo) - помидор tomb [to:m] - могила tomorrow [ta'moratj] — завтра too [tu:] — тоже, слишком took |Шк| {II ф. от take) — взял toothache l'lij;feik| — зубная боль top [topi — верх topic I'lDpikl — тема torch |to:d] — фонарик touch (tatfl - дотронуться tour [tua| — путешествие tourist [4u9nsi| — турист towards {tsSrodzl — no направлению к Tower [‘taooj (the) — Тауэр town |taun| — город toxin [ toksmi — отравляющее вещество toy [tot} — игрушка, игрушечный traditioD (tra'dijanl — традиция traditional Itra'dirnall — традиционный tragedy l'lra gehen in die Schule. (German) — We go to school (English) Sie isl inieressanl. (German) — She is inieresring. (Engii^) Scandinavian words in English: anger (гнев), cake, cali, egg, get. give, kick, kiil, score, scrub, seat, skill, skin, skirt, sky, take, they, them, their, ugly, want, window, husband. Latin word-s in English: street, kitchen, cup. cheese, wine, angel, wall, paper. French words in English: country, court (суд), crime (преступление), prison, religion, prince, princess; royal, adventure, change, fruit, letter, literature, magic, male, female, mirror, question, special. In fact, English is a Germanic language. The Anglo-Saxons contributed to the formation of English most of all. English grammar is still very similar to German. There are also a lot of French words in English from when William Duke of Normandy became the King of England in 1066. You can find a lot of Scandinavian words in English too. They came from the times when the Vikings raided Britain. The English alphabet came from Latin. Christian monks, who spoke Latin, brought it to England from Ireland. It is very strange, but the Celtic language didn't contribute many words to modem English. We can only And Celtic words In the names of places and rivers such as: Dover, Kent. Avon and Thames, for example. Role card 5 Part 1 You are Mr (Mrs) Forbes, a Canadian joumalisL You have to write an article about the English language and you w what people from different countries think about it. You have a small role in the discussion, but you must: • start the discussion • Introduce the people to each other • lead the discussion • take notes of the discussion • finish the discussion and say who convinced (убедил) you Part 2 Your guests are: Mr (Mrs) Bamridge, an English historian. Mr (Mrs) Belov(a). a Russian translator. You arc Mr (Mrs) Brinks, a rich American businessman. Mr (Mrs) Swarup. an Indian student. Role card 4 You are Mr (Mrs) Swamp, an Indian student. You think English is so popular because the United Kingdom used to have a big empire. The British had colonies all over the world, and all the people in the colonies had to speak English. Your country. India, is an example. Look at the text and the map. Use the map and the facts from the text to support your ideas. The beginning of the British Empire I'empats] was in 1583 when Queen Elizabeth I sent her ships to explore new lands and continents. The expeditions were always successful. More and more lands became the part of the British Empire. At that time Doctor Dee. the Queen's magician and astrologer, said the famous words: “British Empire". He was right. Britain had the largest empire in the world. People said about it: "the sun never sets on the British Empire.” It was true; the empire was so big that it was always daylight in some part of it. Its territories were on every continent and ocean. By the beginning of the 20th century the British Empire had a population (население) of 400-500 million people (about a quarter of the world's population at that lime), and covered about 30 million square kilometres. Some of the countries that used to be British colonies or territories are: the USA, Canada. Australia. New Zealand. India, large parts of Africa, the Caribbean, the Far East, the Middle East and some islands in Europe.