Английский язык 7 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 2

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 7 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Happy English (Хэппи Инглиш):

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к. Kaufman М. Kaufman W0flX£500X2 List of irregular verbs i форма П форма Ш форма be быть, находиться, являться was, were been beat бить, ударять beat beaten become сганоииться became become begin иачинать(ся) began begun bite кусать(ся) bit bitten blow д\ть blew blown break ломать, нарушать broke broken bring приносить, приводить brought brought build строить built built buy пок\т7ать bought bought catch поймать caught caught choose выбиргпъ chose chosen come приходить, приезжать came come cost стоить cost cost cut резать cut cut dig копать dug dug do делать did done draw рисовать drew drawn drink пить drank drunk drive водить машину drove driven eat кушать ate eaten fall падать fell fallen feel чувствовать felt fell fight бороться, сражаться fought fought find находить found found fiy летать flew flown forget забывать forgot forgotten forgive прощать forgave forgiven freeze замерзать froze frozen get получать got got give давать gave given go ходить, ехать went gone grow расти, выращивать grew grown hang вешать hung hung have иметь had had hear слышать heard lieard hide прятать hid hidden hit ударять hit hit hold держать held held keep держать, хранить kept kept к. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Счастливый английский.РУ/ Happy English.ru Рабочая тетрадь №2 С раздаточным материалом к учебнику для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений и э Т А А t t л И т ь с т у в О Л Т i т и L р и в L I & 2011 М ^ R & ББК 81.2АН1Л-922 кзо УДК 802 0(075.3) УМК “Счастливый английский.ру ’ / “Happy English.ru" для 7-го класса включает следующие компоненты: • учобник • книг у для учителя • работе тетради I, 2 с раадаг'Тчным материалом • аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты. CD MP3) • учебное пособие “Мистер Хэлп т-дет на тюм01дь" По вопросам приобретения книг следует обращаться в издательство “Титул": 249035. т, Обнинск Калужской обл., а/я 5055. тел.; (48439) 9-10*09, факс: (48439) 9*10*00. е-таИ: pochta'3>titul.ru |книга почтой), umk^titul.ru (оптовые покупатели). Информация об УМК находится на сайте vMWw.onglishteachers.ru К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман КЗО Английский язык: Рабочая тетрадь hP 2 с раздаточным материалом к учебнику Счастливый английский.ру/ Happy English.ru для 7 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.—Обнинск: Титул. 2011.— 80С.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866*444*1 Рабочие тетради N* 1 2 входят о состав УМК Счастливый английский ру* для 7*го класса Прод>«аз»<3'И)ны для выполнения письменных заданий о классе и дома 8 них гюмешины конт-pu;ibiui№ заданин разделов у'1сбник.з К.зждяя рабочая твградь также включает в себя раздаточный материа.1. неоОходимый ш>н работы иа уроке (разлтл Qit Oot). В рабочей тетради № I помешен мини-словарь вхл»1аю1иий .1сксику. которая содержится в у'1ебник.зх для 5*гп и б-го классов ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Учебное издание Кауфман Клара Исааковна Кауфман Марианна Юрьевна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Счастливый английский.ру / Happy Engllsh.ru Рабочая тетрадь № 2 С раздаточным материалом к учебнику для 7 класса общеобразовательных у>1реждений Замдиректора гю гкшотовке изданий С. В Ширина Консультант Пико К.зсиди Корректоры Г. А Киселева. Г П Мартыненко Иллкх:1рации Г. С. Босомягких, Д 8. Жеребцова, А. В. Савельевой. Е. В Сергеевой. И. С. Слюнковой. И Ю Таубс Дизайн макета, верстка 8. КиН Художественный редактор Е А Валяева иифрооая обработка изображений Л. Н. Новоселова Лицензия ИД № 00<11б от 10.11.99. Санитарно-эпидемиологическое заключение о соответсгвии санитарным правилам РФ N9 77,99.60 953 Д 001105 01 Ю от 26.01 20Ю. По>1пис:ачо в печась 06.08.20l0 Формат б0х84.‘’8 Гарнитура “ГГС Charter". Печать офсетная Бумага офсетная Уел. печ л. 9.3 Уел. кр.-огт 10.27. Тир. 25000 экэ За*. № 3654 Издательство "Тигул". 249035. г. Обнинск. Калужская об!., а.'я 5055 Тел (48439) 9*10*09. E-rridii: pochlaStitul.ru (кмиез почтой), umk&titui.rii (отовие гтокулатсли). Отпечатано в полном cooibviciiihh с качеством предостасленных издательством материалов в ОАО -Тверской ордена Трудсвого Красного Энамени гюпиграфкомбинвт детской литературы им ЗО-летия СССР*. 170040. т Тиорь. проспикт 50 пет Октября. 46 СР К И К;туфм;}н М. tO. Кауфман. 2004 Ф Иэдатапьство‘Титул*, дизайн восгроизведение. распростршшнис ?004 G К И Кауфман М. ю. Кауфман. 2008. с изтж;нс1>инми О Издательство 'Титул', дизайн воспроизведтьтие, распростраиаиио 2006. ISBN 978*5-86866-444*1 сизкчнениями 6 tl. - ■ - -- Lessons 1,2 English schools • Ьуквосочстание th передает звук |0| в начале и в конце знаменательных слов — thin |Oin|, monf/i |nun0|. • 1>уквосочетанис th передает звук |01 в начале служебных сюв — the |(Ъ|. than |ба;п|, мсстоимснин — that |Oie(| и между гласными — bathe |beiO|. • Ьуквосометание al + согласная передает звук \у.\ — talk (talk]. • Ьуквосочстание au передает звук |э:| — autumn • (буквосочетание aw передает звук |э:| — .vaiv |sa:). • Буквосочетание our передаст звук |.т| —four |fa:|. 1 ^ Read the words. ЛИ, author, salt, walk, tall, paw, court, breathe, seventh, call, chalk, raw, wall. August, fourteen. 2 Match the words with the explanations. 1. -All-girls school a) a school which is for the rich and the clever. 2. Public school b) something you get if you are very clever. 3. Scholarship c) i be most famous public .school. 4. F.ton d) boys cannot study in this school. 5. Boarding school e) the school where you learn and live. 3 : Answer the questions about your school. 1. Do you go to a public or a state school? — _________________________________________ 2. Do boys and girls study together? — 3. Do you go home or stay at school after classes? —. 4. How many classes a day do you have? — S. Do you have to wear a uniform? —. 6. What foreign languages are you learning? — 7. What’s your favourite subject? — 8. i low' many floors are there in your school? — Unii 6 lessons 1. ? Homework )••••••••♦•*••••••••*••••■ A j Fill in the table. Use informotion from the text of Ex. 6. Explain your answers. It surprised me. It was very new for me. I knew it. T think it is a very good idea. I don’t think it is a very good idea. В ^ What do you want to know about English schools? Write as many questions as you can. Use the ideas: clothes, teachers, subjects, the length (продолжительность) of the lessons, classroom problems. Misha's first days at school Read the words. Think, them, thatcher, that, theatre, theft, theme, theor>', there, thief, thing, then, fifth, throat, those, threat, thrill, throw, ihunih, 'I hursday. 2 Find ten names of school subjects. R В F N M E L 0 Y В A P S T E N M E L R S E R 1 H 1! s T 0 R Y N 0 R F О E 1 G M P H Y S 1 c S G E В L К N N E A О I S К S R A M L T 1 A C L R T D M R N b К 0 L 0 N R H G M H E S E A О A L M S 0 L T N О A s 0 N R M К T 1 p H К 0 К b N N 0 L T E R A T и R F G G T L 1 1 M и S 1 1 c H E M 1 s T R Y Unii 6 lessons I. 2 ond 3 CD Pill in the table with the sentences about your school. Rob’s school The school is in a beautiful old castle. Your school l.essons don’t start very early. The first lesson is at 9.25. A lesson is 35 minutes. The teachers arc kind and the clas.smaies are friendly. Pupils can choose their subjects. Children wear a cool uniform. ^Homework ^ V [ A ^ Look at the facts from Ex. 10 and write; What did you like/not like about Misha's new schoo/? Write as much as you can. Be ready to discuss these facts in the class. Model: The school is a castle. 1. It’s cool. I want to study at the castle. Castles are interesting. 2. 1 don’t want to study at the castle. Castles can be very cold and not very cosy. And they are creepy! Unit 6 lesson 3 (^В )| Look at the pictures and fill in the gaps with other, onother, the other 1. This pen doesn’i write. I need________ 2. This book is boring. Do you have any 3. Five pupils are here. Where are______ one. 4. 1 have two best friends. One is a boy pupils? _____friend is a girl. Is life at school easy? ou + n, t = (ai>| — count (kaunti, shout scout (skautl ow в конце слова и перед п = [ао| — how [hao|. town (taunh now (nao| oi. oy = |oi| — toy |lDi|, boil |boil|, point IpDinil ere, eer, ear = (lal — bear |bia|, here [liio|, near (nia), deer {did) ng = lol — long IlDOl qii = |kw| —question |'kwcstj'n| kn = (n) — know Inaol our, ower = |aua| — sour |s’ dropped some paper. Misha: It's a page of a very old book! Rob: Yes. it’s a story, but I can’t read it. It's in a very old language! Misha: let’s gh'c it back to Mrs Nast>'. Rob: I'm sure, the page isn't hers. She doesn't know an>*thing about languages. Misha: It's ail very fishy. Rob: Ijct's give this page to Mark. I think he can translate it. Two days later Mark: I translated the page! 1 don't believe it! Rob: What happened? Mark: It's a story* from the MaeWizard family history book. Misha: How did Mrs Nasty get it? .Mark: 1 don’t know. Rut there is a story about a ring on this page. Rob: It's one of the keys, isn’t it? .Mark: Mavbc. Should they Lessons 8, 9 We must teave our land Homework i. Look at the map of England in the 7th century. Некоторые из этих названий вы можете найти и на современной карте Великобритании. Догадайтесь о происхождении географических названий. Сопоставьте названия на карте и их значения. 1. Su.ssex 2. Wessex 3. hissex 4. Hast Anglia a) Hast Saxons b) Hast Angles c) West Saxons d) South Saxons Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms What will happen next? Try to predict. You con check your guesses in the end of the next unit. Look at the mop again. What do you think? Where will Artos and his tribe go? 14 Inf ^ . '.'ooi 7 o“d 8, 9 [ с J Look at the pictures of the ring meeting. Onlyone picture is right. Which one? Explain your answer. _______________ Test yourself Look at Rob's pi an for Mondoy. He wrote it a long time ago, and now there are some changes. Listen and make the changes in the plan. 3 a.m. - ^et up 7.30 - breakfast 3 a.m. - 00 to my room and have a rest 9.25-3 p.m. - lessors 4 p.m. - try to play football with other boys from my class CD™ in the gaps with other, the other, another. 1. 1 have two pens. This one is not vcr>' good. I think I should give you 2. These apples are very tasty. Can 1 have____________one? 3. I have two sandwiches. One is with ham. Please give me _______one. I don’t like ham. Unit 6 Lessons 8, 9 one Ю 15 4. Children’s books are boring. You don’t have to read them. There are____________ the bookcase. 5. Do you want to go camping with us? No, thank you I have_______________hobbies. [ 3 ^ Look ol the children and give them advice about their table manners. Model: 1. Yon should use a knife. books in Complete the sentences. 1. St David’s is a______ school. 2. In St David’s everybody has to wear______________ 3. The pupils arc___________________to the teachers. 4. Some boys_____________________Robin. 5. rho teachers are very_____________________ 6. If the teacher is not happy with you, you can get [ 5 j What do you know about public schools in England? Write 4-6 sentences. Use the plan. 1. Who are these schools for? 2. What arc the most famous schools and the most famous students? 3. How much do the students have to pay? 4. Does everybody have to pay a lot of money? Why not? 16 Uni’ 6 le.sson 10 Lesson 1 In the country DoDidDone [~r~) Распределите глаголы в зависимости от чтения окончания -ed. Cooked, greeted, liked, polluted, switched, dropped, asked, answered, wanted, picked, agreed, celebrated, organised, dialed, arrived, washed, packed, cleaned, decorated, walked, protected. Id) HI fid] ^ 2 J Найдите I и III формы глаголов и выпишите получившиеся пары. Fallen, go, put, built, taken, buy, drink, spoken, seen, fall, done, be, bought, cut, forget, gone, speak, build, drunk, do, been, .sec, forgotten, take, put, cut. [ 3 } Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect form of the verbs in brackets. 1. He___________________________(not call) his friend. 2. Misha___________________________(write) a letter to his sister. 3. The children---------------------------(clean) the forest. 4. She 5. They (). I__ ___(not walk) the dog. ____(buy) a new computer. (leave) the book at home. Unii 7 lesson 1 17 4 Here is Mrs Morrison's plan for the day. Write: What has she done? What hasn't she done? Things to do 1. Make a cake. 2. Buy a present. 3. Write a letter. 4. Decorate the house. 5. Walk the dog. 6. Turn off the TV set. Homework ; A ' Fill in the table. 1 form come II form III form played went seen do understood Пу bought thought catch liked be left 18 Unit 7 Lesson 1 T form 11 form III form got sing drop ate danced wrote [ в J Ри» the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect. Trans ote into Russian. 1. Mar>' has________________________(open) the window. 2. The teacher has (give) us a lot of homework. 3. I have (phone) my granny 4. You have (read) this book. 5. We have (make) a very nice picture. ерепишите полученные предложения, записав глаголы hove, has в сокращенной форме. In the country DoDidDone 1 Rewrite the sentences. Use the words yet, already^ just. 1. Tve written a letter to my friend.—_______ 2. The children haven’t learned the song.— 3. She’s called her friend.— 4. We’ve read this story.— _ 5. 'I hey haven’t bought a new computer.— 6. She's called me.— Unit 7 lessons = and 2 19 [ 2 } Translate from Russian into English. 1. Оми уже перевели .этот текст.—. 2. Он еще нс сделал домашнее задание.— 3. Я только что по.эвонил Маше.—_____ 4. Мама уже приготовила обед.—_______ 3 Complete the sentences. Use the Present Perfect. 1. I can’t phone my friend, because (1 / lose / hi.s / phone / number). 2. He can't play» because (he / not clean / his / room).— 3. She is hungry, because (her mum / not cook / dinner).— 4. Me is happy, because (his friend / send / an c-mail).— Homework A . Look ot the pictures and write. Use these words and word combinations. liai, see the new film, do homework, read the book, wash hair, do the shopping. Model: 7. Alexey has just eaten, his lunch. Ivan hasn't eaten his lunch yet. 20 Un»? 7 Lesson 2 Lessons 3,4 In the country DoDidDone [ 1 ^ Make questions with the underlined words. 1. They haven’t packed their backpacks yet, because they were tired.— 2. He has iiisi met his friend.— 3. The children have cleaned the forest.— 4. The boys have already put up all the tents.— 5. They have built a new house.—_________ 6. Misha has applied for a visa.—________ 7. The girls have picked up to speak to the Queen (zy to fly in the sky to live in a castle Unit 7 lessons 3, 4 21 4 i Motch the questions and the answers. 1. Is that your new dress? 2. I lave you tend this book? 3. VVhar have you already done? a) IVe washed up the dishes. b) No, I haven’t hjund one yet. c) No, I’ve just bought it. Play a game. Д.1Я игры необходимы кубик и фишки. Попадая на игропос поле, игрок должен назвать и поставить в кружке слева номер формы гла10ла. В двух строках ниже следует написать номера и недостающие формы l■;lamлa. Еези формы глагола на.званы или написаны неправильно, игрок пропускает ход. Выигрывает тот. кто первым дойдет до финиша. 22 Unir 7 lesson* 3 4 TAUGHT LISTENED 4D Un'f/ Lessons 3.4 23 Homework ^ Write: Whot are your plans for today? What have you already done? What are you going to do? Model: Today I want fo walk my dog and phone my best friend. I have already phoned my friend. I am going Co ivalk my dog. В } These are Misha's results for October. Write a letter to Misha's mother and tell her about his marks. Remember! His mother doesn't understand English marks. Model: Mi.dia has got an excellent mark in English. Maths Music Ш English [a3 Art Ш English Literature ra PE Ш German DI] TT Physics Гс] Religious Education ra History Ш DT (лЗ Lesson 5 Have you ever...? Play a game. Take your cards from the Cut Out page. The pupils have card.*? with the I form of the verb. I’he teacher has his cards with the III form. He / She calls the cards one by one. The pupils cover their cards. The first person to finish is the winner. 24 Uo't / Lessors 3. 4 and 5 Homework ....................................... A Write ten questions for your friends. Start with: Hove you ever...? [ jt j Mark, Misha and Rob ore discussing the news. They think they can find the treasure. Listen and read. .Mark: Hi. guys! I have translated the second part of the story. Rob: That’s great. Thank you. We ll read it this evening. Have you found the second key to the treasure? Mark: Yes, it’s there. Rob: But what about the other key.s? Misha: We must find the book with missing pages (c выроаиными странимами) in our house. Mark: I have already thought about it. Rob: So what's the plan? Mark: I’ve phorred Rosy. She’ll tr>' to find the book for us. Misha: That's a good ideal Mark: What al>out the robber? I lave you seen or heard anvihing'^ Misha: Yes, we have. Somelxxty has searched (обыскал) our room. Mark: Have you told the head about it? Rob: No, we haven’t. We want to wait and catch the гоЬЫ'г. [ C ] Какие предложения из ynp. В передают тот же смысл. 1. Does the head know about it?______________ 2. I can give you the second part of the story._ 3. Do you know the sccoiul key to the treasure? 4. Can you tell me anything about the robber? _ Lesson 6 Play Draggy Ploy Draggy. Use the cards from the Cut Out page. 2 Moke questions and answer them. Use never, already, yet. built Japanese? Have you ever seen to China? been a car? _____ bought a fish? Unit 7 Lebsoos 5 and 6 25 caught pizza? driven a treasure? eaten Turkey? Have vou ever found the book “0!iver Twi.st”? gone a house? read to America? spoken a tiger? 3 Translate into English. 1. Ты ко1'да-нибудь бывсШ в Англии? — 2. Она никогда не пользовалась Интернетом. 3. Вы когда-нибудь прыгали с нарашюто.м? —, 4. Их команда еще никогда не проигрывала.— The easiest way isn't always the best Homework ^ f A ^ Do the crossword and check your answer. 1. Arios fell asleep by the ... . 2. Artos’ tribe are the people of the ... . 3. Some Celts went to the ... because it was not far away. 4. The person who gave Artos good advice was a Christian .... 5. The name of the land of the Piets and the Scots today is .... 5 , 6. The table of King Arthur and his “ knights w'as .... 7. rhe special meeting place was by the .... 26 Unit 7 lessons 6 ond 7. 8 [ 3~) Translate into English. В пятом ncKC на Вританскио остропа пришли англы и саксы. Это были германские племена. Кельты были христианами, а саксы — л^шниками. Саксы нападали на кельтов и аабирали их землю. Некоторые кельты ушли на запад. Сейчас это Уэльс. Другие кельтские гыемена ушли на север. Сейчас это Шотландия. Lesson 9 Test yourself [~Т~^ Listen and fill in the table with Kate's marks. [ ► ) Answer the questions. 1. Is Kate a good pupil? 2. What is Kate's favourite subject? 3. Which subject is the most difficult for her? Subject Music Mark A* PE Machs Kngli.sh linglish Literature Hisioiy Physics П (^2 ^ Put just, already, yet in the right place. 1. I___________haven't done 2. Misha____________hasn't______________found my homework _____anv___________new friends. 3. Kate____ eaten 4. Why____ have____ done____ 5. Arc No. mum IS not are hungry ____ you ___a lot of_____ work - cvciyThing___________ you __________going________ _____has____________bought . She leaving _ . ! —I to buy_____ has ? You have. fruit some Un-f 7 lessons 7 8 and 0 27 [ 3 Look at the pictures and write: What has happened? [^4 ] Do you agree with these statements? Дайте правдивые ответы на вопросы о себе. 1. You have never been lo Moscow. 2. Your best friend has already fiiiislied this test. 3. You haven't seen your F.nglish teacher yet. 4. You have never swum iti ihe sea. 5 Ask your friends about the most interesting, best, coolest, worst things in their lives. Write five questions. 28 'll'7 lesson 9 it:ai Lessons 1,2 Misha should help his team [ ] ] Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple. 1. Where ___you - (find) the key? 2. He_______(be) in Africa last year. 3. He_______already _____ (see) this film. [ 2 Write the sentences in the Present Perfect. 1. I/book/Ve/just/bought/this/.—___________ 4. 1______________(see) him this week. 5. They______never ______(meet) this man. 2. never/the StoneofDestiny/ihey/seen/Ve/.— 3. their/has/team/played/football/a match/.— 4. ’s/never/to/an Englishman/she/spoken/.— _ Translate into English. “Ты когда-нибудь видел тиг])а?” — “Л^”. —___ ‘Где ты его видел?” — “Я видел его в зоопарке”. —. “Когда ты его видел?” — “Я видел его этим летом”. — Honnework J •.•••••••••• J Translate from Russian into English. 1. Оми построили дом li прошлом году.— 2. Сегодня он уже видел своего друта.—__ 3. В этом году я получила уже шесгь хороших оценок.—. 4. 11апа только »гго принес фрукты.—___________ 5. В прошлом году я прочитааа две английские книги.— Write: How many hobbies have you had in your life? How many have you given up? How old were you when you had these hobbies? Why did you give up? U'4i 8 lessons 1.2 29 Do you wont to hove fun? ) Underline the correct word. 1. He finished the work quickly/quick. 2. Their life wasn’t easy/easily. 3. The food was good / well. 4. She sang beautiful/beautifully. 5. They bought the car ver>' cheap/cheaply 6. They lived happy/happily. Аукцион Хобби. Ра.|6сйтгсъ на команды и примите >'частие в аукционе Хобби. Учите.1Ь будет предлагать вам по очереди купить лоты-хобби из каталога. Перед началом игры ожакомьтесь с каталогом аукциона. Решите, какие задания вам будет легче выполнять и приготовьтесь торговаться за них. Для того чтобы кушт. хобби, вам необходимо поднять рчтеу и сделать соответствующую ставку — N* I. 2, 3 .либо 4. Пена каждой ставки члеазана в каталоге — зто номер зала1тя. Максимальная цена лота — 4. Обратите внимание: если вы предлагаете цену киания № 2. в нее авто.чатически входит цена ииания ' 1. соитветственмо. цена задания № 3 включает в себя цену заданий 1.2. 3. Комак;1л. пр(>лло>м1вшая бальшую цену, палл’чает право ныполнить задание н к случае успеха получает карточку' с написанной на ней ценой лота и и.н>браженнем хобби. Побеждает команда, набравшая болмпее к<х>1ичсство очков. This hobby is playing lootball. We play :‘ootball outside with our friends. We need a good team: eleven players and a goalkeeper. W'e also need a ^ goal and a ball. Wo normally play football in spring, summer and aiiiumn when the weather is fine. I I Ч Any more bids? OK. |'Сл Ьй 2 goes to you. That's very у<ик1. Your team has Ixxiglii the first hobby! Model 30 Un r 8 lessen 3 КАТАЛОГ АУКЦИОНА ХОББИ Hobby Ставка № 1 Ставка 2 Ставка № 3 Ставка № 4 Назовите хобби по-английски. Где занимаются .этим хобби и что для этого необходимо? Расскажите, почему нам правите)! или не нравится это хобби? Расскажите о своей любимой книге. liaaoBine хобби по-английски. 1'де занимаются этим хобби и что Д.1Я этого необходимо? Расскажите, почему вам нравится или не нравится это хобби? Расскажите о своей любимой команде или ф\т-болистс. Назови ге хобби по-английски. Где занимаются этим хобби и что для этого необходимо? Рассю1жите, почему нам нравится К1Н не нравится это хобби? Расх-кажите о выдающихся лыжниках или историю о том. как вы поеха.1и на лыжную npor>vnw. Назовите хобби по-английски. Где занимаются .этим хобби и что для этого необходимо? Расскажите, поче му плм нраврггся Ш1И не нравится это хобби? Расскажите? о выдающемся пловце или историю о вашем отдыхе на море или на реке. На.кж»гге хобби по английски. Где занимаются этим хобби и что для .этого необходимо? Назовитч' хобби ||о-англнЙсю1. !'де занимаются этим хобби и что для этого необходимо? Расскажите, поче-м>* нам нравится IL1H не нравится ЭЮ хобби? Расскажите, поче му вам ирав^ггся И.1И не нравится это хобби? Расскажите о выдающемся теннисисте/выдающейся ченни-систке. Расскажите “рыбачью** историю о том. как вы И.1И кто-то КЗ ваших знакомых ЛОВИЛ рыбу. Назовите хобби по-английски. Где занимаются этим хобби и что /1ЛН этого необходимо? Расскажите, почему вам нрави тся или не нравится это хобби? Расскажите о своей .чюбимой телепрограмме или ве^тущем программы. Назовите хобби по-английски. Где занимаются этим хобби и что лля этого необходимо? Расскажите, почему вам нравится И.1И нс HpaBimT! это хобби? Расскажите о том. кто научил вас вязать и как*ие ВС1ЦИ ш>1 вяжете. ип!! в lesson 3 31 КАТАЛОГ АУКЦИОНА ХОББИ (продолжение) Hobby Ставка N® 1 Ставка N* 2 Ставка N* 3 Ставка N* 4 Наэовитг хобби по-английски. Где занимаются этим хобби и что для этого необходимо? Расскажите, почему' Ш1М нравится или не нрав»ггся это хобби? Поделитесь с классом шгге ресиым рецептом. Назовите хобби по-английски. Где занимаются этим хобби и что для этого необходимо? Расскажите, почему вам нравится И.1Н нс нравится это хобби? Расскажите историю о лошади. Л Иазонигс хобби по-английски. Где занимаются этим хобби и что для этого необходимо? Расскажите, почему* вам нравится или не нравится это хобби? Расскажите о свое.м домашнем любимце или о домашнем любимце знакомых. HaaoBifTe хобби по-английски. Где занимаюпм этим хобби и что для этого необходимо? Расскажите, почему вам нрав1пся И.ТИ не нравится это хобби? Назовите имена выдающихся шах матистов современности. :23к. Нн.и>нитс хобби по-английски. Где занимаются этим хобби и что для этого нсобхо ли МО? Расскажите, поче му вам правится или не нранится это хобби? 11азониге, что растет в садах п вашем климат ч(ч*ком поясе. § Назовите хобби по-английски. Где занимаются этим хобби и что для этого необходимо? Расскажип*. почему вам ирав1ггся И.ТИ не нравится эгго хобби? Расскажите о том. какие бывают марк-н и как определяется их ценность. Назовите хобби по-английски. Где зани.маются этим хобби и что для этого необходимо? Расскажите, почему вам нранится ИЛИ не нравится это хобби? Расскажите об интересном месте, которое нм посетили. hiaaoBKTe хобби по-английск'и. Где занимаются этим хобби и что для этого необходимо? . 1 Расскажите, почему вам 1гравится или не нравится это хобби? Расскажите о походе, в который Х0ДИ.1Н вы И..1И наши знакомые. 32 U'*>l 8 Itfison 3 Homework ^ •••••••••••••••••••••• ^ Моке ап advertisement for а school club. Use the Cut Out page. ( В ) Moke adverbs from the adjectives. Kind, shy, cold, angry, wonderful, mad, cheap, clear, slow, soft, real. Lesson 4 Homework ^ Do you need a player? A j Fill in the gaps and complete the dialogue. Score, to beat, to win, match, nerv'ously. — I lave you seen the_______________________ Lockton. 7 — No. ! haven’t. Who has____ — Spartak has ______________ — What was the______________ — 10. — How did the teams play? — Spartak played very well, but Lockton played between Spanak and Lockton? 7 В Who are these people? Match the words ond the pictures. referee |,refo'ri:| coach |koiry*l forward I'tbiw.'Hlj defender |di'fenda| goalkeeper I'gniil,ki:po| -• n Ч cU f) c ^ [ Who does these things? 1. ... stays in the goal.— 2.... attacks the goal and scores.— 3. ... protects the goal.— ________ 4. ... trains the team.— Unit 8 Lessons 3 ond 4 33 Lesson 5 At the match [ 1 ] Tt^anslate into English. 1. Какой умный ма..1ьчик! — _ 2. Какой интересный матч! —. 3. Какой вкусный чай! — _____ 4. Какие хорошие друзья! — 5. Какая шюхая погода! —__ ^ Homeworkj ••••••.•••••••••••••••••• ("а") Fill in the gaps and complete the sentences. It was a very interesting game. Everybody thought “It will- minutes before the end the__was nil-nil. The Bears played because five and the Tigers were ihe Bears couldn’t because the Tigers'' was very good. Stabber made some fantastic wasn’t with them. But the Tigers couldn’t score because the.r________________ In the beginning Misha Inin was not very good, but In the end he ran towards the Rears’ goal. ___________________their defenders,_________________ the ball and------------------------! In the next game Misha will be a f в ] Fill in the gaps with a, an or — (no article). 1. What interesting trip! 5. What 2. What___________beautiful city! 6. What 3. What___________ tasty food! 7. What 4. What___________day! [ C ) Read. __move! boring film! — clever pupils! f ' Hi guys! Congratulations! 'ч /'j------------г—ГЧ Yes, what a game! But I’ve \ { Rosy! You are here! \ _________ brought you something. ^Have you found the book? 34 Unit 3 Lesson 5 Yes. I hnve. Ir was under the armchair. The robber dropped it there. ^ Now wc’ll find the keys to ' the treasure. I promise! ^ Lessons 6,7 Homework ^ © The ring crosses the sea There are eight mistakes in Jim's essay (сочинение). Correct them. The Vikings came from Finland. It is a warm country. The land there was ver>' good, so the Vikings were very good farmers. Some Vikings were soldiers. They raided England, killed people and took their gold. The Vikings came to England by horses. Their horses were very good. King Arthur was very clever. He built ships and fought with the Vikings. Finally, he heat them and the Vikings became good neighbours. Lesson 8 Test yourself Listen to the results of four games and correct the mistakes. Manchester United — Chelsea 3-1 Spanak — Lokomotiv 2-4 Dinamo — Shinnik M Real Madrid — Juventus l-O Unit 8 lessons 5 and 6. 7 8 35 Q Fill in the gaps. Write о or — (no article). 1. WhtU ____ _ cold weather! 2. What _____difficult subject! 3. What _____funny face! 4. What _____good friends! CD Put the verbs in the Present Perfect or the Past Simple. Rewrite the sentences. 1. My friend never (be) to Moscow. 2. Helen ju.st (come) back from St Petersburg. How she (get) there? — She (go) by plane. 3. Yesterday I (watch) a ver>- good film.— ‘The Matrix”? 1 already (see) it. 4. You ever (be) to London? — Yes, i (be) there last year in summer. [ 4 ^ Translate into English. — Hama команда Bumpaia! —, A когда они выиграли? —___ — Вчера.—__________________ — Какой был счет? —. — Один-ноль.— ___ — Л как они играли? — — Hama кo^faндa играла прекрасно. Они ;iei Ko ныиграли. Наш вратарь спас ворота три раза! —_____________________________________________________________________________ — Кто заби-1 гол? —. — Джои Бейкер.— _ — Это хорошая новость! — How many hobbies hove you had in your life? Write 4-6 sentences about one of them. 36 Llfil 0 Lesson 8 //дУ ^ ЖЛ\У>' Lesson 1 In the country DoDidDone Translate the sentences into Russian. Подчеркните глагольные формы, напишите их назвония. Обьясните употребление времен. 1. Не had turned off the TV before the film began.—_________________________ 2. She had found his address before she got his letter.—. 3. Peggy had seen the film before she read the book.— 4. He had .scored the goal before he broke his leg.— 2 Complete the sentences. Choose the right tense form. 1. He learnt / had learnt English before he went to England. 2. She went / had gone to Yaroslavl, because her friend invited / had invited her. 3. I didn’t phone/hadn’t phoned my friend, because 1 lost/had lost his phone number. 4. They went/had gone to the airport, because they received/had received a telegram. 5. Before he scored / had scored a goal he dodged / had dodged three players. f 3 Соедините два предложения, изменив союз then на указанный в скобках. Model: Мит made а саке. Then the guests came, (before) — Mum had made a cake before the guests came. 1. I le walked the dog. Then he played computer games, (before) — _______________ 2. They had dinner. Then she came, (before) — 3. Jim phoned Mary. Then she bought him a pre.sem. (before) — 4. Their team won ten games. Then they became champions, (before) — 5. Stas sent SMS. Then his friend phoned him. (before) — 6. She saw him on T\'’. Then she met him. (before) — Un r 9 lesson 1 37 Homework A How well do you remember this book? Are Hiese sentences true or folse? Translate the sentences into Russian. Correct the false sentences. 1. Misha had met Robin before he met Rob.—________________________________________________ 2. Misha had known Rob before Rob came to Russia. 3. Agent Cute had lost his job before he went to Tunbridge Welk with a top secret document.— 4. EJefore Agent Cute lost his job he had helped Misha and Robin.—, 5. Agent Cute had sent a letter to Misha before Misha went camping.—. 6. Misha had wanted to go to Knglaiid before he received a letter from Agent Cute.—. 7. Misha hadn't had any friends before he joined the football team.— Match the facts with the pictures. 1.1Ъе Titanic had been the safest ship in the world before it hit an iceberg. 2. Romeo had kn-ed another girl before he met Juliet. 3. Queen Elizabeth I had been a prisoner in the Tower before she became queen. Lessons 2,3 'Scott of the Antarctic" 1 Put the verbs in brockets in the right tense form. 1. Roben Scoa _ (hav*e) a dream, because he _ 2. Before he_____________(go) to the South Pole, he _ 3. Scott____ _______(know) about Amundsen who also 38 lessons I aixi 2. 3 __(be) to the Antarctic before. (plan) the route. ____(go) to the Antarctic. 4. Very quickly Scott____________(understand) that he_______________(make) a lot of mistakes. 5. When Scott and his men________________(get) to the South Pole, they______________(see) that they______________(lose) the race. 2 Make questions. Start with the words in brackets. Model: She had been to England before she wrote a book. (Where?) — Where had she been before she wrote a book? 1. He had phoned his friend before he went ro the theatre. (What?) —_________________;________ 2. He had a stomachache because he had eaten a lot of cakes. (Why?) — 3. When she received a telegram her brother had already left. (Had?) —. 4. 1 couldn't send an c-mail because 1 had lost her address. (What?) — [ 3 ) Translate the sentences. Use the verbs: arrive, leave, pay, eat, go, read, phone, forget. I. Когда OH приехал, гости уже съели торт. 2. Oita не могла заплатич ь, потому что оставила деньги дома. 3. Прежде чем поехать в Москву, она прочитала книгу о ней. 4. Он не .мог по.звонить нам, потому что забьы номер нашего гелефона. ^Homewor^J ••••••••••••••••••• Complete the sentences with these words. F.ngiand, Norway, sea*officer. South Pole, Antarctic, traveller. 1. Robert Falcon Scott was 2. Roald .Amundsen was a famous________ 3. Roald Amundsen went to______________ 4. Scott left_______________in 1910. 5. Scott wanted to be the first man on_ from CD Number the events in the correct order. __Scott got to the South Pole. ___Amundsen got to the South Pole. Scott left F.ngiand. __Scott and his people died. ___Scott bought the equipment for his expedition. ___Scon selected four strong men. ___The ponies died. ___The men pulled the sledges. Unit 9 Lessons 2, 3 39 Lesson 4 A role model ^ ] Look at the pictures. What do these people do? [ 2 j Open the brackets and fill in the gcps with the right tenses. 1. Mother Teresa_________(to be horn) in 1910 in Macedonia. She _____ She_________ (open) the charity missions. Many people_______(want) to help her and (be) a Catholic nun. (help) 40 (start) the missions in many other pans of the world. I’hese days the missions------- the poor and the sick. 2. Bill Gates__ (be) from Seattle. He_______________(start) Microsoft. It________(be) the biggest and most successful computer scfuvare company in the world. When he was thirteen. Bill Gates _________(go) to an expensive private school. After that Bill Gates____________(go) to Harvard University, bur he__________(leave). Before university Bill Gates _________(start) his company Microsoft. Today he___________(be) a multimillionaire. 3. I learnt about him from the film "Bravchearr. He __________(live) in Scotland in the thirteenth ccntur>'. When he___________(be) about twenty, T!nglish soldiers___________(come) to Scotland and a war ___________ (start). The English _____________ (kill) Scottish women and children. Unit 9 lesson A They_____________ (want) all the Scottish land. William Wallace and his friends___________(be) soldiers. They___________(not give up). Wallace ___________(be) very young when he (die). The English . (execute) him. Homework [ A j Who soid what? Match the person and the words. Explain your answer. 1. “We can do no great things; only small things with great love.” 2. “If you want to be a programmer, you should write programs, and study great programs that other people have written.” 3. “Russia will grow with Siberia.” 4. “Hvery man dies, not every man really lives.” Lessons 5,6 Are you ambitious? 1 Fill in the file about Lomonosov. Name Family name Nationality__ Country______ What does he do? Interests___________ UnrQ lessons a o^d 3. 6 41 Look at the people in the pictures. What kind of people are they? Match the people in the pictures with the sentences. Model: When Ka(e sees somebody, she always smiles. Kate is friendly and polite. 1. Alex suiclics for eight hours every day. I le wants to gel a Nobel Prize. 2. Sarah never gives anything to anybody. 3. When Kale secs somebody, she always smiles. 4. Jane knows a lot, but she doesn’t like to work. 5. Sandy likes to make presents. 6. Caroline likes to help people, bui she never talks about it. Homework Q Choose the right answer. 1. Mother Teresa was a) a nun b) a doctor c) a teacher 2. Bill Gates is a) a Scottish patriot b) a multimillionaire c) a great poet 3. Mikhail Lomonosov is a) Russian b) American c) English 4. The founder of the Moscow State University was aj Bill Gates b) Mikhail Lomonosov c) Alexander Pushkin 5. William Wallace fought against a) the Knglish b) the Saxons c) the Vikings 6. Mother Teresa started her work in a) Macedonia b) Calcutta c) Seattle 7. ... got the Nobel Peace Prize. a) Mother Teresa b) Bill Gates c) Mikhail Lomonosov L-© 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [ В ^ Do you have a role model? Is there a person you respect? Use the Cut Out page and write about this person. Be ready to talk about him or her in class. 42 Urii9 lessons 5, 6 Lessons 8,9 The Battle of Hastings 1 Посмотрите HO корту. Закроемте очертания тех стран, которые ноподоли но Британские остроео. Напишите, когда происходили эти завоевания. CD Answer the questions. 1. Какая часть Британских островов была наиболее уязвимой? 2. Какая часть BpirraticKHX островов бьиш населена кельтами в XI веке? 3. Потомки каких народов населяли центральную часть Англии, когда пришел Ви-'1ьгельм Нормандский? 3 ] Сопоставьте имена народов, вторгавшихся на территорию ^ Британских островов, и языки, на которых они говорили. 1. the Celts а) German 2. the Romans b) French 3. the Angles and the Saxons c) Celtic 4. the Vikings tl) Latin 5. the .Normans e) Danish, Swedish, Norwegian Закончите уравнение. The English Language - Latin ♦ _________ + Homework [ a ] Look at the pictures and write a short story about Elmer. Mode/: F.lmer iva.s the son of a rich man. 4 44 -ni* 9 lessons 8. 9 Q Make some predictions. 1. Will the life in England change? —. 2. Will the language change? — _____ 3. Will William become the king? — 4. Will there be another battle? — 5. Will the Normans leave England? — 6. What will happen to Elmer? —__ Lesson 10 Test yourself ^ 1 } Listen to Agent Cute. He is in St David's School. Put the pictures in the right order. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Unii 9 lessons 8, 9 cno 10 45 2^j Rewrite the sentences with the right tense form. Use the words in brackets. Which of these sentences ore folse? 1. Scott's expedition was not successful, (because) Scott made a lot of mistakes. 2. Scon came to the South Pole, (before) Amundsen came to the South Pole. 3. Rill Gates couldn’i go to the University, (because) He didn’t finish school. 4. Mother Teresa became a nun. (before) She got the Nobel Peace Prize. 3 Complete the sentences with people's qualities (конестеа). 1. Kate Brown always wants to be the best.— She is ________ 2. My friend spends his time in front of the TV. He doesn’t want to do anything.— He is 3. My mother loves bu>ing presents.— She is 4. Michael likes to help people.— He is_ 5. Mark does windsurfing and snowboarding.— He is What qualities do you respect in people? 46 Uni* 9 lesson 10 VN Rob disappears 1 Rewrite the sentences. Choose the Present Simple or the Present Progressive. 1. Whai / Agent Cute/do? — He is a secret agent.—_________________________ 2. When/the train/leave? — It leaves at three o’clock.— 3. What /Mar\'/do? — She is vvatcliing 'IV.— 4. Why is Kate busy? — She/do/her homework.— 5. Where is Jane? — Shc/play cennis/in the park.— CD Write the questions for the answers. 1. Rob is older than Misha.—__________ 2. Rob goes lo a public school.—___ 3. Yes. children have to wear a uniform.— 4. The public school is in York.—. 5. No. the school is not new.— 6. Misha’s hobby is playing foorball.- 7. Agent Cure speaks four foreign languages.—_____ Complete the dialogue with the sentences from the box. 1. We’ll have a lot of fun. Bve! 5. 1 don’t know. W'hcn is it? 2. Speaking. 6. And w'ho have you invited? 3. Yes. Saturday is OK. 7. What’s the address? 4. 1 low do I get there? 8. How long will it take me? — Hello. Can 1 speak to Alice? — 1 li. Alice. I want to invite you to my birthday party. Will you come? UniJ 10 Lesson I 47 — It’s next Siitur'бике. I loc.ne того как один из И1 роков остановился на нугжпом игровом квадрате. любой другой участник снимает с этого ква^трлта карзочку, на обратной стороне которой написан правильный вариант. Игрок читает предложение, написанное на нфоном ноле. Еези оно, но его мнению, прапгьн.иое, повторяет его, а если неправильное, говорит правгыьный вариант. Другой участник проверяет правильность ответа, сверяя его с вариашо.м, написанным на карточке. Келн игрок, чья фишка находится на данном ифоно.м квадрате, правильно формулирует предложение, ott пол\^ает от второго игрока карточку и кладет ее п свою копилху. Есш нет, карточка остается лежап. на ифовом паче. 11обеждает тот. кто первым дойдет до финиша, набрав максима-чьнос количество карточек. UnJi 10 Lessons 6 and 7 53 final Grammar Game 1 к Ho can speak the French. The children aren't / sleeping, aren’t they? He can plays computer games. 12 There are much salt in the soup. Everybody like to swim in the sea. I was seeing him at > 6 o'clock yesterday. There is no life on the Moon. •f Ч they came. 54 U' il 10 Los$on 7 ^ What you were doing : yesterday at 5 o'clock? ^ r' / ■^v 4. You had to help tier, didn't you? Misha had met Robin before he met Rob. They had been in London last year Unit 10 Lesson 7 55 Cut Out Unit 6, Lesson 7 Yes. His elbows are not close to his sides. Yes. The boy is not using his knife. You should v/ash your hands. His mouth is full of food and he is talking. You got a detention. Miss a turn. He is not sitting straight. The boy is biting more than he can chew. Yes, the girl didn’t put the napkin on the lap. No, everything is OK. The boy is eating from his friend's plate. He is eating cake with a big spoon. Mrs Cold is angry with you. She gave you lines. Write "Don't bite more than you can chew." six times. Then you can take part in the game again. 58 Cvi Oui Unit 7, Lesson 5 Pupils' cards j© 1® 1® 1 WRITE 1 I EAT 1 1 SIT BE 1 1 FIND 1 1 SPEAK MEET 1 1 1 FLY 1 1 1 SLEEP ASK 1 1 DIG I 1 STAND [©“ i 4 1 .1 П BEGIN ® 1 GIVE ® 1 STEAL BRING 1 1 GO 1 1 TEACH DRINK 1 1 GET 1 1 TELL OPEN 1 1 1 LOVE 1 1 1 THROW i 1 t- 1© — — "]® — — ! BUILD 1 I LOSE i 1 SEE FALL 1 i MAKE 1 1 PAY BUY 1 1 PUT 1 1 CATCH CLEAN 1 i DIE i I DRIVE 1® COME 1 “I© 1 1 RUN 1 ® 1 1 FORGET П COST ! i SEND 1 1 LEAVE CUT i 1 THINK 1 1 READ WATCH 1 1 1 SAY 1 1 ! SING ,1_ Cu} Oul 59 >ч О) ел о с О с о и и О С Э Г \- \- СОМЕ HIM TSAR BELL -1 WHAT г WHAT f- NOT EVER EVER u о 3 о э и SOMETHING NOT ]- WHAT NOT («/''if, X X 111 c; О ct 0 a. X O) 01 О L. Q c 0 и Ф C Э READ |- HER 1- ME r RED SQUARE BOUGHT THEM TSAR CANNON SOMEBODY THE HERMITAGE ANYTHING NEVER NOTHING u L C^. •C О ъ о BOUGHT NEVER WHO ш г I ш с: О CJ О а. С X О) О) о Q <0 С о (Л и 0) С Э {- I- WHO *1 HAD JUST “1 DONE THE TRETYAKOV GALLERY ALREADY I- St BASIUS CATHEDRAL -I DONE ALREADY -I u A GIRL THE BOLSHOY THEATRE THE ARMOURY CHAMBER c Э О u JUST CHILDREN HAVE о cj 2 HAVE TO HIS FRIENDS X O) O) 0 c Q -1 r c 0 iA M Ф HAVE BOYS YET C Э l- HARRY HAS YET u -4 4- ANN HAS HOMEWORK L J L 0 и TO HAS TENNIS X 0> 0) о с о с о м т о с э VE -t ’S г YOU н VE TEAM WE I- A LETTER BEEN •4 4- A KEY SEEN BEEN j L 0> 4> ’S SEEN HE >ч О) , О) I 2 I Q I ю с о м м Ф THEY WRITTEN MADE t ^1 BUILT TOURISTS FOUND I- BOYS LOST MET GONE DINNER PLAYED L LUNCH WON CuiOul 71 f- Unit 10, Lesson 1 HW, Ex. Б n N. Unit 9, Lessons 5/ 6, HW, Ex. В \ л / \ / \ / \ Unit 10, Lesson 7 Final Grammar Game / / / / \ \ \ / / \ \ / 1. > / I r \ \ / \ / N. N N N N / 'I / 1 <: ) \ r \ / \ / \ < \ \ > ^ / \ / \ / / ./ r \ \ \ \ \ ----- n N \ \ Л u / \ / \ / \ \ \ \ r > \ / I / к / \ \ / \ \ / N ^ r" ". \ \ \ >1 24 N Ч / N / / Cut Out 77 Не can speak French. He doesn't know German. The children aren’t sleeping, are they? He can play computer games. We don’t know him. There is much salt in the soup. Ever ybody likes to swim in the sea. You had to help her. didn't you? True I saw him at 6 o'clock yesterday. There is no life on the Moon. True Misha had met Robin before he met Rob. True We were watching TV when they came. W'lal were you doing yesterday at 5 o’clock? They were in London last year. 78 Cut Out /\ / \ / \ N / \ \ / / \ \ ^ \ \ \ \ / \ f /СГ\ \ N \ \ ^ \ \ I \ I \ J и ч ч -У L / / \ \ / / Ч / \ \ / / \ / ^ / I / // I / \ / \ / \. \ / \ \ \ ', 1 I ^ I \ / / \ \ / ч N- г \ ч \ \ \ / \ ) I I ч ч \ \ ч_ J / L ^ Unit 10, Lesson 7 j Final Grammar Game (ПРОДОЛЖЕНИЕ] CufOuJ 79 I don't understand the teacher. She didn't know that man. They live in China. If Misha doesn't help Robin. Robin will not go back to his time. Did Robin write a letter to his friends? She sends him e-mails every day. The longest river is the Nile, isn't it? They’ll go to the Black Sea next year. His grandfather was a brave old man. Who is the best football player in your class? True Is a torch cheaper tfian a penknife? Have you ever seen the Tsar Bell? We fiave never played this game. What have you already done? 80 Cui Ou» List of irregular verbs (continued) I форма II форма 111 форма kjiow ! 3HtiTb knew known leave уезжать, оставлять left left lot позволять, разрешать lot let lie лежать lay lain lose терять lost lost make делать, засташшть made made mean значнчъ. иметь в ви,ту meant meant meet встречать met met pay плати'1 ь paid 1 paid put icaacTh put put read читать read road ride ехать верхом rode ridden rise подниматься, вставать rose risen run бегать rat) run say roBopitTb, сказать said said see видеть saw seen sell продавать sold sold send иосьыагь sent sent shake трясти sliook shaken shoot стрелять shot shut shine оногигь shone shone show показывать showed shown sing петь sang sung sit сидеть sal sat sleep спать slept slept speak говорить spoke spoken spend тратить (время), пронодить spent spent stand стоять stood stood steal краегь stole stolen stick приклеивать stuck stuck swim гыавать sw'ain sw'um take брать took taken leach учить taught taught tell сказать, рассказывать told told think думать, полагать thought thought throw бросать threw' thrown understand понимать understood understood wtike будить w'oke woken wear носить wore worn win выигрывать, побеждать won won write писать wrote written Издательство “Титул” выпускает единую линию учебно-методических комплектов для 5-11-х классов “Счастливый английский.ру” / “Happy English.ru”: для 5 класса (1-й год обучения) — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради № 1, 2 с раздаточным материалом, аудиоприложение (CD MP3), учебное пособие “Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь" (серия “Проверь себя”) для 5 класса (4-й год обучения) — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради № 1,2 с раздаточным материалом, аудиоприложение (CD MP3), учебное пособие “Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь” (серия “Проверь себя") для 6 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради № 1,2 с раздаточным материалом, аудиоприложение (CD MP3), учебное пособие “Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь” (серия “Проверь себя”) для 7 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради № 1,2 с раздаточным материалом, аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3), учебное пособие “Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь” (серия “Проверь себя”) для 8 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради № 1,2 с раздаточным материалом, аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3), учебное пособие “Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь” (серия “Проверь себя”) для 9 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради №1,2, аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3), учебное пособие “Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь” (серия “Проверь себя”) для 10 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради № 1,2, аудиоприложение (CD MP3), учебное пособие “Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь” (серия “Проверь себя”) для 11 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочие тетради №1,2, аудиоприложение (CD MP3), учебное пособие “Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь” (серия “Проверь себя”) для 10-11 классов —элективные курсы “Moscow", “St Petersburg”, “The Urals”, “Business English for Schools" и “English for Science” Авторская программа курса Интернет-поддержка учебников и дополнительные материалы на сайтах: www.titul.ru,www.englishteachers.ru ИЗДАТЕЛЬС У Л L I S Н Е R S По вопросам приобретения книг следует обращаться в издательство “Титул”: 249035, г. 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