Английский язык 6 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 1

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 6 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 1 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Happy English (Хэппи Инглиш):

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‘х:. \ki^s s - 'i > r5j--^^^:wii ■ -i" f >^;.f чг': '& ii^ioij Ши li^L li^iiijjMfj WOPiKBOOK -\ London Map к. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Счастливый английский.ру/ Happy English.ru Рабочая тетрадь № 1 С раздаточным материалом к учебнику для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений и 3 Д А Т т и Е Л т ь с т у в О л Т I Р и в L т I S и Н Е L R S 2013 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 КЗО УДК 802.0(075.3) УМК “Счастливый английский.ру” / “Happy English.ru” для 6-го класса включает следующие компоненты: Ф учебник ® книгу для учителя 9 рабочие тетради № 1. 2 с раздаточным материалом « аудиоприложение (CD MP3) Ф учебное пособие “Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь” (серия “Проверь себя") ш обучающую компьютерную программу По вопросам приобретения книг следует обращаться в издательство “Титул" 249035, Калужская обл., г. Обнинск, а/я 5055, тел.; (48439) 9-10-09, факс: (48439) 9-10-00, e-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). Информация об УМК находится на сайте www.englishteachers.ru к. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман КЗО Английский язык; Рабочая тетрадь № 1 с раздаточным материалом к учебнику Счастливый английский.РУ / Happy English.ru для 6 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2013.— 96 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-614-8 Рабочие тетради №1,2 входят в состав УМК “Счастливый английский.ру" для 6-го класса. Предназначены для выполнения письменных заданий в классе и дома. В них помещены контрольно-тестовые задания разделов учебника. Каждая рабочая тетрадь также включает в себя раздаточный материал, необходимый для работы на уроке (раздел Cut Out). ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Учебное издание Кауфман Клара Исааковна Кауфман Марианна Юрьевна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Счастливый английский.РУ / Happy English.ru Рабочая тетрадь № 1 с раздаточным материалом к учебнику для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Замдиректора по подготовке изданий С. В. Ширина Консультант Пико Кэсиди Корректоры Г. А. Киселева. Г. П. Мартыненко Оформление обложки Н. С. Вишенковой Иллюстрации Т. С. Богомягких, Н. А. Валяевой, А. С. Кудашкиной, О. В. Перовой, А. В. Савельевой, Е. В. Сергеевой, И. С. Слюнковой Макет, верстка В. КиН, А. С. Кудашкиной Художественный редактор Е. А. Валяева Цифровая обработка изображений: Л. Н. Новоселова Сертификат соответствия санитарным правилам РФ и требованиям нормативных документов № РОСС RU. АЕ51. Н 16002 от 24.01.2012. Подписано в печать 20.07.12. Формат 60x84/8. Гарнитура “Таймс". Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная. Уел. печ. л. 11,2. Уел. кр.-отт. 12,13. Тир. 30000 экз. Зак. № 1153 Издательство “Титул". 249035, Калужская обл., г. Обнинск, а/я 5055. Тел. (48439) 9-10-09. E-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). Отпечатано в ОАО “Калужская типография стандартов". 248021, г. Калуга, ул. Московская, 256. ISBN 978-5-86866-614-8 © К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман, 2003 © Издательство “Титул", дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение, 2003 © К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман, 2012, с изменениями © Издательство “Титул”, дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение, 2012, с изменениями Homework ^ i А The boss is working with his documents. He has a plan. The boss is never wrong but today he is very angry, so he makes some mistakes. Read the boss's notes and guess the meaning of the underlined words. -Ч' Facts First name: Philip Second name: Cute Age: 32 Date of birth: 25.12.1974 Nationality: British Job: agent Hobbies: travelling, languages, cooking ■'ft- уШ: I I Agent Cute is in Russia. I I Misha and Robin are in England and Cute knows about it. I I Cute is OK. He is not in hospital. I I Cute has good friends in Obninsk. I I Cute likes it in Russia and doesn’t want to fly back to England. □ Cute doesn’t want to work. I I Cute is my worst agent! Cute is going to fly back to England rm^eoing to talk to Cute on Sunday. I'm loinl to give Cute new information about the boys : В Correct the mistakes in boss's documents. Mark the statements true or false. Просмотрите текст урока еще раз. Найдите и выпишите: 1. глаголы в повелительном наклонении 2. утвердительные предложения в Present Simple 3. вопросительные предложения в Present Simple 4. утвердительные предложения в Present Progressive Unit 1 Lesson 1 5. вопросительные предложения в Present Progressive 6. утвердительные и вопросительные предложения с модальными глаголами 7. прилагательные в превосходной степени Дополнительные упражнения по грамматическим темам^ изученным в пятом классе 1 I Answer the questions. 1. а) Is your name Sergey?______________________________________________ b) Are you eleven or twelve?. c) What is your teacher’s name? d) When is your birthday? ______ 2. a) Can you play tennis?__________ b) Who must help at home today? ___ c) How many things must you do now? d) Can your pet swim? _____________ e) What can your pet do?___________ 3. a) Do you play computer games? b) Does your friend play tennis? _ c) Where does your granny live?_ d) What do you usually do in the evening? e) Do you like the Beatles?______________ 4. a) Does it rain in winter? ______________ b) Is it cold in spring?_________________ c) Does it snow in autumn? d) Is it hot in summer? _ 5. a) Are you stronger than your friend? b) Is February shorter than March?___ c) Who is your best friend?__________ d) Are you the oldest in your class? 6. a) Arc your friends playing computer games now? b) Are you using the Internet now?_______________ c) Do you use the Internet every day?______ d) Is the teacher asking you questions now? Unit 1 Lesson 1 е) What are you doing now? f) What are you going to do on Sunday?. Ask questions to the underlined words. 1. The gnome is at home._________________ 2. My cat can sing._____________________ 3. They eat fish and chips. 4. He lives in Oxford._____ 5. His friend comes from Wales. 6. Her birthday is in June.____ 7. They are flying to London. _ You are friends, aren't you? Lessons 2,3 ( 1 \ Read these texts and find all the important information about Agent Cute, Misha, Robin and their families. TEXT 1 Agent Cute’s story My name is Cute! I am an agent. I am English and my home is in Oxford. And this is my boss! Well, Cute.This is your story (легенда). You are not Mr Cute. You are not English. You are not an agent. Your home is not in Oxford. Your name is Belov. You are Russian. You are from Tver. You are a student. Your college is in Moscow. TEXT 2 Misha’s family Saturday, 4 p.m. We are the Inins. We are not a big family. My mother and father are not old. They are forty. My mum's name is Anna and my dad’s name is Alex. Dad is a businessman. He is very busy. Mum is a doctor. She is nice. My sister is sixteen. Her name is Masha. She is nice and clever. Masha is my best friend. My mother’s part of the family is big. My grandfather and grandmother are in Rostov. My grandfather’s name is Pavel. He is very old. My grandmother’s name is Inna. She is sixty. My grandfather and grandmother are very kind. My mother’s sister Polina, my aunt, is in Perm and my mother’s brother Kirill, my uncle, is in Vladivostok. My name is Misha. I am ten, but I am in Class 5. I am good at school. And this is my pet. It’s a cat. It’s name is Pafnutiy. It’s fat and funny. Unit 1 Lessons 1 and 2, 3 I к боссу обратилась семья Маквизардов. Их сын Робин уехал в гости к своему другу в Россию и до сих пор не известил их о своем прибытии. Босс вызвал Агента Кьюта. Прочитайте диалог между ними. TEXT 3 The mission 18 September 2 p.m. Boss: Hello, Cute. Your next mission is in Russia. Cute: In Russia? But Russia is very far! Boss: Yes! An English boy is lost in Russia. His mother and father are very sad. His name is Robin MacWizard. His friends are a Russian family: the Inins. Their address is Hat 11, 10, Korolyov Street, Obninsk, 249030 Russia. These are their photos: the father, Alex Inin, the mother, Anna Inina, the daughter, Masha Inina, the son, Misha Inin. Our office in Obninsk is at I, Kurchatov Street. Your Russian partner in this mission is Mr Dobrov. His address is in the telephone book. His telephone number is 67890. Your code isl 234567891011. Cute: But, Boss... Boss: Bye, Cute: TEXT 4 Sunday, 10 a.m., 20.09. TELEGRAM 17 September . MISHA ININ, FLAT 11, 10 KOROLYOV STREET, OBNINSK, RUSSIA ^ I AM IN RUSSIA. MEET ME (ВСТРЕЧАЙ МЕНЯ) AT THE AIRPORT 1 AT 11 O'CLOCK TOMORROW (ЗАВТРА). ROBIN MACWIZARD ■ W ' 5- Ж I#: TEXT 5 The best room Sunday, II a.m. Father: Misha: So, whose room is the best for Robin? Our living room! It is very cosy. In our living room there is a big table, an old bookcase, a sofa, four chairs and two armchairs. There is also a TV and a video at the window. Father: But it is a family room. This room is very noisy. Misha: What about Masha’s room? It is very nice. There is a coffee table, a chair and a big bed in that room. There is a carpet on the floor and a nice picture on the wall. It is a very comfortable room. Sister: My room is very small and there is one bed in my room. What about Misha's room? It is big. There are two small beds, a wardrobe and a bookshelf in his room. There is a computer on the table and two funny posters on the walls. There is also a PlayStation under his bed. Misha: Yes! My room is the best! Unit 1 Lessons 2, 3 ► J Инины так и не заметили, что телеграмма опоздала, и поехали в аэропорт встречать Робина. Обсудите, как можно найти в аэропорту человека, которого раньше никогда не видели, и прочитайте, какое решение приняла семья Ининых. TEXT 6 At the airport Mother: Misha! Where is your friend? Misha: No idea! He is only my pen friend. Father: Read the telegram again. Misha: Meet me at the airport at 11 p.m. today. My T-shirt is yellow, my jeans are blue, my trainers are brown and my cap is black. My sweater is green. My rucksack is the colour of my tartan: red, blue, green and black. Thank you. Robin MacWizard. Father: OK. But the airport is big. Make a big poster with his name on it and walk around! TEXT 7 I must go Sunday 2 p.m. Misha: So this is our room, Robin. Please, come in. Your bed is at the window. This is my computer. Play a game! Robin: A computer? What is it? Misha: Is there no computer in your house? Robin: No, there isn't. Misha: OK. Go and watch TV then. Robin: What is it? Where am I? Misha: Are you OK Robin? You are in Russia, in Obninsk, with your pen friend. Robin: And what's your name? Misha: My name is Misha. TEXT 8 I must tell you a secret Sunday. 12 p.m. Robin: You mustiTt go! You must listen to me! Please! I must tell you a secret. Misha. 1 am in Obninsk by mistake. I must go back. You mu.sl help me. But you mustn't tell your family. My name is Robin MacWizard, but I am not your pen friend. I am from Edinburgh. From the year 1599. TEXT 9 1 must Misha: Robin: Misha: Robin: Misha: Robin: Misha: Robin: Misha: go back to Scotland Can you travel in time? Yes, I can. I can also fly, but I can't do many things. I am not very talented. And who can? My father can do many things. He is a great wizard. But he can’t help me here. I must go to Westminster Abbey in London. There is a magic stone there. Its name is the Stone of Destiny. I must find it and bring it back to Scotland. With this stone Scotland can be strong and free. That’s my mission here. Sorry, but London is very far. We are in Russia and London is the capital of England. But your English is very good. Thanks. My granny is a teacher of English and I speak English to her and granddad. But how can you tell? You are from Edinburgh, from the year 1599. I can speak English. My favourite subject at school is English of the future. Stay with me, Robin! We can play football, tennis, and speak English and Russian. And we can go to London. Unit 1 Lessons 2, 3 Robin: Thank you. You are a good friend Misha. Misha: Oh! Where is my real pen friend Robin MacWizard? Robin: Sorry, Robin MacWizard is in Edinburgh in the year 1599. Only the Stone can take me back to Edinburgh. Only the Stone can bring your pen friend back to your time. FOR YOUR Westminster Abbey ['westminsta 'aebi] — Вестминстерское аббатство, готический собор в Лондоне. Место коронации британских монархов. The Stone of Destiny — Камень судьбы. По преданию Камень судьбы был привезен из Святой земли более четырех тысяч лет тому назад. На протяжении веков шотландские короли короновались на Камне судьбы. Более семисот лет назад, в XIII веке, английский король Эдуард I похитил этот священный Камень у шотландцев, надеясь, что без него они не смогут больше короновать своих правителей и воинственная Шотландия, наконец, утратит независимость. Камень был привезен в Лондон в Вестминстерское аббатство и помещен под королевский трон. С тех пор все короли Англии короновались на этом Камне. Однако Эдуард ошибся: похищение Камня только подогрело ненависть шотландцев к завоевателям, война между ними продолжалась еще много лет. И шотландцы не раз предпринимали попытки вернуть похищенную реликвию. TEXT 10 Му pet is Nessie Misha: Look at Pafnutiy! It is very clever. It can do many things! It can open the door, play football and watch TV with me. Robin: Can it swim or fly? Misha: No it can’t, but who can? Robin: My pet can. Its name is Nessie. We can swim and fly together. It can’t walk, but it can speak English. Misha: Is it a cat or a dog? Robin: It’s a big dragon. Its home is in Loch Ness. Misha: Oh, no! Nessie... Your pet is the Loch Ness monster! Robin: It is not a monster! It is very kind! TEXT 11 Agent Cute’s report Boss, Robin MacWizard is in Obninsk with his pen friend Misha. I have problems. I usually watch the boys from the big tree in the garden. I start at 6 o'clock every morning and finish at 11 o'clock every evening. At 7 a.m. the boys get up, I sit In the tree. At 7.30 the boys have their hot breakfast. I eat my cold sandwich. No coffee. At 8 o'clock they go to school. I have a rest. (I can't watch them at school. It Is very big.) Unit 1 Lessons 2, 3 At 1 o'clock they come home and have lunch. I sit in a tree. No lunch for me! In the afternoon the boys do very strange things. They walk the cat. (Normal boys walk dogs.) They speak English and read History books. (Normal boys watch TV and play computer games.) They often play with the mixer, the kettle and the fridge. (Normal boys play football.) They never go out with Misha's friends. (Normal boys always go out In the evening.) At 7 p.m. the boys have dinner with their family. I go for a short walk around my tree. At 11 o'clock they go to bed and I go home. I am always cold and tired. Help me, Boss! Agent Cute TEXT 12 Misha likes Mathematics and Robin likes Dragon History Misha: Today we can go to my school, Robin. You know the main things about our time. Robin: Oh! I am glad to hear that. I don’t like to sit in the garden when you go to school. Misha: OK. School starts at 8.30. We go to school five days a week. You know that. We have five main subjects: Mathematics, History, Russian, Literature and English. We also have Music, Art, Physical Education and Biology. I like Mathematics. It is difficult, but it teaches me to think. It is my favourite subject. Russian is not very easy for me. We learn many rules and write many exercises. Music is OK. I don’t play the piano, but I like to sing. I also like Literature. It is interesting. We read books and speak about them. History is great. I like to read about the old times and interesting people. I like English. It helps me find friends! You, for example. Today is a lucky day. We have Mathematics, Literature, History and Music. And what are your favourite subjects, Robin? Robin: English of the future. Alchemy and Dragon History. Misha: What? Don’t say that to my school teachers! TEXT 13 What is happening? Cute: Do you hear me, Boss? What are you doing. Cute? I am sitting in a tree. Boss: What is happening? Cute: They are celebrating. Boss. Who is celebrating? Robin, Misha and their friends are. What are they doing? Masha is cooking. Tanya and Alex are dancing. Sveta and Lena are singing. Misha is lighting the candles. Katya is playing with a cat. Dennis is looking at Katya. Mother and father are sleeping. Boss: What is Robin doing? Boss: Cute: Boss: Cute: Boss: Cute: Unit 1 Lessons 2, 3 Cute: I don’t know. Boss. He is not in the room. He is not singing, he is not playing, he is not dancing. Oh! Here he is, Bossi 1 don’t believe it! He is Hying in the garden! He’s flying with ghosts! Boss: Are you OK, Cute? Cute: He is flying, Boss! I am falling! Boss: Cute! Where are you? Who is flying? Why are you falling? Cute: I am OK, Boss. They are taking me to the hospital. Bye, Boss! TEXT 14 We are going to fly to London Robin: It’s time to go, Misha! Tomorrow is 2 November. It is the last day of the time of no-time. I must find the Stone of Destiny and go back to 1599 before midnight tomorrow. I am going to fly to London this night. Are you with me? Misha: Sure! But we can’t go by plane. We don’t have passports. Robin: I am going to fly to London and you can hold my hand. The magic stone is going to bring you back to Russia tomorrow. Misha: OK. I am with you. Robin: One, two, three! We are flying! TEXT 15 Robin: Here we are. It is Westminster Abbey. Misha: How can we go in? It is nine o’clock and the Abbey closes at 4.45. Robin: We can fly! Give me your hand! Robin: OK, we are in the Abbey. Run! Misha: We have time, Robin. It is nine o’clock. Robin: The Abbey is very big. We must find the Stone first. It is under the Coronation Chair. Misha: It is very dark. Light a candle. Misha: What is that? Oh, Robin! Look! There is a woman there! She is sleeping! Robin: AAAAHHH! This is Queen Mary! Misha: Who? Robin: Mary Queen of Scots, our Queen? Misha: Mary Stuart is dead, Robin! Robin: It is a statue! It is not a real woman. Robin: Oh, I know. They bury their kings and queens in this abbey. It is Mary’s tomb! But Mary is not English. Why is her tomb here? Misha: I can’t tell you this story. It is very sad. And who is near Mary? Robin: This is Elizabeth I, the English Queen. She is a very strong woman and a great queen. She is also Mary’s cousin and her worst enemy. Misha: Wow! You know their story. Robin: Yes, but it’s a long one! Look! There is a big chair. It’s the Coronation Chair. First I am going to touch the Stone, say magic words and your pen friend Robin MacWizard is going to come back. Then I am going to send you back to Russia. Misha: Goodbye, Robin. Robin: Goodbye, Misha. Thank you for your help. Robin: Misha! Look! There is no Stone under the Coronation Chair! The Stone of Destiny is not here!! 10 Unit! Lessons 2, 3 Homework « я « • « А| Fill in the table with the information from Texts 1-15 and help Agent Cute write his report for the boss. First name Misha Robin Last name Age Date of birth Nationality Job Hobbies Situation at the moment Robin is in London Misha Misha wants to Misha can ___ Misha can help Robin Misha is going to Robin Robin wants to Robin can____ Robin can help Misha Robin is going to Translate the questions into English and answer them. 1. Ты из России, не так ли?________________________ 2. Ученики должны делать домашнюю работу, не так ли? 3. Твой день рождения в мае, не так ли?. 4. Лондон — столица Англии, не так ли? 5. Сегодня погода плохая, не так ли?. Lesson i am щ №рру to s^you С Homework ewf A I Use the information from Texts 1-15 and answer the questions. 1. Misha is Russian, isn’t he?________________________________ 2. Misha and Robin MacWizard aren’t friends, are they? 3. Cute is not a very good agent, is he?___________ 4. Misha’s house is very big, isn’t it?____________ Unit 1 Lessons 2, 3 and 4 11 5. Robin can fly and travel in time, can’t he? 6. Robin is from the year 1599, isn’t he?__ 7. Misha's real pen friend isn’t from the past, is he? 8. Misha’s pen friend can’t come back to our time, can he?. 9. Misha can’t tell Agent Cute about Robin’s secret, can he? 10. The Stone of Destiny is in Westminster Abbey, isn't it?_ 11. Misha can help Robin go back to the year 1599, can’t he? Lesson (l4omework PWho is Rob MacWizard? » • » e • •••«•««в**»*»*» ^ A I Write a new report about Rob. Use the information from the text. 1. Rob has a____________and a___________. 2. Rob___________a very nice boy. His neighbours____________like him. 3. His brother and sister_________play with him. 4. Rob’s mother’s name isn't______________ Her name is_____________ She she______________ 5. Rob’s father_____________ work. В I Complete the questions and answer them. 1. You like to learn English,_____________? — 2. You don’t do your homework in the morning, 3. Your mother cooks breakfast for you,_______ 4. Your father works in a hospital,_______ 9 _ 9 _ 9 _ 5. You don’t have a brother. 9 _ 6. Your mother doesn’t speak French, 7. You like to play football,____________ 9 _ 9 _ 8. When you have time, you help your parents, 9 _ Если вам не удалось заполнить таблицу из домашнего задания урока 3 полностью или у вас еще остались вопросы относительно Миши и Робина^ запишите свои вопросы в форме разделительных вопросов и задайте их своим друзьям в классе. Если у вас не возникло проблем с заполнением таблицы^ подготовьте пять трудных вопросов по сюжету в форме разделительных вопросов и задайте их своим друзьям в классе. В этом случае не забудьте подготовить ссылки на правильные ответы^ опираясь на информацию учебника ^^Нарру English.ги-5^\ 12 Unit 1 Lessons 4 and 5 Jes|you^ Listen to the story about a boy and answer the questions. 1. What's his name?_______________________________________ 2. Is he British?_______________________________ «O' 4m.'' 3. Where does he live? 4. What does his family do in the evenings?. 5. What class is he in?______________________ 6. Does she like school?_____________________ 7. Who is his best friend?___________________ 8. Who is his favourite teacher? Read the articles and match them with the names. Be careful: there are four names, but only three articles. A French actress A students’ demonstration A big surprise Whose name is “Paris”? 1 Mary Parson, a famous actress, is going to visit France today. Her new film “Paris” is an international hit, but this visit to France is the first for Mary. Is it possible? — Yes! Mary lives in the USA and never visits Europe. Her film “Paris” is not about a city, it’s the name of a horse. 2 London students are planning a demonstration on Thursday, 1 October. They want more money for their teachers. The students are going to start near Trafalgar Square and go all the way towards the Houses of Parliament. Oxford and Cambridge students are going to join the demonstration in the afternoon on the same day. 3 We’ve got great news from France. British film “The Wonder” got the first prize in Cannes. This film is about a teenage girl from India who comes to visit her relatives in London and gets lost for 24 hours. This prize is a big surprise for a young Indian actress who is only thirteen. It is her first film, but we hope more wonderful films will follow soon. Write five tag questions to one of the articles. Write 4-7 sentences about your best friend and get ready to talk about him / her in class. Unit 1 Lesson 6 13 Homework^ • в « • Г А f Rewrite the sentences. Use the short form of will. Model: I will clean the floor.— Ill clean the floor. 1. They will visit France in a year’s time. ___ 2. She will work in a hospital in ten years time._______________ 3. 1 think my father will come home at 7 o’clock on Monday. 4. I hope we will go to Kiev next summer.__ 5. My sister will talk to you about it one day. 6. Where are you going? I will go with you._ ^ What will happen tomorrow? Write your predictions. Use these ideas. Model: go to school — My friend will go to school tomorrow. get up early / see friends / phone granny / do homework / read / watch TV / dance f~C~^ Complete the table with the examples from Ex. 2, 3, 4. Будущие действия без указания точного времени Предсказание будущих событий Обещания, рещения, принятые в момент речи 14 Unit 2 Lessons 1, 2 when will these things happen? Complete the predictions. Use: next week, next month, next year, in a day, in an hour, in five years, in a minute, in the future, soon, one day, later, I think, I hope 1. ____________________it'll rain_____________________. 2. ________________ 3. ________________ 4. ________________ 5. ________________ 6. ________________ 7.__________________ your best friend will phone____________ your mother will get a new job_________ you'll drive a car_________________. your teacher will answer your question you’ll go to England___________________ your friends will go to the zoo 'f You'll be fom^^^^ster Shakespeare! @ !?i * « * • » ft « A I Rewrite the sentences according to the model. Model: I will not eat this.— / won't eat this. 1. You will not go with me next time.________ 2.1 will not speak to him.__________________ 3. It will not be warmer tomorrow. 4. Kate will not learn French next year. 5. Next week will not be easy for us._ Гв j Look at the pictures and predict the children's future. Unit 2 Lessons 1,2 and 3, 4 15 с j Опровергните утверждения^ с которыми вы не согласны. Model: Your first lesson next week will be Literature.— My first lesson next week won't be Literature. It'll he Maths. 1. It’ll be 24 November in two days._________________________________________ 2. Your teacher will soon go to London. _ 3. You will see your granny this evening. 4. It’ll rain today._____________________ 5. It’ll be cold tomorrow. 6. You’ll play football next week. D I Translate the predictions into English. 1. Через десять дней я буду в Москве. 2. Через двадцать лет мой лучший друг будет врачом. 3. Через два года я буду в восьмом классе.__________________________________ 4. Через тридцать пять лет мой учитель английского языка будет работать в школе. 5. Через неделю станет теплее._________ 6. Сегодня вечером мой папа будет дома. Lesson 5 l^fcJVilisheseeiiftUFO? ! Homework Write questions for the sentences. 1. All cars will have computers in 30 years’ time. 2. Maybe it’ll be cold next week. 3. I think they won’t have good weather next month. 4. She will tell you the answer later. 5. I think you’ll meet him in two weeks. 6. They’ll be friends in the future. 16 Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4 and 5 7. We’ll ask him about it tomorrow. 8. Perhaps she’ll see him again soon. В J Answer the questions. 1. You’ll be a famous tennis player in the future, won’t you? 2. You’ll play football soon, won’t you?_______________________ 3. You won’t play computer games in two hours, will you?_________ 4. Your friend won’t give you an interesting book next week, will he? 5. It’ll be cold tomorrow, won’t it?_____________________________ Lesson 6 The Future Simple Tense f 4 ll Play a game. Fill in the gaps. Ask and answer questions about these inventions. Start with: Who, When and What questions. Представьте себе, что вы оказались на месте Роба Маквизарда в прошлом, и знаете, что и когда изобретет человечество. Расскажите об этих изобретениях. Игру начинает А. Он (Она) задает свои вопросы по всем карточкам, постепенно заполняя их. После этого свои вопросы задает В, который заполняет свои карточки. По окончании игры карточки сравниваются. Записи в них должны быть одинаковыми. ^ Work on this page. В Go to page 21. Model: A: What will Thomas Adams invent? B: He4l invent chewing gum. 'A'--*» Thomas Adams is 9 1839 Kirkpatrick Macmillan 6 The Fax 1843 The Aeroplane 10_________ is !i 13 14 Karl Benz A: When will he invent chewing gum? B: In 1870. 1823 Charles Babbage 3 The Radio 7 The Refrigerator 8 1834 1898 Valdemar Poulsen Theo Maiman 11 The Revolver Alexander Graham i Bell 12 The Television Vladimir Zworikin 1709 Bartolommeo Cristofori 15 The Tank 1916 16 Water Closet (WC) Unit 2 Lessons 5 and 6 17 Homework ^ Write questions for the answers. Model: — The doctors will work in a new hospital. — Where will the doctors work? 1. — We will learn French next year. 2. — My father will come home at seven o’clock. 3. — A famous singer will come to our city. 4. — They will go to Moscow in a month. 5. — They will be in England next month. 6. — 1 will find new friends in a new school. 7. — Helen will have a big surprise on her birthday. Представьте себе, что вы встретили предсказателя будущего. Что бы вы хотели узнать о своем будущем? Запишите свои вопросы. Г С ^ Translate the mini-dialogues into English. 1. Кто поедет на машине? — Я. 2. Кто напишет письмо? — Он. 3. Кто позвонит? — Саша. 4. Кто купит билеты? — Папа. 5. Кто поможет маме? — Мы. 6. Кто приедет завтра? — Они. 18 Unit 2 Lesson 6 What will Г Homework j ^V.- ■ .• ■tai nnaj#^ a>-■■■ ---■ «»»»@*»«»*« 1 A J Write a short prediction on a piece of paper. Next lesson your classmate will get it in a magic lottery game. These questions will help you: 1. When will it be?_____________________________________________________________ 2. Where will he / she be?______________________________________________________ 3. What job will he / she have?. 4. Will he / she be happy?__ 5. Will he / she stay at home?_ 6. Will he / she travel round the world? 7. What will he / she have? (children, friends, a big family, a car, a house, a swimming pool, a dog,...) ________________________________________________________________________________________ Hob pred C Homework J What do you think? What will happen in Russia in a century? 1. Will there be a president or a king in Russia? 2. Will people’s life be better in Russia? 3. Will Russia be bigger or smaller? 4. Which city will be the capital of Russia? 5. Will the climate change? Will it be warmer or colder? 6. Will the Russian language become popular all over the world? f В J Translate the questions into English. XjwxswsaP 1. Где вы будете через час? _____________ 2. Где он будет жить через 10 лет?. 3. Что случится через год?_________ 4. Куда полетят люди через два века?. Unit 2 Lessons 7 and 8 19 Lesson 9 1 j Read these expressions. Listen to the prediction for Peter and write: What will / won't Peter do? Model: Peter will get up at eight o’clock. Peter won’t go to America. see the Queen, go to the Tower of London, travel by bus, buy tickets, go to the Globe, fly by plane, go to England, go by underground, go to America, get up at eight o’clock, see Big Ben, visit Westminster Abbey, have breakfast, be busy, go by car questions to the underlined words. 1. Granny will come next week, ____ 2. It’ll snow today._______________ 3. Kate and Mary will be in Moscow tomorrow. 4. I will have lunch with Jack in two hours. 5. We will get many presents in December. [ 3 I What will you do In these situations? Model: The floor in your room is dirty, (wash) — /7/ wash it. 1. Your best friend is not well, (phone) __________________ 2. Your guest from England doesn’t understand Russian, (translate) 3. Your mother is very tired, (help) ____________ 4. It’s your friend’s birthday tomorrow, (give a present) 5. Your dog is lost, (find) __________ 6. The weather is bad. (stay at home) 20 Unit 2 Lesson 9 [ 4 ) What do you want to know about your future? Write five questions to a wizard. Model: What will happen to me in ten years? 5 I Predict the future for one of these characters. Write 4-7 sentences. [l^lobok~| U2 L6 Ex. 4 ' 1 The Chewing gum 2 The Computer 3 ________________________ 1870 _______________ 5 The Bicycle i 6 1896 Alexander Popov Alexander Bain James Perkins f 4 The Tape Recorder ^ 8 The Telephone 1876 \k9 1903 Wilbur and Orville Wright 13 The Car 1880 !5 ---------------------- 1 ii I 10 The Laser i 1960 14 The Piano 111-------------- ! 1835 i 1 Samuel Colt I 15 Ernest Swinton 12 1926 Vladimir Zworikin r- t. 16 1775 Alexander Cummings Unit 2 Lesson 9 21 с Homework А I Translate the sentences into English. 1. Давайте украсим квартиру. 2. Давайте отметим день рождения. 3. Пусть они споют песню. 4. Пусть они принесут подарки. 5. Пусть он поможет маме. 6. Давайте съедим большой торт. В ] Write three suggestions for a) your friend’s birthday party. b) this evening. c) your school New Year party. Use the expressions from the song. Model: Let’s play computer games. i C J How do you usually celebrate your birthday? What do you do? What don't you do? Write 5-7 sentences. 22 Unit 3 Lesson 1 In WestminstefiAbbey Homework] • . A I Give suggestions for these situations. Model: Our mother is tired.— Let’s help her. 1. There is a new film on TV today. __________ 2. This book is very interesting. ____________ 3. The teacher is going to check our homework tomorrow. 4. The weather is very nice today. 5. It’s Kate’s birthday today. _ 6. Granny wants to see you. ____ 7. The first train is at 6.30 in the morning. [ B~^ Think of a problem. Write two or three sentences about it. In the next lesson ask your classmates for their suggestions. A \ Ask questions about the underlined words. 1. Museums organize sleepovers at Halloween time. 2. We come late in the evening, play games, make costumes and masks. 3. Then the real fun begins: witches, ghosts and monsters come and play with us! 4. We come to a big dark room and they tell us scarv stories. 5. We go to sleep very late and we sleep in our sleeping bags. 6. In the morning we wake up and see dinosaurs next to us. Unit 3 Lessons 2 and 3 23 в j Play a game "Are you ready for a sleepover at the Natural History Museum?". ----------у--—------------------------------------ Are you ready for a sleepover at the Natural History Museum? / ' No"l Do you like scary stories? I You like to learn new / things and really ' enjoy sleepovers. Take your sleeping bag, your best friend and have fun! / You are interested '-\-J in witches, wizards and | Pilose I magic. But do you want 1 ° dinosaur! When to go to the Natural Ш .History Museum? f go' '• ) (5o and watch / scared-Why not a scary film. > bed with a good ' relax? 24 Unit 3 Lesson 3 Sleepovers Lesson 4 ГГ] What is missing in these pictures (чего не хватает)? Draw the missing (отсутствующие) parts and name them. штат 2 I Read the information and make the magic animals. You need: the pictures from the Cut Out pages Ex. 2, glue, scissors. head body tail front legs back legs A unicorn is a white horse with one horn (рог) on its head. It’s a very kind, nice animal. A unicorn is also one of the symbols of England. head front legs body back legs tail A sphinx comes from Egypt. It has the body of a lion and the head of a man. In Russia you can see sphinxes in St Petersburg. head wings body tail front legs back legs A griffin is half bird and half lion. Unit 3 Lesson 4 25 Homework A j Use the information from Ex. 6, 7, write about sleepovers and be ready to tell your story to the class. What can visitors see and learn In your city / town / village museums? Think of interesting ' activities that people can do there. Use Ex. 5-6 as an example. Lesson. 5. A giii gets lost 1 I Соедините все прямоугольники в логической последовательности. Запишите полученные предложения, соединяя их словом because. 3. I don’t want to go to school. ] ‘l ' 2. It’s summer. . L";.«■ g" "„J.tJlL.L. 4. The weather is very warm. I ■ P: 1 am going to play football. 1. I don’t want to get up today. 26 Unit 3 Lessons 4 and 5 [ 2 J Read and fill in the gaps. Which word is missing? Mother, why must I get up? ___________it's eight o’clock, ___________today is Monday, And I must go to work. ___________we must have breakfast, And you must catch your bus (успеть на автобус), ___________at nine o’clock, my boy, You must be in your class. MHomewoHcj « « « A I Answer the questions. 1. Is it cold or warm today? Why? 2. Are you happy today? Why? / Why not? 3. Do you like Mathematics? Why? / Why not? 4. Do you like to read books? Why? / Why not? 5. Do you want to go to England? Why? / Why not? 6. Do you want to be a doctor? Why? / Why not? 7. Do you want to learn to drive a car? Why? / Why not? 8. Do you like winter? Why? / Why not? 9. What’s your favourite season? Why? Unit 3 Lesson 5 27 Lesson 6 Test yourself Ы 9 1 \ Look of the picture and complete the story. Where When . Topic . Children are going to learn about They are going to listen to_______ Children must come with___________ and play with and bring and 2 I Give ideas for these situations. Use the verbs: wash, help, phone, read, stay at home, go to bed. Model: It’s my friend’s birthday today.— Let's celebrate. 1. This book about dinosaurs is very interesting._________________________________________ 2. It is raining._________________________________________________________________________ 3. A little girl is lost. ________________________________________________________________ 4. Tomorrow we must get up at 5 a.m.______________________________________________________ 5. Your granny from Kiev wants to talk to you.____________________________________________ 6. There is an interesting sleepover at the British Museum._______________________________ 28 Unit 3 Lesson 6 I Agent Cute wants to go for a walk with his old friends. Look at the pictures and write: Why can't friends go for a walk with him? You can use the verbs: celebrate^ watch, rain, read, play, work, sleep. You must use the word because. Model: Alex can't go with Agent Cute, because he is watching a film. Unit 3 Lesson 6 29 Go down the street it Li J Match the pictures and the instructions. Instructions: turn right, turn left, go past the..., go down the street, go up the street. СЗЗ map and write the names of the houses (bank, office, hospital, shop, supermarket). Use the information from Ex. 4, pp. 67-68 (textbook). ввев -BBBB nnrm .у...|ПППППР school f~3~) Use the information and write the names of the houses. There are six houses in Park Street: a museum, a bank, a hospital, a school, an office and a supermarket. On the left side of the road there is a supermarket, a museum and an office. The first house is not a supermarket. The second house is not a supermarket. The bank is opposite the supermarket. The school is between the bank and the hospital. The office is next to the supermarket. Tell the class your answer. Model: The first house is a... The second house is a... П П -vi Л10 щ к . '1 0 I Ч 6 ЖЛ—4 30 Unit 4 Lessons 1,2 г Homework j [ A I Translate the dialogues into English and act them out in class. A: Извините, Вы не можете мне сказать, где книжный магазин? В: Пройдите мимо банка, идите вниз по улице, поверните налево и вы увидите его. А; Спасибо. А: Извините, Вы не знаете, где супермаркет? В: Идите вверх по улице, поверните направо и вы увидите его. А: Спасибо. А: Извините, как мне добраться до вокзала? В; Пройдите мимо магазина, поверните налево и вы увидите его на углу улицы. А: Спасибо. Give detailed (детальные) answers to the questions. Be ready to act out the dialogues in class. 1. How do we get from your school to your house? 2. How do we get from your house to the station? 3. How do we get from your school to the supermarket?. 4. How do we get from your school to the post office? 5. How do we get from the station to the hotel? 6. How do we get from your school to the hospital?. Unit 4 Lessons 1,2 31 do we get jo Tunbridge We Г Homework j n Гв Alice is telling Misha and Robin about her life in Paris. Read her story and do Ex. B. I live in Paris. I don’t like the underground and 1 don’t use it very often. I get to school by bicycle in summer and by bus in winter. My neighbour is my best friend and I often walk to her house. My granny doesn’t live in Paris and we get to her house by car or by train. I love the big shops in the centre of Paris and always get there by underground. It’s easier. My father is a businessman and he often flies to London. He can get there by car or by train, but he likes to fly. Write questions for the answers. Model: How does Alice’s father get to London? — He flies there. How does Alice get to school? — She gets to school by car or by bicycle. 1.___________________________________________________? — He flies there. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9 _ Because her granny doesn’t live in Paris. She gets to the shops by underground. She walks there. Because he likes to fly. Lessons 4,5 Where is Chariiig Cross? 1 j Use the map {pp. 74-75) of the textbook and answer the questions. Mark (отметьте) the places on the map. 1. Where do Alice, Misha and Robin start?__________________________________________________ 2. Where is the station? 3. What is the name of the station? Use the map on pages 74-75 of the textbook and draw the route (проложите маршрут, описанный в песне) from Victoria Station to Charing Cross. 32 Unit 4 Lessons 3 and 4, 5 г Homework • • • • * • « « • » • ® в « в « » А J Look at the map on pages 74-75 and find the place names which end with Road^ Square, Park, Street. Model: ... Road — Brompton Road В I Look at the map and find the places you know (места, которые вы знаете): the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, the Globe, the Natural History Museum. C I Draw the friends' route on the map. D J Choose a place and write a short report about it. Use the plan: What is it? Is it old? What can tourists see there? !► I This information will help you: The Tower of London: a famous museum, very old, beefeaters, ravens. Westminster Abbey: a famous museum, very old, the Coronation chair, the tombs of kings and queens. The Globe: a famous theatre, not old, Shakespeare, plays. The Natural History Museum: a famous museum, not very old, dinosaurs, animals, plants, minerals. Lesson 6 How much is it to Cho [ 1 J In pairs. Cute is having fun in London. He is buying things. Look at this page from his notebook and play a game. A: Ask “How much...?” B: Answer the questions. Use the information from Cute’s notebook. jacket — £35.99 cola — 75p bus ticket — £1 cake — £1.50 sweater — £40 shoes — £59.90 fish and chips — £7.95 jeans — £30 hamburger — £3.25 museum ticket — £7.50 Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 and 6 33 How much are all Cute's things: a) in pounds? b) in roubles? I How much are these things in Russia? Work in pairs and ask and answer. Write down your friend's answers. Homework « • e a • ««««•«••••«••«•••ft* Read the conversation and answer the question: Why are Alice and the boys going to Tunbridge Wells? Write two or three sentences. At Charing Cross Misha: Bye, Alice. Have fun in England! Alice: And what are you going to do, boys? Robin: Oh, we can go home now. Alice: Tell me the truth! You don’t live in London, do you? Robin: No, we don’t. Alice: And you have no money. Misha: That’s also true. Alice: Let’s go to Tunbridge Wells together. My friends are very nice people. They can help you. Robin: Thanks, Alice. That’s a really good idea! 34 Unit 4 Lesson 6 Play the game "Get ready for a trip to London". It will help you prepare for your test. Get ready for a trip to London япттгшл Can you read a map? You can go to London. It's safe. 'I Ю with you and ; Щ don't go alone! ^___________i You can get lost f ^ ° 9°°^ London. Read I 1 .Й,-...:4.u-----—A 11 this unit again and | \ get ready for your J test! Unit 4 Lesson 6 35 Lesson 7 Test yourself ..r. . ■ -’-e t ' 1 I Listen and find the house of Alice's friends in Tunbridge Wells. , 1'. Your friend wonts to come to your house. How does he (she) get there? Write о dialogue. Use the phrases: turn right (lefth go past, go up (down) the street, excuse me, opposite, next to, can you tell me... [^"з^ Answer the questions. 1. Big Ben is a boy, isn’t he? 2. Bus tickets are expensive, aren’t they? ______ 3. Charing Cross is near Trafalgar Square, isn’t it? 36 Unit 4 Lesson 7 4. Buses in London often have no doors, do they? 5. The Tower of London is very old, isn’t it? _ 6. You don’t need a map in London, do you? ____ 4 I Парная работа. Напишите^ что говорят люди, изображенные на картинках, и будьте готовы разыграть эти диалоги. York / sixty three pounds ninety pence --------------------- , I The Tower / down the street, left Unit 4 Lesson 7 37 ^-What dofyoiil^^ to'clo? [^JHomewo^ J «••••«••0»«* (a j Translate the sentences into English. 1. Завтра мне придется пойти в магазин. 2. Тебе часто приходится мыть пол? 3. Им не нужно ехать на поезде. Они могут поехать на автобусе. 4. Вам не нужно открывать дверь, Я сделаю это. 5. Когда ему придется вставать? — В семь утра. 6. Что ей придется сделать? — Ей придется приготовить завтрак. В I Ask questions about the underlined information. 1. I don’t have to phone Kate, because she is going to come here tomorrow. 2. He doesn’t have to do his homework today. 3. My mother has to go to work by bus. 4. You’ll have to wait for me near the bus stop. 5. I’ll have to be ready at ten o’clock. 6. You will have to answer your teacher’s questions. 7. I don’t have to get up at seven o’clock. 38 Unit 5 Lesson 1 Answer the following questions in writing. What don't you have to do now, but will have to do in ten years from now? What do you have to do now that you won't have to do in ten years from now? Model: I don’t have to work on the computer now, but I will have to in ten years. work, drive a car, walk the dog, go to school, learn English, learn French, get up early, travel to new places, live with your mother and father, write tests, help mother clean the floor, cook, do sport Lessons 2,3' When m Rome, do as the Romans do Homework } » . * Aj Fill in the gaps with must mustn't have to, don't have to / doesn't have to and the verbs: visit, touch, go, buy, learn, be polite, walk 1. I__________________________________to my guests. 2. You____________________________________her books. She’ll be very angry. 3. You____________________________________me a new bicycle. My old one is very good. 4. You____________________________________your granny. She’ll be very happy to see you. 5. I__________________________________to the shop and buy a warm jacket. 6. Mother____________________________________the dog. We always do it. 7. You this song by heart. Your teacher won’t ask you to sing it. В I Translate the sentences into English. 1. Тебе нельзя идти на улицу. Там холодно. 2. Маленьким детям нельзя есть мороженое. Unit 5 Lessons 1 and 2, 3 39 3. я должен помочь своему другу. 4. Вам не придется спать на полу. У нас есть кровать для гостей. 5. Ты должен купить билет. 6. Ему не нужно идти к врачу. Его мама — врач. 7. Им нельзя сидеть на полу. Пол грязный. 8. Ему нельзя потерять этот ключ. У нас всего один. С J Imagine that you have guests from abroad. Write ten rules for them. What can they do in your home? What can't they do? What will they have to do? Why? Lesson 4 1 I Match the questions to the answers. 1. Where are you staying? 2. What are you looking for? 3. Why are you worrying? 4. What do I dial first? What is the country code for Russia? a) I can't find my pen. b) Start with the country code. c) The address is 10, Kirov Street. d) It’s nine o’clock and my daughter is not in. C l^oп^©^мoгk A j Translate the dialogue into English. — Скажите, пожалуйста, как мне позвонить домой? Из какой вы страны?. Я из России.____________ — Наберите код России 007, затем код города, а потом номер вашего телефона. Большое спасибо. До свидания.. До свидания.__________________________ 40 Unit 5 Lessons 2, 3 and 4 в Read and answer the question: What mistakes does Alex make? Is be always polite? Alex: Hello! Kolya, is that you? Kolya’s sister: Sorry, Kolya’s not in at the moment. Who’s speaking? Alex: Oh! Kolya is not in! Bye! f~C Change Alex's phrases. Make them more polite. • Lessons 5,6 We are always there for our pets j^^^^ Гд I Fill in the gaps with these words. member, friend, Labrador, beautiful, children, kind, puppy, dogs, cats, rescue home, homeless Do you want to find a new f__________? Rex is a L____________r. He is only a p____y, but he is already (уже) ho__________s. Rex is к___d, be___________1 and very clever. He is friendly with d___s and c___s and he loves ch_________n. Come to our r_________h______and you’ll find a new family m______r. Пв~^ Write ten questions about Betsey's pets. [Cj Fill in the table with the information about Betsey's pets and be ready to tell the class about them. Name cat / dog Age Fourby Henry Blacky Mother XtWaUy Type of cat / dog Does he / she like dogs? Does he / she like cats? Comments Units Lessons 4 and 5, 6 41 D ^ Use the page from Cut Out and make a poster about your pet. Use photos of your pet and write about him or her. Give your poster a name. Choose from: Love me, love my dog. I am always there for my pet. My pet is always there for me. A home with a cat is a happy home. When the cat sleeps, mice play. A man’s best friend is his dog / cat. I love dogs / cats. f I In your next lesson put your poster on the wall and tell the class about your pet. Lesson 8 ^e,Gunpowder Homework) f В I There are mistakes in the translations. Correct the mistakes and match the pictures and the translations. It’s 1605. The religion of this country is Anglican. I want to help the Catholics, but the Parliament says “No!” We are Catholics. Our life in England is difficult. The law is against us. We must help all Catholics. Let’s buy a house near Parliament and dig a tunnel under the wall. Let’s put these barrels of gunpowder under Parliament and blow it up! Great! Thirty-six barrels of gunpowder! We are ready! On 5th November, the King and people in Parliament are going to die. England will be a Catholic country again! Guy Fawkes Thomas Winter The wall is very thick. But there is a cellar under Parliament. Let’s put our barrels there! 42 Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 and 8 Oh, no! My brother is going to Parliament on 5th November! Don’t go to Parliament tomorrow! It’s not safe! Look! There’s a plot! They want to blow up Parliament! f Hooray! God Save the King! j 1. Сейчас 1660 год. Я устал. Религия этой сгграны англиканская. Я хочу помочь католикам, но парламент говорит: “Да!” 2. Мы католики. Наша жизнь в Шотландии очень трудна. Закон против нас. 3. Мы должны помочь всем католикам. Давайте купим дом рядом с Музеем естественной истории и будем копать под дверью. Давайте подложим бочки с порохом под парламент и взорвем его. 4. Эта стена очень толстая! Но под парламентом есть подвал. Давайте поставим на1пи бочки туда. 5. Чудесно! Сорок бочек с сахаром! Мы готовы! 15 ноября король и парламент погибнут, и Англия снова станет католической страной. 6. О, нет! Завтра мой брат пойдет в парламент! И мой брат! И мой брат! 7. Привет! Не ходите в парламент в следуюш,ем году! Это небезопасно! 8. Посмотрите, мой Король. Это заговор! Они хотят быть избранными в парламент! 9. Что ты здесь делаешь? 10. Наградите его! 11. Ура! Боже храни королеву! Unit 5 Lesson 8 43 '#LessdTn4 9^5' Bonfire Night в40*лаштшшй \!шятшШ1ШШл Today is 5th November. Agent Cute loves fireworks. This year he is in Tunbridge Wells for Bonfire Night. Look at the pictures and write: What Is Cute doing? Используйте глаголы в скобках во времени Present Progressive там, где это возможно. (watch) (phone) (must watch) 44 Unit 5 Lessons 8 and 9 ^ I Listen to the story and check your answers. Answer the questions. 1. What do people in England celebrate in November? 2. When is Bonfire Night?_____________________________ 3. What do children do with a guy?____________________ 4. People make bonfires near their houses, don't they? 5. What do people eat on Bonfire Night?_______________ 6. Do you like to play with fireworks?________________ 7. Are fireworks safe? _______________________________ » « « • • I A~^ Translate the sentences into English. 1. 5 ноября в Англии отмечают ночь костров. Это английская традиция.. 2. Люди разводят костры. 3. Костры не разводят около домов и на улицах. 4. Фейерверки очень красивые.. 5. Люди едят картошку в мундире. ( В \ Write how English people celebrate 5th November. Test yourself [ Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. 1. Who is calling? (the name)____________________ 2. What does he want?__________________ _________ 3. Who is speaking? (the name) 4. Who is not in? (the name)_ 5. The country code for England is not 44. is it? Units Lessons 9 and 10 45 Гп Mark these sentences; true or false. I I 1. Your classmates don’t have to get up early on Sundays. I I 2. Teenagers don’t have to drive a car. I I 3. You mustn’t learn German. I I 4. Your friends will have to take exams next year. I I 5. Your teacher mustn’t check your homework today. I I 6. Old people don’t have to work. I I 7. People have to walk their dogs. Read the advertisement (объявление). Ask five questions about the dog. GIVE A DOG A HOME We are a big rescue home for homeless dogs. Today we are looking for a new home for a very nice dog. It’s a Labrador. Give him a home and he will be your friend. j Write six sentences about your pet or your friend's pet. Correct the mistakes. Next now Г11 fly to London. I stay with my pen friend. They’ll meets me at the airport. My pen friend is introducing me to his family. Will T phone my mum and say I’m OK. My host family shows me my room. ^ 6 Work in pairs. What will you say to your host In these situations? What will he / she answer? Get ready with short dialogues. 1. You want to use the phone. 2. You want to write an e-mail. 3. You want to watch TV._______ 46 Unit 5 Lesson 10 Homework ) A j Think: What names for different kinds of food do you know in English? Continue the list. Подумайте, какие названия продуктов или блюд вы знаете по-английски. Продолжите список: fish and chips, pizza, cola, ______________________________________________________________ В j Fill in the gaps with some or any. 1. They have_________________milk. 2. My aunt doesn’t read_____________ 3. Do you have__________ 4. We need______________ 5. He doesn’t have 6. Do you have____ 7. I don’t know____ 8. They don’t speak newspapers. questions? eggs and milk. water. books about John Lennon? songs. ____foreign languages. Make these sentences a) negative, b) interrogative. Сделайте эти предложения a) отрицательными, б) вопросительными. 1. We have some friends. 2. Kate has some interesting books. 3. My father has some computer games. 4. There is some tea in my mug. 5. There is some water in the jug. Unit 6 Lesson 1 47 Lessons 2,3 I At the supermarket 1 \ Fill in the gaps. Use information from Ex. 6. Найдите и обведите слова, обозначающие продукты питания. Слова можно читать в разных направлениях. А с т S D i. .E i с F ' о : S т О А Е Н 1 и К ; N 1 А R о Е ^ L L О С м Е '“н'1 м В ГГ' N и р 1 О ! S ^ Р А JL А L Е м о 1 N ' А J Р м т Т Т S в т! и ^ G Е о V Е W О Е 1 X 1 Y 1 Е Р Z А G С А R ^ 1 о 1 т L м N Е о R А N 1 G ; Е К н О V А Р Р L Е : F С н Е Е S Е м Е i А т"^ R 1 С Е В и т Tj Е I R J и 1 С Е S W Е * Т М и S Н R О о м ! S ! А 48 Unit 6 Lessons 2, 3 с Homework ) ■’Л А I Write а list of things you like to eat. you like to drink. you like to have for breakfast, you like to have for dinner. _ you don’t like to eat._________ you don’t like to drink. ______ В Find the food that starts with the same letter as your name. Use the dictionary for help. Найдите названия продуктов, которые начинаются на ту же букву, что и ваше имя. Tips: Your name starts with Z — zucchini (кабачки цуккини). Stone soup 1^1 ■ Can you count (посчитать)? water, banana, coffee, milk, rice, tomato, potato, meat, ham, cheese, pepper, cucumber, bread, chocolate, butter, juice, sausage, mushroom, carrot I 1 can count (посчитать) it Л ^ 1 can’ t count it ("2Л Fill in the gaps. Write a / an or no article. 1. We have________apple. 2. I need_______water. 3. There is_______orange juice in the fridge. 4. I need_______chocolate for this cake. 5. Friends are drinking _ room. 6. There is_____milk in the kitchen tea in the dining 7. He doesn't have friends. Play a game called "The Magic Samobranka". A: Take one card and read your task. What do you have to cook? What do you have? What do you need to buy? Then go to the magic samobranka. Tell it to bring you food that you need. В (Samobranka): Use the pictures from Cut Out page 85. Listen to your friend. What does he / she need? Give him these ingredients. Model: You have to make the tea. You have: tea. A: I have some tea. / don’t have any water. I don’t have any sugar. / don’t have any lemon. / don’t have any milk. B: OK. I'll bring you some water, some sugar, .some lemon and some milk. Unit 6 Lessons 2, 3 and 4 49 <; Homework J ^ Find the odd one out. (Найдите в каждой строке лишнее слово.) 1. cucumber, tomato, pepper, bread 2. potato, nectarine, kiwi, apple 3. cheese, salt, banana, water [ В Moke these sentences negative. 1. There is some water in the jar. 4. chocolate, onion, yoghurt, ice cream 5, juice, coffee, tea, ice cream 2. There are some apples on the table. 3. There are three stories on the disc. 4. There is some rice in this dish. 5. I know some people in this room. 6. He speaks five foreign languages. 7. There’s some meat in my sandwich. Let's have q big pizza! Translate into English. 1. В пицце есть мясо? 2. В пицце есть овощи? 3. Я вегетарианец.____ 4. В пицце сыр, помидоры, перцы, лук и курица. i Look at the menu in the textbook (Ex. 3) and recommend a pizza. Stras!>p- 1. Mr Green loves vegetables, but he is allergic to mushrooms. What pizza can he have? 2. Mr Forbes hates pepperoni sausages and olives. What pizza can he have? 3. Mrs Sweet doesn't eat cheese. What pizza can she have? 50 Unit 6 Lessons 4 ond 5 Homework D • • « * г A ^ Translate the sentences into English. 1. В этом блюде есть мясо.____ 2. В пицце нет овощей. _______ 3. Я не ем мясо. Я вегетарианец., 4. Он очень не любит морковь. _ 5. В этой пицце нет грибов. _____ 6. Мне нравится эта пицца потому, что в ней есть пепперони. Она очень вкусная. 7. В пицце есть рыба? У меня на нее аллергия. 8. В этом блюде нет соли. _________________ В J Use the pictures from Cut Out and make your favourite pizza. You need scissors and some glue. Вырежьте изображения продуктов для пиццы^ приклейте их но изображение своей пиццы и подпишите под ними названия по-английски. / / / / г- ^ J ^ г ; I i I U- V \ \ \ \ N. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / / / / Unit 6 Lesson 5 51 How'much sugar do they need? .'.W 1 [ Correct the mistakes or write OK. 1. There are many books in the shop. 2. I eat many cheese.______________ 3. How much bread do you need? . 4. We drink a lot of orange juice._ 5. There is many rooms in my flat.. 6. There is a bank, a museum and a theatre in this street. 7. How many jam is there in the jar?______________________ Homework • • » » 9 Ф « « « « « 9 Ask the questions. Start with How much or How many. Model: How much coffee do you drink? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. books about animals do you have? pens are there in your bag. chocolate can you eat in an hour? salt do you like in your soup? water is there in the mug? sugar do you want in your tea? В I Read the poem and answer its question. 1 need a lot of milk. I need a lot of У I need eoxne salt, and some butter. What do I want to make? 1 C J choose the correct variant in brackets and complete the sentences. 1. I eat (much / a lot of) sugar. 2. They don’t eat (much / a lot of) meat. 3. Do you need (much / a lot of) milk? 4. How (much / a lot of) salt do you need? 5. There is (much / a lot of) ham and (much / a lot of) butter in my fridge. 6. There isn’t (much / a lot of) salt in the salad. 7. I don’t know (many / a lot of) people in this room. 8. How (many / a lot of) streets are there in your town? 9. (Many / A lot of) children like ice cream. 10. How (many / much) juice do you want? 52 Unit 6 Lesson 6 I D Translate the sentences into English. 1. Сколько у тебя друзей?________ 2. Эта зима принесет много снега. 3. В кувшине много воды.______ 4. Сколько яблок тебе нужно?_______________ 5. Я иду в магазин. Сколько хлеба тебе нужно? 6. Сколько мороженого ты можешь сьесть? 7. Я не хочу пить много чая.__________ Lesson С Homework^ Не has а few friends., » » ♦ © Ч * ® « ® ® Г*А~^ Write two questions about each dish and answer them. Use the words in brackets ' in your questions. Model: Is there any salt in this omelette? — Yes, there is. What is there in this omelette? There are a lot of eggs, a lot of cheese, some milk, some salt and some butter. fish, egg and mayonnaise sandwich (eggs) cheese and egg omelette (salt) vegetable soup (meat) Unit 6 Lessons 6 and 7 53 Complete the sentences with a lot of, much, many, very few, very little. 1. We have 2. She has _ 3. I have _ lemons. I have to go to the shop, friends. She is a very nice girl. 4. There is 5. How__ 6. How__ time. I’m going to be late, cola in this tin. You can drink it. books are you going to read this month? milk do you like in your coffee? I C J Translate the sentences into English. 1. В моем чае очень мало сахара.______ 2. День рождения приносит много радости. 3. Сколько у тебя домашних любимцев?__ 4. Сколько мяса ты кладешь в суп?_____ 5. Сколько у нас молока?______________ 6. Сколько у вас времени? ____________ Listen to Sabby. Write awful (ужасныйЬ tasty or OK next to the names of food. What does she think about different products? Поставьте прочерк напротив тех названий продуктов^ которые не ест Сэбби. Каково ее мнение о различных продуктах? Model: ice cream — tasty chocolate — cakes — _____ coffee — ____ fruit - apples — chicken — tea —_____ Choose the correct answer. bananas — kiwi —____ ham — vegetable salads — meat — ____________ juice — ___________ Pepperoni is 4. People never drink tea with a) a fruit a) milk b) a vegetable b) sugar c) a sausage c) butter Carrots are 5. In fruit salad you don’t put a) orange a) apples b) red b) bananas c) green c) cucumbers In the vegetable soup 6. A hot dog is a) there is no meat a) cheese and ham b) there are no vegetables b) bread and a sausage c) there is no salt c) chicken and bread 54 Unit 6 Lessons 7 and 8 How many things can you cook? (Напишите как можно больше названий блюд.) You have: water, salt, pepper, carrots, mushrooms, peppers, onions, cheese, bread, eggs, ham, sausages, butter, milk, bacon, green salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, oranges, nectarines, ice cream.* Fill In the gaps. Write some, any, no. 1. There isn’t___________butter in the fridge. 2. We have_______________apples and_____________yoghurt. Let’s make------------ 3. We have_______________history books, but we need them for our next lesson. fruit salad. 4. There aren’t 5. You don’t need museums in this town. __meat for tomato soup. Fill in the gaps. Write much^ many, a lot of, very few, very little. Model: How much butter do we have? — We have very little butter. We must go to the shop. 1. How_________________________potatoes do we need? — We need---------------------------------potatoes; all my friends are coming for the party. 2. How___________________bread do we have? —________________ 3. How___________________meat do we need for the soup? — 4. How___________________people will you invite? —__________ .. You must go to the bakery. ______________I’m hungry. .. 1 don’t have many CD friends here. This food is good for you (write four things). This food is bad for you (write four things). Explain your answers to the teacher. Unit 6 Lesson 8 55 Is there anybody in the room? 1 Homework ] «»%>'№» C Г/^f change the sentences. Use somebody / nobody / anybody. Model: Some people don't like milk.— Somebody doesn’t like milk. \. A man is knocking on the door.___________________________ 2. No students are going to come here tomorrow. 3. Does one of the people here want to speak to me?. 4. There is a person in the kitchen._________________ 5. Are there any people in the car? _________________ 6. He doesn’t know any boys or girls in his new class.. В j Fill in the gaps. Use somebody^ anybody^ anywhere, nothing, anything, somewhere. 1. Where does he live? — I think he lives______________________near the supermarket. 2. It’s dark. I can’t see_____________________. 3. Do we have______________________ 4. Do you know 5. Do you know 6. Don’t ask her. She knows 7. Sssh! I can’t hear_______ 8. _________________________ 9. Do you see my keys_______ in the fridge? — Yes, a few things. _ from America? _ about Shakespeare? ____________about it. is coming! — Who is it? ____________________? — No, I can’t find them. Lesson 2 f Homework J Somebody likes,chocolal'es... Fill in the gaps with something, somebody, nobody, nothing, everything, everybody, anything, anybody. 1. Look! 2. ______ ______is coming out of the headteacher’s office. likes Tom Cruise’s new film. It is very boring. 56 Unit 7 Lessons 1 and 2 3. Can you hear 4. There’s______ in your fridge to eat. I’m very hungry. ________1 know to my parties. 5. I always invite_____________________ 6. He doesn’t have any friends because he doesn’t like 7. The police are outside. They are looking for____ 8. What do you want to eat? —______________________ 9. Does___________________________live in that white house over there? , I’m not hungry. В I Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. 1. You’re late! Everybody________________________ for you. 2. Everybody_________________________this singer. She’s a very popular singer. 3. Don’t worry about Jane. Everything______________________fine with her. 4. Everybody ________________________presents on New Year. 5. Nobody ________________________the answer to this question. 6. There________________________nobody in the house. Lesson 3 These ore the answers. Write the questions. Model: Rosy is seventeen. — How old is Rosy? 1. Rosy is going to finish school this year. 2. Rosy is interested in horse riding.____ 3. Her horse’s name is Fire.______________ • • « « 4. Yes, she is. And she is the best goalkeeper in her school. 5. She is in London. 6. She is helping her aunt. 7. Because it’s Christmastime. 8. His name is Mark._________ 9. Mark is fourteen._________ 10. He is interested in history and archaeology., 11. He is on Salisbury Plain. __________________ 12. In summer Mark always goes to archaeology camps. 13. Yes, they will. It’s a very interesting place.___ 14. Because Rob is lost in Russia._______________. Unit 7 Lessons 2 and 3 57 в J Be ready to tell the class about Betsey's children. Use the questions in Ex. A as a plan. Lessons 4,5 i like hiking [4Wj Read the sentences and answer the questions with too or either. Model: Mark is interested in history. And you? (A ты?) — I am interested in history too. 1. Mark doesn’t play the guitar. And you? ________________________________________________ 2. He can sing very well. And you?________________________________________________________ 3. Agent Cute doesn’t like vegetables. And you? 4. Betsey is hungry. And you? ___________________ A lot of women are not interested in football. And you? His mother doesn’t like tea with milk. And you?___________ 7. My friends don’t have a horse. And you? Homework ) • • * $ J Write: What do both Misha and Alice like to do? What don't they like to do? Use the table of Ex. 7 in the textbook. Model: Misha reads a lot of hooks. Alice reads a lot of hooks too. Misha doesn’t read any hooks. Alice doesn’t read any hooks either. >1 I B^ Read the text and answer the questions. Alice has three friends; Marie, Josie and Amelie. Everybody is interested in sports. Alice and Josie are interested in tennis. Amelie and Marie like jogging. Alice and Marie enjoy swimming. 1. Who is interested in tennis and swimming? a) Alice b) Marie c) Josie d) Amelie 2. Who likes swimming and jogging? a) Alice b) Marie c) Josie d) Amelie 58 Unit 7 Lessons 3 and 4, 5 ^ Get ready for a game. What do you think? What are the five most popular pastimes in Russia? In Britain? In America? Write a list for each country. iqs is in the air Read Agent Cute's ideas about Christmas and match the ideas and the lines from his Christmas song. Christmas nonsense a) Oh, this Christmas nonsense! When will it stop? b) You go to the High Street, And shop till you drop! c) You look for some presents, But what can you buy? d) You write letters to Santa, But he’ll never reply. e) You have to go to parties, When you can watch TV, f) You go out in cold weather. And get a Christmas tree. g) So, thank you, but never! No Christmas for me! 1. People in the shops work day and night, they can’t relax. The shops are full and people have no time to think. It is very difficult to find a good present. 2. Christmas presents are expensive and useless. 3. The tradition of having a Christmas tree in the house is awful. Every Christmas people kill thousands of trees for fun. 4. Santa Claus is a legend. He never comes and a lot of children don’t get presents, 5. Christmas parties are very boring. Unit 7 Lessons 4, 5 and 6 59 с Homework ork J 1Ц1 jiijw^ *e»«»o*«i*»««»«*»«*«*«*«eee«««««e« A I Answer the questions. 1. Do Russian children write letters to anybody on New Year’s Eve? 2. Who do Russian children write to? 3. What do they write about? 4. Do they want anything? 5. Do they promise anything? 6. When do they write their letters? 7. Do Russian children find anything in their stockings? 8. Where do Russian children find their presents? [ В I Write a letter to Santo Clous. Here ore some ideas: be good, do sports, read books, eat a lot of chocolate, eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, help Mum. be nice to granny, walk the dog every morning, be the best in the class, learn to swim, learn to cook Count; How many times can you see the word CHRISTMAS in this lesson? 60 Unit 7 Lesson 6 Lesson f Homework ^ fjwwmqw i.1 iM u i>nsu»^f£^ A I Answer the questions about Christmas and New Year in Russia. 1. When does Chrislmastime / New Year time in Russia begin? 2. When do you celebrate Christmas / New Year in Russia? 3. Do you celebrate Christmas / New Year with your family or with your friends? 4. What do you buy before Christmas / New Year? 5. What do you celebrate on Christmas Day / on 31 December? 6. Where do you find your Christmas / New Year presents? 7. What is on your table on Christmas Day / on 31 December? ^ I What do you think: What's the difference between New Year and Christmas in Russia? Prepare a short story: What Christmas / New Year traditions do they have in Russia? В I Complete the sentences and get ready to tell your classmates about Christmas in Russia and Great Britain. 1. In England Christmastime begins in November and in Russia________________________. 2. In England they celebrate Christmas on_______________________and in Russia on_________________________. 3. In England they celebrate Christmas with their families and in Russia Unit 7 Lesson 7 61 4. In England they buy presents and Christmas trees before Christmas and in Russia________________________. 5. In England children write letters to______________________and in Russia 6. In England children find their Christmas presents in and in Russia_____________________ 7. In England there is on the table and in Russia Lesson 8 .ii Every country has Its customs^|||^^ ^ [5Wj Look at the boxes 1-4. Where in the letter must you write this information? 0> I'm fine. My life here is very busy and interesting. I'm learning a lot about England. It's very different from Russia. My first big surprise is the bathroom. There are two taps: one for hot water and one for cold water. When I wash my hands, I must put the plug in the plug hole and mix the water in the basin. The second shock is English weather. It's November, but it's not cold. There is no snow either, but Christmas is in the air because there are Christmas trees and decorations in all the shops. It's funny. The grass is green, there are still roses in the garden, and the weather is very rainy. It's about 15 degrees and I wear my sweater. But you must see the English. They don't feel cold. Some people still wear sandals and T-shirts and don't wear any warm clothes. But it's not summer. At night the house is cold. Central heating is expensive and they don't use it very often. So I go to bed with a hot water bottle. (Please, don't tell my friends). English food is very strange too. I'm often hungry because we usually have lunch at twelve and dinner at nine o'clock In the evening. And I don't really like English food. They eat a lot of cheese. We get cheese sandwiches for breakfast and cheese sandwiches for lunch. My big problem is bread. They don't have any brown bread here and they don't eat any bread with their dinner. 62 Unit 7 Lessons 7 and 8 Please don't worry about me. These things are not a problem. This country is so nice because it's so different. It's very interesting to learn about a different culture. I'm OK and I'm having a lot of fun with Betsey and her family. a) Much love, Misha b) Dear Mum, Dad and Masha c) 17 November, d) Tunbridge Wells Kent TN2 3GH 19, Crescent Road [^ Homework ^ • fAj Imagine that you are an English guest in Russia. You are visiting your village / town / city in winter. Write a letter about your visit. Don't forget to write about some unusual and surprising things about Russia. Find some interesting information about Christmas and New Year traditions in any country. Be ready to tell your classmates about them. Unit 7 Lesson 8 63 Lesson 10 Do the English need these things for Christmas? Write yes or no. turkey _______________ Christmas tree_______________ presents______________ decorations jacket potatoes_______________ costumes and masks_________________ Christmas pudding__________________ ham_________________ hot dogs_______________ fish________________ pumpkins_________________ Complete the sentences. Use the verbs. ride, read, sing, listen, watch, eat, play Model: My mother is interested in horses. Her favourite pastime is horse riding. 1. I am interested in books. My favourite pastime is ________________________ 2. Dennis is interested in films.____________________________________________ 3. Jane is interested in music. _____________________________________________ 4. My father is interested in football. 5. Tom is interested in food. ______ 6. Alice is interested in computer games. 7. Mary is interested in songs.___________ True or false. Correct the false statements. 1. The English have one tap for cold and hot water.. 2. It is not cold in England in November. 3. It often rains in England._______ 4. Christmastime in England starts in October. 5. The English eat a lot of bread with their dinner.. 6. The English wear very warm clothes in November. 64 Unit 7 Lesson 10 4 I Do you agree with the children? Use too or either. Model: Tom likes cheese. Me too. like cheese. 0 re^ing^ ^ I don^peak ^ench^ hungr}^ Kate I don’t live in London 9 How ore you going to you celebrate Christmas or New Year? Write five-seven sentences. Unit 7 Lesson 10 65 ■';- ‘-7V' j^tЛ'•■'Г >. CD rr> Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be (am, is, are). 1. He (be)_____________not in. 2. They (be)_____________my friends. 3. My sister and I (be)____________allergic to oranges. 4. The children (be)____________hungry. 5. I (be)____________lost. 6. You (be)_____________interested in reading. 7. These vegetables (be)_____________good for you. Обведите нужный глагол. He is / celebrates his birthday every year. We are / like our teacher. Ann is / eats oranges every day. I am / live in Klin. Ask questions to the underlined v/ords. 1. They are busy at the moment. ______________ 2. Her husband is in the bank. _______________ You is / are busy on Friday. Cute is / writes reports every day. It is / are cold. 1 am / walk my dog at 8 a.m. 3. The boy is at home at 8 o'clock. ’4. Vegetables and fruit are good for children. 5. It is cold in March.____________________ Find the mistakes and correct them. 1. Are you like this book?_____ 2. Does they help homeless dogs? 3. Sasha doesn't my best friend._ 4. They are your friends, do they? 5. Where they are?_______________ 6. When is he plays tennis?________ 7. They are not celebrate Christmas. 8. Who does help Mum every day? _ 9. Why is they at home?____________ 10. When his birthday?______________ 66 11. Meat expensive in Russia? Units 12. Lives he in London?. 13. Why she is sad?____ 14. He is not work in the hospital. 15. He not plays with his friends. _ 16. Who does remember Cute?_______ 17. You don't live in London, are you?. Translate into English. 1. Oh мой друг._____________________ 2. Когда твой день рождения? 3. Он не голоден.___________ 4. Ты занят в среду? 5. Мне 12 лет._______ 6. Сколько ему лет?________________________ 7. Ты часто играешь в компьютерные игры? 8. Где живет твоя бабушка?_________________ Answer the questions. 1. What can your pet do?___________________ 2. Can you drive a car?____________________ 3. Can you speak English?__________________ 4. Can vour sister cook?___________________ 5. What can you do at a party?_________ 6. When can you phone your friend?. Lessons 1,2 f Homework Fill in the gaps. Use was, were, wasn't, weren't. 1. His granny____________a teacher. 2. We____________in Moscow last week. It_____________interesting. 3. My friends____________at school yesterday, but I__________at home, because 1_______ 4. We____________very happy with our hotel room. It__________ well. very small and the windows dirty. 5. but Liz ___ Tom and Liz at your birthday party? Tom ______________ _______busy yesterday. 6. Where____________your brother last Friday? He______________at home with his friends. She Unit 8 Lessons 1,2 67 в I Rewrite these sentences in the Past Simple. Use was, were and yesterday. 1. I'm hungry now.__________________________________________________ 2. Where is he today? 3. We’re cold now.__ 4. He isn’t late for school today. 5. My breakfast is very tasty.___ 6. Are your friends in the museum now? 7. Who is at home now?_______________ 8. Where are they at the moment? 9. Is Cute in the office now?__ 10. I'm not busy at the moment. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Мы заняты сегодня.______________ 2. Они сейчас в Англии. 3. Сегодня его нет в школе. 4. Мне сейчас 12 лет. ___ 5. Он был занят на прошлой неделе._ 6. Они были в России в прошлом году. 7. Его не было в школе вчера.____ 8. Мне было 11 лет в прошлом году. ' ^ 1 Распределите обозначения времени между the Present Simple и the Past Simple. Некоторые обозначения можно употреблять и в the Present Simple, и в the Past Simple. last week, usually, every Saturday, two years ago, often, every year, yesterday, last Sunday, every winter, last summer, a week ago, always The Present Simple Tense The Past Simple Tense ^ 68 Units Lessons 1,2 Е I Put questions for the answers. Use the words in brackets. Model: (interesting / the book) — No, it was boring. Was the book interesting? — No, it was boring. 1. (Alice and Robin / where) — They were in the shop. 2. (who / in Moscow / with you) — Our teacher was with us. 3. (the last bus / when) — It was at eight o’clock. 4. (the weather / good) — No, it was very cold. 5. (you / when / in Smolensk) — I was there in May. Lessons 3, 4 What could you do ten years ago? 1 I Fill in the gaps. Use can, can't, could, couldn't Model: Betty ... open the door, so she was in the street for two hours.— Betty couldn’t open the door, so she was in the street for two hours. 1. Don’t ask Tom to cook. He ... do it very well.—_____________________ 2. Helen ... sing when she was ten, and she ... do it now.— 3. 1 was scared. What ... I do? — 4. The weather was bad, so we ... go out.— 5. When we were in Moscow we ... visit the Kremlin.— 2 I What could you do five years ago? What couldn't you do five years ago? Model: / could swim five years ago. I couldn’t drive a car five years ago. swim, read, play computer games, cook, fly, speak, drive a car, wash the floor, predict the future, speak English, do the shopping, decorate a Christmas tree, write Unit 8 Lessons 1,2 and 3, 4 69 { 3 j You need scissors and some glue. A. Look at this page. Take the pictures from Cut Out, ask questions about Betsey and make Betsey’s photo album. B. Look at page 78 in the Workbook. Open Betsey’s photo album and answer A’s questions. Model: | A j — What could Betsey do when she was ten? j В I — When Betsey was ten, she could swim. 70 Unit 8 Lessons 3, 4 Homework ) Aj Write a report about what your partner could do in the past. Use your notes from Ex. 10, p. 162^ textbook. Г в Make up your own song. Use these rhymes or think of your own. Translate the new words with a dictionary. When I was one______________________________________ Life wasn’t fun. 1 was always fine. I couldn't drive. I was very clever. I was never late. I could play with bricks. I could clean the floor. 1 couldn’t cross the street. I couldn’t read books. All fairy tales were true. two three four _ five SIX seven eight nine Lesson 5 Diandra's ( 1 I Use these words. Name and write the parts of the face. eyes, nose, mouth, ears, eye brows, lips, hair Units Lessons 3, 4 and 5 71 { 2 J What is missing (чего не хватает)? Дорисуйте и подпишите^ каких частей не хватает на лицах детей. А I Answer the questions and be ready to describe yourself. 1. What colour are your eyes?__________________________ 2. What colour is your hair?___________________________ 3. Is your hair straight or curly? 4. Are you tall or short?________ 5. Is your nose big or small? . 6. Are you ears big or small? [ В I Translate the sentences into English. 1. Она была очень красивой. Ее волосы были длинными.. • в • е » « 2. Он был невысоким и толстым и очень веселым. 3. Его сын был очень красив. Он был высоким и стройным. 4. У него был очень большой нос. 72 Unit 8 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 ■ «а1Й№ 3C j Listen^ use the parts of face from Cut Out and make a picture of Rob MacWizard and Robin MacWizard. Раскрасьте нужным цветом части тела там, где это необходимо. 4^ In pairs. You can see nine clouds (облака) in the pictures. Ask and answer the questions and report your answers to the class in writing. Model: What does the first cloud look like? It looks like... % % " - Ш Ш'% ■Ш: .Ш -^s-v,. Ш f ■»''£ -f i V- 0-'^ Unit 8 Lesson 6 73 5 I Describe one of the families in the pictures. 74 Unit 8 Lesson 6 Homework 1 * • Make a poster about a member of your family. Use the table and the page from Cut Out. This was / is my great-grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, cousin He / She was my mother’s (father’s) great-grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, cousin Her / His name was Her / His appearance (внешность) Body: tall, short, slim, fat Face: round, oval Hair: blonde, dark, red. curly, straight, long, short Nose: big, small, straight, long, short Mouth: big, small Eyes: big, small, green, black, brown, blue, dark Job doctor, teacher, farmer, baker, actor, pilot, archaeologist, architect, scientist Extra information kind, beautiful, awful, strange, handsome, independent, clever, brave soldier, in love with her (him), nice, friendly Unit 8 Lessons 6 and 7 75 Lesson 8 Test yourself (J~] Listen to the story and find the robber (грабитель). 2 ^ Look at the pictures and write: Where were these people yesterday at 5 o'clock? Who could watch TV at home at 5.30? Model: Kathy was in her office. She couldn't... Tim Henry Irene and Julian 76 Unit 8 Lesson 8 Answer the questions. 1. Where were you at 9 a.m. yesterday?________ 2. You were at school yesterday, weren’t you? 3. Was it cold or hot yesterday?_____________ 4. Was your dinner tasty yesterday?. 5. Was it Sunday yesterday?_________ 6. Who do you look like?____________ Write questions to the underlined words. 1. My friend could speak English when he was ten. 2. Ken was in London two years ago.____________ 3. James and Marv were at home yesterday. 4. Helen was in the park with her sister._____ Find the mistakes and correct them. 1. I can speak English when I was nine. ______ 2. Jane were at home every day on Sunday.. 3. Peter was in the office, was he?___________ 4. We was at school.__________________________ 5. Where do you were yesterday?. Write or tell your teacher: What could you do when you were five? What couldn't you do when you were five? Unit 8 Lesson 8 77 U8 L3, 4 Ex. 3 78 Unit 8 Lesson 8 Cut Out Unit 3 Lesson 4 Ex. 2 Unit 4 Lesson 6 Ex. 8C ft: Ьл I >?;% I W% I I Unit 4 Lesson 6 Ex. 8C (продолжение) I ^ Тйй А*ОЭ 845598 j. - ft ,4400 845598 r ■ I Ш- '-'S ■« J 8A10 093073 '■Щ Ц:'|Я Ч ■- "^ЩI ЗЖ”?'-' Ф ШШшш; r®;-’ / ;. i, 64 10 099073 4' -t ■ МШМ Ш. wemm i' • Cft' ■‘•. •.. > it • 'il'---. !i •’ Ш n'-a -'•; |fe^•iJ 1 J V -д i •1 J ^ I р| -IJ I ;|':::f s' f Ш0 "' I';. Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 HW Ex. D PROJECT: My pet My pet Place for a picture That's my pet. Name Age Type of cat / dog Does he / she like dogs? Does he / she like cats? Comments ■1. Unit 6 Lesson 4, Cut Out Card for A ^1. You have to make ~^2. You have to make You have to make ~^4. You have to make Cards for В Г — — . a soup. You have water meat onions some banana and i a salad, chocolate ice cream. ' You have You have , tomatoes chocolate I salt bananas I an orange - banana -' nectarine - grapefruit I cocktail. I You have ____ _____ bananas - — -|_ — — — — -|- — — — — _| oranges 5. You have to make 6. You have to make 7. You have to make coffee. I a pizza. | an omelette. | You have You have You have water I cheese | salt | tomatoes pepper L_____L _ ___ __ ___ _L ____ ___ ___ ___ П milk I eggs I pepper I onions I sausage I nectarines i — — _l_ — — _j_ -If- -l milk I eggs I pepper I onions I sausage 1 nectarines I h------+-------H------------^----------^-----------^------------1 milk I eggs I pepper 1 onions I sausage I nectarines I h------+-------H----------H------------^-----------h------------H salt I fish I cheese I carrots I potatoes I grapefruit I — — -l_ — — -|- — — -l- — — -l salt I fish I cheese I carrots I potatoes 1 grapefruit I ----+-------H----------H------------^-----------h------------H salt I fish I cheese I carrots I potatoes I grapefruit I - — — + — — + — — -|- — — + — + ^ sugar I meat I coffee I peppers I tomatoes I cucumbers I — — _l_ — — _l_ — — -|- — — -|- — — — -| sugar I meat I coffee I peppers I tomatoes I cucumbers I - — — + — — + — — + — — + — — + — — — H sugar I meat I coffee I peppers I tomatoes I cucumbers I _ -1- _ — -L --------- -L — — — J Unit 6 Lesson 5, HW Ex. В Units Lessons 1,2 Ex. 6 Unit 8 Lessons 3, 4 Ex. 3 Unit 8 Lesson 6 Ex. 3C Unit 8 Lesson 6 Ex. 3C (продолжение) ■ ■ UNIT 8 Lesson 6 Ex. AC This was my... He / She was my mother's (father's) Her / His name was Place for a picture Her / His appearance (внешность) Job Extra information