Английский язык 5 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 1

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 5 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 1 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Happy English (Хэппи Инглиш):

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л S5?B I About m« W About my family About my homo town J Lessons ^f2 Му home page Q Замените подчеркнутые слова и словосочетания местоимениями. Model: granny and I — we 1. Tom and 1 —------------- 4. my best friend — 2. mother and father —____________ 5. my friends —______________ 3. my family —------------- 6. the trees —______________________ 0 Распределите предложения между двумя картинками. a) Что говорят Роб и Миша о себе и о своих сестрах и брате. b) Что говорят брат и сестры о себе и о мальчиках. We are happyT^ ^^They are pen friends.^ They are popular. ^ C^^We are eleven. ^ We are clever We are olde^T^ C^^hey are youngen^ Unit 1 Lessons 1, 2 CD Подпишите, что говорят персонажи но картинках. Используйте слова: friends, sisters, pupils, doctors Model: Choose the correct word. Выберите нужное слово. 1. I’ve got a computer and send (letters / e-mails) every day. 2. Visit my (home page / sister) and learn about my hobbies. 3. Barbara gets beautiful (e-mails / letters) from her grandmother. 4. Meet jny (brother / pen friend). He is from England. 5. I am from a small (town / city). 6. Moscow is a famous (city / town). Write personal pronouns instead of nouns. Напишите личные местоимения вместо существительных. Model: Tom is from England.— He is from England. 1. Tom is clever.— ______________________________ 2. Jane is a teacher.— 3. Cambridge is a town in England.— 4. Mike is five.— ________________ 5. Bob is happy.— ________________ 6. My children are glad to see you.— 7. Pete and I are friends.—__________ Unit 1 Lessons 1, 2 / 2 Write possessive pronouns instead of nouns. Замените существительные в притяжательном падеже но притяжательные местоимения. Model: Tom’s family is big.— His family is big. 1. Tom’s father is a doctor.— ___________________________________________________ 2. Terry’s hobby is football.— __________________________________________________ 3. Tom’s mother is a teacher.— 4. Jane’s hobby is tennis.— _ 5. The twins’ names are Kate and Alice.— 6. jane’s family is big.— ______________ 7. Tom’s home town is Cambridge.- CD Choose the correct pronouns. Выберите нужные местоимения. 1. This is Tom’s father. (He / His) likes football. 2. These are Tom’s sisters. (They / Their) names are Katy and Alice. 3. This is Tom’s mother. (She / Her) hobby is tennis. 4. This is Tom’s grandmother. (She / Her) is a good cook. 5. These are Tom’s friends. (They / Their) like basketball. 6. This is my friend Pamela. (She / Her) sends me e-mails every evening. 7. This is my sister. (She / Her friends) are nice. 8. I am Judy. (I / My) am glad to meet you. 9. You are a pupil. (You / Your) live in Russia. 10. We are sisters. (We / Our) like good films. ( 8 j Change the underlined nouns to pronouns. Замените подчеркнутые существительные но место-имения. Model: Tom is English.— He is English. Tom’s family is big.— His family is big. 1. Jane is a teacher.— ___________________________*_________________________________________ 2. Jane’s hobby is tennis.— _____ 3. Terry’s children go to school.— 4. Terry is a doctor.— __________ 5. Katy and Alice are good at volleyball.— 6. The twins’ father is a doctor.— _____ CD Fill in the gaps with personal pronouns. Заполните пропуски личными местоимениями в именительном падеже. 1. Hello, Katy!_______are very gcюd at volleyball. 2. Look at Tom!_______is happy today. 3. My brothers and I like football.______are good goalkeepers. 4. Meet Mrs Simpkins.____ 5. These are Jack’s parents. 6. My name is Mr Brown___ is a pianist. _____are nice people. am a new teacher. Unit 1 Lessons L 2 с Homework [ А J Fill in the gaps with personal pronouns. Заполните пропуски личными местоимениями в именительном падеже. 1. _____am а very good dancer. 2. This is Irina._____is my friend’s sister. 3. This is my family______are at the museum. 4. These are my friends._____are on holidays. 5. This is Peter______is my friend. 6. Hi, Kate! Hi, Mary!_______are in my class this year. CD Fill in the gaps with the right pronouns. Заполните пропуски подходящими местоимениями. son Ben and HI, friends! We are Mary and Jack. And this is______ Newton. These are________friends Evelyn and Bart Is friends with Ben and______dog Is friends with Newton. Look at the dogs!______are very happy! ___dog daughter Write about friends. Г C J Make the main part of your home page. Use these words. Создайте главный раздел своей домашней странички. Используйте эти слова: name, Russian, eleven, class, town, favourite place Unit 1 Lessons 1,2 Lessons 3,4 Mishap class [ 1 j Сравните свой класс с классом, изображенным на картинке. Предложения могут быть утвердительными и отрицательными. Используйте слова: X * ^ kind, cold, nice, good at school, clever, hot, - good friends, busy, free, fine, not so good Model: We are kind.— They are not kind. We. We. We. We They They They They [ 2 j Соедините противоположные по смыслу предложения из упр. 1 в одно с помощью союза but. Model: We are good friends, but they are not good friends. Q Fill in the gaps. Заполните пропуски. Используйте is, am, are. 1. I know you. You________Pete’s friend. 2. I_______your new teacher. My name__________Mr Barker. 3. These girls_______my classmates. 4. Do you know Mike? He___________the goalkeeper in our team. 5. We________happy in our new flat. [ 4 J Complete the sentences to make negative statements. Заполните пропуски так, чтобы получились отрицательные предложения. Model: This is Kate. She is my sister. She isn*t Mike*s sister. 1. This is Tracy. She is ten. She_____eleven yet. 2. Mark and Alex are good at football. They________good at tennis. 3. Terry’s hobby is basketball. Volleyball his hobby. Unit 1 Lessons 3, 4 4. You are in Class Five. You 5. I am happy. I_______sad. in Class Eight. CD Complete the sentences. Раскройте скобки. Используйте слова is, are, am. Выберите нужные местоимения. Model: Ann is my classmate but (not a neighbour).— Ann is my classmate, but she isn*t my neighbour. 1. My flat ... big but (not comfortable).— _____________________________________ 2. My friends ... good at tennis but (not at football).— 3. Our town ... green but (not clean).— 4. You ... a child, but (not a baby).— 5. My parents and I ... glad to see Kate, but (not Ben).— CD 6 \ True or false? Correct the false statements. Верно или неверно? Исправьте неверные утверждения. 1. St Petersburg is the capital of Russia.____________________________ __________ 2. You are sixteen.______________________________________________________________ 3. I am a robot. 4. Children are very big in size. ___ 5. Christopher’s parents are on Mars. 6. Computers are not necessary. _____ CD Choose the correct words. Выберите нужные слова. 1. The father is (behind / in front of) the children. 2. Ben is in (the right corner / the middle). 3. Ben is (between / behind) his mother and sister. 4. The mother is on (the left / right). 5. Sarah is (next to / behind) Ben. Unit 1 Lessons 3, 4 г 8j Read the description of a photograph. Draw a picture according to the description. Then look at the picture and try to describe it in your own words. Прочитайте описание фотографии. Нарисуйте картинку по описанию. Затем посмотрите на картинку, опишите ее собственными словами. Look at the photo of Tom’s family. Tom’s parents are on the sofa. They are in the middle of the family group. Tom is behind them. The twins are on the floor. There’s a big teddy-bear between them. To the right of the parents is'Tom’s granny, and to the left is Tom’s grandpa. Fill in the gaps. Заполните пропуски. Используйте is, isn't, are, aren't. 1. Winnie-the-Pooh______a bear. 5. Winter_______a warm season. 2. Smeshariki______big monsters. 6. London_______in Europe. 3. Dogs_______animals. 7. Madagascar_______a continent. ____a bird. 4. A penguin____ Translate into English. 1. Я в 5-м классе. Меня зовут Никита. Мне И лет. 2. Это мой друг. Его зовут Коля. Он из Вологды.. 3. Мы не дома. Мы на улице с моей собакой Долли. Она не молодая. Ей 10 лет. Она очень умная. _________________________________________________________________ 4. Это Майк. Он англичанин. Ему 12 лет. Он мой друг по переписке. 5. Это Джейн. Она не англичанка. Она американка. Ей 11 лет. Она из Вашингтона. 6. Их родители врачи. Они молоды. Они наши друзья. Unit 1 Lessons 3, 4 9 Homework ^ Fill in the gaps. Заполните пропуски. Используйте is, are, isn't, aren't 1. The Bolshoi Theatre______in Moscow. 2. The capital of Russia____St Petersburg. 3. The Kremlin_______in Red Square. 4. Pushkin and Pasternak_______Russian writers. 5. The Neva and the Lena ______museums. 6. The Tretyakov Gallery and the Russian Museum__ _ theatres. CD Say and write it in English. Скажите и напишите это по-английски. 1. Моя мама — врач.— _______________-_________________________ 2. Он англичанин.— ____________________ , ________________ 3. Я в 5 классе.— 1- Г* 4. Мы учимся в школе.— ^ _____t_________________________ 5. Это дерево очень высокое,— ^______________________________ 6. Мое любимое место — старый парк.—________' .________________ ( 7. Это мой брат.— .__________- " i__________________________________ 8. Его имя Виктор.— - й________ _________________ CD Read these words and write them down. Прочитайте эти слова и напишите их буквами. Ipit], lend], [bin], (ted), |ten|. Idem), (netj CD Find a picture of your football team, a club, your friends or any large group and describe it. Use Ex. 6 as an example. Найдите фотографию своей футбольной команды, клуба, друзей или любой большой группы и опишите ее. Используйте в качестве образца упр. 6. Lessons 5,6 Misha's hobby Ъ ЗГ '«J Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Are you а pupil? —________________________ 2. Are you old? — ___________________________ 3. Is your name Robinson? — 4. Are your friends at home? — 10 Unit 1 Lessons 3, 4 and 5, 6 5. Is the teacher in the classroom? — 6. Is the weather fine today? —____ 7. Are we friends? —_______________ Q Meet Jack. Here is some information about him. Some statements are not correct, so ask him about everything. Познакомьтесь c Джеком. Здесь представлена некоторая информация о нем, но некоторые сведения неверны. Расспросите его. Model: Jack is eleven.— Are you eleven? 1. Jack is tall.— ______________________ 2. Jack’s surname is Heely.— _ 3, Jack’s hobby is badminton.— 4. Jack’s parents are on holiday.— 5. Jack is from Scotland.— _______ 6. Jack’s sister is little.— _____ 7. Jack’s friends are at school.— Ш Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. How are you? — 2; When is your birthday^ — How old are you? — 4. Where are your friends now? — 5. Who is your best friend? — 6. Where are London and Paris? — шилтт. ________ ПЦ m Oh^ .4: . Aul^cstr • * ■ _ • Л # ti a " 0 Put questions to the sentences. Задайте вопросы к предлйжмием. 1. Sherlock Holmes is a famous detective. (Who) — _ OL n 2. Foreign languages are important. (Why) — 3. Jane is at home after five. (When) — ____ 4. Bob is our best friend. (Who) — _________ 5. My parents are at work. (Where) —________ ^ 5 j Ann gives an interview to a journalist. Here are Ann's answers. What are the questions? Анна дает интервью'журналисту. Вот ее ответы. Напишите вопросы. ? 1. ? 2. ? 3. ? 4. 7 5. 7 6. 7 7. Unit 1 Lessons 5, 6 П Q Translate into English. 1. Как зовут твоего друга / подругу? — 2. Сколько ему / ей лет? — ___________ 3. В каком он / она классе? — 4. Он/ Она из большого города? — 5. Его / Ее мама врач? — ______ 7 7 7 7 8. Му mother is at work. 9. My hobby is swimming. 10. The school holidays are in summer. 11. My sister is in Vologda. c Homework 3 [ A j a) Посмотрите на фотографии мировых достопримечательностей. Найдите соответствия между фотографиями достопримечательностей, и городами, где они расположены, или задайте о них вопросы. а) London Ь) Paris с) Athens d) St Petersburg e) Rome f) Moscow g) New York h) London Model: 1 — This is Big Ben, It's in London. / What is this big dock? Where is it? / Where is Big Ben? 12 Unit 1 Lessons 5, 6 Ь) Что еще вы хотели бы узнать о каждой из достопримечательностей? Подготовьте вопросы и задайте их в классе. Model: How old is Big Ben? Is it a museum? ( В j Read Misha's letter in Lessons 1, 2 again and answer the questions. Просмотрите текст уроков 1, 2 и ответьте на вопросы. 1. Where is Misha from? — ______________________________________________________ 2. How old is he? —_____________________________________________________________ 3. What class is he in? — ______________________________________________________ 4. Is he from a big city or a small town? — 5. Where is Misha’s town? — _____________ Answer the questions about you. Ответьте на вопросы о себе. 1. What is your name and your surname? —_______________ 2. Are you in Class 6? — ______________________ _______ 3. Where are you from? —_______________________________ 4. How old are you? —__________________________________ 5. What class are you in? — _ 6. Are you from a big city? — 7. Where is your town? — ____ Read these words and write them down. Прочитайте эти слова и запишите их буквами, [gift), [lend], |ted|, [ten], (gaep), (dent), (net), (baeg), (hot), (pig) Lessons 7,8 Agent Cute's story J Answer the questions to the pictures. Ответьте на вопросы к картинкам 1. How is he? —___________________________________________ 2. How is she? — _________________________________________ 3. How is he? — __________________________________________ Unit 1 Lessons 5, 6 and 7, 8 13 ^2 У kirpal Выберите предложения, в которых нет ошибок, и дойдите до финиша. 14 Unit 1 Lessons 7, 8 с Homework [ А j Ask your relatives how they are and write down their answers. Спросите своих родственников, как у них дела, и запишите ответы. Model: Му brother...— Му brother is fine. Му mother...—______________________________________________________________________________ Му sister...— _____________________________________________________________________________ Му granny...— Му father...— I...- ________ [ В j Get ready to ask your classmates about their relatives. Подготовьте вопросы к одноклассникам о том, как дела у их родственников. Model: How is your brother? ( C J Придумайте для себя легенду, взяв за образец упр. 2, и расскажите ее в классе. „ I 3 i (>,!. t-- ГУ рв^. CD Read the words and word combinations. Прочитайте слова и словосочетания, а net, а pill, а bag, а tap, а pig, а lad, а bet in а bag, in a tent, in a pig, in a pill a bag and a tap, a tin and a bat, a net and a pill Unit! Lessons 7, 8 15 Lesson 9 Test yourself Прослушайте, что мальчик и девочка рассказывают о себе, и заполните таблицу. A girl A boy Name Age Country Horne town Class Hobby [ 2 ] Заполните пропуски в предложениях формами глагола fo be. j 1. This_________my sister. She_________my best friend. 2. 1_______from Perm. Where . you from? 3. ________ITyou British or Russian? 4. Where________their books? — They______________in their bags. 5. Who 6. We_ in the room? — Peter on holidays. This our address. CD Прочитайте загадку и напишите, как кого зовут, 1. Магу is between Kate and Jane. 2. Tom is behind Jane. 3. Tom is next to Samantha. 4. Kate is next to the teacher. 5. The teacher is in front of Nick. 6. Jack is between Nick and Samantha. 16 Unit 1 Lesson 9 f 4 ^ Используйте эти слова и выражения и составьте из них диалог. » Oh! Thank you very much! Tm fine. Fm OK. How are you? Not at all. Thank you. And how are you? Hi, Kate! Here is a little present for you. s a) HannujHTe о себе зарубежному другу по переписке. b) Задайте ему / ей пять вопросов о нем / ней, его / ее интересах и месте, в котором он / оно живет. Homework ^ SiCn . Подготовьтесь к проекту. Воспользуйтесь страницами из раздела Cuf Out. Составьте главную страничку с меню из 4—6 пунктов, о которых вы хотите рассказать. Подготовьте фотографии для каждого раздела. Заполните каждый из своих разделов 2—4 предложениями, проиллюстрируйте их заголовками и фотографиями. Lesson 10 Project "Му home page' -У Представьте свою главную страничку. Ваши одноклассники выберут те пункты меню, которые покажутся им наиболее интересными и попросят вас рассказать о них. Ответьте на вопросы ваших одноклассников. Выберите наиболее интересные разделы домашних страничек в вашем классе и развесьте их на стенах кабинета. Unit 1 Lessons 9 and 10 17 'О/-» Russian^ ^ What subjects has Misha got at school? Q CD Say it in Russian. Скажите это по-русски. 1. I have got a big family. 4. She has got a computer. 2. They have got a house. 5. He has got a play station. 3. We have got two dogs. 6. You have got a new DVD. True or false? Верно или неверно? Model: Tom Sawyer has got a sister.— No, he hasn't, 1. You’ve got ten computers.—_______________________________ 2. Birds have got wings.— ___________________________________ 3. Your friend has got a penguin.— 4. Robots have got hearts.— ____ 5. Your grandfather has got a new football.— 6. Your mother has got an interesting book.— 7. Sherlock Holmes has got a wooden leg.— _ Choose the correct word. Выберите правильное слово. 1. I’ve got a lot of maps because I like Geography / Maths. 2. I’ve got a lot of pencils and paints because I like Physics / Art. 3. I've got a real piano because I like Biology / Music. 4. I've got skis today because we have got PE / Literature in the morning. 5. I’ve got a computer because I like Information Technology / Chemistry. 6. I’ve got a lot of books at home because I like Music / Literature. 7. I've got white mice because I like Biology J Mathematics. CD Use the correct pronouns. Вставьте правильные личные и притяжательные местоимения. Model: Paul is good at Literature, Literature is his favourite subject, Bui he isn't good at Physics, Physics is difficult for him. 1. Mike is good at Maths. Maths is______favourite subject. But_______isn't good at Literature. 2. Kate is good at Art and Russian. These are_______favourite subjects. But______isn’t good at Chemistry. 3. Bob is good at Information Technology. IT is_______easy for________But________isn’t good at Music. Music is difficult for______ 4. Mark and Alex are good at Physical Education. PE is______favourite subject. But_____aren't good at English. English is difficult for______ * Now write about yourself. I am good at and . But I am not good at . These are my favourite subjects. They are easy for ______It is difficult for_____________ 18 Unit 2 Lessons 1, 2 Complete the sentences. Закончите предложения. 1. It’s a pity I am not good at_________________But 1 am good at — 2. ________________is difficult for me. 3. ________________is easy for me as one, two, three. 4. ________________and____________________are my favourite subjects. Э in the gaps. Заполните пропуски. Используйте выражения: my favourite subject, easy for me, difficult for me. 1. Geography is______________________________________________________ 2. IT ______________________________________________________________ 3. Maths is 4. Physics is 5. Chemistry and Biology are 6. Art and Music are______ ^ Homework ^ ••••••••••••«••••••••••••••••• (AJ Fill in the gaps. Use have got or has got. Match the sentences with the pictures. Заполните пропуски, используя have got or has got. Найдите соответствия между предложениями и картинками. 1. 1 2. We 3. Sara 4. Kevin 5. Sveta and Julia a new textbook. ___a big cake. ____a younger brother. _____very nice pictures of London. _______________a red ball. 0 Say and write it in English. Скажите и запишите это по-английски. Model: У меня две сестры.— /Ve got (wo sisters. 1. У моего друга нет друзей.— ___________________________ 2. У нас есть собака и кот.—_____________________________ 3. У нее есть попугай.— _________________________________ 4. У нас есть учебники по истории.— 5. У меня нет компьютера.— _____ 6. У них новая квартира,— ______ Unit 2 Lessons 1,2 19 CD a) Describe picture 1. Опишите картинку 1. Model: Peter has got a ball. He hasn*t got a hat. b) What are the differences between picture 1 and picture 2? Чем отличаются картинка 1 и картинка 2? [ D j Агент Кьют получает от Босса задание узнать, кто есть кто на фотографиях. Listen to the recording and help agent Cute. Answer the questions. Прослушайте запись и помогите агенту Кьюту. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Who is Магу? Why?________________________________________________________ 2. Who is Anna? Why?, 3. Who is Linda? Why? 20 Unit 2 Lessons 1, 2 ^Read these words and write them down. Прочитайте эти слова и напишите их. |tu;I], Ipirl], [Ьзед], [tent], [fact], [laedj, [sip], [set], [nest], [bil], [best], [stop], [fu:d], [mu:d], [!uk], [tuk], [su:n], [penz] Lessons 3,4 Rob MacWizard, his family and his roots Q Fill in the gaps. Заполните пропуски. Используйте слова и выражения: roots, ап only child, proud of, the soul of the family, relatives, a wife, food and clothes 1. Jessica is__________________her big family. 2. John has no brothers or sisters. He is___________________ 3. Mary is very popular in her family. She is 4. Kevin is single. He hasn’t got____________ 5. Send an e-mail to our Invite them to my birthday party. 6. Sue is very good at French. She’s got French__ 7. Give this poor boy some__________________and Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Have you got a grandmother and a grandfather? — 2. Have your grandparents got many children? —*______ 3. Have you got brothers or sisters? — ______________ 4. Has your father got a sister? — __________________ 5. Has your mother got a brother? — _________________ 6. Have you got an aunt? — __________________________ 7. Have you got an uncle? — _________________________ 0 Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Is Mark Rob's uncle? — ___________________ 2. Is Rob Mark and Rosy’s brother? — 3. Are Edina and Arthur Rob's relatives? — 4. Is Rosy Rob's sister? —_______________________ 5. Is Betsey Rob and Rosy's aunt? — 6. Are the children of Rob’s aunts his cousins? — 7. Is James Betsey’s uncle? — ____________________ 8. Are Rob and Rosy Edina’s grandchildren? — Unit 2 Lessons 1, 2 and 3, 4 21 Work in pairs. Расспросите друг друга о ваших мамах. Узнайте: 1. их возраст 4. есть ли у них дяди и тети 2. откуда они 5. есть ли у них кузины 3. есть ли у них братья и сестры 6. есть ли у них родственники в других городах Fill in the gaps. Заполните пропуски. Используйте слова: а grandfather, а grandmother, а sister, а brother, а cousin, ап uncle, ап aunt, а relative, parents, а son. а daughter, children 1. Your father's brother is your____________________________________________________ 2. Your mother's sister is your____________________________________________________ 3. Your uncle's daughter is your __________________________________________________ 4. Your mother’s father is your ___________________________________________________ 5. Your uncle's wife is your ______________________________________________________ 6. Your father's parents are your 7. You are your mother's ________ 8. Your cousins are your aunt's_______ 9. Your father is your grandfather’s _ 10. Your mother is your grandmother's 11. Your mother and father are your ____ ( 6 j Look at Martin's family tree. Write down under every name the person's relation to Martin. Посмотрите на фамильное древо Мартина. Подпишите под каждым именем, кем приходится родственник Мартину. Model: Mark Brown is Martin's grandfather. Mike Lewis is Martin's cousin. Mark Brown Katy Hope married in 1930 (поженились в 1930) Andrew Lewis Mary Brown George Brown j Lucy Down 1 married in 1984 married in 1970 Mike Liwis Helen Liwis Lucy Banks Martin Brown married in 1995 Emma Brown 22 Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4 Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. Model: Whose son is your father? — My father is Sergey and Nina*s son, 1. Whose sister is your mother? — _______________________________________ 2. Whose aunt is your grandmother? — 3. Whose uncle is your father? — ____ 4. Whose brother is your grandfather? — 5. Whose daughter is your mother? — ___ 6. Whose parents are your grandparents? [ 8 j Fill in the gaps with these words. Заполните пропуски этими словами. Используйте притяжательный падеж. Gerda, Sid, Doctor Watson, Buratino, Cinderella, Tom Sawyer, Aunt Polly, Piglet 1. Winnie-the-Pooh is 2. Papa Karlo is____ 3. Kay is___________ friend. 5. Sid is cousin. father. brother. sisters. 4. Two bad girls are______ 0 Translate into English. Переведите на английский. 1. Имя моей мамы Ирина. 6. Aunt Polly is________ 7. Sherlock Holmes is friend. aunt. 111. Сын моей бабушки — мой дядя. [Л fvi Р ^ ]п г/ ГУ) /!ii fo М' ^ Сестпа моей мамы — моя тетя. * 1 М » ♦ . ' ' Почь моей тети — моя пвоюпопная сестпа. У' • • • Брат моего отна — мой дядя. - Мои дядя, тетя и их дети — наши родственники. 1 Мой ДВОЮРОДНЫЙ брат — сын моей тети. • • C Homework J [ A j Look through Rob Macwizard's e-mail and complete the sentences. Просмотрите письмо Роба Маквизарда и закончите предложения. 1. Mark is Rob’s_________________ 2. Mark is Rosy’s________________ 3. Rosy is Rob’s_________________ Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4 23 4. Arthur is Mark’s. 5. Betsey is Rob’s _ 6. Betsey and Arthur are Rosy's 7. Edina and Arthur are Rob’s _ 8. Edina and Arthur’s daughters are Rob’s 9. Edina and Arthur’s sons are James’s____ 10. The children of Rob’s aunts are his___ 11. Mark, Rosy, Arthur, James and Edina are Rob's CD Look at the pictures. Write questions and answer them. Посмотрите на картинки. Напишите вопросы и ответьте на них. Model: L Whose house is this? — It is Edina and Arthur's. % 1. (house/Edina and Arthur) — ^_____________________________ . __________ 2. (computer/Rob) — ^ ^__________________________ 3. (dogs/family) —________________________________________________________________ 4. (car/James) — ____________ 5. (books/Mark) — ___________ 6. (mobile phone/Rosy) — *1_ 7. (friends/Mark and Rosy) — _ 8. (horses/the grandparents) — 24 Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4 0 Write the words. Запишите словами. Ikaet], (bentfl, [ф?Ь], (тлд), [ifm], [Ьл1], [ctsaem), [ssed], [laemp], [Ьлп^, (клр) Lessons 5,6 What about you? 1 ) Answer the questions. Use these words. Ответьте на вопросы. Используйте эти слова. singing, music, languages, computers, football, tennis, swimming, photography 1. What are you good at?— _______________________________________________ 2. What is your friend good at? — _____________________ 3. What are your parents good at? — ___________________ 4. What is your uncle (aunt) good at? — _______________ 5. What is your brother (sister, cousin) good at? — Match the questions with the answers. Найдите соответствия между вопросами и ответами. 1. I am nine. 2. Му name is Alex. 3. Yes, I have. 4. I’ve got three sisters. 5. Their names are Betty, Jessica and Sandra. 6. My father is a teacher. 7. My mother is a cook. a) What are their names? b) Have you got a big family? c) How old are you? d) What’s your father’s job? e) What is your name? f) Have you got sisters or brothers? g) What is your mother’s job? [ 3 j Alice is in the playground with her little brother James. An old neighbour asks her a lot of questions. Here are Alice's answers. What are the questions? Алиса на площадке с маленьким братом Джеймсом. Пожилая соседка задает ей много вопросов. Вот ответы. Каковы были вопросы? Напишите их. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 1. His name is James. 2. He is two. 3. He has got a little friend. Her name is Mary. 4. Our mother is a housewife. 5. Our father is a driver. 6. Our grandmother is from Glasgow. 7. Our grandfather is from London. 8.1 am thirteen. 9.1 am not very popular at school. 10.1 am good at Languages and Music. 11. My favourite subject at school is Literature. 12. My dad is at work. Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4 and 5, 6 25 ^4^ Read the text and answer the questions. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы. Irina has got а mother, а father, two brothers, a grandmother and a grandmother. Her mother's name is Helen. Her father's name is Nikolay. Her brothers' names are Maxim and Anatoliy. Her grandfather's name is Artem. Her grandmother’s name is Anna. 1. Whose name is Nikolay? — 2. Whose name is Anna? — _ 3. Whose names are Maxim and Anatoliy? — 4. Whose name is Artem? — 5. What are the names of Irina's parents? — 6. Who are Artem's grandchildren? — [ 5 j Match the sentences with the idioms. Найдите соответствия между предложениями левой и правой колонки. 1. Anne is popular at school. child. 2. Jack has got relatives in every country. soul of the company. 3. Kate’s grandfather is from France. ' has got French roots. 4. Alex hasn’t got brothers or sisters. d) He has got relatives all over the world. c Homework Заполните таблицу, используя информацию из письма Роба. How old is he (she, it)? What is his (her, its) name? Whafs his (her, its) job? Some more information Father Mother Betsey Sister Brother — Grandfather kind Grandmother not very old Rob - CD Прочитайте слова в транскрипции, и напишите их. (wet), |hen|, [cfeaem], ((^лд), |siks|, (bentfl, |dis] (den), |0inl, [Gik] 26 Unit 2 Lessons 5, 6 Lesson 7 Test yourself J [ 1 j К Кьюту пришел его новый знакомый Джек. Вместе они рассматривают фотографии на стенах комнаты. Прослушайте их разговор и ответьте на вопросы. 1. Has Cute got а sister? — ___________________________________________________ 2. Has Cute got a brother? — ___ 3. Has Cute got grandparents? — 4. What’s Cute’s mother’s job? — 5. What’s his father’s job? — __ 6. Who is Mary? — ______________ 7. Who is Boss? — ______________ 8. Is he a nice boss? — 9. Who is a secret agent? — Ш Прочитайте, что говорят о себе дети. Задайте вопросы, кому принадлежит каждая из вещей, и ответьте на них. а ball а computer game History books a guitar a piano CDs with classical music William Shakespeare Mozart Jack: I’m good at sports, but I’m not good at languages. Tom: I’m good at computers, but I’m not good at music. Kate: I’m good at History and Literature, but I’m not good at Maths. Ann: I’m good at singing and dancing. 0 Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам. 1. I’ve got а big family.—_______ ____ 2. My brother’s got a bicycle.— ■Z?-------------- Unit 2 Lesson 7 27 3. We haven^t got a cal.— _________________ 4. They've got three big dogs in their flat.— 5. She’s got a new car— ___ _______________ QdJ Выясните информацию и заполните таблицы. Your new friend Name h Age ^ Country City His / Her family How old is he (she. it)? What is his (her its) name? What's his (her) job? Details Father ь Mother \ Sister — - Grandfather — Grandmother — ь Информация для А: Представьте себе, что вы знакомитесь с вашим зарубежным сверстником. Узнайте у него / нее имя, фамилию, возраст, откуда он / она, а также как можно больше о его / ее семье. Информация для В на стр. 29. ^^omework^ * Подготовьтесь к проекту. Воспользуйтесь страницей из раздела Cut Out. * Составьте подобную таблицу с информацией о вашей семье. * Используйте таблицу в качестве рабочего материала для написания рассказа о своей семье. * Расскажите, откуда родом ваши родители, живут ли в тех местах еще ваши родственники и чем знамениты эти места. * Проиллюстрируйте свой рассказ фотографиями. Lesson 8 Project "Му family" Представьте свой проект одноклассникам. Ответьте на вопросы одноклассников. Обсудите, чей проект получился наиболее интересным по следующим показателям; a) необычная история с) интересное оформление b) новая информация d) интересные фотографии 28 Unit 2 Lessons 7 and 8 Lessons 9,10 Homereading Bob, the Hedgehog, and his friends Part 1 a] Describe hedgehog Bob, his mother, father, grandfather and grandmother. Use these adjectives. Опишите ежика Боба, его маму, папу, дедушку и бабушку. smart, good-looking, strict, hard-working, clever, kind, sweet, noisy, strong, quick-tempered b) Describe yourself and the members of your family. I Who is it in the text? 1. She has got three boys.— _____________________ 2. They make noise.— ___________________________ 3. They have fights.— __________________________ 4. He reads newspapers.— _______________________ 5. She likes baking.—___________________________ 6. He likes singing.— __________________________ 7. He knows everything.— _______ Q Are these statements true or false? 1. Tom’s twelve. 2. Tom’s a hedgehog. 3. Tom’s got two brothers. 4. Tom lives in London. 5. Tom’s mother likes it in London. 6. Tom’s family want to move to a new house. 7. Tom’s brothers don’t like the idea of a new house. 8. Tom wants a dog. n Информация для В: Boy: Ben Morgan / Girl: Helen Morgan, 11, The United States of America, New York Mother: Irene Morgan, a teacher of Literature, 35, very clever Father: Bill Morgan, a doctor, 40, very kind, but always busy Sister: Emily Morgan, a very good friend, very good at Literature Grandparents: Irene’s parents: Erika and John, a house in Australia, three dogs and a kangaroo farm, great friends L, Unit 2 Lessons 9, 10 29 \ ) Come to Russia CD Попроси одноклассника: 1. помочь тебе 2. дать тебе ручку 3. перевести текст 2 \ Напишите, о чем мама попросила дочь. Мodel: 4. задать вопрос 5. ответить на вопрос 6. позвонить твоей маме Use the correct verb. Выберите нужный глагол. 1. Please (buy / open) an ice cream for me, Гт so hot! 2. (Eat / Carry) your dinner. 3. (Eat / Wash) your hands before dinner. 4. (Write / Sing) to your pen friend. 5. This is a very good book. (Read / Wash) it. 6. (Go / Listen to) your teacher carefully. 7. (Swim / Wash) in the swimming pool. 8. (Drink / Eat) your milk. 9. (Sleep / Phone) on the sofa. 10. (Fly / Sing) on this plane, it’s safe. 11. (Play / Dream) in the garden. 12. (Give / Buy) me your handbag for an hour, please. 30 Unit 3 Lesson 1 Q Fill in the gaps. Заполните пропуски. Используйте слова: wash, sleep, eat, wake up, write, listen, carry, buy, do, phone, ask. 1. This is a nice bed,_____________in it. 2. Bob is clever,______________him any question. * 3________________your homework. 4. me an e-mail. 5 _______________this dress, it’s very beautiful. 6 ______________to your parents, they want to help you. 7. It’s seven o'clock!_____________! 8. You are hungry,_________________a sandwich. 9. The bag is so heavy. Please______________it for me. 10_______________him on his mobile. 11. These apples are dirty. them. c Homework j [ A ^ Match the sentences with the pictures. Найдите соответствия между предложениями и картинками. a) Ready, steady, go! ___ b) Wake up! c) Smile, please! / d) Show me the way to this shop, please. e) Climb that tree. f) Write an e-mail, please. Unit 3 Lesson 1 31 CD Say it in Russian. Скажите это по-русски. 1. Stay with your friends. 2. Read and translate this text. 3. Listen to the text and repeat it after the speaker. 4. Guess the meaning of the underlined word. 5. Ask and answer the questions. 6. Do your homework. 7. Fill in the gaps. 8. Do the crossword. CD Прочитайте и выпишите слово, в которых есть звуки: (kw], [п|, |h|, |эи], [к]. code, sold, quack, quick, bone, stone, home, joke, no, note, nose, gnome, quick, cold, old, gold, bold, fold, hope, black, sock, click, tick, question К I Lesson 2 Phone him today [ 1 J Миша прочитал записку и случайно выбросил ее в мусорную корзину. Агент Кьют нашел ее. Помогите Кьюту прочитать записку, правильно соединив ее части. t Read this list! I We are in the supermarket It’s Mary's birthday today. ^ ^ The floor in your room is dirty. Check the cat! Phone us at 5 o'clock. Write a telegram to her, please. Wash it. ond say -Hello- to them. Go Vasya and Petya are back from Moscow. Your father is very busy. Listen to the answering machine for him, please. MAM PS Answer the phone calls for me, please. Ask the names. Give my mobile phone number to Nikita only. M. J ( 2 j Open the brackets and translate into Russian. Раскройте скобки, поставив личные местоимения в объектном падеже, и переведите на русский язык. 1. Send (I) а book.— __________________________________________________________ 2. Buy (he) an ice cream.— _____________________2______________________________ 3. Talk to (we) about your problems.— _________________________________________ 4. Listen to (I).— 32 Unit 3 Lessons 1 and 2 5. Go to Steve and ask (he) about it.— 6. Phone (they) tomorrow.—________ 7. Speak to (she), she wants to help (we).— 8. Read (they) an interesting book.— _________ [ 3 j Use the pronouns instead of the underlined words. Замените подчеркнутые слова личными ме-стоимениями в объектном падеже. Model: Ask your parents about the holidays.— Ask them about the holidays. 1. Say “hello’' to your aunt.— __________________________________________________________ 2. Buy this book for your parents.— 3. Give Natasha a chance.— _____ 4. Tell Jack about it.— ________ 5. Phone Mr Brown tomorrow. — 6. Ask Amy about the holiday.— ^ Homework ^ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Q Change the underlined words to pronouns. Замените подчеркнутые слово местоимениями. Model: Give Masha the book.— Give her the book. 1, Give Alex the bag.— __________________ 2. Give Tom and Alice the letter.— 3. Give Ann the ring.— _____________ 4. Give the cat a fish.— ___________ 5. Give Tom and me the apples.— 6. Wash the floor.— _____________ CD Write the requests in English. Напишите просьбы по-английски. 1. Поприветствуйте его, пожалуйста.— _______________ 2. Ответьте ей, пожалуйста.— _______________________ 3. Напишите ему, пожалуйста.— _ 4. Послушайте нас, пожалуйста.— 5. Дайте им книгу, пожалуйста.— 6. Прочитай это, пожалуйста.— Прочитайте и выпишите слова, в которых есть звуки |и:], |z|, (е], [г|. rich, print, rat, rap, buzz, cross, crisp, carrot, crack, red, rent, rest, rug, rib, broom, room, angry, roll, drop, Fred, Rex, zest, risk, lazy, correct, rabbit, run, sorry, dress, van, zoo Unit 3 Lesson 2 33 Lessons 3,4 Rob has got a ticket to Russia CD Make these requests negative. Сделайте эти просьбы отрицательными. Model: Wash Ihe dishes.— Don*t wash the dishes, 1. Wake up.— _______________________________________________ 2. Open the window.— 3. Talk to your friend.- 4. Go for a walk.— ___ 5. Do your homework.- 6. Eat your lunch.— _ 7. Drink some orange juice.— ___________________________________________________ 8. Listen to some music.—_______________________________________________________ 9. Sing a song.—________________________________________________________________ CD Переведите вредные советы на английский язык. Конечно же вы не должны им следовать. ‘1. Не здоровайся.— 2. Не мой пол.— 3. Не вытирай пыль с книжек.— 4. Не отвечай на телефонные звонки.— 5. Не помогай маме.— _____________ 6. Не делай домашнюю работу.— [ 3 j А new cinema theatre is open in your area. Please write some rules for it. Write "do's" in the left column, and "don'ts" in the right column. В вашем районе открылся новый кинотеатр. Напишите правила поведения для посетителей. В колонке слева напишите, что посетителям рекомендуется делать, а в правой колонке — чего делать не следует. Model: Drink your juice. Enjoy the film. Don*t drink beer. Don't disturb your neighbours. to buy a ticket, to talk loudly (громко разговаривать), to bring a dog, to slay after the film, to sing along (подпевать), to dance, to eat popcorn, to speak on the mobile phone, to listen to the CD player, to push the neighbours (толкать соседей), to smoke, to sleep, to climb on chairs, to watch the film quietly (тихо). 34 Unit 3 Lessons 3, 4 [ 4 J Translate into English the rules for air passengers. Переведите на английский язык правила поведения пассажиров в салоне самолета. не курить, не звонить по мобильному телефону, не вставать во время взлета (during take-off), не ходить в туалет во время посадки (during landing), не посылать электронные сообщения, не прыгать, не петь, не трогать спасательный жилет (life vest), не класть сумку в проходе (in the gang way) [ 5 j Granny tells little Daniel what to do. Sometimes she says the wrong things. Please correct her. Бабушка говорит маленькому Даниле, что надо делать. Но иногда она ошибается и велит делать не то. Исправьте ее. 1. Таке the teddy.—______ 2. Give the teddy to Daddy.— 3. Eat your soup.— ______ 4. Eat the book.— _______ 5. Wash your hands.— 6. Wash the carpet.— 7. Look at me.— ____ 8. Watch the news.- 9. Watch the Winnie-the-Pooh cartoon.— 10. Go for a walk alone.— _____________ 11. Tidy up Mummy’s things.— 12. Run away.— ______________ 13. Say hello to Uncle.— [ 6 J Little Daniel doesn't speak yet. But he wants to tell Granny what to do, too. Help him. Маленький Данила еще не умеет говорить. Но он тоже хочет сказать бабушке, что ей делать. Помогите ему. Model: Daniel wants а toy саг,— ''Give те а toy car”. Daniel wants: a sweet, the new CD player, to play j with a ball, to jump on the sofa with Granny. \ Ч___ J _____________________________________ Q Unit 3 Lessons 3, 4 35 ^ Homework ^ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• [ А j Для Миши очень важно, чтобы вещи в его комнате оставались на своих местах. Read the rules of Misha's room. Прочитайте правила поведения в Мишиной комнате. .1 The rules of my room Don't touch my computer, please. Don't open the windows. (The cat!) Don't close the door. (The cat!) Don't come in with dogs. (The cat!) Don't touch my model cars (модели машинок), please. Don't put the books from the floor on the bookshelf. Don't sit on my chair. It is very old. f [ В j Read the rules of Misha's room again and mark these statements true or false. Прочитайте правила поведения в Мишиной комнате еще раз и пометьте эти утверждения как верные или неверные. Миша не позволяет: 1. заходить в комнату с собаками. СИ 2. звонить ему. □ 3. открывать дверь. □ ' 4. читать его книги. □ 5. вытирать пыль с кота, СИ 6. убирать в комнате. СИ 7, открывать окно. □ 8, сидеть на стуле. □ Model: L Миша не позволяет заходить в комнату с собаками. ш CD Write the rules of your room. Напишите правила поведения в своей комнате. CD Say it in English. Скажите это по-английски. 1. Поторопись! Ты всегда опаздываешь! 2. Убери свою комнату. 3. Не ходи развлекаться. Сделай домашнее задание! 4. Родители устали. Помой посуду. 5. Убегай. Это тигр! 36 Unit 3 Lessons 3, 4 CD Прочитайте эти слова вслух. Выпишите те слово, в которых буква / читается как [ai]. drive, tick, tight, rock, kind, dive, pin, mind, truck, right, tin, pride, sight, lucky, mild, chin, back, hide, it, wipe, high, line, site, ripe, blind, bright, fight, flight, wild, sigh, light, click Lesson 5 A room for Rob Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Is there a book on the desk? —_____________ 2. Are there many pupils in the classroom? — 3. Is there a map on the wall? — ___________ 4. Are there any books on the shelves? — 5. Is there a teacher in the classroom? — 6. Are there pencils in your pencil case? — 7. Is there soup for lunch? — _____________ 8. Are there many questions about the exercise? — CD Put questions to these sentences. Поставьте вопросы к предложениям. Model: There is a large kitchen in his flat.— Is there a large kitchen in his flat? 1. There is a green carpet on the floor.—__________________________________ 2. There is a picture on the wall.— ______________________________________ 3. There are a lot of nice people in our school.— 4. There are a lot of boys in our class.— 5. There is a computer in the library.— 6. There is a piano in the classroom.— _ 3 J Answer the questions. Draw the plan of your room. Ответьте на вопросы. Нарисуйте план вашей комнаты. 1. Is there а bed in your bedroom? — ________________________________________________ 2. Are there pictures on the walls? — _______________________________________________ 3. Is there a mirror on the wall? — _________________________________________________ 4. Is there a desk in the corner? — _________________________________________________ 5. Are there flowers on the windowsill (подоконник)? — 6. Is there a bird cage in your room? — 7. Is there a carpet on the floor? — __ Unit 3 Lessons 3, 4 and 5 37 8, Are there books on the shelves? — 9. Is there an armchair at the desk? — Q Закончите предложения. Используйте слова: on the walls, in the living room, on the floor, in the corner, in the bedroom, round the table, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, under the bed, in the study. 1. There is a big tabic________________________________________________________ 2, There is a new computer_____________________________________________________ 3. There are beautiful pictures 4. There is a bed ___________ 5. There are chairs 6. There are toys _ 7, There is a thick carpet 8. There is a comfortable sofa 9. There is a bath _________ 10. There is a washing machine _____________________________ 11. There is a small bookcase_______________________________ 12. There are funny posters ________________________________ Q Fill in the gaps. Заполните пропуски. Начните с There is. There are. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a desk in the bedroom. a poster on the wall. beautiful curtains in the living room. a carpet on the floor. an armchair in the corner. a computer on the desk. a lot of books in the bookcase. 38 Unit 3 Lesson 5 k< i I Fill in the gaps. Заполните пропуски. Начните с Is there..,? Are there,,.? 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. toys in the box? a table in the kitchen? a sofa in the living room? pictures on the walls? a desk in the study? many books in the bookcase? a dining room in the flat? ^ Homework^ [ A j Answer the questions and draw the plan of your flat. Ответьте на вопросы и нарисуйте план своей квартиры. 1. Is there а living room in your flat? — _______________________________________________ 2. Is there a dining room in your flat? — _______________________________________________ 3. Are there two beds in your room? —____________________________________________________ 4. Is there a bedroom in your flat? —____________________________________________________ 5. Is there a kitchen in your flat? — 6. Is there a bathroom in your flat? — 7. Are there two toilets in your flat? — Say it in English. Скажите это по-английски. 1. В ее квартире есть спальня. В вашей квартире есть спальня? 2. В моей комнате есть две кровати. В его комнате есть софа? 3. В нашей квартире есть кухня и ванная. В их квартире есть ванная? 4. В его квартире есть гостиная. В твоей квартире есть гостиная? 5. В их квартире есть столовая. В твоей квартире есть столовая? Unit 3 Lesson 5 39 Write the words correctly. Запишите слово правильно. bdemoor, talf, omor, chenkit, mroothab, iottel, ilingv mroo, idingn omro CD Прочитайте эти слова. Выпишите слова, в которых есть звуки [и:], [z], [е], [г], [i;], [эе]. free, sea, tea, cold, moon, street, green, soon, weak, week, sweet, look, book, old, meat, we, rich, print, rat, rap, buzz, cross, crisp, carrot, crack, red, rent, rest, rug, rib, broom, room, angry, roll, drop, Fred, Rex, zest, risk, lazy, correct, rabbit, run, sorry, dress, van, zoo Lesson 6 There's no computer in Masha's room Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Are there pictures in your room? —_____________________ 2. Is there a washing machine in your flat? — _____________ 3. Is there a fridge in the kitchen? — ___________________ 4. Are there many books in the bookcase? —______ 5. Is there a desk in your room/ — _____________ 4- 6. Are there curtains in your living room? — ______ 7. Is there a chair at your desk? — ,______________ Translate into Russian. 1. В моей комнате есть стол, но нет книжного шкафа. L_.______________________^_____________L_________L 2. В комнате сестры есть телевизор, но нет компьютера. I 3. Рядом с их домом магазин, а напротив автобусная остановка. —- -------------------ц-• 4. В кабинете отца нет плакатов, но есть фотографии его друзей и родителей. :----------4-ц—^^— 5. В их доме нет лифта, но есть зимний сад. 40 Unit 3 Lessons 5 and 6 т г i i 6. в его комнате нет журнального столика, но много плакатов на стенах. 7. В спальне ее родителей есть ковер, а в ее комнате нет. [ 3 J Поработайте в парах. Вырежьте изображения мебели из раздела Cuf Ouf. А обставил свою комнату. Комната В пуста. Цель В, задавая вопросы А и получая на них ответы^ обставить свою комнату так же. Затем поменяйтесь ролями. Model: В: Is (here а table in your room? — A: Yes, there is. / No, there isn*t. c Homework J Q Write questions and answer them. Напишите вопросы и ответьте на них. Model: 1. Whose wardrobe is it? — It is Mishaps wardrobe. 2. ____________armchair______________? — ____________________________ 3. _____________ picture_____________? — ____________________________ 4_______________bed_______________? -_________________________________ 5.______________carpet________________? — ____________________________ Unit 3 Lesson 6 41 CD Заполните пробелы, используя There is. There are. Are there или Is there. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. a bookcase in my room, a wardrobe in your room? a TV and a video at the window? books on the bookshelf? three rooms in my flat, four armchairs in the living room. [ C j In which room do your guests always stay? Why is it the best for your guests? Describe this room. В кокой комнате обычно останавливаются воши гости? Почему это комната лучше всего подходит для гостей? Опишите эту комнату. (В в тетради соедините линиями транскрипционные знаки и выделенные буквы. 14 |ksl 1эи) (л1 |ai] (el [ae] (i:l \o:\ itfi |o] Ш |g| box cold but check gap just leg green tree port fox get kind Lesson 7 How many rooms ore there in the hotel? J CD Agree or disagree with these statements. Согласитесь или опровергните эти утверждения. Model: There are flowers in her room.— There are flowers in my room too, / There are no flowers in my room. 1. There is a yellow lamp in Steve’s room.— ___________________________________________ 2. There are two beds in their bedroom.- 3. There is an old bookcase in his study.— 4. There are beautiful curtains in their living room.— 5. There is a washing machine in her bathroom.— 6. There are four chairs in their kitchen.— в Put the questions to the underlined words. Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам. Model: There is a computer on my desk.— What is there on my desk? 1. There is a sofa in my living room.— ___________________________________________ 42 Unit 3 Lessons 6 and 7 2. There are a lot of books in the bookcase.— 3. There is a washing machine in the kitchen.— 4. There are beautiful pictures on the walls.— 5. There is an armchair in their bedroom.— _ Write questions with How many. Напишите вопросы, начинающиеся со слова "сколько". Model: There are two chairs in my bedroom.— How many chairs are there in my bedroom? 1. There are six chairs in my kitchen.— _________________________________________ 2. There is table in the dining room.— __________________________________________ 3. There is a wardrobe in their bedroom.— 4. There are three desks in his flat.— _ 5. There are two sofas in her living room.— 6. There is a computer in our study.— ___ 7. There are ten books on his shelve.— __ ^ Homework ^ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••< Make these sentences negative. Поставьте эти предложения в отрицательную форму. 1. There is а bookshelf by the window.—________ 2. There are two girls in the room.— ______- 3. There is an armchair by the table.— 4. There are two beds in the bedroom.— CD Write questions. Start with the words in brackets. Задайте вопросы, начиная со слов в скобках. 1. There are six lamps in our house. (How many) — _______________________________________________ 2. There is a wardrobe in the living room. (How many) — 3. There are five chairs in the dining room. (What) — 4. There is a bed in the bedroom. (What) — Say it in English. Скажите это по-английски. 1. Сколько книг на полке? 3. Сколько окон в кухне? 2. Что в коробке? 4. Сколько кроватей в спальне? Прочитайте слова. Выпишите в тетрадь те из них, в которых буква е не произносится. brave, case, cycle, late, gate, cent, flake, flame, cancel, fame, wave, pale, fence, made, rice, fate, take, bake, slave Unit 3 Lesson 7 43 Test yourself Г 1 1 Прослушайте описание комнаты и сравните его с изображением на картинке. Найдите ошибки в описании комнаты и исправьте их. CD 2 I Перед вами ответы. Задайте вопросы. 1. ____________________________________ There are five textbooks in my bag. 2. No, there isn’t. There is no bathroom in his flat. 3. There are boys and girls in this room. Yes, there is. The living room is very cosy and comfortable. There are two chairs, a sofa and a bookshelf in his bedroom. CD Переведите вредные советы на английский язык. 1. Не ходи в школу.— _______________________________ 2. Не мой пол.— 3. Ешь много тортов.— 4. Не отвечай учителю.— 5. Не помогай маме.— 6. Не делай домашнюю работу.— _ 7. Смотри телевизор каждый день.— 8. Не убирай свою комнату.— ___ 44 Unit 3 Lesson 8 [ 4 j Вы собираетесь остановиться в отеле, но не знаете, как обставлена ваша комната и какие в ней удобства. Задайте вопросы персоналу отеля. [ 5 J Назовите и опишите одну из комнат. Напишите также, чего нет в комнате, используя слова, которые вы знаете. living room, dining room, bedroom, coffee table, bookcase, bookshelf, TV, chair, armchair, wardrobe, sofa, carpet, lamp, telephone, window, picture, computer, table, video, roses, bed •-1 © [ [ Jt Unit 3 Lesson 8 45 с Homework D Q Подготовьтесь к проекту. Lesson 9 Project "A visit to Buckingham Palace" Щ- . .1 ^ -.T..-д^у / [ 2 j Задайте вопросы о Букингемском дворце, взяв за образец презентацию об Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг. Подготовьте презентацию о Букингемском дворце в виде вопросов и ответов. Используйте эту информацию. 1. Buckingham Palace is in London. It's the official home of the Queen. 2. There is the Royal Standard above Buckingham Palace when the Queen is at home. 3. Buckingham Palace has 775 rooms. There are 52 bedrooms for the Queen, her family and guests, 188 bedrooms for the Queen’s servants, 92 offices and 78 bathrooms. 4. There are 1,514 doors and 760 windows in Buckingham Palace. 5. There are over 40,000 light bulbs in the Palace. 6. There are more than 350 clocks and watches in Buckingham Palace. It’s one of the largest collections of clocks in the world. 7. Buckingham Palace’s garden is very big. There is a helicopter landing area (посадочная площадка для вертолетов), а lake, and а tennis court there. There are 30 different types of birds and 350 different flowers in it. Buckingham Palace has its own chapel (часовня), post office, swimming pool, cafe, and cinema. 46 Unit 3 Lessons 8 and 9 Lessons 10,11 Homereading Bob, the Hedgehog, and his friends Part 2 [ 2 J Draw a picture of: a) the hedgehog's new house, b) Tom's family's new house. Write the names of the rooms and the furniture. CD Put these objects in the right room. a bed, a sofa, a computer desk, a table, a rocking chair, a cooker, a washing machine, a cot, a chest of drawers, a TV, a fridge, a microwave oven, a bookcase, an armchair living room kitchen children's room bedroom • - CD What haven't you got in your room? What do you want to have? Which room in your flat is interesting for hedgehog Bob? Is there anything surprising? Г 6 j Придумайте необычные виды использования обычных предметов, как это сделала семья ежика Боба. Units Lessons 10, П 47 СЛ!-, ■''" What сап your pet do? J Ш Translate the sentences into Russian. Переведите предложения на английский язык. 1. I сап swim.— __________________________________________ 2. Не сап dance.— 3. We can speak English.— 4. Can she sing? —________ 5. Can he play the piano? — 6. Can they read? — ______ 7. We can’t stay with you.— 8. He can’t go to London.— [ 2 j Change the sentences according to the model. Поставьте предложения в вопросительну»о и отрицательную форму. Model: I сап sing.— Сап / sing? I can't sing, 1. You can dance.— ______________________________________________________________ 2. They can drive.- _____________________________________________________________ 3. He can fly.— 4. We can play tennis.— _________________________________________________________ [ 3 j Cinderella asks her fairy Godmother a lot of questions. Answer the questions for the fairy. Золушка задает своей крестной фее много вопросов. Ответьте на вопросы за фею. 1. Сап you fly? —___________________ 2. Can you give me a new dress? — 3. Can you do the work for me? — 4. Can you wash the floor? — _______ 5. Can you make me beautiful shoes? — 6. Can you go to the Ball with me? — _ 7. Can you phone my stepmother? — _____ 48 Unit 4 Lesson 1 [ 4 j Little Caitlin has never seen her grandparents. They are coming for the summer, and she asks her mum about them. Answer the questions, please. Маленькая Кейтлин никогда не видела своих дедушку и бабушку. Они собираются приехать летом, и она расспрашивает маму о них. Ответьте на вопросы за ее маму. 1. Can Grandfather buy me a teddy bear? — _ 2. Can we play together with Grandmother? — 3. Can she jump on one foot? — ___________ 4. Can Grandfather whistle? — ____________ 5. Can Grandfather play football? — 5 j Read the dialogue between two little children. Can they do all these things? What is difficult for them? Прочитайте диалог малышей. Они действительно могут сделать все, что говорят? Что для них самое трудное? Who сап do more things? — I can climb a tree. — 1 can eat an elephant. — I can swim across the Atlantic. — I can read one hundred books in one day. — I can fly. — I can go for a walk at night. — I can jump from a bridge. — Can you give me your new car? — No, I сапЧ! — Can you give me your chocolate bar? — No, I can't! 1^6^ Complete the sentences according to the model. Закончите предложения по образцу. Model: I (swim), but my brother ... .— I can't swim, but my brother can. 1. He (sing), but his sister ... .— _______________________________________________ 2. We (dance), but our mother ... .— ________________ 3. My grandfather (play football), but my father ... .— 4. My grandmother (cook), but my aunt ... .— ________ '5. She (speak French), but her husband ... .— ______ 6. They (drive), but their brother ... .— ___________ Unit 4 Lesson 1 49 7 \ Say it in English. 1. Я умею петь. 2. Мой папа умеет говорить по-английски. 3. Он умеет плавать, но не умеет нырять. 4. Когда я могу посмотреть этот фильм? 5. Кто может помочь ей? 6. Что ты умеешь делать? ^ Homework ^ ••••••••••••••••••. Learn the text of the song about Pafnutiy by heart (наизусть). CD Make sentences from these words. 1. I/wash/can/the floor/not/.— 2. they/can/TV/watch/? — ___ 3. can/she/Iook/me/at/.— ___ 4. to you/listen/we/can/? — 5. he / ask / me / can /. — _ 6. what/do/can/you/? — 7. can/where/I/this book/find/? — 8. who/translate/can/this text/? — Q Write sentences with can or can't and use the verbs in brackets. Model: I — Say it again. I сапЧ hear you. ^^ ( Call him again. ( Say it again, (hear) ... j Don’t eat her sandwiches, (cook) 50 Unit 4 Lesson 1 CD Прочитайте слова. Выпишите те^ в которых звуков меньше, чем букв. catch, mix, fold, bright, truck, lucky, bind, puzzle, neck, carrot, mean, team, cork, fee, born, read, pork, type, cry, form, tea, try Q В каких словах гласные стоят в открытом слоге? Выпишите эти слова в тетрадь. seek, cry, case, them, cancel, rice, sheet, read, we, but, soon, mix, bone, next, back, might, bind, truck, tight, high Lessons 2,3 Can i play on your computer? 0 I Group these words under the following headings. Распределите слова по группам. Некоторые слова можно отнести к нескольким группам. Одно слово не подходит никуда. Найдите это слово. а fish, а kite, а ship. Madonna, Evgeniy Kafelnikov, Pele, a seagull, Alsu, me, my sister, my mother, my English teacher, my brother, my friend, my aunt, my cousin, my uncle, my granny, David Beckham, a bus, a dog, Dinara Safina, Diego Maradonna, a plane, a hen, a computer They can swim: _____________________________________________________________________________ They can fly: ______________________________________________________________________________ They can play tennis: ______________________________________________________________________ They can play football: ____________________________________________________________________ They can speak English: ____________________________________________________________________ They can sing: _____________________________________________________________________________ Объясните свое решение по образцу: The word is_________________________ It can’t___________________________ 0 0 Обсудите полученные группы слов. Воспользуйтесь следующими выражениями: In group number one there is a fish, a ship and a plane. I am sorry, but planes can’t swim. I am sorry, but my cousin can swim. Answer the questions. Who can sing? — _____ Who can swim? — Unit 4 Lessons 1 and 2, 3 51 Who can speak English? — What can a ship do? — _____ What can Diego Maradonna do? — c Homework J [ A ) Представьте себя на месте Роба Маквизарда. Ответьте на эти вопросы и предложения, используя выражения Sure./Thank you. 1. You can call me Anna.— ____________________________________________________ 2. Can I call you Rob? — ______________________________________________________ 3. Can my husband take your bags? — 4. You can sit down here.— _______ 5. You can phone your mother.— 6. Misha can show you your room.— ___________________ 7. I can cook English food for you.— ________________ 8. Can we take you for a walk? —_____________________ 9. We can go to the cinema.— ________________________ QSay it in English. Use con. 1. Можно мне поиграть на компьютере? — Да, конечно,. 2. Можно нам позвонить по телефону? — _______________ 3. Вам помочь? — Да, пожалуйста._____________________ 4. Вы можете позвонить ему.— ________________________ 5, Можно я отвечу на вопрос? — 6. Он может прийти в 6 часов. — Lesson 4 Must passengers go to passport control? [ 1 j Сделайте подписи к этим знакам. Используйте глагол must в отрицательной форме и глаголы: speak, open, close, play, look. Model: I — You mustn't speak! 52 Unit 4 Lessons 2, 3 ond 4 Нарисуйте свои запрещающие знаки и придумайте к ним подписи. 3 j Посмотрите на правила в Мишиной комнате и перепишите их, употребляя глагол musf в отрицательной форме. Model: Don’t help me with my homework.— You mustn't help me with my homework. 1. Don’t dust my computer.—_______________________________________________ 2. Don’t open the windows. (The cat!) — 3. Don't close the door. (The cat!) — _ 4. Don’t come with dogs. (The cat!) — ___________ 5. Don’t look at my toy balls.— _________________ 6. Don’t take my books.— ________________________ Choose the correct word. Выберите правильное слово. 1. Look at the information board / card. 2. Find your flight / passenger number. 3. Find your check-in / computer desk. 4. Join / Jump the queue. 5. Show your passport / library card. 6. Check in your dog / baggage. 7. Leave behind / take the dangerous items. 8. Go to the passport control / cafe. 9. Open your mouth / passport. 10. A very big suitcase can be dangerous / heavy. 11. Don’t lose / miss your flight! 12. Don’t show / lose your baggage! 13. Don’t take sweets / liquids with you. Fill in the gaps. Заполните пропуски. Используйте слова: boarding card, flight number, check your baggage, check your passport, a trolley, check in your luggage, miss, information board 1. At the security control they____________________ 2. At the check-in desk they_______________________ 3. At the passport control they 4. Hurry up, or you__________ 5. BA 845 is a_______________ your flight. 6. You can see your flight number on the 7. Your baggage is heavy, take a__________ 8. You can see your seat number on your Unit 4 Lesson 4 53 These characters have got some rules in their houses. Match the rules with the characters: Miss Beauty, Mr Bore, Mr Funny. У каждого героя свои правила поведения в доме. Какие правила поведения у Зануды, Весельчака и Красотки? Mr Funny ........ С Homework 1. You must enjoy yourself at all times. 2. You must play. 3. You must be funny. 4. You mustn’t cry. 1. You must be polite. 2. You must speak about clever things. 3. You must listen. 4. You mustn't stay late. 1. You must say compliments. 2. You must bring tasty things. 3. You mustn’t speak about boring things. 4. You must be interesting. Miss Beauty [ A j Найдите в разговоре (упр. 4 учебника) указания, в которых не использованы must/ mustn't, и напишите их, используя must/ mustn't/ needn't. Model: Hurry up, Rob! — Rob must hurry up. CD e 1 Fill in the gaps. Use mustn't or needn't. 1. You________________wash up. I can do it. 2. You________________join this queue to the cafe. I've got sandwiches and coke. 3. You________________open this door. It’s broken. 4. You________________go out. It’s very cold. 5. You________________translate this text. 6. You________________go shopping. We’ve got a lot of food. 7. You________________read this book. It’s not for children. 54 Unit 4 Lesson 4 You've got a job at the information desk at the airport. Help these people. What must they do? Model: 1 — There is a long queue to my check-in desk.— You must join the queue. I can’t find my check-in desk. Read these words. Выпишите слова, в которых ударные гласные читаются как в алфавите. seek, cry, case, them, cancel, rice, digit, sheet, read, we, but, soon, mix, bone, next, back, might. bind, truck, tight, high, stage Unit 4 Lesson 4 55 Lessons 5f 6 Find your way at the airport J Ш Choose the correct word or phrase. Выберите правильное слово или выражение. 1. You can (get information / exchange currency) at the information desk. 2. You can (buy tickets / have a snack) in a cafe. 3. You can (phone / smoke) in a phone box. 4. You can (do some shopping / get information) in a duty-free shop. 5. You can go out of the airport through the (restaurant / exit). 6. When you (leave the country / arrive in the country) you must go to the Departures area. 7. When you meet a plane, you must go to the (Arrivals / Departures) area. 8. You can change currency at the (Arrivals / Currency Exchange Office). 9. You can take (a taxi / a shower) to get home from the airport. Put the sentences in the correct order. Поставьте предложения в нужном порядке. How to plan your air trip 1. You can enjoy your flight. 2. You can do some shopping in the duty-free shop. 3. You must check in your baggage. 4. You must get your boarding pass. 5. You must get to the airport. 6. You must go to your gate. 7. You must go to the passport control. 8. You must go to the security check. 9. You must leave behind dangerous items. 10. You can go to the currency exchange. 11. You must go to the Departures area. 12. You must buy the tickets. 13. You must go aboard the plane. 14. You must find your seat. 15. You must get information about your check-in desk. 16. You must get a visa to the country. Q Choose the correct answers. Выберите правильный ответ. □ l.You □ 2. You □ 3-You □ 4. You □ 5. You □ 6. You □ 7. You □ 8. You □ 9. You □ 10. You □ 11.You □ 12. You □ 13. You □ 14. You □ 15. You □ 16. You 1. Can I phone from your mobile, please? a) Yes, you can. b) No, you needn’t. c) Yes, you must. 2. Can I check in my baggage here? a) No, you mustn’t. b) Yes, you must. c) Yes, you can. 3. Must I show you my passport? a) No, you needn’t. b) No, you can’t. c) Yes, you can. 56 Unit 4 Lessons 5, 6 4. Can they exchange currency at the currency exchange office? a) No, they can't. It's closed. b) Yes, they must. c) No, they needn’t. 5. Must he go to the concert? a) No, he mustn't. b) Yes, he must. He’s the first violin. c) No, he can't. 6. Can she play the piano? a) Yes, she must. b) No, she needn’t. c) Yes, she can. 0 Fill in the gaps. Заполните пропуски. Используйте слова; can, can't, must, mustn't, needn't. a) —___________I have some water, please? — No, you____________You_____________have some water after the take-off. — _________I stay in my seat during the take-off? — Yes, you____________ — __________I stay in my seat all the time? — No, you_____________You can leave your seat after the take-off. b) —______________my child jump on the seat? — No, he______________, I'm afraid. He_______ . sit quietly in his seat. He c) d) other passengers. — _________I look out of the window? — Yes,___________ — _________I phone my parents? — No, you____________use your mobile during the flight. — _________I take out the SIM card? — No, you 0 Some of the airport rules are wrong. Please correct them and translate into Russian. 1. You can use a trolley.— __________________________________________________________^ 2. You mustn't check in your baggage.— _______________ 3. You needn’t show your passport at the security check.— disturb 4. You must take a taxi to the airport.- __________________ 5. You can't exchange currency at the currency exchange office.- 6. You must buy something in the duty-free shop.— 7. You can see the information about your flight on the information board.- 8. You mustn’t ask questions at the information desk.— I ^ Homework ^ 0 Choose the correct answers. 1. Can he play tennis? a) Yes, he must. b) No, he can't. c) No, he needn’t. 2. Can you help me with my baggage? a) Yes, I must. b) No, I can’t. c) No, you needn’t. Unit 4 Lessons 5, 6 57 5. Can he play the piano? a) No, he can’t. b) No. he mustn't. c) Yes, he must. CD 3. Must they go to school on Sundays? a) No, they mustn’t. b) Yes, they must. c) No, they needn’t. 4. Can I help you? a) Yes, you must. b) No, he isn’t. c) Yes, please. Find the odd one out. Найдите лишнее слово. Model: You can catch: a plane, a taxi, a queue 1. You can carry: security control, your baggage, liquids 2. You can join: a queue, a group of people, the information board 3. You can miss: your flight, your bus, passengers 4. You can leave behind: your baggage, your ticket, your plane Write some advice (советы) for passengers on flight 304 to Moscow. Use the expressions from Ex. B. Model: Catch a taxi to the airport. CD Прочитайте слова. Выпишите те слова, которые содержат звук |л]. number, finger, actor, doctor, some, summer, London, skater, enter, brother, other, wonder, love, dove, glove, come Lessons 7,8 I've got a yellow T-shirt [ 1 j Can you recognize these characters? These are the descriptions of Charlie Chaplin, Sherlock Holmes, Buratino and Cinderella. Вы можете узнать этих героев? Прочитайте описания Чарли Чаплина, Шерлока Холмса, Буратино и Золушки. 1. I’ve got an old brown dress with a grey apron (фартук) on. You can’t see the colour of my wtKxIen shoes: they are dirty. I’ve got a white cap‘on. 2. I’ve got a brown suit on. I’ve got my famous cap on. 3. I’ve got a striped (полосатый) cap on. I've got a paper jacket and trousers on. 4. I’ve got a black suit on. I’ve got a bowler hat (шляпа котелок) and my shoes are too big for me (слишком велики). 58 Unit 4 Lessons 5, 6 and 7, 8 Q Describe your appearance. Опишите свою внешность. Используйте слова: а pair of shoes / trainers / boots. I’ve got ... on, a blouse / a shirt, a jacket, a skirt / trousers, a dress, jeans, yellow, blue, black, white, red, green, brown, grey 0 Fill in the gaps. Заполните пропуски глаголами сал^ must mustn't. Traffic lights (светофор) 1. __________you see the red light? You___________stop. You____ 2. __________you see the yellow light? You__________wait. 3. __________you see the green light? You___________go. go. 0 Fill in the gaps. Заполните пропуски. Используйте слова: trousers, а blouse, а shirt, а skirt, shoes, a tie, a jacket tights. 1. A girl’s school uniform: a green_________and a white_____________a pair of black _ 2. A boy’s school uniform: green____________and a white . a pair of black ^ Homework^ 0 Listen to the speaker and dress (одень) Jack, Kate, Tom and Mary. Model: Jack's got a red and black kilt. Unit 4 Lessons 7, 8 59 L CD Answer the questions. 1. Tracy is a manager. What clothes can she wear? 2. Carol is an actress. What clothes can she wear? 3. Den is a football player. What clothes can he wear? 4. Bill is a pupil. What clothes can he wear? Q Прочитайте слова в транскрипции, напишите их буквами. [haul, [ТЫэи], Lf3u|, [sl3u|, [hu:z|, [Jap], [tDi], [f3:st|, [sio|, |Ъглбэ], [ka|, [staj, [taun], ['\vind9uj Lesson 9 What are MacDonalds colours? < 1 Fill in the gaps. Заполните пропуски. Используйте слова; needn't, can, can't, must, mustn’t 1. You____________wear shorts at school. 2. You___________wear a T-shirt at your PE lessons. 3. You___________wear jeans at a party. 4. You___________wear your best clothes at our informal meeting. 5. You___________wear my cap if you like. 6. You___________wear your school uniform in this school. The school rules are very strict. 7. You___________wear your school uniform at the school New Year’s party. Describe your favourite outfit. Use the words: cans, shoes, trainers, a blouse, a shirt, a sweater, a jacket, a coat, a cap 60 Unit 4 Lessons 7, 8 and 9 CD Неге are some answers. What are the questions? Перед вами ответы. Напишите вопросы. 1. _____________________ ______________ ? Му cap is red. 2. Yes, I must. I must wear a school uniform at school. 3. No, I needn’t. I needn’t wear a white T-shirt at my PE lessons. I can wear a T-shirt of any colour. 4. I’ve got a green sweater on. 5. My shoes are black. ^ Homework ^ • • • « Q Write about yourself. What are your favourite clothes? — _______________________________ What are your favourite colours? Where can you wear them? — What clothes must you wear at school? — __________________________ What clothes can you wear on holidays? — _________________________ What are the best responses? Match the phrases to form mini-dialogues. (^Hello! How are you?^ (^^rais girl is my sister. ^ Can you help me with my homework? Thank you very much for your help. Fm sorry Гт late agaim a) Never mind. b) Not at all. c) Really? d) Sure. e) Fm fine, thanks. f) It’s a pity. g) Are you sure? Fm sorry I can’t come to your party. Unit 4 Lesson 9 61 Lesson 10 Test yourself J GD Listen to three dialogues and answer the questions: 1. What can Jane wear? — ______________________ 2. What can Kim wear? — 3. What can Ingrid wear? — CD Are these sentences true or false about you? Correct the false statements. 1. You can speak Russian._______________________________________________ 2. You needn't write letters to your best friends.. 3. You can play tennis._______________________ 4. Pupils in your school must wear shorts.. 5. You must do your homework every day. 6. You mustn’t help your mother at home. 7. Your teacher can’t speak English. 8. Your dad can drive a car._______ 9. You mustn’t drive a car.________ 10. You can go home now.____________ 11. You needn’t go to school tomorrow.______________________________ Answer the questions. 1. How many hours before a flight must a passenger be at the airport? 2. What must a passenger do at the check-in desk? —_________________ 3. Where must a passenger show his / her passport? — _______________ 4. What mustn't a passenger have in his hand baggage? — _ 5. What is London’s biggest airport? — __________________ Q Complete the sentences. 1. Passengers can________________at the information desk. 2. Passengers can_______________at the ticket office. 3. Passengers can_______________at the currency exchange. 4. Passengers can_______________in the duty-free shop. 5. Passengers can_______________in the restaurant. 62 Unit 4 Lesson 10 Q Act out the short dialogues. Write down your dialogues. 1. A: ____________________________________________________ (Попросите разрешения открыть дверь.) В: (Ответьте отказом. Объясните, что вам нельзя открывать дверь. Она сломана.) 2. А: (Спросите, есть ли необходимость закрыть окно.) В: (Скажите, что такой необходимости нет. Ваш друг может сделать это для вас.) 3. А: (Попросите разрешения сесть.) В: (Дайте согласие.) 4. А: (Попросите разрешения ответить на вопрос.) В: (Ответьте отказом.) 5. А: (Попросите разрешения взять книгу.) В: (Ответьте отказом. Эта книга очень старая, ее нельзя трогать.) 6. А: (Попросите разрешения пойти гулять с друзьями.) В: (Дайте согласие, но предупредите, что нельзя опаздывать.) 7. А: (Попросите разрешения надеть эти джинсы в школу.) В: (Ответьте отказом. Скажите, что эти джинсы нельзя носить в школу.) ( Homework ) А Prepare for your project "Who is it?" (незнакомец / незнакомка). * Подготовьтесь к проекту. Воспользуйтесь страницей из раздела Cut Out. * Представьте себе, что вы встретили в аэропорту необычного человека. Напишите о нем / ней, используя следующий план: Из какой он / она страны? Куда у него / нее билет? Кто он / она по профессии? Что на нем / ней надето? Что у него / нее с собой? Что он / она должны сделать в аэропорту? * Нарисуйте вашего незнакомца / незнакомку или разместите его / ее крупную фотографию. Unit 4 Lesson 10 63 Lesson 11 Project "Who is it?" J Lessons 12,13 Homereading J Bob, the Hedgehog, and his friends Part 3 Q About which pets can you say these things? 1) It can be a real friend.______________ 2) It's clever. _ 3) It's faithful. 4) It misses you when you are away. 5) It plays with you.________________________ Q Which of these animals can you keep at home? 6) It comforts you when you are sad. 7) It helps you when you are ill. 8) It’s funny. _________________ 9) It’s curious.. a cat, a spider, an elephant, a tortoise, a parrot, a dog, a snake, a hedgehog, a sheep, a cow, a kangaroo, a guinea pig, a mouse, a giraffe, a tiger, a lion, a rabbit, a pig, a frog CD Complete the sentences. A good master must / mustn’t: feed a pet, walk a pet, play with a pet, sing to a pet, beat a pet, shout at a pet, forget about a pet, leave a pet on the street. A good master must / mustn’t: be responsible, faithful, sad, curious, funny, clever, good at sports, good at school. Q Write a list of all Bob's presents. Who gave what? CD What present do you want to get for your birthday? Use these words and your own ideas. a CD, a mobile phone, a football, an apple, a Barbie doll, a motor bike, a computer, a book, a very big cake, flowers, a real dog 64 Unit 4 Lessons 11 and 12, 13 € ... Гт а wizard 0 Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Have you got a sense of humour? — ____ 2, Can you say good jokes? — _____________ 3. Can you always believe your friends? — 4. Are there many mistakes in your copybook? — 5. What big animals can you name? — c Homework You've got a guest from abroad. What can you do together? What can't you do together? Why? Model: We can play football. [ В j Представьте себе, что вы можете задать своему домашнему любимцу (или любимцу своих друзей) вопросы и он ответит на них. Write your questions. Use these expressions and your own ideas. favourite food favourite TV programme Model: What*s your favourite game? favourite place in the flat favourite person 0 Try to answer these questions for your / your friend's pet. Unit 5 Lesson 1 65 Lessons 2,3 The unhappy life of Pafnutiy, the cat Translate the sentences into Russian. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. I get up at seven o’clock every day.— _____________________________ 2. You wash your face in the morning.— _______________________________ 3. They phone their friends in the evening.—__________________________ 4. We read after school.— 5. He speaks English very well.— 6. She sings in the opera.— ___ [ 2 J True or false? Correct the wrong statements according to the model. Верно или неверно? Исправьте неверные утверждения по образцу. Model: We usually go to school in the evening.— We don't usually go to school in the evening. We usually go to school in the morning, 1. People usually go to work in the morning.—_____________________________________ 2. Cats like milk.—_______________________________________________________________ 3. We have breakfast in the evening.— ____________________________________________ 4. Dogs don’t like cats.— 5. Writers never write books.— 6. Football players often work in restaurants.— 7. Cats sometimes go to the cinema.— 8. Children usually like chocolate.— [ 3 j Fill in the gaps with in, at or — (no preposition). Заполните пропуски предлогами там, где это необходимо. 1. I have breakfast 2. They play football 3. Children start school the morning. __every day. ____autumn. 5. The lessons finish________two o’clock. 6. They must come to the airport___________one o’clock. 4. We usually go on holiday summer. 7. My brothers always read the evening. f 4 J Sherlock Holmes gives an interview to a newspaper. Dr Watson gives an interview too. Please write down his answers. The friends are different, but they have two things in common. Шерлок Холмс дает интервью газете. Доктор Ватсон тоже дает интервью. Друзья очень разные, но у них есть две общие черты. Model: I like Chemistry very much.— / don't like Chemistry very much. 1. I play the violin (скрипка).— _________________________________________________ 2. I drink coffee at night.- _____________________________________________________ 3. I meet a lot of people.— ______________________________________________________ 66 Unit 5 Lessons 2, 3 4. I can open any door.— _______________________ 5. I know every criminal (преступник) in London.— 6. I sometimes come home through the window.— __ 7. I don’t like Art.—___________________________ 8. I am not afraid of danger (опасность).— 9. 1 like adventures (приключения).—_ Q Have a test. Проверьте себя. An early bird catches the worm. (Ранняя птичка ловит червячка). Кто рано встает, тому Бог подает. 1. I ... get up early. a) always b) usually c) often d) sometimes e) never 2. I ... do morning exercises. a) always b) usually c) often d) sometimes e) never 3. I ... have a shower. a) always b) usually c) often d) sometimes e) never 4. I ... have a healthy breakfast. a) always b) usually c) often d) sometimes e) never 5. I ... walk to school. a) always b) usually c) often d) sometimes e) never 6. I ... have a good mood. a) always b) usually c) often d) sometimes e) never Mostly a’s — you are an early bird with a healthy lifestyle (здоровый образ жизни). Mostly b’s — you are close to a (близко к a). Mostly c’s — your lifestyle is not bad. Mostly d’s — you must try harder, you must discipline yourself. Mostly e’s — you must be serious about your life. You must change your lifestyle! 0 Put the sentences in the correct order. Напишите предложения в нужном порядке. 1. I go to school. 2. I wash my face. 3. I have lunch. 4. I do morning exercises. 5. I get up. 6. I do my homework. 7. I read in the evening. 8. I have breakfast. 9. I have dinner. 10. I go to bed. 11. I play tennis after school. I. Unit 5 Lessons 2, 3 67 ^ Homework ^ ••••••••••••••••••••« Ш Write and be ready to tell the class: When do you do these things? Model: have lunch — / have lunch at two o'clock. get up — I _________________________ have breakfast — I rest — I___________ have lunch — I _ go to school — I walk the dog — I watch TV — I ____ go to bed — I ___ do my homework — I read books — I ____ have dinner — I ___ go for a walk — I go to work — I _ tidy up my room — I CD Write about your parents. Use the expressions from Ex. A. Model: My parents usually get up at seven o'clock. [ C j Fill in the gaps with in, at or — (no preposition). Then read Pafnutiy's story and check your answers. 1. My friends go to school_______every day. e 2. I don’t like to do my homework________the evening. 3. We never go on holidays_______autumn. 4. You must come_________six o’clock. Don't be late. 68 Unit 5 Lessons 2, 3 5. _____summer we often go to our granny’s. 6. You must tidy up your room____every day. 7. I____normally walk my dog_______the morning. I like to get up _ 8. We often visit a museum of flowers__spring. It’s very beautiful. Say it in English. 1. Я мечтаю о собаке. 2. Мои родители встают в 9 часов. 3. На завтрак у меня обычно чай и бутерброды. 4. Они никогда не выгуливают свою собаку утром. 5. Мы часто смотрим телевизор вечером. 6. Терпеть не могу молоко! 7. Не слушай их! Они часто меняют свои планы! seven o’clock. Lessons 4,5 Му pet is Nessie j [ 1 j Change the sentences according to the model. Измените предложения, поставив подлежащее в единственное число третьего лица. Model: They speak English.— He speaks English. 1. I send e-mails every evening.— He ___________________________________ 2. They phone their mother after school.— She 3. We do homework after dinner.— Peter___ 4. You learn English at school.— Ann ____ 5. Sometimes my parents work on Saturday.— Sometimes my uncle 6. Our friends have a lot of interests.— My brother [ 2 j Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Раскройте скобки. Напишите глагол в правильной форме. Model: Tim (to go to bed) at nine o’clock.— Tim goes to bed at nine o'clock. 1 1. •I 2. 1 ( 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 6. Sometimes his father (to drive) him to school.— 7. Tim’s mother always (to give) him packed lunch.— Unit 5 Lessons 2, 3 and 4, 5 69 J 10. Tim (to have) lunch at 12.20,— 11. School (to finish) at 15.15.— _ 12. Tim usually (to go) home after school.—_________ 13. Sometimes he (to stay) at school to play football.— 14. Tim never (to play badminton).— _ 15. Tim often (to read) in the evening.— Сестры Тима Кейти и Алиса делают то же, что и он. Измените предложения в упр. 2, описав, что делают сестры. Model: Tim gels up at seven.— Katy and Alice get up at seven too. Q Ask questions to the sentences in Ex. 2. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму. Model: Tim gets up at seven o’clock.— Does Tim get up at seven o'clock? Do the same about Katy and Alice. Сделайте то же с предложениями о Кейти и Алисе. Model: Katy and Alice get up at seven o’clock.— Do they get up at seven o'clock? [ 6 j Make the sentences in Ex. 2 negative. Поставьте предложения в упр. 2 в отрицательную форму. Model: Tim gets up at seven o'clock.— Tim doesn't get up at seven o'clock. 70 Unit 5 Lessons 4, 5 ^7^ Do the same about Katy and Alice. Сделайте то же с предложениями о Кейти и Алисе. Model: Katy and Alice get up at seven o'clock.— They don*t get up at seven o*clock [ 8 j True or false? Correct the false statements. Верно или неверно? Исправьте неверные утверждения. 1. Moscow is the capital of Russia. ______________________________________________ 2. The Queen lives in Liverpool. _________________________________________________ 3. Winnie-the-Pooh doesn't like honey. 4. Karlson never flies. ____________ 5. In England people speak English.__________ 6. Russian children go to school in summer. 7. David Beckham isn't famous. 8. Little children are never afraid of dogs. c Homework J Q Перепишите рассказ о Пафнутии от третьего лица. Model: Pafnutiy is very unhappy. Unit 5 Lessons 4, 5 71 [ в j Put the words in brackets in the right form to complete the sentences. He забудьте: глагол, который следует за глаголами сап и must, не принимает никаких окончаний. 1. Не сап (fly).— _______________________________________________________________ 2. They (play) the piano.— _____________________________________________________ 3. She (drive) a car.— _________________________________________________________ 4. I often (visit) Moscow.— 5. He (bake) bread in the morning.— ____________________________________________ 6. They must (answer) the phone calls.—_________________________________________ 7. We never (have) lunch at school.— ___________________________________________ 8. Л doctor (give) medicine.—___________________________________________________ CD Prepare to talk about Nessie. Use Ex. 7 to help you. Write a letter to yourself from your pet. Lessons 6,7 A pop star's daily life J Translate the sentences into Russian. Переведите предложения но русский язык. 1. I have badminton on Monday.— ____________________________________ 2. I have swimming on Tuesday.—_____________________________________ 3. 1 have tennis on Wednesday.- ____________________________________ 4. I have English on Thursday.— ____________________________________ 5. I have French on Friday.— _______________________________________ 6. I have football on Saturday.—____________________________________ 7. I have a rest on Sunday.— _______________________________________ 8. So you see, 1 have a very busy timetable.- [ 2 J Rewrite the sentences in Ex. 1 according to the model. Измените предложения в упр. 1, поставив подлежащее в форму третьего лица единственного числа. Model: 1 have badminton on Monday.— He has badminton on Monday, 72 Unit 5 Lessons 4, 5 ond 6, 7 I f \ - 'K if ii 0 Fill in the gaps. Заполните пропуски. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. comes after Monday. comes before Wednesday. are weekdays. are weekend. is the middle of the week. comes after Thursday. is my favourite day of the week. 0 Fill in the gaps. Заполните пропуски. 1. We have__________fingers on one hand. 2. We have__________fingers on two hands. 3. We have__________nose. 4. We have___________hands. ______hands. ______fingers on their hands. 7. Three people have__________hands. 0 Translate into Russian. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. The first finger is called a thumb.— _____________________ 5. Two people have 6. Two people have 2. The second finger is called an index finger.— 3. The third finger is called a middle finger.— 4. The fourth finger is called the ring finger.— 5. The fifth finger is called the little finger.— _ 0 Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. How many desks are there in the classroom? 2. How many pupils are there in class today? — 3. How many windows are there in the classroom? - 4. How many teachers are there in the classroom?— 5. How many pictures are there on the wall? — ___ 6. How many books are there on your desk? — _____ 7. How many pencils are there in your pencil case? — 8. How many days of the week do you know? — ______ 9. How many months do you know? — ________________ 10. How many seasons do you know? — _______________ 11. How many planets do you know? —________________ Unit 5 Lessons 6, 7 73 (П Перед вами планеты Солнечной системы. Какие они по счету от Солнца? ! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. S the (1) planet from the Sun. s the (2) planet from the Sun. s the (3) planet from the Sun. s the (4) planet from the Sun. s the (5) planet from the Sun. s the (6) planet from the Sun. s the (7) planet from the Sun. s the (8) plane from the Sun. s the (9) planet from the Sun. [ 8 j Fill in the gaps and rewrite the sentences according to the model. Заполните пропуски и измените предложения по образцу. Model: Tom is 5 today. It’s his ... birthday.— Tom is five today, I(*s his fifth birthday. 1. Jack is 13 today. It’s his______________birthday. 2. Jane is 12 today. Today is her_______________birthday. 3. Ann is 11 today. It’s her_______________birthday. 4. Hannah is 10 today. It’s her 5. Mike is 9 today. It’s his_ - 6. Lucy is 8 today. It’s her_ birthday. birthday. . birthday. c Homework J ( A J Миша попытался записать график звезды, но кое-что перепутал. Помогите Мише восстано-вить информацию. On Monday he flies to Rome.— ____________________________________________ On Monday he doesn’t fly to Rome.— ________ On Monday he sleeps in his office.— _______ On Wednesday he is happy to stay at home.— 74 Unit 5 Lessons 6, 7 On Tuesday he meets his fans.— _________________________________ On Friday he doesn’t sing but act in the theatre at eight o’clock.- CD Write about your favourite / least favourite day of the week. Use these expressions. I like... My favourite day is ... . On this day I don’t... On this day I... Добавьте -s или -es и заполните таблицу в соответствии с правилами чтения. finish, cook, live, work, watch, touch, speak, go, phone, wash up, ask, give, say, have [iz] |sl Iz] Lesson 8 Agent Cute is on his way Поиграйте в игру Агент Кьют спешит на помощь и помогите агенту Кьюту собрать необходимую информацию и добраться до Обнинска. Правила игры Перед началом игры вырежьте карточки из раздела Cut Out и разложите их на игровом поле поверх игровых квадратов по номерам картинками вверх. Вам также понадобятся фишки и кубик. В игре участвуют два-четыре игрока и ведущий. Играющие ставят свои фишки на клетку Start, по очереди бросают кубик и делают столько ходов, сколько выпало на кубике. После того как один из игроков остановился на нужном игровом квадрате, ведущий снимает с квадрата карточку, читает задание и проверяет правильность ответа, который написан на обратной стороне карточки. Если игрок, чья фишка находится на данном игровом квадрате, правильно выполняет задание, то этот игрок кладет карточку с вопросом или заданием в свою копилку. Если нет, карточка остается лежать на игровом поле. Побеждает тот, кто первым дойдет до финиша, набрав максимальное количество карточек. Unit 5 Lessons 6, 7 and 8 75 76 Unit 5 Lesson 8 Unit 5 Lesson 8 77 78 Unit 5 Lesson 8 Unit 5 Lesson 8 79 Lesson 9 Test yourself Ш Listen to Boss^ timetable and put the pictures in the right order. Г): Fill in the gaps. Use at, in, on or — (nothing). 1. ______every evening Kale studies with her brother. 2. ______we usually wash up_________the evening. 3. 1 don’t go to school______Saturdays and Sundays. 4. My friends usually visit their granny______Fridays. 5. ______10 o’clock I’m always at school. 80 Unit 5 Lesson 9 6. We can talk about it 7. This film begins___ ____the morning. Monday_________7 o’clock. ^3^ Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. ______in Obninsk with his pen friend Misha. the boys from a big tree in the garden. Agent Cute's report Dear Boss, Robin MacWizard (be). I usually (watch)_______ I (start)__________at 6 o'clock every morning and (finish)_____________ every night. At 8 o’clock the boys (get up)__________I (sit)___________ in the tree. At 8.30 Misha’s mother (give)__________the boys a hot breakfast. I (eat). cold sandwich. Misha’s mother (not cook)____________for me. At 9 o’clock Misha’s father (go)_________to work, but Misha’s mother (stay)__________ at home. She (work)____________in the evenings. She (tidy up)___________the flat and the boys (go)___________to school. at 11 o’clock .my In the afternoon they (come) No lunch for me! home and (have) lunch. I (sit) in the tree. . and the boys (do)_______ After lunch the mother (leave)__________and the boys (do)------------very strange things. They (walk)___________ the cat. Most (большинство) boys (walk)___________dogs. They (speak)___________ TV)____________and (play) They (not go)__________ English and (read). . History books. Most boys (watch computer games. . out with Misha’s friends. Most boys (go). . out in the evening with their friends. At 7 p.m. the boys (have)_____________ in my tree. At 11 o’clock the boys (be)___________ 1 (be)___________always cold and tired. dinner with the family. And I (be) __in bed and I can finally (go)______ . still home. Please (help) Agent Cute me. Boss! I (not understand) these boys. 0 Why is agent Cute unhappy? Write three or four sentences. Units Lesson 9 81 Lessons 10,11 Homereading Bob, the Hedgehog, and his friends Port 4 Compare (сравните) Tom's typical day and your typical day. Model: Tom gets up at 7.30 and I usually get up at 7 o'clock. Who does what? Tom, Hedgehog Bob, or both of them? to do morning exercises, to have a snack, to fight, to go to school, to swim in the swimming pool, to go for a walk, to do homework, to play badminton, to read, to collect his brothers from school, to have breakfast, to get up, to play, to watch the moon and the stars, to tell stories and fairy tales, to go to bed Whose day / night is more interesting: Tom's or Bob's? Explain your choice. Ш What is a big problem for hedgehogs? How con people help little animals and birds? 82 Units Lessons 10, 11 Cut Out Unit! 4 j ^rosoft Internet tMplorer / % C(ft View Fevortes Tools Нф Lesson 10 Project "My home page" -M»| QBack * ^ id I ^ Fevortes ^ Macto ^ | ^ B8 " S 4k^ !«»»"■»• _______ My home page Name Age Male/Female Town Class School IntameT' Cut Out Unit 1 Lesson 10 83 Unit 2 й Lesson 8 Project "My family" Cut Out Unit 2 Lesson 8 85 » » Unit3 ш Lesson 6 ТЬегеЧ no computer in Mosho^ room L h Г U I- T г _L -t u 1ШМШ1 h- I. г ^ ^ ^ I • 1 N ■h e p L, ,L_ _L Cut Out Unit 3 Lesson 6 87 Unit 4 A Lesson 11 Project "Who is it?" f ! 7- Cut Out Unit 4 Lesson 11 89 Unit 5 i Lesson 8 Agent Cute is on his way Agent Cute is at home in Oxford. Help agent Cute pack his suitcase. Agent Cute wants to take some souvenirs to his new Russian friends. Whot can he take with him? Agent Cute doesn't know a lot of things about Misho Inin. Help him write some questions about Misho for his boss. 6 Agent Cute doesn't know a lot of things about Rob MocWizord. Help him write some questions about Rob for his boss. Agent Cute can't get a taxi. Miss a turn, (пропустите ход). An old friend wants to drive Cute to the airport. Go to the airport, (square 13) Tell agent Cute about Misha Inin. Tell agent Cute about Rob MacWizord. J Cut Out Unit 5 Lesson 8 91 Misha Inin is a Russian boy. His home town is Obninsk. It’s not very far from Moscow. Misha is in Class 5. He’s eleven. Misha’s family isn’t very big. He’s got a mother, a father and a sister Masha. Misha and his sister are good friends. Misha is good at school. His hobby is playing “What? Where? When?’.’ Take a pair of jeans, a pair of shorts, a lot of T-shirts and socks, a cap, a pair of trainers, a warm sweater and don’t forget a camera. He can take some Oxford souvenir: books, T-shirts, caps, pens and cards. How old is Misha Inin? What class is he in? Has he got a big family? Has he got a sister or a brother? Is he friends with them? Is he good at school? What’s his hobby? Is Obninsk far away from Moscow? Rob MacWizard is a British boy. He lives in Tunbridge Wells. He’s got a brother and a sister, but they aren’t his good friends. He is not very good at school or at sports. Rob likes his grandparents. He often visits them in Scotland. Rob also likes computers and books. He hasn’t got a lot of friends. How old is Robin MacWizard? Where is he from? What class is he in? Has he got a big family? Has he got a sister or a brother? Is he friends with them? Is he good at school? What is he good at? 92 Cut Out Unit 5 Lesson 8 /< Tell agent Cute about Rob's brother and sister. Agent Cute is at Heathrow Airport. av He hasn't got a ticket. Go bock home. * (Square 4) He's at passport control. Give him instructions. Agent Cute is at security control. Give him insthjctions. Agent Cute is the first passenger on a new British Airways plane. Go to square 21. Agent Cute is at Domodedovo Airport. Help him translate the word "выход*. / Agent Cute is at Domodedovo Airport. Help him translate the v^ord "автобус*. $ Agent Cute is at Domodedovo Airport. Ф'Ш Help him translate the word "токси". Cut Out Unit 5 Lesson 8 93 -L Show your hand baggage. Don't carry any liquids. His brother's name is Mark and his sister’s name is Rosy. He is thirteen and she is sixteen. So he’s the youngest in the family. His sister and brother are great friends. They are good at sports, languages and music, and they are very popular at school. Tbey’ve got a lot of friends. Show your passport and ticket and get a boarding card. You can also check in your, baggage. Go to a cafё or a restaurant and buy a sandwich. 94 Cut Out Unit 5 Lesson 8 1 1 ^ •««А'»-» * ^-1 ►.» t?IQAn»i*« Agent Cute is at Domodedovo Airport. Help him translate the word ''стойка информации". Agent Cute is at Domodedovo Airport. Help him translate the word "ресторан, кафе". Agent Cute is at Domodedovo Airport. Help him translate the word "обмен валюты". ft AT «НА I . ^ — . Help agent Cute. Translate into Russian "Where con I get a taxi?" Help agent Cute. Translate into Russian "Where can I exchange some money?" / 0 Help agent Cute. Translate into Russian "I don't speak Russian. Can you help me?" Help agent Cute. Translate into Russian "Where can I get my baggage?" mm ^ I It Agent Cute is in Obninsk. Cut Out Unit 5 Lesson 8 95 fGjO “Where can I exchange some money?” — Где я могу поменять немного денег? “I don’t speak Russian. Can you help me?” — Я не говорю по-русски. Не могли бы вы мне помочь? “Where сап I get my baggage?” — Где я могу получить свой багаж? ^ _ “Where сап I get а taxi?” — Где я могу взять такси? 96 Cut Out Unit 5 Lesson 8