Английский язык 10 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 2

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 10 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Happy English (Хэппи Инглиш):

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к. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман АНГЛИИСКИИ ЯЗЫК ИММММйМПЯВвЯОМВйв*. Счастливый английский.РУ/ Happy English.ru Рабочая тетрадь № 2 к учебнику для 10 класса общеобразовательных учреждений И 3 Д А Г Т И Е Л т ь с т у В О Л Т 1 Р и в L т \ S и Н Е L R S 2011 ознакомительная копия - firenglish.ru ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 КЗО УДК 802.0(075.3) УМК “Счастливый английский.ру” / “Happy English.ru” для 10 класса включает следующие компоненты: • учебник ♦ книгу для учителя # рабочие тетради №1,2 • аудиоприложение (CD MP3) ♦ учебное пособие „Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь" # электронное приложение По вопросам приобретения книг следует обращаться в издательство „Титул": 249035, Калужская обл., г. Обнинск, а/я 5055, тел.: (48439) 9-10-09, факс: (48439) 9-10-00, e-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). Информация об УМК находится на сайте www.englishteachers.ru а к. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман КЗО Английский язык; Рабочая тетрадь № 2 к учебнику Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru для 10 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2011.— 80 с,: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-542-4 Рабочие тетради №1,2 входят в состав УМК „Счастливый английский,ру" для 10-го класса. В них помещены; • Дополнительные упражнения и задания, активизирующие лексический и грамматический материал раздела. • Итоговые контрольные задания для каждого раздела, • Рассказы для домашнего чтения. Материал рассказов позволяет проводить последовательную работу по подготовке к ЕГЭ, а также повторять и активизировать ранее изученные лексические и грамматические темы. ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 ISBN 978-5-86866-542-4 © К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман, 2010 © Издательство „Титул *, дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение, 2010 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru UNIT3 Lessons 1, 2 Whaf would you tell about Russia?..................4 Lessons 3, 4 What country is described?........................10 Lessons 5, 6, 7 "The Maple Leaf Forever'' ......................12 Lessons 8^ 9 Australia is an island^ isn't it? ............ 13 « Lessons 10, 11 What achievements of your country are you proud of?.....................................................14 Lessons 12, 13 Test yourself....................................17 Lessons 16, 17, 18 Homereading "Three Men in a Boat: To Say Nothing of the Dog"...............20 UNIT 4 Lessons 1, 2 The clubs and how to select them...................30 Lesson 3 Lisa gets the letter.................*.................32 Lessons 4, 5 Yosemite National Park.......................... 34 Lessons 6, 7, 8 What did Lisa see in Yosemite National Pork? . 38 Lessons 9, 10, 11 What happened on the Merced River ............43 Lessons 12, 13 Test yourself................................... 44 Lessons 16, 17, 18 Homereading "A Dill Pickle"............................................ 48 « UNITS Lessons 1, 2 "Just in my dreams you let me into your heart..." .57 Lessons 3, 4 It turned out that Dima had always known that David........................................................ 59 Lessons 5, 6 "All the world's a stage" .................... 61 Lessons 7, 8 What is RP?.......................................64 Lessons 12, 13 Test yourself.................................. 65 Lessons 16, 17, 18 Homereading "Pygmalion".................................................. 68 ознакомительная копия - frenglish*ru ^ 1 j Underline fhe passive form of the verbs. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. This country is populated by three different nationalities. 2. The boy is often bullied by his camp mates. 3. The reservation was made a month ago. 4. This passenger hasn’t been checked in yet. 5. She was crying because she hadn’t been invited to the New Year party. 6. After you’ve paid for your ticket, you’ll be sent a written confirmation. 7. What is being built near your house? 8. This programme can still be used. 9. He didn’t know that the house had been sold 10.1 have already been fed a ton of American snacks 11. The dog has just been found. 12, The country is governed by the president. 13. French is spoken not only in Europe, but also in many African countries 14. The camp rules must be observed. 4 Unit 3 Lessons 1, 2 ознакомительная копия ~ frenglish.ru Отметьте знаком „+" предложения, в которых действие совершалось лицом или предметом, и знаком предложения, в которых действие совершалось над лицом или предметом. 1. The wind broke the window. 2. The window was broken by the wind. 3. The dog dug a hole. 4. The hole was dug by the dog. 5. He didn’t find his bag. 6. The bag wasn’t found. 7. The Normans attacked the English. 8. The English were attacked by the Normans. 9. When did the Chinese invent paper? 10. When was paper invented by the Chinese? 11. New computer programmes were used in this project. 12. He used new programmes in his project. 13. The flat will be cleaned tomorrow. 14. She’ll clean her flat tomorrow. 15. When she came home, the baby was being washed. 16. When she came home, her mother was washing the baby. [ 3 ^ Change the sentences from the Active Voice to the Passive Voice Model: They built the house five years ago. The house was built five years ago. 1. The Normans attacked the English. 2. He used a new computer programme in his project. 3. Somebody wrote the book in 1974 4. They will invite a lot of guests to the party. 5. You’ve dialled the wrong number. 6. They are discussing a new project. 7. The people decorate their houses for Christmas in England 8. They send millions of Christmas greetings by e-mail. 9. They build a lot of houses in Moscow every year. Unit 3 Lessons 1, 2 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Put in the correct form of the verb to be. 1. His birthday 2. He__________ celebrated last Sunday 3. Mitya 4. When invited to the party next week. bullied every day. 5. This programme mobile phone invented? __________used now. 6. All the windows must opened during the breaks. [51 Put the verbs in brackets in the Passive Voice. 1. Millions of books 2. The country in Russia every year, (publish) by people of different nationalities, (populate) 3. Ukraine by Russia to the east, (border) 4. The coffee just by my granny, (make) 5. The telephone by Bell, (invent) Translate the sentences into English 1. Письмо написали вчера. 2. Елку нарядили 20 декабря. 3. Вчера домашняя работа не была сделана 4. Ваша посылка могла быть получена вчера 5. Квартиру убирают каждый день. 6. Эти слова часто используются. 7. Обычно окна моют весной и осенью 8. Е!ду покупают по воскресеньям. 9. Этот фильм показывают часто. 10. Елку наряжают каждый год. 11. Контракт может быть подписан в следующем месяце. 6 Unit 3 Lessons 1, 2 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 12. Дом должен быть построен в следующем году. 13. Письмо будет получено завтра. 14. Тексты будут переведены на следующей неделе 15. Сайт уже обсужден. 16. Сообщение не может быть отправлено. 17. Е1лка должна быть наряжена к 20 декабря. 18. Пирог только что испекли. 19. Фильм еще не показали. 7 J Маке questions. Start with the words in brackets 1. The flat will be cleaned tomorrow. (What) 2. The robber has already been caught. (Has) 3. Christmas tree is decorated on 20 December. (When) 4. The film was shown on TV. (What) 5. The book will be published in August. (When) 6. Five letters have already been received. (How many) 7. Easter is also celebrated in Russia. (Where) QMake two passive constructions from one active 1. Phil sent them two faxes last week. 2. Father promised Ted a computer. 3. Linda always offers tea to her guests Unit 3 Lessons 1, 2 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 4. Sveta will leave me a message. 5. Henry always gives us good advice. 6. Aunt Liz showed them a lot of photos. 7. Sam has already told us your story. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Ему уже заплатили деньги. 2. Ей сейчас посылают факс. 3. На прошлой неделе нам предложили поездку в Англию 4. Этот фильм покажут на следуюидей неделе 5. Вам оставят сообщение на автоответчике. MOj Answer the questions. 1. Have you been sent any letters this week? 2. Was your mother paid any money last week? 3. Will your friend be sent any e-mails tomorrow? 4. Will they be shown an interesting film this evening? 5. Have you already been told this anecdote? MjJ Translate the sentences into English. 1. Ha прошлой неделе им послали два факса 2. Мне всегда оставляют сообщение на автоответчике [answering machine). 3. Нам только что рассказали интересную историю. 8 Unit 3 Lessons 1. 2 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 4. Ей только что предложили работу, 5. Сейчас ей читают это письмо. 12 } Put in the missing prepositions and translate the sentences into Russian 1. Can this man be relied 2. Why is he always laughed 3. Who is being waited 4. Was Mary looked by your sister? 5. The song was being listened when he opened the door 6. Was his arrival insisted 7. Why is this book never referred Rewrite these sentences in the Passive Voice. 1. He’ll read an interesting story to them.— 2. Mother promised her a trip to Moscow.— 3. They’ll send a letter to him.— _________ 4. We always buy bread for her. 5. They sold these trainers very cheaply. [ 14 I Find the mistakes and correct them. There are sentences without mistakes. 1. Us was shown the house yesterday. 2. They’ll be sent a fax tomorrow. 3. They were recommended a good teacher. 4. Me has already been told this story. —_ 5. The child is read books every day.—__ 6. Tourists were offered cold drinks. — 7. Next month she is paid 3,000 roubles. f 15 i Put in the missing prepositions and translate the sentences into Russian 1. He was being laughed when 1 came 2. The doctor has already been sent 3. The child will be looked_______ by my sister. 4. They were waited very long yesterday 5. This book is often referred 6. His arrival was insisted____ 7. This man can be relied 8. His plans were objected ознакомительная копия - frenelish.ru Unit 3 Lessons 1. 2 Translate the sentences into English. 1. Ha эту статью обычно ссылаются. 2. За бабушкой будет ухаживать его сестра 3. Слушали его рассказ, когда я вошел. 4. Против его планов всегда возражают 5. Ее ждали, когда она позвонила. 6. Над ним часто смеются. 7. На этих людей можно положиться. Whqt country 15., [ 1 ^ Match the words and the definitions. ■n-w-wW« lead, timber, gas, aluminium, oil, nickel, natural resources 1. 2. are natural materials which belong to a country and have economic value, is a silvery-grey metal that is used for cars, frames on bikes, tools and other objects. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. is a substance which is used for heating, cooking and in sprays, is a silvery-white metal with a golden sparkle that is easily polished, is raw material that is used for furniture-making, is a liquid fuel which highly influences modern economy and politics, is one of the heavy metals. It is used in bullets. 2 I Reconstruct the sentences. 1. went / in spite of / out / he / snow / the 2. raining / he / although / out / went / to / was / it 3. Jane / both / her mother / have / and / a good sense of humour 10 Units Lessons 1, 2 and 3, 4 ознакомительная копия - frenslish.ru 4. age / of / kills / smoking / regardless 5. Spanish / besides / are / subjects / taking / you / what / Physics / exam / and /? Fill in fhe gaps in fhe table. Verb Translation - • 1 Noun Translation manage администрировать, руководить management управление to survive выживание to preserve preservation to explore исследователь (путешественник) to nickname прозвище иммиграция to govern правительство to legislate издавать законы [ 4 I Combine the two sentences. Use the words in brackets. Model: Many things can happen. We’ll meet there in any case. (Whatever) Whatever happens, we’ll meet there. 1. I missed the train. I was bad luck, (unfortunately) 2. I could hear him well. The noise of the waterfall did not bother me. (in spite of) 3. Everyone is wearing coats. It must be very cold outside, (therefore) 4. I don’t want to go abroad. Anyway, we cannot afford it. (besides) 5. I will never talk to him again. 1 will talk to him only if he welcomes me properly, (unless) 6. The top manager went to the office. Thus he could find out what the problem was. (so that) Fill in the gaps. Use one of the three options: either... or..., neither... nor..., both... and... 1. Are you a salesman a manager? It must be a lot of work! 2. I would not like to be a salesman a manager. Both jobs sound very stressful 3. 4. the teacher the driver _ _ the students want to discuss this topic. the passengers were responsible for the accident. ознакомительная копия - frenslish.ru Unit 3 Lessons 3, 4 IT 5. the citizens the government was satisfied with the recent change in the legislation. 6. whales 7. You can gain dolphins are mammals. They are fed with their mothers' milk. ____________money from this project. It is just a waste of time! success ©Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Ни OH, ни его жена не знают адреса отеля. 2. И он, и его друзья приедут вечером. 3. Ни у него, ни у его друга не было денег, чтобы купить билет 4. И я, и моя сестра любим мороженое 5. Ни она, ни ее брат не помогают бабушке. 6. И Лена, и ее подруга работают в магазине • .■■■'.. ^ г л Т h еШ dole L e d Г F 6 f eV e г " " У r * r r • ^ ^ ^ г Ф 0 • Ф Г .* У ¥ У ^ У ш «• % • й _ш • • 0 . V. — УЖ Л ‘ * ш ш ^ • • •• • л * * ^ . '¥ • ^ -.--vrv ^ ^ Put the expressions from the list into the appropriate column of the table below. a peacekeeper, a mentally challenged person, a soldier on a mission abroad, a law enforcement officer, a postman, an African American, an invalid, a slow learner, a differently abled person, a mad person, an intellectually challenged person, a Negro, a jungle, a newcomer, a fat person, a letter carrier, an Indian, a differently sized person, an immigrant, a rainforest, a policeman or a policewoman, a Native American (US) • ' .P... w. .. J Politically correct Politically incorrect 12 Unit 3 Lessons 3, 4 and 5, 6, 7 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru г 2 I Rephrase the following sentences according to the model. Model: Sandy gave me the blanket. It was Sandy who gave me the blanket 1. He was angry with the librarian. 2. This river stretches across the whole country, 3. Mv brother swore that he would come on time 4. We have been working on this project side by side for two years. 5. He behaved awkwardly at Peter’s birthday party. 6. The top manager established rules in the office. 7. Mv grandmother was famous for her delicious fish soup Translate the phrases in brockets into English. Use the emphatic constructions. 1. (Именно кленовый сироп) 2. (Только в возрасте 30 лет) license. 3. (Только после соревнования) makes the waffles so tasty, he received the driving I saw tears in his eyes 4. (He кто иной, как главный управляющий компании) explained to the new employee how to maintain the equipment 5. (Именно в 1946 году) 6. (Именно с ним)___ 7. (Именно эту песню) was а child. patriotic songs were so popular she first watched “My Fair Lady” ---she liked to listen when she isn't if? Q Add the correct ending. Choose between -tng, -ed, -ive. Model: The film was fascinating 1. Unfortunately, 1 was very bor. 2. He gave an impress. at the performance. talk at the opening evening, 3. I was reliev. to hear that the couple had survived after the accident ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Unit 3 Lessons 5, 6, 7 and 8, 9 13 4. If you want to become a judge, you have to study the legislat 5. The freez ____system of your country. cold shocked my American friends when they visited me last January. 6. The market is usually pack with people on Saturday morning. 7. The child was fasdnat by an amazing^ colorful performance. [ 2 ^ Form nouns from the verbs in brackets and fill in the gaps. Model: The hurricane caused major desstruction. (to destruct) 1. To say the movie was bad is an . (to understate) 2. His caused excitement among the ladies, (to appear) 3. The convict was found guilty partly because the of the crime was very clear. (to describe) 4. My kids used to be glued to the Channel, (to discover) 5. When I need to make an important decision, I always rely on my dad’s 6. You should add this online dictionary to your list. It is a very useful resource (to prefer) 7. It was such a to get rid of my old clothes, (to relieve) Disagree with the statements. Use the emphatic constructions. Model: You did not go to school yesterday, did you? Why don’t you believe me? But I did go there! Why don’t you believe me? 1. Why were you late yesterday? But I___________________. 2. Why didn’t you switch off your phone? It rang right in the middle of the show! But I . It was definitely not my phone. 3. Why didn’t you offer your uncle a cup of coffee? It was so rude But I . He said he had just had one 4. Your sister has never seen snowflakes in her life, has she? It is not true! She when she visited Russia a year ago. 5. She isn’t your friend, is she? But she address. But I________________________ . It’s a pity you don’t remember her Lessons;^TO, 11 |Wha re^ou proud of? CD 1 I Reod the sentences. Choose any of the words in brackets and share your opinion regarding the statements. 1. Pancakes are the best food ever. (indeed, in my opinion, I agree / disagree) 14 Unit 3 Lessons 8, 9 and 10, 11 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 2. Moscow is mostly famous for its restaurants (if you ask me, I suppose, I have heard) 3, Grandchildren always resemble their grandparents, (I suppose, I agree / disagree, if I am not mistaken) 4. Wind energy is vastly used in many European countries (in my opinion, I have heard, as far as I know) 5. Summer begins in June in the southern hemisphere. (I agree / I disagree / if I am not mistaken / in my opinion) [ 2 j Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. She is by far the best student in the class 2. Her interests extended beyond literature. 3. I cannot stand waiting in long lines. It usually bores me to death 4. If you judge people by appearance, you may miss an opportunity to find a real friend 5. December and January are packed with festive events. 6. The situation was beyond his control. 7. If you do not stop shouting, you’ll have to deal with the police 8. If 1 am not mistaken, it was a description of the southern hemisphere that fascinated my son when he was 11. 9. I was not upset at aU. Indeed, 1 was pleased. ознакомительная копия - frenglish«ru Unit 3 Lessons 10, 1 1 15 ( 3 j Do the crossword puzzle 8 12 10 11 Vertical 1. a good result gained by special efforts 3. a representative of the Church in a foreign country to teach the people there about a particular religion 5. slavery was________in Russia in 1861 7. to unite parts into a whole, to become part of a larger unit 9. not allowed by law 11. to stop, to disturb an action, a conversation by breaking in Horizontal 2. even, having the same rights 4. a child who doesn’t have parents 6. to rule 8. a group of individuals bom and living at about the same time 10. general, concerning all subjects and aspects 12. very clear, evident, without doubts and / or explanations A|snoiAqo zi |esj0Aiun '01 и014В1ЭиЭ9 "g ШЭЛ09 ‘9 ueqdio > рпЬд z [вдиогион )d[Ui9)U] lESani ‘6 p9iisi|oqv 3U9msA9iqov Ч АЮ1 1 6 Unit 3 Lessons 10, 1 1 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Lessons 12, 13 ~ ' L -> f 1 J Read the text and answer the questions. 1. what nationality is the narrator of the story? 2. Does the narrator think that the Americans are a crazy gang of people who eat huge hamburgers and drink Coke all the time? 3. Why did the Americans want to buy the London Bridge? Was it the bridge they really wanted to buy? 4. What did the American man admire? 5. Did the American man do anything wrong with his lawn? 6. What advice did the grandfather give the American? 7. Did the narrator change his mind about Americans when he went to the States? 8. What did the narrator like about the Americans? 9. According to the narrator, what is one the best university in the world? 10. What have the Brits and the Americans got in common? The Americans and the British. What do we really think of each other? Before 1 went to the States for the first time, I used to think that the Americans were a crazy gang of people who ate huge hamburgers, drank lots of Coke and had no proper education. I thought that they spent most of their time in front of the TV. I also couldn’t forgive the Americans for buying up a lot of the nice buildings and structures in Europe. Did you know, for example, that the Americans bought our London Bridge? I used to think the Americans were secretly jealous of the British, that they wanted to have the quiet and peaceful lifestyle that we have, our traditions, and even our accent. My grandfather is a gardener and one day he was approached by a man from the States. The guy was admiring the grass on my grandfather’s lawn and asked him for some seeds. My grandfather was happy to help and gave the seeds to the man. A year later my grandfather received a letter from him. The American wrote that he had done everything properly and had cut and watered his lawn regularly, but it didn’t look as good as the English lawn. The man wanted to know what he was doing wrong. My grandfather smiled and wrote a quick answer. “Nothing wrong, my friend. Just keep working on your lawn for the next five hundred years.” I found it very funny, probably because it was true. ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Unit 3 Lessons 12, 13 17 Anyway, I finally went to the States and was surprised at how wonderful and warmhearted the Americans were. In fact, a lot of my ideas were wrong: these people do know how to have fun, and can make good and reliable friends. A lot of them watch what they eat and don’t eat hamburgers at all. And as far as their education, Harvard University is actually one of the best universities in the world. And yes, they do like our British accent, although, very often they make fun of it. I also found out that we have a lot in common. Both the Americans and the Brits are very sentimental about their animals, traditions, and their history. And finally we share a common language, so we can’t be so different, can we? Change these sentences using the Passive Voice. Use different verbs where necessary. 1. My friend is cleaning the floor right now. 2. Ann has translated the text without any mistakes. 3. They will sell the house in July. 4. When I came home, my mother was looking for her dog. 6. Every day mother gives me a lunch box for school. 7. Pushkin wrote his best poems when he was thirty. 5. When my family moved to this town, they had already built this building. [ 3 j Find the English equivalents for the conjunctions and adverbs and rewrite the sentences 1. (Ни) Jake (ни) 2. (Несмотря на). 3. (Поскольку) anymore ________his wife speak French. __the fact that my mother is a very good vet, she is afraid of spiders. our neighbours never come in time, we don’t invite them to our parties __________they never bring anything with them. 4. (И) Russia (и) Canada are very beautiful countries. 5. What would you like to drink? You can have (либо) orange juice 6. (Поскольку) Moscow is the second largest city in Europe, it has a lot of traffic problems. 7. Russia sold Alaska to the USA (поэтому) coimtry, 8. Molly was speaking quietly (как будто). nowadays Russia has a border with this she had a headache. 9.1 might be be late (так что) don’t wait for me. 10. Alice was very tired after school, (однако) she walked the dog as soon as she got home. 11.(Хотя) Alex was interested in archaeology, he didn’t go on the excursion to Cairo 18 if 3 Lessons 12, 13 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru [ 4 j Fill in the gaps with the right headings. Model: Full Name: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland _________________________; England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland 244,110 sq km (94,251 sq mi) :London : Constitutional monarchy : King or Queen : The Union Flag : God Save the Queen : Ben Nevis in Scotland, at 1,343 m (4,406 ft) ; the Fenlands, which is 4 m below sea level : English, Welsh, Irish GaeUc, Scottish Gaelic : 59,054,800 : London 7,285,000 Birmingham 1,018,000 Leeds 725,000 Glasgow 611,000 Sheffield 529,000 : coal, petroleum, natural gas, salt, clay, chalk, gypsum, lead and other : mild. Most of the time it is between 10 and 25 degrees Celsius. Write about the UK using the facts and figures from Ex. 4, Add what extra information you can about the symbols, places of interest, history and traditions. Model: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Homework (a| Prepare for your project. Choose between the UK, the USA or Russia. Concentrate on subject that interests you: its people and traditions, its geography and climate, its cities or achievements. Illustrate your presentation with pictures. Unit 3 Lessons 12, ] 3 19 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru щ >>i "*'•'*! - - ''■* - t f » v*.* - гУУ:’':' ; > -•- Three Men in a Boat: To Say Nothing of the Dog An extract from the book by Jerome K. Jerome PARTI T here were four of us — George, and William Samuel Harris, and myself, and my dog Montmorency. We were sitting in my room, smoking, and talking about how bad off we were* — bad from a medical point of view, of course. We sat there for half an hour and described our diseases to each other. I explained to George and William Harris how I felt when I got up in the morning; and William Harris told us how he felt when he went to bed; and George gave us a clever piece of acting which illustrated how he felt in the night. George IMAGINES he is ill, but there’s never anything really wrong with him, you know. However, I have really suffered from bad health since childhood. When 1 was a boy, the disease hardly ever left me for a day. My parents did not know then that it was my liver, and so they used to think it was laziness. “You lazy little devil,” they would say, “get up and do something for your living!” since they didn’t know that I was ill. And they didn’t give me pills; they gave me clumps* on the side of the head. And strangely, those clumps on the head often cured me ... for a while*. Those clumps had an amazing effect on my liver, and made me go straight away then and there, and do what was wanted to be done, without further loss of time. Maybe there was something to those simple, old-fashioned remedies after all.'* At this point Mrs Poppets knocked at the door to know if we were ready for supper. We smiled sadly at one another, and said we supposed we could try to swallow a bit. ' как плох каждый из нас ^ они давали мне подзатыльники ’на время * В конце концов, может быть, что-то было в этих простых старомодных средствах. 20 Unit 3 Lessons 16, 17, 18 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru [ 1 ]| Read Part II of the extract from the book by Jerome K. Jerome "Three Men in a Boat: To Say Nothing of the Dog" and answer the questions. 1. Who went on a sea trip to improve his health? 2. What did the man want to do when he got to Liverpool? 3. Who bought the return ticket? What for? 4. Is it possible to enjoy sea trip? How? 5. Why did a person on board a ship feel like Captain Cook, Sir Francis Drake, and Christopher Columbus? 6. Have you ever done a sea trip? Did it do you any good? iMO PART II и Wha. we want is rest,” said Harris. “Rest and a complete change,” said George. “Well, if you want rest and change, you can’t beat a sea trip,”® said Harris. I objected to the sea trip strongly. A sea trip does you good when you are going to have a couple of months of it, but, for a week, it is a waste of time. You start on Monday with the idea that you are going to enjoy yourself. You wave a casual goodbye to the boys on shore, light your if you were Captain Cook, Sir Francis Drake, and Christopher Columbus all rolled into one. On Tuesday, you wish you hadn’t come.® On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, you wish you were dead.'' On Saturday, you are able to swallow a little tea, and to sit up on deck, and answer with a weak smile when kindhearted people ask you how you feel now. On Sunday, you begin to walk again, and take solid food. And on Monday morning, with your bag and umbrella in hand, you wait to step ashore, you begin to really like it. My brother-in-law once went for a short sea trip to improve his health. He took a return ticket from London to Liverpool; and when he got to Liverpool, the only thing he wanted to do was to sell that return ticket. It was offered to everybody and was eventually sold for eighteen pence to a young man, who had just been advised by his doctor to go to the seaside, and take exercise. “Seaside!” said my brother-in-law and pressed the ticket into his hand. “You’ll have enough to last you a lifetime.” He himself ^— my brother-in-law — came back by train. He said the Northwestern Railway was healthy enough. * Если уж нам нужен отдых и перемена обстановки, то лучше всего морское путешествие. * Во вторник вы жалеете, что отправились в плавание. ^ В среду, четверг и пятницу вы жалеете, что не умерли. ознакомительная копия - frenglish,ru Unit 3 Lessons 16, 17, 18 21 So 1 was against the sea trip. Not, as I explained, because of myself. I have never been seasick, but I was afraid for George. George said he would be all right, but he would advise Harris and me not to think of it, as we would both be ill. But then George said: “Let’s go up the river.” He said we would have fresh air, exercise and quiet; the constant change of scene would occupy our minds (including what there was of Harris’s)®, and the hard work would give us a good appetite, and make us sleep well. Harris said he didn’t think George ought to do anything that would make him sleepier than he always was, as it might be dangerous. He said he didn’t very well understand how George was going to sleep any more than he did now, as there were only twenty-four hours in each day. Harris said, however, that the river would suit him. It suited me too, and Harris and 1 both said it was a good idea of George’s. We made a list of the things that we were going to need. On the next day, which was Friday, we got all of the things from the list together, and met in the evening to pack. “ включая и ту малость (разума), которой обладал Гаррис 2 What are the people in these pictures saying? Use expressions from the text. Then match the pictures with the days of the week. Model: On Monday Гт feeling like Captain Cook, Sir Francis Drake, and Christopher Columbus all rolled into one. • ■» Monday Jtt Ллш- ,Лт ЛШ ^ Л1 Thursday r - ----^ ^ ' -r morning 22 it 3 Lessons 16, 17, 18 ознакомительная копия - frenglish,ru Read Part III of the extract from the book by Jerome K. Jerome "Three Men in a Boat: To Say Nothing of the Dog" and mark these sentences as true, false or not stated (if there is no information in the story). 1. According to the narrator, he is the best packer. 2. Harris is the worst packer in the world. 3. The narrator gets mad when he has to work when other people watch him. 4. Toothbrushes haunt all travellers. Everybody forgets them. 5. The soap was in the bag which the narrator had packed. 6. Harris and George packed the baskets. 7. Harris and George broke a lot of cups. 8. George and Harris made a lot of mistakes because the narrator was watching them. 9. Harris and George looked for the butter together. 10. Montmorency likes to make people angry. • .' I PART III said I’d pack. I am rather proud of my packing. Packing is one of those many things that 1 feel I know more about than any other person living. (It surprises me myself, sometimes, how many of these sub jects there are.) I impressed the fact upon George and Harris’, and told them that they had better leave the whole matter entirely to me*“. They agreed to the suggestion with extraordinary readiness. George lit his pipe and spread himself over the easy-chair, and Harris put his feet on the table and lit a cigar. This was not what I intended. My intention had been, of course, that I should be the boss, and that Harris and George should follow my instructions. The fact that they had misunderstood my plan in such a way irritated me. There is nothing that irritates me more than to see other people sitting and doing nothing when I’m working. However, I did not say anything, but started the packing. It seemed a longer job than 1 had thought it was going to be; but I got the bag finished at last, and I sat on it and strapped it. ^ Я убедил в этом Джорджа и Хэриса, им бы лучше предоставить все мне Unit 3 Lessons 16, 17, 18 23 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru “Ain’t you going to put the boots in?” said Harris. And 1 looked round, and found I had forgotten them. That’s typical Harris. He doesn’t say a word until I’ve actually shut the bag and strapped it. And George laughed. It made me mad. I opened the bag and packed the boots in; and then, just as I was going to shut it again, a horrible idea occurred to me. Had I packed my toothbrush? I don’t know how it is, but I never know whether I’ve packed my toothbrush. My toothbrush is a thing that haunts me when I’m travelling, and makes my life a misery. I dream" that I haven’t packed it. 1 wake up in a cold perspiration, and get out of bed and hunt for it. In the morning, I pack it before I have used it, and have to unpack again to get it. And it is always the last thing I take out of the bag and then I repack and forget it, and have to rush upstairs for it at the last moment. Of course I had to turn everything out now, and, of course, I could not find it. Of course, I found George’s and Harris’s eighteen times over, but I couldn’t find my own. I put the things back one by one, and held everything up and shook it. Then I found it inside a boot. I repacked once more. When I had finished, George asked if the soap was in. I said I didn’t care whether the soap was in or whether it wasn’t; and I shut the bag and strapped it, and found that I had packed my tobacco pouch in it, and had to reopen it. I finished at 10.50 p.m., and then there remained the baskets to do. Harris said that he and George could do them, and I agreed and sat down, and they started. They began in a light-hearted spirit. I made no comment; I only waited. When George is hanged, Harris will be the worst packer in this world; and 1 looked at the piles of plates and cups, and kettles, and bottles and jars, and pies and cakes, and tomatoes, and felt that the thing would soon become exciting. It did. They started with breaking a cup. That was the first thing they did. They did that just to show you what they COULD do, and to get you interested. Then Harris packed the strawberry jam on top of a tomato and squashed it, and they had to pick out the tomato with a teaspoon. And then it was George’s turn, and he stepped on the butter. I didn’t say anything, but I came over and sat on the edge of the table and watched them. It irritated them even more, I felt that. It made them nervous and excited, and they stepped on things, and put things behind them, and then couldn’t find them when they wanted them; and they packed the pies at the bottom, and put heavy things on top, and smashed the pies in. They upset salt over everything*^ and as for the butter! I never saw two men do more with a cube of butter in my whole life. After George had got it off his slipper, they tried to put it in the kettle. It didn’t go in, and what WAS in didn’t come out. They did scrape it out at last, and put it down on a chair, and Harris sat on it, and it stuck to him, and they went looking for it all over the room. “I know I put it down on that chair,” said George, staring at the empty seat. “I saw you do it myself, not a minute ago,” said Harris. Then they went round the room again looking for it; and then they met again in the centre, and stared at one another. “Most extraordinary thing I ever heard of,” said George. “So mysterious!” said Harris. Then George saw the back of Harris and noticed it. 'Why, here it is all the time,” he exclaimed. Where?” cried Harris, spinning round. “Stand still!” roared George, running after him. And they got it off, and packed it in the teapot. Montmorency was in it all, of course. If he can get anywhere where he is not wanted, and make people mad, and have things thrown at his head, then he feels his day has not been wasted. He came and sat down on things just ii-' <4^ Мне снится... Они все засыпали солью... 24 Uni(3 Lessons 16, 17, 18 ознакомительная копия - frenslish.ru i ! ! s 1 ,p I < > ? Л I / > •; M у ;« >■ 'l« i < when they were needed. He put his leg into the jam, and he pretended that the lemons were rats, and got into the basket and killed three of them before Harris could land him with the frying-pan. Harris said I encouraged him. I didn’t encourage him. A dog like that doesn’t want any encouragement. The packing was done at 12,50, We were all ready for bed. V <• i I iJ' У I у t* f f. 0 / J- У У 0 У / f, 0 r /. 7 Ш - у ■f0*/y rr'^y-r r t\y-4 / •»>>.» - z'. ■-'У *’ •' Put the events in the right order. If the events took place at the same time, rewrite the sentences using the right tenses. Cross out the events that didn't take place on the day of the packing. Model; The narrator packed his bag. George smoked his pipe.— While the narrator was packing his bag, George was smoking his pipe. 1. The narrator packed his boots. 2. George and Harris relaxed. 3. George and Harris tried to put butter in the kettle. 4. The narrator looked for his boots. 5. George laughed. 6. The narrator remembered his toothbrush. 7. The toothbrush haunted the narrator. 8. George and Harris started packing the baskets. 9, The narrator waited for something exciting to happen 10. George and Harris lost the butter. 11. George noticed the butter on Harris’s back. ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Unit 3 Lessons 16, 17, 18 25 12. George and Harris put the heavy things on top, and smashed the pies in. 13. George and Harris upset salt over everything. 14. The narrator got irritated. 15. The narrator found George’s and Harris’s toothbrushes. 16, The narrator dreamt about his toothbrush. 17. The narrator rushed upstairs to find his toothbrush. 18. George asked if the soap was in the bag. 19. George and Harris packed the pies at the bottom. 20. George and Harris got nervous and excited. 21. The bag was finally packed.— ____ 22. George and Harris looked for the butter. 23. George couldn’t understand why the butter had disappeared. [ 5 j Read Part IV of the extract from the book by Jerome K. Jerome "Three Men in a Boat: To Say Nothing of the Dog" and soy what makes the narrator angry. i PART IV 1^7 % ir. I t was Mrs Poppets that woke me up next morning. She said: “Do you know that it’s nearly nine o’clock, sir?” “Nine of what?” 1 cried, starting up. “I thought you wanted to get up at six?” I woke Harris and George. Together we went downstairs to breakfast. Montmorency had invited two other dogs to come and see him off, and they were fighting on the doorstep. We calmed them with an umbrella, and sat down to breakfast. George got hold of the paper, and read us out the weather forecast, which promised “rain, cold, wet to fine.” I do think that this “weather-forecast” fraud is unbearable*®. It “forecasts” precisely what happened yesterday or at the day before, and precisely the opposite of what is going to happen today. U К $ 13 Мне думается, что то, что называют “предсказание погоды”, — это мошенничество 26 Units Lessons 16, 17, 18 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru -у>: I remember a holiday which was completely ruined one late autumn by the weather report of the local newspaper. “Heavy showers, with thunderstorms may be expected today,” it would say on Monday, and so we would give up our picnic, stay indoors all day, and wait for the rain. And people would pass the house, jolly and merry, and the sun would shine, and the sky would be cloudless. “Ah!” we said, as we watched them through the window, “they will all come home soaked!” And we chuckled about how wet they were going to get, and came back and stirred the fire, and got our books and made ourselves comfortable. By twelve o’clock it got really hot, and we wondered when those heavy showers and occasional thunderstorms were going to begin. “Ah! they’ll come in the afternoon,” we said to each other. “Oh, those people WILL get wet!” At one o’clock, the landlady would come in to ask if we weren’t going out, as it seemed such a lovely day. “No, no,” we replied, with a knowing chuckle. “WE don’t mean to get wet — no. no. And when the afternoon was nearly gone, and still there was no sign of rain, we tried to cheer ourselves up with the idea that it would come down all at once, and people would get more soaked than ever. But not a drop ever fell, and it finished a grand day, and a lovely night after it. The next morning we would read that it was going to be a “warm, fine day, much heat;” and we would dress ourselves in light clothes, and go out, and, half an hour later, it would start to rain hard, and a cold wind would blow, and both would keep on for the whole day, and we would come home with colds and rheumatism all over us, and go to bed. The weather is a thing that is a mystery to me. I never can understand it. (T\ Write out these sentences with would and then translate them. How does would change the meaning of the sentence? Model: “Heavy showers with thunderstorms may be expected today/’ it would say on Monday, „Сегодня можно ждать проливных дождей с грозами“, сообщала эта газета в понедельник. ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Unit3 Lessons 16, 17, 18 27 ( 7 ^ Retell Part IV with your own words. Do you agree with the narrator? Wordlist a pipe — трубка spirit — настроение perspiration — пот a rat — крыса fraud — обман readiness — готовность to intend — намереваться, иметь в виду to irritate — раздражать to strap — связывать, перетягивать to haunt — преследовать, не давать покоя to upset — зд. просыпать to encourage — поощрять to land — нанести удар, попасть to waste time — напрасно тратить время to chuckle — хихикать, фыркать от смеха to get soaked — вымокнуть до нитки to scrape — выскабливать light-hearted — беспечный, с легким сердцем unbearable — невыносимый precisely — точно Hlom0work в* «••••««««««••« ■А#*##»###»*****»#********* CD Translate the sentences into Russian 1, Don’t take these pills. They won’t do you good. 2. This magic remedy can cure any disease. 3. Alice is ilL— What’s the matter with her? 4. Mary has never suffered from bad health. She is very strong. 5. Grandma took this remedy and it had an amazing effect on her. [ В j Translate these sentences into English, 1. Что случилось с Аней? — Она болеет. Это очень опасная болезнь. 2. Вы должны принимать таблетки каждый день. — Они не приносят мне пользы. У Вас есть для меня другое лекарство? 3. Солнце и вода вылечат тебя. 4. Как вы себя чувствуете? — Я чувствую себя плохо. Я страдаю от головной боли уже два дня 28 Unit 3 Lessons 16, 17, 18 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru [ с J Look through the story and write out the words on the following topics into your copybooks: Health: Weather: Trips:__ Packing: [ D j Fill in the gaps using the words in capitals in the right part of speech. 1. I think you’ve failed the test because of your_______________ 2. Kate sings very well, but she needs a lot of _____________ . 3. The teacher’s________________ 4. My friend « ___was to give us a chance to exercise before the final test to drive me home. It was very kind of him. 5. We must hurry up! We’ve got no time to 6. Harris is a very bad______________ 7. I heard a merry_____________ . The sound came from the kitchen 8. My little brother always reacts with 9. My friends decided to______________ when I show him a sweet. LAZY ENCOURAGE INTEND OFFER WASTE PACK LAUGH READY their plan and go to the park instead of the cinema. CHANGE CD E I The narrator and his friends talk about some ordinary things. Have you got anything in common with them? Write about it. Model: The narrator has always suffered from poor health and so have I. George likes to sleep and so do L CD F I Tell a funny story about you, your friends or your relatives. Start with one of the following sentences. 1. I am proud of my packing. 2. I am the worst packer in the world. 3. My ... haunts me. 4. The weather forecast always makes my life a misery. 5. I never get seasick. 6. All I wanted to do was to sell the return ticket. ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Unit3 Lessons 16, 17, 18 29 Q Match the verb v/ith the noun to moke expressions 1. to drag 2. to tick 3. to si 4. to swap 5. to chat 6. to pick 7. to click 8. to rule a) an answer b) with a friend c) a country d) straight away e) a box f) with relief g) a career h) places CD Complete the sentences. 1. When I fill in forms, 1 always 2. When I go hiking, I often 3. If I have to make a decision, I usually prefer 4. I believe it is polite to ___________________ 5. I think that if you are angry with somebody, you’d better 6. I am always delighted when 7. If your friend is never around when you are in trouble, it may mean that 8, My days fly by very fast when I Choose the right explanation. 1. to be a pain in the neck a) to be something or someone that causes trouble or irritation b) to talk endlessly about a frightening pain c) to sit on parents’ neck 2. to be a heartthrob a) to have weak heart b) to be an object of everyone’s admiration c) to say things that hurt others 3. to highlight something a) to hang a lamp under the ceiling b) to disclose the truth c) to underline, to make something more obvious 30 Unit 4 Lessons 1, 2 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 4. to make up for something a) to stop a quarrel b) to compensate c) to collect money to buy a present 5. to be about to do something a) to be almost ready to do something b) to tell a story about something c) to have enough information to do something 6. to be around a) to run in circles b) to be close to something / someone c) to avoid the truth 1 ^2 [ 4 j Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. To chat with my counsellor was such a pleasure. 2. To fill in the forms is always stressful for my grandfather. 3. It was amazing to hike in the desert. 4. To cope with the task the teacher gave us I have to focus on every small detail 5. I called you to make up for my rudeness. 6. He was too upset to invite her to his house. 7. She was the last one to realize how dangerous the adventure was 8. My cousin came yesterday to swap CDs. 9. It was an awkward thing to say. (^5^ Translate the words in brackets in English and complete the sentences. 1. (Поездка в этот лагерь) 2. (Чтобы тебя так все любили) 3. (Думать так) was the best decision 1 have ever made. you have to be a really amazing person. was mad 4. John was too cool (чтобы встречаться с Линдой)____________________ 5. The only thing I could do was (не разговаривать)__________________ 6. He turned out to be the only person (c которым можно было поговорить) to him. 7. There was a real battle (чтобы попасть) into the popular clubs. ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Unit 4 Lessons 1,2 31 8. Were you given the forms (которые нужно заполнить) 9. I was about (согласиться) 10. I’ve got a lot of questions (которые хочу задать) but Mary interrupted me. Lesson 3 Lisa Q Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Do you want me to explain how this programme works? 2. What would you like Mr Black to do for you? 3. The father expected his son to tell him the truth about the accident. 4. Did you feel somebody open your bag? 5. The girl heard the music play in the neighbours' house 6. Who made you believe this? 7. The boy was happy when his father let him drive his car. [ 2^ Fill in the gaps with to where necessary. 1. I want you understand that you are in trouble. 2. The boy watched his mother cook his favourite pie. 3. The policeman saw a strange looking woman cross the street and followed her. 4. My knowledge lets me cope with this task quickly. 5. Everybody expected the young actress succeed on the stage. 6, The old lady felt the doors close behind her. 7. I would like you talk quietly— the baby is asleep. 31 Put the pronouns into the right form to complete the sentences 1. My sister wanted (I) 2. The director expected (he) to put on my best outfit on her wedding. to come as soon as possible. 3. I was upset when the teacher made (I) learn the information I was not interested in 4. I felt (she) touch my hand tenderly. 5. I would like (the children) 6. Jane didn’t expect (they) to visit this museum to come so early. 32 Unit 4 Lessons 1, 2 and 3 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru ( 4 J Ch oose the right form of the infinitive, 1. She expected them {to ask)__________________________ 2. My friend would like (to travel)_______ 3. My parents made me (to drink)__________ 4. The designer didn’t let him (to change) 5. She didn’t want her friend (to see)____ a lot of questions. ____around the world hot milk every evening. _______the colour of the walls her boyfriend. 6. The child watched his parents (to prepare) 7. I heard my neighbours (to quarrel)______ the flat for his birthday party. 8. He was made (to put on) his old coat. Rephrase the sentences according to the model. Model: He is so weak that he cannot ride a bicycle He is too weak to ride a bic/de. 1. The box is so heavy that I cannot drag it. 2. The task was so difficult that John could not cope with it. 3. The movie was so scary that I did not want to tell my friends about it. 4. This bag is so small that 1 could not put all my books into it. 5. The issue was so important that 1 did not want to talk about it on the phone [ 6 j Translate the sentences into English. 1. Кто заставил ее сказать правду? 2. Она хотела, чтобы Чарли потанцевал с ней 3. Мама не разрешила Лене надеть новое платье на вечеринку. 4. Джонни видел, как ребенок разбил чашку. 5. Погода была плохая, и ее заставили остаться дома 6. Я бы хотел, чтобы вы пришли ко мне на ужин. 7. Он не ожидал, что работа будет такой трудной. Unit 4 Lesson 3 33 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 8. Его заставрши показать документы на входе в зал 9. Лиза слышала, как отец открыл дверь. [ 1 Translafe the sentences into Russion. 1. He is said to be an honest person. 2. Pushkin is believed to be one of the greatest poets. 3. This coast is known to be one of the best places for windsurfing 4. Julie was thought to have a gift for music. 5. This student proved to be a quick learner. 6. The boy seemed to recognize me. 7. The weather was reported to change for the better 8. They are sure to like the hotel. Rephrase the sentences using the Complex Subject. Model: Everyone believes that my sister will sort out the problem easily My sister is believed to sort out the problem easily. 1. Most people believe that sudden changes are stressful. 2. There was a small chance that he could attract everyone’s attention. 3. It seemed that the criminal provoked the policeman. 4. It so happened that the wind was very strong yesterday. 5. It is a well-known fact that such granite cliffs are rare in this area 34 Unit 4 Lessons 3 and 4, 5 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 6. It is obvious that this singer will occupy the best room in the hotel. 7. There is almost no chance that it will rain in Sahara in the middle of July. 8. Everyone in the family was sure that my brother would remember every necessary detail. dj Complete the sentences according to the model. Model: Видели, как она (write a letter). She WQ5 seen to write a letter. m 1. Похоже, что эти девочки (to become friends immediately) 2. Говорят, что эта организация (not to get permission to publish the book). 3. Вчера они случайно (to meet each other). 4. Маловероятно, что наша группа (to reach the camp tonight). 5. Предполагается, что новый офис (to be situated in the centre of the city) 6. Случилось так, что он (not to meet them at the airport) 7. Они, вероятно, (to be caught in the rain). QFill in the table with the missing words to permit Noun permission Adjective to protect disposal to provoke honest attraction i — diversity to strengthen necessary to approach accessible Unit 4 Lessons A, 5 35 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru [ 5 I Match the two halves to complete the sentences. 1. The boss did not permit him 2. The level of his honesty 3. Pastoral meadows of Scotland 4. A creative approach to your work 5. I asked him permission 6. A huge diversity of goods in this store 7. As he was an honest person 8. Campers’ provocative behavior a) everyone relied on him b) confused the customers c) destroyed the harmony of the wild life d) to access to the database e) will be the first step to success f) have always attracted tourists g) shocked everyone h) to leave early I 6 I Describe the picture. Use as many words from the box as possible. Description 36 Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 ознакомительная копия - frenglish«ru [ 7 j Answer Же questions. 1. What is Yosemite National Park known for? 2. Why does Yosemite seem to be a very dangerous place? 3. What are you supposed to do if you see that it’s going to rain? 4. What may happen if a tick bites you? 5. What is the emergency phone number in the USA and in Russia? 6. What can attract bears? 7. Can bears attack people? 8. Are mountain lions believed to be very aggressive? 9. Are the tourists allowed to pick any wood from the forest floor for their campfire? 10. What must you do if a mountain lion attacks you? 11. Are black bears quick learners? Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 37 ознакомительная копия - frenglish«ru [81 Translote Же sentences into English. 1. Кто считается самым известным футболистом в Англии? 2. Известно, что лифт был изобретен в 1853 году американцем Отисом. 3. Маловероятно, что он влюблен в нее. 4. Он наверняка позвонит вам, как только приедет. 5. Сообщают, что делегация российских ученых прибыла в Америку, 6. Полагают, что Австралия была открыта в 1770 году. 7. Она, кажется, все знает. 8. Она оказалась лучшей ученицей в нашем классе 9. Он, вероятно, позвонит Вам завтра. 10. Вряд ли она Вам поможет. 11. Говорят, что эта книга будет издана осенью 12. Вам непременно понравится природа Австралии и ее жители 13. Вряд ли они приедут сегодня. Lessons 6, 7/ 8 Q Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. He seems to have travelled a lot. ¥ 2. Liz happened to have seen the film. 3. Mr Brock proved to be a good doctor. 38 Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 ond 6, 7, 8 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 4. Do you happen to know where they are? 5. Tom’s team is sure to win. 6. She is unlikely to have read this book. 7. You are sure to like the girl. She is very smart. 8, They are known to have been married 5 years ago. 9. The weather is reported to change for the better. 10. He is known to have won gold medal. 11. Yosemite is considered to be one of the most beautiful National parks in the world 12. She doesn’t seem to know anything 13. He is sure to have read this book 14. They happened to have met before. 15. She proved to speak English 16. They are said to have been travelling for 2 weeks S) Tick the correct translation. Model: Простите, что заставил вас ждать. П а) I am sorry to keep you waiting, b) I am sorry to have kept you waiting. 1. Говорят, что этот музыкант записывает новый альбом. П а) This musician is said to be recording a new album. П b) This musician is said to have recorded a new album 2. Вряд ли этот актер играет Гамлета. П а) This actor is unlikely to have played Hamlet. □ b) This actor is unlikely to play Hamlet. 3. Считается, что его преследовала мафия. СИ а) Не is thought to have been followed by mafia. СИ b) He is thought to be followed by mafia. 4. Кажется, что она чего-то ждет. СИ а) She seems to wait for something. СИ b) She seems to be waiting for something. Unit 4 Lessons 6, 7, 8 39 ознакомительная копия - frenglish«ru QJ Underline the correct form of the infinitive in brackets ond translate the sentences into Russian. 1. They seem to quarrel / to have quarrelled — they have not talked for two days already. 2. My brother is happy to be speaking / to have spoken to this famous professor — look at his smile! 3. I am sorry to break / to have broken your glasses. Could I buy you new ones? 4. This car is unlikely to sell / to be sold in Russia. 5. Are the Vikings believed to discover / to be discovered America? 6. She wanted to invite / to be invited to his birthday party. 7. We didn’t expect the house to sell / to be sold so quickly. [ 4 j Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. My sister happened to have known Steve before 2. Mr Finch proved to be a good teacher. 3. Her bo5^riend happened to be a doctor 4. Jane is unlikely to be working now. 5. This child seems to have received less attention than his elder brother. 6. Look at my cousin — she is so happy to be playing with Tom. ( 5 I Translate the sentences into English, 1. Его слова оказались неправдой. 2. Так случилось, что первым об этом случае узнал мой брат 3. Кажется, она сейчас плачет в своей комнате. 4. Маловероятно, что мой брат победил. Он кажется расстроенным 40 Unit 4 Lessons 6, 7, 8 ознакомительная копия - frenslish.ru 5. Сообщают, что сейчас президент находится с визитом в Китае. [ 6 j Complete the sentences. 1. A bottle of orange juice costs as much as 2. A crocodile is less dangerous than_______ 3. Redwood is more expensive than 4. Tokyo is situated as far as_____ 5. The Statue of Liberty is less famous than 6, Skyscrapers in New York are as high as_ 7. The Pole star is brighter than 8. Orchards are as rare in Moscow as Circle the odd one out. waterfall stream cliff sequoia squirrel redwood moisture mist soil crisp cone dome magnificent fussy unearthly to warn to allow to let to reserve to preserve to observe even overhanging leveled Express the some idea using the words in brackets. Model: I felt uncomfortable when I discovered that I had left your present at home, (embarrassed) I was embarrassed to discover that I had left your present at home. 1. Only because of his help I managed to clean up the room before the guests came, (thanks to) 2. My father found out that his car was stolen, (discover) 3. Let this boy have an opportunity to demonstrate his talent, (to give a chance) 4. You should order the room in advance, (make a reservation) 5. Nobody must smoke in the park, (prohibited) 6. There is nothing similar to this invention, (unique) 7. These kids can do whatever they want in their room, (to allow) 8. Dad had told you many times that it is useless to argue with this neighbor, (to warn) Unit 4 Lessons6, 7, 8 41 ознакомительная копия - frenslish.ru [ 9 j Fill in the gaps — put in the words instead of the pictures. One sunny woke up and decided to take a walk to the The road to the was as beautiful as always. I enjoyed the view of magnificent and watched collecting On my way to passed a village and took a picture of the local church. The view was unearthly. Just imagine blossoming , the morning and slaapy wandehna in the ' When I reached the .• ,sudden broke out and I managed to find shelter between the was excited to see that finished soon and a dreamlike crossed the sky. It was one of the most beautiful 42 Unit 4 Lessons 6, 7, 8 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru А Lessons 9,10, 11 г What/happened on the М River W' ‘ ^-y-'■■'-■ r'\ гУУ’’/y^' />4 yj f Ж^01^^^тЛ ^44’ f r :--=««-я^ 1 1 Rewrite the sentence in accordance with the certainty scale in the brackets. Model: She is going to the party (100% unsure). She can^t be going to this party. 1, She is a bit upset with her friend’s fussy behaviour (60% sure). 2, She is very excited about a rafting trip next week (100% sure). 3. It was obvious that her friend was right, so she admitted the truth (100% sure). 4. She was very pale and looked tired. She is resting now (60% sure). 5. My neighbor told my friend a secret (100% unsure). [ 2 I Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Can she be telling the truth? 2. He must have left the keys at home — he can’t have lost them. 3. He must have been sure that the shop was still open if he went there. 4. He may have come back from the trip — I saw his kayak in the yard 5. She can’t have spent all the money in 2 days! 6. I didn’t see my friend in the corridor — she must be waiting for her younger sister outside. 7. Look at him. He is pale. He must have been scared [ 3 ^ Translate the sentences into English. 1. Должно быть, он стал художником 2. Не может быть, чтобы он опоздал на поезд. Он всегда приходит вовремя. 3. Твой сосед, наверняка, любит петь. Я слышу его каждое утро. Unit 4 Lessons 9, 10, 11 43 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 4. Неужели твой брат снова заболел? 5. Почему он не приехал? Должно быть, он опоздал на поезд. 6. Вероятно, у этого журналиста хорошо получается разговаривать со знаменитостями 7. Возможно, он согласится научить меня грести. GJ Match the words in the left column with their opposites. I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. unsure pale to refuse . disappointed to look forward to to suffer to to cling Г..;:: v г 1 ■■ • .-i . ‘Л' a) bright b) to be unwilling c) to dislike d) confident e) keep away f) to accept g) enthusiastic h) to enjoy CD Match the words in the left column with their synonyms. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. to be enthusiastic to fancy to be good at to admit; - W « _ P exating to “'■eseue to cling a) to adore b) thrilling c) to save d) to be excited e) to stick to f) to succeed in g) to hurry up h) to acknowledge нМам Гг I -Я i Lessons 12, 13 QRead fhe story and put the infinitives in the right form. young gentleman called Arthur was in love with a very pretty young girl called Maty. The problem was that Mary came from a very rich family, but Arthur was unlikely (to make) any money in the near future. The couple spent a lot of time together, but the young man didn^t let the girl (to introduce) him to her family. He was embarrassed (to say) (to meet) __________that he had no money. Every time Mary wanted him her parents, Arthur would find some other very important things 44 Unit 4 Lessons 9, 10, 1 1 and 1 2, 1 3 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru (to do) ________and would disappear. However, one day he was sure (to meet) her family. It was Mary’s birthday and he, of course,.was invited. Arthur knew r that Mary didn’t expect him (to give) her an expensive present, but her whole family was going to be there. He had to find something really good. Arthur went to the shop in town and found some beautiful vases. He was unlikely (to buy) any of them. but he still asked the shop assistant how much they cost. The price was even higher than Arthur had expected. Suddenly the.shop assistant dropped one of the vases and it broke into pieces. As Arthur heard the shop assistant (to cry) with horror, he had an idea. He offered the shop assistant all the money he had for that broken vase and the shop assistant was happy (to give) it to him. Arthur also asked the shop assistant (to wrap up) the vase as a gift and so left the shop with a beautiful parcel. Wlien he arrived at the party, he pretended to (to lose)______ his balance and dropped the parcel in front of the whole family. “Oh, my God,” he cried. “It was such a beautiful vase. What a pity!” “Don’t worry,” said Mary. “I’m sure it was great. Let’s have a look at it anyway.” She picked up the parcel and opened it. To Arthur’s shock, every piece of the broken vase had been wrapped up separately. Choose the right answer to complete the sentences. 1. The young man was... a) rich. b) poor. c) likely to make some money in the near future. 2. The girl... a) didn’t see any problem with her friend’s financial situation. b) wanted her future husband to be rich. c) was happy to have found a rich friend. 3. Arthur... a) was unlikely to come to Mary’s birthday. b) wanted to come to Mary’s birthday. c) had to come to Mary’s birthday. 4. ...expected the present to be expensive. a) Mary b) Arthur c) Mary’s family 5. Arthur ... the vase he liked. a) couldn’t afford b) dropped c) had enough money for 6. Judging by the text, the word to wrap up means a) упаковывать b) склеивать c) чинить 7. In the end Arthur... a) bought the expensive vase. b) bought a broken vase cheaply. c) broke a vase and had to pay for it. g й I K. fp. f 0' — ■ i’ к I i 5^: У 0 ь I I I I’ Unit 4 Lessons 12, 1 3 45 ознакомительная копия - frenelish.ru 8. Arthur’s plan was... a) to bring the broken vase and pretend that he had just dropped it. b) to give his friend a broken vase and say that it was better than nothing. c) to give his friend a nice expensive vase. 9. Arthur’s plan didn’t work because... a) he didn’t know that the vase had been broken. b) he lost his balance and broke the vase. c) he didn’t know that every piece of the broken vase had been wrapped up separately. 1 2 3 4 5 6 • 7 8 9 ( 3 j Match the phrases from the two columns to complete the sentences. 1. A lot of rules are introduced 2. Tourists must store food properly 3. This place is very interesting 4. You must observe quiet hours 5. You need to make a reservation 6. Evaluate your abilities honestly 7. Take a lot of clothes “ ' 8. Some trails are very easy ^ 9. Your guide will show you where 10. Hiking is a great way 4*Ш**€м£^* h. istmiti a) b) c) d) e) 0 g) h) 0 j) to get a place in the campgrounds, to avoid unnecessary risks, to protect the environment, to see the most wildlife, to let other people sleep, to pitch a tent. to be ready for any kind of weather to hike. not to attract bears, to visit. Translate these sentences into Russian. 1, Jane seems to like this kind of ice cream 2. Alex expects his friends to win this match. 3. This plant is said to be used for stomach aches. 4, John is likely to have finished this book already. He’ll be glad to lend it to you 5. Ann is supposed to be writing her test at the moment. She shouldn’t be here. 6. This house is known to have been visited by a lot of famous people. 7. Your aunt seems to have been walking in the rain. Her clothes are all wet. 8. Our teacher is sad to have been given a silly answer by one of his students. 46 Unit 4 Lessons 1 2, 1 3 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1. Those who want to travel abroad have to ... a lot of forms, a) fill in b) make up c) write 2. Did you know that Jack ... with Kate, a) cares b) likes c) goes out 3. My parents ... at first sight. a) fell out b) made up c) fell in love 4. A true friend is always ... when you need him. a) help b) around c) let you down 5. You need to check a map before you go... a) for a hike, b) to a national park, c) to campgrounds. 6. Conservationists work hard to ... unique places, animals and plants for future generations, a) prepare b) protect c) pollute 7. People are often more ... to animals than animals to people, a) dangerous b) attract c) danger 8.1 couldn’t find the cake you wanted, but I bought your favorite ice cream to ... for it. a) care b) make up c) excuse 9. The ... beauty of this place made everybody cry with joy. a) breathtaking b) much c) boring 10. This National Park is a place of ... so you have to watch out for wild animals, a) wild b) dangerous c) wilderness ■ - ■ • г’,»,. 1 2 3 4 5 5; : 6 # (7 й. 8 1 < 10 [ 6 } Think about a trip you've token. What do you remember about it? Was there great / awful weather? Beautiful scenery? A dangerous accident? Great company? etc. f Homework Prepare for your project "Let's preserve it for future generations". • Choose a unique place, animal or plant species which next generations are unlikely to see. • Describe this place, animal or plant and why it is unique. • Explain why and how it is endangered. • Present your plan for protecting it. What laws, rules and regulations should be introduced? What results do you want to achieve with them. Write a presentation of your project. Supply pictures for your presentation. Unit 4 Lessons 12, 13 47 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru л Lessons 16, 17, 18 [ 1 j Read the story for detail. Use the wordlist below and the dictionary for help. •v:-/ A DILL PICKLE by Katherine Mansfield And then, after six years, she saw him again. He was seated at one of those little bamboo tables. There was a taU plate of fhiit in front of him, and veiy carefully, in his “special” way, he was peeling an orange. He must have felt that shock of recognition in her as he looked up and met her eyes. Incredible! He didn’t recognize her! She smiled, he frowned. She came towards him. He closed his eyes, but as he opened them his face lit up. He laid down the orange and pushed back his chair, and she took her little warm hand out of her muff and gave it to him. “Vera!” he exclaimed. “How strange. Really, for a moment I didn’t recognize you. Please sit down? You’ve had lunch? Won’t you have some coffee?” She hesitated, but of course she meant to. “Yes, I’d like some coffee.” And she sat down opposite him. “You’ve changed. You’ve changed very much,” he said, staring at her. ‘You look so well. I’ve never seen you look so well before.” “Really?” She raised her veil. “I don’t feel very well. I can’t bear this weather, you know.” “Ah, no. You don’t like the cold...” “Hate it.” She shuddered. “And the worst of it is that the older one grows...” He interrupted her. “Excuse me,” and tapped on the table for the waitress. “Please bring some coffee and cream.” To her: ‘You are sure you won’t eat anything? Some fruit, perhaps. The fruit here is very good.” No, thanks. Nothing.” Then that’s settled.” And smiling just a bit too broadly he took up the orange again. “You were saying — the older one grows...” “The colder,” she laughed. But she was thinking how well she remembered that trick of his. How he used to interrupt her and how it used to exasperate her six years ago. She used to feel then as though he, quite suddenly, in the middle of what she was saying, put his hand over her lips, turned from her, attended to something different, and then took his hand away, and with just the same slightly too broad smile, gave her his attention again.* a- (4.1 ' Тогда она чувствовала себя так, как будто он внезапно в середине того, о чем она говорила, приложил палец ей к губам, отвернулся, занялся чем-то другим, а потом убрал свою руку и с той же самой, слегка преувеличенно широкой улыбкой вернул ей свое внимание. J • г ^ т ! • • г” • 48 Unit 4 Lessons 16, 17, 18 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru г V у г .у ф « 9' У Л > у ». » У А V ‘The colder!” Не echoed her words. “Ah, ah. You still say the same things. And there is another thing about you that is not changed at all — your beautiful voice — your beautiful way of speaking. You have only to say one word and I would know your voice among all other voices. I don’t know what it is — I’ve often wondered — what makes your voice such a haunting memory... Do you remember that first afternoon we spent together at Kew Gardens? You were so surprised because I did not know the names of any flowers. I still hear your voice say: ‘Geranium, marigold, and verbena.’ And those three words are all I recall of some forgotten, heavenly language... You remember that afternoon?” “Oh, yes, very well.” Yet, what had remained in her mind of that afternoon was another scene. A great many people were taking tea in a Chinese pagoda, and he was behaving like a maniac about the wasps — he tried to wave them away, flap at them with his straw hat. The sniggering tea drinkers had been delighted. And she had suffered. But now, as he spoke, that memory faded. His memory was the truer. Yes, it had been a wonderful afternoon, full of geranium and marigold and verbena, and — warm sunshine. And then another memory came. She saw herself on a lawn. He lay beside her, and suddenly, after a long silence, he rolled over and put his head in her lap. “I wish,” he said, in a low, troubled voice, “I wish that I had taken poison and were about to die — here now!”* She leaned over him. “Ah, why do you say that? I could not say that.” But he gave a kind of soft moan, took her hand and held it to his cheek. “Because I know 1 am going to love you too much — far too much. And I shall suffer so terribly, Vera, because you never, never will love me.” ^ -Ж ^ ✓ ^ Хотел бы, чтобы я принял яд и умирал бы прямо здесь и сейчас. ознакомительная копия - frenslish.ru Unit 4 Lessons 16, 17, 18 49 He was certainly far better looking now than he had been then. Now he looked like a man who has found his place in life. He must have made money, too. His clothes were of very good quality, and at that moment he pulled a Russian cigarette case out of his pocket. Won’t you smoke?” Yes, I will.” “They look very good.” “I think they are. They are made for me by a little man in St. James’s Street. I don’t smoke very much. I’m not like you — but when I do, they must be delicious, very fresh cigarettes. Smoking isn’t a habit wdth me; it’s a luxury—like perfume. Are you still so fond of perfumes? Ah, when I was in Russia...” She broke in: “You’ve really been to Russia?” “Oh, yes. I was there for over a year. Have you forgotten how we used to talk of going there?” “No, I’ve not forgotten.” He gave a strange half laugh and leaned back in his chair. “Isn’t it curious? I have really carried out all those journeys that we planned. Yes, I have been to aU those places that we talked of. In fact, I have spent the last three years of my life travelling all the time. Spain, Corsica, Siberia, Russia, Egypt. The only country left is China, and I mean to go there, too.” As he spoke, she felt the strange beast that had slept so long within her soul wake up, jump to its feet and fix its hungry stare upon those far away places.® But all she said was: “How I envy you.” He accepted that. “It has been,” he said, “very wonderful — especially Russia. Russia was all that we had imagined, and far, far more. I even spent some days on a river boat on the Volga. Do you remember that boatman’s song that you used to play?” “Yes.” It began to play in her mind as she spoke. Do you ever play it now?” No, I’ve no piano.” He was amazed at that. “But what has become of your beautiful piano?” She made a little grimace. “Sold. Ages ago.” He let it go at that.*' “That river life,” he went on, “is something quite special. After a day or two you cannot realize that you have ever known another. And it is not necessary to know the language — you eat with them, pass the day with them, and in the evening there is that endless singing.” As he spoke she heard the boatman’s song, loud and tragic, and saw the boat floating on the darkening river... “Yes, I should like that,”® said she, stroking her muff. u и ^ Пока OH говорил, она почувствовала, как странный зверь, который так давно спал в ее душе, проснулся, вскочил на ноги и голодным взглядом уставился на все эти далекие места. На этом он сменил тему. ^ ‘Да, мне бы это понравилось” 50 Unit 4 Lessons 16, 17, 18 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru “You’d like almost everything about Russian life,” he said warmly. “It’s so informal, so impulsive, so free without question. And then the peasants are so splendid. They are such human beings — yes, that is it. Even the man who drives your carriage has some real part in what is happening. 1 remember the evening a party of us, two friends of mine and the wife of one of them, went for a picnic by the Black Sea. We took supper and champagne and ate and drank on the grass. And while we were eating the coachman came up. ‘Have a dill pickle,’ he said. He wanted to share with us. That seemed to me so right, so — you know what 1 mean?” And she seemed at that moment to be sitting on the grass beside the mysteriously Black Sea, black as velvet. She saw the carriage, and the little group on the grass, their faces and hands white in the moonlight. Apart from them, with his supper in a cloth on his knees, sat the coachman. “Have a dill pickle,” said he, and although she was not certain what a dill pickle was, she saw the greenish glass jar and sucked in her cheeks; the dill pickle was terribly sour... “Yes, I know perfectly what you mean,” she said. “What a marvelous listener you are,” he said. “When you look at me with those wild eyes 1 feel that I could tell you things that I would never breathe to another human being.” Was there just a hint of mockery in his voice or was it her imagination?^ She could not be sure. “Before I met you,” he said, “I had never spoken of myself to anybody. How well I remember one night, the night that I brought you the little Christmas tree and told you all about my childhood. And of how 1 was so miserable that I ran away and lived under a cart in our yard for two days. And you listened, and your eyes shone, and 1 felt that you had even made the little Christmas tree listen too, as in a fairy story.” But of that evening she had remembered a little pot of caviar. It had cost seven and sixpence. While she ate it he watched her, delighted and shocked. “No, really, that is eating money. You could not get seven shillings into a little pot that size.” And he had begun some complicated calculations... But now goodbye to the caviar. The Christmas tree was on the table, and the little boy lay under the cart with his head on the yard dog. “The dog was called Bosun,” she cried delightedly. But he did not follow. “Which dog? Your dog? I don’t remember a dog at all.” “No, no. I meant the yard dog when you were a little boy.” He laughed. “Was he? Do you know I had forgotten that. It seems such ages ago. I cannot believe that it is only six years. 1 was such a kid then.” He Был ли в его голосе намек на насмешку или ей показалось? - . ♦'ь ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Unit 4 Lessons 16, 17, 1 8 51 j 'j j y^ drummed on the table. “IVe often thought how I must have bored you. And now I understand so perfectly why you wrote to me as you did, although at the time that letter nearly finished my life. I found it again the other day, and I laughed as I read it. It was so clever, such a true picture of me.” He glanced up. “You’re not going?” “Yes, I am afraid I must,” she said, and managed a smile. Now she knew that he had been mocking. “Ah, no, please,” he pleaded. “Don’t go just for a moment,” and he caught up one of her gloves from the table and clutched at it as if that would hold her. “I see so few people to talk to nowadays, that I have turned into a sort of barbarian,” he said. “Have 1 said something to hurt you?” “Not a bit,” she lied. But as she watched him draw her glove through his fingers, gently, gently, her anger really did die down, and besides, at the moment he looked more like himself of six years ago... “What I really wanted then,” he .said softly, “was to make myself into a sort of carpet for you to walk on so that you need not be hurt by the sharp stones and mud that you hated. And one day I wished to turn into a magic carpet and carry you away to all those lands you wanted to see.” As he spoke she lifted her head as though she drank something; the strange beast in her bosom began to purr... “I felt that you were more lonely than anybody else in the world,” he went on, “and yet, perhaps, that you were the only person in the world who was really, truly alive.” He murmured, stroking the glove. Ah, God! What had she done! How had she dared to throw away her happiness like this? This was the only man who had ever understood her. Was it too late? Could it be too late? She was that glove that he held in his fingers... “And then the fact that you had no friends and never had made friends with people. How I understood that, for neither had I. Is it just the same now?” “Yes,” she breathed. “Just the same. I am as alone as ever.” “So am I,” he laughed gently, “just the same.” Suddenly with a quick gesture he handed her back the glove. “But what seemed to me so mysterious then, is perfectly clear to me now. And to you, too, of course. ... It simply was that we were such egoists, so wrapped up in ourselves that we hadn’t a comer in our hearts for anybody else. Do you know, I began studying a Mind System when I was in Russia, and I found that we were not peculiar at all. It’s quite a well-known form of... ” She had gone. He sat there, thunder-struck... And then he asked the waitress for his bill. “But the cream has not been touched,” he said. “Please do not charge me for it.” ■'5’. iC>’ •‘J’ я /* 52 Unit 4 Lessons 16, 17, 18 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Wordlist ^У" a trick — фокус, прием a beast — зверь a dill pickle — соленый огурец с укропом а muff— муфта а human being — человек а peasant — крестьянин а glove — перчатка а memory — воспоминание perfume — духи а bill — счет to interrupt — прерывать, перебивать to exasperate — выводить из себя to bare smth — переносить, выносить что-либо to drum — барабанить to glance — взглянуть to stare — пристально смотреть to suck in — втянуть to purr — мурлыкать to fade — выцветать, терять цвет to stroke — гладить to dare — сметь, посметь to murmur — бормотать marvelous — прекрасный velvet — П бархат, adj бархатный far — зд. гораздо, намного splendid — прекрасный, чудный peculiar — особенный sensitive — чувствительный thunder-struck — громом пораженный rapped up in oneself— погруженный в себя curious — удивительно Match the words and expressions with their definitions. Обратите внимание но то^ что многие из этих слов многозначны. Значения, в которых они употреблены в тексте, не всегдо являются первыми значениями этих слов в словаре. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11, 12, 13. р t f , j. t j .y.' И-» luxury to hesitate a haunting memory'^^*^' to be fond of something to wonder to suffer to carry out to envy to mock a barbarian ' to charge an egoist mysterious a) a person who thinks only about himself and doesn’t care about other people b) something that is expensive and enjoyable, but not necessary c) to take money for products or services d) something sad, but returning to your thoughts all the time e) a person who is primitive or uncivilized 0 to want something that somebody else has got or has achieved g) to pause before doing something because you are not sure h) to think about something you are not sure about and try to guess what is true i) to laugh at someone and try to make them look stupid J) to fulfill (a plan) k) something strange or unusual l) to have physical or mental pain m) to like something very much V 3 Which sentences in the text contain the following information? Model: He probably felt that a strange woman had recognized him and seemed to know him really well. So he looked at her more attentively.— He must have felt that shock of recognition in her for he looked up and met her eyes. 1. She wasn’t listening to her friend. Her thoughts were in the past and she recognized her friend’s behaviour when he interrupted her, made her wait until he did something else and then let her talk again. This trick made her very angry. 2. But as he spoke, that memory about her sufferings and his stupid behaviour gradually disappeared. After all he was right. It was a wonderful and unforgettable afternoon. 3. In the past when the man was much younger he didn’t attract Vera so much. But now he looked like a man who has achieved a lot and made some money. She was impressed by him. ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Unit 4 Lessons 16, 17, 18 53 4. Не is talking about the dreams they used to share. He alone managed to travel to these places. 5. The author is talking about the wild side of Vera, the side that wishes to live life to the full, and to travel to distant and mysterious places. It had been hidden deep in her heart for quite a long time because it was impossible for her to fulfill her dreams for financial and health reasons. (4| Give your own interpretation of these events. What is really going on? What are the characters feeling? Model: She smiled, he frowned.— She had recognized him and wanted to attract his attention. He understood what she wanted and was trying to remember her. 1. He closed his eyes, but as he opened them his face lit up.— ______________________________ 2. She hesitated, but of course she meant to. 3. She raised her veil. 4. At that moment he pulled a Russian cigarette case out of his pocket. 5. “Yes, I know perfectly what you mean,” she said. 6. Was there just a hint of mockery in his voice or was it her imagination? She could not be sure. 7. He glanced up. “You’re not going?” 54 Unil 4 Lessons 16, 17, 18 ознакомительная копия - frenelish.ru 8. As he spoke she lifted her head as if she drank something; the strange beast in her bosom began t to purr... —______________________________________________________________________________________ 9. “Yes,” she breathed. “Just the same. I am as alone as ever.” 10. And then he asked the waitress for his bill. “But the cream has not been touched,” he said “Please do not charge me for it.” —____________________________________________________ [ 5 ) Discuss. Which version of the story, do you believe, is true? Quote from the text to support your position. If neither of the versions seems right to you, create your own version of the events. 1. The young man used to be kind and sensitive but Vera rejected his love and that had changed him. He became cold and ambitious. Everything he did was to prove to himself that Vera had been wrong. When he met her in the cafe, he was glad to show her how much he had done, seen and achieved. It turned out that Vera hadn’t achieved anything. Vera left because she didn’t know how to behave with that new strong and successful man 2. The young man had never really loved Vera. He had behaved like a spoUed child and enjoyed her attention and readiness to listen and help. Vera was a very sensitive girl, so she had understood that the man hadn’t been right for her. It had taken her a lot of courage to write him a letter to tell him that everything was over. When she met him in tht cafe, she was really impressed by him at first. She thought that six years ago she had made a terrible mistake and started thinking about how to correct it. However, very quickly she realized that her old friend hadn’t changed and remained the egoist he always had been. Homework A ^ Answer the questions. Support your answers with information from the text 1. What was Vera and the man’s relationship six years ago? 2. Who ended the relationship? ознакомительная копия - frenglish*ru Unif 4 Lessons 16, 17, 18 55 3. What happened to Vera and the man during the past six years? 4. What had attracted the man to Vera in the past? 5. What attracted Vera to the man when they met again? 6. Why did Vera leave? Fill in the gaps with the right preposition or (—) no preposition. Use the dictionary if necessary. 1. Mary has always been attracted art. 2. Don’t mock him. He understands everything. 3. This is a very necessary plan to carry 4. I wish I could travel the world. 1 envy you so much. 5. Don’t answer the phone. We are abroad and the mobile carrier will charge us a lot of money. 6. My friend is really fond cats. She’s got three at home. CD Choose the right word or expression to complete the sentences. 1. ... why your brother always comes home after dark, a) I say b) I wish c) I wonder 2. Don’t go out with Tom. He is a real.... a) egoist b) selfish c) boring 3. Granny has been waiting for you for so long! You make her . a) hate b) fond of c) suffer 4. I never eat blue cheese. The smell just kills me. I... it. a) like b) hate c) admire 5. Anna has to choose between two universities, but she can’t Tell her it’ll be too late if she ... for too long, a) hesitates b) wonders cj carries out 6. Pete will do his best to make you happy. He wants nothing This is his only .... a) wish b) want c) success » ■ « more 2 4 6 56 Unit 4 Lessons 16, 17, 18 ознакомительная копия - frengltsh.ru Just in my dreams you let^me into your heart... rVA-. ‘ nrnn'iiniiliflfiiffiinhhinwfn^ririifrfin^ ; / s—'f-’ 'i” ".’ - -«P Ы j f si / Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Model; You (should support) should have supported your brother when he was in trouble 1. Ted (could lend)____ cash on that day. 2. I (ought to catch up) 3. You (should reserve) 4. You (should go) us some money. He earns a lot. But he did not have enough with the class. I will have to take exams soon, the table before you invited your friends. 5. You (ought to stick) 6. We (could go) to the doctor before the pain became too strong. — to the rules if you want to become part of the group 7. You (ought to protect) to the museum but we missed this opportunity. -------your rights when the shop assistant refused to exchange the broken laptop. 8. Nancy (should tell) her mum the truth. She could give her good advice. 9. You (could help) us to cope with the text. It was so difficult. [ 2 ]| Rephrase the sentences. Use should, could, ought to. Model: I’m really sorry I din’t visit my friend. / should have visited my friend. 1. It was my duty to warn all the participants about the rain but I forgot to do that 2. I am very sorry I argued with my sister. 3. 1 feel it was wrong not to support my brother when he quarrelled with his best friend. 4. It was very wrong of you to behave like that. 5. 1 didn’t work hard enough to pass this exam. I am really sorry about it now 6. I was too naive when 1 thought that John respected me. I won’t repeat the same mistakes again Unit 5 Lessons 1,2 57 ознакомительная копия - frenelish.ru Q 1. You should have studied better... 2. You shouldn’t have pretended... 3. ...Now he thinks she is in love with him. 4. You could’ve hugged your sister... 5. If Kate wanted to prove she was right... 6. Henry shouldn’t have turned up... 7. .. .He is very talented. 8. Your mum could have warned the guests... :yzVry/. . -u - • ^ .• ’ I -f r "* ■'y.' • ^ ^ у * у * ^ _______________________________■■■:■ ■■ _____________ a) when she felt really upset. b) without warning. It was not very polite of him c) if you wanted to pass the exam. d) that the dish was very spicy. e) that you didn’t notice him. f) she ought to have argued with him. g) Jane shouldn’t have stared at Mike. h) His parents should have allowed him to participate in the competition. Choose the best explanation of the underlined word. to feel embarrassed means 5. to nod means a) to feel uncomfortable because of shame a) to agree b) to be imprisoned b) to reject c) to be depressed c) to show indifference to be modest means 6. to blush means a) to follow the latest fashion a) to burst into tears b) to be shy >• b) to feel embarrassed c) to be a role model for teenagers c) to smile happily to do something firmly means 7. to pretend means a) to do something slowly a) to tell the truth b) to do something with certainty b) to change one’s mind g) to do something appropriately c) to simulate something 4. a coward is somebody who a) owns several cows b) a warder in the prison c) is afraid of everything 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (---\ 5 j Put in the following words to complete the sentences. 1. Don’t come I call you 2. You cannot go out 3. Try to behave you haven’t done your homework you are not upset. 4. I managed to wash all the dishes 5. I wiU arrive at 10 p.m. you were arguing the train is late. 6. Keep the bandage 7. Forget about it you are working it never happened. Complete the in accordance with your point of view. 1. I am always pleased to 2. I would like to be as_ on weekends. as my best friend. 3. I would be embarrassed to in front of many people 58 Unit 5 lessons 1,2 ознакомительная копия - frenslish.ru 4. I find it easy to with my family, 5. It fills me with sadness when I see 6. When I was a kid, I was struck by the fact that 7, Usually I find it hard to on my own f 7 ) Translate the sentences into Enqiish. 1. Неужели OH был душой компании? 2. Моя подруга так же хорошо готовит^ как и моя баб)тика. Ей следовало бы стать поваром, но она в этом не заинтересована. 3. У ребенка так сильно болел живот, что он плакал, пока не заснул. Вам следовало бы дать ему лекарство. 4. Прежде чем идти на паспортный контроль, вам следует зарегистрироваться 5. Вам следовало проводить больше времени с вашим ребенком. hid always known rtV!j r, GD Tick the correct translation. 1. Утро было очень солнечным. Г~1 а) Morning was very sunny. □ b) The morning was very sunny. 2. Вечером все почувствовали, что соскучились по дому. I I а) In the evening everyone felt homesick. I I b) In evening everyone felt homesick. 3. Стоял красивый летний вечер, и мы решили вместе полюбоваться закатом. □ а) It was lovely summer evening, and we decided to watch the sunset together. □ b) It was a lovely summer evening, and we decided to watch sunset together. □ c) It was a lovely summer evening and we decided to watch the sunset together. 4. Это лето было очень жарким. П а) The summer was very hot. D b) Summer was very hot. 5. Мои родители не собираются зимовать в деревне. □ а) Му parents are not going to stay in the country for winter. □ b) My parents are not going to stay in the country for the winter. 't ‘ ознакомительная копия - frenslish.ru Unit 5 Lessons 1, 2 and 3, 4 59 6. Бьш поздний вечер, и в доме было очень холодно. 0 а) It was late evening and it was very cold in the house. 1 I b) It was a late evening and it was very cold in the house. 7. Мы познакомились одним теплым майским вечером. О а) We met on the warm May evening. □ b) We met on warm May evening. □ c) We met on a warm May evening. Put in the article where necessary. 1. It was 2. It was 3. On__ high noon when I finally found a place to have breakfast, difficult week. The more I worked, the more tired I was. 4. It was freezing February night they arrived to the hotel in the mountains. __late autumn when the couple decided to get married. 5. My father prefers to go on holiday in summer. 6. It was amazing morning. The children were playing in the garden and refused to go inside 7.1 think Jacky had made up the story she told on Friday. 8.1 will never forget summer we met. 9. autumn was wonderful, but her heart was full of sadness 10. The friends hurried up because they wanted to watch sunset at the seaside. 11. 12. It was summer was very windy that year. We were surfing 24 hours a day! ______late autumn when John found a job. 13. We must finish painting this wall before sunset. 14. They were talking until morning 15. We are having breakfast together tomorrow morning. 16. She didn’t want to spend day sleeping, so she went to bed early. 17. On rainy morning she left her house forever. 18. Could you call me on Thursday evening? Put the adjectives into the right form. 1. 1 am not as (clever) as my brother. 2. The (soon) you drop the subject, the (good) 3. The (far) 4. The (bad) you will stay away from him, the (good) the weather was, the (much) your relationship will be she enjoyed the comfort of their house. 5. The (much) 6. The (long) people stared at her, the (much) embarrassed she became he talked, the (close) I felt to him. His life story was unique. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Чем дольше я читал эту книгу, тем больше она мне нравилась. Она такая же интересная, как фильм. 60 Unit 5 Lessons 3, 4 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 2. Чем меньше ты думаешь об этом, тем лучше ты себя чувствуешь. 3, Чем скорее он приедет^ тем лучше. 4. Чем меньше денег ты потратишь сегодня, тем скорее ты скопишь на покупку нового ■ компьютера. 5. Чем чаще я слушаю эту песню, тем больше она мне нравится. 6. Чем скорее ты сдашь этот экзамен, тем больше времени у тебя будет, чтобы подготовиться к следующему. 7. Чем ближе осень, тем короче дни. ns 5, 6 гг г "АН the world's dVtage" *- Several theatergoers mixed up their tickets. Some of them have very expensive seats, and some of the seats are much cheaper. Help them find their tickets — match the ticket and its owner. 5 R ex Scat 12 Row 1 i Гш1г; 7p.m. dipus Hex m ' / ir: Scat? Time: 7p.m. изшда ’dipus Rex © Scat 11 Row3 Time: 7p.m. dipu.4 Rex Scat 23 Row 2 Т4/НЛ 7p.m. ■dlihi Г|#?\ theiatre Scflt 18 Row 7 Time: 7p.m, 9 f e ? i t ! I f < ’ :di0u$ Rex \ i i ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Unit 5 Lessons 3, 4 and 5, 6 61 Translate the following words into Russian. Sort them out to fill in the table. Some of the words can belong to several columns then moke up a story about a visit to the theatre using these words. a row stalls an actor a dress circle — an upper circle a balcony a stage stage design a a premiere a a director a play a a tragedy a rehearsal a a theatergoer a script to stage to be on to be sold out creative a plot a musical a pantomime an opera a dancer a ballet a seat a make-up artist a box (in the auditorium) the audience Stage Ч- Auditorium stage Type of performance w w musical Г . ^ People working in the theatre actor CD Choose the right definition. 1. A playwright is... a) a person who writes plays. b) a play which is very well-written c) a play about human rights. 2. A dress circle means... a) a place backstage where actors change the costumes b) the first seats above the orchestra in a theatre. c) ballet dancers dancing in one circle. 62 Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 3. А master class is... a) a place backstage where actors rehearse with masters. b) a class given by a retired master for retired actors. c) a class given by an expert. 4. A script is... a) a piece of paper an actor holds behind the back during the performance. b) the text of a play / movie. c) subtitles for a theatre production. 5. The word stalls means... a) a stock of fabric for the sets. b) seats in the front part of the theatre. c) people who stand behind the columns in die auditorium. Circle the odd one out. 1. opera ballet rehearsal 2. playwright director stage design 3. to applaud to rehearse to perform 4. dress circle stage stalls 5. thrilling moving disappointing Match the adjectives with the nouns. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. retired thrilling velvet tiny ftinctional Штт» ■ -'л - * » . ^ е г г » . . V/ '• ••- ^ / г у tom 'У ' • V' ш Ч л » a) auditorium b) ticket c) set design d) seat e) director f) movie 6. to be well received to be successful to be on 7. a rehearsal a premier a performance 8. plot drag script 9. retired creative exciting Answer the questions» 1. What film / play makes you laugh? 2» What film / play bored you to death? 3, What book did you find disappointing? 4. “It stayed with me after it was over”. What film can go with these words? 5. What film / play makes time fly for you? 6. What film / play makes you forget your problems? 7. What book has an interesting plot? 8. What film / play made you think? ознакомительная копия - frenglish«ru Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 63 Lessons 7, 8 CD Choose a word which matches the definition, 1. ... means right, correct, real. a) proper b) sober c) solid 2. When one ... somebody, it means they dislike this person and have low opinion of him / her. a) lies b) despises c) 3. When you show that you think that you are better than others because you have a better social status / appearance / education, it means that you demonstrate .... a) dignity b) embarrassment c) snobbery 4. A lot of things of a similar type that are just a little different from each other can be called ... . a) variety b) society c) belongings 5. When one speaks to God in order to ask for help, advice or give thanks, it means that one .... a) apologizes b) prays c) faints 1 2 \ 3 4 5 f-- [ 2 j Cross out an unnecessary word and translate the sentences into Russian 1. He had dreamt of wealth and the gods granted to his wish. 2. I respect my friend because he always keeps to his word. 3. The postman knocked on our door and asked for shelter as he was caught out in the storm. 4. The ballet teacher told to us that she was disappointed in us. 5. s pictures n. on me 6. Shall I to pretend that 1 like her soup? I don’t want to hurt her. 64 it 5 Lessons 7, 8 ознакомительная копия ~ frenglish.ru Q Fill in the table. : - Verb ^ -гу;-''-'. to belong Translation Принадлежать Noun ^ f belongings Translation имущество to disappoint заканчивать университет вдохновение variety to reject молитва приносить извинения limitation to embarrass consideration ссылка (в документе) Lessons 12/ 13 ^ ^Гт.\Гш -Zifw a д>0aw a M< 1 } You will hear nine opinions about a performance. Listen to the opinions and mark them as positive (P) or negative (N). Opinion 1 Opinion 2 Opinion 3 Opinion 4 Opinion 5 Opinion 6 Opinion 7 Opinion 8 Opinion 9 Read the conversation and say which of the actions... a) didn’t take place at all. b) will probably take place in the future. c) probably took place in the past. 1. Charlie will go rafting on the Merced River. d) very possibly took place in the past. e) are very possibly taking place at the moment. 2. Lucy and Don will go rafting on the Merced River 3. Charlie enjoyed his trip to Mexico. ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Unit 5 Lessons 7, 8 and 12, ) 3 65 4. Something happened to Lucy. 5. Charlie phone Jack about the trip to Mexico. 6. Charlie will inform Jack about the trip to Mexico. 7. Jack went to Mexico. 8, Jack missed the advertisement about the new trip. Charlie Jack Charlie Jack Charlie Jack Charlie Jack Charlie Jack; Charlie: Jack: Charlie: V r Л ' Hi, Jack. Haven’t seen you for ages. Great to see you, Charlie. What’s new? Oh, some friends and I may go rafting on the Merced River in June. Wow .'That sounds cool. Who’s going? Kate and Leonardo, Fred an me. Lucy and Don may join us later. Why later? Lucy must be dying to go rafting. She likes it so much. Something must have happened. She never misses a trip. That reminds me. How was your last trip to Mexico? You must have enjoyed it. We did. But you could have come with us, you know. We put an advertisement in the local newspaper. I know. But 1 must have missed it. You should have phoned me about it. Mexico has always interested me so much! Sorry about that. I know you’re disappointed, but we may go there again next autumn when it’s not so hot. You should keep me informed next time, OK? I promise. Don’t worry. Fill in the gaps with the right articles or no article. 1. 6. louder the song, better you hear it. 2. A lot of people prefer spring to summer. 3. I’ll see you 4. It was______ tomorrow afternoon. But don’t forget to give me a call in morning late autumn when we had the first snow. 5. Don’t forget to thank your mother for the party. It was lovely evening fewer people know your secret, better. I Put the word in capitals in the correct part of speech to complete the sentences. 1. Jacob and Mary had very good 2. He lives in an old_____________ in the first row. building in Tverskaya Street. 3. The actors’ 4. My favourite was nothing special. _ is “Mamma Mia”. 5. This man is a very 6. The music was___ ballet dancer. . You should have heard it. 7. A friend of mine wrote the script, and I the play. 8. The of his face was hard to understand. SIT IMPRESS PERFORM MUSIC SUCCESS AMAZE STAGE EXPRESS 66 Unit 5 Lessons I 2, 1 3 ознакомительная копия - frenclish.ru Open the brackets. Use the right form of the verbs. 1. Peter must (speak) 2. He can’t (be) 3. Alice may (see) ______to his girlfriend. He is blushing and whispering at home. I have just called him there. _ this play this week. She is a real theatergoer. 4. You shouldn’t (tell) 5. The bank manager must (be) 6. Jimmy could (come) him the news. It made him sad. surprised when he saw your documents 7. Can your sister really (listen) to us. We are always happy to help him. _______to music? It’s five o’clock in the morning! Talk about one of the following topics. Form an opinion, and prepare a list of words you are going to need. Use a dictionary if necessary. 1. People with regional accents find it hard to get a job on Russian TV. 2. Musicals and comedies are much more popular than operas and tragedies nowadays. 3. Theatre will never be as popular as cinema. Homework I» 6 « 4 Prepare your project. ознакомительная копия - frenelish.ru Unit 5 Lessons 12,13 67 i Lessons 16,17,18 Home - -.♦ I*.- к 4 • . . • CD PYGMALION by Bernard Shaw’s (Extract from Act III) Read an extract from Act 111 of Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion". Use the wordlist below and a dictionary if necessary. It is Mrs Higgins’s at-home day. Nobody has yet arrived. It is between/our and five in the afternoon. The door is opened violently; and Higgins enters with his hat on. MRS HIGGINS: (dismayed) Henry! What are you doing here today? It is my at-home day: you promised not to come. (As- he bends to kiss her, she takes his hat off, and presents it to him.) HIGGINS: (kissing her) I know, mother. I came on purpose. MRS HIGGINS: But you mustn’t. I’m serious, Henry. You offend all my friends: they stop coming whenever they meet you. HIGGINS: Nonsense! I know I have no small talk; but people don’t mind. MRS HIGGINS: Oh! don’t they? Small talk indeed! What about your large talk? Really, dear, you mustn’t stay. HIGGINS: I must. I’ve a job for you. A phonetic job. I’ve picked up a girl. MRS HIGGINS: Does that mean that some girl has picked you up? HIGGINS: Not at all. I don’t mean a love affair. MRS HIGGINS: What a pity! Do you know what you would do if you really loved me, Henry? S 68 Unit 5 Lessons 16, 17, 18 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru J *_• ^ - I ' у 4 Д »* • HIGGINS: Oh, bother! What? Marry, I suppose? MRS HIGGINS: No. Stop fidgeting and take your hands out of your pockets. (With a gesture of despair, he obeys and sits down again.) That’s a good boy. Now tell me about the girl. HIGGINS: Well, it’s like this. She’s a common flower girl. I picked her off the kerbstone. * MRS HIGGINS: And invited her to my at-home! HIGGINS: Oh, that’ll be all right. I’ve taught her to speak properly; and she has strict orders as to her behavior. She’s to keep to two subjects: the weather and everybody’s health — Fine day and How do you do, you know — and not to let herself go on things in general. That will be safe. MRS HIGGINS: Safe! To talk about our health! about our insides! perhaps about our outsides! How could you be so silly, Henry? HIGGINS: (impatiently) Well, she must talk about something. (He controls himself and sits down again.) Oh, she’ll be all right: don’t you fuss. Pickering is in it with me. I’ve a sort of bet on that I’ll pass her off as a duchess in six months. I started on her some months ago; and she’s getting on like a house on fire. I shall win my bet. She has a quick ear; and she’s been easier to teach than my middle-class pupils because she’s had to learn a complete new language. She talks English almost as you talk French. MRS HIGGINS: What does that mean? HIGGINS: You see, I’ve got her pronunciation all right; but you have to consider not only how a girl pronounces, but what she pronounces; and that’s where — They are interrupted by the parlor-maid, announcing guests. THE PARLOR-MAID: Mrs and Miss Eynsford HiU. HIGGINS: Oh Lord! (He rises; snatches his hat from the table; and makes for the door; but before he reaches it his mother introduces him.) MRS E’YNSFORD HILL: (to Mrs Higgins) How do you do? (They shake hands.) MISS EYNSFORD HILL: How d’you do? (She shakes.) MRS HIGGINS: (introducing) My son Henry. MRS EYNSFORD HILL: Your celebrated son! I have so longed to meet you, Professor Higgins. HIGGINS: (glumly, making no movement in her direction) Delighted. (He backs against the piano and bows brusquely.) MRS HIGGINS: I’m sorry to say that my celebrated son has no manners. You mustn’t mind him.^ MISS EYNSFORD HILL: (gaily) I don’t. (She sits in the Elizabethan chair.) MRS EYNSFORD HILL: (a little bewildered) Not at all. HIGGINS: Oh, have I been rude? I didn’t mean to be. (The parlor-maid returns, ushering in Pickering.) THE PARLOR-MAID: Colonel Pickering. PICKERING: How do you do, Mrs Higgins? p p * t \ V. r. l' f f i r f. ( ’ Я подобрал ее на улице. ^ Не обращайте на него внимания. I (• • V ff o’ I У M s f I ri ознакомительная копия - frenslish.ru Unit 5 Lessons 16, 17, 1 8 69 MRS HIGGINS: So glad you’ve come. Do you know Mrs Eynsford Eynsford Hill? (Exchange of bows.) PICKERING: Has Henry told you what weVe come for? HIGGINS: (over his shoulder) We were interrupted; damn it! MRS HIGGINS: Oh, Henry, Henry, really! MRS EYNSFORD HILL: (half rising) Are we in the way? MRS HIGGINS; (rising and making her sit down again) No, no. You couldn’t have come more fortunately: we want you to meet a friend of ours. HIGGINS: (turning hopefully) Yes, by George! We want two or three people. You’ll do as well as anybody else, ШЕ PARLOR-MAID: Mr Eynsford Hill. HIGGINS: God of Heaven! another of them. (He shakes Freddy's hand.) HIGGINS: Well, here we are, anyhow! (He sits down on the ottoman next Mrs Eynsford Hill, on her left.) And now, what the devil are we going to talk about until Eliza comes? MRS HIGGINS: Henry: you are the life and soul of the Royal Society’s зойёез; but really you’re rather trying on more commonplace occasions. HIGGINS: Am 1? Very sorry. (Beaming suddenly.) I suppose I am, you know. Ha, ha! THE PARLOR-MAID: (opening the door) Miss Doolittle. HIGGINS: (rising hastily and running to Mrs Higgins) Here she is, mother. (He stands on tiptoe and makes signs over his mother’s head to Eliza to indicate to her which lady is her hostess.) (Eliza, who is exquisitely dressed, produces an impression of such remarkable distinction and beauty as she enters that they all rise. Guided by Higgins’s signals, she comes to Mrs Higgins with studied grace.^ LIZA: (speaking with pedantic correctness of pronunciation and great beauty of tone) How do you do, Mrs Higgins? Mr Higgins told me I might come. MRS HIGGINS; (cordially) Quite right: I’m very glad indeed to see you. PICKERING: How do you do, Miss Doolittle? LIZA: (shaking hands with him) Colonel Pickering, is it not? MRS EYNSFORD HILL: I feel sure we have met before, Miss Doolittle. I remember your eyes. LIZA: How do you do? (She sits down on the ottoman gracefully in the place just left vacant by Higgins.) 70 Unit 5 Lessons 16, 17, 18 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru MRS EYNSFORD HILL: (introducing) My daughter Clara. LIZA: How do you do? CLARA: (impulsively) How do you do? FREDDY: (coming to their side of the ottoman) IVe certainly had the pleasure.^ LIZA: How do you do? MRS HIGGINS: Henry, please! (He is about to sit on the edge of the table.) Don’t sit on my writing-table: youll break it. HIGGINS: fsu/fctiy; Sorry. (A long and painful pause ensues.) MRS HIGGINS: (at last, conversationally) Will it rain, do you think? LIZA: The shallow depression in the west of these islands is likely to move slowly in an easterly direction. There are no indications of any great change in the barometrical situation. FREDDY: Ha! Ha! How awfully funny! LIZA: What is wrong with that, young man? I bet I got it right. FREDDY: Killing!^ MRS EYNSFORD HILL: Fm sure I hope it won’t turn cold. There’s so much influenza about. It runs right through our whole family regularly every spring. LIZA: (darkly) My aunt died of influenza: so they said, MRS EYNSFORD HILL: (clicks her tongue sympathetically!l!) LIZA: (in the same tragic tone) But it’s my belief they done the old woman in. MRS HIGGINS: (puzzled) Done her in? LIZA: Y-e-e-e-es, Lord love you! Why should she die of influenza? She come through diphtheria right enough the year before, I saw her with my own eyes. Fairly blue with it, she was. They all thought she was dead; but my father he kept ladling gin down her throat till she came to so sudden that she bit the bowl off the spoon.® MRS EYNSFORD HILL: (startled) Dear me! ^ Я. несомненно, имел уже удовольствие. Потрясающе! 5 Все думали, что она уже готова, но мой папаша — он схватил ложку и давай ей в глотку джин заливать, она так быстро опомнилась, что даже ложку откусила. ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Unit 5 Lessons 16, 17, 18 71 LIZA: What call would a woman with that strength in her have to die of influenza? What become of her new straw hat that should have come to me? Somebody pinched it^; and what I say is, them as pinched it done her in. MRS EYNSFORD HILL: What does doing her in mean? HIGGINS: (hastily) Oh, that’s the new small talk. To do a person in means to kill them. MRS EYNSFORD HILL: (to Eliza, horrified) You surely don’t believe that your aunt was killed? LIZA; Do I not! Them she lived with would have killed her for a hat-pin, let alone a hat. MRS EYNSFORD HILL: But it can’t have been right for your father to pour spirits down her throat like that. It might have killed her. LIZA; Not her. Gin was mother’s milk to her. Besides, he’d poured so much down his own throat that he knew the good of it. MRS EYNSFORD HILL: Do you mean that he drank? LIZA: Drank! My word! Something chronic. MRS EYNSFORD HILL: How dreadful for you! LIZA: (now quite at her ease) Not a bit. It never did him no harm what I could see. When he was out of work, my mother used to give him fourpence and tell him to go out and not come back until he’d drunk himself cheerful and loving-like. There’s lots of women has to make their husbands drunk to make them fit to live with. FREDDY: The new small talk. You do it so awfully well. LIZA: (to Higgins) Have I said an)rthing I oughtn’t? MRS HIGGINS; Not at all, Miss Doolittle. LIZA: Well, that’s a mercy, anyhow.^ What I always say is — HIGGINS: (rising and looking at his watch) Ahem! LIZA: (taking the hint; and rising) Well: I must go. (They all rise.) So pleased to have met you. Goodbye. MRS HIGGINS: Goodbye. LIZA: (nodding to the others) Goodbye, all. FREDDY: (opening the door for her) Are you walking across the Park, Miss Doolittle? If so — LIZA: Walk! Not bloody likely.® fSensatton.^ I am going in a taxi. (She goes out.) Pickering gasps and sits down. MRS EYNSFORD HILL: (suffering from shock) Well, I really cant get used to the new ways. * Кто-то ее спер. ’Ну и слава богу. * Пешком! Черта с два! 72 Units Lessons 16, 17, 18 ознакомительная копия - frengltsh.ru CLARA: Oh, it’s all right, mamma, quite right. People will think we never go anywhere or see anybody if you are so old-fashioned. MRS EYNSFORD HILL: I am very old-fashioned; but I do hope you won’t begin using that expression, Clara. I have got accustomed to hear you talking about men as rotters, and calling everything filthy and beastly; though I do think it horrible and unlady-like.^ But this last is really too much, (rising) Well, after that, 1 think it’s time for us to go. (Pickering and Higgins rise.) CLARA: Oh yes: we have three at-homes to go to still. Goodbye, Mrs Higgins. Goodbye, Colonel Pickering. Goodbye, Professor Higgins, HIGGINS: Goodbye. Be sure you try on that small talk at the three at-homes. Don’t be nervous about it. CLARA: (all smiles) I will. Goodbye. Such nonsense, all this early Victorian prudery! HIGGINS: (tempting her) Such damned nonsenseP^ CLARA: Such bloody nonsense!" MRS EYNSFORD HE.L: Clara! ’ Я уже привыкла к твоей манере называть мужчин подлецами и отзываться обо всем "дрянь” и “свинство” хотя я и полагаю, что это ужасно и недостойно леди. Такая адская чушь! Такая чертова ерунда! Wordlist J at-home day — зд. приемный день а soiree — суаре, званый вечер small talk — светская болтовня а skill — навык to offend — оскорблять to ensue — обеспечивать to tempt — искушать зд, испуганный, потрясенный sulkily — обиженно cordially — приветливо — непринужденно at ease мрачно непринужденно GD Find these sentences in the play and choose the correct Russian translation for them. 1. You’ll do as well as anybody else, a) Вы сделаете то, что сделал бы любой. П б) Вы вполне сойдете. 2. You’re rather trying on more commonplace occasions, 0 a> Ты попытаешься в другом случае. □ б) Ты можешь стать настоящим испытанием в обычной жизни. 3. Ате we in the way? □ a) Мы в пути? □ б) Мы мешаем? 4. 1 bet I got it right. П a) Спорим, я получила то, что нужно. Г~1 б) Уверена, что у меня получилось правильно. 5. Small talk indeed! What about your large talk? 1 I a) Маленький разговор, да? A большой разговор? Г~1 б) Светская болтовня, право слово? А как назвать то, когда ты серьезно разговариваешь? ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Units Lessons 16, 17, 18 73 6. Your celebrated son! □ a) Ваш сын, которого мы чествуем! I I б) Ваш знаменитый сын! 7. Pickering is in it with me. n a) Пикеринг тоже там со мной. СИ б) Пикеринг тоже участвует в этом деле. Say who the speaker is for each statement. Then choose the best Russian translation. Explain your choice. 1. But it’s my belief they done the old woman in. а) Уверена, что старушенцию пришили. б) Я так думаю, что старая женщина была убита. 2. You surely don’t believe that your aunt was killed? а) Неужели Вы верите, что Вашу тетю убили? б) Неужто ты веришь, что старушку пришили? 3. Do I not! Them she lived with would have killed her for a hat-pin, let alone a hat. а) A to! Да c кем она жила, они за булавку удавят, а тут шляпка! б) Естественно! Люди, с которыми она жила, могли бы убить и за булавку. Не то что за шляпку. 4. But it can’t have been right for your father to pour spirits down her throat like that. It might have killed her. а) Твой папаша совсем рехнулся, если вливал ей в глотку алкоголь. Это могло бы ее доконать. б) Ваш отец был не прав, если вливал ей в горло алкоголь таким образом. Ведь это могло ее убить. 5. Gin was mother’s milk to her. Besides, he’d poured so much down his own throat that he knew the good of it. а) Она джин, как молоко, лакала. Да он себе в глотку столько заливал, что толк-то в этом знал. б) Джин был для нее привычным напитком. А он сам столько пил, что прекрасно в этом разбирался. 6. Drank? Му word! Something chronic. а) Пил? Черт! Да он не просыхал. б) Пил? Боже мой! Он был хроническим алкоголиком. 7. We were interrupted: damn it! а) Нас перебили, черт возьми! б) К сожалению, нас прервали. 8. There are no indications of any great change in the barometrical situation. а) Старина барометр вряд ли брякнется. б) Нет оснований полагать, что давление будет меняться. Which of Eliza^s remarks were suitable / unsuitable for Mrs Higgins's at-home day? Why? What skills did Eliza manage to improve? What skills does she still have to work on? 74 Units Lessons 16, 17, 18 ознакомительная копия - frenslish.ru ( 5 ) Which of Higgins's remarks were suitable / unsuitable for his mother's soirze? Will Higgins be able to improve Eliza's small talk skills? Why? / Why not? Homework Q Write 10 questions then make up a story about a visit to the theatre using these words about Act of Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion" and answer them. Be ready to ask and answer them in class. S V, у. л'.• ^ ,• V ч у > # • /У- ' ^ • • • • ^ f } ; У-. V. ЛГ i. Л ■ . -Л’ : •• • Л. Unit 5 Lessons 16, 17, 18 75 ознакомительная копия - frenslish.ru