Английский язык 10 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 1

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 10 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 1 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Happy English (Хэппи Инглиш):

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к. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман АНГЛИИСКИИ ЯЗЫК ГЦиГТМ~~ПГТ~1---I------------Tl1l*n------------------Г\-----1................ Счастливый английский.РУ/ Happy English.ru Рабочая тетрадь № 1 к учебнику для 10 класса общеобразовательных учреждений И 3 Д А Т Т И Е Л т ь с т V в О л Т I Р и в L т I 5 и М Е L R S 2011 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 КЗО УДК 802,0(075.3) рМйи УМК “Счастливый английский,ру” / “Happy English.ru” для 10 класса включает следующие компоненты: • учебник • книгу для учителя ш рабочие тетради №1,2 • аудиоприложение (CD MP3) • учебное пособие „Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь"" По вопросам приобретения книг следует обращаться в издательство „Титул**: 249035, Калужская обл., г. Обнинск, а/я 5055, тел.: (48439) 9-10-09 факс: (48439) 9-10*00, e-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели), Информация об УМК находится на сайте www.englishteachers.ru К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Рабочая тетрадь № 1 к учебнику Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru для 10 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2011,— 80 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-540-0 Рабочие тетради №1,2 входят в состав УМК „Счастливый английский.ру" для 10-го класса. В них помещены: • Дополнительные упражнения и задания, активизирующие лексический и грамматический материал раздела. • Итоговые контрольные задания для каждого раздела. • Рассказы для домашнего чтения, Материал рассказов позволяет проводить последователь-нук> работу по подготовке к ЕГЭ, а также повторять и активизировать ранее изученные лексические и грамматические темы. ББК 81.2АИГЛ-922 Учебное издание Кауфман Клара Исааковна Кауфман Марианна Юрьевна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Счастливый английский.РУ / Happy English.ru Рабочая тетрадь № 1 к учебнику для 10 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Замдиректора по подготовке изданий С. В. Ширина Корректоры Г А. Киселева, Г П. Мартыненко Оформление обложки Н А. Валяевой Дизайн макета В. КиН Иллюстрации Н. В. Китаевой, А. Н. Мезриной Художественный редактор Е. А, Валяева Оператор верстки Т. А. Вильчинская Цифровая обработка изображений Л. Н, Новоселова Сертификат соответствия санитарным правилам РФ и требованиям нормативных документов № РОСС RU. АЕ51. Н 15058 от 25.01.2011. Подписано в печать 17.03.2011. Формат 60x54/8. Гарнитура Charter ITC, Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная. Уел. печ, л. 9,33. Уел. кр.-отт. 10,27, Тир. 30000 экз. Зак. № 862. Издательство „Титул". 249035, Калужская обл., г. Обнинск, а/я 5055. Тел. (48439) 9-10-09. E-rnail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). Отпечатано в полном соответствии с качеством предоставленных издательством материалов в ОАО “Тверской ордена Трудового Красного Знамени полиграфкомбинат детской литературы им. 50-летия СССР" 170040, г Тверь, пр. 50 лет Октября, 46. ISBN 978-5-86866-540-0 К. И. Кауфман. М, Ю. Кауфман^ 2010 Издательство „Титул", дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение, 2010 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru UNIT 1 Lessons 1, 2, 3 Meet the main characters of the book.......... 4 Lessons 4, 5^ 6 Find your way at the airport............ 8 Lessons 7, 8 We must phone the camp......................... 11 Lessons 9, 10^ 11 What's "Murphy's Law"?.................... 13 Lessons 12, 13 Test yourself................................ 16 Lessons 16, 17, 18 Homereading. "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry..................... 19 UNIT 2 Lessons 1, 2 Do you have a friend?......................... 26 Lessons 3, 4, 5 What did you use to do in summer?......... 29 Lessons 6, 7, 8 Lisa's cabin mates.......................... 36 Lessons 9, 10 How to make friends?.......................... 41 Lessons 11, 12 Camp Pineland — traditions and rules......... 43 Lessons 13, 14 Test yourself.............................. 45 Lessons 17, 18, 19 Homereading. "The Stockbrocker's Clerk" (extract) by Arthur Conan Doyle......... 49 Грамматический справочник.................................. 60 Приложения 1. Словообразование........................................ 78 ...... 79 2. Как легче запомнить неправильные глаголы ...... 3, Сводная таблица времен английского языка............ 80 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Ff-r .-Л^ . . ^ ,*.- J Л- >v>^J-^- ’■'i*- ' . -3^ii3'^5Be!''%-f ”iP9*"®---= -i*- Make questions for these answers. 1. Marina’s height is 163 cm. 2. His dream is to see the world 3. Yes. the sisters have a lot in common. 4. My friend’s weight now is 54 kg. 5. No, his father is a staff member in our local newspaper. 6. Yes, they arrive in London on Friday. 7, Mary is saving up money to buy Christmas presents 8. She has to improve her English this year. [ 2 j Fill in the gaps with the necessary prepositions and translate the sentences into Russian 1. 1 like it when people are responsible their actions. 2. They waited their counsellor for 3 hours but nobody turned 3, When she arrived airport, she found out that she had left her passport at home. 4. Call me if you need to find more information 5. I remember my feelings when 1 first arrived London. 6. Why are you so rebellious? Why do you need to get involved bad companies? 7. If the bus turns on time, we won’t miss our tram. 4 Unit 1 Lessons h 2, 3 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 8. The sisters have a lot in common. Both of them are always responsible their actions, they always turn on time. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. 1.1 (pack) 2. Who normally (pack) my suitcase now. 3. As a rule I (not save up) 4. What________________ your father’s suitcase? money. you (save up) 5. I (meet) my friend tonight this money for? 6. We never (meet) on 7. At the moment they (look) 8. When Lisa (lose) a toy, she never (look) for their counsellors for it 9. What you (do) I (wait) the next stopover. 10. Normally if Emily is lost, she never (cry) her mum. Say the opposite. Use the verbs in the Present Simple Tense. Model: 1 read books very often, but my friend (seldom)... I read books very often, but my friend seldom reads them, 1. I always go to bed early, but my sister (never)... , but (wait) for for 2. 1 usually spend the summer in the village, but my friend (seldom)... 3. 1 often visit my granny, but my aunt (rarely).., 4. My parents always watch television on Sundays, and they (rarely go to the cinema)... 5. He often has tea with us, but he (to help us, never)... 6. Mr Brown works in his office on weekdays, but he (never work on Sundays)... Make questions for these answers. 1. Yes, he likes to take pictures of his friends 2. Pete never shares his thoughts with anybody. 3. Jane always helps her sister to do her homework in English, because she knows English well. Unif 1 Lessons L 2, 3 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 4. 5. 6* Thank you. She’s better now. He always turns up when we need him. She is a counsellor She works with children. Спросите друга: 1, что он обычно делает летом хочет ли он поехать в международный летний лагерь в этом году. В какую страну он хочет поехать. что он хочет посмотреть в этой стране. хороший ли он пловец. играет ли он на гитаре. кто его любимый писатель. 7 I Complete the sentences. Use the words in brackets. L What time your plane (land)? —___________________ 2. My brother (work) in another town and (not live) at home 3. Where you (come) from? 4. What time Steve (get) home after work? 5. He usually (stay) at the Hilton when he (be) in London. 6. How many languages you (speak)? 7. How often she (go) to the theatre? Choose the correct form of the verb. 1. The teacher is angry. His pupils to him. (don’t listen / are not listening) 2. He to talk to James now. (is not wanting / does not want) 3. I often try to read the newspapers in English but I (am not understanding / don’t understand) Unit 1 Lessons 1, 2, 3 very much ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 4. “Don’t shout,” she said, “I 5. you >» / am 6. He anything? (Do you see / Are you seeing) __an34:hing at the moment, (isn’t remembering / doesn’t remember) 7. I he Helen, (think / am thinking isn’t loving / doesn’t love) 8. My daughter in a restaurant for the summer, but she it very much, (works / is working, doesn’t like / isn’t liking) Г 9 J Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form 1* My wife normally Nottingham. She. at home, but she this month in in a summer school there, (work, spend, teach) 2. A: , it again. B: Yes, it most days at this time of year, (rain, rain) 3. Good night, I to bed. I always to bed early during the week. (go, go) 4. A: Where are the children? B: in the garden. They home from school at about four and usually straight out to play with their friends, (play, get, go) 5. We usually the news on TV at seven o’clock, but tonight we that new soap opera, (watch, watch) [ 10 j Translote into English. 1. Вожатые в лагере ответственны за всех детей. 2. Я уверена, что узнаю этого человека, когда приду на место встречи. 3. Мне очень нравится в лагере, но я часто скучаю по дому. 4. Я сейчас коплю деньги на подарок своему другу. 5. Он постоянно делает ошибку в этом слове. 6. Она выходит замуж весной. 7. Снег тает при О'"С. 8. Когда он приезжает в наш город, мы иногда приглашаем его на обед. Unit 1 Lessons 1, 2, 3 7 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru ( 11 Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or in the Present Progressive. ^__- 1. I know that he (leave) 2. I am not going to (have) it next week. 3. The next train (arrive) for the village tomorrow. a car much longer. I (sell) at the airport at six o’clock. You can still catch it 4. Ted (come) here this morning 5. Duncan said, “I (go) to the University tomorrow. The term (begin) on 7 February >1 6. What you (do) tonight? QYj Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. 1. He (not speak) English well 2. 3, you (eat) he (understand) fruit every day? you well? 4. Why he usually (come) very late? 5. The football season (start) 6. Look, Mary (get) in August 7. Who 8. What 9. What Katy (talk) . you (look) . he (do)___ into the car. _________to? at? now? He (to write) a new book 10 you (have) many friends now? 11. He is in Spain now. He (have) a wonderful time 12, What he (want) to do now? 13. At what temperature water (boil) Underline the phrase that suits best, 1. I do not like this car. 111 have to empty it / get rid of it / keep it. 2. My brother often irritates my mum. She says that he is a pain in the back / in the neck / in the heart. 3. 1 like to travel in Germany because trains always come at time / on time / by time there, 4. At the check-in desk we had to show e/ectrom'c tickets / boarding passes / sharp objects. 5. If you lose your way, you should pay attention to queues / trolleys / signs. [ 2 I Make up sensible endings for these sentences. 1. Heathrow is known for 2. To get an electronic ticket you must have ________ 3. An electronic ticket may be really cheap because 8 Unit 1 Lessons 1, 2, 3 and 4, 5, 6 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 4. You should put your baggage on the scales before 5. If you have excess weight, you’ll have to 6. At the security check one must _________ 7. After the security check one must go to [ 3 Л Match the opposites. 2. to keep 3. to delay 4. to save 5. to make a reservation 6. light a) arrival b) heavy c3 to spend d) to cancel e) to be on time f) to get rid of something Г 4 I Put questions to the sentences. Start with the words in brockets 1. If you don’t want to miss the plane, you should check in two hours before the flight. (When) 2. He is looking for a trolley because his baggage is very heavy. (Why) 3. My friend Jack had to pay a lot of money for excess weight. (Why) 4. He forgot to exchange money and could not pay for the taxi. (What) 5. Before the security check, you’ll have to empty your pockets and ttike off your jackets. (What) 6. You needn’t worry, the flight won’t be delayed. On the opposite, the plane arrives on time. (When) Fill in the gaps with the right modal verb. Use can, could, must, may, might, have to, to be able to, should, need. 1. You 2. You read a lot to improve your memory. ^ to use scissors to cut this fabric. 3. Children not interrupt 4. My sister said that her son______ 5. My friend’s father told him he to empty a box of chocolates in 10 minutes. ___get rid of the old TV and promised him to buy a new one. 6. If you don’t want to sit in the aisle, you check in advance. 7. You 8. ___ worry, my brother is never late and he won’t let you down. you give me your number? I want to check some details with you later. Unit 1 Lessons 4, 5, 6 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru [ 6 j Make seni-ences from these words. 1. at / luggage / to / had / check / unpack / security / she / her / the 2. reserve / not / need / you / seat / your / in advance 3. you / an electronic ticket / can / online / get 4. security / take / time / a lot of / check 5. excess / the company / may / the / charge / for / you / weight 6. their / was delayed / flight / due to / conditions / weather / severe [ 7 j Translate the sentences into English. 1. Мы были не уверены, смогут ли наши родственники приехать вовремя. 2. Почему вы опоздали? — Нам пришлось стоять в длинной очереди. 3. Боюсь, что она не сможет заказать электронный билет. 4. Я люблю сидеть в проходе, но в этот раз мне пришлось сидеть у окна 5. Из-за плохих погодных условий компания была вынуждена отложить рейс. 6. Первым делом я отправился в бюро находок, чтобы заявить о пропавшей сумке. 7. Моя сестра способна ходить по магазинам часами. Я не могу выдержать и часа. 8. Я могу присоединиться к тебе в любой момент, позвони мне заранее. 9. Ему пришлось пользоваться энциклопедией, потому что в библиотеке не было достзша к Интернету. 10. Какую сумму взимает авиакомпания за перевес багажа? 11. Перед регистрацией следует поставить чемодан на весы. 10 Unit 1 Lessons 4, 5, 6 ознакомительная копия - frenglish«ru Lessons 7, 8 Л Щ-' \жШ We ml (^2^ Choose the right definition. Sometimes more than one definition can be correct. 1. A pay phone is a) a phone that costs a lot of money. b) a telephone that requires immediate payment by a coin or a credit card. c) a phone number you dial to pay for a service. 2. A small change means a) coins, especially those of small denomination. b) a psychological disorder. c) something of Uttle value or importance. 3. A domestic call is a) a call that is made within one apartment. b) a nickname you give to your family member. c) a call within one coimtry. 4. We say that something costs a fortune when a) something costs a lot of money we usually don’t have. b) something we do brings bad luck. c) when we have to pay a high price to have good fortune in life. 5. A digit is a) a unit of digitally transferred information. b) a gadget for digging. c) one of the ten Arabic number S5anbols. CD There are mistakes in some sentences. Correct them. 1. Dima said they had to phone the camp. 1 2 3 4 5 2. You must have to remember your PIN code to be able to use your credit card. 3. You can to use small change to park your car. 4. I am afraid that this computer will cost them for a fortune. 5. The counsellors advised us to save up a money for Disney land 6. In America they start every domestic call with “0”. CD Find the odd one out. 1. should Stood could 2. staff counsellors stuff 3. a stopover a meeting point a point of view 4. to unpack to understand to unfold 5. a cube a queue a line 6. products quality goods 7. to care to carry to hold Unit I Lessons Z 8 11 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Fill in the gaps with the right prepositions. 1. If you feel sick, you should speak your counsellor. 2. Ill phone him if I get 3. You can pay for your ticket your credit card 4.1 am looking___a trolley. Where can I find it? 5, When did you arrive _ London? 6.1 saved___enough money for the trip. 7. Why has nobody come to pick them____ 8. My best friend is leaving South Africa in two weeks. 9. When my granny flies abroad, she prefers to sit the window, 10. Гт sure somebody will meet you_the airport. 11. Passengers should fasten their seat belts when the plane takes_ Translafe the sentences into English. 1. Самолет прилетает в 7 часов. Я надеюсь, что рейс не будет задержан. 2. Я уезжаю завтра. Мне нужно купить билет, даже если он будет стоить целое состо5шие. 3. Не волнуйся! Звонок внутри страны не слишком дорогой 4. Поторопитесь! На таможне может быть большая очередь. 5. Мне надо позвонить. Этот телефон не принимает монеты. 6. Наберите „1“ перед кодом города. 7. Почему он не смог дозвониться? — Он набирал неверный номер телефона 8. Ты дозвонился? — Нет. Линия была занята. 9. Поезд прибывает рано утром, и я не смогу их встретить. 10, Зимой они, возможно, поедут в Альпы. 11, Если меня не будет дома, моя сестра ответит на звонок 12. Я надеюсь, он сможет встретить моих друзей. 12 Unit 1 Lessons 7, 8 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Choose the correct option. 1. You should enter the digit / the PIN code / the confirm button to withdraw cash. 2. I can lend / borrow you some money if you need help. 3. Can I lend / borrow this book from you? 4. You should enter / insert / withdraw the credit card into the machine. 5. My brother was upset because the machine ate / swallowed / borrowed his card. 6. My sister forgot to .stress / press / pull the confirm button and decided that the machine was broken. 7. Everyone should remember the PIN code by brain / by heart / by yourself 8. I didn’t call you from the airport because I had no idea how to do / make domestic calls Match the two halves of the sentences and complete them. 1. I never borrow money It is always difficult for me to choose the sum of money Keep in mind that the file you need I am sorry Don't ever lend your money to Jacob I am having a 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Press the new message button 8. The number you have dialled V-'/V- •. .'/yV/V N rV* '/r ' - - ■- f*. >'•' ' . t • a • ' ^ Ш ■ » a) I want to withdraw. b) hasn’t been recognized. c) the machine swallowed your d) with my credit card. e) if you want to write an email f) ifl can earn it. g) as he never returns it. h) is on the desktop. fiiiibi 1 a f' ■■■VwVi I »т*ш I ■ ■■ [ 3 } Fill in the gaps with the right words. 1. I’d like a sandwich, but I haven’t got any on me. 2. Can I some money from you? 3. If you want to take out some money from a cash machine you should card into the machine. the language, and choo.se the sum of money you want to take out 4. To call to England you need to dial 5. The country code for Russia is first and then 6. Most codes start with “00”. But in Russia we dial 7. My father didn’t have extra money that is why he couldn’t. 8. 1 entered the wrong PIN code three times and the machine Gj your your PIN code, press code. it to you. , my card. Circle the correct preposition. 1. I cannot buy you an ice cream.— I have no cash with / on / by me. 2. I believe it is wrong to borrow money to /by / from friends. 3. The line was constantly busy but I managed to get on / through / in. 4. 1 am so happy that 1 am finally leaving/or / to / at New York. 5. Helen called Jackie through / by /from her mobile phone. 6. 1 didn’t know that the train arrived in / at / on 7 p.m. I am terribly sorry off/by / up. I t you Unit 1 Lessons 9, 10, 11 13 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru [ 5 ^ Write down the missing prepositions when necessary. Translate the sentences into Russian 1. I won’t go to the party with you unless you are ready 2 p.m. 2. My father will pick us provided that we promise him to arrive time. 3. Г11 buy her flowers if I have cash me. 4. If the bus arrives 6 p.m., youTl be able to come to the show time 5, You’ll never have a good mark English unless you work hard. 6. If you dial the number correctly, he’ll answer 10 seconds. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or the Future Simple. Explain your choice to the class. 1. I (can’t) lend you the money unless I (remember) my PIN code. 2. In case he (miss) his flight, the company (pay) for his ticket. 3. They (charge) you a lot of money if you (have) excess weight. 4. 1 don’t know if she (can) call from the airport. 5. We (invite) Mark to the party on condition that John (come) too. 6. In case I (not can) pick you up on the way home, I (send) a taxi. 7. I (not do) anything until I (have) access to the Internet. 8. If you (use) your mobile phone to call me from Germany, it (cost) you a fortune Г 7 j Translate the sentences into English. 1. Я позвоню, если не смогу заехать за тобой. 2. Кто-то звонит. Подними трубку. 3. Вы не должны включать мобильный телефон раньше, чем самолет приземлится 14 Unit 1 Lessons 9, Ю, 11 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 4. Не забудьте записать свой пин-код. Если вы забудете его, то не сможете снять наличные 5. Джек не сможет одолжить тебе денег, если ты не пообещаешь вернуть их вовремя. 6. В случае, если Вы не сможете позвонить из аэропорта по телефону-автомату, позвоните по мобильному телефону. 7. Как только внук понял, что бабушка не сможет приехать в аэропорт вовремя, он позвонил в аэропорт и отменил билет. 8. Рейс не будет отменен при условии, что погода улучпгатся в течение получаса 9. После того как банкомат „проглотил" кредитную карточку Лены, она пообещала себе запомнить пин-код наизусть. 10. Пошлите нам электронное сообщение, если не сможете дозвониться. CD Express the same idea in о different way. Change the underlined words 1. I can give you some money if I earn enough this month. 2. The son will take money from his mum if she offers it. 3. If there are two lines, my cousin will always be in a slower one. 4- The bus will come to Moscow on time, provided that there are no traffic jams. 5. Put several coins into the machine and you’ll get a fresh drink. 6. These two girls are very [ 9 j Revise the vocabulary and find the synonyms to the following words: 1. a late landing 2. to take money from somebody and to promise to return it later 3. to reach somebody on the phone —__________________ 4. a secret code 5. to make things worse — 6. acting against the rules Unit! Lessons Я 10^ 11 15 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 7. long before the appointed time 8. to be similar in certain things Test v/r" Ж Listen to the conversation twice and complete the sentences. The conversation takes place______________________________ Mr Brown is talking to Mr Brown wants to Mr Brown’s problem is that Mr Brown is nervous because The advice Mr Brown gets is to [ 2 J Read the story and mark these statements true^ false or not stated (if there isn't enough information in the text). 1. The story took place in the UK. 2. The passengers were on their way to India. 3. The stopover wasn’t very long. d] 4, People usually get nervous when they have to stand in a queue, d] 5. The passengers of the flight to Bombay had to go through the security check dl 6. The tall Indian had just his hand baggage with him. dl 7. The Indian was carrying a very heavy bag. d] 8. The Indian tried to go through the metal detector with his bag. 9. Only the Indian’s trolley set off the alarm. 10. The Indian was travelling for the first time in his life. -- • # ' Л r Ш « Ш—Г г • 3 ._wv — » •- -■ f X m ♦ -# h # «• .A. IJeAv^y A. flight to India had a stopover at Heathrow Airport. The stopover was just two hours, so the passengers only had time for a snack and a bit of shopping before they were ready to board their next plane to Bombay. But there was a huge queue to the security check and the passengers were starting to get very nervous. They didn't want to miss their flight. One of the passengers in the queue was a very tall Indian with a big bag. The bag was heavy for normal hand baggage and the man had put it on a trolley. When it was his turn to go through the metal detector, he stepped forward with his bag. Of course, the next thing everybody heard was a loud alarm (сирена). The security officers went speechless with surprise. However, a moment later, they turned to the Indian man and very politely asked him to leave his hand baggage with them before going through the metal detector. The Indian smiled, took his bag off the trolley and gave it to a security officer. Then he went back to his trolley, pushed it in front of him and tried to go through the metal detector once again. By this time, it was very clear what the problem was. • # 41' ^ 9 16 Unit 1 Lessons 12, 13 # Ф # * Ш m г и . ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Read Же dialogues. You are Jane and you have found a very inferesting summer job. You are working as a secretary in the company called "Big Tree". Somebody is calling. Choose the most suitable replies. 1. The telephone rings. What do you say? a) Hello, how can I help you? b) Hi! c) Hello! ‘'Big Tree’’, Jane speaking. d) Hello, rny name is Jane. What can I do for you? 2. The caller answers: “Hello. Yd like to speak to Emily Greenway/’ What do you say? a) Who are you? b) Who is calling, please? c) What’s your name? d) Sorry. There’s no one by that name here. 3. The caller says: “It’s Jacob Barnstorm.” What do you say? a) Just a second... b) Please hold on and I’ll see if she’s in. c) Wait a minute... dj Hang on, Mr Barnstorm. 4. You discover that Mrs Greenway is out. What do you say to Mr Barnstorm? a) Гт afraid Mrs Greenway is out. b) What do you want to say to Mrs Greenway? c) Mrs Greenway can’t speak to you now. d) I’m afraid Mrs Greenway is out. Can I take a message? 5. The caller says: “Could you tell her that I called and that she can call me back on Monday.” What do you say? a) OK, what’s your number? b) Fine... Can I take your number, please? c) Give me your number, please! d) She knows your number. 6. The caller gives you his number. What do you say? a) Right. I’ll leave a message for her. b) OK. Mrs Greenway will get your message. c) Fine. I’ve written it down. d) All right, Г11 tell her. [4 Complete the sentences with the right words and expressions. area code, country code, cash machine, advantage, PIN code, late, borrow, message, cash, passengers, information desk, check in 1. If you want to phone London, you need to know the code of this dry and the of the UK. 2. Credit cards are not accepted in every shop. So you should always have some 3. on you are recommended to arrive at the airport two hours in advance. 4. If nobody answers your phone call, you can leave a on the answering machine. 5. When you money from somebody, don’t forget to return it as soon as you can 6. You can get some money from the ____________________code? . Do you remember your Unit 1 Lessons 12, 13 17 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 7. The 8. You have to of the electronic ticket is that you can't lose it. *« ________before you can go to the security check 9. If you have any questions at the airport, go to the 10. Our flight was , so we had enough time for some shopping. Choose the right answer. I 1. Your flight is ... time, a) on b) to c) at 2. We arrived ... London two days ago, a) at b) in c) to 3. Don't borrow money ... your friend. He hasn’t got much, a) from b) to c) with 4. I’ve lent my pen ... Vera, a) to b) from c) at 5. I caught a cold because ... my friends. They hid my jacket and I had to go out without one. a) off b) on c) of 6. My father smokes, but he wants to get rid ... this bad habit, a) with b) on c) of 7. You’ll have to take ... your shoes. Mother has just cleaned the floor, a) off b) of c) on II 1. Mum ... learn to drive a car. Her new job is in another town, a) may b) must c) has to 2. Passengers ... carry any sharp objects in their hand baggage, a) can b) mustn’t c) don’t have to 3. You ... dial the area code before this number, a) can b) may c) must 4. I’m busy today. Who ... go to the post office instead of me? a) can b) need to c) must 5. ... I introduce myself? I’m Edward Steel, a) May b) Do ... have to cj Must 6. If she picks up the phone, you ... tell her anything. She’ll be upset, a) can’t b) don’t have to c) mustn’t 7. Phone me tomorrow. Hopefully, I... to help you. a) can b) will be able c) may 8. Will I have to come tomorrow? — No, you .... a) mustn’t b) don’t have to c) needn’t 9. Caroline ... learn English, She hved in England for five years when she was a teenager, a) mustn’t b) can’t c) doesn’t have to Write about your usual weekend. Are you going to do anything different next weekend? Have you got any plans already? What are they? Write 8-12 sentences. 18 Unit 1 Lessons 12, 13 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru -у >: fi Read the first part of the story for detail. Use the wordlist and a dictionary for help , '• »• V. *rr -' V.*- 'C»-.‘.V. -X A Retrieved Reformation by O. Heniy PART I A guard came to the prison shoe-shop, where Jimmy Vcilentine was working, and took him to the prison office. There the warden handed Jimmy his pardon^ which had been signed that morning by the governor. Jimmy took it without showing any excitement. He had been in prison for ten months of a four-year sentence^, however Jimmy had very good connections and he had expected to stay only about three months, at the longest. “Now, Valentine,’^ said the warden, “you’ll go out in the morning. Make a man of yourself. You’re not a bad fellow at heart. Stop cracking safes and start a new life.” ( At a quarter past seven on the next morning, Jimmy stood in the front office again. The clerk handed him a railroad ticket and the five-dollar bilP with which he was supposed to start his new life. The warden gave him a cigar and shook hands. Valentine, 9762, was recorded on the books, “Pardoned by Governor”, and Mr James Valentine walked out into the sunshine. Ignoring the song of the birds, the waving green trees, and the smell of the flowers, Jimmy went straight to a restaurant. There he tasted the first sweet joys of liberty. He ordered a chicken and a bottle of white wine followed by a cigar, which was better than the one the warden had given him. Then he walked to the railroad station and took a train. Three hours later he entered the cafe of his old friend Mike Dolan in his home town. “Sorry we couldn’t make it sooner, Jimmy, my boy,” said Mike as they shook hands. “It wasn’t so easy this time. Feeling all right?” “Fine,” said Jimmy. “Got my key?” He got his key and went upstairs, unlocking the door of his room. Everything was just as he had left it. There on the floor was still the button which Jimmy had tom from Ben Price’s collar when the detective had come to arrest him. / г I у Ф ' t ж помилование чегырехлетнии приговор пятидолларовая Е<упюра Unir 1 Lessons 16^ 17| 18 19 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Jimmy slid back‘d a panel in the wall and took out a dust-covered suitcase. He opened this and careiiilly, touched his set of burglar^s tools^. They were amazing and had cost him over nine hundred dollars! It was a complete set, made of special steel, Jimmy had invented some of these tools himself and was very proud of that fact. In half an hour Jimmy went downstairs and through the cafe. He was now dressed in expensive clothes and carried his dusted and cleaned suitcase in his hand. “Are you in business again?” asked Mike Dolan. “Me?” said Jimmy in a puzzled tone. “I don’t understand. Гт representing the New York Biscuit and Cracker Company.” Mike liked the joke so much that he immediately gave Jimmy a seltzer-and-milk. Jimmy never touched “hard” drinks^ A week after the release of Valentine, 9762, there was a safe-burglary in Richmond, Indiana, with no clue to the author. Only eight hundred dollars was stolen. TWo weeks after that, a patented, improved, burglar-proof safe in Logansport was opened and fifteen hundred dollars was taken. That began to interest the police. Then an old-fashioned bank safe in Jefferson City became active and somebody took five thousand dollars from it. The losses were now so high that Ben Price himself was called upon. Ben Price investigated the scenes of the robberies and remarked: “That’s Dandy Jim Valentine’s autograph. He’s resumed business. He’s got the only tools that can do it. And look how clean these jobs are. Jimmy never has to drill but one hole^. Yes, I guess I want Mr Valentine.” But Ben Price knew Jimmy’s habits, so it wasn’t going to be easy. One afternoon Jimmy Valentine and his suitcase climbed out of a train in Elmore, a little town five miles off the railroad down in Arkansas. Jimmy, looking like a student who had just come home from college, went down the road toward the hotel. A young lady crossed the street, passed him at the corner and entered a door over which was the sign, “The Elmore Bank”. Jimmy Valentine looked into her eyes, forgot what he was and became another man. She lowered her eyes and colored slightly. Young men of Jimmy’s style and looks were rare in Elmore. Jimmy caught a boy that was sitting on the steps of the bank and began to ask him questions about the town, giving him dimes® at intervals. After a while the young lady came out, pretended that she hadn’t noticed Jimmy and went her way. “Isn’t that young lady Polly Simpson?” asked Jimmy. “No,” said the boy. “She’s Annabel Adams. Her dad owns this bank. What did you come to Elmore for? Is that a gold watch-chain? I’m going to get a bulldog. Got any more dimes?” f 1 fr. |> . 1 f\ * ^ { i I 't’l 5 ' к Vf ill T1' Jik 1 Ла к A 5 6 7 d отодвинул инструменты для взлома спиртные напитки „Джимми никогда не сверлит больше одной дырки** американские монеты в десять центов 20 Unit 1 Lessons 16, 17^ 18 ознакомительная копия - frenslish.ru CD CD Describe Jimmy Valentine with the information from the story. Use these words and expressions and your own ideas, a drinker, a bully, a liar, a sense of humour, nice, friendly, clever, stupid, well-mannered, well-dressed, kind, a burglar, likable, attractive, greedy, strong, horrible, lonely, ugly What do you think will happen to Jimmy in the second part of the story? Use these words and expressions to make your own suggestions. get married for love, get very rich, get caught by Ben Price, rob Mr Adams’s bank, make Annabel fall in love and use her to rob her father’s bank, start a new honest life, live under another name, become a banker, ask Ben Price for help, get robbed by another burglar, be put in prison again, do something heroic I 4 J Read Part II and check your ideas. PART II Jimmy went to the Planters’ Hotel, registered as Ralph D, Spencer, and took a room. He spoke with the hotel clerk and mentioned that he had come to Elmore to start a business. How was the shoe business, now, in the town? He had thought of the shoe business. Was there an opening? Mr Ralph Spencer, the phoenix that arose from Jimmy Valentine’s ashes, left by the flame of a sudden attack of love, remained in Elmore, opened a shoe store and prospered. Socially he was also a success, and made many friends. And he accomplished the wish of his heart. He met Miss Annabel Adams, and continued to fall more and more in love with her each day. At the end of a year the situation of Mr Ralph Spencer was this: he had won the respect of the community, his shoe store was flourishing, and he and Annabel were engaged to be married in two weeks^, Mr Adams, the typical country banker, approved of Spencer. Annabel was proud of him. He was treated as a family member by both the Adams’ family and the family of АппаЬеГз married sister. One day Jimmy sat down in his room and wrote this letter, which he mailed to the safe address of one of his old friends in St Louis: Ves^r Oid Friend^ I wanf уоц fo he 9и([(1^ап's in Ufiie пех+ Wedr^esd^y a'f niW о‘dock. I wan*/" you fo do somei^hm^ for ме. And^ dso^ I i~o мзке you a joreseini^ of nny kH' of i'ools, I know youHt he ^/ad 'fo i~h€rvi. ^^Чу/ I We ^iven ujo fhe old bniinesi a ^ear a^o. TWe a nice sfore. I'm waking an honesi' lii/ing'^ and r'fvi ^oin^ fo m^rry fhe finesf ^irl on ear+h 'fwo Weeks from now. I Wouldn ‘f fouch a dollar of another war's money now for a willion. ^ffer I ^ef warned^ I'm ^oln^ ~to sell ouf and ^o wesf Where nohody knows me. I fell you^ 6ill^^ she's an an^el. She beliei/es in me; and Г wouldn'f do ^nyfhmg' fo ujosef her for fhe whole World. Do come. I musf See you. I‘II bring" a/ong" fhe fools W\fh me. Your old friendj Jimmy ^ Oh был обручен с Аннабел, и они должны были пожениться через две недели. Unit 1 Lessons 16, 17, 18 21 ознакомительная копия - frenglish«ru On the Monday night after Jimmy wrote this letter, Ben Price arrived in Elmore. He walked about the town quietly until he found out what he wanted to know. From the drug-store across the street from Spencer's shoe store he got a good look at Ralph D. Spencer. “Going to marry the banker’s daughter are you, Jimmy?” said Ben to himself, softly. ‘'Well, I don't know!”^^ The next morning Jimmy took breakfast at the Adamses, He was going to Little Rock that day to order his wedding suit and buy something nice for Annabel. That would be the first time he had left town since he came to Elmore. It had been more than a year now since those last professional “jobs”, and he thought it would be safe. After breakfast, the Adams' family went down town together — Mr Adams, Annabel, Jimmy, and Annabel's married sister with her two little girls, aged five and nine. They came by the hotel where Jimmy still stayed, and he ran up to his room and returned with his suitcase. Then they went on to the bank. There stood Jimmy’s horse and buggy and a coachman, who was going to drive him over to the railroad station. All went inside the bank, Jimmy induded^^, for Mr Adams's future son-in-law was welcome anywhere. Jimmy set his suitcase down. Annabel, whose heart was bubbling with happiness, put on Jimmy's hat, and picked up the suitcase. “How do I look?” said Annabel. “My! Ralph, how heavy it is! Feels like it was full of gold bricks.’'^^ “Lot of nickel-plated shoehorns in there,said Jimmy, “that I'm going to return. I'm doing it myself to save money. Tm getting awfully economical.” The Elmore Bank had just put in a new safe and vault^"^. Mr Adams was very proud of it, and insisted on an inspection by everyone. The vault was a small one, but it had a new patented door. It fastened with three steel bolts and had a time-lock’^. Mr Adams proudly explained its workings to Mr Spencer, who showed a polite but not too intelligent interest. The two children, May and Agatha, were delighted by the shining metal and funny clock. While the happy family was in the bank, Ben Price, the detective, walked in and leaned on his elbow, looking casually inside. He told the clerk that he didn't want anything; he was just waiting for a man he knew. Suddenly there was a scream or two from the women. While the adults weren't looking. May, the nine-year-old girl, in a spirit of play, had shut Agatha in the vault. The old banker rushed to the handle and tugged at it for a moment. “The door can't be opened,” he cried. “The clock hasn't been wound, the combination hasn’t been set!”^^ Agatha's mother screamed again, hysterically. 10 11 и 13 14 15 16 „Ну, не знаю* не знаю* право!“ и Джимм^и в том числе „Такое ощущение, что он набит золотыми слитками"‘. „Тут никелироваиные рожки для обуви“. кладовая с сейфом Ее замыкали три тяжелых стальных засова* которые запирались с помощью часового механизма. , Л верь нельзя открыть,— простонал он.— Часы не были заведены, и соединительный механизм не установлен". • г * t 22 Unit 1 Lessons 16, 17 18 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru ‘*Hushl” said Mr Adams, raising his trembling hand. *‘All be quiet for a moment. Agatha!” he called as loudly as he could. “Listen to me.” During the following silence they could just hear the faint sound of the child wildly shrieking in the dark vault. *‘My precious darling!” wailed the mother, “She will die of fright! Open the door! Oh, break it open! Can’t you men do something?” “There isn’t a man nearer than Little Rock who can open that door,” said Mr Adams, in a shaky voice. “My God! Spencer, what shall we do? That child — she can’t stay long in there. There isn’t enough air, and, besides, she’ll die from fright.” Agatha’s mother, panicking, beat the door of the vault with her hands. Somebody wildly suggested dynamite. Annabel turned to Jimmy, her large eyes full of horror, but there was also hope in them. To a woman nothing seems quite impossible to the powers of the man she worships. “Can’t you do something, Ralph — try, won’t you?” He looked at her with a soft smile on his lips and in his keen eyes. “Annabel,” he said, “give me that rose you are wearing, will you?” Hardly believing that she heard him right, she placed the rose in his hand. Jimmy put it into his vest pocket, threw off his coat and pulled up his shirtsleeves. With that act Ralph D. Spencer disappeared and Jimmy Valentine took his place. “Get away from the door, all of you,” he commanded, shortly. He set his suitcase on the table, and opened it. From that time on he didn’t seem to notice anyone else. He laid out his shining tools swiftly and orderly, whistling softly to himself as he always did when at work. The others watched him in a deep silence. In a minute Jimmy’s drill was biting smoothly into the steel door. In ten minutes — breaking his on burglarious record, he opened the door. Agatha, very weak, but safe, was in her mother’s arms. Jimmy Valentine put on his coat, and walked towards the front door. As he went he thought he heard a faraway voice, that he once knew, call “Ralph!” But he never hesitated. At the door a big man stood in his way. “Hello, Ben!” said Jimmy, still with his strange smile. “Got here at last, have you? Well, let’s go. It doesn’t matter anymore.” And then Ben Price acted rather strangely. “Guess you’re mistaken, Mr Spencer,” he said. “Don’t believe I recognize you. Your buggy’s waiting for you, isn’t it?”^^ „Въи наверное, ошиблись, мистер Спенсер,— сказал он. Вас там, кажется, дожидается экипаж?“ ПО“Моему, мы с Вами незнакомы. Unit 1 Lessons 16, i;^ 18 23 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Read the sentences. Which of these events didn't toke place in the story? Underline them. Then put the events thot did occur in the correct order. 1. Jimmy Valentine got married. 2. 3. Jimmy Valentine got released from prison. 4. Jimmy Valentine worked in the shoe shop in prison. 5. Jimmy Valentine cracked a lot of safes. 6. Jimmy Valentine opened his own shoe store. 7. Jimmy Valentine was pardoned by the governor. 8. Jimmy Valentine came to Elmore. 9. Jimmy Valentine robbed Mr Adams’s bank, 10. Jimmy Valentine opened a safe in Mr Adams’s bank. 11. Jimmy Valentine saved a little girl. 12. Detective Ben Price didn’t recognize Jimmy. 13. Detective Pen Price arrested Jimmy. 14. Detective Ben Price pretended that he didn’t recognize Jimmy. 15. Jimmy Valentine gave all his tools to an old friend. 4-. Discuss these questions. Do you believe that people can change like Jimmy did? What makes them change? Give some examples from real life Homework « « [ A ]| Change the sentences using these words. forgive, come into, give. , investigate ' Г T iTb~r I*i*f -------||“П-------------------- # t Model: Jack is lucky. His business is prospering. — Jack is lucky. His business is a success 1. Alice entered the room with a big cake. _____________________________________________ 2. He handed me this letter yesterday. 3. He is in prison for cracking a safe 4. Please pardon me. I was wrong. 5. Kate and Dillon are going to get married 6, The detective who is working on this matter is very famous. 24 Unit 1 Lessons 16, 17, 18 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Answer the questions with the information from the story. 1. How long was Jimmy in prison?----------------------- 2. What was Jimmy in prison for? 3. Was Jimmy going to start a new life when he left prison? 4. What did Jimmy do during his first months of freedom? 5, Who investigated the burglary cases? 6. Was Jimmy Valentine a clever burglar? Why? 7. What event changed Jimmy’s life? 8. Why did Jimmy deicide to stay in Elmore? 9. What business did he start in Elmore? 10, Was Jimmy a success as a businessman? 11. Why did the Adams’ family treat him as a family member? 12. What happened to Annabel’s nieces? 13. Why did Jimmy have to crack the safe? 14. Why did Jimmy leave after he had cracked the safe? 15. Did Ben Price recognize Jimmy? 16. What really happened when Ben Price saw Jimmy? Write a short summary of the story and share it with the class. ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Unit I Lessons 16, 17, 18 25 ^ W ш Do you - VVi - - Уж^ ’ ‘Ш *//У//г>/ л . '" . . . 4'l’, . ».' ' "Лш*. 'J» - > *>j -:Л’ V-* ^jrjtjf»-,r'\' тмт:. ■•»«■: -■> '•: ’•jWpn vw/tftavyyyw 1 I Write the words down into the appropriate column according to the meaning. jrT Л’ grateful, to rely on, to fall out, happy, rebellious, awkward, breathtaking, ashamed, famous, lonely, sad, to hurt, to quarrel, responsible, worst, witty, to make up, smart, favourite, to improve, to bully POSITIVE MEANING • Ч - IVEGATIVE MEANING Fill in the gaps with the right preposition, 1. Whenever John is in trouble, he turns parents help. 2. This woman is never ashamed her child’s awkward behavior. 3. It is hard to relax in her company because she is always showing everyone’s attention. 4. Even though they often quarrel, they always make__________ . She likes to attract 5. Michael is very proud of his business partner. He never lets him He always keeps his promises and finishes the work on time. 6. This girl’s younger brother is very good mathematics. 7. I was very grateful my elder sister because she gave me such a good recommendation Q 3 I Look at the idioms and the examples and choose the most appropriate explanation to each sentence. 1. to feel blue She felt a bit blue when she was tired. She felt angry / sad / happy. 2. to be in black mood Be careful when you talk to him today — he is in black mood. He is unhappy / angry / rebellious. 3, to be over the moon We were over the moon when we heard the news. We were delighted / surprised / disappointed to hear the news. 26 Unit 2 Lessons 1, 2 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 4. to have butterflies in smb’s stomach. When Jacky was going to sing on the stage in front of the huge audience, she had butterflies in her stomach. She felt exhausted / optimistic / nervous. 5. mouth in the stomach Every time I go on a big rollercoaster, my mouth is in my stomach. I shout with delight /1 am scared /1 become very hungry. 4 I Match the questions with the answers. t 1. 2i 3. ■> 4. 5. t .0 » m I О . , r » m ^ • i fjf ■У.^л.гУ f'** Why is she so sad? f ; Why is your muiri so angry? r’*V y^**' • yjyy: -: > .r How does Peter feel about his exams? What made you feel gf* Who d help to? a) b) c) d) e) Steve seems to be a nice person — we clicked straight away! Her classmates bully her. He is very disappointed. They always helped me whenever I felt lonely. Yesterday I let her down again. « Й « Translate the words in brackets and complete the answers to the questions. 1. John, 12 years old: “I am starting a r to be bullied. How can I avoid that?” -- Mr Wise: “Dear John, first of all I strongly recommend that you shouldn’t (воображать) . It is important to start a friendly conversation with someone you feel you can (быстро сойтись) ___________________. Do your best to show your classmates that they can (положиться на тебя) . And if you find somebody you feel comfortable with, try to (держаться вместе) yf 2. Mandie, 3Z.years.old: “Two weeks ago I fdt that my son’s coat smells of cigarettes. My son is 16 years old. VVhat would you recommend me?” лУ *V Mr Wise: в нем) “First of all, you shouldn’t show your son that you are (разочарована ____________________Try to understand why he (ведет себя так) . You may (почувствовать себя неловко) but try to share your worries with him. He should always know that he can (обратиться к Вам за помощью)-------------------------- . Show him that his health is important to you and that you care about him. Unit 2 Lessons 1,2 27 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 3. Caroline, 16 years old: “Whenever I call my best friend, she hangs up. I do not know why she is angry. What I should Mr Wise: “Try to (перезвонить ей) . I hope next time she will answer you. If you want to have (дружбу на всю жизнь) _______________________, you should (обратиться за помощью)___ to common friends. Whenever (вы ссоритесь) , you -Л , . 4 ' .-It should Свести себя) peacefully and wisely. Make your friend believe that you are always there and you will never (подведешь ее) cannot (сердиться друг на друга)_______________ . Real friends for a long time. Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. Translate the text into Russian in written form Friendship At the moment I (think) is. There (be) .______^ ________________________about what a real friendship a very good proverb: friend in need is a friend indeed". This proverb (express) my idea of friendship absolutely. I think that a real friend never (let you down) and you can always (rely on) him. Some of my classmates say that they (not need) any friends, but I (not believe)________ _________________friends and (expect) them. As a rule, people (need) help and comfort from each other. Very often I (see)________that my classmates have "fair weather" friends and usually they let them down in a difficult situation. And I think disappointment is the price they (pay) for their blindness. There is another good English proverb: "A hedge between (keep) green". I fully agree with this proverb. True friends (know)_______ friendship « when you (want) you since they (have) to stay alone. They don4 have to spend all their free time with their own interests and hobbies. But there are some things true friends should agree upon. These (be) such things as attitude to life and people, ability to forgive, to sympathize and most of all to listen and to understand. Everyone (dream)________________ to have a true and faithful friend but not all of us are lucky enough to find one, since real affection, warmth of heart and ability to sacrifice is something that (require) bought nor sold. tolerance and love and can be neither 28 Unit 2 Lessons 1, 2 - i -■<5; U-*- •y- ■2Г I f f . d* ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru ..________ ------- /г *NHbe»ti6ibW*» ^ wto do. in,s|iiiB}er >1^ мГ^^|1 11^1 ||_|_й~а; <:■ Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Они уже бьшо собирались помириться, когда вошел Джон. 2. Было очевидно, что он очень разочарован. 3. Когда они поссорились, ей было очень стыдно за себя. 4. „Его приезд не имеет значения. Я уезжаю",— сказала Света. .5. Петя заплакал: „Я не пойду в школу. Мальчишки постоянно издеваются надо мной". 6. Если ты подведешь меня завтра, я буду знать, что мы не сможем на тебя положиться 7. Не приглашай Наташу. Она вечно воображает. Unit 2 Lessons 1, 2 and 3, 4, 5 29 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 2 ^ Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the Past Simple or the Past Progressive. 1. While I to work this morning, I a serious accident. (drive, see) 2. When we _ the shopping last week, we a nice place to have coffee, (do, find) 3. He 4. We (enjoy, go) 5. When she . 6. When I 7. The translator (check, phone) 8. The students _ 9. The thieves 10. Someone _ 11.1 12. He 13. When Sabby 14. When he__ 15. What he 16. My father 17. First he _ 18. How long you 19. Where he___ 20. What you 21. I_______ 22. Dick 23. 24. Her friends (wait, arrive) 25. He the book and to read, (open, start) the film, when suddenly the electricity off the news, she her son. (hear, phone) the doorbell, I downstairs, (hear, run) the contract when the manager a test when the bell . (write, ring) while we . (break in, sleep) with my clothes while I in the supermarket when I . (run off, swim) my purse, (shop, lose) tennis when he his leg. (play, break) the door the phone . (open, ring) in England he when you a lot of tourists, (be, see) him? (do, see) himself while he for 2 hours and then . (cut, shave) to bed, (read, go) for me yesterday? (wait) when you him? (be, notice) at 7 p.m. yesterday? (do) home when it raining, (walk, start) at everybody for 5 minutes and then away, (come in, look, go) she when you on the platform when she her? (laugh see). ______in Saratov. a bath when the film . (to have, start) Choose between used to and would. Sometimes you can use both. 1. Mrs Berkley be very shy. She came to see her go red in the face every time I 2. We 3. I_ meet for lunch every Sunday but now we seldom see each other listen to classical music. Nowadays I prefer jazz. 30 Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4, 5 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 4. Му aunt 5. We______ be upset every time I forgot to call her. play tennis every Friday but now we meet on Sundays. 6. When her elder sister was a teenager, she to be very romantic. She cry while watching any soap opera. Г 4 1 Combine the following ideas into a sentence with used to...^ but now. 1. Mary ate junk food when she was a child. Now she keeps fit and prefers healthy food 2. 10 years ago people paid only in cash. Today most people have credit cards. 3. Seven years ago I had a motorbike. It belongs to my sister now as I drive a car. 4. When he lived in Paris, he ate frogs every weekend. Now he lives in India and he eats Indian food every second day. 5. When her granddaughter was a kid she believed that snow was made of ice cream. ^5} Translate the sentences into English 1. Как OH имел обыкновение проводить вечера, когда жил в Лондоне? 2. Когда он приезжал, он, бывало, всегда останавливался у нас. 3. Она потеряла ключи, когда шла в школу. 4. Когда он посмотрел на нее, она плакала. 5. Ваша сестра привыкла спать на диване, не так ли? 6. Сначала она грустила, но потом прргвыкла жить в деревне. 7. Он никогда раньше не звонил мне так рано. 8. Она была занята, когда я приходила к ней вчера. Она готовилась к экзаменам 9. Она (бывало) много путешествовала, когда была моложе? 10. Он не привык жить в большом доме. Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4, 5 31 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru ( 6 J Complete the sentence using the Present Perfect. Model: I can’t brush my teeth, because (I to lose, my toothbrush). / can't brush my teeth, because I have lost my toothbrush. 1. He can’t call his friend because (he, to lose, his notebook). 2. My mother can’t wear her dress because (she, not to finish it). 3. Mr Downey can’t read the newspaper because (the postman, not to deliver it). 4. Mrs Wolf can’t do anything because (she, to learn, just, about her son’s illness) 5. 1 can’t fly to Australia because (I, not to have, enough, money, yet) ( 7 ) Спросите друга: 1. опаздывал ли он когда-нибудь на самолет. 2. был ли он когда-нибудь в международном летнем лагере 3, какой фильм он посмотрел недавно 4. был ли он в театре в этом месяце. 5. улучшился ли его английский за последнее время. 6. что он только что сделал. [ 8 J Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. 1.1 (travel) a lot since you last saw me 2. When he (call) 3.1 often (play) mJ 9 football when I (be) a boy. I (play) very often since then. 4. Who (hear) from Mary lately? 5. How’s Jane’s son? 1 (not see) him recently. 6. He’s the only clever man 1 ever (speak to) 7. They (live) in Minsk for 10 years and then they (move) to Novgorod 32 Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4, 5 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 8. I (not have) (be) any English lessons this month. My teacher 9, I (meet) ill since February. Steve at my friend^s house today. 10, She (not go) 11, Hi, I (see) anywhere so far. Jane today. Where you (see) (Be) she alone or with her friend? 12. You know, Mr Tipping (publish) (publish) a new book. When he 13. We (fall out) 14* James Perkins (invent) two months ago and never (meet) the refrigerator in 1834. 15. How many poems Pushkin (write) 16. Look! Somebody (open) the windows. 17. Why is he crying? He his leg. How it (happen) Translote the sentences into English I since then Здравствзш, Ричард! He видел тебя целую был? — Я был там в октябре. Ты ездил один? —Да. Какие города ты посетил? — Я провел неделю в Лондоне, а затем поехал в Брайтон. Это лучший курорт, который я когда-либо видел. А ты был Б Ковентри? — Да. Мне очень понравился собор. Ты когда-нибудь слышал о нем раньше? II 1, Я раньше часто играл в теннис. 2. Линда часто болеет последнее время 3. Как дела у Тома? — Не знаю. Он пока не звонил 4. Ты видел ее сегодня? — Да, мы вместе обедали в ресторане Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4, 5 33 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 5. Смотри! Джон купрш новую машину. Я никогда не видел такую машину прежде 6. Это самая интересная книга, которую я когда-либо читал. 7, Это самый вкусный торт, который я когда-либо ел 8. Ты видел его на этой неделе? — Нет. 9. Когда ты его видел? — В прошлом месяце. 10. Я недавно встретила Линду. Она хорошо выглядит. 11. Какие новости? — Моя сестра купила нов)гю квартиру. 12. Они уже купили мебель? — Нет. 13. Я сегодня иду на вечеринку. Но я еще не купил подарок. ш 14. В этом году Джейн посетила две страны. Это было великолепно! [ 10 J Explain the usage of the Past Perfect. Translate into Russian 1. He asked her if she had had breakfast. 2. She was sure that he had never lied to her before. 3. Jack chose “The Sumner” hotel in London though he had never been there before. 4. He was pleased to meet Dave again. He had known him for ten or eleven years, and they used to play tennis together in London many times. 5. Suddenly she realized that she hadn’t eaten anything since yesterday 6. Janet bought her ticket and moved away from the window. 7. No sooner had he thought about her than she phoned. 8. They parked the car and walked to the station. 34 Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4, 5 ознакомительная копия - freiiglish.ru 9. Не shaved and had a shower. 10. He had shaved and was having a shower. 11. Hardly had they arrived when their child fell asleep. 12. They had finished their meal and were having coffee. Match the answers with the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ш ••• • r • A w r ♦ * mm Where’s Anna? y^, 7^"''' '>y> Are you going to watch the film on TV tonight? Do you know Mike? ж#Ж| May I borrow yom'book?-' Do you know Londbn well? 'ВШ ^ . j>^ y*^*v>V ^ How do you feel? Do you still work at Smith’s? , .... '//it.-Ш a) No, IVe seen it before. b) Yes, I’ve lived here for years. c) She’s gone shopping. d) No, Tve never met him before. e) I’m afraid IVe left it at home. f) Awful. I think I’ve caught a cold. g) Yes, IVe worked there since 2005. УЛ.-; Translate the sentences into English. 1. Почему ты вчера не пригласил Джейн в кино? — Она уже видела этот фильм 2. Не успела мама уйти, как дети включили компьютер 3. Он едва успел положить подарок под елку, как его сын вбежал в комнату. 4. Она посмотрела фильм и (теперь) рассказывала о нем своей подруге. 5. Когда Лиз пришла домой, она вспомнила, что оставила ключи в офисе. 6. Он вспомнил о Джоне. Джон был его другом в течение 20 лет. 7. Бэтси поужинала и включила телевизор. 8. Питер побрился и (теперь) искал свою рубашку. 9. После тог о как гости ушли, она легла спать. 10. Она сказала, что не видела его две недели. Не успели они помириться, как опять поссорились Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4, 5 35 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 11. Он очень устал. Он работал с утра. 12. Перед тем как они переехали в Томск, они жили в Красноярске 10 лет. 13. Не успел он отправить факс, как получил электронное сообщение. г 1 ^ Supply fhe missing words according to the parts of speech indicated. Verb , Noun : . w'_%- Ч Adjective to whisper whisper whispering — honesty to admire cheerful to laugh — gratefulness helpful shame disappointing fright — kindness to react — to empty belonging grin — to fit disappearance disappearing to need Translate into English using the words from the table above. 1. Я был разочарован, когда узнал, что ему пришлось покинуть страну. 2, Очевидно, что это платье вам не по размеру. 3. Я думаю, что следует помогать бедным людям. 4. В случае если вы не сможете это сделать, вы можете обратиться к нему за помощью 36 Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4, 5 and 6, 7^ 8 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 5. В комнате, где жила Лена, жили еще две девочки, и она, бывало, чувствовала себя неловко. 6. Он широко улыбнулся, когда узнал, что раньше Джейн постоянно занималась спортом. 7. Он сказал, что эта книга принадлежит его другу. и 8. „У этой девочки хорошее чувство юмора",— прошептал он. 9. Соседки по комнате пытались ободрить Лену, но ей было трудно приспособиться к жизни в лагере. 3^ Circle the most appropriate word. 1. He never tells lies. He is very lasy / honest / open-minded. 2. This room is very small and the bed is huge. It does not/it in / suit / match. 3. There are holes in the roof of his house. It is so romantic / disturbing / shabbyl 4. We split up / made up / cheered up after that terrible quarrel. 5. I don’t have enough chairs at home for the party. Could you lend me a comfortable / spare / share one. 6. 1 trust my best friend. She never cheers me up / shows me off/ lets me down. J Circle the best translations for the sentences. 1. It has been raining since morning. a) C утра шел дождь. b) С утра идет^ дождь. 2. Somebody has been trying to get through all this time. a) Bee это время кто-то пытался дозвониться. b) Все это время кто-то пытается дозвониться. 3. 1 have known her for half a year. a) Я знаю ее полгода. b) Я знал ее пол года. 4. She has been helping me with everything since I met her. a) Она мне помогала во всем с тех пор, как я ее встретил. b) Она мне помогает во всем с тех пор, как ее встретил. 5. I have been thinking about one girl for a long time. a) Я уже давно думал об одной девочке. b) Я уже давно думаю об одной девочке. Fill in the gaps with for or since 1, It has been raining 2. Mary hasn’t had any guests last year. 3. Tom’s father has been building his house 4. My friends have been living in London _ two years many years. 5. Alice has been on holiday a week. 6. Peter and Kate have known each other ten years. 7. I haven’t gone out three days. 1 have been ill 1 2 ' 3 4 5 Saturday. Unit 2 Lessons 6, / В 37 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru ( 6 j Which of the sentences best describes the picture? r a) It has been raining for two days. b) It rained yesterday. i© a) We have known each other since we were children. b) We knew each other when we were children. 8 9W%K a) She has been sleeping since she came back from her trip. b) She came back from her trip, got some sleep and unpacked her things. a) Mary has been reading an exciting book all day. b) Mary has read a very interesting book. • r Г r ...Ш-- (D Rewrite the sentences. Model: My father began to watch TV two hours ago. He is still watching it. My father has been watching TV for two hours, 1. She began to learn English five years ago. She is still learning it. 2. They began to talk in the morning. They are still talking. 3. It began to rain an hour ago. It is still raining. 4. She began to cook dinner when we came. She is still cooking. 5, He began to make a fire 20 minutes ago. He is still making it. 6. I began to take pictures two hours ago. I am still taking them. [ 8 ) Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form — the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Progressive. Explain your choice. 1. She (teach) 2. Agnes (not eat) children all her life. since Monday, She is on a diet. 3. How long he (look) for a job? 38 Unit 2 Lessons 6, 7, 8 ознакомительная копия - frenglish*ru 4, I heard a very funny song when I was ten. I (remember) since then. that song 5. It (rain) since 10 o^clock. 6. They already (wait) 7. She (leam) for his call for 15 minutes. French since she came back from her trip. Use the words to write sentences in the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Progressive Use for or since. 1. I / look for / five months / this book / for — _______________________________ 2. How long / you / wait for / them / ? —---- 3. She / him / know / last year / since.—____ 4. discuss / they / this article / two hours / for 5. How long / you / here / be / ? 6. here / I / be / two weeks / for Correct the mistakes in the sentences. 1. They were friends since childhood.— ------------------- 2. How long has she wrote this book? —____________________ 3. The boys are looking for the treasure for six months already. 4. I know her all my life. 5. What did they do since we left? _ _ • (To Translate from Russian into English. 1. Что ты делаешь? — Я смотрю фильм. — Как долго ты его смотришь? — Я смотрю его с 5 часов. 2. Где она? — Она пакует чемодан. Она пакует его уже час. 3. Вы пакуете подарки своим друзьям? Сколько подарков Вы упаковали с утра? 4. Где ваши друзья? — Они в Вологде. — Как давно они там? — Они там уже месяц. 5. Кто засаживает за этим стариком? — Его сестра. Она засаживает за ним уже год. Unil 2 Lessons 6. 7. 8 39 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Write the answers for the questions. Use the ideas in the box talk to the director, run, make a fire, drive a car 1. Why do you look so pale? - 2. Why are your hands dirty? 3. Why are you breathing so fast? 4. Why is she looking tired? 13 I Translate the sentences into English. M~rm г 1. у нее красные глаза. Она плакала. 1 I 2. Крыши домов мокрые. Шел дождь. 3. Его футболка грязная. Он играл в футбол. 4. Она бледная. Ей только что сообщили плохую новость. i 14 ) Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form 1. How many exercises you (do) 2. She (love) Mike all her Ufe. since you sat down at table? 3. Mrs Black (write) 4. You (know) this book since her husband died. this man? How long you (know) him? 5. We (talk) 6. They (talk) about it for a week already. It’s time to do something! _ for 2 hours and (not finish)___________________ 7, Mr Dix is busy. How long he (be) 8. Caroline (think) busy? 9. How long you (have) years. 10. I (not see) about Mark since he left. this hat? I (have) your dog lately. What (happen) Translate the sentences into English. 1. Мы находимся в этом магазине уже 20 минут, а еще ничего не 1супили, yet. it for 2. Что он делает? — Он играет в теннис.— Как давно он играет? — Два часа. 40 Unit 2 Lessons 6, 7^ 8 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 3. Они путешествуют уже две недели и уже позвонили два раза. 4. Где Молли? — Она болеет.— Как давно она болеет? — Она болеет с четверга. 5. Они уже обсудили первый вопрос и сейчас обсуждают второй. Они обсуждают его уже час. 16 Answer the questions. 1. Why does he have a black eye? Che / fight) 2. Why can’ you .speak? (talk / all day) —_____ tv 3. Why is the road wet? (rain) 4. Why are you tired? (work / at night) 5, Why can he smell onions? (she / make pizza) 6. Why is she sad? (her son / ill) — ________ Peter: Linda: Peter: Underline the correct form of the verbs. Linda: Hi, Peter, I haven't seen you / haven't been seeing you for ages. Hi, Linda. It’s great to see you. You look tired. What have you been doing / have you done'? Oh, I have been helping / have helped my mother in that restaurant round the corner. Have you been working / Are you working there? Yes, I have had / have been having the job since summer. I have been wanting / have wanted to find a summer job for a long time, but IVe been too busy. What have you been doing / have you done? Linda: Peter: Linda: Peter: Linda: Peter: Linda: Lindii Peter: Linda: I have been getting ready / / have got ready for my music school exams since July. Oh, that’s really important. Do you have a piano? Yes, I have been having / have had one all my life. My mother has played / played it when she was yoimg. Well, good luck to you, Linda. I’m afraid I have to go now. Bye-bye. Bye! Lessons>,9. "10 ‘ J 4Ш Ж'Мг - ^^4 - How lo make friends? M Л I /V V 1 ! Find odd one out and underline it. a) loyal b) legal c) devoted d) faithful a) lazy b) diligent c) inactive d) idle a) breathtaking b) beautiful c) ugly d) amusing a) easygoing b) friendly c) merry d) lively a) miserable b) unhappy c) uncomfortable d) excited a) shy b) nervous c) embarrassed d) easygoing a) trustworthy b) honest c) reliable d) helpless Uni( 2 Lessons 6, 7, 8 and 9, 10 41 ознакомительная копия - frenclish.ru г 2 I Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box* 1. If you are introduced to new people in Germany, you should 2* Jane felt when her husband flirted with other women* 3, If you want to have a good career, you should be able to survive in a atmosphere. 4. People say that you are and cats* 5* I can share all my secrets only with someone if you feed homeless dogs 6. It was very that I had giggled behind her back. 7. If you are an of my classmate to tell my best friends person, you will always find something interesting to think about 8. She was the only person who could this problem as she knew everyone in the neigh bourhood Choose Model: the words from the unit which can answer the following questions. 1. How do you feel if your favourite basketball team loses the game? I feel unhappy / disappointed / speechless / sad. 2. How do you feel if a classmate suddenly breaks an important unwritten rule? 3. How would you behave if your best friend gets in trouble? 4. What would you advise your boyfriend if he feels jealous too often? mean to shake hands trustworthy jealous *. ■* competitave imaginative sympathetic sort out 5. What would you think about a person who is able to argue with the headmaster? 6. How would you feel if you missed your class and then bumped into your teacher? (^^4^ Change Ihe meaning of the words in brackets by using the suffixes from the box. See Grammar Reference in Workbook 1 (page 78). -ic -ful -less -y -ous -able -ed -ly 1. When my mum was young, she was very (AMBITION) and (SYMPATHY) . It helped her to make a good career. She is not that young now, but she is still (ACT) and (CREATE) . I admire her because she is never (BORE) 2. We have recently bought a new house. Most of the rooms are very (SUN) the only (UPSET) (DANGER) thing about it is the old shabby staircase which looks really 42 Unit 2 Lessons 9, 10 ознакомительная копия - frenglish*ru 3. Last spring we got lost in London. Hardly had I started to feel depressed as a (CHARM) old lady offered us her help and explained to us how to use the map. I could not believe that a complete stranger can be so (HELP) 4. The witch was very (WIT) of (HELP) . She was (EXCITE) children. They did not know how (DANGER) was to stay alone in the forest. The moment was really (DRAMA)____________ 5. The documents which contained all the necessary evidence were hardly (READ) after the flood. with the view It Lessons 11 ,%12 Ш)я ' ‘“.'Л».»,' d. rules Match the verb wifh the noun to moke expressions. — - .J 1. to make a) by heart g) a speech 2. to change b) a place h) homework 3. to know c) enemies i) a diary 4* to take d) a cold j) friends 5. to spend . e) a day k) advice 6. to catch /ф; 0 clothes 1) a list 7. to do " 8. to follow ) Complete the sentences with the correct noun or adjective. Add the correct suffix to each word. 1. Don’t be afraid of my dog — it is very 2. I tried to say to her that it was________ to go to India but she refused to believe me. 3. She gave me 4. It was______ ______advice and I solved the problem unbelievably fast that she would ignore my success. No doubt, she is always jealous 5. The man was _ of his daughter’s achievements 6. Young people are always immediately. 7. The project seemed to be brilliant. and want to achieve the results but due to his efforts the results were [ 3 j Put the verbs in brackets in the right form 1. 1 (see) this movie several times. First time I (see) it in 1992 3. My cousin often (cook). Now she (cook) a chocolate cake. FRIEND DANGER USE OBVIOUS PRIDE PATIENT HOPE 2. When I (be) a child, my mum (use) to take me for a walk to this park every weekend it 2 Lessons 9, 10 and 11, 12 43 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 4. Hardly they (reach) the door of his office, when he (find out) that he (lose) the keys 5. Billy (have) breakfast, when the fire (break) out. 6. The student (work) on this project for 3 months. He (hope) to finish it tomorrow. 7. Louisa and Jim (to be married) for 20 years already. Translate the sentences into English, 1. Раньше я часто заходил в этот книжный магазин, но теперь я заказываю редкие книги в Интернете.—_____________________________________________________________________ 2. В детстве мой папа был очень стеснительным мальчиком. 3, У моей младшей сестры всегда хорошо получалась математика. 4. Кто видел работы этого дизайнера до того, как он оформил мой офис? 5. Едва мы вбежали в дом, как начался дождь. 6. Я пытаюсь дозвониться врачу уже 3 часа, но линия занята. 7. Не успел он подумать о ней, как она позвонила Обратите внимание на различие в употреблении глаголов raise и rise ^ % S. Ф Глагол raise (raised — raised) имеет следзпощие значения: 1, поднимать When Iwas at the summer camp, we raised the flag every morning,— Когда я была в летнем лагере, мы поднимали флаг каждое утро. 2, повышать She used to raise her voice when her little daughter cried,— Она, бывало, повы* шала голос, когда ее маленькая дочь плакала. 3, воспитывать, растить This woman raises 5 children.— Эта женщина воспитывает пятерых детей. Глагол rise (rose — risen) имеет следующие значения: 1. вставать, подниматься In summer ту grandma rises very early.—Летом моя бабушка встает очень рано. 2. увеличиваться, повышаться As the child’s tempei'ature was rising, she called a doctor.— Поскольку температура ребенка повышалась, она вызвала врача. 3. вставать (о солнце) In December the sun rises at 9 a.m.— В декабре солнце встает в 9 часов утра. 44 Unit 2 Lessons 11, 12 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Choose between raise and rise. 1. When did the sun (rose / raised) yesterday. Has the moon (rose / raised) yet? When did he (rise / raise) yesterday? 4. I hope that next year his salary will (rise / raise). 5. My aunt (rose / raised) her children alone. 6. The house prices are likely (to rise / to raise) next year. 2 3 * r \ 1 Listen to Alex and mark these sentences true, false or not stated (if there's not enough information in the text). 1. Alex is British. 2. Alex's family lives in Russia. 3. “Mayonnaise Alexander" means “Give mayonnaise to Alexander". 4. Alex speaks very good English. 5. English is Alex’s first language. 6. Alex’s Mum tells him a lot about Russian Literature. 7. Alex found it easy to fit in in his English school. 8. English pupils don’t like children from other countries. 9. Alex’s best friends are Daniel and Lewis. ZH 10. Alex is not friends with Jessica anymore. 11. Girls are often very bossy. 12. There are a lot of interesting projects in Alex’s school. 13. Alex and Daniel rarely quarrel. 14. Daniel is a good boy, but he doesn’t have a good sense of humour. 15. Daniel used to be a very cute baby. 2 l Complete the sentences with the correct noun or adjective. Add the correct suffix to each word. 1. 1 think is the most important thing in the world. My friend FRIEND and I will always be there for each other. 2. Get rid of this thing now. It’s very_ to keep it. 3. Thank you for you advice. It was very _ 4. I’d like to sign up for a lot of different _ if ni have the time for them all. 5. Sometimes I don’t like Alice. She is very , 1 just don’t know DANGER HELP ACT 6. Stop being so . You are always late and you have lost two AMBITION CARE mobile phones this winter. 7. I can’t but admire the___ 8. Talk to Kate. She is a very of the southern sky at night. ___person, she’ll try to help. DARK SYMPATHY Unif 2 Lessons 11, 12 and 13, 14 45 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru f 3 I Rephrase the sentences. Some of the verbs in brackets require a preposition. 1. Johan and Lewis became friends from the moment they saw each other, (click) 2. Mary finds it very difficult to find her place in the new neighborhood, (fit) 3. My friends have quarrelled and now they are not talking to each other, (fall out) 4. I hope Jack and Martin will be friends again soon, (make) 5. When Alice came to the camp, she felt a bit sad but now her mood has improved, (cheer up) 6. Jane is very disappointed. Her friend didn’t help her when she needed him. (let down) 7. 1 can’t solve this problem alone, I need your advice, (sort out) 8. Is Kate going with us this evening? (join) QPut the verbs in brackets in the right form and complete the story. A CHRISTMAS STORY IN IPSWICH (Mila Selensky lives and works in Ipswich, This is a story that happened to her and her kids one Christmas,) After a lovely walk in Christchurch Park, we were on our way home when suddenly my boys (remember) I (hope) и What about going to Santa’s Grotto, Mum?”. they would forget, I (be) so tired. ‘'But you promised,” they (insist) quite big boys to me. Nick (be) . I was surprised at their enthusiasm. They seemed _______eight, Fyodor (be)--------------------- seven. As for baby Ivan, his opinion (remain) unknown,' as he (be) only eleven months old. A promise is a promise, so I (go) to the shopping mall, Santa’s Grotto was on the second floor, on the left. A few days earlier, I (ask)---------------------------------- a sales assistant what was required to get into Santa’s Grotto, It turned out, nothing. We just (come) and (join) to see Santa. Suddenly I heard Nick (read) the queue. Finally, it was our turn loudly and distinctly; “Please do not forget to purchase a ticket.” What ticket? i couldn’t believe it. I (start) 46 Unit 2 Lessons 13, 14 ознакомительная копия - frenelish.ru I 4 V panicking. But there (be) in. We (look) no time, and we just (go) around. In the halflight, we (see) dwarfs. They (nod) their heads and their reindeer (get) ready for a ride. All was covered with glittering snow. In the middle of the Grotto I saw Santa who was surrounded by boxes with presents. But, oh no! The tickets! We have none! ________________________to a small girl, asking her gently about her interests, and Santa (talk) then (give) her a present. It (be) our turn to talk with Santa. I (feel) so ashamed, I (want) to disappear. Why I (come) here without the tickets? Why I (waste) Santa’s time? I to the boys: “You (get) on Russian Christmas, on the seventh of January.” They (look) your presents ___miserable. Santa was about to start a conversation with them when I (whisper) his ear: “I (be) awfully sorry, but we (have) into no tickets. They (get) January.” Santa (be) their presents on Russian Christmas, the seventh of surprised. (Be) front of him Russian? Yes, they (be) mine? Of course, they (be) .(Be) the boys in -all of them mine. He (ask) a few simple questions with such genuine interest that they (melt) them _ and (tell)-------------- their cheeks (glow) (ask) Santa about everything. Then their eyes (sparkle) in delight. What an amazing person Santa was! Santa me about Russian Christmas. I (explain) that we (celebrate) by the Julian calendar. Santa (nod) understandingly. Then to my astonishment, Santa (give)_______ present, wrapped in beautiful colourful paper. The baby (grab) each of the boys a his present quickly and (hold) not) it tight. I (be) say a word. Such kind eyes (look) speechless. I (can at me through the spectacles, and such a gentle voice (say) We (leave) the Grotto and (blink) : “After all, it’s Christmas.” in the bright light of outside. Suddenly it (occur) pay then. The cashier (receive) _ to me that I (can) matter) . We (see) the payment indifferently, but it (not just Santa and that was all that mattered. “If anyone ever (say) I said. My boys (look) that Santa (not exist) at me so happily that I (not finish) the sentence. Unit 2 Lessons 13, 14 47 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Answer the questions to the story. 1. Who is the narrator (рассказчик) of the story? 2. How many children does she have? 3. Where did they go? 4. What surprised the narrator? 5. Where was Santa’s Grotto? 6. What did the narrator and her children join? 7. What had they forgotten to buy? 8. What did Santa^s Grotto look like? 9. How did the narrator feel? 10. What did the narrator say to her children? 11. What did the narrator say to Santa? 12. How did Santa react? 13. Did the children get any presents from Santa? Why? / Why not? 14. What did the narrator do after they left the Grotto? 15. Does the narrator believe in Santa Claus? Why? / Why not? Homework [ A p Prepare for your project "Friends for life?" Write about a story of friendship either from your own life or from a book or a film. • Introduce the friends and describe them. Supply pictures or photos if possible. • Write about how the friends met and whether they clicked from the very beginning or not. • Write about the adventure they went through together and how this adventure tested their friendship. • What qualities did each of the friends show? • How did the story end? Did the friends stay loyal to their friendship? • What did you learn from the story and why did you choose it? 48 Unit 2 lessons 13, 14 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Read Part I of the story and answer the questions ь 1. who are the main characters of the story? 2. What happened to the first company where Mr Pycroft used to work? 3. Was Mr Pycroft a good clerk? 4. Did Mr Pycroft find a new job? Was it easy? 5. When did Arthur Pinner come? 6. What did Arthur Pinner offer? 7. Why was he so interested in employing Mr Pycroft? 8. Why did Mr Pycroft agree to the offer? 9. What two things did Arthur Pinner ask Mr Pycroft to do? THE Stockbroker's Clerk (extract) by Arthur Conan Doyle PART 1 fter I took the practice in the Paddington district, I saw little of my friend Sherlock Holmes, for I was very busy. One morning in June, as I was reading the British Medical Journal after breakfast, I heard a ring at the bell, and then my old companion’s voice. “Ah, my dear Watson,” said he, am so happy to see you! Is Mrs Watson well?” “Thank you, we are both very well,” I answered. “And I hope, also,” he continued, “that you didn’t lose your interest in our little deductive problems.” “On the contrary,” I answered, “only last night 1 was looking over my old notes.” “You are ready to come to Birmingham, then?” “Certainly. What is the case?” ‘Til tell you all in the train. Can you come at once?” “In a second.” I rushed upstairs to explain the matter to my wife, and joined Holmes in the cab. The man who had been waiting there was a well-built young fellow, with a frank, honest face. Holmes introduced him as Mr Hall Pycroft. . ^ .'I “ nr i r * . r-'^ У f' <= c' r' Unit 2 Lessons 17 18, 19 49 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru / у г у • V “I want you, Mr Hall Pycroft, to tell my friend your very interesting experience exactly as you have told it to me, or with more detail if possible,” Holmes said. Our young companion looked at me with a twinkle in his eye. ‘The worst of the story is”, said he, “that 1 show myself up as such a fool. Fm not very good at telling a story, Dr Watson, but it is like this with me.” I used to work for Coxon & Woodhouse’s, but the company went bankrupt^ and I lost my job. 1 tried here and tried there, but there were lots of other chaps in the same position and I had no success. At last 1 found a vacancy at Mawson & Williams’s, the great stock-broking firm in Lombard Street^. This is about the richest house in London. I sent in my application, but without any hope of getting the position. Then I got an answer that if I would come to the company next Monday, I might take the position. No one knows how these things work. Some people say that the manager Just puts his hand into the heap of the applications and takes the first that comes. Anyway, now I come to the strange part of the business. Well, I was sitting in my room that very evening when I got the letter, when my landlady came with a card which had “Arthur Pinner, Financial Agent,” printed on it. I had never heard the name before and could not imagine what he wanted with me; but, of course, I asked her to ask him in. He walked in and spoke sharply, like a man who knew the value of time. “Mr Hall Pycroft, I believe?” said he. “Yes, sir,” I answered. “Did you use to work for Coxon & Wood-house’s?” “Yes, sir.” “And now on the staff of Mawson’s,” “Quite so.” “Well,” said he, ‘^ou remember Parker, who used to be Coxon’s manager? He told me some really extraordinary stories about your financial ability,” Of course I was pleased to hear this. I had always been good in the office, but I had never dreamed that I was talked about in the City. “Have you kept in touch with the market while you have been out of work?” he asked. “Yes. I read the stock-exchange list every morning.” “May I test you? Let me see. How are Ayrshires?”^ “A hundred and six and a quarter to a hundred and five and seven-eighths.” “And New Zealand consolidated?” “A hundred and four.” Л' J * J г r 1 w • J>. Л г / i V, i < -'r f. J. t ✓ * / ■ Л у / t V / 1 2 обанкротилась Наконец, я нашел вакантную должность в большом банкирском доме „Мейсон и Уильямсы" на Ломбард-стрит. „Каков курс эйширских акций?“ .i 9 X •у л Г< •г.' - ^ 50 Unit 2 Lessons 17, 18, 19 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 1 г- ✓ ii а “Wonderful!” he cried, with his hands up. 'My boy, my boy, you are too good to be a clerk at Mawson^s!” This surprised me. “Well,” said I, “I had a very hard fight to get this job, and 1 am very glad to have it.” “Poor man, you can get more. Let me see. When do you go to Mawson's?” On Monday.” Ha, ha! I bet that you won’t go there at aU” “Not go to Mawson’s?” “No, sir. By that day you will be the business manager of the Franco-Midland Hardware Company, Limited, with a hundred and thirty-four branches'^ in the towns and villages of France, Brussels and San Remo.” This took my breath away. “I never heard of it,” said I. “Of course, not. It has been kept very quiet, it’s too good a thing to let the public into. My brother, Harry Pinner, is the managing director. He asked me to pick up a good man. Parker spoke of you, and that brought me here tonight. We can only offer you a beggarly five hundred to start with.”^ “Five hundred a year!” I shouted. Only that at the beginning.” But 1 know nothing about hardware.” “Well, my boy, you know about figures. It’s enough.” My head buzzed, and I could hardly sit still in my chair. But suddenly I began to have doubts. “I must be frank with you,” said I. “Mawson only gives me two hundred, but Mawson is safe. Now, really, I know very little about your company.” “Ah, smart, smart!” he seemed to be delighted. “You are the right man for us. Now, here’s a note for a hundred pounds, and if you think that we can do business, you may just put it into your pocket as an advance upon your salary^.” it, a - r > * i ^ и “That is very nice,” said L “When should I take over my new duties?” “Be in Birmingham tomorrow at one,” said he. “I have a note in my pocket here which you will take to my brother. You will find him at 126B Corporation Street, where the temporary offices of the company are situated. Of course he must confirm your engagement, but between ourselves it will be all right.” “Really, I don’t know how to express my gratitude, Mr Pinner,” said I. “Not at all, my boy. There are one or two small things, simple formalities, which 1 must arrange with you. You have a bit of paper beside you there. Kindly write upon it, ‘I am perfectly willing to act as business manager to the Franco-Midland Hardware Company, Limited, at a minimum salary of 500 pounds.” I did as he asked, and he put the paper in his pocket. “There is one other detail,” said he. “What do you intend to do about Mawson’s?” 1 had forgotten all about Mawson’s in my joy. “Г11 write and resign,” said 1. “Precisely what I don’t want you to do. I had a row over you with Mawson’s manager. I had asked him about you, and he was very rude. In the end I told him: If you want good men, you should pay them a good price. When he has my offer, you’ll never hear from him again.” “We picked him out of the gutter, and he won4 leave us so easily, he answered. Those were his very words.” “What a lie!” I cried. “I’ve never seen him in my life. Why should he matter? I will not even write to them.” “Good! That’s a promise,” said he, “Well, here’s your advance of a hundred pounds, and here is the letter. Make a note of the address. Good night!” That’s just about all. You can imagine, Dr Watson, how pleased I was. Next day I was off to Birmingham.” 5 b Вы уже будете работать коммерческим директором Франко-Мидланской компании скобяных изделий, имеющей сто тридцать четыре отделения. ,Лдя начала мы можем предложить Вам всего каких-то пятьсот фуптов в год“. в качесгве аванса к Вашему жалованью Unit 2 Lessons 17[ 18, 19 51 ознакомительная копия - fren&lish.ru Now it's your turn to play Sherlock Holmes. Decide what the most important details are and make a list of them. Why are they important? Then try to predict what will happen in Part II. Read Part II and check your ideas. PART 11 . tM * f ■* • ^ * * •• ii' ii t was a quarter of an hour before my time, but I thought that would make no difference. I found the address, however there was no such name as the Franco-Midland Hardware Company, Limited. I stood for a few minutes with my heart in my boots, when a man came up and addressed me. He looked very much like the man I had seen the night before, the same figure and voice, but he was clean-shaven and his hair was lighter, ‘Are you Mr Hall Pycroft?'' he asked, Yes,” said L Oh! I had a note from my brother this morning. I was expecting you, but you are a bit early. Come up with me, and we will talk/' I followed him to the top of the stairs^ and saw a couple of empty, dusty little rooms. I had thought of a great office with shining tables and rows of clerks, and looked rather surprised at the two chairs and one little table, which made up the whole furniture. “Don’t be disappointed, Mr Pycroft,” said the man. “Rome was not built in a day. Sit down, and let me have your letter.” I gave it to him, and he read it over very carefully. “You have made a huge impression on my brother Arthur,” said he. “The position is yours.’^ What are my duties?” I asked. You will manage the great depot^ in Paris. The purchase wiD be completed in a week, but you can be useful here in Birmingham while you are waiting.” ii^ “How?” For answer, he took a big red book out of a drawer. “This is a directory of Paris*,” said he, “with the trades after the names of the people. I want you to take it home with you, and to mark off all the hardware sellers, with their And now, goodbye, Mr Pycroft. Work well and you will find the company a good master.” I went back to the hotel with the big book under my arm, and with very conflicting ft ings in my breast. The look of the offices, the absence of name on the wall, the strange task 1 was given had left a bad impression on me. However, 1 started working. 1 came back in a week. “Thank you very much,” said my employer, I’m afraid this wasn’t an easy task.” “It took some time,” said I. “And now,” said he, “1 want you to make a list of the furniture shops.” “Very good.” you can come up tomorrow evening, at seven, and let me know how you are getting on. And don’t overwork yourself.” He laughed as he spoke, and I saw that his second tooth on the left-hand side had been very badly stuffed with gold. Then I remembered that when I was speaking to the other chap in London, at the time that he laughed, I noticed that his tooth was stuffed with gold. When I put that together with the same voice and the same figure, I could not doubt that it was the same a „Вы будете скоро заведовать большим „Это справочник Парижа". нашей компании" 52 Unit 2 Lessons 17 18, 19 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru - ■‘J~'j'/~ • • W' ' r ■'. 'r ^ ^'r'’ J* ✓ #' > « / man. Of course you expect two brothers can look like each other, but they can't have the same tooth stuffed with gold. I left the office and tried to think it over. Why had he sent me from London to Birrningham? Why had he got there before me? And why had he written a letter from himself to himself? I could make no sense of it.’ And then suddenly it struck that what was dark to me might be very light to Mr Sherlock Holmes. I caught the night train to London to see Mr Sherlock Holmes this morning, and to bring you both back with me to Birmingham." **Rather fine, Watson, is it not?” said Sherlock Holmes. “I think an interview with Mr Arthur Harry Pinner in the offices of the Franco-Midland Hardware Company, Limited, would be an Interesting experience for both of us.” “But how can we do it?” 1 asked. “Oh, easily enough,” said Hall Pycroft, cheerily. “You are two friends of mine who need jobs.” At seven o'clock that evening we were walking down Corporation Street to the company’s offices. “Look, here, he is just ahead of us!” cried the clerk. He pointed to a well-dressed man who was walking along the other side of the road. As we were watching him he ran across the street to get an evening paper from a newspaper boy. Then, he went into the building. We followed him up the stairs until we found ourselves outside a half^opened door, at which our client knocked. A voice asked us to come in, and we entered an unfurnished room. At the single table sat the man whom we had seen in the street, with his evening paper. When he looked up at us, I thought that I had never seen a face which expressed such horror. I could see by the astonishment shown in Hall’s face that this was not the usual appearance of his employer. “You look ill, Mr Pinneri” he exclaimed. “Yes, 1 am not very well,” answered the other. “Who are these gentlemen?” “One is Mr Harris and the other is Mr Price,” said our clerk. “They are friends of mine and gentlemen of experience, but they have been out of a place for some time, and they hoped that you might find a place for them in your new company.” “Very possibly! Very possibly!” cried Mr Pinner with a smile. “What is your particular line, Mr Harris?” “I am an accountant,” said Holmes. “Ah yes, we shall want something of the sort. And you, Mr Price?” “A clerk,” said I. “The company may find something for you. I will let you know about it. And now please go. I need some time alone!” Holmes and I glanced at each other, and Hall Pycroft took a step towards the table. “You forget, Mr Pinner, that I came to receive some directions from you,” said he. “Certainly, Mr Pycroft, certainly. Just wait here a moment. I will be at your service^^ in three minutes,” He went out through a door at the farther end of the room and closed it behind himself. ^ не видел в этом никакого смысла“ „И вдруг меня осенило...^ „Як Вашим услугам^. ЛУ< Unit 2 Lessons 17! 18, 19 53 ознакомительная копия - fren^;lish.ru 'I У i ■ Уj '/.-'r.cy.// ‘^.=■'.".■/0 j> .-.I-J-'.'' •;У. - г ; \ ■ f ■■ -- г ' ' ' .<•'.< . -'jt ■• - <-• '■■■■ i i'' : - ■•■' rя УУ- Уу yy/f У^ f '\ '-j;',)'» •* - < •'У ' У ■' 1~У' У'‘ ■'‘■'I'y . -j ■ / ■' r r'l ■' < /*' ,<• ■ f / J- г p » » / t ■y r V > t * V . r - V. /-• r >• ^ к - <41 “What now?” whispered Holmes. “Is he giving us the slip?" Impossible,” answered Pycroft. Why so?” That door leads into an inner room.” There is no exit?” “None.” “Is it furnished?” “It was empty yesterday.” “Then what on earth is he doing? There is something which I don’t understand in his manner. I’ve never seen a man look so frightened before. “He suspects that we are detectives,” I suggested. Holmes shook his head. “He did not turn pale. He was pale when we entered the room,” said he. “It is just possible that —" His words were interrupted by knocks from the inner door. “Why is he knocking at his own door for?” cried the clerk. Again and much louder came the knocks. Holmes rushed across the room and pushed at the door. It was locked. Following his example, we threw ourselves upon it with ail our weight. The door came down with a crash. A coat was lying on the floor, and from a hook behind the door, was hanging the managing director of the Franco-Midland Hardware Company. The clatter of his heels against the door made the noise which had interrupted our conversation. 1 caught him round the waist, and held him up while Holmes and Pycroft untied the elastic bands. Then we carried him into the other room. “What do you think of him, Watson?” asked Holmes. “It has been touch and go with him,” said 1, ‘Ъи1 he’ll live now.” Holmes stood by the table. “I suppose we must call the police,” said he. “It’s a mystery to me,” cried Pycroft. “What for did they bring me ah the way up here?” “Pooh! All that is clear enough,” said Holmes impatiently. “It is this last sudden move.” “You understand the rest, then?” “I think that it is obvious. There are two points in this case. The first is that Pycroft had to write a declaration to join this strange company.” “I am afraid 1 don’t understand.” “Wen, why did they want him to do it? These arrangements are usually verbaP^. Don’t you see, my young friend, that all they needed was a specimen of your handwriting, because „Такие договоренности обычно устные •44 -f л. f • • 54 Unit 2 Lessons 17, 18, 19 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru someone wanted to leam to imitate it? And now let’s pass to the second point. Pinner asked you not to resign your place at the Mawson’s^^, because on Monday morning Pinner himself entered the office under your name, *‘My God!” cried our client, -‘I have been blind!” *'Now you see the point about the handwriting. The manager at the Mawson’s has never seen you, but he saw your handwriting. So the criminal had learned to imitate your handwriting and his position was secure. Of course the criminals wanted to be sure that you don4 turn up in the office. Therefore they gave you a nice advance on your salary, and made you go to Birmingham, where they kept you as busy as they could.” “But why should this man pretend to be his own brother?” “Well, that is clear also. I think there are only two of tliem in it. The other is impersonating you at the office. This one acted as your employer. He changed his appearance as far as he could, and only the gold stuffing made you suspicious.” “Good Lord!” cried Hall Pycroft, “while 1 have been fooled in this way, what has this other Hall Pycroft been doing at Mawson’s? What should we do, Mr Holmes? Tell me what to do.” “We must wire^"* to Mawson’s, and see if all is well, and if a clerk of your name is working there. What is not so clear is why the criminal tried to hang himself, when we came.” “The paper!” croaked a voice behind us. It was the managing director. “The paper! Of course!” yelled Holmes. “Fm sure the secret is there.” He looked through the newspaper and cried with triumph. “Look at this, Watson. Here is what we want. 'Crime in the City. Murder at Mawson & Williams’s. Gigantic attempted Robbery, Capture of the Criminal.’ Here, Watson, will you kindly read it aloud to us.” “An attempt at robbery occurred this afternoon in the City. For some time back Mawson 8c Williams, the famous financial house, have been the guardians of securities, worth over a million pounds of sterling^^. Safes of the very latest construction have been installed, and an armed guard has been left day and night in the building. Last week a new clerk named Hall Pycroft was employed. This person was none other that Beddington, the famous cracksman^^, who, with his brother, had only recently come out of prison. Somehow under a false name he got this official position in the office. The clerks at Mawson’s usually leave at midday on Saturday. Sergeant Tlison of the City Police, was surprised when he saw a gentleman with a bag come out of the building at twenty minutes past one. The sergeant followed the man and arrested him. It was at once clear that a gigantic robbery had been committed. Nearly a hundred thousand pounds’ worth of American railway bonds was discovered in the bag^^. The safes were examined and the body of the guard was found in the largest of them. There could be no doubt that Beddington had returned to the office, murdered the guard, opened the large safe, and then tried to escape. His brother, who usually works with him, has not appeared in this job. The police are looking for him now.” “Well, we may help the police in that direction,” said Holmes. Ф штктшт \3 и LS 16 17 не посылать Мейсонам письменного отказа от места телеграфировать получил на хранение ценные бумаги на сумму, значительно превышающую миллион фунтов стерлингов оказавшийся не кем иным, как знаменитым взломщиком и грабителем Беддингтоном Акции американских железных дорог стоимостью в сто тысяч фунтов были обнаружены в саквояже Unit 2 Lessons 17| 18, 19 55 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Wordlist a stock exchange — биржа a stockbroker — биржевой брокер a vacancy an вакансия — письменное заявление, п (о приеме на работу) а branch — отделение фирмы the City — Сити (деловая часть Лондона) а managing director— исполнительный директор ап advance — аванс а salary — зарплата ап engagement — зд. работа, наем (устар.); в настоящее время в этом значении использует ся employment а depot — склад а fool — дзфак ш fool — дурачить, обманывать to resign — отказаться от должности bonds — облигации securities — ценные бумаги а purchase — покупка ап employer — работодатель а directory — телефонная ьшига а capture — поимка а criminal — преступник ап experience — опыт astonishment — удивление ап appearance — внешность ап attempt — попытка hardware — скобяные изделия а specimen — образец handwriting — почерк to go bankrupt — обанкротиться to bet — спорить, заключать пари to suspect — подозревать to commit a crime — совершать преступление to murder — убивать to wire — телеграфировать stuffed with gold — запломбированный золотом suspicious — подозрительный beggarly — нищенский to be engaged — зд. быть нанятым (усшар,); в настоящее время в этом значении используется employed 1, 2, 3. U' и Look at the expressions and choose the most suitable Russian equivalents for them. There ore two Russian options for each English expression. “with my heart in my boots” Rome was not built in a day” Is he giving us the slip?” 4. “It has been touch and go with him,” 5. “Have you kept in touch with the market while you have been out of work?” a) Москва не сразу строилась. b) Он дает нам возможность уйти? c) с сердцем в ботинках d) Вы находились в курсе рыночных изменений, пока не e) Он пытается удрать? О с душой в пятках g) Вы бывали на рынке, пока не работали? h) Рим построили не за один день. 1) Он быстро коснулся меня. j) Он был на волосок от смерти. k) с замирающим от страха сердцем Q Answer the questions. 1. Who had lost his job? 2. Who was offered a place at Mawson’s? 3. Who tested Hall Pycroft’s knowledge of the market? 4. Who asked Hall Pycroft not to contact Mawson's? — 5. Who was given one hundred pounds as an advance? 6. Who met Hall Pycroft in Birmingham? —_________ 7. Who got suspicious and rushed to London? 56 Unit 2 Lessons 17 18, 19 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru 8. Who understood the trick with the handwriting? 9. Who tried to hang himself? — ________________ 10. Who attempted a robbery? 6 1 Mark these statements true, false or not stated (if there is not enough information in the story}. Correct the false statements with information from the text. 1. Doctor Watson and Sherlock Holmes used to share a flat. 2. Hall Pycroft was famous in the City for his financial ability. 3. Mawson’s was a very rich and famous company. 4. Hall Pycroft was happy to get a job at Mawson’s. 5. Arthur Pinner asked Hall Pycroft to write a letter to his brother to get a sample of Hall’s handwriting. 6. Arthur Pinner asked Hall Pycroft to write a letter to his brother so that his brother would be able to recognize Hall Pycroft. 7. Arthur Pinner asked Hall Pycroft to write a letter to his brother so that Hall can be sure that he gets a place in the new company. 8. At that time people usually wrote letters to agree to take a Job. 9. The advance of one hundred pounds which Hall Pycroft received was a half of his salary at Mawson’s. 10. Hall Pycroft didn’t inform Mawson’s that he was going to work for another company. 11. Arthur Pinner’s brother looked very much like hini. 12. All companies situated in the Corporation Street in Birmingham were very rich. ] 13. Hall Pycroft suspected that something was wrong when he saw his employer’s golden tooth. 14. Arthur Pinner’s brother became pale when he saw Hall Pycroft with Sherlock Holmes. 15. A lot of people in England knew what Sherlock Holmes looked like. 16. Arthur Pinner’s brother tried to hang himself when he found our that his brother had been caught. 17. Arthur Pinner needed a specimen of Hall Pycroft’s handwriting to take his place as a clerk at Mawson’s. 18. The handwriting was very important because nobody at Mawson’s had seen Hall Pycroft before. 19. Clerks in England usually worked until midday on Saturday. 20, The real name of Arthur Pinner was Beddington. J 21. A lot of securities were kept in die safes of Mawson’s. 22. The robbery at Mawson’s was a success. Homework j Look through the wordlist and write out the words that belong to one of the following topics Employment (minimum of 12 words) Detective stories (minimum of 10 words) Unir 2 Lessons 17, 18, 19 57 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Complete the table with the missing words. Use a dictionary if necessary. Translate these sentences into English. 1. Кто Ваш работодатель? — Я работаю на Сименс. Verb . : .//у Nounp^^ » a-..-,..-v to engage engagement engaged to commit a crime a criminal beggarly an experience an employer a vacancy to murder an application to go bankrupt suspicious an attempt 2. Эта фирма обанкротилась в прошлом году. Ее исполнительный директор все еще не нашел новую работу._________________________________________________________________- 3. Мистер Дрейк был очень успешным бизнесменом. — Да, но он был очень подозрительным. 4. Я слышал, ваша компания нанимает новых работников. — Да, и мы платим отличную зарплату. 5. Я хотела бы работать на бирже.— У Вас есть опыт? 6. Где ваше згшвление о приеме на работу? Я нигде не могу его найти. — Я подавал заявление в прошлую пятницу. 7. Поздравляю Вас, это отличная покупка. Ценные бумаги этой кампании дорожают каждый день. Г D I Read the summary of the story. Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. V---^ i ' ' Hall F^croft was a clerk. He (lose) difficulties in finding a new one. Finally he (find) _______________________ his job and (have) on the same day Pycroft (offer) a job at a very good company called Mawson’s. However, ____________ another job. A man called Arthur Pinner 58 Unil 2 Lessons 17, 18, 19 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Ctell) him that he (hear) a lot about his financial abilities and (want) to employ him as a business manager of a new company The offer was so good that Pycroft (agree) Birmingham and (start) * He (have to) work the next day. Before he (leave) go to ___he (wrote) a letter to Pinner's brother to tell him that he (agree) to take the job. It was Pinner's idea, but Arthur (not find) it strange. In Birmingham Pycroft (get) a bit disappointed that the office of his new company (look) (change) shabby however Pinner's brother (promise) __soon. Pycroft (spend)___________________ him that it a week in Birmingham. All that time he (do) some work for Mr Pinner. While they (talk) a later. Pinner laughed and Pycroft (notice) exactly the same as his brother's tooth. Then Pycroft (understand)______________ his tooth. It (look) that Mr Pinner was the man who (come) to him in London. Pycroft (rush) to London to ask the advice of a famous detective, Mr Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson (agree) to help and in Birmingham together with Mr Pycroft. When they (enter) the office, they (notice) Pinner that Pinner (be) very nervous. his vistors to wait and (leave) the room. Soon Pycroft and his friends (hear) Pinner (try) a loud noise from the other room and broke into it. to hang himself. Sherlock Holmes (explain) the plan of the criminals to his client Arthur Pinner (work) (be) __________________ together with his brother. Arthur Pinner's task to get a specimen of Pycroft's handwriting and keep him away from London. At the same time his brother (learn) to imitate Pycroft's handwriting and . his place at Mawson's. The position of a clerk (enable) (take)____________________ him to get access to the securities which had been kept at Mawson's. The only thing Sherlock Holmes (not understand) was why Pycroft's employer (try) to hang himself. They (understand) through the newspaper. He (find out) everything when the detective (look) that there (be) an attempt to rob Mawson's. A guard had been killed, but the criminal (be) caught. The police (look for) the criminal's brother. Sherlock Holmes (inform) the pohce where that brother (be) E I This summary is missing some imporlant information. Use more words and expressions from the text to improve it. Prepare to retell a new summary to the class. Unit 2 Lessons 17^ 18, 19 59 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru ff . ^ mar ‘ ческииссправоч Jv**- . .* y* -v .V.'V I C The Noun (Имя существительное) В предложении имена существительные чаще всего выполняют функцию подлежащего, дополнения, обстоятельства. Nfna is ту friend. {Nina — подлежащее) I saw a girl in the street (a girl — дополнение) He wasjft at school yesterday, (at school — обстоятельство места) Существительные, которые можно посчитать и которые имеют форму единственного и множественного числа, назьгааются исчисляемыми (countable nouns): а book — two books, а mug— a lot of mugs. Существительные, которые нельзя посчитать, называю'гся неисчисчисляемыми (uncountable nouns). В большинстве случаев, они не имеют формы множественного числа, зaмeIiяютcя местоимением третьего лица единственного числа (it) и употребляются с глаголами в форме единственного числа. К иеисчисляемым существительным относятся: • Названия различных продуктов питания:rice, spaghetti, cheese, sugar, meat, bacon, jam, salt, flour и т. д. • Названия жидкостей: /tifcc, coffee, milk, water, tea, wine, lemonade, petrol, oil и t. д. • Названия материалов: plastic, china, glass, timber, gold, iron, silver, wood, paper и т. д. • Абсграктные существительные: education, time, friendship, kindness, beauty, love, happiness a таюке существительные: advice — совет, советы knowledge — знание, знания information — информация money — деньги hair — волосы Thank you for all your advice. It always helps me.— Спасибо за все Ваши советы. Они всегда мне помогают. Where Ls the money? I put it on the table.— Где деньги? Я положил их на стол. WhaTs the news? — Какие новости? Форма множественного числа имен существительных образуется с помощью окончания -S или -es, которое прибавляется к основе единственного числа. Окончание -s читается как [z] после звонких согласных и гласных: а реп — pens [z], а Ьоу^— boys [z]. После глухих согласных окончание -s читается как [sj: а тор — mops [s]. После S, SS, X, sh, ch окончание -es читается как [iz]: а bench — benches [iz). Окончание -es во множественном числе имеют: a) существительные, которые оканчиваются в единственном числе на s, ss, х, sh, ch: а fax — faxes \iz], a bus — buses [iz], a bush — bushes \iz\, a glass — glasses, a coach — coaches, b) существительные, которые оканчиваются в единственном числе на о: hero — heroes. Но: photo — photos, piano — pianos, scro — zeros. c) существительные, которые оканчиваются в единственном числе на у, перед которой стоит согласная. Буква у при этом меняется на i: city — cities. d) некоторые существительные, оканчивающиеся в единственном числе на f или fe. Буква f при этом меняется на v: shelf— shelves, wife— wives. news — новость, новости furniture — мебель weather litter — погода мусор 60 Grammar Reference ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Запомните имена существительные не по общему правилу: Ш-: Единственное число.;]Ш ' У. ‘ Множественное число man — мужчина men — мужчины woman — женщина women — женщины tooth — зуб teeth — зубы child — ребенок children — дети foot — ступия feet — ступни mouse — мышь mice — мыши goose — гусь geese — гуси deer — олень deer — олени ох — бык oxen — быки sheep — овца sheep — овцы В английском языке есть существительные, которые употребляются только в форме множественного числа и согласуются с глаголами в форме множественного числа» Они обычно обозначают группу людей (вещей и т. п.). К таким существительным относятся: people — люди clothes — одежда police — полиция stairs — лестница Where are ту clothes? — They are on the chair. Где моя одежда? — Она на стуле. а также существительные, обозначающие предметы, которые состоят из двух частей: shoes — туфли gloves — перчатки pyjamas — пижама tights — колготки earrings — серьги scissors trousers shorts — glasses - - ножницы - брюки шорз’ы - очки завод, заводы средство, средства - вид, виды растений, животных Некоторые существительные имеют одинаковую форму в единственном и во множественном числе. К таким существительным относятся: fish — рыба, рыбы works — sheep — овца, овцы means - deer — олень, олени species - series — серия, серии There are six different species of wild deer in Britain.— Ha территории Британии обитает шесть видов диких оленей. They've already done three series of tests.— Они уже сделали три серии опытов. Smeshariki is а new popular series of children's books.— Смешарики — новая популярная серия детских книг. Telephone is а means of communication.— Телефон — средство общения. Следующие слова и выражения употребляются с неисчисляемыми существительными, когда требуется указать количество: а piece of paper (кусок бумаги) — two pieces of paper (два куска бумага) а piece of news (новость) — two pieces of news (две новости) a piece of advice (совет) — several pieces of advice (несколько советов) a piece of furniture (предмет мебели) — many pieces of furniture (много предметов мебели) a slice of bread (ломтик хлеба) — two slices of bread (два ломтика хлеба) a bar of chocolate (плитка шоколада) — three bars of chocolate (три плитки шоколада) Grammar Reference 61 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Сзпдествительные, которые согласуются с глаголами // ««г Уг в форме единственного " иШЩ числа .•:. .■;> >л' Существительные/^^ которые согласуются;; с глаголами в форме множественного числа Существительные, которые имеют одинаковую форму в единственном ^ и во множественном -V.' ^V • I л У^ W - г ; л тл , 1. Названия различных продуктов питания: fruit, rice, spaghetti, cheese, sugar, meat, bacon, jam, salt, flour, etc. 2. Названия жидкостей: juice, coffee, milk, water, tea, wine, lemonade, petrol, oil, etc. 3. Названия материалов: plastic, china, glass, timber, gold, iron, silver, wood, paper, etc. 4. Абстрактные существительные: education, time, friendship, kindness, beauty, love, happiness 5. Такие существительные, как: advice, knowledge, information, money, hair, news, furniture, weather, litter 1, Сущесгви'гельные, обозначающие группу людей (вещей ит. п.): people, police, clothes, stairs 2. Сущес1’вительные, обозначающие предметы, которые состоят из двух частей: trousers, shorts, shoes, gloves, pyjamas, tights, glasses, earrings, scissors числе V sheep, deer, fish means, series, species, works Падеж общий и притяжатель- Существительные в английском языке имеют два падежа — ный. Общий падеж имеют все существительные. В этом падеже у существительных нет особого окончания. Это форма, в которой существительное дается в словаре. The Possessive Case (Притяжательный падеж имен существительных) Притяжательный падеж используется для того, чтобы показать: • что что-либо принадлежит кому-либо: Bob's book — книга Боба • какие отношения связывают двух или более людей: Nina's sister — сестра Нины; Mark and Rob's mother — мама Марка и Роба Форму притяжательного падежа имеют в основном одушевленные существительные, обозначающие живое существо, которому принадлежит предмет, качество или признак. Существительное в единственном числе образует притяжательный падеж с помощью окончания -S, перед которым стоит апостроф (’) — ту sister's dress — платье моей сестры. Чтобы образовать притяжательный падеж, к существительному во множественном числе добавляется только апостроф: The girls' room — комната девочек. Если какой-то предмет принадлежит двум или более людям, ’s добавляется только к последнему имени: Ann and Paul's house — дом Анны и Пола. Если предметы принадлежат разным людям, и надо показать, что у каждого предмета есть владелец, то’s добавляется к каждому имени: Betty's and Bob's dogs — собаки Бетти и Боба. a) После звонких согласных и гласнЕЛХ окончание s читается как [z]: Tom's, dog's. b) После глухих согласных окончание s читается как [s]: Pat\ Mark's. c) После шипящих и свистящих согласных окончание s читается как [izj: Boss's. Иногда принадлежность чего-либо лицу, выраженному данным существительным, можно также выразить, поставив перед существительным в общем падеже предлог of; а photo of ту friend — фото моего друга. 62 Grammar Reference ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru The Article (Артикль) Общие сведения Артикль а употребляется в основном перед исчисляемыми существительными в един-ственном числе. Артикль а употребляется в следующих случаях: • когда какое-либо лицо или предмет называется впервые: Suddenly he saw а boy,— Неожиданно он увидел мальчика. • когда существительное является частью составного именного сказуемого: Не is а doctor,— Он врач. Перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, если они начинаются с гласной, неопределенный артикль имеет форму ап: She gave те ап apple.— Она дала мне яблоко. Определенный артикль the может употребляться с любыми существительными в необходимых контекстах. Артикль the употребляется, когда речь идет о лице / предмете, которые упоминались ранее: 7Ve bought а new book. The book is interesting. Артикль the употребляется c названиями: сторон света — the South рек — the Volga морей — the Black Sea океанов — the Atlantic Ocean каналов — the English Channel пустынь — the Sahara горных цепей — the Alps стран, содержащих слова state* kingdom, federation — the United States, the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation Артикль the употребляется: перед существительными, обозначающими уникальные объекты — the sun, the sky, the Parthenon, the world перед названиями музыкальных инструментов в таких сочетаниях, как to play the guitar, to play the piano перед фамилиями и национальностями, когда имеется в виду вся семья— the Inins, the MacWizards, the English, the Americans, the Russians перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, когда существительное является представителем целого класса предметов: The giraffe is the tallest animal on our planet.— Жираф — самое высокое животное на нашей планете. театров — the Bolshoi Theatre памятников — the Statue of Liberty^ ресторанов — the Gamegie Deli музеев — the Hermitage галерей — the Tretyakov Gallery гостиниц — the Ambassador Hotel газет — the Times Без артикля употребляются названия: континентов —Africa и т. п. стран — France и т. п. городов — London и т. п. деревень — Strelkovka и т. п. регионов — Kaluga Region и т. п. отдельных островов — Sakhalin отдельных горных вершин — Elbrus отдельных площадей — Trafalgar Square отдельных парков — Hyde Park отдельных улиц — Baker Street таких планет, как — Mars, Venus, Jupiter Без артикля употребляются исчисляемые существительные во множественном числе, когда они являются представителями целого класса предметов: She likes roses.— Она любит розы. Horses are clever animals.— Лошади — умные животные. ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Grammar Reference 63 Употребление артикля с названиями веществ Неисчисляемые существительные^ обозначающие названия веществ, употребляются без артикля, если в предложеР1ии это вещество только называется: I don't like milk.— Я не люблю молоко. Артикль the с названиями веществ употребляется, если речь идет о конкретном веществе, находящемся в поле зрения говорящего: The meat they were eating was tasty,— Мясо, которое они ели, было вкусным. Употребление артикля с существительными bed, churchy college, hospital, prison, school В случае если эти существительные имеют значение конкретного места, здания или учреждения^ они употребляются с артиклем по общим правилам. В случае если эти существительные обозначают процессы, которые в них происходят, артикль с этими существительными не употребляется: bed (сон, болезнь), hospital (лечение), school (учеба), prison (лишение свободы), church (церковная служба). Сравните: / have missed а lot of classes this month. My parents have to go to the school— Я пропустил много занятий в этом месяце. Моих родителей вызывают в школу. (Родители не учатся, а должны пойти в здание школы для разговора.) Kathy is at school now. Call back later.— Кэти в школе сейчас (она там учится). Позвоните позже. Don't sit on the bed.— He сидите на кровати (речь идет о мебели). Му sister is still in bed. Should 1 wake her up?— Моя сестра все еще спит. (Речь идет не о месте, а о деятельности: она спит.) Разбудить ее? Употребление артикля с существительными breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner Как правило, эти существительные употребляются без артикля: Breakfast in this hotel is from 7 a.m. till 10 a.m. Если перед этими существительными есть описательное определение, употребляется неопределенный артикль: Уоп сап have а good dinner there. Если имеется лимитирующее определение, то употребляется определенный артикль: Ги never forget the dinner which we had in that little cafe in Chelyabinsk.— Я никогда не забуду обед в том маленьком кафе в Челябинске. The Adjective (Имя прилагательное) Имя прилагательное — это часть речи, которая обозначает признак предмета и отвечает на вопрос какой? а nice house — красивый дом Степени сравнения прилагательных Английские прилагательные имеют сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения. К прилагательным в положительной сгепени, состоящим из одного или двух слогов, оканчивающихся на -у, -ow, -ег, в сравнительной степени прибавляется суффикс -ег, а в превосходной степени — суффикс -est. Положительная степень •• ' ' ■' Сравнительная степень^ ?—„ : Превосходная степень long — длинный clever — умный г* narrow — узкий longer — длиннее cleverer — умнее narrower — уже longest — самый длинный cleverest — самый умный narrowest — самый узкий 64 Grammar Reference ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Если прилагательное оканчивается на -е, то при прибавлении суффикса -ег или -est буква е отбрасывается. — ^ ^ Положительная степень Сравнительная степень 1 Превосходная степень nice — приятный nicer — приятнее nicest — самый приятный В прилагательных, оканчивающихся на ударный слог с кратким гласным, при прибав лении суффикса -ег Р1ли -est конечная согласная удваивается. Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень fat — толстый fatter — толще fattest — самый толстый Если прилагательное оканчивается на -у, которой предшествует согласная, то при при бавлеиии суффикса -ег или -est буква у меняется на L Положительная степень Сравнительная'степень Превосходная степень happy — счастливый happier — счастливее happiest — самый счастливый Запомните прилагательные, которые образуют степени сравнения не по правилу. Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень good — хороший better — лучше best — самый лучший bad — плохой worse — хуже worst —самый плохой far — дальний, далегсий farther — более дальний further — дальнейший farthest — самый дальний furthest — самый далекий much / many — много тоге — больше most — больше всего Большинство прилагательных, состоящих из двух и более слогов, образуют степени сравнения с помощью слов more, most, less и least, которые ставятся перед прилагательными в положительной степени. Положительная степень ф Z степень Превосходная степень ... beautiful — красивый тоге beautiful — более красивый, красивее most beautiful — самый красивый interesting — интересный less interesting — менее инте-ресны й least interesting — наименее интересный Существительное, определяемое прилагательным в превосходной степени, употребляется с артиклем the: the deepest lake — самое глубокое озеро; the best player — лучший игрок. Качества предметов можно также сравнивать: • с помощью союза than (чем): Tom's flat is bigger than Misha's,— Квартира Тома больше, чем квартира Миши. It's warmer today than yesterday,— Сегодня теплее, чем вчера. • с помощью союзов as... as (такой же, как) и not as... as (не такой, как): This book is as interesting as that one,— Эта книга такая же интересная, как та. Grammar Reference 65 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru The Adverb (Наречие) Наречия разделяются на подклассы: • наречия времени (когда?): now, then, yesterday; • наречия частотности (как часто?): often, never, ever, sometimes; • наречия места и направления (где? куда?): here, there, inside, abroad; • наречия образа действия (как?): quickly, loudly, suddenly. Наречия образа действия образуются от прилагательных с помощью суффикса -1у: sad (грустный) — sadly (грустно). Если прилагательное оканчивается на букву у, а перед ней стоит согласная, то при добавлении суффикса -1у конечная у меняется на i: happy (счастливый) —^ happily (счастливо). Большинство наречий являются неизменяемыми словами, но ряд наречий образа действрш имеют формы сравнительной и превосходной степени, которые они образуют с помощью more и most: carefully — more carefidly — most carefully; slowly — more slowly, most slowly. Только небольшое количество наречий образуют степени сравнения с помощью -ег, -est: fast (быстро) —faster —fastest, early (рано) — earlier— earliest. К наречиям образа действия в сравнительной степени прибавляется тоге, а в превосходной — most: carefully — more carefully — most carefully. Запомните наречия, которые образуют степени сравнения не по правилу. well (хорошо) — better — best badly (плохо) — worse — worst much / many (много) — more — most little (мало) — less — least far (далеко) farther further farthest furthest The Pronoun (Местоимение) Местоимение — это часть речи, которая употребляется вместо имени существительного или имени прилагательного. I have а cousin. He"s а programmer. His mother is my aunt— У меня есть двоюродный брат. Он программист. Его мама — моя тетя. Местоимения делятся на несколько подгрупп: личные, притяжательные, неопределенные, возвратные. Если личные местоимения употребляются в предложении в качестве подлежащего, то они стоят в именительном падеже. Если они употребляются в предложении в качестве дополнения, то они стоят в объектном падеже. Склонение английских личных местоимений ■ ■ ' падёж К7ПО? ___________ i ^ I Я you — ты (Вы) he он что? кому? чел^? кем? чем? о ком? о чем? ^ те — меня, мне, мной, (обо) мне you — вас, вам, вами, (о) вас him — его, ему, им, (о) нем she она her — ее, ей, ею, (о) ней it — оно, он, она (неодуш.) it — ее, ей, ею, (о) ней, его, ему, им, (о) нем we мы US — нас* нам, нами, (о) нас you вы you — вас, вам, вами, (о) вас they они them — их, им, ими, (о) них 66 Grammar Reference ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Притяжательные местоимения Притяжательные местоимения имеют две формы — основную и абсолютную. Притяжательные местоимения в основной форме служат определением к существительным и ставятся перед ними: ту book — моя книга hb friends — его друзья Притяжательные местоимения в абсолютной форме заменяют существительные, поэтому существительные после них не употребляются: Му flat is bigger than yours,— Моя квартира больше, чем ваша. p Абсолютная форма This is my book. The book is mine. This is your book. The book is yours. This is his book. The book is his. This is her book. The book is hers. This is our house. The house is ours. This is your house. The house is yours. This is their house. The house is theirs. Местоимения some^. any, по Местоимение some означает несколько, какое-то количество и употребляется в утвердительных предложениях: / have some friends,— У меня есть друзья. There is some coffee in my cup,— В чашке есть кофе. В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях употребляется местоимение any, которое означает сколько-нибудь, какой-нибудь: Do they have any books? — У них есть книги? Do you have any coffee? — У вас есть кофе? / don't have any friends,— У меня нет друзей. We don^t have any coffee,— У нас нет кофе. No означает никакой и употребляется в отрицательных предложениях: Не has по time at all,— У него совсем нет времени. There is по sugar in the tea,— В чае нет сахара. Местоимения something, nofhing, anything, somebody, nobody, anybody, somewhere, anywhere, nowhere Эти местоимения образованы от местоимений some, по, any и подчиняются тем же грамматическим правилам. Утвердительное предложениеvi 4 Вопросительное Отрицательное ^ предложение предложение somebody — кто-то anybody — кто-нибудь nobody — никто something — что-то anything — что-нибудь nothing — ничего somewhere — где-то anywhere — где-нибудь nowhere — нигде С местоимениями sometHng, nothing, anything, somebody, nobody, anybody употребляются глаголы 3 лица единственного числа: There is somebody in the room.— В комнате кто-то есть. There is something on the table.— Ha столе что-то есть. Is there anybody in the room? — В комнате кто-то есть? ознакомительная копия - frenglish«ru Grammar Reference 67 Is there anyttiing on the table? — Ha столе что-нибудь есть? There is nobody in the room.— В комнате никого нет. There is nothing on the table.— Ha сголе ничего нет. При наличии в предложении местоимений notЫng, nobody, nowhere дополнительных отрицаний не требуется: Nobody knows him.— Никто его не знает. She has nothing in her bag.— У нее в сумке ничего нет. I can't find him. Не is nowhere.— Я не могу его найти. Его нигде нет. Местоимения much, many, о lot of Much С-^иого) употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными: I don't eat much butter.— Я не ем много масла. Do you have much time to read? —У вас много времени, чтобы читать? Many (много) употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными: We don't need many apples.— Нам не нужно много яблок. Do you have many friends? — У вас много друзей? Как правило, much и many употребляются в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях. А lot of (много) употребляется как с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми существительными: She has а lot of time.— У нее много времени. We don't need а lot of apples.— Нам не нужно много яблок. Do you have а lot of friends? — У вас много друзей? Местоимения few, little Little (мало) употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными: There is very little snow this winter.— Этой зимой очень мало снега. Few (мало) употребляется с исчисляемыми сутдествительными: There are few houses in that street— Ha той улице мало домов. Местоимение ofher Местоимение other (другой, другие) употребляется как в качестве местоимения-прилагательного, так и местоимения-с>тцествительного. • В качестве местоимения-прилагательного other употребляется перед существительными как в единственном, так и во множественном числе: Some people like coffee. Other people like tea.— Некоторые люди любят кофе. Дрзп'ие — любят чай. • Перед other, как перед всяким прилагательным, определяющим существительное, может стоять или отсутствовать артикль в соответствии с правилами употребления артиклей. Артикль ап пишется слитно с other, образуя местоимение another (другой): This story is boring. Read another story.— Этот рассказ скучный, почитай другой. Местоимение another также употребляется со значением еще: Сап 1 have another orange. Mum? — Мама, можно я съем еще один апельсин? • После another и other может употребляться неопределенное местоимение one во избежание повторения ранее упомянутого существительного: I don't like thu; hat. Give me another one.— Мне не нравится эта шляпа. Дайте мне другую (еще одну). • Если местоимение other относится к существительному в единсгвенном числе и имеется только deg таких предмета, то существительное, которому предшествует местоимение other, употребляется с определенным артиклем: Give те the other glove.— Дайте мне другую (вторую) перчатку, • Существительное во множественном числе, поясняемое местоимением other, употребляется с определенным артиклем, если имеется в виду определенный остаток (остальное) из определенного числа предметов: 68 Grammar Reference ознакомительная копия - frenglish*ru I see ten pupils in the room. Where are the other pupils? — Я вижу в классе десять учеников. Где остальные? Если неустановленное число лиц или предметов делится приблизительно на две группы, то существительное во множественном числе, которому предшествует местоимение other, употребляется с нулевым артиклем: Bill doesn\ want to go with us. He has other plans.— Брыл не хочет идти с нами. У него другие планы. В качестве местоимения-суищствительного вместо существительного в единственном числе с неопределенным артиклем употребляется another, а вместо существительного с определенным артиклем — the other. При замене существительного во множественном числе other принимает окончание -s — others и употребляется с определенным артиклем — the others (остаяьные) рыи без артикля — other (другие): I have two brothers. One is younger than me and the other is older.— У меня два брата. Один — младше меня, другой (второй) — старше. Two of ту ftiends are coming on Saturday. The others are coming on Sunday.— Двое из моих друзей приезжают в субботу, остальные приедут в воскресенье. The Numeral (Имя числительное) Имя числительное — это часть речи, которая обозначает количество предметов, число, а также порядок предметов при счете. Имена числительные в английском языке делятся на колргчествеиные и порядковые. Количественные числительные простые. Они не имеют специальных Количественные числительные от 1 до 12 — окончаний. Количественные числительные от 13 до 19 оканчиваются на -teen: six + ‘teen = sixteen. В числительных, оканчивающихся на -teen, два ударения —sixteen |,siks‘ti:n]. Количественные числительные, обозначающие десятки, оканчиваются на -ty: six -h -ty = sixty. В числительных, оканчивающихся на -ty, ударение падает на первый слог sixty siksti]. 1 - one 11 - - eleven 20 — twenty 2 - - two 12 - - twelve 30 — thirty 3 - three 13 - - thirteen 40 - - forty 4 - four 14- - fourteen 50 - — fifty 5 - five 15- - fifteen 60 - — sixty 6 - six 16- - sixteen 70 — seventy 7 - seven 17- - seventeen 80 - — eighty 8 - - eigh 18 - eighteen 90 - - ninety 9 - - nine 19- - nineteen 100 - - one hundred 10 - ten 2,000 3,000,000 two thousand three million Количественные числительные от 21 до 99, состоящие из десятков и единиц, пишутся через дефис: 29 — twenty-nine, 45 —forty-five. Между числительными hundred, thousand, million и следующими за ними названиями десятков и единиц при произнесении ставится слово and: 465 —four hundred and sixty-five; 3,892 — three thousand eight hundred and ninety-two. Разряды многозначных чисел отделяются друг от друга запятой. Grammar Reference 69 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Порядковые числительные Порядковые числительные от 4 до 20 образуются от количественных числительных с помощью суффикса -th; 1-й - - first 11-Й- - eleventh 2-й - — second 12-Й- - twelfth 3-й - — third 13-Й- - thirteenth 4-й - — fourth 14-Й- - fourteenth 5-й fifth 15-Й- - fifteenth 6-й — sixth 16-Й - sixteenth 7-й - — seventh 17-Й - seventeenth 8-й - — eighth 18-Й - eighteenth 9-й - — ninth 19-Й - nineteenth 10-й - — tenth 20-Й- - twentieth Существительное, определяемое порядковым числительным, употребляется с артиклем the: March is the third month of the year.— Март — третий месяц года. Чтение дат Даты в английском языке пишутся следующим образом: 7 April — седьмое апреля. Произносится: the seventh of April. Перед датой употребляется предлог on: Мой день рождения 7 апреля.— Му birthday is on 7th April. Произносится: on the seventh of April, В датах год читается следующим образом: в 1675 году — 1п sixteen seventy-five Круглые даты произносятся следующим образом: в 1600 году— in sixteen hundred Начиная с третьего тысячелетия, даты произносятся следующим образом: В 2001 году.— In the year two thousand and one. The Verb (Глагол) Глагол — это часть речи, которая обозначает действие и отвечает на вопросы что делать? что сделать? Образование повелительного наклонения Утвердительная форма повелительного наклонения совпадает с неопреде/генной формой глагола (без частицы to): Listen! — Послушайте! Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола do и отрицания not: Don't cry.— Не плачь. Порядок слов в английских утвердительных предложениях Подлежащее в английских утвердительных предложениях стоит перед сказуемым, а затем следуют второстепенные члены. Второстепенные члены располагаются в следующем порядке: 1. Дополнение 2. Обстоятельство образа действия 3. Обстоятельство места 4. Обстоятельство времени I P^tiy computer games with pleasure in the school club every day.- ПОДЛ. сказ. что? как? где? когда? Я с удовольствием играю в компьютерные игры в школьном клубе каждый день. 70 Grammar Reference ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru я с удовольствием играю в компьютерные игры в школьном клубе каждый день. Обстоятельство обычно стоит в начале или в конце предложения: Every day 1 play computer games with pleasure in the school club. I play computer games with pleasure in the school club every day. Конструкция There is / There are Чтобы сообщить о наличии какого-либо лица / предмета в каком-либо месте, используется конструкция There is / There are: There is a book on the table.— Ha столе книга. There are girls on the bench.— Ha скамейке девочки. There is a mouse in the kitchen.— Ha кухне мышь. Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения образуются по общему правилу употребления глагола to be в Present Simple. Образование общих вопросов Is there а book on the table? — there is. Are there four books on the table? — No, there aren't. Образование отрицательных предложений There isn't a computer in his room./There is no computer in his room компьютера. В его комнате нет Образование вопросительных предложений What is there on the table? — Что находится на столе? How many books are there on the table? — Сколько книг на столе? How much sugar is there in this cup of tea?— Сколько сахара в этой чашке чая? Прямая и косвенная речь (Direct and reported speech) Прямая речь — это речь, переданная дословно, без изменений. В английском языке перед прямой речью, в середине ее или после нее стоят слова или предложение, вводящие прямую речь, которые отделяются от прямой речи запятой. Прямая речь заключается в кавычки. Знаки препинания в прямой речи с'тавятся в}гутри кавычек: Тот tells his friend, *7 work in London.” 'Who are you?” she cried. 'What do you want?” "They have known each other for years,” James said. "My parents,” she said, "are on holiday.” Косвенная речь — это способ передачи чужой речи. Косвенная речь представляет собой придаточное предложение, которому предшествует главное. Косвенная речь в английском языке в кавычки не ставится и запятой не отделяется. Тот tells his friend that he works in London.— Том говорит своему другу, что он работает в Лондоне. Правила перевода прямой речи в косвенную Перевод утверждений в косвенную речь Утверждения переводятся в косвенную речь следующим образом: say to smb / tell smb -h that + подлежащее И- сказуемое -f второстепенные члены предложения Союз that можно не употреблять: Не says to Lena, "I see my friends every day.” — друзьями каждый день“. He says to Lena that he sees his friends every day. He tells Lena that he sees his friends every day. Oh говорит Лене: „Я вижусь со своими Он говорит Лене, что он видится со своими друзьями каждый день. Grammar Reference 71 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Не tells them, *7 can help you/' — Он говорит им: могу помочь вам“. Не tells them that he сап help them. Or He says (that) he can help them,— Он говорит им, что он может им помочь. При переводе прямой речи в косвенную местоимения изменяются по смыслу: Не tells Lena, “/ see ту friends every day," — Он говорит Лене: „Я вижусь со своими друзьями каждый день“. Не tells Lena that he sees his friends every day,— Он говорит Лене, что он видится со своими друзьями каждый день. Перевод просьб и приказаний из прямой речи в косвенную Если в прямой речи содержится просьба или приказание, то при переводе в косвенную речь перед ней: • ставятся слова автора, содержащие глаголы to ask smb (просить кого-либо) или to tell smb (велеть кому-либо); • глагол в косвенной речи ставится в форме инфинитива. Вежливая просьба сделать что-либо • tell smb / say to smb (сказать кому-то) меняются на ask smb (просить кого-то) • пере^!!, придаточным предложением ставится частица to The teacher says to the pupils, Юреп your books at page 27, please."— Учитель говорит ученикам: „Откройте, пожалуйста, книги на стр. 27“. The teacher asks the pupils to open their books at page 27.— Учитель просит учеников открыть книги на стр. 27. Приказание сделать что-либо • say to smb (сказать кому-то) меняется на tell smb (велеть) • перед придаточным предложением ставится частица to The policeman says to the robber, 'Tutyour hands up!"— Полицейский говорит грабителю: „Руки вверх! The policeman tells the robber to put his hands up.— Полицейский велит грабителю поднять руки вверх. Запрет делать что-либо а) вежливый запрет • tell smb / say to smb меняется на ask smb (просить кого-то) • don’t меняется на not to Betty says to her .son, ''Don't disturb me, please."— Бетти говорит сыну: „Не беспокой меня, пожалуйста Betty asks her son not to disturb her.— Бетти просит сына не беспокоить ее. б) приказание • say to smb меняется на tell smb (велеть кому-то) • don’t меняется на not to The mother says to her son, "Don't lean out of the window."— Мама говорит сыну: „Не высовывайся из окиа“. The mother tells her son not to lean out of the window.— Мама велит сыну не высовываться из окна. и Перевод вопросительных предложений в косвенную речь Если в предложении в прямой речи содержится вопрос, то в косвенной речи в вопросительных предложениях употребляется прямой порядок слов. Напомним, что прямой порядок слов встречается в утвердительных и отрицательных предложениях, когда глагол-сказуемое или вспомогательный глагол следует за подлежащим. Не likes coffee. They didn't play football yesterday. 72 Grammar Reference ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Обратный порядок слов встречается в вопросительных предложениях, когда глагол-сказуемое или вспомогательный глагол стоит перед подлежащим. Where did they go? Where are they? Mary asks, "'What is Liz doing?'*— Мэри спрашивает: „Что делает Лиз?'* Магу asks what Liz is doing.— Мэри спрашивает, что делает Лиз. Не asks, "Where did Тот go?'*— Он спрашивает: „Куда пошел Том?“ Не asks where Тот went— Он спрашивает, куда пошел Том. Специальные вопросы В специальных вопросах в косвенной речи после вопросительного слова следует прямой порядок слов. При переводе специальных вопросов в косвенную речь происходят следующие изменения: tell smb / say to smb меняются на ask smb (спрашивать) -h вопросительное слово 4-подлежащее 4- сказуемое + второстепенные члены предложения She asks John, "Where does Tom go every week?*'— Она спрашивает Джона: „Куда ходит Том каждую неделю?'* She asks John where Тот goes every week.— Она спрашивает Джона, куда ходит Том каждую неделю. В вопросе к подлежащему в косвенной речи порядок слов не меняется. Не asks, "Who likes pop music?"— Он спрашивает; „Кто любит поп-музыку?" Не asks who likes pop music,— Он спрашивает, кто любит поп-музыку. При переводе общих вопросов в косвенную речь происходят следующие изменения; tell smb / say to smb меняется на ask smb 4- if / whether (ли) + подлежащее 4-сказуемое 4- второстепенные члены предложения Не asks Mark, "Didyou see the film yesterday ?"— Он спрашивает Марка: „Ты видел фильм вчера?*' Не asks Mark if he saw the film yesterday — Он спрашивает Марка, видел ли он фильм вчера. Не asks them, "Do you speak French?*'— Он спрашивает их: „Вы говорите по-французски?** Не asks them whether they speak French.— Oh спрашивает их, говорят ли они по-французски. Ответы на общие вопросы передаются в косвенной речи с помощью подлежащего и вспомогательного глагола. "Did Jim phone yesterday?** Ann asks her mum. "No,** mum says.— ,Джим звонил вчера?"— спрашивает маму Анна. „Нет",— говорит мама. Ann asks her mum if Jim phoned yesterday and mum says that he didn't.— Анна спрашивает маму, звонил ли Джим вчера, и мама говорит, что он не звонил. Разделительные вопросы передаются в косвенной речи так же, как общие. "Магу saw ту sister on Sunday, didn't she?** Jack asks,— „Мэри видела мою сестру в воскресенье, ие так ли?" — спрашивает Джек. Jack asks if Mary saw his sister on SundayДжек спрашивает, видела ли Мэри его сестру в воскресенье. Согласование времен в английском языке / Sequence of tenses Согласование времен — это зависимость времени глагола-сказуемого придаточного предложения от времени глагол а-сказуемого главного предложения. • Если глагол-сказуемое главного предложения стоит в одной из форм прошедшего времени, то глагол-сказуемое придаточного предложения (в основном изъяснительного) тоже стоит в одной из форм прошедшего времени. She asked what he was doing in her room.— Она спросила, что он делает в ее комнате. Не said that he knew ту friend.— Он сказал, что он знает моего друга. Grammar Refererice 73 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Если действие придаточного предложения происходит одновременно с действием главного, то глагол-сказуемое придаточного предложения употребляется в the Past Simple или the Past Progressive. He said that they played football on Sundays.— Он сказал, что они играют в футбол по воскресеньям. She said that he was reading a newspaper,— Она сказала, что он читает газету. Если действие придаточного предложения предшествует действию главного, то глагол-сказуемое придаточного предложения употребляется в the Past Perfect. Не said that Тот had phoned the day before.— Он сказал, что Том звонил вчера / накануне. Если действие придаточного предложения является будущим по отношению к действию главного предложения, то глагол-сказуемое придаточного предложения употребляется в форме the Future-in-the Past. Не said that he would help him.— Он сказал, что поможет ему. Таблица изменений формы глаголов-сказуемых при переводе прямой речи в косвенную Прямая речь / Direct speech Reported speech the Present Simple My friend said, “I want to go to England.” the Past Simple My friend said that he wanted to go to England. the Present Progressive He said, “She is playing tennis now.” the Past Progressive He said that she was playing tennis then. the Present Perfect He said, “You haven’t told us the truth.” the Past Perfect He said that she hadn’t told them the truth. the Present Perfect Progressive She said, “1 have been working all morning.” the Past Perfect Progressive She said that she had been working all morning. the Past Simple He said, “Tom phoned yesterday.” the Past Perfect He said that Tom had phoned the day before. the Future Simple He said, “It will rain tomorrow.” the Future-in-the Past He said that it would rain the next day. the Past Progressive He said, “She was watering the flowers.” the Past Progressive He said that she was watering the flowers. the Past Perfect He said, “She had painted the wall.” the Past Perfect He said that she had painted the wall. Таблица изменений указательных местоимений и наречий при переводе прямой речи в косвенную now — сейчас then— тогда here — здесь there — там this, these — это, этот, эти that, those — то, тот, те today — сегодня that day — в этот день tomorrow — завтра the next day (the following day) — на следующий день yesterday — вчера the day before — вчера / накануне next week / year — на следующей неделе / в следующем году the following week / year — на следующей неделе / в следующем году last week — на прошлой неделе the week before — за неделю до 74 Gra mmar Reference ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru She said, “I saw him yesterday.”— She said that she had seen him Она сказала: „Я видела его вчера*‘. the day before.— Она сказала, что она видела его накануне. Перевод на русский язык В русском языке нет правила согласования времен, поэтому при переводе на русский язык в придаточном предложении глагол-сказуемое остается в той форме, в которой он стоял в прямой речи. Не said, know Mary.”— Он сказал: „Я знаю Мэри‘\ Не said that he knew Mary:— Он сказал, что он знает Мэри. Не said, '7 knew Mary. ”— Он сказал: знал Мэри“* Не said that he had known Mary.— Он сказал, что он знал Мэри когда-то. She said, ''They are having dinner.”— Она сказала: „Они обедают'^. She said that they were having dinner.—^ Она сказала, что они обедают. Случаи отклонения от правила согласования времен Правило согласования времен может не соблюдаться: • когда в предложении сообщается о чем-то, что считается общепризнанным: "America is а rich country,” he said. He said that America is a rich country. Ho если в предложении излагается неверное утверждение, то правило согласования времен должно соблюдаться обязательно. "America is а poor country, ” he said. He said that America was a poor country. • когда сообщаются общеизвестные истины или явление считается характерным, обычным, привычным. '*Water boils at 100 degrees,” the teacher said. The teacher said that water boils at 100 degrees. • модальные глаголы need, should не подчиняются правилу согласования времен: Не said that we should go away. Глагол must остается без изменений, если он выражает приказание или совет: 'Той must do your homework in the morning, ” he said to his son. He told his son that he must do his homework in the morning. Если же must выражает необходимость совершения действия, то он заменяется на had to: "I must get up early,” he said. He said that he had to get up early. • если указано время совершения действия: "I saw the Eiffel Tower when I was in Paris,” she said. She said that she saw the Eiffel Tower when she was in Paris. "1 began to learn English in 2002, ” he said. He said that he began to learn English in 2002. Когда вы рассказываете о чем-либо в косвенной речи, обращайте внимание на глаголы, вводящие косвенную речь. Повторяющееся использование только глаголов say, tell считается речевой ошибкой. Необходимо творчески подходить к использованию глаголов, вводящих косвенную речь, разнообразя их в соответствии с контекстом. Например: She said, "I am wrong.” (Она сказала: „Я неправа'*.) — She admitted that she was wrong. (Она признала, что неправа.) Gfommor Reference 75 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Глаголы, вводящие утвердительные предложения в косвенную речь • to admit — признавать She said, “I am wrong.”— Она сказала: „Я неправа". She admitted that she was wrong.— Она признала, что она неправа. • to complain — жаловаться She said, “Unfortunately, I've gained weight.” She complained that she had gained weight.— Она пожаловалась, что набрала в весе. • to decide — решать Не said, “I won't go with you.” He decided not to go with them.— Он решил не ходить с ними. • to explain — объяснять Emily said to Jane, “You get upset became you think that everybody Is looking at you. ” Emily explained to Jane that she got upset because she thought that everybody was looking at her.— Эмили объяснила Джейн, что она расстраивается, потому что думает, что все смотрят на нее. • to reply — отвечать Jeff asked Bill, “Do you know this man?” Bill said, “No, I don't.” Jeff asked Bill if he knew that man. Bill replied that he didn’t.— Джеф спросил Билла, знает ли он этого человека. Билл ответил, что не знает. • to warn — предупреждать The doctor .said to Molly, “Don’t .skip meals. It won’t do you any good.” The doctor warned Molly not to skip meals because it wouldn’t do her any good.” — Доктор предупредил Молли, чтобы она не пренебрегала едой, потому что это не принесет ей никакой пользы. • to inform — информировать John’s teacher wrote to his parents, “Your son has been expelled from school.” John’s teacher informed his parents that their son had been expelled from school.” — Учитель Джона проинформировал его родителей, что их сын был исключен из школы. • to advise — рекомендовать The doctor said to Sabby, “You’ll have to eat less bread and sugar.” The doctor advised Sabby to eat less bread and sugar.— Доктор посоветовал Сэбби есть меньше хлеба и сахара. Некоторые предложения целесообразнее не переводить дословно в косвенную речь, а передавать их смысл с помощью следующих глаголов: • to agree / disagree — соглашаться / не соглашаться • to agree / refuse — соглашаться / отказываться делать что-либо • to accept (an offer, an invitation) — принимать (предложение, приглашение) Alex said to his friend, “I won’t go with you.” — Алекс сказал др)чу: „Я не пойду с тобой". Alex refused to go with his friend.— Алекс отказался пойти с другом. Kate told her friend, “OK. Let’s invite Jane. ” — Кэйт сказала подруге: „Хорошо. Давай пригласим Джейн“. Kate agreed to invite Jane.— Кэйт согласилась пригласить Джейн. Сослагательное наклонение (The Subjunctive Mood) в английском языке существует три типа сложноподчиненных предложений с придаточными условия. Вы уже знакомы с придаточными условными предложениями I типа. В них содержится указание на реальное, выполнимое условие. She’ll go to the party if Mike invites her.— Она пойдет на вечеринку, если Майк пригласит ее. Сослагательное наклонение используется в условных предложениях II типа (Conditionals type II). В этих предложениях содержится указание на нереальное условие, по причине которого осуществление действия главного предложения проблематично или невозмож- 76 Grammar Reference ознакомительная копия - frenslish.ru но. в таких предложениях действия могли бы произойти в настоящем или будупщм, но это маловероятно. В главном предложении употребляется the Future-in-the Past, в придаточном — the Past Simple. She would go to the party today if Mike invited her.— Она пошла бы на вечеринку сегодня, если бы Майк пригласил ее. (Это все еще возможно, поскольку вечеринка еще не состоялась, но это маловероятно.) Обратите внимание! Сокращенная форма would = ’d Fd help you today if I had time.— Я помог бы тебе сегодня, если бы у меня было время. Глагол to be в условных предложениях II типа имеет форму were. //1 were older^ I would work as a ranger.— Если бы я был старше, я бы работал лесником. If I were you Vd spend this money on hooks.— Ha твоем месте я потратил бы эти деньги на книги. Сослагательное наклонение также используется в условных предложениях III типа. В таких предложениях действия могли бы произойти в прошлом, но не произошли. В главном предложении употребляется the Future Perfect-in-the Past (would -h have -f глагол в III форме), в придаточном — the Past Perfect. Jim would have finished his work yesterday if he had got this information in time.— Джим закончил бы свою работу вчера, если бы он вовремя получил эту информацию. Как вы видите, перевод на русский язык условных предложений II и III типа отличается лишь тем, что действгш, описываемые в них, произошли бы в предложениях II типа в настоящем или в будущем, а в предложениях III типа — в прошлом. Однако английский вариант условных предложений II и III типа существенно отличается глагольными формами. Наклонение *-■' ( ш . ‘■■У*-' >• S ? чМС'Ы ШШ Тип условного щ.. предложения ... ^ к которому - ^ Ш^относится ^ высказывание iV - - - " ‘/f ' Главное # ^' предложение я ■' -у ~' ■ fj/'.'-At/’r >Союз г > . • • л/- - /. V -Г -Ч V * Ч ;• т Придаточное предложение Изъявительное I тип придаточное предложение содержит реальное, выполнимое условие Настоящее, будущее I will give her the document Я отдам ей документ. if если she comes at 5 p.m. tomorrow. она ftp идет завтра в 5 часов. Сослагательное II тип придаточное предложение содержит нереальное или трудновыполнимое условие Настоящее, будущее I would give her the document Я отдал бы ей документ, if если бы she came at 5 p.m. today. она пришла сегодня в 5 часов. Сослагательное III тип Придаточное предложение содержит нереальное или трудновыполнимое условие Прошедшее 1 would have given her the document Я отдал бы ей до1сумеит, if если бы she had come ас 5 p.m, yesterday. она пришла в 5 часов вчера. ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru Grammar Reference 77 Приложение 1. Словообразование Слова могут быть образованы с помощью префиксов и суффиксов. Префиксы изменяют значение слова, но не меняют его принадлежности к той или иной части речи, например: national (adj, национальный) — international (ad/, международный) Префиксы с отрицательным значением: ип~, in-, im-, ir-, dis-, m/s- happy — unhappy (счастливый — несчастливый) logical — illogical (логичный — нелогичный) possible — impossible (возможный — невозможный) to agree — to disagree (согласиться — не согласиться) correct — incorrect (правильный — неправильный) to understand — to misunderstand (понимать — не понимать) regular (правильный) — irregular (неправильный) Суффиксы служат для образования различных частей речи. Использование того или иного суффикса или префикса не всегда подчиняется определенным правилам и чаще зависит от установившегося словоупотребления в языке, например: to govern (управлять) —governor (правитель) —government (правительство). Суффиксы существительных • -ег, -or присоединяются к глаголам для обозначения лица: to invent (изобретать) — inventor (изобретатель) to produce (производить) — producer (производитель) • -ist служит для обозначения профессии: piano (пианино) — pianist (пианист) • -age образует существительные от глаголов: to marry (жениться) — marriage (женитьба) • -al образует существительные от глаголов: to arrive (приезжать) — arrival (приезд) • -апсе, -епсе образует существительные от прилагательных: important (важный) — importance (важность) different (различный) — difference (разница) • -dom образует существительные от прилагательных и существительных: free (свободный) — freedom (свобода) king (король) — kingdom (королевство) -hood образует существительные от других суще ствител ьны х: child (ребенок) — childhood (детство) -ation, -tion, -sion, -ssion образуют существительные от глаголов: organize (организовать) — organization (организация) to collect (собирать) — collection (собрание) to suspend (приостанавливать) — suspension (временное прекращение) to transmit (передавать) — transmission (передача) -merit образуют существительные от глаголов: to pay (платить) — payment (платеж) -ness образует сущесгвительные от прилагательных : kind (добрый) — kindness (доброта) -ship образует существительные от других существительных: citizen (гражданин) — citizenship (гражданство) -ty, -ity образует существительные от прилагательных: active (активный) — activity (деятельность) Суффиксы прилагательных -able образует прилагательные от глаголов: to wash (мыть) — washable (моющийся) -al образует прилагательные от существительных: centre (центр) — central (центральный) -ful образует прилагательные от существительных: pain (боль) — painful (болезненный) -less образует прилагательные от существительных: help (помощь) — helpless (беспомощный) Суффиксы глаголов -fy образует глаголы от прилагательных: simple (простой) — to simplify (упрощать) -ize образует глаголы от существительных и прилагательных: sympathy (сочувствие) — to sympathize (сочувствовать) modern (современный) — to modernize (усовершенствовать) Суффиксы наречий -1у образует наречия от прилагательных: easy (легкий) — easily (легко) 78 Grommor Reference ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru приложение 2. Как легче запомнить неправильные глаголы Все формы со&падаюг II и III форма совпадают I форма П фо Одинаковое чередование звуков cost cost cost cut cut cut hit hit hit hurt hurt hurt let let let put put put set set set shut shut shut split split split 1 форма beat beat beaten bite bit bitten eat ate eaten fall fell fallen forget forgot forgotten forgive forgave forgiven give gave given hide hid hidden shake shook shaken take took taken tear tore torn wear wore worn blow blew blown fly flew flown know knew known throw threw thrown grow grew grown draw drew drawn begin began begun drink drank drunk ring rang rung sing sang sung shrink shrank shrunk freese froze frozen speak spoke spoken steal stole stolen break broke broken wake woke woken choose chose chosen drive drove driven write wrote written ride rode ridden форма Ш форма bend bent bent build built built feel felt /eft keep kept kept leave left left light lit lit lend lent lent mean meant meant meet met met send sent sent shoot shot shot sleep Mept slept spend spent spent spoil spoilt spoilt get got got lose lost lost sit sat sat bring brought brought buy bought bought fight fought fought think thought thought catch caught caught teach taught taught feed fed fed find found found have had had hear heard heard hold held held make made made pay paid paid read read read say said sell sold stand stood - stood understand understood understood tell told told stick stuck stuck win won won shine shone shone Bee формы разные ■>? 11 форма III форма 1 be was / were been become became become come came come do did done go went gone run ran г» > run ^ see • 1 saw se^n show showed shown Grammar Reference 79 ознакомительная копия - frenglish.ru сэо Приложение 3. Сводная таблица времен английского языка о X Р § S X и <г X Р § X (Т sr с о Q 3 3 Q 70 го гз п го с СА £ 'T.V.1 ' "• -*■ the Simple the Progressive iSltel ---** iVa>r ~ w (Q I форма основного глагола (read/ reads) употребляется для выражения действий, которые: • происходят / не происходят регулярно Не plays tennis eveiy day.— Он играет в теннис каждый день. • происходят в соответствии с графиком или расписанием The train arrives at 6 o*clock.— Поезд прибьгеает в 6 часов, •вместо the Future Simple в придаточных предложениях времени и условия ГП phone him if I have time.— Я позвоню ему, если у меня будет время. II форма основного глагола (worked/went) употребляется для выражения дейсгвирЧ, которые происходили в прошлом: We saw an interesting film last week.— Мы смотрели интересный фильм на прошлой неделе. am/is/are + основной глагол + -ing употребляется для выражения действий, которые происходят: • в настоящшг момент She is reading the book now.— Она читает книгу сейчас. • в более длительный отрезок времени, который происходит в настоящий период, но не обязательно в момент речи They are writing а book.— Они пишут книгу. •для выражения запланированных действий, которые произойдут в будущем I am leaving tomorrow.—Я уезжаю завтра. was/were -Ь основной глагол -Ь -ing употребляется для выражешш действий, которые происходили в точно указал!ный момент в прош лом: She was reading а book when he phoned,— Она читала книгу, когда он позвонил. ~ т the Perfect I. have/has -h III форма основного глагола употреб;1яется для выражения действий, которые уже произошли: I have already seen this film.— Я уже посмотрел этот фильм. the Perfect Progressive ______________ _______ had Ч- III форма основного глагола употребляется для выражения действия, которое произошло раньше друтого действия в проишом: Не had sold his old car before he bought a 7iew one.— Он продал старую машину прежде, чем купил новую. have been/has been Н- основной глагол -I- -ing употребляется для выра жения длительных действий, которые начались в прошлом и все еще продолжаются в настоящее время; Не has been talking on the phone for nvo hours.— Oh разговаривает no телефону в течение двух часов. had been + основной глагол -Н -ing употребляется для выражения длительного прошедшего действия, начавшегося ранее другого прошедшего действия, выраженного в the Past Simple и все еще продолжавшегося в момент его совершения. Не had been translating the text for ovo hours when I phoned him.— Oh переводил тексг уже два часа, когда я позвонил. ИЗ will -h I форма основного глагола употребляется •для выражения будущих действий, которые возможно произойдут One day we4l meet again.— Когда-нибудь мы снова встретимся. • когда решение о будущем действии было не запланировано, а принято в момент речи. /г S raining, ГИ take ту umbrella.— Идет дождь. Я возьму зонт. will be 4* основной глагол Ч- -ing употребляется для выражения дей ствий, которые произойдут в указанный момент времени Б будущем: [ will be sleeping when you come — Я буду спать, когда ты придешь. will have + III форма основного глагола употребляется для выражешгя действия, которое произойдет раньше другого действия в будущем: 1 will have come back from the library before you get there.— Я уже вернусь из библиотеки прежде, чем ты доберешься до нее. will have been 4- основной глагол + -ing употребляется для выражения даительного будущего действия, кото рое начнется ранее другого будущего действия и будет еще происходить в момент его наступления: She will have been flying to Russia for an hour when her son comes back home.— Она будет лететь в Россию уже час, когда ее сын вернется домой.