Английский язык Учебник 8 класс Кауфман

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык Учебник 8 класс Кауфман - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Happy English (Хэппи Инглиш):

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Содержание Unit I Let's keep in touch Lesson 1 ............................ 4 Lessons 2,3 ......................... 9 Lessons 4,5 .........................15 Lesson 6 ...........................21 Lesson 7 ............................25 Present Perfect Progressive ...25 Lesson 8 ............................30 Unit 2 The British Parliament Lessons 1,2 .........................36 Придаточные определительные предложения...............37 Lessons 3, 4 ........................43 Обстоятельства цели......43 Lessons 5, 6 ........................50 I.esson 7 ...........................55 Unit 3 Means of communication through the centuries Lesson 1 ............................63 Модальные глаголы........63 Lesson 2 ............................67 Lessons 3, 4 ........................71 Артикль..................71 Lessons 5,6 .........................75 Модальные глаголы .......75 Lesson 7 ............................79 Unit 4 You live a new life for every new language you speak Lessons 1, 2 ........................84 Lesson 3 ............................90 Модальные глаголы .......90 Lessons 4, S ........................93 Наречия too и enough.....93 Lesson 6 ............................98 Lesson 7 ...........................101 Unit 5 Find your nay in the world of information Lesson 1 ...........................103 Lesson 2 ...........................107 Lessons 3, 4 .......................110 Действительный и страдательный залог.................НО Lessons 5, 6 .......................116 Unit 6 When you make a new friend, ask him, “What do you read?" Lesson I ............................122 Страдательный залог.....122 Lessons 2, 3 ........................126 Страдательный залог.....126 Lesson 4 ............................130 Союзы either... or, neither... nor.....................130 Lesson 5 ............................135 Глагол would.............135 Lessons 6, 7 ........................138 Lesson 8 ............................144 Lesson 9 ............................148 Unit 7 Russian writers and poets Lessons 1, 2, 3 .....................150 Возвратные местоимения................................150 Lessons 4, 5 ........................157 Lesson 6 ............................160 Lesson 7 ............................164 Lesson 10 ...........................166 The ring of the druids...............169 Elmer’s War .......................170 The diary of Marian Fitzwalter (Part I) ..........................176 The diary of Marian Fitzwalter (Part 11) .........................183 The duty of clan MaeWizard ........188 The honour of clan MaeWizard.......193 King Henry VIITs horoscope (Part I A happy marriage) .........198 King Henry VIIPs horoscope (Part II An heir) .................204 Grammar Reference Vocabulary ....... .......211 .......243 3 ♦ л Lesson 1 Let's keep in touch Meet your old friends Co о ' This is Misha Inin. He comes from Russia and is spending this year in St David’s School in England. This is a family ring. It was lost a long time ago. This is Rob MacWizard. He is Misha’s best friend. M w This is a family history book. It contains seven keys to the old family treasure. This is Rob’s older brother. Mark. He is interested in history. This is Mark and Rob’s sister. Rosy. This is Emily Wilson. She helped Misha when he had problems at school. Speak about the main characters and family treasures. Use which or who. Model: This is Rob MacWizard. He is Misha’s best friend.— This is Rob MacWizard, who is Misha's best friend. 2 What are you going to do this year? Hi! It’s great to see you again. We’re going to spend this year at St David’s School. ' Г11 probably travel round the world. All my friends do it after school. ^ 71 Не is а very nice guy and always helps Misha, Robin and Mark. i f This is Agent Cute’s boss. He is the head of a detective agency. I want to help my friends lind their family treasure. 1 promise. Г11 try. Say hello to everybody. Answer the questions. 1. What are you going to do this year? 2. What will you probably do this year? 3. What do you want to do this year? You can use your own ideas or these wards for help: At school to get better marks to join school clubs to be late to miss classes to learn something Outside school to travel to read books to make new friends to watch TV all day to visit relatives to get a dog (a cat) to buy something to become stronger (healthier, thinner) Ask Mr Help_______________________ Welcome back, folks! Look at you! You’ve grown up so much! Let’s talk about purposes of reading and reading strategies. This information will help you read better and quicker. Читать можно с разными целями: • Чтобы понять основную идею текста (о чем он). (Reading for the main idea.) • Чтобы найти ответы на вопросы, отдельные факты. (Reading for specific information.) • Чтобы понять текст полностью. (Reading for detail.) 5 Match the instructions with the purposes of reading. • to understand every little detail • to understand the main points • to find specific information © 1. Прочитайте название текста или все названия глав. 2. Прочитайте первое предложение или абзац. 3. Прочитайте первые предложения каждого второго абзаца. 4. Постарайтесь извлечь информацию из рисунков, графиков или диаграмм. 5. Обратите внимание на выделенные или подчеркнутые слова. 6. Прочитайте последние несколько предложений или последний абзац. © 1. Определите, какую информацию вы собираетесь искать. В этом вам могут помочь установки учителя, вопросы перед текстом, предварительно составленный план. 2. Определите ключевые слова, которые вы будете искать в тексте. 3. Постарайтесь представить себе, в какой форме вам встретится ответ. Например, если вы ищете дату, то вам необходимо просмотреть текст, обращая внимание только на цифры. 4. Используйте заглавия и любую другую информацию, которая может помочь вам найти абзац или страницу, которая содержит нужную информацию. @ 1. Внимательно читайте каждый абзац. 2. Проверяйте значения незнакомых слов с помощью словаря. 3. Обращайте внимание на ключевые предложения каждого абзаца. Имеет смысл выписывать их в тетрадь или подчеркивать в процессе чтения. 4. Для того чтобы лучше запомнить информацию, полученную из текста, можно письменно составить его краткое содержание. Answer the questions. \3 hich type of reading takes the most / the least time? : Which type of reading do you most often / least often use in the lessons? 5 Read the problems and answer the questions: Whof are the purposes of these children? Model; 1 — She is looking for specific information. ■ ' My mother has read a very interestingЛ article about dogs in this newspaper, | \I‘m looking for that article. J I’m getting ready for a test. The i teacher gave us five questions. I have I to find the answers in these books. 7 Homework С D Read the text and choose the correct answer; What is this text about? Remember: you don’t need to understand every word. a I summer holidays? b) travelling around the world? cl weather and climate? 1. September has come, and it is still very warm. The leaves on the trees have turned yellow and red. a cold wind was blowing, but suddenly it got warmer again, I like early autumn because it reminds me of the summer. But October and November are not my favourite months. It’s usually chilly and wet and every day it gets colder and colder. 2. This summer I did all sorts of things. In June I went camping. It was a real adventure. I learned how to put up a tent and make a campfire. A friend taught me how to play the guitar and 1 learned a lot of good songs. I also took a lot of pictures of my friends, our campsite, the forest and the river. The river was fantastic. We went canoeing and some of us enjoyed fishing. We were lucky with the weather, so we could swim and lie in the sun. There were some problems, but it was OK in the end. 3. In July my parents and 1 went to Holland. People there speak Dutch, but they also understand English. Tlie trip was very interesting. We did some sightseeing and made a lot of friends. Г11 never forget how beautiful this small country is and how friendly and polite the people are. 4. In August I had to go to see my grandmother. She lives in a small village not far from our town. She has a big garden and needs help. 1 was busy all the time. Together we picked fruit and vegetables and made jams and pickles. She showed me how to find mushrooms in the forest, and I found a lot of them. Read the text again and say: What did the boy do in July? You will answer this question easily if you find the word July in the text. Match the parts of the text with the headings. Holland Granny Camping Autumn For which task did you a) read the whole text?^ b) look for specific answers? c) read the key words? В Lessons 2, 3 News from St David's School •4-- 7 Misha Inin has been at St David's School for six months. He is writing a letter about his school life. Read the letter and answer the questions of Ex. 2 a). St David's Blackstone Road York Y024 SHF UK 13 February Hi Masha, , ^ How are you? I'm sorry I haven’t written for some time. I've been very busy. Let me just tell you. Unfortunately, there is no news about the MacWizards’ family history book. Rob and I have given up hope. We are trying to forget about this story. Sometimes I think there has never been any family treasure at all. But Mark hasn’t given up yet. He still believes the story about the treasure and with my help hopes to find it. The good news is that life at school is great. Rob and I are getting really popular; we have joined most of the school clubs and gone on different excursions. We have already been to York, Cambridge, London, and next week we are going to the Houses of Parliament. I'm afraid my mission here is nearly over and I have to go home in March. Luckily I'll still be here for the excursion to London. That's my news. How are you getting on? How's Granny? I often think about her. She taught me English and that's the best present anybody has ever given me. Please say hello to her for me. I’m sorry but I have to stop now. Rob has just come and called me for dinner. Hope to hear from you soon! Best wishes, Misha P.S. It's raining again. That’s the English winter for you! a) Answer the questions. 1. Who did Misha write the letter to? 2. Did he get good or bad news? 3. What has Misha done since he came to England? 4. What is Misha planning to do in his English school? 5. Is the letter formal or informal? b) Find two sentences that mean "Как дела?". c) Find the opposite of the words fortunately, unluckiiy. Unit 1 Lessons 2, 3 2 Mr Mackenzie has written a letter too. Look through the letter and answer the questions. 1. Who is the letter to? 2. Who is Mr Mackenzie? 3. What is the letter about? 4. Is the letter formal or informal? St David’s Blackstone Road YorkY024 3HF 13 February Dear Ms MacWizard, Betsey MacWizard 19 Crescent Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3GH I’m writing to ask your permission to extend Misha Inin’s stay at our school. We were very pleased that he has passed all his first term exams with excellent marks. So it is my intention to give Misha the chance to finish the year at St David’s. I have already contacted his parents and expect an answer from them tomorrow. There are no financial issues involved as we can offer him a full scholarship. I hope that you will assist me in this matter. Yours sincerely, Kenneth Mackenzie Headteacher Read Mr Mackenzie's letter once more and find the equivalents to these phrases. 1. I’ve informed Misha’s parents. 2. Misha Inin’s marks for the first term were good. 3. We were very happy... 4. Money is not a problem. 5. I hope you will help me... 6. We are planning to... 7. Misha won’t have to pay for his studies. What's .the difference between formal and informal letters? 1. Who do we write formal / informal letters to? 2. What language do we use? 3. How do we start formal / informal letters? 4. How do we finish formal / informal letters? 10 Неге are some tips for writing formal and informal letters. Analyse the letters and fill in the table. Some tips work for both types of letters. Formal letters Informal letters 1. Use formal language. 2. If you don’t know the name, just put Dear Sir / Madam. 3. Write “Best wishes” at the end. 4. Use chatty (разговорный) language. 5. Don’t use contractions (сокращения). 6. Put the first name, because you are writing to a friend. 7. Put the address of the person you are writing to. 8. If you use Dear Sir / Madam at the top, put “Yours sincerely”, at the bottom. 9. Don’t forget to sign with your full name. 10. Use paragraphs for every new point or different part of the story, so it’s easier to read your letter. 11. Put Mr or Ms before your name. 12. Just write your first name. 13. Don't forget to write the date at the top of the letter. 7 Match the letter writting cliches with their translations. 1. Best wishes, Alex. 2.1 look forward to hearing from you. 3. Thanks for your letter. 4. Write soon! 5. It was great to hear from you. 6. Let’s keep in touch. 7. I haven’t heard from you for ages. 8. Yours sincerely, 9. I’m sorry I have to stop now. 10. Hope to hear from you soon. e) Спасибо за письмо. с) Я был рад получить от тебя весточку. Ь) Искренне ваш. f) с наилучшими пожеланиями, Алекс. ’ h)C нетерпением жду ответа. а) Сто лет от ас слышно тебя ничего g) Надеюсь скоро получить от тебя весточку. j) Давай не терять друг дру„ ИЗ виду. 11 8 Fill in the gaps in the letter with the expressions from Ex. 7. Use this information in the correct places. Лж ЬшЛшЬаши. 77 60433 PsrmJdurt 10 ...1 ^air ity^terrhoj/. ...Haw’iуогиг -ftew jab? 1 tidied to thrau^ to you an. ThMA'sboj/, but tke Cine urns (аилу. I (горе you ’re yetting throu^t yavtr ■jirat raeeict alt right. Ггае already been in Qermony jar tivree гоеекл. It’s г/егу cjuiet (lere. There are -uery jew people in the streets - only oars. It’s getting coider and adder every day. There’s no snow in the streets in winter here and I’m missing our snowy Kuosian winter. The people here are getting rendy jar Chrdhnsos. They decorate all the windows in their hawses with angels, Chrithnar trees and Lamps, and гг/hen it gets dark, it Looios Ukr a jalry tale. Some people like to get опту jar ChrUtmar. They go to the mountains or visit their relatives, but my jriends are going to stay at home. Loot -week 1 gat a cold and felt very bad. I’m jwst getting over it and I’m jeeiing better now. when I get book, I’ll teU you snore. ...I hoA/e to do the cooking tonight. Best wishes, ^era Verb activator В английском языке есть много глаголов, которые имеют два, три. а то и больше значений. Раздел “Verb activator” поможет вам систематизировать знания об уже известных вам глаголах. Кроме того, в нем вы будете знакомиться с так называемыми Phrasal verbs (фразовые глаголы) — это устойчивые сочетания глагола и наречия, глагола и предлога, либо глагола и частицы. Предлог, наречие или частица, стоящие после глагола, часто полностью меняют его значение. Глагол to get — получать, доставать, приносить, прибывать куда-либо (добираться до какого-либо места), входить (выходить), становиться 9 Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. It’s getting dark. I have to go home. 2. Mary will be happy. I’ve got a lovely present for her, 3. When my friends got to the station, the train had already left. 4. I got healthier after I joined a football club. 5. This singer is getting really popular. 6. He is our best student. He always gets excellent marks. 7. Could you get me some paper? I’m going to write a letter. 8. Alex got to the room first and saw a big Christmas tree. 9. Don’t worry about Max, he’s OK. I’ve just got a letter from him. 10, He was ill yesterday but he’s getting better today. 11. My dog is getting old. 1 have to take him to the vet more often. 10 What do the phrasal verbs in these sentences mean? Match the underlined expressions with to get with their translations. 1. I never get up early on Sundays. 2. 1 hope he'll get over this disease. 3. I tried to phone you, but I couldn't get through. 4. You won’t see Mary tomorrow. She is getting awav for this month. 5. I’ll get back home tomorrow. 6. How are you getting on? a) вставать (c постели) b) выздороветь c) вернуться d) Как дела? e) дозвониться f) уехать g) пережить что-то IJim 1 13 Homework A Copy the table into your exercise books and fill if in with the sentences from Ex, 7. Formal letter Informal letter Greeting Starting the letter Closing the letter Ending the letter D C Fill in the gaps. Use on, over, up, back, away. 1. Some people get ... late every day. 2. What’s your news? How are you getting ,.,? 3. My friend broke her leg last year. She soon got ... it. 4. Mr Smart was very angry because he didn’t like to live in a little village, but he couldn’t get ... . 5. Father went to Kaliningrad, but he promised to get ... next week. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. “Где Мэри?” — “Она простудилась вчера”. 2. Когда она выздоровеет, мы пойдем в поход. 3. Огановится темно. Возьми фонарик. 4. “Где ты была в 6 часов?” — “Я не мог тебе дозвониться”. 5. “Твой друг вернется в среду?” — “Да”, 6. Как у него дела? Маке up а story about your friend. Tell your classmates what happened to him / her last year. Use expressions with phrasal verb get. 1 В Lessons 4, 5 No news is good news How to build words Слова могут быть образованы с помощью суффиксов и префиксов. Префиксы изменяют значение слова, но не меняют его принадлежности к той или иной части речи, например; national — international Суффиксы служат для образования различных частей речи. Использование того или иного суффикса или префикса не всегда подчиняется определенным правилам и чаще зависит от установившегося словоупотребления в языке, например; to govern — governor — government. Префиксы с отрицательным значением: ни-, in-, И-, im-, ir-, dis-, mis- happy — счастливый logical — логичный to like smth — любить что-то to date — датировать unhappy — несчастливый illogical — нелогичный to dislike smth — не любить что-то to misdate — неправильно датировать Какое из слов в строке лишнее? a) unimportant, unfriendly, understand b) unkind, united, uncool c) disloyal, disagree, disco d) important, immortal, imagine e) information, informal, incorrect, irregular f) misspell, misunderstand, mist От каких слов образованы эти слова? Use а dictionary if necessary. Dishonest, unlucky, unreal, incorrect, disconnect, informal, impossible, impatient. Match the phrases with their translations. There are seven phrases but only six translations. Which two phrases hove a similar meaning? a) Fortunately [Тэ:1|эпэ111]... b) I'm afraid... c) The good (bad) news is... d) rm glad to tell you... e) Luckily... f) I am sorry, but... g) 1 have some bad (good) news for you... 1. Боюсь, что... 2. Мне жаль, но... 3. Хорошая (плохая) новость, что... 4. К счастью... 5. Рад вам сообщить... 6. У меня плохие (хорошие) новости для вас... i Less с: ‘1 15 ' = ''= cts the sayings: "No news is good news." "Bad news travels fast." A -2’ s milar sayings do you know in Russian? pатите внимание: существительное news (новость, новости) явля--. ся неисчисляемым и употребляется с глаголами в форме единственного чиста. Например: 1 esterduy there was still no news about their son. — Вчера все еще не было новостей об их сыне. Choose the correct words in brackets and read Masha's reply. Did Masha have good or bad news? Flat 11, 10 Lipovaya St Lukinsk 435030, Russia 25 January Pear Misha, Thank you for your letter. (I’m glaJ / The bad news is) that you like your new school. That’s the most important thing. (I’m afraid / Luokily) you’ll have to forget about the treasure. If you don’t give up this idea, you can put your life in danger again. Have fun with your new friends and don’t think about it any more. I have some (bad / good) news for you. Granny fell off her chair and broke her arm. (Luckily, / Unluckily,) she wasn’t alone at home when it happened. She’s OK now, but (fortunately, / unfortunately.) she can’t write to you. She sends her love and will phone you soon. Write soon! Best wishes, Masha 16 -.essors 4, 5 4 Conversation bricks Этот раздел будет знакомить вас с разговорными клише. Разговорные клише — это слова-связки или фразы, помогающие вести беседу. В родном языке мы употребляем их практически не задумываясь. Например, “Между прочим”, “Сейчас вспомню”, “Дайте подумать...”, “Я не уверен, но...”. В английском языке тоже есть множество подобных слов и фраз. В данном разделе вы найдете выражения, которые позволят завязать разговор, изложить свою точку зрения, поинтересоваться мнением собеседника, вежливо его перебить или сменить тему, вступить в дискуссию, узнать нужную информацию и многое другое. 5 Listen to the expressions. What do they mean? a) sympathy (сочувствие) b) surprise c) agreement d) interest e) joy (T) What a pity! (2) That’s great! (3) I am glad to hear it. (4) What a shame! (5) That’s good news! (б) Are you? (7) Good for you! (s) Mmm. (5) Really? Tell me! (id) Did they? (П) How wonderful! (0) Oh no! @ How awful! @ Bad news travels fast. 6 Listen to the expressions again and repeat them after the speaker. 7 Look at the expressions and say: How do people react to good / bad news? Reaction to good news Reaction to bad news Match the news with the reaction to it. 1. I’ve had a letter from my best friend. 2. My sister has found a good job. 3. My dog has died. 4. His name is Alex, isn’t it? 5. The weather is going to be bad this weekend. 6. I’ve won a lot of money in a lottery. 7. My mother has promised to give me a dog for my birthday. a) What a pity! b) Really? Tell me! c) That’s great! d) That's awful! e) Good for you! f) That’s good news. g) Right. Unif I Lesson'; ■ 17 8 9 Complete the reactions to good or bad news. 1. ... awful! 2. I have ... good news for you. 3. No news ... good news, ... it? 4. Bad news ... fast. 5. ... to hear it! 6. ...? Tell me! 7. What a ...! 10 Why ore the people in the pictures happy or sod? Model: Fred is sad because his friend can’t help him with his homework this weekend. HI, I'm eorry. but I can't help you with your homework , this weekend. hirbLJutcy ficrtsf ALLce. ^ I The weather is ' going to be rainy. ^ \ < The Russian team has i^won the World Cup. 11 Look at the pictures of Ex. 10 again. Act out the dialogues. Take turns to tell each other the news and react to it. Model: Л: I've just got a message from my friend. He can 7 help me with my homework this weekend. B: What a pity! 1 2 In pairs. One of you is A and the other is B. Information for A is on page 1 9, information for S is on page 21. Moke short dialogues. Use phrases from the Conversation bricks. 18 •у Information for Л 1. You haven’t seen your friend for a long time. Find out how he / she is getting on. 2. Your friend is sad. Ask what is wrong. React to the news and offer your help. 3. You've met an old friend and want to know how his family are getting on. React to the news. Homework A You've received a letter from an old friend who lives very far away from you, a) Read the letter. Flat 45,177 Kirov St 240000 Kaluga 5 August Dear..., How are you getting on? I haven’t heard from you for ages. Where have you been? I’m fine. At the moment I’m at home. I need some rest after my summer adventures. They were very exciting. In June we went camping In the forest in Karelia. Fortunately the weather was great. There are a lot of beautiful lakes there too. Next year we’ll probably go there again. Do you want to come with us? In July I went to see my granny. She lives in a nice little village near Kaluga. My friends and I had a lot of fun. Unfortunately, their life isn’t easy. A lot of people in the village have lost their jobs and they don’t have much money. I’m spending August at home because I have to get ready for school. This year is going to be very important for me. The good news is that Helen, who is good at all school subjects, promised to help me. Do you remember her? I miss you a lot. How are you? How's your little brother? Say hello to your mum and dad too. I hope they’re fine. Write soon! Best wishes. Your friend 19 с v/rite □ reply. Use these questions as a plan. Start your letter 1. Have you had any letters from him / her? 2. Have you forgotten to write? Why? Give news and information 1. Are you OK? 2. Has anything new happened in your life? 3. Is there any news about your family and friends? Ask for the news and information 1. How is your friend? 2. How are his / her friends and family? Close your letter 1. Why do you have to stop? 2, When will you write again? Agent Cute wrote a secret letter to Misha and Rob, It's in Russian, that's why only Misha can read it. There are some mistakes in the letter. Translate the letter into English for Rob. Дорогой Шша u Po6, Это есть Агент кьют. я тшу из красной улицы дом ю. Сегодня есть 25 январь, я есть ОК, но я все время думать о Вас. У вас есть новость? Вы имеете найти книгу? Я к БОМ буду ехать, когдо вы нуждаетесь моя помощь. Несчастливо, Босс есть злой со мной, но это не есть правда. Я иметь сделоть ошибку, я ее буду исправить. У меня нет новости. Я боюсь, я должен остановиться сейчас. Пришла мама. Мы будем ужинать. Я смотрю вперед слышать от вас. Пишите скоро! давайте держоть прикосновение. Лучшие желания, Кьют С С помощью каких префиксов образованы эти слова? Translate them into Russian. mispronounce, disconnect, irregular, unusual, impossible, unfair, misprint, uncomfortable, indirect, misplace, impatient 20 Б V Information for В 1. You’ve met an old friend. You have great news. Someone has just invited you to a birthday party. If your friend asks, tell him / her that this is the party of the cleverest boy (girl) in your class. 2. You’ve met a friend. You are upset because somebody has stolen your bicycle, 3. You’ve met a friend. He / She asks you about your family. You have bad news. Your grandfather is ill. Lesson 6 Valentine's Day Misha is phoning Rosy MacWizard. Read their conversation and answer the questions. 1. How do people celebrate Valentine’s Day? 2. Who does Misha like? 3. Why does Misha need Rosy’s advice? 4. What was the problem with valentine cards three years ago? 5. What is Rosy’s advice? Misha; Hi, Rosy. It’s Misha. Rosy; Oh! Hi, Misha, how are you getting on? Misha: I'm OK, thanks. And how are you? Rosy; I’m fine. Misha: Well, mmm,,., what’s the weather like? Rosy: It’s been raining since this morning. Misha: That’s boring. Rosy: Yes, it’s bad. Look, Misha. Is there .something I can do for you? Misha: Well, yes. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. Rosy: Thai’s right. Misha: Well, you know, girls and boys send valentines and little presents to each other, if... you know... Rosy: If they like each other. Misha; Yes. And I have been thinking about one girl for a long time... She has been helping me a lot since I first met her. Rosy; And you want to send her a valentine, don’t you? Misha: That’s right. Her name is Emily Wilson. I have known her for six months and she’s very special to me. But I’m not sure about English traditions. 21 1 Information for В 1. You've met an old friend. You have great news. Someone has just invited you to a birthday party. If your friend asks, tell him / her that this is the party of the cleverest boy (girl) in your class. 2. You've met a friend. You are upset because somebody has stolen your bicycle. 3. You’ve met a friend. He / She asks you about your family. You have bad news. Your grandfather is ill. Lesson 6 Valentine's Day 1 Misha is phoning Rosy MaeWizard. Read their conversation and answer the questions. 1. How do people celebrate Valentine’s Day? 2. Who does Misha like? 3. Why does Misha need Rosy’s advice? 4. What was the problem with valentine cards three years ago? 5. What is Rosy’s advice? Misha: Hi, Rosy. It’s Misha. Rosy: Oh! Hi, Misha, how are you getting on? Misha: I’m OK. thanks. And how are you? Rosy: I’m fine. Misha: Well, mmm..,, what’s the weather like? Rosy: It’s been raining since this morning. Misha: That’s boring. Rosy: Yes, it’s bad. Look, Misha. Is there something I can do for you? Misha: Well, yes. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. Rosy: That’s right. Misha: Well, you know, girls and boys send valentines and little presents to each other, if... you know... Rosy: If they like each other. Misha: Yes. And I have been thinking about one girl for a long time... She has been helping me a lot since I first met her. Rosy: And you want to send her a valentine, don’t you? Misha: That’s right. Her name is Emily Wilson. I have known her for six months and she’s very special to me. But I’m not sure about English traditions. 21 Rosy; Oh. I see... We!!, Va!entine’s Day used to be a big deal at St David’s. When I was there, we used to organise a post box and after class teachers opened it and gave out valentines to the students. There was only one problem: some people who were unpopular never got any valentines and got very upset. So three years ago the teachers changed the rules; if you want to send valentines, you have to send them to everybody in your class. Misha: Oh! That’s impossible! What shall 1 do? It’s nine o’clock already. Rosy: But there’s no need to worry, t can give you some advice. Put your valentine in Emily’s bag when nobody is looking at you. Misha; Thank you. Rosy, I’ll do that. Rosy: OK, Misha, I have to answer my mobile now. Somebody has been trying to get through all this time. Ask Mr Help_______________________________________________ в диалоге вам встретились незнакомые формы грамматического времени глаголов. Попытайтесь выбрать правильный перевод следующих предложений, ответив на вопросы: 1. Произошли ли действия, описанные в предложениях, в прошлом или они начали происходить в прошлом и все еще происходят в настоящий момент? 2. С какими обозначениями времени они употребляются? 1. It has been raining since morning. a) C утра шел дождь, b) С утра идет дождь. 2. Somebody has been trying to get through all this time. a) Bee это время кто-то пытался дозвониться. b) Все это время кто-то пытается дозвониться. 3. I have known her for six months. a) Я знаю ее иолгода. b) Я знал ее полгода. 4. She has been helping me a lot since I first met her. a) Она помогала мне во всем с тех пор, как я ее впервые встретил. b) Она помогает мне во всем с тех пор, как я ее впервые встретил. 5. 1 have been thinking about a girl for a long time. a) Я уже давно думал об одной девочке. b) Я уже давно думаю об одной девочке. 22 Find the best translation for the expressions from the dialogue. A big deal — a) большая сделка b) большое событие с) выгодный случай She’s very special.— а) она специальная Ь) она особенная с) она обычная There’s по need to worry.— а) Не надо их беспокоить. Ь) Нет повода для беспокойства, с) Не делай из этого трагедии. Listen to Misha and Rosy's conversation and answer the questions. Support your answers with the sentences from the text. How is Misha feeling when he’s talking to Rosy? a) He’s surprised, b) He’s feeling very shy and uneasy, upset. How is Rosy feeling when she’s talking to Misha? a) She’s upset, b) She’s interested, c) She’s amused. i Repeat the conversation after the speaker. For your information_________________________________________ c) He’s very There is a beautiful legend behind St Valentine’s Day. Saint Valentine lived in Rome in the third century AD. At that time the Emperor of Rome was Claudius. He ^ wasn't very popular because he was trying to get more and more people for his army. The men didn’t want to go to the army and Claudius thought that it was because they didn’t want to leave their wives and children. “If they don’t get married, they’ll join the army,” he thought and passed a law (закон) which banned (запретил) marriage. Valentine was a Christian priest who didn’t like the new law. He secretly married people who were in love. One night the Emperor’s soldiers caught him and put him in prison. Valentine was going to die. Many young people felt sorry for Valentine and visited him in prison. One of them was the daughter of a prison guard. On the day of his execution Valentine wrote a note to her and signed it “Love from your Valentine”. This was on 14 February 269 AD. Since then 14 February has been the Day of Love, when people send love letters and presents to each other. They don’t sign the cards with their names, but write “Guess Who” or “Your Valentine”. At first this was a European tradition, but then it became popular in other countries. It came to Russia too, but a lot of people say, “If you love somebody, you should show it every day, not only one day a year.” ■я vSo«VVyVVVVSft:SirVVVSi 6 23 5 Misha has written his valentine. Look at it. Are there any mistakes in it? You’re x,\^6 most sp вo\8^\ in the class Misha Inin 6 What do you think of Valentine's Day? Do you want to celebrate it at school? Use the words and expressions. It’s a / no big deal. It’s romantic. It’s interesting. It’s a nice tradition. It’s very unfair. People get upset. It helps people show their love. Homework A Valentine Quiz 1. Valentine’s Day is on a) 14 February, b) 14 January, c) 14 March. 2. On this day people a) send long letters to each other, b) get married, c) send cards to each other. 3. The day got its name from a) a girl’s name, b) a priest’s name, c) the name of a Roman Emperor. 4. St Valentine went to prison because a) he secretly married people, b) he secretly got married, c) he didn’t go into the army. 5. How should you sign a valentine? a) Yours faithfully b) Best wishes c) Guess who? В Match the prefixes with the verbs and adjectives and make the opposites. Prefixes: un-, in-, ii-, im-, ir-, dis-, mis- Verbs: understand, lead, appear, connect, agree Adjectives: friendly, regular, usual, possible, kind, lucky, honest, comfortable 24 Unit 1 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 How long hove you been learning English? Present Perfect Progressive Tense — настоящее совершенное длящееся время Глаголы в форме Present Perfect Progressive употребляются для выражения длящегося действия, которое началось в прошлом, все еще продолжается в настоящее время и определенным образом подводит итог продолжительности этого действия. Например: / have been reading this hook for a week. — Я читаю эту книгу уже неделю. Образование Present Perfect Progressive образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в форме Present Perfect и причастия 1. have (has) been + глагол + -ing 1. Утвердительное предложение Jeff and Emily have been playing tennis for two hours. — Джеф и Эмили играют в теннис в течение двух часов. 2. Отрицательное предложение Jeff and Emily haven’t been playing golf for three hours. 3. Общий вопрос Has Jeff been playing tennis for two hours? — Yes, he has. 4. Альтернативный вопрос Has Emily been playing tennis for two or for three hours? — Emily has been playing tennis for two hours. 5. Вопрос к подлежащему Who has been playing tennis for two hours? — Jeff and Emily have. 6. Специальный вопрос How long have Jeff and Emily been playing tennis? — They have been playing tennis for two hours. 1. Разделительный вопрос Jeff and Emily have been playing tennis for four hours, haven’tthey? — Yes, they have. 25 Случаи употребления Если в предложении глагол стоит в форме Present Perfect Progressive, т. ■. как правило, указывается период времени, в течение которого происходит действие. Период времени может быть выряжен. a) обстоятельствами времени типа: all ту life, all these years, lately (в последнее время). 1 have been working longer hours lately. — В последнее время я остаюсь на работе дольше. b) обстоятельствами времени, вводимыми предлогом/ог (в течение). for а week (в течение недели),/огУ|ге years (в течение пяти лет),/ог а long time (в течение длительного времени) и т. д. Lena and Sveta have already been talking on the phone for half an hour. -Лена и Света разговаривают по телефону уже полчаса. c) обстоятельствами времени, вводимыми словом since. Since, в зависимости от контекста, переводится по-разному: с, с тех пор, с тех пор как. She has been dreaming about a dog since she was a child. — Она мечтает о собаке с детства. Jane gave те this cassette on Monday. I have been listening to it since then. -Джейн дала мне кассету в понедельник. С тех пор я ее слушаю. She has been sleeping since she got back from her trip. - Она спит с тех пор, как вернулась из поездки. Таким образом, слово since используется для обозначения момента начала действия. Present Perfect Progressive не употребляется: 1) с глаголами, обозначающими состояние. to love — любить to believe — верить to remember — помнить to want - хотеть to understand — понимать to know — знать to see — видеть to forget — забыть to hear — слышать to need — нуждаться to hate — ненавидеть to be — быть to like — нравиться to have — иметь Вместо Present Perfect Progressive эти глаголы употребляются в Present Perfect. Например: I have known my best friend since we were children. — Я знаю своего .лучшего друга с тех пор, как мы были детьми. 26 Unit 1 _esson 7 2) если имеется полное отрицание действия. Например: I haven't played the guitar since I broke my arm. — Я не играю на гитаре с тех пор, как сломал руку. 1 Open the brackets. Use Present Perfect Progressive. 1. My friend (work) on the project for two weeks. 2. Kate (look for) her bag for ten minutes. 3. You (sleep) all day again? 4. Why you (listen) to this song since yesterday? 5. How long (learn) English? Read the sentences and say, в каких предложениях говорится: а) Когда началось действие? Ь) Как долго оно продолжалось? 1. You have known your friend since you were five years old, haven’t you? 2. You have been reading a very interesting book for three days, haven’t you? 3. You have been working on a special project for a week, haven’t you? 4. You have been dreaming about having a dog since you were a child, haven’t you? 5. It has been raining since Monday, hasn't it! Give true answers. Fill in the gaps with for or since. 1. It has been raining ... yesterday. 2. Mary hasn’t had any guests ... last year. 3. Tom’s father has been building his house ... two years. 4. My friends have been living in London ... many years. .'i. Alice has wanted a bicycle ... her last birthday. 6. Peter and Kate have known each other ... ten years. 7. I haven’t gone out ... three days. I have been ill ... Saturday. Why didn't we use Present Perfect Progressive in some of the sentences? 4 Answer the questions about yourself. Use for or since. 1. How long have you been at school today? 2. How long have you known your best friend? 3. How long have you lived in your town / city / village? 4. How long have you been learning English? 5. How long have you known your English teacher? 27 2 3 т -А 5 Which of the sentences best describes the picture? a) It has been raining for two days, t b) It rained yesterday. a) We have known each other since we were children. b) We knew each other when we were children, a) She has been sleeping since she came back from her trip. b) She came back from her trip, got some sleep and unpacked her things. a) Mary has been reading an exciting book all day. b) Mary has read a very interesting book. Rewrite the sentences. Model: My father began to watch TV two hours ago. He is still watching it.— My father has been watching TV for two hours. 1. Ann began to write a letter at five o’clock. She is still writing it. 2. They began to talk in the morning. They are still talking. 3. It began to rain an hour ago. It is still raining. 4. She began to cook dinner when we came. She is still cooking. 5. He began to make a fire 20 minutes ago. He is still making it. 6. I began to take pictures two hours ago. I am still taking them. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form: Present Perfect or Present Perfect Progressive. Explain your choice. 1. She (teach) children all her life. 2. Agnes (not eat) since Monday. She is on a diet. 3. How long he (look) for a job? 4. I heard a very funny song when I was ten. I (remember) that song since then. 5. It (rain) since 10 o’clock. 6. They already (wait) for his call for 15 minutes. She (learn) French since she came back from her trip. 28 6 7 Ploy a game. How long have you...? Use the cards from the Cut Out. Если играет более одиннадцати человек, разбейтесь на группы. Каждый из игроков получает по одной карточке с вопросом. Для того чтобы получить ответ на вопрос карточки, необходимо поговорить с каждым из участвуюгцих в игре. Закончив сбор информации, играющим необходимо записать полученные данные и сообщить о них классу. Model: Player 1: How long have you had this watch? Player 2: For ten days. It’s new. Listen to the interview and answer the questions. 1. What is the man’s name? 4. Where does he work? 2. Where does he live? 5. fs he married? 3. What does he do? Homework How interesting is your life? Answer the questions about the last few months of your life and find it out. 1. Have you been doing any sports? 2. Have you been sleeping a lot? 3. Have you been going out with your friends? 4. Have you been helping your parents with the housework? 5. Have you been watching TV a lot? 6. Have you been studying a lot? 7. Have you been reading anything? Your Score Yes No 1 3 0 2 -1 1 3 2 0 4 3 -1 5 -2 2 6 2 0 7 3 -1 Your results -5 -Г +4 Unfortunately, your life isn’t very exciting at the moment. Is that because it’s autumn? You must have more fun. Spend more time with your friends, find a hobby, get a dog and get out of the house more! +1 ^ -ь5 You're happy with your life. You have your own hobbies and interests and you don't want to change anything. But aren't things a bit boring sometimes? +5 -h16 You're there when things happen. Or should we say things happen when you’re there? You’re the centre of attention, but lately you have been doing too much. Remember, you ean’t be in two places at once. Don’t forget it. 29 8 9 в Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. 1. How many exercises you (do) since you started your homework? 2. Mrs Izard (write) this book since her husband died. 3. You (know) this man? How long you (know) him? 4. We already (talk) about it for a week. It’s time to do something! 5. They (talk) for two hours and (not finish) yet. 6. Mr Dix is busy. How long he (be) busy? 7. Caroline (think) about Mark since he left. 8. How long you (have) this hat? I (have) it for years, 9. I (not see) your dog lately. What (happen)? C Translate the sentences into English. 1. Мы находимся в этом магазине уже 20 минут, а еще ничего не купили. 2. “Что он делает?” — “Он играет в теннис”.— “Как давно он играет?’ “Два часа”, 3. Они путешествуют уже две недели и уже позвонили два раза. 4. “Где Молли?” — “Она болеет".— “Как давно она болеет?” — “С четверга”. 5. Они уже обсудили первый вопрос и сейчас обсуждают второй. Они обсуждают его уже час. Lesson 8 Why has Jane been crying? Present Perfect Progressive может употребляться без указания на период времени, в течение которого происходило действие. В таких случаях из контекста понятно, что действие только что закончилось и оставило своеобразный “след", который служит объяснением положения вещей в момент речи. Например: You look tired. (Ты выглядишь усталой.) I have been working ^ on а report. (Я работала wiict докладом.) J 1 Write answers for the questions. Use the ideas in the box. work at night, talk to the director, run, make a fire 1. Why do you look so pale? 2. Why are your hands dirty? 3. Why are you breathing so fast? 4. Why is she looking tired? 30 2 Look at the pictures and say: What has been happening? Model: 1 — He has been working in (he garden. (Ж swim) (make a cake) (5)(run) (7) (go horse riding) 3 Translate the sentences into English. 1. У нее красные глаза. Она плакала. 2. Крыши домов мокрые. Шел дождь. 3. Его футболка грязная. Он играл в футбол. Ask Mr Help___________________________________________ Вопрос: Но ведь время Present Perfect тоже употребляется для выражения действий, которые произошли в прошлом, но результатом связаны с настоящим. В чем же разница? Ответ: Ты абсолютно прав. Однако обрати внимание: Present Perfect Progressive употребляется в тех случаях, когда мы говорим о длительном процессе: } have been reading this book all night. Present Perfect употребляется тогда, когда нам важен факт совершения или несовершения действия: / have read this book. It's interesting. Init I 31 Read the expressions. to laugh one’s head off — смеяться до упаду to spot smth — заметить что-либо to gel jealous — ревновать, завидовать It's St Valentine's Day and Mr Grams has just entered the room. Look at the pictures and say: "What has been happening?" / "What has happened?" Use the words ond expressions. to look for smth, to fight, to cry, to laugh one’s head off, to get a valentine, to send a valentine Model: Misha and Ben have been fighting. 6 Try to guess. Why have Misha and Ben been fighting? Make up a short story. 32 Unii - 4 5 a] Listen to the conversation. Do you think the situation is funny? Why? Why not? b] Read the conversation and find sentences in the Present Perfect Progressive and Present Perfect. Mr Grams; Who’s on duty today? What has been happening here? Boys: Misha and Ben have been fighting. Jane has been crying. The other girls have been looking for presents in their bags, but only Emily has got one. And we have been laughing our heads off. Mr Grams: I don't understand. Tell me everything from the beginning. Boys: It all started with Jane Becker. In the first lesson she opened her bag and saw that somebody had put a present there. She told everybody about the present and during the break we all waited for the demonstration of the present. She opened the box and found a really nice bear. All the other girls got jealous and opened their bags to look. They hoped to find some secret presents too. Then Jane spotted a valentine in the box. It said “To a very special girl. Grandad.” Jane started to cry. But then we forgot about her because at that moment Emily Wilson found two valentines: one was from a secret admirer and the other one was from Misha. Then Misha and Ben started to fight. They both sent valentines to Emily Wilson. Mr Grams: I don’t see anything funny about it. On Valentine’s Day we send presents to everybody we like, not just boys to girls and girls to boys. Jane, you’re lucky to have such a nice present from your grandad. You should send him a valentine too. Emily, congratulations, now you know that you have two friends who’ll never let you down. Write the questions for the answers. Model; Why have the girls been looking for presents in their bags? — Because they got jealous. 1. ...? — Because they got jealous. 2. ...? — Jane Becker found a secret valentine present. 3. ,.,? — Because she has received a present from her grandad. 4. ,..? — Because they both sent valentines to Emily Wilson. 5. ...? — Because they thought that the situation was very funny. Think of a short funny story from reol life. Finish it with: We laughed our heads off. Unit I Lesson 8 33 7 8 9 Homework Last year Misha, Rob and Mark read the MacWizard family history book. They wanted to find the seven keys to the lost treasure of the MacWizards. They had only read three and a half stories when they lost the book. Mark is still hoping to find the book again. Read the conversation. Найдите в тексте и выпишите глаголы в форме Present Perfect Progressive, когда действие уже закончилось к моменту речи, но явственно виден его "след". Misha; What’s wrong with you, Mark? You look pale and your eyes are red. Have you been crying? Mark; Of course, not. I have been surfing the net all night. Misha: What have you been looking for? Mark: I have been looking for the MacWizards family history book. Misha: Oh no, not again. How can you find it on the Internet? Mark: Of course, I can’t find the book. There is only one book and we’ve lost it. But I found the second part of the story about the Normans and Elmer. Misha: Really? Tell me all about it! Mark: I went to the Senate House Library website. They have a lot of old books and manuscripts there. I pul the key words of the story into their search engine and... I found a copy of our story in the library. A hundred years ago my great-grandfather gave some copies of our family manuscripts to the library. Misha: That’s wonderful! When can we read it? Mark: I wrote a letter to Rosy. She’ll go up to London, get a copy of the manuscripts „ and send them to us. 51 For your information «nil inn nin ..... III мо'Л Senate House Library is one of the most important academic libraries of the United Kingdom. It dates back to 1838 and has about two million titles, most of them in Humanities and Social Sciences. It also has a good collection for History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine. 34 в Choose the correct answer. 1. What is the Internet? a) a worldwide network which connects millions of computers b) a computer c) an electronic letter 2. What is a website? a) an electronic letter b) a page on the net with some information c) a piece of land 3. What is a search engine? a) a car b) a special computer c) a programme which looks for specific information by keyword Lessons 9, 10 Elmer's War Read the story "Elmer's War" on pages 1 70-175. Tour active vocaDuiory Bad news has wings. Best wishes for fortunately unfortunately Good for you! Hope to hear from you soon. How are you getting on? How boring! How wonderful! I’m afraid... I’m glad to hear it. It was great to hear from you. Look forward to hearing from you. luckily Oh no! Really? Tell me! since That’s good news! That’s great! to get a cold to get away to get back to get over something to get up What a pity! What a shame! Write soon! Unii I Lessons 8 and 9, 10 35 Lessons 1,2 The British Parliament A surprise excursion 1 Misha and his class are in London. On fhe first day they have some surprise excursions. Look at the pictures and soy; Wh/c/i museums are the friends going to visit? Explain your answers. I"? 2 What do you know about these people? Match the person with his or her description. & 1. This princess, who did her best to help the poor and the sick, died in 1997. 2. Books by this playwright, who lived in the 16th century, are still very popular. 3. This is a politician with his famous pipe, which he smoked all the time. 4. This musician, who comes from Liverpool, is famous all over the world. 5. That’s the man who was friends with John Lennon. 6. That's the politician who was one of the best British prime ministers. That’s the woman whom everybody loved. 36 3 J Какие придаточные предложения в упр. 2 содержат необходимую информацию? Какие придаточные предложения содержат дополнительную информацию? Придаточные определительные предложения Придаточные определительные предложения служат определением по отношению к существительному главного предложения. Если придаточное предложение относится к одушевленному предмету, то оно присоединяется к главному предложению с помощью союзных слов who, whom, that, whose. Если придаточное предложение относится к неодушевленному предмету, то оно присоединяется к главному предложению с помощью союзных слов which, that, whose. Придаточные определительные предложения также присоединяются к главному с помощью союзных слов when и where. Г и never forget the cafe where we met. — Я никогда не забуду кафе, в котором мы встретились. She couldn't remember the day when she received that letter. — Она не могла вспомнить день, когда она получила то письмо. Придаточные определительные предложения бывают двух типов — лимитирующие и описательные. Лимитирующие описывают признаки, присущие только данному лицу или предмету и отличающие его от всех лиц или предметов того же класса, или описывают признаки, присущие данному классу лиц или предметов. Лимитирующие придаточные предложения нельзя опустить без ущерба для понимания общего смысла. В предложениях данного типа главное предложение не отделяется от придаточного запятой. The people who live in the village get up early. — Люди, которые живут в деревне, встают рано. The film which I saw yesterday was interesting. — Фильм, который я смотрел вчера, был интересный. В лимитирующих придаточных предложениях who и which можно заменить союзным словом that. I know the woman who speaks Chinese. — I know the woman that speaks Chinese. The people who live in the village get up early. — The people that live in the village get up early. Если лимитирующие предложения служат определением к дополнению главного предложения, то союзные слова можно не употреблять. "м I 2 Les..i } 37 Yesterday I met a woman (who) w were talking about. — Вчера я встретил женщину, о которой мы говорили. При переводе на русский язык союзное слово необходимо. Описательные предложения содержат дополнительную информацию об описываемом лице или предмете. Без такой информации .можно обойтись. Главное предложение отделяется от придаточного запятой. She told те about Nick, whom she liked a lot. — Она рассказала мне о Нике, который ей очень нравился. В описательных придаточных предложениях употребляются who, which и не употребляется that. His sister, who very beautiful, married Tom Hopkins. — Его сестра, которая была очень красива, вышла замуж за Тома Хопкинса. Определите тип придаточного предложения и поставьте запятые там, где это требуется. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. The building that was next to the school fell down. 2. Jane whose father was also a doctor works at the hospital. 3. I’m going to the town where 1 spent the best years of my life. 4. In the room 1 spotted a boy whose father helped me last year. 5. There were a lot of flowers in the tree her grandfather planted. 6. The present that he brought was the best. 7. The girl they are talking about is Mark’s sister. 8. His brother whom I have known for many years phoned me yesterday. Fill in the gaps. Use where, who, which, whose, that, when. Put in commas where necessary. 1. Most of the people ... come to this theatre are from England. 2. My brother ... picture you have seen in the room is a very nice guy. 3. His father who was very rich sent him to Eton. 4. Kate and John never forgot the place ... they met. 5. I don't read books ... have a happy ending. 6. It was a time ... men went to war and women waited for them. Выберите нужное союзное слово. 1. Му friend, who / which is very talented, is arriving today. 2. She’s bought the book who / that she was looking for. 3. I like the house who / where they live. 4. She showed me the ring whose / which was a family treasure. 5. I don't know the man which / who is sitting next to me. 38 Unrt 4 5 6 For your information The National Portrait Gallery opened in 1856. It contains over 8,000 original portraits and photographs. The gallery is “about history, not about art”, which means that a picture gets into the gallery if it’s a portrait of a famous British person. The artist’s name and the quality of the picture aren’t very important. 7 Look at the pictures and try to say: Which of them ore in the National Portroif Gallery? Why? I 39 а butterfly — бабочка law — закон а bowler hat - шляпа-котелок 8 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. a nurse — медсестра an orphan — сирота motion — движение a tramp — бродяга universal gravitation — всемирное тяготение a reflecting telescope — зеркальный телескоп calculus — дифференциальное и интегральное исчисления 9 Неге are some more portraits from the National Portrait Gallery (p. 40-42), Look through the biographies and match the person with the job. Match the person with the words from the previous exercise. 1. Isaac Newton [,aizak 'nju:tn] a) a comic actor 2. Florence Nightingale [.flnrans 'naitipgeil] b) a scientist 3. Charlie Chaplin [.tfaili 'tjEephnj c) a nurse 1 0 Read the texts. Найдите и подчеркните придаточные предложения. Определите, является ли информация в этих придаточных предложениях дополнительной или необходимой? Isaac Newton Isaac Newton was one of the most important scientists who ever lived. He was born on 25 December, 1642, in Woolsthorpe f'wuls0o:p]. His father died before Newton was born and his mother remarried. Newton went to live with his grandmother. He went to a grammar school, where he wasn't a very good pupil. Luckily one of the teachers spotted that he had a bright mind and recommended that he go to university. So Newton went to Trinity College, Cambridge, where he was going to study law. One day he went to a fair and bought a book on mathematics. Newton hadn’t read any books on mathematics and physics before and got very interested in these subjects. Soon he became one of the best students in the university. He spent most of his life in Cambridge. Newton became a world-famous physicist, mathematician, and natural philosopher. He took facts and mathematical theories and explained them. He formulated laws of universal gravitation and motion that explain how objects move on the Earth and in the sky. He made discoveries in optics and built the first reflecting telescope. He invented an area of mathematics called calculus and wrote a lot of books. 40 Unit 2 Lessons i, 2 11 Florence Nightingale Florence Nightingale got her name from the city of Florence. At that time women didn’t work. They served tea and gave parties. Florence didn’t like this lifestyle. She was interested in books and medicine and wanted to go to university. At first her family was against it, but after many emotional battles her father agreed. She got a good education in Germany and started to work in a hospital when she came back to England. March 1854 brought the start of the Crimean War when Britain, France and Turkey declared war on Russia. Florence Nightingale left England and became a nursing administrator of the English General Hospitals in Turkey. She took 38 other nurses with her. Together they went to battlefields and organized hospitals. The wounded soldiers called her an angel because at night she went from one bed to another with a lamp. Florence Nightingale has stayed in history as “the Lady with the Lamp”, the first professional nurse who saved thousands of lives. Here is more information from the biographies. Find the best place for each sentence and complete the biographies. Model: He was born on 25 December, 1642, in Woolsthorpe, which is in Lincolnshire. Isaac Newton ... which is in Lincolnshire.., ...where he made his most important inventions... Florence Nightingale ... where she was born in 1820... ... who was clever and ambitious... ...who really loved his daughter... ...where she was a brilliant student. ...which she held in her hand... Homework A Read Charlie Chaplin's biography and find the answers to the questions. 1. Which country was he born in? 2. Which country made him famous? 3. What was his childhood like? 4. Did he have any brothers or sisters? 5. When did he start to work? 6. What is he famous for? I Init 2 Lessons 1.2 41 Charlie Chaplin Charles Spencer Chaplin didn’t have a very happy childhood. He was born in London, England, on 16 April 1889. When his father left the family, Chaplin's mother didn’t work, and her two sons were often hungry. When their mother got ill, Chaplin and his brother went to the workhouse, which was the place for orphans. Life there was very hard, but Chaplin didn’t give up. He started his career as an actor when he was nine. When he was twenty-one, he joined a travelline music-hall company. Soon after he went to America and became the famous film star, Charlie Chaplin. The actor died in 1977 but we still remember hi-“Little Tramp”, a funny little man in baggy (мешковатый) trousers and г small bowler hat. Read the text again and find the best place for this information. ...who brought smiles to the faces of millions of people... ...whose health was getting worse... C Think about famous Russian people. Imagine there is a Russian National Portrait gollery. Whose portraits should be there? Why? Write 5-7 sentences about any of the people you have chosen. D Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. The song we were listening to was a very good one. 2. The tourists they were waiting for didn’t come. 3. Unfortunately, he didn’t get the present he had hoped for. 4. The report he had to make was very important. Make one sentence from two. Use which, that, whose, whom. 1. I bought a dress. My friend advised me to buy it. 2. We went to the party. It was very interesting. 3. That is the village. We used to go there every summer. 4. This is Mary Jones. I’ve got a letter from her. 5. I was looking for a key. I’ve found it now. 6. This is the house. They bought it last year. 7. This is the actor. I like him very much. В E Lessons 3, 4 How did the British Parliament begin? Обстоятельства цели Обстоятельства цели поясняют, с какой целью совершается действие главного предложения, и отвечают на вопросы зачем? для чего? с какой целью? Существует несколько способов выражения цели. Рассмотрим способ выражения обстоятельства цели с помощью инфинитива. Например: I phoned ту friend to invite him to mv birthday party. — Я позвонил другу, чтобы пригласить его на свой день рождения. В английских предложениях такого типа инфинитив переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением цели, вводимым союзом чтобы {для того чтобы). 1 Match the two parts of the sentences. Use the pictures to help you. Who is who in the pictures? 1. The Smiths went to China 2. The Becketts went to Tunbridge Wells 3. Mike and Bill went to America 4. Cathy went to Holland 5. Mary and Andrew went to England ^ 6. The Browns went to Moscow d Ш a) to see beautiful tulips. b) to walk along the Great Wall. c) to see the White House. d) to visit the Kremlin. e) to do some shopping. f) to see Stonehenge. 43 In groups. What other reasons do people have to visit America, China, Moscow, Holland and England? Write down the most interesting answers. Model: People go to America to visit Disneyland ['diznil^ndj. The students from St David's liked their first day in London. Read the students' plans for the next couple of days. Model: Misha: I want to see the Houses of Parliament. — Misha has come to London to see the Houses of Parliament. I want to see the Houses of Parliament. Are these houses far away from each other? f I’m looking forward to ' I doing some shopping, г ■■^ril go to the British V Museum. They are miles away from each other, Inin. You’ll need the whole day to see them. And I'm going to visit my \Londonfriends. Museums are boring^ I want to go on London \ ---^ Eye. I’ve heard so much | about it! J I’m very happy. Tomorrow I’m going to see Mum and Dad. I haven’t seen them for ages! У V» .♦ Ч* I 3 Baker Street | .•(SI nHi:ninbii •V^ l. Ml iw -МЦ. 2 4 In groups. A competition. Give os many reasons to go to London as you can. The group which gives the last reasan wins. Use the pictures to help you. 45 5 Misha is interested in politics and wants to know more about the British Parliament. He has found some interesting information. Read the text and write out all the sentences with the verb make. What do they mean? i It’s 1215. The King is a greedy and incompetent ruler. j We should make more money. Let's raise the taxes (повысим налоги) ... again. We, the barons, are very unhappy. Let’s start a revolt. 46 Quick! Make up your mind and sign this! ©arta © The Magna Carta was an agreement between the King and his barons. It limited the King’s power. Since then all the English kings have had to ask the barons before they made any important deeisions. Magna Carta .maegna 'koTaj 6 Choose the correct translation. a) магическая карта b) магниевая карта c) Великая хартия вольностей Which people or objects are these sentences about? Use the information from the text The beginning of the British Por/ioment. Model: He was a greedy and incompetent ruler. — He = the King They were high but he decided to raise them. They didn’t like it and started a revolt. He decided to hide in his castle but they found him. He had to sign it because they made him do it. 47 Verb adivulor Match the expressions with their translations. The verb to make 1. to make up one's mind a) подружиться 2. to make progress b) принять решение 3. to make friends с) делать успехи 4. to make a report d) зарабатывать деньги 5. to make a noise е) делать доклад 6. to make a decision f) сделать ошибку 7. to make money g) заставлять кого-то делать 8. to make a mistake что-то 9. to make somebody do something h) шуметь 10. to make a meal i) готовить еду Обратите внимание! После глагола тя/:е в значении заставлять глагол, который следует за ним, употребляется без частицы to. She made her son do his homework in the evening. — Она заставила сына сделать домашнюю работу вечером. ---------------- 9 What are the people in the pictures doing? 1 0 Match the sentences with the replies. 1. Why has he given up French? 2. Why did she get a very bad mark for her test? 3. Why is she learning English? 4. Why did you have a headache yesterday? 5. Why did Kate give up that job? 6. Where is Peter? Why is he not playing football today? a) She wasn't making much money. b) She has to make an important report in English. c) He wasn’t making any progress. d) My neighbours’ children were making a lot of noise. e) His parents made him slay at home. f) She has made a lot of mistakes in it. 46 8 Homework A Use a sentence from box A and о sentence from box В to explain why people do / did / are going to do something. Model: A. 1 need a pen. B. I want to write a letter. / need a pen to write a letter. r' A 1. They’re going to Moscow. 2. We went to Egypt. 3. He has just called Lena. 4. They’re buying a tent, 5. 1 went to the shop tor bread. 6. The Browns went to the airport. в a) We wanted to swim in the Red Sea. b) They want to go camping. c) I have to help Mum. d) They want to see Red Square, e) They had to meet their friend. f) He wants to invite her to his birthday party. _y в Rephrase the sentences. Use the expressions with mofee. 1. He wants to become rich. 2. Have they decided where to go? 3. The children were crying loudly when I came. 4. She was cooking when I phoned. 5. Kate’s working hard and getting better. C Translate the sentences into English. 1. Ha прошлой неделе они купили палатку, чтобы идти в поход. 2. Я должен навестить Мишу, чтобы помочь ему. 3. Они хотели пойти в магазин, чтобы купить подарок. 4. Он пришел домой, чтобы пообедать. 5. Они подружились год назад. 6. “Почему все шумят?” — “Он делает доклад уже два часа”. 7. “Вы уже приняли решение?” — “Нет еще”. 49 Lessons 5, 6 How many Houses does the British Parliament consist of? Listen to the words and expressions to tease smb — дразнить кого-либо to elect smb — выбирать кого-либо to vote for / against smb — голосовать за / против кого-либо to approve smth (s'pruivl — одобрять что-либо to inherit smth [in'hent] — наследовать что-либо to represent smb [jepri'zent] — представлять кого-либо (быть представителем) and repeat them after the speaker, to sit — зб. заседать a peer [pia] — пэр personal achievement — личное достижение state — государство common — adj зд. простой, обыкновенный common - n община to consist of smth / smb — состоять из чего-либо / кого-либо at least — по меньшей мере to be called — называться Misha and Mark are getting ready for their visit to the Houses of Parliament. Listen to the conversation and say: How many Houses does the British Parliament consist of? Read the text and find the best translations for the words and expressions. the House — a)дворец 6)палата в) дом the House of Lords — a) ДОМ лордов 6) палата лордов в) палата аристократов а Member of Parliament — а) гражданин парламента б) член парламента в) член совета hereditary peers — а) наследственные пэры б) наследственные аристократы в) наследственные члены парламента life peers — б) пожизненные пэры в) живые аристократы б) счет в) документ а) пэры на время а bill — а)законопроект general election — а) общий конкурс б) общественное голосование the House of Commons — a) палата простых б) палата обычных в) палата общин competent — а) компетентный б) надлежащий в) правомочный в) общие выборы 50 Misha: Mark: Misha: Mark: Misha: Mark: Misha: Rob: Misha: Mark: Misha: Mark: Misha: Mark: Misha: Mark: I've learned something about the beginning of the British Parliament, but I didn’t find anything about the two Parliament buildings. Don't listen to Black, Misha. He’s been teasing you! The British Parliament sits in one building which is called the Palace of ’Westminster. It's also called the Houses of Parliament because there are two Houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. So what’s the difference between the House of Commons and the House of Lords? In the House of Commons MPs, or Members of Parliament, make all the important decisions and work on bills, which later become new laws. The Prime Minister is in the House of Commons too. 'Why are MPs more important? Because they represent all the people in the country. We have to have a general election at least every five years. People vote for an MP, and the party which has the most MPs wins the election and forms the government. Their leader becomes the Prime Minister. I see. and what about the House of Lords? Oh, well, they don't elect them. Did you know Black’s older brother is in the House of Lords? He’s a hereditary peer and Black’s jealous because there is no place in Parliament for him. What’s a hereditary peer? I'll explain. Some people in the House of Lords just inherit their places from their fathers and grandfathers. They’re hereditary peers. That's not very fair, is it? It’s a tradition. In the past there used to be a lot of hereditary peers but it has changed and now most people in the House of Lords are life peers. They get the title “Lord” or “Lady” for their personal achievements, and their children can’t inherit it. Some of them are very competent. For example, our famous ex-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher took her place as Lady Thatcher in the House of Lords in 1992. What happens in the House of Lords? In the House of Lords people talk about bills before they become laws and sometimes suggest changes to the House of Commons. And what about the Queen? What does she do? Oh, the Queen is the head of state. She and the House of Lords have to approve the decisions of the House of Commons. Before a bill becomes law the Queen has to say “La Reine le veut” [la ГЭП b: va:] (“The Queen wishes it”). The Queen uses Norman French as part of tradition. I 51 Misha: And can the Queen disagree with a new law? Mark: Not really. The last time it happened was in 1707. Misha: Your system is a bit difficult. Mark: Well, we have been working on it for more than a thousand years. For your information The Prime Minister is the head of the government in the United Kingdom. Margaret Thatcher, “The Iron Lady”, was one of the UK's most powerful and competent Prime Ministers, from 1979 to 1990. Answer the questions, 1. How many general elections did Thatcher’s party win when she was the Prime Minister? 2. What other British Prime Ministers can you remember? 3. Who is the British Prime Minister today? Fill in the gaps with the words from the dialogue, 1. In the UK there is no president, the Queen is ... of the ... . 2. There are two Houses in the Parliament: ... and , 3. People who sit in the ... Commons are called ... . 4. People who sit in the ... Lords are called .... .3. British people ... for MPs at a general .... 6. The party which wins a general ... forms the ... and their leader becomes the .... 7. After the Queen approves the bill, it becomes ... . Mark these sentences true or false. 1. The British Parliament sits in two buildings. 2. Members of the House of Commons never make important decisions. 3. There is a general election when the Queen decides. 4. If there was a general election in 2004, the next general election shouh be in 2009 or earlier. 5. Life peers get into the House of Lords because their parents were rich 6. Every member of the House of Lords and the House of Commons is called an MP. 4 5 6 7. If the House of Commons wants to do something, the House of Lords can’t stop them. 8. If the Queen disagrees with a bill, she still (все-таки) has to approve it. 9. Most members of the House of Lords are very clever and competent. 10. Members of Parliament represent everyone in the country. 11. Members of the House of Lords form the British government. 12. The Queen chooses the Prime Minister. 13. The United Kingdom is a monarchy. Conversation bricks___________________________________________________ Generalizing — обобщение • Many people think that...— Многие думают, что... • Everybody says that...— Bee говорят, что... • We all know that...— Мы все знаем, что... • Usually,— Обычно • In general,— В общем. Disagreeing — выражение несогласия • But don’t forget...— Да. но не забывайте... • Very true, but... — Очень справедливо, но... • But in fact,— Но, на самом деле, • But actually,— Но, в действительности, • ОК. but what about...? — Хорошо, а как насчет... • In reality — В действительности... Неге are some mistakes that people often make about the British state and its Parliament. Use the expressions from the Conversation bricks and explain your answers. Model: 1. The British Parliament sits in two buildings.— A lot of people think that the British Parliament sits in two buildings, hut actually it is one building. 1. The British Parliament sits in two buildings. 2. All the people in Parliament are called MPs. 3. The Prime Minister is the head of state. 4. The people in the House of Lords make important decisions. 5. Most members of the House of Lords inherited their places there. 53 7 How to build words Суффиксы существительных -ment, -tion, -sion C помощью суффиксов -ment, -tion от пваголов образуются существительные. Например: to improve (улучшать) — improvement (улучшение) 3 От каких глаголов образованы существительные? election, government, management, development, discussion, collection, prediction, advertisement, education, examination, achievement, impression, argument Переведите существительные на русский язык. ? Образуйте существительные от глаголов с помощью суффиксов -menf, -tion. decorate, instruct, manage, organise, celebrate, equip, develop, recommend, invite, agree, govern, enjoy Homework A Read the ideas. Some of them are false, some of them are not alv/ays true. Match the ideas with the facts. 1. English is a very difficult language. 2. Moscow has always been the capital of Russia. 3. Columbus discovered America. 4. Barcelona is the capital of Spain. .5. The Stone of Destiny is in Westminster Abbey. 6. The English climate is very bad. f) niillions of nennb have learneS Г «' 'Ч d'jMa' a) Amerigo Ve.spucci iirg b) Edinburgh castle e) often nice and warm Use the expressions from the Conversation bricks and write your explanations. Model: English is a very difficult language.— Some people say that English is a very difficult language, but in fact millions of people all over the world have learned it. 54 Unit 2 Lessons 5, 6 в Answer the questions. 1. Who is the head of state in the UK? 2. Who is the head of the government in the UK? 3. What is the building where the British Parliament sits called? 4. How many Houses does it consist of? 5. Which House represents the people of Britain? 6. How often do British people vote for MPs? 7. What are the members of the House of Commons called? C How much do you know about your country? 1. What is the official name of our country? 2. Is Russia a monarchy? A republic? A federation? D Write questions for the answers about the political system in Russia. Find more information if necessary. 1. It is called Federal Assembly. 2. There are two houses. 3. One is called the Federation Council, the other is called the State Duma. 4. They are called deputies. 5. Every four years. 6. It’s the President, 7. It’s the Prime Minister. 8. They work on bills. 9. They have to approve bills. 10. He forms the government. 11. He chooses the Prime Minister. In the Palace of Westminster 1 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. the Lord Chancellor [,b:d 'tjamsaia] — лорд-канцлер the Labour Party — партия лейбористов the Conservative Party [k3n's3:v3tiv ,pa:ti] — партия консерваторов the Speaker — спикер to preside over a meeting — председательствовать на собрании to debate — обсуждать a chamber ['tfeimbs] — палата an arch — арка David Lloyd George [,bid 'dpictsj — Дэвид Лойд Джордж Winston Churchill [,winstn 'tfadjilj — Уинстон Черчиль 55 2 Look at the pictures and try to match people / objects and places with their descriptions. 1. This is the Speaker. 2. This is the Chamber of the House of Lords. 3. This is the Lord Chancellor. 4. This is the Woolsack. 5. This is the throne. 6. This is the Chamber of the House of Commons. 7. This is the Mace. 8. These are red lines on the carpet. 9. These are statues of two Prime Ministers. Ш. This is the '“aye” lobby. 11. This is Westminster Hall. 56 a) The lords and ladies sit here. This chamber is also called the Parliament Chamber. b) MPs sit here. c) When the Queen arrives in the House of Lords to open the Parliament, she sits on this. d) There is wool inside. It’s a part of a very old tradition which started in the 14th century. It’s in Parliament to symbolise the importance of wool to the British economy at that time. e) It lies on the table when the House is debating. It’s the symbol of the power which Parliament has w'on from the King. It even has its own guard, who has a very big sword. f) They represent two British main political parties -the Conservative Party and the Labour Party. g) This is the oldest part of the building. A lot of famous events and meetings have taken place here. It saw Guy Fawkes, who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605, and in World War II bombs fell on it. h) He sits on the Woolsack and presides over the House of Lords. i) These are two long narrow corridors, which are very important for the whole country, because MPs come here to vote. j) He presides over the House of Commons, k) The distance between them is two swords’ lengths. In the old days MPs used to have their swords, and it was dangerous when they got angry with each other. So the lines are here to remind the MPs that they should not start a fight. 3 Say a few sentences about the photos in Ex, 2. Use which, where, whose, who or that. Model: I'his is the House of Lords, whose Chamber is also called the Parliament Chamber. This is the Chamber of the House of Lords, where the lords and ladies sit. ■i Try to guess: Which of the objects and people are in the House of Lords and which are in the House of Commons? Explain your ideas. 5 Listen to the speaker and check your answers. 57 Read the text on pages 61 -62 (Unit 2, Lessons 8, 9) and choose the correct answers. 1. How many parts does the Palace of Westminster consist of? a) one b) two c) three 2. What are the main colours of the Houses of Parliament? a) gold, red and blue b) gold, green and red c) red and green 3. Who writes the Queen’s Speech? a) the Queen b) the Government c) the Lord Chancellor 4. Which are Britain’s two main political parties? a) the Democratic, the Republican and the Conservative b) the Conservative and the Democratic c) the Labour and the Conservative 5. Whose shoe should a Conservative touch? ^ a) David Lloyd George’s b) Winston Churchill’s c) The Queen's 6. Why do MPs sometimes sit on the steps? ^ a) There are more MPs than seats in the House of Commons, b) It’s a part of an old tradition, c) It’s a punishment for those who are late. 7. When can you see the Mace in the House of Commons? a) It’s always there, b) Only when the Queen comes, c) When the House is debating. 8. How old is Westminster Hall? a) more than a thousand years old b) more than a hundred years old c) more than four hundred years old Homework The friends are back at school and have come to a history club meeting. Read the conversation for detail and say; Is Mr Jenkins a good teacher. Why What is the best translation for Mr Know-it-a/l? Mr Jenkins: Hello, everybody. Today I have prepared a very interesting and unusual task for you. Emily: What is it, Mr Jenkins? Mr Jenkins: We’re going to look at a fragment from an early medieval manuscript. Mark: What is unusual about it, Mr Jenkins? We often translate them. Mr Jenkins: Well, I have to tell you something. I can’t translate this manuscript. This time 1 need your help. Emily: You're joking, Mr Jenkins. You ean translate everything. 5Э John: Mr Jenkins: How old is the manuscript? I don’t know. I got the text by e-mail two weeks ago. Here's the e-mail. Emily: Mark: Mr Jenkins: Mark: Mr Jenkins: Emily: Mr Jenkins: John: Mr Jenkins: Hi, Mr Know-it-all! Your students think that you know everything, but that’s not true. Can you translate this manuscript? And if you can't, will you tell your students? Surprise me! It’s very rude! Yes, it is. At first, I didn't want to read anymore, but then I saw the manuscript and forgot about everything. It's in runes, the ancient alphabet which Druids used for writing about secret things and magic. I know runes very well, but the runes of this manuscript are different. It's a code. I have been trying to translate it for two weeks but I’ve had no luck. Now I'm asking you for your help. Don’t worry, Mr Jenkins. We'll do it together. What did you say, Mr Jenkins? A runic alphabet? A secret code? Let me have a look at it! What’s wrong with you, MaeWizard? Why are you smiling? It's our family runic alphabet. I have been looking for this story for months and I’ve found it! Г1! translate it for the next lesson. But... who is it from, Mr Jenkins? I’ve no idea! The e-mail address is [email protected] You can never find a person through this e-mail address. But why not? Because there are millions of users at hotmail.com — people can use the server from any computer in the world. В Answer the questions. 1. What is unusual about this manuscript? 2. How did Mr Jenkins get the manuscript? 3. Was he able to translate the manuscript? Why? Why not? 4. Why did the e-mail sound rude? 5. Will Mr Jenkins surprise the writer of the e-mail? 6. Why was Mark smiling? 7. Who was the e-mail from? 8. Will Misha. Mark and Rob be able to find the writer of the e-mail? Why? Why not? Unit 2 Lesson 7 59 Fill in the crossword puzzle and read the name of the river where the Palace of Westminster stands. 1. What do MPs do with their feet? 2. What is the surname of one of the most famous British Prime Ministers (“the Iron Lady”)? 3. What does the Lord Chancellor sit on? ^ 4. What are the members of the House of ' Commons called? 5. Who opens the Parliament? 6. Who presides over the House of Commons? Lessons 8, 9 The diary of Marian Fitzwalter Read the story "The diary of Marian Fitzwalter" part I on pages 1 76-1 82. Your active vocabulary an arch at least But actually, But don’t forget... But in fact, a butterfly a chamber common the Conservative Party Everybody says that... In general. In reality, the Labour Party the Lord Chancellor Many people think that... a nurse OK, but what about...? an orphan a peer to make a report personal achievement to make friends the Speaker to make money state to make progress general election to make somebody common do something to sit to make up one’s mind to approve smth to preside over to be called a meeting to consist of smth / smb to represent smb to debate to tease smb to elect smb to vote for / agianst smb to inherit smth a tramp to make a decision a bowler hat to make a meal usually to make a mistake Very true, but... to make a noise We all know that... 60 on? 8, 9 IhI j : г i»1:!:«-• * fc Ira * l«^i к |* ,’5 I кР I* S p 3 |l f* p ■Ь1|’||1Г111[1Ч|111 ifi III IS 11 Mi 'lb III г1т "I" ТШГ ■Ql I Urt'j V*^’ T ■ 1'.чк'Г^1 i- • • I* mr -4 II lllri" The Houses of Parliament Welcome to the Palace of Westminster. It consists of three parts: the Royal Apartments where the colour is gold, the House of Lords where the seats are red and the House of Commons where the seats are green. We are now in the Chamber of the House of Lords, Please be quiet and don’t sit on these red benches. The Chamber of the House of Lords is also called the Parliament Chamber, because every year when the Queen comes to open Parliament, all three parts of Parliament come together here for the Queen's Speech. In fact, it’s not really the Queen's Speech, because she doesn't write it. The Government writes it for her. In the speech the Queen tells Parliament about the Government's plans for the next year. When she gives her speech, she sits on the throne over there. Can you all see it? Yes, it’s that big chair behind the big red cushion. Oh, and that cushion is, actually, the famous Woolsack. And yes, there is wool inside it. It’s a part of a very old tradition which started in the 14th century. It was put in Parliament to symbolise the importance of wool to the British economy at that time. The person who usually sits on the Woolsack is the Lord Chancellor. He presides over the House of Lords. Now we are going through into the House of Commons, where MPs make decisions on new laws. Let’s walk through this beautiful arch. There arc two 61 statues, one on each side of the arch. Both of these two men were Prime Ministers. One is David Lloyd George, and the other - Sir Winston Churchill. They represent the two main British political parties - the Labour Party and the Conservative Party. We have a tradition: if you’re a Conservative, touch Churchill’s shoe, and if you’re Labour, touch Lloyd George’s shoe. Have you touched a shoe? Now let's turn right. Do you see two long narrow corridors on your left and on your right? These are very important for the whole country because MPs come here to vote on bills for new laws. On the left there is the “aye”, or yes, lobby. MPs who agree with a bill go there. On the right there is the “no” lobby for MPs who want to vote against the bill. Then the officials count the “ayes” and the “noes” to get the results. So in the British Parliament MPs don’t vote by pushing a button; they vote with their feet. Let’s go through the “no” lobby and into the House of Commons, where you'll see that the benches are green. The chamber here isn’t very big. In fact, there are only places for 437 people on the benches, but there are 650 MPs, so sometimes they have to sit on the steps when the House is full. Now we’re standing behind the Speaker’s chair. The Speaker is the person who presides over the House of Commons. Now look at the floor. Can you see two red lines in front of the benches on each side of the chamber? That's part of a tradition too. The distance between these two lines is two swords' lengths. In the old days when MPs used to carry swords, it was dangerous if they got angry with each other. So these two lines are here to remind MPs that they shouldn't start a fight, and they can't go over this line when they are speaking in a debate. Today there’s nobody here, so you won’t see the Mace, which is put on this table when the House of Commons is sitting. The Mace is the symbol of the power which Parliament won from the King a long time ago. and MPs have a lot of respect for it. It even has its own guard, who has a very big sword. Now let’s leave the House of Commons and go to Westminster Hall. This is the oldest part of the Palace of Westminster, and it's more than a thousand years old. The son of William the Conqueror... Do you remember the Norman leader who won the Battle of Hastings? Well, it was his son who started the building of the hall. This building has seen a lot of famous events. In 1605 Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament, and in World War II bombs fell on it. 62 Lesson 1 Means of communication through the centuries What will you be able to do in ten years? Модальные глаголы В английском языке есть глаголы, выражающие не действие, а отношение к действию. Они называются модальными. Вы уже знакомы с некоторыми из них. 1 Среди приведенных утверждений выберите правильные. Исправьте неверные утверждения. 1. Глаголы, стоящие после сап, could, must, should употребляются без частицы to. 2. Глаголы сап, could, must, should изменяются по лицам и числам. 3. Глагол must употребляется в Past Simple. 4. Отрицательная форма глагола сап образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола. 5. Глагол had to означает “мог”. 6. Отрицательная форма глагола had to — didn’t have to. 1. Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с глаголом must образуются без помощи вспомогательных глаголов. 8. Глагол сап в Past Simple имеет форму could. 2 Explain the meaning of the sentences. 1. Did they have to do a test on Monday? 2. We must visit our granny. 3. He couldn’t come yesterday. 4. He didn’t have to go to school last week. 5. You should learn English. 6. I can speak English. 7. Can he write a letter in English? 8. What did he have to do yesterday? 9. Should I tell them the truth? 3 Translate the sentences into English. 1. Когда ему было 7 лет, он не мог читать. 2. Маша должна помогать брату. 3. Детям не следует есть много конфет. 4. Вы должны гулять с собакой утром? 5. Он может говорить по-русски? 63 Модальные глаголы, выражающие умение, способность и предположение, основанное на неуверенности Модальный глагол сап выражает умение, способность совершить действие и употребляется в Present Simple и Past Simple. Не can swim. — Он умеет плавать. She could sing very well when she twenty. — Она умела очень хорошо петь, когда ей было двадцать лет. Во Future Simple глагол сап формы не имеет. Вместо недостающей формы употребляется сочетание will be able (смочь). She will be able to work tomorrow. — Она сможет работать завтра. Для выражения способности совершить действие также употребляется to be able to do smth (быть в состоянии что-то сделать). Это сочетание употребляется в Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple. Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений с сочетанием fo be able to do smth Утвердительное предложение He is able to translate the text.— Он может (в состоянии) перевести текст. Не was able to read at the age of five.— Он умел (был в состоянии) читать в возрасте пяти лет. Нс will be able to translate the text next week.— Он сможет (будет в состоянии) перевести текст на следующей неделе. Отрицательное предложение Не isn't able to translate the text. He wasn’t able to read at the age of five. He will not be able to translate the text tomorrow. Обратите внимание: will not be able = won't be able Общий вопрос Is he able to translate the text? Was he able to read at the age of five? Will he be able to translate the text tomorrow? No, he won’t. Альтернативный вопрос Is he or she able to translate the text? Was he able to read at the age of five or at the age of six? Will he be able to translate the text tomorrow or next week? Вопрос к подлежащему Who is able to translate the text? Who was able to read at the age of five? Who will be able to translate the text tomorrow? He will. 64 * Специальный вопрос What is he able to do? At what age was he able to read? When will he be able to translate the text? • Разделительный вопрос He is able to translate the text, isn’t he? He was able to read at the age of five, wasn’t he? He will be able to translate the text next week, won’t he? Глагол may употребляется в Present Simple для выражения предположения в настоящем или будущем. !( may rain. - Возможно, будет дождь. Отрицательные предложения образуются без помощи вспомогательного глагола; It may not rain. — Возможно, дождя не будет. Глагол may в этом значении не употребляется в вопросительных предложениях. ^ 1 Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. If I go to England, Г11 be able to understand people in the streets. 2. I have found my friend’s address, so I will be able to visit her. 3. My camera doesn't work, so I can't take any pictures. 4. The singer had a sore throat. However, she was able to sing at the concert. 5. When I looked at the test, I couldn’t answer many questions. 6. When the thief got into the car, the police couldn’t stop him. ( Fill in the gaps with the right form of the verb. Use can, could, will be able. 1. ... we ... to see this film tomorrow? 2. Why ... nobody meet us yesterday? 3. How many pages ... he normally translate? 4. What ... you ... to do if you see a tiger in the street? Complete the sentences. What will these people be able to do in the future? 1. Kate ... to come and see us tomorrow. 2. I am very busy now, I ... to help you until next week. 3. ... she ... to finish this dress by Sunday? I need it for a school party. 4. I ... to speak English in two years. Answer the questions about yourself, 1. What have you never been able to do? 2. What did you use to be able to do? 3. What do you want to be able to do? 4. What will you never be able to do? Lesson 1 65 Rephrase the sentences according to the model. Model: I’ll probably go shopping tomorrow. — I may go shopping tomorrow. 1. My friends will probably come to my party. 2. Mum will probably make dinner today. 3. 1 will probably find something interesting tn this book. 4. Our country will probably be very different in twenty years. 5. Your friend will probably phone you this evening. 9 Look at the pictures and make predictions / express possibility. Use the words in brackets. Homework Imagine yourself in fifteen years time. Write... 1. five things that you may do. 2. five things that you want to be able to do. 3. five things that you won't be able to do. Pul the verbs in brackets in the correct form. 1. He (be able) to speak English in two years, 2. Who (be able) to help him tomorrow? 3. Her brother (can) read when he was five. 4. Where (be able) we to see them next week? 5. She (can / not) swim last year. C Translate the sentences into English. 1. Они не смогут нам помочь завтра, не так ли? 2. Он не мог вспомнить адрес друга. 3. Когда Вы сможете написать письмо? 4. Я. возможно, позвоню ей завтра. 5. Нина, возможно, знает его адрес. 66 8 В Lesson 2 How to find the robber Listen to the words ond expressions ond repeot them after the speaker. means of communication — средства коммуникации to take smth for granted — воспринимать как само собой разумеющееся nowadays — в наше время anyway — во всяком случае Обратите внимание! Существительное means имеет одинаковую форму для единственного и множественного числа. Например: А саг is а means of transport. — Машина — средство передвижения. There are а lot of means of communication. — Существует много средств общения. Listen to the conversation and choose the right answers. Friends will be able to catch the robber a) if the robber makes a mistake. b) if a computer specialist agrees to help them. c) because they know his / her e-mail address. d) if the robber is from their school. Read the conversation for detail. Misha; Why are you so sad, Mark? Were you able to translate the story? Have you found another key? Mark: I’ve read the story, but it’s only the first part. There is no key in it. The robber has the book, but he doesn’t know the code. If he learns it, he’ll be able to translate the other stories. Rob: What can we do? Mark: I don’t know. The e-mail address that we have doesn’t give us any information. Rob: Let’s write to the robber and tell him that the text is very long and we can’t e-mail it. Mark: Yeah! And he’ll send us his fax number. Come on, Rob! The man is not an idiot. He knows something about modern means of communication. He was able to scan the document and find an e-mail address for Mr Jenkins. Misha: Yes, and he takes it for granted that we won’t be able to find him. But wait... I have an idea! Let’s send the translation to this e-mail address. Rob; Are you crazy? If we do that, the robber will have the book and the code! 67 2 Misha: Don’t worry. If we’re lucky, we'll be able to get the book back tomorrow. Mark: What are you talking about? Misha: Do you remember that time when somebody kidnapped Rob? Agent Cute was with us and noticed something. Rob: Now I remember. He said that the kidnapper was from our school, because he knew everything about us. But how does that help us? Misha: It’s simple. We’ll e-mail the translation to the robber, but we'll send a virus with the translation. When the robber gets a problem with his computer, he’ll run to... Rob: To Andrew Clayton, our computer genius! All the teachers and the pupils always go to him with their problems. Mark: There may still be a problem. Nowadays big e-mail services have special systems that protect the users from viruses. They’ll be able to stop our virus easily. Rob: Anyway, let’s talk to Andrew. I’m sure he’ll be able to help. Mark: You are right Rob, let’s try to do something. Copy the table into your exercise books and fill it in with the sentences from the dialogue. сап do could do was / were able to do will be able to do 1 Look through the dialogue and a) find all the modern means of communication that the boys are discussing. What do we use them for? Which of them do you take for granted? b) find the verbs for the nouns: e-mail, scanner, filter. How to build words в английском языке во многих случаях слова, являющиеся различными частями речи, совпадают в произношении и написании. work — работа change — изменение fax — факс love — любовь smell — запах e-mail — электронная почта clean — чистый free — свободный to work — работать to change — менять to fax — передавать по факсу to love — любить to smell — пахнуть to e-mail — посылать по электронной почте to clean — чистить to free — освобождать 68 3 Если в тексте вам встретилось подобное слово, то для того чтобы ре-пгать, какой частью речи оно является, надо проанализировать контекст, в котором это слово употреблено. Например: Му father works in the library. — Мой отец работает в библиотеке. His work is very interesting. — Его работа очень интересная. 5 Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. Are there any changes in the text? 2. I don’t want to change anything. 3. Have you got the fax? 4. Yes. ni fax his letter tomorrow. 5. Do you have an e-mail address? 6. She e-mailed you his phone number two days ago. Verb activafor the verb to have 1) expressions with to hare to have a party (устраивать вечеринку) / ап exam /a meeting/ a competition / a lesson / a game to have a cold (простудиться) / a headache / a temperature /flu / a sore throat Have a nice time! — Приятно провести время! Have a good trip! — Удачного путешествия! 2) to have = to eat, drink, fake to have breakfast / lunch / dinner / something to eat / a sandwich / a pizza / a cup of coffee / some milk to have a shower / a bath / a swim 3) to have + noun В случае если одно и то же понятие может быть выражено и глаголом . существительным, часто употребляется to have + существительное, а не глагол. Например: ю have а rest = to rest — отдыхать to have a wash = to wash — мыться Make verbs from these expressions. 1. to have a sleep 2. to have a try 3. to have a think 4. to have a drink 5. to have a look 6. to have a wash 69 7 Read and complete the sentences. Use a or some. Translate the poem. Pam and Sam had ... walk. Had ... look at the shops, Found ... very nice dress, Then they needed ... rest. Pam and Sam had ... rest, Had ... chat about the dress, Had ... drink, had ... lunch. But the dress cost too much...* Pam and Sam couldn’t sleep. Counted black and white sheep. Had ... very bad dream, And woke up with a scream**. * Платье стоило слишком дорого... ** крик Homework А Use the words in brackets as verbs or nouns and complete the sentences. Add a preposition, an article and change the form of the verb if necessary. Life is never boring if you have a computer. Г11 tell you why. I can meet a lot of people. When I want (CHAT) with somebody, I go to (CHAT) website. When 1 want to talk to my friends from a different town, I don’t use (PHONE). I (PHONE) them through my computer. It doesn’t cost much. When I need some information, I can always (LOOK) on the Internet. When I write (E-MAIL) to my pen friend from Spain, she always (REPLY) quickly. Yesterday I (E-MAIL) my homework to her. She promised to help me with it, but I haven’t had (ANSWER) yet. 70 Uni) 3 lesson в What is the girl in the pictures doing? C What do you soy in these situations? Use the expressions with the verb hove. Model: Your friend: I’m tired. You: Have a rest. 1. Your friend: I’m thirsty. You: ... 2. Your friend: I don’t know what to do. You: ... 3. Your friend; I’m hungry. You: ... 4. Your friend: I’m flying to Turkey on holiday. You: ... D Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. “Где Лена?” — “У нее грипп”.— “У нее есть температура?” — “Да. У нее болит горло уже три дня”. 2. “У меня новый фотоаппарат”.— “Можно посмотреть?” 3. “Ты позвонил Ане?” — “Нет. Я звоню уже 20 минут, но линия занята”.— “Давай попытаемся дозвониться еще раз”. 4. Сегодня вода в море теплая. Давай поплаваем. Lessons 3, 4 What does @ mean? Употребление артиклей перед существительными с обобщающим значением Когда мы говорим о предмете как о представителе целого класса предметов, то артикль употребляется по следующим правилам: 1. Перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе употребляется артикль the. Например: The giraffe is the tallest animal on our planet. — Жираф — самое высокое животное на нашей планете. 71 2. Перед исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе артикль не употребляется. Например: She likes roses. — Она любит розы. 3. Перед неисчисляемыми существительными артикль не употребляется. Например: I like coffee. — Я люблю кофе. 4. С существительными во множественном числе, обозначающими национальность, употребляется артикль the. Например: The English drink а lot often. — Англичане пьют много чая. 1 Choose the correct article. 1. Who invented — / the computer? 2. Are — / the tigers stronger than — / the lions? 3. Are — / the tulips as beautiful as — / the mayflowers? 4. He usually has — / the milk for breakfast, but his sister has 5. Are — / the Americans as friendly as — / the Russians? / the coffee. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions. 1. Which of these things can you call a means of communication? 2. How can you use them to communicate? 3. Which of these means of communication do you take for granted? 4. Which of them are new or interesting for you? 72 Unit 3 Lessons 3, 4 2 ' the picture JL '.he telephone - h esiiteilitel telegraph Listen to the speaker and check one of your answers. Answer the questions. 1. Can flowers be a means of communication? 2. What does the lily mean? 3. What does the yellow carnation (гвоздика) mean? Read about the history of communication and answer the questions. 1. What did people do to tell other generations about their culture when they didn’t have the alphabet? 2. What did people do to send their letters when they didn’t have post offices? 3. What did people do to send quick messages when they didn’t have the telephone and the telegraph? Nowadays we take our modern means of communieation for granted, but we shouldn’t forget older methods. Who knows? One day we may need them again! The history of communication started long before people invented the alphabet. When people couldn’t read or write, they drew pictures on the walls. These pictures told the stories of their everyday life, battles and culture. Can you imagine your life without post offices? Difficult, isn’t it. But before they were invented, people still wrote letters. In the ancient world there were thousands of foot messengers who formed an ancient communication network. One of the most famous messengers in history was a Greek soldier. He ran to Athens to bring the news of the Greek victory over the Persians at the battle of Marathon in 490 BC. When he got to Athens and gave the news, he fell dead of exhaustion (истощение). He had covered a distance of 26 miles. In honour of this soldier, sportsmen nowadays run the same distance — a marathon. In the Middle Ages life was hard and dangerous. It was very important to have good neighbours and to get news quickly. So people used the high towers of their castles to send and receive messages about the enemies. American Indians didn't build high towers but used smoke signals to send important information. When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, everybody thought that it was a real miracle (чудо). The Unil 3 Lessons 3, 4 73 3 4 telephone and the telegraph were the fastest means of communication that people could imagine. In the 19th century people used to say, “We have invented everything we could,” But as we know today it was just the beginning, 5 Mark these sentences true, false or not stated. 1. People couldn’t communicate before they invented the alphabet. 2. In the ancient world people also had big, fast communication networks. 3. Marathon is the name of a place in ancient Greece. 4. In medieval times people used the telegraph. 5. The American Indians used smoke signals because they couldn’t read or write. 6. People invented the post in the 19th century. 7. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. 8. In the 19th century people used Morse code for the telegraph. 6 In groups. What did people invent in the 20th and 21 st centuries? What is the fastest means of communication today? 7 Quiz. Discuss the questions and try to choose the correct answers. 1. Who invented paper? a) the Chinese b) the Japanese c) the English 2. Who invented the alphabet? a) the Jews (евреи) b) the Greeks c) the Egyptians 3. Who invented ink? a) the Egyptians and the Chinese b) the Chinese c) the Arabs 4. Who first sent private letters from one person to another? a) the Greeks b) the Egyptians c) the Romans 5. Who invented the stamp? a) the English b) the Russians c) the Americans 6. Who invented the telephone? a) Telephone b) Popov c) Alexander Graham Bell 7. Who invented the telegraph? a) Alexander Graham Bell b) Samuel Morse c) Mary Telegraph 8. Who invented the e-mail? a) the Americans b) the Russians c) the Germans Homework A If you want to know the correct answers to the quiz and what @ means, read the texts "Ink", "Alphabet", "Means of writing", "Paper", "Penny Black", "Telegraph", "Telephone", "E-mail" in the Workbook. 74 Lessons 5, 6 English is the Latin of the 21 st century Модальные глаголы con, could, may Для выражения разрешения и просьбы употребляются модальные глаголы сап, could и may. Например: Сап 1 help you?— Можно, я помогу вам? May I ask you а question? — Yes, you may. — Позвольте задать Вам вопрос? — Да, пожалуйста. Could / Сяп you tell те where the bus stop is? — He могли бы Вы сказать мне, где автобусная остановка? Обратите внимание, что в данном случае существенной разницы в употреблении сап и could нет. Could традиционно является более вежливой формой обращения. Разница в употреблении модальных глаголов сап и may в значении просьбы и разрешения Сяп употребляется при неформальном общении. May употребляется, когда беседа носит более формальный характер. Сравните: May I ask you а question? — Позвольте задать Вам вопрос? (обращение к учителю) Сап I take this book? — Можно я возьму эту книгу? (обращение к Другу) What is happening in the pictures? Match the questions with the answers and make up short dialogues about the pictures. a) May I come in? b) Can 1 use your pen? c) Can I play with you? d) May I read this book at home? 1. Sure, no problem. 2. No, I’m afraid, you can’t. It’s very old. 3. Yes, you may, but don’t be late again. 4. Oh, please. It’ll be more fun. 75 1 Translate the sentences into English. 1. “Вы позволите Вам позвонить?” — “Да”. 2. “Можно пойти с Вами в кино?” — “Да”, 3. Не могли бы Вы сказать мне, где находится улица Кирова? 4. Я не разрешаю (тебе нельзя) играть в футбол. 5. Я знаю, что мне можно пользоваться этим телефоном. Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. they say — говорят a contribution — вклад plural — множественное число to interrupt smb / smlh — переби- gender — грамматический род вать. прерывать several — несколько formation — формирование to contribute to smth — вносить such as — такие, как вклад Look through the text of Ex. 6. Найдите предложения с глаголом may. К кому они обращены? Найдите предложения с глаголом сап. В каком значении использован глагол сап в этих предложениях? Choose the correct answer: Why do people call English the La/in of the 2 1st century? Several answers can be correct. Think of your own answer. 1. Because it is as easy as Latin, 2. Because it is as popular nowadays as Latin was hundreds of years ago. 3. Because it is the language of the most powerful country in the world. Latin was the language of the Romans, and English is the language of the Americans. Read the conversation and compare you answer with Misha's and Jim's. Misha: Excuse me, may I come in? Mr Grams: Yes, you may, Inin. But please don’t interrupt the lesson again. Let's start. Today we are going to talk about the English language. They say that English is the Latin of the 21st century. Why is English so popular? What do you think, MacWizard? Rob: I’ve never thought about it, I have always taken it for granted that people from different countries understand me. Jim: I think people learn English because the Americans speak it. And America is the biggest country in the world. Rob: Oh, don’t give us that! There are a lot of big countries such as Russia, China, India, but not so many foreigners speak Russian or Chinese. Г 1 1 in ГЛ 76 'dnit 3 Lesioria 5. 6 2 3 i I Misha: Can I say something now? I think it’s popular because it’s easy. Jim: Do you really think so? Misha: Yes, I do and I can prove it. Let’s compare English with Russian, for example. Plurals are easier. You just have to add an -{e)s in the end. Compare: Tables, books, trees.— Столы, книги, деревья. Genders are simpler. In English you use “she” for women, “he” for men and all other words are “it”. In Russian we have tree (it), table (he), book (she), room (she). It’s very difficult. English words don’t change so much. I read this book every day.— Я читаю эту книгу каждый день. We read this book every day. — Мы читаем эту книгу каждый день. YOU read this book every day. — Ты читаешь эту книгу каждый день. They read this book every day. — Они читают эту книгу каждый день. Не (She) reads this book every day.— Он (Она) читает эту книгу каждый день. You read this book.— Вы читаете эту книгу. Mr Grams: I think that’s very true. English isn’t a difficult language. And another thing: several European languages contributed to the formation of English. Can you tell me which? Answer Mr Grams' question. Which European languages contributed to the formation of English? Look at the pictures for help. Listen to the speaker and check your answers: Which language contributed to English the least / the most? , The Vikings came from , '■ Scandinavia. The Anglo-Saxons came from Germany. Holland and Denmark. The Romans came from Italy. The Normans came from France. In groups. Find more things that are more difficult in Russian than in English. Is there anything that is easier in Russian than in English? Do you agree with Misha that it is easier to form plurals and to use tenses in English? t Init .1 l.e 77 7 8 Conversation bricks In a discussion I agree with you,— Я согласен с вами. I don’t agree with you.— Я c вами не согласен. I'm afraid that’s wrong.— Боюсь, что это не так. 1 think so too.— Я тоже так думаю. That’s exactly what I wanted to say,— Вот именно это я и хотел сказать. Do you really think so? — Вы действительно так думаете? That’s very true,— Именно так. Yes, but don’t you think... — Да. но не кажется ли вам... Тт afraid I can’t agree with you.— Боюсь, что не могу согласиться с вами. As а rule,— как правило Could I say something here? — Можно мне здесь сказать? Could I ask а question? — Можно задать вопрос? May I interrupt for а moment? — Позвольте мне перебить? Sorry, but...— Извините, но... You are right.— Вы правы. For example,— например I can prove it.— Я могу это доказать. 10 Сору the table into your exercise books and fill it in with the phrases from the Conversation bricks. When you agree When you don’t agree When you interrupt When you support your ideas 1 1 Get ready for the role-play "Why is English so popular?" ■ Split into groups of five. ■ Take your role cards from the Cut Out. Homework A Get ready for a role-play "Why is English so popular?" 78 Lesson 7 'Why is English so popular?" Organize a discussion. Don't forget to use the phrases from Conversatfon briclcs. In the end your group should have an answer to the question under discussion. Role card 1 You arc Mr (Mrs) Brinks, a rich American businessman. You think that English is so popular because it is the language of America. The world has to understand America because it is one of the biggest and strongest countries. Everybody wants to do business with America. Illustrate your position with these ideas. 1. Six out of ten richest people in the world are Americans. 2. The whole world eats in American restaurants: McDonalds, Burger King and Pizza Hut. 3. The whole world wears American jeans such as Levis ('li:vaiz]. 4. Hollywood is the biggest film producer in the world. The most popular films in the world are American. 5. The dollar is the most popular currency (валюта) in the world. 6. The USA is the world leader in science and technology. Role cord 2 You are Mr (Mrs) Belov(a), a Russian translator. You think that English is so popular because it is very easy. Use Misha’s or your classmates’ arguments. Role card 3 You are Mr (Mrs) Bamridge, an English historian. You think that English is so popular because it has words from other languages. It is like many European languages and that’s why people can learn it easily. Use this information and facts from the text as examples. A lot of English words arc like German. The grammar is also very similar. Compare: Meine Freundin isl neun Jahre alt. (German) — My friend is nine years old. (English) Wir gehen in die Schule. (German) — We go to school. (English) Sie ist interessant. (German) — She is interesting. (English) Scandinavian words in English: anger (гнев), cake, call, egg, get, give, kick, kill, score, scrub, seat, skill, skin, skirt, sky, take, they, them, their, ugly, want, window, husband. 79 1 Latin words in English: street, kitchen, cup, cheese, wine, angel, wall paper. French words in English: country, court (суд), crime (преступление), prison religion, prince, princess; royal, adventure, change, fruit, letter, literature magic, male, female, mirror, question, special. The roots of the English language In fact, English is a Germanic language. The Anglo-Saxons contributed tt the formation of English most of all. English grammar is still very similar tt German. There are also a lot of French words in English from when Williarr Duke of Normandy became the King of England in 1066. You can find a lo of Scandinavian words in English too. They came from the times when tht Vikings raided Britain. The English alphabet came from Latin. Christiar monks, who spoke Latin, brought it to England from Ireland. It is very strange, but the Celtic language didn’t contribute many words tt modern English. We can only find Celtic words in the names of places and rivers such as Dover, Kent, Avon and the Thames, for example. Role cord 4 You are Mr (Mrs) Swarup, an Indian student. You think English is so popular because the United Kingdom used to have a big empire. The British had colonies all over the world, and all the people in the colonies had to speak English. Your country, India, is an example. Look at the text and the map. Use the map and the facts from the text to support your ideas. / The British Empire at its zenith in 1919. 80 Unit 3 Lesson 7 The beginning of the British Empire ['empaia] was in 1583 when Queen Elizabeth I sent her ships to explore new lands and continents. The expeditions were always successful. More and more lands became the part of the British Empire. At that time Doctor Dee, the Queen’s magician and astrologer, said the famous words; “British Empire”. He was right. Britain had the largest empire in the world. People said about it: “The sun never sets on the British Empire.” It was true; the empire was so big that it was always daylight in some part of it. Its territories were on every continent and ocean. By the beginning of the 20th century the British Empire had a population (население) of 400-500 million people (about a quarter of the world’s population at that time), and covered about 30 million square kilometres. Some of the countries that used to be British colonies or territories are: the USA. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, large parts of Africa, the Caribbean, the Far East, the Middle East and some islands in Europe. Role cord 5__________________________________________________________________ Part 1 You are Mr (Mrs) Forbes, a Canadian journalist. You have to write an article about the English language and you want to know what people from different countries think about it. You have a small role in the discussion, but you must: • start the discussion • introduce the people to each other • lead the discussion • take notes of the discussion • stop the discussion and say who convinced (убедил) you Your guests are: Mr (Mrs) Bamridge, an English historian. Mr (Mrs) Belov(a), a Russian translator. You are Mr (Mrs) Brinks, a rich American businessman. Mr (Mrs) Swarup, an Indian student. 2 After next lesson at home write on article "Why is English so popular?" Unii 3 Lessor» 81 Homework Read the conversation and answer the question: Who is the robber? Mark: I've spoken to Andrew. He agreed to help. He’ll write a special virus that will dodge the filters of the hotmail system. This virus will destroy the robber’s computer in two hours after he opens the e-mail. Misha: That’s good. When will Andrew be ready? Mark: He promised to send the letter with a virus this evening. Rob: So if we’re lucky, we’ll catch the robber tomorrow. Mark: Let’s hope so. Misha: Rob: Misha: Mark: Misha: Rob: Misha: In the middle of the night Rob: Wake up. Misha. We must hurry! What’s happening! Andrew has just called me. Your plan worked. Who’s the robber? You'll never believe it. Half an hour ago a girl we all know came to Andrew with her laptop. She was crying because her laptop didn’t work at all. A girl? What girl? It was your friend, Emily Wilson. Emily? I can’t believe it. She’s our friend. Rob. Mark: She’s still with Andrew now. He’s fixing (чинит) her laptop. Let’s go and check her room. Maybe we’ll find something there. I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to bed. Then we’ll see you tomorrow. We must know the truth. Misha: Rob: 82 Lessons 8, 9 The diary of Marian Fifzwalter Read the story "The diary of Marian Fitzwalter" part II on pages 1 83-1 87. Your active vocabulary anyway, to contribute to smth As a rule, a contribution Could I ask a question? to have a cold / a headache / Could I say something here? a temperature / flu Do you really think so? to have a drink I agree with you. to have a good trip I don’t agree with you. to have a look I think so too. to have a nice time I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. to have a party / an exam / I’m afraid that’s wrong. a meeting May I interrupt for a moment? to have a rest a means of communication to have a shower / a bath / nowadays a swim plural to have breakfast / lunch / several dinner / something to eat Sorry, but... to interrupt such as to take something for granted That’s exactly what I wanted to say. Yes, but don’t you think... That’s very true. You’re right. They say Uni' о Lessons 8, 9 83 Lessons 1, 2 You live a new life for every new language you speak Don't learn English! Friends Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1. English helps you communicate with other people. 2. His father is a scientist. He goes to conferences and makes presentations. 3. Diplomats travel to different countries and speak a lot of foreign languages 4. A very successful politician can become president. 5. His daughter wants to be a secretary. She speaks English and , German and knows how to work on computers really well. 6. 1 don’t like translations of books. I always read books in the original. - 1 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. an exchange programme — программа no обмену школьниками, студентами to broadcast [,bra:d'ka:st] — транслировать to earn money [з:п] — зарабатывать деньги knowledge ['nDlid3] — знание / знания to get access ['sekses] to smth— получить доступ к чему-то to follow smth / smb — следовать чему-то, за кем-то about (а thousand) — около тысячи over (а million) — свыше миллиона peace and quiet ['pi:s and 'kwaiatj — тишина и покой Look at these events. Choose captions for the pictures. a) finding a job abroad b) going on holiday abroad c) earning a lot of money d) becoming a politician e) travelling everywhere in the world f) watching films in the original g) going abroad on an exchange programme h) reading books in the original о IV 1 I''--: 84 2 IQ Language School Meeting point i) getting access to the Internet j) making friends with people from other countries k) communicating with people from other countries l) working as a secretary m) making presentations at international conferences 3 Which of these events may happen in your life? Tell your classmates about them. Model: / may find a friend from another country. I may never find a friend from another country. ‘ / think I may be able to earn a lot of money. 1 don’t think I’ll be able to earn a lot of money. 4 Listen to the text and say if you will follow the advice that the speaker gives. Read the text and explain your answer. Don’t learn English! It may ruin your life! • You hate the Internet and computers. • You aren’t ambitious about your future job and you don’t want to earn any money. • You aren’t interested in travelling and communicating with other people. • You think all books and films in other languages are boring. If that is what you think, you shouldn't learn English, because if you learn it, five awful things can happen to you. You’ll be able to travel all over the world and communicate with people everywhere. This is really nasty. First of all, you don’t want to travel abroad — you are quite happy at home. Secondly, why should you talk to a waiter in a hotel in Egypt or listen to an English-speaking guide on an excursion to the Tower of London? Thirdly, who wants to talk to the sales assistant in a French shop or ask somebody for directions in Poland? And finally, you don’t want to meet those cool guys who came to your town on an exchange programme. All these people can just learn Russian, can’t they? 85 You'll always get the news first. This may make you really nervous. Th saying "No news is good news" is right. If you learn to speak English, you' have to watch the international television networks: CNN and the BBC th; broadcast news faster and more professionally than smaller national network You can get them everywhere in the world, so you'll never get any peace an quiet. You'll get access to information on any subject. Nobody needs that muc knowledge. We live in the information age anyway, and you already get mo; information than you want. If you make a bad mistake and learn just or language, English for example, you’ll be able to surf the net day and nigh because most of the websites on the Internet are in English. You will also t able to read any book on any subject. Most books in the world have Englii translations. But reading all night and surfing the net are really bad for yoi health, don't you agree? You’ll learn all about your favourite music group. Imagine that one d: you’ll be able to understand the words of all your favourite English sont What if they are not as good as you thought? Or think: you'll be able to watch British and American films in the origin language. Who knows, you may never want to listen to bad translations agai Don't start! And worst of all: You’ll find a fantastic job and earn a lot of money. Horrib isn’t it? _ Stay away (держитесь подальше) from English and you'll be safe becau top-class diplomats, politicians, scientists and artists everywhere in the woi use English to communicate with each other. You don't want to be one them, do you! Almost all business in Russia today is international. Even a secretary h to write letters in English and speak English on the phone. And if you a really unlucky and get an important job, you may have to go to internatior conferences, read international business newspapers and make reports English. So follow our advice: Don’t learn English! For your infomiation The United Nations, or UN (Организация Объединенных Наций. ООН), is an international organization. Most countries of the world are UN members. It is open to all "peace-loving" states. The UN tries to support peace all over the world and to stop war, hunger and poverty. 86 Match the statistics with the information from the text. Model: CNN broadcasts to more than 210 countries. — You can get it everywhere in the world, so you will never get any peace and quiet. 1. In 2000, nineteen out of twenty of the most popular movies in the world were American. 2. A billion (1,000,000,000) websites in the Internet are in English. 3. A billion and a half (1,500,000,000) people in the world understand English. One billion (1,000,000,000) are learning it. 4. English is the main language of the United Nations and the language most spoken around the world. Как правило, при указании больших чисел их'называют не точно, а примерно. Rewrite the statistics from Ex. 5. Use about (около), over (свыше), more than (более чем), less than (менее чем). What will you be able to do if you learn English? What won't you be able to do if you don't learn English? Model: If I learn English, I’ll be able to talk to a waiter in a hotel in Egypt. If I don’t learn English, I won’t be able to talk to a waiter in Egypt. Do you agree that • people who want to talk to you will be able to learn Russian? • if you are very professional, you’ll always get a good job. English won’t be important? • It is more interesting to listen to songs that you don’t understand? • computers are very bad for your health? • no news is good news and too much information is bad for you? Ask Mr Helo Обратите внимание! Существительные adr/ce (совет, советы), knowledge (знание, знания), information (информация), money (деньги) в английском языке являются неисчисляемыми и употребляются с глаголами в форме единственного числа. Например: — Thank you for all your advice. It always helps me. Спасибо за все Ваши советы. Они ecezda мне помогают. — Where is the money? — Где деньги? — / put it on the table. — Я положил их на стол. 87 5 6 8 9 Open the brackets. Use the right pronouns and the right forms of the verbs. Model: I’ve given you some money. Where (is /are) (it / they)? - Where is it? 1. What's the news? — (It / They) (is / are) bad. 2. My friend has earned a lot of money. He gave (it / them) to his mother. 3. This summer I learned a lot about people. This knowledge (help / helps) me make friends. 4. My grandfather has a good library. I really want to get access to all (this these) information. 5. Don’t follow his advice. (It / They) (is / are) never good. 1 0 Match the verbs and word combinations with all the suitable (подходящий) nouns. to make to get access to to follow to read to earn to broadcast money information the Internet books in the original language a presentation advice knowledge news Verb acHvotor The verb to look to look — смотреть, выглядеть to look at smth / smb — смотреть на кого-либо / что-либо to look after smb — присматривать за кем-либо, заботиться о ком-то to look forward to doing something — c нетерпением ожидать чего-то to look like smb / smth — выглядеть как кто-либо / быть похожим на кого-либо to look for smth / smb — искать что-либо / кого-либо to look something up in a dictionary — посмотреть что-то в словаре 1 1 Do you remember limericks, the short nonsense poems? Here is one for you. Read the limerick and answer the questions below. There was once a young boy in Spain, Who looked after a cat called Jane. But when he looked for his cat, Jane looked like she was dead. Why she did that she couldn't explain. 1. Whose name was Jane? 2. Who looked after who? 3. What happened in the end? 88 Unit 4 Lessons 1, 2 Homework A When you do something, you do it for a reason. That's your motivation. Look at different reasons why people learn English. Rewrite the sentences according to the model. Model: f learn English because I want be able to find a good job. — I learn English to be able to find a good job. ___ I learn English because 1 I learn Engltsh because \ , , . , , T t . 1 ^ want to study languages I want to be able to make ^ ^ c . . ■ . . *l at university. / mends in other countries. / 1 . _________________________У I learn English because I want to be able \ to travel all over the world. 1 also want to be able to understand people everywhere. J I learn English because I want to be the best student in my school. У В Which of these reasons can be a motivation for you? Why? Why not? Write a composition about it. (5-10 sentences.) Start with your motivation. You can use information and ideas from the text. C Match two parts of the dialogues. 1. — 1 don’t know this word. 2. — I can’t find my keys. 3. — My friend Tom is going to come soon. 4. — Where are you? 5. — How will 1 find her? I’ve never seen her before! 6. — But my sister can't Пу to Moscow alone. She’s only ten! a) — Look for the red car. I’ll be there. b) — "You should look it up in the dictionary. c) — A flight attendant will look after her. Don't worry. d) — Look for them in your bag. e) ^ It’s easy. She looks like her mother. f) — Is he? I look forward to seeing him! Unit 4 Lessons 1,2 89 Lesson 3 I must learn English to... Модальные глаголы, выражающие долженствование В Present Simple глаголы must и hare to могут употребляться в одних и тех же контекстах, хотя часто есть важная разница в оттенках значения. • Утвердительные предложения hare to — вынужден в силу обстоятельств, приходится, нет выбора must — должен (с точки зрения говорящего). Например: / must learn English. It will help me in the future. — Я должен изучать английский. Это поможет мне в будущем. (Я сам так думаю.) I have to get up early. School starts at eight o’clock. — Мне приходится вставать рано. Занятия начинаются в 8 часов. (От меня это не зависит.) • В отрицательных предложениях глагол have to имеет форму don^t hare to — не нужно, нет необходимости. Глагол must имеет форму mustn’t — строгий запрет (ни в коем случае нельзя). Например: You don’t have to tell him anything. Hy knows everything already. — Hem необходимости все ему рассказывать. Он уже все знает. You mustn’t tell him everything. It’ll upset him. — Нельзя все ему рассказывать. (Я тебе запрещаю.) Это его расстроит. Глагол must не употребляется в Past Simple и Future Simple. В этих временах must заменяется соответственно на had to (должен был, пришлось) и will have to (должен буду, придется). Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple must — должен — - have to — вынужден, приходится had to — пришлось, был вынужден will have to — должен буду, придется Complete the sentences. Use the verb have to in the correct tense form. 1. Yesterday I went to bed late. I ... finish my homework. 2. I ... get up early every day of the week. 3. Tomorrow I ... get up early too, 4. 1 ... phone my friend yesterday, because I forgot to write down the homework. 90 5. I ... catch a bus to school every day. 6. I usually ... make breakfast for my family. 7. Tomorrow I ... go to school. Speak about yourself. Are these sentences true or false? Model: I. Yesterday / went to bed late. I had to finish my homework. You: Yesterday ! didn't go to bed late. / didn’t have to do any homework. 2 Choose the correct verb. If both variants are correct, explain the difference in meaning. Complete the situations. 1. Some people have to / must work at night. 2. I watch television all the time. I have to / must stop. 3. Tomorrow is Sunday. I have to / must have some fresh air. 4. Her granny is ill. She has to / must visit her. 5. Tomorrow is my friend’s birthday. I have to / must send her a eard. 3 Fill in the gaps. Use mustn't or don't / doesn't have to. 1. You ... get up early on holidays. 2. This window is broken. You ... open it. 3. Mr Brown is a very rich man. He ... work. 4. It’s very cold. You ... go out today. 5. You ... clean your room today. You can do it tomorrow. 6. Your dog ... sleep in your bed. 4 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. ]. to go to a private school 2. to spend a lot of money 3. to be able to talk to native speakers of English 4. to read English books in the original language 5. to read English newspapers 6. to learn all the grammar rules 7. to listen to English songs 8. to read adapted versions of English books 9. to buy a very good dictionary 10. to learn a lot of songs by heart 11. to write down new words 12. to get a bigger vocabulary 13. to watch films in English 14. to study regularly 15. to learn the rules of reading 16. to improve one's pronunciation 17. to learn to spell the words correctly 18. to buy expensive computer programmes for learning English 19. to listen to English tapes and repeat the words after speakers 20. to have a very good English accent f'jeksant] 21. to have perfect grammar 22. to work on one’s ability to understand native speakers 23. to do a lot of written exercises 24. to learn a lot of texts by heart 91 5 Look through the phrases of Ex. 4 and find the English for: a) адаптированные книги с) учить наизусть Ь) совершенствовать произношение d) записывать новые слова е) расширять словарный запас g) тренировать память f) работать над способностью понимать носителей языка 6 What do you think of the advice you have just read? Comment on every line. Model: I think /1 don’t think I have to go to a private school to learn English. 7 Reread Ex. 4. Find three most important aims for language learners. Explain yaur choice. Homework A Think of the aims you chose in Ex. 7. Choose the best ways to achieve them in Ex. 4 and fill in the table. Aim 1 To have a very good English accent. Aim 2 Aim 3 Ideas for learning English To listen to English tapes and CDs and repeat the words after the speakers. В Choose any aim. Write advice for English learners who want to improve their English. Model: If you want to have a very good English accent, you will have to listen to English tapes and CDs and repeat words after the speakers. 92 Lessons 4, 5 Is your English good enough? Наречия too и enough Наречие too (слишком) употребляется перед прилагательными и наречиями. Например: Не is loo clever. — Он слишком умен. You are speaking loo fast. — Вы говорите слишко.ч быстро. Наречие enough (достаточно) употребляется с существительными, прилагательными и наречиями, В сочетании с существительным enough, как правило, ставится перед существительным. Например: I don't have enough money.— У меня недостаточно денег. В сочетании с прилагательным или наречием enough ставится после прилагательного или наречия. Например; You don't speak English well enough. — Вы говорите по-английски недостаточно хорошо. Your pronunciation is not good enough. — У Вас недостаточно хорошее произношение. Сравните употребление too и enough. This book is too long. — Эта книга слишком длинная. This book isn’t interesting enough. — Эта книга недостаточно интересная. There is too much sugar in my tea. — В моем чае слишком много сахара. There isn’t enough sugar in my tea. — В моем чае недостаточно сахара. 1 Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the word order. 1. This exercise is too difficult. 2. My brother is too young. I can't play with him. 3. These jeans aren't big enough for me. 4. You should buy enough potatoes for ten people. 5. Your question is easy enough. 6. Enough is enough. 2 Complete the sentences. Chose the correct place for enough. 1. Do you have enough sugar / sugar enough? 2. Pul on your winter jacket. It’s not enough warm / warm enough outside. 3. You haven’t been working enough hard / hard enough for the last three months. 4. Nobody likes this village, but it is enough good / good enough for me. 5. ’We don’t have enough time / time enough. Let’s hurry! 93 Fill in the gaps with too or enough. Обратите внимание на место enough в предложении. Model: I couldn’t speak to him. I was ... busy ....— / couldn't speak to him. I was too busy. 1. He eats ... much meat ... . It’s not good for him. 2. You don't have ... friends ... . 3. The film is boring, because it’s ... long .... 4. Don't swim in this river. It’s not ... warm ... . 5. We can't move this table. We aren't ... strong ... . 6. Don't phone anybody. It’s ... late .... Л Misha and his teacher Mr Grams are talking about learning English. Listen to their conversation. What kind of help does Misha want from Mr Grams? Read the conversation and find all pieces of advice that Mr Grams gives. Which of them do you agree with? Which of them surprise you? an adapted version of a book— адаптированная книга to get upset — расстраиваться an ability — способность Misha: Mr Grams: Misha: Mr Grams: Misha: Mr Grams: Misha: Mr Grams; Can I ask you something. Mr Grams? Of course, you can. What is it? I get a lot of questions from my friends from school in Russia. They want to know how to learn English. English isn’t too difficult. Everybody can learn it. Your English, for example, is very good. Oh, thanks, Mr Grams. But I started to learn English when I was really young. A lot of my friends think that it’s too late to start now. They have only four years left (y них осталось всего 4 года) before they finish school. It’s not too late. Four years is more than enough. If your motivation is good, you’ll soon make progress. What will they have to do then? They don't have enough money for private schools and trips abroad. They don’t have to do those things. But they’ll have to work on their English as often as they can. First of all, they should buy a good dictionary, because they will have to read a lot of books. But they shouldn’t start with English newspapers or books which may be too difficult for beginners. They should ask their English teacher for adapted versions of English books When they read, they should start a vocabulary notebook and 94 3 write down all the new words with the translations. It is very important to write down examples of the sentences with the new words too. When you do that, you can remember the place of the word in the sentence, which prepositions or articles go with it, and remember it in context. Misha: Should they watch films in English? Mr Grams; They can try, but they shouldn’t get upset if they can’t understand anything. They'll have to watch the same film again and again until they understand better. It is also a good idea to get a copy of the same film in Russian. Misha; Is that all? Mr Grams; Oh, no. They should listen to English cassettes and repeat things after the speakers. That will improve their pronunciation and their ability to understand. Misha: But they are always listening to our teacher. Her English is very good. Isn’t that enough? Mr Grams: Unfortunately, it isn’t. They have to listen to different accents. If they always listen to the same person, they won't be able to understand other people. So if they aren't able to talk to native speakers, they’ll have to use the cassettes! Misha: And what about grammar? They learn a lot of grammar rules by heart. Mr Grams: You don't have to do that. Grammar is very important, of course, but they have to use it. not simply learn the rules. However, they should learn texts and songs by heart. Then they will have longer phrases, not only words in their memory. Misha: Thank you very much, Mr Grams. You’re my favourite teacher. Mr Grams: That’s very kind of you, Misha. 5 Answer the questions. 1. Why is four years enough to learn English? 2. Why should you read adapted versions of English books? 3. Why should you buy a dictionary? 4. Why is it useful to get a copy of the same film in Russian? 5. Why should you listen to cassettes? 6. Why should you learn texts by heart? 7. What is more important: to learn grammar rules or to use them? 8. Why should you write down examples of sentences with new words? 6 Find sentences with too in the text. Translate them into Russian. 7 Remember your discussion from the last lesson. Which of your ideas about learning English were right / wrong? Prove your ideas with sentences from the text. Unit A Lessons 95 Conversation bricks How to react to a compliment.— Как реагировать на комплимент. 1. You look great today! — Oh, thank you. 2. You sang really well yesterday! — That’s very kind of you. 3. You are the smartest girl in our class.— Do you really think so? 4. 1 think your accent is getting better.— Thank you. I needed that. В Match the reaction with its translation. a) Спасибо, мне было нужно это услышать. b) Спасибо. c) Это очень мило с Вашей стороны. d) Вы, правда, так думаете? 9 А compliment competition. Pay each other compliments and give polite answers. The person who pays the most compliments is the winner. Model: You know grammar really well. — Oh, thank you. ' Ideas • English and other subjects • Clothes and appearance ^ • Personal qualities that you respect ^ 10 Misha got some e-mails from his friends. Read them. What problems do his friends have? Who wants too much? Who doesn't do enough work? Discuss the problems and give your advice. Dear Misha, Hi, it's Marina. How are you getting on? Could you ask your teacher a question for me? I like English very much, but when some English boys and girls came to our school on an exchange programme, I couldn’t understand them. What should I do? Best wishes, Marina 96 Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 □ear Misha, Hi, Vova here. How’s life in England? I need your advice. When I find new words in a text, I always look them up in a dictionary, but next day I can’t remember them. What should I do? All the best, Vova Hi, Misha, It’s Den. I hope you are OK. Can you give me some advice? When I spoke English to native speakers (носители языка), they couldn’t understand me. What am I doing wrong? Looking forward to your answer, Den Hi, Misha, It’s Kate. Do you remember me? I’m afraid, I’m not making any progress. I have learned all the grammar rules and all the words in our textbook, but when I try to speak, I make a lot of mistakes. I try to watch the news in English on CNN too, but I don’t understand it very well. Please ask your teachers for advice. Keep in touch, Kate Hi, Misha My mother makes me learn English, but there is a problem. When the teacher explains new things in the class, I understand it, but two days later I can’t remember anything. Help! Love from all of us, Sveta Homework A What is your main problem with English? What should you do to solve it? Write 5-7 sentences about it. 97 Subix Lesson 6 Where does Же Russian language come from? A languoqe quiz Choose the correct answer. 1. Which is the language most spoken in the world? a) Chinese b) English c) Russian 2. How many people speak English as their first language? a) about 375 million b) over 200 million c) a billion and a half 3. Which of these languages has the most words? a) Russian b) French c) English 4. Which language is most like English? a) German b) Latin c) Irish 5. Which language is most like Russian? a) Polish b) Ukrainian c) Moldavian 6. How many words do people really use for their everyday communication? a) about 10.000 b) about 3,000 c) about 200 7. How many languages are there in the world? a) 6,800 b) more than 10,000 c) over 1,000 8. Which language is the youngest of the three? a) Scottish b) English c) Latin Think about the Russian language. What do you think: Did any other languages contribute to it? If yes, which ones? Misha's classmates want to know more about the history of the Russian language. Their teacher is telling them about it. Read the information and check your answers to Ex. 2. In about the 6th century AD Slav tribes migrated west to the river Elbe and to the south into the Balkans. By the iOth century there were three Slavonic language groups: Western, Southern and Eastern. Russian, together with Ukrainian and Belorussian, comes from the Eastern Slavonic language group. In the 12th century the Mongols came. You may think that Mongol invader who stayed in Russia changed the language forever, but it isn't true. Thi Russian language didn't change much and stayed Slavic. Ail Slavonic languages are still similar and people who speak them cai understand each other. 98 2 3 Russian has borrowed some words from other languages. In everyday life we use Turkish, German, French, Dutch, Greek and English words. Match the facts with the explanations. 1. Russian borrowed some Turkish words 2. Russian borrowed some Greek words 3. Russian borrowed some German words 4. Russian borrowed some Dutch words 5. Russian borrowed some French words 6. Russian borrowed some English words (a) Turkish a) more than two thousand years ago when Russia became a Christian country. b) in the 11th and 12th centuries. They were military and trade words. c) at the time of Peter the Great, who invited a lot of foreigners to Russia. He followed those people’s advice about the military, medicine, food. d) in the 19th and 20th centuries. They were words for sports and politics. e) at the time of Peter the Great, who invited a lot of foreigners to Russia. From these people he learned to build ships. f) in the 19th century when this language was the language of the aristocracy, the arts and philosophy. Match the groups of Russian words with the languages from which they came. 1. рейд, вымпел, рупор, яхта, шлюпка, шлюз, фрегат, крейсер, штурман, матрос, юнга, верфь, каюта, люк 2. алтарь, архангел, патриарх, идол,сатана, канон. Евангелие 3. галстук, китель, футляр, штопор, крендель, пудель, картофель, кухня, лазарет, бинт, шрам, солдат, офицер, лагерь, плац, фланг, штурм 4. тулуп, сарафан, башмак, каблук, чулок, войлок, амбар, сарай, балаган, чулан, очаг, лачуга, шалаш, таз, утюг, тюфяк, колчан, капкан, лошадь, табун, деньги, аршин, товар, караул, богатырь, карандаш, туман, сундук, карман, чугун 5. костюм, жилет, пальто, мебель, кабинет, салон, буфет, суп, бульон, компот, котлета, сюжет, жанр, эскиз, актер 6. рельс, тоннель, экспресс, трамвай, трактор, клуб, комбайн, теннис, спорт, рекорд, старт, финиш, лидер, бифштекс, пудинг, пикник, веранда, сквер (Ь^) German Гш (е) Greek (f) English 99 6 Read three myths about Russian. A lot of people believe these myths; that's why they don't want to learn Russian. Myth 1 It’s verv difficult to learn Russian. Myth 2 Not too many people in the world speak Russian. Myth 3 Russian is useless, because Russia is a closed and dangerous country. Visitors always have problems there. 7 Rob wants to learn Russian. He's telling his friends why. Listen to his ideas and write down arguments against myth 1, myth 2 and myth 3. Myth 1 Myth 2 Myth 3 What do you think about those myths? Do you believe them? Try to think of some facts to change popular opinion. Don't forget to use the phrases from the Conversation bricks. Homework Listen to the conversation and say: Hare the friends found the book? Read the conversation and answer the questions. 1. What did Emily do when her computer broke down? 2. What did Emily do when she didn’t find her book? 3. Does Misha believe that Emily can explain everything? Misha: So what happened yesterday? Did you go to Emily's room? Mark; Yes, and look what we found! Misha: It’s your family history book. Where did you find it? Rob: It was in Emily’s room. When her computer broke down, she was working on the book. She was so upset that she forgot about everything and ran to Andrew for help. She forgot to hide the bool and lock the door. Misha: So it’s Emily. 1 still don’t believe it. We must talk to her about it. I'm sure she’ll explain everything. 100 8 6 Mark: I’m afraid you won’t be able to talk to her. Misha: What do you mean? Mark: She’s gone. You won’t find her anywhere. Misha: But why? Mark: I think she came back to her room, didn’t find her book and understood everything. She got scared and ran away. Rob: But before she left she had done a very good thing — she had translated the second part of our story. Lesson 7 Ш Project "The Passport of my language" Use the Cut Out and make a presentation about your language. Write a short composition as an answer to the last question. I The name of my language — ... It is the official language of (names of the countries) — ... How many people speak it as a first language — ... People understand it in (names of the countries) — ... How many people speak it as a second language?— ... The origin of my language — ... Languages that contributed to my language — ... English words in my language — ... Easy things for an English person to say in my language — ,,, Difficult things for an English person to say in my language — Why should people learn my language? — ... UniM Lessons 6 and 7 101 teisonf в, 9 The duty of the MacWizard clan Read the story "The duty of the MacWizard clan" on pages 1 88-192. Your oeiive vo—hilary an ability an adapted version of a book an exchange programme to get upset knowledge peace and quiet to become a diplomat to become a politician to become a scientist to broadcast to communicate with people from other countries to earn a lot of money to find a job abroad to follow smth / smb to get access to the Internet to go abroad on an exchange programme to go on holiday abroad to look after to look at to look for to look forward to doing something to look like somebody (something) to look something up in a dictionary to make friends with people from other countries to make presentations at international conferences to read books in the original language to travel everywhere in the world to watch films in the original language to work as a secretary 102 сь Lesson 1 Find your way in the world of information Mass media 1 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. mass media [,maes 'miidis] — средства массовой информации a source [so:s] of information — источник информации reliable [n'laiabl] — надежный quotation marks [kwsu'teijn ,ma:ks| — кавычки to make a reference [Vefarans] — делать ссылку plagiarism ['pleid33,rizml — плагиат tough [tAf] — трудный (о ситуации) to be available — быть в наличии in time — вовремя to borrow smth from smb — одолжить что-либо у кого-либо to lend smth to smb — одолжить что-либо кому-либо 2 Look at the photos of the information sources and match them with the words. Speak about each of them. Use the questions as a plan. newspapers dictionaries reference books radio Internet books teachers magazines videos school textbooks encyclopaedias parents 1. What is this information source called? 2. How reliable / unreliable is it? Why? 3. Is it interesting / boring? 4. How often do you use it? 5. What do you use it for? (homework / school reports / fun / hobby) Which of these information sources are mass media? Unit 5 Lesso;’ 103 What do you remember about English school marks? What's the best mark? What's the worst? Who is David Beckham? Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions: Why is M/sha sad? What misfoke did W/sho make? 4 Read th Misha: Mark: Misha: Mark: Misha: Mark: Misha: Mark: Misha: Mark: Misha: Mark: Misha: Mark: Misha: e dialogue and answer the questions below. Hi, Mark. You’re just in time. I’ve been waiting for you. Hi, Misha. You look really sad. Are you still missing Emily? No, not now. I got the result for my report on David Beckham and it’s an F. Wow! That’s tough. Why did you get such a bad mark? I’m not sure. I found the information about him on the Internet. Oh, I think I’m beginning to understand. Could I have a look at your report? Sure. Here you are. Yes, that’s what I thought: Plagiarism! What does that mean? That means that you copied the report that somebody else had put on the Internet. Yes, I did. But what’s wrong with that? I know that David Beckham is a famous football player, but that’s really all. Where should I get the information about him? There are a lot of information sources and you should use as many as possible. Don’t just copy an interesting newspaper article or somebody’s report from the Internet. The Internet is usually a good information source, but the information there is not always 100% reliable. So you have to be very careful and check it with other sources. And another very important thing: if you want to use somebody’s ideas and thoughts in your report, you should always use quotation marks and make a reference to the author. Oh, now I understand. Thank you. Mark. Next time I’ll be more careful. It’s OK. Misha. And let me tell you another thing. If you need information about David Beckham, look through newspapers and teen magazines. Thanks for your advice. But which newspapers and magazines should I buy? I don't understand anything about the English mass media. 104 3 Mark: Don’t worry Misha. It's not too difficult. Г11 teli you all about them. Misha: Thank you. Mark. You're a good friend. Mark: Wait! And don’t buy anything. Magazines are expensive! We'll be able to borrow them from the school library. Misha: Are they available there? Mark: Of course! 1. What mark did Misha get for his report? 2. Why did Misha get that mark? 3. Is the Internet a reliable information source? 4. What rules should you follow when you write a report? 5. Where will Misha be able to find information about David Beckham? 6. Why is it better to borrow newspapers and magazines from the library? ) Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. make a reference, information source, plagiarism, mass media, reliable, available, quotation marks 1. If you copy the report that somebody else has written, it's .... 2. “Why don't you believe me? I read it in the newspaper." “I'm afraid this newspaper isn’t 3. What ... did Misha use for his report? 4. Is the ... independent in England? 5. If you used somebody’s ideas and thoughts in your report, you should always use ... and ... to the author. 6. The books that you need are ... in our school library. Verb activator__________________________________________________________ The verbs to lend and to borrow to borrow something from somebody / something — брать взаймы что-то у кого-то, где-то to borrow money from a bank / a friend — брать взаймы деньги в банке, У друга to borrow books from the library — брать книги в библиотеке to lend somebody something / something to somebody — дать в долг кому-то что-то / дать в долг что-то кому-то \Iisha lent Rob his trainers. — Миша одолжая Робу свои кроссовки. Misha lent his trainers to Rob. — Mania одолжил свои кроссовки Робу. 105 6 Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Can 1 borrow your pen for a minute? — Sure! 2. My grandfather never borrows money from anybody. 3. I am not using my mobile phone, I can lend it to you. 4. Г have to be careful with these shoes. My mother lent them to me. 5. Where did you get this book? — I borrowed it from my granny. 7 What can you borrow from your best friend? What can you lend to your best friend? Your parent’s car, a book, a toothbrush, a dog, a bag, a T-shirt, a pair of trainers, some money, a mobile phone, a bicycle, a swimsuit, some potatoes for dinner, a tent, a plane ticket. Homework A Fill in the gaps. Use to lend or to borrow. 1. Some people ... money from the bank. 2. Can I ... your pen for the day? I’ve left mine at home. 3. You can ... this book. I’ve already read it. 4. Kate ... me her bicycle. Tve lost mine. 5. I don't like to ... my things to people. 6. Who ... you this bag? — My sister did. В Translate the sentences into English. 1. Какие источники информагдии самые надежные? 2. “Вы когда-нибудь бывали в затруднительных ситуациях?” — “Да”. 3. Телевидение, радио и газеты являются средствами массовой информации. 4. Он проверил информацию, прежде чем написал статью. 5. У него есть доступ к Интернету. Это поможет ему подготовить доклад. 106 U'sson 2 Broadsheet'S and tabloids I Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. a headline ['hed.lain] — заголовок condensed [kan'denst] — сжатый a celebrity [saiebrati] — знаменитость a crime — преступление to focus [Taukas] on smth — сосредотачивать внимание intriguing [m'trrgiij] — интригующий a weather forecast ['we5a ,fa:ka'st) — прогноз погоды financial [faj'n^njl] — финансовый Mark is telling Misha about British newspapers. Look through the text and find the names of the two main kinds of the newspapers in the UK. Read the text and answer the questions. 1. What was the difference between tabloids and broadsheets in the past? 2. What is the difference between them nowadays? 3. What do tabloids write about? 4. What do broadsheets focus on? In the UK we have two main kinds of newspapers; broadsheets and tabloids. Originally these names came from the size of the newspapers. A tabloid format newspaper was smaller and the broadsheet format newspaper was bigger. But nowadays when we talk about tabloids and broadsheets, we talk about two different kinds of newspapers: easy reading and quality newspapers. Tabloids report news in a very condensed form. They write about celebrities, the British Royal Family, sport, crime stories and scandals. Broadsheets give their readers long, detailed reports on the latest news and focus on more serious things: politics, economy, government, international events, business, culture. Find the best Russian equivalents for the words. More than one translation is possible. Explain your answers. Tabloid — a) таблоид b) желтая пресса с) легкое чтение Broadsheet — а) широкоформатная газета Ь) серьезная газета с) независимая газета 107 5 Look at the photos and say; Which of these newspapers are tab/oids ond whic^ ones are broodsheets? Exp/ain your answer. --- Л 6 Listen to the speaker and check your ideas. Write down the names of the most popular tabloids and broadsheets. 7 Match the expressions with the pictures. intriguing headlines a weather forecast crossword puzzles celebrity gossip an article about politics КТО в столн ПОЛТЧИ БЕСПШГ ” жильЕвгвкг Cs пзш п— 1з Лйс рсформ1»[ I •-«в. - ^ alia я «тора* ^ **поспе Стоун!" . * - ' j Ь. xi ■ 108 8 Which of the facts refer to tabloids and which — to broadsheets? Fill in the table Broadsheets Tabloids They are heavier. Their information is always very reliable. You can find jokes and crossword puzzles there. Business people start their day with them. Sometimes they don't check their information and get in trouble (имеют неприятности) for that. They always separate facts and comments. They publish a lot of photographs. They write a lot about celebrities and their secrets, scandals and private life (частная жизнь). They publish horoscopes. They never publish gossip (сплетни, слухи). More people buy them. They use intriguing headlines. They sometimes write about small unimportant events because they’re interesting. They publish the opinion of the best experts from all over the world. One of their main topics is politics. They have a weather forecast. Where will you look for this information? Model: If I need information about David Beckham, I'll look for it in the tabloids, because they write a lot about celebrities, scandals and private lives. — I’ll look for it in the sports magazines, because Beckham is a great football player. • The American policy in Iraq • An art exhibition in London • The global economy • Madonna’s new album • The private life of “The Matrix” star Keanu Reeves • The situation of the financial markets • This year’s Nobel prize ceremony • An expedition to Everest • Favourite holiday places for British celebrities Uni) ■' I- 109 Homework A Complete the sentences with the following words and expressions. intriguing headlines, broadsheets, tabloids, reliable, serious things, The Time: 1. There are two main types of newspapers in the UK: ... and .... 2. ... are bigger and heavier, they write about ... and their information is usually very .... 3. The English Queen starts her day with one of them: ... 4. ... are smaller, they have more pictures and photos than serious information, but a lot of people prefer them, because they are more fun. Their ... attract millions of readers every day. Be ready to talk about a Russian newspaper. Use the questions as a plan. 1. What kind of newspaper is it? 2. Do you buy it or borrow it from someone? 3. How reliable is the information in it? 4. What does the newspaper write about? 5. Are there many photos and intriguing headlines in it? 6. What kind of people read it? 7. Why is it interesting for you? no В Lessons 3, 4 When was the Russian State Library founded? The Active voice and the Passive voice [действительный залог и страдательный залог] Залог это форма глагола, которая показывает: сам предмет или лицо производит действие (действительный залог) или действие производится над предметом или лицом (страдательный залог). Например: Действительный залог (Active voice): Kate sent a letter last week. - Катя посла.аа письмо на прошлой неделе. Страдательный залог (Passive voice): The letter was sent by Kate last week. Письмо было послано Катей на прошлой неделе. В страдательном залоге часто не упоминается, кем или с помощью чего было совершено действие, но если такая информация нужна, то используются предлоги hy (кем) или with (с помощью чего). Например: The job was done by Ann. — Работа была сделана Аней. The letter was written with a pen. — Письмо было написано ручкой. Образование страдательного залога Страдательный залог образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be. который изменяется по временам, и третьей формы глагола, которая остается неизменной. Формы глагола в страдательном залоге Present Simple A lot of books are printed every year. Много книг печатается каждый год. Past Simple This book was printed in 1905. Эта книга была напечатана в 190.5 году. Future Simple This book will be printed next year. Эта книга будет напечатана в следующем году. Present Progressive Page 10 is being printed at the moment. Страница 10 печатается в данный момент. Past Progressive When the author phoned, his book was being printed. Когда автор позвонил, его книга печаталась. Present Perfect This book has already been printed twice this year. Эта книга уже напечатана в этом году дважды. Past Perfect I his document had been printed before the police arrived. Этот документ был напечатан до того, как прибьЕла полиция. 111 Образопаиие утвердительных, отрицательных и вопроеительиых прсдлож Время Утвердительное предложение Present Simple The room is cleaned every day. Комнату моют каждый день. Past Simple The first computer was invented by Charles Babbage in 1823. Первый компьютер был изобретен Чарльзом Бэбиджем в 1823 году. Future Simple The students will be tested in May. Студентов будут экзаменовать в мае. Preseut Progressive The dog is being walked now. Собаку сейчас выгуливают. Past Progressive The problem was being discussed when he phoned. Проблема обсуждалась, когда он позвонил. Present Perfect The work has just been finished. Работа только что закончена. Past Perfect The robber had been caught before the police arrived. Грабителя поймали до того, как приехала иолндия. Способы перевода предложений в страдательном залоге на русский язык • с помощью глагола быть и краткой формы причасгпя страдательного залога. Обратите внимание, что глагол быть в настоящем времени опускается. The letter is written. — Письмо написино. The letter was written. — Письмо было написано. The letter will be written. — Письмо будет написано. • неопределенно-личными предложениями The room is cleaned every day. — Комнату моют каждый день. The room was cleaned every day. — Ко.инату мыли каждый день. The room will be cleaned every day. — Комнату будут мыть каждый день. • с помощью глаголов, которые оканчиваются на -ся The house is being built. — Дом строится. The house was being built. — Дом строился. The house will be built. — Дом построят. П2 страдательном дало1 е — Общий вопрос Специальный вопрос Отрицательное предложение Ь the room cleaned every day? When is the room cleaned? That room is not cleaned every day. V\as the first computer ■■rented by Charles Babbage in 1823? Who was the first computer invented by? The first computer was not invented by Newton. Will !he students be tested 'oi May? When will the students be tested? The students will not be tested in May. Is the dog being walked QOW? What is being done now? The dog IS not being walked now. W as the problem being dscussed when he phoned? When was the problem being discussed? The problem was not being discussed when he phoned. Ba> Ihc work been nni.shed let What has been Hnished? The work has not been finished yet. Sad ihe robber been caught tefore the police arrived? Who had been caught before the police arrived? | The robber had not been caught before the police arrived. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb to be. Match the pictures with the sentences. 1. The bench ... painted every year. ^ 2. The bench ...just ... painted. ^ 3. The bench ... painted a long time ago. Ц 4. The bench ... painted tomorrow. 5. The bench ... painted now. I Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the passive. 1. Some libraries were founded by kings and presidents. 2. This book was published in 1890. 3. This work will be finished in March. 4. Your fax is being sent at the moment. 5. This letter won't be sent until tomorrow. 6. Ail my friends are invited to this party. , 7. All the reports at the UN are translated into Chinese. . 8. When he came into the room, his letter was being read. ' 9. We all hope that your lost dog will be found soon. Unit 5 Lessons 3,4 l 13 2 7 Make the sentences negative. 1. This bicycle was broken by my brother. 2. The shop will be closed tomorrow. 3. Last year English was taught by another teacher. 4. My favourite book was written by Pushkin. 3. The fax has just been sent. 6. Coffee is being made at the moment. Make general questions from the words in brackets. Answer them. Model: French / teach / in this school — is French taught in this school? 1. ten years ago / write / the book 5. shops / on Sundays / close 2. this room / clean / every day 6. a lot of mistakes / make / in your 3. sell / food / in this shop last English test 4. check / homework / often Mark these statements true or false. Correct the false statements. 1. The biggest Russian Library is in St Petersburg. 2. The Russian Slate Library was founded in 1918. 3. The Russian State Library was founded by Lenin. 4. The Russian State Library was named after Lenin. 5. The Russian State Library has been renamed four times. 6. The Russian State Library has been built for about twenty years. Put questions for the underlined words and give correct answers. 1. The biggest Russian Library is in St Petersburg. 2. The Russian State Library was founded in 1918. 3. The Russian State Library was founded by Lenin. 4. The Russian State Library has been renamed four times. 5. The Russian State Library was built for about twenty years. 6. The Russian State Library is dosed on Sundays. Misha is telling his friends about Russia's most famous library. Complete the text with these verbs. Use the Present Passive or the Past Passive. to present, to read, to found, to rename, to call, to give, to build, to rename Russia's State Library is in Moscow. It is the largest library in Europe and the second largest library in the world. It is also Moscow’s first public library. i 11Г' I I t Ш iu 5 LSSii" \l 3. 4 3 4 5 6 The library ... in 1862 and ... the Rumyantsev Library. Originally the library had contained the books from Count Nicolai Rumyantsev’s book and manuscript collection. Those books ... by his children. The library grew quickly, and thousands of books ... to the library by private collectors. In 1924 the library .., after Lenin and became the country’s national library. At that time the main building of the library.... It took about twenty years to finish it. .* In 1992 the library ... again and became the Russian State Library. Nowadays there are thousands of ancient manuscripts and unique documents in the library, which ... by thousands of people every day. 8 Listen to Misha and check your answers. Homework A Look through the texts on page 47 in the Workbook No 1 and answer the questions. 1. When was ink invented? 2. Was this invention made by the Egyptians or by the Chinese? 3. What was used to make ink? 4. The oldest piece of paper was found in Egypt, wasn’t it? 5. Where was the first official stamp invented? 6. Why is the stamp called the Penny Black? 7. What was invented by Samuel Morse? 8. What is transmitted with the help of the telegraph? 9. Who was e-mail invented by? В Rewrite the sentences in the Passive voice. Model: Somebody robbed the house last year. — The house was robbed last year. When did they rob the house? — When was the house robbed? 1. Somebody lost the keys in the garden. 2. Somebody will send an e-mail tomorrow. 3. Somebody has borrowed this book. 4. They will charge a fine. 5. They make phone calls every day. 6. When did they publish the book? 7. What did they use to make pizza? C Do the extra exercises in the Workbook. 1 15 Lessons 5, 6 Library rules How to buiid words Суффикс -ity C помощью суффикса -ity можно образовать существительные от прилагательных. necessary — необходимый necessity — необходимость ' --.У ./л 2 1 Translate the words into Russian. activity, possibility, responsibility, nationality, regularity, similarity, speciality Form the nouns from the adjectives in brackets and complete the sentences. Is there any ... that we can help her? (POSSIBLE) She has got the Nobel Prize for her .... (ACTIVE) There was no ... in his actions. (REGULAR) People of different ... live in Russia. (NATIONAL) It was his ... to walk the dog. (RESPONSIBLE) Mark and Rob have come to St David's School library. There are a lot of notices on the walls. Scan the Short Loon Collection notice and choose the correct answers. To charge a fine means a) to take money from somebody who has done something wrong b) to do something nice c) to borrow some money The best translation for Short Loan Collection is a) коллекция краткосрочного пользования b) коллекция маленького займа с) читальный зал Short Loan Collection When a lot of students and teachers need the same book, tbe library does not buy a lot of extra copies. We put one copy of the book in the Short Loan Collection, where it is available for two hours. These books are used inside the library. After two hours the books are returned to the Desk. Short loan books are also borrowed overnight — two hours before the library closes — and must be returned by 9 a.m. on the next working day. Fines of 50p per hour per book are charged for late returns. П6 3 Tf ? 1 г I 4 Mark these sentences true or false. 1. Books are put in the Short Loan Collection because they are very rare or expensive. 2. Books from the Short Loan Collection are never used outside the library. 3. If a book is popular, the library always buys a lot of extra copies, 4. You can use books from the Short Loan Collection for two hours. 5 Make questions for these sentences. Start with the words in brackets. 1. These books are used inside the library, (Where) 2. After two hours the books are returned to the Desk. (When) 3. Short loan books are also borrowed overnight two hours before the library closes. (What) 4. Fines of 50p per hour per book are charged for late returns. (What) 6 Listen to the information about opening times and correct the mistake. Opening Times Winter - Spring Term Monday — Friday 8 a.m. — 8 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. — 6 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m. — 6 p.m. Photocopiers and computers are turned off 10 minutes before closing time I Look through the notices for the Short Loan Co/Zection and the opening times again and complete the sentences. 1. If I want to photocopy something from the library on Saturday, I have to come not later than at ... o’clock. 2. If I want to borrow a book from the Short Loan Collection overnight on Monday, I can do it between ... and ... o’clock. 3. If I borrow a book from the Short Loan Collection on Friday night and return it at 3 p.m. on Saturday, the library will charge a fine of ... . 4. If I borrow two books from the Short Loan Collection on Saturday night and return them at 11 a.m. on Monday, the library will charge me a fine of ... . 117 7 8 Read the do Library Rules notice for detail. Use a dictionary if necessary. Library Rules All library equipment and books should be used carefully Conversations should be kept to a minimum and as quiet as possible Personal stereos should not be used in the library Mobile phones should be turned off before readers enter the library No food or drink is allowed All borrowed books should be brought back by the due date Fines for the late return of the books should be paid All books should be shown to the librarians before you leave the library Everybody should be treated very politely St David's Library Ca Library Cards You should • have your library card with you when you are in the library. • not lend your card to anybody else. • show your card to any librarian who wants to see it. • inform the library if your library card is lost. • inform the library if your address changes. QAIE ISSUPn ON THIS CARD Answer the question; Will you be аЫе to do these things if you come to St David's School library? borrow books, listen to music, talk loudly, talk to friends on the phone, borrow books from the Sfiori Loan Collection, have a snack, drink some tea or coffee, lend your library card to somebody else, speak to people rudely, ignore the fines, use the photocopiers, recall books from other readers, come to the library without a library card Model: I will be able to borrow hooks from the library. /1 won’t be able to borrow books from the library. 118 Unit i 1 о Find the sentences in the passive. Why was the Passive voice used in those sentences? 1 1 When Mark's sister. Rosy, was at St David's School, the rules in the library were the same. Rewrite the Library Ruies in the Past Simple. Model. All library books and equipment were used carefully. 12 If you come to St David's School library in some years, the rules will probably not change. What will they be like? ' Model: All library books and equipment will be used carefully. 13 Copy the table into your exercise books. Listen to the speaker and complete the information for the "Number of books and periods of loan". Number of books and periods of loan The number of books a reader may have on loan at any one time and the normal periods 14 of loan are: Senior school Sixth form Teachers >»iiVV I ^ These are maximum periods of loan. Please do not keep books any longer. Fines will be charged if you don’t return the books on the due date at a rate of 20p per day. For Short Loan Collection books the fine is 50p per hour. Answer the questions. 1. Who can borrow the smallest number of books? Why? 2. What will happen if a reader returns the book late? 3. How much will a reader have to pay if he / she returns three books a week late? How much is it in roubles? 4. How much will a reader have to pay if he / she returns a book from the Short Loan Collection a day late? How much is it in roubles? Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 119 For your informarion Senior school — средняя школа. В возрасте 11 лет по окончании начальной школы английские школьники идут в первый класс средней школы, в которой они учатся 5 или 7 лет. В возрасте 16 лет они заканчивают пятый класс, сдают государственный экзамен GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) и получают сертификат о среднем образовании. В шестой класс (Sixth form) идут те школьники, которые хотят продолжить обучение в университете. В шестом классе они учатся 2 года и по окончании сдают экзамен на A-level (уровень повышенной трудности). Экзамены сдаются по выбранным учениками предметам. Homework You need to borrow three books: “Doctor Zhivogo“, "Three Men in a Boat" and "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes". Check your online search results and say: 1. Who is the author of “Doctor Zhivago” “Three Men in a Boat” “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”? 2. Where and when were these books published? 3. Which of these books are available at the moment? 4. When will the other books be returned? ---------------------------©-------------------------------- Author Jerome K. Jerome (Jerome Klapka Jerome), 1859-1927 Title Three Men in a Boat, with an introduction and notes by Jeremy Lewis Published London: Penguin, 1999 Description 361 p. THIS BOOK IS SHELVED AT AVAILABILITY Short Loan Collection in library -V- Author Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich, 1890-1960 Title Doctor Zhivago: novel / Boris Pasternak Published Moskva: “Sovetskaya Rossiya”, 1989 Description 639 p. THIS BOOK IS SHELVED AT AVAILABILITY Main shelves On loan until April 120 Unit ------------------------------©----------------- Author Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 1859-1930 Title The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Published London; J. Murray, 1974 Description 317 p. THIS BOOK IS SHELVED AT AVAILABILITY Main shelves On loan until May Lessons 7, 8 The honour of the MacWizard clan Read the story "The honour of the MacWizard clan" on pages 193-1 97. Your active vocabulary a broadsheet reliable a celebrity a short loan collection condensed a tabloid crime to be available extra to borrow books from the library financial to charge a fine a headline to focus on smth in time to lend smth from smb / smth an information source to make a reference intriguing to treat smb politley mass media a tough situation plagiarism a weather forecast I I ■ u 121 6 Lesson 1 When you make a new friend, ask him, "What do you read?" Д book that is worth burning is worth reading Особенности употребления страдательного залога Одной конструкции в действительном залоге в английском языке мог\т соответствовать две конструкции в страдательном залоге, то есть прямое в косвенное дополнение действительного залога могут стать подлежащими страдательного залога со следующими глаголами: to give smb smth / smth to smb — давать кому-либо что-либо / что-либо кому-либо to send smb smth / smth to smb — посылать кому-либо что-либо / что-либо кому-либо to pay smb smth / smth to smb — платить кому-либо что-либо / что-либо кому-либо to promise smb smth / smth to smb — обещать кому-либо что-либо / что-либо кому-либо to offer smb smth / smth to smb — предлагать кому-либо что-либо / что-либо кому-либо to leave — оставлять to show smb smth / smth to smb — показывать кому-либо что-либо / что-либо кому-либо to tell smb smth / smth to smb — рассказывать кому-либо что-либо / что-либо кому-либо Рассмотрим предложение в действительном залоге: The teacher gave him a book. — Учитель дал ему книгу. В этом предложении два дополнения him и а book. him — косвенное дополнение, так как отвечает на вопрос кому? а book — прямое дополнение, так как отвечает на вопрос что? Оба эти дополнения могут стать подлежащими предложений в страдательном залоге. Active voice Passive voice The teacher gave him a book.— Учитель дал ему книгу. The book was given to him, 1 „ ww ■ 4_ 1 i Emv дали КНИГУ. He was given a book. ( j ^ . Му friend told me a funny story. — Друг рассказал мне смешную историю. A funny story was told to me. | расказали I was told a funny story. смешную исто) рию. 122 Unit 6 Lesson 1 I Express the same idea in a different way. Model; / wa;; sent a letter. — A letter was sent to me. 1. Mother was promised a holiday. 2. Kate is being shown a new flat now. 3. We have already been shown this film. 4. Granny will be offered a ticket to the theatre. 5. I was told a joke. 6. Rob was sent a note. 7. Some food was left for her. Express the same idea using two possible passive constructions. Model: Mary left a letter for them. — The letter was left for them. / They were left a letter. ' 1. The librarian offered him a very good book. 2. Mother gives me fruit and sandwiches for lunch every day. 3. Peter told his children a lot of interesting things about wild animals. 4. Father promised them a dog. 5. The newspaper paid Bill Gates a lot of money. 6. A friend offered her help. 7. My grandmother gave me some very good advice. Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. to ban smth — чапрещать что-либо to contain smth — содержать что-либо to destroy smth — разрушать что-либо to be worth doing something ~ быть стоящим чего-то inquisition [,ipkwi'zijn] — инквизиция rare [геэ] — редкий spirit — дух Nazi ['no:tsi] — нацист, нацистский Listen to the conversation and answer the question: Why were books burned in the past? Read the conversation and mark the sentences below true or false. Support your answers with the facts from the dialogue. In the library Librarian: Hello, what do you have here? Rob: It’s our family history manuscript. We want to give it to the school library as a present. Librarian: That’s very kind of you. It's a very rare book. But unfortunately, the library can’t pay you for it. 123 2 3 4 Mark: Don’t worry about it. It’s a present. Please look after it. Some people want to steal it. Librarian: I’ll send it to the Manuscript Collection. Is that good enough? Misha; What kind of collection is that? Librarian: It’s the place where the most rare old books are kept. Some of the books are very rare. And some of them were saved from fire. Rob: What are you talking about? Who can burn a book? Librarian: In history it has happened more often than you think. When armies conquered new lands and continents, they not only destroyed the buildings or killed people. It was more important to destroy the memory of a nation and the national spirit. Mark: I remember books were burned in Europe at the time of the Inquisition. Librarian: That’s true. In medieval Europe books were often burned because someone decided that they contained dangerous ideas. In fact, those ideas were simply new and different, but people were afraid of them. Misha: You’re right, awful things used to happen. But it was a long time ago. Librarian: I’m afraid people haven’t got much better since then. Books were burned in Nazi Germany and that was about seventy years ago. In fact, in a lot of countries books are still burned nowadays. Mark: You’re joking! Librarian: No, it’s true. And there are a lot of books that are not burned, but banned. That’s very sad too. Rob: But why? Librarian: For the same reason. Books have new ideas that wake people up. But they say, a book that is worth burning is worth reading. 1. Books are burned to destroy the national spirit. 2. Books are burned to make them popular. 3. Books are burned because people don’t like old ideas. 4. Nowadays books aren’t burned anymore. 5. Books that are worth burning are worth reading. 6. Books are burned because they wake people up. 124 5 Answer the questions. Use the passive constructions. Model: Did Misha, Mark and Rob show the manuscript to the librarian? - Yes, they did. The manuscript was shown to the librarian. 1. Did Misha, Mark and Rob give the family manuscript to the librarian? 2. Did the librarian pay them for the manuscript? 3. Did Misha. Mark and Rob tell the librarian the truth about the book? 4. Did the librarian send the book to the special collection? 6 Discuss the following questions: Are books worth reading or ore they о waste of time? Why? Use the words and expressions below. 1. It takes a lot of time to read a book. 2. Books contain new ideas. 3. Books can wake people up. 4. Books are the memory of the nation. 5. Books are boring. 6. You can learn a lot from books. 7. Books give a lot of information. S. Books are written in different languages. 9. Computers are faster and contain more information. 10. Books that were written a long time ago are not interesting anymore. Homework A Rewrite the sentences. Use the expression "worth doing...". Model: It’s a very boring book. / don’t recommend you to read it. — This book isn’t worth reading. 1. It’s a good film. I recommend you to watch it. 2. Skiing is dangerous. I don’t recommend you to do it. 3. Chinese food is delicious. I recommend you to try it. 4. Red Square is one of the most beautiful places in Moscow. I recommend you to visit it. 3 Translate the sentences into English. 1. Эту книгу стоит почитать. 2. Этот фильм стоит посмотреть. 3. Эту еду стоит попробовать. 4. Его не стоит приглашать. 125 Lessons 2, 3 What is the Index Liborum Prohibitorum? Особенности употребления страдательного залога В страдательной конструкции с предложным дополнением предлог сохраняет свое место после глагола. Например: They sent for the doctor. — Они послали за доктором. (Active voice) The doctor was sent for. — 3a доктором послали. (Passive voice) Наиболее употребительные глаголы с предлогами: to send for smb / smth — посылать за кем-то, чем-то to object to smb / smth — возражать кому-то, чему-то to insist on smth — настаивать на чем-то to refer to smb / smth — ссылаться на кого-то, что-то to laugh at smb / smth — смеяться над кем-то, чем-то to listen to smb / smth — слушать кого-то, что-то to wait for smb / smth — ждать кого-то, что-то They often refer to this writer. He is very famous. — This writer is often referred to Friends are laughing at Peter. He has made the same mistake again. — Peter is being laughed at. Everybody is waitingfor you! Don’t be late again! — You are being waited for Mary insisted on this plan. I couldn 7 disagree with her. — This plan wa.? insisted on. Rewrite the sentences. Use the passive. Model: Somebody looked after her.— She was looked after. 1. Somebody laughed at my little sister. 2. We are waiting for the librarian. 3. Scientists often refer to this book. 4. Everybody was listening to the song. 5. They have just sent for the doctor. 6. They looked for that book last week. Answer the questions. 1. Who was your favourite book written by? 2. Who is the biggest street in your village / town / city named after? 3. Why was this story referred to? 4. Will you be listened to if you sing a song? 5. Have you ever been laughed at? 126 1 2 Match the name of a famous person with his discovery. Use the verbs: to find out, to discover. 1. Vasco da Gama [,vseskou da 'ga:ma] 2. Magellan |тэ'де!эп] 3. Columbus [ka'kmbasj 4. Copernicus [kau'psimkas] Whose name is the odd one out? Why? 4 Listen to the Great Discoveries text and check your ideas. Read the text and answer the questions. 1. When did the Inquisition start? 2. What was it for? 3. What is heresy? 4. What is the Index Liborum Prohibitorum? 5. Who was Nicolas Copernicus? 6. What was the idea that the Catholic Church didn’t like? Great Discoveries When we think about medieval Europe, one of the first things that we remember is the Inquisition. The Inquisition was started in 1184 by the Pope in Rome to fight against heretics, people who didn't agree with (he Church. The Inquisition had the power of life and death over any Catholic and people were afraid of it, but at the end of the fifteenth century things started to change. It was the century of great discoveries. In 1492 Columbus discovered America. In 1497 Vasco da Gama opened up a sea route to India. In 1500 Brazil was discovered, and in 1522 Magellan’s expedition went round the world for the first time. These discoveries put the Church in a difficult position. For centuries it had been telling people: “The world is flat.” But the explorers showed that it wasn’t true. It became clear to everybody that the Earth was round. Worse than that, at the beginning of the 16th century a young Polish astronomer, Copernicus. a) the Earth goes round the sun b) the sea route to India c) (he world is round d) America r'ttOHICJTOKyjii, evil J * jlutuin(dandrtiEi.l>.« t>ii * I'uv Мол uw^ieiatiB. t(i Lessons? 3 127 3 5 came up with a new idea, “The Earth is not the centre of the universe. It revolves around the sun, together with some other planets.” The Catholic Church had to find a way to hide this knowledge from ordinary people. In 1559 it published the Index Liborum Prohibitorum ['mdeks 'libnrum 'prohibitDrum], a list of books that were banned for Catholics, People who read these books were punished by the Inquisition. Any books from the list were burned. Nowadays the Index Liborum Prohibitorum is open to the public. Think of any famous scientist, writer or philosopher ■— you’ll find his name and works on the list. 6 Translate the sentences into English. Use passive constructions. !. Людям показали, что Земля круглая. 2. Многие книги были запрещены. 3. Людям не говорили правду. 4. Католиков наказывали, если они читали запрещевшые книги. 5. Книги Коперника сжигали. 7 Read the text and mark the sentences below true or false. On 10 May 1933 students from the Wilhelm Piuinboldt University in Berlin took books from their university library and burned them. The burning lasted for hours, and thousands of books were thrown into the fire. The students were not punished or expelled from the university for this. Over the next few days a lot of other German universities followed their example. The writers who Germany didn’t need anymore were Albert Einstein ['ajlbat ,amstain) and Thomas Mann ['tnmas ,maen|, Sigmund Freud ['signiand .froidj and .lack London [Уззек ,Undan|, Ernst Hemingwai f'sinast ,hemipweil and many others. The book burning was a part of Nazi propaganda. They declared th; Germany should burn anything which was not German and destroyed tr_=: German spirit and culture. 1 28 Unit 6 Lessons 2, 3 А century earlier a famous German poet, Heinrich Heine, had said: “Where they burn books, they will soon burn people.” By 1933 his words had been forgotten, but seven years later millions of people were burned in concentration camps. A new generation of Germans do not want to make the same mistakes again. Every year on 10 May they celebrate Book Day. They know that they mustn’t forget. 1. Students burned books because they were too difficult and boring. 2. Students who burned the books were punished. 3. Only one German university burned books. 4. The Nazis didn’t burn books that were written by German writers. 5. Nowadays Germany is a democratic country. 6. The Germans want to forget their past. What is the main idea of the text? Look through the text and use one of the sentences as a title. Explain your choice. Homework A Express the same idea using passive constructions. 1. He’ll read an interesting story to them. 2. Mother promised her a trip to Moscow. 3. They’ll send a lot of letters to Misha. 4. We always buy bread for her. 5. They sold these trainers very cheaply. 6. They always insist on this idea, but we don’t agree with it. В Find the mistakes and correct them. There are sentences without mistakes. 1. Us was shown the house yesterday. 2. They’ll be sent a fax tomorrow. 3. They were recommended a good teacher. 4. Me has already been told this story. 5. The child is read books every day. 6. Tourists were offered cold drinks. 7. Next month she is paid 3,000 roubles. C Put in the missing prepositions and translate the sentences into Russian. 1. He was being laughed ... when I came. 2. The doctor has already been sent... . 3. The child will be looked ... by my sister. 4. They were waited ... very long yesterday. 5. This book is often referred ... , 129 8 6. His arrival was insisted ,,, , 7. This man is always relied ... , 8. His plans were objected ... . D Translate the sentences into English. 1. Ha эту статью обычно ссылаются. 2. Над ним часто смеются. 3. За бабушкой будет ухаживать его сестра. 4. Слушали его рассказ, когда я вошел. 5. Против его планов всегда возражают. 6. Ее ждали, когда она позвонила. Lesson 4 How to choose a good book Сочинительные союзы either... ог(или... ют), neither... пог(ни... ни), both... and (и... и; как... так и). Эти союзы могут соединять любые части речи. Не plays both football and basketball. — Он играет и в футбол, и в баскетбол. (Он играет как в футбол, так и в баскетбол.) She’ll соте either on Monday or on Tuesday. — Она приедет ii.au в понедельник, шш во вторник. Не is neither at home nor in the office. — Его нет ни дома, ни в офисе. Обратите внимание, что в отрицательных предложениях с союзом neither... nor глагол стоит в положительной форме, так как в английском предложении возможно только одно отрицание, и союз neither... nor выполняет эту функцию. Сравните: She drinks neither tea nor coffee. — Она не пьет ни чай, ни кофе. Если подлежащее, состоящее из двух слов, соединяется союзом either... or или neither... nor. то глагол-сказуемое употребляется в единственном числе, если последнее слово стоит в единственном числе. Если последнее слово стоит во множественном числе, то глагол-сказуемое употребляется во множественном числе. Either Pete or Bill knows this man. — Или Hum, или Билл знает этого человека. 130 Neither ту sister nor my parents know the man. — Hu моя сестра, ни мои родители не знают этого человека. Если подлежащее, состоящее из двух слов, соединяется союзом both., and. то глагол-сказуемое употребляется во множественном числе. Both his friends and his sister lire in Wales. — И его друзья, и сестра живут в Уэльсе. 1 Fill in the gaps and complete the sentences. Use either... or, neither... nor, both... and. Model: i drink ... coffee ... hot chocolate. — I drink neither coffee nor hot chocolate. 1. I didn't like the new book. It was ... interesting ... useful. 2. I invited two friends, but ... Liz ... Jane could come to the party. 3. Granny promised me a nice dessert. It will be ... a chocolate cake ... an apple pie. 4. Last year I visited ... London ... St Petersburg. 5. Alex will phone me ... at five o’clock ... at six o’clock. 6. No, thank you. I’ll have ... tea ... coffee. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. 1. Neither my friend nor I like / likes music. 2. Either Kate or Ann was watching / were watching this film last night. 3. Both my sister and my brother like / likes music. 4. Either Father or Mother are/ is at home now. 5. Neither my dog nor my cat have / has eaten the bread. 6. Both the students and the teacher were/was late for their first lesson. 7. Both Alice and her sister are / is in the garden. 3 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. a blurb — краткое содержание на обратной стороне обложки а genre ['зопгэ] — жанр а plot — сюжет to intrigue smb [m'tri:g| — заинтересовывать, увлекать кого-либо а cover — обложка книги Unit 6 Lesson -! 13) 4 Read the conversations and mark the sentences below true or false. How do you choose a book I only read books that are recommended by friends. I never waste my time on new books that I don’t know anything about.^ biurb is always worth reading. It’s a summary of the plot of the book. It's usually on the back of the book. The blurb is to get your attention, but it doesn’t tell you too much. 1 choose a book by the author. I have my favourite authors that 1 think are worth reading. I don’t try new writers very often. I look at the pictures on the cover. If they are exciting, I buy the book. I’m not interested in books. I Л read the books that are on our | reading list, because I have to. J 1. Neither Andrey nor Kate chooses books by the title. 2. Both Victor and Stepan read books that are recommended. 3. Neither Lena nor Kate chooses books by the pictures on the cover. 4. Both Andrey and Lena look for information on the cover. 5. Neither a picture nor a blurb can get the reader’s attention, 6. Neither Kate nor Sergey chooses books by the title. 7. Both Vasya and Stepan like to read books. 132 I 6 I ■ .П ^ Conversation bricks Agreeing (Согласие ) Для того чтобы согласиться с утвердительной репликой, используется следующая формула: So + вспомогательный глагол данного времени + местоимение / существительное А: Не likes reading. — Он любит читать. В: So do /. / So does ту friend. — Ия тоже. / И мой друг тоже. Для того чтобы согласиться с отрицательной репликой, используется следующая формула; iSeither + вспомогательный глагол данного времени в утвердительной форме + местоимение / существительное А: She doesn’t like milk. — Она не любит молоко. В: Neither do /. / Neither does ту sister. — Ия тоже. / И моя сестра тоже. Read the sentences about Steve and reply to them. Use So... / or Neither... /. 1. Steve can play football. 2. Steve knows his home town very well. 3. Steve didn’t go to London last year. 4. Steve wasn't ill last month. 5. Steve will visit his granny next week. 6. Steve has never been to New York. Look through Ex. 4 again. Who do you agree with? Use the expressions from the Conversation bricks. Model: Helen chooses books by the cover. — So do I. Kale doesn 'l try new writers very often. — Neither do I. Which ways of choosing books do you think are good? Which are bad? Why? Use the expressions: 1. It can be exciting.— Это может быть увлекательно. 2. It gets your attention.— Это привлекает твое внимание. 3. It doesn't tell you too much.— Это не дает вам слиидком много информации. 4. It makes you want to read more.— Это вызывает у вас желание читать больше. 133 5 6 7 5. I never waste my time on ... .— Я никогда не трачу время на ... . 6. I am not interested in ... Мне не интересно .... 7. ... is worth reading ... ... стоит почитать .... 8. I follow the advice of ... .— Я следую советам .... 9. ... is a summary of the plot of the book.— ... является кратким содержанием книги. Homework А Agree with the statements. Use the expressions from Conversation brtcfcs. Model: Л tot of people like to watch TV. (I) — So do /. My mother doesn’t drive a car. (mine) — Neither does mine. 1. Caroline was at this concert yesterday, (my friend) 2. She isn’t a doctor, (he) 3. They don’t speak any foreign languages, (my friends) 4. We aren’t at home, (they) 5. He watches TV every evening. (I) 6. Kate will visit us tomorrow, (her husband) В There is a saying "Never judge о book by its cover." ("He суди о книге по обложке".) Write os many reasons as you can against this saying. (Tip: What information about a book can you find on the book cover nowadays?) 134 ' Jnit 6 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Would you like to read a good book? Глагол would После глагола would инфинитив употребляется без частицы to. Одним из наиболее употребительных словосочетаний с глаголом would является словосочетание would like (хотелось бы). Would like употребляется, когда говорящий сообщает о своем желании, предлагает что-то, приглашает куда-то в вежливой форме. Наиболее употребительна сокращенная форма would like — 'd like. I’d like a cup of tea. — Мне хотелось бы чашку чая. Гт sure you’d like to meet a famous person. — Я уверен, что Вам хотелось бы встретить знаменитость. They’d like some cakes. — Им хотелось бы пирожных. She’d like to see a new film. — Ей хотелось бы посмотреть новый фильм. We’d like to listen to this actor. — Нам хотелось бы послушать этого актера. Для образования общего вопроса would ставится на первое место. Would you like to see this film? — Вам хотелось бы посмотреть этот фильм? Для образования специальных вопросов перед общим вопросом ставится вопросительное слово. What would you like to see? — Что вам хотелось бы посмотреть? Say what these people wou/d like to do now. Model: Father wants to buy a car. — Father would like to buy a car. 1. I want to learn French. 2. She wants to learn to swim. 3. Fred wants to find the treasure. 4. The people of the world want to live in peace. 5. We want to try this cake. 6. They want to go for a walk. Unit 6 l esson 5 1 35 2 What are the people in the pictures offering? Accept or refuse their offers. a) Mode!: л,, Would you like some tea? Yes. please. : No. thank you. h) Model'. I Would you like to borrow this book? V^With pleasure. / Not really. 3 , Speak about yourself. What do you like to do? What would you like to do? Model: read about animals / read about adventures — I like to read about animals, but today I'd like to read about adventures. 1. (read history books / read horror story) 2. (tea / coffee) 3. (play computer games / a game of football) 4. (study / have a rest) 5. (meat / some fish) 136 Unit 6 Lesson 5 Read the book titles. Match the books with the authors. a) “The Lord of the Rings” b) “Gone with the Wind” c) “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” d) “Vasilisa the Beautiful” e) “The Three Musketeers” [.mAski'tiaz] f) “The Diary of Anne Frank” [‘daiari av 'asn ,Ггаег)к| g) “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” ['soja] h) “Frankenstein”['frEeokinstain] ( Margaret MilchelT) % У r (Alexander РитаГ) (Anne Frank) ^ Mary Shelley ) ( Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) Answer the questions. 1. Which of these books have you read or heard about? 2. Who is the author? 3. What is the book about? 4. Is the book worth reading? 5 Listen to the speaker and check your answers. (a Russian folktale^ (^.tohn Ronald Reuel Tolkier() Homework A Choose the correct variant and open the brackets. 1. (Would you like / Do you like) a cup of tea? 2. (Would you like / Do you like) books? 3. (Would you like / Do you want) to come with me? 4. (Would you like / Do you want) to see the ocean? 5. (Would you like / Do you like) animals? 6. (Would you like / Do you like) classical music? 7. (Would you like / Do you like) some cake? Unit 6 Lesson 5 1 37 в Write true responses to the offers. Use No^ thanks, or Yes, please. 1. Would you like some tea? 2. Would you like something to eat? 3. Would you like a new school bag? 4. Would you like some cheese? C Read Ex. 5 of Lessons 6, 7 for detail. Lessons 6, 7 Why are books banned? 1 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. classic — классический a member — член to turn up — появляться Jewish ['dsuaj] — еврейский to go into hiding — прятаться, скрываться a character ['kaerikta] — персонаж description — описание to describe smth — описывать что-либо complicated — сложный to create smth [kri'eit] — создавать что-либо imagination [1,т0ебз£'пе1/п] — воображение a diary ['daiari] — дневник the story is set in — действие происходит в... a reward [n'wo:d] — вознаграждение to be rewarded — быть вознагражденным supernatural [.smpa'nastfaral] — сверхъестественный 2 Match the genres of the books with the translations. 1. romance a) детектив 2. detective story b) приключения 3. biography (autobiography) c) научная фантастика 4. history book d) фэнтези 5. adventure story e) сказка 6, fantasy f) роман приключенческого или 7. fairy tale любовного жанра 8. science fiction g) ужасы 9. horror story h) биография (автобиография) i) исторический роман 138 it и Lessons 5 and 6 Copy the table info your exercise books and fill it in. • Criminals, robbers, killers. There is always a clever detective or a policeman who catches them in the end. • Aliens, spaceships, trips to the moon and star wars. • The author describes somebody’s life or writes about himself (herself). • Wizards, witches and other magic objects and words. Some wizards are bad, some witches are good. The story is usually long and the plot is complicated. • Princes and princesses, very bad witches and magic animals that help good people. The plot is usually very simple. Good people are rewarded. Bad people are punished, • Pirates, cowboys, boys and girls are always doing exciting things. You also find ships, faraway islands, lost treasure, and a lot of danger in these stories, but there is usually a happy ending. • Vampires, witches, ghosts and scary supernatural events. • Things that happened in the past. Some characters may not be real, but the description of the period is usually very good. • Love and hate. The characters go through a lot of difficulties to come together. Genre Гзппгэ] What is it about? romance [rau'msens] detective story [di'tektiv ,stD:ri] biography (autobiography) [bai'ngrafi] science fiction ['saians ,fikjn] horror ['hnrs] adventure story [sd'ventjs ,sta;ri] fantasy ['f-MacWizard who sailed to America on the Mayflower j , in 1620.” Unfortunately, that was the only thing that we were able to understand. I think I know why. The diary was written in runes, wasn’t it? Yes, it was, and we always wanted to translate it. Did you know anything about us, the English MacWizards? No, we didn’t, not until my aunt Minnie met Agent Cute on the train. She had come from America to help me during my first weeks in England. Agent Cute told her about the MacWizards and the family treasure, and aunt Minnie understood that the MacWizards were our relatives. But she didn’t steal the secret note — I think Agent Cute lost the note somewhere. But then she broke into our house and tried to steal some of our family manuscripts. That is not true. My aunt is not a bad woman. She just wanted to have a look at your books and find out more about your family. She didn’t take anything. Then she went back to America and told all our family about the English MacWizards. One of my uncles heard about the treasure and decided to find it all by himself. It was Uncle Terry who kidnapped Rob. I didn’t help him. Why did we find the book in your room then? I didn’t know that you were looking for it. I only knew that it was yours after Mark said something at the History club. I was going to return it to you, I just wanted to learn the code and read “the diary of Robin MacWizard”, but then you sent me the virus and found the book in my room. I was so scared. I thought, “They’ll never believe me,” and I ran away. I flew back to my family in America and told them everything. They were really angry with Uncle Terry and me. Then I decided to come back to you and tell the truth. Now call the police if you want to. We don’t want to call the police, Emily. From the very beginning Misha didn’t believe that you were guilty (виновата). And... we are family, aren’t we? Unit 7 Lessor 167 Emily: Em so happy that you're not angry with me. Maybe you’ll come to visit my family in the summer. They’ll be so happy to see you all! Mark: Why not? Rob: That’s a good idea. Emily: It’s great that you have agreed to come. Our grandfather Robin from the 17th century wanted it too. Mark: How can you say that? Emily: Look, I’ve translated the first page of the diary. But the translation is very strange. I’ve probably made some mistakes. Rob: Let’s look at it. Dear Rob, If you are reading this, it means that you've found all the seven keys. The treasure is in America. Are you already there? Have you met your American relatives? I hope Misha and Mark are with you. Emily: It's very strange. How could Grandfather Robin know your names? Misha: Well, he was a wizard, wasn’t he? 168 10 'W THE RING THE DRUIDi • Elmer's War The diary of Marian Fitzwalter The duty of the MacWizard clan The honour of the MacWizar clan King Henry Vlll's horoscope 169 Lessons 9, 10 Elmer's War c) the Vikings came 1 Choose the right answers for the questions. 1. What happened in 1066? a) the battle of Hastings b) the battle of Waterloo to the British Isles 2. Who fought in the battle? a) the English against the Vikings b) the English against the Germans c) the English against the French (Normans) 3. Who won the battle? a) the English b) the French (Normans) c) the Vikings d) the Germans Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. Hereward the Wake ['henwad] Thorkill ['9o;rkill Ely Island ['i:li] a fen — болото, топь a tenant ['tenant] — арендатор to escape — сбежать to panick — паниковать to be in safety — быть в безопасности by the way — между прочим venison ['venisnl — оленина the only — единственный deer [dial — олень, олени a swine — свинья a cow — корова a noble — аристократ a monastery ['mnnastari] — монастырь a monk [тлрк] — монах a manor ['maena] — поместье wooden — деревянный a peasant ['pezantj — крестьянин spirit ['spirit] — дух a trap — ловушка to lead — проводить flame — пламя blood [bbvd] — кровь a landowner — лендлорд a curse — проклятие 3 Read the story and answer the questions of Ex. 4. Elmer’s War iiT Tappv birthday, Elmer!” These XXkind words woke Elmer up, but he didn’t open his eyes. For a few seconds he laid in his bed and panicked. It had been happening to him every morning since all his family were killed four years ago... in 1066. Then he remembered: he was safe, in the castle of his uncle. Lord Thorkill of Arden. The only thing that reminded 170 2 him of his past was a golden ring that he had found in the forest and that he never took off his finger. Elmer believed that the ring had saved him four years ago. The boy s face relaxed. He opened his eyes and smiled at the old man, who was sitting next to his bed. ;‘Get up, my boy!” Uncle Thorkill said, “We have a very busy dayt I’m Dull Roblir Baron Miles Crispin and his wife', and “What are you saying, uncle! These people are all Normans. How can you invite them to my birthday?” ^ You are fourtee^n today. It’s time to think about your future. These people are very ricU One day they’ll introduce you to our King William. By the way how s your French ? Have you made any progress'^” ^ -"У You know I hate the language 1 ord Wolf ''"h ""Shbours, Lord Saewold and his children. laOrd Woil and Lady Catherine?” ih have lost their lands. And -hose who still have some land are tenants of Baron Miles Crispin That’s the end of the conversation! This evening you must be in the great hall And cion t be late!” Lord Thorkill left, and Elmer ran down through the great hail, and out of he house. He needed to talk to his best friend Sigurd. Sigurd helped Lord Thorkill s cook in the kitchen and Elmer could always find him in the back yard of the castle, but not today. When Elmer finally got to his friend Sigurd was crying. ’ ® h^PP^ned? Elmer whispered, “Why are you crying, friend"?” Tb i I, f "л® ‘he nephew of Lord Ihorkill of Arden, and I’m his slave. How can we be friends?” You are more than a friend, you are like a brother to me, Sigurd. I’ll never £р;ёйе".о°”;Т^ •=" -- bus ‘Jesterday 1 cooked dinner and Lord Thorkill didn’t like it. The cow was cold, the swine was hard and I burnt the deer. So when the cook heard about It, he beat me. He often does that, so don’t worry about me,” “But that’s not true! Dinner yesterday was great. The beef was hot the pork was nice and soft, and the venison Sigurd. Talk to me.’ was very good... Don’t look away. You speak like a Norman! Only the Normans call a cow — beef, a swine — por , and a deer - venison. We, English don’t use these words What’s happened to you, Elmer? Are you forgetting your own language?”' the Mn"* something and remember the day when the Normans killed our parents.” ' I7J “But what are we going to do? There are Normans everywhere Your uncie is the only English lord in the country and he doesn’t want to fight. All he thinks about is his LAND.” “We must run away. I heard about a wonderful man called Hereward. In 1066 the Normans killed all the family and he started a war against them. All the noblest and bravest of the English who want to fight against King William join Hereward. He has made his camp at the Island of Ely near the old monastery, and the monks are helping him too.” “The Island of Ely. That's far away in the wild land of the fens.” “Are you scared of the fens? I'm not. It’ll take us about a week to get there. We have done it once, we can do it again. I'm going today. Are you with me?” “Of course. I'm with you, Elmer.” In the evening when the important guests were gathering in the great hall, the two boys ran away from the manor. They were alone in the forest again like (как) four years before. And again their journey was easy and safe. They didn’t meet any Norman soldiers and the wild animals ran away from them. Elmer knew it was the ring that was helping. Every night before he went to bed he touched the ring and whispered “Thank you”. On the seventh day the boys reached the Island of Ely. There were soldiers everywhere. A friendly monk put them in his boat and helped them get to Hereward’s castle. It was a simple wooden one. and Elmer felt sad. “The Normans are building strong stone castles. It’s good that all these people haven’t seen them,” he whispered to Sigurd. But very soon Elmer and Sigurd forgot all their sad thoughts in their new life. Every day was busy and full of interesting things. Soldiers taught them to fight with a sword, and they even met their leader Hereward, whose nickname was “the Wake”. He was clever, brave and lucky. King William tried to attack the island but he couldn’t get through the fens, and his army always went back with nothing. In the end William understood his mistake. He decided to build a big bridge which would carry his army over the fens (no которому его армия преодо:1еет болота). The Normans came with stones, wood, and animal skins. 172 but they needed builders too. And there Hereward had a great plan. He and his men dressed up as peasants and helped the Normans build their bridge. The English built the bridge as badly and slowly as they could. In the end they built a tower on the end of the bridge. “Why did the Normans want a tower?” soldiers laughed. They didn’t have to wait long for the answer. When the bridge was ready, all the peasants had to leave. So Hereward and his people knew; the Normans are going to attack and were ready. But nothing in the world could prepare them for what was going to happen. Just before sunset everybody heard an ugly loud voice. “I curse you, Englishmen. I have spoken with the spirits. You’ll be dead by the end of this night. All of you!” Elmer looked up. There was a horrible ugly witch on top of the tower. Elmer was afraid of the witches, but suddenly he felt something warm on his finger. It was the ring. And at that moment Elmer was not afraid any more. He looked around and saw the Normans. They were coming, but nobody saw them. All his friends were looking up at the witch and didn’t move. “Don’t listen to her,” Elmer shouted, “It's a trap! Burn the bridge!" Sigurd, who was waiting under the bridge, heard his words and set the bridge on fire. Soon everybody joined him. The Norman army and their witch fell into the cold water of the fens. After this victory Hereward and his friends celebrated for days. Only the monks didn't look happy. They were tired of the war, and they didn’t like simple food and wine. They wanted to return to their nice, easy life without Hereward and his army. Elmer saw this and tried to warn Hereward, but he just laughed. ’ 173 And then it happened. One cold winter night the monks led the Norman soldiers through the woods. They moved quickly and silently, and their attack was deadly. When the sun had set, the sky was red with the flames from burning English homes. Many people were dead, many became prisoners, but Hereward. Ehner and Sigurd escaped. “This is where I must say goodbye to you, Elmer." Hereward said. “Go back to your uncle, he loves you.” “I won’t take anything from him. He is friends with the Normans. He’s forgotten his English blood,” Elmer replied. “That’s not true, my friend, your uncle has been secretly helping me all this time. He has been sending me food and money. He told me about the Norman’s plans. And he knew that you, Elmer, were with me. He’s old; he has no children so everything he has will be yours. That’s a lot of land and money. Take it and be a good master.” One of the richest people in England and the only English landowner a forty-year old Lord Elmer Thorkill of Arden never forgot those last words of Hereward. “Where did Hereward go after that?” he used to ask his friend, Sigurd. “We never heard about his death.” “I think he went straight into legend, my lord,” Sigurd used to answer. Answer the questions. 1. Where did Elmer live? 2. Did he remember the events of 1066? 3. What did his uncle think about the Normans? 4. What did Elmer think about the Normans? 5. Where did the boys decide to go? 6. Who was Hereward the Wake? 7. Where was the English camp? 8. Why couldn’t the Normans gel to the English camp? 9. What did the Normans build? 10. Who helped the Normans build it? 11. Why did the Normans decide to use a witch? 12. How did Elmer help his friends? 174 or 13. Why did Hereward, Elmer and Sigurd have to run away? 14. What happened to Elmer in the end? 15. What has the ring brought to its owner in this story? 5 How did life in England change after 1066? Mark these statements true false. Support your answers with some facts from the story. 1. French words came to the English language. 2. The English kept their lands. 3. The Norman barons had most of the land in the country. 4. There was a Norman king in England. 5. The English and the Normans were friends. 6. I'here were not many English who fought against the Normans, but they all hated the invaders. ’ 7. Thirty years after the battle of Hastings nearly all rich landowners were Normans. 6 Complete the crossword and find the fourth key to the treasure. 1. What was the name of the English leader? 2. What was the French word for meat from a cow? 3. On which Island did the English build their camp? 4. What was the name of the King of England in 1071? 5. What was the name of Elmer’s best friend? 6. Who scared the English soldiers? 7. What was the French word for meat from a pig? 8. Who helped the Normans get into the English camp? 2 3 4 6 7 175 Lessons 8, 9 The diary of Marian Fitzwalter 1 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. a minstrel ['minstral] — певец hanging — повешение a crusade [kru:'seid] — крестовый поход ransom ['raensam] — выкуп fat — жир a wound [wu:nd] — рана to run a fever [Tuva] — быть в лихорадке a serf [s3:f]— подданный to swear — клясться loyal t'bolj— преданный a heretic ['heritikj— еретик ointment — мазь Austrian ['ostrianj— австрийский a chain — цепочка to accompany smb [э'клтрэп!] — сопровождать кого-либо to pray — молиться herb — трава a pilgrim ['pilgrim] — паломник sheriff [Jerifj — шериф to be proud of smb / smth— гордиться кем-то / чем-то a shooting contest — соревнование no стрельбе Nottingham ['nntipamj — Ноттингем Guy of Gisbourne [,gai av 'gizbo:n] — Гай Гизборн Marian Fitzwalter ['тэепэп ,fits'wo:lt3] — Мэриэн Фитцвальтер Isabel ['izabei] — Изабель Megan ['meganj — Мэган Sherwood Forest |j3:wud 'forist] — Шервудский лес Richard the Lionheart (Richard I) liHtfad 5э 'laianhait] — Ричард Львиное Сердце Choose the correct answers for the questions. 1. In the 12th century England was populated by the 12th century? a) the Angles b) the Normans c) the Saxons d) all of them 2. Who ruled England in the 12th century? a) a Norman king b) an Anglo-Saxon king c) a Celtic king 3. Which language did most of the nobles in England speak in the 12th century? a) English b) French c) German 176 2 3 Read the story, check your answers and learn more about the life in 1 1 90. The diary of Marian Fitzwalter Part [ 25 February, in the year of our Lord 1190 ^Гт starting this diary because my life is going to change. Finally. I want to remember every detail of it. It all started yesterday at breakfast when Father looked at me and said: “The girl is sixteen. She needs to learn some good manners and the duties of a real lady. I think we should send her to Lady Isabel, who will teach her.” Since then Mother has been sighing and crying all the time, but my heart has been singing with joy. I’m going to live in a big, rich Norman castle! I'm going to eat good food and learn beautiful songs and fashionable French dances! The minstrels are going to sing for me! What a life! 26 February Leather sent a letter to Lady Isabel. We'll get an answer (in a couple of days. So today was the usual boring day. I got up early and helped the maids sweep the floor in the great hall. After breakfast I had to spin with my mother and her women all day. It was only before dinner that I had some time, so I’m writing my diary. Oh, I forgot. There was a hanging in Nottingham today, but we didn’t go. What a pity! Our family never goes to interesting events like that. Maybe that’s because Mother doesn’t like them. She gets very upset. 177 1 March Still no answer from Lady Isabel. Maybe, she won’t take me? I'm getting worried. Today is the day when our villagers pay my father for the land which they hold from him. Those who have more land pay first. And at the end come the sheep boy, and the widow Megan who has no land but has to pay for her little cottage. This year the faces of the villagers were angry. They swore at my father when they paid. I don’t understand why. Did they have to pay more than usual? In fact, we are not rich at all. My father is a Norman knight. Ten servants, fifty villagers and 100 acres of land is all he got from the King for his loyal services. 2 March f^day I asked Father about the angry villagers. He said that c Jit was none of my business (не мое дело). Then I asked mother. She shook her head first, but then talked to me. “Our villagers are getting very poor,” she said. “Greedy Prince John wants more and more gold and silver and invents more and more taxes which everybody has to pay. He says that our king, Richard, needs / the money, but I don’t believe it.” I like my mother. She is different from all the other women. 1 know. She is brave and always says what she thinks. Mother comes from a noble Celtic-Saxon family. She says that there were kings and Druids in it. Unfortunately, it didn’t help Mother’s family when the Normans came. Her grandfather kept his land, but lost his power. 178 3 March finally got an answer from Lady Isabel! I’m going LI 'in ten days. I have to pack my things quickly. Mother is sadder than usual. I have been thinking about King Richard. I've never seen him, but my father did. Together they went to the Holy Land and fought for Christ against heretics. It’s called the Crusades. Father says that King Richard is fair and brave. For his courage everybody calls him the Lionheart. Unfortunately, on his way back King Richard got into a trap, and now the Austrian emperor keeps him in prison. He wants a large ransom. Richard’s younger brother, John, is ruling England for him. John raises taxes higher and higher but he hasn’t paid the ransom for his brother yet. So maybe Mother is right. He simply doesn’t want to do it. Nobody likes John and his stupid, greedy French friends. I hope King Richard will be back soon, and life will be easier for evervbndv. /Ш ib- L^day is the last day at home. I hope I’ll impress Lady Isabel t. J with my good manners, clothes and appearance. I even washed my hair... Before I went to bed. Mother came into the room. She was very pale, but smiled at me. On her finger there was a golden Celtic ring, which I had never seen before. She took it off and gave it to me. “Take it,” she said, “It’s magic. It’s been in our family since 1066. It has saved the lives of a lot of people. Never take it off, but don’t show it to anybody.” With these words she put a thin chain through the ring and put it around my neck. 1 didn’t understand anything about magic, but I liked the ring. It’s nice and heavy with two big snakes on. 179 13 March C“^he way to Lady Isabel’s castle was not long, and the road was bumpy. Father sent five servants with us. He says that the roads aren’t safe nowadays. Finally, we entered Sherwood Forest. It was quiet there. The big trees have started to blossom and looked magic. But my servants didn’t agree with me. They were obviously scared of something or somebody. Suddenly the shadows around us started to move. A moment later we saw three men in green clothes. My servants shook with horror. One of the forest men stepped forward: ’’What’s your name, fair (прекрасный) lady?” he asked with a smile. His voice was nice, and he had the most handsome smile in the world. “I’m Lady Marian Fitzwalter,” I answered and smiled back (улыбнулась в ответ) at him. Then he asked me about my father and said some kind words about him. After that his friends showed us a short way through the forest, but he didn’t go with us. What a pity! And I don’t even know his name! 20 March ^j’ve been very busy and couldn’t write. Life in Lady Isabel’s t./ cast 'castle is awful. The castle is, of course, big and beautiful, and their great hall is bigger than ours. Their food is better too, but all these things don’t matter (не имеют значения) anymore. Lady Isabel has two daughters and three sons. They all hate me. They call me “Saxon cow” or “Stupid Mary” and never talk to me. I’m so sorry that I have come here, but what can I do now? 22 March Cj'oday some villagers came to the castle for help. One of them, Robert, had a big wound in his leg. Lady Isabel showed me and her daughters how to make medicine. She mixed some sheep fat with some goose blood and dried frog. It was her best ointment. The next villager had a toothache. My idea was that we should pull the tooth out, but Lady Isabel didn’t agree. “If we pull his tooth out, the evil spirits will go into his body,” she said. She put some garlic paste into his mouth. The smell was awful. I just hope it helps. 180 23 March ^Гт praying to God for Robert, I saw him today in the great Hall. He looks c Jvery pale and he’s running a fever. Why doesn’t Lady Isabel let me help him. I know how to do it. Two years ago some pilgrims from the Holy Land stayed in our castle. They were good people and taught me a lot of things. Every summer 1 go to the fields and forests and gather flowers and herbs. Later we dry them, mix medicines and put them into bottles. When 1 use the medicines, I always think about the pilgrims and thank them. 24 March ^poor Robert died, but nobody cries for him. Today there is a big feast in the castle. Lady Isabel’s favourite cousin is going to come for a visit. His name is Guy of Gisbourne. He isn’t very rich, but he’s a friend of the Sheriff of Nottingham and Lady Isabel is proud of him. The feast was horrible. Lady Isabel put (посадила) Guy of Gisbourne next to me. He blew (сморкался) his red nose on the tablecloth, cleaned his teeth with a knife and took all the best pieces from the plate. He was talking about one of his serfs. Whom he was going to hang tomorrow. T 25 March never going to a hanging again. This is how it all happened. v7ln the morning Lady Isabel, her daughters and I put on our best clothes and went to Nottingham. There was a large crowd of people in the market square. Everybody was waiting for the hanging. We bought some pies and ale, but I couldn’t eat or drink when I saw the criminal. He was a thin, tired man. He didn’t ask for help, didn’t look around. I think he wanted to die. And then I heard people in the crowd, “...killed a deer in the King’s forest,” “...had nothing to eat,” “was sick and couldn’t work.” “his wife and daughter froze to death this winter,” “was looking for food for his little son,” “the Norman pigs will soon hang all Saxons!” ’’Where is our good King Richard?” “Robin Hood will get (доберется до) Guy of Gisbourne.” I couldn’t listen or look any more. I ran away. In the evening I was thinking about the new name that I had heard. Who is this Robin Hood? 181 27 March ^/asked Lady Isabel about Robin Hood. She shouted at <_7me and left me without food for the whole day. That’s interesting. Is she scared? 28 March (i^omething is happening. Everybody’s busy. They CL'don’t notice me and leave me in peace. I heard the news at dinner. The Sheriff of Nottingham is organizing a shooting contest and the best archer will get the Silver Arrow. That’s all very exciting. I even forgot about the hanging. 30 March ^•Jt’s bad news. I have finally found out all about Robin Hood. t^He’s a dangerous outlaw who lives in Sherwood Forest and robs everybody who wants to go through the forest. He has a big gang of men who are all criminals. Recently they stole alt the taxes that Sheriff of Nottingham had collected for Prince John. So the shooting contest is a trap for Robin Hood. Everybody knows that he is a good archer, and the Sheriff of Nottingham wants to catch Robin if he comes to the contest. 4 Find in the diary and read out the descriptions of... a) Robin Hood. b) Guy of Gisbourne. c) Marian’s mother. d) Marian’s father. e) Prince John. f) King Richard the Lionheart. g) Life in Marian’s castle. What have you learned about medieval life? 1. How was the life of a village organized? 2. Was the life of a lady easy? 3. How did people treat diseases? 4. What kind of entertainment did they have? 182 5 The diary of Marian Fitzwalter 1 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. to leave for somewhere — уезжать куда-либо a butt — стрельбищный вал local — местный a page — паж a target ['ta;gitj — мишень a hood — капюшон to bow [bau] — кланяться an outlaw }'autb:J — разбойник a sword [so:d] — меч cruelty ['kruislti] — жестокость greed — жадность Gilbert ['gilbat] — Гилберт Friar Tuck [,frao 'Uk] — аббат Тук Sir Rodger de Longchamp [,rotfe3 da 'lupt/aemp] — Роджер де Лонгчамп Edwinstowe ['edwinst'aul — Эдвинстоу Read the story and find out what happened to Marian. The diary of Marian Fitzwalter Part II 4 April so excited that I can’t write. Let me start from the very beginning. It t^was a beautiful autumn day and the sun was shining brightly. We got up early and left for Nottingham. People had already started to gather around the archery butts. All the local knights, barons and their wives and families had come with their servants, pages and even their dogs. Some of them had to stand, but some had good seats. We had very good seats too. Lady Isabel always gets the best of everything; she is a very rich landowner and the sister of our Lord Bishop. Then the contest began. It took place on a big field. At one end of the field there were targets for the archers. Each target had four rings: white in the middle (the bull’s eye), then red, then black and yellow on the out side. At the opposite end of the field stood the archers. They all tried to shoot their arrows into the middle. If someone missed the target, he had to leave. All round the field people were watching. They cheered and shouted and groaned. There were some really good archers, and the best of them all was a tall young man in simple red clothes. He was standing very close (близко) to me, but I couldn’t see his face, because he had covered it with a red hood. I looked at the Sheriff. He was looking around nervously. “So Robin Hood isn’t here,” I thought, “Good for him and for us.” 183 2 The contest was coming to an end. The crowd was bubbling with excitement. Now there were only two archers on the field: Gilbert the Handsome and the man in red. Every time Gilbert took a shot, he hit (попадать) the bull’s eye. The man in red did the same thing. The Sheriff's servants moved the targets further away from the contestants. The man in red hit the target, and Gilbert missed (промахнулся). He missed for the first time in the contest, but rules were rules. The man in red had won and the crowd cheered loudly. The winner walked towards the Sheriff. When he came closer he looked at me, lifted his hood and gave me a smile, God! 1 recognized the smile and the man. It was the man from Sherwood Forest. He came closer and 1 could hear his whisper: “Your eyes are shining like (как) stars. I haven't forgotten.” My cheeks blushed. I hope Lady Isabel didn’t hear. The Sheriff was angry as (когда) he gave the prize to the stranger. “Please tell us your name and lift your hood, good man,” he said through his teeth, but the man just bowed and didn’t say a word. Then the Sheriff stood up, came to the man and took his hood off. “Robin Hood!” somebody in the crowd cried. “Arrest him! It’s Robin Hood,” the Sheriff shouted. Suddenly something strange happened. One of the knights who was sitting next to the Sheriff started to shout: “Carry the winner! Carry the winner!” Everybody who had been watching the contest ran towards Robin Hood and lifted him in the air before the Sheriff’s men could catch him. The whole place was in a big mess. Women were crying, men were shouting and arrows were flying everywhere, Robin hadn't come alone. All his Merry Men had come with him. One of them who wore a knight’s clothes had already jumped on his horse and had ridden to the town gates. The others formed a circle around Robin Hood, and together they were fighting their way out of town. Ten minutes later everything was quiet. It was clear to the Sheriff that Robin Hood had escaped again. ^ 184 5 April С rhere’s a letter from home. I have to go back home U as soon as possible. What has happened? 6 April q've been listening to a conversation between Lady Isabel and her daughter, tv I hid behind the heavy curtains, and they couldn’t see me. They were talking about somebody s marriage. Oh, no! It’s my marriage that they were discussing. Guy of Gisbourne wants to marry me. He has already spoken to Father, and Father has agreed. How awful! Lady Isabel doesn’t understand why, but Guy is in love with me and wants to marry me by Christmas Day. Isabel’s boring daughter, Agnes, thinks that I am very lucky! I don’t feel lucky at ail! And if my father has agreed to sell me to this horrible Guy Gisbourne, I’ll run away. I won't be his wife. Never in a million years. I’ll go to Sherwood Forest and become an outlaw... like Robin Hood! 7 April Л’т packing my things. I've thought of everything. I’ll escape on the way г / home. Lady Isabel won’t send a lot of servants with me. I just hope that ni find Robin Hood quickly. The forest is big and if I get lost there..., I don’t want to think about it. I must hope for the best. That’s all. ' 8 April JV|7 У P'^ri didn’t work quite as well as I had hoped. We reached the forest ^ / Ц in the afternoon. My servants were tired and sleepy, and I was playing with the ring on the chain and dreaming about my future life in the forest. Suddenly we all saw a knight on the road. There were about twenty men with him. It was Sir Rodger de Longchamp, my family’s worst enemy. My brave servants rode forward and prepared to defend me. But what could the poor villagers do against the swords of de Longchamp’s men? I turned my horse round and tried to ride away. It didn’t help. Very soon de Longchamp rode up to me and took my horse by its bridle. But suddenly there came a sound like a bee buzzing and Sir Rodger de Longchamp groaned and fell off his horse. A long arrow was sticking out of his eye. When his men saw it, they ran away in panic, but the long arrows found them everywhere. The next moment I saw Robin Hood. As usual, he was smiling. “You have saved me. but now you’re in real trouble. The Longchamp family is rich and powerful. They will find you,” 1 said to him. “I’m not afraid,” he answered. I killed him because he attacked you, and you're my friend, aren’t you?” 185 "I have heard that you hate all the Normans, so how can we be friends?” I asked. His face was sad for a moment; "I don’t hate Normans. I hate cruelty and greed in people. I take money from the rich and give it to the poor. That’s all I do.” I liked these words. Only a very brave and kind man could say them. After that Robin invited me to dinner. That was the most wonderful dinner of my life. We went into the heart of the forest and under a big oak tree Robin Hood and his merry men ate and sang, and danced and laughed. Robin introduced some of his friends to me. “Here is Friar Tuck. And there is no braver or merrier man than our good friar,” he said and pointed to a fat monk with kind blue eyes. “And here is Little John, the strongest man in the forest and my best friend.” A huge man with arms as thick as trees gave me a wink (подмигнул). “Don’t forget handsome Allan a Dale, our minstrel whose songs fill us with love and joy,” Little John said to Robin and laughed. The dinner came to an end sooner than 1 wanted. In the morning Robin and his merry men followed me to my father’s castle. I hadn’t said anything about my plans to be an outlaw and live in the forest. Robin could laugh at me, he could say No. 10 April Cf^ather was very happy to see me safe. I told him all about my adventure ^ J in the forest. I also told him that Guy of Gisbourne was a horrible, cruel man. Father listened but didn’t say anything. What will happen to me? Will I ever see Robin again? I think... I’m in love with him, 30 June L7)obin and I have just got married at Edwinstowe church! It was a secret cJVwedding, because Father doesn’t know yet, but Mother came and was very happy for me. Now I’m going to live in Sherwood Forest with Robin and his friends. I’ll never have any land. I’ll have to forget about nice dresses and warm beds, but I won’t miss that. I’ll be with the man who I love. Mother says that the ring has brought me luck. I’m not sure... 186 Put the events in the correct order. Which of the events are not mentioned in the story? 1. Marian met Robin Hood for the first time. 2. The Sheriff of Nottingham organized an archery contest. 3. Marian left home. 4. The Sheriff of Nottingham caught Robin Hood. 5. Marian married Robin Hood. 6. Robin Hood won the archery contest. 7. Robin Hood was recognized. 8. Robin Hood saved Marian from Sir Rodger de Longchamp. 9. Marian met Friar Tuck and Little John. Match the person with the picture. Explain your choice. a) Robin Hood b) Little John c) Friar Tuck d) Allan a Dale Choose the correct answers and complete the English in Focus notes. 1. This story happened in the (11th / 12th / 13th) century near the town of (Nottingham / London / York). 2. Robin Hood was a (Norman / Saxon) (knight / outlaw). He lived in (Sherwood Forest / Nottingham). 3. At that time (John / Richard) was the King of England. 4. He was a (Saxon / Norman), and most of the ordinary people were (Saxons / Normans). 5. He went to fight for Christ in (Austria / the Holy Land). 6. It’s called (a quest / a Crusade). 7. For his courage people called him (the Brave / the Lionheart). 8. When the King was away, his (cousin / brother) (Prince John / the Sheriff of Nottingham) ruled England. 9. The King was (brave and fair / cruel and greedy). 10. The King made English people (pay a lot of taxes / go to the Crusades). What has the ring brought to its owner in this story? You'll find the fifth key to the treasure if you answer the question: Who taught Morion to make medicines? Find the answers in the first part of the story. 187 3 4 5 6 Lessons 8, 9 The duly of the MacWizard clan Do the quiz. More than one answer can be correct. How much do you know about Scotland? 1. The capital of Scotland is a) London b) Edinburgh c) Wales 2. Nowadays Scotland is a) part of the United Kingdom b) an independent country c) part of Europe 3. Scotland is situated a) in the south of the British Isles b) in the north of the British Isles c) north of England 4. The symbol of Scotland is a) the shamrock b) the thistle c) the daffodil 5. The Stone of Destiny is a) the coronation stone for English kings b) a magic stone which tells the future c) the coronation stone for Scottish kings 6. Nowadays the Stone of Destiny is a) in Scotland b) in England c) in Ireland 2 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. rightful — законный to crown smb — короновать кого-либо coronation ceremony [.kora'neifn 'senmanil — коронация to rule |ru:ll — управлять a prophecy ['prafisi] — пророчество scepter ['septa] — скипетр Kenneth MacAlpine [,keni6 ma'kaelpm] — Кеннет МакЭлпин Lia Fail [,laia 'fa:lj — Лиа Файл Moot Hill ['mu:t ,h[l] — Мут Хил Scone [skumj — Скун Scota ['sknta] — Скота an oath — клятва relief |n'li:f| — облегчение coat of arms — герб Bruce of Annadale [,bru:s av 'gen3|deilj — Брюс Анадэльски a claimant ['kleimantj to the throne — претендент на престол two-faced — двуличный a reward [ri'woid] — вознагражден! a rebellion [ri'beljan] — bocct3hhs a pharaoh [Тезгэи] — фараон Falkirk [Тэ:1кз:к] — Фалкирк 18S 3 Look through the story and write out three more names for the Stone of Destiny. Л Read the story and answer the questions below. The duty of the MacV> i/ard clan Part I We are the guards of Lia Fail. Lia Fail is the meaning of our life. In 840 the King of the Scots and Piets, Kenneth MacAlpine. put a big stone on top of Moot Hill in Scone. It was not a simple stone: when the rightful king sat on it, the stone cried and sang. Ordinary people didn't hear the voice of the stone, but we, the children of this land and mountains, we, the Druids, heard it as clearly as other people hear the sound of the wind. At that time the words of the ancient family oath were heard for the first time: “I am from the Clan MaeWizard. By earth and water, wind and fire I swear that I’ll give my life to protect Lia Fail. No wrong man will ever rule my country. Let the prophecy come true! Fight for the ring! Fight with the ring! Fight in the ring!” Since then every Scottish king had been crowned in Scone on Lia Fail. It had been called many names: the Stone of Scone, the Stone of Destiny, the Coronation Stone, but we, the guards, always called it Lia Fail. Very few people knew about us, we didn’t show our faces at coronation ceremonies, but every time the king sat on Lia Fail, we heard the powerful voice of the stone, ft sang a song of glory to our free country. Ten years ago we, the guards of Lia Fail, let the enemy take it away and... stayed alive. "Dreaming again. Douglas? You'd better go and get some wood.” (Ты бы лучше пошел и собрал немного дров.) Dorell’s voice brought me back to reality. I didn’t answer, but took my knife and went out of our little cottage in the middle of the forest. In fact, Dorell was my grandfather, but I called him by his name because we had never been close. Maybe a long time ago when I was a child, I loved him, but I don’t remember. Ten years ago when 1 was six. the English came to Scone Abbey to take Lia Fail. All my family had been killed long before that, but Dorell was at the abbey. He is a wizard, he could stop King Edward, I knew it, but he did nothing. He stood and watched 189 as the English king took our stone and carried it away. I can’t forgive Dorell for that. It was a lovely spring day. On a day like this you can easily forget all your troubles, but this was Scotland in the year of Our Lord 1306, a country which had seen nothing but (кроме) war in the last twenty years. So when I saw a group of armed men, I wasn’t surprised. One of them was riding in front of the group. They were Scots and they were in trouble. From where I was I could see another group following them. These were the English and there were a lot of them. I hated the English. They took our land and our castles. I sighed with relief when the Scots noticed the danger too and ran in different directions. They had hoped to hide in the forest, but their enemies were faster. Five of them attacked the Scots’ leader. He was a strong man and fought bravely. Four of the attackers were killed, and the Scot ran into the forest. 1 ran towards him to help, but when he came closer, I was sorry about my decision. I could clearly see the red and gold coat of arms of Clan Bruce of Annadale, The man in front of me was Robert the Bruce, the most important person in Scotland and the claimant to the Scottish throne. A lot of people loved him and hoped that he could become our leader in the war against the English, but Bruce could never make up his mind. He was half Norman, half Scottish, and his lands in England and in Scotland made him a very rich man. So though he liked to talk about his love for his country, in fact he preferred to wait, watch and be friends with everybody. “A man like Bruce doesn’t need my help,” I thought and was going to run away when T heard Bruce’s voice. “Help, please, don’t leave me, boy,” he whispered. “I’m wounded.” I couldn’t leave anybody to die even the two-faced Bruce, who deserved it. I took Bruce to our little cottage, put him by the fire and gave him some medicine. When he got better, he offered me a reward for my help. I didn’t want to take anything from him, but suddenly I saw a big 190 golden ring on his finger. It had Celtic snakes on and was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. “I want your ring,” I said. Bruce’s face darkened; “This ring is my greatest treasure. I got it from my father and he got it from his grandrnother Isobel. The family legend says that she was the daughter of Robin Hood." "Well, then keep the ring and forget your promise,” [ laughed. “Don’t worry, you’ve broken more important promises in your life.” Bruce took the ring off his finger and gave it to me. “You are right boy, a promise is a promise,” he sighed as usual. In the evening Dorell came home and saw our guest. To my surprise he didn’t shout at me. For a moment I even thought he was glad to see Bruce. Unfortunately, Dorell sent me out of the house for the whole night. The next day was 25 March a date I’ll never forget. Dorell called me early that morning. “Get ready for the coronation ceremony,” he said. “We don’t have Lia Fail anymore, so the MaeWizards, have to come to the ceremony and declare Robert the Bruce our new king.” I said nothing: it’s useless to argue with Dorell the Druid, the head of our clan. I didn't love him before but then I really hated him. Dorell was going to give the crown of Scotland to the murderer who had killed the other claimant to the throne. He had chosen the man who had betrayed William Wallace to be our king! Everybody knows the story. Ten years ago there was hope for Scotland. Our leader was a brave, noble man called William Wallace. He wasn’t afraid of the English and started a rebellion against them. Wallace got support from all the Scots. They left their villages and went to fight for freedom. Wallace beat the English many times, but then he made a big mistake. He trusted Robert the Bruce who had promised to fight on his side. The battle at Falkirk was difficult for Wallace and his soldiers. They were faced by a bigger, better-armed army. At the most important moment just when he was needed, Robert the Bruce left Wallace and his soldiers and rode away from the field. That day Scotland lost its army, but Bruce kept his. How could Dorell forget all that? What was he thinking of? I got through the coronation ceremony. There were very few people in the Abbey, only the most important nobles who supported the future king. Bruce was sitting on the Coronation Chair. For the first time it was empty: Lia Fail wasn’t there any more. The crown was put on his head and the scepter in his hand, and everybody knelt in homage (все опустились на колени в знак почтения). In the end Dorell stepped forward and greeted Bruce in Gaelic: Hail Robert, son of Robert, son of Robert...” and named all his ancestors back to the legendary Scota. the daughter of a pharaoh. 191 Answer the questions, 1. Who is the main character of the story? 2. What was the duty of his clan? 3. Who was Dorell? 4. What couldn’t Douglas forgive Dorell for? 5. How did Douglas and Robert the Bruce meet? 6. What did Douglas think of Robert the Bruce? 7. What did Robert the Bruce give Douglas for his help? 8. What happened in Scone Abbey on 25 March 1306? Match the names of people, objects or places with their descriptions. What information wasn't mentioned in the story? 1. Robert the Bruce 2. Scone Abbey 3. William Wallace 4. Falkirk 5. Lia Fail 6. Edward I a) King of England who conquered Wales and tried to conquer Scotland, b) King of Scotland who was crowned in 1306 in Scone Abbey. c) A Scottish leader in the war for independence. After he lost the Battle of Falkirk, he hid in the Highlands. In 1305 he was captured and executed by the English in London. d) The coronation place of Scottish kings. e) The sacred stone in Scone on which all Scottish monarchs had been crowned before. In 1296 it was stolen by Edward I. f) The place where the English king, Edward I, beat the Scottish army. 192 Lessons 7, 8 The honour of the MocWizord clan 1 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. Bannockburn ['ЬзепэкЬз:п1 - to come true - сбываться Бэннокберн a funeral ['fjuinaral] — похороны Arbroath la’brauG] — Арброу sacred ['seikridj — священный Mcthven ['meGvanJ - Метвен honour ['опэ] - честь 2 Put the events in the correct order. 1. William Wallace was beaten at Falkirk. 2. Robert the Bruce was crowned in Scone Abbey. 3. King Edward I started the war against Scotland. 4. Robert the Bruce left Wallace when he was needed. 5. Lia Fail was placed in Scone. 3 Misha, Mark and Rob have finished translating the second part of the story. Read it and find out what happens next. The honour of the MacWizard clan Part II After the coronation ceremony Dorell came up to me.“Show me the ring,” he said, "the one you got from Bruce,” Without a word I showed him the ring, Dorell’s reaction surprised me. He held the ring as if (как если бы) it was the greatest treasure and for a moment his eyes became warm and kind. "We need to talk,” he said quietly. If I live to be a hundred years old. I'll still remember every word of our conversation. “You've done a good thing, Douglas, because you’ve returned us the ring of our clan.” “What ring? Our clan doesn’t have a ring.” “Do you remember our clan motto?” “Yes. I do. It’s Fight for the ring! Fight with the ring! Fight in the ring! But I have always thought that the word “ring” means the ring of brothers and sisters, all the members of the clan.” “That’s not quite right. Five centuries ago our clan had a magic ring which protected and guided us but it was stolen. Since then we had been waiting for the return of the ring. Now you have it and our clan will rise again.” “Thank you for your kind words. Dorell.” 193 “Don’t thank me yet. 1 have bad news for you too. You have taken that ring from someone who needs it more than us. The future of all Scotland is in Bruce’s hands. If he is killed, there’ll be no hope for our country.” “Let him have it back if he wants it.” “He won’t take it back. He doesn't want to break a promise. So you’ll have to go with him and protect his life.” “I’ll do no such thing! I won’t risk my life for Bruce, a murderer.” “Oh, don’t worry about your life. The person who wears the ring will never be killed.” “How do you know'?” ' “There are a lot of things that I know and you don’t. But one day, you’ll find out. You’ll remember me then.” These were the last w'ords that Dorell said to me. I wasn’t going to see him again, but 1 couldn’t know it then on 25 March in the year of Our Lord 1306, as I packed my things. As soon as the English king, Edward, found out about the coronation in Scone, he sent new armies to Scotland. Bruce decided to fight, but he had no support from the Highland clans, his army was too small. The English beat us at Methven and we had to go into hiding. We lived the lives of outlaws: picked up branches and made forest huts, slept on animal skins, ate berries and fish. There was no place in our country where we could feel safe. Then we fought again and lost another battle. Every year it was worse. As time went by, Bruce sent his family and friends away to safety, but it didn’t help. Three of his four brothers were executed and his wife and sister were captured by the English. I stayed with Bruce. Though we didn’t become friends. I changed my opinion about him. He was intelligent and well educated. He spoke Gaelic, English. French and even Latin. He loved his wife and brothers and worried about them. When he learned the terrible news about them, he was ready to give up. So I was right about him. He wasn’t a real patriot, he thought only about himself. On Midsummer’s Day, 24 June 1314, on the field of Bannockburn Bruce was waiting for the new English king, Edward II. He was coming to Scotland with the biggest army that an English king had ever led. When we saw the army a distance, it was the most beautiful and most terrible sight. Fifty thousand men in shining armour were moving like a dark shadow. 1 looked at Bruce, but couldn’t understand the expression of his eyes. Was he going to pay homage to the enemy or was he going to fight? Suddenly he got off his horse and knelt. My heart fell. Everything was over. "Why are you 194 kneeling? Are you going to ask for forgiveness?” I shouted angrily. “Yes but I am asking it from God, not from the English king," Bruce smiled Then he turned to his army and shouted: ‘The future of Scotland will be decided today If any of you is not ready to win or die, leave now”. At that moment thousands ol Scots drew out (вынули) their swords and prepared to fight It was a great battle where we won, and the English king ran to save his life Alter the battle of Bannockburn Bruce and I became friends. For me he was the rightful King of Scotland and a hero. Probably Dorell was right about him after all _ (b конце концов). Years passed and I stayed with King Robert the Bruce. Together we fought and won many battles, and many times I saved Bruce’s life. Dorell hadn't lied: the ring saved me from the enemies’ arrows and swords and I never had a scratch. Finally, in 1320, it was clear that the war was coming to an end. All the Scottish nobles gathered at Arbroath and signed the Declaration of Independence. On that day Scotland declared to the whole world: “For so long as one hundred of us remain alive, we shall never submit to the domination of ihc English, for it is not for glory we fight, withwhich no good man loses, but When we were celebrating, a young man came up to me. “News from Scone he whispered. “What’s happened?" I asked. “Your grandfather, Dorell acWizard, has died. You must leave for Scone as soon as you can. That was your grandfather’s last wish.” The next day 1 was at home and prepared everything for the funeral At midnight i came to the sacred trees in the middle of the forest “Hail to our ancestors! I started, “Hail to our children!” Normally during the ceremony the whole family repeated these words after the senior Druid, but all my family had been dead for years. “Hail to our mysteries,” I continued “Hail to our mysteries!” voices around me repeated. I couldn’t believe my ears’ Was It the wind in the trees? I looked around. The spirits of all my ancestors were around me. Their hair and clothes sparkled with silver in the light of the moon. “Hail, the last MaeWizard of the clan MaeWizard,” they said. “Your pandfather is with us in Summerland. He was a great Druid. Are you ready to do your duty? I didn’t know what to say. “What duty are you talking about, ancestors . I asked, “ There is no duty anymore. We have lost Lia Fail and our clan is dishonoured.” “You are wrong, young MaeWizard.” came the 195 answer, “and now is the time for you to learn the truth. Four hundred year ago when Kenneth MacAlpine put the sacred stone on Moot Hill, a prophec was made, “Unless the fates shall faithless prove. And prophet’s voice is vain. Where this sacred Stone is found, The Scottish people shall reign. “But the stone is now in England,” I whispered. “Does that mean... coul that mean... that soon the Scots will reign in England?” “You are clever, young MaeWizard, your grandfather will be pleased whe we tell him that, finally, you have understood! Yes, the Scottish kings wi rule England one day. The prophecy has started to come true. Your fami: is connected with the stone. You must wait and when it’s time to act, you know.” The spirits of the old Druids disappeared. I was alone in the forest and on the ring on my finger felt strangely warm. 4 What are the people in the pictures saying? Write their words down. Покуда вера есть богам. Пророка глас не лжив. Шотландцы будут править там. Где камень сей лежит. 196 Mark these statements true, false or not stated. 1. After Robert the Bruce’s coronation the war between Scotland and England was over. 2. Robert the Bruce’s family was captured by the English. 3. Douglas stayed with Robert the Bruce until 1328. 4. The Scots won their freedom at the Battle of Bannockburn. 5. The Scots fought for glory and land. 6. Douglas went home to talk to his grandfather. 7. At the funeral Douglas was alone because his family lived in England. 8. The Druids told Douglas about the ancient prophecy. 9. Dorell didn t tell his grandson about the prophecy because they didn’t like each other. 10. The prophecy never came true. What has the ring brought to its owner in this story? Do the crossword and get the sixth key to the treasure, 1. Where was Wallace’s army beaten? 2. What was Wallace’s first name? 3. Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? 4. What was the name of King Edward I’s son? 5. What was the name of the king who stole Lia Fail? 6. What is the name of the battle where Robert Bruce won a victory over Edward II? 1 2 3 4 5 1 197 King Henry VIM's horoscope Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. an heir [еэ] — наследник to ruin ['ru:m) — разрушать strength — сила a council ['kaunsl j — кабинет министров bloody ['bKdi]— кровавый fault [fo:ltl — вина court |ka:tl — ad. королевский двор to impress — производить впечатление muscular I'rriAskjub] — мускулистый a bride — невеста Long live... — Да здравствует... a lady-in-waiting — придворная дама to show smb off — похваляться кем-то a pearl [рз:1] — жемчужина a diamond ['daiamandj — бриллиант to give birth to smb — родить кого-либо powerful ['paoafal] — могущественный a sleeve — рукав a princess — принцесса Catherine of Aragon [^квеОэпп av 'эегэдэп] — Екатерина Арагонская Anne Boleyn [,aen ba'lin) — Анна Болейн Greenwich ['gren[^ — Гринвич Henry VIII [,henri бэ 'ei0| — Генрих VIII Read the story and learn more about the life in England in the sixteenth century A happy marriage Part I The woman lying in a large, richly t decorated bed was dying. Death has come to the quiet rooms in the huge Greenwich Palace, where this woman was born forty-two years ago. The woman was Mary, our Queen, the most hated person in England and... my best friend. The Queen was crying. She had been crying for days, I was told. Nobody knew why. Was she crying about he husband whom she had loved so much and who had never loved her? Was shs crying about the children that she had never had? Or was she thinking abou 198 the thousands and thousands of good, brave people who had been burned at the stake on her orders? The door to the room opened and a group of men dressed in black came up to the bed. It was the Queen’s council. “The heir”, one of them whispered to the Queen. “Your Majesty must name her sister Elizabeth as her heir” Suddenly Mary sat up in the bed. “Not her!” she shouted, “Not Elizabeth. Not the daughter of that witch Anne Boieyn, who ruined my life. I can't forgive her...” Suddenly all her strength left her and she fell back on the pillows. When will her Majesty wake up again?” the members of the council asked the doctors. The people in the streets are getting angry. They call the Queen Bloody Mary. They want Princess Elizabeth for their queen. There will be a revolt if we don’t do something.” I couldn’t listen anymore. “Bloody Mary” that’s what my poor friend will be called after her death. It was all my fault, and at least mv family had to know the truth. I sat down and started to write. I cried when I remembered the tragic events of the past; the story of Mary Tudor. I come from an old Scottish family, the MacWizards and was born in Edinburgh in 1500. “The magic year,” my father always laughed. “You will be the greatest woman in our family.” I believed him: he was the most famous astrologer of our time. When I was nine, the English king, Henry VIII, invited my father to his court. The King was going to get married to a Spanish princess, Catherine of Aragon, and needed my father’s advice. Father took me with him. “It will be interesting for you to see London and the great court of the young king,” he said. We arrived in April. It wasn’t London or the court that impressed me most. It was the King himself. He was eighteen and to my eyes he was the most handsome man in the world. Henry was tall and muscular. His golden hair shone in the sunlight and his merry blue eyes were kind and clever. He was the strongest athlete, the best poet, and his music touched the heart of every lady at court. He smiled all the time, and when he looked at his young bride Catherine everybody could see that he was really in love with her. I thought Princess Catherine was very lucky with her future husband. She was twenty-three, five years older than Henry, and not a great beauty. She had already been married to Henry’s elder brother, but he had died. Henry wanted to know about the future of his marriage with Catherine so my father promised to make a horoscope for the King and his bride. The day it was ready Father woke me up in the morning. He looked like a madman. I got scared. “What’s happened. Father?” I cried, “You look awful!” “It's the horoscope. It’s ready,” my father whispered. "Have you showm it to the King‘> Did he hke it?” I asked. “Show it to the King!,” Father laughed, “No. never! The King must never see it.” “You’re scaring me. Father," I cried, “What did the horoscope say?” 199 And then he showed me the horoscope. I was only a child, but my father had already started teaching me and the prediction was simple enough even for a child. There were two possible lines. The first line showed Henry and Catherine together. They were happy and smiled at each other. The second line showed Catherine alone. She was dying in a dark, wet room. King Henry was an ugly old man, and his hands were covered with blood. Between them I saw a woman. She was pale with long dark hair and six fingers on her left hand. And I saw the shadow of the girl. In horoscopes it means possibility. The girl had beautiful golden-red hair which shone in the sun behind her. In her hands there was the crown of England and... with that crown she was crowning a Scottish king! Father looked at me and saw the understanding (понимание) in my eyes. “Listen, Edina,” he said, “Listen carefully. If the King doesn't meet the woman with long dark hair and six fingers on her hand, he WILL be happy with Catherine, but we can’t tell him about that. You know all about the ancient prophecy. For centuries we, the MacWizards, have been waiting for this chance. Now it's time to act. I won't show the horoscope to the King. I'll tell him that I couldn’t make it. Then I'll go home, but you will stay here and wait for the child with golden hair. Guard her like a dog, give your life for her if you have to, but that girl mustn't die. She must become the Queen of England and then give the crown to a Scottish king!” “But I'm only a little girl, and I’ll be all alone at the English court. How can 1 protect the child?” I asked. “You will not be alone,” Father said. “Take the MacWizards’s ring, and magic which is older and more powerful than anything in the world will be with you.” Father took the big, gold ring with snakes off his finger and gave it to me. I had seen that ring before. It was the biggest treasure of the family. “Remember; anybody who wears this ring will not die until he does what he was born for,” Father said. “Father,” I cried. “You should give this ring to Donald, my younger brother, not to me. The magic ring shouldn't go to a girl!" But Father put the ring on my finger. “A girl is sometimes better than a boy,” he smiled. “A lot of people will have to learn that soon.” Father’s plan worked. The King took the silence of the stars as a good sign. Henry also allowed me to stay at the court and asked Catherine to look after me. On 23 June, a sunny day, Henry and Catherine were crowned in Westminster Abbey. Everybody was happy for them. “Long live the king, long live Henry VIII!” I shouted together with thousand of other people “Long live Queen Catherine!” On that day I didn’t want to think about the gloomy future of that marriage. 200 Years passed and I lived at court as one of the Queen’s ladies-in-waiting. The King and the Queen were happy together. Catherine was kind and helped her husband with everything. Like him (как и он), she enjoyed music and dance. The King asked the Queen’s advice and followed it. There was only one problem: Catherine couldn't give Henry an heir to the throne. None of their children lived for longer than a month. Catherine was getting very depressed, but Henry didn’t lose hope. ’ On 18th February 1516, seven years after her wedding day, Catherine gave birth to a healthy girl. I held the baby in my arms and went to the window. When I opened the curtains, my heart jumped. The girl’s hair shone in the sun. The red-haired princess had come. There wasn’t going to be any woman with six fingers. The girl was called Mary, I looked after her from the first day of her life. She was the little sun ol our court. The King used to carry her on his shoulder and show her off. “This is Mary,” he used to say. “My pearl! The diamond of all England!” Mary was not only pretty but also clever. She took after both her father and mother. The princess was kind and religious like her mother, and she got her strong character and great talent for music, poetry and languages from her father. Mary’s perfect childhood came to an end when she was about ten. One day I found my little princess in tears. “1 don't want to go away! I want to be here with Mother and Father, Why should I go to Wales?” Mary was crying. “Because the King wishes it." the Queen answered. She saw me and smiled proudly: “The King wants to crown Mary Princess of Wales. It means that she will become the Queen of England after him. Oh, Edina, it’s the best news I’ve had for years.” she whispered. I felt sorry for her, Catherine looked old, tired and ill. She couldn’t have any more children and all her hopes were tor Mary. I explained to Mary that she was a big girl now and a future queen and that she had to learn to live alone and think for herself, but she was still very sad. It broke my heart when I saw her and King Henry together. Mary was trying to hide her tears from her father. “Why? Why are you doing this to me?” her eyes asked, but she didn’t say a word. I went to Wales with my princess. Our new castle was big and comfortable but Mary missed her mother terribly. She wrote letters to her every day. Six months later we went to London for Christmas. Mary was the happiest girl in the world. She was with her father and mother again. I was glad too I enjoyed everything we didn’t have in Wales: beautiful dresses, music, games and feasts. On Christmas Day there was a carnival. I was dancing and laughing when suddenly I noticed a strange lady who was not wearing a mask. Her hair 201 was as black as niglit, her eyes as dark as onyx and her skin as pale as snow. She was slim and wore a black and white dress with very long sleeves. She wasn’t beautiful, but everybody was looking at her. A tall man came up to her and asked her to dance. His eyes were fixed on her, he didn’t notice anything around him. That moment 1 recognized the man. It was the King! She put her hand into his and I saw that she had six fingers. Thai’s how I met Anne Boleyn, the woman who changed our life and England forever. Who is it? Match the person with the description. a) Her hair was as black as night, her eyes as dark as onyx and her skin as pale as snow. She was slim and wore a black and white dress with very long sleeves. b) She took after both her father and mother. She was not only pretty but also clever. c) She was not a great beauty and five years older than her husband. She was kind and helped her husband with everything. d) He was eighteen and to my eyes he was the most handsome man in the world. He was tall and muscular. His golden hair shone in the sunlight and his merry blue eyes were kind and clever. He was the strongest athlete, the best poet and his music touched the heart of every ladv at court. — Catherine of Aragon 2 - Henry VIII 3 — Mary Tudor 4 — Anne Boleyn 202 3 л Find the horoscope which Edina's father did for the King. Answer the questions. 1. Who was Edina and what family did she come from? 2. What did her father find out when he did the horoscope? 3. What did her father give Edina? What was it for? 4. What kind of person was the English king, Henry VIII? 5. What was the only problem for Henry and his wife Catherine? 6. Who did Catherine give birth to? Find in the story facts to support or contradict these statements. 1. Henry VIII was a well educated man. 2. The King wasn’t handsome. .3. Catherine of Aragon was a great beauty. 4. Henry loved his future wife. 5. The future of Scotland was not very important for Edina. 6. Henry didn’t lose hope when his wife and he had problems. 7. Henry didn't like Anne Boleyn. 203 5 6 Lessons 8, 9 King Henry Vlll's horoscope Listen to the words and expressions and though [5эи] — хотя madly — безумно a divorce [di'vois] — развод the Pope — Папа Римский a bastard f'baistad] — незаконнорожденный calmly ['ka:mli] — спокойно to be excommunicated [,eksk3'mju;nikeitidl — быть отлученным от церкви the head of the Church — глава церкви rude [ru:d] — грубый a double oath — двойная клятва to refuse to do smth — отказаться делать что-либо to ignore smb / smth [ig'no:] — не обращать внимания на кого-либо / что-либо to fall apart — распадаться на части reliable — надежный to remind — напомнить to get rid of smb — избавиться от кого-либо jealous I'cfeelas] — ревнивый repeat them after the speaker. to accuse smb of smth [a'kjuizl — обвинить кого-либо в чем-либо to be beheaded — быть обезглавленным to survive [sa'vaiv] — выжить nanny — няня to burn smb at the stake — сжечь кого-либо на костре to groan — стонать to wipe smth out — стереть что-либо to trust smb — доверять кому-либо Lord Norfolk [,b:d 'пэ:Гэк] — Лорд Норфолк Hatfield ['haetfiild] — Хэтфилд Anne of Cleves [,sen av 'kli:vz] — Анна Клевская Catherine Howard [,кае0эпп 'hauad] — Екатерина Говард Catherine Parr [.кзебэгт 'pa:] — Екатерина Парр Jane Seymour [,cfeein 'seima] — Джейн Сеймур Thomas More [,tnmas 'mo:] — Томас Mop Answer the questions. 1. Who was Edina? 2. Where did she come from? 3. Why did she stay in London? 4. Who was the first child of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon? 5. How did Henry feel about his daughter? 6. Who did Henry meet at the ball? 204 1 2 3 Read the story and answer the questions below. Part II An heir Since that carnival things had gone from bad to worse (дела шли все хуже и хуже). The princess was sent away from London and the King didn't invite her to come again. She wasn’t called the Princess of Wales anymore, and we had to move to a smaller castle. She asked me about these changes, but I told her nothing, though I knew the truth. My friends at court wrote to me regularly. “The King is madly in love with Anne Boleyn. He went to her castle and spent a week with her family. He wrote a sonnet for her. She wants to become his wife and the Queen of England.” one letter said. “Nobody sees Queen Catherine anymore. Anne Boleyn always sits next to the King,” I read in another letter. And finally I learnt that the King was trying to gel a divorce from Queen Catherine. The only problem for the King was the powerful relatives of his wife. They wrote to the Pope in Rome and he refused the King a divorce. That was good news. What could the King do against the Pope? One day we were told that the King was going to visit us. That was a surprise: the King hadn’t visited his daughter for years. He even forgot to send money for new clothes. The night before the visit Mary couldn’t sleep. “Whv doesn’’l my father talk to me? What have I done wrong?” she asked “It’s” because you’re not a boy, Mary,” I sighed, “The King doesn’t believe that a woman can rule England.” “It’s not fair,” Mary said. “No, it's not. but your father IS thinking about England, not you. Not long ago there was a terrible war in England, the War of the Roses. It started because the last king hadn't left an heir. The War of the Roses continued for thirty years. Your grandfather ended that war and became a strong king, your father is also strong and he needs a strong son to rule England.” I explained. Next morning the King arrived, but he came with Anne Boleyn! When Marv ^w that, her eyes filled with tears, but she was a princess and said nothing. The King took his daughter to another room for a private talk. Later she told me everything. The King told her that he wanted to divorce her mother. He said that their marriage was not right because Catherine had been his brother’s wife. “That was against God’s law,” he said, “That's whv I didn't have any sons. This marriage is cursed.” * “But what will happen to me. Father?” Marv asked. The King looked away '■If the marriage was not right, you can’t be a real princess. Ma'ry I’m sorrv ” he sighed. • ‘ 205 “So you’re making me a bastard, your Majesty?” she said calmly. “What does it matter to you?" the King shouted, “You’re a useless girl and will never rule England. I need a son and П1 have what I want!” he shouted. “Г11 never agree to that! I am your daughter and one day I will be queen.” Mary answered proudly, but the King was already gone. Seven years passed. Mary had no money, the castle where she lived was almost a ruin, but she was still a princess. The King had been trying everything to get a divorce from Catherine, but the only (единсггвенный) person who could decide, the Pope in Rome, said “No.” In the end nothing mattered for the King anymore. He ( Sir Thomas More ) divorced Catherine and married Anne Boleyn. When the Pope found out, Henry w'as excommunicated. Then the King declared himself the head of the church in his own country. England was not a Catholic country anymore. Henry called his new church the Church of England. The people didn't like the new religion and hated Anne, but anyone who didn't agree with the King was executed. It was all done for the love of Anne Boleyn. The King had promised to marry her and he kept his word. Anne was crowned Queen of England. Three months later she gave birth to a child... The news brought a smile to Mary’s pale face for the first time in many years. The child was a girl. Soon after her half-sister was born, the Princess was sent for. The King's messenger Lord Norfolk was very rude: "Lady Mary is not a princess anymore, she’s a bastard,” he said. “There is only one princess in England: Elizabeth, the Princess of Wales. Queen Anne is very kind to Lady Mary: Mary will be a servant for her daughter, Elizabeth. She must pack her things and go with me. Because she’s now a servant herself, her ladies-in-waiting can’t go with her.” Lord Norfolk took Mary away, and I didn’t have time to talk to her. I heard that she was at Hatfield House and Anne Boleyn's relatives were horrible to her (ужасно относились к ней) and made her do the dirtiest work. But that didn't worry me as much as the news from London, from the court. My world and the world of thousands of other people was falling apart. The King was becoming a monster. All the good that was in him had gone. It was all Anne Boleyn’s fault. She had taken away our kind, handsome knight. The King wrote a paper, which everybody had to sign. He called it a double oath. People had to agree that the King was the head of the Church of England and that the children of Anne Boleyn were the only heirs to the English throne. Those who refused to sign were executed. One of them was Sir Thomas More, the King's best friend and advisor. Mary was the only person who hadn’t signed it and was still alive. 206 niew myfacfi solsenttherine ■ you arc wa?g;.iigt нГ.м%;и:: ,r the double oath. This time he might forget that ‘1"‘‘““'‘У “Itoul father's ring could protect Mary^ had to find a wa7to givfh tT‘ I couldn t get into a house Where everybody ki ^ ^ wdh a reliable friend. I also wrote a short note Wear It until you see me again”. After the letter Hatfield. Г wanted to be sure that Mary was alive Two days iater I saw her. She was plaving in the fields with a little girl. When I came up I couldn t believe my eyes. Mary looked well and ,.^n bappy “I got your message and the ring ” she said and smiled. “I put your ring on and felt happy and safe. Then I signed that stupid paper I didn t want to sign, but something told me to do iri At first I felt awful about it. I Lught that ad given up my last chance to wear the crown girl wafrlmXrr7uT7«:LT” 7“"b' ^ “Shu is .he PriLess of wLs bp. ,7с:ч clire Г7?'' I love her. She is so beautiful isn’t she"?” J t ’ i e *' значения.) she remind me of her father., or her mother^ Th w her bright blue eyes end her beuutiful gclSe„'hain was sZinT, 1h Ihen I remembered; “The girl with bLufifui re-' “nir^ t ® i'L 7“' hor„sc„'v h”,7 , ide ' A1 my life I hud been helping .he wrong princess .« "ь7Г.1'Г.,ГиГиГГ,егТп1ГГ ■' me to live with him, but I refused. I built я ii№ cm“"l. in'’™'’’'’'''”' where my Druid ancestors used to live. Bu.'V ?4nV,l,m л here, you re making a mistake. I tried ,n for»;; ev;ml,ml I 77 trees told me the stories which I didn't wan. to hear 117 A and rain in my forest. ’ .he 7;7r„77:c7He'd7dr,i‘r''rr-- g=.ridcfher.lhewasa7u77o7du7rX „7’" >° executed. The King wanted to forget Ibt'iul thafl Г d" ■“ "™'"° declared a bastard as well as (так же, как) Mary ‘ Then I saw the King again. He was hippy and tn love. He married the 207 f 1 - Jane Seymour 2 - Anne of Cleves \ ' 3 - Catherine Howard 4 - Catherine Parr ' I 5 - Prince Edward 6-Mary Tudor J queen’s lady-in-waiting, Jane Seymour, just twelve days after Anne Boleyn’s execution. I saw Jane Seymour. She was nice and kind. Then I saw their son Edward. Finally, the King had what he wanted. And then the trees in my forest cried. Jane died. King Henry married three more times (eiite три раза), but his marriages didn't last long. He quickly divorced his fourth wife, a German princess called Anne of Cleves, because he didn't like her. His fifth wife, Catherine Howard, was Anne Boleyn's cousin, but she was too young and beautiful for him. The King was old and jealous. Catherine was accused of adultery and executed like Anne Boleyn. Henry’s sixth wife, Catherine Parr, looked after him like a mother and he died in her hands. After that I finally had some peace in my forest. I saw Prince Edward... he became king. He was only ten, but clever and kind. He looked after his people and opened schools for the poor. He loved both his sisters, Elizabeth and Mary and all of them were great friends. But one day all the leaves on my trees turned yellow. Edward died. After Edward, Mary had become queen. She was 37. In the beginning she was fair and popular with her people. She was a Catholic, but she was ready to compromise with the Church of England too. Then things started to change. The next five years were the worst time in my life. The magic trees cried and groaned, and the ground was covered with blood. Mary became the worst queen England had ever had. People who refused to become Catholics were burnt at the stake. There were thousands and thousands of them. Like a maniac (подобно маньяку) Mary was trying to turn the clock back and wipe out the memory of her father Henry and Anne Boleyn. 208 Mary forgol her friendship with Elizabeth. She didn’t trust her sister and thought that Elizabeth wanted to be queen. Elizabeth was put in the Tower of London. One day I heard Mary’s voice. She was calling me. I had to go and see her. that’s why I was in Greenwich Palace on that grey, gloomy morning 16 November 1558...” The council waited by the Queen’s bed. She opened her eyes saw me and smiled. “The heir,” she said quietly. “Of course, gentlemen. Let it be Elizabeth... My SISTER.” 1. Why did the King want to divorce his wife Catherine of Aragon‘S 2. Why couldn't the King divorce her at first? 3. What was the name of the new church that the King started? 4. What happened to Mary after Elizabeth was born? 5. What is a double oath? 6. Did Mary agree to sign it? Why? / Why not? 7. How did Mary’s feelings towards Elizabeth change during her life? 8. Why was Anne Boleyn executed? Henry VIII Quiz. Choose the correct answers. 1. How many children did Henry VIII have? a) one b) two c) three 2. How many sons did he have? a) one b) two c) three 3. How many of his children ruled England? a) two of them b) one of them c) all of them 4. How many wives did Henry VIII have? a) two b) three c) six 5. There is a saying (поговорка) to help people remember about the King’s wives. Which one is it? ' a) divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived b) divorced, died, divorced, survived c) beheaded, beheaded, died, beheaded, beheaded,survived ' ' 6. What religion did Henry VIII belong to when he was born? a) the Church of England b) the Catholic Church c) the Orthodox Church 7. What religion did Henry VIII belong to when he died? a) the Church of England b) the Church of Rome (Catholic) c) the Orthodox Church 209 4 5 Look at the Tudor family tree and answer the questions. 1. Who ruled England after Mary? 2. Did that person get married and have children? 3. How long did that person rule England? ❖ THE TUDORS Ж ж HENRY VII шт г 1 (I4R5--151)4) Anhur HENRY VIII Margaret (d. 1541) (d. 1502) (1509-1547) m, James IV of Scotland \ (d. 1513) \ (by Catherine of Aragon) (by Anne Boleyn) James V King оГ Seal land (d. 1542) Mar>' Queen of Scots (1542-1587) 1Л1)У jam; OR tv (1.55.1) (d. 1554) STUARTS I_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 Write the name of the king who ruled after Elizabeth and get the last key to the treasure. 7 What has the ring brought to its owner in this story? 210 Grammar Reference (Грамматический справочник) Contents The Noun (Имя существительное).................................... 2 1 2 Падеж ...........................................................213 The Article (Артикль)............................................. 2Ы The Adjectivi (Имя прилагательное)................................ 215 The Adverb (Наречие).............................................. 217 1 he Pronoun (Местоимение)........................................ 2 1 7 Притяжательные местоимения .....................................2 1 8 Местоимения some, опу, по.......................................2 1 8 Местоимения something, nothing, anything, somebociy, nobody, anybody, somewhere, onywhere, nowhere...........................219 Местоимения much, many, a lot of................................21 9 Местоимения few, (ittie.........................................220 The Numerol (Имя числительное).................................... 220 Количественные числительные.....................................220 Порядковые числительные.........................................221 Чтение дат......................................................22 1 The Verb (Глагол)................................................. 222 The Present Simple Tense...........................................222 Глагол to be в Present Simple Tense.............................224 Конструкция There is / There ore................................225 The Post Simple Tense.............................................226 Глагол to be в Post Simple Tense................................228 The Present Progressive Tense......................................229 The Past Progressive Tense........................................23 1 The Future Simple Tense............................................233 The Future-in-fhe Past.............................................235 The Present Perfect Tense..........................................235 The Present Perfect Progressive Tense..............................238 The Past Perfect Tense............................................240 211 The Noun (Имя существительное) В предложении имена существительные чаще всего выполняют функцию подлежащего, дополнения, обстоятельства. .V/иа is ту friend. {Nina — подлежащее) I saw а girl in the street, (a girl — дополнение) He wasn’t at school yesterday, {at school — обстоятельство места) Существительные, которые имеют форму единственного и форму множественного числа, называются исчисляемыми: а hook — two hooks, а mug — а tot of mugs. Существительные, которые имеют только одну форму, называются неисчисляемыми. К таким относятся; ‘ названия веществ: butter, sugar, milk, bread, gold; • абстрактные существительные: time, friendship, kindness. Форма множественного числа имен существительных образуется с помощью окончания -S или -es. которое прибавляется к основе единственного числа. Окончание -s читается как [z] после звонких согласных и гласных: я реп — pens [z]. После глухих согласных окончание -s читается как [s]: а тор — mops [s]. После S, SS, X, sh, ch окончание -es читается как fiz]: а bench — benches [iz]. Окончание -es во множественном числе имеют; a) существительные, которые оканчиваются в единственном числе на s, ss, X. sh, ch: a fax — faxes [iz], a bus — buses [(z), a bush — bushes [iz],a glass — glasses, a coach — coaches', b) существительные, которые оканчиваются в единственном числе на о; hero — heroes. Но: photo — photos, piano — pianos, zero — zeros', c) существительные, которые оканчиваются в единственном числе на у, перед которой стоит согласная. Буква у при этом меняется на i: city — cities', d) некоторые существительные, оканчивающиеся в единственном чис.че на f или fe. Буква f при этом меняется на v: shelf — shelves, wife — wives. Запомните имена существительные, которые образуют форму множественного числа не по общему правилу; Единственное число Множественное число man — мужчина woman — женщина tooth — зуб child — ребенок fool — ступня men — мужчины women — женщины teeth — зубы children — дети feet — ступни 212 Существительные advice (совет, советы), knowledge (знание, знания), information (информация), money (деньги), hair (волосы) в английском языке являются неисчисляемыми. Они не имеют формы множественного числа, заменяются местоимением третьего лица единственного числа (it) и согласуются с глаголами третьего лица единственного числа. Thank you for all your advice. It always helps me. — Спасибо за все Ваши советы. Они всегда мне помогают. Where is the money? I put it on the table. — Где деньги? Я положил их на стол. Существительное news (новость, новости) является неисчисляемым существительным и согласуется с глаголами третьего лица единственного числа. What’s the news? -- Какие новости? Падеж Существительные в английском языке имеют два падежа — общий и притяжательный. Об|ци11 падеж имеют все существительные. В этом падеже у существительных нет особого окончания. Это форма, в которой существительное дается в словаре. The Possessive Case (Притяжательный падеж имен существительных) Притяжательный падеж используется для того, чтобы показать; • что что-либо принадлежит кому-либо; Bob’s book — книга Боба • какие отношения связывают двух или более людей; Nina’s sister — сестра Нины; Mark and Rob’s mother — мама Марка и Роба Форму притяжательного падежа имеют в основном одушевленные существительные, обозначающие живое существо, которому принадлежит предмет, качество или признак. Существительное в единственном числе образует притяжательный падеж с помощью окончания -s, перед которым стоит апостроф (’) — ту sister’s dress — платье моей сестры. Чтобы образовать притяжательный падеж, к существительному во множественном числе добавляется только апостроф; The girls’ room — комната девочек. a) После звонких согласных и гласных окончание S читается как [z]; Tom’s, dog’s. b) После глухих согласных окончание s читается как [s]; Pat’s, Mark's. c) После щипящих и свистящих согласных окончание s читается как [iz]; Boss’s. • Иногда принадлежность чего-либо лицу, выраженному данным существительным. можно также выразить, поставив перед существительным в общем падеже предлог of: а photo of ту friend — фото моего друга 213 The Article (Артикль) Общие сведения Артикль а употребляется в основном перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе. Артикль а употребляется в следующих случаях: • когда какое-либо лицо или предмет называется впервые: Suddenly he saw а boy. — Неожиданно он увидел мальчика. • когда существительное является частью сост'авного именного сказуемого: Не is а doctor.— Он врач. Перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, если они начинаются с гласной, неопределенный артикль имеет форму ап: She gave те ап apple. — Она дала мне яблоко. Определенный артикль the может употребляться с любыми существительными в необходимых контекстах. Артикль the употребляется, когда речь идет о лице / предмете, которые упоминались ранее: Г\'е bought а new book. The hook is interesting. Артикль the употребляется c названиями: • сторон света — the South • рек — the Volga • морей — the Black Sea • океанов — the Atlantic Ocean • каналов — the English Channel ' пустынь — the Sahara • горных цепей — the Alps • стран, содержащих слова state, kingdom, federation — the United States, the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation • театров — the Bolshoi Theatre • музеев — the Hermitage ‘ галерей — the Tretyakov Gallery ' гостиниц — the Ambassador Hotel • газет — the Times Артикль the употребляется: • перед супщетвительными, обозначающими уникальные объекты — the sun, the sky, the Parthenon, the world • перед названиями музыкальных инструментов в таких сочетаниях, как to play the guitar..., to play the piano... • перед фамилиями и национальностями, когда имеется в виду вся семья — the Inins, the MaeWizards, the English, the Americans, the Rus.sians • перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, когда существительное является представителем целого класса предметов: 214 The giraffe is the tallest animal on our planet. - Жираф - самое высокое :*сивотное на нашей планете. Без артикля употребляются названия: ■ континентов — Africa и т. п. ’ стран — France и т. п, ■ городов — London и т. п. ' деревень — Strelkovka и т. п. ■ регионов — Kaluga Region и т. п. ■ отдельных островов — Sakhalin ■ отдельных горных вершин — Elbrus ' отдельных площадей — Trafalgar Square * отдельных парков — Hyde Park * отдельных улиц — Baker Street * таких планет, как — Mars, Venus, Jupiter Без артикля употребляются исчисляемые существительные во множественном числе, когда они являются представителями целого класса предметов-She likes roses. — Она любит розы. Horses are clever animals. — Лошади - умные животные. (Имя прилагательное) Имя прилагательное — это часть речи, которая обозначает признак предмета и отвечает на вопрос какой? а nice house — красивый дом Степени сравнения прилагательных Английские прилагательные имеют сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения. К прилагательным в положительной степени, состоящим из одного слога или двух слогов, оканчивающихся на -у, -ow, -ег, в сравнительной степени прибавляется суффикс -ег, а в превосходной степени - суффикс _Г^ожите^ая степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень long (длинный) clever (умный) narrow (узкий) longer (длиннее) cleverer (умнее) narrower (уже) longest (самый длинный) cleverest (самый умный) narrowest (самый у.зкий) Если прилагательное оканчивается на -е, то при прибавлении суффи или -esf буква е отбрасывается. кса -ег J^мoжителшaя степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень nice (приятный) nicer (приятнее) nicest (самый приятный) 215 в прилагательных, оканчивающихся на ударный слог с кратким гласным, при прибавлении суффикса -ег или -est конечная согласная удваивается. Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень fat (толстый) fatter (толще) fattest (самый толстый) Если прилагательное оканчивается на -у, которой предшествует согласная, то при прибавлении суффикса -ег или -est буква у меняется на i. Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень happy (счастливый) happier (счаап.1ивее) happiest (сачьш счастливый) Запомните прилагательные, которые образуют степени сравнения не но прави.лу. Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень good (хороший) better (лучше) best (самый лучший) bad (п.похой) worse (хуже) worst (самый плохой) far (дальний, далекий) farther (более дальний) further (дальнейший) farthest (самый дальний) furthest (самый далекий) much /many (много) more (больше) most (больше всего) Большинство прилагательных, состоящих из двух и более слогов, образуют степени сравнения с помощью слов more, most, less и least, которые ставятся iiepep прилагательными. Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень beautiful (красивый) тоге beautiful (более красивый, красивее) most beautiful (самый красивый) interesting less interesting (менее least interesting (наименее I интересный) интересный) интересный) Существительное, определяемое прилагательным в превосходной степени, % потребляется с артиклем the: the deepest kike, the best player. Качества предметов, действий и явлений можно также сравнивать: ■ с помощью слова than (чем): Tom’s flat is bigger than Misha’s.^ Квартира Тома больше, чем квартира IWiuiui. It's wanner today than yesterday. — Сегодня теплее, чем вчера. ■ с помощью союзов as... as (такой же, как) и not as... as (не такой, как): This book is as interesting as that one. — Эта книга такая же интересная, как та. This book is not as interesting as that one. — Эта книга не такая интересная, как та. 216 □ ."TiГГ1 tiI Reference т ^ Ь (Наречие) Наречия разделяются на подклассы: наречия времени (когда?): now, then, yesterday; наречия частотност'и (как часто?): often, never, ever, sometimes: наречия места и направления (где? куда?): here, there, inside, abroad. Наречия образа действия образуются от прилагательных с помощью суффикса -1у: sad (грустный) — sadly (грустно). Если прилагательное оканчивается на букву у, а перед ней стоит согласная, то при добавлении суффикса -1у конечная у меняется на i: happy (счастливый) — happily (счастливо). ' Большинство наречий являются неизменяемыми словами, но ряд наречий образа действия имеют формы сравнительной и превосходной степени, которые они образуют с помощью more и most: carefully — more carefully most carefidly; slowly — more slowly, most slowly. Только небольшое количество наречий образуют степени сравнения с помощью -ег, -esX-.fast (быстро) - faster - fastest, early (рано) - earlier - earliest. К наречиям образа действия в сравнительной степени прибавляется more, а в превосходной most: carefully — more carefully — most carefully. Запомните наречия, которые образуют степени сравнения нс по правилу. well (хорошо) — belter (лучше) — best (лучше всего / всех) badly (плохо) — worse (хуже) — worst (хуже всего / всех) much / many (много) — more (больше) — most (больше всего / всех) little (мало) — less (меньше) — least (меньше всего / всех) far (далеко) — ^ farther (дальше) — farthest (дальше всего / всех) [ further (дальше) — furthest (дальше всего/ всех) The Pronoun (Местоимение) Местоимение — это часть речи, которая употребляется вместо имени существительного или имени прилагательного. I have а cou.sin. He’s а programmer. His mother is my aunt. — У меня есть двоюродный брат. Он — программист. Его .иама — моя тетя. Местоимения делятся на несколько подгрупп: личные, притяжательные, неопределенные, возвратные. Ес.аи личные местоимения употребляются в предложении в качестве подлежащего, то они стоят в именительном падеже. Если они употребляются в предложении в качестве дополнения, то они стоят в объектном падеже. 217 Склонение английских личных местоимений Именительный падеж Объектный падеж кто? что? кого? что ? кому? чему? кем? нем? о ком? о чем? I Я те меня, мне, мной, (обо) мне you ть[ (Вь[) you вас, вам, вами, (о) вас he ОН him его, ему, им, (о) нем she она her ее, ей, ею, (о) ней it оно, он, она (неодуш.) it ее, ей, ею, (о) ней, его, ему, им, (о) нем wc МЫ US нас, нам, нами, (о) нас you 1)Ы you вас. вам, вами, (о) вас they ОШ1 them их, им, ими, (о) них Притяжательные местоимения Притяжательные местоимения имеют две формы — основную и абсолютную. Притяжательные местоимения в основной форме служат определением к существительным и ставятся перед ними: ту book — моя книга, his friends — его друзья. Притяжательные местоимения в абсолютной форме заменяют суще-сгвительиые, поэтому существительные после них не употребляются. Му flat is bigger than yours. — Моя квартира больше, чем ваша. Основная форма притяжательньЕх местоимений This is my book. This is your book. This is his book. This is her book. This is our house. This is your house. This is their house. Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений The book is mine. The book is yours. The book is his. The book is hers. The house is ours. The house is yours. The house is theirs. Местоимения Месгоимение some означает несколько, какое-то количество и употребляется в утвердительных предложениях. / have some friends. — У меня есть друзья. There is same coffee in my cup. — В чашке есть кофе. 218 в вопроситбльных и отрицательных предложениях употребляется местоимение any, которое означает сколько-нибудь, какой-нибудь. Do they have any books? — У них есть книги? Do you have any coffee? — У вас есть кофе? ! don’! have any friends. — У меня нет друзей. We don ’f have any coffee. — У нас нет кофе. No означает никакой и употребляется в отрицательных предложениях. Не has по time at all. — У него совсем нет времени. There is по sugar in the tea. — В чае нет сахара. Местоимения somefbing, nofh/ng, onyfbmg, somebody, nobody, anybody, somewfiere, anywhere, nowhere Эти местоимения образованы от местоимений some, no, any и подчиняются тем же грамматическим правилам. ' Утвердительное предложение Вопросител ьное предложение Отрицательное предложение somebody кто-то anybody кто-нибудь nobody никто something что-то anything что-нибудь nothing ничего somewhere где-то anywhere где-нибудь nowhere нигде С местоимениями something, nothing, anything, somebody, nobody, anybody употребляются глаголы 3 лица единственного числа. ' There is somebody in the room. — В комнате кто-то есть. There Ls something on the table. — Ha столе что-то есть. Is there anybody in the room?— В комнате кто-то есть? Is there anything on the table?— Ha столе что-то есть? There is nobody in the room. — В комнате никого нет. 1 here is nothing on the table. — Ha столе ничего нет. При наличии в предложении местоимений nothing, nobody, nowhere дополнительных отрицаний не требуется, ' Nobody knows him. — Никто его не знает. She has nothing in her bag. — У нее в сумке ничего нет. / сап V find him. Не is nowhere. — Я не моу его найти. Его нигде нет. Местоимения much, many, а /of of Much (много) употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными. / don’t eat much butter. — Я не ем много масла. Do you have much time to read? — У вас много времени, чтобы читать? Many (много) употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными. We don't need many apples. — Нам не нужно .иного яблок. Do you have many friends? — У вас много друзей? Grammar Refer 219 Как правило, much и many употребляются в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях. А lot of (много) употребляется как с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми существ ител ьны ми. She has а lot of time. — У нее много времени. We don’t need а lot of apples. — Нам не нужно много яблок. Do you have а lot of friends? — У вас много друзей? Местоимения few. /iifie Little (мало) употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными. There is very little snow this winter. — Этой зимой очень мало снега. Few (мало) употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными. There are few houses in that street. — Ha той улице мало домов. The Numeral (Имя числительное) Имя числительное — это часть речи, которая обозначает количество предметов, число, а также порядок предметов при счете. Имена числительные в английском языке делятся на количественные и порядковые. Количественные числительные Количественные числительные от 1 до 12 — простые. Они не имеют специальных окончаний. Количественные числительные от 13 до 19 оканчиваются на -teen: six + -teen = sixteen. В числительных, оканчивающихся на -teen, два ударения — sixteen [,siks‘ti:nl. Количественные числительные, обозначающие десятки, оканчиваются на -ty: six + -ty = sixty. В словах, оканчивающихся на -ty, ударение падает на первый слог — six/y ['siksti]. 1 — one 11 — eleven 20 — twenty 2 — two 12 — twelve 30 — thirty* 3 — three 13 — thirteen 40 — forty 4 - four 14 — fourteen 50 - fifty 5 — five 15 — fifteen 60 — sixty 6 — six 16 — sixteen 70 — seventy 7 — seven 17 — seventeen 80 — eighty 8 — eigh 18 — eighteen 90 — ninety 9 — nine 10 — ten 19 — nineteen 100 — one hundred 2,000 — two thousand 3,000.000 — three million 220 Количественные числительные от 21 до 99, состоящие из десятков и единип. пишутся через дефис: 29 — twenty-nine, 45 — forty-five. Между словами hundred, thousand, million и следующими за ними названи ^ч. десятков и единиц при произнесении ставится слово and; 465 — four hundred and sixty-five; 3,892 — three thousand eight hundred and ninety-two. Разряды многозначных чисел отделяются друг от друга запятой. Порядковые числительные Порядковые числительные от 4 до 20 образуются от количественных числительных с помощью суффикса -th. 1- й — first 2- й — second 3- й — third 4- й — fourth 5- й ~ fifth 6- й — sixth 7- й — seventh 8- й — eighth 9- й —■ ninth 10-й — tenth 11- й — eleventh 12- й — twelfth 13- й — thirteenth 14- й — fourteenth 15- й — fifteenth 16- й — sixteenth 17- й — seventeenth 18- й — eighteenth 19- й — nineteenth 20- й — twentieth Существительное, определяемое порядковым числительным, употребляется с артиклем the: March is tht third mouth of the year. Чтение дот Даты в английском языке пишутся следующим образом: 7 АргИ — седьмое апреля. Произносится: the seventh of April. Перед датой употребляется предлог on. .Мой день рождения 7 апреля. — Му birthday is on 7th April. Дата произносится — on the seventh of April. В датах год читается следующим образом: в 1675 году — in sixteen seventy-five. Круглые даты произносятся следующим образом; в 1600 году — in sixteen hundred. Начиная с третьего тысячелетия даты произносятся следующим образом: В 2001 году. — 1п the year two thousand and one. Grammar Reference 221 The Verb (Глагол) Глагол — это часть речи, которая обозначает действие и отвечает на вопросы что делать? что сделать? Образование повелительного наклонения Утвердительная форма повелительного наклонения совпадает с неопределенной формой глагола (без частицы to). Listen! — Послушайте! Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола do и отрицания not. Don’t cry. — He плачь. The Present Simple Tense Употребление Present Simple Tense Глаголы в форме Present Simple Tense употребляются для выражения действий, которые происходят; регулярно: Не plays tennis every day. — Он играет в теннис каждый день. в соответствии с графиком или расписанием: The train arrives at 6 o'clock. — Поезд прибывает в 6 часов. для обозначения будущего действия в придаточных предложениях времени и условия: Ги phone him if I have time. — Я позвоню ему, если у меня будет время. Образование Present Simple Tense Present Simple Tense образуется c помощью основного глагола в I форме: They play football every day. — Они играют в футбол каждый день. Спряжение глаголов в Present Simple Tense I meet we you meet you ) meet he / she / it meets they Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное пред,южение (УП) УП = Подлежащее + основной глагол в \ форме + второстепенные члены предложения. You drink milk every morning. — Вы пьете молоко каждое утро. Mike drinks milk every morning. — Майк пьет молоко каждое утро. 222 ■■ vigrr-tice ' Отрицательное предложение (ОП) Для образования отрицательных предложений используется вспомогательный глагол do, который имеет форму does в 3 лице ед. ч., и отрицательная частица not. Обратите внимание! do not = don’t, does not = doesn’t on = Подлежащее -i- don't / doesn’t + основной глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения. You don't drink tea every morning. ■— Вы не пьете чай каждое утро. Mike doesn 7 drink tea every morning. ~ Майк не пьет чай каждое утро. ^ Общий вопрос (ОВ) Для образования вопросительных предложений используется вспомогательный глагол do, который имеет форму does в 3 лице ед. ч. ОВ = Do / Does + подлежащее + основной глагол в 1 форме + второстепенные члены предложения? Do you drink milk every morning? — Вы пьете молоко каждое утро? Уех, 1 do. — Да. Does Mike drink milk every morning? — Майк пьет молоко каждое утро? Ус5, he does. — Да. ' Альтернативный вопрос (А В) А.дьтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу. АВ = ОВ + or + ОВ? Do you drink milk or (do you drink) lea every morning? — Вы или они пьют молоко каждое утро? Does Mike drink milk or (does Mike drink) tea every morning? — Майк пьет молоко или чай каждое утро? Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = вопросительное аюво + ОВ? What do you drink every morning? — Что вы пьете каждое утро? What does Mike do? — Что делает Майк? Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) В1] = Who / What + основной глагол в 3 лице ед. ч. + второстепенные члены предложения? В вопросе к подлежащему сохраняется прямой порядок слов, а основной глагол всегда употребляется в 3 лице единственного числа. Who drinks milk every morning? — Кто пьет молоко каждое утро? You do. — Вы. Grammar Reference 223 • Разделительный вопрос У о» drink milk every morning, don’t you? — Вы пьете молоко каждое утро. не так ли? У V5. / do. — Да. пью. \fike doesn't drink milk every morning, does he? — Майк не пьет молоко каждое утро, не так ли? he does. — Нет, пьет. Окончание -s в английских глаголах читается как [z] после гласных и звонких согласных; read — reads, play — plays, live — lives. Окончание -s читается как [s] после глухих согласных: work — works. К глаголам, которые оканчиваются на s, ss, sh, ch, x, прибавляется окончание -es. которое читается как [iz]: teach — teaches, wash — wa.shes, press — presses, fi.x — fixes. К глаголам, которые оканчиваются на о, прибавляется окончание -es, которое читается как [z]: goes [gauz], does [блг]. Если глагол оканчивается на у, которая стоит после согласной, то к глаголу прибавляется окончание -es. Буква у меняется на i: fly — flies. Глагол fo be в Presenf Simple Tense Глагол to be (быть, находиться, являться) в Present Simple Tense имеет формы; am, is, are. 1 am a pupil. — Я ученик. He is at school. — Он в школе. They are my friends. — Они мои друзья. Спряжение глагола to be в Present Simple Tense Единственное число Множественное число [ am (Pm) you are (уоите) he/she/it is (he’s, she’s, it’s) we are (we’re) you are (you’re) they are (they’re) Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение Не is ту friend. — Он мой друг. They are at home. — Они дома. Обратите внимание! is =’s, are =’ге Не's ту friend. They’re at home. 224 Grommcjr Refere nee • Отрицательное предложение Для образования отрицательных и вопросительных предложений глаголу to be вспох1огательный глагол не требуется. ^ Не is пот ту friend. — Отт не мой друг. They are not in the shop. — Они не в магазине. Обратите внимание! is not — isn’t, are not = aren't He isn V my friend. — Он не мой друг. They aren t in the shop. — Они не в магазине. ■ Общий вопрос Are they in the shop? — Они в магазине? — No. they are not. — Hem. • Специальный вопрос Where are they? — Где они? • Вопрос к подлежащему В вопросе к подлежащему глагол to be всегда употребляется в форме ?> лица единственного числа (is). ' Who i.s at home? — Кто дома? — They are. — Они. • Разделительный вопрос Тот IS from London, isn t he? — Том из Лондона, не так ли? Ye.s, he is. — Да, он из Лондона. Конструкция There is / There ore Чтобы сообщить о наличии какого-либо лица / предмета в каком-либо месте, используется конструкция There is / There are: ' There is a book on the table. — Ha столе книга. There are girls on the bench. — Ha скамейке девочки. There is a mouse in the kitchen. — Ha кухне мышь. Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения образуются по общему правилу употребления глагола to be в Present Simple. ' Образование общих вопросов Is there а book on the table? - Yes, there is. Are there four books on the table? — No, there aren't. Образование отрицательных предложений There isn’t a computer in his room. ) There is no computer in his room, j ~ " ко.чнате нет компьютера. Образование вопросительных предложений What is there on the table? — Что находится на столе? Порядок слов в вопросах, начинающихся с How many. How much следующий: ' ^ 225 How many books are there on the table? — Сколько книг на столе? How much sugar is there in this cup of tea? ^ Сколько сахара в этой чаш- ке чая г The Post Simple -ense Употребление Past Simple Tense Глаголы в форме Past Simple употребляются для выражения: действий, которые происходили в прошлом обычно, часто, всегда: Не usually came home late. — Он обычно приходил домой поздно. единичных действий, которые происходили в прошлом: We saw an interesting film last week. — Мы смотрели интересный фильм на прошлой неделе. последовательных действий, которые происходили в прошлом: I bought two tickets, met ту friend and we went to the theatre. — Я купил два билета, встретился с другом, и мы пошли в театр. Образование Past Simple Tense Past Simple образуется с помощью окончания -ed. прибавляемого к ! форме правильных глаголов (work — worked), или II формы неправильных глаголов (go — went). Глаголы в Past Simple имеют одну и ту же форму во всех лицах и числах. Спряжение глаголов в Past Simple Tense I you he / she f it watched we met you they Чтение окончания -3d Если глагол оканчивается на гласную или звонкую согласную, окончание -ed читается как [d]: open — opened. Если глагол оканчивается на глухую согласную, окончание -ed читается как [t]: ask — asked. Если глагол оканчивается на буквы t или d. окончание -ed читается как [id]: want — wanted. Если глагол оканчивается на букву у, а перед ней стоит согласная, то при добавлении -ed буква у меняется на i: study — studied. Если глагол оканчивается на согласную, которой предшествует ударная гласная в закрытом слоге, то такая согласная удваивается: stop — stopped. 226 Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений • Утвердительное предложение (УП) УМ = ПодлежэЕцее + основной глагол во II форме + в горостепенные члены предложения. ~~ ^ прошлом • Отрицательное предложение (ОП) Для образования отрицательных предложений используется вспомогатель-ныи глагол did и отрицательная частица по(. ОП = Подлежащее + did not + основной глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения, нс видел моего друга на про- Обра гите внимание! did по! = didn’t • Общий вопрос (ОВ) Для образования вопросительных предложений используется вспомогательный глагол did. ОВ = Did + подлежащее + основной глагол в I форме второстепенные члены предложения? Миша видел своего друга в прошлом Did Misha see his friend Iasi month? месяце? — Yes\ he did. - Да. * Альтернативный вопрос (AB) AB = OB -b or + OB? Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и НЯЮ1СЯ только слова, содержащие альтернативу. Did Misha see ту friend Iasi month or (did he see my friend) last week^ -миша видел моего друга в прошлом месяце или на прошлой неделе? * Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ? When did Misha see ту friend? - Когда Миша видел моего друга? * Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) сохра- ВП = Who + основной глагол во II форме + второстепенные члень[ предложения? Who .уяи- ту friend la.st nwnih? — Кто видел Misha did. — Миша. моего друга в прошлом месяце? — ranirrittr fieie.'ence 227 Разделительный вопрос Misha didn't see ту friend last month, did he? — Muiua не видел моего друга в прошлом месяце, не так ли? — Yes, he did. — Нет, видел. Глагол to в Past Simple Tense Глагол to be в Past Simple Tense имеет форму was в единственном числе и were во множественном числе. Спряжение глагола fo be в Past Simple Tense ' 1 you , he / she / it J was we you they were Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений - Утвердительное предложение They were at home. — Они были дома. ■ Отрицательное предложение Для образования отрицательных предложений к глаголам was и were добавляется отрицательная частица not. Не №Я5 not at home at 6 p.m. — Его не было дома в шесть часов. They were not in the park. — Они не были в парке. Обратите внимание! was not = wasn’t, were not = weren’t He wasn ’t at home at 6 p.m. They weren't in the park. Общий вопрос Для образования вопросительных предложений глаголам was и were вспомогательный глагол не требуется. Were they in the park? — Они были в парке? No, they weren 7. — Нет. ■ Альтернативный вопрос Were they at home or in the park? — Они были дома или в парке? Специальный вопрос Where were they? — Где они были? Вопрос к подлежащему Who was at home? — Кто был дома? They were. — Они. Разделительный вопрос They were at home, weren’t they? — Они были дома, не так ли? Fes. (hev were. — Да. 228 _ cl- re Г The Present Progressive Tense Употребление Present Progressive Tense Глаголы в форме Present Progressive употребляются для выражения действий, которые происходят: • в точно ука.занный момент в настоящем: She is reading the book now. ~ Сейчас она читает книгу. • в более длительный период в настоящем: They are moxing to a new flat. — Они переезжают на новую квартиру. ■ для выражения запланированных действий, которые произойдут в будущем: ' / am leaving tomorrow. — Я уезжаю завтра. Present Progressive не употребляется со следующими глаголами: Ю remember — помнить to see — видеть to know — знать to hear — слышать to like — нравиться to want — хотеть to need — нуждаться to think — ad, полагать to forget — забывать to believe — верить to be — быть, находиться to understand — понимать to hate — ненавидеть Образование Present Progressive Tense Present Progressive Tense образуется c помощью вспомогательного глагола to be Б форме настоящего времени (am, is, are) + причастие I (основной глагол + -ing). При прибавлении окончания -I'ng Если глагол оканчивается на -е, то она отбрасывается: take — taking, give - giving. Конечная согласная удваивается, если ей предшествует ударная гласная, стоящая в закрытом слоге: сШ — cutting, begin — beginning. Если буква I является конечной, она удваивается: travel — travelling. Буквосочетание ie меняется на у: die — dying, tie — tying, tie — lying. Спряжение глаголов в Present Progressive Tense 1 you he she it am are is is is working you they are working 229 J Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП = Подлежащее + am / is / are + причастие I + второстепенные члены предложения. Не is speaking to Jane now. — Сейчас он разговаривает с Джейн. Отрицательное предложение (ОП) ОП = Подлежащее + am / is / are + not + причастие 1 + второстепенные члены предложения. Не is not speaking to Sabby now.— Она сейчас не разговаривает с Сэбби. Общий вопрос (ОВ) ОВ = Ат / Is / Are + подлежащее + причастие I + второстепенные члены предложения? Is he speaking to Jane now? — Он сейчас разговаривает с Джейн? — Yes, he is. — Да. Альтернативный вопрос (АВ) АВ = ОВ + or + ОВ? Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом ог (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу. Is he speaking to Jane or (is he speaking) to Sabby now? — Он сейчас разговаривает с Джейн или с Сэбби? Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = вопросительное слово + ОВ? What is he doing? — Что он делает? Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВП = Who / What + is + причастие I + второстепенные члены предложения.' Who is speaking to Jane now? — Кто сейчас разговаривает с Джейн? — Не is. — Он. Разделительный вопрос Не is speaking to Jane now, isn’t he? — Yes, he is. Сейчас он разговаривает с Джейн, не так ли? 230 The Pasi Progressive Tense Употребление Past Progressive Tense Глэголы в форме Past Progressive употребляются для выражения действий, которые происходили в точно указанный момент времени в прошлом. Момент времени в прошлом может быть выражен: a) точным указанием времени, когда происходило действие; Linda was watching TV at 10 o'clock yesterday. - Вчера в десять вечера Линда смотрела телевизор. b) прошедшим действием, выраженным глаголом в Past Simple: Linda was watching TV when her friends came. - Линда смотрела телевизор, когда пришли ее друзья. Past Progressive не употребляется со следующими глаголами: to remember — помнить to see — видеть to know — знать to hear — слышать to like — нравиться to want — хотеть to need - нуждаться to think - (в значении) полагать to forget — забывать to believe — верить to be — быть, находиться to understand — понимать to hate — ненавидеть Образование Past Progressive Tense Past Progressive Tense образуется c помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в форме прошедшего времени (was / were) + причастие I (основной глагол - -*ng)- Спряжение глаголов в Past Progressive Tense I You He She It was were was was was working when he came. We ) You were working when he came. They J Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП = Подлежащее + was / were + причастие 1 + второстепенные члены предложения. They were flying over Scotland at 6 p.m. yesterday. — Они про.петали над Шотландией вчера в шесть часов вечера. IЛ ГОП! FT 1 СИ ftetertjnre 231 Отрицательное предложение (ОП) ОН = Подлежащее + was / were + not + причастие I + второстепенные члены предложения. They weren^t Jlying over England at 6 p.m. yesterday. — Вчера в шесть вечера они не пролетали над Англией. Общий вопрос (ОВ) ОВ = Was / Were + подлежащее + причастие f + второстепенные члены предложения; Were they flying over Scotland at 6 p.m. yesterday? — Они пролетали над Шотландией вчера в шесть вечера? Yes, they were. — Да. Альтернативный вопрос (АВ) АВ = ОВ + or + ОВ? Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом ог (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются только cjEOBa, содержащие альтернативу. Were they flying over Scotland or (were they flying) over England at 6 p. m. yesterday? — Они пролетали над Шотландией или над Англией вчера в шесть часов вечера? Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ? What were they doing at 6 p.m. yesterday? — Что они делали вчера в шесть вечера.' ? Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВП = Who / What -t- was + причастие I -i- второстепенные члены предложения 9 Who was flying over Scotland at 6 p.m. yesterday? — Кто пролетал над Шотландией вчера в шесть часов вечера? They were. — Они. Разделительный вопрос They were flying over Scotland at 6 p.m. yesterday, weren’t they? — Они пролетали над Шотландией вчера в шесть часов вечера, не так ли? Yes, they were. — Да. 232 The Future Simple Tense Употребление Future Simple Tense Глаголы в форме Future Simple употребляются: * для предсказания будущих событий: Van и таке new friends next year. — У тебя появятся новые друзья в следующем году. I think Granny will come on Monday. - Я думаю, бабушка приедет в понедельник. Maybe he’ll phone tomorrow. - Может быть, он позвонит завтра. I hope she'll sing tonight. - Я надеюсь, она будет петь сегодня вечером. One day we II meet again. — Когда-нибудь мы встретимся снова. I'll phone later. — Я позвоню позже. Ие и соте back soon. — Он скоро вернется. » для выражения обещаний и решений, принятых в момент речи: А: What are you doing? — Что ты делаешь? В: I’m cleaning the floor. — Я мою пол. А: I и help you. — Я помогу тебе. Глаголы в форме Future Simple употребляются с такими обозначениями времени, как: tomorrow — завтра next week — на следующей неделе next month — в следующем месяце next year — в следующем году next time — в следующий раз in а day — через день in а minute — через минуту in ап hour — через час in two weeks — через две недели in five years — через пять лет in the future — в будущем Future Simple образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола will и I формы основного глагола. Спряжение глаголов во Future Simple I you he f will (’ll) see, be she she I it J we 1 you > will (’ll) see, be they J Сокращенная форма от will —’ll В сокращенной форме глагол will (’ll) может употребляться только в утвердительных предложениях. В вопросительных предложениях используется полная форма — will. ’ ^r.iiivi 'It 233 Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение УП = Подлежащее + will + основной глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения. Не will write а letter next week. — Он напишет письмо на следующей неделе. Не will be at home tomorrow. — Он будет дома завтра. He’ll write а letter ne.xt week. He’ll he at home tomorrow. Отрицательное предложение (ОП) on = Подлежащее + won't + основной глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения. Не will not write а letter tomorrow. — Он не напишет письмо завтра. She will not be at home tomorrow. — Ее не будет до.ма завтра. Обратите внимание! will not = won’t Не won’t write a letter next week. He won’t be at home tomorrow. Общий вопрос (OB) OB = Will + подлежащее + основной глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения? Will he write а letter next week? — Он напишет письмо на следующей неделе? Yes, he will. — Да. Will he he at home tomorrow? - Он будет дома завтра? Yes, he will. — Да. Альтернативный вопрос (АВ) АВ = ОВ + or + ОВ? Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом ог (или). Обычно в речи второй Botipoc сокращается и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу. Will he write а letter tomorrow or (will he write a letter) next week? — Он напишет письмо завтра или на следующей неделе? Will she be at home or (will she he) in the hospital at 9 o’clock? — Она будет дома или в больнице в 9 часов? Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ? When will he write a letter? — Когда он напишет письмо? When will he be at home? — Когда он будет дома? 23Л * Вопрос к подлежащему Who will write а letter next week? — Кто напишет письмо на следующей неделе? Не will. — Он. Who will be at home tomorrow? — Кто будет дома завтра? He will. ~ Oh. - Разделительный вопрос He will not write a letter tomorrow, will he? — Oh не напишет письмо завтра, не так ли? No, he won’t. — Нет, не напишет. Не will not be at home tomorrow, will he? — Его не будет дома завтра, не так ли? Yes, he will. — Нет, будет. The Fulore-in^fhe Post The Futurc-in-the Past употребляется для выражения действий, которые представляются будущими с точки зрения прошлого. The Future-in-the Past образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола would и основного глагола в I форме. She hoped her husband would come back soon. — Она надеялась, что ее муж скоро вернется. Ihe Present Perfect Tense Употребление Present Perfect Tense FJlaгoлы в форме Present Perfect употребляются для выражения действия, которое произошло (завершилось) до настоящего момента, но результат этого действия видим сейчас, то есть своим результатом действие, совершенное в прошлом, связано с настоящим временем. Where is your money? — 1 hare lost it. Где твои деньги? — Я ilx потерял. (Деньги пропали раньше, неважно когда. Важно то. что у меня их нет сейчас.) Гге cut ту finger. / can't write. — Я порезал палец. (Палец я порезал раньше, а сейчас у меня есть след от пореза.) Я не могу писать. Present Perfect может употребляться без указания времени, поскольку для говорящего важно не время совершения действия, а сам факт его совершения. Гт cold. Somebody has opened the window. — Я за.иерз. Кто-то открыл окно. Present Perfect часто употребляется с наречиями: just — только что; already — уже; yet — еще; ever ~ когда-нибудь; never — никогда; lately — за последнее время. Не has just phoned. — Он только что позвонил. Наречие yet употребляется в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях. Have you spoken to her yet? ~ Ты уже с ней разговаривал? I haven’t seen him yet. — Я еще его не видел. Наречие ever употребляется в вопросительных предложениях, never — в отрицательных. Место этих наречий между have (has) и основным глаголом. / have never played golf.— Я никогда не играл в гольф. Have you ever been to New York? ~ Вы когда-нибудь бывали в Нью-Йорке? Present Perfect может употребляться с обстоятельствами, обозначающими еще нс истекший период времени: today — сегодня, this year — в этом году / haven’t seen her today. — Я не выдел ее еегодня. Образование Present Perfect Tense Present Perfect образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to have / в форме настоящего времени (have / has) и причастия II (основной глагол в 1И форме). / have already seen this film. — Я уже видел этот фильм. Сокращенная форма от have — ’ve, от has — ’s I have = I’ve, he has = he’s Спряжение глаголов в Present Perfect Tense 1 you he she it have have has has has written we you , have been they J Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП = Подлежащее + have / has + основной глагол в III форме -ь второстепенные членьЕ предложения. She has .seen this film. -- Она посмотрела этот фильм. They have been to London this year. — Они побывали в Лондоне в этом году. Отрицательное предложение (ОП) ОП = Подлежащее + have / has + not + основной глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения. Не hasn't seen this film.— Он не посмотрел этот фильм. 236 She hasn't been to London this year. — Она не побывала в Лондоне в этом году. Обратите внимание! have not = haven't, has not = hasn't Общий вопрос (OB) OB = Have / Has + подлежащее + основной глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения? Has she seen this film? - Она посмотрела этот фильм. Have they been to London this year? ~ Они побывали в Лондоне в этом году? Yes, they have. — Да. Альтернативный вопрос (АВ) АВ = ОВ + or + ОВ? Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом ог (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу. Has she seen this film or has her sister seen it? — Она или ее сестра посмотрела этот фильм? Have they been to London or (have they been) to Washington this year? — Они побывали в Лондоне или в Вашингтоне в этом году? Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВП = Who / What + has + основной глагол в III форме -ь второстепениые члены предложения? Who has seen this film? - - Кто посмотрел этот фильм? She has. — Она. Who has been to London this year? — They have. Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ? What has she seen? — Что она посмотрела? Where have they been this year? — Где они побывали в этом году? Разделительный вопрос She has seen this film, hasn’t she? — Она посмотрела этот фильм, не так ли? Yes, .she has. — Да. They have been to London this year, haven’t they? — Они побывали в Лондоне в этом году, не так ли? Yes, they have. — Да. 237 The Present Perfect Progressive Tense Употребление Present Perfect Progressive Tense Глаголы в форме Present Perfect Progressive употребляются для выражения длящегося действия, которое началось в прошлом, все еще продолжается в настоящее время и определенным образом подводит итог продолжительности этого действия. / have been reading this book for a week.— Я читаю эту книгу в течение недели. В предложениях, в которых встречаются глаголы в форме Present Perfect Progressive, как правило, указывается период времени, в течение которого происходит действие. Период времени может быть выражен: ■ обстоятельствами времени типа: all my life, all these years, lately (в последнее время): / have been working longer hours lately. — В последнее время я остаюсь на работе дольше. • обстоятельствами времени, вводимыми предлогом for (в течение): for а week (в течение недели), for five years (в течение пяти лет), for а long lime (в течение длительного времени) и т. д. Lena and Sveta have already been talking on the phone for half an hour. — Лена и Света разговаривают по телефону уже полчаса. • обстоятельствами времени, вводимыми словом since. Since, в зависимости от контекста, переводится по-разному: с; с тех пор; с тех пор как. She has been dreaming about a dog since she was a child. — Она мечтает о собаке с детства. Jane gave те this cassette on Monday. I have been listening to it since then. — Джейн дала мне кассету в понедельник. С тех пор я ее слушаю. She has been sleeping since she got back from her trip. — Она спит с тех пор, как вернулась из поездки. Таким образом, since используется для обозначения момента начала действия. Present Perfect Progressive не употребляется: • с глаголами, которые не употребляются во временах группы Progressive: to believe — верить to remember — помнить to want — хотеть to understand — понимать to know — знать to forget — забыть to see — видеть Вместо Present Perfect Progressive эти глаголы употребляются в Present Perfect. to hear — слышать to need — нуждаться to hate — ненавидеть to be — быть to like — нравиться to have — иметь 238 / have known my best friend since we were children. — Я знаю своего лучшего друга с тех пор, как мы были детьми. Present Perfect Progressive может употребляться без указания на период времени, в течение которого происходило действие. В таких случаях из контекста понятно, что действие только что закончилось и оставило своеобразный “след”, который служит объяснением положения вещей в момент речи. You look tired.— Ты выглядишь усталой. I hare been working on a report. — Я работала над докладом. Образование Present Perfect Progressive Present Perfect Progressive образуется c помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в форме Present Perfect и причастия I. have been / has been + основной глагол + ~ing Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП - Подлежащее + have been / has been + причастие I .Jeff and Emily hare been playing tennis for two hours. — Джеф и Эмили играют в теннис в течение двух часов. Отрицательное предложение (ОП) ОП = Подлежащее + have not been / has not been + причастие I + второстепенные члены предложения. Jeff and Emily haven’t been playing golf for three hours. Общий вопрос (OB) OB = Have / Has + подлежащее + been + причастие I + второстепенные члены предложения? Has Jeff been playing tennis for two hours? — Yes, he has. Альтернативный вопрос (AB) AB = OB + or + OB? Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом ог (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу. Has Emily been playing tennis for two hours or (has she been playing tennis) for three hours? — Emily has been playing tennis for two hours. Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВП = Who / What + has been -н причастие I + второстепенные члены предложения? Who has been playing tennis for two hours? — Jeff and Emily have. ■--■r a mm 13 г Reference 239 Специальный вопрос (СВ) СП = Вопросительное слово + ОВ? How long have Jeff and Emily been playing tennis? — They have been playing tennis for two hours. * Разделительный вопрос Jeff and Emily haven’t been playing tennis for four hours, have they? — No, they haven't. The Past Perfect Tense Употребление Past Perfect Tense Глагол в форме Past Perfect выражает действие, которое завершилось до определенного момента или другого действия в прошлом. They had finished the work by 6 o’clock yesterday.— Они закончили работу вчера к 6 часам. . Misha had helped Robin before he met Rob.— Миша помог Робину прежде, чем он познакомился с Робом. Обратите внимание! Past Perfect Tense употребляется для выражения предшествования. Если описываются действия, которые следовали друг за другом, употребляется Past Simple. Сравните; She did some shopping, came home and cooked dinner. — Она сделала покупки, пришла домой и приготовила ужин. Before she cooked dinner, she had done some shopping. — Прежде чем она приготовила ужин, она сделала покупки. Образование Past Perfect Tense Past Perfect Tense образуется c помощью вспомогательного глагола to have в форме прошедшего времени (had) и причастия II (III форма основного глагола). Спряжение глаголов в Past Perfect Tense I 1 you ( we 1 he > had written you ; had written she they J it ■' 2i0 Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП = Подлежащее + had + причастие II + второстепенные члены предложения. Ие had read the book before he saw the film.— Он прочитал книгу до того, как посмотрел фильм. Обратите внимание! had = Ч1 I had = I'd, he had - he'd He’d read the book before he .raw the film. Отрицательное предложение (ОП) on - Подлежащее + had + not + причастие II + второстепенные члены предложения. She had not read the book before she saw the film. — Она не прочитала книгу до того, как посмотрела фильм. Обратите внимание! had not = hadn't She hadn't read the book before she .saw the film. Общий вопрос (OB) OB = Had + подлежащее + причастие II члены предложения? второстепенные Had he read the book before he saw the film? — Он прочитал книгу до того, как посмотрел фильм? Yes, he had. — Да. Альтернативный вопрос (АВ) АВ = ОВ + or + ОВ? Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу. Had he read the book or not before he saw the film? — Он прочитал книгу или нет до того, как посмотрел фильм? Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВГ1 = Who / What + had + причастие II + второстепенные члены предложения? Who had read the book before? — Кто прежде прочитал книгу? Не had. — Он. 241 Специальный вопрос СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ? Whal had he done before he saw the film? — Что он сделал до того, как посмотрел фильм? Разделительный вопрос Не had read the book before he saw the film, hadn’t he? — Он прочитал книгу до того, как посмотрел фильм, не так ли? Yes, he had. — Да. 2Л2 Vocabulary noun (n) — существительное verb (v) — глагол adjective (cuij) — прилагательное pronoun (pron) — местоимение conj unction (conj) — союз adverb (adv) — наречие preflx (pref) — приставка suffix (stiff) ~ суффикс preposition (prep) — предлог ability [a'bilitij n — способность able I'eibl] adj — способный, умелый be able fbi: 'ecblj v — мочь, быть в состоянии academic [.aeka'demjkj 1. n — академик 2, adj — академический accent ['®ks3iit] n — акцент access ['£ekses| n — доступ accompany |э'клтрэп]| v — сопровождать according to [a'koidiri ta| smth / smb prep — в соответствии с чем-либо / кем-либо accuse [a'kjmz] v — обвинять achieve |3't|i:v] v — достигать achievement la'tflivmsnt] n — достижение acre [’elks] n — акр activate ('aekti,veit] v — активизировать activator |'askti,veit3i n — активатор active |'a;kt[vj adj — активный actually |'ffiki,U3li| ad\'~ на самом деле adapt la'diept] v — адаптировать adapted [a'dicptid] adj — адаптированный administrator |3d'mmi,streit3] n — администратор advice lad'vaisj « — совет advise |sd'vaiz| v — советовать African I'tefnkanJ 1. л — африканец, африканка 2. adj — африканский зетее [a'gri:| v — соглашаться izreement [э'дп:тэт| п — соглашение ’-•m [eiml п — цель album ['EelbamI п — альбом allow [э1аи] v' — позволять, разрешать almost [ddmaust] adi' — почти alphabet 1'ж1Гэ,Ье1| п — алфавит although [э:Г5эи| conj — хотя ancestor ['tensastal и — предок angel I'eintfeall « — ангел anger f'aengaj п - гнев anymore I.eni'ma:] adv — больше anyone |'eni,WAn| - любой anyway [eni,wei] adv — во всяком случае approval |3'prii:vl| n — одобрение approve |a'pru:v] v - одобрять Arab I'aerabj 1. « — араб, арабка 2. adj — арабский arch (a:tf] n — арка archery Га;1[эп| n — стрельба из лука argue ('a:gju:] v — спорить aristocracy |,ceri'stokr3si| n — аристократия aristocrat ['Eerist3,krKt| n — аристократ armour ['tona] n — доспехи arrival [a'raivll n — прибытие arrive [s'raiv] v — прибывать artist I'crtistj n — художник assist [s’sist] V — помогать assistant la'ststant) n — помощник astronomer [a'stronama] n — астроном Athens ['ае9эп7.| — Афины athlete |'a:0li:t| n — атлет attention |a'tenbn| n — внимание Anstria f'ustria] — Австрия autobiography [,n:t3bai'Dgrafi j « - автобиография availability |3,veib'bilitil n — наличие available [s'veilabi] adj — доступный be available [hi: aVeilabl] v — быть доступным award la'waid] h n — награда 2. и — награждать В baby I'beibi] п — ребенок bsggy I'bregi] adj — мешковатый Balkans I'bodkanz) — Балканы 243 ban [bten] 1. « — запрет 2. — запрещать Barcelona [,Ьа:5э'1эипэ| — Барселона baron [‘bferanl n — барон bastard [baistad] ri — незаконнорожденный battle ['bastlj n — битва battlefield |'baetlfi:ld] n — поле битвьс ВВС (British Broadcasting Corporation) l,bi: bi:'si:| — Би-Би-Си (Британская радиовещательная корпорация, учреждена в 1927 г. Телепередачи ведутся с 1936 г. beautiful [’bjurtsfl] adj — красивый beauty ['bju:til n — красота bee [bill n — пчела beef [bi:f| n — говядина beheaded [bt'hedid] adj обезглавленный betray [bi'trei] v — предавать bill [bill n — законопроект biography [bai'ngrafij n — биография bishop ['bi/apl n — епископ blood [bUd] n — кровь bloody I'bUdi] adj — кровавый blossom I'blosam] и — цвести blurb [Ь1з:Ь| n — реклама книги на обложке blush |bUJ] V — краснеть bomb [bom] n — бомба burrow [Ъпгэо] — брать взаймы both... and [bauOi — и... и, как... так и bowler hat |'Ьэо1э .hret] п — шляпа-котелок branch [bramtfl л — ветка Brazil [brs'zilj — Бразилия bride [braidj n — невеста bridle I'braidlj n — уздечка broadcast ['bro:dka:st] v — транслировать building f'bildinl n — здание bull [bul] n — бык bumpy [’bAiripi] adj — ухабистый butt [b:\l] n — стрельбищный вал button fbAtn] II — кнопка buzzing [Ъл?1п] n — жужжание by the way l,bai дэ 'wei] — между прочим С calculus ['kseikjubs] n — исчисление calm [ktrmj adj — спокойный call [knl] V — звонить, звать Canada ['krenada] — Канада Canadian [ks'neidianj 1. ti — канадец, канадка 2. adj — канадский canoe [ka'nu:| n — байдарка captain ['kteptinj n — капитан capture ['kffiptfa) v — взять в плен care [кеэ] 1. n — забота 2.v— заботиться career [кэ'пэ] n — карьера careful ['keafalj adj — осторожный, аккуратный carefully ['keafali] adv — тщательно, внимательно. бережно Caribbean [,kacn'bi:an| 1. n — кариб, кариб-ка 2. adj — карибский (язык) carnation |ka;'neijn] n — гвоздика carry ['kasri] r — нести cave [ketvj n — пещера celebrity [sa'lebrati] n — знаменитость ceremony ['serimanij n — церемония certificate [ss“tifik3t] n — свидезельство chain [tjem] n — цепь chair i'tfea] v — председательствовать chairman ['tfeamanj n — председатель chamber ['tfeimba] n — палата charge |tfQ:dt] \.n — плата 2. v — взимать плату chat [tfsetj 1. « — непринужденный разговор 2. V — болтать chatty ['tfasti] adj — болтливый cheek [ф:к] n — щека cheer [tfta] v — приветствовать chief ltJ1:f| 1. л — вождь, руководитель 2. adj — главный childhood ['tfaildhud] л — детство chilly ['tfilil adv — прохладно cinema ['smima] л — кино claimant I'kleimant] л — претендент classic [‘klsesik! adj — классический classmate ['kia:smeitj n — одноклассник clear I'klia] adj — ясный, понятный clearly ['kloli] adv — ясно cliff [klif] « — скала close [‘kbuz| V — закрывать closing ['kbuzip] n — закрытие cloth [kloO] « — ткань CNN (Cable News Network) [,si: en 'en| — Си-Эн-Эн (американская кабельная телестанция, передающая только новости) 24Л coat of arms [,кэи1 av 'a:mz| я — герб collect [ka'lekt] v — коллекционировать collector [ka'lekta] n — коллекционер come true |клт 'tru:] — сбываться comfort ['kAmfatJ 1. n — утешение 2. T — успокаивать, утешать comic ('котгк] ].n — актер-комик 2. adj — комический comma ['котэ| n — запятая common ['komaiij 1. n — обищна 2. adj — простой. обыкновенньЕЙ communicate [ka.mjurnikeit] v — общаться communication [ka.mjumi'keijn] n — общение, связь competent Ckompitant] adj ~ компетентный complicated [ knmplikeitid| adj — сложн1,[й compliment ('komplimantl 1,л — комплимент 2. V — говорить комплименты, хвалить composer [кэт'рэо2э| п — композитор composition 1,котрэ'г1Гп| я — сочинение compromise ('kumpramaizj ], я — компромисс 2.V — идти на компромисс concert ['knns3t| п — концерт condensed [kan'denst] adj — сжатый conference [knnfarans] я — конференция conquer ['крг)кэ| v — завоевать conqueror ['кпокэгэ] я - завоеватель conservative [kan'sarvativj 1. я — консерватор, 2, adj — консервативный consi.st [kansisti of smlh / smb г* — состоят1а из чего-либо / кого-либо construct [kan'strAktj т — строить construction [kan'strAkfnl я — конструкция consume Iksn'sjuim] v — уиотреблять consumer |k3n'sju:ma| я — потребитель contain |кэп'1ет| к — содержать container [kan'teina] я — контейнер contest I'knntest] я — соревнование contestant (ksn'testantl я — соперник context ['knntekst] я — контекст contradict (,knntr3'dikt] к — противоречить contradiction [|knntra'dikjn] я — противоречие contribute [kan'tnbjiLt] v — вносить вклад contribution [.knntn'bjutjn] я - вклад convince [kanVmsI у - убеждать convincing [kanVinsipJ adj — убедительный cottage ['kDtitfei я — дом council ['kaunsi] я — совет couple ['клр1| я — пара course [kD:s] я — курс court |ko:t) я — суд cover ['клуэ] 1. я — покрытие, обложка книги 2, у — покрьЕвать, накрывать cowboy ['kauboi] я — ковбой crazy [ kreizi] adj — сумасшедший create (kri'eit] у — создавать creation fkri'eijn] я — создание crime [kraiml я — преступление criminal f'knmtnl] я — преступник cruel |'kru:al| adj — жестокий cruelty |'kni:3lti| я — жестокость crusade |kru:'seid) я — крестовый поход culture ['kyltfaj я — культура cultural ['кл1фэгэ1] adj — культурный currency [ kAransil я — валюта curse [k3:s| 1, я — проклятие 2. у — проклинать curtain ['кзДп] я — занавеска cushion ['ки|эп| я — диванная подушка D daily I'deili] adj — ежедневный danger ['demdjaj я — опасность dangerous ['demefeerss] adj - опасный dark |'da:k| adj — темный, мрачный darken I'dmkan] у — мрачнеть dawn [do:n] я — рассвет day [deij я — день daylight ['deiiait] я — дневной свет deal [di:lj я — событие, дело debate [di’beit) 1.я - дебаты 2. у - обсуждать declaration [.dekls’reijn] я - декларация declare [di'klea] у — заявить, объявить deer [dia] я — олень, олени defend [di'fend] у — защищать defender [dt'fenda] я — защитник delicious [di'lij3s| adj — вкусный democracy jdi rnnkrasi] n — демократия democratic [idema'krsetikj adj — демократический demonstrate ['deman,streit) v — демонстрировать demonstration [.deman'streijn] я — демонстрация 245 depress [di'pres] — приводите, в уныние depression [d('prejh] n — унЕ.тие deserve [di'zstv] — заслуживать design [di'zain] 1,« — рисунок, узор, 2.V — создавать рисунок dessert [di'z3:t| и — десерт develop [di'velapl v — развиваться development [diVelspmantl n — развитие diamond ['daEsmand] n — алмаз diary ['daiarij n — дневник diet I'daEstl 1. n — диета 2.v — сидеть на диете difficult ['difiloit] atlj — трудный difficulty ['difikaitil n — трудность diplomat ['dipbmseti « — дипломат direction [dE'rekJn] n — направление disagree [,dtS9'gri:l v — не соглашаться disappear [,dES3'pEa| v — Еючезать discover (dEs'kaval v — делать открытие discovery [dEs'kavari! n — открытие discuss [di'skAsI v — обсуждать discussion [dE'skAjaEi) n — обсуждение dishonour [dEs'EsnsI v — опозорить Disneyland f'dEzni.laend] — Диснейлэнд divorce [dE'va:s| n — развод doll [dnl] n — кукла dominate ['dDmE,nett| v— госееодствовзть domination [^ЕэттсЕ/п! n — господство double I'dAbl] aclj — двойной dry Idrai] 1. V — суЕЕЕИть 2. mlj — сухой due ['dju:] adj — должный, надлежащий due date ['dju; ,deEt| — надлежащий срок (возврата книги) duke [dju:k| n — герцог Duma ['diEimaj — Дума during ['dJuariEil prep — в течение Dutch [dAtf] 1. n — голландец, голландка 2. adj — голлаЕщскиЙ / нидерландский язык easy ['i;zE[ adj — легкий easily ['i:zEli| adv — легко east |'i:st) >i — восток eastern ['i:stnj adj — восточньей ecology [E'kobefeij n — экология economy jE'ktEnami] n — экономика education [,edjo'keE/nl n — образование Egyptian [е'Фр/п| l.n — сгиеетянин, египтянка 2. adj — египетский (язьек) either... or ['аЕбэ,о:1 — или... или elder I'eldaj adj — стартий elect jE'lektj v — Е^ыбирать election jE'lekJn] n — вЬЕборы elegance ['elEgansj n — изящество elegant ['elEgantj adj — изящный else [els] adv — еще e-mail ['i:,meEl] — электронная почта emotion [Е'тэп/п] n ~ эмоция, чувство emotional [E'mauJanI] adj — эмоциональный emperor ['еЕПрэгэ] n — император empire ['empasai n — империя encyclopaedia [tn,saEkl3'pi:di3[ n — энциклопедия engine ['ent^En] n — двигатель Englishman ['EtjglEjman] n — англичанин Englishmen ['Eogh.fmsn] n — англичане episode ['epEssnd] n — эпизод eguip [E'kwBp] v — оборудовать equipment [E'kwEpmant] n — оборудование equivalent [E'kwEV3bnt| ii — эквивалент escape [E'skeEp] 1. n — побег 2. к — убегать, совершать побег especially [E'spejsli] adv — особенно European [)иэгэ'р1:эп| 1. n — европеец, европейка 2. adj — европейский everyone ['evriwAn] proa — каждый everywhere ['evriwes] adv — везде evil ['i:vl[ 1. n — зло 2. adj — злой exam [Eg'zsem] м — экзамен exchange [Eks'tJcEncfe] l.n — обмен 2,V — обменивать exchange programme [Eks'tfeEncfe'ргзидглЕп] — программа по обмену excite [Ek'saEt] и — возбуждать excitement [Ek'saEtmant] tt — волнение excommunicate [,екзкэ'т)и:пЕкев1[ v — отлучить от церкви exhaust |Eg'zo:st[ v — EicroEEtaTb exhaustion [Eg'zTstJn] n — истовценЕЕе exhibit [tg'ztbtt] I.— экспонат 2. t^ — BbtcTaBJEHTb exhibition [,eksE'btJn[ « — выставка expect [sk'spekt] и — ожидать expectation [|ekspek'teijn[ n — ожидание explore [ik'spb:] — исследовать 2Л6 eNplorer [ik'spbrraj л — исследователь expression lik'sprejn] n — выражение extend [ik'stend] v — продлевать F laithfully f'feiQfali] adv — искренне fall apart [Тэ:1 э'ра:1] — разваливаться fantasy ['fcntazi] n — фэнтези faraway [,fa:ra'wei] adj — далекий fashion [fas/'n) n — мода fashionable [Taefanabl] adj - модный fear [fiai I, n страх 2.v — бояться lederal [TedaralJ adj — федеральный Federal Assembly [’fedaral s'semblil — Федеральное Собрание Federal Council ['fedaral 'kaunsl] - Совет Федерации federation [.feda'reifn] n — федерация fen I fen] n — болого fever I'fi.va] л — лихорадка filter [Tiltaj n — фильтр linancial |Г!'пшпД] adj — финансовый firstly ['f3:stli| adv — во-нервых flame [Пепп] n — пламя night [flaitj Л — полет flight attendant ['flait a'tendanl] n — бортпроводник fog [fog] ft — туман forecast [TD:ka;sti « — прогноз foreigner [TormaJ n — иностранец forgive [fa'giv] (forgave, forgiven) v — прощал-ь forgiveness |fa'givnas] n — прощение formal f'foimalj adj — формальный lormat ['fbanret] л — формат lonnulate ['fo:mju,leit| v — формулировать lortunately ['fortfanatlij adv — к счастью fragment ('friegmsntj л — фрагмент Ireeze [lri;z] (froze, frozen) v — замерзать frog IfmgJ Л — лягушка froze (II ф. от freeze) [frattzl v - замерз funeral ('f)u:nral| n — похороны further |Тз:аэ] adv — дальше gather I дшдэ] v — собраться, собирать gender | фепбэ] n — грамматический род generalize ['фепэгэ,1а1г| v — обобщать generalizing | c^enaralaizigj ft — обобщение genius I'd;i:ni3s] л — гений genre ['зппгэ] л — жанр gentle СфегП1| adj — нежный Germanic [t}j3:‘mtenik) adj — германский (язык, племя) get а cold v — простудиться get away v — уехать get over у — выздороветь get rid of smth / smb v — избавиться от чего-либо / кого-либо get through у — дозвониться get up V — вставать gift [gift] n — подарок global IglaobI) adj — мировой, глобальный globalization [.glaobolai'zeijn] л — глобализация glory ['gb:rij n — слава go canoeing [,дэи ka'nu:ip| у — плавать на байдарке gold I'gauldj л — золото golden f'gauldnj adj — золо той golf [gnlf| II — гольф goose (pi. geese) [gu:s[ n — гусь gossip Cgnsipj n — сплетни, слухи govern ['длуп| v — управлять grammar ['дгжтэ] л — грамматика Greece [gri:sl - Греция greed [gri:d] л — жадность greedy ['gri:di| adj — жадный Greek [gri-k] 1, л — грек, гречанка 2. adj — греческий (язык) grey [grei] adj — серый groan Igraun] v — стонать guilt f’gilt] Л - вина guilty ['giitil adj — виновный guy [gai] и — парень н Gaelic ['geihkj — галльский (язык) garlic ['gadikj л — чеснок hacker [’Ьшкэ] л — хакер hail Iheilj л — приветствие hall [1id:1| и — зал hang rhast)j (hung, hung) г — вешать hanging I'hasgiri] л — повешение 247 headline ['hedlain] n — заголовок headteacher [,lied‘ti:tj’3] n — директор школы health [hel0] n — здоровье healthy ['helOi] adj — здоровый heal [hilt] n ~ жара heir [еэ] n — наследник herb jhaibj n — трава hereditary [ha'redatari] adj — наследственный heresy I'herasi] n — ересь heretic ['hcratikj n — еретик hero I'hiarau] и — герой heroism ['heray.izmj n — героизм historian jhi'stairian] n — историк Hollywood ['holiiWod] — Голливуд holy ['hauli] adj — свя той honesty ['nmsti] n — честность honest I'onist] adj — честный honour ['впэ] n — честь, почесть hood [hud] n — капюшон horoscope ['hnra.skaup] n — гороскоп however [hau'eva] conj — однако hug [Ьлд[ 1. n —объятие 2. к - обнимать humanities [hjui'mamatiz] n — гуманитарные науки humour ['hjuima] n — юмор hunger ['1тлг)дэ] n — голод I ignore [tg’nai] v — игнорировать imagine [т'тжфп] v — представлять себе imagination [i.mEecfei'neifnj n — воображение impress [tm'pres] v — впечатлять impression [пп'рге/п] n — впечатление improve [im'pruiv] v— улучшать improvement [im'pruivmsnt] n— улучшение independence [.mdi'pendons] n — независимость industry ['tndastri] n — промышленность informal [in'faimol] adj — неофициальный inherit [in'hent] v — унаследовать inquisition [.itjkwi'ztjii] м — инквизиция insist [ni'sist] on smth v — настаивать на чем-либо intention [m'tenjh] n — намерение international [.[nta'iifejnal] adj — международный in time [m 'tatm] adv — вовремя intrigue [m'triig] ii — интрига intriguing [in'triigrg] adj — интригующий introduce [,intra'dju:s] v — представлять introduction [.intra’dAkJh] n — предисловие invade [in'vetdl v — вторгаться invader [m’veida] n — завоеватель involve [in'vulv] v — вовлекать Iraq [I'raik] — Ирак Irish ['аюпЛ 1. n — ирландец, ирландка 2. adj — ирландский (язык) iron ['aian] 1. n — железо 2. adj — железный isle [ail] n — остров issue ['[Ju:] n — проблема J jealous |'фе1э5[ adj — ревнивый, завистливый jealousy ['tfeelastj и — ревность, зависть Jewish ['фидП adj — еврейский journalist ['cijamalist] n — журналист journey ['фз;п1| n — поездка judge [efesefe] 1. n — судья 2. к — судить К keen [ki:n] adj — живо интересующийся, страстно увлекающийся be keen on smth v — увлекаться чем-либо keep [kiipl (kept, kept) v — хранить, оставлять у себя kept [kept] ( П ф. от keep) v — хранил kill [kill ^ — убивать killer ['kibj n — убийца king ['к!ц] n — король kingdom ['kigdamj n — королевство kiss [kis] 1, rt — поцелуй 2.v— целовать knee [nil] n — колено kneel [niilj v — становиться на колени know [пэи[ /1 — знать knowledge [‘поЬф] п — знание L labour ['leibaj п — труд labyrinth ['1веЬэ,пп0| « — лабиринт 248 iady-in-waiting [Jecdi in 'weitiol " — придворная дама landowner ['l0end,9un3[ n — землевладелец lately ['leitli) udv — в последнее время lead [ii:d] v — вести за собой leave for ['li:v fa| v — уезжать куда-либо legendary ['ledjandari] adj — легендарный lend I lend] v — давать в долг level ['levlj n — уровень librarian [lai'brearian] n — библиотекарь library ['latbrarij n — библиотека lifestyle I'laif^stailj n — образ жизни lift [lift] V — поднимать lily ['lili| ti — лилия limit ('limit] v — ограничивать limited [’limitid] adj — ограниченный Lincolnshire ['||окэп/1э| — Линкольншир (графство) loan ['bun] n — займ be on loan — быть на руках (о книге) lobby [’Inbi] fi — лобби local ['buklj udj — местный logo I'laugau] n — эмблема look at smth / smb \r — смотреть на что-либо / кого-либо look for smth / smb v — искать что-либо / кого-либо look forward to doing smth — ждать c нетерпением чего-то look like smb / smlh —■ выглядеть как. быть похожим на кого-то / на что-либо look smth up in a dictionary — искать что-либо в словаре lovely ['Uvlij adj — прекрасный loyal f'bial] adj — преданный loyalty I'bialti] n — преданность luckily ['lAkili] adv — к счастью lucky ['L\ki| adj — счастливый,удачливый м mace [meis] n — жезл madly I'maedli] adv — безумно madman ['m£edm®n] a — сумасшедший magazine j.maega'zim] n — журнал magic ['тжфк] l.n — волшебство 2. adj — волшебный magician [ma'cfeijanl n — волшебник maid [meid] n дева majesty ['mteefeasti] n — величество make up one’s mind — принять решение manage Гтаешф] v — справляться management ['таетфтэпс] n - управление maniac ['meini,aek] n — маньяк manor Гтжпэ] n — поместье many ['mem I adj — много marathon [ тэегэ0эп] n — марафон marble ['mablj и — мрамор marriage ['тжпф] n — брак marry smb I'masn] v — жениться на ком-либо (выйти замуж за кого-либо) mass media |,m£es 'media] n — средства массовой информации Mayflower ('mei.flaua] - “Мэйфлауэр" (название корабля) mayflower п — цветок, распускающийся в мае meal [mi:l] п — нища medieval |,medi'i:val] adj — средневековый meet [mi:t] v — встречать meeting |'mi;tig] n — встреча merry I'meri] adj — веселый method ['me0ad] n — метод midnight fmidnait] n — полночь migrate [mai'greit] v — мигрировать military ['militari] adj — военный minimum ['mmimamj и — минимум minister [ minista] я ~ министр minstrel j'minstral] a — менестрель mislead [mis'ii;d] v — вводить в заблуждение Moldavian Imnl'deivian] l./j — молдаванин, .молдаванка 2, adj — молдавский (язык) monarch ['mnnak] я — монарх monarchy ['mnnaki] /1 — монархия monk [тлрк| n — монах motion I'maufn] n — движение motivation [.mauti'veijnj я — мотивация, побуждение movie [’mu:vi] я — фильм МР [,em 'pi;] я — член парламента murder ['m3:da] v — убивать murderer ['m3:dara] n — убийца muscular ['rriAskjub] adj — мускулистый musketeer [,mAski'ti3] я — мушкетер mystery I'mistari] n — тайна mysterious (mi'stiarias] adj — таинственный myth [mi0] я — миф 249 N name jneim] 1. л — имя 2. v — называть nanny ['naeni] n — няня nation ['neijnl n — нация native speaker [’neiUv ,spi:ka| — носитель языка Naw ['na;tsi] l.n — нацист 2. — нацист- ский nearly ['nialij — почти necessity [na'sesati] и — нужда necessary ['nesesari] adj — необходимый neither... nor ['naifla ,no:) conj — ни... ни nephew ['неЦч:] л — племянник Netherlands (the) I'ncdalandz] — Голландия neutral ['nju:trall adj — нейтральный New Zealand [,nju: 'zi:bnd] — Новая Зеландия noble ['пэиЫ] 1.Л — аристократ 2. adj — благородный none |плп] pron — ни один Norman [’па;тэп] 1. л — норманн, норман-нка 2. adj — норманнский Normandy ['namandi) — Нормандия novel ['nnvl] л — роман nowadays ['natjadeiz| adv — в наше время nurse [n3:s] л — медсестра О oath |эи9] л — клятва object I'nbt^iktj л — предмет object [ab'cfeekt] v — возражать obviously ['obviasli] adv — очевидно offer ['nfa] 1.Л — предложение 2. V — предлагать official [a'fijal! 1. л — должностное лицо 2. adj — официальный ointment ['aintmantj tt — мазь online search I'nnlain ,S3;rtf] — поиск в сети onyx [bniks] Л — оникс (драгоценный камень) open ['эорэп| adj — открытый openly ['эирэпИ] adv — открыто opposition ['op3,zrJhl n — оппозиция optics I'upiiks) Л — оптика option [npjn] n — выбор organize ['3:ga,naizl v — организовывать origin [’nricfeml n — происхождение original ['впфтэ1| л — оригинал, подлинник originally [э'пфшэй] adv — первоначально otphan ['atfanj л — сирота Orthodox Church [ptSadDks 'tf3:t(l — Православная Церковь outlaw ['autb:] л — преступник, разбойник P pain [peml л — боль palm tree ['pa:m ,tri:] n — пальма panic ['paenik] 1. л — паника 2.v— паниковать parcel I'paisi] л — посылка passion ['pisjn] Л — страсть passive voice [,paesiv'vots| — страдатель-нь[й залог pattern I'paetn] n — образец pay homage I’homtds] — признать себя вассалом peasant [’peznt] n — крестьянин peer [piaj n — пэр penguin I'pepgwm] л — пингвин penny [ pent] л — пенни permission [pa'mifn] л — разрешение Persian [’рз:)п| 1,л — перс, персиянка 2. adj — персидский (язык) personally ['psisanali] adv — лично pharaoh I'fearau] л — фараон philosopher [fi'Insafal л — философ philosophy [fi'lnsafil л — философия photocopier ['feutau.knpia] л — фотокопировальное устройство photocopy ['fautau.knpi] л — фотокопия phrasal ['freizlj adj — фразовый pickle I'ptkl] Л — соленье pie [paij Л — пирог piece [pi:s] л — кусок pilgrim rpilgnm] л — паломник, пилигрим pillow j'pibu] Л — подушка pipe [paipj Л — трубка для курения табака pirate I'patarat] n — пират pity [ptti] 1, Л — жалость 2.v — жалеть plagiarism ['plet(fe3,r[zm] л — плагиат plural 1'р1иэгэ1] adj — множественный poetry ['pauitril и — поэзия Poland ['paulandj - Польша 250 policy ['polisil n — политика Polish ['pnirj] 1. n — поляк, полька 2. adj — польский (язьск) political [pa'Iittkal] adj — политический politics f'pDlitiksl n — политика poll [рэу1) n — опрос poor |риэ| adj — бедный Pope [рэир] — Папа Римский populate ['pDpjo,leit| v — населять population [,pnpjo'lei|n] n — население pork [pa:k] n — свинина possibility [pDSs'bilati] н — возможность possible I'pDsabij adj — возможный post [poust] n — почта poverty [’pnvatil n — бедность power ['раиэ) n — власть, мощь powerful ['раиэП| adj — могущественный pray [prei| V — молиться prefer [prj'fa:] v' — предпочитать prepare [рп'реэ) r — приготавливать, подготавливать preside [pri'zaid] v — председательствовать president ['prezidant] n — президент pretty I'pntil adj — хорошенькая (о женщине) previous ['priivias] adj — предыдущий pride (praidl n — гордость prince [pnns] n — принц princess l,prm'sesj n — принцесса print |pnnt| v~ печатать prison [prizn] n — тЕорьма prisoner ['prizsna] n — узник produce fpra'dju:s| v — производить production [ргэУлкГп| и — производство professional |ргэ'Ге/эп1] l.n — профессионал 2. adj — профессиональный pronunciation [prSinAnsi'eij'nJ n — произношение propaganda [iprapa'qsenda] n — пропаганда prophecy ['pmfasi] n — пророчество prophet ['proftt] n — пророк prose Iprauz] и — проза proud [praud) adj — гордый be proud fbi: praud] of smb / smth v — гордиться кем-либо / чем-либо publish ГрлЬйЛ V — издавать punish CpAntf] V — наказывать punishment j'pAntJmant] n — наказание push jpufi V — нажимать Q quarter ['kwaTaj « — четверть quiet ['kwaiatj adj — спокойньей quietly ['kwajatlij adv — спокойно quite [kwaitj adv — весьма quotation [kwau'teEjnj n — цитата quotation marks [kwauteijn ,гпа:к5| n кавьечки quote [kwautj v — цитировать raid [reid] 1. л — набег 2. v — совершать набег raise jreizj v — поднимать ransom ['raensmj « — выкуп rare I real adj — редкий rate [reitj n размер (оплать[) reach [ri;tfj v — достигать react jri'aektj v — реагировать reaction [ri'KkJn] n — реакция reality [ri'asliti] n — действительность rebellion [n'beljan] n — восстание recall |г['кэ:1] v — отзьЕвать recently ['ri:santli| adv — недавно recognize ['rekag,naiz| v — признавать refer to smth / smb [пТз;| v — ссьслаться на что-либо / кого-либо reference ['refaransj « — ссылка (рекомендация) reflect [n'flektj v — отражать reflection [ri'flek|n] n — отражение regularity [.regju'leeriti] ii — регулярность rely on smth / smb [ri'laij v — полагаться на что-либо / кого-либо reliable [n'iaiabl] adj — надежный relief [ri'li:f| n — помощь, облегчение religion [пЪфп] n — религия religious jn'licfeasj adj — религиозный remain [ri'mem| v — оставаться retnind [n'maEndj v — напоминать rename [,ri:'neim| v — переименовывать represent [.repri'zent] v — представлять republic [п'рлЫЕк] n — республЕЕка respond jrE'spDnd] v — отвечать response (ri'spnnsl n — ответ responsibility [гl|Sp^эnsэЪllэti] n — ответственность Vocabuloo 251 responsible In'sponsabll adj — ответственный revolve [ri'vDlvj v — вращаться reward [n'wn;d] n — награда rightful I'raitfsl] adj — законньЕЙ rise [raiz] — подниматься risk [risk] 1. n — риск 2.v — рисковать role [raulj n — роль romantic [rao'msentik] 1. n — романтик 2. adj — романтичный Royal Apartments |,гэ[э1 a'pcitmants] — королевские покои run a fever j'frvaj — быть в лихорадке rune [ru:n] « — руна (буква рунического алфавита) runic I'rumik] adj — рунический (алфавит) sacred ['seikridj adj — священный sail [sell] 1. n — парус 2. v — плавать saint ]seint] adj — святой sales ]'seilz] assistant n — продавец satellite ]'saetilait] n — спутник Saxon ['sasksan] 1. n — сакс, саксонка 2. adj — саксонский scandal j'sksendl] n — скандал Scandinavian ['sk^ndi.neivian] l.n —скандинав, скандинавка 2. adj — скандинавский scan ]'ska:n] 1, ri — отсканированная бумага, документ 2, V — сканировать scanner ['sktena] л — сканер scare ]5кеэ] v — пугать scared ]skead] adj — испуганный be / get scared [bi: / get 'skead] v — испугаться scepter ['septa] n — скипетр science fiction [.saians 'fikjn] — научная фантастика scratch ]skrEetr] I- n — царапина 2, к — царапать scream ]skri;m] 1, n — крик 2. v — кричать seat ]sin] и — место secondly ]'sek3ndli] adv — во-вторых secret ['si:krai] tt — секрет, тайна secretary ['sekmsri] >i — секретарь secretly ]'si:kratli] ad\' — тайно seem ]si:m] v — казаться sell ]sei] (sold, sold) v — продавать senate ]'semt] и — сенат senior ['si:nia] adj — старший separate ]'sep3reit] v — разделять serf ]s3:f] adj — подданный serve [s3;v] v — служить, обслуживать server ]'ss:ve] n — сервер service ['s3:vis] n — обслуживание (служба) several ['sevaral) adj — несколько shadow ('Jisedaoj n — тень shake jjeik] (shook, shaken) v — трясти, встряхивать shelf (shelves) [(elf] n — полка (полки) shelved [felvd] adj — отложенный sheriff [[[erif] n — шериф shook [[ok] (II ф, от shake) v — качать головой, трястись shoot [Ju:t] (shot, shot) v — стрелять shooting [’Ju:tii]] n — стрельба sight [salt] n — вид sightseeing ['sait,si:in] n — осмотр достопримечательностей signal ]'sign3l] 1, л — сигнал 2.v — сигнализировать silence ]'sail3ns] л — тишина silent [‘saibnt] adj — тихий silently ]'sail3ntli] adv — тихо similar ]'simib] adj — подобный similarity ],s[m3'l0er3ti] л — подобие simple I'simpl] adj — простой simply ]'simpli] adv — просто since ]sms] 1, conj — c тех nop, 2, prep — c sincerely ]sin'si3li] adv — искренне sit ]sit] V — сидеть, заседать situated ['sitfu.eitid] adj — расположенный size ]saiz] n — размер skiing ]'ski:ip] л — лыжный спорт skill [skil] n — навык skin [skin] Л — кожа Slav ]sla:v] л — славянин, славянка Slavic ]'sla:vik] adj — славянский (славянская группа языков) Slavonic [sb'vonik] adj— славянский язык sleeve ]sli:v] n — рукав slender ['sienda] adj — стройный 252 мо» jji - медленный 5iCi‘*Iy fsl^uiil aih- — медлеггао STTioke [imsuk] 1. n — дым 2. г — курить i~J^юth [smu;3] adj — гладкий [ s3ujl| adj — общественный Ь ' - e [sd!v] V — решать S-.«mewhere ['SAmwes] adv — где-нибудь MiQih [0ay0] n — ЮГ 5>:iuthern [’злбп] adj — южный Soviet ['s3uviat| adj — советский sparkle |'spa:k!l l.rt — искорка, блестка 2. V — искриться, блестеть specialist I'spejohst] n — специалист speciality [.speji'^lati] n — специальность specific [spa'srfik] adj — специальный spell Ispel] V — произносить слово по буквам spin |spin] V — крутиться, вращаться spirit ['spirtt] n — дух split (split| V— разделяться spot I spot J v — замечать statistics [sta'tistiksj n — статистика stewardess ['stjutadas) n — бортпроводница stick |stjk| (stuck, stuck) v — приклеивать stick out ['stik ,aut] и — торчать storm [stoim) n — шторм stranger ['streincfeal n — незнакомец stress [stresi n — стресс submit [sab'mit] v — подчиняться such [sAt/j adj — такой suggest [sa'cfeest] v — предлагать suggestion [sa'tfeestfan] n — предложение, предположение suitable I'suttsbl] adj — подходящий sun [sAn| n — солнце sunlight ['sAnlait] n — солнечный свет sunset f'sAn.set] fi — закат supernatural |,su:pa’n£etfar3l| adj — сверхъестественный surf the Net — быть в Интернете swear [swea) (swore, sworn) v — клясться sweep |swi:p] у — подметать swine [swatn| n — свинья Swiss [swis] 1.П — швейцарец, швейцарка 2. adj — швейцарский sword [so:d] n — меч symbol i'simbl] n — символ symboli/.e [ simbalatz) v — символизировать tablecloth ['teibl,klu0] л — скатерть take something for granted |tejk 'sArnOiri fa ’gramtid] — воспринимать что-то как само собой разумеющееся talent ['toebnt] и — талант target ['tu:g[t] п — цель taste [teist] п — вкус 2. к — пробовать на вкус tax |t£eks] п — налог tease [ti:z] w — дразнить telegraph ['teii,grQ:f| n — телеграф telescope rteli,sk3up) « — телескоп television ['teli,vi3n] « — телевидение tenant ['tenant] л — арендатор term [t3:m] n — семестр textbook I'tekst.bukj n — учебник thief [0i:f| n — вор though [Ээи] conj — хотя thrill [0ril] у — волновать thriller |'9п1э] n — триллер throat [0ГЭШ] Л — горло throne [Огэип] n — трон tonight [ta'naitj adv — сегодня вечером tooth [tu:0] n — зуб toothbrush ['tu:6,brAj) n — зубная щетка tough [tAf] adj — трудный (о ситуации) toward [ta'wo:dz] prep — no направлению к trade [treidj n — торговля tramp [traemp] n — бродяга treat [tri:t] smb v — относиться к кому-либо tribe Itraibj n — племя trousers I'trauzsz] n — брюки trust ItrAst] 1. Л — доверие 2. v — доверять tulip ['tjidrpj n — тюльпан turn back V — иоворачивать(ся) назад turn down V — отвергать, отказаться turn in V — превращаться turn out V — стать, сделаться, оказаться кем-либо / чем-либо turn up у — появляться twice [twaisj adv — дважды (вдвое) 253 |U> w ugly 1'лд11] adj — уродливый Ukrainian |ju:'kreim3ti] ].n — украинец, украинка 2. adj — украинский (язык) unfortunately |лп'Гэ:Ц'эпэ1И| adv — к сожалению union ['ju:nj3n] n — союз unique lju:'ni:ki adj — уникальный, единстве шш1Й unite jju:'nait| v — объединять united [jui'naitid] adj — объединенный universal | ju:ni'v3:sll adj — универсальный unless lAn'Ies] conj — если не upset lAp'sctl adj — расстроенный be / get upset |bi: / get ,Ap'sel] v — расстраиваться use [ju:zl v — использовать, пользоваться useless I'jicsbs] adj — бесполезный user ['ju:z3| n — пользователь V valentine ['vEebntainl « — валентинка vampire j'vEempaisI n ■— nastnup variant I'vesrianl} n — вариант venison [‘vemsani ?i — оленина version ['va^nl n — версия victory f'vLktari) n — победа viking [Vaikigl n — викинг village I'vilict^l H — деревня villager [Vilicfea] « — сельский житель virtual ['v3:lfo3l 1 Ы/ — виртуальный virus [Vaiorasl n — вирус visit [Vizit] V — посещать visitor I'vizita] ii — посетитель vote [vautj 1. n — голос на выборах 2. к — голосовать wander ['wnnda) v — бродить warn [wa:nj v — предупреждать warning I'wamii.)] n — предупреждение waste [weist] n — напрасная трата waste of time [weist av taim[ — напрасная трата времени website ['websait] n — вебсайт well written [,wel 'ritii] — хорошо написанный west [west] n — запад western ['westan] adj — западньей whisper ['wispa[ 1. и — шепот 2. и — шептать whom [hu:m] pron — кого widow ['widao] n — вдова wine [wain] и — вино wing [wig] fi — крыло wink [wiok] 1. n — подмигивание 2, V — мигать wipe [waip] v — стирать из памяти wolf [wuin n — волк wonder ['wAndaj и — чудо wool [wol] n — шерсть woolsack ['wuls$k[ n — мешок c шерстью workhouse ['w3:khausj n — работный дом worldwide [iWsdd’waid] adv — во всем мир worth (be worth doing smth) [w3;9] adj — стоящий, заслуживающий внимания (стоит что-то делать) wound [wu:nd] I. n — рана 2. v — ранить, причинять боль Y yard LjQ:d] и — ярд 254 List of irregular verbs 1 форма II форма in форма 1 1 форма 11 форма 1 be was, were been keep kept beat beat beaten know knew become became become leave left begin began begun let let bite bit bitten lie lay blow blew blown lose lost break broke broken make made bring brought brought mean meant build built built meet met buy bought bought pay paid catch caught caught put put choose chose chosen read read come came come ride rode cost cost cost run ran cut cut cut say said dig dug dug see saw do did done send sent draw drew drawn shake shook drink drank drunk shine shone drive drove driven show showed eat ate eaten sing sang fall fell fallen sit sat feel felt felt sleep slept fight fought fought speak spoke find found found spend spent fly flew flown stand stood forget forgot forgotten steal stole forgive forgave forgiven stick stuck freeze froze frozen swim swam get got got take took give gave given teach taught go went gone tell told grow grew grown think thought hang hung hung throw threw have had had understand understood hear heard heard wake woke hide hid hidden wear wore hit hit hit win won hold held held write wrote HI форма kept known left let lain lost made meant met paid put read ridden run said seen sent shaken shone shown sung sat slept spoken spent stood stolen stuck swum taken taught told thought thrown understood woken worn won written ffl Ч [u:| moon [еэ] air ]э;| bait READING RULES AND li:] tree [з:] her ]u] bush, pu PRONUNCIATION SYMBOLS [o:\ port, four [i:J tea [еэ] there i [u] book [аиэ] tower [q;] dance. answer name [g] go U1 she [kw] queen [r] write И bag [h] hen [a;] car [S] face [з:] work 1 me m kite [tfi bench [at] kind, night, cht'i [э:] walk 1 pen Ш lamp 105) page [i:i see [19] hear li five [m] man [kj black [з:] turn [п] know 1 tin [nl nine 13] treasure |з:] girl ]ei] mail K". - [pi pencil [ei] say, they 1э:| water [э:] autumn 1 [rl rose [в] thin [wj why LTn] station к :.te [sj son [SI this |л] come, son, love, mother [a:] after 1 [t] ten [0] song [h] who [3] measu ix [V] very [i] happy let] day ]a:| father \\ ^ ^ [w] wizard [au] house, town in phone |э:] daughter 1 "CC IzJ zoo [эи] blow [a:] cla' past, ask Uu:] few 1 [аиэ] our |0!| boy [ei] they [tn future [Э] driver, actor [19] here ]еэ] air (e) head