Английский язык Учебник 7 класс Кауфман

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык Учебник 7 класс Кауфман - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Happy English (Хэппи Инглиш):

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ш-j Ъ olilDlJ от TJT помошник HAD PERFECT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE Для Правильны) глаголрв FUTURE PAST PERFECT PERFECT PROGRESSIW Before you went in, We had opened the door. You had never been, To this town before. DON'T ENTER AM, ARE, IS, MUST, CAh PERFECT PROGRESSIVE SIMPLE PRESf, L. ■' A/}- 'PERFtO j ПОМОЩНИК HAVE к. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык Счастливый английский.РУ/ Happy English.ru Учебник для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации к использованию в образовательном процессе в образовательных учреждениях, реализующих образовательные программы общего образования и имеющих государственную аккредитацию т и т у л Т 1 т и L 2008 г22 -3) То the memory of Frima Mashbits УМК “Happy English.ru” для 7 класса включает следующие компоненты: учебник с текстами для домашнего чтения по истории Англии книгу для учителя рабочие тетради №1,2 с раздаточным материалом аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3) По вопросам приобретения книг следует обращаться в издательство “Титул”; 249035, г. Обнинск Калужской обл., а/я 5055, тел.; (48439) 9-10-09, факс; (48439) 9-10-00, e-mail; [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). "•Л Условные обозначения: упражнения, выполняемые в классе тексты и упражнения, связанные с сюжетом слушайте аудиокассету, CD работа в парах работа в группах, игра домашнее задание К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман КЗО Английский язык; Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru; Учебник для 7 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск; Титул, 2008.— 256 с.; ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-427-4 Учебник “Счастливый английский.ру” для 7-го класса является третьим учебником при начале обучения с 5-го класса и шестым учебником при начале обучения со 2-го класса завершенного курса английского языка "Счастливый английский.ru", предназначенного для учаидихся основной и средней (полной) обидеобразовательной школы. УМК написан в соответствии с требованиями федерального компонента государственного стандарта обидего образования и рекомендован Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации. Курс обеспечивает необходимый и достаточный уровень коммуникативных умений учащихся в устной и письменной речи, их готовность и способность к речевому взаимодействию на английском языке в рамках обозначенной в стандарте тематики. К курсу “Happy English.ru” разработана авторская программа для 5-9-х классов. ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 978-5-86866-427-4 © К. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман, 2004 © Издательство “Титул”, дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение, 2004; 2008, с изменениями Содержание Unit 1 Say hello to your old friends.....4 Lessons 1, 2 Do you remember us? ........6 Gmnunar Артикль.........................9 Lesson 3 We are making a file...........12 Lesson 4 Do you need a hand?............14 Lesson 5 A horrible thing happened!.....18 Unit 2 Camping: Is it for you?..........22 Lesson 1 We are going camping...........24 Grammar Артикль.......................25 Lesson 2 We must pack our backpacks.....27 Lesson 3 The most important equipment...31 Lesson 4 Her backpack is as heavy as mine .... 35 Grammar Местоимения. Союзы as... as, not as... as...........................35 Lessons 5, 6 Is Rob as good as gold?....38 Unit 3 Holidays.........................44 Lesson 1 The Tsar Bell and the Kunstkammer ... 46 Grammar Артикль........................46 Lessons 2, 3 I went to Turkey...........50 Lessons 4, 5 How do you spend your holidays?..............................54 Lesson 6 Project........................57 Unit 4 Nothing is forever...............58 Lesson 1 We can't drink this water......60 Lesson 2 Litter lasts longer than us....63 Grammar Артикль.......................63 Lesson 3 We mustn’t kill animals for clothes .... 67 Lessons 4, 5 They used to go camping....71 Grammar Конструкция used to...........71 Lesson 6 Project........................77 Unit 5 Let’s plan a trip to England.....78 Lesson 1 Grammar Past Progressive.......80 Lesson 2 When he phoned, she was flying.86 Grammar Past Progressive...............86 Lesson 3 The robbery....................88 Lesson 4 Misha is going to England......92 Lessons 5, 6 How long will it take to get to England? ..............................96 Lesson 7 Who was watching TV on Saturday afternoon? ...............101 Lessons 8, 9 The ring of the Druids....104 Unit 6 School..........................110 Lessons 1, 2 English schools ..........112 Grammar Артикль.......................112 Lesson 3 Misha’s first days at school..116 Grammar Местоимения other, another...116 Lesson 4 Is life at school easy?.......12! Lesson 5 You should find friends ......12^ Gramma! Глагол should.................12^ Lesson 6 School dinners................121 Lesson 7 Manners, manners..............131 Lessons 8, 9 We must leave our land.....131 Unit 7 English school..................131 Lesson 1 Grammar Present Perfect.......14{ Lesson 2 Grammar Present Perfect.......14f Lessons 3, 4 Grammai Present Perfect...15] Lesson 5 Have you ever...?.............15f Grammar Present Perfect...............15f Lesson 6 Play Draggy...................16( Lessons 7, 8 The easiest way isn’t always the best ...............................I6I Unit 8 Sports..........................I6f Lessons 1, 2 Misha should help his team.16f 'Grammar Present Perfect & Past Simple.16f Lesson 3 Do you want to have fun? ......172 Gramma; Наречие.......................172 Lesson 4 Do you need a player? .........175 Lesson 5 At the match...................171 Grammar Конструкция What a............17S Lessons 6, 7 The ring crosses the sea...185 Unit 9 Who is your role model?..........192 Lesson 1 Grammar Past Perfect...........194 Lessons 2, 3 “Scott of the Antarctic”...191 Lesson 4 A role model...................202 Lessons 5, 6 Are you ambitious?.........205 Lesson 7 Project........................207 Lessons 8, 9 The Battle of Hastings.....208 Unit 10 Friends.........................214 Lesson 1 Rob disappears.................216 Gra«)/j7«/ Повторение Present Progressive 216 Lessons 2, 3 "A friend in need is a friend indeed” ...............................221 Grammar Present Simple ................221 Lesson 4 How well do you know your friend? 225 Grammar Местоимение each other.........225 Lesson 5 A friend will never let you down .... 227 Grammar Past Simple, Future Simple.....227 Lesson 6 My best friend.................230 Gramma! Past Progressive, Past Perfect.230 Grammar Reference.......................233 Vocabulary..............................249 UNIT Say hello to your old friends In this unit • Boss, Agent Cute, Misha and Betsey's children say hello. • What happened to a top secret document. • The key to a family treasure. • The MacWizards are in danger. You will talk about the characters, their life, hobbies and plans for the future. You will need these words and expressions: Countries and cities Russia England Germany France London Berlin Moscow Paris ms ’ pf Л штт Family relatives a father a mother a sister a brother an uncle an aunt a grandmother a grandfather People to be a nice guy to be kind to be friendly to be fun to be angry to be clever to be strong Hobbies to like to be interested in some to do sports to go horse riding to learn a language reading books playing computer gam business hobby to be boring to have a pen friend to stay with somebodt У*^^' \П L_ Употребление артиклей с названиями стран, городов и языков. Speak English in class • How are you today? — Как дела? • Excuse me. Can I come in? — Извините, можно войти? • Sorry! I don’t understand! — Извините, я не понимаю! • Sorry! I am late! — Извините, я опоздал(а)! ” What page is the exercise? — Ha какой странице упражнение? Do you understand the tasks? • Ask a question.— Задайте вопрос. • A nswer my question. — Ответьте на мой вопрос. ' Read the text.— Читайте текст. • Write in the workbook.— Пишите в рабочей тетради • Translate the text.— Переведите текст. • Complete the sentence.— Закончите предложение. ‘ Compare.— Сравните. • Fill in the gaps.— Заполните пропуски. • Fill in the table.— Заполните таблицу. Do you remember us? 1 ' Listen, read and guess the meaning of the underlined words and expressions. Если в тексте вам встречаются незнакомые слова, воспользуйтесь моими советами: 1. Попытайтесь вспомнить, нет ли похожего слова в русском языке. Если такое слово есть - значения русского и английского слова, скорее всего, тоже будут похожими. 2. Попытайтесь догадаться о значении слова с помощью предыдущего и предшествующего предложений. 3. Подумайте - к какой части речи относится слово. Это глагол, существительное, прилагательное? Подумайте о значении этого слова: оно положительное или отрицательное? Hello, let me introduce Agent Cute. He is a really nice guy. He speaks English, German. Turkish and French, and he is learning Russian. He likes sports, but he is not very strong. His favourite pastime is watching TV Cute is not my best agent, but I always give him the most interesting cases because he is my brother. Last year an English boy got lost in Russia and Cute found him. That was good work, so I am going to ,ive Agent Cute a present: he is going on holiday next month. Hi, everybody! Meet my boss! He is the head of our agency. Boss is very clever. He speaks English, German, French. Japanese [.djtepo'nrz], Chinese l.tfai'nfzl. Italian fi'taslianl. Spanish and at the moment he is learning the language of the Tapagungu tribe in Africa. He is a workaholic - his detective agency is his business and his hobby. He doesn’t get a lot of money but he likes to help people. Last year the boss helped me find a lost English boy. I made a lot of mistakes, so the boss was often angry. This summer the boss is going to take his first holiday. That will be interesting! Unit 1 Lessons 1, 2 Hi, I am Rob MacWizard. I come from an old family of MacWizards. I like reading books and playing computer games. Last year I was in a very difficult situation. I had a pen friend in Russia and I wanted to visit him. But my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather Robin MacWizard came to Russia from 1599 and I went to the Edinburgh of 1599.1 didn’t like it there, my life was in danger, but Misha and Agent Cute saved me. I am staying with Misha and his family this summer. Maybe, we’ll be friends. Hi, I am Misha Inin. I am from Lukinsk. I live with my father and mother and my sister Masha. I am an ordinary boy from an ordinary family and I go to an ordinary school. But last year changed my life. A boy from the past came to me. His name was Robin MacWizard. He was from the Edinburgh of 1599. Robin was my best friend, but he had to go back to his time. Life is not fun without him. My hobbies: football, books and languages are boring without Robin. But now Rob is staying with me. In August we are going camping together. I hope he’ll like Russian forests and rivers. Hi, I am Betsey MacWizard. I have three children: Rosy, Mark and Rob. I never worry about Rosy and Mark - they have a lot of friends, do sports, go horse-riding and read books. But Rob is always alone, and he doesn’t have any friends. Last year we lost him in Russia. He was away for three months but he never talks to me about it. Now he is in Russia with Misha Inin. I am going to buy a new computer for Rob when he gets back. He loves computers. Unit 1 Lessons 1, 2 Hie pictures and the sentences. He She is in danger. He She is a workaholic. 3 Copy the table into your exercise books. Fill in the table with sentences from the text. He / She does it regularly / normally / never. He / She did it last year. He / She is going to do it in the future. He / She will do it in the future. He / She is doing it now. Misha goes to an ordinary school. Rob MacWizard Boss Agent Cute Betsey 4 Look at the pictures. Find the relatives. Model: Agent Cute is Boss’s brother. Boss is Agent Cute’s brother. I I Г Robin Mark 8 Unit 1 Lessons 1, 2 Agent Cute Артикль (The Article) -- Вы уже знакомы с некоторыми случаями употребления определенного артикля the и неопределенного артикля а, а также с теми случаями, когда ни тот, ни другой артикль употреблять нельзя. Чтобы вспомнить пройденный материал, соедините в правильном порядке вопросы и ответы. 1. Когда употребляется артикль а? 2. Где должен стоять артикль в словосочетании прилагательное -ь существительное? a) Определенный артикль the может употребляться с любыми существительными в необходимых контекстах. Артикль the употребляется, когда речь идет о лице / предмете, которые упоминались ранее; / bought а new book yesterday. The book is interesting. b) An употребляется перед исчисляемым существительным в единственном числе, если оно начинается с гласной; ап apple, ап end. 3. В каких случаях употребляется форма неопреде- ленного артикля ап.'' 7 с) Перед именами людей артикль не употребляется; It’s Pete. Pete is happy. 4. В каких случаях употребляется артикль the? d) В сочетании прилагательное + существительное артикль ставится перед прилагательным; Alice is а nice girl. This man is a good doctor. 5. Употребляется ли артикль перед именами людей? 6. Употребляется ли артикль перед притяжательными местоимениями? e) Артикль а произошел от древнеанглийского числительного “one” и употребляется в основном с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, когда какое-либо лицо или предмет называется впервые; Suddenly he saw а boy. — Неожиданно он увидел мальчика. f) Перед притяжательными местоимениями артикль не употребляется; I’ll have to speak to your father. — Мне придется поговорить с твоим отцом. Unit 1 Lessons 1, 2 Познакомьтесь с новыми случаями употребления артиклей. Артикль а употребляется перед сущест вительным, когда оно является частью составного именного сказуемого; Л/у friend will become а great doctor. He loves people. — Мой друг станет отличным врачом. Он любит людей. Do you know Ann? She’s an old lady from flat 5,— Вы знаете Анну? Это пожилая женщина из третьей квартиры. I left without ту friends. It was a big mistake. — Я ушел, не дождавшись своих друзей. Это было большой ошибкой. 5) Use the, а, - (по article). 1. Не is ... my friend. 2. She will be ... vet. 3. ... Simon is ... happy. 4. It was ... interesting film. 5. Cute is ... bad agent. 6. It was ... their house. In your exercise books fill in the table with adjectives from the text. Country England ['ipgbnd] Language English France [fra:ns] Germany ['cfeaimani] Russia ['гл[э] China ['tjama] Japan [cfeo'pasn] Spain [spem] Italy ['itoli] Turkey ['t3:ki] 1 - Spain Ч 2 - Germany's 3 - France 4 - Japan 5 - China 6 - Turkey 7 - Russia 8 - England 9 - Italy 7 jj Listen to the speaker and check your answers. Repeat the words after the speaker. Complete the sentences. Model: He is from China. He speaks .... — He is from China. He speaks Chinese. 1. She is from France. She speaks .... 2. He is from .... He speaks Japanese. 3. They are from Spain. They speak .... 4. We live in ... . We speak Turkish. 5. In Italy they speak .... 9^ Answer the question. What language do people speak in the USA? 10 Unit 1 Lessons 1, 2 Homework A Complete the sentences. Use the expressions: your life will be in danger, to be a workaholic, to be the head of smth 1. Our boss works day and night because he... 2. If you cross the road and don’t look,... 3. “I need to speak to your director.” - “That’s me. I... of this school.” В Look at the menu of the Food of the World restaurant. Match the food and the country. Model: Sushi is Japanese. You can have the best sushi in Japan. paella fpai'ela] Roquefort |'roktb:J cheese . sushi f'su:Ji] u- . • . . ^ i : - . : ^ . . , . , , : chicken with rice in sweet sauce [so:s] What do you think about this type of food? Model: I like Japanese food. /1 don’t like Japanese food. / 1 don’t know anything about Japanese food. C Use the, a, — (no article). 1. Olga lives in ... Russia. It is ... very big country. 2. He can’t speak ... German. If he goes to ... Germany, he’ll need ... translator. 3. Hid ... Robin come from ... Edinburgh or from ... London? 4. Do you speak ... Japanese? Is it ... difficult? 5. We want to go to ... Turkey next year. - Go in September. It is best time m ... Turkey. 6. He lives in ... France, doesn’t he? - Yes, this man is ... doctor from ... Paris. Unit 1 Lessons 1,2 11 We are making a file Use the information from the text on pages 6, 7 and answer the questions. 1. What does Agent Cute do? 2. Where does he come from? ” 3. Who does he work for? 4. What kind of person is he? 5. What did he do last year? 6. What are his hobbies? 7. What is he going to do next month? a) What is the boss’s job? b) Why does the boss always give the best cases to Agent Cute? c) What is the boss like? d) What did the boss do last year? e) What is the boss’s plan for this summer? f) What is the boss’s favourite pastime? g) What nationality is the boss? h) How many languages does the boss speak? В английском языке, так же как и в русском, один и тот же вопрос можно сформулировать разными способами. What do you do? — What’s your job? How are you? — How are things? Look at the questions in Ex. 1 and find pairs of questions with similar meanings. Fill in the gaps. Ask and answer questions about Rob MacWizard. 1. ...come from? 5. Does... friends? 2. What... his address? 6. What... last year? 3. What... like? 7. ...helped him? 4. What... hobbies? 8. ...going to do? Here are answers about Misha Inin. Write questions. 1. ...? — Misha lives in Lukinsk. 5. ...? — Last year he met his best 2. ...? — He goes to school. friend. 3. ,..? — He has a sister. 6. ...? — Robin was from Edinburgh. 4. ...? — Her name is Masha. 7. ...? — Because Robin is not with him. 1 2 Unit 1 Lesson 3 5 Read the file on Agent Cute. Listen to the information and fill in the gaps. Name: Family name: Cute Nationality: Dritieh Country: England Job: agent Interests: languages, watching TV Wliat is he lilse? a very nice guy. 6 Use the information from the text of Lessons 1, 2 and the cassette and fill in the file on the boss. Name: Family name: Nationality: Country: Job: - Interests: - What is he like? Homework i® • • • •••••••• A j Fill in the files on Rosy, Mark and Rob. Name: Family name: Nationality: Country: What does she do? Interests: What is she like? Name: Family name: Nationality: Country: What does he do? Interests: What is he like? 7 Try to fill in the file on Robin MacWizard. Discuss your ideas. Name: Family name: Nationality: Country: What does he do? Interests: What is he like? Name: Family name: Nationality: Country: What does he do? Interests: What is he like? В j Speak about Robin, Rob or Misha. 8 Listen and check your answers. Unit 1 Lesson 3 1 3 i Do you need a hand? J Эта рубрика будет знакомить вас с английскими идиомами. Идиома — это выражение, смысл которого не равен смыслу составляющих его слов. Если переводить идиому дословно, получится бессмыслица. Look at the pictures and match the idioms and their translations. Only one translation is right. 1. You are pulling my leg. w* Вы морочите мне - - . голову (шутите). © 2. Do you need а hand? (b) Q ^ 1 ) Read. a treasure ['tress] — сокровище to swap [swnpj — меняться top secret — совершенно секретный to drop smth — ронять что-либо 1 4 Unit 1 Lesson 4 You are making it up. — Вы все выдумываете. to deliver [di'livs] smth — доставлять что-либо Guess what? — И представляешь? ,2i_J Read the expressions. Put them in the right place. 1. I am Nick. How do you do? 2. Excuse me. I can’t find the key! 3. It was very nice to meet you. /"^My name is Alex. I How do you do?/ ^ Goodbye! Thanks I for the party. Here is your old friend Agent Cute. He is on the train. Look at the underlined words in the text and the picture and try to guess: 1. Where will Agent Cute go? 3. Who (кого) will he meet? 2. What will his case be? 4. What will they talk about? 4 Read the text and fill in the gaps with these expressions. 1. My name is Minnie Mouse. 2. It was very nice to meet you. 3. How do you do? 4. Excuse me. 5. Goodbye! 6. How do you do. Cute: Woman: Cute: Woman: Cute: Woman: Cute: Woman: Do you need a hand with this bag, madam? Oh, yes, thank you very much. My name is Cute, Agent Cute. I am going to Tunbridge Wells on very important business What’s your business then? I must deliver a document. It is the last task of a very important case. Oh, I love adventures and difficult cases! Please tell me about this case. I won’t tell anybody. Unit 1 Lesson 4 1 5 Cute: It’s a long story but I can’t say no to a beautiful lady. Last year I had a very interesting case. An English boy Rob went to his pen friend ...... Misha Inin in Russia. After that he didn’t write to his parents or phone them. His parents came to our agency for help. I worked on the case. I went to Russia and found Misha Inin and his family. They had a guest from England — Robin. But he was strange: he didn’t phone his parents, he wore a Scottish kilt and he could FLY. Minnie: You are pulling my leg! Cute: It’s true. I watched the boys in Russia, and when they went back to England, I watched them in England. And guess what! Robin was from 1599. He came from the past because he wanted to take the Stone of Destiny from Westminster Abbey back to Scotland. He was a Scottish patriot. And Rob was his great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandson. The two boys used the time tunnel and swapped places in time and I helped them swap back! Minnie: This is a good story. Ha-ha-ha! You are making it up, aren’t you? And what’s your top secret document? Cute: It’s a note. Robin dropped it when he went through the time tunnel back to his time. It was in a secret language and it was difficult to translate. Minnie: So what is it about? Cute: Oh! This note is the key to an old family treasure! I am going to give it to Rob MacWizard’s family. Maybe they’ll find this treasure. Minnie: Yes it is a very funny story. Cute: ... It’s my stop. Goodbye, Minnie! ... Minnie: ..., Agent Cute! 5 Listen to the first and the last part of the text and check your answers. 6 Read the text again and answer: true, false or no information. Support your answers with the information from the text. 1. Minnie Mouse is strange. 2. Agent Cute likes Minnie Mouse. 3. Minnie Mouse likes Agent Cute. 4. Minnie Mouse is a very nice lady. 5. Cute wants to go on holiday. 6. Cute is not telling the truth about his important case. 1 6 Unit 1 Lesson 4 7. Cute must deliver very important documents. 8. Minnie Mouse believes Cute’s story. 9. Cute is a very good agent. 10. Cute is a very nice person. 7 ) Match the sentences and their translations. 1. You are pulling my leg. 2. It doesn’t matter. 3. Do you need a hand? 4. This is a top secret document. a) Это не имеет значения. b) Это совершенно секретный документ. c) Вам помочь? d) Bbi шутите. V, Homework I • • ••••• А J Translate the words in brackets and fill in the gaps. 1. Agent Cute had to ... (доставить) a document to Rob MacWizard’s family. 2. The document was ... (совершенно секретный). 3. Robin ... (уронил) the document when he went back to his time. 4. The document is a key to the ... (сокровище). 5. I have a cheese sandwich and you have a ham sandwich. Let’s ... (меняться). В Minnie Mouse is writing Cute's story in her notebook. She believed the story. She is really interested in the family treasurel Tell your classmates: What does Minnie Mouse know about Misha and Rob? What did she forget? Put the verbs in brackets _ _ ----- in the right form. .—■—— ~ Ц I § ' Lastyear Agent Cute ... (have) a very interesting case. An English boy Rob ... (go) to his pen friend Misha in Russia. His parents ... (come) to the detective agency for help. Agent Cute ... (work) on the case. He went to Russia and ... (find) Misha and his family. They had a visitor from England — Robin. Agent Cute ... (watch) the boys in Russia and, when they ... (go) to England, he watched them in England. Robin ... (be) from 1599. He came from the past because he ... (want) to take the Stone of Destiny from Westminster Abbey back to Scotland. The two boys used a time tunnel and ... (swap) places in time and Agent Cute helped them swap back! He ... (find) a note. It is the key to a family treasure. Unit 1 Lesson 4 1 7 А horrible thing happened! 5’’^% When you have to give bad news, you can start the sentence with I am afraid... (боюсь, что...) Use / am afraid in the dialogues. Model: Where is your bag? — It is at home. — I am afraid it is at home. 1. How is your mother? — She is not very well. 2. Give me the money— I lost it. 3. We are going to have a nice party tomorrow.— I can’t come. 4. Let’s go shopping! — The shops are closed. Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1. The MacWizards are the boss’s clients ['klaiants]. 2. Today we are having a test and I don’t know anything. It is a catastrophe [ka'taestrafi]! 2 Answer the questions about the text on pages 15-16. 1. Where did Agent Cute go? 2. Who (кого) did he meet? 3. Agent Cute told the woman about Misha and Robin, didn’t he? 4. Why did the woman say, “You are pulling my leg.”? 5. Why was the document top secret? 3 Agent Cute is talking to the boss. He has some bad news. Read and put the verbs in brackets in the right form. Cute: Hi, Boss! A horrible thing (happen)! I can’t (find) the top secret document! Boss: I don’t believe it! I (put) it into your bag! ... you (show) it to anybody? Cute: No! Of course, I didn’t. Boss: ... you (tell) anybody about it? Cute: Yes. But it doesn’t matter. I (talk) about it to a very nice lady on the train. Boss: ... you (tell) this lady about the treasure? Cute: Yes, I am afraid I did. Boss: Did she tell you her name? Cute: Yes. Her name (be) Minnie Mouse! Boss: You (pull) my leg! 1 8 Unit 1 Lesson 5 Cute: What’s wrong with the name? Boss: The lady (give) you a false name! Minnie Mouse is Mickey Mouse’s girlfriend and they are cartoon characters (герои мультфильмов). You (lose) the top secret document and our clients are in danger. It is a catastrophe. Cute: But, Boss, I’ll find the lady. Boss: No, Cute, you can’t do that. You are fired! (Вы уволены.) 4 Listen and check your answers. Mickey and Minnie Monse — characters in early Walt Disney cartoons. They are Disney symbols and are famous all over the world. _ 5 J Match the underlined sentences with expressions from the box. Model: I don’t believe you! You are inventing this story - I don’t believe you. You are making it up. 1. Y)u are pulling my leg. 2. It doesn’t matter. 3. You are fired. 4. Do you need a hand? 5. This is a top secret document. 6. You are making it up. a) I don’t believe you! You are inventing this story. b) Don’t worry about this book! You can return it tomorrow. It isn’t important. c) A: Do you know the news? B: No, I don’t. A: Your best friend Anna is going to China. She wants to live there. B: You are joking! d) A: I’m going to wash the car. B: It’s really dirty! Do you need any help? e) Nobody must know about this document f) Ym must leave the office and never come back. Unit 1 Lesson 5 1 9 6 In pairs. There are a lot of mistakes in these dialogues. Correct the mistakes, make up short dialogues and act them out. Yesterday I saw a UFO. It landed in our garden and three green men came out of it. I have a lot of work: I must clean the house, do the shopping and cook dinner. I am afraid I forgot my friend’s address. You are making it up! Excuse me Boss, but I lost a very important document. You mustn’t open the door! Your life is in danger. d) Л It doesn’t matter. ' Hello! Police! Somebody wants to get into my flat. I don’t know who it is. \\ Л [ Do you need a hand? 7 Something horrible happened. What was it? Choose an answer "" and explain it. 1. The MacWizards lost the family treasure. 2. Agent Cute was fired. 3. The MacWizards were in danger. 20 Unit 1 Lesson 5 Homework A Agent Cute is writing a letter to Misha, but his Russian is not very good because he is very nervous. Write a letter in English. Untitled - Message |HTML| Edit Virw at fripoisT,, -- ■; !■ .= ..;r, . i [email protected] ..L.jr“........................... Дорогой Миша, Я есть испуганный, ужасная вегць слупилась. Я поехал в Танбридж-Уэлс. Я имел документ для Роба. Этот документ есть верхний секрет. Робин ронял его, я его подбирал. Этот докзгмент есть ключ к сокровище. Я встретил очень красивая женщина на поезд. Она имела тяжелая сзгмка, и я спросил ее: “Вам нужна рука?” Она сказал: “Спасибо”. Мы разговаривали, и она мне говорил: “Ты есть сильный, ты есть красивый, рассказывай мне про свой бизнес”. Я рассказывал ей про тебя, Роба и Робина, и она говорил: “Ты дергаешь меня за ногу”. Потом она крала этот докзгмент. Роб есть в опасность. Босс есть очень сердитый. Я есть уволенный. Рассказывай обо всем Робу. Любовь, Агент Кьют many new words do you know? Chinese French German Italian It doesn’t matter. Japanese Spanish to swap to be afraid to be in danger to be the head of smth to drop smth to make something up to need a hand to pull somebody’s leg top secret a treasure Turkish a workaholic a case a catastrophe a client to deliver Guess what? ordinary Unit 1 Lesson 5 21 UNIT Camping: Is it for you? In this unit «I Misha and Rob are going camping. • Is a camping stove more important than a mattress? • Rob promises to be as good as gold. • Are you a sleeping bag, a campfire or a torch? You will talk about camping. You will need these words and expressions: Health problems to be tired / (\ to be pale to be ill to have a headache to have a sore throat to have toothache to have stomachache to be allergic to something Clothes a sweater a pair of trainers a jacket a cap a pair of trousers a pair of jeans a pair of socks a pair of boots a T-shirt Food potatoes a snack mushrooms a pizza berries fish meat sausage cheese vegetables fruit a sandwich yoghurt a biscuit breakfast dinner tasty to cook to eat to drink to be hungr} a mug a spoon a fork Holidays a mountain a lake equipment a tent a guitar to visit smb / smth to enjoy smth to walk Colours blue red green white black yellow brown 22 Unit 2 New grammar for you • Употребление артиклей с названиями рек, озер, морей, океанов, каналов, пустынь, горных цепей. ® Образование степеней сравнения прилагательных. * Абсолютная форма местоимений. Speak English in class • — Who is on duty today? — Кто сегодня дежурный? • — I am. / We are. • — Who is away today? — Кто сегодня отсутствует? • — Ivanov is. / Everybody is here. / Nobody is away. • Open your books on page 10.— Откройте книги на десятой странице. » Be careful! — Будьте внима гельиы! Do you understand the tasks? Listen to the cassette.— Прослушайте аудиозапись. Guess the meaning of the underlined words.— Догадайтесь о значении подчеркнутых слов. Match the pictures with the sentences.— Сопоставьте картинки и предложения. Find the right answer.— Найдите правильный ответ. Explain your answers.— Объясните правильность своих ответов. Look at the picture.— Посмотрите на картинку. Choose the right answer.— Выберите правильный ответ. Check your answers.— Проверьте ci.oii oii’.eii.i. I am — I’m you are — you’re he is — he’s she is — she’s it is — it’s we are — we’re they are — they’re that is — that’s he will — he’ll I will not — I won’t do not — doil'l does not - doesii'i is not — isn’t are not — aren’t was not — wasn’t were not — weren’t have not — haven’t had not — hadn’t did not — didn’t cannot — can’t must not — mustn’t Unit 2 23 ^ Qoing camping * Listen and read. disgusting — отвратительный heavy ['hevi] — тяжелый to pick smth up — собирать что-либо to go camping — идти в поход to get wet through — промокнуть до нитки an adventure — приключение wood — зд. хворост a campfire ['кжтрГаю] — костер a bear — медведь hard ground — зд. твердая земля to snore — храпеть burnt — подгоревший a source [so;s] — исток Guess the meaning of the underlined word. There are a lot of mosquitoes [mn'skidauz] in summer. They fly around me and I can’t sleep. 2*: Misha wants to go camping and is talking to Rob about it. Listen, read and answer the questions. 1. What does Rob think about camping. Why? 2. What does Misha think about camping. Why? 3. Why did Rob say, “Г11 go with you.”? Find the opposite of soft (мягкий) and light (легкий). Misha; Good morning, Rob! 1 have a surprise for you. Next week we are going camping with my class! Rob: No, thank you. I hate camping! Misha; Don’t say that! Camping is fun! We are going to Lake Volgo, it is one of the sources of our great Russian river — the Volga. We’ll sleep in tents and cook our food on a campfire! Rob; And what’s wrong (a что не так?) with ТУ computers, nice soft beds and pizza? Misha: We can play computer games and eat pizza every day! It’s boring! Camping is a real adventure! I know, I know. You walk all day and you carry a heavy backpack. You are very tired in the evening, but you have to go and pick up some wood for the campfire. Then you eat disgusting burnt potatoes. Rob: 24 Unit 2 Lesson i When you finally get into your sleeping bag, you can’t sleep. Somebody snores, mosquitoes sit on your nose, the ground is hard and cold. And you are lucky if it doesn’t rain and you don’t get wet through. Is that fun? And I heard there are horrible big bears in Russian forests... Misha; Are you scared, Rob? Rob: Of course I’m not scared. Misha; Then show me. Rob: OK, OK. I’ll go with you. В словосочетании два прилагательных + суш;ествительное на первое место ставится прилагательное со значением оценки. Например: а clever young boy, а boring old book. 3 I Look through the text and find word combinations with two adjectives. 4 ' Write the adjectives in the right order. 1. My grandfather is a ... man. (old / brave) 2. Our office is in a ... house, (nice / new) 3. Ann’s friends live in a ... village, (little / beautiful) 4. Nobody wanted to eat that ... soup, (disgusting / cold) Артикль (The Article) . Артикль the употребляется c названиями рек, озер, морей, океанов, каналов, пустынь, горных цепей. Например: The Volga, the Black Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Baikal, the English Channel, the Sahara, the Alps. Если перед названием озера стоит слово Lake, то артикль, как правило, не употребляется. Например: Lake Volgo, Lake Baikal. 5 Choose the right answer and fill in the gaps. Write the or - (no article). 1. ... deepest lake in the world is ... . a) ... Lake Ontario b) ... Lake Volgo c) ... Lake Baikal 2. ... warmest of the three is ... . a) ... Black Sea b) ... Red Sea c) ... Caspian Sea 3. ... longest river in the world is ... . a) ... Nile b) ... Volga c) ... Mississippi 4. ... largest ocean in the world is ... . a) ... Atlantic Ocean b) ... Pacific Ocean c) ... Indian Ocean 5. ... highest mountains are .... a) ... Himalayas b) ... Alps c) ... Caucasus Unit 2 Lesson 25 6 In your exercise books fill in the table with sentences from the text on pages 24-25 which prove these ideas. Camping is fun I hate camping 7 Look at the picture and think: What is good about camping? Model: Camping is fun. The boys are playing football. 8 In pairs. Talk about camping and say: Do you agree with Misha or with Rob? Why? Start with: / think, I believe, I agree, I don't agree. Probably, Maybe, I remember, Tm afraid, Tm sorry, but... Homework •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A Do you want to go camping? Why? / Why not? Write about it. Use the sentences from the text or your own ideas. Start with "Camping is a real adventure..." or "I hate camping..." 26 Unit 2 Lesson 1 We must pack our backpacks 1 Look at the pictures and match them with the words from the box. a warm sweater, a pair of trainers, a pair of trousers, a warm jacket, a backpack, a tent, a sleeping bag, a guitar, some medicine, a compass, a mug, a spoon, a pair of wellingtons, a pair of socks a box of matches 2 You are going camping. What will you take with you? What won't you take with you? Start with: It is important to have.... It doesn't matter if I don't have... Unit 2 Lesson 2 27 3 Listen and read. Choose the best translation for the underlined expression. a) лучшая пара b) лишняя пара с) запасная пара How many pairs of swimming trunks is Rob going to take with him? Misha: We must pack our backpacks. What are you going to take? Rob: Oh, thabs easy. We’ll sleep in the sleeping bags, so I must take that. Then I’ll wear my wellingtons because it is going to be wet and muddy in the forest. I’ll wear my yellow T-shirt and my blue jeans because they look nice on me. Oh, and I must take these white socks. They are very nice too, aren’t they? I’ll take an extra pair of swimming trunks. And let’s take a cassette recorder because life without music isn’t fun. 4 Do you agree with Rob? Does he have the right things? 5 Help Rob pack his backpack. Fill in the gaps with the words. extra pairs of socks, a torch, a box of matches, a pair of wellingtons, a pair of trainers, warm sweaters and warm jackets, a water bottle, a camera 1. It can be muddy in the forest, so they’ll need ... . 2. They are going to walk for a long time, so they’ll need .... 3. They can get thirsty, so they’ll need a ... . 4. It is going to be dark in the forest, so they’ll need a ... . 5. They are going to make a campfire, so they’ll need .... 6. It can be very cold at night, so they’ll need .... 7. Their socks can get wet, so they’ll need .... ^ 8. They are going to see a lot of beautiful places, so they’ll need a ... . 6 In pairs. A memory game. Look at Misha's backpack for a minute. Close your book and try to remember: What did you see in the backpack? 28 Unit 2 Lesson 2 7 Yesterday Misha made a list of things to take with him. Look at his backpack and listen to Misha's list. What did he forget? 8 Tell your classmates: What things do you take when you go camping? Homework » A A guiz. NMhat kind of camper are you? Choose your answer. 1. At the weekends you normally... a) spend a day on the sofa and watch TV ' b) spend your time with friends. c) walk your dog or go jogging. 2. Which character do you like best? a) Harry Potter b) Robin Hood c) Peter Pan 3. You are lost in the forest. What will you do? a) climb a tree and cry b) sit on the ground and wait for help * c) use a compass and try to find the way 4. You are camping near the take. There is no hot water, but you want to wash your hair. a) You won’t wash your hair and wait for your cosy bathroom. b) You’ll warm up some water in the cauldron and ask somebody to help. c) You’ll wash your hair in the lake. 5. What is fun about sleeping in a tent? a) It’s not my idea of fun. b) You can have a good fight and a good laugh in a tent. c) It is good for you to sleep in the open air. 6. You are camping. You get up early in the morning. Everybody is still asleep. What will you do? a) read a book b) cook breakfast c) make a campfire 7. You are going by car, so you can take one heavy thing with you. What will you take? a) a TV b) a cassette recorder c) a boat Unit 2 Lesson 2 29 When you go camping, your backpack is normally very heavy because you carry a) a lot of warm clothes b) a lot of nice snacks c) a lot of things for your friends . When you get home after camping what is the first thing you do? a) Go to the bathroom and have a long hot bath. b) Phone all your friends and tell them all about your adventures. c) Go to the kitchen and have something to eat. fsW ’ •» ' Mostly Cs m Ziv* . You are a SLEEPING BAG. Camping isn’t your idea of fun. The ground is cold and the backpack is very heavy. So it’s better for you to go by car. But you are clever. If something happens, you have good ideas which help everybody. And your friends really like to listen to your stories by the campfire. - You are a CAMPFIRE. Everybody likes you. You are always the centre of any group. You sing, you dance, you make jokes. Camping without you isn’t fun. But you are not always ready for difficult situations - you need your friends like a campfire needs a lot of wood. - You are a TORCH. You are a very good camper and will survive in any situation. You always help your friends if they ask for help. You can make a campfire and cook food, you can carry heavy things. There is only one problem: Your light is very important, but it is not warm enough. ^ Do you agree with your results? Why? Write 2-4 sentences. 30 Unit 2 Lesson 2 The most important equipment 1 Compare the words according to the model. Model: Germany / Canada / China (big) — Germany is big. China is bigger. Canada is the biggest. 1. the Volga / the Irtysh / the Thames (long) 2. a village / a city / a town (big) 3. a train / a plane / a car (fast) 4. Japan / Belgium / Spain (small) В пятом классе вы познакомились с английскими прилагательными и узнали, как их сравнивать. Правильно соединив части предложений, вы вспомните изученные правила. 1. Английские прилагательные имеют 2. К прилагательным, состояпщм из одного слога или двух слогов и оканчивающимся на -у, -ow, -ег, в сравнительной степени прибавляется а) буква е отбрасывается. Например: large — larger — largest 3. К прилагательным, состоящим из одного слога или двух слогов и оканчивающимся на -у, -ow, -ег, в превосходной степени прибавляется 4. Если прилагательное оканчивается на букву е, то при прибавлении суффикса -ег или -est 5. Если прилагательное оканчивается на ударный слог с кратким гласным, то при прибавлении суффикса -ег или -est Ь) конечная согласная удваивается. Например: hot — hotter — hottest с) положительную, сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения. Например: long — longer — longest d) буква у меняется на i. Например: early — earlier — earliest е)good bad - - better worse - - best, worst 6. Если прилагательное оканчивается на букву у, которой предшествует согласная, то при прибавлении суффикса -ег или -est 7. Некоторые прилагательные образуют степени сравнения не по правилу, например: f) суффикс -ег. Например: short — shorter; happy — happier; narrow — narrower g) суффикс -est. Например: short — shortest; happy — happiest; narrow — narrowest Unit 2 Lesson 3 31 Степени сравнения прилагательных (Degrees of Comparison) Большинство прилагательных, состоящих из двух и более слогов, образуют степени сравнения с помощью слов more (более), most (наиболее), less (менее) и least (наименее), которые ставятся перед прилагательными. More и less употребляются перед прилагательными для образования сравнительной степени. . . w ^Например; exciting - 1 think А nna’s party will be less exciting than a boring film on TV— Я думаю, что вечеринка у Анны будет менее интересной, чем скучный фильм по телевизору. difficult - I think Russian is more difficult than English. - Я думаю, русский язык труднее, чем английский. ,, ,, comfortable — Му room in the hotel was less comfortable than my ^ friend’s That was so unfair.- Моя комната в отеле была менее удобной, нем комната моего друга. Это было так несправедливо. Most и least употребляются перед прилагательными для образования превосходной степени. Существительное, определяемое прилагательным в превосходной степени употребляется с артиклем the. Например: beautiful - Магу is the most beautiful girl in our class. Мяпи — самая красивая девочка в нашем классе. interestinE - This is the most interesting film about animats you can find in M^hopf Это самый интересный фильм о животных, который hLCimflVl в ЭТУ10М MCl2.Cl3ltht6n ^ ч useful - I think this is the least useful book from your list. - Я думаю, это наименее полезная книга из твоего списка. 2 Misha and his friends are in the shop. They are buying equipment [I'kwipmsnt] (снаряжение) for camping. Look and find the new wo . a camping stove 32 Unit 2 Lesson 3 3 What do you think? 1. What is the most important equipment for camping? 2. What is the least important equipment for camping? 3. What is the most expensive equipment? 4. What is the least expensive equipment? 5. What is the heaviest equipment? 4 Compare the equipment. Put the adjectives in brackets in the right form. 1. ‘A camping stove is (cheap) than a tent. Let’s have it.” 2. “We can’t have a camping stove and a tent. We have only six thousand roubles. The tent is (expensive) thing, but it is also (important) equipment.” 3. ‘A kettle is (expensive) thing, but we don’t need it.” 4. ‘A mattress is (cheap) than a camping stove, but it’s (useful) equipment. We have our sleeping bags!” 5. ‘A mattress isn’t (useful) thing, but it’s important for me. It’s (comfortable) to sleep on a mattress than on the ground.” 6. “We can have a kettle — it’s (cheap and light) thing.” 5 ’ Look at the picture in Ex. 2 and answer the questions. Use the information from Ex. 2, 4. 1. What does Misha want to buy? What does he say? 2. What does Vasya want to buy? What does he say? 3. What does Rob want to buy? What does he say? 4. What does Olga want to buy? What does she say? 6 Use the sentences from Ex. 4 and act out mini-dialogues between a) Misha and Vasya b) Misha and Olga c) Olga and Rob 7 Listen and check your answers. Homework A Put the adjectives in brackets in the right form. 1. Ted is (tall) ... than Steve. 2. My dad is (old)... than my mum. 3. They are the (happy) ... family in our town. 4. Mary’s English is (bad) ... than her German. 5. Nick is the (good) ... football player in our class. 6. The (hot) ... day last year was 12 July. TtfBbift английский.py. Учебник для 7 кл. Unit 2 Lesson 3 33 в Complete the table with the right form of the adjective. Положительная степень Positive degree famous Сравнительная степень Comparative degree Превосходная степень Superlative degree more favourite better (the) least important (thing) creepy more horrible easier gloomy less interesting C J Write your opinion. 1. The most popular computer game is... 2. The most ancient monument in England is... 3. ...will be the most popular football player in Russia next year. 4. ...is the most interesting TV programme. D I Write questions for your friends. Ask them in class. Model: a) car (comfortable): What is the most comfortable car? b) computer / TV (expensive): Is a computer more expensive than a TV? a) 1. city (beautiful) 2. museum (interesting) 3. holiday (important) b) 1. book / film (interesting) 2. Mathematics / History (difficult) 3. bicycle / car (cheap) 4. spring / autumn (warm) 34 Unit 2 Lesson 3 Her backpack is as heavy as mine Сравнение прилагательных с помощью союзов as... as, not as... as Качества предметов, действий и явлений можно сравнивать с помощью союзов as... as (такой же, как) и not as... as (не такой, как). This book is as interesting as that one. — Эта книга такая же интересная, как та. This book is not as interesting as that one. — Эта книга не такая интересная, как та. She was not as happy as they thought. — Она была не так счастлива, как они думали. Му brother is as tall as you, but he is not as old. — Мой брат такой же высокий, как ты, но он младиле. Обратите внимание: В таких предложениях подлежащее не повторяется дважды. Во второй части предложения оно заменяется словом one, а во множественном числе — ones. These shoes are better than those ones. — Эти туфли лучше, чем те. I read all books by Philippa Gregory. Please give me this one and that one. — Я читаю все книги Филиппы Грегори. Пожалуйста, дайте мне эту и ту. Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений Притяжательные местоимения в основной форме служат определением к существительному и ставятся перед ним: ту book. Притяжательные местоимения в абсолютной форме заменяют существительные, поэтому существительные после них не употребляются. Например: Му flat is bigger than yours. — Моя квартира больше, чем ваша. He’ll listen to all your secrets and will give you some good advice, but please, don’t ask him about his. — Он выслушает все твои секреты и даст тебе хорошие советы, но, пожалуйста, не спрашивай о его. Основная форма притяжательных местоимений Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений ту ball — мой мяч The ball is mine.— Мяч мой. your ball — Ваш мяч The ball is yours.— Мяч Ваш. his ball — его мяч The ball is his.— Мяч его. her ball — её мяч The ball is hers. — Мяч её. its ball — его/её (о животном) мяч The ball is its.— Мяч его/её (о животном). our ball — наш мяч The ball is ours. — Мяч наш. your ball — ваш мяч The ball is yours. — Мяч ваш. their ball— их мяч The ball is theirs.— Мяч их. Unit 2 Lesson 4 35 •?п®ЕЖ.'"якг*' яь%~ ■ •!f^s^sкт}la;^'vrsзlsls^;^lsiжsшwss;жsss:st Вопрос: Правильно ли будет сказать Her book is better than his one. Ответ; Нет, неправильно. Притяжательное местоимение существительное заменяются только местоимением в абсолютной форме. Her book is better than his. 1 ш ■ -Mr I svsxif- Ч. Change the sentences according to the model. Model: This is her torch. — The torch is hers. 1. These are their matches.— 4. These are our tents.— 2. That is my camera.— 5. That is his mattress.— 3. This is your mosquito cream.— 6. This is her camping stove.— 2 ) Change the sentences according to the model. Model: Your bag is not as new as mine (old). — Your bag is older than mine. 1. Peggy’s backpack is not as heavy as mine (light).— 2. The weather today is not as good as it was yesterday (bad).— 3. This house is not as big as that one (small).— 4. This picture is not as (expensive) as that one (cheap).— 5. The Black Sea is not as warm as the Red Sea (cold).— 6. This cauldron is not as dirty as that one (clean).— 3j Fill in the gaps with as... as or not as... as. 1. Start with Exercise 1. It is ... difficult ... Exercise 2. 2. The film was ... good ... the book. I don’t recommend it. 3. My friend’s cat is ... funny ... mine. I like to play with it. 4. My new shoes are ... comfortable ... my old ones. I don’t like to wear them. 5. I’m afraid I can’t help you. My backpack is ... heavy ... yours. Choose the right word. 1. Is that (your / yours) pen? 2. That pen is (my / mine). 3. That ball isn’t (him / his). 4. Is your dress as old as (her / hers)? 5. Their flat is as small as (our / ours). 6. Our teacher was as good as (their / theirs). I Find the mistakes. 1. My bag is as clean as her one. 2. This book is interesting as that one. 3. His brother is older than hers brother. 4. Yours mistakes are as bad as mine ones. 36 Unit 2 Lesson 4 Look at the people in the pictures. What are they saying to each ather? Act out the dialogues between them. My job is good. Her job is good too. ( My job is as good as hers. f My job is good. \^er job isn’t good.' Her job is not good as mine. 1. Her pizza was tasty. His pizza wasn’t tasty — His pizza... 2. Your story was scary. My story was scary too.— My story... 3. Her mum was angry. His mum was angry too.— Her mum... 4. This book is very interesting. That book is boring.— That book... Answer the questions. 1. Is the Ob as long as the Oka? 2. Is England as big as Russia? 3. Are the days in autumn as short as m spring 7 4. Is St Petersburg as old as Moscow? 5. Is the Atlantic Ocean as big as the Pacific Ocean? 6. Is the Black Sea as warm as the Caspian Sea? 7. Is winter in Moscow as cold as winter in Tomsk? Homework • ••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • Choose the right word. 1. That tent wasn’t him / his. 2. He is her / hers friend. 3. That kettle is their / theirs. 4. Look at his / him. 5. This pen isn’t my / mine. Complete the sentences. Use the adjectives: light, famous, long, heavy. 1. The Thames is not as... as the Enisey. 2. Her backpack is as... as mine. 3. Their tent was not as... as ours. 4. Shakespeare is as... as Pushkin. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Этот перочинный нож не мой. Он — его. 2. Наша палатка не такая новая, как ваша. 3. Их спальные мешки не такие теплые, как наши. 4. Его книга такая же интересная, как ее. Unit 2 Lesson 4 37 ) Is Rob as good os gold? Match the pictures with the idioms. 1. It is as hungry as a hunter. 2. He is as good as gold. 3. His face is as red as a beetroot. 4. He is as strong as an ox. Л йзШ ® C-:-(5 21 Listen and read. to hurt — причинять боль to share [fes] smth with smb — (по)делиться c кем-либо чем-либо to wash up — мыть посуду to put up a tent — ставить палатку 3 Match the expressions with their translations. 1. to be as strong as an ox 2. to be as good as gold 3. to be as red as a beetroot 4. to be as hungry as a hunter a) быть красным от стыда b) быть голодным, как волк c) вести себя хорошо d) быть сильным, как вол Guess the meaning of the underlined word. If you cut your finger, you must put a plaster ['plaista] on it. 38 Unit 2 Lessons 5, 6 4 Read and say: What are the friends doing? OK. Give it to me. Misha, help! My backpack is too (слишком) heavy. ) I’p carry it for you. They hurt, because you are wearing your wellingtons! They are not for walking. Put on my trainers and put a plaster on your feet. 2 Lessons 5, 6 39 Well stay here for the night! 40 ! ‘''iv 2 Lessons 5, 6 I don’t believe it. He is eating sandwiches, yoghurt and biscuits behind the tent. f I couldn’t share these snacks! ' \ТЪеге isn’t enough for everybody. f Rob! You don’t want to do anything, but everybody has to help you! When my friends found you behind the tent, ^my face was as red as a beetroot! I’ll think about it! I promise! Tomorrow I’ll be as good as gold. © 5 What do you do with these things? Match the nouns with the verbs. 1. campfire 2. wood 3. tasty snacks 4. dirty dishes 5. food 6. tent a) put up b) cook c) pick up d) wash up e) make f) share Who said these words and when? 1. You are as strong as an ox. 2. Tomorrow I’ll be as good as gold. 3. My face was as red as a beetroot! 4. I’m as hungry as a hunter. Unit 2 Lessons 5, 6 41 Listen and try to understand the main idea of each story. Match the stories with the main ideas from the box. Be careful! There are four main ideas, but only three stories. a) He is as good as gold. c) He was as hungry as a hunter. b) Her face was as red as a beetroot. d) He was as strong as an ox. Для выполнения этого задания вам необязательно понимать каждое услышанное слово. Не обраш;айте внимания на незнакомые слова, не пытайтесь запомнить или записать услышанное. Ваша цель — расслышать достаточное количество знакомых слов, это позволи т' вам ^ понять общий смысл. Если вы не справились с заданием с первого раза — не отчаивайтесь. Прослушайте тексты еще раз. ^ ^ 8 ) Answer the questions. 1. Why did Rob say to Misha, “You are as strong as an ox.”? 2. Why did Rob’s feet hurt? 3. How did Misha help Rob? 4. Why was Rob cold? 5. What did Misha do when the friends stopped for the night? 6. What did Rob do? 7. Where did the friends find Rob? 8. Why was Misha’s face as red as a beetroot? 9. What did Rob promise Misha? 9 Fill in the table in your exercise books. Use the words for ideas: backpack, trainers / wellingtons, warm jacket / nice T-shirt, extra pair of socks / extra pair of swimming trunks, food, tents, tasty snacks What Rob did He gave his backpack to Misha. What Rob didn’t do He didn’t carry his backpack. He took his wellingtons. He didn’t take his trainers. 10 In pairs. Talk about and write a list of camping rules. What must people do? What mustn't people do? Homework ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A Choose the right answer. 1. What can help you read a book in a sleeping bag? a) a penknife b) a torch c) a tent 42 Unit 2 Lessons 5, 6 2. Where do people sleep in the forest? a) in a tent b) in their wellingtons c) in their sweaters 3. What do you need if you get lost in the forest? a) a penknife b) matches c) a compass 4. What do you need for your campfire? a) some wood and matches b) some wood and a torch c) a guitar and a penknife 5. What do you do with a tent? a) You pick it up. b) You put it up. c) You take it up. ^ В J Translate into English. 1. Мой рюкзак был не таким тяжелым, как его. 2. Его лицо было таким же красным, как мое. 3. Этот свитер не такой теплый, как тот. 4. Моя палатка больше, чем твоя. 5. Это место такое же красивое, как и то. Misha is writing about their first camping day. Complete his notes. Use Ex. 7 and 8 for help. 15 August Today was the most horrible day of my life. First Robin couldn't carry his backpack. I had to carry it for him. an adventure to be as good as gold a bear a backpack to be as hungry as a hunter burnt a camera to be as red as a beetroot a cauldron a campfire to be as strong as an ox disgusting heavy to go camping extra a box of matches to pick up hard ground a mosquito to put up a tent to hurt mosquito cream equipment a plaster a penknife a torch a source to share smth with to wash up a pair of swimming smb a pair of wellingtons trunks a pair of socks wood to snore a soup bowl to get wet through Unit 2 Lessons 5, 6 43 UNIT Holidays In this unit • Rob saw the treasures of the Russian tsars! • Olga went to Turkey. • Anya went to the Crimea. You will talk about holidays. You will need these words and expressions: Travelling to travel by train by car by boat by plane by undergrounc Seasons and months spring summer autumn winter January February March April May June July August September October November December Weather It is cold. It is hot. rain snow the sun the sky the sea the wind to shine to blow to be warm to lie in the sur to swim a swimming po> a bicycle a hotel Camping to put up a tent to make a campfire to cook on a campfire to pick up wood to pick berries and mushrooms to pack a backpack to buy equipment to wash up to share things an adventure 44 New grammar for you Употребление артиклей с названиями континентов, стран, деревень, регионов, островов, горных вергпим. площадей, парков, улиц. Speak English in class яИИ Is this right? — Это правильно? Сап you say that again, please? — Повторите, пожалуйста, еще раз. Сап you play the cassette again, please? — Поставьте, пожалуйста, кассету еще раз. How do you say in English? — Как сказать по-английски “...”? шшшшшшяй Complete the sentence with the right form of the verbs in brackets.— Закончите предложения, поставив глаголы в скобках в правильной форме. Маке questions from these sentences.— Задайте вопросы к предложениям. Start with the words in brackets.— Начните со слов в скобках. Find and correct the mistakes.— Исправьте ошибки. Do the crossword.— Решите кроссворд. Unit 3 45 •а ' . J The Tsar Bell and the Kunstkammer Артикль (The Article) Без артикля употребляются названия: континентов стран = деревень ; регионов - островов t горных вершин ' площадей парков ■ улиц — Corsica, America, Sakhalin, Strelkovka, Brompton Road, London, Baker Street, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, Kaluga Region, Africa, France, Trafalgar Square, Korolyov Street, Elbrus, Everest, Cuba, Madagascar, Hyde Park 1 Put the names in the right columns. Континенты Страны Острова Горные вершины Регионы Города / Деревни Площади / Улицы Парки Артикль the употребляется c названиями: стран, содержащих слова state, kingdom, federation и т. n. — the United States, the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation. театров музеев • картинных галерей я гостиниц — the Hilton (hotel), the Globe Theatre, the Russian Museum, the National Portrait Gallery. Без артикля употребляются названия соборов и церквей. — Westminster Abbey, St Mary’s Church. Read, listen and say after the speaker. 1. The Knnstkammer [.kunst'kaemn] 2. Peterhof ['pi:t3,ho:f| 3. Red Square [,red 'skwen] 4. the Kremlin ['kremlin] 5. St Basil’s Cathedral [snt ,hcczlz ka'Grdral] 6. the Bolshoi Theatre [,bnlfoi ‘Giataj 7. the Hermitage ['h3:mitic[5] 8. the Tretyakov Gallery [tretjA'knf 'gaelari] 9. the Armoury Chamber [щтэп 'tfeimbaj 10. the Tsar Bell [,za: 'bel] 11. the Tsar Cannon [,za: 'kaennnj 12. the Crimea [krai'mra] 13. St Petersburg [snt 'pi:t3zb3:gj 14. Moscow ['mnsksu] i*'- ^ .«A. .f. 46 Jr.'' 3 Lesson 1 3 Which of the names in Ex. 2 ore: museums geographical names famous sights theatres squares cathedrals I- - 4 Match the names with the pictures. Where can you see these places? Model: The first picture is Peterhof I can see it if I visit St Petersburg. the Kunstkammer Peterhof Red Square the Kremlin St Basil’s Cathedral the Bolshoi Theatre the Hermitage the Tretyakov Gallery the Armoury Chamber the Tsar Bell the Tsar Cannon the Mariinsky Theatre the Summer Garden I'i .j' j| > • ■ '.I. 8* ^ - . -—a-.- ' ^ U Choose the right answer. 1. The capital of Russia is a) St Petersburg b) Yekaterinburg c) Moscow 2. The capital of Russia in 1900 was a) St Petersburg b) Yekaterinburg c) Moscow 3. The most famous Moscow theatre is a) the Bolshoi Theatre b) the Mali Theatre c) the Grand Opera 4. The most famous museum in St Petersburg is a) the Kremlin b) the Hermitage c) the St Petersburg museum of history 5. The Kunstkammer is a) a museum b) a prison c) a palace 6. The founder of the Tretyakov Gallery was a) Pavel Tretyakov b) Savva Morozov c) Yuri Dolgorukiy 7. In the Tretyakov Gallery you can see a) a lot of books b) the treasures of the tsars c) beautiful pictures 8. In the Armoury Chamber you can see a) a lot of stones b) the treasures of the tsars c) beautiful pictures Fill in the gaps with the or — (no article) and complete the sentences. Use the words: England, France, the USA, Italy, Russia, China, Germany. Model: 1. The Eiffel ['aifal] Tower is in France. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I t- ■ . ..Berlin [Ьз:'1т] Wall is in... ..Vatican ['vEetikan] Museum is in... ..Tsar Bell is in... ..Statue of Liberty [.staetfu: av 'libati] is in.. ..Great Wall is in... ..Natural History Museum is in... ►'Я. •'*** ** ij. ft f ' 48 Uni- 3 Lesson 1 7 Listen and check your answers. Learn to pronounce the names of the places of interest correctly. Homework j • ••••••• Answer the questions. 1. What can you see in Red Square? 2. What is Peterhof? What can you see there? 3. What is the biggest museum in St Petersburg? 4. What is the most famous garden in St Petersburg? 5. What is the most famous Moscow theatre? 6. What is the most famous St Petersburg theatre? 7. What can you see in the Armoury Chamber? ^ Match the names of the cities with their transcriptions. Learn to read them. Which of these cities are capitals? Q Istanbul @ ® Beijing @ London New York ® Madrid ® Berlin ©Rome © Moscow ® -Paris i) ['Lvndan] a) ['mnsksu] e) [,nju: 'jo:k] h) [ma'dnd] d) ['preris] f) [,istten'bu:l] b) ['tnukiau] g) [Ьз:'1т] c) [.bei'cfeiq] j) [гэит] C j Match the names of the countries and their capitals. Use the or — (no article). Model: The capital of France is Paris. England, France, the USA, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Russia, China, Japan, Germany D J Insert the articles where necessary. Model: Sherlock Holmes lived in ... Baker Street. — Sherlock Holmes lived in Baker Street 1. Do you know about ... British Museum? 2. When we were in ... London, we lived in ... Arabella Hotel. 3. Let me show you the centre of ... Moscow: ... Red Square and ... Kremlin. 4. ... Trafalgar Square is in ... London. 5. ... America is a continent and ... USA is a country. 6. ... Oxford Street is very big. 7. ... Tretyakov Gallery is ... famous museum. Unit 3 Lesson 1 49 I went to Turkey and my friend went to St Petersburg 1 ' Listen and read. Match the underlined words with their translations. 1.1 like to take pictures with my new camera. 2.1 had a great suntan after my holiday in Turkey. 3. The trip was very exciting [iksaitip]. I saw a lot of interesting things. 4. The cockerel woke us up in the morning when we stayed in the village. 5. The waiter brought me a cup of coffee and a sandwich. 6. Paul and Mary are from our entertainment team. They can sing and dance. a) загар b) увлекательный c) петух d) официант e) фотографировать f) команда, развлекающая отдыхающих Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1. When you go to the sea, you can learn windsurfing ['wmd,s3:fir)]. 2. Please send me a nice postcard from your holiday. 3. In summer when it’s hot, children play in the fountains [Tauntmz]. 4. You can have a nice pizza in this Italian restaurant ['restaront]. 50 Unit 3 Lessons 2, 3 Приставка un- Приставка un- + прилагательное = прилагательное с отрицательным значением. Например: safe (безопасный) — unsafe (небезопасный) .. 2 ) Write the negative form of the adjectives. Model: tidy — untidy. official, comfortable, tidy, kind, real, interesting, true 3 Misha, Rob and their friends are sitting around the campfire and playing a game. They are telling stories about their holidays. They can tell the truth or they can make something up. Read and find the story which is not true. Explain your answer. Sasha’s story Last year my father said, “We are going to St Petersburg.” I was very happy and told all my friends about the trip. They were interested in St Petersburg too and I promised to send postcards to everybody. My first days in St Petersburg were very exciting — I forgot about everyone. We saw the Hermitage, the biggest museum in the city. Then we went to the Kunstkammer, one of the oldest museums in Russia and the Bolshoi Theatre. We stayed in Peterhof and I could see the beautiful fountains and palaces out of my window. On the last day I remembered about the postcards. The weather was very nice, so all my family went to the Summer Garden and I stayed at home. I felt very unhappy but I wrote thirty-five postcards and sent them to my friends! Olga’s story In April we went to Turkey to Bodrum. I didn’t like it there. We were unlucky with the weather, and the sea was cold. Our room was dirty and small, and there was no TV The food in the restaurant was disgusting, the waiters were unfriendly and the entertainment team was really boring. There was a minizoo next to our hotel, so every day a cockerel woke us up at seven o’clock in the morning! Unit 3 Lessons 2, 3 51 Rob’s story Misha and I went to Moscow. That was a cool trip! We went to Red Square and spent a day in the Kremlin. We took pictures of the Tsar Bell and the Tsar Cannon. We visited the Armoury Chamber and saw the treasures of the Russian tsars. I also went to St Basil’s Cathedral. For me it is the symbol of Moscow. In the evening we went to the Bolshoi Theatre and saw a wonderful ballet. We had very little time and I didn’t see the Tretyakov Gallery. I hope we can do it next time. 6 Anya’s story This summer we went to the Crimea for two months. My granny lives there. I loved the Black Sea. The water was very warm and clean. I learned to swim and my brother learned windsurfing. When the weather was bad, we went on some very interesting excursions. Bad weather is very unusual for the Crimea, so after two weeks we had a great suntan. It was the best holiday in my life. Listen and check your answers. What is the name of a famous theatre? Find adjectives with a negative meaning. Answer the questions. Who went on holiday abroad? Who went to a big city? Who went to the sea? Discuss. What о you think? Whose holiday was the most exciting? Why? Whose holiday was the least exciting? Why? Whose holiday was the most expensive? Whose holiday was the cheapest? M 1 I Answer true, false or no information. Try to find more information. 1. It is sometimes cold in Turkey in April. 2. If you go to the sea, you can learn windsurfing. 3. The Tsar Bell is the biggest bell in the world. 4. The Hermitage is the biggest museum in the world. 5. The Hermitage is the oldest museum in St Petersburg. 6. Holidays abroad are always the most expensive. 52 I-'.:: 3 Lessons 2, 3 Homework • • • • • • •••••• A Whose photos (1-10) are these? Model: The first picture is Olga’s. She went to Turkey and took a picture of a Turkish market. ■'S m • ’’i / f . 4) Й t -•4: В j Fill in the gaps with a positive or a negative form of the adjectives. lucky, friendly, usual, happy, comfortable, kind 1. I didn’t buy those shoes because they were .... 2. I was .... My father brought me a present. 3. Miss Nasty is a very ... woman. Everybody is scared of her. 4. Snow in August is very .... 5. Alice was .... She won a prize in the lottery. 6. The English were very .... When I got lost in London, they showed me the way. C Write 6 to 8 sentences about your usual holiday. Use the table for ideas. Where? abroad, camping, to the village, to the sea ^Vhat’s the place like? beautiful, exciting, boring, interesting, cold, warm \Vith who? (c кем?) alone, with my family, with my friends How do you get there? by train, by plane, by car, walk АЪеге do you stay? at my granny’s, at the hotel, at our friends’, at the campsite (кемпинг) A'hat do you do there? swim, play, read, help with the garden, visit interesting places, take pictures, meet old friends Lessons - 53 - -’Ь How do you spend your holidays? 1 Read Sasha's story again, fill in the gaps and answer the questions. 1. Where ... he go to? 4. What was the weather ...? 2. Where ... he stay? 5. What ... he promise his friends? 3. What ... he see? 6. ... postcards did he write? 2 Look at the pictures and describe what is happening. Model: 1. Sasha is saying goodbye to his friends. He is promising to write. 3 In pairs. Try to remember: What places did Rob visit in Moscow? Which places do you want to visit? 4 Read Olga's story again. Here are her answers. Ask her some questions. Model: Where did you go? — We went to Turkey. 1. We went to Turkey. 6. The food was disgusting. 2. We stayed at the Larmona Hotel. 7. They were unfriendly. 3. No. I didn’t. 8. It was boring. 4. It was small and dirty. 9. Because a cockerel woke us up. 5. It was cold. 54 Unit 3 Lessons 4, 5 5 Olga wants to make up a good story about her holiday. Help Olga change her story. Think of a good ending. This April we went to Turkey to Bodrum. I liked it there! We were ... with the weather and the sea was .... Our room was ... and ....... TV The food in the restaurant ..., the waiters ... and the entertainment team .... There was a minizoo next to our hotel, so every day a cockerel woke us up at seven o’clock in the morning. It was very good because .... 6 Look at the text on pages 51 and 52. Compare Olga's and Anya's stories. Use the plan. Place Time Weather Suntan The sea Activities Opinion Model: Olga went to Turkey and Anya went to the Crimea. ,, 7 ) In your exercise books fill in the table with these activities. to put up a tent, to play the guitar, to go windsurfing, to swim, to speak English, to milk cows, to make jam, to make a campfire, to dance, to cook on the campfire, to find the way in the forest, to go horse-riding, to make friends, to pick berries and mushrooms, to bring in the harvest, to feed hens and chickens, to do shopping, to see places of interest, to take pictures, to go by underground, to go fishing If I go camping, I can If I go to the village. If I go abroad. If I go to a big city. I can I can I can 2. Which of these things do you want to learn? In pairs. You are going on holiday. What is the most important thing for you? Use Ex. 6 for ideas. Write down your friend's answers. Model: A. What is the most important thing for you when you go on holiday? B. The place is the most important thing. It must be beautiful and quiet (тихий). And what about you? In groups. Discuss with your friends and find out: Which of the following factors are the most / the least important for your classmates? place, time, weather, sea (river, lake), activities, friends, family Unit 3 Lessons 4, 5 55 Homework :'!••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• \ Rob is in the forest, but he is talking to his brother Mark on his mobile phone. You can hear only Rob's words. Read and answer the questions: 1. Where is Mark? 2. Is he alone? 3. Are they lucky with the weather? 4. What is Rosy doing? 5. What is Mark doing? Rob Mark Rob Mark: Where are you? That’s great! Spain is beautiful. What’s the weather like? Rob: Oh, no! That’s very unlucky. So what Rosy doing? Mark: ... Rob: In the swimming pool?! Mark: ... Rob: You’re joking! The water is cold, isn’t Mark: ... Rob: OK, I see. And what are you doing? Mark: ... Rob: Again! I think it’s the most boring film in the world! Mark: ... Rob: All right then. (Hy ладно.) Say hello to Mum and Dad! Bye! Mark: ... Listen, check your answers and answer the question: What is Rosy wearing? C ‘ Find the mistakes and correct them. Answer the questions. 1. Do more people speak the Chinese or the English? 2. Which is the largest country in the world? 3. Is the Africa larger than the Europe? 4. Which sea is smaller, the Baltic Sea or the Black Sea? 5. Are the Himalayas or the Alps the highest mountains in the world? 6. The deepest lake in the world is the Lake Ontario, isn’t it? 7. Is the Caspian Sea or the Dead Sea the saltiest in the world? 8. Is the Amazon shorter than the Nile? 9. Does the Nile flow through the Egypt or through the Iran? D Get ready for the project. Make a poster. 56 U'Ut 3 Lessons 4, 5 г . . • Project Му summer adventure Make a poster about your summer adventure. Use the material from the Cut Out page. You can write about a real adventure or you can make it up. Use photographs or draw the pictures. Don't forget to write what you are doing in the pictures. Use the plan: Place Weather at the time of the year. How did you get there? What did you do (see, learn) there? Extra information 2 Give your poster a name. For example: "My summer adventure", "My winter catastrophe". 3 : Present your posters to the class. Discuss your presentation. Put your poster on the wall. 4 Play a game. "I believe you".-"You are making it up". Take turns to say something about your holidays. You can tell a true story or make it up. Your friends will listen to you and discuss your story. Then they will say "We believe you." or "You're making it up". At the end each player will tell nis / her friends the truth. the Armoury Chamber the Bolshoi Theatre the Hermitage the Kremlin the Kunstkammer Moscow Peterhof Red Square St Basil’s Cathedral St Petersburg the Tretyakov Gallery the Tsar Bell the Tsar Cannon a postcard exciting to take pictures entertainment team a cockerel the Crimea a fountain an opinion a restaurant suntan the tsar a waiter windsurfing Unit 3 Lesson 6 57 UNIT In this unit Nothing is forever • There was a forest fire at the campsite. • Are you as green as grass? • Camping in 2170. You will talk about the world around us. You will need these words and expressions: The world around us: villages, towns and cities air water a tree a forest a river an ocean an animal to breathe nature clean dirty a street a police station heating Weather It is cold. It is hot. It rains. It snows, rain snow sun to shine wind to blow the sea to be warm the sky Travelling to travel by train by car by boat by plane by undcrgroLir to lie in the sc to swim a swimming pi a bicycle a hotel Seasons and moi spring summer autumn winter January February March April May June July August Camping to put up a tent to make a campfire to cook on a campfire to pick up wood to pick berries and mushrooms to pack a backpack equipment to wash up to share smth with smb an adventure September October November December 58 New grammar for you • У потребление артиклей с предметами и понятиями, которые являются единственными в своем роде. * Конструкция used to. .с ., , - Ч®.'‘ л t т ^ * Сап you explain that again, please? — Объясните это снова, пожалуйста. ® Сап you write it on the board, please? — Напишите это на доске, пожалуйста. * Does anybody have a spare pen? — У кого-нибудь есть лишняя ручка? * You’ll have to do it again.— Вам придется сделать это еще раз. ® Goodbye, everyone.— Всем до свидания. ■м*: ... АГ''. 1.'*Ч ■ Шт.----- Give your opinion.— Выскажите свое мнение. Add the suffixes.— Прибавьте суффиксы. More than one answer can be right.— Несколько ответов могут быть правильными. Explain your answer.— Объясните Ваш ответ. Whose turn is it? — Чья очередь? It’s my turn.— Сейчас мой ход. Find regular and irregular verbs.— Найдите правильные и неправильные глаголы. Unit 4 59 т......., ......_ Listen and read. polluted [pa'ludid] glass — стекло litter — мусор We can't drink this water загрязненный a campsite — кемпинг There has been a forest fire. — Здесь был лесной пожар. Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1. Never play with dynamite ['damamait]. It is dangerous! 2. You can buy Coke in a plastic ['plasstik] or a glass bottle. Словообразование Некоторые сугцествительные в английском языке образованы от глаголов путем прибавления суффикса -tion [fn]. Например: to celebrate - celebration, to execute - execution. I These are the verbs. Add the suffixes and write the nouns. Model: to protect — protection to decorate, to illuminate, to examine, to educate, to instruct, to prevent, to collect 3 After a long day Misha, Rob and their friends get to their favourite campsite. They want to stop for the night, but they can't. Look at the picture and say why. Olga: We can’t stay here! There has been a forest fire! Rob: Look! The fish in the river are dead! The water is polluted! We can’t drink it! Misha: There are plastic bottles under the tree. Vasya: There are a lot of tins and paper plates all over the place. Anna: Be careful! There is glass on the ground! Sasha: Where are the trees? 60 Unit 4 Lesson 1 4 Look at the pictures on page 60 and answer the question: What litter did the friends find at the campsite? 5 ; Write about what happened. Use these expressions. to start a fire, to pollute the water, to kill the fish, to leave litter, to cut down trees Model: Somebody started a forest fire. 6 Look at the pictures and fill in the gaps. litter, campfire, to wash, river, to cut down, dynamite, campfire 1. Four men came to the forest by car. 2. The men ... the trees for their .... 3. The men killed the fish with .... 4. They ... the car in the .... 5. The men didn’t pick up their ... and left .... ^ ■ '^T -м* -- '■r’C 4 Look at the words and answer the question. Explain your answer. Does the story take place in the future or in the past? 5 Listen, read and choose a new name for the story. a) Camping used to be fun b) It was his fault c) The saddest birthday The Bottle 10 July was a very special day. In fact, it was Jack Peterson’s birthday. On that day everybody tried to do something nice for him. Mum and Dad always gave him a lot of presents and took him to interesting places. Two years ago they went on an excursion to Mars. Last year they went to the Galaxy Zoo. They saw interesting animals there: bats, rabbits, hens and the most exciting thing: a real dog! 'Vhs, ah Jack’s birthdays were great, but this year — 2170 — his Grandfather promised him the best present. “On your birthday!’ Granddad said, “we’ll go camping!” “Camping?” Jack didn’t know this word, so he wasn’t really interested, but suddenly he heard his mum’s voice. “Camping!” she cried. “What are you talking about?” “You can’t put the life of my child in danger!” “It’ll be OK, Kate,” к Grandfather sighed. “We’ll wear our masks and we’ll take a lot of extra oxygen with us.” ‘And you won’t touch anything! Do you promise, Dad?” Jack’s mum shouted. “Of course I promise,” Granddad answered. After this conversation Jack really wanted to go camping. “Camping is dangerous - it’s a real adventure,” he thought. On the morning of 10 July Granddad woke Jack up very early. They put their masks on and went outside. It was dark. Jack knew about the sun, but he never saw it. They went to the forest. There were six trees and a little river. Grandfather found a stick and started digging a hole in the ground. He looked sad. “What are we going to do?” Jack asked. “Well, you can touch the water in the river, but don’t forget to clean your hands after that. Or we can play hide-and-seek,” Grandfather sighed. “Is that all camping is. Granddad?” Jack cried. “Then camping is the most boring thing in the world!” “It used to be fun in my time,” Granddad sighed again. ‘And what was it like?” Jack asked. '\/ A Unit 4 Lesson.'. 4, 5 73 “In my time we used to go out without oxygen and masks. The air used to be good and clean, the sun used to shine and it used to be warm.” “You are joking, Granddad!” Jack said. “No, it is true. We used to stay in this forest for two or three weeks. Yes, yes. This forest used to be very big.” ‘And where did you use to sleep?” Jack asked. “We used to sleep in tents on the ground. This place near the river used to be our campsite.” ‘And what did you use to eat?” Jack asked. “We used to cook our food on the campfire. We also used to pick berries and mushrooms. They were tasty? “Now I know you are pulling my leg. Granddad,” Jack said. “Berries and mushrooms are poisonous. Every child knows that.” “They didn’t use to be poisonous in our time. And Г11 tell you more. We used to swim in this river and drink the water from it.” Grandfather stopped digging. There was something in the hole. Jack picked it up. It was a very old plastic bottle. There was some paper in it. Granddad took the paper out and read it. “Sam Peterson loves Susan Brown,” the note read. “Cool! Is that your bottle. Granddad? Who is Susan Brown?” Jack asked. But Granddad didn’t say anything. His face was as red as a beetroot. He took Jack’s arm and said, “You want to see the spaceship race today, don’t you? Then we must go home. I think camping was a really bad idea.” Answer the questions. 1. Why was 10 July a very special day? 2. How did Jack celebrate his birthday? 3. What did Jack’s Grandfather promise him? 4. Why did Jack want to go camping? 5. What did the campsite look like? 6. What did Jack and his Grandfather find? 7. Whose bottle was it? a) Find these words in the text and match them with their Russian equivalents: said, sighed, asked, answered, cried сказал,спросил,ответил,вздохнул, закричал b) Complete the sentences with these words. 1. “What do you want to do?” - he... “I want to play football,” - his friend... 2. “ Help me! I’m falling!” - she... 3. “Today we are going to the zoo.” - the teacher... 4. “ I can’t come to your party because I’m ill.”- Ann... 74 Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use used to. 1. The air (be good), the sun (to shine) and it (to be) warm. 2. They (sleep) in the tents on the ground. 3. They (cook) their food on the campfire. 4. They (pick) berries and mushrooms. 5. They (swim) in the river. Copy the table into your exercise books. Fill in the table with sentences from the text. In some cases you'll have to use your imagination. Life on Earth in grandfather’s time Camping used to be fun. Life on Earth in Jack’s time Camping is dangerous. People never go out without oxygen and masks. The forest used to be big. lOj Use the information from the second column and describe life on Earth like m Jack s time. Discuss and choose an answer. There are no direct answers in the text. 1. Jack liked the Galaxy Zoo because a) he liked animals and there were no animals on the planet. b) it was an interesting place. c) everybody went there. 2. Jack wanted to go camping because a) it was something new. b) it was something dangerous. c) it was his grandfather’s idea and Jack loved his Grandfather very much. 3. Grandfather wanted to go camping with Jack because a) he wanted to tell Jack about life in the 21st century. b) he wanted to see his old campsite again. c) he wanted to have fun with his grandson and he didn’t know that the campsite looked so bad. 4. When they found the bottle, Grandfather thought, a) “We used to bury our rubbish in the ground. The tragedy of our planet is also my fault.” b) “Susan used to be a lovely girl.” c) “We mustn’t touch anything here. It is dangerous for Jack. We must go home’.’ 5. What didn’t Jack’s Grandfather and his friends use to do? a) pick up their rubbish b) play football c) think about the environment Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 75 Homework A Match the pictures with the sentences. Write: What is Cranny saying to her granddaughter? Model: I used to play the piano and you play computer games! 1. to play computer games 2. to listen to rock music 3. to wear jeans 4. to have short hair 5. to go out with girls and boys 6. to watch TV 7. to listen to classical music 8. to wear nice dresses 9. to play the piano 10. to have long hair 11. to read books 12. to go out with girls В > Think about your favourite pastimes. Write a list. Which of them can Jack Peterson do in his time? Which of them can't he do? Why? Model: My favourite pastime is playing computer games. I think Jack Peterson can do it too. — There are computers in his time. 76 ' I'T Lessons 4, 5 ? Project 1 How can you help the environment? Use the tree leaf from the Cut Out page and write a promise. 2 Collect all your tree leaves and make a Green Tree. Read and discuss your promises. 3 1 In groups. Act out the story of Lesson 5 or the song of Lesson 2. } an activist material a fault atmosphere a plant infact chemicals plastic Mars climate polluted oxygen a container public transport poisonous ecological rubbish a spaceship race electricity a spray a shower environment to turn off to sigh a fine to turn on to cry a fur coat a campsite a refrain glass to breathe a verse litter to last to take place to recycle a stick to dig to play hide-and-seek toxin 77 fli UNIT Let's plan a trip to England In this unit e There is a robbery in the MacWizards’ house. * Misha is going to England. * It takes 62 hours to get to Victoria Station from Moscow by bus. * Find the seven keys and the treasure is yours. « A Roman boy gets a magic ring. You will talk about getting ready for a trip to England. You will need these words and expressions: Money cheap expensive how much kopeck pence pound rouble to cost to pay Travelling by boat by bus by car by plane by train comfortable a ticket to fly to go to phone to plan to travel I ii Personal information an address age a date of birth a family name a father a friend a mother a ntunc a nationality a place of birth a relative a telephone number 78 Употребление глаголов во времени Past Progressive. 'Hi How do you say this word? — Как сказать это слово? Sorry, I can’t hear you. — Извините, я вас не слыгпу. Сап I say something? — Можно мне сказать? Choose from the words.— Выберите из слов. Explain your choice.— Объясните свой выбор. Find the difference.— Найдите разницу. Make а presentation.— Сделайте презентацию. Continue the sentences.— Продолжите предложения. Use the dictionary.— Используйте словарь. Find the odd word.— Найдите лишнее слово. Answer: true, false or no information.— Ответьте: правильно, неправильно или нет информации. Be ready to do it in the class.— Будьте готовы сделать это в классе. 79 V In the country DoDidDone Past Progressive Сегодня мы отправимся в таинственное графство Past, в котором описываются события, происходившие в прошлом. Наш путь лежит в город Progressive (Continuous) графства Past. В городе Past Progressive глаголы выражают действия, которые происходили в точно указанный момент в прошлом. Такие действия, как правило, продолжительны и наглядны. Ключ к этому городу — слова at that moment in the past (в тот момент времени в прошлом). Момент времени в прошлом может быть выражен: а) точным указанием времени, когда происходило действие: Linda was watching TV at 10 o’clock yesterday. — Линда смотрела телевизор вчера в десять вечера. — What were you doing on September 1 at 2 o’clock? — Что вы делали первого сентября в два часа дня? — Гт afraid, I don’t remember. — Боюсь, что я не помню. Past Progressive Linda was watching TV NOW Past Simple at ten o’clock b) другим глаголом в Past Simple: Linda was watching TV when her friends came.— Линда смотрела телевизор, когда пришли ее друзья. I couldn’t watch the film yesterday. I was beginning my homework when it started. — Я не мог вчера посмотреть фильм. Я только начинал делать домашнюю работу, когда он начался. Past Progressive Linda was watching TV NOW Past Simple her friends came Вопрос: Рассмотрим предложение: “Когда я вошел, мама готовила обед ” В этом предложении оба действия происходили в точно указанный момент времени в прошлом. Как же правильно его перевести? When I came. Mother was cooking dinner, или When I was coming. Mother cooked dinner. Ответ: Правильный перевод When 1 came. Mother was cooking dinner. В этом предложении два действия: вошел и готовила. Для выражения того действия, которое длилось дольше, употребляется глагол в Past Progressive (готовила), а действие, которое было более кратким, выражается глаголом в Past Simple (вошел). 80 Read the sentences and find some keys to the Past Progressive. Model: We were walking along the street when we saw James. 1. It was raining when we went out in the street. 2. I was doing my homework when the film started. 3. At 2 o’clock yesterday I was waiting for you at the station. 4. I was listening to my favourite song at 11 o’clock. Город Progressive графства Past очень напоминает город Progressive графства Present. Сравните карты городов Present Progressive и Past Progressive. Найдите три сходства и одно различие. 3 Answer the questions. Каким глаголам запрещен вход в Past Progressive? : Какую одежду получают глаголы в Past Progressive? Сколько помощников в городе Past Progressive? Как зовут помощников в городе Past Progressive? ' Есть ли что-нибудь общее между помощниками в Past Progressive и Present Progressive? Unit 5 Lesson 1 81 4 Read the explanation and check your ideas. Перед входом в город грустно стоят глаголы see, hear, want, understand, like, know, be. Они читают объявление, сообщающее им о том, что в город Past Progressive вход для них запрещен. Им необходимо вернуться в Past Simple. Мы зайдем в город с глаголом-дракошей read. Ему вход в город разрешен, и он беспрепятственно открывает ворота ключом, на котором написано at that moment in the past. Войдя в город, глагол read так же, как и все остальные глаголы, снимает с дерева одежду этого города — котомку -ing. Таким образом, глагол read превратился в reading. Это значит, что в Past Progressive все глаголы имеют одну и ту же форму, работая со всеми местоимениями. Надев котомку -ing, дракоша отправляется бродить по улицам города. Все улицы ведут к дому помощников. Это отделение компании Be & Sons. До сих пор мы не заметили никакой разницы между городом Progressive графства Present и городом Progressive графства Past, но разница все же есть. На этот раз помощников двое - was и were. На них надеты именные плащи - признак того, что мы находимся в графстве Past. Это означает, что время Past Progressive образуется с помощью was / were + основной глагол + -ing. Заглянем на улицу Утвердительное предложение. Вот как работает на ней дракоша read. 82 Unit 5 Lesson 1 Улица Утвердительное предложение I was reading at five o’clock yesterday. You were reading at five o’clock yesterday. He / She / was reading at five o’clock yesterday. We were reading at five o’clock yesterday. You were reading at five o’clock yesterday. They were reading at five o’clock yesterday. О правилах орфографии при добавлении окончания -ing см. Грамматический справочник. 'Подлежащему ъ РаздеяитеяьнУ1л ® PAST PPOGRfSSfVE 83 5 ) Rewrite these verbs with -ing. fly, put, lie, make, carry, type, wear, tie, cut, act, drop, bite, share, take Use the words in brackets in the Past Progressive. 1. She (wash up) yesterday morning. 2. Peggy (write) a story at 7 o’clock last night. 3. They (pick up) wood when we came. 4. We (sing) songs at 10 o’clock last Monday. 5. I (read) a book when she called. 6. When we came, she (sleep). Вопрос: Я перевел на английский язык предложение: Я был дома вчера в 7 часов. — I was being at home yesterday at seven o’clock. Это верно? Ответ: Нет, ты не прав. Внимательно прочитай объявление на воротах города. Там написано, что глаголу be, в числе прочих, вход запрещен. Это значит, что вместо Past Progressive, как э го тебе хочется сделать по смыслу, необходимо использовать эти глаголы в Past Simple. Например: I was at home at seven o’clock yesterday. I heard the news at three o’clock yesterday. ' (Нельзя сказать — I was hearing.) .................- ....-.. Mr ^ Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. 1. I (see) him at 6 o’clock yesterday. 2. She (hear) nothing when she opened the door. 3. They (want) to play football at 9 o’clock yesterday. 4. My sister (be) in the park at 10 o’clock this morning. 5. When the teacher looked at them, they (talk). 6. He (want) to meet her at 10 p.m. yesterday. 7. They (be) on holiday when we called. V 8 ) Try to make these sentences negative. 1. I was watching TV when she came. 2. My friends were talking when I opened the door. 3. Granny was making a cake at ten this morning. 4. It was raining when we went out. 5. The boys broke the window when they were playing football. 6. He was playing tennis at six o’clock yesterday. 7. She was taking pictures when we saw her. 8. Ann was singing a song when John heard some noise. 84 Unit 5 Lesson 1 9 Read the rules and check your ideas. Улица Отрицательное предложение I was not reading at five o’clock yesterday. You were not reading at five o’clock yesterday. He / She / was not reading at five o’clock yesterday. We were not reading at five o’clock yesterday. You were not reading at five o’clock yesterday. They were not reading at five o’clock yesterday. Обратите внимание: was not = wasn’t, were not = weren’t Homework • V: A Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. Yesterday at six o’clock we (play) football. The sun (shine). All our friends (watch) us. My mother (shout) something, but I couldn’t hear her. I (want) to be the best. We (have) a lot of fun when our teacher (come) and (stop) the game. В Write: What were the MacWizards doing when the police phoned? Model: Mark was listening to music when the police phoned. Unit 5 Lesson 1 85 i When he phoned, she was flying with snow Образование вопросительных предложений в Past Progressive Общий вопрос Was / Were + подлежащее + основной глагол + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения? Were they flying over Scotland at 6 p.m. yesterday? — Yes, they were. Альтернативный вопрос Were they flying over Scotland or were they flying over England at 6 p.m. yesterday? Вопрос к подлежащему. (Глагол всегда стоит в 3 лице ед. ч.) Who was flying over Scotland at 6 p.m. yesterday? — He was / They were. Специальный вопрос What were they doing at 6 p.m. yesterday? Разделительный вопрос They were flying over Scotland at 6 p.m. yesterday, weren’t they? ( Make questions from these sentences. 1. My father was cooking dinner at two o’clock this afternoon. 2. She was writing a letter to her friend when he phoned. I Make questions. Start with the words in brackets. 1. We were making a campfire when Tom came. (When) 2. Our teacher was telling us about Africa when the bell rang. (What) 3. Friends were eating pizza at three o’clock. (Who) 4. My granny was sitting in the park when it got dark. (Where) 3 I Read the poem and answer the question: What is happening? Why are you not sitting at home? What are you doing? You aren’t on the phone! Are you walking your funny cat? Are you using the Internet? Are you watching a film with friends? Are you at school? I don’t understand? Why are you not sitting at home? What are you doing? You aren’t on the phone! 4 ) Masha's friend finally found her. What did he say to her? Change the poem according to the model. Model: I was looking for you but you weren’t at home! 86 Unit 5 Lesson 2 5 Listen to the first part of the poem and check your answers. 6j Listen to the first and the second parts of the poem and say: How many people are talking? What are they talking about? Sing along. Homework ••••••••••••••••••••• I Read the poem and answer the questions. Use your imagination. 1. When did this conversation take place? 2. Who was having a magical time? 3. Who phoned? Why were you not sitting at home? What were you doing? You weren’t on the phone! Were you walking your funny cat? Were you using the Internet? Were you watching a film with friends? Were you at school? I don’t understand. Refrain When you phoned, I was watching the snowdrifts grow. When you phoned, I was watching the snow. When you phoned, I was flying with snow in the sky. When you phoned, I was having a magical time. When you phoned, I wasn’t sitting at home, So I couldn’t answer the phone. I wasn’t walking my funny cat. And I wasn’t using the Internet. And I wasn’t watching a boring film. I was doing a very exciting thing. Refrain В ; Choose the best name for the poem and sing along. a) A telephone conversation b) The first snow c) A winter day Find and write out: • утвердительные предложения в Past Progressive и Past Simple • отрицательные предложения в Past Progressive • обт,ие вопросы в Past Progressive • специальные вопросы в Past Progressive D Learn the song by heart. Unit 5 Lesson 2 87 J The robbery Вежливая просьба (a polite request) Для того чтобы сделать просьбу более вежливой, в начале предложения используется глагол could Could you...? — Не могли бы Вы...? 1 } Which of these expressions is a polite request? Match the expressions with the pictures. a) Could you stick to the point? b) We are really pressed for time. c) To cut a long story short. Something is happening in the house of the MacWizard family. The police came to the house and are talking to an old lady. Listen, read and answer the questions. 1. Why does the policeman say; “Could you stick to the point.”? 2. Why does the policeman say: “Sorry, but we are really pressed for time!”? 3. Why does Mrs Larkin say: “To cut a long story short.”? Policeman: Did you call the police, Mrs Larkin? Mrs Larkin: Oh, yes! I must tell you all about it. A horrible thing happened. Policeman: Tell us everything! Mrs Larkin: Of course. At five o’clock I was making tea for my husband. He likes his tea very hot... 88 Unit 5 Lesson 3 Policeman: Mrs Larkin; Policeman; Mrs Larkin: Policeman; Mrs Larkin: Could you stick to the point, Mrs Larkin? Oh yes, I was making tea when I heard a strange noise in my neighbours’ house. The MacWizard family live there, but they are on holiday at the moment. ’ And what happened then? Everything was quiet for a while. Then I went to the garden I was cutting my roses when I heard the strange noise again. Sorry, but we are really pressed for time! To cut a long story short, I went to their house and looked into the room through the window. There was a robber in the room. He was looking for something. He was trying to open a big box when he saw me. I was standing next to the window when the robber ran out of the house. I went home and phoned you! 3 . Find the best translation for the expressions. 1. Could you stick to the point? a) Вы не могли бы приклеиться к точке? b) Нельзя ли покороче? c) Ближе к делу, пожалуйста! 2. We are really pressed for time. a) Нас давит время. b) У нас очень мало времени. c) Время не спрессуешь. 3. То cut а long story short... a) Если порезать историю... b) Короче говоря... c) Из песни слова не выкинешь. Look at the text again and correct the translation. 1. Миссис Ларкин сделала чай и слушала странный шум. 2. Миссис Ларкин полила розы и опять слушала этот шум. 3. Она ходила к дому и заглядывала в окно. 4. Когда она заглянула в окно, вор ограбил дом. Answer the questions. 1. Why did Mrs Larkin call the police? 2. What was she doing when she heard a strange noise? 3. What was she doing when she heard the noise again? 4. What did Mrs Larkin see when she looked into the room? 5. What was the robber doing in the room? 6. When did the robber see Mrs Larkin? 7. What did the robber do in the end? Unit 5 Lesson 3 89 6 Write: What was happening in the pictures? Use the sentences from the text. Model: a) — The robber was trying to open the box when he saw Mrs Larkin. cut/hear 7 Put the pictures in the right order and make the summary of the story. a b c d e f 90 U' In pairs. A: Retell the story. Don't read. Start with To cut a long story short... Swap with your partner. B: Listen to A. He / She must say six sentences. Use the expressions from "When in Rome..." if the story gets very long. Swap with your partner. Memory game. Try to remember: What were the MacWizards doing when somebody robbed their house? Check you answers on page 85 (Ex. B). Homework A I Make these sentences more polite. Use could. Model: Open the window! — Could you open the window? 1. Close the door! 2. Wash up! 3. Answer my question! 4. Help your mother! r 5. Make a cup of tea! _ x^BJ Write the questions for the answers. 1. ...when she heard a strange noise? 2. ...when she heard it again? 3. What...? 4. ...when she looked into the room? 5. ...when Mrs Larkin saw him? 6. ...when the robber ran out of the house? a) Mrs Larkin was making tea. b) Mrs Larkin was in the garden. c) The name of her neighbours is the MacWizards. d) She saw the robber. e) The robber was looking for something. f) She was standing next to the window. Unit 5 Lesson 3 91 Misha is going to England Let’s hurry! -Давайте поспеши Союз while Союз^Ы1е переводится на русский язык в то время как. Например: While I was having а bath, somebody turned the water off.— В mo время как я принимал ванну, кто-то отключил воду. Ош surprise party didn’t take place. Mary was doing shopping while all her friends were waiting for her in her flat. — Наша вечеринка-сюрприз не состоялась. Мэри ходила по магазинам, в то время как все ее друзья ждали ее в ее квартире. Misha and Rob came home ten minutes ago. Misha s mother is telling them the news. Listen, read and find the best translation for the underlined word. a) голова b)глава c) директор Mother: Misha: Mother: Rob: Mother: Rob: Mother: Misha: Mother Hi, guys. How was your holiday? It was great. What’s the matter, Mum? You look worried. While you were camping, I received a letter from Agent Cute. It’s bad news, I am afraid. What happened? He had a secret note for Rob’s family. On the way to Tunbridge Wells he met a woman. While he was talking to the woman, she stole the note. It’s not a catastrophe. I’m sure they made a lot of copies of the note. Yes, you are right. But that’s not all. While Rob’s parents were on holiday, somebody robbed their house. How do you know? Yesterday when I was making dinner, the boss phoned. He said, “Then is a connection between the two cases. The MacWizards are in dangei Rob must go back to England.” 92 2 3 Misha: ГП go with him. The MacWizards are my friends. Mother: But what about your school! Rob: He can go to my school! Mum knows our head! She’ll help! Mother: OK. Misha is going with you, Rob. Rob: I am leaving on 1 September. Misha: Let’s hurry! We have a lot to do. Find the sentences with while. Write them in your exercise books. Translate them. Choose the right answer. More than one answer can be right. You can use information from the text and your imagination. 1. Mother is worried because a) she received a letter from Cute. b) Misha and Rob were camping. c) the MacWizards are in danger. 2. Mother knows the news a) from the police. b) from the boss. c) from Agent Cute. 3. Misha wants to go to England because a) the MacWizards are his friends. b) he wants to find the treasure. c) he wants to study at an English school. 4. When mother says, “We have a lot to do,” she a) Misha needs a visa and a ticket. b) Misha and Rob must buy tickets. c) Misha and Rob must pack their things. Listen and read. an application [.asph'keijn] form — анкета-заявление to apply for something — обратиться c заявлением за чем-то a full name — полное имя a family name — фамилия marital status ['masntl 'steitas] - семейное положение sex — пол male — лицо мужского пола female ['fi:meil] — лицо женского пола recent f'rrsnt] — недавний to attach [a'tetj] — прикреплять, прилагать an embassy ['embssi] — посольство appropriate [a'prauprist] — соответствуюш;ий a correspondence [.knri'spnndans] address ~ адрес, no которому можно связаться с заявителем Unit 5 Lesson 4 93 Misha needs a visa to England. He is filling in the application form. Read and say: 1. What does Misha have to take to the embassy if he wants to get a visa? 2. What type of visa does Misha need? 3. How many photos does Misha need? 4. How long can Misha stay in England? 5. When is Misha going to fly to England? 6. When is Misha going to leave England? 7. Does Misha need his mother’s or his father’s photos? 8. What is Rob’s address? 9. What is Misha’s mother’s full name? WMvisas SECTION 1 - WHAT TYPE OF VISA ARE YOU APPLYING FOR? • Please tick the appropriate box. Visitor Й Visitor In Transit D Working Holiday-Maker D If you are applying as a visitor, for how tong do you want the visa? Note: YOU can only stay in the UK for a maximum of 6 months at any one time. 6 months 0 1 year 2 years 5 years 10 years Please attact two recent photographs this box Student 0 Returning Resident Q SECTION 2-ABOUT YOU • Please tell us your: 2.1 Full name, as It appears in youi passport Please underline your family 2.2 Passport number name. Mtiikhal Ala*androv/itch tniitii 42, m 1357925 2.3 Date of birth Place of birth. 2.5 Nationality 23 Pec^mbe-r Lukfinsk, Riussiiia Russian 2.6 Sex Male 0 Female 2,7 Marital status Single 0 Married i Divorced I Wdowed Separatee 2.8 What is your father’s full name? ftivliQ¥iflt€h Imiiifi! 2.9 What is your mother’s full name? Атя ййаЫеипв Inmm 94 1 5 Lssson 4 • Your contact details i 10 Your permanent home sddress 11.10 Upova^a Btrefft, LukSnsk, 4550Э0 Kus&ia 2 12 Any home telephone number 222-771 2'. 11 Your c-erresponeehee address if diffetertf from 2. f 0 2.13 Any home fax number j 2 14 Your personal 6-mali address j mtehaln'm^luklmk.ru SECTION 3 -- ABOUT YOUR STAY IN THE UfC : ■ Иод long are you goirig to stay In the UK? . _ . 1 ШЙГ .. 3 2 On what date are you going to arrh/e? .Л.ВфР%0тЬ§Г ; 2 my are you going to the UK? .- Л Л Do you have any family of oidse friends in the UK? Yes " answer is yes please give Petails below No - ease give the full address and telephor'e numbei of the plats where you are going to stev 19 Cw¢ Tunbridge Waite, Kent, TN2 5GH, UK XeiepHone number +441092 1250001 r Homework • • • • • A This is a new e-mail from Agent Cute. He made a lot of mistakes again. Translate the letter into English. Вчера, когда я приходил в офис, босс был разговаривающий на телефон. Я слышал что-то. Восс был разговаривающий с полиция. Что-то есть происходит. Восс не рассказывает мне. Он есть сердитый. Вчера в семь вечера я был наблюдающий за босс. Он был искающий какой-то документ. Если порезать длинную историю коротко, вы должны быть в Англии через три дня. Спешить! Агент Кьют В Try to fill in the application form in the Workbook. Unit 5 Lesson 4 95 . How long will it take to get to England? 1 ) Read the dialogue. %ow long does it take to get to your school? - Сколько времени требуется f It takes me twenty minutes by bus. Мне требуется 20 минут, чтобы добраться на автобусе. чтобы добраться до школы IN ROME,.. 2 I Make up your own short dialogues. Use the table It takes me 15 minutes you 2 hours him a week It took her 4 hours us a month them a year Misha 3 years It will take Rob an hour the children half an hour my sister 5 minutes her friend to wash up to learn English to clean the house to make a campfire to put up a tent to pick up wood to do this exercise to build a house to do shopping to find the station in a big cf to get to London ________ ! Listen and read. fast - быстрый a return ticket [n'tsm] - билет туда и обратно а single ticket ['sipgl] - билет в одну сторону Eurolines [']иэгэи,1атг] - Евролинии (компания-автоперевозчик) British Airways ['ecweiz] - Британские авиалинии 96 Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 Misha is going to buy о ticket to England. Listen, read and find: a) the name of a bus company b) the name of an airline c) the word for a very big boat which can carry (перевозить) buses and cars d) the price for a bus ticket e) the price for a plane ticket Misha: How are we going to get to England? ... Rob: The cheapest way is by bus. Eurolines go all over Europe. Misha: But how can we get to England by bus? England is an island! Rob: Oh, that’s not a problem. In France the bus goes on a ferry. It is a big boat, which can carry buses, cars and people. Misha: How much is the bus then? Rob: A single ticket is £52 if you are 12 years old and £148 if you are older. Misha: That’s really cheap! I am twelve. How long does it take? Rob: I don’t know. We must find out. Misha: What about the plane? Rob: It is the fastest way. It took me only three and a half hours to get to Russia from England. But it was expensive! I paid £350 for a return ticket with British Airways. Misha: And what about the train? Rob: I don’t think it’s a good idea. It will take a long time to get to England by train and it is more expensive than the bus. Read the text again. Find the translations of these sentences in the text. 1. Это займет много времени. 2. Это заняло у меня всего три с половиной часа. 3. Сколько времени это занимает? Complete the sentences with information from the text. ... the cheapest way, because a ticket ... only £52. ... the fastest way, because ... Rob only three and a half hours to get from ... to ... . But it was .... It cost £350. 4 Счастливый английский.py. Учебник для 7 кл. Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 97 7 Fill in the gaps with the words train, plane, bus. Model: The ... is the fastest.- The plane is the fastest. 1. The ... is faster than the bus, but it is not as fast as the plane. 2. The train is more expensive than the ..., but it is not as expensive as the ... 3. The ... is not as cheap as the bus, but it is faster than the train. 4. The ... is not as expensive as the plane, but it is more comfortable than the .... 5. The ... is the cheapest. 6. The ... is the most comfortable. 8 I Answer the questions. 1. How can you get to England by bus? 2. Where can you take a ferry? 3. What is Eurolines? 4. How much will Misha’s ticket cost if he goes by bus? 5. How long does it take to get to Russia from London by plane? 6. How much did a return ticket with British Airways cost? 9 I What do you think? Try to guess. How long does it take to get from Russia to England by bus? How much is the plane ticket from Russia to England? 10 ) Misha is phoning the bus company Eurolines. Listen and check your guesses. v..^_ 11 Listen to the first dialogue again and complete Misha's notes. Company name: Eurolines From; Moscow To: It takes: It costs: £52 - w~ g a :T: ,12 Now Misha is phoning the airline. Listen to the second dialogue again and complete Misha's notes. Company name: From: Moscow To: It takes; three and a half hours It costs: i I I? fy 98 Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 13 j In pairs. Use Misha's notes and act out the dialogues. 14 Listen, read and say: How long will it take a) from today to New Year? b) from the snow to the sun c) from the Earth to the moon? Summer holidays are gone. Winter with its snow is here, And how long will it take us From today to New Year? Think of presents and cards. Think about Christmas trees. It will not take you long If you go there in your dreams. It is windy and cold. Life is boring and no fun. And how long will it take us From the snow to the sun? You’ll be fine. The sun will shine, There’ll be no snow or rain. It will not take much time If you go there by plane. We did not find a plane Took a very big balloon. And how long will it take us From the Earth to the moon? Come along, come along, Don’t forget to sing this song. If you don’t go alone. It will never take too long. 15 Sing along. Use the pictures for help. Summer holidays are gone. Winter with its cfi is here, And how long will it take us From today to New Year? Think of Think about' It will not ... long If you go there in your dreams. It is windy and cold. Life is boring and no fun. And how long.. From - ■ to ^ You’ll be fine. The sun will shine There’ll be no snow or rain. It will not... If you go there by^ We did not find a Took a very big And... from to Come along, come along, Don’t forget to sing this song. If you don’t go alone, It will never take too long. Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 99 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• А ) Agent Cute always goes by bicycle in his home town. His speed is 12 km an hour (b час). Look at the picture and answer the questions. How long does it take Agent Cute to get from his house 1. to the shop? 5. to the station? 2. to the theatre? 6. to his dad’s office? 3. to the hospital? 7. to the park? 4. to his Granny? Model: It takes Agent Cute twenty minutes to get to the supermarket. station supermarket Cute's house >{■ \ Granny's house Ш Dad’s office 3,5 km^ theatre shop ^ B J Read the situations and find out how long it took (fakes) people to do something. Model: Anna drove to Moscow yesterday. She left at seven o’clock and got to Moscow at nine o’clock. — It took Anna two hours to get to Moscow. 1. Agent Cute wrote a letter to Misha. He started at two o’clock and finished at three o’clock. 2. Mary read a book. She started it on Tuesday and finished it on Friday. 3. Mother and I cleaned the house yesterday. We started in the morning and finished in the evening. 4. We flew to Germany last year. We took off (поднялись в воздух) at nine o’clock and landed (приземлились) at eleven o’clock. 100 Units Lessons 5,6 Who was watching TV on Saturday afternoon? This story is fishy! — Эта история не вызывает доверия (подозрительна) J ] The boss is looking for the robber. He mode a list of the suspects (подозреваемых) and their alibis (алиби). Read the list and the boss's comments. Match the people with the names. 1. Mrs Larkin called the police.— OK. 2. Emily ['етэИ] was abroad.— That's fishy! l must check it! 3. Angus ['aspgas] was in his office.— On Saturday? very fishy! 4. Angela ['зепс^эЬ] was watching TV.— On Saturday afternoon? Fishy! 5. Mary ['meori] was at the party.— I must check it. 6. James [dseimz] was talking to the policeman.— Maybe OK, but I must check it. I think one of you is a robber. What were you doing on Saturday 24 August at 5.30 p.m.? I was working^/ ) I was talking to the policeman. Unit 5 Lesson 7 101 Answer the questions: 1. Whose story does the boss believe? 2. Whose story does the boss want to check? 3. Whose stories are very fishy? Why? 4. Who do you believe? ^3w In groups. Discuss: How can the boss check people's stories? I In groups. The boss will hove to ask Emily, Angela, Angus, Mary and James some questions. Help him. Write as many questions as you can. Use information in brackets. a) Emily (ask her about her trip) d) Mary (ask her about the party) b) Angela (ask her about the film) e) James (ask him about the policeman) c) Angus (ask him about his job) 5 J The boss had a busy morning. He made some phone calls. Match the people with the numbers. Write: Whose story was the boss checking? Model: At 10 a.m. the boss was phoning his mum. They were talking about a TV programme. He was checking Angela’s story. 1 a.m. — 0180 123421 — British Airways 7.30 a.m. — 0189234321 — the police 8 a.m. — 0189267542 — the hospital 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 013495678 — Mary's friend 0127520415 — Mother (TV proqramme) 6\ Listen to three conversations and answer the questions. 1. Did James rob the MacWizards? 2. Did Angus rob the MacWizards? 3. Did Mary rob the MacWizards? > Ф Look at the photos and say: Who robbed the MacWizards? 27A : TRAvKcuti BRITISH AIRWAYS «AT , 32G VvTl's^ у EMILY МН8 бдиодай 2200 BARCELONA LONDON ц1^Шй 2211 «5 2$ диб BOARDING W.SS | LONDON .. ^ BRITISH AiRvy^vs SfAT 20F 2/ft 2yS1f. lilO*® 1330 Ssgr, Sb^lona^ S^’?y"l|2AUG 1340 in '3*20F ’* Ws/, 1 fifiQ On Svi Ipa, io.3o, §y SSta, 'ref 24 'St 2c P-lO Вл-j n.30 S.3o ^^°rki„J irvi 10.: to, nc/on 6.00 oiilo 'on '•3o pu. Tik, '•^yPla 8 Listen and check your answer: What did the woman say? eef isj. ana VVe rant- ‘^atb, OatJi, et oiise 102 Unit 5 Lesson 7 Homework • •••••••••••••• AThe boss sent to the MocWizords a copy of the missing note Listen and read with a dictionary. iTtw tking is 1WZV in a faraway [and ndie “Druids gave it Before they went. Our famdy passed^ it from father to son It is one in seven, there are seven in one. Once^ it Brought death, Once it showed the way. Once it Brought wealth. Once it saved the day. Once it Brought Cove, Once it Brought hope. Once it Brought peace to the fighting folks. It was kind to some people and it made^ some cry. IBut for worse or for Betted it saved their lives. Hut they lost this thing and the treasure got lost. Hind the seven keys and the treasure is yours. Rob: It’s a riddle (загадка)! I don’t understand. Rosy: The robber understood it. He wanted to find something important in our house. Misha: But the robber didn’t take anything. Rosy: He was pressed for time. When Mrs Larkin found him, he was trying to open the old box. There are ancient books in the box. Why did the robber want the old books? Mark: I know! Because there is a key to a family treasure in them. Do you remember? “Our family passed it from father to son.” Rob: But there are thousands of books here! We can’t read them all! Nobody will find this treasure. Misha: I think it is simpler than that. We must find seven stories about one thing, because “it is one in seven, there are seven in one’.’ Mark: Yes! And the thing came from the Druids! So we must start with them! I remember a very interesting story in the old manuscript. Let’s try it! передавала однажды заставило но к добру или нет Unit 5 Lesson 7 103 The ring of the Druids -''I 1 ) Listen and read. Romans ['raumsnz] — римляне Celts [kelts] — кельты Cambridge ['keimbncfe] — Кембридж Iceni [ai'si:ni] — айсини Londinium [Дип'бипэт] — Лондиниум British Isles [,britij 'ailz] — Британские острова Boudicca ['bu:dika] — Бодикка a Druid ['dru:id] — друид Helori [ha'biri] — Хелори a tribe — племя an enemy ['enami] — враг Julius Caesar [.cfeudias 'si:za] — Юлий Цезарь Patrick ['pEetnk] — Патрик a revolt [ri'vaolt] — восстание ВС — Before Christ [kraist] — до нашей эры AD — Anno Domini [,asnau 'dnminai] — наша эра Before you read. Try to choose the right answers. 1. Кто жил на Британских островах до нашей эры? а) кельтские племена Ь) римляне с) англичане 2. Кто пытался завоевать Британские острова в начале нашей эры? а) кельтские племена Ь) римляне с) англичане 3. Кем были друиды? а) воинами Ь) кельтскими священниками и учителями с) римскими священниками 4. Каковы были отношения между завоевателями и коренным населением Британских островов? а) были врагами Ь) были друзьями с) иногда были врагами, а иногда друзьями 5. Какой город был столицей Англии в те времена? а) Рим Ь) Лондон с) Колчестер 6. Кем был Юлий Цезарь? а) римским императором Ь) римским аристократом и впоследствии императором с) писателем 104 Units Lessons 8,9 3 ) Answer the questions: 1. What is the story about? 2. When does the story take place? 4 Read and check your answers. Use a dictionary. ‘The of tfie (Druids “Grandpa, why do you always look so sad when you look at that big gold ring with snakes on?” my little grandson Mark asked me today. I can’t tell him now. The story is sad. But I am old, my time is coming. When Mark is eleven, he will get the ring and this letter. Then he will understand. I was born in Rome in AD 41 and, to me, it was the best place in the world. But when I was fifteen, my family moved to Britain - a dangerous island, full of wild Celts. We lived near Cambridge in a small house. Not far from our house there was a big wall. Roman territory ended there. The wall was very long. A Celtic tribe, the Iceni, lived behind it. They were not enemies, but they were not friends either. One day I was sitting next to the wall, when a stone landed at my feet. “Roman pig! Get out of our land!” (убирайся c нашей земли) a voice shouted. I looked up and saw a girl standing on the wall. Suddenly she slipped and fell right off (упала со стены)! She didn’t move. I thought she was dead. But she opened her eyes and smiled. “Nothing can happen to me,” she said. “I am wearing my father’s ring.” She showed me a big gold ring on her finger. “Who is your father?” I asked. “He is a Druid!” I was really scared then. My granddad told me about Druids. He was with Julius Caesar when the Romans first came to the British Isles. My granddad never forgot the tall, angry men with long white hair and long white clothes. lll#l m. .t | Units Lessons 8,9 105 “They cursed (прокляли) us! Caesar had so much trouble with them that he soon went back to Rome!” the old man always said. The girl read my mind (девчонка прочитала мои мысли). “Don’t be stupid,” she said. “Druids are our doctors, teachers and leaders. They learn their magic from plants. By the way, I am Helori. What’s your name?” We became friends and met near the wall or in the forest. We had wonderful talks about everything in the world. I knew a few Celtic words, but Helori’s Latin was better, so we spoke Latin. Helori told me about the trees, the birds and the animals in Britain and I told her about Rome and the great Roman roads and bridges. There was only one cloud on the horizon. Helori’s mother was the sister of Boudicca, the queen of the Iceni tribe. Helori loved her aunt. “She is strong and clever and fair,” Helori said. “She will always fight for our freedom.” I didn’t like it when Helori spoke about Romans and Celts, and the trouble between them. One day I knew why: I was in love with her; I wanted to marry her. When I told Helori about my feelings, she said, “I love you too. Let’s get married.” Three months later we had a secret wedding. We didn’t tell our parents or our friends. But our happiness was short. I was in the army, and our legion had to move to the north. When I was saying a last goodbye to Helori, she suddenly said, “Come back alive, Patrick. Come back for your son (вернись ради своего сына)’’ I was far away in the north when I heard the terrible news. The Romans were starting a war with the Iceni. They were killing their men, women and children. “You must give us your money and your land,” the Romans said to Queen Boudicca. Boudicca started a revolt. She burnt the Roman capital, Colchester, and killed all the Romans there. Then she burnt Londinium. The woman had no mercy, but I could understand her. Our legion rushed back (поспешил назад) to Colchester. When we were near the town, we saw that it was too late. Our families and friends were dead. There was only one thing we wanted to do — 106 Unit 5 Lessons 8, 9 find Boudicca and her people and kill them all. Our legion left the next morning. I had to go too. I was a soldier. We found the Iceni not far from Londinium. There was a terrible battle. Romans and Celts were dying around me, but I wasn’t looking around. I was fighting for my mother, for my father and for my five little sisters. Suddenly I saw Helori. She was under a big oak tree. An old Druid was standing next to her. Roman arrows were flying around him, but he didn’t notice them. He had something in his arms. I ran towards them. Helori was bleeding, but she smiled when she saw me. “Why didn’t your father’s ring protect you?” I shouted. “I don’t need it any more,” she said, and I saw tears in her eyes. “My life is in the life of the Iceni. Our tribe will die together. We cannot change that! But there is hope — our son. He is half Roman and half Celt. Take care of him! Goodbye my love!” And she died. Suddenly the Druid spoke. “I don’t like you, young Roman. But I can’t hate you. You are the father of my grandson. My daughter loved you. Here is your son. Be a good father to him. Take the ring too. The magic of the Druids will protect you.” He gave me my son. Then he took the ring off his finger and put it into my hand. “Save your son,” he said. ‘And remember the Druids.” I ran into the forest. My son was crying in my arms. When I turned round, I saw the Druid under the big oak tree. He was dead. '>5 ;o.. V i Look at the text again ai 1. Iceni tribe a) 2. Boudicca b) 3. Helori c) 4. Rome d) 5. Colchester e) 6. Celts f) 7. Romans 8. Londinium g) 9. Patrick h) 10. Latin i) j) the Romans came Unit 5 Lessons 8, 9 107 True or false? Read the sentences from the text and explain your answers. 1. The Romans were good builders. 2. The Druids were dangerous people. 3. The Celts and the Romans were enemies. 4. Julius Caesar came to Britain with his army, but he didn’t stay long. 5. The Iceni wanted to be free. 6. The Romans wanted the Iceni’s land. Who said these words and in what situation? 1. “Grandpa, why do you always look so sad when you look at that big gold ring with snakes on?” 2. “Roman pig! Get out of our land!” 3. “They cursed us! Caesar had so much trouble with them that he soon went back to Rome.” 4. “Come back alive, Patrick, come back for your son.” 5. “You must give us your money and your land.” 6. “Why didn’t your father’s ring protect you?” 7. “Save your son and remember the Druids.” Answer the questions. 1. Who is telling the story? 2. Where was the writer born? 3. Where did he live in England? 4. Where was the end of the Roman territory? 5. How did the Roman boy and the Celtic girl meet? 6. Why didn’t the girl die when she fell off the wall? 7. What was the girl’s name? 8. Who was the girl’s aunt? 9. Why was the Roman boy scared of Druids? 10. Patrick and Helori got married, didn’t they? 11. Who started the war between the Romans and the Celts? 12. What happened in the end? 13. What did the ring bring in this story? Homework • •••••••••• • ••••• A jFill in the gaps with the words and complete the information. Londinium, roads, Celts, queen, Romans, Latin, Julius Caesar, Colchester, enemies, tribes, bridges More than two thousand years ago ... lived on the British Isles. They dved in groups. We call these groups .... Every group had its king or ... . 105 3ssons The ... first came to the British Isles in 55 BC. They came with their leader .... They won a lot of battles and left. The Romans came back in AD 43. They came with 40,000 soldiers. The Romans were great builders. They built cities, ... and .... Their capital in Britain was .... Romans built London too. They called it ... . Romans spoke .... A lot of Celts learnt this language. Sometimes Celts and Romans lived together, but sometimes they were .... The Romans wanted the Iceni’s land and in 60 AD the Iceni tribe revolted. Listen and check your answers. ) Do the crossword and find the first key to the treasure. 1. The name of the girl 2. The nationality of the boy 3. The name of the boy 4. The nationality of the girl 1 3 an application form an embassy fast female fishy a full name male marital status a return ticket sex a single ticket to apply for something to be pressed for time to cut a long story short to stick to the point while AD - Anno Domini appropriate BC - Before Christ Boudicca British Isles Cambridge Celt a correspondence address a Druid an enemy Iceni Londinium recent Roman to attach a tribe Julius Caesar Units Lessons 8,9 109 UNIT School In this unit • Misha is going to a public school. ® Manners are all that matters. • Artos and his tribe have to leave their land. You will talk about schools. You will need these words and expressions: Parts of the body a head a mouth a hand an arm School a subject a lesson a class classmates teacher sciences Mathematics Literature History a foreign language Music Art arts Physical Education IT (Information Technology) to be difficult to be easy to be interesting to be the best pupil (student) to be popular to be good at something to learn to study to know to choose Food potatoes a snack fish meat sausage cheese vegetable fruit a sandwich breakfast dinner salt pepper tasty to be polite disgusting to cook to eat to drink to cut to be hungry a plate a mug a spoon a fork a knife 110 1 I 6 Употребление прилагательных в значении существительных. Местоимение other. Употребтеттис ^to^.^льпol о i ыю ы '.hmiUI Л .. -• ......... Speak English in class ХЬворите помедленнее. • Can you speak slowly, please? пожалуйста. • Can I use your book? — Можно взять твою книгу? • Can you give me an easier task? — Вы не могли бы la 11. мне задание полегче? What the teacher says ifi Come in.— Войдите. * Go out.— Выйдите. ® Stand up.— Встаньте. • Sit down.— Садитесь. • Put your hands up.— Поднимите руки. * Come to the board.— Выйдите к доске. ® Show me your homework.— Покажите мне домашнюю работу. Unii 6 ni 1 I Match the underlined words with their translations. 1. As a rule a) но как же насчет 2. But what about b) как правило 3. In general c) исключением является 4. The exception is d) в общем Т^. ) Translate the dialogues from "When in Rome...". Which phrases have similar meaning? Употребление прилагательных в значении существительных i Прилагательные могут выполнять функции существительных. В таком случае они употребляются с определенным артиклем the, обозначают обобщенную группу людей и употребляются с глаголами во множественном числе. Например: In India the poor sleep in the streets. — В Индии бедные спят на улицах. 1 12 Unit 6 Lessons 1, 2 Rephrase the statements according to the model. Model: Rich people have very good cars. — The rich have very good cars. 1. Young people like pop music and don’t like classical music. 2. English people don’t speak many foreign languages. 3. Poor people are poor because they don’t work. 4. Old people like to sit at home and watch TV 5. French people make the best coffee. In pairs. Think of an exception to each statement of Ex. 2. Don't forget to use the expressions from "When in Rome...". Model: A: In general, the rich have very good cars. B: The exception is my friend’s father. He has a bicycle. Listen and read. public — общественный private ['pravit] — частный a public school — частная привилегированная школа a state school — государственная школа a boarding school ['bo:dir) sku:l] — школа-интернат the rich — богатые difference ['difrsns] — различие different — различный scholarship ['sknbjip] — стипендия an all-boys school — школа для мальчиков coeducation — совместное обучение мальчиков и девочек What are English schools like? Answer: true or false. 1. In England there are different types of schools. 2. English public schools are for everybody. 3. Public schools are the cheapest. 4. There are schools only for boys and only for girls. 5. State schools are not very expensive. 6. Some schools are for the rich. 7. If you go to a public school, you can be in one class with a prince or a future minister. 8. If you get a scholarship to a public school, you don’t have to pay. 9. Scholarships are for the rich. 10. Scholarships are for the clever. Rob and Misha are talking about their plans. Listen, read and answer the question: Why does Misha have to pack his things? Rob: Pack your things, Misha. Tomorrow we are going to school. You will be with me and Mark. Misha: That’s good news. But why do I have to pack my things? Unit 6 Lessons 1,2 113 Rob: Misha: Rob: Misha: Rob: Misha: Rob: Misha: Rob: Misha: Rob: Misha: Rob: Because our school is a long way away from here. It’s a boarding school. That’s interesting. Are there no schools in this area? Yes, there are some. They are state schools. But we don’t go there. We go to a public school. Sorry, I don’t understand. As a rule, state schools are for everybody, aren’t they? Yes, they are. But aren’t public schools for everybody too? So what’s the difference? Everybody makes that mistake. A long time ago the famous public schools used to be for poor people, but now they are private schools and you have to pay to go there (чтобы там учиться). Public schools are not for everybody, they are the most expensive schools for the rich. Do you know about Eton? What is it? It is the most famous public school. A year at Eton costs £17,000. It is very old, and a lot of important people used to be students there. It is an all-boys school. Prince William, the Queen’s grandson, went to Eton too. Why does your family want to pay so much money? They don’t have to do that. Firstly, our school is not as expensive as Eton. And secondly, Mark and I got scholarships. That means we don’t have to pay to go there. And how do you get a scholarship? You take a special exam, and if your results are very good, you get a scholarship. Public school — частная школа. Самые известные английские частные школы — Eton, Harrow, Winchester — традиционно называются public schools. В Америке все частные школы называются private schools. Eton CoDege [,i:tn knhc^] — the most famous English all-boys public school. Prince William [,pnns 'wiljom] — the son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. 1 14 Unit 6 Lessons 1,2 7 Choose the right answer. More than one answer can be right. 1. Public school means that a) the school is private b) the school is for everybody 2. Boarding school means that a) students live there b) there are only boys there c) it is abroad 3. Eton is a) a famous public school b) a famous state school c) the home of Prince William 4. If you get a scholarship it means that a) the school will pay you money b) you’ll have to take extra exams c) you don’t have to pay for the school 8 What did you learn about schools in England? Use the expressions from "When in Rome..." and make up mini-dialogues. Use the words in brackets. Model: You won’t meet a famous person at school, (public school) A: In general, you won’t meet a famous person at school. B: But what about public schools? A lot of famous people go there. 1. English children go to state schools, (public schools) 2. Public schools are very expensive. (Rob’s school) 3. Public schools are for the rich, (scholarships) 4. English children come home after school every day. (boarding schools) 9 Misha wants to tell Rob about Russian schools. Choose the right variant and complete Misha's sentences. 1. In Russia 99 per cent of the children go to private schools / state schools. 2. There are schools for boys and schools for girls. / Boys and girls go to school together. 3. There are no private schools in Russia. / There are some private schools in Russia. 4. There are no boarding schools in Russia. / There are some boardinst schools in Russia. 10 Listen to Misha and check your notes. IT Listen again and say: What does Misha say about these things? Do you agree with Misha? a) coeducation b) private schools in Russia c) boarding schools in Russia Homework See Workbook. Unit 6 Lessons 1,2 115 j Misha's first days at school Местоимения other, another Единственное число Множественное число the other thing, person — другой (второй, the other things, people — если надо сделать выбор из двух предметов остальные или людей) another thing, person — еще один, любой. other things, people — другой другие Например: I have two brothers. One is younger than me and the other one is older.— У меня два брата. Один — младше меня, другой (второй) — старше. I don’t like this hat. Give me another one. — Мне не нравится эта шляпа. Дайте мне другую (еще одну). Some people like coffee. Other people like tea. — Некоторые люди любят кофе. Другие — любят чай. I see ten pupils in the room. Where are the other pupils? — Я вижу в классе десять учеников. Где остальные? 1 ,! Fill in the gaps. Use other, another, the other. 1. I must read seven pages for the next test. I read four pages yesterday and Г11 read ... pages tomorrow. 2. Two of my friends are coming on Saturday. ... friends are coming on Sunday. 3. This tea is very nice. Give me ... cup! 4. This story is boring. Read ... one. 5. Bill doesn’t want to go with us. He has ... plans. Guess the meaning of the underlined word. At some schools pupils must wear a uniform ['ju;ni,fo:m]. 2 j Listen. Match the names of the subjects with the translations. 1. Geography 2. Physics 3. Chemistry 4. Biology 5. Design and Technology 6. RE (Religious Education) a) трудовое обучение b) биология c) религиозное образование d) физика e) химия f) география 1 1 6 Unit 6 Lesson 3 Misha is writing to his parents about his first days at school. Look at the letter and say; 1. What’s the name of the school? 2. What’s the address of the school? 3. In which county (графство) is the school? St David's Blackstone Road York Yorkshire ____________ Y024 3HF Dear Mum and Dad, Everything is OK here. The school is in a beautiful old castle. Rob and I are in a room with three other boys. The room is very big and airy (много воздуха). Lessons don't start very early. The first lesson is at 9.25, and a lesson is only 35 minutes. The teachers are kind and my classmates are very friendly. There is another good thing: I can choose my subjects. I can do Maths, English, English Literature, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, German, French, History, Geography, IT, PE, Latin, Art, Music, Design and Technology and Religious Education. I wear a cool uniform — grey trousers, a white shirt, a blue and red blazer, a grey pullover, a blue and red tie, and a yellow hat. Love, Misha P.S. Don't worry. I am having a great time. St David’s School [sant 'demdz ,sku:l] — школа Святого Давида. Многие школы в Англии названы в честь святых. Honor sit et baculum et ferula ['hunur 'sit et 'ba:culum 'et 'ferula:] — (лат.) Да будет честь и посохом и розгой. По традиции у многих английских школ и университетов есть девизы, которые выражают основную идею учебного заведения и являются руководством к действию для ее воспитанников. Девизы современных школ, как правило, написаны по-английски. Девизы старых школ написаны на латыни, поскольку во времена основания таких школ латынь была языком науки, культуры и религии. Unit 6 Lesson 3 117 Famous public schools and their mottos: Eton college — Floreat Etona (Да процветает Итон). Harrow county boys — Virtus non Stemma (Добродетель, a не происхождение). School uniform A lot of people think that school uniforms in England are for the children from rich families at the country’s best public schools. But it is not always true. In fact, uniforms first came to schools for the poor because they were cheaper. Today a lot of British schools have uniforms. One of the most important elements of the uniform is a school tie. School tie — у англичан есть выражение “То be true to your school tie” — “Быть верным своему школьному галстуку”. Это означает, что и через много лет после окончания школы выпускники сохраняют верность своим школьным друзьям и всегда готовы помочь им. Для выпускников престижных частных школ такой галстук является не только символом дружбы и взаимопомош;и, но и пропуском в обш;е-ство самых известных и влиятельных людей страны. In pairs. Look at the pictures and find Misha's uniform. What do you think about it? Is it really cool or is it funny? 118 Unit 6 Lesson 3 5 I Answer the questions. 1. Is Misha happy at the new school? 2. How many boys are there in the room? 3. When does Misha get up? 4. How long is a lesson? 5. Can Misha choose his subjects? 6. Is there anything fishy about Misha’s letter? 6 J Find in the text (Ex. 3) and read the descriptions of a) the school b) the room c) the uniform d) the teachers e) the classmates Write the English words for the subjects. Which of these subjects did you study some years ago / are you studying now /are you planning to study by yourself? 1. Религия 2. Математика 3. История 4. Французский язык 5. Немецкий язык 6. Латынь 7. Изобразительное искусство 8. Физика 9. Музыка Listen and check your answers. 10. Английский язык 11. География 12. Химия 13. Английская литература 14. Биология 15. Физкультура 16. Информатика 17. Трудовое обучение Предметы естественно-научного цикла называются the sciences ['saiansizj. Предметы гуманитарного цикла называются the arts. Fill in the table with the subjects at St David's School. the sciences the arts ^yOj Complete the sentences with information from the text. Model: The school is ... . — The school is a castle. 1. There are ... boys in the room. 2. The lessons start .... 3. A ... is 35 minutes. 4. Children can ... their subjects. 5. ... are kind. 6. Everybody ... friendly. 7 Everybody ... a uniform. Unit 6 Lesson 3 119 Homework в®*«ва«»вавв#во«*«вв#в»вва»вв@«@9вв«* ) Look at the facts from Ex. 10 and write: What did you like / not like about Misha's new school? Write as much as you can. Be ready to discuss these facts in class. Model: The school is a castle. 1. It’s cool. I want to study at the castle. Castles are interesting. 2. I don’t want to study at the castle. Castles can be very cold and not very cosy. And they are creepy! В i Look at the pictures and fill in the gaps with other, another, the other. This pen doesn’t write. I need ... one. This book is boring. Do you have any ... ? Five pupils are here. Where are ... pupils? I have two best friends. One is a boy friend is a girl. 120 Unit 6 Lesson 3 I Is life at school easy? ^ 1 } Discuss the facts about St David's in class. Guess the meaning of the underlined word. This house is very old. It is a min ['ru:in]! ^ 2Л Listen and read. a compulsory subject [кэт'рлкэп] — обязательный (предмет) an optional subject [hp/nal] — предмет no выбору polite [pa'lait] — вежливый cheeky ['t|i:ki] — развязный a punishment ['pAnijmant] — наказание a detention [di'tenjn] — вид наказания, когда учитель оставляет ученика после уроков to do lines — писать одно и то же много раз (вид наказания) to bully smb [bull] — задирать кого-либо to punish smb — наказывать кого-либо 3 ; Misha is writing an e-mail to his sister Masha. Read and compare it to Misha's ' letter to his parents. Which letter do you believe: this one or the other one? i T% , I [email protected] I school ~ Dear Masha, My first days at school were awful. The house is a ruin. We are in a big oid room with no central heating. It is really cold. I have to wear a stupid uniform. I hate it! We get up at seven, and there are nine lessons every day! The teachers are very strict. We can only speak to them if they speak to us. We must caii them Sir or Mrs. Yesterday when I was running in the corridor, Mrs Nasty saw me. I got a detention for this. I had to stay in her room after schooi and do lines. I wrote “I mustn’t run in the corridor” two hundred times. I think Mrs Nasty hates me. We can choose some optional subjects, but Maths, English, English Literature, one foreign language. Religious Education, IT, DT, one subject from the arts and one subject from the sciences are compulsory. I don’t like the other boys from my class. They are nice and polite when the teacher is there, but when the teacher isn’t there, they are really cheeky. At the moment I don’t have any problems with them, but they buiiy Rob. I feei reaiiy unhappy and homesick. What can I do? Much love, Misha Unit 6 Lesson 4 121 What do you think? Why didn't Misha tell his mum and dad the truth? Answer: true, false or no information. 1. Misha likes his new school. 2. Misha likes to wear the school uniform. 3. Misha’s room is big and cold. 4. Misha likes all the boys in his room. 5. Lessons start at seven o’clock. 6. Children get a lot of punishments at St David’s School. 7. Rob is very popular in his class. 8. The school is a gloomy old house. 9. Misha is very good at Maths. 10. Music is a compulsory subject. Look through Misha's letter and answer the questions: What does Misha say about a) the school d) his teachers b) his room e) school subjects c) his classmates f) school punishments Fill in the table with information from Misha's letter to his mum and dad and his e-mail to Masha. Letter to mum and dad E-mail to Masha My first days at school were awful. The school is in a beautiful old castle. My room is very big and airy. Lessons don’t start very early. The first lesson is at 9.25. I can choose my subjects. The teachers are strict. My classmates are very friendly. I have to wear a stupid uniform. Don’t worry. I am having a great time. 122 Unit 6 Lesson 4 Misha received a list of the compulsory subjects, but he can't read the second part with the optional subjects. Help Misha. Fill in the gaps with the subjects. Biology, German, Geography, Art, Latin, Music, Physics, History, Chemistry, French Compulsory subjects • Maths • English ® English Literature • IT • Design and Technology • Religious Education Optioual subjects • one foreign language (choose from Ge • one subject from the sciences (choose from • one subject from the arts (choose from Mu In pairs. Help Misha choose his subjects. Discuss: Which subject will be the easiest for him? Which one will be the most difficult? Why? Listen to Misha's list of subjects and check your ideas. Write down the optional subjects. Why did he choose them? Homework • • • • • A Write about your school and get ready for a discussion in class. These questions will help you. 1. Where is your school? 2. Is your school big or small? 3. When do lessons start? 4. Can you choose your subjects? 5. What subjects are compulsory? 6. What subjects are optional? 7. What do you think is the most important subject? 8. What is your least favourite subject? 9. Do you have to wear a uniform? 10. What are your classmates like? 11. Does anybody bully people in your class? 12. What are your teachers like? 13. What is good in your school? 14. What things do you want to change? Unit 6 Lesson 4 123 You should find friends j Present Simple Сегодня мы предпримем необычное путешествие. Мы снова ненадолго отправимся в город Simple графства Present. В этом городе нас интересует левый берег, где живут независимые глаголы must и сап. Пройдем в глубь города и обнаружим еш;е один домик. Там живет интеллигентный глагол should. Глагол should похож по своему значению и употреблению на глагол must. Should также работает со всеми местоимениями и никогда не прибегает к услугам помош,ников. После глагола should так же, как и после глагола must, частица to перед глаголом не употребляется. Отличие их в том, что глагол must переводится на русский язык как должен, а глагол should переводится как следует, надо. Сравните: I really must do my homework in the afternoon. I can’t concentrate in the evening.— Я действительно должен делать домашнюю работу днем. Вечером я не могу сосредоточиться. You should do your homework in the afternoon. Then we can do something interesting in the evening. — Тебе следует сделать домашнюю работу днем. Тогда вечером мы сможем поделать что-нибудь интересное. Глагол should имеет одну неизменяемую форму для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа. Помощники ив нужнь! , 124 Unit 6 Lesson 5 Вопрос: Почему в предложении You should do your homework in the afternoon перед do нет частицы tol -.gl ^ Ответ: Прочти объяснение внимательнее. В сочетании ■■-Лд »2-^ ' should + глагол частица to перед глаголом шжш не употребляется. , 1 „) Translate the advice into Russian. Who can give this advice to whom? 1. If you want to have good results, you should speak English every day. 2. You should go to bed earlier — you’ll feel better. 3. If you go to Russia, you should see the Kremlin. It’s really beautiful. 4. You shouldn’t buy this dress. You look fat in it. 5. You should phone me if you come home late. 6. You should do sports. Physical activity is good for you. gjlj What should you do? Make your own sentences with should. Model: help mum — I think I should help mum. do my homework be nice to my brother / sister learn foreign languages protect the environment get a good education be polite to everybody Образование отрицательных предложений После глагола should ставится частица not: should not = shouldn’t You shouldn’t eat these sweets. — He следует есть эти конфеты. ШМя Fill in the gaps. Use should or shouldn't. Translate into Russian. 1. People ... drop litter. 2. We ... recycle our rubbish. 3. Everybody ... eat vegetables and fruit. 4. Children ... watch TV all day long. 5. The rich ... help the poor. 6. We ... protect the environment. 7. You ... learn foreign languages. Unit 6 Lesson 5 1 25 Образование вопросительных предложений Так как для образования вопросительных и отрицательных предложений глаголу should помощники не требуются, он работает сам. You shouldn’t eat this pizza all by yourself. It’s bad for you. Вопрос к подлежащему Who should go with you? We all want to. Общий вопрос Should I help him? — No, you needn’t. / Yes, you should. Альтернативный вопрос Should I go home or stay here? Специальный вопрос What should I do? Where should I meet you? Разделительный вопрос We should help him, shouldn’t we? He shouldn’t invite everybody he knows, should he? 4 Look at the pictures. What advice do these people give? Masha answered her brother's letter. She gave him a lot of advice. Listen, read and find the best translation for the underlined word. a) забирать часть b) принимать участие с) принимать чью-то сторону Dear Misha, Don’t feel unhappy. Everything will change. Try to find new friends. Be polite and friendly with your classmates and teachers. Don’t start a fight, but don’t let anybody bully you or Rob. Tell your classmates about Russia and our town. Try to take part in all their activities; play games, do sports, sing, go for walks. It is always easier to make friends when you do something in a group. Wear your school uniform because everybody wears it. And don’t forget the most important thing — Rob is in danger. Be careful! Much love, Masha SENDIi-* 6 Rephrase Masha's advice. Use should and shouldn't. Model: Misha shouldn’t feel unhappy. ^7 у Discuss: What is Masha's best advice? What advice can you give to new pupils in your class? ^ 8 ) What activities do you take part in? Homework ) A Read the list of the rules at St David's School. Rewrite them. Use must / mustn't or should / shouldn't. -) © Be polite. © Say hello when you see a teacher. © Come to school on time. © Stand up when a teacher comes into the class. © Wear your school uniform. © Don’t eat or drink in the classroom. © Don’t run in the corridors. © Don’t bring mobile phones to class. © Don’t talk to people in lessons. Unit 6 Lesson 5 127 в ) Look at the people's problems and try to give some advice. Start with: You should... or You shouldn't... © / / \\ 1 28 Unit 6 Lesson 5 School dinners Guess the meaning of the underlined word. Table manners ['masnaz] are very important if you eat in a restaurant. Look at the pictures in Ex. 2 and guess: What will happen in this lesson? More than one answer is right. 1. Misha will find a new friend. 2. Misha will eat some good food. 3. Misha will have new problems. 4. Misha will leave school. 5. Misha will eat in the kitchen. Misha and Rob are having dinner in the school dining room. A very strict teacher Angela Nasty is watching them. Read. Your table manners are disgusting! Tbu must leave the dining room. If you say another word, you’ll leave the school, Inin. 5 Счастливый английский.py. Учебник для 7 кл. Unii 6 Lesson 6 129 Hi, I’m Emily. I think Mrs Nasty really hates you, Misha. There is nothing wrong with your manners. I can teach you perfect^ table manners. /^Thank you Emily, but^ I think I should leave the school. She does it to me every dinner. 1 can’t live without food! © 'Л Listen and read. a napkin — салфетка on your lap — на колени to pass smth to smb — зд. передавать что-либо кому-либо straight — прямой, прямо never, ever — никогда-никогда elbows close to your sides — локти прижаты к бокам They are all that matters. — Они — это все, что имеет значение. to bite — кусать to chew — жевать stew — жаркое rude — грубый 1 What do you know about table manners? a) Say true or false. 1. You should eat with your fork and spoon. 2. You shouldn’t talk while you are eating. 3. You can eat your cake with a spoon. 4. You can eat chips with your fingers. 5. You should keep your napkin on the table near your plate. 6. The knife goes on the right of your plate. 7. If something on the table is too far away, you can stand up and take it. b) Match the picture with the meaning. 1. I am going to eat more. 2. Tm finished. 3. The table is set. 130 Unit 6 Lesson 6 Emily is teaching Misha table manners. Listen, read, check your ideas and sing along. Manners, Manners... The fork goes on the left, The knife goes on the right, And never, ever try to eat Without your fork and knife. Spoons are for soup. Forks - for cakes and stew. But never, ever try to bite More food than you can chew. Refrain: Manners, (manners) They are all that matters. Sit as straight as you could, Elbows close to your sides. Manners, (manners) They are all that matters. Never play with your food. And you will be all right. If something is too far. You pass it to your mates. But never, ever try to take From other people’s plates. To talk at table is polite, And not to talk is rude. And never, ever try to talk When your mouth is full of food. Refrain At table every time You have to watch yourself. And never, ever start Without a napkin on your lap. 6 Look at the pictures. Write your advice to the boy. Model: Sit as straight as you could. Homework • •••••••••• A Rewrite the poem. Use should or shouldn't. Model: The fork should go on the left, the knife should go on the right. В Get ready for a game. Unit 6 Lesson 6 131 / ? Manners, manners... ■ 1 Play a game. В игре участвуют два-четыре игрока. Перед началом игры вырежьте карточки из раздела Cut Out и разложите их на игровом поле поверх игровых квадратов по номерам — картинками вверх. Вам также понадобятся фишки и кубик. Играюш,ие ставят свои фишки на клетку Start, по очереди бросают кубик и делают столько ходов, сколько выпало на кубике. После того как один из игроков остановился на нужном игровом квадрате, любой другой участник снимает с квадрата карточку, читает вопрос и проверяет правильность ответа. Если игрок, чья фишка находится на данном игровом квадрате, правильно отвечает на этот вопрос, он кладет карточку с вопросом в свою копилку. Если нет, карточка остается лежать на игровом поле. Побеждает тот, кто первым дойдет до финиша, набрав максимальное количество карточек. 2 Emily says: Manners are all that matters. Do you agree? 3 I Role-play. You will need: some food, plates, knives, forks, spoons, napkins. Try to have dinner together. Give a prize to the pupil, who has the best table manners. Homework | • •••••••••••• • •••••••••••••• Ч----- Rob found something very interesting. Read and give advice to Misha and Rob. Should they give the paper to Mrs Nasty or should they give it to Mark? Rob: Misha! Look! When you left, I found this on the floor. Misha: It’s a page of a very old book! Rob: Yes, it’s a story, but I can’t read it. It’s in a very old language! Misha: Who dropped it? Did you see? Rob: I didn’t see anything. Anybody could do it. Let’s give this page to Mark. I think he can translate it. Two days later Mark: I translated the page! I don’t believe it! Rob: What happened? Mark: It’s a story from the MacWizard family history book. Misha: How could somebody from your school get it? Mark: I don’t know. But there is a story about a ring on this page. Rob: It’s one of the keys, isn’t it? Mark: Maybe. 132 Unit 6 Lesson 7 : We must leave our land ! Listen and read. Angles ['cegglz] — англы Saxons ['sceksanz] — саксы pagan ['peign] — язычник, языческий a priest [pri:st] — священник Knights of the Round Table — рыцари Круглого стола Artos [‘a:tas] — Артос Arthur ['а:0э] — Артур Cedric ['sedrik] — Седрик a cart [ka:t] — телега to compare smth with smth — нивать что-либо с чем-либо срав- ^ 2'J Try to answer the questions. 1. После нескольких веков римского завоевания на Британских островах жили а) только римляне Ь) потомки римлян и кельтов с) только кельты 2. После ухода римских завоевателей Британские острова а) больше не пытались завоевать Ь) начали завоевывать германские племена с) снова завоевали римляне 3. К пятому веку нашей эры кельты — жители Британских островов — были а) язычниками Ь) друидами с) христианами 4. Что вам известно о короле Артуре и рыцарях Круглого стола? а) Их не существовало. Ь) Это средневековые рыцари — участники крестовых походов, с) Король Артур был кельтским королем, жил в Камелоте и был другом волшебника Мерлина. 3 J Listen, read and check your answers. 'The ring shows the way Part I Something was happening. Artos ci>iikl led it Their little farm was quiet as usual, 1чи >esieula\ he saw a lot of carts on the road. Tlie\ weni past Artos’s house all day and all night.“W lieu .ite i he people going?”he asked.“People are uoing to ihe mountains — to safetj^’his father said. I le looked worried. Artos began to feel afraid. "What’s the matter. Father?” Artos, you are only seven, but we nuisi l.ilk. Do you remember our great King Arthur?” "Of course, I know all about him. Every boy in the tribe does. Arthur was a meat king and Merlin, the greatest wizard of all time, helped him. He had thirteen Unit 6 Lessons 8, 9 133 knights - his friends. When they had meetings, Arthur never sat on his throne. He had a special Round Table for the meetings to show (чтобы показать, что) that he and all his knights were equal. And...” “Don’t forget the most important thing, Artos. King Arthur beat our enemies, the pagan Angles and Saxons, and gave us fifty years of peace.” “Yes, Father. I know that. I hate the Angles and the Saxons. They first came to Britain in the fifth century after the Romans left.” “Yes, son, it was a hundred and fifty years ago. The Angles and the Saxons landed on the east coast, near London, and moved west. They are slowly taking all of Britain. They even call our land Anglia — the land of the Angles. It is so unfair.” The father sighed. “Now be brave, son. A Saxon king is coming here with a great army. They will burn our beautiful farm and all the farms of the tribe. We must leave our land forever.” Artos began to cry. ‘Artos, do you remember the motto of our tribe?” “Yes, Father.” “Put your hand on mine and say it.” “Fight for the ring. Fight with the ring. Fight in the ring.” ‘And what does it mean, Artos?” “It means our tribe must stay together and help our friends. We are the People of the Ring. Together we are free and strong like Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table.” Artos said. “Tomorrow we will have a special ring meeting. There we will make the decision. I think we should move to the North.” Suddenly Artos was angry. “Why do these Angles and Saxons want our land. Father? They have nearly all our land. WE always have to move. Why?” “Because,” said his father, “behind them in Europe are other tribes. They attack the Saxons, and then the Saxons attack us.” That night Artos couldn’t sleep. He was sitting next to the fire and thinking about the horrible news. But the boy wasn’t looking at the fire, he was playing with his father’s ring. It was the main treasure of their tribe. Artos put the ring on his finger and... fell asleep. He had a very strange dream. In the morning Artos went to the priest. The boy told the priest about his dream. “What should I do?” he asked. “The ring has spoken (Кольцо заговорило)” the priest answered. “Do what you have to do. Don’t be afraid.” 134 Unit 6 Lessons 8, 9 King Arthur — король Артур. Кельтский король, прославившийся победами над англами и саксами. В шестом классе вы узнали о государстве короля Артура — Камелоте — и его друге — волшебнике Мерлине, который, по преданию, велел воздвигнуть Стоунхендж на Солсберийской равнине, где это каменное сооружение находится и по сей день. Об этом периоде истории Британии известно немногое, и, несмотря на большое количество легенд, факт существования короля Артура вызывает большие сомнения. The Angles and the Saxons — англы и саксы — германские племена, захватившие Британские острова к концу пятого века. Answer the questions. 1. Where did Artos and his family live? 2. Why did his father look worried? 3. Who were the enemies of Artos and his tribe? 4. What was Artos’ tribe going to do? 5. Why did Artos hate the Angles and the Saxons? 6. What happened at night? When and why did these things happen? Use the words from the text. Model: 1. Artos knew that something was happening. — Because yesterday Artos saw a lot of carts. They went past his house all day and all night. 2. The father sighed. 4. Artos felt angry. 3. Artos began to cry. 5. Artos couldn’t sleep. a) Who said these words? 1. “Fight for the ring. Fight with the ring. Fight in the ring.” 2. “We are the People of the Ring. Together we are free and strong like Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table.” b) What do the words Fight for the ring. Fight with the ring. Fight in the ring mean? Choose the right answer. 1. The main treasure of the tribe is the ring. People know that the ring is magic. The ring always helps the tribe and people are ready to fight for the ring. 2. People of the tribe must always be together (in the ring) and are ready to fight for their friends (for the ring). Unit 6 Lessons 8, 9 135 с) Why does Artos compare the ring of the tribe with King Arthur's Round Table? 1. Because Arthur’s Round Table was magic and the ring is magic. 2. Because the ring is round and the table is round. If you sit in the ring, everybody is equal. Nobody is better or worse. 7 J True or false? Read the sentence from the text and explain your answer. 1. The Romans had to leave the British Isles. 2. The Angles and the Saxons were Germanic tribes. 3. The Celts, the Angles and the Saxons were friends. 4. The Celts had to leave their land. 5. The Celts were pagans. 6. The Angles and the Saxons were Christians. 136 Unit 6 Lessons 8, 9 с 3 Look at the pictures of the ring meeting. Only one picture is right. Which one? Explain your answer. '"is How many new words do you know? Angles an optional subject elbows close as a rule coeducation to one’s sides Biology Physics a napkin a boarding school polite never, ever cheeky private pagan Chemistry public to pass smth to smb a compulsory subject a punishment rude Design and Technology to punish Saxons to give smb a detention a state school a scholarship difference the rich stew different to bully smb straight an exception to do lines to bite Geography what about... to chew in general all that matters a motto an all-boys school a priest Unit 6 Lessons 8, UNIT English school In this unit • Somebody has broken the window in Misha’s room. ' • The best marks in an English school. • The coolest thing Misha has ever done. • Play Draggy. • The ring shows the way. You will talk about life in an English school. You will need these words and expressions: School a boarding school a class a classmate a detention a lesson a mark private public a punishment a state school a teacher to be good at something to be popular to be the best pupil (student) to bully smb to choose to do lines to know to learn to study Subjects Art Biology Chemistry compulsory DT (Design and Technolo favourite a foreign language Geography History IT (Information Technolo Literature Mathematics Music optional PE (Physical Education) Physics RE (Religious Educatioi science to be difficult to be easy to be interesting 138 U Употребление глаголов во времени Present Perfect. Jf тЩй. * Г(Ч? й'5^4%Ш© Speak English in class • I’ve finished.— Я закончил(а). • See you again next Wednesday.— Увидимся в следующую среду. • See you tomorrow afternoon.— Увидимся завтра днем. • See you in Room 7 after the break.— Встречаемся в кабинете № 7 после перемены. • Have а good holiday.— Приятного отдыха. What the teacher says ■ • You have made a lot of progress.— У Вас большие успехи. • That’s much better.— Так намного лучше. • Well done.— Хорошо. • Not quite right. Uy' again.— He совсем верно. Попытайтесь еще раз. Unn 7 139 In the country DoDidDone Present Perfect Сегодня наш путь лежит в графство Present. Мы впервые посетим самый загадочный город этого графства — город Perfect, находящийся на зыбкой границе между настоящим и прошлым. В городе происходит странная путаница. Вы скоро увидите, что многие глаголы в городе считают, что они находятся в прошлом и поэтому носят одежду, очень похожую на одежду прошедшего времени. И только верный своему долгу дракоша-помощник have продолжает носить форму настоящего времени, не давая городу окончательно погрузиться в прошлое. i DON'T ENTER AM, ARE, iS. MUST, CAN ^ помощник HAVE | 140 I Le::,sr)ii Над городом развевается флаг с полным названием города Present Perfect. В отличие от всех остальных городов страны DoDidDone этот город не обнесен высокой стеной. Он стоит на воде. Его улицы и дома хорошо видны с нашего берега. У самого берега острова стоят две вешалки, вокруг которых толпятся глаголы. На первой вешалке написано "Для правильных глаголов". На ней висят длинные плапди с капюшонами. Все плагци одинакового цвета и расшиты буквами -ed и цифрами 3. Если вы помните, очень похожие плащи глаголы-дракоши надевали в городе Past Simple. Отличаются плащи только цветом и цифрами. Имена дракош — те же, что и в Past Simple. Например: work — worked — worked. 1 j Dress the dragons in the clothes of Present Perfect and read them. love, work, live, watch, cook, paint, dance, drop, pick, pollnte, protect vr® V 2,1 Listen and check your answers. Ha второй вешалке написано “Для неправильных глаголов”. На ней висит множество разноцветных именных плащей, расшитых цифрами 3. Это плащи для наших старых знакомых — неправильных глаголов. На первый взгляд плащи похожи на именные плащи города Past Simple. Надев плащи, дракоши также до неузнаваемости изменяются. Однако для того чтобы работать с ними и дальше, вам опять придется выучить их новые имена — третью форму глагола. Например: go — went — gone Unit 7 Lesson 1 141 3 I What clothes will each dragon get? Dress the dragons and read the pairs. ... ^ drink, fall, be, forget, speak, build, do, see, take, put, cut, buy, go, lose, give put, taken, seen, done, bought, cut, gone, drunk, been, forgotten, fallen, built, spoken 4 i Listen and check your answers. 5 Answer the questions. 1. Почему волшебная страна, по которой путешествуют глаголы-драко-ши, называется DoDidDone? 2. Выпишите из таблицы неправильных глаголов по три глагола, у которых совпадают; a) первая и вторая формы b) вторая и третья формы c) все три формы Обратите внимание, что плагци полностью закрывают голову, руки и ноги дракош. Таким образом, и правильные, и неправильные глаголы-драко-ши имеют одну и ту же форму со всеми подлежаш;ими-местоимениями. 1 Единственное число Множественное число 142 Unit 7 Lesson 1 Посмотрим, что происходит на улицах города Present Perfect. Глаголы гуляют по городу в плащах. В руках у них плакаты “Нужен помощник’.’ Все улицы ведут к дому помощника have, без которого в городе не обходится ни одно дело. Познакомимся с помощником have поближе. Он никому не отказывает в помощи и не берет за это никакой платы. Проходя через его дом, глаголы остаются в своих плащах. Сам же помощник have терпеть не может плащей. Как мы уже говорили, помощник have — единственный в этом городе носит форму настоящего времени — тапочек на одной ноге. ПОМОЩНИК have] Обратите внимание: Когда глагол have работает помощником, он не переводится на русский язык. Глагол-дракоша в плаще, расшитом цифрой 3 (III форма глагола), переводится на русский язык глаголом совершенного вида. Это означает, что время Present Perfect образуется с помощью have / has + основной глагол в III форме. Например: I have seen а UFO.— Я видел НЛО. You have lost your key — Вы потеряли ключ. Не has read а book.— Он прочитал книгу. We have been to London.— Мы побывали в Лондоне. 1 Единственное число Множественное число Unit 7 Lesson 1 143 Улица Утвердительное предложение •# I have done my homework. You have done your homework. He/She/has done his/her/homework. We have done our homework. You have done your homework. They have done their homework. Обратите внимание: I have = I’ve, she has = she’s, he has = he’s you have = you’ve, we have = we’ve, they have = they’ve ^ 6 j Fill in the gaps. Use have or has. Translate into Russian. 1. I ... listened to the teacher. 2. We ... played tennis. 3. Kate ... broken the cup. 4. My friends ... called me. 5. She ... written this letter. 6. You ... lost the key. Улица Отрицательное предложение I have not done my homework. You have not done your homework. He / She / has not done his / her homework. We have not done our homework. You have not done your homework. They have not done their homework. Обратите внимание: have not = haven’t, has not = hasn’t 7 I Change the sentences according to the model. Model: I have finished this book. — I haven’t finished this book. 1. Peggy has made a tasty cake. 4. Kate has heard the news. 2. Mother has bought a lot of sweets. 5. They have come to the park. 3. I have found an interesting book. 6. She has finished the exercise. 144 Unit 7 Lesson 1 Homework A ) Copy the table and fill it in. I form come II form III form played went seen do understood fly bought thought catch liked be left got sing drop ate danced wrote В J Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect. Translate into Russian. 1. Mary has (open) the window. 2. The teacher has (give) us a lot of homework. 3. I have (phone) my granny. 4. You have (read) this book. 5. We have (make) a very nice picture. ,, C J Change the sentences of Ex. B. Use the short form of have and has. D J Learn seven irregular verbs by heart. Unit 7 Lesson 1 145 ^ In the country DoDidDone Present Perfect Попытаемся войти в город Present Perfect. К городу можно добраться на лодках. Лодки находятся на сигнализации. К каждой сигнализации имеется свой пульт. Таким образом, пультов-паролей к городу несколько. Глаголы-дракоши в городе Present Perfect выражают действия, которые: уже произошли никогда не происходили произошли только что еще не произошли произошли когда-нибудь Как вы видите, понять, что происходит в городе, нелегко, но не будем отчаиваться! Вспомним о большом количестве лодок. К каждой из них существует отдельный пульт с отдельным паролем. Вот они: already — уже never — никогда just — только-что yet — еще не, уже ever — когда-нибуд1. DON'T ENTER AM, ARE, IS, MUST, CAN i'. . ■ . .. fiv-.# Ш! у шщт / ■Л., 146 Unit 7 Lesson 2 Вместе с глаголами-дракошами мы будем отправляться в город на каждой лодке и в каждом случае будем пользоваться отдельным пультом-паролем. Так мы постепенно разберемся во всех случаях употребления глаголов в этом городе. Однако вход разрешен не всем глаголам. Перед лодочной станцией висит объявление “Глаголам am, is, are, must, can переправа запреш;ена’.’ Это означает, что данные глаголы не употребляются во времени Present Perfect. Сегодня мы отправляемся в город Present Perfect на трех лодках. Пультом к первой является слово just (только что). В этом случае глаголы употребляются для выражения действий, которые произошли в прошлом только что, но их результат мы видим в настоягцем (сейчас). Например: Somebody has just broken the window. — Кто-то только что разбил окно. (Сейчас мы видим, что окно разбито, но мы не знаем, кто и когда его разбил.) В предложении слово just ставится между глаголом-помош;ником и основным глаголом. Пультом ко второй лодке является слово yet (еш,е не). Глаголы с этим словом употребляются в отрицательных предложениях для выражения действий. Г''" ш (■ ПОМОЩНИК HAVE ^ ^ - • f. ^ с » ^Г" * -С" нуМН I ,оДт - *■ Ш % г о’ h - ; ЗР' Unit 7 Lesson 2 147 которые еще не произошли. Слово yet также употребляется в вопросительных предложениях и переводится на русский язык как уже. Например: I haven’t done ту homework yet. — Я еще не сделал домашнюю работу. Have you done your homework yet? — Ты уже сделал домашнюю работу? Слово yet ставится в конце предложения. Пультом к третьей лодке является слово already (уже). Хлаголы с этим словом употребляются для выражения действий, которые уже произошли. Например: I have already seen this film. — Я уже посмотрел этот фильм. В предложении слово already ставится между глаголом-помощником и основным глаголом. Обратите внимание на то, что слова just, yet, already могут и не использоваться, однако если вы можете мысленно подставить их, в предложении употребляется время Present Perfect. 1 Misha and Rob came to their room at school. Read, look at the picture and fill in the gaps. Use the verbs open, turn on, break. Misha: Rob: Misha: Rob: Misha: Rob: Misha: Rob: Misha: Rob: Look! Somebody has just left the room! Somebody has ... the window! Yes! And somebody has ... all our bags. Somebody has ... the computer! And what about your books? I haven’t checked them yet. Who could it be? What did this person want? I don’t know. Let’s clean the room! Thank God the other boys haven’t come yet. 2 Listen and check you answers. 148 Unit 7 Lesson 2 3 Agent Cute is alone in his house. He hasn't found a new job and his life is very boring at the moment. Read the list of things Agent Cute wants to do today. 1. Wash my hair 2. Cook the food for the week 3. Read the newspaper 4. Clean the bedroom 5. Write an e-mail to Misha 6. Buy a ticket to York 7. Buy some fruit and vegetables S. Wash the windows 9. Go to the theatre 4 Look at the picture of Agent Cute's flat. Write sentences with has or hasn't. ШМ: 5 Agent Cute left a message for his mum. Listen, check your answers and answer the question: Where is Cute now? Unit 7 Lesson 2 149 Homework • • • • A Look at the pictures and write. Use these words and word combinations. eat, see a new film, do homework, read the book, wash hair, do the shopping Model: 1. Alexey has just eaten his lunch. Ivan hasn’t eaten his lunch yet. 150 Unit 7 Lesson 2 ^1:.1- V'■ ^; i..; ,V In the country DoDidDone Улица Общий вопрос Как и все остальные помощники, на этой улице дракоша-помощник have перелетает на первое место. Have they written а letter? — Они написали письмо? Образование общих вопросов в Present Perfect Have I written a letter? — Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. Have you written a letter? — Yes, you have. / No, you haven’t. Has he / she / written a letter? — Yes, he / she / has. / No, he / she / hasn’t. Have we written a letter? — Yes, we have. / No, we haven’t. Have you written a letter? — Yes, you have. / No, you haven’t. Have they written a letter? — Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t. 1 j Read the sentences and ask general questions. 1. Peter has opened the window. 5. They’ve seen an interesting film. 2. We have read a very good book. 3. Mary has lost her dog. 4. My friends have gone to school. 6. Misha’s been to London. 7. You’ve bought the book. 8. We’ve finished our work. Обратите внимание! В утвердительных предложениях глаголы have, has могут стоять в сокращенной форме: They’ve gone. Cute’s lost the note. В вопросительных предложениях используется только их полная форма. Have they gone? Has Cute lost a note? 151 Улица Специальный вопрос Как вы уже знаете, для того чтобы образовать специальный вопрос, перед общим вопросом нужно поставить вопросительное слово. Why have I written a letter? Why have you written a letter? Why has he / she / written a letter? Why have we written a letter? What have you written? What have they done? Обратите внимание! Present Perfect никогда не употребляется в вопросах, которые начинаются с вопросительных слов when и where. Улица Вопрос к подлежащему Так же, как и во многих других городах, эта улица короткая и грязная. Дракоша-помощник have работает на ней только в тапке. Who has written а letter? — < Z' I have. You have. He / She / has. We have. You have. ^ They have. 152 Unit 7 Lessons 3, 4 2 J Ask general questions. Use Mr Help's magic table. 1. We have just finished dinner. 2. I haven’t done my homework yet because yesterday I was tired. 3. He has already eaten five apples. 4. Somebody has closed the door. 5. They haven’t bought any fruit yet, because the shops are closed. Вопросительное слово Общий вопрос 1. What 2. Why 3. How many 4. What 5. Why Л ) Misha writes to his sister every day. Her letters help him. Listen, read and answer the question: Is Misha happy at the moment? Why? / Why not? £айл Bu вае»т qipnc ■ ЛЗОидавпь'г £«т>*вмЯ1!и* . Q . % % в; le '' f I iAi!» я alWsaSjBflege- Dear Misha, How are you? Have you made any new friends? Have you learnt any new games? Have you found any interesting subjects? Have you got any good marks? Please write to me. Love, Masha i $WI СИ»» tK* «epai? Cgpne Дейспт Ovowa 3E3;Ai* ^ -22sjr Dear Masha, I have just done two hundred lines, so I don’t feel very happy at the moment. The other hoys at school don’t want to play with me. I am always with Eob. English and PE are my favourite subjects. I got a В in English and an A In PE. I also got two Cs in German and a D in Maths. Love, Misha Unit 7 Lessons 3, 4 153 4 Match Masha's questions with Misha's answers. Model: Have you made any friends? — I am always with Rob. 5 Write to Agent Cute about Misha. Model: Misha has just done two hundred lines. 6 -What do you think about Misha's marks? Will Masha understand them? Try to — guess: What is the best mark? What is the worst mark? 8 j Look at the children in the class. They have just got their test results. What marks have they got? Model: Misha has got a D. 154 In groups. Play a game What have you just done? Водящий выходит из класса (или отворачивается), остальные участники игры производят любое действие, результат которого будет заметен водящему. Пс возвращении играющие спрашивают водящего: “What have we (I) just done?’' Водящий должен заметить, что изменилось, и дать ответ. Model: (Передвинут стол) А: What have we just done? В: Have you opened the window? A: No, we haven’t. B: Have you moved the table? A: Yes, we have. Here are some ideas: You can move tables, open and close books, write something, swap clothes, drop something. But don’t break anything! Homework A Write: What are your plans for today? What have you already done? What are you going to do? Model: Today I want to walk my dog and phone my best friend. I have already phoned my friend. I am going to walk my dog. В These are Misha's results for October. Write a letter to Misha's mother and tell her about his marks. Rememberl His mother doesn't understand English marks. Model: Misha has got an excellent mark in English. Maths D Music English A* Art English Literature Л1 PE German D IT Physics c Religious Education [£] History ~B~| DT s C Learn seven irregular verbs by heart. Unit 7 Lessons 3, 4 155 Have you ever...? 1 ; Play a game. Take your cards from the Cut Out page. You have cards with the 1st form of the verb. Your teacher has cards with the 3rd form. He reads the cards one by one. When you hear your verb, raise your hand and get a card from the teacher. The first who finishes is the winner. Present Perfect Сегодня мы отправимся в город Present Perfect на новой лодке. Она открывается пультами, на которых написано never (никогда), ever (когда-нибудь). Never используется в отрицательных предложениях, действия которых еще не происходили в чьей-либо жизни. I have never seen а tiger in ту life. — Я никогда в своей жизни не видел тигра. Ever используется в вопросительных предложениях. Have you ever played football? — Вы когда-нибудь играли в футбол? Обратите внимание на то, что, как и остальные пульты-пароли, ever и never могут и не употребляться в предложении, однако если в предложении используется время Present Perfect, они подразумеваются. Вопрос: Почему в предложении 7 have never seen а tiger in ту life перед глаголом seen нет отрицания? Ведь в русском языке здесь два отрицания: никогда и не видел. Значит, надо сказать: 7 never haven’t seen. Ответ: Ты забыл, что в английском предложении возможно лигиь одно отрицание. Слово never - отрицательное. Значит, глагол, который следует за ним, всегда будет стоять в положительной форме. 156 Unit 7 Lesson 5 2 Make sentences from these words. Translate them into Russian. 1. built / never / has / he / a house /. 2. London / they / seen / have / never /. 3. have / read / you / ever / this book /? 4. have /1 / met / him / never /. 3 Write questions about these things. Start with Have you ever seen...? , ■ ■i-Jy Ask and answer the questions. 4 Write questions about these places. Start with Have you ever been fa...? A f * »■ Л ‘ISib " ti.;'.,,.... L: i ' it"-'К;' Ask and answer the questions. Guess the meaning of the underlined word. Ibe.giraffe [cfea'raifl is the tallest animal in the world. Unit 7 Le.ssi- 157 Elton John is an English pop singer Jumbo jet is a very large plane for carrying passengers Listen and read. to lose [lu;z] — зд. проигрывать to do a parachute ['pasrajud] jump - прыгать c парашютом to dive — нырять Misha is trying to make nev/ friends. The boys from his class are asking him a lot of questions. Listen, read and sing along. Boys: Have you met famous people? Have you tried English tea? Have you ever fallen off a very high tree? Have you ever played golf? Have you lost? Have you won? And what’s the coolest thing you have ever done? Misha: I have met Elton John, And I’ve tried English tea. I have never fallen off a very high tree. But when I was eleven, I did a parachute jump. And that’s the coolest thing I have ever done. 158 Unit 7 Lesson 5 Boys: Have you ever found money? Have you travelled to Spain? Have you ever gone on a jumbo jet plane? Do you know how to dive? Have you swum in the sea? And what’s the coolest thing you have ever seen? Misha: I have never found money, and I haven’t been to Spain. And I’ve never gone on a jumbo jet plane. But I’ve seen a giraffe, It walked down our street. And that’s the coolest thing I have ever seen. 7 8 Find the negative and positive sentences in the poem. Translate them into Russian. Answer; true, false or no information. 1. Misha has never met a famous person. 2. Misha has fallen off a high tree and that’s the coolest thing he has ever done. 3. Misha has swum in the sea. 4. Misha doesn’t know how to dive. 5. Misha hasn’t been to Spain. 6. Misha has never played football. 7. A jumbo jet is a plane. 9 } Fill in the table with the verbs from the song. I form meet II form met Ш form met , 10 Match the questions with the answers from the poem. Model: Have you met famous people? — I have met Elton John. 11 Write about Misha. Model: Misha has met Elton John. Misha has tried English tea. Unit 7 Lesson 5 159 12 ; In pairs. Ask and answer the questions from the song. Start with Have you ever...? Model: A: Have you ever met a famous person? B: Yes, I’ve met Garry Kasparov, a famous chessplayer. Write down your partner's answers. Tell your classmates about them. 13 What's the coolest thing you have ever done or seen? Write 2-4 sentences ^ about it and tell the class. Discuss and find out: Who has done or seen the coolest thing? Homework )••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A ) Write ten questions for your friends. Start with: Have you ever...? В Mark, Misha and Rob are discussing the news. They think they can find ^ the treasure. Listen and read. Mark: Hi, guys! I have translated the second part of the story. Rob: That’s great. Thank you. We’ll read it this evening. Have you found the second key to the treasure? Mark: Yes, it’s there. Rob: But what about the other keys? Misha: We must find the book with missing pages (c вырванными страницами) in our house. Mark: I have already thought about it. Rob: So what’s the plan? Mark: I’ve phoned Rosy. She’ll try to find the book for us. Misha: That’s a good idea! Mark: What about the robber? Have you seen or heard anything? Misha: Yes, we have. Somebody has searched (обыскал) our room. Mark: Have you told the head about it? Rob: No, we haven’t. We want to wait and catch the robber. C Find the sentences with the same meaning in the conversation of Ex. B. 1. Does the head know about it? 2. I can give you the second part of the story. 3. Do you know the second key to the treasure? 4. Can you tell me anything about the robber? D / Learn seven irregular verbs by heart. , ' Play Draggy I Play Draggy. Use the cards from the Cut Out page. 160 Unit 7 Lessons 5, 6 -'-i > '' ... . • ' J The easiest way isn't always the best How much do you remember? 1. Artos is a) a Roman b) a Celt c) a Saxon 2. Artos’s tribe is in danger because a) the Angles and the Saxons want their land b) the Romans want their land c) other Celts want their land 3. King Arthur a) protected the Celts b) was a Saxon king c) was Artos’s father 4. In the fifth century AD the Celts were a) Christians b) pagans c) Druids 5. Artos had a very strange dream because a) he had the ring on his finger b) he was scared c) he was a wizard 2 j Listen and read. a slave — раб Piets — пикты Wealas ['wibs] — одно из древних названий Уэльса Scots — скотты 3 Read and check your answers. ^Ihe ring shows the way Part II The next morning was bright and clear. The meeting started in the afternoon. Everybody went to the special meeting place near the mountain. All the members of the tribe were sitting in a huge ring. Usually people made jokes and smiled, but today everybody was gloomy. Suddenly a thousand voices shouted "Who has the ring?” “I have the ring,” Artos’s father, Cedric, answered. “Speak, we are listening,” shouted the tribe. “What’s the motto?” “Fight for the ring! Fight with the ring! Fight in the ring!” a thousand voices shouted again. Then Cedric started: “You know the bad news, but we mustn’t lose hope. 5 Счастливый английский.py. Учебник для 7 кл. Unit 7 Lessons 7, 8 161 Yes, we will lose our farms, our animals and our houses. But we are together and we have the tribe’s gold. It will help us in the new land. Today we’ll have to choose. Where do we go? We can go to the West where our brothers and sisters Celts live. It is a beautiful green land with lakes and mountains. We can find safety there - for a while (на какое-то время). There we will be with friendly Celtic tribes — for a while. But if we go to the West, the pagan Germanic tribes will follow us - in ten years or in fifty years or even in a hundred years. Where do we go then? Into the sea? The alternative (другой выход) is the North, the cold, dangerous land of Piets and Scots. The Angles and the Saxons will not follow us there — ever (там англы и саксы никогда не будут нас преследовать). Many Celtic tribes are already there. We will not be alone.” Cedric sat down. A man of about forty stood up. He came up to Cedric and took the ring. His face was angry. “Cedric is old and mad,” he said. “I have two daughters. They will want to live a civilised life, marry a civilised husband, have civilised children. They don’t want to live with horrible Piets and Scots. We don’t even know their language. The West for me!” Somebody laughed. Suddenly Artos ran forward and snatched (выхватил) the ring from the man. ‘Artos, please. We have no time for your nonsense,” shouted Cedric. But nothing could stop the boy. “I have the ring,” he said “I can speak!” People smiled. “Let him speak! He has the ring!” “Yesterday^ Artos said, “I was playing with the ring. I put it on my finger and I fell asleep. I had a dream. I must tell you about it.” Everybody was listening now. “Suddenly I was flying. Up, up, over the mountains. Over rivers. Over forests. I was in the West. I saw people. They were cold and wet. I looked into their faces. 162 Unit 7 Lessons 7, 8 They were you. Then everything changed. It was the same place, but there was a small town there. Everybody was happy. The houses were nice.” “You see — the West is best,” shouted the man. “Sssshhh! He has the ring, the ring speaks,” said the people. “I was still in that land, but everything changed again,” said Artos. “There was a big castle near the small town. The people in the castle were tall and rich. They had many soldiers. But they didn’t speak our language. They called that land Wealas, the land of slaves. The people who lived in the small town spoke our language. They were poor and unhappy. I think they were our grandchildren. Then I heard a voice, ‘The easiest way is not always the best’ it said.” The crowd was silent. “Then I flew north into the land of the Piets. I saw the same people again. They were working day and night. The land was poor, the lakes cold, the winds strong and the mountains unfriendly, but those people were free and happy. A voice said to me “Your way is the hard one.” Artos finished, but nobody spoke. The people’s faces were sad but brave. They were thinking about the long and dangerous way to the North; the way to freedom. Answer the questions. 1. Who could speak at the meeting? 2. Did the tribe have a leader? 3. Where could the tribe go? 4. Which was the easier choice? 5. Which was the more difficult choice? 6. Which way did the people choose? (Show the place on the map.) 7. Why did they choose it? Look at the text again. Match the names from the text with modern names (современные названия). More than one answer can be right. 1. Scotland 2. Wales a) Wealas b) the North c) The West d) the land of Piets and Scots The land of Piets and Scots The Anglo. Saxons came from Germany, Holland and 1 * Denmark West Unit 7 Lessons 7, 8 163 Complete the sentences; What did the ring say? It will be difficult, but the people will be free if... It will be easy, but the grandchildren of the people will be slaves if... Match the parts of the sentences. Complete the explanations. 1. People from the tribe call Wales the West... 2. In the future people will call the West Wealas (the land of slaves).. 3. Cedric calls the Angles and the Saxons pagan Germanic tribes... 4. Cedric calls Scotland the land of Piets and Scots... 5. People call Scotland the North... a) because other Celtic tribes — the Piets and Scots — live there. b) because it is in the north of Great Britain. c) because they weren’t Christians and came from Germany. d) because it is in the west of Great Britain. e) because the Angles and the Saxons will come to that country and the Celts will become slaves. 8 What are the reasons (аргументы) for and against the West? Who said the words? Who said it? Cedric For (за) Against (против) The man Artos The voice 9 What were the reasons for and against the North? Who said the words? Who said it? Cedric For (за) Against (против ) The man Artos The voice 10 Choose the answer and find the second key to the treasure. What was the most important thing for Artos’s tribe? land, gold, the ring, freedom, religion 1 64 Unit 7 Lessons 7, 8 Homework • ••••••• • ••••••••••• • • • • • Do the crossword in the Workbook and check your answer. 1. Artos fell asleep by the .... 2. Artos’ tribe are the people of the .... 3. Some Celts went to the... because it was not far away. 4. The person who gave Artos good advice was a Christian 5. The name of the land of Piets and Scots today is ... . 6. The table of King Arthur and his knights was .... 7. The special meeting place was by the .... В Translate into English. В пятом веке на Британские острова пришли англы и саксы. Это были германские племена. Кельты были христианами, а саксы — язычниками. Саксы нападали на кельтов и забирали их землю. Некоторые кельтские племена ушли на запад. Сейчас это Уэльс. Другие кельтские племена ушли на север. Сейчас это Шотландия. already to do a parachute jump Scots ever to lose a slave just yet Wealas never to dive Piets West Unit 7 Lessons 7, 8 165 UNIT Sports In this unit • There are sharks, tigers, bears and foxes in St David’s School. • Misha plays a game of football. • The ring crosses the sea. You will talk about sports. You will need these words and expressions: Hobbies and pastimes an activity to be a couch potato to be boring to be brave to be exciting to be fun to be interested in smth to choose to do gardening to do sports to go dancing to go horse-riding to go jogging to go swimming to hate to like to read to play computer games to play musical instruments to take part in something 166 Сравнение случаев употребления времен Present Perfect и Past Simple. Наречия. Восклицательные предложения. -т .'.С'’'?' • Сап you check this, please? — Вы можете это проверить? • I don’t know how to do this exercise.— Я не знаю, как сделать это упражнение. • I agree.— Я согласен / согласна. • I don’t agree.— Я не согласен / не согласна. • What do you think? — Что вы думаете? • I’hat’s а good idea.- Это хорошая идея. What the teacher says • Make groups of three.— Разбейтесь на группы по трое. Turn your desks round.— Разверните свои парты. • Sit back to back.— Сядьте спиной друг к другу. ь Work together with your partner.— Работайте вместе с партнером. . Work on vour own.— Работайте самостоятельно. Unit 8 1 67 , Misha should help his team Особенности употребления Present Perfect и Post Simple Хлаголы в форме Present Perfect и Past Simple переводятся на русский язык глаголами прошедшего времени. I hare already written а letter. — Я уже написал письмо. I wrote а letter yesterday. — Я написал письмо вчера. Однако между употреблением этих времен есть суш;ественные различия. Present Perfect употребляется: : ДЛЯ выражения действий, совершившихся в прошлом, результат которых значим в настоящий момент; для выражения действий, которые произошли в еще не закончившийся период времени: today, this month, in ту life. Present Perfect не употребляется с обозначением места или времени совершения действия и, следовательно, никогда не употребляется в вопросах, начинающихся с When и Where. Исключение составляет вопрос Where have you been? — Где ты был?, если он задается в начале разговора. Past Simple употребляется: для выражения действий, совершившихся в прошлом и не имеющих связи с настоящим; с указаниями места и времени совершения действия: at school, in the shop, yesterday, in 1991. Различия в употреблении Present Perfect и Past Simple Present Perfect I can’t unlock the door, because I have lost my key.— Я не могу отпереть дверь, потому что я потерял ключ. (Ключ потерян в прошлом, неизвестно когда, но сейчас я не могу отпереть дверь. Для говорящего важен факт отсутствия ключа.) Past Simple I lost my key two weeks ago.— Я потерял ключ 2 недели назад. (Ключ потерян 2 недели назад. Для говорящего важно, когда он был потерян.) I have visited my Granny twice this year. — Я посетил бабушку дважды в этом году. (Год еще не закончился.) I saw them this morning.— Я видел их сегодня утром. (Утро закончилось — 4 часа дня.) I have never seen а UFO. — Я никогда не видел НЛО. (Я пока еще никогда не видел НЛО. Но моя жизнь продолжается. Возможно, я еще его увижу.) Queen Elizabeth I never saw a car. — Королева Елизавета I никогда не видела машину. (Говоря о Елизавете I, мы говорим о законченном периоде времени в прошлом, поскольку она давно умерла.) 1 68 Unit 8 Lessons 1, 2 ^ 1 J Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect or the Past Simple. 1. I (read) already this book. 2. My father (read) this book last year. 3. I (be) never to London. 4. My friend (be) in London last year. 5. I (see) this dress in the shop next to my house. 6. Everybody (see) already this dress. I want to buy a new one. 2Э Listen and read. skiing — катание на лыжах skating — катание на коньках to compete — соревноваться а competition — соревнование а team — команда sharks — акулы bears — медведи to earn — зарабатывать а point — очко а сир — кубок training — тренировка to give up (an activity) — бросать (какое-либо занятие) 3 ) Misha is talking to his teacher Mr Grams. Look at their faces. How do they feel? Choose from these words. to be angry, to be scared, to be happy, to be sad, to be sorry, to be excited, to be interested 4 Listen, read and answer the question: Why does Mr Crams call Misha a tiger? Mr Grams: I want to talk to you, Inin. You are the worst tiger, we have ever had! Misha: What? Why am I a tiger, sir? Mr Grams: There are four teams in our school: the Tigers, the Bears, the Sharks and the Foxes. When a new pupil comes to school, he goes into one of the teams. The teams compete. If you do something good, you earn your team points. If you do something bad, you lose your team points. At the end of the year one team wins and gets a cup. It is very important for everybody at school. Misha: I am sorry, sir, I didn’t know about it, sir. Mr Grams: Then I am telling you: “You are a tiger. I am the head of your team and you have already lost us twenty points.” Misha: Why have I lost all these points, sir? Unit 8 Lessons 1,2 169 Mr Grams: Misha: Mr Grams: Misha Mr Grams Misha Mr Grams Misha: Mr Grams: Misha: You have already been late three times and you’ve had three detentions. When was I late, sir? Well, you were late on Monday, 12 October, on Thursday, 15 October and last Friday. What should I do now, sir? You must earn some points for your team. But how, sir? There are a lot of activities you can do and earn points. Have you ever done any sports? Yes, I have. I’ve done skiing and skating. I did skiing when I was seven and I did skating when I was four. But I gave up years ago. I think you should look at this list of activities and choose something. Thank you, sir. In English schools pupils have to address men teachers “Sir” and women teachers “Miss” or “Mrs’.’ 5 ) Find in the text and copy into your exercise books. * Sentences in the Past Simple Sentences in the Present Perfect - ) Прокомментируйте правило употребления этих времен, используя правило, изученные вами но этом и но предыдущих уроках. Ansv/er true, false or no information. 1. Misha is a bear. 2. Misha didn’t know anything about the team system. 3. This competition is very important for all the pupils of St David’s School. 4. Misha has earned his team twenty points. 5. Misha doesn’t want to compete. 6. Misha wants to help his team. 7. Nobody likes Misha because he has lost his team twenty points. 8. Misha lost some points on Monday, 12 October. 9. Misha can earn some points if he chooses an activity. Fill in the gaps with the words from the text. There are four ... in St David’s School: the Tigers, the ..., the ... and the ... . The teams Every new ... goes into one of the teams. If a pupil does something good, he / she .... his / her team .... If a pupil does something bad, he / she ... his / her team .... Pupils can also earn points if they do ... . 170 Unit 8 Lessons 1,2 8 What about your school? Do you have any teams and competitions? Do you like competitions? Has your class ever won? 9 ) In pairs. In his life Mark has had some hobbies. Act out a dialogue between Mark and the reporter. Ask Mark and write: When did he have these hobbies? Information for Mark is on page 1 74. Information for the reporter. Mark’s hobbies • archaeology When did he have his hobbies? • music * collecting stamps * football * horse-riding 10 Listen and fill in the table. Mow old was Masha when she had these hobbies? Tell your classmates about them. Swimming Gardening Playing the piano Dancing 11 Listen again and say: Why did Masha give up swimming, gardening and playing the piano? Homework • ••••••••••• Translate from Russian into English. 1. Они построили дом в прошлом году. 2. Сегодня он уже видел своего друга. 3. В этом году я получила уже шесть хороших оценок. 4. Папа только что принес фрукты. 5. В прошлом году я прочитала две английские книги. Write: How many hobbies have you had in your life? How many have you given up? How old were you when you had these hobbies? Why did you give up? Unit 8 Lessons 1,2 171 Do you wont to hove fun? Наречие (The Adverb) Наречие — это часть речи, которая поясняет глаголы, прилагательные и другие наречия. Наречия подразделяются на подклассы. С некоторыми из них вы уже знакомы. Наречия времени (когда?): now, then, yesterday Наречия частотности (как часто?): often, never, ever, sometimes Наречия места и направления (где? куда?): here, there, inside, abroad Познакомьтесь с наречиями образа действия Наречия образа действия образуются от прилагательных с помощью суффикса -1у и отвечают на вопрос как? каким образом? Например: sad (грустный) — sadly (грустно) Правила орфографии ' ‘Its* Если прилагательное оканчивается на букву 1, то при добавлении суффикса -1у конечная 1 удваивается: beautiful — beautifully. Если прилагательное оканчивается на букву у, а перед ней стоит согласная, то при добавлении суффикса -1у конечная у меняется на i: happy — happily. Обратите внимание на исключение: good — хороший, но well — хорошо 1 Образуйте наречия образа действия от прилагательных. bad, good, stupid, angry, slow, clear, quick (быстрый), loud, easy, usual ^ Guess the meaning of the underlined word. The builders worked with enthusiasm [in'0ju:zicezm] and finished the house quickly. 2 Listen and read. a challenge ['tjaehnd^] — вызов to be fit — быть в хорошей физической форме to join smth / smb — присоединяться к чему-либо / кому-либо 1 72 Unit 8 Lesson .3 Misha wants to join a club. At the moment he is reading the list of activities. a) Read the information. b) Match the headings and the advertisements for the five clubs. c) Translate the names of the clubs. cheerleaders ['tji3,li:d3z] club snowboarding club horse-riding club the Tiger’s football club choir [kwaia] — xop Horse-riding is for people who have the style! You love horses and fresh air. You want to know all about horses and ride well. If that is you — join our riding club. Saturdays and Sundays from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. .J Do you want to live dangerously? Jump with us! Snowboarding is a beautiful and exciting sport, but it is also hard work! If you are super brave super cool and super fit Come and jump with us! Starts 1 December. For boys and girls of any age. h you can sing beautifully, join our choir. If you can’t, come and try. We’ll teach you! Every day 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the cathedral. mu: P.. Do you need a challenge? We have one for you! The Tigers need a new player for their football team. You must be really fit and you’ll have to learn quickly. Don’t forget: the final is on 29 October. Come every day from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Do you want to have fun? Can you shout loudly? Can you dance well? Everybody is welcome. If you join us, you will find the best friends you have ever had. All you need is enthusiasm. Every Friday and Saturday 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. Unit 8 Lesson 3 1 73 Complete the sentences with information from the text. Use the words: dangerously, loudly, beautifully, quickly 1. If you can sing ... — join the choir. 2. If you want to live ... — join the snowboarding club. 3. If you can learn ... — join the Tigers football club. 4. If you can shout ... — join the cheerleaders club. ^ Copy the table and fill it in with the expressions: 1. It’s hard work. 2. It’s beautiful. 3. It’s a challenge. 4. It’s fun. 5. You need a good voice. 6. It’s interesting. 7. It’s exciting. 8. It’s boring. 9. It’s easy. 10. It’s for people who want to live dangerously. 11. You must be fit if you want to do it. 12. It’s for people who love animals. 13. It’s for people who love sports. 14. It’s for people with style. 15. It’s difficult. 16. Everybody can learn it. 17. It takes a lot of time to learn it. 18. You must play well in the team. Snowboarding Choir Cheerleading Horse-riding Football 6 In groups. Discuss: Which club should Misha choose? Think about: 1. Which club will be interesting for him? Why? 2. Will the club help him find new friends? 3. Will the club help him earn points for the Tigers quickly? 4. Will he be good at the activity in that club? 5. How much of Misha’s time will it take? 7 : Which club do you want to join? Why? Use the expressions from Ex. 5. Homework I••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A 5 Make an advertisement for a school club. Use the Cut Out page. В ) Make adverbs from the adjectives. kind, shy, cold, angry, wonderful, mad, cheap, clear, slow, soft, real Information for Mark to Ex. 9 p. 171. Mark was really interested in football when he was six. Mark collected stamps and went horse riding when he was eleven. At the moment Mark is interested in archaeology and music. 174 Unit 8 Lesson 3 1 : Play а game. Do you need a player? Answer the questions. a) Do you know anything about football? Do you like football? Have you ever played football? Did you like it? Have you ever watched football? Did you like it? b) If most of your answers are “yes’’ go to the left of the classroom. If most of your answers are “no’’ go to the right of the classroom. c) Make two teams from both groups and do Ex. 2, 3. Answer true or false. If false, give the right answer. 1. There are ten players in a football team. 2. No player can touch the ball with his hands. 3. The most important thing in football is to score a goal. 4. Football was invented (был изобретен) in America. 5. Russia’s most famous football goalkeeper is Lev Yashin. 6. Italy has never been the world champion in football. 7. There is a game called (под названием) rugby football. 8. There is a game called American football. 3 J Answer the questions. 1. Name as many Russian football clubs as you can. 2. Name as many English football clubs as you can. 3. Name as many Russian football players as you can. 4. Name as many English football players as you can. 5. Say as many football terms in English as you can. 6. Name as many games with a ball as you can. Guess the meaning of the underlined words. This team has won the final [faml]. They are the champions ['tfeempianz]. Unit 8 Lesson 4 175 4 ■ Listen and read. to beat smb — победить кого-либо to lose [lu:z] — проиграть a draw [dro:] — ничья to end in a draw — закончиться вничью a score [sko:] — счет to score a goal — забить гол a goal [gaol] — ворота (футб.) three — two — 3-2 before — до (прежде) a forward — нападающий a defender — защитник nil — ноль (в футболе) Misha wants to join the Tigers football club. He is talking to the team. Listen and choose the right answer. The Tigers will take Misha into their team because a) Misha is very good at football. ' ' b) their best players are not there. n c) the match is not important. ^ d) Mark is his friend. 6 j Read and answer the questions. 1. Why is the best forward not in the team? 2. Why is the game important? 3. Did the Tigers lose to the Foxes? 4. How many games did the Tigers win last year? Misha: Jim: Mark: Jim: Mark: Jim: Misha: Mark: Misha: Jim: Misha: Jim: Hi, guys. Do you need a player? Yes, we do, but we don’t need you! Stop it, Jim. He is our last chance. Jackson has broken his arm, Andrews has caught a cold, Graham has left the school and Black has joined the choir. Why did he do that? He went there with his best friend Kate Small. Ha-ha-ha! It isn’t funny. He was our best forward. Last year he scored three goals. And now he’s not with us! Is this match very important? It’s the final. All our team worked really hard for it last year. In March we beat the Bears. The score was 2-1. Then we played with the Sharks and they lost one-three. In April we played with the Foxes. The game ended in a draw: 3-3. So tomorrow is the most important match of the year. If you give me a chance, I can try to help. Have you ever played football before? Yes, I have. It’s my favourite game. OK, Inin, you are in the team. We have no time to train you. The match is tomorrow morning. You’ll be a defender. Try to help our goalkeeper, that’s all you have to do. 176 Unii 8 Lesson 4 Misha: Don’t worry, I will. Mark: See you tomorrow. Misha: Bye! 7 In pairs A. See this page. Ask your partner and write last year's results. Use the phrases: Which teams played? What was the score? Who won? Who lost? B. See page 1 84. Tigers Bears Foxes Sharks Tigers Bears Foxes Sharks 8 Answer the questions. 1. What is the strongest team? 2. What is the weakest team? 3. Who is going to play in the final? 9 Listen and check your answers. 10 Use information from the text and match the pictures and the people. Andrews, Jackson, Black, Graham Unit 8 Lesson 4 177 Homework f************************************* A Fill in the gaps and complete the dialogue. score, to beat, to win, match, nervously — Have you seen the ... between “Spartak” and “Lockton”? — No, I haven’t. Who has ...? — “Spartak” has ... “Lockton’.’ — What was the ... ? — 1-0. — How did the teams play? — “Spartak” played very well, but “Lockton” played .... В Who are these people? Match the words and the pictures. referee [.refa'd:], coach [kautj], forward ['fo:wad], defender [di'fenda], goalkeeper ['дэи1,И:рэ] 0 0 C Who does these things? 1. ... stays in the goal. 2. ... attacks the goal and scores. 3. ... protects the goal. 4. ... trains the team. 5. ... officiates (судит) the match. 178 Unit 8 Lesson 4 At the match I / Listen and read. brilliantly — замечательно to make a save — спасти ворота a pass — пас to dodge [dncfe] — обводить (делать обманное движение) to block — блокировать towards [taVoidz] — no направлению к to hit — ударять Восклицательные предложения to be in possession [pa'zajh] — владеть мячом to have a clear field — иметь перед собой открытое пространство to be а natural bom... — быть прирожденным (футболистом, хоккеистом и т. д.) to miss — промахиваться to dive — зд. бросаться к мячу В английском языке есть восклицательные предложения, которые имеют особую структуру. Они начинаются с What...! ’ Например: What а pretty girl! — Какая хорошенькая девочка! В таких предложениях артикль а употребляется перед исчисляемым существительным в единственном числе. Например: What а cold day! — Какой холодный день! Артикль не употребляется перед неисчисляемым существительным или перед существительным во множественном числе. Например: What wonderful weather! — Что за прекрасная погода! What clever girls! — Что за умные девочки! 2 ) Translate into Russian 1. What a beautiful house! 3. What good news! 2. What a good idea! 4. What interesting books! Ha этом уроке вы узнаете, как прошел матч между командами Тигров и Медведей. Обратите внимание на то, что в комментариях матчей, как правило, используется время the Present Simple. Read and listen to Mr Smart's commentary on the final. These are the last five minutes of the final for the St David’s cup. The score is still nil — nil. I don’t believe it because the Bears are playing brilliantly and the Tigers are really nervous. Everybody knows that the Bears are the strongest school team and they always win. I must say, the Tigers have no Unit 8 Lesson 5 179 chance today. The goalkeeper of the Tigers, Jim Stabber, is very good and has already made ten fantastic saves. But the Tigers can’t score without their great forward, Ben Black. And the Bears know it! Another attack from the Bears. O’Neill in possession. He has a clear field. Where is the Tigers’ new defender, Misha Inin? Is he sleeping? Now he has woken up and is quickly running back towards his goal, but a Bear blocks him. O’Neill hits the ball, Stabber dives after it. O’Neill misses! The attack isn’t over yet. Harrison is in possession. He hits the ball. Stabber is still on the ground. What a save! This goalkeeper knows his job! But the Bears don’t give up easily. Another attack. Inin blocks it. Now there will be a pass. What’s happening? Inin wants to attack. What a stupid idea! Let’s watch him. Inin is still in possession. Inin is running towards the Bears’ goal. The defenders are ready. Fantastic! Inin dodges Morrison. I don’t believe it. He dodges Flint and Carrington! What an excellent move! The boy is a natural! Inin hits the ball AND HE SCORES!!! What a game! The Tigers have won for the first time in twenty years. Look at the text again and find the sentences which start with What a... How does Mr Smart feel when he says those sentences? Match the pictures with the sentences from the text. a) Stabber dives. b) Misha dodges Flint. c) O’Neill hits the ball. 1 80 Unit 8 Lesson 5 л,т Tf;— 'Ш^ ■“ 71П1' л I "iV^ © d) Misha scores. e) What a save! f) Harrison is in possession. g) Inin is running towards the Bears’ goal. Complete the sentences with words from the brackets. 1. The Tigers were (nervous / nervously). 2. The Bears played (brilliant / brilliantly). 3. The Bears didn’t give up (easy / easily). 4. Stabber made some (fantastic / fantastically) saves. 5. Misha (quick/quickly) ran back towards his goal. Answer the questions. 1. What was the score five minutes before the end of the match? 2. Which team played brilliantly? 3. Which team was nervous? 4. Why couldn’t the Tigers score? 5. Why couldn’t the Bears score? 6. How many saves did Stabber make? 7. How many Bears did Misha dodge? 8. Will Misha be a defender in the next game? Write out Mr Smart's good and bod comments. When and why did he soy these things? Unit 8 Lesson 5 181 9 Look at the pictures. What's happening? / What has happened? Use the Present Perfect or the Present Progressive and the words forward, goalkeeper, defender. (run) t 1 ,r,ft jf (hit) © (make a save) (dodge) ^ Ж ® 1 82 Unit 8 Lesson 5 (score) 10 Translate the dialogue into English. Ты смотрел финальный матч? Тигры! Я не могу в это поверить. Да, их вратарь несколько раз спасал ворота. А кто забил гол? Миша Инин из России. (^Но он был заш;итником Да. Но он прирожденный нападающий. Тигры победили Медведей. Фантастика! J Homework А Fill in the gaps and complete the sentences. It was a very interesting game. Everybody thought “It will ...?because five minutes before the end the ... was nil — nil. The Bears played ... , and the Tigers were .... The Bears couldn’t ..., because the Tigers’... was very good. Stabber made some fantastic .... But the Tigers couldn’t score, because their ... wasn’t with them. In the beginning Misha Inin was not very good, but in the end he ran towards the Bears’ goal, ... their defenders,... the ball and ...! In the next game Misha will be a ... . Unit 8 Lesson 5 1 83 в Fill in the gaps with a, an or — (no article). 1. What ... interesting trip! 5. What ... move! 2. What ... beautiful city! 6. What ... boring film! 3. What ... tasty food! 7. What ... clever pupils! 4. What ... day! C ) Read. Hi guys! Congratulations! Rosy! You are here! Have you seen it? Yes, what a game! But I’ve Jrrought you something. ^ Have you four the book? Yes, I have. It was under the armchair. The robber dropped it there. Now we’ll find the keys to the treasure. I promise! « _ Information for B. ^ Answer your partner's questions. Use these expressions: to end in a draw, to win, to lose, to beat. Tigers Bears Foxes Sharks Tigers Bears Foxes Sharks 3-0 3-3 3-1 4-2 2-0 1 84 Unit 8 Lesson 5 The ring crosses the sea Bjorn [bjnn] — Бьерн Olaf ['nlaf] — Олаф 1 I Listen and read. a Viking [Vaikip] — викинг to raid — совершать набеги to starve [stcuv] — умирать от голода merciless ['marsilas] — беспош;адный a sail — парус Englaland ['englaland] — страна Англов j2 j Try to answer the questions about England in the 9th century. 1. Основным населением Британских островов были а) англосаксы Ь) кельты с) римляне 2. На Англию нападали а) кельты Ь) викинги с) англосаксы 3. Викинги изначально жили в а) Шотландии Ь) Германии с) Скандинавии 4. Скандинавскими странами считаются а) Дания и Норвегия Ь) Финляндия с) Норвегия и Швеция d) все вышеперечисленные страны 5. Основным занятием викингов было а) земледелие Ь) рыболовство с) грабежи и набеги 6. Англосаксы а) воевали с захватчиками Ь) заключали с ними соглашения с) и то и другое 3 1 Read and check your answers. ТЯе ring crosses tfie sea 1. Bjorn lived in a little village in Norway. He lived with his mother and little brothers and sisters. Bjorn’s father Olaf was always away at sea. Olaf was a real Viking: handsome, strong and merciless. Bjorn loved his father but he didn’t miss him. Viking men didn’t spend much time with their families; they went to sea and raided other countries. They always came home with a lot of gold and silver. Vikings were the kings of the sea; their ships were big and fast. Unit 8 Lessons 6, 7 185 Bjorn was eleven but he was big for his age and helped his mother with everything. He hated cooking, cleaning and washing, but fishing was all right. This morning his mother wanted some fish so Bjorn was checking his nets in the sea when he suddenly saw a dragon’s head and then a huge colourful sail on the horizon. Then he saw more dragon’s heads and more sails. Bjorn jumped with joy. They were Viking ships. His father and the fathers of all his friends were coming back home from sea. “They are coming! They are coming!” Bjorn shouted and ran to the village. 2. And soon the men left their ships and came to the village. Everybody was happy. But Bjorn noticed something. This time the Vikings came home ver}' quickly and didn’t bring much gold or silver with them. That was strange, but Bjorn couldn’t ask anybody about it. Next evening Bjorn was playing in a tree when he saw his father and mother. They were talking. Bjorn heard every word. “Look, Olga, I have a present for you. We burnt a monastery in the land of Piets and Scots, killed the people and I got this ring,” his father said. “I don’t need the stupid ring!” his mother shouted,“Give it to Bjorn, he’ll like it. I need gold for the family. Do you remember you have a family here, Olaf?” “Yes, I do,” Bjorn’s father said. “I’m doing my best.” “No, you aren’t. Why did you come back so early? Where is the gold? Why did you go to the poor land of the Scots. Why didn’t you go to Englaland?” “Don’t be angry, Olga. Everything is different this time. Alfred, the new king of Englaland, is strong and wise. He can read and write and he can THINK. He built a lot of ships and they are not worse than the Viking ships. He beat us at sea. What a shame! And then he gave us some gold, but we had to promise something.” “What did you promise?” “We promised to leave Englaland forever and never raid and kill there.” “You, idiot! Do you remember your promises to me? These were your words; '-'vi . -v 1 86 Unit 8 Lessons 6, 7 ‘We’ll leave this cold, dark country, Olga. We’ll move to Englaland. It’s nice and warm, and there is a lot of good land’. My sister lives there, your aunt lives there with her family. They raid the English and take everything from them because the English are weak.” “We can always go to Englaland and live there, but now it’s different: We cannot kill the English and take their gold. We must be good neighbours - not enemies. We have promised!” “I don’t want to know. I am tired of this country. There is no land, no food and in winter we don’t see the sun for three months! But I don’t want to starve in Englaland, because you have made your stupid promise. You must go back to Englaland and beat King Alfred.” That evening his father came to Bjorn and gave him a present — a ring. Bjorn liked the ring - it was big and beautiful and had snakes on. The ring became his favourite thing. “This is my lucky ring,” Bjorn said to the boys in the village. 3. Five months later the Vikings were getting on their ships again. They had broken their promise to King Alfred. This time Bjorn and all his family were on the ship with his father. They were going to Englaland. Bjorn saw the English land on a gloomy spring morning in 873. The land didn’t look nice and friendly. Suddenly Bjorn heard the voices “Be careful! Be careful!” He looked at the sea and saw the ships. They weren’t Viking ships, but they were also good and fast, and there were four of them. The Vikings attacked. Bjorn was very excited: it was a real battle. The Vikings burnt the first ship, and the second and the third. Now there was only one English ship left. Bjorn looked at his family. They were dancing with joy. At that moment his favourite ring fell off his finger. Bjorn ran along the ship. He didn’t want to lose his treasure. He picked it up and raised his head. He saw a horrible thing: the soldiers from the last English ship had killed all his family. ШуЛ -л ■•’-V - Unit 8 Lessons 6, 7 187 4. In an hour everything was over. The Vikings had burnt the last English ship and had come to the English shore. When they left the ship, Bjorn sat down and cried. He was in Englaland. but it didn’t make him happy. It was the worst day of his life. A huge Viking, his father’s friend, came up to him. “Why are you crying boy?” he asked. “People always die in battles. It isn’t important.” ‘And what is important?” Bjorn shouted. “It is important to win and we won,” the man answered. “Now you can live in Englaland with us or with your aunt or with your father's aunt. You can choose.” Bjorn thought about the idea and suddenly he understood “I can’t stay here." he said quietly. “This is not my land. This is the land of the English. They will protect it and one day they will beat you. I want to live in my country, in Norway" At that moment Bjorn looked at the ring on his finger. The ring had saved his life. ‘And this ring didn’t bring me any luck. It belongs to Englaland. Let it stay here!” With these words Bjorn threw the ring to the ground and went back to the ships. He was going home. 4 Match the parts of the text with the pictures. 1 88 Unit 8 Lessons 6, 7 The Vikings Викинги начали нападать на Англию в конце VIII века. Они грабили и убивали мирных жителей, сжигали монастыри. King Alfred the Great — Король Альфред Великий единственный король Англии, удостоившийся титула Великий. Он с переменным успехом сражался с викингами и в итоге достиг с ними договоренности. Викинги стали селиться на территории Англии, мирно соседствуя с англичанами. Королю Альфреду также принадлежит заслуга создания английского флота. Match the sentences with the translations. 1. Five months later the Vikings were getting on their ships again. They had broken their promise to King Alfred. 2. He saw a horrible thing: the soldiers from the last English ship had killed all his family. 3. In an hour everything was over. The Vikings had burnt the last English ship and had come to the English shore. 4. At that moment Bjorn looked at the ring on his finger. The ring had saved his life. a) Через час все было кончено. Викинги сожгли последний английский корабль и высадились на английский берег. b) В этот момент Бьёрн посмотрел на кольцо на своем пальце. Кольцо спасло ему жизнь. c) Пять месяцев спустя викинги вновь садились на свои корабли. Они нарушили свое обеш;ание королю Альфреду. d) Он увидел ужасную картину: солдаты с последнего английского корабля убили всю его семью. Посмогри гс на предложения упр. 5 еще раз. Все предложения описывают действия в прошлом, но некоторые события произошли раньше других. Например: В этот момент Бьерн посмотрел на кольцо на своем -пальце. Кольцо спасло ему жизнь. Вопрос: Что произошло раньше: Бьерн посмотрел на кольцо или кольцо спасло ему жизнь? ф Ответ: Раньше — кольцо спасло ему жизнь. : /'/ { \ Мг нир Unit 8 Lessons 6,7 189 ^ 6 J Заполните таблицу предложениями из упр. 5 Прошедшее время Предпрошедшее время At that moment Bjorn looked at the ring on his finger. The ring had saved his life. Попытайтесь догадаться, как выражается в английском языке предпрошедшее время: какую одежду надевают глаголы и какой помощник с ними работает. Свои догадки вы сможете проверить на следующем уроке. ^ 7 ) Choose the right answer: 1. Bjorn lived in a) Norway b) Denmark c) England 2. Vikings called England a) Englaland b) Scotland c) India 3. Englaland means a) the land of Indians b) the land of Angles c) the long island 4. The Vikings were the kings of the sea because a) they had gold and silver b) they had good ships c) they were strong 5. The Vikings were scared of King Alfred because a) Alfred was a friend of the wizard Merlin b) Alfred built ships c) Alfred was very kind 6. The Viking women wanted to live in Englaland because a) The English climate was nicer b) there was a lot of silver and gold there c) they wanted to see a new country ^ 8 ) Make questions for these answers. 1. His name was Bjorn. 2. He lived in Norway. 3. One morning he saw his father’s ship. 4. His father raided Englaland. 5. His mother was angry because she wanted to live in Englaland. 6. Bjorn’s father gave him a ring. 7. The Vikings went to Englaland in spi 8. The English killed Bjorn’s family. 9. Bjorn wanted to go back to his homeland. ^ 9 ) Answer the questions. Support your answers with the information from the text. 1. How did Bjorn’s father get the ring? 2. Did the ring make Bjorn happy? Why? 3. Did Bjorn want to stay in England? 4. Why did he say in the end, “I want to live in Norway’’ 190 Unit 8 Lessons 6, 7 1 о What was the climate in Norway like? Write 5-7 sentences. Use the plan. The days The nights The wind The sun Summers Winters The land The climate П i Answer the question and find the third key to the treasure. What made (что делало) the Vikings the kings of the sea? Homework •••••••••••••a A j There are some mistakes in Jim's essay (сочинение). Correct them. The Vikings came from Finland. It is a warm country. The land there was very good, so the Vikings were very good farmers. Some Vikings were soldiers. They raided England, killed people and took their gold. The Vikings came to England by horses. Their horses were very good. King Arthur was very clever. Fie built ships and fought with the Vikings. Finally, he beat them and the Vikings became good neighbours. 3W many new words a bear skating a sail before skiing still a challenge a snowboarding club to be a natural born a cheerleading club a team to be in possession a choir to be fit to block to compete to beat smb to dive a competition to earn smth to dodge a cup to give up smth to have a clear field a defender to join smth / smb to hit a draw to lose to make a save a forward to score a goal to miss a goal training to raid nil a Viking to starve a point brilliantly towards to score merciless a referee a shark a pass to officiate Unit 8 Lessons 6, 191 UNIT Who is your role model? In this unit • Who is a real hero? • Robert Scott and Roald Amundsen. • What does Bill Gates do? You will talk about your role models. You will need these words and expressions: Countries and nationalities Russia England the USA Scotland Norway Russian English American Scottish Norwegian I '/in., • I if Jobs a writer a poet a traveller a manager a scientist an inventor a sportsman a sportswoman a politician a soldier an actor (actress a singer a teacher a pilot an astronaut People to be a good guy to be nice to be kind to be friends to be fun to be angry to be clever to be strong to be brave 192 What the teacher says ’ Close your books.— Закройте ваши книги. Put your things away.- Отложите свои вещи в сторону. Let’s begin our lesson now.- Давайте начнем урок. ' Is everybody ready to start? - Bee готовы начать? Be quiet.- Соблюдайте тишину. Счастливый английский,py. Учебник для 7 кл. Unit 9 193 In the country DoDidDone Past Perfect Отправимся в город Perfect графства Past. Это самый старинный город страны DoDidDone. Глаголы в этом городе выражают действия, которые происходили раньше, чем действия в городе Past Simple. На воротах города написано его полное название Past Perfect. Мы видим объявление, что глаголам am, is, are, must, can вход запрещен. Глагол-дракоша see подошел к воротам города. Ключа к воротам нет. Они открываются с помощью старинного заклинания. Глагол-дракоша see произносит заклинание (см. иллюстрацию) и заходит в город. - Э , ^ noRf' 1 Помощник HADj ж ^ I / PAST PERFECT Befwn you went in, We had opened the door. You had never been, To this town before. I? Ш 194 li, p 9 i LR^SOn : у входа в город Past Perfect стоят хорошо знакомые нам две вешалки: Для правильных глаголов и Для неправильных глаголов. Эти вешалки мы уже видели в городе Present Perfect. На вешалке Для правильных глаголов по-прежнему висят плаиди одного цвета, расшитые буквами -ed и цифрами 3. На вешалке Для неправильных глаголов также висят разноцветные именные плагци, расшитые цифрами 3. Это означает, что глаго-лы-дракоши в городе Past Perfect имеют те же имена (ту же форму), что и в городе Present Perfect. Прогуляемся по городу вместе с глаголом-дракошей see. Все улицы города ведут к дому помощника had. Приглядевшись к помощнику повнимательней, мы узнаем нашего старого знакомого — помощника have. В городе Past Perfect помощник have надел плащ и превратился в had. Это означает, что время Past Perfect образуется с помощью had + основной глагол в III форме. Евйнстаемшзе чвсло ^2f # - 11 Унмсвстввммов чисяю й'2- .А. Спряжение глагола see в Past Perfect I had seen You had seen He / She / It had seen We had seen You had seen Hiey had seen Улица Утвердительное предложение с *»- I had seen my present before Santa Claus came. Unit 9 Lesson 1 1 95 Улица Отрицательное предложение I had not finished the letter when my friend phoned. had not = hadn’t Улица Общий вопрос Had you finished the letter before your friend came? Ha улицы Специальный вопрос и Вопрос к подлежащему глаголы заходят крайне редко. В этом случае они образуют вопросы по тем же правилам, что и в Present Perfect. Глагол в форме Past Perfect выражает действие, которое произошло в прошлом раньше другого действия. Действие, которое произошло раньше, употребляется в форме Past Perfect, а то, которое произошло позже,— в Past Simple. Например: Misha had helped Robin before he met Rob. — Миша помог Робину прежде, чем он познакомился с Робом. Обратите внимание! Past Perfect употребляется для выражения предшествования. Если описываются действия, которые следовали друг за другом, употребляется Past Simple. Сравните: She bought some food, came home and cooked dinner. Before she cooked dinner she had bought some food. 196 Unit 9 Lesson 1 St David's Express, the school newspaper, had a report about yesterday's match. Listen and read. St David’s Express The Tigers^ surprise Look at the happy faces in the picture! The Tigers are smiling. They have won the house cup for the first time in twenty years. Yesterday morning there was no hope for the Tigers. They simply couldn’t win the match and they understood that. Their best forward, Ben Black, had left them. Their brilliant defender, Sam Jackson, had broken his arm. Everybody knew the Bears were going to win the cup. But the Tigers had a surprise for us. They won yesterday’s game thanks to their fantastic new player, Misha Inin. Misha joined the team a day before the final match. He had read their advert in the school activities list. Inin hadn’t had any training, but he played really well and scored the winning goal. Read our interview with a new star tomorrow. 2 Which events in the text took place a) before yesterday morning? b) yesterday morning? 3 Copy the table and fill it in with the sentences. До вчерашнего утра Bo время вчерашнего утра После вчерашнего утра Their best forward, Ben Black, had left them. Yesterday morning there was no hope for the Tigers. The Tigers are smiling. Unit 9 Lesson 1 197 Look at the pairs of sentences. Make new sentences with the words in brackets. Use the Past Simple or the Past Perfect. Model: The Tigers couldn’t win. (because) Their best forward left them. — The Tigers couldn’t win because their best forward had left them. 1. The Tigers had no hope, (because) Their brilliant defender, Sam Jackson, brok his arm. 2. Misha joined the team, (before) The match started. 3. Misha came to the Tigers, (because) He read their advert in the activities lis 4. Misha didn’t have any training, (but) He played very well. Homework • ••••••••••••••• • ••••••••• How well do you remember this book? Are these sentences true or false? Translate the sentences into Russian. Correct the false sentences. 1. Misha had met Robin before he met Rob. 2. Misha had known Rob before Rob came to Russia. 3. Agent Cute had lost his job before he went to Tunbridge Wells with a top secret document. 4. Before Agent Cute lost his job he had helped Misha and Robin. 5. Agent Cute had sent a letter to Misha before Misha went camping. 6. Misha had wanted to go to England before he received a letter from Agent Cute. 7. Misha hadn’t had any friends before he joined the football team. Match the facts with the pictures. 1. The Titanic had been the safest ship in the world before it hit an iceberg. 2. Romeo had loved another girl before he met Juliet. 3. Queen Elizabeth I had been a prisoner in the Tower before she became queen. 198 Unit 9 Lesson "Scott of the Antarctic" J Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1. I like to read interviews ['int3vju:z] with the stars. 2. Jane Brown is the best reporter on our newspaper. 3. The expedition [,ekspi'dijn] to the north was very difficult. A lot of people died. 4. A pony [‘paimi] is a very small horse. 1 In pairs. Role-play. " A: You ore о reporter. You must interview Misha Inin. Ask him ten questions about his life, hobbies, friends and Russia. B: You are Misha Inin. Answer the reporter's questions. Write your interviews. Read them in the class and choose the best reporter. Listen and read. a role model — образец для подражания a hero — герой courage [Wicfe] — храбрость strength — сила an explorer [ik'spbxa] — путешественник (no неисследованным местам) an inscription — надпись a race — гонка a route [ru:t] — маршрут sledge — сани a naval-officer [,neivl 'nfisa] морской офицер ; Read the interview with Misha and answer the questions. 1. Why does Kate call him a hero? 2. What does Misha think about heroes? _______________ 3. Who is Misha’s role model? St David’s Express Everybody in St David’s School wants to know more about Misha Inin. Today he has given our reporter Kate Bernard an interview. Kate Bernard: Misha Inin: Kate Bernard: Misha Inin: Kate Bernard: Misha Inin: Kate Bernard: Congratulations, Misha! That was a very good game! Thank you. Today you are everybody’s hero, but two days ago you had no friends, and the teachers gave you bad marks and detentions. Please, don’t call me a hero! I was lucky, that’s all. When life at school was difficult, I thought about real heroes and then my problems didn’t look very important. So who is a real hero for you? My role model is an Englishman, Robert Falcon Scott. Please tell us about him. It will be very interesting for our readers. Unit 9 Lessons 2, 3 199 5 J Read the story and answer the questions. Who was Robert Falcon Scott ['mbst Тэ:1кэп 'sknt]? Roald Amundsen ['гэиэШ 'aimandsn]? What is Terra Nova [,tera 'nnva]? The South Pole [,sau0 'paul]? 6 ) Put the paragraphs in the right order and read the text. Robert Scott 1. Finally on 12 January Scott and his men got to the South Pole. There they saw a Norwegian flag; Amundsen had got there two weeks before. The people in Scott’s expedition died on their way back to the camp. Winter killed them. They were not the first at the South Pole, but in the hearts of people all over the world they did a more important thing. They showed an example of courage, strength and love for their country. There is a simple wooden cross in the Antarctic. People put it there in the memory of the brave Englishmen. “...............” says the inscription on the cross. 2. On 1 November 1912 Scott and his expedition started to go to the Pole. The weather was very bad: it was cold and windy. Very quickly Scott understood that he had made a lot of mistakes. The sledges didn’t work. The ponies couldn’t walk in deep snow and soon died. Scott hadn’t bought any dogs, and the men had to pull the sledges with their food and equipment. The team had never been to the Antarctic before, so they were not ready for all the difficulties. But they still didn’t forget their dream. They wanted to be the first at the South Pole. Every day they walked and walked through the snow. The English expedition remembered Amundsen and didn’t want to lose that race. 3. On 15 June 1910 the English ship “Terra Nova” left England and went to the Antarctic. On board the ship was an English naval-officer Robert Falcon Scott. Ele had a dream. He wanted to be the first at the South Pole. Scott had already been to the Antarctic and had prepared for everything. He had planned the route and chosen four strong brave men. Scott had bought all the equipment: warm clothes, food, electric sledges and Siberian ponies. Yes, he had thought of everything, but one thing worried Scott: another famous explorer Roald Amundsen from Norway, had also gone to the Antarctic. The race for the South Pole had begun. 200 Unit 9 Lessons 2, 3 ..ite 7 I Match the mottos with the translations. 1. Один за всех и все за одного 2. Бороться, искать, найти и не сдаваться 3. Через тернии к звездам a) Per aspera ad astra (лат.) b) All for one and one for all c) To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield 8 J What do you think? Which of these mottos is on the cross in the Antarctic? Listen and check oil your answers. 10) Answer the questions. 1. When did Scott leave England? 2. Where did he go? 3. How many men went with him? 4. When did Scott start the expedition? 5. How long did it take Scott to get to the South Pole? 6. Who was the first man at the South Pole? 7. Whose flag did Scot see at the South Pole? 8. Did Scott come back? 11) Scott was leaving England on 15 June 1910. What mistakes hod he already made? Write out the sentences from the text. Model: He had chosen the wrong men. They had never been to the Antarctic before, so they were not ready for all the difficulties. ,J 2j Imagine that you can talk to Robert Scott. Write advice for him. Use should or shouldn't and these words and expressions. Model: You should find men who have already been to the Antarctic. men who have been to the Antarctic, dogs, ponies, electric sledges, stronger men, food, equipment, to hurry, to buy, to take, to choose Ч. Homework !•••••••• • • • • • ') See Workbook. Unit 9 Lessons 2, 3 201 А role model Play a game. In pairs. After Misha's interview a lot of readers have sent letters about their role models to St David's Express. Listen to four stories. Who are the stories about? Игра проходит в четыре этапа. Разделитесь на команды. Вы услышите четыре жизнеописания известных людей. Во время прослушивания после каждой фразы предусмотрена короткая пауза. Если вы уже знаете, о ком идет речь, и можете назвать имя этого человека без дальнейшего прослушивания, поднимите руку и дайте ответ. Если ответ неправильный, вы выбываете из этого этапа игры. Побеждает та команда, которая даст наибольшее количество правильных ответов первой. Guess the meaning of the underlined word. His grandfather is very rich. He is a rniiltirnillinnaire [,mAlti,milj9'ne3]. 2 ■} Listen and read. a founder — основатель successful [sok'sesfl] — успешный computer software ['snftweo] — программное обеспечение для компьютеров а chemist — химик а physicist [Tizisist] — физик to graduate ['gr£ed3u,eit] — закончить вуз charity — благотворительный а mission — миссия (христианская) а пип — монашка а follower — последователь Macedonia [,massi'd3uni3] — Македония ( I want to be like \Bill Gates. Look at the names. What can you say about these people? '\ think Mikhail Lomonosov was a i^ery interesting man f When life is difficult,' My role model is Л William Wallace. ) 202 Unit 9 Lesson 4 4 Read and match the names of the people with the stories about them. St David’s Express 1. She was born in 1910 in Macedonia. She was a Catholic nun and the founder of the charity missions. These missions helped the poor and the sick. In 1979 she got the Nobel Peace Prize for her work. She had started her work in Calcutta, but later her followers opened other missions in many other parts of the world. Today there are about (примерно) 500 centres in different countries. These centres give food to 500,000 families and help 90,000 sick people every year. 2. He was born on 28 October, 1955, in Seattle. When he was thirteen, his parents sent him to an expensive private school. In that school he met his future business partner, Paul Allen, and started programming computers. After school he went to Harvard, the best university in the USA. But he never graduated. He left Harvard two years later and gave all his time to Microsoft, the company he had started with Paul Allen in 1975. Today he is a multimillionaire. His company, Microsoft, is the biggest and most successful computer software company in the world. 3. He was born in 1711, in a little village near Arkhangelsk. His father was a fisherman and couldn’t read or write, but this boy was very unusual. He liked books and always wanted to know more. When he was 19, he left home and went to Moscow. He went to school there. Fifteen years later he became the founder of the Moscow State University. He was a great chemist, physicist, writer and poet. 4. He lived in Scotland in the 13th century. He was twenty, when English soldiers came to Scotland, and the dark days began. The English wanted to take everything in the land, so he and his friends fought against the English, and his enemies began to hate his name. He was only thirty-five when the English caught and executed him. He had given his life for the freedom of his country. His name lives in the heart of everybody who loves freedom. I learnt about him from the film “Braveheart’.’ Unit 9 Lesson 4 203 The Nobel Prize — Нобелевская премия. Every year a special committee chooses people who get prizes for important work in physics, medicine, chemistry, literature or towards world peace. L..::. -t ........ ......... Traditionally the King of Sweden presents Nobel Laureates with the prizes. Homework ® -Г • n s • • A Who said what? Match the person with the words. Explain your answers. 1. “We can do no great things; only small things with great love.” 2. “If you want to be a programmer, you should write programs, and study grea programs that other people have written.” 3. “Russia will grow with Siberia.” 4. “Every man dies, not every man really lives.” ■V 4 > ■t' »' (V- * f . vr-V . > 204 Unit 9 Lesson 4 i ? Are you ambitious? 1 :1 Listen to the story about Mother Teresa again and fill in the gaps. She was born .... She was a ... and the founder of the charity missions. These missions helped ... and .... In 1979 she got... Prize for her work. She ... her work in Calcutta, but later her followers opened other missions in many other parts of the world. Today there are about ... in different countries. These centres give food to 500,000 families and help ... sick people every year. 2 Look through the text again and find e прилагательные в функции существительных • предложение в Past Perfect • числительные 3 J Answer the questions. 1. How often do people get the Nobel Peace Prize? 2. Why do people get the Nobel Peace Prize? 3. Do you know any Russian people, who have got the Nobel Peace Prize? 4 J True or false? Correct the mistakes. 1. Bill Gates was born in the USA. 2. Bill Gates went to Eton. 3. Harvard is the best university in England. 4. Bill Gates met his future business partner at university. 5. Bill Gates didn’t graduate from the university. 6. Today Bill Gates is a very poor man. 7. Microsoft is a computer software company. " 5^ Listen to the story about Bill Gates again and write questions for the answers. 1. He was thirteen. 2. He met his future business partner, Paul Allen. 3. After school he went to Harvard. 4. He left Harvard two years later. 5. Because he wanted to work for Microsoft. Unit 9 Lessons 5, 6 205 6 J Listen to the story about Lomonosov again. Write the names of the subjects according to the model. Model: Geographer — Geography chemist, physicist, mathematician, poet, writer ^7 j Fill in the file about Lomonosov (see Workbook). Sometimes you'll have to use your own knowledge. , 8 I Try to remember as much as you can about the man from the fourth story. Complete the sentences, then listen and check your answers. 1. His name was .... 2. He lived in ... . 3. He was twenty when ... came to his country. 4. He fought against .... 5. He was ... when his enemies caught and executed him. 6. He died for the .... ! Listen and read. generous ['cfeansras] — щедрый modest ['mndist] — скромный ambitious [asm'bijas] — честолюбивый intelligent [m'telid^ant] — умный bossy [bnsi] — властный serious ['siarias] — серьезный hard-working — трудолюбивыг lazy — ленивый mean — жадный a quality ['kwnbti] — качество to respect [ri'spekt] — уважать 10 ) Write the opposite of the following words. generous, modest, ambitious, intelligent, hard-working, mean, friendly 1 1 j Answer the questions. • What qualities do you respect in people? • What are the worst qualities? 12 ) Read the sentences about Mother Teresa, Bill Gates, William Wallace and Mikhail Lomonosov. Does the speaker like or dislike the people in the sentences? 1. When Bill was at school, he was very ambitious. He worked day and night. 2. Mother Teresa was very kind and modest. 3. Bill Gates is very bossy. 4. Lomonosov was very hard-working. 5. William Wallace was brave but ambitious, so the English caught him. 206 Unit 9 Lessons 5, 6 13| What do you think? What were Mother Teresa, Mikhail Lomonosov and William Wallace like? What is Bill Gates like? Use the words from the list and these words. clever, talented, kind, friendly, brave, successful, workaholic, to like the challenge, to love people, to be interested in science 14 What qualities do all the role models have? Why will people always remember them? 15 Discuss. What qualities do you need if you want to be successful in life? Write your formula for a successful person. 16 Read the stories again and answer the question: What were (are) the most important things in the lives of Mother Teresa, Bill Cates, Mikhail Lomonosov, William Wallace? Try to answer in one word. I I I I Homework A Choose the right answer. 1. Mother Teresa was a) a nun b) a doctor c) a teacher 2. Bill Gates is a) a Scottish patriot b) a multimillionaire c) a great poet 3. Mikhail Lomonosov is a) Russian b) American c) English 4. The founder of the Moscow State University was a) Bill Gates b) Mikhail Lomonosov c) Alexander Pushkin 5. William Wallace fought against a) the English b) the Saxons c) the Vikings 6. Mother Teresa started her work in a) Macedonia b) Calcutta c) Seattle 7. ... got the Nobel Peace Prize. a) Mother Teresa b)Bill Gates c) Mikhail Lomonosov В Do you have a role model? Is there a person you respect? Use the Cut Out page and write about this person. Be ready to talk about him or her in class. Project Make presentations about your role model. Discuss your presentations. Put your projects on the wall. Unit 9 Lessons 5, 6, 7 207 The Battle of Hastings Listen and read. Frenchmen [Trent/men] — французы Normans ['nnmanz] — норманны Hastings ['heistipz] — Гастингс to decide [di'said] — решить courage ['клгкф] — храбрость a trap — ловушка a war cry — боевой клич well-trained — хорошо обученный huge — огромный to chase — преследовать to shoot — стрелять Elmer ['elms] — Элмер Sigurd ['sigad] — Сигурд Norwegians [no:'wi:ct5nz] — норвежцы 2 J Look at the picture and translate the words. arrow > king’s bodyguards slingshot archer bow [ban I sword [said] 3 J Try to give the right answers. 1. 1066 год — одна из важнейших дат в истории Англии, потому что в этом году а) был основан Лондон Ь) раздробленные королевства соединились в одно с) Англию завоевали норманны 2. The Battle of Hastings означает a) битва при городе Гастингсе Ь) битва короля Гастингса с) битва англичан с Гастингсами 3. Норманны пришли из а) Германии Ь) Скандинавии с) Франции 208 Unit 9 Lessons 8, 9 4 Read and check your answers. battle of ^Hhstings Part I Elmer, an Anglo-Saxon boy, was hiding in a big tree. He had promised his father to stay at home. But on that early morning of October 14, 1066 he had secretly come to watch a battle. The battle was going to change Britain for ever. Now Elmer could see his father with his long shield. He was one of King Harold Godwinson’s bodyguards. He had joined the king’s army that had just come back from fighting the Norwegians in the north of Britain. At the front of the army the Anglo-Saxon soldiers made a wall of shields. Below them, at the bottom of the hill, were the Normans. A few days before things had been so very different. It had been a peaceful, sunny afternoon, and Elmer had been fishing in the little river near the house. Suddenly a horse had stopped in front of Elmer’s father. “My lord,” the rider could hardly breathe, “Normans!” “Normans? Where?” “Hastings.” “How many ships?” “Five hundred, six hundred, maybe more. They have horses with them and archers - hundreds of them.” “So they have come,” said Elmer’s father with a sigh. “William and his Frenchmen!” “Why does everybody want to fight us. Father?” Elmer asked. “Because England is a rich country, son, and because our last king, Edward, couldn’t decide.” “Couldn’t decide what?” Unit 9 Lessons 8, 9 209 “Who should be the next king. Edward didn’t have a son, and William and Harold are both Edward’s relatives, you see. First he promised his crown to William of Normandy. Then, many years later, when he was dying, he left the throne to our King Harold. Now Harold has become our king, but William thinks that England is his. There was another man, who also wanted to be the king of England, the Viking Harald Hardrada. Our king Harold has just beaten him. We are not ready for another battle.” The Norman war cry “Ut! Ut! Ut! (Out! Out! Out!)” interrupted Elmer’s thoughts. Again and again the Norman arrows fell against the English shield wall. Again and again the Norman horses charged up the hill, but the English drove them off with their great axes. Nothing could break the strong shield wall. Now the Norman soldiers were getting nearer. The Anglo-Saxons waited until they were close. Then they brought out their secret weapon — the slingshot. The right side of the Norman army began to go back. Elmer’s heart jumped with joy when they turned and ran! Many of the Anglo-Saxons ran after them. They wanted to chase the Normans back into the sea. But at the bottom of the hill the rest of the huge, well-trained Norman army was waiting. It was a trap. They attacked the Anglo-Saxons who had run down the hill and killed them all. After that things began to get worse for the Anglo-Saxons. They lost courage. The Norman archers began to shoot their arrows high into the air. The arrows fell at the back of the English army. One of the arrows killed King Harold. It hit him in the eye. He died and with him Anglo-Saxon Britain died too. Britain now belonged to William of Normandy. Elmer ran far, far into the forest. He didn’t go home, because he was scared of the Normans. He lived on berries and fish. One day he found a ring in the river. He picked it up. The ring shone brightly and there were two Celtic snakes on it. Elmer put the ring on his finger and suddenly he felt better. He was not scared and tired any more. He decided to go home. 210 Unit 9 Lessons 8, 9 When Elmer got to his father’s house there was nothing there: only burnt ruins. Somehow (каким-то образом) he understood his family were dead. “Hey, Elmer!” a voice shouted from the forest. It was Sigurd, one of his father’s servants. Elmer saw tears in his eyes. ‘After the battle... the battle,” Sigurd said, “the Norman soldiers came here. They wanted food, animals, chickens - anything. Some people tried to stop them. That was a mistake. They burnt the house. They killed everybody. Your family, my family. You can see... I ran away into the forest. There was nothing I could do. When I came back we buried them — one big grave for everybody!’ Sigurd began to cry. Elmer put his hand on Sigurd’s shoulder. “One day the Normans will be sorry!’ he said. “I will wait. You will wait. It doesn’t matter how long. We will never forget 14 October, 1066.” 5..} Choose the right answer. More than one answer can be correct. 1. In 1066 the English were fighting a) the Vikings b) the Frenchmen c) the Normans 2. When Elmer’s father talks about Frenchmen, he means a) Vikings b) Normans c) Germans 3. The enemies came to England a) by ship b) by horse c) on foot 4. The English lost because a) they didn’t have ships b) they had just fought another battle c) they got into a trap 5. In a battle the Normans used a) shields b) bows c) slingshots 6. In a battle the English used a) shields b) slingshots c) axes 7. After the battle the Normans a) were kind to the English b) burnt the houses of the English c) killed the English Look at the story again and find: — the name and the nationality of the King of England who had died before the battle. — the name and the nationality of the man who was the king of England on 14 October, 1066. — the name and the nationality of the man who had just lost the battle in the north of Britain. — the name and the nationality of the man who became the King of England after 14 October, 1066. Unit 9 Lessons 8, 9 211 7 Why were there so many people who could become the king of England? S Bayeux Tapestry [.baiai'taepastri] - гобелен из аббатства Байё (Франция). На гобелене XI века длиной 70 метров вышиты эпизоды завоевания Англии норманнами. Rex - в переводе с латинского означает король. 8 Look at the Bayeux Tapestry on this page and on page 1 93. Find Norman soldiers, English soldiers and King Harold Godwinson. Explain your answers. 9 Fill in the gaps with the names Harold Godwinson, Edward, Harald Hardrada, Hastings, William of Normandy. Put the events in the correct order. 1/^ 14 October, 1066 the Normans beat the English and ... became the King of England. 30 September, 1066 William and his army landed near 6 Janumy, 1066 King ... died. He left no children. Before he died he had given the English throne to ... . 25 September, 1066 ... and his Viking army attacked. King Harold Godwinson beat the Vikings. 28 September, 1066 William left Normandy. Six hundred and ninety-six ships sailed to England. 212 Unit 9 Lessons 8, 9 Homework 9 ■?> 9 S. A Look at the pictures and write a short story about Elmer. Model: Elmer was the son of a rich man. \ t -r ambitious a hero serious bossy intelligent strength courage lazy to respect an example mean to present smb Frenchmen modest with a prize generous Normans an inscription hard-working a quality a naval-officer a founder a chemist a race successful a physicist charity computer software to graduate a mission Macedonia a role model a route a sledge to chase to decide to shoot a trap huge well-trained a war cry a nun a follower Unit 9 Lessons 8, 9 213 In this unit • Somebody kidnaps Rob. • A friend in need is a friend indeed. • Who is “a fair-weather friend”? You will talk about friends and friendship. You will need these words and expressions: People and their qualities to be a good guy to be nice to be kind to be friends to be fun to be angry to be clever to be strong generous modest ambitious intelligent bossy serious hard-working lazy mean a quality to respect polite rude cheeky to bully 214 Unit И) New grammar for you Пч ii.p.i 111(1^ мч. H)ii\iv.'mi4 esicli ullicr Ш Speak English in class I missed the lesson, because I was ill.— Я пропустил (a) урок, потому что болел (а). I’m sorry. I haven’t done my homework.— Извините, я не выполнил (a) домашнее задание. I’ve left my book at home.— Я оставил(а) книгу дома. I haven’t finished the exercise yet.— Я еш;е не закончил (a) >пражнение. What the teacher says It’s time to finish.— Пора заканчивать. Are you with me? — Вы слушаете меня? Are you OK? — Bee в порядке? You have five minutes for this task.— Ha это задание у вас пять минут. CoUect your exercise books, please.— Пожалуйста, соберите тетради. Unit 10 215 Rob disappears . 1 ■) Listen and read. to disappear [.disa'pia] — исчезать to kidnap ['kidntep] — похищать a kidnapper [kid'naepa] — похититель A party! ★ Misha and Rob are reading an advert. Read and answer the questions. 1. Who is having a party? 2. Why is he having it? 3. Where is the party? 4. When is it going to begin? Simon Fergnson is leaving school on Friday. He is having a party on Saturday. We are celebrating at 10 p.m. at Green Moon disco. Please come! '3 J Listen and read. What are you thinking about? The party is today! T really want to go! I agree. It’s going to be fun. But we can’t leave the school. But they have closed all the doors. I know, but one of the windows on our floor is open. We can get out the window, climb down the roof and go to the disco. Don't be boring, Misha! We can leave our room in the evening and comi back quietly at night. I think you’re right. Nobody will notice. Let’s invite Mark and у the boys from our room. Mark is busy. He is translating the second part of the story. 21 6 Unit 10 Lesson 1 4 Fill in the table with the sentences in the Present Progressive. I Действие, происходящее Действие, происходящее в более Запланированное в настоящий момент времени длительный отрезок времени действие Misha and Rob are dreaming about the party. What are the boys going to do? What do you think about their plans? Use the words and expressions. Model: climb down the roof — The boys are going to climb down the roof. — climb down the roof — get into town by taxi — dance with girls, drink cola — play pool(бильярд) — play computer games — have fun — wear the coolest clothes — eat tasty sandwiches — get back by taxi — climb up the roof What is happening in the pictures? Write sentences, put the pictures in the right order and get the story about Misha, Rob and Mark's adventure. Model: 1 — The boys are opening the window. Unit 10 Lesson 1 217 218 Unit 10 LesfO'! 1 7 Agent Cute is writing a letter to the boss. Listen, read and check your answers to Ex. 7. What has happened? Dear does, I know you have fired me, but we all need your help. Last night Misha, Rob and Mark went to a party with their friends. They put on their coolest clothes, opened a window, climbed down the roof and went to the party by taxi. At the party they danced, drank cola, ate sandwiches, played pool and computer games, listened to music. They got back to school, but they couldn’t climb up the roof. They hadnt thought about it. They woke me up because my room is on the ground floor. I opened the Wmdow for them. We were talking in my room when I noticed something: Rob had disappeared. Yours, Ex-agent Cute What does the word ex-agent mean? 8 Write the names of a) an ex-president b) an ex-champion c) an ex-prime minister Unit 10 Lesson 219 Homework • •••••••••••••••••••••••• ^ A J Read the card and answer the questions. 1. Who is inviting you to the party? 2. What is he / she celebrating? 3. When is the party going to begin? 4. Where is the party? T^iLA-f "5 ВтТНЬА"' РДкТ'У On 20 May at 4 g.m. At Kurchatov St. 1-125 From Kate 'P/jLAiSiL -po Kate Write five questions about the party. Model: Are we going to dance? Use the card from the Cut Out page. Invite your friends to a party. Read and answer the question: What has happened to Rob? What do you want^ My mobile phone is ringing! © 220 Unit 10 Lesson 1 ji We want the MacWizard history ] book! The book with the keys to the treasure! If we don’t get the book, you’ll never see your friend again. Think about it. d // © i^We’ll phone you in ten minutes. J "А friend in need is a friend indeed" ’ disappeared. Give advice to Agent Cute and his friends. What should they do? What shouldn't they do? Why? : 2 j Read the sentences. Does the speaker like the people in the sentences? 1. I don’t believe Kate. She often lets me down. 2. When I had a problem, Sam stood by me. He is a good friend. 3. Jane IS very selfish. She is not interested in other people’s problems. 4. My friend is always there for me. 5. I always talk my problems through with Helen. I can phone her at night and she’ll listen to me. 3 i Listen, read and check your ideas. to let somebody down — подводить кого-либо to stand by somebody — поддерживать кого-либо to be selfish — быть эгоистичным a bit — немножко friendship ['frendjip] — дружба to talk something through [0ru:] — обсуждать through thick and thin — что бы ни случилось 4 Listen, read and say: What are the friends going to do? What are the friends not going to do? ------------------------------- Don’t worry, guys. I’ve written a letter to the boss. He’ll help. Because we were at the disco when Rob disappeared. If the teachers find out, you’ll have to leave the school. The teachers and Agent Cute will have a lot of problems too. Unit 10 Lessons 2, 3 221 But we must help Rob. Let’s talk it through. If you give them the book, Л you’ll never find the treasure.y* We’ll have to give them the history book. They don’t need Rob, they need the book. © But if we don’t give them the ' book, we’ll never see Rob ©again. And he’s my best friendjy l^ob? Rob is nobody’s best friend! Rob doesn’t understand friendship. he’s my friend! He is always there for me when ^ I need him and he never lets me down and we always have fun together. When Mrs Nasty was horrible to me, he stood by me. Sometimes he is a bit selfish, but lie is intelligent. It’s never boring with him. 1 о cut a long story short, I don’t need the treasure — 1 uant my friend back! But we haven’t finished the story yet. Can we read the second part quickly? No, we can’t. It’ll take days to translate it. We are pressed for fime. They are going to Vphone us in a minute! 5 _) Write what will happen if the friends do these things. Model: If they phone the police, the teachers will have problems. 1. phone the police 4. give the history book to the kidnappers 2. wake the teachers up 5. (not) give the history book to the kidnappers 3. write to the boss 6. try to look for Rob 222 Unit 10 Lessons 2,3 , 6 j Answer the questions. 1. What is more important for Misha: his friend or the treasure? 2. Why does Misha think that Rob is his friend? 3. What does Misha respect about Rob? 4. What doesn’t Misha like about Rob? 7 I Answer the questions. 1. Do you have a friend? 2. Has he / she ever let you down? 3. Do you have fun together? 4. Is he / she always there for you? 5. What qualities do you like in him / hei 6. What qualities don’t you like in him / hei 8 Read and translate the sayings about friendship. Find the sayings with the main idea: A friend will stand by you. 1. Life without friendship is like the sky without sun. 2. True friendship starts the moment one person says to another, “What? You too? I thought I was the only onel” (один такой) 3. The best mirror is an old friend. 4. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 5. A friend is the one who walks in, when others walk out. 6. Every person is a new door to a different world. 7. A friend is someone who can sing you the song of your heart when you’ve forgotten it. J Discuss the meanings of the sayings. Which one do you like? Why? JOJ In pairs. Discuss: What things are the most important for you in friendship? Use these words and expressions: it is important, it doesn t matter, I think a friend should (be), I think a friend shouldn’t, I agree, I don’t agree, as a rule, but what about 11 Read and answer the questions. 1. What should Cute do with the book? 2. Where is the meeting place? niafs very clever. Breakfast starts at 745, and the teachers always check all the pupils. If they don’t find Rob, you’ll ^have to answer a lot of questions. Yru must hurry! Unit 10 Lessons 2,3 223 Go to the bus station. Find the bus to London. It leaves at 5.30. Give the book to the driver. Don’t talk to him. He doesn’t work for us. ®l I; l%\ ® 12 Discuss: What have we learnt about the kidnappers? , 13 у Look at the texts of Ex. 4 and Ex. 1 1 again. Fill in the table with the sentences in the Present Simple. Действия, происходящие Действия, происходящие Present Simple вместо Futme (не происходящие) В соответствии с Simple в придаточных регулярно графиком или Предложениях времени расписанием и условия Homework • •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••• What will you do in these situations? Give true answers. Model: If my friend lets me down, I will (not) forgive him/her. 1. Your friend lets you down. 2. Your friend needs your help. 3. Your friend phones you at six o’clock in the morning. 4. Your friend spends the weekend with other friends. 5. Your friend is angry with you. 6. Y)ur friend has a problem with Mathematics. 7. Your friend leaves your school. ^ В ) Get ready for "How well do you know your friend?" quiz. 1. Prepare as many questions about friends as you can. 2. Swap your questions with your best friend. 3. Try to answer the questions. 224 Unit 10 Lessons 2, 3 How well do you know your friend? Возвратное местоимение each other (друг друга) Местоимение each other переводится как друг друга. Например: We see each other every day. — Мы видим друг друга каждый день. (Мы видимся каждый день.) к Т ) Complete the sentences. Use each other. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Friends should always help .... 2. My cat and my dog don’t like .... 3. My friend and I are at school together but we never see ... at the weekends. 4. Mary and Kate don’t talk to ... . Kate has let Mary down. 5. Jim and his brother Tom can’t live without .... ^ 2 J Translate the sentences into English. 1. Друзья всегда слушают друг друга. 2. Мы не видели друг друга вчера. 3. Мы звоним друг другу каждый день. 4. Посмотрите друг на друга! ^ How close are you and your friend? Follow the chart and find out. (See p. 226.) Ч j What should real friends do? What shouldn't they do? Write sentences with each other. 5 J Play a game How well do you know your friend? Your teacher will tell you the rules of the game. Homework •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**#* Translate into English. 1. Мой друг меня никогда не подведет. 2. Мы должны обсудить эту проблему. 3. Мой друг немножко ленив, но это не имеет значения. 4. Друг будет заступаться за меня до последнего. 5. Мне очень весело с моим другом. 6. Дружба — это очень важная вещь. 7. Мой друг и я не можем жить друг без друга. S Счастливый английский.ру. Учебник для 7 кл. Unit 10 Lesson 4 225 How dose are you o.nd your friend? Do you sometimes finish each other’s sentences? Do you talk on the I,, phone every day? Is your friend an old friend? Do you share your secrets with each other? Does your friend always stand by you? 1 Does your friend ^ ever talk about you behind your back? Do you spend every weekend together? When you are not with ] your friend do you f Has he / she ever forgotten your birthday? think about him / her? Has he / she ever been unfair to you? Does your friend have a lot of I other friends? _ 1..----- J Do you have the same hobbies? Does he / she know the names of all your family? Do you always I laugh at his / \ her jokes? i J *^Can you talk you^ problems through 1 with your friend? V,------—^ Do you ofte^' spend much time at your | friend’s flat?J Do you ever think that your friend is boring? Has your ' friend ever let you down? Соп^пШ1аГ1оп8^.Maybe we shouldn’t call you'||’^One of ^u is a leader and have found a great friend! You’ll always I have fun with him / her, 1 and he / she will never j let you down. Try to be I as interesting and j intelligent as your I friend is. 4________________ best friends. You don’t share a lot of interests but you understand each other I really well. You are also nice people and never let each other down. It’s an interesting combination, and we hope it will work. j V the other is a follower. Some people don’t understand your friendship. You and your friend are really different and you don’t always understand each other Why are you together? Do you know the answer? 226 Unit 10 Lesson 4 ' , ' i -. ^ I A friend will never let you down Listen and answer the question: Where was Rob? 2 Read and find sentences which answer the questions. 1. Has Cute given the book to the kidnappers? 2. What has happened to Rob? 3. What will never happen? Agent Cute: Rob Mark Rob Misha: Agent Cute: Rob: Mark: Rob: Misha: Rob: I have found the bus stop and I have given the book to the driver, but I haven’t seen Rob. Don’t worry. I’m here. Where have you been? I was at the disco all the time. Somebody had closed the door and I couldn’t get out. I fell asleep. When I woke up, the door was open. I took a taxi and rushed to the school. So nobody kidnapped you. It was a joke! It wasn’t a joke. Don’t forget: somebody closed the door. What has happened here? I don’t understand! You didn’t come back from the disco with us! Then somebody phoned and said: “If you want to see Rob again — give us the MacWizard history book.” We gave them the book. Oh, no! The book with the keys to the treasure! Yes, that book. But you’re safe — it’s the most important thing! That’s awful! We’ll never find our family treasure and it’s my fault! Answer: true or false. 1. Agent Cute has saved Rob. 2. Rob’s life was in danger. 3. The friends will never find the history book again. 4. Agent Cute will try to find the kidnappers. 5. Rob is very angry with his friends because they have given the book to the kidnappers. Unit 10 Lesson 5 227 4 Rob has prepared a present for Misha. He has written a poem. ~~ Read and say: What word is missing? With ... you have a lot of fun. A ... will never let you down. You’ll tell your secrets to your ... , And he will always understand. A ... is always there for you, And you can talk your problems through. And now the most important thing, He’ll be with you through thick and thin. But if your ... just wants some fun. And when you need him — lets you down. And doesn’t give a helping hand. That is a fair-weather .... He’ll stand by you to the end — And then you call that one your .... , 5 Listen, check your answers and sing along. Sonnet — сонет — стихотворение из 14 строк. Стихотворения в форме сонетов писали и питут многие известные поэты. Однако истинным расцветом сонетов можно считать эпоху Возрождения, когда сонеты писали Петрарка, Шекспир и Данте. 6 Choose the correct translation of the word fair (adj). 1. честный, справедливый 3. ясный, солнечный, хороший 2. белокурый, светлый 4. красивый, прекрасный 7 How do you understand the expression "fair-weather friend"? Choose the correct picture. % / What is the opposite of "fair-weather friend"? How do you tell the difference between them? Use the expressions from the sonnet. 228 Unit 1 0 Lesson 5 Homework ............. . A Write the qualities of a real friend and a "fair-weather friend". What do they do? Real friend “Fair-weather friend” stays with you through thick and thin lets you down В Look at the pictures and write a short story. Make up the ending. Give your story a name. Model: Kate and Jane were best friends. They did everything together, but one day .Jane broke her arm. Unit 10 Lesson 5 229 Му best friend 1 Read and try to guess: Who is the kidnapper? Rosy: What has happened here guys? Rosy: Mark: Agent Cute: Agent Cute phoned me and said, “Rob is in danger.” Mark: Oh, Rosy. Don’t worry. Everything is OK now. We have found Rob, but... What? We have lost the book and the family treasure. I have a plan! The kidnapper knows a lot about school, teachers and pupils. He is from this school, that means: you know him! Yes! We’ll find the kidnapper and get our book! Yes, but let’s talk about it later. I have very good news for you. Rosy. Rob has finally found a real friend. Misha: Mark: > Guess the meaning of the underlined words. Asthma ['assma] is a disease. Rosy is very happy for her brother. She thinks that friendship is the most important thing in the world. Listen and read. Put the pictures in the right order. Rosy: You know my best friend Evelyn ['i:vlm], don’t you? Rob: Sure, she was the most popular girl in your school. Rosy: She wasn’t always popular. I’ll tell you our story. Evelyn and I went to a new school. Evelyn had been my best friend before that, but at a new school I made a lot of new friends. They didn’t like Evelyn. She wasn’t good at school, she didn’t wear cool clothes and didn’t do any sports because she had really bad asthma. She was unpopular and everybody bullied her. Deep down, I understood that the girls were nasty and rude, but I wanted to be with them, and we laughed at my friend together. One day we were playing in the school grounds when Evelyn came up. She could hardly breathe. She was going to have an asthma attack and she needed help. I could see this but I had to be cool, so I didn’t look at her. Suddenly Evelyn fell down. She was very pale. But the girls just said, “Let’s leave her here. Somebody will find her,” and we ran away. Next day Evelyn wasn’t at school. I worried about Evelyn all day, but I couldn’t phone her parents. I was scared. Finally, I phoned and talked to her mum. “Evelyn is in hospital, but she’ll be better in a few days,” she said. She was very happy to hear from me. Evelyn hadn’t told her anything. 230 Unit 10 Lesson 6 Next morning I went to the hospital. Evelyn was very weak but she smiled when she saw me. I didn’t smile back. I cried and cried by her bed. “I am really sorry about what has happened, I have let you down.” I said. “It’s OK,” she answered. “It’s not your fault.” When Evelyn got back to school, she became my best friend again. We went everywhere together. “I will stand by her,” I said to the others. At first they laughed, but later some of them made friends with Evelyn. I am so happy that Evelyn has forgiven me. She is the coolest person I have ever met. When we choose friends, we should look at who the people are inside and not what clothes they wear or what they can do. Cl> w Ш Match the words and expressions from the text with these sentences. 1. At school pupils were rude to Evelyn. Nobody liked her. 2. Evelyn’s marks were not very good. 3. Rosy didn’t help Evelyn when she needed her. 4. Rosy said to her other friends, “I’ll be with Evelyn through thick and thin.” 5. Evelyn understood Rosy and was her friend again. Unit 10 Lesson 6 231 Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. 1. E\t lyn and Rosy (be) friends before they went to school. 2. ti\ d \ n came up to Rosy, when she (play) with her other friends. 3. When Evelyn was in danger, Rosy (not help) her. 4. Evelyn’s mother didn’t know anything because Evelyn (not tell) her. 5. Evelyn is the coolest person Rosy ever (met). Discuss. Prove your ideas with information from the text. 1. What kind of friend was Rosy to Evelyn? 2. What kind of friend was Evelyn to Rosy? 3. Why did Rosy laugh at Evelyn? 4. Why did Rosy leave Evelyn when she needed help? 5. Why did Evelyn forgive Rosy? 6. Why did the other girls become friends with Evelyn? 6 I Find the main idea of the text. Do you agree? Homework • ••••••••• Do you want to be a friend of Evelyn or Rosy? Why? What kind of people are Rosy and Evelyn? Write 4-6 sentences. Have you ever had any problems with your friends? Write 4-6 sentences. And now it’s time for Misha, Rob, Rosy, Mark and Agent Cute to say goodbye to you. What happened to the history book? Who is the kidnapper? Will the friends find the family treasure? What will happen in St David’s School? You will find the answers to these questions next year in “Happy English.ru-8’.’ a bit a fair-weather friend friendship a kidnapper through thick and thin to be selfish to be with smb to disappear to kidnap to let smb down to stand by smb to talk smth through 232 Unit 10 Lesson 6 Grammar Reference (Грамматический справочник) The Noun (Имя существительное) Имя существительное — это часть речи, которая обозначает одушевленный или неодушевленный предмет и отвечает на вопросы кто? что? Например: а girl, а реп. В предложении имена существительные чаще всего бывают подлежащими, дополнениями, обстоятельствами. Nina is ту friend. {Nina — подлежащее) I saw a girl in the street, {a girl — дополнение) He wasn’t at school yesterday, {at school — обстоятельство места) Существительные, которые имеет форму единственного и множественного числа, называются исчисляемыми. Например: а book — two books, а mug — а lot of mugs. Существительные, которые имеют только одну форму, называются неисчисляемыми. К таким относятся названия веществ: butter, sugar, абстрактные понятия: rime, friendship. Множественное число имен существительных образуется с помощью прибавления окончания -S к существительному: а реп pens, а cat cats. • После звонких согласных и гласных окончание -s читается как [z]: а реп — pens [z]. • После глухих согласных окончание -s читается как [s]: а тор — mops [s]. • После шипящих и свистящих s, ss, х, sh, ch к существительному добавляется окончание -es, которое читается как [iz]: а bench benches [iz], а fax — faxes [iz], a bus — buses [iz], a bush — bushes [iz]. Запомните имена существительные, которые образуют множественное число не по общему правилу: Единственное число Множественное число man — мужчина woman — женщина tooth — зуб child — ребенок foot — ступня men — мужчины women — женщины teeth — зубы children — дети feet — ступни The Possessive Case (Притяжательный падеж имен существительных) Лля того чтобы выразить, кому принадлежит предмет, в английском языке существует притяжательный падеж. Существительные в единственном числе образуют притяжательный падеж с помощью окончания -s, перед которым стоит апостроф (’). Например: Tom’s hat — шляпа Тома. • Чтобы образовать притяжательный падеж, к существительному во множественном числе добавляется только апостроф (’). Например: The girls’ room. Grammar Reference 233 После звонких согласных и гласных апостроф s читается как [z]: Tom’s, boy’s. После глухих согласных апостроф s читается как [s]: Pat’s, Mark’s. После шипящих и свистящих апостроф s читается как [iz]: Boss’s. • Притяжательный падеж также образуется с помощью предлога of. Например; This is the room of my friend. — Это комната моего друга. The Article (Артикль) Артикль а произошел от древнеанглийского существительного один, поэтому он употребляется только с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе. Артикль а употребляется в следующих случаях: • когда какое-либо лицо или предмет называется впервые — I saw а boy. • когда существительное является частью составного именного сказуемого — Не is а doctor. Перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, если они начинаются с гласной, для благозвучия к артиклю а добавляется п — ап: She gave те ап apple. Определенный артикль the произошел от древнеанглийского местоимения этот и может употребляться с любыми существительными без ограничений. Артикль the употребляется: • когда при существительном имеется определение, которое выделяет его из всех остальных лиц или предметов данного класса — / have read the letter which you sent. The window in my room is broken. • когда речь идет о предмете или человеке, которые упоминались ранее — Where is the book 1 gave you yesterday? • c существительными, которые являются уникальными или единственными в данной ситуации — The earth goes round the sun. I’d like to speak to the director of your company. The Adjective (Имя прилагательное) Имя прилагательное — это часть речи, которая обозначает признак предмета и отвечает на вопрос какой? Степени сравнения прилагательных Английские прилагательные имеют положительную, сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения. К прилагательным, состоящим из одного или двух слогов, в сравнительной степени прибавляется суффикс -ег, а в превосходной степени — суффикс -est. 234 Grammar Reference Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень long (длинный) longer (длиннее) longest (самый длинный) • Если прилагательное оканчивается на букву е, то при прибавлении суффикса -ег или -est буква е отбрасывается. Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень nice (приятный) nicer (приятнее) nicest (самый приятный) Если гласная буква стоит в закрытом слоге, то при прибавлении суффикса -ег или -est конечная согласная удваивается. Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень fat (толстый) fatter (толще) fattest (самый толстый) • Если прилагательное оканчивается на букву у, которой предшествует согласная, то при прибавлении суффикса -ег или -est буква у меняется на i. Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень happier (счастливее) happiest (самый счастливый) Положительная степень happy (счастливый) Запомните прилагательные, которые образуют степени сравнения не по общему правилу. Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень good (хороший) better (лучше) best (самый лучший) bad (плохой) worse (хуже) worst (самый плохой) Перед существительным, определяемым прилагательным в превосходной степени, обычно ставится артикль the. It was the happiest day in his life. • Прилагательные можно сравнивать с помощью союза than (чем). Например: Tom’s flat is bigger than Misha’s flat — Квартира Тома больше, чем квартира Миши. The Pronoun (Местоимение) Местоимение — это часть речи, которая употребляется вместо имени существительного и прилагательного. Например: Не is а programmer. They are ту friends. Местоимения делятся на несколько подгрупп: личные, притяжательные, неопределенные. Личные местоимения имеют два падежа — именительный и объектный. Если личные местоимения употребляются в предложении в качестве подлежащего, то они стоят в именительном падеже. Если они употребляются в качестве дополнения, то они стоят в объектном падеже. Grammar Reference 235 Английские личные местоимения в именительном и объектном падежах Именительный падеж кто? что? кого? Объектный падеж что? кому? чему? кем? чем? о ком? о чем? I Я те меня, мне, мной, (обо) мне you ты (Вы) you вас, вам, вами, (о) вас he ОН him его, ему, им, (о) нем she она her ее, ей, ею, (о) ней it оно, он, она (неодушевл.) it ее, ей, ею, (о) ней, его, ему, им, (о) нем we МЫ US нас, нам, нами, (о) нас you вы you вас, вам, вами, (о) вас they они them их, им, ими, (о) них Притяжательные местоимения ту МОЙ, моя, мое, мои its его, ее (с неодушевл. предметами) your Ваш, Ваша, Ваше, Ваши our наш, наша, наше, наши his его your ваш, ваша, ваше, ваши her ее their их Притяжательные местоимения служат определением к супдествительному и отвечают на вопрос чей? Например: ту реп, his book, your brother. Притяжательные местоимения не изменяются по родам, числам и падежам. Например: ту dress — мое платье, ту реп — моя ручка, ту friends — мои друзья, about ту flat — о моей квартире. В английском языке притяжательные местоимения обязательны при существительных, обозначающих части тела, предметы одежды, родственников. Например: His nose is long. Her dress was the best at the party. My mother is a teacher. В отличие от русского языка, где есть местоимение свой, английские притяжательные местоимения согласуются с личными местоимениями. Не took his bag. — Он взял свой (его) портфель. She took her bag. — Она взяла свой (ее) портфель. They opened their books. — Они открыли свои (их) книги. Местоимения some, any, по Местоимение some означает несколько, какое-то количество и употребляется в утвердительных предложениях. I have some friends. — У меня есть несколько друзей. There is some coffee in my cup. — В чашке есть кофе. В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях употребляется местоимение any, которое означает сколько-нибудь, какой-нибудь. Do they have any books? — У них есть (какие-нибудь) книги? Do you have any coffee? — У вас есть (сколько-нибудь) кофе? В отрицательных предложениях местоимение any означает никакой. I don’t have any friends. — У меня нет (никаких) друзей. 236 Grammar Reference 1 We don’t have any coffee. — У нас нет (никакого) кофе. No означает никакой и употребляется в отрицательных предложениях. Не has по time. — У него нет времени. There is по sugar in the tea. — В чае нет сахара. Местоимения something, nothing, anything, everything, somebody, nobody, anybody, everybody У твердительное Вопросительное Отрицательное Предложение предложение предложение somebody (кто-то) anybody (кто-нибудь) nobody (никто) something (что-то) anything (что-нибудь) nothing (ничего) Эти местоимения образованы от местоимений some, no, any, every и подчиняются тем же грамматическим правилам. Обратите внимание, что в отличие от русского языка с местоимением everybody (все) в английском языке употребляются глаголы в 3 лице единственного числа. Everybody was at home. — Все были дома. При наличии в предложении местоимений nothing, nobody не требуется дополнительных отрицаний. Сравните: Никто его не знал. Nobody knew him. Местоимения much, many, a lot of Mnch (много) употребляется с неисчисляемыми сундествительными. Как правило. much употребляется в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях. I don’t eat much butter. — Я не ем много масла. Do you have much time? — У вас много времени? Many (много) употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными во всех типах предложений. We don’t need many apples. — Нам не нужно много яблок. Do you have many friends? — У вас много друзей? А lot of (много) употребляется как с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми существительными во всех типах предложений. She has а lot of time. — У нее много времени. We don’t need а lot of apples. — Нам не нужно много яблок. Do you have а lot of friends? — У вас много друзей? Местоимения few, little Little (мало) употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными. There is little snow this winter. — Этой зимой мало снега. Few (мало) употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными. There are few houses in that street. — Ha той улице мало домов. Grammar Reference 237 The Numeral (Имя числительное) Имя числительное — это часть речи, которая обозначает количество предметов, число, а также порядок предметов при счете. Имена числительные в английском языке делятся на количественные и порядковые. Количественные числительные Количественные числительные от 1 до 12 — простые. Они не имеют специальных окончаний. Количественные числительные от 13 до 19 оканчиваются на -teen: six + -teen = sixteen Количественные числительные, обозначающие десятьси, оканчиваются на -ty: six + -ty = sixty Обратите внимание на два ударения в словах, оканчивающихся на-teen. В словах, оканчивающихся на -ty, ударение падает на первый слог. Сравните: sixteen [,siks'ti:n] — sixty ['siksti]. 1 — one 6 — six 11 — eleven 16 — sixteen 20 — twenty 60 — sixty 2 — two 7 — seven 12 — twelve 17 — seventeen 30 - thirty 70 — seventy 3 — three 8 — eight 13 — thirteen 18 — eighteen 40 — forty 80 — eighty 4 — four 5 — five 9 — nine 10 — ten 14 — fourteen 15 — fifteen 19 — nineteen 50 - fifty 90 — ninety Количественные числительные от 21 до 99, состоящие из десятков и единиц, пишутся через дефис. Например: twenty-nine. Между словами hnndred, thousand, million и следующими за ними названиями десятков и единиц при произнесении ставится and. Например: 465 — four hundred and sixty-five, 3,892 — three thousand eight hundred and ninety-two. Порядковые числительные Порядковые числительные отвечают на вопрос который по счету? Порядковые числительные в английском языке образуются от количественных числительных с помощью суффикса -th. Количественные числительные (сколько? ) Порядковые числительные (который no счету?) Количественные числительные (сколько?) Порядковые числительные (который no счету? 4 four fourth 12 twelve twelfth 5 five fifth 13 thirteen thirteenth 6 six sixth 14 fourteen fourteenth 7 seven seventh 15 fifteen fifteenth 8 eight eighth 16 sixteen sixteenth 9 nine ninth 17 seventeen seventeenth 10 ten tenth 18 eighteen eighteenth 11 eleven eleventh 19 nineteen nineteenth 20 twenty twentieth 238 Grammar Reference Порядковые числительные обычно являются определением к существительным. В предложении они стоят перед этими существительными. Существительные в этом случае обычно имеют определенный артикль, который ставится перед порядковым числительным: the fourth day — четвертый день. Запомните исключения: first — первый, second — второй, third — третий. The Verb (Глагол) Глагол — это часть речи, которая обозначает действие и отвечает на вопросы -.то делать? что сделать? Неопределенная форма глагола Если перед глаголом стоит частица to, это означает, что глагол стоит в неопределенной форме и отвечает на вопрос что делать? Например: to read — читать. Образование повелительных предложений Утвердительная форма повелительного наклонения совпадает с неопределенной формой глагола (без частицы to): Listen! — Послушайте! Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола do и этрицания not: Don’t cry. — Не плачь. Порядок слов в английских утвердительных предложениях Подлежащее в английских утвердительных предложениях всегда стоит перед сказуемым. Сказуемое стоит после подлежащего и перед дополнением. Дополнение следует за сказуемым. Обстоятельство обычно стоит в начале или в конце предложения. Второстепенные члены располагаются в следующем порядке: 1. Дополнение, отвечающее на вопросы кого? что? 2. Обстоятельство места, отвечающее на вопрос где? Обстоятельство времени, отвечающее на вопрос когда? play computer games in ту room every day. — Я играю в компьютерные игры э. _± tod.j. где? когда? в моей комнате каждый день. The Present Simple Tense (Настоящее простое время) Употребление Present Simple Tense Present Simple Tense употребляется для выражения действий, которые происходят: • регулярно Не plays tennis every day. — Он играет в теннис каждый день. • в соответствии с графиком или расписанием The train arrives at 6 o’clock. — Поезд прибывает в 6 часов. • вместо Future Simple в придаточных предложениях времени и условия Ги phone him if 1 hare time. — Я позвоню ему, если у меня будет время. Grammar Reference 239 Образование Present Simple Tense Present Simple Tense образуется c помощью I формы глагола: They play football every day.— Они играют в футбол каждый день. Спряжение глаголов в Present Simple Tense I meet we you meet you V meet he / she / it meets they I do we you do you >■ do he / she / it does they . Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП = Подлежащее + глагол + второстепенные члены предложения You drink milk every morning. Mike drinks milk every morning. • Отрицательное предложение (ОП) Для образования отрицательных предложений используется вспомогательный глагол do, который имеет форму does в 3 лице ед. ч., и отрицательная частица not. Обратите внимание: do not = don’t, does not = doesn’t on = Подлежащее + don’t (doesn’t) + глагол в I форме You don’t drink tea every morning. Mike doesn’t drink tea every morning. • Общий вопрос (OB) Для образования вопросительных предложений используется вспомогательный глагол do, который имеет форму does в 3 лице ед. ч. ОВ = Do / Does + подлежащее + глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения Do you drink milk every morning? — Yes, I do. Does Mike drink milk every morning? — Yes, he does. Альтернативный вопрос Представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом ог (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается. Does Mike drink milk or (does Mike drink) tea every morning? Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) В вопросе к подлежащему основной глагол всегда употребляется в 3 лице ед. ч. ВП = Who / What + глагол в 3 лице ед. ч. + второстепенные члены предложения Who drinks milk every morning? — You do. 240 Grammar Reference • Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ What do you drink every morning? What does Mike do? • Разделительный вопрос Ann and Liz work in a bank, don’t they? - Энн и Лиз работают в банке, не так ли? Yes, they do. — Да, работают. Ann and Liz don’t work in a bank, do they? — Энн и Лиз не работают в банке, не так ли? Yes, they do. — Нет, работают. Чтение окончания -s в английских глаголах Окончание -s в английских глаголах читается как [z] после гласных и звонких согласных: read — reads; play — plays; live — lives. Окончание -s читается как [s] после глухих согласных: work — works. К глаголам, которые оканчиваются на s, ss, sh, ch, x, добавляется окончание -es, которое читается как [iz]: teach — teaches, wash — washes, press — presses, fix — fixes. К глаголам, которые оканчиваются на о, добавляется окончание -es, которое читается как [z]: goes [gauz], does [dxz]. Если глагол оканчивается на букву у, которая стоит после согласной, то к глаголу добавляется окончание -es, а у меняется на i: fly — flies. Глагол to be в Present Simple Tense (Настоящее простое время) Глагол to be {быть, находиться, являться) в Present Simple Tense имеет формы: am, is, are. Я ученик. — 1 am а pupil. Он в школе. — Не is at school. Они мои друзья. — They are ту friends. Спряжение глагола to be в Present Simple Единственное число Множественное число I am (I’m) we are (we’re) you are (you’re) you are (you’re) he / she / it is (he’s, she’s, it’s) they are (they’re) Утвердительное предложение: They are at home. — Они дома. Отрицательное предложение: They are not in the shop. — Они не в магазине. Общий вопрос: Are they in the shop? — Они в магазине? No, they are not. Специальный вопрос: Where are they? — Где они? Вопрос к подлежащему В вопросе к подлежащему глагол to be всегда употребляется в 3 лице ед. ч. (is). Who is at home? — Кто дома? They are. — Они. Grammar Reference 241 • Разделительный вопрос Тот is from London, isn’t he? — Том из Лондона, не так ли? Yes, he is. — Да, он из Лондона. Глагол сап (уметь, мочь) в Present Simple Tense Глагол can имеет одну неизменяемую форму для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа. Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений • Утвердительное предложение: / сап help. — Я могу помочь. Отрицательное предложение После глагола сап ставится отрицательная частица not — cannot = can’t: Не can’t help. — Он не может помочь. • Общий вопрос На первое место ставится глагол сап: сап + подлежащее + глагол: Сап he help Robin? — Он может помочь Робину? Yes, he can. /No, he can’t. « Альтернативный вопрос: Can Misha or (can) Cute help Robin? — Misha can. « Вопрос к подлежащему: Who can help Robin? — Кто может помочь Робину? Misha can. » Специальный вопрос: What can Misha do? — Что может сделать Миша? Не сап help Robin. » Разделительный вопрос: Misha сап help Robin, can’t he? — Миша может помочь Робину, не так ли? Yes, he can. — Да, может. Глагол must (должен) в Present Simple Tense Глагол must имеет одну неизменяемую форму для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа. Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений • Утвердительное предложение: I must go. — Я должен идти. • Отрицательное предложение После глагола must ставится отрицательная частица not — must not = mustn’t: You mustn’t open the window. — Нельзя открывать окно. » Общий вопрос На первое место ставится глагол must: must + подлежащее + глагол: Must he help Robin? — Он должен помочь Робину? Yes, he must. /No, he mustn’t. “ Альтернативный вопрос: Must he help Robin or (must he help) Cute? ■ Вопрос к подлежащему: Who must help Robin? • Разделительный вопрос: He mustn’t help Robin, must he? — Yes, he must. Hem, должен. 242 Grammar Reference The Past Simple Tense (Прошедшее простое время) Употребление Past Simple Tense Past Simple употребляется для выражения: • действий, которые происходили в прошлом обычно, часто, всегда Не usually came home late. — Он обычно приходил домой поздно. • единичных действий, которые происходили в прошлом We saw an interesting film last week. — Мы смотрели интересный фильм на прошлой неделе. • последовательных действий, которые происходили в прошлом I bought two tickets, met ту friend and we went to the theatre. — Я купил два билета, встретился с другом, и мы пошли в театр. Образование Past Simple Tense Past Simple образуется с помощью прибавления окончания -ed к правильным глаголам (work — worked) или II формы неправильных глаголов (go — went). Таблицу неправильных глаголов можно найти в конце каждого учебника. Глаголы в Past Simple имеют одну и ту же форму во всех лицах. Спряжение глаголов в Past Simple Tense I ^ you he / she / it i watched we met you they j Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП = Подлежащее + глагол во II форме + второстепенные члены Misha saw ту friend last month. — Миша видел моего друга в прошлом месяце. Отрицательное предложение (ОП) Для образования отрицательных и вопросительных предложений используется вспомогательный глагол did и отрицательная частица not. ОП = Подлежащее + did not + глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены Misha did not see ту friend last week. — Миша не видел моего друга в прошлом месяце. Обратите внимание! did not = didn’t Общий вопрос (ОВ) Для образования вопросительных предложений используется вспомогательный глагол did. Grammar Reference 243 OB = Did + подлежащее + глагол в 1 форме + второстепенные члены Did Misha see ту friend last month? — Yes, he did. Альтернативный вопрос Did Misha see my friend last month or (did Misha see my friend) last week? Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВП = Who + глагол во II форме + второстепенные члены Who saw ту friend last month? — Misha did. • Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ When did Misha see ту friend? Whose friend did Misha see? Разделительный вопрос Misha didn’t see my friend last month, did he? — Миша не видел моего друга в прошлом месяце? Yes, he did. — Нет, видел. Чтение и правописание окончания -ed в английских глаголах После гласных и звонких согласных окончание -ed читается как [d]: play — played. После глухих согласных окончание -ed читается как [t]: work — worked. Если слово оканчивается на t или d, окончание -ed читается как [id]: want — wanted. Если глагол оканчивается на букву е, то при добавлении -ed буква е отбрасывается: love — loved, dance — danced. Если глагол оканчивается на букву у, а перед ней стоит согласная, то при добавлении -ed буква у меняется на i: study — studied. Если глагол оканчивается на согласную, которой предшествует ударная гласная в закрытом слоге, то такая согласная удваивается: stop — stopped. Глагол to be в Past Simple Tense Спряжение глагола to be в Past Simple Tense I we 1 you > was you > were he / she / it they J Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений • Утвердительное предложение: They were at home. — Они были дома. Отрицательное предложение Для образования отрицательных предложений после глаголов was и were ставится отрицательная частица not. 244 Grammar Reference They were not in the park. — Они не были в парке. Обратите внимание! was not = wasn’t, were not = weren’t Общий вопрос Для образования вопросительных предложений глаголы was и were ставятся на первое место. Were they in the park? — No, they weren’t. Альтернативный вопрос: Were they at home or (were they) in the park? — They were at home. Специальный вопрос: Where were they? — They were at home. Вопрос к подлежащему: Who was at home? — They were. Разделительный вопрос: They were at home, weren’t they? — Yes, they were. Глагол can в Past Simple Tense Глагол can в Past Simple имеет одну неизменяемую форму could (мог /могла) для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа. • Утвердительное предложение: Не could read when he was five. — Он мог читать, когда ему было 5 лет. • Отрицательное предложение: She couldn’t read when she was five. Обратите внимание! could not = couldn’t • Общий вопрос: Could he swim when he was five? — No, he couldn’t. • Специальный вопрос: What could he do when he was five? • Вопрос к подлежащему: Who could read? — Кто мог читать? He could. • Разделительный вопрос: He could read when he was five, couldn’t he? — Yes, he could. Глагол must в Past Simple Tense Глагол must (должен) в Past Simple формы не имеет и заменяется глаголом had to (должен был, пришлось). • Утвердительное предложение: I had to do ту homework. — Я должен был (мне пришлось) сделать домашнюю работу. • Отрицательное предложение Для образования отрицательных и вопросительных предложений глаголу had to требуется вспомогательный глагол did. Не didn’t have to write her a letter. — Ему не пришлось писать ей письмо. • Общий вопрос: Did she have to help him? — Yes, she did. Ей пришлось помочь ему? - Да. • Специальный вопрос: Why did they have to go to England? - Почему им пришлось поехать в Англию? • Вопрос к подлежащему: Who had to meet him? — He did. • Разделительный вопрос: You had to help him, didn’t you? — Yes, I did. Grammar Reference 245 The Present Progressive Tense (Настоящее длящееся время) Употребление Present Progressive Tense Present Progressive употребляется для выражения действий, которые происходят: • в точно указанный момент в настоящем She is reading the book now. — Она читает книгу сейчас. • в более длительный период в настоящем They are moving to a new flat. — Они переезжают на новую квартиру. • для выражения запланированных действий, которые произойдут в будущем I am leaving tomorrow. — Я уезжаю завтра. Present Progressive не употребляется со следующими глаголами: to love — любить to see — видеть to remember — помнить to know — знать to like — нравиться to hear — слышать to need — нуждаться to want — хотеть to forget — забывать to think — (в значении) полагать to be — быть, находиться to believe — верить to hate — ненавидеть to understand — понимать Образование Present Progressive Tense Present Progressive образуется c помощью вспомогательных глаголов am / is / are + глагол в I форме -н окончание -ing. Спряжение глаголов в Present Progressive Tense I you am ' are / working we 1 he is you > are working she it is is ^ they J Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений • Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП = Подлежащее -г am / is / are -i- глагол + -ing -г второстепенные члены предложения Не is speaking to Jane now. — Он разговаривает с Джейн сейчас. » Отрицательное предложение (ОП) ОП = Подлежащее + am / is / are -г not -i- глагол -г -ing + второстепенные члены предложения Не is not speaking to Sabby now. 246 Grammar Reference Общий вопрос (ОВ) ОВ = Ат / Is / Are + подлежащее + глагол члены предложения -ing + второстепенные I h he speaking to Jane now? — Yes, he is. Альтернативный вопрос Представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или) иоычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается. Is he speaking to Jane or (is he speaking) to Sabby now? Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВП = Who / What предложения + is + глагол + -ing -I- второстепенные члены Who is speaking to Jane now? Специальный вопрос (СВ) He is. CB = Вопросительное слово -н OB What is he doing? Why is he speaking to Jane? Разделительный вопрос He is speaking to Jane now, isn’t he? — Yes, he is. Правописание окончания -ing Если глагол оканчивается на -е, то при прибавлении окончания -ing буква е отбрасывается: take — taking, give — giving. Конечная согласная удваивается, если ей предшествует ударная гласная, стоящая В закрытом слоге: cut — cutting, begin — beginning. Буквосочетание ie меняется на у: die — dying. The Future Simple Tense (Будущее простое время) Употребление Future Simple Future Simple употребляется для выражения действий: которые произойдут в будущем. Эти действия могут быть как однократными так и повторяющимися. ’ You worked hard last year. I hope you will pass the exam. ~ Ты упорно работал в прошлом году. Я надеюсь, ты сдашь экзамен. We’ll see each other twice a week next month. - Мы будем видеться два раза в неделю в следуюш,ем месяце. ’ когда решение о будущем действии было принято в момент речи и не было запланированным. It’s raining. I’ll take ту umbrella. - Идет дождь. Я возьму зонт. Grammar Reference 247 Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Future Simple образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола will + глагол в I форме. Спряжение глаголов во Future Simple Спряжение глагола to be во Future Simple I will (’ll) 1 I will (’ll) 1 you will (’ll) > see you will (’ll) > be he / she / it will (’ll) J he / she / it will (’ll) J we will (’ll) 1 we will (’ll) 1 you will Cll) f see ■ you will Cll) > be they will (’ll) J they will Cll) J • Утвердительное предложение: Не will write а letter next week. • Отрицательное предложение: Не will not write a letter tomorrow. Обратите внимание! will not = won’t. • Общий вопрос: Will he write a letter next week? — Yes, he will. • Альтернативный вопрос: Will he write a letter tomorrow or (will he write a letter) next week? • Вопрос к подлежащему: Who will write a letter next week? — He will. • Специальный вопрос: When will he write a letter? • Разделительный вопрос: He will not write a letter tomorrow, will he? — No, he won’t. в сокращенной форме глагол will (’ll) может употребляться только в утвердительных предложениях. В вопросительных предложениях используется полная форма — will. Отсутствие будущего времени в условных придаточных предложениях В английских придаточных предложениях условия вместо будущего времени (Future Simple) употребляется настоящее время (Present Simple). We will go to the theatre if my friend phones me. — Мы пойдем в театр, если мой друг позвонит мне. 248 Grammar Reference Vocabulary noun (n) — существительное verb (v) — глагол adjective (adj) — прилагательное pronoun (pron) — местоимение conjunction (conj) — союз adverb (adv) — наречие prefix (pref) — приставка suffix (sujf) — суффикс preposition (prep) — предлог a bit [bit] adv — немного act out [,aekt 'aut] v — разыгрывать (диалог) activity [ffik'tiviti] n — деятельность, занятие add [sed] v — добавлять Africa ['asfrika] — Африка admire [sd'mais] v — восхищаться advert (сокр. от advertisement) n — объявление afraid [s'freid] adj — испуганный be afraid — испугаться agency ['екфэпз!] n — агентство airline ['eslain] n — авиалиния alive [s'laiv] adj — живой be alive — быть живым all [o:l] adv — все all [э:1] adj — весь, целый Alps [telps] — Альпы alternative [oil'tainativ] adj — альтернативный Amazon ['aemazon] — Амазонка (река) ambitious [tembijas] adj — честолюбивый American [э'тепкэп] 1. и — американец, 2, adj — американский Angara [,а:пдэ'га:] — Ангара (река) Anno Domini [,эгпэи 'dnminai] — наша эра Antarctic [asn'ta;ktik] — Антарктика anywhere ['eniweaj adv — где-нибудь, куда-нибудь appear [э'ргэ] v — появляться application form [.sepli'keijn fo;m] n — бланк заявления apply [a'plai] v — обращаться c просьбой appropriate [a'praupriat] adj — соответ-ствуюгций, подходящий aquarium [s'kwesriam] n — аквариум archer ['adjs] n — лучник argument ['aigjwmsnt] n — аргумент, довод Armoury Chamber [,а:тэп 'tfeimbs] — Оружейная палата arts [a;ts] — гуманитарные предметы Asia ['ei33] — Азия asthma ['sesms] n — астма Atlantic Ocean [at'lasntik ,sujn] — Атлантический океан atmosphere ['Eetmssfis] n — атмосфера attach [s'tastj] v — прилагать attack [a'task] 1. и — нападение, 2. и — атаковать author ['о:0э] п — автор average ['aevsricfe] adj — средний away [sVei] 1. adv — далеко, 2. adj — далекий axe [eeks] n — топор backpack [Ъзекргек] n — рюкзак Baikal [bai'ka:!] — Байкал balloon [Ьэ'1и:п] n — воздушный шар Baltic Sea ['bodtik 'si:] — Балтийское море be asleep [bi: a'slrp] v — спать bear [Ьеэ] n — медведь beaten ['bi:tn] (III ф. от beat) v — побил beetroot ['bi:tru:t] n — свекла Beijing [.bei'djip] — Пекин Belgium ['beldam] — Бельгия bell [bel] n — звонок, колокол belong [bi'lnp] V — принадлежать below [bi'lau] 1. prep — под, 2. adv — внизу Berlin [Ьз:'1т] — Берлин berry ['beri] n — ягода billion ['biljan] n — миллиард bite [bait] v — кусать blazer ['bleiza] n — форменный пиджак bleed [bli:d] V — кровоточить block [blnk] V — блокировать blues [blu:z] n — блюз board ['bo:d] и — доска (классная) boarding school ['bo:dir) ,sku:l] — школа-интернат Vocabulary 249 bodyguard [‘bodigaid] n — телохранитель bore [bo:] n — скука born [bo;n] adj — рожденный borsch [bo:J] n — борщ bossy ['bosi] adj — властный both [Ьэи0] pron — оба bottom ['botam] n — основание break [breik] n — перерыв breathe [bri:5] v — дышать bridge [bricfe] n — мост bright [braTt] adj — яркий brilliant [briljant] adj — превосходный bring in the harvest — собирать урожай broke [Ьгэок] (II ф. от break) v — сломался bully ['bull] V — задирать, изводить burn [Ьз:п] V — гореть, сжигать burnt [Ьз:п1] (III ф. от burn) 1. к — сжег, 2. adj — сожженный bnry [beri] V — хоронить butterfly ['bAtaflai] п — бабочка camper ['каетрэ] п — турист campfire ['kcempfaia] п — походный костер camping ['каетрщ] п — кемпинг campsite ['keempsait] п — место походной стоянки cannon ['кжпэп] п — пушка саге [кеэ] п — забота, осторожность cart [ka:t] п — телега carry ['kaeri] v — нести case [keis] n — случай, задание Caspian Sea ['ksespian 'si:] — Каспийское море cassette recorder [ks'set n,ko:da] — магнитофон catastrophe [ka'taestrsfi] n — катастрофа Caucasus ['ko:kss3s] — Кавказ cauldron ['koildrsii] n — котелок Celtic ['keltik] adj — кельтский challenge ['tjaslmc^] n — вызов champion ['tj^mpisn] n — чемпион charity ['tfaeriti] n — милосердие chart [tja;t] n — таблица, схема chase [tjeis] v — преследовать cheap [tfiip] adj — дешевый cheeky ['tfrki] adj — развязный cheerleaders ['tfi3,li:d3z] — группа поддержки Chelsea ['tjelsi] — Челси (футбольный клуб) chemicals ['kemiklz] n — химикалии chemist ['kemrst] n — химик Chemistry ['kemistri] — химия chew [tju;] v — жевать China ['tjaina] — Китай Chinese [,tfai'ni:z] 1. и — китаец, 2. adj — китайский choir ['kwais] n — xop chnrch [tj3:tjl n — церковь civilised ['sivslaizd] adj — цивилизованный classical ['klaesikl] adj — классический clear [klia] adj — ясный client ['klaisnt] n — клиент climate ['klaimst] n — климат climb down / up [,klaim 'daun / лр] v — спускаться / взбираться club [kUb] n — клуб coach [kautf] n — тренер coast [kaust] n — побережье cockerel ['кпкэгэ!] n — петушок collect [ks'lekt] v — собирать colourful ['кл1эГэ1] adj — красочный combination [|kDmbi'neiJn] n — сочетание commentary ['komantari] n — комментарий committee [ka'miti] n — комитет comparative [kam'psrativ] adj — сравнительный compare [kam'pea] v — сравнивать compete [kam'pi:t] v — соревноваться competition [iknmpi'tijn] n — соревнование comprehensive [,kt)mpri'hensiv] adj — общеобразовательный compulsory [kam'pAlsari] adj — обязательный congratulation [kan,gr$tju'leijn] n — поздравление conjunction [кэп'фАцк/п] n — союз connection [ka'nekjn] n — связь contact ['knntffikt] v — связываться container [kan'tema] n — контейнер continent ['knntmant] n — континент contraction [kan'treekjn] n — сокращение conversation [,ktmva'seijn] n — разговор corridor ['korido:] n — коридор Corsica ['ko:sika] — Корсика county ['kaunti] n — графство conrage ['клгкф] n — храбрость cover ['клуэ] 1. и — обложка, 2. v — покрывать cream [kri:m] n — крем Crimea [krai'mrs] — Крым 250 Vocabulary cross [kros] n — крест crossword ['krosw3:d] n — кроссворд crowd [kraud] n — толпа crown [kraun] n — корона Cuba ['kju:bs] — Куба danger ['бетфэ] n — опасность death [de0] n — смерть decide [di'said] v — решать decision [di'sisn] n — решение deep [di:p] adj — глубокий defender [di'fenda] n — защитник deliver [di'lrva] v — доставлять Denmark ['denmaik] — Дания detail ['di:teil] n — деталь detention [drtenjh] v — оставление после уроков dial [daisl] v — звонить no телефону direct [direkt] adj — прямой director [direkts] n — директор disappear [.diss'pis] v — исчезать disco ['diskou] n — дискотека disgusting [dis'gAstip] adj — отвратительный dish [dij] n — блюдо dislike [dis'laik] v — не любить dive [darv] v — нырять, бросаться к мячу divorced [divo:st] adj — разведенный dodge [dndj] v — обводить (игрока) Don [do:n] — Дон (река) drank [drsspk] (II ф. от drink) v — пил draw [dro:] n — ничья to end in a draw — закончиться вничью drop [drop] n — капля drove [drouv] (II ф. от drive) и — ехал на машине, гнал dug [йлд] (II ф. от dig) v — выкопал Dutch [dAtf] — голландский язык duty ['djuiti] п — обязанность dynamite ['damamait] п — динамит earn [з:п] v — зарабатывать ecological [,i:k3'lDcfeikl] adj — экологический educate ['edjukeit] v — обучать elbow ['elbsu] n — локоть Elbrus [el'bru:s] — Эльбрус electric [ilektrik] adj — электрический electricity [i,lek'tnsiti] n — электричество embassy ['embasi] n — посольство enemy ['enami] n — враг Enisey [Jeni'sei] — Енисей (река) entertainment team [,enta'teinmant — команда, развлекающая отдыхающих enthusiasm [in'0ju:zi,asz3m] n — энтузиазм environment [inVairanmant] n —окружающая среда equal ['i:kwsl] adj — равный essay ['esei] n — очерк, эссе Essex ['esiks] — Эссекс (графство) Eton [i:tn] — Итон eve [i:v] n — канун even [i:vn] adv — даже event [I'vent] n — случай ever ['eva] adv — когда-либо Everest ['evarast] — Эверест examine [ig'zsemm] v — исследовать excellent ['eksalant] adj — превосходный exception [ik'sepjn] n — исключение exciting [ik'saitip] adj — впечатляющий, интересный expedition [,ekspi'dijn] n — экспедиция explorer [ik'splaira] n — путешественник no неисследованным местам family name n — фамилия fantastic [fasn'tffistik] adj — превосходный, блестящий fast [fa:st] 1. adj — быстрый, 2. adv — быстро fault [fo:lt] n — ошибка feeling [Ti:lip] n — чувство feet [fi:t] n — ступни female [Trmeil] n — лицо женского пола ferry [Teri] n — паром file [fail] n — файл final [faml] n — финал fine [fain] n — штраф Finland [Tinland] — Финляндия fisherman ['fijaman] n — рыбак fishy [Tifi] adj — подозрительный fit [fit] adj — пригодный flag [flffig] n — флаг flow [flao] n — поток flower ['flaua] n — цветок flown [flaun] (III ф. от fly) V — летал Vocabulary 251 folk [fauk] n — люди, народ follow [Тг)1эи] к — следовать follower [Тн1эиэ] п — последователь fool [fu:l] V — одурачить foreign ['form] ad] — иностранный fork [fo:k] n — вилка formula ['fo:mjulg] n — формула forward [Toiwad] n — форвард, нападающий, 2. adv — вперед founder [Taondg] n — основатель fountain [fauntm] n — фонтан freedom ['friidsm] n — свобода freeze [fri:z] v — замерзать fresh [frej] adj — свежий friendship ['frendjip] n — дружба fur [fa:] n — мех [g> galaxy ['gasbksi] n — галактика gallery ['gEebri] n — галерея gate [geit] n — ворота generous [‘фепэгэа] adj — щедрый Germany ['cfeaimani] — Германия ghost [gsust] n — привидение giraffe [d53'ra:f] n — жираф graduate ['дгэгфи,еН] v — закончить вуз ground [graund] n — земля, основание grow [дгэо] V — расти н Harvard ['haivsd] — Гарвард harvest ['ha:vist] n — урожай Hastings ['heistipz] — Гастингс hat [hast] n — шляпа heading ['hedip] n — заголовок heavy ['hevi] adj — тяжелый Hermitage ['haimitidj] — Эрмитаж hero ['hisrso] n — герой hide-and-seek [,haid and 'si:k] n — прятки Himalayas [,him3'leigz] — Гималаи hit [hit] V — ударять holiday ['hohdei] n — праздник, каникулы be on holiday — быть на каникулах, в отпуске hope [haup] 1. и — надежда, 2. и — надеяться horizon [ha'raizn] п — горизонт horror [Ъигэ] п — ужас horse [ho:s] п — лошадь hungry [Ълрдп] adj — голодный hurry [Ълп] V — спешить hurt [h3:t] V — причинять боль 1 illuminate [i'lu:mi,neit] v — освещать illustrate ['ib,streit] v — иллюстрировать imagine [I'mascfem] v — воображать in general [m 'фепзгэ!] adv — вообще indeed [in'di:d] adv — действительно Indian ['Indian] 1. и — индиец, индеец, 2. adj — индийский, индейский Indian Ocean ['indian] — Индийский океан inform [in'faim] v — информировать inscription [m'skripjn] n — надпись instruct [in'strAkt] V — инструктировать intelligent [in'telidjant] adj — умный interrupt [.inta'rApt] v — прерывать interview ['mtavju:] n — интервью Iran [i'ra:n] — Иран irregular [I'regyub] adj — неправильный Istanbul [|ist£en'bu:l] — Стамбул Italian [I'tEelian] 1. n — итальянец, 2. adj — итальянский Italy ['itali] — Италия d Japan [фэ'раеп] — Япония Japanese [.cfeaspa'niiz] 1. n — японец, 2. adj — японский join [фот] V — соединять, присоединять joy [djoi] n — радость Julius Caesar [,фи:Иэ8 'si:za] — Юлий Цезарь jumbo jet ['фАшЬэо ,cfeet] n — аэробус jump [фАшр] l.n — прыжок, 2. к — прыгать Jupiter ['фи:рйэ] — Юпитер just [фА81] adv — только что К kebab [ki'beeb] п — шашлык keep [ki:p] v — держать kettle [ketl] n — чайник kidnap ['kidneep] v — похищать людей kidnapper [kid'neepa] n — похититель knife [naif] n — нож Kolskiy ['knlski] — Кольский п-ов Kremlin ['kremlin] — Кремль Kunstkammer [,kunst'kasma] — кунсткамера 252 Vocabulary lap [Isep] n — колени in smb’s lap — на коленях у кого-либо Latin ['Iffitm] — латинский laugh [la:f] 1. n — смех, 2. V — смеяться lazy ['leizi] adj — ленивый leaf [li:f| n — лист learnt [l3:nt] (III ф. от learn) v — узнал least [li:st] (превосх. ст. от little) — меньше всего Lena ['lens] — Лена (река) length [1ец0] п — длина legion ['Н:с15эп] п — легион less [les] (сравн. ст. от little) — меньше liberty ['libsti] п — свобода litter ['1йэ] п ~ мусор lord [lo:d] и — лорд lose [lu:z] v — проигрывать, терять luck [1лк] п — удача м Macedonia [.niEesi'daunia] — Македония Madagascar [,m£ed3'gsslo] — Мадагаскар madam ['masdam] n — мадам Madrid [ms'drid] — Мадрид mail [meil] n — почта maker ['meiks] n — изготовитель male [meil] n — лицо мужского пола manner ['тшпэ] n — манера manuscript ['msenjuskript] n — рукопись Mariinsky [,mffiri'inski] — Мариинский (театр) marital ['masritl] adj — брачный marry ['masri] v — жениться Mars [ma:z] — Mapc material [ms'trarisi] n — материал mathematician [,m®0im3'tijn] n — математик mattress ['maetrss] n — матрас maximum ['maeksimam] n — максимум measurement ['теззтзп!] n — измерение Mediterranean Sea [,medit3'remi3n 'si:] — Средиземное море merciless ['m3:sil3s] adj — беспощадный Mercury ['maikjuri] — Меркурий mercy ['m3:si] n — милосердие Microsoft f'maikr3u,snft] — Майкрософт middle ['midl] n ■— середина million ['miljan] n — миллион mine [mam] pron — мой miss [mis] v — пропускать, промахнуться, скучать missionary ['mijnsri] n — миссионер Mississippi [.misi'sipi] — Миссисипи (река) modest ['modist] adj — скромный monastery ['mnnsstri] n — монастырь more [mo:] (сравн, ст. от many / much) — больше mosquito [ma'skrtso] n — комар most [msust] (превосх. ст. от many/much) — больше всего multimillionaire [,тлк1,т11)э'пеэ] n — мультимиллионер N napkin ['niepkin] n — салфетка nasty ['na:sti] adj — злобный national ['neejnal] adj — национальный natural ['metjorl] adj — естественный naval [neivl] adj — морской negative ['negativ] adj — отрицательный nervous ['n3:v3s] adj — нервный news [nju:z] n — новость, новости nil [ml] n — ноль Nile [nail] — Нил (река) Nobel Prize [пзи,Ье1 'praiz] — Нобелевская премия noise [noiz] n — шум north [по:0] n — север Norwegian [no:'wi:d5n] — норвежец noun [naun] n — существительное nun [плп] n — монахиня О oak [эик] n — дуб . Ob [эиЬ] — Обь (река) ocean ['эи/п] п — океан officer ['nfiss] п — офицер official [s'fijl] п — чиновник, 2. ad( — официальный Ока [з'ка:] — Ока (река) Ontario [nn'teri3u] — Онтарио (озеро) opera ['прзгэ] п — опера operator ['прэ.гейз] п — оператор opinion [э'рт)эп] п — мнение opposite ['np3zit] п — антоним optional subject ['пр/пз1 'sAbdjikt] п ~ предмет по выбору ordinary ['о:бпэг1] adj — обычный other ['л5э] adj — другой oxygen ['пкзпфзп] п — кислород Vocabulary 253 Pacific Ocean [ps'sifik] — Тихий океан pack [раек] v — укладывать, упаковывать paella [pai'eb] n — паэлья (блюдо из морепродуктов) paper ['рефэ] п — бумага parachute ]'pffir3,Ju;t] п — парашют Paris ['paeris] — Париж pay [pel] 1. и — плата, 2. v — платить peace [pi:s] п — мир peaceful ['piisfsl] adj — мирный peninsula [pi'nmsjuls] n — полуостров penknife ['pen,naif] n — перочинный нож period ['pisrisd] n — период permanent ['рз:тэпэп1[ adj — постоянный Peterhof ['pi:t3,ho:f] — Петергоф photograph ['f3ut3,gra:f| l.n — фотография, 2. V — фотографировать physical [Tizikl] adj — физический physicist [Tizisist] n — физик pick [pik] V — собирать place name ['pleis ,neim[ n — географическое название planet ['ptenit] n — планета plant [plaint] n — растение plaster ['plaists] n — пластырь plastic ['plaestik] adj — пластмассовый poisonous ['poizanas] adj — ядовитый Pole [рэи1] — полюс pollute [ps'luit] V — загрязнять pony ['psuni] n — пони pool [pull] n — бильярд positive [’pnzitiv] adj — положительный possession [ps'zajn] n — владение postcard [’paustkaid] n — открытка prefix ['priifiks] n — приставка present [pri'zent] v — представлять (кому-то что-то) presentation [,prez3n'teijh] n — представление кого-либо / чего-либо (презентация) prevent [pri'vent] v — предотвращать price [prais] n — цена priest [priist] n — священник prime minister [,praim 'minists] — премьер-министр prize [praiz] n — приз programme ['ргэидгжт] n — программа pronounce [pra'nauns] v — произносить protect [prg'tekt] v — защищать prove [pruiv] V — доказывать pull [pul] V — тащить, тянуть punishment ['pAniJmsnt] и — наказание quality ['kwnbti] n — качество quick [kwik] adj — быстрый quiet ['kwaist] adj — тихий race [reis] n — гонка radio ['reidiau] n — радио realistic [ria'listik] adj — реалистичный reason ['riizn] n — причина receive [n'siiv] v — получать recent ['riisnt] adj — недавний recycle [rii'saikl] v — перерабатывать referee [,ref3'rii] n — рефери (судья) refrain [ri'frein] n — припев region ['riicfen] n — область regular ['regjuls] adj — правильный reload [.rii'lsud] v — перезагрузить remake [rii'meik] n — переснятый фильм reporter [п'рэДз] n — репортер resident ['rezidsnt] n — резидент respect [ri'spekt] v — уважать restart [rii'stait] v — начать заново restaurant ['restsront] n — ресторан result [ri'zAlt] n — результат reuse [rii'juiz] v — повторно использовать revolt [n'vsult] n — восстание rewrite [rii'rait] v — переписывать riddle ['ridl] n — загадка rider ['raids] n — наездник Rohin Hood [,rr)bm 'hud] — Робин 1уд Roman ['гэитэп] — римлянин Roquefort ['rnkfoi] — рокфор (сыр) route [nut] n — маршрут rude [ruid] adj — грубый rugby ['глдЫ] n — регби ruin ['ruiin] n — развалина safety ['seifti] n — безопасность Sahara [,s3'hair3] — Сахара Sakhalin [,s£ek3'liin] — Сахалин sang [s®p] (II ф. от sing) v — пел 254 Vocabulary sat [sffit] (II ф. от sit) V — сидел satisfactory [,s®tis'fekt3ri] adj — удовлетворительный sauce [so:s] n — coyc scholarship ['skulajip] n — стипендия score [sko:] n — счет search [S3:tj] n — поиск Seattle [st'^tl] — Сиэтл section ['sekjn] n — зд. раздел select [si'lekt] и — выбирать selfish ['selfij] adj — эгоистичный separated ['sep3,reitid] adj — разлученный serious ['sisriss] adj — серьезный set [set] n — набор sex [seks] n — пол (муж. / жен.) shame [feim] n — позор share [fea] v — делиться чем-либо shark [fa:k] n — акула shield [fi-ld] n — щит ship [ftp] n — корабль shone [fmi] (II ф. от shine) и — сверкал shore [fo:j n — берег should [fud] V — следует shoulder ['Jaulda] n — плечо shout [faut] 1. и — крик, 2. v — кричать shower [Хаиэ] n — душ, ливень shy [fat] adj — застенчивый, робкий Siberia [,sai'bina] — Сибирь sick [sik] adj — больной sigh [sat] 1. и — вздох, 2. v — вздыхать sign [sain] V — подписывать silent ['saibnt] adj — молчаливый be silent — молчать single [sipgl] adj — не женат / не замужем skating ['skeitii)] n — катание на коньках slave [slerv] n — раб sledge [sledj] n — сани slingshot ['slip IJnt] n — праща slip [slip] V — поскользнуться slow [sbu] adj — медленный snack [snask] n — закуска snake [sneik] n — змея snore [sno:] v — храпеть snowboarding ['snau,bo:dip] n — катание на сноуборде snowdrift ['sn3U|dnft] n — сугроб soft [soft] adj — мягкий software ['sDft,we3] n — программное обеспечение solar ['ssuls] adj — солнечный somehow ['sAmhau] adv — так или иначе someone ['sAmwAn] pron — кто-то sort [so:t] n — вид sound [saond] n — звук soup bowl ['su:p |Ьэо1] n — миска source [so:s] n — исток south [sau9] n — юг spaceship ['speis ,Jip] n — космический корабль Spanish ['spffinij] — испанский spare [spea] adj — свободный, запасной speech [spi;t[] n — речь speed [spl;d] n — скорость spend [spend] v — проводить, тратить spent [spent] (II, III ф. от spend) к — проводил spray [sprei] v — брызгать St Petersburg [sant 'pi:tazb3:g] — Санкт-Петербург St Basil’s Cathedral [snt .baszlz ka'0idral] — храм Василия Блаженного stamp (staernp] n — марка starve [sta:v] v — голодать state [steit] n — государство statement ['steitmant] n — утверждение status ['steitas] n — положение stay [stei] V — останавливаться, оставаться stew [stju;] n — жаркое stole [staul] (II ф, от steal) v — украл stove [stauv] n — печка strength [strepG] n — сила style [stall] n — стиль substitute ['sAbstitjuit] v — заменять successful [sak'sesfl] adj — успешный Sudan [su:'d®n] —- Судан suffix ['sAfiks] n — суффикс suit [suit] 1. n ~ костюм 2. V — подходить, устраивать sung [sAp] (III ф. от sing) V — спел suntan ['sAn,t£en] n — загар superlative [sui'paibtiv] adj — превосходный (степень) supplementary [,SApli'ment3ri] adj — дополнительный survive [sa'vaiv] v — выживать sushi ['suiji] n — суши (рыбное блюдо) swam [sweem] (II ф. от swim) к — плавал swap [swnp] V — обмениваться swimming trunks [trApks] n — плавки swum [swAm] (III ф. от swim) v — проплыл synonym ['smsnim] n — синоним system ['sistsm] n — система Vocabulary 255 taperecorder ['teipri,kD:ds] n — магнитофон taxi ['tffiksi] n — такси team points 'points] n — командные очки tear [tio] n — слеза terrible ['tenbl] adj — ужасный territory ['tentori] n — территория thanks to [0ffipks] — благодаря thousand ['Gauzond] n — тысяча thrown [Groun] (III ф. от throw) v — выбросил tidy ['taidi] adj — опрятный tie [tai] n — галстук “Titanic” [tai'tenik] — “Титаник” Tokyo ['toukiou] — Токио torch [to:t(] n — фонарик towards [to'woidz] prep — no направлению к toxin ['tnksin] n — отравляющее вещество tragedy ['trstfeodij n — трагедия transit ['trsensit] n — проездом translator [traens'leita] n — переводчик transport ['trasnspoit] n — транспорт trap [traep] n — западня treasure ['1гезэ] n — сокровище trouble ['1глЫ] n — неприятность try [trai] V — пробовать tsar [za:] n — царь Turkish ['t3:kij] — турецкий turn on ['t3:n'nn] v — включать turn off ['t3;n'nf| к — выключать и unfair [лп'Геэ] adj — несправедливый unfriendly [An'frendU] adj — недружелюбный uniform ['ju:ni|fo:m] n — одежда universe ['ju:nrv3;s] n — вселенная unlock [лп'1г)к] V — отпирать unlucky [лп'1лк1] adj — неудачный unsafe [An'seif] adj — опасный unusual [лп')и:зпэ1] adj — необычный United States of America (USA) |ju:'naitid 'steits эи э'тепкэ] — Соединенные Штаты Америки (США) usual [‘ju:3ual] adj — обычный Vatican ['veetikan] — Ватикан Venus ['vi:nas] — Венера verse [v3:s] n — куплет visa ['vi:z3] и — виза visitor ['vizits] n — посетитель Volga ['volga] — Волга (река) Volgo ['vnlgau] — Волго (озеро) waiter ['weits] n — официант wealth [welG] n — богатство weapon ['wepsn] n — оружие wear [wea] v — носить (об одежде) wedding ['wedip] n — свадьба weekend [,wi:k'end] n — выходные дни (суббота, воскресенье) welcome ['welkam] adj — добро пожаловать whole [haul] adj — целый wide [waid] adj — широкий widowed ['widaud] adj — овдовевший win [win] V — побеждать windsurfing ['wind,s3;fip] n — виндсёрфинг winner ['wma] n — победитель wise [waiz] adj — мудрый woke [wauk] (II ф. от wake) v — проснулся won [wAn] (II, III ф. от win) V — выиграл wooden [wodn] adj — деревянный workaholic [,w3:ka'hr)lik] n — трудоголик yet [jet] adv — еще В соответствии со статьей 19 пунктом 2 “Закона об авторском праве и смежных правах” в данном издании использованы фотографии: О Walter McBride/Retna Ltd/RPG (с. 19); © ITAR-TASS Photo Agency (c. 44-48, 53); © PhotoXpress (c. 4547. 53, 166, 173, 192, 193); © Graham Tim/Sygma/Corbis Corporation/RPG (c. 110,114); © Bob Krist/Corbis Corporation/RPG (c. 113); ©Tim Graham/Corbis Corporation/RPG (c. 114); ©Ted Spiegel/Corbis Corporation/RPG (c. 118, 193); © Museum of Flight/Corbis Corporation/RPG (c.l57 ); © Neal Preston/Corbis Corporation/RPG (c. 158); © George Hall/Corbis Corporation/RPG (c. 158); © Stefan Lindblom/Corbis Corporation/RPG (c. 204); © Annie Griffiths Belt/Corbis Corporation/RPG (c. 205); © LWA-Dann Tardif/ Corbis Corporation/RPG (c. 215) Thanks and acknowledgements The books of the series “Happy English, ru" wouldn't have been possible without constant inspiration and help from Sergey Kononenko, the General Director of TituI Publishers. We’d like to thank the Ashcroft family: Clare, Rob, Tom, Mathew, Will and Hugo! Our special thanks go to all students and teachers of St Andrew’s primary and nursery school of Much Hadham who were so hospitable and helpful. n г,- We would like to thank our dearest friends from England: Betsey W. Dix, Thomas van den Bergh, Diana and Mart Dillon Liz and Robin Baillie, Mark Waters and our beloved Dutch friend Lodewijk Wolff for their constant support and involvement We are grateful to Sabby Izzard who generously provided us with the books from her shop^ We’d tike to acknowledge that we’ve received a lot of ideas and advice from Peggy Morrison who consulted us on English school life. . , . Our history pages have been written with a lot of help and under the supervision of Simon Morrison. We are deeply grateful to E. N. Solovova for consultancy on methodological aspects and K. Ronzhina for her invaluable comments on the manuscript . ^ ^ We are indebted for the work of the reviewers Yu. F. Guryeva, K. V. Ronzhina, T. A. Kuznetsova whose insightful critiques helped us to considerably improve the book. _ _ Наша огромная благодарность замдиректора по подготовке изданий Светлане Шириной; дизайнерам Екатерине Валяевой и Наталье Валяевой; художникам Илоне Таубе, Евгении Сергеевой, Денису Жеребцову Татьяне Богомягких, Анне Савельевой, Инне Слюнковой; инженерам по компьютерной обработке изображений Наталье Вишенковой, Льву Новоселову; корректорам Галине Мартыненко и Галине Киселевой; оператору Татьяне Вильчинской за их самоотверженный труд, помощь и поддержку. Мы искренне признательны руководителю ансамбля “Веселый дилижанс" Алексею Гвоздеву и солистке Маше Разумной за талантливое исполнение песен учебника. Учебное издание Кауфман Клара Исааковна Кауфман Марианна Юрьевна Английский язык Счастливый английский.РУ/ Happy English.ru_________ Учебник для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Замдиректора по подготовке изданий С. В. Ширина Завредакцией учебных изданий по английскому языку К. И. Кауфман Консультант Пико Кэсиди Корректоры Г. А. Киселева, Г. П. Мартыненко Дизайн макета, верстка В. КиН Художники: Т. С. Богомягких, Д. В. Жеребцов, А. С. Кудашкина, А. В. Савельева, Е. В. Сергеева, И. с. Слюнкова, И. Ю. Таубе, М. Ю. Яковлев Фотографии П. А. Игнатова. Л. Н. Новоселова, И. В. Соколовой Художественный редактор Е. А. Валяева Цифровая обработка изображений Н. С. Вишенковой, Л. Н. Новоселова Лицензия ИД N2 00416 от 10.11.99. Санитарно-эпидемиологическое заключение о соответствии санитарным правилам РФ N2Д.000090.01.08 от 16.01.2008. Подписано в печать 18.07.2008. Формат 70 х 90/16. Гарнитура "Таймс". Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная. Уел. печ. л. 18,67. Уч.-изд. л. 21,2. Уел. кр.-отт. 79,3. Тир. 35 000 экз. Зак. № 4610. Издательство “Титул". 249035, г. Обнинск, Калужская обл., а/я 5055. Тел. (48439) 9-10-09. E-mail [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). Отпечатано с готовых диапозитивов в ОАО “Тверской ордена Трудового Красного Знамени полиграфкомбинат детской литературы им. 50-летия СССР”. 170040, г. Тверь, пр. 50 лет Октября, 46. KiWiffs жоьрз 1 [u:] moon [еэ] air [o:] ball i-EYE jt [i:] tree [з:] her [u] bush, p *РТШ1Ч иН€Ж fiOM!; [o:] port, four [i:] tea [еэ] there SYMEOLS |[ . , dance, [u:j answer - [u] book [аиэ] tower [ei] name [g] go Ш she [kw] queen [r] write [ае] bag [h] hen [a:] car [s] face [3:] work [i:] me [k] kite [tn bench [ai] kind, night, child [э:] walk [е] pen [1] lamp [cfe] page [i:] see [in] hear [ai] five [m] man [k] black [3:] turn [n] know [I] tin [n] nine [3] treasure [3:] girl [ei] mail [эи] nose [p] pencil [ei] say, they [o:] water [э:] autum h] dog [r] rose [0] thin [w] why [fn] station Liu:] cute [s] son [d] this [Л] come, son, love, mother [a:] after к] bus [t] ten [p] song [h] who [3] measu [ai] my [V] very [i] happy [ei] day [a:] father [j] yes [w] wizard [au] house, town [f] phone [э:] daughi [b] bed [Z] zoo [эи] blow [a:] class, past, ask [ju:] few Id] dad [аш] our [01] boy [ei] they [t[] future [f] film [Э] driver, actor [1Э] here [еэ] air [e] head jBI DJ YtfD3 . .... ., i.J; ■ -T7: ■ 1ф>риа 11 форма 111 форма 1 H I форма 11 форма Ш форма was, were been keep kept kept *ci: beat beaten know knew known :e.:‘22e became become leave left left T^2ir. began begun let let let bit bitten lie lay lain blew blown lose lost lost ТГг^л! broke broken make made made :":r_z brought brought mean meant meant built built meet met met - -; bought bought pay paid paid :'.г:: r: caught caught put put put chose chosen read read read :c"e came come ride rode ridden :■>“ cost cost run ran run cut cut say said said “-5 dug dug see saw seen 1-1 did done send sent sent drew drawn shake shook shaken ZnrJk drank drunk shine shone shone лгле drove driven show showed shown г it ate eaten sing sang sung fell fallen sit sat sat :^e'i felt felt sleep slept slept ЦЛГЛ fought fought speak spoke spoken Ilnl found found spend spent spent flew flown stand stood stood forgot forgotten steal stole stolen f j'Tsivc forgave forgiven stick stuck stuck freeze froze frozen swim swam swum ze: got got take took taken ■zz'^e gave given teach taught taught zr went gone tell told told ЛГЭ'Л' grew grown think thought thought r_eng hung hung throw threw throwT! :гз%е had had understand understood undersioe-d леаг heard heard wake woke woken a:de hid hidden wear wore :r:i hit hit win won ij.oici held held . write wrote т - г УМК “Happy English.ru” для 7 класса включает следующие компоненты: « учебник с текстами для домашнего чтения по истории Англии # книгу для учителя * рабочие тетради №1,2 с раздаточным материалом • аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3) Информация об УМК находится на сайте www.happyenglish.ru Интернет-поддержка учебников и дополнительные материалы - на сайте www.titul.ru - на интернет-портале www.englishteachers.ru В*з :Е П Ь С /Т В О По вопросам приобретения книг следует обращаться в издательство “Титул”: 249035, г. Обнинск Калужской обл., а/я 5055, тел.: (48439) 9-10-09, факс: (48439) 9-10-00, e-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). ШШ}. ЩМ Р ISBN 978-5-86866-427-4 9 785868 664274 >