Английский язык Учебник 6 класс Кауфман

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык Учебник 6 класс Кауфман - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Happy English (Хэппи Инглиш):

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к. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык Счастливый английский.ру/ Happy English.ru Учебник для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации к использованию в образовательном процессе в образовательных учреждениях, реализующих образовательные программы общего образования и имеющих государственную аккредитацию ЭДАТЕЛЬСТеО т и т у л т 1 т и L UBLISHERS 2008 Содержание Lesson 1 Do you remember us?......5 Lessons 2,3 You are friends, aren’t you?...........................9 Lesson 4 I am so happy to see you!... 12 Lesson 5 Who is Rob MacWizard?... 16 Lessons 1,2 In the country DoDidDone.....................21 Lessons 3,4 You’ll be famous, Master Shakespeare!...........26 Lesson 5 Will she see a UFO?.....32 Lesson 6 In the country DoDidDone.....................37 Lesson 7 What will happen to them?......................41 Lesson 8 Rob predicts the future of England......................43 b Lesson 1 Let’s do it!............47 Lesson 2 In Westminster Abbey....51 Lesson 3 A sleepover at the museum........................53 Lesson 4 Sleepovers..............58 Lesson 5 A girl gets lost........61 Lessons 1,2 Go down the street...65 Lesson 3 How do we get to Tunbridge Wells?..............69 Lessons 4,5 Where is Charing Cross?........................73 Lesson 6 How much is it to Charing Cross?................79 Lesson 1 What do you have to do?.......................84 Lessons 2,3 When in Rome, do as the Romans do................88 Lesson 4 What is the country code for Russia?...................93 Lessons 5,6 We are always there for our pets..................96 Lesson 7 Project “My pet”.......102 Lesson 8 The Gunpowder Plot.....103 Lesson 9 Bonfire Night..........106 шштш Lesson 1 I’m hungry!............109 Lessons 2,3 At the supermarket..112 Lesson 4 Stone soup.............116 Lesson 5 Let’s have a big pizza!.......................121 Lesson 6 How much sugar do they need?...................124 Lesson 7 He has a few friends...127 Lesson 1 Is there anybody in the room?.................131 Lesson 2 Somebody likes chocolates...................134 Lesson 3 Betsey’s family........136 Lessons 4,5 I like hiking.......139 Lesson 6 Christmas is in the air!.....................142 Lesson 7 No Christmas for him?..147 Lesson 8 Every country has its customs......................150 Lesson 9 Project................153 Lessons 1,2 In the country DoDidDone....................154 Lessons 3,4 What could you do ten years ago?...............158 Lesson 5 Diandra’s red hair.....164 Lesson 6 What does Rob look like?...................167 Lesson 7 Project “My relatives”.169 Lesson 1 In the country DoDidDone....................170 Lesson 2 The family legend......175 Lesson 3 In the country DoDidDone....................179 Lessons 4,5 I travelled to the Future...................181 Lesson 1 In the country DoDidDone....................186 Lessons 2,3 The Channel Tunnel.... 192 Lesson 4 Play Draggy............195 Lessons 5,6 There was a young lady of Niger................196 Lesson 1 I come from the future.202 Lesson 2 What’s the matter with you?....................207 Lesson 3 Hello, Doctor Drew!....210 Lesson 4 If I have a headache...214 Lesson 5 What did the stars say? ....218 Lesson 6 The prediction.........223 йТШЖГШ Lesson 1 On Salisbury Plain.....224 Lesson 2 A Ballad of Stonehenge...227 Lesson 3 Find the beginning of the Earth....................230 Lessons 4,5 Let’s go to London! ....232 Lesson 6 Project................237 Lesson 7 The mission is over!...238 Lesson 8 Final test.............242 Таблица неправильных глаголов.....................245 Vocabulary......................246 Условные обозначения: упражнения, выполняемые в классе Щ)1 слушайте аудиокассету работа в парах работа в группах, игра домашнее задание Lesson 1 Do you remember us? 1 ) What are your plans for the new school year? Use the following words and expressions for ideas. Model: to study French — This year I’m going to study French. / This year I’m not going to study French. Напомним, что конструкция to be going to употребляется для выражения заранее принятых решений, составленных планов и намерений на близкое будущее. Не is going to play football tomorrow. — Завтра он собирается играть в футбол. to study French to get good marks in mathematics... to be nice to my little sister (brother) to read interesting books to play football to learn to play the piano to help my mother to make new friends to play computer games with friends to be the best pupil in the class to travel to interesting places to have more time for my hobbies to ride a bicycle to school 2 Соотнесите слова из двух колонок так, чтобы получились выражения классного обихода. Прочитайте их вслух. 1. Guess [gesj a) the gaps 2. Write b) questions 3. Ask c) a letter 4. Read d) the text 5. Fill in e) the words with the pictures 6. Listen to f ) the meaning of the word 7. Match g) the teacher Unit 1 Lesson 1 3 Match the expressions from Ex. 2 with the pictures Guess the meaning of the underlined words, 1. Two plus two is four. It’s a fact. 2. We are going to the zoo. After that we are going to write a report [ri'poitl about tigers. 3. Two English students are corning to our school this year. This is your chance [tja:ns] to learn English better. Do you remember your old friends Agent Cute and his boss? Mark the statements about them true or false. Вы помните своих старых друзей агента Кьюта и его босса? Отметьте утверждения о них как правильные или неправильные. 1. Agent Cute is in Russia. 2. Agent Cute is well. 3. The boss is in hospital. 4. Agent Cute has a special mission. 5. Agent Cute wants to find Robin MacWizard. 6. The boss is very happy with Agent Cute’s work. 7. Misha and Robin are two British boys. 8. Misha and Robin are in London. Unit 1 Lesson 1 Cute: Boss: Cute: Boss: Cute: Boss: Cute: Cute: Boss: The boss is phoning Agent Cute. Read the dialogue and check your answers to Ex. 4. Boss: Hi, Cute! How are you? I am not very well. Who is this? It’s your boss. Oh, hi. Boss. Where are you. Cute? I am in Russia, in hospital. And what are you going to do? Well, I’m going to have lunch at 12 o’clock and then I’m going to watch a very interesting film on TV. Boss: Very funny! What are you doing about your mission? Cute: What mission? Sorry, Boss, I don’t remember any mission... Boss: You are watching Misha Inin and Robin MacWizard. Don’t you remember? Cute: Oh, yes! Two nice boys from Korolyov Street! I am going to say hello to them. Boss: Are you joking. Cute? Misha and Robin are not in Obninsk anymore. Oh, where are they, then? Look, Cute, I’m really tired of this. Just because you are my brother, I always give you the best jobs. And what happens? You always make mistakes! Now this is your last chance: get on a plane back to London. I want you in my office at 8 o’clock on Monday morning. Now, goodbye!! Cute: Wait a minute. Why do you want to see me? What am I doing in Russia? What’s happening? Answer the questions. 1. What is Agent Cute going to do at 12 o’clock? 2. Does Agent Cute remember his mission? 3. What’s Agent Cute going to do on Monday at 8 o’clock? 4. What’s the boss going to do on Monday at 8 o’clock? Look at the boss's plans for this evening and say: What's the boss going to do? Model: Write a report about Agent Cute. — The boss is going to write a report about Agent Cute. • write a letter to Mum • walk the dog • have dinner with Sally • read secret documents • phone father • go to bed at 9 o’clock Unit 1 Lesson 1 7 Homework ^ The boss is working with his documents. He has a plan. The boss is never wrong but today he is very angry, so he makes some mistakes. Read the boss's notes and guess the meaning of the underlined words. Facts First name: Phillip Last name: Cute Age: 32 Date of birth: 25.12.1974 Nationality: British Job: agent Hobbies: travelling, languages, cooking . о fly back to England Cute is talk to Cute on Sun a. • going cute new Agent Cute is in Russia. Misha and Robin are in England and Cute knows about it. Cute is OK. He is not in hospital. Cute has good friends in Obninsk. Cute likes it in Russia and doesn’t want to fly back to England. Cute doesn’t want to work. Cute is my worst agent! В Correct the mistakes in boss's documents. Mark the statements true or false. C Просмотрите текст урока еще раз. Найдите и выпишите: • глаголы в повелительном наклонении • утвердительные предложения в Present Simple • вопросительные предложения в Present Simple • утвердительные предложения в Present Progressive • вопросительные предложения в Present Progressive • утвердительные и вопросительные предложения с модальными глаголами • прилагательные в превосходной степени :550П Lessons 2,3 You are friends, aren't you? 1 Listen to the words, repeat them after the speaker and then read them. air, hair, pair, chair, fair, airport Буквосочетание air передает звук [еэ]. 2 Look at the words. Find the classroom expressions and read them aloud. 1. Look at a) your friend’s question 2. Repeat [ri'pi:t] b) the teacher 3. Answer f'a:nso] c) the words 4. Use d) the dictionary ['dikjonori] 5. Do e) your homework 6. Find f ) the mistake 3 Match the expressions from Ex. 2 with the pictures. Unit 1 Lessons 2, 3 9 Разделительные вопросы — Tag questions Разделительные вопросы употребляются, когда говорящий хочет получить подтверждение высказывания, которое содержится в утвердительном предложении. Схема разделительного вопроса высказывание + краткий общий вопрос Краткий общий вопрос переводится на русский язык как не так ли? не правда ли? Образование разделительных вопросов с глаголами to be, can Если глаголы to be, can в предложении, содержащем высказывание, стоят в утвердительной форме, в кратком вопросе эти глаголы стоят в отрицательной форме 4- местоимение, соотнесенное с подлежащим высказывания. You are his brother, aren’t you? — Вы его брат, не так ли? Lora сап play the piano, can V she? — Лора умеет играть на пианино, не так ли? Если глаголы to be, can в предложении, содержащем высказывание, стоят в отрицательной форме, в кратком вопросе эти глаголы стоят в утвердительной форме 4- местоимение, соотнесенное с подлежащим высказывания. Тот isn’t а driver, is he? — Том не шофер, не правда ли? You can’t do your homework, can you? — Ты не можешь сделать домашнюю работу, не так ли? На разделительный вопрос нужно отвечать кратко, как и на общий вопрос. Тот is from London, isn’t he? — Том из Лондона, не правда ли? Yes, he is. — Да, он из Лондона, (согласие с говорящим) No, he isn’t — Нет, он не из Лондона, (несогласие с говорящим) Misha and Robin aren’t in Russia, are they? — Миша и Робин не в России, не правда ли? Yes, they are. — Нет, они в России, (несогласие с говорящим) No, they are not — Да, они не в России, (согласие с говорящим) She can’t speak English, can she? — Она не умеет говорить по-английски? Yes, she can. — Нет, умеет, (несогласие с говорящим) No, she can’t. — Да, не умеет, (согласие с говорящим) 10 Lessons 2, 3 Read the sentences and translate them into Russian. 1. I am your friend, aren’t I? — Yes, you are. 2. You can’t translate this text, can you? — Yes, I can. 3. You aren’t tired, are you? — Yes, I am. 4. The children are in the park, aren’t they? — No, they aren’t. 5. She can drive a car, can’t she? — Yes, she can. 6. You aren’t from France, are you? — Yes, I am. Answer the questions. 1. You are 11, aren’t you? 2. You can’t play tennis, can you? 3. It is cold, isn’t it? 4. Your mother is a doctor, isn’t she? 5. Your sister can sing, can’t she? Fill in the gaps and translate the sentences into Russian. 1. The boys are in London now, aren’t ...? 2. Alice is a nice girl, ... she? 3. Den ... speak English, can he? 4. I ... a doctor, aren’t I? 5. He ... open this door, can ...? 6. He can’t play basketball, ... he? Ask tag questions about the statements. (Задайте разделительные вопросы к утверждениям.) Model: Mary can play the piano. — Mary can play the piano, can't she? 1. Jane and Kate are going to visit the Tower of London... 2. We aren’t going to eat it... 3. Jack isn’t writing a letter... 4. He can help you with your test... 5. Cats can’t fly... Ask tag questions according to the model. Give answers that are true for you and act out the dialogues. Model: family / big A: Your family isn’t big, is it? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. 1. you / can fly 2. your favourite subject / maths 3. you / read / book / now 4. this autumn / cold 5. They / in London Unit 1 Lessons 2, 3 11 Homework ^ A ; Read the information about Agent Cute, Misha, Robin and their families in the Workbook 1. Fill in the table with the information from Texts 1-15 and help Agent Cute write his report for the boss. First name Misha Robin Last name Age Date of birth Nationality Job Hobbies Situation at the moment Robin is in London Misha Misha wants to... Misha can... Misha can help Robin... Misha is going to... Robin Robin wants to... Robin can... Robin can help Misha... Robin is going to... В j Translate the questions into English and answer them. 1. Ты из России, не так ли? 2. Ученики должны делать домашнюю работу, не так ли? 3. Твой день рождения в мае, не так ли? 4. Лондон — столица Англии, не так ли? 5. Сегодня погода плохая, не так ли? Lesson 4 I am so happy to see you! Use the dictionary and translate the sentence. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Вспомните русский эквивалент этой поговорки. Новая рубрика будет знакомить вас с часто встречающимися в английских диалогах фразами. С ее помощью вы будете учиться правильно употреблять такие фразы, а также реагировать на них. 12 '■ Lessons 2. 3 and 4 1 Look at the pictures and guess the meaning of the sentences. Hi! I’m so happy to see you! ШТЕГ ^ 2 ) Answer the questions. 1. You’re often late, aren’t you? 2. Your best friend is late today, isn’t he /she? 3. Who’s late today? 4. You’re often late for maths, aren’t you? 5. You’re happy to see your friends today, aren’t you? 6. Who is always happy to see you? 7. Who are you always happy to see? Listen to the words and repeat them after the speaker. polite — вежливый newspaper — газета article — статья Agent Cute and his boss are meeting in London. Read their conversation and answer the questions. Support your answers with the information from the text. Прочитайте разговор Кьюта и босса и ответьте на вопросы. Обоснуйте свои ответы, зачитывая информацию из текста. 1. Is the boss really happy to see Agent Cute? 2. Does Agent Cute understand his mission? 3. Where dobs Agent Cute have a report? 4. Does the boss think that Misha and Robin are in London? What information does he have? 5. What’s the boss’s favourite newspaper? 6. Does the boss like The Sun or The Times''! Unit I Lesson 4 1 3 7. Does Agent Cute remember Misha and Robin? 8. Does Agent Cute want to work for his boss? 9. What can Agent Cute do? In the boss’s office Cute: Good morning, Boss. Can I come in? I’m not late, am I? Boss: Hi, Cute. I’m happy to see you back in London. Cute: Me too! Boss: I’m not really happy to see you! I’m trying to be polite! And it’s not easy. Where’s your report? Cute: I don’t have it with me. Boss. It’s at home. Boss: It’s ready, isn’t it? Cute: Yes, it is. You can see it tomorrow. Boss: OK. I have interesting information for you. I think Misha and Robin are in London. Cute: Why do you think so? Boss: Look at the newspaper. There is a small article: “Boys flying in the morning sky”. Cute: Wow! I can’t believe it! You read The Siml Boss: Yes, I do. My favourite newspaper is The Times, but it’s my job to read all of them. Cute: But how can you believe an article about boys flying in the sky? Boss: The reason I can is because there’s a photo. Look! You can see our dear old friends Misha and Robin, can’t you? Cute: Yes, I can. Boss. That’s strange... But Robin is from London, isn’t he? So what’s the problem? He can go to his mum and dad’s. And Misha is going to meet Robin’s family! That’s nice! Boss: The boys are in London, but Robin’s mother and father don’t know about it. Cute: Well, Boss. That’s not right, is it? Why don’t they phone Robin’s parents? Do you know? Boss: Do you want to work for my detective agency. Cute? Cute: Yes, it’s a good job and a chance to see the world and new people... Boss: Stop talking! Go and find the boys! 1 4 Unit 1 Lesson 4 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Газеты The Times и The Sun являются очень известными британскими газетами. Разница между этими газетами в том, что Таймс является одним из самых уважаемых “серьезных” изданий, а Сан характеризуется ориентацией на непроверенную информацию и дешевые сенсации. THE TIMES V 5 ) Agent Cute has the newspaper but he can't find the article about the flying boys because he spilt (пролил) his coffee on the newspaper. Read these articles and help Cute. One of our special correspondents reports: “I always get up very early on Tuesdays. I leave my house and go to the railway station. I usually catch the 6.30 train to London. So on Tuesday I go out and suddenly I hear strange voices. You can imagine my surprise when I look up and see two boys flying over my house.” The Sun takes no responsibility for this information, but their correspondent has a picture of the flying objects. Those are two boys, aren’t they? We can’t make a comment about this picture. Dear Children! What is the Tower of London? Where is Hollywood? Who is Leo Tolstoy? Come to us! We are the oldest school in London! We can answer all your questions! The British love their oldest museum. It is always interesting. A day at the Tower of London is great fun. You can go for a walk along the river Thames, take pictures of the ravens and beefeaters and learn new facts from British history. Come and enjoy the stories! They are all true! Boys like to play football. These two boys are only twelve, but they are very talented. Robin and Martin are the best players at Greenfield Unit 1 Lesson 4 1 5 School in Wessex. They are good students too. Martin says his hobby is history and Robin likes maths and foreign languages. One of his favourite foreign languages is Russian and now he has a chance to use it. This week they are going to play for their school in Russia. We wish them all the best. 6) Answer the questions. 1. Which article from The Sun do you find interesting? 2. Do you normally believe the articles about unusual things? 3. What’s your favourite newspaper? Why do you like it? Homework « • • • • t • « Й • • ••••••••••••••• Use the information from Texts 1-15 in the Workbook 1 and answer the questions. 1. Misha is Russian, isn’t he? 2. Misha and Robin MacWizard aren’t friends, are they? 3. Cute is not a very good agent, is he? 4. Misha’s house is very big, isn’t it? 5. Robin can fly and travel in time, can’t he? 6. Robin is from the year 1599, isn’t he? 7. Misha’s real pen friend isn’t from the past, is he? 8. Misha’s pen friend can’t come back to our time, can he? 9. Misha can’t tell Agent Cute about Robin’s secret, can he? 10. The Stone of Destiny is in Westminster Abbey, isn’t it? 11. Misha can help Robin go back to the year 1599, can’t he? Lesson 5 Who is Rob MacWizard? Разделительные вопросы с глаголами в Present Simple^ которым для образования вопросительных и отри14ательных предложений нужен вспомогательный глагол с/о / does. Если глагол в предложении, содержащем высказывание, стоит в утвердительной форме Present Simple, в кратком вопросе употребляется вспомогательный глагол этого времени в отрицательной 16 Lessons 4 and 5 форме don’t / doesn’t + местоимение, соотнесенное с подлежащим высказывания. You speak English, don’t you? — Вы говорите по-английски, не так ли? Yes, I do. — Да, говорю. / No, 1 don’t. — Нет, не говорю. Bob hakes bread, doesn’t he? — Боб выпекает хлеб, не так ли? Yes, he does. — Да, выпекает. / No, he doesn’t. — Нет, не выпекает. Если глагол в предложении, содержащем высказывание, стоит в отрицательной форме Present Simple, в кратком вопросе употребляется вспомогательный глагол этого времени в положительной форме do / does. You don’t know this man, do you? — Вы не знаете этого человека, не так ли? — No, I don’t. — Да, не знаю, (согласие с говорящим) Yes, I do. — Нет, знаю, (несогласие с говорящим) She doesn’t live in this flat, does she? — Она не живет в этой квартире, не так ли? No, she doesn’t — Да, не живет, (согласие с говорящим) Yes, she does. — Нет, живет, (несогласие с говорящим) 1 Play а game. Read the facts and ask the questions. Model: School in Russia starts in September. — School in Russia starts in September, doesn ’t it ? Quiz 1. The Queen lives in the Tower of London. 2. It snows in Australia in June. 3. People in England drive on the left side of the road. 4. Father Christmas comes from Norway. 5. People don’t travel from London to Paris by car. 6. James Bond comes from America. 7. The Beatles sing in London every day. 8. The sun goes round the Earth. 9. A computer helps people talk to and see their friends from faraway countires. 2 Take turns to ask and answer the questions in Ex, 1. Remember: It's a quiz! По очереди задавайте эти вопросы и отвечайте на них. Model: А: School in Russia starts in September, doesn’t it? B: Yes, it does. Unit 1 Lesson 5 1 7 3 / Agent Cute is speaking about Robin's family. Listen to the speaker and fill in the gaps in his report. Information about Robin MacWizard Robin lives in London. His address is: 19 Crescent Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent .... His mother’s name is ... MacWizard. 5he works .... His father’s name is Pouglas MacWizard. He is a ... . Robin has one ..., Jane. Robin MacWizard is a very nice boy. He loves Jane and always ... his parents. All his ... and ... love Robin. FOR YOUR INFORMATION Crescent [’kresant] — полумесяц. В данном случае речь идет об улице или ряде домов, расположенных полумесяцем. Такое расположение домов характерно для английской архитектуры XVIII-XIX веков. Cute is meeting MacWizard's neighbour Mr Pill. He wants to check the information he has. Read the dialogue and correct Cute's report about Robin in Ex. 3. Cute: Hello, my name is Cute, Agent Cute. Mr Pill: My name is Mr Pill. How can I help you? Cute: I’m looking for Robin MacWizard. He is lost. You live in 19 Crescent Road, don’t you? 18 Mr Pill: Cute: Mr Pill: Cute: Mr Pill: Cute: Mr Pill: Cute: Mr Pill: Cute: Mr Pill: Cute: Mr Pill: Yes, I do. I'm his neighbour. The boy’s name is Robin, but we always call him Rob. His parents do it too. Is he a nice boy? I’m not sure. He is OK, but he never helps his mother and he doesn’t say “Hello” to the neighbours. I see. And his mother... What can you tell me about her? Oh, she’s a very nice lady. She works in a bank, doesn’t she? No, she doesn’t. Sir James, her husband, is a bank manager. Lady Elizabeth doesn’t work. She is very busy with her children and the house. So Rob has brothers and sisters, doesn’t he? Yes, he has a sister and a brother. I often meet them when they are out for a walk in the park. They walk together, don’t they? No, they don’t. Rob normally walks alone. You don’t like Rob MacWizard, do you? Not really. Lady t'leidi] — титул, присваиваемый женщине из высшего общества или аристократической семьи. Sir [S3:] — 1. Вежливая форма обращения к мужчине. 2. Благородный титул, присваиваемый рыцарю, баронету или указывающий на аристократическое происхождение. В настоящее время за выдающиеся заслуги титула Sir удостоен известный певец, член группы Битлз Пол Маккартни, а титула Lady удостоена бывший премьер-министр Великобритании Маргарет Тэтчер. Answer the questions. 1. Lady Elizabeth works as a teacher, doesn’t she? 2. Mr MacWizard works in a bank, doesn’t he? 3. The boy’s parents don’t call him Robin, do they? 4. Rob doesn’t have a brother, does he? 5. Rob likes to walk in the park, doesn’t he? 6. Mr Pill gives Agent Cute interesting information, doesn’t he? Unit 1 Lesson 5 1 9 Homework j* I Write a new report about Rob. Use the information from the text. 1. Rob has a ... and a ... . 2. Rob ... a very nice boy. His neighbours ... like him. 3. His brother and sister ... play with him. 4. Rob’s mother’s name isn’t .... Her name is ... . She ... work, she .... 5. Rob’s father... Complete the questions and answer them. 1. You like to learn English, ...? 2. You don’t do your homework in the morning, ...? 3. Your mother cooks breakfast for you, ...? 4. Your father works in a hospital, ...? 5. You don’t have a brother, ...? 6. Your mother doesn’t speak French, ...? 7. You like to play football, ...? 8. When you have time, you help your parents,...? Если вам не удалось заполнить таблицу из домашнего задания урока 3 полностью или у вас еще остались вопросы относительно Миши и Робина, запишите свои вопросы в форме разделительных вопросов и задайте их своим друзьям в классе. Если у вас не возникло проблем с заполнением таблицы, подготовьте пять трудных вопросов по сюжету в форме разделительных вопросов и задайте их своим друзьям в классе. В этом случае не забудьте подготовить ссылки на правильные ответы, опираясь на информацию учебника "Happy English.ги-5". 20 ■jmf 1 Lesson 5 In the country DoDidDone Сегодня мы с вами отправимся в новое графство — Future. Future в переводе означает будущее, поэтому все города этого графства выглядят несколько необычно для человека нашего времени. В этом графстве мы посетим город Simple. Для того чтобы ворота города открылись глаголам-дракошам, необходимо воспользоваться карточкой-ключом. На карточке крупно написан пароль города: tomorrow. Это означает, что для указания на будуш,ее время часто употребляется слово tomorrow (завтра), а также словосочетания: next week — на следующей неделе next month — в следующем месяце next year — в следующем году next time — в следующий раз in а day — через день in а minute — через минуту in ап hour — через час in two weeks — через две недели in five years — через пять лет in the future — в будущем PROGRESSIVE PERFECT FUTURE SIMPLE PERFECT PROGRESSIVE ikT" 4 Вопрос к i -Hi ВСПОЫОПТЕЛЫШИ c ВСЛОМ01АТСЛЫ<ММ 0^" \ - J s ■ J lil'HII|U4l!I^N Глаголы в форме Future Simple употребляются: Для предсказания будущих событий You’ll таке new friends next year. — У тебя появятся новые друзья в следующем году. init 2 Lessons 1,2 21 / think granny will come on Monday. — Я думаю, бабушка приедет в понедельник. Maybe hell phone tomorrow. — Может быть, он позвонит завтра. I hope shell sing tonight. — Я надеюсь, она будет петь сегодня вечером. One day well meet again. — Когда-нибудь мы встретимся снова. Ill phone later. — Я позвоню позже. Hell come back soon. — Он скоро вернется. • Для выражения обещаний и решений, принятых в момент речи — А: What are you doing? — Что ты делаешь? — В: Гт cleaning the floor. — Я мою пол. — А: ГП help you. — Я помогу тебе. Войдя в город Future Simple, глагол-дракоша оглядывается в поисках одежды. Однако в этом городе одежды нет, и глаголы-дракоши так и остаются только в именных маечках. Это означает, что в городе Future Simple глаголы употребляются в основной (первой) форме во всех лицах и числах. В этом городе работает вспомогательный глагол will. Он помогает глаголам на всех улицах города. Это значит, что в городе Future Simple утвердительные, отрицательные и вопросительные предложения образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола will. Прогуляемся вместе с глаголом work по улицам города. ^Рос к подлежащему \ ХА V'*- л? •"■епьное предложение 22 Jn ' 2 Lessons 1, 2 Образование утвердительных предложений в Future Simple На улице Утвердительное предложение, как и на всех остальных улицах города Future Simple, глаголы-дракоши обращаются за помощью к вспомогательному глаголу will. Вспомогательный глагол will занимает место за подлежащим, а за will следует глагол-дракоша. Утвердительное предложение Это означает, что в утвердительном предложении порядок слов следующий; Подлежащее + will -i- основной глагол + второстепенные члены предложения. В утвердительных предложениях вспомогательный глагол will часто употребляется в сокращенной форме ’II (will = ’ll). Спряжение глаголов в Future Simple I will (’ll) work in the garden soon. — Я скоро буду рабога гь в саду. You will (’ll) work in the garden soon. — Вы скоро будете работ а ть в саду. Не will (’ll) work in the garden soon. — Он скоро будет’ работать в саду. She will (’ll) work in the garden soon. — Она скоро будет работат ь в саду. It (а dog) will (’ll) play in the garden soon. — Она (собака) скоро будет' играть в саду. We will (’ll) work in the garden soon. — Мы скоро будем работ ать в саду. They will (’ll) work in the garden soon. — Они скоро будут работа ть в саду. I Dj Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. Translate the verbs into Russian. something (сокращенно snith) somebody (сокращенно smb) -a prediction — предсказание to predict smth — a promise — обещание to promise smth to smb - что-то кто-то Unit 2 Lessons 1,2 23 Listen to the sentences and repeat them after the speaker. 1. Г11 read this book one day. 2. I think it‘11 rain tomorrow. 3. He'll come back in a minute. 4. The boss will be here next week. 5. A; 1 can't find my book. B: I'll find it for you. 6. Perhaps you’ll be better tomorrow. 7. He’ll write to you soon. 8. I’ll read your letter later. 9. Perhaps he’ll ask you a question. 10.1 hope she’ll like your story. 11. I’ll sing next time. Listen to the speaker. Which sentence does he say? Choose a) or b). a) I'll phone him. a) He’ll remember you. b) I phone him. b) He remembers you. a) We’ll speak to the teacher about your problem. b) We speak to the teacher about your problem. a) I think they’ll like your present. b) I think they like your present. a) You’ll get her letters. b) You get her letters. 4 J Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. I think they’ll phone me in two days. 2. I hope we’ll watch this film tomorrow. 3. Maybe Peter will come to my New Year party. 4. Perhaps Robin will find the Stone of Destiny. 5. I think they will fly to London in five months. 6. I hope your friends will give you nice presents on your birthday. 7. Maybe you’ll be famous one day. Fill in the gaps and complete promises and predictions. 1 1 think they ... come next week. 2. I hope we ... meet you at the theatre tomorrow. 3. I think Mark ... come by bus. 4. I hope we ... speak better English in February. 5. It ... snow in January. 6. You ... have a nice holiday. 7. You ... meet new interesting people. 8. I ... do my homework later. 9. We ... phone you soon. 6 ) Match the parts of the short dialogues. 1. -2. - 3. 4. - 5. — I want to go to the cinema. I can’t find my jacket. I can’t do this test now. You friend is calling. You can do it later. a) — I’ll find it for you. b) — I’ll help you. c) — I’ll do it now. d) — I’m busy now. I’ll call her back. e) — I’ll go with you. 24 Unit 2 Lessons 1, 2 7 j Read about a typical day in Rosy's life. What will she do tomorrow? Make predictions. Model: Rosy will get up and then she will walk her dog. Rosy gets up and then she walks her dog. She has breakfast. At eight o’clock she goes to school. She always goes to school by bicycle. She stops and says hello to her neighbours. She has five lessons at school. Rosy comes home and does her homework. She cooks dinner for her family. In the evening Rosy reads books or watches TV. 8 ) Offer help in the following situations. Use the verbs in brackets. (Предложите помощь в следующих ситуациях.. Используйте глаголы в скобках.) Model: This bag is heavy, (help) This hag is heavy. — Til help you. 1. The floor is dirty, (clean) 2. I like this book, (bring) 3. I need a pen. (give) 4. The window is open and I’m cold, (close) 5. 1 can’t walk the dog now. I’m tired, (do) 6. I can’t meet my friend at the railway station. I’m busy, (meet) Homework • ^ « « • • • •••••••• Rewrite the sentences. Use the short form of will. Model: I will clean the floor. — Til clean the floor. 1. They will visit France in a year’s time. 2. She will work in a hospital in ten years time. 3. I think my father will come home at 7 o’clock on Monday. 4. I hope we will go to Kiev next summer. 5. My sister will talk to you about it one day. 6. Where are you going? I will go with you. What will happen tomorrow? Write your predictions. Use these ideas. Model: go to school — My friend will go to school tomorrow. get up early / see friends / phone granny / do homework / read / watch TV / dance. Unit 2 Lessons 25 с Complete the table with the examples from Ex. 1, 2. будущие действия без указания точного времени предсказание будущих событий обещания, решения, принятые в момент речи When will these things happen? Complete the predictions. Use: next week, next month next year, in a day, in an hour, in five years, in a minute, in the future, soon, one day, later, I think, I hope. 1. ...it’ll rain... 2. ...your best friend will phone... 3. ...your mother will get a new job... 4. ...you’ll drive a car... 5. ...your teacher will answer your question... 6. ...you’ll go to England... 7. ...your friends will go to the zoo... You'll be famous. Master Shakespeare! Отправимся на улицу Отрицательное предложение города Simple графства Future. На этой улице, как и на всех остальных улицах этого города, глаголы-драконш обращаются за помощью к вспомогательному глаголу will, который работает в паре с собачкой not. Вспомогательный глагол will с собачкой not занимает место за подлежащим, а за ними следует глагол-дракоша. tomorrow. Отрицательное предложение 26 2 Lessons 1, 2 and 3, 4 Это означает, что порядок слов в отрицательном предложении следующий: Подлежащее + вспомогательный глагол will + отрицательная частица not + основной глагол + второстепенные члены предложения. Сокращенная форма от will not — won’t. / will not work in the garden next summer. — Я не буду работать в саду следующим летом. You will not work in the garden next summer. — Вы не будете работать в саду следующим летом. Не / she will not work in the garden next summer. — Он / Она не будет работать в саду следующим летом. It will not rain tomorrow. — Завтра дождя не будет. We will not work in the garden next summer. — Мы не будем работать в саду следующим летом. You will not work in the garden next summer. — Вы не будете работать в саду следующим летом. They will not work in the garden next summer. — Они не будут работать в саду следующим летом. } Are these predictions true or false? Model: Winter will start in two weeks.— Yes, it will. /No, it won’t. 1. It’ll snow soon. 2. Your friend will be a doctor in 15 years. 3. Your teacher will give you a test this week. 4. It’ll be hot in June. 5. It’ll rain in the evening. 6. Russian football players will be the best in the world soon. 7. In one hundred years people will be kinder. 8. People will fly to Mars very soon. фразы для выражения согласия / несогласия Read and translate the last sentence into Russian. I agree [a'gri:] with you.— Я c тобой согласен (согласна). I don’t agree with you.— Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4 27 2 Which of the predictions from Ex. 1 do you agree with? Which of them don't you agree with? Correct the false predictions. Model: A: Winter will start in two weeks. B: I don’t agree. Winter will start in two months. 3 Listen to the words and repeat them after the speaker. a leader — зд. глава, главнокомандующий an army — армия a politician [.pnli'tijn] — политик an architect f'aikitekt] — архитектор an inventor — изобретатель a scientist — ученый to invent smth — изобретать что-либо famous — знаменитый Master — зд. господин the Civil War — гражданская война the Parliament — парламент tfie same time in London inl599 Before you read. Let's try to remember. 1. Who is Rob MacWizard? 2. Why can he predict the future in 1599? Read the predictions and rewrite them according to the model. Model: Shakespeare will be a famous playwright. Today in London! The greatest wizard of all times Rob MacWizard predicts the future! 1. You will be a famous playwright, Master Shakespeare. People will read your books and like them. 2. You are Puritans, aren’t you? In twenty years you’ll go to the New World. 3. Your son will be a great architect, Mr Wren. 4. Your son will be a great politician and a leader of the army, Mr Cromwell 5. In a century your name will be famous, Mr Newton. Your grandson will be a great scientist and inventor. His inventions will change the world. 28 Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4 6 i Read the information in the rubrics English in focus and 100% English and answer the questions. 1. Who is Oliver Cromwell? 2. Who is Christopher Wren? 3. What is one of Christopher Wren’s famous works? 4. What is the New World? 5. Why is Newton famous? v^^Try to guess. In 1599 the name of America is the New World. Guess the name of Europe. FOR YOUR INFORMATION Oliver Cromwell [pliva 'kmmwalj — (1599-1658) a politician and the leader of the Parliament army in the Civil War against the king in 1642-1651. Christopher Wren [.kristafa'ren] — (1632-1723) a famous English architect. One of his famous works is St Paul's Cathedral in London. Puritans f'pjuaritanz] — пуритане, религиозное течение в христианстве. Пуритане выступали за чистоту и скромность во всем, а также за упрощение многих церковных обрядов. Официальная церковь преследовала пуритан за их убеждения, их жизнь в Англии становилась невыносимой, поэтому в 1620 году большинство пуритан покинули Англию. Именно они первыми отправились жить в Новый Свет. Так называлась тогда Америка. Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4 29 Представьте себе, что и вы, как Роб Маквизард, перенеслись в прошлое и можете воспользоваться своим знанием будущего. Предскажите судьбу людям на картинках. Используйте эти слова: astronaut faestranoit], poet, tsar [za:], singer, tennis player, ballet dancer, scientist. Model: — Little Pushkin will he a famous poet. ) Translate the new words with a dictionary. Lermontov^ QA. Pugachyova (^M. Lomonosov^ Гм. Plisetskaya (yu Gagarin^ ^E. Kafelnikov^ Play a game. Водящий стоит спиной к классу. Один из вас просит водящего предсказать будущее, указывая по очереди на ребят, сидящих в классе. Каждый раз ребята сообщают ведущему, правильно ли он угадал. Водящие меняются на протяжении игры несколько раз. Выигрывает тот, кто наиболее правильно предсказал будущее своим одноклассникам. Model: А: Tell us his / her future. В: She / he will be a farmer. C: You are right. I want to he a farmer / You are wrong. 1 won’t he a farmer. I want to he a baker. 30 2 Lessons 3, 4 Homework Rewrite the sentences according to the model. Model: I will not eat this. — I won’t eat this. 1. You will not go with me next time. 2. I will not speak to him. 3. It will not be warmer tomorrow. 4. Kate will not learn French next year. 5. Next week will not be easy for us. В 1 Look at the pictures and predict the children's future. Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4 31 Опровергните утверждения, с которыми вы не согласны. \todel: Your first lesson next week will he literature. — My first lesson next week won’t be literature. It’ll be maths. 1. It'll be 24 November in two days. 2. Your teacher will soon go to London. 3. You will see your granny this evening. 4. It’ll rain today. 5. It’ll be cold tomorrow. 6. You’ll play football next week. Translate the predictions into English. 1. Через десять дней я буду в Москве. 2. Через двадцать лет мой лучший друг будет врачом. 3. Через два года я буду в восьмом классе. 4. Через тридцать пять лет мой учитель английского языка будет работать в школе. 5. Через неделю станет теплее. 6. Сегодня вечером мой папа будет дома. Lesson»5 Will she see a UFO? Отправимся на улицу Общий вопрос. На этой улице вспомогательный глагол will занимает место перед подлежащим, а за подлежащим следует основной глагол. tomorrow? Общий вопрос Это означает, что порядок слов в общем вопросе следующий: Вспомогательный глагол will + подлежащее + основной глагол -f второстепенные члены предложения + ? 32 Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4 and 5 Will I work in the garden next summer? — Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. Will you work in the garden next summer? — Yes, you will. / No, you won’t. Will he / she work in the garden next summer? — Yes, he / she will. / No, he/she won’t. Will it rain tomorrow? — Yes, it will. / No, it won’t. Will we work in the garden next summer? — Yes, we will. / No, we won’t. Will you work in the garden next summer? — Yes, you will. / No, you won’t. Will they work in the garden next summer? — Yes, they will. / No, they won’t. 1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1. Will it rain soon? 2. Will the girl be a famous singer? 3. Will the boy’s mother be happy? 4. Will the girl like their present? 5. Will the girl be cold in ten minutes? ! Английский язык, 6 кл. Happy English inii 1’ L: ir ' 33 Ask questions about the sentences. Model: He’ll phone me in five minutes.— Will he phone me in five minutes? 1. The doctors will work in a new hospital soon. 2. Maybe we’ll learn French next year. 3. My father will come home at seven o’clock. 4. 1 hope this famous singer will come to our city. 5. The first of November will be Sunday. 6. Maybe I’ll make new friends. 7. I think Helen will have a big surprise on her birthday. In pairs A. Look at the children's questions about next year and help them get the answers. Ask the wizard for the children. B. You are a wizard. Answer the questions. Look at the magical map for help. Model: Jane Will I see a UFO? A: Will Jane see a UFO next year? B: No, she won’t. But she’ll meet a famous person. Chris 34 2 Lesson 5 Will I get a letter from England? f Will I meet my I favourite pop star'! Will I be happy on my birthday? , Mary Mike Billy 21 March — 19 April Aries f'esriiz] — Овен meet a very famous person 6 23 September — 22 October Libra ['И:Ьгэ] — Весы get a letter from England 20 April - 20 May Taurus I'toiras] — Телец find a new friend 23 October — 21 November Scorpio I'skoipiaul — Скорпион see a dinosaur 21 May — 21 June Gemini ['cfeemmail — Близнецы travel by plane 22 November — 21 December Sagittarius [,saechi'te3ri3s] — Стрелец get a very good present for your birthday 22 June — 22 July Cancer I'kasnsa] — Рак go to the zoo i'' 22 December — 19 January Capricorn ['kasprikoin] — Козерог stay at home with your family 23 July — 22 August Leo I'liiau] — Лев read a very interesting book 20 January — 18 February Aquarius la'kwearias] — Водолей travel by car 23 August — 22 September Virgo ['v3:gaul — Дева travel by train 19 February — 20 March Pisces I'paisiiz] — Рыбы see a UFO Unit 2 Lesson 5 35 What do you think? Answer the questions. Model: Will Misha and Robin stay in London? — Yes, they will. / No, they won’t. I think they will/ won’t stay in London. 1. Will Misha and Robin stay in London? 2. Will Robin find the Stone of Destiny? 3. Will Misha and Robin go back to Russia? 4. Will Robin stay in our time? 5. Will Robin go back to his time? 6. Will Misha travel in time with Robin? 7. Will Misha’s parents look for him? 8. Will Misha and Robin make new friends? 9. Will Misha and Robin go to the MacWizard family in England and ask them for help? Порядок слов в разделительном вопросе в Future Simple Утвердительное предложение + won’t + местоимение, соотнесенное с подлежащим утвердительного предложения, + ? Отрицательное предложение + will + местоимение, соотнесенное с подлежащим отрицательного предложения, + ? Answer the questions. 1. You will be 12 next year, won’t you? 2. Your friend will invite you to his birthday party, won’t he? 3. Your mother will buy you a new bicycle soon, won’t she? 4. Your friend’s sister won’t phone you tomorrow, will she? 5. You won’t have mathematics in two days time, will you? 6. Your parents will be at home next Sunday, will they? Fill in the gaps with the correct tag questions. 1. Ann will play the piano at the birthday party,...? 2. They’ll learn French next year,...? 3. Robin will stay in our time,...? 4. Robin won’t find the Stone of Destiny,...? 5. Your friend will be a teacher in 20 years,...? 6. His brother won’t go to school tomorrow,...? 36 2 Lesson 5 Homework > Write questions for the sentences. 1. All cars will have computers in 30 years’ time. 2. Maybe it’ll be cold next week. 3.1 think they won’t have good weather next month. 4. She will tell you the answer later. 5. I think you’ll meet him in two weeks. 6. They’ll be friends in the future. 7. We’ll ask him about it tomorrow. 8. Perhaps she’ll see him again soon. В J Answer the questions. 1. You’ll be a famous tennis player in the future, won’t you? 2. You’ll play football soon, won’t you? 3. You won’t play computer games in two hours, will you? 4. Your friend won’t give you an interesting book next week, will he? 5. It’ll be cold tomorrow, won’t it? In the country DoDidDone Отправимся на улицу Специальный вопрос. На этой улице на первое место ставится вопросительное слово, за которым следуют вспомогательный глагол, подлежащее, основной глагол и второстепенные члены предложения. Специальный вопрос Unit 2 Lessons 5 and 6 37 Это означает, что порядок слов в специальных вопросах следующий: Вопросительное слово + вспомогательный глагол will + подлежащее + основной глагол + второстепенные члены предложения + ? Where will I work in two years? Why will you work in the hospital soon? When will he / she phone? When will it rain? Where will we work next week? When will you work in the hospital? Where will they work next time? Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1. Where will they probably go on Sunday? 2. When will the film start? 3. What will happen to the boy in a year? 4. How old will he be in ten years? 5. Where will she find her book? In pairs. Ask questions about the underlined words. Model: Maybe our teacher will read this text. — What will our teacher do? 1. I’ll phone him tomorrow. 2. He’ll buy a present for his mother in two days. 3. Mum will make a nice cake soon. 4. Perhaps we’ll have lunch together. 5. She’ll play the piano next time. 38 ijnit 2 Lesson 6 Отправимся на улицу Вопрос к подлежащему. На этой улице на первое место ставится вопросительное слово Who (кто) или What (что), второе место занимает вспомогательный глагол will, за которым следуют основной глагол и второстепенные члены предложения. tomorrow? Вопрос к подлежащему Это означает, что порядок слов в вопросе к подлежащему следующий: Who / What -н will + основной глагол + второстепенные члены предложения + 7 Who will work? — 1 / you will; he / she / it will; we / you / they will ( 3 ) In pairs. Soon your family will celebrate New Year. Take turns to ask and answer the questions. Model: Who will make New Year decorations? — / will. 1. Who will decorate the flat? 2. Who will clean the floor? 3. Who will cook? 4. Who will buy presents? 5. Who will write cards for your friends? 6. Who will send you cards? 7. Who will phone you? 8. Who will come to you? 9. Who will go to bed early? ^4 j Play a game. Ask and answer questions about these inventions. Start with who, when and what. Fill in the tables in your Workbooks. Представьте себе, что вы оказались на месте Роба Маквизарда в прошлом и знаете, что и когда изобретет человечество. Расскажите об этих изобретениях. Игру начинает А. Он (Она) задает все свои вопросы по всем кар- Unit 2 Lesson 6 39 "•~r“5--c заполняя их. После этого свои вопросы задает В, ко-“Ст,- ы-с-’-яе* свои карточки. По окончании игры карточки сравниваете 3-г~-‘си в них должны быть одинаковыми. л огк on this page. В- Go to page 163. Model: A: What will Thomas Adams invent? B: He’ll invent chewing gum. A: When will he invent chewing gum? B: In 1870. Information for A Thomas Adams 1839 Kirkpatrick Macmillan 9 Aeroplane 13 Karl Benz 1823 Charles Babbage 3 Radio 6 Fax 1843 10 Theo Maiman 14 1709 Bartolommeo Cristofori 7 Refrigerator 1834 11 Revolver 1898 Valdemar Poulsen Alexander Graham Bell 12 Television 15 Tank 1916 Vladimir Zworikin 16 Water Closet (WC) Homework )• Write questions for the answers. Model: — The doctors will work in a new hospital. — Where will the doctors work? 1. — We will learn French next year. 2. — My father will come home at seven o’clock. 3. — A famous singer will come to our city. 4. — They will go to Moscow in a month. 5. — They will be in England next month. 6. — I will find new friends in a new school. 7. — Helen will have a big surprise on her birthday. 40 Unif 2 Lesson 6 Представьте себе, что вы встретили предсказателя будущего. Что бы вы хотели узнать о своем будущем? Запишите свои вопросы. Translate the mini-dialogues into English. 1. Кто поедет на машине? — Я. 4. Кто купит билеты? — Папа. 2. Кто напишет письмо? — Он. 5 Кто поможет маме? — Мы. 3. Кто позвонит? — Саша. 6. Кто приедет завтра? — Они. Lesson 7 What will happen to them? In pairs. With your friends ask and answer: What will happen to you next week? Make predictions and tell the class about each other. ! К Робу Маквизарду подошли трое ребят, о которых он ничего не знает. Поэтому, отвечая на их вопросы, он часто ошибается. Прочитайте стихотворение и решите, какие предсказания Роба могут сбыться в XVI-XVII веках, а какие нет. I Listen to the song and sing along. Match the pictures of the children with the predictions. In ten years In ten years What will happen to me? In ten years Where will I be? Will I be happy? Will I be alone? Will I travel round the world? Will I stay at home? In ten years you’ll be twenty-one, You’ll travel round the world and you’ll have You’ll go to Scotland and you’ll go to Spain You’ll travel by car, by bus and by plane. In ten years you’ll be a famous star. You’ll have a small dog and a very big You’ll buy a nice house with a swimming And your friends will say “She’s really In ten years you’ll be twenty-two. You will be a vet and you’ll work at the zoo. You’ll love your job and you’ll never be late And the tigers and lions will think, “He is great. о T Unit 2 Lessons 6 and 7 41 Answer the questions. 1. Who will be a famous star in ten years? 2. Who will buy a nice house in ten years? 3. Who will travel round the world in ten years? 4. Who will stay at home in ten years? 5. Who will work with animals in ten years? Make questions for the answers. 1. You’ll be a famous star in ten years. 2. You’ll be a vet. 3. You’ll be twenty-two. 4. You’ll work at the zoo. 5. You’ll go to Scotland. 6. Your friends will. 7. You’ll travel round the world in ten years. 8. You’ll travel by car, by bus and by plane. 9. You’ll buy a nice house. Copy the table into your copybooks. Listen to the information about Peter, Alex and Kate and fill in the table. ^ 7 3 Use the information in your copybooks and try to write predictions for Peter, Kate and Alex again. Homework у Write a short prediction on a piece of paper. Next lesson your classmate will get it in a magic lottery game. These questions will help you: 1. When will it be? 2. Where will he / she be? 3. What job will he / she have? 4. Will he / she be happy? 5. Will he / she stay at home? 6. Will he / she travel round the world? 7. What will he / she have? (children, friends, a big family, a car, a house, a swimming pool, a dog,...) 42 Unit 2 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Rob predicts the future of England 1 j Play a magic lottery game. Put your predictions in a hat. Take a prediction out of the hat and read it. Is it true? 2 , Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. the Great Plague [,greit 'pleig] — эпидемия чумы the Great Fire of London [,greit Таю] — Великий лондонский пожар а century ['sentjari] — век to kill — убивать to execute ['eksikju:tj — казнить to destroy [di'stroi] — уничтожить to catch [kaetj] — схватить, поймать Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1. I don’t believe this doctor. He is a charlatan f'Jaibtanj. 3 Listen to the dialogue and mark these sentences true or false. 1. Rob will meet the Queen of England. 2. The Queen of England will call Rob a charlatan. 3. Rob won’t predict the future. 4. The Queen will give Rob presents and money. 4 Read the dialogue and check your answers. My Queen, there is a great wizard in London His name is Rob MacWizard. He knows the past and the future. Bring him to me! I am sure, he is a Unit 2 Lesson 8 43 Elizabeth: What will happen to my country in the future, Rob? Rob: The seventeenth century won’t be easy for England because the kings of England won’t be strong. Elizabeth: When will I die? Rob: You’ll die in four years. In 43 years, the Civil War will start in England. In 50 years. Parliament will execute the king. In 66 years the Great Plague will come. ; It will kill many people. In 67 years, the Great Fire will destroy ' London. But in the 19th century, England will be the strongest country in the world. ^ Elizabeth: And what will happen to you, Rob? Rob: I don’t know. Elizabeth: In two hours you will be in the Tower of London because you are a witch! Rob: But catch me first! Answer the questions. Model: What will happen in 1603? — Queen Elizabeth will die. 1. What will happen in 1642? 2. What will happen in 1649? 3. What will happen in 1665? 4. What will happen in 1666? 5. When will England be the strongest country in the world? 6. What will happen to Rob? 7. What does “You’ll be in the Tower of London” mean? Is it good or bad for Rob? 44 ‘jnit 2 Lesson 8 6 Представьте себе, что у вас есть возможность попасть в Англию 1599 года. 1. Will you go there? 2. What will you take with you? 3. What won’t you take with you? Use these things for ideas: tape recorder sandwiches and a jar of coffee ' These expressions will help you: 1. I’ll need it. /1 won’t need it. 2. I’ll use it. /1 won’t use it. 3. I’ll help people. history book revolver 4. It’ll work. / It won’t work. 5. It’ll help me. 6. It is safe. / It isn’t safe. Homework J* ^ ^ ^ What do you think? What will happen in Russia in a century? 1. Will there be a president or a king in Russia? 2. Will people’s life be better in Russia? 3. Will Russia be bigger or smaller? 4. Which city will be the capital of Russia? 5. Will the climate change? Will it be warmer or colder? 6. Will the Russian language become popular all over the world? Translate the questions into English. 1. Где вы будете через час? 2. Где он будет жить через 10 лет? 3. Что случится через год? 4. Куда полетят люди через два века? 46 2 Lesson 8 Lesson Т Напомним, что английские личные местоимения имеют две формы. Одну из них можно сравнить с русскими личными местоимениями в именительном падеже. Вторая форма — объектный падеж — соответствует личным местоимениям русского языка во всех остальных падежах. Именительный падеж Объектный падеж I я те мне, меня, мной, (обо) мне you ты (Вы) you вас, вам, вами, (о) вас he он him его, ему, им, (о) нем she она her ее, ей, ею, (о) ней it оно, он, она it его / ее, ему / ей, им / ею, (о) нем / о ней we мы us нас, нам, нами, (о) нас you вы you вас, вам, вами, (о) вас they они them их, им, ими, (о) них ^ 1 Change the sentences according to the model. Use if, her, him, them. Model: Sing a song. — Sing it. 1. Look at the dog. 2. Write a letter to Alice. 3. Phone John. 4. Answer the questions. 5. Ask the girls. 6. Read the text. 7. Translate the words. 8. Give Ann the book. 9. Send Mary an e-mail. Как вам уже известно, просьбы или приказания выражаются формами повелительного наклонения. С просьбой или приказанием обычно обращаются ко 2 лицу единственного и множественного числа. Open the window. — Открой окно. Send this fax, please. — Отошлите этот факс, пожалуйста. Когда предложение или приказание обращено к 3 лицу единственного и множественного числа, используется глагол let. Let her phone me. — Пусть она мне позвонит. Let the girls sing a song. — Пусть девочки споют песню. Let them go to the park. — Пусть они пойдут в парк. Unit 3 Lesson 47 Таким образом, для того чтобы образовать повелительные предложения с глаголом let, нужно воспользоваться следующей формулой: Let -ь местоимение 3 лица ед. и мн. числа в объектном падеже / существительное -ь основной глагол. 2 J The boss is writing a list of his wishes (список желаний). Help the boss: open the brackets and complete the sentences. Translate them into Russian. Model: Let (I) become a famous detective. — Let me become a famous detective. Let (my wife) learn to cook. Let (my friends) invite me for dinner. Let (Agent Cute) find a new job. Let (he) work far away from me. Let (Robin MacWizard and Misha Inin) phone Robin’s parents. Let (they) come home. Let (Robin’s mother) find her son. Let (she) be happy. Когда c предложением сделать что-либо вместе обращаются к 1 лицу множественного числа, используется конструкция let*s (let us) + основной глагол Let's play football. — Давайте сыграем в футбол. Let's not watch this film.— Давайте не будем смотреть этот фильм. 3 Open the brackets and complete the suggestions. In what situations can people make them? 1. Let (we) clean the blackboard. 2. Let (we) invite friends. 3. Let (we) listen to the tape. 4. Let (we) answer these questions. 5. Let (we) give her a present. Давайте учиться правильно реагировать, когда вам предлагают что-то сделать. Let's watch TV. — Давайте посмотрим телевизор. Perfect! — Отлично! That's а good idea. — Это хорошая мысль. I like this suggestion. — Мне нравится это предложение. I don't think that's а good idea. — He думаю, что это хорошая мысль. Great! — Замечательно! It's fun! — Это здорово! I can't do it now. Гт busy. — Я не могу сделать это сейчас! Я занят(а)! I don't want to do it. — Я не хочу это делать. 48 Look at the picture and change the sentences. What are the children getting ready for? What are the children's reactions to the teacher's suggestions? Посмотрите на картинки и измените предложения. К чему готовятся дети? Какова их реакция на предложения учителя? Model: Let Katya and Dima wash the floor. — Let them wash the floor. Katya and Dima are not very happy about this suggestion. --'г 1. Let Sveta phone our guests. 2. Let Sasha write a special song. 3. Let Dasha buy presents. 4. Let Vova and Anya make British flags. Write the ideas for your best friend's birthday party. Use the expressions below. Model: a) to give presents — Let’s give him / her presents. a) to decorate the flat b) to call mates c) to play hide-and-seek d) to watch TV e) to invite Granny f) to have fish and chips g) to make a cake h) to read books i) to sing songs j) to make costumes and masks k) to play computer games l) to play the piano m) to prepare a surprise n) to call a teacher o) to dance p) to write a card In pairs. Take turns to give ideas for a birthday party and react to them. Use the expressions from Ex. 5. Model: Let Kolya buy a cake. — Great! Let’s play computer games. — / don’t think it’s a good idea. Unit 3 Lesson 1 49 .j7d) Listen to the song "Let's celebrate". What are the friends going to do? What are the friends not going to do? V 8 J Read the song and check your answers. Let’s celebrate Tomorrow is my birthday. And it’s a magic date. Let my classmates come to me. And let’s celebrate. Let them bring me presents, Let them sing a song. And let’s play computer games all day long. Let’s go out for dinner. Then let’s watch TV, Let me phone my Granny, And let her come to me. Let her make a big cake, And let’s say “Hooray!” Let it be my birthday every day! V 9Й Listen to the song and sing along. Homework A ; Translate the sentences into English. 1. Давайте украсим квартиру. 2. Давайте отметим день рождения. 3. Пусть они споют песню. 4. Пусть они принесут подарки. 5. Пусть он поможет маме. 6. Давайте съедим большой торт. В Write three suggestions for a) your friend’s birthday party. b) this evening. c) your school New Year party. Use the expressions from the song. Model: Let’s play computer games. How do you usually celebrate your birthday? What do you do? What don't you do? Write 5-7 sentences. 50 Unif 3 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 In Westminster Abbey Guess the meaning of the underlined word. Show your documents ['dnkjumonts] to the policeman. 1 • Do you want to know what's happening to Misha and Robin? Listen to the dialogue, read it and find out. Let’s fly to Russia! , Misha, that's not a very , good idea. Scotland is a long A way. It’s nine o’clock now and the magic time of no-time is V today. --------- ------- And what about you? You aren’t going to stay in England on your own, are you? You have no documents, no friends. Let’s go back to Russia together! 3 Lesson 2 51 I don’t know! Oh no, we’re falling! I can’t fly! 2 Finish these sentences and say what's happening to Misha and Robin. Misha and Robin are... The Stone of Destiny is... Scotland is... The time of no-time is... Misha and Robin want to... Misha can’t... Robin can’t... Help Misha and Robin. Suggest what they can do. Start with Let them... / Let Misha and Robin... Use these ideas: phone Misha’s family, phone the family of Misha’s pen friend, go to the police, fly to Scotland, find a job in England, go to the Russian Consulate (российское консульство), find a friend in England, go to the airport. f C ’‘У . Discuss your ideas with friends. Use the words and expressions from When in Rome. Model: — Let them go to the police. — That’s not a very good idea. The hoys have no documents. — 1 don ’t agree with you. That’s a good idea. The police can phone Misha’s parents and help the hoys get home. What's the best idea? 52 ЮП 2 Homework J ^ A J Give suggestions for these situations. Model: Our mother is tired. Let’s help her. 1. There is a new film on TV today. 2. This book is very interesting. 3. The teacher is going to check our homework tomorrow. 4. The weather is very nice today. 5. It’s Kate’s birthday today. 6. Granny wants to see you. 7. The first train is at 6.30. in the morning. . В J Think of a problem. Write two or three sentences about it. In the next lesson ask your classmates for their suggestions. A sleepover at the museum J Listen to the words, repeat them after the speaker and then read them. Which of them do you know from Class 5? family, hospital, capital, animal, memory, mineral, daffodil, destiny, history, opposite Если слово состоит из трех слогов, то ударение в таких словах падает на первый слог и все гласные в этом слове читаются как в закрытом типе слога. Например: manager ['тзешс^э!. Listen to the words, repeat them after the speaker and then read them. suggestion, collection, fiction, mention, production Суффикс -tion читается как [fnj. Read the sentences and guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1. I like films about dinosaurs ['dainssoiz]. 2. Their collection of minerals f'minaralzj is the biggest in the world. 3. Our city museum organizes [‘oiganaiziz] interesting excursions [ik'skaijnzl for children. Unit 3 Lessons 2 and 3 53 Listen to the words and repeat them after the speaker. a sleeping bag — спальный мешок after that — после этого creepy — страшный light — свет to relax [n'laeksj — расслабиться, отдохнуть to wake up — просыпаться a plant fplarnt] — растение FOR YOUR INFORMATION The Natural History Museum [.naetjorol 'histori mju:,zi3m| — Музей естественной истории. It is in London. At this museum you can learn about the history of plants, animals and minerals. Т4Ш Listen to the text, read it and choose the best answer to the question: What is a sleepover? a) an excursion to a museum b) a game you play at night c) a night excursion to a museum d) a bedtime story A sleepover at the museum Aaaah! A ghost! A witch! A dinosaur! Help! What’s happening here! Hi, my name’s Ted! It’s a sleepover — a night excursion. Museums do it for children at Halloween time. We come to the museum in the evening, play games and make costumes and masks. Then the real fun begins: witches, ghosts and monsters come and play with us! We come to a big dark room and they tell us scary stories. After that they run after us and touch us in the dark with their cold hands! These monsters are not real, but they are creepy! We go to sleep very late and we sleep in our sleeping bags. In the morning we wake up and see dinosaurs next to us. Cool, isn’t it? It’s the Natural History Museum. They have the best collection of dinosaurs in the world! Unit 3 Lesson 3 55 ^^5 ^ Answer the questions. 1. What’s a sleepover? 2. Who organizes sleepovers? 3. When do they organize sleepovers? 4. Do children come for sleepovers alone? 5. What do children do in the evening? 6. Who comes at night? 7. What do monsters and witches do? 8. Do children like sleepovers? Ask your friend: What does he (she) think about sleepovers? Model: Does he find sleepovers fun? — Do you find sleepovers fun? 1. Are they scary? 2. Does he / she want to go to a sleepover? 3. Which museum in your town does he / she want to visit? Why? 4. Which museum in the world does he / she want to visit? Why? 5. Does he / she want to go there with parents or friends? ^ 7 } Report your friend's answers to the class. Homework • \ Ask questions about the underlined words. 1. Museums organize sleepovers at Halloween time. 2. We come late in the evening, play games, make costumes and masks. 3. Then the real fun begins: witches, ghosts and monsters come and play with us! 4. We come to a big dark room and they tell us scary stories. 5. We go to sleep very late and we sleep in our sleeping bags. 6. In the morning we wake up and see dinosaurs next to us. 3 Play a game "Are you ready for a sleepover at the Natural History Museum?" (See p. 57.) 56 Unit 3 Lesson 3 Are you ready for a sleepover at the Natural History Museum? | No I Do you like scary stories? Do you like to read about animals? V >Yes Do you like to go to bed late? Yes Is a dinosaur a dragon? Is your hair black? i- No ) V No Э1 Noh^ Do you like ' i candles? The Natural History Museum is in London, isn't it? Yes Yes Do you like cats? Do you want to see a UFO? ^Yes. Do you believe in magic? Yes Do you celebrate Halloween? ** No) \ Yes , r I Yes ^ / Is number 13 lucky? Do you know the film “Jurassic Park"? Yes ^ Is biology your favourite subject? yes \ \ ' Noj / ^ Can you watch a scary film and then go to bed? Yes ; Can you touch a bat? Yes You like to learn new things and really enjoy sleepovers. Take your sleeping bag, your best friend and have fun! Do you believe in witches and wizards? I Л No? —4.... '' - Л / No /> Yes Do you find a dark room creepy? You are interested in witches, wizards and magic. But do you want to go to the Natural History Museum? Go and watch a scary film. Yes к % Please don't sleep next to a dinosaur! When you wake up and see it, you are going to be really scared. Why not go to bed with a good book and relax? Unit 3 Lesson 3 57 Lesson 4 Sleepovers Listen to the words and word combinations and repeat them after the speaker. a snack — легкая закуска an important [im'poitsntj note — an exhibition [.eksi'bifn] — важное замечание выставка a happy ending — счастливый a painter — художник конец Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1. Professor [pro'feso] Hill knows all about England. He is an expert ['ekspsit]. 2. This museum is very interesting. Let’s go on a tour [tuo]. ^2^ Mark these statements true or false. 1. Only the Natural History Museum organizes sleepovers. 2. Museums organize sleepovers only at Halloween time. 3. Children come to the museum alone. (Your mum and dad can stay at home.) 4. Children usually bring their sleeping bags and snacks for the sleepovers. 5. Sleepovers begin after 10 p.m. 6. The children come home in the morning after the sleepovers. 7. Museums organize sleepovers for fun. 8. Sleepovers can give you the chance to exchange ideas with your friends, learn new things and help you with your homework. 3 J Misha and Robin are reading information about sleepovers in London. Read and check your answers to Ex. 2. . if \Ш1 7м» у |||| ш IT ш Where THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM When Every Friday, 7 p.m.— 8 a.m. Topic Dinosaurs. Come to us for the night. You and your class can have a very interesting tour of our museum, listen to dinosaur stories and meet our dinosaur expert — Professor Bell. Important note Please come with your mum or dad. Bring your sleeping bag and snacks for breakfast. 58 Unit 3 Lesson 4 Where THE TOWER OF LONDON When March 6 p.m — 8 a.m. Topic The world of English kings and queens. Come and learn all about the history of English kings and queens. Play with the royal dogs, look at the ravens, have breakfast with beefeaters and sleep in the royal prison. -P 4. 4. X Please come with your mum or dad. Don't forget your important note sleeping bag and snacks for breakfast. Where When Topic Important note THEATRE MUSEUM, LONDON April — October every Friday, 8 p.m.— 8 a.m. Theatre. Meet William Shakespeare, listen to his poems and act in his favourite play "Romeo and Juliet". Help Shakespeare write a new story with a happy ending. Please come with your mum or dad. Don't forget your sleeping bag and snacks for breakfast. 4 ) Which sleepover do you want to go to? Explain your answer. Model: / want to go to the Natural History Museum. / want to find out all about dinosaurs. 5 ; Use these words and write about a sleepover at the British Museum. the British Museum / 8 November / 7 p.m. — 8 a.m. / magic animals / griffons / unicorns / sphinxes / make your own / meet the real / bring / glue / scissors / sleeping bag / snacks / come / mum / dad 6 Choose the right answers. More than one answer is correct. 1. A sleepover is... a) ...a night excursion. b) ...an excursion to a museum. c) ...a party. 2. ...can organize sleepovers. a) The Natural History Museum. b) The Tower of London... c) Many museums... Unit 3 Lesson 4 59 3. Sleepovers normally start... a) ...in the morning. b) ...in the evening. c) ...in the afternoon. 4. After sleepovers children come home... a) ...in the morning. b) ...in the evening. c) ...in the afternoon. 5. Children. ... a) ...come with their mum or dad. b) ...bring their sleeping bags. c) ...bring snacks for breakfast. 6. At sleepovers, children... a) ...relax. b) ...sleep. c) ...learn interesting things. 7. Sleepovers help children with their homework in... a) ...history. b) ...biology. c) ...literature. 8. At sleepovers, children can... a) ...play games. b) ...listen to interesting stories. c) ...make things with their own hands. Listen to the text and check your answers. ^ 8 J Imagine that you are at a sleepover at a) the Hermitage b) the Moscow Zoo c) the Moscow Polytechnic Museum Do the tasks. a) Look at the dinosaur. Match the parts of its body with the names. tail, head, body, front legs, back legs b) Read the information about a family of tigers and answer the questions. 1. What’s the name of the youngest member of the tiger family? 2. How old is he? 3. Where do the tigers come from? 4. Can you see Rokan at 2 p.m.? 5. Can you see Leo at 10 a.m.? Our six-month-old Sumatran tiger Leo is a children’s favourite. See Leo, his mother, Sunny, and his father, Rokan, at the Great Cat exhibition. The tigers are now outside from about 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. 60 Unit 3 Lesson 4 с) Match the pictures with the painters. V I V*?' ■ ^ . i V'4v^> # Prince^ Swan^ (^Girl with peaches^ (Archangel Micha^ Andrey Rublev, Valentin Serov, Victor Vasnetsov. Michael Vrubel Match the museums with the activities you can do there. Homework A Use the information from Ex. 6, 7, write about sleepovers and be ready to tell your story to the class. В What can visitors see and learn in your city / town / village museums? Think of interesting activities that people can do there. Use Ex. 5-6 as an example. Lesson 5 A girl gets lost 1 ) Listen to the words and repeat them after the speaker. Guess the meanings of the underlined words. situation, celebration, demonstration, liberation, generation, consultation. decoration, coronation, illumination, examination, intuition, conversation В словах, состоящих из четырех слогов и более, есть основное ['] и второстепенное [,] ударение. Например: mathematics [,mae0i'maetiks]. 2 i Listen to the words and repeat them after the speaker. to try [trail — пытаться to cry — плакать to get lost — потеряться because [bi'koz] — потому что a notebook — записная книжка Unif 3 Lessons 4 and 5 61 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. 1. Who do Misha and Robin meet at the sleepover? 2. What’s the girl’s problem? 3. What are the boys going to do? 4 Read the conversation. Let’s help Alice A girl: Mark! John! Rosy! Where are you? Robin: Who are you? What can we do for you? The girl: My name is Alice. I’m here with my friends, but I can’t find them. Misha: Let’s try and find them together. Robin: It’s eleven o’clock. All the people have gone home (все ушли). Alice: I am lost! Who will help me? Misha: Phone your friends. Alice: I can’t phone them. They are not at home at the moment. They are in London on an excursion. Misha: You have your friends’ address, don’t you? Alice: Yes, I do, but I can’t go there alone. I’m a tourist from France. It’s my second day in England. I don’t know London. Misha: Don’t cry, Alice! We are with you. Alice: Will you help me, boys? 62 Unit 3 Lesson 5 Союз because (потому что) соединяет два простых предложения в одно сложное. Например: Не plays computer games, because it’s interesting.— Он играет в компьютерные игры, потому что это интересно. 5. Alice can’t find her friends’ house, because a) she doesn’t know London. b) she doesn’t like London. c) she doesn’t know their address. 6. Alice is crying, because a) she wants to go home to France. b) she doesn’t like Misha and Robin. c) she gets lost. 7. Robin says, “That’s a surprise!” about the address, because a) it is his address. b) Alice’s friends don’t live in London. c) he can’t read it. Choose the right answer. 1. Alice can’t find her friends at the museum because a) they have gone. b) they are playing outside. c) they are in France. 2. Alice’s friends have gone, because a) they don’t like Alice. b) it’s eleven o’clock. c) they are very busy. 3. Alice is lost, because a) she is from France. b) her friends have gone. c) she doesn’t speak English. 4. Alice can’t phone her friends, because a) she doesn’t speak English. b) she doesn’t know their phone number. c) her friends are not at home at the moment. Imagine that you get lost in England. What will you do in this situation? Why? Match the parts of the sentences and use them for ideas. 1. Г11 stay at that place,... 2. Г11 go to my English friends’ home,... 3. Г11 phone my English friends,... 4. Г11 go to the police,... 5. Г11 phone Mum and Dad,... a) ...because I know their phone number. b) ...because they can always help. c) ...because my English friends can find me there. d) ...because I know their address. e) ...because they can find my English friends and take me to their home. Unit 3 Lesson 5 63 7 ) Play a game. Use the parts of the sentences and make as many sentences with because as you can. Model: I can't go out, because it's cold. ...it's winter ...we want to go out ...school starts at 8 a.m. .1 am going to go to bed now .1 want to use the phone .the sun is shining ...I don't want to watch TV ..I like sports ..my best friend isn't well today ...I don't want to play football .the weather is bad .it's raining ...this film is boring 8 ) Check your answers with the cassette / disk. Homework i* A Answer the questions. 1. Is it cold or warm today? Why? 2. Are you happy today? Why? / Why not? 3. Do you like mathematics? Why? / Why not? 4. Do you like to read books? Why? / Why not? 5. Do you want to go to England? Why? / Why not? 6. Do you want to be a doctor? Why? / Why not? 7. Do you want to learn to drive a car? Why? / Why not? 8. Do you like winter? Why? / Why not? 9. What’s your favourite season? Why? 64 Unit 3 Lesson 5 Lessons 1,2 Go down the street 1 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. to turn right ['t3:n 'rait] — повернуть направо to turn left ['t3:n 'left] — повернуть налево to go down / up the street — идти вниз / вверх по улице to go past smth — пройти мимо чего-либо on the right / left side — на правой / левой стороне on the corner — на углу opposite f'npazit] — напротив between [bi'twi:n] — между a road — дорога a station [ steijn] — вокзал How do I get to...? — Как мне добраться до...? Если вы хотите задать вопрос незнакомому человеку на улице, будет невежливо, если вы обратитесь к нему с прямым вопросом: Where is the bank? — Где банк? В английском языке в такой ситуации правильно будет начать вопрос со слов: Excuse те, сап you tell те...? — Извините, не могли бы вы мне сказать? Excuse те, do you know...? — Извините, вы не знаете...? Например: Excuse те, сап you tell те where the bank is? — Извините, не могли бы вы мне сказать, где банк? Обратите внимание: Если перед специальным вопросом стоят фразы Сап you tell...?. Do you know...?, то после вопросительного слова ставится подлежащее, а за ним основной глагол. Например: Сап you tell те where the hotel is? Do you know where he lives? 3 Английский ЯЧЫК, 6 кл. Happy English Unit 4 Lessons 1,2 65 Make your questions polite. Start with Excuse me, can you fell...? Excuse me, do you know...? 6. What’s your address? 7. What is the first lesson on Monday? 8. Where is the head teacher’s office? 1. Where is my bag? 2. Where are your friends? 3. What’s your name? 4. How old are you? 5. What’s your phone number? In pairs. Ask and answer these questions. 3 Now Cute remembers his mission in Russia^ but he doesn't remember his home town in England. Listen to the dialogues and answer the question: What is Cute looking for? Choose from a bank, his house, the detective agency, his mother's house, a supermarket, a hospital, a school, a museum. 4 Read the dialogues and check your answers. Excuse me, how do I get to National Westminster bank? Go up this street, turn left and it is on the right side. Go down the street, turn right, go past the shop and you are there. 66 Unit 4 Lessons 1, 2 Excuse me, do you know where my house is? __________ You can’t remember your address, can you? Are you OK? Go down the street and turn left. The hospital is between the supermarket and the school. FOR YOUR INFORMATION National Westminster or NatWest is one of the biggest British banks. Л NatWest In pairs. A; Ask В directions for: a bookshop, a police station, a dentist, a supermarket. B: Answer A's questions. Use the mop. up down Bookshop Police station Dentist Supermarket Unit 4 Lessons 1,2 67 '^6 Поиграем. После того кок водящий выйдет из класса, спрячьте в классе какой-либо предмет. Вернувшись, водящий должен найти спрятанный предмет, руководствуясь указаниями одного из вас. Model: А: Go to the blackboard. В: OK. A: Now turn left and go past the teacher’s table. B: OK. A: Stop! It’s in the bag! §7 Cute is talking to the doctor. The doctor wants to help him remember his home town, so he asks Cute questions. Listen to the dialogue, look at the map and tick Cute's correct answers. Bank Office Shop Museum Supermarket School Hospital Station Hotel Cute’s house Listen to the dialogue again and correct Cute's mistakes. Homework Translate the dialogues into English and act them out in class. A: Извините, Вы не можете мне сказать, где книжный магазин? В: Пройдите мимо банка, идите вниз по улице, поверните налево и вы увидите его. А; Спасибо. А; Извините, Вы не знаете, где супермаркет? В: Идите вверх по улице, поверните направо и вы увидите его. А: Спасибо. А: Извините, как мне добраться до вокзала? В: Пройдите мимо магазина, поверните налево и вы увидите его на углу улицы. А: Спасибо. 68 Unit 4 Lessons 1, 2 Give detailed answers to the questions. Be ready to act out the dialogues in class. 1. How do we get from your school to your house? 2. How do we get from your house to the station? 3. How do we get from your school to the supermarket? 4. How do we get from your school to the post office? 5. How do we get from the station to the hotel? 6. How do we get from your school to the hospital? Lesson 3 How do we get to Tunbridge Wells? Robin and Alice are looking for Tunbridge Wells on the map. Help them. Look at the map and answer the questions. 1. What is the full name of Tunbridge Wells? 2. Is Tunbridge Wells in London? 3. Which county is Tunbridge Wells in? 4. Is Tunbridge Wells far from London? LONDON Rochester " Sevenoaks Canterbury Tonbridge KENT Tunbridge Wells North Sea Sandwich Dover English Channel Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 10 kilometres ['kil3,mi:taz] (six miles) is not a long distance f'distans]. 2 Listen to the words, repeat them after the speaker and then read them. measure, treasure, pleasure Буква s перед -ure передает звук [3], a -ure передает звук [э]. Unit 4 Lessons 1, 2 and 3 69 I FOR YOUR In Russia we measure the distance in kilometres. In England they measure the distance in miles. Answer the questions. 1. Which is longer a mile or a kilometre? 2. How many kilometres are there in 200 miles? 3. How far is your city / town / village from Moscow in kilometres / in miles? Answer the question. How do people get to work / school? Match the words with the pictures. Model: Alex gets to work by car. 1. to get... by bus 2. to get .. 3. to get.. 4. to get.. 5. to get.. 6. to get .. 7. to walk by plane by bicycle by underground by boat by train 70 (^Martin^ Listen to the conversation. Read it and answer the questions. 1. How far is Tunbridge Wells from London? 2. How are the friends going to get to Tunbridge Wells? 3. What are the friends looking for? Robin; Tunbridge Wells is about 50 miles from here. How do we get there? Alice; Fifty miles isn’t very far, but we can’t walk to Tunbridge Wells. We need a car. Misha; We don’t have a car, but we can go by train. Alice; Let’s find a station. Misha; That’s a good idea! Unit 4 Lesson 3 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Royal Tunbridge Wells ['roial .tAnbrid^ 'welzj — Королевскитт Танбридж-Уэлс. История этого города отражена в его названии. Wells (колодцы) означает, что когда-то этот город был курортом, знаменитым своими целебными водами, а Royal (королевский) добавлено к названию города в знак того, что этот курорт часто посещали члены королевской семьи, в том числе и одна из самых великих королев Англии — королева Виктория. IJni! ; Lessc 71 In pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Model: How do you get to school? — By underground. 1. How do you get to the shop? 2. How do you get to school? 3. How do you get to your granny’s house? 4. How do you get to Moscow? 5. How do you get to your best friend’s house? 6. How does your mother get to work? Report your friend's answers to the class. Use the plan. 1. My friend gets to school... 2. My friend gets to the shop... 3. ...to his (her) granny’s house... 4. ...to Moscow... 5. ...to his (her) best friend’s house... 6. His (her) mother gets to work... Homework \ Alice is telling Misha and Robin about her life in Paris. Read her story and do Ex. B. I live in Paris. I don’t like the underground and I don’t use it very often. I get to school by bicycle in summer and by bus in winter. My neighbour is my best friend and I often walk to her house. My granny doesn’t live in Paris and we get to her house by car or by train. I love the big shops in the centre of Paris and always get there by underground. It’s easier. My father is a businessman and he often flies to London. He can get there by car or by train, but he likes to fly. i Write questions for the answers. Model: How does Alice's father get to London? — He flies there. How does Alice get to school? — She gets to school by car or by bicycle. — He flies there. — Because her granny doesn’t live in Paris. — She gets to the shops by underground. — She walks there. — Because he likes to fly. 72 Unit 4 Lesson 3 Lessons 4^5 Where is Charing Cross? 1 у Listen to the words and expressions and square fskwes] — площадь place — место Charing Cross l.tjaerip 'kros] Brompton Road ['bromptn 'rood] — a street in the centre of London Knightsbridge ['naitsbrid5] — a street in the centre of London Eccleston Street ['eklstan stri:tj — a street in the centre of London St James’s Park [snt .cfeeimziz 'pa'kj — a park in the centre of London 2 Find the places on the map. repeat them after the speaker. Sherlock Holmes [Jailnk ’haumz] — Шерлок Холмс It is named after... — зд. она названа в честь... to beat smb — зд. победить кого-либо bronze — бронзовый а battle — битва FOR YOUR INFORMATION Victoria Station [vik,to:ri3 'steijn] — a big, old train and underground station in London. It is named after Victoria, a famous English queen. Trafalgar Square [tra.faelga 'skwes] — a famous square in the centre of London. It is named after the battle of Trafalgar. At that battle Admiral Nelson beat Napoleon. In the centre of the square is Nelson’s column. Around the column are four bronze lions. Big Ben — a famous clock tower in the centre of London. Q Victoria Station^ Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 73 Q Q О 15 \ Q. Ъ- г '9 rS> ^л V ,0v 0%^о' <2> С? / 1 О :У Cfl ■ / / Р/ -С Ч O' 0^^°' 6'^- о •3 <о 'Q. 01 сл 03 а Ch! Сгс / :? со ГУ HYDE PARK Hyde Park Corner о Kensington Rd \\Qt Г)0 .60»® ST JAMES’S PARK ,Downing St <^e- Knightsbridge Nj\d \o А-Э- '%, Horseferr Victoria C< O^n ,^6 ^ Underground Station Sq — Square Main Line Station Gdns — Gardens Rd — Road PI — Place St — Street Ct — Court 74 4 le-- --4, 5 1 Madame Tussaud’s & the London Planetarium 8 The London Eye 2 Sherlock Holmes’s House 3 Nelson’s column 4 The Natural History Museum 5 Buckingham Palace 6 Big Ben 7 Westminster Abbey 9 The Globe 10 The Tower of London 11 Westminster Bridge 12 Waterloo Bridge 13 London Bridge 14 Tower Bridge 12 Hill upper Thames St R I V E R a %'8 13 Waterloo T H A M В s Оол ey up down 14 ■D CC d Charing Cross Waterloo Q. O' о O' I г. Ш r The Greenwich Observatory GREENWICH Lev.i 4 75 Holmes CoxsuLTOa DeteotI^^ 3 Do you know Sherlock Holmes? What's his address? Find this street on the map. 4 Look at the map. Find the places named after: 1. a city in England 2. an English queen 3. a battle 5j. Listen to the dialogue and read it. Look at the map and answer the question: Which station will the friends get to? In the street Alice: Excuse me, can you tell us where the train station is? A man: Sure. It’s not very far. Go up Brompton Road and go past Knightsbridge underground station. Then go up Knightsbridge and turn right at Eccleston Street. Go down Eccleston Street and turn right. The train station is on the right. Alice: Thank you very much. A man: That’s OK. Read the conversation and answer the question: 1. Will the friends get to Tunbridge Wells from the station? Why? / Why not? 2. What is Charing Cross? At the station I Misha: Excuse me Chris, which train goes to Tunbridge _________J Wells? Chris: I am sorry, but there are no trains from Victoria to Tunbridge Wells. Alice: But how do we get to Tunbridge Wells? Chris: The trains to Tunbridge Wells go from Charing Cross. Go there. 76 Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 ■<§7ф Read the text and listen to it. — Can you tell us, Chris, where Charing Cross is? — It is not very far from Trafalgar Square. — And where do we go from Trafalgar Square, please? — Turn right, and you are there. — And how do we get to Trafalgar Square? — Go up the street round St James’s Park, When you see Big Ben just, turn left there. Do you see? Trafalgar Square is not so far. Answer the questions. 1. What is London’s famous clock called? Where is it? 2. What is in the middle of Trafalgar Square? 3. What is Charing Cross? Is it far from Trafalgar Square? 4. What is nearer to the Natural History Museum — Victoria Station or Charing Cross? In pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions about London. Model: What is near Knightsbridge underground station? — The Natural History Museum. Homework^ BAKER STREET NWl A j Look at the map in Ex. 2 and find the place names which end with Road, Square, Park, Street. Model: .... Road — Brompton Road Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 77 в Look at the map and find the places you know {места, которые вы знаете) the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, the Globe, the Natural History Museum. ‘Г-i Лл C Draw the friends' route on the map in your Workbooks. D Choose a place and write a short report about it. Use the plan: What is it? Is it old? What can tourists see there? This information will help you: The Tower of London: a famous museum, very old, beefeaters, ravens. Westminster Abbey: a famous museum, very old, the Coronation chair, the tombs of kings and queens. The Globe: a famous theatre, not old, Shakespeare, plays. The Natural History Museum: a famous museum, not very old, dinosaurs, animals, plants, minerals. 78 Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 Lesson How much is if to Charing Cross? Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. a bus stop — автобусная остановка a ticket ['tikit] — билет money ['mAiiiJ — деньги a pound [paund] — фунт стерлингов expensive [ik'spensrv] — дорогой safe — безопасно How much is it to...? — Сколько стоит билет до...? to hop on (hop off) — запрыгнуть в автобус (спрыгнуть с автобуса) Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1. Conductors [kon'dAktazJ check tickets. 2. This pen is five roubles f'ruiblz), ten kopecks I'kaupeks). Listen to the conversation and repeat it after the speaker. In the street Alice: I’m tired. Let’s go to Charing Cross by bus. Where is the bus stop? Misha: We don’t need a bus stop. I heard that old double-decker buses in London have no doors! Robin: Great! Let’s run and hop on. Alice: I’m afraid this information is out of date. Let’s go to the bus stop. Misha: OK, we can buy the tickets there. Alice: Oh, don’t worry about it. We can buy them on the bus. Answer the questions. 1. Why does Alice want to go to Charing Cross by bus? 2. Why does Misha think that they don’t need to find a bus stop? 3. What will the friends buy on the bus? Unit 4 Lesson 6 79 А double-decker bus [ДаЫ 'dekaj — двухэтажный автобус. До 2005 года знаменитые красные двухэтажные автобусы “Рутмастеры” имели открытую площадку, и пассажиры могли входить в автобус и выходить из него по ходу движения. Однако это было небезопасно, и возраст автобусного парка “Рутмастеров” уже перевалил для многих машин за отметку в 40 лет. Поэтому в 2005 году такие автобусы оставили лишь на двух “исторических” маршрутах — № 9 и 15. Read the conversation and answer the question: Are the tickets expensive? On the bus Alice: Excuse me, how much is it to Charing Cross? Conductor: It’s one pound. Alice: Three tickets, please. Conductor: That’s three pounds, please. Alice: Here you are. Conductor: Thank you. Misha: The tickets are expensive, aren’t they? FOR YOUR INFORMATION pound — English money is pounds (фунты стерлингов) and pence (пенсы). £1 (1 pound) ~ 54 roubles. Russian money is roubles and kopecks. A pound has a hundred pence. A rouble has a hundred kopecks. A* Л 'л SASK^rKSeb&fb £jiS> 1 i|, 5^ How much is: 1. £60 -b £50 = 2. £23.99 + £1.50 = 3. 71 p. + 50 p. = 4. £36.99 + £2.50 = 80 Unit 4 Lesson 6 I You are in Moscow. You are going to travel by plane. Read the questions and try to match the questions with the answers. 1. How much is it to Cherepovets? 2. How much is it to Yekaterinburg? 3. How much is it to London? 4. How much is it to Frankfurt? 5. How much is it to New York? 6. How much is it to Vladivostok? a) 12,000 roubles. b) 16,000 roubles c) 3 193 roubles d) 20,000 roubles e) 4,435 roubles f) 35,000 roubles 7 J Listen to the speaker and check your answers. 8^' Play a game. Участвуют пять человек. Один из вас — сотрудник вокзала, остальные — туристы. Информация для туристов — на стр. 89, информация для сотрудника вокзала на стр. 90. Вы — в Лондоне. На всех у вас £1 80. Используйте деньги из раздела Cut Out, совместив лицевую и оборотную стороны, Ех. 8С. Выберите, в какой город каждый из вас хотел бы поехать. Объясните свой выбор. Узнайте у сотрудника вокзала стоимость билетов до интересующих вас городов и постарайтесь распределить деньги так, чтобы каждый смог поехать в выбранный город. Расскажите классу, кто куда едет. Use the expressions; I want to go to... because... How much is it to...? It’s (not) expensive. I (you, he, she) can’t go there, because... I (you, he, she) can go there... I am going to... I’ll... EDINBURGH C Destination (Пункт назначения) National Rail Timetable from London Oxford Liverpool Edinburgh Colchester York Departures (Отправление) 09:00 10:10 10:00 10:00 13:00 4>. Duration (Длительность поездки) LONDON ] i L \ ^ I “ t ЧХ Unit 4 Lesson 6 81 Информация для сотрудника вокзала Homework J* • • • # • А ) Read the conversation and answer the question; Why are Alice and the boys going to Tunbridge Wells? Write two or three sentences. At Charing Cross Misha: Bye, Alice. Have fun in England! Alice: And what are you going to do, boys? Robin: Oh, we can go home now. Alice: Tell me the truth! You don’t live in London, do you? Robin: No, we don’t. Alice: And you have no money. Misha: That’s also true. Alice: Let’s go to Tunbridge Wells together. My friends are very nice people. They can help you. Robin: Thanks, Alice. That’s a really good idea! ..y Play the game "Get ready for a trip to London". It will help you prepare for your test. 82 Unit 4 Lesson 6 ^ Get ready for a trip to London ^ Can you read a map? / No Г Do you like travelling? No ^ > Is your English good? Yes Is the Natural Yes Л _ ^History Museum next■4:' No] to Knightsbridge? ^ There is only one — park in London. No 1 Yes 1 C, Do you like walking? Yes’ No, No N London is very No big, isn't it? Yes \ Yes You live in a big \ city, don't you? / V / C ^0 you like to travel by train? No No- Is Trafalgar Square opposite Charing Cross? t Yes Charing Cross is a station, isn't it? I Yes Yes No Do all London buses have doors? Is Big Ben next to ’ Westminster Abbey? j Yes-v ’ No One mile = two ' / kilometres f Knightsbridge is a street, isn't it? Yes*^ / \ Yes ^ No Do you find dark rooms creepy? j Yes У No Yes / Non^ N°bi Victoria is a I conductors famous English ^ drive buses? queen, isn't she? / у No yes\ Yes / ^ Is Big Ben a famous English king? / Yes You can go to London. It's safe. You can try, but take a good map with you and don't go alone! You can get lost in London. Read this unit again and get ready for your test! Unit 4 Lesson 6 83 What do you hove to do? Lesson 1 Глагол have to Глагол have to употребляется, когда речь идет о необходимости совершения действия в силу определенных обстоятельств. School starts at eight o’clock. / have to get up early.— Занятия в школе начинаются в 8 часов. Мне приходится вставать рано. (От меня это не зависит.) Не will have to walk his friend’s dog. — Ему придется выгуливать собаку своего друга. Утвердительное предложение / have to get up early.— Мне приходится вставать рано. Ги have to get up early tomorrow. — Мне придется встать рано завтра. Отрицательное предложение Для образования вопросительных и отрицательных предложений с have to используются вспомогательные глаголы. Му granny doesn*t have to get up early.— Моей бабушке не надо рано вставать. Му granny won*t have to get up early tomorrow. — Моей бабушке не придется рано вставать завтра. Общий вопрос Do you have to get up early? — Тебе приходится рано вставать? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. — Да. / Нет. Will you have to get up early tomorrow? — Тебе придется рано вставать завтра? Yes, I will. / No, / won’t. Специальный вопрос Why do you have to get up early? — Почему тебе приходится рано вставать? — 7 have to get up early, because school starts at eight o’clock. — Мне приходится вставать рано, потому что занятия в школе начинаются в 8 часов. 84 Unit 5 Lesson 1 Why will you have to get up early tomorrow? — Почему тебе придется рано встать завтра? — Г11 have to get up early tomorrow, because school will start at seven o’clock. — Мне придется рано встать завтра, потому что занятия в школе начнутся в 7 часов. Вопрос к подлежащему Who has to get up early? — Кому приходится рано вставать? I do. — Мне. WhoHl have to get up early tomorrow? — Кому придется рано встать завтра? I will. — Мне. 1 ;■ Translate the sentences into Russian. 1.1 have to come home at five o’clock. 2. My mother has to clean the floor every day. 3. Will you have to buy a new jacket? 4. Will you have to go to school tomorrow? 5. What do you have to do in the morning? 6. My sister will have to go to school by bus, because she’s going to be late. 7. Who has to answer these questions? 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to. 1. I ... learn English every day. I have problems with it. 2. My friends ... write a test. They are getting ready for it. 3. Alice ... phone her granny. She is ill. 4. He ... buy tickets for the bus. 5. They ... go by train every day. They live in the village and work in the city. 6. We ... speak French to our guest from France. He doesn’t understand Russian. 3j) Listen to the conversation and answer the question: Why does Alice feel tired? Read the conversation and answer the questions: 1. Why is Alice in England? 2. What does Alice have to do every day? On the train Misha: Well, Alice now you see it’s going to be OK. Soon you’ll be in Tunbridge Wells with your friends. Alice: Oh, thank you very much. Robin: And now tell us about yourself, Alice. What are you doing in England? Unit 5 Lesson 1 85 Alice: I’m learning English here. Our family life is soon going to change. We are going to move to America. My father is going to work there. So this year I have to learn English every day. I have to get up very early. Then I have to go to my English teacher for an extra lesson. It’s a long way, so I have to go there by bus. After that I have to go to school. After school I have to read books in English and then I have to do homework. Misha: Really? But can’t you relax and watch TV? Alice: I can watch TV but I have to do it in English. Father says I have to use every minute for work, but sometimes I feel really tired. Robin: Oh, I understand. 5 ) What do you think about Alice's next year? Answer the questions. Support your answers with the information from the text. Model: Will Alice have to move to America next year? — Yes, she will. Next year she will have to move to America with her family. 1. What language will Alice have to speak? 2. Will Alice have to go to an English teacher for an extra lesson? 3. Will Alice have to go to school? 4. Will Alice have to travel by bus every day? 5. Will Alice have to learn American history? 6. Will Alice have to watch TV in English? 7. Will Alice have to get up very early? 8. Will next year be easier for Alice? 6 Open the brackets. Put the verbs in the correct form. 1. I (have to) get up at eight o’clock next Monday. 2. We (not have to) go to school every day. 3. You (have to) clean your room next Saturday. 4. I (have to) phone my friend later. 5. My mother (have to) work on Sundays. 6. He (have to) go soon. 7. They (have to) phone us tomorrow. We are going to visit them. 7 * In pairs. Look at your partner and guess: Does he / she have to do these things every day? a) Tell your partner about your guesses. Model: walk the dog in the morning — I think you have to walk the dog in the morning. /1 don't think you have to walk the dog in the morning. You don’t have a dog. 86 Unit 5 Lesson b) Ask your partner the questions and check your answers. Model: Do you have to walk the dog in the morning? — Yes, I do. / No, 1 don’t. 1. work 7. play with a little brother or a sister 2. learn English 8. help mother 3. do homework 9. go to school 4. learn history 10. play the piano 5. wash clothes 11. go to school by train 6. cook dinner 12. take a bath c) Tell the class about your partner. Homework J» A Translate the sentences into English. 1. Завтра мне придется пойти в магазин. 2. Тебе часто приходится мыть пол? 3. Им не нужно ехать на поезде. Они могут поехать на автобусе. 4. Вам не нужно открывать дверь. Я сделаю это. 5. Когда ему придется вставать? — В семь утра. 6. Что ей придется сделать? — Ей придется приготовить завтрак. В j Ask questions about the underlined information. 1. I don’t have to phone Kate, because she is going to come here tomorrow. 2. He doesn’t have to do his homework today. 3. My mother has to go to work by bus. 4. You’ll have to wait for me near the bus stop. 5. I’ll have to be ready at ten o’clock. 6. You will have to answer your teacher’s questions. 7. I don’t have to get up at seven o’clock. C J Answer the following questions in writing. What don't you have to do now, but will have to do in ten years from now? What do you have to do now that you won't have to do in ten years from now? Model: I don't have to work on the computer now, hut I will have to in ten years. work, drive a car, walk the dog, go to school, learn English, learn French, get up early, travel to new places, live with your mother and father, write tests, help mother clean the floor, cook, do sport Unit 5 Lesson 1 87 Lessons 2^3 When in Rome, do os the Romans do Вопрос: Нам известен глагол must, который обозначает должен. В чем же разница между глаголами must и have to? Ответ: глагол must употребляется: • для выражения обязанностей I must help ту mother. — Я должен помогать маме. • для того чтобы дать настойчивую рекомендацию You must watch this film. It’s great! — Вы должны посмотреть этот фильм. Он отличный. Глагол must имеет форму только настоящего времени. Во всех других временах употребляется глагол have to. Очень велика разница в значении между отрицательной формой глаголов must и have to. Отрицательная форма глагола must обозначает строгий запрет. You mustn’t cross the road here. — Здесь нельзя переходить дорогу (это запрещено). Отрицательная форма глагола have to обозначает отсутствие необходимости делать что-то. / don’t have to get up early on Sundays, but sometimes I want to. — Мне не нужно (нет необходимости) рано вставать по воскресеньям, но иногда мне хочется это сделать. Fill in the gaps with must or have to and complete the sentences. Sometimes both variants are correct. 1. I ... get up earlier today. 1 want to finish a very interesting book. 2. He ... read this book for his history lesson. After that, he’ll ... write an essay on it. 3. They ... be here for a month. Their granny needs their help. 4. I’m sorry I ... go. I ... help Mum cook dinner. 5. 1 don’t like potatoes but sometimes I ... to eat them. 6. You ... watch this film. It’s very funny. 7. You’ll ... go to the shop with me. I need your help. 8. It’s very late, but I ... finish my homework before I go to bed. Fill in the gaps and complete the sentences. Use mustn't or don't/ doesn't have to. 1. You ... open the window. The child is playing here. 2. You ... cross the road. It’s dangerous (опасно). 3. You ... wait for me. I can take a bus. 4. He... go out. It’s very cold. 88 Unit 5 Lessons 2, 3 5. I ... go to school on Sundays. 6. I ... be late today. Our teacher is going to give us a test. 7. Children ... watch TV late in the evening. It’s very bad for them. Lil Если вы знакомите людей, нужно представить их друг другу. Let те introduce ту friend! — Позвольте представить моего друга. Если вас представляют незнакомому человеку, нужно сказать: Pleased to meet you.— Рад(а) познакомиться. Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. a host [hsustj — хозяин a host family — принимающая семья a key [ki:] — ключ to show smth to smb [[эи] — показывать кому-то что-то to phone abroad [a'broid] — звонить за границу to call [кэ:1] — зд. называть to introduce smb to smb [.mtra'djurs] — представлять кого-то кому-то to have a bath — принимать ванну to be polite — быть вежливым thanks to... — благодаря... Thank God! — Слава богу! to do smth without telling smb — делать что-то, не сказав кому-то Guess the meaning of the underlined word. I’ll go to London with a big group [gru:p]. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. 1. Who’s meeting the boys? 2. Are the boys going to stay in Tunbridge Wells? Read the conversation and find Misha and Robin's room in the picture. Betsey: Alice! Thank God! You’re here! Alice: Let me introduce my friends: Misha and Robin. I am here thanks to them. Misha, Robin, this is Mrs MacWizard. Unit 5 Lessons 2, 3 89 Misha and Robin: Pleased to meet you. Betsey: Pleased to meet you. Thank you for your help, boys. Robin: It was a pleasure, Mrs MacWizard. Betsey: Oh! You’re very polite, but please call me Betsey! Alice: Misha and Robin are tourists from Russia. They are here with a group, but we all got lost in the Natural History Museum and their group is in Scotland now. The group is coming back in two weeks. Can they stay with us? Yes, they can. But we must phone their parents. Thank you very much! We’ll do it now. Can we use the phone? Betsey: (hi a minute.) I’ll show you your room first. It’s on the first floor between the bedroom and the sitting room. And after that, you can have some sandwiches and tea. Betsey: Misha and Robin: Answer the questions. 1. What’s the name of Alice’s friend? 2. Does Alice tell Betsey the truth? 3. What is strange about Alice’s story? 4. Can Misha and Robin stay in Betsey’s house? 5. What do the boys have to do? 6. How many bedrooms are there in Betsey’s house? 90 Unit 5 Lessons 2, 3 7_^ Imagine that you are staying in an English home. Which of these questions will you ask your host family? Match the questions with the answers. 1. When do you have breakfast? 2. Can I use the phone? 3. Will I have a key? 4. Can I send an e-mail? 5. Can I take this book? 6. Can we go out tomorrow? 7. What do I call you? a) Oh, you don’t need one. Kate’s always at home. b) Sure! I’ll help you in a minute. c) Yes, you can. d) Yes! That’s a good idea! e) I’m reading it now, but you can have it tomorrow. f) Call me Jack. g) Breakfast is at nine o’clock. 8 ] You are a guest in an English home. Is it OK to do / not to do these things here? Choose the correct sentences. Explain your choice. a) I can use the phone without asking my host, mustn’t use the phone without asking my host. a) I can have a long hot bath every morning. b) I can’t have a long hot bath every morning. 3. a) I can call an older man or woman by his (her) first name, b) I mustn’t call an older man or woman by his (her) first name. 4. a) I can clean my room. b) I’ll have to clean my room. c) I won’t have to clean my room. 5. a) I can get up early. b) I’ll have to get up early. c) I won’t have to get up early. 6. a) I can give money to my host. b) I’ll have to give money to my host. c) I won’t have to give money to my host. 7. a) I can make tea for my host. b) I’ll have to make tea for my host. c) I won’t have to make tea for my host. 8. a) I can make a cake for my host. b) I mustn’t make a cake for my host. c) I won’t have to make a cake for my host. 1. a) b) 2. a) b) 3. a) b) 4. a) b) c) 5. a) b) c) 6. a) b) c) 7. a) b) c) 8. a) b) c) Unit 5 Lessons 2, 3 91 9. а) I can buy presents for my host. b) I’ll have to buy presents for my host. c) I won’t have to buy presents for my host. 10. a) I can come home late. b) I mustn’t come home late. 11. a) I can use the computer without asking my host. b) I mustn’t use the computer without asking my host. c) I’ll have to use the computer without asking my host. d) I won’t have to use the computer without asking my host. J Listen to the rules and check your answers. Homework J* Fill in the gaps with must, mustn't, have to, don't have to / doesn't have to and the verbs visit, touch, go, buy, learn, be polite, walk. 1. I ... to my guests. 2. You ... her books. She’ll be very angry. 3. You ... me a new bicycle. My old one is very good. 4. You ... your granny. She’ll be very happy to see you. 5. I ... to the shop and buy a warm jacket. 6. Mother ... the dog. We always do it. 7. You ... this song by heart. Your teacher won’t ask you to sing it. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Тебе нельзя идти на улицу. Там холодно. 2. Маленьким детям нельзя есть мороженое. 3. Я должен помочь своему другу. 4. Вам не придется спать на полу. У нас есть кровать для гостей. 5. Ты должен купить билет. 6. Ему не нужно идти к врачу. Его мама — врач. 7. Им нельзя сидеть на полу. Пол грязный. 8. Ему нельзя потерять этот ключ. У нас всего один. Imagine that you have guests from abroad. Write ten rules for them. What can they do in your home? What can't they do? What will they have to do? Why? 92 Unit 5 Lessons 2, 3 Lesson 4 What is the country code for Russia? .6]^^ Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. to stay at somebody’s flat / house — останавливаться у кого-то to look for smth — искать что-то to dial [daial] the number — набирать номер телефона to be in — быть дома Can I take a message? ['mesicfel — Передать что-нибудь? (при разговоре по телефону) area ['еэпэ] code — код города to worry f'wAri] — волноваться for а while |far э ‘wail| — на какое-то время Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1. The country code is 01 and the area code is 08433. 2.1 am busy at the moment. 2 Listen to the conversation and repeat it after the speaker. 3 Read the conversation and answer the questions. Guess the meaning of the underlined sentence. 1. What’s the country code for England? 2. What’s the country code for Russia? 3. What’s the area code for Tunbridge Wells? 4. How do you phone Russia from England? 5. What’s your area code? Misha; How do I phone Russia from England? Betsey: Dial the country code, the area code and then your phone number. Misha: Can you tell me what the country code for Russia is? Betsey: It’s 007. Misha: Thank you. A minute later Misha: Oh, no! The line is busy! Betsey: It’s OK. You’ll have to phone her later... Let me think... You don’t have to wait. You can go for a walk and I’ll talk to your mum. What’s the area code and the phone number? Misha: The area code is 48433 and the phone number is 277 6969. Thank you very much. Betsey: You’re welcome. Unit 5 Lesson 4 93 On the phone Betsey: Hello! This is Betsey MacWizard! Can I speak to Misha’s mother? Misha's mother: Speaking! Oh, Mrs MacWizard. I am so happy to hear from you. Are Misha and Robin with you? We are looking for them! Betsey: Yes, they are OK. Don’t worry! I’hey’re going to stay with us for a while and then they’ll come home with their group. That’s great! Can I speak to Misha? Misha and Robin aren’t in at the moment, but you can phone them later. Our telephone number is 126 734, the country code is 44 and the area code is 1892. Thank you very much. Г11 phone them tomorrow. Bye! Bye! Misha’s mother: Betsey: Misha’s mother: Betsev: Правила телефонного этикета В начале разговора необходимо поздороваться и представиться: Hello! This is...! Затем попросить позвать кого-либо к телефону: Сап I speak to...? Для того чтобы сообщить, что вы у телефона, нужно сказать: Speaking. Если тот, кого просят к телефону, отсутствует, нужно сказать: Sorry hut he / she is not in at the moment. Listen to the dialogue and repeat it after the speaker. Is Michael in? What is the message? 94 Jnit 5 Lesson 4 5 Match the opposites. Подберите поры глаголов, противоположных по значению. to look for ® ® to relax to worry to stay ® to find © to go Put the sentences in the dialogues in the correct order. Act out the dialogues. Восстановите реплики диалогов в правильном порядке. Разыграйте диалоги. □ Hello! П Let’s go to the museum today! EH Can I speak to Sveta? EH Bye! EH This is Kate! EH Speaking! EH Great! Bye! EH That’s a good idea. Let’s meet in two hours. EH Can I take a message? EH Bye. □ Hello. □ I am sorry, he’s not in at the moment. EH Can I speak to Oleg? EH Bye! EH It’s OK, thank you. I’ll phone him later. EH This is Ivan. 7(Л Listen to the speaker and check your dialogues. 8 In pairs. Act out the dialogues. A. Look at this page. B. Look at page 96. Information for A 1. A. Позвони Ане и пригласи ее к себе на день рождения. 2. А. Позвони Пете. Его нет дома. Пообещай перезвонить. 3. А. Позвони Жене. Его нет дома. Попроси к телефону его сестру. Спроси, не знает ли она, как позвонить в Москву. Попроси, чтобы друг перезвонил тебе позже. Unit 5 Lesson 4 95 Homework j» ^ ' Translate the dialogue into English. — Скажите, пожалуйста, как мне позвонить домой? — Из какой вы страны? — Я из России. — Наберите код России 007, затем код города, а потом номер вашего телефона. — Большое спасибо. До свидания. — До свидания. В ) Read and answer the question: What mistakes does Alex make? Is he always polite? Alex: Hello! Kolya, is that you? Kolya’s sister: Sorry, Kolya’s not in at the moment. Who’s speaking? Alex; Oh! Kolya is not in! Bye! Change Alex's phrases. Make them more polite. Information for B. 1. B. Ты — Аня. Тебе звонит твой друг. Ты у телефона. Прими его приглашение. 2. В. Ты — мама Пети. Пете звонит его друг. Скажи, что Пети нет дома. Спроси, что передать. 3. В. Ты — сестра Жени. Жене звонит его (ее) друг. Ответь на его вопрос (код Москвы 495). Lessons 5,6 We are always there for our pets Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. a member ['memba] — член a rescue home ['reskju; 'haum] — приют для бездомных животных {доел, дом спасения) а guide dog ['gaid Дпд] — собака-поводырь training [’treinig] — тренировка, обучение а puppy f'pApi] — щенок J 96 Unif 5 Lessons 4 and 5, 6 the animals are always there for us — животные всегда готовы прийти нам на помощь beautiful ['bjuitifalj — красивый homeless I'haumlas] — бездомный to he there for smb — быть готовым прийти на помощь кому-либо а cage — клетка useful f'juisfal] — полезный blind people — слепые independent [,mdi'pend3nt] — независимый a cemetery ['sematril — кладбище half\\\a\f\ — половина (зд. наполовину) a hunter [ЪлЩэ] — охотник outside |,aiJt'said] — вне, снаружи (зд. на улице) Q а guide dog ^ Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1. Our bank is a big organization I,D:g3nai'zeiJn]. 2. This boy is a hooligan ['huiligan]. 3.1 have three dogs: a Labrador, a spaniel and a collie. 4.1 have a special ['spejall present for you. 5. My friend’s dog is a Dalmatian [dael'meijn]. 6. What type of dog is it? — It’s a setter ['seta]. 7. Her cat is a Persian ['рз:/п1. Суффикс -less «в» Существительное -t- суффикс -less = прилагательное с отрицательным значением. Например: home — homeless, дом — бездомный 2 Образуйте от этих слов прилагательные с отрицательным значением. Translate them into Russian. love, child, land, job, rest, friend, wind, snow Hooligan — хулиган. Слово произошло от английской фамилии Hooley. В 1890-1900 годах в городе Ислингтон человек по фамилии Hooley был главарем уличной банды. Из-за этой фамилии полиция называла членов банды Hooley хулиганами (hooligans). 4 Английский язык. 6 кл. Happy English Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 97 Betsey's family is not in. Betsey is introducing the household pets to Misha and Robin. Read the story and match the pictures of the animals with their names. We love our pets We love our pets. Animals are our best friends and members of the family. In this country, you will find special cemeteries for animals. Our animals are always there for us and we are always there for them. These are our cats. We have three cats: Wally, Blacky and Mother. Mother is the oldest and the biggest. She is a great hunter! She hunts evei night. Wally is nice and kind. He comes to me in the evening, because he loves 1 sleep in my bed. Blacky is a hooligan. I sleeps in the dogs’ beds. The cats live ii the house, but we don’t see them very often. They like to play outside, but the are never late for lunch. Very often the come with their friends from the street, love cats because they are very beautifi and independent. And these are our dogs Fourby and Henry. Fourby is half collie and half spaniel. She comes from a rescue home This organization helps homeless dogs and looks for a new home for ther Thanks to rescue homes, there are no homeless dogs on the streets. In England, people rarely buy puppies: they go to rescue homes and find a dog there. Fourby’s name comes from the _ ________________ number on her cage in the rescue home — 4B (Fourby). She is the kindest dog in the world and loves our cats! Fourby’s best friend is Henry. He is a Labrador. Labradors are very special dogs: they are kind and clever. Our Henry has an easy life: he plays in the garden and sleeps on the sofa, but many Labradors have real jobs. They are guide dogs. Guide dogs get special training and help blind people. With a guide dog, blind people can walk to the bank or the supermarket. It’s safe for them. What is the main idea of this text? Какова основная идея текста? 98 Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 4 Are these statements true or false? Correct the false statements. Support your answers with the information from the text. 1. There are six pets in Betsey’s house: three cats and three dogs. 2. In England many people have pets. 3. Betsey likes cats because they are real friends. 4. Rescue homes are for homeless pets. 5. Guide dogs help blind people. 6. Fourby is a guide dog. 7. Betsey’s pets are always there for her family. 8. Betsey is always there for her pets. 5 Listen to the story and fill in the gaps in the table. Cat / Dog Dog Name Foxy Age 10 years old Type of cat/dog Persian Is he/she good with dogs? Yes Is he/she good with cats? No Comments He is a member of the family. Answer the questions. 1. Guide dogs are Labradors, aren’t they? 2. What do guide dogs do? 3. Do they need special training? 4. What can blind people do with the help of guide dogs? In pairs. Ask and answer questions about your pet. Use the key words for help. (Если у вас нет домашнего любимца, вы можете говорить о животном кого-то из ваших друзей или родственников). Model: pet — Do you have a pet? — Yes, I do. / No I don't, but my friend has a cat / a dog. pet cat / dog name age type of cat / dog good with dogs / cats member of the family funny / beautiful / independent / best friend Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 99 Types of dogs . basset ['baesitl 2. Siberian husky [sai'birian 'hAskij 3. bidlterrier [,ЬиГ1епэ1 4. boxer ['bokss] 5. Newfoundland [,nju:'faundl9nd] 6. poodle [pu:dl] 100 Lessons 5, bulldog ['buldog] mongrel ['тлддгэ!] — дворняжка 9. Great Dane ['greit 'dein] I Pekingese [,pi:ki'ni:z| 1. rottweiler [гоХУ'глЪ] 12. spaniel ['spaenjal] 13. German shepherd f'd33:m3n 'JepadJ 14. fox terrier [.foks 'teria] 15. dachshund ['daekssndj 16. borzoi ['boizoi] : iit 3 ' essons 'v 6 101 Homework В Fill in the gaps with these words. member, friend, Labrador, beautiful, children, kind, puppy, dogs, cats, rescui home, homeless Do you want to find a new f_________? Rex is a L___________r. He is only a p___y, but he is already (уже) ho_________s. Rex is к__d, be__________1 and very clever. He is friendly with d_s and c____s and he loves ch________n. Come to our r__________h____and you’ll find a new family m_______r. Write ten questions about Betsey's pets. C Fill in the table with the information about Betsey's pets and be ready to tell the class about them. Name cat / dog Age Fourby Henry Blacky Mother Wally Type of cat / dog Does he / she like dogs? Does he / she like cats? Comments Use the page from Cut Out and make a poster about your pet. Use photos of your pet and write about him or her. Give your poster a name. Choose from: Love me, love my dog. I am always there for my pet. My pet is always there for me. A home with a cat is a happy home. When the cat sleeps, mice play. A man’s best friend is his dog / cat. I love dogs / cats. } In your next lesson put your poster on the wall and tell the class about your pet. Lesson Project "My pet" 102 Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 and 7 The Gunpowder Plot Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. firework [faiawaik] — фейерверк a bonfire ['bnnfaia] — костер the Gunpowder Plot ['gAnpauda .pint] — “Пороховой заговор” Guy Fawkes [,gai 'fo:ks] — Гай Фокс What’s wrong? — Что случилось? Anglican ['segglikan] — англиканец (англиканский) Catholic ['каевэйк] — католик (католический) а law [b;] — закон а barrel [Ъаегэ!] — бочка а cellar ['seb] — подвал to he against smb / smth [n'genst] — быть против кого-либо / чего-либо to be for smb / smth — быть за кого-либо / что-либо to blow up smth [,bbu 'лр] — взорвать что-либо to dig — копать God Save the King. — Боже, храни короля. Read the conversation and answer the question: What's wrong with Fourby? Misha: Look! What’s wrong with Fourby? She is sitting under the table and crying! Betsey; Oh, no! Today is 4 November. She can hear fireworks. It’s very scary for her! Misha: Why are there fireworks? Betsey: Tomorrow is 5 November. It’s Guy Fawkes’ Night or Bonfire Night. People in England always celebrate it with fireworks and bonfires. Misha: And who is Guy Fawkes? Why do people celebrate on this day? Betsey: It’s a long story. You can read about Guy Fawkes’ Night in this book. 3 Read the story and choose the right answer to the question: Are English people for Guy Fowkes or against him? It’s 1605. The religion of this country is Anglican. 1 want to help the Catholics, but the Parliament says “No!” We are Catholics. Our life in England is difficult. The law is against us. We must help all Catholics. Let’s buy a house near Parliament and dig a tunnel under the wall. Let’s put these barrels of gunpowder under Parliament and blow it up! Robert Catesby Thomas Winter ' The wall is very thick But there is a cellar under Parliament. Let’s put our barrels there. Great! Thirty-six barrels of gunpowder. We are ready. On 5th November, the King and people in Parliament are going to die. England will be a Catholic country again! 104 Oh, no! My brother is going to Parliament on 5th November. f'Don’t go to Parliament^ tomorrow. It’s not safe! And my cousin Look! There’s a plot. They want to blow up Parliament! Ж ^ r n Hooray! God Save the King!^ e:.^o^ ^ я 105 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Королева Англии Елизавета умерла в 1603 году, не оставив наследников. Она завещала английский престол своему троюродному племяннику, королю Шотландии Якову. Яков был сыном шотландской королевы Марии Стюарт, двоюродной сестры Елизаветы, которую Елизавета казнила, продержав в заточении более двадцати лет. С восшествия на престол короля Якова I в Англии началась эпоха правления Стюартов. И до и после смерти Елизаветы Англию раздирали религиозные распри. Англия была католической страной, но в 1532 году отец Елизаветы Генрих VIII запретил католическую церковь и объявил себя главой англиканской церкви. Таким образом, официальной религией Англии стало англиканство. Католиков начали преследовать за их убеждения и многих из них сожгли на кострах. Homework ^ А ) Translate the story about the Gunpowder plot (Ex. 3) into Russian. Lesson 9 Bonfire Night Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. jacket potato [.cfeaskit pa'teitau] — muddy — грязный картошка в мундире wood — зд. дрова on top — сверху field [fi:ld] — поле Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1. People in Russia decorate Christmas trees in December. It’s a tradition [tra'difn]. 2. This man is very tall. Look at his figure [Tiga]. Read the conversation and choose the correct answer. Misha: I think Guy Fawkes’ story is very sad. Why do people celebrate on this day? Betsey: It’s a tradition. Tomorrow you’ll see bonfires and fireworks. They are really beautiful. People bring old boxes, newspapers and wood and make big bonfires. 1 06 Unit 5 Lessons 8 and 9 Misha: Can we go and watch it? Betsey: Sure, but you’ll need Wellingtons. We make bonfires in the big field, far from the houses and trees. The field is usually very muddy in November. Alice: Oh, no! I think I’ll stay at home! Betsey: Let’s go! It’s fun! Children will make a guy, a figure of a man, and put it on top of a bonfire. There we’ll eat jacket potatoes and watch the fireworks. 1. Bonfire Night is a) on 4th November. b) on 5th November. c) on 5th October. 2. People make a) garlands. b) bonfires. c) cakes. 3. People make bonfires a) near houses. b) in the streets. c) in a field. 4. On Bonfire Night they eat a) pumpkins. b) jacket potatoes. c) fish and chips. 5. On the bonfire children put a) a guy. b) a pumpkin. c) a witch. Какие глаголы подходят ко всем существительным в ряду? Model: а film, fireworks — watch 1. bonfire, guy, mistake 2. New Year, Halloween, Bonfire Night 3. fish and chips, jacket potatoes, sandwiches What ore these things? What con you do with them? What do you celebrate with them? Model: It’s a jacket potato. We can eat it. We celebrate Bonfire Night and eat jacket potatoes. Unit 5 Lesson 8 1 07 Wellingtons [’weliotanz] — резиновые сапоги, названные в честь герцога Веллингтона (героя битвы при Ваз^ерлоо 1815 года). Homework к Translate the sentences into English. 1. 5 ноября в Англии отмечают ночь костров. Это английская традиция. 2. Люди разводят костры. 3. Костры не разводят около домов и на улицах. 4. Фейерверки очень красивые. 5. Люди едят картошку в мундире. I Be ready to tell your class how English people celebrate 5th November. 1 08 Unit 5 Lesson 9 Lesson 1 Гт hungry! 1 Listen to the words, repeat them after the speaker and then read them. brought, fought, thought, bought, caught, daughter, taught, doughnut Буквосочетания ou, au перед gh передают звук [э:]. Буквосочетание gh не читается. Местоимения some и any Местоимение some (несколько, какое-то количество) употребляется в утвердительных предложениях. I have some friends. — У меня есть несколько друзей. I have some coffee. — У меня есть (какое-то количество) кофе. В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях some обычно заменяется на any. Местоимение any в вопросительных предложениях переводится как сколько-нибудь, какой-нибудь. Do you have any hooks? — У тебя есть (какие-нибудь) книги? Do you have any coffee? — У вас есть (сколько-нибудь) кофе? В отрицательных предложениях местоимение any переводится как никакой. I don’t have any friends. — У меня нет (никаких) друзей. 1 don’t have any coffee. — У меня нет (никакого) кофе. Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. food — еда an egg — яйцо tomato bread — хлеб a doughnut — пончик a shopping list — список покупок to be hungry — быть голодным to go shopping — ходить за покупками to have a snack — перекусывать guys — зд. ребята butter ham Unit 6 Lesson 1 109 Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1. We like big yellow bananas [ba'nainaz]. 2. I like omelette ['nmlit] for breakfast. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. My sister has some nice sweaters. 2. I want to buy some eggs. 3. Is there any tea in your mug? 4. Do you know any funny stories? 5. We don’t have any hobbies. 6. He doesn’t have any time. 7. I don’t know any songs. 8. Do you have any problems with your English? Say true sentences about yourself. Use these nouns. Model: songs about New Year — I know some songs about New Year. / I don’t know any songs about New Year. history books, hobbies, friends, poems about spring, foreign language, good marks in English, problems at school, songs about New Year Read the conversation and answer the questions. 1. Why can’t the children make an omelette? 2. Why can’t they make ham and cheese sandwiches? 3. Why can’t they make fish and chips? 4. Who are they waiting for? 5. What are they going to have? Misha: Robin: Alice: Robin: Alice: Misha: Alice: Misha: Alice: Misha: Betsey: I’m hungry. Let’s have a snack! But Betsey isn’t in. Is there any food in the fridge? Let’s see. We have some milk, some butter, some ham, some cheese, some fish, some tomatoes and some bananas. Can we make an omelette? No, we can’t, because we don’t have any eggs. Can we make ham and cheese sandwiches? No, we can’t, because we don’t have any bread Can we make fish and chips? No, we can’t, because we don’t have any potatoes. But look, there are some doughnuts! Let’s eat them! Hi, guys! Are you hungry? Let’s go shopping! 1 10 Unif 6 Lesson 6 ) Mark these statements true or false. Correct the wrong sentences. Model: The children have some eggs. — False. The children don’t have any eggs. 1. The children have some butter. 2. The children have some milk. 3. The children have some bread. 4. The children have some potatoes. 5. The children are hungry. 7 ] Prepare a shopping list for Misha, Robin and Alice. Model: Buy some... 8 ) Remember your fridge and say what you have and what you don't have. Use the words from Ex. A and the words: eggs, butter, bread, ham, cheese, potatoes, milk, fish. Model: We have some bread. We don’t have any butter. Homework Think: What names for different kinds of food do you know in English? Continue the list. Подумайте, какие названия продуктов или блюд вы знаете по-английски. Продолжите список: (\s\\ а»''* Unit 6 Lesson I 111 Fill in the gaps with some or any. 1. They have ... milk. 2. My aunt doesn’t read ... newspapers. 3. Do you have ... questions? 4. We need ... eggs and ... milk. 5. He doesn’t have ... water. 6. Do you have ... books about John Lennon? 7. I don’t know ... songs. 8. They don’t speak ... foreign languages. Make these sentences a) negative, b) interrogative. (Сделайте эти предложения a) отрицательными, 6) вопросительными. 1. We have some friends. 2. Kate has some interesting books. 3. My father has some computer games. 4. There is some tea in my mug. 5. There is some water in the jug. Lessons 2,3 At the supermarket Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. They are good / bad for you.— Они вам полезны / вредны, vegetables ['vec^atablz) — овощи meat — мясо drinks — напитки sweet — сладкий tasty — вкусный a trolley — продуктовая тележка 1 1 2 Unif 6 Lessons 1 and 2, 3 Guess the meaning of the underlined word. I like fruit ffru:t]. 2 Read the words in transcription. Match the words with the pictures. [swi;ts], [,ais 'kri:m], ['tjuklit], ['luni], ['jugust], ['daunAts], ['Jugs], ['st}sid5], ['beikn], I'tfikm], ['greipfru:t], ['mAjru:mz], f'kjuikAmba], [4nj9n], ['kaerst], [pa'teitsu], ['nrinds], ['sdsk^iz] Which of these names of food are similar in Russian and English? Какие из слов, обозначающих продукты питания, похоже звучат по-русски и по-английски? chicken Гс1юсо1а1^ Unit 6 Lessons 2, 3 113 I Look at your home exercise A. Which of the new words from this lesson do you hove on your list? potato, grapefruit, mushrooms, sausage, chicken, ice cream, honey, pepper, doughnuts, cucumber Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные | Исчисляемые существительные — это существительные, которые можно посчитать. There are five apples in the trolley. — В тележке пять яблок. Неисчисляемые существительные — это существительные, которые нельзя посчитать. Неисчисляемые существительные всегда употребляются в единственном числе. Перед неисчисляемыми существительными, как правило, не употребляется артикль а. There is some milk in the mug. — В кружке молоко. Milk is good for you. — Молоко полезно для тебя. There is some water in the jug. — В кувшине вода. Вопрос: Почему же нельзя посчитать молоко? Ведь я могу сказать литр молока, бутылка молока, чашка молока. Ответ: Дело в том, что в этом случае ты считаешь литры, бутылки и чашки, но не само слово “молоко? Put in о / ап or по article and give your own examples. Model: egg — an egg — I need two eggs, ham — ham — There’s some ham in the fridge. ... honey ...potato ...youghurt ...juice ... lemon ...doughnut ...tomato ...cheese Fill in the gaps with is or are. 1. There ... some butter in the trolley. 2. There ... no apples in the trolley. 3. There ... ten oranges in the trolley. 4. There ... no cucumbers in the trolley. 5. There ... ham in the trolley. 6. There ... bread in the trolley. 7. There ... five eggs in the trolley. 8. There ... some food in the fridge. 1 14 Unit 6 Lessons 2, 3 J Listen to the speaker and say: What does Betsey never buy for her family? What does she buy for her family? Why? ,10 Jin pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1. What food is good for you? 2. What food is bad for you? 3. What’s your favourite type of food? 4. What does your mother usually buy in the shop? ^ 11J Report your friend's answer to the class. Model: Ivan thinks apples are good for you. He likes fruit. His mother usually buys... Homework A Write a list of things you like to eat. you like to drink. you like to have for breakfast. you like to have for dinner, you don’t like to eat. you don’t like to drink. Find the food that starts with the same letter as your name. Use the dictionary for help. Найдите названия продуктов, которые начинаются на ту же букву, что и ваше имя. Tips: Your name starts with Z — zucchini (кабачки цуккини). Lesson 4 Stone soup j Play a game. Встаньте в круг и скажите свое имя и название любого продукта питания, который начинается на ту же букву, что и ваше имя. Каждый последующий участник должен начать с перечисления имен предыдущих игроков и названий продуктов питания, а закончить своим именем и названием продукта, начинающегося на ту же букву. Model: 1. I ’m Anya. I like apples. 2. She’s Anya. Anya likes apples. I’m Boris. I like bananas. 1 1 6 Unit 6 Lessons 2, 3 and 4 Употребление местоимения по Если в отрицательном предложении при глаголе-сказуемом стоит отрицание not, то употребляется местоимение any. There isn4 any water in the jug. — В кувшине нет воды. Если в отрицательном предложении при глаголе-сказуемом не стоит отрицание not, то употребляется местоимение по. There is по tea in the mug.— В кружке нет чая. 2 i Fill in the gaps with no or not any. 1. There is ... sugar in my tea. 2. There isn’t ... water in the mug. 3. There is ... bedroom in that flat. 4. There is ... any bank in this town. 5. There are ... bad students in my class. 6. There aren’t ... cakes in this shop. 3 J Look at the pictures. Give two possible variants. Model: There is no butter on my bread. / There isn’t any butter on my bread. Unit 6 Lesson 4 117 4 Listen to the story. Guess the meaning of the underlined words. I am very hungry and tired. I have no food and no money. Do you have any food for me? f The soup is good but there I are no vegetables in it. I have two\«‘'-rtp!-’0|> potatoes. I am very poor. There is no food in my house. , / ^ "i I have an idea! I am a great wizard. 1 have a magic stone! With this stone we can make a magic dish. Do you want my stone soup? We need a pot, some water and some wood ЧЛ* = §ЩЖТ: I have a pot. I have some wood. I have some water. 118 Unii6 .e:- The stone soup is nice, but there’s no meat in it. ^-'ТГЛ7 This soup is very tasty! 5 Read the information and answer the question: Why is there no salt in the soup? П9 FOR YOUR INFORMATION In the 16th century salt is very expensive. Poor people don’t use it in their food. Only the richest people and the queen eat it. 6 ■ Say: What's in the stone soup? What isn't in the stone soup? Use the pictures for help. Model: There are ten potatoes in the soup. There’s no salt in the soup. 7 J Play a game called "The Magic Samobranka" A. Take one card and read your task (Cut Out). What do you have to cook? What do you have? What do you need to buy? Then go to the magic samobranka. Tell it to bring you food that you need. B. (Samobranka) Use the pictures from your Workbook (Cut Out) Listen to your friend. What does he / she need? Give him what he wants / needs. Model: You have to make tea. You have: tea. A: I have some tea. I don’t have any water. I don’t have any sugar. I don’t have any lemon. / don’t have any milk. B:OK. I’ll bring you some water, some sugar, some lemon and some milk. Homework U j A ] Find the odd one out. (Найдите в каждой строке лишнее слово. 1. cucumber, tomato, pepper, bread 2. potato, nectarine, kiwi, apple 3. cheese, salt, banana, water 4. chocolate, onion, yoghurt, ice cream 5. juice, coffee, tea, ice cream В j Make these sentences negative. 1. There is some water in the jar. 2. There are some apples on the table. 3. There are three stories on the disc. 4. There is some rice in this dish, 5. I know some people in this room. 6. He speaks five foreign languages. 7. There’s some meat in my sandwich. 1 20 Unit 6 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Let's have a big pizza! Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. What do you think: In which pizza is there fish? to hate — ненавидеть (зд. очень не любить) ап vegetarian [,ved3i'te9ri9nj — вегетарианец (тот, кто не ест мяса) boring ['boirioj — скучный ап ingredient [in'griidiant] — ингредиент (составная часть чего-нибудь) Neptune ['neptju:n] — зд. пицца Нептун Venetiana [va'niijlanal — зд. пицца Венециана Corsicana ['koisiksns] — зд. пицца Корсикана Margarita [,ma:g3'ri:t9l — зд. пицца Маргарита La Reine [la: 'ram] — зд. пицца Ла Райн Florentina ['flnrantam] — зд. пицца Флорентина Siciliana [si'silj9n9l — зд. пицца Сицилиана What are you going to have then? — Что же вы тогда будете есть? pepperoni sausage [,pep9'r9uni 'snsid3j — колбаса пепперони, используемая для приготовления пиццы Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1. What do you want to drink? — What do you recommend [,rek9'mend]? 2. I like spinach ['spmid3] and olives ['nlivz]. 3. Fm allergic [9'l3:d3ik] to oranges. Read the conversation and answer the questions. 1. Which pizza does Betsey want to have? 2. Which pizza does Alice want to have? 3. Which pizza does Misha want to have? Let’s have a big pizza! Misha: There is a nice pizzeria next to the shop! Betsey: Let’s have a big pizza! It’s my favourite dish. Alice: That’s a good idea! I’m hungry! Betsey: What kind of pizza do you want? Robin: What do you recommend? Betsey: Let’s have a Neptune. Unit 6 Lesson 5 121 Misha: Is there any fish in it? Betsey: Yes, it’s a fish pizza. There is cheese, tomatoes, spinach and fish in it. Misha: I’m sorry, I can’t have that! I’m allergic to fish. Let’s have a Venetiana. There is cheese, tomatoes, mushrooms and ham in it. It’s nice. Alice: I’m sorry. I don’t eat meat. I’m a vegetarian. Let’s have a Corsicana. There’s no meat in it. Robin: But doesn’t have any cheese in it. It’s boring! And it has onions. I hate onions... Betsey: What are you going to have, then? ^ 3 ; Look at the menu and say: What ingredients are there in the pizzas? Model: There are tomatoes and cheese in Venetiana. 1 22 Unit 6 Lesson 5 Finish the sentences. Model: Alice can’t have a Venetiana, because she is a vegetarian. 1. Misha can’t have... because... 2. Robin can’t have... because... 5 In pairs. Look at the menu again. What do you recommend for Misha, Alice, Robin and Betsey? Model: A: They can have a Siciliana. B: Is there any meat in it? A: No, there isn’t. B: Is there any fish in it? A: No, there isn’t. B: Are there any onions in it? A: Yes, there are. B: I am sorry, they can’t have it, because... 6 Cute is watching our friends and has to buy a pizza. He loves meat, but he hates vegetables. What do you recommend for him? Explain your answer. 7 Play the game "What do you think about it?" In groups ask and answer questions about food. Use these phrases: 1 like it. 1 hate it. I don’t like it. It’s OK. It’s very nice. It’s yummy. It’s (not) my favourite dish. I don’t eat it. I’m allergic to it. It’s tasty. It’s awful. It’s good / bad for me. Model: What do you think about carrots? — I like them. Homework A Translate the sentences into English. 1. В этом блюде есть мясо. 2. В пицце нет овощей. 3. Я не ем мясо. Я вегетарианец. 4. Он очень не любит морковь. 5. В этой пицце нет грибов. 6. Мне нравится эта пицца потому, что в ней есть пепперони. Она очень вкусная, 7. В пицце есть рыба? У меня на нее аллергия. 8. В этом блюде нет соли. Unit 6 Lesson 5 123 в Use the pictures from Cut Out and make your favourite pizza. You need scissors and some glue. Вырежьте изображения продуктов для пиццы, приклейте их на изображение своей пиццы и подпишите под ними названия по-английски. How much sugar do they need? 1 3 Ask and answer questions about the ingredients in your pizzas. Model: Is there any... — Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. Tell the class: What is there in your friend's pizza? Местоимения much, many, a lot of Местоимения much, many, a lot of обозначают большое количество (много). Much употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными. / don’t eat much butter. — Я не ем много масла. Do you have much time? — У вас много времени? Many употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными. We don’t need many apples. — Нам не нужно много яблок. Do you have many friends? — У вас много друзей? Как правило, much и many не употребляются в утвердительных предложениях. А lot of употребляется как с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми существительными. We have а lot of time today. — Сегодня у нас много времени. We need а lot of apples. — Нам нужно много яблок. Вопросы, начинающиеся со слов How much? / How many? (Сколько?) Если вопрос задается к исчисляемым существительным, то он начинается с How many? How many books do you have? — Сколько книг у вас есть? Если вопрос задается к неисчисляемым существительным, то он начинается с How much? How much butter is there in the cake? — Сколько масла в торте? 1 24 Unit 6 Lessons 5 and 6 Fill in the gaps. Use much, many, a lot of. 1. Your friend doesn’t ask ... questions. 2. We don’t have ... water. 3. Is there...sugar in your tea? 4. There isn’t ... jam in the jar. 5. There aren’t ... shops in this street. 6. Do you have ... books about animals? 7. Will you invite... people to your birthday party? Fill in the gaps. Use much, many, a lot of and the words: people, sweets, meat, books, museums, food. Model: I have a lot of friends. I know many people in this town. 1. We’re not hungry. We don’t need... 2. I’m allergic to sugar. I don’t eat... 3. I don’t like reading. I don’t have... in my room. 4. This town isn’t very interesting for tourists. There aren’t... in it. 5. He doesn’t eat meat very often. There isn’t... in his fridge. Choose the correct variant, open the brackets and complete the sentences. Sometimes both variants are correct. 1. I read (many / a lot of) books. 2. Do you know (many / a lot of) funny songs? 3. Is there (much / a lot of) coffe in your mug? 4. There’s (much / a lot of) cheese in my sandwich. 5. I don’t need (many / a lot of) potatoes. 6. He likes (much / a lot of) salt in his food. 7. There’re (many / a lot of) new pipils in our class this year. Read the song and choose the best name for it. Explain your answer. A sad birthday Bad weather Global warming (глобальное потепление) Life on planet Mars Winter doesn’t bring much cold, Autumn doesn’t bring much gold. Summer doesn’t bring much sun, A birthday doesn’t bring much fun. Unit 6 Lesson 6 125 6 Change the song according to the model. Use о lot of. Model: Winter brings a lot of cold. Which variant of the song do you like better? 7 Listen to the song and check your answers. 8 Sing along. Homework A Ask the questions. Start with How much or How many. Model: How much coffee do you drink? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. books about animals do you have? pens are there in your bag. chocolate can you eat in an hour? salt do you like in your soup? water is there in the mug? sugar do you want in your tea? В Read the poem and answer its question. I need a lot of milk. I need a lot of e^^s. I need eome salt, and 5ome butter. What do I want to make? Choose the correct variant in brackets and complete the sentences. 1.1 eat (much/a lot of) sugar. 2. They don’t eat (much/a lot of) meat. 3. Do you need (much/a lot of) milk? 4. How (much / a lot of) salt do you need? 5. There is (much/a lot of) ham and (much/a lot of) butter in my fridge. 6. There isn’t (much/a lot of) salt in the salad. 7.1 don’t know (many/a lot of) people in this room. 8. How (many/a lot of) streets are there in your town? 9. (Many / A lot of) children like ice cream. 10. How (many/much) juice do you want? 126 Unit 6 Lesson 6 Translate the sentences into English. 1. Сколько у тебя друзей? 2. Эта зима принесет много снега. 3. В кувшине много воды. 4. Сколько яблок тебе нужно? 5. Я иду в магазин. Сколько хлеба тебе нужно? 6. Сколько мороженого ты можешь сьесть? 7. Я не хочу пить много чая. Lesson 7 Не has а few friends J 1 ' Listen to the words, repeat them after the speaker and then read them. few, new, drew, crew, blew, knew Буквосочетание ew в конце слова передает звук [ju:]. Местоимения few, little Местоимения few, little обозначают небольшое количество (мало). Little употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными. There is little snow this winter. — Этой зимой мало снега. А little означает немного, но достаточно. I have а little time. I can help you. — У меня есть немного времени. Я могу вам помочь. Few употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными. There are few houses in our street. — Ha нашей улице мало домов. А few означает немного, но достаточно; несколько. There are а few eggs in the fridge. She can make a cake. — В холодильнике есть несколько яиц. Она может испечь торт. very few / very little — очень мало / know very few poems by heart. — Я знаю наизусть очень мало стихов. There is very little salt in this soup. — В этом супе очень мало соли. 2 ) Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Don’t buy much milk. We have a little in the fridge. 2. I want to make a salad. How many cucumbers do I need? — Take a few. 3. Very few people are going to eat this cake. It’s very sweet. Unit 6 Lesson 7 127 4. Your pizza is very nice, but there is very little salt in it. 5. I can’t go out now. I have very little time before my Mum comes home. 6. I need a little milk. Do you have any? 7. He is not a famous writer. Very few people know about him. 8. I know a few teachers in your school. Fill in the gaps. Use very few or very little. 1. We have ... butter. 2. There are ... animals in the zoo. 3. There are ... hotels in this town. 4. We have ... juice. 5. This winter is not very cold. There is ... snow. Fill in the gaps. Use very little / very few, a little / a few and the words: hobbies, meat, rain, buses, ham, friends, people, eggs. 1. We can’t make ham and cheese sandwiches. We have a lot of cheese, but. 2. You have a lot of milk. Why don’t you make an omelette? We have... 3. Why are the farmers sad this summer? There is... 4. I’m not a vegetarian. I eat... 5. My grandfather is never alone. He has... 6. I’ll have to go home now. There are... at night. 7. This film is boring. ... like it. 8. He’s a very interesting man. He has... Listen to the dialogue and write a shopping list for Kate. Listen to the ending of the converstion and check your answers. ^ 6 ) Ask questions with How much or How many and give short answers. Model: There are very few people in the streets at 11 p.m.— How many people are there in the streets at 11 p.m.?— Very few. 1. There is very little bread on the table. 2. There is a lot of honey in the jar. 3. There are very few oranges in the fridge. 4. There are some books on the table. 5. There isn’t any coffee in the mug. 6. There are very few pens in the box. 1 28 Unit 6 Lesson 7 7 ■ Find ten differences between these two fridges. Найдите десять различий между содержимым этих двух холодильников. Use: much, many, few, little, very few, very little, there is no, there isn't / aren't any, some. Model: There is a lot of meat in the blue fridge, but there is very little meat in the green fridge. Read the text and choose the correct answers. Betsey and James MacWizards have three children: Rosy, Mark and Rob. Normally, Betsey has a lot of problems with family dinners, because each member of the family has his or her favourite food. Rosy and Mark eat rice and ham. Rob and Rosy like bread and cheese. Rob and Mr MacWizard like chicken and bread. 1. Which food doesn’t Rosy eat? a) bread b) chicken c) ham d) rice e) cheese 2. Who eats cheese, chicken and bread? a) Rosy b) Rob c) Mark d) Mr MacWizard 3. Who doesn’t eat cheese, but eats ham and rice? a) Rosy b) Rob c) Mark d) Mr MacWizard 4. Which food is OK for most of the family? a) bread b) ham c) rice d) chicken e) cheese Английский язык. 6 кл. Happy English Unit 6 Lesson 7 129 Homework ^ Write two questions about each dish and answer them. Use the words in brackets in your questions. Model: Is there any salt in this omelette? — Yes, there is. What is there in this omelette? There are a lot of eggs, a lot of cheese, some milk, some salt and some butter. fish, egg and mayonnaise sandwich (eggs) cheese and egg omelette (salt) r cucumber and yoghurt salad (onions) vegetable soup (meat) bacon and tomato sandwich (ham) "Л tomato, cucumber and pepper salad ( (mayonnaise) i Complete the sentences with a lot of, much, many, very few, very little. 1. We have ... lemons. 1 have to go to the shop. 2. She has ... friends. She is a very nice girl. 3. I have ... time. I’m going to be late. 4. There is ... cola in this tin. You can drink it. 5. How ... books are you going to read this month? 6. How ... milk do you like in your coffe? Translate the sentences into English. 1. В моем чае очень мало сахара. 2. День рождения приносит много радости. 3. Сколько у тебя домашних любимцев? 4. Сколько мяса ты кладешь в суп? 5. Сколько у нас молока? 6. Сколько у вас времени? 130 Unit 6 Lesson 7 <:> Is there anybody in the room? Местоимения something^ nothing, anything, somebody, nobody, anybody, somewhere, anywhere, nowhere Эти местоимения образованы от уже знакомых вам местоимений some, по, any и подчиняются тем же грамматическим правилам. Утвердительное предложение somebody — кто-то something — что-то somewhere — где-то Вопросительное предложение anybody — кто-нибудь anything — что-нибудь anywhere — где-нибудь Отрицательное предложение nobody — никто nothing — ничего nowhere — нигде С местоимениями something, nothing, anything, somebody, nobody, anybody глаголы употребляются в 3-м лице единственного числа. There is somebody in the room. — В комнате кто-то есть. There is something on the table. — Ha столе что-то есть. Is there anybody in the room?— В комнате кто-то есть? Is there anything on the table?— Ha столе что-то есть? There is nobody in the room. — В комнате никого нет. There is nothing on the table. — Ha столе ничего нет. При наличии в предложении местоимений nothing, nobody, nowhere дополнительных отрицаний не требуется. Nobody knows him. — Никто его не знает. She has nothing in her bag. — У нее в сумке ничего нет. I can’t find him. Не is nowhere. — Я не могу его найти. Его нигде нет. 1 Choose the correct variant and open the brackets. Model: I know (somebody /something) from Spain.— I know somebody from Spain. 1. There is (somebody / something) in my hand. 2. I’m reading (somebody / something) about Picasso. Unit 7 Lesson 1 131 3. The policeman is looking for (somebody / something) on a red bicycle. 4. She wants to buy (somebody / something) for her friend. 5. I don’t believe (somebody / something) in this newspaper. 6. 1 don’t know (somebody / something) here. 7. I don’t think (anybody / anything) is going to visit us this Monday. Give negative answers to these questions. Use nobody /nothing /nowhere. Model: What is he doing? — Nothing. 1. Who’s at home? 2. What do you want to eat? 3. Who’s going to cook breakfast? 4. What do you want to say? 5. Where are you going? 6. Who’s looking for you? 7. What’s in your bag? ^ 3 J Open the brackets and complete the sentences. 1. (Nobody / Not anybody) lives here. 2. We don’t want to buy (anything / nothing) in this shop. 3. I don’t understand (anything / nothing) in German. 4. This book costs (not anything / nothing). 5. What do you need? (nothing / not anything). 6. She doesn't speak to (anybody / nobody). ^ 4 ) Change the sentences. Use nobody / nothing / nowhere. Model: You won’t have to do anything. — You will have to do nothing. 1. There isn’t anywhere for me to sit. 2. I don’t think anybody knows the secret. 3. There isn’t anything in this book that is easy to understand. 4. She doesn’t know anything about babies. 5. She won’t say anything about it. 6. There isn’t anybody in the room. 7. The dog won’t go anywhere without Billy. 5 Look around your class. Do you agree with these statements? Correct the false statements. 1. Nobody is listening to the teacher. 2. Nobody is sleeping. 3. Nobody is writing. 4. There is nothing on the tables. 5. Nobody is teaching you. 6. Your best friend knows nothing. 7. There isn’t anybody next to you. 132 .esson ^ Answer the questions about yourself. Give full answers. Model: Do you know anything about the Beatles? What do you know? Yes, I know something about the Beatles. It’s a popular British group. They come from Liverpool. 1. Do you know anybody from England? Who is it? 2. Do you want to go anywhere in Africa? Where do you want to go? 3. Do you know anything about Mstislav Rostropovich? What do you know about him? 4. Are you going anywhere this summer? Where are you going? 5. Is there anybody in your room at home now? Who is it? 6. Is there anything in your hand? What is it? 7. Is there anything new in your life? What is it? 8. Do you live anywhere near your school? Homework ^ Change the sentences. Use somebody / nobody / anybody. Model: Some people don’t like milk. — Somebody doesn’t like milk. 1. A man is knocking on the door. 2. No students are going to come here tomorrow. 3. Does one of the people here want to speak to me? 4. There is a person in the kitchen. 5. Are there any people in the car? 6. He doesn’t know any boys or girls in his new class. b Fill in the gaps. Use somebody, anybody, anywhere, nothing, anything, somewhere. 1. Where does he live? — I think he lives ... near the supermarket. 2. It’s dark. I can’t see .... 3. Do we have ... in the fridge? — Yes, a few things. 4. Do you know ... from America? 5. Do you know... about Shakespeare? 6. Don’t ask her. She knows ... about it. 7. Sssh! I can’t hear .... 8. ... is coming! — Who is it? 9. Do you see my keys ...? — No, I can’t find them. Up-' 7 .esson 133 Lesson 2 Somebody likes chocolates... Местоимения everybody (все), everything (все), everywhere (везде) Обратите внимание, что с местоимениями everybody и everything употребляются глаголы в 3 лице единственного числа. Например: Everybody knows him. — Все его знают. Everything is in his bag. — Все находится в его портфеле. 1 , Fill in the gaps and complete the sentences. Use everybody, everything, everywhere. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Mark is a computer wizard. He knows ... about them. 2. Where are you? ... is looking for you. 3. You must tell me .... I want to help you. 4. His house is full of cats. There are cats .... 5. ... knows his songs. He is a famous singer. 2 Read the words and expressions. to enjoy smth — наслаждаться чем-либо floating — зд. плавающий when everything goes wrong — когда все идет не так 3 Read the text of the song and put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple. Somebody (like) chocolates, Somebody (like) cakes. And everybody (like) to swim in summer in the lakes. Somebody (like) football. Somebody (like) books. And nobody (like) onions floating in the soup! Somebody (enjoy) the sun. Somebody (like) the rain. And everybody’s happy when summer comes again. Somebody (like) music. Somebody (like) this song, And nobody (enjoy) the day when everything goes wrong. 4 Listen to the song and check your answers. 34 7 Lesson 2 ^ 5 J What do you think? Answer the questions. 1. What do you enjoy doing? 2. What does your best friend enjoy doing? 3. What does everybody in your class enjoy doing? 4. What does nobody enjoy doing? 6 ) Report your answers to the class and work together. Model: I enjoy eating ice cream. / think my best friend enjoys reading hooks. / think everybody enjoys lying in the sun? I think nobody enjoys going out in the rain. ^ Ask questions and check your answers with your friends. Model: — Does everybody enjoy lying in the sun? — / don't. Fm allergic to it. / Yes, everybody does. — Does anybody enjoy the rain? — Nobody does. /1 do. I like rain. How many correct guesses do you have? Homework S. - • Fill In the gaps with something, somebody, nobody, nothing, everything, everybody, anything, anybody. 1. Look! ... is coming out of the headteacher’s office. 2. ... likes Tom Cruise’s new film. It is very boring. 3. Can you hear ... ? 4. There’s ... in your fridge to eat. I’m very hungry. 5. I always invite ... I know to my parties. 6. He doesn’t have any friends because he doesn’t like .... 7. The police are outside. They are looking for ... . 8. What do you want to eat? — ..., I’m not hungry. 9. Does ... live in that white house over there? Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. 1. You’re late! Everybody ... for you. 2. Everybody ... this singer. She’s a very popular singer. 3. Don’t worry about Jane. Everything ... fine with her. 4. Everybody ... presents on New Year. 5. Nobody ... the answer to this question. 6. There ... nobody in the house. Unit 7 Lesson 2 135 Lesson 3 Betsey's family Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. young []Л13] — молодой own [эип] — собственный to be interested in — интересоваться Christmas ['krismasl — Рождество a pastime — времяпрепровождение indoors — в помещении out of doors — на воздухе equipment fi'kwipmsnt] — оборудование an expedition — экспедиция to be full of smth — быть наполненным чем-либо horse riding [,ho:s 'raidipj — верховая езда [,so:lzb9ri 'pleinj — равнина Солсбери Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1. Archaeology [,а:к1'п1эбз1] tells people abont the past. 2. My brother is a very interesting person ['p3:s9n]. He knows a lot. 3. My friend can play the piano fpi'aenau] and the gnitar [gi'ta;]. 2Jj Listen to the conversation and try to guess: What is Betsey's last name? 1. Betsey’s last name is Lloyd. 2. James is Betsey’s son. 3. Rosy has her own horse. 4. Mark is thirteen. 5. This week James is sleeping in his office. 6. All the family are interested in football. 7. James’s favourite pastime is horse riding. 8. People in England celebrate Christmas in November. 9. Salisbury Plain is a very interesting place. 10. Betsey is Rob MacWizard’s mother. 11. Mark likes to be indoors. 136 ^ i-esson 3 Betsey’s family Robin: We want to meet your family. Betsey. Where are they? Betsey: Oh, let me tell you about them. My husband James is a very busy man. He’s the manager of a bank in London. Normally he comes home at eight o’clock and watches football or reads The Times. He usually plays tennis on Sundays. It’s his favorite pastime. When the weather is bad he plays tennis indoors. At the moment there are a lot of problems at his bank and he has to work day and night. He has a small bed in his office, so he sleeps there. Rosy, my daughter, is seventeen. She is very busy. She is going to finish school this year. She plays the guitar and she is the best goalkeeper in her school. We don’t see her at home very often because her hobby is horse riding. She likes to be out of doors. At the moment Rosy is in London. She is helping her aunt in her shop. November and December are very busy months for the shops. It’s Christmastime. Mark is three years younger. He is interested in history and archaeology, and he is a good football player too. He often goes on archaeological expeditions and our house is full of his equipment. At the moment he is on Salisbury Plain. We’re going to visit him there. It’ll be very interesting for you. And my youngest son is Rob... I’ll tell you about him later. goalkeeper ['дэи1,к1:рэ] — голкипер. Это слово состоит из двух слов: goal (ворота) и keeper (хранитель), дословно — хранитель ворот. Answer the question: What's the Russian word for goalkeeper? Complete the sentences with the correct information from the text. . likes to play football. 6. ... spends a lot of time out of doors. 1. 2. At the moment Rosy is ... . 3. James is very busy, so he sleeps .... 4. James likes to read .... 5. Rosy is interested in ... . 7. The house is full of likes archaeology. 8. James works .... 9. ... is seventeen. because Mark Un'* 7 3 137 Match the person with his / her interests and say what they are interested in. Model: Rosy is interested in books. James Rosy Mark horses, football, history. The Times, tennis, archaeology, music, money, books, animals, sports Here is some more information about Rosy, Mark and their father James. Find the pairs of sentences which describe one person and put them together with because, but, and. Change the pronouns into names. Найдите пары предложений, которые относятся к одному человеку, и соедините их подходящими по смыслу союзами: because, but, and. Замените местоимения именами. 1. Somebody plays the guitar very well. 2. Somebody always finds a lot of interesting things to do. 3. Somebody takes a lot of guitar classes. 4. Somebody likes to have dinner with his family. 5. Somebody goes to archaeology camps with his group in summer. 6. Somebody is very tired in the evenings. Listen to the speaker and check your answers. Homework ^ These are the answers. Write the questions. Model: Rosy is seventeen. — How old is Rosy? 1. Rosy is going to finish school this year. 2. Rosy is interested in horse riding. 3. Her horse’s name is Fire. 4. Yes, she is. And she is the best goalkeeper in her school. 5. She is in London. 6. She is helping her aunt. 7. Because it’s Christmastime. 8. His name is Mark. 9. Mark is fourteen. 10. He is interested in history and archaeology. 11. He is on Salisbury Plain. 12. In summer Mark always goes to archaeology camps. 13. Yes, they will. It’s a very interesting place. 14. Because Rob is lost in Russia. Be ready to tell the class about Betsey's children. Use the questions in Ex. A as a plan. 138 jr.’’ 7 Lesson 3 Lessons 4,5 I like hiking Наречия too и either Too (тоже) употребляется в утвердительных предложениях. Не likes ice cream. She likes ice cream too. — Oh любит мороженое. Она тоже любит мороженое. Either (тоже) употребляется в отрицательных предложениях. / don’t like milk. Тот doesn’t like milk either.— Я не люблю молоко. Том тоже не любит молоко. 1 Complete the sentences. Use too or either. 1. Winter is very cold. Autumn is cold .... 2.1 like hot dogs. His sister likes hot dogs .... 3. My aunt can’t come to my birthday party. My granny can’t come .... 4. Mathematics isn’t very easy for a lot of pupils. It’s not easy for me ... . 5. I'm interested in history. My brother is interested in history .... 6. I’ll watch an interesting film tomorrow. They’ll watch it ... . 2 Look at the pictures and make up sentences with too or either. Use the words in brackets. Model: 1. The green car isn’t old. — The red car isn’t old either. Linda (good for you) (funny) @ (long) (beautiful; (expensive) 139 т :Павш Если в разговоре ты хочешь согласиться с собеседником, можно сказать: Me too. Например: She likes coffee. Me too. — Она любит кофе. Я тоже. ' Read the sentences and say the same about yourself Model: Kate is hungry.— Me too. 1. Everybody likes bananas. 2. Some people like to play computer games. 3. My friends are interested in literature. 4. Everybody likes reading. 5. Everybody wants to visit London. j Read the names of pastimes and repeat them after the speaker. Match the pictures with the words. 1. horse riding 2. doing sports 3. watching TV 4. sleeping 5. reading 6. collecting things 7. gardening 8. travelling 9. playing games 10. cooking 11. shopping 12. hiking 13. eating 14. playing musical instruments 15. drawing |'drD:ip| 16. knitting I'nitiol 17. fishing 18. going out \ 9. jogging 20. sewing f'sampI 21. acting in plays 22. hunting 140 7 Lessons 4 5 5 ) In pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions about pastimes from Ex. 4. 1. Do people do it alone? 2. Do people do it in a group with their friends? 3. Do people do it indoors? 4. Do people do it out of doors? 5. Do people do it with animals? 6. Do people need any equipment when they do it? In groups a) Выберите один из видов проведения досуга и расскажите о нем, не называя его. Воспользуйтесь для составления рассказа своими ответами в таблице. b) Догадайтесь, какой вид проведения досуга загадал водящий. Если не удается отгадать сразу, задайте водящему дополнительные вопросы. Model: A:We can do it alone or with friends. We always do it out of doors. We need some special equipment when we do it. People do it with animals. This pastime is expensive. B:Is it horse riding? A: Yes, it is. 6j In pairs a) Tell your friends about your hobbies and pastimes. Make notes about what he / she likes and doesn't like doing. Model: I like singing. — Me too. / like fishing. — Do you? I don’t. (Да? A я нет.) b) Change partners. Tell your new partner about your first partner. Model: Sergey likes gardening. — Does he? I don’t. Sergey doesn’t like cooking. I don’t like cooking either. 70j Listen to the information and write (»7or X)- Pastime reading in bed Misha Alice 1 1 eating ice cream eating in bed watching football on TV playing computer games listening to music Unit 7 Lessons-^ 5 141 Homework у AJ Write: What do both Misha and Alice like to do? What don't they like to do? Use the table of Ex. 7. Model: Misha reads a lot of books. Alice reads a lot of books too. Misha doesn’t read any books. Alice doesn’t read any books either. В у Read the text and answer the questions. Alice has three friends: Marie, Josie and Amelie. Everybody is interested in sports. ^ Alice and Josie are interested in tennis. Amelie and Marie like ^ jogging. Alice and Marie enjoy swimming. 1. Who is interested in tennis and swimming? a) Alice b) Marie c) Josie d) Amelie 2. Who likes swimming and jogging? a) Alice b) Marie c) Josie d) Amelie Get ready for a game. What do you think? What are the five most popular pastimes in Russia? In Britain? In America? Write a list for each country. Lesson 6 Christmas is in the air! Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. beginning [bi'ginip] — начало a turkey ['t3:ki] — индейка a pudding [‘pudir)] — пудинг Santa Claus [.saenta 'kb:z] — Санта-Клаус a stocking ['stnkir)| — чулок a miracle ['mirakl] — чудо to begin [bi'gin] smth — начинать что-либо to do the shopping CJopip] — делать покупки New Year’s Eve — канун Нового года 142 Lessons b and 6 2 What do you associate Christmas with? Say as many words as you can. 3 Listen to the conversation and match parts of the text with the pictures. Alice: Hi, Rosy. How are you? Rosy; I’m fine. It’s so nice in London. Alice; What is happening? Rosy: November is the beginning of Christmastime and I love Christmas. In big cities the shops are open every day and there are beautiful Christmas trees and decorations in the windows. People go out and buy presents, d’here are a lot of nice things in the shops, so you can find very good presents ewerywhere. I like to do Christmas shopping and listen to Christmas songs. There is a Christmas tree in every house and everybody decorates it together. In the evening they drink hot chocolate by the Christmas tree and talk about Christmas miracles. Every Saturday before Christmas our friends organize big parties. They are fun! ; 'pit / 6 43 Children write letters to Santa Claus. In the letters they tell Santa Claus what they want for Christmas and promise to be good in the coming year, Santa always brings them something, so everybody is happy. On Christmas Day nobody works, so all the family is together. On the morning of the 25th of December children find a lot of presents in their stockings. Then everybody has Christmas dinner. There is always a turkey and Christmas pudding on the table. '^4} Read the text of the conversation and choose the right answer. 4. Children write letters to a) Santa Claus. b) the Queen. c) Big Ben. Christmastime in Britain begins a) in December. b) in November. c) in October. 2. Before Christmas everybody buys a) presents. b) food. c) Christmas trees. d) all of these things. 3. There are a lot of Christmas parties for friends a) in November. b) in December. c) on Christmas Day. 5. Christmas is on a) 25 December. b) 24 December. c) 31 December. 6. Children find Christmas presents a) in their shoes. b) in their stockings, c) under the Christmas tree. 7. Traditional Christmas food is a) turkey and chocolate cake. b) chicken and Christmas pudding. c) turkey and Christmas pudding. Answer the questions. Give some more information from the text. Model: Is there anything in the shop windows before Christmas? — Yes, there is. There are beautiful Christmas trees in the shop windows. 1. Do people buy anything before Christmas? 2. What does everybody decorate before Christmas? 3. Do children write letters to anybody before Christmas? 4. The shops are open every day everywhere, aren’t they? 5. Does anybody work on 25th December? 6. Does anybody organize parties before Christmas? 7. Do people usually organize big parties on Christmas Day? 144 7 Lesson 6 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Letters to Santa Claus There’s a beautiful tradition in England. Before Christmas children write letters to Santa Claus. Read a typical letter to Santa Claus and answer the following questions. 1. What do children write about? 2. What do they want from Santa? 3. What do they promise? Dear Santa! My name \e Sarah. I live in Che6ter with my Mum, Dad and my little sieter Natasha. I’m usually nice to Natasha and I help Mum cook breakfast on Sundays. I really want a new bicycle for Christmas. Will you фе it to me, Santa? I promise I’ll be ^ood next year. I’ll ^et only ^ood marks at school. I’ll always do my homework and I’ll always be nice to Natasha. I’ll never watch TV until 6 a.m. a^ain! Sye Santa, Sarah Higgins Presents in their stockings. Согласно рождественской легенде жил в давние времена один знатный, но очень бедный человек. У него умерла жена, и он остался один с тремя дочерьми. Девушки не могли выйти замуж, поскольку у них не было приданого. Однажды в канун Рождества они выстирали чулки и развесили их перед камином. Санта-Клаус решил помочь бесприданницам и бросил в каждый чулок по золотому слитку, чтобы они смогли выйти замуж. С тех пор в рождественскую ночь дети в Англии развешивают чулки перед камино.м, а утром находят в них подарки. 7 е. 145 6 Describe the pictures. What's happening? Use somebody, something, everybody, everything etc. Homework A Answer the questions. 1. Do Russian children write letters to anybody on New Year’s Eve? 2. Who do Russian children write to? 3. What do they write about? 4. Do they want anything? 5. Do they promise anything? 6. When do they write their letters? 7. Do Russian children find anything in their stockings? 8. Where do Russian children find their presents? 146 в Write а letter to Santa Claus. Here are some ideas: be good, do sports, read books, eat a lot of chocolate, eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, help Mum, be nice to granny, walk the dog every morning, be the best in the class, learn to swim, learn to cook C Count: How many times can you see the word CHRISTMAS in this lesson? Lesson 7 No Christmas for him? Щ Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. nonsense ['nnnsans] — зд. неразбериха '‘Shop till you drop ” — ходить no магазинам, пока не упадешь too — зд. слишком 2 Agent Cute is listening to Rosy. He has some ideas about Christmas. Listen to his song and answer the question: Does Cute like Christmas? 3 Read the song and say: Which of these things does Cute like? Which of them doesn't he like? watching TV, shopping, presents, going to parties, cold weather, getting a Christmas tree Christmas nonsense a) Oh, this Christmas nonsense! When will it stop? b) You go to the High Street, And shop till you drop! c) You look for some presents. But what can you buy? d) You write letters to Santa, But he’ll never reply, e) You have to go to parties. When you can watch TV. f) You go out in cold weather. And get a Christmas tree. g) So, thank you, but never! No Christmas for me! Uni! ;-,sons 6 and • 147 FOR YOUR INFORMATION The High Street — название улицы, на которой расположены все центральные магазины в любом городе Англии. 6 ; Do you agree with Cute? Model: Cute doesn't like Christmas. / don’t like Christmas either. Read Agent Cute's and Rosy's stories about Christmas again. How do they disagree? Support your answers with the facts from the texts. Do you agree with Rosy or with Cute? Why? Use these phrases. I agree with Rosy. I like Christmas too because... I agree with Agent Cute. I don’t like Christmas either because... I agree with Rosy about... but I don’t agree with her about... Listen to Rosy's plans and fill in the gaps. Rosy’s plans for November and December -Tift- o1 \5§ shop \\г\9 25.и f^theshop the b>99«s'^ turkey f^um coo •k^Vve Chrv \stvt>cs for 9uy Ce\eW®'^ Chr'S' 148 .esson 7 26*^^ I 8 } Ask and answer the questions. Check your answers. Model: What is Rosy going to do on 15 December? — She is going to buy a Christmas tree. When is Rosy going to decorate the Christmas tree? — On 15 December. j Is Rosy's plan good? What is she going to do too early? What is she going to do too late? Model: Rosy is going to buy Christmas presents for her friends on 24 December. 1 think it’s too late. The shops will be closed. Homework A Answer the questions about Christmas and New Year in Russia. 1. When does Christmastime / New Year time in Russia begin? 2. When do you celebrate Christmas / New Year in Russia? 3. Do you celebrate Christmas / New Year with your family or with your friends? 4. What do you buy before Christmas / New Year? 5. What do you celebrate on Christmas day / on 31 December? 6. Where do you find your Christmas / New Year presents? 7. What is on your table on Christmas Day / on 31 December? What do you think: What's the difference between New Year and Christmas in Russia? Prepare a short story: What Christmas / New Year traditions do they have in Russia? В Complete the sentences and get ready to tell your classmates about Christmas in Russia and Great Britain. 1. In England Christmastime begins in November and in Russia .... 2. In England they celebrate Christmas on ... and in Russia on ... . 3. In England they celebrate Christmas with their families and in Russia .... 4. In England they buy presents and Christmas trees before Christmas and in Russia .... 5. In England children write letters to ... and in Russia .... 6. In England children find their Christmas presents in ... and in Russia .... 7. In England there is ... on the table and in Russia .... Unit 7 Lesson 7 1 49 Every country has its customs 1 j Translate the title of the lesson. What do you think: What are you going to discuss in this lesson? ^ 2d) Listen to the words and expressions, repeat them after the speaker and then read them. culture, lecture, future, nature, sculpture, creature Буквосочетание ture читается как [t/э]. Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. clothes |kbu5z] — одежда central heating — центральное отопление grass — трава brown bread — черный хлеб a hot water bottle — грелка a basin [‘beisn] — раковина to wear |wea] — носить (об одежде) to feel ffi:l| — чувствовать to surprise Isa'praiz] — удивлять to be different from smth — отличаться от чего-либо the English — англичане still — 3c). еще to mix — смешивать really ['riali] — на самом деле to put the plug in the plug hole — затыкать пробкой отверстие в раковине Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1. In summer we wear sandals ['saendlzj. 2. English culture ['клк/э] is very interesting. 150 Le'.'op 8 Read the letter, then listen to it and answer the questions: 1. Who is writing the letter? 2. Who is the letter to? 3. What is the letter about? A letter home / / (D © © / / I’m fine. My life here is very busy and interesting. I’m learning a lot about England. It’s very different from Russia. My first big surprise is the bathroom. There are two taps! One for hot water and one for cold water. When I wash my hands I must put the plug in the plug hole and mix the water in the basin. The second shock is English weather. It’s November, but it’s not cold. There is no snow either, but Christmas is in the air because there are Christmas trees and decorations in all the shops. It’s funny. The grass is green, there are still roses in the garden, and the weather is very rainy. It’s about 15 degrees and I wear my sweater. But you must see the English. They don’t feel cold. Some people still wear sandals and T-shirts and don’t wear any warm clothes. But it’s not summer. At night the house is cold. Central heating is expensive and they don’t use it very often. So I go to bed with a hot water bottle. (Please don’t tell my friends.) ■'nit 7 Lesson 8 151 English food is very strange too. I’m often hungry because we usually have lunch at twelve and dinner at nine o’clock in the evening. And I don’t really like English food. They eat a lot of cheese. We get cheese sandwiches for breakfast and cheese sandwiches for lunch. My big problem is bread. They don’t have any black bread here and they don’t eat any bread with their dinner. Please don’t worry about me. These things are not a problem. This country is so nice because it’s so different. It’s very interesting to learn about a different culture. I’m OK and I’m having a lot of fun with Betsey and her family. © Is Misha happy in England? Explain your answer. Agent Cute wants to know all about the boys so he read (прочитал) Misha's letter. There are some mistakes in Agent Cute's report to the boss. Find and correct the mistakes. bathroom tape English ^uide cio^o English foo^^ English weather English Christmas English schools English houses English traditions hot water bottles English bread English clothes Agent Cute 152 _ .essons 8 and 9 6 j Remember the information from this book and "Happy English.ru-5". Complete the table with the following information and tell your friends about the differences between England and Russia. England Russia The weather in November is warm but rainy. It is very cold and there is a lot of snow in November. 1. The weather in November is warm but rainy. 2. It is very cold and there is a lot of snow in November. 3. There is a tap for cold water and a tap for hot water. 4. People wear sandals and T-shirts. 5. There is no brown bread. 6. People wear a lot of warm clothes in November. 7. Central heating isn’t very expensive. 8. Central heating is very expensive. 9. There is one tap for cold and hot water. 10. People go to bed with hot water bottles. 11. People eat bread with their dinner. 12. The grass is green in November. 13. People normally have dinner at seven o’clock. 14. People normally have dinner at nine o’clock. 15. People don’t eat much bread with their dinner. Homework Imagine that you are an English guest in Russia. You are visiting your village / town / city in winter. Write a letter about your visit. Don't forget to write about some unusual and surprising things about Russia. Find some interesting information about Christmas and New Year traditions in any country. Be ready to tell your classmates about them. Project Prepare and tell your classmates about some interesting Christmas and New Year traditions. Unit 7 Lessons 8 and 9 1 53 Lessons 1,2 In the country DoDidDone The Past Simple Tense / Простое прошедшее время Глаголы в Past Simple употребляются для выражения: • единичных действий, которые происходили в прошлом: We saw an interesting film last week. — Мы смотрели интересный фильм на прошлой неделе. • действий, которые происходили в прошлом обычно, часто, всегда: Не came home late. — Он обычно приходил домой поздно. • последовательных действий, которые происходили в прошлом: / bought two tickets, met ту friend and we went to the theatre. — Я купил два билета, встретился с другом, и мы пошли в театр. Past Simple употребляется со следуюш,ими словами и словосочетаниями; yesterday — вчера last week — на прошлой неделе last month — в прошлом месяце last year — в прошлом году ...days / months /years ago — ...дней / месяцев / лет назад Спряжение глагола to be в Past Simple I was in Moscow yesterday. — Я вчера был в Москве. You were in Moscow yesterday. — Вы вчера были в Москве. Не / She was in Moscow yesterday. — Он / Она вчера был / была в Москве. It (the dress) was on the sofa yesterday. — Оно (платье) лежало вчера на софе. We were in Moscow yesterday. — Мы вчера были в Москве. You were in Moscow yesterday.— Вы вчера были в Москве. They were in Moscow yesterday. — Они вчера были в Москве. 1 54 ' 8 Lessons 1, 2 в утвердительных предложениях порядок слов следующий: Подлежащее + was / were + второстепенные члены предложения. We were at home yesterday. — Мы были дома вчера. Не was at school yesterday. — Он был в школе вчера. В отрицательных предложениях порядок слов следующий: Подлежащее + was not / were not + второстепенные члены предложения. They were not in the park yesterday. — Их не было в парке вчера. Не was not in the park yesterday. — 'Его не было в парке вчера. Сокращенная форма от was not — wasn% от were not — werenT В общем вопросе порядок слов следующий: Was / Were + подлежащее + второстепенные члены предложения + ? Were they at home yesterday? — Они были дома вчера? Yes, they were.— Да. Was he in the park yesterday? — Он был в парке вчера? No, he wasn Y. — Нет. В специальном вопросе порядок слов следующий: Вопросительное слово + was / were + подлежащее + второстепенные члены предложения + ? Where were they yesterday? — Где они были вчера? They were at home. — Они были дома. Where was he yesterday? — Где он был вчера? Не was at school. — Он был в школе. В вопросе к подлежащему порядок слов следующий: Who + was + второстепенные члены предложения + ? Кто был дома вчера? - Кто был в школе вчера? Who was at home yesterday? -They were. — Они. Who was at school yesterday? He was. — Oh. Разделительный вопрос They were at home yesterday, weren't they? не так ли? — Yes, they were. — Да. Simon was in the park yesterday, wasn't he? — Саймон был в парке вчера, не так ли? — No, he wasn't. — Нет, его там не было. Они были дома вчера. ■Jrti' 8 Lessons 12 155 1 Fill in the table. Present Simple always, every day Past Simple do can am is are Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Thank you! The pizza was really tasty. 2. They were in London with their teacher two years ago. 3. Last week I was in the old museum alone. It was creepy. 4. He wasn’t tired yesterday. 5. Where was your bag? 6. Who was your English teacher last year? I can’t remember. in the gaps. Use was or were. 1. I ... in the park yesterday. 2. It ... cold last month. 3. We ... busy yesterday. 4. You ... late for school yesterday. 5. They ... happy yesterday. 6. Where ... you last summer? 7. He ... your friend, ... he? 8. ... you tired yesterday? Yes, I was. Complete the sentences. Use: always, last year, usually, every Saturday, some years ago, often, every winter, yesterday, never, last Sunday, last summer, four weeks ago. 1. He is ... hungry. 2. You were busy .... 3. They are at home .... 4. He was in London .... 5. The Stone of Destiny was in Westminster Abbey .... 6. Misha and Robin were in Russia .... 7. They were our friends .... 8. She was interested in horse riding .... 9. He is ... late. 10. It is ... cold. 11. He ... has orange juice for breakfast. He doesn’t like it. 12. We ... play together. 13. His birthday was .... 156 -b-:t 8 Lessons 1, 2 ^ 5 J Answer the questions. 1. Were you ill last week? 2. Where were you an hour ago? 3. Your breakfast was tasty, wasn’t it? 4. It wasn’t 24th January yesterday, was it? 5. Was it hot or cold yesterday? 6. Who was late for school yesterday? 7. Were you happy yesterday? Why? / Why not? 6 ; Play a game. Участвует весь класс. Каждый участник получает карточку с изображением того места, где он был вчера (Cut Out). Цель игры: найти в классе еще одного человека, который был там же. В течение игры все участники перемещаются по классу и задают друг другу вопросы. Model: Hi, were you in the shop yesterday? — No, I wasn't. / Yes, I was. уЩ) Можно также помогать друг другу и задавать другие вопросы. Model: А: Hi, where were you yesterday? В: I was in the shop. A: Oh, Andrey was in the shop too. ^ После того как участники нашли друг друга, они рассказывают о том, где были вчера. Model: А: / was in the shop. В: Me too. Homework f ^ c , ^ . A Fill in the gaps. Use was, were, wasn't, weren't. 1. His granny ... a teacher. 2. We ... in Moscow last week. It ... interesting. 3. My friends ... at school yesterday, but I ... at home, because I ... well. 4. We ... very happy with our hotel room. It ... very small and the windows ... dirty. 5. ... Tom and Liz at your birthday party? Tom ..., but Liz .... She ... busy yesterday. 6. Where ... your brother last Friday? He ... at home with his friends. В Rewrite these sentences in the Past Simple. Use was, were and yesterday. 1. I’m hungry now. 2. Where is he today? 3. We’re cold now. 4. He isn’t late for school today. 5. My breakfast is very tasty. 6. Are your friends in the museum now? 7. Who is at home now? 8. Where are they at the moment? 9. Is Cute in the office now? 10. I’m not busy at the moment. Unit 8 Lessons 1,2 157 Translate the sentences into English. 1. Мы заняты сегодня. 5. Он был занят на прошлой неделе. 2. Они сейчас в Англии. 6. Они были в России в прошлом году 3. Сегодня его нет в школе. у. Его не было в школе вчера. 4. Мне сейчас 12 лет. 8. Мне было И лет в прошлом году. Распределите обозначения времени между Present Simple и Past Simple. Некоторые обозначения можно употреблять и в Present Simple, и в Past Simple. last week, usually, every Saturday, two years ago, often, every year, yesterday, last Sunday, every winter, last summer, a week ago, always Put questions for the answers. Use the words in brackets. Model: (interesting / the hook) No, it was boring. Was the book interesting? — No, it was boring. 1. (Alice and Robin / where) — They were in the shop. 2. (who / in Moscow / with you) — Our teacher was with us. 3. (the last bus / when) — It was at eight o’clock. 4. (the weather / good) — No, it was very cold. 5. (you / when / in Smolensk) — I was there in May. Lessons 3,4 What could you do ten years ago? Глагол can в Past Simple в Past Simple глагол can имеет форму could, которая употребляется во всех лицах единственного и множественного числа. Could употребляется в Past Simple для выражения способности что-либо делать в прошлом. В утвердительных предложениях порядок слов следующий; Подлежащее + could + второстепенные члены предложения. 158 5 ^essms 1 2 and 3, 4 / could do this exercise two months ago, but I can’t do it now. — Я мог сделать это упражнение два месяца назад, но я не могу его сделать сейчас. Му grandfather could play football ten years ago. — Мой дедушка мог играть в футбол 10 лет назад. В отрицательных предложениях порядок слов следующий: Подлежащее + could not + второстепенные члены предложения. His grandfather couldn ’t play football ten years ago. — Его дедушка не мог играть ь футбол 10 лет назад. Сокращенная форма от could not - couldn’t В общем вопросе порядок слов следующий: Could -I- подлежащее + второстепенные члены предложения + ? Could he speak English last year? — Он мог говорить по-английски в прошлом году? — Yes, he could. / No, he couldn’t. В специальном вопросе порядок слов следующий: Вопросительное слово -i- could + подлежащее + второстепенные члены предложения -i- ? What could he do ten years ago? — Что он умел делать десять лет назад? — Не could swim.. — Он умел плавать. В вопросе к подлежащему порядок слов следующий: Who + could + второстепенные члены предложения -ь ? Who could speak English last year? — Кто мог говорить по-английски в прошлом году? — Mike could. — Майк. Разделительный вопрос Mike could speak English last year, couldn’t he? — Майк мог говорить по-английски в прошлом году, не так ли? — Yes, he could. — Да. 1 Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. He could speak English last year. 2. Could she dance two years ago? — No, she couldn’t. 3. What could your pet do last year? 4. Who could play computer games five years ago? Unit 8 Lessons 3 4 159 2 Answer the questions. 1. Could you play football last year? 2. Could you read English books last year? 3. Could your sister cook two years ago? 4. Could you play tennis when you were seven? 5. What sports could you do last year at school? 3 Look at the pictures. Where were these people at 9 o'clock yesterday? Who could watch a film on TV at 9.30? Model: Kate was in the shop. What could you do five years ago? What couldn't you do five years ago? Can you do it now? Model: I could swim five years ago. I couldn’t drive a car five years ago. / can’t drive a car now. swim, read, play computer games, cook, fly, talk, drive a car, wash the floor, predict the future, speak English, do the shopping, decorate a Christmas tree, write, use the computer 160 4 Союз when В английском языке простые предложения обычно объединяются в сложноподчиненные с помощью подчинительных союзов. Например, с помощью союза when (когда). When I went to school, I could read. — Когда я пошел в школу, я умел читать. 5 ) Read the words and expressions. to rhyme — рифмовать(ся) a rhyme — зд. рифма to do magic tricks — показывать фокусы to he blue — грустить to dive — нырять 6 ) Robin is telling Misha about his life in 1599. Before you read his story, try to answer the questions. Model: How old was Robin when he could say the word “Mum”? — / think he was one, because “Mum” rhymes with “one? 1. How old was Robin when he could open the door? 2. How old was Robin when he could fly with his raven? 3. How old was Robin when he could swim and dive? 4. How old was Robin when he could talk to the trees? 5. How old was Robin when Nessy was his best mate? Listen to the song and check your answers. } Read the text of the song. Which questions does it answer? 1. Was Robin happy at home? 2. What could Robin do when he was little? 3. Was Robin a wizard? 4. Could Robin swim and read? When I was one, I could say the word “Mum.’ When I was two, I was sad and blue. When I was three, I could talk to the trees. When I was four, I could open the castle door. When I was five. I could swim and dive. When I was six, I could do magic tricks. When I was seven, I could fly with a raven. When I was eight, Nessie was my best, best mate. When I was nine, I could travel in time. Английский язык, 6 кл. Happy English Units Lessons 3 4 161 In pairs. Look at the pictures and try to remember the poem about Robin in 1599. Ask and answer questions. Model: What could Robin do when he was one? — He could say the word “Mum." When was he sad and blue? — When he was two. 10 In pairs. Look at your partner and guess: When could he / she read, write, swim, draw, sing, cook, ride a bicycle, play football, play a musical instrument, sew? Write your guesses. Model: I think my friend could read when he / she was five. Ask and answer the questions and check your guesses. Model: Could you read when you were six? — Yes, I could. / No, I couldn’t. When could you read? — I could read when I was seven. 1 62 Unit 8 Lessons 3, 4 Homework U A^ Write a report about what your partner could do in the past. Use your notes from Ex. 10. В ' Make up your own song. Use these rhymes or think of your own. Translate the new words with a dictionary. Life wasn’t fun. I was always fine. I couldn’t drive. I was very clever. I was never late. I could play with bricks. I could clean the floor. I couldn’t cross the street. I couldn’t read books. All fairy tales were true. When I was one. . two ... . three ... . four ... . five . six . seven . eight . nine Information for В (Unit 2 Lesson 6 Ex. 4) 1 Chewing gum i 2 Computer 3 1970 I ______________ 1896 Alexander Popov 4 Tape recorder 5 Bicycle 1903 Wilbur Orville Wright 13 Car 1880 8 Telephone Alexander Bain James Perkins 10 Laser 11 12 1960 1835 1926 — Samuel Colt Vladimir Zworikin 14 Piano 15 16 1775 Ernest Swinton Alexander Commings Unit 8 Lessons 3,4 163 Diandra's red hair 1 J Match the parts of the body in the picture with the words. 1. leg 2. face 3. head 4. chin 5. hand 6. body 7. eye 8. ear [la] 9. mouth 10. hair 11. arm Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. red [redj — рыжий curly ['кз:И] — вьющийся straight [streit] — прямой tall [to:l] — высокий slim [slimj— стройный round [raund] — круглый oval [auvl] — овальный to look like smb — быть похожим на кого-то а relative [Velativ] — родственник an ancestor ['2ensastaJ — предок great grandfather — прадедушка to be brave [breivj — быть смелым to be in love [Uv] — быть влюбленным to describe [di'skraib] smth — описывать что-либо handsome ['haensm| — красивый (обычно о мужчине) а nickname ['nikneim] — прозвище а stepson ['stepsAn] — пасынок 164 „ • 8 Lesson 5 Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1. There are a lot of family portraits ['pa:tnts] on the wall. 2. My grandfather was a soldier ['s9uld33] in World War II. 3. She has beautiful blonde [blond] hair but her nose is very big. Read the story and match the people with their portraits. Rosy’s family history Rosy: There are a lot of interesting things in this house. Let me tell you about the history of our family and show you our family portraits. You’ll see all our ancestors and living relatives. This is my great-grandmother Lady Jane MacWizard. She was short and fat, her hair was blonde and straight, and her mouth was very big. Her nickname was Jane the Gnome. She wasn’t beautiful, but she was very clever and she was Queen Victoria’s best friend. And this is her husband Sir Edward MacWizard. He was a very handsome man and a good soldier. He was blonde and his eyes were blue. His nickname was Edward Strong Arm. This is Lady Jane’s father. Sir Walter MacWizard. His nickname was Raven because his nose and ears were very big. He was a very nice, kind man. This is Lady Diandra MacWizard. She was the second wife of our great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather. She was very beautiful. Her red hair was long and curly and she was very slim. A lot of men were in love with her. This is a portrait of her stepson, Robin MacWizard. He was very strange. The legend says: he could fly, he could predict the future and he could travel in time. Look at his long dark hair, big brown eyes and small straight nose. He looks... I don’t believe it... He looks like you, Robin! Robin: Oh! That’s interesting. Can you tell me the legend about him? Unit 8 Lessc 165 ’Щ Read about one of Rosy's relatives, but don't say his / her name. Your partner has to guess who it is. 5 Say the opposite of short — blonde — curly — slim — kind 6 ) Which parts of the body do these words describe? Complete the table. blonde, tall, small, big, dark, slim, short, straight, tall, black, curly, fat, green, red, blue, long hair eyes body nose Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1. Why was Sir Edward’s nickname Edward Strong Arm? 2. What colour were Lady Jane’s eyes? 3. What colour was Diandra’s hair? 4. Diandra was beautiful, wasn’t she? 5. Was Lady Jane tall? 6. Why was Sir Walter’s nickname Raven? 7. Was Sir Walter fat? 8. Was Sir Walter tall? Homework Answer the questions and be ready to describe yourself. 1. What colour are your eyes? 4. Are you tall or short? 2. What colour is your hair? 5. Is your nose big or small? 3. Is your hair straight or curly? 6. Are you ears big or small? Translate the sentences into English. 1. Она была очень красивой. У нее были длинные вьющиеся волосы и большие умные глаза. 2. Он был невысоким и толстым и очень веселым. 3. Его сын был очень красив. Он был высоким и стройным. 4. У него был очень большой нос. 166 9 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 What does Rob look like? Обратите внимание на разницу между двумя вопросами: What does he look like? — Как он выглядит? и Who does he look like? — Ha кого OH похож? 1 Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. What does your friend look like? — He is tall and blonde. 2. Who do you look like? — I look like my mother. 3. He doesn’t look like his father, does he? — Yes, he does. He has his father’s blue eyes and his big ears. 2 Read the letter and say: Is Cute's guess correct? 'Dear Boss! Robin MacWizard and his friend Misha Inin are staying with Betsey MacWizard. But our Robin MacWizard isn’t Betsey’s son. I don’t understand it. Boss. Are there two Robins? What does Rob MacWizard look like? Please send me a photo. A^ent Cute 3.^ Listen to the speaker and answer the question: What does Rob MacWizard look like? Make a picture of him (Ex. 3C). 4t listen to the speaker and answer the question: What does Robin MacWizard look like? Make a picture of him (Ex. 3C). 5 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Explain your answers. Model: Rosy looks like her grandmother, because Rosy has ... and her grandmother has ... too. 1. Who does Rob MacWizard look like? Unit 8 Lessor 6 1 67 2. Who does Rosy look like? 3. Who does Mark look like? 4. Who does Betsey look like? Who does Misha look like? Who does Agent Cute look like? 6 JJ In pairs. Ask and answer the questions and find out: a) What does your friend's mother look like? Who does she look like? b) What does your friend's father look like? Who does he look like? c) Who does your friend look like? Model: What does your mother look like? — She is tall and slim. Her eyes are... Who does she look like? — My mother looks like her father, my grandfather. 168 8 Lesson 6 7 ' In pairs. Describe one of your classmates. Your partner has to guess who it is. Model: It’s a girl She has long dark hair... Homework A Be ready to tell the class about your ancestor or relative. Make a poster about him or her. Use the information in the table and some photos or pictures. This was / is my great-grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, cousin He / She was my mother’s (father’s) great-grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, cousin Her / His name was Her / His appearance (внешность) Body: tall, short, slim, fat Face: round, oval Hair: blonde, dark, red, curly, straight, long, short Nose: big, small, straight, long, short Mouth: big, small Eyes: big, small, green, black, brown, blue, dark Job doctor, teacher, farmer, baker, actor, pilot, archaeologist, architect, scientist Extra information kind, beautiful, awful, strange, handsome, independent, clever, brave soldier, in love with her (him), nice, friendly Lesson 7 Project "My relatives" Tell your classmates about your relatives. Illustrate your story with the poster. Unit 8 Lessons 6 and 7 1 69 In the country DoDidDone 1 Посмотрите HO корту города Past Simple и сравните ее с картой города Present Simple. У с/ g с S // / S « 2 X ffi s ш I а ш 1 г 1 1 \ \ cf !Б 5 \ 170 Ответьте на вопросы: 1. Все ли глаголы носят одинаковую одежду (имеют одинаковую форму) в городе Past Simple? 2. Какой вспомогательный глагол употребляется в Past Simple? 3. На всех ли улицах глаголы обращаются за помощью к вспомогательному глаголу? (Всегда ли нужен вспомогательный глагол для образования вопросительных и отрицательных предложений?) 2 ) Прочитайте рассказ о городе Past Simple и проверьте свои догадки. Зайдя в город, глаголы-дракоши направляются к двум вешалкам с одеждой. На одной вешалке надпись Для правильных глаголов. На другой вешалке надпись Для неправильных глаголов. Это означает, что в английском языке есть правильные и неправильные глаголы. Unit 9 Lesson 1 171 Единственное число Множесттенное Подойдем к вешалке Для правильных глаголов. На ней висят плащи, расшитые буквами -ed и цифрами 2. Это значит, что в Past Simple глаголы употребляются во II форме. Правильные глаголы образуют ее с помощью прибавления окончания -ed к основному глаголу. Длинные плащи с капюшонами закрывают голову, руки и ноги гла-голов-дракош. Плащ с капюшоном, закрывающий голову, руки и ноги, означает, что глаголы в Past Simple имеют одну и ту же форму во всех лицах и числах. Глагол-дракоша work направляется к вешалке с надписью Для правильных глаголов. Надев плащ, расшитый буквами ed и цифрами 2, глагол-дракоша work стал называться worked [w3:kt]. Это означает, что глагол work — правильный и его II форма образуется с помощью прибавления окончания -ed к основному глаголу. Заглянем на улицу Утвердительное предложение. На эту улицу пришел представитель правильных глаголов worked. YESTERDAY in the park. Утвердительное предложение Глагол-дракоша в плаще занимает место за подлежащим. Это означает, что в утвердительном предложении в Past Simple порядок слов следующий: Подлежащее -i- основной глагол во II форме -t- второстепенные члены предложения. 172 _ • ^ .esson 1 Спряжение глагола work в Past Simple / worked in a shop last year. — Я работал в магазине в прошлом году. You worked in а shop last year. — Ты работал(а) в магазине в прошлом году. Не / She worked in а shop last year. — Он / Она / работал (а) в магазине в прошлом году. It (А cat) played in the garden yesterday. Она (Кошка) играла в саду вчера. We worked in а shop last year. — Мы работали в магазине в прошлом году. You worked in а shop last year. — Вы работали в магазине в прошлом году. They worked in а shop last year. — Они работали в магазине в прошлом году. Если глагол оканчивается на букву е, то при добавлении -ed буква е опускается: love — loved, dance — danced. Если глагол оканчивается на букву у, а перед ней стоит согласная, то при добавлении -ed буква у меняется на i: study — studied. Если буква у стоит перед гласной, то никаких изменений не происходит: play — played. Если глагол оканчивается на согласную, которой предшествует ударная гласная в закрытом слоге, то такая согласная удваивается и прибавляется -ed: stop — stopped. Чтение окончания -ed Если глаголы оканчиваются на звуки t или d, окончание -ed читается как [id]: painted, decided. Если глаголы оканчиваются на звуки f, к, s, ch, sh, р, окончание -ed читается как [t]: asked, kissed, washed, hoped, watched, laughed. Если глаголы оканчиваются на другие звуки, окончание -ed читается как [d]: opened, lived, played, robbed, changed, answered. What's the past tense of these verbs? paint, answer, watch, rest, wish, relax, happen, wash, open, phone, snow. rain, fix, match, invent, recommend, cook Model: paint — painted Listen to the speaker and check your answers. Repeat the verbs after the speaker. Unit 9 Lesson ' 173 5 ' What is the infinitive of these verbs? Model: invited — to invite invited, studied, started, lived, remembered, agreed, dropped, relaxed, tried, stayed, used, danced, liked, cried, invented, wanted, decorated, loved, closed, happened, helped, checked 6 Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple. 1. He (invite) me to his party last week. 2. We (decorate) the Christmas tree last winter. 3. We (play) football with our friends last Sunday. 4. We (live) in this house five years ago. 5. Two days ago we (be) late for school and the teacher (phone) our parents. 6. The music (stop) and everybody (hear) the woman’s voice. 7. It (snow) yesterday. 8. The teacher (check) our tests three days ago. 9. My friend (phone) me two days ago. 10.1 (watch) this film last month. 11. His sister (cook) breakfast in the morning. 12. She (clean) the floor yesterday. 13. It (happen) yesterday. 7 Let's remember the story about Robin MacWizard from the beginning. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple. Put the events in the correct order. Расставьте события в правильном порядке. Model: Rob MacWizard (want) to visit Misha Inin in Russia. — Rob MacWizard wanted to visit Misha Inin in Russia. 1. Agent Cute (visit) the boss in his office in London. 2. Agent Cute (watch) the boys from a tree. 3. Agent Cute (start) his mission in Russia. 4. The Queen of England (return) the Stone of Destiny to Scotland. 5. Robin (stay) with Misha in Obninsk. 6. Rob’s mother and father (worry) about Rob. 7. Misha and Robin (try) to fly back to Russia. 8. Agent Cute (look) for Misha and Robin in London. 9. Boss (phone) Agent Cute in the hospital. 10. Misha and Robin (help) Alice get to Tunbridge Wells. 11. Misha and Robin (celebrate) Halloween. 12. Agent Cute (celebrate) Bonfire Night. 174 9 Lesson Homework J# A J Распределите глаголы по колонкам в зависимости от того, как читается окончание -ed. decorate, answer, carry, invent, study, check, listen, repeat, play. drop, phone, turn, call, match, milk, walk, worry, wish, ask, rest, invite, stay, dust, grant, start, help, look, want, try, happen [d] [t] [Id] answered checked decorated Listen to the speaker, check your answers and repeat the verbs after the speaker. Lesson 2 The family legend Listen to the story and choose the best name for it. Choose from: 1. The wizard 2. Meet your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather 3. Father and son 4. A trip to the future 5. The Stone of Destiny 6. Help your country or die JJ Read the story and choose the correct answers. Гок boys. Get into bed and Г11 tell you the legend. Five hundred years ago, in Edinburgh, there lived a boy. His name was Robin MacWizard. When Robin was two, his mother died, so he lived with his father. His father was a great wizard. He liked to help people and was always away. The farmers needed good weather, the lords needed help with their castles, their ladies wanted to be happy U-.lt 9 Lessons 1 and 2 175 in love — Robin’s father helped everybody. Robin was not interested in magic, but he could do a lot of magic things too. He was very clever and brave, and everybody liked him. At that time, Scotland was poor and weak. Life for the Scots was very hard. Robin and his father wanted to help their country. “Scotland must become strong and rich again,” they always repeated. Robin believed in an old Scottish legend about the Stone of Destiny. He believed that the Stone could help his country but it was lost to Scotland. The Stone of Destiny was in Westminster Abbey in London. The English crowned their kings on it. We don’t know why, how or when; but the legend says that one day, Robin travelled in time to the London of the future. While he was there, something happened: the door to his own time closed and he couldn’t return. His father started to get worried about Robin. The wizard couldn’t eat or sleep. He waited for his son by the window. One cold winter morning, somebody knocked at the door. It was Robin. Robin: Is that all? Rosy: Yes, that’s the legend. Robin: But where was the Stone of Destiny? Rosy: There’s nothing more about it in the legend, so I don’t think Robin could bring it back. Why do you want to know? Robin: Because I am Robin MacWizard. I am your great-great-great- great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather. I have to go back to my time and help your brother Rob come home. 176 ■roSOil 1. Robin’s father was a) a poor man. b) a great wizard. c) the Scottish king. 2. Robin could a) do some magic things. b) speak a lot of languages. c) help people. 3. The Stone of Destiny was a) in Edinburgh. b) in London. c) in Paris. Robin travelled in time, because a) he wanted to help his country. b) he wanted to see his relatives in the future. c) he wanted to see his mother again. Why was Robin’s father sad? a) Because everybody needed his help. b) Because Scotland was a very poor country. c) Because his son couldn’t come back to his time. ^ 3 } Find in the text facts to support these statements. (Найдите в тексте факты, подтверждающие эти утверждения.) 1. Robin was а very nice boy. 2. Robin loved his father very much. 3. His father loved Robin. 4. Robin loved his country. 5. Robin wanted to help his country. 6. Robin’s father was a wizard. ^ 4^ Agent Cute listened to the story, but he couldn't hear everything. This is the information he has. Somebody believed in the Stone of Destiny. Somebody lived in Scotland. Somebody died. Robin loved something. Something closed and somebody couldn’t return. Somebody lived somewhere. Somebody was very unhappy. Somebody was very sad and couldn’t eat or sleep. Somebody travelled to the London of the future. Somebody returned home and somebody was very happy. Somebody helped everybody. Somebody wasn’t interested in magic, but could do a lot of magic things. У вас есть выбор: а) Вы считаете, что Кьюту пора больше узнать о Робине. Замените местоимения somebody / something на нужные существительные и расположите предложения в правильном порядке в соответствии с рассказом Роузи. Прочитайте получившийся рассказ. Model: There lived а hoy, Robin. His mother died. Unit 9 Lesson 2 1 77 b) Вы считаете, что Кьют ни о чем не должен догадаться. Замените местоимения somebody / something на любые другие существительные по вашему выбору и составьте из тех фактов, которые есть у Кьюта, совсем другую историю. Model: Robin lived in Paris. Homework J' A ) Fill the gaps with the verbs in the Past Simple. Dear do55, Yesterday (be) Sunday. I (watch) the MacWizards a^ain. At ei^ht o’clock the door (open). It (be) Rosy. She (walk) the dogs and (close) the door again. Setsey (cook) breakfast and the boys (help) her. The weather (be) very bad so Setsey (watch) TV and the boys (play) computer games. in the afternoon Rosy and the boys (look) at the family portraits. I (notice) something interesting. A man in one portrait (look) like Robin. In the evening Rosy and the boys (discuss) something. The boys (explain) something to Rosy. She (look) surprised. I’m going to talk to Robin. I think he knows everything. Agent Cute Change the sentences. Use the Past Simple and a suitable time expression. Model: I open this door every day. — I opened this door yesterday. 1. We can talk to you now. 2.1 am not at home in the evening. 3. Mary translates from English into Russian without any mistakes. 4. He invites everybody to his birthday party every year. 5. Some people in our class eat ice cream for breakfast. 6. She usually listens to very loud music. 7. He always tries to help everybody. 1 78 9 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 In the country DoDidDone Мы снова в городе Past Simple. Посмотрим, что происходит около вешалки с надписью Для неправильных глаголов. На ней висят разноцветные плащи с капюшонами. Каждый плащ расшит цифрами 2 и на каждом написано имя глагола. Такие плащи означают, что II форма неправильных глаголов образуется особо в каждом отдельном случае. Список неправильных глаголов вы найдете на стр. 245. Эти глаголы вы постепенно выучите наизусть. Прогуляемся по улицам города с представителем неправильных глаголов go. Как видите, надев плащ, go стал называться went. Это означает, что went является II формой глагола go. Утвердительное предложение to the shop. Ответ: Вопрос: Глагол go означает ходить. Теперь у него новая форма — went. Как же новая форма переводится на русский язык? Глаголы меняют форму, но их значение остается прежним. Не забывайте только, что мы находимся во времени Past. Поэтому глагол went переводится как ходил. Mr HUp уj В утвердительных предложениях с неправильными глаголами порядок слов такой же, как с правильными: Подлежащее + основной глагол во II форме + второстепенные члены предложения. I saw ап interesting film last month. интересный фильм. В прошлом месяце я видел 179 >J_y Fill in the gaps with the infinitive or the Past Simple form of the verbs. ... — knew read — ... ... — told think — ... ... — found ... — went take — ... see — ... ... — flew ... — made come — - fell ... — met get - ... ... — had ... — chose ^20 Listen to the speaker and check your answers. 3 J Find fourteen verbs in the letter line. Вопрос: В некоторых англо-русских словарях дается только первая форма неправильного глагола и его перевод. Например, мне встретилось слово thought. Я искал его в словаре, но не нашел. Все верно. Глагол thought — неправильный, в словаре дается только его первая форма think. А как узнать первую форму неправильного глагола, если я вижу его в первый раз? Для этого в нашем учебнике существует таблица неправильных глаголов на стр. 245. Если глагол неправильный, то вы найдете его в этой таблице во второй колонке. В словаре надо искать его первую форму, которая находится в первой колонке таблицы. В нашем учебнике в словаре помещены и первая, и вторая формы глаголов. Например: thought [0o:t] — думал (past от think) Ответ: Вопрос: Ответ: Ploy Bingo. Use the cords from your Workbooks (Cut Out). Choose one cord and read the verbs on your cord. Your teacher is going to read some sentences. Listen to the sentences and cross out the verbs on your cords os you hear them. When you cross out oil the verbs soy "Bingo". Model: We went to the supermarket two days ago. □ □ □ celebrate go take listen 180 _ ■ • 9 Lesson 3 Homework Read two parts of the story "A time traveller" (Lessons 4, 5) and fill in the table with the verbs from the text. Write the Past Simple form of the verbs and their infinitive. Неправильные глаголы Lessons 4,5 I travelled to the Future Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1. My father was a Scottish patriot ['paetriat]. He loved his country. 2. There is a long tunnel fUnl] under this street. 3. Our cat was lost, but finally [ТатэИ] we found him. Ш Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. a way — путь dangerous — опасный to he independent from smb / smth — обладать национальной независимостью от кого-либо / чего-либо peace — мир silver birds — серебряные птицы 2 Read the first part of the story and mark these sentences true or false. 1. Robin was a Scottish patriot. 2. The organization wanted to return the Stone of Destiny to England. 3. The Stone of Destiny was in Westminster Abbey. 4. The road to London was safe. 5. Only wizards knew about time tunnels. 6. Robin went to the London of the future, because his father couldn’t do it. 7. Rob MacWizard is Robin’s age. 8. Robin’s father was an old man. Uni* 9 Lessons 3 181 А time traveller Pari I Rosy; Tell me everything, Robin. Where is my brother? Robin: Well, it’s a long story. In 1599, I lived in Edinburgh and my father was one of the Scottish patriots. At that time, Scotland was independent from England, but there was no peace in our country. The English attacked us all the time. Our organization believed that the Stone of Destiny could help Scotland. We wanted to return the Stone of Destiny to Scotland. But it wasn’t easy. The Stone was in London and the way to London was long and dangerous. The English knew about our organization, and were ready to catch and kill any of our members. Then we thought about time tunnels. Only the greatest wizards knew about them. These tunnels took people to the past or the future. We had a plan. Somebody had to use the time tunnel and get to the London of the future. They had to take the Stone from Westminster Abbey. Then the Stone could bring this person back. There was only one problem with our plan: we needed relatives in the London of the future, but we couldn’t find anybody. Rosy: That’s interesting. What for? Robin: When you travel in time, you take somebody’s place there. This means that somebody takes your place in your own time. This person must be your age and must also be your relative. That was difficult. We read all our magic books and, finally, we found your family in the future. Everybody was happy about this and the organization chose my father for the mission. He tried to open the tunnel, but nothing happened. Then we understood the reason; James MacWizard was fifty and Father was thirty-six. There was no time to look for anybody else and then we thought about your brother Robin. He is my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandson, and he is eleven too. So I went through the time tunnel and came here. Rosy: I want to believe you, but I can’t. People don’t travel in time! Robin: But I did it. Misha: You’ll have to believe him. Think about your brother. He is all alone in 1599 and it wasn’t the nicest period in Scottish history! 182 9 Lessons 4, 5 Match the parts of the story with the headings. 1. How do wizards travel in time? 2. 1599 in Scotland 3. A relative in London 4 Complete the sentences about Robin and his trip in time. Model: My father was... — His father was one of the Scottish patriots. 1. There was ... in Scotland. 2. We wanted to return... 3. The way to London was... 4. Time tunnels took... 5. We ... a plan. 6. There was a problem with the plan... 7. We read ... and, finally,... 8. I went to the future, because... 9. Father couldn’t go, because... 10. Rob is... Make some predictions. What will happen in Part II? 1. Will Robin travel in time? 2. Will Robin get to London? 3. What country will Robin get to? 4. Who will Robin meet in the future? 5. Where will Robin stay? 6. Will Robin get to Westminster Abbey? 7. Will Robin find the Stone in Westminster Abbey? 8. What will happen to the Stone in the future? 9. Who will be Robin’s best friend? Read the second part of the story and check your predictions. Were you right? A time traveller Part II Dad and his friends looked everywhere: Rob MacWizard was in London. So, next morning, we came to the time tunnel. Dad said the magic words and the tunnel opened. I closed my eyes and flew through time. Dad’s last words were, “Remember! The tunnel will open again two days after Halloween. Don’t be late! The key to the tunnel is the Stone.” When I opened my eyes, I was in a big place with a lot of people. I saw big, silver birds in the sky. They were very scary. I wanted to go back, but I couldn’t find the door to the time tunnel. People around me spoke some strange language. Finally, I saw people with a poster with my name come came say said go went see saw can could take took tell told fly flew fall fell meet met get got find found Unit 9 Lessons 4, 5 183 on it. I came up to them and they took me to their home. That was Misha’s family. Misha told me that I was in Russia. Then I understood our mistake. The Inins were very nice to me. Misha told me a lot of things about your time and our people. We went to Misha’s school and celebrated my birthday together. After Halloween, we flew to London to Westminster Abbey. But today everybody knows that the Stone of Destiny isn't in Westminster Abbey: the Queen of England returned it to Scotland in 1996. We tried to fly back to Russia, but we fell next to the Natural History Museum. Next morning we met Alice. She was lost and needed help. We took her to Tunbridge Wells. So we got here and found Rob’s family. You... Choose the right answers. 1. Two days after Halloween is a) 31st October b) 31st November c) 2nd November 2. The key to the time tunnel was a) the Stone b) the magic book c) Robin’s hand 3. The Inins are a) Rob’s family b) Misha’s family c) Robin’s family 4. The time tunnel took Robin to a) Russia b) England c) Scotland Who could say these words? Who to? Model: “We are waiting for Robin MacWizard!” -(the Inins) said to Robin. 1. “The key to the tunnel is the Stone.” 2. “I made a big mistake.” 3. “You are in Russia, not in London.” 4. “I can’t fly any more!” 5. “I am lost. My friends live in Tunbridge Wells.’ 5. When Robin opened his eyes, he was a) at the airport. b) at the station. c) in Westminster Abbey. 6. Big silver birds were really a) trains b) dragons c) planes 7. Misha and Robin took Alice to a) London b) the Natural History Museum c) Tunbridge Wells Misha’s family 184 V Lessons 4, 5 Homework A Rewrite the sentences. Use the correct information from the text. Model: Somebody said the magic words and something opened. — Robin^s father said the magic words and the tunnel opened. 1. Something will close two days after Halloween. 2. Something was the key to the time tunnel. 3. Something was very scary. 4. Somebody saw somebody with a poster. 5. Somebody understood his mistake. 6. Somebody flew to London, but something wasn’t there. В Do you recognize these verbs? Put the letters in the verbs in the correct order. declos, tern, emca, lefl, tog, newt, erew, olucd, wsa, idsa, koto, lefw, ndofu. eonped, shoce, edar, asw, adh C Who did these things? Write the answers. Use the Past Simple. Model: live in Edinburgh — Robin and his father lived in Edinburgh. 1. attack Scotland 2. believe in the Stone of Destiny 3. want to return the Stone to Scotland 4. have a plan 5. look for relatives in the future 6. choose somebody for the mission 7. try to open the channel 8. go to the future 9. check everything 10. open the tunnel 11. see big silver birds 12. want to go back 13. tell Robin that he was in Russia 14. understand somebody’s mistake 15. return the Stone to Scotland 16. take Alice to Tunbridge Wells 17. meet the family D Get ready to retell Robin's story briefly. Unit 9 Lessons 4,5 185 Lesson 1 In the country DoDidDone Мы снова в городе Past Simple. Давайте отправимся на улицы: Отрицательное предложение, Общий вопрос, Специальный вопрос. Альтернативный вопрос. Все эти улицы проходят через дом вспомогательного глагола. Это означает, что отрицательные и вопросительные предложения в Past Simple образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола. Вспомогательным глаголом в городе Past Simple является наш старый знакомый глагол do в одежде города Past Simple. Надев плащ с капюшоном, глагол do стал называться did. Это означает, что вспомогательным глаголом в Past Simple является II форма глагола do — did. Как вы видите, вспомогательный глагол одет, но, заходя к нему в дом, глаголы-дракоши должны снять свои плащи и остаться в именных маечках. Это означает, что, если в предложении есть вспомогательный глагол did, основной глагол стоит в I форме. 86 Lessc’i 1 На улицу Отрицательное предложение пришли глаголы worked и went. Здесь вспомогательный глагол did, неразлучный с собачкой not, занимает место за подлежащим, а глагол-дракоша, сняв плащ и оставшись в именной маечке, встает за ними. Это означает, что в отрицательном предложении порядок слов следующий: Подлежащее -i- did not -i- основной глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения. did not имеет сокращенную форму didn’t > warn»» Отрицательное предложение Отрицательное предложение I didn’t work in the hospital last year. You didn’t work in the hospital last year. He / She didn’t work in the hospital last year. It (a dog) didn’t play in the garden yesterday. We didn’t work in the hospital last year. You didn’t work in the hospital last year. They didn’t work in the hospital last year. I didn’t go to school yesterday. You didn’t go to school yesterday. He / She didn’t go to school yesterday. We didn’t go to school yesterday. You didn’t go to school yesterday. They didn’t go to school yesterday. in the park yesterday. to the shop yesterday. Unit 10 Lesson 1 1 87 На улице Общий вопрос вспомогательный глагол did становится перед подлежащим, далее следует глагол-дракоша в именной маечке и второстепенные члены предложения. Это означает, что в общем вопросе порядок слов следующий: Did + подлежащее + основной глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения + ? in the park yesterday? Общий вопрос YESTKCAY to the shop? Общий вопрос Did I work in the hospital? — Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. Did you work at school? — Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. Did he work in the shop? — Yes, he did. /No, he didn’t. Did we work in the hospital? — Yes, we did. / No, we didn’t. Did they work in the shop? — Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t. Did I go to the shop? — Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. Did you go to the hospital? — Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. Did she go to the park? — Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t. Did we go to the museum? — Yes, we did. / No, we didn’t. Did they go to the museum? — Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t. 188 в специальном вопросе следующий порядок слов: Вопросительное слово + did + подлежащее + основной глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения + ? YEsroaMY last week? Специальный вопрос Where did I go yesterday? — I went to the shop. Where did you go last week? — I went to the museum. Where did he go at 8 o’clock? — He went to the hospital. Where did we go last summer? — We went to Saratov. Where did they go last year? — They went to Moscow. 1 ) What did you do yesterday, the morning, lost month, on hour ago, lost Sunday? Give full answers. Model: Did you go to Moscow last year? — Yes, I did. I went to Moscow last year. / No, I didn’t. I didn’t go Moscow last year. 1. Did you see your best friend yesterday? 2. Did you have breakfast in the morning? 3. Did you watch TV yesterday? 4. Did you read any books last month? 5. Did you phone your friend an hour ago? 6. Did you play football last Sunday? 7. Did you have mathematics yesterday? 8. Did you do anything interesting yesterday? 2 ) Ask your friends questions about yesterday. Take ideas from Ex. 1. Write down your friends' answers. Model: A: Did you buy any food yesterday? B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. A: Why did / didn’t you buy any food yesterday? B: Because it was Sunday yesterday. Unit 10 Lesson 1 189 Agent Cute has a lot of information about Robin. He wrote a very good report, but the report got wet. Help Agent Cute write the report again. 1. Robin 0. me from the past. 2. Robin wa_ t_d to travel to the future. 3. Robin d . _’t liv_ in Oxford. 4. A lot of people . .n’t kn_w about time tunnels. 5. Robin d[ . , come to the London of the future. 6. Robin .per .d his eyes at the airport. 7. Robin and Misha d. .. ,’t _ly to Scotland. &. Misha _elp_d Robin. 9. Misha and Robin find the Stone of Destiny. In pairs. Agent Cute wants to check some information. A: Help him. Put questions to Robin for him. B: Give true answers to the questions. A: Act as Agent Cute and ask Robin questions for him. B: Act as Robin and answer Agent Cute’s questions. Model: Robin lived in Scotland in 1599. C: Did you live in Scotland in 1599? R: Yes, I did. 1. Robin knew about time tunnels. 2. Robin got to London through the time tunnel. 3. Robin flew to London from Russia. 4. Robin saw Queen Elizabeth I. 5. Robin met Misha at the airport. 6. Robin found one of his relatives in the London of the future. 7. Robin found the Stone of Destiny. 8. Robin didn’t want to travel to the future, because he loved his father. In pairs. A: Ask Robin for more information. Use the questions from Ex. 4. Model: When — C: When did you live in Scotland? R: I lived in Scotland in 1599. Begin with the words: 1. What 3. Where 5. Where 7. What 2. How 4. Who 6. Who 8. Why (not) 190 ^sson ^ 6 j Read the text of the song and answer the 1. Who did Agent Cute watch? 2. Did he learn the truth? 3. Where did Robin come from? 4. Did the Boss believe Agent Cute? ^ (.4 V V i i. V Ч ЧЧ !sЧ i44's i.' Agent Cute, Agent Cute, What did you do? I watched Misha, Robin and Rosy too. Agent Cute, Agent Cute, Did you talk to them? No, I didn’t. Boss, But I have a plan. questions: !.■ ^44 V i.' i. i. v' i' C 1. i' v' i C Did you listen in? Did they notice you? No they didn’t. Boss, But I learned the truth. Agent Cute, Agent Cute, What did you learn? Robin came from the past And wants to steal some Stone. Agent Cute, Agent Cute, This is very sad. I will call the doctor And you must go to bed. Listen to the song and sing along. 7 J Choose the best translation for the underlined words in Ex. 6. to listen in — слушать радио, подслушивать, перехватывать радиопередачи to learn [1з:п] — изучать, узнавать, учить to notice ['nautis] — упоминать, уделять внимание, замечать Homework ц • « « А ; Use your notes from Ex. 2 and get ready to tell the class about your friend. Model: He / She didn’t go out yesterday, because he / she wasn’t well. В Read the dialogue and answer the questions. 1. What are Robin, Misha and Rosy going to do? 2. Who can help them? 3. Where are they going? 4. Is Alice going to be with them? We must help Robin Rosy: We must help Robin get back to his time, and then my brother Rob will come back too. Am I right? Robin: Yes, you are. Rosy: What will we have to do? Can we use the Stone of Destiny in Scotland? Unit 10 Lesson 1 191 D Robin: No, that tunnel closed on 2nd November. We’ll have to find a new time tunnel. Rosy: My brother Mark can help us. He is interested in history and archaeology. He knows all our family legends. At the moment he is on Salisbury Plain. Let’s go and find him. Misha: Let’s take Alice with us. Rosy: Oh, I forgot. Alice can’t come with us. She is going back to France tomorrow. Let’s say goodbye to her. Answer the questions about Robin's story. 1. When did Robin live in Edinburgh? 2. Why did Robin and his friends want to return the Stone of Destiny to Scotland? 3. Where could the tunnels take people? 4. Where did Robin and his father find their relatives? 5. Where did Robin find Misha? Write questions for the underlined words. 1. We saw him yesterday. 2. He read the book last month. 3. His sister lived in Yekaterinburg ten years ago. 4. He sent a telegram two hours ago. 5. I got to school by bus. 6. My mother didn’t hear you, because the music was very loud Lessons 2,3 The Channel Tunnel Отправимся на улицу Вопрос к подлежащему. Она не проходит через дом вспомогательного глагола did. Это означает, что вопрос к подлежащему образуется без вспомогательного глагола. На этой улице глагол работает, не снимая одежды. Это означает что в вопросе к подлежащему глагол стоит во II форме. Порядок слов в вопросе к подлежащему следующий: Who + основной глагол во II форме + второстепенные члены предложения + ? 192 Unit 10 Lessons 1 and 2, 3 Who worked in the shop last summer? — Кто работал в магазине прошлым летом? — I did. — Я. — Магу did. — Мэри. Вопрос к подлежащему in the park last month? 1 Answer the questions. Model: Who played football yesterday? — I did. / Misha did. / Misha, Vova and Sasha did. 1. Who came to school by bus today? 2. Who watched an interesting film yesterday? 3. Who helped parents clean the flat yesterday? 4. Who had a party yesterday? 5. Who phoned granny yesterday? 6. Who went to the sea last year? 7. Who got some very good marks in English last week? Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. to build [bild] — строить to link — соединять to shake hands — пожимать руки, здороваться to cost |cDst] (II форма cost) — стоить an island — остров to dig (II форма dug) — копать to drill — бурить government ['длуптэШ] — правительство Waterloo Station [,wo;t3'lu: 'steijn] — вокзал Ватерлоо Before you read the dialogue. Discuss the following. 1. Is it good to live on an island? 2. Can you get to an island by car, by train, by boat, by plane, by bus or by bicycle? Why? 3. How do you get to England? Английским язык, 6 кл. Happy English Unit 10 Lessons 2 3 193 4 Read the dialogue and answer the question: Why is Robin surprised? Robin and Misha: Alice: Robin and Misha: Alice: Robin and Misha: Alice: Robin and Misha: Goodbye, Alice. We’ll always remember you. I’ll write to you, boys. Here is my address. Where are you going now? I’m going to London to Waterloo Station. My train to Paris is at one o’clock. A train?! But England is an island! Don’t you know about the Channel Tunnel? What is that? Read the text and say: What type of story is if: a legend, a report, a personal story, a joke? a) 1802 A French engineer tells Napoleon about his idea. He wants to build a tunnel under the sea and link France and England. Napoleon doesn’t like the idea. He wants to fight England. c) 1880 Digging begins. A two-kilometre tunnel is ready, but the work stops. The First World War begins. e) 1980 The project starts again. A private company gives money for it. The project costs ten billion pounds. b) 1987 Two teams start work. A British team begins drilling in England and a French team in France. 15,000 workers build the tunnel. The biggest problem for the builders is to meet in the middle under the sea. d) 1960 The British and French governments start a new tunnel project. f) 1860 A French engineer, Thomas de Gamond [tn'ma: dju ga:'mnl, and a British engineer. Sir John Hawkshaw t'c^nn 'ho:kJo:], make plans for the tunnel. g) 1994 The British and French builders shake hands under the sea. The tunnel is ready. h) 1975 The governments of France and England close the project. They don’t have any money for it. 6 Put the parts of the text in the right order. a b c d e f g h 1 194 Unit 10 Lessons 2, 3 7 What's the Past Simple form of these verbs? tell, shake, want, build, begin, start, close, open, make. cost. stop. give, be 8 Read the text of Ex. 5 in the Past Simple. 9 : Listen to the text and check your answers. FOR YOUR INFORMATION The Channel Tunnel [tjaenl ’tAnl] — тоннель под Ла-Маншем. Англия расположена на Британских островах. Такое географическое положение, с одной стороны, изолировало Англию от Европы, с другой стороны, служило ей надежной защитой во время многочисленных европейских войн. В 1994 году Англию и Францию соединил тоннель, пролегающий по дну моря. Теперь поезд Евростар доставляет путешественников из Лондона в Париж менее чем за два часа. Вокзал в Лондоне, с которого поезда отправляются в Париж, называется Ватерлоо — в честь места, где англичане одержа.чп победу над французским императором Наполеоном. Англичане считают это совпадение забавным. Homework А Write four questions about each paragraph of the text (Ex. 5). Start with: When? What? Why? Who? How? Be ready to answer the questions in class. В Get ready to play Draggy: cut out the cards from your Workbooks. Lesson 4 Play Draggy Use the material from Cut Out. Unit 10 Lessons 2, 3 and 4 1 95 Lessons 5/6 There was a young lady of Niger Конструкция There is / There are in the Past Simple Вы уже знакомы с конструкцией There is / There are. Она используется, чтобы сообщить о наличии какого-либо лица / предмета в каком-либо месте. В Past Simple в этой конструкции используются вторые формы глагола to be — was и were. Конструкция There was / There were используется в тех же случаях и употребляется по тем же правилам. There was а bus stop near ту house. — Около моего дома была автобусная остановка. There were some books on the table. — Ha столе лежали книги. Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения образуются по общему правилу употребления глагола to be в Past Simple. ^ 1 J Say the sentences in the Past Simple. Model: There are a lot of people in the shop today. — There were a lot of people in the shop yesterday. 1. There’s somebody in my room, 2. There’s nothing in the fridge. 3. There are some children in the street. 4. Is there anything interesting in that book? 5. Are there any good books in the bookshop? 6. There are very few people in the park this week. 7. There’s nothing in his fridge today. 8. There’s no hot water in their houses this winter. 9. How many boys are there in your class this year? 10. What is there in your garden this year? ^ 2 j Fill in the gaps and complete the sentences. Use there is, there are, there was, there were. Pay attention to word order. 1. ... a lot of people in the theatre yesterday. 2. ... a lot of roses in your garden this year? 3. ... water or tea in your mug? 4. How many shops ... in your town five years ago? 5. There ... a lot of flowers in England in May. 6. ... a lot of guests in your flat yesterday? 7. How many posters ... in your room? 8. ... any mistakes in your test last week? 196 Unit 10 Lessons 5, 6 3 Listen to the speaker and correct the mistakes in the picture: What was there in the ghost town? Model: In the ghost town there was / were... In the ghost town there wasn’t any... Сложноподчиненные предложения с придаточными определительными Придаточное определительное предложение обычно относится к существительному главного предложения и следует за ним. Придаточное определительное вводится союзными словами who (который), если оно относится к одушевленному предмету, или which (который) — если оно относится к неодушевленному предмету. This is the man who helped me. — Это человек, который мне помог. Yesterday I saw the hook which I wanted to read. — Вчера я видел книгу, которую хотел почитать. 1 Change the sentences according to the model. Model: Look at this girl. She speaks three foreign languages: English, German and Spanish. — This is the girl who speaks three foreign languages: English, German and Spanish. 1. Look at this cake. It’s very tasty. 2. Look at this actor. He played in my favourite film. 3. Look at this woman. She knows everything about cats and dogs. 4. Look at this table. My grandfather bought it sixty years ago. Unit lO LesionO О 197 5. Look at this man. He helped me find my way in the forest yesterday. 6. Look at this boy. He came to our class last year. 7. Look at this girl. She always gets very good marks in English. 53^- Misha, Robin and Rosy are going to Salisbury Plain. Listen to the dialogue and say: WhaLs a limerick? a) a nonsense poem (стих-бессмыслица) b) a poem about love c) a kind of Scottish song 6 ) Read the dialogue and write questions for these answers. 1. She was from Niger. 2. She smiled. 3. The lady was inside. 4. The tiger ate the lady. 5. The smile was on the face of the tiger. In the car Robin Rosy It’s so boring to sit in the car and do nothing! Let’s have some fun. Misha: But how? There’s no TV or computer here. Rosy: Let’s write a limerick. Misha: What’s a limerick? Rosy: A limerick is a nonsense poem. It’s short and funny. The first person who wrote limericks was Edward Lear, a Victorian writer. Here’s one of his limericks: There was a young lady of Niger ['naiga], Who smiled when she rode on a tiger; They returned from the ride, With the lady inside. And a smile on the face of the tiger. FOR YOUR IHFORMATION Limerick ['limarik] — лимерик. The English like these short funny poems. Usually there are five lines in a limerick. The first line rhymes with the second and the last lines and the third line rhymes with the fourth line. Victorian [vik'toirian] — викторианский. The period of time named after Queen Victoria who reigned in Britain from 1837 to 1901. 198 Unit 10 Lessons 5, 6 Put the lines of this limerick in the right order. And she got very cold, There was a strange lady of Cox, But the lady was old. Oh, poor, strange lady of Cox. Who wanted to live in a box; Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1. I like cakes and biscuits ['biskits]. 2. Kangaroos [,kaeog9'ru:zJ live in Australia [n'streilis]. Read the limericks and answer the questions: 1. Which of them did Misha write? 2. Which of them did Robin write? 3. Which of them did Rosy write? Tip: There weren't any animals in Rosy's limerick. Misha's limerick wasn't about a man, Misha and Robin: Limericks are easy! We can write limericks too. 0 1 ) There was a young man of Peru [рэ'ш:]. Who wanted to ride a kangaroo; But when he came to the zoo. There was no kangaroo, And that saved the young man of Peru. 0 There was an old man of Hungary ['Ьлрдэг!], Who was always thirsty and hungry; When he came for a visit. He ate all his friends’ biscuits, And they finally sent him to Hungary. 0 There was an old lady of London, Who always had ten cats around her; When she went out alone. She couldn’t find the way home. And the cats found the lady in London. Unit 10 Lessons 5 6 199 9^ Which limerick is the best, the worst, the funniest? Why? 1 O ' Find the name of a city and the names of two countries in the limeriks. 1 \) Match the Past Simple forms of the verbs from the limericks with their infinitive forms. be eat save find send want go come have Homework A Look at the pictures. In the pictures you can see the same room before and after the robbery. Describe the pictures and answer the question: What did the robber fake? Model: (Picture 1) There was / were... (Picture 2) There is / are... What can you say about the robber: What is he interested in? What does he like? Model: He was... He likes... He is interested in... 200 Unil 10 Lessons 5, 6 Here are four famous robbers. Which of them robbed the flat in the picture? Explain your answer. Q Robert') ( Dick ) Fill in the gaps and complete the sentences. Use which or who. 1. 1 knew a lady ... played tennis every day. 2. Kate found a bag ... she wanted to buy. 3. He came with Jack,... was his best friend. 4. This is the film ... my mother really likes. 5. Everybody looked at the table ... stood in the middle of the room. 6. Let me introduce you to the man ... saved my life. 7. This is the book ... I liked. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. When I was five, I lived in a house which was very old. 2. The girl who is talking to you is my friend’s sister. 3. Yesterday Sasha spoke to a woman who knew his grandfather. 4. She liked the present which her brother gave her. 5. There were some children in the room when Mum came home. Unit Ю Lessons 5, 6 201 Lesson 1 I come from the future j Read the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. Try to guess: What happened to Rob MacWizard in 1599? to feel — чувствовать an execution [,eksi'kju:Jn] — казнь a liar ['laia] — лжец a beggar [Ъедэ] — нищий, попрошайка a servant ['ssivant] — слуга an inn — постоялый двор a prison ['prizn] - тюрьма smell — запах narrow ['паегэи] — узкий to beat — бить scared [skeod] — испуганный horrible ['hnribl] — ужасный to forgive [fo'giv] — прощать I am sorry for you. — Мне жаль тебя. Guess the meaning of the underlined word. We need costumes and masks for the carnival ['ка:пгуэ1]. Match the faces with the emotions. How is Rob feeling? Check your answers in the dictionary. 1. Rob was surprised. 2. Rob was scared. 3. Б 202 !' M Less 3 / Take turns to ask and answer the questions. Model: How did you feel when your teacher gave you a very bad mark? — I was surprised. How did you feel when a) you got a very good mark for your test? b) your parents gave you something nice for your birthday? c) your younger brother / sister took your things from your table? d) you watched a scary film alone? e) your best friend found a new hobby? f) your mother gave you something that you don’t like for breakfast? g) your father told you to help him? h) your parents promised to take you to a very interesting place? i) your dog ran away? Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer. Rob MacWizard is a) back in his time. b) in the Queen’s castle. c) in the Tower of London. 5 ; Read the dialogue and answer the questions. 1. Is Rob in prison? 2. Who is with him? 3. Why is Rob in the Tower of London? 4. Why did Rob have to run away? 5. Why did Rob say to the old man, “You are a horrible old liar”? 6. Why did the old man say, “I forgive you”? 7. What is going to happen to Rob? Rob and the old man Rob; Hello! Is anybody here? The old man: Hello, young man. How did you get into this awful place? Rob: I am a wizard! I predicted the future for the Queen and she wanted to send me to the Tower. I had to run away. Her soldiers caught me last week, because I was very tired and couldn’t walk any more. The old man: You’re not a wizard, you’re a scared little boy! I feel sorry for you. Everything is ready for your execution. Rob: You’re just a horrible old liar! They can’t kill me. It's all a bad dream! Unit 1 1 Lesson 1 203 The old man: You’re not very polite, but I forgive you. I can see something strange in you. How did you make the predictions for the Queen? Tell me your story and I’ll help you. Rob: Please, please help me! You’re really a nice old man and I don’t want to die. Life is so good and I am so young! Listen to Rob4 story and answer the question: Did Rob understand where he was? Read Rob's story and mark these sentences true or false. 1. Rob always had a lot of friends. 2. Rob and Misha were pen friends. 3. Rob didn’t want to go to Russia but he had to. 4. Nobody met Rob at the airport. 5. Rob was very angry with Misha. 6. When Rob left the airport, he got to a dirty street. 7. People in the street were nice and friendly, 8. Rob found a friend who helped him. 9. Rob and his new friend stayed in an inn. 10. His new friend beat Rob. Rob’s story Part I I come from the future I come from the future. I lived in London in the twenty-first century. I had a big family, but I didn’t have any friends. I thought that I didn’t need them. One day our school teacher brought us letters from children in Russia, and we answered them. My pen friend was Misha Inin. One day he invited me to Russia. I was really excited. I didn’t know much about Russia and it was really interesting for me to visit it. Strange things started to happen from the beginning. When I came to Russia, nobody met me at the airport. I waited and waited, but nobody came. I got angry with my friend and decided to buy a ticket and fly back home. But before that I wanted to leave the airport and look at a Russian city. The next moment I was in a narrow and dirty street. The air was bad and the smell was horrible. There weren’t any cars, but I saw a lot of horses. The people scared me. They had gloomy faces and their clothes were dirty. I got lost and had to stop. Then a window opened, and a pile of rubbish fell on my head. The place was very strange. I was shocked and 204 Unit 1 1 Lesson 1 wanted to call the police. Finally, I found a man who looked like a soldier. I spoke Russian to him. But he answered in English! I asked the soldier about the police, but he didn’t understand me. It was dark and cold and I didn’t know what to do. “Give me some food!” I said to the soldier. “I have no food for beggars, but I need a servant,” he replied. “I am one of Queen Elizabeth’s knights. I have a secret mission in this dirty city of Edinburgh and I need a clever boy like you.” “Elizabeth! Edinburgh!” I thought to myself “These Russian jokes are very strange.” But I decided not to show my feelings and said to the soldier, “I’ll be happy to become your servant.” “Good,” he answered. “I am staying in this inn. Clean my horse, wash my clothes and cook dinner. Here is some money.” I didn’t do anything, but I used the money. I bought some bread and some soup. The food wasn’t very tasty, but I was hungry and had to eat it. When the soldier came home, he was very angry. He beat me! After that, I had to cook dinner for him and he went to bed. The situation wasn’t funny. I wanted to phone Mum and Dad, but I couldn’t find any telephones. Then I decided to go to bed too, but there wasn't a bed for me. I had to sleep on the floor. I didn't understand anything and I felt very unhappy. come came see saw have had get got bring brought speak spoke buy bought think thought know knew beat beat find found fall fell Find the information in the text and answer the questions: How did Rob feel when... a) Misha invited him to Russia? b) nobody met him at the airport? c) he saw “Russian” people? d) a pile of rubbish fell on his head? e) he had to sleep on the floor? Unit Lesson ’ 205 Match two parts of the sentences. Use because. 1. Rob had to eat some awful soup... 2. Rob found a pen friend in Russia... 3. Rob had to stop... 4. Rob wanted to fly back to England... 5. Rob wanted to fly to Russia... 6. Rob had to become a servant... 7. Rob had to sleep on the floor... 8. Rob had to cook dinner... a) ...he didn’t know what to do. b) ...he was lost. c) ...there wasn’t a bed for him. d) ...the soldier was very angry with him. e) ...he was hungry. f) ... he didn’t know anything about it and it was really interesting for him to visit it. g) ...his teacher brought some letters from Russia. h) ...his pen friend was late. Homework A ; Put the sentences in Ex. 9 in the right order. Complete the sentences and sum up the story. The story started when Rob had to answer a letter from Russia. Then... In the city... First,... Then... After that,... In the evening... Finally,... Write some predictions. What will happen to Rob in the second port of the story? Write full sentences. Use the questions and your own ideas. 1. Will Rob stay with the soldier? 2. Will Rob stay in Edinburgh? 3. Will Rob and the soldier become friends? 4. How can Rob surprise the soldier? 5. Will Rob tell the soldier the truth about himself? Listen to the second port of the story and check your predictions. Mark them true or false. 206 Lesson 1 What's the matter with you? Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. if — если What’s the matter? — Что случилось? a disease [di'ziiz] — болезнь nose drops — капли для носа cough syrup [knf'sirap] — сироп от кашля the plague [pleig] — чума to cure [kjoa] — вылечить to have a cough [kof] — кашлять to be ill — быть больным to have / get flu — заболеть гриппом to have / get a cold — простудиться I have a headache ['hedeik].— У меня болит голова. I have a sore throat ['so:,Grout].— У меня болит горло. to be pale — быть бледным forehead [’fund] — лоб Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1. His temperature ['temporatja] was high. 2. I gave him some aspirin ['aespnn]. 3. His symptoms ['simptamzj are dangerous. Read the second part of the story and answer the questions. 1. How did the soldier look in the morning? 2. Why were the people scared? 3. What did Rob understand? 4. What happened to the soldier? 5. How did Rob help him? 6. Did the soldier die? Rob’s story Part II What’s the matter with you? Next day I opened my eyes and saw the soldier. He was in bed and his face was very pale. He had a very bad cough too. “What’s the matter with you?" I asked, “Have you got a cold?” “I don’t know,” said the soldier, “but I have a headache and a sore throat.” Unit 1 1 Lesson 2 207 I wanted to call the doctor and tried to open the door but I couldn’t. I looked out of the window and couldn’t believe my eyes. All the people from our house were in the street. They closed the door to the house. “Please help us! The soldier is ill,” I cried. “If you go out, you’ll kill us. It’s the plague,” they answered and ran away. At that moment I understood everything. I wasn’t in Russia, and it wasn’t a game. But how did I get to the Edinburgh of hundreds of years ago? Was I mad? Was it a bad dream? I didn't know the answer. I looked at the soldier. He was real. I touched his forehead. His temperature was high — that was real too. “If I don’t help him, he’ll die. And I’ll die too,” I thought and opened my rucksack. There were a lot of medicines in my rucksack. I had an aspirin, some nose drops and some cough syrup. I gave my medicine to the soldier. “If you don’t have the plague, my medicine will help you. You must stay in bed and drink a lot of water,” I said to him. Two days later the soldier was better. It wasn’t the plague. It was flu. But when I told him about it, he didn’t believe me. “You have some secret medicine and you can cure any disease,” he said. “I must go back to London tomorrow. If you come with me. I’ll do everything for you.’ The soldier and I went to London. His name was Phillip and he wasn’t a bad man. The road to London was long and difficult, but finally we got there. see saw think thought give gave have had say said go went get got Who said these words? 1. “What’s the matter with you?” 2. “If you come with me. I’ll do everything for you.” 3. “If you go out, you’ll kill us. It’s the plague.” 4. “If I don’t help him, he’ll die and I’ll die too.” 5. “If you don’t have the plague, my medicine will help you. 208 ;t 1 I Lesson 2 4 j Fill in the table with these words. aspirin, a high temperature, nose drops, to have a cold, to have a cough, cough syrup, plague, flu, a sore throat, to be pale, to have a headache Diseases 5 j Match the nouns with the verbs. to have Medicine Symptoms to take to cure a disease, a high temperature, nose drops, a cold, a cough, cough syrup, medicine, flu, a sore throat, a headache у 6 j Fill in the gaps with the correct words and complete the sentences. cough syrup, headache, flu, medicine, disease, cold, cure 1. She’s very pale and has a high temperature. I think it’s .... 2. Close the windows please. Everybody’s going to catch a ... . 3. She needs some ... for her cough. 4. Don’t speak so loudly. Maggie has a ... . 5. The plague is a very dangerous .... 6. This medicine will ... your sore throat. 7. What do I have to take for my cold? — Don’t take any ..., but drink a lot of tea. Homework Find the odd one out. 1. cough, cough syrup, nose drops, milk with honey 2. the plague, cold, aspirin, flu 3. sore throat, headache, cough, high temperature Read the text and answer the questions. Tim, Dennis, Adam and Laura were ill last month. Tim had to stay in bed for two weeks and take a lot of medicine. Laura couldn’t listen to music for a day. Adam had to drink a lot of hot milk with honey and couldn't eat any ice cream. Dennis had to stay in bed for two days. His mother gave him some nose drops and some cough syrup. 1. What was the matter with Tim? 2. What was the matter with Laura? 3. What was the matter with Adam? 4. What was the matter with Dennis? Unit 1 1 Lesson 2 209 Lesson 3 Hello, Doctor Drewl Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. a toothache ['tu:0eik] — зубная боль a stomachache ['sUmakeik] — боль в желудке an earache ['lareik] — боль в ухе broken leg — сломанная нога to feel better — чувствовать себя лучше to feel worse — чувствовать себя хуже to go to hospital — попасть в больницу exactly [ig'zasktli] — точно (Mr Spook} (Mr Clarl^ V, 2 ) Read the boss's letter and help Agent Cute words: a toothache, a stomachache, a sore an earache, a cold, flu. Hi, Cute I Thank God you are in hospital. | There is a very dangerous man in the | waiting room. Yesterday he robbed a | bakery. He ate all their cakes and | sweets. Please find him. - The boss I find the robber. Use the following throat, a headache, a broken leg. Model: Dear Boss! Mr Jones has a headache. Mr Clark has a... Mr Book has a... Mr Spook has an... Mr Pale has a... Mr Cool has a... Mr Fine has... Mr Dull has a... Mr Slim has a... The robber is Mr ..., because... 210 Unit 1 1 Lesson 3 3 Look at the pictures: Why are all the people ill? What did they do yesterday? Model: Mr Jones has a headache, because his neighbours had a party yesterday and he coiildn ’t sleep. ! ’ I.-- 21 1 Mr Cool has... 4 Read the text of the first part of the song "Hello, Doctor Drew!" and soy: 1. What are Jenny’s symptoms? 2. What’s the matter with Jenny? Is it a cold or is it flu? 3. Why is she ill? 4. What advice can you give her? Hello, Doctor Drew! Hello, Doctor Drew! This is Jenny Boat. I went for a walk without my warm coat, And now I’m coughing and have a sore throat. I have a bad headache, my forehead is hot. Is this a cold I got?* * Я простудилась? 21 2 Unit 1 1 Lesson 3 Read the text of the second part of the song "Hello, Doctor Drew!' and check your answers. Hello, Jenny Boat! This is Doctor Drew. You don’t have a cold, but you have flu. I’ll tell you exactly what you must do: Juices and tea will be good for you. And honey with milk can help too. ^ Listen to the song and sing along. Homework A When were you ill last time? Write a short story about this. Use the ideas from the table. I was ill ...days ago, ...weeks ago, ...months ago, ...years ago ...last week, last month, last year I had a sore throat, a headache, a cold, flu, toothache, stomachache, earache... I had to call the doctor, go to hospital, stay in bed, take some medicine (cough syrup, nose drops), drink a lot of milk (tea, juice, water)... I couldn't play football, see my friends, go to school, eat tasty things... I felt better in ...days, ...weeks I'll never eat much chocolate, ice cream, hot dogs, listen to loud music, open windows In winter... I'll always wear warm clothes In winter, listen to Mum, brush my teeth... Unit 1 ] Lesson 3 2 If I have a headache... Придаточные предложения, вводимые союзом if (если) -"ft' Рассмотрим предложение: Мы пойдем в театр, если мой друг позвонит мне. Это сложноподчиненное предложение состоит из главного: Мы пойдем в театр и придаточного условного если мой друг позвонит мне. Условное придаточное предложение присоединяется к главному с помощью союза если. И в главном, и в придаточном предложениях употребляется будущее время. Переведем это предложение на английский язык. We'll go to the theatre if my friend phones me. В главном предложении We'll go to the theatre глагол go употреблен в форме Future Simple, в придаточном условном if ту friend phones me глагол phone употреблен в форме Present Simple. Запомните правило: В английских условных придаточных предложениях вместо будущего времени (Future Simple) употребляется настоящее (Present Simple). Обратите внимание, что придаточное предложение может стоять как за главным предложением, так и перед ним. We’ll go to the theatre if my friend phones me. If my friend phones me, we will go to the theatre. ^ 1 ) Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. If you help me, Г11 finish this work in an hour. 2. If Ben invites me. I’ll go to his party. 3. If you give me some money, Г11 buy you a ticket. 4. We’ll go to the zoo if my father has some time. 5. We won’t play football if the weather is bad. 2 What will / won't you do in the following situations. If I have a headache, I (listen to music). If I get a cold, I (stay in bed). If I have stomachache, I (take some medicine). If I get flu, I (go to school). If I have toothache, I (go to the dentist). If I have stomachache, I (eat some soup). 21 4 Unif 1 1 Lesson 4 3 Jenny Boat is ill. Listen to her mother's advice. Tick the things which Jenny will do. Report Jenny's mother's advice and discuss it. Model: Jenny will feel better if she takes a hot bath. I agree with her mother. A hot bath will be good for her sore throat. / / don't agree with Jenny. A hot bath won't be good for her high temperature. In pairs. How will you feel in these situations? Take turns to ask questions and answer them. Model: How will you feel if your neighbours have a party and you have a headache? — If my neighbours have a party and I have a headache, I'll feel angry. 1. your neighbours have a party and you have a headache 2. you get a cold before the final test at school 3. you have a toothache 4. somebody catches the plague 5. you get flu before the New Year ) :■ iessor? 4 2/S ш Play а game. Встаньте в круг. Первый игрок соединяет две любые идеи из списка с помощью союза if и получает первое предложение. Например: If I get а cold, I won’t go to school. Следующий игрок начинает свое предложение со второй части предложения предыдущего игрока. Например: If I don’t go to school, I’ll play computer games. Если игрок не сумел придумать свое предложение, он выбывает из игры. Игра заканчивается победой оставшегося игрока или после 15 минут игры. eat а lot of fruit and vegetables drink milk and honey stay in bed go to school read interesting books have a lot of time for my hobbies play computer games all day long celebrate my birthday walk the dog buy a lot of warm clothes be very famous 216 Unit 1 1 Lesson 4 Homework j* •••••••••••••••••••••••< A Play a game. Oo you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables? ~Yes Do you eat in bed? Do you do any sports? Yes Can you swim? Yes Do you eat in the evening after eight? V...... No Do you walk to school? ..'Г Yes _______________...... Do you go for a walk every day? Yes No Do you watch TV every evening? • Yes Do you like [)o you get flu fruit? ^ every year? ^ No Yes You are sooooo healthy! I can't believe it. Did you give the right answers to all the questions? . No L You are in good form! *| ^ Yes You are a couch potato. Qo out and get some fresh air! Now! В Analyze your results. Are they true? What habits do you have to change? Unit 1 1 Lesson 4 217 lesson 5 What did the stars say? 1 ; Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. a plate — тарелка a spoon — ложка to smile — улыбаться a market ['ma:kit] — рынок a feast [fi:stj — пир glass — стекло 2 ; How much do you know about life in 1599? Try to answer the questions. 1. Were there any castles? 2. Was there a queen or a king? 3. Were there beds in the houses? 4. Was there any furniture in the houses? 5. Were there toilets in the houses? 6. Did people have oranges? 7. Did people have sugar? 8. Did people have plates? 9. Did people have spoons? 10. Did people eat with their hands? 11. Did people use any medicine? ITli Listen to the third part of the story and check your answers. 4 ; Read the story and answer the questions. 1. What did the London of the past look like? 2. Was countess Bagshow Phillip’s relative? 3. Why did the countess take Rob to her house? 4. Did Rob like countess Bagshow’s house? 5. What did the countess give Rob before dinner? 6. What was the food at the feast like? 7. What were people’s manners like? 8. What happened at night? 9. Did Rob help Countess Bagshow? a sheep — овца a countess ['kauntis] — графиня furniture [Тз:шф] — мебель a manner — манера to recognize ['rekagnaiz] — узнавать 218 ’ 1 Lesson 5 Rob’s story Part III In London London was a big surprise. It was small, and I didn’t recognize any of the streets. They weren’t the same as the streets of the London of my time. We went through the market. I liked it. They had everything: poems, medicine, roses, fish, meat, oranges. There were people with sheep and pigs. I also saw a lot of beggars. Phillip lived with his aunt, countess Bagshow. We came to her house and Phillip introduced me. “This boy can cure any disease,” he said. The countess was very happy, and I became her servant. I liked the house. The furniture was comfortable, and I could sleep in bed. The windows had glass in them. When I saw a toilet inside the house, I was very happy. There were no beds or toilets in Edinburgh. That evening there was a feast in the castle. The countess gave me a spoon and said, “You must come with your own spoon when somebody invites you to dinner.” The people in the castle wore beautiful, expensive clothes, but the smell there was bad. I thought all the people needed a bath. But there was no bathroom and no toilet in the castle! At the feast I had to stand behind the countess’s chair and serve her. All the plates and cups were made of silver*, and the food looked tasty. But I didn’t like people’s manners. They ate with their hands and threw bones on the floor**. Their hands were dirty and their teeth were black, because they ate a lot of sugar. The Queen didn’t smile, because her teeth were black too. * сделаны из серебра ^* бросали кости на пол Unit 1 1 Lesson 5 219 At night the countess didn’t feel well. She had stomachache and I had to help her. But I made a big mistake. I said, “I am not surprised. You ate five chickens and two cakes at the feast. And you didn’t wash your hands!” The countess was very angry and told me to leave her house. My friend Phillip felt sorry for me, but what could he do? I needed money, so I went to the market and started my own business. I predicted the future and gave people aspirin. Finally, the Queen invited me to her castle and I told her about the future of England. You know the end of the story. Now I am in the Tower, and everything is ready for my execution. go went have had think bought can could can could make made see saw feel felt eat ate come came give gave throw threw become became wear wore give gave ^ Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple and complete the sentences. Where did these events take place? countess Bagshow’s house 1. People (wear) beautiful clothes. 2. Rob (have to) serve the countess. 3. Rob (see) a lot of beggars. 4. People (can) buy everything there. 5. Rob (liked) the furniture. 6. The countess (give) Rob a spoon. 7. The food (look) great. 8. The countess (tell) Rob to leave. 9. The queen (not smile) because her teeth (be) black. 220 Unit 1 1 Lesson 5 6 Answer the questions. 1. What health problems did people have? 2. Why did they have those problems? 3. Do we have such problems now? 7 Complete the table with the facts from the text. These things surprised Rob These things shocked Rob Rob liked these things | London The smell in the castle The furniture in the ; countess’s house Homework A Fill in the table. Use information from the text. These things surprised me These things didn’t surprise me Read the text and write questions to these answers. 1. His name was Dr Dee. 2. He was in prison, because he wanted to talk to Rob. 3. Rob knows Dr Dee, because he was a famous person in his time. 4. Rob will have to wait. 5. Rob can’t wait, because everything is ready for his execution. 6. “The boy from the future will return to his time if he finds the beginning of the Earth which is under a big tree. The time tunnel will only open for/a boy with a kind heart who can be a real friend.” What did the stars say? Rob: This is my story. And who are you? Dr Dee: My name is Doctor Dee. Rob: Dr Dee! I know you! Our teacher told us about you in the History lesson. You are the Queen’s astrologer and friend. Why are you in prison? Dr Dee: I’m not in prison here. I came because I wanted to talk to you. Rob: Do you believe my story. Dr Dee? Unit 1 1 Lesson 5 221 Dr Dee: Yes, I do. I know about the time tunnels. Somebody wanted to travel to your time and you had to take his place here. I think it was a boy of your age. He made a mistake and got lost, so he couldn’t send you back to your own time. Rob: So what can I do now? Dr Dee: Oh, you’ll have to wait. He’ll find you himself. Rob: But I can’t wait. Tomorrow I am going to die! Please help me. Dr Dee: Well, I am not a wizard and I can’t send you back to your own time. But let us ask the stars. Here is the prediction. “The boy from the future will return to his time if he finds the beginning of the Earth which is under a big tree. The time tunnel will only open for a boy with a kind heart who can be a real friend.” Rob: The beginning of the Earth! A real friend! Are you joking? I don’t have any friends! It is awful! I am going to die! FOR YOUR INFORMATION Dr — Doctor (доктор), зд. высокая научная степень. Для ее получения необходимо не только окончить университет, но и заниматься исследовательской работой. Dr Dee (1527-1608) — математик, астроном, алхимик и, возможно, чародей. Был другом и советником королевы Елизаветы. О себе он говорил: “Я провел всю свою жизнь в поисках знания и обнаружил, что ни один человек и ни одна книга не смогли дать мне того, чего я желал’.’ 222 Unit 1 1 Lessons 5 Lesson 6 The prediction Play a game Перед началом игры вырежьте карточки из раздела Cut Out и разложите их на игровом поле поверх игровых квадратов по номерам текстом вниз. Вам также понадобятся фишки и кубик. В игре участвуют два-четыре игрока и ведущий. Играющие ставят свои фишки на клетку Start, по очереди бросают кубик и делают столько ходов, сколько выпало на кубике. После того как один из игроков остановился на нужном игровом квадрате, ведущий снимает с квадрата карточку, читает вопрос и проверяет правильность ответа. Если игрок, чья фишка находится на данном игровом квадрате, правильно отвечает на этот вопрос, то этот игрок кладет карточку с вопросом в свою копилку. Если нет, карточка остается лежать на игровом поле. Побеждает тот, кто первым дойдет до финиша, набрав максимальное количество карточек. Unit 1 1 Lessons 5 223 On Salisbury Plain . 1 j Look at the text for one minute and try to guess: What is there on Salisbury Plain? Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. a circle ['ssiklj — круг the Giants’ Ring [,d3ai3iits 'rip] — круг великанов to stand — стоять Salisbury Plain [,so:lzb3ri 'pleinj — Солсберийская равнина a grave — могила an alien ['eilian] — инопланетянин summer and winter solstice ('snlstis] ■ летнее и зимнее солнцестояние ancient [’einjant] — древний huge fhju:d5| — огромный forever ffar'evs] — навсегда in the same position — в том же положении а temple: ['tempi] — храм to worship ['w3:Jip] — поклоняться to hang — висеть then — зд. тогда Guess the meaning of the underlined words. 1. The pyramids f'piramidz] in Egypt are very old. 2. In my city there is an old monument ['mnnjumant] to Pushkir 3. He found the way in the forest, because he had a compas! ]'клтрэ5]. 4. There are many theories ]'0i3riz] about Stonehenge. 3 ’ Look through the text and find two names of the construction which made Salisbury Plain famous. On Salisbury Plain Rosy: We're nearly there! Look out of the window. What can you see? Misha: I can see a circle of huge stones. What is it? Robin: I can’t believe it. I can see the Giants’ Ring. It’s still here! Misha: What do you know about this place? Who built it? Robin: My father believes it was an old Druid temple. Druids 224 Unit 12 Lesson build bring put built brought put worshipped the sun here. But there’s a beautiful legend about this place. Let me tell you. In the fifth century there was a magic place in England called Camelot. The kings of Camelot were kind and strong. Their best friend was Merlin who was a great wizard. It all happened after a big war. A lot of soldiers died for their country and the king. The king’s brother Ambrosius wanted to build a monument to his soldiers. “This monument must .stand forever,” he said to Merlin. “Send for the Giants’ Ring, which is in Ireland. In that place, there’s a circle of stones. No man from our time could build it. The stones are huge and nobody on earth is strong enough to move them. The giants brought them to Ireland from Africa. They used the stones to cure diseases. You must take the stones from Ireland and put them in the same position on Salisbury Plain. Then, they will stand forever.” Ambrosius and his soldiers went to Ireland and found the huge stone ring, but they couldn’t move it. Finally, Merlin used his magic and brought the stones to this place. The legend also says, Merlin’s grave is under these stones. Rosy: That’s a very beautiful legend, Robin, but I don’t believe it. The name of this place is Stonehenge. It is older than the pyramids in Egypt. My brother Mark will tell you all about it. •Чнглийсклй язык. 6 кл. Happy English Unit 12 LessL 225 FOR YOUR INFORMATION The Giants’ Ring — Согласно легенде камни были доставлены из Ирландии с горы Киларус. Однако в наши дни ученые считают, что камни были привезены с гор Уэльса. Ученые и легенда сходятся в одном: огромные камни Стоунхенджа были доставлены на Солсберийскую равнину издалека. Неизвестно, по какой причине строители Стоунхенджа так усложнили свою и без того непосильную задачу. ^ 4 3 Answer the questions. Use these names. Africa, Merlin, Camelot, Ambrosius, Ireland, Stonehenge, the Giants’ Ring 1. What’s the name of the huge circle of stones? 2. What does Robin call these stones? 3. What magic place was there in England in the fifth century? 4. What was the name of the king’s brother? 5. What was the name of the king’s wizard? 6. Where did the stones come to Salisbury Plain from? 7. Where did the giants bring the stones to Ireland from? ^ 5.J Answer the questions or soy: There is no information in the text. 1. Where is Stonehenge? 2. Who brought Misha and Robin to Stonehenge? 3. Why does Robin call this circle of huge stones the Giants’ Ring? 4. Who was Merlin? 5. Who didn’t believe Robin’s legend? 6. What did Robin’s father believe? 7. Who built Stonehenge? 6 ) Discuss the following: Did you like the story? Why? / Why not? Do you believe Robin’s legend? Why? / Why not? Homework A What do you want to know about Stonehenge? Write two or three questions. В Read a few statements about Stonehenge and translate them with the dictionary. What information did you know from the text of this lesson? What information is new to you? 1. You can translate the name Stonehenge as “висяш,ие камни” from stone “камень” and hang “висеть” 226 Unit 12 Lesson 1 2. There are ancient graves around Stonehenge. 3. The people who built Stonehenge were clever and brave. 4. The people lived in England five thousand years ago. 5. Aliens built Stonehenge and used it as a compass. 6. Stonehenge is on Salisbury Plain. 7. Nobody knows who built Stonehenge. 8. Maybe Stonehenge was a temple of the ancient gods. 9. The people who built Stonehenge knew a lot about the planets, stars and the summer and winter solstices. Lesson 2 A Ballad of Stonehenge 1Й Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. to use smth as smth — использовать что-либо в качестве чего-либо Christ [kraist] — Иисус Христос forest ['fnnst] — лес midsummer sunrise — восход солнца в день летнего солнцестояния midwinter sunset — заход солнца в день зимнего солнцестояния wild [waild] — дикий to greet smb — приветствовать кого-либо Guess the meaning of the underlined words. My granny knows a lot of old songs and ballads ['beebdz]. Read the ballad. Which of your questions does it answer? Rosy: Hi, Mark. It’s very nice to see you. These are my friends Misha and Robin. They like this place very much. Could you tell us more about Stonehenge, please? Mark: Sure. There’s a beautiful ballad about this place. Let’s listen to it. Unit 12 Lessons ’ 2 227 А Ballad of Stonehenge Three thousand years before Christ was a child, England was beautiful, young and wild. There were people, forests and rivers there. And the magic stones hung in the air. The people who brought them were strong and brave. And under these stones they found their graves. Where did they come from? Where did they go? Who were those people? We’ll never know. Was it a temple? An ancient god’s house? Was it a compass for friends from the stars? They built it five thousand years ago. But why did they do it? We’ll never know. Now those days are gone and the people are gone. But the midsummer sunrise still shines on the stone. And the midwinter sunset still comes with the rain. And Stonehenge greets them on Salisbury Plain. 228 .r,on 2 Match the statements about Stonehenge (Homework Ex. B) with the lines of the ballad. Model: There are ancient graves around Stonehenge, stones they found their graves. ” '‘And under these There are many theories about Stonehenge and nobody knows which theory is correct. What do you think. How could the builders use Stonehenge? Model: I think Merlin could use Stonehenge as a monument to soldiers. 1. Merlin a) a temple of ancient gods 2. Druids b) a monument to soldiers 3. ordinary people c) a compass which helped them find the planet again 4. aliens d)a calendar In groups. Discuss the results and report to your classmates. Which theory about Stonehenge do you believe? Use the following words and expressions; I guess, I think, perhaps, maybe. Use the following ideas for explanations. Model: I think Merlin built Stonehenge, because I believe in magic. ...because Stonehenge is so old. ...because we have no information about life at that time. ...because the stones are very big and nobody could move them. ...because the builders of Stonehenge had to know about mathematics, astronomy and physics. ...because there was no life on our planet five thousand years ago. ...because I believe in magic. ...because somebody brought the stones from another place. ...because Stonehenge has a link with the midsummer sunrise and the midwinter sunset. ^ - .... у --' Unit *12 -.esiC^ 2 229 Homework к Read the dialogue and answer the questions. 1. Did Mark read the legend about Robin MacWizard? 2. Is there any information about Robin’s trip to the future in the legend? 3. What did the friends want to do? 4. In which hotel are the friends going to spend the night? Rosy: What do you think, Mark? Do you know the legend about Robin? Can you help him? Mark: I know. It says, “Robin never spoke about his trip to the future,” so there is no information for us. Rosy: Thank you, Mark. We are going home now. Mark: It’s late. Stay with us for the night! There’s a nice hotel down the road. Tomorrow we can do a lot of interesting things, and you can go home in the evening. Rosy: That’s a good idea. What’s the name of the hotel? Mark: The Red Lion. Lesson 3 Find the beginning of the Earth I Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. mirror I'mira] — зеркало messenger ['mesind33| — вестник to be over [bi 'auva] — заканчиваться suddenly ['sAdnli] — внезапно The tunnel attracts you like a magnet. — Тоннель притягивает тебя, как магнит. to give up — сдаваться before — до, прежде 2 . Listen to the story and say: What must Robin do? 3 Read the story and mark these sentences true or false. 1. The previous night Robin slept. 2. Robin felt scared when he heard something. 3. There was a face in the mirror. 4. Robin spoke to his relative. 5. If Robin doesn’t find the time tunnel before twelve o’clock tomorrow, Rob MacWizard will die. 6. Robin can’t fly, because the time tunnel is very near. 7. The beginning of the Earth is in England. 230 -nit 1 2 Lessons 2 and 3 8. Robin has to wait for somebody who will show him the time tunnel. 9. If Rob MacWizard dies, Robin will die too. You must find the beginning of the Earth The following evening Rosy: It was a very nice day, but we must go now. Where’s Misha? Robin: I don’t know. Rosy: Why are you sad, Robin? Robin: Everything will be over tonight. Yesterday I was in my room. I couldn’t sleep. I looked at the clock. It was one o’clock. Suddenly, I heard something. I got up and listened. There was somebody in my room but I wasn’t scared. I said, “Who are you? Show your face!” Then somebody said, “Come up to the mirror, Robin! I’m waiting for you.” I went to the mirror and saw a face. It was my father. “If you don’t find the time tunnel before this time tomorrow, Rob MacWizard will die,” he said. “But where is the time tunnel. Dad?” I asked. “The tunnel is under a big tree at the beginning of the Earth,” he answered. “Where is it? How can I get there? I can’t fly any more,” I cried. Then my father said, “I don’t know the place, but it’s very near here. You can’t fly, because the tunnel attracts you like a magnet. Wait for the messenger and he will show you the place. If you don’t understand the message, Rob MacWizard will die, and we*ll never meet again.” After that, the mirror became dark. Rosy: Don’t give up, Robin. It’s not late. Look! Misha is coming! He's with a guest! Maybe this is your messenger. Homework^- • « ♦ # • V What do you advise Robin to do? 1. Go to Tunbridge Wells and tell Betsey the truth. 2. Read books about Stonehenge. 3. Wait for the messenger. 4. Try to speak to his father again. 2 L-SS-- 3 231 5. Understand the message. 6. Look for the time tunnel by himself. 7. Go to Russia and stay there. 8. Find new friends. 9. Stay with Mark and Rosy as their relative. 10. Find the Stone of Destiny. В Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. Last night Robin (not sleep) ... .It (be) ... late. Suddenly, he (hear) ... something. He (go) ... to the mirror and (see) ... a face. It (be) ... his father. “If you (not find) ... the time tunnel before this time tomorrow, Rob MacWizard (die) .... The tunnel (be) ... under a big tree at the beginning of the Earth,” he said. Robin’s father (not can) ... help Robin, because he (not know) .. the place, but it (be) ... near there. Robin (not can) ... fly, because the tunnel (attract) ... him like a magnet. Robin (have to) ... meet the messenger who will show him the right place. Lessons 4,5 Let's go to London! 1 Look at the first paragraph of the text {Ex. 3) and answer the question: Who will be the messenger? 2 Read the words in transcription. Find these words in the text (Ex. 3) and complete the table. ['nksfod stri:t] Оксфорд-стрит f'grenitj] FpHHBHH [ab'zaivotri] обсерватория [praim ma'ndisn] нулевой меридиан ['hemisfm] полушарие 232 Unit 12 Lessons 3 and 4, 5 [.maedsm tu'soidz] Музей мадам Тюссо ['waeks .figsz] восковые фигуры [,Ьлк1Г)эт ’paelis] Букингемский дворец [,tau3r 9v 'Undsn] Лондонский Тауэр [.lAndon 'ai] Ландэн Ай (колесо обозрения) [temz] Темза [tra.faelga ’skwea] Трафальгарская площадь [,hauziz 9v 'pa:l9m9nt] здание Парламента [,bntij 'gAvnmsnt] британское правительство ['gAnpauda ,plnt] “Пороховой заговор” [.sedmsrol 'nelson] адмирал Нельсон 3 ^ Read the text "Sasha's visit to London" and answer the questions: Which of these places could be the beginning of the Earth? Where is the time tunnel? Sasha’s visit to London Misha: Hi, everybody! Let me introduce my new friend, Sasha Krylov. He is from Russia too. Sasha is staying with an English family, the Claydons. Today they are visiting Stonehenge. Rosy: Hi, Sasha. It’s nice to meet you. Do you like it in England? Sasha: It’s a wonderful country. Last week we went to London for two days. We visited a lot of interesting places. Unit 1 2 Les:--j 233 Put the places which Sasha visited in London in the right order. a. From Trafalgar Square we went down the street and visited the Houses of Parliament. The British government is there. The guide told us about the history of Parliament and the Gunpowder Plot. b. Finally, we went to Oxford Stree which is the biggest shopping street in London. I bought a lot c presents for my family. After the Tower of London we went to Greenwich. Three hundred years ago it was ; village and now it’s part of London. The guic told us about Greenwich Palace. Queen Elizabeth I lived there. Then we went to the Greenwich Observatory*. It is the centre of time and space, because the prime meridian the Earth, which divides east from west, pass through there. If you stand over the line, you can have one foot in each hemisphere. Через место, где расположена Гринвичска5 астрономическая обсерватория, проходит нулевой меридиан. d. Next day we went to the Tower of London, which in the past was — a fortress, a castle, a prison and a zoo. Now it’s the oldest museum in London. 234 After Buckingham Palace we went to Madame Tussaud’s. It’s a famous museum of wax figures. They have wax figures of all the famous people in the world. I took a lot of pictures there. Here’s a picture of me with the Beatles. I I (The London Eye^ We started in Trafalgar Square. In the centre of the square there is a big column. At the top of the column there’s a statue of Admiral Nelson, who had to fight the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. ♦ Madame Tussaud’s^ On the evening of the first day, we went to the London Eye. It’s on the Thames. It’s the largest observation wheel in the world and it’s very popular with tourists. We wanted a ride, but we couldn’t buy tickets. h. The Houses of Parliament are very-near Buckingham Palace, so we went there next. It’s the London home of the Queen. We couldn’t go in, because the palace wasn’t open to the public that day. 235 4 Listen to the speaker and check your answers Match the places with the pictures. 1. Oxford Street 2. Greenwich 3. Madame Tussaud’s 4. Buckingham Palace 5. The Tower of London 6. The London Eye 7. Trafalgar Square 8. The Houses of Parliament 236 1 Lessons 4 5 Try to remember all the places in London which you know from this book. Which places didn't Sasha visit? ^ 7 j What things or places do these sentences describe? 1. A line which divides the east from the west. 2. A place from which the scientists watch the stars. 3. A place from which you can get the best views of London. 4. The home of the Queen. 5. The best shopping street in London. Homework U Answer the questions. 1. Where is the time tunnel? 2. What did Sasha see in Greenwich? 3. What did Sasha do at Madame Tussaud’s? 4. Where did Sasha buy a lot of presents for his family? 5. Why is there a column with Admiral Nelson’s figure in Trafalgar Square? 6. Where does the Queen live? 7. Why couldn’t Sasha go on the observation wheel (колесо обозрения)? 8. What did the guide tell Sasha about the Houses of Parliament? Lesson Project 1 } Find some information and make a short report on one of the topics. a) What is GMT? b) What is the prime meridian? c) What is the history of the prime meridian? 2_) Use the map and the pictures from Cut Out (Ex. 2C) and glue the pictures to the map of London in the right places. Choose one place in London and make a report about it. Unit 1 2 Lesson? - 237 The mission is over! Look at the pictures, read the texts and answer the questions. 1. Where is the beginning of the Earth? 2. Why did the time tunnel open? 3. Who went through the tunnel? 4. Whose relative was soldier Phillip? Goodbye, Phillip. Thank you for everything! Where are they taking me? To Greenwich to the Queen’s palace for a secret execution. Nobody must know about it! Greenwich!... Wait a second! That ’s where the prime meridian is! So, it’s /\^the beginning of the Earth!_______^ Here is a big tree! If I walk up to it, I will return to my time. OK. One, two, three! NO! If I do it, that boy from the past will come here and they will execute him instead of me. I can’t do that! ^^ Open the time tunnel for a boy with a kind heart. r 238 Jnit I':’ Lesson can see Rob. ■ under a big tree, ney are going to xecute him. vjreen eyes, red hair! That’s mv boy! Rob MacWizard! ^The Boss will be happy I Wait, Rob. I’m coming. ^^oooooo! Who are you? Don’t touch this boy. In the name of Queen Elizabeth II! > Ч I am Phillip Cute, the Queen’s knight 1 ^ J ^ So he is probably a '7) relative of that strange man who ran through V^the tunnel. J 239 This is Misha. He was Robin’s best friend and now he is your best friend. Make sentences with the words and say what happened in each picture. 1. Rob / to the place of his execution / went, Phillip / about Greenwich / told / Rob. 2. Rob / the big tree / saw / that / understood / and / it / the time tunnel / was. 3. Rob / because / couldn’t / take a step / he / about Robin / thought. The time tunnel / for Rob / opened / had / because / he / a kind heart. 4. Rosy / Mark saw Rob. Robin / called / him / but / Rob / come / didn’t. 5. Agent Cute / saw / Rob. 6. Agent Cute / ran / to Rob. 7. The children, Phillip / saw. Phillip / relative, was / agent Cute’s. 8. Agent Cute / scared / the soldiers. 9. Home, Robin and Phillip / went. 10. Rosy, introduced, Misha to Rob. 11. Agent Cute / Rob / found / MacWizard / and / phoned / his Boss. 240 Unit I 2 Lesson 7 241 Lesson 8 Final test 1 3 Choose the right answer, 1.1 ... get up very early every day. I live near the school, a) mustn’t b) don’t have to c) won’t have to 2. My mother is ... school teacher. a) a b) the c) — (nothing) 3. Look at the man ... is standing in the corner. a) who b) which c) where 4. We need ... tomatoes. I’m going to the shop, a) some b) any c) few 5. He is very popular and has ... friends. a) many b) much c) a lot of 6. Everybody in our class ... English. a) like b) likes c) will like 7. My parents don’t know ... about Star Wars. a) nothing b) everything c) anything 8. Kate has a problem. Let ... talk to me about it. a) her b) him c) me 9. Last year our family ... to the sea. a) went b) go c) is going 10. Who ... you do your homework yesterday? a) helps b) helped Choose the correct reaction. 1. Pete likes ice cream. a) Me too. b) I like ice cream. c) I too. 2. I’m very pleased to meet you. a) It’s very nice. b) Pleased to me you too. c) Very good. 3. Hello! Can I speak to Alice? a) Yes, you can. b) It’s me. c) Speaking. c) help 4. How will I recognize your friend? a) Who does he look like? b) What does he look like? c) What does he like? 5. We are lost! Let’s ask the way. a) Where is Charing Cross? b) Excuse me, could you tell me, where Charing Cross is? c) I need Charing Cross. 6. I think this film is very interesting. a) I don’t agree with you. b) No, it isn’t. c) This film is not interesting. 242 Unit 1 2 Lesson 8 7. Let’s make a big cake. a) Let’s do it. b) It’s a good idea. c) Me too. Choose the right answer. 1. Stonehenge is a) a circle of stones. b) a ballad. c) a city. 2. In 1599 poor people didn’t eat ..., because it was very expensive. a) sugar b) meat c) salt 3. In 1599 the worst disease was a) flu. b) the plague. c) a headache. 4. In November in England a) there is a lot of snow. b) you can see roses and green grass. c) people celebrate Christmas. 5. Traditional Christmas food in England is a) turkey. b) chicken. c) jacket potatoes. 6. Everybody in the world knows the Greenwich Observatory, because a) the prime meridian passes there. b) Queen Elizabeth lived there. c) it is the oldest English museum. 7. The Great Fire of London stopped a) life in London. b) the French army. c) the Great Plague. 8. The Channel Tunnel links a) England and Scotland. b) England and France. c) England and America. d) all of them. 9. Double-deckers are a) buses. b) trains. c) planes. 10. Charing Cross is a) an airport. b) a station. c) a museum. Unif ' 2 8 243 Where will you go if you wont to do these things? Model: If I want to see ravens, ГII go to the Tower of London. 1. see ravens 2. see wax figures 3. see dinosaurs 4. see the Queen’s home 5. visit Sherlock Holmes’s museum 6. see the best view of London 7. see the Stone of Destiny 8. see the Coronation Chair 9. see Nelson’s column 10. find the beginning of the Earth 244 2 Lessor Таблица неправильных глаголов I форма KS3S9 1 форма I форма iZZi am was feel felt run ran are were fight fought say said beat beat find found see saw become became fly flew send sent begin began forget forgot shake shook be was, were forgive forgave shine shone blow blew get got show showed bring brought give gave sing sang build built go went sit sat buy bought hang hung sleep slept can could have had speak spoke catch caught hear heard stand stood choose chose is was steal stole come came know knew take took cost cost leave left teach taught cut cut let let tell told do did lose lost think thought draw drew make made throw threw drink drank meet met understand understood drive drove put put wake woke eat ate read read wear wore fall fell ride rode write wrote 245 Vocabulary noun (n) — существительное verb (v) — глагол adjective (adj) — прилагательное pronoun (pron) — местоимение conjunction (conj) — союз adverb (adv) — наречие prefix (pref) — приставка suffix (siiff) — суффикс preposition (prep) — предлог interjection (int) — восклицание abroad [a’braid] adv — за границей act [aekt] l.n— действие 2. и — действовать, играть в пьесе admiral ['aedmaral] п — адмирал adventure [adVentJa] п — приключение advertisement [ad'v3:tismantj п — реклама advertise ['asdvataiz] v — рекламировать advice [adVais] n — совет advise [aedVaiz] v — советовать Africa ['aefrikaj — Африка against [a'genstj prep — против age [eid3] n — возраст ago [a'gau] adv — тому назад agree [a'gri:] v — соглашаться alien ['eilian] n — чужестранец, инопланетянин allergic [a'l3:d3ik] adj — аллергический allergy ['3ebd3i] n — аллергия alone [эЪип] adj — один, одинокий along [эЪр] prep — вдоль aloud [g'laud] adv — вслух already [oil'redi] adv — уже America [э'тепкэ] — Америка analyze ['senalaiz] v — анализировать ancient ['einjant] adj — древний Anglican ['eegglikan] l.n — англиканец, англиканка 2. adj — англиканский, относящийся к англиканской церкви angry ['asggri] adj — рассерженный another [э'плбэ] pron — другой any [’eni] pron — любой anybody ['eni,bndi] pron — кто-либо anything ['eni,0io] pron — что-либо appearance [a'piaransj n — внешность archaeologist [,a:ki'Dl9d3ist] n — археолог archaeology [,a:ki'Dlad3i] n — археология architect ['a:kitekt] n — архитектор area ['еэпэ] n — область arm [a:m] n — рука army ['a;mi] n — армия around [a'raund] adv, prep — вокруг arrive [a'raiv] v — приезжать article ['a:tikl] n — статья as [az] — когда, как ask [a:sk] v — спрашивать aspirin [’aesparin] n — аспирин astrologer [a'strDlad3aJ n — астролог astronaut ['sestra.nait] n — астронавт astronomy [a'stronami] n — астрономия ate [et] к — ел (past от eat) attract [a'traekt] v — притягивать, привлекать Australia [n'streilia] — Австралия awful ['a:fl] adj — ужасный J} bacon ['beikanj n — бекон (свинина) ballad [Ъaelad] n — баллада ballet dancer ['baelei ,da:nsa] n — танцовщик, танцовщица banana [ba'na:na] n — банан 246 Vocabulary Christ [kraist] — Иисус Христос Christmastime ['krismastaim] n — рождественские праздники Christmas [’krismas] n — Рождество circle ['s3:kl] n — круг civil [’sivl] adj — гражданский classmate ['klaismeit] n — одноклассник clean [kli:n] \.v — чистить 2. adj — чистый clothes [kbudz] n — одежда cloud [klaud] n — облако coat [kaut] n — пальто cola ['kaub] n — кола Colchester ['kaultjista] — Колчестер cold [kauld] l.n — простуда 2. adj — холодный collect [ka'lekt] v — собирать, коллекционировать collection [ka'lekjn] n — коллекция come [клт] v — приходить comment ['knmentj l.n — комментарий 2.V— комментировать compass ['клтраз] n — компас conductor [kan'dAkta] n — кондуктор consulate ['konsjulat] n — консульство continue [kan'tinju:] v — продолжать copybook ['knpi.buk] n — тетрадь corner ['ka;na] n — угол cost [knst] (cost, cost) V — стоить cosy ['kauzi] adj — уютный cough [knf] 1. n — кашель 2. v — кашлять could [kud] V — мог (past от can) count [kauntj V — считать countess ['kauntis] n — графиня creature ['kri:tfa] n — существо creepy ['kri:pi] adj — страшный crescent ['kresant] — имеющий форму полумесяца cry [krai] 1. n — крик 2. v — плакать, кричать cucumber ['к]и:клтЬа1 n — огурец culture ['клк/а] n — культура cure [kjua] v — лечить curly ['кз:И] adj — вьющийся custom ['kAStam] n — обычай daffodil ['daefadil] n — нарцисс dangerous ['deind3arasj adj — опасный dark [da:k] adj — темный decorate ['dekareit] v — украшать decoration [,deka'reijn] n — украшение degree [di'gri:] n — градус, степень describe [di'skraib] v — описывать destroy [di'strai] v — разрушать detailed ['di:teild] adj — детальный detective [di'tektiv] adj — детективный dial [daial] v — набирать номер did [did] V — делал (past от do) difference ['difrans] n — различие different ['difrant] adj — различный dig [dig] V — копать dinosaur ['dainasa:] n — динозавр discuss [di'skAs] v — обсуждать discussion [di'skAjn] n — дискуссия, обсуждение disease [di'zi:z] n— болезнь distance ['distans] n — расстояние dive [daiv] v — нырять divide [di'vaid] v — делить do [du:] (did, done) v — делать document ['dokjornant] n — документ double-decker [.dAbl'deka] n — двухэтажный автобус doughnut [’daunAt] n — пончик down [daun] — вниз dramatize ['drasmataiz] v — разыгрывать no ролям dream [dri:m] (dreamt, dreamt) 1. к — видеть во сне, мечтать 2. п — сон, мечта draw [dra:] (drew, drawn) v — рисоватг drew [dru:] v — рисовал (past от draw) drilling [’drilig] n — бурение drink [dripk] (drank, drunk) l.v — пить 2. n — напиток 248 Vocabulary each pron, adv — каждый ear [i?] n — yxo earache ['lareik] n — боль в ухе early ['з:И] adj, adv — рано, ранний earth [з:0] n — земля east [i:st] n — восток easy ['i:zi] adj — легкий eat [i:t] (ate, eaten) v — есть, питаться Edinburgh ['ебшЬэгэ] — Эдинбург egg [eg] n — яйцо Egypt ['i:cfeiptj — Египет either [’aids] — тоже Elizabeth [I'lizabaG] — Елизавета engineer [,end3i'ni9] n — инженер enjoy [in'd3Di] V — наслаждаться enough [I'nAfj adv, pron — достаточно equipment [I'kwipmant] n — оборудование, снаряжение Europe ['juarapj — Европа every [’evri] — каждый everybody ['evri,bndi] pron — все everything ['evriGip] pron — всё exactly [ig'zaektli] adv — точно examination [ig,zaerni'neijn] n — экзамен excited [ik'saitid] adj — взволнованный excursion [ik'skaijn] n — экскурсия execute ['eksi,kju:t] v — казнить execution [,eksi'kju:Jh] n — казнь exercise ['eksasaizj 1. n — упражнение 2. V — упражняться expensive [ik'spensiv] adj — дорогой expert ['ekspsit] n — эксперт explain [ik'splein] v — объяснять explanation [.ekspb'neijn] n — объяснение expression [ik'sprejn] n — выражение extra ['ekstraj adj — дополнительный eye [ai] n — глаз fact [faekt] n — факт fair [fea] adj — справедливый fairy tale [Teari ,teil] n — сказка faH [fa:l] (fell, fallen) i' — падать fanta [Taenta] n — фанта feast [fi;st] n — праздник, пир feel (felt, felt) i- — чувствовать feet [fi:t] n — ноги (мн. ч. от foot i fell [fel] V — упал (past от fall) felt [felt] V — чувствовал (past от feel i few [fju:] pron, adj — мало field [fi:ld] n — поле fight [fait] 1. n — сражение, драка 2.V— сражаться, драться figure [Tiga] n — фигура fill in [,fil 'in] V — заполнять final [‘fainl] 1. n — финал, конец 2 adj — финальный finally ['fainali] — в конце find [faind] (found, found) v — находить find out [faind 'aut] v — выяснять, обнаруживать fire [faia] n — пламя, костер firework ['fai9W3:k] n — фейерверк flew [flu:] V — летал (past от fly) float [flout] V — плавать, держаться на поверхности floating ['floutip] adj — плавающий floor [По:] n — пол flu [Пи:] n — грипп fly [Hai] (flew, flown) v — летать following ['fnlouip] — следующий food [fu:d] n — пища foot [fut] n — нога forehead ['fnrid] n — лоб forest ['fnrist] n — лес forever [for'evo] — навсегда forgave [fo'geiv] v — простил (past от forgive) forget [fo'get] (forgot, forgotten) v — забывать forgive [fo'giv] (forgave, forgiven) г — прощать form [fo:m] n — анкета, формуляр fortress ['fo:tris] n — крепость fought [fD:t] V — сражался (past от fight) Vocabulary 249 Found [faund] v — нашел (past от find) France [fra:ns] — Франция Frankfurt [Traepkfait] — Франкфурт friend [frend] n — друг friendly [Trendli] 1. adj — дружественный 2. adv — дружественно front [funt] n — передняя сторона 2. adj — передний fruit [fru:t] n — фрукты furniture [Тз:п1(Гэ] n — мебель guide [gaid] \.n — гид 2. v — вести gunpowder ['gAHiPauda] n — порох Gunpowder Plot ['gAn,paud9 .pint] n -“Пороховой заговор” gave fgeiv] v — дал (past от give) generation [,d3ena'reijnj n — поколение German [фзз:тэп] l.n — немец, немка 2. adj — немецкий ghost [gaust] n — привидение giant ['d^aiant] l.n — великан 2.adj — огромный give [giv] (gave, given) v — давать give up [,giv 4p] '/ — сдаваться glass [gla:s] l.n — стекло 2.adj — стеклянный globe [glaub] n — глобус GMT [,d3i: em 'ti:] — время no Гринвичу go back [,gau ’back] v — возвращаться goal [gaul] n — ворота goalkeeper ['gaul,ki:pa] n — вратарь God [gnd] n — бог gold fgauld] n — золото government f'gAvnmant] n — правительство grandson ['graensAn] n — внук grapefruit ['greipfruit] n — грейпфрут grass [gra:s] n — трава grave [greiv] n — могила great [greit] adj — великий, великолепный Greenwich ['grenitj] — Гринвич Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) [,grenitj ,mi:n 'taim] — время no Гринвичу greet [grid] v — приветствовать greeting ['gridip] n — приветствие H had [haed] v — имел (past от have) had to [‘haed ta] к — должен был hair [hea] n — волосы half [ha:f] n — половина ham [haem] n — ветчина hand [haend] n — рука handsome ['haensm] adj — красивый (обычно о мужчине) hang [haep] (hung, hung) v — висеть hate [heit] v — ненавидеть have to ['haev ta] v — должен head [hed] n — голова headache ['hedeik] n — головная боль heading ['hedir)] n — заголовок health [hel9] n — здоровье hear [hia] v — слышать heard [h3:d] v — слышал (past от hear) heart [ha:t] n — сердце heating ['hi:tip] n — отопление hemisphere ['hemisfia] n — полушарие high [hai] adj — высокий hiking ['haikip] n — пеший поход hill [hil] n — холм hole [haul] n — дыра home [haum] n — дом homeless ['haumlas] adj — бездомный homesick ['haumsik] adj — тоскующий no дому honey [’hAni] n — мед hooray [hu'rei] 1. int — ypa 2. v — кричать “ура” hop on / off [,hnp 'nn / ,nf] к — запрыгивать / спрыгивать horrible ['1шпЬ1] adj — ужасный horse [ha:s] n — лошадь host [haust] n — хозяин hot water bottle [,hnt 'wa:ta ,bntl] n — грелка 250 Vocabulary hotel [hau'tel] n — гостиница hour [аиэ] n — час house ['haus] n — дом how [hau] adv, conj — как huge [hjuicfe] adj — громадный hung [Ьлр] V — висел (past от hang) Hungary ['Нлрдэп] — Венгрия hunt [hAnt] V — охотиться hunter [Ълп1э] n — охотник hunting pliAntip] n — охота husband ['hAzband] n — муж Hyde Park [,haid 'peek] — Гайд-парк J I ice cream [,ais 'kri:m] n — мороженое idiot ['idiatj n — идиот if [if] conj — если ill [il] adj — больной illumination [i,lu:rm'neijn] n — иллюминация illustrate ['ib,streit] v — иллюстрировать illustrating ['il3,streitip| adj — иллюстрирующий important [im'podant] adj — важный independent [.indi'pendant] adj — независимый indoors [,in'do:z] adv — в помещении ingredient [in'griidiant] n — компонент, ингредиент inn [in] n— постоялый двор, гостиница instead of [m'sted av] adv — вместо instruction [in'strAkJn] n — инструкция instrument ['instrumant] n — инструмент interest ['intrast] n — интерес interested ['mtrastid] adj — заинтересованный introduce [,intra’dju:s] v — представлять invent [in'vent] v — изобретать invention [inVenJn] n — изобретение island ['ailand] n — остров jacket potato [фаекп pa'teitau] n — картофель в мундире jogging [‘бзпдпз] n — бег трусцой joke [бзаик] 1. п — шутка 2. — шу- тить jug [d3Ag] п — кувшин juice [d3u:s] п — сок к 1 kangaroo [,kaer)ga'ru:] п — кенгуру Kent [kent] — Кент (графство) key [ki:] п — ключ kill [kil] V — убивать kiwi ['ki:wi:] п — киви know [паи] (knew, known) и — знать knew [nju:] v — знал (past от know) knight [nait] n — рыцарь knit [nit] (knit, knit) v — вязать knitting ['nitii}] n — вязание kopeck [’kaupek] n — копейка L 1 j large [1а:ф] adj — большой last [la:st] adj — последний late [leit] adj — поздний law [la;] n — закон leader ['li:da] n — лидер leave [li:v] (left, left) n — уезжать lecture ['lektja] n — лекция legend ['leefeand] n — легенда lemon ['leman] n — лимон liar ['laia] n — лжец life [laif] n — жизнь light [lait] n — свет limerick ['limarik] n — лимерик link [Iipk] 1 . n — связь 2. V — связывать lion [’laian] n — лев Liverpool piivapu:!] — Ливерпуль look [luk] V — смотреть Vocabulary 251 look around [,luk a'raund] v -ваться lottery ['lotari] n — лотерея loud [laud] adj — громкий ОГЛЯДЫ- M made [meid] v — сделал (past от make) magnet ['maegmt] n — магнит market ['maikitj n — рынок master ['maista] n — мистер, хозяин maybe [’meibi] adv — может быть mayonnaise [.meia'neiz] n — майонез measure ['тезэ] \.n — мера 2. v —измерять meat [mi:t] n — мясо member ['membaj n — член какой-либо группы memory ['memari] n — память mention [‘menjn] v — упоминать menu ['menju:] n — меню meridian [ma'ndian] n — меридиан messenger ['mesincfea] n — посланник met [met] v — встречал (past от meet) mice [mais] n — мыши (мн. ч. от mouse) midsummer sunrise [,mid'sAma ‘sAnraiz] n — летнее солнцестояние midwinter sunset [.nudVinta 'sAnset] n ■зимнее солнцестояние mile [mail] n — миля mineral [’minaral] adj — минеральный minute ['mimt] n — минута miracle ['mirakl] n — чудо mirror ['mira] n — зеркало miss [mis] v — терять, скучать missing ['misir)] adj — отсутствующий mix [miks] l.n — смесь 2. v — смешивать moment [’maumant] n — момент money ['mAni] n — деньги monument ['monjumant] n — памятник mouse [maus] n — мышь mouth [mau0] n — рот move [mu:v] v — двигать much [mAtJ] adv — много muddy ['niAdi] adj — грязный mushroom ['mAjruim] n — гриб musical [’mju:zikl] adj — музыкальный N name [neim] l.n — имя 2. v — называть named [neimd] adj — названный narrow ['naerau] 1. adj — узкий 2.V— сужать nationality [,naeja'naeliti] n — национальность, гражданство nature [‘neitfa] n — природа nectarine ['nektariin] n — нектарин new [nju:] adj — новый New York [,nju: 'ja:k] — Нью-Йорк newspaper [’nju:z,peipa] n — газета next [nekst] adj, adv — следующий nickname ['nikneim] n — прозвище nobody ['naubadi] pron — никто nonsense ['nnnsans] n — бессмыслица, чепуха, неразбериха normal ['no:mal] adj — обычный Norway ['na:wei] — Норвегия note [naut] n — заметка, записка notebook ['nautbuk] n — записная книжка nothing ['пА0щ] pron, adv — ничего notice ['nautis] v — замечать О observation [pbza'veijn] n — наблюдение observatory [ab'z3:vatri] n — обсерватория odd [nd] adj — лишний, странный olive ['nliv] n — маслина, олива omelette ['nmlit] n — омлет once [wAns] adv, conj — однажды onion [4njan] n — лук opposite ['npazit] prep, adj — напротнБ 252 Vocabulary order [Ъ:ёэ] 1. n — приказ 2.v — приказывать, заказывать organization [piganai'zeijn] n — организация organize ['oiganaiz] v' — организовывать outside [,aut'said] adv, adj, prep — вне own [sun] 1. adj — собственный 2. V — владеть paint [pemt] \.n — краска 2. и — красить pale [peil] adj — бледный paragraph ['раегэ,дга:1] n — параграф parents ['pearants] n — родители Paris ['pasris] — Париж parliament ['pailamont] n — парламент pass [pa:s] v — проходить pastime ['parstaim] n —времяпрепровождение patriot ['paetnat] n — патриот pence [pens] n — пенсы (mh. Ч. от penny) Peter the Great [,pi:t9 бэ 'greit] — Петр I pepper ['рерэ] n — перец pepperoni [,рерэ'гэип1] n — колбаса пепперони perhaps [pa'haeps] adv — возможно person ['p3;snj n — человек personal [’paisnal] adj — персональный phrase [freiz] n — фраза pile [pail] n — куча pizza ['pi:tS9] n — пицца pizzeria [,pi:ts9'ri;9] n — пиццерия place [pleis] n — место plague [pleig] n — чума plain [plein] n — равнина planet ['plasnit] n — планета plant [plaint] n — растение plate [pleit] n — тарелка pleasure ['р1ез9] n — удовольствие plot [plot] n — заговор plug [pUg] n — пробка poet ['p9uit] n — поэт point [paint] 1. n — точка 2. i' — указывать police [p9'li:s] n — полиция policeman [p9'li:sm9n] n — полицейский polite [p9'lait] adj — вежливый politician [,pDli'tiJn] n — политик politics ['pnlitiks] n — политика poor [pu9] adj — бедный portrait ['paitnt] n — портрет position [p9'zi/n] n — позиция post office ['p9ust ,Dfis] n — почта pot [pDt] n — зд. котелок, горшок pound [paund] n — фунт стерлингов predict [pri'dikt] v — предсказывать prediction [pri'dikjn] n — предсказание president ['prezid9nt] n — президент prime meridian [,praim m9'ndi9n] n — нулевой меридиан private ['praiv9t] adj — личный, частный probably ['probabli] adv — возможно professor [pr9'fes9] n — профессор project ['piTH^ekt] n — проект promise ['prnmis] v — обещать public ['pAblik] adj — общественный pudding ['pudig] n — пудинг puppy ['рлр1] n — щенок puritan [’pju9rit9n] 1. /7 — пуританин, пуританка 2. adj — пуританский pyramid ['pir9mid] n — пирамида Q quiz l[kwiz] n — викторина R rain [rein] n — дождь rainy ['reini] adj — дождливый ran [rasn] v — бежал (past от run) ready ['redi] adj — готовый real [ri9l] adj — настоящий really [‘ri9li] adv — на самом деле recognize [’rekagnaiz] v — узнавать Vocabulary 253 recommend [.reka'mend] v — рекомендовать relative ['relativ] n — родственник relax [n'laeks] v — расслабляться reply [ri'plai] 1. n — ответ 2. v — отвечать rescue ['reskju:] 1. n — приют 2. v — спасать retell [,ri;'tel] v — пересказывать revolver [n'volva] n — револьвер rhyme [raim] l.n — рифма 2. v — рифмовать rice [rais] n — рис ride [raid] (rode, ridden) v — ехать верхом, кататься riding ['raidipj n — верховая езда right [rait] adj — правильный, верный, правый road [raud] n — дорога rob [rob] V — грабить robber ['гоЬэ] n — грабитель robbery ['robari] n — грабеж rode [raud] v — ездил верхом (past от ride) Roman ['гэитэп] 1. n — римлянин, римлянка 2. adj — римский Rome [гэигп] — Рим round [raund] 1. adv — вокруг 2. adj — круглый royal [гэю1] adj — королевский rubbish ['rAbiJ] n — мусор rule [ru:l] l.n — правило 2.v — править run [глп] (ran, run) v — бежать run away [,глп a'wei] v — убегать safe [seif] adj — безопасный said [sed] v — сказал (past от say) salad ['saebd] n — салат Salisbury Plain [,so:lzb9ri 'plein] — Солсберийская равнина salt [so:lt] n — соль same [seim] adj, pron — тот же самый sandals ['saendlz] n — сандалии Santa Claus [,saent9 'kb:z] — Санта-Клаус sausage ['snsid3] n — сосиска, колбаса save [seiv] v — спасать saw [sd:] v — видел (past от see) say [sei] (said, said) v — сказать scare [skes] v — пугать, запугивать scared [skead] adj — испуганный scientist ['saisntist] n — ученый sculpture ['skAlptJa] n — скульптура see [si:] (saw, seen) v — видеть send [send] (sent, sent) v — посылать sent [sent] v — послал (past от send) servant [’ssivsnt] n — слуга serve [s3;v] v — служить sew [s3u] (sewed, sewn) v — шить sewing ['samp] n — шитье shake ['Jeik] (shook, shaken) v — трясти, пожимать руку sheep [fi:p] n — овца, овцы Sherlock Holmes [Jailnk 'haumz] — Шерлок Холмс shock [fnk] n — шок shoes [Ju:z] n — туфли shopping ['Jnpip] n — хождение no магазинам show [Jau] (showed, shown) l.n — шоу 2.V— показывать side [said] n — сторона silver ['silva] l.n — серебро 2.adj — серебряный sir [s3:] n — сэр situation [,sitju'eijn] n — ситуация sleep [sli;p] (slept, slept) l.n — сон 2.V — спать sleepover ['sli:pauva] n — ночевка slept [slept] V — спал (past от sleep) slim [slim] adj — стройный smell [smel] 1. n — запах 2. к — пахнуть smile [small] l.n — улыбка 2.v — улыбаться snack [snaek] l.n — закуска 2. v — закусывать soldier ['saulcfea] n — со.лдат 254 Vocabulary — какое-то количество "«.leebody ['svmbsdi] pron — кто-то •- -mething ['к\т0пз] pron — что-то throat [sy. .Graut] n — ангина '-:«ap [siL'p] n — суп [speis] n — пространство Spain [spein] — Испания феак [ър\±] V — говорить speaker ' spi:k9] n — диктор -pinach [spinicfe] n — шпинат [1] lamp [w] wizard [ju:] cute bench [Ю] her [m] man [z] zoo [л] bus [k] tea [еэ] air Условные обо'значения: [CI5] page [ai] my [k] black [3;] he согласные звуки гласные звуки [j] yes [3] treasure оуквосочетания г, (uj Ь [h] 'vho [ei] day [fl phone ' a. F<- [d:] w [iq] hear [n] know _ ..een [Cli] class, past, ask [ei] mail b i^K. - [ei] they [э:] autumn |lai] к . night, jiii [еэ] air Lfn] station See [o:] ball [a:] after ^ Ы :^rn ['(j] bush, pull [3] measure |l3:l girl [CQ] there la:] father ^ ■ * J • ater [q;] dance, answer [0:] daughter [W] why [rj write [ju:] few 1 I'] t come, son, lo\e, mother [3|] work [tn future