Английский язык Учебник 11 класс Кауфман

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык Учебник 11 класс Кауфман - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Happy English (Хэппи Инглиш):

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к. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык Счастливый английский.ру/ Happy English.ru \ Учебник для 11 класса общеобразовательных учреждений иЭДАТ|ЯкС180 т и т У л Т I Putt т S и Н Е L р в 2012 ББК 81.2 Англ-922 К 30 УДК 802.0 (075.3) УМК “Счастливый английский.ру” / “Happy English.ru” для 11 класса включает следуюидие компоненты: • учебник - книгу для учителя • рабочие тетради №1.2 • аудиоприложение (CD MP3) - учебное пособие „Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь" (серия „Проверь себя") • электронное приложение По вопросам приобретения книг следует обращаться в издательство „Титул"; 249035, Калужская обл., г. Обнинск, а/я 5055, тел.; (48439) 9-10-09, факс (48439) 9-10-00, e-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели) К. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман КЗО Английский язык; Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru: Учебник для 11 кл. общеобраз. учрежд — Обнинск: Титул, 2012.— 320 с.‘ ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-559-2 Учебник „Счастливый английский.ру" для 11-го класса завершает линию учебников „Счастливый английский.ру" для 2-11-х классов, предназначенных для учащихся начальной, основной и средней (полной) общеобразовательной школы. Учебник написан в соответствии с требованиями федерального компонента государственного стандарта общего образования и обеспечивает необходимый и достаточный уровень коммуникативных умений учащихся в устной и письменной речи, их готовность и способность к речевому взаимодействию на английском языке в рамках, обозначенных примерной программой. Учебник готовит к итоговой проверке уровня подготовки по английскому языку, предусмотренной для выпускников полной средней школы, формирует умения познавательной деятельности, обучает школьников стратегиям самообразования. ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 ISBN 978-5-86866-559-2 © К и Кауфман, М. Ю Кауфман. 2011 © Издательство .Титул", дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение. 2011 Contents Unit 1___________________________________ Lessons 1, 2........................... 4 Gramme^ Герундий. Функции герундия в предложении (подлежащее, именная часть сказуемого) ................... 8 Lessons 3, 4, 5.................... ...10 Grommo Функции герундия в предложении (обстоятельство, часть составного глагольного сказуемого)..............16 Lessons 6, 7, 8........................21 Grammar Функции герундия в предложении (предложное косвенное дополнение)...............................27 Lessons 9, 10, 11......................31 Grommar Функции герундия в предложении (определение)..................36 Lessons 12, 13 Exam know-how...........41 Написание писем личного характера....41 Написание писем официального характера 44 Lessons 14, 15 Test yourself...........46 Lessons 16, 17 Project.................50 Unit 2___________________________________ Lessons 1, 2...........................51 Grammar [1ричастие I .. 51 Lessons 3, 4...........................60 Grommar Причастие II.................60 Lessons 5, 6...........................66 Grammar Формы причастия..............66 Lessons 7, 8...........................75 j^ram lar Употребление прилагательных с окончанием -ing и -ed..............75 Lessons 9, 10..........................80 Grammar Сложное дополнение с причастием прошедшего времени...........80 Lessons 11, 12.........................86 Lessons 13, 14 Exam know-how...........92 Написание эссе с элементами рассуждения ............................92 Lesson 15 Test yourself................98 Lessons 16, 17 Project.................99 Unit 3 Lessons 1, 2, 3.......................101 Grommo" Сложное дополнение с причастием настоящего времени..........101 Lessons 4, 5, 6.......................110 Grammar Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные.................110 Lessons 7, 8, 9.......................125 Grammar Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные.................125 Lessons 10, 11........................138 Grammar Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные.................138 Lessons 12, 13........................143 Grommor Условные предложения II типа.............................143 Lessons 14, 15........................150 Grammar Условные предложения III типа............................150 Lesson 16, 17 Exam know-how...........159 Работа с текстом....................159 Lessons 18, 19 Test yourself..........170 Lessons 20, 21 Role-play... -..... 174 Unit 4 Lessons 1, 2............ .. 176 Grammar The Future Progressive Tense...176 Lessons 3, 4.........................185 Grammar Смешанный тип условных предложений........................185 Lessons 5, 6 .........................193 Grammar Сослагательное наклонение в придаточных предложениях после глагола wish.......................193 Lessons 7, 8.........................201 Grammar Союзы so... that; such... that.201 Lessons 9, 10 ........................211 Lessons 11, 12.......................217 Lessons 13, 14 Exam know-how.........221 Аудировоние........................221 Lesson 15, 16 Test yourself..........224 Lessons 17, 18 Project...............228 Grammar Reference....................230 Vocabulary...........................300 lesso Do what you can> with what you have, where you are. Theodore Roosevelt Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself. Read the epigraphs to the unit. Try to predict what the unit is going to be about. Do you understand these quotes and sayings? Which of them do you agree/disagree with? 1 Do you remember Lisa Korolyova and her friend David Hunt? They spent a great summer in Camp Pineland. It's autumn — Lisa is back in Russia and David is back in England. David sent Lisa a song that he wrote himself. Listen to the song and say what David feels. What do the words "autumn" and "autumn leaves" mean in this song? Leaves of autumn I’ve never known what love could be. Your picture’s smiling back at me. You’ve changed my world, but had to go away, And now my heart lives in the yesterday. And I am surrounded with the leaves of autumn. Refrain The whole world is covered by autumn leaves. They drift by the window, they fall from above. They’ll cross all the continents and the seas And whisper about my love. Uni' 1 Lessons 1 2 This autumn took my love away, It seems we parted just today. But days and weeks are going slowly by, I start forgetting how you smile and cry, I shout your name into the rain of autumn. The world has turned the shade of grey. It is the price I have to pay. For all the happiness you brought to me. For learning how to be unlonely, My heart is burning with the fires of autumn. The whole world’s taking us apart. Friends say I shouldn’t even start. But I know there will be tomorrow, We’ll share our secrets, dreams and sorrows, I write my letters on the leaves of autumn. / Camp Pineland has a website which helps its campers stay in touch. January and the friends are just back from their Christmas holidays, the website to see how her old friends are doing. Camp Pinekind It's Lisa visits www.camppineland.uk Daniel Sanderson Age: eighteen Country: Australia Activity during winter holidays: windsurfing Main activity this year: taking a gap year before looking for a job, travelling Plans for the near future: to find a job Belle Lawrence Age: seventeen Country: The USA Activity during winter holidays: shopping in Los Angeles, sunbathing on Malibu Beach Main activity this year: getting ready for a SAT test Plans for the near future: to get into UCLA Unii 1 Lessens 1.2 /к Camp Pineiand www.camppineland.uk David Hunt Age: eighteen Country: The UK Activity during winter holidays: visiting Lisa in Russia Main activity this year: studying for A-levels Plans for the near future: to get into Cambridge University Charlie Rose Age: fifteen Country: The UK Activity during winter holidays: playing ice hockey for my school club Main activity this year: studying for GCSEs Plans for the near future: to go to an international summer camp this summer Lisa Korolyova Age: seventeen Country: Russia Activity during winter holidays: travelling with David, visiting Velikiy Ustyug to show David the home of Father Frost Main activity this year: getting ready for Russian National State Exam Plans for the near future: to get into Moscow State University Dima Korolyov Age: fifteen Country: Russia Activity during winter holidays: fooling around with my mates from school Main activity this year: going to school — actually not doing much Plans for the near future: to find a good summer job and save up for a cool bike Un i 1 Lessors 1, 2 Look through the information in Ex. 1 (including the introduction) and give the equivalents for the following expressions: 1. to behave in a silly way for fun 2. to stay in contact 3. to collect money Speak about the friends. Pay special attention to your choice of tenses and be ready to explain it. Model: Camp Pineland www.camppinelond uk Mary Ross Age: eighteen Country: Canada Activity during winter holidays: camping in Peru Main activity this year: taking a gap year before starting college, travelling Plans for the near future: to get into the University of Toronto This is Mary Ross. She is eighteen. She is Canadian. This Christmas Mary went camping in Peru. This year Mary is taking a gap year before starting college. She is travelling the world. Next year Mary is getting into the University of Toronto. W r- Mark the statements true, false or not stated if there is no information. Support your answers with facts from Ex. 1 even if you didn't understand the meaning of some words. 1. Daniel is not going to continue his education. 2. Dima had a very interesting and exciting holiday. 3. Lisa and David spent their winter holidays together. 4. David and Belle have stayed in touch. 5. Daniel wants to become a windsurfer. 6. Charlie doesn’t have to worry about university yet. 7. It’s warm in California in December. 8. Some of the friends are getting ready for important exams. 9. Dima is very good at school. 10. David wants to continue his education at Cambridge University. Unit I Lessens 1 2 5 Pair work. Talk to your classmate and find out: a) what he/she did this summer. b) what he/she is doing these days. c) what is special about this year at school for him/her. d) what his/her plans for this/next year are. 6 Report your classmate^ answers to the class. 7 Talk about your summer. 1. What did you do in June? 2. Did you go anywhere in July and August? 3. Did you make new friends/see new places? 4. Would you like every summer to be like that? Why?/Why not? 5. Do you like to travel? 6. Where would you go if you had a chance? 7. Would you go there alone or with friends? 8. How long would you stay there? 9. Are you going anywhere in winter? The gerund (Герундий) Герундий — неличная форма глагола, сочетающая в себе свойства глагола и существительного и выражающая процесс. В русском языке нет формы глагола, соответствующей герундию, но он в некоторой сгепени напоминает отглагольное существительное (хождение, ожидание, чтение) и может переводиться на русский язык существительным, инфинитивом, деепричастием, глаголом в личной форме, а также придаточным предложением в зависимости от его функции в предложении. Функции герундия в предложении В предложении герундий может употребляться в функции подлежащего, именной части сказуемого, косвенного дополнения, обстоятельства, составного глагольного сказуемого, определения. Функции герундия во многом сходны с функциями инфинитива, поэтому во многих случаях наряду с герундием может быть употреблен инфинитив. • Герундий в функции подлежащего Skiing is good for her.— Кататься (катание) на лыжах полезно для нее. 8 Unil 1 Lessons 1. 2 • Герундий в функции именной части сказуемого His favourite pastime is playing the guitar. = His favourite pastime is to play the guitar.— Его любимое времяпровождение — игра (играть) на гитаре. Герундий образуется путем прибавления окончания -ing к инфинитиву глагола без частицы to. Если глагол оканчивается на букву -е, то при прибавлении окончания -ing она отбрасывается: to smoke — курить, smoking — курение. При прибавлении -ing конечная согласная удваивается, если ей предшествует ударная гласная, стоящая в закрытом слоге: to swim — плавать, swimming — плавание. Если буква 1 является конечной, то при прибавлении -ing она удваивается: to travel — путешествовать, travelling — путешествие При прибавлении -ing буквосочетание ie меняется на у: to he — лгать, lying — ложь. 8 Give Russian equivalents for the following sentences. 1. Working with this actor is always a pleasure for film directors. 2. Getting up early is not much fun. 3. Eating fruit and vegetables is healthy. 4. Her only hobby is surfing the net. 5. Smoking on board the plane is prohibited. 6. Visiting Windsor Castle was the most exciting part of the trip. 7. Her task was looking after the baby. 10 Put the verbs in brackets into the gerund form. Do you agree with these statements? Why? / Why not? 1. (Get ready) for the exams in April is too late. 2. (Learn) long English texts by heart is useless. 3. (Revise) basic grammar material will not help you speak better. 4. (Look up) all unfamiliar words in the dictionary when you read books in English will help enlarge your vocabulary. Look through the information in Ex. 1 and find gerund forms. Write sentences about the characters using gerund forms. Model: Lisa's main activity this year is getting ready for her Russian National State Exam. Unit 1 Lessons 1. 2 Homework There are a lot of new expressions and abbreviations in Ex. 1. Write questions for the points which are not clear to you. Model: What is a gap year? What is the SAT? В Tick the sentences that contain gerund forms. 1. I was watching a new film yesterday. 2. Watching films is my hobby. 3.1 was reading his letter when somebody phoned. 4. Reading his letter made me cry. 5. Being the centre of attention is always pleasant. 6. Emily was the centre of attention that afternoon 1 ) Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. General Certificate of Secondary Education (GSCE) — сертификат об общем среднем образовании ап employer — работодатель а reasoning test — тест на проверку логического мышления а score — зд. оценка, общий балл а grade — оценка ап applicant — зЭ. претендент ап option — вариант to get straight As — быть круглым отличником to run — зд. длиться to sit / resit an exam — сдавать/пересдавать экзамен to fail smth — проваливать что-либо to apply for smth — подавать заявление для приема куда-либо to grade smth / smb — оценивать что-либо, кого-либо to admit smb — зд. принимать кого-либо to require smth—требовать чего-либо to get into a university/a college — зд. поступать в университет/ колледж to graduate from a university/ a college — заканчивать высшее учебное заведение/колледж to predict smth — предсказывать что-либо to put smth off — откладывать что-либо optional — факультативный, по выбору compulsory — обязательный advanced — зд. повышенный academically minded — имеющий склонность к учебе 10 Urir ’ Lessons 1 2 ord 3. 4 5 The Camp Pineland friends, who are from different parts of the world, didn4 understand some facts about each other. The abbreviations were especially difficult to understand, so the friends posted some comments and explanations on the website. Listen to this information and match the abbreviations with their meanings. 1. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 2. Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) 3. General Certificate of Secondary Education course (GCSE) 4. General Certificate of Secondary Education exams (GSCEs) 5. Advanced level course 6. Advanced level exams (A-levels) a) A compulsory British school course which runs for two years. b) An optional British school course which is required to get into a college or a university. c) An American test required for getting into a college or a university. d) British exams required for getting into a college or a university. e) British exams which students take before leaving school. f) An American university in California. Read the text about Charlie Rose and answer the questions. Support your answers with information from the text. 1. When did Charlie start his GCSE course? 2. What subjects can you do at GCSE level? 3. Will Charlie have to take exams in all his GCSE subjects? 4. Is it optional to go to school until you are sixteen? 5. Why are GCSE grades so important? 6. How many GCSEs can one sit? Give the minimum and the maximum numbers. 7. What options does Charlie have after sitting GCSEs? 8. What does Charlie want to do after finishing the GCSE course? 9. Are A-levels compulsory? 10. Can A-level students choose their subjects? 11. Does Charlie want to get into a university? Why?/Why not? 12. Has Charlie decided what he wants to be? 13. What is Charlie going to do after finishing the A-level course? Unit! Lessons 3, 4 5 11 /Ф Camp Pineiand www.camppineland.uk Charlie Rose Last year when I was fourteen, I started my GCSE course. GCSE is short for General Certificate of Secondary Education. The course runs for two years. All of us study English, Maths, Science, Information Technology and Religious Education. We also have optional subjects to choose from like Languages, Business Studies, Design and Technology, Music, Geography, History and many more. At the end of this two-year course when I’m sixteen, my teachers will give me grades in some of the subjects based on the standard of my coursework over the year. In the other subjects I have to take GCSE exams to get my grades. We can take a minimum of five exams in optional and compulsory subjects, but most of us are going to sit about seven to nine GCSEs. It seems a lot, but one can do even more. I heard that in public schools they take up to twelve GCSEs. Just imagine doing that! However, there’s a good reason for this. These exams are extremely important for one’s education and career. If you decide to leave school after doing your GCSEs, your employers will always want to see your results before giving you a job. GCSEs are graded from A (excellent), the highest, to E (satisfactory), the lowest. If someone fails GCSEs, it’s not the end of the world: one can resit GCSEs later, but it’s not an option for me. At sixteen, after finishing their GCSEs, some of my classmates, who are not academically minded, will leave school iwii and start looking for jobs. I don’t think it’s a great choice. Nowadays you can’t succeed in life without having a good education. I’m planning to go on to the sixth form. This is a traditional name for the last two years of school, which are optional. During these two years students do their Advanced Level course and get ready for their Advanced Level exams, which are usually called A-levels. These exams are taken at the end of the school year and the General Certificate of Secondary Education Jun*20l1 Thi» it to certify thot JOHN DONNE fbt fcrflowin9 in 4(four) ivbteds ENGLISH A (a) MATHS A(o) SCIENCE A(o) INFORMATION technology C(c) 12 Unit - LessonsJ 4. 5 'Щ results don’t come through until August. They are absolutely necessary for those who want to get into university. A-level students choose their subjects according to what they’re planning to study at university. Most universities will accept applicants with two or three A-levels, but for some top ones students may need to have more. And they may need to get straight As to win a place. To be honest, I haven’t chosen a university yet. I haven’t even chosen what I want to do. I think I still have a bit of time for that. Anyway, after doing my A-levels, I’m going to take a gap year before university. During that year I will have a chance to see the world, try some different jobs and decide what I want to be. 4 What is Charlie going to do in the next few years? Order the events and speak about his plans. 1. sit A-levels 2. take a gap year 3. sit GCSEs 4. start an A-level course 5. get into a university Read the text about Belle and answer the questions. Support your answers with the information from the text. 1. Is Belle still at school? 2. Why did Belle have to give up all her favourite pastimes? 3. Are only the grades which Belle will get during her last year important? Why? / Why not? 4. What test is Belle going to take this year? What is it for? 5. Do you have to finish the school course to do well in the SAT test? 6. Why does Belle have to sit the SAT test? 7. What will happen if Belle doesn’t get a high score in the SAT test? 8. How much does the SAT test cost? 9. What university has Belle chosen to apply to? 10. What factors influenced her choice? UniM Lessons 3, 4, 5 13 Camp Pineiand X www.camppineland.uk ANSWER FORMAT; 1. A В D 2. A В D 3. A В D 4. A В D 5. A В D Belle Lawrence I’m in the third year of high school. It’s not the last year, because there is one more, but I still have to study day and night instead of going partying. I even had to give up watching TV and reading for pleasure in the evening. Everything we do in high school is important, as all our grades get into our official records. Sometimes future employers and universities want to see more than just final exam results: they also want to see how students have worked and improved over the years. Although our end-of-school exams are only next year, all of us are feeling the pressure. We keep working all the time. We’ll finish our secondary education at the age of eighteen. Some of us will say “goodbye” to studying forever, but a lot of my schoolmates want to go on studying at colleges and universities. This year I’m going to take an SAT reasoning test. It’s a standard test required by most American colleges. The SAT shows not only what you have learned at school, but also how well you can use your knowledge to analyse and solve problems. It consists of three major sections: Critical Reading, Mathematics, and Writing. The SAT results are believed to predict whether a student will do well at college. The test is carried out by Educational Testing Service nearly every month and costs $45. Although you can sit the SAT as many times as you want, normally it’s taken once or twice. 1 keep putting it off, but in March I’ll have to go for my first try. I hope Г11 do well and won’t have to resit it. I’ve decided to apply to UCLA, the University of California Los Angeles, so I’ll need a high score in my test. UCLA is one of the most popular universities in the States. I know that in the last few years they have received more applications than any other university and have admitted only about ten per cent of those who applied. Students are attracted to UCLA by both its excellent educational and social-life opportunities. University of California Los Angeles 14 Unit 1 Lessons 3. 4, 5 6 } Choose all the right answers to complete each statement. Refer to Charlie's and Belle's texts. 1. British schoolchildren can leave school at the age of a) sixteen. b) eighteen. c) fourteen. 2. British schoolchildren can take a minimum of... GCSEs. a) 5; b) 12; c) 7 3. British schoolchildren usually take a minimum of ... A-levels. a) 2; b) 3; c) 4 4. A-levels are graded a) from 1 to 5. b) from A to E. c) from A to B. 5. GCSEs are graded a) from 1 to 5. b) from A to E. c) from A to B. 6. A-levels are required a) to finish school. b) to get into a university. c) to find a job. 7. The sixth form is a name for a) the sixth year of education at school. b) the two years when students study for their A-levels. c) the last two years at school when children study for their GCSEs. 8. American high school runs for ... years. a) 2; b) 3; c) 4 9. The SAT is a) a compulsory exam. b) an optional exam. c) an end-of-year test. 10. The SAT is designed to test a) a student’s subject knowledge. b) a student’s personal qualities. c) a student’s ability to think. 11. The SAT can be taken a) only once every year. b) every month. c) one or two times during high school. 7 Find the verb that does not go with the noun. 1. to do, to sit, to resit, to take, to fail, to test an exam 2. to get into, to fail, to apply to, to graduate from a university/college 3. to get, to receive, to apply, to require 4. to leave, to start, to study at, to require 5. to receive, to send, to fail, to get, to fill in, to complete 6. to require, to get, to fail, to expect, to give a grade / score school an application top grades Unit 1 Lessons 3. 4. 5 15 ^ 8 j Write the opposites. 1.1 won’t have to take this exam again. 2. Information Technology is an optional subject. 3.1 am not academically minded. 4.1 got a very low mark in my favourite subject. 5.1 managed to pass that exam. ^ 9 J Replace the highlighted ports of the sentences with the words and expressions, to graduate, to require, to resit, to fail, compulsory, optional, to get into a university, to take, to be admitted 1. We can choose either Chemistry or German. 2. You have to do Mathematics and Literature, whether you want to or not. 3. Mary didn’t do well at all in her exam. 4. Kate will have to take this exam again. 5.1 want to go on studying after school. 6. This university wants very high grades. 7. Tomorrow Lily is going to take her first A-level exam. 8. James will finish his university studies next year. 9. He wants to get a place at Cambridge University. Функции герундия в предложении (продолжение) • Герундий в функции обстоятельства В функции обстоятельства герундий употребляется: 1. С предлогами after (после), before (перед) для выражения времени: After leaving the house, he phoned his friend.— Выйдя из дома, он позвонил другу. Before writing that letter, he decided to talk to his wife.— Прежде чем написать то письмо, он решил поговорить с женой. 2. С предлогами besides (кроме), instead of (вместо), without (без) для выражения сопутствующих обстоятельств: Does she have time to do anything else besides looking after the children? — У нее есть время заниматься чем-нибудь еще, кроме ухода за детьми? One can’t live without drinking water.— Без воды жить нельзя. Do something instead of crying.— Делайте что-нибудь вместо того, чтобы плакать. 16 Unit 1 Lessons 3, -i, 5 • Герундий в функции части составного глагольного сказуемого К наиболее употребительным глаголам, в сочетании с которыми герундий образует составное глагольное сказуемое, относятся: to finish — заканчивать When does he finish studying? — Когда он заканчивает учебу? to stop — прекращать, переставать Suddenly the girl stopped singing.— Внезапно девочка прекратила петь, to give up — прекращать, переставать She decided to lose weight and gave up eating bread.— Она решила похудеть и перестала есть хлеб, to keep — продолжать She gave the boy a bottle of milk, but he kept crying.— Она дала ребенку бутылку молока, но он продолжал плакать, to go on — продолжать “Go on reading,"said the teacher.— “Продолжай читать”,— сказал учитель, to avoid — избегать Why do you avoid meeting him? — Почему ты избегаешь встречи с ним? to enjoy — наслаждаться, получать удовольствие Did you enjoy watching this film? — Вы получили удовольствие от просмотра этого фильма? to practise — тренироваться You should practise playing the guitar for two hours a day if you want to play well.— Вам следует упражняться в игре на гитаре два часа в день, если Вы хотите хорошо играть, to suggest — предлагать Не suggested travelling to the Baikal by train.— Он предложил поехать на Байкал поездом. В функции части составного глагольного сказуемого после глаголов to like, to dislike, to begin, to prefer употребляются как герзедий, так и инфинитив. She liked playing the guitar when she was younger. = She liked to play the guitar when she ivas younger. I began studying English when I was five. = I began to study English when I was five. 10 Translate these sentences into Russian. 1. The girl kept sleeping no matter how hard they tried to wake her up, 2. Why don’t you practise doing these exercises more often? Unit 1 Lessons 3, 4, 5 17 3. Sue has just given up eating sweets. She is finding it difficult. 4. Mary suggested going to the cinema, but I would like to stay at home. 5. Try to avoid getting into trouble again. Your parents are already very angry with you. 6. Go on working. 1 came just to say, “Hello”. 7. Stop talking about this stupid film. It’s so boring. 8. She enjoys cooking Indian meals. 9.1 finished writing my letter this afternoon. 10. They like doing crosswords. 11. What do you like wearing? 12. Why does he hate eating vegetables? 11 Look through the texts about Belle and Charlie and find gerund forms. Translate the sentences containing them into Russian. 12 Complete these sentences with your own ideas. Use gerund forms. 1. I am not excited about this trip. I don’t enjoy... 2.1 always join my friend when he suggests... 3.1 should really give up... 4. It’s very difficult to go on... when everybody else is having a rest. 5. The book was so funny that I couldn’t stop... 6.1 always listen to music before... 7. I think we can help poor people by... 8.1 know I can get better results if I concentrate on my studies, instead of... 9. My life would be empty without... 13 Speak about yourself. Use these questions as a plan. 1. What exams are you getting ready for this year? 2. Are these exams important for your school diploma? 3. Are these exams required for getting into a university? 4. Are these exams optional or compulsory? 5. Can you choose the subjects which you will take for the exams? 6. What subjects will you take? Why? 7. How do you feel about the exams? Are you nervous/depressed/excited/sure of yourself/unsure of yourself? 8. What do you do to get ready for the exams? 18 Unill Lessors 3 4, 5 9. What are you going to do after you leave school? Are you academically minded? 10. Have you chosen a university or a college? 11. If so, what attracted you to it? 12. Have you chosen a job, if you are not going to carry on with your education? 13. If so, why did you choose this Job? Homework A ) Complete the sentences with these verbs in the right form, adding a suitable preposition if necessary. apply, get, admit, sit, graduate, fail 1. On Monday my friend is going to ... an exam. 2. If Peter ... this exam, he will have to repeat this course. 3. My dream is to ... Moscow State University. 4. I need very high grades to be ... this university. 5. My brother is very proud of himself. He has just ... Moscow State Aviation Institute. 6. Kathy hasn’t decided which university she wants to get into, so she has ... five of them. В Think about yourself. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false statements, giving your reasons. Model: This year I’m finishing my secondary education.— True. I’m academically minded.— False. I’m not academically minded and don’t want to carry on with my education after school. 1. I’m going to take optional exams in three subjects. 2.1 want to carry on with my education after leaving school. 3.1 want to find a job and start working after leaving school. 4. I want to take a gap year and think everything over before I decide what to do next. 5. I have already chosen the university I want to get into. 6.1 need top grades to be admitted to my university. 7. I’m good at English and Literature, but exams always make me nervous. 8.1 expect to get top grades in most of my subjects. 9. I’m under a lot of pressure to get good grades. Unit 1 Lessons 3, 4 5 19 Translate the sentences into English. 1. Если у тебя есть среднее образование, ты можешь идти работать. 2. Этот экзамен нужно сдать хорошо. 3. Я обычно получаю хорошие отметки за тесты. 4. Он провалился на экзамене, и ему придется пересдавать его. 5. Мне трудно дается математика. К сожалению, это обязательный предмет. 6. В нашей школе нет предметов по выбору. 7. Когда я закончу школу, я хочу продолжить свое образование. 8. Я планирую поступить в университет. D Change the sentences. Use gerund forms and the preposition in brackets. Model; Pat is leaving the country, but she wants to visit her friend, (before) — Pat wants to visit her friend before leaving the country. 1. I don’t want to play tennis. I want to go to the cinema, (instead of) 2. When I leave school, Г11 become a designer, (after) 3. You can’t play the piano if you don’t learn how to do it. (without) 4. He is not only a very good teacher, he’s also a great writer, (besides) 5. She should have gone to school, but she went to the cinema, (instead of) E With reference to the text about Charlie in Ex. 3, compare the British and Russian education systems. Answer these questions for each country. 1. What’s the earliest age at which children can leave school? 2. Can pupils choose their subjects in the sixth form? 3. What exams are required by colleges and universities? 4. Do these exams test knowledge in specific subjects or do they concentrate on one’s ability to think? 5. Which system do you find easier/more difficult / fairer? Why? F Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. After visiting the doctor, he decided to give up smoking. 2.1 won’t leave without saying goodbye, I promise. 3. My mother enjoys listening to classical music, which I can’t understand. 4. After reading her e-mail, he left the house immediately. 5. The girls stopped chattering when the teacher entered. 6. She had just started cleaning her flat when her friend phoned and invited her for dinner. 20 Unit 1 Lessens 3, 4. 5 G ) Finish the sentences with the information about yourself. Use gerund forms. Model: I can’t live without... — I can't live without talking to my best friend every day. 1. My hobby is... 5. My friend thinks that... is fun. 2.1 also like... 6. When I was punished, I started/ 3.1 think that... is a waste of time. didn’t start... 4.1 always feel happy after... Lessons 6, 7, 8 . 1 1 • 1 ' Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. UCAS — the Universities & Colleges Admissions Service a department — факультет a shadow — тень an effort — усилие access — доступ to prevent smb from doing smth — мешать, препятствовать кому-либо делать что-либо to be/get used to smth/doing smth — быть привычным, привыкать к чему-либо/делать что-либо to succeed in smth/doing smth — удаваться, добиваться успеха в чем-либо/в создании чего-либо to accept smth — принимать что-либо а conditional place — зд. место в университете, которое предо ставляется при условии получения проходного балла на школьных экзаменах tricky — сложный, с подвохом cockney — кокни Read the text about David getting into Cambridge and choose the most suitable match for the following words and expressions. to be predicted to get top grades a) to get very good marks b) to be expected to get very good marks c) to become very popular a deadline a) the latest date on which something has to be done b) the only day when you can apply to a university c) the line which you shouldn’t cross Unll 1 Lessons 3. 4, 5 and 6, 7. 8 21 UCAS a) an organisation which provides services to British university applicants b) an exam which one has to take to get into a British university c) a university a conditional place a) a place which is not very good b) a place which is not guaranteed until you get the required grades c) a place which is given to somebody who had no chances of getting a good education Cambridge Special Access Scheme a) a name of a college in Cambridge b) a special programme which helps clever children, who didn’t get a good education at school, get into Cambridge c) a special course which prepares students for studying at Cambridge to keep somebody up to date a) to ask somebody to come on time b) to make somebody wait c) to give somebody information Camp Pinetand www.camppineland uk UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE David Hunt It all started with my French teacher, Mr Morel. In September Mr Morel invited my parents to come and see him and told them that I was predicted to get top grades at my A-levels this year and that he would strongly advise me to apply to Cambridge. My parents were extremely pleased. That evening we had a family discussion. I objected to the idea of applying to Cambridge and insisted on going to our local university, but my parents wanted me to try for Cambridge. 22 Unir 1 Lessons 6. 7 8 Anyway, in the end I told myself that I had nothing to lose and must give it a try. The deadline for Cambridge applications was 15 October, which is much earlier than for most other universities. So nothing could prevent me from applying to another university if I failed to get into Cambridge. Shortly before the deadline for submitting applications to Cambridge, I went on to the UCAS website and applied. Oh, for those who don’t know, UCAS stands for Universities & Colleges Admissions Service. This organisation helps you when you apply to any UK university or college: they accept your application, give you advice and information and keep you up to date with all the latest news. I chose Modern and Medieval Languages as my course, and Trinity as my college. The teachers from my school were happy to support my application and gave me excellent references. Shortly after completing my online application, I was asked to send in some of my old school essays to give my future tutors some examples of my academic work. And soon after that I got an invitation to go up to Cambridge for some interviews. 1 was really surprised to be invited, because only applicants with realistic chances were interviewed. Unit Lessor s 6.7 8 23 The interview experience itself was very interesting. I had three twenty-minute interviews with different teachers from my department. Just the thought that each of them was a leading expert in his or her subject made me nervous, but the moment my first interview started, I knew I would be OK. The interviewers didn’t try to ask me tricky questions, very often there was no right or wrong answer to their questions at all. They were more interested in how I got to my answer, in my method of thinking and dealing with problems. They encouraged me to argue, disagree and just be myself. After my first interview, I wanted to get into Cambridge more than anything else in my life. I stayed in Cambridge overnight for more interviews and made my first Cambridge friend, Rick. He was a black guy with a strong cockney accent. We happened to share a room and Rick told me his story, “I will always thank Cambridge tutors for showing me that I can change my life. None of my family had ever had any education and most of the kids from my school started to work after doing GCSEs to help their families with money. Three years ago a Cambridge professor came to our school and talked to us about higher education and its advantages. He told us about the possibility of visiting Cambridge and spending a couple of days with other students here. He also mentioned that it was possible to get financial help from the University. I got interested and applied for the following year’s Shadowing Scheme. For three days I became a ‘shadow’ of a student studying Maths, the subject that I was interested in. We did everything together: had breakfast, attended 24 rit 1 Lessons 6, 7 8 lectures, even went to the music club. I was so impressed that I decided to break the family tradition and do A-levels. Getting through A-levels is a huge effort as I’ve got nobody to help. My results may still not be good enough for Cambridge, but I don’t lose hope. There is the Cambridge Special Access Scheme for students like me. This is a special scheme for the applicants who had no chance of getting a good education at school for health, financial, or family reasons. All the examiners are told about applicants with these kinds of problems, and if a student succeeds in impressing them, they may offer him or her a place, even if he or she doesn’t get the highest grades.” That night we didn’t have much time to talk, because Rick was going to sit a Maths exam next morning. I thought I was lucky that there were no exams for my department. In the morning Rick and I wished each other the best of luck and promised to keep in touch. Soon afterwards I heard that I had been offered a conditional place at Cambridge. “Conditional” means that Г11 get a place if I get A grades in all my A-level exams. If I get lower grades, I won’t be accepted. So I just have to work really hard this year. And just yesterday I heard from Rick: he did so well in his exam that he got a place too! I am so much looking forward to seeing him in Cambridge. 3 Order the events. Ignore those that never took place. 1. David applied to his local university. 2. David got a conditional place at Cambridge. 3. David was invited to Cambridge for an interview, 4. David sat a special Cambridge exam. Jn * Lessons 6 7 8 25 5. David’s teacher Mr Morel talked to David’s parents. 6. David was predicted to get top grades. 7. David got straight As at his A-levels. 8. David became friends with Rick. 9. David sent an application to UCAS. 10. David sent in some of his old school essays. 11. David had a discussion with his parents. 12. David spent a night in Cambridge. 4 Answer the questions. Support your answers with the information from the text. 1. Did David want to go to Cambridge at first? 2. Why did Mr Morel think that David should apply to Cambridge? 3. When was the deadline for applying to Cambridge? 4. What information about an applicant do Cambridge tutors require? 5. Which applicants are invited for interviews? 6. How did David feel before the interview? 7. How did David feel when he met his interviewers? Why? 8. What made David want to go to Cambridge so much? 9. Who did David share a room with? 10. How did Rick hear about Cambridge? 11. Did Rick get a chance to see what the life of a Cambridge student was like? 12. Will the interviewers be less strict with Rick? Why? /Why not? 13. Why was Rick thankful to Cambridge even before he heard that he’d got a place? 14. What kind of place did David get? 5 Make a list of useful facts about the British system of education. Mark these statements true, false or not stated if there is no information. Support your answer with the information from the text. 1. Students can apply to universities before they get their A-level grades. 2. Teachers’ references are important for helping their students get into a university. 3. British students can apply to more than one university. 4. There are deadlines after which applications are not accepted. 5. Students apply to universities in person. 6. Cambridge interviews all its applicants. 26 Unit 1 Lessons 6, 7 8 7. All British universities invite their applicants for interviews. 8. Even if you get a conditional place at a university, you may still lose it if your A-level results are not good enough. 9. Most British universities never ask applicants to sit their own exams. 10. One can apply to a British university through UCAS. 11. The most important thing for Cambridge interviewers IS how well the applicant knows his or her chosen subject. 12. Most of all Cambridge interviewers value the ability to think. 13. If one needs extra help or information about a university, one should contact UCAS. 14. Only children from public schools have a chance of getting into Cambridge. Функции герундия в предложении (продолжение) Герундий в функции предложного косвенного дополнения Герундий в функции предложного косвенного дополнения употребляется после глаголов, прилагательных и причастий с определенными предлогами. К числу наиболее часто употребляемых относятся: to be fond of doing smth — любить делать что-либо, нравиться Не IS fond of playing chess.— Ему нравится играть в шахматы, to be interested in doing smth — интересоваться чем-либо He was always interested in reading history books.— Он всегда интересовался чтением исторических книг, to be responsible for doing smth — отвечать за что-либо She was responsible for decorating the room.— Она отвечала за украшение комнаты. to think of /about doing smth — думать о чем-либо He never thought about marrying her.— Он никогда не думал о том, чтобы жениться на ней. to be/get used to doing smth — быть привычным, привыкать делать что-либо ГИ never get used to sleeping on the floor.— Я никогда не привыкну спать на полу. She is used to getting up early.— Она привыкла вставать рано, to look forward to doing smth — c нетерпением ожидать чего-либо Гт looking fonvard to hearing from your brother.— Я c нетерпением жду вестей от Вашего брата. Unit 1 Lessons 6 7 8 27 to thank smb for doing smth — благодарить кого-либо за что-либо She thanked him for coming.— Она поблагодарила его за то, что он пришел. to prevent smb from doing smth — препятствовать, мешать кому-либо делать что-либо Nothing could prevent him from marrying her.— Ничто не могло помешать ему жениться на ней. to succeed in doing smth — удаваться сделать что-либо She succeeded in buying a new flat.— Ей удалось купить новую квартиру, to object to doing smth — возражать против чего-либо I object to paying for it. It should be free.— Я возражаю против того, чтобы платить за это. Это должно быть бесплатно, to insist on doing smth — настаивать на чем-либо She insisted on paying for everything.— Она настаивала на том, чтобы заплатить за все. to be proud of doing smth — гордиться чем-либо She was proud of passing all her exams with top grades.— Она гордилась тем, что получила самые высокие оценки на всех экзаменах. Look through the text about David and find the sentences that contain gerund forms. Translate these sentences into Russian. 7 Choose the right prepositions. 1. Sandra insisted (on/at) applying to Oxford. 2.1 know Jack, he will object (to/for) studying on Sunday. 3. Talk to our French teacher who is responsible (for/at) choosing the material for our school competition. 4. What could prevent him (of/from) calling us? 5. Anna is proud (of/at) getting a place at Edinburgh University. 6. Some of my classmates are used (to/for) getting top grades for their essays all the time. 7. My friend is very fond (of/on) reading. 8. Grandmothers always look forward (to/for) hearing from their grandchildren. 9. Nothing can prevent friends (from/in) seeing each other. 10.1 am glad you succeeded (in/on) solving this problem. 11.1 never thought (of/about) inviting him to our party. 12. Teachers are responsible (at/for) making us work harder. 13. All the students in my class are interested (for/in) getting a higher education. 28 Unit 1 Lessons 6. 7 8 8 Each sentence has two gaps. Beneath the sentence are three sets of words. Choose the set of words that best fits the meaning of the sentence. Model: Students with ... chances of getting a place are ... for an interview. a) realistic/invited b) good/come c) academic/to come Correct answer is a). 1. You have to be ... to be able to ... Oxford. a) bright/finish b) academically minded/get into c) yourself/apply to 2. Chris tried to ... after the ..., but his application wasn’t accepted, a) enter / interview b) apply/deadline c) application/end 3. Top UK universities ... very high ... from their future students, a) admit/marks b) apply/exams c) require/grades 4. The person who gives you a job is called an ... . He or she will want to see your ... before giving you a job. a) employer/references b) interviewer/exams c) applicant/grades 5. Some universities are so popular that they can only ... about 20 per cent of their .... a) admit/applicants b) enter/students c) invite / interested 6. My friend ... passing this test with very good grades. His ... were really impressed. a) failed/teachers b) started/parents c) succeeded in/examiners Homework A ) Look through the text about David and find the sentences, expressions and words which mean the same. 1. The teachers had every reason to think that my marks would be very good. 2.1 didn’t want to go to Cambridge. 3. The last date when I could apply to Cambridge was 15 October. 4. I still had a chance to go to another university. 5. They send you all the latest news. 6. My teachers wrote good things about me. 7. We went to lectures. 8. It’s very hard to get through A-levels. 9. I’ll be accepted if I get A grades in all my exams. 10. They won’t take me with any other marks. В j Write what steps David took to get into Cambridge. Make sure you put them in the right order. Urif 1 Lessons 6, /8 29 с Rephrase Же sentences. Use gerund forms and the expressions. to be used to, to be responsible for, to object to, to prevent from, to look forward to, to think of, to be fond of I am used to getting up Model: I always get up early. It’s easy for me.-early. 1. I don’t want to take your dog with us. 2. Little Jack is really waiting for his nanny to come back. 3.1 will apply to Harvard. Nothing can stop me. 4. Last time I talked to him he had an idea to go to Turkey. 5. Jane has to drive her friends to work today. 6. Terry really likes cycling. D Complete the sentences. Use one of these expressions in the correct form with the right preposition. be responsible, be fond, object, get used, be proud, insist, think, prevent 1. This is very kind of you. Thank you ... doing it! 2. Alex was not very pleased with our choice of film. He always ... watching thrillers. 3. Why is Hank Avery here? — Caroline ... inviting him. He’s her brother. 4. We can ask Jane to make a cake. She ... cooking. 5. Let’s congratulate Mary. She ... getting top grades in all her subjects. 6. Who ... clearing up yesterday? This place looks awful. 7. A traffic jam ... us ... arriving at the airport in time. 8. Is Ann still very unhappy about her new flat? — Not as unhappy as she was. I think she ... living there. 9. Kevin is dishonest. Don’t even ... lending him money. E Translate the sentences into English. 1. Oh всегда настаивает на том, чтобы заплатить за всех. Он очень щедрый человек. 2. Маме очень нравится танцевать. 3. Мы все с нетерпением ждем, когда он придет. 4. Они возражают против его приезда? 5. Громкая музыка помешала ей услышать стук в дверь. 6. После нескольких попыток им наконец удалось найти верное решение. 7. Она поблагодарила Джона за звонок. 8. Что помешало вам сказать ей правду? 30 Un i 1 Lessons 6 7 8 >V('t>L».i'-<<'^ ■'v,.'r.V^'i -■■ у - ---■ I L «А- -'Г|,! ■ r’l- i ,'-■<>■ 7' ■ 1 ^ Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. a background — зд. происхождение tuition — обучение бакалавр a campus — ситета a Bachelor of Arts (BA) (ученая степень) a Master of Arts (MA) -(ученая степень) free - зд. бесплатный территория универ- магистр а commoner — простолюдин disadvantaged — зд. неблагополучный disabled — инвалид ^2 ) Guess whether this information about Moscow State University is true or false 1. Moscow State University (MSU) is named after Lenin. 2. MSU is about 500 years old. 3. When the university was founded, every commoner had a right to get in. 4. When the university was founded, tuition in it was free. 5. Originally there were only three faculties at MSU. 6. Nowadays one can make an online application to MSU. 7. NSE results are not accepted by MSU. 8. There is a high competition to get into MSU. 9. One has to pass entrance exams to study at MSU. 10. MSU offers special entry conditions to disabled applicants. 11. The MSU student theatre is older than the Bolshoi Theatre. 3 Listen to parts of a letter from an MSU student and check your answers to Ex. 2. Mark them as right or wrong. ^ 4 ) If some points are still unclear to you after listening, ask your friends to give you the information you need. Model: A: Who is the university actually named after? Гт afraid I didn’t quite catch that. B: The university is named after Lomonosov. Unh 1 Lessons Q Ю, II 31 Read Lisa's e-mail to the Camp Pineland website and match the information that her cousin gave her with these headings. There is one extra heading. a) University Degrees b) Application c) Special Access Schemes d) University Theatre e) University Democratic Traditions f) NSE and Entrance Exams g) University Today h) University Campus Camp Pineland www.camppineland.uk Moscow STATE UNIVERSITY 1755 Lisa Korolyova Dear friends, When I read about Cambridge, I was greatly impressed by its admissions policies, its history, its traditions and its Special Access schemes for bright children who had difficulties in getting a good education. I haven’t applied to any university yet, so I can’t speak from my own experience. But I know that the Russian university education system is also considered to be one of the best in the world. One of my cousins, Anton, is a Psychology student at Moscow State University. I wrote to him recently with some questions about MSU. Here are his answers: 32 Unit 1 Lessons 9. 10, 11 1. “I’m proud of being a student at the oldest and best university in this country. All my friends told me it was no use applying to MSU as the competition is known to be very high. However, I have always dreamt of studying at Moscow State University, so it was my first and only choice. I prepared my application documents and sent them by mail. As I had no other choices to make, I applied a long time before the deadline of 25 July.” 2. “I checked what NSEs were required by my faculty and worked hard to get ready for them. Although NSE scores are an important part of one’s application, the university holds its own exams too. I had to take three and I couldn’t help feeling nervous about them, as you can imagine! In the end I passed them successfully and got a place.” 3. “I started my undergraduate course this September. It runs for four years and when I finish it, I’ll get the degree of Bachelor of Arts (BA). After graduating, I’ll probably go on studying and join a postgraduate course to get the degree of Master of Arts (MA).” 4. “Not long ago, the university celebrated its 250th anniversary. In 1755, on 25 January, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed the decree that a university should be founded in Moscow. Later this university was named after Mikhail Lomonosov, as he played the leading part in establishing it. From the start Moscow University developed its own democratic traditions: the lectures were held both in Latin and in Russian; they were open to the general public too. Tuition was free and every commoner had the right to get in.” Unit 1 Lessons 9 10, Ч 33 5. “It was Lomonosov’s principle that only the academic achievements of a student should matter, not his financial position or his family background. This principle is still followed by the university today. Although every year there is a very high competition for each place, the university offers special conditions of entry to disabled applicants and children from disadvantaged families. It also has special entrance schemes for those talented applicants who have won some of the federal or university competitions.” 6. “The university has grown over the years. Its original three faculties, the Faculty of Philosophy the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Medicine have turned into 29 faculties with over 350 departments, a huge campus, 15 research institutes, four museums, the Science Park, the Botanical Gardens and the Library.” 34 Unit 1 Lessons 9, 10, 11 7. “Life in MSU is full of challenge and fun. The university offers great opportunities for personal growth and development. It has a lot of interesting clubs and societies where one can find a new hobby and make new friends. I think most of these clubs are really worth joining as one can learn something useful there. I surprised all my friends by joining the famous University Student Theatre. It’s the most popular student theatre in Russia and has an amazing history. It was founded in 1756, just a year after the university was opened. Not everybody knows that the students who played there later became the first actors of the Maliy and Bolshoi theatres. 6 Answer the questions. 1. What is the oldest university in Russia called? 2. Who is Moscow State University named after? 3. What faculty did Anton choose? 4. Why did Anton’s friends tell him it was no use applying to MSU? 5. Did Anton have to take any entrance exams? 6. What was the deadline for applying to MSU? 7. What course did Anton start? 8. What degree is he hoping to get at the end of this course? 9. Who founded MSU? 10. What were its three original faculties? 11. What democratic traditions did the university develop from the very beginning? 12. What university club did Anton decide to join? 13. What is this club famous for? 7 Look through the e-mail in Ex. 5 and find as many facts as you can to support or contradict the following statements. 1. University gives everybody a chance to broaden ones horizons. 2. The founders of the university paid little attention to their applicants’ background. 3. The university has always played an important part in the cultural life of Russia. 4. Nowadays the university is very difficult to get into. Unit 1 Lessons 9 10 1- 35 функции герундия в предложении (продолжение) Герундий в функции определения В функции определения герундий употребляется после следующих существительных с различными предлогами: reason for — причина hope of — надежда experience in — опыт idea of — мысль, идея interest in — интерес importance of — важность gift of — дар method of — метод way of — способ problem of — проблема habit of — привычка '‘What is your reason for coming?" she asked.— “Какова причина Вашего прихода?” — спросила она. The idea of celebrating her birthday in a restaurant came from Mark.— Идея отпраздновать ее день рождения в ресторане принадлежала Марку. 8 Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. He never had a hope of seeing her again. 2. The idea of founding MSU came from Lomonosov. 3. His experience in teaching Mathematics helped him to write a textbook. 4. She has the gift of listening. 5. The habit of getting up early has always helped him to do a lot during the day. 6. He showed little interest in learning French. 7. Yesterday I saw Oscar Wilde’s play “The Importance of Being Earnest”. 8. His way of solving the problem seems very unusual. • Употребление герундия после выражений Герундий также употребляется после выражений: It’s по use/good doing smth — бесполезно делать что-либо It is по use trying to wake her up early in the morning. She worked too hard yesterday.— Бесполезно пытаться разбудить ее рано утром. Вчера она слишком много работала, to be busy doing smth — быть занятым чем-либо VVTien I came, he was busy talking to his business partner.— Когда я пришел, он был занят разговором с деловым партнером. (It’s) worth doing smth — стоит делать что-либо The book isn’t worth reading, is it? — Эту книгу не стоит читать. Не так ли? 36 Unit 1 Lessons 9 10, il Somebody can’t help doing smth — кто-либо не может не делать чего-либо Steve left the town two years ago, but she couldn't help thinking about him.— Стив уехал из города два года назад, но она не могла не думать о нем. 9 Read the e-mail in Ex. 5 again and find the sentences with worth, can't/ couldn't help, no good/use and gerund forms. Translate the sentences into Russian. 10 Give Russian equivalents for the following sentences. 1.1 can’t help admiring Moscow. It’s a beautiful city. 2. It’s always worth revising before the exam. 3. It’s no use trying to remember what you haven’t learned. 4. My mother can’t help falling asleep while watching TV. 5. Is the new film worth watching? 6.1 was busy translating the text when she phoned. 7. It’s no use crying over spilt milk. 1 1 Read the sentences spoken by MSU students. Match the person with his or her subject. Law, Physiology, Medicine, Engineering, Economics, Russian Literature, Foreign Languages, Geography, Biology, Climate, Science, Agriculture 1.1 can’t help admiring insects. They are so perfectly organised. 2. At the moment I’m doing research on the criminal justice system. 3. I’m learning about the different functions of the human body this term. 4. We are learning how to make maps. 5. I’m reading a very interesting book on growing bananas in the North. 6. For my coursework I’m going to compare the American and Australian banking systems. 7. I’d like to be able to speak German, English and French fluently after I graduate. 8.1 hope to get high grades for the exam on Dostoevsky. I spent a lot of time in getting ready for it. 9. We have Just learned that it is no use taking antibiotics when one has flu. 10. My professor told me that it was worth trying out my model aeroplane in the field before bringing it to our seminar. 11. Global warming may change the climate of this country in the next one hundred years. Unit 1 Lessons 9 10. П 37 POWER Words for agreeing / disagreeing 12 Choose the correct alternative. 1. Clare is (against/for) Jack’s visit. She hasn’t spoken to him since they fell out last year. 2. I’ve always admired Liz Graham, so I (approve of/object to) making her our headteacher. 3. All my friends (sympathise with/are in favour of) going camping next week. 4. I think education is something nobody can go without. So I (disapprove of/advocate) the closing of our village school. 5.1 have never liked this plan from the very start, so I’m afraid I can’t (back it/refuse). 6.1 am (undecided/determined) about what to do after school. I haven’t made any plans yet. 13 Listen to the speaker and check your answers. 14 Work in groups. Write a list of factors that make MSU special. Is it worth getting a place there? Does it make any sense trying to get in? Discuss, give your reasons and report your conclusions. Homework A J Read the information and choose the correct facts to complete the following statements. 1. Someone who has the title of MA could have studied (Linguistics / Physics) 2. In most countries it takes about four years to get a (Bachelor’s/Master’s) degree. 3. Students who have already received their first degree are called (postgraduates / undergraduates). 4. Students who have just started their first course of study are called (postgraduates / undergraduates). 5. The highest academic title is a(n) (PhD/MA). 6. It takes longer to get a (Master’s/Bachelor’s) degree than to get a (Master’s/Bachelor’s) degree. 38 Unit 1 Lessons 9. 10 Г For your information In medieval Europe there were only two degrees: Master (a scholar of arts and grammar) and Doctor (a scholar of philosophy, theology, medicine, or law). Nowadays the lowest academic degree is the Bachelor of Arts (BA), or the Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree, which is usually awarded after a four-year course of college or university study. So someone who is studying for a Bachelor’s degree is called an undergraduate student (undergrad). Next comes the Master of Arts (MA), or the Master of Science (MSc) degree, which one can get after a year or two of postgraduate study. Students who have got their first degree and are carrying on with their studies are called postgraduate students (postgrads). Postgraduates can also study for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree. It is the highest university degree that can be earned after several years of postgraduate study and research. However, one can come across other common professional degrees: the Doctor of Jurisprudence (JD) and the Doctor of Medicine (MD). BJ Translate the sentences into English. 1. Обучение в этом университете бесплатное. 2. Эта библиотека была основана в 1820 году. 3. Отец гордится достижениями сына. 4. На территории университета находится четыре музея. 5. Этот профессор всегда проводит лекции на английском языке. 6. Я хотел бы жить в университетском городке. Там намного интереснее, чем дома. 7. У них очень серьезные требования к поступающим. 8. Я собираюсь поступать в колледж нашего города. Он очень популярен. ^ С j Complete the sentences with the right verbs in the gerund form. visit, phone, buy, eat, think, promise 1. It’s no use .... She won’t talk to you. 2.1 can’t help ... about this problem. It’s very important to me. 3. This dress isn’t worth ... . It doesn’t suit you at all. 4. You’ll never loose weight if you can’t help ... sweets. 5. It’s no good ... if you can’t keep your word. 6. Egypt is always worth .... The climate is warm and there are so many things to see. Unit! Lessons9 10. 11 39 D Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use the gerund. 1. It’s always worth... 4. My best friend can’t help... 2. It’s no use... 5. It’s important to avoid... 3.1 can’t help... 6. It’s hard to give up... E Write about one of the following topics. State your opinion and give your reasons. 1. It’s always worth trying to get into the best university you can find. 2. It’s no use applying to a popular university. 3. Studying at a university is not for everybody. 4. A gap year is a great way to find out what one really wants to do. Everybody should be given the chance to take one. F Use one of these Latin sayings as a title for your essay. FABER EST SUAE QUISQUE FORTUNAE Every man is the architect of his own fortune. AUT VIAM INVENIAM AUT FACIAM I’ll either find a way or make one. PER ASPERA AD ASTRA! Through difficulties to the stars! NON TENEAS AURUM TOTUM QUOD SPLENDET UT AURUM Do not take as gold everything that shines like gold. BONITAS NON EST PESSIMIS ESSE MELIOREM There is no goodness in being better than the worst. NOSCE ТЕ IPSUM Know yourself. VENI, VIDI, VICI I came, I saw, I conquered. 40 Unil 1 Lessons 9. 10, 11 ' Lessons 12, 13 Exam know-how Письма ЛИЧНОГО характера при написании писем личного характера используется разговорный язык, допустимо употребление сокращений. Организация текста Оформление текста должно соответствовать нормам, принятым в стране изучаемого языка. Письмо должно быть разделено на абзацы, и они должны быть выделены. Схематично текст личного письма должен выглядеть следующим образом: 1 Адрес овторо письма (2} Даш 3 Обращение Вродные брозы Содержоние письма Завершающая <Ьраза Подпись автора письма Uni 1 Lessons 2 13 4l 1^ Адрес автора письма указывается в правом верхнем углу. Он состоит из названия города и страны: Moscow Russia Под адресом в правом верхнем углу пишется дата: 9 September 2012 Письмо начинается с обращения, которое пишется на отдельной строке. После обращения ставится запятая-Pear Sally, Hi Jack, Pear Aunt Jane, Pear Mr Srown, В первых строках письма автор обычно: благодарит адресата за ранее полученные письма: Thank you for your letter. It was ^reat to hear from you. извиняется, что не написал раньше: must apologise for not writing... really should have written sooner... I’m sorry I haven’t written for so lon^. Ссылается на предыдущие контакты: 1 remember you very often. How are you? I hope you are all right. I hope your mother is enjoying her holiday. s your grandmother any better? В содержании письма должны быть раскрыты все аспекты, указанные в задании. Как сообщить позитивную / негативную информацию Fortunately,... / Unfortunately,... I’m afraid... The good (bad) news is... I’m glad to tell you .. Luckily,... 1 am sorry, but... 1 have some bad (good) news for you... Как реагировать на информацию was glad / sorry to hear that... was worried about... Как высказать просьбу I’d like to ask you to... Could you please... It would be great if you could... Как ответить на вопросы / просьбы As for your questions about... Coming back to... about... If you want me to... I will be happy to... I’ll do my best to... В конце письма автор обычно упоминает о дальнейших контактах: look forward to hearing from you. Write soon! Let’s keep in touch. ’m sorry I have to stop now. Hope to hear from you soon. Send my love to... Give my regards to... When I get back. I’ll tell you more. 42 Unit 1 Lessors 12, 13 V 6 ^ Завершающая фраза письма зависит от того, насколько близко знакомы автор письма и адресат. Она пишется на отдельной строке и после нее всегда ставится запятая: I love you во much, Lots of love. Much love, Love, beet wishes. All the best. Yours, © / ) Далее следует подпись автора. Личные письма подписываются без указания фамилии. Точка после имени не ставится: Sally Pavid 1 Заполните пробелы в личном письме необходимыми фразами. London England 2 October 2011 ... Sveta, ... I ^ot it yesterday. ... I was very busy ^ettin^ ready for my exams. I heard you got a new job. ...? I tried to get through to you on Thursday, but the line was always busy. ... you’re getting through your first weeks all right. I’ve already been in London for three weeks. ... I made a lot of new friends and we’re having a great time together. ... last week I caught a cold and felt very bad. I’m just getting over it and I’m feeling better now. I know you are very busy, but if you could send me the photos from Mike’s party. It would be great. I hope Igor was there, wasn’t he? If you see him, tell him I haven’t received any letters so far. Vera Unif 1 Lessors 12 13 43 Письма официального характера при написании официальных писем необходимо использовать официальноделовой стиль, избегать употребления сокращений и жаргонизмов. Схематично текст официального письма должен выглядеть следующим образом: 1 Адрес отправителя 2 Адрес получателя 3 Дота ^ Обращение 5 Вводные фразы Основная часть Цель письмо Плохие / Хорошие новости (е) Вложения © © Фроза в конце основной мости Зовершоющоя фраза________ Подпись__________________ 1 2 , 3 Письмо начинается с адресов отправителя и получателя. Далее следует дата. Как правило, она пишется в формате число/месяц/год. Название месяца рекомендуется писать словом: 5 June 2011 4 Обращение Dear Мб ...,/Mrs Dear Mr .... Dear Dr ..., Dear Prof ..., Dear Sir/Madam (если Вы не знаете имени адресата) После обращения ставится запятая. Если вы пишете конкретному человеку, необходимо уточнить его /ее пол и написание имени. Обращение к женщине нужно начинать с обращения Мб. Если вы точно знаете, что женщина замужем, допустимо обращение Мгб. 44 Unit 1 Lessons 12. 13 5 Вводные фразы Возможная ссылка на предыдущие контакты: Thank you for your kind letter of 10 March. I came across an advertisement for your company in The Timee today. It was a pleasure meeting you at the conference this month. I appreciate your patience in waiting for a response. Following our conversation of ... In reference to your letter of ... in connection wi th the article ... After careful consideration we have decided ... Основная часть nJ) Цел b письма I am writing to enquire/complain / apply / reply / ask/confirm... I’d like to express my gratitude/ dissatisfaction / worry... I wish to inform you... I hereby inform you... V?) Плохие/Хорошие новости It is my pleasure to inform you... We are delighted/pleased to inform you... It is with ^reat sadness that we inform you... We regret to inform you... Вложения Please find attached/enclosed... I’m attaching/enclosin^... The following pages will give you an idea of... Фразы в конце основной части: I hope you will be able to assist me in this matter. Thank you for your understanding / help / patience. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to coY\tact me. If you have any c^ueries, please get in touch. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. It was a pleasure working with you. Thank you for taking this into consideration. appreciate any feedback you may have. vt/' Завершающая фразы После завершающей фразы также ставится запятая. With thanks. Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully. Sincerely, © 9) Официальное письмо завершается подписью с указанием имени и фамилии автора письма и его должности. Daniel Mitchell Headteacher Susan Green Salesmanager Uri' 1 Lessons 12, 13 45 Просмотрите письмо. Ответьте но него или объясните, почему ответ не требуется. Заполните пропуски в письме необходимыми фразами. Toys аЫ Clothes Ino 32 Katelyn Street London PN245T Ms Shelly Stone Little Wonders Shop 17 Subble Road Cornwall TR19 SPU Tel: 0207 7223526 Mobile: 07749104591 September 2010 ... Stone ... our telephone conversation today, I am writing to confirm your order for ten baby cots Ref. No. 345. The order will be shipped within three days via UPS and should arrive at your store in about two weeks. ... if we can help in any way. i • « Derek Dorset Sales Manager Вы заказали книги по почте в интернет-магазине "Books and more". Посылка с книгами должна была прийти неделю назад, но её до сих пор нет. Напишите в магазин письмо и узнайте, где ваш заказ. l^sons 14^ 15 Test yourself 1 J Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1. Ann worked extremely hard to ... this university, a) get into b) graduate c) admit 2. There is a high ... for places, so many applicants will be disappointed, a) requirements b) competition c) exam 3. Kate is ... school this year, so she needs to decide what she wants to do next a) graduating b) leaving c) getting into 46 Unit 1 Lessons 12. 13 and '4, 15 4.1 don’t think she has any ,.. yet. She is an undergraduate student, a) degree b) Bachelor of Arts c) Master of Arts 5. I want to impress my examiners, so I am taking a lot of ... exams, a) compulsory b) optional c) entrance 6. If you are interested in this university, you can ... online, a) write b) apply c) send 7. Those British students, who want to get into colleges, take ... exams, a) A-level b) USE c) SAT 8.1 am not surprised Pete ... his exam. He hadn’t done any revision, a) took b) resat c) failed 9. This student surprised everybody by her unusually high .... Her teachers were very pleased, a) success b) grades c) references Change the sentences using these expressions with the right prepositions and the gerund. to avoid, to be worth, to give up, to be fond of, to keep, to look forward, to be proud, to put off, to succeed 1. She wanted a place at Oxford and she managed to get it. 2. Tom doesn’t smoke anymore. 3. Try not to look at the textbook. 4. Kate decided to leave later than she had planned. 5. This bicycle breaks all the time. 6. Ann really wanted to see her friend again. 7. Our mum likes to tell everybody that she got the first prize in the local beauty contest. 8.1 like to ski. 9. I would recommend anyone to watch this film. Read about Oxford and Cambridge Universities and choose the correct answer or answers to each question. 1. Oxford is a) older than Cambridge. b) the oldest university in Europe. c) the oldest university in the world. 2. Cambridge was founded a) by King Henry II. b) by Oxford scholars. c) by Queen Elizabeth 1. Unit 1 Lessons M, 15 47 3. Oxford and Cambridge universities a) are equally good. b) compete with each other. c) were both founded in 1167. 4. “The other place” is the expression used a) in Oxford to refer to Cambridge University. b) in Cambridge to refer to Oxford University. c) in England to refer to Paris University. Cambridge sent a challenge to Oxford” means a) Cambridge offered Oxford accommodation. b) Cambridge invited Oxford to a competition. c) Cambridge scholars said they received better education Oxford and Cambridge Universities 5. u, The University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge are the two oldest universities in Britain, and popular tourist destinations. However, nobody will be able to show a tourist the building of Oxford or Cambridge University. Both universities are just a name for two large groups of colleges situated in the cities of Oxford and Cambridge. Oxford is about forty years older than Cambridge. There is no exact foundation date, but the university is believed to have been founded around 1167. King Henry II, got fed up with English students going to Paris to be educated, and so the first English university was created. Cambridge was founded around 1209 by Oxford scholars after a bitter disagreement with local townsmen. 48 Unit 1 Lessons 14, 15 Oxford is uniquely beautiful. Its ancient buildings of honey-coloured stone are world-famous. Among these are Christ Church, which has been a site of religious worship since the seventh century, Tom Tower, built by Sir Christopher Wren, the Bridge of Sighs which makes everybody who sees it sigh, and many others. The heart of the university is perhaps the great Tudor dining hall at Christ Church College, where Charles I held sessions of parliament during the English Civil war, Elizabeth I watched a play, and Lewis Carroll thought over his ideas for Alice in Wonderland. This hall is the setting for some of the scenes in the Harry Potter films. Oxford and Cambridge, informally called Oxbridge, are considered to be equally good. They both take pride in a large number of the world’s most prominent scientists, writers, politicians and British prime ministers, who used to study there. However, there has always been a kind of friendly competition between the two universities, who usually refer to each other as “the other place”. The ultimate outcome of this competition is the Oxford and Cambridge boat race. The idea came to two friends, who happened to be students at Oxford and Cambridge respectively. On 12 March 1829 Cambridge sent a challenge to Oxford, and the tradition was born, and has continued to the present day. This legendary boat race is considered the world’s oldest sporting challenge, where every year the loser of the previous year’s race challenges the opposition to a re-match. 4 Mark these statements true, false or not stated if there's no information. 1. Oxford is not the oldest European university. 2. A lot of British prime ministers graduated from Cambridge. 3. Elizabeth I used to visit Cambridge. 4. All Cambridge teachers get educated in Cambridge. 5. Lewis Carroll used to live in Oxford. 6. Some Harry Potter scenes were filmed in the great Tudor dining hall 7. If Cambridge loses the Oxford and Cambridge boat race, it means that next year it will receive a challenge from Oxford. Do we need exams? Give reasons for and against. What should exams test? Why do a lot of clever people fail their exams? In what form would you prefer to take your exams? Write an essay (8-12 sentences). Uni i Lessons 14, 15 49 Homework « в 9 » e « • ♦ • # А Get ready for your project "A world of opportunities". 1. Choose a university you would like to get into. Your choice doesn’t have to be realistic. You can choose any university or college you like. 2. Give your reasons for choosing this particular university or college. 3. Give a brief history of your university or college and if possible illustrate it with some pictures. 4. Write about your university’s application procedures. 5. Describe the university’s admission requirements (exams, documents, references). 6. Say what faculty you would like to get into and why. Lessons 16, 17 Project "A world of opportunities'' ^ 1 J Present your project. 2 ) Listen to your classmates' presentations and assess each of them. a) Do you agree with the speaker? Did he/she have interesting/unusual ideas that surprised/impressed you? b) How good was the overall presentation? c) Were there any good pictures? Did the pictures help you understand the material better? d) Was the presentation informative enough? e) Had the speaker chosen an unusual or interesting form for his/her presentation? f) Were there any grammar mistakes? g) Were there any factual mistakes? 3 ) Discuss your presentations and choose the best ones. 50 Unit 1 Lessons 14, 15 ond 16, 17 / rve learned that your college friends become kind of family, you eat together, you take naps together, fight, laugh, cry, and do absolutely nothing together until you сапЧ remember how you ever lived your life without them in the first place. Author unknown Read the epigraph to the unit. How do you understand it? Try to predict what the unit is going to be about. The Participle (Причастие) Причастие в английском языке представляет собой неличную форму глагола, сочетающую свойства глагола, прилагательного и наречия. В русском языке оно соответствует причастию и деепричастию. Participle I (The Present Participle) (Причастие настоящего времени) Причастие I образуется с помощью прибавления окончания -ing к инфинитиву глагола без частицы to. Если глагол оканчивается на -е, то при прибавлении окончания -ing буква е отбрасывается; take — taking, give — giving. При прибавлении окончания -ing конечная согласная удваивается, если ей предшествует ударная гласная, стоящая в закрытом слоге: cut — cutting, begin — beginning. Uril 2 Lessens! 2 51 Если буква 1 является конечной, то при прибавлении окончания -ing она удваивается: travel — travelling. При прибавлении окончания -ing буквосочетание ie меняется на у: die — dying, tie — tying, lie — lying. • Причастие I может употребляться в функции определения к существительному. В этой функции Причастие I употребляется: a) перед определяемым словом и соответствует в русском языке действительному причастию настоящего времени, оканчивающемуся на -щий или -вший (сидящий, сидевший): The crying girl is ту friends’ daughter. I need to talk to her.— Плачущая девочка — дочь моих друзей. Мне нужно с ней поговорить. b) после определяемого слова: Не looked at the man sitting in front of him.— Он посмотрел на человека, сидевшего напротив него. • Причастие I выражает действие, одновременное с действием, выраженным глаголом-сказуемым: Suddenly he spotted an object lying in the grass.— Внезапно он увидел предмет, лежавший в траве. Гт looking at the children playing in the yard.— Я смотрю на детей, играющих во дворе. • В функции обстоятельства Причастие I соответствует в русском языке деепричастиям на -а, -я, -в (крича, идя, приехав): Reading а newspaper, she fell asleep.— Читая газету, она уснула. She left the room laughing.— Она вышла из комнаты, смеясь. Coming from Britain, she couldn’t drive in Italy. Приехав / Поскольку она приехала из Великобритании, она не могла водить машину в Италии. • Причастие I также часто используется для того, чтобы избежать повторения the Past Progressive в одном предложении несколько раз: She was cleaning the room singing. (She vvas cleaning the room and singing.) — Она убирала в комнате, напевая. .1^' Write the Russian equivalents of these sentences. 1. Speaking to her friend, she realised that she had forgotten something important. 2. Being a perfectionist, Derek always did his best to get the highest grades. 52 Unit 2 Lessens 1, 2 3. The girl, waiting for you, is a very old friend of mine. Please be nice to her. 4. The smiling woman near the window is a well-known writer. 5. My parents, watching their favourite film, were angry when I interrupted them. 6. Working in the centre of a big city, he rarely used his car. 7. Jim broke his leg playing football. 8. Ann ran to her house crying for help. 9. Jane was cleaning the floor singing to herself. 2 Complete the sentences with these expressions containing Participle I. laughing and greeting each other, rising, being a student, dancing, sleeping, speaking English, hearing the news 1. She always makes a lot of mistakes .... 2. Look at the ... girls. They are the best dancers in our village. 3. ..., the football fans were very disappointed. They expected a much better result. 4. ..., Alice had very little money. However, she was hoping to get a great job after graduation. 5. The ... sun made everybody cry with Joy. 6. The fairy tale about the ... beauty is one of my favourite stories. 7. People were hurrying to take their seats .... 3 Change the verbs in brackets to Participle I. Agree or disagree with these statements. Give your reasons. 1. (Know) the right answer, one should answer as quickly as possible. 2. (Smile) people make friends easily. 3. Students (graduate) from our local university, return to schools as teachers. 4. People (watch) soap operas are wasting their time. 5. (Come) to a new class, one has to learn and follow all the unwritten rules. 6. (Meet) people, it’s important to create a good impression. 7. (Be) good at school, one is sure to get into any university he chooses. 4 Rephrase these sentences using Participle I. 1. The girl, who is sitting next to me, has a very clever brother. He is in my class. 2. We walked into the room and found all our friends there. 3. When I was looking for my keys, I found a pair of glasses which had been lost for months. 4. While she was doing the shopping, she was talking on her mobile phone. Unit 2 Lessons 1, 2 53 5. While I was waiting for my train, I was reading a newspaper. 6. The man, who is looking at you, wants to introduce himself. 7. Because Sally is very proud, she will never accept your money. 8. Because Andrew comes from another town, he hasn’t got many friends yet. 5 There is a new message on the Camp Pineland website. Listen to the message and answer these questions. 1. Who recommended Natasha write to this website? 2. Why did Natasha write? 3. What information does Natasha need? 4. Why does she need this information? 6 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. tuition fees a foundation programme — программа no подготовке к поступлению в вуз IELTS — International English Language Testing System TOEFL — Test of English as a Foreign Language accommodation background knowledge to recognise smth/smb — зд. при знавать что-либо/кого-либо pricey There is a new message on the Camp Pineland forum. Read the message and the forum and give Russian equivalents for the words and expressions not translated in Ex. 6. N)Ot®sbeiK>7 www.community.livejournal.com/natashal07/ NatashalO? 8 March Hi everybody. My name is Natasha, and I live in Moscow. I have never been to your camp, but my friend Lisa Korolyova said you might be able to help me with some advice. The thing is, my father got a job in the UK and we are going to stay there for three years. My parents won’t let me stay at home alone, so I am going with them. I am leaving school here in Russia this year and it would be nice to go to a British college or a university. Looking at the admission rules, I found out that all British universities want applicants to have A-levels. But, 54 Unit 2 Lessens 1 2 being Russian, I haven’t, of course, got any! I have started my own blog in the livejournal, so if you have any information for me, please write to me at www.community.livejournal.com/natashal07/. TonyB Coming from Turkey, I had the same problem. There is an easy answer. There are so-called foundation programmes which you can join. You do this programme for about nine months, and after you finish, you can apply to practically any UK university. PrettyGirl Be careful choosing the place where you do your programme. The university you apply to, later may not recognise it. Make up your mind about which university you want to go to first, and then ask them what foundation programmes they want. Charlie305 Choose your university first. (IMHO) In our university we have our own foundation course called a Bridging Year. Students doing the Bridging Year are full members of the university, which is cool. Living on campus, you can use the same academic, social and sports facilities as other students. TonyB I did the programme called CFP (College Foundation Programme) in London. It allowed me to choose between a lot of universities. Check their FAQs. It’s pricey, though. It costs you about £7,500 just in tuition fees. SunnyJenny They all cost about the same. Try to save on accommodation, You can rent a small flat with other students. PrettyGirl In my time foreign students, studying in the UK, were allowed to work up to 20 hours a week. Check it out! You can use this opportunity to earn a bit of extra cash. Unir 2 Lessons 12 55 ^ ‘ V -, -t . t ■ W NatashalO? What are the requirements? Do people applying for this programme need to pass any English tests? Dancerboy There are no special requirements. Just good grades from your Russian school. In some places you’ll be expected to have achieved at least 5.5 in lELTS or 450 in TOEFL or to have successfully passed some other equivalent exam. However, there are places where English will be a part of your programme. SunnyJenny Dancerboy has no idea! You can take an intensive course in English, but that will be a separate programme. You will have to take Maths, Physics, History, Law, Psychology, etc all in English, so your English has to be good. Natashal07 Will I have to study Maths again?! I don’t think I’m good enough. And History... I’m not very good at British history. I don’t know what to do. TonyB Don’t panic! You can choose your major subjects. Unless it’s Sciences, it is possible to study them without any background knowledge. wiseturtle TonyB is right. Nobody on my course had a problem and we had students from all over the world. wiseturtle I did a CFP too. f^^The courses usually start in September, so be sure to apply before the end of July. They will need time to arrange for your visa and accommodation. 56 Unit 2 .essop- . 2 8 Look through the message and the comments and find the equivalents for these phrases. 1. ...because I am from Turkey... 2. ...students who studied in the UK... 3. people who want to do this course... 4. when I looked at the admission rules... 5. you have to be careful when you choose where to do your course... 6. because I come from Russia... 7. students who do their Bridging Year... 8. people who live on campus... 9 Translate the phrases you found for Ex. 8 into Russian. 10 Try to find out the meaning of these abbreviations. What are their Russian 11 equivalents? 1. FAQs a) Fine And Quiet Solutions b) Frequently Asked Questions c) Find Answers Quickly 2. IMHO a) In My Heart Only b) I Must Hurry Out c) In My Humble Opinion 3. FYI a) For Your Information b) Funny Yellow Ink c) Friends You And I Read the comments again and try to answer these FAQs about the College FoiinrlnHon Pronramme tCFPl. Foundation Programme (CFP). 1. What qualifications do 1 need to join the CFP? 2. Do many universities recognise the CFP? 3. Can you help me arrange accommodation? 4. Can you help me with my student visa? 5. When can 1 start the CFP? 6. How long is the CFP? 7. What will I study on the CFP? 8. Which countries do CFP students come from? 9. How much does the CFP cost? 10. Can I get part-time work while doing my CFP? 11. Does it matter if I haven’t studied the major subjects before? 12. Do I need lELTS results to be accepted for the CFP? Unit 2 Lessons 1,2 57 roWER Words easily confused 12 ; Choose the correct alternative. _ 1. I’d like to (borrow / lend) your umbrella. Do you mind? 2. I’ve never (learnt/studied) to swim. Can you believe it? 3. Is that the man who (robbed /stolen) the bank? 4. I can (say/tell) her that she won’t be able to go on holiday with us. 5. Can I (bring/take) Sam to your birthday party? 6. I’m afraid I’ve (left/forgotten) my mobile phone at home. 7. Did you (look/see) Jane? She’s been out for quite a while! 8. You should buy what you need now. The prices are going to (rise/raise) next month. 9. I’ll (lie / lay) the table and you can put the pizza in the oven. 10. She (went/came) to England last Tuesday. We’re missing her. 11. He (heard/listened to) somebody crying at 5 a.m. It worried him. 12. Why don’t you (sit/seat) next to me? There’s plenty of (place/room) here. 13. Has Kate (come back/gone)? I can’t wait for her any longer. 14. You’ll have to (do/make) your homework by this evening. 13 Listen to the speaker and check your answers. Homework ' Give Russian equivalents for the following sentences. 1. Sleeping in the tent, everybody got really cold. 2. Knowing the right answer, she smiled happily. 3. The man, parking his car by the shop, is going to get into trouble with the police. 4. Stand away from the working machine. It may be dangerous. 5. Kyle was sitting there, fighting sleep. He refused to go to bed. 6. Thinking about your question, I realised that there is an easy answer to it, В ) Make the sentences shorter, using participles. Model; The man who is talking to Mary is her brother.— The man talking to Mary is her brother. 1. Because Jacob was the youngest son, he got all the attention of his huge family. 58 Unif 2 Lessons 1, 2 2. When the dog smelled meat, it jumped up with joy. 3. Look at the children, who are playing over there! 4.1 was doing my homework and 1 was listening to music when my parents came in. 5. Because she spoke good English, she was able to find a job really quickly. 6. The people, who are helping us to paint the house, are very professional. Look through the texts in Ex. 7 again and mark the statements below as true, false or not stated. 1. Russian students can get into British universities straight after school. 2. The Bridging Year is the same as a foundation programme. 3. A foundation programme is rather expensive. 4. Foreign students are allowed to work in the UK. 5. A foundation programme takes as long as an academic year at school. 6. People who do their foundation programme at universities get accommodation on campus with other students. 7. People from most countries can do a foundation programme. 8. Some universities don’t recognise the results of a foundation programme. 9. On the foundation programme one always has to study Maths. D Complete the sentences with the right words and expressions. tuition fees, accommodation, save, recognised, campus, apply 1. I am looking for a job to be able to pay my .... A year at my university costs about £4,000. 2.1 was lucky to have found great .... We live twenty minutes from the campus, but our flat is bigger and cheaper than the one we could have got there. 3. Our university has a huge ... . It includes five main buildings, a sports centre, three libraries, a park and a lake. 4. Being a student, I have to ... on a lot of things. Even breakfast at McDonald’s is too expensive for me. 5. TOEFL and lELTS results are ... by most universities in the world. 6. A friend of mine is going to ... for a job as soon as he graduates. E Write down a few suggestions for those who want to study in the UK after school. \Jr\\2 ',0550=5 1.2 59 The Participle (продолжение) Participle II (The Past Participle) Причастие II (Причастие прошедшего времени) • Причастие II правильных глаголов образуется с помощью прибавления окончания -ed к инфинитиву глагола без частицы to. Неге is the book devoted to his grandfather.— Вот книга, посвященная его деду. • Причастие II неправильных глаголов по типу образования совпадает с III формой глагола: She read an e-mail sent by her son.— Она прочитала письмо, посланное ее сыном. • Причастие II пассивно по значению. Если Причастие II употребляется в предложении в функции определения, то оно соответствует в русском языке причастиям, оканчивающимся на -мый, -ный, -тый, -шийся, -вшийся: The тай, delivered in the morning, was very important.— Корреспонденция, доставленная утром, была очень важной. • Если Причастие II употребляется в предложении в функции обстоятельства, то оно переводится причастным оборотом или придаточным предложением времени или причины: Lost in the woods, he could not find the way home.— Потерявшись в лесу, он не мог найти дорогу домой. Having been sent by e-mail, the information was received very quickly.— Поскольку информацию послали по электронной почте, то она была получена очень быстро. Met at the station, he looked tired and upset.— Когда его встретили на станции, он выглядел уставшим и расстроенным. 1 ) Give Russian equivalents for these sentences. 1. Unread newspapers were left on the table. 2. The teacher, upset by the results of our test, gave us a lot of homework, 3. Left alone, the boy ate everything he could find. 4. A man called Ron is going to come to help. 5. The tree, broken in the storm, lay in your garden for a year. 60 Urit 2 Lessons 3, 4 6. spoken to so kindly, the poor little girl raised her eyes and smiled. 7. Caught in the act by the police, the criminal looked miserable and tired 8. Asked to come earlier, he arrived an hour in advance of the meeting. 9. The milk, opened yesterday, is still fresh. Change the Russian verb in brackets into an English verb in the Participle form. 1. (Купить) in the sale, the bag was extremely cheap. 2. The chair (ломать) by your children, was one hundred years old. 3. (Ободрять) by his friends, Rork climbed a high tree. 4. When (спрашивать) about this accident, she never said a word. 5. (Ипугать) to death, the boy ran home screaming. 6. (Сделать) of stone, this house has stood here for centuries. 7. (Помещать) into water, this stone cannot be seen. Before you read the text, try to match these terms with their definitions below. There is more than one match for some of the terms. 1. blog 2. to blog 3. blogosphere 4. bloggers 5. nick 6. avatar a) a person’s Internet name b) an online diary c) an online community d) to write on the web e) to post information online 0 a social network g) people who write blogs h) a web log i) a picture chosen to represent the user in virtual reality • Mi ^ Л •L '* * • r * • • • 4 ^ ^ NICK $ ¥ GER Unit 2 Lessors 3 4 61 4 ) Answer the questions using your own experience. 1. What’s a blog? 2. What kind of people do you think write blogs? 3. What is the content of a typical blog? M Дммтрм* Mtwcw»* UftIverWty of Смея jL-ri#* * ' a ^ V fi % f «fit •.m Ал • Я --- It • www.blog.kremiin.ru ♦ ^ ' MU|« 1 www.facebook.com 5 Read the information about blogs and check your ideas. Blog www.blog.info A blog is short for weblog (the same as website). Often it’s a type of online diary or commentary posted by a blogger, a person who writes a blog. Used as a verb, “to blog” means to add content to a blog. Bloggers write about their experiences, post pictures, videos or music which impressed them and which they want to share with others. One of the main characteristics of a blog is that it’s public, and readers are supposed to leave comments, start a discussion or offer help. Bloggers share their private life with others, but they can remain anonymous. Instead of real names and images, bloggers often use nicks and avatars, which become their identities in cyberspace. Bloggers form social networks and communities called the blogosphere. Unlimited by distance, money, race and social status, bloggers can get in touch with anybody in the world. A New York taxi driver may become Brad Pitt’s favourite blogger, a life of a housewife can get more attention than the latest celebrity marriage. Some blogs, read by thousands of people, get really famous and even get published as books. Bloggers become influential writers and political commentators — their opinions matter. This way of communicating is getting more and more popular. Even the President of this country finds the time to write his own blog and share his thoughts with fellow bloggers. 62 Unit 2 Lessens 3 4 С*»»Н4А«еим1 VOU V9»f^<4^«0t>tCOfTimgf%': i..v:-^.s“»i: In(6m«ti0<4i ACCOU^tirjg OtgiO« tH*i pm' (meotff « o»nlvt«d) 1 w«5 wond«nr»9 if myonm knows of • c$»gr»« th«t rs mcomatJonatV rtcogntxod m lh« Md of ACCOuntrtg Ш1 lh« Mftftors (p\^' Sompthtfig thpt «Kludps both GaaP *nd IFRS (or if mpyb« th«r» is ш fppcipV'S«pVPtP coftificAtP «1 such Ш tbng?) if pt «I possibtp t pm tNrkv^ of 9«ttv4 or MAc or CMA (wtf Acronyms of COnhiSiOr ..HALPI), Prrd trpfnftmng to P puropppn country for my ftnpl spmostpr. Thus Pnpbiog mt i yppr to try pnd spcurt шоЛ m p rplptPd Ш6 thprp, pnd hpv* pn ppstpr trpnsit»or) to rpsKipncY Thpnks •> pdvpncpi I «-Т C ^tX. ttt}l|ll;32 pm; W4 you tpB mp about Wtng m Toronto? tVn moving thprt m Э months h'om vpncouvtr for school СЖ^С East copst or wpst Coast and why? & hrr«pVf4 9f Jt M tf a tf Q H Ч m Ш n W9 A month has passed since I came to the University. The campus is my home now. I get up and go to the lectures which are always interesting and informative. The lecturers give us handouts with everything they say during the lecture, so we do not have to waste our time on writing. Instead we can participate and have endless discussions. We already know the topics for our assignments, but nobody has started writing them yet. The teachers do not ask about them either. They are always happy to help, but only if we ask them to. We still have a month before the first deadline, so we are all enjoying ourselves and our local pub called “The Top Bar” is full every evening. Lessons 5, 6 Щ0 Forms of the Participle (Формы причастия) Причастие имеет форму времени и залога. Переходные глаголы имеют две формы причастия действительного залога и три формы причастия страдательного залога: Participle I (The Present Participle) Participle II (The Past Participle) The Perfect Participle Active (действительный залог) using — использующий having used -использовав Passive (страдательный залог) being used — используемый used — использованный having been used -после того как использовали 66 Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4 and 5 6 " The Perfect Participle Active (Совершенное причастие действительного залога) образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to have в форме Present Participle — (having) и основного глагола в форме the Past Participle (III форма глагола). The Perfect Participle Active соответствует в русском языке деепричастию совершенного вида, оканчивающеьтуся на -в или -я: having phoned — позвонив, having done — сделав, having found — найдя. The Perfect Participle Active употребляется в причастных оборотах и выражает действие, предшествующее действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым. Такие обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям причины и времени с глаголом-сказуемым в форме the Past Perfect: Having told her the truth, he felt better. After he had told her the truth, he felt better.) — Сказав ей правду (После того как он сказал ей правду), он почувствовал себя лучше. Having parked the car, he went home. (—After he had parked the car, he went home.) — Припарковав машину (После того как он припарковал машину), он отправился домой. • The Perfect Participle Passive (Совершенное причастие страдательного залога) образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в форме the Perfect Participle (having been) и основного глагола в форме the Past Participle (III форма глагола). Для перевода the Perfect Participle Passive на русский язык используется придаточное предложение: Having been signed, the contract ivas paid.— После того как контракт подписали, он был оплачен. 1 ' Give Russian equivalents for the following sentences. 1. Having painted a new picture, Dali used to show it to his wife. 2. Having been counted, the children started to board the plane. 3. Having been sold, the dress was removed from the window. 4. Having lived in a little village all his life, he found his daughter’s city flat too noisy. 5. She closed the door, having left the key in the room. 6. Having been invited to the party, the girls spent all weekend getting 7. Having read the book before, he decided not to buy it. ready. Uni» 2 Lessons 5. 6 67 Natasha wrote a new post for her blog, but a virus ruined the text. Read Natasha^ blog and put the events in the right order. www.community.livejournal.com/natashal07/ NatashalO? a) Having written to the university, I got an otter from them. b) Having read all the advice of my fellow bloggers, I started searching the Internet for a good foundation programme. I have chosen to do a Bridging Year at the University of Essex. TNX for your help and advice. c) However, Dad, having been warned by Mum, was wonderful. He promised me all his help even if he has to take a loan from a bank. He’s great, isn’t he? d) Having spoken to Mum, I realised how short of money our family is going to be and how difficult it is to finance the whole project. e) Sorry about all the perfect participles. We are doing them at school at the moment. Collegeknowledge I think you need to know all these participles are more often used in books. In real life “Having been told about the problems. Dad agreed to help.” = When he was told about the problems. Dad agreed to help. “Having finished the book” = After finishing the book. Hope that helps! Use the tip from Natasha's fellow blogger and match the sentences meaning the same. 1. Having eaten fish and chips, we ordered some ice cream. a) After eating fish and chips, we asked for some ice cream. b) Eating fish and chips we asked for some ice cream. 2- Having been bullied as a child, the man became very aggressive when he grew up. a) Bullied as a young boy, the man became very aggressive when he grew up. b) Bullying children, the man became very aggressive when he grew up. 68 Unif 2 Lessons 5, 6 3. Having been left alone, the cat jumped out of the window. a) Left alone, the cat jumped out of the window. b) Leaving alone, the cat jumped out of the window. 4. Having cleaned the room, she decided to have some rest. a) Cleaning the room, she decided to have some rest. b) After cleaning the room, she decided to have some rest. 5. Having had some rest, we went to the cinema. a) We went to the cinema after having some rest. b) We decided to have some rest in the cinema. 6. After it was washed and dried, the dress looked great. a) Washing and drying the dress makes it look new. b) Washed and dried, the dress looked great. 7. Having read the letter, the man became very pale and asked for some water. a) The man became very pale and asked for some water after reading the letter. b) The man, reading the letter, became very pale and asked for some water. Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. to access smth to provide smth — предос] to access smth free (of charge) — бесплатный charge — плата to charge smb for smth rent — аренда to rent smth to be short of smth — не хватать чего-либо to let smth — сдавать что-либо в наем space — пространство heating — отопление laundry — стирка а launderette — прачечная само обслуживания а bill — счет to afford smth — позволять себе что-либо to provide smth — предоставлять, обеспечивать что-либо а kitchen-diner — кухня-столовая belongings — вещи, пожитки to grab — зд. наспех перехватить to aim — иметь целью to vote — голосовать еп suite (bathroom) — ванная ком ната, примыкающая к спальне purpose-built — построенный с определенной целью self-catered — предоставляющий возможность самостоятельно готовить communal -commited — - зд. общий преданный идее Unit 2 Lessons 5, 6 69 Is this information true about you/ your family/ your city? Correct the statements which are not true. 1. You have never rented a flat. 2. You are saving up for something you can’t afford yet. 3. In your family you are responsible for paying all the bills on time. 4. Heating doesn’t cost much in your city. 5. The Internet providers in your city usually charge a lot of money. 6. This year you are constantly short of time. 7. You get your school textbooks free of charge. 8. Your family usually rents holiday accommodation. 9. You share a room with your brother/sister. Read the university leaflet and give Russian equivalents for the words not translated in Ex. 4. University of Essex i0iiai(WVr уттишиг The Colchester Campus at the University of Essex is located two miles away from Colchester, Britain’s oldest recorded town and its former Roman capital. There are several bus services which run from the campus to the town centre which take about 10-15 minutes. You are guaranteed accommodation on the campus in your first year. In your second and third years, you will be expected to find privately rented accommodation. AH our accommodation is modern and purpose-built, and the majority of it is situated on our Colchester Campus. All our accommodation consists of bedrooms, grouped in self-contained flats of varying sizes, with communal kitchen-dining facilities. All accommodation is networked so you can use your computer to access the internet and University network from your room free of charge. 70 Unii 2 Lessens 5 6 Charges for University-owned accommodation include heating, hot water, and cleaning of communal areas, and vary from £70 for standard accommodation to £ 100 for en suite accommodation per week. Rooms are normally let for the full 39-week period of the academic year from early October to the end of June. This means that, even if you are away from the University during the winter and spring vacations, you do not have to remove your belongings from your room. Accommodation is also available in the long summer vacation for students who need it. Our students comment on how much they enjoy their time living on campus and we were recently voted “Best University Halls”. We are committed to providing an environment for living and learning, and aim to do everything we can to ensure that your time with us in your new home is an experience you will never forget. All our accommodation is self-catered, with each flat having fully equipped kitchen-diners. There is a large supermarket within close walking distance, which makes it easy to have total independence and offers you the chance to develop your cooking skills. However, if you want a break from cooking, there are plenty of options available to you on campus. You can relax with the daily papers and a coffee in one of our many caf6s, grab a quick snack between lectures from our bakery, or have a full three-course meal in one of the four restaurants. The Towers Soulhll These are the rooms with a view! Our Towers are a very popular choice. They are particularly enjoyed by students who like to meet as many fellow students as possible. The location is very central so you are only five minutes away from the centre of campus with its caf6s, bars, restaurants, shops and banks. Each flat has 13-16 rooms with a large, shared kitchen-diner area, showers and toilets. The flats are large enough to have a diverse feel with a great mixture of students — yet small enough to have a real community atmosphere. The charge for the Towers accommodation ranges from £64.75 to £68.11 per week. Unit 2 Lessof!-'5 6 Ч ш • ^ -.Jp.-*^ ,-1}Ц s^,- -> South Courts These are the largest development on campus and typically have either six or eight rooms per flat. All rooms have an en suite bathroom with modern kitchen facilities to share. They are all situated around central courtyards offering an excellent meeting point. South Courts are only a five minute walk away from central campus but offer a quieter life than living in the Towers, as you share with fewer people and have your own bathroom. The charge for South Courts accommodation is £104.93 per week. Look through the leaflet and mark these statements true^ false or not stated 1. The university campus is in the centre of Colchester. 2. Living on campus, one can mix with people from all over the world. 3. Students are guaranteed accommodation on the campus in their first year. 4. People, living in the Towers, get a lovely view of the whole campus. 5. A university flat may accommodate up to sixteen people. 6. Living in the Towers, one can get up five minutes before the first lecture and still be on time. 7. Students, living in the Towers, have to share a kitchen, bathrooms and toilets. 8. Every unit of university accommodation contains a large kitchen for people to cook their own food. 9. Students in the Towers have to clean the kitchen by themselves. 10. There is a bank, a bakery, some shops and restaurants on the campus. 72 Unit 2 Lessons 5. 6 11. There are extra charges for the Internet connection in the Towers. 12. In the Towers it is much noisier than in South Courts. 13. Accommodation on the campus is also available during summer vacation. 14. A computer is provided in every university room. 15. South Courts are cheaper than the Towers. 16. South Courts are not as central as the Towers. 17. Residents of South Courts may have to queue for the shower in the morning. 18. The lowest accommodation charge for an academic year is about £2,700. 8 Complete the following summary to help Natasha understand the information. 1. The campus is ... from the centre of Colchester. 2. Students can get to the town center .... 3. South Courts are ... than the Towers. 4. The difference between South Courts and the Towers is that .. 5. Living on campus, one has to expect to pay the minimum of .. accommodation charges. . in What would you say in these situations? Use the words and expressions in the brackets. Model: You want to say that you live in a flat with your brother, (to share) -/ share a flat with my brother. 1. You want to know how much you will have to pay for the flat, (rent) 2. You want to say that you have very little money, (short of) 3. You want to find out if your friend has enough money to buy a pair of jeans, (to afford) 4. You want to find out if the people, inviting you, will find you somewhere to live, (to take care of accommodation) 5. You want to make sure you don’t have to pay for the drinks, (free of charge) 6. You want to know if the flat is occupied at the moment, (to rent) 7. You want to pay for your Internet use, but you can’t find the document you got from the provider, (bill) 8. You have had lunch in a cafe. You want to pay. (bill) 9. You didn’t use the heating and you don’t want to pay for it. (to charge) Unit 2 Lessons 5. 6 73 1 о Complete the sentences with the right parts of speech. Use suffixes or prefixes if necessary. Model: This flat will be RENTED to students.— RENT 1. Alice has a nice house to ... . LET 2.1 got this book at a very ... price. AFFORD 3. My Internet ... is one of the cheapest in our city. PROVIDE 4. I think I shouldn’t be ... for the gas. I never use it. CHARGE 5. ... a flat in London, will usually cost you a fortune. RENT 6. Everybody should leave the ... kitchen tidy. SHARE 7. Having ... to the Internet, is a huge advantage for every type of accommodation. ACCESS Homework A Look through the leaflet in Ex. 6 and find the sentences containing the participles and the gerund forms. Translate these sentences into Russian. В Translate these sentences into Russian. 1. Having lived in the Towers for two years, I found it hard to get used to my new off campus accommodation. 2. Having read the book, he lent it to his best friend. 3. Having paid all the bills, Mary was surprised to receive another bill from the electricity company. 4. Having been checked, all the documents were sent to the university. 5. Having been let for three years, the flat looked awful. 6. Having rented an expensive house, the friends started to think about whether they could afford it. C Translate the sentences into English. 1. Эта квартира сдается внаем. 2. Мы не можем позволить себе платить за высшее образование. 3. Оплата отопления и электричества входят в стоимость жилья. 4. В этой комнате живу я и мой друг. 5. Еда будет бесплатная. 6. Я не возьму с вас плату за жилье, если вы будете убирать в доме. 7. Квартира сдается с ноября по март. 8. Вы получили счет за электричество? 9. Эта информация была предоставлена мне директором фирмы. 74 Urit2 Lessons 5. 6 D ) Complete the sentences using the right word. 1. A lot of people prefer to ... a flat instead of buying their own. 2. Tea and coffee was ... by the hotel, so we didn’t have to go down to the restaurant. 3. There was no ... bathroom, which was a big disadvantage. We won’t stay in that hotel again. 4. All kinds of ... in the Crimea get a lot more expensive in summer. 5. He found a job in another city and ... his house for two years. 6. Jane can ... a holiday. She has been working day and night all these years. 7. Ann is in difficult situation. She will have to borrow money to pay all her .... 8. Don’t ... the student for losing the book. It has been found and returned. E ) Continue writing your blog. Write at least 5-6 sentences. / ^ Lessons 7, 8 прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -ing (interesting, boring), описывают людей или предметы: The trip was exciting. Прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -ed (interested, bored), используются для того, чтобы описать чувства людей: I felt excited about the trip. 1 ) Use these words to form the adjectives: interest, bore, embarrass, shock, thrill, frighten, disgust, amaze, annoy, please, disappoint, challenge, excite, tire, motivate, reward Express your opinion about the following things and people, using adjectives ending in -ing. Then say how they make you feel using adjectives ending in -ed. Model: I think horror films are exciting. They make me feel excited. horror films, cleaning the house, romantic novels, pop songs, pink clothes, poetry, football matches on TV, travelling, going to exhibitions, plays, dangerous sports, classical music, cooking, film stars, revising for exams, fashionable clothes, the latest news that everybody is talking about Unit 2 Lessors 5, 6 ord 7 8 75 2 Read Natasha's blog and say what her main problem is. *> www.community.livejournal.com/natashal07/ NatashalO? 10 May I need to make up my mind on accommodation ASAP. Should I live on campus or look for private accommodation in town? What do you think? The following points are important. 1. I’m terribly short of money, so I can’t afford any extra costs. 2. I’ll need to find a part-time job to be able to finance the whole thing. 3. I’d like to arrive in July. 4. I’m planning to study as much as possible. 3 Work in groups. look at Natasha's blog and say what each point of her letter means. Model: I ’m planning to study as much as possible.— It means that Natasha will need to be near the libraries. She will also need some peace and quiet to concentrate. 4 What do you think about living on campus or in your own private accommodation? Choose the correct verb form in the brackets and express your opinion by choosing an on or off option. Model: I think living on/off campus is more (interesting/interested). — I think living on campus is more interesting. 1. I would be (thrilling/thrilled) to live on/off campus. 2. It would be much more (exciting/excited) to live on/off campus. 3. People who live on/off campus are simply (frightening/frightened) of responsibility. 4. Living on/off campus is a bit (boring/bored). 5. Living on/off campus, one gets a lot of (annoying/annoyed) neighbours. 6. The food offered by canteens on/off campus is often (disgusting/ disgusted). 7. Students living on/off campus more often feel (embarrassing/ embarrassed) after some wild weekend parties. 8. Dealing with all the on/off campus problems can be a (shocking/shocked) experience. 76 Unit 2 Lessons 7. 8 5 Look through the leaflet in Ex. 6 again and point out the advantages of living on campus. 6 Work in groups. Can these advantages become disadvantages? How? Write down your ideas. 7 Listen to two university students, Bryan and Diana, and say what they are talking about, and whether they agree or disagree. Summarise their positions in a single sentence (one for each student). 8 Listen to the students again and compare their arguments with the ones you wrote down for Ex. 4 and 5. 9 Who says these words: Bryan or Diana? 97 1. “You feel protected.” 2. “You feel responsible.’ 3. “You are within walking distance.” 4. “Your housemates affect your studies.” 5. “You mix with students with similar interests.” 6. “You’ll grow up more independent.’ 7. “You are in the midst of everything.’ 8. “Just sitting in the lobby may become a fun activity.’ 79 77 77 10 Listen once more and say whose position is reflected in these statements. Some opinions are held by both Bryan and Diana. Some of these statements don't reflect anybody's opinion. 1. Finding the right accommodation is very important. 2. Living on campus, one has everything one needs very close by. 3. Campus accommodation is a place where one makes friends for life. 4. Students, living in private accommodation, have more responsibilities. 5. Students, living on campus, feel looked after. 6. People from different countries may find it difficult to understand each other. 7. Living away from home for the first time can be difficult. 8. Students are supposed to study as well as have fun. 9. Living off campus makes life more difficult. 10. There are a lot of rules and regulations that students, living on campus, must follow. Unil 2 Lessons 7. 8 77 11. Students, living off campus, will find it harder to participate in weekend activities. 12. It is important to be able to choose one’s flatmates. 13. Having spoken to the other people before renting a house with them, one can be sure that they’ll become friends. 14. Students from different countries may get upset by each other’s eating habits. 15. It is important not just to study, but to get ready for an independent grown-up life. 11 } Which points do you agree/disagree with? Give your arguments. Which points mentioned by the students surprised you? Homework A ) Choose the correct verb form in the brackets. Then translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Going to watch this film was an (amazed / amazing) experience. 2. Whenever I visit this museum, I am always (impressing/impressed). 3. Why are you (boring/bored)? — I hate dancing. 4. Having watched this horror film, I felt (disgusting/disgusted). 5. Having been punished, the boy felt (embarrassing/embarrassed). 6. This woman is (interesting/interested) in the latest book by Kelly J. В Complete the sentences with a suitable word or expression. Use the audioscript of Ex. 7 for help. NatashalOZ www.community.livejournal.com/natashal07/ Bryan: I... with students choosing to live off campus. In my opinion, the first huge ... is that a student, living in a private house, can choose his or her .... This is a very important factor, because the people, you live with, affect both your social life and your .... Living on campus, a student usually does not have this choice. It all sounds fine in the university leaflets, but in reality.so many people from different countries and cultures often causes stress. Everything from eating habits to 78 Unit 2 Lessons 7, 8 X the way of socialising and celebrating may lead to misunderstandings, ... and .... Another thing is that living off campus means that students set their own rules in their house. They do not have to follow the strict... introduced by the university. They can come home late at night,........in the middle of the week or ... guests to stay for a weekend. Finally, living off campus with all the ... to pay and problems to ... will make people grow up quicker. One becomes more responsible, ... and .... Diana: There are undoubtedly certain limits that must be accepted if a student ... to live on campus, but it is safer, ... and much more interesting. Yes, your flatmates can be a problem, but learning how to share limited space with others will ... you to deal with people later in life. At the same time you get the opportunity to mix with other students who have......and to exchange useful information and experiences with them. By the end of a year, simply sitting in the lobby of your building might be a ....., because you can see and talk to your friends and neighbours as they pass through. Many ... and.......take place at the weekend, making it worthwhile for students to live ... campus. When you live ... campus, you find that you are in the midst of... you need. You find that you are close to libraries, computer labs, large study rooms for group study or meetings, the student health centre, the student book shop, and classroom buildings. Whatever......., you are already within ... distance. You ... protected. If you have a problem, there will be a lot of people ready to .... You don’t have to deal with contracts and bills. You can ... on your studies, which is what you are at university for. C Continue writing your blog. Write at least 4—6 sentences. Unit 2 Lessons T; 8 79 Lessons 9, 10 The Complex Object with Participle II (Оборот сложное дополнение с причастием прошедшего времени) Оборот сложное дополнение с причастием прошедшего времени представляет собой сочетание существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в объектном падеже с причастием прошедшего времени. Оборот объектный падеж с причастием прошедшего времени употребляется: ® после глаголов, выражающих желание: / want the dress washed.— Я хочу, чтобы платье постирали. She wanted the car fixed.— Она хотела, чтобы машину починили. В этом случае также возможно употребление оборота сложное дополнение с инфинитивом в форме страдательного залога: / want the dress washed. = / want the dress to be washed. She wanted the car fixed. = She wanted the car to be fixed. • после глаголов to have / to get: ril have my watch repaired next week.— Мне починят часы на следующей неделе. She expected to get her jeans shortened by Monday.— Она ожидала, что ее джинсы укоротят к понедельнику. • после глаголов to watch, to notice, to feel, to see, to hear: I saw this door closed.— Я видел, как закрыли эту дверь. I often hear ту пате mispronounced.— Я часто слышу, как неправильно произносят мое имя. 1 } Translate the sentences into Russian describing them correctly. Model: Match the pictures with the sentences z7~i nH Jessica is washing her hair. ГУ1 Jessica is having her hair washed. 80 Uni 2 Lessons 9 10 f 1 ■ ‘ii i •Ч I I Tom is cleaning his shoes. I I Tom is getting his shoes cleaned. I I Kyle is washing his car. I I Kyle is having his car washed. Peter is fixing his computer. Peter is getting his computer fixed, I I Fred has broken his bicycle. I I Fred has had his bicycle broken, Unif 2 Lessons 9. 10 81 What are the people in the illustrations saying? Who is going to do things in each case? Model: Clean this dress please, (dress/clean) — The girl wants her dress cleaned. Clean this dress, please. Invite Mr Brown and Mr Chang to our corporate party. 82 Unit 2 lessons 9 10 3 Is this information true for you/ your family / your friends? Correct the statements which are not true. 1. I usually cook my breakfast. 2.1 usually get my lunch cooked. 3. My father normally has his car fixed. 4. My mother sometimes cuts her hair. 5. We often get our holidays planned. 6.1 wash my own clothes. 7. My friend often gets his homework checked by his dad before handing it in. 8. If something is broken, I repair it. 9. I often have my nails done. 4 Which of these things are not done for you, but you would like them to be? cut hair, do homework, cook dinner, wash clothes, clean the room, buy new clothes, answer phone calls, walk the dog Model: I usually clean the room myself, but I would really like to have it cleaned for me. Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. a landlord — хозяин жилья, сдающегося внаем (домовладелец) а tenant — жилец (а) condition — 1 условие, 2 состояние а deposit — зд. залог за возможный ущерб имуществу или невыплату арендной платы, обычно возвращаемый в конце аренды to add up — составлять в сумме to negotiate — торговаться А fellow blogger shared her experience with Natasha. Listen to her and say what advice she gives. a) start early b) always see the place before moving in c) get yourself a car d) decide what you want in a house e) try to negotiate 0 find out what is included in the rent g) find a friend to share the house with Un.! 2 Lessons 9. 10 83 Read through the blogger's advice to Natasha and mark the statements true, false or not stated. 1. People looking for accommodation usually do so without their parents’ help. 2. For some people it’s important to have their own bathroom. 3. Location is one of the key factors which will help you save money. 4. The rent of £40 per week with no bills included is your chance to save a lot of money. 5. If a landlord promises to have something repaired, ask him to put it in the contract. 6. You shouldn’t rent a house you haven’t seen. 7. Staffordshire terriers are dangerous to live with. 8. If one rents a house with a garden, one may have to look after it. 9. Buses and trains don’t cost much. 10. It is important to be able to lock your room when you leave. NatashalOZ www.communily.livejournal.com/natashal07/ OK! You’re on your own here. There’s no Mummy doing all the Sunny Jenny ^ searching for you and asking all the right questions. So how on earth do you find a house? Don’t panic: everyone’s in the same boat. You need to begin by making a list of what you want in a house. For instance, do you want a bath or will just a shower be OK? Do you want a washing machine (my advice — YES — launderettes are a nightmare and you can’t afford to have things cleaned for you). Are you OK with sharing a bathroom or do you want an en suite of your own? You also need to think about where your house is located — bus and train fares can add up to a lot of money. When you finally find a place that sounds good and is not going to cost you a fortune, go and see it. Never believe anybody, even if the person says he or she lived there last year. Sometimes a place sounds perfect, but the minute you walk through the door, you understand you can’t live there. And sometimes a place doesn’t sound thrilling, but you’ll probably fall in love with it the moment you see it. I’ll never forget how 84 Un ‘ 2 lessons 9. 0 а friend of mine went to view a flat which she was supposed to share with an old lady and her lovely little dog. When she went inside, she saw a huge Staffordshire terrier, so she was glad she checked before moving in. Secondly, make sure you take with you a list of questions you want to ask. Will you have to pay the rest of the rent if the other rooms aren’t filled? How big is the deposit and will it be returned at the end of your rent? Is there a garden — are you responsible for it? Are the rooms lockable? Is the house in good condition? If the landlord promises to have things repaired, get his promises included in the contract. There are also a few things you should look out for: what is included in the rent and how much are the extra bills? So if you’ve found a house for £40 a week, but it doesn’t cover any bills — you aren’t going to save money, especially if the other rooms are empty. Don’t forget that the rent must be agreed before the contract. Before you sign, you can negotiate with the landlord to get better conditions and save money. Always try to get your contract checked and remember to get a copy of it! And most of all, start looking early because, as I’ve already said, we’re all in the same boat, so there ’ll be hundreds of students looking for accommodation. Ч 8 ) Look through the blogger^s advice and find phrases meaning the following. 1. Make sure someone else reads your contract as well. 2. The landlord promises to find somebody to repair the things that are out of order. 3. It’s too expensive for you to use a cleaning service. 9 j Who might say these words: a landlord or a tenant? 1. I’ll have this room painted. 2.1 want to have this contract checked before I sign it. 3. I’ll get the roof repaired. 4. I’ll always clean the room. 5. I’ll have the grass cut before you move in. 6. I’d like to have a washing machine installed. I Oj Work in groups. Imagine that you are students looking for accommodation. Write a list of questions which you'll need answers to before making up your mind. II у Prepare a short guide to looking for accommodation to rent. Unit 2 Lessons 9 Ю 85 Homework J Translate these sentences into Russian. 1. I need to have this room cleaned. 2. Jack has to fix the table quickly. The guests are coming. 3. Where did you get your hair cut? It looks awful. 4. Simon had his car fixed, but it broke down again. 5. “Why did you leave all your shirts on the floor?” — “To have them washed! 6. My friend always cleans his bicycle on Sundays. В J Match the sentences with the people that are more likely to say them 1. secretary/director a) I’ll send this letter tomorrow. b) I’ll have this letter sent tomorrow. 2. user/computer specialist a) I’ll fix this computer in no time. b) I’ll need to have this computer fixed as soon as possible. 3. user/computer specialist a) I’ll install Windows. b) I’ll have Windows installed. 4. customer/cleaner a) I want to get this room cleaned in an hour. b) I am going to clean this room now. C } Go on writing your blog. Write at least 4-6 sentences. Lessons 11,12 »vtic . *b 1 ) Listen to the words and repeat them after the speaker. property available - собственность — доступно, имеется в наличии negotiable — могущий быть предметом торга essential spacious обязательный просторный 86 Unit 2 Lessons 9 lOard П 12 Natasha has found some adverts for accommodation and has posted them on her blog for her fellow bloggers to look at. Read the first advert and answer the questions. Support your answers with the information from the advert. 1. Who does the property belong to? 2. What does the rent include? 3. What is not included in the rent? 4. Will this house be cheaper than campus accommodation? 5. Do you think the rooms in the house are big? 6. Do you think the house is in very good condition? 7. On what condition can the house be rented? 8. Is the rent negotiable? 9. How much is the deposit? NatashalOZ www.communify.livejournal.com/natashal07/ X Advert 1 Landlord: Jerry Petterson A cosy house Address: Bamly Drive, Greenstead Property Type: House Bedrooms: five out of five available Rent: £45.00 per person per week Property only to be let as a whole Deposit: £220 per person per year Rent includes: Electricity Л Gas / Water /, furniture is to be provided by tenants Wiseturtle Be careful with these adverts. Very often landlords use nice words to trick their tenants. For example, they often write cosy when they should write very small. Here are some more words to make you suspicious: within walking distance ofset in a lively part of town, having great potential, spacious Uni? 2 Lessons 11, 12 87 Try fo match the suspicious words with what they really mean. within walking distance of set in a lively part of town, having great potential, spacious 1. ten miles away from civilisation 2. noisy 3. falling apart 4 What are the advantages and the disadvantages of the first house from Natasha^ point of view? Read the second advert and mark these statements probably true or probably false. 1. The tenant will have to look after children. 2. The property is located in parkland or near a forest. 3. The property may be very cheap. 4. The family will look after the tenant. 5. The tenant will have to walk a long way to get to the nearest bus stop Advert 2 Landlord: Mrs Zoe Dallas Green Farmhouse, Colchester A separate flat within landlord’s house, set in a quiet peaceful location, will be rented to a female student. Large garden, friendly family with small children, price negotiable, car essential. 88 Unit 2 Lessons 11 12 6 Would you recommend Natasha to rent this property? Why?/Why not? 7 Read the second advert and ask your own questions about it. Model: Will I have a separate bathroom? 8 Listen to the third advert and fill in the gaps with the information. Advert 3 Contact person: Helen Bennett Address: ... Property Type: ... Bedrooms: ... out of three available Rent: ... per person per week Property only to be let as a whole Deposit: ... per person per year ... bills are ... in the rent. Facilities: washing machine fridge-freezer microwave smoke alarm shower telephone en suite bathroom tumble dryer free wireless Internet Work In pairs. Take turns to ask your questions and get answers about the third advertlsment. 10 Read the fourth advertisement and answer the questions. 1. Will Natasha be able to choose her housemates? Is it an advantage? 2. What furniture will there be in Natasha’s room? 3. How much is the rent? 4. What’s included in the rent? 5. Will Natasha have an en suite bathroom? 6. Is the university within walking distance? 7. What are the advantages / disadvantages of the location? Uni’2 Lessons 1-, 12 89 Advert 4 Looking for third person to join the three-bedroom house! The room is spacious and very light with two large windows! There is a bed (pillows, quilt and all bedclothes can be provided if required), a bedside cabinet, a desk and a chair, and a big wardrobe. There is a bathroom and a toilet for everybody to share. The rent is £65 per week including all bills. I have personally known the landlord for two years and never had a problem with him. The house is located in Colchester city centre, so you’ll be able to enjoy the nightlife, shopping and partying seven days a week. The bus stop is 100 metres from the house. The trip to the university takes 20-30 minutes. If interested, answer ASAP Sandra Adams 11 Work in pairs. Take turns to be the tenant or the landlord. Tenant: Prepare your questions about the accommodation you are going to rent. Ask your questions to the landlord. Landlord: Answer your potential tenant's questions. (Your information is on page 100). 12 Work in pairs. What type of accommodation would you advise Natasha to rent? Why? Homework A Imagine that you want to let your own flat/ house. Write an advert for it, Describe your property in detail. В . Choose the correct verb form in the brackets. www.community.livejournal.com/natashal07/ Seagull Hi, I’m Sabrina. (Searching/Having searched) for a student house, I found a room in a house five minutes away from the University. (E-mailing/Having 90 Uni* 2 Lessons 11, 12 t" U^Ll Ш e-mailed) the girl, who advertised it, I found out that her parents had bought the house for her to live in. I met her and we got on fine, so I decided that I’d take the room. The day we were signing the contract her parents were there (explaining/explained) that they were nice easy-going people. I was (pleasing/pleased) with what I saw and heard. (Having read/Read) the contract, I realised that it ran till June. I didn’t need the room till that late, so I explained that I’d like to move out in April. I was told this wasn’t a problem, and it didn’t matter what the contract said. So I happily signed, (thought / thinking) I’d been so lucky to have found a place with such great people. It turned out it wasn’t so great. The girl, whose parents bought the house, was very unfriendly, (leaving/having left) notes around the house and (complaining / having complained) about every little thing. (Having had/Having) enough of that, I decided to move out early, but when the landlord heard this news, he wasn’t sympathetic. The answer was, “I understand your situation, but you can’t move out earlier.” (Confused / Confusing), I said that he himself told me it would be fine to leave before, but he seemed to have forgotten about our conversation. In the end it was my word against the landlord’s. (Having paid/Paid) the rest of my rent, which was £700,1 moved out totally (disgusting/disgusted). The moral is: check your contracts, get everything (written/writing) down, don’t be (impressing/impressed) by promises and smiles. Answer the questions. 1. What kind of accommodation did Sabrina find? 2. Why did it seem great? 3. What promise did the landlord make? 4. Was the promise written down in the contract? 5. What happened after signing the contract? 6. Did the landlord keep his word? 7. How much did Sabrina have to pay? 8. Who should Sabrina blame? Why? D Go on writing your blog. Write at least 4-6 sentences. Unit 2 Lessons 1 12 91 Exam know-how Написание эссе с элементами рассуждения Стратегия Рассмотрим два типа таких эссе: а) с аргументацией „за" и „против"; б) выражение собственного мнения. Структура эссе: 1. Вступление и постановка проблемы 2. Аргументы в пользу своей точки зрения (3 предложения) 3. Аргументы, доказательства в пользу противоположной точки зрения (2,3 предложения). 4. Свой аргумент, доказывающий несостоятельность противоположной точки зрения. 5. Заключение, в котором вы еще раз подчеркиваете правильность вашей точки зрения (2 предложения). с аргументацией ,,за и „против" При написании этого типа эссе вы описываете проблему как сторонний наблюдатель. Структура эссе: 1. Вступление и постановка проблемы 2. Тезисы, аргументы „за" 3. Тезисы, аргументы „против" 4. Заключение с выводом Эссе Выражение собственного мнения При написании этого типа эссе вы высказываете собственное мнение по проблеме. В обоих типах эссе вам необходимо написать 200-250 слов. Определите, сколько слов вы пишете в строчке. Так, если в вашей строчке 10 слов, то вам нужно будет написать 20-25 строчек. Мы советуем вам писать эссе, состоящее из четырех абзацев. Начинайте каждый абзац с тезиса, который вы планируете в нем развивать. Поскольку количество слов ограничено, выражайтесь точно и ясно, не тратьте время на долгое вступление Используйте лексику, которая отличается от лексики в формулировке задания, подбирайте к словам синонимы. 92 Unit 2 Lessons 13, Для того чтобы ваши аргументы звучали объективно и убедительно, используйте формальный язык, с большим количеством безличных предложений, а также ссылок на экспертов, статистику, средства массовой информации. Сравните: / am sure that one can learn a lot from computer games.— Experts state that one can learn a lot from computer games. Обдумайте тему эссе, набросайте короткий план каждого параграфа, аргументы „за" и „против", примеры, которые вы собираетесь приводить. Постарайтесь не противоречить себе и последовательно отстаивать свою позицию. Не отходите от темы и не пишите больше, чем нужно. Не забудьте проверить написанное. Суть вопроса Очень важно понять суть вопроса. Зачастую одна и та же тема может быть сформулирована по-разному: 1. Are there any advantages in being a vegetarian? 2. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of being a vegetarian. 3. Would you consider becoming a vegetarian? 4. Vegetarians are healthier. Do you agree? Bee эти вопросы предполагают одно и то же задание. Вам необходимо обсудить преимущества и недостатки вегетарианства. Важно также избежать таких распространенных ошибок, как отход от темы, подмена одной темы другой. Так, в данном случае, упоминая тему здорового образа жизни, сосредоточьтесь на питании, не тратьте время на тему „Спорт". Если будете писать об отказе от мяса из любви к животным, не сбивайтесь на тему „Исчезающие виды животных и их охрана". Подготовка аргументов Прежде чем начать писать, поработайте в черновике, пользу ясь следующим планом. Он поможет вам выстроить аргумен тацию, не отклоняясь от темы. 1. Что я хочу сказать? 2. Что я имею в виду этим утверждением? 3. Что я этим доказываю? 4. Могу ли я привести отвлеченный пример? 5. Могу ли я привести конкретный пример? Unit 2 Lessons 13, М 93 Выбор языковых средств Постановка проблемы It’s ап eternal question This is a burning / controversial issue There has never been any agreement on whether... The problem of.. is relatively new. Средство логической связи Firstly, secondly, finally, nevertheless, though, although, instead, even though, despite this, at the same time, as a result, to sum it up, first of all, one way another way, therefore, thus, however, in fact, despite this, by way of conclusion, it is important to point out, besides, moreover, furthermore, to begin with, all in all, paradoxically, luckily, amazingly, surprisingly. Поясняющие слово и выражения Another key point is... This means that... This is because... The problem with this is... The important thing is... This doesn't mean that... This isn't the same as... Ссылка HO авторитетные источники According to The Times As advocates / critics / supporters argue / claim / say Experts have proved If you turn / listen to... From the point of view of... From the angle of... Выражение собственного мнения I think / feel / believe... As far as I am concerned... From my point of view... I personally... In my opinion... To my mind... Аргументы „30 и „против’ The disadvantages to be mentioned are... There are a number of advantages. On the one hand... on the other hand... There are arguments for and against... It’s a mixed blessing Is it a blessing or a curse? There are some downsides / drawbacks... It would be Impossible to find just one “right” solution to this problem. One can only hope that the argument will be resolved. The argument can be resolved by taking the following steps. 94 Urit2 Lessons 13, 14 Использование вышеприведенных слов и выражений не только поможет вам структурировать ваше эссе, но и продемонстрирует хорошее владение языком и приемами ведения дискуссии. Однако будьте внимательны: чрезмерное или необоснованное употребление вводных слов и языковых клише может привести к обратному эффекту: продемонстрировать ваше непонимание их значения, затуманить смысл приведенных аргументов, а также нарушить всю логику написания эссе. Написание заключения В зависимости от типа эссе в заключении необходимо либо подвести итог вышеперечисленным аргументам и сделать вывод типа There is по easy answer to this argument, however we can hope that..., либо высказать собственное мнение по проблеме, обобщая сказанное. Проще всего проверить свое эссе, прочитав сначала заключение. Если выводы не соотносятся с заданной темой, значит вы допустили ошибку либо в понимании задания, либо в аргументации. 1 J Просмотрите темы эссе и скажите, какие из них предполагают высказывание собственного мнения? При написании каких тем необходимы объективные аргументы „за" и „против"? Какое эссе предполагает анализ аргументов и принятие одной из сторон в споре? 1. Modern teenagers are often viewed as the generation which is interested only in cheap forms of entertainment. They may be unable to deal with global problems when they grow up. Find reasons for and against and take one side. 2. Modern teenagers are considered by some to be interested only in cheap forms of entertainment. However, others say that they hold the future of our society in their hands. Examine these attitudes to modern teenagers. 3. Introduce the main arguments of critics and supporters of the modern teenagers’ lifestyle. fUTURE Unil 2 Lessons 13, Vi 95 4. The modern teenagers’ lifestyle and education is no preparation for the challenges of grown up life. To what extent do you agree? 2 Почитайте образец эссе и разбейте его на четыре абзаца. Тема эссе: Friends should always be together and share everything. To what extent do you agree? It’s a common knowledge that sometimes friends don’t leave each other any chances for other relationships: they get jealous of each other’s social life, try to control each other and as a result they break up. I can’t but agree with the proverb “A hedge between keeps friendship green”, which means that friends don’t have to spend 100% of their time together and that they should be tactful and respect each other’s private life and personal space. On the other hand: how high should that hedge between the friends be? Won’t it transform real friends into fair weather friends, strictly minding their own business and turning up just to have fun? There is another good proverb “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. This proverb expresses my idea of friendship very well. 1 think that a real friend is someone who will never let you down. I don’t expect my friend to always agree with me: we can argue and fight, but a true friend will always be at your side when needed. To sum it up I’d like to say that everyone dreams of having a true and faithful friend, but not all of us are lucky enough to find one. And if you get that lucky, you need to work hard not to let the friendship go, giving your friends all the freedom they need, but being there for them when they are in trouble. Real affection — warmth of heart and deep understanding doesn’t require constant contact, but slowly develops over years. 3 Прочитайте эссе и проанализируйте его с точки зрения соответствия теме. Есть ли в эссе удачные / неудачные места? Если да, то какие? К какому типу относится это эссе? Тема эссе: Some people think that using bicycles in the city centre has many advantages, while others are sure that bicycles should not be allowed in the city centres. Today when ecology is a great issue all over the world, a lot of people think about possible ways to reduce the harmful effects of human civilisation on the earth. One of these is to cut down on using cars in cities and switch to bicycles instead, but some people oppose this idea. 96 Uo'i 2 Lessons 13 14 Ideally, I would like people to ride bicycles more often for several reasons. Firstly, it is good for both the environment and people’s health, as it eliminates exhaust fumes and promotes physical exercise. Secondly, bicycles are cheaper to produce, which means less energy consumption. Moreover, cycling helps reduce traffic jams. The opposing view is usually that people cannot help using cars as they are much more convenient than bicycles. To begin with, a driver doesn’t dependent on weather like a cyclist. Then, a car can carry several passengers at a time. Finally, driving a car requires less physical efforts than cycling does. All things considered, I would conclude that people should be more aware of the options they have. Bikes should be available and should be used for riding to school or to work, but people will still have to drive if they need to cover long distances. Прочитайте выдержку из эссе и проанализируйте его с точки зрения уместности использования выделенных слов. Внесите необходимые исправления. Тема эссе: The modern teenager is considered by some to be interested only in cheap forms of entertainment. However, others say that modern teenagers are well-prepared to hold the future of our society in their hands. Examine these opinions. In my opinion, young people nowadays are the most active part of our society. According to statistics, most school children are motivated to continue their education. As a result, many will become forward-looking business people who, in turn, will build and improve the country’s well-being. Furthermore, teenagers are more open minded that grown ups. In fact, this characteristic will enable them to bridge the distances between countries and establish relationships with other cultures. Thus, in future we may have a friendly multi-national and multi-cultural world, free of wars and violence. Finally, most young people are environmentally conscious, therefore, who but the young will be able to take care of the Earth, our common home? Umi 2 Lessons 13 14 97 Test yourself ) — *J-»----- w ^ *■ 1 ) Listen to the advert and fill in the information gaps. Address: Avon ... Property Type: Bedrooms: ... out of... available Distance to the campus: Shared facilities: Rent: ... per month Rent includes: Electricity Q Gas О Water ^ 2 J Put the verbs in brackets into Participle I or Participle II forms. 1. My little brother was really (embarrass) when he was caught eating sweets. 2.1 think this is the most (bore) thing I have ever done. 3. Some people find sushi (disgust), others really enjoy it. 4. There is nothing to feel (excite) about. It’s not a very (interest) case. 5. My mother will be (please) to receive a present from you. 6. The (shock) pictures have been published in all newspapers. ^ 3 J Choose fhe most suitable form to complete the sentences. 1. ... to Gerald, our aunt went to his wife and talked to her. a) Having spoken b) Spoken c) Speaking 2. The book, ... a month ago, has already been sold out. a) having published b) published c) publishing 3. The man, ... near the shop, is my old friend, a) having stood b) stood c) standing 4. ... just an hour before, the model car was standing in the middle of the table for everybody to admire. a) Having been finished b) Been finished c) Being finished 5. The bottles, carefully ... in the box, will never break, a) having been packed b) packed c) packing ^ 4 J Choose the right word to complete the sentences. 1. I am going to ... something for my first year at college. ... are you looking for? a) rent b) let c) charge a) accommodation b) house c) mates What kind of 98 Unit 2 Lessor 15 2. Your university is very unlikely to ... you for Internet access, a) rent b) charge c) cost 3. A friend of mine has a room to ... . Would you like to get in touch with him? a) let b) tenant c) live 4. Some ... make promises to their tenants that they never fulfil, a) accommodations b) students c) landlords 5. I am selling my old car. The price is ... . a) spacious b) free of charge c) negotiable 6. Heating and electricity are ... in your monthly rent, a) included b) contained c) charged 7. I pay the electricity ... at the end of the month, a) access b) bill c) contract Imagine that you are a student choosing between on- and off-campus accommodation. Which would you choose? Give your reasons. Write 5-7 sentences. Homework A ) Get ready for your project "My blog". 1 Choose a nick and an avatar (or several nicks and avatars). 2 Prepare the most interesting extracts from your blog for others to read. Write each of your posts on a big sheet of paper and leave lots of space for people to make comments. Lessons 16, 17 Project "My blog // \ I 1. Display your projects (collect all your project work before the lesson, then put it on the walls of your classroom). 2. Take your time to walk around the classroom and read the blogs. 3. Comment on the blogs, join discussions. 4. Summarise your reactions to the blogs. Say which bloggers made you feel interested/thrilled/didn’t impress you/expressed feelings and thoughts you can share. 5. Discuss the content of the blogs and choose the most interesting/ intriguing/informative /convincing blogger. 6. Reveal your true identity if you wish. Explain the choice of your nicks and avatars. Unit 2 Lessons 15 ord 16 \7 99 1 Information for Landlord Name: Jerry MacNab Address: Ashley Way, Greenstead Property Type: House Bedrooms: three out of three available, one room has an en suite bathroom, all rooms are fully furnished Rent: £59.00 per person per week Deposit: £400 per person per year Rent includes: heating, water, use of landlord’s washing machine Facilities: У washing machine / fridge X microwave / smoke alarm / shower / telephone / tumble dryer / free wireless Internet Landlord: Terry Beastly Address: Mersea Road, Colchester Property Type: Flat m a block of flats Bedrooms: two out of two available Rent: (whole flat) £130.85 per week Deposit: £425 per person per year Rent Includes: Electricity / Gas / Water / / washing machine X fridge / microwave / smoke alarm / shower X burglar alarm X telephone / en suite bathroom / fire alarm / tumble dryer У window locks 100 Unit 2 Lessons 16, 17 These days Paris is a suburb of New York and vice-versa. Jean-Marie Messier Globalisation, as defined by rich people, is a very nice thing... you are talking about the Internet, you are talking about cell phones, you are talking about computers. This doesn4 affect two-thirds of the people of the world. Jimmy Carter Read the epigraphs to the unit. How do you understand them? Try to predict what the unit is going to be about. , The Complex Object with the Present Participle (Оборот сложное дополнение с причастием настоящего времени) Сложное дополнение состоит из существительного в именительном падеже или местоимения в объектном падеже, за которыми следует причастие настоящего времени. Существительное или местоимение обозначает лицо, которое соверщает действие, выраженное причастием настоящего времени. • Оборот сложное дополнение с причастием настоящего времени употребляется после глаголов: to see — видеть, to watch — наблюдать, to notice — замечать, to hear — слыщать, to feel — чувствовать. I watched him working on the computer.— Я наблюдал, как он работал на компьютере. I saw а girl driving а саг.— Я видел, как девушка вела машину. Unit 3 Lessons 1 2. 3 101 • Оборот сложное дополнение с причастием настоящего времени аналогичен обороту сложное дополнение с инфинитивом. Однако между этими оборотами есть смысловые различия. Причастие выражает действие в процессе его совершения, а инфинитив выражает законченное действие, поэтому в большинстве случаев оборот с причастием переводится на русский язык придаточным изъяснительным предложением с глаголом несовершенного вида, а оборот с инфинитивом — придаточным изъяснительным предложением с глаголом совершенного вида. Сравните: I heard her open the door.— Я слышал, как она открыла дверь. I heard her opening the door.— Я слышал, как она открывала дверь. 1 } Rephrase the sentences using the Complex Object + Participle I. Model: The girl was opening the door. We saw it.— We saw the girl opening the door. 1. My friend was trying to hide his embarrassment. Everybody noticed it. 2. Shelly was singing. We didn’t hear it. 3. Steven was fighting with a stranger. I saw it. 4. Mary’s son was cleaning the room. Mary watched him. 5. Kate was washing up. James saw it. 6. The weather was getting warmer. The old man felt it. ^2 ) Read the sentences and translate them into Russian, paying attention to the differences in translation. 1. a) I heard the bell ringing, b) I heard the bell ring. 2. a) My friends saw you leaving the house, b) My friends saw you leave the house. 3. a) Nobody noticed Tom taking the book, b) Nobody noticed Tom take the book. 4. a) I felt something touching my face, b) I felt something touch my face. 5. a) Her friends heard Mary talking to someone b) Her friends heard Mary talk to someone. 6. a) Alex smelled something burning, b) Alex smelled something burn. 0 102 Unit 3 Lessons i, 2, 3 Match the suitable sentences. 1. We didn’t notice Jack come home. 2. We saw you leave the house. 3.1 felt the energy coming back to my body. 4.1 felt the energy come back to my body. 5. We heard mother pack her things. 6. We watched mother packing her things. 7. Dad smelled something burning. a) She left soon after that. b) I got up and continued my work. c) Then you got into your car. d) We were surprised to find him in his bed. e) He rushed to the kitchen to check on his pie. 0 My head was clearing, my muscles relaxing. g) It made everybody nervous. 4 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. to overhear — подслушать, случайно услышать to oversee — просмотреть, пропустить to browse through smth — просматривать что-либо to exchange smth — обменивать что-либо Canterbury I'kaentabari] — Кентербери Canterbury Cathedral — Кентерберийский собор The Canterbury Tales — Кентерберийские рассказы a cradle — колыбель mashed potato — картофельное пюре rich — зд. густой gravy — мясной соус minced meat — мясной фарш а fireplace — камин ап affiliate — филиал chicken Tikka Masala — кусочки цыпленка в томатно-сливочном соусе с добавлением индийских пряностей Geoffrey Chaucer [,феШ 'tjoissl — Джефри Чосер to canonise — канонизировать to immortalise — обессмертить medieval — средневековый out of place — неуместный Work in pairs. Imagine that you are visiting an old town in the south of England and answer the following questions. 1. What do the streets look like? Are there many old houses? 2. What are the houses like? Do many people still use fireplaces? Is there a lot of old furniture? 3. What is the weather like in April? Is it warm? 4. What can you expect to get for breakfast? 5. Do they serve pizza in typical English pubs? 6. What kind of books do British teenagers read? What kind of films do they watch? Unit3 Lessons 1, 2, 3 103 ^ 6 J Read Lisa's blog and fill in the gaps (1-9) in Lisa's blog with these phrases (a - j). One of the phrases is not needed. a) the 14th century writer and poet b) which is a small medieval town c) which looked a bit out of place in the tiny room, filled with Victorian furniture d) just the way people had done for centuries e) located in small medieval houses 0 who is a leading British politician g) which was delicious h) which is known as the cradle of English Christianity i) just like the English breakfast I’d read about j) which was on that day Lisa Korolyova http;//WWW.lisakorolyova.livejournal.com Canterbury Day 1 8 April Hi friends. I’m in England. I’ve come to visit David and his family for a week. In fact I’ll only get to meet one member of his family, his elder sister Gina, as this week his parents have gone camping in Yorkshire. Gina and David met me at the airport and brought me to their charming old house in Canterbury, ... (1). I have just arrived, and the first evening walk through the streets of Canterbury impressed me greatly. I expected it to be cold and rainy, but it is very warm, much warmer than in Moscow. Pink blossom trees are blooming everywhere. The narrow streets 104 Unit 3 Lessons! 2,3 are lined by tiny medieval houses, where people still live. David and I walked past the open windows and watched people having dinner, reading or just sitting by their fireplaces, ... (2). I felt like I had travelled back in time and found myself in the past in what people call Merry Old England. Nothing has been changed or destroyed, or modernised. The illusion was completed when I walked up to the huge cathedral. We saw people going in and followed them. We got lucky and Joined a party which was being given a very interesting guided tour. I found out that I was in the famous Canterbury Cathedral, ... (3). Its history goes back to AD 597 when St Augustine, sent by Pope Gregory the Great, established his seat in Canterbury. In 1170 Archbishop Thomas Becket was murdered in the Cathedral. The archbishop was so popular that soon after his death he was canonised, and ever since the Cathedral has attracted thousands of pilgrims from all over the world. Geoffrey Chaucer, ... (4), who is sometimes called the father of English Literature, immortalised these pilgrimages in his famous book The Canterbury Tales. I returned to the house as if in a dream, and Gina sent me straight to my room. She said I needed some rest! Then I overheard her and David discussing dinner. I heard them talking about cooking something traditional to give me an idea of what English food is like. Then I saw them looking for cookery books, but I didn’t understand why. Anyway, after dinner, ... (5), I went to my room to write about my first day in England. When I saw my computer, ... (6), I even thought of writing a traditional diary so as not to break the illusion_ But then I thought that I wanted to share this amazing experience with my fellow bloggers, so here you are, friends. Unif 3 Lessors ? 105 ч > - » ♦ <*• Day 2 9 ApnZ Breakfast brought a surprise. I expected porridge, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages, toast and jam,... (7). Instead, I saw David and Gina taking out yoghurts, cornflakes, cheeses. All these things looked familiar. I usually have exactly the same stuff in my fridge. That felt strange. Then David had to go and Gina suggested a shopping trip while he was busy. We went to the High Street and again I was surprised. The shops,... (8) flashed familiar brand names — Mexx, Next, Zara, Marks & Spencer, Gap and so on. I seem to have overlooked them yesterday evening. After the first disappointment I was even glad. It was so much simpler to browse through familiar shops, knowing what to look for and not wasting time on something I had already tried on. In some shops they even promised that I could exchange or return their clothes in any of their affiliates in the world. That was good news, so I bought some really nice things. Later on we had lunch at an ancient-looking pub. I wanted something traditional, so Gina recommended shepherd’s pie: minced meat with mashed potato in a rich gravy. However, when I looked around, I saw other people having hamburgers, pizza, sushi or chicken Tikka Masala. The waitress, who took my order, spoke English with a strong accent, and later I heard her speaking to someone in Polish. This was not my idea of a traditional English pub. After lunch Gina and I decided to go to the cinema. Gina, who is, by the way, already twenty, said she was dying to see the latest part of The Twilight Saga, ... (9). I had already seen it, but I thought I might as well watch it again in English. We Joined a queue and talked about The Twilight Saga, and how popular it was both in Russia and England, and how much we were looking forward to watching the next part, and how we both liked Edward Cullen, because he was so handsome and romantic and brave and unhappy. And then I got the strange feeling that I had never left Moscow, as so many things around me were the same. We buy clothes in exactly the same shops, eat the same food, read the same books and watch the same films. When I shared this thought with Gina, she just smiled and said: “Welcome to the global village, Lisa!” 106 Unit 3 Lessors \ 2, 3 7 Listen to the completed sentences and check your answers. 8 Match the dishes with the pictures. Where do the first four dishes come from? shepherd’s pie, chicken Tikka Masala, pizza, sushi, porridge, scrambled eggs, toast and jam 9 Look through Lisa's blog and choose one heading for Day 1 and one for Day 2. Support your decision with the information from the blog. a) A global disappointment b) Merry old England c) A charming illusion d) Looking for something British in Britain 10 Choose the right answers to complete the sentences. Support your answers with the information from the blog. 1. Lisa was deeply impressed by Canterbury, because a) it is the cradle of English Christianity. b) the old buildings haven’t been destroyed and people have been living there for centuries. c) there were a lot of nice pubs, shops and cinemas. 2. David and his sister a) regularly cooked typical English food for dinner. b) had to consult cookery books to cook something English. c) preferred to eat in pubs and restaurants. Urii 3 Lessons 1 2.3 107 n 12 3. Lisa thought that her computer was out of place, because a) she couldn’t connect it. b) it didn’t fit in well with the old-fashioned surroundings. c) she couldn’t find her computer. 4. Lisa liked the fact that a) shops in Moscow and in Canterbury were the same. b) there was so much international food served in the pub. c) she could watch a film from The Twilight Saga with Gina. 5. When Gina talked about a global village she meant that a) borders are disappearing and nations, cultures and economies live in an interconnected world. b) soon English will be the only language spoken on the planet. c) Canterbury and Moscow are exactly the same. Find as many matches as possible to form commonly used expressions. 1. to exchange or return a) money j) watching a fi] 1. to exchange or return 2. to join 3. to waste 4. to share 5. to look forward to 6. to attract 7. to have 8. to order 9. to browse through a) money b) shops c) visitors d) time e) clothes 0 internet sites g) food h) experience i) impressions j) watching a film k) pilgrims l) queues m) dinner n) products o) something to eat Choose the right word to complete the sentences. 1. What is the weather ... today? a) cloudy b) good c) like 2. This girl is interested in sports. Just ... you. a) like b) as c) as well as 3. The church is open, so we may ... go inside, a) too b) as well c) happy 4. What is Jane ...? — She has ordered coffee and cake, a) eat b) having c) recommend 5. Why don’t you ... this jacket on? I think it will suit you. a) dress b) try c) order 6.1 haven’t got much money, but I like to ... through new shops, a) buy b) browse c) choose 7. You should pack all your .... Don’t leave the passport on the table a) luggage b) have c) stuff 108 Unif 3 Lessors L 2, 3 1 ^ Complete the sentences. 1. Lisa was deeply impressed by. 2. Lisa was disappointed by... 3. Lisa was glad to... 4. Gina was dying to... 5. Lisa got the strange feeling that... 14j Work in pairs. Discuss the following. Lisa could just as well spend her time in Moscow and do exactly the same things. Give reasons for and against this statement. Give a talk stating and supporting your point of view. Homework A. Look at the picture and write what Lisa saw, felt, smelt and heard Model: Lisa felt happiness filling her heart. ^ В J Look through Liza's blog and find the sentences with the Complex Object and the Present Participle. Write their Russian equivalents. . C I Copy the table into your exercise books and fill it in with words and expressions from the blog. What words and expressions were used to describe the following? Shopping Food Town Sights and places of interest Feelings Unit 3 Lessons 1, 2, 3 109 ^ D J Translate these sentences into English. 1. Соборы Парижа произвели на меня большое впечатление. 2. „Я хочу показать вам свою собаку.“— „Какая она?“ 3. Том умирает от желания купить эту машину. 4. Англичане были разочарованы результатом футбольного матча. 5. Не заказывай рыбу в этом ресторане. Они славятся своими гамбургерами. 6. Я бы хотел вернуть эти джинсы. Они мне не нравятся. 7. Я хочу поделиться своими впечатлениями с друзьями. Е ) Rephrase the sentences using the words and expressions in brackets. 1. Lying on the beach all day is how I imagine a good holiday, (to be one’s idea of a good holiday) 2. My mother doesn’t usually notice the mess in my wardrobe, so 1 rarely tidy it up. (to oversee) 3. They were speaking loudly and 1 heard their secret, (to overhear) 4. Where is Emma? — She is looking through the newspaper upstairs. (to browse) 5. Jane usually eats porridge for breakfast, (to have) 6. Whose things are lying around here? (stufO ^ F, j Lisa was disappointed because she found Britain not "British" enough. Find evidence for and against this statement. Write about 250 words. Lessons 4, 5, 6 I ' . in Countable and uncountable nouns (Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные) Имена существительные в английском языке делятся на исчисляемые и неисчисляемые. Неисчисляемые имена существительные обозначают понятия, явления, которые нельзя посчитать. Они не имеют формы множественного числа и не употребляются с неопределенным артиклем: This information is very important.— Эта информация очень важна. Honey is good for you.— Мед полезен. 110 Unit 3 Lessens 2, 3 and 4 5, 6 Неисчисляемыми существительными являются: названия сыпучих, текучих, газообразных веществ, а также материалов: water, sugar, coffee, tea, butter, coal, meat, rice, soap, oxygen, air, smoke, glass, wood, wool названия абстрактных понятий: accommodation, advice, love, friendship, information, knowledge, pity, news, happiness, work, truth, health, wisdom, time, experience, life, luck, sadness, shame названия собирательных существительных: rubbish, money, luggage, furniture, machinery, equipment названия игр: bowls, billiards, tennis, football названия учебных предметов: Economics, Physics, Mathematics (Maths) названия языков: English, Chinese, French, German, Russian, Japanese названия болезней: mumps, measles, flu названия природных явлений: weather, rain, snow, wind, sunshine, thunder, heat, fog, frost, ice, darkness, light Некоторые существительные употребляются с глаголами только в форме множественного числа. К таким существительным относятся: clothes, people, outskirts, police, stairs, gates, scissors, arms, looks, congratulations Существительные, обозначающие группу людей (jury, staff, team, family, audience, committee, band, class, army, press, government, police), употребляются c глаголами в форме единственного числа, когда речь идет о группе в целом, и с глаголами в форме множественного числа, когда речь идет конкретно о людях, из которых эта группа состоит: The press is interested to know the details of the incident.— Пресса интересуется деталями инцидента. (Речь идет о группе в целом, поэтому глагол употребляется в единственном числе.) During the summit the press stay in this hotel.— Bo время встречи на высшем уровне представители прессы останавливаются в отеле. (Речь идет о конкретных журналистах, поэтому глагол употребляется во множественном числе.) 1 Complete the sentences using is or ore. 1. Measles ... a dangerous disease if an adult catches it. 2. The police ... already on the way. Let’s wait. 3. Mathematics ... one of my favourite subjects. 4. His brilliant knowledge of the area ... going to help us, 5. The scissors ... very sharp. Be careful. UniJ 3 Lessons 4, 5 6 111 6. Her clothes ... usually very tidy. 7. I’m afraid that your luggage ... lost. 8. Athletics ... fun. You must join us tomorrow. 9. What ... the news? Is your friend better? 10. Rice ... good for you. Have some more. 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple. 1. Money not always (bring) happiness. 2. His advice usually (help), but this time I don’t think I should follow it. 3. The staff (like) to go on holiday all together, so we just close the cafe for a week. 4. The government (be) elected every four years. 5. The food, cooked in this restaurant, usually (give) me a stomachache. 6. Good education (open) all doors. 7. Her luggage (weigh) 30 kilos. That’s too much. 8. Congratulations always (make) me blush. 3 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. a tag — этикетка a peer — сверстник trade — торговля a business — зд. компания, фирма an effort — усилие a currency — валюта diversity — разнообразие a phenomenon — феномен an innovation — новшество measles — корь Strasbourg I'strcezbsig) — Страсбург tolerance — терпимость to adopt smth — зд. принимать что-либо to argue smth — зд. утверждать что-либо to solve (a problem) — решать (проблему) достигать чего- to go global — распространяться по миру to achieve smth -либо to disappear — исчезать to get westernised — уподобляться Западу to compete — конкурировать common — общий bilingual — двуязычный interconnected — взаимосвязанный interdependent — взаимозависимый inefficient — неэффективный developing — развивающийся wealthy — богатый instant — мгновенный 112 L' if 3 Lessons 4 5 6 4 Work together os о class. Write a list of the global companies you know. What services do they provide? Why are their services so popular? 5 Lisa found an article about globalisation. Read these statements from the article and try to illustrate them with your own examples. 1. Antiglobalists say that the following negative aspects can’t be ignored 2. Globalisation is, of course, mostly about trade, economics and politics, 3. Globalisation has a lot of positive aspects. 4. Globalisation has cultural, environmental and educational aspects. 6 Read the article and match its parts (A —D) with the missing statements (1-4) in Ex. 5. Й GLOBALISATION Look at the tag on your jeans and you are likely to see that they were not made in the country where you are now. They were probably made in Vietnam of cotton produced in China and then a Spanish ship took them to different ports all over the world, so now they are being worn by people in Africa, Russia, France, etc. Read about the latest American blockbuster on the Internet, then go and watch it at your local cinema in your language, and then spend the evening discussing it with your peers all over the world. These are just a few examples of a phenomenon called globalisation. Borders are disappearing, businesses are going global, countries and people are becoming more and more interconnected and interdependent. It is not unusual for members of a family to live in different countries and regularly meet for family occasions. Nobody Is surprised nowadays when their neighbour works In another city or even another country and gets home in time for dinner. Unit 3 Lessons 4. 5. 6 113 On 1 November 1993, twenty seven European countries established the European Union (EU) and made the free movement of people, goods, services and money possible in huge areas of Europe. Thus a lot of countries with different political systems and historical backgrounds became united under the European Parliament with its headquarters in Strasbourg. Later these countries adopted common laws and policies, and some even introduced a common currency, the euro. Some argue that similar things happened in the past and give numerous examples. Think of European colonisation of the Americas with its exchange of plants, animals, foods, tools and human population between the Old and the New Worlds. However, at that time international exchange was much more difficult as long distances made it slow and inefficient. The great inventions of the twentieth century solved these problems. International travel became easy; any part of this planet Is within hours by plane. Communication is instant: people can phone, exchange e-mails and even participate in International meetings through video conferences without leaving their place of work. Information and knowledge is shared, tested and discussed. Innovations successfully used by one country quickly become available everywhere. Mistakes made in one field are analysed and avoided in another. Greater access to modern technologies in the world of health care often makes the difference between life and death. People travel the world and get to know each other. They receive a better education and open their minds to new concepts. 114 L nil 3 Lessons 4 5 6 fA»K * ^ тн1л\-Л •b: People understand that we live in a small world and global problems can only be solved by working together. Non-governmental international organisations unite people from different countries to deal with global problems (climate change, air and water pollution, energy use or child labour regulations). Examples of such organisations are “Doctors without Borders", “Greenpeace", ‘ The Red Cross" and many others. Wealthier countries help developing countries and people there get educational, medical and financial help which they didn’t have before. Cooperation between governments is more efficient and problems are solved faster and more successfully. Money is transferred with a click of a mouse, which improves investment opportunities worldwide. Scientists from different countries combine their efforts and achieve better results. There are more public information sources: online libraries, books, films, media. There is a universal means of communication: knowledge of English is becoming a must. Un'f 3 Lessons4,5 6 115 Cultural diversity and individuality is disappearing. A lot of countries are already using English instead of their national language. The world economy, and even poliiics, is getting more and more controlled by multinational corporations. Local businesses are finding it hard to compete with global ones, and have to close down. Places of work are taken away from small towns and villages. Countries all over the world are getting more and more westernised. There may be a greater chance of disease spreading worldwide. For example, measles is known to have killed thousands of Indians when Europeans ariived on the American continent. As you can see, the debate about the positive and negative aspects of globalisation will not be over soon, as both sides have their arguments. Whatever your position is, globalisation is a process that is already happening. It has created the need for global thinking. New generations will have to deal with problems unheard of in the past. In the interconnected world people will not only have to understand their own country, speak its language and know its laws, but also understand nations, cultures, languages, and religions around the globe. Tolerance will become one of the key values of society, where people will learn to understand and respect each other’s differences. 7 Choose the right answer according to the article. 1. If you look at the tag on your jeans, you will see that a) they were probably made in another country. b) they were made in Vietnam. c) they are worn everywhere in the world. 2. The latest American blockbusters can be watched a) anywhere in the world. b) in the English-speaking countries. c) on the Internet. 116 Unit 3 Lessors4 5. 6 3. Globalisation makes a) families separated by borders. b) borders disappear. c) people look for work abroad. 4. Some countries in the European Union a) have a common currency. b) are represented in the European Parliament. c) work together to solve global problems. 5. In the past international exchange was not as efficient as it is nowadays, because a) means of communication and travel were much slower. b) countries fought with each other. c) there were no global problems that required global solutions. 6. A lot of non-governmental organisations are established a) to control global businesses. b) to exchange innovations. c) to solve the problems that have no borders. 7. One of the most important values of the changing world will be a) tolerance. b) efficiency. c) cultural individuality. 8 Look through the article and find the following: • абстрактные понятия • собирательные существительные • названия языков • названия болезней • названия природных явлений • существительные, которые употребляются только во множествен ном числе • существительные, обозначающие группу людей, если имеется в виду группа в целом • существительные, обозначающие группу людей, если имеются в виду люди, из которых она состоит Look through the article, including the missing statements from Ex. 5, and find the words that start with the prefixes inter-, in-, anti-, Ы-. Match the prefixes and their meanings using the examples from the text. 1. two 2. between 3. against 4. not Un't 3 Lessons 4 5 6 117 г I о Choose between the noun and the verb in brackets and change the form if necessary. 1. Western countries open schools (education/to educate) children from developing countries. 2. This organisation will help improve (communication/to communicate) between the two countries. 3. The scientists (achievement/to achieve) more than they could ever hope for. 4. Our village shop couldn’t (competition / to compete) with the big supermarket which opened last year. 5. A lot of people believe that (knowledge/to know) should be shared and exchanged. 6. It’s important (information/to inform) people about the opportunities they have. 7. There is still no (solution/to solve) to a lot of global problems. II Write sentences with similar meanings using the words in brackets. Model: I think we need to solve this problem immediately, (deal with) — / think we need to deal with this problem immediately. 1. The technology, you invented, should be tested in our laboratory, (innovation) 2. Let’s send our results to our colleagues and they will send their results to us. (exchange) 3.1 sometimes find it boring to spend time with people of my age. (peers) 4. We need to be patient and understanding with him. He is very tired, (tolerant) 5. Communication is very quick nowadays, (instant) 6. A lot of animal species are very difficult to find nowadays, (disappear) 7.1 think I should take part in this meeting, (participate) 8. They gave us access to secret information on their space programme, (make available) 9. A new corporation was founded yesterday, (establish) 10. This means of transportation is slow and expensive, (inefficient) 11. Have you got any local money on you? (currency) 118 Un t 3 Lessons 4 5, 6 12 Say how, according to the article, globalisation affects: a) cultural diversity b) local businesses c) developing countries d) information and knowledge e) communication f) health care g) the values of society h) the work of scientists i) borders j) countries k) people Use these verbs and adjectives to help you. to share, to disappear, to communicate, to travel, to solve, to go global, to get access to something, to help, to close down, to compete, to change, to become interconnected and interdependent, to improve, to achieve, to open, to exchange, to unite, fast, efficient, instant, available, global, common Model: According to the article, globalisation causes cultural diversity to disappear. 13 Do you agree with the opinions expressed in the article (Ex. 6)? Choose the points that are important to you and say what you think. Use these expressions. According to the article/The author of the article argues that... In my opinion/1 think/1 believe/1 am not sure/1 sometimes notice that. I agree/disagree... Model: According to the article, globalisation affects cultural diversity. I agree with that. Everybody reads the same books and watches the same films. It is not easy for local film producers to compete with Hollywood. Units Le5sons4, 5, 6 119 14 Six teenagers from different countries were asked the following questions: 1. Can you say that you already live in the global village? What makes you think so? 2. What does living in the global village mean for you? 3. How would people and countries have to change to become part of a global village? 4. Is globalisation a good or a bad thing? 15 Listen to the teenogers, answering the questions, and match their answers (1-6) with where they come from (A-G). There is one extra place with no match. Mark which of them think they already live in the global village and which of them don't. A Poland В France C The USA D Tomsk, Russia E China F Frankfurt, Germany ______________] G Estonia 120 Unif3 Lessons 4 5 6 16; Listen to the teenagers again and match their answers {1 -6) with the following statements (A — G). There is one extra statement with no match. A I live in the global village, because people from all over the world live in my city. В People just can’t live in peace, because they are so different and racism exists. C Globalisation may change my country forever and all our customs and traditions will be lost, D Globalisation allows me to learn about different cultures without leaving my home town. E The most important part of living in the global village is understanding the world’s problems and working to solve them. F Living in the global village means countries helping each other and exchanging goods and services. G The population of my city doesn’t include a lot of foreigners. 17 ; Listen to the teenagers once more and mark these statements true or false. Do you agree with the opinions expressed in the statements? Why?/ Why not? 1. A girl from Poland thinks that some international corporations are wealthier than some countries. 2. A boy from China argues that people, holding different beliefs, will soon learn to respect each other’s points of view. 3. A Russian girl thinks that it is necessary to speak English to be a part of the global village. 4. A boy from France believes that if you watch foreign films and eat foreign food, you don’t need to travel the world. 5. A girl from Frankfurt believes that her city has lost its identity, because there are so many different cultures represented there. 6. A boy from Estonia thinks that many countries live in peace with each other because they are interdependent. Homework ) Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Progressive form. Complete the sentences with the right pronouns. 1. What (be) his advice? — I haven’t asked him for ... yet. 2. Your luggage (be) too heavy. They’ll have to charge you for ... . 3. Her clothes (show) her good taste. ... really (look) great. Unit 3 Lessons 4 5 6 121 в 4. The football team (take) a shower at the moment. You can talk to .,. later. 5. Physics (become) one of the most important subjects in our school. We all enjoy studying .... 6. The weather in this part of the world (change) very fast. You have to check ... before going out. 7. Where (be) my jeans? Have you seen ...? 8. These gloves always (keep) me warm. You should try ... on. 9. Her good looks (make) her very proud.— Yes, she thinks about... all the time. 10. The news you brought (change) everything. We need to discuss ... as soon as possible. 11. His money (be) on the table. He always forgets where he has left .... 12. They (change) posters on the Opera House.— 1 know. A new ballet (come) here next week. Match these verbs and nouns to make as many expressions as possible. Then write your own examples with these expressions. 1. to establish 2. to adopt 3. to solve 4. to introduce 5. to avoid 6. to share knowledge, information, laws, currency, mistakes, company, business, policy, people, innovations, problems C Translate the sentences into English. 1. Корпорации становятся интернациональными. 2. Знаниями делятся, информацией обмениваются. 3. Маленькой компании трудно конкурировать с большими. 4. Новые законы, принятые странами европейского союза, помогут решить несколько важных проблем. 5. Глобальное изменение климата не имеет границ. 6. Необходимо избегать ошибок, допущенных учеными из других стран. 7. Современные технологии и новые изобретения меняют нашу реальность. 8. Его сверстники из разных стран вместе работают над охраной окружающей среды. 9. Глобализация влияет на культуру, традиции и языки разных стран. 122 Unit3 Lessons4, 5, 6 D Form the words with the prefixes inter-, in-, anti- and Ы- using these words. changeable, tolerant, competent, continental, racist, monthly, communication, humane, nuclear, biotic, cycle, action, secure, experienced E Use the correct form of the word. 1. A lot of people ... about ecological problems in China. 2. ... organisations deal with the problems that can’t be solved by one country. 3. This book will be ... next week. Come and check on Monday. 4. The ... for the best garden in the village was won by Alicia Robertson. 5. Scientists are talking about the ... of a new communications system. 6. The ... between me and you is that I know the news and you don’t. KNOWLEDGE GLOBE AVAILABILITY COMPETE DEVELOP DIFFER Read the teenagers' answers below and choose the right words to fill in the gaps. 1. a) sure b) think c) argue 2. a) think b) experience c) have 3. a) like b) understand c) get on 4. a) accept b) adore c) admit 5. a) nationality b) citizen c) population 6. a) diverse b) different c) central 7. a) journey b) trip c) travel 8. a) expeditions b) explorations c) excursions 9. a) qualities b) identity c) characteristics 10. a) power b) force c) money 11. a) like b) alike c) such 12. a) find b) experience c) try 13. a) foreign b) the world c) abroad 14. a) exchanging b) travelling c) helping 15-16. a) depend on b) help c) produce 17. a) However b) Although c) So 18. a) disappear b) reduce c) solve Units Lessons4, 5, 6 123 / 1.1 don’t really (1) ... the world can be called a global village because it would mean that there is no racism, no war and no poverty. It would be ideal for the world to become a global village, but it is just a dream! People from different cultures ARE different: we all (2) ... different beliefs and we speak different languages. Even in our school people don’t (3) ... with each other. I must admit, there are a lot of people I don’t like. The world is a difficult place and people should learn to (4) ... each other for who they are, and not look at the colour of their skin. We must all work together to stop racism. 2.1 believe that I already live in the global village. If you look at the (5) ... of my city, Frankfurt, you’ll find most cultures represented. I’m lucky that I live in a city that is so (6) ... and so open to international cultures. As Frankfurt is situated in the centre of Europe, (7) ... to other countries is very easy. Our Art teacher often takes us on (8) ... to museums in France, Holland and Belgium. Every winter we spend a couple of weekends skiing in Austria. I think this environment teaches us to respect each other’s beliefs, religions, and points of view. 3.1 notice how the world around me is changing and it worries me. I wonder, how much our (9)... and traditions will change, once we belong to the global village, because they are a very important part of our life. They define who we really are. I also notice that international corporations often don’t have to answer to anyone, as they have more economic (10) ... than many of the countries, where these corporations have their offices. 4. I think I’m a part of the global village, because I watch TV shows (11) ... Friends and The Simpsons from the USA. I also like to go to different restaurants: Chinese, Japanese, even McDonald’s, although my mum grumbles about it. 1 think living in the global village means that you can (12) ... different cultures without going (13) .... 124 Unir3 Lessons 4, 5.6 5. We think being a global village is all about working together and (14)... each other, and this is how things are nowadays. We, in Estonia, (15)... other countries for natural resources, electronics, clothes and many other things, and they, in their turn, (16) ... us for food. So the global village already exists. Without mutual help and support the world would probably be in World War III by now. 6. (17) ... my city isn’t multicultural, my friends and I feel that we’re a part of the global village. We don’t sit in front of the computer, but we act. We take part in international projects to (18) ... pollution, and so we’re helping the whole world. I also think it’s silly that you can only be part of a global village if you speak English. r lC V - - P Ш'ш • ШШЛ _ - c Countable and uncountable nouns (Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные) 1. Существительное fruit в английском языке имеет несколько значений. В своем основном значении fruit соответствует русскому слову „фрукты" (вид питания). В этом значении оно неисчисляемо, то есть согласуется с глаголом в единственном числе, не употребляется с неопределенным артиклем и не имеет формы множественного числа: То lead а healthy life, you need to eat fresh fruit every day.— Чтобы вести здоровый образ жизни, надо есть свежие фрукты каждый день. Слово fruits может обозначать „различные виды фруктов": You сап buy many different fruits in this shop.— В этом магазине Вы можете кзшить различные виды фруктов. Формы а fruit — fruits имеют значение „плод — плоды" (как ботанический термин): This apple tree gives very beautiful fruits.— Ha этой яблоне бывают очень красивые яблоки. Uotl 3 Lessons 4, 5 6 ond 7, 8, 9 125 2. Существительное fish является исчисляемым в английском языке и имеет совпадающие формы единственного и множественного числа: а fish — two fish. Не saw а fish in the water.— В воде он увидел рыбку. Форма fishes употребляется в значении „различные породы рыб“ и согласуется с глаголом во множественном числе: There were а lot of different fishes in the aquanam.— В аквариуме было много рыб различных видов. Кроме того, существительное fish может обозначать продукт питания, и в этом значении оно неисчисляемо: Vd like to eat fish today.— Сегодня мне бы хотелось поесть рыбы. 3. Следующие слова и выражения употребляются с неисчисляемыми существительными, когда требуется указать количество: liquids (water, beer, wine, etc) — a glass/a bottle/a jug/a can of water, etc cheese, meat — a slice/a piece/a pound of meat, etc chocolate — a bar of chocolate ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard — a bottle/a tube of ketchup, etc sugar, flour, salt — a spoonful/a bag/a box of sugar, etc advice — a piece of advice news — a piece of news equipment — a piece of equipment tennis — a game of tennis 4. Неисчисляемые существительные становятся исчисляемыми, когда речь идет о типах, видах, марках или порциях (чашках, бутылках, стаканах): They had а lot of different teas in the shop and we found it hard to choose.— В магазине у них были различные сорта чая, и нам было трудно выбрать. Не has а lot of cheeses from all over Europe.— У него много сортов сыра из Европы. Bring те а lemonade.— Принесите мне (бутылку) лимонада. So you’ve ordered three teas and one coffee.— Итак, вы заказали три (чашки) чая и один кофе. 5. Если речь идет о количестве денег, расстоянии, весе, периоде времени, то основной глагол употребляется в форме единственного числа: Five hundred thousand pounds was donated to build a new hospital wing. Two hours is all it takes to get from me to you by train. Two kilos of apples is enough to make jam. 126 Unit 3 Lessons 7, 8, 9 1 Use the expressions in the presentation to count these uncountable nouns Model: bread — a piece/slice of bread a) bread b) luggage c) rubbish d) chess e) research f) work g) luck h) information i) furniture j) equipment k) juice l) sugar m) chocolate 2 Listen and check your answers. Sometimes several answers can be correct. 3 ; Change the sentences, adding expressions to count the underlined words. Model: What exciting news! — What an exciting piece of news! 1. Jane gave me good advice about buying fish in the market. 2. Let’s play volleyball after lunch. 3. This equipment hasn’t arrived yet. 4. Can you give me some bread? 5. I’d like some water. 6. He needs some luck if he wants to get to his office on time. 7. Mary showed me some of her research. I was really impressed. Choose the right word in brackets and complete the sentences. 1. In this cafd they make the best (coffee / coffees) in town. It’s Italian. 2. We would like two (tea/teas) and an apple pie. 3. I’d like to try some (cake/cakes). It looks delicious. 4. Bring her (some /another) tea. She has finished her second cup. 5. You need to eat more (vegetable/vegetables) if you want to lose weight. 6. In my family we eat (fruit/fruits) every day. 7. I rarely eat (fish/fishes). I prefer meat. Urit 3 Lessons 7 8. 9 127 Complete the sentences with the right form of the verb in brackets and the right pronoun. 1. Two pieces of his old furniture (be) still here. You can look at ... . 2. Her jeans (be) too dirty. She needs to wash .... 3. The news you bring always (upset) granny. Can’t you keep ... to yourself? 4. Fifty thousand dollars (be) stolen from our local bank. It (be) a large sum of money, so the police (be) working day and night. 5. — My holiday (be) Just five days long.— Five days (be) very short, but you can use ... to go hiking. 6. — I bought five kilos of potatoes.— Put ... in the box. Five kilos (be) enough for a week. Use a/an or no article. 1. A neighbour brought me ... fresh fruit. 2. Our boss gave us ... interesting information about the new project. 3. She likes ... tea, so don’t offer ... coffee to her. 4. We would like ... apple juice, ... tea and ... Cola, please. 5. Who are you waiting for? — They’ve lost ... piece of my luggage, and I’m waiting for the manager. 6. ... two-week holiday made her feel happy and energetic. 7. — I think Alice needs ... new furniture. — She needs to find ... new accommodation first. 7 Listen to the words and repeat them after the speaker. butcher — мясник chore — работа no дому greengrocer — зеленщик, продавец фруктов produce — продукция, продукты cider — сидр, слабоалкогольный яблочный напиток flavour — вкус fishmonger — продавец рыбы mustard — горчица to deserve — заслуживать smoked — копченый still — негазированная (о воде) fizzy / sparkling — газированная (о воде) wheat — пшеница crusade — крестовый поход stall — прилавок 8 Which of the nouns in the word list (Ex. 7) are countable/ uncountable? Use the indefinite article where possible. 128 Unit 3 Lessons 7 8, 9 Lisa, David and Gina are enjoying another spring day in Canterbury. Today David and Gina prepared a surprise for Lisa. Read the conversation and answer the questions. 1. What is The Goods Shed? 2. What can you buy there? 3. Are farmers’ markets cheaper or more expensive than supermarkets? 4. Why does David like farmers’ markets? 5. Why do farmers’ markets deserve to succeed? 6. Who are the most interesting people at the The Goods Shed and what do they sell? THE GOODS SHED, CANTERBURY Daily farmers' market Market Opens Tuesday to Saturday 9 a.m. — 7 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m. -4pm. Closed Monday Lisa: Where are we going? David: We’ve prepared a surprise for you. We need to buy some fruit and vegetables, so we’re going to The Goods Shed. There’s no better place for buying good food in Canterbury. And after we finish, we can have lunch at a very good restaurant. I hope you’ll enjoy it, because they cook some of the best food in England. Lisa: Thank you very much. It sounds great. But what’s The Goods Shed? Gina: It’s a daily farmers’ market, where local farmers bring their produce and sell it directly to people. It’s situated in a lovely old railway building where fruit and vegetables, meat, eggs, cheeses, honey, herbs, wine, cider, cut flowers and garden plants, breads, cakes and pies are sold on large wooden stalls. Unit 3 Lessons 7 8 9 129 Lisa: David: Lisa: Gina: David: Lisa: Gina: David: Lisa: Gina: I know what you’re talking about. It must be so much cheaper to buy things there. Oh, no. I don’t think we’re going to save much at The Goods Shed. In fact their products won’t be much cheaper than those in the supermarket. Then why go there at all? Let’s go to the supermarket. Well, the supermarket will certainly have a larger choice, but you can’t compare the quality of the products. At the farmers’ markets packaging is kept to a minimum, so you can see what you are buying, and the food hasn’t travelled hundreds or even thousands of miles to get to the stall, which means it’s fresh and full of vitamins. Most of the time the person selling the food is the one who produced it, and he or she will be able to tell you all about it. And don’t forget the atmosphere: people gather, meet friends, make acquaintances, and proud producers show off their products or share cooking recipes with their regular customers. Shopping there is a real pleasure, not a chore. I can understand that. Mum and I often do our shopping at the local market. There are a lot of them in Russia, especially in summer. You’re lucky to have them. In 1997 there were no farmers’ markets in this country, but today there are already more than 400. Farmers’ markets deserve to succeed, because they support the local economy and small producers. They bring people food straight from the farm — not the packing house. Supermarkets have also noticed the popularity of local producers and are starting to buy from them too. By the way, we’ve arrived. Let’s go and say hello to our old friend Tom van den Bergh. What does he do? He sells all kinds of British cheeses. Tom is on his own personal crusade to bring local cheese back to the people. He thinks that supermarket cheeses don’t usually taste very good and people never get to know what real cheese is like. It’s Tom’s ambition to carefully select the nicest local cheeses, bring them to his customers and tell amazing stories about cheese. Children can’t wait to come back to Tom’s stalls, try his wonderful cheeses and listen to his fairy tales about cheese fairies who make 130 Unit 3 Lessors 7, 8 9 Lisa David Lisa: David: Gina: Lisa: special kinds of cheese. All right, Tom makes some of them up, but to be serious, if there’s something Tom doesn’t know about cheese, it simply isn’t worth knowing. Oh, I’m dying to try some of his cheese. Wait until you see all the stalls. There’s Simon the Fish who will sell you fresh fish or traditionally smoked fish — not just sprayed with smoke flavour and colour. There’s Ben from Pawley Farm who sells ciders and juices done in the old-fashioned way. He makes them from freshly grown local fruit, and they are amazingly delicious and refreshing. And there are Anna’s cakes, which are seriously dangerous for people who want to stay slim. Nobody will be able to refuse a slice of her home-made chocolate cake, and then you’ll have to have another one, and another, and another. And what’s that queue? We must join it too. Jonny Sandwich is a real magician who makes different kinds of soups, pies and sandwiches. He gets all his ingredients from his neighbours: the greengrocer, the butcher and the fishmonger. The baker brings him bread which is still hot from the oven. No wonder Jonny’s sandwiches are famous all over England. I’d recommend to try a roast beef sandwich on fresh wheat bread with onions and mustard. And I think you should save your appetite for the restaurant. I’ve already booked us a table, so don’t let me down. All right, let’s hurry up then. We still haven’t started our shopping. Unif 3 Lessons? 8,9 131 1 о Look through the highlighted sentences in the dialogue and mark the statements true, false or not stated if there is not enough information in the dialogue. 1. Supermarket food is usually fresher than the products at the farmers’ market. 2. Supermarkets are usually cheaper than farmers’ markets. 3. A lot of local products are sold in supermarkets as well as at farmers’ markets. 4. Just twenty years ago the tradition of shopping at farmers’ markets was lost in the UK. 5. David doesn’t usually enjoy shopping. 6. The success of farmers’ markets make supermarkets lower their prices. 7. There are a lot of important things Tom doesn’t know about cheese. 8. Tom is an expert in cheeses. 9. Tom tells children fairy tales about cheese. 10. At Pawley’s farm they make juices the way people used to do a long time ago. 11. People who eat Anna’s cakes will probably gain a lot of weight. 12. Jonny Sandwich makes his sandwiches from his own bread. 11 Look at the highlighted words in the following sentences and comment on the use of the plural, the indefinite article or no article. 1. There is no better place for buying good food in Canterbury. 2. Nobody will be able to refuse a slice of her home-made chocolate cake. 3. Fruit and vegetables, meat, eggs, cheeses, honey, herbs, wine, cider, cut flowers and garden plants, breads, cakes and pies are sold on large wooden stalls. 4. Tom is on a special crusade to bring local cheese back to the people. 5. Tom thinks that supermarket cheeses don’t usually taste very good. 12 Work in pairs. Compare Russian and British farmers' markets. How do they differ? Why? What do they have in common? 13 Work in groups. Why do you think famers' markets nearly disappeared in the UK? What positive and negative effects of globalisation do you notice when you go to the supermarket/to your local farmers' markets? 132 Unit 3 Lessons 7 8, 9 to make things at plants and factories — to produce, to manufacture to make houses and buildings — to build to make something new — to design, to develop, to create, to invent to make problems or changes — to cause, to produce ^14J Use a suitable word instead of make. 1. Alexander Bell made the telephone. 2. My father took part in making this house. 3. “Apple” made a new computer. 4. Her not coming to the office made a lot of problems. 5. My jeans are made in China. ^15 J Lisa and her British friends are ordering lunch. Read the phrases and say who is going to say them: the waiter or the customers. 1. Are you ready to order your drinks? 2. Г11 have a slice of cake, please. 3. The same for me, please. 4. What do you recommend? 5. Г11 be right back to take your orders. 6. I’d like a glass of water. 7. Here are your drinks. 8. Have you made up you minds about the desserts yet? 9. Give us a second. m -a- 16 Listen to the conversation and say who is going to have what. Lisa David Gina drinks starter main course dessert Unil 3 Lessons Z 8, 9 133 17j Listen to the conversation again and say: 1. Why does the menu change regularly? 2. Why can’t Lisa have strawberries? 18 j Do you think it's good or bad that only seasonal vegetables are available at the market? Give your reasons. Use your own ideas and some of the following expressions. to be good/bad for someone, to be healthy/unhealthy, to give people more choice, to be cheap, to travel miles, to get to the customers, to be delicious, to taste of nothing, to have a lot of flavour, to be fresh, to be ecologically friendly, to eat fruit and vegetables seasonally, to be full of vitamins Homework ^ A j Fill in the gaps with much, many, few, little. 1. He’s got ... information to be able to make this important decision. 2. How ... work has been done? 3. He’s got very ... furniture in his room. It’s nearly empty. 4. This shop hasn’t got ... different teas. We’d better go to the supermarket 5. How ... money did you spend on your new T-shirt? 6. I’m proud of you. You’ve made very ... mistakes in your test. 7. How ... pairs of jeans have you got? Why don’t we give some of them to your younger sister? В J Translate the sentences into English. 1. Oh дал мне два полезных совета. 2. Выпейте воды. Вы почувствуете себя лучше. 3. Овощи очень полезны для здоровья. 4. На его столе всегда много фруктов. 5. Я купил ему три пары джинсов. Пусть он их померяет. 6. Добавьте в суп кусочек масла. 7. Давай сыграем еще одну партию в шахматы. 8. Купи немного рыбы. Мы сварим суп. 9. У меня для вас две новости. Одна плохая, другая хорошая. 10. Давай подарим ему что-то из мебели.— Да, у него мало стульев. 134 Uni? 3 Lessons/8.9 j Write the plural or the singular of the following nouns if possible. In the case of uncountable nouns use expressions to make them countable. Model: supermarket — supermarkets tomatoes — tomato information — a piece of information news, fruit, vegetable, potato, advice, idea, knowledge, people, women, child, tooth, ship, rugby, milk, luggage D } Rephrase the sentences using these words and expressions. greengrocer, butcher, flavour, home-made, dessert, starter 1. Try some of this juice. I made it myself. 2. The guy, who sells meat, sent me to get some drinks. 3. Г11 have a salad to start with. 4. Let’s have some chocolate cake after we finish our main course. 5. This cheese doesn’t taste of anything. Can you get me something else? 6. The lady, who sells vegetables, recommended these peas. E j Find pictures of your local market and describe it. Use these questions os a plan. 1. What kind of market is it? 2. What kind of products can usually be bought there? 3. What are the people selling? Is it their own produce? 4. What are the prices of the produce like? 5. What is the quality of the produce like? 6. Do you like buying things at farmers’ markets? Why?/Why not? F ) Everybody knows of some perfect food combinations like bacon and eggs, burgers and French fries. Write your own top ten of great food combinations. Rate them from "Great for your healthi" to "Seriously dangerous for your stomach". Uni* 3 Lessons 7 8. 9 135 G Select a cuisine (кухня) and a type of restaurant and prepare a menu for it, Use these ideas to help you. vegetarian steak house traditional Russian ecologically friendly fast food European BURGERS The Natural Cafe Asian Indian ItoLan ‘listaH'iunt Sushi' HOUSE of fJnmti Be ready to serve your customers: explain to them what your dishes taste like, what ingredients they contain and give recommendations. H Complete the conversation with the right words and expressions. Waiter: David: Lisa: Gina: Waiter: David: Lisa: David: Are you ready to order your (1)? Yes, we are. (2) lemonade for me, please, ril have (3) glass of still mineral water. The same for me, please. So it’s (4) lemonade and (5). I’ll be right back to take your orders. So what are you going to have? I don’t know. What do you recommend? It’s difficult to say. The menu here sometimes changes every day as it reflects the goods in the market. 136 Unit 3 Lessors 7 8 9 Lisa: David: Gina: Lisa: David: Waiter: David: Waiter: David: Lisa: Waiter: Lisa Gina David This place is not cheap, though. Six pounds for a bowl of soup (6) quite a lot. I insist on paying for myself. It’s fine, Lisa. Don’t worry about it. Let’s just have (7) to eat. OK, then, for (8) I’d like a rabbit and bacon risotto, and as a (9) I’ll have the fish stew. And I’m going to have just (10) vegetable platter and (11) dessert afterwards. Right, and here’s our waiter. Here (12) your drinks and I’ve also brought you some bread and butter. Are you ready to order? Yes. We’d like a rabbit and bacon risotto, a fish stew and a vegetable platter for my friend. And I’m going to have roast chicken with a dish of seasonal vegetables. Have you made up you minds about the desserts yet? Give us a second. What did you want for dessert, Lisa? Have you got anything with strawberries? Not at the moment. Strawberries are not in season yet, and we cook dishes made only from ingredients from our market. I’d recommend our home-made ice cream (13). Oh, yes, I love (14) ice cream. Some ice cream will be great. Г11 join you, girls. So (15) for us, please. 1. a) drink b) drinks c) 2. a) a b) any c) 3. a) a b) some c) 4. a) a b) — c) 5. a) some mineral water b) two mineral waters c) 6. a) are b) costs c) 7. a) something b) some c) 8. a) to start b) desserts c) 9. a) dessert b) main course c) 10. a) the b) a c) 11. a) the b) a c) 12. a) is b) — c) 13. a) however b) besides c) 14. a) some b) an c) 15. a) it’s some ice cream b) there are three ice c) Unil 3 Lessors/, 8, 9 137 Lessons 10, 11 ^ -1 Countable and uncountable nouns (Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные) Иногда неисчисляемые существительные возможно заменить исчисляемыми синонимами; Uncountable travel poetry work advice Countable a journey, a trip a poem a job a suggestion Некоторые существительные могут быть как исчисляемыми, так и неисчисляемыми, в зависимости от их значения: Time flies.— We can meet another time. Время летит.— Мы можем встретиться в другой раз. I always feel pity for hungry children.— It’s a pity you didn’t hear that. Я всегда испытываю жалость к голодным детям.— Жаль, что вы этого не слышали. This сир is made of paper.— Have you seen the paper today? Эта чащка сделана из бумаги.— Вы сегодня видели газету? Glass is а beautiful material.— Give me a glass of water. Стекло — прекрасный материал.— Дайте мне стакан воды. We need someone with a lot of experience.— Let me tell you about some experiences. Нам нужен человек с больщим опытом.— Позвольте мне рассказать о некоторых впечатлениях. There is по room for your car in the garden.— There are two empty rooms in her house. В саду нет места для вашей машины.— В ее доме две пустые комнаты. Life is hard.— She had a very interesting life. Жизнь тяжела.— У нее была очень интересная жизнь. Her hair is black.— She saw two grey hairs in her brush. Who used it? У нее волосы черного цвета.— Она увидела два седых волоска на своей щетке. Кто пользовался ею? 138 Unit 3 Lessons 10, 11 1 Express the same idea using these uncountable nouns. work, furniture, luggage, poetry, accommodation Model: What a horrible day! — What horrible weather! 1. Whose bags and cases are they? 2.1 need a job. 3. She likes to read a poem or two before she goes to bed. 4. He makes his own tables and chairs. 5. I have got no place to live. 2 , Choose the right alternative to complete the sentences. 1. 1 noticed white (hair/hairs) on her jacket. 2. We had very (little/few) time to finish our project. 3. There were (a few/a little) times when Jane wanted to go back home. 4. He had (a very/very) eventful life before he became a Geography teacher. The maid brought in (paper/a paper) with the latest news. 6. This chair is made of (a wood/wood). 7. I need (a room/some room) for my clothes.— You can use my wardrobe if you want to. 8. What (an interesting/interesting) experience! .S J After a very pleasant stay in Canterbury, Lisa is on her way back home. However, at the airport she finds out that there is a problem. She is phoning her mum. Listen to their conversation and answer the questions. 1. What is Lisa’s problem? 2. What caused it? 3. What did she try to do? 4. What is she going to do? Unit3 Lessons 10, 11 139 Listen to the words and expressions and a loss — потеря, убыток to make a loss — понести убыток a profit — прибыль, доход to make a profit — получить доход to shut down — выключаться, останавливаться to affect smth/smb — влиять на что-либо / кого-либо to disrupt — нарушать repeat them after the speaker. to cancel smth — отменять что-либо stranded — застрявший, оказавшийся в затруднительном поло жении ап eruption — извержение а Eurostar train — поезд Евростар а ferry — паром ash — пепел 5 Read the conversation and choose the right words to fill in the gaps. 0-^** 0l2 Lisa: Mum: Lisa Mum: Lisa: Mum: Lisa: Mum: Lisa Hi, Mum. Hi, darling. How are things? What are you doing? Just having (1) ... glass of juice and relaxing at the airport. Shouldn’t you already be at the check-in? Is your flight leaving on time? No, Mum, in fact my flight is cancelled. Are you joking? Do you mean it’s delayed? No, Mum, all flights are cancelled. The check-in desks are closed. I can’t believe it, Lisa. What’s going on? They say a volcano erupted in Iceland and its ash can cause plane engines to shut down. 140 Unit 3 Lessons 10, 11 Mum: Lisa: Mum: Lisa: Mum: Lisa: Mum: Lisa Mum: Lisa: Oh my God, really? Switch on (2) ... news. Mum. You can’t imagine what’s going on here. The airport is a total mess. Stranded passengers are standing in (3) ... endless queues with (4) ... heavy luggage just to find out that they are not going to fly and that there’s (5) ... further information available. Tired children are crying. A lot of passengers have nowhere to stay, but some airlines say it is not their fault that the airport is closed, and they are not prepared to pay for (6) ... accommodation. Where are you going to stay then? Have you got (7) ... money left? Don’t worry. Mum. I’ve got enough. Besides, David is taking me back to his house in Canterbury. But what if the planes start flying soon? Nobody knows when that will happen. The airport officials say there will be no change in the situation for the next 48 hours. Two days (8) ... a long time. But how will you get home? It’s your aunt’s wedding on Sunday, remember? And you have a very important test at school next Monday. My advice (9) ... try to get to the continent by train or take a ferry. Oh, believe me, we’ve already tried everything. The Eurostar tickets are all sold out, ferries are getting more and more expensive and it’s impossible to rent a car — they’re all already taken. All right then, just keep me informed, OK? Sure Mum, I’ll let you know as soon as I get (10) ... news. 1. a) a b)- c) some 2. a) a b) the c) some 3. a) — b) a c) some 4. a) a b)- c) the 5, a) a b) no c) some 6. a) an b) some c) — 7. a) a b) the c) any 8. a) are b) is c) take 9. a) are b) is c) give 10. a) some b) the c) a Units Lessons 10, 11 141 6 Choose the right answers to complete the sentences. Lisa is stranded at the airport because a) the company cancelled her booking. b) her flight is delayed. c) the airport is closed. The problem has affected a) one airport. b) only one company. c) more than one country. Lisa can’t get to the continent because a) the hotels are full. b) the Eurostar train is fully booked. c) she has to go back to Canterbury. 4. The check-in desks are closed because a) an Icelandic volcano erupted. b) a lot of planes got damaged by the volcanic ash. c) too many people are trying to fly out. 5. The volcano affected the air traffic because a) sunlight can’t go through the ash. b) volcanic ash can shut down plane engines. c) its ash blocks the view of the pilots. Work in groups. Discuss the following questions and suggest answers. Write them down, 1. How will the volcanic eruption affect businesses? Who will make a loss? Who will make a profit? 2. Will it affect people on other continents? Why?/Why not? 3. Why is the volcanic ash dangerous for aeroplanes? 4. What will the re-opening of European airports depend on? Homework A Translate the sentences into English. 1. Здесь недостаточно места для твоего велосипеда. 2. Принеси мне, пожалуйста, стакан воды. 3. Спроси совета у своего отца. У него большой опыт. 4. Хорошее знание местных традиций всегда помогает ей. 5. Я надеюсь, он получит хорошее образование. 6. Она ездит на море три раза в год. 7. Как прошло ваше путешествие? — Спасибо, я прекрасно провел время. 142 Unit 3 Lessons О, 1 ■kiJUse а/an or no article. 1. It’s ... lovely weather today. 2. Use ... paper to pack these beautiful glasses. 3. He reserved ... room in the hotel near the airport. 4. She brought us ... very interesting information. 5. He made ... interesting suggestion. 6. What... good advice! Why didn’t I think of that myself? 7. That was ... funny experience. C ) Change the sentences using these words. cancel, disrupt, make a loss, make a profit, affect, stranded, shut down Model: Our Biology lesson is not going to take place tomorrow. — Our Biology lesson is cancelled 1. The eruption has caused chaos at European airports. 2. The engine of the train suddenly stopped working. 3. He lost a lot of money when he sold his business. 4. A lot of people all over the world can’t get out of the airports. 5. Did she make any money when she sold her flat? 6. Call the travel agency and say that you can’t go on the trip you have booked, 7. Did this volcano eruption change your plans? Lessons 12, 13 A -V Conditionals Type II (Условные предложения II типа) В английском языке существует три типа сложноподчиненных предложений с придаточными условными. В придаточных условных предложениях I типа (Conditionals Туре I) содержится указание на реальное, выполнимое условие, при котором действие, выраженное глаголом главного предложения, произойдет в будущем. В главном предложении употребляется the Future Simple, в придаточном the Present Simple: She4l go to the party if Mike invites her.— Она пойдет на вечеринку, если Майк пригласит ее. Сослагательное наклонение (The Subjunctive mood) используется в условных предложениях II типа (Conditionals Туре II). В этих предложениях содержится указание на нереальное условие, по причине которого осуществ- Unii 3 Lessons 10, 11 and 12 13 143 ление действия главного предложения проблематично или невозможно. В таких предложениях действия могли бы произойти в настоящем или будущем, но это маловероятно. В главном предложении употребляется the Future-in-the Past, в придаточном the Past Simple: She would go to the party tomorrow if Mike invited her.— Она пошла бы на вечеринку завтра, если бы Майк пригласил ее. (Это все еще возможно, поскольку вечеринка еще не состоялась, но приглашение маловероятно). Обратите внимание! Сокращенная форма would = ’d rd help you today if I had time.— Я бы помог тебе сегодня, если бы у меня было время. Глагол to be в условных предложениях П типа имеет форму were: If I were older, I would work as a ranger.— Если бы я был старше, я работал бы лесником. Ifl were you, Fd spend this money on books.— Ha твоем месте я потратил бы эти деньги на книги. 1 Look through the sentences. Which of them contain an unreal condition? 1. Would you try African food if you had the opportunity? 2. I’d speak to you if I had the time. 3. Г11 leave early if the boss allows me to. 4. They will understand you if you talk to them in Spanish. 5. He’ll never sell his car. 6. They would be happy to come if they lived closer to London. 2 Read the pairs of sentences. Which of the pair better reflects the meaning of the sentence in italics? 1. I’d buy these jeans if they had my size. a) It is very unlikely that they have my size. b) They haven’t got my size. 2. I’d learn to play the piano ifl had more time. a) Tm very busy. b) I must learn to play the piano. 3. He’d try to do that again if his mum weren’t there. a) He’ll do that again soon. b) His mum is always there looking after him. 4. If Maria saw Nessie, she’d take a picture. a) Maria is unlikely to see Nessie. b) Nessie is a legendary monster. 5. If you liked vegetables, you’d find it easier to diet. a) It’s a pity you don’t like vegetables. b) You may actually enjoy your diet. 144 Unit 3 Lessons 12 13 3 Change the sentences using Conditionals Type II. 1. If he gets into a university, everybody will be really surprised. 2. My friends will help me if something happens. 3. Г11 stay for lunch if my mother doesn’t need my help. 4. WeTl take a taxi if we’re short of time. 5. If he learns the truth, he’ll be very angry. 4 Say what you would do if you were stranded abroad with little money and little hope of getting out quickly. 1. Would you go to a hotel? 2. Would you try to find an alternative means of transport? 3. Would you borrow money from friends? 4. Would you call home and expect help from your parents and relatives? 5. Would you go on sightseeing and enjoy your extended holiday? 5 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. an executive — руководитель to drift — дрейфовать to refund smth to smb — возмещать что-либо кому-либо to be insured against smth — быть застрахованным от чего-либо hazardous — опасный Vesuvius Iv3'su:vi9s) — Везувий Etna ['етэ| — Этна EyjafiallajokuU ['eija,fjatla,j3:kutl] — Эйяфьядлайёкюдль 6 The volcano eruption is the main news of the day. Read the article and check some of your answers to Ex. 7 in the previous lesson. ICELANDIC VOLCANO An erupting Icelandic volcano has shut down airline traffic over much of Europe. Businesses are losing huge sums of money, important appointments are having to be cancelled, families have been separated — life in Europe is fast becoming a mess. So, contrary to popular belief, Europe does have its own set of dangerous volcanoes. And EyjafiallajokuU is not even among the ten most dangerous of them. Unit 3 Lessons 12, 13 145 According to the scientists, the most powerful European volcanoes are Vesuvius and Etna in Italy. Eyjafiallajokull first erupted on 20 March 2010, but this second eruption is said to have been even more powerful. It sent ash several kilometres into the air, and led to the cancellation of thousands of airline flights around the world. The ash cloud drifted in a south-easterly direction and is expected to affect the rest of Europe by midday today No flights will be allowed into the airspaces of Britain, Norway, Germany, France, Holland and many other countries. This will mean disruption for millions of stranded passengers. According to British air traffic control service, the number one priority for all passengers is safety, as the volcanic ash is hazardous to aircraft. It consists of fine, abrasive powder which can put planes at risk by causing engines to shut down. In 1982 volcanic ash from another volcanic eruption caused all four engines of an aircraft to shut down. Luckily Captain Moody, the pilot, managed to land the plane safely. There will be constant monitoring of the situation by the Meteorological Office. They forecast that the cloud could remain over Britain until the weekend. It will take a number of days before the ash falls to earth, depending on wind speeds and direction. It will be a hard time for those who are stranded at airports all over the world. The advice to all passengers is to contact their airlines for specific information and avoid coming to airports if possible. For some European travellers it is possible to arrange alternative modes of travel, like buses and trains. However, others will have to extend their stays in Britain. Passengers will be refunded the full cost of their tickets, but any additional costs of choosing alternative modes of transport will not be paid for. 146 Urit3 Lessons 12. 13 7 Say what would happen if the planes flew into the cloud of volcanic ash. 8 Mark these statements true, false or not stated. 1. The volcanic eruption affected only Europe. 2. The volcano is situated in Iceland. 3. Eyjafiallajokull is one of the ten most dangerous volcanoes in Europe. 4. Millions of people are waiting at airports. 5. Volcanic ash is hazardous to car engines. 6. There is no evidence that volcanic ash can cause plane engines to shut down. 7. The cloud of volcanic ash rose higher than planes usually fly. 8. The flights are cancelled because airline companies care about passengers’ safety. 9. Every time a plane flies through a cloud of volcanic ash, it falls down. 10. Hotels worldwide made a big profit providing accommodation for stranded passengers. 11. The airports will be open again when the ash falls down. 12. Which airports are going to be closed depends on the wind speed and direction. 13. Alternative means of transport are very hard to get as they are all overbooked. 14. Passengers will get their money back for the tickets they didn’t use. Complete the sentences with one of the following words. stranded, losses, insured, refunded, cancelled, hazardous, eruption, affect 1. Passengers that can’t get out of the airport are ... there. 2. The flights that don’t take place are .... 3. The ash cloud that can harm the engine is ... for aeroplanes. 4. Dangerous volcanic activity is called an ... . 5. Passengers who return their tickets will be ... for their cost. 6. This air traffic crisis showed how nature can ... people’s plans. 7. Airline companies, whose planes were grounded, will suffer huge .... 8. People, who are ... , will get compensation from the insurance company for extra accommodation costs. Uni: 3 Lessons 12 13 147 1 о The volcanic eruption affected businesses in different ways. Listen to this information and say which businesses made a loss and which made a profit. 11 Listen to the information again and correct the false statements. 1. Airline companies will get compensation for their losses. 2. A lot of people used the Eurostar train to get to and from Britain. 3. One businessman had to buy a bicycle to get a ticket for the ferry. 4. The businessman with a bike had an important business meeting to attend. 5. A group of international executives hired a taxi from London to Geneva 6. It costs £1,000 to get from London to Belfast by taxi. 7. Military ships are being used to get stranded Britons home. Homework Ч. У В If he wanted Rewrite the sentences using Conditionals Type II. Model: If he wants to speak to you, he will find you himself. to speak to you, he would find you himself 1. We’ll go shopping if the shops are open tomorrow. 2. Г11 order a lemonade if they have it. 3. Our neighbours will help if we ask them to. 4. If I need a book on astronomy. I’ll go to the library. 5. If he speaks English, he won’t need a translator. Change the sentences according to the model using Conditionals Type II. Model: I’d like to go on holiday, but I have very little money.— If I had more money, I would go on holiday. 1. I want to go for a walk tomorrow, but the weather is going to be awful 2. I’d like to eat this cake, but I’m on a diet. 148 Unit 3 Lessons 12. 13 3. Гт thinking of buying a car, but I can’t drive. 4.1 dream of living in the country, but I work in the city centre. 5.1 want to organise a big party, but I don’t know many people here. C Use the correct form of the words to complete the sentences. 1. When European economists assess how historic flight (DISRUPT) affect businesses, they find both winners and losers. 2. Airline companies are the most affected, facing (LOSE) of about £150 million a day. British Airways and other airlines said they are not (INSURE) against problems caused by volcanic ash clouds. 3. Fifty-eight services of the Channel Tunnel high-speed train company Eurostar were full. Thus the company (TRANSPORT) more than 45,000 passengers in one day. 4. Many people decided to use ferries, however the tickets were extremely hard to get. One British businessman, who was stuck in France, was running late for his wife’s birthday. There were no tickets for foot passengers (LEAVE), but more expensive cyclists’ tickets were still (AVAILABILITY). However, the ferry operators refused to sell him the tickets until he bought and showed them a bicycle. 5. Multinational executives turned to taxi companies, booking (JOURNEY) from Paris to Milan, from Amsterdam to Frankfurt and so on. One group of businessmen paid a taxi driver the (SHOCK) sum of £700 to take them from Belfast to London to be in time for a business conference. 6. Another taxi firm collected its biggest-ever fare when a group of (ADVENTURE) businessmen booked a (RIDE) from London to Switzerland. Their 700-mile journey started at 3.30 a.m., and more than thirteen hours later, at 4.45 p.m., they arrived in Geneva. After that they immediately took a plane to Portugal, where they had another meeting to attend. © » 7. Even the Royal Navy has not been too proud to get involved. The British (GOVERN) decided to use three ships to cross the English Channel and pick up stranded Britons from Europe. Units Lessons 12, 13 149 8. Hotels all over the world were (FULL) booked, but some of them decided to use the situation to make even more profit. One (BRITAIN) couple stranded in Hong Kong reported that the night before the eruption a hotel room was 250 euros, then at midday, after it started, it was 460 euros, and in the evening the price was already 800 euros — so people had to go to the airport and sleep there. ^ D ) Write one or two questions about the information given in Model: Paragraph 1: What companies lost a lot of money? } Imagine being in the UK during the volcanic eruption. What would happen if a) you had a plane ticket? b) you had a train ticket? c) you decided to get to the continent by ferry? d) you decided to take a taxi to another country? e) you stayed in a hotel? f) you had friends in Britain? Lessons 14, 15 I Conditionals Type III (Условные предложения III типа) Сослагательное наклонение также используется в условных предложениях III типа. Условные предположения III типа выражают предположения, относящиеся к прошедшему времени и потому невыполнимые. В условных предложениях III типа действия могли бы произойти в прошлом, но не произошли. В главном предложении употребляется the Future Perfect in the Past (would + have + глагол в III форме), в придаточном the Past Perfect: Jim would have finished his work yesterday if he had got this information in time.— Джим закончил бы свою работу вчера, если бы он вовремя получил эту информацию. На русский язык условные предложения II и III типа переводятся с помощью формы сослагательного наююнения: I would соте if she phoned те.— Я бы пришел, если бы она позвонила. I would have come if she had phoned me.— Я бы пришел, если бы она позвонила. 150 Un;t 3 Lessons’2 13 and 14, 15 Для того чтобы определить, какому типу условных предложений соответ-свует русское предложение, необходимо установить, к какому времени относится высказываемое в нем предположение; Если бы я вчера посмотрел этот фильм, мы бы его обсудили.— If I had watched this film yesterday, we would have discussed it. Если бы я завтра посмотрел этот фильм, мы бы его обсудили.— Ifl watched this film tomorrow, we would discuss it. Наклонение Тип условного предложения i изъяви- тельное сослага- тельное сослага- тельное I тип Придаточное предложение содержит реальное, выполнимое условие II тип Придаточное предложение содержит нереальное или трудновыполнимое условие Время, к которому относится высказывание настоящее будущее Главное cqjq3 Придаточное предложение предложение I will give her the document if she comes at 5 p.m. tomorrow. настоящее будущее I would give her the document if she came at 5 p.m. today. Ill тип Придаточное i предложение содержит нереальное и невыполнимое условие прошедшее I would have given her the document yesterday if she had come in time. 1 Give Russian equivalents for the following sentences. 1. If I had known about the meeting, I would have come to it. 2. If my friend hadn’t got a bad mark in his final test, he wouldn’t have spent the whole week at home. 3. If you had visited this museum, you would have given me a different answer. 4. He would have watched that film if he hadn’t been sick. 5.1 wouldn’t have been late if I hadn’t missed my train. 3 Less? i 151 2 Which of the pairs of sentences contain actions that • didn't take place? • are unlikely to take place now or in the future? 1 a) If he had asked me to help, I would have done it. b) If he asked me to help, I would do it. 2 a) I would have written to him if I hadn’t lost his e-mail address, b) I would write to him if I hadn’t lost his e-mail address. 3 a) She would have finished her report if he had helped her. b) She would finish her report if he helped her. 4 a) Kate would have married that man if he had asked her to. b) Kate would marry that man if he asked her to. 3 Use the right form of the verbs in brackets for Conditionals Type III. 1. If the film (not be boring), we (stay) until the end. 2.1 (cook) dinner if I (know) about your visit. 3. Jack (win) this competition if he (participate). 4. Kate (be) there if she (apply) for a new job. Listen to the words and expressions and a lawsuit — судебное дело a judge — судья a witness — свидетель jury — присяжный, присяжные a verdict — вердикт, приговор суда evidence — свидетельство a crime — преступление a court — суд defence — защита an incident — инцидент to accuse smb of (doing) smth — обвинять кого-либо в чем-либо repeat them after the speaker. to claim smth — заявлять, утверждать что-либо to sue smb for (doing) smth — подавать в суд на кого-либо за что-либо notorious — печально известный guilty/not guilty — виновный/ невиновный to throw out — прекращать to award — присудить a camper van — машина-дом на колесах 5 Read the conversation and mark the statements true, false or not stated. 1. David’s parents aren’t abroad. 2. David is not going to see his mum very often next month. 3. A lot of stranded passengers suffered financial losses. 4. People don’t have enough money to sue big corporations. 5. The notorious McDonald’s lawsuit is about one elderly lady who got very fat eating McDonald’s food. 6. The Mcdonald’s lawsuit made people avoid McDonald’s. 152 Un-t 3 Lessors 15 Gina: Lisa: David: Lisa: David: Gina: Lisa: You’re lucky, your parents are in Yorkshire. They’ll be able to get home soon. I’m afraid we won’t see much of our mum over the next few months. Why is that? Our mum is a corporate lawyer for British Airways. Next month she’ll have to deal with endless lawsuits against her company. But who would sue British Airways? A lot of stranded passengers who missed their meetings, lost money and suffered all kinds of mental and physical stress. Lisa: But that’s ridiculous. You can’t blame air companies for not being able to fly because of the volcano eruption. You’re right, but in the West, especially in America, people often sue big companies just to get some money out of them. Usually big companies agree to pay those people just to save their reputation, but sometimes they have to go to court. You surely have heard about the notorious McDonald’s lawsuit? No, tell me. It happened in 1992 when 79-year-old Stella Liebeck ordered a cup of coffee from the drive-through window of a local McDonald’s restaurant. She then placed the coffee cup between her knees and pulled open the plastic lid. Although the car was stationery, the cup turned over and spilled its contents all over Stella’s lap. McDonald’s coffee is served at a temperature of between 82 and 88®C, so the old lady got severely burnt. She had to spend a week in hospital, which was followed by two years of treatment. Mrs Liebeck asked McDonald’s to compensate her for her medical costs of $11,000, but the company offered only $800. Then the old lady went to court. A twelve-person jury found that McDonald’s was 80% responsible for the incident. They awarded Mrs Liebeck $640,000. This lawsuit soon became a common joke between lawyers. Lisa: I don’t see anything funny about it. The old lady suffered terrible pain and she only asked for compensation for her medical expenses to start with. Lisa: Gina: Unt3 tessons 15 153 6 David: You may be right. But this case encouraged people to sue everybody for everything. They seem to think that suing is the only way to solve their problems. Do you know how many people regularly try to sue McDonald’s for making them fat? Lisa: This is hard to believe. Nobody makes them eat there. It’s their choice. David: You’re right, but let us just tell you about a few cases which we heard from our mum. You’ll be amazed. Look through the conversation again and choose all possible answers. Justify your choices. 1. People threaten to sue big companies, because a) they hope to make money out of it. b) they want the companies to improve their practices. c) they want to become famous and get into the news. 2. Big companies prefer to offer people compensation a) because they feel responsible for their products. b) to save their reputation. c) to save money on lawyers. 3. The McDonald’s suit a) made people choose other fast food restaurants. b) encouraged people to sue big companies. c) made McDonald’s change the temperature of its coffee. David and Gina are going to tell Lisa about five cases. Before you listen, match the titles of the cases with their Russian equivalents. a) Rocking and rolling with a Cola vending machine. b) Let’s sue the weather. c) No beautiful girls for you. d) Don’t cry over your spilt drinks. e) Always read the owner’s manual. f) What do you use a cruise control for? 1. He стоит плакать над пролитыми напитками. 2. И никаких тебе красавиц. 3. Всегда читай инструкцию по использованию, 4. Для чего используется круиз-контрол? 5. Подадим в суд на погоду. 6. Танцуя рок-н-ролл с автоматом кока-колы. 154 Unt3 Lessens 14, 15 8 j Listen to the five cases and match the stories with their titles from above One of the titles is not needed. 9 Read the cases and say: 1. What businesses were sued? 2. What were they accused of? 3. What happened in each of the stories as a result of the business’s “mistake”? 1 A woman from Israel sued a TV station for a mistake in their weather forecast. After they predicted a sunny day, she left her home lightly dressed. It rained, she got wet through and caught a cold. She had to miss four days of work and spend $38 on medication. After a night drinking beer to celebrate the end of exams, 19-year-old Kevin Mackle went to get a can of Cola from a vending machine. The young man seems to have tried to get the Cola without paying. He was pushing and rocking the machine and in the end it overbalanced and fell on him. The young man died. His relatives sued the Coca-Cola Company and the university, where the machine had been placed, for about $660,000. They said that the machine was not secured and there were no warning signs instructing students not to rock it. Amber Carson from Pennsylvania sued a Philadelphia restaurant after she slipped on a spilled drink and broke a bone. In its defence the restaurant manager pointed out that the reason, the soft drink was on the floor, was that Ms Carson herself had thrown it at her boyfriend 30 seconds earlier during an argument. Unit 3 Lessons M, 15 155 In 1991 “Anheuser-Busch”, a famous beer-making company, was sued for false and misleading advertising. In their commercials beautiful women came to life for two men driving a truck full of Bud Light beer. A beer lover named Richard Overton complained that after he drank that beer, no beautiful women turned up. In fact, having drunk the beer, he had even less success with women. " ’S'* A lot of American cars have a cruise control. This is a system that automatically controls the speed of a car, so if you have a long way to go, you don’t need to push the accelerator all the time. You can just set the cruise control. Mrs Grazinski from Oklahoma City bought herself a new camper van. On her way home she set the cruise control at 70 m.p.h., quietly left the driver’s seat and went to the back of her camper van to make herself a sandwich. Not surprisingly, the camper van crashed and overturned. The woman sued the manufacturer for not explaining in the owner’s manual that the cruise control couldn’t actually drive instead of her. 10 Say what you would have done if you had been: a) the woman from Israel. b) a relative of Kevin Mackle. c) Amber Carson. d) Richard Overton. e) Mrs Grazinski from Oklahoma City. Use some of these expressions and your own ideas. to feel ashamed, angry, guilty, stupid, to want compensation, to consult a doctor, to be more careful, to be responsible for one’s own actions, to accuse the company of something. Model: If I had been the woman from Israel, I would have stopped trusting the weather forecast. 156 Unit 3 Lessons 14, 15 11 Describe the situation in each of the cases using Conditionals Type III. What wouldn't have happened if someone hadn't done a stupid thing? Model: The vending machine wouldn't have fallen over if the student hadn’t rocked and pushed it 12 Say what you would have done if you had been the judge in each of the cases. Explain your decision. Use these expressions. to award compensation, to find guilty/not guilty, to advise, to order the company to change its manual, to throw out the lawsuit Model: If I had been the judge, I would have awarded Mrs Grazinski compensation. I think the name “cruise control” is misleading, and ordinary people can’t be expected to know every technical term. 13 Listen to the verdicts and check your answers. Homework Match the phrases with suitable reactions and write down mini-dialogues. 1. — If I get a ticket, I’ll go to watch this film. 2. — If I got a ticket. I’d go to watch this film. 3. — If I had got a ticket, I would have gone to watch this film. a) — It’s a pity you didn’t get it. b) — I don’t think it’s going to be so difficult. The film has been on for a while. c) — Yes, they say the queues are really awful. Xmum yju. BE\ I I Ml^S ^ [school LiK^youlJ 1. 2. 3. a) b) c) Mum will be angry with me if I miss school like you. Mum would be angry with me if I missed school like you. Mum would have been angry with me if I had missed school like you. You will never do it. You are too scared of your mum. It’s a pity you didn’t go with us yesterday. We watched a great film. But how would she find out? Unit 3 Lessons 14 15 157 1. 2. 3. a) b) c) Our team will win the championship if he joins us. Our team would win the championship if he joined us. Our team would have won the championship if he had joined us. Let’s ask him to. He may agree. It’s a pity we didn’t know him then. I don’t think he’ll change his mind. He’s given up football. ' л**;- телл* WILL WitJ THE CHf^t^PlONSKtP IP H£ JOINS OS! в Give Russian equivalents for the following English sentences. 1. She would have sued the shop if they hadn’t paid her a huge compensation. 2. The jury wouldn’t have listened to Mrs Lovejoy if she hadn’t brought a witness with her. 3. The judge would have given another verdict if he had seen the evidence. 4. Mr Goodman wouldn’t have been found guilty if he hadn’t started a lawsuit. 5. Mrs Dixon wouldn’t have accused her neighbour of stealing her bicycle if she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes. 6. Mrs Berg claims that she had nothing to do with that incident. C Complete the sentences with suitable words: to sue, the judge, evidence, a witness, a jury, to accuse 1. Someone who saw the incident is called .... 2. Photographs, fingerprints, clothes and hair can become important .... 3. The group of people who decide in court whether someone is guilty or not are called .... 4. The head of the court is ... . 5. If you say that someone robbed you, you ... that person of a very serious crime. 6. If you injure somebody, they may ... you for that. D Should people sue big companies or should they take more responsibility for themselves? Why? / Why not? Think of a story to illustrate your point of view. Write 8-12 sentences. 158 Unit 3 Lessons 14, 15 Exam know-how При работе с текстами обычно предлагается выполнить следующие задания: Установить соответствие приведенных утверждений прочитанному тексту (True, False, or Not Stated) 1^2J Выбрать правильный из предложенных вариантов (Multiple choice) (7) Заполнить пропуски (Filling in the gaps) 4 Установить соответствие (Matching) 5 Расположить части текста в правильном порядке (Putting in the right order) 1 Установление соответствия приведенных утверждений прочитанному тексту (True, False, or Not Stated) Необходимо убедиться в том, что вам полностью понятен смысл утверждений, прежде чем вы начнете читать. Прочитав утверждение, попытайтесь предсказать возможный ответ, исходя из здравого смысла. Приступайте к поиску ключевых слов и выражений. Как только вы их найдете, проанализируйте их, абстрагировавшись от предлагаемых утверждений. Убедитесь в том, что вы правильно поняли нужные фразы, затем снова сравните их с утверждениями из задания. При выполнении такого типа заданий необходимо гибко использовать разные технологии чтения, поскольку в одном вопросе вам необходимо будет найти только ключевое слово, а для ответа на другой внимательно прочитать целый абзац. Утверждение классифицируется как правильное, если оно соответствует информации текста, и как неправильное, если оно противоречит ей. Если на вопрос невозможно ответить „да“ или „нет", то, следовательно, информация в тексте отсутствует. Все это кажется очевидным, однако задания такого типа всегда представляют определенную сложность. Утверждения, как правило, слегка отличаются от предложений из текста. Часто сложность Units essons 16. 17 159 вопроса заключается в понимании разницы между общей и конкретной ситуацией, фактами и мнениями, мнением самого автора и тем, что он цитирует. Для того чтобы правильно выполнить задание, обращайте внимание на: прилагательные, используемые для того, чтобы дать оценку или высказать суждение: sensible, responsible, traumatic, exhausting-, сравнения, которые также часто используются для выражения мнения: Life in the country is more fun than life in a big city, указатели времени, которые часто полностью меняют значение предложений: last year, often, rarely, soon, every day, usually, etc; упоминание о развитии, изменении ситуации: This company’s profits are growing every year, выражения, используемые для высказывания субъективного мнения; In ту opinion. It seems to me, I was sure, I thought, I hoped. As far as I know, выражения, используемые для описания ситуации в целом: Many people think that... Everybody says that... We all know that... Usually... In general... , слова и выражения, указывающие количество: several, some, all, every, few, less, much, a lot, most; вводные слова и союзы, которые могут радикально менять значение фразы: although, moreover, however, thus, therefore, etc; выражения типа only, at all, exclusively, etc. 1 Перед вами пары предложений. В предложениях на зеленых плашках содержатся части текста. В правой колонке содержатся утверждения. а) Оцените, соответствуют ли утверждения в правой колонке фактам и мнениям, изложенным в частях текста. б) Если это не так, измените утверждения таким образом, чтобы они соответствовали фактам и мнениям, изложенным в тексте. 1. а) Some companies have decided to attract new customers by improving their services. b) Some companies are switching to a new system of improved services soon. 2. a) In my opinion our government should spend more money on space programmes. b) Everybody agrees that our government should spend more money on space programmes. 160 Units Lessons 16 V 3. а) The tourists bumped into some animal which seemed huge at night. In the morning it turned out to be a lost dog. b) The tourists found a very big ammal. 4. a) According to Professor Smith we should all get ready for a global catastrophe. b) Some scientists argue that a global disaster is about to happen. a) His little daughter was obviously upset by something. a) Kate didn’t give her friends the chance to help her. b) The death of a family pet was a very traumatic experience for his little daughter. b) Kate never accepts anybody’s help. Определите, соответствуют ли утверждения информации из текста или необходимая информация в тексте отсутствует. (Утверждения расположены на зеленых плашках.) 1. Ninety per cent of my class are going to apply to universities and colleges. Most of my schoolmates are thinking about carrying on with their education. 2. The south of Spain is the most attractive part of the country. Thousands of tourists go to the south of Spain every year. 3. The author really liked the actors. I was impressed by the actors’ performance. 4. Mum usually found the time to spend evenings at home. Although she was very busy. Mum spent the evenings at home. Прочитайте текст и попытайтесь ответить, какие из утверждений соответствуют или не соответствуют тексту, а о каких в тексте нет информации. 1. The author thinks that the summer holidays always start with a lot of hopes and plans. 2. Every summer the author is disappointed to find out that she hasn’t fulfilled many of her plans. 3. That summer the author was going to visit a country she had never seen before. Un I 3 Lessons 16 17 161 4. The author’s mum and dad could only help with money. 5. Betsey was a very extraordinary person. 6. The author decided not to visit London at all. 7. The author was greatly impressed by her car journey with Betsey. 8. Britain used to be invaded more than once. It’s a funny thing with the summer holidays. When you think about them in June, they seem endless and give rise to great expectations: “I’ll learn a couple of languages, lose a couple of pounds and learn to play the guitar,” you promise yourself, and there is nothing wrong with being that optimistic. However, by the end of August you realise that the summer is gone, and you haven’t done much of what you had planned. At the start of that summer I made a more realistic plan. I was going to visit England and see the places I had read so much about. Mum and Dad agreed to sponsor my plan. Moreover, they provided me with the address of their old friend living in England. At that time I couldn’t even guess what my lucky star had in store for me. The woman, who met me at the airport, was called Betsey and she was anything but ordinary. She knew all about England and immediately talked me out of the idea of spending all my time in London. We took her tiny car and followed the famous Roman roads made at the time of the Roman invasions. They are still very convenient as they are so straight. This was how my most wonderful and fascinating adventure started. Задание уже выполнено правильно. Просмотрите ответы и объясните, почему они правильные. 1. The author thinks that the summer holidays always start with a lot of hopes and plans.— True. 2. Every summer the author is disappointed to find out that she hasn’t fulfilled many of her plans.— True. 3. That summer the author was going to visit a country she had never seen before.— True. 162 Unit 3 Lessons 16. 17 4. The author’s mum and dad could only help with money.— False. 5. Betsey was a very extraordinary person.— True. 6. The author decided not to visit London at all.— False. 7. The author was greatly impressed by her car journey with Betsey. True. 8. Britain used to be invaded more than once.— Not stated. Выбор правильного варианта (Multiple choice) Задания такого типа очень напоминают задания на установление соответствия утверждений тексту. Один из ответов — правильный, остальные либо неправильные, либо информация в тексте отсутствует. Для выполнения заданий на выбор правильного варианта необходимо: • Просмотреть все вопросы, для того чтобы понять, какую информацию нужно искать. • Определить ключевые слова, которые вы будете искать в тексте. Постарайтесь представить себе, в какой форме вам встретится ответ. Например, если вы ищете дату, то вам необходимо просмотреть текст, обращая внимание только на цифры. • Понять общую идею каждого абзаца. Для этого можно использовать заглавия и любую другую информацию, которая может помочь вам найти абзац, содержащий нужную информацию. • Разделить информацию на главную и второстепенную. Неправильные ответы могут содержать необходимые ключевые слова, но смещать важные акценты. • Следует обращать внимание на грамматические особенности построения предложений. Неправильные ответы могут, например, содержать другую форму глагола. Прочитайте текст и выберите правильные ответы. 1. The idea of building a tunnel under the sea first came up a) in 1880. b) about 200 years ago. c) in 1980. d) in 1860. Lint 3 Lessons 16, 17 163 2. Napoleon refused to build a tunnel because a) he was at war with Britain. b) relations between France and Britain were unfriendly. c) he didn’t have the money. d) he didn’t trust his engineers. 3. Thomas de Gamond of France and Sir John Hawkshaw of Britain went as far as a) producing very practical plans. b) having a pilot tunnel dug under their supervision. c) nearly digging the Channel tunnel. d) forming an Anglo-French company to dig a tunnel. 4. The work of the two engineers was interrupted by a) the lack of money. b) the threat of another European war. c) another European war. d) the engineers’ interest in another tunnel. nil:•'- •- The idea of a tunnel under the Channel directly linking England and France is not a new one. About 200 years ago a French engineer told Napoleon that it would most definitely be possible to build a long tunnel under the Channel. Napoleon was more interested in fighting the British than in linking the two countries, and shortly afterwards a new war between Britain and France prevented any further development of the project. Then in the late 1860s, Thomas de Gamond of France and Sir John Hawkshaw of Britain, two very successful engineers, produced quite practical plans for a railway tunnel that would finally end Britain’s long isolation as an island. Companies were quickly formed in both Britain and France, but actual digging did not begin until the early 1880s. A pilot tunnel nearly two kilometres long was dug from Folkestone out under the Channel, but further works on the site were stopped when risks of another European war became real. 164 Units Lessons 16, 17 6 Проверьте себя и объясните, почему выбранные ответы в упр. 5 верны. '(q — 1ЧШЭВШО di4H4vri9Ddu ээд) f Заполнение пропусков (Filling in the gaps) Часто после прочтения текста необходимо вставить в текст пропущенные фразы, предложения или части текста. В этом случае постарайтесь предположить, какая информация пропущена. Обращайте внимание на слова до и после пропуска. Заполняя пропуск убедитесь, что он не только подходит по смыслу, но и соответствует грамматической структуре предложения. Прочитайте предложение, которое следует за заполненным пропуском. Обратите внимание на то, чтобы оно имело смысл и не содержало противоречий. Есл1^ пропущен целый фрагмент текста, внимательно прочитайте весь текст целиком еще раз, не ограничиваясь беглым просмотром. Текст, который сопровождается заданиями такого типа, часто содержит сложные грамматические и лексические структуры. Внимательно читайте текст, не пропуская слов и предложений. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу отрывками из предложений. Два отрывка лишние. a) which never lost its importance b) meaning to scare everybody to death c) trying to attract children and their parents d) the environmentalists were trying to get across e) when asked about the plot f) were invited to a conference g) who flood into cinemas h) to make the message even clearer Unit 3 Lessons 16, 17 165 One of America’s mega blockbusters. The Day After TomorroWy was supposed to become a long-awaited wake-up call for those who don’t believe in the dangers of global warming. (1) it came packed with special “devastation effects”: New York frozen in a new ice age, Los Angeles destroyed by tornadoes. The message (2) was simple: “Global warming can set off Armageddon.” (3) they went to city cinemas and distributed their leaflets among the audiences. The debate, (4), made headlines again. However, (5), scientists said it was pure nonsense. No such thing is likely to happen in the next few thousand years. So people (6) to watch this kind of science fiction are, in fact, trying to escape reality. Установление соответствия (Matching) В заданиях на установление соответствия вам необходимо найти соответствие между частями текста и заголовками, вопросами, фразами, утверждениями и т. д. Такие задания проверяют ваши навыки поискового чтения. Если среди прочих вам встречается задание на нахождение соответствия между частями текста и заголовками, лучше выполнить его первым, поскольку заголовки дадут вам общее представление о содержании текста. 1. Прочитайте заголовки. Обратите внимание на те из них, которые связаны друг с другом. Например: причина-следствие, развитие событий, и т. д. 2. Сосредоточьтесь на словах, которые информируют вас о содержании абзаца. Например: environmental control, closing banks, economic crisis, space projects, development of robots. Игнорируйте такие часто используемые в заголовках слова, как effects, reasons, causes, problems, solutions, advantages, fall, rise, measures, steps и другие похожие слова. На первом этапе они вам не помогут. Прочитайте первое предложение каждого абзаца. Прочитайте последние несколько предложений каждого абзаца. Постарайтесь извлечь информацию из рисунков, графиков или диаграмм. 166 Unit 3 Lessons 16. 17 8 Просмотрите заголовки и скажите, о чем будет текст. 1. The campus 2. New friends 3. Shopping 4. Feeling lonely 5. Student worries 6. The heart of university life 7. Having fun in the pub 9 Подберите заголовки к частям текста. Два заголовка лишние. A. I am sitting in my room, surrounded by my suitcases. It looks and feels empty. Here I am to face my new life as a student. In this life I will have to make new friends and enemies, find out how to do my shopping and my laundry, choose a bank and open up an account, find the cheapest telephone company to phone home and, of course, study. All these things to do and nobody to help or give advice. From now on my home is Raileigh Tower, one of the South Towers of the University. So at the moment I have two options: to fall on my bed and cry or to get out of my room and see what’s going on. B. I finally decide to leave my room and shortly afterwards I am already sitting in the kitchen talking to two girls. They are both Irish and both Evelyns, and they look as lost and lonely as me, but together we feel much better and make a plan for the day. First of all, we are having lunch in one of the cafёs on campus, then we are going to the supermarket and then we’ll see. C. We do as we have planned. A little cafe on the main square (Square 2) of the University, which is the heart of university life, is full of people. Here you can see representatives of nearly every country of the globe. Most of them are sitting at the tables outside the cafё, talking and laughing and exchanging jokes. I am looking at them, but cannot see who, like me, has just arrived. Everybody looks happy and relaxed. We buy some food which doesn’t taste of much, but we still eat it all. D. After a quick lunch we are off to the supermarket, where we spend around two hours. It is a really enormous Tesco. We walk along the endless shelves trying to figure out what the best buy is. We must all be very careful spending our money. At last the bags are full and we are back on campus again. E. We still have some time before dinner so we decide to have a good look around. We go to the fitness centre and to the library. It is nearly dark so we can admire the library’s reflection in the dark waters of the lake. We also see the Houses, a place where other students live. After that we feel that we have seen enough for today and spend a peaceful evening in the Top Bar, our local pub... Units Lessons 16, 17 167 Для установления соответствия между вопросами, утверждениями и частями текста необходимо найти в тексте предложения, к которым относятся вопросы и утверждения. Если беглый просмотр текста не дает результатов, начинайте читать более внимательно, ищите ключевые слова. Скорее всего, мысль выражена в тексте другими словами. Подумайте о возможных эквивалентах слов, которые вы ищите. 10 К какому жанру можно отнести этот текст? Какого типа информацию можно в нем найти? Найдите в тексте ответы на эти вопросы. Один вопрос лишний. 1. How old is the woman? 2. Why does she want to work in a gym? 3. What kind of qualifications does she have? 4. What are her strong points? 5. What are her weak points? I am a young woman (19 years old) who finished school in 2010 and spent 2011 completing two courses in Business Administration. I am currently looking for work either in office administration or in the sports industry. I just don’t know what type of job to look for. I have been a volunteer lifesaver since 2008. I was the athletics champion in my age group every year in school. I would be willing to work as a receptionist in a gym. I have good computer skills, am a good speller and have good written communication skills. I am friendly, reliable and punctual. Установление логической последовательности, расположение частей текста в правильном порядке (Putting in the right order) В задании предлагается восстановить порядок слов или абзацев в тексте. Для выполнения заданий такого типа необходимо обращать особое внимание на слова, структурирующие текст, указывающие на последовательность и взаимосвязь предложений. Подсказкой также могут служить формы глаголов. 168 Units Lessons 16 17 ч 11 Восстановите текст в правильной последовательности. Какие слова помогли вам это сделать? 1. She invited us all to a picnic. 2. It turned out that she had left it in the back of her car a year ago. 3. It all started with Mary. 4. However, she forgot to look at the weather forecast. 5. Hardly had we arrived and unpacked, when it started to rain. 6. But Mary didn’t give up. She went to her car and came back with a huge tent. 7. In the end everybody had a great time. 8. Mary always ignores such little things as weather forecasts. 12 Расположите абзацы текста в правильном порядке. Что помогло вам это сделать? A. Then in the late 1860s, Thomas de Gamond of France and Sir John Hawkshaw of Britain, two very successful engineers, produced quite practical plans for a railway tunnel that would finally end Britain’s long isolation as an island. Companies were quickly formed in both Britain and France, but actual digging did not begin until the early 1880s. A pilot tunnel nearly two kilometres long was dug from Folkestone under the Channel, but further works on the site were stopped when risks of another European war became real. B. The idea of a tunnel under the Channel directly linking England and France is not a new one. About 200 years ago a French engineer told Napoleon that it would most definitely be possible to build a long tunnel under the Channel because the sea bed, like the cliffs on both sides of the Channel, consisted of solid chalk. Napoleon was more interested in fighting the British than in linking the two countries. Unit 3 Lessons 16 17 169 с. Enormous terminals were constructed in London and Paris, and highspeed trains were produced. Britain would no longer be cut off from its European neighbours by the Channel. D. However, in the 1980s Britain and France reopened talks and agreed to form a consortium to complete the project using privately funded capital. Thousands of workers using high-technology machinery worked around the clock in sometimes dangerous conditions, until French and British engineers were finally able to shake hands with each other for the first time, deep under the waters of the Channel. E. It was not until after the last war that Britain and France once more began seriously considering the abandoned project. In 1960 the Channel Study Project Group published a proposal for a rail tunnel from Folkestone to Calais, and four years later the governments of the two countries agreed to proceed with the project at last. Digging began again, but the tunnel made slow progress. The British government closed the project in 1975. Выберите из данных предложений то, которое может быть последним в тексте. Объясните свой выбор. 1. It will no longer be possible to read such headlines as the often-quoted one which once appeared in a British newspaper: “Fog in Channel: Continent isolated”. 2. Passengers travelling from Britain to the Continent will travel faster and much more comfortably than ever before. Lessons 18, 19 Test yourself 1 ■ Listen to the dialogue between Denis and Dima and say which of the following actions a) didn’t take place. b) are very unlikely to happen. c) will probably happen. 1. Denis applying to college 2. Denis having a chance to travel the world, meet people and try different jobs 3. Denis learning English at school 4. Denis taking an English course 5. Dima finishing a project 6. Dima having two weeks holiday 170 Unil 3 Lessons i6. 17 ond 18, 19 Choose the right option to complete the sentences. 1. He gave me (two pieces of advice/two advices). 2. This girl would be perfect for this job, but we need someone with more (experience / experiences). 3. The news (is/are) great! Let’s listen to (it/them) all together. 4. The girl was nice and her clothes (was/were) expensive. 5. All her family (is/are) on holiday at the moment. You can phone (it/them) this week. 6. Give me (a pair of trousers/trousers). 7. She’s got seven (childs/children). 8. Please bring me (another/some other) water. 9.1 like (fruit/fruits), but I’m not so keen on (vegetables/vegetable). 10.1 need (some/an) information about this incident. 3 a) Use the right prefixes to form suitable words. 1. A lot of European countries are .... 2. People who speak two languages equally well are called .... 3. Snail mail is ... compared to electronic mail. 4. A lot of ... languages are being replaced by English. b) Use the right port of speech. 5. There was a big ... to take part in this concert. 6. ... businesses often have their offices in different parts of the world. 7. We are proud of our amazing ... in nuclear physics. 8. A ... businessman bought this house for five million dollars. DEPENDENT LINGUAL EFFICIENT APPEARING COMPETE GLOBALISATION ACHIEVE WEALTH Read the newspaper article and choose the right answers, 1. Asian elephants live a) in India, Malaysia and Thailand. b) in the air-conditioned stone jungle. c) in London. 2. This summer in London one can see a) real baby elephants. b) sculptures of baby elephants. c) sculptures and paintings of world-famous artists. Uni* 3 Lessons 18. 19 171 3. The aim of the Elephant Parade is a) to demonstrate unique masterpieces. b) to collect money to save Asian elephants. c) to make global corporations participate in their work. 4. Transport company Eco Movers was chosen because a) they have the best cars in London. b) the engines of their vans don’t make any noise. c) they are the safest for the environment. 5. If you look inside The City in the Elephant, you will see a) nothing. b) a miniature world. c) a miniature citizen. 6. A lot of artists participated in the parade a) painting the elephants. b) providing money for the charity. c) drawing people’s attention to the tragedy of the Asian elephant. • i ELEPHANT PARADE The paths of the populations of modern metropolises and Asian elephants rarely cross nowadays. People struggle for life in the air-conditioned stone jungle while the elephants live in the exotic forests of countries like India, Malaysia and Thailand. However, this summer in London, elephants have become as much a part of the landscape as black taxis and double-deckers. Wherever you go, you will bump into life-sized baby elephants. All together there are more than 250 model elephants in the streets, parks, famous locations and tourist attractions. These beautifully decorated beasts are part of the 172 Unif3 Lessons 18. 19 Elephant Parade, organised by the Elephant Family charity throughout the world, and London is just one of the participating cities. The aim of the parade is to draw people’s attention to the tragedy of Asian elephants which are facing extinction. In the past 100 years the population of Asian elephants has fallen from 250,000 to 25,000. The parade was supported by arts organisations, artists, conservationists, global corporations, politicians and celebrities, who took an active part in it. One company provided paint, another — building materials. A young transport company, Eco Movers, for example, was responsible for transporting the elephants to their sites. The company was chosen because it owns 12 removal vans with electric engines. As the elephants had to be transported on Sunday night, nobody was disturbed — the electric vans didn’t produce any noise. However, the most important contribution was made by artists who turned each elephant into a real masterpiece A young artist, Benjamin Shine, has transformed his elephant into a London black taxi which lights up at night. Another popular favourite is The City in the Elephant where you can look inside and see a miniature world within! There are elephants painted as the British flag, newspaper and even fish and chips. All of them are sure to bring smiles to people’s faces. After the parade is over, each elephant will be auctioned (продан c аукциона) and the money will be used to help prevent the tragedy of Asian elephant extinction. How does the Elephant Parade help Asian elephants? Can we call it another example of globalisation? Does globalisation have a positive or a negative effect in this case? Write a 5-8 sentence essay. Unit v3 Lessons 18. 19 173 Lessons 20, 21 Role-play N Globalisation is brought to court There is no agreement on the question of whether globalisation has more positive or negative effects on people’s lives. On the one hand, it gives worldwide access to new technologies and information, on the other hand it causes cultural diversity to disappear. On the one hand, it brings goods from all over the world to your doorstep, on the other hand, it puts local farmers out of business. There are a lot of examples where globalisation has played both positive and negative roles. So let’s take globalisation to court. Choose a role card and get ready. Role card 1 You are the judge You will open the court session, ask the prosecution and the defence to give a presentation on their positions. You will ask their witnesses to tell their stories and ask them questions. You will also listen to the verdict of the jury and say whether you agree with it or not and give your reasons. In the end you will give your verdict. You are one of the Jury You will listen to the defence and prosecution witnesses and ask them questions. After that you will discuss the stories you have heard and give your verdict 174 Unit 3 Lessons 20, 21 Role cards 7, 8, 9 Role cards 10, 11, 12 1 Г You are a defence witness Tell a story to illustrate the positive effects of globalisation. Use the newspaper, TV programmes, the Internet or any other sources of information. Role card 13 V* ■* You represent the prosecution State your case. Tell the court about the crimes that globalisation is guilty of. Present your witnesses. Ask your witnesses questions. Then listen to the defence witnesses and ask them questions. You are a prosecution witness Tell a story to Illustrate the negative effects of globalisation. Use the newspaper, TV programmes, the Internet or any other sources of information. You represent the defence State your case. Tell the court that you can prove that globalisation is not guilty of the crimes mentioned by the prosecution. Present your witnesses. Ask your witnesses questions. Then listen to the prosecution witnesses and ask them questions. Use the following words and expressions a lawsuit a judge -a witness - судебное дело судья — свидетель а jury — присяжный, присяжные а verdict — вердикт, приговор суда evidence — свидетельство а crime — преступление а court — суд to accuse smb of smth — обвинять кого-либо в чем-либо to claim — заявлять, утверждать to sue smb for smth — подавать в суд на кого-либо за что-либо notorious — печально известный guilty/not guilty — виновный/ невиновный the defence — защита the prosecution — обвинение Unif3 Lessons 20 21 175 5t Lessons b 2 I Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a single day in your life. Confucius Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work« so most people don’t recognise them. Ann Landers Shoot for the moon. Even If you miss, you’ll land among the stars. Les Brown Read the epigraphs to the unit. Try to predict what the unit is going to be about. How do you understand these quotes and sayings? Which of them do you agree / disagree with? > The Future Progressive Tense (Будущее длящееся время) The Future Progressive Tense образуется c помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в форме будущего времени (will be) и Причастия I основного глагола. will be + Причастие I основного глагола ^ Спряжение глаголов в the Future Progressive Tense I will be You will be He will be She will be It will be working We will be You will be They will be 1 I working 176 Uni* 4 Lessons 1 2 Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП = Подлежащее + will be + Причастие I основного глагола + второстепенные члены предложения. This time tomorrow she will be swimming in the sea. она будет плавать в море. Отрицательное предложение (ОП) Завтра в это время ОП = Подлежащее + will + not + be + Причастие I основного глагола + второстепенные члены предложения. This time tomorrow he will not be swimming in the sea. время OH не будет плавать в море. Общий вопрос (ОВ) Завтра в это ОВ = Will + подлежащее + be + Причастие I основного глагола + второстепенные члены предложения -Ь ? Will he be swimming in the sea this time tomorrow? — No, he won't. Oh будет плавать в море завтра в это время? — Нет. Альтернативный вопрос (АВ) АВ = ОВ + or + ОВ + ? Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом ог (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается, и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу: Will she be swimming in the sea or (will she be) working in the office this time tomorrow? — Она будет плавать в море или работать в офисе завтра в это время? • Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ + ? What will she be doing this time tomorrow? — Что она будет делать в это время завтра? She’ll be swimming in the sea.— Она будет плавать в море. Unit 4 Lessors 1.2 177 Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВП = wno/What + will be + Причастие I основного глагола + вто ростепенные члены предложения + ? Who will be swimming in the sea this time tomorrow? — She will. Кто будет плавать в море в это время завтра? — Она. Разделительный вопрос This time tomorrow she will be swimming in the sea, won’t she? — Yes, she will Завтра в это время она будет плавать в море, не так ли? — Да. Употребление the Future Progressive Tense Глаголы в форме the Future Progressive употребляются для выражения: 1. длительных действий, которые будут происходить в определенный момент или отрезок времени в будущем: What will you be doing at nine o’clock this evening? — I’ll be reading a book. Что ты будешь делать в девять часов сегодня вечером? — Я буду читать книгу. 2. действий, которые будут происходить в любом случае: Could you give Sally ту phone number? — Sure. I’ll be meeting her at the airport and I’ll do it then. Вы не могли бы дать Сэлли мой номер телефона? — Конечно. Я буду встречать ее в аэропорту и тогда сделаю это. 3. действий, когда говорящий выражает намерение совершить их или уверен в их совершении: Professor Collins will be giving another lecture next week.— Профессор Коллинз будет читать еще одну лекцию на следующей неделе. 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Progressive. 1. Don’t forget to phone if you’re going to be late. Mum (worry) 2.1 can wash the floor. I (tidy up) tomorrow anyway. 3. You (stay) at home tomorrow? I may come by. 4. Helen (work) from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. You can phone her then. 5. Don’t take this book. Dad (look) for it. 6.1 (get) ready for my school exams in May. 7. He (stay) at Mary’s until Monday. You’ll find him there. £)C/^‘T FORGET TC PhOf'E IF you're GOING TO BE LATE А1С/Л1 (wCRRv) 178 Unit 4 Lessens 1,2 2 Look at David's plans for the next couple of months. Write what he will be doing and when. 11 June 2 p.m.- 5 p.m.— wash Vad'e car 12 June Whole day — pack things for a two-day picnic 13-14 June Have fun with my old schoolmates at 5t Margaret’s Resort SimdqyJ..l J»j^ (f 7.30 p.m.- 9 p.mT^ watch the final of the world(^otball cn Sunday 25 July 11 p.m.— phone Daniel Sunday 1 August__________________ (J0~ a.m.— meet Lisa at Heathrow Airporty I ' 1 October Start studying at Cambridge University (^5) Do you know what will be happening to you tomorrow at this time / on Sunday from 6 to 9 p.m./ next month/ this summer/ in September? Take turns to ask each other questions and answer them. If you don't really know the answer, use another tense form if possible. Model: What will you be doing next Monday evening? — Г11 be watching TV. Come and join me if you want to./I have no idea. Г11 probably be at home. David is phoning his old friend Daniel in Australia. Listen to the dialogue and tick the events that happened or are going to happen in Daniel's life. 1. Daniel found himself a Job. 2. Daniel travelled. 3. Daniel applied to a university. 4. Daniel saved someone’s life. 5. Daniel is going to fly to London. 6. Daniel is going to fly to Russia to meet Lisa. Unif4 Lessens 1. 2 179 POWER work, fob Для того чтобы узнать/рассказать о профессии, употребляют слово work или job, но будьте внимательны: слово work неисчисляемое: What kind of job/work do you do? — I work as a manager. What does that involve? — I am responsible for dealing with phone calls and business correspondence. I need a good job. I am looking for work. Ч 5 J Complete the sentences with work, job or jobs. 1. My friend has a well-paid .... 2. She tried different ... before she found this one. 3. Anna hasn’t had any ... for months. 4. She needs to do overtime ... if she wants to rent a flat. 6) Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. 1. an employment agency 7. to be promoted/demoted to 2. a salary a position of 3. retired people 8. to be responsible for 4. to work part-time something 5. to get a pay rise 9. to be fired 6. to hire somebody Read the dialogue and match the words and expressions from Ex. 6 with their meanings given below. a) to give somebody a job b) to lose a job c) a company which helps people find work d) the money you get for doing a job e) to get a higher/lower position in a company f) to receive more money g) people who have left work due to old age h) to work a few hours a day or a couple of days a week i) to have a duty to do something 180 Unit 4 Lessons 1 2 David: Mrs Sanderson: David: Mrs Sanderson: David: Mrs Sanderson: David: Mrs Sanderson: David: Mrs Sanderson David: Mrs Sanderson: David; Mrs Sanderson: Hello, can I speak to Daniel? Oh, I’m afraid he’s not in at the moment. Who’s speaking? It’s David... from England. Oh, hello David. It’s nice to hear from you, dear. This is Daniel’s mother. Hello, Mrs Sanderson. When will Daniel be back? I’m not sure. He’s just gone out. He’ll be playing tennis from 10 a.m. until 12 a.m. And how about the same time tomorrow? Tomorrow’s Monday and Daniel will be working. Really? But he’s on his gap year. I thought he was just at home on a short break from his traverls round the world! Well, he did go travelling. But he ran out of money so quickly that he had to find a job. What does he do? He works for a local employment agency. That’s amazing. With no work experience it must have been hard to find a job. Well, yes and no. At first Daniel found work as a lifeguard at the local beach just round the corner. It was easy and the pay wasn’t too bad. But Daniel spent so much time chatting with his friends that his boss fired him just a week later. Then Daniel decided to look for a real job. Unit 4 Lessons 1,2 181 David: Mrs Sanderson: David: Mrs Sanderson: David: Mrs Sanderson: David: Mrs Sanderson: David: Mrs Sanderson: David: Mrs Sanderson: David: Mrs Sanderson: David: Mrs Sanderson: David: where he’d be able to learn something. He sent about thirty applications and went through five interviews until this company hired him. And what are his responsibilities? He started with photocopying and writing his boss’s e-mails, and the salary he got was really small, but he’s so good that he’s already been promoted twice. So now he’s responsible for finding part-time jobs for both retired people and people with no experience. And he got a pay rise. I’m afraid it will be difficult to catch Daniel at home then. I have an idea. This afternoon Daniel will be babysitting his sister, so you can phone him then. All right, I’ll phone him at about two o’clock. Great, I’ll let him know and he’ll be expecting your call. Wait a second, Mrs Sanderson... I completely forgot about the time difference. It’ll be 4 a.m. in Britain. I’ll be sleeping. How about the same time next Sunday? Will he be at home? Oh, this time next Sunday he’ll be flying to London. What? Is Daniel coming to London? Oh, my God! I shouldn’t have told you that. It was supposed to be a surprise for you. Well, now that you’ve told me, let me meet him at the airport. I’ll be picking up my girlfriend Lisa, anyway. Daniel told me she visited you in April. Yes, and now she’s coming again for her summer holidays. She’s just got into Moscow State University and she’s extremely proud of herself. Well, I’ll tell Daniel that Lisa’s coming too. He’ll be looking forward to seeing her. Yes, and Lisa will be dying to hear Daniel’s news, too. It was great talking to you, David. I’ll send you the flight number. Thank you, Mrs Sanderson. I can’t believe that this time next Sunday, I’ll be talking to Daniel in person! 8 Look through the dialogue and find the sentences that contain the Future Progressive Tense. Comment on the use of the Future Progressive in these sentences. 182 Unit 4 Lessons 1 2 9 Comment on the use of the Present Progressive and the Future Simple in these sentences. 1. I’m afraid it will be difficult to catch Daniel at home then. 2. I’ll let him know. 3. I’ll phone him at about two o’clock. 4. I’ll tell Daniel that Lisa is coming too. 5. I’ll send you the flight number. 6. She’s coming again for her summer holidays. 10 Look through the dialogue again and put the events of Daniel's life in the right order. a) ^ot fired b) found a job as a lifeguard c) got promoted d) got a pay rise e) ran out of money f) got a small salary g) wrote a lot of applications h) had some interviews i) travelled J) was hired by an employment agency k) became responsible for photocopying and writing e-mails 11 Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions about: a) what Daniel will be doing from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. today (Sunday) / this afternoon/on Monday/next Sunday. b) what David will be doing at 2 p.m. Australian time/next Sunday. c) Lisa’s and Daniel’s reactions when they find out that they are going to meet. 12 Look through the dialogue and mark these statements true, false or not stated. Correct the false statements choosing the suitable tense form. Model: Daniel will be travelling the world.— False. Daniel has travelled the world. 1. Daniel plays tennis from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. every day. 2. On Monday Daniel will be working. 3. Lisa has already visited David in England. Unit 4 Lessons 1,2 183 4. David will be meeting Lisa at the airport next Sunday. 5. Daniel will be promoted. 6. Daniel will be working with retired people. 7. Daniel babysat his sister on Sunday afternoon. 8. Daniel will be flying to England next Sunday. 9. Daniel gets a pay rise every month. 10. Daniel is going to write a lot of applications to find a job. 11. Daniel went through some interviews to get a job. Homework J Look through the dialogue in Ex. 7 and find the sentences that contain: 1. планы на будущее 2. решения, принятые в момент разговора 3. предсказания 4. длительные действия, которые будут происходить в определенный момент времени в будущем 5. длительные действия, которые будут происходить в любом случае 6. действия, которые, по мнению говорящего, обязательно будут происходить В ) Translate the sentences into English. 1. He шуми. Если ребенок проснется, он будет плакать. 2. Представь себе: через месяц мы будем лежать на солнышке и купаться в море! 3. Приводи своих друзей. Я все равно буду готовить ужин. 4. Вы в любом случае будете смотреть футбол? Я могу посмотреть его и дома. 5. Позвони бабушке. Она, наверняка, будет ждать твоего звонка. 6. Ты найдешь его в парке. Он будет бегать с 10 до 11 утра. J Look through Lessons 1 and 2 and find the following: the opposite of to hire, to promote, to apply for a job the equivalent of to employ, salary ^ D j Complete the sentences using the correct form of the w dictionary if necessary. 1. Jack was ... by this company five years ago. 2. My friend had to work extremely hard to get a ... . 184 Unit 4 Lessons \2 Consult the EMPLOY PROMOTE 3.1 was told that my grandfather travelled for ten years after his ... . 4.1 can’t find your ... anywhere. Did you ... by phone? 5.1 like my new job. The ... is good and the ... is a really nice guy. RETIRE APPLY APPLY PAY MANAGE ^ E j Think of a job that your mother, father or any of your friends or relatives are doing or used to do. Write about it using these questions as a plan. 1. When did he/she apply for this job? 2. Did he/she have to go through a job interview? 3. What position did he/she get at the start? 4. Was he/she satisfied with the salary? 5. What was he/she responsible for? 6. Has he / she ever been promoted? 7. Has he/she left this job? Why? 8. Has he/she found another job? Why? Lessons 3, 4 b. * f 1 ) Mixed Conditionals (Смешанный тип условных предложений) В английском языке есть условные предложения, в которых условие относится к прошедшему, а следствие к нас"гоящему или будущему времени, или наоборот. Такие предложения являются условными предложениями смешанного типа. I wouldn't be late, if I hadn’t left my bag.— Я бы не опоздал, если бы не оставил портфель. Which tense form does each part of these sentences refer to? Give Russian equivalents for each of the sentences, 1. If you were more careful, you wouldn’t have lost your glasses. 2. If she had wanted the job, she would have applied for it. 3. If he took his job more seriously, he would have been promoted by now. 4. If your boss hadn’t hired you, you wouldn’t be so successful. 5. If you had written down his address, you wouldn’t be feeling so foolish. 6. If you knew this woman personally, you wouldn’t be worrying about this meeting. 7. If you had a GPS system in your car, you wouldn’t have got lost. Unit 4 Lessons 1, 2 cod 3. 4 185 Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense form. Pay attention to the context. 1. “Why is she crying?” — “She made a lot of mistakes in the contract and her boss fired her. She (not be fired) if she (not make) so many mistakes in the contract.” 2. “Why didn’t they give Alice a pay rise?” — “She’s not a very responsible person.” — “You are right, if Alice (be) more responsible, they (give) her a better salary.” 3. “What are you worrying about?” — "I have lent my car to a friend of my sister’s.” — “How silly of you! If you (not lend) your car to a stranger, you (not worry) now.” 4. “I was nervous because I was going to talk to Kim, and I don’t know her.” — “You shouldn’t have worried. If you (know) Kim, you (be) completely relaxed. She’s a lovely person.” 5. “It’s a pity he doesn’t speak English. The play was amazing.” — “I don’t agree with you. I think he (not enjoy) the play even if he (understand) English. It was such a drag!” Rewrite the following sentences according to the model. Use the hints given for each sentence. Model: I’m unhappy now. I’ve fallen out with my friend. If I (not)..., I (not)... —If I hadn’t fallen out with my friend, I wouldn’t be unhappy now. 1. He isn’t a nice person. He lost all his friends.— If he..., he (not)... 2. James didn’t work hard. He’s looking for another job now.— If James he (not)... 3.1 missed my bus. I was late for school.— If I (not)..., I (not)... 4. Unfortunately, I don’t play the piano. My parents didn’t give me the chance to learn to play.— If my parents..., I... 5. Alex and Sam didn’t meet until Gregory introduced them to each other.— If Gregory (not)..., Alex and Sam (not)... 6.1 want to go to the party, but nobody invited me.— If somebody..., I.. 7. He wanted to help, but she didn’t ask him to.— If she..., he... 8. You live very far away. We don’t see you very often.— If you (not)..., we... • • • 4 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. a strength -a weakness recognition зд. сильная сторона - зд. слабая сторона - признание а priority — приоритет а degree — зд. ученая степень а skill — знание, умение 186 Unit 4 Lessons 3. 4 to work one’s way up from the bottom — пройти весь путь с самого низа to volunteer to do smth — вызываться делать что-либо добровольно, бесплатно to specialise in smth — специализироваться в какой-либо области to suit smb — устраивать кого-либо to be cut out for smth — быть соз данным для чего-либо creative — творческий challenging — стимулирующий, требующий полной отдачи unskilled — неквалифицированный (о работе) 5 Both Daniel and Lisa have arrived in England. They are sitting in a cafe with David exchanging news. Listen to their conversation and say which of them is dreaming about becoming: a) a journalist b) a famous writer c) a politician 6 Read the conversation and answer the questions. 1. Why did Daniel decide to work for an employment agency? 2. What does Lisa think being a Journalist means? 3. What’s David’s number one career priority? 4. Lisa doesn’t mind doing any kind of work to learn her chosen profession, does she? 5. Is Daniel a good team player? 6. What negative characteristics of famous people does Daniel mention? 7. What sort of career is Daniel considering? 8. What educational qualifications will be useful for it? 9. Will Daniel start his studies this year? Why?/Why not? Unit 4 lessons 3, 4 187 David: Lisa: Daniel: Lisa: Daniel: Lisa: Daniel: Lisa: Daniel: Lisa: Daniel: Lisa: Daniel: Lisa: David: So, we’ve heard some of your news, Daniel. How did you come to work for an employment agency? I wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t been so worried about my future career. I don’t quite understand you. Well, it was like this. I was under constant pressure to choose a college and apply for a place, but I personally had no idea what I wanted to do. Maybe I could become a programmer or an engineer or even a gardener. How would I know if I hadn’t tried it? Yes, I see what you mean. I wouldn’t like to be one of those people who make the wrong choice and hate their job for the rest of their life. Luckily, I’m pretty sure I want to be a journalist. Well, you can’t be so sure until you actually start working. What does being a journalist mean for you? Well, I’ll write articles, carry out investigations, maybe even turn up on TV and, above all, interview a lot of interesting people. Fine, but when you start, you’ll have to write about neighbours’ conflicts, fallen trees and local garden competitions. How about that? That’s how you learn. I even volunteered for a couple of jobs this year. I’ll probably start with sorting the mail, but somebody has to do that too. All right, so you’ll work your way up from the bottom, but then, when you finally get the opportunity to interview celebrities, you may find out that they are snobbish and boring to talk to. Luckily, journalists have lots of opportunities. I can specialise in politics, science or literature. There will always be something interesting to do. And I realise you’ve got to kiss some frogs before you find your prince of a job. However, not every journalist will become famous or make a lot of money. Are you prepared for that? I think so. For me, a career is about doing something I can be proud of. I want to be able to say, “I make a difference”. I agree with Lisa. Making a lot of money is not my number one priority, either. However, I think some sort of recognition is very 188 Unit 4 Lessons 3, 4 Lisa: David: Daniel: David: Daniel: David: Daniel: Lisa: David: Daniel: David: Daniel: important. My highest ambition is to become a world-famous writer and perhaps even win the Nobel Prize for Literature. But you may be very disappointed if it doesn’t happen. I prefer to be realistic. I’ll work hard to achieve all that, but if it doesn’t happen, it won’t be the end of the world. I think it’s important to have crazy dreams: they motivate you. I’m glad you’re so sure. I was looking for a job which would help me choose what I want to do in life. The employment agency suited me perfectly. Every day they dealt with people who had lost their jobs, lost interest in their jobs, never had a job, or were thinking about what to choose as a job, just like me. It was a very interesting experience and I’ve learnt a lot from it. Like whaf^ I’ve found out my strengths and weaknesses. I like to work with people. I’m a good listener. However, I’m also ambitious and don’t work well in a team. My future career will have to be creative and challenging, otherwise I’ll soon get bored and lose interest in it. I think you just need to find something you love. If you can sit down to work at 7 a.m., and when you look up it’s 8 p.m. and you suddenly realise you’re hungry, then you have made the right choice. That’s true. But sometimes you’re just not cut out for something. No matter how hard I try, I won’t make a great mathematician. I just don’t have that sort of brain. And if I wanted to be an engineer, I should have done more Maths and Science, which I didn’t do. I believe in second chances. You can catch up with subjects if you’re really motivated and if you have interesting ideas. Anyway, have you made up your mind about university yet? I’ve already got a pretty good idea, but I’m still not 100 per cent sure. I don’t want to waste my time and money on a degree when I’m not even sure it’s something I want to do. To be honest, I was thinking about a career in politics. Please don’t laugh! I think I’ll need a degree in law and economics. I applied to Sydney University, but they didn’t consider my application as it was past the deadline. So what are you going to do this year? I won’t give up. I’ll apply again and in the meantime I’ll find myself a job in a law firm. Who knows, I may change my mind again. Unit 4 Lessons 3, 4 189 7 Mark these statements true, false or not stated. Correct the false statements. 1. If Daniel had applied to Sydney University earlier, he would have been accepted. 2. Lisa wouldn’t have chosen journalism if she hadn’t had lots of experience in that area. 3. David wouldn’t have taken English Literature if he weren’t sure that he would get a Nobel Prize. 4. Daniel wouldn’t have chosen politics as a career if he hadn’t worked for an employment agency. 5. If Daniel had studied more Maths and Science at school, he would do Maths at college. 6. If Lisa had had more choice, she wouldn’t have volunteered for unskilled jobs. 7. David wouldn’t have chosen Literature if money were his top priority. 8 What do you think the following statements mean? Which of them do you agree/ disagree with? Support your answers with some real-life examples. 1. You’ve got to kiss some frogs before you find your prince of a job. 2. You must be able to say, “I make a difference.” 3. If you can sit down to work at 7 a.m., and when you look up it’s 8 p.m., and you suddenly realise you’re hungry, then you have made the right choice. 4. All the skill in the world is not going to help someone who has nothing to say. 9 Look through the dialogue and find what the characters say about the following. 1. Having work experience before 4. Starting from the bottom, college. 5. Being cut out for a career. 2. Volunteering. 6. Being keen on what you do. 3. Having big dreams. 10 Share your thoughts and experiences. 1. Why can volunteering be important and how can it be useful to you? 2. Has something ever been difficult for you to achieve? Did you give up or did you carry on and succeed? What did you learn from the experience? 3. What changes would you like to see in your school/neighbourhood/ town/country/in the world? 190 Unit 4 Lessons 3 4 4. Have you ever been motivated by a challenge? Talk about this. 5. What is your top priority for choosing a career? Job satisfaction? Money? Fame? Give your reasons. 11 Discuss the chances you have used or missed in your life. Do you believe in second chances? Model: If I hadn't given up the lessons, I would be able to play the piano really well now./If I hadn't gone on that trip, I wouldn't have found a great summer job. .12 A lot of people just want to work to get rich. What would you do if you won the lottery? What would you be doing five years later? David thinks that if you have a good idea, you can achieve anything. Work in a group. Write down your wildest dreams. Then try to draw up a plan for turning them into reality. Model: I'd like to own the most popular restaurant in our town. Plan: 1. Get the ri^ht eort of education- management, economics, food industry, etc. 2. Go and work in a ^ood restaurant to see how the business works. 5. Make all sorts of different connections with people in the business. 4. Borrow money from the bank. 5. Open my restaurant and work day and ni^ht to make it popular. 14^ Talk about the career you are planning to choose. Use the questions to help you. 1. What kind of career is it going to be? 2. Why have you chosen it? 3. Do you think you’re cut out for this job? 4. What kind of education/training will you need for it'!’ Will you need a degree? 5. What activities will doing your job involve? 6. What opportunities will this job give you? 7. What will you specialise in? 8. Where do you see yourself fifteen years from now? 9. What does the word “career” mean to you? 10. Does the career, you’re going to choose, fit this description? If not, why not? Jnit 4 Lessors 3, 4 191 Homework В Rewrite the sentences using the right tense forms. Model: a) They met in her father’s office. They got married.— If they hadn't met in her father's office, they wouldn't have got married. b) We’re lost. We didn’t bring a map.— We wouldn't be lost if we had brought a map. 1. Tom found a solution. We are sitting here. 2. Her friend didn’t come. Kate is upset. 3. Mum is worrying. You didn’t call. 4. Our father was given a pay rise. He worked extremely hard. 5. Jane is disappointed. She expected to get a much higher salary. Read the story about how Abraham Lincoln chose a career. Construct some conditional sentences about the story, as in the model. What lesson do you draw from this story? Model: Lincoln wouldn't have bought a barrel from his neighbour if he hadn't been a kind-hearted man. Abraham Lincoln was a young man when one of his neighbours went bankrupt and had to sell everything he owned to pay his debts. Lincoln sympathised with his neighbour and bought a barrel from him. As he only wanted to help, he wasn’t really interested in the contents of the barrel. Lincoln put it into storage and forgot about it. Some years later it was time for Lincoln to decide on what career to choose: journalism or law? While thinking about his future, he came across that old barrel again and finally got curious about what was actually inside. Believe it or not, there was a set of law books in the barrel. Lincoln decided it was a sign from above and chose law which led him to politics and, finally, to the presidency itself. 192 Unit 4 Lessons 3, 4 с J Choose one of the characters: Lisa or Daniel and talk about choosing a career from their point of view. Don^ forget to mention their dreams, hopes and fears and the steps they have taken to turn their dreams into reality. Use as many expressions and sentences from the dialogue as possible. ^ D ) Choose one of the following statements and write a for-and-against essay. Write 8-12 sentences. 1. You’ve got to kiss some frogs before you find your prince of a job. 2. You must be able to say — I make a difference. That is all that’s important. 3. Money shouldn’t be your number one priority when choosing a job. 4. All the skill in the world is not going to help someone who has nothing to say. Lessons 5, 6 VI Употребление сослагательного наклонения в придаточных / изъяснительных предложениях после глагола wish В придаточных изъяснительных предложениях, зависящих от глагола wish, основной глагол употребляется в форме сослагательного наклонения, the Past Simple или the Past Perfect. Если действие, выраженное глаголом придаточного предложения, относится к настоящему или будущему, то в придаточном предложении употребляется the Past Simple. I wish he saw the film.— Жаль, что он не посмотрит этот фильм. (Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы он посмотрел этот фильм.) I wish she didn't know the truth.— Жаль, что она узнает правду. (Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы она не узнала правду.) Если действие, выраженное глаголом придаточного предложения, относится к прошлому, то в придаточном предложении употребляется the Past Perfect. I wish she hadn't sent that letter.— Жаль, что она послала это письмо. (Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы она не посылала этого письма.) I wish he had told her about his father's illness.— Жаль, что он не сказал ей о болезни своего отца. (Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы он сказал ей о болезни своего отца. Uril4 Lessons 3, 4 and 5, 6 193 1 Choose the correct Russian equivalents for the sentences in English and vice versa. 1. I wish they had been met at the airport. a) Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы их встречали в аэропорту. b) Жаль, что их не встретили в аэропорту. c) Жаль, что их не встретят в аэропорту. 2.1 wish I had learned French when I had the chance. a) Как бы мне хотелось выучить французский, когда у меня будет возможность. b) Жаль, что я не выучил французский, когда у меня была возможность. c) Жаль, что я не выучу французский, когда у меня будет возможность. 3.1 wish the boys had come to Russia. a) Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы мальчики ездили в Россию. b) Жаль, что мальчики не приедут в Россию. c) Жаль, что мальчики не приехали в Россию. 4.1 wish he knew English. a) Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы он выучил английский. b) Жаль, что он не знает английский. c) Жаль, что он не знал английский. 5. Жаль, что он не приедет. a) I wish he had come. b) I wish he came. c) I wish he didn’t come. 6. Жаль, что она знала об этом. a) I wish she didn’t know about it. b) I wish she had known about it. c) I wish she hadn’t known about it. 2 Change the sentences. Start with / wish... Model: I can’t go to the party, but I’d like to.— I wish 1 could go to the party. 1. I’m upset, because I’m sick. 2.1 don’t speak French, but I’ll need it at college. 3.1 have to get up early, but I don’t want to. 4.1 want to phone him, but I don’t know his number. 5. It’s a pity that you weren’t there. 6. It’s hot and I’m not feeling well. 194 Unit 4 Lessons 5 6 7. It’s a pity you don’t understand me. 8. It’s a pity he didn’t see this film. 3 Talk about your own wishes. Start with / wish... Model: What would you like to have, but you don’t.— / wish I had a computer. 1. What would you like to be able to do, but you can’t? 2. Where would you like to be now? 3. Who would you like to talk to, but you can’t"^ 4. Who would you like to be here but he/she isn’t? 4 Talk about your regrets. What do you wish you had/ hadn't done in the past? Model: I wish I hadn't missed school so often last year. Work in pairs and play a game. You will need a dice. Throw the dice twice The first throw is for Circle A and the second one for Circle B. Read the adjectives and say what job they could describe. Model: Circle A — 6. Circle В — 3. Possible answer — supermodel glamorous 6 4 ^ ' ^ . creative 5 •i" "V 1 boring 'v!.' У 2 unpleasant J satisfying ^ unskilled 5 1 monotonous ' f . n 4 2 skilled stressful 4 3 challenging badly paid 4 3 well-paid Uni’4 Lessons 5 6 195 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. editing — редактирование publishing — издательский бизнес marketing — маркетинг charity — благотворительность to support someone — ad. содержать кого-либо clueless — не имеющий понятия senior — старший marketable — ликвидный, зд. востребованный to advertise — зд. помещать объявление о найме на работу Daniel wants to show Lisa and David that a lot of people have problems in finding a good job after they graduate. He shows them some messages his agency used to get on its website's message board. Listen to six people talking about their problems and match the person with a short summary of his or her problems. There is one extra problem which has no match. a) This person has suddenly changed plans and now he/she has no idea what job to choose and whether going to college is necessary. b) This person is annoyed by life presenting new challenges and not providing any opportunity to relax and just enjoy doing nothing. c) This person is stuck in a small town where it’s hard to find a job. The education he/she got is too specialised, so he/she doesn’t know whether studying something else will help. d) This person studied one thing at college, but now he/she wants to do something completely different. At the same time this person needs money. e) This person is about to start looking for a job, but he/she doesn’t know how to go about it. He/She gets the impression that only higher positions are advertised. f) This person has already graduated and is now looking for some creative job. He/She can’t find one because of a lack of work experience, and is beginning to worry that he/she will have to start with making tea. 196 Uni: 4 Lessons 5 6 8 j Read the messages and decide who might say the following. 1. I wish I had thought about more options for my future career. 2.1 wish I had done something more marketable at college. 3.1 wish I hadn’t chosen Maths and Accounting at college. 4.1 wish I could have an interesting and well-paid job from the very beginning. 5.1 wish somebody had told me how to start looking for a Job. 6.1 wish life was easier and more fun. Employment Agency www.employmentagency.com i Employment/ Agency r Pam / Hi, I’m Pam. I’ve always thought I wanted a career as a designer. And now that I am out in the big bad world and it’s time to decide, I’ve suddenly realised that it’s simply not for me. However, since I’ve never looked at any other options, that’s all I know about in terms of a career. So I thought maybe you could help me with some advice about interesting careers. What do (or did) you go to college for? What do you wish you had done differently? What do you think would be fun to do? I know nothing about the college world, and the future scares me. My parents are putting me under a lot of pressure to decide soon, but I don’t want to be stuck in a boring job. Thank you! Mike here. I’m a recent college graduate with a B.A. in Journalism. I’d like to do something creative, but I don’t necessarily want to write. Ideally I’d like to get a job in advertising, editing, publishing, marketing or even the charity sector. It’s hard to find a job without much work experience, and even though I’ve had a couple of part-time jobs, it doesn’t help. I’m beginning to worry. At the same time I think I’m too skilled to do photocopying and make tea all the time. I really do want a good job, but how do you get one? I feel lost. Unit 4 Lessons 5, 6 197 Rachel Tina r Peter I’m Rachel. I’m writing to find out a bit more about this great unknown thing called a job search. Seriously, I’m clueless. I’m doing Marketing at college and I’m getting ready to graduate in June. I’ve prepared all the relevant documents, but they don’t look very impressive to me. I don’t even know how you find vacancies to apply for. Maybe someone can give me some guidance. I look through adverts and all I see are senior management positions, for which I don’t have the qualifications. Do you think you can give me some advice? Thanks! My name is Tina. I graduated from university two years ago and came back to my home town. I’ve been unemployed ever since! I’m 23, and I have no direction. My degree was in French Literature which, although it was fun to study, isn’t very marketable, especially in our little town. To make matters worse. I’ve been finding it very difficult to think of a single thing I’d really like to do. Most people at least have a dream job or some sort of ambition, but not me. At the moment I’m looking at a few things which I may find interesting, but all of them require further studies, which means I’ll have to do a Masters for another year or two, without being sure that I will ever apply this knowledge. It’s hard enough feeling like you’re going nowhere, but not knowing where you want to go just makes it worse! My name is Peter. I’m 23 and I’ll be graduating this October. I’ve studied Accounting and Maths, but now I’ve decided that I want to write. At the same time I need to find a job that will help me support myself and also stimulate my mind. i Nicole Hi there. I’m Nicole. I’m feeling fed up. My life reminds me of a computer game, where I have to master endless levels and keep moving on. I’ve done school, the next level is college, then there will be a job level, a family level, then retirement, grandchildren, and then... Where’s the time for a break? Where’s the opportunity to stop and think? I’m supposed to be enjoying myself as a teenager, going out, dancing and clubbing, but instead I have to concentrate on getting ready for college. Life is so unfair. 198 Unit 4 lessens 5 6 ^ 9 J Choose the right answers to complete the sentences. 1. Pam is a) at school, b) at college, c) unemployed. 2. Peter is going a) to become a B.Sc. b) to go to college, c) to become an MA. 3. Nicole IS feeling a) hopeful, b) depressed, c) excited. 4. Tina is unemployed because a) her college degree is not very marketable, b) she is depressed, c) she wants to do something else. 5. Tina doesn’t want to go on with her education because a) she doesn’t want to work, b) she has no idea what she would like to do. c) she lives in a small town. 6. Rachel is writing to the employment agency’s message board a) to find out what marketing managers do. b) to find out how to use the degree she has. c) to ask for advice and guidance on how to start looking for a job. 7. Mike wants a) a creative job which has something to do with communication. b) a well-paid job with a lot of responsibility, c) a job as a journalist. Oj Look through the messages and find the expressions used to ask for help and ^11) What advice could you give to the people who wrote the messages? 2 j Work in pairs. Have you got any (similar) worries about leaving school, going to college, choosing a career, or finding a job? Share them with your friends and get advice from them. Model: A: Vm interested in painting, but I don’t think this is a very marketable skill unless a painter becomes really famous. B: Well, you may not become famous, but you will always be able to use your skills’ become a book illustrator for example. J Report your friends' worries and your advice to the class. Does anybody have any good advice about it? If not, think how to deal with this worry all together. Unit 4 Lessons 5, 6 199 Homework 9 0 A Give Russian equivalents for the following sentences in English 1. I wish you had never done it. 2.1 wish I were in Turkey now. 3.1 wish all my friends were here. 4. I wish I hadn’t spent all my money on clothes. 5. I wish you had met him. 6. I wish your teacher had told you about it. 7. I wish she lived in another flat. Her flat is so small. В Rewrite the sentences using / wish and add a suitable comment. Model: It’s a pity Paul lives so far away.— I wish Paul didn't live so far away. Then I’d see him more often. 1. It’s a pity that Kate is not ambitious enough to apply for this job 2. It’s a pity that you have chosen such a specialised area of study. 3. You should have gone into publishing. 4. You should have studied Maths and Physics instead of History. 5. It’s a pity that this company didn’t employ you. 6. I’m disappointed to find out that he doesn’t speak English. 7. I’m upset because you have lost my keys. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Я ищу работу, связанную с благотворительностью. 2. Он уже работал на эту компанию, и они уволили его. 3. Его отец отвечает за маркетинг. 4. Боюсь, что профессия актрисы не очень востребована в нашем маленьком городе. 5. Мой брат работает пилотом в Аэрофлоте. Я горжусь им. 6. — Как бы найти высокооплачиваемую, интересную работу, не требующую профессиональных навыков? — Я понятия не имею. 200 :п1‘^ Lessotis5 6 Lessons 7, 8 ' r ■ ‘■ - •• ) A 1^ The Conjunctions so... that, such... that (Союзы so... that, such... that) Союзы so... that — так (такой)... что, such... that — такой... что вводят придаточные предложения образа действия. Следует иметь в виду, что при употреблении so... that за so следует прилагательное или наречие: Не was so tired that he didn't hear the door open.— Он так устал, что не слышал, как открылась дверь. She knew her mother so well that she understood at once what had happened.— Она знала свою мать настолько хорошо, что сразу поняла, что случилось. При употреблении such... that за such следует прилагательное + существительное: Не had such а big breakfast that he decided to skip dinner in the evening.— Oh так сытно позавтракал, что решил не обедать вечером. 11 Complete the sentences using so or such. 1. His job is ... badly paid that he is looking for something else. 2. It IS ... a challenging project that his family don’t get to see him at all. 3. She’s ... a creative person that they made her responsible for their office design. 4. Jack is ... hard-working that he rarely goes on holiday. 5. This summer is ... hot that everybody is trying to go to the country. 6. Jane is ... a nice person that she won’t be able to fire anybody. 7. Granny is ... sad about her retirement that we need to find her something else to do. 2) Rewrite the sentences using so... that or such... that. 1. Jim is a good team player. Everybody in the office likes him. 2. Her position is very important. Her clients usually send cars to pick her up. 3. Choosing a career is very difficult. Some high school students take years to decide what to do. 4. People in that area find it difficult to get a good salary. Some of them even have to move closer to London. 5. Emily is a very organised person. She has never been late in her life! Jnit 4 Lessons 7 8 201 6. This dog IS very intelligent. He learns a new trick every day. 7. He wrote a lot of applications. He received three invitations for an interview for the same day. 8. His degree cost him a lot of money. He had to borrow money from his relatives. 3 J Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. разрешение a covering letter — сопроводительное письмо a shift — смена a work permit — на работу a trainee — практикант a goal — цель a department — отдел, подразделение компании a disaster — трагедия to be in charge of smth — отвечать за что-либо to make ends meet сводить кон цы с концами career-minded — ориентированный на карьеру temporary — временный ^ 4 J Read the list of useful business abbreviations and try to give Russian equivalents for each of them. 1. PR (public relations) 2. IT (information technology) 3. CEO (chief executive officer) 4. R&D (research and development) 5. MBA (master of business administration) 6. p.a. (per annum) 7. Ltd (limited company) 8. a CV (curriculum vitae) — (краткая) автобиография a) в год b) компания с ограниченной ответственностью c) магистр делового администрирования d) исследование и развитие e) информационные техноло ГИИ О связи с общественностью g) главный исполнительный директор ^ 5 J Daniel has started work in the London branch of his employment agency. His colleague left him some notes on people that Daniel will be helping to find a job. Read the notes and answer the questions. 1. Who has a degree? 2. Who has been fired? 3. Who has the most work experience? 4. Who has more real-life experience: Kathy or Diana? 5. Who would be the best team player? 202 Unit4 Lessons/8 6. Who will fit in best in a foreign company? 7. Who might find a job in the fashion industry? 8. Who may have a very successful career? Employmenf/ Agency Diana Murphy, 21. Graduated from London School of Economics, where she did Management and International Relations. Diana was very popular at college and played a big part in college life. She arranged parties and excursions and represented the undergrads in the Students’ Council for two terms. One of the events she organised was even mentioned in The Guardian. She was also the captain of the LSE volleyball team. She is the author of several publications on management and marketing. Her works were published in 2010 and 2011. She is very efficient, ambitious, creative and confident. Unfortunately, she is also domineering, impatient and boastful She only speaks English, but is willing to study another language if her new position requires it. She has no work experience outside academia, but she will only accept a well-paid, pleasant and skilled job. Diana’s interests are history and Gothic architecture. Alex Warren, 24. The guy is a real computer genius with a bachelor’s degree in IT. He spends all his life on the Internet. He had tried to work for a large company and was in charge of its IT department. However, too much responsibility made the job really stressful for him. In fact, his last project was a complete disaster, so the company fired him. Being shy, insecure and absent-minded, Alex found it difficult to be in charge. On the other hand, he is very friendly, creative and helpful. He’s bilingual in English and Spanish. So he is your typical guy who wants to change the world and make a difference. In his new job he is looking for intellectual satisfaction and a lot of advice and support from his future colleagues. Sunil Tata, 30. He graduated from the University of Bombay and is a lawyer. Sunil specialises in human rights and has seven years of experience. His previous job was very skilled and creative but, unfortunately, badly paid. He’s very quiet, polite, pleasant, and everybody likes him. He’s extremely competent and intelligent and is an expert user of Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point. Sunil has moved from India to the UK and currently he is experiencing some problems with his work permit, but he is hoping that his future employer will help him resolve this. Un i4 Lessors 7 8 203 Kathy Dooley, 23. She has no higher education, but she loves working with people Kathy is extremely attractive and has got perfect taste and manners. She always dresses very well, she is charismatic and competitive. Kathy speaks fluent French and some Spanish and German. Her problem is that she’s restless and gets bored easily. She worked as a secretary for a year, but found the job too monotonous and unskilled. However, her employers were very impressed with her performance and gave her an excellent reference. Afterwards she travelled the world for a year and now she is ready to start her career. She needs something really challenging and creative. She is willing to work overtime and will go on with her education if necessary. Look through the notes above and find the adjectives which match the descriptions given below. Complete the sentences according to the model. Model: People who often forget things are called absent-minded. 1. People who are sure of themselves and their abilities. 2. People who like to say how good they are at something. 3. People who find it difficult to concentrate for a long time. 4. People who find it easy to produce original ideas and things. 5. People who hate to lose at anything. 6. People who have the ability to do things well. 7. People who feel uncomfortable in social situations. 8. People who always try to control others without thinking too much how they feel. 9. People who hate waiting for things and have no sympathy towards people’s weaknesses. 10. People who often forget things. Which adjectives describing people's character are positive and which are negative? Who will find it easy and who will find it difficult to find a job? Why? Will they be successful In their next job? Model: Diana is so well educated that she will find a job soon. Alex is such a nice man that everybody is sure to like him. 8 Work in pairs. Think about what job might suit Diana, Sunil, Alex and Kathy, Give your reasons. Talk about their qualifications, experience, abilities and ambitions. 204 Unit 4 lessons 7. 8 9 Listen to the advertisements and match the company names with the vacancies they have. 1. MICHAEL THOMAS 2. ADECCO 3. NELSON. MILEYand RULLINS 4. DEREK CABBOTT 5. PUNCH PR AGENCY a) professional or trainee human rights researchers, administrators, IT specialists b) translator c) secretary d) customer service representative e) trainee manager 10 Listen again and say which of the companies deals with: a) public relations b) human rights c) beauty d) employment e) investment 11 Read these job adverts and mark the statements true, false or not stated. 1. A person applying to Michael Thomas must be prepared to work late at night. 2. At Michael Thomas the customer service representative’s tasks will be very limited. 3. Adecco expects applicants to have some prior experience. 4. Adecco would prefer to employ a native speaker of Spanish. 5. Working for Adecco is a fantastic opportunity to learn the job of a translator. 6. Nelson, Miley and Rullins will only employ highly qualified professionals. 7. Nelson, Miley and Rullins has offices all over the world. 8. Derek Cabbott is offering a vacancy with a salary starting from GBP 70,000. Uni! 4 Lessons 7. 8 205 9. The position of a trainee manager requires a degree. 10. Punch PR agency will only consider European applicants. 11. Keyboarding speed is important for a secretarial position. Michael Thomas Vacancy: Customer Service Representative/Front Desk Job Details: full-time Michael Thomas, a glamorous Beauty Salon, is looking for a career-minded person to be a customer service representative. This is a job which requires some computer knowledge and excellent communication skills. If you are enthusiastic and enjoy working with people, please contact Jennifer or Danni. ADECCO Vacancy: Translator Job Details: part-time, temporary Our company is a well-established name in employment services all over the world. At the moment we are looking for a translator. Both written and oral Spanish-to-English translation skills are required. You will be working in meetings, translating financial information for individuals and writing documents. You must have prior experience of working in a similar business setting. You will be working with international business professionals. If you are Interested in this three-month position, please e-mail your CV, together with a covering letter stating your salary requirements. 206 Unit 4 Lessons 7 8 Vacancy: Professional or trainee human rights researchers, administrators, IT specialists Job Details: full-time NELSON. MILEY and RULLINS We are currently m need of human rights researchers and advocates, based either in our London headquarters or in one of our other offices around the world We are also hiring administrative staff, managers and directors for our regional branches. For professional positions, several years of experience, including varied experience and skills in international human rights investigation, is a must. We also expect excellent computer skills, a good command of at least one foreign language, good organisational and communication skills. We are an Equal Opportunities Employer. Non-UK residents must send proof of right of residence with their application This is absolutely necessary for the CVs to be considered. DEREK CABBOTT Vacancy: Trainee Manager Job Details: full-time Salary: GBP 30,000 Great career opportunity for college graduates! You’ll be working for a leading investment company in Canada. You must be money-motivated, competitive and ambitious. After the training programme (6-12 months), you will be given a management test, and if this Is passed, you will be promoted to assistant manager, where your salary will grow. An assistant manager can make from GBP 35,000 to GBP 50,000 p.a. (per annum). Promotions after that can be to branch manager (GBP 45,000-90,000) or to area manager (GBP 70,000-120,000). This can be achieved within a five-year period. Basically, you will be learning to run a business, with the opportunity for lots of sales and marketing training. The company is looking for someone who is career-oriented, with good communication skills and a college degree. This is a fantastic opportunity for someone who wants to work his or her way to the top! Unit4 Lessons/ 8 207 PUNCH PR AGENCY Vacancy: Secretary Job Details: full-time Salary: £16,500 Fantastic opportunity for a highly organised secretary with loads of initiative and the ability to work in a pressurised environment in this leading PR (Public Relations) agency. Arranging business trips, organising meetings, diary management are just some of the duties involved Minimum keyboarding speed: 50 wpm (words per minute). Intermediate to advanced Power Point is essential. If you are interested in this position or any similar roles within a creative environment, please contact Judi Oliver, Note applicants — strictly only EU (European Union) residents may apply for this position — thank you. 1 2) Which job would you be interested in if you hod the right qualifications and personal qualities? Model: If I weren’t so shy, I could try working for a beauty salon. I wish I were more ambitious. ^ 13 j Work in groups. Which of the advertised jobs would be suitable for Diana, Alex, Kathy and Sunil? Give presentations, explaining your choice for each of the applicants and saying why the other jobs would be unsuitable. Other groups should say if they agree or disagree with your choice, giving their own reasons. Homework A ) Rewrite the sentences using such/as in the model. Model: The boy is so small that he can’t travel alone. boy that he can’t travel alone. He’s such a small 1. The forest is so dark that I’m scared of going in there. 2. The man is so nice that he is happy to help everybody. 3. The test is so difficult that everybody fails it. 4. The man is so boastful that nobody believes him anymore. 208 Uni 4 essor 3 7 8 5. Our new trainee is so shy that I doubt if we’ll be able to keep her on. 6. Our CEO is so busy that nobody can catch him in the office. 7. Mary is so intelligent that she was put in charge of the whole department. В There are certain skills and qualities that will help you make a great career. Match each skill or quality with the question that relates to it. a) diligence b) persistence c) good communication skills d) responsibility e) flexibility f) ability to work in a team g) ambition h) creativity i) fairness j) competence k) honesty l) competitiveness m) understanding n) confidence o) punctuality 1. Can you listen to other people’s problems sympathetically? 2. Can you express yourself clearly and fluently, even in front of a lot of people? 3. Can you think imaginatively and come up with new ideas? 4. Can you deal with a variety of tasks and still keep to a strict schedule? 5. Do you work for as long as it takes to achieve your goals? 6. Have you ever let somebody down? 7. Will you lie if you think it’ll help you get out of trouble? 8. Do you enjoy working with other people? 9. Do you know a lot about the job you are doing? 10. Do you wish for lots of success and recognition in life? 11. Do you recognise your rivals’ success and praise them for it? 12. Are you known for coming on time? 13. Can you change your plans quickly if the task requires it? 14. Is it important for you to be better than others? 15. Are you sure of yourself? Unil4 Lessons 7 8 209 Find out your strengths and weaknesses. Answer always^ sometimes or never to the questions above. Then imagine that your potential employer wants you to describe yourself in three words. Which three words will they be? What do you need to work on? Model: I am confident, ambitious and diligent. However, I don’t always listen to other people and Гт not very good at working in a team. D Choose the best options to complete the sentences. 1.1 do the same thing every day. My job is very unskilled/monotonous/ challenging. 2. You don’t need any qualifications. This job is unskilled/ monotonous/badly paid. 3. What kind of salary/charge/shift can you offer to start with? 4. If you want to do this job, you need a college/degree/graduate in Business Administration. 5. The person, who will do all the press interviews, is our BA/IT /PR manager. 6. You shouldn’t give her too much salary/responsibility/confidence. She works best in a team. 7. This secretary won’t let you down. Her diligence/opportunities/ training is well-known. 8. This woman thinks of nothing but her promotion. She’s such a creative/ hard-working / career-minded person. 9.1 think you need to set your goal/job/idea before you start working. 10. It’s easy to achieve/get/arrive success if you do what you really like. 11. Who is responsive/in charge/professional here? — You need to talk to Sara Warren, our CEO. E Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word. Add prefixes / suffixes if necessary. 1. She has a very strong and ... character. 2. My ... in life is to become a good composer. 3. Meet our new .... He’s a promising programmer. 4. This man has been ... for two years. He lost his job when his company went bankrupt. 5. This is a/an ... job, but at least it will give you a chance to support yourself. 6. Good ... is a key success factor for every company. 7. She’s a ... actress and she may be able to give you some good advice. COMPETE AMBITION TRAIN EMPLOY SKILL COMMUNICATE SUCCESS 210 Urii 4 Lebsnns7 8 sonsy, 10 i#if e. Л Daniel is starting to think about getting a new job in a law company. He needs to write a CV. Read the instructions he found and answer the questions. 1. What is a CV? 2. What is the purpose of writing one? 3. How important is it? 4. What is a covering letter? 5. What is the difference between a CV and a covering letter? 6. Why do you need one? CV www.cv.info X Curriculum Vitae A CV stands for curriculum vitae. It is Latin for “course of one’s life” so it should contain a detailed summary of the relevant events and experiences in your life, like education and work experience. A CV is an “advert” to sell yourself to employers or at least to get them interested. Normally you send a CV to an employer when they ask for one in a job advert, or when you are enquiring if any jobs are available. The purpose of your CV is to represent you as an attractive, interesting and worth considering for a job candidate. Employers do not want to see CVs which are all written in exactly the same way. Therefore do not just copy standard CV samples! Your CV should be your own, personal and a little bit different. A CV should be well laid out and printed on a good quality printer. Hand-written CVs are for outsiders! An employer may never get to read the actual CV, so it is very important to accompany your CV with a short covering letter. This letter will give you the chance to state your interest in a job, demonstrate some knowledge about the company you apply to and highlight your strengths. 2 ) What items of information do you think one should include in a CV? Work in pairs and make a list. 3 ) Listen to the speaker and check your answers. Unit 4 Lessons 9 10 211 4 j Read detailed advice on writing CVs and match each piece with the heading 2 » / Л t \ . i 1 Personal details 2. Skills 3. References 4. Education 5. Interests 6. Work experience a) Name, home address, college address, phone number, e-mail address, date of birth. Do you have your own website or homepage? Include it (if it’s good!). b) Give the names of institutions where you have studied starting with the most recent. Include any special project, thesis, or dissertation work. c) List your most recent experience first Give the name of your employer, job title and, very importantly, what you actually did and achieved in that job Part-time work should be included too. d) They will be particularly interested in activities where you had responsibility. A one-person hobby, such as stamp-collecting, may be of less interest to them, unless it is connected with the work you wish to do. Don’t give too much detail. (If you were the captain of a sports team, they do not want to know the exact date you started, how many games you played and how many wins you had! They will ask at the interview if they are interested.) If you have published any articles, jointly with others or by yourself, give details. If you have been involved in any type of volunteer work, give details. e) Ability in other languages, computing experience, or possession of a driving licence should be included. f) Usually give two names — one from your place of study and one from any work situation you have had Make sure that referees are willing to give you a reference. Give their daytime and evening phone numbers if possible. Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker, to graduate with honours — закончить c отличием to speak a language fluently — свободно говорить на каком-либо языке conversational — разговорный, зд. достаточный для того, чтобы объясниться 212 Uo:t 4 Lessor $9,Ю storage — зд. хранение а filing system — система хранения документов to file (а document) — помещать (документы) в папки to handle smth — иметь дело, работать с чем-либо, регулировать что-либо to maintain smth — зд. поддерживать что-либо в порядке Read the documents, written by one of Daniel's friends. Which is the CV and which is the covering letter? 31 Canon Street London WC2E 7HU Tel: +44 (0)20 7834 8555 Mr Gerald Fly Colonel and Brooks 156 King’s Street London WD3K 6WE 15 November 2011 Dear Mr Fly, I am writing in response to your advertisement in The Times for a trainee manager. As you will see from my enclosed CV, I have just graduated from the University of Edinburgh and have a degree in Marketing and Advertising. I would like to be considered for the position you advertised, as I understand that Colonel and Brooks has an excellent reputation in both these areas. My work experience to date includes two summer Jobs, one of which was as a PA to an advertising director, which involved a lot of responsibility and creative work. This job taught me punctuality, flexibility and team-work. During my time at university, I was twice elected president of the students’ union. I very much enjoyed the experience of communicating with students, solving their problems and representing them at all levels. I speak French fluently and my German is conversational. I am hard-working, ambitious, creative and like a challenge. Should you require any further information, please get in touch. Yours sincerely, Peter Green Unil 4 Lessons 9 10 213 Name: Peter Green Address: 31 Canon Street London WC2E 7HU UK D.O.B. 10.08.90 Nationality: British Curriculum Vitae Education: 2011 BA Management and Advertising (Honours, First Class) University of Edinburgh 2007 St Andrew’s High School A-levels: Mathematics [A], Economics [A], English Language [А]. GCSEs: Mathematics [A], English [A], Chemistry [B], Economics [A], Physics [B], Geography [В]. Work experience: Summer 2010 Henderson Advertising Position: Personal Assistant to the Director Responsibilities and achievements: • assisted director in work on the advertising campaign for Lactimel. • handled Incoming telephone calls to the director from other companies. • organised and maintained the director’s filing system. • developed a new storage system for the department’s files and documents. • helped office staff solve PC problems. Summer 2007, 2008 Edinburgh Health Club Position: Administrator Responsibilities and achievements: • organised a local advertising campaign, increasing the number of members visiting the health club by 20%. • organised games for children. • worked as a lifeguard in the club’s swimming pool. 214 Uni* 4 Lessons 9. 10 Extracurricular activities: elected president of students’ union 2009, 2010 Skills: fluent French, conversational German Interests: Psychology, Internet Referees: Professor Jackson McCord, Department of Management, The University of Edinburgh, 2 Charles Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AD, tel; +44 (0)131 650 2252, e-mail: [email protected] Mrs Jane Board, Director, Hendeison Advertising, 1 Chalk Street, Edinburgh, EH4 9AD, tel: +44 (0)131 530 4621, e-mail: [email protected] ^7 ) Mark these statements true, false or not stated. 1. Peter has a university degree. 2. Peter has just left school. 3. Peter has never had a full-time job. 4. Peter was a very good pupil at school. 5. Peter graduated from university with very impressive results. 6. Peter enjoyed working as a lifeguard. 7. Peter was respected by other students at university. 8. Peter’s work at Henderson Advertising was very monotonous. 9. Peter is skilled enough to become an advertising manager in a small company. 10. Peter has done some research about the company he is applying to. 11. Peter speaks better German than French. 12. Peter’s CV is so impressive that he is sure to get the job he is applying for. 8 Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions about Peter. Model: What’s Peter’s surname? — It’s Green. г Homework Fill in the gaps in this covering letter. Use the following words and expressions. look forward, enclosed, degree, currently, challenging, yours sincerely, in response, do not hesitate, advertisement, editing experience, assistant, position Unit 4 Lessons 9, 10 215 Subject: Position of Senior Editor Dear Mr Drown, I am writing (1) ... to your (2) ... in the Guardian for the (3) ... of Senior Editor. As you can see from the (4) ... CV. I have a (5) ... in Linguistics and ten years of (6) ... working as an editor’s (7) ... (3) .. I am looking for a new position as I feel I can handle a more (9) ... job. (10) ... to contact me should you require any additional information. My mobile phone number is 01375654S9 I (11) ... to hearing from you (12) ... Helen Carter В With reference to the information given in Lessons 7, 8, Ex. 5, write a CV and a covering letter for one of these people: Kathy Dooley, Alex Warren, Sunil Tata or Diana Murphy. Choose the position he/she will be applying for from the advertisements in Lessons 7, 8, Ex. 11. Follow this advice • Highlight his/her strengths and don’t mention the negatives. • Include only the information relevant to the job he/she is applying for. • Don’t make the CV too long. • Make sure there are no mistakes in the CV. • Make sure the layout is clear and the CV is easy to read. • Do not address the covering letter to a Sir or Madam. Find a name for the person to send the application to. Fill In the gaps with the right prepositions. Look at the notes and advertisements from Lessons 7, 8. 1. I work ... a big computer company ... Perm. 2. I’m responsible ... the new project opening our restaurants in Kaluga. 3. She’s got a degree ... Marketing, which will be helpful. 4. At the moment I’m looking ... something creative and challenging. 5. Alice wishes she could find a job ... advertising. 6. Christian is very ambitious. He applied ... Microsoft. 7. The new employer seems really impressed ... your performance. 8. She started work ... a waitress, but soon was promoted ... a restaurant manager. 9. Do you think I should go ... working for Radcliff and Sons? 10. Alec is in charge ... sales. It’s a very high position. 216 Unit 4 Lessons 9 10 1 Daniel is getting ready for a job search. Read the article he found and put the words in brackets into the right form. Use prefixes and suffixes if necessary. Job search WWW jobsearch.info Ш If the (EMPLOY) is impressed with your CV, you will get an interview. An interview is the final step in the application process, when the (EMPLOY) meets you in person, asks you questions and sometimes tests your (ABLE). But there are situations when you don’t even realise you are being tested. Imagine you are hiring someone for a job. How would you best evaluate the (APPLY)? From their job application forms, their (QUALIFY), their work experience, their handwriting, their zodiac signs? Although most of us would rely on a normal interview, research into (HIRE) practices comes up with a surprising conclusion: candidate performance in interviews, (PSYCHOLOGY) tests or (ASSESS) centres are not very reliable means of predicting his or her future success in a job. Be careful with CVs, too. In Britain, (EMPLOY) agencies know that the closest a person ever comes to perfection is in his CV. A very (SUCCESS) airline company, one of America’s most attractive job providers, has a famously unusual approach to hiring. “We’re not interested in qualifications or experience,” explains its CEO. “We can train our staff, but we look for people with a nice (PERSON) and a sense of humour.” For this airline company the positive attitude of their staff is a key factor in their choice of people. Another (EMPLOY) once mentioned that, for him, the best indicator of potential management ability is an (APPLY)’s driving style. The first interview takes place in a car, and the person has to answer questions while driving through city traffic. The ways in which the (APPLY) handles city traffic, changes lanes, deals with (EXPECT) road conditions, etc., usually reflect his or her organisational and leadership skills. Can you really apply everyday habits to work situations? The (INVENT) Thomas Edison thought so. He invited people, who wanted to work for him, to lunch. If they salted their food before tasting it, he didn’t hire them. The ability to make constant “reality checks” was what Edison (VALUE) in his staff most of all. Lessons Г. 12 217 ^ 2 ) Answer the questions. 1. What is a job interview? 2. Why is it necessary? 3. Is a job interview a reliable means of predicting the employee’s success in a job? 4. Do employers usually trust good CVs? Why?/Why not? 5. What does one of America’s leading airline companies look for in its staff? 6. Why aren’t qualifications so important for the airline company? 7. What can one tell about a person from their driving style? Are these qualities important for a job? 8. How did Thomas Edison check his future employees? 9. Do you think his test was a good idea? Why? / Why not? ^ 3 J When interviewing you, a future employer may start by checking your general knowledge about the world. Answer the questions and see how well you would do. 1. Who is the president of Russia? 2. Who is the president of the US? 3. Who is the head of state in the UK? 4. Who is the boss of Microsoft? 5. In the UK, where is “the City”? 6. Where will the next Olympics be held? 7. What is the richest Russian company? 8. Where is Silicon Valley? What is it famous for? 9. Which company tells you to “Think different!” on its motto? A ) It is very important to realise what your priorities are and talk about them openly. Make a list of what's important to you in a job. Choose your top three preferences and comment on them. Compare your preferences with those of your classmates. a) Earning a lot of money b) Being motivated by the job c) Being able to learn and grow d) Being able to work flexible hours e) Working with people 0 Being your own boss g) Having a lot of responsibility h) Having a lot of supervision i) Working in a nice atmosphere j) Having job security (not to worry that you may lose your job) 218 Unii4 Lessons 11, 12 5 Make these answers to questions in a job interview sound more positive. I’m afraid I was just a waitress. I spend a lot of time surfing the net. I only worked there for a summer. I speak some English, but I’m not very good at it. I can’t type very fast. I lost my first job because I didn’t do much. I found my previous job totally boring. I’m only sixteen, so I have very little work experience. I don’t really know what salary to expect. 6 Listen to the speakers and compare your answers with theirs. Uni‘4 Lessons П. 12 219 Work in pairs or in groups of three. A is applying for a job. B, or В and C conduct an interview. Instructions for A are on this page. Instructions for B, C are on page 224. Instructions for A Choose a role. You can be yourself or one of the following people: Kathy Dooley, Alex Warren, Sunil Tata or Diana Murphy. Tell your partners who you are going to be to help them get ready. Bring a relevant CV and a covering letter. Scenario Questions 1. You are the only one working in the office. The phone and the door bell ring at the same time. You also have a client waiting for your attention. What would you do? 2 You’ve noticed during the past couple of weeks that one of your co-workers doesn’t do much work and spends time chatting on the phone or playing computer games. At the same time you are constantly busy doing his/her job. What would you do? 3. What would you do if you had to deal with a very angry customer? 4 What do you want to be doing in 2/5/10 years time? Homework C n ^ A J There are a lot of standard phrases typically used by companies when describing a job. Try to match these phrases with what they (might) really mean. Have fun! 1. FLEXIBLE HOURS 2. SOME OVERTIME REQUIRED 3. SELF-MOTIVATED 4. GOOD COMMUNICATION SKILLS 6. CAREER-MINDED 7. PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS A MUST 8. DUTIES WILL VARY 5. ABILITY TO HANDLE A LOT OF TASKS 9. INFORMAL WORK ATMOSPHERE 220 JnitLessons 1 12 a) Anyone in the office is your boss. b) The company is in chaos. c) You will work at nights and weekends. d) We expect you to dream of washing up and clearing tables for the rest of your life. e) If you complain, you’re fired. f) Don’t expect any help or supervision. g) This job was previously done by three full-time employees. h) Work 50 hours, get paid for 35,5. i) Management talk, you listen and figure out what they want you to do. В Prepare your own CV and a covering letter as if you were applying for a position as a shift manager at McDonald's. Exam know-how © © 0 При прослушивании текстов обычно предлагается выполнить следующие задания: Установление соответствия приведенных утверждений прочитанному тексту (True, False, Not Stated) Множественный выбор из предложенных вариантов (Multiple choice) Установление соответствия или множественных соответствий (Matching) Установление логической последовательности, расположение событий в правильном порядке (Putting in the right order) Выполнение этих заданий требует понимания общего содержания звучащего текста, понимания определенной информации или полного понимания текста. Unit 4 Lessons П. 12 and 13, 14 221 Как видно из вышеперечисленного, задания на прослушивание текстов схожи с заданиями на чтение, поэтому все советы, относящиеся к выполнению заданий типа True, False, or Not Stated, Multiple choice. Matching, Putting in the right order в большой степени применимы и к выполнению заданий на прослушивание. При этом задания на прослушивание имеют свои особенности. Для их успешного выполнения, прежде всего, необходим навык восприятия звучащей речи, который формируется на протяжении всех лет изучения английского языка. В процессе непосредственной подготовки к экзаменационным заданиям рекомендуется смотреть фильмы и новости на английском языке, повторно проделывать имеющиеся в учебнике задания на слушание, пользуясь диском. Прежде чем приступать к прослушиванию, внимательно прочитайте задание и разберитесь, что от вас требуется. Внимательно прочитайте заголовки, утверждения, высказывания, предложенные в задании Найдите и выделите для себя ключевые слова, которые должны прозвучать в записи. Определите. в какой форме может быть представлена необходимая вам информация. Как только воспроизведение записи началось, прекратите чтение вопросов, установок, утверждений и сосредоточьтесь на восприятии информации. В заданиях на множественный выбор порядок вопросов соответствует тому порядку, в котором информация появляется в тексте. Ключевые слова из аудиозаписи могут присутствовать как в правильных, так и в неправильных вариантах ответов. Следует быть осторожным, поскольку часто это как раз неправильные варианты ответов. Помните, что правильный ответ должен включать ту же информацию, что и запись, а не те же самые слова. Необходимо обращать внимание на контекст, синонимы, антонимы, отрицательные предложения, поскольку часто правильный ответ имеет форму утвердительного предложения, которое содержит слово, противоположное по значению тому, что прозвучало в записи. 222 Unit 4 Lessons 13, 4 Вопросы могут носить общий характер. Для того чтобы правильно ответить на них, необходимо обратить внимание не только на ключевые слова и фразы, но понять текст в целом После первого прослушивания выделите наиболее вероятные ответы Слушая во второй раз, проверяйте правильность своих ответов и пытайтесь услышать ту информацию, которая осталась невыясненной после первого прослушивания. 1 Вы услышите пять высказываний (1 -5). Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего и вопросами, на которые они отвечают (А —F). В задании есть один лишний ответ. А “Is juice really so good for me?” В “Do any of the weight-loss pills, which are advertised, actually work?” C “I hate physical activity, but I still want to lose a bit of weight. What should I do?” D “What activities burn calories?” E “How can I lose a lot of weight really fast?” F “Do I have to take multivitamins every day?” 2 Вы услышите пять высказываний (1—5). Установите соответствие между высказываниями и утверждениями (А—F), данными в списке. Одно утверждение — лишнее. А Don’t eat late. В Concentrate on your food. C Don’t forget about fluids. D Cut out fatty and sugary food. E Skip supper. F Substitute fast food with home-made healthy options. 3 J Какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста, какие не соответствуют? О чем в тексте не упоминалось? 1. When it comes to hotels, business travellers are spoiled for choice. 2. Business travellers are interested in getting special discounts if they often stay in the same hotel. 3. A lot of hotels redecorate their rooms to please international guests. 4. Business travellers expect great attention to detail as well as a good location and sensible prices. Urv'4 Lesso.ns 13 14 223 5. А good hotel can’t be located too far away from a tube station. 6. Most business travellers expect a fully equipped business centre right in their hotel. 7. Most business travellers arrive with their own laptops. 8. One can always expect a hotel receptionist to speak English. 9. Good hotels are still very expensive. 10. Competition makes hotels offer special rates for business travellers. Instructions for B, C Find out who A is going to be and what company he/she is applying to. Get ready to represent this company. Look through the candidate’s CV and a covering letter and ask him or her questions. Here are some examples to help you. 1. Why did you decide to apply for this position? 2. What do you know about our company? 3. What experiences have you had in a similar business setting? (Ask for example.) 4. Have you ever had a job? What aspects of the job did you find the most difficult? (If no previous work experience, ask about school experience.) 5. The last time you did not know what decision to make, what did you do? 6. Do you think you work more effectively alone or in a team? 7. What are your highest achievements? 8. Think of a time when you had to do a lot of things during the same period of time (work, school, extracurricular activities). How did you manage? What did you do? 9. What salary do you want to get? Lessons 15, 16 1 ) Listen t< Stated. Test yourself s 1. a) Samantha broke her leg. b) Samantha climbed a tree. c) Samantha has come out of hospital. 2. a) Last year Carla went to the Browns’ party. b) Carla is going to the Browns’ party. c) Carla usually gets invited to the Browns’ party. 3. a) Jessie didn’t do well in her final exams. b) Jessie didn’t have enough time to study. c) Grandma believes Jessie. 224 Unit 4 Lessons 13, ’4 and ’5 16 d) Grandma doesn’t know Jessie well. e) Jessie will become a film star one day. 4. a) Kim has lost Mrs Meredith’s address. b) Tim knows Mrs Meredith’s address. c) Kim phoned Jack. d) Jack knows Mrs Meredith’s address. Read the story and choose the right answers. 1. The ultimate aim of the professor 3. was a) to prove that God in fact doesn’t exist. b) to amuse his students. c) to prove that God created evil. 2. One of the students pointed out 4. that a) heat is the absence of cold. b) cold is the absence of heat. c) cold is given by God. The same young student also claimed that a) light is the same as heat b) light is God c) darkness is the absence of light. Finally, the young student argued that a) evil doesn’t exist. b) God isn’t the Devil. c) evil is the absence of light. Once a university professor decided to demonstrate an example of pure logic to his students. He intrigued them by asking whether God was evil and promised to give a positive answer and prove it. So he asked one of the students, “Did God create everything that exists?” The student bravely replied, “Yes, he did!” “God created everything?” the professor asked. “Yes, sir,” the student replied. Then the professor answered, “If God created everything, then God created evil, since evil exists. And, as we know, our works define who we are, thus God is evil.” The student became quiet and the professor was quite pleased with himself. He went even further claiming that this example easily proved that faith in God was a delusion. Unit 4 Lessons 5, 16 225 А young student raised his hand and said, “Can I ask you a question, professor?” “Of course,” replied the professor. The student stood up and asked, “Professor, does cold exist?” The professor looked a bit confused. “Of course it exists. Why do you ask?” The other students started to giggle at the young man’s stupidity. The student, however, went on, “In fact, sir, cold does not exist. According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is, in reality, the absence of heat. So we have created the word ‘cold’ to describe how we feel if we have no heat.” The audience fell silent and the student continued, “Professor, does darkness exist?” “Of course, it does,” the professor muttered. The student was ready for that. “I’m sorry to say you are wrong again, sir. Darkness does not exist either. Darkness is only the absence of light. We can study light, but not darkness. You cannot measure it. How can you know how dark a certain space is? You measure the amount of light in it. Don’t you agree?” And then the young man returned to the original questions. “So, does evil exist, sir?” Totally confused, the professor didn’t want to back down, so he said, “How can anyone doubt it? We see it everywhere. Crime, violence, wars are the reality of our everyday life. Isn’t that what we mean by evil?” However, the student had an answer for that. “In fact, evil does not exist, and certainly God didn’t create it. Evil is the word we found for the absence of God. It is just like darkness is the absence of light and cold is the absence of heat. Evil is what happens when man does not have God in his heart.” The professor left the room in silence. The young student’s name was Albert Einstein. 3 Choose the right word in brackets to complete these sentences. Part I 1. The moon (is to go/is going/goes) around the Earth. 2. In Africa (there is/is/it is) very hot. 3. Teenagers like to talk about (the love/a love/love). 4. In Canada people wear thick clothes in winter (for keep/to keep/for to keep) themselves warm. 5. In my fridge there isn’t (some/the/any) food. 6. Last summer (it rained/there rained/it was raining) every day. 7. My friends gave me (a good / good / the good) advice. 8. This year (best/the best/better) student in our class is going to England. 9. In our town very (little/few/less) people have cars. 226 Unit 4 Lessons 15 16 10. There is (little / few / many) hope for homeless people in most countries. 11. Racists think that black people are not the same (as/like/than) people with (white/a white/the white) skin. 12. We think that students (who/which/what) miss school are foolish. 13. We all depend (on/of/with) each other. 14. There aren’t (no / any / some) members of parliament who didn’t (take part/joined/arrive) in that charity event. Part II Elizabeth I efore Elizabeth I (has become/became/had become) queen of England in 1558, her Catholic sister Mary I kept her in (the/a/-) Tower of London, the royal prison. Only after Mary (had died / dying/has died), Elizabeth’s life was out of danger. Elizabeth (couldn’t have/couldn’t / didn’t have to) find a suitable husband, so she (never/ever/гаrely) got married. If she (has/had/would have) got married, British history (would be/would have been/should have been) different. She was an outstanding person (both/either/however) as a woman and a queen. During her reign English explorers (travelled / went on a trip/had ajourney) all over the world. People (believed/were believing/had believed) that she was a saint. Like any queen she (had to / must / should) be very strong-willed and clever. She lived long ago but the British (did/would/will) always remember her as one of the best monarchs England (had ever/has ever/did ever) had. Part III Learning foreign languages In the modern world it is worth (learning/to learn/learn) one or two foreign languages. It is no use (to try/trying/in trying) to find a good job without some knowledge of English. To understand foreign languages is one of (the hardest/harder/most hard) things for people. One can succeed if one (is wanting/is willing to / want to) make an effort. Some people aren’t used (study/to the study/to studying) grammar in their mother tongue, let alone in another language. A lot of language students wish they (would start/had started/would have started) their language studies when they were (younger/the youngest/most young). Unit 4 Lessons 15 16 227 4 Write some tips for those who wont to study foreign languages. Share your experience. Say what worked or didn't work for you. 5 Choose a topic and write an essay of 200-250 words. Support your essay with examples. 1. A lot of people say that they do not like foreigners and give a lot of reasons. Albert Einstein used to say that “Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of humanity.” To what extent do you agree? 2. No country in the world can live independently of other countries. To what extent do you agree? 3. Aldous Huxley said: “Experience is not what happens to you. It is what you do with what happens to you.” To what extent do you agree? Homework a ^ Fly to the stars! Get ready for your project. Work according to this plan. 1. Choose the job you’d like to be doing in fifteen years. Give a presentation about what it’s like and what responsibilities it involves. 2. Explain why you have chosen this particular job. 3. Say what qualities make you suitable for this job, what qualities you’ll need to develop further, and what faults/weaknesses you’ll need to get rid of. 4. Have you got a plan of action for achieving your dream? Share it with the class. 5. Talk about people in this job or any other job that have been a source of inspiration for you. 6. Choose a quotation or a poem (in English or in Russian) to encourage your friends to live their dreams. Project "Fly to the stars! // 1 ) Listen to your friends' presentations and ask them questions. 2 ‘ Choose the most interesting presentation, the best and most realistic plan and the most inspiring quote or poem. 228 Unit Д Lessons 15. 16 and V 18 i Dear friends! This is the end of your last school year. We, the authors of this course, have great expectations for you. We hope you’ll find the courage, inspiration and strength to find your way in life and be very happy. ^ ^ j Listen to the song and sing along with it. I'll find my only way Worry, worry keeps me awake: Hurry, hurry, don’t make mistakes! Where will you end up If you fail to pass the next exam? And what will happen If you don’t get a place at college then? But then I say my mantra once again. Refrain I hope I won’t be alone. And my life will go on, I hope I’ll find my only way. ’Cause I’ve got so much to say. I’ll maybe fly to the stars, I’ll lead the mission to Mars, Whatever comes, I won’t give up my one and only way! Choices, choices Driving me mad. Little voices Talk in my head. Don’t try' to jump too high. And you will never ever fall. Don’t bang your head in vain. You’ll never break the iron wall. But then I find the answer in my soul. Refrain Future, future Knocks at my door. You’ll be better. You’ll be the first. It’s only up to you To bring to life your wildest plans. Refrain I know I won’t be alone. And my life will go on. And I will find my only way. ’Cause I’ve got so much to say. And I will fly to the stars, I’ll lead the mission to Mars, Whatever comes, I won’t give up my one and only way! 229 Grammar Reference (Грамматический справочник) Contents The Noun (Имя существительное)................................................231 The Cose (Падеж)............................................................233 The Article (Артикль)......................................................234 The Adjective (Имя прилагательное).........................................238 The Adverb (Наречие).......................................................241 The Pronob (Местоимение)...................................................242 The Numeral (Имя числительное).............................................245 The Verb (Глагол)..........................................................247 The Present Simple Tense (Настоящее простое время)..........................247 The Past Simple Tense (Прошедшее простое время).............................251 The Future Simple Tense (Будущее простое время).............................256 The Present Progressive Tense (Настоящее длящееся время)....................260 The Past Progressive Tense (Прошедшее длящееся время) ......................264 The Present Perfect Tense (Настоящее совершенное время).....................267 The Past Perfect Tense (Прошедшее совершенное время)........................270 The Present Perfect Progressive Tense (Настоящее совершенное длящееся время)...273 The Modal Verbs (Модальные глаголы) .....................................275 The Direct Speech and the Reported Speech (Прямая и косвенная речь)...........281 The Active Voice and the Passive Voice (Действительный и страдательный залог).288 The Infinitive (Инфинитив).................................................291 The Conjunction (Союз).....................................................296 230 Grammor Reference The Noun (Имя существительное) Имена существительные обозначают живые существа, предметы, явления, вещества, абстрактные понятия. Имена существительные в английском языке делятся на исчисляемые и неисчисляемые. Исчисляемые имена существительные (Countable Nouns) обозначают предметы, которые можно посчитать (один, два... много) и которые употребляются как в единственном, так и во множественном числе: а реп — pens, а file — files. Неисчисляемые имена существительные (Uncountable Nouns) обозначают понятия, явления, которые нельзя посчитать. Они не имеют формы множественного числа и не употребляются с неопределенным артиклем: This information is very important.— Эта информация очень важна. Honey is good for you.— Мед полезен. • Неисчисляемыми являются: • названия сыпучих, текучих, газообразных веществ, а также материалов: water, sugar, coffee, tea, butter, coal, meat, rice, soap, oxygen, air, smoke, glass, wood, wool; • названия абстрактных понятий: accommodation, advice, love, friendship, information, knowledge, pity, news, happiness, work, truth, health, wisdom, time, experience, life, luck, sadness, shame; • названия собирательных существительных: rubbish, money, luggage, furniture, machinery, equipment; • названия игр: bowls, billiards, tennis, football; • названия учебных предметов: Economics, Physics, Mathematics (Maths); • названия языков: English, Chinese, French, German, Russian, Japanese; • названия болезней: mumps, measles, flu; • названия природных явлений: weather, rain, snow, wind, sunshine, thunder, heat, fog, frost, ice, darkness, light. • Следующие счова и выражения употребляются с неисчисляемыми существительными, когда требуется указать количество: а piece of news — новость some pieces of news — несколько новостей a piece of advice — совет some pieces of advice — несколько советов a piece of furniture — предмет мебели a lot of pieces of furniture — много предметов мебели a slice of bread — ломтик хлеба two slices of bread — два ломтика хлеба a bar of chocolate — плитка шоколада three bars of chocolate — три плитки щоколада Grarrmar Reference 231 • Некоторые существительные употребляются с глаголами только в форме множественного числа. К таким существительным относятся: • clothes, outskirts, stairs, gates, scissors, arms, looks, congratulations; • существительные обозначающие предметы, которые состоят из двух частей: shoes — туфли, gloves — перчатки, pyjamas — пижама, tights — колготки, earrings — серьги, scissors — ножницы, trousers — брюки, shorts — шорты, glasses — очки. • Существительные, обозначающие группу людей: Jury, stuff, team, family, audience, committee, band, class, army, press, government, police, употребляются c глаголами в форме единственного числа, когда речь идет о группе в целом, и с глаголами в форме множественного числа, когда речь идет конкретно о людях, из которых эта группа состоит. The press is interested to know the details of the incident.— Пресса интересуется деталями инцидента. (Речь идет о группе в целом, поэтому глагол употребляется в единственном числе.) During the summit the press usually stay in this hotel.— Bo время встречи на высшем уровне представители прессы останавливаются в отеле. (Речь идет о конкретных журналистах, поэтому глагол употребляется во множественном числе.) Исчисляемые имена существительные в английском языке имеют форму единственного и множественного числа. • Форма множественного числа имен существительных образуется с помощью окончания -(e)s, которое прибавляется к основе единственного числа. Окончание -s читается как [z] после звонких согласных и гласных: а реп — pens [zj, а boy — boys [z]. После глухих согласных окончание -s читается как \s\: а тор — mops [s]. После S, SS, X, sh, ch окончание -es читается как [iz]: а bench — benches [iz]. Окончание -es во множественном числе имеют: a) существительные, которые оканчиваются в единственном числе на S, SS, X, sh, ch: а fax —faxes [izL a bus — buses (izj, a bush — bushes [izl, a glass — glasses [iz], a coach — coaches [iz]; b) существительные, которые оканчиваются в единственном числе на о: hero — heroes. Но: photo — photos, piano — pianos, zero — zeros; c) существительные, которые оканчиваются в единственном числе на у, перед которой стоит согласная. Буква у при этом меняется на i: city — cities; d) некоторые существительные, оканчивающиеся в единственном числе на f или fe. Буква f при этом меняется на v: shelf— shelves, wife — wives. • В некоторых именах существительных множественное число образуется с помощью изменения корневой гласной: 232 Gra—mci Reference Единственное число а man — мужчина — женщина - зуб ■ ребенок ступня а woman а tooth -а child — а foot — а mouse мышь а goose — гусь У имен существительных Множественное число теп — мужчины women — женщины teeth — зубы children — дети feet — ступни mice — мыши geese — гуси а fish — а sheep -а deer — а series -а swine -а means а species рыба — овца олень — серия — свинья — средство — вид tivo fish — две рыбы а lot of sheep — много овец five deer — пять оленей four series — четыре серии six swine — шесть свиней а lot of means — много средств several species — несколько видов форма единственного и множественного числа совпадает: There are six different species of wild deer in Britain.— Ha территории Британии обитает шесть видов диких оленей. They’ve already done three series of tests.— Они уже сделали три серии опытов. Smeshariki is а new popular series of children’s books.— Смешарики — новая популярная серия детских книг. Telephone is а means of communication.— Телефон — средство общения. The Case (Падеж) Существительные в английском языке имеют два падежа — общий и притяжательный. В общем падеже существительные не имеют окончаний. The Possessive Case (Притяжательный падеж) Притяжательный падеж выражает: • значение принадлежности, обладания чем-то: Bob’s book — книга Боба, ту friend’s саг — машина моего друга; • какие отношения связывают двух или более людей: Nina’s sister — сестра Нины; Mark and Rob’s mother — мама Марка и Роба. В притяжательном падеже употребляются в основном одушевленные существительные, обозначающие живое существо, которому принадлежит предмет, качество или признак. Существительное в единственном числе образует притяжательный падеж с помощью окончания -’s (знака апострофа и буквы s): ту sister’s dress — платье моей сестры. Gfommor Reference 233 Существуют две формы притяжательного падежа: • ’s для существительных в единственном числе: а friend's саг — машина друга; • ’ (апостроф) для существительных во множественном числе: the girls' room — комната девочек. Когда два лица или более являются обладателями одного и того же предмета, ’S прибавляется только к последнему имени: Ann and Paul's house — дом Анны и Пола. Если разные люди являются обладателями предмета и надо показать, что у каждого предмета есть владелец, то's добавляется к каждому имени: Betty's and Bob's dogs — собаки Бетти и Боба. Также для выражения принадлежности употребляется существительное с предлогом of: the end of the story - конец рассказа. 234 The Article (Артикль) Артикли в английском языке это служебные слова, употребляющиеся с именами существительными или словами, перешедшими в разряд существительных. В современном английском языке существуют неопределенный артикль а (ап), определенный артикль the и нулевой артикль. Неопределенный артикль Неопределенный артикль имеет две формы как написания, так и произношения: а (э] — перед исчисляемым существительным в единственном числе, если оно начинается с согласного звука: а film; ап (on] — перед исчисляемым существительным в единственном числе, если оно начинается с гласного звука: ап answer. Неопределенный артикль имеет следующие значения: • классификации предмета, лица, явления: It’s а photo.— Это фото (не рисунок). Не is а doctor.— Он врач (не учитель). • обобщения (предмет или лицо, о котором идет речь, не просто классифицируется, но и выступает в роли представителя класса предметов, лиц, явлений). Это особенно характерно для пословиц и поговорок, выражающих свойства, характерные для любого изданного класса предметов или лиц: А stitch т time saves nine.— Один стежок, сделанный вовремя, стоит девяти. А friend in need is a friend indeed.— Друг познается в беде. • единичности, которое особенно очевидно при использовании с единицами времени, расстояния, мерами веса: Не ivaitedfor them for an hour.— Он ждал их в течение часа. Ап apple а day keeps the doctor away.— Ешь по яблоку в день, и доктор не нужен. Buy а bar of chocolate.— Купи плитку шоколада. Grammar Reference морей — океанов каналов пустынь the United States, Неопределенный артикль употребляется также с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе в восклицательных предложениях после слов what и such: What а nice day! — Какой чудесный день! Не is such а reliable partner.— Он такой надежный партнер. Определенный артикль Определенный артикль the может употребляться с любыми существительными. • Артикль the употребляется, когда речь идет о лице или предмете, которые упоминались ранее: Г\>е bought а new book. The book is interesting. » Артикль the употребляется c названиями: сторон света — the South рек — the Volga the Black Sea — the Atlantic Ocean — the English Channel — the Sahara горных цепей — the Alps стран, содержащих слова state, kingdom, federation — the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation театров — the Bolshoi Theatre памятников — the Statue of Liberty ресторанов — the Carnegie Deli музеев — the Hermitage галерей — the Tretyakov Gallery гостиниц — the Ambassador Hotel газет — ‘^The Times” Артикль the употребляется: перед существительными, обозначающими единственные в своем роде предметы и явления: the sun, the sky, the Parthenon, the world; перед названиями музыкальных инструментов в таких сочетаниях, как: to play the guitar, to play the piano; перед фамилиями и национальностями, когда имеется в виду вся семья: the Inins, the MacWizards, the English, the Americans, the Russians; перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, когда существительное является представителем целого класса предметов: The giraffe is the tallest animal on our planet.— Жираф — самое высокое животное на нашей планете. Без артикля употребляются названия: континентов —Africa и т. п. стран — France и т. п. Grommor Reference 235 городов — London и т. п. деревень — Strelkovka и т. п. регионов — Kaluga Region и т. п. отдельных островов — Sakhalin отдельных горных вершин — Elbrus отдельных площадей — Trafalgar Square отдельных парков — Hyde Park отдельных улиц — Baker Street таких планет, как — Mars, Venus, Jupiter Без артикля употребляются исчисляемые существительные во множественном числе, когда они являются представителями целого класса предметов: She likes roses — Она любит розы. Horses are clever animals.— Лошади — умные животные. Употребление артикля с существительными, обозначающими названия веществ Неисчисляемые существительные, обозначающие названия веществ, употребляются без артикля, если в предложении речь идет о веществе как таковом: I don't like milk.— Я не люблю молоко. Артикль the с названиями веществ употребляется, если имеется лимитирующее придаточное предложение: The meat, which they were eating, was tasty.— Мясо, которое они ели, было вкусным. Употребление артикля с существительными bed, church, college, hospifal, prison, school В случае, если эти существительные и.меют значение конкретного места, здания или учреждения, они употребляются с артиклем по общим правилам. В случае, если эти существительные обозначают процессы, которые в них происходят, артикль с этими существительными не употребляется: bed (сон, болезнь), hospital (лечение), school (учеба), prison (лишение свободы), church (церковная служба). Сравните: / have missed а lot of classes this month. My parents have to go to the school.— Я пропустил много занятий в этом месяце. Моих родителей вызывают в школу. (Родители не учатся, а должны пойти в здание школы для разговора.) Kathy is at school now. Call back later.— Кэти в школе сейчас. (Она там учится.) Позвоните позже. Don’t sit on the bed.— He сидите на кровати. (Речь идет о мебели.) Му sister is still in bed. Should I ivake her up? — Моя сестра все еще спит. (Речь идет не о месте, а о деятельности: она спит.) Разбудить ее? 236 Grommor Re^e^ence Употребление артикля с существительными breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner Как правило, эти существительные употребляются без артикля: Breakfast т this hotel is from 7 am till 10 a.m. Если перед этими существительными есть описательное определение, употребляется неопределенный артикль: You сап have а good dinner there. Если имеется лимитирующее придаточное предложение, то употребляется определенный артикль: ГИ never forget the dinner which we had in that little cafe in Chelyabinsk.— Я никогда не забуду обед, который мы ели в том маленьком кафе в Челябинске. Употребление артикля с существительными, обозначающими части суток Существительные, обозначающие части суток: day, night, morning, evening, afternoon, midnight, dawn, sunrise, sunset, daytime чаще всего употребляются с определенным артиклем: The morning was warm and sunny.— Утро было теплым и солнечным (утро описываемого события). She didn’t want to spend the evening alone.— Она не хотела проводить вечер (тот вечер) в одиночестве. The weather was warm on the day of her arrival.— Погода в день ее приезда была теплая. Если перечисленные выше существительные входят в состав составного именного сказуемого, то артикль не употребляется: It was morning when she realized that he would never come back.— Было уже утро, когда она осознала, что он не вернется никогда. Артикль также не употребляется, если перед существительными стоят прилагательные early, late, high и broad: It was late evening.— Был поздний вечер. It was early morning.— Было раннее утро. It was high noon.— Был самый полдень. It was broad day.— Была самая середина дня. Однако если перед существительным, которое входит в состав составного именного сказуемого, появляется описательное определение, то употребляется неопределенный артикль: It was а sunny day, and there were a lot of people in the street.— Был солнечный день, и на улице было много людей. Неопределенный артикль также употребляется с существительными, обозначающими названия части суток, если необходимо передать значение однажды вечером (утром, днем, ночью) или один (какой-нибудь) день (вечер и т. д.): On а cold January evening somebody knocked at the door.— Однажды холодным январским вечером в дверь кто-то постучался. Grammar Reference 237 Артикль не употребляется, если существительные — названия частей суток имеют в качестве определении слова yesterday или tomorrow, а также названия дней недели: She will be here tomorrow afternoon.— Она будет здесь завтра днем. Her train arrives on Friday evening.— Ее поезд прибывает в пятницу вечером. Употребление артиклей с существительными, обозначающими времена года: spring, summer, autumn, winter Если эти существительные являются подлежащими в предложении и употребляются в конкретном значении данного календарного сезона, то употребляется определенный артикль: The autumn was very fine that year, and they were very happy.— Осень была замечательной в том году, и они были очень счастливы. Когда эти существительные употребляются в обобщенном значении холодного и теплого, весеннего или осеннего времени, то возможен как определенный, так и нулевой артикль: (The) Winter in Siberia is very long and cold.— Зима в Сибири длинная и холодная. Если существительное — название времени года — является в предложении дополнением, то с ним обычно употребляется определенный артикль: We are going to spend the summer in the village.— Мы собираемся провести лето в деревне. Если существительное — название времени года — входит в состав составного именного сказуемого, то артикль перед ним не употребляется: It was summer, and nobody ivas in town.— Было лето, и в городе никого не было. Артикль также не употребляется, если перед существительным в этом случае стоит прилагательное early или late: It was early spring when he first met her.— Была ранняя весна, когда он впервые встретил ее. Определенный артикль употребляется с названиями времен года после предлогов during и for: I am not going to stay in Germany for the winter.— Я не собираюсь оставаться на зиму в Германии. После предлогов in, till, until, before, after возможно употребление как нулевого, так и определенного артикля: Не is going to come back before (the) winter. She normally travels a lot in (the) summer. They won't be able to pay for the house before (the) winter. The Adjective (Имя прилагательное) Имя прилагательное обозначает отличительный признак предмета лица или явления. Имена прилагательные не изменяются по лицам и числам: 238 Grommor Reference We saw a lot of new houses in that town.— В том городе мы видели много новых домов. В предложении имена прилагательные могут выполнять функцию определения или части составного именного сказуемого: She bought а nice dress — Она купила красивое платье. It's ап old village.— Это старая деревня. Если в предложении есть несколько определений, то порядок их следования следующий: качество (говорящий выражает свое мнение о предмете) + размер + возраст + цвет + происхождение -I- материал Качество Размер Возраст j Цвет 11роисхождение Материал Существительное funny —^ -new English П toy fat old black rabbit j small grey ' woolen skirt lovely small П red German leather handbag little new wooden house В зависимости от характера признака все прилагательные английского языка подразделяются на качественные и относительные. Степени сравнения прилагательных Качественные имена прилагательные имеют положительную, сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения. • К прилагательным в положительной степени, состоящим из одного или двух слогов, оканчивающимся на -у, -ow, -ег, в сравнительной степени прибавляется суффикс -ег, а в превосходной степени — суффикс -est. Положительная степень long — длинный clever — умный narrow — узкий Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень longer ['loogaj —длиннее cleverer — умнее narrower — уже longest I'bogost] — самый длинный cleverest — самый умный narrowest — самый узкий Если прилагательное оканчивается на -е, то при прибавлении суффикса -ег или -est буква е отбрасывается. Положительная степень Сравнительная степень nice — приятный nicer — приятнее Превосходная степень nicest — самый приятный Grommar Reference 239 в прилагательных, оканчивающихся на ударный слог с кратким гласным, при прибавлении суффикса -ег или -est конечная согласная удваивается. Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень fat толстый fatter — толще fatttbc KJ самый iuJicibiH Если прилагательное оканчивается на -у, которой предшествует согласная, то при прибавлении суффикса -ег или -est буква у меняется на i. Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень happy счастливый happier — счастливее happiest — самый счаст ливый Запомните прилагательные, которые образуют степени сравнения не по правилу. Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень good - — хороший better — - лучше best — самый лучший bad — - плохой ivorse — - хуже worst — самый плохой far — дальний, далекий farther — более даль- farthest — самый даль- ний ний (о расстоянии) further — дальнейший furthest — самый далекий (о времени и расстоянии) late — - ПОЗДНИЙ later — более поздний latest — последний, самый новый late — - поздний latter — - последний из last — последний (по перечисленных времени), прошлый old — старый по воз- older — ■ старше oldest — старейший расту old — старший в семье elder — 1 старше eldest — самый старший Большинство прилагательных, состоящих из двух и более слогов, образуют степени сравнения с помощью слов more, most, less и least, которые ставятся перед прилагательными. Положительная степень 1 Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень beautiful — красивый interesting — интерес ный тоге beautiful — более красивый, красивее less interesting — менее интересный most beautiful — самый красивый least interesting — наименее интересный 240 Grammar Reference • Существительное, определяемое прилагательным в превосходной степени, употребляется с артиклем the: the deepest lake — самое глубокое озеро; the best player — лучший игрок. • Качества предметов можно также сравнивать: • с помощью союза than (чем): Tom's flat is bigger than Misha's.— Квартира Тома больше, чем квартира Миши. • с помощью союзов as... as (такой же, как) и not as... as (не такой, как): This book is as interesting as that one.— Эта книга такая же интересная, как та. This book is not as interesting as that one.— Эта книга не такая интересная, как та. • с помощью the..., the (чем..., тем): the + прилагательное в сравнительной степени, the + прилагательное в сравнительной степени The тоге you eat, the fatter you'll get.— Чем больше вы едите, тем толще вы станете. The sooner he comes, the better.— Чем раньше он придет, тем лучше. The Adverb (Наречие) Наречие — часть речи, которая определяет характер протекания действия и отвечает на вопросы как? где? когда? почему? Наречия разделяются на подклассы: • наречия времени (когда?): now, then, yesterday; • наречия частотности (как часто?): often, never, ever, sometimes; • наречия места и направления (где? куда?): here, there, inside, abroad; • наречия образа действия (как?): quickly, loudly, suddenly. Большинство наречий образуются от прилагательных с помощью суффикса -1у: sad (грустный) — sadly (грустно). Если прилагательное оканчивается на букву у, а перед ней стоит согласная, то при добавлении суффикса -1у конечная у меняется на i: happy (счастливый) — happily (счастливо). Наречия имеют положительную, сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения. Наречия, которые оканчиваются на 1у, образуют степени сравнения с помощью more (less) и most (least): carefully— more carefully — most carefully; quietly— less quietly — least quietly. Только небольшое количество наречий образуют степени сравнения с помощью -ег, -est: fast (быстро) — faster — fastest, early (рано) — earlier — earliest. Grammor Reference 241 Запомните наречия, которые образуют степени сравнения не по правилу. well (хорошо) — better — best badly (плохо) — worse — worst much/many (много) — more — most little (мало) — less — least far (далеко) —farther—farthest further —furthest The Pronoun (Местоимение) Местоимение — это часть речи, которая указывает на предмет или качество предмета, не называя его прямо. Местоимения могут заменять существительные или прилагательные: I have а cousin.— У меня есть двоюродный брат. He's а programmer.— Он программист. Местоимения делятся на несколько подгрупп: личные, притяжательные, неопределенные, возвратные. Personal pronouns (Личные местоимения) Личные местоимения в английском языке имеют два падежа — именительный и объектный. Если личные местоимения употребляются в предложении в качестве подлежащего, то они стоят в именительном падеже. Если они употребляются в предложении в качестве дополнения, то — в объектном падеже. Именительный падеж кто? что? Объектный падеж кого? что? кому? чему? кем? чем? о ком? о чем? I Я те меня, мне, мной, (обо) мне you ты (Вы) 1 ■ you вас, вам, вами, (о) вас he ОН him его, ему, им, (о) нем she она her ее, ей, ею, (о) ней • It оно, он, она (неодуш.) • It ее, ей, ею, (о) ней, его, ему, им, (о) нем we - МЫ 1 US “I you нас, нам, нами, (о) нас you вы вас, вам, вами, (о) вас they они them их, им, ими, (о) них _J 242 Grommar Reference Possessive pronouns (Притяжательные местоимения) Притяжательные местоимения имеют две формы — основную и абсолютную. Притяжательные местоимения в основной форме служат определением к существительным и ставятся перед ними: ту book — моя книга, his friends — его друзья. Притяжательные местоимения в абсолютной форме заменяют существительные, поэтому существительные после них не употребляются: Му flat is bigger than yours.— Моя квартира больше, чем ваша. Осмиьмаи форма притяжательных местоимений Абсолютная форл1а притяжательных местоимений i This is my book. The book is mine. This is your book. The book is yours. This is his book. The book is his. This is her book. The book is hers. This is our house. The house is ours. This is your house. The house is yours. This is their house. The house is theirs. Reflexive pronouns (Возвратные местоимения) myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves indefinite pronouns (Неопределенные местоимения) Местоимения some, any, no • Местоимение some означает несколько, какое-то количество и, как правило, употребляется в утвердительных предложениях: I have some friends.— У меня есть друзья. There is some water in this bottle.— В этой бутылке есть вода. Однако some также может употребляться в вопросительных предложениях, выражающих просьбу или предложение: Would you like some tea? — Хотите чаю? Can I have some sweets, please? — Можно мне взять несколько конфет? • В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях употребляется место-имение any, которое означает сколько-нибудь, какой-нибудь: Do they have any English books? — У них есть какие-нибудь книги на английском языке? Is there any sugar in your tea? — В вашем чае есть сахар? I don't have any friends.— У меня нет друзей. There isn't any sugar in my tea.— В моем чае нет сахара. Grammar Reference 243 • No означает никакой и употребляется в отрицательных предложениях. Не has по time at all.— У него совсем нет времени. There is по salt in the soup.— В супе нет соли. Местоимения something, nothing, anything, somebody, nobody, anybody, somewhere, anywhere, nowhere Эти местоимения являются производными от местоимений some, по, any и подчиняются тем же грамматическим правилам. Утвердител ьное Вопросительное Отрицательное предложение предложение предложение somebody -someone - КТО-ТО - кто-то anybody — anyone — - кто-нибудь - кто-нибудь nobody -по one - - никто - никто something -somewhere - - что-то - где-то anything — anywhere — - что-нибудь - где-нибудь nothing -nowhere - - ничего - нигде 244 С местоимениями something, nothing, anything, somebody, nobody, anybody глаголы употребляются в 3 лице единственного числа: There is somebody т the room.— В комнате кто-то есть. There is something on the table.— Ha столе что-то есть. Is there anybody in the room? — В комнате кто-нибудь есть? Is there anything on the table? — Ha столе что-нибудь есть? There is nobody in the room.— В комнате никого нет. There is nothing on the table.— Ha столе ничего нет. Но: С местоимениями somebody/someone, anybody/anyone употребляется they. If anybody comes, ask them to wait.— Если кто-нибудь придет, попроси подождать. She saw that somebody had left their gloves.— Она увидела, что кто-то оставил перчатки. Everybody knows it, don’t they? — Все знают об этом, не так ли? При наличии в предложении местоимений nothing, nobody, nowhere дополнительных отрицаний не требуется. Nobody knows him.— Никто его не знает. She has nothing in her bag.— У нее в сумке ничего нет. / can’t find him. Не is nowhere.— Я не могу его найти. Его нигде нет. Местоимения much, many, а lot of Как правило, much и many употребляются в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях. • Much (много) употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными: I don’t eat much butter.— Я не ем много масла. Do you have much time to read? — У вас много времени, чтобы читать? Grammor Reference • Many (много) употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными: Wie don’t need many apples.— Нам не нужно много яблок. Do you have many friends? — У вас много друзей? • А lot of (много) употребляется как с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми существительными: She has а lot of time.— У нее много времени. We don't need а lot of apples.— Нам не нужно много яблок. Do you have а lot of friends"^ — У вас много друзей? Местоимения little, few • Little (мало) употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными: There is very little snow this winter.— Этой зимой очень мало снега. • Few (мало) употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными: There are few houses in that street.— Ha той улице мало домов. The Numeral (Имя числительное) Имя числительное — это часть речи, которая обозначает количество предметов, число, а также порядок предметов при счете. Имена числительные в английском языке делятся на количественные и порядковые. Количественные числительные Количественные числительные от 1 до 12 — простые. Они не имеют специальных окончаний. Количественные числительные от 13 до 19 образуются от соответствующих числительных с помощью прибавления суффикса -teen: six + -teen = sixteen. В числительных, оканчивающихся на -teen, два ударения: sixteen [,siks‘ti;nj. Количественные числительные, обозначающие десятки, образуются от соответствующих числительных с помощью прибавления суффикса -ty: -ty = sixty. 1 - — one 11 - - eleven 20- - twenty 2- — two 12- - twelve 30 - - thirty 3 - — three 13- - thirteen 40- - forty 4- — four 14- - fourteen 50- - fifty 5 - — five 15 - - fifteen 60- - sixty 6- — six 16- - sixteen 70- - seventy 7- — seven 17- - seventeen 80- - eighty 8- — eight 18- - eighteen 90 - ninety 9- — nine 19- - nineteen 100- - one hundred 10- — ten 2,000 - - two thousand 3,000,000 - - three million Grammor Reference 245 Количественные числительные от 21 до 99, состоящие из десятков и единиц, пишутся через дефис: 29 — twenty-nine, 45 —forty-five. Между словами hundred, thousand, million и следующими за ними названиями десятков и единиц при произнесении ставится слово and: 465 —four hundred and sixty-five; 3,892 — three thousand eight hundred and ninety-two. Разряды многозначных чисел отделяются друг от друга запятой. Порядковые числительные Порядковые числительные от 4 до 20 образуются от количественных чис- лительных с помощью суффикса -th. 1-Й — first 11-Й - - eleventh 2-й — second 12-Й - - twelfth 3-й — third 13-Й - - thirteenth 4-й — fourth 14-Й - - fourteenth 5-й — fifth 15-Й - - fifteenth 6-й — sixth 16-Й - - sixteenth 7-й — seventh 17-Й - - seventeenth 8-й — eighth 18-Й - - eighteenth 9-й — ninth 19-Й - - nineteenth 10-й — tenth 20-Й - - twentieth Существительное, определяемое порядковым числительным, употребляется с артиклем the: March is the third month of the year.— Март — третий месяц года. Чтение дат Даты в английском языке пишутся следующим образом: 7 Арп7, 1980 — седьмое апреля 1980 года. Произносится — the seventh of April nineteen eighty. She was born on 20 December 1974. Произносится — on the twentieth December nineteen seventy-four. В датах название года читается следующим образом: в 1675 году — in sixteen seventy-five. Круглые даты произносятся следующим образом: в 1600 году — in sixteen hundred. Начиная с третьего тысячелетия даты произносятся следующим образом: В 2001 году — In the year two thousand and one. Чтобы узнать дату, можно задать следующие вопросы: What's the date (today)? It’s 3 March (the third of March). What date is it? It’s 1 February (the first of February). 246 Grammar Reference The Verb (Глагол) Глагол — это часть речи, которая обозначает действие или состояние. В соответствии со значением и ролью в предложении английские глаголы делятся на основные (смысловые) и вспомогательные. Основной глагол имеет собственное лексическое значение и выполняет роль сказуемого: Не lives т Moscow.— Он живет в Москве. Вспомогательный глагол не имеет никакого лексического значения и употребляется в сочетании с основным глаголом для образования отрицательных и вопросительных предложений и временных форм: Do you play tennis? He didn*t like the hotel. I have seen a very interesting film. They will meet next month. She was sure that she would see him at the party. Английский глагол имеет четыре основные формы: I форма — неопределенная форма глагола (the Infinitive) to work (правильный глагол) П форма — прошедшее простое время (the Past Simple Tense) III форма — причастие прошедшего времени (the Past Participle) worked worked IV форма — причастие настоящего времени (the Present Participle) working to write (неправильный глагол) wrote written writing The Present Simple Tense* (Настоящее простое время) Употребление the Present Simple Tense Глаголы в форме the Present Simple употребляются для выражения: регулярных, повторяющихся действий в настоящем времени: Не usually checks his e-mail in the evening.— Он обычно проверяет электронную почту вечером. Не works every Saturday.— Он работает каждую субботу, действий, происходящих в соответствии с графиком или расписанием: The train arrives at 6 o’clock.— Поезд прибывает в 6 часов, непреложных истин и законов природы: The sun rises in the east.— Солнце встает на востоке. Cows give milk.— Коровы дают молоко. Также употребляется термин “The Present Indefinite Tense”. Gromrror Reference 247 • будущего действия в придаточных предложениях времени и условия: ГИ phone him if I have time.— Я позвоню ему, если у меня будет время. We4l tell him about the letter when he comes.— Мы расскажем ему о письме, когда он придет. • Указателями времени the Present Simple являются: usually, normally — обычно always — всегда every day / week / month /year — каждый день/неделю/месяц/год often — часто seldom, rarely — редко sometimes — иногда never — никогда Наречия always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom употребляются перед основным глаголом, но после глагола to be, вспомогательных и модальных глаголов: I often listen to this singer.— Я часто слушаю этого певца. She is always at home in the evening.— Она всегда бывает дома вечером. Не must always phone his parents on weekends.— По выходным он всегда должен звонить родителям. Образование the Present Simple Tense The Present Simple Tense образуется c помощью инфинитива основного глагола без частицы to (I форма глагола): They play football every day.— Они играют в футбол каждый день. В утвердительных предложениях к основному глаголу добавляется окончание -S в 3 лице единственного числа. I you • he/she/it meet meet meets we you they 1 I meet Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП = Подлежащее 4- основной глагол в 1 форме + второстепенные члены предложения. 248 You drink milk every morning.— Вы пьете молоко каждое утро. Mike drinks milk every morning.— Майк пьет молоко каждое утро. • Отрицательное предложение (ОП) Для образования отрицательных предложений используется вспомогательный глагол do, который имеет форму does в 3 лице единственного числа, и отрицательная частица not. Grommof Reference обратите внимание! do not = don’t, does not = doesn’t on = Подлежащее + don’t/doesn’t + основной глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения. You don’t drink tea every morning.— Вы не пьете чай каждое утро. Mike doesn’t drink tea every morning.— Майк не пьет чай каждое утро. Общий вопрос (ОВ) Для образования вопросительных предложений используется вспомогательный глагол do, который имеет форму does в 3 лице единственного числа. ОВ = Do/Does + подлежащее -Ь основной глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения -Ь ? Do you drink milk every morning? — Вы пьете молоко каждое утро? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.— Да. / Нет. Does Mike drink milk every morning? — Майк пьет молоко каждое утро? Yes, he does. /No, he doesn’t.— Да. / Нет. • Альтернативный вопрос (АВ) Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается, и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу. АВ = ив -ь or -ь ОВ Ч- ? Do you drink milk or (do you drink) tea every morning? — Вы пьете молоко или чай каждое утро? Does Mike drink milk or (does Mike drink) tea every morning? — Майк пьет молоко или чай каждое утро? Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ -ь ? What do you drink every morning? — Что вы пьете каждое утро? What does Mike do? — Что делает Майк? Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВП = Who/What + основной глагол в 3 лице единственного числа + второстепенные члены предложения -ь ? В вопросе к подлежащему сохраняется прямой порядок слов, а смысловой глагол всегда употребляется в 3 лице единственного числа: Who drinks milk every morning? — Кто пьет молоко каждое утро? You do.— Вы. Grammar Reference 249 • Разделительный вопрос You drink milk every morning, don't you? — Вы пьете молоко каждое утро, не так ли? Yes, I do.— Да, пью. Mike doesn't drink milk every morning, does he? — Майк не пьет молоко каждое утро, не так ли? Yes, he does.— Нет, пьет. Чтение окончания -s Окончание -s в английских глаголах читается как [z] после гласных и звонких согласных: read — reads, play — plays, live — lives. Окончание -s читается как [s] после глухих согласных: work — works. К глаголам, которые оканчиваются на s, ss, sh, ch, x, прибавляется окончание -es, которое читается как [iz|: teach — teaches, wash — washes, press — presses, fix — fixes. К глаголам, которые оканчиваются на о, прибавляется окончание -es, которое читается как [z): goes [gauzj, does [бм]. Если глагол оканчивается на у, которая стоит после согласной, то к глаголу прибавляется окончание -es. Буква у меняется на i: Ду — flies. Глагол to be в the Present Simple Tense Глагол to be (быть, находиться, являться) в the Present Simple Tense имеет формы am, is, are. / am a pupil — Я ученик. He is at school.— Он в школе. They are my friends.— Они мои друзья. Спряжение глагола to be в the Present Simple Tense Единственное число I Множественное число I you he / she / it am (I’m) are (you’re) is (he’s, she’s, it’s) we you they are (we’re) are (you’re) are (they’re) Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений • Утвердительное предложение Не is ту friend.— Он мой друг. They are at home.— Они дома. Обратите внимание! is = ’s, are = ’re He's my friend. They're at home. 250 Grammar Reference • Отрицательное предложение Для образопаиия отрицательных и вопросительных предложений глаголу ю be вспомогательный глагол не требуется: Ие is not ту friend.— Он не мой друг. They are not in the shop.— Они не в магазине. Обратите внимание! is not = isn’t, are not = aren’t He isn’t my friend.— On не мой друг. They aren’t in the shop.— Они не в магазине. • Общий вопрос Are they in the shop? — Они в магазине? Yes, they are./No, they are not.— Да./Нет. • Специальный вопрос Where are they? — Где ими? , Вопрос к подлежа1цему В вопросе к подлежащему глагол to be всегда употребляется в форме 3 лица единственного числа (is): Who is at home? — Кто дома’ They are.— Они. ^ Разделительный вопрос Тот is from London, isn’t he? — Том из Лондона, нс так ли’ Yes, he is.— Да, on из Лондона. Если в первой части вопроса стоит глагол am, то по второй части употребляется aren’t: I am your friend, aren’t I? Я твой друг, не так ли? The Past Simple Tense (Прошедшее простое время) Употребление the Past Simple Tense • Глаголы в форме the Past Simple употребляются для выражения: • действий, которые происходили в прошлом 061.14110, часто, всегда и которые более не происходят: Last year he played tennis every week.— В прошлом году он играл в теннис каждую неделю. • действий, которые произошли в прошлом в определенное время: We saw an interesting film last iveek.— Мы смотрели интересный фильм на прошлой неделе. • действий, которые происходили в прошлом одно за другим: I bought tu'o tickets, met ту friend and then we went to the theatre.— Я купил два билета, встретился с другом, и затем мы пошли в театр. • действий, происходивших в течение какого-то периода времени, который начался и закончился в прошлом: for two weeks — в течение двух недель for two months — в течение двух месяцев for two hours yesterday — в течение двух часов вчера Grammar Reference 251 Вчера они разговаривали в течение They talked for two hours yesterday.— двух часов. • The Past Simple Tense употребляется со следующими словами и словосочетаниями: yesterday — вчера last week — на прошлой неделе last month — в прошлом месяце last year — в прошлом году ... days/months/years ago — ... дней/месяцев/лет назад Образование the Past Simple Tense • По способу образования the Past Simple Tense глаголы делятся на две группы — правильные и неправильные. • Правильные глаголы образуют форму прошедшего времени путем прибавления окончания -ed к основе глагола: work — worked (II форма). • Неправильные глаголы образуют форму прошедшего времени в соответствии с устоявшимися в языке нормами: go — went (II форма). II (вторая) форма неправильных глаголов приведена в таблице, которая находится в конце учебника. Глаголы в the Past Simple Tense имеют одну и ту же форму во всех лицах и числах. I you he/she/it we you they > watched met Чтение и правописание окончания-ed Если глагол оканчивается на гласную или звонкую согласную, окончание -ed читается как [d]: open — opened. Если глагол оканчивается на глухую согласную, окончание -ed читается как [l]: ask — asked. Если глагол оканчивается на букву t или d, окончание -ed читается как (id): want — wanted. Если глагол оканчивается на букву у, а перед ней стоит согласная, то при добавлении -ed буква у меняется на i: study — studied. Если глагол оканчивается на согласную, которой предшествует ударная гласная в закрытом слоге, то такая согласная удваивается: stop — stopped. Если глагол оканчивается на букву е, то при добавлении -ed буква е отбрасывается: love — loved, dance — danced. 252 Grommor Reference Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение (УП) . УП = Подлежащее + основной глагол во 11 форме + второстепенные члены предложения. Misha saw ту friend last month.— Миша видел моего друга в прошлом месяце. • Отрицательное предложение (ОП) Для образования отрицательных предложений используется вспомогательный глагол did и отрицательная частица not. ОП = Подлежащее -I- did not + основной глагол в I форме + второ степенные члены предложения. Misha did not see ту friend last week.— Миша не видел моего друга на прошлой неделе. Обратите внимание! did not = didn’t ® Общий вопрос (ОВ) Для образования вопросительных предложений используется вспомогательный глагол did. ОВ = Did + подлежащее -I- основной глагол в I форме + второстепен ные члены предложения + ? Did Misha see his friend last month? -ШЛОМ месяце? Yes, he did./No, he didn't.— Да./Нет. Альтернативный вопрос (АВ) АВ = ОВ -Ь or -Ь ОВ -I- ? Миша видел своего друга в про- Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается, и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу: Did Misha see ту friend last month or (did he see my friend) last week? — Миша видел моего друга в прошлом месяце или на прошлой неделе? • Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = Вопросительное слово ч- ОВ + ? When did Misha see ту friend? — Когда Миша видел моего друга? Grammar Reference 253 Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВП = Who + основной гла1ол во II форме + второстепенные члены предложения + ? Who saw ту friend Iasi month? — Кто видел моего друга в прошлом месяце? Misha did.— Миша. Разделительный вопрос Misha didn't see ту friend last month, did he? в прошлом месяце, не так ли? Yes, he did.— Нет, видел. Миша не видел моего друга Конструкция used to Для того чтобы рассказать о действиях, которые регулярно происходили в прошлом, в английском языке используется конструкция used to, которая переводится как бывало/имел обыкновение: Не used to play football on Sundays when he was twenty.— Когда ему было двадцать лет, он имел обыкновение играть в футбол по воскресеньям. We used to meet very often five years ago.— Пять лет назад мы, бывало, часто встречались. • Образование утвердительных предложений с конструкцией used to: I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they used to play the piano two years ago. • Вопросительная и отрицательная формы с конструкцией used to образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола did: Не didn't use to play the piano tn/o years ago. Did he use to play the piano? — Yes, he did./No, he didn't. What did he use to do two years ago? Вопрос к подлежащему Who used to play the piano two years ago? — He did. Следует уметь делать различие между used to (бывало / имел обыкновение) и be used to/get used to (привыкнуть к чему либо). Why don't you go to Egypt in summer? — Гт not used to the heat. Почему вы не ездите в Египет летом? — Я не привыкла к жаре. First Peter couldn’t sleep because of the noise in the street, but soon he got used to it. Сначала Петр не мог спать из-за шума на улице, но вскоре он к этому привык. Также для выражения привычных, повторявшихся в прошлом действий используется would + инфинитив основного глагола без частицы to: She would eat a lot of sweets when she was younger.— Она, бывало, ела много конфет, когда была моложе. Обратите внимание! Would не употребляется со статическими глаголами. Нельзя сказать: They would have horses. Следует сказать: They used to have horses. 254 Grommor Reference Глагол to be в the Past Simple Tense Глагол to be в the Past Simple Tense имеет форму was в единственном числе и were во множественном числе. I you he / she / it I_______ was were was we I you . they J were Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений • Утвердительное предложение They were at home.— Они были дома. • Отрицательное предложение Для образования отрицательных предложений к глаголам was и were до бавляется отрицательная частица not: Не was not at home at 6 p.m.— Его не было дома в шесть часов. They were not in the pork.— Они были не в парке. Обратите внимание! was not = wasn’t, were not = weren’t He wasn't at home at 6 p.m. They weren't in the park. • Общий вопрос Для образования вопросительных предложений глаголам was и were вспо могательный глагол не требуется: Were they in the park? — Они были в парке? No, they weren't.— Нет. • Альтернативный вопрос Were they at home or in the park? - • Специальный вопрос Where were they? — Где они были? • Вопрос к подлежащему Who was at home? — Кто был дома? They were.— Они. • Разделительный вопрос They were at home, weren't they? — Yes, they were.— Да. Они были дома или в парке? Они были дома, не так ли? Grammar Reference 255 The Future Simple Tense (Будущее простое время) Употребление the Future Simple Tense Глаголы в форме the Future Simple употребляются: • для обозначения будущих действий, которые, возможно, произойдут, а возможно, и нет: One day we4l meet again.— Когда-нибудь мы встретимся снова. • для предсказания будущих событий: In ten years she4l become a famous singer.— Через 10 лет она станет известной певицей. • для выражения обещаний и решений, принятых в момент речи: А: What are you doing? — Что ты делаешь? В: Гт cleaning the floor.— Я мою пол. А: VII help you.— Я помогу тебе. • с глаголами hope, think, believe: 1 think Granny will come on Monday.— Я думаю, бабушка приедет в понедельник. / hope she'll sing tonight. Я надеюсь, она будет петь сегодня вечером. • с наречиями probably, perhaps: Perhaps he’ll phone tomorrow.— Возможно, он позвонит завтра. Для получения указания или разрешения в английском языке используется глагол shall в сочетании с 1 лицом единственного и множественного числа: Shall I phone you tomorrow? — Мне позвонить Вам завтра? Shall we start? — Нам начинать? • The Future Simple Tense употребляется с такими обозначениями времени, как: tomorrow -next week -next month next year — next time — in a day — - завтра - на следующей неделе - в следующем месяце - в следующем году - в следующий раз через день in а minute -in an hour — in two weeks in five years -in the future - через минуту через час — через две недели - через пять лет — в будущем The Future Simple Tense образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола will и инфинитива (I формы) основного глагола без частицы to: will I форма основного глагола 256 Grammar Reference I you he/she/it we you they will (’ll) see, be } will (’ll) see, be Сокращенная форма от will — ’ll. В сокращенной форме глагол will (’ll) может употребляться только в утвердительных предложениях. В вопросительных предложениях используется полная форма — will. Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение У11 = 11одлежащее + will + основной глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения. Не will write the letter next week. (He*ll write the letter next week.) — Oh напишет письмо на следующей неделе. Не will be at home tomorrow. (НеЧ1 be at home tomorrow.) — Он будет дома завтра. Отрицательное предложение (ОП) ОП = Подлежащее -f won’t + основной глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения. Не will not write the letter next week.— Он не напишет письмо на следующей неделе. She will not be at home tomorrow.— Ее не будет дома завтра. Обратите внимание! will not = won’t Не won’t write the letter next week. He won’t be at home tomorrow. Общий вопрос (OB) OB = Will подлежащее + основной глагол в 1 форме + второстепенные члены предложения + ? Will he write the letter next week? — Он напишет письмо на следующей неделе? Yes, he will./No, he won’t.— Да./Нет. Will he be at home tomorrow? — Он будет дома завтра? Yes, he will./No, he won’t.— Да./Нет. Grammor Reference 257 Альтернативный вопрос (АВ) АВ = ОВ + or + ОВ + ? Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом ог (или) Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается, и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу: Will he write the letter tomorrow or (will he write the letter) next week? — Он напишет письмо завтра или на следующей неделе? Will she be at home or (will she be) in the hospital at 9 o^clock? — Она будет дома или в больнице в 9 часов? Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ + ? When will he write the letter? — Когда он напишет письмо? When will he be at home? — Когда он будет дома? Вопрос к подлежащему Who will write the letter next week? — Кто напишет письмо на следующей неделе? Не will.— Он. Who will be at home tomorrow? — Кто будет дома завтра? Му sister will.— Моя сестра. Разделительный вопрос Не will not write the letter tomorrow, will he? — Он не напишет письмо завтра, не так ли? No, he won't.— Нет, не напишет. Не will not be at home tomorrow, will he? — Его не будет дома завтра, не так ли? Yes, he will.— Нет, будет. Раньше для образования 1 лица единственного и множественного числа будущего времени в качестве вспомогательного глагола употреблялся глагол shall (сокращенная форма ’И). В настоящее время в этой функции он встречается довольно редко. Придаточные предложения времени и условия В английских придаточных предложениях времени и условия для выражения будущих действий употребляется the Present Simple, а не the Future Simple. Английские придаточные предложения времени присоединяются к главному предложению с помощью союзов when (когда), till/until (до тех пор пока (не), as soon as (как только), after (после того как), as (в то время как), while (в то время как, пока), before (прежде чем): Не will send an e-mail as soon as he gets the parcel.— Он отправит сообщение (когда?), как только получит посылку. 258 Grammar Reference When they arrive. Vll phone you.— Когда они приедут, я вам позвоню. ГИ wait till he comes back.— Я подожду до тех пор, пока он не вернется. We4l watch TV after we do our homework.— Мы будем смотреть телевизор после того, как сделаем уроки. We’ll have to clean his room before he arrives.— Надо убрать его комнату до того, как он приедет. Английские придаточные предложения условия присоединяются к главному предложению с помощью союзов if (если), unless (если не), in case (в случае, если), on condition that (при условии что), provided that (при условии что): If he asks, she’ll tell him the truth.— Если он спросит, она скажет ему правду. Союзы unless, till, untill имеют отрицательное значение, и, поскольку в английском предложении возможно только одно отрицание, в придаточном предложении больше отрицания не нужно. Предложение Я не смогу ничего сделать, если он не согласится помочь переводится на английский язык следующим образом: I won’t be able to do anything unless he agrees to help. Нельзя сказать: I won’t be able to do anything unless he doesn’t agree to help. Предложение Они не пришлют нам книгу до тех пор, пока мы за нее не заплатим переводится на английский язык следующим образом: They won’t send us the book until we pay for it. Нельзя сказать: They won’t send us the book until we don’t pay for it. Придаточное предложение может стоять как после главного предложения, так и перед ним. Если придаточное предложение стоит перед главным предложением, оно отделяется запятой: We’ll go to the theatre if my friend phones me. If my friend phones me, we’ll go to the theatre. Важно различать виды придаточных предложений, которые присоединяются к главному предложению с помощью союзов when и if. Если это изъяснительное придаточное предложение, то употребляется the Future Simple Tense: I don’t know when he’ll come.— Я не знаю (чего?), когда он придет. Не asks her if she’ll go to the cinema.— Он спрашивает ее (о чем?), пойдет ли она в кино. Если это придаточное предложение времени, то употребляется the Present Simple Tense: When he comes, he’ll help you.— Когда он придет, он поможет тебе. If I go to the cinema. I’ll phone you.— Если я пойду в кино, я позвоню тебе. Grammor Reference 259 (Настоящее длящееся время) Употребление the Present Progressive Tense • Глаголы в форме the Present Progressive употребляются: • для выражения длящегося действия, которое происходит в точно указанный момент в настоящем: She is reading а book now.— Сейчас она читает книгу. • для выражения длящегося действия, которое происходит в настоящий период времени, но не обязательно в момент речи: They are moving to a new flat.— Они переезжают на новую квартиру. (Переезжать можно в течение недели, месяца. Процесс этот длительный, но не постоянный.) • для выражения заранее запланированных действий, которые произойдут в ближайшем будущем: I am leaving tomorrow.— Я уезжаю завтра. We are going to the cinema tonight.— Мы идем в кино сегодня вечером. • для выражения неодобрения действий, которые вызывают раздражение, критику, насмешку. В этом случае в предложении присутствует наречие always (вечно), constantly (постоянно): You are always being late.— Вечно ты опаздываешь. Не is constantly phoning me when I’m busy.— Он постоянно звонит мне, когда я занята. • Указателями времени the Present Progressive являются слова: now — сейчас today — сегодня at the moment — в данный момент at present — в настоящее время tonight — сегодня вечером still — все еще Во временах группы Progressive обычно не употребляются глаголы, которые выражают не действия, а состояния, отношения между предметами или людьми. Такие глаголы называются статическими (state verbs). Такие состояния не поддаются непосредственному наблюдению. Статические глаголы не могут употребляться в целом ряде видовременных форм, в частности в форме Progressive (Continuous). К статическим относятся глаголы: • обозначающие восприятия, ощущения: го hear, to see, to feel, to smell, to sound, to taste, to look; • обозначающие эмоции: to love, to like, to dislike, to respect, to hate, to adore, to care (for); * Также употребляется термин “The Present Continuous Tense”. 260 Grammar Reference • обозначающие желания: to want, to wish, to desire; • обозначающие мнения, умозаключения, мысленные представления и суждения; to appreciate, to assume, to believe, to doubt, to consider (считать), to expect (полагать), to imagine, to know, to mean, to mind (возражать), to recognize, to remember, to suppose, to think (полагать), to trust, to understand; • выражающие отношения: to be, to belong to, to concern, to consist of, to contain, to depend on, to deserve, to differ, to have (обладать), to include, to involve, to owe, to own, to possess, to remain, to require, to resemble, to result, to suit; • некоторые другие: to agree, to allow, to astonish, to claim, to consent, to envy, to fail, to forbid, to forgive, to object, to prefer, to prevent, to puzzle, to refuse, to remind: I think she is English.— Я полагаю, она англичанка. Нельзя сказать: I am thinking she is English At present I have a dog.— В настоящее время у меня есть собака. Нельзя сказать: At present I am having a dog. Sorry, I don't remember your name.— Извините, я не помню Вашего имени. Нельзя сказать: Sorry I am not remembering your name. This soap smells lovely. I’ll buy it.— Это мыло пахнет хорошо. Я его куплю. Нельзя сказать: This soap is smelling lovely. I see a nice picture now.— Сейчас я вижу прекрасную картину. Нельзя сказать: I am seeing а nice picture now. Why don’t you believe me? — Почему Вы не верите мне? Нельзя сказать: Why aren’t you believing me? She is in the shop at the moment.— В данный момент она в магазине. Нельзя сказать: She is being in the shop at the moment. Do you still want to buy this bag? — Вы все еще хотите купить эту сумку? Нельзя сказать: Are you still wanting to buy this bag? Ho в форме the Present Progressive употребляются глаголы: to think — в значении „думать" to look — в значении „смотреть" to see — в значении „встречаться" to have — в составе устойчивых выражений: to hove breakfast/lunch/dinner — завтракать, обедать, ужинать; to have a bath/а shower — принимать ванну, душ Гт thinking about you now.— Я сейчас думаю о тебе. Why are you looking at me so attentively? — Почему ты смотришь на меня так внимательно? We are seeing him tonight.— Мы встречаемся с ним сегодня вечером. She can’t phone you now. She is having breakfast.— Она не может позвонить тебе сейчас. Она завтракает. Grammar Reference 261 Образование the Present Progressive Tense The Present Progressive Tense образуется c помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в the Present Simple Tense (am / is /arej и Причастия I основного глагола. am / is / are + I форма основного глагола + -ing Если основной глагол оканчивается на -е, то при прибавлении -ing она отбрасывается: take — taking, give — giving. Конечная согласная удваивается, если ей предшествует ударная гласная, стоящая в закрытом слоге, и прибавляется -ing: cut — cutting, begin — beginning. Если буква 1 является конечной, она удваивается, и прибавляется -ing: travel — travelling. Буквосочетание ie меняется на у, и прибавляется -ing: die — dying, tie — tying, lie — lying. I you he she It am are is is is > working we you they are working Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП = Подлежащее + am/is/are -I- основной глагол в I форме -ь -ing -f второстепенные члены предложения. Не is speaking to Jane now.— Сейчас он разговаривает с Джейн. Отрицательное предложение (ОП) ОП = Подлежащее + am/is/are -f not + основной глагол в I форме + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения. Не is not speaking to Sabby now.— Он сейчас не разговаривает с Сэбби Общий вопрос (ОВ) ОВ = Ат/Is/Ате + подлежащее + основной глагол в I форме + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения + ? Is he speaking to Jane now? — Он сейчас разговаривает с Джейн? Yes, he is./No, he isn't.— Да./Нет. Альтернативный вопрос (АВ) АВ = ОВ -ь or -I- ОВ -Ь ? 262 Grammar Reference Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом ог (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается, и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу. Is he speaking to Jane or (is he speaking) to Sabby now? — Он сейчас разговаривает с Джейн или с Сэбби? Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ + ? What is he doing? — Что он делает? • Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВП = Who/What -h is -ь I форма основного глагола + -ing •+• второстепенные члены предложения + ? Who is speaking to Jane now? He is.— Oh. Кто сейчас разговоривает с Джейн? • Разделительный вопрос Не is speaking to Jane now, isn't he? — Yes, he is. Сейчас oh разговаривает c Джейн, не так ли? Способы выражения будущих действий Будущие действия можно выразить с помощью the Present Progressive Tense, to be going to, the Present Simple Tense и the Future Simple Tense. • The Present Progressive Tense употребляется: • для выражения заранее запланированных действий, которые произойдут в будущем: I am leaving tomorrow.— Я уезжаю завтра. We are going to the cinema to night.— Мы идем в кино сегодня вечером. • когда говорящий выражает намерение сделать что-либо в будущем, употребляется to be going to (собираться сделать что-либо); Му friend has invited те to his birthday party. Vm going to buy a present for him.— Мой друг пригласил меня на день рождения. Я собираюсь купить ему подарок. • То be going to также употребляется для выражения большой вероятности или неизбежности совершения действия в будущем, когда уже есть доказательства того, что они сбудутся в ближайшем будущем: Look at Rita! She is going to cry.— Посмотри на Риту! Она сейчас заплачет. • The Present Simple Tense употребляется: • для выражения действий, которые произойдут в соответствии с графиком или расписанием: The train arrives at 6 o’clock.— Поезд прибывает в 6 часов. Gromrar Reference 263 • для выражения будущих действий в придаточных предложениях времени и условия: ГИ phone him if I have time.— Я позвоню ему, если у меня будет время. We’ll tell him about the letter when he comes.— Мы расскажем ему о письме, когда он придет. The Future Simple Tense употребляется: • для выражения будущих действий, которые, возможно, произойдут, а возможно, и нет: One day we’ll meet again.— Когда-нибудь мы встретимся снова. • для выражения предположения относительно будущих действий: In ten years she’ll become a famous singer.— Через 10 лет она станет знаменитой певицей. • для выражения обещаний и решений, принятых в момент речи: А. What are you doing? — Что ты делаешь? В; Гт cleaning the floor.— Я мою пол. А: VII help you.— Я помогу тебе. • С глаголами hope, think, believe: / think granny will come on Monday.— Я думаю, бабушка приедет в понедельник. / hope she’ll sing tonight.— Я надеюсь, она будет петь сегодня вечером. • С наречиями probably, perhaps: Perhaps he’ll phone tomorrow.— Возможно, он позвонит завтра. The Pact Progressive Tense (Прошедшее длящееся время) Употребление the Past Progressive Tense Глаголы в форме the Past Progressive употребляются для выражения действий, которые происходили в определенный момент в прошлом. • Момент времени в прошлом может быть определен: a) точным указанием времени: Linda was watching TV at 10 o’clock yesterday.— Линда смотрела телевизор вчера в десять вечера. b) прошедшим действием, выраженным глаголом в the Past Simple Tense: Linda was watching TV when her friends came.— Линда смотрела телевизор, когда пришли ее друзья. • The Past Progressive Tense употребляется для выражения двух и более равных по длительности действий, происходивших в прошлом одновременно. While Магу was cooking breakfast, Mark was watching TV.— В то время как Мэри готовила завтрак, Марк смотрел телевизор. The Past Progressive Tense употребляется также для описания обстановки, на фоне которой происходили события; 264 Grammar Reference It was a warm summer day. They were sitting in the garden. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and they were discussing their plans for a holiday.— Был теплый летний день. Они сидели в саду. Светило солнце, пели птички, и они обсуждали планы на отпуск. Во временах группы Progressive не употребляются статические глаголы: to remember — помнить to like — to hate -to need -to know to hear - нравиться ■ ненавидеть - нуждаться - знать - слышать to see — видеть to want — хотеть to think — (в значении) полагать to believe — верить to understand — понимать to forget — забывать to be — быть, находиться Образование the Past Progressive Tense The Past Progressive Tense образуется c помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в форме the Past Simple (was / were) и Причастия I основного глагола. was/were + основной глагол в I форме + -ing I you he she It was were was was was > working we you they i i were working Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП = Подлежащее + was/were + основной глагол в I форме ч- -ing -f второстепенные члены предложения. They were flying over Scotland at 6 p.m. yesterday. вечера они пролетали над Шотландией. Вчера в шесть часов Grammar Reference 265 Отрицательное предложение (ОП) ОП — Подлслчсидсс + Wdb/ WC1C + IlUt + исмивмой I JUXL UJl в 1 фирме + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения. They weren’t flying over England at 6 p.m. yesterday. они не пролетали над Англией. Общий вопрос (ОВ) ьчера в шесть вечера ОВ = Was/Were + подлежащее + основной глагол в I форме + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения + ? Were they flying over Scotland at 6 p.m. yesterday? — Вчера в шесть вечера они пролетали над Шотландией? Yes, they were./No, they weren’t.— Да./Нет. • Альтернативный вопрос (АВ) АВ = ОВ -Ь or + ОВ? Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается, и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу. Were they flying over Scotland or (were they flying) over England at 6 p.m. yesterday? — Вчера в шесть часов вечера они пролетали над Шотландией или над Англией? • Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = Вопросительное слово -I- ОВ + ? What were they doing at 6 p.m. yesterday? — Что они делали вчера в шесть часов вечера? Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВП = Who/What + was + основной глагол + -ing -t- второстепенные члены предложения + ? Who was flying over Scotland at 6 p.m. yesterday? — Кто пролетал над Шотландией вчера в шесть часов вечера? They were.— Они. Разделительный вопрос They were flying over Scotland at 6 p.m. yesterday, weren’t they? — Вчера в шесть часов вечера они пролетали над Шотландией, не так ли? Yes, they were.— Да. 266 Grammar Reference The Present Perfect Tense (Настоящее совершенное время) Употреблепие the Present Perfect Tense Глаголы в форме the Present Perfect употребляются для выражения действия, которое произошло (завершилось) до настоящего момента, но результат этого действия видим сейчас, то есть своим результатом действие, совершенное в прошлом, связано с настоящим временем: Where is your money? — / have lost it. Где твои деньги? — Я их потерял. (Деньги пропали раньше, неважно когда. Важно то, что у меня их нет сейчас.) I've cut ту finger. I can't write.— Я порезал палец. (Палец я порезал раньше, а сейчас у меня есть след от пореза.) Я не могу писать. The Present Perfect Tense употребляется без указания времени, поскольку для говорящего важно не время совершения действия, а сам факт его совершения: Гт cold. Somebody has opened the window.— Я замерз. Кто-то открыл окно. The Present Perfect Tense часто употребляется с наречиями: just (только что), already (уже), yet (еще), ever (когда-нибудь), never (никогда), lately (за последнее время): Не has just phoned.— Он только что позвонил. Наречие yet употребляется в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях: Have you spoken to her yet? — Ты уже с ней разговаривал? I haven't seen him yet.— Я еще его не видел. Наречие ever употребляется в вопросительных предложениях, never — в отрицательных. Место этих наречий между have (has) и основным глаголом: I have never played golf.— Я никогда не играл в гольф. Have you ever been to New York? — Вы когда-нибудь были в Нью-Йорке? The Present Perfect Tense употребляется: с обстоятельствами, обозначающими еще не истекший период времени: today (сегодня), this week (на этой неделе), this month (в этом месяце), this year (в этом году): I haven’t seen her today.— Я не видел ее сегодня. с предлогом since — с (с какого-то прошлого момента до настоящего времени): I have known her since 1974.— Я знаю ее с 1974 года. с союзом since — с тех пор, как (который вводит придаточное предложение, где должно употребляться the Past Simple Tense): They haven't met since they finished school.— Они не встречались с тех пор, как закончили школу, с наречием since — с тех пор: I have never written to him since.— Я никогда не писал ему с тех пор. Grammar Reference 267 • со статическими глаголами для выражения процесса, который начался в прошлом и все еще продолжается: I have known ту best friend since we were children.— Я знаю своего лучшего друга с тех пор, как мы были детьми. Образование the Present Perfect Tense The Present Perfect Tense образуется c помощью вспомогательного глагола have в the Present Simple Tense (have / has) и Причастия II основного глагола. have/has + основной глагол в III форме Причастие II (причастие прошедшего времени) еще называется III (третьей) формой основного глагола. III форма правильных глаголов образуется путем прибавления окончания -ed к основе глагола; work — III форма worked. Ill форма неправильных глаголов образуется в соответствии с устоявшимися в языке нормами: go — III форма gone. Ill форма неправильных глаголов приведена в таблице, которая находится в конце учебника. I have already seen this film.— Я уже видел этот фильм. Сокращенная форма от have — ’ve, от has — ’s. I have = I’ve, he has = he’s I have ' you have we he has > written you she has they It has 1 r have written Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП = Подлежащее + have/has + основной глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения. She has just seen this film.— Она только что посмотрела этот фильм. They have been to London this year.— Они были в Лондоне в этом году. Отрицательное предложение (ОП) ОП = Подлежащее + have / has + not -f- основной глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения. 268 Grommar Reference Не hasn*t seen this film yet.— Он еще не смотрел этот фильм. She hasn't been to London this year.— Она не была в Лондоне в этом году. Обратите внимание! have not = haven’t, has not = hasn’t Общий вопрос (OB) OB = Have/Has + подлежащее + основной глагол в III форме + вто ростепенные члены предложения + ? Has she seen this film yet? — Она уже посмотрела этот фильм? Yes, she has. /No, she hadn't.— Да. / Нет. Have they been to London this year? — Они были в Лондоне в этом году? Yes, they have./No, they haven't.— Да./Нет. ‘ Альтернативный вопрос (AB) AB = OB + or + OB + ? Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается, и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу: Has she seen this film or has her sister seen it? — Она или ее сестра посмотрела этот фильм? Have they been to London or (have they been) to Washington this year? — Они побывали в Лондоне или в Вашингтоне в этом году? • Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВП = Who/What -f has -I- основной глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения + ? Who has seen this film? — Кто посмотрел этот фильм? She has.— Она. Who has been to London this year? — Кто побывал в Лондоне в этом году? They have.— Они. • Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ -I- ? What has she seen? — Что она посмотрела? Where have they been this year? — Где они побывали в этом году? Разделительный вопрос She has seen this film, hasn’t she? — Она посмотрела этот фильм, не так ли? Yes, she has.— Да. They have been to London this year, haven't they? — Они побывали в Лондоне в этом году, не так ли? Yes, they have.— Да. Grammar Reference 269 Различия в употреблении the Present Perfect Tense и the Past Simple Tense i’he Present Perfect tense The Past Simple Tense / can't unlock the door, because I have lost my key.— Я не могу отпереть дверь, потому что я потерял ключ. (Ключ потерян в прошлом, неизвестно когда, но сейчас я не могу отпереть дверь. Важен факт отсутствия ключа.) I have visited ту granny twice this year.— Я посетил бабушку дважды в этом году. (Год еще не закончился.) I lost ту key two weeks ago.— Я потерял ключ две недели назад. (Ключ потерян две недели назад. Для говорящего важно, когда он был потерян.) 1 have never seen а UFO.— Я никогда не видел НЛО. (Я пока еще никогда не видел НЛО, но моя жизнь продолжается. Возможно, я еще его увижу.) I saw them today at 10 o'clock.— Я видел их сегодня в 10 часов. (Есть уточнение, когда закончился упомя нутый отрезок времени.) Queen Elizabeth I never saw a car.— Королева Елизавета I никогда не видела машину. (Говоря о Елизавете I, мы говорим о законченном периоде времени в прошлом, поскольку она давно умерла.) The Present Perfect Tense не употребляется с обозначением места или времени совершения действия и, следовательно, не употребляется в вопросах, начинающихся с When и Where. Исключение составляет вопрос Where have you been? — Где ты был?, если он задается в начале разговора. The Past Perfect Ten?'' (Прошедшее совершенное время) Употребление the Past Perfect Tense • Глагол в форме the Past Perfect выражает действие, которое произошло раньше другого действия в прошлом. Действие, которое произошло раньше, употребляется в форме the Past Perfect, а то, которое произошло позже,— в the Past Simple Tense: Misha had helped Robin before he met Rob.— Миша помог Робину прежде, чем он познакомился с Робом. Обратите внимание! The Past Perfect Tense употребляется для выражения предшествования. Если описываются действия, которые следовали друг за другом, употребляется the Past Simple Tense. Сравните: She bought some meat, came home and cooked dinner.— Она купила мясо, пришла домой и приготовила обед. 270 Grammar Reference Before she cooked dinner she had bought some meat.— Прежде чем она приготовила обед, она купила мясо. The Past Perfect Tense также выражает действие, которое произошло до определенного момента в прошлом. Этот момент может быть указан такими обозначениями времени, как: by six o'clock — к 6 часам by Monday — к понедельнику by that time — к тому времени We had moved to a new flat by that time.— К тому времени мы переехали на новую квартиру. The Past Perfect Tense употребляется в главном предложении, когда придаточное начинается с союза when, который образует составной союз вместе с наречием hardly (scarcely), стоящим в главном предложении: hardly... when — едва (только)..., как scarcely... when — едва (только)..., как Не had hardly reached the shelter when it started raining.— Едва он дошел до укрытия, как начался дождь. The Past Perfect Tense также употребляется в главном предложении, когда придаточное начинается с союза than, который образует составной союз вместе с наречием по sooner, стоящим в главном предложении: по sooner... than — не успел..., как She had по sooner thought about him than he phoned.— He успела она подумать о нем, как он позвонил. Часто в предложениях такого типа используется обратный порядок слов — инверсия: Hardly had he opened the door when the telephone rang.— Едва он открыл дверь, как зазвонил телефон. No sooner had he arrived than he fell ill.— He успел он приехать, как заболел. Образование the Past Perfect Tense The Past Perfect Tense образуется c помощью вспомогательного глагола to have в форме the Past Simple (had) и Причастия II основного глагола. had + основной глагол в III форме I you he she It > had written we you they 1 i had written Grommor Reference 271 Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП = Подлежащее + had + основной глагол в III форме + второсте пенные члены предложения. Он прочитал книгу до того, Не had read the book before he saw the film — как посмотрел фильм. Обратите внимание! had = ’d I had = I’d, he had = he’d He’d read the book before he saw the film. Отрицательное предложение (ОП) on = 11одлежащее + had + not + основной глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения. She had not read the book before she saw the film.— Она не прочитала книгу до того, как посмотрела фильм. Обратите внимание! had not = hadn’t She hadn't read the book before she saw the film. Общий вопрос (OB) OB = Had •+ подлежащее •+- основной глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения -I- ? Had he read the book before he saw the film? — Он прочитал книгу до того, как посмотрел фильм? Yes, he had./No, he hadn't.— Да./Нет, Альтернативный вопрос (АВ) АВ = ОВ + or -ь ОВ -н ? Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается, и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу: Had he read the book before or (had he read the book) after he saw the film? — Oh прочитал книгу до того или после того, как посмотрел фильм? Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВП = Who/What + had -l- основной глагол в III форме -f второстепенные члены предложения + 7 Who had read the book by the end of June? к концу июня? He had.— Он. Кто прочитал эту книгу 272 Grammar Reference Специальный вопрос СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ + ? What had he done before he saw the film? -смотрел фильм’ Разделительный вопрос Не had read the book before he saw the film, hadn*t he? до того, как посмотрел фильм, не так ли? Yes, he had.— Да. Что он сделал до того, как по- Он прочитал книгу The Present Perfea Progressive Tense (Настоящее совершенное длящееся время) Употребление the Present Perfect Progressive Tense The Present Perfect Progressive Tense употребляется для выражения длящегося действия, которое началось в прошлом, все еще продолжается в настоящее время и определенным образом подводит итог продолжительности этого действия: I have been reading this book for a week.— Я читаю эту книгу уже неделю. В предложениях с the Present Perfect Progressive Tense, как правило, указывается период времени, в течение которого происходит действие. Период времени может быть выражен: обстоятельствами времени типа: all my life (всю жизнь), all these years (все эти годы), lately (в последнее время): I have been working longer hours lately.— В последнее время я остаюсь на работе дольше. обстоятельствами времени, вводимыми предлогом for (в течение): for а week (в течение недели), for five years (в течение пяти лет), for а long time (в течение длительного времени): Lena and Sveta have already been talking on the phone for half an hour.— Лена и Света разговаривают по телефону уже полчаса. обстоятельствами времени, вводимыми since. В зависимости от контекста since переводится по-разному: с; с тех пор; с тех пор, как: She has been dreaming about a dog since she was a child.— Она мечтает о собаке с детства. Jane gave те this CD on Monday. I have been listening to it since then.— Джейн дала мне диск в понедельник. С тех пор я его слушаю. She has been sleeping since she got back from her trip.— Она спит с тех пор, как вернулась из поездки. Таким образом, since используется для обозначения момента начала действия. The Present Perfect Progressive может употребляться без указания на период времени, в течение которого происходило действие. В таких случаях из контекста понятно, что действие только что закончилось и оставило Gro гтюг Reference 273 своеобразный „след“, который служит объяснением положения вещей в момент речи: You look tired.— / have been working on a report. Ты выглядишь усталой.— Я работала над докладом. The Present Perfect Progressive Tense не употребляется: • со статическими глаголами. Вместо the Present Perfect Progressive Tense эти глаголы употребляются в the Present Perfect Tense: I have known my best friend since we were children.— Я знаю своего лучшего друга с тех пор, как мы были детьми. • если имеется полное отрицание действия: I haven’t played the guitar since I broke my arm.— Я не играю на гитаре с тех пор, как сломал руку. Образование the Present Perfect Progressive Tense The Present Perfect Progressive Tense образуется c помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в форме the Present Perfect (have been / has been) и Причастия I основного глагола. have been / has been + основной глагол + -ing Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП = Подлежащее + have been / has been + основной глагол в I форме + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения. Jeff and Emily have been playing tennis for two hours.— Джеф и Эмили играют в теннис в течение двух часов. Отрицательное предложение (ОП) ОП = Подлежащее + have not been/has not been + основной глагол в I форме + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения. Jeff and Emily haven’t been playing golf for three hours.— Джеф и Эмили не играют в гольф в течение трех часов. Общий вопрос (ОВ) ОВ = Have / Has -I- Подлежащее -f been + основной глагол в I форме -f -ing + второстепенные члены предложения -f ? Has Jeff been playing tennis for tivo hours? — Yes, he has. Джеф играет в теннис в течение двух часов? — Да. 274 Grommor Re'eience Альтернативный вопрос (АВ) АВ = ОВ + or + ОВ + ? Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается, и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу: Has Emily been playing tennis for two or for three hours? — Emily has been playing tennis for two hours. • Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВП = Who/What + has been + основной глагол в I форме + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения + ? Who has been playing tennis for two hours? — Jeff and Emily have. Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ + ? How long have Jeff and Emily been playing tennis? — tennis for two hours. Разделительный вопрос Jeff and Emily have been playing tennis for four hours, haven*t they? they have. They have been playing Yes, The Modal Verbs (Модальные глаголы) в английском языке есть глаголы, выражающие не действие, а отношение к действию. Они называются модальными. К модальным глаголам относятся глаголы сап, may, must, should, need, have to, be, be able to. Они обозначают возможность, способность, вероятность, необходимость совершения действия, выраженного основным глаголом: Не сап play tennis.— Он умеет играть в теннис. You must help him.— Ты должен ему помочь. She should eat more vegetables.— Ей следует есть больше овощей. You may phone те tomorrow.— Вы можете позвонить мне завтра. Модальные глаголы имеют не все формы, которые имеют другие глаголы. Инфинитив, следующий за этими глаголами, употребляется без частицы to. В 3 лице единственного числа настоящего времени модальные глаголы не имеют окончания -s. сап Модальный глагол сап имеет два времени: настоящее и прошедшее — форму сап для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа настоящего времени и форму could для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа прошедшего времени. Grommor Reference 275 Вопросительная форма образуется без вспомогательного глагола, причем модальный глагол ставится перед подлежащим: Сап he play tennis? — Он умеет играть в теннис? Yes, he can. /No, he can't. Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью частицы not, которая ставится непосредственно после модального глагола и пишется с ним слитно: She cannot (can't) swim.— Она не умеет плавать. Для выражения способности совершить действие также употребляется словосочетание to be able to (быть в состоянии). Это сочетание употребляется в разных временах: Не is able to translate the text.— Он может перевести текст. Не was able to read at the age of five.— Он умел читать в возрасте пяти лет. He'll be able to translate the text next week.— Он сможет перевести текст на следующей неделе. Present Simple Past Simple can could am is are I / able to was were 1 r able to Future Simple will be able to Модальный глагол can может выражать: 1) умение, способность совершить действие Не сап swim.— Он умеет плавать. She could sing very well when she was twenty.— Она умела очень хорошо петь, когда ей было двадцать лет. 2) разрешение, запрещение Не сап call tomorrow. You can't smoke here. 3) удивление, сомнение Can в этом значении встречается только в вопросительных предложениях. В зависимости от того, к какому времени относится действие, оно бывает представлено разными формами инфинитива. Если действие: • совершается или будет совершаться, то употребляется Simple Infinitive Can she really come tomorrow? — Неужели она придет завтра? • совершается в настоящий момент, то употребляется Progressive Infinitive, Can he be phoning you right now? It's too late.— Неужели он звонит тебе прямо сейчас? Уже слишком поздно. • в действительности совершилось, то употребляется Perfect Infinitive. Can Anna have done this task already? — Разве Анна уже выполнила это задание? 276 Grammar Reference 4) невероятность В этом значении сап встречается только в отрицательных предложениях. В отрицательных предложениях cannot + Infinitive переводится на русский язык посредством не может быть, чтобы: • can’t + Simple Infinitive You can’t know him. It’s his first time in our town.— He может быть, что вы его знаете. Он впервые в нашем городе. Не can’t be late.— Не может быть, что он опоздает. (Он не может опоздать.) • can’t + Progressive Infinitive She can’t be working today. It’s Sunday.— He может быть, что она работает сегодня. Сегодня воскресенье. can’t + Perfect Infinitive He can’t have forgotten her name.-I can’t have left my bag at home.— сумку дома. He может быть, чтобы он забыл ее имя. Не может быть, чтобы я оставила свою Модальный глагол may имеет два времени: настоящее и прошедшее — форму may для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа настоящего времени и форму might для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа прошедшего времени. • Вопросительная форма образуется без вспомогательного глагола, причем модальный глагол ставится перед подлежащим: May I help you? — Можно я Вам помогу? • Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью частицы not, которая ставится непосредственно после модального глагола: Не may not come tomorrow.— Возможно, он завтра не придет. Значение разрешения или запрещения может также передаваться словосочетанием to be allowed to: They will not be allowed to work at night.— Им не разрешат работать ночью. Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple may might am is are I / allowed to was 1 were i allowed to will be allowed to Глагол may выражает просьбу разрешить что-либо сделать: May I use your mobile phone? — Можно я воспользуюсь Вашим мобильным телефоном? Please, do.— Пожалуйста. / Certainly.— Да, конечно. / No, Гт afraid you can’t.— Боюсь, что нет. Grammar Reference 277 Разрешение что-либо сделать выражается глаголом may и в утвердительном предложении; You may phone те at 10 p.m.— Ты можешь (я разрешаю) позвонить мне в 10 часов. В утвердительных и отрицательных предложениях глагол may в сочетании с инфинитивом употребляется в значении предположения, в правдоподобии которого говорящий не уверен. Такие предположения могут относиться к настоящему или будущему времени (Simple Infinitive), к моменту речи (Progressive Infinitive) или к прошедшему времени (Perfect Infinitive). May + Infinitive переводится на русский язык может быть, возможно, а также может переводиться сочетанием может (могут) с инфинитивом: • may -f- Simple Infinitive The letter may be sent tomorrow.— Может быть, письмо отправят завтра. She may be ill.— Возможно, она болеет. • may + Progressive Infinitive He may be working now.— Может быть, он сейчас работает. • may + Perfect Infinitive They may not have finished the game yet.— Возможно, они еще не закончили игру. Не may have left earlier.— Возможно, он ушел раньше. (Он мог уйти раньше.) J5^- Модальный глагол must имеет одну неизменяемую форму, которая употребляется в настоящем времени: We must tell her the truth.— Мы должны сказать ей правду. • Вопросительная форма образуется без вспомогательного глагола, причем модальный глагол ставится перед подлежащим: Must I answer his questions? — Я должен отвечать на его вопросы? • Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью частицы not, которая ставится непосредственно после модального глагола: You mustn't drive too fast.— Вы не должны вести машину слишком быстро. Глагол must выражает: 1) обязанность, долг, необходимость (с точки зрения говорящего) / must learn English. It will help me in the future.— Я должен изучать английский. Это поможет мне в будущем. (Я сам так думаю.) В этом значении must употребляется в утвердительных и вопросительных предложениях. 2) приказ You must speak to him now.— Вы должны поговорить с ним сейчас. 3) запрещение You mustn’t leave this room.— Вы не должны покидать эту комнату. В этом значении must употребляется в отрицательных предложениях. 278 Grammar Reference 4) предположение, которое говорящий считает правдоподобным. Такие предположения могут относиться к настоящему времени (Simple Infinitive), к моменту речи (Progressive Infinitive) или к прошедшему времени (Perfect Infinitive). В таких предложениях must + Infinitive переводится на русский язык как должно быть, а также может переводиться с помощью сочетания должен с инфинитивом. • must + Simple Infinitive You must know the right answer.— Должно быть, ты знаешь правильный ответ. (Ты должен знать правильный ответ.) It must be true.— Должно быть, это правда. (Это должно быть правдой.) • must + Progressive Infinitive Не must be taking a shower I hear him sing.— Должно быть, он принимает душ. Я слышу, как он поет. • must + Perfect Infinitive She looks upset. He must have told her bad news.— Она расстроена. Он, должно быть, сообщил ей плохие новости. need • Глагол need в качестве модального глагола употребляется для выражения необходимости совершения действия со значением нужно, надо. В этом значении need употребляется только в форме the Present Simple в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях: Need 1 phone you today? — Мне позвонить Вам сегодня? (Есть ли необходимость позвонить Вам сегодня?) Must I phone him right now? — Я должен позвонить ему прямо сейчас? No, you needn’t.— Нет, не надо. Глагол need употребляется также со значением нуждаться в чем-нибудь. В этом случае need имеет обычные формы спряжения и употребляется в формах the Present Simple, the Past Simple, the Future Simple: I need to know his room number.— Мне надо знать номер его комнаты. Last year she needed her daughter’s help very often.— В прошлом году она нуждалась в помощи дочери очень часто. You won’t need anything.— Вы ни в чем не будете нуждаться. htive to Глагол have to употребляется, когда речь идет о необходимости совершения действия в силу определенных обстоятельств: School starts at eight o’clock. I have to get up early.— Занятия начинаются в 8 часов. Мне приходится вставать рано. (От меня это не зависит.) Yesterday I went to bed late. I had to finish my composition.— Вчера мне пришлось лечь поздно. Я должен был дописать сочинение. Tomorrow I will have to help my friend.— Завтра мне придется помочь другу. Grammar Reference 279 Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с have to образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола do: Does he have to get up early? — Yes, he does. Oh должен вставать рано? — Да. You don't have to translate this text.— Вам не нужно переводить этот текст. Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с had to образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола did: Не didn’t have to meet her.— Ему не пришлось встречать ее. Did she have to help him? - Yes, she did. Ей пришлось помочь ему? — Да. Present Simple have to Past Simple had to Future Simple will have to Модальный глагол should выражает желательность действия, совет, рекомендацию: You should read this book.— Тебе следует прочитать эту книгу. Модальный глагол should имеет одну неизменяемую форму, которая употребляется в настоящем времени: You should help this man.— Тебе следует помочь этому человеку. • Вопросительная форма образуется без вспомогательного глагола, причем модальный глагол ставится перед подлежащим: Should I phone her? — Мне следует ей позвонить? • Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью частицы not, которая ставится непосредственно после модального глагола: You shouldn’t tell her everything.— Тебе не следует говорить ей все. В сочетании с Perfect Infinitive should имеет значение порицания или упрека. Should переводится на русский язык как следовало бы, а инфинитив — глаголом прошедшего времени: You should have helped him.— Вам следовало бы помочь ему (но Вы не помогли). Употребление глагола для выражения долженствования В качестве модального глагола to be употребляется для выражения необходимости совершить действие согласно предварительной договоренности или заранее намеченному плану. Формы глагола to be в the Present Simple — am, is, are — переводятся на русский язык как должен, должны и выражают необходимость совершения действия в настоящем или будущем: They are to finish the work at 5 o’clock.— Они должны закончить работу в 5 часов. Формы глагола to be в the Past Simple — was, were — переводятся на русский язык как должен был, должны были. 280 Grommor Reference We were to meet at the airport.— Мы должны были встретиться в аэропорту. Для выражения долженствования в будущем времени глагол to be не употребляется. The Direct Speech and the Reported Speech {Прямая и косвенная речь) в английском языке существует два способа передачи чужого высказыва ния. Прямая речь (the Direct Speech) передает его без всяких изменений. В косвенной речи (the Reported Speech) чужая мысль пересказывается с изменением порядка слов, временных форм, некоторых слов, а также интонации. Тот tells his friend, ‘7 work in London.”— Том говорит своему другу: „Я работаю в Лондоне'*. Тот tells his friend that he works in London.— Том говорит своему другу, что он работает в Лондоне. Правила перевода прямой речи в косвенную Утверждения переводятся в косвенную речь следующим образом: say to smb / tell smb + that + подлежащее + сказуемое -f- второстепенные члены предложения • союз that можно не употреблять: Не says to Lena, ‘Т see ту friends every day.”— Он говорит Лене: „Я вижусь со своими друзьями каждый день". Не says to Lena that he sees his friends every day. He tells Lena that he sees his friends every day.— Он говорит Лене, что он видится со своими друзьями каждый день. Не tells them, ‘7 can help you.”— Он говорит им: „Я могу помочь вам". Не tells them that he can help them. Or He says (that) he can help them.— Он говорит, что он может им помочь. • местоимения изменяются по смыслу: Не tells Lena, 'Ч see ту friends every day.”— Он говорит Лене: „Я вижусь со своими друзьями каждый день". Не tells Lena that he sees his friends every day.— Он говорит Лене, что он видится со своими друзьями каждый день. Если в прямой речи содержится просьба или приказание, то при переводе в косвенную речь перед ней: • ставятся слова автора, содержащие глаголы to ask smb (просить кого-либо) или to tell smb (велеть кому-либо); • глагол в косвенной речи ставится в форме инфинитива. 1) Вежливая просьба сделать что-либо • tell smb/say to smb (сказать кому-то) меняются на ask smb (просить кого-то); Gron^mar Reference 281 • перед придаточным предложением ставится частица to: The teacher says to the pupils, “Open your books at page 27, please”— Учитель говорит ученикам: „Откройте, пожалуйста, книги на стр. 27“. The teacher asks the pupils to open their books at page 27.— Учитель просит учеников открыть книги на стр. 27. 2) Приказание сделать что-либо • say to smb (сказать кому-то) меняется на tell smb (велеть); • перед придаточным предложением ставится частица to: The policeman says to the robber, “Putyour hands up!”— Полицейский говорит грабителю: „Руки вверх!“ The policeman tells the robber to put his hands up.— Полицейский велит грабителю поднять руки вверх. 3) Вежливый запрет делать что-либо • tell smb/say to smb меняется на ask smb (просить кого-то); • don't меняется на not to: Betty says to her son, “Don’t disturb me, please ”— Бетти говорит сыну: „Не беспокой меня, пожалуйста'*. Betty asks her son not to disturb her.— Бетти просит сына не беспокоить ее. 4) Приказание делать что-либо • say to smb меняется на tell smb (велеть кому-то); • don't меняется на not to: The mother says to her son, “Don't lean out of the ivindow.”— Мама говорит сыну: „Не высовывайся из окна**. The mother tells her son not to lean out of the window.— Мама велит сыну не высовываться из окна. Прямой и обратный порядок слов Если в прямой речи содержится вопрос, то в косвенной речи в вопросительных предложениях употребляется прямой порядок слов. Напомним, что прямой порядок слов встречается в утвердительных и отрицательных предложениях, когда основной глагол или вспомогательный глагол следует за подлежащим: Не likes coffee. They didn’t play football yesterday. Обратный порядок слов встречается в вопросительных предложениях, когда основной глагол или вспомогательный глагол стоит перед подлежащим: Where did they go? Where are they? Mary asks, “What is Liz doing?”— Мэри спрашивает: „Что делает Лиз?** Магу asks what Liz is doing.— Мэри спрашивает, что делает Лиз. Не asks, “Where did Тот go?”— Он спрашивает; „Куда пошел Том?“ Не asks where Тот went.— Он спрашивает, куда пошел Том. 282 Grammar Reference Порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях В специальных вопросах в косвенной речи после вопросительного слова следует прямой порядок слов. При переводе специальных вопросов в косвенную речь происходят следующие изменения; tell smb / say to smb меняются на ask smb (спрашивать) + вопросительное слово -f- подлежащее + сказуемое 4- второстепенные члены предложения She asks John, “Where does Tom go every week?”— Она спрашивает Джона: „Куда ходит Том каждую неделю?“ She asks John where Тот goes every week.— Она спрашивает Джона, куда ходит Том каждую неделю. В вопросе к подлежащему в косвенной речи порядок слов не меняется. Не asks, “Who likes pop music?”— Он спрашивает: „Кто любит поп-музыку?“ Не asks who likes pop music.— Он спрашивает, кто любит поп-музыку. При переводе общих вопросов в косвенную речь происходят следующие изменения; tell smb/say to smb меняется на ask smb + if/whether (ли) + подлежащее + сказуемое -I- второстепенные члены предложения Не asks Mark, “Do you work on Saturday?”— Он спрашивает Марка: „Ты работаешь в субботу?“ Не asks Mark if he works on Saturday.— Он спрашивает Марка, работает ли он в субботу. Не asks them, “Do you speak French?”— Он спрашивает их: „Вы говорите по-французски?" Не asks them whether they speak French.— Он спрашивает их, говорят ли они по-французски. Ответы на общие вопросы передаются в косвенной речи с помощью подлежащего и вспомогательного глагола. “Did Jim phone yesterday?” Ann asks her mum.— “No,” mum says. „Джим звонил вчера?"— спрашивает маму Анна.— „Нет",— говорит мама. Ann asks her mum if Jim phoned yesterday and mum says that he didn’t.— Анна спрашивает маму, звонил ли Джим вчера, и мама говорит, что он не звонил. Разделительные вопросы передаются в косвенной речи так же, как общие. “Магу saw ту sister on Sunday, didn’t she?” Jack asks.— „Мэри видела мою сестру в воскресенье, не так ли?" — спрашивает Джек. Jack asks if Mary saw his sister on Sunday.— Джек спрашивает, видела ли Мэри его сестру в воскресенье. Сгогпг'о'' Reference 283 Согласование времен в английском языке (Sequence of tenses) Согласование времен — это зависимость времени глагола-сказуемого придаточного предложения от времени глагола-сказуемого главного предложения. ^ Если глагол-сказуемое главного предложения стоит в одной из форм прошедшего времени, то глагол-сказуемое придаточного предложения (в основном изъяснительного) тоже стоит в одной из форм прошедшего времени: She asked what he ivas doing in her room.— Она спросила, что он делает в ее комнате. Не said that they played football on Sundays.— Он сказал, что они играют в футбол по воскресеньям. « Если действие придаточного предложения происходит одновременно с действием главного, то глагол-сказуемое придаточного предложения употребляется в the Past Simple или the Past Progressive: He said that he knew my friend.— Он сказал, что он знает моего друга. She said that he was reading a newspaper.— Она сказала, что он читает газету. • Если действие придаточного предложения предшествует действию главного, то глагол-сказуемое придаточного предложения употребляется в the Past Perfect: Не said that Тот had phoned the day before.— Он сказал, что Том звонил вчера/накануне. • Если действие придаточного предложения является будущим по отношению к действию главного предложения, то глагол-сказуемое придаточного предложения употребляется в форме the Future-in-the Past: Не said that he would help him.— Он сказал, что поможет ему. Таблица изменений формы основных сказуемых при переводе прямой речи в косвенную The Direct Speech / Прямая речь the Present Simple My friend said, “I want to go to England.” the Present Progressive He said, “She is playing tennis now.” the Present Perfect He said, “You haven’t told us the truth.” the Present Perfect Progressive She said, “I have been working all morning.” The Reported Speech/ Косвенная речь the Past Simple My friend said that he wanted to go to England. the Past Progressive He said that she was playing tennis then. the Past Perfect He said that she hadn’t told them the truth. the Past Perfect Progressive She said that she had been working all morning. 284 Granmcr Reference The Direct Speech / Прямая речь the Past Simple He said, “Tom phoned yesterday.” the Future Simple He said, “It will rain tomorrow.” the Past Progressive He said, “She was watering the flow'ers,” the Past Perfect He said, “She had painted the wall.” The Reported Speech/ Косвенная речь the Past Perfect He said that Tom had phoned the day before. the Future-in-the Past He said that it would rain the next day. the Past Progressive He said that she was watering the flowers. the Past Perfect He said that she had painted the wall. Таблица изменений указательных местоимений и наречий при переводе прямой речи в косвенную The Direct Speech / Прямая речь now сейчас here — здесь then ■ there The Reported Speech/ Косвенная речь тогда - там this, these — это, этот, эти today — сегодня tomorrow — завтра yesterday — вчера next week/year — на следующей не деле / в следующем году last week — на прошлой неделе that, those — то, тот, те that day — в этот день the next day (the following day) — на следующий день the day before — вчера/накануне the following week/year — на следующей неделе / в следующем году the week before — за неделю до She said, “/ saw him yesterday”— Она сказала: „Я видела его вчера“. She said that she had seen him the day before.— Она сказала, что она видела его накануне. Перевод на русский язык В русском языке нет правила согласования времен, поэтому при переводе на русский язык в придаточном предложении глагол-сказуемое остается в той форме, в которой он стоял в прямой речи: Не said, “I know Mary.”— Он сказал: „Я знаю Мэри“. Не said that he knew Mary.— Он сказал, что он знает Мэри. Не said, “I knew Mary.”— Он сказал: „Я знал Мэри“. Grammar Reference 285 Не said that he had known Mary.— Он сказал, что он знал Мэри когда-то. She said, 'They are having dinner.’'— Она сказала: „Они обедают”. She said that they were having dinner.— Она сказала, что они обедают. Случаи отклонения от правила согласования времен Правило согласования времен может не соблюдаться: • когда в предложении сообщается о чем-то, что считается общепризнанным: "America is а rich country,” he said. He said that America is a rich country. Ho если в предложении излагается неверное утверждение, то правило согласования времен должно соблюдаться обязательно: "America is а poor country,” he said. He said that America was a poor country. • когда сообщаются общеизвестные истины или явление считается характерным, обычным, привычным: "Water boils at 100 degrees,” the teacher said. The teacher said that water boils at 100 degrees. • модальные глаголы need, should не подчиняются правилу согласования времен: Не said that we should go away. Глагол must не изменяется, если он выражает приказание или совет: "You must do your homework in the morning,” he said to his son. He told his son that he must do his homework in the morning. Если же must выражает необходимость совершения действия, то он заменяется на had to: "I must get up early,” he said. He said that he had to get up early. • если указано время совершения действия: “I saw the Eiffel Tower when I was in Paris,” she said. She said that she saw the Eiffel Tower when she was in Paris. "I began to learn English in 2002,” he said. He said that he began to learn English in 2002. Когда вы используете в рассказе косвенную речь, обращайте внимание на глаголы, которые ей предшествуют: • to admit — признавать She said, Т am wrong.”— Она сказала: „Я неправа”. She admitted that she was wrong.— Она признала, что она неправа. • to complain — жаловаться She said, "Unfortunately, I’ve gained weight.” She complained that she had gained weight.— Она пожаловалась, что набрала в весе. 286 Grammar Reference • to decide — решать He said, "J won't go with you” He decided not to go with them.— Он решил не ходить с ними. • to explain — объяснять Emily said to Jane, *‘You get upset because you think that everybody is looking at you.” Emily explained to Jane that she got upset because she thought that everybody was looking at her.— Эмили объяснила Джейн, что она расстраивается, потому что думает, что все смотрят на нее. • to reply — отвечать Jeff asked Bill, ‘Vo you know this man?” Bill said, “No, I don't.” Jeff asked Bill if he knew that man. Bill replied that he didn't.— Джеф спросил Билла, знает ли он этого человека. Билл ответил, что не знает. • to warn — предупреждать The doctor said to Molly, “Don't skip meals. It won't do you any good.” The doctor warned Molly not to skip meals because it wouldn't do her any good.— Доктор предупредил Молли, чтобы она не пренебрегала едой, потому что это не принесет ей никакой пользы. • to inform — информировать John's teacher wrote to his parents, “Your son has been expelled from school.” John's teacher informed his parents that their son had been expelled from school.— Учитель Джона проинформировал его родителей, что их сын был исключен из школы. • to advise — рекомендовать The doctor said to Sabby, “You'll have to eat less bread and sugar.” The doctor advised Sabby to eat less bread and sugar.— Доктор посоветовал Сэбби есть меньше хлеба и сахара. Некоторые предложения целесообразнее не переводить дословно в косвенную речь, а передавать их смысл с помощью следующих глаголов: • to agree /disagree — соглашаться/не соглашаться • to agree / refuse — соглашаться / отказываться делать что-либо • to accept (an offer, an invitation) — принимать (предложение, приглашение) Alex said to his friend, “1 won't go with you.”— Алекс сказал другу: „Я не пойду с тобой“. Alex refused to go with his friend.— Алекс отказался пойти с другом. Kate told her friend, “OK. Let's invite Jane.”— Кэйт сказала подруге: „Хорошо. Давай пригласим Джейн“. Kate agreed to invite Jane.— Кэйт согласилась пригласить Джейн. Grammar Reference 287 The Active Voice and the Passive Voice (Действительный и страдательный залог) Залог — это форма глагола, которая показывает, сам предмет или лицо производит действие (действительный залог) или действие производится над предметом или лицом (страдательный залог). Действительный залог (the Active Voice): Kate sent the letter last week.— Катя послала письмо на прошлой неделе, (Действие производит само лицо.) • Страдательный залог (the Passive Voice): The letter was sent by Kate last week.— Письмо было послано Катей на прошлой неделе. (Действие производится над предметом — письмом.) В страдательном залоге часто не упоминается, кем или с помощью чего было совершено действие, но если такая информация нужна, то используются предлоги by (кем) или with (с помощью чего). The job was done by Ann.— Работа была сделана Аней. The letter was written with a pen.— Письмо было написано ручкой. Образование форм страдательного залога Страдательный залог образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени и III формы основного глагола (Причастия II). The Present Simple The Past Simple A lot of books are printed every year. This book was printed in 1905. The Future Simple The Present Progressive The Past Progressive The Present Perfect The Past Perfect This book will be printed next year. Page 10 is being printed at the moment. When the author phoned, his book was being printed This book has already been printed twice this year. This document had been printed before the police arrived. Много книг печатается каждый год. Эта книга была напечатана в 1905 году. Эта книга будет напечатана в следующем году. Страница 10 печатается в данный момент. Когда автор позвонил, его книга печаталась. Эта книга уже напечатана в этом году дважды. Этот документ был напечатан до того, как прибыла полиция. 288 Grammar Reference Образование вопросительных и отрицательных предложений в страдательном залоге О о 3 3 о -Л 70 ф" ф 3 О ф Утвердительное предложение Общий Специальный Отрицательное вопрос вопрос предложение The Present The room is cleaned every Is the room When is the room That room is not Simple day.— Комнату моют каждый день. cleaned every day? cleaned? cleaned every day. The Past The first computer was Was the first Who was the first The Internet was Simple invented by Charles Babbage in 1823.— Первый компьютер был изобретен Чарльзом Бэбиджем в 1823 году. computer invented by Charles Babbage ! in 1823? computer invented by? not invented by Charles Babbage. The Future The students will be tested Will the students When will the students The students will Simple in May.— Студентов будут экзаменовать в мае. be te.sted in May"^ be tested? not be tested in May. The Present The dog is being walked Is the dog being What is being done now? The dog is not Progressive now.— Собаку сейчас выгуливают. walked now? being walked now. The Past The problem was being Was the problem When was the problem The problem Progressive discussed when he phoned.— Проблема обсуждалась, когда он позвонил. being discussed when he phoned? being discussed? was not being discussed when he phoned. b- The Present The work has just been Has the work just What has just been The work has not Perfect finished.— Работа только что закончена. been finished? finished’ been finished yet. The Past The robber had been caught Had the robber Who had been caught The robber had not Perfect before the police arrived.— Грабителя поймали до того, ' как приехала полиция. been caught before the police arrived? before the police arrived? been caught before the police arrived. к> сх> ч> Способы перевода предложений в страдательном залоге на русский язык Предложения в страдательном залоге на русский язык переводятся: • с помощью глагола быть и краткой формы причастия страдательного залога Обратите внимание, что глагол быть в настоящем времени опускается: The letter is written.— Письмо написано. The letter was written.— Письмо было написано. The letter will be written — Письмо будет написано • неопределенно-личными предложениями The room is cleaned every day.— Комнату убирают каждый день. The room was cleaned every day.— Комнату убирали каждый день. The room will be cleaned every day.— Комнату будут убирать каждый день. • с помощью глаголов, которые оканчиваются на -ся, если предложения стоят в the Present Progressive Passive и the Past Progressive Passive: The house is being built. Дом строится. The house was being built, when I was a child.— Дом строился, когда я был ребенком. The house will be built.— Дом построят. Особенности употребления страдательного залога Прямое и косвенное дополнение действительного залога могут стать подлежащими страдательного залога со следующими глаголами: to give smb smth/smth to .smb — давать кому-либо что-либо/что-либо кому-либо to send smb smth/smth to smb — посылать кому-либо что-либо/что-либо кому-либо to pay smb smth/smth to smb — платить кому-либо что-либо/что-либо кому-либо to promise smb smth/smth to smb — обещать кому-либо что-либо/ что-либо кому-либо — предлагать кому-либо что-либо/ to offer smb smth/smth to smb что-либо кому-либо to leave smb smth/smth to smb что-либо кому-либо to show smb smth/smth to smb что-либо кому-либо го tell smb smth/smth to smb — оставлять кому-либо что-либо/ показывать кому-либо что-либо / рассказывать кому-либо что-либо/ что-либо кому-либо Рассмотрим предложение в действительном залоге: The teacher gave him a book.— Учитель дал ему книгу. В этом предложении два дополнения him и а book. 290 Grammor Reference him — косвенное дополнение, так как отвечает на вопрос кому? а book — прямое дополнение, так как отвечает на вопрос что? Оба эти дополнения могут стать подлежащими предложений в страдательном залоге. The Active Voice The teacher gave him a book. дал ему книгу Учитель Му friend told те а funny story.— Друг рассказал мне смешную историю. The Passive Voice The book tvas given to him./He was given a book — Ему дали книгу. A funny story was told to me. I was told a funny story.— Мне рассказали смешную историю В страдательной конструкции с предложным дополнением предлог сохраняет свое место после глагола: They sent for the doctor.— Они послали за доктором. (Active Voice) The doctor was sent for.— 3a доктором послали. (Passive Voice) Наиболее употребительные глаголы с предлогами: to send for smb/smth — посылать за кем-то/чем-то to object to smb/smth — возражать кому-то/чему-то to insist on smth — настаивать на чем то to refer to smb/smth — ссылаться на кого-то/что-то to laugh at smb/smth — смеяться над кем-то/чем-то to listen to smb/smth — слушать кого-то/что-то to wait for .smb / smth — ждать кого то/что-то They often refer to this writer. He is very famous.— This writer is often referred to. Look! Everybody is laughing at Peter. He has made the same mistake again.— Peter is being laughed at. Everybody is waiting for you! Don’t be late again! — You are being waited for. Mary insisted on this plan. I couldn’t disagree with her.— This plan was insisted on. The Infinitive (Инфинитив) Инфинитив представляет собой неличную форму глагола, которая только называет действие, не указывая ни лица, ни числа, ни наклонения. Инфинитив соответствует в русском языке неопределенной форме глагола: to play — играть, сыграть, to send — посылать, послать. Формальным признаком инфинитива является частица to, которая не имеет самостоятельного значения: Не likes to travel.— Он любит путешествовать. Отрицательная форма инфинитива образуется с помощью частицы not, которая ставится перед ним: ‘То be, or not to be: that is the question.”— “Быть или не быть — вот в чем вопрос”. Grommor Reference 291 функции инфинитива в предложении В предложении инфинитив может выполнять следующие функции: • подлежащего: То sleep in the open air is very useful.— Спать на открытом воздухе очень полезно. • части составного именного сказуемого: His task was to help them.— Его задачей было помогать им. • дополнения: Не promised to come in time.— Он обещал приехать вовремя. • обстоятельства для выражения цели: She took а taxi to be on time.— Она взяла такси, чтобы не опоздать. • обстоятельства для выражения следствия со словами too (слишком), enough (достаточно): Your tea is too hot to drink now.— Ваш чай слишком горячий, чтобы пить его сейчас. Vve known him long enough to trust him.— Я знаю его достаточно давно, чтобы доверять ему. • определения: В этой функции инфинитив всегда стоит после определяемого существительного: Гт looking for а book to read.— Я ищу книгу, которую можно почитать. Перевод предложений, содержащих инфинитив, на русский язык Инфинитив в функции подлежащего, части составного сказуемого, дополнения, обстоятельства цели, следствия в большинстве случаев передается в русском языке существительным или инфинитивом: То read is the best way to learn about the world.— Чтение — лучший способ узнавать об окружающем мире. Оиг plan is to go to Spain.— Наш план — поехать (поездка) в Испанию. Не went to the shop to buy a present for his wife.— Он пошел в магазин, чтобы купить подарок для своей жены. Однако инфинитив в функции определения чаще переводится определительным придаточным предложением с глаголом долженствования, а также прилагательным, причастием, существительным или личной формой глагола (в зависимости от контекста): She's got а small flat to sell.— У нее есть маленькая квартира, которую нужно продать. I’m going to the party. Can you recommend a dress to wear? — Я иду на вечеринку. Ты можешь порекомендовать мне платье, которое можно надеть? I’ve got а lot of work to do.— У меня много работы, которую надо сделать. This stone is hard to find.— Этот камень трудно найти. 292 Grammar Reference Инфинитивный оборот Сложное дополнение/Complex Object Инфинитив в сочетании с существительным или местоимением в объектном падеже образует инфинитивный оборот — сложное дополнение. Сложное дополнение состоит из существительного в именительном падеже или местоимения в объектном падеже, за которыми следует инфинитив; His mother wants Peter to help her in the garden.— Мама хочет, чтобы Питер помог ей в саду. (Сложное дополнение состоит из существительного Peter и инфинитива to help.) His mother wants him to help her in the garden.— Мама хочет, чтобы он помог ей в саду. (Сложное дополнение состоит из местоимения him и инфинитива to help.) На русский язык сложное дополнение переводится придаточными изъяснительными предложениями, которые вводятся союзами что, чтобы, как. При этом местоимение в объектном падеже переводится на русский язык местоимением в именительном падеже; Jack didn't want them to know the truth.—Джек не хотел, чтобы они узнали правду. I would like him to translate this text by himself.— Я хотел бы, чтобы он перевел этот текст сам. • Сложное дополнение употребляется: • после глаголов, выражающих желание; to want; I want you to learn English.— Я хочу, чтобы ты изучал английский, to expect; I expect her to come on time.— Я ожидаю (надеюсь), что она придет вовремя. to like в сочетании с would; Не would like us to read this book.— Он хотел бы, чтобы мы прочитали эту книгу. • после глаголов чувства и восприятия; to hear; Mother heard her son get up.— Мама услышала, как ее сын встал с кровати. to see; We all saw you leave.— Мы все видели, что ты уехала, to watch; Friends watched their train arrive at the station.— Друзья наблюдали, как их поезд прибывает на станцию. to feel; Ann felt something touch her leg.— Анна почувствовала, что что-то коснулось ее ноги. Обратите внимание на то, что после этих глаголов инфинитив употребляется без частицы to. Инфинитив также употребляется без частицы to после глаголов to make (заставлять) и to let (позволять); She makes her son clean his room every day.— Она заставляет сына убирать комнату каждый день. Don't let your daughter come home late.— He позволяйте Вашей дочери приходить домой поздно. Grommor Reference 293 294 Однако если глагол таке стоит в страдательном залоге, то инфинитив употребляется с частицей to: Helen iva5 crying because she »vo5 made to come back.— Хелен плакала, потому что ее заставили вернуться. Инфинитивный оборот Сложное подлежащее (Complex Subject) Этот оборот выступает в роли сложного подлежащего и состоит из существительного или личного местоимения в именительном падеже и инфинитива: Richard seems to know this girl.— Кажется, Ричард знает эту девушку. Оборот сложное подлежащее употребляется: • когда сказуемое выражено следующими глаголами в страдательном залоге: to know — знать, полагать to report — сообщать to say — говорить, полагать to suppose — предполагать to believe — полагать, считать to think — полагать, думать Му friend is supposed to finish this work tomorrow.— Предполагается, что мой друг закончит эту работу завтра. The River Thames is known to divide London into two parts.— Известно, что река Темза делит Лондон на две части. • когда сказуемое выражено следующими глаголами в активном залоге: to seem — казаться to prove — оказываться to happen — случаться He seems to know English well.— Кажется, он хорошо знает английский язык. Не happened to be there.— Случилось так, что он там был. • когда сказуемое выражено следующими оборотами: to be likely — вероятно, похоже to be unlikely — непохоже, маловероятно to be certain — несомненно to be sure — наверняка, несомненно She is likely to forget you as soon as you leave.— Вероятно, она забудет вас, как только вы уйдете. They are sure to return soon.— Они, несомненно, скоро вернутся. • На русский язык оборот сложное подлежащее переводится: • сложноподчиненным предложением, в котором главное предложение представляет собой неопределенно-личное или безличное предложение (Полагают,...; Сообщают,...; Говорят,...; Известно,...; Считают,...; Думают,...; Оказывается,...; Случилось,...; Вероятно,...; Похоже,...; Непохоже,...; Маловероятно,...), а придаточное предложение вводится союзом что: Не is unlikely to fix his car by tomorrow.— Маловероятно, что он починит свою машину к завтрашнему дню. Grommor Reference Jane is said to be the best dancer m her class.— Говорят, что Джейн танцует лучше всех в своем классе. простым предложением с неопределенно-личным оборотом в роли вводного предложения (..., несомненно, .... наверняка, ...вероятно...; ..., кажется, ...): They are sure to know you.— Они, наверняка, знают Вас. Kate seems to agree with you.— Кейт, кажется, согласна с Вами. Формы инфинитива Инфинитив имеет формы времени и залога. Формы времени Tense Simple Progressive Perfect Perfect Progressive Voice of the Infinitive Activ'e Passive (to) print (to) be printed (to) be printing (to) have printed (to) have been printed (to) have been printing Формы времени инфинитива обычно выражают действие, одновре.менное или предшествующее по отношению к действию, выраженному глаголом в личной форме. Формы инфинитива Simple и Progressive выражают действие, одновременное с действием, выраженным глаголом в личной форме, причем форма Progressive выражает длительное действие: Не asked те to phone him in the morning, (to phone — the Simple Infinitive Active) — Oh попросил меня позвонить ему утром. She seems to be sleeping now. (to be sleeping — the Progressive Infinitive Active) — Кажется, она сейчас спит. Формы Perfect и Perfect Progressive показывают, что действие, выраженное этими формами, предшествует действию, выраженному глаголом в личной форме: Гт happy to have met him. (to have met — the Perfect Infinitive Active) — Я рад, что встретил его. She looks upset. She seems to have been talking to her father, (to have been talking — the Perfect Progressive Infinitive Active) — Она выглядит расстроенной. Кажется, она разговаривала с отцом. Формы залога Когда действие, выраженное инфинитивом, совершается лицом или предметом, то употребляется инфинитив в форме Active: I want to buy this car. (to buy — the Simple Infinitive Active) — Я хочу купить эту машину. Grammar Reference 295 Когда действие, выраженное инфинитивом, совершается над лицом или предметом, то употребляется инфинитив в форме Passive: She was happy to be taught French, (to be taught — the Simple Infinitive Passive) — Она была счастлива, что ее обучают французскому языку. Kate was sad to have been told a he. (to have been told the Perfect Infinitive Passive) — Кейт было грустно, что ей сказали неправду. Эмфатические конструкции Когда нужно выделить какой-нибудь член предложения, используются обороты: It is... that/It was... that, It is... who/It was... who. В этих оборотах используется член предложения, на котором делается акцент. Например, если в предложении Аня пригласила его друзей в дом, надо выделить, что именно Аня, а никто другой, пригласила его друзей в дом, то подлежащее Аня ставится между It was и who. It was Ann who invited his friends to the house.— Именно Аня пригласила его друзей в дом. It was in the park that we met yesterday.— Именно в парке мы встретились вчера. It is her brothers who support her.— Именно братья поддерживают ее. The Conjunction (Союз) По своей функции в речи союзы делятся на сочинительные и подчинительные. так же, как (и) - и... и, как..., так и Сочинительные союзы and — и, а as well as -both... and but — HO, a either... or — или... или neither... nor — ни... ни Обратите внимание, в каком числе употребляется основной глагол в предложениях с союзами both... and и neither... nor. • both... and используется для соединения подлежащих двух утвердительных предложений. В таких предложениях глагол употребляется во множественном числе: Both his mother and his father are good swimmers.— И его мама, и его папа хорошие пловцы. • neither... nor используется для соединения подлежащих двух предложений в одном предложении с отрицательным значением. В таком предложении глагол всегда употребляется в утвердительной форме и согласуется в числе со вторым подлежащим: Neither ту sister nor ту brother likes milk.— Ни моя сестра, ни мой брат не любят молоко. 296 Grammar Reference Для соединения независимых предложений служат также наречия: moreover — кроме того, сверх того therefore — поэтому 50 — так что, итак however — однако nevertheless — тем не менее Подчинительные союзы 1. Союзы, вводящие изъяснительные придаточные предложения: that (что), ify whether (ли). 2. Союзы, вводящие обстоятельственные придаточные предложения: • времени after — после того как as — в то время как, когда; по мере того как as long as — пока, до тех пор пока as soon as — как только before — прежде чем hardly (scarcely)... when — едва только... как по sooner... than — едва только... как, не успел... как since — с тех пор как until (till) —до тех пор пока... (не) when — когда while — в то время как, пока • причины as — так как because — потому что, так как for — поскольку, так как since — так как, поскольку • условия if— если in case — если, в случае, если once — раз уж, стоит только... как on condition (that) — при условии, если provided (that), providing (that) — при условии, если so (as) long as — если только, при условии, что supposing (that) — если, допустим (что), предположим (что) unless — если только... не, разве только цели 50 that — чтобы, для того чтобы in order that — чтобы, для того чтобы образа действия as — как as if (as though) — как будто, как если бы 50.. . that — так (такой) что such... that — такой... что сравнительные 05.. . 05 — так (такой) же... как (и) (not) so... as — (не) так, как; (не) такой... как than — чем следствия 50 that — так что уступительные ш spite of— несмотря на though (although) — хотя not only... but also — не только.. •9 НО и or — или, иначе whereas — тогда как, а while — в то время как still, yet — тем не менее, все же besides — кроме того otherwise — в противном случае, иначе thus — таким образом Grammar Reference 297 При ложение 1. Словообразование Слова могут быть образованы с помощью префиксов и суффиксов. Префиксы изменяют значение слова, но не меняют его принадлежности к той или иной части речи, например: national, adj (национальный) — international, adj (международный) happy — logical -possible to agree correct -to understand Префиксы c отрицательным значением: ■jn- ri- il im-, ir-, dis-, mis- unhappy (счастливый — несчастливый) illogical (логичный — нелогичный) - impossible (возможный — невозможный) - to disagree (согласиться — не согласиться) incorrect (правильный — неправильный) to misunderstand (понимать — не понимать) — irregular (неправильный) regular (правильный) — Суффиксы служат для образования различных частей речи. Использование того или иного суффикса или префикса не всегда подчиняется определенным правилам и чаще зависит от установившегося словоупотребления в языке, например: to govern (управлять) —governor (правитель) —government (правительство). Суффиксы существительных -ег, -or присоединяются к глаголам для обозначения лица: to invent (изобретать) — inventor (изобретатель) to produce (производить) — producer (производитель) -ist служит для обозначения профессии: piano (пианино) — pianist (пианист) -age образует существительные от глаголов: to marry (жениться) — marriage (женитьба) -al образует существительные от глаголов: to arrive (приезжать) — arrival (приезд) -апсе, -епсе образуют существительные от прилагательных: important (важный) — importance (важность) different (различный) — difference (разница) -dom образует существительные от прилагательных и существительных: free (свободный) — freedom (свобода) king (король) — kingdom (королевство) -hood образует существительные от других существительных: child (ребенок) — childhood (детство) -ation, -tion, -sion, -ssion образуют существительные от глаголов: organize (организовать) — organization (организация) to collect (собирать) — collection (собрание) 298 Granmor Reference to suspend (приостанавливать) —suspension (временное прекращение) to transmit (передавать) — transmission (передача) -ment образует существительные от глаголов: to pay (платить) — payment (платеж) -ness образует существительные от прилагательных: kind (добрый) — kindness (доброта) -ship образует существительные от других существительных: citizen (гражданин) — citizenship (гражданство) -ty, -ity образуют существительные от прилагательных: active (активный) — activity (деятельность) Суффиксы прилагательных -able образует прилагательные от глаголов: to wash (мыть) — washable (моющийся) -al образует прилагательные от существительных: centre (центр) — central (центральный) -ful образует прилагательные от существительных: pain (боль) — painful (болезненный) -less образует прилагательные от существительных: help (помощь) — helpless (беспомощный) Суффиксы глаголов -fy образует глаголы от прилагательных: simple (простой) — to simplify (упрощать) -ize образует глаголы от существительных и прилагательных: sympathy (сочувствие) — to sympathize (сочувствовать) modern (современный) — to modernize (усоверщенствовать) Суффиксы наречий -1у образует наречия от прилагательных: easy (легкий) — easily (легко) Grommor Reference 299 Vocabulary noun (n) — существительное verb (v) — глагол adjective (adj) — прилагательное pronoun (pron) — местоимение conjunction (conj) — союз adverb (adv) — наречие preposition (prep) — предлог A abbreviation [9,bri:vi'eiJnJ n — сокращение ability (a'bibtij n — способность abrasive [abreisiv) adj — абразивный abroad (a'broid) adv — за рубежом absence ['iebsansj n — отсутствие absent (cebsant) adj — отсутствующий absolute ('£ebsalu;t j adj — абсолютный, полный accent I'aeksiitJ n — акцент accept [ak'sept] v — принимать acceptable [ak'septabl] adj — приемлемый access j'tekses) — n доступ, v получать доступ accident ('aeksidant) n — авария accommodation [a.kDma'deiJn) n — жилье accompany (э'клтрэп!) v — сопровождать according (a'koidioJ to smth prep — в соответствии с чем-либо account (a’kaunt) n — счет accuse fa'kjirz] v — обвинять achieve (a'tfrv) v — достигать achievement [a'tjlivmant] n — достижение across [a'krDs] prep — через action [’aekj'n) n —действие actual ('аек^иэП adj — фактический actually ['aekt/u9li) adv — на самом деле add feed] v — добавлять additional (a'diXnalj adj—дополнительный admire [ad'maiaf v — восхищаться admission fad'mijn] n — прием admit fad'mitj v — допускать, принимать, признавать adopt (a'dDplj (a law) v — принимать (закон) adult ['sedAltj n — взрослый advanced (od vansi] adj — повышенный, продвинутый advantage [ad varntichf n — преимущество adventure [ad'ventfaj n — приключение advertisement [ad'vsTismani] n — реклама, объявление в газете advice (sd'vaisj n — совет advise (ad vaizf v — советовать, консультировать advocate ['iedvakatj n — адвокат, защитник affect (a'fektj smth v — влиять на что-либо afford (9'fj;d| v — позволить себе afterwards ('a.flawadzj adv— потом against fa'gensl] prep — против age feichl n — возраст aggressive |D'gresiv| adj — агрессивный ago (э'дэи] adv — назад agree (a'gri:) v — соглашаться agreement (a'gmnantj n — соглашение agriculture ['шдп.кли/э] n — сельское хозяйство aim (eimj — n цель; v ставить своей целью air (еэ| п — воздух aircraft f'e^krarft] п — самолет airline company ['еэ,1ат ,клп1рэп1| п — авиакомпания airport ('еэ.рэт I п — аэропорт airspace ('ea.speisj п — воздушное пространство alarm (э’1а mj п — сигнализация, тревога alike [a'laikf adv — одинаково allow (э'1аи| v — позволять along fa'lDol adv — вдоль alter ('э;11э| v — изменять alternative {nil'tsmativ] n — альтернатива amaze (a'meizj v — удивлять ambition faem'bijn] n — честолюбие among (э'тло) prep — среди 300 Vocabulary amount [a'mauntl n — количество amuse (a'mjurzj v — развлекать, удивлять analyse ('ajnalaizj v — анализировать ancient ['einjant] adj — древний anger ['aeoga) n — гнев anniversary (.aeniv'aisari] n — годовщина annoy [э'пэ|| V— раздражать anonymous (э'пшнтэз) adj — анонимный another (э'плдэ) adj — другой anyway ('eniwei) — в любом случае apart [э pa:tj from — помимо appear [э'рю] v — появляться appetite ('cepitait| n — аппетит applicant I'icplilontl n — заявитель application (,acpli'keijnl n — 1. заявление, просьба, обращение, 2. приложение apply [a'plai] v — 1. подавать заявление, 2. применять appointment [э'рэпПтэШ) п — 1. встреча, 2. назначение appreciate ja'priijicitaj v — ценить approach (э'ргэи^ — n подход; v подходить approve [3‘pru:v| v — одобрять archbishop (.oitfbi/apl n — архиепископ architecture ['aikitektla) n — архитектура area I'eario] n — область argue ('a:qiu;| v — 1. спорить, 2. утверждать argument |’a;gju,3ntl n —довод, аргумент arm (a;rm) n — 1. рука, 2. оружие around [a'raundl — около arrange [э'гетф) v — организовывать arrive [s'raivj v — прибывать art (a:t) n — искусство article f'aitikl) n — статья artist {'aitistl n — художник ash laej] n — пепел ashamed (э’/cimd) adj — пристыженный assess {a'ses] v — оценивать assist (a'sist) v — помогать athletics (aeG'letiksl n — атлетика atmosphere ['aeimas.fiDj n — атмосфера attach [э'1£Е^ v — прилагать attack [s'taekj — n нападение; v нападать attend [3'tend) v — участвовать attention (o'tenjnj n — внимание attitude I'aeti,tju:dl n — отношение attract (s'traekt) v — привлекать attraction [a'traekjn] n —достопримечательность attractive (a'trтверждение; v 1. заявлять, 2. предъявлять претензию, 3. утверждать clarify I'klaerafai] v — прояснять classmate ['klcus.meitj n — одноклассник clear [kliaj —v проясняться; adj ясный; adv ясно clever I'kleva) adj — умный сИсЬё I'kliijei] n — клише click jklikj — П нажатие; v нажимать cliff (klif] Л —утес climb [klaim] — n восхождение; v взбираться clothes (kbudzj n — одежда cloud [klaod] n — облако coal 1 кэи! 1 П — уголь colleague ('koliigl n — коллега collect [ka'lekt] v — собирать college I'koltcfel n — колледж colonel ('кз:п1) n — полковник column ['ki)l3m| n — столбец combine ('kam'bain) v — сочетать comfort ('kAmfalJ — n комфорт, удобство; V утешать command (ka'mcrnd] n —зд. владение comment ['komentl — n комментарий; V комментировать committee fka'mili) n — комитет common (‘komanl adj — 1. общий, 2. часто встречающийся, обычный commoner ['котэпэ! п — человек не знатного происхождения communicate (ka'mjuini.keit) v — общаться communication {ka.mjuini'keijnj п — связь, общение community (ka'mjuinati] п —сообщество compare [кэт’реэ) v — сравнивать compensate |‘kDmpDn,scit] v — компенсировать compete [kani'piitl v — конкурировать competence j'knmpitons] n — компетенция competent ('kumpitant) adj — компетентный competition l.knmpa’tijnl n — конкуренция competitive Ikam'pelativJ adj — конкурентоспособный complain jkam'pleinj v — жаловаться complete (kam'pli:!) — v завершать; adj полный, законченный composer fkam'psuzo) n — композитор concentrate (‘knnsn.treit] v — концентрироваться concept ('konseptl n — концепция concert (k3n's3:t| n — концерт concierge ['кшь1,еэз] n — консьерж conclusion fk;>n'klu;3n] n — заключение condition (kan’dijnl n — условие conduct f'kiuidAktl v — проводить, вести conference I'konfrons] n— конференция confidence ('konfidnsj n — доверие confident ('konfidnll adj — уверенный confirm [кэпТз:т| v — подтверждать conflict ['knnflikt) — П конфликт; v конфликтовать confuse lk3n'lju;zJ v — смущать Vocobulory 303 congratulation [ksn.graetfu'leijn] n — no здравление connection [ka'nekjnj n — связь conscious ('knnjasl adj — 1, сознающий, понимающий, 2. здравый conservationist (.kniisaVeiJmst) n — защитник природы consideration Ikan.sida'rei/nl n — рассмотрение consist [kan'sistl v — состоять constant I'konslant] adj — постоянный construct (kan'strAkt] v строить consult [kan'sAltJ v — консультировать contain [kan'tcin) v — содержать contest ('knntesij n — конкурс context ('kontekstj n — контекст contradict [.kontra'diktj v— противоречить contrary ['kontrarij —adj противоположный, обратный contrary to — против, вопреки contribution [,kDntri'bju;/n) n — вклад controversial (,кптгэ‘уз:]1] adj — спорный convenient [kanViiniant) adj — удобный conversation (.konvaseijn] n — разговор cooker ('kuka] n — плита cookies |‘kukiz| n — печенье cool |ku:l] adj — разг. классный cooperation [kau,Dpa'reiJn) n — сотрудничество comer (‘ka:na] — n угол; v загонять в угол corporate ('koiprat 1 adj — корпоративный cosy I'kauzi) adj — уютный cotton I'kotn) n — хлопок council ['kaunsl] n — совет, орган самоуправления count [kaunt] — n счет; v считать countable j'kauntabl) adj — исчисляемый couple |'клр1) n — пара courage ['клпф] n — мужество court [kaitj n — суд cousin I'kAzn) n —двоюродный брат cover CkAva) — n обертка, обложка, V охватывать, покрывать cradle ('kreidl) n — колыбель crash [кгжЛ — п 1. грохот, 2. сильный удар, 3. авария; v 1. попасть в аварию, 2. разбить(ся) crash I кгжЛ into v — вломиться crazy ('kreizi] adj — сумасшедший create [kri'en] v — создавать crime [kraim] n - преступление criminal j'knminll — n уголовник; adj уголовный crisis I'kraisisJ n — кризис critic ['kritikl n — критик cross [kros] — П крест; v пересекать crossword I'kms,w3:dJ n — кроссворд crowd Ikraudj — n толпа; v толпиться crown [kraunl n корона; v короновать cruise |kru;z] — n круиз; v путешествовать для удовольствия crusade [krui'setd] n — крестовый поход cuisine (kw izi.n] n — кухня, кулинарное искусство cult [кл11| — л культ; adj культовый cup [клр] л — 1. чашка, 2. кубок cupboard I'kAbad) n — шкаф curious ('kjuarias] adj — любопытный currency ('kAransi) л — валюта currently I'kArontlij adv — в настоящее время curriculum vitae |ka,nkjubm Vi;tai] — краткая автобиография curse |k3:s| — л проклятие; v проклинать custom I'kAStamj л — 1. традиция, 2. таможня cyberspace l'saiba,speis| л — киберпространство cycle I'saikl] л — цикл D daily ('deilij adv — ежедневно danger [’deinct>3] л — опасность deadline ('ded.lain] л — крайний срок deal (di;l] — л 1. дело, 2. договоренность; V 1. иметь дело с чем-либо, 2. улаживать проблему debate (di'beit| — л дебаты; v обсуждать debt (detl п —долг decide [di'said] v — решать decision (di'si3n| л — решение decode (di:'kaudl v — декодировать decorate [’dekareit) v — украшать decree (di'kri:) л — указ 304 Vocobulory deep (di:pj adj — глубокий defence (di'fensl n — оборона define [di'famj v — определять definitely ['dofnatli) adv — определенно degree (di'gn ) n — степень delay (di'lei) — n задержка; v задерживать delicious [di'lij?s| adj — очень вкусный delight [di'Iait] — n восторг; v восхищать deliver (di'livaj v — доставлять democratic l.dema’kraetikj adj — демократический demonstrate ['dem3n,slrcitl v продемон стрировать demote [,di:'m3ut| v — понижать в должности department [di'puitmantl n — отдел depend [di‘pend| v — зависеть depressed [di'prest j adj — подавленный describe [di'skraib] v — описывать deserve (di'z3:v) v — заслуживать despite of jdi'spait 9v) — несмотря на dessert [di'z3:lj n —десерт destination (,dcsti'neijn| n — назначение destroy (di'slrDij v — уничтожать detail |'di:tcil| n —деталь in detail — подробно; v детализировать determine (di'tarmm) v — определять devastation (.dcvs'stcij'nl n — опустошение develop (di'vebpi v — разрабатывать devote (di'vautl v — посвящать diary I'daiori) n — дневник dice (dais) n — игральная кость (кубик) die [dai] V — умереть differ I'difD] V — отличаться dig Idig] V — копать diligence ('dilicl^nsj n — усердие dimension (dai'menjn] n — размер, измерение direction fdi'rekjn) n — направление disadvantage [.disad'vainticti) n — недостаток disadvantaged I.dissd'vainiicfed) adj — неблагополучный disagreement (.disa'griimont] n — несогласие disappear (.diss'piaj v — исчезать disappoint [.disa'point] v — разочаровывать disaster (di'zaists] n — бедствие discipline ['diss.plm] n — дисциплина discount I'dis.kaunt) n — скидка discuss [di’skAs] v — обсуждать disease (di'ziiz) n — болезнь disgust [dis'gAStl — n отвращение; v вызывать отвращение dish |dij] n — блюдо dislike (dis'laikj n — неприязнь disrupt jdis'rApt] V— разрушать dissatisfaction |dis,sietis'fiekj'n) n — недовольство dissertation |,dis3'tei.fn] n —диссертация distribute [di'stnbju;t| v — распределять diverse ldai‘v3:sj adj - разнообразный domineering l.dDini'nisriol adj — властный donate [dau'neii) v — жертвовать doorstep f'do:,step) n — порог double-decker [,dAbl 'dekaj n — двухэтажный автобус doubt (dautj — n сомнение; v сомневаться downside l‘daun,said| n — недостаток drag (drsegl — n скучища; утащить drama I'dramaJ n —драма draw (dro:| v— рисовать drawback {'dro;bcCk| n — недостаток dream |dri:m) — n 1. мечта, 2. сон; V 1. мечтать, 2. видеть сон dress Idresj — n платье; v одевать(ся) during [‘фиэпо] prep — во время duty Idjuiti] n —долг, обязанность E eager |'1:дэ) adj — стремящийся к чему-либо earn |з:п) v — зарабатывать easy I'irzi] adj — легкий ecological l.itka'lncfeikll adj — экологический economics [.ika'nDmiks] n — 1. экономика, 2. экономическая наука economy jikonamil n —экономика, народное хозяйство editor f'ediia] n — редактор educate ('edju.keii) v — давать образование education (,edju'kei/n] n — образование Vocobuiory 305 effect |i)'fektl n — эффект efficiency ji'fijnsi] n —эффективность effort ['efatj n — усилие elderly ('eldalij adj — пожилой elect [I'lekt] v — избирать electric fi'lektnkj adj — электрический electricity [i,lek’tnsoti] n — электроэнергия elephant ('elifantj n — слон embarrass Iim'baerasJ v — смущать emotion [I'niaoTn) n — эмоция empire ('empaiaj n — империя employ [im'pbi] v — нанимать на работу employee (im’pbii:) n — работник employer [im'pbia) n — работодатель employment [im'pbimantl n — занятость empress ['emprasj n — императрица enclose Im'kbuz] v — прилагать encourage [т'клпф] v — поощрять enemy f'enamij n — враг energetic [.ena'cfeetikj adj — энергичный engine ['епфш) n —двигатель enormous li'noimas) adj — огромный enough ji nAf) adv — достаточно enquire (in'kwaiaj v — спрашивать en suite (on 'swi:t) adj — примыкающий к комнате (о ванной и туалете) enter I'enta] v — входить entertainment [.enta'temmanll n — развлечение enthusiastic [m.Gjuizi'aesUk] adj — восторженный entrance f'enlransj n — вход entry ['entrij л — 1. вступление, 2 поступление environment lin'vairanmant] n — окружающая среда equal ['iikwalj adj — равный equip (I’kwip) v — оборудовать equivalent (I'kwivabntJ adj — эквивалентный error ('era) n — ошибка eruption 11'fApJn I n — извержение escape [I'skeipj — n побег; v бежать especially (I'spejli j adv — особенно essay I'esei] n — эссе essential |i'senjlj adj — существенный establish [I'siasbliJ] v — установить etc [et'setra] — и так далее eternal ji'tatnl) adj — вечный evaluate [i'vaelju.eit] v — оценивать even I'irvn] —adj 1. ровный, гладкий; 2. равный, одинаковый; adv даже event (iVent) n — событие eventful fi'ventfl] adj — богатый событиями ever ('эуэ] adv — когда-либо evidence ['evidns] n —доказательство evil ('i:vll — n зло; v злой, жестокий exact [ig'zjekt) adj — точный exam [ig'zaem] n — экзамен examine (ig'zaemm) v— 1. изучать, 2. экзаменовать example [ig'zaimpl] n — пример for example — например excellent ('eksabni) adj — отличный excess fik'ses] — n избыток; adj избыточный exchange [iks'tjeincij] — n обмен; v обменивать excite (ik'sait) v — возбуждать exclusive [ik'sklu:sivj adj — эксклюзивный excursion [ik'sk3:Jiij n — экскурсия executive [ig'zekjutiv] — n руководитель; adj исполнительный exhaust fumes (ig'zo st Qu:mz] — выхлопные газы exhausting (ig'zDistir)] adj — изнурительный exhibition [.eksi'birn] n — выставка exist (ig'zist j v — существовать exotic (ig'zDtik) adj — экзотический expect (ik'speki) v — ожидать expense(s) (ik'spens) n — трата, расходы, издержки expensive [ik'spensivj adj — дорогой experience (ik'spiarians) n — опыт express (ik’spres) — n экспресс; adj быстрый extend (ik'stend) v — расширять extent lik’sicni) n — мера extinction [ik'sHgk/n] n — вымирание extra ('ekstra] adj — дополнительный, лишний extracurricular [.ekstraka'nkjub) adj — внепрограммный, факультативный extremely (ik'strkmli) adv — чрезвычайно 306 Voccbblcry F factory [Taektril n завод factual (TajktJuall adj — фактический faculty [Taeklti] n — факультет fail [fell] — П неудача, провал; v 1. провалить, 2. терпеть неудачу, 3. подводить fairness (Teanasl п — справедливость fairy [TeariJ n — фея fairy tale [feaii .teil] n — сказка faith (feiG) n — вера fall [foil] П — падение false (fa:ls) adj — неверный, ложный, фальшивый familiar jfa'milia) adj — знакомый famous (Teimas] adj — знаменитый fare (fea) n — плата за проезд fascinating ['hesineitiol adj — увлекательный fashion I'ficjn] n — мода fast [fa st] adj — быстрый fat (faet) — n жир; adj толстый fault [fDiltj — n 1. вина, 2. недостаток; V 1. обвинять, 2. придираться favourite I'feivroi] adj — любимый fear (fia) n — страх fed up ['fed ,лр) — разг. сытый по горло fee [fi;] п — плата feedback [Tiidbaek) п — обратная связь fellow [Telau] n — приятель female ['fi;meil| п — женщина ferry I'ferij n — паром field [frldj n — 1. поле, 2. область, сфера деятельности fight [fait I — n сражение; v сражаться, драться finance [Tainasns[ n — финансы fine [fain] — n штраф; v штрафовать fingerprint [Tioga,print I n — отпечаток пальца fireplace [Taia.pleis] n — камин firm [Гз;т] n — фирма fishmonger ['fiJ,mAoga| n — торговец рыбой fit [fit] V — соответствовать fit in — V вписываться; adj быть в хорошей форме fix [fiks] V— 1. устанавливать, 2. чинить fizzy ['fizij adj — шипучий, с газом flavour ['flerva] n — вкус flexible ['fleksablj adj — гибкий flight [flait] n — полет flood [flAdj — n наводнение; v наводнять, заполнять flour ['flauaj n — мук^ flu [flu ] n — грипп fluent ['fluiant] adj — 1. беглый, 2. свободно говорящий fluid ['flu:id| — n жидкость; adj жидкий fog [fbg] n — туман follow [‘fobuj V — следовать food [fu:d] n — пища forecast [’foika st] — n прогноз; v прогнозировать foreign ['form] adj — иностранный forest ['fbnst] n — лес forever [far'eva] adv — навсегда former [Ta:ma] adj — бывший formulate ['fa;mjuleit] v — формулировать fortune ['fa:tj'an] n — счастье, удача forward ['fo:wad] — вперед foundation [faun'deijn] n — 1. основание, 2. основа, базис, 3. фонд founder [Taunda] n — основатель free [fri:] — v освобождать; adj 1. свободный, 2. бесплатный freezer ['fri:za] n — морозильник frequent [’fri;kwant] adj — частый fresh [frej] adj — свежий fridge [frich] n — xoлoдильн^п< friendship [Trendfip] n —дружба frighten [‘fraitn] v — пугать frozen ['frauzn] adj — замороженный fruit [fru:t] П — фрукт(ы) frustration [frA'streiJn] n — разочарование fulfil [ful'fil] V — выполнять full [ful] adj — полный furious ['fjuarias] adj — 1. взбешенный, 2. яростный furniture [Тзти/э] п — мебель further ['Гз:0э] adv — далее furthermore [,Гз;дэ'тз;] adv — кроме того Vocabulary 307 G gap (gaep] n — 1. брешь, пролом, 2. интервал, промежуток gather Сдждэ] v — собирать(ся) generation [.(feena'reijnj п — поколение giggle I'gigl] — n хихиканье; v хихикать glamorous (’glaemaras) adj — очаровательный globalization (.glaubalai'zeijnj n — глобализация glove fglAv) П — перчатка goal (gaul) n — цель goods Igudz] n —товар(ы) graduate ('gnecfeuat) n — выпускник gratitude ['gr^eti,tju;dl n — благодарность gravy Cgreivi) n — coyc greengrocer (’gri:n,grousol n — зеленщик greeting [griitio] n — приветствие grow [grau) v — расти grown-up ('graun ,лр) n — взрослый growth [дгэив) П — рост grumble СдглтЫ] v — ворчать guarantee l.gaeran'ti ) — n гарантия; V гарантировать guard IgoidJ — n охрана; v охранять guess Iges] — n догадка; v догадываться, угадывать guilty I'gilti] adj — виновный gym [thim) n — спортзал gymnastics [cfeim'nctstiksl n — гимнастика H habit ['haebitl n — привычка handle I’haendll v — справляться, иметь дело handsome ('haensml adj — красивый handwriting fh^nd.raitiol n — почерк hang [haeo] v — вешать hardly ('hadlij — 1. едва, 2. вряд ли harm (hcLml — n вред; v вредить hate (heitj — n ненависть; v ненавидеть hazardous I'haezadas) adj — опасный headache ['hedeik] n — головная боль heading ('hedioJ n — заголовок headline ('hed,lain| n — газетный заголовок headquarters (.hed'kwortazj n — штаб-квартира health (helG) n — здоровье heart [hat] n — сердце height [hail] n — высота helpful [’helpfi] adj — полезный herb [h3:b] n — трава hesitate ['heziteit] v — колебаться hide [haid] v — прятать(ся) highlight ['hai.lait] —n 1. основной момент, 2. „гвоздь" программы; v 1. выделять, 2. выдвигать на первый план hire [’haia] — п наем, прокат; V 1. нанимать(ся), 2. брать напрокат homeless [ haumlas] adj — бездомный honest [bnisi] adj честный honesty [’nnisii] n — честность honey ]'hAni] л — мед honour [ опэ] — n честь; v почитать hope [haup] — n надежда; v надеяться horizon [ha'raizn] n — горизонт horrible ['horabl] adj — ужасный horror ['hnra] n ужас housemate [’haos,meit] n — сосед no квартире, дому huge [hjad)] adj — огромный human ['hju:man] adj — человеческий humanity [hju'niienati] n — человечество humble ('hAmbl] adj — скромный humour ['hju:ma] n —юмор I identity [ai'dentiti] n — 1. идентичность, 2. личность, 3. индивидуальность, самобытность ignore [ig'nDi] v — игнорировать illness ['ilnasj n — болезнь illusion [i‘lu:3n] n — иллюзия illustrate [’ilastreil] v — иллюстрировать image ['much] n — 1. изображение, 2. престиж, репутация imagine [I'maechm] v — вообразить immediately [i'mi:di3ili] adv — немедленно immortalize [I'moitlaiz] v — увековечить impatient [im'pei/nt] adj — нетерпеливый importance [im'patns] n — важность, значение 308 Vocobblory impossible [im'posabl) adv — невозможно impress [im'pres] v — производить впечатление impression lim‘prc/n| n — впечатление improve (im'pru;vj v — улучшать improvement |im'pru;vm3nt| n — улучшение incident ('msidnt| n инцидент include [in'kluidj v — включать increasing (in'kri:sio] adj — увеличивающийся independent [.indi'pendam) adJ — независимый indicator (’mdi,keitaj n — индикатор individuality [.mdi.vi^u'ielolij n — индивидуальность industry ['indastri) n — промышленность inefficient [.mi fijnij adj — неэффективный infantile I'lnfantail) ad) — инфантильный influence I'mfluansl n — влияние inform 11пТз;т| v — сообщать informally (in'fDimli) adv— неофициально initiative li'mj3tiv| n — инициатива injure Гтфэ! v— ранить innovation [.inauveijn] n — инновация insect ['msektl n — насекомое insecure [.insi'kjwj adj — небезопасный inside ['in,said) —л внутреннее пространство; adj внутренний; adv внутри insist (m'sistj v — настаивать inspiration (.inspa'reijnj n —вдохновение inspiring Im'spaionoi adj — вдохновляющий install [in'stD:!] v — устанавливать instead [in'sted] adv — вместо institute l'insti,tju:t) n — институт instruction [in'strAkJn I n — инструкция insure [m'Juaj v — застраховывать intelligent jin'telidynt] adj — умный interconnected j.intaka'nektid] adj — вза имосвязан H Ы й interdependent j.mtadi'pend^nt] adj — взаимозависимый interior [in'tiarial — л 1. интерьер, 2. внутренность; adj внутренний intermediate [.mta'miidiatj adj — промежуточный, переходный interrupt l.mta'rApt] v — прерывать intrigued |in'tri;gdj adj — заинтригованный introduce [.mira'djuisj v— 1. вводить, 2 представлять, знакомить invasion |m'vei5n| л вторжение invent [in'ventj v — изобретать invention [in'ven/nj n — изобретение investigation [in,vesti'geijn| л — расоледо-вание investment [in'vesimant] л — инвестиция invitation [.invi'teijnl n — приглашение invite [in'vaitj V прт лашать involve [in'vDlvj v — включать iron I'aian] — л 1. железо, 2. утюг; v гладить; adj железный isolation [.aisa'lei/nj л — изоляция issue j'lju:] — л 1. выпуск, издание, 2. вопрос, проблема; v выпускать, издавать item I'aitamj л — 1. пункт, 2. вопрос, 3. вид товара, товар jewel ['(feuralj л —драгоценность jogging I'cfeDgiol л — бег трусцой join [фэт] V — присоединяться joke |с^эик| — л шутка; v шутить journalism ['453:n3,lizml л — журналистика journey ('d;3:ni| — л поездка, путешествие; V путешествовать joy jdsDij л — радость judge — л судья; v судить juice |d5u;sj л —сок jungle ГФ.А0У11 п —джунгли jury I'cfeuari] — п присяжные заседатели, суд присяжных; v судить, быть членом жюри justice I'cfeAStisl л — 1. справедливость, 2. правосудие keen [ki;n| (on) adj — живо интересующийся kid [kid] V — разыгрывать, дурачить, дразнить Vocobulary 309 kindly I'kaindii] adv — любезно knee |ni:] n — колено knock (nnk) — n стук; v стучать lab [Ueb] n —лаборатория label ('Icibll — n ярлык, этикетка; V 1. прикреплять ярлык, этикетк\% 2. давать прозвища labour ('leibaj — n труд; v трудиться; adj трудовой lack [liek] — n отсутствие; v 1 испытывать недостаток, нуждаться, 2. недоставать landlord ('lajnd,lo:d] п — 1. помещик, сдающий землю в аренду, 2. домовладелец, сдающий квартиры landscape ('Icend.skeip] п — пейзаж laptop ('Isep.tDp] п — ноутбук launderette (,b:nda'ret) п — прачечная самообслуэкивания laundry ('bindrij п — 1. прачечная, 2. белье, 3. стирка law lb:j л — закон lawsuit ('b:su:tl л — иск lawyer I'bija] л — адвокат layer I'leial — л слой; v наслаивать lazy I'leizil adj — ленивый lead [li:d) — л руководство, инициатива; V вести, возглавлять leadership ['li dajip) л — 1. руководство, 2. умение повести за собой leaflet fliiflai] л — листовка, брощюрка leave |li:v) — л 1. разрешение, позволение, 2. отпуск; V покидать legendary ('lecfendrij adj — легендарный lend [lend] v — давать взаймы let [let| V — 1. пускать, 2. сдавать в аренду, 3. разрешать, позволять, 4. давать знать let into [,let 'iniu:l v — впускать let out I,let 'aot| v — выпускать let down I,let 'daunj v — разочаровывать, подводить level I'levl) л — уровень library ['laibrsri] л — библиотека licence ('laisnsl л —лицензия lid (lid] Л — крышка lie (lai I — Л ложь; v лгать lifesaver ( laif.seiva) л — спаситель lifestyle ('laif^stailj л — стиль жизни lightly ['laitli) — слегка likely 1‘laikhJ - adj вероятный, возможный, adv вероятно, возможно limit ['limit] — л граница, предел; v ограничивать, ставить предел link (liokj — л 1. звено, 2. указатель, ссылка; v 1. соединять, связывать, 2. указывать liquid [ likwid] л — жидкость livejournal (,1аи'фз.п1] л —живой журнал load [bud] — л ноша, тяжесть; v грузить, нагружать loan [bun] л — кредит lobby [‘Inbi] л — вестибюль, приемная, холл location [lau'keijn] л — местоположение lock [Ink] — л замбк; v запирать на замок lockable ]']пкэЬ1] adj — запираемый на замок lonely ['bunli] adj — одинокий lose [lu.z] V терять loser [’lu;z9] л — неудачник loss [Ids] л — 1. потеря, 2. проигрыш, 3. ущерб, убыток lottery [’Intari] л —лотерея loud [laud] adj — громкий loyalty [’bialti] л — лояльность, преданность luck [1лк] л — удача luggage ['lAgicfej л — багаж L М magician [ma'cfeijn] л — волшебник maintain [mein'tein] v— 1. поддерживать, сохранять, 2. содержать major ['meid59] adj — 1. главный, основной, 2. более важный, больший, 3. крупный manage ['тжшф] v— 1. руководить, управлять, 2. уметь обращаться, 3. справляться, обходиться manners ['тгепэ?.] л — манеры mantra ['таетгэ] л — заклинание, молитва 310 Vocabulary manufacture l.mienjo'feky'sl — ^ производство, изготовление; v производить, изготавливать marital ('maeritl] adj — супружеский, брачный mark [mu:k] — n 1. след, 2. знак, 3. оценка; V 1 оставлять след, 2, отмечать, 3. выставлять оценку market ('та;kit) п — рынок marketable (’makitabl) adj — ликвидный, годный для продажи marry ['maeri) V женить(ся) masterpiece ('ma:sl3,pi;sj п — шедевр match [тгеУ] — п 1. матч, 2. ровня, пара; V 1. подбирать под пару, согласовывать, 2. приводить в соответствие matter [’maeta] — п 1. дело, вопрос, 2. повод, причина, 3. предмет спора; V иметь значение maybe ('meibi) adv — может быть meal (mi:ll п — принятие пищи, еда meaning ('miinioj п — значение, смысл meantime ['miintaim] adv — тем временем measles l’mi:zlz] п — корь measure ('тезэ] — п мера; v измерять meat [mi;ij n — мясо media ('mirdial (mass media) n — средства массовой информации medication (.medi keijn) n —лекарство medieval (,medi'i:vl] adj средневековый mention ['menfn] — n упоминание; V упоминать merry ['meri) adj — веселый mess (mcsj — n беспорядок; v производить беспорядок, портить meteorological (.miitiara'lDchikl) adj — метеорологический microwave (‘maikra.weiv] n — СВЧ-печь military I'militri) adj — военный millennium (mi'Ieniam) n — тысячелетие miniature ('minat|a] n — миниатюра miserable ('mizrablj adj — жалкий misleading [mis'li.dnjJ adj — вводящий в заблуждение mispronounce (.mispra'nauns) v — неправильно произносить misunderstanding (,miSAnda'staendio| n — недоразусиен ие mode (maud) n — метод, способ modem ('mndnl adj — современный monarch ['тппэк) n — монарх monotonous (ma'nDtanasl adj — однообразный mood [mu:d] n — настроение moody [’mu:di] adj — угрюмый moon (mu.nl ^ —луна moral (’тогэ!) n — мораль moreover (moir'auva] adv — кроме того, более того motivate ('mauti.veit) v - мотивировать motto ('mDtaul n —девиз mount (mauntl n — гора movement I'mu vmant] n —движение multiple ('mAltipl) adj — множественный mumps (тлтрз] n — свинка (болезнь) murder ('m3:do] — n убийство; v убивать mustard ('mAStad) n — горчица mutter (‘mAta] v — бормотать mutual ('mju;tJuol( adj— 1. взаимный, обо юдный, 2. общий myth (mi0] n — миф К1 IN nail (neil) n — ноготь naive (nai'i:vj adj — наивный narrow ('naerauj adj — узкий nationalism ('naejna.lizm) n — национализм nationality (.naefa'nselatil n — 1. национальность, 2. гражданство native ('neitiv] — n уроженец, абориген, adj родной navy I'neivi] n — военно-морской флот nearly ['niali) aciv — почти neck (nek] n — шея need (ni:dj — n необходимость, потребность; V нуждаться negotiable (ni'gaujlablj adj — могущий быть предметом торга / переговоров negotiate (ni'gaujleitj v — вести перегово ры, договариваться neighbour ('neiba) п — сосед neighbourhood ('neiba.hudj n — 1. соседство, 2. окрестности, 3. соседи Vocobulory 311 network ['net,w3:k] — n компьютерная сеть; V общение с людьми с целью обмена информацией nevertheless [,nev3da'les| adv — тем не менее newspaper ['nju:z,peip3] n — газета nightlife ('nait.laitl n — ночная жизнь nightmare f'nail.mea] n — кошмар nonsense [’nDnsns] n — чушь, ер>тнда notice {'nautisj — n уведомление; v замечать, обращать внимание nowadays ('naua.deiz] — в наши дни nuclear ('njuiklia] adj — ядерный numerous I'njuimarssJ adj — многочисленный nutritious (njui'to/as] adj — питательный О object I'obcfeekt) n — объект obviously [‘obviaslij adv — очевидно occasion (э'кшзп) n — 1. случай, 2. возможность, 3. важное событие occupied j'Dkjupaid) adj — занятый odd (ndl adj — 1. нечетный, 2. непарный, 3. случайный, 4 странный offer [*оГэ] — n предложение; v предлагать onion ('лщэп) n —лук opinion [э'рпцэп] n — мнение opportunity [,Dp3'tju:n3til n — возмож-носгь oppose (a'psuz) v — выступать против opposite ['opazit] prep — напротив optimistic (.npti'mistik) adj — оптимистичный option I'DpJn] n — вариант order ('Didaj — n 1. порядок, 2. заказ, 3. приказ; v 1. устанавливать порядок, 2. заказывать, 3. приказывать ordinary ['Didnri] adj — обычный organisation |,o:gonai‘zei/n] n —организация organise (,D;g9nai'z] v — организовывать otherwise ('Ada.waiz] — в противном случае outgoing [.aut'gsuio] adj — исходящий outside [.aut'saidj — n наружная часть; adj наружный, внешний; adv снаружи, на улице outsider (,am'said9j п — 1 посторонний человек, 2. аутсайдер outskirt ['autsk3:tsj n — окраина outstanding jaut'staendig] adj — выдающийся oven ['Avn] n — печь overbook (.auva'buk) v — продать большее количество номеров или билетов, чем есть в наличии overhear (.auva hiaj v— 1. подслушать, 2. нечаянно услышать overlook [.auva'lukj v — не замечать, пропускать overtime ('auva.taim] — n сверх>т)очное время; adj сверхсрочный; adv сверхурочно overturn 1,эи\'э'1з:п) v — опрокидывать(ся), переворачивать(ся) own |эип) — V иметь, владеть; adj собственный owner ('эипэ) п — владелец oxygen (Ък51фп| п — кислород packaging ['ptckic^iol п — )ппаковка paid [peid] adj — 1. оплачиваемый, платный, 2. оплаченный pain (pcinj n — боль paint (peint] — п краска; v красить painting (pemtig) n — картина pale I pel I] adj — бледный panoramic (ргепэ'гсеппк) adj — панорамный paradoxically jpsers'dDksikli) adv — парадоксально parking I'pakio] n — парковка parkland ('pa:k,lsend] n — парк parliament ('pcrbmsnt] n — парламент participate (pai'tisi.peit] v — участвовать particular [pa'ukjula] — n частность; adj 1. особенный, 2. подробный pass lpa:sj — n проход, v 1. проходить, миновать, 2. передавать, 3. проводить (время), 4. вьщерживать экзамен 312 Vocabulary passenger ['psesincfeaj n — пассажир passive ['pcesiv] adj — пассивный pastime ['po:s,taim] n — времяпровождение patience ['pei/ns] n — терпение patient ['peijnij — n пациент; adj терпеливый peaceful ['pi;sfl) adj — мирный pedantic [pi'daentik] adj — педантичный peer [р1э] — n ровесник; adj равный perfection [pa'fekjnj n — совершенство performance [pa'fDimans] n — 1. выполнение, исполнение, 2. действие, 3. спектакль permanently ('рз:тэп9пШ1 adv — постоянно permit [pa'miil n — разрешение persistence [ps'sistans] n — настойчивость persuasion [pa'sweisn] n — убеждение phenomenon [Гэ'поттэп] n — явление physical ('fizikl) adj — физический physiology (.fizi'olacfei] n — физиология pie [pai] n — пирог piece [pi:s] n — кусок pilgrimage ('pilgnmicfe] n — паломничество pill (pil) n — таблетка pillow Cpibo] n — подушка pilot Cpaibt] — n пилот; v 1. вести, 2. тестировать; adj пробный, экспериментальный pity [ piii] — n жалость; v жалеть plant [plant] П — растение platter I'plaeiaj n — большое блюдо pleasant ['pleznij adj — приятный pleasure Гр1езэ| n — удовольствие plenty [’plenti] adv — много plural [’pluarslj — n множественное число; adj множественный, многочисленный police [pa'liis] n — полиция policy Cpobsi] n — стратегия polite jpa'lait] adj — вежливый politics ['pDlatiksj n — политика pollution [рэ'1и:Гп] n — загрязнение Pope [рэир] n — Папа Римский popularity [.pDpju'laerati] n — популярность population [popju'lei/n] n — население porridge ['poricfej n — каша position [pa'zijn] — n положение, позиция; V располагать positive I'pozativ] adj — положительный possession [pa'zejn] n — владение possibility [.pDsa'bibti] n — возможность possible I'possbl] adj — возможный post [paust] — n 1. почта, 2, корреспонденция; V отправлять по почте postgraduate (postgrad) [paust'graedjuat] n — аспирант potato [pa'teuau] n — картофель poverty I'povaii] n — нищета powder I'pauda] n — порошок power ['раиэ] — n 1. сила, 2. могущество, власть; v приводить в действие powerful ['раоэП] —adj 1. сильный мощный, 2. могущественный Power Point ['раиэ point] — название компьютерной программы practice ['prsektis] n — практика, тренировка practise ['praektis] v — практиковаться, тренироваться praise [preiz] v — хвалить predict [pri'dikt] v — прогнозировать, предсказывать prefer [pri'fs:] v — предпочитать preference ['prefrans] n — предпочтение prefix ['pri:,fiks] n — префикс prepare [pri'pea] v — готовить(ся), подгота вл и вать (ся) preposition [.prepo'zijn] n — предлог presentation [,prezn'tei/n] n — презентация press [pres] n — пресса pressure [’рге/э] n — давление pretty ['priti] — adj милый, прелестный; adv довольно prevent [pri'vent] v — предотвращать previous [’priivias] adj — предыдущий pricey [’praisi] adj — дорогой pride [praid] n — гордость principle ['prinsapi] n — принцип print [print] — n 1. след, отпечаток, 2. шрифт; V печатать, распечатывать Vocabulory 313 prior [’ргаю] — ad) прежний, предшествующий priority [prai'oroti] n — приоритет prise Ipraiz] n — приз prison ['priznj n — тюрьма privacy ['privasi] n — уединение private ['praivat | adj — частный prize fpraiz] n — приз probably [’probabli] вероятно procedure [ргэ'81:фэ] n — процедура proceed [pra'siid] v — продолжать produce [pr9‘dju:s] — n продукция; v производить product ['prDd\kt] n — продукт profit ['profit] n — прибыль progressive (prau'gresivj adj — прогрессивный prohibit [prau'hibitj v — запрещать prominent (’prominantj adj — видный promise ['promisj v — обещать promote [pra'moutj v— 1. продвигать, повышать в чине или звании, 2. содействовать proof [pru:f] n —доказательство properly f'propali] adv — правильно property ['propatij n — собственность proposal [pra'pauzl] n — предложение prosecution [.prosi'kjuijn] n судебное преследование prospective [pra'spekiivj adj — будущий, ожидаемый protect [pra'tekt] v — охранять, защищать proud [praod] adj — гордый prove [pruivj V — доказывать proverb ('prov3:bj n пословица provide [praVaidj v — обеспечивать proximity [prok'simsti] n — близость psychology [sai'knbd^i] n — психология pub [рлЬ] n — паб publication [.pAbli'keiJn] n — публикация punch [рлшЛ П — пунш punctual ['рлрк^иэ!] adj — пунктуальный punish ['рлшЯ V — наказывать pure [pjuaj adj — чистый purpose ['рз:рэ5| n — цель, намерение push [puJl — n толчок; v толкать, проталкивать Q qualification l,k\sT>lifi‘keiJn] n — квалификация quality ['k\vT>l3lij n — качество queue (kju:j — n очередь; v стоять в очереди quick [kwik] adj — быстрый quiet ['kwaiotj adj — тихий, спокойный quilt [kwilt] n — стеганое одеяло quite [kwail] — вполне quote [kwaut] — n цитата; v цитировать R lacejieisjn раса racism ['rei.sizmj n — расизм railway ('reilweij n — железная дорога raise [reiz] — n прибавка к зарплате; V поднимать, повышать rapidly ('nepidli] adv — быстро rarely ('realij adv — редко rate [reit] — n 1. ставка, 2. скорость; V классифицировать rather {'гссдэ] — довольно react I ri'iektj v — реагировать realize ['nsjaizj v — 1. реализовывать, осуществлять, 2. осознавать reality [ri'aebti] n — реальность reason ['ri:zn| — n 1. причина, 2. разум; V размышлять reasoning ['ri:znir)| n — 1. рассуждение, 2. ход мысли receive |n'si:v] v — получать recent j'riisnt) adj — последний, недавний reception [ri’sep/n] n — 1. прием, получение, 2. конторка гостиницы recipe ['resapij n — рецепт recognition ['rekaginijn] n — признание recognize [’reksg.naiz] v — признавать recommend [.reka'mend] v — рекомендовать redecorating [rir'deka.reitio] n — косметический ремонт reduce [ri'dju:s] v — уменьшать refer [ri'fa;] v — относиться, ссылаться reference ['refransj n — ссылка 314 Vocobulory reflect (ri'flekt] v — отражать refreshing (riTreJiol Q-dj — освежающий refrigerator (i ifncfea.reila) n — холодильник refuse (ri'fjirz) v — отказываться regardless [ri'gaidbs] adv — независимо regret [ri'gret] — n сожаление; v сожалеть regulation [.regjo’leijn] n — правшю, устав, норма relation (n'leijn] n — 1. отношение, 2. связь relationship [ri'leijn/ipl n — отношения, взаимоотношения relative ['rebtiv] ad; — относительный relevant {'rebvntj adj — необходимый, имеющий отношение reliable [n laiabl] adj — надежный rely [n'lai] V — полагаться remain (n'mem| v — оставаться remember [ri'membaj v — помнить remind fri'maind] v — напоминать removal [n'murvl] v — удаление rent [rent] — n 1. арендная плата, 2. аренда; v 1. сдавать внаем, 2. арендовать repair [п'реэ] — п ремонт; v ремонтировать rephrase (,ri:'freiz] v — перефразировать replace [n'pleisl v — заменять reply [n'plai] — n ответ; v отвечать represent [.repn'zeni] v — представлять representative (.repri'zentativj n — представитель reputation (.repju'tei/nj n — репутация require (ri'kwaia) v — требовать requirement (n'kwaiamantj n — требование research [n'sa:^ — n исследование; V исследовать reservation [.rezaVei/nj n — бронирование residence [ reztdns) n — местожительство resident ('rezidntj n — постоянный житель resign (n'zam) v— 1. отказываться от должности, 2. уходить в отставку resolve (ri'zDlvj v — решать (проблему, задачу) resort [n'zjDit] n — курорт resource [n'zD;s| n — ресурс respect (n'spekt) — n уважение; v уважать раскрывать, показывать п отзыв; V рецензировать - пересматривать - п вознаграждение; смехотвор- response Iri'spons] n — ответ responsibility (n.spDnsabibli) n - - ответственность responsible [n'spnnsabll adj — ответственный resume ['rizju:,mei] n — резюме retire (n'taia) v— 1. удаляться, 2. выходить на пенсию retirement (ri'taiamanil n — отставка, уход на пенсию return [ri't3:nj — п возвращение; v возвращать reveal [n'vi;!] v-review fri'vju.l -revise (n'vaizj v reward [n'wD;dl V вознаграждать ridiculous [n'dikjubs] adj НЫЙ, нелепый rise [raiz] — n 1. повышение, 2. увеличение; V 1, подниматься, 2. возрастать risk (risk) п — риск roast [raosti — v жарить; adj жареный rock [rokj V — 1. качать, 2. трясти roof (ru f) n — крыша royal ('roialj adj — королевский rubbish ('rAbiJl n — мусор ruin ['ru:inj —n руина; v 1. разрушать, 2. портить run (глп] V — управлять rush [гл/1 — n стремительное движение; V устремляться S sadness ('siednas] п — печаль safe fseif] adj — безопасный safety I'seifti) n — безопасность salary ['sEebri | n — зарплата salesmen I'seilzmsnl n — продавцы satisfaction (.saetis'faekjnl n — удовлетворение sauce (sd:s1 n — coyc sausage I'sDSicfej n — сосиска save [seiv] v — 1. сохранять, 2. спасать scare Iskeaj — n испуг; v п)П'ать scene [si:n| n — сцена schedule ['Jedjuil) n — график Vocabuiary 315 scheme (ski:m] n — схема schoolmate ('skuilmeit) n — одноклассник science ['saians] n — наука scientist ('saiantistj adj — ученый scissors ['sizazj n — ножницы score [ska:] n — 1 счет, 2. оценка, общий балл за тест scream (skn;m] — n крик; v кричать search [s3:tf] — n поиск; v искать secondly ('sekandli] adv — во-вторых section ('sekfn) n — раздел secure [si'kjua] adj — 1. спокойный, 2. безопасный security [si'kjuaratij n — 1, безопасность, 2. органы безопасности, 3. охрана seem (si;m] v — казаться select {si'lekt] v — выбирать senior ('si:nia] adj — старший sense [sens] n — 1. чувство, 2. здравый смысл sensible ['senssblj adj — разумный sentence ['sentansj n — предложение separate ['separeit] — v разделять; adj отдельный serve [S3:v] v — служить setting ['setiol n — обстановка several ['sevralj — несколько severely [siViali] adv— 1. строго, сурово, 2. сильно shadow [‘Jaedauj — n тень; v следовать no пятам shame [feim] — n позор; v стыдить, позорить share [Jeaj — n доля; v делить, пользоваться совместно sharp [Ja-pl ctdj — 1. острый, 2. сообразительный shift Lfifl] — n 1. сдвиг, 2. смена; V перед ви гать (ся) shine Цаш] — п блеск, сияние; v блестеть, сиять shirt [f3;t] п — рубашка shoot [fuit] V — стрелять shortly |'.fo:tli] adv — 1. вскоре, 2. кратко shoulder ['/aulda] n — плечо shut [[л1] — V закрывать; adj закрытый, запертый shy [Jaij adj — застенчивый sick [sikj adj — больной sight [sail] n — вид, достопримечательность sightseeing |'sait,si:io] n — осмотр достопримечательностей sign [sain] — n 1. признак примета, 2. знак; v подписывать silence [’saibns] n — молчание silent [’saibnt] adj — тихий, молчаливый silicon I'silikan] n — кремний silly ['sili] adj — глупый similar ['simib] adj — аналогичный, сходный sincerely [sin'siali] adv — искренне single [’siogl] adj — 1. единственный, 2. отдельный, 3. одинокий skin [skin] П — кожа skip [skip] V— пропускать slice [slais] — n ломтик; v нарезать ломтями slim [slim] adj — тонкий slip [slip] —n скольжение; v поскользнуться smell [smel] — n запах; v чувствовать запах snack [snaek] — n закуска; v перекусывать snail [sneil] n — улитка snobbish ['snnbi^ adj — снобистский socializing ['saufalaizii}] n — общение society [sa'saiati] n — общество solid ['solid] adj — 1. твердый, 2. сплошной, цельный solution [sa'Iufn] n — решение solve [solv] V — решать soon [su:n] adv — скоро soul [soul] n —душа sound [saund] — n звук; v звучать source [sd:s] n — источник space [speis] n — пространство spacious ['speijas] adj — просторный sparkling ['spaklio] adj — сверкающий specialise ['spe/olaiz] v — специализироваться species [’spi:fi:z] n — вид, род specific [spa'sifik] adj — конкретный spill [spil] V — проливать split [split] V— 1. разделять, 2. расставаться spoil [spoil] V — баловать 316 Vocobulory sponsor I'sponss) — n спонсор; v спонсировать spoonful ['spu:nful] n — полная ложка spread (spred] — n распространение; V распространять (ся) squeezed [skwi:zd] adj — выжатый staff (sta:f] n — персонал sfairs (steaz) n — лестница stamp [staemp] — n печать; v ставить печать statement ['steitmant) n —заявление stay (steij — n пребывание; v 1. оставаться, 2. останаативаться steak [steik] n — стейк steal [stiij v — воровать stew [stju;] — n тушеное мясо; V тушить(ся) stimulate ('stimju.leit] v — стимулировать stomach ache ['sumak .eikj n— боль в животе storage ('stDindsI n — 1. хранение, 2. место для хранения store [stDi] n — магазин storey ('stDiril n — этаж straight (streitj adj — прямой straightforward [.streiiToiwad] adj — простой, прямой strand jstrcendj v — оставлять в затруднительном положении strict [stnkt] adj — строгий struggle I'strAgl) — n борьба; v бороться stuck (sukl (II форма от stick) v — застрять stupidity [stju;'pidatil n — глупость substitute ['sAbsti,tju;t) — n замена; V заменять suburb f'sAb3:b] n — пригород success (sak'ses] n — успех successful (sak'sesfl] adj — успешный suffer ['sAfa) v — страдать suit |sa‘tl V — удовлетворять требованиям, годиться suitable ('su:tobl| adj — подходящий suitcase ['su:t,keis] n — чемодан summary [’sAmari] n — резюме summit ('sAmitJ n — встреча на высшем уровне sunglasses ('sAn.glasiz] n — солнечные очки sunshine f'sAnJainJ n — солнечный свет supervision (,su:paVi3nj n — надзор support [sa'pDil] — n поддержка; v поддерживать suppose (sa'pauzj v — предполагать surfing ['s3;fiol n — серфинг surround (sa'raund) v — окр^окать sushi I'su.fi) n — суши suspicious (sa'spijas) adj — подозрительный switch (swi^ V — включать(ся), переключать (ся) sympathetic [.simpa'Getik] adj — сочувственный sympathy |'simpa0ij n — сочувствие tale (teil] n — рассказ talent ['tielant] n — талант taste [teisij — n bk>t; v пробовать tear [tia] n — слеза technology [tek'nDlacfeil n — технология teenager ('ti;n,eict5a] n — подросток temporary (‘ternprarij adj — временный tenant ['tenant 1 n — арендатор tense [tens] adj — напряженный term [t3:m) n — 1. период, срок, 2. семестр, 3. условие, 4. выражение, термин terrible ['lerablj adj — ужасный thankful I'Gsegkfl] adj — благодарный theology [Gi'Dbctsi) n — богословие therefore ['деэГэ;! adv — поэтом>' thesis ['Gi.sisj n — 1. тезис, 2. диссертация thoughtless I'GDitlos] adj — бездумный, необдуманный threat [Gretj n — угроза thrill [GrilJ V — волновать thriller f'Grilal n — триллер throughout (Gru'aut) — adv все время; prep 1. через, по всей площади, 2. все время throw [Grau] v — бросать thunder [ GAndaJ n — гром tick [tik] — n галочка; v отмечать галочкой ticket I'tikit) n — билет tidy [ taidi] adj — аккуратный Vocabulary 317 tiny ('taini) ad] — крошечный tire [’tai9] V — уставать tolerance [ЧЫэгэпз) n — толерантность tolerant ['шЬгэш] adj — терпимый tongue (uo) n — язык tool [tu;l | n — инструмент topic f'tDpik] n — тема tornado [tDi'neidau] n — торнадо totally t'tautli] — полностью touch (tAtJ] — n 1. контакт, 2. касание; V касаться touching [ tAtfiol adj — трогательный townsmen ['taunzmsnl n -горожане trade [treid] — n торговля; v торговать; adj торговый traffic [ traefik] — n движение, транспорт; adj дорожный, транспортный trainee |,trei'ni:l n — стажер training I'tremiol n — обучение transfer [traens'fa:] v — переводить (деньги) transform Itraens'fDim] v — трансформировать transportation (.trgenspai'teijn) n — транс порт trap [traep] — n ловушка, капкан; v 1. заманивать в ловушку, 2 задерживать, пленять traumatic [troi'maetik] adj — травматический travel [’trcevl] — п путешествие; v путешествовать treatment ['tri;ini9ntj п — 1. лечение, 2. отношение trick [trik] —^ п трюк; v обманывать tricky I'tnki) adj — хитрый trip [tnp] п — поездка, П)тешествие trouble (ЧглЫ] — п беспокойство, тревога; V беспокоить(ся) волновать(ся) trousers ('irauzaz) п — брюки true ftru:] — п правда; adj 1. верный, 2. правдивый, 3. настоящий trust (trASt] — n доверие; v доверять truth [tru:0] п — правда try [trai] — n попытка; v пытаться tube (tju;b] n — 1. труба, 2. метро tumble dryer l.tAnibl 'draiaj n — сушильная машина 318 Vocabulary tutor I'tjuital n — преподаватель (тьютор) twilight ['tvvai.lait) n — сумерки Г и ultimate [’Altimai] adj — предельный, конечный umbrella [Am'brela] n — зонтик unable [Aii'eibl] adj — неспособный uncomfortable 1Ап'клтЙэЬ1| adj — неудоб НЫЙ uncountable (лп'каип1эЫ| adj — 1. неис-чистяемый, 2. бесчисленный undergraduate (,And3'gra;cl^iJ9t] (undergrad) n — студент underline [.Anda’lainJ v — подчеркивать unemployed [^Anim'ploidj adj — безработный unfair [лпТеэ] adj — несправедливый unfamiliar [^nfa’miljaj adj — незнакомый unfortunately (An’fD;t/tiDtli] adv — к сожалению uniquely (ju'niiklij adv — уникально unite {ju'naitj v — объединять unknown [ап‘пэоп| adj — неизвестный unless fanies) conj — если не unreasonable (лп'п.гпэЫ) adj — необосно ванный unskilled [An'skild] adj — неквалифицированный unsuitable [AnWtabl] adj — неподходящий until (an'till prep — до upset (Ap'setl — V огорчать; adj расстроенный upstairs (Ap'sieszJ adv — наверху utensil (ju'tensl) n — утварь (кухонная) V vacancy (Veikansi) n — вакансия value l'v£elju:| — n ценность; v оценивать variety [v^'raiati] n — разнообразие vary (Veari) v— 1. менять, изменять, 2. отличаться vegetable [‘vedjtabll n — овощ vegetarian [.ve^a'tcarianj — n вегетарианец; adj вегетарианский vending machine ['vendir) majiinj n —тор ГОВЫЙ автомат verdict ['v3:drkt] n — вердикт via ['vaiaj prep — через vice versa [,vaisi Vaisa] adv — наоборот violence (Vaialansj n — насилие virtual I'v3;t|u3ll adj — виртуальный virus [Vairas] n — вирус voice [vDis] n — голос volcanic (vDl'ka:nik] adj — вулканический volcano [vDl'keinaul n — вулкан volunteer [,vT)lsn'tia) — n доброволец, волонтер, V вызываться сделать что-либо waiter |4veit3) п — официант waitress f'weitrss] п — официантка war [wd:] п — война wardrobe (4vD:dr3ubJ n — гардероб warming ('wormii}] n — потепление warning ['woinii}] n — предупреждение waste (weist) — n 1. потеря, 2. отходы; V 1. растрачивать, 2. терять wave fwerv] п волна wealth [wel0] n — богатство wear {weal v — носить CoдeждyJ weather [‘weda) n — погода website [4veb,sait] n — веб-сайт wedding I'wediol n — свадьба weigh [wei j v — весить, взвешивать weight [well) n — вес western [’westan] adj — западный westernised ['westanaizdj adj — прозападный wheat [wi;t] n — пшеница whenever [wen'eva] conj — всякий раз, когда wherever [wer'cva] conj — где бы то ни было whether [ wedaj conj — ли while [wailj conj — в to время как whole [haul] adj — весь, целый wild [waild] adj — дикий willingness |'wiliijiiasl n — готовность win jwinj V — выигрывать, побеждать wind [wind] n — ветер windsurfing |'win,s3:fiol n — виндсерфинг wine [warn] n — вино wing (wiol n — крыло winner ['wiiiaj n — победитель wireless ['waiolas] adj — беспроводной wisdom [’wizdam] n — мудрость wise [waiz] adj — мудрый wish [wij] — n желание; i' желать witness I'vvitnasj — n свидетель; v свидетельствовать witty I'witi] adj — остроумный wonder I'wAndaj — n чудо; v интересоваться wonderful I'wAndafll adj — замечательный wood jwudj n —древесина, лес wool jwul) n — шерсть worldwide [,w3:ld'waid| adv — во всем мире worry I'wAri] — n беспокойство; v беспокоиться worse [w3:sj —хуоке worship I'wsrjip] — П поклонение; v поклоняться, боготворить worst [w3:stl adj — наихудший worth (\V3:G1 adj — ценный worthwhile |,\v3:0'\vail] adj — значимый Vocabulary 319 в соответствии с частью IV Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации в данном издании использованы фотографии © Fotolia/PhotoXPress.ru обложка (3 фото); © Aiam Nogues/ Sygma/Corbis/FotoSA.ru 148\ © Angelo Hoi nak/COibis/ FotoSA ru 104. © В Anthony Stewart/National Geographic Society .'Corbis/FotoSA.ru 24, © BoZaunders/Corbis/FotoSA ru 104 ©Fotolia/PhotoXPress.ru 4(2фото), 14. 23(2фото),25 32,33. 34(2 ф010),35. 48(2фото),50(3фото).5» (2фото). 61. 65. 66. 77 (2 фото), 78, 79 (3 фото). 84. 86 (3 фото), 101 (4 фото). 106. 107 (7 фото), 113 114 (2 фото). 116 120 (6 фото). /24 (4 фото). /25 (2 фото). /35, 145. 146 147. 148. 153. /76 (2 фото). /95 (2 фото), /97(2 фото). /98 (4 фото). 203 (3 фото). 204. 2/4.2 / 7; 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В. Ширина Редакторы Anna Kutz, О.С.Коротеева Корректоры Г. А Киселева. Г, П Мартыненко Иллюстрации А В Байдиной. А В Савельевой. Ю.К.Собакина Фотографии М Ю. Кауфман Дизайн макета В КиН. Е А Подтуркиной Верстка Т А Вильчинской, Е А Шаповаловой Художественный редактор Е.А. Валяева Цифровая обработка изображений Л Н. Новоселова Сертификат соответствия санитарным правилам РФ и требованиям нормативных документов № РОСС RU АЕ51 Н 15058 от 25.01.2011 Подписано в печать 01 09 2011 Формат 70x90/16 Гарнитура 'Charter 1ТС*. Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная Уел печ л 23,3. Уел кр.-отт 95.1 Тир 20 000 экз Зак №3358 Издательство .Титул" 249035. Калужская обл . г. Обнинск, а/я 5055 Тел (48439) 9-10-09 E-mail [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели) Отпечатано в полном соответствии с качеством предоставленных издательством материалов в ОАО .Тверской ордена Трудового Красного Знамени полиграфкомбинат детской литературы им. 50-летия СССР" 170040, г. Тверь, пр. 50 лет Октября, 46. — • — iu:] m^-o |С-Э| ' 1э:| U'*n READING RULES 1 AND 1 Ш If-' |з:| h |u| bush« pi *11 PRONUNCIATION SYMBOLS \y\ p 'It, f It) I- Icol eh 1 N b- к |лоэ| t- |al d «псе. ;»jiMiVcr tci| n me lgl Ш -Ь« [kw| ;/«cn [rl dec 1*1 b.vg ИЧ 1*^1 cm |s| Гв< e |3--! 1*1 IM *itc МП ben 1 t у m siahi 1. Uu:| c-te Ы on 10] ■IS • ‘ mthcT |o:| Utx Ы b •% It) lol иг/ (h| ,7.0 l.n meaurr lull Ш. |v| Ml happ k*l d- |al hOver Ы |w| iZ4)id Ш h4.se, р.-лц in v(‘OfK 1*1 d Uifim \b\ ttl u\ ;oo |30| Mny Ig.i Л^ршм. luk Uul frnt Ы) •:sd |ai»| |3l| b . Icil Ih' Mil fo и»С in Im in rinv t* »Ct’ ' |l3| h ■ [еэ| ■■ |cl tv ait List of irregular verbs iRhnrtM • ^a«tSimplo MPutMple ■ ■ Inftnuwi fmiPmbdfM be wA&» were been keep kept kept bettf bcai beaten know knew know'n become became become k*w Icfl kfi began l>cguii let Ici let buc Ut bitten lie 1^- lain blow blew bltAvn lose lost tu$l break Ixokc broken make madr made brin^ brought brought mean meant meant butkJ biiiil bulk meet met met buy boughr bought pay paid paid ci^ich caught cnijgltt pul pul pul choubT choM* chosen nracl reatl read come cdmr come ride rode ridden cost COST cost run ran run i.Ut ail cut «> said sou) dug cm spent ny flew flOVN'n stand stood stoed forgei ForgoT forgoacn steal stoic stolen Forgive forgave forgivien suck «иск stuck Freey^ flow frozen swim swam swum ?oc got take look taken $i\Q gaw givt*n ICitC^ taught *50 wvm gone tell InU told grow grew grown think thought thought haiJK hung hung throw threw thrown hav^ had h«nd under^toruJ uodersiood uodciscood he3t heard heard woke woke hide hid hidden wear wore >VOttl hU hit hit win won won hold held held write WtOle written