Английский язык Учебник 10 класс Кауфман

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык Учебник 10 класс Кауфман - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Happy English (Хэппи Инглиш):

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Текст из книги:
f л [u:] moon [еэ] air [01] ball READING RULES AND i [i:] tree [з:] her [u] bush, pull PRONUNCIATION SYMBOLS ; [o:] port, four [ i: ] tea [еэ] there V J [u] book [аиэ] tower [a:] dance. answer [ei] name [g] go in she [kw] queen [r] write [ae] bag [h] hen [a-1 car [s] face [з:] work [i:] me [kl kite [tn bench kind, night, child Ы walk [e] pen [1] lamp Ш page [i:] see [I9] hear [ai] five [m] man [k] black [з:] turn [n] know [I] tin In] nine [9S] famous [з:] girl [ei] mail [эи] nose [Pl pencil [ei] say, they [o:] water [э:] autumn [D] dog Ir] rose lej rhin [w] why Lfn] station Uu:] cute Is] son [6] this г 1 come, son, ^ ^ love, mother [a:] after [Л] bus [t] ten Ш song [h] who [3] measure (ail my [V] \ery li] happy [ei] day [a:] father U1 yes [wl wizard [au] house, town [f] phone [o:\ daughter [b] bed [zj 700 [эи] blow IclI class, past. Uu:] few [d] dad [аиэ] our [oil boy [ei] they [tn future [fl film [э] driver, actor [1Э] here [еэ] air [e] head к. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык Счастливый английский.ру/ Happy English.ru Учебник ДЛЯ 10 класса общеобразовательных учреждений эдА^ельство т и т у л т I т и L UStlSHEnS 2010 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 КЗО УДК 802.0(075.3) УМК “Счастливый английский.ру” / “Happy English.ru” для 10 класса включает следующие компоненты: • учебник • книгу для учителя • рабочие тетради №1,2 • аудиоприложение (CD MP3) • учебное пособие „Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь" (серия „Проверь себя") По вопросам приобретения книг следует обращаться в издательство “Титул”; 249035, г. Обнинск Калужской обл., а/я 5055, тел.: (48439) 9-10-09, факс: (48439) 9-10-00, e-mail; [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). к. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман КЗО Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru: Учебник для 10 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2010.— 288 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-534-9 Учебник “Счастливый английский.ру" для 10-го класса продолжает линию учебников “Счастливый английский.ру” для 2-11-х классов, предназначенных для учащихся основной и средней (полной) общеобразовательной школы. Учебник написан в соответствии с требованиями федерального компонента государственного стандарта общего образования и обеспечивает необходимый и достаточный уровень коммуникативных умений учащихся в устной и письменной речи, их готовность и способность к речевому взаимодействию на английском языке в рамках обозначенной в стандарте тематики. ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 ISBN 978-5-86866-534-9 © К. и. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман, 2010 © Издательство “Титул”, дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение, 2010 Contents Unit 1______________________________________ Lessons 1, 2, 3 Meet the main characters of the book............................. 4 Grammar The Present Simple — The Present Progressive Revision.................... 9 Lessons 4, 5, 6 Find your way at the airport................................ 14 Grammar Модальные глаголы can, must, may Revision........................... 20 Lessons 7, 8 We must phone the camp........28 Grammar Способы выражения будущих действий.............................. 33 Lessons 9, 10, П What's "Murphy's Law"?... 38 Lessons 12, 13 Test yourself...............46 Lessons 14, 15 Project "At an international airport"................................47 Lessons 16, 17, 18 Homereading.............47 Unit 2______________________________________ Lessons 1, 2 Do you have a friend?.........49 Lessons 3, 4, 5 What did you use to do in summer?..............................58 Grammar The Past Simple, The Past Progressive, The Past Perfect Revision..58 Grammar Конструкция used to................59 Lessons 6, 7, 8 Lisa's cabinmates..........64 Grammar The Present Perfect, The Present Perfect Progressive Revision............68 Lessons 9, 10 How to make friends?.........72 Lessons 11, 12 Camp Pineland — traditions and rules....................80 Lessons 13, 14 Test yourself...............86 Lessons 15, 16 Project "Friends for life?".86 Lessons 17, 18, 19 Homereading.............86 Unit 3______________________________________ Lessons 1, 2 What would you tell about Russia? ................................88 Grammar The Passive Voice..................89 Lessons 3, 4 What country is described?..95 Grammar Conjunction........................96 Lessons 5, 6, 7 "The Maple Leaf Forever"... 104 Grammar Эмфатические конструкции........ 104 Lessons 8, 9 Australia is an island, isn't it?............................ 114 Grammar Эмфатические конструкции (продолжение)......................... 119 Lessons 10, 11 What achievements of your country are you proud of?............... 125 Lessons 12, 13 Test yourself ..........132 Lessons 14, 15 Project "I'll tell you about this country".......................132 Lessons 16, 17, 18 Homereading.........132 Unit 4____________________________________ Lessons 1, 2 The clubs and how to select them.........................134 Grammar The Infinitive.................137 Lesson 3 Lisa gets the letter..........142 Grammar Complex Object.................142 Lessons 4, 5 Yosemite National Park....148 Grammar Complex Subject................148 Lessons 6, 7, 8 What did Lisa see in Yosemite National Park?..........157 Grammar Forms of the infinitive........157 Lessons 9, 10, 11 What happened on the Merced River....................170 Grammar Модальные глаголы can, must, may в значении предположения, сомнения, удивления.................170 Lessons 12, 13 Test yourself...........181 Lessons 14, 15 Project "Let's preserve it for future generations"..........181 Lessons 16, 17, 18 Homereading.........181 Units_____________________________________ Lessons 1, 2 "Just in my dreams you let me into your heart...".......... 183 Grammar Модальные глаголы should, could, ought to в значении порицания.... 183 Lessons 3, 4 It turned out that Dima had always known that David........ 192 Grammar Употребление артикля с существительными, обозначающими части суток и времена года................192 Grammar Сравнение качества предметов, действий и явлений с помощью the..., the.................................196 Lessons 5, 6 "All the world's a stage". 198 Lessons 7, 8 What is RP?.............. 207 Lessons 9, 10, 11 Pygmalion........... 214 Grammar Употребление глагола to be для выражения долженствования....... 214 Lessons 12, 13 Test yourself.......... 227 Lessons 14, 15 Project "My Fair Lady".. 227 Lessons 16, 17, 18 Homereading......... 227 Grammar Reference..................... 228 Vocabulary............................ 268 Lessons 1/ 2, 3 Meet the main characters of the book Meet the main character of this book Lisa Korolyova. This year you are going to take part in all her adventures, learn English (just like her) and make a lot of new friends. 1 Read the information about Lisa. Summer camp diary 1 June Moscow Name: Lisa Korolyova (my first name is actually Elisaveta but everyone calls me Lisa) Age: fifteen Country and city: Russia, Moscow Height: 163 cm and still growing Weight: 57 kg (54 kg when I’m on a diet) Hair: dark, long and curly Eyes: Describe yourself grey in three words: romantic, rebellious and smart Favourite book: “Lord of the Rings” Favourite film: can’t decide between “Pokrovskie Vorota” (my favourite Russian film) and the American film “You’ve Got Mail” Favourite thing: my super cool mega red mobile phone Favourite food: pancakes with jam Role model: Anna Akhmatova Dream: to travel the world Interests: Part-time job people, languages, travel, music, literature (if any): staff member of the local newspaper Unit 1 Lessons 1,2,3 2 j Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. staff — штат фирмы, сотрудники to have smth in common with smb — иметь что-либо общее с кем-либо to describe smb/smth — описывать кого-либо, что-либо to improve smth — совершенствовать, улучшать что-либо to give smb the opportunity to do smth — давать кому-либо возможность что-либо сделать to arrive at (a place) / in (a country, a city, a town, a village) — приезжать, прибывать куда-либо / в (страну, город, деревню) rebellious — зд. непокорный smart — способный, сообразительный 3 Complete the questions and answer them. 1. How ... is the girl? 9. ... is her favourite book? 2. What’s the girl’s second ... ? 10. ... is her favourite film? 3. What country is she ... ? 11. ... is her favourite thing? 4. What ... her height? 12. What does she ... to eat? 5. How much ... she weigh? 13. ... is her role model? 6. ... she ever been on a diet? 14. ... is her dream? 7. What colour ... her hair? 15. What ... is she in? 8. What colour ... her eyes? Say if you have got anything in common with Lisa. Models: — WeVe got a lot in common. We both like music and pancakes. — WeVe got nothing in common. For example, Lisa likes “Lord of the Rings” but I think this book is really boring. Now ask each other the questions from Ex. 3 and answer them. Model: How old are you? — I’m fifteen. Report each other's questions to the class. Make your own comments. Which of the answers surprised you? Do you and the person you talked to have anything In common? Unit 1 Lessons 1, 2, 3 J7 } Read the page from Lisa's diary and find these words and expressions. Choose the most suitable Russian equivalent for them. stopover — 1. остановка no требованию 2. конец остановки 3. остановка с правом дальнейшего следования а counsellor — ]. вожатый 2. специалист консультант — 1. точка встречи а meeting point 2. место встречи 3. место для встречающих 1 а deal — 1. дело 2. сделка 3. договоренность to catch а flight to San Francisco — 1. ловить самолет в Сан-Франциско 2. лететь в Сан-Франциско 3. стоять на листе ожидания в Сан-Франциско to save up money — 1. копить деньги 2. сохранять деньги в безопасности 3. спасать свои деньги turn up _ J выворачивать 2. появляться 3 выявлять to be responsible for smth /smb — 1. отвечать за что-либо/кого-либо 2. отвечать чему либо/кому либо 3. быть надежным человеком Unif 1 Lessons 1, 2, 3 '1 Diary of Camp Pineland 3 June London_____________ Do you ever get the feeling that your life is just about to begin? Гт feeling like that right now as my younger brother Dima and I are standing in London’s Heathrow International Airport. Dima and I are spending the summer at an American summer camp. Yes, that’s right. London is just a stopover in our trip. It’s also the meeting point for some campers who are flying to the USA from Europe. At the moment we are waiting for our counsellor. He or she is going to come and take us to our plane to California. We are here sitting at the meeting point, wearing the T-shirts we have received from the camp so that the counsellor can recognize us easily. The idea for our great trip started with a film I saw about a summer camp in America one winter evening. That’s when I got the dream to go to one of those camps. Normally I do the same things every summer: I spend June with my granny in Saratov, then in July my parents and I go to Turkey and in August I get a lot of time to go out with my friends and get ready for the next school year. If you say, “That’s not so bad,” I’ll tell you, “It’s boring.” It took me two years to make my dream happen — I found the camp, talked to my parents, saved up and then found out that I still didn’t have enough money. Then I talked to my parents again. Finally, Dad offered to pay for most of the trip on condition that Dima could come with me! Dima is fourteen and this year our parents had nothing but trouble with him. He got involved with some bad kids at school, so no wonder Mum and Dad wanted to send him as far away from home as possible. Call me a bad sister, but I wasn’t excited. I didn’t want to spend this summer babysitting my bro, but that was the deal with Dad, so I had to live with it. After all, it was going to be my perfect summer anyway, so I knew nothing could spoil it. Unit 1 Lessons 1, 2, 3 When we arrived in London two days ago, I was ready for my big adventure. I wanted to visit new places, improve my English and make new friends. Our mother’s old friend works in London, so she gave us the opportunity to see this great city. We enjoyed every minute and didn’t feel homesick at all. After all, London is only about a four-hour flight from Moscow. It’s round the corner in comparison to California. But now as we are waiting in Heathrow, I’m starting to ask myself some scary questions. Will I be able to understand American English? What if I don’t make any new friends? Will there be any wild animals in the woods around our camp? What if our counsellor doesn’t turn up today? Dima; Are you OK, Lisa? You’re not acting like yourself. Lisa: I know. I’m nervous. Where is our counsellor? Dima: Just relax. Somebody will come soon. Do you want to read my magazine? It’s cool. Lisa: Thanks, little bro. I’m fine. I’m reading a very interesting book in English, but I just can’t concentrate right now. Do you see those guys over there? They’re wearing the camp T-shirts too. Dima: Yeah, I see them. And they are looking for somebody also. Oh, look! They are coming over here now. First boy: Excuse me, are you waiting for us? We are catching a flight to San Francisco. Lisa: So are we. But we are waiting for our counsellor. By the way, my name is Lisa Korolyova. And this is my brother Dima. We are from Russia. Unit 1 Lessons 1, 2, 3 First boy: Pleased to meet you. I’m David Hunt. I’m not your counsellor. I’m a camper just like you, but I’m responsible for taking you to California. And this is my friend Charlie Rose. Charlie: Hi, guys. Nice to meet you. Answer the questions. 1. Why is Lisa feeling that her life is just about to begin? 2. Where is she spending the summer? 3. Who is she waiting for? 4. Who is Lisa with? 5. How does Lisa usually spend her summer? 6. What made Lisa decide to go to summer camp? 7. What did Lisa want to go to the camp for? 8. Why did Lisa have to take her brother with her? 9. Was she happy about her Dad’s plan? 10. Where did Dima and Lisa spend the first days of their trip? 11. Why is Lisa feeling nervous at the moment? 12. Is Lisa reading now? 13. Who did Lisa and Dima meet? The Present Simple — The Present Progressive Revision See the grammar comment on pages 228-236. Read the text through again and find the following actions. a) действия, происходящие в момент речи b) действия, происходящие в настоящий период времени, но не в момент речи c) повторяющиеся и повседневные действия В форме какого времени употребляются глаголы для описания этих действий? Unit! Lessons 1.2,3 10 j Meet the Camp PIneland staff. What do they do? What are they doing now? Model; 1. What does Amy do? — She is a dance teacher. Is she dancing now? — Yes, she is. 11 Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or the Present Progressive. 1. You (be) always late for school. Г11 have to speak to your parents. 2. We rarely (go out) on Fridays. We like to relax at home. 3. What (go) on? — Her little sister (play) with her new toy. 4. This month I (get up) very early.— What you (do)? — I (go) to aerobics class before school. 5. Normally Alice (be) very nice and helpful but this week she (be) really rude to everybody. 10 Unit 1 Lessons 1, 2, 3 6. I’d like to introduce my friend Peter.— What you (do)? — I (be) a film director.— Wow, that’s interesting. ... you (work) on anything at the moment? 7. Emily always (interrupt) me. It (drive) me mad. I (not know) why I (call) her my best friend. 8. At the moment I (try) to explain this rule to my friend, but she (not understand). 9. Watch out! It’s our director.— ... he (see) us? 12 a) Describe your usual summer. Is it fun? is it a bit boring? What do you want to do next summer? Write a for and against essay. Write 100-140 words. b) Describe your typical week. Are you doing anything differently this week? What is different? Why? Write a letter to your friend about it. Write about 100 words. 13 Read the dialogue between the two campers. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or the Present Progressive to complete the sentences. Derek: Hi, Sam. Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you? Sam: Oh, Derek, is that you? It’s been a long time since last summer. How are you? Derek: I’m so happy to be back at camp. And how is your best friend Lucy? Sam: Oh, Lucy is great. She is in college now. She (study) English Literature at Princeton University. Derek: Wow! That’s really far away. How ... you (keep) in touch? Sam: We (not meet) very often, but she (write) lots of e-mails and I (phone) her regularly. I (not like) e-mails. Derek: So where ... she (spend) her summer? You always (come) to camp together. Sam: ... you (not know) her news? Unit 1 Lessons 1, 2, 3 11 Iiyyj Derek: No, what is it? Sam: Lucy has found a summer job. Derek: What ... she (do)? Sam: She (work) with children. Derek: Is she a teacher? Sam: Not really. Actually, she’s a counsellor in our camp. So I (see) quite a lot of her these days. Derek: How wonderful! Sam: Isn’t it? You can go and talk to her. She (welcome) new campers in their cabins. Goodbye then. Derek: OK. See you soon! 14 Listen to the conversation and check your answers. 15 Look through the texts in Ex. 7 and Ex. 13 again and find out what the characters are saying in these situations. 1. нужно представиться 2. нужно представить людей друг другу 3. нужно начать разговор 4. нужно поприветствовать старого знакомого 5. нужно попрощаться 16 Match the sentences from the two columns and complete the mini-dialogues. 1. Good evening. 2. Let me introduce my friend Alex. 3. I haven’t seen you for ages. 4. I’ll see you tomorrow then. 5. How are you? 6. Excuse me, is anybody sitting here? a) Pleased to meet you. b) Fine, thanks. c) Hello! d) I’m afraid this seat is taken. e) Goodbye! f) I didn’t recognize you! 17 What would you say in these situations? 1. You meet your neighbour’s daughter in the street. She is at university in another town and she has been away for a year. 2. You are with your parents in a shop and you meet a girl from your class. 3. You are at the train station in London and you want to know which train goes to Edinburgh. 4. You are invited to a birthday party, but your cousin from another city has come for a visit on the same day. You take the cousin to the party. 5. You are at an international summer camp and you don’t know anybody. Start a conversation with the person next to you. 12 Unit 1 Lessons 1, 2, 3 Homework A Look at the pictures and write what the campers are doing at the moment. Model: Some children are standing near the lake. Unit 1 Lessons 1, 2, 3 13 What have you learnt about Camp Pineland from the pictures? Speak for about 1-1,5 minute. Model: The camp is in the woods. From Lisa's first diary page find and write out five sentences with the verbs in the Present Simple and five sentences with the verbs in the Present Progressive. Then for each sentence, write as many questions as you can. Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentences. 1. My friend is responsible (for/at) our football club. 2. Mary is saving (up/on) every penny. She wants to go abroad this summer. 3. Do you want to join (-/in) their club. It’s always fun there. 4. Alice can’t go with us. She has spent all her money (up/on) sweets. 5. I hope the bus turns (up/on) right now. We are running late. 6. You need to catch (up/-) a flight to Pulkovo if you want to see St Petersburg. 7. Where is Mary now? — I think she has just arrived (to/in) Tokyo. Say it in English. 1. Как зовут нашего вожатого? — Том. 2. Он летит из Москвы в Лос-Анджелес с остановкой во Франкфурте. Родители дали ему возможность провести лето в лагере. 3. Он сейчас в аэропорту Хитроу. Я жду его на месте встречи. 4. Тебе нравится жить в домике? — Я не знаю. Я первый раз еду в лагерь. 5. Я не могу тратить деньги на одежду. Я коплю на велосипед. 6. Твой друг хочет совершенствовать свой английский? Он может присоединиться к нашей группе. 7. Я надеюсь, автобус скоро появится. Мы замерзаем. Lessons 4, 5, 6 Find your way at the airport 1 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. an aisle — проход (в самолете) a pocket — карман to be a pain in the neck — быть невыносимым to get rid of smth — избавляться от чего-либо to keep smth — зд. оставлять что-либо себе, не отдавать 14 Unit! Lessons 1, 2, 3 and 4, 5, 6 to empty — опустошать on time — вовремя huge — огромный We can do without one.— Мы можем обойтись без этого. I don’t mind.— зд. Мне все равно. It’s our turn.— Наша очередь. а memory — память to blow up — взрывать scissors — ножницы to have access to the Internet — иметь доступ к Интернету to interrupt smb — перебивать кого-либо You’re done.— Все готово. Listen to the conversations and select a title for each one. There is one extra title which you should not use. What are the Russian equivalents for these titles? a) At the check-in desk b) At the security check c) An electronic ticket d) Baggage and souvenirs Read the conversations below and match the English words and expressions with their Russian equivalents. a queue baggage a trolley a sign a written confirmation scales excess weight departures a boarding pass a flight liquids passengers sharp objects a delay an advantage to make a reservation to check in to charge to unpack преимущество рейс пассажиры знак письменное подтверждение тележка весы багаж перевес вылет очередь посадочный талон задержка вылета острые предметы жидкости распаковывать регистрировать (ся) взимать плату бронировать Unit! Lessons4, 5, 6 15 At Heathrow Airport 1 David: Hey, how much baggage have you got? Shall I get you a trolley? Dima: No, you needn’t, thanks. We can do without one. David: Well, we must get organized. Have you got your tickets and passports? Lisa: Yes, we’ve got everything. David: Great. Our flight number is 4495. Let’s go to the check-in desk. I’m afraid we’ll have to join this huge queue. Heathrow is known for its queues. Charlie: What kind of ticket have you got? Dima; Just a standard one. Why? Are there different types? Charlie: Yeah. See, I’ve got an electronic ticket. It’s got a lot of advantages. For one thing, it’s always in the airline’s computer system, so you can’t lose it. Great, isn’t it? * Dima: But how do you get an electronic ticket? Charlie: Well, you don’t even have to leave the house to get one. You can do it all online. Go first to the airline’s site and make a reservation. Then if you are happy with the price, you pay for your ticket with a credit card. In the end they send you a written confirmation to your e-mail address, and you’re done. David: Another advantage of the electronic ticket is that there are often many special offers from different airlines online, so your ticket may be really cheap. tsS'* 16 Unit 1 Lessons4, 5, 6 Dima: But you need your own credit card and that can be a problem. And not everybody has access to the Internet... Lisa: Sorry to interrupt you, but it’s our turn. Member of the airport staff: Lisa: Member of the airport staff: Lisa: Member of the airport staff: Lisa: Member of the airport staff: Lisa: Member of the airport staff: Can I see your ticket and your passport, please? Yes, here you are. Thank you. I’m just looking for your US visa... OK, here it is. That’s fine. Have you got any baggage to check in? Just this suitcase. Please put it on the scales for me. (after a pause) Right. Twenty-six kilos! I’m afraid our weight limit is twenty-three kilos per person. I’ve got two really heavy books which I’m taking as souvenirs. Unfortunately, we’ll have to charge you 25 pounds for your excess weight. Please go to that desk over there to pay the extra charge, (after a pause) Would you like to sit in the aisle or by the window? I don’t mind. I’m travelling with my friends, so I just want to sit together with them. Oh! In that case, let me check you in all together. And why don’t you put your heavy books in your friends’ bags? Then you won’t have to pay the extra 25 pounds. Unit I Lessons4, 5, 6 17 Lisa: Thank you very much. This is very kind of you. Member of the airport staff: Not at all. Here are your boarding passes. You are boarding at gate 27B. Boarding time is 13.00 and you mustn’t be late. I advise you to get straight to the security check. I wish you all a pleasant flight! Dima: Charlie: Dima: Charlie: David: Lisa: David: Right. Where do we go from here? Here is the sign for Departures. Let’s follow it. How about a coffee before we go? I’m still not awake. No, let’s hurry up! There are a lot of shops and cafes everywhere in Heathrow. We’ll be able to have a coffee later. Remember, security checks take forever! Yes, the security check may take us a long time and I want to be able to do my duty-free shopping. Things are a bit cheaper there and I need some souvenirs for my American friends. Here we are. Oh, no. There’s another queue here. We must get ourselves ready while we are waiting. We don’t want the other passengers to have to wait for us! Take off your jackets! Empty your pockets! Get rid of all liquids. Dima: Uh-oh. I’ve got a small bottle of Juice. Do I need to get rid of it? David: Yes, you do. No liquids are allowed in the hand baggage. So drink it up. Has anyone got any sharp objects? Lisa: I’ve got a pair of scissors. 18 Unit] Lessons4, 5, 6 David; I’m afraid you’ll have to throw them away. You’ll be able to buy another pair when we get to California. Right, and I’ve got a laptop which I must unpack. They may want to examine it. Charlie: Yes, and you may have to take off your shoes. These security officers are a real pain in the neck, aren’t they? David: You mustn’t say that! These people work hard to make sure that your flight is safe and nobody tries to blow up the plane. After the security check, we go to passport control. It’ll be quick. Then everybody may go where they want, but remember, we must get to our gate on time. We mustn’t be late for boarding. Lisa: Oh, no. Look at the information board! Our flight is delayed. David: That’s too bad. Let me find out how long the delay is. 4 Answer the questions. 1. What can Dima and Lisa do without? 2. What is an electronic ticket? 3. What are the advantages of having one? 4. How do you get an electronic ticket? 5. Why is it difficult for some people to get an electronic ticket? 6. What is the weight limit of the airline Lisa is flying with? 7. How much does the airline charge for excess weight? 8. Where does Lisa want to sit? 9. How can Lisa save her 25 pounds? 10. What is the boarding time of their flight? 11. How do the friends get themselves ready for the security check? 12. What else do the friends want to do at the airport? 13. Where do the friends have to go after the security check? 14. Is their flight on time? Read the conversations again and answer the questions. 1. What can the friends do when they arrive at the airport? 2. What can’t the friends carry through the security check? 3. What can happen if somebody has excess weight? 4. What can’t happen to somebody who has an electronic ticket? 5. What must the friends do at the airport? 6. What mustn’t the friends do at the airport? 7. What do the friends have to do at the security check? 8. What don’t people with electronic tickets have to do? 9. What may the friends do after they go through passport control? 10. What may happen with any flight? Unit 1 Lessons4, 5, 6 19 j Read the grammar comment on pages 236-240 and correct false statements. 1. Глаголы, стоящие после can, could, must, may употребляются без частицы to. 2. Глаголы can, could, must, may изменяются no лицам и числам. 3. Глагол must может употребляться в форме Past Simple. 4. Отрицательная форма глагола сап образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола. 5. Глагол had to означает “мог”. 6. Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с глаголом must образуются без помощи вспомогательных глаголов. 7. Глагол сап в форме Past Simple имеет форму could. 8. Отрицательная форма глагола must (mustn't) имеет значение строгого запрета. 9. Глагол may имеет значение разрешения. 10. Глагол сап имеет и значение разрещения, и значение способности делать что-либо. I Look at the airport signs and discuss the following questions. Speak for 1 minute. 1. What can/can’t one do at these places? 2. What must one do at these places? 3. What mustn’t one do at these places? 4. What does one have to/doesn’t have to do at these places? 5. What may happen at these places? Use these expressions to talk about your own ideas. Refer to the dictionary if necessary. to check in, to put smth on the scales, to take off one’s coat, to get out, to catch a bus or a taxi, to smoke, to get rid of sharp objects, to have a snack, to arrive in the country, to leave the country, to make a phone call, to get information, to buy tickets, to exchange currency, to get something to eat, to declare goods, to do shopping, to show a passport, to empty pockets, to report a missing bag, to join the queue, to carry liquids, to unpack, to get rid of any food, to take off one’s shoes, to pay more than in the city, to meet friends 20 Unit] Lessons4, 5, 6 © © Buses and taxis ~ Telephone box Exit V is. Check-in ©■ ' Ticket office Information desk Customs / Security \/-\ Bureau de change Meeting point I ^ ' I *'|Г Restaurant / Cafe V' Model: At Customs one must declare the goods he’s bringing into the country. At Customs one mustn’t hide anything. At Customs one have to unpack his or her baggage. At Customs one usually doesn’t have to show a passport. Unit 1 Lessons4, 5, 6 21 8 Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentences. 1. Don’t forget to check (at/in) two hours before your flight. 2. If you don’t throw these scissors (away/up), you’ll be in trouble with the security check. 3. We’ll have to get rid (of/ofO these old newspapers. Nobody needs them. 4. Hurry up! Your flight is (on/in) time, 5. I like to sit (by/in) the window, but I got a place (by/in) the aisle. 6. You don’t have to take (off / away) your hat at passport control. 9 Read the pairs of verbs and nouns. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word given at the end. to check in — check-in to receive — reception to arrive — arrival to board — boarding to depart — departure to confirm — confirmation to reserve — reservation 1. It’s hard to get tickets to London at this time of the year, but I made a ... months in advance. RESERVE 2. ... hasn’t started yet. We’ve got a lot of time for BOARD some shopping. 3. Your plane hasn’t ... yet. ARRIVE 4. Her ... was a great surprise for all of us. ARRIVE 5. Please don’t forget to ... your plans before you leave. CONFIRM 6. The train is ready for ... Please stay clear of the doors. DEPART 7. After ... everybody went to have some breakfast. CHECK IN 10 Listen to Jack's story and mark these statements true or false. 1. Jack always has enough time for everything at the airport, 2. Jack thinks that trolleys are not difficult to operate. 3. There are usually huge queues to the check-in desk. 4. At the check-in desk Jack often has to throw away some personal items, 5. A lot of people do nothing to get ready for the security check, 6. Jack’s flights are always delayed. 7. If Jack’s flight is delayed, he likes to spend his time in the duty-free shop. 8. If Jack’s flight is on time, he runs straight to the gate. 9. There are no more unpleasant surprises once Jack gets to the gate. 10. Jack hates airports, 22 Unit! Lessons 4, 5, 6| 11 Act out the short dialogues. e ?'»( orn\dt»ou 1. Passenger: Member of the airport staff: Passenger: Member of the airport staff: Passenger: Member of the airport staff: Student: Teacher: Member of the airport staff: Passenger: Member of the airport staff: At the information desk Спросите, где можно зарегистрироваться на рейс. Ответьте, что это можно сделать у стойки регистрации. Спросите, вовремя ли вылетает рейс 308. Ответьте, что этот рейс задерживается. Спросите, где нужно показывать паспорт. Ответьте, что паспорт нужно показывать на стойке регистрации и на паспортном контроле. 2. At the cafe Вы вылетаете в Лондон с классом. Вы голодны. Попросите у учителя разрешения сходить в кафе и купить что-нибудь перекусить. Дайте разрешение и попросите купить для вас бутерброд и напиток. Скажите, что времени мало и нужно пройти таможенный контроль. , At the check-in desk Спросите, где хотел бы сидеть пассажир: в проходе или у окна? Ответьте, что вам все равно и вы хотите сидеть рядом со своими друзьями. Спросите, можно ли зарегистрировать вас всех вместе. Ответьте согласием. Попросите всех поставить багаж на весы. Выдайте всем посадочные талоны и попросите не опаздывать. Unit 1 Lessons4, 5, 6 23 Passenger: Security officer: Passenger: Security officer: Passenger: Security officer: 4. At the security check Спросите, можно ли взять с собой бутылку воды. Ответьте отказом. Скажите, что воду с собой брать нельзя. Попросите снять пальто и вынуть все из карманов. Спросите, нужно ли снимать обувь. Ответьте, что не нужно. Попросите разрешения открыть сумку. Спросите, есть ли в ней острые предметы. Ответьте, что у вас есть небольшой ножик. Скажите, что нож придется выбросить. Homework А Read the story and fill in the gaps with these words. Make sure you put the verbs in the right form. 1. delay 10- baggage 2. information board unpack 3. arrive 4. empty 5. gate 6. turn 7. passport control 8. trolley 9. boarding 12. on time 13. excess 14. get rid of 15. take off 16. duty-free 17. passengers 18. queue 19 throw away 20. join 21. check-in desk 22. security check 23. charge 24. take 25. get ready 26. board 27. queue Hi! I’m Jack and I travel a lot, so I know airports well. It’s a funny thing about airports. You have to (1) ... with a lot of time in advance, so you always think that there will be time to have a snack and do some shopping, but in reality you never have time to do anything. The first thing you need to do is to find a (2) ... because your (3) ... is usually heavy and you can’t always manage it all by yourself. But it’s not always easy to find a trolley, and it’s even more difficult to operate one. Many times I have run over someone’s feet with my trolley. So in the end you ruin somebody’s shoes and often get some very angry looks from the other (4) ... . Then you have to (5) ... a huge queue to the (6) ... and when you 24 Unit 1 Lessons4, 5, 6 finally get to it, you often discover that you’ve got (7) ... weight and they want to (8) ... you a lot of money for it. Then you try to (9) ... some of the weight. You (10) ... all of your magazines, sweets and some other personal items. When you finally manage to check in, your next stop is the (11) .... It usually (12) ... a long time, because there are so many people who don’t get ready for it. They just stand in the (13) ... for twenty minutes and look around. Then they have to (14) ... their pockets, (15) ... their jackets and (16) ... their laptops. I don’t understand why people look surprised when it’s their (17) .... After all, it is always the same routine. Why don’t they use those twenty minutes to (18) ...? Finally, you look at the information board to see whether your flight is (19) ... . If it is, then you usually find out that you are almost too late, so you run to (20) ... where you quickly show your passport and then go straight to the (21) .... But if the flight is (22) ..., you think that you don’t have to hurry. So you sit down, enjoy a cup of coffee or even have a meal and then go on to do some (23) ... shopping. But when you check your flight information at the (24) ..., you notice that the (25) ... has already started. You panic and run quickly to the gate. They usually have something nice for you there too: either another security check or a huge (26) ... to (27) ... the plane. Airports really do drive me mad. Answer the questions. 1. What doesn’t Jack like about airport trolleys? 2. What doesn’t Jack like about the check-in desk? 3. What doesn’t Jack like about the security check? 4. What usually happens when Jack’s flight is delayed? 5. What usually happens when Jack’s flight is on time? Unit 1 Lessons 4, 5, 6 25 с ' а) You can tell from Jack^ story that he is a pessimist. Write a similar story about airports but this time as an optimist. Start with: All of my frijos 1у(5цЫ1у sfsrf af fhe airporf and if \s one of my fav'OMrife jolQces fo he. b) If you have travelled by plane tell about your experience. If you have never travelled by plane before, write about where you would like to go and why. Also say what you would like to do at the airport. Put these mini-dialogues into English. 1. Нам нужно встретить папу. Мы не должны опаздывать.— Ты прав. Пойдем прямо к зоне прилетов. 2. Тебе купить чай или кофе? — Мне все равно. Ты можешь купить любой напиток. 3. Новые правила — это что-то невыносимое.— Да, с меня взяли 20 фунтов за багаж. 4. Тебе нужно избавиться от острых предметов.— Я не могу выбросить эти ножницы. Они не мои. 5. Я не люблю магазины беспошлинной торговли. Они очень дорогие. 6. Давайте возьмем тележку и пойдем регистрироваться. У вас нет перевеса? 7. Наш рейс задерживается. Пойдемте перекусим. 8. Нам нужно идти в зону вылетов. На паспортном контроле всегда огромные очереди. 9. Мне нравится летать. У путешествия самолетом много преимуществ. Fill in the gaps with the right form of the verbs. Use can, could, and will be able. 1. ... she ... to meet us tomorrow? 2. Why ... nobody phone me yesterday? 3. How many pages ... he read in an hour? 4. What ... you do if your flight is delayed? 5. When he was younger, he ... play tennis very well. 26 Unit! Lessons4, 5, 6 F Look at the pictures and express possibility. Use may and the words in brackets. (to get in trouble with the security officers) (to miss the plane) (to pay for excess weight) (to get lost) G Fill in the gaps with the right form of the verbs. Use must, have to or need. Sometimes more than one variant is possible. 1. Will I ... speak French to them? I don’t speak it at all. 2. Who ... wash up after dinner in your family? 3. Do you ... get up so early every day? 4. Must I answer now? — No, you .... You can phone me tomorrow. 5. My brother is not a good cook, but sometimes he ... cook dinner for the whole family. 6. You ... watch this film. It’s very good. 7. I like weekends. At weekends my parents ... work and can spend the whole day with us. 8. You ... open this door. It’s broken and you may hurt yourself. Unit! Lessons4, 5, 6 27 Lessons 7, 8 We must phone the comp Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. a pay phone — телефон-автомат a digit — цифра a coin — монета change — мелочь a domestic call — звонок внутри страны to accept smb/smth — принимать кого-либо/что-либо to cost a fortune — стоить целое состояние ; a) Listen to the conversations and put the events in the right order. Which of these events didn't take place? 1. The friends phoned the camp. 2. The friends asked somebody how to use a pay phone. 3. Lisa and Dima phoned their parents. 4. Dima used a mobile phone. 5. David talked to a member of the camp staff. 6. The camp director phoned the friends and explained the situation to them. 7. The counsellor turned up with four other people. 8. Lisa cried and wanted to fly back home. b) Read the conversations and check your answers. At San Francisco International Airport, USA 1 Lisa: God, that was a long journey. Where is our counsellor? Dima: I don’t know. I think something is wrong. Nobody is here to meet us. What are we going to do now? David: We must phone the camp. Have you got the phone number? Dima: Yes, it’s (001) (559) 322-4510. I’ll use my mobile phone. Lisa: No, Dima, it will cost us a fortune. Let’s use a pay phone There should be one around here. David: 1 found one! Does anybody know how to use it? 28 Unit! Lessons/, 8 Charlie: I hope the pay phones here are similar to the British ones. Let’s see. This telephone accepts only cards. We don’t want to use this one. But here is the one that accepts coins. This one is what we need. Has anybody got any coins? Lisa: I’ll go and get some change. How much do we need? David: We don’t need much, it’s a local call. What’s the number again? Dima: It’s (001) (559) 322-4510. David: Oh, that should be easy. 001 is the country code, so we don’t need that. And in England we start every domestic call with 0. So I’m dialling 0559-322-4510. ...This is strange. There’s no tone. Maybe the number is wrong. Charlie: Or maybe we are doing something wrong. We are not in England, David. The American system may be different. We are going to spend the whole day here if we don’t ask for help. 2 (Charlie is talking to a woman.) Charlie: Excuse me, could you tell us how to use this pay phone? Woman: I’m afraid I’m in a hurry. But you can ask the man in the uniform over there. He works at the airport. He should be able to help you. (Charlie is talking to a member of the airport staff.) Charlie: Excuse me, do you know how to make domestic phone calls from this pay phone? Man: Yes, of course. First dial 1, then the area code and then the seven-digit phone number. Here, let me have a look at your number. See, there are ten digits here. The first three are the area code. Unit 1 Lessons 7, 8 29 (Charlie is back with his friends.) Charlie; We just have to dial 1 before the number with the area code. David: OK. It’s working. I’ve got through. Hello, this is David Hunt speaking. Could I speak to the camp director? OK, I’ll wait, (pause) Oh, right. Could you please tell him that my friend and I and a boy and a girl from Russia are at San Francisco International Airport and nobody has come to pick us up. ...Yes, we can call back in ten minutes. Thanks! Talk to you soon. Charlie; What did they say? David; They are going to locate the camp director. I’ll phone them back in ten minutes. (Dial tone and phone ringing.) David; Hello. This is David Hunt. Camp director; Hello, this is John Barrow, Camp Pineland Director. I’m sorry you had to wait. My line was busy, I have just spoken to your counsellor. His name is Andrew Pride. He is at the airport. He is meeting four other campers. Their plane arrives at 4 p.m., so stay where you are. I hope Andrew gets to you soon. And don’t worry. I promise the camp bus won’t leave without you. (A minute later.) Lisa: So it’s another hour at the airport. I’ll phone Mum then. She is leaving for Kaliningrad tomorrow and we won’t be able to phone her there. Dima; Why is she going there? Lisa: Dima, how could you forget! Our granny will be eighty next week. The whole family is planning a huge celebration. Dima: Well, say hello to Mum from me then. I’ll go and have a look around. 30 Unit! Lessons 7; 8 Read the conversations again and find the English equivalents of the following expressions. 1. код страны 2. код города 3. дозваниваться 4. линия занята 5. набирать номер 6. перезванивать кому-либо Now mark these facts true, false or not stated (if there Is not enough information In the dialogues). Correct the false statements. 1. All pay phones in the US accept coins. 2. If somebody calls you from an American pay phone, you can call this person back. 3. If you want to make a phone call in the US to another area code, you have to dial 1 first. 4. The country code of the US is 001. 5. If you want to make a domestic call in the UK, you need to dial 001 first. 6. In the US you can use a pay phone to call any country but you have to use a credit card or have enough coins. о □ о о 5 , Read David's first telephone conversation again. Try to imagine what a member of the camp staff said to him. A woman: Hello! Pineland Camp. David: Hello, this is David Hunt speaking. Could I speak to the camp director? A woman: ... David: OK. I’ll wait. A woman: ... David: Oh, right. Could you please tell him that my friend and I and a boy and a girl from Russia are at San Francisco International Airport and nobody has come to pick us up? A woman: ... David: Yes, we can call back in ten minutes. A woman: ... David: Thanks! Talk to you soon. A woman: ... Unit 1 Lessons 7, 8 31 6 Listen to the conversation and check your answers. 7 Work in pairs. Use this information to make up phone dialogues 1. (Anna — Kate) Anna is calling Kate to invite her to her birthday party. Kate answers the phone. She is very happy about the party and promises to come. 2. (Mary — John’s mother) Mary is calling her classmate John to tell him ^ that instead of Maths they are going to have Literature tomorrow. But John is out. His mother answers the phone. 3. (Jane Grey’s mother — school director) Jane’s mother is calling the director to tell him that Jane is ill. The director’s secretary answers the phone. She says the director is talking to somebody else. The secretary asks Jane’s mother to call back. Read the conversations again and find the sentences that contain the following information: • обещания и решения, принятые в момент речи; • предположения относительно будущих событий; • заранее намеченные планы, для осуществления которых совершены определенные действия; • действия, которые с большой вероятностью или неизбежно произойдут в будущем; • действия, запланированные в соответствии с графиком, расписанием; • планы, желания, намерения; • будущие действия, которые, возможно, произойдут, а возможно, и нет. a) Answer the questions. Для выражения каких будущих действий используются глаголы: 1. в форме the Future Simple? 2. в форме the Present Progressive? 3. в форме the Present Simple? 4. конструкция to be going to? b) Read the explanation and check your answers. 32 Unit 1 Lessons 7, 8 Способы выражения будущих действий Будущие действия можно выразить с помощью the Present Progressive Tense, to be going to, the Present Simple Tense и the Future Simple Tense. The Present Progressive Tense употребляется: • для выражения заранее запланированных действий, которые произойдут в будущем: / am leaving tomorrow,— Я уезжаю завтра. We are going to the cinema to night.— Мы идем в кино сегодня вечером. • когда говорящий выражает намерение сделать что-либо в будущем, употребляется to be going to (собираться сделать что-либо): Му friend has invited те to his birthday party. Vm going to buy a present for him.— Мой друг пригласил меня на день рождения. Я собираюсь купить ему подарок. То be going to также употребляется для выражения большой вероятности или неизбежности совершения действия в будущем, когда уже есть доказательства того, что они сбудутся в ближайшем будущем: Look at Rita! She is going to cry.— Посмотри на Риту! Она сейчас заплачет. The Present Simple Tense употребляется: • для выражения действий, которые произойдут в соответствии с графиком или расписанием: The train arrives at 6 o*clock.— Поезд прибывает в 6 часов. • для выражения будущих действий в придаточных предложениях времени и условия: ГИ phone him if I have time.— Я позвоню ему, если у меня будет время. We’ll tell him about the letter when he comes.— Мы расскажем ему о письме, когда он придет. The Future Simple Tense употребляется: • для выражения будущих действий, которые, возможно, произойдут, а возможно, и нет: One day we’ll meet again.— Когда-нибудь мы встретимся снова. • для выражения предположения относительно будущих действий: In ten years she’ll become a famous singer.— Через 10 лет она станет знаменитой певицей. Unit 1 Lessons Т; 8 33 для выражения обещаний и решений, принятых в момент речи: А: What are you doing? — Что ты делаешь? В: Гт cleaning the floor.— Я мою пол. А: Ги help you.— Я помогу тебе. С глаголами hope, think, believe: I think Granny will come on Monday.— Я думаю, бабушка приедет в понедельник. I hope she’ll sing tonight.— Я надеюсь, она будет петь сегодня вечером. С наречиями probably, perhaps: Perhaps he’ll phone tomorrow.— Возможно, он позвонит завтра. 10 Put the verbs in brackets in the right form and complete the sentences. 1. Have you planned everything for tomorrow’s party? —Yes. Jason (buy) chocolates and biscuits, Sara (bake) a cake and Morris (decorate) the flat. 2. What (do) you tomorrow? — I’m not sure. I think I (stay) at home and relax. 3. It (rain) soon. Look at those grey clouds. 4. Don’t sit on this chair. You (fall). 5. Mary (be) five next week. We (have) a big party.— Who ... you (invite)? 6. When ... this bus (leave)? — I don’t know. I (go) and have a look. 7. I have just seen Sam. ... he (be) in this evening? — No, he (leave) for Tomsk tonight. 8. Are you ready? Hurry up! We (be) late. 9. Where can I listen to Paul McCartney? — He (give) the last concert in Moscow tonight and after that he (fly) to Paris. 11 Talk about yourself. 1. What are you going to do tonight/tomorrow? 2. Have you got any set plans for this/next weekend? 3. What do you think you’ll do next summer? 4. Who do you want to be when you grow up? Model: 1. What are you going to do tonight/tomorrow? — Tonight my mother and I are going to tidy up the flat. 2. Have you got any set plans for this/next weekend? — Not really. Maybe we’ll go to the swimming pool./Yes. My brother and I are going on an excursion. We bought the tickets two months ago. 3. What do you think you’ll do next summer? — Next summer I’ll probably find a part-time job. 4. Who will you be when you grow up? — I think I’ll be a doctor when I grow up. 34 Unit! Lessons/8 12 Imagine that you've got a guest from abroad. Offer help in these situations. Model: I’m thirsty.— Г11 bring you some water. 1. I’m cold. 2. I’d like to see your town. 3. I haven’t got any cash. 4. I need a taxi to the airport. 5. I can’t find my mobile phone. 6. I’d like to take some pictures of this beautiful building. 7. I’d like to take a shower. 13 Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple, the Present Progressive, the Future Simple or use to be going to and complete the conversation. Mother: Hi, John. How are you? John: Hi, Mum. It’s great to hear from you. Mother: What (do)? John: Actually, I (get) ready for dinner. Mother: Shall I call back later? John: Oh, no. I (go) to dinner with Steven and he (be late), as always. Mother: Your cousin Steven? Great! And how are things in New York? John: I (work) and (study) as usual. This month we (work) on a new project. It’s really interesting. Mother: ... you (get) any rest at all? John: Yes, Mum. I (have) a little holiday next week. It’s all planned. Steven and I (go) to Niagara Falls for two days. Mother: Wow, that’s exciting. John: Yes, and Mary is going to join us too. She (arrive) from Florida on Friday. Mother: What are you going to do there? John: On Saturday we (see) the falls on the Canadian side. We ... probably (walk) under the falls. There is also a boat that takes you as near to the falls as you can get. Mother: Are you going to take this boat? It might be dangerous. John: I don’t know yet. I (have a look) at it first. Unit! Lessons/, 8 35 Mother: And what are you going to do on Sunday? John; We ... (go) to the Canadian side of the falls. From that side you can see them all really well. Mother: Right. That all sounds great, but don’t let me keep you on the phone for so long. You’ll be late for your dinner. John; That (be) a change for Steven. I’m always on time. Mother: (laughs) Have a good dinner, dear. Bye! John: OK, bye, Mum! I (try) to phone you soon. 14 Listen to the speaker and check your answers. Homework • A Read the following phrases. Then put them in the table. 1. I’m afraid he/she is out at the moment. 2. The line is busy. 3. Can you call him/her back? 4. Can he/she call you back? 5. Can I take a message? 6. Hello, this is ... speaking. у i speak to ... , please? 8 Could you take a message? 9. Would you like to leave a message? 10. Wait a minute. I'll put you through. 11. Hold on. I’ll go and see if he/she is in. 12. Just a minute. I’ll connect you. 13. I’d like to speak to... — Speaking. 36 Unit 1 Lessons/, 8 Как начать телефонный разговор Как сказать, что позвать кого-либо к телефону в данный момент невозможно Как попросить подождать Что можно предложить, если позвать кого-либо к телефону в данный момент невозможно Как попросить принять сообщение в Put the verbs in brackets in the right form to complete the sentences. 1. You (see) Peter again. He (not leave) until Monday. 2. What a great birthday present! Your mother (be surprised). 3. Look at the sky. It (rain) today. 4. Alice should work harder. She (get) another bad mark in English. 5. You must be ready by half past two. Your train (leave) at three. 6. A: Shall I drive you to the train station? B: Thanks. We (take) a taxi. It (come) at a quarter to three. 7. A: The phone is ringing. B: I (answer) it. 8. A: I’m hungry. B: I (get) you something to eat. 9. A: I (go) to the cinema tonight. B: I (go) with you. A: Great idea! It (be) fun! C Say it in English. 1. Я встречаюсь с Майклом во вторник. Он прилетает из Москвы. 2. Вы собираетесь готовиться к тесту? Он будет очень трудным. 3. У меня упала ручка! — Я подниму ее! 4. Закрывай чемодан! Мы опять опоздаем! 5. Может быть, Джон приедет на Новый год. 6. Этим летом я планирую поехать в лагерь.— А твоя мама согласится? 7. Что ты собираешься делать вечером? — Пока не знаю, может быть, буду смотреть телевизор. 8. Через месяц твоей сестре исполнится пять лет. Что ты ей подаришь? — Она получит от мамы куклу, так что я, наверно, подарю для нее кроватку. Unit 1 Lessons 7, 8 37 Lessons 9, 10, 11 What's "Murphy's Law"? 1 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. David: Charlie: Dima: Charlie: David: Dima: David: Lisa: David: Lisa: David: PIN (Personal Identification Number) code — пароль доступа cash — наличные деньги a cash machine — банкомат the confirm button — кнопка подтверждения to enter smth — зд. вводить что-либо to look away — отворачиваться Listen to the conversation and say: 1. what David was going to do. 2. what David is actually doing. 3. if David had the time for a snack. Read the conversation and check your answers. At San Francisco International Airport, USA “Murphy’s Law” I’m going to the snack bar. Don’t go away, David. The counsellor to take out — снимать (деньги) to lend smth to smb — одалживать кому-либо что-либо (давать в долг) to borrow smth from smb — одалживать что-либо у кого-либо (брать в долг) Never mind.— Ничего страшного. will turn up as soon as you leave. It’s “Murphy’s Law”. What’s “Murphy’s Law”? It’s a saying that means “If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong.” But we don’t know if he’ll come back in five minutes or in an hour and I’m hungry. Doesn’t anybody want something to eat? I’d like a sandwich, but I haven’t got any cash on me. I can lend you some money if you want. Thank you, but my brother and I try not to borrow money from people. In fact. I’ve got a credit card. I just don’t know how to use it. I’ll show you how to use it if you come with me. That’ll be great, thanks. Right. Here is the machine. Insert your card into the machine. Choose the language. Now enter your PIN code. Do you remember yours? 38 Unit 1 Lessons 9, 10, 11 Lisa: David: Lisa: David: Lisa: David: Lisa: David: Lisa: David: Lisa: David: Lisa: David: No, but Mum has written mine in my notebook. She does everything for me. I can’t stop her. You should remember your PIN by heart. If somebody finds it in your notebook, they can take your money. Now I’ll look away and you enter your PIN. And don’t forget to press the confirm button at the end. Right. I’ll tell you as soon as I’m ready... Oops! I’ve made a mistake. The machine is asking me whether I want to try again. Say yes, just try again, but be very careful this time. If you enter the wrong PIN number three times, the cash machine won’t return your card. But I’m afraid to try again. If the machine swallows my card. I’ll have no money at all. But you haven’t got any cash. What will you do when you need to buy something? All right, all right. I’ll try again. (A minute later) They accepted my PIN. What do I do next? Choose the sum of money you want to take out. Then wait for your card and your cash. (collects the cash) Wow, that was easy! Let’s go and get something to eat. I think it’s too late. “Murphy’s Law” is at work. Why? What’s happened? Well, it’s good news. Our counsellor has arrived and has brought four more campers with him. I’m sorry you won’t have the time to buy a snack because of me. Never mind. Let’s hope they’ll give us some dinner when we get to the camp. Read the conversation again and find the English equivalents of the following expressions: 1. вставлять карточку 2. выбирать язык 3. вводить пароль доступа 4. брать в долг 5. давать в долг 6. „проглатывать" карточку 7. нажимать на кнопку подтверждения 8. помнить пароль доступа наизусть 9. иметь наличные деньги 10. принимать пароль доступа Unit 1 Lessons 9, Ю, 11 39 Answer the questions. 1. What does David want to do? 2. What is “Murphy’s Law”? 3. Does David believe in “Murphy’s Law”? 4. Does Dima borrow any money from David? Why? / Why not? 5. What is Lisa’s problem? 6. Where do David and Lisa go first? 7. What does Lisa need to do to get her money? 8. What has Lisa’s mother done wrong? 9. Why doesn’t Lisa want to enter her PIN code a second time? 10. Does Lisa manage to get some money? 11. Does David get his snack? Mark these facts true, false or not stated (if there is not enough information in the conversation). Explain your answers using the information from the conversation. 1. American and British cash machines are very similar. I I 2. You need a PIN code if you want to take money from a cash machine. I I 3. Nobody should know your PIN code because they can use it to take your money. I I 4. A cash machine will usually give you some money but won’t return your card. I I 5. If you enter the wrong PIN code three times, the cash machine won’t return your card. I I 6. A cash machine in the USA won’t give you more than 500 dollars in 24 hours. I I Think of the right words or expressions to complete the sentences. 1. I never ... money from anybody. 2. Don’t lend your money ... Derek. He never returns it. 3. I’m really sorry about this mistake.— Never... You’ll do better next time. 4. I can’t pay you now. I haven’t got any ... on me. 5. Do you know your ... code? You need to know it if you want to get some .... 6. My father doesn’t want to ... money ... the bank. He says he’ll have to pay back more. 40 Unit 1 Lessons 9, 10, 11 7. Who will ... me some money? I’ll pay you back tomorrow. 8. We are late ... of Kate. She couldn’t find her bag. 9. I waited and waited for my friend, but she never ... up. a) Read the text "Murphy's Law" again and find the following; 1. Сложноподчиненные предложения, содержащие придаточные предложения условия. 2. Сложноподчиненные предложения, содержащие придаточные предложения времени. 3. Сложноподчиненные предложения, содержащие изъяснительные придаточные предложения. b) Write the sentences you have found into your copybooks. How will you put them in Russian? c) Answer the questions. 1. В какой форме употребляются глаголы в главных предложениях, выражающих будущие действия? 2. В какой форме употребляются глаголы в придаточных предложениях времени, выражающих будущие действия? 3. В каких предложениях вместо необходимого по смыслу будущего времени (the Future Simple) используется настоящее (the Present Simple)? 4. Следует ли использовать настоящее время (the Present Simple) вместо будущего (the Future Simple) в придаточных изъяснительных предложениях, выражающих будущие действия? d) Read the grammar comment on page 244 and check your answers. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or the Future Simple. Explain your choice. 1. If you (listen) to me, you (make) the right decision. 2. I’m not sure if Mike (arrive) tomorrow. He hasn’t phoned yet. 3. She (not pass) the exam unless she (start) her revision right now. 4. Mum (not worry) unless somebody (tell) her about it. 5. Mary (phone) you when she (be) ready to go out. 6. Tom (not go home) until he (finish) this task. 7. You’ll have to ask her if she (join) us tomorrow. Unit 1 Lessons 9, 10, 11 41 10 Read the story about "Murphy's Law" and mark these sentences true or false. 1. “Murphy’s Law” was invented by a scientist after a series of tests. 2. “Murphy’s Law” was just a joke that the team at Edwards Air Force Base liked. 3. People talked about “Murphy’s Law” when they wanted somebody to be very careful. 4. Their belief in “Murphy’s Law” didn’t help the team in their work. 5. Journalists liked the story about “Murphy’s Law”. □ □ П о о For your information "Murphy's Law" gets its name from Captain Edward A. Murphy, an engineer who worked on a very challenging project at Edwards Air Force Base in 1949. One day, he noticed that a technician, who was known for his mistakes, had just made another one. Captain Murphy said, "If there is any way to do something wrong, this guy will find it." Since then the team members always thought about the worst possible scenario when they got ready for a new experiment. They called it "Murphy's Law". When the project was over, the pilots and engineers always mentioned this "law" in their interviews. They said it had helped them in their work because it made them extra careful. Soon after that, Murphy's Law appeared in a lot of magazines and newspapers and became famous. Nowadays there are a lot of witty statements that are similar to Murphy's Law. They are made up by different people all over the world. 11 Say what you think. Speak about 1,5 minute. 1. Is “Murphy’s Law” usually true? 2. Is “Murphy’s Law” for optimists or for pessimists? 3. In which situations / jobs is “Murphy’s Law” useful? 4. In which situations /jobs is “Murphy’s Law” useless? 42 Unit 1 Lessons 9, 10, 11 12 а) Put the verbs in brackets in the right form and complete the "laws" that are similar to Murphy's. 1. If there (be) two queues, yours always (move) slower. 2. Just when you (think) things cannot get any worse, they (do). 3. If you (put) something in a very safe place, you ... never (find) it again. 4. If a lot of different things (can) go wrong, they ... all (go) wrong at the same time. 5. If you (put) on your new shoes for the first time, you (have to) walk miles. 6. As soon as you (learn) all the rules, they (change) again. 7. If you (throw) something away, you (need) it an hour later. b) Which of them do you find true / not true? 13 Make questions for these answers. 1. You need to dial the country code first and then the area code. 2. The country code for Russia is 7. 3. The pay phone is just round the corner down the street. 4. You can get something to eat at the snack bar. 5. There is a cash machine in the bank across the road. 6. The bus to Moscow leaves at ten o’clock. 7. I’m afraid there is no cafd in this building. 8. I have no idea. This mobile phone is different from mine. Unit 1 Lessons 9, 10, 11 43 14 Role-play. A — the host. В — a guest from abroad. In turns ask each other questions and answer them. Extra information for the host is on page 46. Model: Л Information for the guest; You are English in Russia and you want to phone home. You've got the telephone number 0044 123 9743764, but whenever you dial it, you get the message "The number hh you have dialled has not been Вш Information for the host: recognized." In Russia every international cal starts with 810 instead of 00. Excuse me. I’m having a problem with this telephone number. I want to phone home, but whenever I dial the number, I get the message “The number you have dialled has not been recognized”. Oh, I know, this happens a lot. Most international codes start with 00. But in Russia we dial 810 instead. So you have to dial 810 first, then 44 for England and finally 123 9743764. 1Л Information for the guest: 1. You are in England. You are invited to the party but you don't know when to come or what to take with you. 2. You are Russian and you want to phone a city in England. You've got the telephone number 0044 123 9743764, but whenever you dial It, you get the message "The number you have dialled has not been recognized". 3. You are in the US. You don't know how to use the cash machine. 4. You are in your host's kitchen. You don't know how to make tea. 5. You don't know how to send an e-mail from your host's computer. 6. You want to know how to get to the nearest restaurant from your host's house. 7. You don't know how to use your host's CD player. 15 Listen to the dialogues and check your answers. 44 Unit 1 Lessons 9, 10, 11 Homework A Fill in the gaps with the right prepositions where necessary. 1. He is very careful with his bike. Don’t try to borrow it ... him. He won’t let you. 2. You shouldn’t lend your money ... strangers. 3. We’ve missed a great party because ... Jane. She had to babysit her little brother. 4. Have you got any money ... you? If not, I can lend ... you some. 5. It’s getting late. I hope your friend will turn ... soon. I can’t wait anymore. 6. You must return this parcel now, or they will charge ... you for it. В Translate the sentences into English. 1. He нужно одалживать ему свои книги. У него их достаточно. 2. Я не люблю одалживать людям свои вещи. А ты? 3. Извини, я потерял твой номер телефона.— Ничего страшного. 4. Мне нужна мелочь, я хочу позвонить. 5. Мы не можем больше ждать. Боюсь, что твой брат так и не появится. 6. Мы опоздаем из-за тебя. Вечно ты забываешь адрес! 7. Не пытайся воспользоваться его карточкой! Ты не знаешь его пароля доступа. 8. Мне нужны наличные. Где банкомат? С Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or the Future Simple. Explain your choice to the class. 1. Ask Dad if he (speak) to your teacher. I don’t know if I (have) the time to do it myself. 2. My friend is not sure if he (go) out with us tomorrow. He’s got a lot to do. 3. I (not work) tomorrow unless you (ask) me to. 4. Leave her a message if she (be) not in. 5. My friends (go) hiking as soon as it (get) warm. 6. He (enter) his PIN code after he (see) this message. D Write your own "Murphy's Laws". Prepare to share them with your classmates. Talk about which laws are the funniest. Unit 1 Lessons 9, 10, 11 45 I Information for the host: 1. In England it's polite to arrive 10 or 15 minutes late. You can recommend a box of sweets, souvenirs from Russia. 2. No country code for domestic calls. Dial 0 before a local telephone number. You don't need this 0 only when you phone from abroad. 3. Insert your card into the machine. Choose the language. Enter your PIN code. Press the confirm button and choose the sum of money you want to take out. Wait for your card and your cash. 4. Turn the kettle on. Open this cupboard and take any mug you like. Sugar and tea bags are on the same shelf. The spoons are in this cupboard. 5. Open the Outlook Express programme (this yellow symbol on the desktop). Press the new message button and write your e-mail. Don't forget to write the e-mail address in the top field. Press the send / receive button. 6. There is a restaurant nearby on the right side of the road. Give directions. 7. Press the on / off button to switch it on. Then press the open / close button and put in your CD. Press the close button again. Press the play button. Lessons 12, 13 Test yourself Homework A Prepare for your project "At an international airport". This summer your friend got really lucky. He / She is going to Turkey with his family for two weeks. From Turkey your friend is flying straight to the UK where your friend is spending a month with his/her pen friend. It’s the first time he/she is going abroad and he/she doesn’t speak very good English. The adventure is going to start at Antalya Airport. He/She is flying alone and will be met by a host family at Heathrow Airport. He/She has got a bit of small change, a credit card which he / she has never used before and the telephone number of the host family. Prepare detailed instructions for him / her for the following situations. • He / She is at Antalya Airport alone. What should he/she do? What questions may he/she have? What might people say to him/her? What must he/she be careful about? 46 Unif 1 Lessons 9, 10, 11 and 12, 13 • Не / She has arrived in the UK. What should he/she do? What questions may he / she have? What might people say to him / her? What must he/she be careful about? • Nobody has met him/her. How can he/she use the phone? How can he/she phone friends in the UK? Where should he / she offer to meet them? How can he / she phone relatives in Russia? How can he / she take out money from the cash machine? In these instructions you con use some Russian if you need to translate some of the English phrases for your friend, and use a lot of pictures if you can. Lessons 14, 15 Project "At on international airport" 1 Make a presentation of your project. 2 Listen to your classmates' presentations and mark each presentation according to these points. a) How good was the overall presentation? b) Did they use some good pictures? Did the pictures help you understand the material better? c) Was the presentation informative enough? d) Has your classmate chosen an unusual and interesting form for his/her presentation? e) Were there any grammar mistakes? 0 Were there any factual mistakes? 3 Discuss the presentations and choose the best ones. Homereading "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry (see Workbook 1) Unit 1 Lessons 12, 13 and 14, 15 and 16, 17, 18 47 Your active vocabulary At the airport baggage a domestic call a telephone box a trolley a country code an exit a sign an area code an information desk a written confirmation a tone a check-in desk scales to dial a number a ticket office excess weight the line is busy bureau de change arrivals to get through a cafd departures to phone back a restaurant a boarding pass to swallow a coin a duty-free shop a flight no smoking liquids Using a cash machine lost baggage sharp objects a PIN code customs an aisle to accept a smoking zone to get rid of smth cash to arrive in/at to keep smth to collect the cash gate on time to enter the wrong a passport control a delay PIN number to unpack smth an advantage a cash machine on time to make a reservation the confirm button to take off to check in to enter a card duty-free to charge money to swallow a card a passenger to catch a fligt to insert a card to throw smth away to miss a flight to choose the to join smb/smth language security check Making phone calls to lend to get ready for smth a pay phone to borrow to board a plane to accept coins to press a button to save up a digit a queue small change 48 Unit 1 Lessons Ь 2 Do you have a friend? 1 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. a poster — зд. стенгазета to feel awkward — чувствовать себя неловко to have a laugh — смеяться to turn to smb for help — обращаться к кому-либо за помощью to have а good sense of humour — иметь хорошее чувство юмора to whisper — шептать to share smth with smb — делить что-либо/делиться чем-либо obviously — очевидно since — 3d. поскольку as — когда, в качестве, так как to rely on smb — полагаться на кого-либо breathtaking — захватывающий дух to nod — кивать to be about to do smth — собираться сделать что-либо 2 Read a page from Lisa4 diary and do the task in Ex. 3. On the way to Camp Pineland.. 4 June Somewhere in California “We strongly recommend to take our bus to the camp since lifelong friendships sometimes start there and then.” This is what our camp brochure said. So when we got to the bus, Dima and I sat in the very centre and got ready to make new friends. “ ^ Four new campers introduced themselves to us. There was Daniel from Australia, Pauline from New York, Lukas from Germany and Mary from Canada. We talked about our flights to the USA for a while but soon everybody got quiet. David and Charlie were still talking to each other in very fast English while Daniel was sleeping in the corner. A German boy was sitting in the front of the bus. He was obviously enjoying the Unit 2 Lessons 1, 2 49 breathtaking views of the mountains. Mary, the Canadian, was listening to her MP3 player and Pauline was reading a teen fashion magazine. I waited and waited, but nothing, absolutely nothing interesting happened on the bus. Dima was sitting next to me. He was listening to his favourite pop music which drives me mad, but still I was glad he was there with me. It’s strange, but I was thinking about my best friend back home and how much I was already missing her. My best friend is Natasha. We didn’t click straight away. I still remember the first day she came to school really well. Our first lesson was Literature. I was in the middle of answering a question when the door opened and Natasha came in with our school director. 1 immediately forgot what I wanted to say and got a bad mark. 1 was very angry with this new girl and became even angrier when I was told I had to share a table with her. I like to sit alone, but I soon realized that it was lucky to have the new girl nearby. Natasha was very smart and got really good marks from the start. However, she didn’t show off. In fact she seemed to feel awkward about her good marks. She often whispered the right answer to me when I turned to her for help. I was very grateful to Natasha, but when I tried to talk to her about her good marks and how cool she had been, she just nodded and walked away. I think Natasha felt a bit lonely. The other girls didn’t bully her, but they didn’t ask her to join our games either. Natasha spent every break alone in the classroom. She read books and ate her usual sandwich. It was that sandwich that actually started our friendship. 50 Unit 2 Lessons 1, 2 Natasha’s mum made her a huge sandwich every day. She put a bit of everything from the fridge in it: sometimes a bit of egg, some cheese and ham, some tomatoes, onions and cucumbers and a bit of mayonnaise. Once I even noticed some potatoes in it. Some of the girls found those sandwiches very funny and giggled behind Natasha’s back. I feel ashamed of myself now when I remember that I often giggled with them. I was really good at drawing. I always drew little pictures for our class’s poster. They were usually very funny and they weren’t supposed to be mean. So that month I drew a big picture of our class. I drew myself in my usual outfit which was already too short for me, and I drew my friend Sveta with mice on her head because she loves animals, and of course I drew Natasha with her big sandwich and a book. During the break my classmates were having a laugh at my picture and I noticed that Natasha was laughing with them too. She obviously had a good sense of humour. The next day I was the first to come to school. As I was passing my poster, I noticed that somebody had changed it. Natasha’s sandwich had been filled with rubbish: fish tails, bones, tins and plastic bags. I needed to do something before anyone else could see it. But just as I was about to change it with my pencil, Natasha walked into the classroom. She looked at the poster and then at the pencil in my hand and ran out of the room. She didn’t come to school the next day, so I decided to phone her. But she hung up on me when she heard my voice, so I called her again “Natasha, please listen to me. I didn’t draw all that rubbish,” I started to say quickly. “It doesn’t matter, Lisa,” she answered sadly. “It matters to me,” I said. “It’s OK,” Natasha said. “I believe you. I have to go now. Bye!” I felt disappointed, however I didn’t want to hang up. “Wait!” I said. “If you believe me, there is a chance that one day we will be friends.” Natasha was really surprised with my words and slowly she started getting really interested in the conversation. On the phone she was more relaxed and we talked Unit 2 Lessons 1, 2 51 for the whole evening. Now I realize that on that day I found my best friend in the world. It’s not that we always agree with each other about everything — of course not. We sometimes fall out over the smallest thing, but then we can’t go to sleep until we make up. I know that I can always rely on Natasha and that she will never let me down. We’ve always stuck together since that day. That’s what matters. And then my thoughts were interrupted. The bus stopped. We had arrived at Camp Pineland. Match the words and expressions from the text with their meanings 1. to frighten or hurt someone 2. to feel unhappy because somebody is far away 3. to be friends for a very long time 4. to feel bad about oneself for doing something wrong 5. to be important to somebody 6. to continue to help each other in any situation to like each other from the very beginning to laugh quietly in a childish way 9. to quarrel 10. to have the same opinion 11. to feel upset because your hopes didn’t come true 12. not to help somebody in a difficult situation 13. to be friends again 14. to be unkind 15. to show that you are better than other people 7. 8. CAMPPiNELAhj • I a) b) c) d) e) 0 g) h) to have a lifelong friendship to click straight away to agree with each other to be mean to feel disappointed to feel ashamed of oneself to fall out to stick together i) j) k) l) to make up with someone to matter to let someone down to giggle m) to miss someone n) to show off o) to bully somebody Listen to the speaker, check your answers and learn to pronounce these words and expressions correctly. 52 Unit 2 Lessons 1, 2 5 Match the Russian sentences with their English equivalents from Lisa's diary in Ex. 2. дружба на всю жизнь. 2. Мы не сразу поладили. 3. Наташа не воображала. На самом деле казалось, чувствует себя неловко нз-за свонх\о“ це^к 4. Мне стыдно за себя, когда я вспоминаю, что часто хихикала вместе с ними. (лмпи очень смешными, и не пред- Га-Гь чГоин будут оскорбительными. 6. На следующий день я пришла в школу первой. 7. Иногда мы ругаемся из-за ерунды, но потом мы не можем лечь спать, пока не помиримся. 8. Я знаю, что всегда могу положиться на Наташу, и она меня не подведет. 9. Это имеет значение. ’•«'■о дня мы всегда вместе. Держимся Unit 2 Lessons 1,2 53 Answer the questions about Lisa and Natasha's story. 1. Did Lisa and Natasha click straight away? 2. How did Lisa and Natasha meet for the first time? 3. When did Natasha come to Lisa’s class? 4. Why did Natasha share a table with Lisa? 5. What did Lisa like about Natasha? 6. How did Natasha feel about her good marks? 7. How did Natasha react to Lisa’s compliment? 8. Did the other girls in the class like Natasha? 9. What did Natasha do during breaks? 10. What did Natasha’s mum put in her sandwich? 11. What did the girls from Lisa’s class giggle about? 12. Did Lisa laugh too? What changed? 13. What was Lisa good at? 14. Were her pictures supposed to be mean, or were they supposed to be funny? 15. What did Lisa draw for the class’s wallpaper that month? 16. What was happening during the break? 17. What did Lisa notice when she came to class the next day? 18. What was Lisa trying to do when Natasha walked into class? 19. What did Natasha do when she saw Lisa with her pencil? 20. How did Lisa and Natasha become friends? Fill in the gaps with the right prepositions to complete the sentences. Use the page from Lisa's diary to help you. 1. My sister and I always fall ... over clothes. She wants to borrow mine all the time. 2. I don’t agree ... my best friend when she says that poetry is boring. 3. Alice’s mother always relies ... her to make dinner for her little brother. 4. I’m glad that your friends didn’t let you ... when you got in trouble. 5. Ann doesn’t want to invite Kate to the party. She says she always shows ... 6. What happened? — Maggie and I fell out ... some stupid film. She wanted to see it, but I just wanted to talk.— I’m sure you’ll make ... soon. 7. My brother is a very smart boy. When I have a problem with Maths, I always turn ... him for help. He’s never let me ... so far. 8. Is Tom angry ... you? He didn’t want to discuss it. 9. This boy bullies ... my little brother. I am going to teach him a lesson. 54 Unit 2 Lessons 1. 2 a) Rephrase these sentences using the words and expressions from the diary. 1. We often have the same opinion about things. 2. We sometimes quarrel over the smallest things. 3. We liked each other from the very start. 4. My best friend never leaves me alone in a difficult situation. 5. My best friend always laughs at funny jokes. 6. Once my best friend and I had a big fight but we were friends again that very same day. 7. We always help each other in any situation. 8. We are unhappy on weekends because we don’t see each other. 9. When I upset my best friend, I feel very bad about myself. 10. My best friend is never unkind to anybody. b) Which of the phrases in a) apply to you and your best friend? Homework e V « • A Translate the words and expressions from Ex. 3 into Russian. Use the explanations and Lisa^ diary page. Write them down in your copybooks and give examples. Model: to show off — красоваться, рисоваться (e.g.. She always shows off when she gets a good mark.) В Rephrase these sentences using words and expressions from the diary page. 1. I hate it when you laugh behind my back in that childish way. 2. When we were little, we often fought over her bike. She didn’t want to share it. 3. I noticed that you are not talking to each other. When will you be friends again? 4. Our teacher likes good jokes. It’s not important to him if we come a bit later. Phone your friend. Don’t be so unkind. 7. Alice hoped that we would come to her party, but we couldn’t, and she felt very unhappy about it. 8. Andrew and his father often have the same opinion about things. 9. We liked each other from the very beginning. 10. Masha and I have been friends for a very long time. 5. 6. Unit 2 Lessons 1, 2 55 Translate these sentences into English. 1. Мы c моим другом никогда не ссоримся. 2. Вы должны помириться сегодня. Завтра Маша уезжает. 3. Не приводи с собой Мишу. Он всегда воображает, 4. Мы с кузеном сразу понравились друг другу. Это было началом нашей дружбы. 5. Вчера ты подвела меня, постарайся помочь мне сегодня. 6. Отец очень разочарован. Тебе должно быть стыдно. 7. Я могу на тебя положиться? — Конечно, я всегда тебе помогу. 8. Скажи мне, кто над тобой издевается? — Это Петя. Он недобрый. Put the verbs in brackets in the right form to complete the dialogues. Use the Future Simple, the Present Simple, the Present Progressive or the Future with going to. ... you (know) Daniel? Is he the guy who won “The Green City” competition? Yes, he planted one thousand trees last year! That’s amazing. So what’s his prize? They (send) him to a cool summer camp in the States. And they (pay) for the whole trip. Isn’t he lucky? Yes, I’m sure he (look) forward to it. Lukas: What’s up. Mum? Mother: Don’t ask me what’s up, Lukas. I’ve just spoken to your English teacher Mr Grey. He says you have failed every single test this year, so you’ll have to repeat the year! Lukas: Rubbish, Mum. My English is all right. Mother: No, it’s not, young man. And it will have to get better before it’s too late. You (go) to the States to Camp Pineland. I’ve got it all planned. And this autumn you (write) another test for Mr Grey and I promise you (pass) it this time. 56 Unit 2 Lessons 1, 2 Mother; What (go on) here, Pauline? Switch this music off now! Pauline: Mum, you’re home early today. We (get) ready for a party. Mother: That’s lovely, but you need to do something first, don’t you remember? Pauline: No, what? Mother: Today is your turn to pick up your younger sister from school. And her lessons (finish) in five minutes. Pauline: Oh, no! How could I forget? But I can’t go. Mum. I’m sorry. We (go) to Jake’s party tonight. Everybody is going to be there. It’s the coolest party this spring. Claire and Simon (come) all the way from Washington. Mother: You should be ashamed of yourself. All you think about are these parties and clothes. Maybe it’s all my fault, but now it’s time to correct it. This summer you (not go) to any parties. And it won’t be summer as usual. You (go) to camp in California. Pauline: Oh, no. Mum. Please no! E Prepare to retell Lisa and Natasha's story. Use Ex. 6 as a plan. Unit 2 Lessons 1, 2 57 Lessons 3, 4, 5 What did you use to do in summer? 1 Look through the text in Ex. 2 of Lessons 1, 2 and fill in the table with the sentences which contain: Действие, произошедшее в прошлом в определенное время Действия, произошедшие одно за другим в прошлом Повторяющиеся в прошлом действия, которые более не происходят Действие, происходившее в определенный момент времени в прошлом Описание обстановки, на фоне которой происходили события повествования Два и более равных по длительности действия, происходившие в прошлом одновременно Действие, продолжавшееся в прошлом в тот момент, когда произошло другое более краткое действие Действие, произошедшее раньше другого действия в прошлом Действие, завершившееся к определенному моменту времени в прошлом a) Look at the table and answer the questions. Для выражения каких действий в прошлом глаголы используются в форме: • the Past Simple? • the Past Progressive? • the Past Perfect? b) Read the grammar comment on pages 245-255 and check your answers. Look at the picture on page 50. In turns ask as many questions about the people on the bus as you can and answer them. Model: Where was Lisa sitting? — She was sitting in the middle of the bus. Why was she sitting there? — Because... 58 Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4, 5 Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple, the Past Progressive or the Past Perfect to complete the sentences. 1. We (walk) in the woods when the weather (change). It (start) to rain. 2. Where you (buy) this jacket? — I (get) it from Zara last month. 3. Ann (look) at the notice, (laugh) and (go) away. 4. Mother (read) her morning newspaper when Jim (phone). She (not be) very happy to hear from him. 5. While they (talk), I quietly (get out) of the house and (run) over to my friend Tom. Tom (hide) behind a big tree. 6. Before Moscow Alice (visit) Perm and Ufa. 7. What you (do) at 8 o’clock in the morning yesterday? I (phone) you, but nobody (answer).— I (take) a shower. I (not hear) you. 8. That morning I (want) to do some extra work. I (get up) early, (have) a quick breakfast and (go) to my office. When I (arrive), I realized that I (leave) my keys. 9. The film already (start) when I (switch) the TV on. 10. While Jane (look) out of the window, her friend Ben (take) pictures of her. 11. The girls (do) their homework and (go) out. They (play) in the garden when their father (come) from work earlier than usual. They (be) happy they (do) their homework first. 12. When I was ten, I (spend) every weekend at my granny’s. We (cook) delicious breakfasts, (read) books and (watch) TV. Конструкция used to See the grammar comment on pages 248-249. Следует уметь различать used to (^бывало/имел обыкновение^ и be used to/get used to (привыкнуть к чему-либо); Why don't you go to Egypt in summer? — Гт not used to the heat. Почему вы не ездите в Египет летом? — Я не привыкла к жаре. First Peter couldn't sleep because of the noise in the street, but soon he got used to it.— Сначала Петя не мог спать из-за шума на улице, но вскоре он к нему привык. Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4, 5 59 Make changes to this story. Use used to or would where it is possible. Model: Natasha spent every break alone in the classroom.— Natasha used to spend every break alone in the classroom. Natasha’s Mum made her a huge sandwich every day. She put a bit of everything from the fridge in it: sometimes a bit of egg, some cheese and ham, some tomatoes, onions and cucumbers and a bit of mayonnaise. Once I even noticed some potatoes in it. Some of the girls found those sandwiches very funny and giggled behind Natasha’s back. 1 feel ashamed of myself now when 1 remember that I often giggled with them. I was really good at drawing. I always drew little pictures for our class’s poster. They were usually very funny and they weren’t supposed to be mean. ' Try to answer these questions for the characters. 1. Why did Natasha react to Lisa’s compliment without any enthusiasm? 2. Why did Natasha eat such a strange sandwich? 3. Why did Lisa like to sit alone? Moke up stories for your answers. Write 4-6 sentences. Models: 1. Natasha: In my old school I used to be the best in Literature. 2. Natasha’s mother: When Natasha was little, she used to be a very bad eater. 3. Lisa: I used to have two best friends. ; o) Listen to the characters' explanations and check your ideas, b) Answer the questions. 1. Why was Natasha’s friend disappointed? 2. What did Natasha decide to do in the new school? 3. What made Natasha’s mother angry? 4. What decision did Natasha’s mother make? 5. Why did Lisa and her friend use to fall out? 6. What idea did Lisa have? 60 Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4, 5 Pair work. In turns ask and answer questions about friends and friendship. Use these ideas. 1. The day we met. 2. How we became friends. 3. Why I like/liked my best friend. 4. How we spend/used to spend time together. 5. How we fell out and made up/never made up. 6. Why we’ll always stick together/never be friends again. Report your classmate's answers to the class. Look at the pictures and find pairs of friends. Answer the questions about these people. 1. Which of them used to be enemies? 2. Which of them fell out and never made up? 3. Which of them had no other friends? 4. Which of them met at school? n Group work. Choose one couple which you think represents the idea of friendship best of all. Create the story of their friendship. Start with how they met and include how their friendship was tested and how they stuck together. Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4, 5 61 Homework A Write a story how you and your best friend fell out. Alternatively, you can write about someone else's quarrel. In the end give reasons for and against each of the friends. В Read the story and put the verbs in the right form to complete the sentences. It all started as a great Halloween party in the house of her old friend Jenny who lived in Scotland. One day Jenny (think) that it would be a great idea to organize a real Halloween party and invite all her classmates. Betty (be) Jenny’s best friend, but at first she (be not) sure about this party. Betty (not want) to see Derek, her ex-boyfriend who (be) the soul of their gang at school. So Jenny (promise) not to invite him and Betty (agree) to come. The party was lovely. A lot of people (come) from different parts of the world. It was interesting to find out that Simon (move) to France and Gregory and Kate (get married) and (leave) England for Italy. Betty (have) a great time when she (look) out of the window and (see) Derek. He (get) out of his cool sports car. He (not change) at all and (look) as handsome as he (do) at school. Betty (have) no time to fall out with Jenny — she (tiptoe) out of the living room and (run) to her car. An hour later she still (drive) through some rather wild countryside. She (be) so angry that she (forget) to take her map, and she (not know) where she (be). It (get) dark, it (rain) and a cold wind (blow). Betty’s car (run) out of petrol. Her best friend (let) her down. Betty (be) scared and tired. She understood that she (be) lost. Suddenly she (see) a light in the darkness and in a minute Betty (stop) in front of a little hotel. Next to the 62 Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4, 5 hotel there was a very old graveyard with a small church. “This is exactly what one needs on Halloween night. I’m sure the owner of this hotel is going to tell me that it has belonged to a family of vampires for the last eight hundred years,” Betty (think) to herself as she (look) around. At that moment the door (open) and a tall old man (come) into the light. “The night is cold and wet,” he said to Betty and smiled. “Do come in.” As Betty (walk) in, she was greeted with a warm smile by the hostess. The woman (understand) everything immediately. “What would you like to eat?” she asked. “We’ve got a fish pie or lamb chops for dinner.” Betty (not mind) and in a minute the old man (lay) the table and his wife (warm) up some food. “Don’t worry, darling,” the old woman said. “You won’t have to eat your dinner alone. Our grandson Derek (be) back any minute. He (spend) this week with us. This afternoon his classmate Peter (phone) and (tell) him about some party which was just round the corner. Our Derek (go) just to say hello to his old friends, but he won’t be long. He is such a lovely young man, our Derek. I’m sure you (like) him.” C Give the story a name and write your ending. What did Betty say/think to herself? D Answer the questions. 1. Who was Jenny? 2. Why did Betty come to Scotland? 3. Whose idea was the party? 4. On what condition did Betty come? 5. What did Betty find out about her old friends? 6. When did Betty see Derek? 7. What did she think when she saw him? 8. What happened after Betty left the house? 9. Why did Betty get lost? 10. Where did she stop? 11. Did the hotel look welcoming or scary? 12. Were the hosts nice to Betty? 13. Who did the hosts expect for dinner? 14. Did Jenny let Betty down? Unit 2 Lessons 3, 4, 5 63 Lessons 6, 7, 8 Lisa's cabinmates 1 Read the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. a cabin — зд. летний домик в лагере а bunk — узкая койка а cabinmate — сосед по домику to cheer up — приободряться to cheer smb up — ободрять кого-либо to belong to smb — принадлежать кому-либо to fit in — зд. приспосабливаться, привыкать to split smb up — зд. разделять кого-либо to grin — широко улыбаться honest — честный the Mohicans — могикане (индейское племя) the Cherokee — ирокезы (индейское племя) shabby — зд. ветхий, убогий spare — лишний, запасной 2 Listen to Lisa's diary page and answer the questions. 1. What is Lisa unhappy about? 2. How many girls are there in Lisa’s cabin? 3. Are all the girls from Lisa’s cabin American? 4. Are there any dangers in the camp? 3 Read Lisa's diary page for detail. 4 June Camp Pineland “Dima and I got split up the moment we arrived. To make it worse, they’ve taken away our mobile phones. Why? Because they think it’ll help us fit in more quickly. It’s one of the most important rules of the camp. So now Dima and I won’t even be able to exchange text messages to cheer each other up. And how will I know if he gets in trouble?” 64 Unit 2 Lessons 6, 7, 8 This is what I was thinking to myself as one of the camp girls was taking me to my cabin. It’s called “Cherokee” after the Indian tribe. I was getting really tired of walking when we finally stopped at the door of a rather shabby-looking cabin. Behind the door I heard two loud voices talking excitedly. — Oh, no! What have they done? — They’ve split us up! — They’ve put Jennifer in the Mohicans and we’ve got a new girl in our cabin! — It’s Meredith Nutt who did this. — Yes, that woman has hated us since we met years ago. — How could she do this? We have been going to this camp since we were ten and we have always been together. — Calm down. Belle. The camp can’t always do what we want. I’m sure they tried their best. At that moment, the girl who had taken me to the cabin, pushed the door open. I walked in and looked at the girls — my cabinmates. A very pretty African-American girl was sitting in the corner. Next to her there was a very tall and thin girl in pyjamas. She had a long nose, a big mouth and very clever eyes. The bed at the window belonged to a very beautiful blond who hardly turned in my direction and then, to my surprise, the fourth girl in the room was Mary, the Canadian. She grinned nervously when she saw me. Unit 2 Lessons 6, 7, 8 65 Mary: Lisa: Mary: Lisa: Hailey: Lisa: Belle: Lisa: Mary: Lisa: Belle: Lisa: Mary: Lisa: Hailey: Lisa: Mary: I’m sorry, Lisa. It’s not you. It’s just because we have known each other for so long and we have never had to share our cabin with anybody else. It’s OK. I understand. Well, meet my friends then. This is Cindy, our pretty genius from South Carolina. And this is Arabella, but we call her Belle because she is our blond beauty. Belle is the only local girl in this cabin, the rest of us have travelled thousands of miles to spend this summer here together. And this is Hailey who is obviously ready for bed since she is in her pyjamas. Hailey is from Boston. So that’s everyone! Now tell us about yourself. My name is Lisa and I’m fifteen years old. What else can I say? Have you really come all the way from Russia? Yes, I have. That’s exciting. My parents used to tell me that there were bears in the streets of Russian cities and towns. Is this true? No! We don’t have bears in our streets. Well, the funny thing is that here we do — at least at camp sometimes. Are you joking? Not at all. Have you had a look at the camp yet? Not yet. It had got dark by the time we arrived. But hasn’t the Crunch spoken to you? Do you mean Mrs Nutt, the head counsellor? No, she hasn’t. When I saw her, she just told me to go to this cabin. That was it. Well, just wait for tomorrow. She is going to make her big speech about all the dangers at camp. She’ll frighten you to death, trust me on that, (yawns) And now it’s time for me to go to bed. It was a really big day today. Umm... is this really where we... sleep? That’s your bunk, Lisa. Just put your sleeping bag on top of it and you’re done. 66 Unit 2 Lessons 6, 7, 8 Lisa: What? But I haven’t brought a sleeping bag. I didn’t see it on the packing list. Mary: Now that is a problem. It can be really chilly at night... What do we do, girls? Belle: Don’t worry, Lisa. I’ve got an extra one. Here you are. Lisa: Oh, thank you. That’s so kind of you. Answer the questions. 1. Which cabin is Lisa in? 2. Can she communicate with her brother? Why? / Why not? 3. Why did they take away Lisa’s phone? 4. Who are the cabins named after? 5. Who are Lisa’s cabinmates? 6. What do the girls look like? Which of them are pretty? 7. Are the girls happy to have a new cabinmate? Why?/Why not? 8. Is Lisa happy to be in the cabin with these girls? Why? / Why not? 9. What dangers doesn’t Lisa know about? 10. What surprises the girls? 11. What does “the Crunch” do? 12. Do the campers like her? 13. What did one of the girls give Lisa? Fill in the gaps with the right prepositional verbs in the right form. to let smb down, to show off, to fall out, to fit in, to cheer up, to split up, to share, to stick together, to cheer smb up 1. It’s always hard to ... when you are new in a group. 2. Last year I ... a cabin with a girl called Jane. This year she’s my cabinmate again. 3. My best friend always knows how to ... me ... when I’m sad. 4. My brother and I often ... over small unimportant things. 5. My friend has never ... me ... yet. 6. Out History teacher had to ... us ... because we were giggling in the classroom. 7. I don’t like those girls. They think that they are the most beautiful in the class and ... their pretty clothes all the time. 8. My friend and I always ... in difficult situations. 9. Tom was homesick at first, but he ... after he met John. Unit 2 Lessons 6, 7, 8 67 6 . Look through the text and fill in the table with the sentences which contain: Действие, которое завершилось совсем недавно, и его результат все еще ощущается (след) Действие, которое началось в прошлом и все еще продолжается Действие, которое завершилось в прошлом, но результат этого действия видим сейчас (Важен результат, а не когда совершилось действие) Действие, произошедшее в еще не истекший период времени Действие, которое происходило в точно указанный момент времени в прошлом 7 Make your own conclusions (выводы). 1. В каких случаях употребляется the Present Perfect? 2. В каких случаях употребляется the Present Perfect Progressive? 3. В каких случаях the Present Perfect употребляется вместо the Present Perfect Progressive? 4. В каких случаях употребляется the Past Simple? 8 Read the grammar comment on pages 255—261 and check your answers. 9 Look through the diary page (Ex. 3) again and find the facts to support or contradict these statements. Model: Dima and Lisa haven’t seen each other since they got to the camp. Dima and I got split up the moment we arrived. 1. Dima and Lisa can’t exchange text messages. 2. Lisa’s new cabinmates are old friends. 3. Some of Mary’s old friends are in another cabin. 4. Another new girl is in the cabin with Lisa uC?‘*U 68 Unit 2 Lessons 6, 7, 8 5. Lisa’s cabinmates think that the head counsellor doesn’t like them. 6. Three of the girls in Lisa’s cabin live far away from the camp. 7. Lisa doesn’t know the camp very well. 8. Lisa knows about the dangers in the camp. 9. Lisa came to the camp well-prepared. What were you like when you were ten years old? Talk about yourself then and now. Make questions from these words and answer them. Model: Who/best friend? — Who was your best friend? — Ten years ago my best friend used to be Sveta. Now my best friend is Olga. 1. What/like to eat? 2. What/like to do in the evening? 3. What sports/do? 4. What pet/have? 5. What marks/get? 6. What bad habits/have? 7. What/scared of? 8. What / dream about? 9. What/look like? 10. What actors (actresses)/like? 11. What films/watch? 12. What music/listen to? 13. What games / play? r." ft 12 Have you changed a lot? Compare some of your answers to Ex. 10 and make some conclusions. Model: Ten years ago my best friend used to be Sveta. Now my best friend is Olga.— Tve become friends with Olga. / I’ve fallen out with Sveta./ Sveta has moved to another city. Put the verbs in the form of the Present Perfect to complete the sentences. Comment on each sentence. 1. Jenny just (finish) school. She wants to spend next year abroad. 2. My grandfather and grandmother (be) together for forty years. 3. ... you (be) to Los Angeles? — I (not be) to the USA yet. 4. We finished school in 1996.1 (not see) any of my classmates since then. 5. Somebody (leave) the window open. 6. J. K. Rowling (write) seven books about Harry Potter. Her fans hope that she’ll write more. Unit 2 Lessons 6, 7, 8 69 7. Ira and I (know) each other for ten years. We are old friends. 8. Masha (not have) any breakfast yet. 9. They (not see) their son since he was twenty. 10. ... you ever (speak) to a foreigner? — No, I haven’t. 11. How long ... your brother (love) this girl? He (love) her since they met in 2009. 12. I can’t give you the address now. I (forgot) it. 13 Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Progressive. Explain your choice. 1. My friend and I (know) each other since we were kids. 2. Look at her. She (clean) her flat. Now she’s got dust in her hair. 3. You look tired. What (do)? 4. Anna (watch) TV since morning. Somebody should turn it off. 5. Alex is a great actor. I ... always (like) him. 6. I don’t know anything about Julia. I (not see) her for ages. 7. We (go) to this resort since 1999. We (not miss) a year ever since. 8. Harry knows all the news. He (listen) to the radio all morning. 14 Put the verbs in brackets in the right form to complete the sentences. Use the Present Perfect, the Present Perfect Progressive or the Past Simple. Explain your choice. 1. A: Where is Mary? B: She is on the phone. Her friend (phone) her two hours ago and she (speak) ever since. 2. It’s a lovely dress. Where (buy) it? 3. Who (open) this door? I (tell) you not to touch it. 4. Tolstoy (write) a lot of great books, but my favourite one is Anna Karenina. 5. We (know) each other since my father (introduce) us in 2008. 6. Our teacher (give) me a bad mark on my test. Obviously, I (make) a lot of mistakes. 7. When you (see) Jane? She (phone) me two days ago, but I really (not see) since Monday. 8. A: You look great. Where you (be)? B: We (go) to the Crimea and (spend) two lovely weeks there. 9. A: Last year I (be) in Turkey. ... you ever (be) there? B: Yes, I (be) there three times. 70 Unit 2 Lessons 6, 7, 8 Homework • • . < Complete the sentences with the words: never, ever, just, always, yet, so far, already, since, for 1. Have you ... tried this cake? It’s delicious. 2. Mum and Dad have known each other ... twenty years. 3. Aren’t you ready ... ? You are very slow! 4. Mary hasn’t seen her best friend ... June. 5. This idea to sell home-made cakes in the market was not such a good one. ... we have sold just two cakes. 6. Has your friend ... been to Red Square? 7. I’ve ... got some great news. We are invited to a picnic this weekend. 8. We are going to Prague in spring. I’ve ... wanted to see this great city. 9. My granny has ... left her little village. \ Express the some idea using the Present Perfect. Use the verbs: wake up, disappear, finish, be, leave, break 1. Jack started this portrait two weeks ago and he’s still working on it. Jack ... this portrait yet. 2. He can’t find his mobile phone. It’s not here. His mobile phone .... 3. Oh, no. My car keys are still in my office. I ... my car keys in the office. 4. Is this your first time in Moscow? ... you ... to Moscow before? 5. Is your brother still in bed? ... he ... yet? 6. I can’t walk because my leg is aching. I think I ... my leg. ; What do you think will happen to Lisa and Dima in the next few days of camp? Use these verbs to make your own ideas. to fit in, to cheer up, to stick together, to let down, to share, to show off, to fall out, to make up, to click with smb, to get in trouble, to check Model: I think Lisa won’t fit in easily because all the girls in her cabin have known each other for a long time. /I think Lisa will fit in easily because all the girls in her cabin are really nice. Unit 2 Lessons6, 7, 8 71 Lessons 9, 10 How to make friends? Read the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. spirit — дух jealousy — ревность to bump into smb — натыкаться на кого-либо to shake hands — пожимать руки to hug — обнимать, обниматься to clap smb — похлопывать кого-либо to get along with smb — ладить c кем-либо to sign up — записываться (например, на курсы) to sort out — улаживать, утрясать (проблемы) to notice smb/smth — замечать кого-либо/что-либо miserable — несчастный trustworthy — надежный, заслуживающий доверия easygoing — покладистый, с легким характером shy — застенчивый, робкий loyal — преданный, верный You are fun to be around.— C тобой весело, besides — кроме того instead — вместо Listen to the page from Lisa's diary and answer the questions about Lisa's first morning at camp. 1. Did Lisa have a quiet and peaceful morning? 2. What was Lisa thinking about the other campers when they were all greeting each other? 3. What did Lisa decide to do about the situation with Dima? 4. Who did Lisa meet? 5. What did David understand about Lisa? 6. How did David help Lisa? Read the page from Lisa's diary and check your answers. 72 Unit 2 Lessons 9, 10 5 June Camp Pineland n't! When I woke up, my cabinmates had already got dressed. I noticed that Mary had put on a very cool T-shirt and a pair of very tight jeans and Belle was looking at her with jealousy. I quickly got dressed and ran to the dining hall. I was hoping to see Dima and ask him about his first night in his cabin. The dining hall was full of people. Everybody was hugging, shaking hands, and clapping each other on the back. I got the impression that all the campers had known each other for a long time. I felt very lonely. After a very basic breakfast of eggs, orange juice and hot chocolate, I decided to wait for Dima and discuss how we would meet, but instead I bumped into David. He told me that Dima had finished his breakfast earlier, but he hadn’t had time to wait for me. I got a bit upset. My little bro had never been my best friend, but he was the only person I knew in this camp. I wondered how he was feeling. Didn’t he want to talk? Obviously I looked totally miserable, so David smiled and sat down next to me. David: Look, Lisa. Let me tell you about your brother. He is in one of the boys’ cabins called Dakota and you can visit him in your free time. Follow his example — look for friends. I myself have spent every summer of my life in different camps since I was seven. So I know it’s hard in the beginning. May I give you some advice? Lisa: Thanks, David, I’d like that. David: OK, so here goes piece of advice number 1: Don’t worry about your brother — he’ll be fine and if he gets in trouble, you can be here to sort his problems out. Think about the fact that you are lucky to have him so near, and don’t get jealous if one day you’ll find out that your little brother has become the most popular guy in camp. Of course. I’d be so happy for him. I’m really not a jealous type, you know. Lisa: Unit 2 Lessons 9, 10 73 Lisa: David: Lisa: David: Lisa: David: Lisa: David: David: OK. Good for you. Piece of advice number 2: Say “hello” to everybody. I know it’s hard to believe, but if you just say “hello” and introduce yourself, it can be enough to start a new friendship. Other campers are feeling the same way and are looking for new friends too. So don’t wait too long. Start now or it’ll be a lot more difficult later. And that brings us to piece of advice number 3: Start looking for friends in your cabin. You are going to spend most of your time at camp with your cabinmates, so do your best to get to know them. Try to find things that you have in common: tell your cabinmates about yourself and ask them questions. Be sympathetic, be friendly, be easygoing, be trustworthy and most of all — be fun to be around. But here is the problem, David. My cabinmates aren’t so happy to have me in the cabin. They have known each other for many years. Were they nasty or unfriendly to you? No, they were nice. One of them even lent me her sleeping bag. You see? By the way, my piece of advice number 4 is: Accept help. If you let somebody help you, you may become friends later because of it. But all my cabinmates are already friends and they don’t need any new ones. I’ve seen situations like this all the time. You can’t have too many friends. Piece of advice number 5: Always be yourself. I’ve only known you for a day, but I have noticed that you are smart and fun to be around. I’m sure you have a lot of talents. Your personality is what will help you make friends, so don’t be shy. Yeah, I know. I’ll try to follow your advice, but I’m still not sure. Even if you don’t find close friends in your cabin, there are always other people in other cabins. So piece of advice number 6 is: Catch the spirit. Sign up for different activities and take part 74 Unit? Lessons9, 10 in all the cool games that Pineland offers. There are a lot of clubs for you to join: “Newspaper”, “Nature”, “Football”, “Art”, “Music”, “History”, wild animals and others. Be in the centre of all the events: when people do something together- and have common interests, they usually get along and become friends. Lisa: But I get the impression that everybody in this camp has known each other forever. David: Oh, but this is not true. Last year I myself came here for the first time but I made great new friends and kept in touch with them during the school year. Now, listen. My final and very important piece of advice number 7 is: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Find out about the history and traditions of Camp Pineland. Learn the camp songs, the camp jokes and the camp dances. And most importantly, learn the unwritten rules: be loyal to your cabin, never speak badly about them and never praise another cabin, be prepared to share your clothes and snacks, and don’t even think of smiling at somebody else’s boyfriend. That would be the WORST MISTAKE EVER. When David finished this last sentence, we both noticed Belle and the rest of my cabinmates. The shocked expressions on their faces let me know that I had probably just made the WORST MISTAKE EVER. “Oh, hi. Belle,” said David with surprise, “Hi, girls. Where’ve you been?” Unit 2 Lessons 9, 10 75 4j Which of these things did David advise to do / not to do/ didn't mention at ail? Model: to find friends in the cabin — David advised Lisa to find friends in the cabin. • to be herself • to be ready to sort out the problems of new friends • to be fun to be around • to sign up for different activities • to learn the camp songs by heart • to let people down • to try to make friends with somebody’s boyfriend • to wait until somebody says “hello” SJi/i ' accept help from other people • to be friendly to join clubs to get Jealous if somebody is popular • to find things in common with other people to tell other people about herself to be active to show her talents to show off ^ i to be loyal to her cabin not to try to make friends outside her cabin • to spend more time with her brother n to ask counsellors for help 76 Unit 2 Lessons 9, 10 Ask Mr Help Вопрос: Я перевел выражение; piece of advice number 1 как совет номер один. Однако я не уверен в правильности этого перевода. Меня смущает слово piece. Зачем оно здесь? Ответ: Твой перевод абсолютно правильный. Напоминаю, существительное advice в английском языке является неисчисляемым и не имеет формы множественного числа в отличие от русского языка. Поэтому в английском языке, когда требуется указать количество, перед advice ставится а piece of. Например: one piece of advice — один совет, two pieces of advice — два совета и так далее. Сравните: АН her advice is always useful.— Все ее советы всегда полезны. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Мне нужен только один совет. 2. Я получил от друга несколько советов. 3. Я проигнорировал его совет. Это было глупо. 4. Волшебник дал мальчику три совета. 5. Я не знаю, что делать. Посоветуй мне что-нибудь. What сап you do with this advice? Cross the odd ones out. make, receive, get, give, lend, borrow, follow, speak, ignore, present, find, listen to Find the advice that David gave to Lisa and say: 1. How many pieces of advice did David give to Lisa? 2. Which of the advice do you think is more/less useful? 3. Has Lisa already made some mistakes? 4. Has Lisa done anything right? 5. What is Lisa’s main problem? Do you agree that it is a problem? 6. Which advice will be the easiest/most difficult to follow? Unit 2 Lessons 9, 10 77 8 Complete the sentences using the words that describe people's character. Look up the words you don't know In the dictionary. miserable, jealous, friendly, trustworthy, open, loyal, active, fun to be around, smart, helpful, boring, mean, honest, ambitious, cheerful, shy, imaginative, sympathetic, easygoing, lazy, moody, independent, competitive 1. Someone who doesn’t like to do anything is ... . 2. Someone who wants what other people have is ... . 3. Someone who you can always believe is ... . 4. Someone who feels awkward in the company of other people is ... . 5. Someone who is always full of new ideas is ... . 6. Someone who always wants to be the first is ... . 7. Someone who can understand other people’s feelings is ... . 8. Someone who likes to do things on his own is ... . 9. Someone who always tells the truth is ... . 10. Someone who doesn’t like to lose is ... . 11. Someone who is unhappy is ... . 12. Someone who has no secrets is ... . 13. Someone who can make you laugh is ... . 14. Someone who is rarely in a good mood is ... . 15. Someone who’ll never let you down is ... . 16. Someone with whom you feel comfortable from the minute you meet is ... . 17. Someone who is very clever is ... . 18. Someone who is always in a good mood is ... . 19. Someone who bullies people is ... . 20. Someone who doesn’t do or know anything interesting is ... . 21. Someone who is always busy doing something is ... . 22. Someone who is there for you if you need a hand is ... . 23. Someone who is nice and polite is ... . 9 What should a new camper be / not be if he / she wants to find friends? Explain your opinion. Model: 1 think a new camper shouldn’t be shy. It’s hard to get to know a shy person, so a lot of people will quickly give up and leave him/her alone. 10 What qualities are the most important In a friend for you? Why? Are they different from the qualities you listed in Ex. 9? 78 Unit 2 Lessons 9, 10 n Talk about your own experience. Have you ever been new in a camp/ in a new class/ in a new town/ in a new group of people? What problems did you have? Did you manage to fit in and find friends in the end? What helped you? Homework Fill in the gaps with the right prepositions. 1. Thank you. You helped me sort... my problem with History. 2. If you want to meet new people, you must sign ... for different clubs. 3. If Lisa doesn’t cheer ... , people will think that she’s boring. 4. I was really surprised when I bumped ... him in the new shopping centre. I thought he was in London. 5. I can’t wake ... early by myself so I need an alarm clock. 6. Jane is very active. She takes part ... everything: dancing, singing, sports. How does she find the time? 7. Let’s hurry .... It’s time for dinner. 8. Susan is fun to be ... . She has a great sense of humour. 9. I haven’t got much in common ... my brother. We find it hard to understand each other. 10. Kate and her cousin don’t get... very well. Don’t make them sit next to each other. Use the suffixes to make adjectives from these words. Use a dictionary to check your answers. -less, -ful, -ous, -y, -ing, -ive, -ic, 1. act, create, imagine 2. fun, wit, mood, sun 3. ambition, danger, fame 4. hope, beauty, wonder -able 5. bore, excite, depress 6. sympathy, history, drama 7. fruit, help, care 8. access, read, eat Translate these sentences into English. 1. Советы нашего учителя всегда очень полезны. Следуй им и получишь отличную оценку за тест. 2. Я дал тебе три совета, но ты меня не слушал. 4. Мой друг получил от своего дяди несколько советов. Они помогли ему решить проблему с банком. 5. Не ходи завтра в кино. Это мой тебе совет. 6. Джон не дал мне никаких советов. Вместо этого он пошел со мной в школу. Unit 2 Lessons 9, 10 79 D Write your own 3-4 pieces of advice for people who want to make new friends. Lessons 11, 12 Camp Pineland — traditions and rules 1 ! Read the page from Lisa's diary and put the verbs in brackets in the right form. 5 June Camp Pineland I spent the rest of the day alone. The idea of going back to my cabin was scary. Surely Belle and her fiends wouldn’t want to talk to me after they (see) me with David. 1 (return) to my cabin just before the opening ceremony to change my clothes. When 1 entered the room, Mary (run) up to me. “Finally!” she (exclaim). “Where you (be)? We (wait) for you. C’mon, get dressed and don’t forget to wear something warm. There’ll be a cookout instead of our usual dinner.” To my surprise, all my cabinmates were quite friendly and even (give) me advice on what to wear. 1 (not understand) anything, but 1 (have) no time to think. We (have to) hurry up and go to the ceremony. The ceremony (take) place just outside the dining hall. It (start) with raising the flag which (remind) me of our summer camps in Russia where we (use to) do the same thing. And then everybody (start) singing. 80 Unit 2 Lessons 9, 10 and 11, 12 It (be) a camp song and most of the campers (know) it by heart. I (look) around to see how many new people there (be) and soon (realize) that I was not the only one. I (cheer) up and (decide) to ask Mary to write the words of the song down for me. Then the camp director (step) into the centre and (welcome) everybody to a new year in Camp Pineland. I (like) his speech. It (be) short and witty. When the director (finish) his speech, a tall woman with grey hair (take) his place. She (look) familiar and I (remember) that I just (see) her yesterday. It (be) Meredith Nutt, the head counsellor. I (hear) a sigh next to me. It was Mary. She (whisper) into my ear; “We call her the Crunch. She is the most pompous person I ever (know) and her speech is always the longest. So prepare to sit here for a while. Every year we (play) a little game. Each of us (write) one of the Crunch’s favourite words on a list and we (count) how many times she (say) them during her big speech. The one whose word (get) mentioned the most times is the winner. My pick this year is: pride. Just count the words with me. Belle (choose) lifelong friendships, Hailey (take) supervision, and Cindy, safety.’’ 2 Listen to the text and check your answers. Put the questions for these answers. 1. Because she thought that her cabinmates had become her enemies. 2. Because they had seen her with David. 3. The girls were friendly and helpful. 4. They advised her to wear some warm clothes. 5. It took place Just outside the dining hall. 6. Lisa used to raise the flag in the camp in Russia. 7. It was the song. 8. Because Lisa realized that she was not the only new person in the camp. 9. The camp director was. 10. His speech was short and witty. 11. She was tall and had grey hair. 12. Her speech was the longest. 13. Each of them writes one of the Crunch’s favourite words on the list and they count how many times she says them during her big speech. The one, whose word gets mentioned the most times, is the winner. 14. Belle has chosen lifelong friendships, Hailey has taken supervision, and Cindy, safety. Unit 2 Lessons 11,12 81 Listen to the Crunch's speech and say which subjects she doesn't mention. safety her own childhood in the camp discipline famous campers romance the territory of the camp camp history cabins camp traditions camp activities Read the text of the speech. Then put the missing sentences in the correct place to complete the speech. Model: (1) — d) a) However, we also know how this wonderful tradition is misunderstood by some of the campers. b) Just look around you, campers, and you’ll be amazed by the breathtaking beauty of the mountains, the coolness of the lake and the freshness of the air. c) My safety classes are every Monday and Friday at 11 a.m. d) Our camp has been a proud member of the American Camp Association for over 40 years. e) Each of the cabins is designed for five campers and one counsellor. 0 I do hope that each and every one of you will work hard to prepare yourselves for this challenging activity, g) For example, some of the new camps don’t allow parents to send any food or snacks to their children. And then there came the speech. It was a bit long and very boring, but for new campers it was also very informative. The worst thing about it was that there were some words that I didn’t understand. *** “Hello boys and girls! Welcome to another wonderful and unforgettable summer at Camp Pineland. I have no doubt that each and everyone of you will make us proud this year. I am aware that this year we’ve got a lot of young adults from all over the world. So let me fill you in on some very important camp information. Pineland was founded in 1950. (1) Tradition is what we value most of all. Many of the campers’ parents used to be Pineland campers themselves. Some of our camp songs have been a tradition for nearly 60 years. Pineland consists of 40 cabins. (2) Notice that there is no electricity in your cabins. We believe that campfires and flashlights will make your 82 Unit 2 Lessons 11,12 camp adventure even more exciting. Our small cabins are a part of the camp’s philosophy. Each summer a cabin becomes a nev^ family under the supervision of a counsellor who helps the campers start lifelong friendships. Boys’ and girls’ cabins are located on different sides of the camp. I’d like to warn our senior campers that regular inspections will be carried out to make sure that nobody goes out for romantic walks in the darkness. Camp Pineland is located in a unique and beautiful place. (3) However, be reminded that the lake is out of bounds for everybody without a counsellor and anybody caught there alone will be sent straight back home. As usual, this summer you’ll have a chance to hike in the mountains. (4) I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Camp Pineland is in the Sierra Nevada which means that black bears still live here. So I am personally going to teach the campers some safety rules. (5) Camp Pineland’s administration has always had traditional camp values. (6) We are proud to inform you that we understand how much fun it is for a camper to receive a box of cookies or sweets from home. (7) So be aware that I am personally going to collect all your parcels and make sure that only healthy snacks in safe quantities are given to you on special occasions. Your days at camp will be busy and structured and I hope that as always this summer we’ll see a lot of personal growth.” As soon as the Crunch finished, the campers started moving impatiently. It was time for the cookout and nobody wanted to wait any longer. And then I saw Dima. He was talking to some other boys, using gestures when he didn’t know the right word. His new friends seemed to understand him really well. Dima noticed me and gave me a big smile. He was obviously enjoying the camp more than I was. Unit 2 Lessons 11,12 83 For your information The Sierra Nevada (Spanish for "snow-covered mountain range") is a mountain range located in the US state of California. 6 J Look through the text and find the suitable translation for these words and expressions. 1. to fill somebody in on smth a) дать дополнительную информацию b) заполнять что-либо c) записывать кого-либо куда-либо 2. young adults a) молодые взрослые b) несовершеннолетние c) подростки 3. to be aware of smth a) знать b) догадываться c) узнавать 4. to be out of bounds (o территории, месте) a) быть за территорией лагеря b) быть запрещенным c) быть заповедным 5. cookout a) приготовление на открытом воздухе b) пикник на открытом воздухе с приготовленной на огне едой c) сковородка 6. supervision a) наблюдение b) хорошее зрение c) контроль 7. to value a) оценивать b) ценить c) платить 8. personal growth a) личный рост b) личностный рост c) взросление ^7 ) Rephrase the underlined parts of these sentences using the words from Ex. 6. Model: We were in trouble because our teacher caught us outside the school territory.— We were in trouble because our teacher caught us out of bounds. 1. These books will be interesting for teenagers. 2. Mum organizes a barbecue every first weekend of the summer. 84 Unit 2 Lessons П, 12 г 3. Our new teacher didn’t know that our class had visited London this summer. 4. I’ve heard about this computer programme, but I’ve never used it myself. So I’m asking Nick to tell me more about it. 5. Nobody is allowed to be outside the territory of the camp at night. 8 Find these words, or the words with the some root, in the text. Soy who has won the competition: Mary, Belle, Cindy or Hailey? camp, person, friend, warm, fresh, dark, pride, challenge, active, safety, tradition, inspect, supervise 9 Pair work. What have you learnt about Camp Pineland from Meredith Nutt's speech? in turns ask and answer questions about Camp Pineland. Model: Is Pineland an old camp? — Yes it is. It was founded in 1950. 10 What information about Camp Pineland surprised you? What information did you find interesting? What else would you like to know about this camp and the area where it is located? Homework A Which part of speech are these words? Put them in the right column and complete the table. Consult the dictionary if necessary. Adjective Noun fresh freshness freshness, activity, helpful, careful, hopeless, childish, interesting, funny, practical, importance, jealousy, likeable, dangerous, happiness, realistic, sunny, friendly, favour, value В Which suffixes are used to form these words? Give more examples for each suffix in your copybooks. Model: freshness — ness Examples: darkness, happiness, goodness C Compare Camp Pineland with a camp you have visited or heard about. What is the same? What is different? Unit 2 Lessons 11, 12 85 Lessons 13, 14 Test yourself Homework < Prepare for your project "Friends for life?". Write about a story of friendship either from your own life or from a book or a film. • Introduce the friends and describe them. Supply pictures or photos if possible. • Write about how the friends met and whether they clicked from the very beginning or not. • Write about the adventure they went through together and how this adventure tested their friendship. • What qualities did each of the friends show? • How did the story end? Did the friends stay loyal to their friendship? • What did you learn from the story and why did you choose it? Lessons 15, 16 Project "Friends for life?" 1 . Make a presentation of your project. 2 Listen to your classmates' presentations and mark each presentation according to these points. a) How good was the overall presentation? b) Are there any good pictures? Did the pictures help understand the material better? c) Was the presentation informative enough? d) Has the speaker chosen an unusual or interesting form for his/her presentation? e) Were there any grammar mistakes? f) Were there any factual mistakes? 3 Discuss your presentations and choose the best ones. Lessons 17, 18, 19 Homereading "The Stockbroker's clerk" (extract) by Arthur Conan Doyle (see Workbook 1) 86 Unit? Lessons 13, 14 and 15, 16 and 17, 18, 19 Your active vocabulary ■нняЛ to accept help from other people to make friends with somebody to be friendly with people to have a lifelong friendship to join clubs to click straight away to get jealous if somebody is to agree with each other popular to be mean to people to find things in common with to feel disappointed other people to feel ashamed of oneself to be active to fall out with somebody to show talents to stick together to show off to make up with somebody to be loyal to a cabin to matter to try to make friends outside to let somebody down one’s cabin to giggle to ask counsellors for help to miss somebody to feel lonely to bully somebody to cheer up to feel awkward to cheer somebody up to have a laugh to fit in to turn to somebody for help to split somebody up to have a good sense of humour to get to know somebody to rely on somebody to have much/little in common How to fit in in a camp life to get along with somebody to learn the unwritten rules to be oneself to speak badly about cabinmates to be ready to sort out the to praise another cabin problems of new friends to be prepared to share one’s to be fun to be around clothes and snacks to sign up for different activities to think of smiling at somebody to learn the camp songs by heart else’s boyfriend to let people down to catch the spirit to try to make friends with to take part in all the cool games somebody’s boyfriend to be in the centre of all the events to wait until somebody says When in Rome, do as the Romans “hello” do. Unit 2 87 Lessons 1, 2 What would you tell about Russia? Read the page from Lisa4 diary and say what problem is being solved on this day. 7 June Camp Pineland It’s been two days since I came to camp. And things are getting better. I’m totally amazed by the beautiful natural wonders of California. I’ve swum in the lake and I’ve been fed a ton of American snacks. However, a lot of important things still haven’t been done. This morning all the campers were asked which clubs they wanted to join. Everybody in our cabin knew the answer, but I didn’t. So I was advised to visit a couple of clubs and see what they are like. Today all the international campers are invited to the Geography Club. We have been asked to give a talk about our countries. I don’t know what topic to choose. Our country is so big that I’ll need a whole evening to cover everything. I wanted Dima to help me get ready for our presentation, but he’s got no time. He has already joined the Climbers Club, so right now he is being taught how to climb a tree. Do you think that’s an interesting activity? I don’t. Find the Russian equivalents for the following sentences from the text. What have all these sentences got in common grammatically? 1. And things are getting better. I’m totally amazed by the beautiful natural wonders of California. 2. I’ve been fed a ton of American snacks. 3. However, a lot of important things still haven’t been done. 4. This morning all the campers were asked which clubs they wanted to join. 88 Unit 3 Lessons 1, 2 5. So I was advised to visit a couple of clubs. 6. Today all the international campers are invited to the Geography Club. 7. We have been asked to give a talk about our countries. 8. He is being taught how to climb a tree. Answer the questions. 1. What has Lisa been amazed by? 2. What has she been fed? 3. What hasn’t been done yet? 4. What question were all the campers asked? 5. What was Lisa advised to do? 6. Where are all international campers invited today? 7. What have the campers been asked to do? 8. What is Dima doing? 9. What country will be represented by Lisa and Dima? The Passive Voice See the grammar comment on pages 261-265. (' f. . ^ - Change these sentences into the Passive Voice. Model: Jane received this letter on Monday.— This letter was received by Jane on Monday. 1. They built this house ten years ago. 2. All her classmates are listening to Lena’s report now. 3. Our teacher will give us a lot of homework for next week. 4. Somebody has broken the window. 5. When I entered the room, mother was washing the floor. 6. The writer died in 1998, he hadn’t finished his last book. 7. We call this dog Ginger because he’s got red fur. 8. I hope they’ll give Kate a quick answer. 9. At 5 o’clock yesterday my friend was talking to Mary on the phone. Unit 3 Lessons 1,2 89 Pair work. What would you tell about Russia if you had only a little time? Would you talk about its geography, history and politics, or would you concentrate on cities and villages, scientists, sportsmen, writers and space achievements? Lisa and her brother are preparing for their presentation of Russia. They have some Interesting facts about their country. a) Read the facts and use the context to guess the meaning of the underlined words. b) Put the verbs In brackets in the right form of the Passive Voice. Model: About one-eighth of the land area of the Earth (take) by Russia, the world’s largest country.— About one-eighth of the land area of the Earth is taken by Russia, the world’s largest country. 1. Forty-two per cent of the territory of Europe and nineteen per cent of the territory of Asia (take up) by Russia, the largest country in the world. 2. Russia (populate) by 142 million people. 3. The Russian Federation (establish) in 1991. 4. Russian is the official language of the country, although more than a hundred languages (speak) in its territory. 5. Russian (write) with the Cyrillic alphabet, not the Latin alphabet which (use) by most Western countries. 6. Russia (comprise) of 83 federal regions. 7. About seventy-five per cent of the population of Russia (make up) of people of Slavic origin, such as Russians, Byelorussians and Ukrainians. 8. The territory of Russia (make up) of 11 time zones. 9. Russia (border) by North Korea, Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Norway. Russia is also not very far from Japan, Turkey, Denmark, Sweden, and the US state of Alaska. 10. Russia and the USA (separate) by just 4 kilometres at their nearest points. 90 Unit 3 Lessons 1, 2 • I- 11. Alaska, which became a US state in 1867, (sell) to the USA by the Russian Empire for about $111 million in today’s dollars. 12. Before the October Socialist Revolution in 1917, Russia (rule) by tsars. Nowadays it (govern) by the President. 13. Some of Russia’s holidays and traditions (observe) throughout the centuries. Nowadays new holidays and traditions (establish) as well. 14. Christmas (celebrate) on 7 January according to the old Julian calendar. 15. One of the ceremonies (call) “Kolyadki”. During the ceremony a snowman (make) with a carrot nose. 16. European chronology, which started with the birth of Christ, (bring) to Russia by Peter the Great. The calendar (change) again in 1917 when the Bolsheviks introduced the Gregorian calendar in Russia. 17. On 9 May Victory Day (celebrate). This day marks the final surrender by Nazi Germany to the USSR in World War II. It is one of the most respected public holidays in Russia. A big parade (hold) in Red Square, war veterans (invite) and a wartime solidarity (re-experience). 18. Moscow, the capital of Russia, which (populate) by 11 million people, is Europe’s largest city. Unit 3 Lessons 1,2 91 19. Moscow (found') by Yuri Dolgorukiy. 20. Moscow is famous for its beautiful Underground. When the Metro first (open), only 13 stations (finish). Nowadays there are over 150 stations. Recently the first station (open) outside the road of MKAD and more stations (build). 21. One of Moscow’s most famous monuments, a monument to Pushkin on Tverskaya Street, (move) to its current place only about 50 years ago. Originally it (situate) on the other side of the street. 22. Seven of Moscow’s buildings: two hotels, two administrative buildings, two blocks of flats, and Moscow State University, look exactly the same. These buildings (order) by Stalin himself and (design) by the architect Lev Rudnev. 23. The 264-metre “Triumph Palace” in Moscow is the tallest block of flats in Europe. Its height (record) in the Guinness Book of Records. 24. Moscow University (establish) by the Russian Empress Elizabeth I at the advice of Ivan Shuvalov and Mikhail Lomonosov on 25 January (12 January, old style), 1755, This day still (celebrate) as Students’ Day in Russia. The first lectures at the university (hold) on 26 April. 25. The last five Fields Medals (award) to Russian scientists. The Fields Medal often (describe) as the “Nobel Prize of Mathematics”. 7 Read the words and check your understanding. a block of flats — многоэтажный дом to establish — устанавливать, основывать to populate — населять to award — присуждать, награждать to border — граничить to comprise — входить в состав to found — основывать to govern — управлять to rule — править to observe — зд. соблюдать to design — проектировать (здание) to situate — располагать to introduce — зд. вводить according to — в соответствии с 92 Unit 3 Lessons 1, 2 8 ) Listen to the text and check your answers. 9j Pair work. Match the verbs with the suitable nouns to form commonly used expressions. Make as many pairs as possible. a) a block of flats 2. to populate to establish 3. to award bordet A. 5. to found 6. to govern 7. to rule 8. to observe 9. to design 10. to situate 11. to celebrate b) a prize c) a tradition d) a city e) a country f) a town g) a university h) a territory i) a building j) a holiday k) an empire l) a federation m) a medal n) a lake o) a park p) a castle Mark these statements true, false or not stated (if there is not enough information in the text). 1. Moscow is the biggest city in Russia. I I 2. Only Russian is spoken in the Russian Federation. I I 3. Russia used to own one of the American states. I I 4. Russia is bordered by the USA. I I 5. Russia is ruled by tsars. I I 6. Russia is the largest country in the world. I I 7. A lot of Russian traditions are very old. I I 8. Christmas in Russia is celebrated before Christmas in Europe. I I 9. The Julian calendar was introduced in Russia by Peter the Great. I I 10. There are seven identical buildings in Moscow. I I 11. Moscow University is the oldest university in the world. I I 12. Moscow University was established with the help of Mikhail Lomonosov. I I 13. Five of the latest Nobel Prizes were awarded to Russian scientists. I I 14. Some new holidays are borrowed from other cultures nowadays. I---1 Unit 3 Lessons 1,2 93 11 Pair work. Discuss the facts which were used by Lisa and Dima. (You don't have to use the Passive Voice in all your answers.) 1. Which of the facts will be interesting/uninteresting for their camp friends? 2. Which of the important facts are missing? 3. Where do you feel there is not enough information? 4. What facts about Russia would you advise to add? Homework A Translate these sentences into English. 1. Ключи потеряли неделю назад, а новые еще не сделали. 2. Когда вы пришли, работа была уже закончена. 3. Письмо уже написано, но еще не отправлено. 4. Это здание будет построено в следующем году. 5. Сейчас в нашем городе открывается новый университет. Туда пригласили лучших преподавателей. 6. Эта страна населена англичанами. 7. Мой родной город был основан Юрием Долгоруким. 8. В 1935 году в Москве строилось метро. В Write questions to each of the statements in Ex. 6. C a) Read the advice of Mr Help, then complete the sentences with the right parts of speech. Use the suffixes: -tion, -meat, -er or conversion (конверсия). 1. 1 hope the ... of this college will attract young people ESTABLISH to our town. 2. The ... of this country is mainly English-speaking. POPULATE 3. And our ... goes to Miss Helen Grove. AWARD 4. It happened on the Canadian .... BORDER 5. Last year we celebrated the ... of our city museum. FOUND 6. The ... passed a new law. GOVERN 7. The ideal ... of the new block of flats makes them SITUATE very expensive. 8. I liked this place from the .... START 9. May I invite you to the ... of my 20th birthday? CELEBRATE 94 Unit 3 Lessons 1, 2 Ask Mr Help__________________________________________ Вопрос: К сожалению, я не помню что такое конверсия. Ответ: Конверсия — это способ образования новых слов ‘ другой части речи без изменения формы слова. Например:/inish — конец, to finish — заканчивать; clean — чистый, to clean — чистить. b) Write your own examples of words built with the help of suffixes -fion, -ment, -er and conversion. D Imagine that you are a student from abroad. Write down 4-5 questions about Russia and be ready to ask them in the class. E Prepare for the project. Think about what information about Russia would be interesting to tell your friends from abroad. Lessons 3^ 4 What country is described? 1 Role-play. Take turns to ask and answer the questions you have prepared at home (Ex. D). If you can't answer your friend's question write it down and ask the class. 2 Read the words and guess their meaning. Then listen to the speaker and pronounce them correctly. gas nickel aluminum climate immigration an exporter a prairie a province a federation a parliamentary democracy a constitutional monarchy multicultural federal Unit 3 Lessons 1, 2 and 3, 4 95 Read the words and repeat them after the speaker. whatever — что бы ни volume — объем a waterfall — водопад a citizen — гражданин natural resources — природные ископаемые oil — нефть an igloo — куполообразное жилище канадских эскимосов из снежных плит timber — древесина lead — свинец а tribe — племя population density — плотность населения presence — присутствие independence — независимость exploration — исследование (географическое), освоение unity — единство а dominion — территория, владение government — правительство to survive — выживать to gain smth — получать что-либо to preserve smth — сохранять что-либо legislative — законодательный regardless of smth — независимо от чего-либо to nickname smb / smth — давать кому-либо / чему-либо прозвище а tie — связь а heartbeat — сердцебиение а whale — кит Conjunction (Союз) See the grammar comment on pages 266-267. What would you like to know about a certain foreign country? Ask your questions using your own ideas and your active vocabulary from Ex. 2 and 3. 96 Unit 3 Lessons 3, 4 Read the story for detail. As you read, try to be the first to guess what country is being described. Then try to guess what names of places are missing and fill in the gaps. Hi, everyone. I’m from... My country is huge. You just have to think of its territory, the size of its great lakes, the volume of its world-famous ... Falls, the height of its mountains or even just the size of the whales that live there. It’s very rich. And I’m talking about both the natural resources and the people. Think of the oil, gas, timber, gold, nickel, aluminum and lead — we’ve got them all, and in huge quantities. Besides, we produce 15% of the world’s diamonds. So our citizens have a very high standard of living. It’s full of contrasts, with one of the largest territories in the world and a very small population, polar bears and blooming gardens, igloos and skyscrapers. It’s got something for everyone. Try to live in the rhythm of the crazy heartbeat of cities like T... and M..., which offer the world’s best quality of life. If that’s too fast for you, go for a quiet history tour of St John’s in Newfoundland. Are you a sports type? Then choose between hiking, skiing or snowboarding in the mountains of our national parks. We are multicultural. Since our country welcomes immigration, more and more people come to live here every year. You can eat in a Russian restaurant in our capital or get a hot Sicilian pizza in the snow-covered Yukon. And you will feel as if you are in Russia or in Italy. Oh, and I forgot to tell you; in our country, you can speak either English or French. Both languages are official. Would you like to know why? Then let me tell you about some of the facts from our history. In spite of the fact that the climate is so cold, the aboriginal people, or First Nations, had lived there for thousands of years before the Europeans came. A lot of Unit 3 Lessons 3, 4 97 the names of our cities and lakes came from their language. The name of our country ... comes from the Iroquoian word kanata which means villages. The name of one of our Great Lakes, Ontario, means “beautiful lake” in the language of the Iroquoian. Two other Great Lakes were called ... and ... after the tribes that used to live in that area. A similar story can be told about our capital which was called ... after the tribe of Odaawaa. In 1603 the French explorer Samuel de Champlain arrived and started the colonisation of the country. As the colonists were helped by the Indians, they managed to survive. Their territory was called New France and they established some of our major cities: ... and .... The English were generally uninterested in this country. They were more attracted to the warmer lands in the south, which later became the first thirteen colonies of the USA. But in 1756 the colonies had to enter the Seven Years’ War which started in the Old World. As a result New France fell, and the British General Wolf established British rule there. Although my country became a British colony, the first wave of British immigration didn’t come until the American Revolution. After the Thirteen Colonies declared their independence from Britain, about 50,000 people who stayed loyal to the British crown (we call them Loyalists) moved here. Later the British started a very active exploration of the new land. In 1787 they founded ... (from the Iroquois word tkaronto, meaning “place where trees stand in the water”). 98 Unit 3 Lessons 3, 4 Oh, I completely forgot to tell you about our capital city, ... . It was chosen by the English Queen Victoria on December 31, 1857. At that time it was neither big nor important. The choice surprised the people so much that they made a lot of jokes about it. One joke has it that when the Queen was asked to make her choice, she simply stuck a pin on a map halfway between the most important French and English cities ... and ... and announced the place for our capital. Thus the capital became a good compromise between the French and English population. Unfortunately, I must also tell you that this English-French problem has still not been solved since a lot of people in the French province ... still want to gain independence from the rest of the country. In ... they made French the only official language. I think it’s because our country is still a British dominion. The ties between my country and Great Britain are not only historical. Look at our money or our stamps and you will be reminded of Great Britain. We even have a queen. You’ll probably be surprised if I tell you that her name is Queen Elizabeth II. Yes, the English Queen, not another one. Thus, our country is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. Our form of government and its legislative system came from Great Britain too. In spite of all our disagreements, there are more things that unite us in this country, and this idea is symbolised in our flag. A red maple leaf between two red stripes symbolizes the unity of all our citizens regardless of their race, religion or beliefs. Unit 3 Lessons 3, 4 99 6 Use these place names and fill in the gaps in Ex. 5. Some names can be used more than once. The USA, Niagara, Montreal, Toronto, Quebec City, Ottawa, Erie, Huron, Canada 7 Listen to the first part of the story and check your answers. Which information has been added by the speaker? Tick all the right answers. EH a) information on the country’s territory EH b) information on the country’s oil reserves EH c) information on the country’s borders EH d) information on the country’s aboriginal people EH e) information on the country’s exports EH 0 information on the country’s culture EH g) information on the country’s oldest town EH h) information on the country’s population density EH i) information on the country’s first settlers EH j) information on the country’s architecture 8 Look through the text of Ex. 5 and find the sentences that contain the following conjunctions and adverbs: in spite of, so, since, so that, besides, thus, neither... nor, either... or, both... and, as, although 9 Find the Russian equivalents for these sentences. Pay special attention to the translation of the conjunctions and adverbs. 10 Choose the right answers to complete the sentences. 1. Canada is the ... country in the world. a) largest b) smallest c) second largest 2. The capital of Canada is a) Toronto. b) Montreal. c) Ottawa. 100 Units Lessons 3, 4 3. The name of the country was given a) by First Nations. b) by the French. c) by the Vikings. 4. First Nations are a) the French people who came to Canada in 1603. b) the Americans who came after the American Revolution. c) the aboriginal people of Canada. 5. The thirteen colonies later became a) the first states of the USA. b) the biggest part of Canada. c) the English part of Canada. 6. Canada is world known for its a) warm climate. b) rich natural resources. c) ties with Great Britain. 7. The official languagefs) of Canada a) is French. b) is English. c) are both English and French. 8. French is mostly spoken in a) Quebec. b) Toronto. c) all of Canada. 9. Loyalists are a) the English who came to Canada after the American Revolution. b) the French who came to Canada after the French Revolution. c) First Nations who were loyal to the Europeans during various wars. 10. Canada is a) a British dominion. b) an American colony. c) an independent state. 11. The official head of state in СапяНя is a) the president. b) the prime minister. c) the British king or queen. 12. Nowadays one of the biggest problems is that a) Canada wants to gain independence from Great Britain. b) Quebec wants to gain independence from the rest of Canada. c) Canada wants to gain independence from the USA. 13. The symbol of Canada is a) the pine tree. b) the maple leaf. c) the polar bear. 11 Choose the suitable conjunction or adverb to complete the sentences. Sometimes both answers are possible. 1. (In spite of/However) a very nice climate, this country doesn’t grow much wheat. 2. (Both/Since) Kate and Jeremy like tomatoes. (However/So) Kate eats them in only a salad. 3. Her parents didn’t welcome her friends (although/in spite of) the fact that Jenny asked them to. Units Lessons 3, 4 101 4. Neither Jane (nor/or) her husband is a good swimmer. (So/Therefore) when the waves got higher, they got out of the water. 5. (Since/So) Monday was a public holiday, all the shops were closed. 6. First Nations lived in Canada for thousands of years. (So/Both) a lot of Canadian towns have got aboriginal names. 7. His friend was (so/as) brave (that/and) he didn’t run away when they were attacked by the dog. 8. He was happy to see us (as if/in spite oO we were his best friends. 9. (Either/Both) Granny (or/and) mother has taken the key. It was on the table when I left. 10. Alex is very good at Mathematics. (Besides/So) he speaks English and German. 11. Mary is my best friend (since/unless) she’s never let me down. 12. The population of Moscow is more than 11 million people. (Thus/Moreover) it is the largest city in Russia. 13. (Although / Since) this city is very big and old, it is not the country’s capital. 12 Change the sentences to the Passive Voice using the verbs in brackets. Model: In our country you can speak either English or French. Both languages are official, (speak) — In our country both English and French are spoken as official languages. 1. A lot of the names of our cities and lakes came from the language of First Nations, (give) 2. Besides, we produce 15% of the world’s diamonds, (produce) 3. In spite of the fact that the climate is so cold, the aboriginal people, or First Nations, had lived there for thousands of years before the Europeans came, (populate) 4. In 1603 the French explorer Samuel de Champlain started the colonisation of the country, (start) 5. The French established some of our major cities: Quebec City and Montreal, (establish) 6. In 1787 the English settlers founded Toronto, (found) 7. The choice surprised the people so much that they made a lot of jokes about it. (surprise) 8. Each Canadian province also has its own government which makes all the important decisions, (make) 9. In Quebec they made French the only official language, (make) 102 Units Lessons 3, 4 Homework A a) Copy this scheme into your copybooks and fill it in with the words from the text in Ex. 5. People: citizens, population, Canadians, First Nations, aboriginal people b) Prepare a similar description for Russia. Look through the text (Ex. 5) and find the sentences in the Passive Voice. Translate them into Russian. Match the two parts of the sentences. 1. Today a new film by Tarantino is on,... 2. Canada is a big country... 3. Either Alice... 4. Neither his dog... 5. As this country has rich natural resources... 6. Both Andrew... 7. The girl was so happy when she saw a dog... 8. Ann looked... a) its people are rich too. b) that her parents allowed her to take it home. c) as if she was going to the party. d) and his sister are citizens of Armenia. e) however, it has one of the smallest populations in the world. 0 so we should go and watch it. g) nor mine can jump over this wall. h) or her best friend will come to help you in the garden. Units Lessons 3, 4 103 D Change and / or combine the sentences using the words in brackets. Model: I don’t like cheese. Mary doesn’t like it either, (neither... nor) — Neither Mary nor I like cheese. 1. Kate speaks English, but she doesn’t know anything about Canada. (in spite of the fact that) 2. She likes all my friends. My mother pays attention to their strange clothes, (although) 3. Somebody has broken the window. It could be Lily or John, (either...) 4. Today there’s no dessert. I forgot to buy a cake, (since) 5. The weather is very good. We won’t stay at home today, (therefore) 6. There are very good job possibilities in big cities. A lot of people want to live there, (so) 7. Pat likes to show off. She is very bossy too. (besides) 8. You can choose between the cinema and the cafd. (either... or) 9. Irene is a very interesting person, but she is unpopular in her class. (in spite of the fact that) E What do you associate Canada with? Write 3-4 sentences. Lessons 5, 6, 7 "The Maple Leaf Forever" Эмфатические конструкции Когда нужно выделить какой-нибудь член предложения, используются обороты: It is ... that/It was ... that. It is ... who /It was ... who. В этом обороте используется член предложения, на котором делается акцент. Например, если в предложении Аня пригласила его друзей в дом надо выделить, что именно Аня, а никто другой, пригласила его друзей в дом, то подлежащее Аня ставится между It was и who. It was Ann who invited his friends to the house.— Именно Аня пригласила его друзей в дом. It was in the park that we met yesterday.— Именно в парке мы встретились вчера. It is her brothers who support her.— Именно братья поддерживают ее. 104 Unit 3 Lessons 3, 4 and 5, 6, 7 The presentation of Canada isn't over yet. Another Canadian, Jeremy Higgins, has got something to add. Read his story and find the best variant in the right column to describe the words and expressions in the left column. a) a patriotic song b) a hymn c) the most popular song a) to be the best b) to always be the second c) to be very good a) to sing a song b) to act out a song c) to sing very emotionally a) a book b) an object c) a topic a) to call b) to find c) to say 1. a national anthem 2. to be second to none 3. to perform a song 4. a theme 5. to proclaim Of course, there is a maple leaf on our flag, but for a lot of Canadians, our flag is not ^ the only thing they associate a maple leaf with. Many think of our maple syrup for it is in Canada that 85 % of the world's maple syrup is produced. Another important association with the maple leaf is Canadian hockey which is second to none in the world. Unit 3 Lessons 5, 6, 7 105 I come from Toronto, the home of the Toronto Maple Leafs, our famous hockey club. The Toronto Maple Leafs is one of the Original Six professional teams of the National Hockey League, and their old arena was called Maple Leaf Gardens. It was this hockey temple that brought our Leafs eleven Stanley Cups. Unfortunately, the last game was played there in 1999 and then it was closed. My father was there, but he doesn't like to talk about it as the Leafs lost that game. I still see tears in his eyes when he remembers the emotional closing ceremony when our national song "The Maple Leaf Forever" was performed. This brings us to another association with the maple leaf. "The Maple Leaf Forever" is a song, which, I think, should be our national anthem. It was in 1867, the year of Canada's Confederation, that the song was written by a school teacher from Toronto. His name was Alexander Muir. A song was needed to unite the nation, so a patriotic poetry contest was held. Although "The Maple Leaf Forever" got only the second place, it became very popular with English Canada and for many years, it was used as an unofficial national anthem. Alexander Muir became famous as well. He always said that it was a big maple tree next to his house that gave him the idea. It was not until 1980 that another song, "O Canada", was proclaimed the national anthem of the country. Give the Russian equivalents for the following sentences. 1. It is in Canada that 85% of the world’s maple syrup is produced. 2. It was this hockey temple that brought our Leafs eleven Stanley Cups. 3. It was in 1867, the year of Canada’s Confederation, that the song was written by a school teacher from Toronto. 4. He always said that it was a big maple tree next to his house that gave him the idea. 5. It was not until 1980 that another song, “O Canada”, was proclaimed the national anthem of the country. 106 Unit 3 Lessons 5, 6, 7 3 Answer the questions. 1. Where does Jeremy come from? 2. What does Jeremy associate with the maple leaf? 3. What is Jeremy’s most important association with it? 4. What does Jeremy think about Canadian hockey? 5. In which city is “The Maple Leafs” team based? 6. What is the NHL? 7. Is “The Maple Leafs” team a member of the NHL? 8. How many Stanley Cups has the team got? 9. What is Maple Leaf Gardens? 10. What song was sung at its closing ceremony? 11. Is “The Maple Leaf Forever” the national anthem? 12. Who wrote this song? 13. When was it written? 14. Did it win the contest? 15. What is the official national anthem of Canada today? 4 Read the facts below. Listen and read the text of the song "The Maple Leaf Forever" and say which facts are reflected / not reflected In the song? 1. The British rule was established in Canada by General Wolf. 2. General Wolf was British. 3. A lot of people from Scotland, Ireland and England live in Canada. 4. A lot of people from France live in Canada. 5. A lot of people from all over the world live in Canada. 6. The old enemies Irish, Scots and English became friends in Canada. 7. Canada is a British dominion. 8. English Canadians are proud to be a British dominion. 9. There was a war on Canadian territory. 10. There was a war between Canada and the USA. 11. Canada sent its soldiers to fight in Europe during World War II. 12. English Canadians remember and love their historical motherland — Great Britain. 13. Canada is ruled by the British monarch. 14. The territory of Canada stretches from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. 15. Canada is the largest country on the continent of North America. 16. The French and the British became one nation under the maple leaf. Unit 3 Lessons 5, 6, 7 107 The Maple Leaf Forever 1. In Days of yore, from Britain's shore, Wolfe, the dauntless hero came. And planted firm Britannia's flag. On Canada's fair domain. Here may it wave, our boast, our pride. And joined in love together. The thistle, shamrock, rose entwine, The Maple Leaf foreverl Chorus: The Maple Leaf, our emblem dear. The Maple Leaf forever! God save our King (Queen), and Heaven bless, The Maple Leaf forever! 2. At Queenston Heights and Lundy's Lane, Our brave fathers, side by side. For freedom, homes, and loved ones dear. Firmly stood and nobly died; And those dear rights which they maintained. We swear to yield them never! Our watchword evermore shall be. The Maple Leaf forever! 3. Our fair Dominion now extends From Cape Race to Nootka Sound; May peace forever be our lot. And plenteous store abound: And may those ties of love be ours Which discord cannot sever. And flourish green o'er freedom's home The Maple Leaf forever! 4. On merry England's far-famed land. May kind Heaven sweetly smile; God bless Old Scotland evermore. And Ireland's Emer'Id Isle! Then swell the song, both loud and long. Till rocks and forest quiver, God save our King (Queen), and Heaven bless The Maple Leaf forever! 108 Unit 3 Lessons 5, 6, 7 5 Read the Russian translation of the song and check some of your answers. Кленовый лист навеки 1. Мы славу Вольфу пропоем — Отважному герою. Он водрузил британский флаг Над нашею землею. Трилистник и чертополох на нем в любви сердечной, И розы стебли оплели Кленовый лист навечно! Припев: Кленовый лист — наш добрый знак, Кленовый лист — вперед! Пусть вечно царствует монарх и клена лист цветет! 2. В боях при Лунди, Квинстон Хайтс Отцы наши стояли. За дом, свободу и любовь Дрались и умирали. И то, за что лилась их кровь. Хранить клянемся вечно; И тот же все у нас пароль; Кленовый лист навечно! 3. С пролива Нутка к мысу Рейс Раскинулась Канада, Пусть будет мирным наш удел. Нам большего не надо. И пусть мы будем жить в любви, В спокойствии беспечном; Наш дом свободы осени Кленовый лист навечно! 4. Господь, храни наш дальний дом. Его солдат, матросов, Шотландию благослови и Изумрудный остров. Мы вместе песню пропоем. Пусть слышат горы, реки... Пусть вечно царствует монарх. Кленовый лист навеки! Перевод Марианны Кауфман Unif 3 Lessons 5, 6, 7 109 6 А competition. Look closely at the words of the song and think about why this song never became Canada's official national anthem? Be the first to write your answer and pass it to your teacher. 7 Fill In the gaps with the right facts. Ь’1щЗДАТЮХА1<1;.^ '' ■S?'"'VI Hox^Btde De^vjrter Sergey Mikhalkov, Sergey Mikhalkov and G. El-Registan, Stalin, 2000, The Russian People’s Prayer, after the October Socialist Revolution, until 1944. 1. It was ... who wrote the modern State Anthem of the Russian Federation. 2. It was in ... that the modern anthem was adopted. 3. It is ... that was used as the national anthem before the October Socialist Revolution. This song was known by everybody as “God Save the Tsar!”. 4. It was ... that “The Internationale” was chosen as a new anthem. 5. It was not... that “The Internationale” was replaced by a new anthem. 6. It was ... who approved the new anthem in 1944. 7. It was ... who wrote the lyrics for the anthem in 1944. Group work. Talk about Russia. What is our national anthem? Who wrote It? Did our country use to have any other national anthems in the last 100 years? What is your favourite Russian patriotic song? Why? Is there a song which could be called an unofficial national anthem of Russia? Give reasons for and against it. 110 Unit 3 Lessons 5, 6, 7 > Discuss your answers to Ex. 6. Your teacher will tell you whose answers are politically correct. Then read this piece on political correctness. For your information___________________________________________________ The term "political correctness" or PC is not new to Western and particularly American society. To be politically correct means to behave and speak in such way that you don't offend anyone. For example, as a man you wouldn't tell a dirty joke about women in front of a woman or you wouldn't make fun of a particular ethnic group to a person who was part of that ethnicity. In the past we called this politeness but nowadays it's called "political correctness". The idea to show respect to everybody is good, but as it so often happens, people soon started to overdo it. Many American men never open a door for a woman, or offer to pay for her in a restaurant anymore because they don't want to offend her. You may ask: How can opening a door offend anybody? Some women think that if a man opens a door for a woman, he demonstrates to her that he thinks she is weak and can't take care of herself. Political correctness has changed the language too. Older people are not called "old" anymore because it may offend them, so they are officially called "senior citizens". But a lot of people think political correctness is nonsense. In fact, the term is sometimes used ironically, especially when somebody uses awkward language instead of more traditional words to describe someone. 10 This is a list of politically correct expressions which are generally used in modern English. Try to match these expressions with their more traditional equivalents. Model: an old person — a senior citizen 1. a peacekeeper a) a soldier on a mission abroad 2. a rainforest b) a postman 3. an African American c) an invalid 4. a law enforcement officer d) a slow learner 5. a differently abled person e) a mad person 6. a Native American (US) 0 a Negro 7. a differently sized person g) a jungle 8. a mentally challenged person h) a fat person 9. an intellectually challenged person i) an Indian 10. a letter carrier j) an immigrant 11. a newcomer k) a policeman / a policewoman Unit 3 Lessons 5, 6, 7 111 Homework A Write your own translation of "The Maple Leaf Forever". В Compare Canada and Russia. What have the two countries got In common? Start your phrases with both... and, neither... nor, although, since. C Prepare for your project. Write about the USA. Use the Information from Happy English.ru Grade 9 and these facts. Model: Full name: The United States of America — The full name of the country is the United States of America. The United States of America (EUKr^iri'OT I * i *7 \ > Otymp^ WASHINGTON Satem OREGON NEVADA I Carson City Cheyenne I Salt Lake City UTAH Santa Fe NEW MEXICO Honolulu Political system: Democracy Head of state: President Capital city: Washington, DC Independence Day: July 4, 1776 (previously a British colony) Largest Cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Antonio, San Diego, Dallas, San Jose Border Countries: Canada, Mexico Oceans: Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Pacific Ocean Population: 308,278,000 (January 2, 2010) 112 Unit 3 Lessons 5, 6, 7 uiuminipiii^i’cfaratipn _ ('f‘“,4incrifii Bern kcTA i SOUTH I j«OTA f*£3RASKA -ncoln • "ooeKa SaMSAS OKLAHOMA DonomaCity IOWA Dee Moines ILLINOIS INDIANA . Columbus SOfingtteW Indianapoli* Jefferson City Montpeher • Concord ./'HAMPSHIRE ^ ^MASSACHUSETTS NEW VORK * Albany . A PfovKlence ^•^*к;ннООЕ ISLAND CONNECTICUT PENNSTLVANIA . Tfenlon Hairisburo • jersey Annap^s • .,6over " DELAWARE WEST VIRGINIA ^ MARYLAND • • VIRGINIA • Blohmofxj Frankfort Chartestoo MISSOURI ARKANSAS Utile Rock KENTUCKY . Nasbville TENNESSEE NORTH * Ha*e*9h CAROUNA SOUTH CAROLINA ALABAMA MISSISSIPPI Atlanta GEORGIA Cohimbta Jackaon Montgomery Baton Rouge Tallanessee FLORIDA Territory: 3,615,123 sq mi (9,375,720 sq km) Highest Point: Mt McKinley, Alaska, 20,320 ft (6194 m) above sea level Lowest Point: Death Valley, California, 282 ft (86 m) below sea level Largest State: Alaska Smallest State: Rhode Island National Anthem: The Star-Spangled Banner National flag: The Star-Spangled Banner (nickname “Stars and Stripes”) Unit 3 Lessons 5, 6, 7 113 Lessons 8, 9 Australia is an island, isn't it? ^ 1 j The next camper, Daniel Sanderson, comes from Australia. Before he starts his presentation, try to complete the sentences with the right answers. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. 1. Australia is a) a country, b) a continent, c) an island. 2. The capital of Australia is a) Sydney, b) Melbourne, c) Canberra. 3. When we’ve got summer, Australians have got a) winter, b) summer, c) spring. 4. The head of state in Australia is a) the prime minister. b) the President. c) the British monarch. 5. Australia was discovered by a) James Cook. b) Christopher Columbus. c) Ferdinand Magellan. 6. The first European settlers in Australia were a) convicts, b) pilgrims, c) poor people. 7. Australians are very good a) scientists, b) sportsmen, c) builders. 8. The Australian Outback is a) a mountain in the heart of the continent. b) a lake which is the lowest point of the country. c) a large territory beyond the urban areas. 9. One of the biggest problems in Australia is a) the crocodile, b) bush fire, c) the cold winter. 10. Uluru is a) a lake, b) a rock monolith, c) a river. 11. The largest and oldest city in Australia is a) Sydney, b) Melbourne, c) Canberra. 114 Unit 3 Lessons 8, 9 Read the words and expressions and the bush — невозделанная земля, покрытая кустарником the outback — отдаленная, необжитая местность а snowflake — снежинка the Southern hemisphere — Южное полушарие а convict — зд. каторжник а background — происхождение ап understatement — преуменьшение the rainforest — джунгли ап appearance — внешность а descendant — потомок “The Thorn Birds” — „Поющие в терновнике** (название книги) repeat them after the speaker. to fascinate — зд. вызывать глубокий интерес to judge — судить to emphasize — подчеркивать, делать особое ударение (на факте, мысли) tough — зд. суровый, полный лишений awesome — восхитительный vast — огромный giant — гигантский amazingly — удивительно, поразительно by far — намного, гораздо Read the dialogue and check your answers to the questions in Ex. 1. Daniel: Hi, everybody. My name is Daniel. I’m going to represent a country, an island and a continent all at the same time. You are very welcome to ask questions as I speak, because 1 only want to tell you about things you really want to c know, not bore you to death. Let me start with our flag. In my opinion, it gives you all the basic information about my country. A boy: I see that the British flag is on it, so does it mean that Australia used to be a British colony? Daniel: It certainly does. Australia was discovered by the British explorer James Cook in 1770. By the way, Australia is still a monarchy and our head of state is the British monarch. A girl: I have always been quite fascinated by the strange snowflakes on your flag. What exactly do they mean? Daniel: That’s a good question. Actually, they aren’t snowflakes — they are stars. They form the Southern Cross which emphasizes the fact that Australia is situated in the Southern hemisphere. The largest star, which has seven points, represents all Australian states and territories. Unit 3 Lessons 8, 9 115 А boy: So does it mean that it is freezing cold in Australia now when we’ve got summer in the Northern hemisphere? ^ - Daniel: Not exactly. The climate in Australia is rather mild, so it’s never very cold, but yes, it is winter in Australia between June and August. A boy: But then mustn’t you be at school now? We’ve got school in winter. Don’t you? Daniel: You are absolutely right. I did stay at home in June, July and August until I left school last year. Summer holidays in Australia start in December and our school year starts in February, so Australian school children don’t have a lot of opportunities to travel in your summer months. A boy: In the USA they say that about 22 million Americans are related to the first 102 Pilgrims who arrived on the Mayflower. Who are the Australians related to? Daniel: It’s very interesting. A lot of Australians are related to convicts. At the time when Australia was discovered, crime was a big problem in Britain, so prisons were packed with people. The solution they found was to send prisoners to the far colonies. On 26 January 1788 the First Fleet of 11 ships arrived in Sydney Harbour with 1,500 people, half of them convicts. Nowadays this day is celebrated as Australia’s National Day. For me that shows that Australians are proud of their background, not ashamed of it. By 1868 160,000 men and women had come to Australia as convicts. There were free settlers too, but most of them had been so poor and unhappy in their own countries that they had nothing to lose there. So we do have a very tough background. 116 Unit 3 Lessons 8, 9 А boy: So maybe it is this rebellious and tough background that makes Australians so good at sports. Every Olympic Games the whole world admires Australian athletes. Daniel: If you ask me, when people say that Australians like sports, it is a huge understatement. A lot of Australians are practically born in the water as most of the country is a huge beach. As soon as they learn to walk, they glue themselves to surfboards or jump into kayaks and boats and spend hours or even days in the water. When they get older, they need more of a challenge. So they dive into the Great Barrier Reef and swim together with crocodiles, huge sharks and giant sea snakes. Some Australians prefer to risk their life in the rainforests which, by the way, are not populated just by koalas. In the Australian woods you can come across by far the most dangerous snakes and spiders in the world. Whatever you can think of: parachute jumping, cycling on mountain bikes, walking in the outback — Australians do have their own extreme way of doing it all. Right... are you still with me? Let’s go on then. A boy: I have heard that Australians have their own meaning for the word “outback”. Can you tell us what it is? Daniel: The Australian Outback or the Australian Bush is a vast territory beyond the urban areas. The heart of the Australian Outback is called the Red Centre which takes its name from the red soil of the desert. It is in the Red Centre that you can find Uluru, our most famous rock monolith. Uluru, which used to be better known as Ayers Rock, is an iconic image of the Australian Outback located in the Northern Territory in the very heart of the continent. A girl: Oh, that reminds me of the book “The Thorn Birds”. I read it a couple of years ago. It’s written by Colleen McCullough if I’m not mistaken. I was particularly impressed by the description of the bushfire which brought so much death and destruction. Hopefully these fires are something of the past. Daniel: Unfortunately, this isn’t true. In fact, we do have to deal with bushfires nearly every summer when temperatures rise and rain is rare. I myself live in Sydney, so bushfires don’t usually affect me. I didn’t use to give them much thought. But last year I spent my holidays in a small town in the Yarra Valley. Soon Unit 3 Lessons 8, 9 117 after I returned home, news came that this town had been completely destroyed by a bushfire. About ten people were killed. I was horrified as I remembered the nice owner of our hotel and how she had looked after us in her house. Then I thought about the friendly family who lived next to the hotel. All of them could be dead. So I started listening to the news really carefully. I was relieved when I heard that the people I knew were alive. I suppose it shows that when something happens in a place you know, you take other people’s problems much closer to heart. A boy: Look, you still haven’t told us anything about your city, Sydney. I’ve heard it’s awesome. I suppose it is also the capital of Australia, right? Daniel: It is indeed Australia’s oldest and largest city. Nearly a quarter of all Australians live there. However it is not the capital. The capital of Australia is Canberra. A girl: So does life in Sydney resemble life in the Yarra Valley? Daniel: Not at all. Sydney, of course, is a very Australian city with its amazing beaches and bright sun, but it offers a lot more than that. In my city you can always leave a sandy beach and dive into the world of museums, theatres, festivals and galleries, or choose among the thousands of fantastic restaurants and bars which are open round the clock. Sydney is world famous for its architecture. I’m sure you’ve seen pictures of our impressive Sydney Harbour. The Sydney Opera House, which is situated there, is to me by far the most unusual opera house in the world. However, you shouldn’t judge Sydney just by its appearance. Sydney’s people are the proud descendants of British convicts who built this beautiful city and started new lives here, not as convicts but as Australians. Well, I think that covers everything. Thank you for listening. Have you got any more questions? 11 8 Unit 3 Lessons 8, 9 4 j a) Read the grammar explanation. Эмфатические конструкции (продолжение) Эмфатические конструкции используются и в том случае, когда нужно подчеркнуть значимость действия, выраженного основным глаголом. В таких случаях в the Present Simple перед основным глаголом употребляется форма do или does, а в the Past Simple — did; основной глагол ставится в форме инфинитива без частицы to. В этом случае на do, does и did падает ударение. В соответствующих русских предложениях выделение действия передается с помощью слов же, ведь, на самом деле, а также интонации: Why didn’t you phone me yesterday? — Почему Вы не позвонили мне вчера? But I did phone you. You were not in.— Ho я же звонил, но Вас не было на месте. It’s а pity you don’t know Gregory.— Жаль, что вы не знаете Грегори. But I do know him.— Но я ведь знаю его. Выделение действия, выраженного основным глаголом, стоящим в форме времен, которые имеют в своем составе вспомогательный глагол, возможно с помощью интонации. Ударение падает на вспомогательный глагол: Why haven’t you read this text? — Почему Вы не прочитали этот текст? But I have read it.— Но я же читал его. Ь) Write the Russian equivalents for the following sentences. 1. You are absolutely right. I did stay at home in June, July and August. 2. Whatever you can think of: parachute jumping, cycling on mountain bikes, walking in the outback — Australians do have their own extreme way of doing it all. 3. Sydney offers a lot more than that. 4. You take other people’s problems much closer to heart. 5. In the Australian woods you can come across by far the most dangerous snakes and spiders in the world. 6. The Sydney Opera House, which is situated there, is in my opinion by far the most unusual opera house in the world. 7. Uluru is an iconic image of the Australian Outback located in the Northern Territory in the very heart of the continent. Unit 3 Lessons 8, 9 119 5 Read these statements. Do you agree or disagree with them? Use notional (основной) or auxiliary (вспомогательный) verbs for emphasis. Model: Australians are good at sports.— I agree. Australians org good at sports./1 don’t agree Australians are nol. good at sports. Australians like sports.— / agree. Australians do like sports. / I don’t agree. Australians do not like sports. 1. Australia is in the Northern hemisphere. 2. Australians have a very tough background. 3. Australians are ashamed of their background. 4. The whole world admires Australian athletes. 5. Australians spend a lot of time in the water. 6. The Australian Outback is wild and dangerous. 7. When the people he knew got into trouble, Daniel felt unhappy. 8. Canberra is the largest city in Australia. 9. Sydney has a lot of interesting museums. 6 Listen to the speaker and check your answers in Ex. 5. Repeat the sentences. Pay close attention to the emphasized words. 7 Open the brackets and compare Australia with Canada. Use a bit, much and a lot. Model: Canada is ... (big) than Australia.— Canada is much bigger than Australia. 1. Australia is ... (small) than Canada. 2. Canada is ... (cold) than Australia. 3. Australians are ... (good) swimmers than Canadians. 4. Australia ... (young) than Canada. 5. Australian koalas are ... (friendly) than Canadian polar bears. 120 Unit 3 Lessons 8, 9 Read these statements and say which of them are facts and which of them are just opinion. 1. In my opinion, it gives you all the basic information you need to know about my country. 2. Sydney is indeed Australia’s oldest and largest city. 3. Hopefully these fires are something of the past. 4. It is in the Red Centre where you can find Uluru, our most famous rock monolith. 5. I suppose it shows that when something happens in a place you know, you take other people’s problems a lot closer to heart. 6. Sydney is world famous for its architecture. 7. I have heard that Australians have their own meaning for the word “outback”. 8. On 26 January the First Fleet of 11 ships arrived in Sydney Harbour with 1,500 people, half of them convicts. 9. The Sydney Opera House, which is situated in Sydney Harbour, is to me by far the most unusual opera house in the world. 10. In the Australian woods you can come across by far the most dangerous snakes and spiders in the world. 11. For me that shows that Australians are proud of their background, not ashamed of it. 12. The largest star on the Australian flag, which has seven points, represents Australian states and territories. 13. If you ask me, when people say that Australians like sports, it is a huge understatement. 14. It’s written by Colleen McCullough, if I’m not mistaken. 15. I’ve heard Sydney is awesome. 16. The climate in Australia is rather mild, so it’s never very cold. 9 Fill in the table with the sentences from the text of Ex. 3 which express peopled opinion. Sentence The impression it gives The facts The Sydney Opera House, which is situated in Sydney Harbour, is to me by far the most unusual opera house in the world. The Sydney Opera House is by far the most unusual opera house in the world. There is an Opera House in Sydney. The Opera House is situated in Sydney Harbour. Unit 3 Lessons 8, 9 121 1 о Mark these statements true, false or not stated (if there is not enough information in the text of Ex. 3). Use your answers in Ex. 8, 9 to help you. 1. There is some information about Australian history ‘ on the Australian flag. 2. Australia is a continent. 3. Australia is a presidential republic. 4. It is freezing cold in Australia when we’ve got summer in the Northern hemisphere. 5. The largest star on the Australian flag represents the six Australian states and territories. 6. All Australians do some kind of sport. 7. Some Australians spend most of their life in the water. 8. The Great Barrier Reef can be a dangerous place. 9. Salt-water crocodiles are dangerous animals. 10. Sydney is the largest city in the country. 11. The Sydney Opera House is the most unusual building in the world. 12. A lot of Australians are the descendants of convicts. 13. A lot of Americans are the descendants of the pilgrims who were on the Mayflower. 14. A lot of Americans say that they are the descendants of the pilgrims who were on the Mayflower. 15. Bushfires are still a big problem in Australia nowadays. 16. Canberra is much smaller than Sydney. 17. The book “The Thorn Birds” is written by Colleen McCullough. о о о о □ о о о о о о п о о о о 11 Rephrase these sentences using the words in brackets instead of the underlined words. Model; I can tell you that this new film is absolutely fantastic, (awesome) — I can tell you that the new film is awesome. 1. I have always been interested in the history of this little town. (be fascinated by) 2. It is really cold in Russia in winter, (freezing) 3. It is never very cold in my country, (mild) 4. The stars on the flag are for our states, (represent) 5. If he says that this house is fairly large, he’s not telling you like it is. (make an understatement) 6. He lives far awav from anv urban area in Australia, (the outback) 7. Uluru is one of the symbols of the Australian Outback, (iconic image) 122 Units Lessons 8, 9 8. I felt better when I heard that my little brother was back home. (be relieved) 9. These people put their lives in danger every day. It’s their job. (to risk) 10. Did you say that your new school is like a university? (to resemble) 12 Describe your impressions. 1. What facts about Australia particularly impressed you? 2. What fascinates you about Australia? 3. Would you like to visit this country? 4. Which part(s) would you go to? 5. What would you do there? Homework ^ Rephrase these sentences. Use auxiliary verbs and/or underline the words that show intonation. Model: I really phoned you at 5 o’clock. You just didn’t answer.— I did phone you at 5 o’clock. You just didn’t answer. 1. Mary really likes animals. She couldn’t hurt your cat. 2. Alice really worked hard to save up for this holiday. 3. Kate is really a very good singer. She is just very shy. 4. I really have spoken to him. Why don’t you believe me? 5. They really speak Esperanto with each other. Isn’t that fascinating? 6. Sam really tried to help, but he came too late. > Rewrite these sentences. Use a bit, much, a lot or by far. Model: My dog is five and my sister’s dog is two.— My dog is a lot older than my sister’s dog. This dress is really beautiful. I prefer it to all my other clothes.— This dress is by far the most beautiful thing I have. 1. Jane is 1,63 m tall and her best friend is just 1,60 m. 2. My bag cost 500 roubles, but my shoes cost 1,000 roubles. 3. Canada is a big country, but its population is small. 4. Russia is the biggest country in the world. The next country Canada is a lot smaller. 5. Alice is the best student in our class. I can’t compare her with anybody. 6. The population of Sydney is about 3,000,000 people. The population of Canberra is about 30,000. 7. The maple leaf is a well-known symbol of Canada. Other Canadian symbols are not so well-known. Unit 3 Lessons 8, 9 123 с Look through Daniel's presentation on Australia and find the words and expressions he used to structure his presentation. Give examples according to the list he prepared for himself. 1. Say hello. 2. Introduce yourself. 3. Give the topic of your presentation. 4. Tell the audience to ask questions. 5. Check if the classmates are still listening. 6. Illustrate your points. 7. Answer the questions with enthusiasm. D Use the words and expressions from Ex. C and prepare a short presentation on any of the following topics: a) The history of the Australian flag c) The Australian Outback b) Australian hobbies d) The cities of Australia E Prepare your next project on Britain. Write some facts about each of these topics: 1. The British flag 2. British history 3. British cities 4. British people and their traditions 124 Units Lessons 8, 9 Lessons 10, 11 What achievements of your country are you proud of? Listen to the words and expressions and an achievement — достижение a spaceship — космический корабль a foster family — приемная семья a missionary — миссионер a generation — поколение a society — общество slavery — рабство an orphan — сирота a value — ценность, духовная ценность to abolish smth — запрещать что-либо The counsellor offers the campers to play a game. The players are Lisa from Russia, Daniel from Australia, Mary from Canada, David from England, and Belle from the USA. Read the rules of the game with the counsellor. repeat them after the speaker. to raise smb — растить, воспитывать кого-либо, поднимать to wipe smth out — стирать, уничтожать что-либо to integrate — интегрировать legal / illegal — законный / незаконный shameful — постыдный equal — равный a touchy subject — больной вопрос Counsellor: The game is called “My country has done it”. Each player gets 5 stones. Every person must say something that his/her country has done which makes him/her proud. However, it should be something that they think other countries haven’t done. So if another player can say, “My country has done it as well, he/she can keep the stone. But if another player’s country hasn’t done it, he/she must put one of the stones into the centre. When a player has got no more stones, he/she is out of the game. The player who still has the stones when everybody else doesn’t is the winner. Unit 3 Lessons 10, 11 125 3 What achievements of their countries would you suggest for Lisa, Belle, David, Mary and Daniel? 4 Match the countries with the things that make the players proud. Sometimes more than one match is possible. 1. the UK 2. the USA 3. Russia 4. Canada 5. Australia 1. This country has one of the oldest parliaments in the world. It is also sometimes called the Mother of Parliaments. 2. A citizen of this country invented the telephone. 3. This country has never had a Civil War. 4. This country has never had a revolution. 5. The first nuclear power station in the world was opened in this country. 6. This country has more inland waters and lakes than any other country in the world. 7. The Internet was invented in this country. 8. It was in this country that the first president was elected. 9. This country sent the first sputnik to orbit. 10. This country is home to one of the oldest universities in the world. 11. Basketball was invented in this country. 12. This country is home to a lot of unique animals which don’t live anywhere else. 13. This country has the highest quality of life in the world. 14. This country’s hockey team has always been one of the best in the world. 126 Unit 3 Lessons 10, 11 5 Read the conversation and say what Mary, David, Belle and Lisa are proud of. Who is ashamed of some of the events in his / her country? What are they ashamed of? Counsellor: Let’s start with you, Lisa. Lisa: Russia has got a lot of achievements which are recognized all over the world, but I think the most wonderful thing we have done was to build the first spaceship and to send a man to space. Belle: You were the first, of course, but the USA has done it too. So I’m keeping my stone. David: My country hasn’t done it yet. But I don’t think we need so many spaceships anyway. It is much wiser to spend money on health and education. Here is my stone. Mary: We haven’t done it either. Here is my stone. Daniel: Take mine too. Australia hasn’t built a spaceship yet either. And I think we should. You’ll be surprised, but the Russian scientist ‘ ~ Sergey Korolyov is my role model. He had a dream to fly to the space and he fulfilled it, although nobody believed it was possible. His story is fascinating. Belle: OK. My turn. A citizen of my country first landed on the moon. Lisa: Here is my stone. We haven’t done it yet. David: Nobody else has done it, right? So each of us should put in a stone. Now it’s my turn. Although my country is an island, we, together with France, have made a tunnel connecting Britain to the continent. The Channel Tunnel which was opened in 1994 is the second-longest tunnel in the world. Amazing, isn’t it? Lisa: I couldn’t agree more. This is a real wonder. We haven’t got a tunnel like that. Here is my stone. Belle: We haven’t done anything like that either, and I agree it was an awesome project. Mary: Neither has Canada, but not everybody needs a tunnel like that. Daniel: That’s exactly what I think. I don’t think we need a tunnel like this. Here’s my stone. Units Lessons 10, 11 127 Belle: Lisa: David: Counsellor: Daniel: David: Mary: All the achievements that have been mentioned are great. I’d like to speak about something which is less impressive, but not less important. I think the greatness of a country is also in how it treats the old, the poor and the weak. I’m proud that my country didn’t only free its slaves but also gave them equal rights. Moreover, it helped the slaves from the USA in times when slavery there was still legal. To me this shows that Canada is a real democracy which has true respect for everybody’s rights and freedoms. The USA also freed its slaves, but it didn’t happen until after the Civil War. I come from South Carolina, one of the Southern states. My great-grandfather used to have slaves. He was not a very good master and his slaves often tried to run away to Canada. I think this is a very shameful part of our family history. Here is my stone. We didn’t have many slaves from Africa in Russia, but a lot of Russian people themselves used to be slaves until 1861. Although slavery was abolished in Russia, in my opinion, it happened too late. Here is my stone. 1 believe there wasn’t any real slavery in modern England. However, I’m sure there’s also some law which makes slavery illegal. So I think 1 can keep my stone. May 1 interrupt here? I’m not sure I agree with you. What about the British colonies? Those colonies had slavery and they were part of Great Britain. I think you need to give us your stone, David. Now what about you, Daniel? There weren’t any real slaves in Australia, were there? We didn’t have real slavery, it’s true. But what we had was probably in some ways worse. Have you ever heard about the stolen generations? Yeah, I’ve read something about aboriginal children who were brought up by church missionaries, but that was ages ago, right? 128 Unit 3 Lessons 10, 11 Daniel: The truth, that not everybody knows, is that a large number of aboriginal children were taken from their own parents until 1970. By that time about 100,000 aboriginal children had been either taken away by government officials, or simply stolen from their own families. When the children were removed from their homes, they were usually very young, so they didn’t remember their parents. They were told that that they had been orphans. Later those children were raised by foster families or church missionaries. Mary: But how could the government explain these actions? Daniel: The Australian government said that it was trying to help. The European Australians had decided that the abuiigiiial peuple weie not fit to raise their own children. The government also said that this policy would help the aboriginal children to integrate into Western society. However, in reality the government just wanted to wipe out the aboriginal culture. Lisa: And the easiest way to kill a culture is to interrupt the connection between generations. Daniel: Exactly. Children of the stolen generations didn’t know their own language and didn’t even remember the faces of their own mothers. Belle: But what happened to these children when they grew up? Anyway when those children grew up, they all got a good education, good jobs and became useful members of society. Daniel: I can’t agree with you here. What you are talking about is our Western values. But we need to understand that our values are NOT universal. I’ll tell you one story that happened to me. Before we moved to Sydney, our family had lived in the outback. One day I was playing in the garden when an old aboriginal woman came up to me. She smiled and started to sing. I jumped on my feet and ran away. “Mum, help!” I shouted, “There is a dark, scary woman in the garden!” Mum hurried to the garden while I stayed inside. That night Mum cried a lot, but she refused to tell me why. Only years later she told me that the woman had been her mother, my Granny. Belle: That’s awful! But why didn’t she introduce you to each other? Units Lessons 10, 11 129 Daniel: It was the first time they had ever met. When my mother was two, she got ill and Granny brought her to the hospital. Later Granny was told that her daughter had died, but she didn’t believe it. She started looking for her child and she didn’t give up even 30 years later. When they met on that day, they couldn’t even talk to each other properly because Mum didn’t speak a word of her mother tongue and Granny’s English was very poor. Soon after that, we left for Sydney. That’s the end of my story. Here is my stone. Counsellor: Thanks, Daniel. It is obviously a touchy subject for you. (pause) Well, it looks like it’s time for dinner. Hurry up, everyone, or we’ll be late. 6 Answer the questions. 1. What is Lisa proud of? 2. Do a lot of countries have spaceships? 3. A citizen of which country landed on the moon? 4. Which country managed to connect itself to the continent? 5. What countries are connected by the Channel Tunnel? 6. What does Mary think makes a country great? 7. What is Mary proud of? 8. Why did American slaves run away to Canada? 9. What is Belle ashamed of? 10. What is a touchy subject for Daniel? 11. What are the stolen generations? 12. What happened to the aboriginal children? 13. How did the Australian government explain its actions? 14. What is the easiest way to kill a culture? 15. Why does Daniel take the story of the stolen generations so close to heart? 16. What lesson should everybody learn from Daniel’s story? 17. Why did the counsellor try to change the topic? 7 Which of these achievements are more / less important to you? What other facts from the Russian history make you proud? 8 Group work. Form groups of 4-5 players. Play the game "I have done it". The rules are the same as in Ex. 2. Model: A: I have been to Turkey. B: Me too. So I keep my stone. C: I haven’t yet, but we are going next year. Here is my stone. 130 Units Lessons 10, 11 Homework A Copy this table into your copybooks. Fill It in with the words and expressions from the text of Ex. 5. Как высказать мнение Как выразить согласие Как выразить несогласие Как вежливо перебить говорящего или резко сменить тему I think we should build a spaceship. Exactly. Supply the missing words according to the parts of speech indicated. Copy the words into your copybooks and translate them into Russian. Model: achievement— (verb) ... achievement — (verb) to achieve explanation — (verb) ... to govern — (noun) ... slave — (noun) ... legal — (adjective with an opposite meaning, noun) to abolish — (noun) ... great — (noun) ... interruption — (verb) ... scientific — (noun) ... to fascinate — (adjective) to amaze — (adjective) .. to impress — (adjective) . to connect — (noun) ... to integrate — (noun) ... democratic— (noun) ... to respect — (noun) . (noun) . , (noun) What part of speech do you need in each sentence? Use the prefixes, if necessary, and fill in the gaps in the sentences. 1. I think Lena is a bit lazy. If she works hard, she can ... more. 2. I want you to show more ... to your grandfather. 3. If you ... me again. I’ll stop talking altogether. 4. Tell me more about snowboarding. I find this subject .... 5. She is a very clever girl and knows how to make a good ... . 6. ... research has explained how it will be possible to fly to other planets. 7. ... is illegal in most countries nowadays. 8. The UK is a ... country, although it’s a monarchy. 9. I saw the results of her tests and they aren’t very .... .. , (adjective) .. right suffixes or ACHIEVEMENT RESPECT INTERRUPTION FASCINATION IMPRESS SCIENCE SLAVE DEMOCRACY IMPRESSION Unit 3 Lessons 10, 131 Write an essay of 200-250 words. 1. Start your essay with the words: “Although a person’s values are important to him/her, they are not universal”. Give reasons for and against this position. Illustrate your point with a story from real life. 2. Alternatively, start your essay with the words: “Although every culture is different, there are universal values”. Give reasons for and against this position. Illustrate your point with a story from real life. Lessons 12, 13 Test yourself Homework A Prepare for your project. Choose between the UK, the USA or Russia. Concentrate on subject that interests you: its people and traditions, its geography and climate, its cities or achievements. Illustrate your presentation with pictures. Lessons 14, 15 Project "ГП tell you about this country' 1 Make a presentation of your project. Listen to your classmates' presentations and mark each presentation considering these points. a) How good was the overall presentation? b) Were there any good pictures? Did the pictures help understand the material better? 132 Unit 3 Lessons 10, 11 and 12, 13 and 14, 15 c) Was the presentation informative enough? d) Has the speaker chosen an unusual or interesting form for his/her presentation? e) Were there any grammar mistakes? f) Were there any factual mistakes? 3 Discuss your presentations and choose the best ones. Lessons 16, 17, 18 Homereading "Three men in a boat: To say nothing of the dog" (extract) by Jerome K. Jerome (see Workbook 2) Your active vocabulary Countries of the lead to fascinate world a tribe to judge smb / smth to establish smth population density to emphasize smth to populate smth presence tough to award smth independence awesome to border smth exploration vast to found smth unity giant to govern smth a dominion amazingly to rule smth government an achievement to observe smth to survive a spaceship to design smth to gain a generation to situate smth to preserve smth society to introduce legislative slavery smb to smb/smb regardless of smth an orphan to smth value according to the Southern to abolish smth smb/smth hemisphere to raise smb volume a convict to wipe smth out a waterfall a background to integrate a citizen an understatement legal/illegal natural resources a rainforest shameful oil an appearance equal timber a descendant a touchy subject Unit 3 Lessons 14, 15 and 16, 17, 18 133 Lessons 1, 2 The clubs and how to select them 1 Read the sentences from Lisa4 next diary page and guess what it is going to be about. 1. Members of the club write articles about their adventures and the whole camp discusses them. 2. He was just trying to be polite when he talked to me about my problems on the first day. of our camp newspaper. 4. in our camp it is as normal to be in love with David as it is to speak English. sing anfdtncrrSjy 7^' ^he about her friends. ^ ""d she cares 6. The camp administration’s plan was to f^u a <^bance to pick what they really liked, not just to fill up our days with different activities. new about journalism m America. 134 Unit 4 Lessons 1, 2 Read the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. an issue — зд. выпуск a highlight — основной момент, гвоздь программы wilderness — девственная природа а heart-throb — любимец, предмет обожания Yosemite National Park — Национальный парк Йосёмити to chat — болтать to be around — быть рядом to go out with smb — встречаться c кем-либо to be in love with smb — влюбляться, быть влюбленным в кого-либо to make up for smth — компенсировать что-либо to swap — меняться to drag — тащить to give away — отдавать, дарить, to be delighted — быть счастливым, радостным to care about/for smth/smb — зд. любить, питать интерес к чему-либо, кому-либо casually — небрежно Read Lisa's diary and find the most suitable places for the sentences from Ex. 1. 20 June Camp Pineland I don’t know how my first two weeks at camp have flown by so quickly. Now I am absolutely sure that to go to this camp was the best decision I have ever made. Our days are packed with fun activities that are all different. I can’t say that I’m the most popular girl in the camp but I’ve got to know quite a lot of people and Mary and I are becoming close. Cindy and Hailey are also all right when Belle is not around. Belle rules our cabin. When she laughs, the other girls laugh with her. And when she is unhappy with something, my cabinmates gather round her and ask her what’s wrong and try to make her feel better. At first Unit 4 Lessons 1,2 135 I thought Belle was a show off and a pain in the neck, but now I really don’t think so. You have to be a really amazing person for everybody to like you so much. And Belle is amazing. The only thing is: she doesn’t want to be friends with me. It’s probably because of David, whom she really likes, although Belle is not his girlfriend. Nobody is. When I casually chatted with David on our flight to California, little did I know that I was enjoying the David, the famous heart-throb of Camp Pineland. When I realised who he was, I felt angry with myself, because I too had started to like him and though we might go out, I was mad to think so. David is too cool to go out with me. Anyway I didn’t need his attention, so I decided not to talk to him. He didn’t seem to care, and all was fine until we found ourselves in the same club. The clubs and how to select them are a very important part of life in Camp Pineland. There was a real battle to get into the popular ones. We were given forms to fill in. In these forms we had to tick which clubs we wanted and then we were informed whether we got what we chose. Nature is by far the most interesting club. It is also the most difficult club to get into. At first I didn’t understand why all campers wrote down Nature Club as their first choice. Were all the campers interested in flowers and trees? I was lucky to have Mary nearby. “Don’t be silly! Choose Nature!” she whispered to me. “People wait forever to get into that club. You may get it because you are new.” So I ticked Nature and Newspaper. Newspaper was actually my first choice. 136 Unit 4 Lessons 1, 2 When I got my form back, I saw that I was given Drama, the least popular club, and Nature, probably to make up for Drama. I sighed with disappointment and my bunkmates asked me what I got. When I told them, Cindy got excited. “I got Newspaper and Native American Art,” she said. “So we can swap if you want.” I opened my mouth to agree, but Mary dragged me aside. “What are you doing?” she asked. “The main thing about Nature Club is that its members go hiking. And it isn’t just a one-day picnic — it’s a cool four-day adventure in the Yosemite wilderness, one of the most beautiful national parks in the world. Nature Club includes a lot of activities: horse riding, swimming, Native American history and even newspaper. It is the highlight of the whole camping season. Don’t give it away! Besides, I got Nature Club too, so we can be in it together,” she said. So I agreed to be a part of the Nature Club and went to the first club meeting. I was delighted to see my brother Dima there. There were also a few other people I knew: Daniel from Australia, Claudia from Italy and Lukas from Germany. The counsellor was about to start the meeting when the door opened again and David and Belle entered the room and greeted everybody with their famous million-dollar smiles. The Infinitive (Инфинитив) Инфинитив представляет собой неличную форму глагола, которая только называет действие, не указывая ни лица, ни числа, ни наклонения. Инфинитив соответствует в русском языке неопределенной форме глагола: to play — играть, сыграть, to send — посылать, послать Формальным признаком инфинитива является частица to, которая не имеет самостоятельного значения: Не likes to travel,— Он любит путешествовать. Отрицательная форма инфинитива образуется с помощью частицы not, которая ставится перед ним: “То be, or not to be: that is the question.” — “Быть или не быть — вот в чем вопрос”. Look through Ex. 1 and the story and find the sentences which contain the infinitive. Unit 4 Lessons 1, 2 137 функции инфинитива в предложении В предложении инфинитив может выполнять следующие функции: • подлежащего То sleep in the open air is very useful.— Спать на открытом воздухе полезно. • части составного именного сказуемого His task was to help them.— Его задачей было помогать им. • дополнения Не promised to come in time.— Он обещал приехать вовремя. • обстоятельства цели She took а taxi to be on time.— Она взяла такси, чтобы не опоздать. • обстоятельства следствия со словами too (слишком), enough (достаточно) Your tea is too hot to drink now.— Ваш чай слишком горячий, чтобы пить его сейчас. I’ve known him long enough to trust him.— Я знаю его достаточно давно, чтобы доверять ему. • определения В этой функции инфинитив всегда стоит после определяемого существительного: Гт looking for а book to read.— Я ищу книгу, которую можно почитать. Перевод предложений, содержащих инфинитив, на русский язык Инфинитив в функции подлежащего, части составного сказуемого, дополнения, обстоятельства цели, следствия в большинстве случаев передается в русском языке существительным или инфинитивом: То read is the best way to learn about the world.— Чтение — лучший способ узнавать об окружающем мире. Оиг plan is to go to Spain.— Наш план — поехать (поездка) в Испанию. Не went to the shop to buy a present for his wife.— Он пошел в магазин, чтобы купить подарок для своей жены. Однако инфинитив в функции определения чаще переводится определительным придаточным предложением с глаголом долженствования, а также прилагательным, причастием, существительным или личной формой глагола (в зависимости от контекста): 138 Unit 4 Lessons 1, 2 She’s got a small flat to sell.— У нее есть маленькая квартира, которую нужно продать. Гт going to the party. Can you recommend a dress to wear? — Я иду на вечеринку. Ты можешь порекомендовать мне платье, которое можно надеть? I’ve got а lot of work to do.— У меня много работы, которую надо сделать. This stone is hard to find.— Этот камень трудно найти. Ask Mr Help _____ ____________________ Вопрос: Как же правильно перевести предложение: То sing is а very interesting hobby? Петь — это очень интересное хобби, или Пение — это очень интересное хобби? Ответ: По сути верны оба перевода, но предпочтение надо отдать тому, которое лучше звучит по-русски: Пение — это очень интересное хобби. Как видно из предыдущих примеров, перевод предложений, содержащих инфинитив, в большинстве случаев возможен с помощью неопределенной формы глагола, однако иногда требуется изменение структуры всего предложения. Например: You are foolish to believe her.— Ты глупец, если веришь ей. Определите функцию инфинитива в этих предложениях. 1. То go to this camp was the best decision I have ever made. 2. David is too cool to go out with me. 3. I was given Drama, the least popular club and Nature, probably to make up for Drama. 4. In our camp it is as normal to be in love with David as it is to speak English. 5. I was mad to think so. 6. I opened my mouth to agree. 7. The camp administration’s plan was to give everybody a chance to pick what they really liked. 8. I decided not to talk to him. 9. It is also the most difficult club to get into. Unit 4 Lessons 1,2 139 6 Think of a suitable Russian equivalent for each of the sentences of Ex. 5. 7 Answer the questions about Lisa's story. 1. What was the best decision Lisa had ever made? 2. How do the campers spend their days? 3. Has Lisa become very popular? 4. Who is Lisa getting close to? 5. Who is the most popular girl in Lisa’s cabin? 6. Does Lisa think that Belle is a pain in the neck? 7. What is so special about Belle? 8. Who does Belle like? 9. Is David going out with anybody? 10. Why did Lisa decide not to talk to David? 11. Does Lisa like David? 12. What is the most difficult club to get into? 13. Why is it so popular? 14. Did Lisa get a place in the Nature Club? 15. What club was Lisa’s first choice? 16. Who did Lisa see at the club’s first meeting? 8 Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions below to complete the sentences. fill in, make up, fall in love, give away, go out, be around, care for 1. Helen was sorry because she didn’t help her mother clean the flat. The next day she cooked dinner for the family to ... for it. 2. Father told me not to ... all of his old books. 3. Kate got so disappointed with her boyfriend that she decided not to ... again. 4. Tom was given a form to ... . 5. Alice came back home to ... while her sister was cooking dinner. 6. Mike wants to ... with Clare, but she doesn’t like him. 7. My friend doesn’t have a lot of free time. He’s got an old granny to ... . 9 a) Put questions to the sentences from Ex. 8. Start with these question words. Model: 1. Why did Helen cook dinner? 2. What 4. Why 6. What 3. What 5. Why 7. What kind of granny b) Translate your questions and answers into Russian. 140 Unit 4 Lessons 1, 2 г 10 Rephrase the words in the sentences using these words and expressions. to swap, to be delighted, to make up for something, to be around, to chat, to go out with somebody Model: Do you want to take my book and give me yours? — Do you want to swap? 1. Ann is Jack’s girlfriend. 2. I was extremely happy to hear the news. 3. Sorry I couldn’t come to your birthday party. I want to give you this cake to compensate for it. 4. You are never here when 1 need you. 5. Jessie is my best friend. We often sit in my room and talk about everything under the sun. 6. Alice advised me to give mv dress to her and take hers. 11 Talk about yourself. Model: My most difficult promise to myself was not to be late for school again. I tried hard, but unfortunately I couldn’t keep it. 1. What was the best decision you have ever made? 2. What was the most difficult promise somebody has given you? 3. What was the most difficult promise you have had to give? Did you keep it? 4. What do you want/hope/dream to do after you finish school? 5. What do you need to do to fulfil your dream? Homework A Fill in the table with the sentences from the text (Ex. 3) which contain the infinitive. Инфинитив в функции подлежащего Инфинитив в функции составного именного сказуемого Инфинитив в функции определения Инфинитив в функции дополнения Инфинитив в функции обстоятельства цели Инфинитив в функции следствия Unit 4 Lessons 1, 2 141 в Translate the sentences from Ex. A into Russian. C Lisa got a letter from somebody who doesn't speak very good Russian. The letter is in Russian, but Lisa has to work hard to understand it. Help Lisa translate the letter back into English. Who do you think this letter is from? Привет Лиза, Я есть писать этот письмо в русский показать что я интересуюсь, Я смотреть что ты есть наслаждаться твоя жизнь в лагере. Это есть хорошо, Я хотеть быть твой друг, Я думаю, я есть падать в любовь с тобой. Можем мы ходить наружу? Или ты думать, я неинтересный достаточно быть твой друг? Я буду приходить к озеро под дуб разговаривать в 12 ночь. Если ты решить нет приходить, я буду понимать, D, D Fill in the gaps with the right prepositions or conjunctions. 1. Little Tom gave ... all his toys and started to cry. 2. 1 can’t come to your party, but I’ll invite you to mine to make ... for it. 3. Jack goes ... with Kate. He really cares ... her. 4. Jane is in love ... her best friend Peter. She doesn’t want to talk about it. 5. You’ll need to fill ... this form before you can join our club. 6. Kate smiled ... my friend and he stopped for a chat. Lesson 3 Lisa gets the letter Инфинитивный оборот Сложное дополнение / Complex Object Инфинитив в сочетании с существительным или местоимением в объектном падеже образует инфинитивный оборот — сложное дополнение. Сложное дополнение состоит из существительного в именительном падеже или местоимения в объектном падеже, за которыми следует инфинитив: His mother wants Peter to help her in the garden.— Мама хочет, чтобы Питер помог ей в саду. (Сложное дополнение состоит из существительного Peter и инфинитива to help.) His mother wants him to help her in the garden.— Мама хочет, чтобы он 142 Unit 4 Lessons 1, 2 and 3 помог ей в саду. (Сложное дополнение состоит из местоимения him и инфинитива to help.) На русский язык сложное дополнение переводится придаточными изъяснительными предложениями, которые вводятся союзами что, чтобы, как. При этом местоимение в объектном падеже переводится на русский язык местоимением в именительном падеже: Jack didn’t want them to know the truth.— Джек не хотел, чтобы они узнали правду. I would like him to translate this text by himself.— Я хотел бы, чтобы он перевел этот текст сам. Сложное дополнение употребляется: • после глаголов, выражающих желание: to want — I want you to learn English.— Я хочу, чтобы ты изучал английский. to expect — I expect her to come on time.— Я ожидаю (надеюсь), что она придет вовремя. to like в сочетании с would — Не would like us to read this book.— Он хотел бы, чтобы мы прочитали эту книгу. • после глаголов чувства и восприятия: to hear — Mother heard her son get up.— Мама услышала, как ее сын встал с кровати. to see — We all saw you leave.— Мы все видели, что ты уехала, to watch — Friends watched their train arrive at the station.— Друзья наблюдали, как их поезд прибывает на станцию, to feel — Ann felt something touch her leg.— Анна почувствовала, что что-то коснулось ее ноги. Обратите внимание на то, что после этих глаголов инфинитив употребляется без частицы to. Инфинитив также употребляется без частицы to: • после глаголов to make (заставлять) и to let (позволять); She makes her son clean his room every day.— Она заставляет сына убирать комнату каждый день. Don’t let your daughter come home late.— He позволяйте Вашей дочери приходить домой поздно. Однако если глагол таке стоит в страдательном залоге, то инфинитив употребляется с частицей to: Helen was crying because she was made to come back.— Хелен плакала, потому что ее заставили вернуться. Unit 4 Lesson 3 143 1 Give Russian equivalents for these sentences. 1. What would you like me to do? 2. Jane made me buy this dress. I think she was right to do so. 3. Don’t let him fall. He’ll hurt himself. 4. Father wants me to help him in the garden. 5. Our teacher expects us to get good marks in our exams. 6. I felt something touch my hand and shouted. 7. Who saw him leave the room? 8. Little Terry was made to give all his toys away. 2 Fill in the gaps to complete the sentences. Use to before the infinitives if necessary. 1. Don’t make me ... do it. I can’t. 2. Why do you expect Tina ... have such a good voice? 3. Your mum must let you ... visit us more often. 4. Have you ever been made ... eat something you don’t like? 5. I’d like you ... come more often. 6. We both saw her ... smoke in the garden. 7. I trained my dog well. I didn’t want it ... get lost. 3 Read the page from Lisa's diary. 21 June Camp Pineland I got the letter and I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw “D” at the end. Could it really be from David? I wanted it to be from him so much! I decided to meet him. There was only one problem. Our counsellor Jenny doesn’t let anybody go out of the cabin after lights out (после отбоя). What I was going to do was very wrong ... and Jenny was so sweet — she didn’t expect me to let her down and deceive her in this way. If I got caught outside the cabin at night, she’d be in deep trouble with the Crunch. On the other hand, David expected me to come. I couldn’t let him down, could I? That night I put on my best outfit and went to bed early. Everybody thought I was asleep, but I wasn’t. I watched all my bunkmates go to their beds, I heard them talk in sleepy voices and finally everything got quiet. I still had time, so I decided to wait a bit more just to make sure everybody was really asleep. Then I saw Belle get out of her bed. She was fully dressed as well! 144 Unit 4 Lesson 3 Where was she going? Belle looked round and quietly walked out of the cabin door. I thought it was time for me to go too, so 1 followed her after a few minutes. I didn’t want Belle to see me, so 1 watched her leave until she was out of sight. Then I ran straight to the lake. I sat under a huge tree and waited for David. Suddenly I heard somebody. My heart fell when I saw Daniel, the guy from Australia. A lot of girls like him, but I think he is too tough. Dima told me that Daniel once made him swim across the lake, and my brother is not a very good swimmer. At first I didn’t want him to see me, so I tried to hide myself behind the tree, but Daniel noticed me right away and came up to me. “Hi,” he said. To be honest, he looked really surprised. He probably didn’t expect me to come when he wrote his stupid letter. “What are you doing here after lights out? Your counsellor wouldn’t like you to be here, you know?” he went on. “Besides, it might be dangerous because this area is full of wild animals. I’ll walk you back to your cabin.” Before I had the time to think of a good answer, Daniel took my hand and made me follow him. We hadn’t walked a few steps when I saw David. He was walking in our direction, but then he stopped half-way and turned around. He was obviously looking for Belle, and I certainly wasn’t going to help him. I was heartbroken and needed some time alone. A few minutes later we bumped into Charlie who also looked a bit nervous. The lake shore was a surprisingly busy place after dark. 4 Find the sentences with the Complex Object in the diary and translate them into Russian. Lnit4 Lesson 3 145 Mark these statements true, false or not stated (if there is not enough information in the story). Support your answers with the information from Lisa's diary. 1. Lisa wanted the letter to be from David. 1 | 2. Lisa received a letter from David. I J 3. Lisa received a letter from Daniel. I I 4. Lisa’s counsellor doesn’t let campers leave the cabin after lights out. I I 5. Lisa went to the lake because she thought that David was expecting her. 1 I 6. Lisa expected David to come to the lake. I__I 7. Lisa saw Belle run to the lake. I I 8. Lisa didn’t want Belle to see her. I I 9. Belle didn’t want anybody to see her. I I 10. Nobody made Lisa come to the lake. I I 11. Daniel saw Lisa sitting under a tree. I I 12. Lisa didn’t want Daniel to notice her. I I 13. Lisa didn’t let Daniel notice her. I I 14. Lisa was made to go back to her cabin. I I 15. David didn’t expect Lisa to be outside the cabin at night. I I 16. A lot of people in Camp Pineland break the rules. I I 6 Answer the questions. Use Lisa's diary and your own imagination. 1. What did Lisa see and hear that night at the lake? 2. What did Daniel see and hear that night? What was he doing at the lake? 3. What did David see and hear that night? What was he doing at the lake? 4. What did Charlie see and hear that night? What was he doing at the lake? Homework = . . , A Open the brackets. Put the pronouns in the right form to complete the sentences. 1. I want (you) to tell me the truth. 2. Our teacher made (we) learn this rule by heart and now we are grateful to her. 3. My father doesn’t let (I) go out in the evening. It’s not fair! 4. I heard (she) open the door, but I pretended to be asleep. 5. The Browns are not at home tonight. Mike saw (they) leave earlier. 6. I would like (he) to be my friend, but he is too cool. 7. Susan expected (it) to start this morning. 146 Unit 4 Lesson 3 Fill In the gaps with the right forms of the verbs. make, let, expect, would like, want, hear, watch 1. Who has ... you do this? I’m sure it wasn’t your idea! 2. Dad never ... me use his car alone. He says it is illegal. 3. When does Mary ... her friends to come to visit her? 4. Alice hid herself in the bushes. She ... her brother leave the house and then followed him. 5. Nobody ... the dog to find its family after three months of travelling across the country. 6. Diana is a good singer.— ... you ... her sing? 7. Her family ... her to become a doctor, but she chose to be a teacher instead. Open the brackets. Use to before the infinitives if necessary. 1. What made you (play) this stupid joke? — Alex made me ... do it. 2. I saw Mary (jump) into the river.— She did it... impress her friends. 3. This is a great present ... receive.— Mum helped me ... choose it. 4. Why don’t you let your son ... make his own decisions? — We are sending him abroad ... learn English and that’s final. 5. We heard Father ... open the door and ... come in. Then we watched him ... enter the room. He was so happy ... be home again. Mother went to get him something ... eat. 6. Alice didn’t want to leave. She was made ... do so. D Look at the picture of Peter's family and write what they said to him yesterday. Use the Complex Object. Model: Mother: Please don’t come home late again.— Mother didn’t want Peter to come home late again. f Please don’t come I home late again. You took my mobile phone yesterday. I saw you. Unit 4 Lesson 3 147 What do you think really happened at the lake? Who expected to see whom? Who was the letter signed "D" really from? Use your imagination and write a story from the point of view of David, Daniel or Charlie. под дуб разговаривать в 12 ночь. Если ты решить нет приходить, я буду понимать. D. Lessons 4, 5 Yosemite National Park Инфинитивный оборот Сложное подлежащее/Complex Subject Этот оборот выступает в роли сложного подлежащего и состоит из существительного или личного местоимения в именительном падеже и инфинитива: Richard seems to know this girl.— Кажется, Ричард знает эту девушку. Оборот сложное подлежащее употребляется: • когда сказуемое выражено следующими глаголами в страдательном залоге: to know — знать, полагать to report — сообщать to say — говорить, полагать to suppose — предполагать to believe — полагать, считать to think — полагать, думать Му friend is supposed to finish this work tomorrow.— Предполагается, что мой друг закончит эту работу завтра. The river Thames is known to divide London into two parts.— Известно, что река Темза делит Лондон на две части. • когда сказуемое выражено следующими глаголами в активном залоге: to seem — казаться to prove — оказываться to happen — случаться He seems to know English well.— Кажется, он хорошо знает английский язык. Не happened to be there.— Случилось так, что он там был. 148 Unit 4 Lessons 3 and 4, 5 • когда сказуемое выражено следующими выражениями: to be likely — вероятно, похоже to be unlikely — непохоже, маловероятно to be certain — несомненно to be sure — наверняка, несомненно She is likely to forget you as soon as you leave.— Вероятно, она забудет вас, как только вы уйдете. They are sure to return soon.— Они, несомненно, скоро вернутся. На русский язык оборот сложное подлежащее переводится: - сложноподчиненным предложением, где главное предложение представляет собой неопределенно-личное или безличное предложение (Полагают... Сообщают... Говорят... Известно... Считают... Думают... Оказывается... Случилось... Вероятно... Похоже... Непохоже... Маловероятно...), а придаточное предложение вводится союзом что: Не is unlikely to fix his car by tomorroiv.— Маловероятно, что он починит свою машину к завтращнему дню. Jane is said to be the best dancer in her class.— Говорят, что Джейн лучшая танцовщица в своем классе. - простым предложением с неопределенно-личным оборотом в роли вводного предложения (..., несомненно, ...; ..., наверняка, ...; ...вероятно, ...; ..., кажется, ...): They are sure to know vou.— Они, наверняка, знают Вас. Kate seems to agree with you.— Кейт, кажется, согласна с Вами. 1 Translate these sentences into Russian. 1. Who is known to be the best singer in our club? 2. This problem has proved to be impossible to sort out. 3. Alice is said to bake a very good pizza. 4. Yesterday I got in trouble with some bullies. I was lucky that Dad happened to be nearby. 5. You are not supposed to know about this present. It’s a surprise. 6. You are very unlikely to catch her at home. She usually goes out on Sundays. 7. We are certain to be at home tomorrow. Phone us any time. 8. This dog is likely to be very expensive. Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 149 Rephrase the sentences using the Complex Subject. Model: Everybody thinks that Diana is a very good pianist.— Diana is thought to be a very good pianist. 1. It is possible that she will come to visit us tomorrow. 2. My brother will definitely call me in the evening. 3. I think this dress will certainly suit you. 4. Don’t wait for Jane. She may be late. 5. We know that this dog can be dangerous. 6. His parents think that he works as a counsellor for an international camp. 7. This cake looks delicious. Lisa and some of her friends from the Nature Club are getting ready for a hike in Yosemite National Park. Read a short description of the park and answer the questions. 1. Where is this national park situated? 2. Is the park big? 3. Can a national park be compared to an ordinary city park, for example, Hyde Park in London? 4. What is Yosemite National Park famous for? For your information Yosemite National Park is located in California, on the west coast of the United States. It occupies more than 3,000 square kilometres. The park is situated in the mountains of the Sierra Nevada and has an elevation range from 600 to 4,000 metres. Yosemite is world famous for its fantastic granite cliffs, waterfalls, glaciers, mountain rivers and streams. Almost 95% of the park is protected wilderness, which is home to a huge diversity of plants and animals. 150 Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 Group work. Discuss the following questions. • What dangers are the campers likely to face in Yosemite National Park? What should they do to avoid them? • How are the campers supposed to behave in a national park? • What is illegal to do in a national park? • What activities are the campers likely to enjoy there? Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. a species — вид campgrounds — кемпинг prey — добыча a trail — тропа, маршрут a meadow — луг a stream — река, ручей storage — хранилище a shelter — укрытие a fault — вина a reservation — бронирование a branch — ветка a fee — плата to evaluate — оценивать to drain — истощать to permit — разрешать to dispose of smth — избавляться от чего-либо, зд. выбрасывать to protect — защищать to bite — кусать to provoke — провоцировать to break in — вламываться to approach — приближаться to charge — взимать (плату) to be on one’s guard — быть настороже Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 151 6 Lisa and her clubmates were given booklets with some information on Yosemite National Park. Read the information and match each paragraph of the booklet with the appropriate heading and picture. There are two extra headings with no matches. Mountain Lions (cougars) Bears Dehydration Dangerous Diseases Rivers and Streams Rattlesnakes Lightning Yosemite is a place of wilderness. We do our best to protect it. A small fee is charged to enter the park. Be sure to make a reservation for the campgrounds if you want to spend the night in the park. Pets, cars and bicycles are not allowed on wilderness trails. All visitors are required to respect the rules and regulations in order to enjoy the wilderness safely, a) Planning your hike: • Evaluate your abilities honestly. Make plans that will suit the weakest members of your group. • Be sure to carry a map and compass with you at all times. • Plan a lot of time for rest, food preparation and storage, and campsite selection. • Always check weather conditions and be ready for sudden changes. You should be prepared for extreme cold, sudden rain, strong wind, morning or evening fog and high temperatures regardless of the season. • Think carefully about what equipment you are going to need. Always carry extra food and water. b) In the park it is illegal: • to feed wild animals • to hunt animals • to collect plants or cones • to camp outside of camping areas • to collect reptiles or insects, particularly butterflies • to pick up or use wood from the surrounding area • to make any permanent changes to campsites Because of fire danger, campfires are permitted ONLY from 5.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. Quiet hours are between 10.00 p.m. and 8.00 a.m. Because of bears, proper food storage is necessary 24 hours a day. c) Drowning is believed to be the number 1; cause of death in national parks. Be especially careful near rivers and streams. The riversj may seem safe, but if you fall in, it will soc prove to be nearly impossible to get out. The= water is very cold and the current is strong. I It can quickly drain all your strength even if you are a good swimmer. 152 Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 d) ... "The weather in California is supposed to be good all the time". Please beware that this misconception can cost you your life. Afternoon thunderstorms are not rare, so don't get caught in one by accident. As soon as you see dark clouds or hear distant thunder, find shelter immediately. Do not try to hide under a tree — get inside a building. If you are out in the wilderness, find a cave. It is as dangerous to stay in open meadows as it is to stay in the forest. You should also stay away from any body of water and all open metal construction which can attract lightning from a distance. e) ... Ticks are common in the forests of the Sierra Nevada. You should wear clothing that covers your arms and legs and check yourself carefully. Tick bites can be dangerous, as some of them are known to carry Lyme disease. Although ticks of this region of the US are unlikely to be infected, you should still tell a doctor immediately if you find a tick on your body. f) ... Watch where you step and what you touch. In the Sierra Nevada, you are likely to come across a rattlesnake, a protected species in Yosemite. Although thought to be aggressive, these snakes are unlikely to attack if you don't provoke them. You must get immediate help if you get bitten. If you are near a pay phone, call 911. g) ..... Mountain lions, sometimes called cougars, live in this area. You are unlikely to see one, but if you do, be on your guard. Mountain lions have been reported to attack people, especially children. Don't hike alone. Be aware of what is around you at all times. If you come into contact with a mountain lion, you need to show it that you are not prey or can be dangerous. First, try to give it a way to escape. If it stays, don't try to run away but back away slowly. A mountain lion is likely to follow you if you run. If you are with other people, stay together to look bigger and don't try to hide. If the mountain lion shows signs of aggression, shout and throw stones and sticks at it. If it attacks, fight back! h) ... Yosemite National Park is home to a large black bear population. Bears are naturally afraid of people, but unfortunately, their natural instincts have been changed by easy access to human food in the park. In the past tourists used to leave their rubbish all over the area and the bears proved to be very quick learners. They liked human food so much that they lost their natural fear of us and started behaving aggressively. In order to find our food, bears have been known to break into cars, trailers, tents, and other camping equipment. Each year black bears have to be killed in Yosemite National Park as a result of human mistakes. You can save a bear's life if you follow some simple rules. Get special metal boxes to store your food. Don't leave any food in the car. Even if your food is in unopened boxes, cans or packages, a bear is likely to smell it. Dispose of your food into the special bins. Keep ail the doors and windows of your cabins closed. Don't let a bear approach your food. If you are near a bear, shout and make large gestures with your arms. If a bear does happen to get your food, don't try to take it back. Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 153 7 Find the equivalents of these Russian sentences in the text. Say which part of them is Complex Subject. 1. Известно, для того чтобы добыть еду, медведи вламывались в машины, палатки, трейлеры и повреждали лагерное оборудование. 2. Оказалось, что медведи очень быстро учатся. 3. Вполне возможно, вам встретится гремучая змея. 4. Кажется, что реки теплые и безопасные. 8 Find sentences with the Complex Subject in the text and translate them Into Russian. 9 Mark these statements true, false or not stated (if there is not enough Information in the text). 1. You are very likely to drown if you fall into a river in Yosemite. 2. You are supposed to look for shelter if you see that it’s going to rain. 3. You are sure to get Lyme disease if a tick bites you. 4. Yosemite National Park is known to be home to a large bear population. . 5. The emergency phone number in the USA is 911. 6. The emergency phone number in Russia is 01. 7. Yosemite seems to be a very dangerous place. 8. Even if the weather appears to be good, you still have to be prepared for extreme cold or sudden rain. 9. The smell of food is likely to attract bears. 10. Bears have been known to attack people. 11. Mountain lions are believed to be very aggressive 12. You are not supposed to pick any wood from the forest floor for your campfire. 13. You are allowed to pick dry branches from the ground for your campfire. 14. If a mountain lion attacks, you must try to run away. 15. Black bears are said to learn very quickly. 16. Black bears are known to prefer meat. 17. You are likely to get in trouble with the park rangers if you make a bench out of a fallen tree. 154 Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 10 What are you supposed / not supposed to do in these cases when in Yosemite? 1. You get bitten by a tick. 2. You see a mountain lion. 3. A mountain lion behaves aggressively. 4. You have brought a lot of food with you. 5. You hear thunder in the distance. 6. You see a rattlesnake. 7. You get bitten by a rattlesnake. 8. A bear got to your bag that has food inside. 9. A bear is trying to attack you. 10. You are going to have lunch outside. Pair work. Look at the pictures of these objects and try to guess what they are and how they are used in Yosemite. Model: This object is likely/seems to be a ... . 1 think it is used to ... ./This object is certain to be a .... It is used to ... . 12 Listen to the counsellor and check your ideas. 13 Look through the "Planning your hike" and "In the park it is illegal". Try to explain the reason for each rule. Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 155 14 Discuss all of Yosemite's rules and regulations. 1. Which rules are created to protect people? 2. Which rules are created to protect the environment? 3. Whose fault is it likely to be when a wild animal attacks? 4. What rules surprised you? 5. What is the main purpose of these rules and regulations? 6. Are there any similar rules and regulations where you live? Homework • - • . A Look through the text and find as many words as you can that are related to camping. Copy them into your Workbooks using this chart as a model. Activities Equipment Problems People who can help Wild animals Camping Hiking Swimming В Look through the text and find the sentences with similar meaning. 1. The chances to see a mountain lion in Yosemite are not very high. 2. A lot of swimmers have found it very difficult to get out of mountain rivers and streams. 3. Bears have demonstrated their ability to learn quickly. 4. Most of the time the ticks in Yosemite are not infected. 5. If you try to run away, a mountain lion may follow you. 6. There is a good chance a bear will smell your food if it’s in an unopened container. 7. It is common knowledge that during a thunderstorm open spaces are just as dangerous as forests. C Complete the sentences with the right part of speech of the words in capitals. 1. A lot of rules and regulations are made to ... PROTECTION wild animals. 2. Very often animals’ ... is provoked by humans. AGGRESSIVE 3. Campers need to prepare for their ... before they begin it. HIKE 4. People are allowed to ... in special areas only. CAMP 5. Stupid ... may lead to a lot of problems when you are BEHAVE in the wilderness. 156 Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 What are the chances the following events would occur in your life? Model: Your mother will give you sausages for dinner.— My mother is likely to give me sausages for dinner. She often buys them. 1. You will fly to Turkey this summer. 2. Your best friend will let you down in a difficult situation. 3. You will go camping this summer. 4. You will meet a famous person. 5. You will watch TV this evening. 6. You will go shopping in the weekend. 7. Your History teacher will give you a lot of homework. 8. Your parents will give you a lot of pocket money this week. Lessons 6f If 8 What did Lisa see in Yosemite National Park? Forms of the infinitive (Формы инфинитива) Инфинитив имеет формы времени и залога. \ Tense Voice\ of the Infinitive ^ Simple Progressive Perfect Perfect Progressive Active (to) print (to) be printing (to) have printed (to) have been printing Passive (to) be printed — (to) have been printed — Формы времени Формы времени инфинитива обычно выражают действие, одновременное или предшествующее по отношению к действию, выраженному глаголом в личной форме. Формы инфинитива Simple и Progressive выражают действие, одновременное с действием, выраженным глаголом в личной форме, причем форма Progressive выражает длительное действие: Не asked те to phone him in the morning, (to phone — Simple Infinitive Active) — Oh попросил меня позвонить ему утром. She seems to be sleeping now. (to be sleeping — Progressive Infinitive Active) — Кажется, она сейчас спит. Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5 and 6, 7, 8 157 Формы Perfect и Perfect Progressive показывают, что действие, выраженное этими формами, предшествует действию, выраженному глаголом в личной форме: Гт happy to have met him. (to have met — Perfect Infinitive Active) — Я рад, что встретил его. She looks upset She seems to have been talking to her father, (to have been talking — Perfect Progressive Infinitive Active) — Она выглядит расстроенной. Кажется, она разговаривала с отцом. Формы залога Когда действие, выраженное инфинитивом, совершается лицом или предметом, к которому оно относится, то употребляется инфинитив в форме Active: I want to buy this car. (to buy — Simple Infinitive Active) — Я хочу купить эту машину. Когда действие, выраженное инфинитивом, совершается над лицом или предметом, к которому оно относится, то употребляется инфинитив в форме Passive: She was happy to be taught French, (to be taught — Simple Infinitive Passive) — Она была счастлива, что ее обучают французскому языку. Kate was sad to have been told a lie. (to have been told — Perfect Infinitive Passive) — Кейт было грустно, что ей сказали неправду. Match the sentences with their Russian equivalents. 1. I am happy to have been invited to the party. 2. I am happy to have invited you to the party. 3. I am happy to invite you to the party. a) Я рад, что пригласил тебя на вечеринку. b) Я рад, что меня пригласили на вечеринку. c) Я рад пригласить тебя на вечеринку. 4. Your friend is sure to ask about you. 5. Your friend is sure to have been asked about you. 6. Your friend is sure to have asked about you. 7. Your friend is sure to be asked about you. a) Твой друг, наверняка, спросит о тебе. b) Твоего друга, наверняка, спросят о тебе. c) Твой друг, наверняка, спрашивал о тебе. d) Твоего друга, наверняка, спрашивали о тебе. 158 Unit 4 Lessons6, 7, 8 8, Jane is known to have travelled all over the world. 9. Jane is known to be travelling all over the world. 10. Jane is known to travel all over the world. a) Известно, что сейчас Джейн путешествует по всему миру. b) Известно, что Джейн путешествует по всему миру. c) Известно, что Джейн путешествовала по всему миру. 11. Kate is unlikely to play the piano. 12. Kate is unlikely to have played the piano. 13. Kate is unlikely to be playing the piano. a) Маловероятно, что Кейт сейчас играет на пианино. b) Маловероятно, что Кейт играет на пианино. c) Маловероятно, что Кейт играла на пианино. 2 What forms of the Infinitive are used in these sentences? 1. Alice seemed to have been crying all day. 2. I wanted you to help, not to waste my time. 3. He is known to have been nominated for an Oscar. 4. Jack seems to be asking for help. Can we do something for him? 5. Ann is lucky to have been chosen for this job. 6. Kate is sure to have known your dad at school. 7. Her hair seems to be flowing in the air without wind. 8. Our teacher is likely to ask us a lot of questions on this subject. 9. Why are you here? You are supposed to be studying! 3 Match the sentences to complete the situations. Then translate them into Russian. 1. You shouldn’t give these documents to Jack. 2. You can easily find Tom. Monday. c) He seems to have lost his key. 4. Open the door for him. d) He is likely to lose them, e) He is sure to be working in the garden at this time. 5. I am very unhappy with your service. Unit 4 Lessons6, 7, 8 159 Listen to the words and expressions and a (water) fall — водопад a sequoia — секвойя a redwood — красное дерево facilities — оборудование, сооружения a conservationist — борец за охрану природы moisture — влажность to preserve — сохранять John Muir ['mjua] — Джон Мьюр Sierra Nevada [si.era naVcrda] — Сьерра-Невада Glacier Point [.glassia 'point] — Глейсер Пойнт (ледник) Half Dome [,ha:f 'doumj — Хаф-Доум (скала) Wawona [.woi'wouno] campgrounds — кемпинг Вавона Yosemite Valley [jsu.semoti 'vaelij — Йосемитская долина Bridal Veil [,braidl “уе!!] Falls — водопад Брайдлвейл (“Фата невесты”) Mariposa Grove [.таегэ'рэигэ 'grouvj — роща Марипоза Listen to parts of the story and tick the photos of the things that Lisa saw in Yosemite National Park. repeat them after the speaker. a veil — завеса, пелена, вуаль a mist — водяная дымка a squirrel — белка crisp — бодрящий a dome — купол decay — зд. гниение resistance — сопротивление a flagpole — мачта to sparkle — сверкать to spread — распространяться to overhang — свисать unearthly — неземной mature — зрелый, спелый fussy — зд. капризный a rainbow — радуга soil — почва a cone — щищка a seed — семя cattle — скот an orchard — сад 160 Unit 4 Lessonsb, 7, 8 Read the story from Lisa's diary and match its parts with these titles. There is one extra title. 1. THE MARIPOSA GROVE 2. THE ANCIENT VOICES OF YOSEMITE 3. YOSEMITE FALLS 4. HALF DOME 5. A GREAT CONSERVATIONIST 6. A MAGICAL PLACE 2 July Yosemite National Park Wawona Campgrounds It finally happened! All of us Nature Club members have gone to hike in Yosemite National Park, one of the most beautiful national parks in the world. I’m writing this from the Wawona campgrounds where we have come to stay after a long day, one of the most wonderful days of my life. Today we visited just the heart of the park, Yosemite Valley, and some of the sights around it. I’m going to write about everything I have seen here for my friends to read when I get back home. a) Yosemite Valley is a magical place. Once a visitor enters, he finds himself in a dreamlike world. К Unit 4 Lessons 6, 7^ 8 161 щ '•-к г- «А г The sun is warm, and the air is so fresh and crisp that it seems to be sparkling. The bright blue sky is filled with the colours and songs of 247 species of birds. When you raise your face to the clouds, ancient mountains greet you. When you look straight ahead, you see rainbows in the many waterfalls of Yosemite. When you look down, you find yourself on a beautiful carpet of a thousand wildflowers. The unearthly beauty of this place made our group cry with excitement. Later our ranger told us that the first Europeans who saw this valley are said to have reacted in exactly the same way. It happened in 1851 when the Mariposa Battalion, which had been following an Indian tribe, got over the mountains and entered the valley. People from the battalion never forgot what they saw and soon stories of Yosemite Valley’s beauty spread all over the country. People started to come especially to visit this place. A lot of them liked the place so much that they decided to stay. Soon houses were built and the wild meadows became home to cattle and orchards. I ^ i b) In 1868 a young Scottish immigrant, John Muir, arrived in San Francisco and asked for the way to “anywhere that’s wild”. People told him about the magical valley in the mountains of the Sierra Nevada and so he went there. He is believed to have shouted with joy when he first saw Yosemite, and this place became the love of his life. During the next several years, he took any job that would take him there. He went everywhere and noticed everything. His observations were recorded in his diaries. Later these diaries were published and made the valley 162 Unit 4 Lessons 6, 7 8 Л even more popular. Muir was happy for people to come, but he also got worried about whether the next generations would be able to see this unique place. A lot of land seemed to have been taken by gold prospectors and land speculators. More and more land was occupied by cattle. Muir wanted the Yosemite he loved to be preserved in its original state. He wrote about the problem and managed to attract public attention to it. A few years later the federal government established Yosemite National Park to protect the unique nature of this place. So it is thanks to Muir’s work that today we are able to see this magical wilderness. Our guide called Muir one of the founders of the American conservation movement. He explained to us that conservationists work to protect nature which includes animals, plants and natural resources for future generations. A lot of famous people from Christopher Columbus and Theodore Roosevelt to Bill Clinton and Leonardo Di Caprio have been conservationists. *** c) We entered the park through the Arch Rock Entrance and soon found ourselves in Yosemite Valley. This is where tourists can get everything they need: shops, restaurants, cabins, visitor centres and picnic facilities. Our first stop was Glacier Point, From there we had a fantastic view of the whole of Yosemite National Park. The scene was dominated by Half Dome, which is said to be the most recognized natural wonder of Yosemite. It is a huge granite mountain which looks like half of it has been cut away. Everybody started making jokes about where the other half had gone, however our guide told us that Half Dome was believed to have never been a complete dome. Then we noticed some rocks overhanging from the cliff next to us. It was prohibited to step ■ --♦.-3' Unit 4 Lessons 6, 7 8 163 on them. The guide told us that a lot of people have been known to have posed on them. It used to be a kind of a tradition. As it is over 1,000 metres above the valley { floor, I thought this tradition was crazy. So I was glad for modern tourists to have been warned of the danger. d) Then we hurried to see the famous Yosemite Falls. We learned from our guide that these falls are the fifth tallest in the world, so I expected to see something really impressive. The waterfalls were beautiful indeed, but they didn’t seem so tall to me. I was much more impressed by Bridal Veil Falls. These falls are famous for their mist which seems to be floating in the air. It is a fantastic sight, especially in the early afternoon when the falls are lit by direct sunlight. e) After the beauty of Bridal Veil Falls, 1 thought nothing could surprise me more, however, I was wrong. The guide kept the park’s most amazing secret until the end when we finally entered Mariposa Grove and saw THEM. I have to use capital letters here because I don’t know how to describe what we saw. Think of the largest living things on the planet which are also the oldest and the rarest. Can you guess what they are? I’m talking about the Giant Sequoias, a type of redwood tree. These huge trees grow only on the west coast of the US and in one valley in China. They are as high as a 35-storey building and grow as straight as a flagpole. That’s why they are sometimes called “God’s flagpoles”. A mature tree can weigh more than 3,000,000 kilograms. A single branch of a Giant Sequoia is larger than most trees. 164 Unit 4 Lessons6, 7, 8 These trees are ancient. Some of them were believed to have been more than 4,000 years old when they were cut down. It was exciting to think that the trees that we saw were already big when Christ was born and that their seeds already existed when the Egyptian Pharaohs ruled the Nile Valley. Everybody in our group wanted to know why so few trees are left. Our guide told us that there used to be more. In fact, modern civilization have only known about Giant Sequoias for 200 years, but in that short time, people discovered the value of this wood and quickly cut down 99 per cent of them. Its wood is known to have been valued for its beauty, light weight, resistance to fire and decay. So my grandmother’s redwood antique armchair is probably made of sequoia. I’ll have to ask her when I get back. Although sequoias seem magnificent and powerful, these trees are very fussy when it comes to climate. They need a lot of moisture and an even temperature. It mustn’t be too hot or too cold for sequoias to survive. The guide said that sequoias produce millions of seeds, however very few seeds become trees. A seed can be eaten by a squirrel or it can even get burnt by a forest fire, but most often a cone with good seeds is taken home by tourists. Our guide was likely to have been watching us the whole time because his words made a few people blush. Obviously, these people were embarrassed to have taken some cones. I later watched them put the cones back on the forest floor. They would have made great souvenirs, but everybody wanted a new tree to be given a chance. Wasn’t that much more important? We took a lot of pictures of the Giant Sequoias and walked through the California Tunnel Tree. This tree had been cut to allow horses and carriages to ride through in the old days. Nobody wanted to leave, but it was time to go to our campground. Our first day in Yosemite was coming to an end. Unit 4 Lessons 6,/^8 165 Look through the page from Lisa's diary and find the sentences which contain the Infinitive according to the models. Then fill In the table with as many examples as you can. Tense Voic^x of the Infinitive \ Simple Progressive Perfect Perfect Progressive Active The scene was dominated by Half Dome which is said to be the most recognized natural wonder of Yosemite. These people were embarrassed to have taken some cones. Passive Choose the most accurate Russian translation for the following English sentences. 1. These falls are famous for their mist which seems to be flowing in the air. a) Эти водопады знамениты своей водяной пеленой, которая, кажется, развевается в воздухе. b) Эти водопады знамениты своей водяной пеленой, которая, кажется, развевалась в воздухе. 2. А lot of people are known to have posed on them. a) Известно, что многие люди на них позировали. b) Известно, что многие люди на них позируют. 3. So I was glad for modern tourists to be warned of the danger. a) Поэтому я была рада, что современных туристов предупреждают об опасности. b) Поэтому я была рада, что современных туристов предупредили об опасности. 4. Half Dome was believed to have never been a complete dome. a) Полагали, что скала Хаф-Доум никогда не была законченным куполом. b) Полагают, что скала Хаф-Доум не может быть законченным куполом. 166 Unit 4 Lessons 6, 7, 8 5. А lot of land seemed to have been taken by gold prospectors and land speculators. a) Казалось, что большое количество земли забрали себе золотодобытчики и спекулянты землей. b) Казалось, что большое количество земли захвачено золотодобытчиками и спекулянтами землей. 6. Не is believed to have shouted with joy when he first saw Yosemite. a) Было известно, что он издал радостный клич, когда увидел Йосемити. b) Известно, что он издал радостный клич, когда увидел Йосемити. 7. Europeans who saw this valley are said to have reacted in exactly the same way. a) Говорят, что европейцы, которые увидели эту долину, отреагировали так же. b) Говорят, что европейцы, которые видят эту долину, реагируют так же. 8. The air is so fresh and crisp that it seems to be sparkling. a) Воздух такой свежий и бодрящий, что, кажется, он сверкает. b) Воздух такой свежий и бодрящий, что он всегда сверкает. 9. Some of them were believed to have been more than 4,000 years old when they were cut down. a) Считалось, что некоторые из них были старше 4000 лет, когда их срубили. b) Считается, что некоторые из них старше 4000 лет уже срубили. 10. Sequoia is known to have been valued for its beauty. a) Известно, что секвойю ценят за красоту. b) Известно, что секвойю ценили за красоту. 11. Our guide was likely to have been watching all of us the whole time. a) Вероятно, наш гид все время следит за нами. b) Вероятно, наш гид все время следил за нами. 12. Obviously, these people were embarrassed to have taken some cones. a) Очевидно, этим людям было стыдно брать шишки. b) Очевидно, этим людям было стыдно, что они взяли шишки. 13. I later watched them put the cones back on the forest floor. a) Позже я наблюдала, как они возвращали шишки на землю. b) Потом я видела, что они положили шишки на землю. Unit 4 Lessons 6, 7, 8 167 а) Match the names with the pictures. 1. John Muir 2. Half Dome 3. Mariposa Grove 4. Giant Sequoias 5. California Tunnel Tree 6. Glacier Point 7. Bridal Veil Falls b) Use the information from Lisa's diary and give the descriptions of these places. 10 Answer the questions. 1. What places did the members of the Nature Club visit on the first day? 2. Why does Lisa compare Yosemite to a magical place? 3. Who were the first Europeans to come to the valley? 4. How did the first Europeans, who saw Yosemite, react? 5. Who populated the valley before the Europeans came? 6. Who was John Muir? 7. What did he do when he lived in Yosemite? 8. Why is his name so important to the history of Yosemite? 9. What is the most recognizable natural wonder of Yosemite? 10. How did Bridalveil Fall get its name? 11. When is the best time to see Bridalveil Fall? 12. What are the biggest living things on the planet? 13. Why are Giant Sequoias called “God’s flagpoles”? 14. What are sequoias valued for? 15. Why are they so rare? 16. What happens to a lot of the cones from the sequoia trees? 168 Unit 4 Lessons6, 7, 8 11 Discuss the following three questions. Use these words and expressions. Model: I think it will help if we limit people’s access to this area, to preserve, to limit, to make a reservation, to observe, to require, to prohibit, people’s access to the area, permanent changes, the campgrounds, fires, proper food storage, to feed wild animals, to hunt animals, to collect plants or cones, to camp outside of camping areas, to collect reptiles or insects, to pick up wood, domestic animals and cattle, cars and bicycles, to litter, to build new facilities, to cut down trees, fishing 1. What do conservationists do? 2. What places in Russia need the attention of conservationists? Why? 3. What is done in Yosemite now to help preserve it for future generations? Homework C D Use the infinitive in the active or passive voice. 1. Jane was happy to be called by/to call Peter. She had always liked him, but he never paid her any attention before. 2. Mum is sure to be helped by/to help Granny. She’ll bring her some medicine. 3. This book is unlikely to be translated/to translate into Russian. It isn’t very popular. 4. This wall seems to have painted/to have been painted. Be careful! Don’t touch it. 5. Claire wanted me to be invited/to invite to that party, but her parents were against it. Choose the right form of the infinitive. 1. You and I are believed to win/to have won the first prize. How did everybody find out? 2. Mark seems to enjoy/to be enjoying his cake. Let’s order the same. 3. Father is known to come/to have come back from work very late. 4. Karen and her friend are likely to fall out/to have fallen out/to be falling out. They are not talking to each other. 5. Mum expects you to clean/to be cleaning your room all morning. Why are you leaving? Translate the main facts from Lisa's page in the diary into Russian. Make a summary of Lisa's first day in Yosemite. Unit 4 Lessons 6, 7, 8 169 What adjectives are used to describe Yosemite, the waterfalls and the Giant Sequoias? Form more adjectives using the appropriate suffixes. Model: Giant Sequoias: magnificent, beautiful, light, resistant to fire and decay. Describe your ideal place in the world. Where is it? What is there? What does it look like? What is so special about It? Write a minimum of seven sentences. Lessons 9,10, n What happened on the Merced River Модальные глаголы can, must, may в значении предположения, сомнения, удивления Сап В отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях глагол сап в сочетании с инфинитивом употребляется для выражения удивления, сомнения по поводу того, что действие, выраженное инфинитивом, • совершается или будет совершаться (Simple Infinitive), • совершается в настоящий момент времени (Progressive Infinitive), • в действительности совершилось (Perfect Infinitive). Инфинитив переводится на русский язык глаголом в настоящем, будущем или прошедшем времени. В отрицательных предложениях cannot -I- Infinitive переводится на русский язык посредством не может быть, чтобы. В вопросительных предложениях сап -f Infinitive переводится на русский язык посредством неужели, разве. Например: • can’t + Simple Infinitive You can’t know him. It’s his first time in our town.— He может быть, что вы его знаете. Он впервые в нашем городе. Не can’t be late.— Не может быть, что он опоздает. (Он не может опоздать.) • сап -I- Simple Infinitive + ? Can she really come tomorrow? — Неужели она придет завтра? • can’t + Progressive Infinitive She can’t be working today. It’s Sunday.— He может быть, что она работает сегодня. Сегодня воскресенье. • сап -I- Progressive Infinitive •+• ? Can he be phoning you right now? It’s too late.— Неужели он звонит тебе прямо сейчас? Уже слишком поздно. 170 Unit 4 Lessons 6, 7, 8 and 9, 10, 11 • can’t + Perfect Infinitive He can’t have forgotten her name.— He может быть, чтобы он забыл ее имя. I can’t have left ту bag at home.— He может быть, чтобы я оставила свою сумку дома. • сап + Perfect Infinitive + ? Can she have gone there? — Неужели она пошла туда? Can Anna have done this task already? — Разве Анна уже выполнила это задание? Must В утвердительных предложениях глагол must в сочетании с инфинитивом употребляется для выражения предположения, которое говорящий считает правдоподобным. Такие предположения могут относиться к настоящему времени (Simple Infinitive), к моменту речи (Progressive Infinitive) или к прошедшему времени (Perfect Infinitive). В таких предложениях must + Infinitive переводится на русский язык как должно быть, а также может переводиться с помощью сочетания должен с инфинитивом. Инфинитив переводится на русский язык глаголом в настоящем или прошедшем времени. Например: • must + Simple Infinitive You must know the right answer.— Должно быть, ты знаешь правильный ответ. (Ты должен знать правильный ответ.) Henry must be at home now.— Должно быть, Генри сейчас дома. (Генри должен быть сейчас дома.) It must be true.— Должно быть, это правда. (Это должно быть правдой.) • must + Progressive Infinitive Не must be taking a shower. I hear him sing.— Должно быть, он принимает душ. Я слышу, как он поет. Hurry up. Your mum must be waiting.— Поторопитесь. Должно быть, ваша мама ждет. • must + Perfect Infinitive She looks upset. He must have told her bad news.— Она расстроена. Он, должно быть, сообщил ей плохие новости. You must have met Edward before.— Должно быть, ты встречался с Эдвардом раньше. Unit 4 Lessons 9, 10, 11 171 May В утвердительных и отрицательных предложениях глагол may в сочетании с инфинитивом употребляется в значении предположения, в правдоподобии которого говорящий не уверен. Такие предположения могут относиться к настоящему или будущему времени (Simple Infinitive), к моменту речи (Progressive Infinitive) или к прошедщему времени (Perfect Infinitive). May -I- Infinitive переводится на русский язык может быть, возможно, а также может переводиться сочетанием может (могут) с инфинитивом. Инфинитив переводится на русский язык глаголом в настоящем, будущем или прошедшем времени. Например: • may -I- Simple Infinitive The letter may be sent tomorrow.— Может быть, письмо отправят завтра. (Письмо могут отправить завтра.) She may be ill.— Возможно, она болеет. • may + Progressive Infinitive He may be working now.— Может быть, он сейчас работает. • may -f- Perfect Infinitive They may not have finished the game yet.— Возможно, они еще не закончили игру. Не may have left earlier.— Возможно, он ушел раньше. (Он мог уйти раньше.) Match the English sentences with their Russian equivalents. 1. a) She must come late today. b) She must have come late today. 1. Должно быть, она сегодня опоздает. 2. Должно быть, она сегодня опоздала. 2. а) Тот may find his friend in the forest. b) Tom may be looking for his friend in the forest. c) Tom may have found his friend in the forest. 1. Может быть. Том нашел своего друга в лесу. 2. Может быть. Том найдет своего друга в лесу. 3. Может быть. Том ищет своего друга в лесу. 3. а) They can’t speak German. b) They can’t be speaking German. c) They can’t have spoken German. 172 Unit 4 Lessons 9, Ю, 11 1. Не может быть, что они поговорили по-немецки. 2. Не может быть, что они говорят по-немецки. 3. Не может быть, что они разговаривают по-немецки. 4. а) Сап Edward be having dinner? b) Can Edward have had dinner already? 1. Неужели Эдвард уже пообедал? 2. Неужели Эдвард обедает? 2 Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. You must have seen this film before. You just don’t remember. 2. He may phone later today. 3. Don’t phone her. She may be sleeping. 4. He can’t have forgotten about the invitation. He must come. 5. Can Mum have spoken to my teacher? I asked her not to do it. 6. He doesn’t want to play tennis anymore. He must have lost interest in the game. 7. I’m so late! Can Jim still be waiting? 8. Do you hear this music? Alice must be playing again. 3 Match the sentences to complete each situation. 1. His mother must have looked for him everywhere. 2. He can’t have lost his key. ^ Somebody has helped him. 3. Jack may change flats soon. 4. He can’t have done it all by himself. b) I saw him use it today. c) He is fed up with his neighbour, d) He looks sad. e) He has never been good at it. 7. The Browns must have changed the colour of their door. helping you with your Russian? ^ I d^n’t recognize g) But then she had to phone the police, h) Go home straight away. 5. Could he have found out the truth? 6. Your mother must be looking for you. 8. Can he really be it. Unit 4 Lessons 9, 10, 11 173 4 ) Put the infinitives in brackets in the right form to complete the sentences. 1. Claire must (speak) to her father about you. He is looking over at us right now. 2. Alice can’t (buy) this dress on sale. It is from the new winter collection. 3. Can your friend (leave) the town? I thought he had to stay until May. 4. The line is busy. Jack must (talk). 5. Ask Kate. She must (know) the right answer. 6. The football training may (finish) earlier today. Look, it’s going to rain. 7. Let’s go home. Jane may (cook) dinner before she went to bed. 8. I don’t believe you. You can’t (forget) your granny’s birthday. 5 ) Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. rafting — сплав no реке на надувных плотах а raft — надувное судно (плот, лодка) а rapid — порог (реки) а life-jacket — спасательный жилет а wave — волна а stretch — отрезок, часть а disaster — катастрофа а canoe — байдарка а kayak — каяк (маленькая байдарка для сплава по горным рекам) а current — течение а bank — берег реки to rescue smb/smth — спасать кого-либо/что либо to experience — испытывать to admit smth — признавать что-либо to shoot rapids — преодолевать пороги реки to paddle — грести веслом downstream — ниже по течению overturned — перевернутый upstream — выше по течению to cling — цепляться to unclasp — разжимать half-conscious — в полусознательном состоянии 174 Unit 4 Lessons 9, 10, П t Г" Read the page from Lisa's diary and answer the questions 1. What was the next day’s activity? 2. How did Lisa feel about it? 3. What part of the river did the group go to? 4. What made the boys disappointed? 5. Why did everybody run to the river? 6. What did the group see there? 7. How many people were in the water? 8. What did Daniel do? 9. Did Daniel manage to save anyone? 10. Who saved Lily? 11. How did the people who were rescued feel? 3 July Yosemite National Park 7 a.m. Today we are rafting on the Merced River. Rafting may be a very exciting activity, but you must learn a bit about the sport before you go. That’s why all of us have had to practise before the trip, and I’ve learnt just enough to be terribly unsure of myself. I may get hit in the face by a large wave. And what do I do if I fall out of the raft in the rapids? The water is very cold, even in summer, so I may freeze to death. I am watching my friends and my brother right now. Dima is really excited. He must be looking forward to it. But my friend Mary is very pale. She may be thinking about all of the terrible things that could happen, but she will never admit it. Belle is not in a good mood at all. Can she have changed her mind about the rafting trip? David looks quiet and upset. He can’t be afraid. It must be something else that’s worrying him. Only Daniel looks like he usually does — enthusiastic. After all, Australians like the water, so he may be good at rafting even if it’s his first time. 12 p.m. The first part of the day is over. We are now on the bank of the Merced River just where we started — behind the Ned’s Gulch rapid. The bus took us back here for lunch. The morning session wasn’t bad at all. This part of the river is considered easier than both the upstream and downstream stretches, so we were able to enjoy the beautiful scenery and still experience some Unit 4 Lessons 9, 10, 11 175 Class II rapids. None of us fell out of the raft, so the boys must be a bit disappointed. Now they want the instructor to take us further down to a more difficult stretch of the river, but the instructor refuses. He says that none of us is ready for a lot of the Class IV rapids and even one Class V rapid, so he says there is nothing further to discuss. But suddenly we hear loud cries from the river. A man is running along the bank and shouting... 14 p.m. In minutes, the river quickly became a scene of disaster. An overturned canoe passed us. The canoe was followed by an empty raft which had been attached to it by the rope. Three people were hanging on to the canoe, but they looked unconscious. And that wasn’t all. In about ten metres from the canoe somebody in a yellow life jacket was drifting. The person was trying to move, but the river current was too strong. Before anybody could say anything, Daniel took the rope, jumped into a tiny kayak and paddled to the canoe. Our instructor cried with horror and followed Daniel to the edge of the river. He was shouting, “It’s useless! Your kayak is too light! You won’t be able to pull them out! Your kayak will turn over! You’ve got no life-jacket!” But Daniel wasn’t listening. He made it to the raft and then tied it to his kayak. It was the only right decision in that situation. Daniel couldn’t pull out three people and a heavy canoe which was filled with water. But he could pull out a light empty raft and that was just what he did. Daniel paddled back to the bank, and tied the rope round a tree. Thus the raft and the canoe were secured. The instructor was already there to help Daniel and started to pull the raft and canoe towards the bank. Other people from our group also rushed to help him. The three men saved by Daniel were half-conscious when he brought them to the bank, and we had to unclasp their frozen hands and take off their life-jackets. And then came more cries of horror. 176 Unit 4 Lessons 9, 10, 11 -ж -' ^ ^ V v'l' 'тчИкк While we were watching Daniel and the instructor help the three men, nobody noticed that David had jumped into the river seconds after him. We only noticed him when he had already reached the person in yellow life-jacket and was pushing him or her towards the bank. When this person got to the bank, it turned out that it was a young woman called Lily. Lily was suffering from shock, but on the whole, she was fine. She hadn’t got frozen in the river. A man in wet clothes and a life-jacket ran to Lily. It was her friend Jack who had raised the alarm. Three canoers were tired but recovering. Meanwhile all our group gathered round Daniel and congratulated him for his bravery. But where was David? They can’t have forgotten about him. But he wasn’t there. I went looking for him and found him near the river. It looked like he had been sitting there the whole time. He smiled when he saw me and it made me feel terribly awkward. “You have done a very brave thing, David,” I said finally. “You must be proud of yourself.” “I don’t know. It was scary, Lisa,” David answered with a sigh. “I didn’t even know if that woman was alive until I got her back to the bank.” Everything I could think of at that moment seemed stupid, so I just said, “Okay, well, you must be tired. I guess I should go.” “Sure, I’ll see you around,” he answered and walked away. 7 Look through the story and find the expressions with meanings similar to the following. 1. What I’ve learnt made me feel scared. 2. An accident happened on the river. 3. We’ll meet some time later. 4. She is not feeling happy. 5. We won’t talk about it again. 6. Her only problem was shock. 7. I felt uncomfortable. 8. The people were getting better. Unit 4 Lessons 9, 10, 11 177 Mark these sentences true, false or not stated (if there is not enough information in the story). Support your answers. 1. Rafting is a very exciting activity. I---1 2. Class V rapids are more difficult than Class III rapids. I---1 3. Lisa has already tried to shoot some of the rapids. I I 4. Dima was looking forward to rafting. I---1 5. Mary was unsure of herself. I---1 6. Belle had changed her mind about rafting. I I 7. David was probably scared of rafting. I---J 8. Daniel had done rafting in Australia. I . I 9. Most Australians are good at rafting. I I 10. Some of the boys were disappointed because they got to do the easiest stretch of the river. Г I 11. It was Daniel who jumped into the river first. I I 12. David didn’t jump into the river first because he was scared of it. I I 13. The canoers were nearly frozen to death. I I 14. Daniel had a life-jacket on when he was rescuing canoers. I I 15. David was proud of what he had done. I I Make suggestions about what had happened to Lily, Jack and three men before they were rescued. Model; The canoe of the three men must have turned a long time ago. 10 a) Listen to these stories by Lily and one of the canoers and check your answers. b) Listen again and tick the pictures which describe the events correctly. Put the ticked pictures in the right order. © 178 Unit 4 Lessons 9, 10, 11 11 Read these statements. Then listen to the dialogue and tick the ones that are correct. П 1. Lisa thinks Daniel is a real hero. EH 2. Lisa is sure that Daniel has done rafting before. EH 3. The instructor thinks it would have been safer to take a raft to the canoers. EH 4. Lisa doesn’t believe that David chose to save the first canoer because it was easier. EH 5. Lisa thinks Dima and David are friends. EH 6. Dima thinks Daniel is cooler than David. EH 7. Dima is sure that Lisa likes David. EH 8. Dima is sure that David became happier after he had talked to Lisa. EH 9. Lisa doesn’t think that Dima’s friends are waiting for him. Unit 4 Lessons 9, Ю, 11 179 Homework Rewrite the sentences using these words and expressions: I’m sure, I think, I doubt, I don’t believe that, probably Model: She must be at home now.— Гт sure she is at home now. 1. He can’t have written this test all by himself. 2. Edward may have broken the door to get in. 3. My friends can’t lose this football game. They always win. 4. I’m worried about Charlie. Can he be falling ill? 5. Go home. Dad must be angry with you. 6. Ask granny about Helsinki. She may have been there once. В Write your descriptions about the people in the pictures using can, may, must and the expressions in brackets. Model: 1. already eat today — He can’t have already eaten today. @ (read this book this week) (eat too much ice cream) (study well) @ (know the answer) (t) (be on a diet) Look through the page from Lisa's diary in Ex. 6 and write out the sentences which contain modal verbs. Translate them Into Russian. Have you ever been in a dangerous situation or heard about one? What happened? Write a minimum of seven sentences. Try to describe what the people In the situation felt, thought and wanted. 180 Unit 4 Lessons 9, 10, 11 Lessons 12, 13 Test yourself Homework ^ Prepare for your project "Let's preserve it for future generations". • Choose a unique place, animal or plant species which next generations are unlikely to see. • Describe this place, animal or plant and why it is unique. • Explain why and how it is endangered. • Present your plan for protecting it. What laws, rules and regulations should be introduced? What results do you want to achieve with them. Write a presentation of your project. Supply pictures for your presentation. Lessons 14, 15 Project "Let's preserve it for future generations" 1 Make a presentation of your project. Supply pictures for your presentation. 2 Listen to your classmates' presentations and ask them questions about the place they want to protect and the effectiveness of their plan. Make suggestions to help improve their plans. 3 Mark your classmates' presentations according to these points. a) How good was the overall presentation? b) Is the place they have chosen in need of protection? c) Is their plan of action really effective? d) Were there any good pictures? Did the pictures help you understand the material better? e) Was the presentation informative enough? f) Has the speaker chosen an unusual or interesting form for his/her presentation? g) Were there any grammar mistakes? h) Were there any factual mistakes? 4 Discuss the presentations and choose the best ones. Lessons 16, 17, 18 Homereading "A Dill Pickle" by Katherine Mansfield (see Workbook 2) Unit4 Lessons 12, 13 and 14, 15 and 16, 1/ 18 181 Your active vocabulary шшшвшшЛ to be sure to carry a map and wilderness compass at all times a species to plan a lot of time for rest, food campgrounds preparation and storage, and prey campsite selection a trail to check weather conditions a meadow regularly and be ready for sudden a stream changes storage to be prepared for extreme cold. a shelter sudden rain, strong wind. a reservation morning or evening fog and high a branch temperatures regardless of the a fee season to evaluate to think carefully about the to drain equipment to permit to carry extra food and water to dispose of smth Yosemite National Park rules to protect to feed wild animals to bite to hunt animals to provoke to collect plants or cones to break in to camp outside of camping areas to approach to collect reptiles or insects to charge to pick up or use wood from the to be on one’s guard surrounding area a (water) fall to make any permanent changes to a sequoia campsites a redwood to permit campfires facilities a conservationist Rafting moisture rafting a kayak to preserve a raft a current Planning a hike a rapid to rescue a wave to admit to evaluate one’s abilities a life-jacket to shoot rapids to make plans that will suit the a stretch to paddle weakest members of your a disaster downstream group a canoe upstream 182 Unit4 Lessons 1, 2 "Just in my dreams you let me into your heart..." r Модальные глаголы should, could, ought to в значении порицания Perfect Infinitive употребляется после модальных глаголов should, could, ought to для выражения действия, которое должно было или могло совершиться, но в действительности не совершилось. В сочетании с Perfect Infinitive вышеуказанные модальные глаголы имеют значение порицания или упрека. Should и ought to переводятся на русский язык как следовало бы, а инфинитив глаголом прошедшего времени: You should/ought to have helped him.— Вам следовало бы помочь ему (но Вы не помогли). Could переводится на русский язык как мог бы, а инфинитив глаголом прошедшего времени: You could have stayed at home.— Вы могли бы остаться дома (но не остались). Translate the sentences. Say if the actions refer to the past or to the future. 1. We should spend more time together. 2. We should have spent more time together when we were younger. 3. Jimmy could have taught you how to drive. 4. You ought to get up earlier. Yesterday you were late again. 5. The train should have already arrived. 6. You shouldn’t have waited for me. 7. Jane ought to have finished this project before she went on holiday. 8. My friends ought to discuss it before they talk to the teacher. 9. You should have read more about the Yosemite before going there. Unit 5 Lessons 1,2 183 2 Match the sentences to complete each situation. Model; I’m sorry I didn’t come yesterday. I forgot your address.— You could have phoned. 1. It’s a pity you were away when we went to the picnic. a) He shouldn’t have watched that horror film in the evening. 2. Jacob didn’t sleep well last ’ h shouldn’t have left her alone. 3. I checked my e-mail every day, but in vain. Internet 4. It’s your fault that your sister got hurt. d) You could have bought a cheaper ticket. 5. This is a very small theatre and you’d have a good view from any seat. 6, YOU knew all about that surprise party. 0 You could have joined us. Rephrase the sentences. What actions took place/ didn't take place in the past? Model: Mary should have spoken to me before she left.— Mary hadn’t spoken to me before she left. 1. My friend shouldn’t have left the room so untidy. 2. Caroline shouldn’t have come so late. 3. Jim could have borrowed this book from the library. He shouldn’t have asked you. 4. You ought to have remembered this rule. 5. This shop should have opened at 8.30. What’s wrong? 6. You shouldn’t have taken a taxi. It’s too expensive. 7. She is upset. You should have been more polite with her. Talk about yourself. Have you done anything you are sorry about? What could you have done differently? Model: I failed a test last week. I should have studied harder. 184 Unit 5 Lessons 1, 2 Read the story and choose the best Russian equivalent for these English words and expressions with the help of the context. to be the , , Л nartv — 1- быть душой компании life and soul of the p У 2. оживлять компанию ^ 3. руководить компанией to pretend — 1. притворяться 2. фантазировать 3. претендовать to collapse — l. рухнуть 2. разрушить 3. сесть а serenade — 1. любовная песня 2. стихотворение 3. важное дело to cry oneself to sleep_ 1. плакать, потому что не можешь заснуть 2. страдать от бессонницы 3. плакать, пока не заснешь July 3 Yosemite National Park After an exciting day I must have fallen asleep in my tent. When I woke up, I realized that it was still light outside and most of the campers had gathered around the campfire. I heard people laughing. “They must be having a great time there,” I thought to myself and so decided to join them. There was Dima and Daniel, Mary and Luke and it didn’t surprise me when I saw that the life and soul of the party were David and Belle. David seemed to have been telling a joke because Belle laughed loudly. When I sat down by the fire. Belle picked up the guitar and started singing. It was, of course, a love song: the words were simple and a bit naive, but her beautiful voice made up for it. She stared at David as she sang and when she finished, he was the first to applaud. I was about to leave and had already stood up when David took the guitar from Belle. I heard him say that he would like to sing a song which he had written himself. I have remembered every word of it. Here it is: We have already gone out. I held your hand and we kissed. I've stolen you from the crowd. But... it happened just in my dreams. It happened just in my dreams. Unit 5 Lessons 1,2 185 Refrain: Just in my dreams you trust me again, Just in my dreams I don't feel the pain. Just in my dreams we aren't so apart Just in my dreams you let me into your heart. You let me into your heart. I thought I could be your friend. I always tried to be near. But there's no sense to pretend and now I want you to hear. Refrain We'll never have a first dance. There'll be no letters, no dates. Unless you give me a chance. Unless I finally say... That all I can think of is you and your eyes. I've never felt that before, it even makes me surprised. That all I can wish for is two simple things. Please just look at me and let me into your dreams. Oh, let me into your dreams. As he was singing I was struck by the sadness of the song. Could David be suffering? I was too scared to look at him and find him staring at Belle. I turned my head back only when David had finished his song. But he was looking at me! Nobody moved or said anything, then suddenly Belle started to applaud. I felt sick and thought that I should have left before the whole serenade business. No, I shouldn’t have come at all. I got up and started walking towards my tent when I heard Daniel’s voice. “Lovely evening, isn’t it, Lisa? Why don’t we go for a walk?” I was happy to be as far away from the campfire as possible, so 1 just nodded. After walking a little, we sat on a fallen tree and talked about camp, our new friends and our friends at home until it got dark. When I returned to my tent, most of the girls had already fallen asleep. Mary opened her eyes and looked at me , but 1 didn’t want to talk to her about it just then. I collapsed on my bed and hid myself under the blanket. 1 lay there, thought about David and his song and cried myself to sleep. 186 Unit 5 Lessons 1, 2 Listen to the words of David's song. Is he feeling happy, sad, hopeless/hopeful, disappointed? Why? Mark these statements true, false or not stated (if there is not enough information in the story). 1. Lisa had a very busy day. 2. Lisa had known that David and Belle had been sitting together before she approached the campfire. 3. David was telling a joke when Lisa joined the campfire. 4. Belle’s song was addressed to David. 5. David was pleased to hear a love song addressed to him. 6. David’s song was addressed to Lisa. 7. David is in love with Belle. 8. David had been looking at Lisa while he was singing. 9. Belle was pleased to hear David’s song. 10. Daniel invited Lisa to go for a walk. 11. Lisa was feeling upset while Daniel was talking to her. 12. Lisa found it hard to fall asleep that night. 13. Daniel likes Lisa. □ о о о о о о о □ □ о о о Use the statements from Ex. 7, where there wasn't enough information in the story and make your suggestions about what happened that evening. Use the modal verbs moy, must, could, should and the right form of the Infinitive. Model: Lisa had known that David and Belle had been sitting together before she approached the campfire.— Lisa may have known that David and Belle had been sitting together before she approached the campfire. Daniel likes Lisa.— Daniel may like Lisa. /Daniel must like Lisa. Read David's song again and describe his love story. Use these questions and your own ideas. 1. How did the relationship start? 2. Did they use to be friends? 3. What may/must have happened between the two of them? 4. What should/could David do? 5. What should/could David have done? 6. What makes David sad? 7. What does David want to happen? Units Lessons 1,2 187 10 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. 11 a cub — детеныш a coward — трус a bandage — повязка consciousness — сознание to hug — обнимать to blush — краснеть to catch up with smb — догонять кого-либо modest — скромный embarrassed — смущенный firmly — твердо Read the story and say which of the events took place and which didn't. Put the events in the correct order. 1. Dima caught up with David and Daniel in the forest. 2. Dima was attacked by a bear cub. 3. David ran away to check where the cub’s mother was. 4. David lay in his bed awake. 5. Daniel came into the tent. 6. Daniel told David that he and Lisa were going out. 7. Dima followed David and Daniel. 8. Dima was woken up by David’s voice. 9. Daniel and Dima attacked David. 10. Daniel and David left the tent and went into the forest. 11. Dima hid himself in the bushes. 12. Dima lost consciousness. 13. Daniel fought the bear. 14. Dima stopped the fight between David and Daniel. Dima cried for help. 15 4 July Yosemite National Park 3 a.m. Lisa: I was woken up by our counsellor, who asked me to go with her quickly. I got out of the tent and realized it was still night. My counsellor led me straight to the hospital tent. All of the counsellors and the camp ranger had been waiting for us there. I panicked. Who was hurt? Was it Dima? I walked into the tent and saw my brother on a bed. He was very pale, there were bandages on his hand, and his eyes were closed. My heart fell as I rushed to the bed, but Dima had already opened his eyes and smiled. 188 Unit 5 Lessons 1, 2 “Гт OK,” he whispered. And then Daniel, David, all of the counsellors and the camp ranger came in. “Well, Lisa,” the ranger said. “Let’s talk all of us together. We must find out what had happened.” We sat down next to Dima’s bed and listened. This is what he told us. “We had all been asleep when Daniel came back. But David must have been awake. He must have waited for Daniel, because the moment he turned up, David asked him something in an angry voice. His voice woke me up and I started to listen. They were talking very quietly, so I wasn’t able to hear them very well, but it was obvious that they were arguing. Then I saw the two of them leave the tent and head for the forest. I got up and followed them. But they ran really quickly and I lost them for a minute or two. When I finally caught up with them, they had stopped and were talking in angry voices again. I was lying in the bushes and watching them when I felt something touch my hand. I thought it was a tree branch and tried to move it away. Suddenly I felt a terrible pain in that hand and saw before my own eyes a huge bear. It must have scratched me. I cried out and after what seemed like a lifetime, I saw Daniel. I was paralyzed with horror and must have lost consciousness, because I don’t remember anything else. When I opened my eyes, Daniel was still next to me and the bear was gone.” When Dima finished his story, I turned to Daniel and hugged him. “Thank you, thank you,” was all I could say. Daniel looked totally embarrassed. He was so modest. When the ranger asked him about what had happened, he said that he couldn’t really remember any detail and Unit 5 Lessons 1,2 189 blushed. Then it was David’s turn. I noticed a strange expression come over his face. David looked as if he was about to make some important decision. Then he started to talk: “Daniel and I had had a small disagreement and went to the forest to discuss it. Then suddenly we heard someone cry out. We rushed to the bushes and saw that Dima was lying on the ground and a bear cub was standing over him. There was blood all over Dima and he wasn’t moving. This must have saved him because the bear didn’t move either. Then Daniel took a big stick and threw it at the bear and I ... left to check on something important.” “You can’t have gone away!” I interrupted him. “But I had to! I told you— I had to check on something important.” David answered and suddenly his face relaxed as if he finally made up his mind. “I can’t believe you left them. Please tell me you didn’t,” I whispered. “There may have been the cub’s mother nearby,” said David quietly. And then I started to shout: “Of course you left, David! Daniel made the choice for you as usual. He stayed with my brother and fought. Why is it that the more dangerous task is always taken by someone else?” “Tm sorry that you are upset, Lisa. But believe me, I did what I thought was right,” said David firmly. He didn’t look me in the eyes. What a coward he was! And I went on, “I don’t believe you! Just admit that you got scared and ran away! Won’t it be so much more honest? Just say that you were a coward!” David’s face blushed with anger, but when he spoke his tone was calm but firm. “I didn’t run away Lisa, but you can think whatever you want. I don’t really care.” 12 Do you think Dima, Daniel and David are telling the truth? Why?/Why not? Describe what you think really happened and try to answer these questions. 1. What did David and Daniel argue about? 2. Why did David and Daniel go out into the forest? 3. Why did Dima follow them? 4. Could David have got scared and run away? 5. Could Daniel have got scared? 6. Could Dima have lied to cover somebody up? 7. Can Dima know who saved him? 8. Who knows the truth? 190 Unit 5 Lessons 1, 2 13 Analyze the behaviour of the people in the story. Say what they should/ could/ shouldn't have done. Model: Dima shouldn’t have followed David and Daniel. Homework V Listen to David's song again. What events in the song really happened? Which of them does David want to have happened? Which of them may never happen? \ Listen to the dialogue and say which events didn't take place. 1. The girl did the shopping. 2. The mother had lunch. 3. The girl waited for her mother to do the shopping. 4. The girl bought some potatoes and cucumbers. 5. The girl bought some juice. 6. The girl bought some Coke. 7. The girl met Miss Dove. 8. Miss Dove came back from Australia on Monday. 9. Miss Dove sent a lot of photos from Australia. 10. The mother missed Miss Dove very much. ' Choose the right answer to complete the sentences. 1. You shouldn’t have worn this awful green dress to the party. You... a) made me so proud, b) embarrassed me. 2. Jack has saved the life of a two-year-old girl. He is... a) very brave, b) a real coward. 3. The old lady saw the accident and... a) got better, b) lost consciousness. 4. Your friend doesn’t like to be the centre of attention. She is very... a) modest, b) flashy. 5. You’ll need a whole day to ... with them, a) catch up b) find 6. Look at Sam. He is wearing all those bandages because he... a) has been hurt in an accident, b) had been ill. 7. Please don’t talk about it in public. We want to... a) keep this very quiet, b) inform everybody about it. Unit 5 Lessons 1,2 191 Lessons 3^ 4 It turned out that Dima had always known that David... Употребление артикля с существительными, обозначающими части суток Существительные, обозначающие части суток: day, night, morning, evening, afternoon, midnight, dawn, sunrise, sunset, daytime и др. чаще всего употребляются с определенным артиклем, например: The morning was warm and sunny.— Утро было теплым и солнечным (утро описываемого события). She didn't want to spend the evening alone.— Она не хотела проводить вечер (тот вечер) в одиночестве. The weather was warm on the day of her arrival.— Погода в день ее приезда была теплая. Если перечисленные выще существительные входят в состав составного именного сказуемого, то артикль не употребляется, например: It was morning when she realized that he would never come back.— Было уже утро, когда она осознала, что он не вернется никогда. Артикль также не употребляется, если перед существительными стоят прилагательные early, late, high и broad, например: It was late evening.— Был поздний вечер. It was early morning.— Было раннее утро. It was high noon.— Был самый полдень. It was broad day.— Была самая середина дня. Однако если перед существительным, которое входит в состав составного именного сказуемого, появляется описательное определение, то употребляется неопределенный артикль, например: It was а sunny day, and there were a lot of people in the street.— Был солнечный день, и на улице было много людей. Неопределенный артикль также употребляется при существительных— названиях частей суток, если необходимо передать значение однажды вечером (утром, днем, ночью) или один (какой-нибудь) день (вечер и т. д.), например: On а cold January evening somebody knocked at the door.— Однажды холодным январским вечером в дверь кто-то постучался. 192 Unit 5 Lessons 3, 4 Артикль не употребляется, если существительные — названия частей суток имеют в качестве определений слова yesterday или tomorrow, а также названия дней недели, например; She will be here tomoirow afternoon.— Она будет здесь завтра днем. Her train arrives on Friday evening.— Ее поезд прибывает в пятницу вечером. Употребление артиклей с существительными, обозначающими времена года: spring, summer, autumn, winter Если эти существительные являются подлежащими в предложении и употребляются в конкретном значении данного календарного сезона, то употребляется определенный артикль, например: The autumn was very fine that year, and they were very happy.— Осень была замечательной в том году, и они были очень счастливы. Когда эти существительные употребляются в обобщенном значении холодного и теплого, весеннего или осеннего времени, то возможен как определенный, так и нулевой артикль, например: (The) Winter in Siberia is very long and cold.— Зима в Сибири длинная и холодная. Если существительное — название времени года является в предложении дополнением, то с ним обычно употребляется определенный артикль, например: We are going to spend the summer in the village.— Мы собираемся провести лето в деревне. Если существительное — название времени года входит в состав составного именного сказуемого, то артикль перед ним не употребляется, например: It was summer, and nobody was in town.— Было лето, и в городе никого не было. Артикль также не употребляется, если перед существительным в этом случае стоит прилагательное early или late, например: It was early spring when he first met her.— Была ранняя весна, когда он впервые встретил ее. Определенный артикль употребляется с названиями времен года после предлогов during и for, например; I am not going to stay in Germany for the winter.— Я не собираюсь оставаться на зиму в Германии. Unit 5 Lessons 3, 4 193 После предлогов in, till, until, before, after возможно употребление как нулевого, так и определенного артикля: Не is going to come back before (the) winter. She normally travels a lot in (the) summer. They won’t be able to pay for the house before (the) winter. 1 Explain the usage of the articles in these sentences. 1. On the day of the party it was very cold. 2. In the morning everybody found out that Alice had gone. 3. She visited her friends yesterday evening. 4. It was a lovely spring morning and we decided to go for a walk. 5. It was late evening when she remembered about her promise to come home earlier. 6. Winter is very cold here. 7. He always spends the summer in the village. 8. Spring brought a lot of new problems. 9. I don’t like the winter. It’s cold and dark. 10. He has left and he won’t come back until autumn. 11. I won’t have a holiday before the summer. 12. I made a lot of friends during the winter. 13. Early autumn is nicer than the summer in southern countries. 14. It’s already winter and we still haven’t heard from him. 15. In the summer we were able to play outside until sunset. 2 Fill the gaps. Use a, the or no article. 1. Nobody likes ... late autumn. It is so dirty and chilly. 2. It was ... summer when Derek met Helen. 3. She wanted to spend ... afternoon with her friends, but they couldn’t find a date. 4. Anna is going away for ... summer. 5. By ... day bats sleep in the trees or in deep caves. 6. We invited some friends for ... Sunday evening. 7. ... very nice day ended with ... wonderful evening. 8. I’ll never forget... day you arrived. 9. It was ... evening so we decided to leave. 10. Would you like to stay with us for ... night. We’ve got a spare room for you. 194 Unit 5 Lessons 3, 4 3 } Read the page from Lisa's diary and fill in the gaps with the right articles. 11 July Camp Pineland It’s been a week since ... night when Dima was attacked by the bear. I will always remember that night now when I stayed with Dima and we talked until ... morning. I had never felt so close to my brother before. I was surprised to find out how much he had grown up and changed during ... summer. Dima told me everything he had heard in the forest. He said that David and Daniel both liked me and that I had been the reason for their fight. It turned out that Dima had always known that David had written that letter to me and he had even helped him with some of the Russian words. However, because I hadn’t mentioned it, my brother had kept his mouth shut too. But he should have told me. Everything would have been different then. Anyway, it was too late now. I told Dima it didn’t matter to me and he dropped the subject. Dima was able to get back to his tent before ... dawn, so that no questions about his absence were asked. He still had to wear the bandage on his hand, but he made up a good story about a fight to explain it. ... next day was the last day of our trip. On ... Sunday evening we returned to camp and our life got back to almost normal. I say “almost” because the more I think about it, the more I understand how I was unfair to David. Now I realize that he has always liked me and tried to show me, but I refused to believe it. When I think about how badly I hurt him, I want to kick myself. Even if he had done something wrong, how could I have called him a coward? After all, what would I have done in a situation like that? My hero Daniel has been very quiet since we got back. When somebody tried to write an article about his heroism on the river, he got really angry. He also stays away from Dima and me, as if we had done something wrong. And David pretends I don’t exist. So by ... day I try to play it cool but by ... night I stay awake and try to think about what I could have done differently. ... most interesting summer of my life isn’t making me happy anymore. I’m looking forward to ... autumn, because in ... autumn I’ll be home. Units Lessons 3, 4 195 4 j Read the following sentences from the diary and choose the correct translation. 1. He dropped the subject. a) Oh уронил предмет. b) Oh прекратил разговор на эту тему. 2. Не made up а good story about a fight to explain it. a) Oh придумал правдоподобную историю о драке, которая хорошо объясняла это. b) Он подрался, чтобы объяснить это. 3. After all, what would I have done in a situation like that? a) В конце концов, что бы я сделала в подобной ситуации? b) После всего, что делать в такой ситуации? 4. The more 1 think about it, the more I understand how I was unfair to David. a) Я много думаю об этом и больше понимаю, как я была несправедлива к Дэвиду. b) Чем больше я думаю об этом, тем больше понимаю, как я была несправедлива к Дэвиду. 5. I try to play it cool. a) Я пытаюсь сохранять самообладание. b) Я прохлаждаюсь. 5 ) Answer the questions or give your own ideas if there is not enough information in the story. 1. Does Lisa know the truth about David’s feelings now? 2. How does Lisa feel? 3. Why does David pretend Lisa doesn’t exist? 4. Why does Daniel stay away from Lisa and her brother? 5. What is Lisa looking forward to? 6. What should Lisa do to make up with David? Сравнение качества предметов, действий и явлений с помощью the..., the Качества предметов, действий и явлений можно также сравнивать с помощью the..., the (чем..., тем) the + прилагательное в сравнительной степени, the + прилагательное в сравнительной степени 196 Unit 5 Lessons 3, 4 The more you eat, the fatter you’ll get.— Чем больше вы едите, тем толще вы станете. The sooner he comes, the better.— Чем раньше он придет, тем лучше. Translate these proverbs and common expressions into Russian. Which of them do you agree with? 1. The more you know, the more you forget. 2. The less you know, the better you sleep. 3. The sooner, the better. 4. The darker the night, the brighter the dawn. 5. The more you exercise, the stronger you get. 6. The slower you go, the sooner you get to your destination. Continue these sentences and write your own proverbs. 1. The more you work,... 2. The hungrier you are,... 3. The more friends you have,... 4. The more countries you see,... 5. The fewer mistakes you make,... 6. The smarter you are,... 7. The more you sleep,... 8. The louder you shout about something,... Homework < Fill in the gaps. Use a, the or no article. 1. I’m meeting her ... tomorrow morning. 2. It was ... early afternoon when we met for lunch. 3. Let’s sit outside. It’s ... very warm evening. 4. My mother doesn’t like ... winter. She always gets cold in ... winter. 5. It was in ... summer when Alice lost her dog. Do you remember? 6. ... late autumn is always cold. 7. Mary is coming for ... spring. 8. ... summer was hot that year and we spent every day in the garden. 9. I had ... bad day yesterday. 10. Was it... very cold winter this year? Units Lessons 3, 4 197 Translate these sentences into English. 1. Было раннее утро, когда мы отправились в лес. 2. Я всегда уезжаю на море осенью. Летом там слишком жарко. 3. Приходи завтра до рассвета. Нам нужно подготовиться. 4. Гости придут в понедельник вечером. 5. Я видела вашу собаку утром. 6. Осень в этом году была дождливая. 7. Стояла ранняя весна. Был чудесный вечер. 8. Он работает и днем и ночью. 9. Увидимся завтра днем. 10. Она будет в Париже неделю и хочет провести один вечер в театре. Complete the sentences with the right forms of the adjectives in brackets. 1. The (interesting) the plans are, the (bad) the weather is. 2. The (big) the car is, the (safe) it is. 3. The (often) you call, the (happy) your granny is. 4. The (early) you get up, the (energetic) you feel. 5. The (far) away my friend is, the (much) 1 think about her. 6. The (little) you speak about it, the (good). Translate these sentences into English. 1. Чем больше ты думаешь об этом, тем грустнее ты выглядишь. 2. Чем дольше я знаю его, тем меньше он мне нравится. 3. Чем больше денег ты потратишь сегодня, тем меньше денег у тебя останется на завтра. 4. Чем больше я слушаю эту песню, тем больше она мне нравится. 5. Чем скорее ты закончишь эту книгу, тем скорее я куплю тебе новую. 6. Чем человек умнее, тем он скромнее. 7. Чем хуже новости, тем быстрее они распространяются. Lessons 5, 6 "АП the world's о stage" Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker. the balcony — балкон the stage — сцена a row — ряд a duke — герцог the stalls — партер the dress circle — бельэтаж the upper circle — верхний ярус stage design — сценография a performance — спектакль, игра актеров 198 Unit 5 Lessons 3, 4 and 5, 6 а premiere — премьера а playwright — драматург а director — зд. режиссер а play — пьеса а rehearsal — репетиция а production — постановка а master class — мастер-класс а drag — скучища, тоска зеленая а theatregoer — театрал а script — сценарий to stage — ставить (о спектакле) to be on — идти (о фильме, спектакле) to be sold out — быть проданным to fly by — пролетать (о времени) in advance — заранее retired — ушедший на пенсию creative — творческий spring — зд. источник Read the page from Lisa's diary and answer the questions 1. Which club did Lisa give up on? 2. Which club did Lisa decide to concentrate on? 3. Who is the director of Lisa’s new club? 4. What did Jasper’s job use to be? 5. What did Jasper use to do at the time of the Cold War? 6. What made Jasper sad? 14 July Camp Pineland All of these problems with David and Daniel were getting on my nerves so much that I decided to give up on Nature Club. Instead I concentrated on my other club — Drama. It isn’t the most popular club in the camp and most of the members are girls, but that’s fine with me. Our director, Jasper Willoughby, is a retired actor and a real enthusiast. He always finds something interesting for us to do. One day he arranges master acting classes, the next day we get singing rehearsals. He also tells us a lot about the world of actors and playwrights, theatre and music. When he found out that I come from Russia, he was delighted. He turned out to be a big fan of Russian theatre. He told us that even at the time of the Cold Wax he used to come to Moscow just to see a new performance at the Taganka Theatre or to listen to an opera at the Bolshoi Theatre. Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 199 Не talked about so many playwrights, actors and directors, and even ballet dancers, all of whose names I hardly recognized. I knew who Visotsky, Lyubimov, Bulgakov, Dyagilev and Vishnevskaya were. But who Marius Petipas, Vasiliy Kachalov, Evgeniy Vakhtangov, Galina Ulanova were, I had no idea. I never expected to learn so much about Russian theatre in America. But Jasper was sad because he had been so busy lately that he hadn’t had time to fly to Moscow and catch any of the latest premieres. So I wasn’t surprised when he asked me to make a report on a play or a musical I had seen recently. Look through Lisa's notes and find the names of playwrights, actors, ballet dancers, directors and singers. 200 Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 Translate these sentences into Russian. 1. Who was the director for “Star Wars”? — It was George Lucas. 2. The audience received the new play really well. 3. Why did you miss the premiere? — All the tickets had been sold out months before. 4. The first play of this famous playwright wasn’t a big success. 5. You should have bought a ticket in the dress circle. It might have been cheaper. 6. The performance was a real drag. I wouldn’t recommend it to anybody. 7. What’s on today? — Ask Sam. He is a real theatregoer. 8. You won’t see any stars in “Winter”. All the actors in that play are just beginners. 9. The production director of this performance must be a very creative person. The audience was delighted. Lisa decided to ask Dima for advice about the play. Listen to their conversation and answer the questions. 1. Did both Dima and Lisa see the play they are talking about? 2. What play are Dima and Lisa talking about? 3. What theatre staged it? 4. Who is the playwright? 5. Who is the director? 6. Who wrote the script? 7. Whose play is the production based on? 8. Is the theatre big? 9. Is it easy to buy tickets for this production? Read the dialogue and find what Lisa says about the theatre, the theatre director, the stage design, the decorations, the actors' performance, the plot, the overall impression the play produces and the reaction of the audience. Lisa: So, Dima, Jasper from the Drama Club asked me to make a report on an interesting Moscow theatre premiere. Which one should I tell him about? Dima: Oh, I think you should talk about the Bolshoi or the Moscow Art Theatre, don’t you? They are world famous. Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 201 Lisa: Dima: Lisa: Dima: Lisa: Dima: Lisa: Dima: Lisa: Dima: No, I think he wants something new. Besides, he knows more about the Bolshoi than I do. I have only been there once and I thought the opera I saw was a bit of a drag. Yes, that’s true. Wait a minute. Just before we left for the US, you went to a play at the Peter Fomenko Workshop Theatre, didn’t you? I remember you were really impressed. Wait, how did you know? 1 wanted to tell you about it, but you didn’t want to listen. Oh, yeah. That’s right. Sorry about that. I still want to know what made such a great impression on you. What was it called? It was called “The Fairy tale of the Forest of Arden” and was based on Shakespeare’s famous play “As You Like It”L Peter Fomenko and his friend Yuli Kim wrote the script. They took Shakespeare’s play and retold it in their own words. Peter Fomenko, one of today’s best theatre directors, also staged it. What’s the plot? Is it a comedy or a drama? It’s a comedy and full of witty remarks and funny situations. One of Shakespeare’s most famous speeches, “All the world’s a stage” is in it. The main character is Rosalind, the only daughter of a duke. Her father, the duke, loses his throne to his younger brother and flees to the Forest of Arden. Rosalind has to follow him, as she is unhappy in her uncle’s court. She is accompanied by her loving cousin Celia and a court clown. Touchstone. Before she leaves, Rosalind falls in love with Orlando. Orlando goes to the forest to look for Rosalind. Celia’s father, the new duke, finds out that his daughter is gone and sends his servants to the forest to find her. In the end everybody finds their happiness in the Forest of Arden and even the two dukes make up. But how did they manage to retell Shakespeare’s version? What they did sounds great. Peter Fomenko wrote the rhymed text and Yuli Kim wrote a lot of witty and beautiful songs. The music is not pre-recorded and the actors sing without microphones. How is it possible? Were you able to hear anything at all? ^ „Как вам это понравится" 202 Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 The theatre itself is very small. It’s not like a usual theatre with stalls, dress circle, upper circle and balcony. It only has stalls with two, three or four rows which are situated around the stage. Dima: Why is their theater so tiny? Lisa: I think the small size allows for interesting experiments with stage design. Dima: What do you mean by interesting experiments? Lisa: Well you sit so close to the actors that you can actually look into their eyes. This is unusual. Then since there is no real stage, the action takes place right in front of you, so you get the illusion of being a part of the performance. The decorations are simple and even primitive but perfectly functional. The illusion is so strong that soon you forget that the duke’s castle is just a velvet armchair, the forest spring is just a bowl with water and the forest itself is just a couple of room plants in pots. The actors speak and sing in very natural voices as if they were simply talking to you. Dima: And what about the actors’ performances? Lisa: Very good indeed, although there are very few stars. The main parts are played by very young actors and some of them are just beginners. More than three hours of the performance flew by. The play stays with you after it’s over and makes you smile whenever you think about it. Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 203 Dima: It sounds amazing. I should have gone with you. Is it still on? Lisa: I think so. But as far as I know, the tickets are usually sold out months in advance. The audience always receives Fomenko’s work really well. Dima: Oh, well. In any case, this is just what Jasper wants. It’s a successful premiere, it’s unusual and it’s based on Shakespeare, so it’s classic too. Lisa: You’re right. I won’t find a better performance to write about. 7 Find the English equivalents for the following Russian sentences. 1. Я думаю, такое маленькое помещение позволяет осуществлять интересные эксперименты со сценографией. 2. Эту пьесу необходимо посмотреть всем театралам. 3. Аудитория всегда хорошо принимает работы Фоменко. 4. Действие происходит прямо перед тобой, так что появляется иллюзия, что ты являешься частью представления. 8 а) These statements are wrong. Find the information in the dialogue to contradict them. 1. The Peter Fomenko Workshop Theatre isn’t very popular in Moscow. 2. Peter Fomenko is a famous playwright. 3. The building of Peter Fomenko Workshop Theatre is very big. 4. The decorations needed a lot of improvement. 5. The director used Shakespeare’s original text for his production. 6. There were a lot of famous actors in the performance. 7. The actors’ performance was not very impressive. 8. There is no music in the play. 9. The performance was a drag. 10. The play “The Fairy tale of the Forest of Arden” has a tragic ending. b) Give advice to your friends. What book, film, concert, performance, place, event or article of clothing is a must? 9 a) Listen to the speakers twice and match their descriptions with the theatre genres. What's your favourite genre? Why? MUSICAL © © 0 © b) Give more names of people who have become famous in these genres. 204 Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 ОРЕЯА Ballet 10 Work in groups. Choose any film, TV production or a theatre performance and discuss it. One person should take notes and report back to the class. Use these words and expressions and your own ideas. Model: We discussed the latest film in the Harry Potter series. Kate thinks that it was wonderful, fascinating and dynamic. She is a fan of the books an)rway. Sveta agrees with Katya, but Sasha doesn’t. He thinks the film was a bit of a drag, although it had cool special effects. boring, funny, cool, modern, a bit of a drag, moving, thrilling, exciting, disappointing, makes one laugh, stays with you after it’s over, produces a great impression, makes time fly, makes one sad, bores one to death, gets on one’s nerves, has an interesting plot, shows people’s relationships and feelings, true to life, has a lot of special effects, has great costumes, nothing special, dynamic, makes one think, makes one forget one’s problems 11 Work in pairs. Choose one of the five topics below. Then form your opinion together, prepare a list of words you to need (use a dictionary if necessary) and discuss the chosen topic. 1. Nowadays cinema is more popular than theatre. Why? 2. A lot of theatre performances are difficult for some audiences to understand. Discuss. 3. In the past the theatre used to be a part of everybody’s life. Why has it changed? 4. People need to be educated about opera in order to understand it. Discuss. Homework Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1. We are sitting in the upper circle, but our friends have much better .... a) sit b) seats c) sits 2. All the actors in this ... are really famous, a) stage b) theatre c) perform 3. The performance was very well .... a) successful b) received c) sold 4. The ... Lyubimov staged this play with the help of his foreign colleague, a) production director b) singer c) playwright 5. This play produced a great ... on me. a) impression b) impress c) success Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 205 6. The tickets should be bought .... a) sold out b) in advance c) before 7. You won’t believe it, but this young girl is a ... . She worked with Fomenko and Zakharov. a) star b) must c) actress В Translate these sentences into English. 1. Время пролетело незаметно. Мы наслаждались спектаклем. 2. Этот человек — известный театральный режиссер. 3. Я не понимаю, почему этот спектакль имел успех. Мне он показался скучным. 4. Нам придется купить билеты заранее. На этот спектакль билеты всегда проданы. 5. Напиши сценарий, и мы поставим эту пьесу в нашем школьном театре. 6. Декорации произвели на меня большое впечатление, но я был разочарован спецэффектами. 7. Мы купили билеты в партер, третий ряд, места 10 и 11. Fill in the gaps with the right words. royal circle, dress circle, upper circle, balcony, the stalls The lowest area of the auditorium, which is usually the largest, is called the .... As it is on the same level as the orchestra, some of the best and most expensive seats are situated there. The second level is called the ... which is a reminder of an earlier time when women had to wear evening dresses to the theatre. Sometimes it is also called the ... because the Royal Box is also on this level. The third level is the .... The seats are a lot cheaper there but if you are lucky, you may still have a good view. The fourth level is not in every theatre. But if it is, it is called the .... These seats are traditionally occupied by students as they are really cheap. 206 Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 Write about your visit to the theatre. Use the questions to guide you. 1. What was the theatre called? 2. Where did you sit? Were you happy with your seats? Was it easy to get tickets? 3. What performance did you see? What genre did it belong to? 4. What was the plot? 5. Who played the main parts? Were there any stars in the performance? 6. Who was the production director? 7. Were there any songs, special effects or interesting scenery? 8. What impression did the performance make on you? Lessons 7/ 8 What is RP? For your information 1. Covent Garden [.knvant ’goidn] — Ковент Гарден С 1661 no 1974 год был главным овощным, фруктовым и цветочным рынком Лондона. В 1975 г, переведен в район Vouxhall и переименован в рынок New Covent Garden Market. 2. Covent Garden — Ковент Гарден — название Королевского оперного театра в Лондоне (Royal Opera House). Он назван так по названию находившегося поблизости рынка. Ковент Гарден является крупнейшей оперной сценой в Великобритании. Unit 5 Lessons 5, 6 and 7, 8 207 1 Listen to the words and names and repeat them after the speaker. a message — ad. основная идея (посыл) художественного произведения а myth — миф ап interpretation — интерпретация а limitation — ограничение snobbery — снобизм dignity — достоинство gutter — зд. грязь to consider — считать, полагать to despise — презирать unworthy — недостойный proper — правильный, надлежащий Galatea [,дэе1эЧ1:э] — Галатея Henry Higgins [,henri 'higinz] — Генри Хиггинс Colonel Pickering [,кз:пэ1 'рткэпр] — полковник Пикеринг Eliza Doolittle [i,laiz9 'du:lnl] — Элиза Дулитл Cyprus ['saiprss] — Кипр Aphrodite [.aefrs'daiti] — Афродита Read the conversation first. Then in pairs take turns to talk about • what decision the members of the club want to make. • what ideas they reject. • what idea they accept. • who is the author of the play they choose. • what the topic of the play is. • what the message of the play is. • who is going to play the main part. Model: Who is going to play the main part in the play they choose? — They gave the main part to Lisa Korolyova because... Jasper: What shall we stage this year, friends? Shall we do another popular musical? Mary: Oh, why should it be a musical again? Every year the summer camp stages “Grease” or “Mamma Mia”. Let’s do something different this year. Jasper: So what do you want to do instead? What about Chekhov’s “Three Sisters”? That would be a very unusual choice for a summer camp. Jessica: What about a classical play, but let it be funny too? Jasper: Oh, I’ve got an idea. We can stage Bernard Shaw’s “Pygmalion”. It’s very witty. Lisa: I thought it was an ancient Greek myth. Is it witty? Jasper: You are talking about a different thing. There is a myth about Pygmalion, a sculptor from Cyprus. He makes a statue and calls her Galatea. She is so beautiful and realistic that the sculptor 208 Unit 5 Lessons 7, 8 Kate: Jasper: Mary: Jasper: falls in love with his own work. He is so much in love that he prays to Aphrodite to bring the statue to life and the goddess grants his wish. This myth inspired hundreds of poets and playwrights and each of them had his or her own interpretation of the events. Some of them believed that Pygmalion and his Galatea lived happily ever after, but some thought that Galatea, who became a real woman, disappointed Pygmalion. Her personality was not as beautiful as her face and body. And Bernard Shaw had his own version too. Do you think the campers are going to enjoy a Greek myth? Oh, no. Shaw just took the idea of the myth. His play is about the people who lived in London at the beginning of the 20th century. And what is it about? It starts with early evening in Covent Garden. People are on their way home after the theatre. They are caught in a heavy summer rainstorm and take shelter under the portico of St Paul’s Church in Covent Garden. A Cockney flower girl called Eliza Doolittle tries to sell some flowers to the ladies and gentlemen there. Henry Higgins, a professor of phonetics, makes a record of Eliza’s accent. He finds it totally disgusting, and tells the girl that her accent will keep her in the gutter for the rest of her life. It turns out that one of the people in the crowd is Colonel Pickering, an expert in Indian dialects, who has come all the way from India to meet the famous Henry Higgins, the author of “Universal Grammar”. The two men are delighted to meet each other and leave together. Unit 5 Lessons 7, 8 209 Lisa: Well, Гт afraid I don’t understand. What is “Cockney” anyway? And why is Eliza’s accent disgusting? She is a Londoner, after all, so what problems can she possibly have with English? Jasper: Let me explain. It is important to understand that at that time in English society, the way a person spoke was a symbol of their social status. There were different accents used on the British Isles, but only one variety was considered correct. Nowadays we know this variety as the Queen’s English or RP, short for “Received Pronunciation”. Received in this expression means “received in the best society”. RP was typically used by graduates of Cambridge and Oxford, most of whom belonged to the aristocracy. So the moment one opened his / her mouth, the person was immediately placed, that is his financial status, place of birth, education and position in society became clear. The accent put very strict limitations on people’s lives. Those whose English accent was not good enough couldn’t hope to get good jobs. Even to work in a shop a girl was expected to have a proper accent. As Bernard Shaw wrote, “It is impossible for an Englishman to open his mouth without making some other Englishman hate or despise him.” The hated accent was, of course, the RP, and one of the most despised accents was the so-called “Cockney English”, spoken by the people who lived in the poor quarters of London’s East End. It used to be referred to as unworthy of being the speech of any person in the capital city of the Empire. Nowadays RP is still considered the accent of Standard English. Although it has lost its critical importance, accent still acts as a class barrier. Alice: This is all very interesting, but what’s the message of Bernard Shaw’s play then? Did he support all that snobbery? Aren’t personal qualities much more important than a person’s accent? Jasper: Of course, they are. Bernard Shaw would agree with you, and this is exactly the message of his play. He showed that anyone can learn to speak correctly, but really important qualities like kindness, honesty and dignity cannot be taught. Mary: I like this idea. Let’s stage “Pygmalion”. Besides, we’ve already got our Eliza. Jane: Really? Who are you talking about? 210 Unit 5 Lessons 7, 8 Mary: Our Lisa Korolyova, of course. Her Russian accent sounds funny anyway, so she will be perfect for this part. Lisa: But I’m not sure... Jasper: I think Mary is right. You’ll make a good Eliza. Mary: But we also need Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering, and there are no boys in our club. Jasper: Leave it to me. I think I know two guys who would be glad to help. Lisa: Who? Jasper: You’ll see. It’s a surprise. Read the Greek myth again and discuss it. What's the main idea of this myth? Why has it inspired so many playwrights and poets over the years? Read the part about RP and explain the meaning of the following sentences. 1. The way a person spoke was a symbol of social status. 2. It is impossible for an Englishman to open his mouth without making some other Englishman hate or despise him. 3. Although it has lost its critical importance, accent still acts as a class barrier. Read the part about RP and mark these statements true, false or not (If there is not enough information in the text). 1. In the beginning of the 20th century one’s accent played a very important role in one’s future. 2. At the time of Bernard Shaw’s play, most people had an RP accent. 3. Nowadays very few people in Great Britain pay any attention to accent. 4. RP stands for “Received Pronunciation”. 5. Oxford and Cambridge graduates typically used RP. 6. RP is the same as the Queen’s English. 7. Cockney English is an accent used outside the UK. 8. Cockney English is respected by people from other areas of Great Britain. 9. The way Queen Elizabeth speaks is an example of a perfect RP accent. 10. The way one speaks tells a lot about a person’s education. 11. In modern Great Britain a person who doesn’t have a proper accent will find it hard to fit into high society. stated О о о о о о о □ о Unit 5 Lessons 7, 8 211 6 Work in groups. Discuss the following points and report your conclusions. 1. Is one’s accent a symbol of social status in Russia? Did it use to be? 2. Are there any common mistakes that a lot of people make in Russian? What are they? Do these mistakes affect your opinion of that person? 3. What do you associate the accent of Muscovites, Ukrainians, Georgians, and Northerners with? 4. A lot of Russians don’t speak good Russian. Do you agree? Homework A Read the beginning of the play and the myth the play is based on again. Use this information to try to predict what is going to happen in Bernard Shaw's play. В a) This is the last page of Lisa's diary. This page should answer most of your questions about Lisa's relationship with David and Daniel. Before you read, write a list of the questions, the answers for which you'd like to know. b) Read Lisa's diary and mark your questions that have been answered. 16 July Camp Pindand Jasper kept his word and next day he proudly presented his surprise: David as Higgins and Daniel as Pickering! The moment I saw David again, I knew I would have to leave the play. I wouldn’t be able to spend all this time with him. I decided to wait until the end of the rehearsal to tell Jasper that I wouldn’t be able to play the part of Eliza. He could easily replace me... And then something strange happened. While Daniel was turning the page of his script, he cut his finger. Then his finger started bleeding. As in a kind of trance, Daniel watched the drops of blood and suddenly fell to the floor. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Our macho Daniel had fainted! The whole scene was so unexpected that some girls even started to giggle. After Daniel was taken to see the doctor, Jasper explained to us that a lot of people can’t stand the sight of blood (не выносят вида крови) and that there is nothing funny about it — it’s something a person can’t control. And then suddenly another scene came to my mind. 212 Unit 5 Lessons 7, 8 That night when Dima was attacked by the bear, my brother was covered with blood and Daniel was the first to reach him. But Daniel must have fainted then too. So it couldn’t have been him that saved Dima, and there was only one other person there... I looked over and saw David. He was standing in the far corner of the room, trying to pretend that he wasn’t there at all. I marched across the room and stopped right in front of him. But I didn’t have the courage to look him in the eyes. “I’m so sorry,” I whispered. “I have been selfish, unfair, egoistic...” I was trying to think of more words to describe my stupid behaviour, but he interrupted me. “No, Lisa. I’m the one who has to apologize, not you. That night when Dima was attacked, Daniel fainted when he saw your brother, but he never asked me to lie for him. It was all my idea. I saw his embarrassment and thought it would be better if nobody found out. So I tried to protect Daniel and made him hate himself even more. He felt so guilty that he couldn’t even talk to you. You must have missed his company. It’s all my fault.” He turned away to leave, but this time I was ready to say something. “Do you know that I have always dreamt about an acting career?” I said cheerfully. “I am going to need a lot of help to learn my part. Will you help me?” David nodded and smiled, and then he nodded again and then we started to laugh. Unit 5 Lessons 7, 8 213 Lessons 9, 10, 11 Pygmalion - Шж- Употребление глагола to be для выражения долженствования В качестве модального глагола to be употребляется для выражения необходимости совершить действие согласно предварительной договоренности или заранее намеченному плану. Формы глагола to be в the Present Simple — am, is, are переводятся на русский язык должен, должны и выражают необходимость совершения действия в настоящем или будущем: They are to finish the work at 5 o’clock.— Они должны закончить работу в 5 часов. Формы глагола to be в the Past Simple — was, were переводятся на русский язык должен был, должны были: We were to meet at the airport.— Мы должны были встретиться в аэропорту. Для выражения долженствования в будущем времени глагол to be не употребляется. j Translate these sentences into Russian. 1. You are to finish this book by tomorrow. 2. Why was he to come here so early? 3. Mary was to have cooked dinner for us. 4. He is to work day and night. 5. He was to be picked up at 7 p.m. 6. Where are we to sleep? 7. Mark was to have fixed his car last week. 8. The brother and sister were to be met at the airport by our friend. . 2 J Fill in the gaps with the right form of to be. 1. Who ... to speak first? 2. Jessica knew that she ... to leave her home town very soon. 3. The students ... to take an exam on Monday. 4. We ... to meet at the train station at 8 o’clock. 5. Jane ... to phone you yesterday. 6. Mike ... to look after his little brother. 7. Kate ... to finish this report on Monday. 214 Unit 5 Lessons 9, 10, 11 Read the list of Jasper's things to do for last week. He did some of them. Talk about the things Jasper did and didn't do. Model: Jasper was to call his mum and he did. Jasper was to have written a letter to his friend but he didn’t. -h Call Mmm Write a letter to Jick — Arrange a rehesrssl for the Ргама С/мЬ -f' diAy a ticket to Los Ar\^eles — Fly to Los Angeles — Ret^^rr\ hooks to the lihnry -t- G^o shoy>joir\^ — Wstch "Romeo and Jiyiliet" or\ TV — Find actors for Rl^^ins and Pickering +- 4 j Listen and read the extract from Act II of Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion". Use the wordlist below for help. Match the following sentences with the sentences with similar meanings from the play. (The sentences from the play are underlined.) Model: a) She is a very simple girl.— She’s quite a common girl, sir. (D b) Take her to the bathroom. What will happen to her when you’ve finished your teaching? What will she do with money? Well, it’ll be unfair if you charge me for English lessons as much as you would charge for French, because I already speak English. Tell your parents that they should look well after you. I’ll say you are the best teacher in the world if you fulfil your promise. I can live well without my parents. Be quiet! My parents told me that I was grown up enough to work and earn money for myself and sent me away from home. I don’t want to have a madman as a teacher. Don’t argue! m) Go away! n) Nobody has seen me drink alcohol. The problem is to teach her to use correct grammar. Please, don’t forget what we are talking about. I took notes about this girl’s accent yesterday evening. I think we can invite her upstairs. Then why is everybody worrying so much? c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) o) P) q) r) s) Unit 5 Lessons 9, 10, 11 215 PYGMALION by George Bernard Shaw (Extract from Act II) The next day at 11 a.m. Higgins’s laboratory in Wimpole Street. Pickering is seated at the table. Higgins is standing near him. He is of the energetic, scientific type, heartily interested in everything that can be studied as a scientific subject, and careless about himself and other people, including their feelings. He is so entirely frank and void of malice that he remains likeable even in his least reasonable moments.^ MRS PEARCE: [Hesitating] A young woman wants to see you, sir. HIGGINS: A young woman! What does she want? MRS PEARCE: Well, sir, she says you’ll be glad to see her when you know what she’s come about. She’s quite a common girl, sir. Г1) HIGGINS: Oh, that’s all right, Mrs Pearce. Has she an interesting accent? MRS PEARCE: Oh, something dreadful, sir, really. I don’t know how you can take an interest in it. HIGGINS: [To Pickering] Let’s have her up. (2) MRS PEARCE: [Returning] This is the young woman, sir. The flower girl enters in state. She has a hat with three ostrich feathers, orange, sky-blue, and red. She has a nearly clean apron, and the shoddy coat has been tidied a little. HIGGINS: Why, this is the girl I lotted down last night. (3) She’s no use. [To the girl] Be off with vou: (4) I don’t want you. THE FLOWER GIRL: Don’t you be so saucy. You ain’t^ heard what I come for yet. [To Mrs Pearce, who is waiting at the door for further instruction.] Did you tell him I come in a taxi? ' Oh настолько искренен и беззлобен, что вызывает симпатию даже тогда, когда ведет себя совсем уж неразумно. ^ ain’t = haven’t 216 Unit 5 Lessons 9, 10, 11 MRS PEARCE: Nonsense, girl! What do you think a gentleman like Mr Higgins cares what you came in? THE FLOWER GIRL: Oh, we are proud! He ain’t^ above giving lessons, not him: I heard him say so. Well, I ain’t come here to ask for any compliment; and if my money’s not good enough I can go elsewhere. HIGGINS: Good enough for what? THE FLOWER GIRL: Good enough for ye-oo'^. Now you know, don’t you? I’m come^ to have lessons, I am. And to pay for em too: make no mistake. HIGGINS: Well!!! [Recovering his breath with a gaspM What do you expect me to say to you? THE FLOWER GIRL: Well, if you was^ a gentleman, you might ask me to sit down, I think. Don’t I tell you I’m bringing you business? HIGGINS: Pickering, shall we ask this baggage to sit down or shall we throw her out of the window? THE FLOWER GIRL: [Running away in terror to the piano, where she turns at bay.] Ah-ah-ah-ow-ow-ow-oo! I won’t be called a baggage when I’ve offered to pay like any lady. Motionless, the two men stare at her from the other side of the room, amazed. PICKERING: [Gently] What is it you want, my girl? ain’t = isn’t ye-oo = you I’m come = I came C трудом восстанавливая дыхание. if you was = if you were Unit 5 Lessons 9, 10. 11 217 THE FLOWER GIRL: I want to be a lady in a flower shop stead® of selling at the corner of Tottenham Court Road. But they won’t take me unless I can talk more genteel. He said he could teach me. Well, here I am ready to pay him — not asking any favor — and he treats me as if I was dirt. MRS PEARCE: How can you be such a foolish ignorant girl as to think you could afford to pay Mr Higgins? THE FLOWER GIRL: Why shouldn’t I? I know what lessons cost as well as you do; and I’m ready to pay. HIGGINS: How much? THE FLOWER GIRL: [Coming back to him, triumphant] Now you’re talking! HIGGINS: What’s your name? THE FLOWER GIRL: Liza Doolittle. HIGGINS: How much do you propose to pay me for the lessons? LIZA: Oh, I know what’s right. A lady friend of mine gets French lessons for eighteenpence an hour from a real French gentleman. Well, vou wouldn’t have the face to ask me the same for teaching me mv own language as vou would for French: Г5~1 so I won’t give more than a shilling^. Take it or leave it.^° HIGGINS: [Walking up and down the room.] You know, Pickering, if you consider a shilling, not as a simple shilling, but as a percentage of this girl’s income, it works out as fully equivalent to sixty or seventy guineas from a millionaire^^ PICKERING: How so? HIGGINS: Figure it out.^^ д millionaire has about £150 a day. She earns about half-a-crown. ® stead = instead ’ Счетно-денежная единица Великобритании, появившаяся в X в., английская монета, объявленная денежной единицей Великобритании в 1601 г. После введения в 1971 г. десятичной денежной системы в Великобритании шиллинг приравнен к 5 пенсам. Не хотите — не надо. ...получается, что он будет соответствовать шестидесяти или семидесяти гинеям миллионера. А вот посчитайте! 218 Unit 5 Lessons 9, 10, 11 LIZA: [Haughtily] Who told you I only — HIGGINS: [Continuing] She offers me two-fifths of her day’s income for a lesson. Two-fifths of a millionaire’s income for a day would be somewhere about £60. It’s handsome.^^ By George^'^, it’s enormous! It’s the biggest offer ^ I ever had. Z * LIZA: [Rising, terrified] Sixty pounds! What are you talking about? I never offered you sixty pounds. Where would I get — HIGGINS: Hold vour tongue. Г6^ ^ LIZA: [Weeping] But I ain’t^® got sixty pounds. Oh — MRS PEARCE: Don’t cry, you silly girl. Sit down. Nobody is going to touch your money. HIGGINS: Somebody is going to touch you, with a broomstick, if you don’t stop snivelling. Sit down. LIZA: [Obeying slowly] Ah-ah-ah-ow-oo-o! One would think you was^^ my father. HIGGINS: If I decide to teach you, I’ll be worse than two fathers to you. Here! [He offers her his silk handkerchief] LIZA: What’s this for? HIGGINS: To wipe your eyes. To wipe any part of your face that feels moist. Remember: that’s your handkerchief; and that’s your sleeve. Don’t mistake the one for the other if you wish to become a lady in a shop. [Liza, utterly bewildered, stares helplessly at him.] MRS PEARCE: It’s no use talking to her like that, Mr Higgins: she doesn’t understand you. Besides, you’re quite wrong: she doesn’t do it that way at all. [She takes the handkerchief] LIZA: [Snatching it] Here! You give me that handkerchief. He give^^ it to me, not to you. PICKERING: [Laughing] He did. I think it must be regarded as her property, Mrs Pearce. MRS PEARCE: Serve you right^®, Mr Higgins. Неплохо! Ей-богу! ain’t = haven’t you was = you were He give = He gave Так Вам и надо. Unit 5 Lessons 9, 10, 11 219 PICKERING: Higgins, I’m interested. What about the ambassador’s garden party? I’ll sav you’re the greatest teacher alive if vou make that good. (V) I’ll bet you all the expenses of the experiment you can’t do it. And I’ll pay for the lessons. LIZA: Oh, you are real good. Thank you. Captain. HIGGINS: [Tempted, looking at her] It’s almost irresistible. She’s so deliciously low — so horribly dirty^’ — LIZA: [Protesting extremely] Ah-ah-ah-ah-ow-ow-oo-ooM! I ain’t^° dirty: I washed my face and hands afore I come, I did. HIGGINS: [Carried away^^] Yes: in six months — in three if she has a good ear and a quick tongue — I’ll take her anywhere and pass her off as anything.^^ We’ll start today: now! This moment! Take her away and clean her, Mrs Pearce. Monkey Brand^^, if it won’t come off any other way. Is there a good fire in the kitchen? MRS PEARCE: [Protesting] Yes; but — HIGGINS: [Storming on] Take all her clothes off and burn them. Ring up Whiteley^'^ or somebody for new ones. Wrap her up in brown paper till they come. LIZA: You’re no gentleman, you’re not, to talk of such things. I’m a good girl, I am; and I know what the like of you are, I do. HIGGINS: We want none of your Lisson Grove^^ prudery here, young woman. You’ve got to learn to behave like a duchess. Take her away, Mrs Pearce. If she gives you any trouble wallop her. LIZA: [Springing up and running between Pickering and Mrs Pearce for protection.] No! I’ll call the police, I will. MRS PEARCE: But I’ve no place to put her. Она так неотразимо вульгарна, так вопиюще грязна, ain’t = am not Увлекаясь все больше и больше. ...я смогу взять ее куда угодно и выдать за кого угодно. Используйте мыло Манки Бренд, если по-другому не отмоется. Позвоните в магазин Вайтли. Лиссон Гроув — в настоящее время часть западного Лондона, но во времена написания пьесы этот район был одной из худших Лондонских трущоб, печально известной разгулом преступности, алкоголизмом и проституцией. 220 Unit 5 Lessons 9, 10, 1 HIGGINS: Put her in the dustbin. LIZA: Ah-ah-ah-ow-ow-oo! PICKERING: Oh come, Higgins! Be reasonable. MRS PEARCE: [Resolutely] You must be reasonable, Mr Higgins: really you must. You can’t walk over everybody like this. HIGGINS: [With professional exquisiteness of modulation.^^] I walk over everybody! My dear Mrs Pearce, my dear Pickering, I never had the slightest intention of walking over anyone. All I propose is that we should be kind to this poor girl. We must help her to prepare and fit herself for her new station in life. (Liza, reassured, steals back to her chair.) HIGGINS: [Patiently] What’s the matter? MRS PEARCE: Well, the matter is, sir, that you can’t take a girl up like that as if you were picking up a pebble on the beach. HIGGINS: Why not? MRS PEARCE: Why not! But you don’t know anything about her. What about her parents? She may be married. LIZA: Garn!27 HIGGINS: There! As the girl very properly says, Garn! Married indeed!^® Don’t you know that a woman of that class looks a worn out drudge of fifty^^ a year after she’s married. LIZA: Who’d marry me? HIGGINS: [Suddenly resorting to the most thrillingly beautiful low tones.] By George, Eliza, the streets will be strewn with the bodies of men shooting themselves for your sake before I’ve done with you.®° MRS PEARCE: Nonsense, sir. You mustn’t talk like that to her. C профессиональной чистотой модуляции. Еще чего! Замужем, как же! измученная поденщица пятидесяти лет Боже мой, Элиза, еще до того, как я закончу Ваше обучение, улицы будут усеяны телами мужчин, застрелившихся из-за любви к Вам. Unit 5 Lessons 9, Ю, 11 221 LIZA: [Rising] I’m going away. He’s off his chump, he is.^^ I don’t want no balmies teaching me. Г81 HIGGINS: Oh, indeed! I’m mad, am I? Very well, Mrs Pearce: you needn’t order the new clothes for her. Throw her out. LIZA: [Whimpering] Nah-ow. You got no right to touch me. MRS PEARCE: Stop, Mr Higgins. I won’t allow it. It’s you that are wicked. Go home to your parents, girl; and tell them to take better care of you. (9) LIZA: I ain’t got no parents. They told me I was big enough to earn mv own Hying and turned me out. Г10') MRS PEARCE: Where’s your mother? LIZA: I ain’t got no mother. Her that turned me out was my sixth stepmother. But I done without them, fll^ And I’m a good girl, I am. HIGGINS: Very well, then, what on earth is all this fuss about? (12) The girl doesn’t belong to anybody — is no use to anybody but me. MRS PEARCE: But what’s to become of her? Is she to be paid anything? HIGGINS: Oh, pay her whateyer is necessary. [Impatiently] What on earth will she want with money? Q3^ She’ll haye her food and her clothes. She’ll only drink if you giye her money. LIZA: [Turning on him] It’s a lie: nobody eyer saw the sign of liquor on me. ГМ) У него не все дома! 222 Unit 5 Lessons 9, Ю, 11 PICKERING: Does it occur to you, Higgins, that the girl has some feelings? HIGGINS: [Looking critically at her] Oh, no, I don’t think so. Not any feelings that we need bother about, [Cheerily] Have you, Eliza? LIZA: I got my feelings same as anyone else. HIGGINS: [To Pickering] You see the difficulty? PICKERING: Eh? What difficulty? HIGGINS: To get her to talk grammar. fl5^ The pronunciation is easy enough. LIZA: I don’t want to talk grammar. I want to talk like a lady. MRS PEARCE: Will vou please keep to the point. fl6~) Mr Higgins. I want to know on what terms the girl is to be here. And what is to become of her when you’ve finished vour teaching? (17') You must look ahead a little, HIGGINS: [Impatiently] What’s to become of her if I leave her in the gutter? Tell me that, Mrs Pearce, MRS PEARCE: That’s her own business, not yours, Mr Higgins. HIGGINS: Well, when I’ve done with her, we can throw her back into the gutter; and then it will be her own business again; so that’s all right. LIZA: Oh, you’ve no feeling heart in you: you don’t care for nothing but yourself. [She rises and takes the floor resolutely] Here! I’ve had enough of this. I’m going. [Making for the door.] You ought to be ashamed of yourself, you ought. PICKERING: Excuse me, Higgins; but I really must interfere. Mrs Pearce is quite right. If this girl is to put herself in your hands for six months for an experiment in teaching, she must understand thoroughly what she’s doing. LIZA; Ah-ah-ow-ool HIGGINS: There! That’s all you get out of Eliza. Ah-ah-ow-oo! No use explaining. As a military man you ought to know that. Give her orders: that’s what she wants. Eliza, you are to live here for the next six months and, learning how to speak beautifully, like a lady in a florist’s shop. If you’re good and do whatever you’re told, you shall sleep in a proper bedroom, and have lots to eat, and money to buy chocolates Units Lessons 9, 10, 11 223 and take rides in taxis. If you’re naughty and idle, you will sleep in the back kitchen among the black beetles, and be walloped by Mrs Pearce with a broomstick. At the end of six months you shall go to Buckingham Palace in a carriage, beautifully dressed. If the King finds out you’re not a lady, you will be taken by the police to the Tower of London, where your head will be cut off as a warning to other presumptuous flower girls. If you are not found out, you shall have a present of seven-and-sixpence to start life with as a lady in a shop. If you refuse this offer, you will be a most ungrateful and wicked girl; and the angels will weep for you. [To Pickering] Now are you satisfied, Pickering? [To Mrs Pearce] Can I put it more plainly and fairly, Mrs Pearce? MRS PEARCE: [Patiently] I think you’d better let me speak to the girl properly in private. Of course I know you don’t mean her any harm; but when you get what you call interested in people’s accents, you never think or care what may happen to them or you. Come with me, Eliza. HIGGINS: That’s all right. Thank you, Mrs Pearce. Bundle her off to the bathroom. Q8^ LIZA: [Rising reluctantly and suspiciously.] You’re a great bully, you are. I won’t stay here if I don’t like. I won’t let nobody wallop me. I never asked to go to Bucknam Palace, I didn’t. I was never in trouble with the police, not me. I’m a good girl — ? MRS PEARCE: Don’t answer back. Q91 girl. You don’t understand the gentleman. Come with me. [She leads the way to the door, and holds it open for Eliza.] 224 Units Lessons 9, 10, 11 LIZA: [As she goes out] Well, what I say is right. I won’t go near the king, not if I’m going to have my head cut off.^^ I always been a good girl; and I never offered to say a word to him; and I don’t owe him nothing. [Mrs Pearce shuts the door.] Як королю и близко не подойду, раз там мне собираются голову отрубить. Wordlist ) ostrich feathers — страусиные перья ап apron — фартук а broomstick — метла а handkerchief— носовой платок а sleeve — рукав property — собственность а shilling — шиллинг ап ambassador — посол expenses — расходы а pebble — галька prudery — добродетель а military man — военный а stepmother — мачеха а duchess — герцогиня income — доход to hesitate — колебаться to Jot down — записывать to occur — приходить в голову to afford — позволить себе to snivel — распускать нюни to obey — повиноваться to wipe — вытирать to wallop — поколотить to snatch — хватать to bet — спорить, заключать пари to tempt — соблазнять, искушать to propose — предлагать to whimper — хныкать to belong — принадлежать to interfere — вмешиваться to be ashamed — стыдиться common — обычный, простой dreadful — ужасный shoddy — низкопробный, дешевый saucy — нахальный genteel — благородный ignorant — невежественный handsome — зд. неплохой, щедрый enormous — огромный irresistible — непреодолимый, необоримый (о желании) reassured — успокоенный reasonable — благоразумный wicked — дурной bewildered — сбитый с толку idle — ленивый presumptuous — самоуверенный, дерзкий satisfied — удовлетворенный haughtily — горячо plainly — просто utterly — абсолютно, окончательно reluctantly — нехотя Units Lessons 9, 10, 11 225 5 Choose the right answers. 1. Henry Higgins a) is a military man. b) is a phonetician, c) doesn’t work. 2. Eliza Doolittle a) doesn’t speak English at all. b) has a very strong Cockney accent, c) speaks English like a duchess. 3. Eliza came to Higgins to a) ask him for lessons, b) give him lessons, c) marry him. 4. Higgins was interested in Eliza because a) she was so low and dirty, b) she was beautiful, c) he needed her money. 5. Mrs Pearce asked Higgins to be reasonable because a) she worried about Eliza’s future. b) she didn’t want to have a dirty girl at home. c) she thought Eliza was still very young. 6. Colonel Pickering offered to pay Higgins if he could a) teach Eliza English and pass her off as a lady. b) teach Eliza English and find her a job in a flower shop. c) make Eliza use proper grammar. 7. Eliza wants the lessons to a) marry a rich man. b) go to the King’s ball, c) find a good job. 6 Who are the main characters? Describe them. Homework • • A Look through the text of the play and find the sentences with to be + infinitive. Translate them into Russian. В Select some of Eliza's lines and rephrase them. Try to make them grammatically correct. C Write 10 questions about Act II of Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion" and answer them. D Rephrase these sentences. Use to be + infinitive. 1. Alice was expected to come on Monday, but she didn’t. 2. The train was supposed to stop in Klin, but it didn’t. 3. My friend is going to rent a flat in Sochi. 4. You must be at home by 9 o’clock. 5. Where are you going to stay? 6. Do you think she was planning to come yesterday? 226 Unit 5 Lessons 9, 10, 11 Lessons 12, 13 Test yourself Lessons 14, 15 Project "My Fair Lady" 1 Watch the musical "My Fair Lady" which is based on Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion". Stage the play "Pygmalion": Step 1. Choose the production team: scriptwriters, production director(s), costume designer(s), stage designer(s). Step 2. Write a detailed script of the extract from the play that you want to stage. Step 3. Cast the actors for all parts. Step 4. Hand out copies of the script to everybody. Discuss the script. Step 5. Start the rehearsals. Step 6, Invite your friends over and show them the performance. Lessons 16, 17, 18 Homereading "Pygmalion" (extract Act III) by Bernard Shaw (see Workbook 2) Your active vocabulary a theatre a playwright to be on a row a director to be sold out the stalls a play to fly by the dress circle a rehearsal in advance the upper circle a production creative the balcony a master class the stage a drag a message stage design a theatregoer an interpretation a performance a script a premiere to stage Unit 5 Lessons 12, 13 and 14, 15 and 16, 17, 18 227 Grammar Reference (Грамматический справочник)’ UNIT 1 Lessons 1, 2, 3 The Verb (Глагол) Глагол — это часть речи, которая обозначает действие и отвечает на вопросы что делать? что сделать? Английский глагол имеет три основные формы: I форма — инфинитив (the Infinitive) II форма — прошедшее неопределенное время (the Past Simple Tense) III форма — причастие прошедшего времени (the Past Participle) The Present Progressive Tense^ (Настоящее длящееся время) Употребление the Present Progressive Tense Глаголы в форме the Present Progressive употребляются: • для выражения длящегося действия, которое происходит в точно указанный момент в настоящем: She is reading а book now.— Сейчас она читает книгу. • для выражения длящегося действия, которое происходит в настоящий период времени, но не обязательно в момент речи: They are moving to a new flat.— Они переезжают на новую квартиру. (Переезжать можно в течение недели, месяца. Процесс этот длительный, но не постоянный.) • для выражения заранее запланированных действий, которые произойдут в будущем: I am leaving tomorrow.— Я уезжаю завтра. We are going to the cinema tonight.— Мы идем в кино сегодня вечером. • для придания эмоциональной окраски действиям, которые вызывают раздражение, критику, насмещку. В этом сл)^ае в предложении всегда присутствует наречие always (вечно), constantly (постоянно): You are always being late.— Вечно ты опаздываещь. Не is constantly phoning me when Vm busy.— Он постоянно звонит мне, когда я занята. Справочник с грамматическим материалом, изученным во 2-9-х классах, помещен в рабочую тетрадь № 1 для 10-го класса. Также употребляется термин “The Present Continuous Tense”. 228 Grammar Reference Указателями времени the Present Progressive являются слова: now — сейчас today — сегодня at the moment — в данный момент at present — в настоящее время tonight — сегодня вечером still — все еще Во временах группы Progressive обычно не употребляются глаголы, которые выражают не действия, а состояния, отношения между предметами или людьми. Такие глаголы называются статическими (state verbs). Такие состояния не поддаются непосредственному наблюдению. Статические глаголы не могут употребляться в целом ряде видовременных форм, в частности в форме Progressive (Continuous). К статическим относятся глаголы: 1) обозначающие восприятия, ощущения: to hear, to see, to feel, to smell, to sound, to taste, to look; 2) обозначающие эмоции: to love, to like, to dislike, to respect, to hate, to adore, to care (for); 3) обозначающие желания: to want, to wish, to desire; 4) обозначающие мнения, умозаключения, мысленные представления и суждения: to appreciate, to assume, to believe, to doubt, to consider (считать), to expect (полагать), to imagine, to know, to mean, to mind (возражать), to recognize, to remember, to suppose, to think (полагать), to trust, to understand; 5) выражающие отношения: to be, to belong to, to concern, to consist of, to contain, to depend on, to deserve, to differ, to have, to include, to involve, to owe, to own, to possess, to remain, to require, to resemble, to result, to suit; 6) некоторые другие: to agree, to allow, to astonish, to claim, to consent, to envy, to fail, to forbid, to forgive, to object, to prefer, to prevent, to puzzle, to refuse, to remind: [ think she is English.— Я полагаю, она англичанка. Нельзя сказать: I am thinking she is English. At present I have a dog.— В настоящее время у меня есть собака. Нельзя сказать: At present I am having a dog. Sorry I don't remember your name.— Извините, я не помню Вашего имени. Нельзя сказать: Sorry I am not remembering your name. This soap smells lovely. I’ll buy it.— Это мыло пахнет хорошо. Я его куплю. Нельзя сказать: This soap is smelling lovely. Grammar Reference 229 / see a nice picture now.— Сейчас я вижу прекрасную картину. Нельзя сказать: I am seeing а nice picture now. Why don’t you believe me? — Почему Вы не верите мне? Нельзя сказать: Why aren’t you believing me? She is in the shop at the moment.— В данный момент она в магазине. Нельзя сказать: She is being in the shop at the moment. Do you still want to buy this bag? — Вы все еще хотите купить эту сумку? Нельзя сказать: Are you still wanting to buy this bag? Ho в форме the Present Progressive употребляются глаголы: to think — в значении „думать" to look — в значении „смотреть" to see — в значении „встречаться" to have — в составе устойчивых выражений: to have breakfast/lunch/dinner — завтракать, обедать, ужинать; to have a bath / a shower — принимать ванну, душ I’m thinking about you now.— Я сейчас думаю о тебе. Why are you looking at me so attentively? — Почему ты смотришь на меня так внимательно? We are seeing him tonight.— Мы встречаемся с ним сегодня вечером. She can’t phone you now. She is having breakfast.— Она не может позвонить тебе сейчас. Она завтракает. Образование the Present Progressive Tense am/is/are + Participle I The Present Progressive Tense образуется c помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в the Present Simple (am/is/are) и основного глагола в I форме с окончанием -ing. Такая форма называется Participle I (причастие настоящего времени). Если глагол оканчивается на -е, то при прибавлении -ing она отбрасывается: take — taking, give — giving. Конечная согласная удваивается, если ей предшествует ударная гласная, стоящая в закрытом слоге, и прибавляется -ing: cut — cutting, begin — beginning. Если буква 1 является конечной, она удваивается и прибавляется -ing: travel — travelling. 230 Grammar Reference Буквосочетание ie меняется на у, и прибавляется -ing: die — dying, tie — tying, lie — lying. Спряжение глаголов в the Present Progressive Tense I am ' you are we he is > working you she is they it is J Образование утвердительных^ отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП = Подлежащее + am/is/are + основной глагол + -ing -I-второстепенные члены предложения. Не is speaking to Jane now.— Сейчас он разговаривает с Джейн. Отрицательное предложение (ОП) ОП = Подлежащее -I- am/is/are + not + основной глагол -f--ing -f второстепенные члены предложения. Не is not speaking to Sabby now.— Он сейчас не разговаривает с Сэбби. Общий вопрос (ОВ) ОВ = Ат/Is/Are + подлежащее + основной глагол + -ing -+-второстепенные члены предложения -1- ? Is he speaking to Jane now? — Он сейчас разговаривает с Джейн? Yes, he is./No, he isn^t.— Да./Нет. • Альтернативный вопрос (АВ) АВ = ОВ + or + ОВ -f ? Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу: Is he speaking to Jane or (is he speaking) to Sabby now? — Он сейчас разговаривает с Джейн или с Сэбби? Grammar Reference 231 • Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ + ? What is he doing? — Что он делает? Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВП = Who/What + is + основной глагол + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения + ? Who is speaking to Jane now? — Кто сейчас разговоривает с Джейн? Не is.— Он. • Разделительный вопрос Не is speaking to Jane now, isn't he? — Yes, he is. Сейчас OH разговаривает c Джейн, не так ли? The Present Simple Tense’ (Настоящее простое время) Употребление the Present Simple Tense Глаголы в форме the Present Simple употребляются для выражения: • повторяющихся и повседневных действий: Не usually checks his e-mail in the evening.— Он обычно проверяет электронную почту вечером. • действий, происходящих в соответствии с графиком или расписанием: The train arrives at 6 o'clock.— Поезд прибывает в 6 часов. • непреложных истин и законов природы: The sun rises in the east.— Солнце встает на востоке. Cows give milk.— Коровы дают молоко. • будущего действия в придаточных предложениях времени и условия: ГИ phone him if I have time.— Я позвоню ему, если у меня будет время. Well tell him about the letter when he comes.— Мы расскажем ему о письме, когда он придет. Указателями времени the Present Simple являются: usually, normally — обычно always — всегда every day/week/month/year — каждый день/неделю/месяц/год often — часто seldom, rarely — редко sometimes — иногда never — никогда ^ Также употребляется термин “The Present Indefinite Tense”. 232 Grammar Reference Наречия always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom употребляются перед основным глаголом, но после глагола to be, вспомогательных и модальных глаголов: / often listen to this singer,— Я часто слушаю этого певца. She is always at home in the evening.— Она всегда бывает дома вечером. Не must always phone his parents on weekends.— По выходным он всегда должен звонить родителям. Образование the Present Simple Tense The Present Simple Tense образуется c помощью основного глагола в I форме: They play football every day.— Они играют в футбол каждый день. В утвердительных предложениях к основному глаголу добавляется окончание -S в 3 лице единственного числа. Спряжение глаголов в the Present Simple Tense I meet we you meet you meet he/she/it meets they , Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП = Подлежащее -н основной глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения. You drink milk every morning.— Вы пьете молоко каждое утро. Mike drinks milk every morning.— Майк пьет молоко каждое утро. Отрицательное предложение (ОП) Для образования отрицательных предложений используется вспомогательный глагол do, который имеет форму does в 3 лице единственного числа, и отрицательная частица not. Обратите внимание! do not = don’t, does not = doesn’t on = Подлежащее + don’t/doesn’t + основной глагол в I форме -f-второстепенные члены предложения. Grammar Reference 233 You don't drink tea every morning.— Вы не пьете чай каждое утро. Mike doesn't drink tea every morning.— Майк не пьет чай каждое утро. Общий вопрос (ОВ) Для образования вопросительных предложений используется вспомогательный глагол do, который имеет форму does в 3 лице единственного числа. ОВ = Do/Does + подлежащее -ь основной глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения + ? Do you drink milk every morning? — Вы пьете молоко каждое утро? Yes, I do./No, I don't.— Да./Нет. Does Mike drink milk every morning? — Майк пьет молоко каждое утро? Yes, he does. /No, he doesn't.— Да./ Нет. Альтернативный вопрос (АВ) Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу. АВ = ОВ -Ь ог -Ь ОВ Ч- ? Do you drink milk or (do you drink) tea every morning? — Вы пьете молоко или чай каждое утро? Does Mike drink milk or (does Mike drink) tea every morning? — Майк пьет молоко или чай каждое утро? Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = Вопросительное слово -Ь ОВ Ч- ? What do you drink every morning? — Что вы пьете каждое утро? What does Mike do? — Что делает Майк? Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВП = Who/What Ч- основной глагол в 3 лице единственного числа Ч- второстепенные члены предложения Ч- ? В вопросе к подлежащему сохраняется прямой порядок слов, а смысловой глагол всегда употребляется в 3 лице единственного числа: VVTio drinks milk every morning? — Кто пьет молоко каждое утро? You do.— Вы. Разделительный вопрос You drink milk every morning, don't you? — Вы пьете молоко каждое утро, не так ли? 234 Grammar Reference Yes, I do.— Да, пью. Mike doesn*t drink milk every morning, does he? — Майк не пьет молоко каждое утро, не так ли? Yes, he does.— Нет, пьет. Чтение окончания -s Окончание -s в английских глаголах читается как [z] после гласных и звонких согласных; read — reads, play — plays, live — lives. Окончание -s читается как [s] после глухих согласных: work — works. К глаголам, которые оканчиваются на s, ss, sh, ch, x, прибавляется окончание -es, которое читается как [iz): teach — teaches, wash — washes, press — presses, fix — fixes. К глаголам, которые оканчиваются на о, прибавляется окончание -es, которое читается как [z]; goes [gauz], does [cUz]. Если глагол оканчивается на у, которая стоит после согласной, то к глаголу прибавляется окончание -es. Буква у меняется на i: fly —flies. Глагол to be в the Present Simple Tense Глагол to be (быть, находиться, являться) в the Present Simple Tense имеет формы am, is, are. I am a pupil.— Я ученик. He is at school.— Он в школе. They are my friends.— Они мои друзья. Спряжение глагола to be в the Present Simple Tense Единственное число Множественное число I am (I’m) you are (you’re) he/she/it is (he’s, she’s, it’s) we are (we’re) you are (you’re) they are (they’re) Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений • Утвердительное предложение Не is ту friend.— Он мой друг. They are at home.— Они дома. Обратите внимание! is = ’s, are = ’re He’s my friend. They’re at home. Grammar Reference 235 • Отрицательное предложение Для образования отрицательных и вопросительных предложений глаголу to be вспомогательный глагол не требуется: Не is not ту friend.— Он не мой друг. They are not in the shop.— Они не в магазине. Обратите внимание! is not = isn’t, are not = aren’t He isn’t my friend.— Он не мой друг. They aren’t in the shop.— Они не в магазине. • Обищй вопрос Are they in the shop? — Они в магазине? Yes, they are. /No, they are not.— Да. / Нет. • Специальный вопрос Where are they? — Где они? • Вопрос к подлежащему В вопросе к подлежащему глагол to be всегда )шотребляется в форме 3 лица единственного числа (is): Who is at home? — Кто дома? They are.— Они. • Разделительный вопрос Тот is from London, isn’t he? — Том из Лондона, не так ли? Yes, he is.— Да, он из Лондона. UNIT 1 Lessons 4, 5, 6 Модальные глаголы В английском языке есть глаголы, выражающие не действие, а отношение к действию. Они называются модальными. К модальным глаголам относятся глаголы сап, must, should, may. Они обозначают возможность, способность, вероятность, необходимость совершения действия, выраженного основным глаголом: Не сап play tennis.— Он умеет играть в теннис. You must help him.— Ты должен ему помочь. She should eat more vegetables.— Ей следует есть больше овощей. You may phone те tomorrow.— Вы можете позвонить мне завтра. Модальные глаголы имеют не все формы, которые имеют другие глаголы. 236 Grammar Reference Инфинитив, следующий за этими глаголами, употребляется без частицы to. В 3 лице ед. числа настоящего времени модальные глаголы не имеют окончания -S. сап Модальный глагол сап выражает умение, способность совершить действие: Не сап swim.— Он умеет плавать. She could sing very well when she was twenty.— Она могла очень хорошо петь, когда ей было двадцать лет. Модальный глагол сап имеет два времени: настоящее и прошедшее — форму сап для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа настоящего времени и форму could для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа прошедшего времени. Вопросительная форма образуется без вспомогательного глагола, причем модальный глагол ставится перед подлежащим: Сап he play tennis? — Он умеет играть в теннис? Yes, he can. /No, he can’t. Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью частицы not, которая ставится непосредственно после модального глагола и пишется с ним слитно: She cannot (can’t) swim.— Она не умеет плавать. Для выражения способности совершить действие также употребляется словосочетание to be able to (быть в состоянии). Это сочетание употребляется в разных временах: Не is able to translate the text.— Он может перевести текст. Не was able to read at the age of five.— Он умел читать в возрасте пяти лет. He’ll be able to translate the text next week.— Он сможет перевести текст на следующей неделе. Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple can could — am 'I is > able to are J was 1 ^ able to were J will be able to Grammar Reference 237 may Глагол may выражает: • просьбу разрешить что-либо сделать: May I use your mobile phone? — Можно я воспользуюсь Вашим мобильным телефоном? Please, do.— Пожалуйста. Certainly.— Да, конечно. No, Гт afraid you can't.— Боюсь, что нет. Разрешение что-либо сделать выражается глаголом may в утвердительном предложении: You may phone те at 10 p.m.— Ты можешь (я разрешаю) позвонить мне в 10 часов. • предположение, основанное на неуверенности: It may rain.— Возможно, будет дождь. Глагол may в этом значении не употребляется в вопросительных предложениях. Модальный глагол may имеет два времени: настоящее и прошедшее — форму may для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа настоящего времени и форму might для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа прошедшего времени. Вопросительная форма образуется без вспомогательного глагола, причем модальный глагол ставится перед подлежащим: May I help you? — Можно я Вам помогу? Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью частицы not, которая ставится непосредственно после модального глагола: You may not come.— Вам нельзя приходить. Значение разрещения или запрещения может также передаваться словосочетанием to be allowed to: They will not be allowed to work at night.— Им не разрешат работать ночью. Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple may might — am 1 is allowed to are J was 1 , allowed to were i-v will be allowed to 238 Grammar Reference must Глагол must выражает; • обязанность, долг, необходимость (с точки зрения говорящего): I must learn English. It will help me in the future.— Я должен изучать английский. Это поможет мне в будущем. (Я сам так думаю.) В этом значении must употребляется в утвердительных и вопросительных предложениях. • приказ: You must speak to him now.— Вы должны поговорить с ним сейчас. • запрещение: You mustn't leave this room.— Вы не должны покидать эту комнату. В этом значении must употребляется в отрицательных предложениях. Модальный глагол must имеет одну неизменяемую форму, которая употребляется в настоящем времени; We must tell her the truth.— Мы должны сказать ей правду. Вопросительная форма образуется без вспомогательного глагола, причем модальный глагол ставится перед подлежащим: Must I answer his questions? — Я должен отвечать на его вопросы? Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью частицы not, которая ставится непосредственно после модального глагола: You mustn't drive too fast.— Вы не должны вести машину слишком быстро. need Глагол need в качестве модального глагола употребляется для выражения необходимости совершения действия со значением нужно, надо. В этом значении need употребляется только в форме the Present Simple в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях: Need I phone you today? — Мне позвонить Вам сегодня? (Есть ли необходимость позвонить Вам сегодня?) Must I phone him right now? — Я должен позвонить ему прямо сейчас? No, you needn't.— Нет, не надо. Глагол need употребляется также как основной глагол со значением нуждаться в чем-нибудь. В этом случае need имеет обычные формы спряжения и употребляется в формах the Present Simple, the Past Simple, the Future Simple: / need to know his room number.— Мне надо знать номер его комнаты. Last year she needed her daughter's help very often.— В прошлом году она нуждалась в помощи дочери очень часто. You won't need anything.— Вы ни в чем не будете нуждаться. Grammar Reference 239 have to Глагол have to употребляется, когда речь идет о необходимости совершения действия в силу определенных обстоятельств; School starts at eight o'clock. I have to get up early.— Занятия начинаются в 8 часов. Мне приходится вставать рано. (От меня это не зависит.) Yesterday I went to bed late. I had to finish my composition.— Вчера мне пришлось лечь поздно. Я должен был дописать сочинение. Tomorrow I will have to help my friend.— Завтра мне придется помочь другу. Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с have to образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола do: Does he have to get up early? — Yes, he does. Oh должен вставать рано? — Да. You don't have to translate this text.— Вам не нужно переводить этот текст. Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с had to образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола did: Не didn't have to meet her.— Ему не пришлось встречать ее. Did she have to help him? — Yes, she did. Ей пришлось помочь ему? — Да. Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple must — — have to had to will have to should Модальный глагол should выражает желательность действия, совет, рекомендацию; You should read this book.— Тебе следует прочитать эту книгу. Модальный глагол should имеет одну неизменяемую форму, которая употребляется в настоящем времени: You should help this man.— Тебе следует помочь этому человеку. Вопросительная форма образуется без вспомогательного глагола, причем модальный глагол ставится перед подлежащим: Should I phone her? — Мне следует ей позвонить? Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью частицы not, которая ставится непосредственно после модального глагола: You shouldn't tell her everything.— Тебе не следует говорить ей все. 240 Grammar Reference UNIT 1 Lessons 7, 8 The Future Simple Tense (Будущее простое время) Употребление the Future Simple Tense Глаголы в форме the Future Simple употребляются: • для обозначения будущих действий, которые возможно произойдут, а возможно и нет: One day we’ll meet again,— Когда-нибудь мы встретимся снова. • для предсказания будущих событий: In ten years she’ll become a famous singer.— Через 10 лет она станет известной певицей. • для выражения обещаний и решений, принятых в момент речи: А: What are you doing? — Что ты делаешь? В: Гт cleaning the floor.— Я мою пол. А: VII help you.— Я помогу тебе. • с глаголами hope, think, believe: / think Granny will come on Monday.— Я думаю, бабушка приедет в понедельник. I hope she’ll sing tonight.— Я надеюсь, она будет петь сегодня вечером. • с наречиями probably, perhaps: Perhaps he’ll phone tomorrow.— Возможно, он позвонит завтра. Для того чтобы выразить ожидание команды, распоряжения, в английском языке используется глагол shall в сочетании с 1 лицом единственного и множественного лица: Shall I phone you tomorrow? — Мне позвонить Вам завтра? Shall we start? — Нам начинать? The Future Simple Tense употребляется с такими обозначениями времени, как: tomorrow — завтра next week — на следующей неделе next month — в следующем месяце next year — в следующем году next time — в следующий раз in а day — через день in а minute — через минуту in ап hour — через час in two weeks — через две недели in five years — через пять лет in the future — в будущем Grammar Reference 241 The Future Simple Tense образуется c помощью вспомогательного глагола will и I формы основного глагола.^ Спряжение глаголов в the Future Simple Tense Сокращенная форма от will — ’ll. В сокращенной форме глагол will (Т1) может употребляться только в утвердительных предложениях. В вопросительных предложениях используется полная форма — will. Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений • Утвердительное предложение УП = Подлежащее -f will -Ь основной глагол в I форме -Ь второстепенные члены предложения. Не will write the letter next week. (Hell write the letter next week.) — Oh напишет письмо на следующей неделе. Не will be at home tomorrow. (Hell be at home tomorrow.)— Он будет дома завтра. Отрицательное предложение (ОП) ОП = Подлежащее -I- won’t -f основной глагол в I форме -I- второстепенные члены предложения. Не will not write the letter next week.— Он не напишет письмо на следующей неделе. She will not be at home tomorrow.— Ее не будет дома завтра. Обратите внимание! will not = won’t Раньше для образования 1 лица единственного и множественного числа будущего времени в качестве вспомогательного глагола употреблялся глагол shall (сокращенная форма ’ll). В настоящее время в этой функции он встречается довольно редко. 242 Grammar Reference Не won't write the letter next week. He won't be at home tomorrow. • Общий вопрос (OB) OB = Will + подлежащее + основной глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения ? Will he write the letter next week? — Он напишет письмо на следующей неделе? Yes, he will. /No, he won't.— Да. / Нет. Will he be at home tomorrow? — Он будет дома завтра? Yes, he will./No, he won't.— Да./Нет. Альтернативный вопрос (АВ) АВ = ОВ -Ь ог -Ь ОВ -f ? Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу; Will he write the letter tomorrow or (will he write the letter) next week?— Oh напишет письмо завтра или на следующей неделе? Will she be at home or (will she be) in the hospital at 9 o’clock? — Она будет дома или в больнице в 9 часов? Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ + ? When will he write the letter? — Когда он напишет письмо? When will he be at home? — Когда он будет дома? Вопрос к подлежащему Who will write the letter next week? — Кто напишет письмо на следующей неделе? Не will.— Он. Who will be at home tomorrow? — Кто будет дома завтра? Му sister will.— Моя сестра. Разделительный вопрос Не will not write the letter tomorrow, will he? — Он не напишет письмо завтра, не так ли? No, he won't.— Нет, не напишет. Не will not be at home tomorrow, will he? — Его не будет дома завтра, не так ли? Yes, he will.— Нет, будет. Grammar Reference 243 То be going to (собираться сделать что-либо) То be going to употребляется; • когда говорящий выражает намерение сделать что-либо в будущем: Му friend has invited те to his birthday party. Гт going to buy a present for him.— Мой друг пригласил меня на день рождения. Я собираюсь купить ему подарок. • для выражения большой вероятности или неизбежности совершения действий в будущем: Look at Rita! She is going to cry.— Посмотри на Риту! Она сейчас заплачет. UNIT 1 Lessons 9, Ю/ И Придаточные предложения времени и условия В английских придаточных предложениях времени и условия для выражения будущих действий употребляется the Present Simple, а не the Future Simple. Английские придаточные предложения времени присоединяются к главному предложению с помощью союзов when (когда), till/until (до тех пор пока (не), as soon as (как только), after (после того как), as (в то время как), while (в то время как, пока), before (прежде чем): Не will send an e-mail as soon as he gets the parcel.— Он отправит сообщение (когда?), как только получит посылку. When they arrive. ГИ phone you.— Когда они приедут, я вам позвоню. Ги wait till he comes back.— Я подожду до тех пор, пока он не вернется. We’ll watch TV after we do our homework.— Мы будем смотреть телевизор после того, как сделаем уроки. We’ll have to clean his room before he arrives.— Надо убрать его комнату до того, как он приедет. Английские придаточные предложения условия присоединяются к главному предложению с помощью союзов if (если), unless (если не), in case (в случае, если), on condition that (при условии что), provided that (при условии что): If he asks, she’ll tell him the truth.— Если он спросит, она скажет ему правду. Союзы unless, till, untill имеют отрицательное значение, и, поскольку в английском предложении возможно только одно отрицание, в придаточном предложении больше отрицания не нужно. Предложение Я не смогу 244 Grammar Reference ничего сделать, если он не согласится помочь переводится на английский язык следующим образом: I won't be able to do anything unless he agrees to help. Нельзя сказать: I won't be able to do anything unless he doesn’t agree to help. Предложение Они не пришлют нам книгу до тех пор, пока мы за нее не заплатим переводится на английский язык следующим образом: They won't send us the book until we pay for it. Нельзя сказать: They won't send us the book until we don't pay for it. Придаточное предложение может стоять как после главного предложения, так и перед ним. Если придаточное предложение стоит перед главным предложением, оно отделяется запятой: We'll go to the theatre if my friend phones me. If my friend phones me, we’ll go to the theatre. Важно различать виды придаточных предложений, которые присоединяются к главному предложению с помощью союзов when и if. Если это изъяснительное придаточное предложение, то употребляется the Future Simple Tense: I don't know when he'll come.— Я не знаю (чего?), когда он придет. Не asks her if she'll go to the cinema.— Он спрашивает ее (о чем?), пойдет ли она в кино. Если это придаточное предложение времени, то употребляется the Present Simple Tense: When he comes, he'll help you.— Когда он придет, он поможет тебе. Ifl go to the cinema. I'll phone you.— Если я пойду в кино, я позвоню тебе. UNIT 2 Lessons 3, 4 The Past Simple Tense (Прошедшее простое время) Употребление the Past Simple Tense Глаголы в форме the Past Simple употребляются для выражения: • действий, которые происходили в прошлом обычно, часто, всегда и которые более не происходят: Last year he played tennis every week.— В прошлом году он играл в теннис каждую неделю. • действий, которые произошли в прошлом в определенное время: We saw an interesting film last week.— Мы смотрели интересный фильм на прошлой неделе. Grammar Reference 245 п • действии, которые происходили в прошлом одно за другим: / bought two tickets, met ту friend and then went to the theatre.— Я купил два билета, встретился с другом, и затем мы пошли в театр. • действий, происходивших в течение какого-то периода времени, который начался и закончился в прошлом: for two weeks — в течение двух недель for two months — два месяца for two hours yesterday — в течение двух часов вчера They talked for two hours yesterday.— Вчера они разговаривали в течение двух часов. The Past Simple Tense употребляется со следующими словами и словосочетаниями: yesterday — вчера last week — на прошлой неделе last month — в прошлом месяце last year — в прошлом году ... days/months/years ago — ... дней/месяцев/лет назад Образование the Past Simple Tense По способу образования the Past Simple Tense глаголы делятся на две группы — правильные и неправильные. Правильные глаголы образуют the Past Simple Tense (II форму) путем прибавления к форме инфинитива окончания -ed: I форма work — II форма worked. Неправильные глаголы образуют the Past Simple Tense (II форму) другими способами: I форма go — II форма went. II (вторая) форма неправильных глаголов приведена в таблице, которая находится на форзаце учебника. Глаголы в the Past Simple Tense имеют одну и ту же форму во всех лицах и числах. Спряжение глаголов в the Past Simple Tense I you he / she / it we you they watched met 246 Grammar Reference Чтение окончания -ed Если глагол оканчивается на гласную или звонкую согласную, окончание -ed читается как [d]: open — opened. Если глагол оканчивается на глухую согласную, окончание -ed читается как [t]: ask — asked. Если глагол оканчивается на букву t или d, окончание -ed читается как [id]: want — wanted. Если глагол оканчивается на букву у, а перед ней стоит согласная, то при добавлении -ed буква у меняется на i: study — studied. Если глагол оканчивается на согласную, которой предшествует ударная гласная в закрытом слоге, то такая согласная удваивается: stop — stopped. Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений • Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП = Подлежащее + основной глагол во II форме + второстепенные члены предложения. Misha saw ту friend last month.— Миша видел моего друга в прошлом месяце. Отрицательное предложение (ОП) Для образования отрицательных предложений используется вспомогательный глагол did и отрицательная частица not. ОП = Подлежащее + did not + основной глагол в I форме + второстепенные члены предложения. Misha did not see ту friend last week.— Миша не видел моего друга на прошлой неделе. Обратите внимание! did not = didn’t Общий вопрос (ОВ) Для образования вопросительных предложений используется вспомогательный глагол did. ОВ = Did + подлежащее + основной глагол в I форме 4- второстепенные члены предложения -I- ? Did Misha see his friend last month? — Миша видел своего друга в прошлом месяце? Yes, he did./No, he didn't.— Да./Нет. Grammar Reference 247 Альтернативный вопрос (АВ) АВ = ОВ + or + ОВ + ? Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом ог (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу: Did Misha see ту friend last month or (did he see my friend) last week?— Миша видел моего друга в прошлом месяце или на прошлой неделе? • Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ + ? When did Misha see ту friend? — Когда Миша видел моего друга? Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВП = Who + основной глагол во II форме + второстепенные члены предложения + ? Who saw ту friend last month? -месяце? — Misha did.— Миша, Кто видел моего друга в прошлом • Разделительный вопрос Misha didn't see ту friend last month, did he? — Миша не видел моего друга в прошлом месяце, не так ли? Yes, he did.— Нет, видел. Конструкция used to Для того чтобы рассказать о действиях, которые регулярно происходили в прошлом, в английском языке используется конструкция used to, которая переводится как бывало/имел обыкновение: Не used to play football on Sundays when he was twenty.— Когда ему было двадцать лет, он имел обыкновение играть в футбол по воскресеньям. We used to meet very often five years ago.— Пять лет назад мы, бывало, часто встречались. • Образование утвердительных предложений с конструкцией used to: l/you/he/she/it/we/you/they used to play the piano two years ago. • Вопросительная и отрицательная формы с конструкцией used to образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола did: Не didn't use to play the piano two years ago. Did he use to play the piano? — Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t. What did he use to do two years ago? 248 Grammar Reference • Вопрос к подлежащему Who used to play the piano two years ago? — He did. Также для выражения привычных, повторявшихся в прошлом действий используется would + глгшол в I форме: She would eat а lot of sweets when she was younger.— Она, бывало, ела много конфет, когда была моложе. Обратите внимание! Would не употребляется со статическими глаголами. Нельзя сказать: They would have horses. Следует сказать: They used to have horses. Глагол to be в the Past Simple Tense Глагол to be в the Past Simple Tense имеет форму was в единственном числе и were во множественном числе. Спряжение глагола to be в the Past Simple Tense I was we Л you were you > were he/she/it was they J Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений • Утвердительное предложение They were at home.— Они были дома. • Отрицательное предложение Для образования отрицательных предложений к глаголам was и were добавляется отрицательная частица not: Не was not at home at 6 p.m.— Его не было дома в шесть часов. They were not in the park.— Они были не в парке. Обратите внимание! was not = wasn’t, were not = weren’t He wasn’t at home at 6 p.m. They weren’t in the park. • Общий вопрос Для образования вопросительных предложений глаголам was и were вспомогательный глагол не требуется: Were they in the park? — Они были в парке? No, they weren’t.— Нет. Grammar Reference 249 • Альтернативный вопрос Were they at home or in the park? — Они были дома или в парке? • Специальный вопрос Where were they? — Где они были? • Вопрос к подлежащему Who was at home? — Кто был дома? They were.— Они. • Разделительный вопрос They were at home, weren*t they? — Они были дома, не так ли? Yes, they were.— Да. The Past Progressive Tense (Прошедшее длящееся время) Употребление the Past Progressive Tense Глаголы в форме the Past Progressive употребляются для выражения действий, которые происходили в определенный момент в прошлом. Момент времени в пропшом может быть определен! a) точным указанием времени: Linda was watching TV at 10 o’clock yesterday.— Линда смотрела телевизор вчера в десять вечера. b) прошедшим действием, выраженным глаголом в the Past Simple: Linda was watching TV when her friends came.— Линда смотрела телевизор, когда пришли ее друзья. The Past Progressive Tense употребляется для выражения двух и более равных по длительности действий, происходивших в прошлом одновременно. While Магу was cooking breakfast, Mark was watching TV.— В то время как Мэри готовила завтрак, Марк смотрел телевизор. The Past Progressive Tense употребляется также для описания обстановки, на фоне которой происходили события: It was а warm summer day. They were sitting in the garden. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and they were discussing their plans for a holiday.— Был теплый летний день. Они сидели в саду. Светило солнце, пели птички, и они обсуждали планы на отпуск. Во временах группы Progressive не употребляются статические глаголы: to remember — помнить to like — нравиться to forget — забывать to be — быть, находиться 250 Grammar Reference to hate — ненавидеть to need — нуждаться to know — знать to hear — слышать to see — видеть to want — хотеть to think — (b значении) полагать to believe — верить to understand — понимать Образование the Past Progressive Tense The Past Progressive Tense образуется c помощью вспомогательных глаголов was/were + основной глагол в I форме + окончание -ing. Спряжение глаголов в the Past Progressive Tense I was ' you were we he was > working you she was they it was > } were working Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений • Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП = Подлежащее + was/were + основной глагол в I форме + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения. They were flying over Scotland at 6 p.m. yesterday.— Вчера в шесть часов вечера они пролетали над Шотландией. Отрицательное предложение (ОП) ОП = Подлежащее -I- was/were -i- not -f основной глагол в I форме -I--ing + второстепенные члены предложения. They weren't flying over England at 6 p.m. yesterday.— Вчера в шесть вечера они не пролетали над Англией. Общий вопрос (ОВ) ОВ = Was/Were + подлежащее + основной глагол в I форме + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения + ? { ---------------------------- ----------------------- Were they flying over Scotland at 6 p.m. yesterday? — Вчера в шесть вечера они пролетали над Шотландией? Yes, they were./No, they weren't.— Да. / Нет. Grammar Reference 251 Альтернативный вопрос (АВ) АВ = ОВ + or 4- ОВ + ? Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу: Were they flying over Scotland or (were they flying) over England at 6 p.m. yesterday? — Вчера в шесть часов вечера они пролетали над Шотландией или над Англией? Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = Вопросительное слово + ОВ +? What were they doing at 6 p.m. yesterday? — Что они делали вчера в шесть часов вечера? Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВП = Who/What + was + основной глагол в I форме + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения + ? Who was flying over Scotland at 6 p.m. yesterday? — Кто пролетал над Шотландией вчера в шесть часов вечера? They were.— Они. • Разделительный вопрос They were flying over Scotland at 6 p.m. yesterday, weren’t they? — Вчера в шесть часов вечера они пролетали над Шотландией, не так ли? Yes, they were.— Да. The Past Perfect Tense (Прошедшее совершенное время) Употребление the Past Perfect Tense Глагол в форме the Past Perfect выражает действие, которое произошло раньше другого действия в прошлом. Действие, которое произошло раньше, употребляется в форме the Past Perfect, а то, которое произошло позже,— в the Past Simple Tense: Misha had helped Robin before he met Rob.— Миша помог Робину прежде, чем он познакомился с Робом. Обратите внимание! The Past Perfect Tense употребляется для выражения предшествования. Если описываются действия, которые следовали друг за другом, употребляется the Past Simple Tense. 252 Grammar Reference Сравните; She bought some meat, came home and cooked dinner.— Она купила мясо, пришла домой и приготовила обед. Before she cooked dinner she had bought some meat.— Прежде чем она приготовила обед, она купила мясо. The Past Perfect Tense также выражает действие, которое произошло до определенного момента в прошлом. Этот момент может быть указан такими обозначениями времени, как: by six o’clock — к 6 часам by Monday — к понедельнику by that time — к тому времени We had moved to a new flat by that time.— К тому времени мы переехали на новую квартиру. The Past Perfect Tense употребляется в главном предложении, когда придаточное начинается с союза when, который образует составной союз вместе с наречием hardly (scarcely), стоящим в главном предложении: hardly... when — едва (только)..., как scarcely... when — едва (только)..., как Не had hardly reached the shelter when it started raining.— Едва он дошел до укрытия, как начался дождь. The Past Perfect Tense также употребляется в главном предложении, когда придаточное начинается с союза than, который образует составной союз вместе с наречием по sooner, стоящим в главном предложении: по sooner... than — не успел..., как She had по sooner thought about him than he phoned.— He успела она подумать о нем, как он позвонил. Часто в предложениях такого типа используется обратный порядок слов — инверсия: Hardly had he opened the door when the telephone rang.— Едва он открыл дверь, как зазвонил телефон. No sooner had he arrived than he fell ill.— He успел он приехать, как заболел. Grammar Reference 253 Образование the Past Perfect Tense The Past Perfect Tense образуется c помощью вспомогательного глагола had и III формы основного глагола. Спряжение глаголов в the Past Perfect Tense I ^ you we 1 he > had written you V had written she they J it J Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП = Подлежащее + had + основной глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения. Не had read the book before he saw the film.— Он прочитал книгу до того, как посмотрел фильм. Обратите внимание! had = ’d I had = rd, he had = he*d He'd read the book before he saw the film. Отрицательное предложение (ОП) on = Подлежащее + had -I- not + основной глагол в III форме -l-второстепенные члены предложения. She had not read the book before she saw the film.— Она не прочитала книгу до того, как посмотрела фильм. Обратите внимание! had not = hadn’t She hadn’t read the book before she saw the film. Общий вопрос (OB) OB = Had + подлежащее -I- основной глагол в III форме -f второстепенные члены предложения + ? Had he read the book before he saw the film? — Он прочитал книгу до того, как посмотрел фильм? Yes, he had./No, he hadn’t.— Да./ Нет. 254 Grammar Reference Альтернативный вопрос (АВ) АВ = ОВ + or + ОВ + ? Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу: Had he read the book before or (had he read the book) after he saw the film? — Oh прочитал книгу до того или после того, как посмотрел фильм? • Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВП = Who/What ■+■ had + основной глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения + ? Who had read the book by the end of June? — Кто прочитал эту книгу к концу июня? Не had.— Он. Специальный вопрос СВ = Вопросительное слово -f ОВ 4- ? What had he done before he saw the film? — Что он сделал до того, как посмотрел фильм? • Разделительный вопрос Не had read the book before he saw the film, hadn't he? — Он прочитал книгу до того, как посмотрел фильм, не так ли? Yes, he had.— Да. The Present Perfect Tense (Настоящее совершенное время) Употребление the Present Perfect Tense Глаголы в форме the Present Perfect употребляются для выражения действия, которое произошло (завершилось) до настоящего момента, но результат этого действия видим сейчас, то есть своим результатом действие, совершенное в прошлом, связано с настоящим временем: Where is your money? — I have lost it. Где твои деньги? — Я их потерял. (Деньги пропали раньше, неважно когда. Важно то, что у меня их нет сейчас.) Vve cut ту finger. I can't write.— Я порезал палец. (Палец я порезал раньше, а сейчас у меня есть след от пореза.) Я не могу писать. The Present Perfect Tense употребляется без указания времени, поскольку для говорящего важно не время совершения действия, а сам факт его совершения: Grammar Reference 255 Гт cold. Somebody has opened the window.— Я замерз. Кто-то открыл окно. The Present Perfect Tense часто употребляется с наречиями: just (только что), already (уже), yet (еще), ever (когда-нибудь), never (никогда), lately (за последнее время): Не has just phoned.— Он только что позвонил. Наречие yet употребляется в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях: Have you spoken to her yet? — Ты уже с ней разговаривал? I haven't seen him yet.— Я еще его не видел. Наречие ever употребляется в вопросительных предложениях, never — в отрицательных. Место этих наречий между have (has) и основным глаголом: I have never played golf.— Я никогда не играл в гольф. Have you ever been to New York? — Вы когда-нибудь были в Нью-Йорке? The Present Perfect Tense употребляется: • с обстоятельствами, обозначающими еще не истекший период времени: today (сегодня), this week (на этой неделе), this month (в этом месяце), this year (в этом году): I haven’t seen her today.— Я не видел ее сегодня. • с предлогом since — с (с какого-то прошлого момента до настоящего времени): / have known her since 1974.— Я знаю ее с 1974 года. • с союзом since — с тех пор, как (который вводит придаточное предложение, где должно употребляться the Past Simple Tense): The haven’t met since they finished school.— Они не встречались с тех пор, как закончили школу. • с наречием since — с тех пор: I have never written to him since.— Я никогда не писал ему с тех пор. • со статическими глаголами для выражения процесса, который начался в прошлом и все еще продолжается: I have known ту best friend since we were children.— Я знаю своего лучшего друга с тех пор, как мы были детьми. 256 Grammar Reference Образование the Present Perfect Tense The Present Perfect Tense образуется c помощью вспомогательного глагола have/has и III формы основного глагола: / have already seen this film.— Я уже видел этот фильм. Сокращенная форма от have — ’ve, от has — ’s. I have = rve, he has = he’s Спряжение глаголов в the Present Perfect Tense I have "1 you have we Л he has > written you > have written they J she has it has J Образование утвердительных^ отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП = Подлежащее + have/has + основной глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения. She has just seen this film.— Она только что посмотрела этот фильм. They have been to London this year.— Они были в Лондоне в этом году. Отрицательное предложение (ОП) ОП = Подлежащее + have/has + not + основной глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения. Не hasn’t seen this film yet.— Он еще не посмотрел этот фильм. She hasn’t been to London this year.— Она не побывала в Лондоне в этом году. Обратите внимание! have not = haven’t, has not = hasn’t Общий вопрос (OB) OB = Have/Has + подлежащее + основной глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения + ? Has she seen this film yet? — Она уже посмотрела этот фильм? Yes, she has. /No, she hasn’t.— Да. / Нет. Grammar Reference 257 Have they been to London this year? — Они были в Лондоне в этом году? Yes, they have./No, they haven’t.— Да. / Нет. Альтернативный вопрос (АВ) АВ — ОВ + ог + ОВ + ? Альтернативный вопрос представляет собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу; Has she seen this film or has her sister seen it? — Она или ее сестра посмотрела этот фильм? Have they been to London or (have they been) to Washington this year?— Они побывали в Лондоне или в Вашингтоне в этом году? Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВП = Who/What + has Ч- основной глагол в III форме -I-второстепенные члены предложения + ? Who has seen this film? — Кто посмотрел этот фильм? She has.— Она. Who has been to London this year? — Кто побывал в Лондоне в этом году? They have.— Они. Специальный вопрос (СВ) СВ = Вопросительное слово ■+■ ОВ -I- ? What has she seen? — Что она посмотрела? Where have they been this year? — Где они побывали в этом году? Разделительный вопрос She has seen this film, hasn’t she? — Она посмотрела этот фильм, не так ли? Yes, she has.— Да. They have been to London this year, haven’t they? — Они побывали в Лондоне в этом году, не так ли? Yes, they have.— Да. 258 Grammar Reference Различия в употреблении the Present Perfect Tense и the Past Simple Tense The Present Perfect Tense The Past Simple Tense I can't unlock the door, because I have lost my key.— Я не могу отпереть дверь, потому что я потерял ключ. (Ключ потерян в прошлом, неизвестно когда, но сейчас я не могу отпереть дверь. Важен факт отсутствия ключа.) I lost my key two weeks ago.— Я потерял ключ две недели назад. (Ключ потерян две недели назад. Для говорящего важно, когда он был потерян.) I have visited ту granny twice this year.— Я посетил бабушку дважды в этом году. (Год еще не закончился.) I saw them today at 10 o'clock.— Я видел их сегодня в 10 часов. (Есть уточнение, когда закончился упомянутый отрезок времени.) I have never seen а UFO.— Я никогда не видел НЛО. (Я пока еще никогда не видел НЛО, но моя жизнь продолжается. Возможно, я еще его увижу.) Queen Elizabeth I never saw a car.— Королева Елизавета I никогда не видела машину. (Говоря о Елизавете I, мы говорим о законченном периоде времени в прошлом, поскольку она давно умерла.) The Present Perfect Tense не употребляется с обозначением места или времени совершения действия и, следовательно, не употребляется в вопросах, начинающихся с When и Where. Исключение составляет вопрос Where have you been? — Где ты был?, если он задается в начале разговора. UNIT 2 Lessons 5^ 6 The Present Perfect Progressive Tense (Настоящее совершенное длящееся время) Употребление the Present Perfect Progressive Tense The Present Perfect Progressive Tense употребляется для выражения длящегося действия, которое началось в прошлом, все еще продолжается в настоящее время и определенным образом подводит итог продолжительности этого действия: / have been reading this book for a week.— Я читаю эту книгу уже неделю. Grammar Reference 259 в предложениях с the Present Perfect Progressive Tense, как правило, указывается период времени, в течение которого происходит действие. Период времени может быть выражен: • обстоятельствами времени типа: all my life (всю жизнь), all these years (все эти годы), lately (в последнее время): / have been working longer hours lately.— В последнее время я остаюсь на работе дольше. • обстоятельствами времени, вводимыми предлогом for (в течение): for а week (в течение недели), for five years (в течение пяти лет), for а long time (в течение длительного времени): Lena and Sveta have already been talking on the phone for half an hour.— Лена и Света разговаривают по телефону уже полчаса. • обстоятельствами времени, вводимыми since. В зависимости от контекста since переводится по-разному: с; с тех пор; с тех пор, как: She has been dreaming about a dog since she was a child.— Она мечтает о собаке с детства. Jane gave те this CD on Monday. I have been listening to it since then.— Джейн дала мне диск в понедельник. С тех пор я его слушаю. She has been sleeping since she got back from her trip.— Она спит с тех пор, как вернулась из поездки. Таким образом, since используется для обозначения момента начала действия. The Present Perfect Progressive Tense может употребляться без указания на период времени, в течение которого происходило действие. В таких случаях из контекста понятно, что действие только что закончилось и оставило своеобразный „след“, который служит объяснением положения вещей в момент речи: Уои look tired.— I have been working on a report. Ты выглядишь усталой.— Я работала над докладом. The Present Perfect Progressive Tense не употребляется: • со статическими глаголами. Вместо the Present Perfect Progressive Tense эти глаголы употребляются в the Present Perfect Tense: / have known my best friend since we were children.— Я знаю своего лучшего друга с тех пор, как мы были детьми. • если имеется полное отрицание действия: I haven’t played the guitar since I broke my arm.— Я не играю на гитаре с тех пор, как сломал руку. 260 Grammar Reference Образование the Present Perfect Progressive Tense The Present Perfect Progressive Tense образуется c помощью вспомогательного глагола be в форме the Present Perfect и основного глагола в I форме с окончанием -ing. have (has) been + глагол + -ing Образование утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений Утвердительное предложение Jeff and Emily have been playing tennis for two hours.— Джеф и Эмили играют в теннис в течение двух часов. Отрицательное предложение Jeff and Emily haven't been playing golf for three hours. Общий вопрос Has Jeff been playing tennis for two hours? — Yes, he has. Альтернативный вопрос Has Emily been playing tennis for two or fur three hours? — Emily has been playing tennis for two hours. Вопрос к подлежащему Who has been playing tennis for two hours? —Jeff and Emily have. Специальный вопрос How long have Jeff and Emily been playing tennis? — They have been playing tennis for two hours. Разделительный вопрос Jeff and Emily have been playing tennis for four hours, haven't they?— Yes, they have. UNIT3 Lessons!, 2 The Active Voice and the Passive Voice (Действительный и страдательный залог) Залог — это форма глагола, которая показывает, сам предмет или лицо производит действие (действительный залог) или действие производится над предметом или лицом (страдательный залог). Действительный залог (the Active Voice): Kate sent the letter last week.— Катя послала письмо на прошлой неделе. (Действие производит само лицо.) Grammar Reference 261 Страдательный залог (the Passive Voice): The letter was sent by Kate last week.— Письмо было послано Катей на прошлой неделе. (Действие производится над предметом — письмом). В страдательном залоге часто не упоминается, кем или с помощью чего было совершено действие, но если такая информация нужна, то используются предлоги by (кем) или with (с помощью чего). The job was done by Ann.— Работа была сделана Аней. The letter was written with a pen.— Письмо было написано ручкой. Образование форм страдательного залога Страдательный залог образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени и III формы основного глагола. Present Simple A lot of books are printed every year. Много книг печатается каждый год. Past Simple This book was printed in 1905. Эта книга была напечатана в 1905 году. Future Simple This book will be printed next year. Эта книга будет напечатана в следующем году. Present Progressive Page 10 is being printed at the moment. Страница 10 печатается в данный момент. Past Progressive When the author phoned, his book was being printed. Когда автор позвонил, его книга печаталась. Present Perfect This book has already been reprinted twice this year. Эта книга уже дважды напечатана в этом году. Past Perfect This document had been printed before the police arrived. Этот документ был напечатан до того, как прибыла полиция. Страдательный залог употребляется в сочетании с модальными глаголами: модальный глагол -f be -Ь основной глагол в III форме The text must be translated.— Текст должен быть переведен. The work can be done in two weeks.— Работа может быть сделана через две недели. 262 Grammar Reference Образование вопросительных и отрицательных предложений в страдательном залоге Утвердительное предложение Общий вопрос Специальный вопрос Отрицательное предложение Present Simple The room is cleaned every day.— Комнату моют каждый день. Is the room cleaned every day? How often is the room cleaned? That room is not cleaned every day. Past Simple The first computer was invented by Charles Babbage in 1823.— Первый компьютер был изобретен Чарльзом Бэбиджем в 1823 году. Was the first computer invented by Charles Babbage in 1823? Who was the first computer invented by? The e-mail was not invented by Charles Babbage. Future Simple The students will be tested in May.— Студентов будут экзаменовать в мае. Will the students be tested in May? When will the students be tested? The students will not be tested in May. Present Progressive The dog is being walked now.— Собаку сейчас выгуливают. Is the dog being walked now? What is being done now? The dog is not being walked now. Past Progressive The problem was being discussed when he phoned.— Проблема обсуждалась, когда он позвонил. Was the problem being discussed when he phoned? When was the problem being discussed? The problem was not being discussed when he phoned. Present Perfect The work has just been finished.— Работа только что закончена. Has the work just been finished? What has just been finished? The work has not been finished yet. Past Perfect The robber had been caught before the police arrived.— Грабителя поймали до того, как приехала полиция. Had the robber been caught before the police arrived? Who had been caught before the police arrived? The robber had not been caught before the police arrived. О Q 3 3 Q Ф С Ф Э О ф к> ф. со Способы перевода предложений в страдательном залоге на русский язык Предложения в страдательном залоге на русский язык переводятся: • с помощью глагола быть и краткой формы причастия страдательного залога Обратите внимание, что глагол быть в настоящем времени опускается: The letter is written.— Письмо написано. The letter was written.— Письмо было написано. The letter will be written.— Письмо будет написано. • неопределенно-личными предложениями: The room is cleaned every day.— Комнату убирают каждый день. The room was cleaned every day.— Комнату убирали каждый день. The room will be cleaned every day.— Комнату будут убирать каждый день. • с помощью глаголов, которые оканчиваются на -сл, если предложения стоят в the Present Progressive Passive и the Past Progressive Pa.ssive: The house is being built.— Дом строится. The house was being built, when I was a child.— Дом строился, когда я был ребенком. The house will be built.— Дом построят. Особенности употребления страдательного залога Одной конструкции в действительном залоге в английском языке могут соответствовать две конструкции в страдательном залоге, то есть прямое и косвенное дополнение действительного залога могут стать подлежащими страдательного залога со следующими глаголами: to give smb smth/smth to smb — давать кому-либо что-либо/ что-либо кому-либо to send smb smth / smth to smb — посылать кому-либо что-либо / что-либо кому-либо to pay smb smth/smth to smb — платить кому-либо что-либо/ что-либо кому-либо to promise smb smth / smth to smb — обещать кому-либо что-либо / что-либо кому-либо to offer smb smth/smth to smb — предлагать кому-либо что-либо/ что-либо кому-либо to leave smb smth / smth to smb — оставлять кому-либо что-либо / что-либо кому-либо 264 Grammar Reference to show smb smth/smth to smb — показывать кому-либо что-либо/ что-либо кому-либо to tell smb smth/smth to smb — рассказывать кому-либо что-либо/ что-либо кому-либо Рассмотрим предложение в действительном залоге: The teacher gave him a book.— Учитель дал ему книгу. В этом предложении два дополнения him и а book. him — косвенное дополнение, так как отвечает на вопрос кому? а book — прямое дополнение, так как отвечает на вопрос что? Оба эти дополнения могут стать подлежащими предложений в страдательном залоге. The Active Voice The Passive Voice The teacher gave him a book.— Учитель дал ему книгу. The book was given to him./He was given a book.— Ему дали книгу. Му friend told те а funny story.— Друг рассказал мне смешную историю. A funny story was told to me. I was told a funny story.— Мне расказали смешную историю. В страдательной конструкции с предложным дополнением предлог сохраняет свое место после глагола: They sent for the doctor.— Они послали за доктором. (Active Voice) The doctor was sent for.— 3a доктором послали. (Passive Voice) Наиболее употребительные глаголы с предлогами: to send for smb/smth — посылать за кем-то/чем-то to object to smb/smth — возражать кому-то/чему-то to insist on smth — настаивать на чем-то to refer to smb/smth — ссылаться на кого-то/что-то to laugh at smb/smth — смеяться над кем-то/чем-то to listen to smb / smth — слушать кого-то / что-то to wait for smb/smth — ждать кого-то/что-то They often refer to this writer. He is very famous.— This writer is often referred to. Look! Everybody is laughing at Peter. He has made the same mistake again.— Peter is being laughed at. Everybody is waiting for you! Don’t be late again! — You are being waited for. Mary insisted on this plan. I couldn’t disagree with her.— This plan was insisted on. Grammar Reference 265 UNIT 3 Lessons 3, 4 The Conjunction (Союз) По своей функции в речи союзы делятся на сочинительные и подчинительные. Сочинительные союзы not only... but also — не только..., но и ог — или, иначе whereas — тогда как, а while — в то время как and — и, а as well as — так же, как (и) both... and — и... и, как..., так и but — но, а either... or — или... или neither... nor — ни... ни Обратите внимание, в каком числе употребляется основной глагол в предложениях с союзами both... and и neither... nor. • both... and используется для соединения подлежащих двух предложений в одном предложении с утвердительным значением. В таких предложениях глагол употребляется во множественном числе: Both his mother and his father are good swimmers.— И его мама, и его папа хорошие пловцы. • neither... nor используется для соединения подлежащих двух предложений в одном предложении с отрицательным значением. В этом предложении глагол всегда употребляется в утвердительной форме и согласуется в числе со вторым подлежащим: Neither ту sister nor ту brother likes milk.— Ни моя сестра, ни мой брат не любят молоко. Для соединения независимых предложений служат также наречия: moreover — кроме того, сверх того therefore — поэтому so — так что, итак however — однако nevertheless — тем не менее still, yet — тем не менее, все же besides — кроме того otherwise — в противном случае, иначе thus — таким образом Подчинительные союзы 1. Союзы, вводящие придаточные предложения,— изъяснительные: that (что), if, whether (ли). 2. Союзы, вводящие обстоятельственные придаточные предложения • времени: after — после того как as — в то время как, когда; по мере того как 266 Grammar Reference as long as — пока, до тех пор пока as soon as — как только before — прежде чем hardly (scarcely)... when — едва только... как по sooner... than — едва только... как, не успел... как since — с тех пор как until (till) —до тех пор пока... (не) when — когда while — в то время как, пока причины: as — так как because — потому что, так как for — поскольку, так как since — так как, поскольку условия: if — если in case — если, в случае, если once — раз уж, стоит только... как on condition (that) — при условии, если provided (that), providing (that) — при условии, если so (as) long as — если только, при условии, что supposing (that) — если, допустим (что), предположим (что) unless — если только... не, разве только цели: so that — чтобы, для того чтобы in order that — чтобы, для того чтобы образа действия: as — как as if (as though) — как будто, как если бы so... that — так (такой)... что such... that — такой... что сравнительные: as... as — так (такой) же... как (и) (not) so... as — (не) так... как; (не) такой... как than — чем следствия: so that — так что уступительные: in spite of — несмотря на though (although) — хотя Grammar Reference 267 Vocabulary noun (n) — существительное verb (v) — глагол adjective (adj) — прилагательное pronoun (pron) — местоимение conjunction (conj) — союз adverb (adv) — наречие prefix (pref) — приставка suffix (sujf) — суффикс preposition (prep) — предлог 0 ability [abibti] n — способность abolish [a'bnlij] v — запрещать aboriginal [.aeba'ncfenl] — n абориген, коренной житель; adj исконный, туземный abroad [эЪгэ:б] adv — за границей accent ['aeksntj n — акцент accept [ak'sept] v — принимать access [’aekses] — n доступ; v иметь доступ accident ['aeksid(3)nt] n — несчастный случай accurate ['aekjurst] adj — точный ache [eik] — n боль; v болеть achieve [a'tfirv] v — достигать achievement [s'^.'vmant] n — достижение active ['aektrv] adj — активный actually ['aektfusli] adv — на самом деле, фактически admire [эб'таю] v — восхищаться admit [ad'mit] v — признавать adopt [s'dopt] V — принимать advance [adVains] n — продвижение, аванс in advance [m adVams] adv— заранее advantage [adVaintids] n — преимущество advertisement [adVadismant] n — реклама advice [adVais] n — совет advise [adVaiz] v — советовать affect [a'fekt] v — влиять afraid [a'freid] adj — боящийся aggressive [a'gresrv] adj — агрессивный agreement [a'griimant] n — соглащение ahead [a'hed] adv — вперед, впереди airline ['ea,lainj л — авиалиния aisle [ail] n — проход alarm [a'lcrm] n — тревога alive [aiarv] adj — живой allow [aiau] v — позволять, разрешать along [aiog] prep — движение вдоль чего-либо alternatively [э:1Ъ:пэ1гуП] adv — альтернативно, или же although [э:Гдэи] conj — хотя altogether [,э:кэ‘де5э] adv — в целом aluminium [,aeb'mmi3m] п — алюминий amaze [a'rneiz] v — поражать, удивлять ambassador [aemЪses9dэ] п — посол ambition [aem'bijn] п — честолюбие ambitious [aem'bijas] adj — честолюбивый ancient ['ein/(9)nt] adj — древний anger ['аеодэ] n — гнев angry ['aeggri] adj — сердитый announce [9'nauns] v — объявлять another [9'плб9] adj — другой anthem ['aen09m] n — гимн antique [,aen'ti;k] adj — старинный anyway ['eni,wei] adv — во всяком случае anywhere ['eni,we9] adv — где-либо apart [9'po;t] adv — обособленно Aphrodite [.aefra'daiti] n — Афродита apologize [a'pnla.cfearz] v — извиняться appear [9'pi9] v — появляться appearance [9'pi9r9ns] n — внешность applaud [9'pb:d] v — аплодировать apply [9'plai] V— 1. обращаться c просьбой, подавать заявление, 2. относиться approach [a'prautj] v — приближаться appropriate [a'praupriat] adj — соответствующий approve [9'pnrv] V — одобрять architect [’oiki.tekt] n — архитектор architecture ['o;ki,tektr9] n — архитектура 268 Vocabulary area ['еэпэ) п — область argue ['o;gju:I v — спорить around [s’raund] adv — 1. вокруг, 2. вблизи, поблизости arrange [a'reincfe] v — устраивать, организовывать arrival [o'raivl] n — прибытие arrive [s'raiv] v — прибывать, приезжать article ['cutikl] n — статья ashamed [a'Jeimd] adj — стыдящийся associate [a'sausi.eitl v — ассоциировать association [a.sausi'ei/n] n — ассоциация, связь athlete ['ae01i:t] n — атлет attack fa'taekl — n нападение; v нападать attention [a'ten/n] n — внимание attract [a'traekt] v — привлекать audience ['o:diansj n — аудитория Australia [n'streilia] n — Австралия Australian [D'streilian] — n австралиец; adj австралийский auxiliary [oig'ziliari] adj — вспомогательный avoid [sVoid] v — избегать awake [aSveik] adj — бодрствующий award [aSvoid] — n премия, награда; V присуждать, награждать aware [gSvea] adj — знающий, осведомленный awesome ['э:з(э)т1 adj — восхитительный awful ['эгП] adj — ужасный awkward ['o:kw3d] adj — неуклюжий Ll babysit [ЪeIbi,sItl v — работать в качестве няни background [baek,graund] n — происхождение balcony [baelkani] n — балкон bandage [baendictj] n — повязка, бинт banner [Ъэепэ] п — знамя barbecue [boibi.kju:] n — барбекю barrier [Ъаепэ] n — барьер bath [bcuGl n — ванна battalion [ba'tseljgn] n — батальон battle [baetl] n — сражение bay [bei] n — залив beach [bi:^ n — берег, пляж bear [Ьеэ] n — медведь beautiful [bjuitsfl] adj — красивый beauty ['bju;ti] n — красота behave [bi'heiv] v — вести себя behaviour [bi'heivjs] n — поведение behind [bi'haind] adv — позади beUef [bi'li:f] n — вера believe [bi'lLv] v — верить; полагать belong [bi'lDp] V — принадлежать below [bi’bu] prep — ниже, под besides [bi'saidz] adv — кроме того bet [bet] — n спор, пари; v спорить, заключать пари between [bi'twirn] prep — между, посреди beyond [bi'jond] adv — вне, за пределами birth [Ьз:0] n — рождение birthday ['b3:0dei] n — день рождения bite [bait] — n укус; v кусать, жалить blanket ['blaepkit] n — одеяло bleeding ['bli;dig] n — кровотечение bless [bles] v — благословлять blond [blond] — n блондин (ка); adj белокурый blood [bL\d] n — кровь blooming ['blu:mig] adj — цветущий blow up [,bbu 4p] V — взрывать blush [Ь1лП V — краснеть board [bD:d] — n 1. табло, 2, борт корабля / самолета; v садиться в поезд / в самолет boording [bo:diT)] п — посадка boast [bsust] V — хвастать boat [baut] n — лодка bone [Ьэип] n — кость border [borda] — n граница; v граничить bore [bo:] n — 1. скука, 2, скучный человек, зануда boring [boirig] adj — скучный borrow [Ъпгэи] V — брать в долг bossy [bosi] adj — властный bother [Ьодэ] v — беспокоить(ся) bowl [Ьэи1] n — миска Vocabulary 269 bracket [’brsekit] n — скобка branch [bran^ n — ветвь brave [breiv] adj — храбрый bravery [hreivsri] n — храбрость breath [bre0] n — дыхание breathtaking [*bre0,teikir)] adj — захватывающий дух bright [brait] adj — яркий bro [Ьгэи] n — брат brochure [ЪгэцГэ) n — брошюра broomstick [bru:m,stik] n — метла building [hildii]] n — здание bully ['buli] — n задира; v задирать, изводить bump [Ьлтр] into smb v — натыкаться на кого-либо bunk [Ьлок] п — з^кая койка bum [Ьз:п] v — сжигать bush [buj] п — 3d. отдаленная, дикая местность; невозделанная земля, покрытая кустарником butterfly [Ъл1э,Яа1] п — бабочка button ['bAtn] n — кнопка cabin ['kaebin] n — зд. летний домик в лагере cabinmate ['kaebin,meit] п — сосед по домику calm [ka:m] adj — спокойный camper [’каетрэ] п — турист campfire [‘kaemp,fai9] п — походный костер campgrounds f'kaemp.graundz] п — кемпинг cape [keip] п — мыс саге |кеэ] — п забота; v заботиться, быть небезразличным career [кэ'пэ] л — карьера careful ['кеэЯ] adj — осторожный careless [’keabs] adj — небрежный carriage [’kaentfe] л — карета carry ['kaeri] v — носить case [keis] л — случай cash [kaej] л — наличные деньги castle ['kcLsl] л — замок casually ['каезиэП] adv — небрежно cattle [’kaetl] л — скот cause [ko;z] — л причина; v быть причиной cave [kerv] л — пещера celebrate ['seb.breit] v — праздновать celebration [.seb'breijn] л — празднование century [’sentfari] л — столетие ceremony ['sersmani] л — церемония certainly l's3;tnlij adv — конечно challenge ['^aelincfe] — n вызов; v подвергать сомнению, бросать вызов change [tfeincfe] — л изменение; V менять, изменять character fkierikta] л — 1. герой, персонаж, 2. характер charge [tfoicfe] — л плата; v взимать (плату) chat [tfaet] — л непринужненный разговор; V болтать cheap [tfirp] adj — дешевый cheerful [’tfiafl] adj — веселый chilly ['tfili] adj — промозглый, зябкий, холодный choice [tfois] л — выбор chorus I'korras] л — хор Christ jkraist] n — Христос Christmas ['knsmas] л — Рождество chronology [kra'nolacfei] л — хронология church [tf3:tf) л — церковь citizen ['sitiznj л — гражданин civil I'srvl] adj — гражданский civilization [,srv3lai'zei/n] л — цивилизация clap [klaep] л — хлопок, хлопанье; V хлопать classical ['klaesikl] adj — классический clear [klia] adj — ясный click jklikj V — 3d. нравиться (подружиться) cliff [klif] Л — утес climb [klaim] v — карабкаться, взбираться, влезать cling [kill}] V — цепляться close [klauz] — v закрывать; adv близко clothes [kbudz] л — одежда 270 Vocabulary clothing ['kl audit) 1 n — одежда clown [klaun] n — клоун clubmate ('kLvb.meit] n — товарищ no клубу coast [kaust] n — побережье coat [kaut] n — пальто cockney ['knkni] — n кокни (лондонское просторечие); adj характерный для кокни (акцент) code [kaud] — n код; v кодировать coin [кэш] п — монета collapse [ka'laeps] — п крах; v рухнуть colleague ['kulkgj n — коллега collect [ka'Iekt] v — собирать colonel ['кз;п1] n — полковник colonization [.kolanaizeijn] n — колонизация colony ['kDlani] n — колония column ['kolam] n — колонка combine [kam'bain] v — объединять compare [kam'pea] v — сравнивать comparison [kam'paerisn] n — сравнение compensate ['knmpan.seit] v — компенсировать competition [.kompa'tijn] n — соревнование competitive [kam'petativ] adj — 1. конкурентоспособный, 2. соперничающий complete [kam'plktj — v заканчивать; adj законченный, полный composition [.kDmpa'ziJn] n — сочинение comprise [kam'praiz] v — состоять из, входить в состав compromise ['knmpra.maiz] — п компромисс; V идти на компромисс concentrate ['kDnsn,treit] v — сосредоточивать (ся) conclusion [kan'kItLsn] п — заключение condition [kan'dijn] п — условие cone [кэип] п — шишка confederation [ksn.feda'reijn] п — конфедерация confirm [кэп'Гз:т] v — подтверждать confirmation [.копГэ'тет/п] п — подтверждение congratulate [кэп'дгзе1/и,1еП] v — поздравлять connect [ka'nekt] v — соединять connection [ka'nekj'n] n — связь consciousness ['kon/asnas] n — сознание conservation [.konsaVei/n] n — сохранение conservationist (ikonsaVeiJmst] n — защитник природы (борец за охрану природы) consider [ksn'sidaj v — считать, полагать consist of [kan'sist av] v — состоять из constitutional [,kDnstitju:Jn(a)l] adj — конституционный construction [kan'strAk/n] n — постройка consult [kan'sAlt] v — консультировать (ся) contain [kan'tem] v — содержать contest I'kontest] — n соревнование; V соревноваться, бороться continue [kan’tmju:] v — продолжать conversation [.konva'seijn] n — разговор, беседа conversion [kanVaiJn] n — преобразование convict ['konvikt] n — каторжник, осужденный cookout [kuk,aut] n — пикник cool [ku:l] adj — 1. прохладный, 2. разг. крутой correct [ka'rekt] — adj правильный; V исправлять cost [kost] — n цена; v стоить cougar I'kuiga] n — пума, горный лев counsellor [’kauns(a)la] n —зд. вожатый country ['kAntri] n — страна countryside ['kAntri,said] n — сельская местность couple I'kApl] n — пара courage ['kAncfe] n — храбрость course [ko:s] n — курс court [ko:t] n — двор (короля и m. n.) cousin ['kAzn] n — двоюродный брат/ сестра cover I'kAva] v — 1. покрывать, закрывать, 2. охватывать coward [’kausd] n — трус crazy I'kreizi] adj — сумасшедший Vocabulary 271 cream [kri:m] n — сливки create [kri'eit] v — создавать creative [kri'eitrv] adj — творческий crime fkraim] n — преступление Crimea [krai'mia] n — Крым critical ['kntikl] adj — зд. решающий cross out [,kn>s ’aut] v — вычеркивать crowd [kraud] — n толпа; v толпиться cry [krai] — П крик; v кричать, плакать cub [клЬ] n —детеныш (зверя) curly ['k3:li] adj — вьющийся currency ['kAronsi] n — валюта current ['клгэш] n — течение customs ['kAStamzj n — таможня cut [kAt] — n порез, рана; v рубить, резать cut down [,kAt 'daunj v — вырубать cycling ['saikliol n — езда на велосипеде Cyprus fsaipras) n — Кипр Cyrillic [ss'nlik] n — кириллица danger ['demcfes] n — опасность dangerous ['demctjaras] adj — опасный darling ['dailiol adj — дорогой, милый date [deit] — n 1. дата, 2. свидание; V встречаться dawn [do;n] n — рассвет daytime ['dei.taimj n — дневное время dead [dedj adj — мертвый deal [di;l] — n сделка; v иметь дело death [de0] n — смерть decay [di'kei] — n гниение; v 1. гнить, 2. разр)Ш1аться deceive [di'siiv] v — обманывать decide [di'saidj v — решать decision [di‘si3n] n — решение declare [di'klea] v — декларировать, заявлять decoration [.deka'rei/n] n — декорация deep [di:p| adj — глубокий definitely ['def(3)n3tlij adv — определенно dehydration [,di:hai'dreijn] n — обезвоживание delay [di'lei] n — задержка delicious [di'lijss] adj — вкусный, восхитительный delighted [di'laitid] adj — восхищенный, счастливый dehver [di'livs] v — поставлять democracy [di'mokrgsi] n — демократия demonstrate ['dem3n,streitj v — показывать, демонстрировать Denmark ['denmoik] n — Дания density [’densati] n — плотность depart [di'ptrtj v — отправляться departure [di'pcrtfa] n — отправление, вылет descendant [di'sendant] n — потомок describe [di'skraib] v — описывать description [di'skrip/n] n — описание design [di'zam] — n рисунок, )^op, модель; V проектировать, оформлять despise [di'spaiz] v — презирать destination [.desti'nei/n] n — пункт назначения destroy [di'strDi] v — разрушать, уничтожать destruction [di'strAk/n] n — разрушение dial I'daial] v — набирать номер телефона dialect ['dai9,lekt] n — диалект diamond ['daiamandj n — алмаз, бриллиант diary ['daiari] n — дневник dictionary ['б1к/эп(э)п] n — словарь diet ['daistj — n диета; v сидеть на диете different ['difrantj adj — различный, несходный, другой difficult ['difikltj adj — трудный difficulty I'difiklti] n — трудность digit [’didsit] П — цифра dignity ['dignatij n —достоинство direct [di'rekt] — adj прямой, v направлять direction [di'rekjn] n — направление, указание director [da'rekta] n — 1. директор, 2. режиссер directory [d3'rekt(3)ri] n — телефонная книга 272 Vocabulary dirt [d3:t] n — грязь dirty ['dsiti] adj — грязный disagree [.diss'gri;] v — не соглашаться disagreement [,dis3'gri:m9nt] n — разногласие disappear [idiss'pis] v — исчезать disappoint [.disa'pDint] v — разочаровывать disappointment [.disa'pDintmant] n — разочарование disaster [di'zoista] n — катастрофа discipline ['disa.plin] n — дисциплина discover [di'skAva] v — обнаруживать discuss [di'skAs] v — обсуждать discussion [di'skAjn] n — обсуждение disease [di'zi:z] n — болезнь disgusting [dis'gAstig] adj — отвратительный dispose of smth [di'spauz] v — избавляться от чего-либо, выбрасывать что-либо distance ['distans] п — расстояние distant ['distant] adj — отдаленный dive [daiv] v — нырять diversity [dai'varsatij n — разнообразие divide [di'vaid] v — делить, разделять(ся) dome [daum] n — купол domestic call [da'mestik ,ka:l] n — звонок внутри страны dominate ['dnmi.neit] v — возвышаться dominion [da'mmjan] n — территория, владение doubt [daut] — n сомнение; v сомневаться drag [draeg] — n скучища, тоска зеленая; V тащить drain [drem] v — истощать drama ['drama] n — драма drawing ['droiig] n — рисунок dreadful ['dredfl] adj — ужасный dream [dri.m] — n мечта; v мечтать dreamlike ['dri:m,laik] adj — сказочный drop [drop] — П капля; v ронять drown [draun] v — тонуть dry [drai] — adj сухой; v сохнуть duchess ['cUtfis] n — герцогиня duke [dju:k] n — герцог during ['djuanr)] prep — в течение dustbin ['d\stbm] n — мусорный ящик duty ['djuiti] n — обязанность dynamic [dai'naemik] adj — динамичный each [i:^ — adj каждый; pron каждый, любой early ['з:11] — adv рано; adj ранйий earn [з:п] v — зарабатывать earth [з:0] n — земля Easter ['i:sta] n — Пасха easy ['i:zi] adj — легкий eater ['i:ta] n — едок edge [ecfe] n — край educated ['edju.keitid] adj — образованный education [.edju'keijn] n — образование effective [I'fektiv] adj — эффективный egoistic [,i:gau'istik] adj — самовлюбленный, эгоистичный elect [I'lekt] v — выбирать elevation [.ela'veijn] n — возвышение else [els] adv — еще, кроме elsewhere [els'wea] adv — в другом месте embarrassed [im'baerast] adj — смущенный embarrassment [тЪаегазтаШ] n — смущение emblem ['emblam] n — эмблема emergency [i'm3:d5(a)nsi] n — чрезвычайная ситуация emotional [i'maufn(a)l] adj — эмоциональный empire ['empaia] n — империя empress ['empras] n — императрица empty ['empti] — adj пустой; v опустошать endangered [in'deincfead] adj — находящийся в опасности, вымирающий enormous [I'noimas] adj — огромный enter ['enta] v — 1. входить, 2. вводить (код) enthusiastic [in.ejuizi'aestik] adj — восторженный entirely [in'taiali] adv — полностью Vocabulary 273 environment [inVairanmant] n — окружающая среда equal to smth [’iikwal] adj — равный чему-либо equipment [I'kwipmant] n — оборудование equivalent [I'kwwabnt] n — эквивалент escape [I'skeip] — n побег; v убегать especially [I'spejli] adv — особенно Esperanto [.espa'raentau] n — эсперанто (язык) essay ['esei] n — эссе, очерк establish [I'staebliJ] v — устанавливать, основывать ethnic ['e0nik) adj — этнический ethnicity [eG'nisati] n — этническая принадлежность European [ jusrs'prsn] — n европеец; adj европейский evaluate [iVaeljUjeit] v — оценивать event [I'vent] n — сл)най ever I'eva] adv — когда-либо everywhere ['evriwea] — всюду exactly [ig'zaektli] adv — точно examine [ig'zasmm] v — 1. исследовать, 2. экзаменовать example [ig'zampl] n — пример exchange [iks'^eincfe] — n обмен; v обменивать excite [ik'sait] v — волновать excitedly [ik'saitidli] adv — взволнованно excitement [ik'saitmsnt] n — волнение exclaim [ik'skleim] v — восклицать exist [ig'zist] v — существовать exit ['eksit] n — выход expect [ik'spekt] v — ожидать expense [ik'spens] n — расход expensive [ik'spensiv] adj — дорогой experience [ik'spisrisns] — n опыт; v испытать, узнать по опыту expert ['eksp3:t] n — эксперт explain [ik'splein] v — объяснять explanation [.ekspb'neijn] n — объяснение exploration [.ekspb'reijn] n — исследование (географическое), освоение explorer [ik'spbira] n — исследователь express [ik'spres] v — выражать expression [ik'sprejn] n — выражение extend [ik'stend] v — простираться extra ['ekstra] adj — дополнительный extract [’ekstraekt] n — отрывок extreme [ik'striim] adj — чрезвычайный extremely [ik'stri:mli] adv — чрезвычайно facilities [b'sibtiz] n — 1. оборудование, 2. сооружения factual ['faektTsl] adj — фактический fail [fell] V — потерпеть неудачу faint [feint] — adj слабый; v падать в обморок fair [fea] adj — 1. справедливый, 2. прекрасный fairly [ТеэИ] adv — зд. достаточно fall [fo:l] — n падение; v падать false [foils] adj — 1. ложный, неверный, 2. фальшивый fame [feim] n — известность familiar [fo'milio] adj — знакомый famous [Teimos] adj — известный, знаменитый fan [faen] n — поклонник, болельщик fascinate [Taesineit] v — вызывать глубокий интерес fascinating ['faesineitiol adj — захватывающий fascination [,faesi'nei/n] n — обаяние fashion ['faejn] n — мода fast [foist] adj — быстрый fat [faet] — n жир; adj толстый fault [foilt] n — вина favourite ['ferv(3)r9t] — n любимец, фаворит; adj любимый fear [fi9] n — страх feather ['fed9] n — перо federal ['fed(9)r9l] adj — федеральный fee [fii] n — плата feed [fiid] v — кормить feeling [’fiilig] n — чувство 274 Vocabulary field [fi:Id] n — 1. область, 2. поле fight [fait] — n борьба; v бороться finally ['fain(9)li] — наконец financial [fai'naenjl] adj — финансовый finger [Тпздэ] n — палец fire [fai9] П — огонь firmly [farmlil adv — твердо fit in [.fit ’in] V — приспосабливаться, привыкать к окружающей обстановке fix [fiks] V — чинить flagpole I'flaegpaul] n — мачта flashlight ['flaej,lait] n — фонарь fleet [fliT] n — флот flight [flait] n — 1. полет, 2. рейс florist ['flnnst] n — торговец цветами flow [Пэи] — п поток; v литься, течь focus I'faukss] — п центр, средоточие; V сосредоточивать на чем-либо (внимание, усилие и т. д.) follow ['fbl9u] V — следовать following ['fblauig] adj — следующий foolish ['furliJl adj — глупый force [fo;s] — n сила; v заставлять foreign I'form j adj — иностранный foreigner I'fonns] n — иностранец forest ['fonst] n — лес forever [fafeva] adv — навсегда fortune [ТэТ/эп] n — зд. состояние founder I'faunda] n — основатель free [fri:] — adj свободный; v освобождать freedom ['friidam] n — свобода freeze (fri:zj v — замораживать fresh [frej] adj — свежий freshness ['fre/nss] n — свежесть fridge [fritfe] n — холодильник frighten ['frann] v — пугать frozen f'frauzn] adj — замороженный fulfil [fbrfill V — выполнять, исполнять full [ful] adj — полный fully ('fulil adv — полностью fun [Глп] n — развлечение functional (Тлдк/пэ!) adj — функциональный funny I'fAni) adj — забавный fur [fs:] n — мех fuss [fAs] n — суета fussy ['fAsi] adj — капризный future ['fjixtfal n — будущее gap [gaepj n — промежуток gate (geit) n — ворота gather I'gaeda] v — собирать(ся) generally [‘феп(э)гэН1 adv — вообще generation [.^ena'reijnl n — поколение genius [’cfeimias] n — гений genre [’зопгэ] n — жанр gently f'djentli] adv — мягко gesture ['(feest/a] n — жест get through [,get '0ru:] v — зд. дозваниваться giant I'chaisnt] — n гигант; adj гигантский giggle ['gigl] v — хихикать give away (,giv a'wei] v — отказываться glacier f'glaesis] n — ледник glue [glu;] — n клей; v клеить, приклеивать goddess ['gndas] n — богиня gold [gauld] n — золото goods [gudz] n — товар, товары govern [‘gAvn] v — управлять government ['gAvnmantj n — правительство graduate ['graectjuat] n — выпускник вуза granite ['graenn] n — гранит grant [groint] v — 1. даровать, жаловать, 2. исполнять (желание) grateful ['greitfl) adj — благодарный graveyard ['greivja:d] n — кладбище greatness ['greitnss] n — величие Greek [gri;k] — n грек; adj греческий greet [gri:t] v — приветствовать greeting ['gri.tigj n — приветствие Gregorian [gri'gDirianl adj—григорианский grin [gnn] — П щирокая улыбка, ухмылка; V широко улыбаться, ухмыляться Vocabulary 275 1 ground [graund] n — земля grow [дгэи] V — расти grow up [,дгэи 'лр] V — вырастать growth [дгэиб] n — рост guard |go:d] — n охранник; v охранять guess [gesj — n догадка, предположение; V догадываться, предполагать guest [gest] n — гость guide [gaid] — n гид; v вести guilty ['gilti] adj — виновный, виноватый guinea ['gini] n — гинея (англ, денежная единица = 22 шиллингу) gulf [дл1П п — залив gutter ['дл1э] п — грязь guy Igai] п — парень н habit f'hasbit] п — привычка half-conscious [,ho:f 'knnjas] adj — в полусознательном состоянии halfway [,ha:fwei] adv — на полпути handkerchief ['haeoks.tfif) n — носовой платок hang up [,hsBi] 4p] v — класть телефонную трубку happen ['Ьаерэп] v — случаться harbour [herbs] n — гавань hard [hard] — adj тяжелый; adv усердно hardly ['hadli] adv — едва harm [ha;m] — n вред; v вредить hate [heit] — n ненависть; v ненавидеть heading ['hedig] n — заголовок health [hel0] n — здоровье heartbeat ['ho:t,bi;t] n — сердцебиение heartbroken ['hcrt.brsuksn] adj — убитый горем, с разбитым сердцем heartily ['hatili] adv — сердечно heart-throb ['hertGrobj n — всеобщий любимец, предмет обожания heaven ['hevnj п — небеса height [halt] л — высота helpful [’helpfl] adj — полезный helpless [helpbs] adj — беспомощный hemisphere ['hemi,sfis] n — полушарие heroism ['hersu.izm] n — героизм hesitate [’hezi,ten] v — колебаться hide [haid] v — прятать (ся) highlight ['hai,lait] n — основной момент, гвоздь программы hike [haik] — л петая экскурсия, поход, длительная прогулка; v путетество-вать, ходить пешком, в поход hit [hit] — л 1. удар, 2. хит; v ударять, бить hold [hsuld] V — 1. держать, 2. задерживать homesick ['hsum,sik] adj — тоскующий по дому honest [hnist] adj — честный honestly ['onistli] adv — честно honesty [’omsti] л — честность hopefully [hsupfli] adv — надо надеяться hopeless [hsuplss] adj — безнадежный horribly [’horabli] adv — ужасно horrified ['hnnfaid] adj — испуганный horror [’hurs] Л — ужас host [hsusl] Л — хозяин hostess ['hsustis] л — хозяйка however [hau'evs] conj — однако hug [lug] — Л объятие; v обнимать huge [hjuidj] adj — огромный humour ['hju;ms] л — юмор hungry ['luggri] adj — голодный hunt [lunt] V — охотиться hurry ['luri] — n спетка; v спешить hurt [h3:t] V — л рана, травма; adj пострадавший, обиженный; v обижать, причинять боль, болеть hymn [him] л — гимн iconic [ai'knnik] adj — канонический identical [ai'dentikl] adj — идентичный (одинаковый) igloo ['iglu:] л — куполообразное жилище канадских эскимосов из снежных плит ignorant ['ignsrsnt] adj — необразованный, невежественный ignore [ig'no;] v — не обращать внимания, игнорировать illegal [i'li:gl] adj — незаконный 276 Vocabulory illusion [i'lu;5n| n — иллюзия illustrate ['ila,streit] v — иллюстрировать image ['imitfej n — изображение imagination [i.maecfei'nei/n] n — воображение imaginative [I'maetfeinativ] adj — обладающий богатым воображением imagine [т'таефп] v — представлять себе, воображать immediately [I'miidistli] adv — немедленно impatiently [im'peijntli] adv — нетерпеливо importance [im'poitns] n — важность important [im'poitnt] adj — важный impossible [im'posabl] adj — невозможный impress [im'pres] v — производить впечатление, поражать impression [im'pre/n] n — впечатление impressive [im'presrv] adj — внушительный improve [im'pru.'v] v — улучшать, совершенствовать improvement [im'pru^^msnt] n — усовершенствование include [m'klu:d] v — включать income ['шклт] n — доход indeed [in'di:d] adv — действительно independence [.mdi'pendans] n — независимость independent [.mdi'pendant] adj — независимый indoors [,m'do:z] adv — в закрытом помещении infected [in'fektid] adj — зараженный inform [шТэ;т] v — сообщать informative [mfarmatrv] adj — информативный in front of [m 'frAnt av] prep — перед inland ['inland] adv — внутри страны insect I'msekt] n — насекомое insert [in's3:t] v — вставлять inside ['m,said] adv — внутри inspect [in'spekt] v — осматривать inspection [in'spekjn] n — осмотр inspire [m'spaia] v — вдохновлять instead [in'sted] adv — вместо, взамен instinct [‘mstiQkt] n — инстинкт instruction [in'strAk/n] n — инструюдия intention [in'ten/n] n — намерение interfere [.inta'fia] v — вмешиваться interpretation [in,t3:pn'tei/n] n — интерпретация interrupt [.inta'rApt] v — перебивать intonation [,inta'nei/n] n — интонация introduce [,intra‘dju:s] v — представлять, знакомить, вводить invalid ['invalid] n — инвалид, больной invent [in'vent] v — изобретать invitation [,mvi'teijn] n — приглашение invite [mVait] v — приглашать involve [m'vulv] v — вовлекать ironically [afronikli] adv — иронически Iroquois ['irakwoi] n — ирокез irregular [I'reqjula] adj — неправильный irresistible [,in'zistabl] adj — непреодолимый, неотразимый island ['ailand] n — остров isle [ail] n — остров issue ['iju:] — nl. выпуск, 2. вопрос, проблема; v выпускать item [’aitam] n — вещь, предмет J jealous ['(feelas] adj — ревнивый Jealousy ['cfeelasi] n — ревность join [cfeom] V — присоединяться, вступать journalism ['cfe3;na,Iizm] n — журналистика journey ['cfeami] n — поездка, путешествие judge [cfeAife] — n судья; v судить jungle ['dsAijgl] n — джунгли just [cfeASt] adv — только, просто, всего лишь К kayak ['kaiaek] п — байдарка, каяк kayaker [kaiaeka] п — байдарочник keep [ki:p] smth v — 1. держать, иметь; 2. хранить, оставлять что-либо себе, не возвращать Vocabulary 277 kind [kaind] — adj добрый, n вид, тип kind of {'kaind 9v] — что-то вроде, как бы kindness ['kamdnas] n — доброта knock [nnk] — n стук; v стучать lately I'leitli] adv — в последнее время lead [li:d] n — свинец learn [1з:п] v — учиться, узнавать leave [Ил'] v — уходить, покидать legal/illegal I'li:gl/i'li;gl] adj — законный/ незаконный legislative f'ledsisbtiv] adj — законодательный lend llend) v — давать взаймы level ['levl] n — уровень lie [lail — n ложь; v лгать lifelong I'laif.lDp] adj — продолжающийся всю жизнь light-hearted [,lait 'hoitidl adj — беспечный, беззаботный lightning ['laitnig] n — молния limitation [,limi'tei/n] n — ограничение line [lam] n — линия, строка local ['laukl] adj — местный locate [bu'keit] v — определять местонахождение Londoner ['lAndana] n — житель Лондона lonely [’launli] adj — одинокий look forward to smth v — ждать чего-либо с нетерпением lovely ['Lwli] — adj приятный; adv мило loyal ['bi9l] adj — преданный, верный lucky [’lAki] adj — удачливый, удачный lyrics I'liriksl n — текст (песни) Г М magnificent [maeg'nifisnt] adj — великолепный main [mem] adj — главный major I'meicfes] adj — главный manage ['maemcfe] v — 1. руководить, управлять, 2. суметь, справиться maple ['meiplj n — клен mark [mo;k] — n оценка; v отмечать, ставить оценку marry I'maeri] v — (по)жениться master ['mccstaj n — владелец match [maetn — n состязание; v находить соответствие mathematician [.maeGama'ti/n] n — математик maths [mae0s] n — математика matter ['maeta] — n 1. вопрос, 2. дело; V иметь значение mature [тэ'^иэ] adj — 1. зрелый, спелый, 2. взрослый maybe fmeibi] adv — возможно meadow ['medauj n — луг mean [mi:n] — v иметь в виду; adj зд. злой meaning ['mi;nir)] n — значение meanwhile f'mitnwail] adv — тем временем medicine ['medsnj n — лекарство meet [mi:t] v — встречать (ся) member ['membsj n — член memory ('тет(э)п] n — память, воспоминание mentally challenged [.mentli 'tfaelincfed] adj — душевнобольной mention ['men/nj — n упоминание; V упоминать merry I'meri] adj — веселый message fmesidj] n — сообщение, основная идея midnight I'mid.naitl n — полночь mild [maildj adj — умеренный, мягкий military ['milit(9)ri] adj — военный mind [mamd] — n 1. ум, 2. разум; v возражать to come to one’s mind — прийти в голову to change one’s mind — передумать I don’t mind. — Мне все равно. / Я не возражаю. таке up one’s mind — принять решение never mind — ничего страшного 278 Vocabulary missionary ['miXn(3)ri] — n миссионер; adj миссионерский mist [mist] n — водяная дымка modest ['modistj adj — скромный moist [moist] adj — сырой, влажный moisture ['moistjo] n — влажность monarch ['mnnok] n — монарх monarchy ['mnnoki] n — монархия monolith ['mDno,li0] n — монолит mood [mvud] n — настроение moody ['muidi] adj — капризный moreover [mo.r'ouvo] adv — более того Muscovite ['mAskovait] n — москвич mostly [’moustli] adv — главным образом motherland ['mAd3,laend] n — родина motionless ['msujnbs] adj — неподвижный move [murv] — n 1. движение, 2. ход в игре; V двигать(ся) movement ['ma-vmant] п — движение multicultural [,тли1'клк/эгэ1] adj — относящийся к разным культурам myth [mi9] п — миф N> nasty ['noisti] adj — грубый native ['neitrv] adj — коренной, родной naturally ['пае^(э)гэИ] adv — естественно nature I'neitfa] n — природа naughty [‘no:ti] adj — непослушный nearby [.nia'bai] adv — поблизости nearly [’шэИ] adv — почти necessary ['nesas(3)ri] adj — необходимый negative ['negstiv] adj — отрицательный neighbour [’neiba] n — сосед nervous ['n3:v3s] adj — возбужденный, нервный newcomer [‘п]и;,клтэ] adj — вновь прибывший next [nekst] — adj следующий; prep рядом nickel I'nikl] n — никель nickname ['nik,neim] — n прозвище, уменьшительное имя; v давать прозвище nobly ['пэиЬИ] adv — благородно nod [nnd] — n кивок; v кивать nominate ['nnmi.neitj v — номинировать, вьщвигать на премию none [плп] adv — ни один nonsense ['nons(3)ns] n — ерунда noon [nu:n] n — полдень normally ['пэ;т(э)И] adv — обычно northerner ['пэ:б(э)пэ] n — житель севера note [naut] — n заметка, запись; V отмечать notebook ['пэШ,Ьик] n — записная книжка nothing ['пл011]] pron — ничего notice ['nsutis] — n 1. извещение, 2. заявление, 3. внимание; v замечать nowadays ['naua.deiz] adv — в настоящее время nuclear ['njaklia] adj — ядерный obey [abei] v — слушаться, повиноваться object ['nbdjikt] n — предмет object [abbcjjekt] v — возражать observation [.Dbzs'veijn] n — наблюдение observe [ab'zsw] v — наблюдать, соблюдать obvious [’obvias] adj — очевидный obviously ['obviasli] adv — очевидно occasion [a'kei3n] n — случай occupy ['nkjopai] v — занимать (npo-странство) offend [a'fend] v — оскорблять offer [bfa] — n предложение; v предлагать often ["иГп] adv — часто oil [oil] n — нефть once [wAns] adv — однажды opera ['пр(э)гэ] n — опера operate [Ьра.геП] v — действовать opinion [a'pmjan] n — мнение opportunity [,Dpa'tju:nati] n — возможность opposite ['opazit] adv — напротив orbit ['arbit] n — орбита orchard ['o:t)ad] n — сад orchestra [’oikistra] n — оркестр Vocabulary 279 order ['э:ёэ] — п 1. порядок, 2. приказ; V заказывать ordinary ['o:dn(9)riJ adj — обычный organize ['o:g9,naiz] v — организовывать origin ['nndjin] n — происхождение original [э'пфп(э)1] — n оригинал, подлинник; adj оригинальный, первоначальный, подлинный orphan ['o:fn] n — сирота other ['лдэг] adj — другой outback [’aut.beek] n — малонаселенная, отдаленная, необжитая местность outfit ['autfit] п — 1. одежда, 2. снаряжение outside [.aut'said] adv — снаружи over there ['эоуэ без) adv — там overall [.эш’эг'о:!] adv — повсюду overdo [,3uv3'du;] v — переусердствовать overhang [.auva'haeo] v — свисать own [эип] adj — собственный owner ['эипэ] n — владелец package ['paekictj] n — пакет, упаковка paddle ['paedl] — n весло; v грести веслом pain [pem] n — боль paint [peint] v — красить pair [реэ] n — пара pale [peil] adj — бледный pancake ['paen.keik] n — блин panic ['paenikl — n паника; v паниковать pantomime ('paents.maim] n — пантомима parachute [’paer9,Ju:t] n — парашют paragraph ['paera.grcrfj n — абзац paralysed [’paera.laizd] adj — парализованный parcel ['pa:sl] n — посылка parliament ['pcrbmsnti n — парламент particularly [pa'tikjublij adv — особенно patiently ['pei/ntli] adv — терпеливо patriotic [.paetri'ntik] adj — патриотичный, патриотический pay phone Гре1,Гэип] n — телефон-автомат peaceful ['pi:sfl] adj — мирный peacekeeper ['piiskirps] n — борец за мир per cent [pa'sent] n — процент percentage [pa'senticfe] n — процент perfectly f'psrfiktli] adv — вполне perform 1рэТэ:т] v — выступать performance (рэТо;тэп5] n — спектакль, игра актеров perhaps [pa'haeps] adv — возможно permanent [‘рз;тэп9т] adj — постоянный permit [рз’тп] v — разрешать personality f,p3:s9'nsBbti] n — индивидуальность petrol [’petr9l] n — бензин pharaoh [Тезгзи] n — фараон philosophy [fi'lns9fi] n — философия phoenix [Trniks] n — феникс phone back [,f9un Ъавк] v — перезванивать phonetics [f9'netiks] n — фонетика pick [pik] — n выбор; v выбирать, поднимать pick up [,pik 4p] V — 1, поднимать, подбирать, 2. заезжать, заходить pilgrim ['pilgrim] n — паломник, пилигрим pine [pain] n — сосна pity [‘piti] — n жалость; v жалеть plane [plein] n — самолет plant [plaint] — n растение; v сажать plastic ['plaestik] adj — пластиковый playwright [’plei.rait] n — драматург pleasant ['pleznt] adj — приятный plot [pint] n — сюжет pocket ['pnkit] n — карман poetry [’pauitri] n — поэзия point of view [.point 9V Vju:[ n — точка зрения polar ['p9ub] adj — полярный policy ['pobsi] n — политика polite [pg'lait] adj — вежливый politeness [p9'laitn9s] n — вежливость political [p9'litikl] adj — политический politics ['pnbtiks] n — политика pompous ['pnmpas] adj — напыщенный poor [po:] adj — бедный populate ['pnpju.leit] v — населять population [.pnpju'leijn] n — население 280 Vocabulary position (ps'zijn] n — положение positive ['pnzstrv] adj — положительный possibility |,pDsэЪIlэti) n — возможность possible ('possblj adj — возможный pound [paundj n — фунт power Сраиэ] n — власть powerful ['pausfl] adj — могущественный, сильный practise ['praektisj v — практиковаться, тренироваться prairie ['preari] n — прерия praise [preiz] — n похвала; v хвалить pray [prei] V — молиться prayer [prea] n — молитва predict [pn'dikt] v — предсказывать prefer [рп'Гз:] v — предпочитать premiere ['premiea] n — премьера preparation [.prepa'reijn] n — подготовка prepare [pn'pea] v — подготовиться presence ['prezns] n — присутствие presentation [.prezn'teijn] n — презентация preserve [pn'zaiv] v — сохранять presidential [.prezi'denjl] adj — президентский press [presj v — нажимать pretend [pn'tend] v — притворяться pretty Cpnti] adj — хорошенький, прелестный previously ['pri:viasli] adv — предварительно, ранее prey [prei] n — добыча price [prais] n — цена pride (praidj n — гордость primitive [‘pnmativ] adj — примитивный prison [’prizn] n — тюрьма prisoner I'prizna] n — заключенный private ['prarvat] adj — частный prize [praiz] n — приз probably ['probabli] adv — вероятно proclaim [pra'kleim] v — провозглашать produce [pra'djuis] v — производить, давать production Ipra'dAkJn) n — 1. производство, 2. постановка prohibit [prau'hibit] v — запрещать promise ('promis] — n обещание; V обещать pronounce Ipra'nauns] v — произносить pronunciation [pra,nAnsi'eifn] n — произношение proper ['propa] adj — надлежащий property ['propati] n — собственность propose [pra'pauz] v — предлагать prospector [pra'spekta] n — старатель, золотодобытчик protect [pra'tekt] v — защищать protection [pra'tek/n] n — защита proud [praud] adj — гордый prove [pru.’v] V — доказывать province ['provins] n — область publication [.pAbli'keiJn] n — издание, публикация publish I'pAbliJ] V — издавать pull [pul] V — тащить purpose ['p3:pasj n — цель push [puj] — n толчок; v толкать pyjamas [pa'choimaz] n — пижама Q quality [’kwolati] n — качество quantity ['kwnntati] n — количество quarrel ['kwDral] — n ссора; v ссориться quarter ['kw3:t9j n — четверть queue [kju:] — n очередь; v стоять в очереди quiet ['kwaiatj adj — тихий, спокойный quite [kwaitj adv — весьма race [reis] n — гонка raft [ro:fl] n — надувной плот rafting ['roiftiq] n — сплав на надувных плотах rainbow ['геш.Ьэи] п — радуга rainforest ['rein.fnristj п — джунгли rainstorm ['rein,sto:mj п — ливень raise [reiz] v — 1. поднимать, 2. растить, воспитывать Vocabulary 281 range [remcfej n — цепь (горная) ranger ['reincfea] n — смотритель, лесничий rare [геэ] adj — редкий rather [’raids] adv — довольно rattlesnake [’raetl.sneik] n — гремучая змея reach [ri:^ v — достигать, добираться react [ri'aekt] v — реагировать ready [’redi] adj — готовый real [пэ1] adj — реальный, действительный realistic [.ns'listik] adj — реалистичный reality [ri'aelsti] n — действительность realize [’ns.Iaiz] v — понимать, осознавать reason [’riizn] n — причина reasonable [’riiznsbl] adj — благоразумный rebellious lпЪeljэs] adj — непокорный, непослушный receive [ri'siiv] v — получать recently [’riisntli] adv — недавно recognizable ['reksg,naiz3bl] adj — узнаваемый record [n'koid] — v записывать recover [n'kAVs] v — выздоравливать, восстанавливать redwood [’red,wud] n — красное дерево reef [riif] n — риф refer [пТз:] v — относиться reference [‘ref(s)rsns] n — ссылка, справка reflect [n'flekt] v — отражать refrain [n'frein] n — припев refuse [n'fjuiz] v — отказываться regard [n'gaid] v — считать regardless [n'gaidlss] adv — независимо regulation [.reqju'lei/n] n — правило rehearsal [n'haisl] n — репетиция relate [ri'leit] v — иметь отношение relationship [ri'lei/n/ip] n — взаимоотношения relax [ri'laeks] v — расслабляться relieved [ri’liivd] adj — чувствующий облегчение rely [n'lai] V — полагаться, опираться remember [n'membs] v — помнить, вспоминать remind [n'maind] v — напоминать reminder [n'mainds] n — напоминание remove [n’mu.'v] v — 1. перемещать, 2. забирать repair [п'реэ] v — ремонтировать rephrase [,ri:'freiz] v — перефразировать replace [n'pleis] v — заменять report [n'poit] — n сообщение, доклад; V сообщать represent [.repn'zent] v — представлять reptile ['rep,tail] n — рептилия require [n'kwais] v — требовать rescue [’reskjui] — n спасение; v спасать research [n'ssitH — n исследование; V исследовать resemble [n'zembl] v — напоминать reservation [.rezs'vei/n] n — предварительный заказ, бронирование reserve [n'zaiv] v — резервировать, бронировать resistance [n'zist(9)ns] n — сопротивление resistant [n'zist(s)nt] adj — стойкий resources [n'soisiz] n — ресурсы, запасы, средства respect [n'spekt] — n уважение; v уважать responsible [n'spnnssbl] adj — ответственный retell [.rii'tel] v — пересказывать retired [n'taisd] adj — ушедший на пенсию return [n'tain] — n возвращение; v возвращаться review [nVjui] — n обзор; v 1. рассматривать, просматривать, 2. повторять пройденное revision [n'vi3n] n — повторение rewrite [.rii'rait] v — переписывать rhymed [raimd] adj — рифмованный rhjdiim [’ndsm] n — ритм ride [raid] — n поездка; v ездить right [rait] adj — 1. правильный, 2. npa- 282 Vocabulary rise [raiz] — n 1. подъем, повышение, 2. увеличение; v 1. вставать, подниматься, 2. увеличиваться, повышаться risk [nsk] — п риск; v рисковать road [raud] n — дорога rock [rok] n — скала role [гэи1] n — роль romantic [rau'maentik] adj — романтичный Rome [гэит] n — Рим root (ru;tl n — корень rope [гэир] n — веревка round [raund] adv — вокруг routine [ru:'ti:n] n — заведенный порядок row [гэи] п — ряд royal ['гэ1э1] adj — королевский rubbish I'rAbiJ] п — мусор rude [ru;d] adj — грубый ruin ['nrin] — n руина, развалина; v разрушать, ломать, уничтожать rule [ru;l] — n правило; v править, властвовать run [глп] — n бег, пробег; v бежать rush (глЛ — n стремительное движение, спешка; v бросаться, мчаться, спешить sacred I'seiknd] adj — священный sad [saed] adj — грустный sadness ['saednas] n — печаль safe [self] adj — безопасный safety ['seifti] n — безопасность same [seim] pron — тот же самый, такой же sandy i'saendi] adj — песчаный satisfy ['saetis,fai] v — удовлетворять scared [skead] adj — испуганный scary ['skeari] adj — страшный scenario [sa'nairiaul n — сценарий scene [sLn] n — сцена scenery j'sknarij n — пейзаж science ['saians] n — наука scientific [.saian'tifik] adj — научный scientist ['saiantistj n — ученый scissors ['sizaz] n — ножницы scratch [skraetfl — n царапина; v царапать script [skripti n — сценарий seed [si:d| n — семя seem lsi:m] v — казаться select [si'lekt] v — выбирать selection [si'lekjn] n — выбор selfish ['seifij] adj — эгоистичный sell [sel] V — продавать send [send] v — посылать senior ['siiniaj adj — старший sense [sens] n — смысл separate ['sepa.reitj v — отделять separate [‘sep(9)rat[ adj — отдельный sequoia [si'kwoia] n — секвойя serenade [.sera'neid] n — серенада series [’sigitz] n — 1. серия, 2. ряд, 3. выпуск servant ['s3:v(a)nt] n — слуга serve [s3:v] v — служить service ['s3:vis[ n — обслуживание session ['sejnj n — сессия settler ['setlaj n — поселенец several ['sev(3)r3l| adj — несколько shabby ['Jaebij adj — ветхий, убогий shamrock ['Jaem.rDkj n — трилистник share [fea] — n доля, акция; v делить, делиться shark [fo;k| n — акула sharp Lfoipj adj — острый shelter ['Jeltaj — n укрытие; v укрывать shilling ['Jiliqj n — шиллинг shore Lfo:] n — берег show [fau] — n показ, шоу; v показывать sick [sik] adj — больной side [said] n — сторона sigh ]sai] — n вздох; v вздыхать sight [salt] n — вид sign [sain] — n знак; v подписывать silly ]'sili] adj — глупый similar ['simila] adj — подобный single ['siogl] adj — 1. единственный, 2. отдельный, каждый, любой без исключения Vocabulary 283 sir [S9] n — сэр situate ['si^u,eit] v — располагать skiing [‘ski:ip] n — лыжный спорт skyscraper ('skai,skreip3] n — небоскреб slave [slervl n — раб slavery [‘slervari] n — рабство Slavic ['slavik] adj — славянский sleepy ['sli:pi] adj — сонный sleeve [sli^^] n — рукав slow [slau] adj — медленный smart [smcLtl adj — 1. толковый, способный, сообразительный, умный, 2, модный, нарядный smell [smel] — п запах; v пахнуть smile [small] — п улыбка; v улыбаться snack [snaek] — п закуска; v перекусывать snake [sneik] п — змея snobbery ['snobari] п — снобизм snowflake ['snau.fleik) n — снежинка snowman f'snaumaen] n — снежная баба, снеговик social ['saujl] adj — социальный, общественный society [sa'saisti] n — общество soil [soil] n — почва soldier ['saulcfea] n — солдат solution [sa'lui/n] n — рещение solve [sdIv] V — рещать sometimes fsAmtaimz] adv — иногда somewhere fsAmwea] adv — где-нибудь soon [sum] adv — вскоре sort out [,so:t 'aut] v — улаживать, утрясать (проблему) soul [s3ul] n — дуща southern [’sAdn] adj — южный spaceship [’speisjip] n — космический корабль spare [spea] adj — лишний, запасной sparkle ['spa’kl] v — сверкать species ['spi;Ji;z] n — вид specify ['spesi.fai] v — точно определять, устанавливать speculator ['spekju,leita] n — спекулянт speech [spi:^ n — речь spend [spend] v — тратить spider ['spaida] n — паук spirit ['spmt] n — дух, настроение split up [.split Чр] V — разделять, расставаться spoil [spoil] V — портить spread [spred] v — распространять (ся) square [skwea] — n 1. квадрат, 2. площадь; adj квадратный squirrel ['skwiral] n — белка staff [sta’f] n — штат фирмы, сотрудники stage [steicfe] — n сцена; v ставить (о спектакле) stalls [stDilz] n — партер stare [steal — n пристальный взгляд; V пристально смотреть state [steit] — n государство; adj государственный statement ['steitmant] n — утверждение station ['stei/n] n — станция statue ['staetfu;] n — статуя status ['steitas] n — статус, общественное положение stay [stei] — n пребывание, визит; v останавливаться, оставаться steal [sti:l] v — красть step [step] n — шаг stepmother ['step.mAda] n — мачеха stick [stik] n — палка still [stil] adv — все еще storage ['stDiricfs] n — хранилище storey ['stDiri] n — этаж straight [streit] — adj прямой; adv прямо stranger ['streincfea] n — незнакомец stream [striim] n — река, ручей strength [streq0] n — сила strict [stnkt] adj — строгий stripe [straip] n — полоса stupid ['stjuipid] adj — глупый style [stall] n — стиль subject ['sAbtfeikt] n — предмет, субъект success [ssk'ses] n — успех successful [sok'sesfl] adj — успешный such [sAtf] adj — такой sudden I'sAdn] adj — внезапный suddenly ['sAdnli] adv — внезапно suggest [ss'ifeest] v — предложить suggestion [s3'd5estj(9)n] n — предложение 284 Vocabulary suitable f'surtabl] adj — подходящий suitcase ['su;t,keis] n — чемодан summary [‘sAmari] n — краткое содержание sunlight ['sAn.lait] n — солнечный свет sunny ['sAni] adj — солнечный sunrise ['sAn.raiz] n — восход солнца sunset ['sAn.set] n — закат солнца super ['suips] — adj превосходный; adv очень, в высшей степени supervise ('su:p3,vaiz] v— 1. наблюдать, смотреть, 2. руководить supply [sa'plai] — n запас; v снабжать, поставлять support [зэ'рэд] — п поддержка; v поддерживать suppose [ss'pauz] v — предполагать sure Lfu9] adj — уверенный surfboard ('s3:f]bo:d] n — доска для серфинга surprise [ss'praiz] — n удивление; v удивлять (ся) surprisingly [ss'praizioli] adv — удивительно survive [saVaiv] v — выживать suspiciously fsa'spijbsli] adv — подозрительно swallow ('swDbu] V — проглатывать swap [swup] — n обмен; v меняться swear [swea] v — клясться swimming pool f'swimii) ,pu:l] n — бассейн switch on / off [,switf 'nn / 'uf] v — включать / выключать symbol ['simbl] n — символ symbolize ['simba.laiz] v — символизировать sympathetic [.simpa'Getik] adj — доброжелательный syrup ['snap] n — сироп d> talk [to:k] — n разговор; v разговаривать task [ttrskj n — задание team [ti:m] n — команда; v объединяться в команду tear [tia] n — слеза technician [tek'nijn] n — техник temple ['tempi] n — храм tempt [tempt] v — соблазнять, искушать term [t3:m] n — термин terrible ['terabl] adj — ужасный terrified ['terafaid] adj — испуганный territory ['teratri] n — территория terror ['teraj n — ужас than [daen] conj — чем theatregoer ['Oiata.gaua] n — театрал theme [0i:m] n — тема then [den] adv — тогда therefore ['deafa;] adv — поэтому thin [0in] adj — тонкий thirsty ['03isti] adj — измученный жаждой thistle ['0isl] П — чертополох thorn [0o;n] П — шип thoroughly ['0Arali] adv — до конца, вполне though [dau] adv — хотя thought [0a:t] n — мысль thrilling ['0п1пз] adj — волнующий throne [0raun] n — трон through [0nx] adv — через throughout [0ru:'aut] adv — в течение throw away [,0rau a'wei] v — выбрасывать thunderstorm ['0Anda,stD:m] n — гроза thus [dAs] adv — таким образом tick [tik] — n 1. галочка, 2. клещ; v отмечать ticket ['tikit] n — билет tidy ['taidi] — adj опрятный; v приводить в порядок, убирать tie [tai] — n связь; v связывать, привязывать tight [tait] adj — тесный timber ['timba] n — древесина tired ['taiad] adj — усталый tone [taun] n — зд. гудок tongue [tAo] n — язык tonight [ta'nait] adv — сегодня вечером top [top] — n вершина; v верхний, лучший Vocabulary 285 topic ['topik] П — тема totally ['tautlil adv — полностью touch [tvtn — n прикосновение; v дотрагиваться tour [tua] — n путешествие, поездка, тур; V путешествовать towards [t9‘wo:dz] prep — к tower (Чаиэ] n — башня traditional [tra'diJnCa)!] adj — традиционный tragedy ['trae^jadi] n — трагедия tragic [’traecfeik] adj — трагичный trail [treil] n — тропа, маршрут training ['treimo] n — обучение trance [trans] n — транс travel ['traevl] — n путешествие; v путешествовать treat [trirt] — n угощение; v 1. относиться, 2. угощать tribe [traib] n — племя trip [trip] П — поездка, путешествие triumph ['traiAmfj — n триумф; v побеждать trolley ['troli] n — тележка trouble ['trAblj — n неприятность, проблема, беда; v тревожить, расстраивать true [tru;] — n истина, правда; adj верный, правдивый trust [trASt] — п доверие; v доверять trustworthy ['trASt,W3:di] adj — заслуживающий доверия, надежный truth [tru:0J n — правда try [trai] — n попытка; v пытаться tsar [zo:] n — царь tunnel ['tAnlj n — туннель twice [twais] adv — дважды typical [’tipikl] adj — типичный u unclasp [An'kla:sp] v — разжимать uncomfortable [An'kAmftabl] adj — неудобный Underground ['Anda.graundj n — метропо- литен underline [^nds'lain] v — подчеркивать understanding [^nds'staendir)] n — понимание understatement ['And9,steitm9nt] n — преуменьшение unearthly [ап'з:9И] adj — неземной unexpected [,Anik'spektid] adj — неожиданный unfair [АпТеэ] adj — несправедливый unforgettable [^nfa'getsbl] adj — незабываемый unfortunately [An'fo:tf(9)n3tli] adv — к сожалению unfriendly [An'frendli] adj — недружелюбный ungrateful [An'greitfl] adj — неблагодарный unhappy [An'haepi] adj — несчастный unimportant [,Anim'po:tnt] adj — незначительный uninterested [Aii'intrastid] adj — незаинтересованный unique [ju:'ni:k] adj — уникальный unite [jur'nait] v — объединять(ся) unity ['ju;n9ti] n — единство universal [ju;ni'v3:sl] adj — универсальный unkind [An’kaind] adj — недобрый unofficial [^nafijl] adj — неофициальный unopened [An'aupandj adj — нераскрытый unpack [Ап'раек] v — распаковывать unpleasant [An'pleznt] adj — неприятный unpopular [An'pnpjula] adj — непопулярный unsure [An'Ju9] adj — неуверенный untidy [An'taidi] adj — неопрятный unusual [An'ju;3U9l] adj — необычный unworthy [An*w3:di] adj — недостойный unwritten [An'ntn] adj — неписанный upset [Ap'set] — V расстраивать; adj расстроенный upstairs [Ap'steaz] adv — наверху upstream [Ap'striimj adv— выше no течению 286 Vocabulary urban ['з:Ьэп] adj — городской usage [’ju:sicfe] n — использование useful ['jasfl] adj — полезный useless ['jursbs] adj — бесполезный usual ['jursual] adj — обычный w vain [vein] adj — тщетный, напрасный in vain adv — напрасно valley [Vaeli] n — долина value f'vaelju:] — n ценность, духовная ценность; v ценить variety [va'raisti] n — разнообразие various [Veariss] adj — различный vast [verst] adj — огромный veil [veil] n — завеса, пелена, вуаль velvet [Velvit] — n бархат; adj бархатный version [V3:/n] n — версия view [yju:] — n вид; v смотреть, обозревать Viking I'vaikir)] n — викинг vocabulary [vsu'kaebjubri] n — словарь voice [vois] n — голос volume [Vnljuim] n — объем wait [weit] — n ожидание; v ждать walk [wo:k] — n прогулка; v ходить пешком war [wo:] n — война warm [worm] adj — теплый warn [worn] V — предупреждать warning [Чуогшг)] n — предупреждение waste [weist] — n растрачивание, потери, отходы; V напрасно тратить (деньги), терять (время) watch [wntfj V — наблюдать waterfall ['wo:to,fo:l] n — водопад wave [werv] n — волна way [wei] n — путь weak [wLk] adj — слабый wear [weo] v — носить weep [wirp] v — рыдать weigh [wei] v — взвешивать, весить weight [weitj n — вес welcome [“welkom] — n приветствие; V приветствовать wet [wet] — adj влажный; v мочить whale [well] n — кит Vocabulary 287 в соответствии со статьей 19 пунктом 2 ‘Закона об авторском праве и смежных правах” в данном издании использованы фотографии; © Andy Mead/lcon SMI/Corbis/FotoSA.ru 105\ © Barrett & MacKay/AII Canada Photos/Corbis/FotoSA.ru 98 © Christian Kober/John Warburton Lee/Fotobank.ru /54; © Darwin Wiggett/All Canada Photos/Corbis/FotoSA.ru 98, 103 © Doug Pearson/JAI/Corbis/FotoSA.ru 118; © Fotolia/PhotoXPress.ru 108-109; © Fotolia/PhotoXPress.ru 150-151 © Fotolia/PhotoXPress.ru 160-161 (2 фото); © Fotolia/PhotoXPress.ru 162-163 (2 фото); © Fotolia/PhotoXPress.ru 164-165 (2 фото); © Fotolia/PhotoXPress.ru 98-99; 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