Учебник Английский язык 4 класс Вербицкая Эббс часть 1

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Учебник Английский язык 4 класс Вербицкая Эббс часть 1 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Forward (Форвард):

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Алгоритм успеха ФГОС :г> класс Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений Под редакцией проф. М.В. Вербицкой В двух частях Часть первая •5^ Рекомендоеа но Министерстеом образования и науки Российской Федерации Москва Издательский центр ♦ Вентана-Граф » Pearson Education Limited 2013 ББК 81.2(Англ)я71 А64 Учебник ам|рЧён в федеральный перечень Авторы: д-р ф\Апог\. наук проф. М.В. Вербицкая, Б. Эббс, Э. Уорелл, Э. Уорд Английский язык : 4 класс : учебник для обще-А64 образовательных учреждений ; в 2 ч. Ч. 1 / [М.В. Вербицкая, Б. Эббс. Э. Уорелл и др.] ; под ред. М.В. Вербицкой. — М.: Вентана-Граф : Pearson Education Limited. 2013. — 80 с.: ил. — (РогАл/ard). ISBN 978-5-360-04272-3 (ч. 1) ISBN 978-5-360-04275-4 (общ.) Учебник является третьим в серии «Forward», обеспечивающей преемственность изучения английского языка со 2 по 11 класс общеобразовательных учреждений. Учебник рассчитан на обязательное изучение предмета «Иностр>анный язык» в 4 классе в школах, работающих по базисному учебному плану, а также в школах и классах с углублённым изучением английского языка. В комплекте с учебником предлагаются пособие для учителя, рабочая тетрадь и компакт-диск с аудиоприложением к учебнику и рабочей тетради. В первую часть входят разделы с 1 по 9, во вторую — разделы с 10по21 (1-16 разделы для обязательного изучения, 17-21 разделы дополнительные). УМК для 4 класса входит в систему учебно-методических комплектов «Алгоритм успеха». Соответствует федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту начального общего образования (2009 г). ББК81.2(Англ)я71 Учебное издание Вербицкая Мария Ва.терьевна Эббс Брайен Уорелл Энн Уорд Энн Английский язык 4 класс Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений В двух частях Часть первая Благодарим за предоставленное разрешение на воспроизведение охраняемых авторским правом фотографий: *Фотобанк Лорп», С.С. Митурича (www.mosphoto.ru), Е.К. Рыжкову, OJE. Гуеву, vL£. Максимову Редактор Л.О. Савчук. Дизайн СА. Каулен, Э. Самуэл. Художники Г. Эндрюс, К. Баксендейл,Д. Кокборн, Н. Говер, Р. Холт, С. Нун, К. Патерсон, М. Шоувел, М. Ливингстоун, С, Смолмен, Т. Графике, Э. Вагнер, И. Витт, MJO. Зарецкий, CJO. Гаврилова, ОА. Гуляева, ПА. Жиличкин, Е.Е. Исакова, ЕА. Савельев, И.В. Торопицына, А.В. Юдин. Художественный редактор СА. Каулен. Внешнее оформление С А. Подкорытовой, Ю.В. Сопельняка. Сканирование и цветоделение Л.В.Аникино1(,Д.Я. Смирнова. Компьютерная вёрстка О.В. Игнатовой. Технические редакторы MJB. Плешакова, Л.В. Коновалова. Корректоры ЕА. Кудрявцева, А.С. Цибулина, Ю.С. Борисенко Подписано в печать 27.12.12. Формат 60x90/8. Гарнитура PragmaticaC. Печать офсетная Бумага офсетная he 1. Печ. л. 10,0. Тираж 15 000 экз. Заказ Н: 0601/13. ООО Издательский центр 4Вентана-Граф*. 127422, Москва, ул. Тимирязевская, д. 1, стр. 3 Тел./факс: (495) 611’15-74, 611-21-56. E-mail; info(^gf.ru, http:/^www.vgf.ru Отпечатано в соответствии с предоставленными материалами в ООО *ИПК Парето-Принт», 170546, Тверская область. Калининский р-н, Бурашевское сельское поселение, промышленная зона Боровлёво-!, комплекс 3 «А#, www.pareio-pnnt.ru ISBN 978-5-360-04272-3 (ч. 1) ISBN 978-5-360-04275-4 (общ.) © Издательский центр «Вентана-Граф», 2012 © Pearson Education Limited. 2012 Contents 1 New friends............................................. 4 2 A message on the computer............................ 10 3 A computer magazine.................................... 16 4 In the rain forest..................................... 24 Review 1............................................... 32 5 What do you know about rain forests?............... 34 6 What do you know about Russia? .................. 42 7 Find Joseph Alexander.................................. 48 8 Capital city........................................... 56 Review 2............................................... 62 9 Off we go!............................................. 64 Англо-русский словарь..................................... 72 Мой «ноутбук»............................................. 79 1 1 о о ОО о D Условные обозначения Сначала послушай Работай вместе с классом Прочитай Напиши Твой «ноутбук»: повтори буквы и звуки Выучи новые слова и выражения Твоя очередь: работай самостоятельно ?< Запомни! Вспомни! Дополнительные задания © New friends / 1. • Рассмотри рисунки. Кого из ребят ты помнишь? • Listen and look. It’s August. This is the International Holiday Camp Forward not far from Sochi. The children are having a lovely holiday here. The weather’s hot and sunny. Where do you come from? ) Vera, what is your favourite sport? r»;-# 9 4(^1 like tennis. We are from Russia. We are Russians. J [ don’t like tennis. I like swimming. , Let’s go to Moscow next year. ^ going to write to you all. .4^ We can go by plane. j , аэропорт Goodbye! Write to теЛ Гсоте to Moscow!^! Let’s ask our friends to come to Moscow! Ben, where is your camera? You mustn’t forget anything © Новые друзья Hello! It’s nice to be ^ Hello! It’s cold in Moscow! i Kate’s very nice. May I phone Kate and talk to her? Look! There’s a letter from Sam.. There are some photos, too. I like this photo. This is the goodbye party. 2. Read the text in groups. 3. Who is it? Ask and answer questions about the children. 4. Удостоверения личности — identity cards [ai'dentiti ka:dz]. Прочитай информацию на них и расскажи об этих ребятах. Какие новые слова тебе здесь встретились? Можешь догадаться об их значении? Identity card name: Sam Roberts age: 11 birthday: June 3rd nationality: British from: Newtown, England pet: dog hobby: detective stories phone number: 567 894 address: Sochi, International Holiday Camp Forward Identity card name: Kate Lewis age: 11 birthday: August 18th nationality: British from: Newtown, England pet: cat hobby: adventure stories phone number: 124 971 address: Sochi, International Holiday Camp Forward © >1 5. Прочитай текст, покажи на рисунке, из какой страны приехали эти ребята. Покажи страны на «глобусе». Cfvna Robert comes from the USA. He’s American. Eva comes from Poland. She’s Polish. Mitsuko comes from Japan. She’s Japanese. Rosa comes from Argentina. She’s Argentinian. Ta-Ming comes from China. He’s Chinese. Pavel comes from Russia. He’s Russian. Andrew comes from Britain. He’s British. 6. Talk to your friend about the people in the picture. ^What nationality is Andrew?} (^He’s British.^ ^Where does Rosa come from? Argentina. 7. Where does your friend come from? What’s his/her nationality? © 8. Найди слова по транскрипции. Что они обозначают? Спиши слова в алфавитном порядке, ['гл/э], ['paubnd], [бэ'ju: *3S'ei], [фэ'рзеп], [,а:фэп'и:пэ], ['^ашэ], ['bntn], fspein], [o'streilio], [’itsii] Russia, Poland, the USA, Japan, Argentina, China, Britain, Spain, Australia, Italy 9. Наши ребята встретились с детьми из разных стран. Вспомните, кто это и из какой страны. American Russian Argentinian Australian Chinese Japanese Polish British J^Who is American?^ (^Robert is American.^ ^Where does he come from?) (Не comes from the USa!)> 10. Make identity cards with your friends children. Do you remember them? Where do from? When are their birthdays? for these they come November 5 th May 25th May 25th December 13th September 1st August 16th 11. Play the game: Yes/No. June 2nd April 3rd it a girl?) ^ ^Is she from Britain?} ^^ ______________V les. ^ No. ^ J^Is she from Moscow?)^--------^ ^Is it Dasha?^/--------ч ----------------------Ч Yes. -----------------X Yes. > © 12. Лера решила познакомиться с Кейт по телефону. Listen and read. Lera: Kate: Lera: Kate: Lera: Kate: Lera: Kate: Lera: Kate: Lera: Kate: Lera: Kate: Hello! I’m Vera’s friend. I’m Russian. I’m from Moscow. What’s your name? Oh, yes! My name is Valeriya Petrova, but my friends call me Lera. How old are you? I’m 11 years old. I’m 11, too. When’s your birthday? On August 16th. That’s great! My birthday is in August, too. Can you send me your photo, please? Yes, of course. What’s your address, please? I want to post you a letter with my photos. OK. My address is number 18 Lime Avenue, Newtown. Can you spell that, please? L-I-M-E A-V-E-N-U-E N-E-W-T-O-W-N. All right. Thank you very much. Goodbye! Write soon. Goodbye! 13. Talk to your friend about Lera and Kate. ^Who is Valeriya Petrova?} (What J^Is she Dasha’s frien^ (How old is she?^ 14. Найди шесть слов и закончи вопрос, приведённый ниже. Как ты на него ответишь? LESSONAR THISTOR YMA THSSCIENCEMUSIC J^What’s your favourite ... ? 15. Do you like mathematics? Count. 98 - 65 = ? 54 + 46 = ? 24 + 63 = ? 14 + 72 - 19 = ? 16. Do you like science? Answer the questions, please. What’s the weather like in November in Moscow and in Sochi? Where do kangaroos come from? 17. Do you like music? Can you sing a song in English? 18. Do you like Russian lessons? Переведи эти фразы на русский язык. Какие формы местоимений используются в русском языке при обращении? — Good morning, Nina Ivanovna. How are you today? — Fine, thank you. How are you today, Masha? 19. Do you like English lessons? Read and point. Miss Fisher is Ben’s teacher. She’s 28 years old. Her birthday’s on March 29th. Mrs Taylor is Ben’s mother. She’s 39 years old. Her birthday’s on October 15th. Jill’s grandfather is 62 years old. His birthday is on December 31st. Ben’s grandmother is 72 years old. Her birthday is on November 30th. 20. Talk to your friend. 1 What’s your name? 2 What time do you come to school? 3 What time do you have breakfast? 4 What time do you have lunch? 5 What’s your favourite food? 6 Are you hungry? 7 What do you want to eat? 8 Are you thirsty? 9 What do you want to drink? © А message on the computer 1. • Рассмотри рисунки. Какой урок идёт в этом классе? • Listen and look. / Kate Lewis and Sam Roberts are at school, they are using the computer. Hey! Look! What’s happening? Help f t> /Г к 7 What is it? t) U '» ^ V \ lb Wow! Look at that! My name is Professor Wallace. I’m in the rain forest. I need help. Please contact Joseph Alexander in London. 11 X- - к The message is disappearing! use disappear contact scientist explorer message What’s happening? There’s nothing here! iO Компьютерное послание Mr Freeman! There’s a message on the computer! LWhat can we do now? Who is Professor Wallace? Don’t be silly! There’s nothing here. I don’t know... We must find Joseph Alexander! 2. Read the text in groups. 3. Прочитай и скажи, кто из этих людей учёный из Малайзии, исследователь из США, учитель из Англии. Та г Identity card Professor Wallace (scientist) age: 35 birthday: May 4th from: Malaysia hair: black eyes: brown Identity card Joseph Alexander (explorer) age: 27 birthday: January from: USA hair: red eyes: green 10 th Identity card Mr Freeman (teacher) age: 30 birthday: September 22nd from: England hair: brown eyes: blue Who’s speaking? Listen and point. ^ Talk about the identity cards with your friend. 1) What’s his name? 3) Where’s she from? 2) When is her birthday? 4) ... 2 % 4. Профессору Уоллес угрожает опасность. Прочитай информацию на полицейском плакате и расскажи на русском языке, кто изображён на плакате. Кто из членов банды «Красная рука» преследует профессора? lives on an all the rare WHERE IS THE RED HAND GANG? This is the Red Hand Gang. The leader of the gang is Mr Big. They call him ‘The Boss’. Mr Big is very rich and island. He wants to own plants and animals in the world. Polly Zap is his assistant. At the moment she is in Indonesia in the rain forest. She is following Professor Wallace. Zack is another member of the gang. He’s short and he’s got dark hair. He is in London now. Tex is in London, too. He’s tall and he’s got glasses. He’s got a metal hand. & glasses ('glcLsizJ plant [plaint] leader ['ILda] главарь rich [ ny] богатый island ['aibndl остров own [aun] владеть rare [геэ] редкий, -ая, -oe, -ие Indonesia [.undo'ni'.zia] Индонезия follow [Tobu] преследовать member of the gang [ membar av 5a ,gaer)] член банды dark [dcukj тёмный metal ['metlj металлический assistant [a'sistnt] помощник 5. Make questions about the Red Hand Gang. Ask your friend. © ^ They call him ‘The Boss’. Who is it?j (^Mr Big.^ ^She’s got pink hair. Who is it?^ (^Polly Zap.^ га He’s^ ^ dark hair / blue eyes / glasses She is 1 She’s i / short ■^1 6. Выпиши прилагательные в четыре столбика: 1) рост; 2) цвет глаз; 3) цвет волос; 4) телосложение человека. brown, tall, dark, black, fair, short, red, green, thin, blue, fat 7. Какие из этих форм глаголов ты будешь использовать, чтобы описать: а) свою внешность; б) внешность своего собеседника; в) кого-то из своих знакомых? I am / have got we are / / have got you are / have got you are / have got he/she is / has got they are / have got Read Lera’s identity card. Make identity cards for yourself and your friend. Identity card name: Valeriya Petrova birthday: August 16th age: 11 nationality: Russian from: Moscow, Russia colour of hair: red colour of eyes: blue favourite: book — Cinderella subject — English colour — pink 9. Часть слов из письма Кейт Никите на компьютере не читается. Спиши текст, восстановив всю информацию. Professor Wallace is 35 She’s hair and brown eyes. Her birthday is She’s __ Malaysia. She’s a ____ . long black May 4 th. 2 10. • Listen and read. • Какие из этих слов, обозначающих профессии лю дей, ты уже знаешь? О значении каких можешь дога даться? Найди слова, к которым дана транскрипция. chemist scientist journalist doctor professor detective pilot astronaut explorer teacher engineer baker greengrocer traveller [ik'sploiraj, ['saiantist], [di'tektiv], ['kemistj, [.enctsi'nio], ['cfesmalistj, ['traevb], ['aestranoit] 11. Point to the people and say who they are and what their professions are. He’s my father, He’s my uncle. He’s my father. She’s my mother. He’s my father. Д Who is this man? ) (^He’s Maxim’s father, ^What does he do?) (He’s an explorei\)> 0 12. • Listen and read. • Какие из этих вопросов общие, а какие — альные? Какие из них произносятся с подъёмом а какие — с понижением? специ- голоса, I. Does she need help? Can we contact Joseph Alexander? Is he in London now? Can we go to London? II. What’s happening? What is it? What can we do now? Who is Professor Wallace? Where’s she from? I. В начале общего вопроса всегда стоит один из глаголов do/does, are/is, have/has или can, must. Общий вопрос произносится с восходящим тоном в конце предложения. В английском языке восходящий тон более плавный, чем в русском. II. В начале специального вопроса всегда стоит одно из вопросительных слов: what (что, какой), who (кто), where (где, куда, откуда), why (почему), which (который), whose (чей), when (когда), how (как), how many (сколько). Специальный вопрос произносится с нисходящим тоном в конце предложения. 13. Никита встречает в московском аэропорту тётю Бена. Он разговаривает с Беном по мобильному телефону. Дополните в диалоге реплики Бена. Веп: Hello? Nikita: Hello, Ben. This is Nikita from Moscow. Ben: Hello, Nikita. How are you today? Nikita: I’m fine, thank you. I’m at the airport. What time does the plane arrive in Moscow? don’t know. At 12 o’clock, I think. It’s half past twelve. Is your aunt tall or short? Ben: I Nikita: • •• Ben: ... Nikita: Has she got long fair hair? Ben: Nikita: Ben: .. Nikita: Ben: .. Nikita: Ben: Nikita: Has she got a hat? What’s she wearing? How many bags has she got? There she is! А computer magazine ’ 1 V It “I I I 1. Listen and look. iK ________—— . _ ,,ge a -b- Keyboard and at school • They tSnTattheJ^ _—--— ^ This «Oman works in an ^ e use compnters to Sf S to to» to.to. airpoi^^ design things 2. Покажите на иллюстрациях журнала, что означают выделенные слова. Расскажите по-русски, для чего нужны компьютеры. keyboard -----screen space shuttle use design work police criminal 16 Компьютерный журнал ------- The police use find‘criminals Computers help them [• r~. W.,.-^---- Computers are also fun! This boy is playing a computer ^ 3. Выпиши CO страниц журнала эти слова. О значении каких слов ты можешь догадаться? [ps'liis], ['knminl], ['ki:bo:d], [,еп(^'шэ], [di'zain] 4. Who’s speaking? Listen to the conversations and point to the correct picture. (Послушай разговоры и покажи нужный рисунок.) t ^ 5. How many people in your class have got a computer? Ask your friends. 6. Составьте список мест, где люди работают на компьютерах. 1) There are computers at an airport. 3 7. What do they want to be? Read and point to the correct picture. chef [fef] laboratory [b'borotnj A I want to be an engineer. I want to design planes. В We want to be pilots. We want to fly planes. C I want to be a scientist. I want to work in a laboratory. D I want to be a vet. I want to look after sick animals. E I want to be a detective. I want to catch criminals. F We want to be chefs. We want to cook wonderful food. 8. What do you want to be? Talk to your friend. want to be an astronaut. I want to go to the Moon. 9. • What do they do? Listen to some people. They are talking about their jobs. Guess what they do. • Game: What do I do? Choose a job. Your friend asks questions to guess what it is. ^ Do you use a computer? ') Yes. ^Do you want to design something?} ( Yes. Are you an engineer?^ Yes. ^ ш 10. Послушай и прочитай сочетания местоимений с формами глаголов Present Simple. Правильно произноси выделенные окончания. [zj she learns, he listens, it needs, she reads, he lives, he comes, she plays, it does, it goes, he delivers [s] she cooks, it looks, he likes, it gets, she writes [izj he washes, she catches, he teaches, she uses Глаголы в формах Present Simple (настоящее простое время) описывают обычные, привычные, повседневные действия и состояния. 1) I walk to school. (Я хожу в школу пешком.) 2) Не gets up at seven o’clock every day. (Он встаёт в 7 часов каждый день.) 3) Sometimes we go to a swimming pool. (Иногда мы ходим в бассейн.) 4) She lives in Russia. (Она живёт в России.) I / you / we / they go ••• 9 walk ..., get up ... he / she / it goes ..., walks ... , gets up ... 11. Чем обычно занимаются люди этих профессий? Найди продолжение для каждого предложения. 1 Engineers 4 Detectives • « • 2 Vets ... 5 Doctors A В С • •• look after sick animals, design things, catch criminals. D E F 3 Scientists ... 6 Pilots ... work in laboratories, fly planes. look after sick people pairs, ask questions about these people. \ ^What do engineers do?) (They design things 12. Напиши о привычках ребят по образцу. Cody Maxim Sam every day to get up at 8 o’clock to do exercises in the morning to have lunch at 2 o’clock sometimes to go to school by bus to play computer games to walk in the park 1 Cody gets up at 8 o’clock every day. Sometimes she goes to school by bus. 3 13. What do they do and what do they need? Поговорите о профессиях. Составьте предложения, используя слова и выражения из рамок. Добавьте свои примеры. detective cook food for people postman catch criminals scientist learn more about rare plants chef design cars teacher look after sick people doctor deliver letters to people engineer teach English at school J^hat does а detective do^ (а detective catches criminals.}^ J^What does a detective need^ (He needs a dog. ^ V 14. Что обычно делают эти люди на ответы по образцу, используя глаголы щего простого времени. Pete is а postman. What does he do? letters to people. работе? Напиши в форме настоя- Не delivers 1 John is an engineer. What does he do? 2 Cathy is a doctor. What does she do? 3 Bert is a scientist. What does he do? 4 Stella is a detective. What does she do? 5 Paul and Karen are chefs. What do they do? 15. Do you remember Joseph Alexander? Read the text and fill in the gaps. (Прочитай текст, заполняя пропуски.) Joseph Alexander is a famous ______. He’s ___ ____ years old. His birthday is on January 10th. He comes from _____ ____. He’s got short ____ hair and ___ eyes. He’s got ____. He’s tall and thin. He likes to climb mountains. 20 16. Read about Maxim. What does he want to be? I like to go to school on Friday. We have maths and a computer class on Friday afternoon. These are my favourite subjects. Fve got many friends in Moscow and in Britain. I write letters to them every week. I like books but I like computers more. I play computer games very well. My mother is a scientist. She works in a laboratory. Sometimes she travels. My father is an engineer. He’s got a computer. He uses it to design bridges. I want to use computer, too. I want to design cars. I want to be an ... . friends about yourself. Образец — рассказ Максима. 18. This is a computer club. Ask children in the pictures. your friend about the listen to music play computer games read about animals write a letter ^Is Lera at school?^ J^Is it a computer clul^ ^Does she use a computer?^J^What does she want to do?) 3 19. Read Maxim’s letter to Sam. What does he want to know? Dear Sam, Thanks a lot for your letter. Have you got any new messages on your computer? My mother is a scientist, too. She studies how to make medicines from different plants. She is going to the tropical rain forests in South America next month. What’s the weather like in the rain forests? Is it really hot and wet there? Write soon, Maxim south — юг; южный rain — дождь; дождевой wet — влажный study — изучать ш 20. Сравни значения выделенных слов. В каких предложениях они являются существительными, а в каких — прилагательными? 1 Maxim’s got а computer. 2 Не likes to play computer games. 3 There is a computer club in his school. 4 Maxim’s mother is going to the rain forests next month. 5 I like watching the rain. В английском языке некоторые существительные могут выполнять роль прилагательных, если употребляются в словосочетании перед другим существительным. Сущ. This is а computer. (Это — компьютер.) При л. This is а computer game. (Это — компьютерная игра.) 21. Listen and talk to this computer. Some computers can talk. They talk in a funny way. Listen to this computer and repeat what it says. Then say it in correct English. HELLO! MY NAME’S COMPO. I’M A FRIENDLY COMPUTER WHAT’S YOUR NAME? WHAT’S YOUR FRIEND’S NAME? DO YOU WANT TO PLAY A GAME? GOOD! LET’S PLAY! friendly 22 22. Computer game. Tell Jack what to do. f)^Find the birthday cake in the shop. climb up, cross, jump over. find, arrive at, go through, run away, swim across ... away from the hungry cats. ... up the ladder, ... through the forest. CZl over the dog. 23. Придумай no образцу свою компьютерную игру. 23 In the rain forest о 1 1. Listen and look. Who is following Professor Wallace? ^ j Professor Wallace is looking for a rare orchid in the rain forest. She is having a few problems ... > _____________________________________/' = . t understand. My computer was OK yesterday, but no good today. I can’t send any more messages. / This rope ladder was OK yesterday, too. Who’s doing this? Now I can’t climb down the cliff. Where are my things? I know my diary was in this bag yesterday, but it isn’t here now. The map and my camera were in the tent, but they aren’t there now. у orchid rope cliff diary yesterday climb down have a few problems в дождевом лесу ,^Oh, well! I’ve got my V and lots of food and 2. Read the text. 3. Find the animals. Listen and point to the animals in the story. Talk to your friend about what you can see. ^Can you see a monke>^ Yes. ^ ^^How many monkeys are there? ^ (There are three 4. Listen and say true or false. The professor can use her computer ... ^False ... but she can’t climb down the cliff. J True. 25 5. Read and match. Where were they yesterday? (Где они были вчера?) Carlo was at the video shop. —| Steven was at home. j__Д J I/he/she was... Simon was at the office. * we/you/they were, Jane was at the newsagent’s. Sarah was at the station. Alison was at the pizza parlour. 6. Who isn’t telling the truth? (Кто говорит неправду?) Listen to an interview. One person isn’t telling the truth. Who is it? Listen to Detective Casey’s questions again. Practise them with your friend. 7. Поиграйте в детективов. Think of a place and a time. Ask questions to find out where your friend was. QX—1 ^ Were you in the park last night?') (No, I wasn’t.}^ J^Were you in the video shop?^ Yes. ^ 26 8. Listen to the description of this picture and repeat (Послушай и повтори описание этого рисунка.) There are... There is... trees, monkeys, parrots, snake, tree house iSoV* Опиши по-английски сценку из Пусть твой друг её нарисует. жизни леса. ' ^ ^ ^ 9 9. Listen to the song. Do you ask such silly questions? Why can’t a porcupine smile? Sometimes when I’m sitting in the bath, I think of silly questions which always make me laugh. Sometimes in the shower or in the bath, I sing these silly questions which always make me laugh. ^ And the questions go like this ... Why can’t a porcupine smile? Why can’t an elephant sing? Why can’t a pelican boil an egg. When I can do all of these things? Silly questions make you giggle. Silly questions make you laugh. Silly questions don’t have answers When you’re in the shower Or you’re sitting in the bath. ^ p 1 10. Think of some silly questions with your friend. 27 4 11. Найди в подписях к картинкам на с. 24 жения со словом yesterday (вчера). Скажи, мы глагола to be в них употребляются. 25 предло какие фор 12. Что было в порядке вчера (в прошлом), но испорчено сегодня (в настоящем)? Point to the children and say what they can’t do. CMy computer was OK yesterday, but it is no good today. I can’t send any more messages. My flowers were OK yesterday, but they are no good today. I can’t give them as a present. A My guitar OK yesterday, but no good today. I can’t ... В My camera ________ OK yesterday, but today. I ... C My shoes ______ OK yesterday, but ______ I ... no good D My book today. I ... OK yesterday, but no good today. no good 13. Ask questions about the children. Were Vera’s shoes OK yesterday? (^Yes, they were 28 14. Talk about your school friends. Were they at school yesterday? Where were they? ^What day is it today?^ (Today ^Was Nina at school yesterday morning?) (^Yes, she was.^ ^Where were you yesterday?} (l was at a swimming pool yesterday^ Ш library, theatre, fair, bookshop, supermarket Когда мы говорим о том, что происходило в прошлом, в предложении используется форма прошедшего простого времени глагола (Past Simple). Как правило, при этом есть указание на конкретное время в прошлом: yesterday (вчера), last month (в прошлом месяце), two hours ago (два часа назад). Глагол to be имеет две формы Past Simple; was, were. Единственное число I was at school at 9 o’clock. You were at home two hours ago. He/she was in London last month. It was OK yesterday. Множественное число We were at school at 9 o’clock. You were at home two hours ago. They were in London last month. They were OK yesterday. 15. С какими местоимениями множественного числа употребляется форма were? С каким местоимением может использоваться эта форма в единственном числе? 16. Ask your friend where he/she was. A’. Nina? Can I ask you some questions, please? Where were you at eight o’clock yesterday morning? Б: I was in my kitchen at home. A: Where were you at half past eleven? Б: I was at school. A\ Thank you very much. 29 4 17. Work in groups. Do you know these animals? Where do they live? What can they do? porcupine pelican spider snake parrot tiger bear kangaroo monkey rabbit holes, lakes and rivers, trees ^ What’s this?~^ (J (They J^What J^What can they do?) (They (Th^ \ fruit — плоды hole lake 18. Can you describe these animals? There are a lot of monkeys in the rain forest. They have got ... . They live ... . They eat They can ... . They cannot ... . 19. «Talk to your friend about Dasha’s and Lera’s day. • Выберите любой день из их дневников. 30 Dasha’s diary Lera’s diary Monday Tuesday school museum Wednesday toy shop school supermarket swimming pool la Today is Tuesday. Was Lera at school at eight o’clock yesterday? (^Yes, she was. ^ Ш ^Where was Dasha at eight o’clock yesterday morning? (^At eight o’clock? She was at school.^ Обрати внимание на то, как следует задавать общий (I) и специальный (II) вопрос с глаголом to be, если действие происходило в прошлом. Past Simple (I) Were we / you / they Was I / she / he / it at school yesterday? Yes, we/you/they were. No, we/you/they weren’t = were not Yes, I/she/he/it was. No, I/she/he/it wasn’t = was not (II) rwere we/you/they] We/you/they were... Where < ? yesterday? i / she / he / it was... Lwas I / she / he / it J 20. «Find nine words. Write them down. • Подбери и запиши общее слово к ним. kangaroospiderfrogsnakeparrottigerbearmonkeyrabbit 21. • Listen and read. • Спиши предложения, поставь в конце нужные знаки Where were you yesterday____ Can a porcupine smile____ Where is Polly Zap____ Do you like maths_____ Review 1 1. Выпиши парами названия стран и их жителей. Russia, Japan, Russian, Britain, Japanese, Australia, Chinese, Australian, China, British 2. Match the pictures with the texts. 1 Sometimes he works in an office and sometimes he works outside. He must catch criminals. He’s Nikita’s uncle. 2 He travels a lot. Sometimes his working day starts in Russia and finishes in China or the USA. He is Lera’s father. 3 He works in an office. He uses a computer to design new engines for space shuttles and planes. He’s Vera’s father. 4 He travels a lot. Sometimes he flies by plane. He explores volcanoes. He’s Nikita’s father. 5 She works in a laboratory. She studies how to make medicines from different plants. She’s Maxim’s mother. Talk to your friend about the people in the pictures. — This is Lera’s father. He’s a pilot. He flies planes. 32 Повторение 1 3. Write questions. Ask about your friend and write the answers. How tall/to be/Nina/last year? How tall/to be/Nina/now? What / to do / Lera / want to be? What / to be / Lera’s / favourite lesson? 4. Game. Кто вспомнит больше слов в каждой группе? Называйте слова в форме множественного числа, чётко произнося окончания. • bears, lions, rabbits... • pens, pencils, books... • tables, wardrobes, desks... 5. Talk to your friend. 1 How old are you? 2 How old were you last year? 3 When is your birthday? 4 How old is your mother (father, ...)? 5 Have you got a sister (...)? 6 What time do you come to school? 7 Were you at school on Monday? 8 Is English (...) your favourite lesson? 9 Which subjects do you like? 10 What’s your favourite animal? 11 Do you like computers (...)? 12 What can you do well? 6. • Listen and act. • Read the rhyme. Ask questions about the pictures. The colour poem Red, red, red, touch your head. This is my head and it’s not red. Blue, blue, blue, touch your shoe. This is my shoe and it’s not blue. Brown, brown, brown, touch the ground. This is the ground and it’s not brown. Black, black, black, touch your back. This is my back and it’s not black. Purple, purple, purple, draw a circle. This is a circle and it’s not purple. back — спина 33 What do you know about rain forests? 1. Listen and look. This is a picture of a tropical rain forest. The weather in the tropics is very hot and wet. The trees in the rain forest grow very tall. There are lots of different kinds of trees. Some trees are seventy metres tall. The floor of the rain forest is quite dark. There are a lot of dead leaves there, but not many green plants. dead — сухие (листья) floor — нижний ярус леса, земля at the top — на верхушках canopy — полог, верхний ярус леса smaller — поменьше by the side of the rivers — no берегам рек fall down grow Что ты знаешь о дождевых лесах? canopy The leaves at the top of the trees are very thick. They make a canopy. Lots of animals and birds live in the canopy. Smaller plants, like orchids, live on the tree trunks in the canopy. Smaller plants and new trees grow by the side of the rivers. When a tree falls down, new plants can grow in the space. Once there were a lot of rain forests. Now there aren’t many. They are disappearing quickly. Some trees are seventy metres tall once there were — now there are leaf (ед. Ч.) — leaves (mh. ч.) 2. Прочитай текст про себя. Найди и прочитай вслух ответы на эти вопросы. What’s the weather in the tropics like? Are the trees in the rain forest tall? Are the leaves at the top of the trees thick? Do animals live in the rain forests? What can you see on the forest floor? Where do new trees and small plants grow? 3. Расскажи о дождевых лесах в тропиках по иллюст ^ рациям к тексту. Что нового тебе удалось узнать? 35 1 2 3 С . / J Jo^ 4. Знаешь ли ты, что есть растения, которые называются плотоядными (pitcher plants)? Это значит, что они питаются животными. Рассмотри иллюстрации, послушай рассказ об этих удивительных растениях и постарайся понять, как насекомые становятся пищей для них. Where do pitcher plants grow? What do pitcher plants eat? What happens when insects fall the pitcher plants? 5. Whose plants are they? Listen and point. Pitcher plants are filled with liquid. a Ask your friend about the plants. Z^How tall is Anne's plant?} (^Ten centimetre^ Z^How many leaves has it got?^ 6. Draw a plant and friend about it. talk to your ItJno P'ant 'ts name is Max is m 7. А rain forest quiz. How much can you remember about the rain forest? I. Are ihere any rain -Foresis m Russia^ Z. wkaf’s 1/те v\/eaHier like in Fke ram foresf? 3. How Fall are some Frees in Fke rain -foresF? 4-. Do orckids grow on ike -floor of ike rain •Toresf? Wkai does a piioker plani eai^ 8. Listen to the song. Can you answer the question? Sunflower in the sun Sunflower in the sun, growing very high. Sunflower in the sun, growing very high. Sun and water you need to make you grow from a seed. Till you look like a yellow sun. Till you look like a yellow sun. A sunflower grows taller and taller Till you can’t touch its head with your hand A sunflower grows bigger and bigger. It’s proud, it’s yellow, it’s grand. A giant sunflower is enormous. It’s an incredible height. I know that sunflowers love the sun. But what do they do at night? Please tell me, what do they do at night? A-z 9. Объясни, как образовано название цветка в русском и английском языках; sunflower подсолнечник 5 10. • Listen and repeat. • Какое из этих названий частей света совпадает с названием страны? Найди транскрипцию к каждому слову. Europe, Asia, Australia, America, Africa [u'streiliol, [’aefriks], ['jusrap], i'eija], [э'тепкз] 11. Listen and repeat. Australia — Australian, America — American, Russia — Russian, Europe — European, Asia Africa — African, Indonesia — Indonesian Asian, К какой части речи в английском языке относятся слова, оканчивающиеся на -ап? 12. Read Sam’s descriptions of animals and find their pictures. Talk to your friend about these animals. Porcupines live in holes in the forest floor. They eat leaves and fruit. They have got long spines on their backs. They can run backwards! Joseph Alexander was in Indonesia. You can see his photo of an Indonesian porcupine. The platypus lives in lakes and rivers in Australia. It has short legs and a tail. It can swim underwater and dive. The platypus can move quickly in water but it can’t run on land. I’m sending you Cody’s photo. She was in Australia on holiday. There are a lot of interesting animals in this country. Pel backwards ['baekwcidzj — задом наперёд 13 /^Are porcupines Indonesian animals? [ z^Do they eat insects?} (Ves, they are.^ ^ (No, they don’t. They eat leaves and fruiL^ 13. • в некоторых словах письма пропущены буквы (*). • Read the letter. How do you spell the words with*? From: Maxi m@Forward. ru fact card “R**n Dear Sam, T*ank you very mu** for the for*sts”. It is very int**esting. In Ru**ia there are di*ferent seas and many big r*vers. We are making a fact card about Ru**ia. Write soon. Bye, Maxim (T-H-A-N-K 14. Даша послала Джил фотографии и заметки из своего дневника. Прочитай их, вставляя глаголы. Dasha's diary In August Today is November 7th In August my rose _____ 30 centimetres tall. The flower __ small. There ____ 5 leaves on the plant. Today is November 7th. Now the rose ________ 50 centimetres tall. There ___ two big flowers. They ___ pink. It has got lots of leaves. It’s so beautiful! 15. How many words can you find? greenbrownredpinkorangeyellowpurplebluegrey Talk to your friend. Z^What’s your favourite ..7^(Po you like ... T-shirts?^ 39 5 16. Game: What is it? Look at one of the pictures and describe what you see. Your friend guesses. * У ■[ rose sunflower pitcher plant water lily A: B: A: It grows in gardens. It has beautiful red flowers and green leaves. It can hurt you. You can see it in Russia and in many other countries. My mother likes it, and it’s my favourite flower. Is it a rose? Yes. 17. Let’s return to the story. Read and say true or false. 1 Professor Wallace is in the rain forests of Indonesia. 2 She’s looking for a rare orchid. 3 Mr Big wants to find the orchid for his collection. 4 Polly Zap helps Professor Wallace. 5 The professor’s computer is no good now. 6 She can send messages to her friend Alexander. 7 She hasn’t got any food. 18. Talk to your friend. Where were you in August? Where were you in August I was in Soddl"^ Where were you in June? Were you at a holiday camp? I was in Kamchatka with my dad 40 19. Прочитай слова. Что общего у всех этих слов? Как читаются выделенные буквы? Напиши транскрипцию звуков, которые обозначены этими буквами. tall, ladder, yellow, different, fall, small, disappear, message, Russia, spell 20. How tall are they? Talk to your friend. How tall are the trees, the ladder, the tent, the explorers and the elephant? Z^How tall are the trees? (^The trees are eight metres tall. ^ 21. • Listen and read. • Ha какие слова в этих предложениях ние, а на какие — нет? Какие слова в подчёркнуты? Какие это части речи? падает ударе-предложениях This is а picture of а tropical rain forest. The weather in the tropics is very hot and The trees in the rain forest grow very tall. wet ‘V 22. Проведи исследование. How tall are you and your friends? Write sentences about yourself and your friends. I’m ... centimetres tall. Nina is 123 centimetres tall. 41 J 1, What do you know about Russia? *1 1. •Listen and look. Do you know these countries? Where do you live? • Какая страна больше других? 1 New York I I ••• ussia Siberia London . the Black Sea -V J* > ^ f 'i ' a Austria фСапЬегга Look at the map of these countries. Australia and the USA are big countries. They are bigger than Britain. But Russia is bigger than Australia and the USA. It is a very big country. The weather can be different in different parts of Russia. In April it is cold and there is a lot of snow in Siberia, but it is warm on the Black Sea coast. These are pictures of the Siberian taiga in winter. You can’t see brown bears in the taiga now. They sleep in their holes under the snow in winter. But there are lots of bears in the forest in the other seasons. Some trees in the taiga are 40 metres tall. A-z seasons: winter, ------big — bigger spring, summer, autumn the Black Sea coast all over the world Что ты знаешь о России? These are pictures of Kamchatka. It’s spring time. Kamchatka is famous for its active volcanoes. There are 29 active volcanoes there. You can see lakes with hot water not far from volcanoes. These are pictures of the Black Sea coast in summer. The Black Sea is in the south of Russia. It is famous for its beaches, holiday camps and big ports. It’s hot and sunny in summer and it’s warm in the other seasons of the year there. These are pictures of the Volga river in autumn. The Volga is very long. It is famous all over the world. You can see a lot of big ships on the river. There are 11 big cities by the side of the river. 2. Read the text. Where do you want to go? 43 6 3. Read and say true or false. 1 Australia and the USA are small countries. 2 Russia is bigger than the USA. 3 You can see brown bears in the taiga in winter. 4 In Kamchatka hot water lakes are far from volcanoes. 5 There are 11 big cities by the side of the Volga river, 4. Where do you live? Поговорите о своём родном крае, используя слова из рамки. sea, beach, rain forests, big forests, river, airport, zoo, parks, square, bus station, museum, theatre z^Where do you live?) (l live in SamaraT):^ ^Is there a sea beach in Samara? (No, but you can swim in the Volga river. 5. How many words can you find? JUNEJULYAUGUST SEPTEMBERNOVEMBEROCTOBER MAYAPRILMARCH FEBRUARY JANUARYDECEMBER 6. Сделай свой календарь: впиши названия всех месяцев, подбери или нарисуй картинки к своему календарю. My calendar winter spring summer autumn 1 1 1 1 September 2 January 2 April 2 2 3 3 3 August 3 7. Talk to your friend about seasons. Answer the questions 1 How many seasons are there in the year? 2 What’s your favourite season? 3 How many months are there in the year? 4 What’s your favourite month? U Wild animals of Russia a robin a blackbird a rabbit a squirrel a tiger a fox a bear Lots of animals and birds live in Russia. Wild rabbits, foxes and wolves live in big forests. Squirrels live in forests, too, but you can see them in many parks of different cities. There are lots of brown bears in Kamchatka and Siberia. Blackbirds and robins live by the side of rivers. You can see them in parks and in gardens, too. Some animals are rare now. The Siberian tiger is famous all over the world. It is a special kind of tiger and it lives only in Siberia. Once there were a lot of tigers there. Now there aren’t many. They are disappearing quickly. We must look after rare animals. 9. Read the text. ’jlKI Talk to yoir friend about the animals of Russia. What’s this?) z^here do ... live?) z(Who lives ... ^ Z^Show me ... , please.) (where can you see^... 10. Game: I spy with my little eye ... . Play the game with your friend. Z^I spy with my little eye something beginning with B.^ (^It’s a bear.^ 45 л 11. Выпиши из текста задания 8 названия животных в форме множественного числа. Напиши рядом то же слово в форме единственного числа и определи, на какой звук оно оканчивается. squirrels 12. Describe these animals. squirrel [1] Identity card name: platypus age: 2 from: Australia address: lakes and rivers legs: short tail: flat can: swim, dive Identity card name: tiger age: 4 from: Siberia, Russia address: taiga legs: strong tail: long can: run, climb, swim 13. Which animal is bigger? (Которое из животных больше?) An elephant is bigger than a bear. ytJ 14. Talk to your friends. Where can we see these animals? bears, wolves, elephants, foxes, monkeys, crocodiles, tigers, spiders, mice z(where do bears live?) (They live in forests.^ (\Do they live in Russia? Where can we see bears? 15.-Read Dasha's letter to Jill. • Расскажи своим одноклассникам по-английски, где была Даша. Hello Jill, I was in Sochi last summer. The city is in the south of Russia. There’s the Black Sea and there are mountains not far from the city. Many people come to Sochi for their holidays. They swim and dive in the sea and walk in beautiful parks. One of them is the Botanic Garden. There are many rare plants from different countries there. These are my photos of orchids and palms. I want to grow an orchid at home. Love, Dasha 16. Напиши своё письмо Джил, вставляя нужные формы глаголов. Можешь изменить письмо или добавить свою информацию. Dear Jill, This summer my parents and I _______ (be) in Sochi. The weather ____ (be) hot and sunny. I ______ (be) in the famous Botanic Garden in Sochi. There ________ (be) many interesting plants there. We ____ (have got) two botanic gardens in Moscow. ___ (be) there any botanic gardens in London? Write soon. 17. • A project. Расскажите о месте, где вы живёте. ---• Draw pictures and collect photos. Write about pictures. Make a poster. your © Find Joseph Alexander Kate’s uncle? (D Kate’s uncle is staying at her house. He lives in London. d) Kate’s uncle knows who Joseph Alexander is. ® Sam and Kate go to London by train and to Kew by tube. What’s wrong? Do you want some help with your homework^ ( Look, here it is in the newspaper. Q No. We want to find out who 4^ Joseph Alexander is. we go to London, Mum? In London. Look, here it is on the map. We’re here! Now we want to find the Gardens. Yes, of course! But not on your own. a I can take them to Kew Gardens. Anyway, I want to meet Joseph Alexander. He’s a very interesting man. No, we can walk. / '^^Shall we go by bus? . .1 A-Z What’s wrong? At last! newspaper Yes, of course! on your own ^^^Найти Джозефа Александера At last they find Joseph Alexander in ^ the Palm House. Excuse me, Mr Alexander. We’ve got a message for you from Professor Wallace. V _ At last! This is very important. Please come in. And call me Joe! 2. Read the text in groups. 3. How shall we go? point. (Как нам надо ехать?) Listen and С1Ш ' IttUa 4. Talk to your friend. a) Посоветуйся c другом о том, как доехать до одного из этих мест, по образцу. А: How shall we go to the beach? B: Let’s go by bike. A: Yes, it’s a good idea. / No, let’s go by bus. b) Один из вас выбирает место для путешествия, а другой предлагает способ туда добраться. А: Let’s go to the swimming pool. B: Shall we go by bus? A: Yes, it’s a good idea. / No, let’s go by bike. Ш Let’s go to... Let’s go by... Д9 7^ 5. What time does the train leave? Listen and point. ЧЧ Deparktres Time PlaHorm Leeds ‘/.4-5 Z London ЮМ 5 Bnsfd Ю.50 3 Birming/Tdno 10.S0 1 Liverpool W.18 Z Glasgow W.Z7 4- 6. Talk to your friend about the trains What time does the train to London leave?^ (A^ eight minutes past tenu):^ Z^hich platform does it leave from?^ (platform 5.^ 7. Послушай песню. Любишь ли ты свой герой этой песни? город, как г Неге in our town Here, here in our town, that’s the place where I want to be. Here in our town, here in our town, here in our town! Because there’s a great big church with a marvellous clock. And a bell that rings when it’s twelve o’clock. Here in our town, there’s a beautiful station with electric trains. гг Here in our town, there’s a nice bus shelter for when it rains. Because it’s the place where I live. And the place where I eat and have my lunch It’s the place where I sleep. Here in our town, it’s the place where I play and go to school. Here in our town, I meet my friends at the swimming pool. 8. Покажи о котором в словаре. на рисунке и перечисли, что есть в городе, поётся в песне. Незнакомые слова посмотри 9. «Listen and repeat. • С какой интонацией произносятся эти предложения? Повтори их, постепенно понижая тон голоса к концу фразы. Professor Wallace is having a few problems. Kate’s uncle is staying at her house. Sam and Kate go to London by train. They want to find the famous explorer. He lives in London. They find him in the Palm House at Kew Gardens. Какой знак стоит в конце этих предложений? Что они передают: вопрос, утверждение или отрицание? 10. Предложите друг другу куда-нибудь пойти. Выберите ответ в зависимости от того, насколько вам этого хочется. % (Let’s go to the theatre on Sunday. z(Yes, let’s. ^ (Great! library, swimming pool, botanic garden, toy shop, school, park, safari park, fair, museum, supermarket, pizza parlour, computer club, book shop © 7 11. Talk to your friend. How can we get there? (Как нам туда добраться?) о» ивии и , Let’s go to the museum. right. How can we get there? Shall we go by bus?)^ No, let*s go by car.} 12. Talk to your friend. Ask and answer questions about transport. Shall we go by Shall I go by . Let’s go by How can you go Can you go to . Ф • to , by the rain forest Siberia the USA Australia London N ewtown the Black Sea 13. What time does the train leave? Сравни объявления об отправлении поездов с расписанием и вставь названия городов в объявление диктора на вокзале. TIMETABLE platform 5 platform 7 platform 10 London 11.30 Manchester 10.28 Newtown 9.45 The train to ____ leaves at quarter to ten from platform ten. The train to ____ leaves at half past eleven from platform five. The train to ____ leaves at twenty-eight minutes past ten from platform seven. 52 14. «Поработай» диктором на вокзале: прочитай объяв ления, называя города и время прибытия поездов. The train from ... arrives at ... . 12.30 8.17 9.45 10.23 7.16 6.35 5.15 15. Write questions and answers. What do you need to do this? Выбери нужные слова и словосочетания из обоих столбиков. to grow а flower to play football to learn about computers to go to the rain forest to send a letter to take photos to climb down the cliff to design a space shuttle to make some pancakes to get to the taiga to go to the Moon a camera a spaceship a computer a frying pan a stamp a seed a ball a computer magazine a rope ladder a plane z^What do we need to grow a flower^ We need a seed to grow a flower 16. Game: Let’s do it! Imagine what you can do with your friend. Talk about it. A: Let’s grow a flower. B: OK. What do we need for it? A: We need a pot and a seed. B: Do we need some water? A: Yes, of course. B: Where can the flower grow? A: It grows in a warm, light place. B: Can we grow it in the garden? A: Yes, we can grow it in the garden spring and in summer. in 53 7 17. Read the list from Vera’s diary. Talk to your friend. What must she do? pool. Friday Go to the swimming Buy the magazine. Clean my room after school Read the poem. Saturday Do exercises. V7ater the flowers in my room. Meet grandma at the bus stop. Write a letter to Jill. Z^^Where must she go on Friday?) <^he must go to the swimming pool on Friday^)^ Z^Must she go there on Saturday?) (^No. ):;ь. What must she do on Friday?^ Ш She must read the poem. Глагол must обозначает обязанность и необходимость: We must go to school. (Мы должны ходить в школу.) Не must buy some bread. (Он должен купить хлеба.) What must she do on Friday? (Что она должна сделать в пятницу?) После must используется смысловой глагол в неопределённой форме без частицы to. У глагола must только одна форма: I / you / he / she / we / they must go to school. 18. Think about yourself. Write a list of what you must do. What must I do? 1 I must go to school. 2 ... бике? grow flower brown my send computer ladder her ball plane tall their take beautiful great two 5Д 20. Mountain climbing. Play this game with your friend. Answer the question. * Yes = ^ 2. No = <- 3 ! Follow the instructions. »/' nr It is cloudy. You can’t see. (ла^лгт Miss a turn. 45 /'уГ Are there any monkeys in the U rain forest? 33 3 7 ) Do pitcher plants eat insects? 38 Is Mr Freeman a scientist? 41 40^ Are you from 32 I31 ’ Indonesia? „„ have ^ lunch. ViewpofNT I Look at the view. Miss a turn. 2q Was Joseph Alexander in the Palm(22 House? 21 Climb to 29. Miss a turn. 26 241251 23 Q 18Г17 Do Kate and Sam live in London? 16 (15 ПГ' You want to pick a flower.^ о back to 9. 13 14 here is your compass? Go back to the base camp. 7, Can the professor use her computer? (Ю 9i Has the 12 professor got food and water? Climb 4 to number 18. )) f r Does Kate’s uncle want to meet >j^Joseph Alexander? ^ Are there any ... ? Has/have ... got ... ? ' Does/do ... ? к 55 Capital city 1. • Рассмотри фотографии. О каких местах в Лондоне тебе уже приходилось слышать? • Listen and look. London is the capital of England. The buildings in the picture are the Houses of Parliament. The big clock is called Big Ben. The Houses of Parliament are next to the river Thames. You can visit the Tower of London. It is more than 900 years old. 1. You can feed the pigeons near Nelson’s Column in the middle of Trafalgar Square. There are fountains in the square, too. You can look at the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London, but you can’t touch them. The Beefeaters guard the Crown Jewels. Рсг Beefeater — лейб-гвардеец дворцовой стражи Тауэра ^ the Crown Jewels — королевские сокровища pigeon — голубь square fountain guard 56 _ -L Столичный город North West 2. Read the text. East South 3. Найди на карте и прочитай тельностей Лондона, о которых названия достопримеча говорится в тексте. Pipcadilly.^ __Xircus 4 - ^ . Cj-v Buckingham * ♦ National Gallery Л Palace . Jrafalgar Square 1 St Paul’s Cifthai№l-^, 'tower of London St James’s Palace Westminster Abbey .Houses of Parliament Tower g Bridge 4. Talk to your friend about the places on the map. Ш<С an you find Trafalgar Square? Yes, here it is. It’s to the north of the Houses of Parliament. 5. Расскажи по-русски, что тебе стало известно о Лондоне. 6. What do the signs mean? Посмотри на английские дорожные знаки. Прочитай в рамке их значения. Stop. Turn right. Turn left. Don’t go in here. Don’t park your car here. 7. Ask your friend about the signs. Z^What does this sign mean?) (^Turn right. ^ 57 8 8. • Как спросить, в каком направлении идти? • Listen to some directions. Follow them on the map. N 5laficn (*Ьга museui deparfry^f 0) I L T) o. posi office police 5+afion тшиишишь Л/1агке1 5free+ car Svvimmi River Road cafe rk school you are here Cinema museum department store hospital Excuse me, ... That’s all right. о 9. Listen to the conversation and practise with your friend A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the police station, please? B: Yes, of course. Go down Park Street and turn right. Go down River Road. Then turn left. Go down North Road. The police station’s on the right. A: Thank you. B: That’s all right. Turn right ^_____ ^ Turn left^ 10. How do you get to these places on the map? Ask for and give directions with your friend. the school, cinema, post, office, museum, hospital 58 11. Our town. Read the two descriptions of the town on page 58 and say which is the right one. (Прочитай два описания города, план которого есть на с. 58, и скажи, какое из них верное.) Thi5 i5 our lown. There is a big square aalled Markeb Scjfjare in ihe middle of ibe -fown. There are some shops and a library on bhe north side of Markei Square and ihere’s a big departmenb shore on hhe wesf 5ide. The school is ho hhe souhh oh ihe river, opposite hhe car park. This i5 our fown. If has goh a bus shahion and a hrain ^ shahion. There’s a hospihal near hhe park. The park is J ho hhe souhh oh hhe hospihal. The big sqpiare in hhe , middle oh hhe fown is called Markef 5q^uare. The police shahion is on hhe eash side of hhe sqpiare. , □□ aa Turn left / right. It is on the left / on the right. It’s on the left (right) side of «. / on the south (north) side of ... It is in the middle of ... It is opposite ... 12. Talk to your friend about the town. Z^What’s in the middle of Market Square?j fountain/)==^ Where’s the car park?^ ( Opposite the school 13. Найди в текстах слова по транскрипции. ['midl], [’npazit], [i:st], [west], [sau0], [шэ], [пэ;0], [said] 59 8 14. Listen and look. What is the capital of Russia? Moscow is the capital of Russia. The Kremlin is the centre of the city. The Kremlin is next to the Moskva River. You can visit different churches and museums in the Kremlin. You can look at the Russian Crown Jewels in the Kremlin Museum. 3 The building in the picture is St. Basil’s Cathedral. This cathedral is next to the Kremlin. It is more than 450 years old. 6 60 You can walk in the Aleksandrovsky Garden near the Kremlin. This square is called Red Square. You can see Spasskaya Tower with the big clock. This clock plays music every hour. There’s a big department store on the west side of Red Square and there is the Museum of History on the south side of the square. 15. Read the text. Talk to your friend about the photos. 16. Fill in the gaps. Use the words and expressions from the box. The Kremlin is ... the Moskva River. There is the Museum of History ... Red Square. St. Basil’s Cathedral is ... the Kremlin. There is a department store ... Red Square. There are museums ... the Kremlin. Aleksandrovsky Garden is ... the Kremlin. next to ... on the west side of on the south side of in ... near ... 17. Talk to your friend about the capital of Russia. Z^What is the centre of Moscow?} (The Kremlin. Z^Are there any museums in the Kremlin? department store _ X Ш ^ Varvarka Street St. Basil’s Cathedral ^\^Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge? 3) Ri ver I 18. Talk to your friend about the places on the map. z(^ Can you find the Kremlin? } Yes, here it is. It’s to the north of the Moskva River. 'V> j: 62 Review 2 1. spell the words. ['5лтэ], ['D:t9rn], [sprio], [’winta] 2. Write the answers. How many seasons are there? How many months are there in the year? Which month is before January? Which month is after July? What’s your favourite month? What day is it today? What day was it yesterday? Where were you at twelve o’clock on Sunday? 3. Look at the map of London (p. 57). Найди и исправь предложения, в которых есть ошибки. Trafalgar Square is to the north of the Houses of Parliament. Nelson’s Column is in the middle of Piccadilly Circus. The Tower of London is next to St Paul’s Cathedral. The National Gallery is in Trafalgar Square. 4. Составь предложения с этими словами. The capital/Russia/to be/Moscow/of. The Kremlin/to be/the centre/the city/of. The Kremlin/to be/next to/the Moskva river. 5. Game: What is it? Look at one of the pictures and describe what you see. Your friend guesses. colour, tail, ears, legs, eat, like, can, can’t It’s got ... . It eats ... . This animal likes ., It can ... . This animal can’t ... . Повторение 2 6. сравни животных на рисунке. Which animal is bigger? Which is taller? 7. Talk to your friend. Where do you live? Is there a shop near your school? Where can you post a letter? How many shops are there near your house? Where can you go swimming? What can visitors do in your town/city/village? 8. Какие из этих существительных можно использовать с неопределённым артиклем, а какие — нет? Вспомни почему. butter, egg, flour, salt, apple, milk, sugar, orange 9. Listen and read the poem. Can you answer the questions? As I am going to the city of Groyce As I am going to the city of Groyce, I meet a man with seven boys. Each boy has seven sacks. Each sack has seven cats. Each cat has seven kits: f»^ Kits, cats, sacks and boys. How many are going to Groyce? kit (kitI — котёнок 10. Можешь придумать свои рифмы? 63 Off we go! 1. • Рассмотри рисунки. Что приготовлено для экспедиции? • Listen and look. Joseph Alexander is going to help Professor Wallace. Kate and Sam are going to travel with him. Wow! What are these? We’re going to fly over the rain forest and then we’re going to climb up some high cliffs. А-г Don’t worry. microlight plane — сверхлёгкий самолёт erupt — извергаться, взрываться Едем! It’s volcanic ash. *Krakatoa’s erupting! — Кракатау, активный вулкан в Индонезии. 2. Read the text in groups. 3. What do they need? Look at the equipment to the conversation. Point to the things they to take. Equipment and listen are going Sd-felv helmei wdler boHle olimbi ng rope 4. What do they need? Look at the equipment again. Listen to Sam and Kate’s questions. 65 9 V... Ответь на вопросы, используя рисунок на с. 65. Where are they going to sleep? What are they going to eat? What are they going to wear on their heads? What are they going to use to climb up the cliffs? How are they going to see in the dark? 5. Hobbies. What are they going to take? Read and match. bird-watching This is Tina. She’s twelve. Her hobby is skiing. She’s going to go skiing in Austria This is Paul. He’s thirteen. His hobby is making films He and his friends are going to make a film in Brazil. This is Kamala. She’s eleven. Her hobby is bird-watching. She’s going to look for eagles in Canada. What do they need? Talk to your friend. ^ Why does Tina need a pair of skis7 (^Because she’s going to go skiing in Austria. ^ 6. Найди слова по транскрипции. Можешь догадаться об их значении? 66 I'rAksaek], [bi'nnkjubz], ['suitkeisj, ['ski: ,bu:tsl binoculars, rucksack, ski boots, suitcase 7. Listen to the song. What do we need when we go on a journey? (Что нам нужно, когда мы отправляемся в путешествие?) Whenever you go on a journey Whenever you go on a journey To Morocco or maybe to Spain, A map shows you where you’re going And a timetable tells you the time. The time of your train. So that’s why I’m waiting at the station With my timetable and my map. And I’m happy ’Cause I know where I’m going. And I know when I’m coming back. Whenever you go on a journey To Brazil or maybe to Bahrain, A map shows you where you’re going And a timetable tells you the time. The time of your plane. So that’s why I’m waiting at the airport With my timetable and my map. And I’m happy ’Cause I know where I’m going. And I know when I’m coming back. Yes, I know when I’m coming back. whenever you go on a Journey ■ отправляешься в путешествие ’cause = because — потому что maybe — возможно всяким раз, когда ты 8. Найди в тексте названия стран. Знаешь ли ты что- нибудь о них? 9. Объясни на русском языке, для чего путешествен нику нужны карта и расписание транспорта. 67 9 10. • Listen and read. • Ha какой слог падает ударение в этих словах? forest equipment Indonesia journey safety because matches binoculars whenever 11. Read the letter. Fill in the gaps. Use the words from the box. in, to, with, on From: [email protected] ! Dear Nikita, —У Sam and Kate are going to help Professor Wallace. They are going _____ Indonesia ____ Joseph Alexander. Indonesia is __ the tropics. There is a rain forest ____ rare plants. There are high cliffs and volcanoes _______ Indonesia, too. My parents and I are going _____ holiday ___ Italy. Italy isn’t __ the tropics but there is a volcano there, too. The volcano is called Vesuvius and it is _____ the city of Pompeii. Where are you going _____ your holidays? Where were you _______ October? Was your father ________ Kamchatka in winter? Write soon. Bye, Ben can Бен собирается на каникулы в Помпеи. What do you know about this ancient town? What you say about Italy? 68 Pompeii (pnm'peii] Vesuvius [vi'suivias] Rome [raum] Italy [’itali] 13. Му holiday. Imagine you are going on holiday. What do you need? Make a list and talk to your friend about it. I need a camera. ( Why? 14. Ask your friend. Write his/her answers. z(what do you need?) (l need a sun hat.^ '^Why do you need it^ (because Гт going to the beach Ш Nina needs a sun beach. hat because she’s going to the I am you are he/she is going going going we are going you are going they are going 15. Вспомни, как записываются краткие формы глагола to be: I’m ... 16. Talk to your friend. What is he going to do today? Ask your own questions. z(what are you going to do after this lesson^ I’m going to have lunch. Where are you going to go after school?^ (I’m going to go for a walk. What time are you going to go home? ^ (^At two o’clock^ What are you going to do at four o’clock?^ (^I’m going to watch 69 9 *:> 17. Talk to your friend about his/her winter holiday plans. Ц ^Where are you going on holiday this winter?^ 1^1 ^What do you need/)^ need skis and a warm scarf.' 18. Джил записала инструкцию своего учителя перед поездкой в лагерь активного отдыха. Прочитай текст про себя, вставляя необходимые союзы. and, but, because I need warm clothes, a jumper warm socks it’s going to be cold at night. I must take a sleeping bag __ we are going to sleep in tents. I need my own cup, plate, fork ____ spoon ____ we’re going to cook our food. I need a camera _____ bird-watching. binoculars we are going to go a map I must take some good walking shoes _____ are going to go for lots of long walks in the woods. we !!«>• Какой союз тебе не понадобился? @ 19. Read and match. Где чей список? warm clothes, a sleeping bag, a cup, a plate, a knife, a fork, a spoon, a tent 1 binoculars, a bird book, a camera a tent, safety helmets, a radio, a lamp, a torch, matches, first aid kit, a climbing rope 2 a swimming suit, a towel a fishing rod, a sun hat, a water bottle a warm jumper, warm socks, a jacket, skis, ski boots Sam, Kate: We’re going to live in the rain forest and climb up some high cliffs. W’e need ... J. Alexander: I’m going to go fishing. 1 need ... Maxim: I'm going to go skiing in the mountains with my dad. I need ... Vera: I'm going to a swimming pool. I need ... Dasha: I'm going to go bird'watching in our park. I need ... Jill: I’m going on an adventure holiday. I need ... I 20. Write your list. What do you need for these lessons? English Science a student's book a map a pen a notebook Art \\ ' 21. A project. Make a poster Whenever you go on a journey. Изобразите на постере вещи, необходимые для долгого путешествия. Подпишите рисунки по-английски. Англо-русский словарь Обрати вииманмс па сокращения: мн. ч. — множественное число наст. вр. — настоящее время прош. вр. — прошедшее время ср. спи — сравнительная степень см. — смотри * Так помечены слова из дополнительных материалов. Аа about (pbaul) о; око/ю асгобв 1э1сп)$| через action Г£ск/п| действие artiN'e I'sktiv] активный (-ал, -ое. -ые) actor ]'яс1(1д) актер adventure (odVciUfai 1. приключение 2. приключенческий ( ая, -ое, -не) Africa I'sfnks] Африка African Isfnkonl африквж'кий (•ая, -ос, -не) afternoon |,а:Пэ'пи.п| день (время суток, между полуднем и вечером) air 1со| воздух ail |х1| весь, вся. всё, все all over the world во всем М1!ре also ('а1ьао| тоже, также America [д'тепкэ| Америка American (э'тспкэп) 1. американский (-ая, -ое, -ио); 2. американец, американка anyway (cniwcil все равно, в любом случае anywhere |'cniwc9| где-Л1тбо appear |э'р>э| появляться April (cipnll апрель Ai^entina |д<^зл1|:пз) Аргситиш Arg^entinian (A'<^n'tniun) 1. арген-TirHCKidt (ая, -ое, -ие); 2. apieHTHHcu, аргентинка arrive (э'пну) приезжать, прибывать art (fatlcry (,al ga;lon) художе стаенная галерея artibt {‘«.liM) художник *ash [юЛ пепел Asia i'ei/э] Азия ask (o::dc) спрашивать ^assietant (э'ьып1| помощник UHtronaul I'a^Mrsn.Ttl астронавт at (sei/91) на; в August ro:gavt| август Australia {D'sticilis] Австралия Australian |D'streilion| 1. австралийский (-ая, -ое, itc): 2. австралиец, австра.тийка *Aualria Гпмпз) Австрия antumn I'.Tism] осень away от ВЬ Ьаск^ |bsk| cnmui back^ jbxli] назад backwards Chckwsd/] задом наперёд bad плохой ( ая, -ое, -ие) baker (betka) булочник baseball [beisho:)] бейсбол bath [Ьав] ванна be Ibbbil, наст. вр. am. {я, are. прош. вр. was. were быть, являться; находиться beach |ЫдГ) пляж beak |Ы:к| клюа bear (Ьеэ) медведь beautiful {tijatfll красивый (-ая. -ое, -ые) because jbi'koz) потому что become (Ы^лт), прош. вр. became становиться Beefeater лсйб-гвардеец (охрана лондонского Тауэра) *Ье11 |Ьс1] колокап bench (beni/) скамейка big [btg) большой (-ая, -ое, -ие) bigger |Ь>9э| ср. cm. больше bike fbmkl велосилсл. мотоцякл (ра.и'оворное c.toeo) binoculars (ЫппЦюЬ/) бтю1сть bird-ift-atching 1Ъгс{,\У1И|1о| на6.ак>дение па птицами на природе blackbird |Ъl;£kb'J:d| лроад *boil |b?ii) варить, кипятить boot (bict| богёнок bottle I'hotll 6>‘тылка Brazil {bn'zii) Бразилия breakfaat |'ЬпекГж(| завтрак building Cbildinl злакие Cc call [к.т1| называть, звать it ia called называется camera I'iucmroi фотоаппарат* кинокамера campaitc (Icsmpsatt} палаточный лагерь сал^ |'кхп/кзп| мочь» уметь сап^ I'ksn] банка *candle |1uendl| свеча canopy t1i£n::>pi| полог тропического леса (образованный из кроны самых высоких деревьев) сапу I’kanl нести *catch [кам)| ловить cathedral |кз'в|^гЫ| собор *саиае |koz| см. because centimetre |'scnti,mi:ia) сантиметр centre ('$сшз) центр chef Uef] повар chemUi (Iccm»]) аптекарь Chinese |^|ai'mj'| 1. китайский (-ая. -oo* -ио): 2. китаец* китаянка ^church И/з:!)] церковь cinema |4inim9) кинотеатр city |4iti] город (крупный) cliff jkhn утес climb jklaiml карабкаться* лезть climb down слезать climb up пол>1Нматъся *climber ('klaundj альпинист cloud {'kiaudi облако cloudy I'kiaodij 1. об.<1ачвый* (■ая. oe. ыс); 2. облачно coast |кэ1Ы} побережье cold (kauid) 1. хачолный* ( ам* ое* ыс): 2. холодно *compass 1'клтрэь) компас contact I'konUckt) спязмват1*ся, выхолить на связь conventation |,konvd'sci/n| беседа* раэп>вор cook jkuk) готовить correct Ikn'rckt) правильный ( ая* •ое* -ые) cow |кли] корова criminal jlinmin)] преступник crocodile (krokodml) крокодил crons |kros) пересекать * crown |кгзип| корона Dd dance |dan>i) 1. тинцевать: 2. ганец длгк [dckl 1. темный (-ая, -ое, ыс): 2. темнота dead |ded) 1) мертвый (-ая, -оо. -ые): 2) опввишй (-ие) (о листьях) December Idi'scmbs] декабрь delicious вк^хный ( ая, -оо, -ые) deliver idi*liv3| доставлять department store (dipatmom '$1зс| унивсрса.1ышм магазин ^departure [dipati.-») отъезд describe (di'skraibl опмсыаать description [di'sknpfn] описание design IdiVainj конструировать desk (desk) парта detective Idi'lckliv | 1. сыщик, детектив; 2. детективный (-ая, -ое, -ые) diary l‘dai9ri| дневник did (did| см. do dinner l‘din.T| обед direction (di'rckfsn) напраатсыие disappear (.disopis) исче.звтъ dive |daiv| нырять, погружаться под воду do |du/du), наст. вр. do. does, лрош. вр. did 1) делать, выпат-ият'ь; 2) вспомогательный глагол doctor I'doktnl доктор down Idaun) вниз go down... иднтг вниз по... draw (dm;) рисовать dried food |,dnud Tu:d| c>iueuue продукты dry |drat| I. сухой ( ая, -ое, -ие); 2. сушить Ее еая1 |Lm| 1. восток: 2. восточный (■ая» -ое, *ые) e«t [h|, прош. вр. ate |ctt| есть, питаться electric |Г!ек1пк| электрический ( ая, -ое. мс) elephant |'е1|Г:чП| слон ^engine |cnc^n] мотор engineer I.erK^'nta) инжтор ^enormous (inoun^) громшишй* огромный ( ая. ое. *ыг) ^equipment |i'kwipiTi»nt| снаряжение, нещи для акспеднцни Чгир( |Гглр1) иэвер11ггъся (о в>'лканс) Europe I'juarspl Европа European [judralponl свропсйгкнА (-ая, -ое, -ие) evening li.vniQl вечер схоияе |ib'lgu;/| извинять, 1тзви-няться ехсике те иавмиитг ... explore (|к:>р1э:| исследовать explorer |1кЧрЬ:гэ| исслеловотель Ff fact (fxktl факт, событие factory |Тгк1п| завод fair (fC3j ярмарка fall |Гэс1| падать false (Го;Ы 1. неверный ( ая. -ое, ые); 2. неверно famous (feimasl известный ( ая. -ое. -ые) far ]fa| далеко fast (rocsil 1. быстрый ( ая, ос, -ые); 2. быстро (а) few IQu:) несколько find Ifiundl нахоли*гь find out выяснять, обнаруживать nrst-aid kit (.f'irsf'eid ktt| В1тте*|ка первой помощи flat |Па;1| плоский (оя. -ое, -ио) floor (Лэ;| 1) пел; 2) нижний ярус леса, земля follow |’(Ыэп| преследовать foot |ful|, мн. ч. feet |fit) нога, ноги forest ITofibl) лес fountain (TmmtinI фг>нтаи fox (foksl .тиса friendly ITrcndlii дружественный ( ая, -ое, ые) frog I frog) лягушки fruit Ifru.l| I) плод(ы): 2) фрукт(ы) frying pan I'fraiin ,рн;п) сковорода для жарки fun (Г^п) веселье funny I’lXni) 1. смешной (-ая. -ое, -ые): 2. смешно Gg gang Igeeol банда garden I'gadn) сад botanic garden fba.tsenik 'geedn) ботанический сад get IqcI), Прош. op. gol получать; иметь *gianl Cdpuani) огромный ( ая, ос. -uc) *giggle I'gigll хихикать give (giv). прош. op. gave давать glasses |'gla:.siz) очки go (дэи| идти *grand (gnendl грандиозный ( ая. •ос. -ые) grey Igrci) серый (-ая. -ое. -ые) ground Igraimd) почва, .земля group Igrup) группа grow Igrou) расти guard (gad| 1. oxpuiuism: 2. охранять guess (gcb) догадываться, угадывать llh had )h;cd| см. have happen I'fucpn) етучаться have |ha:v/h3v), наст. op. have, has. прош. op. had |hsd/h>J| иметь heavy |'he\i| тяжёлый (-ая, -ое. -ые) height (hatl) высота, рост help (help) помогать here )hi3| зд1ч:ь hero I’horou) персонаж, герой high jlut] высокий ( ая, -ое, -ие) hole Ihsirl) I) нора; 2) пещера holiday |'ho)idct| 1) выходной день; 2) каникулы homework {’hxjmw3:k| домашнее лядвине hope |houp) надеяться hospital |'hi»q:>i(l| больница hot I hot I 1) жаркий (*ая, -oe« -HO); 2) острый ( ая. ос, ыс) (о ВК>'ГС) hotel Ihoi/lcll гостиница, отель hurt |hi:t| ранить П idea {at'dio] мысль, идея identity card (ardcnliti ,kad| удо стоверенме личности imagine t>tnec'тешестш1е Кк kangaroo |,ksngp‘ru:| кенгуру Kew Gardens |,кдс 'uadn7| Кью Гардена (ботанический сад а Лондоио) keyboard |'ki:b.Td| клавиатура *kill [kill убивать kind^ jkaind) вид, разновидность: kind^ |kaind| добрый ( ля. -ос. -ыс) knife [пжП нож U laboratory (tphoralnl лаборатория ladder I'lccds] лестница lake jlcik) (viopo land jhcndl земля, суша lust |ioM| прошлый (месяц, гол) At last! Наконец! late licit] 1. поздний ( яя, -ее, -яг): 2. поздно laugh llnf) смеяться leader I'hdo] 1) лидер; 2) главарь leaf |Id} мн. ч, leaves jlL^z] лист, листья leam |h:n) 1) узнавать; 2) учить, выучивать left |1сЛ| левый ( ая, -по, -ыс) lemon I’lcman) лимон length jlcoO] длина library I'laibronj библиотека life jacket I'litif .jarkii] спасательный жилет light jlauj 1) лёгкий ( оя. ое, -ие) (о весе): 2) гветлый ( ая, -ое, -ые) Illy ['lihj лилия ^liquid 1. жпдкость; 2. жидкий ( ая. -ое, не) long ago (Idq 3'qpu) давно lonely |'1a\Ii) замечательный, •осх11Тмтелы1ЫЙ ( ая, ое, ые) luggage I'lAgub) багаж Mm make jmcik] делать, изготавливать Malaysia (тэ'кгшэ) Ма.танзия map [imcpl карта March |то:(Л март ^marvellous j'mavdlos) великолепный (-ПЯ. -ое, -ые) matclH jmst/l спичка match^ jnucdl находить соответствие May jmcij май *тауЪе I'mcibil может быть mean |mtn) оэыачшь medicine (’medsn) лстсарство meet {rntt], лрош. вр. met ветре мать member I'membo) член (гр^тты) текна^с j'mcsicbl сообщение *metal Гте11| 1. металл; 2. металлический ( ал, -ое, -нс) metre I’mirla) метр *microlight plane I'maikTsulaii plcm) свсрх.псгкнй самолет middle I'midl) середина *moment |'тмлпэл!| момент monkey |'тлок|| обельяна month |тлпв| месяц more (тл | больше ^mosaic |mMV7CiikJ мозаика mountain ('maum>n| гора move (mu\| 1) двигаться; 2) переезжать muaeum jmju.-'/iioml My.ieft Nn nationality l^acj'^nasltij i) гражданство; 2) иацкональность need [ni:d| нуждаться в чем-либо never I'nevol никогда newspaper |’п)и:чрс1рэ| газета next (nck.4) глед)'ющяй (-ая. -ее. •ис) (лень, месяц, год) next to рядом с nice |пак| хороший (*ая. -се, -не). аамематсльыый ( оя. ос, ые) night |na>t| ночь nobody 1 naotxxli) никто noiae {n.Ti/j шум north |na^| 1. север: 2. северный (-ПЯ, -oe. -ые) November (псиЧетЬэ) ноябрь Оо October |ок'|зиЬэ| октябрь of course [,9V 'Icu^l конечно office I'otis] офис old |мтк1) старый ( ая. -oe, -ые) on (пл/лп! на on your own caMoc'ixurrenbuo once (wAHv) когда-то only I'aunbl только opfH>fiUe |'Dp97i(] напротив ^orangutan [o;ra;ou:'U'c^) орангутан orchid i'o;ludj орх1тдся over через, над *own |эип| владеть Pp page {рс|ф| страница palm jpam) пальма pancake Гра:пке|к) блин parent 1'рс9глп1| родитель park |ро:к| парковать (машину) pariiarocnl |'ра1лт9П|) парламент parrot Грхп>1| попугай pasaenger |'Р<емпф9] пассажир pant |pa;st) 1. прошлое; 2. прошлый (-ая. -ое, -ые), прошедший (-ая, ее, не) ^pelican I'pelikan) пеликан *plgeon ('(мфп) голубь pilot rpoildtj пилот pizza parlour Cpitb9 jxvIp) пиццерия plane (piemi самолёт plant iplanlj pacTCUHc pitcher |,ptt/9| plant плотоядное растение plate Iptcit) -гарелкя ^platform I'pbelfrxm) платформа platypUB |'plsetip3v| утконос Poland I’poubnd] Польша police |poli>| 1. полиция; 2. полицейский ( ая, -oe, -не) policeman |рэ1|лтзп| иолицошкии Poliah ('рзпйП 1. польский ( ая, ое, ие); 2, иатяк, псьтька porcupine CpTkjupain] дикобраз post о№се |'рзиы рГц) почта pot |рпс) горшок present I'prcTiul 1. настоящее; 2. настоящий ( оя, -ее, -не), нынептий professor (ргэТс&э) профессор proud (praixl) юрдый (-ая, -ое, ые) Оч quickly I'kwikli) быстро quiet j'kwaiM) спокойный (-ая, -ое, -ые) Rr rabbit I'raebill крапик rain foreat I'rctn Tonvil тропнч<>* СКНЙ, лождеаой лес rare |ггэ| редким ( ая, -ое. -не) red |rrd] 1) красный (-ая, *ое. ые); 2) рыжий ( ая, *сс, *ие): repeat |n'pil) повторять right (nut| 1) правый: 2) npa-вильиый ( ал, -ое, ые) ring fnol звонить river I'nvo] река road |пня1| дорога rc^in I'robinl малиновка rock (л)к| скала, горная порода горе (г»ф] 1. верёвка; 2. верёвочный ( ая, *ое, -ме) rucksack ('глк>фк| рюкзак rule |ш:|| прави.*ю run |глп| бе1'ать Ss *sack |s£ck| мешок safari park (oTccn 'рак) сафари-парк salt [salt] соль save (viv) спасать scientist rsaiantist) ученый screen |ькп.п| экран search {sirtTI !• псквть; обыскивать; 2. поиск season |'м2Л| время года seed (si'dj семечко send (!>cnd| посылать September {sep'lcmbdl се1гтябрь shelter Htclto) 1. навес, укрытие; 2. укрыться shine [Jain| светить ship Ijtp) корабль *shower душ sick (ык| больной (-ая, -ое, -ые) side |uid] сторона sign |sain| знак silty I'Mli) глупый ( ая. -ое, -ые) ski (ski:) 1. jmm. ч. skis лыжи; 2. кататься на лыжах sleep |^ф) спап. small |.чтэ:1| маленький ( ая. -ое, ие) snake (sncik) змея so (.sou) так sound (saund) звук south |шиО) 1. юг; 2. южный ( пя. -ое, -ые ) *space )spc>s| пространство space shuttle (Чрек JaiI) космический корабль многораэовага нспа'1Ьзования Spain |spcm| Нспаиия spine (фаш) игла, шип spring (фпп1 вег|ш square (skwea) 1) площадь; 2) квадрат squirrel I'vkwirol] белка stamp (ittaMTip) марка station jStciJn) 1) станция; 2) остановка stay I MCI I оставаться stone {staon) камень stop i$4Dp| останавлн8ать(ся) strong |stn»o| сильный ( ая, ое, -ые), крепкий (-ая. -ое, -ие) study I'stAdi) учиться sugar ITuga) сахар suitcase I'itUlkci^i чемодан summer |’мтэ) легго sun hat I'vsn .ha:C| папама, шляпа от сщшца sunflower (Члл,Лаш{ подсолнух sweet iswiij 1. конфета; 2. сладкий (-ПЯ, -ое, -ие) swim js-wim) n.iaB8Tb Tt tadpole I'ntdpx)!] головастик taiga Ciaup) тайга tail (ret)] XBOCT take Ilcik] брать, взять take away забтп;>вгь lake photos фото1рафнропать talk ftotkj говорить, разговаривать tall (t3:i) высокий (-ая, -ое, нс) taller I'lab) cp. cm. выше taxi ItiCkMl такси tell |le!| рассказывать tent |icnt| иалатка than jdeeiVd^n) чем thick (Oik] 1) толстый; 2) густой ( ая, -ое. -ыс) thin (01п) тонкий (-ая, -ое, -иг) thing (0ц)| вещь, предмет thirsty I'&i:su) испытывающий жажду through lOncI череи ticket [11)1111 бнлет tiger [1ацр| тигр timetable |'i.Mm,icit4| распнсашк* tired |’Ы1.-ч]| )тталый ( ая. -ое, ые) today (t.vdci) сегодня top |top| псршимп, верх>'тш:а torch |(з:1Л фонарь touch |1л(Л лотрагмвйгься towel (1вш1| полотенце town |(1кт| город (Ш'большоА) toy It.-xj i. игрушка: 2. игрушечный ('Вя« ос, *ые) travel I'traevll 1. путршегтяпе; 2. путешесгвовать traveller |1пс>1э] пуггешестпенник tropical |1n>pi)(i| тропический (-ая, ч)е. -ис) trunk (trAi)k| 1) хобот (слоив); 2) ствол (дерева) truth |lruO| праплп tell the truth говорить правду tube {t)u:bj метро (английское налваннс) turn (li:n) повернуть, свернуть turn right.'left повернуть иапра во/налево Uu uncle Глок!) дядя understand |And94lamd| ппнимдп. up |лр| вверх; на use lJuu:) использовать Vv vet fvet] вет^инар video shop (4k1i9u Jop) магалнн видеофильмоп view Ivju) вид, паысфама vilUge i'vilubl деровмя visit |Vtzit| 1. посещать: 2. визит, посещение volcano jvol'kcinouj вулкан Ww wait |wci(I ждать w’arm {w.Tmi тёплый was iwD/y^id/) CM. be watch (wDtЛ смотреть, наблюдать water ['W3^d| t. вода; 2. водяной ( ая. *oe, -ые); 3. поливать weather [ЧъсОз) погода were |wi:| см. be west (west) 1. запад: 2. западный (-ВЯ, -ое, -ые) wet сырой, влажный, мок- рый ( ая. -ое. -ые) what [woi] что; какой whenever (wen'eV3| когда бы ни; всякий раз, когда which [wiin какой (-оя, -ос. -не); который (-ал. ое. -ые) who [hu/hu) кто whole |hdui] весь why (wnij почему wild I'waildl дикий ( ая. -ос. -не) winter rwmis} 1. зима; 2. зимний (-ЯЯ. -ее, -ие) without (wid'aijtl без wolf (wulf) мн. ч. wolves (\st)!v/| волк, волки wonderful I'wAndaflj чудесный, прекрасным ( ая, ое, ые) work |w3:k| 1. работать; 2. работа world |wT:kl| мир worry ('WAnj волноваться wrong |п>о| 1. неправильно. ПС так; 2. 11С11ровнл1.иыЙ ( ая, -ое, -ые) Yy year У«з[ год yesterday rjcMsdi] вчера htlp/ 'Www.Forward.ru/Moft ноутбук Правила чтения согласных звуков ✓ 1Ш chocolate, each ch^Lf] machine, chef ^ [k] school, chemist ph [f] phone, alphabet wr [r| write, wrong sh Lf] she, shirt tch [У1 watch, match qu [kwj queen, quick ■ng [oJ morning, long -ng- [\yg\ language, jungle th;^(01 thing, both ^ (d) they, weather о |h) who, whose + a, y, i, e (w| what, white ^ + e, i, у [s] city, face, bicycle ^ + a, 0, u [k] can, cock, cup nk [okj pink of [av/ov] kn- “ [nj know -mn — Im] autumn Aa Bb Cc Dd Ее Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk LI Mm lbi:l Isi:] [di:] Icfl lcbi:J IcitJl Idscii Ikcil [clI 1cm) Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz |cn| lpi:| |kju:| lo:| IcsJ lti:J lvi:| CdAblJu:) Icks) Izcd] http:/ 'www.Forward.ru.' Мой ноутбук. Правила чтения гласных закрытый слог открытый слог а |а;| cat [eij name [ш] саг [eo| fair [D.i ball е 1е] ten [i:l evening |з:| her [1э] here i 1>] big [aij five [з:] girl [aio) fire У (1| gymnast [ai] my • 0 to] clock [3Uj rose [э:| horse [a] more I book [u], boot lu:)l U [а] mum Liu:] music [з:| surf |au] house lai. ay [ei] rain, day ее. еа |й| green, tea loe [эи| toe ui [u:] fruit еу [ei) they oy 1Э|] toy Аа Bb Cc Dd Ее Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk LI Mm [CI] m [ai] Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz [эи] Uu:| [waij