Английский язык 6 класс Рабочая тетрадь Вербицкая Гаярделли

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 6 класс Рабочая тетрадь Вербицкая Гаярделли - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Forward (Форвард):

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Алгоритм успеха Рабочая тетрадь для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций Под редакцией доктора филологических наук, профессора М.В. Вербицкой Москва I Издательский I центр «Вентана-Граф» Pearson Education Limited 2016 ББК 81.2(Англ)я72 А64 Авторы: доктор филол. наук, профессор М.В. Вербицкая, М. Гаярделли, П. Редли, О.С. Миндрул Английский язык : 6 класс : рабочая тетрадь для уча-А64 щихся общеобразовательных организаций / [М.В. Вербицкая, М. Гаярделли, П. Редли и др.] ; под ред. М.В. Вербицкой. — М. : Вентана-Граф : Pearson Education Limited, 2016. — 136 с. : ил. — (Forward). ISBN 978-5-360-06376-6 Рабочая тетрадь входит в состав учебно-методического комплекта «Forward» для 6 класса и дополняет учебник системой заданий, обеспечивающих комплексное развитие умений и навыков в аудировании, говорении, чтении и письме. В тетрадь включены тесты для самооценки с ответами. В комплекте с учебным пособием предлагается компакт-диск с аудиоприложением. Задания на аудирование отмечены специальным знаком. УМК «Forward» для 6 класса входит в систему учебно-методических комплектов «Алгоритм успеха». Соответствует федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту основного общего образования (2010 г.). ББК 81.2(Англ)я72 Учебное издание Вербицкая Мария Валерьевна Гаярделли Мариза Редли Пол Миндрул Ольга Сергеевна Английский язык 6 класс Рабочая тетрадь для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций Редактор Е.Ю. Туйцына. Внешнее оформление С.А, Подкорытовой. Художественный редактор А.В. Ельцева Художники Margherita Habe, Stefano Tartarotti, Paolo Zaniboni, А.И. Крысов, М.Ю. Зарецкий, И.В. Павлова, Д.В. Мокший, ВЛ. Смирнов. Компьютерная вёрстка Е.Ю. Бобылевой Технический редактор ЕЛ. Урвачева. Корректоры Е.В. П.чеханова, Ю.С. Борисенко Благодарим за предоставленное разрешение на воспроизведение охраняемых авторским правом фотографий и репродукций: «Фотобанк Лори» (Никита Буйда, Sergey Nivens, Надежда Болотина), ФГУП Информационное телеграфное агентство России «ИТАР-ТАСС» (с. 39: Алексей Маресьев; с. 91 (верхний ряд, 2-я слева)\ Юрий Гагарин и Валентина Терешкова; с. 91 (верхний ряд, 3-я слева)\ Уинстон Черчилль; с. 91 ('верхний ряд. 4-я слева)\ Лев Яшин; с. 105 (третий ряд. 1-я справа): кадр из анимационного фильма «Флинтстоуны» — The Flintstones / [создатели Уильям Ханна, Джозеф Барбера]. — США : Hanna-Barbera Productions; с. 116: обложка пластинки «Outlandos d’Amour* группы The Police / Великобритания : А&М) В учебнике использованы фотографии и репродукции: с. 49 (вверху): Ю. Сустерманс (1597-1681). Портрет Галилео Галилея. 1636; с. 49 (в середине): Г. Кнеллер (1648-1723). Портрет Исаака Ньютона. 1689; с. 49 (внизу): неизвестный художник. Портрет Николая Коперника. 1580; с. 89 (слева): Леонардо да Винчи. Автопортрет. 1512-1515; с. 89 (справа): П.Ф. Соколов (1787-1848). Портрет А.С. Пушкина. 1836; с. 91 (верхний ряд, Гя слева): Б.М. Кустодиев (1878-1927). Портрет Ф.И. Шаляпина. 1922; с. 91 (нижний ряд, 1-я слева): R.M. Васнецов (1848-1926). Автопортрет. 1873; с. 91 (нижний ряд, 2-я слева): неизвестный художник. Портрет М.В. Ломоносова. Вторая половина XVIII века; с. 91 (нижнийряд, 3-я слева): В.А. Серов (1865-1911). Портрет М.Н. Ермоловой. 1905; с. 91 (нижний ряд, 4-я слева): П.Е. Заболотский (1803-1866). М.Ю. Лермонтов в ментике лейб-гвардии Гусарского полка. 1837. Подписано в печать 11.09.15. Формат 60x90/8. Гарнитура PragmaticaC. Печать офсетная Бумага офсетная № 1. Печ. л. 17,0. Тираж 15 000 экз. Заказ № 3138/15. ООО Издательский центр «Вентана-Граф». 127422, Москва, ул. Тимирязевская, д. 1, стр. 3 Тел./факс: (499) 641-55-29, (495) 234-07-53. E-mail: info(^gf.ru, https://www.vgf.ru Отпечатано в соответствии с предоставленными материалами в ООО «ИПК Парето-Принт», 170546, Тверская область. Калининский р-н, Бурашевское сельское поселение, промышленная зона Боровлёво-1, комплекс № 3 «А», www.pareto-print.ru behIRha 1]>Аф ISBN 978-5-360-06376-6 © Издательский центр «Вентана-Граф», 2014 © Pearson Education Limited, 2014 Contents Unit 1 Greetings and introductions........................................ 4 Unit 2 Daily routines.................................................... 11 Unit 3 Family members.................................................... 18 Unit 4 Favourite things.................................................. 26 Unit 5 Talking about abilities........................................... 35 Unit 6 Animal life....................................................... 41 Unit 7 A postcard from another country................................... 47 Unit 8 Holidays and travelling........................................... 54 Unit 9 Eating traditions and customs..................................... 59 Unit 10 School subjects.................................................. 66 Unit 11 Homes and houses................................................. 73 Unit 12 Shopping......................................................... 81 Unit 13 Famous people.................................................... 89 Unit 14 The world of computers........................................... 98 Unit 15 TV watching..................................................... 105 Unit 16 The world of music.............................................. 113 Consolidation........................................................... 122 Test 1.................................................................. 126 Test 2.................................................................. 128 Test3................................................................... 130 Test 4.................................................................. 133 Keys ................................................................... 135 Greetings and introductions Vocabulary И Fill in the gaps with the question words What, Where or How. Write your answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .’s your name? _ old are you? are you from? .’s your phone number? .’s your friend’s name? . is your friend now?__ .’s David from?________ did you do last month? I 2 I Read the text in Exercise 1, page 4 (Student’s Book, Part 1), again. Complete the crossword with the English equivalents of the following Russian words. Clues down значок экскурсия Clues across 2 достопримечательность 4 анкета-заявление о приёме (на работу, на курсы) 5 конечно (разг.) 6 подросток О Write the English equivalents of the following Russian phrases. 7 Экскурсия закончена.___________________________________________ 8 Заполни анкету-заявление. [Ц Robert comes from a large family. Do you want to know how many brothers and sisters he has got? Cross (Л) all the names beginning with F. Then cross all the names that start and end with the same letter. Cross all the names that end with the letter R. Diana □ Frank Q Philip Q Ivor П Peter □ Ada □ Tom □ Bryan □ Steve О Lily □ Bob □ Elaine Ц Oscar О Fanny □ David □ Oliver □ Victor Q Eugene О Agatha Q Trevor □ Q So, how many brothers and sisters has Robert got? What are their names? Write answer. а ■ч 'Г'® Write out the names of London tourist attractions with the same vowel from Exercise 2, page 5 (Student’s Book, Part 1). /е/ Big__Beg,________________________________________________________________ /аи/ Houses of______Parliament,______________________________________________ /Ж/ National_______G~aller-^,. Writing and speaking a Fill in the form about yourself or about any of the Forward characters. Write for further details to: s. THg RAP The RAP, Bristol Building, Bath Road, Bristol, Avon BN4 7JY ' E-mail address: [email protected] ' ~ Application form 1 Surname, name 2 Age, birthday 3 Address 4 Phone number, e-mail 5 Hobbies 6 Description of family 7 Pets 8 Want to write about (send a sample of your writing) a Imagine now that you have come to The RAP and Pat interviews you. Write your answers and get ready for the interview, both to ask and answer questions. Role-play the conversation with your friend. Pat: Hello. Pleased to meet you. I’m Pat Dawkins. You:__________________________________________________________ Pat: What’s your surname? You:__________________________________________________________ Pat: Can you spell that, please? You:__________________________________________________________ Pat: How old are you? You:___________________ (1) (2) (3) (4) Pat: Where are you from? You:_________________ Pat: Where do you live? You:_________________ Pat: Have you got any brothers or sisters? You:_____________________________________ Pat: Have you got any pets? You:________________________ Pat: What sort of music do you like? You:_____________________________ (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Pat: What do you do in your free time? You:_________________________________ Pat: What do you usually do on Saturday? You:__________________________________ Pat: Can you use a computer? You:______________________ Pat: Can you write interesting articles for The RAP? You:__________________________________________________ (10) (11) (12) (13) Pat: Well, thanks for answering my questions. Г11 phone you soon about the job. Listening and speaking 0 [®T01 ] Look at the pictures in Exercise 9, page 8 (Student’s Book, Part 1), and listen to four short conversations. Which of them are formal and which are informal? Are the speakers friends and colleagues or is it their first meeting? Complete the table. Dialogue 1 2 3 4 Formal / Informal First meeting / Friends 0 Explain the difference between Goodbye and Bye, Hello and Hi. What can you say in English in a situation when in Russian you say ‘Здравствуйте’? or when in Russian you say ‘Добрый день’? 0 Complete the sentences with correct greetings. 1 In the morning, we can say_________________________ 2 In the afternopn, we can say 3 In the evening, we can say__ or or or © 10 How do you reply to these phrases? Tick (/) the correct answer. 1 Nice to meet you. a) Nice, thanks. О b) I, too. Q c) Nice to meet you, too. П 2 How do you do? a) How are you? Ц b) How do you do? Ц c) Fine, thanks. О 3 How are you? a) How are you? П b) Fine, thanks. And you? П c) How do you do? EH 0 Read the dialogues. Fill in the gaps with the words formal or informal. Get ready to take part in conversations like these. 1 In situations: 2 In situations: 12 — Good morning, Ms Smith. — Good morning, Mrs Grey. How are you? — I’m fine, thank you. And you? — I’m fine, thank you. Glad to see you! — Glad to see you, too! Look at the pictures and role-play the conversations with your friend — Morning, Pat! — Morning, Nevita! How’re you? — Fine, thanks. You? — Fine, thanks. ш 13 15 Listening and writing t® T02 j Write out the words from the box with the same vowel. Then listen to the pronunciation of these words and check. six I fifteen his nineteen five nice sixteen is nine I /ai/ nlne> his /1/ Ls^ m Listen and repeat. 1141 I® Т03 j Listen to the rap and fill in the gaps. _______________I Гт Clive and I’m__________________ His name’s Rick and he’s Rick! Clive! CED Listen, repeat and sing the rap. Vocabulary and grammar Fill in the gaps in these short answers with the right forms of the verb to be. Write two questions and answer them. 1 — Is your mother from Britain? 2 — Are you and your friend both at school? 3 — Are Rachel and Trevor from London? 4 — Are you Italian? 5 — Is Trevor’s surname Lang? 6 — Are you and your friend from Russia? 7 — Are you 13 years old? 8 — Am I late? 9 — Is Scoop a cat? 10 — Are you Forward fans? 11 —______________________________________ 12 —______________________________________ — No, she Lsn*t — Yes, we_______ — No, they — No, I____ — Yes, it — Yes, we — Yes, I _ — Yes, you — No, he___ — Yes, we 17 16 Give short answers to these questions. Write two questions and answer them. 1 — Is your phone number 237-34-97? - 2 — Are Rachel and Trevor from Bristol? - 3 — Are you Russian? - 4 — Is David from London? - 5 — Are Dasha and Vera from Russia? - 6 — Are they from Rostov? - 7 — Are you and your friend teenagers? - 8 — Is Tretyakov Gallery in London? - 9 — Is Buckingham Palace in London? - 10—__________________________________ 11 —________________________________ Read ‘Mind the trap!’. Then write about yourself. Three things you can do very well. I__can___pLa^__the___guitar____verg well. No, it___lSlT--t Yes, __________ Yes, __________ No, ___________ Yes, __________ No, ___________ Yes, __________ No, ___________ Yes, __________ Three things you can do quite well. Three things you can’t do. Mind the trap! Check the meaning and pronunciation of these words, quite /'kwait/ adv more or less, to some degree. It was quite good, but there are better ones. \ He can ski quite well, but he is not a professional. quiet /'kwaiot/ adj 1 with little noise, not loud: quiet music; a quiet voice; 2 calm; at rest; without (unwanted) activity: a quiet life; a quiet village. \ The sea looks quieter now. Writing 18 Complete the dialogue with the phrases from the box. (1) How do you do. Professor? (2) Professor Lewis, this is our guest from Russia. (3) How do you do, Mr Smirnov? Mr Smith: Mr Smirnov, I’d like to introduce you to Professor Lewis. Mr Smirnov: Professor Lewis: 19 Summerskill Adventure Holidays Camp needs instructors for summer months. Fill in the application form and get ready for the interview. SUMMERSKILL ADVENTURE HOLIDAYS CAMP Application form for temporary employment Name: Surname: Age:----- Nationality: Address: _ Phone number, e-mail: your photo Skills (What can you do? For example: Can you play tennis? Write a few sentences describing the things you can do.): Daily routines I Listening and | Д|а1апд И [® тб4 1 Listen to the text again and fill in the table. Then complete the table with information from the texts about Russia and England on page 14 (Student’s Book, Part 1). Talk to your friend about school routines in these countries. start school have lunch finish school school on Saturday Australia at school don’t qo Greece Russia England ^Vocabulary (E Read the text on page 14 (Student’s Book, Part 1) again and find the answer to the question: What is Rachel doing? Tick (/) the correct word to answer this question. Look this word up in a dictionary. □ Mind the trap! □ Choose the right verb! Say: □ do/carry out/conduct a survey quiz survey О Read ‘Mind the trap!’ and complete the sentences. Rachel is____________a______________on schools for The RAP. Dasha from Russia and Dimitri from Greece took part in the _ I Writing [E You have received a letter from Trevor who writes: DQUSLi jexomsiL take a. test La,, .1 ..don’t think 'btiT:, лфеп Lt .yOL „obaut Write a paragraph, answering Trevor’s question. Exercise 5 on page 15 (Student’s Book, Part 1) can help you. [ Vocabulary and grammar a Fill in the gaps with one of these question words; Whose, Where, What, Who. 1 — How 2 —____ 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 — 7 — 8 — - old are you? - book is this? ,’s your name? - photos are these? . are you from? -’s your phone number? -*s she? .’s he? — I’m thirteen. — It’s Robert’s. — My name’s Angela. — They’re Nevita’s. — I’m from Edinburgh. — It’s 250150. — She’s my sister. — He’s Robert. a Fill in the missing letters in the words in horizontal lines. In the vertical line you will find Robert’s favourite day of the week. О Write the days of the week in the right order. 1 SLindai 2 _______! 3 ______ 4 ______ 5 ______ 6 ______ 7________ (U Here is the timetable of the Express that travels from London to Athens through France and Italy. Study the timetable and write the time for departure from these cities. LONDON — PARIS — TRIESTE — ATHENS Arrival Departure Meals Wednesday London — 08:00 Breakfast Calais 11:00 12:30 Lunch Paris 21:10 — Dinner Thursday A day in Paris A day in Paris A day in Paris Friday Paris — 08:40 Breakfast Milan 16:00 16:15 Tea Trieste 20:05 20:25 Dinner Saturday Athens 18:45 — — London: eight__o*cLock__on__Wed.nesd.ag Calais:__________________________________ Paris: _ Milan:. Trieste: a Write Yes/No questions and Wih-questions for these sentences. A В C D E I get up at half past seven. She goes to school at ten to eight. They have lunch at school at half past twelve. I have breakfast at half past seven. We start school at nine o’clock. F You finish school at half past three. Yes/No questions W/i-questions 1 Do 1 get up at seven o’clock? What time do 1 get up? 2 3 4 5 6 0 Fill in the gaps with the right form of the verb: do, does, don’t, doesn’t. What time He______ 1 2 3 What time 4 They_____ We______ Aa. you get up? finish school at half past three. He finishes school at four o’clock. ________Trevor go home? start school at nine o’clock. They start at ten to nine. 5 6 What time 7 What time 8 Rachel___ have lunch at school. We have lunch at home. _______Mark and Helen go to bed? _______you start school? watch TV in the evenings. Writing and speaking 0 Write questions using the words given. Then write answers that are true for you. 1 What time/you/get up/every day? УУКа!:______~tirT\e_do___^OU___ge~b__Up everij___daij.P I__get up at seven o*clock.________________________________ 2 What time/your friend/have breakfast?___________________________________ 3 What time/they/start school/the USA?____________________________________ 4 What time/we/have lunch/our school?_____________________________________ 5 What time/you/finish school?____________________________________________ 10 6 What time/your friends/watch TV? 7 What time/you/go/bed?____________ Rachel is doing a school survey for The RAR Complete the dialogue and get ready to ask your friends the same questions. Rachel: Richard: I get up at eight o’clock. Rachel: _________________________ Richard: I have breakfast at a quarter past eight. Rachel: ________________________________________ Richard: I go to school at half past eight. Rachel: ________________________________ -?(1) -?(2) -?(3) _?(4) Richard: I start school at nine o’clock. Rachel: ______________________________ Richard: I finish school at half past three. Rachel: ________________________________ Richard: My sister? She gets up at a quarter past eight. Rachel: _______________________________________________ Richard: She has breakfast at half past eight. Rachel: ____________________________________ ,?(8) Richard: She goes to school at a quarter to nine. Rachel: _______________________________________ _?(9) Richard: She finishes school at half past three, too. 0 What do you think about Hogwarts? Write four sentences about it and be ready for the discussion in class. 1 I think__________________________________________________________________________ 2 I don’t think____________________________________________________________________ 3 Hike_____________________________________________________________________________ 12 13 4 I don’t like Grammar Fill in the gaps with prepositions from the box. In some gaps you don’t need a preposition. from at to on What time do you go What time do you finish In England they go_______ I’m_________Bristol. school? — I go ____school? — school half past seven. half past one. school Saturday. I finish school five o’clock. 6 What time do you go_______home? — 7 What’s the time? — It’s______ 8 The match is_______two o’clock one o’clock. a quarter past three. ________Sunday. Complete the sentences using too or either. 1 Trevor likes maths. Trevor doesn’t like tests. 2 Dasha lives in Moscow. 3 Vera has visited London this summer. 4 Nikita hasn’t travelled abroad before. 5 Dasha enjoyed the trip very much. 6 But Dasha didn’t like London weather. 7 Nikita wants to write for The RAP. 8 Vera hasn’t been to Bristol. I like it, ~tQQ- I don’t like tests, gl'thep Nikita lives in Moscow, Nikita has been there, _ Dasha hasn’t been abroad, Vera liked London,_______ Vera didn’t like it,_____ Vera wants to do it. Dasha hasn’t visited it. 0 Listening 14 1® тб5 j Listen to Pat and complete the table. once a week go to the cinema twice a week three times a week four times a week every day CED Listen and repeat. Reading and writing 15 Read the letter and decide who has written it. A Maxine Zinger, tennis star В Robert Lewis, musician C Terry Watson, journalist Dear friends. 16 Castle Road, Edinburgh EH 10 3BQ Scotland 14th August You probably don’t know much about me, so here’s a description of me and what I do. I’m seventeen years old and I live in Edinburgh. I don’t go to school now because my job is full time. I travel every day, especially during the competition season. I usually get up at seven o’clock and have breakfast at half past seven. I go to the gym and start training at eight o’clock. I always do warm up exercises for an hour, then I do circuit training. I stop training at about twelve o’clock then I have lunch. I don’t eat very much. I have about an hour for lunch. In the afternoon I play some practice matches with my trainer or other professional players. I usually play for about three hours. I sometimes go swimming after training — it helps me relax. I have dinner at seven o’clock, then in the evening I either watch TV or go out with friends. Sometimes we go to the cinema or to a club, but I always go to bed before half past eleven because I’m usually very tired. Write to me and tell me about one of your typical days. Love, 16 Read the letter again and fill in the table. Time 07:00 07:30 08:00-12:00 12:00-01:00 01:00-04:00 07:00 07:30-11:30 11:30 Activity 17 Write a similar letter about your day for The RAR Family members Vocabulary И Complete the crossword with the English equivalents of the following Russian words. (U Study Trevor’s family tree and complete the sentences. 3 Louise is his 4 Sarah is his Clues across 4 дед 7 мать 8 сестра 9 дядя Clues down 1 тётя 2 бабушка 3 брат 5 отец 6 двоюродный брат/сестра 6 Alison is his 9 Ken is his (D Complete these series of numerals. 1 twenty — twenty-two — twenty-four — twenty-six — •bwervb^“elgh'b thlrtg___________ 2 forty-one — forty-four — forty-seven — fifty —____________—_________ 3 twenty — thirty — forty — fifty —____________—_______________ 4 twenty-five — thirty — thirty-five — forty —____________—___________ 5 ninety-five — ninety-six — ninety-seven — ninety-eight —________— . 6 sixty-five — seventy-two — seventy-nine — eighty-six —__________— _ a Guess these numerals. 1 wttyen-wto 5 xtyis-ghiet 9 rhityt-evfi tweritg-two__________ _____________________ ______________________ 2 gytehi-rtehe 6 ghtyie-neo 10 rotyf-ruof 3 wnteyt-inne 7 ytiff-evfi 11 tnneiy-xsi 4 tffyi 8 twntey-veesn 12 tseevny-veens I Listening and speakini^ a 1® T06 j Listen to the conversation and fill in the gaps. Robert is writing an article ‘Reporters at The RAP*. Robert: Where are you from? Rachel: We’re from___________________Where are you from? Robert: I’m not from_________________ I’m from__________________ Rachel: What about Nevita? Is she Robert: No, she isn’t_____________ She is_________________ Rachel: Where’s she from? Robert: She’s from________________ .. She’s but her Mum and Dad are .. They’re from Bombay. Trevor: Where are Pat and Scoop from? Robert: They’re from_____________________ Pat: That’s right! We’re from________ Trevor: Is that a koala? Pat: No, stupid! It isn’t a koala! It’s Scoop. Scoop: Grrrrrh! C~p1 Listen and repeat. Talk to your friend about the reporters from The RAP. a Answer the questions. 1 Where is Robert from? 2 Where’s Nevita from? 3 Where are Rachel and Trevor from? 4 Where are Pat and Scoop from? C iVocabuiary a These words have more than one meaning. Read again The RAP chatroom discussion from Exercise 12, page 28 (Student’s Book, Part 1), find sentences with these words. In what meaning are they used? Tick (/) this meaning. people — 1 люди □ 2 народ □ name — 1 имя □ 2 название Ц country — 1 страна □ 2 сельская местность, деревня П Ustenirig a I® T07 j Listen and write down the time. 1 04 00 5 й 2 в 10 3 7 11 4 8 12 [ ^ Vocabulary and speakingT a Look at the pictures and write down the time. JiLS__g c^uarter_____past___thr-ee. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 \____^ 0 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Tony ^______________ (live) in a typical English family. He 2. (have) breakfast at 8 o’clock. He ^ 4 __________(like) to eat cereal and jam on toast. He also (drink) a glass of milk. He ^_________________(help) his mum with washing the dishes when he ®________________(finish) eating. He ^---------------(tidy) his bedroom. #1 Не». (enjoy) playing on his computer and skate boarding. He (have got) a pet dog called Winston. Every Saturday his family ^_____________(go) into town to the open market. His mum ________________ (buy) fruits and vegetables there. He _____________(love) his family very much. * 12 Write about Tony and his family. Prepare a talk about them. 13 Grammar Can you help Trevor’s Italian friend? Read the text and rewrite it correcting all the mistakes. Underline your corrections. My life My name be Giovanni Lodi and I’m thirteen years old. I’m of Rome and of course I’m Italy. I goes to school in Rome too. Is a good school. There are twelve classroom and there’s a swimming pool and there’s three tennis courts. There are four people in my family. Me, my sister Giulia, my father Arturo and my mother Cristina. My sister has fifteen years old, my mother’s forty and my father’s forty-two. I’ve got a dog and two cats. My dog’s name is Rover and my cat’s names are Rambo and Tiger. Rover is My life __My___name___is__G-Lovan.nL__Lod.L and____[in_thLrteen years old.. 14 15 black and white, Rambo is grey and Tiger is black and beige. In my free time I like listen to music and I can to play the guitar, too. I also like swimming and I go usually to the swimming pool three times a week. I’ve got a big bedroom. In my bedroom there’s a bed and next the bed there’s a wardrobe. There’s an armchair between the wardrobe and the desk and there’s a chair in front of the desk. There’s a computer on the desk and I uses the computer every day. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of to have or to have got. 1 Rachel has_________dinner at half past twelve. 2 I____________two cats and a dog. 3 Mark and Tony_______________lunch at school. 4 You_____________lunch at school. 5 I____________breakfast at eight o’clock. 6 We 7 She 8 Trevor dinner at half past seven, two brothers and a sister. ___some Superman comics. Fill In the gaps with the correct forms of to have or to have got. 1 (you) Do ijou have_______________breakfast at nine o’clock, Nevita? 2 (he)_____________________________lunch at school? 3 (you)______________________________any pets, Mike? 4 (Mrs Wallace)_____________________________a cat? 5 (they)_____________________________a dog? 6 (they) 7 (she)_ dinner at nine o’clock? 8 (Rachel) lunch at two o’clock? ___a computer? 16 Vocabulary and writing Can you solve this puzzle? Find the words and write them out In the right group. H E L L 0 M 0 T H E R G I N T J R u s s I A N 0 F G E R M A N E T U В 0 A L N P 0 P F P A N R D T I T L T J R T L T 0 E H S U Y H A E E I E T V E H N S E Z N M A C H E R 0 C К R Z C В N H E N A L L s A 0 H E 0 N R I I 0 E M P 0 T R 0 0 0 N N G 0 0 D M 0 R N I N G Greetings: 1 2 3 4 Family members: 1 2 3 4 5 Nationalities: 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Kinds of music: *Q Choose one of the groups and write four sentences with the words from this group. 17 Match the verbs from the first column with the nouns from the second column to make word combinations. Sometimes more than one combination is possible. Use articles and prepositions if necessary. wash room buy computer tidy dishes play cereal eat vegetables Q Make up three sentences with these word combinations. 18 Look at the pictures and describe the day in the life of the twins — Pam and Sam Smith. Can you guess the meaning of the word twins? 07.30 a.m. 09.15 a.m.^ 06.30 p.m Pam___oridi_Sam___get__up__at half past seven. Favourite things £'ig.i''‘'..‘;-;, .av.tjaass; [ Vocabulary ^<1 gramm^ И Guess the words. 1 rutmpeoc 2 vsiinoeelt 3 scmioc 4 thwac 5 sponlera otsree 6 shootp 7 ctrceeil triuga 8 nghsliE ryaoticdin Ц] Complete the sentences. 1 Whose bicycle is this? It’s Sally’s bicycle. It’s hers 2 Whose pen is this? It’s Trevor’s. It’s__________________ 3 Whose house is this? It’s Jack and Jill’s. It’s 4 Whose car is this? It’s Ann’s. It’s______________ 5 Is this pen mine or Trevor’s? It’s not Trevor’s. It’s 6 Is this Robert’s computer? Yes, it is. It’s_____ 7 Whose CD is this? It’s Nevita’s. It’s___________ 8 Whose computer is this? It’s Robert’s and mine. It’s 0 Find out whose favourite things are these. Write questions and answers. Mike г-МШМШ z%l 1 Whose cassettes_________________are the^P_________=:___Т_Ь.е.^-Г:£___ 4 5 6 a What do our favourite things tell other people about us? Look at the pictures again and get ready to speak about these people and their hobbies. Make a list of useful words and phrases. Vocabulary: The word jealous has more than one meaning. Read the conversation on page 34 (Student’s Book, Part 1) again, find sentences with this word and say in what meaning it is used. jealous adj 1 unhappy and slightly angry because someone else has something you would like, or can do something you would like to do: She was jealous of her brothers success, | Have you seen Ann*s new dress? I feel jealous. 2 angry because someone you love is giving their attention to another person: Othello was a jealous husband. \ Peter doesn’t like it when his girlfriend dances with other guys, he is jealous of Maria. \ When a new baby was born, I felt jealous of my mum. LONGMAN Wo^Wise Dictionary OM TH* «••«MTIAVftt Ш Q Think of Russian equivalents for the different meanings of to be jealous: 1________________________ 2____________________________________ Reajdinfljl^ speaking ■a Read about the situations in which people feel jealous — in one meaning or another. Tbe RAP>>ohatroom -r-' ’ ■ ^The RAP Nickname Discussion Alina I’ve known my friend for 4 years and she’s a good friend, but I always find myself getting jealous of her. I’m not very good at much and my friend is good at almost everything. Sunerman I’ve been so fortunate in my life that my family has never been jealous of my success. They have shown true love. They feel that my success is their success. Jane My brother now spends all his free time with his girlfriend, he has no time for me... I feel jealousi I’m his sister and she’s nobody! Nevita Trevor, stop being jealous of other people’s results. They’re still ahead of you. Try harder. Robert I’m so jealous of people who can fall asleep on a plane. Not me! I need a bed... Vera6 Dasha, stop being jealous of the flowers in my garden. Start working on yours! Trevor I’m sorry that people are so jealous of me... but I can’t help it, I’m so popular... Princess When people get jealous of you it’s because they find you’re very good at doing something. a Is jealousy a nice feeling? Is it good to feel jealous? Have you ever felt jealous? Can you tell your friends about it? I Vocabulary and grammar '[ 8 I Read the text ‘How to invite agreement in English’ on page 38 (Student’s Book, Part 1) and find the opposites for the following: question — positive — . preceding — rising intonation — conversational language — a Add question tags to these sentences. 1 You like sports,________________________ This is your favourite song. It isn’t Trevor’s house,____ We’ll bring our best books to the desert island. You can’t live without a computer,_________ We had a very cold summer last year in Russia, Your brother plays the guitar very well,____ 8 He doesn’t like swimming,____________________ 9 Vera usually goes skiing in December, 10 Maxim and Nikita are fond of collecting stamps. Listening' 10 [® T08 I Listen again and correct wrong words in the script of these two conversations. Dialogue 1 dau A: You go to the swimming pool every wcoli, don’t you? B: Sure! A: Does anyone coach you? B: Yes, my trainer does. He is very kind. Dialogue 2 A: Here is my puppy, Lizzy. She’s cute, isn’t she? B: Oh, yes, she’s lovely! Where did you get her? A: She was a birthday present from my parents. C Reading and speaking | [гГ| Read the text from Exercise 26 on page 42 (Student’s Book, Part 1) and answer these questions. Get ready to speak about Melissa. 1 How many hours does Melissa watch television every week? 2 What does Melissa do on Saturday mornings? 3 What does Melissa like collecting? 4 What sport does Melissa do? 5 What musical instrument does Melissa play? and grammar 112| Look at the pictures and complete the sentences, then do the crossword. Clues down 5 Jane likes 8 Liz and Derek like Clues across 2 Michael likes 3 John plays the ri at the weekends. ___in his free time. 4 Kevin likes listening to___________on his personal stereo. 6 Erica likes playing the______________ 7 Alan likes_____________books in his free time. 9 Teresa likes going 10 Jimmy likes_______ every day. the recorder. 13 Look at the pictures and complete these sentences. 1 — Whose________electric____guitar is this? — It’s Eric’s. 2 —___________________________________are these? Eric Janet Catherine — They’re Catherine’s. 3 —_______________________ — It’s Janet’s. 4 —______________ is this? are these? Hilary Roger They’re Hilary’s. Paul 5 — 6 — 7 — 8 — is this? — It’s Paul’s, are these? — They’re Roger’s, is this? — It’s Mary’s, is this? — It’s Deborah’s. Mary Deborah 14 Rewrite the sentences. Use the expressions from the box. once a week twice a week three times a week four times a week every day 1 Jill goes swimming on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. J~ill goes swimming three_______times___a__week.______________ 2 Bob listens to music on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 3 I visit my uncle and aunt on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. 4 Andy and Bob go running on Tuesday and Thursday. 5 Rachel goes to the cinema on Saturday evening. 6 I play the guitar on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. 7 My friend and I play tennis on Thursday and Sunday. 8 You play video games on Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. Vocabtilary aiid giammar ' 15 Look at the pictures. Write questions and answers. 1 John — play the guitar 2 Penny — read comics 3 James — play video games 4 Wayne — play the piano 5 Samantha — listen to music 6 Rebecca — swim 1 What does J~ohn Like doLrig Lri his spare tlmeP He Likes pLaijirig the guitar._______________________________________________ 8 16 Write sentences using these words. I/like/play/the guitar. J_Like pLaijlng___the___guitar. Nevita/often/go/swim.___________________________________ They/(not) like/use/the computer. We/never/go/run/in the evening. You/(not) like/use/the computer. _ He/(not) go/rollerblade/with John. Reading and writing 17 Read the letter. Do you agree with Nina? Hello RAP readers, You’ve asked about the hobbies of Russian teenagers. I think teenagers in Russia do much the same as kids in the UK in their spare time. They enjoy chatting and texting friends on their mobiles, hanging out with their classmates, listening to the latest music on their MP3 players. Most of them like watching movies on television or at the cinema. Girls enjoy shopping for the latest fashions. In my free time I go into town, text my mates, surf the Internet and watch TV. And I listen to music all the time. Best wishes, ^ ' Nina Krasova ‘ ■' Q What do you think about teenagers’ hobbies in Russia? Write your letter to The RAP. Hello RAP readers, I think teenagers in Russia in their spare time. They enjoy Most of them like In my free time I Best wishes. 4 18 Look at the personal information on Michaela Breeze. Imagine that she is your friend. Write a letter about your friend Michaela to The RAP. Name; Surname: Age: Town: Hobby: Maximum weight: Personality: Michaela Breeze 15 years old St Ives, Cornwall goes weightlifting 67 kilograms strong, but nice Si^aking 19 Describe one of your favourite things without naming it. Your friends will have to guess what it is. Use the words and phrases from Exercise 5, page 35 (Student’s Book, Part 1). Talking about abilities Vocabulary И Read the English sentences and match them with the Russian equivalents. Read ‘Mind the trap!’ and underline the words ability/abilities and способность/способности in the sentences. 1 Trevor has athletic ability. 2 He is a young man of great ability. 3 Ann is a student of high ability. 4 These kids have acting ability. 5 Kate has musical ability. 6 He showed his abilities as a leader. 7 Blind people have good hearing ability. Oh проявил свои лидерские качества. Энн — очень способная ученица. У этих детей есть актёрские способности. D Это молодой человек с большими способностями. Е У слепых людей хорошо развит слух. У Тревора есть способности к спорту. G У Кейт есть способности к музыке. Mind the trap! In Russian you say способности к языкам, математические способности in the plural. In English you say linguistic ability, mathematical ability in the singular. Grammar and writing 0 Write three true (Г) and one false (F) statements about your friend in English. Then read the statements to your classmates and let them guess which one is false. 1 □--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 □-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 □_______________^---------------------------------------------------------------- 4 □-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *1 3 I Read again the text on page 46 (Student’s Book, Part 1) and write about Sandra. What is she good at? Sandra Is good.________o±____singing._______________________________________________ ‘И Prepare a talk about Sandra. You may start it like this: Sandra_____usuaLLg_____gets__up at eight_________o'clock..__She____geis_____________ to srkoni ..._____________________________________________________________________________ 0 What can they do? Look at the pictures and write about the abilities of these kids. 1 Tom cart___pLoy___the___pLano.__Ые___has___muslcaL___ability. 2 David_________________________________________________________ 3 Robert 4 William 5 John __ 6 James 7 Nick_ 8 Mike _ 9 (Your friend) Listening 0 I® T65 1 Complete the dialogue with questions. Then listen to Trevor’s interview with Sandra and check. Trevor: Sandra: I usually get up at eight o’clock. And I get to school at half past eight. Trevor: What time do you get up on Saturday and Sunday? Sandra: Well, I usually have a concert on Saturday night. So on Sunday I often get up late, at about twelve o’clock. Trevor: _______________________________________________? Sandra: I often go swimming and I sometimes listen to music. Trevor: You can swim! Sandra: Yes, I can. I can swim very well. Trevor: _____________________________________________________ Sandra: I go swimming three times a week. Trevor: Can you play the guitar? Sandra: No, I can’t, but I can play the piano quite well. Trevor: Wow!________________________________________ Sandra: Yes, I’ve got a dog called Rolf, but he’s not a pet. He’s a guide dog, and he’s my best friend, too. Grammar and vocabulary 0 Look at the pictures and describe the situations in one sentence. a® 2 Chirs iz__and__G~lU__can*t___pLa^ tennis. 7 (You) Reading *0 Read again the text about Claude Monet on page 48 (Student’s Book, Part 1). Tick (/) the statements as true (T) or false (F). 1 Claude Monet was a famous artist. 2 When Claude Monet was over 60, his health got worse. Q 3 He lost his hearing ability. 4 Still, he continued his work as an actor. T F □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Writing and speaking I 9 I What time did your friend do these activities yesterday? Guess the time and write a sentence for each activity. Write questions to check your information. Ask your friend, then tick (/) the statements as true {Tj or false (F). 1 frierici (name) got up at (time) o*cLock. Your question: What______time____djLji_you___get____up___ yesterdaijp_________________________________________________ 2 _________________________________________________________ Your question:___________________________________________ 3 _________________________________________________________ Your question:___________________________________________ 4 _________________________________________________________ Your question:___________________________________________ Your question: 6 Your question: Your question: 8 T □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ F □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Your question: Gi) I Reading and writing * 10 Read again the text about Alexey Maresyev on page 48 (Student’s Book, Part 1). Write two true statements and two false statements based on the text. Mark them as true {T) or false (F). In class, read the statements to your friend and ask him/her to guess which are true and which are false. 1 □--------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 □___________________________________________________________________ 3 □___________________________________________________________________ 4 □___________________________________________________________________ Grammar and speaking 0 Match the answers with the questions about abilities. 1 Can you play the piano? ------- 2 Could she play the guitar when she was 10? 3 Could your brother ride a bike when he was 5? 4 Can Dasha speak English? 5 Can you dance? 6 Is Sandra good at singing? 7 Do you know how to use a computer? 12 13 A Not really. I have no talent in dancing. В Yes, I can, but not very well. C No, he couldn’t. He was too young. D She could play a little. E Of course! F Yes, she’s a great singer. G Yes, she speaks very well. □ Work in pairs. Role-play the dialogue using these questions. Complete the sentences with the adverbs and adverbial expressions in brackets. I go swimming, (often) J________of ~ben.___go___swimming._____________________ She reads books, (never) They play football, (sometimes) We get up at six o’clock, (usually) She goes to bed at eleven o’clock, (every day) 6 I visit my uncle on Sunday, (always)_________ 7 I go to the cinema, (once a week)____________ 8 She plays the piano, (sometimes)_______________ 9 I get up at ten o’clock on Sunday, (usually) Fill in the gaps with prepositions where necessary. Trevor usually gets up ^____________8 o’clock. weekends. 1 Saturday and Sunday he gets up . his free time Trevor does sports. late. He likes to get up late ®_ He also likes listening ®_______music. But Trevor doesn’t have much free time because he goes ®-------school and works _________The RAP. He would like to learn how to play ®______the guitar. Reading and speaking i 14 Read the questions and tick (/) the answers that are true for you. Then check your results on page 125. --.V' " The RAP ‘ ‘ SPORTS QUESTIONNAIRE 'j . fAre you good at sports? « 1 1 Can you play football? 5 Can you ride a bicycle? 1 О a) Yes, I can. Very well. О a) Yes, I can. Very well. 1 1 b) Yes, I can. But not very well. Ob) Yes, I can. But not very well. 1 1 c) No, I can’t. I don’t like football. О c) No, I can’t. I don’t like cycling. 2 Can you play tennis? 6 Can you play basketball? 1 1 a) Yes, I can. Very well. 1 1 a) Yes, I can. Very well. Q b) Yes, I can. But not very well. Ob) Yes, I can. But not very well. 1 1 c) No, I can’t. I don’t like tennis. О c) No, I can’t. I don’t like basketball. 3 Can you swim? 7 Can you play volleyball? 1 1 a) Yes, I can. Very well. 1 1 a) Yes, I can. Very well. Ob) Yes, I can. But not very well. Ob) Yes, I can. But not very well. 1 1 c) No, I can’t. I don’t like О c) No, I can’t. I don’t like volleyball. swimming. 8 Can you play table tennis? 4 Can you ski? 1 1 a) Yes, I can. Very well. 1 1 a) Yes, I can. Very well. Ob) Yes, I can. But not very well. Ob) Yes, I can. But not very well. 1 1 c) No, I can’t. I don’t like table 1 1 c) No, I can’t. I don’t like skiing. tennis. 'Q What are you good at? What are you not good at? Write four sentences. *□ Discuss the results with the whole class. How many people are good at sports in your class? Animal life [ Listening and reading Ш t® TIP ] Listen to the text and tick (/) the correct answer. Read the text on page 54 (Student’s Book, Part 1) and check your answers. 1 The RAP journalists are in a... a) pet shop. b) zoo. c) veterinary clinic. 2 The RAP journalists are doing a survey about... a) pets. b) zoos. c) flats. 3 Who has NOT got any pets? a) Sally b) John c) Michael 1^ Grammar and writing 0 Complete the sentences with correct forms of the verb to have. Have I John Michael you got a dog, Tanya? — No, I _ got a cat. _____got some tropical fish. ________got any pets. We you got any pets, Jimmy and Sally? — Yes, we ____got three snakes. 5 Jimmy and Sally got three snakes. 0 Here is a Pets Questionnaire. Fill it in (describe your real pet or a pet you would like to have). PETS QUESTIONNAIRE The RAP First name: Surname: _ Age:__________ Phone number: Pets I like:__ Pets I don’t like: My pet:_________ Name of pet: Colour:_____ Age:________ 6 Reading aiid speaking a Read the ‘Find a friend’ page and find the kids who have the same kind of pet. FIND A FRIEND The RAP My name’s Penny. I’ve got a hamster. His name’s Harry. Tel: 032 9211 Hi! I’m Richard. I haven’t got any pets but I like snakes. Tel: 02375275 My name’s John. I’ve got a dog. Her name’s Connie. Tel: 0328563 We’re Tony and Jane. We’ve got a cat. Our cat’s name is Micky. Tel: 0328560 Hello! I’m Sarah. I’ve got two mice, Alex and Zoey. Tel: 0149496 We’re Alan and Liz. We’ve got three goldfish. They’re Tony, Steve and Sam. Tel: 0625288 Hello! My name’s Eric. I’ve got a goldfish. His name’s Sid. Tel: 0985746 Hello! My name’s Martin. I’ve got a dog. Her name’s Tina. Tel: 0328536 We’re Anna and Mark. We’ve got a snake. His name’s Percy. Tel: 074464 My name’s Joe. My mouse’s name is Pinky. Tel: 04529898 Hi, I’m Linda. I’ve got a hamster. Her name’s Tabatha. Tel: 03200123 We’re Teresa and Mary. We’ve got a cat, Sarah. ' Tel: 0321188 ^ □ Fill in the table. They will make friends Pets hamster Kids Pert fry LliTcla 'G Role-play the dialogues between the kids having the same kind of pet. 6 Writing 0 Look at the picture and write the names of the animals in the plural form. 1 .ekphant.5----------------------- 0 You have received a letter from Sally who writes: riot, big but it’3...very nice. Jke,_.9Di.,JBany posters on.....the,,, waiLs. 4^^^^ animaU. WigVe ..^go,t_uau5.uaLpe^ WeVe got thr.ee,. ioY_elij, yxoblem....15.that my frlencis_____асд,„. л£ theяL.,..шl^l_Л-feY^^ VLsii..jnQ^.J*iik,.i.Q^ -------------^ Ask her three questions about her room or about her pets. I would like to ask you some questions. The first is Then, My last question is '□ Write what you think about Sally’s pets. %.Q Listening 'I 7 11<^T16 ] Listen to the conversation in Bristol Zoo once more and correct five mistakes in the script. Then listen again and check. Nevita: Look at that elephant! Isn't Rachel: Mm, he is very happy. Nevita: No, he isn’t. I don’t like zoos. Poor animals. Rachel: Come on! Let’s ask those children over there. Trevor: Hello! We’re from The RAP. Tanya: Oh yeah? The RAP! It’s fantastic! Rachel: This is a questionnaire about pets. Have you got any pets? Alison: Yes, I have. I’ve got some goldfish. And Lorna’s got a dog. Loma: Mm, yes, I have. I’ve got a black Labrador. Rachel: Have you got a dog? Tanya: No, I haven’t, but I’ve got a cat. And he’s got some goldfish. John: They’re not goldfish, they’re river fish. Trevor: Have you got any pets? Michael: No, I haven’t. I haven’t got any pets. John: No, Michael hasn’t got any pets. He lives in a flat. Jimmy! Sally! Come over here! They’ve got some very fantastic pets. Nevita: Have you got any pets? Sally: Yes, we’ve got three snakes. Nevita: You’ve got three snakes! Wow! Trevor: Yuck!.. I like snakes! ypcjibulary and grammar Can you solve these riddles? Tick {/) the correct answers. 1 People count us when they cannot sleep. Who are we? a) horses Q b) sheep Q c) pigs □ 2 My name is Rudolph and Santa Claus asks me to help him at Christmas. Who am I? a) a reindeer Q b) a sheep □ c) a cat П 3 I’m nice. I’m pink, but they also use my name to say ‘dirty’. Who am I? a) a reindeer Q b) a pig □ c) a sheep О a Write Yes/No questions for these answers. 1 — Have____ijQu___got___any___petsP 2 —___________________________________ 6 — Yes, I have. I’ve got two dogs and a cat. — No, he hasn’t. Trevor has not got any pets. — No, she hasn’t got a snake, but she’s got a hamster. — Yes, we have. We’ve got two cats. — Yes, he has. He’s got a goldfish. Its name is Bert. — No, they haven’t got a cat. They’ve got a dog. Vocabulary and writing 10 Find all the colours in the magic square and write down the words. w (B L A C K) S В H T G R E Y R R I 0 R A N G E 0 T и A V В W D W E Y E L L 0 W N P I N К U Y Z В X G R E E N A C 0 Find out about the colours of these flags and colour them correctly. Get ready to describe these flags to the class. Russia The UK ★ ♦ A. IT /Ar A..A.^ " .A. *rfrZ*l*l*^* 'tr 'ir ’ir It it * * * * * * The USA The Republic of Ireland Italy India *0 Find some information about the history of any of these flags and be ready to tell the class about it. Look at the pictures of people on page 58 (Student’s Book, Part 1), choose one of them and describe his/her age, height, build, hair, face and eyes. It’s a __________________________________________________________________________________________ Reading and speaking 13 Work in groups. Read the first paragraph of the article ‘The British and their pets’ on page 60 (Student’s Book, Part 1) and complete the diagram. Get ready to say a few words about it paying special attention to the pronunciation of numerals. You can use the Internet to update the information from the article. 25 20 I- 15 10 5 0 lA mLrt 5 rabbits ’0 Find out the facts about the most popular pets in Russia. Compare the results of your research. Discuss with the whole class. и А postcard from another country Reading and writing И Read the dialogue from Exercise 1, page 62 (Student’s Book, Part 1), again and complete the sentences. 1 ____________’s writing an article for The RAP. 2 ________________________are working in The RAP office. 3 Rachel and Robert are_________________Nevita. 4 At the moment_________________’s listening to the new Deep River CD. 5 It’s______________in Bristol. 6 It’s sunny and warm in________________at the moment. Grammar 0 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 I___________________to music at the moment, (listen) I never__________________to music when I get up. (listen) 2 We our homework at the moment, (do) ______our homework in the evening, (do) We always____________ It_______________in Irkutsk now. (snow) It usually_____________in Irkutsk in January, (snow) It’s seven o’clock now and Pat_____________a bath, (have) She sometimes Robert_______ He___________ a bath at seven o’clock, (have) breakfast now. (have) ___________breakfast at eight o’clock every day. (have) 6 Robert and Nevita often____________in The RAP office on Saturday, (work) It’s Saturday morning now and they_____________there, (work) a Fill in the gaps with the Present Simple or Present Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 I always —WO,~bch______The Simpsons on TV on Wednesday evening, (watch) It’s Wednesday evening and I_____________The Simpsons now. (watch) I usually_____________breakfast at eight o’clock, (have) It’s eight o’clock and I My sister often_________ breakfast now. (have) the newspaper on Sunday morning, (read) 6 It’s Sunday morning and my sister the newspaper, (read) lunch now. (have) lunch at one o’clock, (have) 7 It’s one o’clock and we 8 We always______________ И Complete the sentences with a, an, the or no article. 1 The first places one wants to see in______Europe are Paris. London or of British Isles include the islands of_ England,_____Scotland,_____Wales, _UK. Great Britain and Ireland. Northern Ireland are parts ______Ireland is______country small in size but rich in history and culture. ______capital of______Russian Federation is______Moscow. I’m spending the week in_______Rome, but I’m going to_______Sicily next week. ______Chicago is situated in_____USA, and________Dublin is situated in______ a Republic of Ireland. Correct the prepositions where necessary, on 1 My birthday is ш July the fourteenth. 2 Let’s go in the cinema. 3 The party’s at Tuesday. 4 The train arrives on two o’clock. 5 My birthday is at the fourteenth of July. 6 He was born at 1989. 7 We don’t go in school on Saturday. 8 My mother’s birthday is on July. Listening and vocabulary [ 6 I Complete the table (see Student’s Book, Part 1, page 64, Exercise 6). Then tell your friend about one of the kids without giving the name and let your friend guess the name. Name City Country Age Sister’s/ brother’s name Sister’s/ brother’s age Patrick Donovan Dublin Eire Sophie Mackenzie Edinburgh ScotLand, UK Daniel Davis Cardiff Wales^ LIK Tamsln Haines London England, LLK 0 и ИЮ Write the numerals. Then listen, repeat and check your answers. __ 21st twentij.-flrst_______ __ 22nd twenty-______________ 21 twen-hj-ong 22 tw&ntij-___ 23 twenty- 24 twent^- 25 twenty- 26 “Six 27 twenty-seven 28 twenty-eight 29 -nine 30 thirty 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 23rd twenty; 24th Reading and writing 0 Read the text about Galileo Galilei and fill in the gaps with personal information. *□ Read the personal information about other famous scientists and write similar texts. Get ready to speak about these great people in class. Name:______ Surname: _ Profession: Country:___ Born:______ Famous for: Died:_____ Name: Isaac Surname: Newton Profession: mathematician, astronomer,______________ philosopher Country: England Born: 1642________ Famous for: work on gravity Died: 1727_________________ Name: Nicolaus Surname: Copernicus Profession: astronomer Country: Poland_________ Born: 1473______________ Famous for: work on the solar system Died: 1543___________ Galileo Galilei was an astronomer and a mathematician. He was______ bom in Pisa. Italy, in 1564, He__ taught students as. a university_ professor. He was famous for his work on gravity. He died in______ 1642.____________________________ I Listening and speaking 0 Listen to Patrick, Daniel, Sophie and Tamsin (see Student’s Book, Part 1, page 66, Exercise 9) and complete the fact files about their countries and cities. FACT FILE Y Wales, UK 1) Capital- Cardiff ^ FACT FILE Ireland Capital: National Day Si". Davld*5; Dau National Day: St Patrick’s Dau Data: \J Date: .cjymhni- daffodil. Symbol: Tniiriaf attrar.tinn- Co.rdlff Co.S+:Lflj Toijri.st attraction: Slnqr.r of -hke World \J rompp.-hl-hlori FACT FILE ^ Scotland, UK X Capital' ^ FACT FILE England, UK Capital: National Day St: Aadrew\s Dau National Day: St G~eQrqe*s Dau ^ kJ Datp- \J kJ Date: .Symhoh Symbol: Tourist attraction- Tourist attraction: the Tower^ Bucklaqham Palace j 10 i®Ti2 I Listen to the girls speaking about the weather in their countries. Answer the question: What are the names of the girls and where do they live? Fill in the table. Then listen to the text again and check. Name Country Winter Spring Summer Autumn M hot, surnry L Grammar and voclab I Ш’Й' I 0 Look at the picture and write questions and answers about the weather in these cities. 1 (Pfllfirmn) What*5_________the____weather Like In Palermo__________________tociaijP ___ItLs___sLiriri^___and.____hot.________ 2 (Rome) 3 (Milan) 4 (Venice) 5 (Florence) sunny (Qp raining ^ cloudy (Q) snowing Milan 5 °C Venice 7 °C Florence 30 °C Rome 20 °C Genoa 9 °C Palermo 32 °C 6 (Genoa) 7 (Your city/town/village) 12 Write short answers to these questions. 1 Is London the capital of England? — УeSj It Is 2 Does the Queen of England live in Edinburgh? —__ 3 Is Glasgow in England? —______________ 4 Do English people like to speak about the weather? — ____________________ 5 Is Northern Ireland a part of the UK? — 6 Were Oscar Wilde and Bernard Shaw writers? —_________________________ Reading and speiaking 13 Project idea. In groups, discuss the idea of a photo essay or a poster about the UK and Russia. You can use the facts from the Student’s Book or find the information you want to add in a library or on the Internet. Discuss how to work together. nd vocabulary 14 Do you like these British holidays and pastimes? Look at the pictures and guess the names of months. о J~ ariuar^ A. J. D_ M. □ I® Ti3 I Write the names of months in order. Then listen, repeat and check your answers. 1 J~anuar^__________________________ 7 ____________________________ 2 _______________________________ 8 _________________________________ 3 ___________________________________ 9 ____________________________ 4 __________________________________ 10 _____________________________ 5 __________________________________ 11 ____________________________ 6 _______________________________ 12 ________________________________ 15 Yik and Yak are two creatures from the planet Yok. They enjoy visiting our planet. They can change their appearance and look like Earth people. Read the story, look at the pictures and get ready to retell the story. Read about Yik and Yak’s grandparents. THE adventures 0 F VI к (g YAK Their grandmother Zug was a famous singer. Their grandfather Zeg was a famous politician. He was born in 1275 YY*. Zeg and Zug are very old now When people from Yok are very old, they often go to Earth for a holiday... Listening И 1® T14 ] Listen to the conversation without looking at the text. Then answer the questions: Where was Pat when she phoned Trevor and Robert? Why was she tired? □ Listen again and tick (/) the right answer. 1 b) watched TV. I I Last night Trevor... a) phoned Pat. Q c) went to the zoo. О Pat arrived in London at about... a) 8 o’clock at night. Ц b) 12 o’clock at night. Q c) dinner time. Ц Pat didn’t have dinner because... a) she was tired. Q b) she was not hungry. П c) she didn’t have any money with her. I I Vocabulary and grammar 0 Find Russian equivalents of these English sentences. 0 1 Did you enjoy it? — Yes, I did. It ^ was great! 2 I didn’t have any money with me. 3 I had a meal on the plane. 4 What time did you get up this morning? 5 How are you? — I’m OK... a bit tired. 6 Never mind! You can have a good sleep tonight. Look at the picture and think of the questions you could ask these people and the answers they could give. Write these questions and answers. A Как ты? — Нормально... немного устала. В Я поела в самолёте. С Ничего! Сегодня ночью выспишься. D Во сколько ты сегодня встала? Е Тебе понравилось? — Да, было здорово! F У меня не было с собой денег. Eric Alice Tom Liz Carol Billy 8’ 1 Where were ^Qu_______a±___three__Q*clock_^esterdaij__afternoon, ErlcP — I was at______a__football__match._________________________ 6 Grammar 0 Complete the sentences with the Present Simple Passive forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 She 15____LnvLteci___to a party, (invite) ________you______________to Rachel’s dinner? (invite) What__________they__________? (call) Male kangaroos___________ _______‘boomers’, (call) Irish English all over the Eire? (speak) ___all over the country, (speak) Duckbills as pets, (keep) 8 What Australian animals as pets? (keep) 0 Complete the sentences with the Past Simple forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 Alistair lef ~b_________(leave) the swimming pool at half past eight. 2 I (go) to a party on Saturday night. 3 My brother__________(get) up at six o’clock this morning. 4 We___________(have) lunch in a restaurant near Windsor. 5 Emily _________(be) at home when I phoned. 6 She__________(go) to New York for her summer holiday last year. 7 There__________(be) a party at school last week. 8 Jack and Denzil_________(leave) my house at two o’clock. 0 Rewrite the sentences using the Past Simple forms of the verbs. 1 Trevor gets up at half past seven. Trevor got up at_ _half past seven. Nevita and Rachel go to The RAP on Saturday.___________________________________ Robert finishes school at half past three._____________________________________ They leave home at eight o’clock in the morning. She watches TV when she gets home.__________ 6 My mum has breakfast in the kitchen.______ 7 They arrive in London on Tuesday morning. 8 Sarah goes to her guitar lesson after school. Ш" ■ 8 Ш' Reading I 0 Study the map. Read the list of city objects and tick (/) those that you can find on the map. SMALLTOWN railway station О bus station I I shopping centre О leisure centre I I library I I cinema Q Through Roads park I I restaurant Q College of Art I I Information Q , f'" о (D Read the statements and mark them as true (T) or false (F). 1 The library is in St Ives Road. [T| 2 The College of Art is in St Luke’s Road. О 3 The cinema is near the bus station. Q 4 The leisure centre is in St Cloud Wav. I I 5 The bus station is opposite the library. Ц 6 Grenfell Park is opposite the health centre. I I Listening a [®T15 I Listen to the questions and answers and fill in the gaps. 1 Q: What time did you arrive? 2 Q: What time did you get up? 3 Q: What time did she arrive? 4 Q: What time did she get up? 5 Q: What time did they arrive? 6 Q: What time did they get up? Л: I arrived in London at about eight o’clock Last______night. Л: I got up at half past_________ Л: She arrived at_______ Л: She got up at________ Л: They arrived_________ o’clock. seven. Л: They got up at o’clock. Writing 10 Read the information in the table and complete Julia’s letter. Name Surname Age City Country Brothers/ S isters (name, age) Julia O’Malley 15 Belfast Northern Ireland Patrick, 6 Jason, 10 Rob, 12 Charlotte, 14 Belfast 10/12/2013 Hello dear RAP readers, My name’s Julia O’Malley. I live in Belfast, the capital of ____________________________________________My family’s very big. I’ve got Jason is brothers and one sister. Patrick is six years old, __years old, and_______________________is twelve years old. My -, Charlotte, is fourteen and I’m Best wishes, Julia 8 Grammar! 0 Read ‘Mind the trap!’ and fill in the gaps with prepositions at, to, on where necessary. I arrived ^______Moscow ^________last night ^_______plane. I got off the plane and got ______the train ^_______the airport. It took me ®______the centre of the city. I arrived ^______home ®________8 o’clock. My family was ®_________home. They were watching a new comedy _________TV. Funny — I watched the same film “____________the plane. Mind the trap! You say go home, go back home, get home, arrive home with no preposition. You say be at home, stay at home with the preposition at. Vocabulary and writing 12 Look at the pictures and write answers to the questions. © Where were you this morning? 1 2 3 4 5 Where was Andrew last Saturday afternoon? 6 Where were you yesterday morning?__________ Where was Alice yesterday evening?_____________ Where were Mandy and Mike yesterday evening? Where were you on Sunday afternoon?____________ Eating traditions and customs Listening and speaking И t®Ti6 I Listen to the conversation without looking at the text. Then answer the question: Why do the friends want to go to the supermarket? □ Listen again and make a list of the ingredients Nevita needs for the chicken curry, then tick (/) those which she has. chicken Chicken curry 0 --------- □ _________ □ □ 0 t®Ti7 ] Listen to Nevita discussing the shopping list for Saturday and write the ingredients for the chicken curry and the dessert in the order you hear them. Ingredients Quantity Ingredients Quantity □ □ □ □ □ 6 7 8 9 □ □ □ □ □ Listen again, tick (/) the things Nevita has got and cross (/) the things she hasn’t got. Q Then listen again and write the quantity of each item you have ticked. Vocabulary and grahfimar:i 0 Write questions for these answers using How much ... ? or How many... ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 (bread) How______much_____bread, have we gotP (rice)__________________________________________________? (steak)_________________________________________________? (tea)___________________________________________________? (apples)________________________________________________? (packets of crisps) 7 (sugar) 8 (fruit) _ We haven’t got much. We’ve got a lot of rice. We’ve got four pieces. We haven’t got much. We’ve got 5 apples. We’ve got three packets. We haven’t got much. We’ve got three banemas and two oranges. и Do you remember these words? Do the crossword and check yourself. Clues across Clues down 1 Щ 5 10 11 13 15 17 Complete the sentences with any or some. Questions Are there Is there _ onions? Have we got bread? ____salt? Would you like. cake? Are there_____ Is there_______rice? Have we got___ oranges? milk? Would you like_______ juice? Would you like______cake? Would you like_____apples? Have we got_________sugar? Affirmative There are__________onions. There is_________bread. We’ve got__________salt. I’d rather have_________ biscuits. There are__________oranges. There is_________rice. We’ve got milk. I’d rather have__________ tea. I’d rather have_____bread. I’d rather have_____bananas. We’ve got___________sugar. Negative There aren’t There isn’t _ onions. ______ bread. We haven’t got___________salt. She hasn’t got__________ biscuits. There aren’t_______oranges. There isn’t rice. We haven’t got We haven’t got milk. tea. I haven’t got______bread. I haven’t got______bananas. We haven’t got_______sugar. 9 а Do you remember Billy Silly? Yesterday he went shopping. Now look at what Billy bought and fill in the table. Countable nouns carrotsj_______________________________ Uncountable nouns Speaking 0 Work in pairs. Write mini-dialogues offering some food and expressing preferences. Get ready to perform these dialogues in class. 1 tea? — no/coffee Would, ^ou like a cup of tea?_________________________________ ___No, thanks. lid rather have a cup of coffee.__________________________________ 2 cake? — no/biscuits 3 crisps? — yes 4 apple? — yes 5 chicken? — no/fish 6 salad? — yes 7 banana? — no/orange 8 ice-cream? — no/cake л*’ ^ Grammar and speakihig а Look at the picture and read the words. Describe what you can see on the table. 1 (lettuce) There*5_______sQm.e______lett.Ltc.e.^ 2 (potfltoes)There arent______ari^____potatoes, 3 (steak)_________________________________________ 4 (chicken) 5 (apples) _ 6 (bananas) 7 (carrots)_ 8 (pasta)____ 9 (ice-cream) 10 (onions)___ 11 (knife)____ 12 (salt)_____ 13 (oranges) 14 (spoon)_ S Complete the dialogue and get ready for the shopping role-play. Pete: Let’s go shopping. Jane: OK. What do we need? Pete: Er... Let me see. Have we got any fruit? 0 9 Jane: (yes/4 bananas/2 apples/3 oranges) (1) Pete: Good. So, we don’t need fruit. What about vegetables? Have we got any vegetables? Jane: (no)_____________________________________________________________________(2) Pete: Well, what vegetables do you like? Jane: (potatoes/carrots)__________________ Pete: OK. Let’s buy potatoes and carrots then. Jane: Would you like fish or meat? Pete: (fish)______________________________________ Jane: OK. Fish. Do you like ice-cream? Pete: (yes)____________________________ (3) (4) (5) Jane: Me too. Let’s buy some ice-cream, then. Pete: Right! That’s all. Let’s go. Grammar and writing 10 Billy Silly needs your help again. Read the sentences and correct mistakes in using some and any. Cross out the wrong words and underline the right ones. 1 I’ve got pets. 2 — Would you like some biscuits? — No, thanks. I’d rather have any coffee. 3 She hasn’t got some brothers or sisters. 4 — Would you like any tea? — No, thanks. 5 There Eiren’t some chairs in my bedroom. 6 — Have you got any rice? — Yes, there’s any rice in the cupboard. 7 We haven’t got some salt. 8 — Have they got some bananas? — No, they haven’t. IVe got some pets, Reading and speaking 0 Study the recipes and underline the main ingredients of each recipe. Play The best cook’ game (see Student’s Book, Part 2, page 11, Exercise 25). AS-YOU-LIKE-rr BREAKFAST RECIPE 1 Mix 3-4 eggs, some milk and cheese in a large bowl. 2 Add some bread and carefully stir all the time until the mix begins to thicken. 3 Add mushrooms, onions, ham, bacon. 4 Add salt and pepper to taste. 5 Bake in oven for 50 minutes to an hour. 6 Remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes before serving. Beef Stroganoff 1 Place several strips of beef in a pan. 2 When both sides are browned, remove the beef from the heat to a bowl and set aside. 3 In the same pan, reduce the heat to medium and add onions. Cook for a minute or two. 4 Remove the onions to the same bowl as the beef and set aside. 5 Add mushrooms. 6 Reduce the heat to low and add some sour cream to the mushrooms. 7 Mix everything together in the bowl and bake for about 10 minutes. The Perfect Scone Recipe 1 2 Heat oven to 220 °C. Put some flour and salt into the largest bowl and add butter. 3 Add some sugar and fruit, milk and an egg. Stir with a spoon. 4 Cut into 6-7 cm rounds. 5 Bake for about 10 minutes. 6 Leave to cool on the tray for 5 minutes. BANANA SNACK BARS 1 Mix some cereal and flour in a large bowl. 2 Place honey and butter in a small saucepan. Bring to boil over medium-high heat, stirring constantly. 3 Pour over the cereal and mix. 4 Bake 12-15 min. Cool. 5 Remove the dessert from the pan. Cut the dessert into 32 bars. 9 * 12 Here is another adventure of Yik and Yak on planet Earth. Look at the pictures, read the story. Yik and Yak are visiting planet Earth. What are they buying?^ $иР£рм.АД1^г.т-----г ^ ^ Let's take some food back to planet Yok. yik and Yak go shopping.......at night. 13 Role-play the dialogues from the text. 14 Get ready to retell the story. You can do it in different ways: • You can begin like this: ‘Hello, I’m Yik and I’d like to tell you about my adventures...’ • You can say, ‘This is a story about the adventures of Yik and Yak. Yik and Yak live...’ School subjects Reading and writing Ш Read an American girl’s letter to The RAP from Exercise 6, page 15 (Student’s Book, Part 2). Then make notes about her and yourself In the table. Trudy Walker You Name Surname Age Name/number of school Subjects studied School starts at School finishes at Lunch at home School on Saturday Likes Dislikes Vocabulary and writing 0 Look at the picture of Mike’s room and write the list of subjects he does at school. At school, Mike does English.,________________________________________________ 10 а Explain why you think that Mike does these subjects at school. Read ‘Mind the trap!’ and write at least five sentences. 1 J___think__Mike__does English because there______Ls_on___English dlctlonarg__Ln__his_ ■паот, Mind the trap! Don’t confuse the spelling of there and their: 1) There are nice girls in my class. | My house is over there. 2) They are my friends and their friends are my friends. a Write English equivalents of these Russian phrases. 1 пользоваться Интернетом —________________ 2 взять что-либо взаймы —__________________ 3 пойти в школу (начать учиться в школе) — 4 закончить школу —________________________ а 5 заниматься каким-либо (школьным) предметом — Fill in the gaps with there or their. Our school is famous for its sports club. ^____ ______are 4 sections: football, volleyball, swimming and running. The students choose ^________________ sections themselves. They spend a lot of time in the club every day. ^______________ they do ^___________ regular training. The students enjoy ®___________classes very much. They start every morning in the sports club and end ®__________day ^___________, too. Grammar and writing (~6~| Fill in the gaps with the correct full form of the verb to be. 1 Nevita LS____writing a letter. 2 They________watching TV. 3 I_______talking to Pat on the 5 We___ 6 Trevor playing video games. ___using his computer at the moment. phone. 4 You doing your English homework. 0 Fill in the gaps with the correct short form of the verb to be. writing a letter, playing tennis at the 1 Rachel^S__ 2 Trevor____ moment. 3 I_______using the Internet now 4 We_ 5 You_ 6 They watching TV. _ playing video games. _ discussing their English homework. © Look at the picture and describe what these kids are doing at the lesson instead of studying maths. Use the phrases from the box. Don’t follow the kids’ example! to write on the desk to read a comic to play with Lego to read a book to listen to music to play a game to make an airplane 1 Dave*5___reading a__comic. V57 N Martin Tanya Dave Sue ■0 Look at the picture again and write what you mustn’t do during lessons. 1 We mustn*t___________read.____comics_____durlr\g____Les.s.Qns..__ 2 _________________________________________________________________ 3 _________________________________________________________________ 4 _________________________________________________________________ 5 _________________________________________________________________ 6 _________________________________________________________________ 7 John 10 Put general questions to these sentences. 1 Trevor and Robert are talking. Arg_TreV-DC:___cLDji—коЬег~Ь—~Ьа1к1П.д? Jane is playing computer games._______________________________________ Tom and Jason are playing basketball. He’s having breakfast.__________________ He’s discussing a TV programme. They’re doing their history homework. Daniel’s writing a letter at the moment. 8 She’s talking to her mother on the phone. Listening 0 K«)T18 I Listen to the conversations again and correct mistakes in the script. 12 Conversation 1 Mum: What are you doing? TV Teenager: Watching video. Mum: What are you watching? Teenager: A comedy. Mum: When are you going to do your homework for tomorrow? Teenager: I have already done iti After the film I’m going for a walk. My friends are waiting for me! Conversation 2 Nevita: Trevor, what are looking at? Trevor: I think there’s a lion cub. Nevita: Where? Trevor: Over there, behind the tree. Nevita: Don’t go too close to the cage. It’s dangerous! Writing and speaking Look at the pictures and write dialogues using sentences from the boxes. Role-play dialogues in pairs. the - - No, I haven’t. \ ‘ Yes, alfright, you can. ^ Have you got any homework? Can I go to Sarah’s house this afternoon? (1) (2) (3) (4) 10 14 OK. Oh, there’s a problem. I haven’t got any tennis balls. "" Can you play tennis? Great. Let’s go. Do you want to play tennis this afternoon? Yes, I can. That’s OK. I’ve got £5. We can buy some at the sports shop. Dave: Sarah: Dave: Sarah: Dave: Sarah: (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Man: Dave: Man: (12) (13) (14) Vocabulary and writing 13 What do these abbreviations mean? PE —__________________________ ICT —_________________________ RE —__________________________ GB —__________________________ the UK — the USA — GCSE — _ Explain the difference between public schools in GB and in the USA In GB a public school is a____________________________________________ In the USA a public school is a ^101 15 What are these subjects? ^ К I 5 nrFhce 6 trA 7 yhrstoi 8 yspalhic uedcotian Reading and writing 16 Read a paragraph from Simon’s letter and write a paragraph like that about yourself. My ..VVard aad Im........ twelve уеагз oidL I go to Richard ALdworth School la Ba^lagstoke, favourite .„subjects..are maths aad soleace* I q^uite.........Li ^French...toQ> but. I__dQai.i^^^ Gramnriar 17 Write sentences asking for permission. 1 borrow/pen? — Caa_____I__borrow____your___pea? — Yes, you can. Here you are. 2 go swimming?____________________________________ — No, I’m sorry. It’s too cold today. 3 borrow/radio?______________________ — Yes, you can. Here you are. 10. 4 read comics? 18 — No, Pm sorry. I’m reading it. go out/this evening?__________ — Yes, you can. borrow/MP3 player?____________ — No, I’m sorry. I’m using it. use/bicycle?___________________ — Yes, you can. When do you need it? 8 listen to music?______________________________ — No, I’m sorry. I’m doing my homework. Reading and speaking Prepare a talk on schools in Russia. This diagram can help you. School system in Russia School Age Kindergarten 3-6 1 0 CL, H Sr CO Q b И 0) >> 01 Primary school 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 о о л о СЯ ей "0 о о 0) Secondary junior school State attestation (GIA) 11 6 12 7 13 8 14 9 15 10 Secondary senior school State Exam (EGE) 16 11 17 V HIGHER EDUCATION 19 What does school mean to you? What do you like best about your school? Think about your school and your school life. Complete the diagram and tell the class about your ideas. Subjects Classmates T eacKers Homes and houses Vocabulary and granimar Ш Do you know these words? Do the crossword and check yourself. w a d. (D This is another entry for The RAP competition. Look at the picture and describe Kevin’s dream bedroom. Use There is/There are and the words and expressions from the box. in on under between near next to on the right on the left 0 Do you know what synonyms are? Synonyms are words with a similar meaning. Read the sentences and find synonyms to the underlined words in Exercise 1, page 22 (Student’s Book, Part 2). 1 Today’s the last day of the competition.________________________________________________ 2 Are there any letters with projects?____________________________________________________ 3 It’s very bad!_________________________________________________________________________ 0 Read ‘Mind the trap!’ and learn the difference between the words table and desk. Then translate the sentences from Russian into English. Mind the trap! In Russian, the word стол has a very general meaning. We can use it when speaking of обеденный стол and письменный стол without adding the adjective обеденный or письменный. It’s not a mistake in Russian. In English, however, «обеденный стол» is called a table and «письменный стол» is called a desk. You should say: There are 10 desks in this classroom. There is a big table in our There is a desk with a computer in my room. dining room. Put the bowl on the table. It’s a mistake to say, ‘There are 10 tables in this classroom.’ 1 У меня в комнате есть письменный стол. 2 У нас в классе пятнадцать парт._____ 3 У доски стоит ещё стол учителя._____ 4 В кухне есть стол. Там мы завтракаем. 5 Я не вижу стола. Где мы будем обедать? 0 Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the verb to be. In some sentences you need negative forms. There There There There There There a book on the desk. there any comics? Yes, there three CDs next to the book, any chairs near the table, some cassettes under the chair, a desk in the bedroom, any books on the desk. there a TV? Yes, there 10 There there any computers on the desks? _____four shelves in the room. 11 0 Look at the picture and describe what you see on the desk using the prepositions from the box. 1 Where’s the book? It*s_ОП___the computer. 2 Where’s the dictionary?______________________ 3 Where’re the CDs?____________________________ 4 Where’s the watch?___________________________ 5 Where’s the photo?___________________________ 6 Where’re the pencils?. 7 Where’s the cat?_____ 8 Where’s the magazine?. 9 Where’s the cassette?___ in on under between next to in front of behind Speaking 0 Compare Kevin’s and Trevor’s Dream Bedrooms and make notes in the table below. Which bedroom do you like more? Get ready to speak about it in class. The same Different Trevor’s room Kevin’s room an armchair ГТО bed a bed Reading and vocabulary 0 Read again the text on page 25 (Student’s Book, Part 2) and complete the diagram. а Write short definitions of types of houses and underline the key words in them. Type of housing Definition 1 detached Kouse^ cottage a small house In the countrg 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Grammar 10 Complete these alternative questions and be ready to ask them without looking into your Workbook. Is it a detached or______О__semi-detached_____house? Is it a studio______________________________________________________? Is it a cottage_____________________________________________________? Does he live in a flat______________________________________________? Would you like to live in an apartment block------------------------? Where does he live Are terraced houses more popular in 8 Is it a semi-detached______________ house? The picture is not very good. Writing and listening a Complete the dialogue with the sentences from the box. Mum: Hello, Rachel. Rachel:---------------------------------------- Mum: __________________________________________ (1) (2) Rachel: I was at Ann’s house. Mum: I see. Do you want a cup of tea? Rachel:--------------------------- Mum: ------------------------------ (3) Have we got any cake? _ (4) Do you want some? Rachel: Yes, please. Mum: _______________ (5) 13 А1 Rachel: Thanks. Mum: What's the time? Rachel:________________ Mum: __________________ (6) (7) Rachel: OK. Bye, Mum. You must go. You mustn’t be late for your music lesson. Hi, Mum. Here you are. Yes, please. Mum. Where were you this morning? No, we haven’t. But we’ve got some biscuits. It’s half past five. □ 1ФТ19 ] Listen and check. Then role-play the dialogue in pairs. Grammar and vocabulary 12 Complete these alternative questions and add three more questions which you will ask your friends in class. Would you like to live in a city or In.___coun~brij Would you like to live in a flat___________________ What would you like for breakfast — Do you prefer to read a book________ What do you enjoy more — a walk in the park 6 Where would you like to spend your summer holiday — 7 Whom will you invite to your party —____________________ 8 What’s your favourite film —____________________________ 9 10 11 in future? __________? __________? __________? __________? __________? __________? __________? __________? Listening and writing t® t2q I Listen to the people describing their houses and make some notes. Then choose one of the homes (don’t tell your friend about your choice). Your friend will ask alternative questions. Will your friend guess whose house it is? Speaker Your notes (key words) 1 Alice a new Kouse, beautiful, many rooms. 2 Daniel 3 Carolyn 15 1 Listen to the dialogues without looking into your Student’s Book. Complete the sentences. _Ln__the___wardrobe._________________ Virginia’s elephant Virginia’s chimpanzee Virginia’s snake Virginia’s bat is Virginia’s cat Virginia’s crocodile Virginia’s dog □ Now listen again and check. Look at the picture of Virginia’s room on page 27 (Student’s Book, Part 2). Write two true (T) statements and two false (F) statements about it. Be ready to read the statements in class. Ш Ш Ш E Listening and speaking 16 [® T22 I Listen to the conversations again. What do the speakers do in different parts of the house? Make notes in the table. 1 In the kitchen 2 In the living room 3 In the hall 4 In the bathroom 5 In the study ^Vocabulary and speaking 17 Learn some phrases with the word home and use them in these sentences. Is your father_____________________________________________________________ now? Yes, he is. He always says, .’, but I can’t relax in his home. They did everything they could to make me I________________________________________ and I’ll go and find those photos. with your family. 6 Our classes are over. We are going 11 4 The chair is under the table. 5 The bed is behind the table. 19 Listening and speaking T23 j You will hear a family talking over their tea. Listen to their conversation and try to guess who is speaking: the grandma, the grandpa, the mother, the father, the elder son, the younger son or the daughter. In the first column of the table write the speakers as you hear them. Then listen again and make notes in the second column as to the key words for each speaker. Speakers Key words (what the family means to them) MotKer taLklnq to each other, my cKlLdren, my husband, my parentis 20 Prepare a talk on what family means to different people and what it means to you. с Writing 1211 Look at the picture and write four alternative questions you will ask your friend about food. 1 Do_____^Qu___prefer____carrots____or potatoes^ 22 Draw the plan of a room in your flat/house and describe it in six sentences. This______is_favourite room Ln. our..>_____________________________ 23 Write a short essay ‘East or West, home is best’. Follow the plan. East or West, home is best 1 Explain the meaning of the proverb. 2 Say whether you agree with it. 3 Explain why your home is the best place for you (you may give an example from your life). [ Grammar and vocabulary Ш [® T24 j Listen to the conversation again and fill in the table. Clothes Jeans Price £Z5 0 Look at the coins and the banknotes. How much money is there in every picture? © £3.10 Q Find Russian equivalents of these English sentences 1 4 5 Excuse me. How much are those jeans? This belt is old-fashioned. The yfovd jeans may come from the Italian name of a strong cotton cloth. The original jeans were brown. The word denim^ in turn, comes from French. 6 People wear jeans on all occasions, to theatres as well as to work. 0 Read the answers and write the questions. 1 Do___you___Like___these socks ^ 2 __________________________________ 3 __________________________________ 4 __________________________________ 5 __________________________________ 6 __________________________________ A Слово jeans, возможно, произошло от итальянского названия прочной ткани из хлопка. В Слово denim, в свою очередь, пришло из французского языка. С Джинсы носят по любому случаю: и в театр, и на работу. D Этот пояс старомодный. Е Извините, сколько стоят те джинсы? F Первые джинсы были коричневыми. — Yes, I do. I like them very much. — I don’t like her. — I like them. They’re my favourite bandl — No, I don’t. He’s boring. — I like it. The colours are beautiful. — I like them. I use my computer every day. 12 0 Complete these sentences with personal pronouns. 1 — Have you got your jacket? 2 — Do you like animals? 3 — Do you like Angela? 4 — Has Peter got his bicycle? 5 — What do you think of these jeans? 6 — Do you like these trainers? 7 — What do you think of George? 8 — Have you got your hat? — Yes, I’ve got I'b — Yes, I like______ — No, I don’t like — Yes, he’s got___ — I like__________ — Yes, I like — I don’t like — Yes, I’ve got Grammar and speaking 0 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with pronouns this, that, these or those. Role-play the dialogues. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Do you like ‘thl.S hat? — Yes, I do. _________socks? — They’re all right. What do you think of_____________ Look at_______________carl — It’s fantastici ______________shoes are very nice. Do you know________________boy? — Yes, I do. His name’s George. Do you like. What about What do you think of trousers? — No, I don’t. . trainers? — I like them very much. __________jacket? — I think it’s great. а Complete the questions and write the answers. Role-play the dialogues. 12 1 How much is ~bhls pair of trainers? 4 How much are _________slxt^-flve____pounds. _________________ 2 How much are----------socks? 5 How much is _ shoes? shirt? 3 How much is coat? 6 How much is jacket? . Listening and speaking a I® T25 1 Listen again to the kids giving their opinions of school uniforms and make some notes in the table. Then tell the class what some Bristol schoolchildren think of school uniform. Name Yes No Why Hayley Sam Abbie Andrew 12 Vocabulary and grammar. CD Look at the picture and write questions and answers. 1 — How much is this rucksackP — It*5 ten pouncis flft^._______________________________ 8 9 10 10 Complete these sentences with personal pronouns. 1 I like watching television. I watch —Li_________every day. 2 What do you think of Angelina Jolie? I like 3 Do you like Brad Pitt? Yes, I do. I like__ 4 Look at those shoes. What do you think of very much. ___? I like _ 5 What do you think of The Simpsons cartoons? I don’t like---- 6 Do you like Disney films? Yes, I do. I like______very much. 7 What do you think of this T-shirt? I don’t like 0 Do you know these words? Spell them correctly. .. The colours are awful. 1 shitr .shirt 4 tcao 2 (a pair of) srtuoers 3 ctjeak_____________ 5 (a pair of) nertrais 6 (a pair of) sneja___ 12 7 sskco 8 tkris. 9 sdsre 10 tha____ 11 shtrT-i 12 tleb___ 13 obtso 14 logvse What are these called in English? Write the words. m Readiifg and vocabulary 13 Read again the text on page 39 (Student’s Book, Part 2) and mark the statements as true {Tj or false (F). 1 British High Streets are all alike nowadays. П 2 There are many small shops in High Streets today. О 3 You can buy medicines at Boots. П 4 Littlewoods is a Chemist’s. Q 5 Nat West and Lloyds are music shops. П 6 Perfume is sold at WH Smith’s. О 7 Fast food restaurants and supermarkets are located in High Streets. Ц 8 You can find many British restaurants in High Streets. □ 9 English food is served in pubs. Q 10 There is at least one pub in every town. О 11 There is a post office in every town. Q 12 Tesco is a supermarket. П 12 14 Match the goods with proper categories, and the categories with kinds of shops. Some goods are sold in different kinds of shops. Goods dresses -— shampoo and soap sofa toilet paper stamps shirts Categories Shops medicines 1 Chemists’s perfume 2 Baker’s DVDs Food and drink 3 Grocery store chair Furniture 4 Supermarket trousers 1 Stationery Department store pens and pencils \ Toiletries / ® Newsagent’s newspapers \ Electronic goods У 7 Music shop juice — Clothes ^ 8 Stationer’s camera 9 Electronic shop cabbage 10 Post office bread TV set iPad carrots headphones magazines Vocabulary and speaking 151 Complete the dialogue. Get ready to perform it in class. Assistant: Good morning. _________________________(1). How much_______ You: ____________________ Assistant: These jeans? They’re £25. You: And__________________________ Assistant: _____________________________ (2)? (3) those brown trousers? You: Assistant: Yes, we You: ________ Assistant You: ___________________________(4) £30. Have you got any blue trousers? (5). Here you are. (6) £ire they? £28.99. Oh, fine. Here’s £30. Assistant: And here’s one pound one penny change. You: Thank you. Assistant: Goodbye. You: ____________________________(7). 12 Reading and writing 16 Imagine you have received this letter from Rachel. Read it and write your answer to it. 12 Yate Road, Bristol BS8 4JS England 13/7/13 Dear Thank you for your letter. Yes, I like buying clothes too. These are my favourite clothes. I like jeans — they’re fantastic, but I don’t like skirts because they’re boring. I wear a skirt at school — a grey skirt — yuk! I like T-shirts and I also like big pullovers. I don’t like socks and I don’t like sandals. I prefer trainers. I’ve got a pair of orange trainers. They’re great! What sort of clothes do you like? Please write to me. Best wishes, Rachel 12 Reading and speaking 17 Do you remember Yik and Yak? They are two creatures who enjoy visiting our planet. Now they are getting ready for another visit to planet Earth. Read the story and get ready to role-play it in groups of three. There’s a school trip to Earth next week. “ Yik decides to buy some clothes for the journey. » 'TlC ^ Earth. Mmm. I hav^’t got any money. ^ *1 yokkel = 6 pounds. Famous people Reading and speaking И Work in pairs. Read fact files about famous people, then ask and answer questions about them and guess their names. You are not supposed to look at your partner’s fact files. Make notes — you will need them later to speak about these famous people. Student A uses fact files from Exercise 5, page 45 (Student’s Book, Part 2). Student В uses fact files from the Workbook. FACT FILE FACT FILE Leonardo da Vinci, a sculptor, painter, architect, musician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, botanist. Alexander Pushkin, the greatest Russian writer and poet, is considered the father of modern Russian literature. Date of birth: April 15, 1452. Place of birth: Vinci, Italy. Date of birth: June 6, 1799. Place of birth: Moscow, Russia. Education: 1466-1472 — Verrocchio, an Italian artist, taught Leonardo drawing and sculpting. 1472 — at the age of 20 he became a master artist and started his own workshop. Most famous works: ‘The Last Supper’, the ‘Mona Lisa’. One of da Vinci’s last works was a metal lion that could walk. Education: 1811-1817 — the Lyceum in Tsarskoye Selo near Saint Petersburg. 1815 — at the age of 15 he published his first poem. Most famous works: ‘Ruslan and Lyudmila’, ‘Eugene Onegin’, ‘The Captain’s Daughter’. Date of death: February 10, 1837, Russia. Date of death: May 2, 1519, France. ■■ 'I 2 I Find some information about an outstanding Russian writer or poet and prepare a short talk about him/her. I would like to tell you about_____________________________________________________ He/she was born in_________________________________________________________________ *1 3 I Find an English translation of a poem by Alexander Pushkin and prepare to read it in class. Grammar and vocabulary 0 Fill in the gaps with the prepositions from the box. from to of in on at under Alexander Pushkin, a Russian literary genius, is considered the father ^----------- modern Russian literature. He was born ^__________June 6th, 1799 ^----------Moscow. Pushkin published his first poem __________the age of 15. ®------- 1820 he published his first long poem ‘Ruslan and Lyudmila’. The tsar sent him ®-- and put him ________the strict control of government censors. ®- 1826 Pushkin was unable to travel or publish at will, but he wrote a lot. © Write these dates in words. southern Russia _1820 ^________ 1 1996 nineteen nlnetu-slx 5 1945 2 1 78Я 6 1900 3 1066 7 2000 4 1905 8 2014 © Correct mistakes in these sentences using Present Simple and Present Continuous. 1 I’m never going to the cinema on Saturday night. J—never.—QQ—to_ the cLrtema___on_Saturday____night,------------------------ 2 She’s sometimes watching TV in the evening.-------------- 3 At the moment I do my homework.--------------------- 4 I phone my friend in London now.-------------------- 5 We’re never starting school at eight o’clock in England. 6 Stuart listens to music at the moment. 7 Mary and Lorna are often playing volleyball on Saturday morning. 8 LookI Eric swims in the sea. 13 0 Who are these people? Write questions and answers in Past Simple. 1 Fyodor Shalyapin 2 Yuri Gagarin and 3 Winston Valentina Tereshkova Churchill 4 Lev Yashin 5 Victor Vasnetsov 6 Mikhail Lomonosov 7 Maria Yermolova 8 Mikhail Lermontov 1 Who was_______Eijodor__Shal^gplrif He___was a singer from____Russia.__________________________________________ 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 Give short answers to these questions. 1 Was Fyodor Shalyapin British? Nqj______he wasn*t.__________________ 2 Were Gagarin and Tereshkova Russian? 3 Was Winston Churchill British? 4 Was Lev Yashin American? 5 Was Viktor Vasnetsov Russian? 6 Was Mikhail Lomonosov Italian? 7 Was Maria Yermolova Indian? 8 Was Mikhail Lermontov British? 0 Find in Exercise 7 the nouns denoting professions. How were they formed? Put them into the right group. -er/or/ess: Singer^ ■ist: -lan: compound nouns: CQSirionaui:,.. Add some nouns to each group. Speaking 10 Find some information about one of the outstanding people from Exercise 8 and prepare a short talk about him/her. I would like to tell you about------------------------------------------------------ was born in [ Ustenifig *0 1® Т26 1 Listen to the conversation and number these questions from 1 to 10 as you hear them. A [0__________Anyway, what’s the date today? В ______Which famous reporter was born on 25th November? C ______Where were Michelangelo and Machiavelli from? D ______Who was Leonardo da Vinci? E ______Were you born on 25th November? F ______When was Michelangelo born? G ______When’s your birthday, Rachel? H ______What’s that? I Was he an artist? J ______Why? 12 Reading Read again the text on page 48 (Student’s Book, Part 2) and mark these sentences as true {T) or false (F). 1 _E___ Leonardo lived in a beautiful house of King Francis I. 2 _____ King Francis often invited Leonardo to his residence for conversation. 3 _____ King Francis supported Leonardo in his architecture and engineering projects. 4 _____ Leonardo was less than 70 when he died. 5 _____ The ‘Mona Lisa’ and ‘The Last Supper’ are da Vinci’s drawings. 6 _____ Leonardo knew a lot about anatomy and botany. 7 _____ Leonardo invented an airplane. 8 ______ Leonardo gave much time to studying birds in flight. 9 ______ Mirror writing is writing backwards. 10 _____ Leonardo’s notebooks were unknown to the world in his lifetime. Grammar and vocabulary 13 Read the text and fill in the gaps with prepositions. Mikhail Lomonosov was born ^_______November 19, 1711, _ a small village near Kholmogory, Russia. Lomonosov is famous as a poet, scientist and linguistic reformer. Lomonosov was the son ^_____a poor fisherman. At the age of 10 he started working ----his father. ®____December 1730, he left his native village, penniless and on foot, for Moscow. He wanted to study and to join the learned men with whom the tsar Peter the Great was transforming Russia ®____a modern nation. 43 14 Read these sentences and underline the compound nouns in them. How were they formed? Most of his life Leonardo worked in Italy for rich noblemen, but he spent his last years in France. He drew the things he saw and the discoveries he made in his notebooks. The notebooks were not published in Leonardo’s lifetime. Q Write out the compound nouns from the text and put the nouns from the box to the right group. lifeboat pocketbook gentleman notebook sportsman Englishman audiobook lifesaver policeman lifestyle guidebook lifeguard workbook 1 noblgmarij___gentleman.. Listening and speaking 15 I® T27 1 Listen to the children speaking about a famous person of the past that they admire a lot. Complete the table. Name Profession Country Date of birth 1 Englaricl 2 polltlcLan mi 16 I® T28 I You are going to join an exciting tour of the Sherlock Holmes Museum at 221В Baker Street. Listen to the guide and make notes of the dates and other numerals you hear. Then listen again and complete your notes with the information about these dates and numerals. What do these dates and numerals mean? Date/Numeral Notes 1 1^^1-1704- Sh. H. arrd D. W. Lived here 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 Reading and writing^ 17 Read some birthday greetings from The RAP in Exercise 22, page 50 (Student’s Book, Part 2), and fill in the table. № Date Who sends birthday greetings To whom How old 1 May 13 friends TLmothy Markham IZ years oLd 2 3 4 G Make a greeting card and write a birthday greeting to one of your friends. 18| Read the text about Peter and write about him in Past Simple. When do you think this picture was made? Why do you think so? His name is Peter and his surname is Anderton. He’s 12 years old in this photo. He’s from London. He’s a student at Eton. His phone number is 346 23 58. His parents are from Edinburgh. His father’s name is Derek and he’s a doctor. His mother’s name is Tracy and she’s a teacher. _________name was Peter._________________________________ Grammar 19 In the text fill in the gaps with the prepositions on, at, in, to. Sunday we decided to go the countryside. We got up 7 in the morning, had breakfast ______8 and hurried ^______the station. Our train was leaving ®----10.15. ------summer the countryside is beautiful, we spent the whole day there enjoying the weather. ®----the evening, ®____about 9 p.m., we were ready to go back home. But our train was late and we arrived ______town late _______night. We were tired, but very happy. 13 |20| In the following sentences use the verbs in brackets in their Past Simple forms (Active or Passive). 1 Trevor__________________an article for The RAP. (write) Rachel_____________________the answer to the question, (not know) Nevita and Trevor____________to ‘Your Favourite Star’ radio programme, (invite) Leonardo da Vinci______________________his last years in France, (spend) The ‘Vitruvian Man’ Leonardo da Vinci__ Microsoft__________ 8 Bill Gates_________ 9 Watson_____________ by Leonardo da Vinci, (draw) a contribution to mathematics and physics, (make) the world’s largest computer company in 1993. (become) _ writing computer programmes at the age of 13. (begin) 10 ‘A Study in Scarlet’ practical assistance to Holmes in conduct of his cases, (give) ___________________in 1887. (publish) Listening 21 I® J Listen to the conversation in the Louvre again and complete the dialogue. Alice: Catherine, why is the painting called ‘Mona Lisa’? Catherine: ‘Mona’ in Italian is a polite form of address, something like ‘Ma’am’, ‘Madam’, or ‘my lady’ in English. So, the name ‘Mona Lisa’ means ‘My Lady Lisa’ or ‘__________________________________Lisa’. Alice: Whose portrait is it? Catherine: No one knows__________________________There is a theory that this is Lisa Gherardini, the wife of wealthy Florentine businessman Francesco del Giocondo. The portrait_______________________‘La Giaconda’ sometimes. Some have argued that the ‘Mona Lisa’ is actually a self portrait of da Vinci himself, in a woman’s figure. Historians are still debating over the_______________________behind the ‘Mona Lisa’. Alice: Could you explain why the Giaconda’s smile is so much talked about? Catherine: Look, the smile is not only in the lips, it’s in the-------------------- Alice: But when you look at the portrait, one minute you see the smile, the next — you don’t. She appears radiant one moment and serious the next. The eyes on the portrait seem to follow the viewer. Oh, my! I move and her eyes follow me... 22 Imagine you are a guide in the Louvre. Prepare a part of the excursion about da Vinci and his painting the ‘Mona Lisa’. Vocabulary and writing 23 Look at the pictures and write answers to the questions. 1 What are you doing, Angela? ___[jTL_Listening__to___music, 2 What’s the weather like today? 3 Do you like swimming, Stuart? 4 What is Sally doing? 5 What does Sally do on Sunday? 6 Are you watching TV, Brad? fl3. The world of computers Vocabulary and grammar Ш Do you know these verbs? Use the dictionary if necessary and complete the table. Infinitive Past Simple Participle II to leave left Left to be was/were ate to raise raised to produce produced came Infinitive Past Simple Participle 11 to make made took to mine mined to go gone to drink drank grew 0 Look at the picture, read the sentences and mark them as true {T) or false (F). 1 [t] They mine coal in the Rocky Mountains. 2 Q They raise cattle for meat and milk. 3 О They don’t raise sheep there. 4 Q They mine oil in the Rocky Mountains. 5 П They grow oranges there. 6 П They produce electricity. 7 Q They don’t make cars there. □ Rewrite true sentences using the passive form of the verbs. Coal Is_____mlfied.___Ln__the____RocLj____riouritaLn.s. Mind the trap! cattle noun [plural] — cows and bulls kept on a farm for their meat or milk. This noun looks singular but is a plural noun: The cattle are raised in the Rocky Mountains. nouns. 0 Match the verbs with the nouns to make correct word-combinations. Each verb can take several apples vegetables gas------- pigs sheep CD players - mine grow raise make produce cattle a Complete the sentences. You may use the information from Exercise 5, page 55 (Student’s Book, Part 2). 1 Renault cars are made in___France . 2 ______________cars are made in Italy. 3 Cadillac cars______________in the USA. 4 Volkswagen cars are made__________________ Speaking and writing *0 Get ready to role-play shopping for a car. Prepare both the role of a shop assistant and a customer. Write a short conversation between a customer and a shop assistant. Useful words and phrases Hello, can I help you/what can I do for you? a good price If I were you I’d buy a... reliable Where was it made? to be assembled How much is it? to cost I’m sure you’ll be pleased with it. including tax Shop assistant: Customer: Shop assistant: Customer: Shop assistant: Customer: Shop assistant: Customer: Shop assistant: Customer: 14 Reading and listening Read the list of arguments for and against computers in Exercise 11, page 57 (Student’s Book, Part 2). Make brief notes in the table (concentrate on the underlined words). For Who says Against Who says 1 furl 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 □ [® T30 1 Listen to Mathew and Jody. Which of the arguments in your list do they use? Write M {Matthew) or J {Jody) next to the argument in the column ‘Who says’. 1^;: Vocabulary and gramm^ 'I 7 I Use the text in Exercise 6, page 56 (Student’s Book, Part 2), to find synonyms of the word combinations below. Information technology (IT) —______________________________________________________ all over the country —------------------------------------------------------------- a village school —----------------------------------------------------------------- access to IT —_____________________________________________________________________ 0 Complete the sentences with the passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1 My new bicycle (make) in Spain. Mij_П£.УУ_blCljcLe_WfLS—madg We use coal which (mine) in Germany.____________________ in. s pal CL Those sheep (raise) on a farm near my house. My rollerblades (make) in the USA._____________ 2 3 4 5 6 7 The man (arrest) yesterday evening. 8 That film (make) in the 1950s.____ These tomatoes (grow) in our own garden. This book (write) in 1953._____________ ‘I 9 I Find in the conversation from Exercise 1, page 54 (Student’s Book, Part 2), the sentence with the construction used to and read about this construction below. LONGMAN WordWise ^ Dictionary used to /ju:st tu:/ -^if something used to happen, it happened in the past, but does not happen now. The town used to be very quiet He used to be a very shy boy. 14 □ Rewrite the sentences. Use the construction used to. 1 I played chess very well when I was younger, now I don4. I used, to chess___ver\j__well___when____I__was____younger._______ 2 We lived in Paris for 10 years, then we moved to England. 3 Our neighbours had a dog, now they have a cat. 4 I loved ice cream very much and ate at least two a day, now I don’t. 5 We usually spent our weekends in the countryside, now we prefer to stay in town. 10 Find in the text from Exercise 21, page 60 (Student’s Book, Part 2), all the nouns with the suffix -er. What do they mean? Write out these nouns and add the words they are formed from. pLoy ЕП__ to pLaijj Listening"^ 0 t®T3i I Listen again to the conversation, and correct wrong words in the script. David: Hi, Mike! What’s this? A new computer? £ arerits Mike: Yes, David, it’s a present from my grandparente. David: Congratulations, Mike! My laptop is old, it needs upgrading. Mike: Don’t you want a new one? A laptop wouldn’t be bad, would it? David: I don’t like one-piece things. I like it when the microphone and the speakers are external. Mike: But you can always connect them to the laptop if you like it that way. The advantage is — it’s portable, you can carry it with you, it’s not too heavy, and it will always be handy. David: Well, if you think portable, then a Macintosh device, a tablet would be even better. It weighs less, but can be just as powerful. Actually, I think, I hope my birthday present will be an iPhone — ideal for carrying around, but again, no mouse, just a touchpad and the webcam is inbuilt. I’ll have to get used to that, but it’s so cool! Mike: Yes, iPads, iPhones, MacBooks are fantastic things, and in a few years I do hope I’ll have all of these! Reading and speaking 12 Read again the text in Exercise 15, page 59 (Student’s Book, Part 2), and write your question to each of the paragraphs. 1 When was the first computer designed.^ or Who______________________________ designed.___the___first___computerP___________________________________________ 2 ___________________________________________________________________________ ^ 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4 ___________________________________________________________________________ 5 ___________________________________________________________________________ 6 ___________________________________________________________________________ 13 Prepare a short talk on the history of computers. Vocabiiiary and glaniiiiar 1141 Look at the pictures and give advice to these kids following the example. 1 buy a new bicycle Jf__I__were gou, l*d_______bug a_____new____blcgcLe, 2 go to bed early_______________________________________________________ 3 order the chicken 4 study harder_____ 5 take an umbrella 6 call the police__ Reading and speaking 15 game! Read the text in Exercise 21, page 60 (Student’s Book, Part 2), again and write a question for each of the paragraphs. 1 What was_________the___first video nnme>? 2 _____________________________________ 3 _____________________________________ 4 _____________________________________ 5 _____________________________________ 6 _____________________________________ 14 * 16 Prepare a short talk on the history of video games. Grammar and vocabulary 17 Complete the sentences with used to + a suitable verb. 1 Rachel doesn’t play volley-ball much now. She_____used____~bo pl-CLjj a lot, but now she prefers to watch sports competitions on TV. 2 Trevor________________________early for school, but this year his classes start in the afternoon, and he doesn’t get up until 10 a.m. 3 Nevita came to live in England a few years ago. She_ 4 When Nevita lived in India she _____________________ friends a lot. 5 Robert __________________________ cartoons a lot, but now he prefers to watch _______________in India. to the cinema with her adventure films. 6 Wayne________ in Britain, but some years ago he moved to the USA. 18 Answer the questions. 1 What would you buy for your best friend’s birthday? ____Lji__buy___him____cL_ _m_______________________________ 2 If you could go anywhere on holiday, where would you go? 3 If you could be the world champion in any sport, which sport would you choose? 4 If you could live in any city in Italy, where would you live? 5 If you could play any musical instrument, which instrument would you play? 6 If you could choose one book to take to a desert island, which book would you choose? 7 If you could choose one CD to take to a desert island, which CD would you choose? 8 If you could have any pet you wanted, which pet would you choose? Why? 1191 Look at the pictures and correct these sentences. 11 1 Anthony’s playing football. No! Anthony____________lsri*t placing football. \~\es___i::ld.iD.g_a__bike._________________________________________________________ 2 Sarah’s reading comics._____________________________________________________________ 3 Oliver’s listening to music. 4 Dave and Andy are playing tennis. 5 Angela’s swimming. 6 Sharon and Tracy are watching TV. 20 Complete the sentences to make them true for you. 1 If I were rich, I’d bug___d___house.________ 2 If I could do any job. I’d . 3 If I lived in the USA, I’d 4 If I could choose to be a famous person, I’d 5 If I could live in any country in the world, I’d 6 If I had one wish. I’d_______________________ QJ watching^ Listening И t® T32 1 Listen to Trevor’s telephone conversation and tick (/) the only true statement. 1 Trevor is phoning his grandmother. О 2 His grandmother is making an evening dress. Q 3 His mother is swimming at the swimming pool. О 4 His father is watching a football game on TV. Q 5 Trevor is writing an article about soap operas for The RAP. П О Make all the statements true and write them here. [ ^ Grammar and vocabuiary Q Do you know these TV programmes? Do the crossword and you will find one more programme in number 14 down. ' s 14“ - p c ri s У к г t a 1 6 c о s w 9 c o’ p m m p 11 5 13 s '* 1 ^ .«ж s Complete the sentences with and, or, but. 1 I like swimming___________cycling at the weekends. Would you like a cup of tea________a cola? I like watching television, Nevita, Rachel_______________ I don’t like watching quiz shows. Trevor are The RAP journalists. Nevita and Rachel are fifteen Trevor is twelve. _____it’s raining in London. It’s sunny and hot in Dublin today,_____ Have we got maths___________geography now? — We’ve got geography. ■a Read again the text in Exercise 5, page 65 (Student’s Book, Part 2). Write out sentences with the passive forms and change them into the Active Voice. 1 Soap____operas__are__characterised.__by__romance,_________________ sentimentality____and__melodr-Oma.._________________________________ Romance, sentimentality and melodrama___________cKaracterl^_______ soap__operas._______________________________________________________ I Listening and speaking a I® ] Listen to the conversations and fill in the gaps. Conversation 1 Л: What did you watch on TV last night? B: I watched a_________about leopards. Л: Did you____________it? B: Yes, I did. It was________________! Conversation 2 Л: What did you watch on TV last night? B: I watched a_______________________ Л: Did you___________it? B: No, I didn’t. It was______________! 'O Use the words and phrases from the box in Exercise 6 on page 65 (Student’s Book, Part 2) and rewrite the last question and the last answer in each conversation so they have the same meaning as the original. A: B: A: B: (D i® T34 ] Listen to the telephone conversation and make notes while listening. Name Information about the person thinks watching TV is boring. is interested in sports. looks bored. is excited about a new book. is more interested in comics. G Listen to the same conversation again and note ‘telephoning phrases’. Complete the following dialogue. In pairs, role-play the dialogue. A: Hello, B: Bill _ to Bill? A: Hi, Bill. This is Ann. What are you doing? B: Nothing special-----------------------------the Internet, listening to some music. ___________________________, there’s another call coming. OK, I’m back. It was Tony. A: We’re having a party.____________________to join us? B: Sure. A: ______ in 3 minutes. Bye! Grammar and listening 0 Complete the dialogue with the correct Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Gran: Hello, Trevor, it’s Gran. Can I speak to Mum? Trevor: Oh, she’s not here. She_____________________ design on Saturday afternoons. She (do) courses in fashion ____________(make) an evening dress for the end of term fashion show. Gran: Oh, well, can you get your dad then? Trevor: No, he’s not here, either. He _ Gran: But he________________________ (swim) at the swimming pool. _____________________(not/usually/swim) on Saturdaysl Trevor: No, but tomorrow we are going to a football match, so... Gran: I see. Well, what time____________they usually________ Trevor: Um, I’m not sure. Gran: OK, I can call later. So, what are you___________________ Trevor: Oh, I______________________(watch) ‘Love and Trust’ on IBC 1. (get) home? (do) at home all alone? Gran: But you (never/watch) soap operas! 15 Trevor: No, but I (write) an article for The RAP at the moment, so... Gran: That’s good. Tell Mum I called. Trevor: OK. Bye, Gran. □ [® T32 j Listen to the conversation again and check. Writing 0 Complete The RAP Questionnaire about watching TV and write some sentences following the example. . The RAP ' TV QUESTIONNAIRE '.-.t-.. J ^ i.How often do you watch? ^ often sometimes never 1 serials 2 soaps 3 films 4 cartoons 5 the news 6 the weather 7 children’s programmes 8 documentaries 9 current affairs 10 sport 11 music 12 quiz shows 13 variety shows 1 I often watch flLmSj but I never_________________watch_____seriaLs.^ 2 ____________________________________________________________________ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [ ш Vocabi ind grammar Find in the puzzle and write out the Past Simple forms of these verbs. There is one extra verb. Tick (/) it and write its Past Simple form. □ get □ go □ wash □ leave _ □ watch □ have □ arrive □ phone N 0 G В L 0 F L M P H 0 N E D D D Y I 0 T H F G S R I N G W A T C H E D W 0 T D A К E S M E D I R R 0 F P E N I A R R I V E D T H T R A E L D C 10 Read the sentences and fill in the gaps with the right word from the box. amazing excellent awful boring 1 The cartoons weren’t interesting, I almost fell asleep. They were so 2 It was an___________________film. The plot was interesting, the acting — brilliant, it was a pleasure to watch it. 3 His performance was___________________ _______________He surprised me by becoming a totally different character. He changed his voice and spoke like he was an old man, though he’s only 25. 4 His accent is___________________. It is so unpleasant to the ear. He has to do something about it. 0 Add question tags to these sentences. You like documentaries don’t This is your favourite programme It isn’t the channel’s best show_ We’ll watch the news together____ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Your brother doesn’t watch current events 8 He likes adventure films________________ You can’t live without watching this match We enjoyed the new serial yesterday_______ 9 They watch National Geographic every day 10 The film wasn’t interesting___________________ 12 13 14 Grammar and writing Read the answers and write the questions. 1 (What... ?) What____did.__you__wat.ch_____on__IV______Last__rilghtf I watched a music programme on TV last night. 2 (What time ... ?)__________________________________________________ I went to school at eight o’clock this morning. (Where ... ?)____________________________ On Saturday I went to the swimming pool. (What time ... ?)____________________ I had dinner at half past seven last night. (What time ... ?)______________________ I went to bed last night at eleven o’clock. 6 (When ... ?)___________________________________ I went to my friend’s house on Sunday. (What time ... ?)________________________ I left the party at half past ten. 8 (Where ... ?)______________ I got on the bus at the post office. Look again at the picture on page 67 (Student’s Book, Part 2). What are the friends doing at the moment? 1 Pat and Trevor are____pLaylrig___teririLs._______________________________________ 2 Robert___________________________________________________________________________ 3 Michael-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Nevita________________________________________________________—------------------- 5 Rachel--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Tanya-----------------------------------------------------------—---------------- Listening ИШЭ Your TV set is out of order: you can hear the sound but there is no picture. Listen to bits of some programmes and match them to the channels. Make notes in the table. Channel Weather Channel Children’s Channel Culture Channel National Geographic Channel Programme 15 Vocabulary and grammar 151 Complete the sentences with the -ing or -ed adjectives using the word in brackets. The film that bores you is boning . If you don’t think the film is interesting to watch you are bored. If you feel like going to bed after a long day you are_____________ 1 (bore) 2 (tire) When you listen to the same joke repeated a number of times it is 3 (interest) If a group of students listen to the teacher attentively they are If a group of students listen to you attentively, your lecture is 4 (excite) When a story is continuation. you are looking forward to its I was looking forward to a party, I was so I could not sleep. 16 Read Maureen’s letter in Exercise 28, page 71 (Student’s Book, Part 2), again. Write a letter to Maureen answering her questions. Remember the rules of letter writing. 15 Reading and speaking 17 Look at the pictures and read about the new adventures of Yik and Yak. Get ready to role-play their conversation in class. Yik watched TV last night. Hi, Yak. I saw something very strange on planet Earth last night. Well, in the evening after dinner Earth families all sit together... It was terrible! There was an interrogation in a big room. Mmm... and what did they watch last night? and watch this box with a glass -^2 screen. They call it ‘television’. ^ Ту A man asked two people a lot of questions... Sometimes the two people knew the answers and sometimes they didn’t... 18 Get ready to tell the class about the new adventures of Yik and Yak. You may begin like this: Yik went to planet Earth again and he saw something very strange...’ The world of music Vocabulary and grammar Ш Find seven musical styles in this magic square and write these words. s D J A Z Z T c D p L R 0 C К E J В c L A S s I C A L Q W P E R T H Y U A S D F G J N F E M S Z X В P 0 P S 0 Write out the opinion words from the box into the right column. Positive Neutral Negative great great OK amazing boring all right excellent terrible awful not bad a Write about your opinion on these music styles using the words and phrases from Exercise 2. 1 rock music J____________Like___спск_____music. It*s great. Or J___donl±____Uk^____rock___music. It*s______borlrig! 2 jazz __ 3 reggae 4 techno 5 rap____ 6 classical music 7 pop music______ 8 blues__________ 0 Look at the pictures. Do you know what these sports and games are called in English? 1 football 2 ________ 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 Reading and speaking E Read again the conversation on page 72 (Student’s Book, Part 2). Are these statements true (T), false (F) or not stated (Л/S)? 1 [Q Nevita enjoys Deep River music. 2 EH Trevor is Deep River fan. 3 EH Rachel thinks they are OK. 4 EH Rachel goes cycling. 5 EH Nevita likes classical music. 6 EH Ron plays basketball. 7 EH Rick goes running. 8 EH Deep River musicians are classical music fans. *1 6 I Describe the picture on page 72 (Student’s Book, Part 2). Give one false statement in your description and mark it with F. Rachel Ls sLirflng the Internet._______Sh^___has__fouad.__the___________ Deep River site. Deep River Is________Trevor*s____favourite____gmup._________ Rachel thinks_____they__are___awful___(F).___________________________________ Reading and writing 0 Read the chat discussion and add your answer. The RAP » chatroom ^ Best TV programmes for teens? ^ ?^eply to topic Question 1 Гт a 13-year-old girl and I was wondering which TV programmes you think are most entertaining for teens? Answer 1 One of my favourite TV programmes of all time is ‘Buffy the Vampire’! Amazing show... Buffy is very very cool!! If you ever see it repeating or a friend has the DVD or something... WATCH IT!! 1 Answer 2 — 16 E Read the text ‘Music in our lives’ on page 75 (Student’s Book, Part 2), find final sentences for each paragraph and fill in this table. Paragraphs A В C D E Sentences Vdcabulai^ and grammar 0 Read the sentences and match them with their Russian translation. 10 1 2 3 4 5 Music is very soothing and relaxing. Early music training helps learn languages. Every country has its national anthem. Music can make people cry. Everyone enjoys some sort of music. A У каждой страны есть свой национальный гимн. В Музыка может заставить людей плакать. С Ранние занятия музыкой помогают в изучении языков. D У каждого есть своя любимая музыка. Е Музыка помогает успокоиться и расслабиться. Write questions to which the following sentences are answers. Sometimes more than one question can be asked. 1 Nevita likes classical music and jazz. ___What______kind.__of___nrtusLc_does___Nevita_____Like?_______________________ 2 I always listen to a good song in the morning. 3 I studied music at school. 4 I never listen to music when Pm doing my homework. 5 People sing, dance and read poems at the Eisteddfod. 6 Sportsmen like to listen to music before competitions. Find sentences with these word combinations in the text ‘Music in our lives’ (Student’s Book, Part 2). What parts of speech are words with -ing7 Why do you think so? early music training — a noun from weddings to graduation ceremonies —_____________________________ in waiting areas —___________________________ 12 13 is soothing and relaxing — Listening and speaking 1® T36 ] Listen to ‘Guess the Band’ quiz show and write Sarah Stokes’s three favourite bands. 1 2 3 I® T37 j Listen to the conversation about two photos and make notes. Both photos show________________________________________________ The first one___________________________________________________ The second photo 14 Reading and writing Read the text about The Police band on page 77 (Student’s Book, Part 2) and fill in the fact file. FACT FILE Name of band Names of members Started playing First successful record Other records Last record Most famous member Qmininar 15 Look at the pictures and write about who these people used to be. 1 Molly _.U:S.ed._______to____be a singer. 2 Teresa 4 5 6 7 8 *|16| Write eight sentences about yourself at the age of 7, following the example. 1 When I was________seven,__^_used___to___go__to__primary school, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 Vocabulary and grammar 17 Read again the texts in Exercise 17 on page 78 (Student’s Book, Part 2) and find English equivalents of the following words and phrases. 1 Пойти в армию, стать военным —_____________________________________________ 2 Принести хорошие деньги —__________________________________________________ 3 Умереть в бедности —_______________________________________________________ 4 Опера, основанная на поэме Пушкина — 5 Служить национальным гимном —_______ 6 Сделать кого-либо всемирно знаменитым — 7 Посвятить всю жизнь музыке —__________ 8 Быть знаменитым своими операми — Listening 18 I® Т38 I Listen to the TV programme guide and fill in the table. Day of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Time Programme Writing and speaking^ 19 Imagine you are conducting an interview for The RAP. Ask questions and guess the answers of Rocky Stardust, the famous singer. Use the construction used to and word combinations from the box. In pairs, role-play your dialogues. 1 go to school in London 2 have guitar lessons 3 earn a lot of money 4 live with your parents 5 study hard 6 have many friends 7 come home late after concerts 8 travel a lot 1 You: Rocky: 2 You: Rocky: 3 You: Rocky: Did, ^ou use to go________to___school___in__LoircionP 16 4 You: Rocky: 5 You: Rocky: 6 You: Rocky: 7 You: Rocky: 8 You: Rocky: 201 Find out about the likes and dislikes of these people and write questions and answers following the example. Ian ^ Matthew 1 Do ^ou LlIc& techno David? i—mwj 1 2 . Р]тгпя? 3 - Кягрп? 4 - К.рЬрр.р.я? 5 - Тяп? 6 - Мя+.tbpw? Reading and writing 21 Give answers to The RAP Music Questionnaire and learn more about yourself (see page 125). ^ MUSIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1 Do you like classical music? 5 Do you like reggae? 1 1 a) Yes, I do. It’s great! Q a) Yes, I do. It’s amazing! П b) It’s all right. □ b) It’s OK. П c) No, I don’t. It’s boring! 1 1 c) No, I don’t. It’s awful! 2 Do you like techno? 6 Do you like blues? Q a) Yes, I do. It’s amazing! 1 1 a) Yes, I do. It’s excellent. □ b) It’s OK. 1 1 b) It’s not bad. 1 1 c) No, I don’t. It’s awful! Q c) No, I don’t. It’s terrible! 3 Do you like jazz? 7 Do you like rap music? 1 1 a) Yes, I do. It’s excellent. Q a) Yes, I do. It’s great! 1 1 b) It’s not bad. 1 1 b) It’s all right. 1 1 c) No, I don’t. It’s terrible! □ c) No, I don’t. It’s boring! 4 Do you like pop music? 8 Do you like rock music? 1 1 a) Yes, I do. It’s great! Ц a) Yes, I do. It’s fantastic! Q b) It’s all right. 1 1 b) It’s not bad. П c) No, I don’t. It’s boring! П c) No, I don’t. It’s boring! 22 Complete the sentences about the results of The RAP Music Questionnaire. 1 If the person chooses more a) answers, he or she------------------------- 2 If the person chooses more b) answers, he or she 3 If the person chooses more c) answers, he or she 4 If the person chooses the same number of a), b) and c) answers, he or she '16 Speaking 23 Look at the picture and think of a story to tell the class. Make a list of useful words and phrases. 0000 000 \ишщщ Example: This_Ls__О__picture of mu father. When he was О__teenager___he__used.__to_sing with a band.___________________ Sing Or: This Ls a pLc.t.ure o£ tny favourite pop singer. When hs. was a teenager he used to sing with a school band. Consolidation Listening Consolidation 2 тз5 I Where are they going? Listen to the conversations, look at the photos of Moscow landmarks on page 81 (Student’s Book, Part 1) and decide where these people are going. Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 Dialogue 3 Consolidation 3 T40 1 Listen to the conversation again and correct five mistakes in the tapescript. Then listen again and check. Mum: Hello, Rachel. Rachel: Hi, Mum. Mum: Where were you yesterday? Rachel: I was at Pam’s house. Mum: I see. Do you want a cup of tea? Rachel: No, thank you. Mum. Have we got any cake? Mum: No, we haven’t, but we’ve got some biscuits. Do you want some? Rachel: Yes, please. Mum: Here you are. Rachel: Thanks. Mum: What’s the time? Rachel: It’s half past nine. Mum: You must go. You mustn’t be late for your cooking lesson. Rachel: OK. Bye, Mum. Consolidation 4.1 i®T4i I Listen to the conversation again and correct six mistakes in the tapescript. Then listen again and check. Dan: Hello, Nevita. How are you? Nevita: Hi! I’m fine. Dan: What’s the weather like? Nevita: It’s sunny and warm here in London today. Dan: What are you doing? Nevita: Гт sitting in the park. Dan: Are you reading? Nevita: No, I’m not. I’m writing a birthday card for Rachel. Dan: When’s his birthday? Nevita: It’s on December the twenty-fifth. Dan: Have you got a present for him? Nevita: Yes, I have. It’s a book about Jim Morrison. Dan: Who was he? Nevita: He was a famous blues singer. Dan: When was he born? Nevita: He was born in 1945 in the USA. Dan: Really! That’s a good present! Consolidation 4.8 1® T42 ) Listen to three telephone conversations and fill in the table. Did all the callers speak to the persons they wanted to call? Listen again and check. Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 Who is calling whomP. Did they talk? Consolidation 4.9 T4S 1 Fill in the gaps in the dialogues, then listen to the conversations again and check. Conversation 1 Kate: Hello? Pete: Hi, is that Kate? It’s Pete__________________(1). Kate: Hi, Pete! What’s up? Pete: I feel like having a game of tennis.________________(2) you like to join me? Kate: Sorry, I can’t hear you well, the connection is really bad! Pete: I said how about playing tennis with me today? Kate: ___________________(3), Pete, I’d rather stay at home and watch TV. Pete: What’s on? Kate: Actually, it’s tennis... The Wimbledon Championship! Pete: Oh, Really? I didn’t know it would be on today._________ (4) does it start? Kate: In half an hour. Come and join me! Would be fun to watch together! Pete: OK, will be with you______________________(5)! Conversation 2 Pete: Hi, _ (1). Martha, please? Martha*s Mother: Is that Pete? Sorry, Pete, she’s out at the moment. She’s visiting her Granny. Can I take a message? Pete: Can you tell her___________________(2)? Martha*s Mother: OK, Pete. I’ll let her know when she gets back. Hang on a minute. Oh, she’s back. Martha,___________________(3) for you! Bye, Pete. Pete: Bye! Hi, Martha... Conversation 3 Student: Good morning. (1) to Professor Jones, please? Secretary: Yes, of course. May I ask who’s calling? Student: It’s John Smith, his student. Secretary: OK,______________________(2), please. I’ll put you through, (pause) Hello, Mr Smith? I’m afraid Professor Jones is on the other line at the moment. Shall I ask him______________________(3)? Student: No, that’s OK. I’ll phone again later. Thank you. Bye. Secretary: Bye. Answers to questionnaires □ Sports Questionnaire (Workbook, Unit 5, Exercise 14). Count the points: 3 points for each a answer 2 points for each b answer 0 points for each c answer Result: 0—7 points You don’t like sports much. In fact, you’re just a little lazy. 8—14 points You like sports, but you could go in for sports more. 15—21 points You’re fond of sports. You like all kinds of sport. But do you have enough time for studying? □ Music Questionnaire (Workbook, Unit 16, Exercise 21). Mainly a answers You’re a cheerful and optimistic person. Any music raises your spirits and you start dancing just after turning the radio on. Mainly b answers Your music preferences are not completely formed yet. You listen to music of different genres without giving preferences to any of them. Mainly c answers Definitely, music is not one of your main interests. But may be you’ll become interested in it in the future. Equal number of a, b and c answers Your music preferences are in the process of development. Try to analyse what you like more: classic music, blues, rock, rap or may be electronic music. Test 1 И Read the text and look at the pictures. Which of them shows Mark’s family? Hi, Fm Mark Steward. Fm 13. Fm from Liverpool. This is my family. My mother is 34. Her brother John |t is 26. He’s my favourite uncle. My sister Rebecca is a baby. She’s only 1. My brother is 11. His name is Roger. My father is 40. We’re a happy family. A □ В □ ❖ 5 points for the correct answer. (Maximum — 5.) 0 Write the numerals from the text above in words. 0 tklrteen 1 _________ 2 ❖ 1 point for each correct answer. (Maximum — 5.) a Complete the sentences with the adverbs never, sometimes, often, usually, always. Find the right place for the adverbs. 0 I’m late for lessons, (never) Гпп_never___Llie____f Qp—Lessons..--------------- 1 I go to the sports club twice a week, (usually)-------------------------------- 2 My sister gets up at 7 o’clock, (always)_______________________________________ 3 We go to the cinema on Sundays, (sometimes) 4 We go home for lunch, (never)________________ 5 They don’t watch TV in the afternoon, (often) ❖ 1 point for each correct answer. (Maximum — 5.) a Change these sentences into general questions. Pay special attention to the forms of the verbs to have and to have got. 0 Kate has got two hobbies — singing and dancing. Нпя Kn.-hft got ~hwo hobbles — singing and.___________________cjanclngp_____________ 1 You’ve got many clubs at your school. 2 The Smiths have dinner at eight o’clock. 3 Mary hasn’t got any pets. 4 Kevin hasn’t got a computer at home. 5 You have breakfast in the kitchen. ❖ 1 point for each correct answer. (Maximum — 5.) 'I 6 I Add question tags to the sentences and give short answers to these questions. 0 The UK is an absolute monarchy, 151^*1:___Lil?_Nq,___Li—Lsn. i..— 1 Queen Elizabeth II is the Head of State in the UK,___________?---- 2 The Queen has absolute power. 3 Queen Elizabeth II was born in 1926, 4 Prince Andrew is not the Queen’s eldest grandson. 5 In 2011 Prince William married Catherine Middleton, ♦t* 1 point for each correct question tag and for each correct answer. (Maximum — 10.) Проверь ответы на с. 135 и подсчитай общий результат. За каждую орфографическую ошибку (неправильно написанное слово) сними 1 балл. Test 2 ‘И Read the text and statements below the text. Mark them as true {Tj or false (F). Save the chimps! Like human children, chimpanzee babies are very attached to their mums — but many of them lose their parents when they are very young. In West and Central Africa, mothers of young chimps are among the animals killed by poachers for meat. The poachers then sell the poor orphan babies for experiments or to circuses, or as exotic pets. Fortunately, many of these young chimps have now got a loving home at the new Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary in Kenya. ‘Most of them are in a terrible state when we rescue them,’ says Chris Jordan, of Care for the Wild, an organisation that helps pay for the chimps to stay at the Sanctuary. At Sweetwaters the young chimpanzees can have a normal life, looking for food, making friends and learning how to explore and climb. Most are doing well. ‘Some of the baby chimps are badly injured when we find them,’ adds Chris. ‘We really need an intensive care unit. Then we can help more animals.’ 0 Ш Young chimpanzees love their mothers. СИ Chimpanzees are killed because people eat their meat. СИ The Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary is the home for young chimps. СИ Many of them need medical care when they get to the Sanctuary. СИ Chris Jordan works for the Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary. СИ Care for the Wild finances the Sanctuary. ❖ 1 point for each correct answer. (Maximum — 5.) 0 Complete the sentences using the Present Simple or the Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Does_______Trevor often______plcLij___football on Monday? (play) Pat She How often you . to travel, (like) . in Australia this week, (travel) you__________________to the cinema? (go) ______________TV at the moment? (watch) Nevita you usually lunch now. (have) _________________lunch at home? (have) ❖ 1 point for each correct answer. (Maximum — 6.) 0 Complete the sentences using the verbs in the Passive Voice. 0 lt*5 calleci/lt _L2_____caLLeci_____a duckbill in English, (call) 1 2 3 4 5 The New Year twice in Russia, (celebrate) How many people TV New Year programmes to your party? (invite) _________on January 13. (repeat) Children The word ‘festival’ presents at school and at home, (give) __________in two different meanings in English, (use) ❖ 1 point for each correct answer. (Maximum — 5.) И Are you good at geography? Look at the map and complete the sentences about the weather in these countries. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 It *5_snowLi^g in Iceland, m Britain. in Southern Italy. ____in France. ____in Spain. ____in Germany. ____in Portugal. ❖ 1 point for each correct answer. (Maximum — 6.) 0 Describe the people in the pictures: their height, build, hair. О Ж BRAD Л ^ sheiua'**' || - <£33 1 SARAH j/ / 0 Brad___Ls_a__tall, thin,_bo^. He*5 got straight____blortdi hair. ❖ 1 point for each correct sentence. (Maximum — 8.) Проверь ответы на с. 135 и подсчитай общий результат. За каждую орфографическую ошибку (неправильно написанное слово) сними 1 балл. Test 3 И Do you know what these school subjects are called in English? Read the descriptions and write the words. 0 The language of the French people. 1 The language of the British people. 2 The study of countries, seas and mountains. 3 Arithmetic, algebra and geometry are part of this subject. 4 In this subject you learn to paint and draw and study great people like da Vinci. 5 You can play basketball, football and tennis in this subject. 6 Physics and chemistry are part of this subject. 7 The study of great people like Kutuzov and facts from the past. 8 The language of the people of Russia. French ❖ 1 point for each correct answer. (Maximum — 8.) E Do you like shopping? Look at the picture, complete questions and write answers. 0 (A) How much___Ls_~bhls_beL~bP_____ lt*s_twgLv.e___pounds___fiftij.____ 1 (B) How much_______________________? 2(C) 3(D) 4(E) 5(F) 6(G) ❖ 1 point for each correct answer. (Maximum — 6.) 0 Complete the sentences using much or many. 0 How nruicK milk is there in the fridge? — There is a little. 1 How_____________sugar have we got? — We’ve got half a packet. 2 How_____________apples are there? — There are six apples. 3 How_____________fruit have we got? — We haven’t got much. 4 How_____________bread have we got? — We haven’t got any bread. 5 How_____________potatoes are there? — There are some potatoes in the basket. 6 How_____________chicken have we got? — We’ve got 4 pieces. ❖ 1 point for each correct answer. (Maximum — 6.) a Look at the picture and describe this small town. 8 9 10 ❖ 1 point for each correct answer. (Maximum — 10.) a Look at the pictures and write five alternative questions using the prompts. 0 Their house/Bristol/London Is their__house___Ln__Bristol or Lri LondonP____________________________________________________________ 1 Tom’s mother/Britain/France_____________________________________ 2 Kevin’s father/uncle 3 Phone number/Ann’s/Tim’s 4 This girl’s name/Kate/Susan 5 This dog/Alice’s pet/Bob’s pet ❖ 1 point for each correct answer. (Maximum — 5.) Проверь ответы на с. 135 и подсчитай общий результат. За каждую орфографическую ошибку (неправильно написанное слово) сними 1 балл. Test 4 И Read the text and fill in the fact file. Gary Cole Gary Cole is one of the best basketball players in Britain. Gary was born in 1980 in Birmingham. Gary’s got two brothers, Roy and Leroy, and a sister, Lucy, and they all do sport. But they are all younger than Gary and still at school. His parents, Roger and Julie, are teachers. Gary started playing basketball when he was sixl He used to watch the American stars on TV when he was a boy, and that’s where he got his inspiration to be a star. He used to play in the park near his house. He also used to play football and was in the school team. But Gary prefers basketball because he says it’s faster and more exciting than football. He plays for the Birmingham Braves now and he’s their star player. Gary’s very happy with the Braves, but he has an ambition. He wants to go and play in the USA for one of the big teams! Why? Because the standard of play is higher and because players get more money. FACT FILE Members of family name profession 1 Name e Mother 2 Surname 7 Father 3 Profession 8 Brother 4 Name of team 9 Brother 5 Ambition 10 Sister ❖ 1 point for each correct answer. (Maximum — 10.) 0 What are these people doing? Describe the picture. 0 Steve _l5__pLa^lrig__voLLe^baLL. Ian and Roger___________________ Patrick_________________________ Sandy___________________________ Tom_____________________________ Eric____________________________ Paul____________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The Collins 10 They_______ George Susan _ ❖ 1 point for each correct answer. (Maximum — 10.) а Who are these people? Write about their professions. 0 1 2 3 4 5 He is__on___actor. ❖ 1 point for each correct answer. (Maximum — 5.) a Match the sentences (0-5) with /f-clauses (A-F). 0 We would go for a walk 1 I wouldn’t do an extra job 2 She would use a computer 3 We would invite him 4 They would come to the party 5 Simon would grow vegetables A if they were free that evening. В if he had a garden. C if I didn’t need the money. D if she had one. E if we knew where he was. F if it were not so cold. ❖ 1 point for each correct answer. (Maximum — 5.) a Complete the sentences using the prompts. 0 If I were you, hi__osk___your___tralneci. 1 If I were you,--------------------------- 2 If I were you,--------------------------- 3 If I were you,___________________________ 4 If I were you,--------------------------- 5 If I were you,--------------------------- ___(ask/trainer) (buy/Italian car) .. (use/computer/school) -. (put on/jacket/interview) ________(give/she/f lowers) .. (have breakfast/morning) ❖ 1 point for each correct answer. (Maximum — 5.) Проверь ответы на с. 136 и подсчитай общий результат. За каждую орфографическую ошибку (неправильно написанное слово) сними 1 балл. Keys Проверь ответы и подсчитай общий результат. За каждую орфографическую ошибку (неправильно написанное слово) сними 1 балл. В 1 thirty-four 2 twenty-six 3 one 4 eleven 5 forty 1 I usually go ... 2 My sister always gets up ... 3 We sometimes go ... 4 We never go ... 5 They don’t often watch ... 1 Have you got many clubs at your school? 2 Do the Smiths have dinner at eight o’clock? 3 Has Mary got any pets? 4 Has Kevin got a computer at home? 5 Do you have breakfast in the kitchen? 1 They enjoy/love dancing. 2 He enjoys/loves playing the guitar. 3 He loves using a computer. 4 They enjoy/love swimming. 5 He enjoys/loves playing the piano. 1 ..., isn’t she? Yes, she is. 2 ..., doesn’t she? No, she doesn’t. 3 ..., wasn’t she? Yes, she was. 4 ..., is he? No, he isn’t. 5 ..., didn’t he? Yes, he did. Test 1 № 1: № 2: № 3: № 4: № 5: № *6: Если был выполнен вариант с № 1—5 Если был выполнен вариант с № 1—*6 23-25 баллов 31-35 баллов Молодец! 18-22 балла 26-30 баллов Хорошо! 13-17 баллов 20-25 баллов Подумай, что тебе надо повторить. 1-12 баллов 1-19 баллов Надо попросить помощи у друзей и учителя! Test 2 № *1: 1 — T, 2 — T, 3 — T, 4 — F, 5 — T № 2: 1 likes 2 is travelling 3 do you go 4 Are you watching 5 is having 6 Do you usually have № 3: 1 is celebrated 2 are invited 3 are repeated 4 are given 5 is used 4: 1 It’s raining 2 It’s warm and sunny 3 It’s cloudy 4 It’s sunny 5 It’s cold 6 It’s windy № 5: 1 Sheila’s/Sheila is a tall, thin girl. She’s got wavy black hair. 2 Brian’s/Brian is a short, fat boy. He’s got short blond hair. 3 Sarah’s/Sarah is a tall, thin girl. She’s got long straight black hair. 4 Rick’s/Rick is a tall, fat boy. He’s got short, curly black hair. Если был выполнен вариант с № 2—5 Если был выполнен вариант с № *1—5 23-25 баллов 26-30 баллов Молодец! 18-22 балла 21-25 баллов Хорошо! 13-17 баллов 16-20 баллов Подумай, что тебе надо повторить. 1-12 баллов 1-15 баллов Надо попросить помощи у друзей и учителя! Test 3 № 1: 1 English 2 Geography 3 Maths 4 Art 5 Physical education 6 Science 7 History 8 Russian № 2: В How much is this pair of jeans? It’s twenty-eight pounds sixty pence. C How much is that dress? It’s eighteen pounds fifty pence. D How much is this T-shirt? It’s nine pounds ninety-nine pence. E How much is this coat? It’s sixty-two pounds. F How much is this skirt? It’s eighteen pounds ninety pence. G How much is that pair of socks? It’s three pounds sixty pence. № 3: 1 much 2 many 3 much 4 much 5 many 6 much № 4: 1 The department store is next to TESCO. 2 The railway station is opposite the cinema. 3 The school is opposite/in front of the shopping center. / The school is next to the library/cinema. / The school is between the library and the cinema. 4 The newsagent’s is in front of the post office. 5 The shopping center is next to the railway station/ opposite the school. 6 The bank is behind TESCO. 7 The cinema is next to the pub/ school. / The cinema is opposite the railway station. 8 The church is next to the library. 9 The restaurant is near TESCO. 10 The post office is behind/opposite the newsagent’s. № *5: 1 Is Tom’s mother from Britain or from France? 2 Is it/this Kevin’s father or uncle? 3 Is it Ann’s or Tim’s phone number? / Is this phone number Ann’s or Tim’s? 4 Is this girl’s name Kate or Susan? 5 Is this dog Alice’s pet or Bob’s pet? / Is this dog Alice’s or Bob’s pet? Если был выполнен вариант с № 1—4 Если был выполнен вариант с № 1—*5 26-30 баллов 31-35 баллов Молодец! 21-25 баллов 26-30 баллов Хорошо! 16-20 баллов 20-25 баллов Подумай, что тебе надо повторить. 1-15 баллов 1-19 баллов Надо попросить помощи у друзей и учителя! Test 4 № 1: № 2: № 3: № 4: № *5: 1 Gary 2 Cole 3 basketball player 4 Birmingham Braves 5 to play in the USA 6 Julie, teacher 7 Roger, teacher 8 Roy, student 9 Leroy, student 10 Lucy, student 1 Ian and Roger are playing football. 2 Patrick is playing tennis. 3 Sandy is listening to music. 4 Tom is rollerblading. 5 Eric is playing the guitar. 6 Paul is cycling. 7 George is swimming. 8 Susan is playing basketball. 9 The Collins are having a picnic. 10 They are having fun/enjoying themselves. 1 artist 2 musician 3 actress 4 sportsman 5 politician I — C, 2 — D, 3 — E, 4 — A, 5 — В II would/I’d buy an Italian car. 2 I would/I’d use a computer at school. 3 I would/I’d put on a jacket for the interview. 4 I would/I’d give her flowers. 5 I would/I’d have breakfast in the morning. Если был выполнен вариант с № 1—4 Если был выполнен вариант с № 1—*5 26-30 баллов 31-35 баллов Молодец! 21-25 баллов 26-30 баллов Хорошо! 16-20 баллов 20-25 баллов Подумай, что тебе надо повторить. 1-15 баллов 1-19 баллов Надо попросить помощи у друзей и учителя!