Английский язык 9 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова часть 2

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 9 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Enjoy English (Энджой инглиш):

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к\ ^ 1 )С ^ 1 i РАБОЧАЯ ТЕТРАДЬ № 2 Контрольные работы Families and friends: are we happy together? WARM-UP 1 Listen to the speakers and circle the most appropriate replies. Listen again to check your answers. 1 a) Nice to meet you too. b) Thank you. I’m very glad to see you too. c) I’m fine. d) Have a nice day! 2 a) I certainly will. I’ll bring them to the class tomorrow. b) I can show you my summer photos if you like. c) Thank you. d) I haven’t seen you for ages! 3 a) Thank you. I’m fine. b) It was OK. I didn’t go anywhere, but I had a very good time at home. c) I’ll have to spend the whole summer in town, I’m afraid. d) Oh! It was so nice of you to offer your help. 4 a) Never mind! b) 1 don’t know where you can find Max, I’m afraid. c) I don’t have the slightest idea. d) We’ve been very good friends with Max for several years. j IB Complete the dialogue. Follow the instructions. Щ •S' Ш «6 Hi! It’s nice to see you again! You look great! Different places. First, I went to my granny’s, to the country. I helped her with her garden, and she cooked wonderful pies and pancakes. Ш For a month or so. We went to the seaside for a couple of weeks. My parents and 1.1 enjoyed the trip very much! And I learnt to swim there. Now I can do it quite well. And what did you do this summer? Thanks!... (Return the compliment.) Where did you go for this summer? Ask your partner about how long he or she was there. And what did you do after that? Praise your partner for the achievements in swimming. I didn’t waste my time either. First,... (say what you did in the first part of your holiday). Then I... (tell your partner about another event, trip or activity you were busy with on holiday). Did you manage to do any sport? ^---------- Well done. Look, I have to be going now. I’m glad that you enjoyed your hoUday. Answer the question. If it is “yes”, say what sport you did. If it is “no”, explain why and what you did (reading, playing computer games, working, etc). 'b' ""i -i Bye for now. And see you soon! P4i3 2AJM Listen to the description of a hotel and find the right picture. D .. 2BJ a) Look at the plan and write a description of the playground. Use There is / There are. If you can suggest how the playground can be improved, write about your ideas. Useful language There is a sandbox in the middle of the playground. I think it would be a good idea to put... / to move... / to remove... / to construct... UNIT 1 3^Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the right form of the verb be. In July Now In January It hot. It wet. It snowv. It sunny. It rainv. It frosty. It cloudless. It cloudv. It dark verv early. It light till late. It windy. It windv. It nice. It boring. It dull. 0J 3BjWork in pairs. Try to keep the “weather conversation” going as long as possible. Use the construction It + be in your “weather” sentences. The winner is the person who speaks last. The phrases in the box below and the example of the conversation may help you. WEATHER TALKS Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Make a statement about the weather (in the past, present or future). r J к Respond to your partners words (agree or disagree; express your attitude, etc). Useful language The weather forecast says that... Do you remember that / what...? Do you believe that...? Everybody says that... Usually... I read in some newspaper that... I heard on the radio that... It was on TV that... I hope (that)... * I guess (that)... I’m afraid (that)... I’m sure (that)... Sample answer The weather forecast says that it’ll be very cold this winter. ^ Yes, I do. But I like it when it’s snowy and frosty in winter. And I think that it’s quite windy outside now. No, I don’t. I hope it’ll be warm and sunny at the weekend. And I heard just the opposite. I heard that the coming January will be unusually warm. Do you remember that it was very snowy and frosty in the winter two years ago? Yes, Tm afraid it is. I don’t like windy weather at all. Do you? UNIT 1 :;i7: TEST 1 ^ Part I 1 QQ Listen to three people talking about their holidays and complete the sentences below with one of the options from the box. I camping eating lots of fruit fishing working in the garden 1 working in the garage swimming and diving cycling A The best thing about a summer holiday for Speaker 1 is В The best thing about a summer holiday for Speaker 2 is . C The best thing about a summer holiday for Speaker 3 is Ой Listen to the recording for the second time and mark the sentences below as T (true) — if the statement agrees with the information. F (false) — if the statement contradicts the information. 1 Speaker 1 is a good sportsman and is getting ready for a competition. О 2 Speaker 2 doesn’t mind getting up early in summer. Ц 3 Speaker 3 feels a little bit lonely in summer. О Part II Read the advertisement and complete the table below. Write “+” in the box, if there is an answer to the question in the text; write if there is no information on the point. Join US for a camping holiday! If you want to have a good time and enjoy nature, you can take part in our camping holiday. Everyone is welcome! The meeting point is the central railway station, Saturday, at 7 a.m. Don't be late! You'll find us easily — you'll never miss a crowd of cheerful people with huge rucksacks! Just come up and say "hello". We plan to be back to the city at 10 p.m. on Sunday. If this is going to be your first camping holiday, please read the following instructions carefully: 1 Take food for two days. The food should be simple and not very heavy. Make sure that the food can be kept without fridge. Take drinking water with you. Don't take sweet or fizzy drinks. Pure water is the best choice. 2 Take warm clothes with you — a sweater or a coat. It's recommended to wear jeans, not shorts or skirts. Your footwear should be comfortable and suitable for a long walk. 3 Take some medicine with you, just in case something goes wrong. 4 No rubbish (paper, glass, or polyethylene packages) can be left at the camping site. You'll have to carry everything to special containers. We are very strict about that. If you follow our recommendations, you'll enjoy your holiday and will make new friends. UNIT 1 If I want to join the campers, where can I meet them? 2 When will I be back in the city? 3 Should I take any food with me? 4 What should I wear and what clothes should I take with me? 5 Should I have any money on me? 6 Should I take matches to make a fire? 7 Who will collect the rubbish, if there is any? □ □ □ □ □ □ □ ;Partllhi^ Choose the right form of the verbs be and have. Write the correct letter in each gap. Then transfer the answers to the table. 1 I know that place very well — I. (1) there last summer. 2 — Do you know that a ryjw entertainment park has been built right opposite your house? — Yeah, I_____________________(2) there — nothing interesting at all. 3 — Our train leaves at 9.30. Please don’t be late! — Don’t worry, I_____________________(3) on time. 4 The weather forecast says that it_____________________(4) very warm in October. 5 Hello! I______________________(5) really very glad to see you again! 6 I was at the seaside a couple of weeks ago. I___________________(6) a wonderful holiday. 7 It’s very hot and stuffy here. I think I 8 I’m not hungry. I____________________ 9 He_______________________(9) many jobs before he became a jockey. (7) a short walk before going to bed. (8) lunch not long ago. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Please don’t disturb me. I (10) a very important telephone conversation. a) is b) was c) have been d) had been a) has been b) have been c) was d) wiU be a) am b) be c) was d) ’U be a) ’U be b) be c) is d) ’s been a) is b)’re c) ’ve been d) ’m a) have b) have had c) had had d) had a) have b) ’ll have c) had d) have had a) have b) had c) have had d) ’ll have a) have b) has c) has have d) ’d had a) have b) ’m having c) had d) ’ve had Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Letter UNIT 1 Part IV Write an essay about a camping holiday / a picnic / a horse-riding holiday / a mountain-climbing holiday / a seaside holiday / a sightseeing holiday, etc. Write about the following: • when you went there ' • with whom you went there • what you were wearing • what you did there • when you returned home. You should write at least 80 words. Part V Choose the statement you agree with. Say how you feel about a camping holiday. Say at least 8 sentences. Use some of the phrases from the box. I CiAjoy ТЭ \M£ it's the best idea of a holiday iv\, sukM.m.er. I ““ —(2) ” Is ^ot ИА,у idea of a Qood hoLlday. Useful language I----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I to enjoy fishing to hate fishing very boring a waste of time to protect from the rain | I smell of the grass snakes in the grass clean air swimming in the morning | I cold and wet mornings baking potatoes playing the guitar lots of mosquitoes 1 I to depend on the weather I I________________________________________________________________________________________I The maximum score for Parts l-III is 23. Your score is... 0-12 13-18 19-23 We recommend you to spend a lot of time improving your English. Otherwise you are unlikely to do successfully in your exam. It’s not bad. However, there is a lot you need to work on. Have more practice. Otherwise you may have difficulty in your exam. Well done. Keep practising and you’ll have a good chance of success in your exam. Parts IV-V are evaluated by your teacher. 10 UNIT 1 4 WARM-UP, 2 IAJpO Listen to the questions and choose the most appropriate answer. You will listen to the recording twice. 1 a) We’ve been very good friends for ages. b) I need his advice. c) We’ve quarreled and don’t talk to each other. d) We can talk for hours. 2 a) I feel comfortable and relaxed with her. b) She’s a bore. And my friends think she’s annoying too. ' c) She’ll be very pleased to get the invitation, d) She’s very nice and avoids conflicts. 3 a) No. Why do you ask? b) Yes, we were at the Fine Arts Exhibition last Saturday. c) No, I didn’t enjoy the football game last weekend. It wasn’t exciting at ail. d) Michael goes to rock and pop concerts almost every weekend. Do you sometimes go with him? 4 a) You’ve never borrowed my skateboard. b) I haven’t cycled for a long time. I’m afraid I’m not very good with my bicycle now. c) No, I don’t. But bring it back by Monday, will you? d) I enjoy cycling very much. Do you? the rules of play groups of The rules of the game The leader of each group asks the two other students the questions from the list. He or she asks the questions in random choice and crosses out the questions which have been asked. The other two players take turns in answering the questions. The pause between the question and the answer shouldn't be longer than 4 seconds. If the pause is longer, the player misses the turn and the other player answers the question. Answering questions with "yes" or "no" is not enough. The players should say several sentences and give some details of the situation. Each appropriate answer scores one point. The leader counts the points. The winner is the person who scores more points. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Questions What are you doing this Saturday? Have you ever listened to an opera? Can you play any musical instrument? Do you get along with your neighbours? Do you have a room of your own or do you share it with someone from your family? Can I take your skateboard for Saturday? Do you mind if I use your telephone? Have you ever had a conversation with a foreigner? Do you often quarrel with your friends? Does loud music irritate you? Do you sometimes envy other people? What things do you envy people? What programmes do you watch on TV? What book have you read recently? What's your favourite pastime? Can you spell your family name? Do you know what your first and second names mean? * 11 UNIT 1 2Aj a) Read the text and write down the sentences / parts of sentences in bold in the appropriate column. When you meet new people, you can hardly escape talking about your family. They_always want t^ know how many brothers, sisters and cousins you have, what they are like and what they do. I have a brother and a sister. They are both older than me, and that's why they feel superior. But^they ore not! They don't pay much attention to me and that's why they know nothing aboutjne. But I know everything about them. I even have lists with their essential habits. About Lisa Lisa wakes up at seven but pretends that she is still asleep till half past seven. She does that because she doesn't want to cook her breakfast. Lisa tells everybody that she does aerobics in the morning. Actually, she doesn't do any e^rcises at all. Lisa likes everything sweet and keeps candies in her ^hoolbag. Lisa often leaves home later than 8 a.m., and this means she is regularly late for her classes. Lisa worries about her looks so much! About Daniel Daniel listens to hard rock, but Mum and Dad think he likes classical music. Daniel has a girlfriend, and nobody knows about it. Daniel and his girlfriend sometimes go to a cafe and discos. Daniel hates pudding which Mum cooks for him every Saturday. He doesn't fell her about it because he doesn't want to hurt i»erjfeelings. Daniel often latches my cartoons, though he tells everybody that he likes action films. Sentences which say about some state (be in present simple) • Sentences which say about possession (have in present simple) 12 UNIT 1 Sentences which say about regular actions and feelings, likes and dislikes (verbs other than be and have in present simple) I {E < V S X « V H Сц 4> n H r Do you mean there are several in this city? I’m not sure... It sounds like Cassefeed or something like that... Yes, that’s what I meant. But how can I get there if I don’t know where we are now? what’s wrong? What can I do for you? Right. And no worries! I’m not a local, but I have a map of the city. What railway station do you need? Yeah, the map says there are three. Do you remember the name of the station? There is no Cassefeed here, but there is Castlefield. ^ •-Л’ 4 V« Ask if it is possible to walk to the railway station. :5&r os b) Listen to the whole dialogue. Does the route suggested in it differ from yours? 2AJB0 a) Listen to the announcement on board the plane. Circle the sentence below which does NOT contradict the information in the announcement. You will listen to the recording twice. pflssetA.0ers Яге v^t allowed to leeep persoiA^iL thI.H.0s Ivi the overheud c,ovw^ЯYtvwe\лi:. vassevu^ers. caiA.-put some •persoKaL thluu^^ t^лto the overhcaol oom,-partmei^. 20 UNIT 2 из b) Listen to the airport announcement. Circle the right answers. You will listen to the recording twice. 1 Passengers flying for Sydney should come to boarding gate number five, a) True b) False 2 Passengers should come to the gate not later than half an hour before departure time, a) True b) False 3 Passengers who come later than 18.45 risk missing the flight, a) True b) False Oj 2BjWork in pairs. Look at the situation and write a text to be announced in the international airport. You are meeting a friend from Japan. The plane landed 20 minutes ago, but you can’t see your friend among the passengers. You think that you’ve missed him. You want the person at the information desk to make an announcement. Write down the text of the announcement. • your friend’s name — Satoshi Hashimoto • flight — CX 132 (Tokyo — Moscow) • place where you are waiting for your friend — your choice 3Aj Read through the safety tips for young airport passengers. Some of the tips are right and some of them are dangerously wrong. Circle the number of each wrong tip and correct it. 1 Don’t shout or speak very loudly inside the airport. 2 Walk, don’t run. 3 If you are unsure about the time or the gate for your flight, or you need some other details, ask other passengers but don’t disturb the airport officials about it. 4 If you see unattended luggage, open it. Don’t tell the officials about it. 5 Don’t play on the escalator / travelator. 6 Hold on to the hand rail when using the escalator. 7 Watch the landing step at the end of escalator / travelator. 8 Put your bag properly on a trolley. 9 Race with the trolley. UNIT 2 21 Oj 3^Work in groups. Write some rules or tips about how to behave a) at the railway station. d) in the theatre. b) on board of a ship. e) in the school. c) on board of a plane. f) in the supermarket. Etc. 4AJ Choose the right word. Write the correct letter in each gap. ' Multinational cuisine' One of the best things about travelling is an opportunity to try various foods. Mike is the chef in a cafe where dishes from different countries are served.------------------(1) assistants work in his kitchen every day. Mike watches___________________(2) and gives instructions, as he is an expert and is able to cook any dish from ________________(4) in the kitchen. (3) cuisine. His loud voice can be heard — Add (5) more pepper, Sam. The salad is not spicy _ _______________(7) salt. Now you have to add (6). _ (8) rice to — Kate, you’ve put too_______________ save the dish. — Andy, put only one slice of lemon on the salad, and put — Kate, can’t you see that the apple is rotten^?! Take-------- — Sam,___________________(11) fish nor meat can be used for this salad. It’s a vegetarian dish! ______(9) fruit in the fridge. (10) one! — Nick, the kettle is rather heavy! Hold it in (12) hands. (13) hand. 22 — Andy, take the knife with one hand, and the piece of ham with_____________________ Now slice the ham carefully! Mike is busy all day round. And it’s not very easy for his assistants to please him. However, there are_________________(14) vacant tables in his cafe, and people come there again and again. ' cuisine [kwi'zfcnl — кухня (блюда, характерные для какой-либо национальной кухни) ^ rotten — гнилой UNIT 2 1 a) Much b) Any c) Several d) The other 2 a)they b) their c) them d) themselves 3 a) some b) the other c) any d) anywhere 4 a) somewhere b) everywhere c) where d) nowhere 5 a) some b) something c) any d) few 6 a)enough b) too little c) a lot d) much 7 a) many b)less c) much d) few 8 a) some b) any c) a few d) many 9 a) the rest of the b) most c) some other d) another 10 a) the other b) the rest of c) a few d) another 11 a) no b) nothing c) neither d) either 12 a) other b) another c) either d) both 13 a) another b) the other c) some d) some other 14 a) not b) no c) nothing d) neither 4Bj a) Sandra heard on the radio programme “The Recipe of the Day”, a recipe for low-fat muffins Sandra wrote down the recipe and cooked the muffins. However, they were not good at all. Сй Listen to the extract from the programme “The Recipe of the Day”, find three mistakes in Sandra’s recipe and then correct them. -n^sty OJb) Read the instructions and make up a dialogue. Student A: Teach a foreign friend how to cook some dish from your national cuisine. Give clear instructions on cooking. Student B: React to show that you are following the speaker and ask questions to clarify the instructions. A: Take some / lots of / a couple of / half a kilo of... Add some... Stir it carefully. Mix it with... Slice some... Beat the stuff with a mixer. Put it into the oven for 20 minutes. Bake it at 200 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Serve it hot / chilled / with source / with cream, etc. B: Right... 1 see... Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Should I... Do you mean that I should... Can I use... instead of... What do you mean by “...”? rU certainly try to cook it when I’m back home. My family will be delighted to try this dish. UNIT 2 23 Part I йй Listen to the announcements and circle the right sentences. You will listen to the recording twice. Then transfer your answers to the table. A 1 If passengers flying to Washington return their tickets in half an hour, they can get their money back. 2 The boarding for the flight to Washington may be announced in thirty minutes. В 1 The time of flight J 48 for Paris has been changed. The plane will take off at 8 o’clock. 2 Passengers of flight J 48 should go to gate number eight. C 1 It’s very easy to get from Florence Airport to Florence Railway station by bus. The buses leave every half-hour. 2 It’s not far from Florence Airport to Florence Railway station, but the busses go there only once every six hours. D 1 If you are not sure where to get off, you can ask the bus driver. 2 Passengers are not allowed to ask the bus driver any questions. Letter A В C D Number Part II Read the text and do the tasks below. Is insurance necessary for a traveller? 1 Agencies provide you with different insurances: you can get a life insurance and accident insurance, car insurance and boat insurance, homeowners insurance and travel insurance, and iots of other kinds of insurance policies. Why do people buy insurance policies? For exampie, why do they buy travel insurance when they go abroad? 2 This is what Adam Brown, the owner of the insurance agency "Safe Travel" says; "When we travel, we can face some unexpected risks. First of all, we can get ill or can have an accident while travelling. The risk is rather high, especially in exotic countries. There are exotic diseases, and snakes and mosquitoes inhabit the most beautiful islands. So, if you become ill or injured, your travel insurance will provide financial support. That is, the agency will pay for your treatment. 3 Then your luggage can be lost while travelling, and, unfortunately, this happens a lot. Can you imagine your life in a foreign city without even the most essential clothes and personal things? If your luggage is lost or damaged, your travel insurance will financially cover at least some percentage of the property that has been lost. With that money you can buy everything necessary and your holiday won't be ruined. 4 And last but not least, your luggage or money can be stolen. It's not a very good idea to wait till the police find it. It can take too much time. The agency will pay for the damage done and, then, let the police do their job while you are enjoying your holiday." 5 Adam Brown has been in insurance business for more than fifteen years, and the number of his clients is growing. It's growing, he thinks, because when people are on holiday, they want rest and relaxation, and travel insurance helps them relax and enjoy their trip even if something goes wrong. Я 24 UNIT 2 1 Find out which paragraph contains the following information. Write letters a) - f) in the correct box. There is one extra letter you don’t need to use. a) the way insurance policy can help when luggage is lost b) different kinds of insurance policies c) medical care provided by an insurance agency d) insurance policy for the damage caused by fire and flood e) Adam Brown’s success in the insurance business f) the way insurance policy can help when luggage is stolen. Passage 1 2 3 4 5 Letter Fill in the gaps with appropriate words from the text. Do not write more than one word in each gap. Then transfer your answers to the table. Nowadays different people buy different______ buy car insurance, people who own flats and houses buy_________ for people, who travel a lot, travel insurance is highly recommended. When we travel, something can go wrong and we have to face some. risks. We can get ill, or our luggage can be ____________________(4) or damaged or even stolen. Most people buy travel insurance from travel agencies because they want to have some ____________________(5) during their vacations and don’t want to worry about anything. (1) policies. People who own cars _______________(2)insurance, and (3) Number Words 1 2 3 4 5 Part III Choose the best option. Write the correct letter in each gap. Transfer your answers to the table. How to spot a tourist in the crowd? Tourists differ from_________(1) people. You___________(2) listen to the language they speak to find out that they are from some other country. When waking along the street, they look around as if they had never seen------(3) like that before. They take photos of every monument on their way, and it doesn’t matter to them that__________(4) the monuments look pretty ugly.---------(5) they see a policeman, they try to take a photo of him, and they enjoy taking photos of___________(6), too. If there are no people around to help them, they use the automatic mode — put the camera down, run to the place the camera is aimed at, and give it a big energetic smile. Tourists also like talking to locals. Even those who______(7) hardly say a few words in the language of the country seem to enjoy conversations with locals very much_____________(8) tourists are cheerful and curious and often feel happy about things which local people don’t notice at all. UNIT 2 25 1 a) other b) another c) others d)those 2 a) mustn’t b) shouldn’t c) cannot d) don’t need to 3 a) anything b) something c) everything d) nothing 4 a) some b) any c) some of d) any of 5 a) Whatever b) However c) Whoever d) Whenever 6 a)they b) them c) theirs d) themselves 7 a) can b) must c) should d) have to 8 a) Others b) Most c) Another d) The rest of the Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Letter Part IV . You’ve read in a local newspaper that a new airport is going to be constructed just near your city / town / village. Write a letter to the newspaper. Follow the guidelines: • either support the idea of building the airport or express your disagreement • give some arguments to support your point of view • give some arguments against it (if any) • confirm your point of view. You should write 60 words at least. ...the authorities plan to construd a big international airport nearby The airport is going to be a busy one. Pianes will be taking off and landing every five minutes. The construction of the airport wili give people new jobs and will considerably improve the quality of life. The region wiil enjoy new business and poiiticai opportunities. - J You can start the letter like this: i : Dear Editor, Vve just read the information / news about.... Sincerely, (your name) 26 UNIT 2 Part V 0JWork in pairs. Read the instructions and make up a dialogue. Student 1 You are a foreign tourist. You are travelling on your own. You want to know what interesting places there are in this city / town / village and how you can get there. Find someone who speaks English and ask him or her for information. You start the conversation. Student 2 You are a little bit surprised when a foreigner comes up to you in the street, but you try to be helpful and give him or her some advice about places which are worth seeing. You should give a brief description of one or two places and explain how to get there. The maximum score for Parts I-III is 22. Your score is... 0-10 11-16 17-22 We recommend you to spend a lot of time improving your English. Otherwise you are unlikely to do successfully in your exam. It’s not bad. However, there is a lot you need to work on. Have more practice. Otherwise you may have difficulty in your exam. Well done. Keep practising and you’U have a good chance of success in your exam. Parts IV-V are evaluated by your teacher. WARM-UP 2 IAJB Listen to two people talking about their travelling experiences. What went wrong in each case? Circle the correct letter. You will listen to the recording twice. The girl was having a holiday a) at the seaside. b) in the mountains. c) in the desert. When the girl arrived, it was a) cold and windy. b) warm and cloudy. c) sunny and hot. The girl didn’t feel well because a) she had caught a cold when swimming in the sea. b) she had eaten some spoilt tomato salad. c) she had spent too much time in the sun. The young man a) doesn’t do any sport. b) prefers winter sports. c) enjoys swimming. Usually he skies a) not far from home. b) in some mountain resort. c) in the Himalayas. The young man spent most of his holiday indoors because a) he was ill. b) he didn’t have appropriate clothes. c) he enjoyed indoor activities. The man’s luggage a) was lost. b) was stolen. c) was damaged. UNIT 2 27 IBj Explain why things went wrong. Use past perfect in each sentence. Take turns in reading the sentences and make up a chain “scary story”. Things that went wrong Why they went wrong She was late for the flight because to get stuck in a traffic jam She had to return home from the airport because to leave her tickets on the coffee table She couldn’t find her suitcase in the baggage reclaim because not to label it She didn’t call her friend on the arrival because to lose the mobile phone She got lost in the city because not to buy a map She couldn’t check in in the hotel because to lose the passport She got cold because not to put on a coat She was happy to be back home because to have an awful holiday 2AJ Read the text and fill in the articles if necessary. The Ice Hotel The Ice Hotel in Quebec, Canada is only open from______________(1) January to______________(2) April. You can’t stay there in summer and autumn because______________(3) hotel is made of___________(4) ice and snow and is recreated for every season. Everything inside is made of snow and ice too. There are ice rooms for_______(5) guests,____________ (6) ice chapel,__________(7) ice bar and even_____________(8) ice gallery with____________(9) ice sculptures. Canada is a cold country and _____________(10) temperature outside often falls as low as -30° Celsius. However, inside the hotel it’s relatively warm — the constant temperature is about -3° Celsius. People often bring kids of all ages and stay overnight. They sleep in ice rooms in______________(11) special sleeping bags. And all types of activities like skiing, ice fishing and dog sledging are available at _____________(12) daytime. 28 UNIT 2 ^ 2]^ а) Work in pairs. Make up questions to match the Ice Hotel administrator’s answers. Questions Administrator’s answers 1 1 There are thirty two rooms in the hotel. 2 2 The best way to get here from the airport is by taxi. 3 3 The check-in time is 3 p.m. 4 •* 4 The check-out time is 9 a.m. 5 5 Yes, we serve a hot breakfast in the morning. 6 6 Sorry, but you can’t book a room for May. The hotel will melt down and disappear by that time. 7 7 Tourists can stay as long as they like, but we don’t recommend staying longer than one night. b) You want to book a room in the Ice Hotel. Write a letter to ask for some additional information. You can make use of the questions above, or ask for any other information. Useful language I----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 I would also like to know.../1 would be grateful for some addi-! tional information about.../1 would be grateful if you could... I Dear Sir or Madam, I saw the information about the Ice Hotel in the Internet and would like to book a room there for (date)_______________________________________ Faithfully, (your name) UNIT 2 >5- 29 3Aj Read the information about some accommodation options for people who study abroad. Circle the right answers. a) True — if the statement agrees with the information in the text. b) False — if the statement contradicts the text. c) Not Given — if there is no information in the text. When studying abroad, lots of students live in homestay accommodation. Homestay means staying with a local family, which gives students a very good opportunity to learn and practise their English in everyday situations. Daily communication with local people also helps you understand the culture of the country. If you stay with a family, you have a private room with necessary furniture: a bed, a table or a desk, and a wardrobe for your clothes. You have meals (breakfast and dinner) with the family. It's natural that when you stay with a family, you have to observe some rules of co-existence. They could be like these: a) Behave like a member of the family (which means you should keep your room tidy and help with housework), b) Wash and iron your clothes. And don't forget to ask your hosts if you can use the washing machine, c) Do not use the bathroom for too long. If you use the kitchen, do not forget to wash the dishes after it. d) Speak English as much as possible. Be polite and friendly with everyone in the family, e) Never invite your friends without asking for permission. f) Remember that you should come home by the appointed hour in the evening. Don't stay out till late hours. Staying in a youth hostel is another option for students studying abroad. You can have a single room or can share a room with one or two other students. The kitchen and the bathroom are usually used on a shared basis. That's why it's very important to keep them clean and tidy. You can cook meals yourself or eat in a students' cafe. In the youth hostel you can meet lots of new friends from different countries. They'll possibly help you with your lessons and you can have lots of fun together. Youth hostels also tend to have more of a party atmosphere and often organise entertainment to help you make friends and enjoy your stay. There are usually opportunities for doing sports. For example, you can hire a bicycle or play games in the sports grounds. Staying in a youth hostel is usually less expensive than other options. 30 I 3Aj Read the information about some accommodation options for people who study abroad. I Circle the right answers. a) True — if the statement agrees with the information in the text. I b) False — if the statement contradicts the text. c) Not Given — if there is no information in the text. ;j мч an When studying abroad, lots of students live in homestay accommodation. Homestay means staying with a local family, which gives students a very good opportunity to learn and practise their English in everyday situations. Daily communication with iocal people also helps you understand j' the culture of the country. If you stay with a family, you have a private room with necessary furniture: a bed, a table or a desk, and a wardrobe for your clothes. You have meals (breakfast and If dinner) with the family. It's natural that when you stay with a family, you have to I observe some rules of co-existence. They could be like these: ' a) Behave like a member of the family (which means you should ' keep your room tidy and help with housework). b) Wash and iron your clothes. And don't forget to ask your hosts if you can use the washing machine, j c) Do not use the bathroom for too long. If you use the kitchen, do not forget to wash the dishes after it. ! d) Speak English as much as possible. Be polite and friendly 1 with everyone in the family. i e) Never invite your friends without asking for (permission. f) Remember that you should come home by the appointed hour in the evening. Don't stay out till ; late hours. Staying in a youth hostel is another option for students studying abroad. You can have a single room or can share a room with one or two other students. The kitchen and the bathroom are usually used on a shared basis. That's why it's very important to keep them clean and tidy. You can cook meals yourself or eat in a students' cafe. In the youth hostel you can meet lots of new friends from different countries. They'll possibly help you with your lessons and you can have lots of fun together. Youth hostels also tend to have more of a party atmosphere and often organise entertainment to help you make friends and enjoy your stay. There are usually opportunities for doing sports. For example, you can hire a bicycle or play games in the sports grounds. Staying in a youth hostel is usually less expensive than other options. 30 1 One of the advantages of homestay accommodation is the opportunity to learn about local peoples culture and lifestyle, a) True b) False c) Not Given 2 Pets are never allowed in homestay accommodation, a) True b) False c) Not Given 3 The host family must provide the student with a private room and necessary furniture. a) True b) False c) Not Given 4 Someone from the host family cooks breakfast and dinner for the student, washes up, washes and irons the students clothes. a) True b) False c) Not Given 5 If a student chooses homestay accommodation, he or she cannot invite friends into the house. a) True b) False c) Not Given 6 Students who live in youth hostels may live in single rooms but they usually share the kitchen and the bathroom. a) True b) False c) Not Given 7 Most students prefer youth hostels to homestay accommodation, a) True b) False c) Not Given 3BJ Write which form of accommodation — homestay or youth hostel — you find more convenient. Use the guidelines: • present your point of view • give some arguments for it • give some arguments against (if any) • confirm your point of view. UNIT 2 31 ^ TEST 2^..- Parti Ой Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. Don’t write more than three words for each answer. You will listen to the recording twice. 1 What organisation is the man calling to? 2 Is he going to travel alone? 3 Where is he flying from? 4 Does he need single or return tickets? 5 What date is he going to be back? 6 Does the time of the flights suit the man? Part II Read the text and fill in the gaps with sentences A — D. Write the letter of the missing sentence in the box. There is one extra sentence you will not need. Transfer your answers to the table below. Is travelling dangerous? When we read about famous travellers, we often admire those brave, courageous and resourceful people. Travelling has always been dangerous and it will always be. People travelling in the jungle can be stung by mosquitoes, bitten by spiders and snakes or killed by tigers or leopards. In the rivers they can be eaten by crocodiles, and in the sea — attacked by sharks. It’s logical enough that we try to protect ourselves from our dangerous neighbours. We use different weapons, technical devices and modern technologies against them, which makes travelling much safer. Q 1- Loads of cars poison the air, water and earth. Planes delivering passengers from one continent to another damage the ozone layer of the atmosphere. Millions of tons of gas, oil, and coal burnt on the planet for travelling purposes destroy the rainforests and add to the greenhouse effect. EH 2. “OK, someone can say, what’s bad about that? Winters will get shorter and summers will be longer. Soon we’ll be enjoying a warmer climate and most people will feel happy about it”. Nothing of the kind! The greenhouse effect will raise the temperature slightly, but it will be enough for icebergs and icecaps of the Antarctic to start melting. Ice melting, in its turn, will raise the ocean level, and some regions, densely inhabited now, may disappear under the water. It ‘ 9 tel m 32 UNIT 2 will break the balance on the Earth, will change the climate, and will drive lots of plants and animals to extinction Q 3. People are part of nature and can’t escape the global disaster. Does everything said above mean that we should stop travelling and should spend our lives in the places where we were born? Certainly not. People can’t do without travelling. However, we should consider safer transportation means. Safer not only for people, but for nature too. The fragile world we live in deserves love and care. A. The latter means that the polluted atmosphere keeps warmth better, which makes the average temperature on the planet higher. B. This chain of changes will affect our life dramatically. C. People should do more to protect the environment. D. However, few people ever think about how dangerous our travelling is for animals and nature. Number 1 2 3 Letter Port III Choose the right option. Write the correct letter in each gap. Transfer your answers to the table. Sharks have always been depicted as cruel and murderous creatures. Lots of feature films________ (1) to demonstrate how dangerous to people they are. Though some kinds of sharks can really attack people, the number of people____________(2) or killed by sharks is very small. Marine biologists insist that most sharks are_________(3) to people. Along with that, the shark is one of the most ancient creatures of the world, and it should__________(4) by all countries. <• One of the sharks which has recently been added to the Red List is the dog-fish or the dumb gulper shark. It is one of Australia’s rarest deepwater sharks. The average length of an adult shark is one meter forty centimeters, _________(5) it can live up to forty years. It is not dangerous to people _________(6) people are a real danger to it. The dog-fish population ___________ (7) down by 99 percent over the past 20 years. The trouble of the shark is that its oil (fat) is widely used in cosmetics for producing face and hand creams and in dietary food. People fish it illegally for the oil. Scientists say that if fishing is not stopped immediately, the dogfish _________(8) into the list of extinct creatures very soon. UNIT 2 33 1 a) shoot b)shot c) have shot d) have been shot 2 a) injure b) injured c) injuring d)injury 3 a) harm b) harmed c) harmless d) unharmed 4 a) protect b) be protected c) was protected d) will be protected 5 a) and b) that c) or d) though 6 a) and b) besides c) because d) but 7 a) falls b) fell c) has fallen d) had fallen 8 a) will include b) will be included c) has been included d) was included Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Letter Port IV Talk about any animal which lives in your region Speak about • its appearance • the area / places where it lives • its lifestyle and habits. You should speak for at least 1 minute. Part V Read the Internet advertisement of a youth hostel. Write an e-mail to inquire about the following details: • the price for a shared room' (per person) • furniture in the room • sports centres and other facilities. You should write at least 60 words. a shared room — a room in a hostel where more than two people can stay 34 UNIT 2 ‘ И'Г J v^ ?t :‘/^?t^'' i" ^^faibiS?' '~' тгтт4 II" f • Welcome to our Youth Hostel! The youth hostel is in a green and quiet part of the town. There are excellent transport facilities to bring you to the centre of the town. It takes only twenty minutes by bus or fifteen minutes by train. Bike hire is also available. You can reserve a room in writing only: fill in the form on our site or e-mail us. Single rooms, twin rooms and comfortable shared rooms are available. The kitchen, the bathrooms, TV and video rooms are on shared basis. You can enjoy our Internet caf6 and a spacious study room. If you have any questions, please, contact Jenny Short [email protected] epe ' Ш' aiLtiL The maximum score for Parts I-III is 17. Your score is... 0-9 9-13 14-17 We recommend you to spend a lot of time improving your English. Otherwise you are unlikely to do successfully in your exam. Its not bad. However, there is a lot you need to work on. Have more practice. Otherwise you may have difficulty in your exam. Well done. Keep practising and you’ll have a good chance of success in your exam. Parts IV-V are evaluated by your teacher. UNIT 2 35 Can we learn to live in peace? WARM-UP 1 1AJQ3 Listen to the conversation and underline the people whom Anna is going to see at her birthday party. TV\e ttst ^ А»Л-1Л.й'& 5 c,tor4 Have you ever wondered about ancient civilisations? Have you ever been to archaeological sites and seen human settlements of the past? Do you believe that it can come true for you and your friends? The World Association of Archaeologists arranges a new expedition to Central Asia. Fifty high school students will take part in research projects there. You can enjoy this rewarding experience too. Who can apply? Everyone who meets the following requirements: • You should be a school, college or vocational school student. • You should be 15 or over. • You should be keen on archaeology (alternatively — history, geology, architecture, ecology). • You should be fit and healthy to survive high temperatures. • You should be a team-player and have a good character: be positive, environment friendly, and have a good sense of humour. • You should be adventurous enough to spend your summer in the desert. What can students do in this archaeoiogicai expedition? Students can do a wide range of jobs: dig for items, restore items, and assist scientists and researchers. The Association provides them with all necessary tools and equipment, as well as clothes suitable for hot weather. Where do the participants of the project live and what do they eat in the desert? All participants of the project will be provided with food and fresh water. They will live in tents (four people usually share one tent). The Association guarantees professional medical care. For further information and for an application form visit our web site www.archproject.com The World Association of Archaeologists invites students to take part in the expedition to Central Asia. a) True b) False c) Not Given Students have never taken part in the Association’s expeditions before, a) True b) False c) Not Given Any person who is over fifteen can apply for a place in the expedition, a) True b) False c) Not Given There are no health requirements to the applicants. a) True b) False c) Not Given The participants don’t need to worry about special clothes, as all necessary clothes will be provided. a) True b) False c) Not Given People who want to take part in the expedition should be ready to live in tents, a) True b) False c) Not Given In case of some disease or injury, professional doctors will take care of the students, a) True b) False c) Not Given It is possible to apply online, a) True b) False c) Not Given Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Letter UNIT 4 53 Part III Use the words at the end of the line in the appropriate form. Do you believe that some jobs are more. (1) for men suit j P •' and some occupations are more appropriate for women? If you do, don’t tell John Tailor about it! He is a teacher in a nursery school and loves his job very much. He took up that job as a temporary one, and at first he didn’t take it ____________________(2). Brining up and______________________(3) young — children is a good job for women — this is the stereotype. John applied for the job _____________________(4) because he needed money and because he hadn’t been able to find anything appropriate for several months. “It’s a prejudice,” says John Tailor, “to think that men are not as good with little kids as women are. This prejudice_____________________(5) many men from working in schools. It’s only through experience that I found out how interesting,_____________________(6) and_____________________(7) this job is. Kids can’t forgive lies and indifference, they never justify ____________________(8) and unfairness. They bring me up too — every minute and every day. Very often I have a feeling as if I were taking an exam. A “good guy” qualification exam! And I feel a great job___________________(9). Being a teacher is a job for clever, strong and__________________(10) men.” serious teach main courage demand reward betray satisfy ambition Number Words 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 UNIT 4 Part IVF Read a brief advertisement about a summer job for teenagers. Write an e-mail to inquire about the following: • working hours (how long?) • accommodation (provide accommodation?) • pay per week (how much?) Write at least 60 words. ©EE Enjoy your working summer! We offer you a fantastic opportunity — have a good time and earn money! Fruit picking is not a very hard job. Take it as a change after your tiring academic year. If you feel interested, contact Jenny Simpson for further information. ParfV Read the statement and say if you agree or disagree with it. Explain why. each person should do sovujt voLu.iA*e«r worfe for HLs c,ofM.\M.urdt^. Use the guidelines: • say if you agree or disagree with the statement: why? • explain what volunteer work is • say what kind of volunteer work you or people you know do • say what volunteer work you would Uke to do. You should speak for at least 2 minutes. The maximum score for Parts I-III is 24. Your score is... 0-12 13-19 20-24 We recommend you to spend a lot of time improving your English. Otherwise you are unlikely to do successfully in your exam. Its not bad. However, there is a lot you need to work on. Have more practice. Otherwise you may have difficulty in your exam. Well done. Keep practising and you’ll have a good chance of success in your exam. Parts rV-V are evaluated by your teacher. UNIT 4 55 WARM-UP 2 lAja) Read through the words and write them down into the columns they are likely to refer to. Share the results with the rest of the class. pale outrageous fashionable old-fashioned energetic talkative wrinkled straight grey pretty casual pessimistic tanned ambitious wavy skinny fat thin bald weak tall sporty fit fresh elegant expensive eccentric optimistic caring family-loving face hair & hairdo body clothes character ' OS b) Listen to teenagers speaking about their future and circle the correct answer. You will listen to the recording twice. 1 Speaker 1 is an ambitious person. a) True b) False c) Not Given 2 Speaker 1 values both family and career, a) True b) False c) Not Given 3 Speaker 2 wants to have a quiet life when she is old. a) True b) False c) Not Given 4 Speaker 2 thinks that people should look styUsh and trendy when they are old. a) True b) False c) Not Given 5 Speaker 3 prefers city life to hving in the country, a) True b) False c) Not Given 6 Speaker 3 thinks that he will be able to drive a car at 90. a) True b) False c) Not Given Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Letter OJ'^^Work in pairs. Talk about the fashion and clothes people will be wearing in 2100. Student A asks a question. Student В responds and says if it is likely / unlikely / possible / impossible / unbelievable, etc. Then change it in turns. 56 A UNIT 4 •Р:: It is possible. There will be new smart technologies and people will make clothes from different materials. Question starters Do you think that... Can you believe that.. Is it possible that... Is it likely that... Would you believe that... Ideas for questions everyone will be wearing uniform there will be no traditional clothes all clothes will be made of natural silk people will not wear fur clothes etc. UNIT 4 57: 2AJ Use the verb be in the appropriate form. while I'm. away, -please be <^ood eat proper meals, irt the leltcheiA/ you will everythlrv0 weoessary for coofelw0. some meat_________________(i) lu. the fridQe. Cheese__________(2) there too. Coffee arvol su0ar_____________(3) lu. the cupboard. salt____________(4) Iw a blue jar orv- the top shelf. if you kveed to buy aiA-ythli^0, there (s) some mou^y 01л, the coffee table, игаг the telephone. "E-y the wayjeu.kvy has called aiA.d asleed for help with her Maths. She says that Mathematics_____________(£>) very difficult for her. if there________(7-) awy rvews about your exam results, please let me tem>w. I'll be bade soow. Mum p.s. Flowers weed watered every morwlwg! 2BJYou are leaving on a two-day trip. Write a note to your parents. • ask them to return a book you’ve borrowed from a friend, and some CD disks • explain where they can find them • write how often your goldfish needs to be fed and where you keep its food. ■s 58? ■.rr - I h UNIT4 Part TEST 2 0Я Listen to the radio announcement and complete the table below. Write no more than three words in each gap. (Numbers are counted as one word.) You will listen to the recording twice. Then transfer your answers to the table. Time Name of the programme What the programme is about (1) Local News It is about 12) events in the town. (3) Gardeners Direct Line It is about how to grow 141 in the gardens. 8.00 (5) It is about the latest 161 in which the local team took part. (7) Carreer Ladder It is about 181 opportunities for school leavers, and about Wendy Smith, who now is doing her apprenticeship and is working as a 191. 9.45 . . ...(10) Number Words 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 UNIT 4 59 Port II Read the article and complete its summary. Fill in the words from the text. Don’t write more than tw'o words in each gap. Then transfer your answers to the table. Is it easy to be young in the 21st century? There is an opinion that youth is the best part of a person’s life. What is it — a fact or a stereotype? Happy Youth supporters’ arguments sound very convincing. According to them, when you are fifteen or sixteen, the future seems cloudless, the w'orld around you is beautiful and friendly, and you feel strong and optimistic. Neither health nor other problems trouble you yet. You have the parents who protect and support you. You have friends who never betray you. Conflicts are certainly unavoidable, but they don’t last long, and it’s usually not a problem to survive through them. This is a conventional idea about young people. But is it true? Psychologists insist that they have lots of work with teenagers. In their “happiest” years they have too many problems, and in most cases they don’t know how to solve them. They lack life experience and are not self-confident enough. They are often too categoric and can’t forgive other people’s faults and mistakes. A quarrel or misunderstanding can lead to serious suffering. “I don’t feel happy at all,” says Jack Green, 14. “I have no friends. It always works the same. At first it seems that I’ve found a real friend, but then I feel very disappointed because he betrays me — tells silly stories about me in the school, or doesn’t help when I need help. It has happened many times.” “The thing which worries me a lot is my future job,” says Helen Carter, 15. “To have a good life in the future, I have to find a good job. If I want to find a good job, I have to get a good education first. But how am I supposed to choose my career line?! I don’t know what’s good and what’s bad for me. I cannot make an informed choice. I need to make some decision about my education very soon and I feel awfully scared. What if I make a mistake and get an education for a wrong job? This means that I’ll have to do the job which I don’t like or even hate. This makes me feel sick.” On reading these words we, adults, realise that being young is not so easy. It’s rather challenging to be a teenager of the 21st century, when the world changes so rapidly and people have to work very hard to keep pace with it'. Who can help young people feel less stressed out and more self-confident? Who can provide them with information and advice? The answer, I suppose, is evident. , • ' Ч 1 ' ' to keep pace with somebody / something — идти наравне, успевать за кем-то или чем-то The author of the article thinks that the opinion that the youth is the best part of human life may be true. He presents rather_________________(1) arguments for the idea. The strongest argument is that teenagers have fewer________________(2) in comparison with adult people, let along the elderly. And it goes without saying that healthy people feel stronger, more energetic, more optimistic and consequently happier than people in poor health. 60 UNIT 4 However, the author also presents some facts which do not go with the. (3) idea that “youth” and “happiness” are synonyms. Psychologists say that teenagers do have problems. Most of them are caused by their lack of________________________(4) and lack of self-confidence. Another typical teenage problem is that they cannot compromise. Looking for an ideal relationship they often feel bitterly______________________ (5) with their friends who are not able to meet high requirements. Worries about the future career add up to the teenager syndrome. Its extremely difficult for a 15-16 year old person to make an__________________________(6), as they don’t have enough information yet. At the end of the article the author concludes that being a teenager in our dynamic world is rather________________________(7). Adults should realise that teenagers often need their support and advice. Number Words 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Port III Choose the right option. Fill in the correct letter in each gap. Then transfer your answers to the table. I__________(1) that emergency call nearly midnight. A worried male voice informed the emergency service that his three kids________(2) not at home yet. The man explained that his two sons, Allan, 15, and Johnny, 13, and their twelve-year-old cousin Gabrielle______(3) for a bicycle ride and there was no sign of them yet. The man sounded very nervous, as he suspected that something____________(4) to the boys. No doubt, our help_______(5). I had to ask some questions to understand the details. It turned out that the kids liked to ride down the hiUs which were four kilometers away from their house. The rescue party headed right there. The rescuers saw the boys soon. They___________(6) the hill. They were walking very slowly. Two of them were helping the third boy — his leg_________(7) and he was screaming with pain. Later he told us that they had been practising extreme cycling. Unfortunately, things like that happen quite often. I_______(8) for the emergency center for more than five years and have seen lots of kids suffering the consequences of their extremes. They often ignore safety rules, and get_______(9) or worse. They cannot realise that without a very careful preparation any extreme sport is a________(10) activity. UNIT 4 61 1 a) receive b) received c) have received d) had received 2 a) are b) was c) were d) had been 3 a) left b) was left c) have left d) had left 4 a)happened b) had happened c) is happening d) has happened 5 a) needs b) needed c) is necessary d) was necessary 6 a) move down b) are moving down c) had moved down d) were moving down 7 a) was broken b) has been broken c) is broken d) broke 8 a) work b) am working c) was working d) have been working 9 a) injured b) injure c) injuring d) be injured 10 a) danger b) dangerous c) dangerously d) endangered Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Letter Part IV Write an essay on the topic: ■R) teeep the worLcl's diversity fcoflc sMo^ld vjtar traditiovu^l oLothes kvcost of the tCkvce. Use the guidelines: • write if you agree with the statement or not • present some arguments and real life examples for your point of view • present some arguments against your point of view (if any) • confirm your point of view. You should write 80 words at least. \ Й. UNIT 4 Part V Speak about your plans for the future. Use the questions as guidelines: • Have you chosen the professional sphere you would like to work in? • What characteristics of your future job are very important for you? • What are you going to do to get the job? / What information do you need to make an informed choice, if you haven’t chosen the job yet? You should speak at least for two minutes. The maximum score for Parts I-III is 27. Your score is... 0-13 14-20 21-27 We recommend you to spend a lot of time improving your English. Otherwise you are unlikely to do successfully in your exam. It’s not bad. However, there is a lot you need to work on. Have more practice. Otherwise you may have difficulty in your exam. Well done. Keep practising and you’ll have a good chance of success in your exam. Parts IV-V are evaluated by your teacher. UNIT 4 63