Английский язык 9 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова часть 1

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 9 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова часть 1 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Enjoy English (Энджой инглиш):

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1 с L ♦ РАБОЧАЯ ТЕТРАДЬ № 1 учени класса школы J! Workbook 1 М. 3. Биболетова, Е. Е. Бабушис, О. И. Кларк, А. Н. Морозова Английский язык Рабочая тетрадь № 1 к учебнику для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений И 3 А А Т т и Е Л т Ь С Т у В О л Т 1 Р и в L т 1 S и М Е L R S 2008 Un.i 1 Families and Friends: Are We Happy Together?... 4 Section 1............................................4 Section 2............................................7 Section 3......................................... 12 Section 4...........................................16 Section 5...........................................18 Section 6...........................................21 Unit 2 It’s a Big World! Start Travelling Now!.........24 Section 1......................................... 24 Section 2...........................................28 Section 3 ........................................ 35 Section 4 ..........................................40 IS... 2 Can Learn to Live in Peace?....................43 Section 1...........................................43 Section 2...........................................50 Section 3...........................................56 Un* ^ Make Your Choice, Make Your Life................66 Section 1......................................... 66 Section 2...........................................72 Section 3...........................................76 Section 4...........................................79 Project Globalisation and My Country..................83 V .js. Families and Friends: Are We Happy Together? Section 1 1 Match the words in the box. Each word can be used only once. ~ Then write sentences with the phrases youVe made. to spend people to read sports to do science fiction to join time to meet a sport club 2 'Write about what you did last summer. Put down the things you enjoyed in the left column, and the useful things in the right column. If what you did was both useful and pleasant, write it in the both columns. I enjoyed it / went to the disco. It was useful or necessary I looked after my little niece. Read the text. Fill in the necessary articles and learn what a limerick is. When I was on holiday, I read a lot. I read some fiction and detective stories, (1) ----------------- short stories and historical novels. In general, I prefer (2)____________prose to poetry, as poetry seems a little bit boring to me. However, I like (3 )______________limericks very much. They are quite popular in (4) ___________Britain, in (5)____________Ireland in particular. A limerick is (6) kind of humorous little poem. It has only five lines. (7) first line rhymes with the second, the third with the fourth, and the last one with the first and the second again. (8)__________rhyme of a limerick is like this; AABBA. I even wrote (9) __________limerick myself. It’s about a holiday at (10)_________seaside: Lay in the sun as long as you can No doubt, you’ll get a wonderful tan. At contests of beauties you’ll get the first prize And even your doctor will say in surprise That he is forever your fan. UNIT 1 Section 1 4 j Read the dialogues. Agree or disagree ^ith the statements below them. Use the phases in the box. The first one is done for you. That’s right. I agree with that. It's not like that at all. It's not really like that. I can't agree with that. 1 — Did you make any new friends this summer, James? — No, but I spent lots of time with my old friends. 2 — What did you do this summer, Alice? — I babysat for my neigbours. It wasn’t a difficult job, but it took me four hours every day. 3 — Did you spend your summer at home. Julia? — No, I went to the sea. My grandmother lives there and I spent two wonderful months swimming in the sea, lying in the sun, and helping my grandma in the garden. She grows a lot of different fruits and vegetables there and needs help. 4 — Holiday for me is time for having fun. I never read or learn anything. Do you. Jack? — Well, reading for me is fun. I don’t think I can go a couple of days without a book. 5 — Did you go anywhere for holiday, Cathy? — No. I didn't leave my town, but 1 had great time there. We often went on a hike. It was fun to live in tents, go fishing, and make campfires. 1 James had no friends. That’s why he felt very lonely this summer. / can’t agree with that. James didn't make any new friends but he spent lots of time with his old friends. 2 Alice didn’t have any summer jobs because she doesn’t like doing anything difficult. 3 Julia not only enjoyed herself, but helped her grandmother to grow fruits and vegetables. 4 Jack didn’t read anything while on holiday. 5 Cathy stayed in her town and that’s why her holiday was very boring. 5 j On holiday we usually meet a lot of people and speak with them. Tick the questions which you shouldn’t ask to start a conversation or to keep it going. 1 Why are you wearing these jeans? You look silly in them. 2 Do you live here or are you a tourist? 3 How much do you weigh? 4 'Vbur sunglasses are very nice. Can I borrow them? 5 Do you know a shop where I can buy some souvenirs? 6 Do you enjoy swimming? 7 How much do your parents earn? 8 Why do you eat so much? 9 Have you already made some friends here? V L и Nil I Sect on 1 6 Answer Kevin’s letter (see Ex. 19, p. 16 in Student’s Book). Invite him and his sister to visit your region (or any other region of the country). Use the guidelines and phrases in the box. Guidelines • Give the name and a short description of the place. • Write about what the guests can do there (the information about Kevin and his sister’s interests and hobbies is in his letter). If you are interested in history and sightseeing. I’m sure you’ll enjoy visiting... If you are good at different sports, why not take part in ... ? Some students in our school are going to ... for holiday. Why don’t you join us? Visiting ... is a good idea if you enjoy... As you live on Isle of Man, I’m sure you Vc never seen... (date) It boQ/9 rvi/OSj to g&t cu (jOO/. Ри/ь gH/Q/d tho/t goto мо/М> to гм/ом dbout /wg oou/Htig Q/tbd hope tho/t nt/g bnlojbt*v0/tion шШ he&p gou>. IheMi але §otQ o^ pio/oeQ bn щ ootjuntjbg Month Qeebng. Qfoco оо/П go to the bbg obtbeQ Hbbe QHoqoom on St 4^etenQbtung cund QbghtQee them. On gotu ош go to QOhve pHo/tyes (fO/п l^nofM/ the oQ/pbtQ/^ obtbeQ to enjog по/Ьмпь O/nd ё>еамь o/bocd the скЦ^епетЬ Ще9Ьдё>ея Ьп оо/пЬоо/Q pantQ o{f омп ooiuntng. It Q gom ohob&e bed 1 мо/nt to brwbte goif O/nd gOa>n Qboten to the pio/oe lohene I H/bve. It'9___________________________________________________________________________________________ 5b, hOM do goa> ^ee§ qJdou/Ь thboP ^-IVnbte tn/e ahoout gou/П deobQbon. Ijf gOM hci/oe O/ng gemstbouQ,. PU be g^o/d to сьпзмеп them. Q-fope to hean (^nom gOM soo% UNIT 1 Section 1 Section 2 I Choose from the following words and _ ■Л match them with the appropriate verbs. sports friends money shopping homework good plans a choice harm tea to do to do to make to make to do to make to do to make to do to make 2 ' Complete the sentences. Use the phrases with like. (See Ex. 21, p. 17 in Student’s Book.) 1 Fm pretty hungry. Let’s have some lunch in this cafe____________________________________ __________________________________________? (to like pizza and spaghetti) 2 Fve never seen your cousin. What ? (to look like) 3 Fm going to the disco. Ydu can join me if . (to feel like ...-ing) 4 Fm sorry. I took your handbag instead of mine. They 5 I enjoy my job as a postman. I . (to be alike) 3 ^ Use the verbs in their appropriate forms. 1 My parents feel angry with me if I__ . (like ...-ing) 2 I am angry with my little sister because she 3 Look at him! What a trendy coat he____ (come) home too late. _____(pierce) her ears. She is too young for that yet. (wear)! I wish I had one like that, 4 If you are looking for a birthday present for Jim, don’t buy him a CD. We (already / buy) him three CDs with different games. 5 — Why didn’t you come to Jessica’s party? — Because she_________________________(not / invite) me. 6 Julia visits her hairdresser every week. She___________ appearance, doesn’t she? 7 I went to the seaside on holiday. I was very much impressed as I be) to the sea before. 4 ! Complete the sentences with the words from the box. (pay) too much attention to her (never/ support feel jealous envy worry quarrel appreciate deserve ignore 1 It’s very important for friends to help each other in different situations. I hope when I’m in trouble, my friends will______________________me. UNIT 1 Section 2 2 I have several friends and we can talk about everything. But if we don’t agree with each other, we can___________________. Fortunately, it doesn’t last long. Good friends shouldn’t feel angry with each other for ages. 3 Jim has missed several classes at school this month. He goes out with elder boys and comes home late. It_______________________his parents very much. 4 I don’t believe Susan can make a good friend. She gets crazy when somebody is better than her. She always__________________her classmates when they are successful. 5 Well, I don’t think it will work, but I____________your advice and your wish to help. 6 I think you’ve been very rude to your neighbours. If you don’t want to hear their advice, just it, but don’t be rude to them. 7 — How are you getting on with your new boyfriend? ~ Quite well, but I can’t say the same about my dog. Whenever Racks smells him he gets angry and barks. Racks just boyfriend. because he wants you to play with him instead of chatting with your 5 jRead the texts in Ex. 30, p. 21 in Student’s Book and complete the sentences. Use the foUowing words and phrases. Example: Alan says that a family is a unity of people who support each other in different situations. 1 Alan doesn’t trust friends very much. He thinks that friends can__________________________________________ г L to support to betray to be worth doing something to care about to appreciate somebody’s advice to ignore to find arguments convincing 2 Julia thinks that life 3 Julia thinks that her parents 4 Catherine always 5 If Catherine doesn't like the advice. 6 Catherine often agrees with what her parents say because she 6 J Circle the appropriate form of the verb. A: Do you know that Jane’s family will move / is moving to New York next week? B: No, why? A: The company where her father works has signed / had signed a contract with some American firm. Now' he has to work there for two years. B: Is Jane going / will Jane go too? A: Naturally she is. The worst thing about it is that she will leave / is leaving our basketball team. She is the best player and I don’t think we will win / are winning the Golden Cup without her. 8 UNIT 1 Section 2 В: Don’t worry. She is a very good player — that’s right. But we’ll do our best and will win/are winning the game anyway. A: But she is my close friend and I am missing her / will miss her. B; Right. Me too. Is she arranging/ will she arrange a farewell party for friends? A; \bs, on Friday. We have already prepared / already prepared a present for her — a photo album with photos and wishes from all her friends. B; I’m sure she will appreciate / is appreciating such a nice present. 7 Do the crossword puzzle. Down: 1 all people of about the same age Across: 2 the synonym to “‘allow” 3 any of the twelve periods of the year, each of them has its own name 4 to earn something by actions, behaviour, patience 5 to be aggressive, to shout to demonstrate disag**eement 6 trousers made of cotton, very popular with young people of all generations 7 members of one family 8 to think that something is true 9 the red liquid substance which flows through the body 3 4 5 6 8 \hr 9 / & V 8 ^ Listen to your partner speaking about his / her plans for the next week (see Ex. 41, p. 25 in Student’s Book). Fill in the table with his / her comm eo*'". Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday UNIT 1 Section 2 9 Read the text below. a) Find the English equivalents to the words and underline them in the text: быть дома искать что-нибудь почитать дремать случайно натолкнуться на что-то, случайно обнаружить t вылечить скуку играть в азартные игры умереть без гроша в кармане сколотить состояние няня безумно влюбиться убежать из дома придуманное (ненастоящее) имя оказаться совершенно одной скопить деньги на дорогу домой карнавальное платье, костюм превращаться It was а grey rainy day. Jane was in and was searching the shelves for something to read. Granny was having a nap in the armchair. Jane came across a thick and heavy album with old photos. It definitely wasn’t the thing to cure her boredom, but. nevertheless, she looked through several pages. “Who IS he? Jane asked her grandmother, pointing to a photo of a handsome man with a thick moustache and a square beard. “My uncle,” replied the grandmother, “he was a sailor He had left home before I was bom. He went to America to dig for gold People said he had made a fortune there. But he gambled and died penniless Ht had an Indian wife and three daughters. One of them, extremely beautiful, became a film star* And what about this lady?” Jane moved to a photo of a pretty woman in a lovely old-fashioned cap with ribbons. “My Nanny.' the grandmother gave a mild little smile. “She was French, from a noble family. In her early years she tell desperately in love with a young officer. Her parents did not approve of their marriage and she escaped from home, in a man's dress and under a false name, to follow that man. However, he was killed in one of the battles quite soon, and she found herself alone, in a foreign country. She had to work as a nanny to save some money for the trip back.That is how she entered our house. We loved her very much and finally, she decided to stay with us.” Jane felt more and more interested. “And look, this is me ...in a fancy dress!”“No,” laughed the grandmother, “This is me, in my favourite dress. It was given to me for my fifth birthday” Jane had a strange feeling as if the waves of memories were passing through the room. Her family story was turning into something alive and extremely exciting... 10 UNIT 1 S(;ction 2 b) Write a story (a real or imaginary one) about someone from your family. Ask your parents and grandparents for information. 10 Choose the right option below and fill in the gaps. Wherever we live and (1)__________________language we speak we all need friends. I met my best friend on the day (2) ,________________I started school. At first I felt a little bit annoyed (3)___________________a little fair-haired boy sat next to me — I wanted the whole desk for myself. However, (4)__________________of the first lesson 1 had changed my mind — he was a nice fellow to chat (5)_________________(6)___________________that time, we’ve been getting on very well. Naturally we can’t avoid quarrelling, but it never takes us long to become friends again (7)__________________a quarrel. When one of us feels down, the other one is always leady to cheer him (8)__________________Sometimes our teachers feel pretty angry (9)__________________us when we try to help each other (10)___________________writing tests. After leaving school, we will not be able to spend so much time together, but 1 hope we’ll be caring for each other (11)_________________the end of our lives. 1 a) whoever b) however c) whatever d) whenever 2 a) when b) since c) for d) while 3 a) while b) when c) it d) as soon as 4 a) by the end b) after the end c) at the end d) from the end 5 a) after b) to c) with d) from 6 a) at b) before c) since d) until 7 a) while b) when c) as d) after 8 a) up b) with c) along d) down 9 a) with b) for c) on d) at 10 a) by b)soon c) while d) till 11 a) until b) after c) by the time d) as soon as UNIT 1 Section 2 11 111 Match the questions on the left side to the replies on the right side. — Why are you so sure that Julia won’t enjoy this film? — When you were talking to that girl, you didn’t sound very friendly. \bu don't gel along very well, do you? — Don't you want to invite Tim to your party? He is amusing. He always tells jokes and puUs funny faces. — What was it all about and why did you get into the fight? a) — I don’t know why they were fighting, but I stuck up for my friend. b) — I don’t find him amusing. And I don’t want to see him at my party. c) — No, we don’t. She is my brother’s girlfriend. But I don’t think she is good enough for him. d) — Because we are very much alike, and we always agree on things like films and music. I Section 3 к 1 Make up questions from the words. 1 often How does go to the gym 2 you Where did that shirt buy? 3 ever been Have to a student camp you? 4 money you have How much do 5 live Where relatives do your? 6 Have been abroad you ever? your friend? on you? 2 j Match the questions on the left side to the replies on the right side. 1 Have you seen a new film made from a Boris Akunin novel? 2 Did you see a new educational programme “’Spell Well” on Tuesday? 3 Have you joined our aerobics club? 4 Did you take part in the swimming competition everybody is talking about? 5 Do you enjoy our school discos? 6 Are you enjoying the disco? a) Yes, I did. And I brought a friend to cheer for me. b) Yes, 1 have. Do you think I can bring a friend with me next time? c) No, I haven’t. Where is it on? d) \fes,I do. But I can’t dance very weU.That’s why most of the time I watch the others. e) Yes, I am. It’s nice to watch people dancing so well. f) No, I didn’t. Do you think it will be on TV again? 3 j What would you ask in the following situations? Make up any questions to get the necessary information. 1 You want to invite a boy / girl to see a film. \bu want to choose a film to his / her taste. 2 You are invited to a birthday party, but you don’t know when you are expected to come. 12 UNIT 1 Sections 2, 3 3 You need some information about the cafe “Silver Spoon’.”Vfou are looking for a person who has visited that cafe. 4 \bur neighbour speaks Spanish fluently, ^u want to know how long it may take to learn Spanish. 5 'Vbur two friends don’t speak to each other. \bu want to understand why. 6 Your friend is very quiet and upset. \bu want to know the reason. 4 a) Look at the picture, read the questions and answer them. This is a nice world or Who eats who? Dolphins Fish Worms Sparrows Mongooses Snakes 1 Who eats fish? 2 Who do fish eat? 3 Who eats snakes? Mice 4 Who do snakes eat? ъ? % . 5 Who eats sparrows? _ 6 Who do sparrows eat? 7 Who do spiders eat? _ 8 Who eats spiders?_____ 9 Who do frogs eat?_____ 10 Who eats frogs?_______ Mosquitoes Flies Frogs Eagles Storks Spiders UNIT 1 Section 3 13 b) Look at the picture. The people can’t talk to each other because their lines are busy. Write two questions about each of them. Find out who he / she is phoning and w'ho is phoning him / her at this time. Use the present continuous. Darnel Mary Allan Alice Mike 5 Read through texts A and C in Ex. 78, pp. 37-38 in Student’s Book. Write if you approve of Sally’s and Dauiel’s behaviour or not. Use the starters in the box. I think that Sally was right when she said unpleasant things to her roommate. (Explain why.) I think Sally did wrong when she said unpleasant things to her roommate, (Explain why.) Daniel can make a very good roommate. (Explain why.) Daniel is an awful roommate. (Explain why) 14 и NIT 1 SecHon 3 6 ' Ask questions to the words in bold. 1 My roommate speaks on the phone for hours. She is such a chatterbox! 2 Everybody in our class envies C.’athy. Her father often takes her on research expeditions to Australia. 3 We told Jessica that she should be more tactful and polite with people. She ignored our advice. 4 Lily enjoyed watching cartoons when she was little, but her younger sister doesn’t care for them at all. 5 It normally lakes me five minutes to take a shower in the morning. 6 Lisa vvas in New \Ьгк last year. She tells everyone about it. 7 Write the tags to the questions. 1 \bu are slaying in this hotel. 2 You share a room with vour brother, _____________________? 3 Your roommate goes out a lot, о 4 She is a chatterbox. 9 5 Ii isn’t cold here at all. 6 You have already met each other. 7 You have been sharine a room for a vear already,____________________? 8 \bu enjoyed arranging home parties, 7 9 Your roommates will leave school soon. 10 I'm superb at cooking boiled eggs, 9 8 Listen to the people (see Ex. 89, p. 41 in Student's Book). Wr^te as much information about them as possible in the table. Name Age Occupation Interests ana hobbie; Additional information 3 5 Jun Shan UNIT 1 Sec tion ^ 15 Section 4 1 J Read the words in Ex. 92, p. 42 in Students Book. Choose one word from each line to fill in the gaps. 1 I told Denis only good news about his exams. I want his studies. him to go on with 2 What kind of do you prefer — going to a cafe or having a barbecue . isn't he? everything for the in the country? 3 Have a look at John! He’s telling anecdotes again. He is very_________ 4 Jessica says she doesn’t need any help as she wants___________________ party herself. 5 Who is the girl that is__________________with your sister? 6 _________________around the world, he ate a lot of unusual dishes and learned a lot about people. 7 Every summer we live in a__________________at the riverbank. We spend at least a week there. 8 If you ever visit my town, you should see the old church in the central square. This is the main tourist 2 JUse the verbs in their appropriate forms. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1__________________(never/ be) to an auto show. I don't like this kind of entertainment, actually. At the concert 1 met a person who ____________________(see) John Lennon. We___________________(design) this car last year and I'm sure it'll become very popular soon How about going to the concert tonight? I____________________(buy) two tickets already. I don’t usually Look, it_____ We (buy) concert tickets. My brother buys them, not me (rain). I don’t feel like going anywhere. __(drive) along that road for three hours, but there were no signs of any village yet. 3 jUse the words and phrases in the box to complete the dialogues. Act them out. feel like beyond all expectations match drop in to pick you up stressed out gorgeous like my grandmother 1 — How did you like the jazz band? — Oh, they were_______________________! They usually perform very well, but that show was 2 — Shall we plan the coming weekend? How would you like to spend it? — I don’t really__________________going out. It has been a hard week, and I feel — How about a barbecue in the country then? — That would be lovely! 16 NIT I Sec'on 4 — You look great in that dress. Are you going to wear it to the party? — By no means. It doesn't______________________the colour of my hair. And it’s out of fashion. can’t you see? — It seems trendy enough to me... — You sound ___________________ — OK. Г11 . No, Г11 be wearing jeans. at 6 p.m. 4 J Complete the text. Write what advantages a bicycle has in comparison with a car. Use the words and phrases from Ex. 98, p. 44 in Student’s Book. Ode' to a Bicycle There are so many cars in the streets of our cities and towns. There are more and more of them every year High-speed shiny cars leave no chance to the little bicycle. People produce cars of different makes which then get stuck in traffic jams and pollute the air around us. The bicycle, however, has survived. We’ll keep cycling because a bicycle has lots of advantages in comparison with a large automobile______________________________________ In some countries people prefer bicycles to cars. You can see a lot of people cycling in the streets of Denmark, Switzerland, and Belgium. Bank clerks, teachers, and even policemen cycle to work. Parents get their kids to kindergartens in special seats, which are attached to their bicycles. And for elder children, cycling to school in the morning makes a good start to the day. Don’t you think we should make more use of the bicycle in our country? ‘ ode [aud] — ода UN T 1 Secnon 4 17 Section 5 i 1 a) Circle the word which is out of the line. 1 theatre, cinema, concert hall, opera house, museum, gym 2 art gallery, performance, portraits, pictures 3 actor, actress, singer, playwright, dancer 4 detectives, musicals, love stories, novels, poems 1>Л;') (f , ' - b) Match the worrls with their definitions. 1 blockbuster [‘blDk,bAsta] 2 symphony [’simfani] 3 ballet [Ъае1е1] 4 operetta [.npa'reta] a) a piece of serious music b) a collection of plays, musicals, shows that a theatre can perform c) a form of dancing d) a cheerful musical play with dancing and singing 5 repertoire ['repatwo:] e) a very successful film or book 2 jMake up sentences using the words below. Use the passive voice. 1 is The Circus by a lot of children visited and their parents 2 was in 1941 founded The Musical Theatre 3 of the Bolshoi Theatre built in 1825 was The building 4 The Maly Theatre in 1756 founded was as the Moscow University Theatre 5 “Unona and Avos” been For many years stiiged at Lencom Theatre has has The famous play “The Revisor” been staged at the Maly Theatre since the nineteenth century ill lilt 18 UNi 3JCon.pJ th." s-entcncej: to expiain why people didn-t manage to do what they wanted. IJS'j the posscie voice. 1 James vvanlcd to enter the room 2 1 wanted to buy a new video film yesterday 3 I wanted to go to the theatre on Saturday 4 Cathy thought about taking a radio to the country 5 I wanted to read the paper 6 Allan wanted to break the wall 7 They wanted to drive to the village but (doon lock) (shop, close) (tickets, sold out) (break) (write in some unknown language) (make of stone) (road, block, fallen tree) 1 James wanted to enter the room, but the door was locked. ‘j I Asf'. ij get more information. Use the passive voice. The first one is done for you. 1 — I used to go to the theatre quite often. Unfortunately, it was closed last summer. — Why dosed?_____________________________________________________ _ (Why?) 2 — There used to be a church here. But only several stones are left. 3 — This theatre will be reconstructed soon. 4 — 1 wanted to buy some sweets for tea. but the shop was closed. 5 — This souvenir is very nice. It is made of a very unusual material 6 — This ballet will be staged in different countries! (When, destroy?) (When?) (Why.’) (What material?) (What countries?) UNIT 1 Section 5 19 5 ; Respond to the questions. Either accept the invitation / suggestion / help with thanks or reject it. If you reject it, give a good excuse (explain why). Use the phrases in the box to help you. That would be lovely! I’ll definitely go. Thanks for the invitation. So kind of you. I’m sorry; I don’t think I can. I’m afraid I'm not keen on it. Sorry, but I have more important things to do. 1 — Win you help me with the essay tonight? 2 — I’m going to my friend’s birthday party on Saturday. How about joining me? 3 — I have got two tickets for a musical in the Operetta Theatre. Would you like to go? 4 — Doing anything special tonight? How about watching a video with me at home? 6 Julia feels very excited about the ballet she’s just seen. She wants to write her friend about it. But she uses the word “good” too often in her letter. Use the more expressive words from the box instead of the words in bold to improve her letter. delight-ed gorgeous most popular impresive very graceful professional beyond all expectations Dear Ken! I can’t express how defiahted I feel about the ballet I’ve just seen in the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow! First about the theatre: it is the best (1)____________________________theatre in Moscow and the building is really very good (2)________________________I had never been keen on ballet, but it was 6wan Lake by Tchaikovsky. Everybody has heard of it but very few people have seen it. The ballet dancers performed to the fabulous music and were so good to look at (3)________________________They were very good (4)________________________! It seemed very natural for them to dance on their toes, jump and almost fly асгоъъ the stage. People say that it takes many years of everyday training to become so good at dancing (5)____________ __________________. The dar\cere' costumes added to the beauty of the show. .. 5o when Pasicaliy, the ^erformar\ce was very good (6)______________________________ you are in Moscow, don’t tell me you would rather stay in and watch TV. You won’t be able to tell me that ballet is boring after seeing this ^erformar\ce. Wish you were here, Julia 20 UNIT 1 Section 5 7 ! Write about a performance / school performance / concert / museum that impressed Follow the guidelines. Use the phrases in the box to help you. • Name the performance you want to write about. • Give some information about the performance: — when and where you saw it; — what it was about; — your impression of the performers (what you liked). • Write about what you would like to see next time. you. I haven’t seen many of theatrical performances yet, but there is a performance. I would like to tell you about. I’m not keen on theatre / music / etc, but... I enjoy operas • ballet performances / etc, and want to tell you about... Every person should know what art is.That’s why once... Section 6 1 Read the verbs referring to people’s relationships and divide them into two columns: 1) the verbs which seem negative to you; 2) the verbs which seem positive to you. to quarrel to rely on to appreciate to annoy to defend to feel lonely to betray to feel jealous to support to care for to encourage to ignore Negative Positive NIT 1 Sections 5, 6 21 2 Do you know what the famous rock opera ‘^Unona and Avos^' is about? Read about some of the historical facts the opera was based on. Then complete the sentences with the verbs in their appropriate forms. The rock opera “Unona and Avos" was based on a real story. It is the love story of a Russian traveller Nicholai Rezanov and a Spanish girl Conchita. In 1806 Nicholai Rezanov. one of the heads of the Russian-American Trading Company, (1)_________________ {arrange) an expedition to California. Two ships, “Unona"’ and “Avos" sailed from Novo-Archangelsk to San Francisco. California was a Spanish colony in those times, and the aim of the expedition (2)__ (be) to establish trading relations with the Spanish colonists. Rezanov’s mission was very important as Russian settlements in Alaska (3) ______________(need) food badly. He knew that people were starving there, as he (4) _____________(he) to those settlements himself. In California the Russian traveller met a young daughter of the governor of California and they (5)_________________(fall) in love with each other. They wanted to get married, but they (6)__________________(need) church permission as Conchita was a Catholic. It took Rezanov six weeks to buy the food, and the ships sailed back to Alaska. Conchita expected him to return in a year and bring church permission. However, Rezanov didn't return. Kanchita waited for him for many years before she learned that he (7)___________________ (die) in Krasnoyarsk on his way to St Petersburg. She never married any other man and spent her life taking care of the native people and the poor 3 Read the situations. Write about what happened / has happened / will happen. Use the passive voice. Example: A little boy is crying in the street. He doesn’t know where to go or where his mum is. He has been lost, (lose) 1 David is very upset. He can't watch the football match which he has been waiting for. The TV set______________________________. (break) 2 Tom left his car in front of the supermarket an hour ago. Now he can’t find it. It_________ __________________. (steal) 3 Jim never does his homework and he has failed all his exams. I’m afraid he_________________ ___________________________. (expel) 22 UNIT 1 Section 6 4 Julia missed some classes without a good excuse. Her parents leamt about it and she____________ _______________. (punish) 5 Don’t worry about your essay. My sister is very good at spelling. Ask her to help and all your mistakes_____________________. (correct) 4 I Read the information about Whoopi Goldberg. Write her life story or a story of any other actor / actress. Whoopi Goldberg Real name: Caryn Elaine Johnson Date of birth: November 13,1955 Place of birth: Manhattan, USA Career: At eight she joined the Children’s Theatre where she showed her comic potential. Since that time she has been performing in the theatre and in the movies (Ghost, The Player, Sister Act, The Long Walk Home, Made in America and many others). Awards: Has an unbelievable number of awards: The Oscar*, The People's Choice Awards”, The Kids' Choice Awards as Favourite Movie Actress*** and others. Social activities: A defender of the homeless, children, human rights and a fighter against AIDS. Family: Now lives a quiet life in Malibu with her mother, daughter and three grandchildren; takes only small parts in films as she doesn’t want to leave the family for too long. The Oscar is the statuette awarded bv the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science for excellent actinc or directing in films. The People’s Choice Awards are different from most Hollywood award shows. The winner is selected not by the Academy but by people. They can name any star they like The Kid’s Choice Awards — the favourite star is named by children. UNIT 1 Section 6 23 Ifs a Big World! Start Travelling Now I f Section 1 1 I Use the prepositions from the box to complecte the sentences when necessary. ' Some of the prepositions can be used twice or not at all. at round across in by from out to of 1 Though Britain is an island, it's possible nowadays to get there from Europe__________train. Do you know how? " 2 How long can it take to get to Sydney________sea? 3 Have you ever driven__________a car? 4 While travelling in Africa we suffered_______hot weather and mosquitoes. 5 Next summer they are going to take a tour_________the world. 6 Travelling_________the ocean can be both dangerous and pleasant. 7 Usually people who travel a lot have a very good sense_______direction. 2 Read Mary’s letter to her younger sister. Use the verbs either in past simple or in present perfect / present perfect continuous. (date) (address) ^AOin/ ihb scunng Q&o/Qvdb! ikb i/Avp MQ/Q not tlAing biut the tAO/in (1)_______________ (be) tioo hoa^AS ^Q/te. 'Thcut^Q lohg toe (S2) _____________(hvoQs) ooua bo/Q to the oa^frvp aibd (2) ________________ (ho/ve to) мо/Ш theAe. T-OAttono/te^g oo/A AU/obso/obs toeAe not ueAg heo/ug^ so tt (4-) _______________ (to/be) u^s опЦ О/П horn cund O/ hct/Ц to get them, /he оо/Пир i/S veAg ntoe. QVe (5) ___________________ (o/HAeci/dg/expHoAe) the O/Aeo/ — theAe 0/U> f/ots off (UffffeAent oHoubs ct/nd enteAtQ/vnnuents heAe. cJoha^nno/ (6>) _________________ (join) thAee oH/Oubs — dACvnvO/, ff&OAO/^ design, cund O/eAoblos — tho/t's tohg I don t see heA oeAg offten. I (V)________________(ohoose) cmgthing get, bud I thinb PUjoin eitheA the ogoiing OA the gghuno/stlos o^iob. Pfou/ bnoto that I (S) ______________________ (do) gghvno/stios sinoe ohddhood Q/nd /W AeMg good cut it. It toiU be nvg ohmoe to invpAess eoeAgbodg 1 bet. And hoto QjAe goijb doing? (Q) __________________ (gotu/Aeta^An) nvg boobs to the UbAO/Ag get? Qlu/gs Q/nd busses, QdlQ/Ag 24 UNIT 2 Section I Э I Use the articles a / an or the if necessary. 4 i Circle the appropriate verb form. 1 We are going to be late. Let’s take_ taxi, shall we? 2 Is he going to___Paris or_____London next year? 3 The trip was very tiring and was three hours late. 4 Would you like going by____ _____air? train train or by passengers 5 It was stuffy in the bus___ were hot and angry. 6 There was nobody at the station. Only _____taxi driver was waiting for______rare passengers to take them to their hotels. 1 I think that people are travelling / will travel much more in the future, and means of transport will be different. 2 In Spain people eat / are eating more fruits and vegetables than in Russia. They also use / are using more spices. 3 Daniel has already been / already was to six western countries and now he is dreaming about travelling to Africa. 4 The ship has sunk / sank in the Baltic Sea in 1956 and nobody has heard / heard anything about it since then. 5 A lot of people say that they have seen / had seen UFOs, but there is still no reliable evidence that they exist. 6 The submarine disappeared when it passed / was passing through the Bermuda Triangle. Papers say that the scientists have several explanations, but none of them has been published / was published yet. 5 jAsk the questions to the following answers. (See the text in Ex. 19, p. 66 in Student’s Book.) 1 It is difficult to notice an iceberg because only a small part of it can be seen above the water. Icebergs can be dangerous for ships because they can move quickly and it is not easy to detect them in time. 3 ? The Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean. The Britannica was the biggest floating hospital of the Second World War. 5 ____________________________________________________________________________? The Olympic was launched in 1910. The Olympic lived almost half a century UNIT 2 Section 1 25 6 J Ask questions to the words in bold. Use the passive voice. 1 About 700 passengers of the Titanic were rescued by the Carpathia. 2 More than 2000 tickets were sold for the first voyage from Europe to America. 3 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky was founded in 1741. 4 Books on travelling and travellers are often sold in the spring when people are planning their summer holidays. 5 Two thousand copies of the magazine “The Travelling in the Jungle” have been sold this week. 6 Nobody knows how many cases of UFOs’ visits to the Earth have been registered in the last 50 years. 7 Most mysteries of the past will be solved in the future. 7 j Choose the right option and fill in the gaps. ^ 1 r tl\^ Centuries ago people dreamed about travelling through space, and science fiction writers (1)______________________ that people would fly to the Moon or to Mars just for a weekend. It still seems (2) ______________________to most of us, but the era ['югэ] of space tourism has already started. A rocket “Soyuz” with the first space tourist on board (3) ____________________________in 2001 Dennis Tito, a sixty-year-old American businessman, stayed on the International Space Station for eight days and then (4)_____ returned to Earth. Since that time other people have had “a space holiday” and space travel seems to have become a new (5)______________________________industry. Space tourism companies plan to construct orbital hotels for short-term tourists and are thinking about arranging space colonies where people can live for years. The colonies can be arranged either on space stations or on other planets. However, scientists haven’t (6)________________________yet whether there is a planet where conditions would resemble the conditions on Earth. 1 a) suggested b) predicted c) avoided d) detected 2 a) unavoidable b) unsinkable c) unforgettable d) unbelievable 3 a) was launched b) was landed c) was damaged d) was prevented 4 a) fairly b) surely c) equally d) safely 5 a) expecting b) developing c) damaging d) detecting 6 a) found out b) predicted c) avoided d) prevented 26 UNlT 2 Section 8 ; Write a short biography of D. Livingstone. Use the information below. — —------ - David Livingstone, the greatest missionary and explorer in c Africa, wanted to open Africa to the civihsed world and to stop slave trade year of birth: 1813 place of birth: Scotland education: medical 1840: was sent to Africa as a member of the London Missionary Society 1841—1852: explored Kalahari, managed to cross the Kalahari Desert 1853: travelled to Luanda on the west coast 1855—1856: discovered the Zambezi River and followed it from the source till the Indian Ocean, crossing the African continent. Livingstone was the first European who had ever crossed the African continent. While travelling he saw a beautiful waterfall and named it Victoria Falls. 1857: was given the post of British consul at Quelimane and continued his geographical research. 1864: returned to England to publish his book about the Zambezi River 1866: went to Africa again; his aim was to find the source of the Nile 1867—1872: discovered and mapped many geographical points in Africa, the Congo River included; suffered from tropical diseases. 1873: died in a little African village from a tropical disease. if 11^ UNIT 2 Section 1 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 Section 2 l^Do the geographical crossword puzzle. Tick the geographical names which should be used with the. Across: 1 a sea between Europe and North Africa Down: 1 the greatest river of North America 2 the capital of Scotland 3 a country in northern Europe; the capital is Copenhagen 4 ... Ocean — the ocean extending from the east coast of Africa to Australia 5 a river of southern England that flows through Lx>ndon 6 a continent extending from Asia to the Atlantic Ocean 7 the capital of Italy 8 a country extending from Eastern Europe to the Pacific Ocean 9 a continent between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans 10 a state of the western USA; rockets are launched into space from the desert in this state 11 a country which is part of Great Britain 12 a continent where kangaroos live 13 a country in Europe, also called Holland, the capital is Amsterdam (remember that we should use the with the name of this country) Translate the following sentences into English. 1 Oh посмотрел в зеркало и не узнал себя — мальчик в нарядном костюме, с современной стрижкой (haircut) смотрел на него. 2 Дженни пришла домой раньше обычного. Она прибрала квартиру, затем приготовила обед для себя и своего брата. 3 Когда мы были за городом, отец учил меня водить машину. Я вел машину сам! К сожалению, никто меня не видел, потому что той дорогой никто не пользуется. 4 Почему ты все время просишь помощи? Ты достаточно взрослый, чтобы позаботиться о себе. 5 Угощайся пирогом. Я сделал (а) его сам(а). 28 UNIT 2 Section 2 ^ Complete the table. Share the results with your partner. Do you have something in common? (See Ex. 48, p. 76 in Student’s Book.) Things I must do this week. (They are important and urgent.) Things 1 should do this week. (They are important but not very urgent.) Things I needn't do this week. (Because of some circumstances these things are either not very important or urgent.) Things I shouldn't do this week. (If I do these things, it can cause some problems.) Things I mustn't do this week. (If I do these things, it can cause be serious problems.) ^Complete the dialogues using modals must, mustn't, needn't, should^ shouldn't. 1 — Shall I pick you up tomorrow to go to the school party? — ___________________________________. Let's meet at the school gates. 2 — Shall I go to the dentist? — ______________________go there as soon as possible. Otherwise your tooth will be pulled out. 3 — Can I borrow your dress for a while? This colour suits me. — _________________________. I never let anybody wear my clothes. 4 — Shall I drive you to the airport tomorrow? — _________________________. My cousin has a day off tomorrow and he will drive me there. 5 — Let’s go to the concert tomorrow! — ______________________It’s grandmother’s birthday tomorrow. She’ll feel hurt if we go. UNIT 2 Secfion 2 29 5 Match the words in the columns. Use each of them only once. customs pass passport reclaim declaration luggage flight control baggage form hand officer boarding delay 6 Read the information about two travelling options. Write which of the following things a person should and shouldn't take with him / her there. Explain why. swimming suit surfboard sunglasses hockey helmet and hokey stick camera flippers shorts and T-shirts warm coat woolen gloves jewellery umbrella formal suit a) Trip 1 place season occupation Malta summer, 2 weeks studying English in a language school; sightseeing, water sports Example: \bu should take a panama hat with you because it may be very hot in Malta in summer. You don't need to take a heax'y dictionary, because you can borrow books from the school library. You should take It’s a good idea to take It’s not a very good idea to take It’s silly to take b) Trip 2 place season occupation Ireland winter (Christmas holiday included) 4 weeks studying English: sightseeing, part time job as a hockey coach for young children in the local school You should take _ 30 f J It’s a good idea to take You don’t need to take It’s silly to take 7 jFill in the gaps. Use the words from the box in the appropriate forms (active or passive). Each word can be used only once. ( delay take off announce get through collect arrive | 1 Unfortunately we were late for the flight. When we arrived at the airport, our plane _____________________So we put our luggage back into the taxi and returned home. 2 When Jason customs, the 4 — What flight officer asked him to open his suitcase and examined his things very thoroughly. 3 We planned to be in Paris in the morning but our flight____________________because of the weather. So we saw the Eiffel Tower only at night. _______________? Isn’t that ours? — No, it’s flight number 143 on British Airlines. And our flight is number 143 on Aeroflot. 5 When we saw the Johnsons in the airport, they_____________________ their luggage from the baggage reclaim and were waiting for us at the information desk. 6 We in London late at night, but there were lots of taxies at the airport. 8 : Complete the sentences with a preposition from the box. Use one of them wice. 2 3 4 5 6 The customs officers prevented the criminal taking a valuable picture out of the country. My grandmother was afraid of travelling_ L _ from on to on by of air and insisted going by train. My elder sister works for a travel agency. She is fond_her job. We wanted to have a camping holiday, but our parents objected___it. I enjoy swimming, but Tm afraid_____diving. I don’t know if we’ll go surfing tomorrow or not. It depends_the weather. L N'T 2 SecHon 2 31 9 I Complete the sentences. 1 If I go to some distant place for my holiday Г11 go by 2 If my flight is delayed,_____________________________ 3 If I’m late for my flight,_______________ 4 If I want to get a seat in non-smoking area 5 [f I don’t know how to fill in the declaration form. 6 If I have jewellery or antique things with me. 7 [f I can’t find my luggage at the baggage reclaim. 8 If my luggage is lost,-------------------------------------- 9 If I can’t find the person who is meeting me at the airport. 10 If I don’t know how to get to the place I’m going to stay. 10 j Imagine that you are flying to Britain. Fill in the landing card and the customs declaration (see Ex. 63, p. 81 in Student's Book). Use the Iransliteration Table. LANDING CARD Immigration Act 1971 Ptease comptete clearfy tn BLOCK CAPfTALS P fa^ . гШатеШе an MAYUSCULAS Vcu^Hez rernph' is^hierrian^ en i BTTRf ^' MAJUS^^x *LLb Bftte '“i DPuCKt >fPfFT ausfuifen Family name Norn de famine Apetlidos Famdienname Forenamea Pr6ooms Nombre(s) de Pita Vomamen Data of birth Day Date de naieaance Fecha da nadmlento Gebuitsdatum Nabonat^ NationaJttd Nactonalidad Staatsangehdngkeit Addraat In United Kingdom Adrease au Boyauma Ur>t Direcddn en el Reiix) Unido Adrasae tm VereN^en Kdoigrach Month Year GescNecht Sea Sexe I I I I I I I PlacM of birth Ueu de naissance Lugar de r\acimiento Geburtsort Occupation Profession Prolesidn Beaif Signature FIrma Unterachrift CAT For Officiai use. : г et/F 161 П CODE Л-Л i ri: 5 TVu lu! den Diensigebravch NAT I П POL 32 UNIT 2 Seclion 2 CUSTOMS DECLARATION * To be filled in by persons over 16. ■—> To answer niarfc a cross in the ap^opriate box below [X] * Keep for the whole duration of your temporary stay abroad/in the country and submit to the Customs on your way back. Not renewable in case of loss. 1. Information on traveller: \ [entry 1 exit 1 1 transit I feanily name (Iasi name) 1 first name sccomTnamc 1 country ofpennanent residence nationality 1 passport» arrived from (courjtry of departure) With me i have children under age 2. Information on luggage: 2.1. Accompanied luggage. ГП including hand luggage yes »prtWfV7 tor (country ot desfy\at)on} n 1 1 Number Yes No □ No 2.2. Unaccompanied lugqage (a/s aocc»mpanying dooxnents) □ Y4ff □ No pieces. pieces. 3. information on merchandise: With me and In my luggage i have items which are due to be declared and transportation of which across boarders must be documentarily permitted by authorities: 3-1. Nations^ aid other currenny in cash, currency valuables, articles made of precious stones in any from or condition. □ □ Yes Mo Description of currency, valuables or items Total sum/Quantity In figures In words 3.2. Weapons of all descriptions, ammunition, explosives 3.3. Drugs and psychotropic substances 3.4. Antiques and objects of art 3.5. Printed editions and information media 3.6. Poisonous and powerful medicines and substances 3.7. Radioactive materials □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ No □ No □ No □ No □ No □ No 3.8. Wildlife objects, parts and products thereof 3.9. High-frequency radio-electronic devices and means of communicatior 3.10. Goods subject to customs duties 3.11. Temporarily admitted (exported) goods 3.12. Transportation unit □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ No □ No □ No □ No □ No N'T 2 2 111 Read the limerick and tell an anecdote (историю) about travelling with pets. You can either speak from experience or invent a story. 1 travelled by air with my little Crock. He was in box with a very safe lock. But Crocky was bored And soon got on board. So. you can imagine the passengers’ shock. 12 Write a descriptive essay about Davy, a character from the short story “The Last Inch” (see Ex. 69-70, pp. 84-86 in Student’s Book). Use the Information from the original text and add any details or ideas about him. Be imaginative. Follow the guidelines Write about: 1 Davy’s appearance: his age, height, build, colour of his hair and his eyes. 2 Davy’s character traits in ordinary life. 3 The character traits he demonstrated in a dangerous situation. 4 Your attitude toward the boy. Words and phrases that may help you: looked younger older; slim: athletic figure: broad / narrow shouldered; fair / dark-haired, with dark / grey eyes shy / very sociable; loved playing noisy games: preferred being alone; enjoyed reading; wanted to be a pilot to panic, to give up; was scared to death but. cried quietly; realised that his father could die: had the courage to take the plane off the ground, to fly it and to land it strong person, courageous; can be relied on Davy, the main character from the short story “The Last Inch'', was 34 U • C’- 13 Complete the text as seen through the eyes of a digital camera. Describe any photo / postcard of a place you’ve been to or would like to go to. (Attach the picture if possible.) Impressions of a Professional Traveller Hello! I don’t often speak to people but now I feel like chatting with someone. And you seem to be a nice person to talk to. Well, first of all. I'm a camera. A digital camera. And a great traveller too! I travel a lot because my job is to take photos for different magazines. My pictures are about interesting places in different countries. They tell about exotic places, unusual people, their customs and lifestyles. I don’t go on my business trips alone; I work with my assistant James Broderick. I often feel irritated with him as he often makes me take the same picture several times. But he is a nice fellow and can be relied on. Life would be tougher without him. Anyway, what were we discussing? Ah, yes, my photos. Have a look at this one — exceptionally good, isn’t it? I took it when we were in... Section 3 i ij Match the expressions in the left column with their definitions in the right. Try to guess the meanings if you don’t know them. 1 a single room a) is the time when a guest registers his / her arrival to the hotel 2 a double room 3 B&B(bedand breakfast) 4 check in 5 check out b) is the time when a guest must leave a hotel room c) means that the hotel provides a place to sleep and some breakfast in the morning d) is a room in a hotel in which only one person is supposed to stay e) is a building where students and young people can stay while travelling for a price much lower than in a hotel 6 a packaged tour f) is the season of the year when the number of tourists is the biggest 7 high season 8 a youth hostel g) is a room in a hotel in which two people are supposed to stay h) means a tour which is planned and organised by a travel agency, and when travel, excursions, meals, hotels are included in the price of the tour - 'J2 Sections 2, 3 35 2 FiD in the gaps with the words in the box. packaged bed and breakfast single double hostel high checked in check out 1 It is quite convenient to stay in a_________ because you don't need to worry about food in the morning. 2 When I travel alone, I prefer to stay in _____________rooms because I don’t like sharing rooms with strangers. 3 The hotel maid showed us a _________________ room — with two beds, a wardrobe, a big mirror, and a small TV set in the corner of the room. It was tidy and had a view of the sea, so we liked it at once. 4 I prefer travelling on my own to a tour. I don’t like when everything is planned and paid for in advance. 5 Jim Smith didn't want anybody to know where he was. That’s why he___________________________at the hotel under a false name. 6 __________________________time in our hotel is midday. This means you should leave the room and return the key not later than at 12 o’clock. 7 I don’t like travelling at season. There are crowds of tourists everywhere and everything is very expensive. 8 We could not afford to stay in a hotel. We stayed in a youth_____________which was not far from the city and was cheap enough. . 3 Use the guidelines below to complete the dialogue. Then act it out. 1 Dial the number of the hotel. 2 Express your wish to reserve a room. 3 You need a room from the 14th of July 4 You need a room for three days. 5 \bu need a single room. 6 Y)u want a room with a shower. Ask if they serve any breakfast at the hotel. 7 You want a room with a view of the sea. 8 Agree to the view of a garden. 9 Explain that the room is for your mum. You are making the reservation for her because she doesn’t speak English. 36 UNIT 2 Section 3 О 1 You dial the number of the hotel where you wioh to reserve a room. '■*A lui. ^ v«w A ■ .4; , v>^. , ' ------------------------------------ir —---------------—--------------------------------------------------- >?'■ ‘ !r<‘: Sv^ ■ • ^ nfl 'лМ ■Г -^-jy- 2 Good day! Hello! This is Cherry Street Inn. My name is Jane Smith. What can I do for you? % У^4ГЧч- - r^‘* ^'^ '' > ' - X - D“ '*iu -iSjlf -j Yes, it’s “bed and breakfast’.' ?-цг .• C- . • -'- - --..•-- 'й-.г->-:-'^:^€7C' -Г2C^p X"- jJT. ^ . f*r —"^e .' I'm sorry but there are no rooms with a sea view in our inn. 1 can offer you a looiii v'hich views a nice garden. 'XSr "#■ -b 8 ♦.л . :.s.->4. r 7-* Л. , - Л -:^ : --------- -:Л?-^л. Could you give me youi name, please? It’s not actually for me. 4^~ -“: ^ Very well. The name of >our mother then. ^«Ь -4 r "V • ■?•<*■ „ • "* Л^АтА Ч- . ^'■T уА'^- -Г---Г , -V e^r-SJ^y^- -': ♦;v--^Y. 4--r: ^ * ^ '-'"«r -,- -JW* -ж^с - . u ->r - - ■ - Г'- 10 Her name is Elena Serova. ‘■"’i''-^^ ■^лч'Ък: Could you spell the surname? fli:, ..V «< ДР !•-. -VJ -^,- J'- 5»‘n f^Xb' '3r^ 11 S-e-r-o-v-a -^yr Ч V. • .%jr 1 ‘-i, ■»-*, ' y, . -‘^■- • '-. 'i# -■* ,v»,'C-v - ^ V> >1?^ ‘-4h - • '4..'^ ' '■ *-’ ' "-'. ■’ - - ■ . 'Ч- ■ :m '■ '* ■' 12 Thank you. .« ‘ж — л- -w- 'Чч.' "' ,■■ »,,,<■' ^T<_ •'-y--.'.'~T"'~'' ч"!-" • ~'"s •'л -^1^ rl^ Thank you very much. I hope your mother will enjoy her stay in our inn. .■^r - '• /'’""«л ‘-Sp7r < W^sA '- -J^-' '>*w2 ■‘OS^- A^- - ШС *. ;»■ #« ><5). ■ ^ I ;.i -'»$»“■ . V-л<и ■»&.'!^ , lif .r *>4%—.-! tiij^j^ . ^ •i^' '^pefcp'. ^ r- ГЧ ' .^ 27. -iP®"------------------- UNIT 2 Section 3 37 4 When you were having a holiday at the seaside, you met a fellow called John. You became friends because you were both interested in interior design. You’ve received a letter from him. a) Read his letter and draw a plan of the room he describes in his letter. Q4'vl 1 hope uocb ОЛ& Q/M Mght. Svmybhong vq OHI lobth Ш/ too. I tkou^Qht tho/t UOib nui/Qht b& ilbte/M/St&d vib lotvQ/t Phv dOvbig h&Ab. Vvb stOMbbd OMVb bo/SiMQQ. /W iwt bvddbU/g! sogg&ot&d thO/t I skOU/Htd Ivb^p Ivbhb OOltk hvS bibfb iokbS/Cf kb Is OU/t 0(f tkb tOMtb ^Oh/ 0/ oou/pUfb off /worths Q/nd kbm 10/tTv. Qflg ct/h/oSe> ko/d bou^gkt sofyub мм ffU/A/h/btO/A/b ffO/b tkb bfbH/ bbffCM kb Sfbfft, CbHfd 1 kO/d to CUIbHiQ/l/bgb Vt bn tkb AOOfV/S /П/и8ьЦ. I M/hbbhvbbK tkO/t gOU MbJbb VbAg bntbAbStbd bn dbQbgn Cbnd момЫ ibbb to як(Ш/ Qont/b off hvg bdbCbQ Mvtk goth. Iff gOM ьоьл оош to VbQbt, I О0/П JbbSbMb tkb ЬьяЬ AOOffU ffOA дОМ^ Mbtk tkb VbbM off tkb SbQ/. ~7kbQ bQ JbbMg 0/ vbAg good wohv - not иьлд ^сьлдь, bod пьоь and Q^nng. It kO/Q onb MbndOM JU/Ot opposite tkb dOOJi. ikbAb bQ CO MKbtbng dbsb bn tkb fn/bddSb off tkb AOOfn. tkb MondOM tkbjob bQ 0/ bbd. I pHo/Obd bt оЛоПд tkb MbndOM, bod QOnob Qpcoob bQ ^bfft to tkb S’bfft and to tkb Abgkt off bt. n маАсОооЬь Mbtk p^bntg off AOOftv to Ьььр gOOuA oHfOtkbQ bn Qt04bdQ о4оПд tkb Aookt МаШ. It OOOCt^pbbQ tkb Qpaob ffAOhb tkb top Abgkt ООАПЬА to tkb hobddJ^b off tkb маЫ. Qlbxt to bt tkbAb bQ a AodbbQk bbn, cond on tkb bottohv Abgkt ООАПЬА tkbAb OQ a OOffffbb tCObU Mbtk a'~r^Qbt on bt. It bQ pOQQbbU/b to kang bt on tkb маМ, boot I dbdn Ч пиападь to ffbnd an аррюроьаи рИаоь ffOA bt. Abcm tkb Qbt tkbAb^Q a fn/bAAOA. По tkb ^bfft off tkb dooA, ьп tkb ООАПЬА, tkbAb'q ап aA/M/okabA. And tkbn tkbAb ^Q onotkbA okabA оп tkb А001УО - bt Q bbtMbbn tkb олпиоко/ЬА cond tkb dooA - and a nbob ^aftop on tkb MAbtbng tab^b - on ocuQb goto MOoo&d to мнМ/ь a ^bttbA oa a pootooaAd-. Qlopb to Qbb gOOo QOOn, m this corner / so close to ' so far from. It seems to me that ... is out of place there. I would suggest movmg it to ... . Why not to put it / hang it ... . You could add / put / hang .. to make the room look cosier. Hello, John! Thank you very much for your invitation to stay in your family inn I would certainly like to come, but I have some suggestions about the furniture arrangement in the room you described. First of all__________________________________________________________________________________ Fn this way / think the room will be much more comfortable to stay in. Let me know your thoughts on my suggestions. Hope to see you soon, ______________(your name) P.S. I think you should give a second thought to a course on interior design. It could be very useful UNtT 2 Section 3 39 Section 4 1) Read the description of the country and find three factual mistakes. Underline them and correct the information. Consult the information table in Appendix 1 (p. 189 in Student's Book) if necessary. The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain (England, Wales, Scotland) and Northern Island. It is not a big country. It occupies the British Isles which lie off the north-west coast of Europe between the North Atlantic Ocean and the Northern Sea. The total area of the country is only 100 thousand square kilometres. It borders Ireland, and this is the only land border the country has. It also has sea borders with France, the Netherlands. Belgium, the Scandinavian countries and Canada. The British coast is only 35 kilometres from France and now these countries are linked by tunnel under the English Channel. The capital of the country is London and the major cities are: Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, and others. If you look at a map of Great Britain, you'll see lowlands and highlands. The lowlands are mostly in England, in the central part of Scotland and in some areas in south Wales. The highlands are basically in the north. The highest peak in Great Britain is Ben Nevis — it's 1,343 metres. The most well known river in Great Britain is the Thames, because it is the longest river in the country. The largest lake in the United Kingdom is Lough Neagh. Tliis freshwater lake is situated in the centre of Northern Ireland and supplies the whole area with drinking water. 2 J Write a description of the Russian Federation. Use the information in Appendix 1 and the guidelines in Ex. 92, p. 93 in Student’s Book. 3 jFill in the gaps with the articles a / an or the if necessary. Alaska is a cold land of tall mountains and friendly people. Its territory is about 1530 thousand square kilometres. Most of Alaska is surrounded by (1)________water. Its sea border are (2)_________ Arctic Ocean in the North and (3) Pacific Ocean in the south. It has a land border with (4) Canada. On the 30th of March 1867 (5) States bought Alaska from (6)_______ United Russia, and on January 3. 1959 it became the 49th state (the biggest state of the USA). The capital of Alaska is Juneau ['d3u;nau]. Nowadays the population of (7)____________________state is about 627 thousand 40 UNIT 2 Section 4 people and only 15 percent of them are Alaska Natives. They keep their traditions and their main occupations are fishing, hunting and whaiing. Alaska is often called by its nickname — The Last Frontier. It got that name because of its great distance from the other states. It is also called the Land of the Midnight Sun because in summer the Sun does not disappear from (8) _________sky and is seen even at (9)________ midnight. It seems unbelievable, but a lot of tourists come to Alaska from all over the world. This state with its mountains, clean rivers and beautiful natural parks attract (10)____ people who love outdoor holidays and have an adventurous spirit. 4 Read the text in Ex. 98, p. 94 in Student's Book for information on the flags. Then place the descriptions of three flags in the appropriate column. combination of three crosses thirteen red and white horizontal stripes the red diagonal cross on a white background a wide blue horizontal stripe fifty white stars for the number of the states a wide white horizontal stripe the red cross on a white background a wide red horizontal stripe the white diagonal cross on a blue bacground The flag of the RF The flag of the USA The flag of the UK 5 a) Match the words to make up phrases that describe the State Emblem. a symbol of mythic divided into leading floral power several parts the union animals sovereignty symbols role i .IT Jf 2 Section 4 41 b) Arrange the sentences in the proper order to create a description of an emblem. Write the number next to the sentence. The fii^t and the last are already done for you. Use the information in Ex. 101, p. 95 in Student’s Book if necessary. 1 The State Emblem reflects the history of the country. Sometimes they are mythical, such as the Scottish unicorn on the emblem of the UK or the double-headed eagle on the emblem of the Russian Federation. \bu can often see animals and birds on state emblems. It symbolises courage and power. If it consists of several parts, it usually symbolises the union of several parts of the country. A rare but real bird, the bald-headed eagle, is the main part of the Emblem of the United States. Sometimes real animals and birds are chosen as the symbols of the country. 8 Different floral elements often complete the concept of the emblem. 6 I Write an essay about your local emblem. (See Ex. 109 b), p. 98 in Student’s Book.) Use the phrases in the box to help you. I want to present the emblem of the region 1 live in /1 was born in.. It consists of several elements... The main part of the emblem is... The emblem is divided into... It symbolises power / unity / freedom / courage... Below / above the emblem there are floral symbols... ...on a (colour) background The emblem was introduced in... It reflects the history of... 42 UNIT 2 Sei Can We Leant to Lire in Peace? Section 1 к 1 JListen to the dialogue in Ex. 2, p. 103 in Student's Book. Fill in the table ^^‘Who said what?”. * Tick the correct box. Mother Carrie 1 It IS almost time to leave. 2 It is a special party. 3 Everyone will laugh. 4 Everyone will think you look lovely 5 I will just stay at home. 6 Great-grandmother always sits in her wheelchair 7 She gives me the creeps 8 I don’t even have a dress to wear. 9 I have something to tell you. 10 I haven't seen any sign of beauty in you for a long time. 2 I Read the words and write them in two columns. to quarrel with to respect to argue to care for to rely on to hurt to shout to be fond of to cry to trust to support to lie Negative aspects of relationships Positive aspects of relationships 3 J Complete the sentences: 1 People shout at each other when 2 People cry when________________ UN!T 3 -Section 1 43 3 I trust people who________ 4 A person can be relied on if 5 I respect people who______ 4 la) Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions when necessary. Then underline the statements you don’t agree with. 1 If a person has no friends, it means he doesn’t deserve_friendship. 2 When a person shouts_____elderly people, it means that he is rude and ill-bred (невоспитанный). 3 If a person has once lied__you, it means you should never trust____him. 4 If a person supports people who need it, he should be respected ___it. 5 A person should be polite towards other people even if he doesn’t care___them. b) Explain why you disagree with the statements you’ve underlined. I can’t agree that___________________________________________________________________________ 5 I Read the conversation between Carrie and her mother again (see Ex. 2, p. 103 in Student’s Book), a) Mark the sentences as T / F (true / false). 1 The family reunion party was a special day for Carrie’s mother. 2 The mother wanted her daughter to look lovely 3 Carrie didn’t want to look lovely at the party. 4 Carrie wanted to hurt her mother’s feelings. 5 Wearing torn jeans was Carrie’s idea of looking lovely. 6 Carrie loved great-grandmother Schuler very much. b) Choose one of the false statements and prove that it was false. I think statement number________________is false because________ ^ — 6 J Complete the sentences with the following linking words. 1 2 Carrie didn’t want to go to the party because who whose which that’s why _____she thought it would be boring. Carrie thought that the velvet dress was too conservative and old-fashioned; __________________she didn’t want to wear it. 3 Carrie wasn’t delighted to see her great-grandmother move without a wheelchair. Carrie wasn’t fond of her great-grandmother beautiful any longer. wasn’t able to face was very old and not Carries didn’t want to think about elderly people and their feelings, cruel of her. was 44 UNIT 3 Section 1 TJ Complete the sentences. Use the table in Ex. 16, p. 107 in Student^s Book as a model. 1 Carrie said she would stay at home, but her mother said she_____________(to go to the party). 2 Carrie said she did not have a dress to wear, but her mother thought she (to have) a black velvet dress. 3 Carrie thought that everybody would laugh at her dress, but her mother said she (to look) lovely in it. 4 The girl thought she was beautiful, but her mother said she signs of beauty in her for a long time. 8 j Rewrite the sentences using reported speech. Example: Carrie said: “Mother, I don’t have a dress to wear.” Carrie told her mother (that) she didn't have a dress to wear. 1 Carrie thought: “Mother doesn't care how I feel.” (not to see) any 2 Angela told Carrie about the rose pin and then said: “I want you to have it. 3 When Carrie saw the pin, she said: “Mother, it’s very beautiful. 4 Angela said: “Her family lived in Germany. Tf 5 She said: “They escaped to America ^Read the reasons which can cause conflicts. Complete the sentences using the reasons that fit your situation. • when people are not punctual • when my friends lie to me • when some classmates copy my homework without asking for permission • when people wear tasteless clothes • when friends betray me • when my parents treat me like a child • when my parents control every minute of my life • when people smoke in public places • when people use dirty language It makes me furious when_____________________________________________________ It makes me angry when UNIT 3 Section 1 45 It makes me feel down when 10 Make up seven words from the word pieces below. 1_ -ion prevent re- peace solution agree -ent -ful -ment differ ships -er relation lead 11 Read Tim's letter to a youth magazine. Fill in the gaps with the options below the text. To Prevent or to Resolve a Conflict? I don’t like (1) (2)____________ and conflicts of any kind and try ____________________. However, it’s my peaceful character which often (3)________________conflicts in my family. The thing is that they accuse (обвинять) me of telling lies. But I never tell lies. I don't tell the whole truth, but it’s not the same thing. To put it frankly, I don’t always inform my parents of any discouraging test results or about my teacher’s wish to see either my mum or dad as soon as possible. It’s not because I want (4)___________ but because I don’t want to hurt their feelings. What’s the use in having a dull conversation with my teacher about my poor progress? Isn't it unfair to my parents who (5)_________________________a quiet evening in front of the TV set after a long working day? As for the teachers, I try to prevent any conflicts with them too. I teU them that my parents are pretty busy at the moment, but they worry a lot about my grades (who can say that that's a lie?!) and will come as soon as they have a little more time. The problem is that sooner or later they'll meet anyway. And then I’ll have to invent a new method of (6)________________________ a serious conflict. 1 a) quarrelling b) to quarrel c) be quarrelling d) be quarrelled 2 a) to cause them b) to create them c) to avoid them d) respect them 3 a) is causing b) has caused c) is caused d) causes 4 a) to escape b) to deserve c) to receive d) to suffer punishment punishment punishment punishment 5 a) deserve b) had deserved c) observe d) had observed 6 a) explaining b) observing c) puzzling d) resolving 46 LNlT 3 Sec 12 j Create sentences by matching the phrases in the left column with the phrases in the right. 1 I have nothing... 2 Please send somebody... 3 We went to Kiev... 4 He repeated the words several times... 5 We called the airport information service... 6 I had no wish... 7 Jason made a firm decision... a) .. .to ask about the time of the flight. b) .. .to tell his parents the truth as soon as there was a convenient moment. c) .. .to remember them. So he was sure he would write the test. d) ...to see some friends, whom we hadn’t seen for ages. e) .. .to say about that quarrel. I don’t even know what it was about. f) .. .to help me. I won’t be able to do everything myself. g) .. .to learn those boring grammar rules. So I closed the book. 13] Fill in the gaps in the text. Use the words in the box. values peaceful prevent resolve disagree relations peacefully violence ! When people (1)______________________with each other, they may have conflicts. Conflicts happen when people have different ideas or (2)___________________________It is not always possible to (3)__________________conflicts. But we can (4)_____________________conflicts by (5)____________________ means. We must try to resolve conflicts (6) (7)___________________or bad (8)_________________ because conflicts can lead to _____________between people. 1<^ Ask any three students to say what they’ve leamt from the talk show (see Ex. 41, p. 114 in Student’s Book). Write down their responses in direct and reported speech. Names Direct speech Ann said: We can prevent conflicts. Reported speech Ann said we could prevent conflicts. IS j Complete the sentences with the following phrases. to understand that other people have the right to be different; to resolve conflicts by peaceful means; to speak to a person who doesn’t listen to you; to speak to a person who never agrees to different values; to communicate with a person who always agrees with you It’s necessary____________________________________________________________________________ It’s not easy_____________________________________________________________________________ UNIT 3 Section 1 47 It’s impossible It’s irritating It’s boring 16 la) ^^ite the sentences in two columns according to the meaning of the word “meansV Television is an important means of communication. A bright moon in the sky at night means good weather the next day. What means of transport do you prefer? Do you know what this word means? English is a means of international business communication. He is rather unreliable — his promise means nothing. b) Translate these sentences into English. Use the word “right” in each of them. Mind the meaning of the word in each case. 1 Мой ответ был абсолютно верным. 2 Ты уверен, что это правильный номер телефона? 3 Поверни направо на углу улицы, и ты увидишь большое серое здание. 4 Каждый имеет право выразить свое мнение. 17 |Read the limerick and describe what really happened. " Use the past simple and the past continuous. Two serious gents’ in the middle of night Were having debates on the property right’ They hardly escaped the boot, which 1 threw. I’m sure my actions were fair and true. As thus I prevented the fight. ‘ gent — gentleman (раз?.) ^property right - право на имущество 48 иг .ill J 18 Choose the answer, which is closer to your feelings, and comment on your choice. Write vour own answ er if none of them fits. 1 Do you tell lies to your parents? a) very often b) sometimes c) never d) --------------------------- 2 Do you tell lies to your friends? a) very often b) sometimes c) never d) --------------------------- For what reason can you tell lies to your parents? a) because I don't want to upset them b) because 1 don't want to be punished c) because I cannot live without telling lies d) ---------------------------------- 6 What would you do if your best friend's girlfriend / boyfriend asked you on a date? a) I would go on the date and then tell my friend everything. b) I would not go on the date and wouldn't tell anybody about it. c) I would go on the date and tell everybody about it. d) -------------------------------------- What would you say to a person who is seriously ill and who, according to the doctor, has no hope for complete recovery? a) I would tell this person lies to cheer him / her up. b) I would try to avoid speaking about it. c) I would tell the truth. d) ------------------------------------- What would you do if you failed your test on geometry? a) I would not tell my parents about it unless they asked me themselves. If they ask, I would tell the truth. b) I would try to conceal the truth and would not tell my parents about the test even when they asked about it. c) 1 would inform my parents about the results of the test whether they asked me or not. d) ------------------------------------ What would you do if your best friend came to a party wearing a silly dress that didn’t suit her at all? a) I would say. “You look great! " just to cheer her up. b) I would say nothing. c) I would say. “'Vbu look awful. Never wear it again!” d) ------------------------------------ UNIT 3 SecHon 1 49 19 Choose between the two essay starters and write an essay entitled: “To lie or not to lie?’* Tick the starter you’ve chosen. Then complete the essay with arguments or situations that support your point of view. V I don't think that people can do without telling lies \ sometimes. I don't mean that telling lies is good, ' but there are some situations when telling the truth can be worse than telling lies. r I’m dead against telling \\ee аг\у kind. *f you allow yourself to tell a lie once, it will be that much easier to tell another one. Lies cav\r\ot help anybody. Tne truth will reveal itself anyway, but the previous lies will make the situation even more difficuitto resolve. Section 2 1 Complete the table. c t - - — Verb value suggest choose punish co-exist [.ksuig'zist] ..>■ I Noun value solution / resolution advice co-existence Rewrite the sentences according to the example. Example: We think he will make the final decision. — We expect him to make the final decision. 1 We thought that he would support our idea. We expected_________________________________________________. 2 I wasn't keen on music, but learned to play the violin because my mother wanted me to, I went to music school because my mother wanted_________________________________. 3 You hurt his feelings and you should say, “Sorry". I want you to. I want______________________________________________________. 4 Don’ put off talking about the problem. Call them right now. I want you to. I want_______________________________________________. 5 Everybody thought he would win the game, but he lost. Everybody expected____________________________________. 50 UNIT 3 Sections 3 i Fill in the gaps with the phrases below. Some of them solve the problem take turns can be used more than once. put the ideas into action fair be fair 1 The boys could not share the TV Their father advised them to___________________________ 2 The parents wanted to______________________________to their sons. 3 In her letter, Ann told the editor about her problem. The editor helped Ann_____________ 4 The editor’s letter was full of good ideas. Ann decided to_ 5 The punishment was not_____________________________________ 6 — Shall we_______________________________playing the game? — That’s a good idea. 7 Many people today try to of environmental pollution, 4 Answer the question below. Use the phrases in the box to help you. friendship, love, support of my family, career, opportunity to travel, opportunity to develop my talents and abilities, good food, entertainment, opportunity to express my own opinion, opportunity to make choice, independence, other people’s advice What do you value in your life? My main values are___________________________________________________________________ I also value I don’t really value because 5 {Imagine that you are arranging a TV talk show. Read the problems and write them down according to their importance for a teenager. Add some more problems you would like to discuss. How to make students wear appropriate clothes in class. How to make young people give up smoking and drinking alcohol. How to make people avoid taking drugs. How to make people think about the interests of others. How to make parents put up with your interests. How to make your girlfriend / boyfriend believe that you value her / him. UNIT 3 Section 2 51 6 Read what Jack told the people around him. Complete the sentences to explain why people felt like that. Use reported speech (see the Grammar Focus in Ex. 16, p. 107 in Student’s Book). Don’t give me any advice! Don’t tel' anybody about the f'^ht, please. t Switch - — ( off the telly! Now! —-/T Ч Give me the homework eo can copy it! Change your haircut ^ to look like a celenrity. Take my bicycle if you like! 1 Jack told his classmate The classmate felt irritated. Jack told his grandmother _ His grandmother felt upset. Jack allowed the neighbour boy _ The boy felt happy. Jack ordered his younger brother The boy felt unhappy. Jack advised his girlfriend_____ The girl was pleased. Jack asked the teacher__________ The teacher felt puzzled. 7 People may have dilTerent interests, but it is not necessarily a reason for conilict. Write several sentences to support this idea. Use the pattern below. Start youi sentence with though* Some ideas; People can have different tastes in; ■ music, TV programmes, clothes and food they like; ■ values, habits, attitude to school problems, way of spending free time. Though my father likes classical jazz and I like pop-music, it doesn't cause conflicts. Though my mum enjoys soap opera and my sister hates them, it doesn 't cause conflicts. 52 UNT 3 Section 7 8 I While in New York Jane was a witness to a bank robbery (свидетель ограбления банка). She was the only person who saw the criminal and actually had a conversation with him. The police officer asked her to remember their conversation as it could help them to find the criminal. Read the criminal’s questions and complete Jane’s answers using reported speech. 1 What are you doing here? 2 Can i take this seat next to you? 3 How often do you come to this place? 4 How long do you usually spend here? 5 What kind of building is opposite us? 6 How many security guards are at the bank this afternoon? Officer; So you say that a young man came up to you when you were sitting on a park bench just opposite the door of the bank Jane: Right. He asked me (1)________________________________________T answered that I just О J О J wanted to relax after my language classes, and that it was my favourite bench in town. OK. Then he asked if (2) and I let him sit down. Did he ask any other questions? Oh. yes! A lot. He asked (3)___ and (4) .. Then he wondered (5) O: J: It was quite a natural question because the building was very beautiful and eyecatching. Did he ask anything that sounded strange to you? Yes, it was when he asked (6)_______________________________________________ UNIT 3 Section 2 53 9 Fill in the words from the box. Act out the conversation. Dad: What's up? Why are you acting so (1)____________ Tim: It’s because of Julia. She used to (2)__________ criticise relax contrary provide ^ nervous confident support me all the time and enjoyed making fun of me but now she wants me to be her partner at the school dancing contest. Dad: What’s the problem then? You don't feel (3)________________________enough, do you? Tim: Far from that. I’ve never danced in my life. I mean I’ve never danced a waltz [wo:ls] or anything like that. She did it on purpose I think. She wants everyone to laugh at me. Dad: (4)__________________. I think you should accept her invitation. But suggest a (5)___________________ idea — she should take part in the cycling competition along with you next month. Tim: It would be rather challenging for her, I bet. But, Dad, I'll never be able to waltz! Dad: Did I ever tell you that once your dad took the first prize in the city dancing contest? Г11 teach you myself, buddy' And in a week you’ll be the best dancer in your school! Tim: You are a great dad! Will you come to the contest to (6)___________me? Dad: Mmm, ... do they (7)______________coffee and sandwiches there? 10 Read the two letters and fill in the gaps with the best options below the text. I don’t like it when people smoke. I feel sick and get a headache when somebody (1)_________________beside me. I don’t want to (2)___________________a society that supports smokers. I don’t approve of the fact that cigarettes (3) in public places. Actually, you can buy them everywhere — in cinemas, in hotels, even in sport centres! Kids watch people smoking and can pick up the bad habit. I think that smoking should be banned in any public place. It's not fair to make other people (4)________________headaches just because smokers don’t want to give up their habit. Tm a heavy smoker. I (5) for fifteen years, and (6) . My family criticise me for this unhealthy habit. but I lack the willpower (7) So they have to (8) .. The problem is that I suffer a lot when I happen to be in so-called “non-smoking areas”. I think that society should (9) _______more places for smokers since there are a lot of as. 1 a) smokes b) is smoking c) smoked d) 2 a) put on b) put off c) put d) 3 a) are sold b) are supported c) are recommended d) 4 a) suffer with b) suffer from c) suffer on d) 5 a) smoke b) smoked c) was smoking d) 6 a) can’t get along with it b) can’t put it off c) can’t do without it d) 7 a) to give it up b) to put it on c) to get along d) 8 a) get over b) get off c) put up with it d) 9 a) support b) solve c) provide d) buddy — приятель, старина (разг.) 54 UN.T 3 Sec^o 1Д jSome people feel stressed because smoking is allowed in public places; other people feel unhappy because smoking is banned (запрещено). Study the arguments of smokers and non-smokers. Support either idea with the appropriate arguments. Smokers: Smoking should be allowed. A person has the right to choose — to smoke or not to smoke. It’s not a very healthy habit, but it’s not a crime. Smoking helps some people to relax. Some people believe that smoking helps shy people to communicate. Smoking should be allowed in all public places. Non-smokers have to put up with it and shouldn’t make such a fuss about it. Example: / support smokers / non-smokers. I believe that smoking in public places should be allowed / banned... Non-smokers: Smoking should be banned. Every person has the right to healthy life. It’s impossible to escape smoke if there is a smoker around. Family members and or colleagues have no choice — they have to inhale (вдыхать) smoke together with the smoker. It’s very unpleasant to speak to a person who is smoking. Smoke can cause very serious diseases. People shouldn’t put up with smoking since it’s a risk to their health. Smoking should be banned in all public places / in most public places / in some public places. 12 Write an essay on the smoker / non-smoker conflict. Follow the structure of the essay. Use the linking words from the box. For one thing... for the other thing... On one hand... on the other hand... Firstly...; secondly...; more than that...; in other words...; finally... In conclusion, I should say that... A Smoky Conflict If there’s a conflict we should try to resolve it. The conflict between smokers and non-smokers is a global one. It exists in many countries and even in many families. There are two opposing parties in this conflict, and both of them have got arguments to defend their position. UNIT 3 SecHon 2 55 Section 3 к 1 ' Fill in the gap^ wi the wu^us. Then write them down in the second column. 4 d to I 5 c r ■ I in ■ I n a о <4> tion b) Read the words and phrases below; Write them down in the fourth column to make word combinations according to the formula: Word from the second column + preposition + word from the fourth column. Then read what you’ve got. people ancient Greeks other nationalities anti-war movement religious discrimination a conflict human rishts c) Match the following adjectives with the phrases you’ve made. Write down the adjectives in the first column. Then read the expressions you’ve got. cruel mystery severe successful legal happy universal 56 UNIT 3 Sedior J 3 Read the situations and use the words below to describe what kind of discrimination took place. Complete the sentences. racial discrimination sexual discrimination age discrimination religious discrimination 1 — At school Julia is always made fun of because she practices religion. — This is__________________________________________and it should be stopped at once. 2 — jack is great at computers and technology. He passed the qualification test but the top manager of the company didn't like the colour of his skin. So Jack didn’t get the job. — This is____________________________and he should apply to a human rights organisation. 3 — Are there many cases of_________________________________________________in Britain? — I can’t be sure, but I don’t think so. The head of the country is the Queen and one of the most famous prime ministers was a woman. Margaret Thatcher, the head of the Conservative Party, was elected to that post three times and ruled the government for twelve years. 4 — Have you ever heard of__________________________________________________? — Yes, it's when you have the right qualifications for the job but can’t get it because the employers are not happy with your age. They think that you are either too young or too old for the job. It’s not fair, of course, and people should be protected from this kind of discrimination by law. 4 Read the text in Ex. 105, p. 134 in Student^s Book and answer the questions. 1 When did the Declaration of Human Rights appear? 2 What rights does every person have according to the Declaration? 3 Why do you think the Declaration appeared soon after the World War II? 4 Can the Declaration prevent wars? If not, who or what can do that? 5 What should people do to prevent wars? 6 What does it mean to be tolerant? 7 Does tolerance mean that you can’t disagree with other people? Ni j Section 3 57 5 Complete the sentences according to the example. Example: I think it’s your fault.— Yes, it mine. 1 It’s my mistake, I’m afraid.— Yes, it’s_____ 2 I think it’s his decision.— Yes, it’s_______ 3 It’s our turn at last.— Yes, it’s 4 I hope it’s their car.— Yes, it’s 5 It’s her idea, I bet.— Yes, it’s _ 6 Fill in the gaps with the correct words. 1 A person who does not accept opinions or behaviour different from his / her own is a(n) person, (tolerant / intolerant) 2 Any kind of discrimination against other people is____________________(moral / immoral) 3 We should use all possible peaceful means to resolve conflict. War is___________________ (human / inhuman) 4 You have made no mistakes in your answer. Your answer is_____________________ incorrect) . (correct / 5 If you always forget about your promises, you are very irresponsible) . (responsible / 7 Read Tim’s letter to a youth magazine. Help him understand what tolerance means. Share your ideas with your classmates. Tolerance is a very trendy word in the vocabulary of today’s politicians. Y)U can hear it on TV in different talk shows and news programmes. However, lots of people do not understand what it means. What does it mean to be tolerant? Is it an ability to listen to other people without interrupting them now and again? Or is it a wish to understand why they think the way they do? Or the ability to accept ideas which are different from yours? Does it mean to respect and protect other people’s rights if they want to practise their religion, or listen to the music they like, or behave the way they like? But should we be tolerant of people who behave violently, rude and immoral? To be tolerant means — to respect other people’s culture 58 UNIT 3 Section 3 8 I а) Use the words to make phrases and write them below. Use the prepositions if necessary. to protect to provide to suffer to fight to promote to differ against from the European lifestyle disease terrorism discrimination food peace b) Now make up three sentences with some of the phrases you made. 9 j Ask any three students in your class these questions and then write their answers in the boxes below. See £x. 118, p. 138 in Student’s Book. Questions What country would you like to write about? Where is this country situated? a) Europe b) Asia c) Africa d) North America e) South America Where are you going to find information about the conflict? a) the library b) the Internet c) a teacher of history and social studies d) other (explain) В 10 Match the words from the two columns. Use each word only once. separatist armed terrorist ethnic inhuman annual human joke action summit rights movement attack conflict 3 Section 3 59 11 ;Read the text about the separatist movement in Spain and answer the questions. The government and the people of Spain are facing a problem of rising violence from the Basque separatist group ETA*. The group was founded in 1959 and fought for self-determination for the Basque country in northern Spain and southwestern France. Despite the fact that the Basque region of Spain is an autonomous community nowadays and has got its own regional government, the Basque separatists go on with their violent struggle. They believe that the Basques should have full independence from Spain. They arrange bombing in public places and kill and kidnap people. The radical part of the group is quite small, but they have already killed more than 800 people in Spain. J 1 What kind of problem are the people of Spain facing? 2 What are the separatists fighting for? 3 Why didn’t the separatists stop the violence when the Basque region became an autonomous community? 4 Do the separatists use peaceful or violent means? Do you think the Basque people suffer from the actions of the separatists as well as the other people of Spain? Why? 12 IVIatch the words with their derivatives. Underline the stressed vowels in these words. Then read each pair of words aloud. (See Ex. 123, p. 140 in Student’s Book.) plural free equal diverse care safe democrat friend cooperate cooperation freedom pluralism diversity caring equality friendship democracy safety ETA (Euskadi Та Askatasuna) — the Basque Fatherland and Liberty group 60 UNIT 3 Section 3 13 Read the text and fill in the gaps with the appropriate option below. The history of our planet is the history of wars. We have to (1)_______________that human beings, the most amazing creatures in the world, can't (2)_______________with each other. We are paradoxical- We are able to (3)______________spaceships to other planets and can get to oceans deep, but we don’t (4)__________________the rights of the person next to us. We’ve created the most effective medicine and our scientists work wonders to save people’s lives, but, on the other hand, we’ve (5)____________________the most effective and cruel weapons to kill people. Is it possible to prevent a global war if we go on like this? Nowadays no one can say that he doesn’t care what’s going on in the world. No one can feel safe even if there is no war in his country. The most terrible form of violence, which has spread all over the world, is terrorism. Many countries have already (6)_____________ from terrorist attacks — the USA, Spain, Russia, Britain and many others. Killing and wounding innocent people, women and children cannot by justified be any political situation or religious (7)__________________________. Most people realise now that only cooperative action among all countries can (8)________________ nations from the threat of terrorism. 1 a) admit b) reply c) answer d) ask 2 a) suffer b) prevent c) get along d) respect 3 a) drive b)through c) launch d) mail 4 a) prevent b) respect c) agree d) provide 5 a) destroyed b) ruined c) damaged d) invented 6 a) suffered b) experienced c) broken d) prohibited 7 a) independence b) education c) beliefs d) democracy 8 a) prevent b) protect c) prohibit d) provide 14 Which of the words in Ex. 127, p. 141 in Student’s Book are related to “tolerance”? Which ones are opposites of “tolerance”? Related to “tolerance” Opposite of “tolerance 99 'NIT 3 Section 3 61 15 J Study the information below about the United Nations peacekeeping forces. Write a short description of this organisation. What kind of forces are they? International forces that are controlled by the United Nations Organization. What is their mission (миссия)? To bring peace to the areas of armed conflicts. What kinds of conflicts do they help to settle? Can they come to settle any conflict in any country? What do they do in the area of the conflict? Are there only military people in the forces? What countries are all these people from? Conflicts between states or nations and civil conflicts inside a country. Only if both sides of the conflict accept their presence. • observe what’s going on in the area of the conflict and inform the UN about the actual situation • provide food and medicine for local people if necessary • help refugees (беженцы) return to their homes • disarm local soldiers if necessary • build schools, roads and hospitals There are not only soldiers, but doctors, builders, police officers and drivers. There are people of different nationalities, from different countries, Russia included. United Nations Peacekeeping Forces 62 UNIT 3 Section ? 16J Read the letter Mike wrote to his younger brother. Put the verbs in their appropriate form. Ш Q-fb, fyUo/tb! Jt Q b&m otbiy tk/Mfb ftuOlbthQ QbfU>& I Щi кОШ>^ bvut Щь (1) __________________________________ (olvQ/HQ&) О0*У1/рШ&^у. Qlou Ptn/ 0/ рьо/оьЫе/рьл — 0/ soCdbe/л tlv& OAmUd OlO/ibouQ р&0/ое/Ье>ерЫьд ^O/ot So'fvcUbg m (^)___________________________________(о/лШе/) cut oa>A Ьсияь Ыь thbs MnuoU A{jAvoQ/ib ooibifutAg. 9шлси^ gems ooh^^oot nuost obUcuges (3)_____________________________________(deotAOg) kem^ the sohoo^s don4 мояЬ iufbd the^e me stbU /tvcufbg mhued peopb>e. От ^bssboib bs to heb>p people Ьльюд peo/oe bo/ob to thebA to heS>p Aejftugees мЛсьам^ Ьош, and to pAevent huOAe rntfued oonjf&bC'ts bn the cuAecu. ^~h/e ho/ve to obseAve cund AepoAt сиШ cuotbvbtbes ьп the mea. SveAg so^dbeA has hbs oion дшьу bcut bt's abso^tute^g (^) ____________________________________(pwhbbbt) to u^se bt b{f theAe bs no Aea^ dcungeA to ^b(fe. Ql/& shou/Ш be oaAe^ibHf heAe as bt^s veAg bn^poAtcunt to даьп the tAast o{f the b/OoaH> peopHe. Some o{f them st'M (S)________________________________________(not / beb/beve') that ме aAe heAe (fOA thebA good. On aAAboa^ toe меле bnotAO/Oted on the Ao/^es ме mu^st obseAve heAe. SbAot o(f оЛ/Ь/, aH/Coho!^ (6>j__________________________________(pAohbbbt) even gou/ aAe oj^-dcutg. 1 thbnb that's the Abght thbng as ме (У)________________________________________(AepAesent) an bmpOAtant OAganbsatbon heAe. Second^ ме masi Aespeot the И/ОоаН/ people's Ae^bgbon and tAadbtbons even мЬеп theg seem stAonge oa (^мппд to as. ~ThbAd, ме shoaUfd be poUte to aU peoph MhetheA goa Ube them oa not. It s not ecusg, bcut bt s neoessaAg, as ме shoa^^d not tabe sbdes* bn the oonf^^bot b(f ме Mont to stop bt. Qaess Mhatl Sbnoe mg (fbAst dag heAe 1 (S^___________________________________________(Ь^еаАП^ the (/ОоаЛ ёапдсьаде. I (Q)_____________________________________(aheadg / UaAn) Я5 bmpoAtant MOAds and bt he^ps me a (fOt bn oommuM/boatbon. ОНд AegaAds to eveAgbodgl Q^oms, Qvibbe Я^-S. Q-leAe bs mg photo. QIom do 1 ^oob bn thbs anbfjOAm cund a ЯЛО[ ЬЬ/ое beAet? * to take sides — принимать чью-то сторону в конфликте UNIT3 Sections 63 171 Finish the sentences with the correct tag question. __^ Example: What he says is important, isn4 it? She doesn’t give you a chance to speak, does she? 1 We have done something wrong,______________________? 2 They admitted their mistake,_______________________? 3 You will show respect to your opponents,____________ 4 Name-calling is very harmful,______________? 5 You appreciate your friend’s help,________________‘'t 6 We can settle this conflict,______________________? 18 j Write these phrases another way using the -ing form. Example: forces, whose task is to keep peace in the region — peacekeeping forces 1 a fact which shocks people — a___________________fact 2 a license necessary for driving — a________________license 3 water acceptable for drinking —____________________water 4 shoes which are comfortable for walking — _______________shoes 5 a dress for a wedding — a____________________dress 19]Complete the sentences. Use the -ing form of the following verbs. take part build fight see • ... _ _i 1 Unfortunately, we can’t say that the conflict is resolved, but the soldiers on both sides have stopped__________________. 2 ______________roads, schools and hospitals is an important part of the mission of the UN peacekeeping forces. 3 My uncle told us a lot about 4 He looked forward to in peacekeeping missions in Africa. someone from his own country 20 j Underline the correct form of the verbs. 1 If we were able to resolve all conflicts through peaceful means, there would be / would have been no wars. 2 If we had a school referendum on whether we should wear school uniform or not, would you come / would you have come? 3 If you warned /had warned me about a lot of violence in that film, I wouldn't have taken my little brother with me. He was scared. 4 It is reported that one more person has become a victim of the criminal. If the police had had more information on him, they would prevent / would have prevented that crime. 5 If we knew / had known that there would be only local food at the party, we wouldn’t have come. We can’t eat local food. 6 If there were /had been no cultural diversity in the world, it would be boring to travel. 64 Ji'J T 3 ion ^ 21 Read the extract from a news article. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. developing world crisis summit promote through peaceful means self-determination The leaders of five European countries met face-to-face at an annual (1)____________in Paris Among the issues discussed at the summit was the oil (2)_____________and global economic problems. On the second day of their summit the leaders took part in political discussions. They supported a referendum on (3)__________________for people in Western Sahara. The leaders declared that they aim to: • (4)_________________peace and democracy all over the world; • prevent and resolve conflicts (5) _______________; • help the (6)_______________. 22 Write an answer to Elena's letter (see Ex. 147, p. 147 in Student’s Book). Use the following guidelines. — Thank Elena for the invitation. — Say you would like to take part in the show. — Say if you prefer to be a host or a guest of the show. — Tf you prefer to be a guest, say what you are going to speak about, ^u may choose one of the topics from the list or suggest your own idea. — Ask when the show will take place. Dear Elena, Thank you very much for your invitation. Yours, UNIT 3 Section 3 65 Your Choice, Make Your Life Section 1 к 1 Match the phrases to explain who does what. 1 A pilot 2 A hairdresser 3 A journalist 4 A nurse 5 An actor 6 A mechanic 7 A shop assistant 8 A baker a) bakes different kinds of bread. b) looks after sick people in hospital. c) takes part in different theatrical performances. d) sells different things. e) is a specially trained person who operates an aircraft. f) cuts people’s hair and makes their haircut look stylish and elegant. g) fixes cars, motorcycles, and motorboats and knows engines very well. h) writes articles and reports for newspapers and magazines. 2 Fill in the gaps with must, may, can or can*L 1 Helen’s dad is a fantastic cook! He knows so much about Chinese, Japanese, Italian and French dishes. He be a chef. 2 Jim knows nothing about engines and cars. He be a mechanic. 3 Julian works for an international company. He says that no experience is necessary for his job and that he has to travel a lot around the city. He_______be a message boy or something like that. 4 Everyone in the hospital respects James. People say he is very good at operating on patients. He_______________be a surgeon. 5 This woman is always very neatly dressed and she knows how to get along with kids. She______________be a teacher or a babysitter. 6 She wears awful make-up and has no taste in clothes. She______________be a designer. 66 UNIT 4 Sectior 3 Match the words, a) friendly income b) to contribute to your horizon coffee shop to improve your career family school to broaden the family income sixth form ear to start confused university job to look the fees vocational diploma to afford your knowledge challenging college Look at this picture. Jane is an air traffic control specialist. YouVe interviewed her about her job and now you are going to write a short article. Use the picture and Jane’s replies. Guidelines: write how Jane got into that profession; what she does at work; how she feels about her job; if she fits the job or not (in your opinion). I work at the airport. I got into it because I wanted a challenging job. I’ve been working as an air traffic controller for three years. My job is to make air traffic safe. When a plane comes into my airspace, I control it and give the pilots instructions. It’s quite well-paid, j It‘s rather stressful. You should be very much in control. You can’t get nervous because then you make mistakes. People’s lives depend on you. Jane White is the youngest officer at the Flight Service Station nIIT 4 Section 1 67 5 Make up your own sentences with the following phrases. r to keep an open mind a flexible course to get promotion i a student loan | GCSEs I 6jRead the adverts in Ex. 14, p. 158 in Student’s Book. Complete the sentences. 1 The advantage of the vocational courses is that they 2 An interview gives you a good chance to 3 An apprenticeship gives you the opportunity to 4 Apprenticeships are available only for_______ 5 The advantages of school sixth form are that you 6 The advantage of the sixth form college is that 7 * Go round the classroom and ask different students about the most and least interesting jobs for ^ them. What job would they enjoy? What wouldn’t they like? (See Ex. 16, p. 159 in Student’s Book.) Name He / She would enjoy being... He / She wouldn’t like being... 8 Rephrase the underlined sentences using the modal verbs musty тауу can or can't. Example: I think we should tell Allan about our problems with the car. He is good at engines of all types and he'll possibly give us some useful and practical advice. He is good at engines of all types and he may give us some useful and practical advice. 68 UNIT 4 Sec" on 1 1 I’m sure these keys are James’. He was looking for them everywhere. 2 The door is locked, but I’m sure that there is somebody inside. I’ve heard some noise in there. 3 It is possibly Jim’s car next to the house. I remember he has the same make. 4 It is impossible that the woman who looked after you in hospital is Julia’s mother. Her mother is a hairdresser, not a nurse. 9 J Find the equivalents of the following words and phrases in the texts in Ex. 21, p. 161 in Student’s “^Book. Text 1 Words and phrases law company responsibilities Equivalents in the text law firm to have the right qualities to do something to prepare a CV by collecting information to keep contact ^ _ _ _ - — -_____________________- -__ , to enter a particular profession I a time of rest from school t enjoyment of your job Text 2 Words and phrases fast Equivalents in the text quickly Г to find something you haven’t seen for a long time different kinds nothing happened to treat somebody in an unfair and unkind way to start to know something that you had not noticed before very useful because it helps you to do something enjoyment of your job UNIT 4 Section 1 69 I£j Complete the CV as if you were looking for a summer / Saturday / part-time job. Use the Ixansliteration Table. Compare your CV with your classmates’. (See Ex. 24, p. 162 in Student’s Book.) Curriculum Vitae Personal Details Address Date of birth Tel: Education 19...—20... Work experience Positions of responsibility Skills Interests 70 UNIT 4 Section 1 LI j Complete the crossword puzzle. Across: 1 a written request for a job or for studying at a vocational school, college or university 2 a conversation when a person is asked questions by someone official to decide if he / she is suitable for the job or for a place at a college 3 a kind of school or course that prepares a person for a job 4 a possibility to do something: a chance 5 paid work; the state of ^ having a job 6 knowledge or skill which comes from practice Down: 1 a period of time when a person works for little money and learns skills at the same time 1 1 Г — ♦- 121 Read the limerick and say whether it is easy or difficult for young people to choose their future ^ ' career. Tell about your plans. If we could know which road to take. If we were told which choice to make. We wouldn’t need to hurry. And nobody would worry. Life would be just a piece of cake Z It \lk N14 Section 1 71 131 Write an essay about >vhat other language(s) besides the English language you are learning or ' would like to learn. Explain why. I’m also learning... I’m thinking about learning a second foreign language. If I had an opportunity to choose a language to study I would choose First of all,... Secondly,... Thirdly,... Everybody knows that the ability to speak a foreign language is very important in today *s world. I’ve been learning English for__years and believe that it will help me a lot in my life and career. Though English is the most popular language^ there are lots of other useful languages._________ Your arguments for learning this language as a second _________________ foreign language_______________ All in all, the more languages you know — the better. Learning languages is never a waste of time. Section 2 L 1 j Complete the phrases with nouns which go with the following verbs. Example: to change an opinion 1 to support_____________________ 2 to betray_____________________ 3 to ignore_____________________ 4 to hurt_____________________ 5 to feel jealous of___________________ 6 to trust____________________ 7 to browse 72 U^NlT 4 Sections 1 2 2 Write a story about the cartoon. Plan: to scare the neigbour Aunt Molly Means; a mouse, a cake box It will work — all women / are frightened of mice! So nice of them! How only did these boys learn that I’m crazy about mice?! Stereotypes Aren’t Always Right UNIT 4 Sect on 2 73 3 j Fill in the gaps to complete the expressions. do (one’s) best do exercises do harm do... good do the shopping do some work do without 1 I shall 2 3 4 5 A walk in the park will to finish the work in time. ________you_____________. 1 can't a dictionary when I translate texts from Russian into English, My friends are coming to a party at my house, so I have to_________________. My grandparents_____________________every day. so they are still fit and energetic. 4 ^ You have applied for a vocational course by e>mail and want to call about the details. Complete the phone conversation according to these guidelines: 1 Introduce yourself. 2 Ask if theyVe got your application for the course on Agricultural Science and Business. 3 Make a request to inform you about the date of the interview. Jessica: Hello! Vocational Scool. This is Jessica Smith. Can I help you? You: Hello,________________________ I’m calling to find out if__________________________ J: Could you spell your name, please? Y:___________________________________ J: OK, hold on for a moment. ...Yes. we've got it Y: _______________________________________ J: Yes, sure. We’ve got your number in the application form Y:______________________________________Bye. J: Bye. Have a nice day! 5 ] Read the text in Ex. 46. p. 170 in Student’s Book and complete the sentences with the following words: ethnic disability citizen minorities generation retire senior 74 1 A person who has full rights as a member of a country is called a____________ 2 ___________________people are those who have higher rank or status compared with others. 3 Women in Russia earlier than men. who speak both the national language 4 In large counties, there are a lot of_____________ and their own native language. 5 Young people of my___________________are good computer and Internet users. 6 To have a_____________________means that you are unable to use your body in certain ways because of disease or an accident. 7 The traditions of some people living in the Russian Federation are very different UNIT 4 Seci on 2 6 Study the situation and complete the telephone conversation. Situation: You want to have an excursion round the city. ’Vbu want to take a friend who uses a wheelchair. You want to find out if they provide any facilities to help people on and off the bus. If the transport is acceptable for your friend, you want to book the excursion. Catherine: Hello, this is Catherine Flinch, Tourist Information Centre. You: This is . Tm going and I .. He uses a wheelchair. Do you C Y C Y C Ybs, it steps are impossible for your fiiend. we can offer a flexibus. It’s a bus w*th an electric lift to help passengers in wheelchairs board it. Sounds good.__________________________________________________? Yfes, of course. 7 I a) Read the text and thru gi\ e it и title. Disabled people want equal treatment (отношение), not charity (благотворительность). Indeed, the idea that people with disabilities are weak and helpless is simply not correct. They just can't do some things other people are able to do. But there are many things they do much better than others. For example, there are some amazingly strong and talented personalities, including writers and sportsmen, who are blind and actors and even composers who are deaf. One example is Eduard Asadov. He was no different from his classmates when they had their last school party. The Great Patriotic War began a week after they had graduated from secondary school. Despite his age. Eduard became a soldier on the second day of the war. But in 1944 he was badly injured and became completely blind. However, Eduard didn’t give up. He entered the Institute of Literature and soon his poems became very popular. He wrote about people and their feelings, love, friendship and betrayal, and other aspects of life. His poems were pure and encouraging. They helped people cope with their troubles and hope for the best. Ever strong and optimistic Asadov helped other people see the beauty of the world, though his own eyes were blind. NP 4 Section 2 75 b) Join two ideas to create one sentence by using though. Example: Disabled people can’t do some things. They don't want to be treated as weak and helpless. Though disabled people can't do some things, they don't want to be treated as weak and helpless. Tbese people have physical disabilities. There are many strong and talented personalities. Asadov was very young. He became a soldier. He became completely blind. He didn’t give up. He was disabled. He helped other people cope with their troubles. His eyes were blind. He saw the beauty of the world. Section 3 *_______ Ф 1 j Listen to the interviews (see Ex. 57, p. 173 in Student’s Book). Complete the comments in the table. Susanna It’s obvious that Susanna is not interested in extreme sports. She says that Ashford Ashford has never done anything like extreme sports. He is certainly joking when he says that_______________________________________________________ Gregory Gregory sounds very excited about extreme sports. He says that 76 UNT 4 Sections Z, 3 2 Match the first column with the second column to make complete sentences. Never take off your helmet during a hockey game, Neil couldn't help thinking about his former friend who had betrayed him, so he wasn't able to concentrate on the game and that’s why Some teenagers do extreme biking in towns though Jimmy made up his mind to take part in the gymnastics competition in spite of the fact Julia never buys tickets to ice hockey matches because a) it has been strongly prohibited by local authorities. b) he had been out of practice for almost a year. c) otherwise you can be badly hurt. d) she thinks that that sport is rather cruel and not pleasant to watch. e) he lost. 3 Use the linking words to join the parts of the sentences. 1 Their team seldom wins 2 I’m keen on windsurfing 3 He is very good at dancing 4 I wanted to join a boxing club they don’t play very well. I want to move to the seaside, nobody has ever taught him. _______________my parents and but that’s why because though otherwise were dead against it, so I didn’t do it. 5 He coached his son for more than a year in the school team. 6 You should practise everyday.__________ the boy became a leading player you won't be fit for the competition. 4 Circle the correct word. Choose the right form. Circle it. 1 I don’t want you to do this sport. It's risky, even life-threatening / life-threatened. 2 I found that film quite frightening / frightened 3 When the team lost the game, the fans felt depres.smg depressed. 4 This kind of music makes me feel relaxing / relaxed. 5 The game ended in a draw (вничью), but it was still exciting excited game. 6 The whole evening she spoke about her new clothes. It was irritating / irritated. 1 I like my job though it’s quite stressful and tiring tired. 5 Write a short paragraph about BASE jumping / skydiving / windsurfing / skateboarding or any other extreme sport. Use some the following expressions. to seem awfully dangerous to miscalculate the speed of the wind risky activity life-threatening activity to cause serious injuries ' traffic accidents to get injured to feel excited to suffer the consequences to admit that... JN T 4 77 6 I Choose a sport you like and prepare a role-play. (See Ex. 68. p. 177 in Student's Book.) Guidelines: There should be no fewer than 3 students playing the game. Student 1 plays hockey; Student 2 hates hockey but is crazy about swimming: Student 3 wants to do some sport but has not chosen which one yet. Card No. 1 'Vbu've been playing hockey for five years. You enjoy it very much. \bur team needs one more player as one of the boys from the team has left. \bu know all the rules perfectly and are ready to explain them to the next possible candidate Your aim is to persuade somebody to join your team. The general rules of how to play hockey The game is played on ice with skates. The object of the game is to hit the puck into the goal net with a hockey stick. Tliere are two teams. There are six to twenty-two players on each team, but only six of them can be on the ice at one time. Tlie players are. a goalkeeper, two defensemen and three forwards (the right-wing forward, the left-wing forward, and the centre forward). Tlic players wear special uniforms, helmets and knee pads. Card No. 2 You are crazy about swimming. \bu think it helps you stay healthy and strong. There is onl\ one problem: the swimming pool is far from your house, and you would like a friend to go with you to make the walk faster. Persuade a friend to go in for sw'imming. (Tbu don't like hockey because it's a violent game But vou are curious about the rules and ask questions about them.) Information about the swimming pool: It's not very big and holds up to forty people at a time. It is possible to hire flippers, but nobody uses underwater masks. There are very few people there in the morning and during the day but there is little space in the evening. People can practise deep water swimming and even diving there. Card No. 3 You do not really know whieh sport to choose. Get to know as much as possible about hockey and swimming and make your decision. Ask about hockey rules and make sure that you understand them all right: — the object of the game — how many players there are in each team — how dangerous it is Then ask about swimming: the size of the swimming pool (if it is big or small) how' many people usually go there - if vou can hire any equipment there, like flippers or underwater masks if you'll be taught how to dive 78 1 Put the verbs in either active or passive voice. If necessary, use the text in £x. 71, p. 178 in Student’s Book. 1 Jack 2 If you go to Britain, you (change) his hairstyle! No one can recognise him! _______________(see) young people wearing different clothes and accessories. 3 Eccentric clothes and accessories _____________________(not / allow) in schools and colleges. 4 Harry is a very creative person, but he is too eccentric sometimes. When I saw his paintings I _____________________(surprise) and _______________(puzzle). 5 You can use your watch again. It______________________(repair) and shows the right time now. 6 'Vbung people think not only about music and fashion. They__________________(concern) about unemployment, ecology problems of the developing world. 2 To find out what musical styles are the most popular with people of different age groups and different occupations, a young journalist is interviewing Allan Harris, a forty-year-old professor of chemistry. Choose the most appropriate options to fill in the gaps. Tastes Differ Journalist; And what kind of music do you prefer? Allan; It (1)_______________old-fashioned, Fm afraid, but I really prefer classical jazz and blues. J; Jazz became a musical phenomenon in the 20th century, (2)______________? A: '^s, this style of music became a worldwide sensation in the first part of the 20th century and (3)______________generations. Jazz and blues have very strong (4)________________of African-American musical traditions. J; Who are your favourite performers? A: There are many talented musicians and singers, but for me Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald are the most fabulous. J; Do their songs help you relax? A; More than that. Armstrong’s hits like “Hello Dolly” and his touchingly optimistic “What a Wonderful World” (5)_________________________you feel like life is really worth living. J: How do you feel about pop music? UNIT 4 Section 4 79 А: Гш not really (6) on pop music. For me it’s just catchy melodies and silly words. I don’t think that most pop singers are well presented (7)____________________. In other words, I don’t like the way they are dressed. J: You are too hard on them, I’m afraid... A: Perhaps I am. But my (8)_________________ of course... is quality music. Tastes differ. 1 a) hears b) is hearing c)sounds d) is sounding 2 a) doesn’t it b) didn’t it c) isn’t it d) haven’t it 3 a) stuck with b) got along with c) went on with d) disagreed with 4 a) memories b) thoughts c) words d) influences 5 a) do b) make c) force d) allow 6 a) fond b) interested c) keen d) enjoying 7 a) either b) neither c) too d) as well 8 a) price b) prejudice c) tolerance d) value 3 ja) Make up questions to interview your classmates, Information you need to find out 1 if they are keen on eccentric clothes Your questions 2 if they have ever worn an eccentric hairstyle 3 if they are keen on wearing accessories 4 the musical style they prefer 5 issues they are concerned about 6 if they have chosen a future career 7 if they are going to continue their education at school or enter a college or vocational school b) Interview one of your classmates and report the results. Start like this: According to Sveta’s answers, she ... _____________________________ 80 UNIT 4 Sect^or 4 4 Play the card game “Look on the Bright SideV (See Ex, 82, p. 181 in Student’s Book.) How to play the game: There should be two teams for the game: The “Pessimists” who feel negatively about everything and speak only about problems, and the “Optimists” who look on the bright side and are able to see the advantages of every situation. Even when something is really wrong, they try to find a way out, give some good advice and cheer up the pessimist. Card No, 1 You are the “Pessimists? Take turns reading your problems. The opposite team, the “Optimists? should give you proper advice or say the right words to cheer you up. If they manage to find the card with the right words within seven seconds, they get a point. If not, or if they read the wrong words, you get one point. Tliey don't have an answer ready for youi last problem, but if they manage to invent some good advice or cheer you up, they'll get five points. If not, they’ll lose three points. ll I don’t have many friends. 1 have only one friend 1 can rely on. I think I'm so unpopular because I’m a bookworm and don't go out much. People get bored with me and it makes me very upset. l2 parents ask me so many questions about my friends, my progress at school and my musical preferences. I think they want to control my life and It bothers me. I can t get along with my parents. They hate me because I'm different They don’t like my hairstyle, my clothes, the music I listen to or the way I speak. Everything about me irritates them. I feel down because I love them anyhow. [4'I All my friends have already chosen what they are going to do after leaving school. But I still can't make up my mind about my future career. Is it because I'm good for nothing? I want to get a higher education and to become a first rate surgeon, but I’m not sure I'll manage to get into university. I’d better give up this idea. (6 i I m crazy about travelling, but I don’t think 111 ever be able to afford travelling to other countries since everything is so expensive through tourist agencies. I feel really unhappy that 111 never get to see Europe, America or Africa. I’d better throw out the TV' set so I don t have to see far away countries. ^NIT 4 Section 4 81 Card No. 2 \bu are the “Optimists’.’ The opposite team, the ’‘Pessimists'* read their problems in turn \bu should give them proper advice or say the right words to cheer them up. If you manage to find the card with the right words within seven seconds, you get a point. If not, or if you read wrong words, they get one point. *feu don’t have an answer ready for the pessimists’ last problem. This means you'll have to invent it and if you manage to give some good advice or cheer them up. you'll get five points for it. If not, they’ll get three points. © © Nothing of the kind! It only means that you need more information. Read newspapers and magazines that have articles about different careers. Learn more about schools, colleges and institutes. Ask friends and relatives about then work experience. Sum up the information and then you can make your choice. You shouldn’t do it. There are many ways to become a first rate specialist. If you can't get into university at first, keep trying. You can also start in a professional college, become a nurse and work in a hospital to gain medical experience. It will give you an advantage when entering university. luckv person.You’ve got 'S You are a 1"“^ ^ family. They a loving ,hey care ask questi suppotl you foryouandv-anttosupp any time you need he P- You are a lucky person. You've got a good friend who won’t ever betray you. Don't forget that true friends are rare. And if you read a lot, you'll never become a bore because you’ll know so much and will always be an interesting person to speak with. В s e nonsense. But they can disapprov of your hairstyle, clothes and ‘hem chane!! t°“‘ von ‘o change. I m sure you’ll manage to understand each other ? 82 UNIT 4 Section 4 Project Globalisation and My Country 1 Nowadays globalisation is an extremely popular topic, whatever country you are in. However, not everybody who speaks about it understands what this process actually means. Brainstorming What things do you associate with globalisation? 2 Write down your definition of globalisation and compare it with a partner's. Globalisation is_____________________________________________________________ 3 Read through the ideas of how globalisation reveals itself in different parts of our life (in our economy, politics, and culture). Select from the following facts and put them in the appropriate column below. A lot of students from Russia study in other countries. There are many companies where people of our country work with foreign colleagues. There are many international cultural organisations all over the world. There are a lot of goods with foreign names that have been produced within Russia. The political decisions of one country can affect the situation in a region, a continent or even the world. Companies can have business partners in different parts of the world. \bu can often buy the same soap and toothpaste in whatever country you are. There are a lot of international organisations, which regulate relationships between countries. There are a lot of political problems that concern not one but several countries. Political leaders of different countries hold summits and meetings to discuss problems and work out decisions together There are many companies with foreign names in Russia. If there is a conflict in one country, leaders of other far-away countries sometimes try to influence one side of the conflict or the other. "Oiecf 83 You can hear the same music and watch the same films in whatever country you happen to be. There are now “world celebrities’; To produce certain goods, companies often import spare parts and raw materials. There are foreign students in Russia. % Students from different countries can work together on some international projects. A lot of foreign films are on in Russia. There are international organisations which regulate economic processes ^ at a world level. Some people adopt foreign food, customs and lifestyles. , In the economy In the political and social life | In culture and education 84 Project 4jRead through the following facts about the past and the present. Find out what factors sped up the process of globalisation in the 20th and 21st centuries. Fill in the bubbles in the scheme below. The past In the 19th century, it took weeks or even months to get from one continent to another Only wealthy people could afford travelling long distances. Ordinary people saved money for travelling for many years. The only means of distant communication was the post. People enjoyed writing letters, but they had to wait for a very long time to get the reply. Very important letters sometimes got lost. When a group of people from different cities or countries wanted to discuss a problem and work out a common decision, they usually chose a place for the meeting and travelled there. They had to leave their homes and put off their business for a long while. In the 16th and 17th centuries about seven million people spoke English. The present Now it takes 24 hours to travel from Europe to Australia. A lot of people travel nowadays on business and as tourists. Even travelling by air is quite affordable Besides post, telephone, and telegraph there are cheap and very efficient means of communication based on the Internet. It takes seconds to send an e-mail and get a reply. Satellite communication is used a lot now and teleconferencing is a common way of doing business or discussing scientific and political problems. To take part in a teleconference, people need only to switch on the monitor at the right time. Nowadays about 15 billion people speak English and only 427 million of them are native speakers. People of different cultures, business and science from all over the world use English for communication. Seventy-five percent of the world’s e-mails and 78% of aU websites are in English. о 1 i c о 11 Spread of English as the global language ^ Write a paragraph to explain what factors caused globalisation boom in the 20th and 21st centuries. Voject 85 It’s evident that if we want to understand our prospects and future possibilities, we can’t ignore the fact that the world is getting globalised. We should study how the process influences the main spheres of our life. Read and study the instructions on how to do the project “Globalisation trends in our country’.’ Split into three groups according to the sphere you are going to research: the economy, politics, or culture and education. Guidelines for the project: • Read the hypotheses and then follow the points to complete your research in the table below. • Step 1: In your group, read the text and answer the questions to be sure that you have understood it. Then choose the most appropriate conclusion at the end of the text. • Step 2; Collect the material and give a real life example to support the statement you chose. • Step 3: Study the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation in the economic / political / cultural life of Russia. Use the form given and do a survey to find out people’s opinions. Write a paragraph about the results of your research. • Step 4: Confirm the hypothesis. Write a paragraph on the possible effects of the globalisation process in our country. • Use all the material you’ve got and prepare a presentation of the problem you’ve studied to the class. Feel free to use any other additional material (statistics, newspapers, photos or articles from the Internet, etc). Project ‘^Globalisation trends in our country 59 Hypothesis: Globalisation influences the economic process in our country. 1 The globalisation of the economy is a world trend. 2 Russia is integrating into the global economy. 3 Advantages and disadvantages of globalisation for the economy of our country. 4 The future of globalisation trends in the Russian economy. Hypothesis: Globalisation influences the political and social life of our country. 1 No country can be independent of the world community. 2 Russia as a part of the global political system. 3 Russia’s advantages and disadvantages of being involved in world politics. 4 Russia’s prospective role in global political processes. Hypothesis: Globalisation influences Russia’s cultural life, its science and its educational system. 1 There is no chance for culture to escape global processes. 2 Russia's culture is changing together with the world. 3 Advantages and disadvantages of a global culture for the people of Russia. 4 The future of the various cultures in Russia. 86 Pro|ect Group 1 Step 1 A Study the text below and consider the following questions. 1 What is the difference between a national company and a global company? 2 Why do companies go globaK' 3 Can the process of globalisation be presented as a rising or a falling trend? 4 Is globalisation a rapid process or does it go slowly? From local to global? Setting up a business is quite a complicated process. It consists of several stages. If a company wants to produce some goods, it has to buy materials and employ workers. If the company does not have enough money to buy the materials and pay its workers, it needs to find an investor to supply It with the money. The company also has to find customers to sell the goods to. If the company is not able to sell the produced goods, it will inevitably collapse. In general, the business cycle looks like the following. The business cycle If the company manages to sell the produced goods, it can pay back the im estor. buy more materials and employ more workers. Tliat, in turn, enables the company to produce more goods and to give back more money to the investor. In this way the company grows bigger and bigger. At some point the company starts to buy the materials from several suppliers and not only within its own country. It can buy materials abroad and can sell the goods to foreign customers as well. It can employ not only people of its own country, but any foreigners if they have the right qualifications. To get closer to distant customers or to the suppliers, the company sets up new companies in other countries and produces the same goods there. Gradually, the company starts to see the whole world as its customers and suppliers, and doesn’t care about boundaries and nationalities. Other things are very important for the company now: 1) its product should be recognisable worldwide as the product of this company it should be the same all over the world wherev er it is produced; 2) the product should be of the same quality. This is how company gets global. There are a lot of examples of global companies. Everyone has heard about McDonald’s. Coca-Cola, Ford, Boeing, Samsung. The number of global companies is growing rapidly. People often don't even identify their names with their original countries. 'Vbu can come across Proctor & Gamble or Microsoft in any region of the world. Actually, they are no longer national companies. They work in the global economy. Businesses need to grow to be successful. However, this doesn't mean that small companies will die out. They have their own niche in the market and have every chance to succeed as well. В Read through the text once again and choose between the two conclusions. a) Economic globalisation is a world trend and it inevitably influences economies of all countries. Russia has to integrate into the world economy, too. b) Globalisation has no influence on other national economies. Russia should develop its national economy and ignore the process of globalisation. ; ect 87 Step 2 Give a life example of a global company in Russia. It can be either a company of Russian origin or a company of foreign origin working on the Russian market. Follow the guidelines: the name of the company the industry it works in the products / services it provides its impact on the economy of your region: — it supplies local customers with the necessary goods — it increases competition among other companies in the region — it provides jobs to local people ~ it ruins the local companies and makes them bankrupt — people lose their jobs because if it Step 3 A Read through the list of advantages and disadvantages of globalisation in Russia’s economy. Mark the advantages with a “+” and the disadvantages with a Add some more advantages or disadvantages of globalisation. Globalisation makes the local economy dependent on the economic situation in the world. Globalisation increases competition among companies. Globalisation can ruin local companies. Globalisation can create new jobs and increase employment. People can buy food, cosmetics, electronics and all of their favourite brands everywhere. Russian companies have investors, customers or partners abroad. Global companies are quite independent of the local authorities. Global companies can have a serious influence on local governments. The national economy becomes dependent on other countries. In the global economy people of different nations interact intensively. В Find out hov the people feel about the integration of Ru.ssia in the global economic process. Ask six adults to answer the questions in the form. Analyse the results. Does globalisation influence the economy of Russia? Should people try lo stop globalisation trends in the Russian economy? What is the main advantage of globalisation for the Russian economy? What is the main disadvantage of globalisation for the Russian economy? yes no don’t know yes no don’t know 88 Project с Write а paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation for the Russian economy. 1 Everything has advantages and disadvantages. Tlie main advantage of globalisation is that... People can benefit from... At the same time, people can suffer from... According to our survey, most / few / none of the people we’ve asked think that... The main advantage of globalisation in their view is... The main disadvantage is... Step 4 Read through all the information you’ve got and decide if it con«irms the hypokbe^is or not. Discuss the further influence of globalisation on the Russian economy. Wrrie a paragrap!; about it. Summing up everything above... Looking back at all the facts, we can say that... In our opinion, there will be more global companies in Russia. We are going to see rapid improvements / serious problems caused by globalisation. The process of globalisation is going to speed up / slow dowii. We should be able to defend the national economy. Prepare the presentation “Globalisation trends in tSiC *;iiiy ui lussia’ Project 89 Group 2 Step 1 Read the text below and consider the following questions. 1 Is il possible to create a safe and stable society in one country? Why or why not * 2 What are the main problems of the contemporary world? 3 What are the reasons for instability in the world? 4 How do nations tend to unite? What international or global organisations have they created? Is there a safe seat in the boat if it goes down? There is no doubt that the main goal of any nation is stability, safety and welfare of its citizens. It may seem that if the government makes good laws and cares for their people, the nation can enjoy a life which is free of problems and risks. However, it is not like that. There are no calm spots in a rough sea And when the world faces global problems, like wars, social and environmental problems, a country cannot avoid being involved. World War II was a striking example of this — even the countries that declared they did not want to be involved, like Switzerland, or hadn’t planned to take part in the conflict, like France, or were very far away from the battlefield, like the United States, were still deeply affected by it. In the case of war in the 21st century, there will be no battlefields or safe zones at all. Today s arms are far-reaching, and a nuclear exchange would leave no chance for anybody to escape disaster. The civilians would actually be at as much risk as the military. We can see the effects of globalisation in the social arena as well. One can’t be rich and happy among the hungry and miserable. Now the range in development and living standards in different countries is huge. While 15 percent of the population of the Earth enjoys living in the richest countries, 15 billion people live in absolute poverty This causes instability and unbalance in the world. Extremist leaders take advantage of these situations to gain power and to provoke social or national conflicts. Flows of illegal emigrants from poor countries move to more developed countries, bringing unemployment, criminal and rehgious problems with them. It is evident that in the age of high technology and global integration the boundaries can't properly divide or protect countries any longer. Instead, the world tends towards one integrated community. Thus, political instability in one country, a local military operation or an unpopular political decision can cause a chain reaction and affect many countries. Nowadays most politicians and ordinary people think that the threat doesn’t come from any particular country or any particular nation. Today’s conflicts are the conflicts of many nations. Terrorism is a clear illustration of this as it affects all countries and all people — rich and poor, politicians and kids, people of any religion or belief. Terrorism can’t be stopped by one country alone. We can fight terrorism only through international cooperation. The countries of the global village have common problems and tend to unite to solve them. Balance and stability in the world requires participation of all nations, whether they are rich or poor. Political leaders hold meetings and summits to work out a general policy to deal with terrorism social and environmental problems. There are global organisations like the United Nations and the Red Cross. The main aim of the United Nations is to regulate relationships between nations, settle conflicts and promote the ideas of peace and stability for the whole w'orld. The International Red Cross helps victims of war and natural disaster, such as floods or earthquakes wherever they are on the planet. Read through the text once again and choose between the two conclusions. a) Russia shouldn’t ignore the political and social problems of other countries as these problems can affect it, too. b) Russia shouldn’t care about what’s going on in other countries. 90 Step 2 Give a real life example of Russia’s taking part in global politics. It can include summits, sessions of the United Nations, and even political statements of approval or disapproval of any other country’s policy or action. Follow the guidelines: when it happened the source of the problem / conflict what countries were involved in the problem / conflict what points of view were presented what Russia’s position was Step 3 A Read through the list of advantages and disadvantages of globalisation in the political and social life. Mark the advantages with a “+” and the disadvantages with a “ — • In the case of a local conflict or a natural disaster, people can count on international help. • There are some international laws which should be observed by all countries. • In case of aggression, a country can appeal to the world community for help and support. • Individual person can appeal to international organisations if his rights are not observed in his own country. • Nations become less independent since the world community can tell them what to do. • Sometimes countries can be forced to do things that don’t go with their national immediate interests. • The world community can control and even stop some dangerous industries in sovereign countries. • The sovereignties of countries are getting more and more limited. • When the political forces of different countries cooperate, it often helps avoid military conflicts or prevent them from spreading further, • If countries have similar social or environmental problems, it’s easier to come to the right decision together. For example, they can work out common programmes to deal with oil pollution. • International political organisations have a powerful impact on the economic development of countries. They can remove trade and investment restrictions, and can stimulate other countries’ economies. В Find out how people feel about the integration of Russia into global politics. Ask six adults to answer the questions in the form. Analyse the results. Does globalisation influence the political and social life of Russia? Should Russia take an active part in world politics? What is the main advantage of political globalisation for Russia? What is the main disadvantage of political globalisation for Russia? yes no don’t know yes no don’t know Project 91 с Write а paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation for the political and social life of Russia. Everything has advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of globalisation is that... People can benefit from... At the same time, people can suffer from.../ there are negative points in it. According to our survey, most / few / none of the people we’ve asked think that. The main advantage of globalisation in their view is... The main disadvantage is... Step 4 Look through all the information you’ve got and decide if it confirms the hypothesis or not. Discuss the prospective role of Russia in global politics. Write a paragraph about it. Summing up everything above... Looking back at all the facts, we can say that... In our opinion, there are very positive / negative prospects for Russia. It can affect the national interests... It can lead to... We should prevent situations where... We are going to see rapid improvements / serious problems caused by globalisation. The process of globalisation is going to speed up / slow down. L Prepare the presentation “Russia and the global political community’ J 92 Project Group 3 Step 1 Л Read the text below and consider the following questions. 1 What are people referring to when they speak about culture? 2 How do people of different cultures begin to share the same interests? 3 What factors contribute to forming a global culture? 4 Should people stick to their own culture and reject everything else? Is it possible to stop the global culture from happening? Are we becoming too much alike? In the 19th century, Edward Tylor, a famous anthropologist and professor at Oxford University, wrote his definition of culture. In it he said that culture means a complex, which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. The globalisation process is dramatically changing all of those aspects of different nations’ cultural life. The process of integration and intense communication among nations leads to so-called cultural diffusion. People in different corners of the world start to share the same interests and preferences; their lifestyles and pastimes are becoming more and more alike. Indeed, if you travel to a remote African country, you can see that local families often prefer watching psychological thrillers with Michael Douglas on video (with Coca-Cola and chips) to their traditional pastimes. The influence of the film industry and television on the formation of a global culture is very strong. According to statistical surveys undertaken by UNESCO, the leading countries in this field are the USA, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and India. And it’s evident that America dominates greatly both in producing feature films and in promoting them all over the world. The same can be said about music, particularly pop music. In any capital city of the world or any remote village, you can hear the same songs broadcasted on all radio stations. Young people of all countries share the same tastes in music and there is already the phenomenon of the World Celebrity. The entertainment industry is not the only contributor to globalisation. Other factors also influence people’s customs, morals, family values, and education. Nowadays a lot of students get an education outside their own country. Consequently, the educational standards are getting more and more universal. Governments realise how important it is to raise the educational standards within their countries to give their young people a fair chance to compete with their contemporaries from more developed countries. Due to a great number of tourists and people working in foreign countries, and because of the influence of television and the Internet, it’s very difficult nowadays for any nation to stick to old traditions and not let other cultures inside their countries. And many people can’t do without certain things they have adopted from other cultures. Now it’s not only the Chinese who enjoy special tea ceremonies or the French who laugh when watching French comedies. And the Russian ballet belongs not only to the Russians but to art lovers all over the world. В Read through the text once again and choose between the two conclusions. a) Globalisation influences cultures of many nations. The various cultures of the Russian Federation are influenced by the global culture, too. b) Any country can escape the influence of globalisation and get back to its old traditional culture and lifestyle. Step 2 Give a real life example to prove that cultural life in Russia is changing. The example can include pa.«itimes, tastes in music, language, etc. Follow the guidelines: the cultural aspect you are going to describe (language, film genres. Toject 93 range of programmes on ТУ customs, lifestyles, etc) description of the situation in the past description of the situation in the present the reasons for the change Step 3 A Read through the list of advantages and disadvantages of globalisation in Russia\ culture and education. Mark the advantages with a “+” and disadvantages with a . Add some more advantages or disadvantages of globalisation. The more people of different nations have in common, the easier communication is. The traditions and languages of minor nationalities gradually die out. The young people of many countries arc fans of the Internet. People can enjoy not only their nations cultural achievements but all the cultural treasures of the world. Different nations adopt the same moral and family values. All big cities of the world are becoming more and more alike. People can feel at home whatever country they are in since they listen to the same music, watch similar TV programmes and shop in the same supermarkets. Much of global culture is low standard mass culture. Having a global language stimulates information exchange. Similar educational standards promote student exchange. В Find out how people feel about the influence of a global culture on Russia in the global economic process. Ask six adults to answer the questions in the form. Analyse the results. Does globalisation influence the various cultures of Russia? Should people fight globalisation trends and protect their national cultures? What is the main advantage of globalisation for the various cultures of the Russian Federation? What is the main disadvantage of globalisation for the various cultures of the Russian Federation? yes no don’t know yes 1 no don’t know C Write a paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of the globalisation trend on culture and education. Everything has advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of globalisation is that... People can benefit from... At the same time, people can lose... According to our survey, most / few / none of the people we’ve asked think that.., The main advantage of globalisation in their view is... The mam disadvantage is... 94 Project Step 4 Read through all the information you’ve got and decide if it confirms the hypothesis or not. Discuss the further influence of globalisation on the various cultures in Russia. Write a paragraph about it. Summing up everything above... Looking back at all the facts, we can say that... In our opinion, there will be... We are going to see further raising / falling of cultural and educational standards. This process of globalisation is going to speed up / slow down. We should be very careful about the things we adopt from other cultures. We shouldn’t put up with... Prepare the presentation ‘‘Globalisation trends and national cultures’ J Listen to the presentations of the other groups. Ask questions. Draw some general conclusions about the globalisation trends in Russia. A last note: Consider all the information you’ve learned so far. What do you think a young person should do to manage in the world community of the future and become a successful member of the Global Village? Choose just one point (the most important from your point of view), write it on a stripe of paper and give it to your teacher. The most interesting ideas will be discussed in class later. 95 Издательство “Титул” выпускает единую линию учебно-методических комплектов для 2-11 классов “Английский с удовольствием” / “Enjoy English”: для 2-4 классов — учебники “Enjoy English-1”, “Enjoy English-2" (Part 1, Part 2), книги для учителя, Прописи, рабочие тетради, аудиокассеты, сборник песен “Game-Songs” с аудиокассетой для 2-4 классов (новая редакция с июня 2006 года) — учебники, книги для учителя, рабочие тетради, аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3), сборник песен “Game-Songs” с аудиокассетой для 5-6 классов — учебник, книга для учителя, книга для чтения для 6 класса, рабочая тетрадь, аудиоприложение (аудиокассета, CD MP3), видеоприложение для 7 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь, аудиоприложение (аудиокассета, CD MP3), видеоприложение для 8 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь, аудиоприложение (аудиокассе!а, CD MP3), видеоприложение для 9 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь № 1, рабочая тетрадь N9 2 “Контрольные работы”, аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3), видеоприложение для 10 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь № 1, рабочая тетрадь № 2 “Контрольные работы", аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3) для 11 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь № 1, рабочая тетрадь № 2 “Контрольные работы”, аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3) Авторская программа курса Интернет-поддержка учебников и дополнительные материалы • на сайте www.titul.ru • на интернет-портале www.engllshteachers.ru По вопросам приобретения книг следует обращаться в издательство “Титул”: 249035, г. 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