Английский язык 9 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова с контрольными работами

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 9 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова с контрольными работами - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Enjoy English (Энджой инглиш):

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М.З.Биболетова АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык ENJOY ENGLISH РАБОЧАЯ ТЕТРАДЬ С контрольными работами V "ь 1 г * ^ ^ 'rll Lb\ ;rt i ?s= 5 <Л> ■.'■ .• • .r -. J>.‘. ■• Workbook + Tests й:-:.--Кл; М. 3. Биболетова, Е. Е. Бабушис, О. И. Кларк, А. Н. Мо|Г ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием английским язык Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений 2-е издание, переработанное Издательство ACT Издательство Астрель Москва 2016 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Б59 Учебно-методический комплект Enjoy English / «Английский с удовольствием» для 9 класса состоит из следующих компонентов: •учебника • книги для учителя • рабочей тетради • аудиоприложения По вопросам оптовой покупки книг обращаться по адресу: 123317 г. Москва, Пресненская наб., д. 6, стр. 2, БЦ «Империя», а/я №5 Тел.: (499) 951-60-00, доб. 574 Биболетова, Мерем Забатовна. Б59 Enjoy English. Английский с удовольствием: рабочая тетрадь к учебни- ку для 9-го класса общеобразовательных учреждений /М.З. Биболетова, Е.Е.Бабушис, О.И.Кларк, А.Н.Морозова. — 2 изд., перераб. — Москва: Издательство ACT: Астрель, 2016. — 96 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-17-091366-4 (ООО «Издательство АСТ») ISBN 978-5-271-47223-7 (ООО «Издательство Астрель») Рабочая тетрадь является составной частью учебно-методического комплекта EnjoyEnglish / «Английский с удовольствием» для 9-го класса. Содержание рабочей тетради тесно связано с учебником и направлено на закрепление материала, изучаемого на уроках. Рабочая тетрадь содержит упражнения, предназначенные для формирования у учащихся грамматических, лексических и орфографических навыков, а также для развития умений письменной речи, чтения и аудирования. Упражнения повышенной трудности отмечены звездочкой и выполняются по желанию. Рабочая тетрадь содержит также дополнительный комплект проверочных заданий (Test Yourself), которые не повторяют проверочные задания, вошедшие в учебник 9 класса. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК81.2АНГЛ-922 ISBN 978-5-17-091366-4 ISBN 978-5-271-47223-7 @ М.З.Биболетова,Е.Е.Бабушис,О.И.Кларк, А. Н. Морозова, 2015 © 000«Издательство АСТ», 2016 © ООО «Издательство Астрель», 2016 1 FAMILIES AND FRIENDS: ARE WE HAPPY TOGETHER? SECTION 1. 1 a) Cross the odd word out. 1) sightseeing, swimming, diving, surfing, boating 2) expedition, trip, journey, tour, resort 3) aerobics, athletics, linguistics, acrobatics, gymnastics 4) passenger, tourist, holidaymaker, traveller, waiter 5) sunbathing, swimming, boating, snowboarding, windsurfing b) Match the words to make phrases. to play fiction stories to have new friends to do outdoors to read fun to make sports 2 Find out what your classmates did in the summer. Write Four questions in each column. It was Fun Did you spend much time with your friends? It was useFul or necessary Did you read the booksfrom the school reading list? 3 Complete the text with the articles. Do you know what a limerick is? I bet you don’t. Most (1)___________teenagers are not very keen on poetry. I also prefer (2)-----------historical novels and detective stories to poetry. Poetry seems boring to me but (3)___________limericks are a different thing. They are quite popular in (4)__________ Britain, in (5)___________Ireland in particular. A limerick is (6)___________kind of humorous little poem. It has only five lines. (7) first line rhymes with the second, the third with the fourth, and the last one with the first and the UNIT 1 Section 1 second again. (8)_________rhyme of a limerick is like this: AABBA. I even wrote (9). myself. It’s about a holiday at (10)_______seaside: Lay in the sun as long as you can No doubt, you’ll get a wonderful tan. At contests of beauties you’ll get the first prize And even your doctor will say in surprise That he is forever your fan. . limerick Read the dialogues. Agree or disagree with the statements below them. Use the phrases From the box. The First one is done For you. 1 [ That’s right. I agree with that. | ‘ It’s not like that at all. It’s not really ' 1 like that. I can’t agree with that. t — Did you make any new friends this summer, James? — No, but I spent lots of time with my old friends. — What did you do this summer, Alice? — I babysat for my neighbours. It wasn’t a difficult job, but it took me four hours every day. — Did you spend your summer at home, Julia? — No, I went to the sea. My grandmother lives there and I spent two wonderful months swimming in the sea, lying in the sam, and helping my grandma in the garden. She grows a lot of different fruits and vegetables there and needs help. — Holiday for me is time for having fun. I never read or learn anything. Do you. Jack? — Well, reading for me is fim. I don’t think I can go a couple of days without a book. — Did you go anywhere for holiday, Cathy? — No, I didn’t leave my town, but I had great time there. We often went on a hike. It was fun to live in tents, go fishing, and make campfires. James had no friends. That’s why he felt very lonely this summer. I can’t a^ree with that. James didn’t make any new friends but he spent lots of time with his old friends. Alice didn’t have any summer jobs because she doesn’t like doing anything difficult. 3 Julia not only enjoyed herself, but helped her grandmother to grow fruits and vegetables. 4 Jack didn’t read anything wlule on holiday. 5 Cathy stayed in her town and that’s why her hoi iday was very boring. 5 Tick the questions you'd better to avoid when you talk to someone you don’t know very welL 1 Why are you wearing these shorts? They look silly. C 2 Do you often come to this place for holidays? 3 Can I borrow your sunglasses? They don’t suit you anyway. di 4 What’s your weight? UNIT 1 Section 1 5 What places of interest can you recommend here? СИ 6 Where did you leam to swim so well? Q 7 Don’t you think so much pastries and sweets can be harmful? СИ 8 Have you already bought any souvenirs for your family? СИ 9 How much does your bag cost? | | ///^\ — 6 Answer Kevin's letter (see Ex. 19, p. 16 in Student's Book). Invite him and his sister to visit your region (or any other region oF the country). Use the guidelines and phrases From the box. Guidelines: • Give the name and a short description of the place. • Write about what the guests can do there (the information about Kevin’s and his sister’s interests and hobbies is in his letter). If you are interested in history and sightseeing. I’m sure you’ll enjoy visiting... If you are good at different sports, why not take part in ... ? Some students in our school are going to ...for holiday. Why don’t you Join us? Visiting... is a good idea if you enjoy... As you live on Isle of Man, I’m sure you’ve never seen... (address) (date) Hello, Kevin, It was nice to get a letter From you. I’m glad that you want to learn more about my country and hope that my inFormation will help you. There are lots oF places in my country worth seeing. You can go to the big cities like Moscow or St Petersburg and sightsee there. Or you can go to some places Far From the capital cities to enjoy nature and learn about the diFFerent liFestyles in various parts oF our country. It's your choice but I want to invite you and your sister to the place where I live. It’s UNIT 1 Section 1 So, how do you feel about this? Write me about your decision, if you have any questions, I’ll be glad to answer them. Hope to hear from you soon, SECTION 2 1 Write the words into the appropriate columns. J business shopping I housework good harm I plans coffee a film J a decision sports I friends enemies to make, to do to make tn make, to do to do tn make to do tn make to do to make to do 2 Use the phrases with like to complete the sentences. See Ex. 21, p. 17 in Student's Book. 1 We enjoy active lifestyle. When the weather is OK, we. 2 What do you usually have for lunch?__________________________ -. (like ...-ing) __________________________? (pasta with tomato sauce) 3 You’ve never told me about your brother. What_________________________________? (look like) 4 ______________________________? We are invited to a dancing party tonight, (to feel like ...-ing) 5 I often confuse Tom with his brother. They. 3 Write the verbs in the appropriate Forms. (to be alike) 1 The theatre looks great from the in.side! T to a place like this before. NEVER BE 2 When my brother home late. Mum worries a lot. COME 3 Look! Kate her summer shoes! She definitely needs some-thing warmer in this weather. WEAR 4 The father was very angry with his daughter because she _ her ears. He thought it might be bad for her health. PIERCE 5 I was surprised to see so many people at my birthday party. 1 mo.st of them actually. : NOT INVITE 6 My sister always attention to details. Please don’t be late to her party. PAY UNIT 1 Section? 4 Fill in the words. Change their Form if necessary. There is one word you do not need to use. * worry envy quarrel appreciate support ignore deserve feel jealous i 1 I can tell my parents everything about my problems and troubles. They always---------------- 2 I___________________with my friends from time to time. We make up soon afterwards as friends me. . everybody, including his cannot feel angry with each other for too long. 3 Jeff has been acting very strange lately. His behaviour. friends. 4 Kate___________________everyone for everything! Now she wants to have a dress just like Judy’s. 5 Thank you for the invitation. I really_____________ _________it but I’m not sure I’ll be able to come. _______________me when I’m talking to you! It’s a natural thing that your cat is unfriendly to the puppy. The cat_________of your new pet. 6 I’ve asked you a question, haven’t I? Don’t 7 5 Read the texts in Ex. 30, p. 21 in Student’s Book and complete the sentences. Use the Following words and phrases. Example: Alan says that a family is a unity of people who support each other in different situations. 1 Alan doesn’t trust friends very much. He thinks that friends can_____________________________________________________ 2 Julia thinks that life_____________________________________ ‘ to support to betray I to be worth doing something ‘ to care about I t to appreciate somebody’s advice I to ignore I to find arguments convincing 3 Julia thinks that her parents. 4 Catherine always. 5 If Catherine doesn’t like the advice,. 6 Catherine often agrees with what her parents say because she. 6 Circle the correct options. Emma: Have you heard the news? Neil; It depends / is depending on what news you mean. Emma: About Mary. She is leaving/ left for New Zealand next month. Neil: No, I didn’t know anything about it. But why? Emma; It’s because of her dad. He has got / had got a job with some New Zealand’s company. Mary will have to live there for two years at least. Neil; But it’s a very interesting country. There are / is lots of unique animals and plants on the islands. Emma: Yeah, I know how keen you are on wildlife. But Mary is my friend. We have never been / were never apart for so long. NeU: Yes, I understand. And she is a good captain of our athletics team. 1 don’t believe we ’// win/are winning summer’s competition without her. UNIT 1 Section 2 Emma: Right. Are you coming to Mary’s farewell party this Saturday, by the way? Neil; I don’t know yet. If she invites me, 17/ come/come. Emma: Oh, I see. I’ll remind Mary about the invitation. Do the crossword puzzle and read the word you've got DOWN. Write down this word, across: 1 all the people who were bom and live around the same time 2 someone who Uves next door to you 3 sports in which people compete in running, jumping, and throwing objects 4 a male child of your child 5 your female child 6 the right to do what you want and make your own decisions 7 someone’s ideas and beliefs about a particular subject; can be general and personal 8 someone who makes paintings and sculptures 9 the condition of your body, that indicates whether or not you are ill; can be good and poor 10 a female child of your brother or sister 11 a machine that may look and talk like a human being, and can do work by itself down: 1 ______________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 Listen to your partner speaking about his / her plans For the next week (see Ex. 41, p. 25 in Student's Book). Fill in the table with his / her comments. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday UNIT 1 Section 2 9* Read the text below. a) Find the English equivalents to the words and underline them in the text быть дома ; искать что-нибудь почитать i' дремать ________________t ., ■ . ; ______ J случайно натолкнуться на что-то, случайно обнаружить г вылечить скуку сколотить состояние ( играть в азартные игры 1 умереть без гроша в кармане | безумно влюбиться | убежать из дома ] придуманное (ненастоящее) имя ' оказаться совершенно одной скопить деньги на дорогу домой # карнавальное платье, костюм | превращаться ' ....... ......... . - , ---. !>!■ ИУЧ|> .1 . -..Г- j ------- . - - -J к was а grey rainy day. Jane was in and was searching the shelves for something to read. Granny was having a nap in the armchair. Jane came across a thick and heavy album with old photos. It definitely wasn’t the thing to cure her boredom, but, nevertheless, she looked through several pages. “Who is he?” Jane asked her grandmother, pointing to a photo of a handsome man with a thick moustache and a square beard. “My uncle,” replied the grandmother, “he was a sailor. He had left home before I was born. He went to America to dig for gold. People said he had made a fortune there. But he gambled and died penniless. He had an Indian wife and three daughters. One of them, extremely beautiful, became a film star.” “And what about this lady?” Jane moved to a photo of a pretty woman in a lovely old-fashioned cap with ribbons. “My Nanny,” the grandmother gave a mild little smile. “She was French, from a noble family. In her early years she fell desperately in love with a young officer. Her parents did not approve of their marriage and she escaped from home, in a man’s dress and under a false name, to follow that man. However, he was killed in one of the battles quite soon, and she found herself alone, in a foreign country. She had to work as a nanny to save some money for the trip back. That is how she entered our house. We loved her very much and finally she decided to stay with us.” Jane felt more and more interested. “And look, this is me ... in a fancy dress!” “No,” laughed the grandmother. “This is me, in my favourite dress. It was given to me for my fifth birthday.” Jane had a strange feeling as if the waves of memories were passing through the room. Her family story was turning into something alive and extremely exciting... UNIT 1 Section 2 Ь) Write а story (а real or imaginary one) about someone from your Family. Ask your parents and grandparents For information. 10 Fill in the gaps with the correct words. Wherever we live and (1)______ day (2)________ I started school. At first I felt a little bit annoyed (3) language we speak we all need friends. I met my best friend on the _______a little fair-haired boy of the first lesson I had _ that time, we’ve been sat next to me — 1 wanted the whole desk for myself. However, (4)_____ changed my mind — he was a nice fellow to chat (5)____________(6)_____ getting on very well. Naturally we can’t avoid quarrelling, but it never takes us long to become friends again (7)__________a quarrel. When one of us feels down, the other one is always ready to cheer him (8)__________Sometimes our teachers feel pretty angry (9)________us when we try to help each other (10)__________writing, tests. After leaving school, we will not be able to spend so mnch time together, but I hope we’U be caring for each other (11)_______the end of our lives. 1 a) whoever b) however c) whatever d) whenever 2 a) when b) since c) for d) while 3 a) while b) when c) if d) as soon as 4 a) by the end b) after the end c) at the end d) from the end 5 a) after b) to c) with d) from 6 a) at b) before c) since d) until 7 a) while b) when c) as d) after 8 a) up b) with c) along d) down 9 a) with b) for c) on d) at 10 a) by b)soon c) while d) tiU 11 a)untU b) after c) by the time d) as soon as 10 UNIT 1 Section 2 11 Match the questions with the answers. 1 — Why are you so sure that Cathy won’t a) — I don’t know why they were fighting, but enjoy tliis film? 1 stuck up for my friend. 2 — It looks hke you aren’t very happy to see b) — I don’t find him amusing. And I don’t this girl. You don’t get along very well, do want to see him at my party. you? c) — No, we don’t. She is my brother’s 3 — Why haven’t you invited Jeff to your party? girlfriend. But I don’t think she is good He is nice and amusing. enough for him. 4 —' What was it all about and why did you get d) — We’ve been friends for ages. I know into the fight? What was the fight about? what she likes and what she dislikes. SECTtON 3 1 Make up questions From the words. ] your friend / How / does / go / often / to the gym 2 you / Where / did / that / shirt / buy 3 ever been / Have / to a student camp / you 4 money / you have / How much / do / on you 5 live / Where / relatives / do / your 6 Have / been / abroad / you / ever 2 Match the questions with the answers. ■ • ' 1 Did you see a new educational show “ Quest a) Yes, 1 did. And I brought two friends with for the Best” on Monday? me. 2 Have you seen a new film made fi'om a Terry b) Yes, 1 have. Do you think I can bring a friend Pratchett’s book? with me next time? 3 Have you joined our sports club? c) No, 1 didn’t. Do you think it will be on TV 4 Did you take part in the marathon everybody again? is talking about? ; d) Yes, 1 do. But I can’t dance very well. That’s 5 Do you enjoy our school discos? why most of the time I watch the others. 6 Are you enjoying the disco? e) Yes, 1 am. It’s nice to watch people dancing so well. And the music is great. f) No, I haven’t. Where is it on? 3 Write the questions you would ask in the Following situations. 1 You are going to invite a new friend to the cinema, but you don’t know his / her taste in films. 2 You’ve got an invitation to a party. The problem is you don’t know when you are expected to come. UNIT 1 Section 3 11 3 Golden Fork is a new cafe and you’ve never been there yet. You want to find someone who’s been there and has some information about the place. 4 A new friend of your sister speaks Spanish fluently. You want to know how long it may take to learn Spanish. 5 Your brother and his best friend don’t speak to each other. You want to understand why. 6 Your sister is very quiet and upset. You want to know the reason. 4 a) Answer the questions with Full sentences. Who eats who? Mice 1 Who eats fish? Frogs 3 Who eats snakes?______ 4 Who do snakes eat?____ 5 Who eats sparrows?____ 6 Who do sparrows eat?. 7 Who do spiders eat?___ 8 Who eats spiders?_____ 9 Who do frogs eat?_____ 10 Who eats frogs?______ Worms Spiders Mongooses Flies Eagles \ 12 UNIT 1 Sections b) All the telephone lines are busy and the people can’t get through. Write two questions about each oF them. Find out who he / she is phoning and who is phoning him / her at this time. Use the present continuous. Catherine Mike Alice >5 Read through texts A and C in Ex. 78, pp. 37—38 in Student’s Book. Write iF you approve oF Sally’s and Daniel’s behaviour or not. Use the starters in the box. I I think that Sally was right when she said I unpleasant things to her roommate. \ (Explain why.) j / think Sally did wrong when she said I unpleasant things to her roommate. \ (Explain why.) ‘ Daniel can make a very good roommate. I (Explain why.) ' Daniel is an awful roommate. (Explain why.) UNIT 1 Section 3 13 6 Ask questions to the words in bold. 1 Linda says she is going to spend the whole summer at the seaside. Everyone in our class envies her. 2 Jack asked his older brother to let him ride the bicycle. The brother ignored Jack’s request. 3 Amy enjoys feature films and her younger sister prefers cartoons. 4 Lisa is my cousin’s friend. They have been friends for five years already. 5 Jack boasted about winning the football game. His team was really very good on the pitch. 7 Complete the questions with the question tags. 1 You have already been to this place,. 2 Tom and Ken quarrel very often,_____ 3. Your new classmate plays the guitar,_________________________ 4 Nick enjoyed taking part in different quests and competitions,. 5 You were at home yesterday,__________________________________ 6 You are going with us,_______________________________________ 7 You are good at keeping secrets, 8 It’s freezing today,______________ 9 You have already apologized for your behaviour, 10 Your brother looks very much like you,______ 8 Listen to the people (see Ex. 89, p. 41 in Student's Book). Write as much information about them as possible in the table. Name 1 Age Occupation Interests and hobbies Additional information 2 3 4 5 Jun Shan 6 14 UNIT 1 Sections SECTION 4 1 Read the words in Ex. 92, p. 42 in Student's Book. Choose one word From each line to Rll in the gaps. 1 [ told Denis only good news about his exams. I want____him to go on with his studies. 2 What kind of_________do you prefer — going to a caf6 or having a barbecue in the country? 3 Have a look at John! He’s telling anecdotes again. He is very__, isn’t he? 4 Jessica says she doesn’t need any help as she wants____ever}4hing for the party herself. 5 Who is the girl that is_____with your sister? 6 ---------around the worid, he ate a lot of unusual dishes and learned a lot about people. 7 Every summer we live in a________at the riverbank. We spend at least a week there. 8 If you ever visit my town, you should see the old church in the central square. This is the main tourist________ 2 Write the verbs in the appropriate Forms. 1 We to one of his concerts before. I hope he won’t disappoint us. NEVER BE 2 The person I met in the hotel boasted that he to Queen Elizabeth II. SPEAK 3 Don’t say you are bus>' tonight. I two tickets to the cinema already. BUY 4 We can’t go anywhere at the moment. Look! It hard. RAIN 5 I for you for an hour already. Where are you? WAIT 6 I things online. I’m not very good with the Internet. NOT BUY 7 If we don’t manage to buy the tickets, we to some caf6, OK? GO 3 Complete the dialogues with the phrases From the box. J feel like drop in pick you up ' I match stressed out beyond all expectations i 1 — Did you enjoy the show yesterday? — Yes, very much. It was____________________________ 2 — What are the plans for the weekend? Do you. . going out? — No. I want to stay at home. It’s been a hard week and I’m really____ But I wouldn’t mind going for a picnic for lunch on Sunday. — Are we going straight to the party? — No. I need to go home first to change. These shoes and this dress don’t. each other. UNIT 1 Section 4 15 I work in the children’s cafe on High Street. . any time. Your little brother will be delighted to play with our entertainers. 5 — I need to see my grandmother in the afternoon, and in the evening we can go to the dancing show. — Sounds good. — I___________________________at around 6 p.m., OK? — Yes, fine. 4* Complete the text. Write what advantages a bicycle has in comparison with a car. Use the words and phrases From Ex. 98, p. 44 in Student's Book. Ode^ to a Bicycle There are so many cars in the streets of our cities and towns. There are more and more of them every year. High-speed shiny cars leave no chance to the little bicycle. People produce cars of different makes which then get stuck in traffic jams and pollute the air around us. The bicycle, however, has survived. We’ll keep cycling because a bicycle has lots of advantages in comparison with a large automobile____________________________________________________ In some countries people prefer bicycles to cars. You can see a lot of people cycling in the streets of Denmark, Switzerland, and Belgium. Bank clerks, teachers, and even policemen cycle to work. Parents get their kids to kindergartens in special seats, which are attached to their bicycles. And for older children, cycling to school in the morning makes a good start to the day. Don’t you think we should make more use of the bicycle in our country? ode [aud] — ода 16 UNIT 1 Section 4 SECTION 5 i a) Cross the odd word out. 1 concert hall, gym, museum, opera house, theatre, cinema 2 portraits, performance, art gallery, pictures 3 actress, actor, dancer, playwright, singer 4 poems, novels, love stories, musicals, detectives t: b) Find the words to match the deRnitions. 1 a collection of plays, musica ls, shows that a theatre performs 2 a long piece of serious music written for an orchestra 3 a form of dancing 4 a very successful film or book 5 romantic musical play in which some of the words are spoken and some are sung a) operetta [,Dpa'reta] b) repertoire ['repatwa:] c) ballet ['baslei] d) blockbuster ['bIok|bAsta] e) symphony ['simfani] 2 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences in the passive voice. 1 by a lot of children The Circus is visited and their parents 2 was in 1941 The Musical Theatre founded 3 of The building built in 1825 was the Bolshoi Theatre 4 in 1756 The Maly Theatre founded was as the Moscow University Theatre 5 staged been For many years “Unona and Avos” has at Lencom Theatre 6 has “The Revisor” The famous play been staged at the Maly Theatre since the nineteenth century UNIT 1 Section 5 17 3 Complete the sentences to explain why people didn't manage to do what they wanted. Use the passive voice. 1 James wanted to enter the room (door, lock) 2 I wanted to buy a new video film yesterday (shop, close) 3 I wanted to go to the theatre on Saturday (tickets, sold out) 4 Cathy thought about taking a radio to the country but (break) 5 I wanted to read the paper (write in some unknown language) 6 Allan wanted to break the wall (make of stone) 7 They wanted to drive to the village (road, block, fallen tree) 1 James wanted to enter the room, but the door was locked. 4 Ask about the details. Write your questions in the passive voice. 1 Example: — I’ve just found out that our sports club was closed a couple of weeks ago. — Why was it closed? (Why?) 2 — In the 18th century there was a beautiful castle here. — ______________________________________________________________________(When, destroy?) 3 — The newspapers say our swimming pool will be reconstructed soon. — _________________________________________________________________________________(When?) 4 — We wanted to have some coffee and cakes, but the coffee shop was closed. — _________________________________________________________________________________(Why?) 5 This is an unusual dress. It is made of some eco-friendly material. 6 This show will be staged in different countries! 18 _ (What material?) . (What countries?) * UNIT 1 Section 5 5 Respond to the invitations and requests. Be polite: express gratitude or invent an excuse as necessary. It sounds Uke a good plan. That would be lovely! ITl definitely go / come / be there. Thanks for inviting me. It’s so nice of you. | I appreciate your invitation but I don’t think... * Sorry, but... I 1 ~ Have you already made any plans for the weekend? How about a picnic in our garden? 2 — Could you help me with my PowerPoint presentation tliis Sunday? 3 — I’ve won two tickets to show The Mermaid. It’s the hit of the season. Would you Uke to go with me? 4 — Jane’s seriously Ш. I’m going to visit her this afternoon. How about joining me? Amanda has seen the ballet For the Rrst time. She wants to share her Feelings with her Friend in a letter. But she deRnitely overuses the word "good". Edit her letter with the words and phrases From the box. ---------------------------------------------------- J delighted gorgeous most popular impressive I very graceful professional beyond aU expectations Dear Tony! I can’t express how good delighted I feel about the ballet I’ve Just seen in the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow! First about the theatre: it is the best (1)__theatre in Moscow and the building is really very good (2)______I had never been keen on ballet, but it was Swan Lake by Tchaikovsicy. Everybody has heard oF it but very Few people have seen it. The ballet dancers perFormed to the Fabulous music and were so good to look at (3)_______ They were very good (4)_________! It seemed very natural For them to dance on their toes,Jump and almost Fly across the stage. People say that it takes many years oF everyday training to become so good at dancing (5)--------The dancers’ costumes added to the beauty oF the show. Basically, the perFormance was very good (6)______So when you are in Moscow, don’t tell me you would rather stay in and watch TV. You won’t be able to tell me that ballet is boring aFter seeing this perFormance. Wish you were here, Amanda UNIT 1 Sections 19 .7* Write about a performance / school performance / concert / museum that impressed you. Follow the guidelines. Use the phrases in the box to help you. • Name the performance you want to write about. • Give some information about the performance: — when and where you saw it; — what it was about; — your impression of the performers (what you liked). • Write about what you would like to see next time. I haven’t seen many of theatrical performances yet, but there is a performance / would like to tell you about. Гт not keen on theatre/ music/etc, but... I enjoy operas / ballet performances / etc, and want to tell you about... Every person should know what art is. That’s why once... SECTI0N 6 ^ 11 Put the verbs referring to people's relationships into two columns: 1) the verbs which seem negative to you; 2) the verbs which seem positive to you. J to appreciate to rely on to quarrel to defend to annoy to feel lonely J I to feel jealous to betray to care for to support to ignore to encourage i Negative Positive 20 UNIT 1 Section 6 2 Use the verbs in the appropriate Forms. The rock opera “Unona and Avos” was based on a real story. It is the love story of a Russian traveller Nikolai Rezanov and a Spanish girl Conchita. In 1806 Nikolai Rezanov, one of the heads of the Russian-American Trading Company, (1)_______________an expedition to California. Two ships, “Unona” and “Avos”, sailed from Novo-Archangelsk to San Francisco. California was a Spanish colony in those times, and the aim of the expedition (2)----------- to establish trading relations with the Spanish colonists. Rezanov’s mission was very important as Russian settlements in Alaska (3)----------food badly. He knew that people were starving there, as he (4)___________to those settlements himself In California the Russian traveller met a young daughter of the governor of California and they (5)__________in love with each other. They wanted to get married, but they (6)____________church permission as Conchita was a Catho- lic. It took Rezanov six weeks to buy the food, and the ships sailed back to Alaska. Conchita expected him to return in a year and bring church permission. However, Rezanov didn’t return. Conchita waited for him for many years before she learned that he (7)___________in ICrasnoyarsk on his way to St Peters- burg. She never married any other man and spent her life taking care of the native people and the poor. ARRANGE BE NEED BE FALL NEED DIE 3 Read the situations. Write about what happened / has happened / will happen. Use the passive voice. Example: A little boy is crying in the street. He doesn’t know where to go or where his mum is. He has been lost (lose). 1 David is very upset. He can’t watch the football match which he has been waiting for. The TV set____________________________________________________(break). 2 Tom left his car in front of the supermarket an hour ago. Now he can’t find it. It__________ ________________________________(steal). 3 Jim never does his homework and he has failed all his exams. I’m afraid he__________________ ________________________________(expel). 4 Julia missed some classes without a good excuse. Her parents leamt about it and she_________ ________________________________(punish). 5 Don’t worry about your essay. My sister is very good at spelling. Ask her to help and all your mistakes__________________________________________________(correct). UNIT 1 Section 6 21 4 Read the inFormation about Whoopi Goldberg. Write her liFe story or a story oF any other actor / actress. Whoopi Goldberg Real name: Caryn Elaine Johnson Date of birth: November 13, 1955 Place of birth: Manhattan, USA Career: At eight she joined the Children’s Theatre where she showed her comic potential. Since that time she has been performing in the theatre and in the movies {Ghost, The Player, Sister Act, The Long Walk Home, Made in America and many others). Awards: Has an unbelievable number of awards: The Oscar i, The People’s Choice Awards^, The Kids’ Choice Awards as Favourite Movie Actress^ and others. Social activities: A defender of the homeless, children, human rights and a fighter against A1DS. Family: Now lives a quiet life with her mother, daughter and grandchildren; takes only small parts in films as she doesn’t want to leave the family for too long. TEST YOURSELF 1 Fill in the prepositions. My younger brother, Ken, was born (1) the 1st of March. We always have a double celebration — of his birthday and of the beginning of the spring. Though Ken is five years younger than me, we get (2)____________really well with each other. Sometimes I help him catch (3)-----------with his 1 The Oscar is statuette awarded by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science for excellent acting or directing in films. 2 The People’s Choice Awards are different from most Hollywood award shows. The winner is selected not by the Academy but by people. They can name any star they like. ^ The Kid’s Choice Awards — the favourite .star is named by children. 22 UNIT1 Test Yourself homework. And I always stick (4)___________for him when he is bullied. I know that Ken cares (5)------- __me too. He often says I’m the best older brother anybody could ask (6)--- 2 Fill in the appropriate words. There are twice as many words here than you need. ' fusser bookworm coward roommate newcomer chatterbox bore performer stuntman [ I tomboy character knight i 1 Please don’t tell my sister that I’ve failed the exam. She is a (7). make it look like the end of the universe. , she’ll he 2 I don’t think it’s a good idea to invite Bob to our party. He is a (8)-------------------- either says nothing or tells his stale jokes to everyone. 3 1 was a real (9)--------------- _________when I was a child. I read everything I could find — from old comics to encyclopedias from my dad’s library. 4 If you want to be my (10)___________________________, we need to set a few rules. Rule No.l says; don’t leave dirty dishes behind after your meal. 5 Look, can we not invite your sister? She is a real (11)------------------------— she always does all the talking and nobody else can say a word. 6 Cathy enjoys sports more than drawing or music classes. She’s always been a bit of a (12)----------- 3 Use the words in the appropriate Forms. I don’t go to the cinema very often but when there’s a good film on, I never miss it. Our town does not provide a wide choice of (13)------------------------, so the ENTERTAIN cinema is always popular with young people. My favourite genres are (14) ---------------- _______ stories and adventure films. I enjoy films about (15) ________________________people — travellers and explorers. Apart from having a dynamic plot, these films can boast (16)_________________special effects. I’m always impressed by the (17). . tricks performed by the stuntmen. I also like full-length cartoons. Sometimes animated films are as good as feature films and have even huger (18)______________________success. DETECT COURAGE AMAZE FANTASY COMMERCE 4 Choose the correct options. 1 OK, I (19)______________ . shopping with you on Saturday if you want it so much. But it means it will ruin my own plans for this weekend. a) ’ll go b) ’m going 2 Thank you for the invitation but I cannot come to your party tomorrow. I (20). for my sister. I promised her weeks ago. a) ’ll babysit b) ’m babysitting UNIT1 Test Yourself 23 3 No, I don’t think the kids are doing their homework. They (21). programme to watch. a) ’ll argue b) ’re arguing .overwhich TV . to the pictures 4 No, 1 don’t feel like going to the circus. It’s for kids. I think I (22)__________ or watch some film at home. a) ’ll go b) ’m going 5 Enjoy your outing and don’t worry about me. I (23)________________________Jimmy if I feel lonely. a) ’ll call b) ’m calling 6 It sounds like you (24)___________________to make fun of me. I don’t let anybody talk to me like that. a) ’ll try b) ’re trying S Use the verbs in the appropriate Forms. very loudly RING It’s Monday morning, 7 a.m. My alarm clock (25)___________________ and I want to turn it off but cannot open my eyes. “Your breakfast is ready,” Mum enters my room and turns down the alarm clock. “ If you don’t get up right now, you (26)________________late for your classes.” BE Yes, it’s time to get up and I drag myself out of bed and into the bathroom. “Do you remember when you (27)_______________________________to sleep yesterday?” GO Mum sounds a bit irritated. She knows about my habit of getting stuck online for hours. “It (28)__________________around midnight or so,” I said without much confidence. HAPPEN “No, it didn’t,” Mum (29)__________________________“At exactly midnight you REPLY (30)----------------- _______some of your noisy games. And I suspect you went on for 1 PLAY a good time after that. Look, Denis, I suggest we strike a deal... ” I looked up at her in amazement. Mark your score 30—28 27—25 24-^20 <20 Very good! Good! Not bad! Try again! IT’S A BIG WORLDi START TRAVELLING NOW! SECTION 1 1 Complete the sentences with the prepositions From the box. Some oF the prepositions can be used twice or not at all. i at round across in by from out to of i 1 You can travel from London to Paris________train. It takes about two hours and a half. 2 Have you ever travelled________sea? It’s very romantic, isn’t it? 3 What age can people drive_________a car in your country? 4 While travelling through the desert we suffered______a desperate shortage of water. 5 I wish I could afford a tour_____the world one day. 6 Jack told us about his long journey________the ocean. It was a great adventure! 7 I don’t have any sense________direction. I always use my GPS device. ^ 2 Complete the letter with the verbs either in past simple or in present perfect / present perfect continuous. Hello, Nancy! Greetings From the sunny seaside! The trip was not tiring but the train (1)----------------(be) two hours late. That’s why we (2)_______________(miss) our bus to the camp and (3)______________ very heavy, so it (4) __________ The camp is very nice. We (5) _ (have to) walk there. Fortunately our rucksacks were not ------- (take) us only an hour and a half to get there. --------------(already / explore) the area — there are lots oF different clubs and entertainments here. Johanna (6) _____________________ 0°''^) three clubs — drama, floral design, and aerobics — that’s why I don’t see her very often. I (7)----------------(choose) anything yet, but I think I’ll join either the cycling or the gymnastics club. You know that I (8)----------------(do) gymnastics since childhood and I’m really good at it. It will be my chance to impress everybody I bet. And how are you doing? (9)------------------(you / return) my books to the library yet? Hugs and kisses, Angela UNIT2 Section 1 25 3 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate articles. 1 The weather is nice. Shall we take taxi or shall we walk? 2 1 have been neither to_______Paris nor London yet. 3 The trip was very tiri ng and. .train was uncomfortable and slow. Shall we travel by_________train or by __________air? It’s up to you to decide. 5 The bus crawled very slowly and. passengers felt impatient with the driver. There were no people at the station. Only __________taxi driver was waiting for __________rare passengers to take them to their hotels. 4 Choose the correct option and circle it. 1 Everyone believes that people are travelling/ will travel much more in the future. New technologies can make travelling easier and safer. 2 The food people eat/ are eating in China often looks very exotic to Europeans. The chefs also use/are using lots of spices there. 3 Jane has already been / already was to America and now she is dreaming about travelling to Africa. 4 According to the newspapers, the ship has sunk/sank twenty years ago and nobody has heard/heard anything about it since then. 5 Some people say that they have seen / had seen UFOs, but there is still no reliable evidence that they exist. 6 The ship disappeared when it passed/ was passing through the Bermuda Triangle. Papers say that the scientists have several explanations, but none of them has been published/ was published yet. 5 Write questions to the Following answers. See the text in Ex. 19, p. 66 in Student's Book. 1 It is difficult to notice an iceberg because only a small part of it can be seen above the water. Icebergs can be dangerous for ships because they can move quickly and it is not easy to detect them in time. 3 _________________________________________________________________________________________? The Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean. The Britannica was the biggest floating hospital of the Second World War. The Olympic was launched in 1910. The Olympic lived almost half a century. 26 UNIT 2 Section 1 6* Ask questions to the words in bold. Use the passive voice. 1 About 700 passengers of the Titanic were rescued by the Carpathia. 2 More than 2,000 tickets were sold for the first voyage from Europe to America. 3 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky was founded in 1741. 4 Books on travelling and travellers are often sold in the spring when people are planning their summer holidays. 5 Two thousand copies of the magazine “The Travelling in the Jungle” have been sold this week. 6 Nobody knows how many cases of UFOs’ visits to the Earth have been registered in the last 50 years. 7 Most mysteries of the past will be solved in the future. 7 Fill in the gaps with the correct words. Centuries ago people dreamed about travelling through space, and science fiction writers (1) -------------that people would fly to the Moon or to Mars just for a weekend. It stiU seems (2) -------------to most of us, but the era ['югэ] of space tourism has already started. A rocket “Soyuz” with the first space tourist onboard (3)_____________in 2001. Dennis Tito, a sixty-year-old American businessman, stayed on the International Space Station for eight days and then (4) ------------returned to the Earth. Since that time other people have had “a space holiday” and space travel seems to have become a new (5) ------------industry. Space tourism companies plan to construct orbital hotels for short-term tourists and are thinking about arranging space colonies where people can hve for years. The colonies can be arranged either on space stations or on other planets. However, scientists haven’t (6)____________yet whether there is a planet where conditions would resemble the conditions on the Earth. UNIT2 Section 1 27 1 a) suggested b) predicted c) avoided d) detected 2 a) unavoidable b) unsinkable c) unforgettable d) unbelievable 3 a) was launched b) was landed c) was damaged d) was prevented 4 a) fairly b) surely c) equally d) safely 5 a) expecting b) developing c) damaging d) detecting 6 a) found out b) predicted c) avoided d) prevented 8* Write a short biography oF D. Livingstone. Use the information below. David Livingstone, the greatest missionary and explorer in Africa, wanted to open Africa to the civilised world and to stop slave trade year of birth: 1813 place of birth: Scotland education: medical 1840: was sent to Africa as a member of the London Missionary Society 1841—1852: explored Kalahari, managed to cross the Kalahari Desert 1853: travelled to Luanda on the west coast 1855—1856: discovered the Zambezi River and followed it from the source till the Indian Ocean, crossing the African continent. Livingstone was the first European who had ever crossed the African continent. While travelling he saw a beautiful waterfall and named it Victoria Falls. 1857: was given the post of British consul at Quelimane and continued his geographical research 1864: returned to England to publish his book about the Zambezi River 1866: went to Africa again; his aim was to find the source of the Nile 1867—1872: discovered and mapped many geographical points in Africa, the Congo River included; suffered from tropical diseases 1873: died in a little African village from a tropical disease 28 UN IT 2 Section 1 9 Study tbe Pirates Map and read the instructions. Play the game in groups of 2—4. Do all the talking only in English. Useful phrases Throw the dice. Roll again. It’s my turn. 1 miss my turn. I have a three. You are cheating! HOW TO PLAY 1 The cormters (фишки) of all the players are at number 1 — at the point whei the journey starts. Throw the dice in turn and move your counter according to the number of points scored. You should keep to the yellow road with numbers. Read and follow the instructions when you are at the blue, grey and red circles. 4 While going along the coastline, you notice an octopus ['oktapas] below the surface of the water. He explains to you how to get to the opposite side of t! river without a bridge. This information saves you four steps. 10 A cunning and curious monkey sitting in the tree knows how to get from th place to the palm wood more quickly. You should leave the road and climb the top of the mountain. If you get through the bushes, you’ll find a secret road nobody knows about. You realize that it’s not safe to rely on a monkey’s word but take this risky chance and get to circle A. C Moving in the direction to the top of the mountain is very difficult. You fee tired, hungry and thirsty. You can’t help eating some bananas that have faliei down from the palm tree. Miss a turn. D This mountain road is good only for monkeys. When you are at the top of ii you fall and roll down the mountain to circle 9. F You come across a colony of parrots. There is one very talkative parrot among them. It is saying something about pirates and treasures. You stop to listen toit. Miss a turn. 13 You notice a cave (пещера) in the rock. Somebody may live there. There is a boat outside the cave. It helps you get to the opposite side of the river more quickly. 14 You’ve taken a boat to get across the river. But it’s not good to take somebody’s boat without permission, especially when you don’t know how to operate it. The boat doesn’t do what you want it to do. You float down the river and only the bridge can stop the boat. Wet and unhappy, you are at circle 7 again. 18 You see a snake. It is moving busily towards the large round stones. Fortunately, it doesn’t care about you; it wants to have a nap on the warm stones. But it looks rather poisonous and it’s wise to wait till it passes. Miss a turn. 20 You are a good jumper and jumping over the cactuses makes you move mu faster. You are at circle 22 already. 23 You are in front of Robinson’s house. As the saying goes, “curiosity killed th cat”, and you can’t pass the house without going inside. There is a hedge [hed3] round the house. You climb over it and go inside the house. Miss a turn to explore it. 26 You see a tiger sleeping on a broken tree above the road. The big cat doesn’ see you yet and you rush back to Robinson’s house. You wait there in the hope that the cat will leave. Miss a turn. 29 You are finally at the place you’ve been looking for! There is a big stone between two old palms. The treasure is deep in the earth, just under the stone Suddenly you find out that you’ve forgotten your spade (лопата) on the ship You have to start all over again from circle 1. 30 You are the winner! Congratulations! Get the treasure out of the box. UN IT 2 Section 1 29 SECTION 2 1** Do the geographical crossword puzzle. Tick the geographical names which should be used with the. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 1 1 1 — — Across: 1 a sea between Europe and North Africa Down: 1 the greatest river of North America 2 the capital of Scotland 3 a country in northern Europe; the capital is Copenhagen 4 ... Ocean — the ocean extending from the east coast of Africa to Australia 5 a river of southern England that flows through London 6 a continent extending from Asia to the Atlantic Ocean 7 the capital of Italy 8 a country extending from Eastern Europe to the Pacific Ocean 9 a continent between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans 10 a state of the western USA; rockets are launched into space from the desert in this state 11 a country which is part of Great Britain 12 a continent where kangaroos live 13 a country in Europe, also called Holland, the capital is Amsterdam (remember that we should use the with the name of this country) The haircut had changed 2 Complete the sentences with the reflexive pronouns. 1 When Jack looked in the mirror, he couldn’t recognize---------- him completely. 2 On Friday, Jenny got home eariier than usual. She tidied up the flat and cooked dinner for She didn’t expect any guests that night. 3 Are you sure you can fix the bicycle______________? If not, it’s better to call the mechanic. His workshop is right down the street. 4 Why are you asking for my help? You are old enough and you are able to take care of------- 5 Help__________________to the pie. Mum baked it_________________and she’s the best cook in the neighbourhood. 32 UNIT 2 Section 2 3 Complete the table. Share the results with your partner. Do you have something in common? See Ex. 48, p.76 in Student's Book. Things 1 must do this week. (They are important and urgent.) Things I should do this week. (They are important but not very urgent.) Things I needn’t do this week. (Because of some circumstances these things are either not very important or urgent.) Things I shouldn’t do this week. (If I do these things, it can cause some problems.) Things I mustn’t do this week. (If] do these things, it can cause serious problems.) Match the questions with the an Complete the answers. Use mo swers. dais should, shouldn’t, must, mustn’t, needn’t, can’t. 1 ~ Should I bring my passport with me? a) — No, . 1 have already promised Mum to go to the countryside with her. UNIT 2 Section 2 33 — Do you think [ should talk with Tom about his behaviour? — Can I borrow your membership card for awhile? — Shall I help you paek your luggage? — Kate’s having a party this Sunday, Are you coming? b) — No, . 1 have very little luggage and I can easily pack it myself. c) — Yes, . Everyone around says he behaves dis- gracefully towards his classmates. d) - No, . The members of the club are not allowed to give their cards to other people. e) — No, . Just tell the receptionist your name when you arrive. 5 Match the words in the columns. Use each oF them only once. Write down the word combinations. customs pass passport reclaim declaration luggage flight control baggage form hand officer boarding delay 6 Read the information about Amanda's and Neil’s travelling plans and do the Follow-up tasks. Amanda: Neil: Where is she going to? Spain, the eoastal town of Cadiz Where is he going to? Russia, Irkutsk When is she going to be there? two weeks in July When is he going to be there? from the middle of January till the middle of March What is she going to do there? to learn Spanish in a language school to sightsee to do water sports What is he going to do there? to take an intensive course of Russian to sightsee to do cross-country skiing and other winter sports a) Read the list oF the things Amanda is going to take with her and cross out the items you think unnecessary. T-shirts flippers expensive jewellery a woolen hat a swimming suit a surfboard leather boots a beach parasol 34 UNIT2 Section2 b) Read the list of things Neil is going to take with him. Complete it with some more items you think he will need. textbooks a hockey helmet a warm coat a formal suit c) Complete the comments on Amanda's and Neil's lists. Example: You don’t need to take a parasol with you. It’s more convenient to rent it on the beach. It’s silly to take___________________________________________________________________ It’s a good idea to take. You don’t need to take. You should take. You must take. You ought to take. 7 Complete the sentences with the verbs From the box. Write them in the appropriate tenses. ! collect go through announce takeoff arrive collect • 1 The traffic was heavy, so when we arrived at the airport with all our heavy suitcases, we found out that our plane We didn’t know what to do. 2 When Michael_______________________customs, the officer stopped him and asked him to open his rucksack. 3 The f 1 ight___________________for tech nical reasons. We headed to the airport caf6 to buy drinks and sandwiches. 4 We need to hurry up. Our flight____________________It’s gate 10, isn’t it? . their 5 When we got into the airport, Mary and Nick were waiting for us. They_________________ luggage and were ready to go. 6 When we_______________________in New York, it was almost midnight. We didn’t know how long it would take us to get to the hotel. UNIT2 Section2 35 8 Fill in the prepositions From the box iF necessary. Some prepositions can be used more than once. I on to from of by I 1 We explained our plan to Mum and Dad which prevented us___________making some serious mistakes. 2 Dad wanted to go____________car but Mum insisted___________goi ng by train. 3 I travel a lot on business. Sometimes it’s tiring but I’m fond___ 4 The children wanted to go on a picnic but their parents objected_ cold and wet outdoors. 5 Kate says that she loves swimming but she is afraid_____diving. . travelling anyway. _____it. They said it was too 6 I can’t plan your holiday for you. Everything depends. . your interests. 9 Complete the sentences. 1 If I go to some faraway country for my holiday, I’ll go by. 2 If I’m late for my flight,______________________________ 3 If my flight is delayed,________________________________ 4 If 1 want to get a window seat,. 5 If I have jewellery or antique things with me,. 6 If I don’t know how to fil 1 in the declaration form, 7 If my luggage is lost,___________________________ 8 If I can’t find my luggage at the baggage reclaim,. 9 If I can’t find the person who is meeting me at the airport,. 10 If I don’t know how to get to the place I’m going to stay at,. 10 Read the limerick and tell an anecdote (историю) about travelling with pets. You can either speak From experience or invent a story. I travelled by air with my little Crock. He was in box with a very safe lock. But Crocky was bored And soon got on board, So, you can imagine the passengers’ shock. 36 UNIT 2 Section 2 ^ ' ' [ 11 Imaginethat you are Hying to Britain. Fill in the landing card and the customs declaration (see Ex. 63, p. 81 in Student’s Book). Use the Transliteration Table. LANDING CARD Immigration Act 1971 Please complete clearly in BLOCK CAPITALS Por favor completar claramente en MAYUSCULAS Veuillez remplir lisiblementen LETTRES MAJUSCULES Bitte deutlich in DRUCKCHRIFT ausfullen Family name Nom de Famille Apellidos Familienname_____ Forenames Prenoms Nombre(s) de Pila Vornamen______ Date oF birth Day Date de naissance Fecha de nacimiento I___I Geburtsdatum Nationality Nationalite Nacionalidad Staatsangehorigkeit Sex Sexe Sexo Geschlecht (M,F)| Month Year Place oF birth Lieu de naissance Lugar de nacimiento Geburtsort. Occupation ProFession ProFesion BeruF. Address in United Kingdom Adresse au Royaume Uni Direccion en el Reino Unido Adresse im Vereinigten Konigreich. Signature Firma BFS 04 948 Unterschrift CAT For official use / Reserve usage oFficiel/ Para uso oficial/ Nur fur den Dienstgebrauch POL -16 CODE NAT UNIT 2 Section 2 37 CUSTOMS DECLARATION * To be filled in by persons over 16. * To answer mark a cross in the appropriate box below * Keep For the whole duration of your temporary stay abroad / in the country and submit to the Customs on your way back. Not renewable in case of loss. П entry Q exit □ transit 1. Information on traveller: Family name (last name) 1 First name second name 1 country oFpermanent residence nationality 1 passport # arrived From (country oF departure) With me I have children under age 2. Information on luggage: 2.1. Accompanied luggage, Ц including hand luggage Yes □ Yes □ No , pieces. leaving For (country oF destination) Number______________________________ □ No 2.2. Unaccompanied luggage (a/s accompanying documents) □ □ Yes No ___pieces. 3. Information on merchandise: With me and in my luggage I have items which are due to be declared and transportation of which across boarders must be documentarily permitted by authorities: 3.1. National and other currency in cash, currency valuables, articles made of | | П precious stones in any Form or condition. Yes No Description of currency, valuables or items otal sum / Quantity In figures In words 3.2. Weapons of all descriptions. □ □ ammunition, explosives Yes No 3.3. Drugs and psychotropic □ □ substances Yes No 3.4. Antiques and objects of art □ □ Yes No 3.5. Printed editions and □ □ information media Yes No 3.6. Poisonous and powerful □ □ medicines and substances Yes No 3.7. Radioactive materials □ □ Yes No 3.8. Wildlife objects, parts and products thereof 3.9. High-Frequency radio-electronic devices and means of communication 3.10. Goods subject to customs duties 3.11. Temporarily admitted (exported) goods 3.12. Transportation unit □ Yes □ Yes П Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ No □ No □ No □ No □ No 38 UNIT 2 Section 2 \Х* Write а descriptive essay about Davy, a character From the short story "The Last Inch” (see Ex. 69—70, pp. 84—86 in Student's Book). Use the information From the original text and add any details or ideas about him. Be imaginative. Follow the guidelines. Write about: 1 Davy’s appearance; his age, height, build, colour of his hair and his eyes. Words and phrases that may help you: looked younger / older; slim; athletic figure; broad- / narrow-shouldered; fair- / dark-haired; with dark / grey eyes 2 Davy’s character traits in ordinary Ufe. shy / very sociable; loved playing noisy games; preferred being alone; enjoyed reading; wanted to be a pilot 3 The character traits he demonstrated in a dangerous situation. to panic; to give up; was scared to death but...; cried quietly; realised that his father could die; had the courage to take the plane off the ground, to fly it and to land it 4 Your attitude toward the boy. strong person; courageous; can be relied on Davy, the main character from the short story “The Last Inch”, was. UNIT2 Section2 39 13 Complete the text as iFyou were Nick Porter. Describe any photo taken in the place where you live / in a place you've been to / in a place you would like to visit. Hi! I’m Nick Porter. I’m a photographer and I work for different travel magazines. Due to my job, I go to different places in the world and take pictures of cities and wildlife, interesting buildings and natural phenomena, and pictures of people, too. In my collection there are lots of pictures of people — of their happy and sad moments. This is one of my latest photos. I took it when 1 was_ ”tS€GTION 3 Match the expressions in the leFt column with their deRnitions in the right column. Try to guess the meanings iFyou don’t know them. 1 check in a) is a room in a hotel in which only one person is supposed to stay 2 check out b) is a room in a hotel in which two people are supposed to stay 3 B&B (bed and c) means that the hotel provides a place to sleep and some breakfast breakfast) in the morning 4 a single room d) is the time when a guest registers his / her arrival to the hotel 5 a double room e) means a tour which is planned and organised by a travel agency. 6 a youth hostel and when travel, excursions, meals, hotels are included in the price 7 high season of the tour 8 a packaged tour f) is the season of the year when the number of tourists is the biggest g) is the time when a guest must leave a hotel room h) is a building where students and young people can stay while travelling for a price much lower than in a hotel 40 UNIT2 Section 3 2 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases From the box. 1 packaged bed and breakfast single double bostel high checked in check out < 1 We prefer to stay in a_________________because in the morning we don’t need to worry about food. 2 When 1 travel alone, I prefer to stay in_______________rooms because I don’t like sharing rooms with strangers. 3 The receptionist showed us a, . room — with two beds, a wardrobe, a big mirror. and a small TV set in the corner of the room. It was tidy and had a view of the sea, so we liked it at once. 4 I prefer travelling on my own to a_________________tour. I don’t like when everything is planned and paid for in advance. 5 Jim Smith didn’t want anybody to know where he was. That’s why he____________________at the hotel under a false name. 6 ___________________time in our hotel is midday. This means you should leave the room and return the key not later than at 12 o’clock. 7 I don’t like travelling at_______________season. There are crowds of tourists everywhere and everything is very expensive. 8 We could not afford to stay in a hotel. We stayed in a youth___________ from the city and was cheap enough. . which was not far 3 Use the guidelines below to complete the dialogue. Then act it out. 1 Dial the number of the hotel. 2 Express your wish to reserve a room. 3 You need a room from the 14th of July. 4 You need a room for th ree days. 5 You need a single room. 6 You want a room with a shower. Ask if they serve any breakfast at the hotel. 7 You want a room with a view of the sea. 8 Agree to the view of a garden. 9 Explain that the room is for your mum. You are making the reservation for her because she doesn’t speak English. UNIT 2 Section 3 41 42 UNIT 2 Section 3 4 When you were having a holiday at the seaside, you met a Fellow called Nick. You became Friends because you were both interested in interior design. You've received a letter From him. a) Read his letter and draw a plan oF the room he describes in his letter. Hi. Buddy! I hope you are all right. Everything is OK with me too. I thought that you might be interested in what I'm doing here. Well, I’ve started my own business. I'm not kidding! My uncle suggested that I should help him with his inn while he is out oF the town For a couple oF months and here I am. My uncle had bought some new Furniture For the inn beFore he left, and I had to arrange it in the rooms myselF. I remember that you were very interested in design and would like to share some oF my ideas with you. IF you ever come to visit, I can reserve the best room For you, with a view oF the sea. This is really a very good room — not very large, but nice and sunny. It has one window just opposite the door. There is a writing desk in the middle oF the room. By the window there is a bed. I placed it along the window, but some space is leFt to the leFt and to the right oF it. A wardrobe with plenty oF room to keep your clothes in stands along the right wall. It occupies the space From the top right corner to the middle oF the wall. Next to it there is a rubbish bin, and in the bottom right corner there is a coFFee table with a TV set on it. It is possible to hang it on the wall, but I didn’t manage to Find an appropriate place For it. Above the TV set there’s a mirror. To the leFt oF the door, in the corner, there’s an armchair. And then there’s another chair in the room — it’s between the armchair and the door — and a nice lamp on the writing table — in case you would like to write a letter or a postcard. Keep in touch, Nick P.S. I was going to take a special course to become an interior designer, but I don’t think I need it any longer. It's better to learn things through practice, isn’t it? UNIT2 Sections 43 Ь) Complete the answer. Make suggestions about how to rearrange the Furniture in the room. Try to sound polite and not hurt Nick's Feelings. first of all, secondly, then, finally It doesn’t seem convenient to have ... in the middle of the room / in this comer / so close to... / so far from... It seems to me that... is out of place there. I would suggest moving it to... Why not to put it / hang it... You could add / put / hang... to make the room look cosier. Hi, Nick! Thank you very much for your invitation to stay in your family inn. I would certainly like to come, but I have some suggestions about the furniture arrangement in the room you described. First of all_______________________________________________________________________________ In this way I think the room will be much more comfortable to stay in. Let me know your thoughts on my suggestions. Hope to see you soon, _______________{your name) P.S. I think you should give a second thought to a course on interior design. It could be very useful. 44 UN IT 2 Sections SECTION 4 Read the description oF the country and Find three Factual mistakes. Underline them and correct the inFormation. Consult the inFormation table in Appendix 1 (p. 182 in Student's Book) iF necessary. The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain (England, Wales, Scotland) and Northern Island. It is not a big country. It occupies the British Isles which lie off the northwest coast of Europe between the North Atlantic Ocean and the Northern Sea. The total area of the country is only 100 thousand square kilometres. It borders Ireland, and this is the only land border the country has. It also has sea borders with France, the Netherlands, Belgium, the Scandinavian countries and Canada. The British coast is only 35 kilometres from France and now these countries are linked by tunnel under the English Channel. The capital of the country is London and the major cities are: Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, and others. If you look at a map of Great Britain, you’ll see lowlands and highlands. The lowlands are mostly in England, in the central part of Scotland and in some areas in south Wales. The highlands are basically in the north. The highest peak in Great Britain is Ben Nevis — it’s 1,343 metres. The most well-known river in Great Britain is the Thames, because it is the longest river in the country. The largest lake in the United Kingdom is Lough Neagh. This freshwater lake is situated in the centre of Northern Ireland and supplies the whole area with drinking water. Write a description oF the Russian Federation. Use the inFormation in Appendix 1 and the guidelines in Ex. 92, p. 93 in Student’s Book. 3 Fill in the gaps with the articles a / an or the iF necessary. Alaska is a cold land of tall mountains and friendly people. Its territory is about 1,530 thousand square kilometres. Most of Alaska is surrounded by (1) -----------water. Its sea border are (2)________Arctic Ocean in the north and (3). . Pacific Ocean in the south. It has a land border with (4) ________ Canada. On the 30th of March 1867 (5)--------United States bought Alaska from (6) on January 3, 1959 it became the 49th state (the biggest state of the USA). The capital of Alaska is Russia, and UN IT 2 Section 4 45 state is about 627 thousand people and Juneau ['фи:пэи]. Nowadays the population of (7)___________ only 15 percent of them are Alaska Natives. They keep their traditions, and their main occupations are fishing, hunting and whaling. Alaska is often called by its nickname — The Last Frontier. It got that name because of its great distance from the other states. It is also called the Land of the Midnight Sun because in summer the sun does not disappear from (8)-----------sky and is seen even at (9)__________midnight. It seems unbelievable, but a lot of tourists come to Alaska from all over the world. This state with its mountains, clean rivers and beautiful natural parks attracts (10)________people who love outdoor holidays and have an adventurous spirit. A Read the text in Ex. 95, p. 94 in Student's Book for information on the Flags. Then place the descriptions oF three flags in the appropriate columns. j combination of three crosses thirteen red and white horizontal stripes I the red diagonal cross on a white background a wide blue horizontal stripe I fifty white stars for the number of the states a wide white horizontal stripe * the red cross on a white background a wide red horizontal stripe ! the white diagonal cross on a blue background The flag of the RF The flag of the USA The flag of the UK 5 a) Match the words to make up phrases that describe the State Emblem. a symbol of power mythic several parts divided into the union ' leading animals ftoral sovereignty symbols role 46 UNIT 2 Section 4 b) Arrange the sentences in the proper order to create a description oF an emblem. Write the number next to the sentence. The First and the last are already done For you. Use the inFormation in Ex. 98, p. 95 in Student's Book iF necessary. 1 The State Emblem reflects the history of the country. Sometimes they are mythical, such as the Scottish unicorn on the emblem of the UK or the double-headed eagle on the emblem of the Russian Federation. You can often see animals and birds on state emblems. It symbolises courage and power. If it consists of several parts, it usually symbolises the union of several parts of the country A rare but real bird, the bald-headed eagle, is the main part of the Emblem of the United States. Sometimes real animals and birds are chosen as the symbols of the country. Different floral elements often complete the concept of the emblem. 6* Write an essay about your local emblem. See Ex. 106b, p. 98 in Student's Book. Use the phrases in the box to help you. / want to present the emblem of the region I live in /1 was bom in. It consists of several elements... The main part of the emblem is... The emblem is divided into... It symbolises power / unity / freedom / courage... Below / Above the emblem there are floral symbols... ...on a (colour) background. The emblem was introduced in... It reflects the history of... UN IT 2 Section 4 47 TEST YOURSELF 1 Fill in the prepositions. 1 You don’t need to wait for a bus. It’ll take you about ten minutes to get there (1)______foot. 2 If you are in a hurry, we can go (2)__________car. 3 When the plane took (3)____________, Jane realized that her new friend was not on board. 4 Because of the traffic jams lots of the passengers were late (4)_______their flights. 5 I am totally (5)_________this plan. It won’t work. We need to invent something different. 6 For safety reasons aU the baggage was checked (6). - specially trained dogs. 2 Use the words in the appropriate Forms. New lands have always attracted people. Some (7). . discoveries were made by chance or even due to mistakes. The travellers of the past did not have any (8)____________________navigation devices. Maps were often inaccurate and incomplete which made mistakes (9)___________________________The dangers, however, didn’t stop the adventurers. They used every (10)______________________ for exploring the world. Lots of (11)__________________travellers lost their lives, but those who survived kept searching for new lands, new goods, and new knowledge. The knowledge was, obviously, the most (12)_______________________of these things. GEOGRAPHY RELY AVOIDABLE POSSIBLE FORTUNATE VALUE 3 Use the verbs in passive. Knowing how much I hate packing, Clara offered to help. But when she arrived, all my luggage (13)____________________and her help was not needed. Due to some technical problem our flight (14)____________________and we got stuck in the airport. 3 As soon as we arrived at the hotel, we (15). .about the programme of our excursions. We didn’t know what to start with — all of them looked interesting. If we don’t make the reservation right now, all the rooms in our favourite hotel (16)--------- __Look, there are only a few rooms available now. 1 always label every piece of my luggage. Look! My phone number (17)______________ ___________on all my suitcases and bags. That means they cannot be lost. Dear passengers, now you can unfasten your seat belts. In a few minutes you (18)-------------- ______some drinks and snacks. PACK DELAY INFORM OCCUPY WRITE OFFER 48 UNIT 2 Test Yourself 4 Fill in t'he pronouns. 1 This dance is easy. Just watch (19)_______and try to imitate all my movements. 2 Look at (20)__________1 Your hair is untidy and there are stains on your shirt. Change it immediately! 3 No, Anna’s story can’t be true. I don’t think she believes it (21)____ I want to call (22)__________right now and ask a few questions. Have another cup of tea and help (23). (24)---------- . to the biscuits. My children baked them , 5 Use the verbs in the appropriate forms, active or passive. 1 — What gate number do we need? — I don’t know. Our flight (2S) yet. NOTANNOUNCE 2 — Has he collected his luggage yet? — No, because he hasn’t got any. He never (26) with huge TRAVEL suitcases. Usually all the things he needs (27) in his PACK rucksack. Very smart, isn’t it? 3 OK, we’ll arrange your visa, reserve the hotel, and buy the plane tickets. After that all the documents (28) to you by our DELIVER courier. 4 I didn’t know what to do. My luggage (29) and LOSE 1 didn’t know anybody in the city. I headed to the nearby hotel to find out whether they (30) a vacant room. HAVE Mark your score 30—28 27-25 24—20 <20 Very good! Good! Not bad! Try again! 3 CAN WE LEARN TO LIVE IN PEACE? SECTION 1 1 Match the phrases with their definitions. 1 family reunion a) a boring and old-fashioned outfit 2 to look wild b) to disagree with someone and to express the disagreement in an angry way 3 a square dress c) to make somebody feel nervous and a little frightened 4 a wheelchair d) a special chair that is used by people who cannot walk because of some illness, injury, or old age 5 to argue e) to look strange and uncivilized, with no respect for other people’s opinion 6 to pve somebody f) a special party when the members of the family get together the creeps to strengthen the family relationship 2 Fill in the blanks with the prepositions From the box iF necessary. Each preposition can be used only once. 1 about with to up for at of on i to disapprove. . somebody / something to hurt. . somebody to quarrel. . somebody to shout - . somebody to quarrel. - something to be fond. . somebody / something to respect, . somebody to trust. . somebody to aigue. . somebody to support, . somebody / something to care - . somebody to lie. . somebody to rely. . somebody / something to make. . with somebody 3 Fill in the prepositions where necessary. 1 1 didn’t want to quarrel_______my brother but his words made me feel very angry. 2 Can you trust a person who lies________you from time to time? 3 Haven’t you made__________with Nancy yet? It was silly of you to argue______who should walk the dog, wasn’t it? 4 You may disagree _________my words, but you still shouldn’t shout-------me. Please don’t tell Clara about our conversation. I don’t trust. secrets. . her. She cannot keep any 50 LIMITS Section 1 4 Complete the sentences with the phrases From the box. J make few promises but always keep them • don’t rely on him too much in the future I try to respect the interests of other people to avoid the person who irritates you he doesn’t deserve friendship not for their promises 1 One of the ways to avoid the quarrel is - 2 I trust people who___________________ 3 If a person has once lied to you,___________ 4 If someone has no friends, it doesn’t mean. 5 People are respected for their deeds,_______ 6 If you want to have lots of friends,________ 5 Read the conversation between Carrie and her mother again (see Ex. 2, p. 103 in Student's Book). a) Mark the sentences as Т/ F (true/ False). 1 The family reunion party was a special day for Carrie’s mother. 2 The mother wanted her daughter to look lovely. 3 Carrie didn’t want to look lovely at the party. 4 Carrie wanted to hurt her mother’s feelings. 5 Wearing tom jeans was Carrie’s idea of looking lovely. 6 Carrie loved great-grandmother Schuler very much. b) Choose one oF the False statements and prove that it was False. I think statement number___________is false because___________ П □ □ □ □ □ 6 Complete the sentences with the Following linking words. I because who whose which that’s why i 1 Carrie didn’t want to go to the party. . she thought it would be boring. 2 Carrie thought that the velvet dress was too conservative and old-fashioned;_____________she didn’t want to wear it. 3 Carrie wasn’t delighted to see her great-grandmother_________________wasn’t able to move without a wheelchair. 4 Carrie wasn’t fond of her great-grandmother_________________face was very old and not beautiful any longer. 5 Carrie didn’t want to think about elderly people and their feelings,. .cruel of her. UNITS Section 1 51 7 Complete the sentences. Use the table in Ex. 16, p. 107 in Student's Book as a model. . (to go to the party). 1 Carrie said she would stay at home, but her mother said she_____________ 2 Carrie said she did not have a dress to wear, but her mother thought she_______________ (to have) a black velvet dress. 3 Carrie thought that everybody would laugh at her dress, but her mother said she________________ (to look) lovely in it. 4 The girl thought she was beautiful, but her mother said she----------------(not to see) any signs of beauty in her for a long time. 8- Complete the sentences with the reported speech. 1 The girl said that she didn’t want to wear the dress to the party because ‘It’s silly and old-fashioned!’ 2 The children thought that ‘Ourparents don’t know much about contemporary fashion trends. ’ 3 When my sister saw my dress, she said that ‘It’s beautiful!And I want to have a similar dress too!’ 4 My mum gave me the bracelet and said ‘It belonged to your great-grandmother. ’ 5 The guide said that ‘The costumes and the jewellery exhibited in the museum are very old. ’ 6 The manager of the contest “The traditional costumes” said that ‘Lots of localfamilies have taken part in the contest. ’ 9 a) Tick the things which, in your opinion, can cause quarrels. • when people lie • when people are not punctual • when someone tries to copy the other student’s homework • when people smoke in public places • when people litter on the streets • when the parents control every minute of their children’s lives • when people use dirty language b) Complete the sentences. Use the ideas above if necessary. It makes me feel disappointed when--------------------------- 52 UNIT3 Section 1 It makes me feel angry when. It makes me feel upset when. ^10j| Use the words in the appropriate Forms. 1 Then the word was given to Professor Williamson. He said some________________ words to the audience and started his presentation. 2 Can you offer any___________________to the problem? 3 If you__________with my point of view, don’t say it’s stupid. Let me know your reasons. 4 Don’t worry about the children. They have already made up with each other and are talking__________________in the lobby. 5 I think all your clothes are very________________Wouldn’t you like to try on something trendy? 6 We asked Mary to be the. . of our team. She was a very good RESPECT SOLVE AGREE PEACEFUL CONSERVE LEAD athlete and was able to encourage people. 11 Martin often writes about his ideas in his blog posts. Complete his text with the correct options below. I don’t like (1) . and conflicts of any kind and try (2). peaceful character which often (3). ____________However, it’s my conflicts in my family. The thing is that they accuse (обвинять) me of telling lies. But 1 never tell lies. I don’t tell the whole truth, but it’s not the same thing. To put it frankly, 1 don’t always inform my parents of any discouraging test results or about my teacher’s wish to see either my mum or dad as soon as possible. It’s not because I want (4)________ but because 1 don’t want to hurt their feelings. What’s the use in having a dull conversation with my teacher about my poor progress? Isn’t it unfair to my parents who (5)_______________a quiet evening in front of the TV set after a long working day? As for the teachers, 1 try to prevent any conflicts with them too. I tell them that my parents are pretty busy at the moment, but they worry a lot about my grades (who can say that that’s a lie?!) and will come as soon as they have a little more time. The problem is that sooner or later they’ll meet anjway. And then I’ll have to invent a new method of (6)---------------a serious conflict. UN1T3 Section 1 53 1 a) quarrelling b) to quarrel c) be quarrelling d) be quarrelled 2 a) to cause them b) to create them c) to avoid them d) to respect them 3 a) is causing b) has caused c) is caused d) causes 4 a) to escape b) to deserve c) to receive d) to suffer punishment punishment punishment punishment 5 a) deserve b) had deserved c) observe d) had observed 6 a) explaining b) observing c) puzzling d) resolving 12 Create sentences by matching the phrases in the left column with the phrases in the right. 1 I have nothing.,. a) to ask about the time of the flight. 2 Please send somebody... b) to tell his parents the truth as soon as there was a 3 We went to Юе^ „ convenient moment. 4 He repeated the words c) to remember them. So he was sure he would write the test. several times... d) to see some friends, whom we hadn’t seen for ages. 5 We called the airport e) to say about that quarrel. I don’t even know what it was information service... about. 6 I had no wish... f) to help me. 1 won’t be able to do everything myself. 7 Jason made a firm g) to learn those boring grammar rules. So 1 closed the book. decision... 13^ Complete the text with phrases a—j. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is probably the best illustration of how a family conflict can cause a terrible tragedy. The story starts in Verona. Two wealthy families, the Capulets and the Montagues, have been (1) ___________________________________Their fighting and duelling outrages the people of Verona. (2) ___________________________________the ruler of Verona decrees a ban on duels and all kinds of conflicts. He promises a severe punishment to anyone who (3)------------------------------------- Meanwhile Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet see each other at a masquerade in the Capulets’ house. They (4)________________________________________The following day they secretly get married. Naturally (5)______________________________________they are husband and wife. Juliet’s parents are planning to marry her to Paris, a rich and noble citizen of Verona, and the wedding ceremony is due in a few days. The story is complicated by the fact that Romeo sneaked into the masquerade party without any invitation and (6)_____________________________________One of Juliet’s relatives recognized Romeo and now feels insulted that a person from the enemy clan was present at the party. He challenges Romeo to a duel. Romeo tries (7)____________________________________but cannot stop it, and Juliet’s relative dies stabbed with a rapier. Romeo has to leave the city forever. The priest who married Romeo and Juliet suggests that to avoid the marriage to Paris Juliet should simulate her death. He gives her some liquid. If she drinks it, it will put her into a very deep sleep which will make her look dead. According to the plan, Juliet’s family will bring her entombed body to the crypt (8)_____________________________________and join Romeo in his exile. 54 UNIT3 Section 1 Ever^hing, however, goes wrong. Romeo fails to receive the letter and doesn’t know anything about the plan. What he learns is the news about Juliet’s death. He rushes to Verona and sees Juliet, apparently dead, in the crypt. He drinks the poison (9)___________________________________ When Juliet awakes, she sees dead Romeo, decides not to live without him and kills herself with a knife. When seeing their children’s dead bodies, the Capulets and the Montagues realize (10)_____________________________________that killed them. In memory of Romeo and Juliet they swear that they will restore peace forever. a) To prevent further violence f) that it was their hostility and hatred b) disturbs the peace in the future g) from which she will secretly escape c) they cannot confess to their families that h) this provokes another conflict d) to solve the conflict peacefully i) and dies by her side e) bitter enemies for more than a century j) instantly fall in love with each other 14 Write any three opinions oF your partner on the statements in Ex. 40, p. 115 in reported speech. Example: Boris said/ mentioned/remarked that... 15 Complete the sentences with the Following phrases. [ to understand that other people have the right to be different; to resolve conflicts by • peaceful means; to speak to a person who doesn’t listen to you; to speak to a person who I never agrees to different values; to communicate with a person who always agrees with you It’s necessary. It’s not easy It’s impossible. It’s irritating. It’s boring. UNITS Section 1 55 16 Match the situations with the corresponding meaning of the word right. 1 — Am I late? a) side of something (opposite — No, you are r%ht on time. ofleft) 2 Tom is a good athlete and he can encourage people. He is b) morally acceptable the right person to become the captain of our team. c) exactly 3 You’ll find my house easily. Go down the street and take d) suitable and effective for the first right turn. a job or activity 4 I don4 think it’s ri^t to lie to your family. e) something you are legally 5 Do you know which answer is right? and morally allowed to do 6 OK, it’s your right to ask me these questions, but it’s my or have right not to answer them. f) correct 17* Read the limerick and describe what really happened. Use the past simple and the past continuous. Two serious gents* in the middle of night Were having debates on the property right^ They hardly escaped the boot, which I threw. I’m sure my actions were fair and true. As thus I prevented the fight. 18 Complete the questionnaire For the survey ‘To lie or not to lie”. Circle the answer or write your own answer if none of the options ht. 1 Do you tell lies to your friends? a) very often b) sometimes c) never d) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Do you tell lies to your parents? a) very often b) sometimes c) never d) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 For what reason can you tell lies to your parents? a) because I don’t want to upset them b) because I don’t want to be punished c) because I cannot live without telling lies d) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 What would you do if you failed your test on geometry? a) I would not tell my parents about it unless they asked me themselves. If they ask, I would tell the truth. b) I would try to conceal the truth and would not tell my parents about the test even when they asked about it. * gent — gentleman (разе.) ^ property right — право на имущество 56 UNIT3 Section 1 c) 1 v/ould inform my parents about the results of the test whether they asked me or not. d) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What would you do if your best friend came to a party wearing a silly dress that didn’t suit her at all? a) I would say, “You look great!” just to cheer her up. b) I would say nothing. c) I would say, “You look awful. Never wear it again!” d) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What would you do if your best friend’s girlfriend / boyfriend asked you on a date? a) I would go on the date and then tell my friend everything. b) T would not go on the date and wouldn’t tell anybody about it. c) I would go on the date and tell everybody about it. d) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What would you say to a person who is seriously ill and who, according to the doctor, has no hope for complete recovery? a) I would tell this person lies to cheer him / her up. b) I would try to avoid speaking about it. c) I would tell the truth. d) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19* Write an essay. 1) Choose one of the starters and tick it ). 2) Complete the essay wth arguments and examples that support your point of view. 3) Write a concluding sentence. I don’t think that people can do without telling lies sometimes. 1 don’t mean that telling lies is good, but there are some situations when telling the truth can be worse than telling lies. I’m dead against telling lies of any kind. If you allow yourself to tell a lie once, it will be that much easier / to tell another one. Lies cannot help anybody. The / truth will reveal itself anyway, but the previous lies will make the situation even more difficult to resolve. UNIT 3 Section ’ 57 SECTION 2 1 Match the verbs with opposite meaning. to suggest to praise to let to reject to argue to ignore to punish to make up with to appreciate to ban 2 Rewrite the sentences according to the example. Example: We think he will make the final decision. — We expect him to make the final decision. 1 We thought that he would support our idea. We expected_____________________________________________________________________________ 2 I wasn’t keen on music, but learned to play the violin because my mother wanted me to. I went to music school because my mother wanted----------------------------------------- 3 You hurt his feelings and you should say, “Sorry.” I want you to. [ want--------------------------------------------------------- 4 Don’t put off talking about the problem. Call them right now. I want you to. I want----------------------------------------------------------------— 5 Everybody thought he would win the game, but he lost. Everybody expected--------------------------------- 3 Complete the sentences with the phrases from the box. Some of the phrases can be used more than once. 1 get off get along get together get over get back get away ' and discuss the details? 1 I like your plan in general. When can we all-------- 2 Both Kate and Angela are very nice girls. I can’t understand why they can’t. each other. .with 58 UNITS Section? 3 I doji’t know where your phone is. But stop. Let’s_____________to the moment when you were using it the last time. 4 Excuse me, where do I have to_________________for the Opera House? I’m afraid I’ve missed my stop. 5 Have you seen the rabbit? Its cage is locked but it’s not there. I can’t understand how it managed to 6 Don’t worry and don’t feel so sorry for yourself. You’ve just got the flu. You’ll. very soon. ■ It A Answer the question below. Use the phrases From the box to help you. [ friendship, love, support of my family, career, opportunity to travel, opportunity to J ' develop my talents and abilities, good food, entertairunent, opportunity to express > I my own opinion, opportunity to make choice, independence, other people’s advice i What do you value in your life? My main values are_________________________________________________________________ I also value. I don’t really value. .because. 5 In the boxes write R — for real condition and U — for unreal condition. □ If you explain everything to your parents, they will understand you. Don’t be afraid to tell them the truth. □ If you give me your phone number. I’ll call you tomorrow and we’ll discuss your problem. □ If! were you, I would call him right now and would ask him all the questions you are asking me. □ If you enjoy the play. I’ll probably go to see it too. П If I ntake up with Julia, we’ll come to your party together. П If we knew Jack better, it would be easier to choose a present for him. But we know nothing about his hobbies and interests. □ If I could help you, I would do it immediately. But I can’t see any solution myself. 6 Complete the sentences with the reported speech. The First one is done For you. 1 Emma told her parents not to expect her to look after her йгойег because she had lots of homework to do. ‘Don’t expect me to look after Tommy. I have lots of homework to do.’ 2 Nanny told the, child ‘Don’t touch the iron! It’s very hot.’ because UNITS Section2 59 1 Mum wanted her daughter ‘Could you make breakfast? I need to make a few calls.’ because 4 Tom told his brother ‘Don’t use my phone! It’s not a toy.’ because S Mum wanted Jark ‘Buy some milk, eggs, and flour. I’m going to make a cake.’ because f> Kate told her friend ‘Don’t interrupt me! I’ll lose my train of thought.’ because 7 Ken wanted his parents ‘Don’t tell me what to do. It’s my life, not yours.’ because J, People are diFFerent but it’s not a reason For a conFlict. Write Four examples to support this idea. Start your sentences with though. Things people may disagree about". • music • clothes • food • habits • choice of entertainment etc Example: Though my father likes classicalJazz and I like pop music, it doesn’t cause any conflicts. Though my mum enjoys soap operas and my sister hates them, they never argue about it. 60 UI>JIT3 Section2 8* While in New York Jane was a witness to a bank robbery (свидетель ограбления банка). She was the only person who saw the criminal and actually had a conversation with him. The police oFBcer asked her to remember their conversation as it could help them to Rnd the criminal. Read the criminal's questions and complete Jane's answers using reported speech. ] What are you doing here? 2 Can I take this seat next to you? 3 How often do you come to this place? 4 How long do you usually spend here? 5 What kind of building is opposite us? 6 How many security guards are at the bank this afternoon? Officer: So, you say that a young man came up to you when you were sitting on a park bench just opposite the door of the bank. Jane: Right. He asked me (1) ______________________________________I answered that I just wanted О J О J to relax after my language classes, and that it was my favourite bench in town. OK. Then he asked if (2)__________________________________, and 1 let him sit down. Did he ask any other questions? Oh, yes! A lot. He asked (3)___ and (4). _. Then he wondered (5)_______________________________ -. It was quite a natural question because the building was very beautiful and eye-catching. O: Did he ask anything that sounded strange to you? J: Yes, it was when he asked (6)_____________________ UNITS Section2 61 9 Fill in the words From the box. Act out the conversation. [ criticise relax contrary provide | ^ I nervous confident support i me all the time and enjoyed making fun Dad: What’s up? Why are you acting so (1)_____________ Tim: If s because of Julia. She used to (2)___________ of me but now she wants me to be her partner at the school dancing contest. Dad: What’s the problem then? You don’t feel (3)________________enough, do you? Tim: Far from that. I’ve never danced i n my life. 1 mean I’ve never danced a waltz [wo:ls] or anything like that. She did it on purpose I think. She wants everyone to laugh at me. Dad: (4)__________________I think you should accept her invitation. But suggest a (5)____________ idea — she should take part in the cycling competition along with you next month. Tim: It would be rather challenging for her, I bet. But, Dad, I’ll never be able to waltz! Dad: Did I ever tell you that once your dad took the first prize in the city dancing contest? I’ll teach you myself, buddy*. And in a week you’ll be the best dancer in your school! Tim: You are a great dad! Will you come to the contest to (6)-------------me? Dad: Mmm,... do they (7)___________________coffee and sandwiches there? 10 Read what Mary wrote in her blog. Complete her text with the appropriate options. Smoking is not fashionable any more. I don’t like it when people smoke and it’s not only a matter of fashion but a matter of health too. Smoking can (1)______________lots of diseases including cancer. It’s dangerous not only for smokers but for the people around them as well. I, for example, start feeling sick and dizzy when someone (2)__________________beside me. Fortunately, nowadays society does not (3)________________smoking in public places. It’s prohibited to smoke in shopping centres and business centres, in the airports and on board a plane. I think it’s a good thing (4)----------not everyone agrees with me. My uncle, for example, is a heavy smoker. He (5)_________________for many years, since his teens. He says he started smoking because he wanted to look cool and confident, and thought that a cigarette (6)________________him become more popular with his mates. Now he wants to (7)-------------------- smoking but it’s not easy to break a habit of a lifetime. He (8) . do without his cigarettes. He suffers when he runs out of them and can’t buy anew pack. Nonetheless, my uncle (9)------------- the anti-smoking campaign and says that children should be educated about the harm and addictiveness of cigarettes and that it could prevent them (10)-------------smoking. 1 a) relax b) cause c) hurt d) comfort 2 a) will smoke b) is smoking c) smoked d) would smoke 3 a) put b) put on c) put off d) put up with 4 a) as b) because c) though d) that’s why 5 a) was smoking b) has been smoking c) had been smoking d) had smoked 6 a) helps b) helped c) will help d) would help 7 a) give up b) put up c) get off d) make up with buddy — приятель, старина {разе.) 62 UNIT3 Section 2 8 a) can’t b) needn’t c) shouldn’t d) mustn’t 9 a) agrees b) supports c) criticizes d) argues 10 a) with b) to c) from d) of 11 Write an essay. Write about: • in what ways smoking can be harmful • why people acquire the smoking habit • what can be done to prevent people from starting to smoke Bad Habit Section з 1 Cross the odd word out. a) say, whisper, explain, shout b) independence, liberty, slavery, freedom c) hurt, suffer, bully, offend d) calm, confident, relaxed, nervous 2 Fill in the correct preposition From the box. Each preposition can be used only once. < of against of in of between of in i the ancient civilizations_________Greece and Rome protection___________discrimination UNITS Sections 6S cooperation. the declaration. tolerance_______ confidence. the difference. means__________ . space exploration ___independence . religious differences __somebody’s ability _____right and wrong . communication 3 Read the situations and use the words below to describe what kind oF discrimination took place. Complete the sentences. ' racial discrimination sexual discrimination ' I I I age discrimination religious discrimination t 1 — At school Julia is always made fun of because she practises religion. — This is_______________________and it should be stopped at once. 2 — Jack is great at computers and technology. He passed the qualification test but the top manager of the company didn’t like the colour of his skin. So Jack didn’t get the job. — This is_______________________and he should apply to a human rights organisation. 3 — Are there many cases of_________________________in Britain? — 1 can’t be sure, but I don’t think so. The head of the country is the Queen and one of the most famous prime ministers was a woman. Margaret Thatcher, the head of the Conservative Party, was elected to that post three times and ruled the government for twelve years. 4 — Have you ever heard of--------------------------? — Yes, it’s when you have the right quaUfications for the Job but can’t get it because the employers are not happy with your age. They think that you are either too young or too old for the job. It’s not fair, of course, and people should be protected from this kind of discrimination by law. 4* Write the verbs in the appropriate forms to complete the conditional sentences (Conditional II). ______________a better place to live in. (be) . safer, (become) 1 If people could prevent all wars, the world________ 2 If all weapons disappeared, the world-------------- 3 If 1__________________more confident in my talent, I would participate in the Arts Exhibition, (be) 4 If all the children of the planet had an opportunity to get a good education, science----------- ________________faster, (develop) 5 If all the countries. . their efforts to solve the environmental problems, the chance to solve them would be higher, (join) 6 If the governments did more to protect wildlife, some endangered animals---------------------- a chance to survive, (get) 7 If I__________________speak more foreign languages, I would have more friends all over the world. (can) 64 UNITS Sections ^5^ Complete the sentences according to the example. Example: I think it’s vour fault. — Yes, it’s mine. 1 It’s my mistake, I’m afraid. — Yes, it’s_______ 2 I think it’s his decision. — Yes, it’s_____ 3 It’s our turn at last. — Yes, it’s_____ 4 I hope it’s their car. — Yes, it’s_____ 5 It’s her idea, I bet. — Yes, it’s______ 6 Fill in the gaps with the correct words. 1 A person who does not accept opinions or behaviour different from his / her own is a(n) person, (tolerant / intolerant) 2 Any kind of discrimination against other people is _____-___________(moral / immoral) 3 We should use aU possible peaceful means to resolve conflict. War is__________________ (human / inhuman) 4 You have made no mistakes in your answer. Your answer is. 5 If you always forget about your promises, you are very_ -. (correct / incorrect) (responsible /irresponsible) 7* Make the opposites of the words and write them into the appropriate column. Use the dictionary. educated {adj.) protected {adJ.) comfortable {adj.) honest {adj.) calculate (v) behave (v) polite {adj.) tolerant {adj.) respect (v) mortal {adj.) lead (v) correct {adj.) approve (v) regular {adj.) responsible {adj.) relevant {adj.) resistible {adj.) human (<3£^‘.) patient {adj.) understand (v.) spell (v) agree (v) visible {adj.) rational {adj.) appear(v) equality («) avoidable {adj.) mobile {adj.) forgettable {adj.) moral {adj.) un- im- In- dis- mis- ' > ■ ■ 1 - — —' ' ir- UNITS Sections 65 8 Write the verbs in the appropriate Forms to complete the conditional sentences (Conditional 111). Example: If I had been to that party, we would have met. But I wasn’t there unfortunately, (meet) If 1 had been to that party, we would have met. But I wasn’t there unfortunately. 1 If I had known you needed my help, I. you tell me? . at once (come). Why didn’t 2 3 4 If I. If you. . you at the theatre, I would have come up to say Hello (see). ___my advice, you wouldn’t have made that mistake (follow). If Tom’s parents had found out their son had a gift for painting, they_______ him to the drawing school years ago (take). If Julia had applied the music school in September, they_____________________ But now it’s too late and she can apply only next year. If Angela_____________________________the advertisement about the contest, she would have taken . her (accept). part in it (see). If we had been invited to the party you had yesterday, we. Why didn’t you tell us? . (come). 9 a) Complete the / wish sentences. Remember that the situation refers to the present. Example: I wish 1. . speak a lot of languages, (can) I wish I could speak a lot of languages. 1 I wish I. 2 I wish aU my friends. 3 I wish people______ 4 I wish I___________ 5 I wish we always___ 6 I wish we__________ . how to help you. (know) ___________at my party now. (be) . always understand each other, (can) , a good book to read now. (have) _________happy for other people’s success, (feel) . how to resolve this conflict, (know) b) Complete the / wish sentences. Remember that the situation refers to the past. Example: I wish 1 . their invitation (accept). All my friends say the party was really good. I wish / had accepted their invitation. 1 I wish I____________________you about my fears before we went to the entertainment park (tell). Now you know that I’m awfully afraid of rollercoaster rides. 2 1 wish you ____________________with us yesterday (be). The concert was fantastic! 3 I wish we_____________________at home (stay). The show was boring and stupid. 4 I wish I_____________________this book before my exam (find). It would have helped me a lot. 5 I wish 1_____________________you to my parents earlier (introduce). I didn’t know they would like you so much. I wish I _ . earlier (bear). Living in the 19th century was easier. 66 UNIT3 Sections 10 Match the words with their derivatives. Underline the stressed vowels in these words. Then read each pair oF words aloud. See Ex. Ill, p. 139 in Student's Book. plural cooperation free freedom equal pluralism diverse diversity care caring safe equality democrat friendship friend democracy cooperate —I safety 11 Read the text and fill in the gaps with the appropriate options below. The history of our planet is the history of wars. We have to (1)____ . that human beings, the most amazing creatures in the world, can’t (2)_____________________with each other. We are paradoxical. We are able to (3)__________________spaceships to other planets and can get to oceans deep, but we don’t (4)_________________the rights of the person next to us. We’ve created the most effective medicine and our scientists work wonders to save people’s lives, but, on the other hand, we’ve (5)__________________the most effective and cruel weapons to kill people. Is it possible to prevent a global war if we go on like this? Nowadays no one can say that he doesn’t care what’s going on in the world. No one can feel safe even if there is no war in his country. The most terrible form of violence, which has spread all over the world, is terrorism. Many countries have already (6)___________________from terrorist attacks — the USA, Spain, Russia, Britain and many others. Killing and wounding innocent people, women and children cannot be justified by any political situation or religious (7)_______________ Most people realize now that only cooperative action among aU countries can (8)_______________________ nations from the threat of terrorism. 1 a) admit b) reply c) answer d) ask 2 a) suffer b) prevent c) get along d) respect 3 a) drive b) through c) launch d) mail 4 a) prevent b) respect c) agree d) provide 5 a) destroyed b) ruined c) damaged d)invented 6 a) suffered b) experienced c)broken d) prohibited 7 a) independence b) education c) beliefs d) democracy 8 a) prevent b) protect c) prohibit d) provide 12 Which of the words in Ex. 114, p. 140 in Student's Book are related to “tolerance"? Which ones are opposites of "tolerance"? Related to "tolerance” Opposite of "tolerance” UNITS Sections 67 Окончание табл. Related to “tolerance" Opposite of "tolerance" 13 Finish the sentences with the correct tag questions. Example: WTiat he says is important, isn’t it? She doesn’t give you a chance to speak, does she? ] We have done something wrong,----------------------------------------------------------- 2 They admitted their mistake,----------------------------------------------------------- 3 You will show respect to your opponents,. 4 Name-calling is very harmful,__________ 5 You appreciate your friend’s help,_____ 6 We can settle this conflict,----------- _? 9 14 Write these phrases another way using the -inigform. Example: forces, whose task is to keep peace in the region —peacekeeping forces 1 a fact which shocks people — a---------------fact 2 a license necessary for driving — a_____________license 3 water acceptable for drinking —--------------water 4 shoes which are comfortable for walking —---------------shoes 5 a dress for a wedding — a---------------dress 15 Complete the sentences. Use the -ingform of the following verbs. I take part build fight see ' 1 Unfortunately, we can’t say that the conflict is resolved, but the soldiers on both sides have stopped 2 _________________roads, schools and hospitals is an important part of the mission of the UN peacekeeping forces. 3 My uncle told us a lot about________________in peacekeeping missions in Africa. 4 He looked forward to. . someone from his own country. j16‘ Underline the correct form of the verbs. 1 If we were able to resolve all conflicts through peaceful means, there would be/would have been no wars. 68 UNIT 3 Section 3 2 If we.had a school referendum on whether we should wear school uniform or not, would you come /would you have come? 3 If you warned/had warned me about a lot of violence in that film, I wouldn’t have taken my little brother with me. He was scared. 4 It is reported that one more person has become a victim of the criminal. If the police had had more information on him, they would prevent /would have prevented that crime. 5 If we knew / had known that there would be only local food at the party, we wouldn’t have come. We can’t eat local food. 6 If there were / had been no cultural diversity in the world, it would be boring to travel. 17* Read Tim’s letter to a youth magazine. Help him understand what tolerance means. Share your ideas with your classmates. Tolerance is a very trendy word in the vocabulary of today’s politicians. You can hear it on TV, in different talk shows and news programmes. However, lots of people do not understand what it means. What does it mean to be tolerant? Is it an ability to listen to other people without interrupting them now and again? Or is it a wish to understand why they think the way they do? Or the abil ity to accept ideas which are different from yours? Does it mean to respect and protect other people’s rights if they want to practise their religion, or listen to the music they like, or behave the way they like? But should we be tolerant of people who behave violently, rude and immoral? To be tolerant means: — to respect other people’s culture TEST YOURSELF 1 Fill in the phrasal verbs. There are some phrasal verbs here that you do not need to use. ' get away take off get together put on put off go on do without get off ' ___________in a stolen car. The 1 According to the police, the criminal will not be able to (1) ___ police are chasing them already. 2 Yes, I believe your plan is good. When can we aU (2)_____ 3 I’m sorry, but we’ll have to (3)---------our trip. I’m very busy with my work at the moment. We’ll go later, I promise. . and discuss the details? 4 We haven’t got any result yet, but we are going to (4). . with our research. UNITS Test Yourself 69 5 Where are my glasses? I’m short-sighted, I can’t (5) _ 6 It’s not far from here. Take bus number 124 and (6). Alternatively, you can walk there. 2 Use the words in the appropriate Forms. .them! Please help me find them. _ at the next stop but one. 1 Uganda is known as a country with a high level of ethic (7)________________ 2 This coastal village has been isolated from the civilized world for decades, which probably explains the villagers’ mistrust and even (8)______________to strangers. 3 He never listened to anybody and was very (9)_________________towards other people’s opinions. He wanted everyone to agree with him. 4 There’s no need to explain our problem to him. He is (10)_________________to our concerns and will never help. 5 (11)__________________of opportunity is a great idea. Lots of progressive people have written about it. I can say that I (12) _ convincing. . agree with your arguments. They were very DIVERSE HOSTILE TOLERANT DIFFERENT EQUAL COMPLETE 3 Use the verbs in the appropriate Forms. I hate arguing with people but it happens a lot anyway. Yesterday 1 (13)----------- ____a row with my brother. I got angry because he interrupted me while 1(14)---------— ______on the phone with my classmate. I slammed the door and (15)_________________him not to come in. When Mum came home, my brother was crying and she got upset. 1 said that I (16) _____________though I didn’t feel . up for my brother because he is small. ____________the youngest in the family? guilty at all. Mum always (17)____________ Would she defend me aU the time if 1 (18). HAVE TALK TELL APOLOGISE STICK BE 4 Use reported speech to ЯИ in the gaps. 1 You promised that you (19). broke your promise again. 2 Mum told me (20)__________ You exams. She was sure that 1(21). . a fuss about the ___________them. 3 My friend said that he didn’t mean to hurt me and that he (22)_________________very sorry. 4 Fred told me everything about the aigument with his classmates and added that they (23)------------------- 5 Jeffs grades were always the highest in the class. He also told me that he (24)_______________in the test. You said: “I will not be late!” Mum said: “Don’t make a fuss about the exams! You will pass them.” My friend said: “I’m sorry!” Fred said: “We have already made up.” Jeff said: “I’ve never cheated in a test!” 70 UNITS Test Yourself 5 Use conditionals to complete the gaps. I If people were wiser, they (25). . any wars. 2 If I had known the situation was so serious, I (26)_______________him to hospital at once. 3 If I (27)_________________the motive for this crime, it would be easier to find the criminal. But I still have no idea of the motive. 4 I would have come to your party if only I (28)_________________about it completely. 5 If you (29)___________________me a few days ago, I would have changed my plans. But now, I’m sorry, I can’t cancel all my arrangements for this week. 6 1 f I (30) ________________ your brother, I would never forgive you. But I can’t feel angry with you for long. NOT START BRING UNDERSTAND NOTFORGET CALL NOT BE Mark your score 30—28 27—25 24-20 <20 Very good! Good! Not bad! Try again! 4 MAKE YOUR CHOICE, MAKE YOUR LIFE ■ К SECTION \ 1 Read the definitions and guess what professions are meant. a) Find all these professions hidden in the Word Search Puzzle and circle them. The words may be hidden in either horizontal or vertical directions. Someone who... 1 does operations in a hospital 2 trains a person or team in a sport 3 repairs vehieles and machinery 4 repairs water pipes, bathes, and toilets 5 makes and repairs wooden objects 6 cuts and does people’s hair in a particular style 7 bakes different kinds of bread in order to sell it in a shop 8 designs bridges and machinery or takes care of engi nes of ship and aircrafts 9 looks after people who arc ill or injured in hospitals 10 coordinates the jobs of different specialists or parts of a company 11 calculates debits and credits, and keeps the financial documents of a company m a e e f P 1 u m b e г e c n r к P u s q a f s c о g m w t n z X к s w h a i г d г e s e г f a c n u г s e u w r w w n h e V w w b i i r ! X w q s i z e m a n a g e г w q c a г P e n t e ; r w s e s w s t t X w 1 i о 1 r г s z z z a c c о u П; t a n t b) Write down all the words you’ve found. 72 UNIT4 Section 1 Fill in the gaps with must, may, can or can't. ] My uncle is a fantastic cook! He knows so much about Chinese, Japanese, Italian and French dishes. He_____________be a chef. 2 Paul knows nothing about engines and cars. He____________be a mechanic. 3 Kevin works for an international company. He says that no experience is necessary for his job and that he has to travel a lot around the city. He_______be a message boy or something like that. 4 Everyone in the hospital respects James. People say he is very good at operating on patients. He___________be a surgeon. 5 This woman is always very neatly dressed and she knows how to get along with kids. She__________ be a teacher or a babysitter. 6 She wears awful make-up and has no taste in clothes. She___________be a designer. 3 Match the words. b) university diploma sixth form job family school coffee ear friendly shop vocational income challenging college to afford the family income to look your career to broaden your horizon to start confused to improve the fees to contribute to your knowledge 4 You need to write a passage about some professional. You interview a firefighter, John Miller, For information about his job._______________________________________________ I My job is to extinguish fire and save | ^people from burning buildings. J I wanted to get a job with the fire brigade because my father was a firefighter. I My job is challenging I and risky. I like it. I’ve been working as a firefighter for 5 years already. My job is relatively well раиГ^ When I’m at work, I should j be very much in control. I It’s a great responsibility. | People’s lives depend on me. j UNIT 4 Section 1 73 Write a passage according to the plan: • how John got into the profession and what he does • how he feels about the job • whether he likes it or not (in your point of view) 5 a) Read the phrases and Rnd them in the text in Ex. 10 p. 152 in Student's Book. to take GCSEs to do ‘A’ Levels , to go to university after school * to afford the university fees I to contribute to the family income , to go to a sixth form college J to help to get a good job I to use the exam grades at a later date to get a promotion to offer some training to get working experience to save up some money to take time off from education to get a student loan to keep an open mind b) Write 5 questions you could ask your British pen Friend to Rnd out more information about education in his / her country. Use phrases From the list above. Example: Do all students in Britain have to take GCSEs? Whatjobs can students do to contribute to the family income? 6 Read the adverts in Ex. 14, p. 154 in Student's Book. Complete the sentences. 1 The advantage of the vocational courses is that they--------------------- 74 UNIT 4 Section 1 2 An interview gives you a good ehance to. 3 An apprenticeship gives you the opportunity to. 4 Apprenticeships are available only for. 5 The advantages of school sixth form are that you. 6 The advantage of the sixth form college is that_ 7 Go round the classroom and ask diFFerent students about the most and least interesting jobs For them. What job would they enjoy? What wouldn’t they like? See Ex. 14, p. 154 in Student’s Book. Name He / She would enjoy being... He / She wouldn’t like being... 8 Rephrase the underlined sentences using the modal verbs must, may, can or can't. Example: 1 think we should tell Allan about our problems with the car. He is good at engines of all types and he’ll possibly give us some useful and practical advice. Be is good at entries of all types and he may give us some useful and practical advice. 1 I’m sure these kevs are James’. He was looking for them everywhere. 2 The door is locked, but I’m sure that there is somebody inside. I’ve heard some noise in there. 3 It is possibly Jim’s car next to the house. I remember he has the same make. 4 It is impossible that the woman who looked after vou in hospital is Julia’s mother. Her mother is a hairdresser, not a nurse. UN IT 4 Section 1 75 9 Find the equivalents of the Following words and phrases in the texts in Ex. 18, pp. 155—156 in Student's Book. Text 1 1— Words and phrases law company ■" " I и ; Equivalents in the text law firm responsibilities to have the right qualities to do something to prepare a CV by collecting information to keep contact to enter a particular profession a time of rest from school enjoyment of your job Text 2 Words and phrases fast Equivalents in the text quickly to find something you haven’t seen for a long time different kinds nothing happened to treat somebody in an unfair and unkind way to start to know something that you had not noticed before very useful because it helps you to do something enjoyment of your job 10 Read the limerick and say whether it is easy or diFRcult For young people to choose their Future career. Tell about your plans. C3D If we could know which road to take, If we were told which choice to make. We wouldn’t need to hurry. And nobody would worry. Life would be just a piece of cake. 76 UNIT4 Section 1 [Т1 j Complete the CV as if you were looking For a summer / Saturday / part-time job. Use the Transliteration Table. Compare your CV with your classmates’. See Ex. 23, p. 158 in Student’s Book. Personal Details. Curriculum Vitae _________ Address, Date of birth. Tel: Education 19...-20... Work experience Positions of responsibility Skills Interests UNIT 4 Section 1 77 12 Use the words in the appropriate Forms. 1 The day started with good news. John received a letter saying that his had been accepted. He was now a university student. APPLY 2 Lots of young people choose courses as the most suitable option. VOCATION 3 Neil served a two-year with an electrical company to gain some skills and working experience. APPRENTICE 4 Julia is at the moment and is look! ng for a job. She has already got several job offers as far as I know. EMPLOYED 5 My fi rst requirement to my future job is .1 want to be guaranteed against losing my income. STABLE 6 Part-time or summer jobs help students feel financially and even contribute to the family income. DEPENDENT 13* Write an essay about what other language(s) besides the English language you are learning or would like to learn. Explain why. I’m also learning... I’m thinking about learning a second foreign language. If I had an opportunity to choose a language to study, I would choose... First of all,... Secondly,... Thirdly,... Everybody knows that the ability to speak a foreign language is very important in today's world. I’ve been learning English for________years and believe that it will help me a lot in my life and career. Though English is the most popular language, there are lots of other useful languages. Your arguments for learning this language as a second foreign language: 78 All in all, the more languages you know — the better. Learning languages is never a Ivaste of time. UNIT4 Section 1 • Match the parts oF the phrases. SECTION 2 to break the stereotype of other people’s success to have a prejudice to hurt your feelings to feel jealous of‘a stupid blonde’ to form an unfair opinion against foreigners to ignore people’s attempts based on one person 2 Complete the sentences with the expressions From the box. 1 Jane Brown started swimming at the age of 68. Five years later she participated in the national swimming competition and became one of the winners. Jane says it was the best way to of an elderly lady. 2 Because of his disability John had to__________________at the workplace. His colleagues didn’t believe he could do the job as well as they did. 3 Physical activity and fresh air will_______your nerves____________How about a trip to the country"/ break the stereotype face prejudice do (smb) harm do (smth) good have a lot in common express sympathy 4 Be careful! So many sweets and fizzy drinks can. .you- 5 I’m sure Kate and Mary will get along with each other. They are of the same age and they They both like music, don’t they? 6 T don’t know what to say to________________________I’m really very sorry that you’ve lost your job. 3* Write a story about the cartoon. Plan: to scare the neigbour Aunt Molly Means: a mouse, a cake box So nice of them! How only did these boys learn that I’m crazy about mice?! It will work — all women are frightened of mice! UNIT4 Section2 79 Stereotypes Aren’t Always Right 4 You have applied For a vocational course by e-mail and want to call about the details. Complete the phone conversation according to these guidelines: 1 Introduce yourself. 2 Ask if they’ve got your application for the course on Agricultural Science and Business. 3 Make a request to inform you about the date of the interview. Jessica: Hello! Vocational School. This is Jessica Smith. Can I help you? You: Hello,__________________________I’m calling to find out if_________________________ J Y J Y J Y Could you spell your name, please? OK, hold on for a moment. ...Yes, we’ve got it. Yes, sure. We’ve got your number in the application form. Bye. ^ 5 Read the text in Ex. 44, p. 166 in Student’s Book and complete the sentences with the Following words: I ethnic disability citizen minorities generation retire senior i 1 A person who has full rights as a member of a country is called a------------ 2 _______________people are those who have higher rank or status compared with others. 3 Women in Russia_________________earlier than men. 80 UNIT A Section 2 4 In large countries, there are a lot of____________who speak both the national language and their own native language. 5 Young people of my_________________are good computer and Internet users. 6 To have a________________means that you are unable to use your body in certain ways because of disease or an accident. 7 The_________________traditions of some people living in the Russian Federation are very different. 6* Study the situation and complete the telephone conversation. Situation: You want to have an excursion round the city. You want to take a friend who uses a wheelchair. You want to find out if they provide any facilities to help people on and off the bus. If the transport is acceptable for your friend, you want to book the excursion. Catherine: Hello, this is Catherine FUnch, Tourist Information Centre. You: This is_________________________________I’m going _______________________ and I _. He uses a wheelchair. Do you. C Y C Y C Yes, if steps are impossible for your friend, we can offer a flexibus. ___________________________? __________It’s a bus with an electric lift to help passengers in wheelchairs board it. Sounds good. Yes, of course. UNIT 4 Section 2 81 7* а) Read the text and then give it a title. Disabled people want equal treatment (отношение), not charity (благотворительность). Indeed, the idea that people with disabilities are weak and helpless is simply not correct. They just can’t do some things other people are able to do. But there are many things they do much better than others. For example, there are some amazingly strong and talented personalities, including writers and sportsmen, who are blind and actors and even composers who are deaf. One example is Eduard Asadov. He was no different from his classmates when they had their last school party. The Great Patriotic War began a week after they had graduated from secondary school. Despite his age, Eduard became a soldier on the second day of the war. But in 1944 he \ras badly injured and became completely blind. However, Eduard didn’t give up. He entered the Institute of Literature and soon his poems became very popular. He wrote about people and their feelings, love, friendship and betrayal, and other aspects of life. His poems were pure and encouraging. They helped people cope with their troubles and hope for the best. Ever strong and optimistic Asadov helped other people see the beauty of the world, though his own eyes were blind. 82 UNIT4 Section 2 b) Join two ideas to create one sentence by using though. Example: Disabled people can’t do some things. They don’t want to be treated as weak and helpless. Though disabled people can't do some things, they don't want to be treated as weak and helpless. These people have physical disabilities. There are many strong and talented personalities. Asadov was very young. He became a soldier. He became completely blind. He didn’t give up. He was disabled. He helped other people cope with their troubles. His eyes were blind. He saw the beauty of the world. SECTION 3 *.. 1 Listen to the interviews (see Ex. 55, p. 169 in Student's Book). Complete the comments in the table. Susanna It’s obvious that Susanna is not interested in extreme sports. She says that Ashford Ashford has never done anything like extreme sports. He is certainly joking when he says that Gregory Gregorv sounds very excited about extreme sports. He says that UNIT4 Sections 83 2 Match the parts to complete the sentences. 1 Kate wiants to participate in the swimming a) it has been strongly prohibited by competition in spite of the fact that local authorities. 2 Allan couldn’t help thinking about the quarrel. b) otherwise you can be badly hurt. so he wasn’t able to concentrate on the game and c) she has been out of practice for that’s why almost a year. 3 Some teenagers do extreme biking in towns though ' d) she thinks that that sport is rather 4 Never take off your helmet during a hockey game. cruel and not pleasant to watch. 5 Julia never buys tickets to ice hockey matches e) he lost. because Use the linking words to join the parts of the sentences. J and but 1 1 that’s why 1 Mary is very good at dancing. Kevin is very fond of windsurfing. Our football team seldom wins___ 1 wanted to join a boxing club__ . he wants to move to the seaside. ! because I though I otherwise Jack coached his son for more than a year, school team. Linda should practise everyday,________ _ we do our best on the pitch. . my parents were dead against it, so I didn’t do it. _____________the boy became a leading player in the . she won’t be fit for the competition. 4 Circle the correct word. 1 I like ray job though it’s quite stressful and tiring / tired. 2 I found that film quite frightening /frightened. 3 When the team lost the game, the fans felt depressing/ depressed. 4 This kind of music makes me feel relaxing/ relaxed. 5 The game ended in a draw (вничью), but it was still eжiting/excited game. 6 The whole evening she spoke about her new clothes. It was irritating/ irritated. 1 1 don’t want you to do this sport. It’s risky, even life-threatening/ life-threatened. 5^ Write a short paragraph about BASE jumping/skydiving/windsurfing/ skateboarding or any other extreme sport. Use some of the Following expressions. to seem awfully dangerous I to miscalculate the speed of the wind J risky activity ' life-threatening activity to get injured to feel excited to suffer the consequences to admit that... I to cause serious injuries / traffic accidents 84 UNIT4 Sections 6 ^ Choose а sport you like and prepare a role-play. See Ex. 66, p. 173 in Student’s Book. m Guidelines-. There should be no fewer than three students playing the game. Student 1 plays hockey; Student 2 hates hockey but is crazy about swimming; Student 3 wants to do some sport but has not chosen which one yet. Card No.1 You’ve been playing hockey for five years. You enjoy it very much. Your team needs one more as one of the boys from the team has left. You know all the rules perfectly and are ready to explain them to the next possible candidate. Your aim is to persuade somebody to join your team. The general rules of how to play hockev: The game is played on ice with skates. The object of the game is to hit the puck into the goal net with a hockey stick. There are two teams. There are six to twenty-two players on each team, but only six of them can be on the ice at one time. The players are: a goalkeeper, two defensemen and three forwards (the right-wing forward, the left-wing forward, and the centre forward). The players wear special uniforms, helmets and knee pads. Card No. 2 You are crazy about swimming. You think it helps you stay healthy and strong. There is only one problem: the swimming pool is far from your house, and you would like a friend to go with you to make the walk faster. Persuade a friend to go in for swimming. (You don’t tike hockey because it’s a violent game. But you are curious about the rules and ask questions about them.) Information about the swimming pool; It’s not very big and holds up to forty people at a time. It is possible to hire flippers, but nobody uses underwater masks. There are very few people there in the morning and during the day but there is little space in the evening. People can practise deep water swimming and even diving there. Card No. 3 You do not really know which sport to choose. Get to know as much as possible about hockey and swimming and make your decision. Ask about hockey rules and make sure that you understand them aU right: — the object of the game — how many players there are in each team — how dangerous it is Then ask about swimming: — the size of the swimming pool (if it is big or small) — how many people usually go there — if you can hire any equipment there, like flippers or underwater masks — if you’ll be taught how to dive UNIT4 Sections 85 SECTION A 1 Put the verbs in either active or passive voice. IF necessary, use the text in Ex. 69, p. 174 in Student's Book. 1 Jack. (change) his hairstyle! No one can recognise him! 2 3 4 5 6 If you go to Britain, you. Eccentric clothes and accessories. . (see) young people wearing different clothes and accessories. ___________(not / allow) in schools and colleges. Harry is a very creative person, but he is too eccentric sometimes. When I saw his paintings, I_______________(surprise) and_______________(puzzle). You can use your watch again. It______________(repair) and shows the right time now. Young people think not only about music and fashion. They______________(concern) about unemployment, ecology problems of the developing world. To hnd out what musical styles are the most popular with people oF diFFerent age groups and diFFerent occupations, a young journalist is interviewing Allan Harris, a Forty-year-old proFessor oF chemistry. Choose the most appropriate options to fill in the gaps. Tastes DiFFer Journalist: And what kind of music do you prefer? Allan: It(l)_ -old-fashioned. I’m afraid, but 1 really prefer classical jazz and blues. J: Jazz became a musical phenomenon in the 20th century, (2)____________________? A: Yes, this style of music became a worldwide sensation in the first part of the 20th century and (3). J: generations. Jazz and blues have very strong (4)___________________of African-American musical traditions. Who are your favourite performers? A: There are many talented musicians and singers, but for me Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald are the most fabulous. J: Do their songs help you relax? A: More than that. Armstrong’s hits like “Hello, Dolly” and his touchingly optimistic “What a Wonderful World” (5)___________________you feel like life is really worth J: living. How do you feel about pop music? 86 UN IT 4 Section 4 А: I’m not really (6). J: A: . on pop music. For me it’s just catchy melodies and silly words. I don’t think that most pop singers are well presented (7)__________________In other words, I don’t like the way they are dressed. You are too hard on them, I’m afraid... Perhaps I am. But my (8)__________________ differ, of course... . is quality music. Tastes 1 a) hears b) is hearing c) sounds d) is sounding 2 a) doesn’t it b) didn’t it c) isn’t it d) haven’t it 3 a) stuck with b) got along with c) went on with d) disagreed with 4 a) memories b) thoughts c) words d) influences 5 a) do b) make c) force d) allow 6 a) fond b) interested c) keen d) enjoying 7 a) either b) neither c) too d) as well 8 a) price b) prejudice c) tolerance d) value 3 a) Make up questions to interview your classmates. InFormation you need to Hnd out 1 if they are keen on eccentric clothes Your questions 2 if they have ever worn an eccentric hairstyle 3 if they are keen on wearing accessories 4 the musical style they prefer 5 issues they are concerned about 6 if they have chosen a future career 7 if they are going to continue their education at school or enter a college or vocational school b) Interview one oF your classmates and report the results. Start like this: Accordine to Sveta’s answers, she ...___________________________ UNIT4 Section 4 87 4 Play the card game "Look on the Bright Side". See Ex. 79, p. 177 in Student's Book. How to play the game: There should be two teams for the game: The “Pessimists” who feel negatively about everything and speak only about problems, and the “Optimists” who look on the bright side and are able to see the advantages of every situation. Even when something is really wrong, they try to find a way out, give some good advice and cheer up the pessi mist. Card No. 1 You are the “Pessimists”. Take turns reading your problems. The opposite team, the “Optimists”, should give you proper advice or say the right words to cheer you up. If they manage to find the card with the right words within seven seconds, they get a point. If not, or if they read the wrong words, you get one point. They don’t have an answer ready for your last problem, but if they manage to invent some good advice or cheer you up, they’ll get five points. If not, they’ll lose three points. © I don t have many friends. I have only one friend I can rely on. I think I’m so unpopular because I’m a bookworm and don’t go out much. People get bored with me and it makes me very upset. © My parents ask me so many questions about my friends, my progress at school and my musical preferences. 1 think they want to control my life and it bothers me. I can’t get along with my parents. They hate me because I’m different. They don’t like my hairstyle, my clothes, the music I listen to or the way I speak. Everything about me irritates them. 1 feel down because I love them anyhow. © All my friends have already chosen what they are going to do after leaving school. But I still can’t make up my mind about my future career. Is it because I’m good for nothing? 1 warn to get a higher education and Ю become a firet tate suigeon, but rm not sure I’ll manage to get into univemity. I’d better give up this idea. I m crazy about travelling, but I don’t think III ever be able to afford travelling to other countries since everything is so expensive that III never get to see Europe, America or Africa. I d better throw out the TV set so I don’t have to see far away countries. 88 UNIT 4 Section 4 Card No. 2 You are the “Optimists”. The opposite team, the “Pessimists”, read their problems in turn. You should give them proper advice or say the right words to cheer them up. If you manage to find the card with the right words within seven seconds, you get a point. If not, or if you read wrong words, they get one point. You don’t have an answer ready for the pessimists’ last problem. This means you’ll have to invent it and if you manage to give some good advice or cheer them up, you’ll get five points for it. If not, they’ll get three points. Nothing of the kind! It only means that you need more information. Read newspapers and magazines that have articles about different careers. Learn more about schools, colleges шО institutes. Ask friends and relatives about their work experience. Sum up the information and then you can make your choice. You shouldn’t do it. There are many ways to become a first-rate specialist. If you can’t get mto university at first, keep trying. You can also start in a professional college, become a nurse and work in a hospital to gain medical experience. It will give you an advantage when entering university. (d) You are a lucky person. You’ve got a loving and caring family. They ask questions because they care for you and want to support you any time you need help. You are a lucky person. You’ve got a good friend who won’t ever betray you. Don’t forget hat true friends are rare. And if you read a lot, you’ll never become a bore be an interesting person to speak with. © © Your parents can’t hate you. That’s nonsense. But they can disapprove of your hairstyle, clothes and behaviour. Try to speak to them and find out what they want you to change. I’m sure you’ll manage to understand each other. UNIT 4 Section 4 89 TEST YOURSEtF 1 Fill in the words to make collocations. Each word can only be used once. I environment satisfaction possibilities job course education i vocational (1)_____________________________________________________________ part-time (2)______________________________________________________________ job (3)-------------------------------------------------------------------- working (4) _ career (5)_ higher (6)_ Fill in the verbs in the appropriate Forms. Some verbs can be used more than once. i do keep gel make waste i 1 I’m going to university and that’s why I need to (7)_____my best in my exams. Wish me luck! 2 If you are not sure what career to choose, try some temporary jobs. It won’t (8) ___you any harm. On the contrary, you’ll gain some experience. It’ll help you (9)-----your decision later. 3 What I would do is to (10)_________a degree in engineering. It’s easy to find a job with this qualification. 4 Sport is essential ifyou want to (11)_______fit. Don’t (12)---------yourtimeon reading about advantages of different sports, just come to our gym! Use the words in the appropriate Forms. 1 He wants to become a singer but he is not sure he has enough talent. He needs our (13) ENCOURAGE 2 The children didn’t mean any offence. It was only a (14) HARM joke. Do not exaggerate! 3 (1S) is я very important factor. You should keep it in STABLE mind when you choose your career. (16) , accountancy. CONSTRUCT and engineering are the most stable businesses in my opinion. 4 Unfortunately, he is (17) at the moment. But he is a EMPLOYED qualified and (18) person. I’m sure he’ll find a new job RESOURCE very soon. Л Form the adjective or -ing Form and complete the gaps. 1 FYCiise me^ hilt (19) is absolutely prohibited here. SMOKE 2 He is reallv Bood яГ ^201 with small children. He knows how WORK to use their natural curiosity to get them (21) .. in learning. INTEREST 90 UNIT 4 Test Yourself Окончание 3 Why don’t you talk with your parents about it? They are (22) CONCERN about your future more than anyone else. 4 Extreme sports may be very (23) but very dangerous too. EXCITE You should be very careful if you want to do mountain (24) BIKE or something of this kind. 5 Use the verbs in the appropriate Forms. Andy, could you look after my cat while we are away on holiday? Well, f don’t really know... I (25)________________if it was a goldfish or a parrot. But a cat is a different matter. Why? My Felix is very clever. 1 would say he’s a very intelligent cat. He (26)------------- _____with us for six years already. Well, OK. I (27)___________________after him. But I want to have very detailed instructions on what I should do. Sure. Everything Felix (28)___________________ is food and fresh water. As for the food, any packaged food for cats will do. And he can’t do without music. Music? Yes. You know, once 1(29)-------------- _____a disc with the most popular songs of the 20th century. And what happened? When I (30)____________________to the disc, Felix came into the room and sat in front of my stereo. When 1 wanted to turn off the music, he protested loudly. You are kidding! Mark your score 30—28 27—25 24—20 <20 Very good! Good! Not bad! Try again! LIST OF PERSONAL NAMES Agatha [’аедэбэ] Alan / Allan ['aelan] Albert ['aelbat] Alison ['aelisan] Amy ['aimi] Andrew ['aendru:] Angela ['аепфа1а] Ann, Anna [aen], ['aena] Ashford ['aej'fad] В Ben [ben] Benjamin ['bentfeamm] Bernard ['bsrnad] Brian ['braian] Bruce ['bru:s] Cameron ['kaemran] Carol [‘kaeral] Carrie ['kaeri] Catherine ['kaeGarin] Cathy ['kaeGi] Charles [tja:lz] Gary E'gaeri] George ['ф:ф] Gregory E'gregari] H Harry E'haeri] Helen E'helan] Ivan E'aivan] I J Jack, Jacky Е'фаек], E'^aeki] James [^eims] Jane E^ein] Janet E'^aerat] Jason E'^eisan] Jessica E'^esika] Jessie E'c^esi] Jill E(feil] Jim, Jimmy [фт], E'^imi] John [фпп] Jude E'c^uid] Julia E'^udia] D Dan [daen] Julian E'<^u:ljan] Juliet E'^udjat] Daniel E'daenjal] Dave [deiv] К Denis E'denis] Kate [keit] Diana [dai'aena] Kathy E'kaeGi] Dick [dik] Ken [ken] Dorian E'dairian] Kevin E'kevin] Duncan E'dAnkan] Kitty E'kiti] E L Ed, Eddie [ed], E'edi] Leo E'U:au] Edward [’edwad] LUy E'lili] Elena E'elana] Lisa E'li:sa] Emma E'ema] Eva E'i:va] Lucy E'lu:si] M F Maria [ma'ria] Frank [fraegk] Mark [ma:k] Franklin E'fraegklm] Mary E'meari] Fred [fred] Martha ['ma:0a] 92 Michel(le) [mi'jal] Mike [maik] N Nancy E'naensi] Natalie E'naetali] Neil [neil] Nelson E'nelsan] Patrick E'paetrik] Paul [pad] Peter E'pi:ta] Philippe E'filip] Rick [nk] Rita E'rita] Robert ['rcbat] Sally E'saeli] Sam [saem] Samuel E'saemjual] Sarah E'saera] Sebastian [sa'baestian] Sharon E'jaeran] Sheila E'Jida] Steve [sti:v] Sue [su:] Susan E'suizan] Ted [ted] Teresa [ta'riiza] Thomas ['tnmas] Tom, Tommy E'tDm],E'tDmi] Tony E'tauni] Vicky E'viki] Victoria [vik'tarria] w William ['wiliam] Yuri, Yury E'ju:ri] List of Personal Names TRANSLITERATION TABLE Russian letters English letters Russian letters English letters A А П Р Анна Anna Павел Pavel Б В P R Борис Boris Роман Roman В v,w C S Виктор Viktor / Wiktor Света Sveta Г G T T Глеб Gleb Тима Tima д D У u, oo Даша Dasha Уфа Ufa/Oufa Е E Ф F, PH Елена Elena Филипп Filip/ PhUip Ё YO X KH, H Ёжино Yozhino Хабаровск Khabarovsk Ж ZH Ц TS,TZ Женя Zhenya Цветкова Tsvetkova царь The tsar / tzar 3 Z Ч CH, TCH Зина Zina Чебоксары Cheboksary / Tcheboksary И I Ш SH Игорь Igor Шатура Shatura Й Y щ SCH Йорк York Щелково Schelkovo К К Ы Y Клара Klara Сыктывкар Syktyvkar Л L Э E Лев Lev Элла Ella М M Ю YU, JU Марина Marina Юлия Yulia / Julia Н N Я YA, JA Нина Nina Яков Yakov / Jakov О О Ольга Olga Transliteration Table 93 LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS Infinitive Past simple Past participle awake [a'weik] будить, просыпаться awoke [a'wauk] awoken be [bi:] быть, находиться, являться was [wDz] {ed. ч.) were [w3:] {mh. ч.) been bear[bea] рождать bore [Ьэ:] bom [Ьэ:п] beat [bi;t] бить, ударять beat beaten become [Ы'клт] становиться became [bi'keim] become begin [bi'gin] начинать(ся) began [bi'gaen] begun [Ы'длп] bite [bait] кусать(ся) bit bitten break [breik] ломать, нарушать broke broken bring приносить, приводить brought [brort] brought build [bild] строить built [bilt] built burn жечь, гореть burnt, burned burnt, burned buy [bai] покупать bought [ba:t] bought can мочь, уметь could [kud] — cast [kaist] кидать, бросать cast cast catch [kas^ ловить, поймать caught [кэ:1] caught choose [^u:z] выбирать chose [tjauz] chosen come [клт] приходить, приезжать came come cost [knst] стоить cost eost cut [kAt] резать, рубить cut cut do [du:] делать, поступать, выполнять did done[dAn] draw [dra:] рисовать, чертить, тянуть drew [dru:] drawn [dram] drink пить drank drunk drive вести машину, ехать на машине drove [drauv] driven [’dnvan] eat [i:t] есть, кушать ate [et] eaten fall [fb:l] падать fell fallen feed кормить fed fed feel чувствовать felt felt fight [fait] бороться, сражаться fought [fait] fought find [faind] находить found [faund] found fly [flai] летать flew [flu:] flown [flaun] forbid запрещать forbade forbidden forget забывать forgot forgotten get получать got got give [giv] давать gave given ['givan] go ходить, идти, ехать went gone[gun] grow [grau] расти, выращивать grew [gru:] grown [graun] hang висеть, вешать hung hung have [hsev] иметь, владеть had had hear [hia] слышать heard [h3:d] heard hold [hauld] держать held held hurt [h3:t] ушибить(ся), причинять боль hurt hurt keep держать, хранить kept kept know [паи] знать knew [nju:] known [naun] 94 List of Irregular Verbs Infinitive • Past simple Past participle lay [lei] класть, положить laid [leid] laid lead вести, руководить led led leam [1з:п] учить что-то. learnt [brnt] learnt узнавать, учиться learned learned leave уезжать, оставлять left left let позволять, разрешать let let lie[lai] лежать lay lain lose [lu:z] терять lost lost make делать, заставлять made made mean значить, иметь в виду meant [ment] meant [ment] meet встречать(ся) met met pay платить paid paid put [put] класть, ставить put put read [ri:d] читать read [red] read [red] rid [nd] избавлять rid, ridded rid, ridded ride ехать верхом rode ridden ring звенеть, звонить rang rung rise подниматься, вставать rose risen [’nzn] run бежать, бегать ran run say [sei] говорить, сказать said [sed] said [sed] see видеть saw [so;] seen sell продавать, торговать sold [sauld] sold [sauld] send посьшать, отправлять sent sent set ставить, класть set set shake [Jeik] трясти shook [Juk] shaken [’^eikan] shoot [[u:t] стрелять shot Unt] shot show [Jau] показывать showed Uaud] shown [jaun] shut [jAt] закрывать shut shut sing петь sang sung sit сидеть sat sat sleep спать slept slept smell нюхать, пахнуть smelt, smelled smelt, smelled speak юворить, разговаривать spoke [spauk] spoken spend тратить, расходовать spent spent spill проливать, разливаться spilt, spilled spilt, spilled spread [spred] простираться spread [spred] spread [spred] stand стоять stood [stud] stood [stud] steal воровать, красть stole stolen swim плавать swam [swsem] swum take брать, взять took [tuk] taken ['teikan] teach учить taught [tD.'t] taught [ta:t] tell сказать, рассказать told [tauld] told think думать, полагать thought [0a:t] thought throw [бгэи] бросать threw [0ru:] thrown [Graun] tread [tred] ступать, топтать trod trodden understand [,Anda'staend] понимать, предполагать understood [,Anda'stud] understood upset [Ap'set] расстраивать upset upset wear [wea] носить (одежду), изнашивать wore [wd;] worn [wa:n] win выигрывать, побеждать won [wAn] won [WAn] write [rait] писать wrote [raut] written ['ntn] УЧЕБНОЕ ИЗДАНИЕ Биболетова Мерем Забатовна Бабушис Елена Евгеньевна Кларк Ольга Игоревна Морозова Алевтина Николаевна ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Главный редактор О. А. Денисенко Художественный редактор, дизайн макета Е. А. Подтуркина Младший редактор К. С. Новикова Верстка Т. Ю. Шкуренко Художники Н.В-Мишина, Е. В. Казейкина Технический редактор С. А.Толмачева Корректор Н.Г.Кузьмина Сертификат соответствия № РОСС RU.AE51.H16647 от 17.12.2014 Подписано в печать 5.08.2015 Формат 60x84/8 Гарнитуры Newton, Circe Печать офсетная Уел. печ. л. 11,16 Тираж 15 000 экз. Заказ № 15-4321 ООО «Издательство АСТ». 129085, РФ, г. Москва, Звездный бульвар, д. 21. стр. 3. коми. 5. ООО «Издательство Астрель». 127299, РФ г. Москва, ул. Клары Цеткин, д 18, кор, 3, ком. 19. Отпечатано с готовых файлов заказчика в ОАО «Полиграфический комплекс „Пушкинская площадь"», 109548 г. Москва ул. Шоссейная, домовл. 4 Д. НОВОЕ ИЗДАНИЕ единой линии учебно-методических комплектов для 2-11 классов Enjoy English /«Английский с удовольствием» авторов Биболетовой М.З. и др. Новое издание учебников для начальной, средней и старшей школы соответствует ФГОС, полностью сохраняет традиции, структуру и методические особенности курса "Enjoy English”, получившего признание учителей и школьников, содержит сбалансированную эффективную систему обучения устной и письменной речи на английском языке, современные тексты разных >канров и стилей, направлено на развитие познавательной активности и самостоятельности обучающихся, использует инновационную систему контроля и самоконтроля, ориентировано на достижение планируемых результатов ФГОС и общее речевое и культурное развитие учащихся, позволяет эффективно готовить школьников к итоговой аттестации в формате ОГЭ и ЕГЭ. В СОСТАВ КАЖДОГО УМК ENJOY ENGLISH ВХОДЯТ: учебник, рабочая тетрадь с тестами, книга для учителя, аудиоприложение, программа курса Enjoy English / «Английский с удовольствием» для 2-11 классов. 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