Английский язык 8 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 8 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Enjoy English (Энджой инглиш):

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Contents Unit 1 It’s a Wonderful Planet We Live on.............4 Section 1 .........................................4 Section 2..........................................7 Section 3........................................11 Section 4....:....................................14 Section 5........................................ 17 Section 6.........................................19 Section 7.........................................21 Unit 2 The World's Best Friend Is You...............24 Section 1 ........................................24 Section 2.........................................26 Section 3.........................................28 Section 4.........................................31 Section 5.........................................34 Unit 3 Mass Media: Good or Bad?......................36 Section 1 ........................................36 Section 2.........................................38 Section 3.........................................40 Section 4.........................................43 Section 5.........................................45 Section 6.........................................46 Section 7.........................................50 Unit 4 Trying to Become a Successful Person.........52 Section 1.........................................52 Section 2.........................................54 Section 3.........................................56 Section 4.........................................59 Section 5.........................................62 а Wondetful Planet We Lire on Section 1 1 j Write the words in three columns. [ii 1 [el [э:1 ! Г stormy misty i 2 * Complete the table below* a) What kind of activities can you do if the weather is: Hot & sunny a)J) Sunny & icy ' Snowy & sunny Rainy windy ’ Warm & cloudy -I a) mushroom picking b) skiing c) gardening d) swimming e) windsurfing 0 skating g) playing snowballs h) playing football i) sunbathing j) fishing k) l) m) b) Think about more activities, which you can do in different types of weather and add them to the list above. \ UNIT 1 Section 1 Read the names of the countries below and write types of weather typical of these countries* See Ex* 3 on p. 6, Student’s Book. a) Spain______________________________________________ b) Switzerland c) The Netherlands d) Romania e) Norway_ 0 Italy____ g) Portugal h) England ^Ask questions for more information. Mind the tenses. Example: It was wet yesterday, (rain) — Did it rain? 1. It was nasty last night, (wind / blow) 2. It was unusually frosty on Saturday, (snow) 3. It was surprisingly hot in the afternoon, (what / the temperature / be) 4. It is usually very humid in England in summer, (rain / often) UNIT 1 Section 1 5. U is not very hot in Moscow in summer, (what / the usual temperature in July / be) 6. It is very warm and sunny in Bulgaria, (the sun / shine / all the year round) 7. The weather forecast says it will be nasty tomorrow, (rain) 8. I think it will be cold and cloudy tomorrow (snow) 5 J Complete the postcard to your Mum (brother or friend) and write w'hat the weather is like at the seaside. Fill In the words from the box. I nice and sunny a cloud in the sky quiet and warm above zero I hot and a bit windy was raining cats and dogs L _ _ ^ J Hi. ! We qreat here! The food \e ^ood and we swim every day. When we arrived, it was rather cool and it __________________________i felt upset, but in a few hours it cleared up completely — there was hardly ______________________WeVe had weather like this for a week already, its______________________in the morning. _____________________at noon, and------------------------ In the evening. The sea is very warm too. The temperature of the water is about 25 ---------------------. Write soon. Love. J. I i \ UNIT 1 Section 1 6 Jlmagine that you have travelled around the world* M^e up a short story about your trip, using all the words from Ex« 2 and 3* Also try to use words from Unit 1, Student’s Book. Use the following guidelines: • When we came to Spain it was very ... and the temperature reached .... • It was lovely to ski down the hills in Switzerland and the weather was .... • During our stay in Portugal we ..., but we couldn’t... in ..., because the weather got very ... there. • People in England were talking a lot about..., because .... Section 2 1 ) Practise reading. Write down the words which have similar pronunciation to the Russian words. satellite I'saetilait] atmosphere I'setmssfia] astronaut I'sestrano^] launch [*b:nfl solar system ['s3ub .sist^m] galaxy I'gaebksi] 0 . 2 Ja) Read the names of nine major planets in our Solar System: Saturn ['saetsn] Mercuiy ['msrkjwi] The Earth [з:0] Pluto Cplatau] >fenus (VtnosJ Neptune Cneptjurn] Mars [mocz] Uranus ['JuaranssJ Jupiter (’tfeaprts) UNIT 1 Sections 1, 2 using all 6 J Imagine that you have travelled around the world. Make up a short story about your trip, usi the words from Ex. 2 and 3. Also try to use words from Unit 1, Student’s Book. Use the following guidelines; • When we came to Spain it was very ... and the temperature reached .... • It was lovely to ski down the hills in Switzerland and the weather was.... • During our Slay in Portugal we but we couldn’t... in ..., because the weather got very... there. • People in England were talking a lot about..., because .... Section 2 i 1 j Practise reading. Write down the words which have similar pronunciation to the Russian words. satellite ['saetilait] atmosphere ['aetmssfis] astronaut ['aestrano.t] launch ('b:n^ solar system I'saula ^istam] galaxy [’gselaksi] 2 ja) Read the names of nine major planets in our Solar System; Saturn ['saetanj Mercury ['msrl^Tri] The Earth [з:0] Pluto ['plu-lau] Afenus [Vfcnas] Neptune [’neptjuin] Mars [ma’z) Uranus ['joarisnas] Jupiter ['{feu.pita] UNIT 1 Sections 1, 2 4 j Answer the following questions. Wite down the answers: a) Which planet* would you tike to go to? —_________________ b) Who would you take with you on such an unusual journey? — c) Why did you choose him / her / them? (give personal characteristics of your friend / friends) — 5 j Answer the questions. Give your reasons why you believe or don’t believe it. Use the reasons from the box below and your own ones. Do you believe that in 2150 1. people will build huge spaceships and will travel to the other planets of the Solar System? / believe (don't believe) that people_______________________________________________________________ 2. astronauts will travel to other galaxies? 3. astronauts will grow fruit and vegetables on board spaceships? 4. there will be excursions to the Moon every weekend? Yes, I believe it. / No, I think it is impossible. It is too dangerous to travel through space. Travelling to other galaxies will take too much time. It is longer than a person’s lifetime. Astronauts will eat special energy tablets. There will be huge spaceships and people will have a normal life there. They will work, study, and play there. There will be sports grounds, swimming pools, and gardens on board. UNIT 1 Section 2 € jliagjate that yon have been given a chance to build a new world on another planet. Write a Gction story, describing how people live on this planet (dimate, people’s lifestyle, occupations and hobbies). Use the words from your textbook. If you want, you can draw an illustration of your story or stick any appropriate picture in the space below. 10 UNIT 1 Section 2 7 JUranslate from Russian into English. 1. В комнате Джона не было места для нового теннисного стола.— 2. В будущем люди смогут совершать космические путешествия с одной планеты на другую.— 3. Каждую субботу профамма “Утренняя звезда” открывает для нас новые звезды в мире музыки.—___________________________________________________ 4. Солнечная система — это всего лишь маленькая часть огромной Вселенной.— 5. Русский космонавт Юрий Гагарин был первым человеком в космосе.— Section 3 1 jWrite the words in two columns. Open syllable (открытый слог) Closed syllable (закрытый слог) space neck 1 L I--------------------------- I space neck pat butter knock wake age paper lock shade I___________________________ 2j Match. Each word can be used only once. Write sentences with these word combinations. 1. to travel to 2. inteigalactic 3. to launch 4. towear 5. to live in a) a spacesuit b) other galaxies c) a space station d) a satellite e) spaceship 1 J L [4 I. UNIT 1 Sections 2, 3 II г 3 (Complete the sentences using the pictures and the words below. The first one is done for you. \ I. When my friend and I went outside it was raining heavily. (to rain heavily) 2. It was warm and sunny while Nick and Tom 3. When Peter’s mum came into his room, he (to watch the stars through the telescope) 4. People froze with fear when a big wild tiger (to cross the road in the centre of the city) ^ \ 5. When we came to see George, he (to paint the fence) 6. When I came home my mum,. (to cook a tasty cake) 12 UNIT 1 Sechon 3 4 J Complete the dialogue. WMte the correct form of the verbs, using past continuous or past simple tenses. The first sentences are done for you. Ann' Ben; Ann: Ben; Ann: Ben: Ann: Ben: How was your holiday at the seaside? Oh, it was wonderful, thank you! We had great fun! What (you / do)_____________________there? In the mornings, while my parents still (have breakfast) I (play) ___________________tennis with my friend Harry. After that, at about 10 o’clock we (swim) ___________________in the sea and (play)____________________football on the beach. Yes, that sounds good! And what (you / do)______________________in the afternoons after your lunch? After lunch (we / go) (we / stay)__________ on some interesting excursions around the place where _____ that week. In the evenings after dinner either (we / watch) films on TV or (we / play)____________________chess with my dad. I see, and what (you / do) between 5 pm and dinner time? at the Well, when the weather was nice and warm, my friend and I (have fun)______________________ seaside. We either (swim)____________________or (play)____________________volleyball on the beach. Ann: Fantastic! Next time ГН go with you. 5 j Translate from Russian into English. 1. В TO время, когда Катя путешествовала по Америке, она узнала, что известная поп-звезда Мадонна дает концерты в Лос-Анджелесе. 2. Я смотрел телевизор в то время, когда сл>"*гилось это ужасное происшествие. 3. Когда прозвенел звонок, ученики все еще писали сочинение. 4. “Что Вы делали вчера в пять часов вечера?” — “Вчера в пять часов вечера я ехал на мапш- не и слушал радио . 5. — Ты видела Сергея и Михаила в воскресенье? — Да, когда я их видел(а), они играли в волейбол в парке. — Странно, они обычно играют а парке по субботам. UNIT 1 Section 3 13 Section 4 JJ Write the missing words. explore |ik'spb;J t " "1 " 1 exploration [,ек$р1э'ге|/(э)п] found [faund] (faun'deij(3)n| communicate Ika'mjitnikeitl | [k3,mju:ni'keiJ(o)n] realize ['rialaiz] l,nglai'zeij(3)nj celebrate ['selibreitj l,seh'breij(3)n] illustrate {'ibstreit] (il3'strei/(3)n] quote (kwaut] lkwgu'tei/(g)n] explain (ik'splein] likspl3'neij(3)n] ^jMake up sentences. Write them down. The first one is done for you. 1. this / since / film / I / a child / haven’t / I / was / seen — I haven't seen this film since / was a child. 2. have / many / scientists / things / explored / since / began / the space era _________________________ 3. since / hasn’t / it / stopped / yesterday / raining 4. lots of research / on outer space orbital stations / done / have / people 5. spaceship / how / the / outside / long / you / have / spent 6. for / windy / three / and / it / has / been / stormy / days 3 J Complete the stoiy, using/or or since. The filrst sentence is done for you. I have only known about Jason’s party since the beginning of October, f haven’t seen him ______________ages. To be honest, I haven’t seen him____________last Halloween. Jason and I are good friends and we have known each other____________ live far from each other and we can’t meet very often. we were bom. Unfortunately, we also asked me to invite my classmate Anna (he always liked her), but I haven’t seen her a few days. She hasn’t been at school / Friday, but I hope she will be abk^o go with me. I feel quite excited about going to the party, because I haven’t been to any parties J a long time. I am sure that we will have lots of fun. U UNIT 1 Section 4 4 J^anslate from Russian into English, 1. “Ты часто плаваешь?” — “Нет, я не был в бассейне с мая”.— 2. “Как давно ты знаком с Ириной?” — “О да, я знаю ее с детства”.— 3. “Николай все еще играет в теннис по выходным?” — “Нет, он уже сто лет не играл”.—_ 4. “Какая у вас сейчас погода в Лондоне?” — “Ужасная, дождь не перестает лить со среды”.— 5. “У вас в Петербурге сейчас много снега?” — “Нет, не очень. Снега не было уже очень давно 5 j Explain the following facts. The word combinations from the box will help you. Use the present perfect continuous or the present perfect 1----------------------------------------------------1 I work on orbital stations several times I discover a new star do research in space for many years (already) watch TV since the morning «bniit rpnrn fiipbU liiii f JlHIHhfuwT" L Example: 1. John is on board a spaceship. He is very happy.— He has been dreaming about space flights since his childhood. 2. Mark does not feel very well. He has got sore eyes and a headache.—_________________________ 3. Martin is very excited.— 4. Our country is one of the most important and advanced space countries.— 5. Jim’s father is an internationally known astronaut.- 6 jRead the text of Ex. 73 on p. 22 Student’s Book and mark if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false information and write down the right variant СИ 1. People began to dream of space flights when they built the first satellite.—____________________ UNIT 1 Section 4 15 г \3 2. The first written story about a space flight says that it happened when a great wave raised a ship up to the Moon.—_____________________________________________________________ L, 3. The heroes of science fiction novels by Jules Verne and Herbert \\feUs are launched into space by means of solar energy—____________________________________________________________________ C.14. VSferking in a space station is very dangerous that is why spacemen never work in orbit more than once,— 7 Complete the interview between a TV correspondent and an afien ['eiljan] (инопланетянин) from our ' galaxy. The word combinations below will help you make up the questions. Use the present perfect n - 0 ^ 'T r 0 travel to other galaxies solve any medical problems do research on meet aliens from other planets find another planet to live on c <3 0 Correspondent: Alien: Correspondent: Alien: Correspondent; Thank you Mrer... Mr Ba-Boom. Oh, yes. Thank you Mr Ba-Boom for coming to our TV programme. We are all very glad to see you in our studio. Thank you, it is a great pleasure for me. Mr Ba-Boom, have you been to our planet before or it is your first visit to the planet Earth? Alien: Yes, I have already been to your planet, but I haven’t visited your country. It is also the first time that I’ve spoken to some people on your planet. Correspondent: Oh, that is very interesting. Mr Ba-Boom, have you_________________ 16 UNIT I SecHor 4 Section 5 i . uess the crossword puzzle. 1. A ... happens when a lot of water comes over a place that is usually dry. 2. Yungay was a terrible ... that happened in Peru. 3. Etna is a ... in Italy. It’s a mountain with a crater on the top. 4. A... is a long period of dry weather. People suffer from heat and then from hunger as the crops cannot be grown without water 5. A... is a violent wind in the form of a very tall funnel. It goes over the land. 6. A... is a very strong wind that destroys houses, uproots checked trees, and can kill people. 1 2 - РШ in the words from the box. homeless injure destroyed hurricanes damaged flood dangerous disasters A lot of different weather (I)____________________happen on the Earth every year. All of them can be very (2)____________________for people. The greatest natural disasters cause a lot of damage, (3)____________________and kill people. When the famous Galveston Hurricane struck the United States in September 1900, the whole city of Galveston, Texas, was (4)_______________________and about 6,000 people were killed. (5) often bring massive floods. The Hurricane Agnes, that happened in the United States in 1972, was not a strong one, but it brought rainfalls that caused floods and the deaths of 122 people. A more awful (6)___________________________happened in China in 1998. It was caused by heavy rainfall. Nearly 4000 people were killed. The flood destroyed houses and left millions of people (7)____________________, a lot of farmland was (8)______________________ 3)W, rite questions for the answers, using the pictures. The first one is done for you. 1. What were you doing when the thunderstorm started? I was doing some gardening. Who was doing some gardening when the thunderstorm started? The boy and the girl were doing some gardening. 2. What_______________________________________________________ We were playing football at the stadium at 7 o’clock in the evening. Who ________^ We were. UNIT 1 Section 5 17 **> Look at the '”^Porth, Solaf g and ^te the ^"‘^^clopedia. ягош Ex. 2 and make passports for them. You will find an example in your ...«Miok in Ex* 31, p. 12. Add one more section to each passport with the heading ^‘Distinguishing marks** (особые приметы), where you put some unusual and interesting facts about the planets. Share this information with your classmates. ___________ ___________——-----------v " _ , ^ ..~n • Name; Other names: Address: Color: Closest neighbours: Occupation: Hobbies: Distinguishing marks: |v.^ ^ащ( Oih er ^ddi ®^es: t‘essi Col Or: Qose, St a^Sbbo tirs; Occu, ^tion: Wobb 'es: '^^Hg»ishi„ gnarks: 8 I Unit ' See/,, Won 2 3 What when it started to rain? Nick and I were swimming in the river. When ______ _______ It started to rain when Nick and I were swimming in the river. 4. Where I was sleeping at the table. Who _________ My Mum came into the room when I was sleeping at the table. 5. What I was talking to Sveta on the phone when the film began. Who ____________________________________________________________ When the film started I was talking on the phone to Sveta. . ‘ Л ^ . о ^Translate from Russian into English. 1. Работники службы спасения — специально подготовленные люди, которые помогают в опасных ситуациях.— 2. В про1Ш1ом году в Южной Англии были ужасные наводнения. Они повредили много зданий и уничтожили поля.— ______________________________________________________________ 3. Три года назад много людей пострадало от землетрясения в нашем городе.— 4. Майкл сломал левую ногу, когда катался с друзьями на лыжах.— 5. Анна задрожала как осиновый лист (like а leaf), когда увидела паука на столе.— 18 UNIT 1 Section 5 Section 6 IL 1 ! Find the pairs of the words / word combinations with similar meaning. Write them down. _______damage______________________________________ I--------------------- I • damage natural disaster space flight storm research explore destroy space travel hurricane weather disaster incomplete the sentences, using the past perfect tense. The first one is done for you. 1. By the time we went outside to play football, it had already started raining. 2. When I arrived at the airport, I saw that (plane / take off)__________________ 3. When Peter’s mum asked him about his homework he said that (he / do) 4. When they got to Ann’s place (all the guests / leave) 5. By the lime I got home from school (my grandma / cook dinner) 6. When the teacher came into the classroom (pupils / leam the results of the test) 3 jMake up sentences, by joining them together. Use the past perfect tense. The first one is done for you. 1. Peter didn’t study very well. He didn’t pass the Maths test. Peter didn^t pass the Maths test because he hadfft studied very welL 2. Nick lost his keys at school. He couldn’t get into his house. ___________________________________ 3. My Mum didn’t buy any sugar. She couldn’t make my favourite cake. 4. He came home from work too late. Jim didn’t go to his Russian classes. 5. We left our tickets at home. We didn’t go to the theatre. / UNIT 1 Seclion 6 19 4 I Write a story based on these pictures. Use the past simple and the past perfect in your story. That Monday wasn’t a lucky day for John. He got up, brushed his teeth and was going to have breakfast. When he came into the kitchen That is why he left home later then usual. ...and the teacher was not pleased. Things changed for the better only in the afternoon. When John came home from school He was in luck that time. 5 j Translate from Russian into English. 1. К тому времени, когда Катя пришла домой, мама испекла очень вкусный пирог. 2. Когда они вышли из дома, гроза уже закончилась.— 3. Мне пришлось лечь в больницу, так как я сломал ногу, играя в футбол.— 20 UNIT I Section 6 4. Какие учебники ты прочитал, перед тем как написал этот сложный тест? — 5. К шести часам вечера все гости уже ушли.— Section 7 1 j Wrile the words in two columns: la] [A] garden tarm number honey lunch custom money button dark park laugh heart 2 JFill in the gaps using the words from the box given below Use the information from Section 7, Student’s Book. largest the Nile went hottest the Mount Everest human beings Lake Baikal amazed amazed the Caspian Sea attraction attracted on holiday to 1. Last summer my friend and I_______________ in the world. 2. _________________, the longest river in the world, has always been a popular tourist , the largest lake 3. When a group of tourists arrived at the deepest lake, everyone was ________________by the variety of wildlife there. 4. The Sahara Desert is the_______________________place in the world, and it is very unsuitable for to live there. 5. The peak of the highest point in the world, has always brave 6, and strong mountain climbers. Students in their Geography class were to learn, that the Pacific Ocean, the ocean in the world, covers about 165,200,000 square kilometers. 3 jln each line circle the word with the general meaning. 1. earthquake, flood, disaster, volcanic eruption, drought 2. mountains, geography, deserts, coastlines, plaias 3. lizards, snakes, animals, crocodiles, whales, monkeys UNIT 1 Section 7 21 4 jChoose any suitable answers from the box and write them down. Use the past continuous in the answers. The first one is done for you. They ... (to not listen) to the teacher. It... (to rain) very heavily. 1.. . (to look after) my baby-sister. 1 ... (sleep) and didn’t know what the time w'as. 1.. . (look for) a present from my parents. 1. Why didn’t you go for a walk in the morning as usual? - It was raining very heavily. 2. I called you in the afternoon. Why didn’t you answer the phone? —______________________ 3. Why didn’t they hear about the test? — 4. Why didn’t you come to the party on time? — 5. Why didn’t you phone me at 4 o’clock? — / 5 I Choose any mini dialogue from Ex. 4 and expand the answer by adding 3-5 more sentences. Example: — Why didn’t you go for a walk in the morning as usual? — It was raining very heavily in the morning. The weather was windy and cold and I stayed at home. After lunch, when it was still raining outside, my sister and I decided to make a cake with strawberry jam. It took us about an hour to make the cake. When it was ready, I called my neighbour Sergey (we are very good friends) to have tea with us. We had a very nice afternoon and the cake was delicious! 22 UNIT 1 Section 7 6 jRead the letter and fill in the form. Use Ex. 120 on pp. 32-33, Student’s Book for information. To anyone it may concern, (адресовано заинтересованным пицат) Hello! My name is Sharon Green and I represent an international Organization "The Green Earth", we work to keep our planet unspoiled and suitable for living, we try to protect wildlife in all the parts of the world from industrial and urbar) development. Now we are looking for a suitable place to arrange a national park there, if you know of such a place in Russia and have any ideas on the point, please fill in the form below. Thank you. 1. What is your name and age?__________________________ ___________________________ * ( I I 2. In whal part of Russia do you live? 3. Do you have a National Park anywhere in your area? If “No”, would you like to have it? 4. What is the geography of your region (mountains, plains, forests, lakes, and so on)? 5. What climate do you have? Whal kind of weather do you have in summer and in winter? What is the lowest and the highest temperature in your region?__________________________ 6. What animals and birds live or lived in your region? What animals would you like to have in your park?_______________________________________________________________________________ 7. Can a National Park help the development of the local economy? Why? UNIT 1 Se.ction 7 23 World Best Friend Is You Section 1 к ..-tSSs- 1 «Read the transcription and write the words. ['joarep] [os'treiliaj rnju;'zi;l9ndj ['eifal |,по:0э'тепкэ) [,8ао0э‘тепкэ] happy — cold — difficult — 2jyVrite the opposites to the following adjectives. Example: dirty — clean beautiful —_______________________________ dark “____________________________________ human ™___________________________________ enormous — important — warm — _____ regular — __ good —____ far — unhealthy — unfriendly — safe — heavy — new — 3 j Choose the correct word in each of the following sentences. Use Ex. 10 on p. 42, Student’s Book if necessary; 1. Does this businessman realise the damage these chemicals do to the (environmental / environment) in our town? 2. Lx)cal government (местные власти) should support the idea of recycling and provide each house with bins for different types of (to waste / waste) ____________________ 3. If we want to protect our environment, lots of things should be changed in our life, but first of all we should improve (ecological / ecolo^t)_________________________education. 4. To reduce (уменьшить) air (to pollute / pollution)________________________people should use public transport. Too many people use their own cars. 5- If we want to keep our beautiful beaches as the main tourist (to attract / attraction) ___________________________we must protect them from litter pollution. 6. If you care about the protection of the environment and you want to be healthy, you should buy only (nature / natural)________________________- food with no added chemicals. Fill in the articles if necessary. Felix is a great traveller. He is only 14, and he lives in (1) USA. Felix has already been to many places in his own country and has visited many other countries. He travels with his father, who is a famous scientist and ecologist. The father often gives lectures in different Universities to overseas 24 UNIT 2 Section 1 students. Felix has already been to (2) France, (3) Germany, (4) United Kingdom, and some other European countries. He has seen (5)_______________Asia — two years ago he was in (6)__________China and (7)____________Korea. He has skied in (8)___________Alps, climbed in (9)__________Caucasus and (10)____________Pamirs. Felix has swum in all the oceans (except (11) —J-гт^— Arctic Ocean). Next year Felix’s father is going to (12) Ji.\J Russia, and Felix hopes he’ll go too. He has read a lot about the country. He wants to see (13)_________ Moscow and (14)____________St Petersburg, and then he wants to go to some unspoiled areas, to see what Russian nature is like. Felix’s father plans to travel to (15) Lake Baikal and Felix is happy about it. He wants to become an ecologist himself to research and protect the environment. 5 ] Read the first part of the article about a new profession — ecologist. Translate the second part of it into English. You have probably already heard about such a profession as an ecologist. Nowadays this profession has become remarkably popular in connection with the fact that the pollution of the environment continues to grow enormously. It is not easy to become an ecologist, so it seems strange that so many young people are trying to obtain this qualification. At many universities the competition to get a place at the faculty of ecology is growing rapidly. Если вы решили, что хотите стать профессиональным экологом, вам нужно прислушаться к своему сердцу. Вам нравятся химия, физика и биология? А как насчет интереса к информационным технологиям? Вы должны беречь и любить природу? Если вы все еще хотите стать экологом, то начинайте усердно работать. Будущее в ваших руках, и вы должны сделать все, чтобы спасти нашу планету! UNIT 2 Section 1 25 Section 2 i IJFIII in the gaps using the word combinations from the box given below; Put them into the needed grammatical form. endangered animals to be responsible for to be out of danger to throw away to be in danger to be tired of to be famous for to throw at I. The whole village 2. This packaging company when the earthquake started. ______using environmentally friendly materials. 3. After evacuation from their village everyone 4. Michael tried to score by_______________ the ball when the volcano erupted. _______________the basket. 5. Due to high sea pollution whales have became_______________ 6. Our wonderful and beautiful Nature_________________________ 7. We mustn’t___________________________things which can be used again or recycled. being polluted and treated badly 8. Everyone in the world take immediate action. what people have done to the environment and must 2 j Write the sentences using Conditional Ш. I 0 eat ice_cxeam fall ill Example: If John had not eaten so much ice cream, he would not have fallen ill ----------------------------------------1 © Г play football so much get a better mark be hungry 26 UNIT 2 Section 2 watch TV very late fail asleep during the lesson © break the window call the parents © have enough money buy the wildlife photo album 3 J Read the texts ^^Probiem” and ^^AdvkeV Write down 5-6 sentences about an environmental problem in your city (town, village, etc). Then decide what you would advise to all people and local govmiment to do to make your dty (town, village, etc) environmentally dean. Write down your ideas. Problem: My name is James and I live in a beautiful seaside town called Hastings. The main tourist attraction in my town is our picturesque coastline and beach. Recently, however, our beach has become more polluted with litter left by tourists and locals. Litter is damaging for wildlife, especially birds. Our polluted beach has now become the main environmental problem in Hastings and immediate action must be taken. Advice: I think that our local government should display signs saying “Take your rubbish home please”. People should be fined for dropping litter and rubbish collections should be made more often along our beach. What is also important is that our teachers should broaden our ecological education and children should be taught more about protecting the environment. UNIT 2 Section 2 27 f Problem: Advke: 4 jRead the sentences and match the phrasal verbs in italics with the definitions. Use English — English dictionary if needed. 1. He alw^s makes up stories. Don’t trust him. 2. She was alwsQ^ easy to get along with. 3. Take your glasses off. It’s not sunny at all. 4.1 can’t make out what he is saying. a) to understand, to hear b) to remove something c) to invent an excuse d) to have a friendly relationship Section 3 1 JSeiect and write the words with the sound [i:]. greedy head reason heart repeat please creature need friend ______________________________________________________________ I lie seaside quiet I receive magazine people 1__ ___________________________ 2 JWrite what yon are used to and what you агепЧ used to. See Ex. 28 on p. 47, Student’s Book. Example: I am used to getting up at 7 o*dock. Tm not used to having breakfast alone. j---------------------------------------------- --------------------- have dinner very late at night tell lies to anybody wash up after meals be popular with my classmates jog in the morning go to the disco very often ______________I 28 UNIT 2 Secfions 2. 3 3j Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form, using Conditional П or Ш. Example: If I (know) knew you were ill, I (visit) would visit you. m I. The environment (be)_____________much cleaner if people (not use)______________ chemicals. so many 2. 3. 4. I (help) if I (have) more time. If I (not go) If she (not study) Maths exam. to that exhibition in December, I (not meet) _______so hard last month, she (not pass)____ Jim. her 5. If I (win) lots of money, I (plant) 6. If you (get up) 7. If people (not drop) 8. I (go)-------------- _ lots of beautiful gardens in the cities. __________________the 8 o’clock train. so much litter, our streets (be)_____________much cleaner. earlier, you (not miss) 9. If he (inform) to the cinema tonight if I (not be) __________me earlier, I (do)______________ so tired. 10. What (you/do) 11. If I (speak)__ if a fire (break out) three foreign languages, I (get) something about it. ____in your house? __________that fantastic job. 12. If you (not read) the book in your childhood, you (not answer) 13. She (not disturb) that simple question and won the prize. _________________if it (not be)________ that important. ^Give advice to your Mend as it is shown in the model. Write down the sentences. Example: I feel very ill. (stay in bed) If I were you, I would stay in bed, 1. Our schoolyard looks very boring, (plant more flowers) If I were you, _________________________________________________________ 2, I’d like to go travelling, (go to Europe) 3. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my vocabulary test, (spend more time on learning words) 4. It was embarrassing I couldn’t do that simple crossword, (read more books) UNIT 2 Section 3 29 5. 1 am always late in the mornings, (not watch TV until midnight) 6. Fve just seen an accident on the road, (call the police) 7. I haven’t bought a birthday present for my Mum. (buy her a new watch) 8. I haven’t seen my sister for a while, (invite her to lunch) 5 ] Write dovm the sentences about your dreams, using Conditional II or Ш. About yourself: If I played the guitar, / would become a very famous rock star L 2. 3. About yourself and History: If I had met Henry VIII, I would have asked him not to kill his wives. I. 2. 3. About the environment: If people used cars less, the air would be much cleaner 1. 2. 3. 6 jTranslate from Russian into English. 1. Если бы ты не играл до ночи в компьютерные игры, у тебя было бы больше времени на подготовку к экзаменам. 2. Если бы Катя нс пошла с нами на вечеринку, она бы не познакомилась с Андреем. 3, Если я проснусь завтра рано, то пойду в бассейн. 30 UNIT 2 Sedion 3 4. Если бы ты помог своей младшей cecipe с домашним заданием, она не получила бы плохую отметку. 5. Если бы ты была добрее, у тебя было бы больше друзей. Section 4 1 J Practice the readings i kilogram {'kilagraem] polythene t'pnhGiin] throw [вгэи] bury [*bcri] environment [inVaiaronmantI prohibit [prau'hibrt] prohibition [,prouhibiJn| 2j Use the words from the box instead of the underlined word combinations. waste paper bins be recycled 1 pollute them with chemical waste are buried is prohibited 1. Millions of tons of rubbish are dug in Russia every year. 2. A lot of new books, magazines and journals can be made from the paper that has already been used 3. It is not allowed to throw away litter in the streets. 4. Many things which we throw away can be made fit to use asain. 5. Sometimes fish die out in rivers because plants and factories throw chemical waste there. 6. Everybody should put litter in special containers for litter to keep the country tidy. UNIT 2 Sections 3, 4 31 I 3 jPlay the situation back using Conditional Ш. Tim borrowed a very good book he sat up very late yesterday he fell asleep after midnight he woke up later than usual -> did not have time to have breakfast was hungry and angry -> kicked a bin in the street -> the policeman stopped and fined (оштрафовал) him. If Tun had not borrowed a good book, he would not have sat up very late If he had not sat up very late, ______________________________ I 7 An unexpected conclusion: Good books I ' can cause trouble. 4j Write the sentences using Conditionals II and IIL (See Ex* 44 on p. 52, Student’s Book*) © Nick played chess in his childhood be a bright student / now Example: If Nick had not played chess in his childhood, he would not be a bright student now. Mike / take the medicine / yesterday feel better / now 32 UNIT 2 Section 4 L. 3) 0 ® (S> 0 Tim / add some salt and pepper to the soup oo ^ soup / not / be so tasteless / now i № Jane / wash up / tidy up the fiat / yesterday be able to go to the disco Jill / pass the exam / yesterday be happy / now 1 / в • 5 J Complete the writing about the importance of recycling. For the arguments see Ex. 40 on p. 50, Student’s Book. Everyone would agree that the problem of waste is very important. It worries a lot of people. The statistics say that______________________________________________________________________ I think that the only way to save the planet from litter is UNIT 2 Section 4 33 г Section 5 1 jMatcii the words with opposite meanings. 2 J Continue the sentences. Write them down. 1. to throw aw^ 2. to prohibit 3. to destroy 4. to wrap 5. to protect 6. to encourage 7. to litter a) to b) to c) to d) to e) to f) to g) to clean create recycle pollute discourage unpack allow If I were the Headmaster of our school a) allow / not allow dogs at the school sports ground. b) prohibit/ not prohibit smoking in school and near it. c) fine / not fine parents for their children’s smoking and littering d) prohibit / not prohibit noise pollution. 2. If I were the Head of the city (town, village) a) prohibit / not prohibit drinking beer in the streets. b) fine / not fine people for dropping a package, a can, or a cigarette end in the streets. c) arrange/not arrange special bins for glass, plastic, paper, metal, and food wastes. d) organize / not organize the ecological police. 3 jLook at the picture and write what is wTong in it. Use the words from the box. The man / woman should not... It is prohibited... walk the dog drop throw out bin lawns flowerbeds pavement cigarette end oil pools litter road 1 I__________________ 1. The girl should not throw the can on the lawn. Bins are used for this kind of litter. 2. 34 UNIT 2 Section 5 4. 4 JWrite an article on water protection for your school or local newspaper. (See Ex. 7 on p. 60, Student’s Book.) is in Danger Seas and oceans cover about 70% of the surface of the Earth. It is a great amount of water and it seems that there is no need to worry about it. However only 3% of the Earth’s water is fresh drinking water. That is why we should take care of all the rivers and lakes we have. Our_____________________needs care and protection. _______________________ Lake / River / Sea / Pond the name of the river, lake, pond what is wrong with it. I’m sure it is not too late now to improve the situation. We should What can be done with it (clean, take out all the litter, place bins on the banks / coast, prohibit cars there, fine for littering...) UNIT 2 Section 5 35 Media: Good or Bad? Section 1 L 1 jRead the words in the box. Write them in the correct place. knee news knife knight now knock know knowledge 1 a) |narf] 1 1 1 b) ('nohets] > c) [ni;] I . » d) [пэи] 1 e) [njurzj 0 |nait] I g) Innk] i I h)(nao| j n 2 jXick the words, which can refer to a radio programme. Make up sentences with three of them and write down the sentences. important entertaining colour musical scandalous ['sksendalos] attentive favourite boring cartoon informative delicious sociable advertising educational □ П □ LJ □ □ 1 t n □ a) a group of programmes on one topic. 3 JMatch radio or TV programmes and their definitions 1. drama b) a long drama or comedy or documentary that is broadcast in parts, usually at a certain time of day. 2. soap 3. talk show 4. game show 5. documentary 6. the news 7. series I'sisriiz] 8. serial I'sianali c) a programme that tells us a story d) a programme where one and i- the same characters appear in everyday life situations. usually with some sad or tragic ( ending. ~ « 0 it fwogramme where ordinary people tel! us about their personal e) a pre^ramme where pec^le compete (in teams or in^idually) to win the game. life and problems. g) a programme that is based on facts and histoiy; it can | h) a programme about the latest | be about people, some inventions, art, nature, etc. ^ events and politics. j 36 UNIT 3 Section 1 4 jCircle the right form of the verb. 1. You look awful, dear! Your hair is / are too long. 2. The Police was / were in time and the criminals were caught. 3. The earthquake happened in this town five hundred years ago. The damage was / were very serious. 4. The news was / were broadcast every hour, but the information was / were very brief. 5. Where is / are the money? I want to buy some biscuits for tea. 5 j Choose the right word. ПН it in. 1. Can I give you____________ a) any b) some c) much 2. Lookl There is so_________ advice? snow everywhere. a) few b) many c) much 3. 1 have to go shopping. We’ve got very a) little b) many c) few 4. I’m thirsty. Can I have______________ food in the fridge. water? a) many b) few c) some 5. I can’t go to the swimming pool on Monday, I have to do a) a lot of b) many c) any homework. An exchange student from Russia is in a BBC studio speaking with the Host of the programme, a) Complete the part of the student as if he / she were you. In the BBC studio The Host of the programme: Well, Pm very excited to say that today in our studio we have a guest. He / she is a foreign er and 1 believe it will be interesting to learn how he / she feels about the process of communication, mass media, especially the radio. First, let’s ask him / her to introduce himself / herself. You: Hello! My name is_______________________. H: You are an exchange student, aren’t you? How long have you been studying in Britain? You: H; Did you listen to any BBC programmes before coming to Britain? If yes, did you manage to understand everything or did you just get a general idea of what the programme was about? You: H: When you were at home, did you often listen to programmes by Russian Broadcasting Companies? You: UNIT 3 Section 1 37 Н: What Russian radio programmes are your favourite and what are they about? You; H; Are there any programmes you don’t like and why? You: H; Unfortunately, now I have to say “goodbye” to our guest. Thank you very much for giving us your time. We hope you’ll enjoy your stay here. You: b) Act out the conversation. Section 2 1 J Find the words of the same pronunciation. Write them down. a) [sL] b) (sen] c) [weist) d) [rait] e) (без] f) ISveda} g) [bail 2 J Match TV programmes and people from these programmes. 1. correspondent 2. soap star 3. hc«t, guest 4. commentator a) game show, talk show b) sports programme c) news programme d) soap opera there buy seen sea waste scene whether right see bye their weather write waist 3 Ja) Write the TV programmes from the box in order of their importance for you. The Grst one is the programme yon enjoy most of all, the last one i$ the programme you like least of all. . ^ comedies cartoons action films talk shows soaps science fiction films adventure films news programmes thrillers educational programmes game shows I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 38 UNIT 3 Sections 1, 2 7. 10. 8. 9. И Jb) Write what you think about the following programmes — How to Become a Millionaire? Umniki & Umnitsi; Hidden Camera; Risk Factor; BBC — the Wildlife (or any other to your choice). The expressions in the blocks can help you. I like watching — very much... I enjoy watching ... very much... I can’t say that I like watching... very much... 1 hate watching... ...because it helps me relax. ...because I can get the information useful for my studies. ...because it’s not very intelligent. ...as it is very exciting to watch. ...becau.se sometimes you can see curious things there. I try never to miss it when it is on. I turn off the TV immediately. I watch it only when I have absolutely nothing to do. Example: I can’t say that I like watching Hidden Camera very much because it’s not very intelligent. I watch it only when I have absolutely nothing to do. 1. 2. 3. 4 J Fill in the verbs from the box, using them in the -ing form. (See Ex. 30 on p. 69, Student’s Book.) play sing watch Jog watch listen read support drive type speak 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Your I quitted makes me sick. Can you be not so loud at least? ___in the morning, and started_____________ I don’t like newspapers very much, I prefer football at weekends. ______news on TV. My friend is a goalkeeper (голкипер) of this football team, that is why I can’t quit ___________________TV so much will make you no good. Don’t be so rude. This way of____________________can hurt your family. it. UNIT 3 Section 2 39 7. Dangerous 8. __________ -----------is dangerous not only for you, but for people around you. to your jazz and__________________the project at the same time can cause lots of mistakes. / £J Play the situation back, using Conditional 111. Alice’s mother did not feel well, she had an awful headache she asked Alice to turn down the music Alice switched off her stereo it became very quiet in the flat -> Alice heard a strange scratching at the door she opened the door saw an unhappy homeless kitten -> Alice asked the mother to let her keep it as a pet Alice’s mother let Alice keep it as a pet Alice had got a nice little friend. If Aliceas mother had not had a headache,_____________________ 7 An unexpected conclusion: Parents’ headache helps in \ making friends. t . 1 j Read the words in the box. Write them in two colomas. Add two more words. words with (0] words with [s] think thunder sun mouth mice thousand silence theatre cinema newspaper 40 UNI I 3 Sections 2. 3 2 ! Read the words and write them in three columns. ambitious leader biggest-seШng product chemical substances market economy economical development exotic plants international corporation presidential team recycling of wastes religious discrimination political party scientific expedition strong opposition tropical wildlife unequal rights international business professional manager pollution of the environment The words you can Gnd in: an article on economy biggest'selling product an article on ecological problems chemical substances an article on politics ambitious leader ' 3 ] Make up sentences from the scraps of a newspaper. Read what you’ve got. 1. washing machine “Leader-3” on the market Our IS new the best-selling product 2. of a new chemical plant ( Building , . _______ U can cause f * an ecological disaster 3, Recycling * to prevent is the only way of wastes I - pollution of the environment 4. are sure to some exotic animal the skeleton The scientists 1 that belongs UNIT 3 Seefion 3 41 5. of the leader The words of the party a serious political scandal ^ "^caused 6. published of the citizens an article about One of the newspapers unequal political rights ^Underline the right variant. (See Grammar Reference on p. 121, Student’s Book.) 1. Have the kids stopped (to watch / watching) TV yet? It’s time (to go / going) to bed. 2. Have you read the article about the reforms in Higher Education. It’s worth (to read / reading), I bet. 3. Before we leave the house, remind me (to switch off / switching off) the radio and TV. 1 always forget about it. 4. I hate (to complement / complementing) anybody, but I enjoyed your article in the local newspaper It is really very well done. 5 ^a) Read the article about the history of the newspaper and mark the sentences as true (T) or false (F). 1. The first newspapers in Rome only contained the information about the life of the Emperor. 2. In Rome it was prohibited to write about military events. 3. Daily newspapers became widely read in Europe in the 19th century. It is not easy to fancy our life without newspapers, magazines, tabloids, and reviews of all kinds. And what was the first newspaper like? When was it made? The earliest newspaper appeared in 59 BC (before Christ — до Рождества Христова) in Rome. It was a handwritten daily newspaper. It was very little — only one sheet. Julius Caesar (Юлий Цезарь), the Emperor of Rome, ordered to post them throughout the city to inform the people about political events, scandals, military conflicts and executions (,eksiTcJu:J(3)nz] (казни). In Europe printed newspapers appeared in the 15th century, when the letter press (пресс для печатания) was invented. In the 16th century the first printed newspapers were issued (были изданы); and in the 19th the production of daily newspapers increased greatly. People began to read more and the post developed quickly. The first daily newspaper in England was The Daily Courant; its first issue (выпуск) was published in London in 1702. In France the first daily newspaper/опта/ de Paris appeared in 1777, and soon after that, in 1784, The Pennsylvania Packet became the first daily newspaper of the United States. tp. 42 UNfT 3 Sectior 3 b) Continue the article with the information about the first Russian newspaper. Use the brief information from the roll. ^Напито XVlI B. — Вышла перВоя рукрписная. zajema '^ести-Хуранты" r^esti‘9Qiranty j 13 янВаря 1703 г. — Вышел перВый номер печатной газеты 'ведомости" C'Vedomosti*') 7Ump I считал это событие очень Важным, и сам принимал участие В работе над перВыМ номером газеты ОсноВное содержание 'ведомостейоб успе?(а^ русской армии и строительстве кораблей, ноВости образования, ноВости о жизни В другшс городок. "России и ЪВропы, описание погоды и стикийнык бедстВий Section 4 iJWri rite the words. llivl [lirv] ir«p] LTi:p] [fit] [frt] [Sltj [SL-t] [It] ■ ■ - ■! ■ ,■ ^ [i:t] UNIT 3 Sections 3, 4 43 2 jCirdc five most important qualities of a good journalist. Write them down and explain your choice. courageous, ambitious, curious, smart, educated, polite, tactful, responsible, romantic, sensible, talented, tolerant, well-known, cynical, investigative, adventurous Example: I think a good journalist should be... because... 3 J Fill in the verb in the appropriate form. (See Ex. 30 on p. 69, Student's Book.) The first sentence is done for you. report sjjc^lc gel take watch find 1. Speaking correct and tactful language is very important for a journalist. 2. The most dangerous aspect of this job is___________________on the war and other conflicts. 3. ___________________photos of wild animals needs courage and patience. 4. ___________________information for an article needs a lot of time and effort. 5. The journalist suggested___________________out all the facts behind the story before publishing it. 6. Do you think sports commentators enjoy_____________________the games they comment on? 4 J Translate the sentences. (See Ex. 56 on p.74, Student's Book.) 1. Кто бы это ни был, скажи ему, что я занят.—_____________________________________________________ 2. Что бы они ни сказали — не верьте им.— 3. Как бы поздно ты ни пришел, позвони мне.— 4. Куда бы ты ни пошел, я пойду с тобой.— 5. Когда бы ты ни попросил о помощи — я помогу— 44 UNIT 3 Section 4 Section 5 • *4 jj Write the missing words with the sound [f]- physics ITiziksI philosopher [fl'lDSdfd] (fautauj [fwn] [TreizJ [TeimssJ ['ofon) ^Cirde the word that is out of the line. a) plot, content, reporter, vocabulary, characters, title b) writer, poet, playwright, manager, novelist, short story writer c) detectives, adventures, advertisements, science fiction, historical novels, thrillers, faiiy tales d) Schwarzenneger, Frankenstein, Sherlock Holmes, Tom Sawyer, Harry Potter, Cinderella 3 jTVansiate the sentences. 1. Где бы он ни был, мы его найдем.— _________________________________________________ 2. Не трогай это, чем бы это ни было.— 3. Куда бы ты ни пришел — не забудь поздороваться.— 4. Кто бы ни постучал — не открывай дверь.— 5. Когда бы я ни звонил, его всегда нет дома.— 4J Choose the right variant and copy the sentences. The first and the second sentences are done for you. 1. Jane remembers all the fairy tales reading / read in her childhood. Jane remembers all the fairy tales read in her childhood. 2. Sharon was sitting in the garden reading / read a journal. Sharon was sitting in the garden reading a journal. 3. A little boy sat on the floor breaking / broken a toy. 4. Jane was really shocked when found her expensive doll breaking / broken to pieces. UNIT 3 Section 5 45 5. Не didn’t listen to the conversation rereading / reread the article in the newspaper. 6 On his table there was a pile of books rereading / reread more than once. 7. An educated / educating person is always a well-read person 8. She spent a lot of time with her younger brother, playing with him and educated / educating him. 9. The lines writing / written on the first page of the book turned out to be quotations from Shakespeare. 10. Brenda was in her room, sitting at the table and writing / written her essay. 11.He was interested / interesting in history; historical novels were his favourite kind of reading. 12. It was an interested / interesting story. We liked our granddad telling it to us. Section 6 1 j Fill in the words. Underline the mute consonants (непроизносимые согласные). rkrismasl (lisn| [kasl] (klaim] |кэит] [laeml [daut) ['dautbsl (paml climb doubtless doubt comb palm listen Christmas lamb castle 46 Uf'Jr 3 Sections S. 6 ^ Match the phrases and write the numbers in the boxes below the table. a) My uncle suggested b) I really did not know what to do, when my friends offered me c) Jason was rather rude and then he had to apologize for d) Tommy thought for a moment, then thanked us for e) I still feel a bit hungry. Can I ask for f) The teacher reminded us to g) The boy confessed that h) The eye doctor advised us to — _L ’ “X. [FO ll J 1. iheir help. 2. making green tea as it is very good for the health. 3. another sandwich? 4. bring some flowers to decorate the classroom. 5. his behaviour. 6. our advice. 7 spend less time in front of the computer. 8. he had eaten all the sweets. I 0 3 j Use the given verbs and write the following in the reported speech. (See Ex. 84 on p. 79, Student’s Book.) The first one is done for you. Example: I. The boy to his classmate: “1 can help you.” (offer) The boy offered his help to his classmate. 2. The mother to her daughter; ‘‘Use less make-up (косметика), or you will look silly.” (advise) 3. The elderly lady to the boy: 'Thank you very much for helping with my luggage.” (thank) 4. The son to the mother; “Yes, unfortunately I have broken your favourite vase.” (confess) 5. The student; “I’m very sorry for coming so late.” (apologize) 6. The elder brother to the younger brother: “Look, this is how this rule works.” (explain) 7. The boy to his friend: “Hey, will you come to my birthday party?” (invite) 8. The child: “Let’s build a sandcastle together.” (suggest) UNIT 3 SecHon 6 47 4 ]а) Jim sometimes makes firm decisions to change for the better from next Monday. Match the phrases from the two columns and write the numbers in the boxes below the table. Now a) I 8гпЫсе sometimes... b) Гт often late for my classes... c) I eat a lot of junk food. It’s not very good for my health... d) I’ve put on a bit of extra weight... e) I read very little, and 1 read only magazines for teenagers. 0 I go to parties too often... g) Sometimes I am really unfair towards my parents... h) 1 play computer games too much... i) I don’t give enough time to my English... j) I pay little attention to my younger brother... HiJ [b lD HI] [Ю Q 5. 6. 8. 10. From next Monday ril quit eating all these cakes, sweets, rolls, and chocolate. Г11 jog in the morning and cycle in the evening, instead of watching TV. I’ll quit playing computer games and will leam how to programme. ril study properly. I’ll go to a party only if all the lessons are done. Г11 study the language properly. I’ll leam twenty new words every day. I’ll give up smoking. Г11 spend more lime with my brother. Г11 take him to the Zoo or to the cinema next week. Г11 read classical literature - Lev Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoevsky. Now it’s just the time for these authors. I’ll leam to cook and will have proper meals every day. Г11 get up half an hour earlier and will always get to school on time. I’ll be nice to my parents. I promise I’ll never be mde to them. j b) A year has passed, but nothing has changed in Jim’s life. Write that you did not believe he would keep his word anyway. Example: I did not believe he would quit eating sweets and would jog and cycle. 48 UNIT 3 SecNon 6 < 5 I Complete the dialogue and act it out Two classmates are speaking before the lessons: — You know, I met a fortune-teller yesterday. — Oh, and what did you ask her about? — I asked her a lot of things I’ve always been curious about. 1 asked When exactly did dinosaurs I'dainasorz] (динозавры) die out? ■Л r Was Robinson a ical man or not? ^^Did the Maya know j anything about navigation? j • i • V -‘ii. \ What languages did ancient ^ Greeks speak? Will we have a test on Physics tomorrow? — Well, and did she answer all these questions?! — No. She gave me three volumes of Encyclopedias and said “No doubt.” No doubt about what, do you think? UNIT 3 Section 6 49 Section 7 JJ Write the words* jfcl? 2 j Write the missing word. The first one is done for you. [кэпк‘1и:зп] r [di'sisn] [,5е11Ъге1Хп] (.infa'mei/n) [,invi4eijnl [.knmpi'tijanl (ks’lek/n) verb noun 1, apologize apology 2. education 1 3. 1 approval 4. suggest 1 1 i 5. conclude 1 ( « 1 6. broadcast ’ 7. celebrate 8. explanation 9. review Join the following sentences with whichy whOy that. 1. I prefer magazines. The magazines are designed specially for teenagers. ] prefer magazines that are designed specially for teenagers. 2. I like people. The people are well-read. 1 1 3. Sometimes I have to read technical texts. The texts are rather difficult. 4. I often borrow some books from the library. The library is just round the comer. 5. The scientists found a book. The book was written about eight centuries ago. 6. I enjoy reading articles. The articles explain some strange things about nature. 1 7. I approve of people. The people have their own opinion and are able to defend it. ^ _ « i 1 50 UNIT 3 Section 7 ^Guess who said it. Match the phrase, the character who said it, and the writer who created the character. Write a few words about the writer and the character. Quotation Character Author 1. “I will take the ring, though 1 do a) Sherlock Holmes (Adventures 1) Rudyard Kipling not know the way.” of Sherlock Holmes) 2. “You know my methods, Watson.” b) Mowgli (The Jungle Book) 2) John Ronald Tolkien 3. “We are of one blood, you and I.” c) Frodo (The Lord of the Ring) 3) Arthur Conan Doyle UNIT 3 Section 7 51 Ing to Become a Successful Person Section 1 1 J Read the transcription and write the words. [аетЪ1/а8) ambitious [£етЪ1Яэ)п] [kan,graetjuleit| congratulate [kan,grsetju'leij(3)n] [in'vaitj invite [invi4eij(a)n] [m‘fo;m] inform [,mf3'mei/(a)n] I'klsesifai] classify [,ki0esrii'keij'(3)nl iJ Read the words and think what traits of character can help people become successful. Write the words in two columns. Some of them can be used in both, some can Gt none of them. adventurous, ambitious, calm, careful, brave, funny, cruel, kind, religious, creative, imaginative, clever, cool, handsome, intelligent, serious, talented, jealous, silly, shy, practical, attentive, emotional, patient, independent, polite, talkative, curious, tolerant 1 traits of character that can help people be successful traits of character that can prevent people from being successful 3J Read the words. a) Write the words in order of their importance for success. The first one is the most important. I good health education luck parents social position strong character money 52 UNIT 4 Section 1 b) Explain why you think so. Example: I believe that good health can help you in your future job. IVs especially important if you want to be an emergency worker^ a journalist, or a space traveller 4^ Write what yon would do if... The first one is done for you. (See Grammar Reference on p. 123, Students Book.) Example; a) if you were a famous producer If I were a famous producer, I would make a fdm about our class which would star the person sitting next to me. b) if you were a famous writer c) if you could speak seven languages d) if you discovered a new star e) if you were the director of your school 0 if Bill Gates were your best friend g) if you were offered to be the Head of your city (town, village) UNIT 4 Section 1 53 5 J Being famous can be both pleasant and unpleasant, a) Label the pictures Mfith some phrases from the box. people recognize you in the streets everybody wants to be your friend you never feel lonely people always invite you somewhere j ii) □ many of your friends are false friends people want to be your friends only because you are famous sometimes you want to be left alone □ □ □ 1) __J b) Write what is g€K>d about being famous and what can be unpleasant in it. It seems to me that it is great to be famous. _______________________ On the other hand it can cause some problems. Section 2 1J Complete the words- (‘tempntfa) tempera... (Тз:п1Йэ] fur... [adVen^a] ad... I'piktfa] p... 54 UNIT 4 Sections 1, 2 2 J Michael has got a lot of relatives. Unfortunately he is not very good ^ in remembering ^ho of them is who. Turn his long explanations into short ones. Use the words from the box. niece great-grandmother mother-in-law stepson (пасынок) Michael brother-in-law nephew cousin ^дипГ* 1. Jill is my mother’s sister. 2. Jean is my elder sister’s daughter. 3. Sam is my younger sister’s son. 4. John is my sister’s husband. 5 Mary is my wife’s mother. 6. Ron is my wife’s son from the first marriage. 7. Victoria is my mother’s grandmother. 8. Kate is the daughter of my mother’s sister. 9. This is my grandmother’s only grandson. Jill is MichaeVs aunt. Match the English word combinations and their Russian equivalents. a) to shout at the children (parents) b) to eat proper meals c) well-balanced food d) proteins and vitamins e) fizzy drinks 0 to obey the parents g) to take out the rubbish h) extravagant clothing i) pierced ['piost] belly j) tom jeans k) to ^ve a detailed rqport 1. шипучие напитки (Sprite, Coca-Cola, etc) 2. давать подробный отчет 3. экстравагантная одежда 4. подчиняться родителям 5. кричать на детей (родителей) 6. джинсы с дырками и разрезами 7. пирсинг на пупке 8. хорошо сбалансированная еда 9. выносить мусор 10. протеины (белки) и витамины 11. есть как положено (не всухомятку) И J 4 JUse the word combinations from Ex. 3 and write about one of your relatives, friends, or neighbours. a) what he / she looks like UNIT 4 Section 2 55 b) his / her traits of character c) his / her habits 5 )Write ^hat you will do when you are a parent yourself. Make use of Ex. 23 on p. 99, Students Book, 1. I will make my child_____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________ 3. 4. 1. 1 will never make my child 2. 3. 4. 1. 1 will let my child 2. 3. 4. Section 3 km. 1 j Circle the word in which the letter “u” is read differently. Pronounce the words. punish, hurry, bully, struggle, butter, lucky, ugly, adult, club, culture, discuss 2 J Find the missing words. Look up their meaning in your vocabulary. 1. to abuse abusive abuse 2. to threaten threatening 3. blackmail 4. defensive defence 5. to frighten fright 6. preventive prevention 56 UNIT 4 Sections 2, 3 3 J IVfatch the words. Make as many variants as possible. Write 5 sentences with any of these word combinations. abusive —- measures preventive — letter frightening — words defensive behaviour threatening dream 4 jlVanslate the sentences. Use the words of Ex. 36 on p. 102, Student’s Book. 1. Джон получил оскорбительное анонимное (anonymous) письмо и был очень расстроен и напуган. 2. Хулиганы (bullies) всегда выбирают людей, которые не могут себя защитить. 3. Подростки чувствуют себя очень обиженными, если одноклассники дают им клички. 4. Учителя и ученики должны постараться предотвратить кражи, угрозы и шантаж в школе. 5 а) Read the story and fill in the words in the appropriate forms. defend frighlen threaten fight bully bully pick on Jason was standing on the bridge. His new bicycle was splashed with mud and Jason felt annoyed and angry. A boy, a bit younger than Jason, came up to the bridge to cross it. “Hey! It’s my bridge,” said Jason in a (1)____________________voice. “If you want to cross it, give me your pocket money.” He was not a bully, he just wanted to see if the boy would pay. UNIT 4 Section 3 57 The boy was (2)___________________ (3)________________him. He was afraid to (4) . He looked around, but there was nobody to ______________with the bully, and turned his pockets inside out. The boy looked hurt and unhappy and Jason felt uneasy about it but took the money. Next day it was the same story. That time Jason (5)_____________a shy little boy. Several days later Jason did not feel ashamed at all, he even enjoyed (6)__________ Jason was at his usual place on the bridge. His new bicycle was glittering in the sun beside him. “Hey!” a tall youngster was coming up to him. “It’s my street and I don’t let anybody cycle here. You’ve broken the rule you will be punished. Your bike will be mine.” He wasn’t a (7)_______________________, he just wanted to see if Jason would give him his bike. ___J b) Look at the pictures, find in the text and write down the words of the boys. c) Answer the questions on the story. 1. Why did Jason begin buUying people? 2. Did he feel ashamed? 3. What did his bullying end up by? 4. Do you think Jason was punished fairly? 5. Do you think he quitted bullying? 6. Do you agree with the phrase “Treat people the way you want them to treat you”? 58 UNIT 4 Section 3 Section 4 Jj Write the words. Tty to do it without consulting the vocabulary. [‘sAndij I ['mAndi] » : ['tjirzdil ('wenzdi) 1 (’63:zdi] [Traidi] — I'sdetddi] 2 Do the crossword puzzle. Across: ]. Americans have been celebrating ... Day since 1620. Down: I 8 10 U At Christmas people often place a small fir... at home and decorate it with candles, lights and coloured balls. 2. The Pilgrims’ ship “The Mayflower” lefta port on the south coast of England, and made her way towards America. 3. To get to America the Pilgrims had to cross the ... Ocean. 4. People in Ru.ssia call this entertainment with the Japanese word — when they sing popular songs to the accompaniment of the recorded music, 5. People of different countries consider... the main holiday of a year. 6. Neil... can be called the greatest traveller of the Earth. He is the first man who set foot on the Moon, in 1969. 7. The ... helped the Pilgrims survive in America. 8. When people have family holidays, it is not necessary to wear formal suits. They often prefer ... clothes. 9. People usually have a formal dress to wear for a special... . 10. At Christmas time people buy a lot of... for their families and friends. Write a question on each situation. Use the present perfect or the past perfect* The first one is done for you. (See Grammar Reference on pp. 119-120, Student^s Book*) 1. Mark did not come to my birthday party. Had you invited him? 2. The cake is tasteless. put / some sugar and butter 5 6 UNIT 4 Section 4 59 3. Гт going to Sam’s birthday party tomorrow, buy / a present 4. Carol and Martin’s wedding is on Friday, send / an invitation 5. My guests came too early yesterday, made / a cake 6. Chris and Jane came yesterday. They wanted me to tell them about my visit to Plymouth, take / the photos of the city 7. My parents want to go to the theatre on their wedding anniversary, book / the tickets 8. I was in a Chinese Restaurant last Saturday. The food was very tasty, try / Chinese food / before ^ a) Read the conversation from a broadcasting studio. Write what is John Filby’s favourite holiday, and how the family celebrates it. The Host: Well, today, in this studio we have John Filby, a popular guitarist, who has lots of young fans. He is often asked about his private life and about his family. That is why today we’ll be speaking on both topics - about his family holidays. What is your favourite holiday, John? J.F.: For me the main holiday of the year is my Granny’s birthday. H: Is it? It sounds a bit unusual. Why? J.F.: It's the day when all the members of the family get together, and I have a chance to see all of them at once. H: You mean that your family is quite large, don’t you? 60 UNIT 4 Secfior 4 J.F.: Yes, Granny had six children. So, on this day all my aunts and uncles with their families fly. drive, and sail to the little cottage in the country. H: How do you celebrate this family occasion? J.F; We buy and cook a lot of food. There are a lot of delicious things there, but the hit is always the same — it is Granny’s apple pie. It’s the favourite dish of everyone in the family, we call it ‘‘Home, sweet home”. And we lay a huge round table in the garden under the old pear tree, and there is a lot of talking and laughing and singing. H: You must have a lot of cousins, have you? J .F.; Yes, there are about fifteen or seventeen young people. Most of them are keen on music, and we arrange grand concerts for our Grandma, ft’s great to feel that you are with people who love and care for you, and it makes no difference for them how old you are, how talented you are and how lucky you are. H: 1 have to confess that I envy you. The feeling that the family supports you is great. b) Think of three questions to John Filby. Write them down. 1. ______________________________________________________________ 2. 3. 5 ] Write about one of your family celebrations (your birthday, your relative's birthday, Christmas, etc). Use the interview from Ex. 4 as the guideline. UNIT 4 Section 4 61 Section 5 1 'Read the transcription and write the word combinations. [k9m'pju.t9 ,geimz] ['pnkit 'nunil [Тае;(э)пэЫ 'klaodz] ['sianas di'si5(3)nl Write the words with the opposite meanings formed with the prefixes un-, in-, im-« Make up sentences with five of these words. dependent ! 1 sociable reliable equal possible fair 1 important I educated 1 successful human 3jFill in the gaps with *‘do” or “makeV(See Ex. 64 on p. 107, Students Book.) I. He cannot defend himself. It is not fair to_____________fun of him. I feel awfully tired. Can you_______________some tea for me? It’s your final test on Mathematics. You should____________your best and get the highest grades. It is easy to________________friends when you are on holidays, but they are often lost afterwards. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. It’s very late already. Г11 My Mum asked me to _ homework. some telephone calls and go to bed. some washing and some ironing. So I have no time for my 4j Continue the chain according to the model. Make the chains as long as possible. (See Ex. 44 on p. 52, Student’s Book.) Example: 1. If my parents had allowed me to work last year, I would have found a summer job. If I had found a summer job, I would have earned some money. If I had had money, I would have bought a computer If I had had a computer, my cousin would have broken it when he stayed with us. If he had broken my computer, we would have quarreled... 2. If I knew something about computer programming. 62 UNIT 4 Section 5 3. If my parents had given me a puppy for my birthday. 4. If I were responsible for the family budget. 5 *a) Complete the essay about what independence means for you. The phrases in the box can help you. Feel free to change anything you don^t agree with. to choose friends to choose where to go for holidays how to celebrate your own birthday to choose what to wear to wear make up what to do after leaving school when to do the homework to grow up to be healthy m body and mind to argue with your parents to do the housework to take care of someone to earn money to support your family Teenagers often seek independence, but being independent is not easy. On one hand, independence means freedom within reasonable limits, of course. I think that when you are 13 (14, 15) you can feel free to__________________________________________________ On the other hand, independence always means responsibility. If you feel grown up enough to make decisions, you should__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Teenagers and younger children should learn to be independent as they should learn to be confident in their adult life. However, we should not forget that we don’t live on a desert island and that rights are impossible without responsibilities. UNIT 4 63 Издатольство ‘Титул* выпускает единую линию унебно'методических комплектов “Английский с удовольствием"/**Еп|оу EngKsh" для 2-11-х классов: для 2-4 классов (старая редакция) — *Еп|су ЕлдН$Л-Г. "Enfoy Engli^-2* (Part 1. Part 2), ю<ип1 для учителя. Прописи, рабочие тетраха^. аудиокассеты, сборник гтесен “Game-Son^* с аудиокассетой для 2-4 классов (новая редакция с июня 2006 года} — учебнию1, книги для учителя, рабочие тетради, аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, СО MP3), сборник песен ‘‘Gante-Songs" с аудиокассетой для 5-6 классов — учебник, книга для учителя, книга для чтетя для 6 класса, рабочая тетрадь, аудиокассета, видеокассета для 7 класса — учебм«. книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь, аудисжассета. видеокассета для 8 класса — учебник, книга для умтеля, рабочая тетрадь, аудисжассета. видесжассета для 8 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь № 1, рабочая тетрадь № 2 "Контрольные работы", аудиокассета, видеог^ссета для 10 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, ребочая тетрадь. СО MP3 Авторская программа курса По вопросам приобретения книг следуег обрешаться в издательсгао "Титул"* 249035. г Обнинск Калужской о<^ , д'я 5055. тел.- (46439) 9-1(М)0. факс (48439) 9'10*00. е-таЛ pochtae^itul те (книга почтой). umK^ftulru (оптовые гюкупателн). iSf.N Ч’?Г.^Г. Ы & 663529 Издательство “Титул'