Английский язык 7 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 7 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Enjoy English (Энджой инглиш):

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М. 3. Биболетова, Е. Е. Бабушис Английский язык общеобразовательных учреждений и 3 Д А Т т и Е Л т ь с т у В 0 Л Т 1 Р и в L т 1 S и Н Е L R S 2010 ББК81.2АНГЛ-922 Б59 УДК 802.0(075.3) Учебно-методический комплект “Английский с удовольствием” / “Enjoy English” (7 класс) состоит из следующих компонентов: ф учебника ^ книги для учителя ф рабочей тетради # аудиоприложения (аудиокассета, CD MP3) ф видеоприложения По вопросам приобретения УМК “Английский с удовольствием” / “Enjoy English” (7 класс) следует обращаться в издательство “Титул”; тел.: (48439) 9-10-09, факс: (48439) 9-10-00, e-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели) Биболетова М. 3., Бабушис Е. Е. Б59 Английский язык: Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English для 7 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2010.— 80 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-465-6 Рабочая тетрадь является составной частью учебно-методического комплекта “Английский с удовольствием” для 7-го класса общеобразовательных учреждений, в которых английский язык изучается со 2-го класса. Основное назначение рабочей тетради — помочь учащимся закрепить и активизировать языковой и речевой материал учебника, автоматизировать лексико-грамматические навыки, развивать умения учащихся в чтении и письменной речи. Широкий спектр разнообразных заданий, требующих от учащихся творческого отношения при их выполнении, в том числе наличие заданий повышенной трудности, занимательных кроссвордов, комиксов, заданий на восполнение историй позволяет реализовать личносх'но-ориентированный подход при работе с учащимися с разным уровнем подготовки и с разными интересами. В тетрадь включены типы заданий, часто используемые в ЕГЭ и ряде других известных сисз’емах тестирования, что готовит учащихся к объективному контролю и самоконтролю в процессе изучения английского языка. Рабочая тетрадь соответствует уровню подготовки учащихся, тематике общения и содержанию языкового образования в целом, рекомендованным для данного года обучения Государственным стандартом общего образования по иностранным языкам. ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 ISBN 978-5-86866-465-6 Биболетова М. 3., Бабушис Е. Е., 2004. Издательство “Титул”, дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение, 2004. Биболетова М. 3., Бабушис Е. Е., 2005, с изменениями. Издательство “Титул”, дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение, 2008, с изменениями. bMTjeenagers’ Competition Section 1 1 {Find the words with the opposite meaning. Write down the pairs. I -soGiable polite industrious 1 I unfriendly intelligent unlucky i I friendly lazy kind -sfey^ lucky j I silly cruel rude j ^JUse the verbs in the past or future simple. 1. This summer I lived at my granny’s in the country. Every morning I____________(get up) and________________ (run) to the river. I____________(swim) in any weather and then_______________(go back) for breakfast. I______________(®^t) delicious cakes and (drink) some warm milk. Then I (feed) my puppy and we ______________(be glad) to help my grandmother in the garden. 2. Next summer I will go to the sports camp. I____________Coin) their football team and ______________(take part) in all sports competitions in the camp. I think we ______________(have) lots of concerts, parties and other entertainments there. ______________you_______________(go) to this camp with me? Disagree with the sentences and write the correct information. The first one is done for you. Use it as a model. 1. John got up very early yesterday. NOy he didn’t get up early. He got up very late. 2. Jane went to the mountains in July to ski. UNIT 1 Section 1 3. Jack lost the competition on Friday. 4. Jane likes oranges very much 5. Laura watches poUtical programmes every evening. 6. Paul will take part in the swimming competition next Saturday. 7. When Martin goes fishing, he’ll leave his puppy at home. |fU1 in the words from the box. I try my chance out of luck lose miss a very good chance a waste of time | a) I never take part in any competitions. I’m always_________________ that is why it’s not worth trying. Any competition for me is ______________________for me. Last year I tried to take part in a sports competition in our school. Certainly, I lost it. b) I always take part in different competitions. Sometimes I win the competition and sometimes I______________________it. It’s not very important for me if I win or lose. The main thing is to ______________________, because if you don’t believe in your luck, you can_______________________ UNIT 1 Section 1 ^ |Read the exercise above and write who you agree with. Use words and word combinations from Ex. 3-5, p. 7, Student’s Book. 6 I Complete the advertisement. Use the variants from the boxes or your own ideas. over 12 under 12 over 6 and under 20 your variant in the English Language Competition in Shakespeare’s Party in the Karate Competition in the Computer Programmer’s Competition your variant at the school stadium in the conference hall of our school in the computer class in the Central Concert Hall your variant your name and address your name and the description of the computer programme, you are going to demonstrate your name and the information about how tall and how heavy you are your name and the text of the poem you are going to recite your variant Ji UNIT 1 Section 1 1 1 Match the words. Some words can be used more than once. - humorous ' '■exeti^;gfg#?:' ‘ scient event novel drink music cake story report flower Make up questions to ask for more information. Write them down. Use the past simple, the present simple, or the future simple. The first one is done for you. 1. — Jane knows the subject very well but she didn’t write the test. — Why? Was she nervous?______________________________________________________ (nervous) 2. — Granny went to bed very early yesterday. - Why?_________________________________________ 3. — My younger brother asks a lot of different questions. - Why? _____________________________________________________ 4. — I’ve broken my Mum’s favourite cup. I’m afraid to tell her about it. - Why? ______________________________________________________ 5. — Terry is going to take part in the horse races. I worry about it. - Why? ______________________________________________________ ? (tired) ? (curious) ? (angry) ? (dangerous) Ask questions about the details. Use the past simple, the present simple, or the future simple. 1. I saw Michael Jackson this morning. Where ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. When I’m grown-up, I will travel to other countries. What countries _______________________________________________________________________ 3. She likes books and reads a lot. What kind of books____________________________________________________________________ 4. I saw this film with my friends. When__________________________________________________________________________________ 5. I go to the swimming pool every Wednesday. Who_____________________________________ with? 6. I will arrange the birthday party myself. How _______________________________________ UNIT 1 Section 2 4 |Маке up the adjectives jfirom the words given in the box. Fill in the blanks. Entitle the story. Meet my friend Jess. I’ve known her since her birthday and we get along very well with each other. Jess is very (0) helpful and (1)____________________. She wakes me up at seven o’clock every morning, so I don’t need an alarm-clock (будильник). Even on Sundays she doesn’t allow me to sleep a little longer. She is very (2)___________________in the morning. She mews loudly because she wants to get her milk as soon as possible. After breakfast she becomes very (3)_____________________ and wants to play. Jess is very curious and that’s why sometimes she gets in rather (4) _______________________ situations. So, once she got into the washing machine and fell asleep there. She was (5)______________________that we did not switch it on while she was there. Jess is (6)_________________and very (7)____________________ She prefers jazz and enjoys helping me when I draw. She uses her tail as a brush and all my paintings have got her marks. Jess can be naughty, but I don’t feel angry with her. She is (8)____________________and she knows it. I Translate into English. 1. Когда я нервничаю, я ем много конфет.— % 1 help response talk friend danger luck music create beauty j 2. Когда я устаю, я слушаю тихую музыку.— 3. Когда я злюсь, я считаю до двадцати. 4. Когда мне груустно, я звоню друзьям. 5. Когда я счастлив(а), я прыгаю, пою и танцую.— UNIT 1 Section 2 Section 3 break heard find known paid shake shown wore won #j Complete the sentences with the adjectives from the box. 1 musical curious serious independent cunning helpful | 1. Mike never follows anybody’s advice and never listens to anybody’s opinion. He is very 2. Little Jane asks her parents and teachers a lot of questions about everything. She is very 3. I don’t want to be friends with Jack any longer. He tells lots of lies. He is not honest in competitions. He is very____________________________ 4. If you are in a difficult situation and you need help, call Danny. He is very 5. Juha has a good voice, she loves and understands music. She is very 6. He doesn’t like jokes and funny stories. He is very----------------- > 3 |Sally thinks that all her friends are not good enough and wants to improve them. Complete her sentences with the words from the box. 1 be more sociable I be less talkative I be less nervous I be more polite I improve her memory I be smarter I be more independent I_________ ^ ______ Л 1. Jack is nice but he talks too much. He should UNIT 1 Section 3 2. Jane is nice but sometimes she is rather stupid. She should 3. Margaret is nice but she always forgets things. She should 4. Frank is nice but he always does everything his friends tell him to do. He should 5. Danny is nice but he cannot say a word to people whom he doesn’t know well. He should 6. Mary is nice but sometimes she is rather rude. She should 7. Julia is nice but she worries about everything. She should 4 I Make up questions to ask for more information. Mind the tenses. The first question is done for you. a) 1. Amelia often takes part in different concerts, (she / sing or dance) Does she sing or dance? 2. Tim is in his room. It is very quiet there, (he / sleep) _____________________________________________________________________________________________? 3. My younger brother is very naughty, (you / get along with him) ? 4. Hush! She asked not to come into her room and not to speak loudly, (she / teach her parrot to speak) ? 5. Listen! What a funny noise. (Tim / try to play the guitar) b) 1. Mark looks a bit strange, (he / get a new haircut) Has he got a new haircut?__________________________________ 2. She jogs every morning in any weather, (she / lose any weight) 3. Mick can’t find his dog anywhere, (he / write an advertisement about the lost dog) 4. The guests will come any minute, (we / arrange everything for the party) 5. I can't find the cake that Mum made yesterday, (you / eat the whole of it) UNIT 1 Section 3 Sj Translate into English: 1. — Вы с Джимом хорошие друзья? — Нет, мы встречались только один раз. 2. Джейсон — хороший пловец, он ходит в бассейн два раза в неделю в любую погоду. 3. Ему только двенадцать, а он уже четыре раза принимал участие с соревнованиях на знание английского языка. Он выиграл их все. 4. Я упустил свой шанс выиграть соревнования по бегу, но я попытаюсь еш;е раз. Section 4 Match. Each word can be used only once. Г. to tiiink " cj 2.{ - 3. to miss Г ! 4. ' to become' 5^9 ^o impFoye 6., tp disagree 7. to develop ‘ 8Vbto respect ] a) informational technologies b) adults c) a competition d) English e) with somebody’s opinion f) independent g) about the future h) a chance Ш Ш Ш Ш Ш Ш Ш b) Write four sentences with any of the word combinations. ^ .10 UNIT 1 Sections 3, 4 а What subjects will be important in the future? a) Write down the subjects from the box according to their importance for the future life. 1__________________________________________ 2__________________________________________ 3__________________________________________ 4__________________________________________ 5__________________________________________ 6__________________________________________ 7__________________________________________ 8__________________________________________ 9__________________________________________ 10__________________________________________ 11__________________________________________ Physical Education Information Technology Foreign Languages Mathematics History of Space Discoveries Biology I Literature and Culture ^ Arts I Geography and Space Maps | Physics I History of Space Travelling | b) Write two more subjects that children will study in the future classroom. 3 I Read the word combinations about the future. Write them in two columns: r progress-in-dtfiferent-areas new serious diseases stressful life water pollution new discoveries in medicine space travelling new war technologies new electronic technologies space discoveries development of computers air pollution dangerous technologies L J 1. When I think about the future, I think about 2. I’m looking forward to 3. I’m afraid of UNIT 1 Section 4 -Й Write if you believe it or not. The first one is done for you. 1. People won’t have any diseases. 1 don’t believe that people won't have any diseases. 2. Children won’t go to school, they will study at home.—. 3. There will be no teachers, computers will teach children. 4. Children will study a special subject Space Travelling. 5. Robots will do all the housework.—. 6. Most people will be very athletic. 7. Most people will travel by bicycles.—. »ine that you’ve got a Time Machine and you’ve managed to get to the future. Ask your grandson the questions to check if your sentences above (Ex. 5) are right or wrong. 1. Do people have any diseases?____________________________________________________________ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1 ] Write pairs of words that rhyme with each other. taught caught r 1 I taught competition fight j I never mouth | I south composition caught | I announce light | I pronounce clever | UNIT 1 Sections 4, 5 I Match. Some words can be used more than once. Write sentences with six word combinations. ' 1Г optimistic 2/ age , ^ I 3. electronic endangered' a) technology b) diseases c) discoveries d) opinion e) animals f) of communication 3 j Make up the questions and ask your friends. The first one is done for you. 1. you ^ Ы M an^ competition ^ ^ ever 1|жеп part ' J ■ _ ^ J ■' ^ J Have you ever taken part in any competition?__________________________ 2. " ever ^“"won ' "you a prize ' ' hive 3. a camera ^ ever you Cwon : ^"have 4. have ■ ^ost hver a competition I - you f Mss-. 5. . %6ken ^ have '^’%ver r tbva^famdus person 1 ?:vyou 4 I Use the verbs in the appropriate tenses. 1. The competition _ participants, so it (start) tomorrow. There , (be) difficult to win. (be) lots of 2. Danny is a very good runner. I’m sure he 3. Liza is nervous and upset. She________ (look for) it everywhere now. (get) through to the final. (lose) her camera and she UNIT 1 Section 5 4. She (take part) in ten competitions last year. She (make) a lot of new friends and any of them but--------- participating very much. Section 6 Solve the problems and write them as it is shown in the model. Example: 1.102 + 135 = 237 One hundred and two plus one hundred and thirty five is two hundred and thirty seven. 2. 70 + 47 =____________________________________________________________ (not / win) — (enjoy) 3. 3,586 + 89 = 4. 9,000,000 - 8,800,000 = 5. 4,874 - 2,672 = 6. 1,000,000 - 5,647 = [Complete the sentences. Write the dates in letters. Example: Mark Twain was born in eighteen thirty-five. 1. I was bom in ____________________________________________ 2. My mother was born in 3. My grandfather was born in 4. I went to school in _______ 5. I will leave school m ^.iRead the information in Ex. 39 on p. 16, Student’s Book, and answer the questions. Write all the numerals in letters. a) 1. How many people Hve in Moscow? —____________________________________________ 2. How many people Uve in Washington? — 3. How many people Uve in Moscow and Washington together? — 4. How many people Uve in London and Moscow together? — 5. How many people Uve in your city / town / viUage? UNIT 1 Sections 5, 6 b) 1. How old is London now? — 2. How old will London be in two thousand and fifteen? 3. When will Washington be three hundred years old? 4. When will Ottawa celebrate its three hundredth birthday? — 5. When did Sydney celebrate its two hundredth birthday? — 6. Has Wellington celebrated its one hundred and fiftieth birthday? When? — 7, When will Moscow celebrate its two thousandth birthday? — 4 i Compare the cities. The first sentence is done for you. Example: 1. WelUngton / Sydney Wellington is larger than Sydney. 2. Washington / Moscow_________________________ I large small cold warm big \ 3. Winters in Moscow / Winters in Ottawa. 4. Summers in London / Summers in Moscow. 5. The population of Moscow / The population of Wellington_ Section 7 11 Write the words into two columns. I fit luck forty feel I large fill feet UNIT 1 Sections 6, 7 |а) Write what your best friend likes or doesn’t like. Use the verbs from the box in the -ing form. ; и hates . teally like ; --;eigoysV йШРЗУ' play the guitar i swim in the swimming pool j write true stories for the school newspaper ■ wash up after meals | speak on the phone | argue with teachers \ get up early ] 1. It seems to me that my friend loves playing the guitar. 2. In my opinion my friend 3. As I see it_____________ 4. I believe that 5 ______________ 6 ______________ 7. b) Check if you are right. Write down the questions to your friend and ask them. 1. Do you like playing the guitar?__________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________;____________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. c) Mark with “+” every sentence from part (a) that was right. 3 I Rephrase the sentences — make them shorter using the -ing form. The first one is done for you. 1. Do you mind if I open the window? Do you mind (my) opening the window? 2. Does she mind if we travel by air?------------------------------------------------------- 3. Does she mind if he takes part in the competition?. 4. Does he mind if we come to dinner? 5. Does he mind if we borrow his car? Ш UNIT 1 Section 7 jXhe biographies of Andrei Sakharov and Winston Churchill are mixed up here. Separate the biographies and write them down. (See Ex. 42-44 on p. 18, Student’s Book.) Andrei Saharov was born on the 21st of May, 1921 in Moscow. Winston Churchill was born on the 30th of November, 1874 in Britain, in a rich and famous family. He graduated from the Moscow State University and became one of the most famous researchers in physics. In 1895 he graduated from Sandhurst Military Academy and in five years time, in 1900, became a member of Parliament. As a scientist he understood the danger of atomic wars and fought against them. He was the Prime Minister during the Second World War. He also fought for human rights, progress and peace all over the world. In 1975 A. Saharov won the Nobel Peace Prize. 1 ja) Match the parts of school superstitions. a) Walking late on Sunday, when the Moon is full, means - . ' ; . b) Seeing magpies or an^r other birds oh Friday ;the 13th at the lesson of Mathematics means ' c) Eating five ice creams at once, early in j - the morning on the last day of the month, d) Вг^^авд^'Дг^ in. the school Corridor on 11^§ first Tuesday of the month means 1. a forthcoming (скорый) visit of a doctor. 2. an unfriendly telephone call from your teacher to your parents. 3. bad luck for two weeks and problems with the teacher of Maths. 4. bad luck at the test next Monday. !'a)i I UNIT 1 Sections 7, 8 b) Write two more school superstitions. 1. _____________________________________ 2. Imagine that you are leaving for a students’ camp for a week. Make a list of instructions for you parents. Write what they should do and should not do while you are away. Use the word combinations from the box and your own ideas. (Do not show this to your parents.) get up early enough to take my dog for a walk walk the dog twice a day shout at my dog use my bicycle watch videos too late at night be polite to my friends when they call 3 fLook at the pictures and complete a scary story. UNIT 1 Section 8 This story happened in a dark wood in October. There was a Uttle village there, called Green Village where some little animals lived. Tim and Jim were little worms, they enjoyed travelhng on their own, without mothers, teachers, elder brothers and sisters. One day, just before Hallowe’en, Tim and Jim went for a walk. They imagined themselves as brave travellers discovering new lands. It was already very late and dark when____________ All the village people were standing round the little pumpkin, which they had prepared for the Hallowe’en lantern. They were listening to a strange noise and shouts coming out of the pumpkin. “It’s a real Hallowe’en,” they thought, “but we’ve never seen how ghosts and witches celebrate it inside a pumpkin.” UNIT 1 Section 8 Section 9 i Match. Write what we use these means of communication for. T a) telephone V b) post , .Л: . ' c) telegraph d) the Internet , \ 1. is used for sending and receiving letters, postcards and parcels. 2. is used for sending and receiving people’s voices over long distances. 3. is used for sending e-mail letters over long distances, it can carry the voice. 4. is used for sending information with a special code over long distances; it cannot carry the voice. 2 I Make up four sentences and write which means of communication are important for you. Use the phrases from the boxes. j post I telephone I telegraph i the Internet L, I often / seldom / never send letters and postcards I like / dislike receiving letters and postcards I often / seldom / never call my friends / parents / grandparents I often / seldom / never send or receive telegrams I often / seldom / never send and receive e-mails is very important for me because is not very important because is not important for me at all because Example: Telephone is very important for me 3 j Translate the sentences. See Ex. 67 on p. 23, Student’s Book. 1. Мой лучпшй друг живет далеко от меня, поэтому мы редко видим друг друга, но мы звоним друг другу каждый день. 2. У меня много друзей, и мы всегда помогаем друг другу в трудных ситуациях. 20. UNIT 1 Section 9 3. Твой друг не говорит по-русски, а ты не знаешь французский. Как вы общаетесь друг с другом? 4. Я могу говорить с моей мамой обо всем. Мы очень хорошо понимаем друг друга. 5. Все мои дяди, тети, двоюродные братья и сестры придут на мой день рождения в воскресенье. У меня большая семья, и мы всегда рады видеть друг друга. 4 jGive some advice. Example: — I promised my mum to be home at 5 p.m., and now it’s half past six. She is worrying, I’m afraid.— Ring her up and say that you are all right. 1. — I haven’t taken down the home task for tomorrow. I don’t know which exercises to do. 2. — New Year is coming. I want to say something nice to my granny, but she lives far from us and doesn’t have a phone. 3. — I want to inform my relatives that I will arrive in their city tomorrow. I remember their address but don’t remember the phone number. 4. — I want to send the text of this advertisement about the programmers’ competition to my cousin. She is very good at computers and will certainly get the first prize. The problem is that tomorrow is the deadline for entering the competition and it will take the letter three days to get to her town. UNIT 1 Section 9 Section 10 iMake up as many word combinations as possible. Write them down. phone guitar line book lights exchange telegraph number electric box fireplace call {Match the phrases. Act out the mini-dialogues. 1, Can I speak to Martin, please? Ч a) Yes, he will be home in half an hour. 2. Can you take a message for Jane? ( b) Certainly, and can I write down your phone 3. Could you ask Tim to call me > number? back, please? , \ c) Sorry, it’s the wrong number. She doesn’t Hve here. 4. Could I speak to Mrs Brown, please? , / d) Yes, certainly. I’ll just get a pen. 5. Tf Steve isn’t there, can I call later? ^ e) Hang on a moment. I’ll get him. E3 ED EE I Use the verbs in the appropriate tense. 1. It (be)______________my grandmother’s birthday yesterday. I (not / manage) ____________________________to come, but I (phone)___________________her to say “Happy Birthday!”. She was glad to hear from me. 2. — I want to call Jane and invite her to my party. — (you / know)________________________ — No, but I (ring up)_________________ a message for her. 3. — Can I speak to Paul, please? — I’m afraid he is not here. He (go)__ 4. — A traffic accident has just happened near my house! _ her telephone number? someone of her friends and (leave) to the swimming-pool. — (you / already / call) the police and the ambulance? 5. — Can you call the cinema and ask if they still have tickets for this film? — Let me see... I’m afraid I (lose)_____________the phone number of the cinema. [Find the phrases with the opposite meanings and write down the pairs. Make up sentences with any four of these phrases. ^ to leave a message to take a chance to be out of luck to receive e-mail to be in luck to send e-mail to take a message to miss a chance UNIT 1 Section 10 1. 2. 4. 5 j Complete the dialogue. Mind the information in the box. г • You will leave your house in several minutes and will be back very late (it’s your aunt’s birthday). • You have to inform your friend that there will be no lessons tomorrow and your class will have a picnic in the country. Everybody should wear sports clothes and take some food and drinks with him / her. You: Hello! This is .. Can I speak to Bob, please? Bob’s mother: I’m sorry, but he is not in. Shall I ask him to call back when he comes? You: No, I’m afraid I____________^_____________________________________________ Bob’s mother: I can take a message then. What’s up? You: Good news!____________________________ Bob’s mother: You won’t wear your school uniform, will you? You: No, we won’t.___________________________________ Bob’s mother: I think you will get hungry and thirsty there. You: Oh, yes! That is why______________________ Bob’s mother: I’ll give Bob some meat and cheese sandwiches and a big bottle of lemonade. You: ______________________________________________________________________ Bob’s mother: Thank you for calling us. Have a good time tomorrow! Bye, then. You: ______________________________________________________________________ UNIT 1 Section 10 ‘ I j Match, Every word should be used only once. ,td receive. “1 j computer games to use ■ 1 fax messages to phone ' ( wonderful opportunities to play _ 1 the Internet to offer ) the police 2 J What traits of character are important for these professions? Write the sentences as it is shown in the model. ! to be a doctor I to be a computer programmer ! to be a lawyer ' to be a vet • to be a fireman ! to be a politician 1 to be a teacher j understanding > tolerant сЦуег intelligent - ’ serious ' ^ * fair " . I communicative ,. taifeat^^^ 1. To be a good doctor a person should be clever and kind.____________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3 I Read the text of Ex. 85 on p. 27, Student’s Book, and complete the sentences. 1. Clare says that computer is interesting for her because____________________ brave polite c^ative^^^s' kind 2. Clare thinks that the Internet is very useful because 3. Jason is learning how to use the computer because 4. Jason thinks that the computer is not only useful but also very exciting because. 5. Mr O’Neal agrees that computers are very useful because 6. Mr O’Neal is sure that computers can be very dangerous because 7. Mrs O’Neal hates computers because UNIT 1 Section 1 1 ejefthe Winners of the International - ^magers^ Competition rite the words in three columns. Read them. Sophia London Turkey Asia South America Switzerland Japan Washington Canberra France Amsterdam Boston Ottawa Spain Europe New Zealand Norway Egypt Beijing Africa Australia Rome Antarctica North America Paris China Sydney Portugal ^2j Compare the countries as it is shown in the model. Example: India > Norway (warm) India is warmer than Norway, 1. Russia > Japan (large) 2. Finland > New Zealand (cold) 3. Egypt > the USA (old) 4. France > Bulgaria (expensive) 5. India > Germany (exotic) 6. The UK > China (wet)_____ 3 I Add the tags to the questions and answer the questions. The first one is done for you. 1. People speak German in Germany, _________________________________ Yes, they do.__________________________________________________________________ 2. Many people can speak English in Japan,_______________________________________ UNIT 2 Section 1 3. People speak Australian in Australia, People don’t sneak Russian in France. ? Peonle sneflk Mexicon in Mexico. 9 Manv people can speak French in Canada. ? in the articles if necessary. Last summer I was in (1)_________China. It is a beautiful country in (2) Asia. This is (3)_______ancient and modern country. It was founded several thousand years ago and is still one of the most developed countries. China is the third largest country in (4)------world, next to (5)_______Canada and (6)__________Russia. It occupies the eastern part of (7)-------Asia and 6,536 islands, the largest of which is Taiwan. (8) capital of China is (9) Beijing. 1 I a) Match the person, his / her occupation, and the country where he / she is from. Elizabeth II Mark Twain Rameses the Great Pablo Picasso painter ] ancient Egy]^ pharaoh [Теэгэи] Germany wild life (esp. sea life) researcher the USA j Jacques Cousteau Ludwig van Beethoven p the Queen writer b) Write what you remember about one of these people. UNIT 2 Sections 1, 2 21 Guess what country they have been to? Complete the sentences. See the Linguistic and Cultural Guide on pp. 134-136, Student’s Book. Example: 1. I saw the Niagara Falls. They are beautiful. Sam was in Canada. 2. I went for a walk in Nottingham Forest. It was exciting and I thought about Robin Hood. Paula_______________________________________ 3. I saw Red Square. It’s one of the most beautiful squares in the world. Alex________________________________________ 4. I saw the Coliseum. It was impressive. George .____________________________________ 5. I saw the Pyramids. I can’t understand how the ancient people built them without modern machines. Alison______________________________________ 6. I saw the Great Wall of China. It’s very long. Kevin ______________________________________ I Compare people from dijfferent countries. Use / think,.,, I believe..., I guess... Example: The Australians / the Polish (sociable) I think the Australians are more sociable than the Polish, or / think the Australians are less sociable than the Polish. 1. The French / the Finnish (talkative)------------------------------------------- 2. The Italians / the Germans (romantic) 3. The Japanese / the Russians (reserved) 4. The Americans / the English (conservative) 5. The Chinese / the Danish (creative) UNIT 2 Section 2 la) Read the dialogue and fill in the name of the country in the gap in the last line. b) Act out the dialogue. — It’s nice to meet you. Where are you from? — Oh! Try to guess what country I’m from. — Are you from a large or a small country? ~ Well, my country is very large. It occupies nearly a half of the continent. — Is it in Asia or in Europe? — Neither. It’s in North America. — What is the climate like in your country? — In winter it’s rather cold. It can be frosty and snowy, especially in the north of the country. And in summer it is warm and sometimes even hot. — Are there any mountains, deserts, or lakes there? — There are no deserts. My country is famous for its beautiful nature. There are mountains and forests and wonderful deep lakes. Have you ever heard about the Great Lakes? They are in my country. And the Niagara Fails are also there. I’m sure it’s one of the most beautiful views in the world. You should come and see it one day. — What languages do people speak in your country? — There are two state languages there — English and French. — I think I know what country you are from, but I’ll ask the last question to be sure. What is the capital of your country? Isn’t it Ottawa? — Certainly, it is. It’s modern, but green. There are beautiful buildings there, lots of museums and art galleries. In Ottawa there are a lot of young people from all over the world, who come to study in colleges and universities there. — Your country is______________________, isn’t it? ^jMake up the questions you can ask if you want to get the information about a country. 1. continent 2. large or small coufitry 3. population 4. state language capital 6. places of interest famous people 8. nature UNIT 2 Section? гг^Л;- f. 1?| Write the languages that are mother tongues for most of people in these countries. 1. Bulgaria | Bulgarian 6. Sweden | I 2. Poland 1 7. Greece | 1 3. Hungary 1 8. Holland 1 1 4. Spain I 9. Cuba j 5. Norway 1 10. India 1 ^jRead the names of the countries. Write where English is spoken as the official language. Use the map and the information in your Student’s Book, p. 38. I Australia the Netherlands Jamaica [фэ'техкэ] Norway Barbados [bcr'beidns] . Japan China Germany Trinidad and Tobago ['tnmdaed on to'beigou] ^ New Zealand [,nju: 'ziJond] the United States of America Canada Eire ['eoro] 1 Guyana [gai'aeno] the United Kingdom of Great Britain J 1. English is spoken in Australia as the official language. 2. ________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________________ 6. ________________________________________________________________ 7. ________________________________________________________________ 8. ________________________________________________________________ 9. 10. 3 I Tick the reasons why you study English and write two reasons yourself. I study English because I’ll need it for my future education. I study English because my parents want me to study this foreign language. I study English because I want to have good marks. I study English because I want to read English books in the original. I study English because it is very useful for travelling. I study English because I want to watch TV programmes on the BBC Channel. I study English because I want to make friends in different countries. I study English because I want to be able to order meals in a restaurant when I am abroad. UNIT 2 Section 3 What do I need it for? CZ>“ о . I Make one sentence from two. The first one is done for you. 1. Will you return me the book? I gave you this book yesterday. Will you return me the book which I gave you yesterday? 2.1 want to go to the party. The party will be at our school during the holidays. 3.1 want to see the film. You saw this film last week. 4. Have you read the advertisement? The advertisement invites you to take part in the language competition. 5. Do you know the student? He has won the first prize in the competition. 6. Do you know people? People can speak more than four languages. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the phrases of agreement or disagreement from the box. Explain your opinion. I I think... I guess... I believe... Fmsure... | j I don’t’think that... It’s impossible that... I’ll never believe that... I can’t agree that... | 1. There will be no countries in the future, people will live in one international world. 2. People will speak one artificial international language. 3. All the people of the world will speak English and will forget their own languages. UNIT 2 Section 3 Section 4 11 Match the words and their definitions and write what each of the words from the left column means. The first one is done for you. 1. the mother tongue-^ 2. the population 3. the official emblem ^ 4i- the ohPiciaHanguage i a) the sign of a country ^ b) people who had Uved in the country before it got its present name c) a language which a child learns naturally, in his / her family, not as a foreign language 5. the original population J d) people who live in the country, city, etc., not tourists e) the language which is spoken on radio, TV, and by official people, i; Ч and usually by most of the people in the country 1. The mother tongue is the language which a child learns naturally, in his / her family, not as a foreign language. 2. 3. 4. 2 I Read Ex. 31 on pp. 40-41, Student’s Book, and write if the information is true or false. If the sentence is false, give the true information. a) 1. The capital of the United States is New York. 2. The USA has the third largest population in the world. 3. American English and British English are absolutely the same. 4. Nobody in America can understand people who speak British English. 5. There are lots of people in the United States who can speak Spanish. b) 6. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. 7. Canada is famous for its deserts. 8. There are two official languages in Canada — EngUsh and Spanish. 9. The official emblem of Canada is the star. UNIT 2 Section 4 с) 10. New Zealand consists of two main islands and some small islands. 11. The school year in New Zealand starts in February. 12. The official languages in New Zealand are English and French. 13. New Zealand is famous for its advanced Informational Technologies. d) 14. The UK is the third largest country in the world. 15. Great Britain is an island state. 16. In Britain a tourist can meet only British people. 17. The English language includes a lot of words from many other languages. e) 18. Australia occupies the whole continent. 19. Australia has the second largest population in the world. 20. The capital of Australia is Canberra. 21. There is no official language in Australia. ’^Translate into English. 1. В США много разных национальностей, но большинство людей говорят на английском, как на родном языке. 2. Много людей во всем мире говорят на английском, как на втором языке. 3. Существуют некоторые различия между американским английским и британским английским. Когда мой друг был в Америке, он выучил несколько слов из американского английского. 4. Если ты говоришь по-английски, люди легко поймут тебя в США и Канаде. UNIT 2 Section 4 4 I Read the information from Ex. 37 on p. 42, Student’s Book, and write a letter to your pen friend and tell him / her about your country. Use the texts from Ex. 31 on pp. 4(1-41 as models. Hi! I'm from 1 I Look at the picture of Danny, a famous traveller. Ask him questions as the model shows. г Germany France Egypt Australia Switzerland Japan China 1., Have you ever been to Germany? When did you go there? 2. ___________________________________________________ 3. UNIT 2 Sections 4, 5 ж’' 4. 5. 6. 7. 2 I Look at the picture of Ben. He sits in front of the TV ail day long. He leaves his sofa very seldom. Write sentences about him as the model shows. Example: 1. Ben has never been to China. Ben has never been to Japan.— Ben has been neither to China nor to Japan. 2. Ben has never been to Australia. Ben has never been to New Zealand.—_______________________________________________ 3. Ben has never seen the Niagara Falls. Ben has never seen the Pyramids.— ______________________________________ 4. Ben doesn’t want to swim in a river. Ben doesn’t want to climb mountains.—____________________________________ 5. Ben can’t speak English. Ben can’t speak French.— 6. Ben doesn’t want to play football. Ben doesn’t want to play chess.— 7. Ben doesn’t want to learn German. Ben doesn’t want to learn Spanish.— 8. Ben can’t ski. Ben can’t skate.— ^^Read the list of possible reasons for learning English and against learning English. a) Write them in two columns: 1. Learning foreign languages takes too much time. 2. English is necessary for communication with people when you are abroad. 3. When you listen to songs in English, it’s better to understand the words. 4. If you know English, you can get information from different newspapers and from different radio stations. 5. Watching English and American films in the original is more interesting than watching them in translation. 6. There are lots of newspapers and radio programmes in Russian — there is no need to read newspapers and to listen to radio programmes in English. UNIT 2 Section 5 7. When you are abroad as a tourist, the guide helps in all situations and explains everything in Russian. 8. Most interesting films are translated into Russian. 9. Learning EngUsh is interesting and exciting. 10. When people listen to foreign songs, they enjoy the music and they don’t need words. I Write why you learn English. Use the exercise above and Ex. 45 on p. 45, Student’s Book. UNIT 2 Section 5 ii 1 j Write down all the irregular verbs from the box. Write past simple and past participle for each of them. __ __ __ __________ __ ____________ ____________________________^ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. It takes me five minutes to get dressed in the morning. 2. It takes me fifteen minutes to have my breakfast. 3. It takes me half an hour to get to school. 4. Usually it takes me three hours to do my homework. 5. It takes me two hours to write a composition. 6. It takes me forty minutes to walk my dog. 7. Usually it takes me 10 minutes to take a shower in the evening. B^Ask for more exact (точный) information as it is shown in the model. Example: 1. It was my birthday yesterday. The birthday cake was very large. How large was it? UNIT 2 Section 6 2. I don’t visit my grandparents very often. They live very far from me. 3. When I was in Japan, I climbed a very high mountain.— 4. I’m very good at swimming. Last summer I swam across a very wide river.— 5. I was very clever in my Maths exam.- 6. I was in Jamaica in June. It was very hot there.— 7. I have to study a lot. My exams will be quite soon.— 8. My dog doesn’t eat very much meat.—. 4 I Give some advice. Look for ideas in the box or find your own ones. Example: 1. I want to be a politician when I’m grown up. You should be good at languages and learn to speak in public. 2. I would like to go to China next summer. J A. You should read about the 1 history of this country before 1 going there. It will make your 1 trip much more interesting. 3. I want to be a programmer when I’m grown up. ’ B. You should learn some Italian j then. Not all of the historical 1 documents are translated into i Russian or English. 4. I’m going to France for the holiday. C. You should be good at j J languages and learn to speak in ' 1 public. 1 i I I D. You should study more than j one foreign language then. | -- Business partners from different * J countries understand each other 1 I better when they don’t need ! -j translation. \ 5. I want to be a successful businessman / businesswoman. 1 g you should learn at least several ______________________________________________________I phrases in French. All people I like when you try to speak the j language of their country. t _ _ * F. You should learn Informational ------------------------------------------------------1 Technologies and English, as 1 most vocabulary in modern 1 computing is English. L UNIT 2 SecHon 6 6. I want to study Italian fine arts of the eighteenth century. Section 7 ЩМаке up as many word combinations as possible. Write them down. I animal hterature students meeting film plant language situation story competition | exotic _______________________________________________________________________________________ foreign ______________________________________________________________________________________ official _____________________________________________________________________________________ exciting _____________________________________________________________________________________ 21 a) Fill in the words from the box. г it took him the award ceremony participants to collect himself was awarded the first prize meant collect his thoughts get the first prize to take part made was successful j Andrei had a natural talent for languages that is why studying English at school was not difficult for him. He didn’t do his homework very often but_________________________________________ in making up dialogues and speaking on different topics. His classmate Pavel knew English much worse and__________________________________________a lot of time to get ready for English lessons. When the teacher told the students about the English Language Olympiad both Andrei and Pavel wanted__________________________________________in it. Participants had to show their reading and conversational skills, their knowledge of English vocabulary and grammar, and to write an essay. Andrei was sure that he would_______________________________________and didn’t worry at all. The day and the hour of the Olympiad came. Andrei, Pavel and thirty other_______________ were sitting in a big hall reading a text. Andrei read it and suddenly realized that he couldn’t understand its meaning. There were too many words that he didn’t know. He saw that Pavel was already doing the task on the text. It_______________________ UNIT 2 Sections 6, 7 that he knew the words and the teacher had explained them at the lessons. Andrei tried ________________________________________________________to remember when it was, but couldn’t — he had been so lazy at the lessons. Things went from bad to worse. Andrei lost a lot of time working on the text,___________ _____________________ some mistakes in the grammar test, and couldn’t_____________________ __________________________________to write an essay. In the evening Andrei told his parents that the Olympiad tasks were very difficult and it was impossible for children of his age to do them. He was sure that nobody had managed. He thought the same when he came to__________________________________________on the next day and jumped up with surprise when Pavel________________________________________for his excellent work. May be natural talent is not the only necessary thing for studying languages? b) Read the text again and complete the sentences. 1. Andrei had no problems at his English lessons because__________________________________ 2. Andrei didn’t worry before the Olympiad because 3. Andrei wasn’t able to do the tasks of the Olympiad because 4. Andrei was very surprised at the award ceremony because 5. Pavel managed to get the award because с)" Write what is more important for studying languages - natural talent or everyday work. Use one of the beginnings from the box. i I think... I \ I believe... 1 I I guess... I I I’m not sure, but it seems to me that... i I I would say that.... j UNIT 2 Section/ % >. Translate into English. 1. Сколько сахара ты обычно кладешь в чай? 2. Сколько времени тебе требуется, чтобы добраться домой из школы? 3. Насколько безопасно путешествовать поездом? 4. Как рано ты обычно встаешь? 5. Сколько времени тебе требуется, чтобы выучить десять новых английских слов? 6. Сколько времени тебе требуется, чтобы написать историю на английском языке? 1>^Маке up sentences in the passive voice. 1. More than fifteen official languages / speak / in India. 2. A lot of texts of popular songs / write / in English. 3. Sometimes / Australia / call / “the Lucky Country”. 4. Russian scientists / know / all over the world. 5. A lot of Russian students / give / stipends for studying in Western Universities / every year. 6. Books of Russian writers / read / in many countries. UNIT 2 Sections 7, 8 ^jLook at the pictures and write what the mother saw in the flat. Use the past simple passive. When mum came home from work, everything was in perfect order. dishes / to wash flowers / to water rubbish / to take away supper / to cook UNIT 2 Section 8 her favorite group’s show. 3 J Write questions about some historical facts to the following answers. 1. When was America discovered?___________ America was discovered in the fifteenth century. 2. When_______________________________________ The telephone was invented at the end of the nineteenth century. 3. Where_______________________________________________________ The Coliseum was built in Rome. 4. Why____________________________________________________________________________________ The Pyramids were built because people in Egypt believed in life after death. 5. How many_______________________________________________________________________________ More than 800 poems were written by Pushkin. 4 j Read the sentences about some actions and write questions to find out who did them. 1. I was invited to the party. Who invited you?_______________________________________________________________________ 2. I was given a present. 3. I was told to come to school on Sunday. 4. The advertisement was written yesterday. 5. The tickets to the theatre were collected from the teacher two days ago. 6. The participants of the Olympiad were given stipends for studying in different universities. Section 9 b) A: J: A: J: to India? Write the verbs in the appropriate tenses. Act out the dialogue. I say, Jim, you travel a lot, don’t you? Yes, I do. And (you / ever / be)____________________ Yes, I have. I (be)_________________there last year. My father is a wild life researcher. He (study)___________________animals in the wild, especially endangered animals, and (travel)_________________all over the world. Sometimes he (take)___________________me with him. UNIT 2 Sections 8, 9 А: Great! And you were taken to India too, weren’t you? J: Yes, last year he (go)__________________to India to research the life of Indian elephants. We (fly)__________________there by a special plane and landed practically in the jungle. A: And (you / see)_________________________the elephants? J: Certainly, I did. But my father (not / let)________me come close to them. Usually elephants (be)____________wise and peaceful animals, but they can be very dangerous, if something gets them angry. A: Yes, I remember the film about elephants “Wonders of the jungle”, (you / see)--------------it? J: No, I haven’t. A: I have this video. If you want, you can come to me tomorrow and we (watch)________________________it together. J: OK, and I (bring)___________________some photos from India to show you. A; OK. See you tomorrow then. J: See you. 2 I Look at the picture on pp. 54-55, Student’s Book. Write if it is possible or not to get from one place to the other by the given means of transport. Use neither... nor, or either... or. The first and the second sentences are done for you. 1. from Moscow to St Petersburg. You can 2et from Moscow to St PetersburQ either bv car or bv train. car / train 2. from St Petersburg to Washington. You can ^et from St Petersburg to Washington neither bv car nor by train. car / train 3. from London to Cambridge van / heUcopter double-decker bus / motorcycle 4. from London to Los Angeles 5. from Canberra to WelUngton ship / plane 6. from Canberra to Wellington underground / horse 1 7. from Ottawa to the place where you live (give its name) train / motorcycle 8. from Moscow to the place where you live (give its name) plane / helicopter i UNIT 2 Section 9 3 I Read the text and ask questions to the words and word combinations in bold. Use the passive voice. Japan is one of the most advanced countries in the world. It is a small island country, washed by the waters of the < Pacific Ocean and the Japanese Sea. The Japanese language ' is spoken all over the country. English is not the official language in Japan, but it is spoken by most of the population as a foreign language. Japan is famous for its high technologies. More than a half of the world’s “working robots” (410,000 of the world’s 720,000) are made in Japan. The main national holiday in Japan is the Birthday of Emperor Akihito, which is celebrated on the 23 of December. 4J Write what means of transport you prefer and why. See Ex. 83 on p. 54, Student’s Book. Example: travelling on foot / travelling by bike I prefer travelling by bike to travelling on foot because it is quicker, and I enjoy ^cycling. travelling by car / travelling by train travelling by train / travelling by plane travelling by plane / travelling by ship travelling by bike / travelling by coach travelhng by motorcycle / travelling by helicopter UNIT 2 Section 9 WtutTeenage Problems: School Education 1 j Match the words with the opposite meaning. 1. exciting, 2. happy Ч, 3. tall 4. 5. ^righteri^i^^ гЧ , 6. angry a) pleased b) independent c) boring d) brave e) short f) upset 2 I Read Ex. 2 on p. 62, Student’s Book, and choose the best continuation for the sentences. Write it down. 1. Simone gets angry with her parents because 4. Julia doesn’t have a Saturday job because a) her parents don’t allow her to get it. b) she enjoys playing with her younger brother on Saturdays. c) she wants to do all her homework for Monday on Saturday as she doesn’t like doing it on Sunday. 5. Angela is upset because a) they don’t help her to do her lessons. b) they make her do the subjects that she doesn’t hke. c) they do not understand that she does her best. 2. Oliver doesn’t feel comfortable with his classmates because a) she doesn’t want to continue Science. b) her parents don’t allow her to get a Saturday job. c) she is very bad at languages. 6. Martin doesn’t have a girlfrien4 because a) it’s very boring to speak with them. b) they call him stupid names. c) he is successful in sports, but they aren’t. 3. Jim doesn’t have a Saturday job because a) the girls of his school don’t like him at aU. b) he doesn’t like any girl in his school. c) he is shy and can’t speak to the girl he likes. 7. Claudia wants to give up music because a) he is too busy on Saturdays doing his homework. b) he cannot find a job that he likes. c) nobody wants to give him any job. UNIT 3 Section 1 a) her parents don’t allow her to play the piano. b) it’s very difficult for her. c) she hates classical music. 3 j Fill in the words from the box. 1 happens gets into trouble missed arguments tries to do his best | j out of luck argues worry about | My friend James is really nice. He_________________:______________________at school and he is very good at Maths and Physics. But he is a person who always “troubles trouble”. He always _______________________with the teachers about his marks, and naturally it’s the teachers who always win these_______________________James is often late for his classes because something always______________________ he fell asleep in the bus and _ cloakroom (раздевалка). He . the class, people say that he is to him on the way to school. Once he missed his bus, the next time _____________________his stop, then he was locked in the school _____________________much more often than anybody else from _____________________That is why I______________________him when he is out of the classroom. 4, j Write how people felt in the following situations. Use the words from the box. (See Ex. 7 on p. 63, Student’s Book.) I depressed | I shocked frightened | I strong and energetic | I surprised uncomfortable | Example: 1. Jim was given a puppy for his birthday.—[ He was glad. 2 John was given a present, but it wasn’t his birthday that day. 3. Katherine saw a big black dog beside her.—_______________________________________ 4. Laura sat down in the armchair. The armchair was very low and had only three legs. 5. It was Sandy’s birthday, but nobody came to her party.— 6. On the day of the competition Ben got up earlier than usual, took a cool shower and had a light breakfast. He was sure that he would be the winner.—____________________________ 7. Terry was walking along the street and saw a car moving fast. The car was driven by a monkey.— 5 |Explam why they feel so. Use the phrases in the present perfect. The first one is done for you. 1. Julia feels angry with John, (to break somebody’s bicycle) Julia feels angry with John because he has broken her bicycle. ll UNIT 3 Section 1 2. Oliver feels upset, (to have an argument with somebody’s best friend) 3. Martin feels thirsty, (not to have anything to drink since morning) 4. Jim feels hungry, (not to have anything to eat since yesterday) 5. Sally is surprised, (to get a present from Santa Clause) 6. Robert feels sure about his test, (to prepare for a test very well) 7. Sandy is fed up with sharing the room with her younger brother, (to damage all the books, tapes, and posters)_______________________________________________________________________________ 8. Karen feels tired, (to water all vegetables and fruit trees in the garden) Section 2 It I Complete the description of the picture. Use the verbs in the correct forms. Г L to Stand at the traffic lights to run across the road to cross the road to stand at the corner of the street to look at the people through the window A little girl is standing at the traffic lights. She is waiting for the green light that allows people doesn’t want to wait till the cars stop, he------ dangerous it is. A policeman_____________________ . A boy . Everybody knows how . He has a very unfriendly look. He is going to stop the boy. An old lady of her house. UNIT3 Sections 1, 2 Answer the questions and give the true information. Example: It takes you ten minutes to get to the nearest bus stop, doesn’t it? No, it doesn’t It takes me four minutes to get to the nearest bus stop. 1. It takes you twenty minutes to get to school from your house, doesn’t it? 2. It takes you five minutes to get to the nearest shop, doesn’t it? 3. It takes you an hour and a half to get to the nearest railway station, doesn’t it? 4. It takes you eight minutes only to get to the nearest library, doesn’t it? 5. It usually takes you a quarter of an hour to get to the nearest cinema, doesn’t it? 6. You go to school by bus, don’t you? 7. You usually walk to school, don’t you? 8. Your parents usually go to work by underground, don’t they? 3 j a) Look at the map and follow the instructions. Write where you are at the end of your way. Richard's House Restaurant Flower Shop Sports Centre with a Swimming-pool Hospital Pharmacy llll Computer Centre Jane's House Frank's House Cafe School Library Supermarket Toy Shop к lllf Tim's House Mary's House Kitty's House Railway Station 1 мт.. '<■ Joe's House your starting point UN1T3 Section 2 You are near the railway station (with your back to the building of the railway station). Cross the road. Go to the left along the street till the second traffic lights. Turn to the right and go till the corner of the street. The building at the corner is the place you need. You are at 2. You are near the railway station (with your back to the building of the railway station). Cross the road and go along the street. When you pass a cafe, cross the second road and go ahead till the building of a bank. At the bank turn to the left. The building next to the bank is the place you need. You are at____________________________________. b) ! Write the instructions how to get from the railway station to the Pharmacy. from the Pharmacy to Richard’s House. 4 I Ask for help. Write down what you should say. ■-Wewa!^ ou need ’'T Pharmacy You say Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest Pharmacy? Post office Students Centre I The centre of the city I The nearest bus stop . 5 I Translate into English. 1. Извините, как мне добраться до ближайшей станции метро? 2. Я смогу дойти туда пешком или мне следует сесть на автобус? 3. Сколько времени мне потребуется, чтобы добраться до студенческого центра от вокзала? 4. Идите прямо. Поверните на втором повороте направо, а затем на третьем повороте — налево. 5. Это не займет у вас более пятнадцати минут. 6. Извините, школа № 12 на этой улице? 7. Боюсь, что не могу вам помочь. Я не знаю дороги в центральную библиотеку. •1. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. 3. 4. UNIT3 Section? 5. 6. 7. 1 JRead the characteristics and write them in the order of their importance for a good teacher. Explain any five of them as it is shown in the example. I firm self-confident strict enthusiastic about his / her subject helpful understanding I 1 tolerant creative energetic encouraging forgiving self-controlled j Example: / think a teacher should be self-confident because he / she has very good knowledge of the subject. 1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 3. 4. jPut in modal verbs: should, shouldn% mustn% had to, need, needn*t, 1. Jim’s eyes are not very good. I think he____________________ wear glasses. 2. — Can I cross the road here? — No, you____________________ 3. — Shall I put on my hat and coat? — No, you______________________________ . It’s very dangerous. Cross the road at the traffic lights. . It’s quite warm outdoors. 4. The shop will be closed in two minutes. You 5. I missed my bus yesterday and______________ -------------------stay here any longer. _____go to school on foot. 6. Danny lost the copybook with his homework and__________________________do it once again. 7. If you_______________________help, tell your parents about your problems. They can help you. UNIT 3 Sections 2, 3 3 1 Read Allan’s story and choose the best continuation for the sentences. When I’m asked about my best teacher and my worst teacher I give one and the same name. It’s Mr Leads, our teacher of History. He was strict but not overstrict. He didn’t need to be, because all of us liked him and his lessons very much. He was enthusiastic and his lessons were very exciting. We thought that he knew everything about History and really there was not any historical fact that he didn’t know or didn’t remember. Moreover, he spoke about different historical persons as if they had been his neighbours, and about different places as if he himself had lived there. He encouraged us to read a lot of historical books and to do serious research work. The most exciting thing about his lessons was his “treasure” — a lot of different historical things you could see only in museums. Fancy, he had a golden mask that had belonged to one of the pharaohs. He found it when he was doing some research work in the Pyramids, in Egypt. He had a diary of the British King Richard II, and once he brought us a big cup decorated with silver that had belonged to Alexander the Great, the king of Macedon, who lived more than two thousand years ago! We looked forward to every lesson and the greatest disappointment for us was to miss it because of some illness. All of us wanted to become researchers in the future. Naturally I was crazy about history too, and read a lot on it. Once in a museum catalogue I found a photo of the cup of Alexander the Great, just the same cup that Mr Leads had found in Egypt and then brought to one of our lessons. I could not believe my eyes — one thing could not be in two different places at the same time. It meant that Mr Leads’s cup was a copy! I studied a lot of catalogues of different museums and discovered that all his treasures were false — they were only well made copies. It meant he had been lying to us all the time. He was a liar, and we believed him and were crazy about his subject! I couldn’t attend his lessons any longer and asked my parents to allow me to go to another school. I haven’t seen Mr Leads since then but I will always remember his magic lessons and his awful lies. 1. Mr Leads wasn’t a very strict teacher because______________________________________________ a) he thought that there should be some fun in class. b) he didn’t need to be strict as all of his students were very hardworking and attentive at the lessons. c) he was intelligent and polite and couldn’t shout at his students. 2. Mr Leads was a very enthusiastic teacher because a) he loved his subject very much and wanted his students to love it too. b) he thought that all of his students had to learn history to become researchers. c) he wanted all of his students to get only excellent marks. 3. Mr Leads brought a lot of historical things to the class because a) he wanted to demonstrate how rich he was. b) he wanted to entertain his students. c) he wanted his students to be keen on History and to encourage them to study the subject. UNIT 3 Section 3 4. The Cup of Alexander the Great was a) stolen by Mr Leads from the museum. b) stolen from Mr Leads by a criminal. c) a copy of the real cup that Mr Leads had bought somewhere or had made himself. 5. Allan felt depressed and unhappy because__________________________________ a) Mr Leads lied to the students that his treasure was real. b) Mr Leads didn’t want to explain to him where he had got the copies. c) Mr Leads didn’t want to sell him the copies. 4 I Answer the questions on the text: 1. What kind of teacher was Mr Leads? 2. Why were his lessons exciting and interesting? — 3. What did he bring different historical things for? 4. How did Allan discover that all the historical objects were copies? — 5. Why did Allan call Mr Leads his best teacher and his worst teacher? 6. Why did Allan decide to change schools? — 5 jWas Allan right when he changed schools? Write about your opinion and give your reasons. Use the phrases from the box if you need. A teacher must not tell lies in any situation. A teacher should use any tricks to encourage students to learn. Children are human beings and a teacher should respect them and never tell lies. A teacher can sometimes tell lies to make lessons more interesting and exciting. Mr Leads was a very good teacher and with his tricks he wanted to add some magic to his 1 lessons. Mr Leads knew his subject very well but he wasn’t a very good teacher as he didn’t understand his students. \ I think Allan was right to change schools._________________ UNIT 3 Section 3 I think Allan wasn’t right to change schools. Read the list of the subjects that students can study in British schools. Tick the subjects you’ve got in your school. Write down the subjects you don’t have, but would like to study. Design and Communication j^^usiness Information Studies 1. I would like to study because 2. 3. 2 I Match the words with opposite meaning. useless sloppy award interesting non-compulsory grown-ups ^innnnninhSSr^t^ftKWi UNIT 3 Sections 3, 4 j Write what a perfect school should be like. Make up sentences with should / shouldn^ and all the phrases from Ex. 58 on p. 73, Student’s Book. The first one is done for you. Л perfect school should be a brightly decorated building. I Match the lessons and what is studied in them. Write sentences as it is shown in the model. j events, that happerie'dlong^a^^ ■ j foreign words and'grariimar'Tules I plants and'animals ^ I computers stories, novels and poems 1 mountains, rivers, oceans Biology Informational Technologies Geography Literature History Mathematics Foreign Languages Example: 1. Events that happened long ago are studied in History. 2. __________________________________________________________ 3. UNIT3 Section 4 4. 5. 6. 7. Fill in the words. information develop the mind communicate different activities respect adult life develop imagination encourage ~i People have always had schools and will always have them. This is the only way to prepare children for_______________________________In school children learn a lot of new_________________________________about the world. Subjects like Mathematics, Physics, and Geometry______________________________, Literature, Arts, and Music___________________________________School is the place where children______________________________ friends and take part in__________________________________ concerts, quizzes. In school there are adults who are always ready to help them and to speak about their problems. Some teachers are young and enthusiastic, some are experienced and calm, but all of them try to do their best to_________________________________ their students and to develop all their talents. Students should always treat their teachers with____________________________________, with each other, make _____— competitions. as being a teacher is quite a difficult job. 6 jMake up sentences and write them down. I think students .^must Ц . needn’t shotrld’ shouldn’t have to yl Ч ^'' wear school uniforirr -mi m ^ c-" have, such lessoAS as M^usiq and Arts , ;take part in schqojficti^ties.. .v; do some research work . ^ ^ help each other with the homework ^ be allowed to choose the subjects that they- want to study - treat teachers with respect * j -------- r 7; л Jearn long ppemaf^ythparjt * I UNIT 3 Section 4 Section 5 I jMake up as many word combinations as possible with the word “education” . Write them down. I free skilled private | I perfect compulsory | . depressed creative . ” strict secondary * i state higher quiet 1 j easy-going | or disagree with the statements. Give your reasons. Example: 1. Students should study the subjects they really enjoy. I don’t agree with it. There are some subjects that some students do not enjoy, but subjects like Foreign Languages, Mathematics or Physics will be very useful in adult life. 2. The rules in school should be democratic: neither strict nor too free.___________ 3. All students should wear school uniform. 4. School should be compulsory. UNIT 3 Section 5 5. Students should be allowed to choose the subjects to study. 6. There shouldn’t be any tests and marks. 3 I Complete the sentences as it is shown in the model. 1. I have a new computer. This is my computer. The computer is mine. 2. You have a ball for playing rugby. This The ball __________________________________ 3. He has nice wooden chessboard. This . The chessboard 4. She has a school badge. This . The badge 5. We have black blazers. These . The blazers 6. You have school scarves. These The scarves __________________________ 7. They have school ties. These The ties ______________________ Write the sentences in two colunms. 1. The school is friendly and the discipline is not very strict. 2. Students can choose the subjects they want to study. 3. The discipline is very strict and the relations between students and teachers are not democratic. 4. Usually children get religious education in these schools too. 5. Education is free in these schools. 6. Parents pay for their children’s education. 7. Uniform is compulsory for all the students. 8. Usually the students don’t have school uniform, they wear what they want. 1 The Jfgcts about private school Г The facts about, state school 1 1 j 5 [ 1 UNITS Section 5 5 J Write what you think about wearing school unifonn. Give your reasons and complete one of the writings. Section 6 I Look at the pictures and write by whom each dish was eaten. Use the past simple passive. Example: The meat was eaten by the dog. ' 3 j Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. 1. You should eat meat ____________________________ 2. You can clean the table 3. You can eat soup ______ 4. You can paint the window__ 5. You should wash your hands 6. You can play tennis_______ before eating. with a knife and a fork J with soap 1 with a racket and a ball i with a spoon | with a napkin | with a brush | UNIT 3 Section 6 I Who was it written / discovered / invented by? Example: 1. “Eugene Onegin” was written by Alexander Pushkin. 2. The telephone __________________________________________ 3. “Romeo and Juliet’ 4. America____________ 5. “Robinson Crusoe” 6. The tales “The Snow Queen” and “The Ugly Duckling’ Write the questions to the following answers. Yes, we must. All our students must wear uniform. It’s a white shirt and grey trousers for boys, and a white shirt and grey skirt for girls. Also we wear dark-grey blazers. I have to get up at 7 a.m. to be at school on time, as it takes me forty minutes to get there. Yes, they can. My parents can come to my school and meet my teachers any time. No, we needn’t. We needn’t attend classes on Saturdays, because we don’t study on Saturdays, but we often have some non-academic activities on this day. No, I mustn’t. I mustn’t bring my dog to school. Pets are not allowed there. 5 jFill in the verbs with prepositions. I make fun of is rich in depend on listen to to pay for provide for look after | 1. My brother is only three. When my parents are out, I have to______ 2. My grandfather has a large garden with lots of fruit trees. In autumn it apples. 3. In private schools education is not free. Parents have____________ 4. I love jazz. I can____________________it for hours. 5. If students want to arrange a football team, the school can_______ sports uniform. 6. I cannot tell you about my plans for tomorrow yet. It will________ 7. He is not very popular in class. His mates often__________________ him. it. balls and . my parents’ plans. him. 60 UNIT 3 Section 6 6 |]РШ in the prepositions. Jane enjoys attending her classes. She is proud_________ her school and often talks__________her class. Her class- mates are very nice. Some of them are real troublemakers, but they are good friends and Jane can always rely__________ them. Once she went on holiday and asked them to take care ___________her dog. They looked_____________the dog for two weeks. They provided it_____________food and walked with it every day. They didn’t pay attention__________the weather and took the dog for a walk in any weather. I 1 I Write the pairs of word combinations with the opposite meanings. to be awarded to treat with respect to attend classes to be on time to be in fashion to iave Шопеу to befell educated Л to be out of fashion to spend money to be late to be punished to be uneducated to be impolite to miss classes 2 I Ask questions as it is shown in the model. Use the present perfect. 1. Have you ever missed lessons? 2. _________________________________ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. miss lessons be late for classes stay after school to do extra work study Latin play rugby be to a private school teach younger children write “lines” UNIT3 Sections 6, 7 6) Read the harmful advice and change it into useful advice. Some Hannful Advice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Try to be a bit late for your classes, your teacher will be angry if you come into the classroom before him / her. Prompt your classmates, even when you are not sure of the answer, and you will become a very good friend to everybody. Be impolite to your teacher and he / she will want to meet your family. Do not do your homework at home, demonstrate to your teacher how quickly you can do it just before the lesson. He / She will be impressed and will give you the best mark. Talk with your classmates at the lessons, it will keep them from sleeping and the teacher will thank you for the help. Wear sloppy clothes to school, and your teachers and classmates will think you are very democratic. 1 Guess the crossword. Across: 1. If all children must go to school to get secondary education, it means that secondary education is .... In Russia, Britain, Australia and in most developed countries secondary education is ... . 2. A person getting education either at school or University. 3. Process of getting knowledge; can be secondary or higher, paid or free. 4. The synonym of the verb “visit” in the phrase “to visit classes”. 5. A task to write some sentence many times (used as a kind of punishment). 6. A kind of punishment, when a student is not allowed to come to school for a few days or weeks. Down: 7. A school subject. Most students think that it is difficult but interesting. фщт UNIT3 Section/ 5 I Choose the right variant and write it down. 1. If I knew French very well, 3. If you studied in Australia, a) I would go to France for holidays. b) I will learn some French songs. c) I bought some French books. 2. If you were good at English, a) you can play with kangaroos. b) you might be a student of “Schools of the Air”. c) knew some words from Australian EngUsh. 4. If I were on holiday now. a) you will study any other foreign language. b) you could work as an interpreter (переводчик) in summer. c) you can watch films in English. a) I will go to the country to my grandmother. b) I had a good time. c) I would be somewhere at the seaside. 2. If I lived in India, 3. If I had my own car. 4. If I were you 5. If I could play chess as well as Garry Kasparov, UNITS Section/ 6. If I had a kangaroo as a pet, 7. If I were the cleverest person in the world, 8. If I were a member of the Royal Family, ^JMake as many word combinations as possible. Write them down. j conversation juice money school computer card g, I apple pocket uniform game Christmas cake 2 I What would a real friend do in the following situations? Choose one of the variants or give your own variant and write down the sentences. 1. If you lost your pocket money in the classroom, a real friend would__________________________ a) look for it everywhere. b) tell the teacher about it. c) share his pocket money with you. 2. If you asked for help with Maths homework, a real friend would a) give you his / her homework to copy. b) explain how to do it. c) suggest doing the homework together. 3. If you were ill and couldn’t go to a party, a real friend would a) stay at home too. b) go to the party alone. c) come to your place instead of the party. UNIT 3 Sections 7, 8 4. If you were laughed at in school, a real friend would a) try to cheer you up. b) have a fight for you. c) tell the teacher about it. 3 I Write what you would do if... Use the phrases from the box below or your own ideas. г I would ask them what the matter was. I would try to explain to them that he / she is not bad at all //1 would invite the friend home to meet my parents. I would ring him / her up early in the morning to wake him / her up on time. I would give him / her the copybook //1 would refuse to give the copybook. I would fight with him / her //1 would never speak to him / her again //1 wouldn’t be his / her friend any longer //1 would try to convince him / her not to do it again. I would explain to him that he was wrong. I would feel depressed and angry //1 would come without invitation because I am a friend. I would do my best to help him. L 1. If your best friend were ill? If my best friend were ill, I would 2. If two of your good friends didn’t want to see each other? 3. If your parents didn’t like your best friend? 4. If your friend asked you to give him / her your homework to copy? 5. If your friend didn’t invite you to his / her birthday party? 6. If your friend told you lies? 7. If your friend were always late for his classes? 8. If your friend were rude to the classmates? 9. If your friend were in trouble? UNIT 3 Section 8 4 J Look at the picture and write what Jane wants other people to do. Use the words and word combinations from the box. give less homework allow to go out on Satilrdays not to ask silly questions not to argue all the time phone more often do homework instead of her 1. She wants her teacher to sive her less homework. 2. ____________________________________________ 3. 4. 5. 6. UNIT 3 Section 8 Fill in. Use the word combinations from the box. I to wash up today to come to see this film to get a bad mark for the test | I to live in Australia to come in half an hour to be punished | I expect him___________ I would like my friends I want my brother______ I expect him __________ I expect him___________ ____. He hasn’t prepared for it. , I could visit them on holidays. __________________. Fm so tired. I don’t expect her. . He promised to be on time. ___. His behaviour was awful. _____. She hates horror films. 6 J Translate into English. 1. Некоторые родители хотят, чтобы их дети учились в частной школе. 2. Наши учителя хотят, чтобы мы делали домашнюю работу вовремя. 3. Мой учитель хочет, чтобы мои родители пришли в школу. 4. Моя собака надеется, что я выведу ее вечером на прогулку. 5. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы Элис приняла участие в соревнованиях. У нее есть все шансы выиграть их. Section 9 1 j Write what your friend should and shouldn’t do and explain why. A^^u^may need their tielp pne day watch ^чde6 amalV too Vi. much - ' -,U t;; bad for your health You should • hiel^ ydiSf^ridnds' ’ ^ " * "^^y^tfwdFb'e'too tired to do'^our \ You shouldn’t • go to bed after 10 p.m. because school work the next day , • explam to your parents - it’s bad for your eyes - everything^about yoiir «*^геаШп£ develops imagination problems , \ ^•j.they care for you and will do i • read more books ^ j their best to help you 1. ______________________________________________________________________________________ UNIT 3 Sections 8, 9 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2 I Make up sentences and write them down. >c»rtant It’s boring. лИ ,It> exciting.,..^ chobfe the subjects to stu<3 only because you W; lokihgHf you ri^Srti'cles" for a magazi your prbblems'ltb , •' to'stoi • tO^stud^he subject that yon have^somebody you can i to take part in different corapetitf^s^ ‘ " , ■ «44?-, r>. ^Rewrite the sentences, using “one”, “ones” instead of repeated nouns as it is shown in the model. 1. She has a nice uniform. It looks very smart. — I can’t understand why she has bought a new one. 2. This watch doesn’t work properly. Take that watch if you want to know the exact time. 3. — Would you like to read this book? — I have already read it. Can I take that book?. UNIT 3 Section 9 4. There are some apples in the fridge. Take one red apple and two green apples. 5. We have six lessons on Monday. The first lesson starts at half past eight and the last lesson is over at two o’clock.______________________________________________________________________________ 6. I’ve eaten three cakes but I’m still hungry. Can I take the fourth cake?. rite the sentences in bald in the Passive Voice. Don’t write who did the action. 1. Tim isn’t attending school this week. The teacher suspended him last Tuesday. 2. The Head Teacher expelled Frank for bad behaviour. 3. My friend is in hospital now. The doctor operated on him yesterday and now he is much better_____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Laura broke her leg at school and the teacher sent for her parents at once. 5. Mary wrote an article for a teenager magazine. They published it last Monday. 5 j Write what you would do... 1. If your friend told you to try smoking? If my friend__________________________ 2. If you wanted to discuss your problems with somebody? If I--------------------------------------------- 3. If you wanted to have more pocket money? 4. If you were asked to write an article for a youth magazine? 5. If you saw an advertisement about a Saturday job that you wanted to get? UNIT 3 Section 9 Section 1 1 I One of the words is out of the line. Find it and circle it. Explain your choice. a) running, jumping, athletics, windsurfing, walking, cross country running b) football, basketball, gymnastics, rugby, baseball, handball c) water skiing, surfing, windsurfing, diving, horse riding, water-polo 2r|Read Ex. 3 on p. 100, Student’s Book. Write out the sports you can do indoors. , 3 I Write which sports you prefer and give your reasons. Use the phrases from the box or your own ideas. Example: cycling / horse riding / prefer cycling to horse riding because Гт afraid of horses. As for cycling, I can do it very well.. 1. football / dance__________________________________________ 2. badminton / tennis 3. hockey / aerobics r 4. chess / windsurfing 5. rugby / skiing 6. gymnastics / kickboxing • I can’t swim • I’m afraid of ... • I hate cruel sports • I don’t know how to play ... • I enjoy doing sports with music • I’m good at it • it’s easy to play and I know the rules • it develops the muscles (мускулы) • it develops not only the muscles but the brains (мозги) too UNIT 4 Section 1 4 JFiII in the words from the box or the words that are built from them. (See Ex. 6 on p. 101, Student’s Book.) 1 high usual energetic day week month fast 1 1. Jason should take part in the swimming competition. He can swim very________________ 2. Athletics is just right for Robert. He runs very well and can jump very_____________ 3. It was a bad game for John, but_________________________he plays very well. 4. It was an exciting game and the fans supported their teams__________________________ 5. She tries to keep fit: she does aerobics__________________ goes to the swimming pool , and controls her weight [Read the texts from Ex. 10, pp. 102-103, Student’s Book. Circle the number of the sentence that gives the right information about the teenagers. a) 1. Paul never watches videos or listens to music. He thinks that football is the only thing in the world that is worth his attention. 2. Paul doesn’t mind videos and music, but football is much more important for him. 3. Paul enjoys watching football but he has never played it himself. b) 1. Danny enjoys surfing because this exciting and energetic sport is just right for him, and he loves riding waves. 2. Danny enjoys surfing because sometimes he manages to catch dolphins. 3. Danny enjoys surfing because it helps him to earn money. c) 1. Steve loves hockey though he is not very good at playing it. 2. Steve is a good hockey player as he has been playing hockey since he was three. 3. Steve isn’t very good at playing hockey, but he is a very good referee (судья). d) 1. Natasha loves figure skating, but she is not quite happy with her coach who is overstrict. 2. Natasha loved going to the skating rink but then she had to stop it as her family moved to a small town far from Moscow. 3. Natasha loves going to the skating rink and she practices her skills four times a week. She is lucky to have a very good coach. 6 f Compiete the writing. Fill in any variant from the columns. 1. a) aerobics My favourite sport is (1) Every (3)_______________ (5)--------------------- b) gymnastics c) boxing d) your variant 2. a) doing it b) watching it on TV c) your variant 3. a) month b) week c) day d) morning e) your variant ---------------I enjoy (2) I go (4) 4. a) to the swimming pool b) to the court c) to the gym d) to the stadium e) to my living room and switch on the TV f) your variant 5. a) running b) jumping c) wrestling d) watching athletes e) your variant ,. I spend much time but it’s worth it. I’m sure that it is very important for everyone to be sporty. UNIT 4 Section 1 Section 2 11 a) Write the word combinations in two columns. eating fruit and vegetables walking with a dog going to bed after 11 p.m. getting up at noon jogging in a park eating hamburgers and “hot dogs sleeping not less than eight hours a day doing some gymnastics in the morning eating too many sweets, cakes, and chips doing lessons late at night having the latest meal not later than 7 p.m. smoking 1 j Jtbr-keej5mg 1 1 i 1 1 s i i i 1 b) Write at least three things you do to keep fit. 1. To keep fit I______________________________ 2. ___________________________________________ 3. c) Write what wrong things you do, that can get you out of shape. 1. I know that it can get me out of shape, but sometimes 1_ 2. Fill in the words from the box or the words that are built from them. (See Ex. 19 on p. Student’s Book.) 105, hear you. %. Speak a bit louder, please, I can______ 2. You haven’t been to the gym____________ 3. It’s too_______________to go to the swimming pool. It is already closed. г 1 .. Are you all right? 4. He won the competition 5. Daily walks are________ .. He was awarded with the silver medal. recommended for you. ! late I I hard j I near I I high I 6. To become an athlete you’ll have to train very UNIT 4 Section 2 Э {Mrs James thinks that doing different sports can be very dangerous. Match the first and the second parts of her warnings and write down the sentences. V/ ■M-: 4b Шк % I>on’t go Windsurfing' poTv’tgo®^'^ i. ж ^^^^yptirleg! 4 {Read the text and answer the questions. Who has never heard of fast-food cafes? It’s a great place where you can find the most delicious things in the world — hamburgers and cheeseburgers, chips, ice cream and lots of fizzy drinks (газированные напитки). Isn’t it a wonderful place for children and teenagers? Yes, it’s a nice and friendly place, but is it worth going there too often? If you care for your health, eat more natural products. What you really need to grow sporty and athletic is milk and low-fat meat, fish, eggs, porridge, and, certainly, fruit and vegetables. They contain vitamins necessary for your body and brains. 1. What products, mentioned in the text, help you to keep fit and to be healthy? — ------------- UNIT 4 Section 2 2. What products are not healthy and can get you out of shape? — 3. If you had a choice what kind of dinner would you prefer to have — dinner cooked by your mother, dinner in the school caf, or dinner at McDonalds? Explain why.—_ If I had a choice, do you feel about dangerous and extreme sports? Complete the writing that is closer to your opinion. Give some reasons to defend your point of view (some phrases from the box can help you). 1. I don’t Uke cruel and dangerous sports. I can never understand people who like boxing or kickboxing____________________________________________________________________________ r it’s rude and disgusting to look at people kicking each other any sport should bring positive emotions athletes should be beautiful to look at it’s not a fight — it’s a competition the sportsmen follow the rules and it’s prohibited to break them most sports can cause pain you can break all your bones doing figure skating or gymnastics it teaches you to be brave and patient "i 2. Almost all sports are dangerous, and I would never agree that sports like boxing or kickboxing are cruel and disgusting _______________________________________________________ UNIT 4 Section 2 Section 3 1 I a) Write the phrases in two columns. 1 to be ill to feel lonely to feel depressed to feel sick to have a stomachache 1 I to be bored to have a problem to have toothache to have a runny nose | I to be frightened to worry to have a sore throat | Write what’s wrong with Danny. 1. He has got 2. _____________ 3. _____________ 4. _____________ 5. _____________ 6. _____________ , 3 |a) Read the dialogue. Choose the right continuation for each sentence and write it down, b) Act out the dialogue. Jenny: What’s the matter Bob? You don’t look well. Bob: I feel terribly ill. I think you should send for the doctor. Right now! You can’t imagine how dangerous it is. J: OK, stop worrying. Tell me first what’s wrong. B: Can’t you see? I have got an awful stomachache. J: Did you eat anything unusual for dinner? B: No, I had my usual dinner — three packages of chips, two packages of salted peanuts, and a bottle of Sprite. J: Well, I see. Does anything else trouble you? UNIT 4 Section 3 В; Му head. I’ve got a headache. It’s so bad. I can hardly speak. And my eyes... I have sore eyes... Both of them. J: What have you been doing since morning? B: Nothing. I switched on TV at half past eight in the morning and started to watch it. J: But it’s six o’clock in the evening now! Have you ever switched it off? B: No, what for? All the programmes were quite interesting. Why are you asking me all these questions? I’m seriously ill. I need a doctor and lots of medicine. J: You need neither a doctor nor medicine. What you really need is a bit more brains. 1. The children are speaking a) in the hospital. b) at the pharmacy. c) in the flat. 2. Bob has got serious problems_____ a) with his throat and head. b) with his eyes and teeth. c) with his stomach, eyes and head. 3. He feels ill because_____________ a) his way of living is very unhealthy. b) he has got flu. c) he has eaten too much. 4. The medicine that can help him is___________________________________ a) some pills for a cough. b) a lot of fruit and vegetables. c) proper meals, lots of outdoor activities and exercises. 4 I Complete both of the writings. Use the word combinations and phrases from the box if you need them. I hate being ill. Staying in bed for the whole day is very depressing. You can’t_______________________________________________ That’s why I try to do my best not to get ill — I take vitamins, in spring and autumn especially, and do sports to keep fit and strong. I do sports go to a party sometimes it’s hard to read j I sore throat runny nose feel lonely feel bored | I treat you take care of you cook special food for you I I try to entertain you you can miss classes you can sleep as much as you want | All of us sometimes get flu or a cold. If it happens I try to find something pleasant in being ill. It’s nice to see that your family take care of you__________________________________________ UNIT 4 Section 3 That’s why I don’t feel depressed when I get sick, but try to get well as soon as possible. »o Section 4 arranged Mini Olympic Games in your school, what sports would you include in the programme of the competition. Explain why. Example: I would include tennis in the programme of the competition because my best friend is very good at it I want him to be the champion. ■ 2 jCompare the sports abilities (спортивные возможности) of the animals. The first one is done for you. Example: 1. a giraffe / a monkey A giraffe runs faster than a monkey. 2. a hamster / a tortoise____________________ 3. a monkey / a bear ________________________ 4. a kangaroo / a hare ______________________ 5. a dolphin / a duck _______________________ 6. an eagle / a cockerel ____ 7. a brown bear / a polar bear 8. a cow / a horse __________ run / fast move / quickly climb trees / well jump / far dive / deep fly / high swim / badly run / slowly UNIT 4 Sections 3, 4 3 JWrite wMch animals can do it best. The first one is done for you. see in the darkness / well Example: 1. parrots, mice, bats Bats can see in the darkness best of all. 2. Cockerels, geese, ducks______________________ 3. hens, ducks, eagles 4. dolphins, tortoises, whales. 5. elephants, mice, cows 6. cows, camels, horses 7. tortoises, hamsters, rabbits sing / pleasantly fly / high dive / deep cry / loud live without eating and drinking / long move / lazily [Write what you can do better than your friend and what you do worse than he / she. Choose the activities from the box or use your own ones. Write six sentences. Example: I can roller skate better than my friend, but I ski worse than him. _ ________________________________________________________________________ I play badminton | I windsurf I ^ I play hockey | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I cycle I 5 skate 5 swim J ----------------------------------------------------------------------_ s dive ’ ________________________________________________________________________ i do gymnastics 1 I play chess I ---------------------------------------------------------------------- L---------- _ J UNIT 4 Section 4 5 I Choose the right variant. 1. — James speaks German very — Yes, he can speak quite______ (good / well). (correct / correctly). 2. Try to eat more fruit and vegetables. It’s 3. Tim came home very-------------------- about him a lot. (fluent / fluently), and his German is (high / highly) useful for you. (late / lately) yesterday. His parents worried (late / lately). 4. He hasn’t been very industrious at school------------------- He_________________________(hard / hardly) does anything at all, to tell you the truth. 6 J A part of an ancient letter was found in Greece. Read it and complete the sentences. Writtew uv 764 BC. t donJt клош-шко you/ are') tknyp'ersofb шко mlLmy Letter, but Гш/ u/rLtln^ to you/ became'Vm^too kayfy to keey'htfor myself. My souyU O/kero - кг'hm uwK/tkerumtin^ c^myetvtiouJ You/ mry Hue uerypurргоиг Qreece амА тлуЬеyou/ karen/t kearcL about tke Olymylo QameS) so VLL екуШгьуои/ u/kat they are. Tke first Olympics ouere kelA 11 years a^o. tt иш О/yart op Оу^reat yeU^lourpestiual tkat иш kriA Шу koftour op^tke Olymyio Qods. S^:£ytkrfb ше кале koA tke Olymylo Qames everypuryears. Tke best atkietes compete иь гиллш^. We caii it sprint. Tke atkietes skouIA run tke distance opofte kundreA амА el^kt mгters. tm so prouA became today it uws my soH/udio diAittkepastest. Tke Qames are so iMiportant tkat even u/ars are stopped uduntkey are kelA. Tkey contain oniy от sports event - sprint competition^ but tm sure tkat uery soon/ tke programme' u/Ul inxivAe O/ Lot op otker sports Likejumpinp) urrestLinp) raclnp and ridinp. 1. The letter was written by a) a person who lived in ancient Greece. b) a person who arranged the first Olympic Games. c) a person who was the winner of the Olympic Games. UNIT 4 Section 4 2. The first Olympic Games were held_________ a) in 764 ВC. (Before Christ = до нашей эры) b) in 776 ВС. c) in 752 ВС. 3. The first Olympic Games contained ________ a) several different sports events like running, jumping, racing and so on. b) two sports events — sprint and racing. c) only one sports event. 4. Sprint competition meant ______________________________________________ a) running a long distance. b) running a short distance. c) competition in Ught athletics. 5. The Olympic Games were held ___________________________________________ a) every four years. b) every four years if there weren’t any wars. c) every twelve years. Учебное издание Биболетова Мерем Забатовна Бабушис Елена Евгеньевна Английский язык Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Замдиректора по подготовке изданий С. В. Ширина Редактор О. А. Денисенко Корректоры Г. А. Киселева, Г. П. Мартыненко Дизайн макета В.КиН Иллюстрации Н. В. Мишиной, А. В. Савельевой Художественный редактор Е. А. Валяева Цифровая обработка изображений Н. С. Вишенковой Лицензия ИД № 00416 от 10.11.99. Санитарно-эпидемиологическое заключение о соответствии санитарным правилам РФ №Д.000646.01.09 от 29.01.2009. Подписано в печать 24.09.2009. Формат 60 х 84/8. Гарнитура “Таймс”. Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная. Уел. печ. л. 9,33. Уч.-изд. л. 5,86. Уел. кр.-отт. 10,23. Тир. 30000 экз. Зак. № 4883. Издательство “Титул”. 249035, г. Обнинск, Калужская обл., а/я 5055. Тел. 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Издательство “Титул” выпускает единую линию учебно-методических комплектов для 2-11 -х классов “Английский с удовольствием” / “Enjoy English”: для 2-4 классов — учебники “Enjoy English-Г, “Enjoy English-2” (Part 1, Part 2), книги для учителя, Прописи, рабочие тетради, аудиокассеты, сборник песен “Game-Songs” с аудиокассетой для 2-4 классов (новая редакция с июня 2006 года) — учебники, книги для учителя, рабочие тетради, аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3), сборник песен “Game-Songs” с аудиокассетой, обучающие компьютерные программы “Enjoy the ABC”, “Enjoy Listening and Playing” для 5-6 классов — учебн^лк, книга для учителя, книга для чтения для 6-го класса, рабочая тетрадь, аудиоприложение (аудиокассета, CD MP3), видеоприложение для 7 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь, аудиоприложение (аудиокассета, CD MP3), видеоприложение для 8 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь, аудиоприложение (аудиокассета, CD MP3), видеоприложение для 9 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь № 1, рабочая тетрадь № 2 “Контрольные работы”, аудиоприложение (аудиокассеты, CD MP3), видеоприложение для 10 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь № 1, рабочая тетрадь № 2 “Контрольные работы”, аудиоприложение (CD MP3) для 11 класса — учебник, книга для учителя, рабочая тетрадь № 1, рабочая тетрадь N° 2 “Контрольные работы”, аудиоприложение (CD MP3) Авторская программа курса (2-11 классы) Интернет-поддержка учебников и дополнительные материалы: • на сайте www.titul.ru • на интернет-портале www.englishteachers.ru По вопросам приобретения книг следует обращаться в издательство “Титул” 249035, г. 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