Английский язык 5-6 класс Биболетова Добрынина Трубанева учебник

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык 5-6 класс Биболетова Добрынина Трубанева учебник - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Enjoy English (Энджой инглиш):

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f \ ■ч ( 0 • "Гяс*! М. 3. Бибояетова, Н. в. Добрынина, И. Н. Трубанева Английский язык Учебник английского языка для 5-6 классов общеобразовательных учреждений Издание второе, исправленное Допущено Министерством образования Российской Федерации 6 качестве учебника по английскому языку для 5—6 классов общеобразовательных учрезкдений 2L05.2003 н ) Д А 1 т и т у л Т 1 т и L »(|*1.11НСЙв 2007 6БК 61.2АНГЯ-922 659 УДК 802.0^075.3) Рецензенты Федерального экспертного совета Министерства образования Российской Федерации: Г. М.Фролова» завкафедрой ликгводидактики МГЛУ, к. гг. н., доцент; Л. Г. Беликова, преподаватель гимназии № 9. г. Королев Московской области; Т. А. Кузнецова. учитель*методист англ, языка МОУ средней общеобраз шк. пос. Новолодрезхово Химкинского р^на Московской обл. Авторы и издательство выражают благодарность за помощь в подготовке книги: Р. М. Адлер. Аидрю Брохбзнху. Хелек Келли, а также учащимся, учителям, адмикистращ^и, директору Филипу 0*Хзару Экланд бели Скул. г. Лондон за предоставленные материалы. (Г Учебно^методический комплект *'Английский с удовольствием” / "Enjoy English” для 5*^6 классов состоит из следующи^х компонентов: ♦ книги для учащегося книги для учителя книги для чтения “Reading Comprehension, book Г для 5 класса книги для чтения для 6 класса рабочей тетради аудиокассеты видеокассеты По вопросам приобретения УМК "Английский о удовольствием" / "Enjoy English" (5-6 классы) следует обращаться в издательство -Титул" по телефону: (484G9) 9-10-09 или по электронной почте: [email protected] (книга почтой). [email protected] (оптовые покупатели) 659 Биболетова М. 3., Добрынина н. в., Трубанева Н. Н. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English: Учебник англ, яз. дпя 5-6 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— 2-е изд., испр.—Обнинск: Титул, 2007.— 208 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866*361-1 -Английский с удовольствием“ для 5-6 классон является продолжением серии учебных изданий с этим же названием при начале обучения английскому языку со 2«го классд- Учебник состоит из В уроков, связанных единым сюжетом, посвященным лоаготовке уча1дихся к поездке о Великобританию и построенным на достоверном, аутентичном мате(№але. который отражает коммуникативные потребности детей 10-11 лет. Авторы моделируют наиболее типичные ситуации обищння, возникающие при по^отевке поездки и а процессе посещения детьми беликобритании. Каждый урок учебника включает ряд педраздалов. хотсрые содержат материал для взаимосвязанного обучения всем видам речевой деятельности на английском языке, письменные домашние задания, направленные на за>феплсние и автоматизацию лексико-грамматических навытюе. формируемых на уроках, тестовые эадзния. перечень слое и выражений, предназначенных для д вустороннего (продуктивно-рецептивного) овладения. "Английский с удовольствием* для 5-6 классов буодт. несомненно, пользоваться популярностью. так как отвечает требованиям, предъявляемым к учебникам начала тре- тьего тысячелетия. 6БК 81.2АНГЛ-922 ISEN 978-5-86066-361-1 д Биболетова М. 3., Добрынина Н. В., Трубанева Н. N.. 1998 © Издательство 'Титул". 2000 © Биболетова М. 3.. Добрынина Н. 6., Трубанева К. Н.. 2004, с изменениями © Издательство "Титул*. 2004. с изменениями Contents Unit Section Grammar Discoveries Function Vocabulary 1 Hello! Nice to 1. Wc Arc from Present Simple Personal informa- Personal infer- See You Again! Britain Past Simple cion. Riation Page 2. The First of Future Simple Talking about School subjects September (review) school. Summer holidays 3. Talking about Modal verbs: Talking about Holidays can/could/may holidays. 4. Writing Letters Plural of nouns Key Vocabulary to Barbara Progress Cheek S. Homework 2 We Are Going 1. Reading and Tag-Questions Talking about the Personal infor- to Travel Discussing an To be going to... invitation. mation Invitation J w'ould do smil). Asking for infor* Free lime Page ( 24 ] 2. 1 am Going if (... mation. activities \У to... Talking about 3. We Discuss future plans. Our Plans for Arranging parties* the Weekend picnics etc. Key Vocabulary 4. Homework Talking about Progress Check customs. 3 Learning More 1. May I Ask You Prefixes: ««-. />«-, Talking about PciNOnal infor- about Each a Question? in-, non- people. malion Other 2. Personal -/«g-forms Personal infonna- Jobs Page Informaiion Present Cominuo tion. Families. CharacterbiiCsS 3. Learning ous Tense Talking about Grammar Preseni Simple or jobs. 4. Homework Present Coniinu- Talking about ous present actions. Asking people Key Vocabulary about smth. ProgresN Check Apologizing. © Unit Section Grammar Discoveries Function Vocabulary 4 Learning More i. London - ihe Present Simple and Talking about City/Town ahou( London Capital оГ (he Present Continuous; London. Places of interest /"'"N UK Participle 1 and Describing places. (60 J 2. The Present Participle И Asking for \Z/ Continuos (Progressive) and (he Present Simple Tense Э. Discovering Places offntercsi in London Wh-questions directions. 4. Discussing What to Show (0 Our British Guests in Our Town / Key Vocabulary Village Progress Check 5. Homework 5 Have you ever been Faces of London 1. '‘When a Man to...? Talking about City/Town Is Tired of Yes. 1 have / No, 1 city. Cburacteri.stics 178) London He Is haven’t. Talking about Biographies КУ Tired or Life’’ Suffixes; ’isi, -ian. famous people. Jobs 2. Talking about •c€t, ^mcm. -er. Being polite Places of inie- the Famous Articles: a(an) / the during the meals. rest 3. We Warn to Be Key Vocabulary Famous Too Progress Chock 4. Homework 6 Animals in Our 1. Reading and Present Perfect Talking about Wild animaks lire Talking about Tense animals. Pets London Zoo Four forms of the I'alking about Characteristics Page h02) 2. Let’s Di^uss verbs zoo and animal of animals’ Animals* Pmbtems wild parks. places 3. Grammar Addressing smb. Discoveries: Present Perfect 4. Have You Ever Had a Pci? What Does Your Pel Think Key Vocabulary of You? Progress Check 5. Homework © Unit Section Grammar Discoveries Function Vocabulary 7 Uving Together l. Talking about Present Perfect Talking about Family (males Relatives Short answers in family. and females) Page h22j 2. Family Rela- Present Perfect Talking about Eating and tions Comi^risons: houses. drinking. 3. Whal Do older — elder Making complU Hou.*:es Rritish People Like to Eat? menis. 4. An English- man's Home Is Key Vocabulary His Castle ProgresN Check 5. Homework 8 We Have a Lot 1. Do Wc Like Reflexive Pro- Talking about Hobbies in Common Doing the nour)s: myseif. free time aciivi- Television Same Things? yourseff, herself. ties. Holidays Page M44) Do Wc Have himseif Useif, Talking about Ч.У the Same yourselves, ourselves. famous books and Hobbies? theniseives their authors. 2. Do You Like Revision Giving reasons Holidays? and explanations. 3. Are Pets Our Comparing. Key Vocabulary Hobby? Polite answers. Progress Chock 4. Homework Приложения Ключи к разделам F^ogress Check.....f166i Home Reading........................ Л Linguislic and CuUurat Guide...... List of Irregular Verbs............. Grammar Reference (Грамматический спралочиик) 186j Vocabulary..........................[191 Условные обозначения Грамматическое правило — Правила этикета — Текст для аудирования Ролевая игра Задание повышенной сложности © UNIT 1 HELLOI NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN! Section 1. We Are from Britain 1 • Usten, read and then answer the questions; eleven? twelve? Who is Who likes studying? likes playing football? Who is from London? Chester? Who studies two foreign languages? one foreign language? Hello! i'm Martin, I am eleven. 1 am in the first form at East Square School in London. I have a lot of new subjects at school this year. Look at my timetable (paanuwttte уроков). I play for the school football team. % © L Hello! Гт Jess. Гт twelve. I'm from Chester. It’s a town in England. Гт in the first form at Green Hill Stale sehool. 1 like studying. At school I study two foreign languages: French and Russian. ______________________________________/ 2. Talk about yourself using exercise 1 as a model. 3. Listen and repeat: ■ English, Russian, British, Spanish, German, Italian, French ■ Summer holidays, Easter holidays, Christmas holidays ■ uniform, school uniform, to wear a uniform я foreign language, the English language, to study languages. English literature ■ Scicncx:, Information Technology, History. Maths. Art. Drama, Physical Education t Z 4. Match the questions and the answers: QUESTIONS: —■ When docs the school year start in Britain? — At what age do students go to a secondary school? — Do British pupils wear a school uniform? — Do students in Britain learn foreign languages at school? — What school holidays do British students have? — How long does a lesson last? ANSWERS: — At age 11-12. — It starts in September. — It lasts 40 or 45 minutes. •— Yes, they do. Usually French Is the first foreign language they learn at school. Sometimes they also learn a second foreign language; German, Spanish, Russian... — Most pupils do. The favourite colours for school uniform are blue, grey, black and green. — They have Christmas holidays. Easter holidays and Summer holidays. Schools also have special half*lerm holidays in the middle of each tenn These holidays last 2-3 days before or after a weekend. 5. Answer the same fre же самые) questions about the school year in Russia. © 6* Look at Martin’s timetable: a) Find and read out the subjects you have in your timetable. b) Say what subjects you don’t have in your school timetable. c) Say what time the second lesson (the first lesson, the third lesson) starts and finishes. /3 Friday Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 9.00-9.45 French History English Language P.E. Science 9.45-10.30 Science Maths Science Information Technology (IT.) 10.30-11.15 Art English Literature Physical Education (PE.) Maths 11.15-11.30 BREAK 11.30-12.15 English Language Art Science History I French 12.15-1.00 P.E. Drama 7. Learn what British teachers say about their subjects. What can you say about the subject you learn this year? 1) Mosl pupils in British schools enjoy P.E. 2) In l.T. class pupils learn how to use computers. 3) British pupils love their Art lessons. Their drawings and pictures arc on the walls of their classroom. 4) At Science lessons students do experiments {ставят опыты) and learn about nature. It’s fun! а 8. Read and act out: — Do you have any new subjccis this year? — Yes, we do. We have Science, InlomiaUon Technology and Drama. ~0h! Drama? What do you do at Drama le.ssons? — We usually sing, dance. Sometimes we act out short plays. — Oh. U should he very interesting! Z Section 2. The First of September 9- Listen and read. 10, |i:l |i[ |el |q:) Uu:| [w| |ei| Say why Kate is happy. Dima: Hi. Kate. Tliis is Pavei. He wtU be in our class. Pavfi.: Hi! Nice to meet you. Kate. Kaik: Hello! Welcome to our .school. Now we*II have 14 girls and 14 boys in our class. Pwr-f.: That’s great! Di.ma: Kate, you look very happy today. Any good news? Kate: Oh. do I? I think it's becau.se of Barby. Pavel: Who's Barby? Your new doll? Kati-: Oh. no! Barby is the nickname (прозвище) of Barbara Grey. She taught us tZnglish last year. She's from Britain. I've just got a letter’ from her. Dima: She was great! She didn’t give bad marks. What docs she say in lier letter? Kate: No idea. I didn't like to open and read it by myself-. Let's do it tt)gcther. Dima: Hurry up’, then! ' t'vc jusi got a letter... — я ixuiski) чгч» получила письмо... ■ by myself — сама ' Hurry up) — Посггсгмлм! Listen, repeat and read: — wc. she, read, .speak, teacher, meet, plea.se — think, dictionary. Britain, nickname, hurry, silly — tell, desk, felwip pen, letter, welcome, very — ask. answer, by heart, sharpener, Barbara — super, computer, new, news — good, book, full, look — break, nickname, today, it's great © 11. Read» translate and learn. WORD FOCUS H z to speak — говорить, высл упнть <0 Do you speak German? — No, 1 don't. J only speak Russian. b) Speak slowly, please. My English is not good and I don't understand you. c) Will you speak at the meeting today? — I think 1 will. to say - сказат1| (»jto-/i«6o), гоиорить (что-либо) a) They say: “East or West home is best.” b) She says that she is happy to be back at school. c) He didn't say anything about his trip to Russia. to tdl — говоршъ (кому-либо), рассказать (что-либо) a) Tell me about your holidays. Mike. b) My grandma told me to buy some milk after school. c) Don't tell lies. {He го<м>ри иепровду. He обманывай.) 1 2. Fill in the blanks with speak, teii or say. 1) She'll ... us about her visit to Samara. 2) Brian ... me that he didn’t like the Science lesson. 3) "Don't ask loo many questions,** my father ... . 4) French students ... English well. 5) The doctor ... that I must drink a lot of carrot juice. 6) “Can I ... to Mary, please?" — **Гт afraid she is not at home '’ 13. Explain» why some children like school and some children don't. Use the words: It's dull, do a lot of homework, get bad marks, recite silly (zAytUjte) poems, make new friends, have 5-6 lessons every day. leam new things, get smarter, miss old friends, have fun during the break, gel good mark.s, enjoy school parties. 14. Do you like 1 St September? Why? Tell the class. 15. Complete the sentences. We I Girls Boys Teachers usually otten seldom sometimes run around in the classroom leam new words draw funny pictures on the blackboard talk loudly run and lump between the desks discuss different problems ask a lot of questions have a cup of tea or coffee read newspapers and wall newspapers at the lesson, during the break. 0 16. Look at the pictures. How did Slava spend his first day at school? 17. What did you do on 1st September this year? Compare it with your first day at school five years ago. Use: (not) be nervous» get up early, have breakfast, take llowcrs. go to school with patenis. be happy to nice! old friends, have few lessons, sit still (аг<}сть awKOtmo}^ talk with friends during lessons, gel marks, get a lot of homework, to make a video of smb., be tired, give floweis to the teacher. © z э 18 Compare the pictures of the classroom before the summer and after it. a) What’s different? What’s similar (что одинаково)? b) Ask each other questions on the pictures on your classroom. iixwnph: There were not [my blinds (плотные попоры ■■ жалюзи) on the win-dows before the summer. There arc two blinds on the windows now. у c_ li 'i ‘ Л Before the summer № gii 19. Tell the class about five things you have decided (решили) to do this school year. Evontple: П) do my homework every day. 20. Listen to two pupils talking about their school. Fill in the table. Topics Age 1 Masha I ^ f Favourite subjects School uniform Hobbies <0^ 21. Listen to exercise 1 on page 6. Introduce yourself (представьтесь) to a new pupil. Tell him / her about yourself. Ask him / her questions. 0 Section 3. Talking about Holidays 22. Head the letter to yourself. Find the questions in Barbara’s letter. Answer them. Dear Friends! I hope you are happy to start a new school year. Can you still speak and read English after your three month break? I wish I were in Russia now/ It was a pleasure to have you as my pupils. Here, in London I miss (скучаю) you very much. There'll be 20 British girls and boys in my class. They are very similar to you-: happy, bright (умные) and a bit lazy. I told them about my stay in Russia. I described every student in your class and showed them our photos (фото). T think they would like to invite you to London. Do you like the idea? Soon you'll get the invitation letter (письмо-приглашение)^ it will be great to see you again. What's the news? Are there any new pupils in your class? who will be your English teacher? Do you know him or her? Do you like your new English textbook? Did you enjoy your holidays? I hope very much to hear from you in the near future.' Give iny best wishes to your teachers and parents. Love, Barbara Grey z D • t wish I were in Russia now.— Мне f»j xojc/toci. сейчас ока заться n России. ^ They arc very similar to you.^— Ohm очень похожи на вас. ’ I hope very much lo hear from you in the near fmurc. Надеюсь скоро получить or вас oiHCT. 0 23. React Barbara’s letter once more. Find and read five words which yoo can use as a noun (существительное) and as a verb (глагол}. Exami>ie: hope — I) надеяться 2) надежда 24. Match the sounds and the words: [a;] 1л) |з:1 [Cl] [|э1 month girl were smart .stay class great idea her hear 25. Match the verb on the left with a word on the right. [) stay 2) mi.s.s 3) teach 4) get 5) see 6) enjoy 7) speak a) English b) holidays c) in Britain (1) friends c) invitation 0 girls and boys g) you again 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 26. Work in pairs. Ask your partner if you may/can/couid: go out, СОШС in, open the window, use his/her book, help him, close the door, sit down, w'atcr flowers, switch on / off video (tape recorder, TV), take his / her rubber. Example: May 1... Can I... — Yes, of course./No, Гт afraid not. Could I... 27. Read the rules and discuss them with your classmates. Add (добавь) your own rules. What rules can a teacher write for his pupils? pwjeih ® ® -fk' ® Make your teacher happy! Do your homework ©ometimes! Don’t speak to your friend© at the lessons. О Make your pupils happy! Only give Qood marks to your pupils. Don’t give your pupils any homevvork. 0 28. Choose and read: a) what teachers do. b) what pupils do. give nicknames, ask clever questions, answer silly questions, read detective stories at liie lesson, draw funny pictures on the blackboard, listen to a walkman at the lesson, discuss different problems, enjoy learning English, explain dull grammar rules, work hard, learn poems by heart, have holidays many times a year, give instructions, wear jeans, play jokes, be very polite, talk loudly during the break, do homework every day, copy long sentences, give bad marks, get good marks Z 29. Complete the stories. Use the words in exercise 28; 1) Last year I had a teacher whom I liked very much. 1 liked him/her because he / she... 2) Mike doesn’t like John because he... 30. Make up a dialogue between a teacher and a student: — at the beginning of the lesson — when checking homework — when explaining and writing down homework 31. Give arguments for and against {за и против) the following statements; 1) Students should go (следует ходить) to school 6 days a week (Monday to Saturday). 2) Students should wear school uniform. © z э Section 4. Writing Letters to Barbara 32» Read the letters and say what kind of holidays you prefer. Why? Dear Barbara, Thank you for your latter. It was eo 0oodi to hear from you.’ 1 hope your return jour ney was OK..^ I also travelled a lot this summer In August Elena and I went abroad (зо границу). We spent two weeks in Scotland at 6um' mer School. We lived and studied at a ^ood state school. Would you like to know what we did theref Well, in the morning we spent 3 hours learning English. At the lessons we read and discussed texts, learned English poems by heart, played games, asked and answered g^uestions, learned new words, used the computer and wrote our own fairy-tales. But we didn’t translate into Russian at our lessons because our teacher didn’t speak any Russian. We also learned about English history and traditions. Now we speak and read English much better than we did last year. I made a lot of friends in Scotland. We also spent 5 days in London. I tried to call you but you were not in. We are impressed fcy® Great Britain and hope to visit it again. Best wishes from us all. Your "lazy kids"". Elena and Olga ’ Tl was so good lo hear from yo«. получшь от Ы1С весточку. ' 1 hope your rciuri journey wa.s OK. Я надеюсь, что благополучно добрились ло лома. *wc are impressed by... mi»i do.t опсматлснисм от... * kids — лети, (.ад.) ребята " spem а lot of lime ouUioois проволили мною врсмсип на скежем нотдухс '• took а lot of pictures — слс.ч.гл много фотографии 'уои*11 has'e to iry ii — past прндсигя его попробооип. Deat Barbara, Thank you for your letter. I realty miss you, too. i think It's a great idea to visit you in London. Ali of us hope to get the invitotlon letter very soon. \Nhat can i tell уом about my holidays? This summer I was In the cown-try. 1 was very lucky (мне повезло). The weather was fine all the time. My friends and i spent a lot of time outdoors^ swimming, diving, riding our bikes and skate-boarding, we also enjoyed picking berries and gathering mushrooms in the nearest forest. In the evening we usuaiiy mode a fire, played the guitar and sang songs. I took a lot of pictures^ of my friends and of myself. This one is for you. I hope you'll recognize (узнавать) me. you see that / am bigger than i was last year. I know you have a sweet tooth. Barbara, so I asked my granny to make some cherry jam. fi helped her a littie). if we come to London, you'll have to try it^ iVith iots of love and best wishes Было орнятоо from me md my friends. Your former pupil Denis Korolev 0 33. Read the girls’ letter and answer the questions: 1) When did ELena and Olga go abroad? 2) Where did they study? 3) What did they do during their summer holidays? 4) Do they speak and read English better than before Summer school? 5) Did the girls see Barbara? Why not? 6) Would they like to visit Britain again? 7) Would you like to study English at Summer school in Britain? 8) Do you think it will help you to improve ( о’чшс' улшть) your language? Why? 34. Read Denis’s letter and complete the sentences 1) This summer Denis 2) He was lucky because___________ 3) His friends and he spent a lot of time outdoors_________________________ 4) They also enjoyed ______________________________________________________ 5) !n the evening they usually made a fire, 6) Denis has a lot of____________________ 7) He asked his granny to. 35. Translate the word combinations. Use them in your own sentences. to spend проеодмпь, тратить ж the holiday weekends / the weekend a lot of time doing smih. ' money to miss скучать, ftponycK(wn> to go идти, ехать ^ 10 school abroad shopping ^ away to take брать ^■r friends / parents -*■ Maths lessons 4^ a good film ^ a football match ^ a book / a pen care of (зобо/тться о) ^ pictures (фотографировать ) 36. Name five important events (события^ from your last summer holidays. Examph: My father brought me a beautiful puppy in August. 37. Discuss the table on page 18 with your partner. ^Why do you likc^ ^t ЧП info 1 r:»n to Spend your I can get up late. 1 can gather mushrooms all day long. holidays country н z э 38. HIl in the table: % .. What’s good? In the city 1 can go to the disco In the country 1 can walk in the fields In the camp (o лагере) 1 can play with my friends all day long What’s по good? There are not so many friends in summer It’S boring to go there every year 1 miss my mother 39. Work in pairs. One pereon should begin to talk about his/her summer holidays: Exwnjfle: 1 spent my holidays with my parents. In July w'e went abroad. Ask your partner for more information. 40. Say where you'd like to spend the weekend / next summer holidays. What would you like to do there? Example: l‘d like to spend next w'cekend at the farm in Scotland. If it is sunny and warm. I'll ride a hoi\e and feed the animals. If it is cold and rainy. I'll sil at the fireplace and read Scottish fairy-tales. 41. Imagine that an English tourist asks you to tell him •I-----1 or her what is on the adverts. Use the picture. ДОБРО ПОЖАЛОВАТЬ' В rULLKlIU О ЯРОСЛАвЙЬ _ О О ростое коетронА с -МОСКВА. Вас ожидают: ■ прекрасная погода ■ КОМФОРТАБЕЛЬНЫЙ АВТОБУС ■ ИНТЕРЕСНЫЕ МЕСТА ■ КРАСИВЫЕ ГОРОДА ■ СТАРИННЫЕ ЦЕРКВИ Section 5. Homework 1. Fill in the table: Subjects I like Subjects 1 don*t like Subjects I'd like to study Z О О о 2. In each line underline the word read irt a different way: a) teacher* speak* hieak* please, read* Еамег b) technology* school* French* Christmas c) London, holiday* foreign, from, coffee d) hear. near, heart, dear 3. Copy the words. Find the odd {лишнее) one out and underline it (подчеркните). a) English, Britain, Russian* French* eritish* German. b) paint, pencil* tiuietable, exercise book, rubber. c) Maths, Science. Technology* Christmas, Physical Education. 4. Write down your timetable. Days Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 5. Choose your favourite subject. Write: a) why you like it. b) what you do at the lessons. Example: a) I like Hislory because I learn a lot of interesting things about the past and present, b) At hislory lessons we discuss different problems, read our textbooks and write in our exercise books. 0 н z 6- Do exercise 12 on page 10 in written form. 7. Fill in speak, teft, say. Use the proper tense: 1) louder, please,” the teacher .... 2) He ... to me: “Be serious! Don’t laugh at me!” 3) The King ... ”How could I gel rid of the mice?’* 4) The students in the sixth form ... good French. 5) Her mother ... us the bad news. 6) Helen ... her children not to open the front door. 8> Choose adjectives {припагагельмые) from exercise 22. Write them down as in the example. Exampie: lazy — lazier — (the) laziest 9. Complete these sentences by putting the adjective in brackets into the comparative or superlative form (сравнительная или превосходная степень). ]) Maths is (diflicult) than Science. 2) This pupil is (bright) in the school. 3) This year I have (many) subjects in my timetable than I had last year. 4) He has (funny) nickname. 5) Our English Language teacher is (good) than their English Language teacher. 6) I think Literature and History are (interesting) subjects. 10. Form the words as in the exampie. Example: the textbooks of the pupil — the pupil's textbooks 1} the letter of her friend — ... 2) the nickname of my sister — ... 3} the photos of the teachers — ... 4) the sharpener of his brother — ... 5) the felt-tip pens of their sons ■— ... 6) the cartridges of the children — ... 7) the computer of my parents — ... 11 • Fill in: one school — many — dresses man mouse — wolves tooth hobby one nickname shelf city potato many — women children languages 20 & 12. Fill in the blanks, where necessary, with one of these prepositions: of, by, at, from, about, on, into: 1) There are a lot ... textbooks ... the tabic. 2) Little children like to learn funny poems ... heart. 3) ... the lesson we translate ... Russian ... German. 4) Students answer ... the teacher’s questions ... the lessons. 5) “... course she is ... Britain,” Kate said. 6) Pavel told ... us ... his summer holidays. 13i Copy the diato9ue. Fill in the blanks. Sercu: Hi! Nice to meet you! Oioa: Hi! Nice to meet you, too. Why do you look so sad? What’s wrong {в чем ric<.7o)? Oh, I’m glad to be at school again because... Me, too (u я тоже). But I must ... today. Don’t think about difficulties! Think about pleasant things! Z Sergi'.i: Olga; Skrght; Oi.ga: 14. Write down antonyms. Example: woman — man lazy to ask bad boy little to hate above dull In front of different bright black to forget 15. Form Wh-questions about these sentences based on the words in bold (выде~ ленные). Example: They miss their school friends in Summer.— When do they miss their school friends? 1) There are two new pupils in our form.— 2) There’ll be 20 British girls and boys in Barbara’s class this year.— 3) Elizabeth likes her new textbooks.— 4) The girls are from Britain.— 5) Mark invited me to England last year.^— 6) We were happy to get good marks in French because it’s a difficult subject.— 16* Translate from Russian into English; • проводить много времени • • проводить каникулы • • проводить выходные дни • • останавливаться (где-то) • фотографировать скучать по семье пропускать уроки ездить за границу © 17. Ansv/er the following questions. Write down ttie answers. К =) I 1) Where are you from? 2) How old are you? 3) Arc you in the fifth form? 4) How many subjects do you study at school? 5) How many boys and how many girls arc there in your class? 6) When does your first lesson Stan? II 1) When do you usually get home after school? 2) Are you tired after six lessons? 3) Do you relax (отдыхать) at home? How do you relax? 4) At what time do you finish your homework? 5) Docs anybody help you to do your homework? 6) Did your parents visit your school last year? 7) Do you help your mum about the house? 8) When do you usually go to bed? 18i Do exercise 36 on page 17 in written form. 1 9. Write a letter to one of these English pupils. Tell him / her about your summer holidays. " Nouns: age Key Vocabulary Ь»: " Verbs: miss study Art spend travel Drama Stan use form History ® Adjectives: bright Information Technology (I.T.) foreign Literature nickname * Adverbs: how long party Physical Education (P.E.) Science subject timetable uniform Expressions and word combinationsr Any good news? go abroad Nice to meet you. No ideal That’s great! 22 Progress Check 1. Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее no смыслу к выделенному. 1) to study а) to stand b) to discuss c) to learn d) to read z 2) bright а) silly b) clever c) slow d) happy 3) to start а) to stop b) to go c) to run d) to begin d) textbook d) nicknames d) go 2. Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу. \) Look at our ...! There are a lot of new subjects, a) paper b) uniform c) timetable 2) Pupils like to give ... to their teachers, a) stamps b) timetables c) chocolate 3) Where will they ... their Christmas holidays? a) travel b) spend c) study 4) Last autumn my two classmates .... a) went abroad b) went to bed c) went shopping 5) How many ... languages do you learn at school? a) interesting b) foreign c) easy d) heavy 3> Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме. 1) Last August my father and I ... abroad. a) go b) will go c) went 2) Most British pupils ... school uniform. a) w'car b) wears c) wore 3) How long ... your party last tomorrow night? a) docs b) did c) will 4. Выбери правильный вариант перевода: 1) pupils^ uniform а) школьная форма ученика б) школьная форма учеников 2) ту friend’s nickname а) прозвище моего друга б) прозвище моих друзей 3) her children’s marks а) оценка ее детей б) оценки ее детей 23 UNIT 2 WE ARE GOING TO TRAVEL Section 1. Reading and Discussing an Invitation 1 - Read the text. Find out where Russian students will stay during their visit to Britain. Stephen Wooding, the Head Teadicr of Barbara Grey’s school, liked the idea of inviting Russian students to visit his school. Now read his invitation letter. Local State School September 1998 Dear Russian Friends. As Head Teacher of a Local State School in London. I would like to invite a group of up to 20 students and 2 teachers from your school to visit us. I propose that you come for 15-20 days in April 1999 and that your group stays with (погостит) the families of children from our school. Our school will be responsible for the costs of accomodation (будет отвечать за расходы по размещент) and for the educational and social programme, as agreed (no согласоданию) with our partners (партнерами) from your sohool. Yours sincerely Mr Wooding 24 2. Listen to the tape. Repeat the text after the tape. Listen, repeat and read: []| — misses, English, Great Britain, visit [i:| — teacher, Steven, read, speaking, meeting |d] — costs, responsible, got |э15| — local, social, going, programme, know, propose (аиэ| — hour, flower, our, tower (ej — head, spend, forget, memory, friend (li:| — schoiH. group |ai| — invite, idea, time. Friday |ei| — invitation, great, arrange, state, accomodation, stay, educational, situation CM H 4. Translate the word combinations. Create (придумай) your own sentences using the words: tennis competition t)f four of students task life classes programme (здесь: культурная программа) (at) home / at .school / after lessons with your partner family with your little brother in tEie hotel llowers in a vase to meet (ai 10 o'clock) chairs in the classroom a date and time 5. Complete the sentences: Example: Let's arrange a picnic at tlic weekend. 1) Let's arrange ... together. 2) 1 would like to be rc.sponsiblc for .... 3) I propose that you .... 25 |Н z э 6. Read and act out< (Make a circle, work in pairs, change partners). Anna Kovaleva. Secretary Good morning, Mr Golovin, this is Anna speaking. . j Peter Golovin, Director Morning, Anna! I have some news for you. Mr Stephen Wooding wants to invite our students and teachers to London. Do you? What kind of news? Docs he? Oh, how nice of him. When can wc visit them? -t % f IT In April -a£. iL How many people is he inviting? Up to 20 students and 2 teachers. Fantastic! We’ll think it over. GRAMMAR DISCOVERIES: Tag-questions (разделительныевопросы) в ajinniiicKOM языке cyiiteciHVioi Cficitna/tbiiHc окончании вопросов, которые очень важны yt'iH по^шержаини беселы* Они как бы помогают перебросить ‘Siochik’^ к собссепиику , 41'обы 101 смог нрололжнть беседу, CpaRiiuie: Уои liked the film, didn’t you? Вш( фильм, не так ли? (не npatfOa ли?) She is а very good pupil, isn’t she? Она очень хорошая ученица, не так ли? 26 Не сапЧ skate, can he? On tic умесп1 кататься m коньках, не так ли? Подобные вопросы наэываются tai’-^uestions (разделительные вопросы). Глав> ное — научиться выбирать нужные ок01{чания вопросов, которых в английском языке больи1е, чем в русском, иапрн.\1ер, ...won’t you?/win you? ...doesn’t she?/docs she? ...don’t you?/do you? ...couldn’t I?/could (? ...didn't we?/ did we? ...weren’t we?/were we? ...wasn’t he?/was he? Познакомыссь c некоторыми правилами их употребления: 1) Если в первой части предложения глагол стоит в утвердительной форме, то вторая часть предложения содержит глагол в отрицательной форме, а подлежащее заменяется на соответствующее местоимение. Му friends are students, aren’t they? 2) Если в первой части предложения глагол стоит в отрицательной форме, то вторая часть предложения содержит глагол в утвердительной форме, а подлежащее заменяется на соответствующее местоимение. Му friends aren’t students, arc they? 3) Если в первой части прешюжсиия есть глаголы to be (is, am, arc, was, were), to have (has, had), will / shall, can / could, would / must, to bo второй части предложения используется тот же глагол. You can’t finish this work today, can you? They have a big house in the country, haven’t they? 4) Если в первой части предложения нет указанных в пункте 3 глаголов, то во второй части предложения используется do / does или did в зависимости от времени действия. You like detective stories, don’t you? Your sister plays the piano very well, doesn’t she? My friends didn’t sec us, did they? 7, Add the tag endings; a) It’s a lovely evening, ... The sportsman runs very fast, ... It was a wonderful game, ... You will come here again, ... We could go there together, ... You know my family, ... doesn’t he? wasn’t it? won’t you? isn’t it? don’t you? couldn’t we? b) You don’t need any help, She doesn’t speak German at all, ... Paul isn’t good at Maths, ... Your parents aren’t from Britain, ... Our match wasn’t interesting today, ... Your teacher won’t give you much homework for the weekend. ... will she? is he? are they? do you? was it? docs she? CM H 27 На раэдс.’1И гсльн1>1с bonpoci>i Oag~<|ucs(fons) следует oree^tarb так же. как н на ;1н>бой общий яонрос, '|рсбую1Цнй OTBCTI “Да” или “Her”: She was in England a year ago, wasn’t she? ~ Yes, she was. / No, she wasn’t. You don’t go lo music school on Saturdays, do you? — No, I don’t. / Yes, i do. CM 2; Э 8- Match the questions and the answers: 1) You are in the fifth form, aren’t you? 2) He isn’t from Scotland, is he? 3) They must work hard, mustn't they? 4) Yesterday Steven met a group of Russian students, didn't he? 5) We won’t go abroad this summer, will we? 6) She was nervous at the lesson, wasn’t she? 7) Pam couldn’t stay after lessons, could she? a) No, he didn’t. b) Yes, she was. c) No, she couldn’t d) No, he isn’t. e) Yes, they must. 0 No, we won’t, g) Yes, i am. 9. Answer the following questions: 1) You arc in the fifth form, aren’t you? 2) You don’t like picnics, do you? 3) You helped the old woman on your way to school, didn’t you? 4) Your friend can't drive a car, can he? 5) You won’t have a Maths exam this year, will you? 10« Work in pairs. Read and act out the dialogue: Morning, Mr Zimin. Good ncwsl Mr Stephen Wooding, the Head Teacher, has arranged (оргошаовал) everything for our trip to London. — What news? They will stay with British families. How wonderful! Where will the students stay? The British Local State School will. Wc’H only be responsible for the tickets. Do you know who will pay for the educational and social programmes? — Will w'e? Good. 28 Section 2. I Am Going to... GJI grammar DISCOVERIES; to be going to (do something) — собираться что-то делать What are you going to do with it? Vm going to wash it with shampoo (шампунь). — Betty, what are you going to do, dear? — Oh. mummy. I’m going to sec my best friend. Do you like your dress on me? — Of course. I do. But I propose that you pul on your new dress. It^s so beautiful. to be going to + Infinitive {неопределенная форма глаголе) + - 1 He / She / It We /You/They am is are going to read. Am 1 Is she Are they going to read? Ггп not She isn’t They aren’t going to read. CM H z 11. Make up sentences: I My friends Our head teacher Barbara Grey am Stephen Wooding is We are Their parents going to invite a group of Russian students. visit Great Britain. write an invitation letter. thank them for the invitation. stay with English families. miss lessons at school. arrange a school party. be responsible for a .social programme. 29 CM н 12. Look into Barbara's diary (дневник^. Say what she is going to do next week. Example: Barbara is going to visit her dentist at 3 p.m. on Monday. \J----- Monday — give a call to Mr Golovin at 10 a.m. — see the dentist at 3 p.m. Tuesday — buy a present for Granny Wednesday — write a letter to my Russian pupils Thursday — speak to Mr Wooding about the social and educational programmes Friday — go to the school parly (till late at night) Saturday — sleep! Sunday — visit Granny on her birthday 13. Say what you are going to do next week. 14. Read the text of exercise 1 once more. Correct the wrong sentences. 1) Barbara Grey is going to visit Russia. 2) Stephen Wooding is going to invite Russian students to Britain. 3) The English partners are going to be responsible for the costs of accomodation. 4) The Russian pupils are going to be responsible for a social programme. 5) The Russian students and their teachers arc going to stay in a hotel during their visit to London. 6) They are going to visit London in March. 15. Say a) what you are going to do after lessons today, b) what the members of your family are going to do on Sunday. 30 16. Consult your three partners and then tell us what they are going to do. Example: Lucy is going to watcJi TV in che evening. What to do Lucy are you going in the evening? to watch TV When are you going to do your lessons? Where are you going to walk your dog? CM 17. Your brother is going to visit Finland next month. Ask him questions about his plans. Example: Wiien arc you going to visit Finland? Section 3. We Discuss Our Plans for the Weekend ® 18. Read and act out, work in pairs, use your own nannes. HcJJo, this is Linda. Hi. Linda. Would you like to stay with u$ I next weekend? We arc going to have a picnic. Arc you? Great! Dl talk to my mum. s 19. Read and act out. Ci.ATRE-: Mum, Linda has invited (прыглааиа) me to stay with her family next weekend. Moim-R! Has she? I think that will be OK. But we will have to (должны будем) talk to Dad first, won't we? David. Linda has invited Claire to stay with her family next weekend. Father: Not a bad idea. They will have a good time together, I’m sure. Claire, what are you going to do there? Ci.AiRi;; Hopefully to have a good lime! (Надеемся хорошо провести <{ремя!) 0 CM н 20^ Read the beginning of the story about Mary Poppins*s Day Out (выходной). Say, what you think is typically British in this story. “My goodness," said Mary Poppins, “I am having a Day Out!” Mary Poppins and her friend Match-Man walked together in the Htile wood. Suddenly they came ^ _ upon a little open space filled with sunlight. And there on a green table was afternoon-teal A pile of raspberry-jam-cakes (горка булочек c ма.шюшм бжелиш) as high as Mary Poppins’s waist (талнк) stood in the centre. “Won’t you sit down (w xonwme лы присесть)у Madam?" — asked u voice. They turned and found a tall man In a black coat coming out of the wood with a table-napkin (салфетка) over his arm. “I'm the waiter, you know'!’*^— explained the man in the black coat. “Won’t you sit down?” said Mary Poppins. politely. “Waiters never sit dowm. Madam’*, said the man. But he was very pleased that Mary Poppins had asked him (преб.тлаиа) to join them. They began their aftcrnoon-tca. and the waiter stood beside (hem to see (hat they had everything they needed. They drank (heir tea and two more cups, and then they finished the pile of raspbcrry-jam-cakcs. After that (hey got up. “There is nothing to pay” said the waiter, before they had time to ask for the bill "It is a pleasure. You will find the merry-go-round (карусель) just over there!” Mary Poppins and her friend saw some wooden horses in the trees... 21. Work in pairs. Discuss how the “Day Out” went on. What else happened on that day? Make up your own ending to the story. 32 22. Ask your partners {the members of your family) and fill in the table. Find out what they usually do in the evening or at the weekend. Do you usually.,.? Parents Grandparents Sisters and brothers visit friends go shopping ... listen to music ... clean the flat go to the dacha play sport go to the theatre / cinema watch TV, a video play computer games read books, magazines, newspapers go out with friends Csi H z Э 23. Read, translate and learn: WORD FOCUS lime — время, tn lime — вовремя How many times — сколько раз 1) At what time do you usually come hoine after your lessons? 2) J hope you will arrive at the station in time. J wouldn't like to miss our train. 3) How many tames have wc met (встреча.пи) each other in this theatre? 4) The first time I saw you I decided to make friends with you. 5) See you this time tomorrow. 24, Act out the conversation. Work in a group. — We wanted to have a party this month, didn't we? Could we arrange a date and time right now? — Of course wc can. What if wc have it tomorrow at 5? — Sorry, but I can't, I have arranged (условился) to go to the dentist at 5 p.m. — !'m afraid, I have arranged to meet my tennis partner tomorrow afternoon. — What about next Friday at five? — All right. 33 CNJ Now we can decide how to organize the party, can’t we? — Yes. Dan and I will be responsible for the music. We^l bring cassettes. Helen and I will be responsible for the sandwiches. We are good cooks, aren’t we? --- Yes, dcHnitely. Maggy and 1 will be responsible for the sweets, then. And you, boys? You can arrange the tables, can’t you? 25, Use the above conversation as a model. Think with your classmates about arranging a hiking trip, making / having a picnic, visiting a sick fбo/}t^нoй} friend, going to the theatre. 26. Listen to three pupils talking about arranging a picnic for their classmates. Answer the questions: 1) When will the picnic start? 2) What is Steve responsible for? 3) What is Catherine responsible for? 4) What is Julia going to do? 0 BE POLITE! 27. Read the useful mfomiation which Russian students received. Learn what British people do in certain situations. Compare this with what we do in Russia. It is normal in Britain In Russia to take you shoes off as soon as you enter someone’s home No Yes to hold the door open for a girl if you are a boy Yes 7 to shake hands the first time you meet someone Yes 7 to kiss your mum on one cheek Yes to kiss your mum on both cheeks No to take flowers if you are invited to visit your friend for dinner Yes to arrive earlier or later than the time you were invited No to come at the time you were invited Yes to say “thank you” when you leave the table after dinner Yes 04 z 28. Choose and say what you would do if: 1) You met your best friend after the summer holidays. 2) You went to the theatre with a nice girl. 3) You met your grandmother who lived in (he country and who had decided (решила) to visit you. 4) You left the birthday party. a) I would kiss her on both cheeks. b) I would say thank you. c) I would hold the door open for her. d) i would shake hands with him. 29. What other customs (обычаи) can you add? Discuss it with your partner and “-----' share your ideas with your classmates. 30. Why do you think customs in Britain and in Russia are different sometimes? 31 . Which British custom do you like most of all? 35 Section 4. Homework CM H z 1. Fill in the missing letters: _nv_tation, id_a, sta_, ch_ldr_n, loc_l, r_spous_ble, pr_pose, progr_mme, p^ner, com_dy, ed_cation. 2. Guess what each word is. Write it down. n, a, Г, Г, g, e, a c, 1, o, s, i, a a, e, 1 h, r, e, t r, 0, s, p, e, 0, p 0, I, I, c, a 1, m, s, s 3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words, where it is necessary; 1) I would like to invite my British pen friend ... Moscow. 2) I propose ... that he comes ... 15 days ... May. 3) П1 be responsible ... the educational and social programmes. 4) He’ll stay ... my family. 5) I hope he won’t miss ... his family ... his stay ... Moscow. during for with to in 4. Translate the expressions from Russian into English. Use them in your own sentences. Write the sentences down: • директор местной государственной школы • большая группа студентов • отвечать за культурную и образовательную программы • письмо с приглашением погостить в британских семьях 5. Do exercise 7 on page 27 in written form. 6. Complete the sentences. Add the tag endings. Example: My friend is nervous, ... — My friend is nervous, isn’t he? 1) They will arrange the date and time of our meeting, ...? 2) Her pen friend studies at a Local State School in London, ...? 3) Our parents don’t play sports, ...? 4) My sister can speak and read German well, ...? 5) Their Head Teacher didn’t get the invitation,...? 6) Linda’s friends were responsible for the music, ..? 7) We couldn’t go to the theatre together, ...? 7. Do exercise 11 on page 29 in written form. 8 ■ Choose, what the parents are going to give their children for Christmas? Write down the full sentences. Example: Stephen’s parents are going to give him some interesting books. Stephen likes to read. Kevin is always late. .0 36 Melissa likes to eat. Susan is foiui of music. JiiHc loves jogging {бег трусцой) Thomas plays tennis. JennifTer loves pets. Alice likes to travel. Catherine likes clothes. Paul loves football. CM H z Sweets, a blouse, books, a ciog, a fooiball, bools, a racket, a guitar, a rucksack, a watch. 9i What is Jane going to do next week? Write it down. Use: to arrange her birthday parly, to clean her flat, to visit her dentist, to arrange flowers in her room, to visit her sick friend, to write invitations for her birthday party, to have her hair cut {тдстрит>сл). Exampie: On Monday Jane is going to visit her dentist. 10- Do exercise 21 on page 32 in written form. 11. Write about your plans for next week. Example: I'm going to stay at home on Wednesday evening. 12. Do exercise 2S on page 35 in written form. Example: if I met my grandmother I would kiss her on both cheeks. 13. Complete the dialogue. Dad: Listen, boys. Do you remember it is your mother's birthday tomorrow? Wc could arrange a party for her. couldn't we? Jack: ... Bon: Not a bad ideal Let's think about it right now. Jack: I know! П1 be responsible for the music. Dad: Гш going to ... And you. Bob? Bon: ... Jack: Am 1? Why me? I think we should make a birthday cake together, ...? Dad: ... 37 Key Vocabulary CM z Э Nouns: cinciDH group invitation partner picnic programme situation theatre weekend Verbs: arrange (a date and time) kiss stay Adjectives: Expressions and word combinations: educational local social be going to be responsible for 1 think that will be OK. How nice of you! Not a bad idea, play sport shake hands Sorry, but... Progress Check 1« Выбери СЛОВО, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному. 1) weekend а) holidays Ь) Saturday and Sunday с) seven days 2) to arrange a) to think b) to go out c) to make plans 3) programme a) an invitation letter b) an actor^s diary c) a plan for doing something 2. выбери H вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу: 1) Let’s ... а picnic at the weekend. a) make b) arrange c) play d) stay 2) The students will ... with British families. a) propose b) go out c) miss d) stay 3) rd like to invite a ... of students to visit us. a) invitation b) programme c) form d) group 4) My sister ... for the educational and social programme. a) started b) went out c) was responsible d) arranged 5) Our ... football team went abroad last week. a) local b) foreign c) responsible d) social 38 3. Выбери прааильное окончание вопроса; 1) Barbara Grey will be responsible for the social programme, a) won’t they? b) will she? c) won’t she? 2) Your grandfather doesn’t play sports any more, ... a) doesn’t he? b) does he? c) isn’t he? 3) Our Head teacher is going to make a new timetable, ... a) is he? b) don’t he? c) isn’t he? 4) Joan’s elder brother didn’t go out with his foreign visitors yesterday, a) was he? b) did he? c) didn’t he? 4. Выбери правильную форму глагола to be: 1) Linda ... going to visit her Granny. a) is b) are c) am 2) ... you going to be responsible for tickets? a) am b) is c) are 3) Mr and Mrs Smith ... going to stay in a hotel, a) is b) am c) are CM 39 UNIT 3 LEARNING MORE ABOUT EACH OTHER Section 1. May I Ask You a Question? 1. Read the text and find out about Linda. Linda Silvester is a student at the Local State School. Next year her school is going to arrange an English-Russian student exchange. Linda is giving an interview (дает интервью) to a correspondent of a youth magazine. at. 2. Listen and repeat. Find and read the pairs of words which sound similar (звучат похоже) in Russian and English. student interview correspondent information hobby fodsical instrument 0ro^•P guitar typical manager humour g^rious local characteristic arrange информация корреспондент хобби (увлечение) студент театр музыкальный интервью гитара (локальный) аранжировать (организовывать, располагать) типичный юмор серьезный характеристика менеджер инструмент 40 3. Listen, read and act out. Linda, may I ask you a few quesiions? Yes, certainly. Wliai foi*eign languages do you speak? French. What arc your hobbies? Theatre and music. ^ I ll\.«UJv сИШ IMUr>IC._________ Do you play any musical iiistrumcni? J Yes, I play the guitar. Have you got' a lot оГ friends? Yes, lots, but only one closc^ friend. Have you got any foreign pen friends? yL Yes. I've got one in Russiii. She is going to come with the group of students and I hope she’ll stay with me. • have goi = have • с1оче ^ близкий yZy 4. Read the words. Listen and correct yourself. ('stju:d9nt) |'mt9vju:| [gru:p] ('hjuimo) ('skwcol l.kDn'spondont) |,тГэ'те1/эл| [.kasrokta'ristik] [*rnju:zikll [‘msenufe] psionosj I'tipiksl] I,indi'p6nd3nt| |,Ando'st£cnd]ol Пэикэ1| Г0191Э] CO H 0 5> Read, translate and learn. WORD FOCUS Here ii? your change. CO H change — сдача . __.to give change change f t ^ to have no change an exchange Would you mind ^ changing places? } ^No problem^ to change — менять, меняться, сменить, поменять < one’s name a dress (for a party) pounds for rubles students’ exchange I have to change my dress for dinner. Can i change my Russian money for English pounds? Is the vveaiher changing? Let’s go to the theatre for a change (для разнообразия). Section 2. Personal Information Q| S 6, Listen, read and act out. II Linda, could you answer some of my questions about your family? With pleasure. What would you say your family is like? We are a typical English family. We are a dose family and we get on well with each other. What do your parents do? к Mum is а nurse and my Dad is a manager. ^ Linda, how would you describe yourself (себя), I mean (я имею в виду) what are your main characteristics? Well, I think I am independent, curious and have a good sense of Immour, Have you got any brothers or sisters? f have got a brother, who is 5 years older than me, and a sister, who is 3 years younger than me. Do you get on well with them? Yes, i usually do, but sometimes my sister is very naughty. As for my brother, he is very serious and understanding. 7. Listen and repeat. Arrange the words in pairs of opposites. Example: beautiful — ugly kind, polite, unfriendly, cruel, obedient, clever, naughty, friendly, shy, rude, stupid, noisy, brave, athletic, non-athleiic, quiet ^ BE POLITE! Do you mind! You are standing on my fool! Can 1 see vour ticket, please? Гт sorry, I can’t find it. Will 1 have to buy another one? Ч CO t z 43 со I- z 8. You can use these words to describe someone's character. Guess what or consult a dictionary: intelligenl [in'tolict^ont) sociable ('soufobll responsible |n'spDns3bol| creative (kn'eitiv] loving I'lAVnjj shy l/ai) independent |,mdi’pcnd3nt| bright (bra It I clever I'kIevDl they mean GRAMMAR DISCOVERIES; an-, im-, in-, non- 9, Listen and repeat. Guess the meaning of un-, h-, im-, non-. friendly — unfriendly real — unreal usual — unusual happy — unhappy pleasant — unpleasant athletic — non-athlelic famous — infamous ['infornos) possible — impossible lucky — unlucky polite — impolite 10. Find out the meaning of these words. Use the dictionary if necessary. Say the word which has the opposite (противоположное) meaning of the word given. unfriendly unwell untidy informal unlucky unpleasant friendly well impolite unknown independent unlike to unzip to undo to to 0 11. Interview your classmates. Play the parts of correspondents from different newspapers and magazines. Use the interviews in exercise 6 as models. Work in pairs and in groups. Use these words: Characieristics / Traits of Character: sociable, independent, talkative, responsible, intelligent, creative, shy, rude, loving, curious, kind, funny, naughty, athletic, non-athlelic, cruel, friendly. Family descriptions: traditional, conservative, close, loving, warm, caring, hospitable, international, getting along well, doing things together. Occupations / Jobs: nurse. librarian, lawyer, dentist, engineer, computer programmer, farmer, office worker, housewife, driver, bu.4ine.4sman, sportsman. Hobbies: karate |kd'ra:ti|, writing, cooking, sports, games, listening to music, watching TV, going to the theatre, dancing, swimming, reading, playing a musical instrument. 12. Say what kinds of people you like and don’t like. Explain why. 13. Find out the likes and dislikes of your classmates. Names of your classmates What kinds of people does she / he like? doesn’t she / he like? CO 14. Describe the kind of person you would want to make friends with. Why? Ф 45 со 15. Listen, repeat and learn the poem. Our Family Comes from Round the World* Our family comes From around the world Our hair is straight-Our hair is curled* Our eyes arc brown Our eyes are blue Our skins'* are different colours too. We’re girls and boys We're big and small We're young and old We're short and tall. We're everything That we can be And still we are A family. We laugh and cry We work and play We help each other Every day The world is a lovely place to be Because wc arc a family. 'world |w8:ld] — M»p 4>rHighi (sireal — прямой 'curled (ko:ld| ^ кудрявый *skin Iskin] — кожа © 16. Describe an Ideal ^идеальную) family. Example: There are four of us in the family: mother, father, my brother and 1. I’d like to have a little sister, too. Vd read books for her {я бы читала ей книжки) and take her to the Children’s theatre. 17 Read the rules for parents and their children. Add your own rules. Use your sense of humour. 18. Give your views (мнемк9я) about different hobbies. Cooking Writing Sport Games Listening to music Watching TV / videos Going lo the theatre Dancing Reading books / magazines Playing musical instruments Taking photos dull / funny / pleasant, the best f the worst, for strong people, for lazy kids, for intelligcm people, is good for your health, are useful for your family, for clever people, not fun. no use to anyone {беаюяеты). not easy but interesting. 19< Talk about your best friend. How would you describe him / her? 20. your pet got a prize in a dog / cat show. Talk about your pet to a correspondent —^ working for a magazine about animals. Work in pairs or in a group. Use: to be like, noisy, quiet, loving, naughty, friendly, unfriendly, to feed, to eat. to go for a walk, lo like doing... Q 21» Say what you are going to be in ten years time. Exanj/f/e: In ten years time 1 am going to be a doctor. Doctors help and animals. Doctors should be kind and loving. 22, Listen, repeat and learn the poern. Recite your own poem about your Wliat Are Yuu Going to Be? What are you going to be? What arc you going to be? I'll be a teacher, Thai's the life for me. What are you going to be? What are you going to be? I shall be a fireman'. That’s the life for me. people future job. ПгсшсШ — пожарник CO со н Z э 23. Ask your classmates what they are going to be. Find out: a) what job Is the most popular among your friends? b) what job Is chosen (выбранз) only by boys and only by girls? dobs Lena Timothy Regina Computer programmer Doctor Lawyer Librarian Office worker Nurse Compare the results: 24. Match the sentences and the pictures a) London taxis cure called black cabs. b) Don’t be afraid! Open your mouth, please. c) Here are your letters, Mr Smith. x: d) One day ГЧ1 win Wimblcdon‘. e) What can I do for you? 0 Our bank is open from 9.30 a.m. till 5.00 p.m., Monday to Friday. • Wimbledon — УимСлаоксхии теннисный турнир 48 25. Say what characteristics are necessary for the following jobs. Jobs Characteristics Nurse responelble, kind, friendiy Ubrahan Lawyer Engineer Businessman Taxi driver e 26 • Listen to Mr Hopkins and Mrs Clifford talking about their jobs. Guess what they do. 27. Work in groups of 2-3. Read one of the texts. Discuss in your group: Why do people choose dangerous jobs? What other dangerous jobs do you know? TcxI I. Bodyguards The world we live in can be a dangerous one. Some people need lo have a bodyguard ['b»diga:d| (тело-хр(шшпель) lo proieci (защищагпь} them and their families. Polilicians [.pdIt'IiJoiiz] in almost all countries arc guarded (ох/ншяются) by bodyguards. T\\c PresideiU of the United States never goes anywhere without Secret Service agents. Important business people or rock stars may also have bodyguards lo protect them. A bodyguard Ls a dangerous job. Good bodyguards arc prepared (2отовы) to risk their own lives to protect their clients ('klai9ntb|. Some bodyguards wear bullet-proof vests (/1уАепепробивас'мьи' жилеты). Bodyguards also teach their clients how to avoid joVoid] (избегать) dangerous situation.s. The bodyguards usually stay with their clients wherever they go. They can protect their clients' homes and office.s. Tcxl 2. Vets Animals arc very important to people. We keep dogs and cals as pets. Some farmers have sheep and cows 10 produce meat and milk. Wc ride horsc.s. We watch lions and tigers ai the circu.s (’sorkas). For people who love animals, working as a veterinarian (jVclori'nearian) is an ideal Job. Vcierinarian.s, or vets, treat [tri:ij (лечат) many kinds of animals such as dogs, cats, guinea l‘giin| pigs (морские cewiKu), cows, pigs and horses. Some vets even treat zoo animals such as tigers and girafl'es. СЭ z z> 49 со н Vets have lo be carefu] when they ireai sick (больной) animals. The sick animal can bite (укусить)^ kick (лягнуть) or scratch (оцорапнтъ) them. They have to (Ьолжпы) learn about different diseases ldi'?i:zizl (бопенш) that animals get and how to treat them. Vets also learn how to treat animals so that neither the vet nor the animal gets hurt (тстрндшпь). 28. Share information with your classmates who have read (прочитали) the other text. Use these Questions as a plan: Bodyguards: 1) Who usually needs a bodyguard? , mm 2) A bodyguard i.s a dangerous job. isn't it? Why? 3) What do bodyguards do? 4) Would you like lo have a bodyguard? Why? 5) Can a woman be a bodyguard? 6) Would you like lo be a bodyguard? Why? Vets: I) A vet is a dangerous job, isn't il? Why? 2) Who can become a vet? 3) Would you like to be a vet? 4) What do vets have to learn about? 5) Do you know any vets? Who helps your sick pets? 29- Your pen friend wants to know more about you. Fill in blanks. « • I Local Stale School Name Home Address Date of Birth _______ School year__________ Father’s occupation. Mother’s occupation Brothers_____________ Sisters What foreign languages do you speak?______________ In your opinion, what are your main characteristics? How would you describe your family?_______________ What are your hobbies?________________________ Do you play a musical instrument?. Which one?_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any pets? What pets? 50 Section 3. Learning Grammar GRAMMAR DISCOVERIES: The Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense 30. Read the sentences. Translate them into Russian. Explain the meaning of words: fast year/this year/next year: Last year I was a little boy. This year I am a big and clever boy. Next year I will be a strong young man. 31. Look at the pictures and compare; Denis works very hard at school. He gets good marks every day. PRESENT SIMPLE Kate is working hard at the moment. She is writing her English test. PRESENT CONTINUOUS I work very hard at school every day. Я много работаю в гиколе каждый день. I usually watch TV with my family. Обычно H смотрю телевизор со своей семьей. I am working very hard at the moment. В данный момент я много работаю. 1 am watching TV now. There’s a very interesting film on. Я смотрю сейчас телевизор. Показывают очень интересный фильли Если ты говоришь о том, что происходит обмчио (usuaify, every day, every year, on SundaySf every %veek*.»)^ to глагол ita/to употреблять в Present Simple. Hoi Ес.'1и ты хочешь сказать о том, что происходит в MO’^seirr речи (сейчас — now, at the mement), то глагол надо употреблять в Present Continuous (пастоящее проаолжениое). Глаголы в Present Continuous образуются просто; am is + I форма глагола + ing (playing) are со |Н Z © со ь Z + — ? ЦАинственное число 1 am smiting. 1 am not siniting. Am (smiting? — Yes, 1 am. / No, 1 am not. You are smiling. You aren’t smiling. Are you Sfniling? — Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t. She / He / It is smiting. She isn*t smiling. is she smiting? —Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. Миожествемное число We are smiling. Wte aren’t smiting. Are we smiting? — Yes, we are. / No. we aren’t. You are smiling. You aren’t smiling. Are you smiling? ^Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t. They are smiling. They aren’t smiling. Are they smiing? — Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. 32. Read, translate, compare. What kind of books do you usually read? What book are you reading at the moment? Do you speak French? Arc they speaking French or Russian at the moment? 33- Look, read and act out. — Do you go to school? — No, 1 don’t. — OK. Tlien you don’t need a ticket. — I usually read detective stories and books on history. — ( am reading a story by Agatha Christie. A very good one. — Yes, I do. A little. — Wait a minute! 1 think they are speaking German. Are you going to school? No, I am going to the dentist. — Betty, may I use the telephone? — Гт sorry, Гт talking to David. I won’t be long. — OK. Don’t worry. I can wait. 52 34. Listen and read. write + mg writing pul + ing = putting talking, smiling, having, reading, playing, going, sleeping, watching, answering, drawing, writing, diving, shaking, walking, making, dreaming, travelling, running, washing, cooking, discussing, changing, putting, watering 35. Look at the pictures. Say what they are doing. He is He is It Is The girl is We are They arc m She is It is The boys are 36. Ask and answer questions: A , Example: ^ • ■ Where is Dan? — He is in the yard. What is he doing? — He is jogging (бег mpyctfoUJ. Where are Bob and Kate? — ... in the yard. What ...? — ... — Where is Dad? — ... in the garden. ^Whai...? — ... Where is your little sister? — ... in the bathroom. What...? — ... CO z 53 со к Z — Where are our friends? — ... in ihe silling room. — What...? — ... — Where is ihe puppy? — What ...? 37. Read and act out. ...in the hall. Whai are you doing? I’m writing a letter to Pete. But you сапЧ write! ^ Thai’s OK. mum, Pete can’t read 38. Look at the pictures and say what they are doing. 54 39. Look at the pucture of exercise 38 for 30 seconds and correct the sentences. Example: 1) Karlson is eating a very nice cake. — No, he isn’t. He is flying. 2) The little ducks are helping 4) The dolphin is eating. 5) The Mouse is swimming. their mum. 3) They are watching TV. 6) They are writing to their grandparents. 40. Look at the picture of exercise 38 and answer the Questions. 1) Is Karlson giving an interview? 4) What is the dolphin doing? 2) Where arc the little ducks sitting? 5) Who is listening to music? 3) Why are the friends laughing? 6) Arc the babies sleeping or crying? 41. Work in pairs. You are going to create a short TV advert (реклама). You can choose any product you like. Try to write a script ^сценарий): Example: Picture 1. Jane and Bill are enjoying their holidays at the ocean. Picture 2. ... 42. Read the script to your classmates and discuss which script is the best. CO Section 4. Homework 1. Add the appropriate {подходящий) tag to create a question. Example: Linda Silvester speaks French, ... ? ■— Linda Silvester speaks French, doesn’t she? 1) Linda will arrange the students’ exchange, ... ? 2) Your parents were not at the cinema yesterday, ... ? 3) Denis can play the guitar, ... ? 4) Wc are not going lo write her a letter, ... ? 5) You have a lot of friends, ... ? 6} Some members of his football team (игрока его футбольной колшады) gave an interview to a youth magazine, ... ? 2, Answer the questions: 1) Are you going to take part in the Russian-English students’ exchange? 2) Can I change my Russian money for English pounds, please? 3) Would you like lo change your suit before you go to the theatre? 4) Would you like to go to the cinema for a change? 5) Did your father change his job last year? 6) Could you give me change for one pound, please? 55 3, Fill in the tabte: happy (счастливый) unhappy (несчастливый) ( ) unUlendiy (иедру?((елк>бный) usual f ) (необычный) possible (возможный) f ; (зависимый) independent { } known ( ) ( ; CO z 4. Complete these sentences. Use the adjectives (прилагательные): Exampie: A good librarian should be inldligent and sociable. 1) A good engineer should be 4) A real friend should be.... 2) A modem fanner should be.... 5) If you like your pet you should .... 3) Members of a good family should be.... 5. Fill in the blanks: 1) ... is a person who gives us the books we need. 2) Al present there are many people who work with computers. Some of them write iheir own pa^grarames. They are .... 3) When you have pmblems with your teeth you must see a ... . 4) In any office you can meet a lot of ... . Tliey are usually dre.ssed in dark suits and white shins. 5) My mum helps sick people in the hospital. She work.s as a ... . 6) Would you like to be a ... ? If so, you have to leam a lot of laws and know about social problems. G. Translate into English: • исзааисимый корреспондент • умное и интеллигентное лицо • сильный, но грубый спортсмен • гостеприимная домашняя хозяйка добрый и общительный водш'ель заегекчивын клерк ответственный юрист творческая работа 7. Do exercise 18 in written form. Say what you think about different hobbies. 8. Do exercise 21 in written form. Leam the poem in exercise 22 by heart. 9. Do exercise 25 in written form. Say what characteristics are necessary for the following jobs. 10. Write a description of someone you love and respect. You can follow this plan: — his / her name — her / his main characierisiics — date of birth — her / his hobbies — his / her family — Why do you love and respect her / him? 56 1 1. Write the verbs in mg-torm: Example: look — looking, run — running, give — giving ask, arrange, go, play, come, stay, say, get (along), make, work, tell, cook, listen, take, watch, dance, do, climb, sleep, clean, eat, wash, jog, sit, act, knit, help, correct, enjoy 12. Do exorcise 35 in written form. Look at the pictures^ Say what they are doing. 13< Look at the pictures. Write down the answers to these question si Mother: Is John doing his homework? Is Dad working in the garden? Is Nancy playing the violin? Is Sparky sleeping? Is grandma knitting? Is grandpa watching a football match? CO 14. Ask questions and give answers. Example: What / you / drink.— What arc you drinking? drink /Juice — 1 am drinking Juice. a) What / you / read.— ... read / magazine — ... b) What / she / write,— ... write! a letter — ... c) What/he/look at.— ... look at / a computer — ... d) What / they / do.— .,. do/homework — ... e) What / Frank / play.— ... play/the saxophone — .. 0 со н 15. Ask questions in response to these: Example: Susan is listening to music. — What is Susan listening to? a) Timothy is going to school by bus (на автобусе). How ... ? b) My parents are discussing the TV programme. What ... ? c) Our teacher is telling us a funny story. Who ... ? d) Tom and Jerry are flying to Britain. Where ... ? 16. Put the verbs in the correct form; 1) My naughty little sister is a good pianist. She (go) to the musical school. She (play) the guitar a little, loo. 2) Listen! What ... she (play)? — It’s my favourite song. 3) John! What ... you (do)? —^ I ... (write) a letter to my English pen friend. 4) Why ... you (cry)? — 1 can’t do my Maths homework. It’s very difficuh. Will you help me? Key Vocabulary Nouns: businessman change characteristic dentist driver engineer exchange Verbs: change Expressions and word combinations: housewife lawyer librarian nurse parent sportsman computer programmer give an interview make friends with Yes, certainly, office worker Adjectives: athletic (non-athletic) caring close cruel friendly independent international loving main rude serious sociable talkative traditional typical understanding Progress Check 1. Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному: 1) to interview someone а) to give an interview b) to read an interview c) to ask somebody questions 2) dentist a) a driver b) a description c) a doctor d) an office worker 3) sociable a) serious b) traditional c) talkative d) independent 58 2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее ло смыслу: 1) Linda Silvester will be responsible for an English-Russian students* next year. a) chracteristic b) interview c) exchange d) description 2) The Silvesters are a typical English family. They are ... and close, a) talkative b) caring c) main d) cruel 3) My mother and father are kind and caring. I love my ... . a) jobs b) characteristics c) parents d) classmates 4) Look, Linda is ... to a youth magazine correspondent, a) making friends b) giving an interview c) writing d) understanding 3. Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме: 1) Му little sister ... to be a lawyer. a) goes b) are going c) is going 2) Look at this! They ... a new youth magazine? a) are reading b) read 3) Steven ... with Joan last summer, a) makes friends b) made friends 4) Her elder brother ... his job next month, a) will change b) changes CO c) are going to c) will make friends c) changed 4. Выбери правильный вариант перевода: 1) The boys are watching a video in their room at the moment. а) Мальчики обычно смотрят видео в своей комнате. б) Мальчики сейчас смотрят видео в своей комнате. в) Мальчики собираются смотреть видео в своей комнате. 2) His parents often read newspapers in the evening. а) Его родители часто читают газеты по вечерам. б) Его родители сейчас читают вечерние газеты. в) Его родители прочитали газеты вечером. 59 UNIT 4 LEARNING MORE ABOUT LONDON Q Section 1. London — the Capital of the UK 1. Read and listen to ttte text. Find out wtiat Liza brought from the UK lor Oleg and his friends. Liza is a British student who has come to school No 7 as part of her visit to Russia. She will only stay there for two days. Liza has some information Гог the Russian students. She wants to tell them about their visit to England, Oleg: Liza, how do you like Moscow? Liza: Oh, it’s beautiful. It is not like London at all. Oleg: Really? Is it so different from London? Liza: Yes, it is. Oleg, have you ever been to London? Olcg: No. What is it like? Liza: Oh, it’s one of the most famous and interesting cities in Europe. There are lots of p!acc.s to vi.sit in London: museums. Art galleries, theatres... Oleg: There arc also lots of cinemas, stadiums and parks in London, aren't there? Ljza: Yes, sure. London is one of my favourite cities. As you probably know it’s the capital of the UK. It’s a mixture of old and new' buildings and there is a lot to see and learn about. Oleg: 1 can see that you really like it, don't you? Arc you a Londoner? Liza: No, I am not. But I live not far from London. And I like to go there at weekends. Oleg: I would like to meet a real Londoner! .'V • I.J-. ____. »*i 60 Li7a: You wil! do soon! Take lho:>c letters from your English partners and give them to your Iricnds. Oleo: Oh. You have letters for us! Look! Not only letters but postcards too. It's really good to Icam a little more about London. I'll give them to my elassmatc.s as soon as possible. О 2. Listen» repeat and read. [iu:| — beautiful, museum, new, future, usually [ju| — during, Europe la;I — gallery, famastie, family, travel, eapital [cj] -— say, way. place, famous, favourite, stadium, information (q:] — park, art, aren’t, far. postcard, partner [a] — London. Londoner, much, lovely, country, blood (o:J '— inform, important, a? all, more, of eour.se |i>] — monument, possible, coronation, opera, popular [ou] — old, mo.st. Moscow, composer, so, well-known, boat (i;l — see. clean, weekend, been, street, meet, leader [ea] — square, where, there, care 3. What three questions about London would you ask Liza? Compare your questions with those of your partner. 4. Make up your own dialogues and act them out; Would you like to visit London? Yes, I would. Sure. Of course. I would. What places w'ould you like to see there? Let me see... Trafalgar Square. I really don’t know. 0 rr I- 5. Complete the sentences. Exantph: Russia is one of the most beautiful countries popular names famous people lovely towns welhknown countries fantastic actors in the world in the country in our city in my school in my family in Europe I'jinropl 6. Interview your classmates and fill in the chart. Names of your classmates Who Is one of the most famous...? actors composers pop'Singers roch*groups writers 7. Match the pairs. Example: The city Is different from the country. scav museum, stadium, what [ have, nice day. noisy street, frosty winter, whul I am, sociable person Tf ■ ■ ' stormy day. quiet place, shy person, art gallery, what I want to have, river, what I want to be. park, hoi summer 8. Say what you are going to do as soon as possible. Example: 1 am going to buy a puppy as soon as possible. * go to Britain • .start jogging In the morning « invite my Russian partner to visit us ■ write a letter to my grandparents « linish my work « help my friend to do his test • learn German and French •• compose an opera 62 9. Match the words and the texts. I) museum 2) theairc 3) art gallery 4) stadium 5) cinema a) ... is a place wiicie people watch plays. b) ... is a place where people watch sporting events. c) ... is a place where people watch films. tl) ... is a place where people can sec collections of important thing.s. e) ... is a place where people can see paintings {картаf/м) and sculptures (ску.уьштрм). 1© 10. Give your reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with the following statements* 1) Travelling is a waste of time fftyemaff w/маш apr.uettnj, 2) You can only learn English in England. Education Service z Section 2. The Present Continuous (Progressive) and the Present Simple Tense GRAMMAR DISCOVERIES 11. Read and learn. PRESENT CONTINUOUS (Present Progressive) PRESENT SIMPLE EojibiiiHHCino 1'ла1'олов употрсбляютси м в Present Continuous, и в Present Simple. Listen! She’s playing the piano. She plays the piano very well. Некоторые глаголы уиотробляются hate (ftenaeitdeim) love (любить) like (нраешпьел) need (иуждотьел) want (хотеть) have (иметь какую-шбудь вещь) sec (видеть) только в форме Present Simple; [ hate snakes. People love freedom. Do you like my new suit? We need some food. She doesn't want any problems at school. My grandma has a good country house. What can you see through the window? 63 h* 1 2. Make up sentences describing the pictures. Example: She needs a new dress. need / a new pair of shoes have/a sweet tooth like / Icc-cream /noi/see/Sharik, He/have/a puppy now. What / you / want? 1 3. Present Simple or Present Continuous? 1) What ... you ... (to want)? — I ... some tea (to want). 2) Who ... the drums (to play)? — It's my little brother. He ... the drums very well (to play). 3) When ... you ... the house (to leave)? — At 8.30 in the morning. 4) What ... you ... (to do)? — 1 ... my homework (to do). 5) What ... the boys ... at the moment (to sing)?—They ... an old English song (to sing). 14. Describe the picture. Use: planning holiday, information, travel agency, Europe... 0 Section 3. Discovering Places of Interest in London Q 15. Listen to these words and compare them with (he Russian words: museum, gallciy. tlicairc, cincma« stadium* park* parliament* history* square* taxi, radio, symbol, abbey* real, monument* (ourist. 16. Choose any of the postcards and find the matching text. Tourists riuorists) in London always want to visit Westminster and see Big Ben. They want to see the clock in its iower|iauD] and to hear the bells. Big Ben is really a bell. Yon hear it every hour. It is a big bell. It weighs (весит) 13.720 kilograms. It has a deep lone (звук) and you can hear it on the radio: "This is the BBC. The time is six o’clock." And then you hear the deep boom of Rig Ren six times. 13 You can see the Tower of London from the river Thames. The Tower is very old. It has a long and cruel history. It is not just one building. The tall building is the White Tower, the oldest part of the Tower of London. The Bloody Tower is near the river. You do not sec blood there today. But the Bloody Tower has a history of blood —- the blood of men, women and even children. Now the King and tlie Queen of Britain do not live in the Tower. When the Queen is in London, she slays in Buckingham Palace. Standing not far from the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey is a symbol of England. The legend says that Westminster Abbey was founded by St Peter (святой Петр) liimself. We know that Westminster Abbey was built by King Edward in 1065. The coronation of all British Kings and Queen.s takes place in Westminster Abbey. Some famous English people are also buried Tbcridl (похоропеиы) here. The funeral service (помиясиьшш служба) for Diana. Princess of Wales took place in Westminister Abbey in September 1997. 13 The famous clock Big Ben stands near the Houses of Parliament. The country’s leaders speak in tlie Houses of Parliament. The men and women there arc the voice of tiic British people. The Houses of Parliament stand beside the river Thames. You can go on a boat from Westminster and see London from the river. You can also sec Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament from Westminster Bridge. 65 17. Read aloud what’s written on your postcard. Pronounce the names of the places carefully. Trafalgar square |tra,fslga 'skwea] The Tower of London [,taua av '1лпс1п] The Houses of Parliament |,hauziz ov 'pa:bmant| Big Ben [,big ’ben] Westminster Abbey [.westminsta 'sebi] Bloody Tower |,blAdi 'taua) White Tower (.wait 'tauaj Tower Bridge (,taua 'bridsi Buckingham Palace |,Ьлк1г]эт 'pa^hs| 18. Finish the sentences. 1) Big Ben is 3) The Bloody Tower is in — a palace — the Tower of London — a bell — the House.4 of Parliament — a square — Westmisicr Abbey 2) The Queen lives in 4) The country’s leaders speak in 1- — the Tower of London — the Houses of Parliament z — Buckingham Palace — Big Ben 3 — Windsor Palace — Buckingham Palace 19. Read, translate and leam: WORD FOCUS to take part — участвовать to take place — происходить, иметь место to take care of — заботиться о ... to lake off — снимать (об одежде) 1) Last week three famous rock groups look part in the concert at the city stadium. 2) Where will the coronation fake place? 3) She takes care of her sick mother. 4) Please come in. Take your coat off. 5) Ibke care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves. {Пословит: Копенка рубль бережет.) in а small town in the south of the 20. Fill in: partf р}асе^ care, off. 1) The spring music festival will take country. 2) Are you going to take ... in a students conference in April? 3) Do 1 need to take my shoes ... when I go into a British home? 4) Children enjoy taking ... of their pets. 66 21 . Look at the map o1 London. Find the places you know about. Name them. Find and name new places. 22. You have found about two new places: Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge. Choose one of the two. Arrange the sentences about It in the right order and read the text aloud. 1) !t is next to the Tower of London. 2) This is Tower Bridge, built in 1894. 3) It is one of the famous bridges across the Thames [tern г]. 4) It opens and ships go up and down the River Thames. 1) A lot of tourists go to Buckingham Palace. 2) This is Buckingham Palace — the place where British kings and queens live when they are in London. 3) Important visitors often go to the palace. They meet Queen Elizabeth and the royal family in.side the palace. 4) They stand outside and see the Changing of the Guard {cMCfM караула). © I- н Z Q 23. Маке up а dialogue between the guide and two tourists. Use the dialogue as a ------' model: Hello. I’m your guide. П1 show you around London today. Where would you like to go first? Frank, tourist | 7 I Helen, tourist C Okay. It ^ Hello. ) I Wc would like to ^ ^ I visit the Tower. Ч not far from here. ( We can get there by bus or just walk You will enjoy our w'alk. How can wc get there? What would you advise? Okay. Let’s walk. 24. Read, remember» translate. WORD FOCUS first— сначала; перед тем* как делать что-либо определенное at first — сначала; на первых лорах (подразумевается* что потом ситуация изменилась) 1) First read the text, then do the exercise. 2) At first it was difficult for me to read that English book. 3) At first the parents wanted to call their baby George but then they agreed on Christopher. 4) Don’t say anything without thinking about it first. 25- Fite in: first or at first: 1) ... I wanted to walk to Westminster Abbey but then I decided to take a taxi. 2) ... learn these new words then try to translate the text. 3) rd like to visit the British Museum .... 4) ... she didn’t understand him so she asked him to speak louder. 68 26. Listen to the tape. On the tape you will hear students talking about London. As you listen to their comments complete the following sentences. The first letters of the missing words will help you. 1) It's d___from other European c______. 2) There are many p_____to visit: ni___art g______ theatres... 3) Oh, yesterday [ saw the Houses of Parliament, heard the v_________of Big Ben, visited the famous T______. 4) The c____of all British Kings and Queens t_______p______there. 27. Read, listen and act out. I) — Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to Trafalgar Square? — Oh. it's very easy. Can you see that wide street over there? — Yes» I can. — Good. Go along that street and it will lead (пршедет) you to Trafalgar Square. — I'hank you very much. — You are welcome. Have a nice day. 2) — Excuse me, Гт looking for Tower Bridge. Can you tel! me where it is, please. — Ifs just in front of you! Look) 3) — Excuse me, can you tell me where the .station is? No, Tin afraid I can’t. You'd better ask a policeman. 28. Talk about your future visit to London with your partner. Use the map of London to point out the places you would like to visit. Use: Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, the Bloody Tower, famous, old buildings, was founded, stand beside the river, enjoy the visit. I- Z 69 Section 4. Discussing What to Show to Our British Guests in Our Town/Village GJI GRAMMAR DISCOVERIES: Participle I and Participle II 29. Read and learn. H Participle I «ing form) Participle II (the HI fom)} ■ Regular verbs Д + ing A + ed discussing — обсуждающий discussed — обсужденный playing — играющий played — сыгранный Ш Irregular verbs building — строящийся built — построенный writing — пишущий written — написанный a burning house — горящий a returned letter — возвращенное дом письмо 30. Make Participle I and Participle II of verbs. Say what they mean in Russian: to take, to smile, to come, to watch, to read, to open, to have, to play, to write, to finish, to hear, to help, to speak, to bring, to paint. 31 - Read and learn. Запомнить три формы неправильных глаголов гораздо легче, если помнить, что; 1) есть глаголы, которые “ленятся'' изменяться, и все три формы у них одинаковы: bet — bet — bet pul — put — pul cost — cost — cost set — set — set cut — cut — cut shut — shut — shut hit — hit — hit split — split — split hurt — hurt — hurt spread — spread — spread let — let — let 2) есть глаголы, которые достаточно “ленивы", и у них совпадает форма Past Simple и Participle II: с краткой гласной во второй и третьей формах build — built — built keep — kept — kept feed — fed — fed sleep — slept — slept have — had — had ...................... 70 с долгой гласной во второй и третьей формах buy — bought — bought seek — sought — sought bring — brought — brought teach — taught — taught catch — caught — caught think — thought — thought fight — fought — fought .................... 3) есть глаголы, третья форма которых оканчивается на [п]. give — gave — given take — took — taken Complete (he lisi. 32. Read the adverts (реклама! for visitors to London and write your own advertisement' for visitors to your town or viliage. (Work in groups of 4'-5): Whatever your interests — the capital of Britain has something for yoiii Every year hundreds of people come here! You are welcome! Pfan/rmg year ^sit to iondof} is fmi Шге are so many fi/aces to visih famoas maseams, teaatifai haiidings, we/hkmwa towers, impressive streets ard sqaares. Po/} V miss your chance/ m ‘advt'fli^mcnt = adven 33. Find out about the British student who is going to visit you. Work in pairs. his/her age... his/her character traits... his / her hobbies... Ppi 34. Speak with your classmates and agree upon the places you will take your visitor to see in your town or village (work in groups). Draw a map and write a plan. f/ле: street, square, museum, monument, park, garden. Art gallery, theatre, tower, tower clock, church, circus, zoo. 35, Show your map. Explain your choice. © Section 5. Homework H z 1. Write out the words with general meaning in each line: — bridge* street, town, monument, museum — palace* building* museum, tower, theatre — man, girl, woman, student, people 2. Do exercise 5 on page 62 in written from. 3. Arrange the words in pairs. Example: old — new old* king, near to. queen, new, dosed, far from, usual* real, light, unusual, open, polite, heavy, unreal* impolite 4. Read the conversations. Put the verbs into the correct form. Stop making a noise, Freddy! Your little sister (to sleep). I (not* to make) a noise, mum. But you {to talk). No, Fm not. What ... you (to do), then? 1 (to learn) the words of a new English song. — Is that you, Alice ? — Yes. hello, Bessy. — What ... you (to do) ? — I (to learn) a new poem. What ... you (to do)? — I (to watch) TV. They are showing a very interesting interview with a pop-singer. — Г11 watch it too, then. 72 5. Fill in the gaps. Use the verbs in the right form. I ... in the park and ... my notes at the moment (sit, write). It ... hot (be). ! ... this hot weather (hate). I ... not ... to sit here (want) &ut Roger ..^tennis with his friend (play). They ... and ... (ri;n, laugh). They ... neither ice-cream nor cold lemonade (need). They ... fun (have) They ... this weather (like). Oh, I ... an ice-cneam mani (see). It's great. Ice-cneam ... cold and tastes good (be). Now f .... 6. Read the sentences and ask questions starting with the words in brackets. 1) Liza will only stay in Moscow for 2 days. (How long 2) London is different from Moscow. (What city ...?) 3) There are many places to visit in London. (Are...?) 4) Ben lives not far from Liverpool. (Where ...?) 5) They are discussing their trip to Europe. (What .,.?) 6) She visited the city of London a week ago. (When ...?) 7. Look at the list of places and write down which of them are in London and which in Moscow. For example: Moscow Arbat Street London Regent Street Westminster Abbey, Arbat Street, the Kremlin, the Houses of Parliament. Spasskaya Tower, Leicester Square, the While Tower, the Pushkin Museum. Red Square, the Bloody Tower, Trafalgar Square. Novodevichi Monastery, Big Ben, Regent Street, Tverskaya Street, Tower Bridge, Gagarin Square, the Tretyakov Gallery 73 8. Do exercise 12 on page 64 in written form. Look at the map. Write down in English the names ot places of interest in London. H 10. Underline the word which does not belong to the line: — building, bridge, tower, king — museum, leader, monument, building — street, square, queen, bridge, park, garden — to visit, 10 enjoy, to see, to travel, to clean — to ride a horse, to go on a boat, to take place 11. Prepare a report in written form about 2-3 places of interest in London. 12i Write in two columns. Example: Participle T Participle II building watched dosed, forgetting, exhibited, done, happening, animated, shining, taken, watching, found, named, working, understanding, loving, predicted, occupied. 13- Oive three forms of the following verbs. Example: give — gave — given give, study, spend, go, be, play, shake, make, begin, think, have, do, take, run. write, tell, stay, read, put, know, say. © 14. Fill in the gaps with the words: tO; for, from, Ш, of, with [ have never been ... Britain before. 1 stayed in England ... three days. 1 stayed ... my friend’s family. They live not far ... London. ... course I went there every day. And I walked ... morning ... night. London is very different... Moscow and all other Russian towns. I took a lot ... beautiful pictures. Would you like to see them? Come ... my place! 15, Translate into English: 1) • знаменитая столица • кровавая легения • известный театр • старое здание • любимый город • как можно быстрее 2) • Лондон — столица Великобритании. • Кто заботится о городских музеях? • Смена караула происходит около Букингемского дворца. • Сначала прочитай текст, а затем раскрась рисунок. • Я не хотел идти в Тауэр сначала. 16. Draw а тар of your town (village). Tell about the places you are going to show to your visitor. mi stadium □ square (сквер) I 1 theatre f театру □ lake (Озеров museum (музей) my house (мой дом) I----1 art gallery (картинная галерея) disco (дискотека) nmy school (моя школа) IS wood (лес, рошэ) П cinema (кинотеатр) ШШ caie(Kaipe) rt z 75 'Щ Key Vocabulary H blood ■ Adjectives: bloody building possible capital real guide well-known information legend Ш Expressions monument and word museum combinations: art gallery palace be different from radio be like square go along stadium 1 really don’t know. tourist Let me see. tower take place voice Yes, sure. / Sure. be founded (in/by) Progress Check Bic 1. Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному: 1) а capital a) a building b) a country c) a town d) a city 2) to take place a) to take care b) to have c) to happen d) to stay 3) well-known a) unknown b) famous c) fantastic d) smart 2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу: 1) You*U hear some imporiam ... on the radio at 6 o’clock. a) place of interest b) voice c) information d) music 2) Our city museum is not ... an art gallery at all. a) founded b) like c) known d) real 3) ... says that the Tower has a bloody history. a) history b) museum c) woman d) legend 4) An important political meeting took ... near the Houses of Parliament two years ago. a) place b) care c) part d) off 76 5) Where is Don? — He is running at the ... . a) capital b) stadium c) art gallery <1) tower 3. Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме: 1) This little kitten ... а warm house and a hospitable family, a) is needing b) needs c) need 2) Look al that group of strange tourists ... along the street, a) are going b) going c) go 3) Could I speak to Miss Smith? — Sorry, she magazine. a) is giving b) gives c) gave 4) We ... a lot of balloons through the window, a) are seeing b) sees c) can see A, Выбери правильный вариант перевода: 1) Сейчас ему необходим только горячий чай a) Не is needing only а cup of hot tea at the moment. b) He needs only a cup of hoi tea at the moment. 2) Что Вы хотите? a) What do you want? b) What are you wanting? 3) Тише' Oh пишет статью о Москве. a) Keep silence! Не is writing an article about Moscow. b) Silence! He writes an article about Moscow. an interview to a youth H Z © UNIT 5 FACES OF LONDON 0 Section 1. “When a Man Is Tired of London He Is Tired of Life” 1 . Look at the picture and say if you know any of the plaoes in it. All big cities in the world look the saine, but every city or country has somethm^ special in it. Say what is special about where you live (your village, town, city)? 2. Listen and repeat. |d] — watdi. MOMl, pop*slnger, modern, property, lollipop, fond |э:| — course, corner, horn, auilior (ic) — wax, waxworks, madam, character, actor, magic, adventure |e| — ever, never, central, adventure, century, secretary |o:] •— worth, work, interpreter [ju:| — statue, musician, museum I a:] — art, rihnslar, cartoon, park, garden, grass, plant, artist, dancer |ei| — famous, fairy'tale, lady, sailor, main, ancient \\:] —’ leaving, tree, .speaker, speech, free \J] — politician, ancient, musidan [at] — sight, sign, bright, stieniisi, mind, die, guide, libnirian 3 ■ Read and act out. — Have you ever been to any museums in London? {7ь? когда-нибудь был в ?..) — Of course, I have. J went to Madame Tussaud’s [ts'soidz] museum a year ago. — Oh, did you? I have not been there. Is it worth visiting? (Туда стоит сходить?) — Yes, sure. GRAMMAR DISCOVERIES; IVe been to... I have been to the museum. = I visited the museum. She has been to the USA. = She visited the USA. I have been = I’ve been I have not been = I haven’t been she has been = she’s been she has not been = she hasn’t been Have you ever been to New York? I’ve never been to New York. 4, Ask your partner this question. Change the word in the frame each time. Example: Have you ever been to Tver? — Yes, I have, / No, I haven’t. Boston? > ~ ~Riga? > Г Tokyo? > S3 5. Make up as many sentences as you can. Work in pairs. London? Buckingham Palace? the Kremlin? a zoo? an art gallery? a museum? Red Square? 6. Say where you've never been, but would like to visit and explain why. Example: I’ve never been to Wasbinghton. I’d like to visit it because I want to see the White House. 7. Work out the dialogue. Put the phrases in the correct order. Read and act out. 1) Why not! See you tomorrow morning then. 2) Have you ever been to the planetarium 1,р1гспэ'1еэпэт1 (планетарий)! 3) I don’t know yet. 4) What are you going to do on Sunday morning? 5) No, I’ve never been there. 6) Let’s go then. It’s worth seeing. H Z 79 ю 8- Work in pairs. Make up dialogues and act them out. Use the words from exercise S. — Have you ever been to ...? — Of course, I have. / No, Tve never been there. — It's worth visiting (seeing). / Come on! Lei*s go to visit (see)... — Yes, why not! f i*d love to! (5иге!)/Гт afraid I can't. 9. Listen, read and learn the poem. - Kittle GirJ Little Girl, little girl, Where have you been? Tve been to see grandmother Over the green', What did she give you? Milk in a can^. What did you say for it? Thank you. Gran. ' over |'t»uv9) the green - ean fkwn) — билон по ту сторону луга, за лугом 10» Read the texts. Try to remember as much information as possible. Madame Tussaud's Life-size Figures of Famous People It is one of the sights of London. It*s the famous waxworks museum^ which has one of the largest collections of wax models in the world. Here you can meet the famous, of course and the infamous: an unforgettable experience (ue-забываемое ваечаииеиие). You can meet great characters of history and art. Here actors, film stars, pop-singers and sportsmen come face to face with famous politicians. There is a special place for the Queen’s family: the Queen, her husband, their children and other members of the Royal family. 80 i MUSEUM OF THE MOVING IMAGE MOMI ( Hie Museum of the Moving Image) Evciyonc enjoys their visit to MOMI. In MOMI the history and magic of cinema and TV is explained. There arc hundreds of dips from films and TV-programmes Visitors take an active pari. You can act in a Hollywood Western* select a film to watch, or even draw your own cariooit film During your visit you can also meet characters from the past. Visitors can ask any questions about the lime in history (историческая эпоха) from which the characters come. It's both interesting and good fun! Parks and Gardens of I.ondon Londoners love their parks and arc proud of them. London is very rich in parks and gardens. You can spend the whole day in the country-— without leaving London. London’s parks are full of trees, grass, flowers and water. You can walk among old trees, relax and admire {восхищаться) flowers and plants or take part in the many activities such as tennis, swimming and horse-riding. The Royal Parks are the property of llie Royal family. In central London they include Hyde Park, Green Park, St James’s Park (photo I). Regent’s Park (photo 2) and Kensington Gardens. Hyde Park is famous for its outdoor entertainments (j)aJe.ic4cuuH) and its Speaker’s Corner. On a Sunday morning anyone can make a speech about something he believes to be very important. You can also visit Regent’s Park where you will find London Zoo, a boating lake and an open-air (открытый) theatre, where in summer you can enjoy Shakespeare's plays. St Jame.4’s Park, the oldest London park, is very beautiful with its trees and flower beds and view of Buckingham Palace. The statue of the famous fairytale hero. Peter Pan, can be seen in Kensington Gardens (photo 3). Paiks arc free in London. Ю Z 0 i 1 * Look through the texts of exercise 10 tor 5 minutes. Say which text these groups of words belong to; I) is rich in 2) are proud of are full of walk relax famous actors face to face history popsingers infamous people 3) famous actors history TV programmes films in the past 12. Decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). О I) You can meet great characters of history and art at Madarne Tussaud’s museum. □ 2) There are no actors and filmstars among Madame Tussaud’s life-size figu- res of famous people. □ 3) There is a special place for the Queen’s family at Madame Tussaud’s museum. Q 4) MOMl is a Natural History Museum. □ 5) In MOMl you can learn about the history and magic of theatre. О 6) During your visit to MOMf you’ff meet characters from the past. □ 7) There arc few parks in London. □ 8) London Zoo, a lake and a theatre arc all in Regent’s Park. □ 9) The statue of the famous Peter Pan is in one of London’s Parks. Z TH£ NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM 13. Translate the word combinations. Use them to create your own sentences: a city / a town a dull film friends t relatives boring lessons person education museum lime 82 14. Make up sentences: И The film The books The cartoons The museum The text The music The cakes is/are worth visiting. reading. eating. seeing. translating. listening. 1 5. Think of 5 nouns, 5 verbs, 5 adjectives to describe London. 1 6 • Which place of interest do you associate with the following? a) Big Ben b) London Zoo c) Peter Pan d) life-size figures of famous people c) Speaker’s Comer 0 the royal family g) the magic of cinema and TV 17* Do you think the following sentences are true |T) or false (F)? □ a) London is a big and dull city. r~l b) It’s quite expensive to visit London museums. □ c) There are few theatres in London. П d) London is worth visiting. Buckingham BLENHEIjrn ^ajaCC .( ,f e lasss,' ' Have you PALACE in *0^ ю н 18 . Head the text to find out if you are right. Dr Johnson said ^4Vhcn a man is tired of London he is tired of This saying is now very well known but it is still true. There arc hundreds of historic buildings, galleries and museums. Most museums are free. There arc parks, over 80 theatres and even more cinemas. 19. If you were in London, what places of interest would you like to visit? Why? 20. On the tape you’ll hear 2 people talking about London. Listen and decide if the foliowing statements are true (T) or false (F^, 1) Next month !*m going to stay in London for 3 days. 2) Three days is too long a time to spend in London. 3) MOMI is not an art gallery. 4) MOMI museum is a museum of cinema and TV history. 5) Londoners aren’t proud of their parks and gardens. 21 . Do you like lollipops? Have you ever heard about “Lollipop Ladies”? Which of the following pictures do you think represents the Lollipop Lady? Read the text to find out if you are right. The f.ottipop Lady Many years ago most schoolchildren walked to school. To help children to cross the street “patrols^* [po'troulz] (патруль) stood in the streets. They wore (ita 1ШХ 6bLiu надеты) a bright coat and held a red-and-white stick with a circular (круглый) sign at the lop which read “Slop, Children”. The sign looked like a lollipop (a sweet on a stick) (леденец на палочке). Most “patrols” were women and were called “Lollipop Ladies’*. But since the 1980s there have been far fewer “Lollipop Ladies” in the streets. Today so many children go to school by car and bus, that there isn't as much of a need for patrols to help children cross the streets although, of course, there is still some need. In 1993 there were 1,000 lollipop ladies in bright coats in the streets of London standing at zebra crossings with their “Lollipop signs”. Many other towns in Britain, small and large, also still have “Lollipop Ladies” in their streets. 84 22. Finish the sentences: 1) Many years ago том schoolchildren... 2) The patrols had... 3) The sign looked like... 4) Most patrols were... 5) Tliey were called... 6) Bill since the I98()s there have been... 7) In 1993 there were 1,(X)0 Lollipop Ladies 8) They stood... 9) Many other towns in Britain also... 23. Match the signs and their descriptions. 1) Children тлю 2) Cafe, restaurant 3) Disabled Lactlilies 4) Information Centre 5) Bus Stop ^ 6) Underground station (мсщр<}) 7) Toilet H) Telephone 1 II \ Ч и in 24. Which of the following phrases do vou think best describes London? Why? a) London is without douhi (без сомнения) one of the most wonderful cities in the world. It has many faces and means different things to different people. b) London is a city for all seasons, a city of theatres, shopping, entertainment and gtwd food as well as being a city with an ancient history. c) London is one of the biggest and most interesting cities in the world. d) Each part of London has its own history and character. 85 Section 2. Talking about the Famous 25. Say what these people are tamous tor. You may oeed the words: songs, books, poems, films, pictures, stories about Sherlock Holmes, plays, detective stories. Example: ... is famous for her detective stories. Sir Arthur Conar^ Doyle I Agatha Christie w A ШШат Shakespare tf> H Z Э Mark Twain Charlie Chaplin John Lenrton 26. Read the text and answer the questions: a) When did Daniel Defoe write his most famous novel? b) Was the story based on real adventures? c) What is the title of the book? Daniel Defoe {di'fou| (1660—1731) was a famous English writer of the eighteenth century (век). He WTOie his world famous novel “The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe ['rnbmson ’kruisou)” when he was nearly 60 years old. The story of Robinson Crusoe was based [бьиа основана) on the real adventures of a sailor called Alexander Selkirk [’selksikl, who had lived (нрожнл) alone for four years on a desert (необитаемьш) island. The book, however, also contains A lot of incidents (случаи} from the author's imagination (фантазия). When the book was published in 1719, it immediately (не.медлешю) became popular. Defoe made his story so realistic (достоверный) that everyone believed it. Defoe didn't write his book for cliildren. But every child now knows “Robinson Crusoe", how he learned to catch goats and to make pots (горшки), how he made an umbrella and had hundreds of adventures. Daniel Defoe wrote many other books, but for “Robinson Crusoe" he is called “the father of English ргове’У^'гр называют omtfOM aнглш4cкoгi прозы). S6 27. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and expressions: восемнадцатый век, изосст>1ый во всем мире роман, удивительные приключения, жить одному, остров, много фантазии, была опубликована, стала популярной, поверили, изобрел зонт 28. Decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (Г). 1) D. Defoe wrote his novels in the I9lh century. 2) D. Defoe wrote his novel about R. Crusoe when he was 30. 3) The story of R. Crusoe is the author’s imagination. 4) The novel wasn't popular in the 18th century, it became popular later. 5) D. Defoe didn't write his book for children. 6) D. Defoe is called '*the father of English prose" for his detective stories. 2 9. Have you read the novel “Robinson Crusoe"? Say a fewr words about this novel and include the following information: a) the author b) the main chanicter, his traits {его черты характера) c) the novel d) five adjectives to describe the novel 30. Read the text and try to find out which of these pictures is Joseph Turner's. Joseph Turner (1775—1851) Joseph Ttirner w'as the son of a barber |‘bu:bo] {парикмахер). At the age of fifteen he exhibited |ig’zibitidl (вметавьп) his first picture. Turner was very fond of nature and often went alone on trips {иутешестштп один) through England and Wales. While travelling, he liked to draw ruined {jmjpymeumie) abbeys and casllcs |'ки:ь1г| (тмки\. Turner was famous for the wonderful colours in his pictures. Most of them were landscapes (пейшжи) and sea pictures. He was a master of water-colours (акеаредь). tf) b 87 31 . Answer the questions. 1) When was J. Turner born? 2) Whal was his father's job? 3) J. Turner was very fond of nature, wasn't he? 4) Whal did he like to draw during his trips? 5) Whal was J. Turner famous for? 6) What kind of pictures did he paint? 7) J. Turner wasn’t a master of water-colours, was he? 32. Think of five nouns and five adjectives to describe J. Turner’s pictures. to z 3 GJ GRAMMAR DISCOVERIES. Siffixes: -/sf, -/an, -ect, -man, -er 33. Read, translate and remernber. an — artist science — scientist architecture — architect poetry — poet ballet —' ballet-dancer opera — opera-singer run — runner swim — swimmer politics — politician music — musician business — businessman sport — sportsman bank banker to teach —‘ teacher to write '— writer 34. Look at the pictures and say in what spheres (сферы) of life these people Jr ^ f *1 > f are famous. Exampie: Sir W. Churchill was a famous politician. Arms Pavlova 86 35. Finish the sentences. Example: J. Turner drew ruined abbeys and castles. He was a He was a gifted artist. 1) Isaac Newton discovered some important laws of physics. He was a well-known .... 2) Savva Morozov helped poor people. He was a... 3) My friend can swim very well. He is a good... 4) Anna Pavlova is a world-famous... 5) His elder si.stcr works at school, she is a... 6) Charlotte Bronte wrote novels about love and hate. Her two sisters were also.,, 7) "‘I don't want to play the violin. I don’t want to be a...''— the boy cried. 36 , Choose the necessary words to fill the gaps in the texts. 1) writer / scientist / painter / politician 2) 1906 / 1809 / 1853 / 1892 3) minerals, birds’ eggs, insects / chemical experiments / painting / languages 4) medicine / many different kinds of plants and animals / English language and literature / mathematics 5) doctor / theory / linguist / science 6) biology / a fairy-tale world / literature / physics 7) 16137 1882 / 1973 / 1718 t Jt.4 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien 1) John R. R. Tolkien is a famous English .... 2) He was born at the end of the 19th century, in ... . 3) At school Tolkien was fond of..., but not just modem languages — he also liked ancient languages. He spoke six ancient languages and even made up his own languages. 4) At Oxford University he studied... . 5) John R. R. Tolkien became an outstanding .... 6) He became famous, however, when his books were published. He wrote several books "'The Hobbit”, “The Lord of Rings” etc. In his books John R. R. Tolkien describes where Hobbits, magicians, elves and warriors (рьщари) live. 7) John R. R. Tolkien died in ... . Charles Darwin 1) Charles Darwin is a well-known .... 2) The scientist Charles Darwin was born at the beginning of the I9tb century, in ... . 3) As a boy, Charles collected all kinds of things, ... . He carried out ... in the school garden. His nickname was “Gas”. 4) After 3 years of study at Cambridge University he made a voyage round the world. During the 5 year voyage he studied ... in all parts of the world. 5) Little by little Darwin built up his famous .... 6) His theory of evolution opened a new period in the development of the science of the Darwinian period. 7) Charles Darwin died in ... and was buried (похоронен) in Westminster Abbey. in b- 89 37. Whose names do you associate with; a) a master of watercolour b) detective stories c) The Iron Lady d) “the father of English Prose” c) “The Hobbit” 0 “Yesterday" g) Sherlock Holmes h) the theory of evolution I) “Alice in Wonderland” © M. , О CA.. 1 Ю H 38 • Telt your classmates about any famous man or woman you admire. Don’t telt them his / her name. Let your classmates guess who he / she is. 39 ■ Work in pairs. Find out the names of famous people who your partner likes or admires. Example: Tell me the names of three famous actors you like. 1 like........... Actors Artists Composers Pop'Singers Opera-singers Writers GJ GRAMMAR REVIEW: the article а^зл) a (перед согласными) an (перед гласными) a doctor an ice cream a good novel an English writer 90 40. Fill in: 3 or ал. ... man, ... uniform. ... brighi pupiU ... educational programme. ... unusual invitalion, ... loving parent, ... miemational exchange. ... well-known tower, ... exeeUem actor a / an {b ед. числе) no article (нет артикля во мн. числе) It's an elephant. They are elephants. A little boy is playing with a dog. Boys are playing with dogs. 41 • Complete the sentences: 1) What’s this? What are they? Examp/e: an eagle — It’s a bird. eagles, parrots — They are birds. a) a pear — U’s... e) die Thames? the Volga? — They... b) a horse — ... f) London. Moscow. Paris — c) a rose — ... g) Great Britain, Russia. Spain — d) a water-melon — ... 2) Who were these people? Exfff}fp/e: J. R. R. Tolkien? — He was a writer. F. Chopin. J. S. Bach? — They were composers. a) Sh;tkcspetU‘e? — He... b) C. Chaplin? — c) I. Newton? — d) Elizabeth 1? — e) Sir W. Churchill? — 0 John Lennon? Paul McCartney? — They... g) L. Сапч^И? A. Christie? — h) Ilya Repin? Turner? — 1Л I- JohnRonal^uelTolWen GJ GRAMMAR DISCOVERIES: a/an or the Неопределенный артикль (в loiif mt) }'нотрс6лястся только с сущестонтельны-мн в единственном числе, которые можно сосчитать» если лицо или предмет, обозначаемые этим слоном, впервые упоминается с разговоре (в тексте). Определенный артнкл1> /Ае употребляется с суацествнтельнымя как в единственном, так к во множественном числе, если лицо или предмет, обозначаемые этим словом, уже упоминались ранее. This is the house that Jack built. Go to the blackboard. Arc the students still working in the garden? © u> н 42. Fill in a / an or the. 1) My pments hiive ... cat and ... parrot. ... cal never attacks the parrot, but ... parrot often hurts ... cal. 2) Would you like ... cup of lea? 3) Have you been to ... museum J told you about? 4) Albcrl Einstein was ... famous scientist. 5) For breakfast I had some orange juice and ... sandwich. ... sandwich was very nice. 6) When we were in London we stayed at ... hotel. We had our breakfast at ... hold, and lunch at ... cafe. 7) Could you turn on ... light? It's dark in ... room. WffI 43. Read the information in the boxes. Match the names with the map. 1) Thc употребляется c названиями сторон света: The West The North The East The South 2) The употребляется c названиями морей, океанов, рек, каналов, горных цепей: The Atlantic Ocean The Baltic Sea The North Sea The English Channel The Thames Tlie Volga The Neva The Alps The Caucasus Ho: Snowdon, Elbrus 3) The употребляется c названиями некоторых государств; The UK The Russian Federation The Netherlands 4) The упогребляегся c иаэваииями планет и светил: 5) The употребляется с названиями некоторых исторических учреждений: the Kremlin the Tower ot London the Bhiisu Museum the Houses of Partiament 6) The употребляется: ■ перед cyuiecTBHTenbiibiMii c порядковыми числительными: Ihe first interview ■ перед существительными с прилагательными в превосходной степени: the best weekend the smallest planet ■ перед фамилиями, употребленными во множественном числе для обозначения членов одной семьи: the Orlovs - Орловы (то есть семья Орловых) No article —‘Перед именами и фамилиями: Agatha Christie John Lennon — перед названиями городов: Moscow Washington London — перед названиями улиц и ллошадей: Green Street Red Square — перед названиями континентов: Africa — перед названиями большинства государств: Russia Great Britain France Australia in z 44. Rtl in the gaps with the or with no artide as necessary: 1) Let’s invite ... Browns lo my birthday parly! 2) ... Janies Grey is ... brightest pupil in our class. 3) Which is ... smallest planet in the solar system (e солиситш системе/* 4) ... Emily lives in ... Baker Street in ... London. 93 ю Choose the right answer. Sometimes you need the, sometimes not. Example: What is the name of the ocean between America and Europe? (Atlantic, Arctic, Indian) — The Atlantic Ocean. 1) Where is Chile? (Africa, South America, Europe) — 2) What is the longest river in Russia? (Volga, Ob, Yenisei) — 3) Of which country is London the capital? (Gr. Britain, France, USA) — 4) Which is the largest continent? (Africa, North America, Australia) — 5) Which is the largest country hi the world? (USA, Russian Federation, China) — 6) What is the capital of Scotland? (Belfast, London, Edinburgh) — 7) On which river does London stand? (Severn, Thames) — S) What is the name of the sea between Britain and Norway? (English Channel, North Sea, Black Sea) — 9) What is the capital of the USA? (New York, Ottawa, Washington) — 46. Choose the correct form with or without the. Example: The British Prime Minister lives in Downing Street / the Downing Street.— The British Prime Minister lives in Downing Street. 1) My English pen friend lives in Worship Street / the Worship Street.— 2) British Museum/The British Museum is the biggest London museum.— 3) Have you ever been to Westminster Abbey/the Westminster Abbey? — 4) St Paul’s Cathedral/The St Paul’s Cathedral is open 09.00-16.00, except Sunday.— 5) MOMI / The MOMl is one of'the most unusual London museums.— 6) We’ll visit Houses of Parliament / the Houses of Parliament and Tower / the Tower of London, won’t we? — S Section 3. We Want to Be Famous Too 47. Read and act out. — Would you like to be famous? — 1 think I would. Г11 do my best to become a famous musician. — Will you? As for me I’d like to be a famous scientist or a famous writer. 48. What do you know about the famous writer Mark Twain? Read the following story about him and then give a summary of it, Mark Twain, the famous American writer, was well-known as a lectureri. Literary clubs often invited him to speak. Before one of his lectures^ a club member came to him and said: “Mr Twain, people say that you can tell very funny stories. I hope that during your lecture you will tell a story that will make my uncle laugh. He hasn’t laughed for ten years.” 94 “14J do my best.'*’ Mark Twain said. When he began his lecture. Mark Twain noticed the club member. He was silling in front of him with an old man who had a very sad face. Mark Twain began to tell jokes, one after another. “I lold long jokes and short jokes, new jokes and old jokes,” Mark Twain told his friends. “I lold every joke I knew and soon everybody wa.s laughing. Everybody — but not the old man. He was looking at me with cold, blue eyes. I couldn't make him laugh, and I tried again and again. But nothing helped...” After the lecture, the club member came to Mark Twain and said, “Thank you, Mr Twain. I have never heard so many funny siorie.s.’' “They weren't funny enough for your uncle.” Mark TWain answered. “He didn’t even smile.” “I know” the man said. “He hasn't laughed for ten years. But P didn’t tell you that he hadn't heard anything for ten years. He is deaf'*. ’ lecturer |'leky“srol —* лск1ч>р - Icciiirc I’lekthl — лекция ' I'И do niy hcst.'~ И CMciliiio нее но1можц(н:. ■* de;il' |dcf| — глухо» 49. Read this story about an outstanding American actor and producer. Find out the trails of his character which made him famous. This is a .story that Charlie Chaplin liked to tell about himself (o себе). It happened after the great actor had become (стал) world famous. A theatre announced (объявил) a competition to see who could act like Charlie Chaplin. People who took part in il had to (должны были) dress Икс Chaplin, walk like Chaplin and act out one of the roles in a Chaplin film. When Charlie Chaplin heard about the competition, he decided, as a joke, to take part in the competition himself (аш). Of course, he kept his plan a secret from everybody (в тайне от всех). When the re.sults of the cotnpelition were announced (были объявлены) Chaplin found out that he hadn't won the first prize (первое место). At first he was upset (расстроен) but then he decided that it was quite funny. i I 5cf 50. Put the sentences in the correct order: — Charlie Chaplin decided to take part in the competition. — He didn't win the first prize. — It happened after Chaplin had become world famous. — Al first he was upset. — People who took part in it had to dress like Chaplin, walk like Chaplin and act out one of the roles in his film. — Of course, he kept his plan a secret from everybody. — A theatre announced a competition lo find a Charlie Chaplin double (двойник). — He decided that it was quite funny. 51. Do you know any anecdotes or funny stories about famous people? Tell your classmates. Ю I- 95 in ь 52. Try to Quess what your classmate will be. BeQm with: I think you want to be.... I believe you arc going to be.... I think you'll become. I believe you'll be.... Let your classmate say who is fight: You’re quite right. Vm afraid you arc not right. Гт going to be.... Sorry, but.... You are mistaken, .... You are wrong.... wants to be. Say aloud what you think he or she Use the words: artist, banker, worker, politician, scientist, musician, architect, policeman, nurse, doctor, cook, teacher, lawyer, guide, interpreter, ballet-dancer, football-player, office-worker, businessman, secretary, librarian, dentist, engineer, home-maker, computer-prognunmer, sailor, shop-assisianl, manager, pilot... 53. Look at the picture and discuss the dominant traits {огшн1лтельные черты} of each boy or girl. Use the words: intdligcnl, sociable, shy, creative, loving, talkative, independent, responsible, athletic, obedient, naughty, polite, clever, brave, friendly, kind, non-athlelic. 54. Name the dominant traits of one of your classmates. Do not say her / his name. Let your classmates guess who you are talking about. 55. Can you predict the future? Try to predict your own future. Use the points: 1) Occupation 7) Dominant traits 2) Family / children 8) Pets 3) House 9) Hobbies 4) Country, town. 10) Travel 5) Health 11) ... (Any other points) 6) Money 56. Predict the future of one of your classmates. Use the points given in exercise 55. 96 57- Read the text and guess what Mr Tailor had to say during the lunch. 1) Mahizeil 3) Good appetilc 2) Tailor 4) Bon appciit Many years ago. Mr Tailor, an Englishman, stayed in a hold in Germany. He usually had lunch in a little cafe. Every time he came to the tabic, a German who was silting there stood up and said: ‘’’Mahlzcil.’' The Englishman answered: “Tailor." One day, Mr Tailor met an English friend. “The Germans have strange traditions," he said. “Every lime I come to the ciife for lunch, a German stands up and tells me his name.'* “That seems strange to me, loo.” the friend said. “Whal docs the man say?" “He tells me his name — Mahizeil,” Mr Tailor answered. His friend laughed: “Mahizeit" isn’t his name, it’s the German word for "good appetite". The German is a polite man and he is simply saying “Mahizeit" to you because you are going to cat.” The next day, when Mr Tailor came into the cafe, he smiled to the German and said, “Mahizeit." The German stood up and answered: “Tailor!" m BE POLITE! Before you start dinner There is no phrase in English to translate “Приятного аппетита" (Russian), “Bon appetit” (French) and so on. Sometimes the English say 8on appeiiif Would you like some more pudding? V" During dinner Don’t forget to say pleasant words to your host during the meal: This is lovely. This is delicious. After dinner Di/mer was nice, W'dsn’i ii? After dinner it is polite to say to your host: Thank you. That very nice, i really enjoyed It. thank you. ^ a little, please. \ —[------------------- Ю h \K\ e 58. Look at the picture. What are the members of the family doing? What are they talking about? Dramatize (act out) their conversation, using the necessary polite word combinations. 97 LO h- Section 4. Homework 1 . Fill in: have, haS; was, were. 1) you ever been to the Kremlin?”— ”ОГ course, we ... . We ... there last Sunday.” 2) “My little sister ... not been to the zoo yet. ... your little brother been there?”— “Yes, he .... He ... at the zoo last weekend. But I ... not been there for ages (очень давно). Lei’s all go together. It’s worth visiting in May.” 3) They ... already (уже) been to the museum. They ... there last month. 2. Do exercise 6 on page 79 in written form. 3. Put questions to the sentences. Begin with the word given in brackets. Exampie: She has been to London. (Has) — Has she been to London? 1) I have been to Riga. (Have) — 2) Last summer they visited his Utile farm. (When) — 3) My friends are going to travel by bike. (How) — 4) Next month the doctor will go abroad. (Who) — 5) Look! The little boy is crying. (Why) — 6) This unusual concert lakes place in the open air theatre. (Where) — 4. Fill in the appropriate preposition: of, froriiy /г), during, for, at, to. 1) The monument was erected icoopy.vcefi} ... 1901. 2) This museum was different ... the other historical museums. 3) St James's Park is famous ... its open-air theatre. 4) ... your visit ... MOM! you can meet different characters. 5) There is a special place ... the Royal family ... Madame Tussaud’s museum. 6) Londoners are proud ... their city. 5« Do exercise 14 on page 83 in written form. 6. Here are 6 answers. What questions do they answer? Write the questions. Example: Tve never been lo London.— Have you ever been to London? 1) He has never been lo Moscow.— 2) They visited the art gallery two days ago.— 3) The statue of Peter Pan is in Kensinghton Gardens.— 4) The cily is famous for its bridges.— 5) My sister goes out every weekend.— 6) I think the film is worth seeing.— T« Finish the sentences. Example: CharWe Chaplin is famous for his films... — Charlie Chaplin is famous for his films, isn’t he? 98 1) Agatha Christie is famous for her detective stories, ...? 2) Londoners are proud of their parks, ...? 3) The pupils were in the museum yesterday, ...? 4) I haven’t been to Buckingham Palace, 5) The writer didn’t publish this novel. ...? 6) You can take part in the game. ...? 7) The poet will read his poems in the evening, ...? 8. Do exercise 32 on page 88 in written form. 9. Do exercise 38 on page 90 in written form. 10. Pill in the gaps. Translate the words. 1) business — a businessman ... — a sportsman police •— a ... fire — a ... 2) to work — a worker to teach — a ... ... — a writer to manage — a ... to sing — a ... to ... — a dancer to play — a ... 3) poetry — a poet architecture — .. ... •—-a musician politics — ... science — ... ... — an artist 11. Copy the words and word combinations, which can be used {могут употребляться^ with the article a / an. ... palace, ... gallery, ... actors, ... politician, ... enjoy,... town, ... famous park, ... active part, ... interesting, ... adventures, ... answer, ... islands, ... character, ... London,... history, ... Agatha Christie, ... author, ... know,... independent newspaper. 12. Fill in the article (a/an or the) where it*s necessary. 1) ... A. Christie is ... famous English writer. 2) My brother is ... lawyer. His friends are ... lawyers too. 3) When 1 was in ... country last summer I lived on ... farm. ... farm wasn’t large but it was nice. 4) Would you like ... glass of juice? — Yes, please. 5) Will you go to ... art gallery she told us about? 6) She has got... son and ... daughter. ... son is learning ... English. ... daughter is studying Maths. 13. Do exercise 44 on page 93 in written form. 14. Do exercise 43 on page 94 in written form. 1 5- Translate from Russian Into English. • быть богатым, гордиться, достопринсчателькости • известный поэт, независимый ученый, вежливый секретарь, застенчивый клерк, болтливый переводчик ID Ь Z э 99 • I) “Ты был когда-нибудь в этом дворце?”— “Нет. Туда стоит сходить?” — “Да, обязательно”. 2) Лондонцы любят свой город и гордятся им. 3) Оч был известным политиком и писателем. 16f Do exercise 55 on page 96 in written form. Key Vocabulary m Nouns; adventure m Adjectives: ancient artist dominant century outstanding crossing royal lollipop special musician novel Ш Expressions poet and word politician combinations: As for me... scientist be bom sight be free university be rich in be tired of H Ш Verbs; cross be worth... (It's z die worth doing.) publish Vm afraid I can’t. I believe... Ш Adverbs: alone place of interest ever You are wrong. never You are quite right. Progress Check 1. Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному: 1) novel а) роет 2) to be rich in a) lo arrange 3) dominant a) independent b)joke b) to enjoy b) main c) book d) song c) to have no d) to have a lot of c) dirty d) merry 100 2. Fill In the gaps using one of the options: 1) My parents ... the noisy city. They want to go to the country next week, a) are full of b) are tired of c) are responsible for d) are sure of 2) Have you ever been to Ostankinskaya Tower? Let's go there. It's ... visiting, a) nice b) well c) well-known d) worth 3) In London most museums are.... a) new b) local c) free d) friendly 4) The writer was born in the nineteenth .... a) century b) year c) calendar d) age 5) The scientist couldn’t ... his works for a long time. a) put b) spend - c) learn d) publish 3. Fill in the appropriate article: 1) L. Carroll is ... famous English writer, isn’t he? a) a b) the c) — 2) London is the capital of ... United Kingdom. a) a b) the c) — 3) We went to the cinema yesterday. ... film was dull, a) a b) the C) — 4) My cousin is ... best pupil in the school. a) a b) the c) — 5) Would you like ... cup of tea? — Yes, thanks. a) a b) the c) — 4. Chose the correct translation of the sentence: 1) Have you ever been to an ancient castle? а) Вы бывали когда-нибудь в старинном замке? б) Вы собираетесь побывать когда-нибудь в старинном замке? 2) This book is worth reading. а) Э17 книгу следует прочитать. б) Эту книгу стоит прочитатт., Ю @ ^ 4 V, UNIT 6 ANIMALS IN OUR LIFE Section 1. Reading and Talking about London Zoo 1021 1 ' Listen and read what the booklet says about London Zoo. Find out the answers to these questions: a) How many kinds of insects (tiaccKOMbie) are there at the zoo? b) What species of endangered liiVdcincfeod] animals (жтошиые, которые находятся под угрозой упичтожепия tan вымирания) сап you name? c) What’s the address of the Zoological Society (общество) of London? Meet Оцг Baby Animals See the young birds stretch (расправлять) their wings. And watch out when “Junior Jumbo" walks. This little elephant likes a walk. And those funny little monkeys are always full of fun: swinging (раскачивающиеся), jumping, chasing (гоняющиеся) and chattering (болтающие). We have over 5,000 insects, big and small, walking, jumping, sleeping. And when it's feeding time at the zoo, look at all those sharks Сакулы; diving for their daily catch (ежедневный улов). Wowl Every Living Thing • •• The Zoological Society of London is fighting to help save endangered animals all over the world. The African elephant, the giant |'djaom| (гигантская) panda, the black rhino |'гатэо| (носорог) are just some of these animals. You can help too by joining the Society’s animal conversation project LIFEWATCH. Write to: Ufewatch, London Zoo, Regent's Park, London, NWt 4RY. 2. Listens repeat and read. [aej — natural, catch, activities, habit, hamster [etj — cage, save, endangered, nature [з:] ^ world, burn, turn, word, work [d| — watch, watchdog, project, conversation |э:| — all, already, warm, north, more (at) — fight, rhino, kind, wild, right, lifewatch [ai9] — society, scientific, scientists, giant It)) — wing, fighting, swinging, jumping, chattering, joining, chasing, feeding Ids) — cage, project, join, enjoyable, endangered, giant, just 3. Listen and repeat. Rnd the expressions in the text. Give their litussian equivalents. — The Zoological Society of London — Lifewatch project — all over the world — endangered animals — some of these animals —^ every living thing — feeding time — daily catch — stretch their wings — to Join the Society — endangered — to be full of fun — to have over 5.000 insects 4. Translate the following word combinations. Use them in your own sentences. endangered animals the day (предотвращать что-либо плохое) to save спасать to fight сражаться^ бороться to join присоединяться, вступать world мир, вселенная kind добрый, the kind разновидность, вид against cruelty (против жестокости) to animals with (c) a shark for (за) endangered animals a society a local football team your classmates all over the world (no всему свету) world peace (мир во всем мире) Che animafs world the natural world a kind nurse all kinds of things (всевозможные вещи) 400 kinds of insects (O z 1031 5. tmagine that you are speaking to visitors to London Zoo over the radio. Look at the text again {ex. 1) and divide it into smaller parts. Take turns to read these parts for your visitors. Use: Dear visitors. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Attention, please. BE POLITE! Miss, Mrs, Mr, Madam, Sir to H Англичане, обращаясь к тем, кого хорошо знают, обычно называют имя человека: — Hello, Jill! — Hello, Ben! В тех случаях, когда леоди не очень хорошо знакомы, они употребляют слова Мш, Mrs, Mr, Madam, Sir. — Can 1 speak to Mr Green, please? 3a словам» Mr^ Miss, Mrs всегда следует фамилия. На русском языке эти слова могут означать: rocnojutfi илн госпожа: Mr WhUe, Mrs Smith, Miss Wooding Слова Miss, Mrs, Mr не употребляются в сочетаниях со словом Doctor: — Today Гт going to see Doctor Brown. Sir и Madam употребляются как отдельные odpatuetiiia без указания нменп к фамилии. Эти слова подчеркивают уважительное отношение к человеку» Например, так обращаются продавцы к покупателям; ученики к учителям: ■— This exercise is very diBicult, sir! — Yes, sir. — Can I help you, madam? Слово Sir ь исключительных случаях употребляется с именем: Sir Winston Churchiil В этом случае Sir является почетным титулом, частью нменн человека. 104 6« took at the letters the zoo has received (попун>лгь) tram children all over the world. Try to answer some of the questions asked in those letters. Take turns. First read the question aloud. see ЯГ e) What is the Zaehgkai Society of LofidonT What is its address? f) We want to hefp save endangered animais. How can we join the loohgicai Society of London? g) Can visitors of the zoo see the animais at feeding time? h) Can i take any of the baby animais home with me? 7. Imagine you work at London Zoo. Tell the viewers of the TV programme “Save the Natural Vi/orld*^ what animals you are taldng care of. Give some Information about them. 8. Read and learn. WORD FOCUS to watch — наблюдать, следить 1) Гт watching baby animals at the zoo. Look, they are full of fun! 2) Watch what you say when you talk to your Head Teacher. 3) My grandparents live in the country. They have a very good watchdog. 4) Watch out! {Осторожно!) There’s an elephant coming. to join — присоединяться, вступать 1) Would you like to join the Zoological Society of London? 2) Let’s join our local football team. I’m sure wc’rc good enough. 3) Why don’t you join your friends? They are going out tonight. <0 H ,105, 9. Look at the pictures and match the sentences where the word “wing” is used with the same meaning: (O Z a) The right wing of my father's car needs painting. b) In the summer I share the left wing of our country house with my elder brother. c) The actor is waiting his turn in the wings. d) Which wing of the parly is he on? e) Take our new pupil under your wing! f) The new plane has big wings. 10. Read the text and answer the following questions: a) When did exotic animals appear in Great Britain for the first time? b) Where is the 200 now? London Zoo They say exotic animals were first taken (бы.ш привезены) to Britain in the thirteenth century when King Henry III received a gift (подарок) of leopards and elephants. The animals lived in the Tower of London in a special place. Later the King of Norway presented Henry III with a polar (no.isipuhnf) bear. The bear liked to go fishing in the Thames at the end of a long rope (веревка). 106, ffl Five hundred years later. Queen Charlotte was given the first zebra to come to Rritain. She kept it near Buckingham House. Curious people came there to see it. Giraffes have been an attraction (притекали (шилшиие) at London Zoo since four of them arrived in 1839. Soon the giraffes were moved to Regent's Park. One female gave birth (nodapwia жизнь) to six babies within five years. Today there are many thousands of exotic animals at London Zoo. 11. Have you ever been to the zoo? Did you like it? Why? Tell the class about your visit to the zoo. 12. Work in groups. Imagine that all of you are the directors of diNerent zoos. Discuss the problems of zoos. What would you do as the director? Example: If I were the director of the zoo, I would buy a new tiger for my zoo. Our tiger needs a friend. Use: to feed the animals well, to buy new animals, to repair the animals' cages, to Create a wild animal’s park, to move the zoo to the country, to close the zoo. 13. Imagine that you are talking to the Director of London Zoo. He/she says that London Zoo is one of the best in the world. What questions would you ask him / her? Example: How many animals are there at London Zoo? 14. Listen and read the poem. Say if you agree with it. Learn the poem by heart. \ iViy Dream CrV//«n Brown 1 love ail kinds of animals Dogs and cats and rabbits. { love all kinds of animals. Despite their little habits. If 1 had tons of money, D’you know what I would do? 1 would buy lots of animals And have my own zoo. But they wouldn't be in cages, They would be free to run around. And there's one thing they would feel And that is safe and sound h ‘ safe and sound — и зиюровы to S' 1 5. Explain the difference between the man-made world and the natural world. 16. Do you know any Society fighting to help save endangered animals in Hussia? Imagine that you are setting up such a society. Discuss with your partner the rules of the Society. Example: Members oF our Society should help animals in any situation. 17. Share your rules with your classmates. a) Make э list of the best rules invented iapnAyMBHHbfe) by your classmates. b) Write a Charter {устав) for your Society. (D Section 2. Let's Discuss Animals’ Problems 18- Do you want to know more about animals in Britain? Read about Whipsnade Wild Animal Park. WHIPSNADE WILD ANIMAL PARK Your visit to Whipsnade wild animal park will be very enjoyable. At V№ipsnade you will (earn and understand more about the lives of animals and how to save endangered animals. Many scientists are work-ing here. They are studying the effects (поспедствт) that human activities (деятельность человека) have on the natural world. At the children’s farm you can get closer to domestic animals. In the wolf wood you’ll have a good view of the wolves. At a set time (в определеииое время) each day, the keepers ol the park introduce animals around the park for you to learn more about them and ask questions about them. But don’t bring along your own dog or other pets into the park. 108, 19< Discuss ttie following problems. Ask questions iri turn. Try to give different opinions. 1) ■ What is the difference between a zoo and a wild animars park? ■ Why do people keep animals in zoos and parks? ■ Where do animals have more space (npoentpattemeo) for living? ■ Where do animals liave a better place to live and why? ■ Do different animals meet eacli other in zoos and in parks? • Is it safe for scientists to work in a park? • Do you think you can leam more about animals at zoos or at wild animal parks? • Why do the rules of the park say that you can’t take your pets with you? 2) • What do you think is better for animals; to live in zoos? to live in wild animal’s parks? to live in the wild (/ш eo.7c)2 ^ itj - - * - .t: 20. Work in groups. Write an article about animals. Use the questions in exercise 19 as a plan. 21 . Read the following signs and invent {придумай) your own signs. (0 PLEASE KEEP OF* iMt GHASS 1 1 FISHING PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE PIGEONS T T PLEASE NO DOGS NO ICES NO FLASH I09i 22. Give characteristics of the following animals and birds: кцанство) 5) Mother longue (родной язык) BE POLITE! Use please, but remember; When you invite people to do something use please at the beginning: Please help yourself (to)... Please come to school in time. Please don’t wait for me. When you ask for something use please at the end; Could you help me, please. Two coffees, please. A glass of mineral water, please. h- I- 1Й1 GRAMMAR DISCOVERIES: Present Perfect Tense 12. Read and translate the sentences. Say if the verbs have the same form in Past Simple and Participle II. 1) Nancy has cleaned her room today, and it looks very nice. 2) We have played this piece of music many times, so we know it very well now. 3) You have opened the window, and it is very cold in the classroom now. 4) Jack has lost his textbook, and he cannot do his homework now. 5) The school has bought new books, and the teacher will give them to us now. 6) I have forgotten Sophia's telephone number, so I cannot call her. 7) You have written your compositions, so you may go home now. SHORT ANSWERS in PRESENT PERFECT Have you done your homework? ^ No, I haven’t. ^ Have they received our letters? ]) Yes, they have. ^ Have you written down her address? J No, I haven't. ^ Have they finished their reading test yet?) Not yet. ^ QHas Helen taken her English exam? (^ No, she hasn't. Has he returned your book to you? Yes, he has. J Has Martin seen his doctor recent!^ Q No, he hasn't.^ Q Has your dog found the bone? No, it hasn't. ^ 126 . . т_л_т м м А 13. Give the short answers to these questions. 1) Have you done all your homework for today? 2) Have you brought your English textbook to school with you today? 3) Have you got your sports kit (аюрлтвгюе сиарлжеиие) with you? 4) Has your partner finished writing down his / her homework? 5) Has your teacher given you any marks today? 6) Have you answered all the questions correctly? 7) Has your partner finished asking questions? 14. Make up questions using the given words. Answer them. Exampfe: You / watch / TV / recently? — Have you watched TV recently? — Yes, I have. 1) You / join / the society / already? — 2) Your nephews / be / at school / today? — 3) His parents/take part/in the project / yet? — 4) Your / friends / arrange / the picnic / yet? — 5) Her cousin / give / an interview / recently? — 6) Businessman / write / the cheque /jtist? — 1 5« Answer the following questions. Exampie: Have you been to the Museum of Natural History? I haven’t been there yet but l*m going to visit it. 1) Have you joined your friend’s club? 2) Have you seen those animals? 3) Have they rebuilt fwpi'cmpoujuJ the left wing of their house? 4) Has she been to see the vet with her pel? 5) Have you arranged the party? 6) Has she invited the scientists to the conference? 16. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (Past Simple or Present Perfect): 1) They (go) to the theatre last week. 2) My cousin (be) to the theatre three times this week. 3) His niece just (write) the invitation letters. 4) Helen (come) home, (have) a short rest, and then (begin) to help her mother. 5) ... your relatives (take part) in the demonstration yesterday? 6) ... your parents (tell) you about the project today? 17. Find out who in your group has the most relatives. Who has the most female relatives? Who has the most male relatives? 0 w 18, Listen, read and iearn by heart. What Is a Family? What is a femily? Who is a family? One and another makes two is a family. Baby and father and mother; a family Parents and sister and brother: a family All kinds of people can make up a family All kinds of mixtures' can make up a family What is a family? Who is a family? The children that lived in a shoe is a family! A pair like Kanga and Roo is a family! A calP and a cow that go moo is a family! All kinds of creatures^ can make up a family All kinds of numbers can make up a femily All of your family plus^ you is a family ' mixture [*mikstf9] — смесь * a calf [kaf] — тслсиок ^ creature [‘krittfo] — живое сушсство * plus [plxs] — плюс Section 2. Family Relations N z 19, Relations (отношения) in the family are very important. Read what these children say about their parents* rcsponsibiltties (обязанности). Do you agree with these ideas? Say what you think about it. ________________________ Parents must give their children p* ^ ^^ore love. Ann 6 Parents must try to understand their children. Parents must talk to their children more often. Parents must help their children with problems they have at school. Parents must set a good example to their children. Julia L Parents must give their children more freedom. —Ч- г Paul K. 128 2С Read what these parents think about their children’s responsibitilies. Say what you think about it. Children must do their homework by themselves. Children must help us with the washing up. 1/ Mr Zimin and Mrs Hope Children must set the table before dinner and clear up after dinner every day. Children must make their beds. Mrs Sweet and Mr Tin Children must lake out the rubbish (мусор) early in the morning. Z Mr Evans and Mr Blake 21 » Tell your classmates what responsibilities you have at home. What do you like doing around the house? What types of housework don’t you like? 22. Ask your parents if they agree with these ideas. Tell your classmates what your parents said. Begin with: My mum /dad says I must... 129. 23» Fill in the table: A friendly family Membere of the family always help each ether. A loving family A close family A caring family A hospitable family A traditional family A conservative family Parents alloiv their children to 0C to the disco late in the evening. I- 24. Do you look after your parents? Name five nice things you’ve done tor them recently. iixafuph: 1 have made my falher's bed. 25. Listen and read the poentr Learn it and try to do what it says. Helping Mother Help your mother set (he table With a knife and fork and spoon. set the table 130: 26. Do you help your motiier to )ay Xtie table at home? Explain how you do it. 27. Fill in the table showing the jobs you did at home each day for the last week (put or Your name____________________________ Your jobs at home Sun. Mon. TU. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. 1 set the table 1 made my bed 1 swept the floor 1 walked my dog 1 took out rubbish 1 watered the plants 1 washed up 1 went shopping 1 looked after my nephew 28. Tell your classmates what you did and what you didn’t do on different days last week. Qi a BE POLITE to your relatives! Для выражения восхищения вместе со знакомыми тебе выражениями можно использовать и новые; Familiar (известные) New (новые) You are nice! How nice you are! Din is clever! How clever Din is! It's wonderful! How wonderful! It’s hot today! How hot it is today! It's a lovely cup of tea! What a lovely cup of tea! She’s a nice girl! What a nice girl! N. Н Z 29. Say these expressions in a different way: 1) The tickets arc expensive.— How...! J) It’s a lovely park.— What...! 2) I'm hungry.— 2) They are good textbooks.— 3) Chip and Dale are clever.— 3) He’s a polite young man.— 131 Section 3. What Do British People Like to Eat? 30. Read the text. Say if you have a sweet tooth like the British. Sweet tooth The British have a sweet tooth. Thai means they like eating sweet things like puddings and pies, jams, biscuits and buns, cakes and rolls. For the British, any lime is eai-a-sweet titne; tea-break at work, break at school, watching TV at home, on a car Journey |'d33:ni|. in the cinema or theatre. During holidays like Christmas and Easter, and on special days like Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day they eat even more sweet things. f- 31. Listen, read and repeat. Then read the list yourself. |i:l — sweet, tea, tea-break, Easter, mean, meat, cheese, pizza It] — biscuit, foreigner, tin, chips, Christmas |ail — pie. slice, kind, type, like, knife [te) — sandwich, salad, Valentine’s Day. have ferl — cake, break, tnade, tnayonnaisc, plate, table (л] — bun. Mother's Day, others, lunch, discuss, buHer [nl — shop, strong, tablecloth, sausage, teapot, foreigner [o:] — sort, fork, salt, water, more, before [uj — pudding, wOTTuui, put, full, look [u:] — tooth, juice, spoon, food, too (suj — roll, slow, rose, phone, know 32» Answer the followin9 questions: 1) What do the words “the British have a sweet tooth” mean? 2) What kinds of sweet things do you know of? 3) What sweet things do you like? 4) When do the British cat cakes, biscuits etc.? 5) Are sweet things good for children’s health? Why? 132: 33- What are the special days in your family when you eat a lot of sweet things? Say what you usually eat on those days. 34. Read the text. Say if you share English tastes. English Sandwiches and English Tea A lot of people in England eat sandwiches for their lunch. There are a lot of sandwich shops in London. You can buy all sorts of sandwiches in these shops. You can get meat sandwiches, or salad sandwiches, or mcat-and-salad sandwiches. And you can get chccsc, egg or fish sandwiches. You can even buy fiiiit sandwiches. Each sandwich has two thin slices of bread. You put butter and meat between the two slices. Lots of foreigners don’t like English sandwiches. They like the kind of sandwich we call a roil. Some foreigners don’t like English tea, either. English tea is very strong. We make it in a teapot ['ti:pDt| (чайник). The English drink a lot of tea. 35. Read what the famous cook says about making sandwiches. How do you make sandwiches? What do you need to make them? Sandwiches can be made usir^g lots of different types of bread — sliced white, brown bread, rolls, etc. The principle is basically (принцип в основном) the same. - Use softened (равмтгненное) butter and put it evenly (ровно) on the slice of bread-U$e a lot of filling (начинка). • Use a clean knife. Wash your hands before you start making the sandwiches. H t33j 36. Do you know what these things are made from? Example: Cheese is made from milk. 37. Make an “Egg and Spring Onion [*ап]эп] (зеленый лу*г)” sandwich. Put the instructions lor making the sandwich in the right order {порядок}. z Eggs and Spring Onion 2 boiled [boiJdj (вареные) eggs 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise [.nieio'neiz] 4 spring onions, salt (соль) and pepper (перец) Chop (измельчите) the eggs into small pieces. Wash the spring onions. Cut off the green part. Chop the spring onions. Add to the eggs. Put the chopped eggs into a bowl (миска). Add the mayonnaise. Mix the eggs, spring onions and mayonnaise together Peel (очистите) the eggs very carefully. Wash them under cold water and dry them well. Put the filling (начинка) on the sliced bread. Add some salt (соль) and pepper (перец). 38. look at the picture. Read what David often has for dinner. Tell the class how often you eat fast food. What kind of fast food do you usually eat? 134: Very often I prefer to cat fast food. I cat a packet of chips, a Mars bar and a yoghurt for my dinner. 1 have a glass of orange juice or a coke. 1 like Co cat while watching TV in my room. 39. Choose which food you think it is better to have for breakfast and say why: 40. Make a tist of ten kinds of food you would take with you on a picnic. Don’t show the list to your friends. When you are ready, share it with your friends and find the best partner for your picnic. ♦ 41. What would you say to your English pen friend about typical Russian food ^everyday and holiday)? Make up a short story. Work in groups of 3-4. Use the dictfO' nary if necessary. When we have a picnic... When wc he have a holiday dinner... 42. Discuss your story with your classmates. Ask them if they can cook. Find out what they usually eat in their families at Easter / New Year and other holidays. What do they like best? Use: ♦ roast turkey, • roast potatoes, ♦ Christmas pudding 43. Give examples to show that the proverb is correct; Appetite comes with eating. (Апп&тглт прихорыг во врош еды*} Vse: to cook nice food to lay the tabic nicely with a new tablecloth (скатерть), clean plates, spoons, forks and knives to sit down at the tabic together to smile and make jokes to talk/to discuss interesting problems / topics to say: “Help yoursclir/“Thank уоиГ^ to enjoy your dinner r^ 2 135 Section 4. An Englishman’s Home Is His Castle'? o you h3ve a favourite place in your flat/house? Write about it. 0 Key Vocabulary aunt pepper Ш Verbs: give up biscuit pie relax cousin pudding rest female relation take out fork relative wash up husband rubbish knife salt Ш Expressions male spoon and word nephew uncle combinations: be made of / from niece wife clear the table parent set the table Adjectives: old (elder / older) ready H Progress Check 1 ■ Подчеркни слово, которое no своему эначеник> наиболее подходит к выделен' ному: 1) а nephew а) neighbour Ь) sister’s son с) brother’s daughter d) boy 2) to rest a) ready b) to relax c) to sleep d) to have fun 3) to give up a) Co stand up b) to make up c) to slop doing something d) to get up 2. Подчеркни слово, которое наиболее подходит по смыслу вместо пропуска. 1) Have you bought Christmas presents for all your ...? a) relations b) situations c) relatives 2) Let’s have breakfast. Tve already ... the tabic. a) cleared b) put c) taken out 3) “Andrew. ... rubbish, please.” his mother said, a) get rid of b) lake out c) bring 4) His ... brother joined us an hour later. a) elder b) older c) bigger 5) My aunt is going to cook a giant .... a) pepper b) pie c) picnic d) nicknames d) set d) wash up d) greater d) party 1421 d) arranges d) takes d) lias gone 3. Выбери и подчеркни глагол в нужной форме. 1) Her elder sister ... а great party recently, a) is arranging b) arranged c) has arranged 2) His little sister usually ... care of their pets, a) is taking -b) took c) has taken 3) Yesterday we ... out and had a nice lime at the disco a) arc going b) went c) go 4) My nephew is tired. He ... just ... out rubbish, a) has gone b) has taken c) will lake 5) We......to give up this job. a) has gone b) arc going c) will go 4. Выбери правильный перевод: 1) Давай немножко отдохнем. Мы перевели половину текста. a) Lct^s liavc а short rest. Wc have already translated half of the text. b) Let^s have a short rest. Wc translated half of the text. 2) Вечером она убрала со стола, подмела пол и легла спать. a) In the evening she has cleared the table, swept the floor and gone to bed. b) In the evening she cleared the table, swept the floor and went to bed. r- 2 143 UNIT 8 WE HAVE A LOT IN COMMON Section 1. Do We Like Doing the Same Things? Do We Have the Same Hobbies? 1. Look at the pictures and say how you would spend your free time. Example: I would watch videos about .... or I would collect slumps. 2. Listen and repeat. jo:] — gardening, cartoons, dancing, postcard, drama [л] — dub, rugby, culture, puppy [э:] —“ horscracing, for, author* sport (d] — jogging, fond, hobby, popular, common, model |i:| — reading, weekend, people, see, keep li| — rugby, comedy, library, detective, story (x] — advert, world, first, work, word (ju:) — new, news, musical, beautiful, future 144, 3. Listen to the tape. Say what hobbies are popular in your family» Exiimi>lc: My cider brolhcr likes jogging. collecting .stamps / postcards collecting cartoons / films collecting coins / labels / dolLs doing sports: swimming, running. Jumping, jogging, diving playing gamc.s; football, basketball, rugby, icc-hockcy, chess computer games making models of planes and ships music gardening travelling tennis theatre cinema horscracing reading dancing taking pictures (photos) 4. Read and find out what the British say about their hobbies 1) English families are very fond of having picnics. On Sundays our whole family has lunch in a forest or even in our garden. We like lo sit in the open air and enjoy nature. 2) My friends’ hobbies arc very different. My best friend and I have fun at discos. We go there to dunce and to listen to music. Our favourite type of music Ls rock. What about you? 3) My family isn't large: just my mum and dad. my elder brother and me and our dog, of course. All of us try lo keep fit (поддерживать форму). Every weekend we take our dog with us and go walking in the country. Sometimes when the weather is fine, we go by bike, except {кроме) Jack, of course! 5- Read and translate the word combinations. Use them in your own sentences. travelling reading fit (быть € хорошей c/iopmueuoii форме) a secret old letters for a walk CO I- 145 i 6- study this table, it tells you about the hobbies of English students. Rnd out which hobbies are more and less popular among English students. Example: English students arc fond of music. English students arc not so fond of ... . TV and video pets reading pubs others sport {football) 5% 12% 12% 2% 4% 1% 2% 5% 6% horseracing travelling computer collecting \clubs / discos 00 !z z 7. What do you think the figures (дифры> are for Bussia? Discuss this with your partner. 8. Bead the information about radio in Britain and answer the questions: a) When do British people usually listen to the radio? b) What radio station do young people like to listen to? Most people listen to the radio in the morning. They like to listen to music while they arc getting ready to go to .school or to work. Young people more often listen to tlte radio stations which play rock or popular music. ‘‘Virgin*' radio is a radio station which plays rock music 24 hours a day. 146 Q, Discuss the foltowins topics; a) When do you usually listen to the radio? b) What radio programmes do you prefer to listen to? c) What Russian, British and American radio stations do you know of? Do you listen to them regularly? d) Which do you prefer: TV or radio? Why? 10. About 5% of British people watch most of the TV programmes regularly. Look through (просмотри) the TV schedule and: 1) Find and read aloud: a) political programmes and news b) sports programmes c) music programmes d) soap [S3trp] operas (мылыше оперы) 2) Say which programmes have more time given to them than others. 3) Which programmes arc on at prime time (the best time)? Why do you think these programmes are on then? BBCl tA I •ШТГЯ*(П01»К9Я «А С«<1 Cm *лет w**nw*vлеы<я V4*n* ' №#«■» du. A) ДН№в($» г4* >«tf«0u4 I^MT> aimtHA wc* a>«>' usntrtMi <»«(Sin)mvnue a^WMdS^tSK'l •ANf.«rMtdCS>< t.i»cnre»>*rS}i •Л*1НЧГМ«^ 0i/«4»na>M fSl ■ААфОММИРП м» их»«» т>. С<ПМ1 №4 tfmttitai «АЛ* ■ Н«я« КИу ^ Г^{«м МО Е>М>.Ч (9 ttSftaf) (ЩП9КЮ УЛ «»l«S0 .5ir> «м*| «^reat MMAdn. П1Г'1|««>йКГ< if>74 Cam tMnta ngt- |?Ш»У| ГШ.11 U ioiOMke eo»u^ »,tf Ml Ewt n nt ebiy< iwnr* AMno^*. ПГМ<ОЧМ A t*o> M) nj М «Сег Опте rOM М d »« #« (U\e4eem •JQ 4fr«M Огйсгм/4AM « Mi ton-M. 'arnotv >D • e »liub»i*eeu (bfort A i~Ovr Oaidig i?K}>(«au>Ai ГМ » MtM. rwttt * W ntK •* IHrOeA УМЛ» UKMM» OMd C* «/•«« M И'0*0 urOM • Or ( KrAOjOAtaMca »t*n <4«X6 rM4i^f!MVt s A r>* Grew ewOee tiwe. CIM 6'«0«y *M ICOr \4l №* 0ГМК» d » К Z Then Petey saw something else. In front of the building, all by himself (совершеп/го одш/Х sat a boy! He was not a very big boy, and he looked lonely (odunoKo). Petey gave a glad little cry. He forgot that he was tired. He jumped up and landed in the boy’s lap (оказалсл na колеплх у лшльппка). Sniff, sniff, went Petey*s little nose. Wag, wag, went Petey’s tail. He licked the little boy with his warm, wet tongue. How glad the boy was to see PeteyJ He put both his arms around the little dog and hugged him (обпял его). Then the front door opened and a lady looked out. “Why, here you are, Ricky!” she said. “What are you doing here all alone (совсем odun)'? Come on in and sit near the Christmas tree.” Petey sat very still. The boy sat still. The boy looked up at the lady and down at Petey. Petey began to tremble (дрожать). Would the boy go in and leave him (бросшп его)? “I’m not alone,” said the boy, “I’ve got a puppy.” “A puppy!” The lady came out and looked at Petey in surprise (удпвлеппо). 160] '‘Can he come, too?" said the boy. "Why,” said llie lady, "you're a nice little dog. Where did you come from? Yes, bring him in.” "Come on, puppy,” cried the boy. A lot of boys were playing around the Christmas tree. They rushed (бросгаись к) lo Peiey. They were so happy lo see him. Petcy wagged {виля.{) his tail. He wagged his fal little body. He licked {облизал) every one of the boys. “Can we keep him?" said one. “Can we give him some dinner?” said another. “Can we make him a nice wann bed?" said a third. “We will give him some dinner and a nice warm bed,” said the lady. “And tomorrow we will find his mother and see if she'll let him slay." Peiey knew his mother would let him stay. She knew how' much he wanted a hoy. “She’ll be surprised.” said Petey to himself, with a happy little smile, "when I tell her I got fifty boys for Christmas!*' S' Ai Who said the following? 1) “I am not alone. IVc got a puppy." 2) “Can we give him some dinner?" 3) “And tomorrow we will find his mother and sec if she'll let him stay." 4) "She'll be surprised when I tell her I got fifty boys foi' Christmas." B. Put the sentences in the correct order. 1) They were so happy to see Petey. 2) He looked through the window. 3) But he couldn't find a dog who would give his boy away. 4) Petey knew his mother would let him stay. 5) Petey was walking by it slowly when he saw a sign; Home for Boys. 6) The boy looked up at the lady and down at Petey. 7) In front of the building, all by himself, sal a boy! C- Tell the story from the point of view of; a) fiicky; b) the lady who worked at the “Home for Boys”. 44. What do you think is the main idea of the story? Explain your choice. 1) A dog is a man’s best friend. 2) It's very difficult to find a good Christmas present. 3) Everyone (каждый) must have a friend. 4) If you want something badly enough, you'll get it. CO H z 161 Section 4. Homework 1. Copy the words. Underline the word that doesn't belong in the list. 1) stamps, coins, labels, horseracing, postcards 2) football, baseball, jogging, rugby, tennis 3) taking pictures / photos, swimming, diving, horscracing 4) theatre, reading, skiing, music, computer games 2. Do exercise 3 on page 145 in written torm. How do you spend your free time? 3. Fill in the missing words. Choose 10 words and phrases from the list of words given below; hobbles, soap operas, he responsible for, like dancing, dive, stay at homo, is fond of, eating cakes and sweets, free time, sport, programmes, keep fit, swimming, models of ships, have fun, stamps and coins, horse riding. There are five of us in my family. We all have different ... . My dad ... fishing. My mother prefers to ... and watch TV. She can watch silly ... the whole day. My elder sister tries to ... . She likes dancing and ... . My little brother has a sweet tooth. He enjoys ... . My grandpa makes ... . He also has a big collection of ... . My best friend and me ... at discos. So you see, tastes differ. 4. Put the verbs Continuous. CO H In brackets in the correct form — Present Simple or Present You can ... (see) the Browns in their living room. They usually ... (spend) their Saturday evenings at home. Look, Mr Brown ... (sit) in his armchair and ... (watch) TV. He ... (like) sports programmes and the news. Mrs Brown ... (read) a magazine. She ... (buy) magazines and newspapers every morning. Betsy, their daughter, ... (take) care of the family’s pets. Now she ... (feed) her fish. Her elder brother Bob ... (draw) a ship. He ... (draw) very well. He ... (go) 10 be an artist. & 5i Do exercise 14 on page 146 in written form. 6. Данные утверждения яеляются результатом совершенного действия. Составь и напиши предложения, которые являлись бы объяснением этих утверждений. {Маке sentences using the prompts as in the exampfe.) Example: Mike always gets fives now. (lo become) — Mike has become a good pupil. 1) Now I understand the story, {to explain) 2) It is not cold here now. (to dose) 3) [ am not hungry, (to have dinner) 4) [ cannot tell you where my Headteacher lives, (to forget) 5) Г cannot show you a picture of my cousin, (to lose) 6) Now I can show you the picture of my cousin, (to find) 7) We can begin our lunch now. (to buy) 7. Copy out these sentences and put the verbs into the correct tense Past Simple or Present Perfect. 1) 1 (do) just my homework. 1 can go out with my friends. 2) Alice (collect) German and French coins last summer. 3) Susan (be) already to the library. She is reading a very interesting book. 4) He (see) this film yesterday. 5) ... you (buy) any Christmas presents? — Not yet. 6) Carol (invite) her classmates to her home last Sunday. They had a good time together. 8. Do exercise 22 on page 151 in written form. 9- Answer the questions in written form. Example: Who makes your bed? — ! make my bed myself. 1) Who prepares the breakfast for your little nephew? — ... 2) Do you read fairy tales for you younger sister? — No, she... 3) Shall I send these postcards today ? — No, I... 4) Did your head teacher dean this classroom yesterday? — No, we... 5) Shall I make these phone calls (телефонные звонки) tomorrow morning? — Yes, I think you should... 10. Do exercise 31 on page 154 in written form. 11. Translate from Russian into English. • Мой старший брат увлекается спортом. В выходгсыс дни он обычно катается на велосипеде. • Она любит смотреть телесериалы по вечерам. • Какие книги ты любишь читать? — Я прелпочитаго фантастику и детективы. • Джейн не может перевести это упражнение сама, помоги ей. СО Н 163 12. Complete the sentences. Example: Your niece is going to lake pari in the concert, ...? — Your niece is going to take part in the concert, isn’t she? 1) Allan went abroad last summer, ...? 2) Her granny is fond of gardening, ...? 3) My relatives will join them soon, 4) We haven’t arranged the party yet, ...? 5) Bob doesn’t buy presents himself, ...? 6) Look, they are taking pictures, ...? 7) Sometimes you watch soap operas in the evening, ...? 13. Do exercise 33 on page 155 in written form. 14. Put the verb into the correct form. Exampk.'Tbt pupils usually ... books from the library, (borrow) — The pupils usually borrow books from the library. 1) What ... you ... last year ? (collect) 2) Sorry, 1 ... not ... the detective story yet. (read) 3) Look! She.....this comedy for the third lime, (watch) 4) It is my cousin’s birthday next week. 1 hope he...me to his home, (invite) 5) Soon wc.....to lake part in a famous TV show, (go) 6) She usually ... her pets twice a day. (feed) 15. Write a plan of the story “The Puppy who wanted a boy”. Key Vocabulary GO H z Э Nounst advert author dub comedy gardening hobby horseracing model plane ship show soap story travelling Verbs: collect Adjectives: musical political popular Expressions and word combinations: be fond of go by bike have a lot / little in common open air 1641 Progress Check 1. Подчеркни СЛОВО} которое по своему значению наиболее подходит к выделенному. 1) ап author а) ап autumn Ь) а writer с) а magazine d) а book 2) to be fond of a) 10 be famous b) would c) to like d) to think 3) popular a) not famous b) polite c) fantastic d) well-known 2. Подчеркни слово, которое наиболее подходит по смыслу на место пропуска. 1) The weather was fine and wc spent the whole day in the ... air, a) fine b) open c) dose d) healthy 2) ( am fond of music and 1 always w'atch ... programmes. a) political fa) music c) musical d) social 3) This place for its old church. a) is responsible b) is made c) is founded d) is famous 4) Read the cinema ... and find out (еыяаш) what kind of film it is. a) show b) advert c) programme d) signal 5) The two sisters had a lot in ... . a) common b) characteristic c) alike d) programme 3. Выбери глагол в нужной форме и подчеркни. 1) I ... this science fiction story recently. a) read b) have read c) will read 2) Tomorrow they ... yellow and red leaves in the autumn forest. a) collect b) will collect c) collected 3) Look! The children ... tennis outside. a) play b) played c) are playing 4) She ... not decorate her room yesterday. a) does b) will c) did 5) Every year he ... special presents for his nephews. a) buys b) bought c) has bought 4* Выбери и подчеркни верный перевод. 1) Му friends have made this model ship themselves. а) Мои друзья сделали эту модель корабля для себя. б) Мои друзья сделали эту модель корабля сами. 2) We enjoyed ourselves at the disco. а) Мы хорошо провели время на дискотеке. б) Мы хорошо провели вре.мя с ними на дискотеке. СО 165, Ключи к разделам Ptxjgress Check QUO ОШ 01И UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNITS UNIT 4 1. 1) - с) 1. 1)- b) 1. 1)- C) 1. ))- d) 2)- Ь) 2)— c) 2)- c) 2)- c) 3)- d) 3)- cj 3)- c) 3)— b) 2. 1)- с) 2. 1)- a) 2. D- c) 2. D- c) 2)- d) 2)- d) 2)- b) 2)- b) 3)- Ь) 3)- d) 3)- c) 3)— d) 4)- а) 4)- c) 4)- b) 4)- a) 5)- Ь) 5)-a) 3, D- c) 5)— b) 3. 1)-с) 3. 1) - c) 2>- a) 3. 1)~ b) 2)- а) 2)- b) 3)- b) 2)- b) 3)-с) 3)- c) 4)- a) 3)- a) 4. U- б) 4)-b) 4, D- 6) 4)- c) 2)- а) 4. l)-a) 2)- a) 4, D- b) 3)- б) 2)- c) 2)- a) 3)- c) 3)-a) QEtr QJOi 1 UNIT 5 UNIT 6 UNIT? UNITS 1. D-C) 1. l)-b) la D- b) 1. D- b) 2)- d) 2)— d) 2)- b) 2)- C) 3)- b) 3)- b) 3)- c) 3)- d) 2. D- b) 2. D- b) 2. 1)- c) 2. D— b) 2)~ d) 2)- d) 2)- d) 2)- b) 3)- c) 3)- b) 3)- b) 3)- d) 4)— a) 4)- d) 4)— a) 4)- b) 5)— d) 5)- a) 5)- b) 5)— a) 3, D—a) 3. 1) — b) 3. 1)- c) 3, 1)- b) 2)- b) 2)- a) 2)^ d) 2)~ b) 3)- b) 3)- c) 3)- b) 3)- c) 4)- b) 4)- b) 4)- b) 4)- c) 5)- a) 5)— b) 5)- b) 5)- a) 4. D— a) 4. 1)- a) D- a) 4. 1)- 6) 2)- 6) 2}- 6) 1 2)- b) 2)- a) 166 Home Reading Read the story. COME BACK, AMELIA BEDEUA Peggy Pariah Chapter 1 “Oh, my cream puffs!’' said Amelia Redelia. She went to the stove. “Just right,”* she said. Amelia Bedelia took her cream puffs out of the stove. “There now,’*^ she said, “Г11 just let them cool.' Then Г will fill them with chocolate cream." Mrs Rogers came into the kitchen. “Good morning, Amelia Bedelia,” she said. “Good morning,” said Amelia Bedelia. “I will have some cereal with my coffee this morning,” said Mrs Rogers. “АИ right,” said Amelia Bedelia. Mrs Rogers went into the dining room. Amelia Bedelia got the cereal. She put some in a cup. And she poured some coffee into the cereal. * Just right. - Как раз то, что нужно. ' There now.— Ну вот. ' Г11 just lei them cool.^— Остужу-ка я их. 167; She look it into the dining room. “Amelia Bcdelia!” said Mrs Rogers. “What is that mess?” ‘'It's your cereal with coffee,” said Amelia Bedelia. “Oh, you are impossible!” said Mrs Rogers. “You’re fired!”' "You mean you don’t want me any more?” asked Amelia Bedelia. “That is just what! mean.” said Mrs Rogers. “Now go!” Amelia Bedelia got her bag. And she went away. We discuss the story about Amelia Bedelia 1. What do you think Mrs Rogers meant by cereal with coffee? Do you think Mrs Rogers had cereal with coffee every morning? Give your reasons. 2. Prove it (use the text); □ Amelia Bedelia had much to do that morning. □ Amelia Bedelia cooked something for tea or coffee time. □ Amelia Bedelia was wrong that morning. □ Mrs Rogers didn’t like the way Amelia Bedelia made the breakfast. □ Mrs Rogers didn’t want Amelia Bedelia to stay in her house any more. 3. What do you think about it? Give full answers. Amelia Bedelia was wrong because: □ she didn’t know what was “cereal with coffee”; □ she didn’t listen to Mrs Rogers’ words attentively; □ Mrs Rogers didn’t give Amelia Bedelia clear instructions; □ she didn't like to live with Mrs Rogers’ family; □ she was very busy with puffs. 4. Act the story. 5^ imagine, what Mrs Rogers could tell her husband about that morning. Make up a story. 6. Imagine, what Amelia Bedelia could write in her letter to her parents about her work in Mrs Rogers* house. Write down Amelia Bedelia’s letter. You’ie fired! — Ты уволена. 168: Chapter 2 Amelia Bedelia walked toward town. ^'Now what will I do?” she said. She passed by the beamy shop. A sign said: LADY WANTED'. “Now let’s see what’s that about," said Amelia Bedelia She went into the beauty shop. "Can I help you?" asked a lady. “No, I саше to help you," said Amelia Bedelia. “Can you fix- hair?” asked the lady. “Oh yes," said Amelia Bedelia. “1 can do that." “Then you can start now," said the lady. “Mrs Hewes is wailing to have her hair pinned up.”^ “All right,” said Amelia Bedelia. She looked all around. “But I don’t see any pins,” she thought. “It*s a good thing I carry some with me,” Amelia Bedelia opened her purse. She took out some pins'*. And Amelia Bedelia began to pin up Mrs Hewes’ hair. “What are you doing!” said Mrs Hewes. “Pinning up your hair,” said Amelia Be-detia. “Did I stick you?” “Help!” called Mrs Hewes. The beauty shop lady came. “Oh, no!” she said. “What have you done? Go away right this minute.” “All right,” said Amelia Bedelia. So Amelia Bedelia went on her way. “Now why did she get so mad^?” said Amelia Bedelia. “I just did what she told me to do.” ' A sign said: “Lady warned.” — Вывеска гласила: ‘Требуется девушка” * fix “ уложить ^ “Mrs Hewes is waking со have her hair pinned up.” — '‘Миссис Хьюз ждет, чтобы ей закололи волосы”. ■* pins — булавки * to get mad — рассердиться 169; We discuss the story about Amelia Bedelia 1. What do you think is the difference between pins used in a beauty shop and pins that Amelia had in her bag? 2. Do you agree with that? Amelia Bedelia used her pins because: □ she had a sense of humor; □ she didn’t sec the difference between the pins she had in her bag and the pins used in beauty shops; □ she warned to play a joke on Mrs Hewes; □ she didn’t know how to pin up hair. What characteristics would you use to speak about Amelia Bedelia? Give full answers. Prove your statements (use the text): talkative responsible friendly dull creative 4. What do you think about it? The beauty shop lady sent Amelia away because: Q she got angry; □ she got tired: □ she got mad; □ she got interested in another girl. 5. What do you think these signs could mean? What signs would hang on the office that needs a secretary, typist, engineer, programmer, computer operator. 6- Act the story. 7- Imagine what Mrs Hewes and the beauty shop lady could talk about after Amelia went away. Make up a dialogue. 8. What do you think Mrs Hewes toid her husband when she came home. 9. What do you think Amelia could write in her letter to her parents. Write down Amelia Bedelia^s letter. 170: Chapter 3 Amelia Bcdclia looked in all the stores. She came to a dress shop. It had a HELP WANTED sign in tlie window. Amelia Bc-delia went into the store. “Wliat kind of help is wanted?” she asked. “Sewing help," said the lady. "Can you sew?” Yes," said Amelia Bedelia. “! am very handy with a needle.”* “Then come with me,” said the lady. She look Amelia Bedelia into a back room. “Please shorten these dresses. They are already marked,” said the lady. “All right,” said Amelia Bedelia. The lady left her. “I don't need to sew to do this,'’ said Amelia Bedelia. She took the scissors and shortened those dresses. Amelia Bcdclia went back to the front of the store. "Гт finished," she said. “What is i next?" “Finished!" said the lady. “How could you be?” I am very handy wiih a needle. * Я очень ловко работаю мглой. © * »\ -чч .-я The lady weni imo the back room. She saw the dress. “Oh. no!*' she said. “You have ruined them." “But i just shortened them," said Amelia Bedelia. “Oh, go away," said the lady. “I don’t want you.” So Amelia Bedelia went. “Some folks,” she said, *4 just don’t understand them.” We discuss the stury about Amelia Bedelia 1. What do you think about it? Give full answers. Amelia shortened the dresses because: □ she couldn’t sew; □ she didn’t understand what the dress shop lady wanted her to do; □ she was a very creative girl; □ she tried her best and wanted to do the work quickly; □ she wasn’t handy with a needle: □ the dress shop lady didn’t explain the task dearly. 2. Prove that (use the text): □ the dress shop lady was glad to get help; □ there was much work in the shop; □ Amelia had an idea about shortening the dresses; □ the dress shop lady was surprised that Amelia finished her work very quickly; Q the dress shop lady got angry with Amelia. 3. What do you think about Amelia’s idea to shorten dresses. Was she right? Give full answers. 4. Act the story, 5. Imagine what the dress shop lady could tell the colleagues after Amelia went away. 6. Imagine what Amelia could write in her letter to her friend about her work in the dress shop. 172 Chapter 4 Amelia BcdcMa walked another block or so. She saw a sign in a window. It said: FILE CLERK WANTED.' “Now I wonder what a file clerk is?" she said. *T'II just go in and find oui."^ A man met her: “Are you a file cIcrkT' he asked. “I will be one," said Amelia Bedelia, “if you will tell me what to do." “All right," said the man. "First, take these let* ters. They need stamps/ Then filc^ these papers." 3! 3 ft- "ГП do that," said Amelia Bedclia. The man went into his office. Amelia Bc-delia looked at the letters. "Now should I stamp them all at once^ or one at a time?" she thought. "Fd better do them one at a time^" So Amelia Bcdelia took each letter. She put it on the floor. And Amelia Bede-lia stamped on it’. "There," she said. "That should be enough stamps. Now I'd better get these papers filed.” Amelia Bedel ia looked at the papers. Then she looked in her purse. She found a fingernail file**. ' File derk wanted. — Требуется делопроиэноди* тель. - Г11 just go in and find oui. — Я как pa) laRity if y'iiiaio. They need stamps. — Нужно наклеить на них марки. ^ file “ зарегистрируй к разложи по пшткам " all al on VC — все сразу " one al a itinc — no олпому ^ stamped on it - - наступала na них " nngernail file — пипонка для ногтей 17з: “It sure is small to file all these But I will do the best I can Amelia Bedelia began to file the papers. The man came back. "Stop!’' he said. "What are you “Just filing your papers,” said Bedelia. “Do you have a bigger file?” “Oh, поГ’ said the man. “Do go away. So Amelia Bedelia went. papers. And doing!” Amelia Wc discuss the story about Amelia Bedelia 1. What is the difference between these expressions: 1) a) to file papers b) a file for papers to file nails a file for nails 2) to stamp letters to stamp grass 2. What do you think the office worker meant when he said; ^first, take these fetters. They need stamps. Then file these papers.” Give your reasons. 3> Prove that. Give full answers. Use the text: □ Amelia didn’t know what the file clerk meant; □ Amelia wanted to start working; □ Amelia was sure she did her best; □ the office worker got angiy with Amelia. 4. What do you think about it? Give full answers. □ Amelia was an obedient and hard working girl. □ The office worker should have shown' Amelia how to do the work. □ Amelia was joking when she asked the man if he had a bigger file. □ Amelia thought the man was mad. 5. Act the story. 6. imagine what the office man would tell a new girl about the work in his office- Do you think he should be more careful with the words? the office worker should have shown — клерку следооало искать 1741 Chapter 5 f f F Щ} “I declare!**' she said. “Everybody is mad (o-т вызвать аатрулнения. 184 lay laid laid класть, накрывать (на стол) learn |h:n| learned flsind] learnt learned learnt учить (что-то), узнавать let let let позволять make made made делать, заставлять meet met met встречать, встречаться pay paid paid платить put jput] put put класть, ставить read read [red] read [red] читать run ran run бежать, бегать say said [sed] said ]sed] говорить, сказать (что-то) see saw |зэ:| seen [si:n] видеть send sent sent посылать shake shook Lfuk] shaken трясти show [f9U] showed Lfaud] shown Цзип] показывать sing sang sung петь sit sat sat сидеть sleep slept slept спать smell smelt smelt нюхать, пахнуть speak |spi:k| spoke [sp9Uk] spoken говорить, разговаривать spend spent spent тратить, проводить stand stood stood стоять sweep swept swept мести swim swam [swa*m] swum плавать take took [tuk] taken [teikon] брать, взять teach taught |tD:t] tauglit учить (кого-то) tell told [tsyld] told сказать (кому-то что-то), рассказать think thought [0n;t| thought думать understand understood understood понимать wear Iweaj wore |wd:] worn ]wan] носить (одежду) win won (wAnj won [wAn] победить write jrail] wrote jrauij written [ritn] писать 185 Grammar Reference (ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЙ СПРАВОЧНИК) PRONOUNS (Местоимения) Persona* Pronouns (личные местоимения) Subject Object Pronouns Possessive Reflexive Pronouns (именительный падеж: кто? что?) (объектный падеж: кого? что? кому? чему? кем? чем?) (притяжательные: чей?, чья?, чье?) (возвратные) 1 те my myself you you your yourself she her her herself he him his himself it И its itself we US our ourselves they them their themselves NUMBERS (Числительные) 1-21 1-ЫЙ—21-ЫЙ one first two second three third four fourth five fifth six sixth seven seventh eight eighth nine ninth ten tenth eleven eleventh twelve twelfth thirteen thirteenth fourteen fourteenth fifteen fifteenth sixteen sixteenth seventeen seventeenth eighteen eighteenth nineteen nineteenth twenty twentieth twenty-one twenty-first 10-100... 10-ЫЙ, 100-ЫЙ... ten tenth twenty twentieth thirty thirtieth forty fortieth fifty fiftieth sixty sixtieth seventy seventieth eighty eightieth ninety ninetieth a hundred hundredth two hundred two hundredth a thousand thousandth a million millionth t/2 — a half 1/4 — a quarter 11/2 — one and a half 1.7 — one point seven 100 — d/one hundred 200-two hundred 1,000- a/one thousand 4,000 -four thousand 1,000,000 — a/one million 1,000,000,000 a/one billion 186: 137 — one hundred and thirty seven 5,253 — five thousand two hundred and fifty three 2,500,000 — two million five hundred thousand hundreds of students thousands of books milirons of people VERB TENSES (Глагольные времена) Present Simple (Простое настоящее) You We They She He It + Positive speak English. speaks English. I You We They She He It Negative don't speak English. doesn’t speak English. 9 Question Do speak English? you we . they j j she I Does \ he \ speak English? it Short answers: ■y^s. No. we you they do. don't. Vfes, No. I she ' he it does. doesn't. Past Simple (Простое прошедшее) + 9 Positive Negative Question 1 You 1 You ■ 1 you She She she He • spoke English. He - didn't speak English. Did J he ■ Speak English? it It it We We v/e They J They ^ 1 they J Short answers: Yes, I, you, she. he, it, we, they did. No. I. you, she, he, it. we. they didn't. 1871 Future Simple (Простое будущее) 7 Positive Ne9ative Question 1 will (shall) speak 1 won't (shan't) speak Will (Shall) ' speak English? We English. We English. we 1 You You you They They they She will speak English. She ' won't speak English. Will she speak English? He He he It it [ it J Short ar>swers: Yes, Yes, we you. they, she. he, it will (shall). v;ill. No, we you, they. ‘ she. he, it won't (shan't) won't. Present Continuous (Настоящее продолженное) + 7 Positive Negative Question 1 am ] 1 am ' Am 1 We We 1 we You ' are You are Are you They • writing now. They > not writing now. 1 they • writing now? She She ' ; she He is He is Is ' he It It it i Short answers: Yes, I am, we, you. they Yes, i , she, he, it No, i am not. are. is. No. we, you, they she. he. It are not. is not. 188 Present Perfect (Настоящее завершенное) + 7 Positive Negative Question 1 1 1 1 We have written the story. You We You haven’t written the story. Have we you They They they r written the story? She , She she He has written the story. He hasn't written the story. Has he It It It ^ Short answers: Yes, 1, you. 1 we, they 1 have. No. 1. you. 1 we, they haven't. Yes, she, he, it j has. No. I she, he, it hasn't. Have got {Иметь} + Positive I We have got a computer. You They She He has got a computer. It Nesative I We haven’t got a computer. They She He hasn’t got a computer. It Question Have we you ‘ they she Has he it got a computer? Short answers: Yes. 1. you, we. they have. No. 1 1, you. 1 1 we, they haven’t. Yes. she. he. it j has. No. she, he, it hasn't. 1891 COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS {Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий) Adjective Comparative Superlative (прилагательное) {сравнительная степень) {превосходная степень) old older the oldest short shorter the shortest big bigger the biggest nice nicer the nicest pretty prettier the prettiest popular more popular most popular beautiful more beautiful most beautiful hard harder hardest carefully more carefully 1 most carefully I much more carefully • Remember good better best bad worse worst far farther farthest well better best bad worse worst much • more most little less least YES / NO QUESTIONS WH - QUESTIONS Do you speak English? Do...? V/ill...? Does...? Have...? Did...? Has...? Can...? Had...? Could...? Am...? May...? is...? Must...? Are...? Would...? Was...? Should...? Were...? Shall...? When did you go to Britain? VWiat.,.? — Что? Какой? Who...? - Кто? Whom...? — Кого? Кому? Where...? — 1де? Куда? Why.,.? — Зачем? Почему? Which...? — Какой (из)? Который? Vimen...? — Когда? How...? - Как? How long...? — Как долго? How much? — Сколько? How many? — Сколько? VWial time? — Который час? At What time? — 8 какое время? Whose? — Чей? 190. Vocabulary Aa a [ei] / (э) (an) — неопределенный артикль abbey r«bi] — аббатство about (a'baot] ^ o, около above (эЪлу| — над •abroad fa'brad) — за границей *to go abroad — ездить за границу accomodation (d.knma’deijdnl — раэмеи1енис across (d'kmsj — через act |sklj — играть, разыгрывать (роль) active |'a^kt(vj ^ активный activity (ak'tivitij — деятельность actor (*^ktd) — актер actress I'azktrisj — актриса add laid] — добавлять address |d*dres) — адрес adjective прнлахатсльнос advantage |ddVo:nti(^| — преимущество •adventure [ddVentfdl — приключение adverb rscdv3:b| — наречие •advert |3d'v3:iJ — реклама, объявление advertisement hd'vamsmant] — реклама advise ladVaizI — советовать afraid hTrcidj — испуганный to be afraid of — бояться чего-либо Africa I'acfrikdj — Африка African raifrikan) — африканский after fa:fta| — после afternoon |,Q:fta'nu:n| — полдень again la'genl — опять against fa'gensti — против •age (eid5) — возраст agent I'eidsantj — агент ago la'gau) — назад agree la'grj;) — соглашаться air (eol — воздух •open air — свежий воздух alike fa'Iaik) — похожий, подобный all |э:1| — весь, вся, все, все allow [a'laul — разрешать almost I'odmaystj — почти •alone (o*bun| один, одинокий along Ia‘lnol — вдоль, по aloud lalaod) — громко, вслух •already |o:rredi] — уже also I'odsao) — также, тоже although [эгГдву] — хотя; несмотря на то, что always |'o:]wiz) — всегда am (to be) (эт) — глагол-связка America (a'merjkaj — Америка American (a'merikanj — американский among |а'тлд| — среди, между ancient ('einjbnt) — древний, старинный and (and I ~ и anecdote {'snikdaotj — анекдот angry ['£ggri| — сердитый, раздражительный animal j'scnimal] ~ животное animated ('snimcitid| —■ оживленныГ! animated cartoon ~ мультфщ1ьм anniversary (,£ni'v3:sdrij — годовщина announce (s'naunsj — объявлять another [э'плдд) ^ еще один, другой answer [*o:nsd| — ответ: отвечать antonym ('sentsnim) ^ aHTOjiUM any I'enij — какой-нибудь, сколько-нибудь, любой anybody i’eni^bodi) — любой, всякий anything ['eniGiol — что-нибудь anywhere [’eniweaj — где-нибудь, куда-нибудь appear [s'pid) — появляться appetite ('^pitait) — аппетит apple I'aipl) — яблоко apple-pie |,£pl'pai) — яблочный пирог application (,8cp]i'keijbn| (form) — анкета April l^eipr^ll — апрель appropriate [o'pfoupneill — подходящий architect I'akitektl — архитектор architecture ra:kuektfai — архитектура Arctic ('akukl — Арктика are (to be) |a:) — глагол-связка area ['canal — площадь, пространство argue ra:gju:| — спорить argument paiqlumant) — довод, аргумент arm (a:mj — рука (от плеча до кисти) Слова для обязачельпого усвоения в 5-6 классах. armchair (' ваться arrive (a'raivj — приезжать, прибывать ♦art (a:tj — искусство article ('ottikalj —■ артикль, статья ‘anise rattistj — художник as |oz| — как ask |a:skl — спрашивать associate [d'seufieil] — ассошшровать(ся), свяаывать(ся) at |dt| — иа, та. u athletic |a!0'letik) — атлетический Atlantic |9t')^ntik| — атлантический atmosphere ('^imssfidj — атмосфера attention [9'ten/dn) — внимание August ('otgastj — август Australia lo:s'treilijd| — Австралия Australian |o'streilian| — австрш1иГ1скин •aum (a:nt| — тетя •author Го;0о! — автор autumn ('о;Сэт| — осень away Id'wei) — прочь ________________________________________________________ baby I'beibil — ребенок, младенец back (btnbi'nci/9n) — соединение come [клт] (came, come) — приходить, приезжать *oomcdy ['kt>mid(| — комедия comfort i'kAmfDt) — отдых, покой, комфорт comment ('koment] (on) — высказывать мнение comparative (kDm'p^rativ) — сравнительный compare (k?m*peo] — сравнивать competition l.kompj'tt/anl — соревнование, конкурс complete [kam*p]kt) — завершить, закончить compose Ikom'pouz) — составлять, сочинять composer (kdm'pouzaj — композитор composition (,kt>ft>pa’zi/anl — сочинение computer |kdm'pju:t9) -— компьютер ^computer programmer [kam.pjuXa 'prduQr^emo] — программист concert [*konsall — концерт conference I'knnfarans] — кон1})еренция conservative Ikan'saivativ) — консервативный consult (konWtl советоваться contain [kan'teml содержать в себе, вме- 1цать continent ['knntinant) — континент conversation |,knnva’sei/dn) — разговор cook (kokj — повар; готовить copy I'kopil — переписать corner ('кэ:пд) — угол coronation 1,когэ'пс|/дп) — коронация correct [ka'rcktl — исправлять; правильный correctly [kd'rektii] — правильно correspondent [,kt}ris'pt>ndam] — корреспон* Дент could [kod| — мог, могла count (kaunt] — считать country (‘клп1Г|] — сельская местность in the country — за городом (где?) to the country — за город (куда?) course [koisj — курс of course — конечно ’•cousin ['kAznJ — двоюродный брат, сестра cow (kauj — корова cream (kri;m] — сливки create (kri'eitj — творить, создавать creative (kri'ciiiv] — творческий crocodile I'krokddailj — крокодил ’•cross (krDs) — пересекать, переходить ^crossing I'krusinl — перекресток, переход crowd [kraodi — толпа cruel [kru:9lj — жестокий, безжалостный cry [krai I — плакать, кричать culture ('клИ/в] — культура cunning 1'кл.то) — хитрый cup |клр| чашка curious I'kjuarias] — любопытный custom ['kAstam) — обычай cut |кл1) (cut, cut) — резать _____________________________________________________ dacha |'da;tf9j — дача dad (deed I — (р<гзг.) пала dance (dams) — танцевать dancer I'duHisa) — танцор dangerous I'deinc^dros) — опасный dark (da:k| — темный darling (’datlirjj — дорогой date [deal — лата daughter [’d3:t9) — дочь day (del) — день death (deO) — смерть December Idi'sembal — декабрь decide Idi'saidJ — решать decorate f'dekareit) — украшать deep (dkp) — глубокий delicious (dt'h/as) — очень вкусный ^dentist I'dentist) — зубной врач depend Idi'pend) (on) — зависеть от deputy ['depjuti) — заместитель describe Idts'kraib) — описывать description [dis'knpj'anl — описание desert ('dczal) — пустыня desk (desk) — парта •detective jdi'iektjv] (story) — детектив; детективный development (diVebpmant] — развитие dialogue (’daialng) — диалог dictionary ['dik/эпап] <— словарь *die (dai) — умереть difference I'difarsns] — различие different [’difdrsntl — различный difficult I'dtftkdltj — трудный dinner ('dindj — обед director (di'rektd) — директор dirty ('d3:ti| — грязный disadvantage [,disdd'va:nt((^) вред, неудобство, невыгодное положение disagree (,disd’gri:) — не соглашаться disco ('diskst;) — дискотека discover (dis'kAVdj — обнаруживать discovery Idis'kAvort) —> открытие discuss |dis'kAs| — обсуждать dishes I'di/iz] — посуда t94 dislike Idis'laik] — кс любить dive ('daivj — нырять divide (di'vaidj — делить do Iditj (did, done) — делать doctor ['dnk(d) — доктор documentary [,dr}kjt;’rfient9rr] — документ тапьный dog I dog) — собака doll [doil — кукла dolphin I'dolfin) — дельфин ^domestic [dd'mcsiik) — домашний ^dominant (*dDmin9m) — главный, отличительный door [do:] — дверь *^drama [dratmo) — драма ^dramatize |'dra:motaiz) — инсцотровать draw jdro:) (drew, drawn) — рисовать drawing ('dro:iol — рисование dream (dri:mj ^ мечта dress (dres) — платье drink (driQk) (drank, drunk) — пить drive [draiv] (drove, driven) — ехать на ма* шине, вести машину •driver ['draivdj — водитель drum (drAmj —^ барабан dry (drai) — сухой duck jdAkj — утка dull (dAl) — скучный during ['djudrio) — на протяжении, во время (когда?) ______________________________________________ each — каждый each other — друг друга eagle I'hglJ — орел early |'з;!|] — рано ear [1э} — ухо earth |з:0) — земля east [i:st| — восток Easter ('i:sta] — Пасха easy |'i:zi| — легкий, легко eat (i:tj (ate, eaten) — есть, кушать education [.edjy’keijon] — образование •educational [.edju'ket/anal] — образователь- ИЫЙ egg |eg] — яйцо eight (eit) —^ восемь eighteen [,ei'li:n| — восемнадт|ать eighteenth [,ei'li:nd] — восемнадцатый either ['aid»] — тоже elder I'eld^J — старший (брат, сестра) elephant ['elifant) — слон eleven [I'levdn) — одиннадцать else ]els] — еше end [end] — конец •endangered (in'deinc^dd) — находящийся под угрозой вымирания или уничтожения ending [*endiQl — конец фильма (истории н т. д.) •engineer [,епф|*тэ| — икже1гер England I'lggland) — Англия English I'ioghJl — английский; английский язык English-speaking ['i09h/*spi:kio| — англого-воряший Englishman ['iggh/man) — англичанин enjoy (|п'<^01| —' получать удовольствие •enjoyable jtn'r^oidbdl) — приятный, досгав-ляюшнй удовольствие enough [I’nAf] — достаточно enter ('ешэ] — входить entertainmem |,entd'te]nmom| — развлечение equivalent [I'kwivalont) — эквивалент etc (,et‘sei3r3| — и так далее Europe |!)и:эгэр| *— Европа even |'i;vanj — даже evening ri:vnirj| — вечер event [I'vent] — событие •ever j'eva] ^ когда-либо every I'evri] —^ каждый everybody fevribcdi] — всё every day [’evri dei] — каждый день everything ['evri0ioj — все evolution [,i:vo'lu*.Jon| — эволюция exam (tq'zsem) — экзамен example (iq^zcrmpol) — пример excellent [’eksaidnl] — отличный: отлично •exchange [iks'tjeind;! — обмен exercise f'eksasatzj — упражнение exercise-book I'eks^saiz buk| — тетрадь (для упражнений) exhibit [ig'zibuj —выставлять, показывать exotic [ig'zntikl — экзотический expensive (iks'pensiv) — дорогой experiment |ik$*perimdnt) —опыт, эксперимент explain [iks'plein] — объяснять expression [tks'pre/onj — выраже1ше eye [ai] — глаз ____________________FJ______________________ face Ifeis] — лиио fairy-tale [Tedriteil] — сказка; сказо'шый 195 fall (Гэ:1| (fell, fallen) — падать ГаЬе [fdils) — неправильным family (TacmDlr) — семья famous [Teimds) —• знаменитый lo be famous for — быть экамекитьхм fantastic ffecn'tsescik] — фантастический, превосходный far [fa:| -— далекий; далеко farm [fam] — ферма farmer |'Га:тэ] — <|}срмер fast |fQ:st) — быстрый; быстро fai [fiei) — толстый, жирный father [То:до| — папа favourite |Teiv9nt| — любимый February jTebruarj) — <|}евраль Federation (,fed»'rei)bn) — федерация feed irr.dj (fed, fed) — кормить feeding (Ti;dio) — кормление feel (fi:lj (fell, fell) — чувствовать fell-tip pen (,felt'tip‘penj — фломастер ^female I'fitmeilj — женщина festival [Testivol] — фестиваль few (fjo:) — несколько, немного fifteen (.fifiknj — пятнадцать fifth |fife] — пятый fifty [Tiftij — пятьдесят *fight (fail) (fought, fought) — сражаться fill (fil) (III) — заполнять пропуски film [film] — фильм filmstar [Tilmsto:] — нииозвезда find |faind) (found, found) — находить find out — выяснять fine (fain) — хороший, прекрасный finish ffiniJl — заканчивать Finland [Tinldndj — Финляндия fire (Taio) —' огонь fireman pfaidmonl — пожарный fireplace [Taiopleis] — камин first |f3:st] — первый, сначала at first ^ на первых порах fish [ЛЯ — рыба five jfaiv| — пять fiat jflact) — квартира flash |Л^Л — вспышка no flash — не фотографировать floor [Па:] — пол focus I'foukosl — (зд.) внимание на.,, follow I'foldo) — следить, следовать за to be fond of — любить (что-либо) food [fu:d] — еда, пиша fool [foij — ступня football [TiFtbo:l| — <))утбол football-player [Tmbo:l'plei»J — футболист for (fdj — для, в течение (как долго) ♦foreign [Топл] — иностранный foreigner (Тогш»] — пноораиец forest (Tnnsil — лес forget (f^'get] (forgot, forgotten) — забывать ♦fork [fo:k] — вилка ♦form [fi):mj — класс former j'famol — бывший four [fo:| — четыре fox [foks] '— лиса frame (freim) — рамка; обрамлять ♦free [fri:] — свободный, вольный, бесплатный freedom ['frirddmj — свобода French (fienifl — французский fresh [ГгеЯ — свйкий friend jfrendj ^ друг make friends with smb. — подружиться c кем-либо friendly j'frendtij — дружелюбный Friday [TraidiJ — пятница from jfrsm] — из frosty [Trostij — морозный fruit |fru:i] — фрукты full jful) of — полный fun [Глп| —‘ веселье, удовольствие funny [Тлш] •— смешной, забавный future rOu:tjo] — буду шее: будушн|1 Gg gallery I'gslonI — галерея ♦art gallery — художественная галерея game [geimj — игра gap (gacp) — пропуск garbage ('gotbicts) — мусор garden (’geednj — сад ♦gardening — садоводство gather ['да^бэ) собирать general ['с^епэгэ1) — общее, обший gentleman ['c^entlmdn] — джентльмен German ['(^з;тдп) — немец; немецкий язык Germany [‘<^з:тат) — Германия gel IgetJ (gou goi) — получать to get up — вставать to get along / to get on — уживаться to get rid of —- избавиться to get ready —* быть готовым ♦giant ['((;ai9nt| — гигантский giraffe [d^i'ra:fl — жираф girl [дз:1] — девочка give (giv) (gave, given) — давать, подавать to give presents — дарить to give up — отказываться glad [gl^d) — довольный 196] to be glad — радоваться glass (gloisj — стакан glove (gUvJ — перчатка go [дэи] (went, gone) — холить, пяти, ехать to go to bed — ложиться спать to go for a walk — прогуляться to go by bike — кататься на велосипеде to go shopping — ходить за покупками goat Igwt] — козел good [gtjd) — хороший, добрый Goodness! f'gudnis) — Господи! grammar ['graemd) — граммат1)ка grandfather ['9r8end/o;dd] — делушка grandma ('grsenmu:] — (разг.) бабушка grandmother {'дггеп.тлбд) — бабушка grandpa I'graenpcu] — (розг.) дедушка grandparents ['gr^n.pcdrdnts] — бабушка и дедушка granny Гдга^ш) — (разе.) бабушка grass [gra;s) — трава great Igreitj — великий green [gri:n) — зеленый grey igreij — серый ground [graund) — земля ♦group igra’p] — группа grown-up [дгдип'лр] — взрослый guard (go:d) — стража, караул guess Iges) — догадываться guest IgesiJ — гость ’guide [gaid] — riia guinea-pig ['gimpig) ^ морская свинка guitar Igi’to:) — гитара gum [длт] — жевателы^ая резинка ________________HJi_________________ habit i'h^bftj — привычка hair [beo) — волосы half lho:f| — половина hall |ho:l) — холл, зал ’hamster ['hsemsia] —• хомяк hand Jh^end) — рука (кисть) happen [Ъгерэп] — случаться, происходить happy (*h^pij ^ счастливый hard I hard I — трудный; усердно work hard — усердно трудиться hardly ['hadlr) — едва, c трудом hale (lieit] —• ненавидеть have (h«v) (had, had) — иметь he I hi:) —• он head jhed) —' голова head teacher [hed 'tiybl — директор школы health |helO| — здоровье healthy I'helOrl — здоровый hear |Ью) (heard, heard) — слышать heart [hat] — сердце by heart — наизусть heavy (‘hevfl — тяжелый (no весу) hello [he’lau] — привет help I help! — помощь; помогать hen (hen I — курица her (h3:) — ee here |hf»| — здесь hero (*hiaroul — герой herself [h3:'selfj — (она) сама high |hai] — высокий hike I'haik) — длительная прогулка, поход to go on a hike — ходить в поход hill [hil] — холм himself [him'self) — (он) сам his {hizl — его historic Ihts'lOTtk] — исторический (имеющий историческое значение) historical [his’tunkall — исторический (связанный с историей) ’history I'histon) — история hobby Thobij — хобби hockey rhokij — хоккей hold [liould) (held, held) — держать holiday rhulidi] — праздник holidays — каникулы home [haom] —' дом, домой homeless ['havmlasj — бездомный homework |'haumw3:k) ^ домашняя работа hope [haopl — надежда; надеяться horse Ihcxsj — лошадь horseridlng rho:s,rardiD) — катание на лошади ’horseracing rho:s,reisit)l — скачки hospitable rhospitsbal] — гостеприимный hospital ['hospitl) — больница host (houstl — хозяин hot I hot] — горячий hotel (hau'tcl) — гостиница, отель hour Cat)») —• час house (hausj — дом ’housewife [’havswaif] — дома1иняя хозяйка housework I'hauswaik) — домашняя работа ’how [haul — как (вопросительное слово) How old arc you? — Сколько Вам лет? ’How long? — Сколько? Как долго? however [hao'ev^l — однако human rhjurm^n] — человеческий humour I'hja'mo] — юмор hundred I'hAndrtdJ — сотня 197] hungry ('hAQ9n| — гх>лодный hurry I'hAnj — спешить •husband ['iiAzbondl — муж I i 1 (ai) — я ice (a]s| — лед ice cream [,ats 'kri;m] — мороженое idea fai'dia) —* идея ideal |a[’drol| — идеальный if I if] — если, ли illustrate I'llDSireit] — иллюстрировать, пояснять image I'imidj) — образ imagine (I'maidjtnj — представить, вообразить impolite |,{mpp'iait) — невежливый, неучтивый importaiu [rm'paitdru] — важный impossible [irn'pnsdbal] — невозможный, невыполнимый impressive |im'pre$iv| — г1ронзводяш>1Й глубокое впечатление, выразительный improve |im'pru:vj — улучшать(ся), еовср-шснетвовать(ся) in iinj — в include Iin'klu:d] — заключать, содержать в себе independence [,indi'pend9ns| —• независимость •independent Imdi'pcndant] — независимый Indian l*indian| — индийский industrious [rn'dAStriss] — трудолюб|{вый infamous rinfamasj — позорный, имеющий дурную репутацию infinitive (mTimtivJ — инфинитив (яеолре-деленная форма глагола) inform |1пТэ:т| — сообщать, информировать informal 1тТэ:та1| — неофициальный •information f,inf9'meij3n] — информация •information Technology (I.T.) — информатика (учебный предмет) •insect I'lnsektj — насекомое inside Irrfsaid) — внутри instruction (in'strAk.fanj — инструкция instrument I’lnstr^mont] — инструмент intelligent [iri’telic^omj — сообразительный interest j*intrist| — интерес to be interested In — интересоваться чем-либо interesting rintrisuol — интересный •international |,т1э'пж/эпэ1] — международный interpreter (in't3:prttsj — переводчик interview rint?vju;| — интервью •to give an Interview — давать интервью into I'lntaj — внутрь •introduce |,Tntro'dju:s| — представлять, знакомить invitation |,invf'teij*an) — приглашение invite (in'vaill — приглашать iron I'aion] — железный irregtilar [t're^julal verb — неправильный глагол is (to be) |iz) — глагол-связка island (’aibndl — остров it (it| — это, otto Italian [t'taciioni — итальянский item ['aitdm| — пункт Jj jam [фгет] — Bapetibe January ['c^tenjuaril — январь jeans (tfeimz] — джинсы job (tfenb) — рабога jogging ['d^ngir)] — бег трусцой *join (djotnj — присоединяться, вступать Joke (dsaukj — шутка journey I'djsmi] — путешествие joy Idjoij — радость, веселье juice fd)U:s| — сок July Idju'lat] — июль Jump (флтр) — прыгать June |фи:п] — июнь •just [djAst] — только что Кк kangaroo [,к^одэ’ги;| — кенгуру karate [ка*га:п) — каратэ keep [ki:p| (kept, kept) — держать, хранить lo keep fit — быть в хорошей форме kilogram ['kibgrsmj — килограмм •kind [kaindl — вид, разновидность; добрый king [kit)J — король kingdom I'kiQddm] — королевство •kiss |kis| — целовать kitchen I'kifjin) — кухня kitten I’kitn} — котенок •knife [narf] {pi knives jnaivz]) — нож(п) knit (nit) ^ вязать knock (nok) — стучать know [nauj (knew, known) — знать knowledge ['nnlidsl — знания 1981 LI label flcibdl] — этякетка lady I'leidi) — лама, леди lake (teik) — озеро 1at)d (hend) земля language ('IscggwidjI — язык large — большой last [Iq;si] — прошлый, последний laie |leit] — поздно; поздний I am late. — Я опоздал(а). later (leitoj — позже, спустя laugh (lotf] — смеяться law (b:) — закон ^lawyer — юрист lay |lci) (laid, laid) —• класть, положить to lay the table — накрыть на стол lazy I'leizi) — ленивый leader I'Ird?) — лидер learn |1э:п1 (learnt, learnt) — учить что-то, узнавать leave (1i:v) (left, left) — уезжать, оставлять *lefi |lefl| — левый leg |le9j — liora * legend [led^diid) — легенда lemonade |,1en)9*neid) — лимонад leopard I'lepad] — леопард lesson I'leson] — урок let (let] us = let’s — давайте letter I'leld) — буква, письмо "'librarian (lai'bredrtsn] — библиотекарь *1ibrary ['laibran] ~ библиотека life (latf] — жизнь life-size j'laifsaizj — в натуральную величину light |lait| — светлый like (iaik) — любить, нравиться linguist I'liijgwist) — лингвист (человек, занимающийся изучением языков) lion ['laian| — лев list [listI — список listen I’lison) — слушать literary I'lit^rdn) — литературный ♦literature |'litdrd;fdj — литература little (‘lull — маленький; мало a little — немного live (Ijv) — жить ♦local I'bukal) — местный *lol1ipop I'Inlipnp) — леденец на 1(алочке Londoner ('lAnddn^l — лондонец long |lBf}) — длинный look |luk) — смотреть, выглядеть look at — смотреть на look for — искать look like — быть похожим look out — выглядывать lord (b;dj — лорд, господин lose [lutz] (lost, lost) — терять a lot (lot) of; lots of — много loud I laud] — громкий loudly plaudli) — громко ♦love (UvJ — любовь; любить lovely I'IavIi] — симпатичный, приятный ♦loving |'1лу|г)| — любящий luck |Uk] — счастье, удача lucky |1лк|] — счастливый, удачливый lunch (1лп^ — еда в середине дня (ланч) М m та |ma:j — (раэг.) мама madam (’тгсбэт) — мадам magazine (.mgegd'zm) — журнал magic ('msetfe'k) — волшебный ♦main [meinI — главный make (meikj (made, made) — делать, изготавливать. заставлять ♦male (rnerll — лицо мужского пола man [m^n] — мужчина man-made |,ma5n'meid) — пскусствслный. созданный руками человека manage Гтаетф] — уметь many |*теш] — много тар [тгер] — карта March |ma:tj] — март mark lma:k) — отметка master ('mtrsta) — хозяин match (mfe^ — подбирать (в пару) mathematics I.macei'maeiiksl (maths) — математика matter (‘maela) — вопрос, дело What's the matter? — В чем дело? May I ...? |mei) — Можно мне ...? May [meij — май mayonnaise (.meia'ncjz) — майонез me |mij — мне. меня meal [mi:l] — пиша, еда mealtime [.mkrtaiml — время принятия пиши (завтрака, обеда и т. д.) mean (mknl (meant, meant) — означать I mean — я имею в виду meaning |'mi:nir)j — значение meat (mi:t) — мясо medicine ('medssn) — лекарство 199 mee! [miitj (met, met) — встретить, познакомиться meeting — встреча member |'membo| — член memory |'memori| — память merry ('merfj — веселый mice (mais) — мыши middle ('midl) —■ середина midnight ('midnaitj — полночь milk [milk] — молоко million ('miljdn| — миллион mind [maindl — возражать mineral (*ттэгз1| — минерал minister rmintstal — министр minute ('mrnit] — минута just a minute — подождите минуточку in a minute — через минуту mirror [’miral — зеркало •miss |mis| — пропускать, скучать mixture rmikstfa) — смесь •model I'modll — модель, образец modern ['mudnl — современный moment (*moumom| — момент Monday ['mAndt] — понедельник money I’mAni) — деньги monkey |'тлг)кг| — обезьяна month [тлл01 — месяц •momiment TnionjumantJ — памятник moon imu:n| — луна more (mo:! — больше, более morning ('тэ:шп] — утро most [moust) — самый mother ('тлдо| — ьгама mother = mtim = mummy Motherland ['mAd^l^ndl — родина mouse I maos) — мышь mouth |mau9| — рот move [muiv) — двигать(ся), передвигать(ся) much (тл^ — много ♦museum |mju:'zi:3m) — музей mushroom j'mA/ru:m| — гриб music ('mju;zik} — музыка ♦musical |'mju:zik3ll — музыкальный ♦musician |mju:'zt/dn| — музыкант must [mAStI — должен my Imarl — мой, моя, моё, мок myself [mai'selfl — (я) сам N n national ('nte/dnal] — иаииоиальный nationality f.nse/d'n^hti] — пациоиальность ♦natural (’nsifarall —естественный, природный ♦nature [‘neitfa) — природа naughty ['no;ti) — непослушный near (п1э| — около, рядом, близко nearly I'nialtl — близко necessary [’nesisanl — необходимый need (ni:d| — нуждаться neighbour (‘neibal — сосед neither... nor (*naida ’no:) — ни... ни ♦nephew ('nevju:! — племянник nervous ['n3:vos] — нервный ♦never I’nevol — никогда new (nju;] —• новый news [nju;z| — новость, новости newspaper [’nju:s,peipo] — газета next (nekst] — следующий, ближайший, будущий nice fnaisj — красивый, приятный nicely I'naislij — хорошо ♦nickname [’mkoeim] — прозвище ♦niece |ni:s| — племянница night [nail) — ночь nineteenth [,nain'ti;n0] — девятнадцатый no [nau| — ijer noise Inoiz) H- шум noisy I’noizi) — шумный non-athletic [,попао8'1с1)к| — неспортивный non-stop [.nnn’stup] — безостановочный, беспрерывный normal |'no:mdl| — нормальный north [no:01 — север nose (nouz) — HOC not I nut I — отрицательная частица ''не** note [пз1Л| — заметка, запись nothing (’плОпз) — ничто, ничего notice [’naotis] — замечать, обращать внимание noun Inaunl имя сушесгвительное ♦novel (’nova!) — роман November (nau'vemba) — ноябрь now I паи) — теперь, сейчас number)’плтЬо) — номер •nurse [пз:$| — медсестра, няня Оо name fneim) — имя napkin ['п2еркш1 — салфетка obedient [a'biidiani] — послушный occupation (.ukju'pei/anl — работа occupy I'okjupai] — занимать (пространство) ocean I’avfan) — океан 200: October (ok'twbaj — октябрь odd Jodj — лишний of [sv/ovj — предлог родительного надежа offer ('ofd] — предлагать ofHce ('ofis) — офис often |'оГэп| — часто OK = okay (w*kei| — хорошо, все в порядке old laold] — старый older Cavld?) — старше (по возрасту) omelette romlitl — омлет on (on] — на once (wAnsj — однажды one (wAn) — один onion ['AnjanI — лук only ('dunlij — только open ['dupdnj — открывать opera I'opard] — oiiepa opera-singer |'ор9гэ sio^j — оперный певец opinion (э'ршЗэп] — MtieHHe opposite (’opazit] — напротив; противоположный or |o:j — или orange ('nrintfe) — апельсин order ('o:d9j — порядок organize ['argdnaizj — организовывать, устраивать other ('лбд| — другой, иной our [аоо] — наш ourselves (aus'selvz) — (мы) сами out (aotl — вне, за, из outdoors (.aoi'docz) — на открытом воздухе outside [aut'said) — за пределами; вне ^outstanding (aut'stsendio) — выдающийся over I'auvaj — над own (atinj — собственный Pp package f'p^kid;] — упаковка packet Сргеки] — пакет page Ipetds) — страница paint (peint) — рисовать красками painting I'peintit)) — рисунок, полотно, картина pair jpe^j — пара *palaoe |'p^lis| — дворец panda (*p^ndo| — naiuta paper Грб1рэ1 — бумага •parent ('pearantj — родитель park (pak] — парк parliament (’pa:lamdnt) — парламент parrot rpseral] — попугай part (pett) — часть participle ('paiiisipdlj — лрнчастне •partner Cpa:(nd| — партнер •party [’pCL'tij — прием гостей, вечеринка past [porst] — прошедший paw (pa) — лапа pay (pcil — платить peace (pi:s} — мир pen I pen] — ручка pen friend Tpenffend] — друг no переписке pencil I'pensal] — карандаш penguin rperjgwinj — пингвин people Грфэ1] — люди pepper ('peps] — перец pepsi I'pepst] — пепси performance (pdTa:m9ns] — представление, спектакль period ['pidrtdd) — период person (*p3:sanj — человек, личность personal (’рзгзэпз!] — личный pet (pet) — питомец, домашнее животное phone (Гситл) — телефон; звонить по телефону photo (Тэо1эи] — фотография phrase (freizj — фраза •Physical [Tizikdl] Education (P.E.) — физкультура physics [Tiziksj — физика pianist ('pianistl — пианисг piano (рт*жпои| — пианино pick up |pik] — собирать •picnic I’piknik] — пикник •pie |pai] — пирог piece (pi:sj — кусок pig (pig) — поросенок, свинья pigeon |'р1ф|п) — гол>^ь pilot ['patlatj — пшют pink (ptol^] — розовый pily (‘piti] — жалость pizza i'pilsal — пицца place (pleis] — место •place of interest —досгоиримсчатсльиость plan [pt^nj — план •plane (pletnj — самолет planet j'plsenit] — планета plant [plaint] — растение plate [pleitj — тарелка play jplei] — игра; играть •play sports — заниматься спортом play the piano — играть на лиаинно play jokes — шутить playground I'pleigraundj — спортплощадка plcasam ('plezontj — приятный 1201 please [pli:zj — пожалуйста pleasure I’plejo) — удоиолил'вие poem ['paufm] — стихотворение *poet I'paurtI — поэт poetry Cpauitn) — поэзия point [point j — пункт point out — указать police (pd'lirs) — полиция policeman [po'liismanl — полицейский polite [po'lait] — вежливый politely (po'laitli) — вежливо •political [pa'litikal] — политический •politician [.pDli’ti/an] — политик politics ['poliliksl — политика poor [poo] — бедный pop-music I'pDpmJazikl — поп-музыка pop-singer I'pop^ioaJ — поп-певец •popular (‘pDpjyl^l — популярный position [ps'zijon] — позиция •possible I'posibdi) — возможный postcard |'p3ystka:dj — открытка postman ['pDUStmon] — почтальон potato [pa'teitoo) — картошка pound Ipaond) — фунт predict [pri'dikt] — предсказывать prefer [prr’fa:] “ предпочитать prepare |pri*pco) — приготавливать(ся) preposition [,prepa^zijan| — предлог present ['prezantl — подарок: представить. показать: настоящий president ['prezidantl — президент press conference ['pres ,konbransj —* пресс-конференция prime [praim] — главный principle Cprinsipsl] — директор prize [praiz] — приз probably [’probobli] — вероятно problem I'problam] — проблема produce |prd'dju:s) — производить •programme [‘prougrsemj — программа •project ('prtKfeektj — проект prompt [prompt) — подсказка; гюдскаэывать pronounce [pro'nauns] — 11ропзносить proper epropo) — подходящий properly I'propoll] — собствегшосгь propose [pro'pooz] — предлагать prose [prouzj проза protect [pro'tekt) — защищать proud (praodj — гордый to be proud of — гордиться prove [pru:v] — доказывать proverb ['pn)v3:bj — пословица provide [pro'vaid) — обеспечивать, снабжать pub [рлЬ] — паб, пивная •publish ['рлЬЬЛ — публиковать, печатать •pudding [pudiTj] — пудинг pupil |'pju:p3ll — ученик puppy ['рлр|| — щенок put [put] (pul. put) — класть, ставить Q q queen [kwi:n] — королева question {'kwes^onj — вопрос quick [kwik] — быстрый quiet I'kwaiat] — тихий quite [kwailj — довольно-таки R r rabbit ['rsebitj — кролик race [reisj — гонка racket [ r«kitl — ракетка radiation [,reidi'ei/3n| — радиация •radio j'reidiau] — радио rain [rein] — дождь rainy ['rcimj — дождливый raspberry-jam |'га:2Ьэп'с^2ет| — варенье из малины rather ['гада] — несколько read [ri:d| (read, read) — читать •ready (‘redil — готовый •real |пз1) — подлинный, истинный really f'rialil — действительно, разве reason ['ri:zan| — причина rebuild [,Ti:*bild) — отстроить заново, восстановить receive |n'si:v| — получать •recently |Vi:santli) — недавно* на днях recipe ['resipil — рецепт recite [n'sait] — декламировать, повторять по памяти recognize I'reksgnaizj — узнавать red [red I — красный registered ['rctfeistod] — зарегистрированный regularly {'reqjubli] — регулярно •relation [ri'lcijan] — отношение, родственник •relative ('rciotivj — родственник •relax jrt'lacks) — отдыхать remember [n'membol—помнить repair [n'peaj—^чинить repeal [ri'piit] — повторять represen t [, riipri'ze n t ] — n рсдста вл ять .202] representative (.repri'zemotiv) — представитель residential l.rezi'den/ol) — жилой respect [ri*spekt] •—уважать response [n'spons] —ответ» отклик responsibility [n.sponsi'btliti] — ответственность responsible [ri'spDHSibdl} — ответственный to be responsible for — быть ответственным rest (rest) — отдыхать restaurant ('restDrom]—ресторан result [п'глк] — результат return [ri't3:n]—возвращаться» отдавать rewrite (,Ti:*raii| — переписать rich IniH — богатый to be rich in -— быть богатым чем-либо rid [rtd]—освобождать, избавлять to gel rid of... — избавляться от... ride {raid] (rode, ridden) — кататься верхом ride a bike ~ кататься на велосипеде right [raitj — правый; правильный all right — вес в порядке ring jriol (rang, rung) — звонить risk (risk] — риск river |‘nv3| — река rock Irokj — poK rock-group J4t)kgru:pl — рок-группа role Iraulj — роль roll (rsulj — булочка» рулет room (romj — комната rose [rduz] — роза round jraond]—круглый •royal I'roidlj^—королевский rubber ]'глЬо] — ластик •rubbish |'гаЬ|Л — мусор rucksack |'глк$гек]^—рюкзак •rude (ru:d| — грубый rugby ('rAgbtj — рэгби rule |ru;1| — правило run [глп] (ran. run) — бегать Russia Ггл/э] — Россия Russian ['гл/дп| — русский язык; русский S S sad Isaed] — грустный, печальный .sailor ['seilaj — моряк .salad ['s^ladj—^ салат •salt |sл:ltj“COль same [seim] — тот же самый sandwich ['sjenwidj) — бутерброд Saturday ['sacudi]—суббота sausage ('soSK^j — колбаса •save (seivj — спасать saxophone [\ssksdfdunj — саксофон say [sei] (.said, said) — говорить, сказать (что-то) saying f'seiin] — поговорка schedule r/'?dju;l] — расписание school lsku:l| — школа schoolchildren (’sku:ltfildrdnj — школьники schoolmate ['sku:lmeit) — одноклассник •jKjience ['saiansj — естественньге науки •science fiction — фантастика scientific [,satdn4ifik] — научный •scientist ('saiontistj —^ ученый Scottish j'sknlij]—-шотландский script [skript]—сиенарлй sculpture ['skAlptfoj — скульптура sea I si:] ^ море season j'sezon] — время года» сезон seal [si:t| — место second I'sekandl — второй .secondary ['sekandanj ~ средний secret ('slkmI—секретный .secretary j'se к non]—секретарь section f'sek|anI “Параграф, раздел .see (si;j (saw, seen) — видеть .seek (si:kj — искать seem (si:mj — казаться, представляться select Isi'lckt] “ выбирать send (sendl (sent, sent) — посылать sense fsensl — чувство sentence j'sentonsl — предложение September (sep'tembal—сентябрь •serious I'sianas]—серьезный set jset] (set. set) the (able — накрывать на стол seven I'Sevan] — семь several ['sevaral] — несколько •shake ffeik] (shook, shaken)—трясти shame [fetm] — стыд share IJco]—делиться» пользоваться вместе shark l/a'k! — акула sharpener I'ftt-pna]—точилка she t/i] — она sheep Шф] — овца(ы) sheet LTi-t] — лист shelf t/elf] — книжная полка shine Ifain] (shone, shone) — светить •ship Lfip] — корабль shirt [fa:l] — рубашка shoe l/u;] — туфель shop l/np] — магазин shop-as$islani l'/Dpo,sistontJ — продавец short Lfo:tl — короткий shout [fautl—кричать ♦show (Jdu] {showed, shown) — представление, шоу; показывать shut [JaI) (shut, shut)'—закрывать shy fjai] — застенчивый sick [sik| — больной side [said) — сторона ♦sight (sail] — взгляд, лостопримсчатсльность sign (sain) — знак; лодписывать(ся) signal ['signal] — сигнал silence ('sailansj—тишина silly [sill] —глупый similar ('sJmalal — подобный, похожий simple ('simpal] — простой since [sins) — c тех nop как sincerely |sin'sioli] dil — кто-то, кто-нибудь someone [SAmwAnl — кто-то, кто-нибудь something [‘sAm6iol — что-то sometimes f'SAmiaimz] — иногда son (SAn) — сын song [sDoj — песня soon (su:n] — скоро sorry [sDrij — извините son [S3:t] — род. сорт sound [saundj — тук south [saue] — ЮГ Spain Ispein] — Испания Spanish ['sp^ni/l — испанский speak [spi:k] (spoke, spoken) — разговаривать speaker (*spi:k3]—^ оратор, говорящий ♦special [‘spe/olj—особый, спещ]альный speech Isphtf) — речь ♦spend (spend) (spent, spent) — проводить, тратить split [spliil (split, split) — раскалывать(ся) ‘spoon [spurn)—^ ложка sport [spo:i| — спорт ♦sportsman ('sportsman] — спортсмен spread [spred) (spread, spread) — простираться, раскидыеать(ся) spring [spriQ] — весна ♦square (skwco) — площадь ♦stadium I'sleidiotn) — стадион stamp (stamp) — марка stand (stand) (stood, stood) — стоять star [sio:] — звезда ♦start (start 1 — старт; начинать state (steii) — государство statement ['steitmont] — утверждение, заявление station I'slei/anj — станция statue Cslsetfu:) — статуя ♦slay [stei] — пребывание stay at — останавливаться stay with — гостить stick |stik) — палка, трость still (stil) — всё ешё stocking |'stnkii]| — чулок stop [stop] — останавяивать(ся) stormy j'stormi) — штормовой story {'stain I — исюрия Strange [sireindsl — странный street |siri:i| — улица strong (simi}! — сильный student ('stjuidontj •— ученик, студент ♦study [*stAdi| — изучать stupid ('stjiiipid] — глупый 204. ‘subject (*8лЬф|к1) — учебный лредмез such (5л^ — такой suddenly (’sAdnIi] — вдруг ♦suggest (se^<$;cstl — предлагать* советовать suggestion (so* сегодня together (Сэ’дедз] — вместе 1205 toilet I'toilit) ~ туалет tolerant ['tDldrant] — терпимый tomorrow jtd'mordu) — завтра ton (1лп] — тонна tongue (Слг)| — язык tonight lid'nait) —• сегодня вечером too [lu:J — тоже, также» слишком, очень top I top] — верк topic [’topikj — тема, предмет обсуждения tortoise (Нэ;105| — черепаха ^tourist ['tt;9ristj — турист *iower ['tauoj — башня town [taon] — город (небольшой) toy [toil — игрушка tradition jtra’di/anj •— традиция ^traditional Itra'dijonol] — традишюнкьш train (treinj — поезд trait [treit] — черта (xapaicrepa) translate (traenz'leit) — переводить translation [traensz'lei^dnj — перевод •travel ('tr^evolj — путешествовать; путешествие •travelling (ЧгхеуэЬг)] — путешествие treat [trr.tj — лечить tree |tri:J — дерево trip linp] — путешествие true |tru:J — верный try (trail — пытаться Tuesday ('tjurzdij — вторник turn [Чз:п] — очередь TV [,ti: Vi:j — телевизор twelve itwelvj — двенадцать twice (twais] — дважды two (iu:| — два type (taipj — Tiin •typical j'trpikdl] — типичный ___________________Uji______________________ ugly Гл()1(] некрасивый» уродливый umbrella (лтЪгс1о] — зонт •uncle ['лдкэ1| — дядя under ['лл(1э] — под underground |,Attd9'graond] —• метро underline [.Anda'lam] — подчеркнуть understand (»And9'stactid] (understood, under-stood) — понимать •understanding (.Ando'stsndio) — понима- ЮШНЙ unforgettable iAnfd'getdbdt] — незабываемый unfriendly [AnTrendlij — недружелюбный» неприветливый unhappy (Anhspi) — несчастливый» несчастный •uniform ('ju:nif3;mj — форма unit ('ju:nit] — раздел •university [Jurni'vsrsitij — университет unknown [.лп'пэип] — неизвестный unlike I.Ati'laik] — непохожий на unlucky |Ап'1лк1| — неудачный unpleasant [лп'ркгэпт] — неприятный, отталкивающий unreal (лп'п91] — кс|{астоящий» поддельный untidy [An4aid(] неопрятный» неаккуратный until (лпЧ|1| — до unusual |лп']и:з911 — необычиыГ! unwell [An'well — нездоровый unzip (.An'zipj •— расстергуть молнию up (лр) — вверх, кверху US [as] — нам, нас •use (ju:z] — использовать, применять useful Cjuisfdl] — полезный usual |ju;309l] — обычный usually |ju:309li] — обычно ____________________Vjv_______________________ van [vaen] — микроавтобус vase \vG\i] — ваза verb |vs:b] — глагол very I'ven] — очень veterinarian |,vet9n'nedrj9n] (vet) — ветеринар victory I'vikton] — победа video |‘vidi9ul — видео view (vju:| — вид viewer (Vju:9j — зритель village i’vilKfe] — деревня violin [.vaio'hn] — скрипка visit (’vizii) — посещение; посещать visitor I'vizitd] — посетитель vocabulary' [vo'kaebjubn] — «^ояарь voice [voisj — голос voyage [Vauds] — морское путе1иествие W w waist (weist] — талня wait [weitj — ждать waiter I'wctto] — официант walk (wo:k] — гулять, ходить пешком; прогулка 206 wall fw3:l| — стена want [wont] — хотеть wartn |wo:ni] — тепло: теплый was jwDz) (Past Simple от to be en. ч.) — был, была wash (wDЯ — мыть, мыться, умываться, стирать •wash up — мыть посуду waste (weiSlJ — потеря watch (wi)tf] — смотреть, наблюдать, следить watchdog ('wotfdngl — сторожевой пес water iVatal — поливать; вода water-melon |'wo:to,nielan) — арбуз wax (wseks] — воск way [wei] — путь we |wij — мы weak [wi:k] — слабый wear (wea) (wore, worn) — носить (олежпу) weather ('wedo) — погода Wednesday ('wenzdi] — среда week |wi:k| — неделя •weekend (,wi;k’end| — уик-энд (время отдыха .с пятницы Или субботы до понедельника) welcome I'welkom) — приветствовать well (wel) — хорошо •well-known (.wel'noun] — известный were (w3:l (Past Simple or to be mh. ч.) — были west (west) — запад western [Svestan) — западный wet I wet) — сырой whale (weill — кит what |wot] — что? какой? when (wen) — когда? where (wcoj — где? куда? wherever (weor’cvaj — где? куда? which jwitf) — который? какой? while I wad] — пока, в то время как white [wait I — белый who (hu:j — кто? whole [Ьви]) — целый whose |hu;z) — чей? why |wai] — почему? wide (waidl — широкий •wife (waif) {pi wives) — жена •wild [waddi — дикий in the wild — на воле will I will — всломогательнык глагол в Future Simple win |wm| (won, won) — выигрывать window [4vindan) — окно windy I'wmdi) — ветрено •wing (wij)) — крыло winter (‘winiol — зима wish |wtj) — желать; желание with |wfd| — c within |wi'din| — c •without |wc'6aut) — без wolf |wulfl {pi wolves) — волк woman ('w(iman) (pi women ('wiminj)— женщина wonderfui (Wndafyl) — чудесный wonderland (Wndaland) — страна чудес w'ood (wud) — небольшой лес, роша wooden (‘wudn} — деревянный w'ord |w3:dj — слово work (w3:k| — работа; работать •world |w3:ld| — мир all over the world — во всем мире world-famous |w3:ld 'feimasj — всемирно известный worship ('w3:/ipj — боготворить worth |w3:6| — стоящий to be worth doing — стоит что-либо сделать would (wud) — вспомогательный глагол Would you like...? — Вам хотелось бы ...? write |rait} (wrote, written) — писать writer I'ranoj — писатель wrong (roi)) — неверный; неверно Yy yard [jo:d) — двор year [ji3/j3:] — год yellow Cjeldo) — желтый yes (jes) — да yesterday ['jestddi| — вчера •yet (jet) — elite yoghurt (’jegstj — Horypi you (ju:) — 7Ы. вы, тебе, вам, тебя, вас young []лд) — молодой your (jo:) — твой, ваш yourself [jd'self] — (ты) сам yourselves (jd'selvz) ^ (вы) сами youth (ju:6) — молодежный Zz zebra rzkbrdj — зебра zoo |zu:) — зоопарк •zoological [,2ЭУэ'1ос);|ко1) — зоологический 207i в издани1« в соответствии со статьей id пунктом 2 *Зэконв об авторском праве и смежных правах* использованы иллюстрации: с. $. 17. 2S — Guide to UK Boarding Schools / 19S6y^7.'- London: Hobsons c. 13,76 — Rosanna KeJIy. Russa.— London, 1996 C. 47 Spi№rs Care about Cats.'— Suffolk c. 48 — in Britain. New edition.— Обнинск: Тигуп, 1997 {лицензионное издание). Bravo! Pupil's Book.'— Heinemann C. 4d — Rankin J. T. Dangerous Jobs.'— Printed by Colorcraft, Hong Itong c. 60. 104 — Siivester-Cair Denise. Lortdon / Photographs by A. Butler.—' London: Collins & Brown, 1991 c. 67 — Bucldngham Palace.— Great Britain C- $5 — Where to Stay I99l- Greater Glasgow.— Scotland c. 86 — The Beatles / Photo Book Oliver Books, 1993; Кортес Л. П. и др. Английскал литература.—' Мимсе Народная асеета, 1991 с. 87 — TperwKOBCKan г^ерея.— Л., 1989 {на японском языке) с. 88 '— Бочарникова Э.. Иноземцева Г. Тем, кто любит балет.— М.: Русский язык, 1967. [де нас нет; Информ. катзпог междунар. событий, Nt 1, 1996. Детская иллюстрированная эицихлопсдип (иэд*во /и*рлингКин/№рсли)//Пср. сангл.— М.. 1997. Духгова Н. Московские меценаты.-М.: Молодая гвардия. 1992. Ingo F. Whither раЫо Picasso-'— Bcnedikt Taschen Verlag GmbH. 1993 c. 91 — The Cambftdge Encyclopedia of The Diglish Language / Ed. Crystal, 1996 c. 92 — Миггон C. и Ж. Астрономия.— Оксфордская библиотека // Пер. с англ.'— М.: Росмен, 1995 с. 109 — English Together. Pupil's Book 2, longmari c. 127 — The Natural History Museum.— London, 1991 c. 13S — Питание и здоровье: Спецвыпуск журнала *7651”.— М.: Роспечать, 1994/1995 с. 153 — Children's Fun-to-cook Book.— Saiftsbury's Walker Soote Учебное издание Биболетова Мерем Забатовна Добрынина Наталья Васильевна Трубанееа Наталия Николаевна Английский язык Учебник для б-'б классов общеобразовательных учреждений И^ние второе, исправленное Зацдирскгора по подготовке изданий G. В. Ширина Корректоры Г А. Киселева, Г. П. Мартыненко Дизайн макета и кудожсстаснное редактирование Е. А. Валяевой Обло)(жа В. G. )1^ребцоаа * Художники: Н. А. Валяева, В. С. Денисов, В. С. >^ребиов, К. И. Ишим, 8. И. Пеньков. О. В. Перова. В. Н. Рыжов Фотограф Л. А. 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