Английский язык 5 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова часть 1

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 5 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова часть 1 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Enjoy English (Энджой инглиш):

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М. 3. Биболетова^ О. А. Денисенко^ Н. Н. Трубанева Английский язык ШШ <» т irag]DB§Bi] 4sa Рабочая тетрадь № 1 к учебнику для 5 класса общеобразовательных учреждений ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО т и т у Л т 1 т _LL PUBLISHERS 2013 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Б59 УДК 802.0(075.3) /Г Учебно-методический комплект “Английский с удовольствием” / “Enjoy English” (5 класс) включает следующие компоненты: • учебник • книгу для учителя • рабочую тетрадь N« 1 • аудиоприложение (CD MP3) • обучающую компьютерную программу По вопросам приобретения УМК следует обращаться в издательство „'П1тул‘‘: тел.: (48439) 9-10-09, факс: (48439) 9-10-00, e-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). Бибопетова М. 3., Денисенко О. А., Трубанева Н. Н. Б59 Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English: Рабочая тетрадь № 1 к учебнику для 5 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2013.— 96 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-541-7 Рабочая тетрадь N» 1 является составной частью учебно-методического комплекта “Анлийский с удовольствием” для 5-го класса общеобразовательных учреждений, в которых английский язык изучается со 2-го класса по федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту второго поколения. • Основное назначение рабочей тетради — закрепить языковой и речевой материал учебника, автоматизировать лексико-грамматические навыки, развивать умения учащихся в чтении и письменной речи. Широкий спектр разнообразных заданий, требующих от учащихся творческого отношения при их выполнении, в том числе наличие заданий повышенной трудности, занимательных кроссвордов и прочих заданий, позволяет реализовать личностноориентированный подход при работе с учащимися с разным уровнем подготовки и с разными интересами. В тетрадь включены типы заданий, часто используемые в итоговой аттестации, что готовит учащихся к объективному контролю и самоконтролю в процессе изучения английского языка. ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 ISBN 978-5-86866-541-7 © М. 3. Биболетова, О. А. Денисенко, Н. Н. Трубанева, 2013 © Издательство “Титул”, дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение. 2013 Contents Unit 1 Hello! Nice to see you again!........................4 Section 1 Talking about the first day at school...........4 Section 2 I wish I were in Russia.........................6 Section 3 Talking about the summer holidays .............8 Section 4 Talking about places of interest..............10 Section 5 Talking about school clubs....................11 Section 6 Creating rules for students and teachers......14 Section 7 What do you know about British schools?........16 Section 8 Reading for pleasure...........................18 Project “Welcome to our school website” .................21 Test yourself 1 (Sections 1-3)...........................22 Test yourself 2 (Sections 4-6) ..........................24 Unit 2 We are going to travel to London ....................26 Section 1 Welcome to East Square London School!..........26 Section 2 What are you going to do?.................... 29 Section 3 Creating a school album for British friends....32 Section 4 What are you doing for the winter holidays?....34 Section 5 Reading for pleasure...........................36 Project “New Year celebration”...........................43 Test yourself 3 (Sections 1-2) ..........................44 Test yourself 4 (Sections 3-4) ..........................46 Unit -3 Faces of London.....................................48 Section 1 What places of interest would you like to see?.48 Section 2 Discovering places of interest ................51 Section 3 Excuse me, can you...? ........................53 Section 4 Just for fun...................................56 Section 5 Have you ever walked in London’s parks? .......58 Section 6 I’d like to invite you to a party..............61 Section 7 Talking about famous people....................64 Section 8 Reading for pleasure...........................67 Project “Welcome to our town” ...........................72 Test yourself 5 (Sections 1-3) ..........................74 Test yourself 6 (Sections 4-6) ..........................76 Unit 4 Learning more about each other.......................78 Section 1 May I ask you a question?......................78 Section 2 Getting on well with the family................80 Section 3 You have got a pet, haven’t you?...............81 Section 4 Do we have the same hobbies?...................83 Section 5 What are you going to be? .....................86 Section 6 Reading for pleasure...........................88 Project “Let’s act out the story!” ......................90 Test yourself 7 (Sections 1-2) ..........................91 Test yourself 8 (Sections 3-5) ..........................93 Шё to see you again! Section 1 J^Make up the words. Translate them into Russian. Example: n, c, 1, u, h — lunch 1. b, e, 1, t, t, a, i, e, m —________________________ 2. j, t, e, c, p, o, r —----------------------------- 3.1, t, h, o, o, g, e, c, y, n — 4. u, 1, i, t, a, e, r, r, t, e — _ 5. u, b, c, s, j, t, e — ---------- 6. i, n, f, m, o, o, t, r, a, i, n — ^ Choose the right verb. Circle it. Example: Our students ...a lot of problems yesterday, a) solve C^) solved c) will solve 1. Paul .often ... sentences from French into English in the lesson, a) translates b) will translate c) translated 2. My friends ... a new computer game during the break tomorrow, a) discuss b) will discuss c) discussed 3. Some students ... a lot of poems by heart last year, a) learn b) will learn c) learnt 4. Ken ... a lot of new friends last summer holidays, a) makes b) will make c) made 5. They usually ... only good marks in PE lessons, a) get b) will get c) got 3 j Complete the text. Use: break, subjects, Art, timetable, marks, desks WeVe got a new timetable at school. There are a lot of interesting___________________this year. I like Nature Studies and_________________best of all. Usually I get only good and excellent in Maths .and Literature. During the I like to run between the with friends. I think I will be a good student this year too. JjFill the gaps with speak, say or tell. Use them in the correct form. 1. A new student_______________ . - foreign languages very well. 2. She didn’t 3. When I _ me anything. 4. My father usually 5. Our teacher will _ 6. Martin and Jess _ very fast my friend doesn’t understand me. _________: “Live and learn”. . us about the trip tomorrow, that they were happy to see us again. 5 j Answer the questions about your classroom. Give the full answers. Example: Do you have a multimedia projector in your classroom? — No, we don’t. We don’t have a multimedia projector in our classroom. 1. Do you have a new classroom this year? —__________________________________________ 2. Is your classroom big and clean? —________________________________________________ 3. Are there any bookshelves in your classroom? —_________ 4. Do you have blinds on the windows in your classroom? — ’i 5. Have you got any plants in your classroom? — ^ 6. Did you have any pictures on the walls in your classroom last year? — 7. How many computers do you have in your classroom? 8. Do you like your classroom? — ,:Г'Я ‘ 6 |Do the crossword puzzle. Find 8-10 verbs on the topic “School”. Write them down. C3 r a . i t e 1 e a r n ^ 4®^ V w e u c о P У Ч g d i s c u s s f t У p e n к о t e a g e t g о e P о e m a r к 1 e s s о n к с 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 7 jRead the words in transcription. Write them down with letters. Example: [Ъогэи] — borrow ['form]--------------------- ['laeogwicfe]-------------------- ------------------ [’taim,teibl]_______________ [’sAbcfeikt]_____________________ fbreik]___________ [maeGs]_____________________ [mcrk]___________________________ |,inf9'meijn] 8J Choose the right verb. Circle it. Example: Students ... the first English lesson yesterday, a) enjoyed b) taught c) saw 1. Some tourists from Britain will ... in Tula for two days, a) show b) see c) stay 2. Mr Black ... us German three years ago. a) told b) taught c) read 3.1 ... my friends during my summer holidays, a) missed b) stayed c) spoke 4.1 would like to ... you again, a) listen b) say c) see 5. Bob ... his birthday party very much, a) saw b) enjoyed c) stayed 6. Our new teacher ... English very well, a) tells b) speaks c) says 7. Mary will ... us about her first day at school in the evening, a) say b) teach c) tell UNIT 1 Section ^Translate from Russian into English. 1. Ты скучал по друзьям во время летних каникул? 2. Я надеюсь получить письмо-приглашение на следующей неделе. 3. Учебник "Enjoy English” поможет тебе улучшить знание английского языка. 4. Будет здорово увидеть всех вас снова. 5. Оставайся с нами! б. Расскажи нам о Лондоне, пожалуйста. lOj Match the questions and the answers. 1. " Gould you tell me his address, please? 2. May I come in? 3. Gan you understand what she is saying? 4. Gould I borrow your textbook, please? a) Yes, I can. She is speaking Italian. b) Sorry, I can’t. I don’t know it. c) No, I’m afraid not. I need it right now. d) Sure, hurry up. You are late. UTJ [ID [Щ H 111 Make up questions in Past Simple. Example: enjoy / holidays / you / your / summer / Why / ? — Why did you enjoy your summer holidays? 1. celebrate / last / you / How / your / birthday / ? 2. What / weekend / during / do / the / you / ? 3. subjects / year / have / What / you / last / ? 4. yesterday / many / lessons / have / How / you / ? 5. get / early / last / you / Why / Thursday / up / ? UNIT 1 Section 2 Section 3 ■talking about the summer bolidays^ ^ 12|Match the verbs on the left with the words on the right to make phrases. Make up ■ ■'5 sentences with these phrases. 1___________________________________________ Г' to spend to miss to go to take friends care of holiday English'lesson pictures weekends abroad shopping 2. 4. 5. 13 iTranslate from Russian into English. 1. Прошлым летом моя бабушка собрала много ягод в лесу. 2. Вы любите собирать грибы в сентябре? 3. Посмотри! Это известный музыкант! Ты узнаешь его? 4. Давайте посетим музей этого знаменитого писателя. 5. Вчера мы узнали о знаменитых художниках на уроке искусства (Art). 6. Иван Павлов был известным российским ученым. 14 Fill in the gaps. Use: vegetables, fruit, sunbathe, takes part, at the seaside, artist, musician Every summer I spend my holidays with my parents at the seaside. My dad is an_______________________He paints pictures of nature and my mum is a talented_______________________She______________________in musical concerts on TV. Every mo’rning, we swim and_________________________a lot. My parents and I like to eat____________________and_______________________because it is good for our health. 15j Complete the sentences with the correct word. Circle it 1. We spent... of time at the seaside, a) many b) a few c) a lot 2. There are ... new subjects in the timetable, a) a few b) rrtuch c) a little 3. There isn’t... homework for tomorrow, a) much b) many c) a few 4. Usually there is ... snow during winter in Great Britain. a) a few b) many c) a little 5.1 want to know ... foreign languages. a) a little b) a lot of c) much 6. How ... students are there in the class? a) a few b) much c) many 161 Match the verbs on the left with the words on the right to make phrases. Make up 8 sentences with these phrases. to spend to feed to go to walk to grow to play' to visit to make } a fire / a lot of time out doors I the guitar \ the farm horses ( vegetables and fruit I sightseeing places of interest in the fields 1. 3. 4. 5.. 6.. 7. . 8.. Answer the questions. 1. Where do you usually spend your summer holidays? 2. What do you like to do in the country? 3. What do you like to do at the seaside? 4. What do you like to do in the city? 5. What do you like to do to at camp? 6. Do you like your surnmer holidays? Why? UNIT 1 Section 3 Щи ТГ».- 18 j Complete the text. Use; from, friends, letter, the longest, the country, summer, like Hi Steve, Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear. You know, the summer holidays are______________ Kaluga, Russia 10th of May .you. holidays in Russia. ---------------is the best time of the year! In summer I will go to_________________and spend a lot of time outdoors. I______________to be in the country. There is a big field near our house in the country and I can play football with my_____________all day long. How do you usually spend your summer holidays? Write to me soon. Best wishes. Max biking about places of interest 19 (Make up sentences and write them down. a) Example: Exercise 2 / difficult / exercise 5.— Exercise 2 is more difficult than ewxercise 5. 1. Our town / small / your city.—_____________________________________________________________ 2. The book / interesting / the film.—__ 3. This palace / beautiful / that castle.— 4. This bus / comfortable / that car.—__ 5. History / easy / Maths.—_____________ 6. St Petersburg / big / Pavlovsk.—____________ 7. Emma’s homework / difficult / Tom’s homework.— 10 UNIT 1 Sections 3 and 4 b) Example: It / happy / trip / in my life! — It is the happiest trip in my life! 1. It / long / road / in our town.—____________________________ 2. It / short / poem / in the textbook.—_______ 3. She / good / student / in our class.—_______ 4. He / famous / writer / in Russian literature.— 5. It / happy / day / of her summer holidays.— _ 6. It / long / legend / in the world.—_________ 7. It / funny / hobby / in our class.—_________ 2l^Choose the correct preposition. Circle it. Example: He is on the fifth form. 1. It is great to listen on / to / о/modern music. 2. There are a lot of new students in / at / on school. 3. David is at / from / on New York. 4. Yesterday she invited us at / in / to the party. 5. Did you go to the countryside in / on / at October? 2ljTranslate from Russian into English. 1. Летние каникулы самые длинные.—______________ 2. Сегодня погода хуже, чем вчера.—_____________ 3. Русский язык труднее, чем английский.—__________________ 4. Наташа рассказала нам о самом красивом дворце в Лондоне.— 5. В этом году Tbi занимаешься лучше, чем в прошлом.— 6. В нашем классе больше учеников, чем в вашем. ^Write about your summer holidays. Section 5 2^Cross out the odd word (лишнее слово). 1. promise, invite, strong, save, choose 2. interesting, popular, special, match, classical 3. master, dancer, artist, together, player 4. racket, game, create, map, site, forum UNIT 1 Sections 4 and 5 24‘Match the clubs and the students’ stories. Singing Club Tennis Club Musicians’ Club Chess Club Drawing Club a) I (like tki-s ^мдг-t ЬодуД ca[[ же tke .^AAA^tev. (вш, ii years) b) , Г like sinking' my fa^OKrife Son^S with my friends I in "the сЫЬ. (Betty, 10 years) c) I I want to be a famous artist. My teacher says my i pictures are really Qood. (josh, loyears) d) My sister plays the violin and I play drums in the club. (Tony, 12 years) e) /«- t/ie с£мЯ, игу f'liauL and / гшь and jump and piay QlVt faVQWiitCyamc. (Jane, 11 years) ТГ i Г2~ 3 I 25 ■ Rewrite the sentences using the example. Example: I like to travel a lot.— / like travelling a lot. 1.1 like to swim best of all.—_______________________ 2.1 like to play the guitar.—________________________ 3. They like to grow exotic flowers.—____ 4.1 like to take photos of my family.— _ 5. He likes to play chess with my dad.— 6.1 like to draw funny pictures.—________ 7. She likes to dance best of all.—______ .12 Л- • • UNIT ) Section 5 2^ Ask questions about the sentence: Yesterday Billy Feyman made a wall newspaper “Tennis Club” for our classroom. 1. Who________________________________________________________________________ 2. What did Billy_____________________________________________________________ 3. What newspaper_____________________________________________________________ 4. Where______________________________________________________________________ 5. When_______________________________________________________________________ 2^ Complete the questions with tag endings. 1. It’s very windy and cloudy today,___ 2. They spent two weeks in London,_____ 3. Martin won’t go to the Africa next month,_____ 4. She works hard in the lessons,_____________? 5. George didn’t spend the summer in the country, 6. You can’t repair the bike by yourself (сам),__ 7. Den and Tom will take part in competition,____ 8. Mr Brown gives a lot of homework,_____________ 28 i Put in the missing words. Use: spend, swimming, high, club, best, running, fastest, jumpers, tennis player We go to our school sports club on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. I like__________________ very much. I prefer to_________________all my free t time in the swimming pool. I want to become the _________________swimmer in our club. My friend Paul likes_________________best of all. He is the _________________runner in the club. Carla and Mark _______________They are the strongest jump She is the best in our club. Linda likes tennis a lot. _________________in our club. If you want to be good at sports, come to our school sports club. Section 6 29] Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters. [ri'sponsabl]___________________________________ {kri'eitiv)_____________________________________ ('sau/ablj______________________________________ ['aektiv] [karnd] [^ndi'pendэnt] (,дгэоп 'лр] — ffrendli] ['hel0i] _ rhelpfl] _ 30] Match the opposites or near opposites. Write them down in pairs. Example: early — late in the town , to finish to stay ' usually early to go out seldom often to start late to put on j right sometimes / in the country left \ to take off 31] Explain why students chose different clubs. Write down five sentences with “I like I He I She likes ...” Use Ex. 108 p. 33 in your Student’s Book. Example: Ann chose the Journalists’ Club because she likes writing about different school events. 1. Ted chose the Computer Club because_______________________________________________________ 2. Kirill chose the Photography Club because 3. Natalie chose the Dancing Club because 4. Larisa chose the Nature Club because 5.1 chose 32j Fill in the gaps. Use: responsible, fast, creative, kind, friendly, strong Last week we had a Self-Regulation Day at school. So I was responsible for the PE lesson in Grade 3. In the lesson the students played basketball. I explained the rules and gave them a ball. Suddenly, I saw a little girl in the corner. She didn't talk to anybody and just sat on a chair. So 1 went over to her and asked in a very ______________may: "Why don't you play with the other students? She said: "The ball is too heavy for me, I’m not as_______________as the others." I smiled and said: "I saw you run really She smiled: "So_____ ___You should be a judgeH" And I gave her a whistle^. of you. Thanks!" And she started running and playing with the others. We all had a lot of fun. After the lesson my teacher said: "Well done. You are very-----------------." ' судья ^ свисток 331 Fill in the table. Characteristics Ideal student clever Ideal teacher nice What should ideal student / teacher do in the lessons ask clever questions ask and answer clever and silly questions What shouldn’t ideal student / teacher do in the lessons interrupt (перебивать) give only good marks 341 a) Read what Barbara Grey says about a typical working day. I usually get up at 7 o’clock. I walk to school. I have 5 or 6 lessons a day. I teach 10-year-old pupils. In the lesson we speak English, ask and answer questions, read and translate, play games and take tests. I give only good marks. My students don’t speak Russian in the lessons. When I get home I’m always tired. So I have a rest. I don’t go for a walk in the evening. I watch TV and I go to bed at about 11 o’clock. I always sleep well. b) Yesterday was a typical working day for Barbara. Write what she did or didn’t do yesterday. She got up at 7 o’clock,... 35J Choose the correct preposition. Circle it. Example: We can speak and read English before / in our three-month course. 1. They invited us at / to / in London. 2. Who takes care about / for / of your pet? 3. Did you meet anyone interesting at / in / during summer school in Britain? 4. In the evening my grandfather likes to sit near / about / at the fireplace. 5. What do you usually do in / on / during your science lessons? 6. Will you go abroad at / on / in October? 7. My best pen friend is from / out of / in Britain. Section 7 36 j Cross out the odd word. 1. English, German, Russian, Britain, Italian, French 2. Science, History, Christmas, Maths, Physical Education 3. day, week, language, year, month, minute 4. second, fifteenth, first, third, eleventh, last 37 J Guess what Jack’s favourite subject is. Do a crossword puzzle. 123456789 10 1. Live and .... (a proverb) 2. In ... Technology students learn how to use computers. 3. A ... is a woman or a man who teaches you. 4. They learn two foreign languages — ... and German. 5. The boys often ... and jump between the desks during the break. 6. Children draw and paint in their ... lessons. 7. Don’t... lies. 8. Do you wear a ... at school? 9. I think it’s dull to ... these poems in the lesson. 10. Will you ... this grammar rule? UNIT 1 Sections 6 ond 7 ^Read the words. Find and circle 6 words with the sound [d]. three, mother, thank, Thursday, third, with, mouth, bathroom, neither, healthy, think, something, this, thin, truth, birthday, sunbathe, gather. Maths 39 jRead the names of the subjects. Write them down in two columns. PE, English Language, Maths, Information Technology, Art, Science, History, Drama, Russian Literature, French, Drawing, German, Geography English Literature Russian Language 401 Make up a dialogue. Number the sentences in the correct order. □ - I’m in the fourth form. And you? EH — It’s OK. All students wear uniform in our school. What about you? СИ — What form are you in? □ — Oh, in some Russian schools students wear it. But we don’t. Are there any new subjects in your timetable?. □ - I’m in the fifth form. I see you are in a uniform. Do you like it? СИ — Yes, there are some. A -1 UNIT 1 Section 7 17 Section 8 д j Answer the questions. 1. Do you like to go to school? 2. Do you always get to school on time? 3. Do you sometimes leave your school things at home? 4. Who helps you to pack' your school bag? I pack the bag myself. вяяС.. My mum. Nobody. 1 ^jRead the story and answer the question: Why did Mum hurry her kids up? _ My %_eldersiaer (brother)T~~T “H. Lurry up,” said Mum, “or we’ll be late for school.” We all rushed downstairs^, picked up^ our bags and went outside^. Mum closed the door. “No, wait!” said Kate. “I forgot my homework. Mrs James will go mad® if I don’t have it with me!” So we all went back. “Be quick, Kate,” cried Mum, “or we’ll be very late for school, and Mrs James really will be cross with* you.” Kate found her homework and rushed downstairs. We all picked up our bags again and went outside. Mum closed the door. “No, wait!” said Charlie. “I forgot my trainers^ and it’s football today.” So we all went back. “Hurry up, Charlie!” cried Mum. “We’ll be late for school!” Charli found his trainers shoes and rushed downstairs. We all picked up oui bags for the third time and went outside. Mum closed the door. We got into the car. “I don’t believe it!” cried Mum. “I forgot my bag! We’ll never get to school today.” So she went back in the house, found her bag and rushed out of the front door. She closed the door, got back into the car and started the car up. “Can we have the radio on, please. Mum?” said Kate. “OK,” said Mum. “But let’s get going or we’ll never get to school today.” And the, man on the radio said, “Good morning! Now for the latest news on this lovely Sunday morning...” “Sunday? I don’t believe it!” said Mum. “Whoopee!” cried the kids. ‘собирать ^ вниз ’ схватили * на улицу * сойдет с ума ‘ рассердится ' кроссовки 3 jAnswer the questions. 1. What did Kate forget in the house? 2. Who forgot the trainers? 3. Why did Mum go back in the house? 4. What did Kate ask Mum about? 5. What did the man on the radio say? 18 UNIT 1 Section 8 jy Choose the right variant (a, b or c) in which the facts are given in the same order as in the story. 1. “Hurry up,” said Mum, “or we’ll be late for school.” 2. “I don’t believe it!” cried Mum. “I forgot my bag!” 3. “I forgot my trainers and it’s football today.” 4. And the man on the radio said, “Good morning!...” 5. Kate found her homework and rushed downstairs. a) 2, 5, 3, 4, 1 b) 4, 1, 3, 5, 2 c) 1, 5, 3, 2, 4 5 jLook at the pictures and put them in the correct order. UNIT 1 Section 8 19 Write down all the verbs from the story. Use a selection of the verbs to retell the story. _^Tell the story from the point of view of the Mum, Kate or Charlie. / ^ Did you like the end of the story? Why? / Why not? ^Act out the story. Pi.J Work in pairs. Give arguments/or and against the following statement: “Students should go to school 6 days a week (from Monday to Saturday)”. For Students should have only a few lessons a day. Against Students should spend more time with their families. UNIT 1 Section 8 Your school website is being updated. What’s new at school? What’s happening in your English classes? Work in groups of 3-4 to complete the steps. Step 1 As a group, choose two pages for the school website, or make your own pages: About us^ ^'School life English^ T classesTvn -•?*. ■ ' Jchool c calendar -- Parents’ evenings Contact usll iYomown ,v tpage;, . • Teachers • Students • Subjects • Timetable • After school activities • Photos • Description • Holidays • Exams • Dates, time • Programme • Address • Map • E-mail Step 2 Step 4 Choose a role: 1) the web designer; 2) the editor; 3) the writer; 4) the picture editor. • What are the most important ideas? (the editor) • What is the page going to look like? (the designer) • What pictures will you use? (the picture editor) • What are the details of each idea? (the writer) Produce the final design, headings, pictures and texts for all the pages. Step 5 Do a presentation of your group’s pages to the class. Ask the class for ideas about how to make the pages better or more interesting. Step 6 Step 3 Share your ideas. • Write down your main ideas with headings, using bullet points (•). • Make a rough drawing of the page and find pictures for it. • Write a text for each page. When all the groups have presented their ideas, discuss them and choose the best to show to your friends in Britain. UNIT 1 Project 21 1 |а) Match the words to make phrases. to get to borrow to improve to spend to invite to go sightseeing English marks holidays a dictionary guests to get marks b) Complete the sentences with the new word combinations. Example: Did you ... any ... yesterday? — Yes, “excellent” (отлично) in Maths. Did you get any marks yesterday? — Yes, “excellent” in Maths. 1. Could I___________ pen friend. 2. What should I do to 3. Where will you____ 4. Will they_________ my from you? I need it to write a letter to my English ________________? — Read English books. your. -? — At the camp. 5. Do you like to for their school party? — Certainly. _____? — Yes, I usually take lots of photos. Score:. (10) 2 J Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter. Example: Jess won’t... us her secret. a) speak b) say (c) tel^ 1. Bob didn’t ... us anything about his new computer game, a) speak b) say c) tell 2. He ... very slowly, so the students understood him. a) spoke b) said c) told 3. Will you ... us about your school party? — Certainly, a) speak b) say c) tell 4. She ... that she likes to read stories in English, a) speaks b) says c) tells 5. Do your friends ... French or Spanish? — French, a) speak b) say c) tell 6. Don’t ... me how the film ends, I want to watch it at the weekend! a) speak b) say c) tell 7. Oh, no! The vase is broken (разбилась). What will I ... to mum? a) speak b) say c) tell Score: (7) 3j Complete the letter. Use: camp, sunny, outdoors, evenings, miss, spend Dear Anton, I haven’t heard from you for a long time. How are you? I’m at camp now. It’s fun to be here. The weather is fine. It’s_____________and hot. I spend a lot of time__________________ We ride horses ,^2 UNIT ) Test yourself 1 and walk in the fields. We have different sport competitions and outdoor games. We also make fires, play the guitar and sing songs in the______________ I_______________my parents and friends a little, but I will be home in a week. Where do you --------------your summer holidays? Write back soon. Best wishes, Jane Score: 4 J Complete the sentences. Use: a few, many, a little, much Example: How ... girls and boys are in your group? — There are 6 girls and 6 boys in the group. How many girls and boys are in your group? 1. Can you speak French? — Oh, no. I just know____________________words. 2. Td like to buy this T-shirt. How________________does it cost? 3. My bag is not very heavy today. There are only_________________books in it. 4. Can I borrow some colour pencils from you? — Yes, of course, but I don’t have_____________ Ask Jenny, she always brings a lot of them for her Art classes. 5. It was cold and rainy during holidays so he only spent__________________time outdoors. Score:______ (5) (5) 5 j Complete the letter. Put the verbs in the Past Simple. Dear Jane, Thank you for your letter. It was so nice to hear from you! My summer holidays were also interesting. In June I went (go) to the country. I_____________(spend) a month at my dacha. I rode my bike and played with my friends. It was warm but it often rained in June. So we didn’t ______________(swim) in the lake. But we went fishing. Once I________________(catch) a very big fish and we_______________(have) a tasty dinner. Sometimes my granny and I_______________(pick) berries in the forest. In July, my parents and I went to the sea side. We_______________ enjoyed the sea. I_______________(not / miss) my school friends. I just didn’t have time! © (do) a lot of sunbathing and to me? Best wishes, Anton you. (take) any pictures at the camp? Will you send some of them Score: (8) 35-31 30-26 25-21 <20 Very good! Good! Not bad! Try again! UNIT 1 Test yourself 23 Test yourself 2 , Sections 4-6 ^ . jJComplete the sentences. Make a new word using -er, -man, -ist, -or and fill in the blanks (пропуски). Example: My brother plays different roles in School Theatre. He says he wants to become a famous ... . (to act) — He says he wants to become a famous actor. 1. Our History______________always tells us very interesting stories! (to teach) 2. Who is your favourite________________? (to write) — I like Joanne Rowling and her books about Harry Potter. 3. What is this film about? — A well-known___________ 4. Yesterday 1 was at the concert of a young_________ 5. A famous_________________lived in this house, (science) Now it s a museum. ____ (sport) (music). The music was wonderful! 6. The Russian took part in the concert, (to sing) 7. My brother likes drawing. I think he will become an Complete the text. Use: tradition, English, grammar, meet, creative, marks, answered one day. (art) Score: (7) Self-regulation day is a good tradition in our school. This year two students from Grade 10, Pavel and Masha, gave an English lesson to Grade 5. The younger students were happy to ______________new teachers. Pavel and Masha are responsible and________________________ It was an unusual lesson. The younger students travelled to “Wonderland”. During the journey they worked hard: asked and___________________the questions, did the puzzles and learnt new words. They didn’t learn_________________rules and write tests. All the students got good . Pavel and Masha enjoyed teaching Score: (6) ^3J Complete the questions with tag endings. Example: Your parents were in Germany this summer, ...? — Your parents were in Germany this summer, weren’t they? 1. Your brother goes to Chess Club,______________________? 2. Ann can ski very well,____________________? 3. You didn’t visit Paris last year,___________ 4. This boy is our new classmate,______________ 5. Her classmates weren’t in the zoo last month, 6. We won’t play tennis at the weekend,________ ? 7. Our class will go the museum tomorrow,_____ 8. The film was great,_____________________? Score: (8) UNIT 1 Test yourself 2 ^Complete the sentences. Put the adjectives in the right form. Example: Lets go to the Photography Club during the ... break. Г11 show you my new photos. (long) — Lets go to the Photography Club during the longest break. ГН show you my new photos. 1. I can swim_______________this year after summer sports camp, (good) 2. Yesterday we took a Maths test. It was the______________Maths test in my life! (difficult) 3. The weather today is_______________than yesterday. It’s cold and windy, (bad) 4. When our group got an excellent mark in this project, I was the____________person, (happy) 5. Stop! Let’s have a rest. I think this road is ... (long) way home. 6. What subject is_____________for you? — Science, (interesting) 7. Our new classroom is______________than the old classroom, (big) Score: 5 jPut the words in the correct order. Example: your / What / subject / favourite / is / ? — What is your favourite subject? 1. last / wear / Did / year/ school / uniform / you / ? (7) 2. Science / have / do / not / We / year / this / . 3. have / autumn / When / you / will / holidays / your / ? 4. lessons I Do I often / miss / you / the / ? 5. reading / stories / holiday / I / detective / on / enjoy / 6. know / school / What / do / your / about / you / ? 7. do / do / you / What / IT lessons / in / ? Score: (7) 35-31 30-26 25-21 < 20 Very good! Good! Not bad! Try again! UNIT 1 Test youself 2 25 ^oitig to travel to London ^Welcome to East Square London Schooll 1 J a) Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters. [‘stjuidnt]__________________________________ [mae^___________________ [in'vait] ___________________________________ fpreugraem]_____________ (ss'cijestJ _________________________________ [‘djuarnj] _____________ [gru:p]______________________________________ [ri'sponsabl] __________ [’soujl] ------------------------------------ [nju:z] ---------------- b) Write down the words from Ex. 1 in alphabetical order (в алфавитном порядке). 2 jComplete the text. Use: social, Russian, glad, invite, suggest, school i DEAR STUDENTS! Welcome to our school stadium today. Our school football team will play with_students. The match is a part of the_programme. We________you come and support the footballers. After the match we___________you to our great school party. We are __________to see you at the stadium! 26 UNIT 2 Section 1 3jWrite questions for the sentences. Example: Ann Jones is the secretary of Mr Wooding. (What...?) — What does Ann Jones do? 1. Mr Golovin got an invitation letter yesterday. (What...?) 2. Mr Wooding will phone Mr Golovin tomorrow. (When...?) 3. A group of 20 Russian students can come to London. (How many...?) 4. Barbara Grey is responsible for the social programme. (Why...?) 5. Mr Golovin thanked his English colleague for the invitation. (Who...?) 4 j Find 11 verbs in the table. Write them down. Make 11 nouns. Example: to visit — a visit, to inform — information s q w d e c 0 r a t t d< :i n f 0 r щ: ’ s c a e s w Cv i s i 0 r c h P 1 a t c a 1 t 0 s t 0 P a n У 1 1 r d e s c r i b e 1 a t i n V i t e c к t e s u g g e s t c e 1 e b r a t e j 5 ja) Match Sherlock Holmes’s questions and his client’s answers. 1. Where were you on the 1st of November? N 2. Where did you stay in Spain? 3. Did you phone Mr Nelson? 4. When did you arrange to meet? 5. Did you get any information from Mr Nelson? UNIT 2 Section 1 ТГП rv i .r...t.. J a) Yes, we arranged a date and time for our meeting. b) With my friend’s family. c) No, there was only a group of students in the hall. He didn’t come. \ d)At 10 a.m., in the hotel. ^e) I went to Spain. b) Ask 2 more questions to get some information about Mr Nelson. 6 Complete the text. Use: idea, spend, arrange, sports, enjoyed, responsible, great, proposed My younger brother had his birthday on Sunday. I proposed____ to arrange a birthday party for him and his friends. "Not a bad ____________/” said my parents. We decided to ____________ Sunday in the country. I vjas ____________ for the social programme. We played games and ________________^ sang songSj danced and took photos. My brother and his friends _____________ the picnic. "That was_______________/’ he said and kissed me. Next year we are going to _______________ a birthday picnic for my brother and his friends again. 7 a) Match and make word combinations. ill a sore throat well the temperati up b) Complete the sentences with the word combinations. Mind the tenses. 1. The girl usually_____________________early in the morning. 2. Sorry, but 1 can’t sing at the concert today. I___________________ 3. The doctor_______________________and gave a prescription (рецепт). 4. Soon my brother______________ 5. After the walk the scientist and took part in the football match. ___________and sent for the doctor. 28 UNIT 2 Seciion 1 8 JDo you know how to make lemon tea? Match the sentences and the pictures. ©..-----! r---- a) Then wash the lemon and cut it into half. b) First, put some water on to boil (вскипятить) in a kettle. c) For lemon tea you need some water, Vi teaspoon of tea leaves, some sugar and a lemon. d) Pour (налить) the tea into a cup and add sugar. You can also add a slice of lemon to the cup! Enjoy the tasty lemon tea. e) Squeeze (выдавить) some lemon juice (just a teaspoon). f) Put the hot water in the teapot, add Vi teaspoon of tea leaves. After 2 minutes add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the teapot. ! 1jc ! I 2 ^ j ТТЛ 3lj 5 ! ! 6 ! What are you going to do? . . 9 I a) Do the crossword puzzle. Find 10 words on the topic “Weekend”. Write them down. 1 i m u s i A a f e e d a t e s i s e a n 0 t n e w s s.h w e e e n d P a V У m i e a i n t i w У c c 0 c Ч a ' c d e h n g a m \ e V V h e a i s h 0 P p i n g 0 c 1. 2. 3. 4. __ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _ b) Make up 3 sentences with the words. Write them down. UNIT 2 Sections 1 and 2 29 ill in. Make up your own sentences with the word combinations. lljMake up sentences. Write them down. Example: London / in / We / going / to / friends / our / visit / are /. friends in London. 1. did / out / He / yesterday / not / go / friends / his / with /. We arc going to visit our 2. photos / like / taking / Do / you / ? 3. brother / part / is / the / match / in / going / to / football / take / My /. 4. she / Does / the / at / weekend / go / to / country / the / ? 5. are / What / you / do / to / going / week / next / ? 30 UNIT 2 Section 2 l^What is going to happen? Write it down. Example: You and your friends got an invitation letter from English students. You (visit) / Great Britain.— We are going to visit Great Britain. 1. Linda has a toothache (зубная боль). She (see) the dentist. 2. They decided to arrange a picnic. They (have) a nice time. 3. Andrew has a little sister. His parents are busy today. He (stay) with his sister. 4. It s the weekend. It’s sunny and warm. We (walk) in the park. 5. Some British students would like to come to Russia in October. We (invite) them. ^Your classmate is going to spend his / her Christmas holiday in Europe. Ask 5 questions about his / her plans. 51? . Example: Why are you going to spend your holiday in Germany? UNIT 2 Seclion 2 31 14j Read the children’s stories about their hobbies. Answer the questions. Duncan: I like playing table tennis. I began to play it 3 years ago. Now I can play table tennis well. I often take part in table tennis competitions. Anna: I have a nice collection of bells. I collect bells with my mum. When we visit a new town or city, we buy a bell there. There are 15 colourful bells in our collection. They are different: big and small, round and square. Rod: I like playing computer games. I like strategies. I enjoy building towns. But I only play computer games on Saturdays and Sundays because I’m busy on weekdays. 1. Whose hobby needs travelling? —__________________________________________ 2. Whose hobby is a sport? —________________________________________________ 3. Whose hobby is possible on weekends? 15j Write about your hobby. Section 3 a school album ror anusr ■ ......................... 16 j Write the verbs in ing form. a) Example: answer — answering listen —____________________ eat — do —________________________ play — meet —______________________ stay — . visit — b) Example: write — writing (немое e перед -ing пропадает) take —____________________ give —______________________ dance —___________________ change —____________________ have —____________________ smile —_____________________ describe — arrange — . shake —_____ c) Example: stop — stopping (согласная перед -ing удваивается, если перед ней стоит краткая гласная под ударением) begin — run — _ sit —____ jog — put — let — _ cut — get — 32 UNIT 2 Sections 2 and 3 17] Fill in as in the example. Long form ^ Short form 1.1 am writing a postcard. 1. I’m writing a postcard. 2. She is arranging flowers in the vase. 2. 3. We are decorating the room for the party. 3. 4. The baby is not crying. 4. 5. It is raining now. 5. 6. They are not watching TV. 6. ^Look at the picture. Write down what these people are doing. Example: Bob is mending his computer. 19] Answer the questions. Write down your answers. 1. What are you doing? —_____________________________ 2. What is your pet doing at the moment? 3. Is it raining now? —_________________ 4. Where are you sitting? —_____________ 5. What are you looking at? —______________________________ 6. What are you writing with? —____________________________ 7. What are you going to do after you finish this exercise? UNIT 2 Section 3 20j Match the parts of the sentences. ЛЧ1 > « • '^'v * .“•.,■•'■ • 1. She s making lemon tea ~ \ 2. The children are decorating the |Oom 3. He’s taking photos of his classmates 4. I’m doing my English homework 5. They’re dressing up in funny costumes 6. We’re arranging a sichool party -■Й \ a) because he is going to create a school album. b) because we are responsible for the social programme. c) because there will be a test tomorrow. d) because her daughter has a sore throat. Ve) because it’s a holiday tradition. f) because they are going to have a party tonight. ID [lEl ШЗ ED ED El 21j Choose the right verb. Circle it. 1. Where is Ann? — She is in the kitchen. She ... pizza for her friends, a) makes b) is making c) make 2. My brother usually ... tennis in the afternoon, a) plays b) is playing c) play 3. Look! The children ... Halloween costumes. They are funny, aren’t they? a) wears b) are wearing c) wear 4. in the evening my grandfather ... newspapers and magazines, a) reads b) is reading c) read 5. During the trips they always ... souvenirs for their friends, a) buys b) are buying c) buy 6. Be quiet! My little sister .... a) sleeps b) is sleeping c) sleep Section 4 22jDo the crossword puzzle. 3 4 1 r 2 i e 0 g 5 t 6 n 7 у 8 r r 9 q 1.. .. is the last month of the year. 2.. .. is the time when children don’t go to school and do what they want. 3. You can enjoy Christmas ... everywhere in December. 4. ... is the language which people speak in Great Britain. 5. ... is an old man who brings children presents at Christmas. 6.. .. is one of the seasons. 7. “... Christmas!” we say to wish people pleasant Christmas days. 8. ... is a traditional or religions song people sing at Christmas. 9. There is a big Christmas tree in Trafalgar ... in winter. 34 UNIT 2 Sections 3 and 4 23|Translate from Russian into English. 1. 25 декабря британцы (the British people) празднуют Рождество. 2. Новый год — мой любимый праздник. А какой твой любимый праздник? .3. Пос.мотри! Они украшают елку. Давай их сфотографируем! 4. В прошлом году мы встретили Новый год (to see ... in) на катке. 5. Что ты собираешься делать завтра? — Мы с мамой собираемся купить подарки для родственников и друзей. А почему ты спрашиваешь? 24]а) Read how Carol celebrates Christmas. t My favourite holiday is Christmas. We decorate the Christmas tree and our house. My little sister writes a letter to Santa Claus asking him for presents. I don't write letters to Santa Claus. I am big already. I know my parents buy Christmas presents for me and her, our relatives and friends. I don't buy presents for my grandparents. I make funny toys for them. My mother cooks a special Christmas dinner. We invite our grandparents to our place. On the 25th of December my sister and I get up early in the morning. There are two stockings full of small presents on our beds. During the Christmas holidays we play, skate, watch TV, visit our friends and eat a lot of tasty things. b) Last year she had a typical Christmas. Write down what she did last Christmas. 1. She decorated the Christmas tree. 2_______________________________________________________________________________ 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4 _____________________________________________________________________________ 5 ________________________________________________:____________________________ 6 _____________________________________________________________________________ 25jMake up sentences. Example: Trafalgar Square / is / big / Christmas / a / tree / There /.— There is a big Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square. 1. from / Every / get / year / we / Granny / presents / unusual / our /. 2. winter / Do / holidays / like / you / ? UNIT 2 Seciion 4 35 3. on / going / to / Day / are / Christmas / do / What / you / ? 4. Look! / are / They / for / leaving / Santa / biscuits /.— Look! 5. does / hard / Father / When / Christmas / work / ? 2^ Look at the picture (Ex. 74 p. 74-75 in your Student’s Book) and answer the questions. 1. What holiday are the Woodings going to celebrate? —_________________________________________ 2. What is their living room like? — 3. What are the members of the family doing? — 4. Are they happy together? —_________ 5. What will they do on Christmas? — 27j Describe the picture. Use the questions (Ex. 26) as a plan. The words below may help you. light and nice-looking, Christmas candles, special stockings for presents on the fireplace, a big Christmas tree with colourful toys, Christmas presents under the tree, arrange a party, have fun, enjoy Christmas dinner, take photos, wish “Merry Christmas” Sedfion 5' LReading for pleasure I?,' 1 I Read the text and answer the question: Petey was a good puppy, wasn’t he? Give examples to back up your answer. o, THE PUPPY WHO WANTED A BOY by Jane Thayer ne day Petey, who was a puppy, said to his mother, who was a dog; “I’d like a boy for Christmas.” His mother said she thought he could have a boy if he was a ver>' good puppy. ‘ не пугал So the day before Christmas Petey’s mother asked: “Have you been a very good puppy?” “Oh, yes!” said Petey. “I didn’t frighten' the cat.” “You didn’t?” asked Petey’s mother. “Well, I just frightened her a little,” said Petey. “And I didn’t chew^ any shoes.” “Not any?” said his mother. “Just a teeny-weeny^ chew,” said Petey. “And I remembered — well, almost always remembered — to bark"* when I wanted to go out. “All right,” said his mother. “I think you’ve been a good littie dog. I will go out and get you a boy for Christmas.” But when Petey’s mother came back she looked very worried^ “How would you like a soft white rabbit with pink ears for Christmas?” she said to Petey. “No, thanks,” said Petey. “Don’t you want a lovely canary*?” “I’d like a boy,” said Petey. “How about some little fish?” said Petey’s mother. “I just want a boy,” said Petey. “Petey,” said his mother at last, “there are no boys to be found^. “No boys?” cried Petey. “Not one could I find. They’re terribly short of boys* this year.” Petey thought he couldn’t stand it if he didn’t have a boy. Finally his mother said; “There now, there must be a boy somewhere''. I think you could try to find some dog who would give his boy away'®.” “Do you think I could?” asked Petey. “You can try, can’t you?” said his mother. жевать чуть-чуть лаять * выглядела озабоченной ‘ канарейка ’ нельзя найти мальчиков мальчиков ужасно не хватает ’ где-нибудь ю отдать 2JSay whether the following sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentences. 1. Petey, a little puppy, lived with his mother. 2. Petey almost always barked when he wanted to chew shoes. 3. Petey was a bad puppy because he didn’t frighten the cat. 4. Petey wanted a white rabbit or a lovely canary for Christmas. 5. His mother found a nice little boy for Petey. ^Say why... 1. Petey’s mother decided to give her son a boy for Christmas. 2. Petey’s mother looked worried when she came back. 3. Petey’s mother couldn’t find a boy. 4. Petey didn’t want any pets for Christmas. 5. Petey decided to find a dog with a boy. UNIT 2 Section 5 37 ^Look at the picture and describe Petey. Use: little, nice, brown, big black eyes, funny ears, small, tail, brave, smart, kind 5 iWork in pairs. Read and act out the dialogue between Petey and his mother. 6 1 Choose the Russian translation of the underlined word. __* “Well, I just frightened her a little.” said Petey. a) маленький b) немного 7 j Complete the text. Use: find, soft, present, decided, her Petey was a nice puppy. He wanted a special ... for Christmas — a boy. His mother tried to get a boy for ... son. But she couldn’t ... any. Petey was sad. He didn’t want a ... rabbit or a lovely canary. Petey ... to find a dog who would give his boy away. 8 |Read the texts (a — d). Match the pictures with the texts. Then read the texts about the puppy in the correct order. 38 UNIT 2 Section 5 а) After а while he saw a setter playing ball with a boy. Petey was delighted'. “If I had a boy to play ball with,” said Petey. “I’d catch the ball in my mouth. I’d like to catch the ball now!” But he remembered how cross the collie had been^. So he sat down on the ground and called out politely: “Excuse me. Do you want to give your boy away?” But the setter said no, he definitely^ didn’t, in a terrifying tone of voice^i “Oh, well,” said Petey, running away, “I don’t think playing ball is so much fun.” b) So Petey started off. It wasn’t long before he saw a collie running with a boy on a bicycle. Petey trembled with joy^ “If I had a boy on a bicycle,” said Petey to himself, “I could run like anything! I’ll take a little run right now, and I’ll ask the collie politely if he’ll give his boy away.” So Petey ran after the bicycle. He cried to the collie: “Excuse me. Do you want to give your boy away?” But the collie said no, he definitely didn’t, in a terrifying tone of voice.. Petey sat down. He watched the collie and his boy on a bicycle, until* they went away. “I didn’t really want a boy on a bicycle, anyway^,” said Petey. c) “Well, who wants to go riding in a car? Not me!” said Petey, coming out from behind the house. He thought he would just rest a while, though. He had come a long way for such a little dog. He was limping a bit** when he started off again. After a while he met Scottie, walking with his boy and carrying a package in his mouth. “Now that is a good kind of boy!” said Petey. “If I had a boy to take walks with and carry packages for, there might be some dog d) Soon Petey came to a bulldog, sitting in a car with a boy. Petey was pleased, for he was getting a little tired from so much walking. “If I had a boy in a car,” said Petey, “I’d laugh at walking dogs. I’d like a ride right now.” So he called out loudly, but very politely: “Excuse biscuits in the package. I would like a biscuit right now!” He hadn’t had any lunch. But he remembered how angry the collie and the setter and the bulldog had been. So he stayed across the street and shouted as politely as he could: “Excuse me. Do you want to give your boy away?” Scottie had his mouth full with the package. But he managed to say no, he definitely didn’t, and he showed his sharp’ teeth to Petey. “I guess that wasn’t the kind of boy I wanted,” said poor Petey. “But my goodness'®, where can I find a boy?” me. Do you want to give your boy away?” But the bulldog said no, he definitely didn’t, and he growled" in Petey’s face. “Uh-oh!” said Petey. He hurried" behind a house and stayed there until he saw the bulldog and his boy drive away. ' был восхищен ^ был сердитым определенно угрожающим тоном ’ задрожал от радости ^ пока ’ во всяком случае " немного прихрамывал ’ острый о боже мой " зарычал поспешил ^jLook at the pictures. Match the pictures from Ex. 8 with the dog descriptions. Which kind of dog would you like to have as a pet? Why? a) ... a large long-haired dog. People often use it for looking after sheep. b) ... an angry-looking dog with a short neck and short thick legs. c) ... a small active dog. People often use it for hunting (охоты). d) ... a long-haired dog. People often use it for hunting. UNIT 2 Section 5 39 10 j Create sentences with the words. The collie bulldog setter Scottish terrier has a boy with a ball, a boy with a package, a boy with a car. a boy with a bicycle. lljMatch the beginnings and the endings of the sentences. Petey was pleased to have a boy in a car because Petey was glad to have a boy with a ball because Petey would like to have a boy on a bi. ij“' Match the words. to read to send to do to decorate to shake sport a newspaper Christmas tree postcards hands b) Complete the sentences with the word combinations. Example: What is he going to do? He is going to ... .— He is going to read a newspaper. 1. When the friends meet, they_______________________________ 2. When will you____________________________? — On Christmas Eve. We bought new colourful balls yesterday. 3. Do you________________________ 4. In December people . Year and Christmas. _? — Yes, I like running and riding my bike. _____________to their friends to congratulate with New Score: (8) ZjComplete the sentences. Circle the right letter. Example: The next morning John woke ... late. There was nobody in the house, a) down (3>) up3 c) out 1. His collection consists ... coins from different countries, a) from b) of c) in 2. There is a large skating rink ... the centre of the park every winter, a) in b) at c) to 3. ... the 25th of December the British people celebrate Christmas, a) In b) At c) On 4. What holiday do they have ... October? — Halloween, a) in b) at c) on 5. After Oxford the friends left ... London, didn’t they? a) to b) for c) in 6. The old man came into the room, took ... his coat and sat in the armchair, a) off b) down c) out Score: (6) 3 iComplete the text. Use: writes, another, decorate, stocking, special, full, her My sister, Ann, is only five. Christmas is Ann’s favourite holiday. On the 1st of December .she writes a letter to Santa Claus. Ann can’t write, so I help_________with the letter. On Christmas Eve we--------------the Christmas tree with coloured balls. Ann puts a big____________at the foot of her bed. She leaves a . a plate of biscuits. There is also 46 meal for Santa in the kitchen: a glass of milk and . present for Santa — Ann’s picture. UNIT 2 Test yourself 4 Last year Ann’s stocking was under the Christmas tree. of small presents and she found a nice doll’s house Score:________(6) 4 jComplete the sentences. Fill in: am, is, are. Example: Could I phone you later? I ... doing my homework now.— I am doing my homework now. arranging flowers in the vase. 1. Where is Ann? — In the living room. She_____ 2. Why_______William crying? — He can’t find his ball. 3. What______you doing? — Sh-sh! It’s a surprise. 4. The children______decorating the room for the New Year party. Will you help them? 5. Who_______singing? — My sister. Score:_____ 5 J Make up sentences. Example: he / computer / is / games / playing / Where / ? — Where is he playing computer games? 1. the / doing / now / What / are / students / ? — __________________________________ 2. Kerry / cake / Christmas / making / is /.— ______________________________________ (5) 3. now / not / doing / They / are / homework / their /.— 4. it / Is / snowing / now / ? — ______________ 5. he / Why / reading / is / book / that / ? — Score: (5) 6 j Complete the dialogue. Use the Present Simple and the Present Continuous. Betty: Oh, what a funny photo! When did you take it? Ben: Last year, at my school’s New Year Eve party. Betty: Who is playing the guitar? (play) Ben: Duncan. He often__________________the guitar at the parties, (play) He can play the guitar very well. Betty: What_________________the girls_______________? (do) Ben: They_________________an old English song, (sing) The girls perform in our School Theatre. Look! Jim and Ann_____________________ (dance) They are good dancers. They________________in our School Dancing Club, (dance) Betty Ben Betty I see. And what do you do after classes? I like taking photos. Do you like my photo? It’s great. Score: (5) 35-31 30-26 25-21 < 20 Very good! Good! Not bad! Try again! UNIT 2 Test yourself 4 Л7 i- ф,: ШСё$ of London llj^What places of interest would you like to see? 1 iMatch the words and the descriptions. Section 1 building city tourist guide capital gallery — the main city in a country — something like a house having walls and a roof (крыша) — a very large busy town — a person who takes people round places such as cities or museums — a person travelling for pleasure — a room, hall or building where people can see and buy works of art ^^Write down the words with these sounds. [ei] ----------------------------------------------------------- Uu:I------------------------------------------------------------ [ae] ----------------------------------------------------------- [I] ------------------------------------------------------------ [eoj --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- information, stadium, famous, gallery, there, future, interesting, capital, beautiful, travel, new, building, square, student, stay, where, great, cinema, place ^What do these words mean in English? Fill in the table. French German English Russian Russie Russland Russia Россия Moscou Moskau capitale Hauptstadt cite Stadt theatre Theater musee Museum galerie Galerie stade Stadion pare Park monument Denkmal Londres London Anglettere England шщшт^ ^Translate from Russian into English. 1. Британский музей (The British Museum) — один из самых известных в мире.— 2. В столице есть много достопримечательностей (places to visit).— 3. Соединенное Королевство состоит из Англии, Шотландии, Уэльса и Северной Ирландии.—________________________________________________________________ 4. Лондон — столица Великобритании. Это один из самых красивых городов Европы.— 5. Ты хотел бы побывать в Лондоне? — Да, конечно.— 6. Владимир — гостеприимный город. Тысячи туристов из разных стран посещают его каждый год.—______________________________________________________________ 5 Ja) Fill in. Use Ex. 17 p. 90 in your Student’s Book. 1. 2. 3. 4. ^Read Ex. 17 p. 90 in your Student’s Book. Complete the table. The date 1147 (eleven forty-seven) The city/The town Moscow was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky.. Now it’s the capital of the Russian Federation. 1005 Now. 1108 Now it’s a nice town. It’s full of history and lots of tourists visit it every year. 1703 (---- -) Now. ^Complete the sentences. Remember that some verbs are used only in Present Simple, even if they mean “now, at the moment”. Example: What ... you ... for your birthday? (want) — What do you want for your birthday? 1. What’s the name of the square? — I____________not______________(know). 2. What do you think of this computer game? — Oh, I 3. Are you busy? — I___________some help, (need) it. It’s really catching, (like) 4. Look! What a nice spider! — Phew, I______________ 5. He_____________cold and frosty weather, (love) spiders. I don’t think they are nice, (hate) 6. My friend two nice puppies, (have) 8 j Complete the text. Use: thousands, was founded, city, of, cathedrals, interesting, famous London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is a very old city. It________ about two thousand years ago. London is one of the most famous and_____________________cities in Europe. It is -----------------for its places of interest. There are lots of museums, historical buildings, ancient___________________and i monuments. It is full. history. Every year of tourists come to London. SO UNIT 3 Section Section 2 ^9jWri rite down the word combinations. Big ■ Trafalgar' Towel* V"-Vv ' ' .,ВйШь$Ьащ,.г; Weatftiinstef ’ ;..^€ Jiotises of >те1ГотУёго£ :tB'e London ' Palace London Eye Ben Square Abbey Parliament Bridge TOjMatch the questions and the answers. ^ Where dd’es Quaen Elizabeth live when she, ja in'Ldrndbn? ^ a) Yes, it has 2'iThe Tower of London has a cruel history, hasn'titL^.^t|j"‘? b) b) Near the Houses of Parliament. s|^;3v When was Westminster Abbey built? c) Big Ben. Where does the famous British clock stand? S'- i d) No. she doesn’t. [HJ [IIj lit [ID HI Write down five words to help you talk about these sights. Westminster Abbey —________________________________________ The Tower of London — Big Ben —___________ ^Look at the pictures. Ask two questions about each of them. Example: 1. What does the legend say about Westminster Abbey? I"' UNIT 3 Section 2 in the table. Use: Great Britain, Kremlin, Tower of London, Big Ben, Washington, Neva, Russian Federation, UK, Red Square, Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, Downing Street, Regent Street, Tverskaya Street, Europe, British Museum, London, Thames, Africa, Trafalgar Square, USA l^Write the questions for these answers. Example: What is Russia rich in? — Russia is rich in forests, rivers and mountains. 1. What______________________________________? — Any nation is proud of its culture. 2. What______________________________________? — The students were tired of boring excursions. 3. What______________________________________? — The museum was full of tourists. 4. What______________________________________? — Any capital city is rich in monuments and museums. 5. What_____________________________________? — Oxford and Cambridge are famous for their Universities. 6. What_____________________________________? — She was proud of her unusual pictures. 15 jComplete the sentences. Use: part, care, off, photos, place 1. Every day the ceremony known as the Changing of the Guard takes____________in front of Buckingham Palace between 10.45 and 11.45 a.m. 2. In the Tower of London tourists like to take--------- in the historical performances. 3. The London Eye gives their passengers a fantastic view over the Thames. Tourists usually take lots of-------- of central London during the trip. 4. Who takes_____________of the ravens in the Tower? — A special person: the Raven Master. 5. The Royal Guards don’t take________ their big fur hats even in summer. 52; UNIT .3 Section 7 the notes about the Clock Tower. Write a short story about it. • one of the symbols of Great Britain • one of the most famous sights of the world • 100 metres high • the clock on the top • a bell inside the tower • bell’s name — Big Ben • Big Ben (the bell) — over 2 metres tall • chimes (бьет) every quarter of an hour Section 3 ‘17 j Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters. rtuonst]______________________________________ ['knbm]_________________ [’monjumant]__________________________________ ['Grata]________________ ['tauaj_______________________________________ ['einjant]______________ [skwea]_______________________________________ [sait]__________________ ['fartrasj____________________________________ ['raial]________________ 18j a) Complete the dialogue. Act it out with your classmate. A: Could you tell me how to get to the British Museum? B: Go along this street and you will see it on the right. A:_____________________________________________________ B:_____________________________________________________ b) Put the dialogue in the correct order. Act it out with your classmate. П — You are welcome. Have a nice day. Ш — Excuse me, am I far from Trafalgar Square? n — How can I get there? □ - I’m afraid you are. n — It’s very easy. Take bus No. 64 and you’ll be there in ten minutes. О — Thank you very much. UNIT 3 Sections 2 and 3 53 1|у Complete the text. Use: enjoy, cathedrals, everyone, tourists, situated Red Square is one of the most famous squares of the world. It is situated in the centre of Moscow. Red Square is always full of___________ They take photos and ___________the sights. Red Square is famous for its monuments and ancient Different festivals take place in the square. In winter there is a nice skating rink in Red Square.___________can skate and enjoy the winter square and the Kremlin. ^Complete the dialogue. Act it out with your classmate. A; Have you ever_________________________________________________________? B: No, not yet. A;______________________________________________________It’s worth seeing. B;_______________________________________________________________________ A: '' et’s arrange the day and the time, then. B; ______________________________________________________________________. A: OK. Bye, then. B:_______________________________________________________________________ 21 ja) Read the story about Andrew’s trip. Have you ever been to Australia or China? Last summer Andrew went to Australia. He spent two weeks there. Andrew liked the country very much. He saw the kangaroos and koalas, took lots of photos and bought handmade souvenirs for his friends at home. He also enjoyed traditional Australian meals. Next summer Andrew is going to China. He has never been to China. b) Write the questions about Andrew’s trip. 1______________________________________________ 2______________________________________________ 3 ____________________________________________ 4 ____________________________________________ 5 ____________________________________________ 6 ____________________________________________ 7._____________________________________________ 8______________________________________________ .? To Australia. _____? 2 weeks. _______? Yes, he did. Very much. .? The kangaroos and the koalas. ____? Yes, he did. Lots of photos. _________? Handmade souvenirs. .? Yes, he did. They were tasty. _______________________? To China. 9. .? No, he hasn’t. . 54 ^ UNIT 3 Section 3 Complete the sentences. Example: He is a famous opera .... (to sing) — He is a famous opera singer. 1. She is a well-known ballet________________ (to dance) Her performances are worth watching. 2. The_______________from the USA was first, (to run) 3. Have you ever seen the young_______________Daniil Trifonov in concert? (music) 4. Is his exhibition worth visiting? — Sure, he is a wonderful________________ (art) 5. What are you going to be? — A like my father, (science) ^Read the sentences. Match them with the pictures below. Complete the texts. • It is situated not far from Nizhniy Novgorod. • It is in the centre of St Petersburg. • There are lots of interesting exhibitions: Lomonosov’s laboratory, the first radio in the world and much more. • It is famous for its collections of paintings, graphic works and sculptures. • You can visit the house where he lived, walk in the park and even try his favourite dishes. • You can also see a collection of old Russian cars. • He created some of his well-known poems there. - ( ‘Va. *'Л|. ‘Ij i * - . •I'fl..! ;nil lit 1 iii Г s; The State Hermitage p It is one of the oldest and largest museums in the world. It was founded in 1764. There is also a school centre for students in the museum. It is one of the museums dedicated to (посвященный) A. Pushkin, the famous Russian poet. It offers different activities to both adults and children! It is one of the oldest science museums in the world. It was founded in 1872. Polytechnical Museum in Moscow The museum is worth visiting! UNIT 3 Section 3 55 ^Write about any museum you have visited or would like to visit. Section 4 ^ust for fun ^Fill in the missing letters: ea, ue, ui, ou, au. Dreom, h______se, come tr______, b___Iding, s____venirs, th_____tre, t___rist, gr—t, c—ntry, fam____s, ____St, f__ntain, fr____t, cr___tive, s____side, q____stion. ^a) Match the words. b) Complete the sentences with new word combinations. Mind the tenses. Example: Yesterday he ... very ... and won the race.— Yesterday he ran very fast and won the race. 1. Excuse me, can you tell me where the Science Museum is? —_____________________at the cafe and go straight ahead. 2. Alice_________________last year and became the best student in the class. 3. Why did you___________^_______— To study English. 4. William’s dream_____________yesterday. His parents gave him a mountain bike as a present. 5. Tomorrow the famous puppet show_____________________on the bank of the Thames.— Really? ^Read the text in Ex. 78 p. 110 (Student’s Book). Write questions about Dima. Mind the tenses. 1. What did Dima visit yesterday? — The London Eye. 2______________________________________________? — No, it doesn’t. Very slowly. 3., 4. 5. 6. 7. .? — 15,000 people a day. _? — Yes, he did. A lot of. _? — In the shop below the London Eye. _? — A puppet show. _? — Yes, it was. It was fine. Ш UNIT 3 Sections 3 ond 4 ^Fill in the table. Present Simple . give take sleep r -~: Past Simple „ gave ;i Participle ^ f given ; Participle I giving writing stayed knew putting 29J Complete the sentences with the prepositions. Use: for, into, to, over, of, on, at, over 1. The British Museum was founded 2. What is the town famous________? 3. The Jubilee Gardens were full_____ 1774. tourists. 4. The “Prime Meridian” divides the world____east and west. 5. Have you ever been-----Madame Tussauds? — No, I don’t like waxwork museums. 6. The little village is well-known all_the world. 7. The old man sat down______the bench. 3^jPo tbe crossword puzzle. Find and circle 15 verbs (the third form). Write down the three forms of the verbs. see — saw — seen, swim — swam — swum. w t a к e n m r u n g 0 t e e i s a t P u t e t a s p 0 к e t b r 0 u g h t e b e e n 0 a 0 n Cs w u n d 1 b e g u n e a d 3ljTranslate from English into Russian, a) a travelling painter —_______________ a speaking politician — a watching scientist — _ a sleeping р1фру — ________ UNIT 3 Section 4 - *s ‘■T b) the painted wall the letter sent by a writer — -the game played yesterday — the advert written by us — — the cathedral founded in----- 32J Complete the text. Use; December, admire, is situated, worth, tallest, view, built Like the Ostankino Tower, CN Tower is a member of the World Federation of Great Towers. It is one of the---------------towers in the world. It is 553 metres high. CN Tower___________________in Toronto, Canada. CN means Canadian National. It s the name of the railway company which the tower in 1976. A lot of tourists visit the Tower. They enjoy a bird’s eye Tower is also famous for the “Glass Floor”. Brave tourists can--------------- from under their feet. CN Tower is open every day except-----------------------, 25th. The Tower is visiting! of Toronto. The _______the city Section 5 кНауе.УО.и ever walked in LpndonVparks? L Sri 33j Circle the correct verb. Example: Here is your book. I read K^ave rea^ it at last. 1. y/e finished / have finished our work. It’s time to have a rest now. 2. In the last lesson the students took / have taken a very difficult test. 3. We did / have done this exercise. Give us the next one. 4. No, thank you. I ate / have eaten too much. 5. Eight Russian sportsmen became / have become world champions two days ago. 6.1 lost / have lost my key. Can you help me to open the door? ^Read the verbs. Write them in three columns. created, walked, played, counted, stayed, finished, arranged, consisted, travelled, stopped, improved, asked, proposed, decided, invited, watched, repaired, returned, decorated [t] [d] [id] 58 UNIT 3 Sections 4 and 5 35 |Do the crossword puzzle. Find 15 Past Participles (the third form of the verbs). Give the -^Infinitive (the first form). a c 0 e a n s h a d P u t f u К 0 r^> t e n a t 0 0 d g 1 e V e n t 1 n u n" a г d e h w r t e n n 0 t 0 u 1 e f t 0 b e e n n n u t meant — mean, bought — buy, got — 3^Complete the sentences. Do as in example. i ' Short - 1. He’s just written the letter. 2. I_________already done the test. May I go out? 3. We__________just seen the film. A funny comedy! 4. Has she been to Africa? — No, she 'V-■ txmg'fbfm.;:'< 1. He has just written the letter. ______already done the test. May I go 2. I_____ out? 3. We _ just seen the film. A funny I comedy! 4. ________she been to Africa? — No, she _________not. 5. The girls________bought green apples for the pie. 6. He__________not visited the London Eye yet. 7. Unfortunately (к сожалению), they---------- not taken any photos of the sight. 5. The girls bought green apples for the pie. 6. He___________visited the London Eye yet. 7. Unfortunately, they----------taken any photos of the sight. 37 j Make up sentences. Example: My friend / just / phone. — My friend has just phoned me. 1. The boy / already / draw / the picture.— _____________________ 2. They / just / arrange / the date and time.—__________________ 3. you / ever / be / to Scotland? — ____________________________ 4. She / not / send / SMS / yet.—_______________________________ 5. The students / never / play / cricket.— 6.1 / not / take / the dog for a walk / yet.— UNIT 3 Section 5 59 38 jWrite down: 1. 3 more things you have done today: a) I have already done my Maths homework. b) -------------------------------------- c) -------------------------------------- d) ______________________________________ 2. 3 more things you did yesterday: a) I visited my granny. b) ------------------------------- c) ------------------------------- d) _______________________________ 3. 3 more things you haven’t done today. a) I haven’t cleaned my room yet. b) ------------------------------------ c) ------------------------------------ d) ____________________________________ 4. 3 more things you didn’t do yesterday: a) I didn’t take photos yesterday. b) ------------------------------------ c) ------------------------------------ d) ------------------------------------ 39 j What questions do your teacher, parents and friends often ask? Write them down. — 1 Have you finished your exercise? i ? ! written ? 1 ? Have you cleaned yet? 1 learned yet? j watered yet? ? 1 1 1 Have you ever been to ? ’ seen ? 1 plaved ? ? L_ 60 UNIT 3 Seciion 5 а) Complete the text. Use: outdoor, rich, skating, founded, roller, hundreds, playgrounds, enjoy Central Park is a nice park in the centre of New York, the United States. It was founded in 1857. The park is not very large but it is___________in trees, green bushes, beautiful flowers and small lakes. Central Park is famous for its______________activities. People can run, jog, ride their bikes and____________skate on the numerous park’s roads. There are many baseball fields and courts for tennis and volleyball. Central Park has two ice _____________rinks. Children like walking in the park because it is full of amazing_________There is also f a zoo with a penguin house and a polar bear pool in the park. | Each summer, visitors can______________performances and music concerts in the park. _____________of people visit Central Park every day. b) Write questions about Central Park. 1. Where is Central Park situated? — In New York. 3. 4. 5.. 6.. playgrounds and a zoo. _?____ _?____ 7 ___ ? ___ No, it isn’t large. For its outdoor activities Yes, they can. Because there are many .? — In summer. $^ion 6 ike to invite you to a party 41 ja) Write the third form of these verbs: to be — been________________________ to see — to have —___________________________ to do — to write —__________________________ to make b) Complete the sentences with a verb from above. Example: Have you been to the stadium? — Yes, I have. I watched a football match. 1. Ben has never___________a blue whale but he wrote a fairy tale about one. 2. They have already__________their Maths homework. 3. Julia has just_________an invitation letter to her Russian friends. 4. Have you already___________your lunch? — Not yet. 5. She has__________a tasty apple pie for her guests. UNIT 3 Sections 5 and 6 61 ^jLook at the picture in Ex. 125, p. 122 (Student’s Book). Write tag endings and answer the questions. Example: Julia has her birthday in the autumn, doesn’t she^ — No, she doesn’t. 1. The two girls are chatting with each other,___________? — 2. The guests put on colourful paper hats at the beginning of the party,______________ 3. There aren’t any biscuits on the table,_______ 4. The grey cat has gone into the house,_________ 5. The children didn’t enjoy the birthday party. 7 ___ ?____ ? _ 43 ] Look at the picture in Ex. 125 (Student’s Book). Fill in the gaps. Use: at, above, of, on, to, next to, in It’s Julia’s birthday. She is having a barbecue in the garden. There is a table with biscuits, sweets, fruits and soft drinks______it. Two girls are standing______the table. They are chatting_________each other. Two girls and a boy are dancing. There are bright lamps__________them. The two girls are sitting______the table. They are playing a board game. Tim has taken a lot________photos. Julia is happy. She and her guests are having a good time. 4^ Do the crossword puzzle. Find the word English people use for dessert. 1 1. Your apple was delicious. I really enjoyed it. 2. On Christmas Eve, children usually put a glass of milk and some_______________ out for Santa Claus. 3. Tastes differ. My brother likes ham and cheese______________and I prefer cakes. 4. She has bought apples, bananas and pears for the fruit________________ 5. It’s an Italian dish. It’s a large circle of bread baked' with cheese, tomatoes and sometimes meat. 6. Juice, Coca-Cola and Sprite are soft_____________. 7. Some people put______________in their tea but I don’t.like sweet tea. запеченный 62 UNIT 3 Section 6 Fill in the table. Use: cheese, pudding, biscuit, bread, cake, tea, ham, apple, chocolate, butter, sweet, sandwich, flower, water, sugar, orange, meat, egg, money, information, snow Use with the article a / an - A puddingy * . Use with some''^'-'*’^’-Some cheese, 4^ Match the words and make word combinations. к glass of water chocolate a cup'of лг? tea cheese a slice of '^ ham Coke a bottle 6f^ Sprite bread fe a bar bf ’ /V cake milk iross out the odd word. 1. a fork, a spoon, a knife, a cup, a teaspoon 2. a glass, a cup, a saucer, a teapot, a bottle 3. a cup of tea, a cup of coffee, a cup of hot chocolate, a cup of honey 4. a roU, a pie, a cake, a biscuit, a sweet, a sandwich 5. a pizza, an apple, a banana, an orange, a tomato ^Translate from Russian into English. 1. Купи, пожалуйста, помидоры и сыр для пиццы. 2. Что бы вы хотели? — Чашку чая и сэндвич с ветчиной и сыром. 3. Ваш яблочный пирог великолепен.— Спасибо. 4. Еще немного пудинга? — Да, пожалуйста. 5. Помоги мне накрыть на стол, пожалуйста. Поставь чашки и блюдца. Не забудь про ложки (teaspoons) и тарелки для торта. UNIT 3 Section 6 63 ' Section 7 Match the words. Write down them in pairs. Example: many — a lot of ^^Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters. ['raita]------------------- ['feimos]--------------------------- (.info'meijnj ['pauit]------------------- ['kaerokto]_________________________ ['novl]___________ ['saiontist]--------------- [adVentfo] ------------------------- ['sto:ri]_________ .$1 jRead the text about Robinson Crusoe (Student’s Book, Ex. 144, p. 128). Write the questions to the answers. Example: How old was D. Defoe when he wrote his book about Robinson? — 60. 1------—-----------------------------------------------------? — No, he wasn’t. He was an English writer. 2. ----------------------------------------------------------? — He lived on a desert island. 3. ---------------------------------------------------------? — Yes, he did. His friend’s name was Friday. 4. ----------------------------------------------------------? — He learned to make pots. 5. ----------------------------------------------------------? — Because the story was realistic. UNIT 3 Section 7 52J Complete the crossword puzzle. Use the Cultural Guide in your Student’s Book. Make up a word out of the circled (обведённых) letters. 1 ------------is an English writer and poet. He is famous for his “Romeo and Juliet”, “Hamlet”, “Twelfth Night” and the Sonnets. 2 -----------is an English singer, guitar player and song-writer who was a member of the Beatles. 3 -----------Christie is an English writer of popular books and plays. She is famous for her detective stories. 4. Sir Arthur Conan______________ is a British doctor and writer who wrote stories about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes. 5. Charles------------- is a great English scientist. 6. J. R. R.------------is famous for his books “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings”. 7. D-------------is an English writer. His most famous novel is “Robinson Crusoe”. 53 j Translate from Russian into English. 1. Артур Конан Дойл — знаменитый английский писатель. Он написал 4 романа и 56 историй о Шерлоке Холмсе и его друге. 2. Роман о приключениях Робинзона был очень популярен. 3. Какую книгу ты прочитал недавно? — О Гарре Поттере. 4. Ты любишь читать? Какая у тебя любимая книга? — Да, я люблю читать. Но у меня нет любимой книги. Я люблю читать книги о приключениях. 5. Мама читала мне сказки, когда я был маленьким. UNIT 3 Section 7 65 54 j Match the sentences with the pictures below. Write them in the correct order: • who wrote about this character • where the statue is situated • whose statue it is (you should guess and write) You can see their monument in Moscow. 1 he famous friends are characters from detective stories. The brave boy lives in a magic land and loves adventures. He and his friends have lots of adventures in a fairytale forest. Sir A. Conan Doyle wrote about their adventures in the 19th century. His statue is in London Zoo. He is a funny character of A. A. Milne’s book for children. The statue of the boy is in London. The well-known English writer J. M. Barrie wrote a book about a young boy. It’s a statue of a character from an adventure story. The name of the character is... It’s a monument to a detective and his friend. The names of the two friends are... .x;. >. ■ It’s a statue of a fairytale character. The name of the character is.. 55 Do you know any other statue (monument) to the characters of the books? Write about it. Use the plan in Ex. 54. 66 UNIT 3 Section 7 Section 8 1J Read the text and answer the question: Did the ravens enjoy life in the Tower? THE GREAT ESCAPE by Margo Fallis Part I Walter and Mary were two ravens. They lived in the Tower of London, in England. They enjoyed life there, but some days were difficult. Walter and Mary loved to sit on the wall and watch people. They often laughed at some of the silly things they did. The ravens didn’t like it when people stared* at them, made faces^ at them, or sometimes took photos of them. They didn’t mind the photos too much, but when the camera got too close to their beaks' — they got angry. That day, some of the tourists got very close to the ravens. One man’s camera nearly touched Mary’s beak. Then a large group of children came by. One little girl put her face very close to Walter’s beak. He wanted to bite' the girl. Mary understood Walter’s wish. “Don’t!” she said. After all the tourists and children went home, Walter said to Mary, “I’ve had it!^ I’ve had it! I want to leave the Tower and find another place to live.” Mary answered, “Walter, we can’t leave the Tower. We can’t fly, remember. They clipped our wings*" so we couldn’t fly away. I heard a Beefeater say once that as long as there were ravens at the Tower of London, then England would stay a great country. If we leave the Tower, then what will happen to England?” “I don’t care anymore.' Do you know what a little boy did to me today? He pulled a feather® out of my tail. That hurt! I’m tired of this place and all people.” Walter sighed’. Just then, Anne and William, two of the other ravens that lived in the Tower, came by. “What’s the matter*° with Walter?” Anne asked. “He is tired of the tourists. He wants to leave the Tower,” Mary told her. “But Walter, I also had a bad day. A man with a camera stuck it so close to me that it chipped a piece off my beak*',” William said. “Well, if we’re all so unhappy here, why don’t we leave? We’ll find a better place to live than here,” Walter said. The other ravens agreed*^ That night they made a plan of how to escape from the Tower of London. пристально смотрели корчили рожицы клюва.м укусить С меня хватит! подрезали крылья Меня это больше не беспокоит. выдернул перо ’ вздохнул ‘** что случилось " отколола кусочек моего клюва '• согласились JNIT 3 Section 8 67 2 ;Say who... — watched the tourists from the wall. — made faces at the birds. — put her face close to Walter’s beak. — told people the legend about the ravens of the Tower. — was tired of the Tower and the people. — had a bad day in the Tower. 3 -Say true or false. 1. The ravens lived in an old fortress in London. 2. Sometimes, Walter and Mary laughed at the tourists. 3. The ravens were happy when the tourists took photos of them. 4. One evening, Walter decided to find another home. 5. A Beefeater chipped a piece off William’s beak. 6. The ravens decided to go with Walter. 4 -Look at the picture and describe Walter. Use: clever, big, black, serious; a big strong beak; smart black eyes; long tail; short black wings 6 Match the pictures and the texts. 5 .Choose the correct answer. A Why do ravens live in the Tower? 1. They guard the fortress. 2. They are there to save Great Britain. 3. They play with the children. В Why did the ravens decide to escape from the Tower? 1. They wanted to watch the people. 2. They wanted to take photos of London. 3. They wanted to find another place to live. Part II 1. The ne.xt morning there were a lot of tourists with cameras in the Tower. But W’alter, Mary, William and Anne were glad to see the people. 'I'he more' people that were in the fortress, the more chance they had to escape. “Let’s get over to the tower. That’s where most of the people go first,” said Walter. So the four ravens went to the tower. A large group of tourists came by. The people put their bags down because there was a long lineL They didn’t want to hold* their heavy bags that were full of souv'enirs. чем больше длинная очередь держать 68 UNIT ; о it. Anne landed’ near the woman’s leg and scratched* her with her beak. “Help! I’ve been bitten by a raven!^ Help!” the woman cried. Two Beefeaters ran to the woman. Anne ran away quickly. The Beefeaters helped the woman, who now had a small scratch*. Walter peaked out of his bag and saw Anne running away. He jumped out and ran after her. 4. William saw Walter and Anne running away. He didn’t want to escape without them. At that moment, a tourist saw William inside his bag. He cried, “There’s a raven in my bag. Get out! Get out!” William jumped out and ran as fast as he could’. All the tourists grabbed their bags. A woman saw Mary under a flag and began to cry, “A raven! Help! A raven!” Mary jumped out of the bag and ran away. The four ravens hid‘® behind the wall for the rest of the day. “So much for plan number one,” Walter said. ^ приземлилась ” поцарапала ' Меня укусил ворон! “ царапина ” бежал так быстро, как он мог прятались 2. “Aha! Bags! Plan number one. Okay everybody, find a bag and get into^ it,” Walter told the ravens. Walter, Mary, William and Anne walked along the ground near the tourists’ feet. William jumped into a bag. Mary got into another bag. But it was full. She moved sweets, souvenir plates and flags around and finally got to the bottom of the bag. She stayed very still. Walter found an open bag. There wasn’t very much inside it. He laid down very quietly. 3. Anne saw the bag she wanted to jump into. She tried to get in but she couldn’t manage : 2 i 3 залезайте 7 ; Choose what Walter’s plan number one meant. 1. The ravens get into the tourists’ bags. A tourist sees a raven and begins to cry. Panic begins. The Beefeaters are busy helping the tourists. The ravens escape from the Tower. 2. The ravens get into the tourists’ bags. The tourists take the bags and leave the fortress with the birds in their bags. The ravens escape from the Tower. 3. A raven scratches a tourist. The tourist begins to cry. The panic begins. The Beefeaters are busy with the tourists. The ravens escape from the Tower. 4. The ravens hide behind the wall. The Beefeaters can’t see them. And the ravens leave the Tower with the tourists. UNIT 3 Section 8 69 CSi, 8 j Put the sentences in the correct order. (m The woman was frightened and cried. СИ The four ravens spent the day behind the wall. СИ Mary jumped into a bag full of souvenirs. СИ Anne landed near a woman and scratched her leg. Ш Many tourists came to the Tower of London the next day. СИ Walter, Anne, William and Mary went to the bags. 9 j Answer the questions. 1. Why were the ravens glad to see the people that morning? 2. Why did the tourists put their bags down? 3. Why did the ravens decide to get into the tourists’ bags? 4. Why did Anne scratch the woman’s leg? 5. Why did the woman cry when Mary landed near her leg? 6. Why did Anne run away? 7. Why did William jump out of the bag and run away? 8. Why did the four ravens hide behind the wall for the rest of the day? 10 j Say what will happen next. Will the ravens get out of the Tower? 111 Read the text and answer the question; Was the ravens' plan number two a success? Why? / Why not? Part III The next morning, the ravens began plan number two. “Do you have the sign' ready?” Walter asked Anne. “Yes, 1 worked on it this morning. What do you think?” she asked and showed him the sign. “Stuffed ravens^ One pound each. Drop your coin into the cup and carry one home!^” Mary read the sign. “That’s great, Anne. Let’s go!” Walter said. “Cet’s stand right here on the wall as usual. Put the sign in front of us, Anne. Don’t forget about the cup.” Anne, Mary, William and Walter stood still on the wall. Three children came and stopped to read the sign. “Oh, look, Jessica. For one pound we can have a stuffed raven. Do you have a pound coin? I want a stuffed raven,” David said. “No, David. I’ve only got 50p. Andrew, have you got a pound?” Jessica asked the other boy. “Sorry, Jessica. I’ve only got 20p. left,” Andrew answered. “I guess we can’t have a raven then,” David said, and the three children went away. Then a woman and a man walked up to the ravens. “Look at the stuffed birds, Alex. I want a stuffed raven. Will you buy a raven for me? It’s a perfect souvenir,” said Sarah. She touched William and rubbed'' his head, neck and feet. William began to laugh, “Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!” Alex and Sarah jumped back. “This is too strange, Sarah,” Alex said to her. The two of them ran away quickly. вывеска чучела воронов Опусти монетку и забери ворона! погладила 70 UNIT 3 Seclion 8 2^ “That was just great, William! Why did you laugh?” Mary asked him. “She rubbed me,” said William. “Well, so much for plan number two, friends,” Walter said. “I think we’d better stay in the Tower of London and just forget about our plans,” Mary said. “I agree with Mary,” Anne said. “Me too,” said William. Walter had to® agree. The four ravens learned not to pay attention to the cameras, the noise or the children. Walter spent his time on the wall of the Tower, watching the city of London. The friends were happy to be together in the Tower again. вынужден был 12jChoose what the ravens’ plan number two meant. / t \ i I 1. The ravens stay on the wall. The tourists read the sign, and drop a coin into the cup. The ravens earn some money. They give the money to the Beefeaters and leave the Tower. V The ravens stay on the wall. The tourists read the sign, drop a coin into the cup and take a raven home. So the ravens escape from the Tower. V The ravens stay on the wall. The tourists read the sign, and rub neck of the prettiest raven. The raven begins to laugh. The tourist begins to cry. The Beefeaters are busy helping the tourist. And the ravens escape from the Tower. 4. The ravens don't pay attention to the tourists and their cameras. They stay on the wall and admire the city of London and the Tower. 13 J Say who said: 1. “I worked on it this morning.” 2. “Let’s stand right here on the wall as usual.” 3. “I guess we can’t have a raven.” 4. “Will you buy a raven for me?” 5. “But why did you laugh?” 6. “Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!” 7. “I think we’d better forget about our plans.” 141 Complete the sentences. 1. Anne wrote the sign in the morning because... a) the ravens wanted to play a joke on the tourists. b) the ravens wanted to escape from the Tower. c) the ravens wanted to get some money. 2. The children went away because... a) they couldn’t read the sign. b) they didn’t like the ravens. c) they didn’t have a pound coin. 3. Alex and Sarah ran away because... a) they didn’t want any ravens. b) they were frightened. c) they didn’t like the stuffed ravens. UNIT 3 Section 8 71 l^Match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences. 1. When the sign ready, 2. When the ravens stood on the wall, 3. When thfee'cMdren read the sign, 4. When William began to laugh, 5. When plan number two failed, a) the ravens decided to stay in the fortress. b) the tourists ran away. c) the ravens went to the wall. d) they wanted to buy a raven. But... e) they put the sign in front of them. Cin Ш [n :i [lEl [!□ 16 i Tell the story from the point of view of: a) Walter; b) Anne; c) a Beefeater. Use: live in the Tower of London, enjoy life, watch the tourists, laugh at the tourists, stare at the ravens, make faces at the birds, take photos of the ravens, get very close to, pull a feather, escape from the fortress, find another place to live, clip the wings, have two plans, be a success, stay in the Tower, pay no attention to the tourists Project Some students from the UK are visiting your town this summer. Plan a tour for them. Work in groups of 3-4 to complete these steps. Step 1 In your group, discuss what to show them on your local tour. Make notes about: Places of interest Customs and traditions History and people Food specialties and souvenirs Your own ideas 72 UNIT 3 Section 8 and Project places в* interest Step 2 Discuss your ideas as a group. Each person chooses one of the topic headings in Step 1 and works to: • find out more about the topic from the Internet, books or local people. • make notes and write a list of them under each of the headings. • use paragraph numbers (la, lb, Ic, 2...) to put the detailed notes in order of importance. • draw pictures or take photographs of the most interesting things. Step3 Use your notes to tell the group about your topic. Explain your pictures. Write captions for the pictures. Step 4 Make a poster using the best topics and ideas. • Divide the poster into four parts. • Label each part with one of the four topic headings. • Create a design for each part using the pictures and captions. • Write a paragraph for each part. Include the most interesting details. Steps Do a presentation of your group's poster to the class. Ask theclass for ideas about how to make the tour better or more interesting. Step 6 When all the groups have presented their ideas, discuss them and choose which ones are best for the tour for the foreign visitors. UNIT 3 Project Test yourself 5 Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter. Example: The students took ... in the festival. (afpa^ b) place c) care 1. Is the museum ... visiting? — Yes, there is lots to see. a) well b) worth c) need 2. ... me, could you tell me how to get to Tower Bridge? a) Sorry b) Excuse c) Please 3. The old city is ... for its sights, a) full b) rich c) famous 4. Sometimes our dreams come .... a) out b) in c) true 5. There is lots to see and enjoy. Tourists take lots of... in the ancient fortress, don’t they? a) photos b) sights c) places Score:_______(5) Complete the text. Use: situated, cathedrals, traditional, place, most, founded Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. It is one of the most well-known cities in the UK. There is a famous fortress in the centre of the city — Edinburgh Castle. It is the symbol of the capital and Scotland. It was_____________in the 9th century. It is______________high on the mountain. A special festival takes in the fortress during August each year. There are also many historical buildings, churches and in Edinburgh. Tourists from different countries visit the city. They go sightseeing, buy souvenirs and enjoy ________________meals. ;3;j Write down the dates. Score: (5) Example: The ancient fortress was founded in ... . (eleven-thirteen) — The ancient fortress was founded in 1113. 1. The Tower of London was founded in_______________________(ten sixty-six) 2. In_________________Elizabeth II, Queen of Britain, visited Moscow and St Petersburg. (nineteen ninety-four) 3. D. Defoe wrote his book about Robinson in________________ 4. When were you in London? — I was there in________________ 5. When was the Science Museum founded? — In________________ . (seventeen nineteen) _ . (twenty eleven) _____ (eighteen fifty-seven) Score:-------(5) 74 .Ф UNIT 3 Test yourself 5 4 j Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter. Example: He is one ... the most famous English artists. a) in(3)) o^c) from 1. What is the ancient abbey famous ...? a) of b) for c) at Have you been ... Scotland? — No, but Td like to visit it someday, a) at b) in c) to The boy opened the door and came ... the room, a) into b) out c) for Excuse me, can you tell me, where the British Museum is? — Turn left .. a) on b) to c) at The small town is full ... sights, isn’t it? a) of b) for c) in Where did you stay in London? — ... the Ritz Hotel, a) to b) in c) into 2. 3. 5. 6. the caf^. Score: (6) 5 J Complete the sentences. Use the Present Simple and the Present Continuous. Example: I ... your cake. Could I have another piece? (like) — I like your cake. 1. What is the name of the fortress? — I don’t___________________(know) 2. Look! The puppy____________________with the frog, (play) 3. What are you doing? — I’m drawing a map. I___________________the map for my project, (need) ice cream, (want) lemon tea for her mum. (make) 4. Why are the brothers crying? — They_________________ 5. Where is Ann? — In the kitchen. She_________________ 6.1 usually__________________sandwiches and a cup of tea for breakfast, (have) Score: (6) 6 j Complete the text. Fill in the definite article the if necessary. The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is situated in the west of______Europe. The capital of the country is__________ London. There are many museums, old cathedrals and monuments in the city. Tourists from _______France,_________Italy,________Russian Federation and other countries from all over the world come to the British capital. They want to see__________Tower of London,__________Trafalgar Square, and Houses of Parliament. Score: (8) 35-31 30-26 25-21 <20 Very good! Good! Not bad Try again! UNIT 3 Test yourself 5 75 Test yourself 6 . , Sections 4-6 . 1 I Write Participle II of the verbs (the third form): Example: give — given ------------------------------ buy----- ----------------------------- sing — _ decorate —_____________________________ stop — — come -see —. write —. Score: (7) I Fill in: have or has. Example: ... she chosen the book? — Has she chosen the book? 1. ------you watched the new film about Harry Potter? — Not yet. 2. Three of the students_______already finished the test. 3. Look at the players! I think they______never played hockey. 4. They. 5. What just arranged the date and time. - happened to the boy? — I don’t know. Score: (5) 3 j Complete the text. Use: free, outdoor, drinks, barbecue, colourful, cup The Adventure Park is situated in the country. The park is very beautiful with green trees and grass, colourful flowers and the view of the lake. It is famous for its_______________activities. Adults and children can walk, jog, ride bikes and go fishing. But you can’t have a________________in the park. There are nice cafes where you can find tasty cakes and sandwiches, have a of tea or coffee. There are also soft for children. Lots of people come to the park all the year round. The park is to all. Score:________(5) 4 ia) Match the words. to lay \ 1 a sweet tooth to cut the washing up to make 1 the table to have i a cake to enjoy j- breakfast to do ! a slice of bread 76 UNIT 3 Тез! 4'ourss!f 6 b) Complete the sentences with the word combinations. Example: The porridge is ready. Sit down at the table and ... .— Sit down at the table and enjoy your breakfast. 1.1 sweep the floor and you can___________________________And then we’ll go to the park together. 2. Have you___________________________? Very good. Now put a slice of ham and a slice of cheese on it. There! The sandwich is ready. 3.1 think a box of sweets will be a nice birthday present for your little brothers. They both________________ 4. Helen, what are you doing in the kitchen? — I’m going to_______________________________ I have got a new recipe. 5. Alice, could you help me to____________________________, please? — Certainly, Mum. I’ll put the plates and glasses on the table. — (10) Score: ] Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple and the Present Perfect. 1. a) He______________lots of photos of different places. Now he can take part in the photo exhibition, (take) b) Yesterday, he went sightseeing and____________ 2. a)_____________you________________the novel yet? Is it worth reading? (read) lots of photos, (take) b) When________ 3. a)________you you the book? — Last summer, (read) to the new park? — Not yet. (be) b)I 4. a) She there 3 months ago. (be) __her classmates to her birthday party. There will be lots of guests, won’t there? (invite) b) Julia______________her friends to the park yesterday. They had a picnic, (invite) Score:_________(8) Very good! ■30-26^^^ Good! Not bad Try again! UNIT 3 Test yourself 6 Tftore about each other Section 1 l^Read the words. Mind the stress (обрати внимание на ударение). 1. 'student, 'theatre, 'humour, 'serious, 'musical, 'typical, 'manage, 'hobby; 2. .characte'ristic, ,corres'pondent, .infor'mation, .invi'tation, .edu'cational, .situ'ation Write down the words with these sounds (звуки). Use Ex. 1. [ei]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uu:]___________________________________________________________________________________ M _____________________________________________________________________________________ [I]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 'Do the crossword puzzle. Find out what makes your life easy. 1 b 2 r s 4 C 5 n 6 t 1. Things you like to do for your pleasure. 2. Getting together with people. 3. A very good celebration in winter. 4. A place where you learn a lot of new things. 5. Your job at the moment. 6. The people whom you love best of all. 4 (Write tag endings and answers the questions. Example: You are a fifth year student, aren't you^. — Yes, I am. 1. You study a lot of subjects,_____________? —________________ 2. You can play a musical instrument,______ 3. You don’t speak French,_______________? 4. You began to study English 4 years ago, 5. Your teachers aren’t British,__________ ?_____ ?____ ? _ 78 UNIT 4 Section 1 6. You weren’t in London this summer. ?____ ?_____ 7. All your friends would like to visit Britain,_________ 5 J Put the verbs in the correct form. 1. Yesterday, Linda_______________an interview to the youth magazine, (give) 2. Linda_______________French, (speak) 3. Next month, a group of Russian students__________________two weeks in London, (spend) 4. During their last visit, the students___________ 5. Let’s______________a date and time now. (arrange) with English families, (stay) ^Put in the words. Use: play, speak, exchange, taught, hobbies, take, an interview, stay Denis Korolev is a ten-year old student. His hobbies are sport and music. He can_________________the guitar well. He likes to pictures of his friends. Denis can and read English. Last year Barbara Grey from Great Britain _______________him and his friends. She is going to arrange a student_________________ Yesterday, Denis gave_________________— to a youth magazine about the Russian-English student exchange. Denis is going to________________with his pen friend’s family. j Translate from Russian into English. 1. Я могу здесь поменять рубли на фунты? — 2. Я ничего не вижу. Вы не против поменяться местами? — 3. Цереоденься, пожалуйста. Через 20 минут мы идем в театр.— 4. Давай для разнообразия поиграем в шахматы! — 5. Я бы хотела поменять свои планы на сегодня.— 6. Вот ваша сдача.— Спасибо.— UNIT 4 Section 79 Getting on well with the family 8 i Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters. ['kjuariss] _______________________________________ [po'lait]------------------ ['no:ti]------------------------------------------- [waiz]--------------------- ('siarias]__________________________________________ ['Iavit)]----------------- [^ndo'stasndio] [’hjuima]------- [Trendli] 9 ■ Put in the missing letters. _t_letic, ta_k_tive, ob_die_t, i_tel_ige_t, ta_tful, ho_pitable, cur_ous, serio_s, p_easant, no_sy lOj Write down the opposites. Example: known — unknown unlucky, unpleasant, stupid, naughty, fast, kind, sad smart, pleasant, lucky, slow, obedient, happy, cruel Choose the correct preposition. Circle it. 1. We are a close family and we get with / up / on well with each other 2. Where can 1 change Russian money for / on / into British pounds? 3. He made friends to /for / with a very smart boy. 4. There are three of / from / with us in our family: my mother, my father and me. 5. Why are animals important to / for / about people? 6. Last year I read a story of / by / from Mark Twain. t ■ Describe any two members of your family. Use: I think, usually, sometimes, often Example: 1 think my mum is sociable and friendly. She likes to invite guests to our house. 80 UNIT 4 Section 2 Section 3 I3j Do the crossword puzzle. Find the animals and birds. Circle them. W A' w h 0 p e r c 0 w> w u s h a r к a p c 0 m о i m 1 z^ p a e e c t 0 e e u у t 1 1 0 t n 0 b i h c e 1 d У к P r d 0 1 P h i n e a a 0 г e h d 1 0 У r e s s t a 0 e P n d 0 n e У n g i r 1 CT^ a b b i a 1 e a d u c к P a r r 0 t <**» 14j Circle the adjective in each line. Translate them into Russian. 1. question, quiet, queen, quite 2. state, kite, create, hate, cute, note 3. comment, independent, correspondent, continent 4. morning, crossing, loving, evening, wing 5. experiment, represent, obedient, event, moment 15j Fill in the table. Infinitive think Translation II form (Past Simple) III form (Past Participle) fed spoken eat taken UNIT 4 Section 3 m. Look at the pictures. Describe the animals and birds. Use: noisy, brave, lazy, kind, loving, shy, friendly, domestic, wild, quiet, peaceful, curious, smart, angry, strong, brave, cute, unfriendly Example: A hamster is a domestic animal. It is curious and friendly. f i 82 UNIT 4 Section 3 ITjTranslate from Russian into English. 1. У тебя есть домашнее животное? 2. Мой щенок смышленый, но очень шумный.— 3. Котенок у твоей сестры очень забавный, не так ли? Как его зовут? — 4. Твой попугай говорит что-нибудь? — Да, всего несколько слов, но я не понимаю его.— 5. Посмотри на эту смешную обезьянку! Она очень любопытная.— 6. Ты знаешь, моя собака хорошо ладит с котом моей бабушки.— lejWrite down а short story about your pet or your friend’s pet. Use the plan in Ex. 45 (Student’: Book, page 153). Section 4 19JChoose the opposites. Write them down in pairs. Example: to stop — to begin a) to stop, to break, to like, to close, to agree, to love, to find to repair, to open, to. dislike, to lose,‘ to disagree, to hate, to begin b) interesting, beautiful, free, unreal, same, correct, false, serious, polite, ancient modern, impolite, real, busy, boring, ugly, different, true, wrong, funny UNIT 4 Sections 3 and 4 83 Match the words and their descriptions. to be healthy and slim I - .'Ll. . to do exercises ВВВ9ННВЯ1НВНН1НЯ / j to work in the garden ' to make photos | i to go from place to place or to different places | to bring things together I 211 Make up sentences. Write them down. My mother cooking. I travelling. His cousin am ^ reading. Their parents is > fond of taking pictures. We are J making models of cars. Her nephews collecting stamps / mugs My niece computer games. 221 Circle the words which can be a verb and a noun. Give their meaning. Example: hope — надеяться (гл.), надежда (сущ.) agent, dance, change, bridge, artist, dream, help, circle, travel, wish, show, dry, finish, club, stay, visit, walk, play 8^4 UNIT 4 Sed'on 4 ijlSiRead the two stories. Fill in the prepositions if needed. Which character is closer to you? Let me teU. . you My favourite type play--------------- ____________my hobbies! music is rock. OK, I don’t any musical instrument, but I like to listen _______________music. And I sing well. All my friends are fond _______________rock music, too. Our dream is to form a rock band and to invite you all______________our first concert. . my pets. I have lots My hobby is looking--------------- ________________them; a dog, a cat, a tortoise, a white mouse i and a parrot. One__________________my relatives wanted to get rid ‘ ________________his goldfish. Now it lives----------------my flat. But one my favourite pet is a little hamster. It was sick when I took it________________my friend. Now it’s fine. And it gets well________________all the other pets. 24j Write your own short story about your hobby. 25 ' Describe your best friend. Write a short essay about her / him. Use the plan in Ex. 65 (Student’s Book, page 157). Her / His name is .. She / He is years old. UNIi 4 Section 4 Section 5 I Do the crossword puzzle. Find and circle 8 jobs. Write them down. Cl e t> p e n c i 1 e n u r s e b c a r d r 0 t f u e A У r n g e a s m e i b r a r 1 a li.' a V 0 a c m n n t r e s m h e 1 a i w r s m e r s g s e g g e r 0 s e w r w 0 r к e r r d , 27 j Match the words. Write 5 sentences with any of them. perfect ' tall silly lovely free Д slim shdrt 1 stupid unpleasant \ last longfc — ideal past ' ' open thin small pretty bad 28j Fill in the blanks. Use a dictionary. UNIT 4 Section 5 Write a list of characteristic needed for these jobs. Computer programmer ; Firefighter 30 j Choose any three jobs for yourself. Explain why. Example: A mechanic repairs cars. It is very important for people. UNIT 4 Section 5 87 Section 6 1 j Work in groups of 3-4. Choose one of the texts and read it with your group. Do the exercise after it together. Then retell the story to the groups that have read the other texts. Text 1. Shaking hands Hundreds of years ago, soldiers began this custom. They shook hands to show that they didn’t have any weapons in their hands. Now, shaking hands is a custom in most countries. In Britain, you don’t shake hands with friends and family. But you shake hands when you meet a person for the first time. You also say: “How do you do?” This is not really a question, it’s a formality. The correct answer is the same as the question: “How do you do?” Correct the sentences which are not true. 1. Shaking hands is not a very old custom. 2. Soldiers began the custom of shaking hands. 3. In Britain, people shake hands with their friends and family. 4. You shouldn’t shake hands when you meet a person for the first time. 5. The phrase “How do you do?” is not a question, it’s a formality. 6. The correct answer is the same as the question: “How are you?” Text 2. Christmas in Britain This is the most important holiday of the year. Many people travel home to be with their families on Christmas Day, the 25th of December. Most families decorate their houses with coloured paper and holly. There are holly trees with red berries at Christmas time. Also, they usually have a Christmas tree with coloured lights and decorations. Children leave long stockings at the foot of their beds. They hope that Santa Claus will come down the chimney during the night and bring them small presents, fruit and nuts. Answer the questions. 1. Which is the most important holiday in Britain? 2. What do British families decorate their houses with? 3. Why do children leave a long stocking at the foot of their beds? '-?'S5iVF UNIT 4 Section 6 Text 3. Cards The British send birthday cards and often give birthday presents. There are cards for other holidays too: Christmas cards, Valentine’s Day cards, Mother’s Day cards. Wedding Anniversary cards, “Good Luck” cards, “Congratulations on your Baby” cards, and “Get well Soon” cards. Answer the questions. 1. When do the British send cards? 2. When do you send cards? ¥ ЧШ Soon! Ш f ..Й- 2 ) Work in groups of 3-4. Talk about any interesting traditions that are typical of where you are from (town / village / region). Share these traditions with your British friends. Step 1 In your group describe the most interesting tradition. Write about • what the tradition is. • when it is celebrated. • where the tradition / celebration takes place. • how people decorate the place. • who takes part in the tradition / celebration. • what people do and eat at that time. Step 2 Talk about the tradition you described to the other groups. Ask them to add any missing details. Step 3 Create a poster or an album about your regional traditions for your British friends. , . ...............y-' t- I ^ UNIT 4 Section 6 89 Project Your class is going to create several short plays in English for their Drama lesson. Think about some famous people and events. What did they do? Why are they famous? Work in groups of 3-4 to complete the steps. 1 b£T’iS ACT OUT THE STORY! Step 1 As a group, think about some famous people and what historic events they were part of. Choose one famous person and ask each other these questions. Who What When Why , • Who was he / she? • What did he / she • When did he / she • Why was he / she • Description of what do? live? famous? he / she looked like • What was special about him / her? • When was he / she born? • Why did you choose him / her? Step 2 Step 4 Develop the story about this famous person and write a play. Choose a role; 1) director; 2) costume designer; 3) scene designer; 4) scriptwriter. Ask these questions. • Who are the main characters? • What costumes will they wear? • What do the scenes look like? • What happens in the play? Step 3 Discuss your ideas for the play. The scriptwriter will write down your ideas. Include the answers to the questions in Step 2. Prepare a short script together. Put on the performance for your classmates. Set the scene for them. See if they know what famous person’s story you have chosen. Step 5 Design a page for your class photo album with the title “Our English Theatre” to show your British friends. Include the scenes, characters, costumes and some lines from your script. Step 6 If there is time, make a special page about your performance for your school website. 90 UNIT 4 Project Test yoiirself 7 - i j Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter. Example: I’m spending my holidays at camp. It is great fun but I’ve been ... a little, a) obedient