Английский язык 10 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова часть 2

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 10 класс Рабочая тетрадь Биболетова часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Enjoy English (Энджой инглиш):

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start anew WARM-UP 1 53 a) Listen to a conversation and choose the correct statement. 1 Eddy is playing a computer game to relax after his Spanish lesson. 2 Eddy is playing a computer game to practise the Spanish language 3 Eddy is playing a computer game to develop his computer skills. b) Listen to the conversation again and choose the correct answer. 1 Normally, Eddy works or plays on computer quite seldom. a) True b) False c) Not stated 2 Eddy learns Spanish as a compulsory subject at school. a) True b) False c) Not stated 3 The aim of the game is to open as many doors as possible a) True b) False c) Not stated 4 The player has more than one attempt to do each task. a) True b) False c) Not stated 5 If the player is not able to do the task, the game makes him learn what he doesn’t know. a) True b) False c) Not stated 6 Eddy is not going to do traditional Spanish homework any more. a) True b) False c) Not stated IBjWork in groups. Discuss the following issues: a) advantages and disadvantages of computer-based learning. b) how learning styles may change if computer is used more and more in our school. c) if you find these changes positive or negative, why. 4 UNIT 1 Prepare a short talk on the topic “Computer-based learning” ТГ T ^ ^ ^ ^ \ • J% 11 \ !! ♦ • • ^ Helpful ideas Students will spend less time in the classroom. An electronic teacher will replace a human teacher in most aspects. Tests and exams will be taken online. Learning will be fun. Students will learn more through computer games. Libraries will disappear since all texts will be available online. Students will forget how to handwrite, as all their homework will be typed. More time spent with the computer and less time with teachers and classmates will make people less sociable. There’ll be no discipline problems since students will be learning quietly in their own homes. No one will wear uniform as the electronic teacher doesn’t care what the students are wearing. 2AJ Complete the text about Andrew Smith with the correct verb forms. Use the timeline which presents some key events in his sports life. running connpetifion judo competition interview started doing sports at four joined the athletics team leg problem now I met Andrew when he was a newcomer in our junior school. As soon as he entered the classroom, it (1) obvious to everyone that he was a very promising athlete. Soon he (2) to join the athletics team as he (3) an outstanding result in the school running competition. Amazingly, but being in the athletics team he_______________ i I 1 i 1 r be invite, demonstrate _____________ (4) the judo competition quite easily too. Unfortunately, the following winter wasn’t very lucky for him: Andrew broke his leg when he However, he_____________(6) verv -(5). When - (7) i 1 I I ! wm snowboard recover interviewed by a sports magazine, Andrew said he _____________ regular sport since he was four and owed his success to his father, who had always supported and encouraged him. do 1 I 2BjRead the questions about past events. Act as a reporter and ask your partner one or two of these questions. Find out about the event as much as possible. Write down the facts (the story) you’ve discovered. 1 What memory makes you smile the most? 2 What was the best place you’ve ever visited? 3 Who was sitting next to you on your first day at school? Are you still friends? 4 Have you ever seen a dangerous animal m the wild? 5 What job did you dream about when you were seven? UNIT 1 5 А friend of mine told me an amazing story. Г" i; i: I« I ’ f» t ' J i 1 I i: 0 \ I 1 ‘ I t I > I ' • • * < t * • * I I * \ • i • » * ( ( « \ ! ^ I ' ii li I \ И 1! 1 i Useful language It happened... According to him / According to his words,... He / She experienced... He / She was delighted / frightened / excited... He / She confessed that... He / She can hardly remember when exactly it happened TEST 1 Part Listening Listen to a local broadcast about a popular game. Choose the correct answer. You will listen to the recording twice. Then transfer your answers to the table. 1 Netball reminds basketball in terms of the aim and the rules of the game. a) True b) False c) Not stated 2 According to the speaker, netball is seldom played in the open air. a) True b) False c) Not stated 3 Nowadays netball is still more popular with women than with men. a) True b) False c) Not stated 4 The local netball team is going to celebrate its birthday on the beach. a) True b) False c) Not stated 5 Any person will be allowed to play netball together with the team. a) True b) False c) Not stated 6 The most enthusiastic and successful first-time player will be awarded a cake. a) True b) False c) Not stated Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Letter : i 6 UNIT 1 Part II Reading Read the text and choose the correct answer. Transfer your answers to the table • Ч % 1 •«3 School forever? lasses and homework are not only for children. Not any more. i \ This is the opinion of one of the online course providers ! Jason Underwood. He believes education is going to become a i lifelong process for those who are at school or university now. j The professional world is very competitive nowadays, and to keep up with rivals one needs to update qualifications on a regular \ basis. If a person wants to go further, to get promoted, and to keep his skilled job, he’ll have to master his skills and upgrade his qualifications regularly. The job-for-life tendency seems to have ceased to exist. The world is changing rapidly: specialists of your profession are in great demand now, but soon you may find the job market has changed, and you may need to obtain another qualification to avoid being left behind. It’s obvious that a person who has a full time job can’t give it up in order to attend classes. The internet is the resource which enables people to combine work and study. Online courses provide vast opportunities in education and development to everyone, regardless of their age, job, and location. Jason Underwood believes that the technological advantages of distant education are evident and it will soon replace the old model of education with its compulsory lecture and seminar attendance. ‘If you do an online course,” he says, “you can just log on, i.e. enter the educational resource by typing your login, and listen to the lecturer, or read the printed version of the lecture. You have access to lots of audio and video topic-related clips and you can watch them again and again. You can record them for later use in case you wish to run through them for your exam. And if anything needs clarification or if you’ve got questions, you can apply to your tutor or the lecturer via the e-mail. And even when it’s time to sit your course exam, there’s often no need to come to the real classroom — you can submit assignments and take exams via the internet. Access to libraries without commuting and studying at a convenient time is a real advantage for students of any ages, and absolutely vital for adult students. Though not all distance courses are run quite effectively yet, in regard to lifetime education the concept of lectures and tutorials held entirely in the classroom has already gone. yy % J 1 Jason Underwood says that to survive in the competition people should a) upgrade the electronic equipment regularly. b) watch how their competitors are doing. c) upgrade their professional knowledge. 2 The author of the article believes that the job market a) is expanding rapidly in all professional fields. b) tends to offer opportunities for anyone. c) is getting more dynamic and less predictable. UNIT 1 7 3 The author of the article believes that a) all age groups will benefit from the internet-based learning. b) younger generation will benefit from the internet-based learning most. c) the senior professionals will benefit from distant learning most. 4 Jason Underwood believes that distant courses a) will be used instead of face-to-face classes. b) cannot be used by schoolchildren or young learners. c) will make a part of traditional model of education. 5 The main advantage of distant courses in Mr Underwood s opinion is that a) students have permanent access to all the materials. b) students can communicate with the teacher via e-mail. c) students don’t have to sit their exams in the classroom. 6 The author believes that a) classroom education has no alternative. b) people are ready to accept electronic innovations. c) the time of distant learning hasn’t come yet. I Number 1 Letter i 2 3 4 5 6 Part III Use of English ...V, j ^ f'' *v V Use the verbs in the appropriate forms. Transfer your answers to the table. It was the last day of my holiday in Prague. I checked out of the hotel, my luggage neatly packed was in the luggage room and I (1) have about four hours before the coach took me to the airport. I thought that I___________________(2) the time shopping for souvenirs. I___________________(3) some wooden combs for mum, she had always liked those kinds of things, a tie for dad, and a toy car for my younger brother. It spend buy 1 (4) me long. I needed only one more present for my not / take girlfriend Laura. And it was not easy to choose one. Laura was very particular about things and hated useless and unpractical purchases. Suddenly I saw a 8 UNIT 1 •I. • • (5) of little patches of differently ____________________(6) my wallet nice summer handbag. It__________________ coloured fabrics. It was very small and cute. I___ to pay for it when my inner voice spoke up: “If you_________________(7) her this handbag, she’ll get furious. She’ll say that it’s a waste of money, because it’s too small to carry an)1:hing in.” And I didn’t dare to buy it. The same voice stopped me when I was about to buy a little funny teddy bear, which was of no practical use at aU. Then it didn’t let me buy a red umbrella as it was too large and inconvenient to carry around. u (8) anything for me?” demanded Laura on my arrival. ‘T never buy useless things, but adore unpractical presents I » 1 I I 1 1 I I I make take out give buy Number Word / Words Number Word / Words 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 Part IV Writing Read a part from your friend’s letter and answer it. Write: . that you are sorry about her distress • if you approve or disapprove of the idea of a school uniform • if you wear a uniform in your school; if yes — describe what it’s like, if no — describe what clothes you wear to school. Write at least 100 words I've got some news for you — my parents have put me in a new school. The school is OK. it's closer to our house, so i can sleep a bit longer in the -morning. But they make me wear a school uniform there! It's an ugly dark green jacket and a skirt of the same colour. I look forty in it! And I hate skirts! Tve always worn jeans for any occasion. I hope you don't have the same problem in your school, do you? Do school students wear uniform in your country or not? UNIT 1 9 Part V Speaking Talk about a memorable lesson / lecture in your life You should say: • when and where it was • what the topic was • who conducted it • if you participated actively or not • how you felt about it (involved / delighted / excited / puzzled / frustrated). The maximum score for Parts I-III is 20. Your score is... 0-13 14-17 18-20 We recommend you to spend It s not bad. However, there Well done. Keep practising a lot of time improving your is a lot you need to work on. and you’ll have a good chance English. Otherwise you are unlikely to do well in your Have more practice. Otherwise you may have of success in your exam. exam. difficulty in your exam. Parts IV-V are assessed by your teacher. 10 UNIT 1 WARM-UP 2 1 Oj 1A] a) Work in pairs. Ask each other questions in order to find out the following: • if your partner does any sport • if your partner is a fan, what sport it is • if you support the same teams or not • if your partner enjoys watching sports events on TV • if sometimes he or she watches sports games late at night, how his or her parents feel about it b) Si Listen to a discussion between a father, a mother and their 15-year-old son Alex. Choose the correct answer. 1 Alex s father a) is a devoted football fan and has never missed a game. b) usually enjoys watching football games on TV. c) considers watching football games a meaningless pastime. d) prefers watching games at stadiums. 2 The mother doesn’t want Alex to watch the game because a) it s a meaningless pastime. b) she hates football and football fans. c) watching TV at night may affect his health. d) it may affect his school performance. 3 The father a) is not going to watch the game without Alex. b) is going to watch the game anyway. c) is going to wait till the game is broadcast at daytime. d) is going to switch on the recorder and go to bed. 4 According to the parents, Alex a) has never done any sport. b) did martial arts in his childhood. c) is still doing martial arts but not regularly. d) used to do gymnastics but didn’t succeed in it. 5 After Alex left the room his parents a) kept quarrelling, not ready to compromise. b) are going to ban watching TV at night on weekdays. c) decided to try and take Alex’s interests into account. d) are discussing Alex’s progress at school. Work in small groups and discuss the following questions. Agree on the answers and present the group’s opinion to the class Be ready to support your point of view. 1 How does Alex feel about the matter? 2 How does the mother feel about the matter? 3 How does the father feel about the matter? 4 What would you do if you were Alex’s parent? 5 Will Alex be allowed to watch the game or not after all? UNIT 1 11 2АI Match the sentences to make meaningful 1 How do you know that you’ve got a pass? a) They will be displayed there in a couple of days. 1 2 You can look up the results on the website. b) All the seats are sold out. 1 3 We just couldn’t put off the event. c) It was broadcast by several local and national channels. 4 I’m afraid we’ll have to watch the game on TV. d) The tests haven’t been graded yet. 5 Our team was superb and the game was fantastic! e) Remember, however, that it needs to be cleaned afterwards. 6 The data we provided is very reliable. f) Everything was already arranged and all the invitations had been sent out. 7 You can use this equipment whenever you want. — - — - . - ---- - - . - g) The research was conducted by a university group, and they know all the ins and outs of the process. 2B; Look at Andy’s to-do list and the picture of his room. Use the information from both . V and complete the sentences. • - ■ ,;N > y/v ~ ^ ■ •- .v:v.- '.•• •' to do the maths assignment to take the garbage away to water the flowers to buy some cake or biscuits to iron the shirt to submit the essay to repair the bike / / 9 Щ party Example: The maths assignment has already been done. The garbage ____________________________________ The flowers A cake The shirt The essay The bike The birthday party invitations 12 UNIT 1 3AJ What eats your time? " assignment. Write two there’s something interesting on TV there’s nothing interesting on TV, but I still watch it someone calls and I talk on the phone for a while my parents ask me to do some urgent shopping I I my parents tell me to take the garbage away my parents ask questions about my school performance a friend calls and asks me out my sister / brother wants me to help her / him with the homework I I I suddenly feel sleepy I suddenly feel hungry I I I start feeling sick my pet gets in my way % .r •V Ч. t- 1-. h 1 t ^ \ *"■' '.-Vl , I *1* / Work in two teams. A person from one team says what can prevent him / her from submitting a written assignment on time (make use of the exercise above). The other team have 30 seconds to discuss the situation, after which they offer their advice. Each complaint and each piece of advice score the team one point. Team Team 2: I can’t concentrate on my assignment because my neigbours are renovating the flat at the moment and the noise is awful. Put on the headphones and do not worry. Start with the homework which is the easiest for you. %‘^-v .-y UNIT 1 ^*v TEST 2 ^ Part I Listening {£> Listen to an interview twice 1 pL'; According to the speakers, most people believe that a) teenagers play computer games the most. b) a typical computer game player is a young adult. c) young women enjoy computer games very much. d) little kids enjoy playing computer games with monsters. 2 The computer expert says that a) the number of male players is falling. b) the number of male players is rising. c) the number of female players is rising. d) the numbers of male and female players is more or less equal. 3 The expert says that to create a good computer game one needs a) very sophisticated computer equipment. b) high-skilled programmers and designers. c) an interesting plot, graphics and music. d) a lot of action and shooting, and loud music. 4 The expert says that computer games and conventional films have got a lot in common because a) they divert people from real life. b) they have a plot and characters. c) they were not considered art at their early days. d) they will live longer than painting, music, and the theatre. 5 According to the expert, computer games a) may lose their popularity with most people quite soon. b) will become the only form of art people enjoy. c) will never become more popular than cinema and films. d) may become more popular than cinema and films. 6 The expert believes that the advantage of computer games over films is that a) they let the player make changes and interact with characters. b) their plots are usually more original and sophisticated. c) they are more dynamic and have different levels to suit anyone. d) they let the player predict all the actions of the characters. Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Letter Ы UNIT 1 Part II Reading Read the article about football fans and choose the correct answer. Transfer your answers to the table. M ost people would agree that football refers to the most well-known and popular games in the world. The official history of football covers almost a century and a half. It started when the Football Association in England was founded in 1863. In fact, football is older. By 1863 people had already been playing with a ball for many centuries in many countries. According to some historic evidence, a game similar to football was popular on the territory of contemporary Britain in the second century A.D. In spite of the fact that football is wide spread all over the world, many people still associate it with the British Isles. The words “football” and “the British Isles” evoke another phrase — “football fans”. These are the British who are considered to be the most devoted, enthusiastic, and .. .wild fans. So wild sometimes, that their behaviour leads to violent conflicts and vandalism. To be fair, not only British fans can be violent. Unfortunately, in many other countries one can see absolutely outrageous news shots of burnt and crashed cars, smashed shop windows and bus stops, and crowds of agitated, inadequate people in the streets. Alcohol often promotes their aggressive behaviour and turn it into violent fights, so the winners’ delighted fans and the losers’ upset supporters may end up in the same hospital or in the police station. Law abiding people, who attend football games or who just witness football hooliganism in the streets, feel indignant about such behaviour which threatens public safety and the reputation of the game in general. Most people believe that the authorities should do something to eliminate football-related hooliganism. Probably the easiest way to do it is to ban the game as the cause of such behaviour? “No, I don’t think so,” says Martine Clint, 39, a long-term supporter of Manchester United. “Football is something special in my life and I don’t think rU be able to do without it. I keep track of all the news about my Club, I know everything about tl And away from me? “No, banning the game is not an option. Lots of people need that game agitation. For me, it’s a good way to express all bottled up emotions, it helps escape the routine and lets some fresh air in my Ufe.” Surprisingly enough, but that was an opinion of a successful business lady, who runs her own business and raises two little kids. “It’s not the game that should be banned or modified. The fault is not with the game but with people.” Jack Williamson sounds very wise for his fifteen years. “I love the game and I want to be able to see it in the future, but I think that alcohol should never be sold or allowed at the stadium. It heats the conflicts and provokes fights.” Those brief interviews demonstrate that people’s affections are with football and though they feel very negative about anti-social behaviour, they are not going to sacrifice the game. On the positive note, the statistics say that the number of football-related crimes and arrests have been going down and if the tendency persists, we’ll probably have a hooliganism-free football. 1 The first football association was registered in the second century A.D. a) True b) False c) Not stated 2 The largest number of football-related crimes has been registered in the United Kingdom, a) True b) False c) Not stated UNIT 1 15 3 Most people are not going to put up with football hooliganism. 4 a) True b) False c) Not stated Football is important for the younger generation, while middle-aged people don’t care about it much. a) True b) False c) Not stated 5 The female fan says that football helps her suppress emotions. a) True b) False c) Not stated 6 According to the writer, there’s some evidence that the football fans’ behaviour is slightly improving. a) True b) False c) Not stated Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Letter Part III Use of English Put the words in the appropriate forms. Then transfer your answers to the table. People have always complained about lack of time. There’s a saying is money, but time is_______________ (1) than money. If time occasionally we spend too much money, we know that we can earn it it’s a __________________(2) thing. Time, however, can never be agam restored. That’s why it’s more precious There are special courses that help_______ ____________________(3) deal with time ____________________(4). They teach how to set the priorities and how to allocate time for the items in your to-do list. For example, they advise you to write a list of everything you want to do during the week. Then you need to (5) it, and to rearrange the items starting with the first priority. Allocate time from the top of the list to ensure that the most important things are done on time. A friend of (6) took a course on time (7) and found it quite __________________(8). I know that a similar course is run every Saturday in the business school next to my house. I would like to enrol on the course very much, but cannot find time for it. 1 ! 1 1 I I i 1 1 I important renew person efficient write I manage use Number Word / Words Number • • Word / Words 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 16 UNIT 1 Part IV Writing Comment on the following opinion. Doing sport is good for healthy living. Some people, however, think that cruel sports like boxing, freestyle wrestling and even hockey should be banned. Use the guidelines; • state to what extent you agree or disagree with this opinion • present your arguments “for” • nre.sent vniir ягсттрп1.<; * — — • yuui dlgUlllCllLO ictl • present your arguments “against” • write your conclusion. Useful language Overall, I agree / disagree with the opinion that. I cannot support the opinion that... I partially agree that... It is true that... However,... Finally, In conclusion, ... Write at least 150 words. UNIT 1 17 <Г‘. Part V Spealcinq Work in pairs. You need to choose a uniform you are going to wear for your Physical Education lessons. Discuss your ideas of uniform, present your arguments and come to an agreement. You believe that a pair of shorts and a T-shirt can make an ideal uniform. The colours you like are: blue, white, red (pure or in any combination). I Щ 1 You think that the uniform should consist of a pair of training trousers, a T-shirt and a training jumper. You prefer practical dark colours. “ • - “ -.rf г • « A • < »* - v»^*. ..>= *■ •; i I I > t • I i »» ) I! II И { t I i \ \ \ » I ) I « Useful language The uniform should be light to allow you to move freely. You will sweat in it. It gets dirty too soon. You can wash it, can’t you? It dries up very soon. It s suitable for indoor sports as well as for outdoor ones I hate this colour. The uniform should make you visible on the pitch. The maximum score for Parts I-III is 20. Your score is... Q-13 f- .♦ -V'.* t.-'' .i- 14-17. - • ] 18-20- : ■- ^ We recommend you to spend a lot of time improving your English. Otherwise you are unlikely to do well in your exam. It s not bad. However, there is a lot you need to work on. Have more practice. Otherwise you may have difficulty in your exam. Well done. Keep practising and you’ll have a good chance of success in your exam. Parts IV-V are assessed by your teacher. ~ > V.- * UNIT 1 on family matters WARM-UP 1 lAja) Listen to Gloria, a school student, speaking to the audience for the first time Guess who she is talking to. Explain your choice. 1 her schoolmates 2 a group of university students 3 a group of business people b) !S3 Listen to Gloria once again and answer the following questions. Take brief notes when you listen. 1 Why did Gloria decide to give a talk in public? _________________________________ 2 Why did she go to Russia?________________________________________________________ 3 What did her father do in Russia? 4 Where did she live in Russia? 5 Was Tatyana’s family a nuclear or extended one? 6 What photo did Gloria demonstrate first?______ 7 What photo did Gloria demonstrate second? __________________________________ 8 Why did she expect the second photo to be very interesting to the audience? 0j a) Complete Gloi IS taking place Thank you. And you are Tania, aren’t W Tania (Hears the door bell and opens the door.) Hi! You are Gloria, aren’t you? My dad told me that you would come. Come in. I ■ jTg I______ ( I am. Let me help you with your coat. 7 And here are your slippers. J UNIT 2 19 b) Ш Now listen to the girls’ conversation. Is it similar or different to the dialogue you’ve acted out? Discuss the following questions: • How did Gloria feel about the prospect of staying with people she didn’t know well? • How did Tania feel about Gloria staying at their place? • What are the two things they have in common? • Do you have siblings? Would you like to? 2Aj a) Read the description of a diagram and say which of the two, A or B, is described. The diagram demonstrates how the rate of birth in Russia was changing during the period from 1975 till 2005. It shows how many babies are born per 1000 people in a certain year. According to the graph, the birth rate was quite low within the whole period. In 1976 there were 1.6 children born per 1000 people. There was a slight rise in 1980s when the number of babies rose from 1.6 to 1.8. The birth rate is fluctuating around 1.7 till 1987 but never exceeds the figure of 1.8. From 1987 the rate is falling rapidly to the lowest point of approximately 0.8 births. Starting from 1999 one can see a slightly increasing tendency which brings the number of births to above 1. Though the tendency looks encouraging, it’s too early to talk about any improvements in the demographical situation in Russia yet. fj)]b) Work in small groups. Put the verbs from the box in the appropriate column. The rate of birth in Russia {1975-2005) i i f V' 2000 rmoos I increase, go up, decrease, improve, sky-rocket, drop, expand, grow, climb, double, j decrease, go down, rise, fall, decline, exceed % I i ^.Verbs to write about rises falls socioeconomic continuous 1 Oil prices _______ 2 Food prices ______ 3 Unemployment rate 4 The population ___ 5 The average number of children per family UNIT 2 TEST 1 Part I Listening !£l Listen to twice. Then m V. ' •» 1 >4>- V ■ «о i^r -У' « 4V ■^л •4fe ■V, * I* iS Л 1-4Г-С ► J « 2Ж; ^v ty ^v fr/vu - ; 1<й¥5^, •»C*I>- ^\tri^ 'V^£' ^ • -4 » v^ John has come to the bowling club with his friends. a) True b) False c) Not stated $ V 2 There are five children in John s family. a) True b) False c) Not stated 3 John doesn’t remember anything about his biological parents. a) True b) False c) Not stated *чЛ чТ Ш \ I . FJ^i 'fjm ■ tyf f'j r Л. • *l* >* A M « ft [k ^4 Ш 'CJ’C ' • • • i • »<4. I > -- ,*/ p® 11 i:- • ^ j >i . W Read the text and fill in the gaps with senten not need. Transfer your answers to the table. - . ets create a very special atmosphere at home, they add to the feeling of coziness and safety. They help us cope with stress and, being dependent and helpless in our world, make us feel important and worthwhile. IT] They wouldn’t survive in our flats and houses if we didn’t bring them food from the pet shops and essential vitamins from the vet clinics. They need us because a dog needs walking, a horse needs rubbing, and a goldfish wants the water in the tank to be clean and clear. Some psychologists say that people who are lonely and non-confident tend to keep exotic pets. Those people hope that an unusual pet can add to their identity, put them aside from the crowd and help gain popularity with other people. UNIT 2 i. I 3^ Q* I •ft Ч Cl-p J ^4 r. к I I t A I 'Г V s • / '/ -V f ■) .> Ч Ч A • N # « « • 0 < We pretend that we treat them as members of the family and try to impose our love on them. However, sooner or later the question emerges: do we have the right to sort out our own problems at animals’ expense? 3 Scientists and environmentalists speak strongly against the so-called pet lovers, who adopt a kitten or a puppy just to please the kid or because of some impulse. Even the animals which have been living with people for centuries and have already adjusted to our world, need much more than their owner’s love. They need care based on knowledge, otherwise they’ll cause problems to you and their life will turn into a miserable experience. Before adopting a little hamster you need to find out everything about its eating habits and peculiarities of the cage housing. You need also to be aware that the pet requires everyday care and that you may find it monotonous and boring. 4 Milagres, an Australian koala, could be considered a lucky one as she got to the zoo in time for the vets to save her. A European tourist had illegally exported her from Australia, as he was obsessed with the idea of keeping that cute animal in his backyard. “I was going to plant a Eucalyptus tree in my back garden, and I thought that keeping a koala wouldn’t be such a problem”. explained he later. That was a dangerous misconception, 5 It can’t digest hard and thick eucalyptus leaves, and that’s why you need to have from one to six hundred eucalyptus trees to keep your koala happy and healthy. The number of trees depends on the climate — the more humid the climate is, the less trees you need (within the range given above). Little koala Milagres exemplifies a big problem caused by ignorant pet owners. Wild animals are neither toys nor interior design accessories and putting them in a wrong environment makes them suffer and eventually kills them. . - A. When exotic animals are kept as pets, ignorance is even more dangerous and cruel. B. Though koalas’ eating habits have been studied by scientists, the information about their diet is fragmentary and incomplete. C. This is why lots of crocodiles, snakes and lizards, gorillas and cockatoos become inhabitants of densely populated, traffic jammed megalopolises. D. Do we have the right to keep a crock in the bath, or a dolphin in the swimming pool? E. Apparently, only zoo specialists are able to provide the animal with an appropriate menu. F. We understand that the most fierce and dangerous creatures are vulnerable and helpless in people’s world. G. In fact, the koala is very particular about the diet — it eats only very fresh green leaves, springs and sprouts. - Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Letter UNIT 2 Part 111 Use of English Use the words in the appropriate forms. Transfer your answers to the table. Most students do not like sitting exams and would be happy to escape it if they could. They find the assessing procedure very ocedure very_______________________(1). (2) find any adult person who have /At* 4-Vt T l-v/i ТЛ /^/ai 1 "I lA However, you can_________________ never sat any exam. Are exams unavoidable or could they be cancelled in the near future? Is it possible for the without making students feel______ (3) system to do (4) and miserable? a Oh, no! I don’t feel miserable at all,” says Kristy Ferret, an ________________(5) undergraduate. “Exams are necessary because they let me know what I have learnt, what Tm good at and what aspects need _________________(6). Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to see my progress. But I cannot say that I don’t worry before exams and I’m as cool as a nail. I do worry and can get panic sometimes. That’s why I usually prefer When on the task better and don’t feel (8) so much. t 1 I 1 i 1 ! stress hard educate scare optimist improve write nerve ^ - Word A Words Number »?•.- . . ^ Sr% «- -И Word / Words ? : ^ . г-.л;... •. '«■- /• *7.^' 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 - - , - " Part IV .^Writing Comment on the following opinion. - / ' Exams and other assessments can be very_stressful forchildren. . Some people suggest that exams should be cancelled dt school; Use the guidelines: state to what extent you agree or disagree with this opinion present your arguments “for” present your arguments “against” write your conclusion. Useful language Overall, I agree / disagree with the opinion that I cannot support the opinion that... I partially agree that... It is true that... However,... Finally, In conclusion,... UNIT 2 ^ 23 t < Write at least 150 words. Part V Speaking Talk about the person you admire most. You should say: • who the person is (a friend / relative / someone youVe met / someone youVe heard about) • what he / she is like (age, appearance, traits of character, etc) • what is special about that person, why you admire him / her. You should talk for two minutes. The maximum score for Parts I-III is 20 Your score is... 0-13 14-17 18-20 We recommend you to spend a lot of time improving your English. Otherwise you are unlikely to do well in your exam. It s not bad. However, there is a lot you need to work on. Have more practice. Otherwise you may have difficulty in your exam. Well done. Keep practising and you’ll have a good chance of success in your exam. Parts IV-V are assessed by your teacher. 24 UNIT 2 WARM-UP 2 lA Listen to a broadcast and complete the notes about the wedding ceremony. f^uunc: Jcii: ihidcn^imm патг.: joB: aye; ciathes: • V • C* . ■ • - • . ж -u- Wi eddina whcic the сеВеВыишг tack piace: numBc^i af ^nests: a ' • - >3 - ' • ^ V •VS*'• ^ *::Г; ; : .r« r< V-.'::' Ш - - - ‘ V Jl . . . V* : c. 15J I and Andrew didn' UNIT 2 25 ' Vr_\ OJ 2aJ Work in small groups. Read the information the Flight Centre gives to their clients and choose the correct answer. ♦ • T • ' ..^^LIGHT CENTRE We’ll beat any available price you find.* Unit 1, 21 Broughton St, Kirribilli, NSW, 2061 Email: [email protected] Ph: 02 9448 7144 Fax; 02 9448 7155 Flight Centre Ltd t/as Flight Centre ACN: 003 377 188 ABN: 25 003 377 188 Trav Lie No; 2TA002719 T Ф i. /> I 'r\ I ^ Л s X / • • • »/ у % .-y Й Оа1е:Го1/09/2006 From: Card No Ref: } j Bank 26 r Branch 7m • • < —Щ -r i Paid *4 * » m Ш Ш $ 428.00 • •'г CANCELLATION FEES WILL APPLY— PLEASE ASK US FOR DETAILS. IMPORTANT: * Check your itinerary. Ensure that all names and titles are the same as in your passport. Check the accuracy of all dates and timings. Any errors on your documents will be your responsibility if not advised to your consultant now. * Documentation — as a general rule, your travel documents will be available for collection 2 weeks prior to departure, this will vary depending on your individual arrangements. * The price is only guaranteed when paid in full. * We require a minimum deposit of $150 per person when booking. Your service provider will require further deposits. All deposits are non-refundable. * Final payment is required not less than 6 weeks prior to departure unless otherwise stated. Some services must be paid in full at the time of booking. ^ Fees will apply where a booking is changed, or tickets are re-issued or refunded. * Please refer to our Booking Terms and Conditions for further details on terms and conditions applicable to your booking. A copy of these has been provided to you and can also be accessed at www.flightcentre.com.au. TRAVELLER’S CHECKLIST: * Complete your travel insurance form and sign and return it to our office. If you decline travel insurance you will be required to sign a disclaimer. * Although organisation of the passports and visas are the responsibility of the traveller, please ask your consultant to assist with visas for your destination. * All passports must have a minimum of 6 months validity from the arrival date back into Australia. If you have any concerns please bring your passport to us to verify. * Vaccinations are required for travel to some countries. Please check with your local doctor or a specialist vaccination clinic. * Advise us of any special requirements you may have: child meals, seating requests, medical requirements and so on. * Advise your consultant of your frequent flyer numbers or enquire about any memberships. / acknowledge that I understand and agree with the information set out above. Passenger Signature: Date: b ii"! Tl: if': 1 The Flight Centre provides their clients with all necessary information about the company, such as the company's name, postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers. a) True b) False c) Not given 2 When booking tickets, the clients should always check all details like names and flight time themselves. a) True b) False c) Not given 3 The Flight Centre can also advise the customers on how to book train tickets if they can t find a suitable flight. a) True b) False c) Not given 4 The ticket and other documents are usually given to the client two days before the flight, a) True b) False c) Not given 5 When the client books the flight, no deposit is required. a) True b) False c) Not given 6 If the client travels abroad, the Flight Centre may provide help in getting a visa for the destination country. a) True b) False c) Not given Ш ■ Щ t ^ f .-1. ? 012j 2 1 Use the questions as guidelines. 1 What is your dream destination (a continent, a country, a place)? 2 What attracts you there? 3 Are you aware of any things which can spoil the impression of the place? 4 How can you get there (transport means)? 5 Would you like to go there as a tourist or for some other purpose (to do some research, to study, to work, etc)? I i 1 • : I Useful language IVe always dreamt about going to... I would enjoy -ing... If I had an opportunity to travel wherever I want, I would What attracts me there is... Most people want to see... However, Tm aware of some things that can spoil my visit Experienced tourists warn against -ing... One should be very careful when / if / not to... b) Report to the class what destinations are popular with your group. TEST 2 Part Listening {S3 Listen to a conversation between two senior ladies and choose the correct answer. You will listen to the recording twice. Then transfer your answers to the table. 1 Rose informs Jane that a) a motorbike nearly ran her over. b) she had a brief conversation with Timothy. c) Timothy was with a pretty girl. d) Timothy rides his motorbike very dangerously. 2 Jane does not approve of Timothy’s prospective marriage because she a) likes Timothy’s ex-girlfriend very much. b) is afraid that it was a hasty decision. c) thinks that the bride is too young. d) doesn’t like the bride’s family. 3 Susie is a) Timothy’s ex-girlfriend. b) one of Rose’s in-laws. c) the bearded rocker’s wife. d) Jane and Rose’s old acquaintance. 4 Jane says that Susie a) could not afford to get married. b) married the bearded rocker in the end. c) started a family with a proper man. d) decided to be single. 5 Susie told Rose that she a) would like to have a motorbike ride. b) planned to buy a black chromed motorbike. c) wanted her grandson to ride when he grew up. d) was not very happy in her marriage. 6 At the end of the conversation it looks like Jane a) is determined to prevent the marriage at all costs. b) is going to let Timothy make the decision by himself. c) plans to meet the bride’s parents. d) is going to tell Timothy if she approves or disapproves of his choice. Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Letter 28 UNIT 2 Part ij Reading Read the story and choose the correct answer. Transfer your answers to the table B. 4 0 4 h ’ f 4 e c ' r *4 I ^ 4. / Ч V Ч Ч .i r. :.p \ ve never been particularly keen on travelling. When I was a kid, I enjoyed reading stories about Robinson Crusoe and the Treasure Island, but iVe never thought about round-the-earth voyages or discovering new lands on my own. The spirit of adventure runs in my father’s family. There are family legends about his ancestors taking part in some expeditions to Antarctica and Africa. There’s even some evidence that it may be true — it’s a photo in Grandpa’s drawer which he considers of great value. That black-and-white snap addresses my young Grandpa talking with Jacques-Yves Cousteau, a famous French underwater reseacher and film-maker, on board of Calypso, Cousteau’s legendary laboratory ship. Though it all looks very exciting and captivating at first sight, neither Mum nor me share Dad’s passion for adventures. We certainly try to conceal it and look as happy and enthusiastic as possible about all his fishing or diving or whatever ideas. “I’m going to Black Lake tomorrow,” Dad said when we were having a quiet family Friday night dinner. “Anyone with me?” We were supposed to feel very privileged being invited to that intensely Robinsons’ event, but we knew what it meant. Waking up at 3 am, driving along deserted country lanes, then cross country driving without any lanes at all, getting through the forest, mosquitoes, wet grass, leaves and thorns in the hair. “I’d love to go there!” Mum has always been very swift in assessing the situation. “The view of the lake is just stunning at sunrise. If only I had known about it a bit earlier! I’ve already promised Mrs Jackson to drive her to the hospital tomorrow. Her backache literally drives her mad. Poor thing was so grateful when I offered to drive her to the doctor. But it’s OK, I’ll call her right now and say that I won’t be able to do it tomorrow. Some other day perhaps. She’ll understand, I hope. Family is the priority after all.” Mum sounded natural and sincere and her reckoning was perfect. Dad considered her words for a while. “No, it won’t do,” he muttered at last. “It’ll be unfair to old Mrs Jackson. I’m afraid you may have to stay at home tomorrow, darling. I hate saying it, but a promise is a promise, and it would be very inconsiderate to take it back. Mrs Jackson has always been very nice to us, and very helpful with the garden...” “If you feel so strong about it, then, yes. I’ll stay in for tomorrow. But next time you need to let me know about all your journeys in advance. And ... I love it that you are so sweet to our neighbours!” Mum was doing her best to suppress her triumph smile. Dad’s eyes focused on me, and I realised that there were no excuses for me. “There’s no need to wake up Mum early tomorrow,” I said. “I’ll pack up everything right after dinner. It’ll enable us to set off very promptly in the morning.” Both of my parents were looking at me with admiration. Dad obviously admired me for taking up his spirit for adventure, and Mum — for the ability to sacrifice for other people’s sake. OK, I kicked off my newly bought high hilled shoes, which I’d V \ t. V f ■■. I -^4 tr VT- I I'-A w . < S I I ^ '■ 'WVs 1^ У: Vi. •4i\ t V- e t Ч- UNIT 2 f » m i И ! <1 '5 V N r« # Sj 1 planned to put on for Maggie s Grand Saturday Dancing Party and slid into the Family Saviour shoes — worn out garden boots. “It’s not very dark in the garden yet — I’ll dig for some worms. Fish doesn’t bite at the artificial fishing fly very much. We need to prepare something nicer for it.” I slammed the front door shut, and stopped on the porch feeling reluctant to go further. The big garden looked deserted and unfriendly, the grass was already wet with the night dew. “Fancy that, Jill!” Dad’s voice sounded muffled from behind the window. “Some of my colleagues dare to sound sympathetic when they find out that I have a daughter, not a son. They think that a girl cannot make a good partner for an adventurer like me. Stupid! My daughter beats any of their sons!” I sighed, picked up the spade and stepped down into the damp chilly twilight. knew a) True b) False c) Not given 2 According to the author, women in the family were as adventurous as men. a) True b) False c) Not given 3 Black Lake was far away from the house but the father planned to get there on foot a) True b) False c) Not given 4 The family were on good terms with their neighbour Mrs Jackson. a) True b) False c) Not given 5 The author was a good dancer and never missed Saturday dancing parties before a) True b) False c) Not given 6 The author valued her father’s opinion and didn’t want to disappoint him. a) True b) False c) Not given к Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Letter Part III? Use of in Transfer your answers to the table. It was midnight but Jane was still awake. She was sitting in her armchair feeling sad and nostalgic. It had been a nice but_____________________(1) day for her. Jane’s old friends came to see her and they had tea together. Unfortunately, their tea parties (2) very often they were all in their eighties and a city bus trip was a serious _____________________(3) to them. That afternoon, like during any______________________(4) tea party before, they talked about the good old days and looked at the old photos. 30 UNIT 2 Jane opened the album again. The black-and-white photo__________________ about sixty years before. She and Jim were unbelievably young and looked (5) mother, father and (6) happy. It was their wedding day. Jane’s family her (7) were standing to her right, Jim’s relatives — to his left. Jane found her in-laws very nice people — they treated her as if she were their own daughter and helped her who were born two years later. (8) the twins 1 a) heavy b) hard c) strong d) complicated 2 a) not happen b) don’t happen c) didn’t happen d) happened 3 a) challenge b) trouble c) worry d) fault 4 a) some b) another c) other d) the other 5 a) is taken b) has taken c) took d) had been taken 6 a) incredibly b) surprisingly c) incredible d) charming 7 a) siblings b) mates c) acquaintances d) ancestors 8 a) get on b) look for c) make up with d) look after Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Letter Part IV Writing Read your friend’s letter and write her back. Answer all her questions. Hi r Sorry it's been so long since I wrote. I went to Vietnam in February and March (my sister is teaching English there), and it was amazmg. Down south it's really hot, about 35-36 degrees Celsius each day. I boiled up every day and had to lie down at midday. Everybody else was cool, because their bodies had adapted to living in a hot climate. I felt a warm breeze through the door of my sister’s apartment and she said that it was a chilly wind! I love the photos of your winter! Your snow is beautiful! i can see why you're sad that winter is over, what kind of weather are you haying now? I was thinking of doing a tour of Europe maybe next year, and I'll corne and see you in Russia. What's the best season for me to come? is your studying going well? I hope so. I have to get back to class. Best wishes, and good luck with everything. frowi Sophte XX.X <• You should write 100 words at least. UNIT 2 31 Part V Speaking . , . Talk about a place which is important to you. You should say: • what kind of place it is (city, village, park, house, room, etc) • what it s like • why it s important to you. im: You should talk for two minutes. The maximum score for Parts I-III is 20 Your score is... 0-13 14-17 18-20 We recommend you to spend a lot of time improving your English. Otherwise you are unlikely to do well in your exam. It s not bad. However, there is a lot you need to work on. Have more practice. Otherwise you may have difficulty in your exam. • • Well done. Keep practising | and you’ll have a good chance | of success in your exam. Parts IV-V are assessed by your teacher. 32 UNIT 2 -у. '*•-'■-<•>; --i.* г 4^V •» • •ч.Ы* . '^ ^ ‘ 5^ • = .'V 85> -1^>^ч**** •» and progress ?•/ Г* t ‘ *Ь >S ^ \ 1 A] Match parts of the sentences. U^usinesses^'won’t reduce the production of tfc^^gOOaS ^ v a) carbon dioxide emission would be lower. 2 Ifglobal'W^^j]^ IS not stopp^K^ V > ■ Ш b) they wouldn’t waste so much energy. , 3 If people dШn’t щ-ive fuebowr^consuming jK| ‘ cars, ..“йГ"'-' c) unless people’s mentality on environmental issues is changed. ^ -I' V ^ 4 If the scientists hadn’t discovered how to use • oil as a fuel, "" d) unless the customers consume less. 5 If people considered consequences of their ;; ■■■■ activity, , e) unless we find a way to produce cheap and clean energy. "6 People need to apply energy-saving technologies S ^ 44,:^ f) some densely populated islands may go under water within several decades. 1 Laws and penalties are not going to be very j t effective, : 1,,;. J ' 1 V*---; g) the atmosphere wouldn’t be so polluted now. C^\ 1Вj Work in groups. Read the list of possible measures to slow down the global warming processes. Say if they could work or not. Choose the most realistic one and explain how it could be carried out. Think of some ideas of your own. 1 People shouldn’t be allowed to drive big fuel-consuming cars if there isn’t any special need for it. 2 There should be electricity consumption quotas. People should pay penalties if they use too much electricity. 3 People should be well informed about global warming consequences. It’s essential to make them think about environmental issues. 4 If businesses pollute the environment too much, they should be closed immediately. 5 Governments of all countries should develop “Environment Law” and establish special Environmental Police. 6 Scientists should monitor all climate changes and inform everyone about them through mass media. 7 People should reduce consumption, and shouldn’t buy things if they don’t need them very badly. 8 Your idea. Put the patterns in italic in the correct column. Underline those which refer to the past 1 Tom promised to be here by nine. It’s ten already, but he hasn’t come yet. He must have forgotten about the meeting. 2 I don’t remember where I left my purse. I can have left it at the hairdressers. 3 Nobody answers the phone. Jack may be studying in his room and doesn’t hear it, but where’s Anna? 4 Just look at them! Very happy and slightly merry! They must have discovered the local pub. UN1T3 5 It s not safe for her to stay at home. She might have seen the murderer and he may return any minute. 6 He’s taken part in several archeological expeditions and written several books. He must have seen a lot! 1 What a wonderful ancient vase! You must have paid a fortune for it! I’m sure about it It’s possible, but I’m not sure 2Bj Criminal Case Study The police are investigating a theft case. They are really stuck because the case is not common in their practice. Take the following steps to help the police. a) Study all the information available. Testimonial evidence 1 1.-е». •.s Is written in my own words We’ve been digging in Egypt for six months. Egypt is a paradise for archeologists there's no other land (at least I don't know any) where we can find so much evidence of people's life in ancientt\mes. Pots, tools, coins, other things people used in their everyday life — they all are precious because they can tell us so much about our past We found that shield two months ago. It was a unique one. It dates back to the second century BC. Miracle, but It was practically undamaged. It was made of oxidised silver and bronze. And there were signs and lettering on it. The shield is a real artefact. Unfortunately, we didn't manage to decode the writing on it and decided to do it when we are back to Europe. I put it in the large wooden chest in my tent. I locked it, and didn't open it until yesterday. Yesterday I wanted to show it to Dr Bloomfield, Professorof archeology, who had arrived at our site for that shield. He was to deliver it to Cambridge University where ancient languages specialists were going to work on the letterings and decode what was written on It. However, when I opened the box, there was nothing there. I can't even think of who might have taken the artefact. I didn't give the key to anyone. It's always been in the little inner pocket of my rucksack. And it's still there, it's not stolen. I've never left my rucksack unattended. And when I sleep, my dog Black guards the tent. Black would never have let a stranger in. Head of the expedition Testimonial evidence — свидетельские показания *_ • Case-related facts Members of the expedition: Jason Williamson three undergraduate students wa ■■ an experienced archeologist, has taken part in several expeditions of the same kind \work on a voluntary basis: are keen on archeology; a good sense of humour; can be too careless and adventurous an excellent cook (a native) hired in the village nearby, re unsociable, never communicates with other people in the expedition, probably doesn’t speak English at all a fierce guard dog i Some other facts to consider Only Jason and the students knew about the shield. Several strangers were noticed hanging around the site. Nobody left the site for a month except Johnny, one of the students, who went to the nearby settlement to collect a parcel from home, and the cook who needed to buy some food there. b) Discuss the questions below in your group and agree on the most probable answers. To express your guesses use the construction may / can / must + have +У; could / might / can / + V. X 1 What was the reason for stealing the shield? 2 Is the shield still on the site or has it been taken away? 3 Who is the most probable thief? c) Write a short story to describe how everything happened d) (jfl Listen to the person who committed the crime and find out which group was the closest to the solution. UNIT3 35 'I ■i i TEST 1 Part Listening S3 Listen to an extract from the Climate Change Show and choose the correct answer. You will listen to the recording twice. Then transfer your answers to the table. 1 Dr Jefferson doesn’t mind if the audience interrupt his talk with questions. a) True b) False c) Not given 2 Dr Jefferson thinks that young people don’t need to worry about the global warming effect. a) True b) False c) Not given 3 Dr Jefferson presents statistics on people’s consumption. a) True b) False c) Not given 4 Dr Jefferson believes that technological progress should be stopped. a) True b) False c) Not given 5 Dr Jefferson says carbon dioxide emission is a very dangerous factor. a) True b) False c) Not given 6 The audience doesn’t have the slighest idea of how common people can fight carbon dioxide emission. a) True b) False c) Not given Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Letter Port II Reading Read the text and fill in the gaps with phrases A-G. There is one phrase you will Transfer your answers to the table. H ow do you feel about crocodiles? Do you consider them fierce animals with brains as small as walnuts? This is not the right point of view for many reasons. They’ve obviously deserved some courtesy if not love. And the first . Indeed, the crocodile reason is that they are much older than us, people. is one of the oldest animals on the Earth — they lived in the times of dinosaurs and haven’t changed much since then. It’s a live artefact and many scientists adore it for that. The famous British naturalist Charles Darwin, who invented the 36 UNIT ■ evolution theory, wrote that “it s not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change ” The crocodile adapts to the environment perfectly ГУ1. Crocodiles don’t produce much energy themselves but rely on solar energy to heat the body and then move to shade or into the water if they need some cooling. Economical and practical, isn’t it? They are able to control their blood circulation system, i.e. to slow down the blood flow when necessary, 3 . The most amazing fact about crocodiles is that they are able to regulate the work of their heart. The fact is that unlike other reptiles, crocodiles have very complicated four-chamber heart. However, when they dive they make the heart work as a three-chamber one. The crocodile is carnivorous, which means it eats other animals and undoubtedly can be dangerous to people. However, 4 . Like powerful weapons crocodiles are deadly dangerous only to people who don’t know “how they work” and are ignorant of their lifestyle. The crocodile is definitely not a pet and wants to be taken seriously. Once a worker in the Australian Zoo was badly injured by a crocodile. The man was careless enough to enter the hedged territory where the crocodile was kept. He wanted to trim the grass to make the territory look nicer and didn’t expect the slow-looking crocodile to be so fast. The crocodile wasn’t hungry, but he reacted to the vibration caused by the trimming machine. Vibration is absolutely irresistible for a crocodile, 5 After the accident the crocodile was sold to a private crocodile farm in Queensland, and still lives there. The old huge crocodile (it’s about 70 years old and four meters long) is a great attraction to tourists. The son of the owner of the farm, who guides tourists round the territory, doesn’t conceal his affection towards the crocodile. He comes very close to the pool, entices the crocodile ashore, and feeds it from his hand. It looks very risky, . Knowledge, experience and love help him control the huge and scary creature. A. and uses the environment very efficiently B. and have survived through lots of catastrophes and climate changes C. but the young man obviously knows his business very well D. he makes it attack almost instantly E. it should not be presented as a source of fatal unavoidable evil F. it’s a primer signal which makes it attack G. which makes them more independent of the outer conditions Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Letter UNIT3 37 ' Ч Part III Use of English Use the words in the appropriate forms. Transfer your answers to the table Do you think about electricity when you switch on the hght? Do you ever think (1) issues when you use a microwave, a cell phone or a laser printer? No, we have already got used to all those devices and take them for granted. Now we have much more (2) projects on the mind launching space apparatus to Mars and studying the deeps of the ocean. If the (3) development of society doesn’t slow down in the near future. (4) will make major breakthroughs in (5) technologies, space technologies and genetics. Nanotechnologies and robots will widen people’s abilities - (6). It’s (7) an exciting time to live in, as so many (8) things are happening around. science ambition technology science communicate dramatical real fantasy Number Word / Words Number Word / Words 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 Part IV Writing Comment on the following opinion Tourism is booming nowadays. However, tourists do a lot of harm to the environment and they should not be allowed to some historical places and places of natural beauty. guidel state to what extent you agree or disagree with this opinion present your arguments “for present your arguments “against » write your conclusion. Useful language Overall, I agree / disagree with the opinion that # # ♦ I cannot support the opinion that.. I partially agree that... It is true that... However,... On the other hand,... Finally, 38 UNIT ^ Write at least 150 words. T V JLV. ХЛД ^ UAW ЕД AAV^ and act out the conversation. information in cards m You are on holiday In an exotic country. You want to buy some souvenir for your friend. You are thinking about some accessories and drop in at a local shop. Remember that: • you cannot spend more than €10. • your friend does not wear earrings. You start the conversation. r«9. Щ Ги work in a юса. аПср and sell« ruvenirs and iocal.y made you Oder every customer Persian s yle vases (as you’ve got lots of them m stock). You have all kinds of accessories . a pearl set; earrings and bracelet . a belt decorated with seashells u rihan decorated with seashell • a little handbag oecui л and little coins. YOU want e.5 for any item, but can reduce the price to €8. Useful language Can I help you? Im looking for... It s not exactly what I need. It s a bargain! It'll make a wonderful present. I can't afford it. I’m afraid. If you agree to buy it, I’ll.., If you reduce the price, I’ll Щ # UN1T3 39 The maximum score for Parts I-III is 20 Your score is... 14-17 \ 18-20 - « : We recommend you to spend a lot of time improving your English. Otherwise you are unlikely to do well in your exam. It s not bad. However, there is a lot you need to work on. Have more practice. Otherwise you may have difficulty in your exam. Well done. Keep practising and you 11 have a good chance of success in your exam. I f Parts IV-V are assessed by your teacher. WARMrUP-2 I b) Match the expressions youVe got and their definitions. FlBjWork in groups and write some information about any four phenomena mentioned in the exercise above. 1 2 UNIT3 3 4 2Aj Match the photos and the biographical facts. 1 2 Sergey Pavlovich Korolev Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev f 3 was born in Siberia in 1834. was the youngest of 17 children in the family; studied in St Petersburg, then became Professor of Chemistry in St Petersburg Technological Institute in 1863 and Professor in St Petersburg University in 1865; gained the international fame for his outstanding achievements, among which there are the following. the research into oil structure and oil formation; the research into explosives; the establishment of the periodic system of elements. s, was born In Ukraine in 1907; was interested in aviation since childhood and studied everything he could about the theory of flight; entered Moscow Bauman Higher Technical School in 1926; enjoyed flying gliders and designed gliders himself; after graduating became one of the brightest Soviet aviation engineers and later the leader of the Soviet space programme; launching the first satellite in 1957 was the outstanding achievement of his team; his name became a legend in 1961 when the spaceship piloted by Yuri Gagarin was launched into the orbit. 'X was born in Britain in 1643; an outstanding mathematician and physicist, weil-known for the “apple story”, which describes the gravitational force, was also a distinguished chemist, studied History and Chronology, made a profound impact on Optics, Astronomy an Philosophy; was a university Professor and a Member of Parliament for Cambridge University. UNIT3 41 "n. i Ч Read the rules and play the board game in groups of 3-4 W^y/////> 'У///ЖгУЛ How to play the game Work in groups of 3-4Take turns to throw the dice. Move your counter clockwise according to the number you've thrown. You need to speak for one minute about the phenomenon / invention / discovery / person from the box you are in. You have 20 seconds to prepare your talk. You are allowed to repeat the information which has already been presented by other players, if it's relevant to your topic. If you manage to keep talking for one minute, you score 10 points. If you pause for more than seven seconds, you don't score any points and the next player has a go. When you score 30 points, you get to the inner circle. As soon as you get 30 points there, you are the winner and you are awarded the title of Professor and a four-cornered hat. If you stop in the lucky box, you'll get to the inner circle or even to the Professor title regardless of the score you've got. Ч % 42 UNIT TEST 2 Part Listening S! Listen to a conversation between two classmates and choose the correct answ< the recording twice. Then transfer your answers to the table. 1 Amanda doesn’t know how to operate either a computer or washing machine. a) True b) False c) Not stated 2 Amanda never does her homework. a) True b) False c) Not stated 3 Amanda finds contemporary life more comfortable but less enjoyable than our ancestors’ life. a) True b) False c) Not stated 4 Amanda thinks that people don’t benefit from space exploration. a) True b) False c) Not stated 5 Amanda says that technological progress can be deadly dangerous to people. a) True b) False c) Not stated 6 Paul doesn’t mind helping Amanda with her homework in physics. a) True b) False c) Not stated Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Letter Part II Reading Read the text and choose the most appropriate answer. Transfer your answers to the table. or some reason his name is not widely known though he could join the company of the most famous scholars like Edison and Newton. He achieved remarkable results in mechanics, engineering, electricity, magnetism, and energy transmitting. His researches and his astonishing discoveries could have accelerated the science and technological progress tremendously, but they didn’t. The bulk of his theories and drafts were never implemented. Lots of his theoretical and engineering works were either never published, or lost, or just vanished and even the family weren’t able to trace the track of the papers. The oblivion and rare references in scientific and popular science journals could have been caused by different reasons, his complicated and controversial personality included, but anyone who is keen on physics is very well familiar with his name — Tesla is the unit to measure magnetic induction or magnetic flux, and is used to define the intensity of magnetic fields. Nicola Tesla was born in 1856 and died in 1943. Serbian by origin, he spent most of his life in the United States and his life there was very diverse. He did unskilled jobs to feed himself and to generate money for research. He was vice president of UNIT3 43 г' % г I Щ . % 9 X i \ V f " » 4 ■ ^ ■I > ч< л Ф •i N Ф ■4 < .« the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. He cherished his friendship with Mark Twain and argued severely with Edison. He had a photographic memory, was fluent in about eight languages and was claimed to suffer from mental disorder at the end of his life. Data about him is rather controversial. According to some documents, it was he who invented the radio and designed radio controlled devices. There is evidence that at the very end of the nineteenth century Tesla demonstrated a radio-controlled boat at the electrical exhibition in the United States, though radio-controlled devices were not used till the middle of the twentieth century. Even more stunning and unbelievable were Tesla s experiments with electricity. Tesla supposed that it was possible to generate electricity from atmosphere and to transmit it wirelessly over huge distances. He had a specially equipped laboratory in Colorado Springs, State Colorado, the USA, where he experimented with electricity. According to his biographers the results were astonishing. Tesla was able to create artificial lightning, much more powerful than the natural thing, and made it move in a certain direction, to a precisely calculated destination. If that had been true, it would make the most powerful and disastrous weapon mankind has ever known. There is a hypothesis, by the way, that the Tungus meteorite or Tunguska event, which happened in remote Siberia forests in 1908, was not a natural space body which exploded near the surface of the earth, but it was the effect of Tesla testing his directed energy weapon. ♦ 1 The author believes that the scientist a) was as talented as his contemporary Edison. b) was less talented than his contemporary Edison. c) was absolutely unknown to the public. d) was Edison’s and Newton’s friend. 2 The scientist’s name is not often mentioned because a) he researched in a very narrow scientific field. b) his researches were not important for science. c) his family didn’t want to publish his papers. d) there were some reasons the author is not well aware of. 3 According to the author, Nicola Tesla a) never did any other job but researching into physics. b) was good at languages and literature. c) never had any friends. d) inherited a fortune from his Serbian relatives. f r ft к s \ ft. k'. «ft’ r I . I I - .44 UNITS 4 The author says that Tesla s radio-controlled boat a) was never shown to public. b) was re-designed in the middle of the twentieth century. c) was technologically far ahead of its time. d) was sold after the electrical exhibition. 5 There s some evidence that Tesla experimented with electricity a) and made some remarkable discoveries. b) but didn’t get any results due to poor equipment. c) but the experiments were banned by the authorities. d) and his artificial lightning damaged his laboratory. 6 The author a) is sure that Tesla succeeded in creating artificial lightning. b) doubts that Tesla succeeded in creating artificial lightning. c) is absolutely sure that it s impossible to create artificial lightning. d) believes they Tungus meteorite was actually Tesla s artificial lightning 1 Number i l 1 1 2 3 ' 4 5 Letter 6 .•1 Part III ' Use ofTnglish " Use the words in the appropriate forms. Transfer your answers to the table. Some environmentalists believe that our business and travelling activity adds to the global warming effect. We travel more than we (1) to. In recent years travelling by air has become more affordable, since the __________________(2) dramatically and the level of corn- number of airlines petition has risen too. As the result, air ticket prices (3). Nowadays, (4) travel over continents to negotiate deals, to take part in conferences and even for a weekend — to relax or sightsee. When we travel, our planes burn lots of fuel, much more than any other _________________ (5) of transport. A great amount of carbon dioxide (7) rapidly. Environmentahsts insist that it’s necessary to raise people’s awareness of the environmental cost of air travelling and to encourage them to avoid ________________(8) when it is not really necessary. i 1 { } 1 1 I use increase fall businessman means (6) in the air. According to statistics, the situation j emit deteriorate fly [ Number 1 ^ Word / Wq^rds^ Number 1 Word//Words- 1 i 1 i 5 : 2 ! t 6 ■ 3 7 1 4 8 UNIT3 'ij: ■ Part IV Writing Comment on the following opinion Technological progress makes people's life easier but less healthy. ? * i Ш ^ - Use the guidelines: state to what extent you agree or disagree with this opinion present your arguments “for 5Э CC present your arguments against » write your conclusion. Useful language The issue of technological progress is a complex one On the one hand... l! i ‘ I' i: • • It is true that... Moreover,... However,... On the other hand,... и Finally, In conclusion,... I ’ I t ( к t * I « ( To sum up. Write at least 150 words. 46 UN1T3 Part V Speaking Talk about an electronic gadget you use or you would like to use You should say: • what it is and what it looks like • what it’s used for • when you use it • if it makes your life easier /more fun. You should talk for two minutes. electronic gadgets The maximum score for Parts I-III is 20 Your score is... 0-13 14-17 - 18-20 We recommend you to spend a lot of time improving your English. Otherwise you are unlikely to do well in your exam. It’s not bad. However, there is a lot you need to work on. Have more practice. Otherwise you may have difficulty in your exam. Well done. Keep practising and you’ll have a good chance of success in your exam. Parts IV-V are assessed by your teacher. UNIT3 47 N. .Ж' The world of opportunities WARM-UP 1 'X . lAja) CS3 Listen to a telephone conversation and fill in the table below. & \ i Educational Centre Skills for Life Name of the course 1 Days of the week Time t Age range 2 “Crazy Buskers” 3 13-19 b) Listen to the conversation once more and answer the questions. 1 Why does the mother want her son to take a course in the Centre? 2 What s wrong with the first course? 3 Does the second course suit the customer or not? Why? 4 Is the customer happy with the third option? Do you find it appealing or not? IBja) like Tick the boxes below and complete the list with your own ideas. hairdresser’s skills interior design skills cookery skills embroidering skills gardening skills typing skills carpentry skills medical skills driving skills □ sewing skills Ojb) Work in pairs. Find out which skill from the list above your partner finds the most appealing and why. Report his / her ideas to the class. 48 UNIT 4 2Aja) What skills do you find important for your further education? Tick the appropriate boxes. looking through the text quickly in order to understand what it’s about finding the information you need in a long text spotting the most important ideas in the lecture you are listening to taking notes when you are listening to the lecturer using reference materials efficiently finding the information you need in the vast internet resources concentrating on the issue analysing the information structuring and ordering the information b) Read the text and find the answers to the following questions. 1 What sort of information about a word can we find in the dictionary? 2 Can the information about the word frequency be useful for a language learner? 3 Why is it important to read the transcription or phonetic signs? 4 Can we find out if it s appropriate to use the word in an important and serious conversation or not? How? 5 Is it always possible to say what part of speech the word is? Can a dictionary help? How to use a dictionary Useful tips tudying languages is impossible without dictionaries. Those big books contain lots of words and lots of information about them. The main job of any dictionary is to explain the meaning of the words. It can be done via translation or via explanation. It s always good if the dictionary contains some examples of how the word is used — it helps understand the meaning much better. Dictionaries present the spelling of the word, distinguishing between British and American variants. For example, behaviour BrE and behavior AmE. The abbreviation BrE stands for British English and AmE means that this spelling is common for American English. Good dictionaries normally let us know how often the word is used. The most frequent words may be highlighted in colour or bold type or you can see stars and other markers beside the words. Being aware of these signs we find out that the word clothes is used much more often than the word garments. “So what?” you may ask. “How can it be useful to me?” It’s extremely useful as it helps us understand which words need to be memorised in the first place. It’s not very realistic to remember all the words from the dictionary, but the most frequent ones are really worth the effort, aren’t they? Dictionaries also provide us with transcription. The transcription signs are not very important to us when we speak Russian, but they can be crucial when we b UNIT 4 -•-t- ^ Ч switch to English. The problem is that British people don’t want to make things too simple for us, foreigners, and they may write and say the word in different ways. For no particular reason, one and the same letter or letter combination may sound differently in different words. Why, may we ask, the letters ough read like [u:], [эи], [л] in the following words: through though tough All this makes reading transcription an essential skill for anyone who tries to speak and read that mysterious language. Dictionaries may provide more than one transcription for one word. For instance, adult [‘aedAlt] and [эУлк]. Which of them is more appropriate and correct? Both. But the most common, most frequently used alternative goes in the dictionary first and the less common one follows it. The dictionary remarks like/ormai, informal, and taboo will ensure you against very awkward situations. Formal beside the word means that this word is a good choice if you talk or write to an official on some important matter. Informal means that the word is OK in a conversation with your mates, but can be risky with the Head of the school. And taboo words should be avoided at all costs. Otherwise you can be taken for a vulgar person with no respect for others. In Russian, we normally have no difficulty in defining a word as a noun, adjective, verb, etc. The word form makes it quite clear to us. However, it’s not as easy as that in English. Is water a noun, an adjective or a verb? You can never be sure, as the word can function as each of them: Could you give me some water? Are you fond of water sports? Could you water the garden while Гт away? If the word form doesn’t give us information about the function of the word, how are we supposed to find it out? Dictionaries save the situation again. Look at the table below and find out what dictionary abbreviations stand for.. •w * V Thesau CoftciSQ l> 4G DICTIONARY V--:. г '• C 50 abbreviation the word it stands for examples of words it can define in a dictionary n noun car, animal, forest, experience, vegetable adj III - ^ adjective black, nice, experienced, sports, developed, friendly adv adverb quickly, fast, bravely, confidently, very pron pronoun I, we, you, they, it V verb enjoy, swim, talk, call, worry prep preposition in, behind, at, towards conj conjunction and, but, because - I ConfeinpofeiY Engiish I • • ' ■ ■ '.'■‘4*^^ ? ’. ' v-S/^ . ——Ч-. ■* ‘'■*■ .-i - Г^'*ц -■ ’ .' .'r.\> , _^itS - '* • ’<: V-*- •’ . , I: .* n . f . ^ \ Jl r. V •. v-r I* - ' • Л ' ' *t ♦Ч 0?}^IitrOR«j*V ^'CLiaif о • - Ч-* • V 4^ *• ctorial dictionary m The abbreviation n (which means noun) may be followed by letters C, U or Ц C. C says that the noun is countable, it can be used in singular and plural, and the article a / an is an appropriate companion. In a dictionary it can be presented like the following: graduate ['graecJjUQt] n, [C] This information says that the word is a noun and is used in the singular graduate and in the plural graduates. There are things we normally don’t count. To talk about them we use uncountable nouns, the sign in the dictionary is [U]. fluency Pfluisnsi] n, [U] There are, however, things which are both countable and uncountable depending on the context and meaning. For example: The quality of teaching is higher now thanks to the recent improvements in higher education. The parents were happy to see some improvement in their childrens school performance. In this case, you can see two letters together [C, U] or [U, C] improvement [im'pru:vm(9)nt] n, [C, U] You also need to be aware that when dictionaries define a noun as countable and uncountable they rely on the data how the noun is usually used. That’s why it’s quite possible that a noun marked in the dictionary as uncountable may function in some texts as a countable one, and vice versa. The information presented above can give you a slight idea of what you can find in a dictionary. In fact, you can find much more if you bother to study it properly. 2B)Use the information from the text above and give a presentation for junior students on how to use a dictionary. Take the following steps. 1 Introduce yourself and let the audience know what you are going to talk about. 2 Show them a dictionary and explain what types of dictionaries exist. 3 Explain what information one can find in a dictionary and what is the best way to look for it. 4 Explain in what situations they may need a dictionary. 51 TEST 1 Part 1 Listen to a broadcast about vocational education and choose the correct answer You will listen to the recording twice. Then transfer your answers to the table. 1 Martin Austin is delivering his talk to school students. a) True b) False c) Not stated 2 Martin says that he has tried several jobs in his life. a) True b) False c) Not stated 3 Martin thinks that school students can be misled about the salary potential of prestigious jobs, a) True b) False c) Not stated 4 Martin says that university education is not the best option for school graduates. a) True b) False c) Not stated 5 The Vocational centre graduates do not experience any difficulty in finding a job. a) True b) False c) Not stated 6 Martin enumerates the requirements the applicants need to meet to be admitted to the centre, a) True b) False c) Not stated Number 1 2 ' 3 4 5 6 Letter Part II Reading and one heading you do not need. Transfer your answers to the table. 1._____________________________________________________ Research into alternative, clean energy is a hot issue for mass media an‘d politicians. “Clean” implies that no harm is done to the environment when the energy is produced. It sounds like a worthy mission for the humanity — to invent and implement technologies which allow us to enjoy all the technological society commodities being concurrently nature conscious, i.e. to keep water, land and air clean for our descendants. An old native Americans’ wisdom says “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we. borrow it from our children” and the borrowed should be run with care and returned in a good working state. 2.___________________ Most people do understand that burning huge amounts of oil and gas is the way to nowhere. We’ll either end up with a devastating ecological catastrophe or our industries will collapse when we run out of oil and gas supplies, which are non-renewable and are expected to run out relatively soon. The solution was provided by science fiction writers a century ago — solar and wind energy should be used instead of fuel. However, the manual on how to produce and store it in large quantities hasn’t been provided yet. 52 Т'У t - ' - Л tj-v . rC ■ •;:i> - *t2 ti‘*i .?4 ■-- V ‘"Л >V_r ^-• • #• •Ч •5<.^ L*' • • V* * *» V U, ЕГ-. - -Ч: •'- I A . *r 3^^ • r* ______________’ rj- ^ ..:. ."=Lr 'i 1ЙИ?^^еГ- ' ЧГГ '.ja:*’.;-':' ^. л> • /- *4 >-, vj V - 4^<1 3_________________________________ It s true that nowadays it s still too early to say that we are ready to switch to a clean energy. Our industries have got used to energy overconsumption, and people are unlikely to consent to give up their privilege of comfort. However, it would be wrong to state that nothing is being done and that we are not moving to our goal. There is evidence that solar energy can be used in real businesses and it doesn’t lessen the business’ success. ^^4.v J/: ШТ .-V. . ^ :*4.^ V,..- -• • rr--'. J? * ■ VhK\ . ^V. 4. Solar Sailor has been successfully operating in Sydney, Australia, since 2000. It is a large ferry used for public transportation and tourist cruises. In spite of the fact that the ferry moves slower than other ferries, it’s particularly popular with people, tourists especially. Solar Sailor is used for sightseeing, for cocktail and dining cruises, for corporate and family events like weddings and anniversary parties. It is also used for taking people from one place to another as a conventional transport means, which holds as many as 80 people on board. Solar Sailor is a renewable energy hybrid able to use solar, wind, battery or liquid petroleum gas, either individually or in combination. The unique feature of the ferry is its “solar wings”. Inspired by insects, which use their wings as solar collectors, the Solar Sailor s wings are able to angle towards the sun. They can be stowed away in a storm, or when not wanted. The solar wings or solar panels can charge the ferry’s batteries in four hours, and they can power the ferry independently for up to six-hour cruise, day or night. The length of the ferry is about 21.5 metres and it can move at a maximum speed of 10-12 knots, which is around 20 km per hour (1 knot equals 18.7 km per hour). The speed may not look very impressive, but Solar Sailor creates low noise and no air and water pollution. It may be considered a baby step in clean technology development but every solid plan has to walk through baby steps. A. Technical characteristics of the solar energy device. B. The engineers’ comments on the solar technologies implementation. C. A possible solution for the “alternative energy’s case”. Dr Good intentions and the real life situation. . Alternative energy technologies’ prospects for the future. ?«% The reasons to look for alternative sources of energy. |>G. The evidence that solar energy can be used by businesses Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Letter 53 % • Part III Use of English Use the words in the appropriate forms. Transfer your answers to the table Friends call me Lucky because I don’t have to work. If I remember it (1), it was Confucius, a Chinese (2), who said “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life”. So I did that. And the thing I enjoy most of all is taking photos. This love for (3) gave me a reason for travelling, which is the second thing I love very much. My career started at twenty when I received a (4) camera as a gift, and since then IVe been travelling the globe for 25 years. I work for several magazines and journals, they buy my photos, and that’s why I can afford to make it my lifelong (5). I’ve got a large correct , philosopij photo profession I occupy collection of images of people and places. My favourite series is the (6) photos, because to me nothing can be compared to the (7) views you can find there. Throughout Australia you can find (8) rocks, awesome bush forests and amazing ocean waters. Australia stun impress Number - ■ ■ Word / Words * Ш Number . • f Word / Words 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 Part IV Writing and Hi WeVe moved, it's a nice place to live, I have already been to my new school, so I am not worrying any^more^ Гт sorry I hcive taken so long to reply to your last message. My little brain overloads too easily, sorry. It's amazing to think that a year ago we studied together in a language school in Malta, Life has changed so much since then. My brother had two Unfortunately, I won't see the baby for a long time because he lives in Japan. It's sad but that is life sometimes. W 'v I hope you are doing well at school. I'm sure you are. Talk soon, 54 UNIT 4 Write at least 150 words. Part V Speaking Talk about the English language. You should say: if English is important for life and career, give your reasons if youVe used English outside the classroom (talking to people, singing or understanding songs, etc) in what situations and for what purposes you plan to use English in the future if you plan to maintain or improve your English when you finish school, in what way. You should talk for two minutes. The maximum score for Parts I-III is 20. Your score is... 0-13 14-17 18-20 We recommend you to spend a lot of time improving your English. Otherwise you are unlikely to do well in your exam. It s not bad. However, there is a lot you need to work on. Have more practice. Otherwise you may have difficulty in your exam. Well done. Keep practising and you’ll have a good chance of success in your exam. Parts IV-V are assessed by your teacher. UNIT 4 55 WARM-UP 2 ; t lAjS Listen to six airport announcements and match their number (1-6) with the statements (A-G). There is one statement you will not need. A. The speaker greets the passengers on board. B. The speaker offers the passengers money and free meals as a compensation for the delay. C. The speaker encourages some passengers to take a later flight. D. The speaker explains some behaviour rules at the airport. E. The speaker talks about safety rules at the airport. F. The speaker says that the passengers will have to fly later than planned. G. The speaker talks about the safety rules on board the plane. OJ IBjSome people think that travelling by air is the best way of travelling. Discuss the issue in groups and make up a list of arguments for this point of view and the list of arguments against it. Is travelling by air the best alternative? Arguments ‘Tor” Arguments “against” Г Useful language \. i; 11 |: the best value for money time is money nature friendly to be worth the environmental costs reliable / non-reliable safe /unsafe comfort reasons lost luggage time-consuming safety precautions - 56 UNIT^ 2AjFill in the gaps with “three word” phrasal verbs. Construct the multi-word verbs from the words in the box and put them in the appropriate form. Use each word only once. make put look keep make up up forward up up fa with with with for • 4 % * % 1 iVe always wanted to see some exotic country, and I was delighted to know that our regional football team will go for the final game to China. Гт looking forward to this trip and hope nothing will prevent me from going there. 2 It s not easy to share a room with someone from another country. Cultural differences can often lead to misunderstandings and even quarreling. However, Lee was a very understanding person. We quarreled seldom, and if it happened, we_______________ each other very quickly. 3 The local people were nice and friendly and I didn’t mind the local food. The only one thing I couldn’t was the local music. It was plaintive and melancholic and made me feel depressed when I heard it. 4 My classmates were older than me and had already lived in that country for a month or longer. I had to sit over books at night and take extra language classes to _________________ ________________ ________________them. 5 Local food was disgusting. I couldn’t find anything tasty in the market and had to m stick to a diet of corns and fruit. No wonder that the first thing I did when I came home was to buy a dozen of different cheesecakes to---------------------------------- two months of starvation. 2В]а) Read the questionnaire and circle the answer which is true in your situation. yoil cJiallexi^es? \ Your teacher asks you to give a talk about your school acadernic achievements to a local TV journalist. You would ь 9 a) agree to do it at once. b) quickly think of an excuse why you can’t do it. и c) .agree to do it but would feel very nervous about it. ft 2, An adventurous friend \wants to do rafting and invites you to join him. You would a) be glad to join him regardless of the details of the route. b) reject the invitation saying that you are too young to die. c) find out everything about the expedition plan to make an informed decision Г 1 I г к г У ^ « UNIT 4 57 3 You are asked to star in a school play. You would a) agree with delight. b) refuse because you are afraid to perform in public. c) ask for some time to think it over. 4 You are taking part in a formal event in another country whose traditions you don’t know. A local boy / girl is asking you for a dance. You would a) agree and try to imitate your partner’s dance movements. b) pretend you don’t understand the language. c) refuse politely saying that you are not good at local dances. 5 You are asked to conduct a lesson to a class of junior students. You would a) agree and suggest a topic for the lesson yourself. b) nominate somebody from your class who can do it better. c) agree on condition that the teacher helps you to plan the lesson. 6Г At a party you see an attractive boy / girl. You would a) head to him / her immediately without any plan about what you would say. b) be watching him / her hoping the he / she would initiate the conversation. c) try to invent a smart excuse to start a conversation. 4 \ 4 % / i % V. Ч. '/и V % V t'. « Ti V 4. У •ft I \ I V 4* b f Ч 1.. V b) Find out your score and read the corresponding description a) — option gives you 2 points b) — option gives you 6 points c) — option gives you 4 points Your score is 12-18 Your score is 19-29 m Your score is 30-36 You enjoy being in the limelight and can be too adventurous and careless sometimes. You want to be the first in everything but you may risk putting yourself in a rather awkward or even dangerous situation. You don t act on an impulse, which is usually very wise for your age. Sometimes you wish you were more adventurous, but your friends value your advice and consider you a reliable person. You can be too shy sometimes and tend to underestimate yourself. Your friends are very ' likely to think much more of you than you expect. Do not be afraid to perform or speak in public and volunteer to make the presentation below. c) Make a presentation “A challenge in my life”. Say about • what situations you find challenging • give an example of a challenging situation you ve faced • give some details of when and where it happened • what choice you had and what you did. 58 UNIT 4 TEST 2 Part Listening S3 Listen to a conversation in Sydney domestic airport and choos< You will listen to the recording twice. Then transfer your answers 1 The girl comes to the airport a) too late for her flight. b) too early for her flight. c) an hour and a half before her flight. d) forty minutes before her flight. 2 The paper ticket is not needed because a) all passengers check in in the flight centre. b) passengers get tickets at the airport. c) the airline gets electronic notification about each passenger. d) no paper tickets have ever been issued by Australian airlines 3 The girl wants to check in as soon as possible because a) she is afraid that she may make some mistake and miss her flight. b) her plane is about to take off. c) the lady at the check-in desk told her to hurry up. d) she doesn’t trust her fellow traveller’s information. 4 Virgin Blue is the name of a) the flight centre. b) the name of the airport. c) the girl’s destination. d) the airline. 5 To check in via the machine the passenger needs to a) come up to it and pronounce their name distinctly. b) select the flight and type in the name. c) get the boarding pass at the check-in counter first. d) type in the reference of the flying centre. 6 The girl’s fellow traveller is a) a school student. b) a vocational school student. c) a university student. d) a gap year student. Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Letter UNIT 4 59 Part II Reading Match the paragraphs (1-6) and the headings (A-G). You will not need one heading. Transfer your answers to the table. 4^ 1. The word “tolerance” entered our vocabulary and even became a buzzword for some politicians and showmen relatively recently. The issues of tolerance, however, had emerged long before that. People are often intolerant to each other and it’s not all and not only about racism or religious misunderstanding or sexism. When we are rude, it’s easy to define our actions as intolerant. But in some situations we act from our best intentions and want to help other people improve themselves, being too ready to make judgments about other people’s values, cultures and life styles. -4.- « ^ 4^; 2.___________________________________________________________ The missionaries, who promoted the right values all over the world, can exemplify the idea in the most prominent way. On the one hand they sacrificed their lives to help aboriginal people of Africa and other continents to cope with their most dangerous enemies — hunger and diseases. They set up hospitals and provided food for people who were starving. On the other hand, they tried to improve those people, to develop them and to make them civilized. The missionaries were absolutely sure that they are able to say what’s wrong and what’s right for the indigenous people, what religion they should practice, what clothes they should wear, and how they should raise their children. The missionaries tried to impose their own values and culture on the “stubborn, uncivilised” natives, and didn’t bother to research into the local culture which they considered primitive and wrong. • - ^ •Vi' * ^ - i y><5 3.__________________________________________________________ Was their ignorance anything but intolerance to people who were different? Was it right to define aboriginal societies as uncivilised only because they weren’t based on European norms? Is the spirit and the wisdom of their culture worth nothing? What was more useful for the aboriginal kids — to be taught how to read and write in English or to soak up their ancestors’ knowledge of how to live in harmony with nature — how to hunt, understand animals’ behaviour, look for fruit and herbs? Why were white people so sure that they knew the answers to those questions? Their self-confidence sometimes ended up in the actions they felt sorry about and even ashamed of. 4________________________________________________________ A 72-year-old Ron was born in an aboriginal community in Australia and had a life usual for any brown skin kid. Some white people, however, decided that that life style was not what he needed, and Ron, like lots of other kids from their tribe, was separated from his mother and taken to the “civilized” world, where he was brought up regardless of his nature and the aboriginal spirit which ran in his blood. He never saw his mother again. He says that despite his age the painful memories of his childhood are still alive. < • Ш r, .T'" •» ■f ' . J* 4*^ Л.. 60 W . ^v;-. ’4' rd 74 № ▼ tj >4 f . •' № r. The practice of forcible removal of aboriginal children from their families was wide spread in Australia in the twentieth century. Those children were placed into state institutions and were raised there. In most cases they were not allowed to have any contact with their families in order to erase their aboriginal identity and to assimilate them into the “civilised” society. The experiment had lots of negative consequences. Later, the Australian government acknowledged that the indigenous Australians policy was a tragic mistake. In 2008 on behalf of the Federal Parliament Prime Minister Kevin Rudd delivered a national apology to the Steven Generations. 6.__________________________________________________ Saying sorry and acknowledging the mistakes is a positive way of dealing with problems, but it doesn't compensate for the lives affected by the unwise and intolerant policy. And the example above is not a sad exception, far from it! A rare country if any can boast that they never made mistakes that stemmed from the general intolerance of society. The cure for intolerance can be educating young people and promoting the idea that the world is diverse — things that seem strange to them may by natural to others and vise versa. Intruding into a different world is like operating on a human body — it requires knowledge and skills. Л-" Ш >' 'i m Г' • ^ ^ 'T 4. *♦ '•V" w A. The state policy as evidence of intolerance. B. Tolerance is difficult to define. C. Different values for different societies. D. A life affected by the intolerant state. E. Intolerant society cannot bring up tolerant people. F. Can we ensure ourselves against future mistakes? G. Intervention in a different society — good or evil? Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Letter Part 111 Use of English Use the words in the appropriate forms. Transfer your answers to the table. Contemporary society is much more dynamic than it was a couple of centuries ago. If s not a great deal now to move from one town to another if you find a good job there or if ifs good for career prospects and________________(1) opportunities. Ability to move____________________ (2) is true for students too. In many countries young people take a gap year to gain life experience. On completing the school they don’t go straight to universities but work and travel. They choose the most (3) ways of travelling: budget promote easy economy UNIT 4 61 airlines, coaches, or hitchhiking and even cycling. They stay in students' hostels and backpackers' hostels, which is much__ any other accommodation, and they often do occasional (4) than (5) jobs, which earns their living and further travelling. A friend of mine travelled in Europe a couple of years ago. Everyone was (6) when he but he had cycled though several That was unbelievable, (7) countries. He is a real (8) and now he is getting ready for a new trip. He says that he will buy a new bicycle for it. cheap skill astonish Europe adventure 1 vvr .'it . Г/ j Number 1 Word / Words Й 1 Number Word / Words ШШШ - . - 1 5 2 6 3 ! 7 4 8 ; f ^ Aj Part IV Comment on the following opinion. • ^ ^ '.f ^ when you travel to'andther countryi^Jt's useful.to get ds much information about it as possible befgreiypur trip. i «. ,4 Use the guidelines: state to what extent you agree or disagree with this opinion present your arguments “for” present your arguments “against” if any write your conclusion. ;! Ч 1 Useful language Overall, I agree / disagree with the opinion that... I cannot support the opinion that... I partially agree that... It is true that... Write at least 150 words. Firstly,... Secondly,... On top of that,... However,... UNIT 4 • * 4 ~ Part V Speaking 0 jWork in pairs. Study the information in your cards and act out the conversation. •i' student 1 YOU are from ^ S«.!"vouwo,rv.A.apar.VVOU meet a person from Russra. Find out: in Russia. =s=ESsi.. the invitation. You start the conversation. ¥ I I • p* 4)- Л № ?•<* - Ьч.“ IT*: к The maximum score for Parts I-III is 20. Your score is... Student 2 You are from Russia. You are studying abroad, but your course is nearly over and you are going home in several days. At a party you meet a person who is going to visit Russia for the first time. Provide him / her with the information he / she needs. Answer the questions and give some other useful tips if possible. Invite the person to visit the place where you live. — ■■ 1 i 0-13 14-17 18-20 We recommend you to spend a lot of time improving your English. Otherwise you are unlikely to do well in your exam. It s not bad. However, there is a lot you need to work on. Have more practice. Otherwise you may have difficulty in your exam. Well done. Keep practising and you 11 have a good chance of success in your exam. Parts IV-V are assessed by your teacher. UNIT 4 63