Английский язык Учебник 4 класс Биболетова Денисенко Трубанева

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык Учебник 4 класс Биболетова Денисенко Трубанева - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Enjoy English (Энджой инглиш):

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1 " 1 i 1 - . '“ 1 1 1 - ■■ ■ ' -: Student’s Book v;. .. 4^ Условные обозначения задание для аудирования в классе ч — письменное домашнее задание €= , А'? ^ ■! задание для чтения в классе — работа в парах задание повышенной трудности проверь себя — проектная работа — действующее лицо KJ А — действующее лицо (3 лицо, ед. ч.) — качество, объект — глагол, обозначающий действие, чувство, состояние глагол-помощник в будущем времени глагол-связка ~ глагол-помощник глагол, обозначающий отношение к действию i глагол в прошедшем времени о © -® - — место действия время действия вопросительное слово Contents Unit 1. Speaking about seasons and the weather Section 1. What is your favourite season?............ 5 Section 2. Speaking about the future ................ 11 Section 3. When the weather is fine.................. 16 Section 4. Writing at home........................... 18 Do you remember the words from Unit 1?............... 19 Test yourself........................................ 19 Unit 2. Enjoying your home Section 1. Describing your house .................... 20 Section 2. What is there in your room? .............. 23 Section 3. Home sweet home........................... 28 Section 4. Writing at home............................30 Do you remember the words from Unit 2?...............31 Test yourself.........................................31 Project “We’ll visit fairy land next holidays!”...... 32 Unit 3. Being happy in the country and in the city Section 1. We like the place we live! ............... 33 Section 2. Are they different: the country and the city? ........................................37 Section 3. People and animals in the country and in the city.......................................44 Section 4. Writing at home............................48 Do you remember the words from Unit 3?................49 Test yourself.........................................49 Unit 4. Telling stories Section 1. Reading last summer story ................ 50 Section 2. In the world of fantasy................... 54 Section 3. How to ask questions in the Past Simple............................................... 57 Section 4. Writing at home............................62 Do you remember the words from Unit 4?................63 Test yourself.........................................63 Project “Let’s write a fairy tale!”................ 64 Unit 5. Having a good time with your family Section 1. Being happy together!.....................65 Section 2. What do you do to help your family?.... 70 Section 3. Answering phone calls.................... 76 Section 4. Let us try to be polite ..................80 Section 5. Writing at home...........................82 Do you remember the words from Unit 5?...............84 Test yourself........................................84 Unit 6. Shopping for everything Section 1. Shopping for clothes......................85 Section 2. There is no bad weather, there are only bad clothes...........................90 Section 3. Shopping for food ........................92 Section 4. Writing at home...........................96 Do you remember the words from Unit 6?...............98 Test yourself........................................98 Project “MFM for Stars” .............................99 Unit 7. School is fun Section 1. What do we do at school? ..............100 Section 2. The things you can use in the lesson.....103 Section 3. Reading for pleasure .....................107 Section 4. Writing at home..........................115 Do you remember the words from Unit 7?..............117 Test yourself.......................................117 Project “Diploma”...................................118 Grammar reference...................................119 List of irregular verbs.............................130 English-Russian vocabulary..........................132 у Speaking about seasons and the weather C Section 1. What is your favourite season? • ♦ hockey play badminton swim toboggan ride a bike play basketball make a snowman skate jump play football play table p tennis 1. Look at the pictures. Listen and say what you can do 2. Read and say. 1) What can you 2) What can you 3) What can you do in winter? do in summer? do any time (в любое время)? 3. а) Ask your classmates what they like to do in winter and in summer. Example:y\^ Do to ©V Do you like to ski in winter? ® A to ®? What do you like to do in summer? b) Now mark their answers in the table. Nick Ann • •• U to play hockey u Oi c* 5 to toboggan / c в to skate c to ski / G Nick Ann to play tennis to swim to dive ^5 to ride a bike • •• • •• 4. Say what one of your classmates likes to do in winter and in summer. Example: Nick likes to toboggan and ski in winter. He likes to play tennis in summer. 5. Listen and say what Tiny and his friends like to do in winter and in summer. Example: Tiny likes to ski in winter. He likes to play table tennis in summer. 6. Listen and read: [i] spring, winter, windy [n] on, not, clock, frog, hot [л] jump, duck, summer, sunny [au] now, mouth, down, cloudy [эи] don’t, open, cold 7. Look at the pictures. Guess (догадайся) the meaning of the words. It is cold.= It’s cold.— Холодно. It is winter.= It’s winter.— Зима. 8. Read the story and answer the question: “What do the children see in the sky?” Two Ducks and the Frog The Frog lives in the river. She is very kind. But she likes to chat (болтать) a lot. She can chat from morning till night. She has got two good friends. They are big ducks. Autumn comes. It’s cold, cloudy and windy. It’s time for the ducks to fly to Africa. They like summer because it’s hot and sunny. They don’t like winter. It’s snowy and cold. The Frog likes summer too. She wants to see Africa. She says, “My friends, take me to Africa with you, please!” “Good!” — say the ducks. “But you must not speak! Don’t open your mouth!” So the Frog takes a stick in her mouth and puts it in the middle (в середине). Then one duck takes one end of the stick, the other duck takes the other end. They start to fly. The children see the ducks in the sky. “Look! What have the ducks got? What is it?” It is a big clock!” I am not a clock! I am a Frog!” And flop! The Frog falls down from the sky. Look and learn! cold jksuldj — холодный, холодно cloudy I'klaudi] — облачный, облачно windy ['windi| --ветреный, ветрено hot [hot] — горячий, жарко sunny I'SAniJ -- солнечный, солнечно snowy ('snsuij — снежный, снежно ii' P с о 9. Put the pictures in the right variant. a) 3, 4, 2, 1 b) 4, 2, 3, 1 c) 4, 2, 1, 3 ^ Look^^What is it? ^ the correct order. Choose (выбери) You must not speak! J Don’t open your mouthQ It is a big clock! j I am not a clock! I am a Frog! It’s time to fly to Africa. Take me with you, please. 10. Answer the questions: 1) Who lives in the river? 2) What does the Frog like very much? 3) Do the ducks like winter? Why? 4) Why do the ducks take the Frog with them? 5) What do the birds say to the Frog? 6) What do the children see in the sky? 7) What season is it in the text? Do you like this season? Why? Why not? 11. Read and act out. Why do you like winter? I like winter because it’s white and snowy. 12. Say why you like / don’t like summer (winter spring / autumn). I like / don’t like summer spring autumn winter because Look and learn! warm |wo:m| — тёплый, тепло rainy ['reim| — дождливый, дождливо it’s warm. it’s cold and snowy. it’s hot. it’s green. it’s sunny and fine. it’s rainy and cloudy it’s nice. it’s snowy. c 13. Listen to Tiny’s poem. Learn the poem. In winter it’s cold and snowy. In summer it’s sunny and fine. In autumn it’s cloudy and rainy. In spring I can jump up to the sky. 14. Guess what the weather is like in summer in It’s Ш Antarctica. What is the weather like? a .~o\\ с 15. Say what you can do in different weather. Use the words from the box. Example: When it’s cold, I can watch TV at home. 1) When it’s rainy, I can... 2) When it’s snowy, I... 3) When it’s warm, I... 4) When it’s windy, I... 5) When it’s hot, I... 6) When it’s sunny, I... dive and swim draw pictures read books ski and skate walk in the park play with my friends 16. Create a dialogue. Put the sentences in the correct order (1-6). Listen and check the order. Then read the dialogue with a classmate. Hi! I am from Russia. Where are you from? Hi! I am from Great Britain. 'V 17. Ш Hil I’m from Russia. Where are you from? □ It’s rainy and windy! And in Russia? □ What’s the weather like in Great Britain in winter? [H Hi! I’m from Great Britain. □ It’s cold and snowy! □ That’s great! I like the Russian winter very much! Представь, что ты с одноклассником — жители разных стран. Расскажите друг другу, какая погода обычно бывает в этих странах в разное время года. 18. Расскажи Тайни, какая погода обычно бывает в твоём родном крае в разное время года и что ты любишь делать в разную погоду. Section 2. Speaking about the future 19. Listen and say where Tiny is. What’s the weather like there? I will swim.— Я буду плавать. You will swim.— Вы будете плавать. Правильно говорить о действиях и событиях, которые будут происходить в будущем, тебе поможет вспомогательный глагол will. Он ставится перед основным глаголом (swim). Простое будущее время называется Future Simple. W ё 20. Read the story and answer the question: “Has the Donkey got a favourite season?” The Donkey’s Favourite Season It’s winter. It’s cold and snowy. The Donkey is sad. “I don’t like winter because I haven’t got any green grass (трава). I can’t walk in the park. In spring I will walk and play with children,” says the Donkey. Spring comes. It’s warm and sunny. Now the Donkey is in the park. He has got a lot of green grass to eat. But he is sad again. “I don’t like spring! The children are very noisy (шумные) in the park. In summer I will dive and swim,” says the Donkey. Summer comes. It’s hot. The children dive and swim. They ride bikes and scooters, play badminton and football. But the Donkey is sad again. “I don’t like summer because it’s very hot. In autumn I will eat apples and carrots,” says the Donkey. Autumn comes. It’s cloudy and rainy. Now the Donkey has got a lot of apples and carrots to eat. But he is sad again. “I don’t like autumn because it’s cloudy, windy and rainy. In winter I will play snowballs and toboggan.” Winter comes. But the Donkey is sad again... 21. Read and say: true or false. 1) The Donkey hasn’t got any green grass in winter. 2) Spring comes. It’s rainy and cloudy. 3) In summer the children dive and swim. 4) The Donkey likes summer because it’s very hot. 5) In autumn the Donkey has got a lot of apples and carrots to eat. 22. Look at the pictures (Ex. 20). Read the sentences in the text to illustrate them. Спутниками Future Simple (будущего времени) часто являются слова tomorrow (завтра), next week (на следующей неделе), next year (в следующем году), in ап hour (через час). V ________ 23. Read and translate (переведи). 1) I will do my homework in an hour. 2) We will play basketball tomorrow. 3) You will get a very nice birthday present tomorrow 4) She (He) will send me a postcard next week. 5) It will be snowy next winter. 6) They will come to Russia next year. 24. Help the Donkey to find his favourite season. Tell him what you will do next year (next winter, next spring, next summer, next autumn). Example: I will make a funny snowman next winter. 25. Create two dialogues. Put the sentences in the correct order (1-4). □ I’m sorry. I’m very busy. Ш Would you like to play football today? П Tomorrow is fine. □ What about tomorrow morning? D I think autumn. □ Because I like apples very much. □ Why autumn? Ш Which is your favourite season? 26. Now listen to the dialogues. Check the order. Read the dialogues with a classmate. 27. Complete the sentences. & It will be cold in winter. It will be ... today. к. --kd ’Tb. - It will ..... today. It ........ today. 28. Make the weather forecast (прогноз погоды) for winter months. Use: •* windy, rainy, cloudy, sunny, snowy, cold, warm December January February Example: I think December will be snowy. а В разговорной речи англичане часто используют сокращение ’11 вместо will. Давайте будем говорить, как англичане! Example: We’ll help our teacher tomorrow. I’ll get a nice present next week. 29. Rex is a kind dog. He is the Donkey’s new friend. What does he say? I’ll play with you tomorrow. I ... walk with you in the park in an hour. I ... play badminton with you next summer. I ... dance for you next week. I ... play snowballs with you next winter. J 30. Say what you will do tomorrow. Use the words in the box. Example: I’ll visit my friend tomorrow. ride my scooter send a postcard to read fairy tales help my mum visit my grandma my friend play table tennis play computer games listen to music draw funny pictures go to school He will read. not (won’t) He will not (won’t) read. Will he read? Yes, he will. (No, he won’t.) ® A ©7 What will he do tomorrow? 31. Ask your classmate what she / he will do tomorrow Will you ... tomorrow? Example: — Will you fly to Africa tomorrow? •< Yes, I will. C No, I won’t. 32. Read what Tiny will do next week. Do you think he will do it? Example: I think he won’t build a new house on Monday, Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday I’ll visit my friend. I’ll build (строить) a new house for him. I’ll toboggan and ski. I’ll write 10 new fairy tales. I’ll learn Russian and write a letter to my Russian friends. I’ll send 200 postcards to my friends. I’ll clean my house and watch TV. I’ll visit my doctor. I’ll make ninety-nine big cakes. 33. Ask Tiny about his plans (планы) for the next week. Use: will, where, why, when, what. Will you write to me next week? What will you do on Tuesday? 34. Tell about your plans for your winter and summer holidays. Example: I’ll play hockey in winter. I’ll dive and swim in summer. Section 3. When the weather is fine., c 35. Look and guess what the weather will be tomorrow. Example: In Pskov it will be rainy tomorrow. Pskov Yakutsk Moscow 3 Kazan n 36. Listen to the weather forecast and check yourself. 37. Say what the weather will be in your home place tomorrow. Example: I think the weather will be... # 38. Read Jill’s letter and answer the question: Does Jill like winter?” Look and learn! holiday I'hnlidil — выходной, праздник holidays I’liDlidiz] — каникулы to have a picnic — выезжать на пикник to fly a kite [kart] — запускать воздушного змея to play hide-and-seek I'haidan'siikj — играть в прятки 25 September Dear Ann, Thank you for your letter. Today is Saturday. It's a holiday. I don't go to school on Saturdays and Sundays. It's rainy and cloudy today. But it isn't windy. It's warm. I like autumn. It's my favourite season. When it's rainy, I can listen to music and read a book. When it's sunny and warm, we can have a picnic in the park. My dad says, "Tomorrow the weather will be fine. We'll go to the park and have a picnic." My dad and my brother Jim will fly a kite. My mum, our dog Rex and I will play hide-and-seek. We'll have cheese and ham sandwiches and many tasty cakes with tea. But winter will come soon. You know I don't like winter. We don't have picnics in winter. Ann, what is your favourite season? What do you like to do in this season? What will you do next winter? Write back. I Yours, I Jill Brown I I I I 39. Choose the correct answer. Read it aloud. 1) What is the weather like on Saturday? a) It’s rainy and windy, b) It’s rainy and cloudy. 2) What does Jill do in rainy weather? a) She listens to music, b) She watches TV. 3) Will the weather be fine tomorrow? a) Yes, it will, b) No, it won’t. 4) What will they do in the park? a) They’ll read books, b) They’ll have a picnic. 5) What is Jill’s favourite season? a) It’s autumn, b) It’s winter. 40. Complete the sentences. Example: The Browns will have a picnic tomorrow. 1) Dad and Jim will... 2) Mum and Jill will... 3) They will... 41. Read Jill’s letter again. Answer her questions. 42. Tomorrow you and your friends will have a picnic. Say what you will do. Section 4. Writing at home 1. Ответь на вопросы письменно: “What do you like to do in winter?” Example: I like to toboggan in winter. “What do you like to do in summer?” Example: I like to dive in summer. Прочитай текст “Two Ducks and the Frog” ещё раз. Закончи предложения: 1) The Frog likes ... very much. 2) The ducks like summer because... 3) The ducks say to the Frog, “...!” 2. i / 3. Ответь на вопрос: “What season do you like and why? Example: I like winter because it’s white and snowy. I can ski in the park. 4. Выбери нужный глагол. Запиши предложения в тетрадь 1) He’ll draw / draws а funny picture for his sister tomorrow. 2) I’ll have / have breakfast at 8 am every day. 3) We’ll help / help you in an hour. 4) It is / ’ll be snowy and cold next winter. 5) They’ll play / play computer games next week. 6) She’ll listen / listens to music every Sunday. 5. Напиши, что ты будешь делать завтра, на следующей неделе. Воспользуйся моделью: tomorrow (next week). Example: I’ll help my mum tomorrow. I’ll visit my grandma next week. 6. Выбери: will или won’t. 1) The forest ... be green in spring. 2) The children ... skate and play hockey in summer. 3) Jill ... have a picnic in winter. 4) Tomorrow it will be windy. Jim ... fly a kite. 5) Tiny will be busy. He ... play tennis tomorrow. He will help Billy tomorrow. 7. Ответь на письмо Джилл Браун. Расскажи о своём любимом времени года. Do you remember the words from Unit 1? IS hide-and-seek holiday (holidays) kite picnic rain snow snowball snowman year cold cloudy hot rainy snowy sunny warm windy dive toboggan fly a kite have a picnic make a snowman play hide-and-seek What’s the weather like today / in winter? next (week, year) tomorrow Test yourself Do the exercises in your workbook. Mark your score. 27-30 Very good! 21-26 Good! 15-20 OK! < 15 Try again! Enjoying your home Section 1. Describing your house (N • pH c 1. Look at the house Listen and learn: 1 hall 2 kitchen 3 pantry 4 living room 5 bedroom Jim and Jill live in this house 6 bathroom 7 toilet 8 window 9 wall 10 door ш 2. Say how many rooms the Browns have got. Name the rooms. Example: The Browns have got ... rooms. They have got a living room, ... 3. Listen and read: [u:] room, bathroom, living room, bedroom [d:] wall, hall, floor, door, small [tj] cheese, chair, kitchen, teacher, check fae] has, have, flat, pantry [еэ] hair, where, there, chair, share 4. Listen and act out: Jim: Have you got a room of your own [эип] (своя)? Andrew: Yes, I have. But it’s not very big. It’s small. Have you got a room of your own? Jim: No, I haven’t. I share a room with my sister. (Мы живём в комнате вместе с сестрой.) Jill: Rose: Jill: Rose: Do you live in a flat or in a house? We live in a flat. Is your room big or small? My room is small. 5. Ask your classmates and fill in the table. Name Shares the room Doesn’t share the room — , Big room 1 ' " “ ‘ “ Small room Anton / / N ady a (N fi P 6. Say how many rooms you have got. Name them Example: I have got three rooms in my flat. I have got a bathroom in my flat. There is a bedroom in my flat. There are two bedrooms in my friend’s flat There is no TV in my room. There are no posters in my room. 7. Rex tells Tiny about the Brown’s house. But he misses some words. Help Tiny to fill in the words. 9S^' 'S to Alex has got... a) a mother, a father and a sister. b) a mother, a father and a grandmother c) a mother, a father and a brother. On Sundays Alex’s family like to... a) ride horses in the country. b) ride bikes in the country. c) ride scooters in the park. 9. Say what you like to do on Sundays. Ask your classmates. Use the words: skate, play chess / tennis / piano, draw pictures, make a snowman, watch TV / video, play puzzles, ride (my) bike / scooter, play with (my) toys, read books, write letters, listen to music, roller skate, take photos, fly a kite, have a picnic, play hide-and-seek Example: I like to play computer games. And you, Masha? I like to walk in the park. And you, Sasha? 10. Say what you did last Sunday. Ask your classmates. Example: I took photos of my family last Sunday. And you, Dasha? 11. Read the text about Mag’s neighbours (соседи), Mr and Mrs Wilson. Answer the question: “Who came to see Mr and Mrs Wilson?” Look and learn! get — got [gm| buy — bought [bo;t On Saturday Mrs Wilson got up early in the morning. She had a lot to do. She said to Mr Wilson, “It’s time to get up! We’ve got visitors later today.” After breakfast Mrs Wilson said to Mr Wilson, “Please go shopping. Buy bananas, apples, sweets and some ice cream.” Mr Wilson bought a lot of bananas and sweets, red apples and some ice cream. Mrs Wilson came to the kitchen and took butter, eggs and sugar. She made a big cake. Then she cooked a tasty dinner. Mrs Wilson put on (надела) her nicest dress. Mr Wilson put on his best blue shirt. “I think we are ready,” said Mr Wilson. They saw a car which stopped next to their house. They opened the door. And here was Jason and his mum and dad. Jason was six years old. He came to the country to see his grandma and grandpa. They were all happy. 12. Put the sentences in the correct order. Read them. □ “Buy bananas, apples, sweets and some ice cream.” □ They opened the door. □ “It’s time to get up. We’ve got visitors later today. □ He put on his best blue shirt. □ Mrs Wilson made a big cake. □ He came to see his grandma and grandpa. 13. Say what Mr and Mrs Wilson did in the morning. 14. Complete the questions. Ask your classmate to answer them. Example: When did Mrs Wilson get up? ... did Mr and Mrs Wilson get up early? ... did the grandfather buy? ... did the grandmother make a cake? ... was six years old? ... people came to see the grandma and the grandpa? Who? Why? When? What? Where? How many? 'S p 15. Say what little Jason and his family did on Saturday Section 2. What do you do to help your family? 16. Look at the pictures and say what Mag and Alex usually do at home. What else can he / she do? does her homework goes shopping makes his bed lays the table does the washing up answers phone calls cleans his room feeds her pets waters the flowers takes his pet for a walk repairs his bike 9 What else...? 17. Say who in your family: goes shopping, makes your bed, lays the table, answers phones calls, makes cakes, cleans the rooms, feeds the pets, waters the flowers, repairs the bike / scooter, cooks breakfast and lunch, does the washing up Example: My mother cooks breakfast. I water the flowers. 18. Listen, read and remember: wash — washed do did help — helped go — went repair - — repaired make — made / clean — - cleaned lay — laid ^ answer answered feed - — fed water - - watered say - said cook — cooked take - — took )a 19. Complete the text. Say how Mag helped her mum. Last Sunday Mag got (get) up at 9 am. She ... (wash) her face and hands, ... (clean) her teeth. Then she ... (make) her bed. At half past nine Mag ... (help) her mother to lay the table. She ... (have) breakfast with her mum, dad and sister Becky. After breakfast Mag ... (water) the flowers and ... (feed) her pets. *s 20. Say what you did at home last Sunday morning Did you help your mum or your dad? How? 21. Listen and read: [o:j water, walk, call, draw, door, floor [nj shopping, wash, clock, sock [i:J clean, feed, meet, three [ei] may, say, lay, make, table, today [эи] phone, home, homework, photo, go 22. Read and act out. Mum! May I help you to lay the table? \ >4 Granny, may I help you to do the washing up today? in *c Of course, dear. You may put the cups and spoons on the table. Thank you. That will be very nice if you don’t have too much homework. Grandpa, can you help me to draw this picture, please? © Yes. In a minute. We’ll draw it together. 23. Complete the sentences and say what Mag and her family did yesterday. Example: Mag didn’t feed the bird, she fed the cat and the dog. 1) Mag’s father didn’t watch TV, he ... the stars. 2) Her grandmother didn’t play puzzles, she ... computer games. 3) Her grandfather didn’t go to the park, he ... shopping. 4) Her mother didn’t clean the kitchen, she ... the room, 5) Mag and her sister Becky didn’t water the trees, they ... the flowers. 24. Listen and match the correct day. Say what Alex did on different days of the week. ггплшгшпя Thursday Friday © 'S 25. Ask your classmates what they like to do at home. Example: Do you like to take your pet for a walk? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 26. Say what you like (don’t like) to do at home. Example: I like to lay the table. I don’t like to do the washing up. 27. Listen to the poem. Read the sentences to illustrate the pictures. One Busy Housewife One busy housewife to sweep up the floor. Two busy housewives to polish the door. Three busy housewives to wash all the socks. Four busy housewives to wind up the clocks. Five busy housewives to cook dinner too. Six busy housewives with nothing left to do*. Ю G © T ^ Л ©- 2 -J' 28. a) Ask your classmate what he did two days ago. Example: A: Did you do your homework two days ago? B: Yes, I did. A: Did you ski in the park two days ago? B: No, I didn’t. b) Say what your classmate did (didn’t) two days ago. Example: Lena did her homework two days ago. But she didn’t ski in the park. * with nothing left to do — ничего не оставалось делать W' 29. Read the story and say what Jane’s answer was. Jane and her mother lived in a small house. Every day her mother cleaned the rooms, did the washing up, cooked, fed the pets, and watered the trees and the flowers in the garden. But Jane didn’t help her. She did not like to work. She was lazy. One morning the girl’s mother said, “Today is Sunday. I want to make an apple pie.” Jane said, “That sounds good.” Then the girl’s mother said, “Do you want to help me? Go to the garden and bring back some apples for our apple pie, please.” Jane said, “Not I. I don’t want to.” The mother went to the green garden and brought back some apples for the apple pie. Then she said, “Jane, do you want to help me? Go to the shop and buy some sugar for the apple pie, please.” But the girl said, “Not I. I don’t want to.” So the mother went to the shop and bought some sugar for the apple pie. When the apple pie was ready (был готов), the mother said, “The apple pie is very good! Do you want to help me, Jane.” Jane said, “...!” Look and learn! bring — brought [bro;tJ 30. Choose the best title for the story. • Lazy Jane • The apple pie 64 I don’t want to. make the apple pie 31. Complete the sentence. Jane didn’t help her mother to because... a) she didn’t like apple pies. b) she was busy. c) she was lazy. 32. Now Jane is not lazy. She helps her mother. Last Sunday she made an apple pie. Say what she did. Example: Jane went to the garden. 33. Say how you help your mother. Section 3. Answering phone calls *c 34. Listen, read phone calls. Mag: Mr Wilson: Mag: Mr Wilson: Mag: Mr Wilson: Mag: and act out. Learn how to answer 325091. Hello! This is John Wilson speaking Can I speak to Mr Black? I’m sorry, Mr Wilson. He isn’t in. (Его нет дома.) What a pity! Mr Wilson, can you phone back (позвонить ещё раз) at 6 o’clock? Of course, I can. Thank you. Bye. Bye. 325091 — three two five oh |ouj nine one Make up dialogues. Use: — Can I speak to...? — I’m sorry. He / She isn’t in. — Can you phone back at...? — What a pity! — Of course,... 36. Phone Mag or Jim. He / She isn’t at home. You speak with her mum or Jill. Simon 37. Say what you usually do at this time. Use the words below at 7.00 am at 7.15 am at 7.30 am at 8.05 am at 10.30 am at at at at at 2.00 4.10 5.30 7.10 9.05 pm pm pm pm pm wash hands and face, have breakfast, go to school, clean teeth, have lunch, get up, do homework, walk, lay the table, answer phone calls, read a book, watch TV, go to bed What time is it? It’s a quarter to eleven. It’s ten (minutes) past three. It’s half past four. ’S 38. Look at the times in Ex. 37 and say what time it is. Example: 7.15 — It’s seven fifteen. / It’s a quarter past seven. ю с 39. а) Help Becky. Say at what time she can watch her favourite film about Tiny (a cartoon / Tricky’s programme). a; cd 5m Ьл о Sh a > 9.15 11.30 1.40 2.50 3.30 4.05 6.10 8.45 “Good morning, kids!” Film: “Tiny and his friends” Football: “Lions” and “Tigers Let’s cook together!” Sing and dance with Tricky! Quiz: “When, Where, Why?” Cartoon: “Green School” “Good night, sleep tight!” ii u ГоГ.ч fm>k toarihrr? / / / / b) Say which programme you would like to watch. At what time can you watch it? Example: I’d like to watch “Good morning, kids!” at quarter past nine. 40. Listen to the phone call. Say at what time Mag will come home. 41. Match the questions with the answers Read them. at 7.30 at 1.45 at 2.00 at 3.00 at 7.00 Look and learn! begin — began bi'gasn) At what time did Mag get up yesterday? At what time did Mag have breakfast yesterday? At what time did Mag come home from school? At what time did Mag have lunch? At what time did Mag begin to do her homework? щ 42. Read one more story about the smart little Bird. Complete it with the correct forms of the verbs. A smart little Bird flew (fly) to a house in the country because she wanted to have breakfast. She ... (run) from one room to another (в другую) and suddenly she ... (see) a big grey Cat. The Cat ... (jump) and ... (catch) the Bird. “Now I can have a nice breakfast,” the Cat ... (say). “You can’t have breakfast now,” ... (say) the Bird. “You must wash first. The farmer and his family always (всегда) wash their hands before breakfast. You live in their house and you must do what they do.” “All right,” the Cat ... (say). “I live with the farmer’s family and in their house, and I must do what they do.” And the Cat opened his mouth and ... (begin) to wash. But when he ... (be) clean and ... (want) to begin his breakfast, he did not find the bird. The smart little Bird ... (fly) away. She ... (be) in the garden in a tall tree. She ... (be) happy and ... (begin) to sing. “Now I see,” the cat ... (say). “I must wash, but I must wash after dinner.” And now all cats wash after dinner. 43. Choose the title for the story. • All Is Well that Ends Well. (Bee хорошо, что хорошо кончается.) • Why Do Cats Wash after Dinner? • The Smart Bird. 44. Find out who said: 1) “Now I can have breakfast.” 2) “You can’t have breakfast now.” 3) “The farmer and his family always wash their hands before breakfast.” 4) “I live with the farmer’s family and I must do what they do.” 5) “I must wash, but I must wash after dinner.” 45. Answer the why-questions: 1) Why did the Bird fly to a house? 2) Why did the grey Cat catch the Bird? 3) Why did the grey Cat begin to wash? 4) Why didn’t the grey Cat find the Bird? 5) Why did the grey Cat say, “I must wash after dinner?” *s Section 4. Let us try to be polite *s 46. Look at the pictures. Read and follow Miss Chatter’s manners. Don’t be late. Come on time Wash your hands before you eat. If you want to visit your friends, call up before (заранее). Don’t talk with your mouth full (c полным ртом) Say “thank you” and “goodbye”. 47. Say what Miss Chatter’s manners you follow: always, never, often or sometimes. Example: I always (often) call up my friends before I visit. I never talk with my mouth full. 48. Are you polite? Listen, read and act out. Miss Chatter, can I have some coffee? Г Sorry. It’s too late. You won’t sleep well. ^^ Can I have some milk, then? U- 49. Act out the dialogue with your classmate. Use these words: Would you like (some) ...? Help yourself. Thank you. You are welcome. 50. Read the funny stories. Are Becky and Jason polite? a) Miss Chatter gave Becky an apple. What will you say?” asked Miss Chatter. ‘Give me one more (ещё одно), please,” said Becky. b) Miss Chatter: Here’s a nice piece of bread and butter for you, Jason. Jason: Thank you. Miss Chatter. Miss Chatter: You are welcome. I like when children say “thank you”. Jason: I can say “thank you” again (ещё раз) Give me a big piece of cake, please. I - he she it - my - his — her its we you they our your their 51. Complete the sentences with the words from the box xo my his her our their Last Saturday ... sister Betsy and I had ... birthday party. We got a lot of presents. Mum made a birthday cake. ... cake was very tasty. Dad gave us flowers. ... flowers were beautiful. Grandma and grandpa sang “A Birthday Song”. ... song was merry. We had a good time. Section 5. Writing at home 1. Перепиши слова. Вставь пропущенные буквы: f_ther, m_ther, s_ster, br_ther, da ghter, s_n, gr_ndm_ther, gr_ndf_ther 2. Составь предложения из слов. Example: computer, Saturdays, on, games. My, plays, sister.— My sister plays computer games on Saturdays. 1) play, puzzles, didn’t, Becky, yesterday. 2) my, tomorrow, I, ride, will, bike. 3) got, grandma. My, two, letters, yesterday. 4) were, the, country, summer, in. They, last. 3. Вспомни и запиши по-английски, что делали вчера члены твоей семьи. 4. Напиши о своих домашних обязанностях. 5. Заполни таблицу по образцу. хо • pH S3 р Present Simple Past Simple find read look draw go make lay do feed run yes not found didn’t find 6. Выполни ynp. 19 на стр. 71 письменно 7. Выполни ynp. 23 на стр. 72 письменно 8. Составь из слов предложения. Запиши их. Example: got, Jane, many, postcards, yesterday.— Jane got many postcards yesterday. 1) cleaned, Jane’s mother, rooms, the. 2) Jane, her, mother. Did, help? 3) didn’t, like. She, work, to. 4) go. Why, Jane’s, shopping, did, mother? 9. Напиши время, которое показывают часы в сказочном лесу. 10. Помоги Джейсону написать сочинение о том, как он провёл воскресенье. Дополни его рассказ недостающими словами. Last Sunday I got up at was fine. I made my mother to . The weather the and helped my . After breakfast I watered Then I fed mv and bird. At I went for a walk. I had lunch at . Then I drew and played brother Steve repaired my ride it. In the evening I watched . My . Now I can . I went to bed at . I liked my Sunday. lO c 11. Вставь пропущенные слова. Example: I live with my mum and dad. (I, my) 1) In the morning ... cleans ... teeth, (her, she) 2) ... likes to play with ... friends, (he, his) 3) Look at the dog! ... is black. But ... ears are white, (its, it) go for a walk with ... pets in the park, (our, we) washed ... hands before lunch, (they, their) 4) 5) Do you remember the words from Unit 5? 1Г5 'S brother buy daughter family food granddaughter grandfather (grandpa) grandmother (grandma) grandson phone photo sister son bring buy -get -hear lay - - brought bought got - heard laid answer phone calls cook do homework lay the table make the bed play puzzles repair the bike take photos (of) take a pet for a walk do the washing up be polite Test yourself Do the exercises in your workbook. Mark your score. 27-30 Very good! 21-26 Good! 15-20 OK! < 15 Try again! Shopping for everything Section 1. Shopping for clothes 1. Listen to the shop assistant. Look at the picture. Name the clothes she has got in the shop. 2. Listen and read: CO "S [эи| [ei] 1Л [e] lu:] hope a'way shirt red room 'clothes play 'T-shirt help blue show 'raincoat shoes dress boots coat 'trainers shorts 'sweater shoes 3. Look at the picture in Ex. 1. Help the shop assistant to make a list of things in alphabetical order (b алфавитном порядке). Read the list. Example: blouse, ..., cap... CO 'S 4. Look at the picture. Say what: a) Alice would like to buy for a party. b) Tiny would like to buy for his winter visit to Russia. c) Tim would like to buy for sunny summer. d) Tom would like to buy for rainy and cold autumn Example: Alice would like to buy... Дд 5. Read and act out. Answer the question: “What did Miss Chatter buy in the shop? ue, please.^ Any problem, ^ Madam? How much are the jeans and 25 pounds. (^What is it. Madam? Here you are! J f 1 M- 6. Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue Tiny would like to buy clothes: — for his birthday party. — for a picnic. u In the shop Слова trousers, jeans, shorts, clothes употребляются только во множественном числе. Му jeans are blue. How much are the trousers? His shorts were dirty. 7. Make up word combinations or sentences with these words. Example: new blue jeans / a new orange T-shirt.— Yesterday Miss Chatter bought new blue jeans and a new orange T-shirt. cc big brown blouse sweater short A red boots trainers w small black cap T-shirt long green coat shoes nice yellow dress trousers new grey jacket clothes dirty clean orange pink jeans mittens raincoat the trousers? 8. Complete the dialogues between Tim, Tom and the shop assistant. Listen and check: Tim; Excuse me, can you ... Shop assistant: Yes, ... . Tim: How ....... they? Shop assistant: ........ Tim: Here are you. Shop assistant: Thank you. •k -k i: Shop assistant: Can I ... you? Tom: Show me the jacket, ... Shop assistant: Here ........ Tom: Great! It’s nice and warm! Shop assistant; Good, anything else? (Что-нибудь ещё?) Tom: No, thank you. That’s all. 9. Act out the dialogues with your classmate. 10. Make up and act out the dialogue “In the shop”. Use: Can I help you? Here you are. Anything else? How much is it (are they)? I’d like to ... . No, thank you. That’s all. CO ’S #11. Read a fairy tale. Answer the question: “What did Father Elephant buy for his son in the shop?” Baby Elephant and His New Clothes Part 1 Father Elephant and Mother Elephant lived in Africa and they had a little Baby Elephant. One day Father Elephant came home and saw that (что) his dear little Baby Elephant was sad. And Father Elephant asked, “Why are you sad, my little Baby Elephant?” Baby Elephant said, “Oh, Dad, I want to play in our school football team. But а, Hi my socks, T-shirt and shorts are too small and I can’t put them on.” “Don’t worry, my dear!” said Father Elephant. “I’ll buy you nice new clothes.” They came to Mrs Lion’s shop. ‘Good morning, Mrs Lion,” said Father Elephant. Good morning, Mr Elephant!” said Mrs Lion. “Can I help you?” “Have you got any nice socks for my little Baby Elephant? I want to buy him some new socks,” said Father Elephant. “All our socks are too (слишком) small for your Baby Elephant. But wait (подождите) a little, and my little Lions will make him new beautiful socks.” The little Lions made nice new yellow socks for Baby Elephant. Then Father Elephant paid (заплатил) for the socks and put them on Baby Elephant. Baby Elephant was very glad, and he said, “I like my new socks very much, thank you.” “Let’s buy you a new T-shirt and shorts now!” said Father Elephant. So they went to Mrs Tiger’s shop. 12. Complete the sentences. Father Elephant and Mother Elephant lived in... Father Elephant and Mother Elephant had... One day Father Elephant saw... Baby Elephant wanted new... They went to... Little Lions made... Baby Elephant liked... 13. Read and act out: a) a talk (разговор) between Father Elephant and ElephanL b) a talk between Father Elephant and Mrs Lion. 14. Answer the questions: 1) Why was Baby Elephant sad? 2) Why did they go to Mrs Lion’s shop? 3) Why did Little Lions make new socks for Baby Elephant? 4) Why was Baby Elephant very glad? 5) Why did they go to Mrs Tiger’s shop? Baby 15. Look at the picture. Help Mrs Lion to describe the clothes in her shop. Example: Welcome to my shop. I’ve got ... . Come, choose and buy! / S' Welcome to Mrs Lion's sbopl Section 2. There is no bad weather, there are only bad clothes CO 'S 16. Alice and Billy visited Baby Elephant yesterday. Listen and say what colour their clothes were. Example: Alice had a ... dress on. Billy had ... jeans on. Look and leam! have on — быть одетым в put on — надевать 17. Listen and read: lail why buy night bright [cfe] jam jump 'jacket jeans fei think thank three 'anything Uu:] pupil 'beautiful music suit [aul house brown how 'trousers 18. 19. 20 -«.Л -- V ght = [tj light night i -b ght = = fait] bright right Match: a) [ct5] ght b) fei] nights ft] • J [з:] trainers Ш t [эи] shirt [tn th [ai] clothes le] ch [au] shoes [6] sh [u:] trousers Tell Baby Elephant what he may put on in different weather. Example: When it is sunny and hot, you may put on a T-shirt and shorts. 1) When it is cold and rainy, you may put on... 2) When it’s frosty and snowy, you may... 3) When it’s warm and windy, you... 4) When it’s cold and windy,... Read the text about Baby Elephant. Complete the sentences. Baby Elephant and His New Clothes Part 2 They ... (come) to Mrs Tiger’s shop. There ... (be) a lot of T-shirts and shorts there. “Good morning, Mrs Tiger,” ... (say) Father Elephant. “Good morning, Mr Elephant!” ... (say) Mrs Tiger. “Have you got a T-shirt and shorts for my Baby Elephant?” ... (ask) Father Elephant. “We have very small T-shirts and shorts. But wait a little, and my little Tigers will make him a nice big T-shirt and shorts,” ... (answer) Mrs Tiger. The little Tigers ... (make) a nice new blue T-shirt and white shorts for Baby Elephant. Then Father Elephant ... (put) them on Baby Elephant. Baby Elephant ... (be) very happy, and he ... (say), “I like my new yellow socks, blue T-shirt and white shorts and I thank you, Dad! Now I can play football! And I will play very well!' о c 21. Complete the sentences. 1) Baby Elephant asked his father, “Buy me ..., please.” a) a new cap b) a new shirt c) a new T-shirt 2) They went to ... shop. a) Mrs Lion’s b) Mrs Monkey’s c) Mrs Tiger’s 3) The little Tigers made a new ... T-shirt and shorts for Baby Elephant. a) green b) blue c) brown 4) When Baby Elephant saw his new T-shirt and shorts, he was ... . a) sad b) happy c) angry 22. Make up questions. Answer them. 1) Baby Elephant, did, live. Where? 2) did. What, buy. Father Elephant? 3) did, buy, socks, new. Where, Baby Elephant? 4) Baby Elephant, Did, his, like, T-shirt, new? 23. Tell Baby Elephant what clothes he may put on — for playing tennis in summer. — for autumn walks in the forest. — for playing snowballs in a Russian winter. Example: You may put on ... . Section 3. Shopping for food 24. Listen and say what Mother Elephant bought in the shop yesterday and why. CO ’£ Гг A Л 25. Listen, look at the pictures and learn how to say. a box of chocolates a glass of a bottle three pieces juice of water of cake 26. Complete the story with the words from the box. Yesterday Baby Elephant had a birthday party. He was six. His friends came to his house. The little Tigers gave him six bags of nice sweets. The little Lions brought a big ... of chocolates. The little Monkeys gave six yellow bananas. Baby Elephant and his friends had a merry party. They played puzzles, watched the stars, took photos, danced and sang songs. They also had a tasty birthday cake. Baby Elephant ate six ... of cake and drank six ... of tea, six ... of juice, ... of water. He was happy. bags box glasses cups a bottle pieces 27. Guess and say what Baby Elephant did to help his mother to prepare his birthday party. Use the words cleaned, bought, cooked, laid 28. Say what Baby Elephant will have for his breakfast today. 29. а) Say what you usually have for breakfast (lunch / dinner). b) Say what you had for breakfast (dinner) yesterday 30. Listen and say what Helen and Betsy like to do. some any no There is some bread at home. There are some sweets on the table. Is the any bread? There isn’t any bread. There is no bread. But: Can I have some tea? 31. Answer the questions: Is there any juice in the bottle? Yes, there is some. No, there is not any juice in the bottle. CO *s Are there any people in the street? Yes,... ! No, ... people in the street. Were there any caps in the shop? Yes,... No, ... in the shop Are there any shops next to your house? Yes,... No, ... next to my house Шп 32. Complete the dialogues. Use the words: some or any. Act out the dialogues. Mum: Mag: Mum: Mag: Mag, what would you like for breakfast? ... cornflakes with milk. I am sorry, there isn’t ... milk today. I hope you’ll go and buy ... . Of course. Mum. But now I’d like a toast, ... jam and a cup of tea. Mrs Wilson: Jason, is there ... jam in the jar? Jason: I am afraid not. Granny. But there is porridge on the plate. Father: Is there ... coffee? Mother: No, there isn’t ... coffee. There is ... tea Father: Then give me ... tea, please. CO о 33. Look at the pictures in Ex. 32. Ask: “What is there on the table?” Example: There is some cheese on the table. There are four pieces of bread on the plate. 34. Say what English families usually (обычно) have for breakfast. Section 4. Writing at home 1. Помоги Тайни выбрать одежду для холодной дождли вой погоды. Выпиши нужные слова. а dress, boots, а skirt, an umbrella, shoes, a cap, a hat, a T-shirt, jeans, a jacket, a coat, a raincoat, shorts, a suit, trousers, a scarf, a shirt, mittens, a sweater, trainers CO *s 2. Закончи разговор между покупателем (С) и продавцом (А). А: Сап I ... you? С: Show me the ..., please. A: Here ...... C: I like the ... . How much A: ... pounds. C: Thank you. Bye. A: ... 3. Посмотри на фотографии двух девочек-близнецов (Helen и Betsy). Найди четыре отличия в их одежде. Запиши их. Example: Betsy has а red T-shirt on. But Helen has ... on Helen 4. Переведи на английский язык; • самое красивое платье • самый большой зонт • самые длинные брюки • самая маленькая футболка • самый хороший костюм • самые грязные кроссовки ■ самый толстый свитер 5. Найди в тексте “Baby Elephant and His New Clothes (Part 1) глаголы в Past Simple. Напиши их I форму. Example: lived — live, had — have 6. Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам. 1) Baby Elephant and his father went shopping yesterday. (When?) 2) Baby Elephant will have a nice blue shirt on tomorrow. (What?) 3) Father Elephant bought new socks for his son. (Who?) 4) Baby Elephant was sad. (Why?) 5) They were in Mrs Tiger’s shop yesterday. (Where?) 7. Complete the sentences. Use these words: pieces, sweets, boxes, run, is, can’t, bags Billy is fat. He has cakes and chocolate for breakfast. He has ... and jam for lunch. Yesterday Billy ate two ... of chocolates, fifteen ... of cake and ten ... of sweets. He doesn’t eat cabbage and carrots. Billy doesn’t like to ... and jump. He ... swim. Billy ... sad. Can you help my friend Billy? no. 8. Заполни пропуски. Используй: some / any / 1) Would you like ... milk? — Yes, I’d like ... . 2) Betsy went shopping and bought ... bread. 3) Are there ... letters from Miss Chatter? — Yes, there are ... . 4) Were there ... raincoats in the shop? — No, there weren’t ... . 5) Can I have ... juice. Mum? — Sorry, but there is juice in the bottle. cs Do you remember the words from Unit 6? bag blouse boot / boots bottle clothes coat dress glass jacket jeans mitten / piece (of cake) pound raincoat scarf mittens shoe / shoes suit sweater trainer / trainers trousers T-shirt umbrella any some have on suit How much is it / are they? Can I help you? Is there any ...? Yes there is some. No, there isn’t any Test yourself Do the exercises in your workbook. Mark your score. CO '£ D 27—30 Very good! 21—26 Good! 15—20 OK! < 15 Try again! Project “MFM for Stars Наши друзья-артисты стали популярными телеведу-щ;ими. Для того чтобы они хорошо выглядели, им нужны талантливые модельеры. Создайте с одноклассниками журнал мод для наших телезвезд: “Modern Fashion Magazine for Stars” (“MFM for Stars”). Выберите одного из артистов, придумайте и нарисуйте различную одежду для того, чтобы он мог вести: — утреннюю передачу для детей — “Good morning, kids!” — спортивную передачу — “Let’s do sports! — телевикторину для любознательных — “When, Where, Why?” — музыкально-развлекательную передачу — “Let’s sing and dance!” — передачу о животных — “Telling stories about pets”. О TOM, как сделать этот журнал, вы прочитаете в рабочей тетради. Не забудьте придумать интересную обложку и написать название: “MFM for Stars! -4i • p School is fun Section 1. What do we do at school? c ABCD E F GH IJ KL MN 0 PQR 5.T .^ poster f 1 Ш board teacher’s table : desk |[ Г J1 goldfish classroom 1. Look at the picture. Listen to what Jim told his mother about his new classroom. Continue (продолжи) his story. Example: There is a goldfish in the classroom. ... 2. Look at the picture again. Compare your classroom with the classroom in the picture. Example: There is a goldfish in Jim’s classroom. But there is no goldfish in our classroom. There is a board in Jim’s classroom. And there is a board in our classroom too. 3. Read the words. Say what you usually do in it Look and learn! translate (trsens'lcitj (from... into...) — переводить (c... на., learn by heart — учить наизусть break |breik] — перемена during ['djuanol — во время .) dance, draw, clean, read, help, count, write, listen, play, jump, speak, sing, learn, run, sit, stand, ask questions, answer the questions, discuss, tell, translate (from English into Russian), watch, feed, learn by heart, think 4. Match the words. Make up your own sentences. a) learn questions b) stand —\ from... to... speak—songs translate A down sing ^English count \ from... into... answer by heart sit ^up 5. Say what you usually do in the lesson and during the break. Example: In the lesson we usually read, write and count During the break we usually play games. 6. Complete the sentences. Say what pupils must or mustn’t do in the lesson. Example: Pupils must do what the teacher says. Pupils mustn’t draw on the desks. take a pet to the lesson, do what the teacher says, speak loudly in the classroom, sleep in the classroom, draw on the desks, answer the teacher’s questions, say “Good morning!” to the teacher, write notes (записки) to friends, draw on the walls of the classroom, run and jump between the desks, be polite to other classmates и 7. Ask your classmate and say what he likes (doesn’t like) to do in the lesson. Example: Do you like to draw? — Yes, I do. / No, I don’t, Oleg / Dasha likes (doesn’t like) to draw. 8. Say what you like to do. Compare your answers with your classmates, answers. Example: I like to count. Oleg / Dasha likes to count, too, I like to ask questions. But Oleg / Dasha doesn’t like to ask questions. 9. Listen and read: [i| listen, sing, window, video, picture [i;] clean, read, speak, feed, teacher [d:] draw, talk, board, small, tall, wardrobe [cu] ask, answer, by heart, classroom, classmate [ei] translate, table, break, classmate, wait [au] count, down, loudly, house, now, cow, mouth 10. Say what your classmate must do to be a good pupil. Example: You must do your homework every day. 11. Arrange the sentences in the correct order. • # Jason and Becky at School □ They count pencils and play computer games. Ш Jason and Becky usually have three lessons. □ The first lesson is Maths (математика). □ In the second lesson Jason and Becky learn English □ In the third lesson they sing songs and draw funny pictures. □ They speak English and write new words. □ Children have a good time at school. 12. Listen and check. Read the text “Jason and Becky at School”. 13. Say what Jason and Becky did at school yesterday. 14. Ask your classmates what they like best and what they don’t like to do in the English lesson. Example: Do you like to read? — Yes, I do. / No, I don’t, Name to write to read to speak English to sing Inga + 4- 15. Look at the table. Say what your classmates like to do. Example: My classmates like to sing in the English lesson. 16. Say what you usually do in the English lesson. Section 2. The things you can use in the lesson 17. Look and learn. workbook rubber textbook .1 "" A ruler pencil pencil box paints dictionary •P с 18. Read and match a) pen b) pencil c) paints d) dictionary e) rubber f) cassette g) textbook h) pencil box i) video 1) You can watch it in the lesson and at home. 2) You can paint colourful pictures using them. 3) You can read new texts and do many exercises using it. 4) You can put your pens, pencils and rubbers in it. 5) You can write your homework using it. 6) You can draw pictures using it. 7) You can rub words and lines using it. 8) You can translate new words using it. 9) You can listen, repeat and learn new words using it. 19. Listen and read: [Э] 'teacher com'puter 'sharpener answer [e] [Li:] lul 'pencil school book desk ruler 'textbook lesson two 'workbook question look textbook put 20. Put something (что-нибудь) into your bag. Let your classmates guess what it is. Example: Have you got a sharpener in your bag? — Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. 21. Arrange the sentences in the correct order. Read and act out the dialogues. 1) □ Yes. Here you are. □ Could you give me a red pencil, please? □ Thank you. 2) □ It’s OK. I’ll ask Dasha. □ I’m afraid I left it at home. □ Could you give me a rubber, please? г 22. You left your pen (pencil, rubber...) at home. Ask your friend to lend one (одолжить) to you. ^ 23. Read the story. Answer the question: “Is the story funny or sad?” The Best Time for Apples The children were at a lesson at a country school. The lesson was about the seasons of the year. “There are four seasons in a year,” said the teacher. “They are: spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring it’s warm and the trees are green. In summer it’s hot, and there are a lot of flowers in the fields, in the parks and in the gardens. In autumn there are a lot of apples. They are red and sweet and good to eat. In winter it’s cold and it snows...” Suddenly the teacher stopped and looked at John. “John, stop talking (перестань разговаривать)! Now, answer my question! When is the best time for apples?” “It’s when the farmer isn’t at home and there is no dog in the garden,” said John. 24. Match the sentences. In spring In summer In autumn In winter it’s hot, and there are a lot of flowers, it’s cold, and it snows, it’s warm and the trees are green, there are a lot of red and sweet apples 25. Complete the questions. Try to answer them. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) • ♦ Ф • ♦ • did John study (учился)? did the teacher tell her pupils? did the teacher ask John? did John answer? is your favourite season? do you like it? Where? Why? (2) What? (3) 26. Look at the pictures. Guess which subjects (учебные предметы) they are. Which subject do you like? I can speak English. О U40UCHO ^+1=5 Russian English Reading Art PE Music Maths G D 27. Say what you do in different lessons. Example: We sing songs in our music lesson. О людях или предметах, которые находятся рядом, следует говорить так: this boy, this textbook; these girls, these pencils. О тех людях и предметах, которые находятся далеко, следует говорить так: that man, that pen; those women, those cassettes. 28. Заполни пропуски: Example: this ruler — these rulers that workbook — those workbooks ... rubber — those rubbers this dictionary — ... dictionaries that textbook — ... textbooks ... computer — these ... that ... — ... desks I 29. Play a guessing game with your classmates. Instruction: 1) Write a list of 5 things you need at school. Don’t show the list to your classmate. 2) Find out what things your classmate has on his / her list. Example: A: Have you got a pen? B: Yes, I have. Have you got a rubber? A: No, I haven’t. Have you got a ...? 3) If you find out all 5 things first, you are the winner! Section 3. Reading for pleasure 30. Look at the picture. Listen and find Mike, Ann, Bob and Tom in the picture. Describe them. Example: Bob has a green T-shirt on and he likes to play computer games. с: 31. Look at the picture. Describe the classroom. Use: There is / are ... in the classroom. 32. Write the words that are missing. Example: write — wrote 1) ... — counted 5) ... — read [red] 2) ask — ... 6) ... — learned 3) ... — listened 7) draw — ... 4) ... — spoke 8) tell — ... 33. Read funny stories about teachers and students. Choose the story you like best. Act it out with your classmate. Jason; Miss Chatter Jason: Miss Chatter, my dad does not know what a horse is. Why do you think so, Jason? Because I drew a horse yesterday and showed it to my dad and he asked me what it was. *k к *k John: Teacher: John: Teacher: Bob: Teacher: Bob: Becky: Simon: Would you be angry (сердиться) with a student for something he didn’t do? Of course not. That’s good because I didn’t do my homework. •k * -k Bob, why don’t you wash your face? I can see what you had for breakfast this morning. What was it? Eggs, I think. No. That was yesterday! * * * Simon, your father is a teacher but you cannot read and write. So your father is a dentist but your little brother Bill still has no teeth. 34. Listen and say which subject Mag likes 35. Listen to Mag’s story once more (ещё раз) and complete the sentence. Mag likes her school because... A: she can skip and jump very well. B: she’s got a lot of friends there. C: she likes to read and draw. 36. Say which subject you like and why. Example: I like Music because I like to sing songs. 37. Create sentences from the words. Say which subject John likes. Answer John’s question. Example: live, the, I, in, country.— I live in the country, 1) is, big, school. My, not. 2) in, I, the, form, third, am. 3) got, four, every day. We, have, lessons. 4) PE, lesson, is, favourite, my. 5) can, run, swim, I, and, well, very. 6) you, school, like, your. Do? Л, $ 38. Do you remember that Mag’s favourite subject is Reading? Read a fairy tale from her texbook. The King and the Cheese Once upon a time in a faraway (далёкой) country there lived a king. He lived in a beautiful palace. He had everything he liked. He liked cheese best of all. His cheese makers made the best cheese in all the land (на всей земле). Everyone in the palace could smell the cheese. Everyone in the town could smell the cheese. Everyone in the country could smell the cheese. One day a little mouse smelled the cheese. He told all his friends about the cheese. Soon, every mouse in the country ran to the palace. The mice were very happy. They lived in the palace and ate the king’s cheese. But the king was not happy. He called his wise men (мудрецы) and asked them, “How can I get rid of (избавиться) these mice?” “That’s easy,” said the wise men. “We know how to get rid of them. And the wise men brought in cats: big cats, little cats, fat cats, thin cats. The big cats, the little cats, the fat cats and the thin cats all began to chase (преследовать) the mice. They did very good work. Soon all the mice ran out of the palace. 39. 40. 41. Say these phrases in Russian. 1) once upon a time 2) the best cheese in all the land 3) everyone could smell the cheese 4) the king called the wise men 5) how to get rid of the mice 6) that’s easy Arrange the sentences in the correct order. Choose the right variant. n The mice lived in the palace and ate the king’s cheese СИ Everyone in the country could smell that cheese. СИ The king called his wise men to help him. СИ “That’s easy,” the wise men answered. I I He lived in a beautiful palace and he liked cheese. СИ Once upon a time there lived a king. СИ He asked, “How can I get rid of these mice?” Say to a classmate who said these words: a) “How can I get rid of these mice?” b) “We know how to get rid of them. That’s easy.” 42. Look Read □ a □ b □ c at the pictures. Match the pictures with the text, the text in the correct order. The wise men brought in dogs: big dogs, little dogs, white dogs, spotted dogs. The dogs chased every cat out of the palace. Now the cats were very happy. They liked to live in the palace. But the king was not happy. He didn’t want to live with the cats. Now the dogs were happy. They liked to live in the palace. But the king was not happy, he didn’t want to live with the dogs. □ d □ E The king called back his wise men. “How can I get rid of these cats?” he asked them. “That’s easy,” said the wise men. “We know how to get rid of them.” Once again the king called in his wise men. “How can I get rid of these dogs?” he asked them. “That’s easy,” said the wise men. “We know how to get rid of them. 5» 43. Answer the questions: 1) What did the wise men say the first time? 2) What animals did the wise men take to the palace the second time? 3) What do you think the wise men did then? 44. Look at the pictures and tell the story, ■ 45. Now read the end of the story. Answer the question: “How did the king solve (решил) his problem?” The mice chased every elephant out of the palace. But now the poor king was right back where he started (пришёл к тому, с чего он начал)! Mice! Mice! They were everywhere! Mice! Mice! Eating his cheese! “What can I do?” the king thought. For three long days the king sat and asked himself that question. After three days of thinking, he thought of the only answer. The king called all the mice together. “Listen, mice, let’s make a deal (давайте договоримся),” said the king. “I’ll learn how to get along with you (уживаться c вами). And you’ll learn how to get along with me.” From then on (c тех nop), the king shared his cheese with the mice and the mice learned to eat with very nice manners. A 46. What is the main idea of the story? Choose and explain these sentences: a) It’s very important to eat cheese with nice manners. b) Even little mice can win the battle (выиграть битву) with the king. c) There is always a way to get along with each other. 47. Explain your reason for the main idea. Discuss it with a classmate. 48. Would you like to visit Tiny and his friends in Great Britain? Are you ready to speak English with them? Make your choice. 1) Do you like English? a) It’s great. b) It’s OK. c) No, I don’t like it. 2) Do you usually do your homework in English? a) I prefer (предпочитаю) to watch TV. b) Yes, I do. c) Sometimes I do. 3) How often do you get good marks in English? a) Every lesson. b) Sometimes. c) Not very often. Look and learn! get good (bad) marks получать хорошие (плохие) отметки 4) Do you read English fairy tales at home? a) Of course I do. b) No, I never do. c) I do if I have time. 5) Do you like to write letters in English? a) I think so. b) Yes, I do. c) No, I don’t. 6) Would you miss (пропустить) an English lesson for (из-за) a football match or an interesting film? a) Never. b) Maybe. (Возможно.) c) Of course would. Now mark your score: a) = 3 b) = 2 c) = 1 If your score is 13-16, you are ready to visit Tiny. If your score is 10-12, you will soon be ready to meet Tiny. If your score is 8-9, you should (следует) work some more on your English. M 49. Interview two classmates. Find out who is more ready to meet Tiny and his friends. 50. Do you know your classmates well? Complete the form. Name Surname Age Favourite subject Favourite season Favourite food _ Favourite sport _ Favourite clothes Pets 51. Now interview your classmate and find out if you were right or wrong. 52. Make up a story about your classmate. Section 4. Writing at home 1. Нарисуй план своей классной комнаты. Подпиши по-английски всё, что там есть. 2. Переведи на английский язык: • отвечать на вопросы учителя • переводить с... на... • читать сказки • разговаривать по-английски • писать слова (words) • петь песни • задавать вопросы • учить наизусть О I ^ □u □□ • teacher’s table □ U □ pD □ p □□ L_^ L □ -□ □ □ 3. Представь, что Тайни будет учиться в твоём классе в следующем учебном году. a) Расскажи ему, чем он будет заниматься на уроках You will read,... b) Посоветуй, как он должен вести себя на уроках. You must sit at the desk,... in the lesson. You mustn’t talk with your friends,... 4. Вставь пропущенные слова. Sasha is a Russian pupil. He likes English. In the lessons he and his friends ... English, ... English songs, learn poems by heart speak writes translate sing Sometimes they play games. Sasha likes to ... texts from English into Russian. He ... letters to his English pen friend John. Next year Sasha will visit his pen friend in London. 5. Выполни ynp. 10 на стр. 102 письменно. 6. Перепиши, вставляя пропущенные буквы: bo_rd, rul_r, penc_l, sh__pener, c_mputer, cas te_cher, dicti_nary, cl_ssroom, less n, r_ber, te_tbook, wo_kbook, pa_nts et e. 7. Посоветуй, что нужно взять с собой в школу первокласснику. Example: Таке coloured pencils, а blue pen,... 'с 8. Напиши, какие учебные предметы ты любишь, что ты делаешь на этих уроках. Example: I like Maths. I count, answer the teacher’s questions and write in the lesson. 9. Закончи предложения. a) this / these 1) Look at ... picture! 2) Do you like ... poems? 3) ... pupils are from my b) that / those my school. that / those 1) Give me ... book, please? 2) Take ... magazines and read 3) Do you like ... posters? 10. Вставь пропущенные слова. them. favourite, by heart, second. Maths, have, lessons I have a friend. His name is Jason. He is only six. But he goes to school. Every day he has three ... . The first lesson is ... . Jason and his classmates count pens and pencils. In the ... lesson they learn poems ... . Art is Jason’s ... lesson. He can draw very well. At 12 o’clock they ... lunch. 11. Придумай и напиши расписание уроков для учащихся лесной школы. Example: Monday — РЕ, Art, Reading. 12. Заполни анкету для поездки в языковую летнюю школу в Великобританию. Го I SiimiiKT Sch;)ol! Name: Surname: Age:____ Country:___________ Favourite subjects: Favourite food: Favourite sport: 13. Complete the sentences: 1) Put ... books into the bag. (this / these) 2) How much is ... dictionary? (that / those) 3) Look at ... beautiful flowers! (that / those) 4) Do you like ... picture? (this / these) 5) Is ... your brother next to the board? (that / those) 14. Напиши Тайни письмо о своей школе: опиши свою классную комнату, расскажи о любимых предметах, перечисли, что ты делаешь на уроках. Do you remember the words from Unit 7? break Russian board tape recorder cassette video CD classmate That’s easy! classroom learn by heart desk translate from... into... dictionary get along with goldfish get a good (bad) mark mark Maths this / these paints that / those PE during pencil sharpener Reading coloured (pencils) ruler Test yourself Do the exercises in your workbook Mark your score. 27-30 Very good! 21-26 Good! 15-20 OK! < 15 Try again! Project “Diploma fj Дорогой друг! / ; W' Мистер Рул и все наши герои, которые провели с тобой целых три года, прощаются и желают тебе успехов в дальнейшем изучении английского языка. На память об этом путешествии в мир “Enjoy English” и окончании начальной школы ты можешь получить диплом. Как это сделать, ты узнаешь из рабочей тетради. Не забудь вписать в диплом своё имя, фамилию, город (село), где ты живёшь, номер школы, где ты учишься, имя твоего учителя по английскому языку. До встречи в пятом классе! 'о: f № Grammar reference Как образуется притяжательный падеж существительных* К существительным в единственном числе прибавляется апостроф (’) и буква s, которая может читаться как [s], [Z], [iz]: Kate’s ($1 dress — платье Кейт father’s [z] work — папина работа Rose’s [iz] balls — мячики Роуз К существительным во множественном числе прибавляется апостроф, если они оканчиваются на s, и апостроф и буква S, если не оканчиваются на s: dolls’ houses — домики кукол children’s toys — игрушки детей Как и когда употребляется артикль Неопределённый артикль (а или ап) употребляется только с существительными, которые можно сосчитать, в единственном числе, если лицо или предмет, обозначаемые этими словами, впервые упоминаются в разговоре (в тексте): I have got а house. We have got a brave big dog. Артикль a употребляется перед словами, которые начинаются с согласного звука: а girl, а nice present Артикль ап употребляется перед словами, которые начинаются с гласного звука: ап apple, ап English book Определённый артикль the употребляется с существительными как в единственном, так и во множественном числе, если лицо или предмет, обозначаемые этим словом, уже знакомы: Look at the picture of my house. Do you like the animals in this zoo? Существительные в притяжательном падеже отвечают на вопросы: чей? чья? чьё? чьи? 3. 1. 2. Определённый артикль the употребляется с: — различными географическими названиями (например, рек, морей): the Thames (Темза), the Black Sea (Чёрное море) — названиями некоторых государств: the Russian Federation (Российская Федерация), the United Kingdom (Соединённое Королевство), the USA (США — Соединённые Штаты Америки) — названиями сторон света: the East, the West, the North, the South — перед существительными с порядковыми числительными: the first place, the fifth day — перед существительными с прилагательными в превосходной степени: the best season, the smallest town Артикли не употребляются с: — именами и фамилиями: Oleg Borisov, Jill Brown — названиями городов: Moscow, Boston, London — названиями улиц и площадей: Arbat Street, Bond Street — названиями континентов: Africa, America — названиями большинства государств: Russia, Italy, Great Britain Как образуются количественные числительные* Количественные числительные от 13 до 19 образуются путем прибавления суффикса -teen. three four -five -six — seven eight nine - - thirteen (особое правописание) - fourteen fifteen (особое правописание) sixteen - seventeen - eighteen (особое правописание) nineteen Количественные числительные, обозначающие десятки от 20 до 90, образуются с помощью суффикса -ty. two -three four five -six — seven eight nine twenty (особое правописание) - thirty (особое правописание) forty (особое правописание) fifty (особое правописание) sixty - seventy - eighty (особое правописание) - ninety Количественные числительные отвечают на вопрос сколько? 1. 2. 3. 4. Как образуются порядковые числительные* Первые три порядковые числительные образуются особым способом: one — (the) first — первый two — (the) second — второй three — (the) third — третий Все порядковые числительные, кроме первых трёх, образуются с помощью суффикса -th, который прибавляется к количественному числительному: four five six - (the) fourth (the) fifth -(the) sixth — - четвёртый пятый (особое правописание) seven eight -nine -ten — eleven -twelve -thirteen — fourteen -fifteen — sixteen — seventeen eighteen — nineteen — twenty-one — шестой - (the) seventh — седьмой - (the) eighth — восьмой (особое правописание) (the) ninth — девятый (особое правописание) (the) tenth — десятый - (the) eleventh — одиннадцатый (the) twelfth — двенадцатый (особое правописание) — (the) thirteenth — тринадцатый — (the) fourteenth — четырнадцатый (the) fifteenth — пятнадцатый (the) sixteenth — шестнадцатый — (the) seventeenth — семнадцатый — (the) eighteenth — восемнадцатый — (the) nineteenth — девятнадцатый — (the) twenty-first — двадцать первый twenty-four — (the) twenty-fourth — двадцать четвёртый hundred — (the) hundredth — сотый В порядковых числительных, обозначающих десятки, буква у меняется на ie + th: twenty — (the) twentieth — двадцатый thirty — (the) thirtieth — тридцатый »# • • •• ninety — (the) ninetieth — девяностый При написании дат порядковые числительные могут ветре чаться в двух формах: полной или сокращённой. Например, восьмое марта пишется так: в полной форме: the eighth of March; March the eighth в сокращённой форме: 8th March, March 8th, March 8 Порядковые числительные отвечают на вопрос какой по порядку? Местоимения кому? чему? Ед. число кто? что? кого? чег 1 лицо I me 2 лицо you* you [ she [ her 3 лицо 1 he ^ him 1 it i it Мн. число 1 лицо we us 2 лицо you you 3 лицо they them чей? чья? чьё? чьи? 1 лицо 2 лицо 3 лицо J 1 Ед. число ту (реп) your (реп) her (реп) his (реп) its Мн. число our (pens) your (pens) their (pens) Ед. число this (этот, эта, это) that (тот, та, то) Мн. число these (эти) those (те) Запомните, что you может соответствовать в русском языке словам ты и вы, но всегда употребляется с глаголами во множественном числе. Когда и как употребляются местоимения some и any Some и any употребляются для обозначения некоторого количества людей, предметов, вещества, денег и т. д. Они заменяют артикли и не всегда переводятся на русский язык. Some употребляется в вопросительных предложениях, если вопрос не относится к определяемому местоимением some слову: Сап I have some milk? — Yes, you can. Is there any milk in your cup? — No, there isn’t any. Вместо not any можно употреблять no: There aren’t any people in the street. There are no people there.— Там нет людей. Утвердительные предложения (употребляется some*) There are some people in the streets.— Ha улицах есть люди. There is some tea in the teapot.— В чайнике (есть) немного чая. и Вопросительные отрицательные предложения (употребляется any**) Are there any people in the street? — Ha улице есть люди? There aren’t any people in the street.— Ha улице нет людей. Is there any snow in the forest? — В лесу есть снег? There is not any snow in the forest.— В лесу нет снега. ** Some употребляется в вопросительных предложениях, если вопрос не относится к определяемому местоимением some слову: — Сап I have some milk? — Yes, you can. — Is there any milk in your cup? — No, there isn’t any. Вместо not any можно употреблять no: There are not any people in the street. There are no people there.— Там нет людей. Как образуются прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени 1. К прилагательным в положительной степени, состоящим из одного или двух слогов, прибавляется в сравнительной степени -ег и в превосходной степени -est. Положительная степень cold long Сравнительная степень colder (холоднее) longer (длиннее) Превосходная степень coldest (самый холодный) longest (самый длинный) 2. В односложных прилагательных с кратким гласным звуком + одна согласная буква (hot, big) эта согласная удваивается: hot — hotter — (the) hottest big — bigger — (the) biggest Буква у на конце прилагательных после согласных меняется на i: happy — happier — (the) happiest Буква e на конце прилагательных выпадает: nice — nicer — (the) nicest large ^ larger — (the) largest 3. К прилагательным, состоящим из трёх и более слогов, прибавляются в сравнительной степени more и в превос ходной степени most. Положительная степень beautiful (красивый) interesting Сравнительная степень more beautiful (более красивый) more interesting Превосходная степень (the) most beautiful (самый красивый) (the) most interesting Исключения: good better (the) best bad worse (the) worst many/much - more (the) most little - - less - (the) least Когда и как употребляются повелительные предложения Повелительные предложения употребляются для выражения просьбы, пожелания, приказа. Повелительные предложения всегда начинаются с I формы глагола (без частицы to): Come to my birthday! Help me, please! Have a nice day! (Желаю хорошо провести день.) Be happy! (Желаю счастья!) Let’s dance! Do it now! При запрещении предложения начинаются с Don’t, далее следует I форма глагола без частицы to: Don’t be late! (He опаздывай! He опаздывайте!) Don’t cry! (He плачь!) Когда и как употребляются глаголы The Present Simple Present Simple (простое настоящее время) употребляется в тех случаях, когда описывается регулярное повторяющееся действие (I go to school every day.) или постоян ный признак предмета (Му flat is very good.). Частыми спутниками Present Simple служат слова: every year (month, week, day), usually, always, never, sometimes, often. 1. В утвердительных предложениях во всех лицах используется глагол в I форме (без частицы to) и только в третьем лице единственного числа к глаголу прибавляется окончание (-e)s. Окончание (-e)s читается по тем же правилам, что и окончание множественного числа имен существительных. I you he / she / it read read reads we you they read read read Sometimes I read poems. My friend often reads fairy tales 2. В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях используется вспомогательный глагол do (du:) во всех лицах и числах, а в третьем лице единственного числа вместо do используется does [dAz]. Do you speak English? Does his brother play chess? В отрицательных предложениях do / does c отрицанием not стоят после подлежащего, затем следует основной глагол (без всяких окончаний), например: We do not play tennis every Sunday. She does not like porridge. Do и does формы: c отрицанием not могут образовывать краткие do not = don’t 1 daunt 1 does not = doesn’t [dAznt] В вопросительных предложениях do / does всегда стоят перед подлежащим, а основной глагол остается после подлежащего (без всяких окончаний), например: Do you play tennis? — Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. — Yes, we do. / No, we don’t. Do they go to school on Saturdays? — Yes, they do. / No, they don’t. Does he (she, it) like ice cream? — Yes, he (she, it) does. / No, he (she, it) doesn’t. When do you usually play tennis? Why do they go to school on Saturdays? What does he (she, it) like? Спряжение глагола to be I you he/she/it we ] you \ they J Singular (единственное число) У твердительная форма Отрицательная форма am are is полная am not are not is not Plural (множественное число) are are not краткая aren’t [a:nt| isn’t liziitj aren’t Is he brave? — Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. Are you hungry? — Yes, I am. / No, I am How old are you? Where is she from? not The Past Simple Past Simple (простое прошедшее время) употребляется для описания однократного действия или повторявшегося регулярного действия, которое произошло в прошлом. Частыми спутниками Past Simple служат слова: yesterday, а week ago, two hours ago, last year (month, week). 1. В утвердительных предложениях во всех лицах исполь зуется II форма глагола. II форма правильных глаголов образуется с помощью окончания -ed, например: play — played jump — jumped want — wanted Окончание -ed читается по-разному в зависимости от последнего звука основы глагола: [t] после глухих согласных: helped [helptj worked [w3:kt] [d] после звонких согласных и гласных: lived [livd] played [pleid] [rd] после [t], [d]: skated ['skeitid] wanted ['wnntid] Обратите внимание на правописание некоторых правиль ных глаголов во II форме: I форма stop study try cry II форма stopped studied tried cried Неправильные глаголы имеют свою особую форму, которую вы найдете во второй колонке таблицы неправильных глаголов. В отрицательных предложениях did с отрицанием not ставится после подлежащего, затем следует основной глагол в I форме: Му American friend did not come to Moscow last year. Did c отрицанием not может образовывать краткую отри цательную форму, которая в устной речи употребляется чаще, чем полная: I didn’t see her at school yesterday. Вопросительная форма глагола в Past Simple во всех лицах образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола did, который стоит перед подлежащим. Основной глагол при этом возвращается из II в I форму и стоит после подлежащего: Did you go to Moscow yesterday? Where did Mag go last summer? Особые случаи Past Simple I you he/she/it we you they I I Singular (единственное число) У твердительная форма was [wDz], [w3z] were [w3:], [wa] was Отрицательная форма полная was not were not was not Plural (множественное число) were were not краткая wasn’t [wnznt] weren’t [w3:nt] wasn’t weren’t The Future Simple Future Simple (простое будущее время) употребляется для выражения однократного или последовательных действий в будущем, а также для обозначения признака предмета в будущем. Частыми спутниками Future Simple служат слова: tomorrow, next year (month, week), in a day (через день), in three days (через три дня). В Future Simple перед основным глаголом в I форме ставится вспомогательный глагол will. Will употребляется (во всех лицах) в единственном и множественном числе. Сейчас в английской речи чаще используется сокращенная форма ’11 во всех лицах: We will help you to get your bags home next week. They’ll phone you tomorrow. She’ll invite her friends next Sunday. В вопросительном предложении глагол will ставится перед подлежащим, а основной глагол стоит после подлежащего в I форме: Will you go to the park tomorrow? When will she write you a letter? i| 3. в отрицательных предложениях will с отрицанием not стоят после подлежащего, затем следует основной глагол в I форме; I will not put my warm coat on. They will not help me tomorrow. Will c отрицанием not могут образовывать краткую форму: Will you take your little brother with you? — No, I won’t. List of irregular verbs* be ed. Ч. was |waz] / been быть, находиться MH. Ч. were |w3:| begin began begun начинать(ся) break IbreikJ broke broken ломать bring brought [broitj brought приносить buy [bail bought [ba:t] bought покупать choose |ifu:z| chose [tfauz] chosen выбирать come 1клт1 came come приходить, приезжать cut |кл(1 cut cut резать do |du;l did done |dAn] делать draw jdro:] drew Idru;] drawn [dro;n| рисовать drink drank drunk пить eat ate [et] eaten |'i:t9n] есть, кушать fall |fn:l| fell fallen [fo:l3ii| падать feed fed fed кормить find jfaindj found [faundl found находить fly flew |flii:| flown jflaunl летать forget forgot forgotten забывать get got got получать give [givl gave given [givnj давать go went gone [gnn] идти, ходить, ехать have jhicv] had had иметь * Обратите внимание на чтение тех форм глаголов, которые могут вызвать затруднения hear [hial heard [h3:d| heard слышать hurt [h3:t] hurt hurt ушибить, ушибиться know (naul knew |nju;| known [naun] знать lay laid laid класть, накрывать (на стол) learn [1з:п| learned [brndj or learnt learned or learnt учить (что-то), узнавать let let let позволять make made made делать, заставлять meet met met встречать, встречаться pay paid paid платить put [put] put put класть, ставить read read [red] read [ red ] читать run ran run бежать, бегать say said [sedj said [sed] говорить, сказать (что-то) see saw [sa;j seen [si:n| видеть send sent sent посылать show [fou] showed jjaud) shown [J'aun] показывать sing sang sung петь sit sat sat сидеть sleep slept slept спать smell smelt smelt нюхать, пахнуть speak [spi:k] spoke [spaukj spoken говорить, разговаривать stand stood stood стоять swim swam jswaemj swum плавать take took [tukj taken [teikan] брать, взять leach taught |to;t| taught учить (кого-то) tell told jtauldj told сказать (кому-то что-то), рассказать think thought |0n;t| thought думать understand understood understood понимать wear jwes] wore [wd;| worn |wa:n] носить (одежду) write [raitj wrote [raut] written [ritn] писать English-Russian vocabulary Aa a [э] (an) — неопределённый артикль about [a'baut] — o, около above lo'bAv] — над act |aekt| — разыгрывать activity [sek'tiviti] — действие address [a’dres] ~ адрес advert |'a;dw3:tl — реклама, объявление afraid [aTreidl — испуганный to be afraid of — бояться чего-либо Africa ['asfrika] — Африка after ['u;fta] после again [a'gen] — опять, снова age [eid)J возраст ago [a'gou] — назад two days ago — два дня тому назад air [еэ] — воздух alive la'Iaiv] — живой all [э:11| — весь, вся, всё, все alone |э'1эип| — один along [э'1пр| — вдоль, по alphabetical [,ае1Го'ЬеПкэ1| — алфавитный also 1'd;1s3u| — также, тоже always ro;lw!zl — всегда am (эгп) (to be) — глагол связка I am = I’m and [and] — и, a angry ['aengrij — сердитый animal ['aenirnalj — животное another |э'плдэ] — ещё один, другой answer |'a;nsa] — 1) отвечать; 2) ответ Antarctica l3ent'a;ktika| — Антарктика any ('eni] — некоторое количество, любой anything I'eniGigl — что-нибудь apple [жр1] — яблоко April [‘eipril) — апрель are [a; I (to be) глагол-связка are not = aren’t armchair [aimtfea] — кресло arrange (the words) laVeindj] — расставлять (слова) art [a;t| — искусство ask [a:sk| — спрашивать, просить at (at) — на, за, в at school — в школе August I'Digastl — август Australia [.');b'treiljal — Австралия autumn [’o:tam] — осень away (a'wei] ~ прочь go away — уходи Bb baby I'beibi] — ребёнок, младенец back [bick| — назад bad I bad I — плохой badminton ['ba^dmmtanj — бадминтон bag [bscgl — сумка, портфель banana (Ьэ'па:пэ| — банан basketball ['ba:skitbo;l] — баскетбол bathroom |'ba:GrumJ — ванная комната battle |bstl] — битва, сражение be [bi;] (is, am, are) — быть, находиться bear [beoj — медведь beautiful ['bjuilitbll - - прекрасный because |bi'kD:z] — потому что become |Ь|'к.лт| (became, become) становиться bed I bed I — кровать bedroom fbedrum] — спальня bee [bi:| — пчела before ibi'fo;! — до begin Ibi'gm] (began Ibi'gsenj, begun [bi’gAiil) — начинать behind (bi'haind) — позади bell [bel] — звонок Berlin [bsr'linl — Берлин best (best] — самый лучший, наилучший Best wishes! — Наилучшие пожелания! better ['bets] — лучше between [bi'twiin] — между big [big] — большой bike [balk] — велосипед bird [b3;dj — птица birthday ]'b3:0dei] — день рождения Happy birthday! — C днём рождения! bite [bait] (bit [bit], bitten [bitn]) — кусаться black [blaek] — чёрный blouse [blauz] — блузка blue [blu;] — синий, голубой board [bold] — доска (в классе) book [buk] — книга bookshelf I'bukjelf] — книжная полка boot [buit] — ботинок bottle [botl] — бутылка box [boks] — коробка boy [bni] — мальчик brave [breiv] — смелый, храбрый bread [bred] ^ хлеб break [breik] (broke [Ьгэик], broken (Ьгэикп)) — 1) ломать; 2) перемена breakfast ['brekfost] — завтрак for breakfast — на завтрак have breakfast — завтракать bridge [bridj] — мост bright [brait] — яркий bring [brig] (brought [broit], brought [broit]) — приносить Britain fbritn] — Британия brother [Ъглдэ] — брат build [bild] (built [bilt], built [blit]) — строить busy ('bizi] — занятой I’m busy.— Я занят, but [bAt| — HO, a butter ['bAtsJ — масло buy [bai] (bought [bn:t|, bought [bolt]) - покупать bye-bye [bai'bai] — до свидания, пока Cc cabbage ['kasbidj] — капуста cake [keik] — торт, пирожное calendar ['kaslmda] — календарь call [koil] — 1) звать, называть; 2) зов, крик Cambridge ['keimbricfe] — Кэмбридж camel ['kasmsl] - верблюд can [кгеп] — могу, умею cannot = can’t [kaint] cap [kaep] — шапка, кепка capital I'kaepitl) — столица car [kai] — легковая машина card |ka:d] — карточка carpet I'kaipit] — ковер carrot ['kterot] — морковь carry ['kaeri] — носить, возить cartoon [ka:‘tu;n] — мультфильм cassette [ks'set] — кассета cat [kset] — кот, кошка catch [keetJl (caught |кэ.1], caught [koit]) — ловить, поймать CD [,si:'di;| — компакт-диск chair [tjea] — стул chase [t/eis] — преследовать check [tj'ek] — 1) проверять; 2) контроль, проверка cheese [tjliz] — сыр chess [tjes] — шахматы child [tjaild] — ребёнок children [‘tfildron] — дети chimney ['tj'imni] — дымоход, труба chocolate ['tTnklit] — шоколад chocolates — шоколадные конфеты choose [tjuiz] (chose [tjsuz], chosen [tfouznj) — выбирать Christmas ['knsmasi — Рождество city I'siti] — город (большой) class [kluis] — класс classmate ['klaismeit) — одноклассник classroom [‘klaisrum] — классная комната, кабинет в школе clean [kli:n| — 1) чистить, убирать; 2) чистый climb [klaim] — взбираться, карабкаться clock [кЬк] — часы clothes [kbu6z| — одежда cloudy (‘kJaudil — облачный clown [klaun] - клоун coat [kout] — пальто, шубка cockerel 1'кокэгэ1| — петух coffee ['knfil — кофе coin [кэшI — монета cold |k3uld| — холодный colour ['кл1э| — цвет colourful ['кл1эП] — красочный, яркий combinations |,kDmbi'neiJn| — сочетание come {клт| (came [keim), come [клт]) — приходить, приезжать compare [кэт'рсэ] — сравнивать complete [ksm'pliit] — завершить, закончить computer [kam'pjuits] — компьютер continue |kon'tinju:J — продолжить cook [кик] — готовить cookbook — поваренная книга corn [koinj — зерно, кукуруза corner ['ko:no| — угол cornflakes ('k3;nfleiks] — кукурузные хлопья correct [ks'rekt] — правильный count (kaunti — считать country |'клп1п| — 1) сельская мест- ность; 2) сельский in the country — за городом (где?) to the country — за город (куда?) cow [каи] — корова crocodile I'krokodail] — крокодил cry [krat] — плакать, кричать cup [клр| ^ чашка cut [клт] (cut |клТ|, cut [клт|) — резать Dd dad [dffid] — папа (разг.) dance |da;ns| — 1) танцевать; 2) танец danger ['deindja] — опасность dark I do; к I — тёмный daughter |'dD:to] — дочь day [deij — день deal [di:l] — иметь дело dear [di3] — дорогой December [di'sembol — декабрь deer [dial — олень describe [di'skraib| — описывать desert ('dezatj — пустыня desk [desk] ~ парта dialogue ['daialngl — диалог dictionary ['dik/anaril — словарь different ['difarantj — разный dig [dig] (dug jdAgl, dug [dAg]) — копать dinner ['dina| — обед for dinner — на обед have dinner — обедать diploma [di'plaumaj — диплом dirty ['d3:tij — грязный discuss [di’skAs] — обсуждать dive [daiv] — нырять do |du;[ (did [did], done [dAn]) — делать does jdAz] — 1) делает; 2) глагол помощник don’t [daunt I — краткая отрица тельная форма глагола do doesn’t — краткая отрица тельная форма глагола does do the washing up — мыть посуду doctor [’doktaj — доктор dog [dngj — собака doll [doll - - кукла dolphin ('dnlfinj — дельфин donkey [’dnokij — осёл door [da:] — дверь down [daun] — вниз, внизу dragon ['drceganj - дракон draw [dra:] (drew [dai:], drawn [dra:nj) — рисовать dress (dresj — платье drink [drir)k| (drank [draepk], drunk [dfApk]) — пить duck [dAk] — утка during ['djuarir)] — на протяжении, во время (когда?) Ее early ['3:li] — рано ear [ia| — ухо east [i:st] — восток easy |'i:zi| — легко, лёгкий eat (i:tl (ate fei], eaten [irtn]) — есть, кушать egg [eg] — яйцо eight [citj — восемь elephant I'elifsnt] — слон eleven |i'leven| — одиннадцать else [els] — ендё end [end] — конец England ['logbndj — Англия English |'|11д1|Л — английский enjoy [in'cfeoi] — получать удовольствие even |i;v3nj — даже evening fiivnig] — вечер every f'evrij - каждый everyone j'evnwAn] — каждый everything ['evn0mgj — всё everywhere ['evriweaj — везде example |ig'za:mpl] — пример excuse [ik'skju:z] — извинять, прощать exercise ['eksasaizj — упражнение explain jik'splein] — объяснять eye jaij — глаз Ff face [feis] — лицо fairy [.fearij — сказочный fairy tale I'fesriteil] — сказка fall [fo:!] (fell [fel], fallen |Тэ:1эп|) — падать false [fD;ls| — неправильный family [Taemali] — семья fantastic jfasn'tcestikj — фантастический fantasy [TcEntasi] ^ фантазия faraway [Tu:r3wei] — дальний arm I fa; ni I — ферма farmer [Та;тэ| — фермер fashion |'Гсе/эп| — мода fat jfaetj — толстый, жирный father [Ta;doj — отец, папа favourite ['feivantj — любимый February [ТеЬгиэп] — февраль feed [fi:d| (fed jfed], fed |fed|) -кормить feet — ноги fell lfi:lj (felt [feltj, felt [felt]) — чувствовать field [firldj — поле fifteen |,fifti:n| — пятнадцать fill Ifilj — заполнять (пропуски) film I film I — фильм find [faind] (found [faund], found jfaundj)— находить fine [fam] — хороший, прекрасный finger I'fitiga] — палец (руки) finish f'finij] — заканчивать fire jfaio] — огонь fireplace j'faiopleis] — камин first [f3;sl| — первый fish [fijj — рыба five jfaivj — пять flat [flaetj — квартира floor fflo:| — пол flower j'flauoj — цветок fly [nai] (flew [tluij, flown (flaunj) — летать follow I'fnloijj — следить, следовать за food (fu:d| — еда, пища football j'futbo:!] — футбол footballer j'futbo.bj — футболист for [fo] — для, в течение (как долго?) forecast ]'fD:ka:si] — прогноз погоды forest ]'fnrist] — лес form ]fo:m] — класс four ]fr»:] — четыре fox ]fnks] — лиса France ]fra;ns] — Франция Friday [Traidi] — пятница friend [frend] — друг frog [frog] — лягушка from [from] — из frosty ]'fmsti] — морозный full ]ful] — полный fun (f\n] — веселье, удовольствие have fun — веселиться funny ]'f\ni] — смешной, забавный future ]'fju:tJo] — будущий Gg game ]gcim] — игра garden ]ga;dn] — сад get [get] (got [got], got [got]) — получать get along — уживаться get rid of — избавляться get up — вставать c постели giraffe [d5i'rQ;f] — жираф girl [дз:1] — девочка give IgivJ (gave [geiv], given [givnj) -давать, подавать glad Iglccd] — довольный I’m glad — Я доволен (рад) glass [gla:s] ■— стакан go [дэи| (went [went], gone [gon]) — ходить, идти, ехать go to bed — ложиться спать go for a walk — прогуляться goldfish I'gauld.fiJ] — золотая рыбка good |gud| — хороший, добрый goodbye ^ до свидания good morning — доброе утро Good luck! — Удачи! granddaughter ['graendD:t3| — внучка grandfather ['grasndfa:d3] — дедушка grandma ('grandma:] — бабушка (разе.) grandmother f'grandmAdaj — бабушка grandpa ['grandpa:] — дедушка (разг.) grandson j'grandsAn] — внук granny ['gram] — бабушка (разг.) grass [gra:s] — трава great [greit] — замечательно green [gri:n] — зелёный grey [grei] - серый, седой ground [graundj — земля grow [дгэи] (grew [gru:], grown [graun]) — расти, выращивать guess [ges] — догадываться Hh half [ha:f] —половина half past three — половина четвертого hall [ho:l] — холл, зал ham [ham] — ветчина hand [hand] — рука (кисть) happy ['hapi] — счастливый hat [hat] -- шляпа have [hav] (had [had], had [had]) — иметь have not = haven’t I have a hat on.— Ha мне (надета) шляпа. I have ~ has имеет у меня есть he (she) has — у него (неё) есть has not = hasn’t he [hi:] — он hear [hio] (heard [h3:d], heard [h3:d]) — слышать heart [ha:t] — сердце by heart — наизусть hello [ha'lao] — привет help [help] — 1) помогать; 2) помощь Help yourself! — Угощайся! hen [hen] — курица her [Ьз:] — её, ей here [hia] — здесь, сюда here it is / here you are — пожалуйста, вот Hi! [hai] — Привет! (разг.) hide [haid] (hid [hid], hidden [hidn]) — прятаться hide-and-seek - прятки (игра) high [hai] — высокий hill [hil] — холм him [him] — ему, его (кого?) with him — c ним himself [him'self] — (он) сам his [hiz] — его (чей?) hobby ['hnbi] — хобби, увлечение, любимое занятие hockey [ hnki] — хоккей holiday ['hnlidei] — праздник holidays ['hnlidiz] — каникулы home [hsum] — дом, домой at home - дома homework ['houmw3:k] — домашняя работа honey ['luni] — мёд hope [li9op] — 1) надеяться; 2) надежда horse [ho:s] — лошадь hot [hot] — жарко, горячий hour [аиэ] — час house [haus] — дом housewife ['hauswaif] — домашняя хозяйка how [hau] — как (вопросительное слово) How many/much? — Сколько? How old are you? — Сколько вам (тебе) лет? hungry ['Нлрдп] — голодный Гт hungry.— Я голоден, hunter I'hAiitaJ — охотник li I |ai) — я се laisl — лёд ice cream I'aiskriim] — мороженое idea jai'dial — идея if I if] — если, ли illustrate j'llostreitj — иллюстрировать, пояснять important |mi'pa:t3ntj — важный in [in] — в information [.mfo'mei/snj — информация ink [ipk] — чернила instruction [m'strAk/anj — инструкция interesting I'mirisiio] — интересный interview ['ml3Vj‘u;| — интервью into j'lntaj — внутрь is (to be) — глагол-связка is not = isn’t it jit] - это, oho; слово, заменяющее названия предметов, животных its jits] — его, её (с неодуш. сущ.) jacket I'cfeffikitj куртка, жакет jam [cfeicm] - варенье January ['djaMijuorij — январь jar [фа: I — банка jeans |ch;i:nz| — джинсы joke Idsouk] - шутка juice [cfcuisj — coK July [cfeu'lai] — июль jump (dys^mpj — прыгать June [d>u;nj — июнь just (<^stj — только что Кк Kaluga |кэ'1и;дэ| — Калуга kangaroo [,kaeoQ3'ru;| — кенгуру Kara Kum |,ka:ra: 'ku:mj — Каракум (пустыня) key jki;j — ключ kid I kid] — ребёнок kind (kaindj — добрый king I kip I — король kitchen ['kttfinj — кухня kite jkaitj — воздушный змей kitten I'kitnj — котёнок know |пэи] (knew jnju:], known nsunj) — знать Krasnodar j.kraisna'da;] Краснодар LI lamb [laemj — ягнёнок lamp [laempj — лампа land ]laend] земля large |la:d5| большой last [la;st| — последний, прошлый at last — наконец late I leu I — поздно, поздний lay jlei] (laid jleid], laid [leid]) — класть, положить lay the table — накрывать на стол lazy I'leizij — ленивый learn [1з:п| (learned |1з;пг|, learnt [l3:nt]) — учить что-то, узнавать leaf jli:f| (leaves) — лист (листья) left [left] — левый leg [leg] — нога (вся) lesson I'lesanj — урок let [let] us = let’s — давайте letter ['lets] — письмо, буква light jlaitj — светлый like jlaikj — любить, нравиться line [lain] — линия lion jlaianj — лев list I list I — список listen ['1ьэп| — слушать little j'litlj — маленький, мало live jlivj — жить London j'lAndsnj — Лондон long I lop] — длинный look jlukj — смотреть, выглядеть look at — смотреть на look for ~ искать look like — быть похожим look nice — выглядеть красиво lot I'lntj (a lot of) — много © loudly I'laudli] — громко love [1av| — 1) любить; 2) любовь lunch [UntJ] — еда в середине дня (обед) have lunch — обедать Mm madam ['maidom] — мадам magazine [,ma;g3'zi:n] — журнал make [meik] (made [meid], made [meidj) — делать, изготовлять, заставлять make a bed — заправлять постель make friends — подружиться man [masn] — человек, мужчина; мн. ч. men [men] manners ['msensz) — манеры, поведение many ['memI — много March [ma:tjl — март match jmaetJl — подбирать (в пару) maths [mae0sj — математика may [meij — могу, может May I? — Можно мне...? May [meij — май maybe ['meibij — может быть me [mi;j — мне, меня meet jmittj (met [met], met [met]) — встречать, познакомиться men [men] — мужчины menu [’menju:] — меню merry ]'meri] — веселый message ['mesicfe] — сообщение, послание mice [mats] — мыши middle [midl] — середина milk [milk] — молоко mime [maim] — показать жестами minute [’mmit] — минута just a minute — подождите минуточку in a minute — через минутку Miss [mis] — обращение к девушке mistake ]mis'teik] — ошибка mitten ['mitn] — руковица model [’modi] — модель, образец modern ['mndn] — современный Monday ['nundi] — понедельник monkey ['mAQkt] — обезьяна monster ['mnnsta] — монстр, чудовище month [тлп0] - месяц more [mo;] — больше, более morning ['moinip] — утро Moscow ['mnskoof] - Москва most [moust] — самый mother [’тл5о] — мама mountain ['mauntm] — гора mouse [maus] — мышь; мн. ч. mice [mats] mouth [mau0] — рот Mr [’misto] — (сокращ. от Mister) мистер Mrs ['misiz] — (сокращ. от Mistress) миссис much [mAtf] — много mum [mAm] — мама (разг.) mum = mother music ['mjurzik] — 1) музыка; 2) музыкальный must [mASl], [most] — должен my [mai] — мой, моя, моё, мои Nn name [neim] — имя near [nio] — рядом, близко neck [nek] — шея need [ni:d] — нуждаться I need — мне нужно neighbour [’neibo] — сосед(ка) never ['nevo] — никогда new [njir] — новый news [njuiz] — новости newspaper ['nju:s,peipo] — газета next [nekst] — следующий, ближайший, будущий nice [nais] — красивый, приятный night [nait] — ночь at night — ночью Good night! — Спокойной ночи! Nile [nail] — Нил (река) nine [nain] — девять ninety [’nainti] — девяносто no [nou] — нет nobody ['noubodi] — никто noisy [’noizi] — шумный nose [nsoz] — HOC not [not) — не (отрицательная частица ) note [naiJt] — заметка, запись nothing I'iiaGioI — ничего now [паи) — теперь, сейчас number |‘плтЬо| — номер, число, цифра Оо observation |,Dbz3'veiJn| — наблюдение ocean |зи|п| — океан October [ок'гзиЬэ! — октябрь of [3V / Dv] — предлог родительного падежа often I'ofanj — часто OK (okay) [,3u'kei| — хорошо, всё в порядке old (3uld| — старый Omsk [omskl — Омск on [onj — на once [waps] — однажды one [wAnj — один one day — однажды only faunlij — только open ['эирэп] — открывать or |o;j — или orange [’onndsl — апельсин, оранжевый order ['o:d3| — порядок other I'Adol — другой, иной our |аиэ| - наш out jaut] — вне, за, из over |'зиуэ| — над own [эип] — собственный Oxford ['oksfadj — Оксфорд Рр Pacific Ocean [pa'sifik 'sqfnj (the) — Тихий океан paint [pemtj — рисовать (красками) paints Ipcintsj — краски pair [рез] — пара palace |'pa:lis| — дворец pantry f'pacntnj кладовая Paris I'pasris) — Париж park [pa;kj — парк parrot I'paerst] — попугай part [pa:t| — часть partner |'pa;tn3] — партнёр party i'paitij — приём гостей, вечеринка past [pa:st] — прошедший pen [pen] — ручка pencil jpenslj — карандаш people |pi;pl| — люди pet [pet I — питомец, домашнее животное phone [Гэип| — 1) звонить по телефону; 2) телефон photo [ТзШэи[ — фотография piano [р|'£епэи| — пианино picnic ['piknik) — пикник picture [‘piktfsl — рисунок, картина pie [pai[ — пирог piece [pi:s[ — кусок pig [pigI — поросёнок, свинья pink [piokj “ розовый pity ['piti[ — жалость place [pleis) — место plant [pla;nt| — растение plate [pieIt] — тарелка play [plei] — играть play tennis (football) — играть в теннис (футбол) play the piano — играть на пианино please [pli:z] — пожалуйста pleasure ['р1езз[ — удовольствие poem ['p3uim| — стихотворение polish [‘ройЛ — полировать polite [pa'lait] - вежливый poor [риз) — бедный porridge ['рппф) — каша (овсяная) postcard ['p3ustka:d| — открытка poster ['рэо51э| — плакат postman ['paustman) — почтальон pound ['paund] — фунт стерлингов (денежная единица) prefer [рпТз;| — предпочитать prepare [рп'рез) — готовить, подготавливать(ся) present I'prezant] — подарок, настоящий price ['praisj — цена problem ['problam) — проблема programme ['proiygrsemj — программа progress ['prougres] — развитие Progress check — проверочные задания project ['prnd^ekt] — проект prove [pru:v] — доказывать Pskov [psko:f] — Псков pupil ['pju:pl] — ученик put [put] (put [pot], put [put]) — класть, ставить put on — надевать puzzle [pAzI] — головоломка Qq quarter ['kwo;to] — четверть question ['kwestfn] — вопрос quiz [kwiz] — викторина Rr rabbit ['rasbit] — кролик rain [rein] — дождь raincoat [rem'kout] — плащ rainy [‘reini] — дождливый read [ri;d] (read [red], read [red]) — читать ready [Vedi] — готовый really [’nail] — разве, действительно red [red] красный remember [ri'memba] — помнить repair [п'реэ] — чинить repeat |ri‘pi:t] — повторять result [n'zAlt] — результат rich [ritf] — богатый ride [raid] (rode [rsud], ridden [ndn]) — кататься верхом ride a bike — кататься на велосипеде right ]rait] — правый, правильный ring [rip] — кольцо river [Viva] — река road [raud] — дорога Rome [raum] — Рим room [ru:m] — комната round [raund] — круглый rubber ]'глЬа] — ластик rule [ru:l] — правило ruler ['aula] — линейка run [глп] (ran [rsen], run [глп]) — бегать Russia ['гл/а] — Россия Russian ['гл/эп] — 1) русский язык; 2) русский, русская Ss sad [saed] — грустный, печальный Sahara [sa'hu:ra] (the) — Сахара { пустыня) sale [sell] — распродажа sandwich ['sasndwicfe ] — бутерброд Santa Claus ['saenta kla:z] — Санта-Клаус Saturday ['saetadi] — суббота say [sei] (said [sed], said [sed]) — говорить, сказать (что-то) scarf [ska;f] — шарф school [sku:l] — школа at school — в школе to school — в школу score [ska;] — счёт (в игре) sea [si;] — море season ['si:zan[ — время года, сезон second ['sekand] — второй secret [‘si;krit] — секрет section ['sekjan] — секция see [si:] (saw [so:], seen [si;n]) — видеть I see — понимаю seed [si:d] — семя seeds — семена send [send] (sent [sent], sent [sent]) — посылать sentence [’sentans] — предложение September [sep'tcmba] — сентябрь seven [‘sevani — семь share [Jea] — делиться, пользоваться вместе sharpener ['Japna] — точилка she Lfi:] — она sheep [Ji;p] — овца, овцы shelf O^lf] — книжная полка; мн. ч. shelves [felvz] shirt [J'3;t] — рубашка shoes [fu:z] — туфли shop [Jop] — магазин shop assistant ~ продавец go shopping — ходить за покупками short (Jb:il — короткий shorts Lfois] — шорты shout [fautl — кричать show [Jau] (showed [fsud], shown [faun]) — 1) показывать; 2) представление, шоу simple [simpl] — простой sing (siol (sang [sseol, sung (saoI) — петь sister ['sista] — сестра sit (sit| (sat [saetl, sat [saet]) — сидеть sit down — садиться six [siks] — шесть size [saiz] — размер skate ['skeitj — кататься на коньках roller skate — кататься на роликовых коньках skates [skeits] — коньки ski [ski; I — кататься на лыжах skip [skip] — скакать (через прыгалки) skirt [sk3:tj — юбка sky [skai| — небо sleep |sli:p] (slept [slept], slept [slept]) — спать sleigh [slei] — сани slim [slim] — худенький, стройный small [smo:l] — маленький smart [sma:t] — умный smell [smel] (smelt [smelt], smelt [smelt]) — нюхать, пахнуть smile [small] — 1) улыбаться; 2) улыбка SMS (,es em 'es[ — сообщение snake [sneikj — змея snow [snsu] — снег snowball ['snsubDilj — снежок snowman ['snaumaen] - снеговик snowy [snout] - снежный so [sou] — так, такой, и поэтому Sochi ]‘so:tJi| — Сочи sock [soк] — носок sofa I'saufo] — диван solve [snlv] — решать some [SAm] — несколько, некоторое количество something ['sAm0ir)j — что-то, что-нибудь sometimes ['sAmtaimz] иногда son [sAn] — сын song [sop] — песня soon [sLi:n] — скоро sorry ['son] - извините I am sorry. Извините меня, sound [saund] — 1) звучать; 2) звук speak [spirk] (spoke [spouk], spoken [spoukon]) — разговаривать spoon fspu;n[ - ложка sport [sport] — спорт spring [sprip] - весна St Petersburg [snt ‘pitozbsrgj — Санкт-Петербург stand [staend] (stood [stud], stood [stud]) — стоять Stand up! - Встаньте! star [star] — звезда start [start] - начинать stepmother [,step'mAdo[ — мачеха stick [stik] — палка, трость still [stil] — всё ещё, пока ещё stone [stoun] — камень stop [stop] — останавливать(ся) story ['storn] — история strange [streinds] — странный street [strirt] — улица strong ]stmr)[ — сильный, крепкий study ('stAdi] — изучать, учиться subject ['sAbd^ikt] — учебный предмет suddenly ['sAdnli] — вдруг sugar [Jugo] — сахар suit [sjurt] — 1) подходить (об одежде)', 2) костюм summer ]'sAmo] — лето sun [sAn] - солнце Sunday f'sAndi] - воскресенье on Sunday — в воскресенье sunny ]'sAni] — солнечный superman ]‘surpo,maen] — супермен surname ['sarneim] — фамилия sweater ['swetoj — свитер sweep [swirp] (swept [swept], swept [swept]) - подметать пол sweet [swirt] — конфета swim [swim] (swam [swaem], swum [swAm]) — плавать swimmer [’swims] — пловец Tt table [teibl] — стол tail [teil| — хвост take [teik] (took [tuk], taken [teikn]) — брать, взять talk [to:k| — 1) разговаривать; 2) разговор tall [tD:lJ — высокий tape [teip] — пленка (магнитная) tape recorder — магнитофон tasty ['teistij - вкусный tea [till — чай teacher ['11:1/9] — учитель team [ti;m] — команда teeth [ti:0] — зубы tell [tel] (told [tauldj, told [t9uld]) — рассказывать, сказать кому-то что-то ten [ten] — десять tennis ['tenisj — теннис test [test] — 1) проверять; 2) тест, проверочное задание Test yourself.— Проверь себя, textbook ]'tekstbuk] — учебник text ]tekst] — текст than [daen] — чем thank [Ggcpk] — благодарить thank you — спасибо that [daet] — тот, та that’s all right — всё в порядке the [бэ] — определённый артикль their [деэ] — их (чей?) them [дет] — им, их (кого?) then [дэп] — потом, зачем these [di:z] — эти they [del] — они thick [01 к] — толстый thin [0in] — тонкий thing [0го1 — вещь think [01Г)к] (thought [0D:t], thought [09:t]) — думать third [03:d] — третий this [dis] — этот those [d9uz] — те though [дэи] — хотя, несмотря на three [0ri:[ — три Thursday ['03:zdi] — четверг tick [tik[ — ставить галочку tiger [’laigg] — тигр till [til] - до, до тех пор time [taim] — время in time — вовремя it’s time - пора title ]taill] — заголовок toast [taust] — тост, поджаренный кусок хлеба toboggan [ta'bogan] — кататься на санях today [ta'dei] — сегодня together [ta'geda] — вместе toilet ]'toilil] — - туалет tomorrow [to’morau] — завтра Tomsk [tomsk] — Томск too [tu:] — тоже, также, слишком, очень town [taun] — город toy [tDi] — игрушка trainer(s) ['treiii9(z)] — кроссовки translate [trasnz'leit] — переводить treat [tri:t] — лечить tree [tri:] — дерево trousers [’trauzaz] — брюки true [tru:] — верный try [trai] — пробовать, пытаться; примерять (одежду) T-shirt ['ti:/3:t] — футболка Tuesday ]'tju:zdi] — вторник TV (television) ['teli,vi39n] — телевидение twenty ['twenti] — двадцать two [tu:] — два Uu ugly ['лдк] — некрасивый, уродливый umbrella [лт'Ьге1э] — зонт under ['лпбэ] — под unit ]'ju:nit] — раздел учебника up [лр] — вверх, кверху US [as] — нам, нас USA [ju: 'es ’ei] (the) — США use [ju:z] — использовать, применять useful ]'ju:sf9l] — полезный usually [ju:3U9li] — обычно Vv очень - очень хорошо very (Veri] — very well video [Vidiau] — видео visit I'vizit] — 1) посещать, навещать кого-либо; 2) посещение Volgograd ['vDlgagraid] — Волгоград Ww wait I we It] — ждать walk |wo;k| — 1) гулять, ходить пешком; 2) прогулка Walkman ['wakmanj — плеер (переносной) wall |wd;1| — стена want [wont] — хотеть wardrobe [‘wDidraubj — гардероб, шкаф warm [worm] — тепло, тёплый was [wDz] — Past Simple от to be. ed. Ч. был, была wash [wnj] — мыть, мыться, умываться, стирать watch [wDtfl — 1) смотреть, наблюдать; 2) часы наручные watch TV — смотреть телевизор water ['wo;toj — 1) поливать; 2) вода we |wi;j — мы weather ['wedaj — погода What is the weather like? — Какая погода? Wednesday j'wenzdi] — среда week |wi:k] — неделя welcome ['welkDm] — приветствовать well jwelj — хорошо were |w3:| — Past Simple от to be, MH. Ч. были west [west] — запад whale [well] — кит what jwDtj — что? какой? when I wen I — когда where (weoj — где? куда? which [witj] — который, какой из whisper fwispa) — шептать white [wait] — белый who |hu;j — кто, который why [waij — почему wide [waidj — широкий will I wilj — вспомогательный глагол будущего времени win [win] (won [wAnj, won [wAn]) — выигрывать wind jwindj — ветер window I'windsuj — окно windy I'windi] — ветрено wing jwiol — крыло winter I'wints] — зима wish [wij'j — 1) желать; 2) желание witch IwrtJl — ведьма, колдунья with jwidj — c wolf [wuin — волк woman j'wumanj — женщина; мн. ч. women I'wiminj wonderful [‘wAndafulj — чудесный word |w3;d] — слово work |w3:kj — 1) работать; 2) работа workbook ['w3;kbukj — рабочая тетрадь world |'w3:Idj — мир worse |w3:s| — хуже worst [w3:st] — наихудший would jwudj you like...? — Вы бы хотели..? write jraitj (wrote jraut], written Iritnj) — писать wrong [rog] — неверный, неверно Yy Yakutsck ye'ku:tsk| — Якутск yard [ja:d| двор year jjisj - год yellow ['jelauj — жёлтый yes [jes] — да yesterday j'jestsdi] — вчера yet jjetj — ещё you |ju:| — ТЫ, вы, тебе, вам your |jD;j — твой, ваш, твои, ваши yourself U^^'self] — сам, себя Help yourself! — Угощайся! Zz zoo |zu;| — зоопарк The ABC А а |ei] Nn [en] ВЬ [bi:] Oo [эи] Сс [si:] Pp [pi:] Dd [di:] Q q [kju:] Ее [i:| Rr [a:] Ff [efj Ss [es] Gg Ш-] Tt [ti:] Hh [eitf] Uu [j u: ] li [ai] Vv [Vi:] Jj jcfeeij Ww ['dAb(3)lju;] Kk [kei] Xx [eks] LI [el] Yy fwai] M m [em] Z z [zed] s со g CD Ь ", O' ’ О н ш о ь . 'А к- iff Ifli hf! i§y igli S - iS 5 |rS5 T^- ll: Ч